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Full text of "The true history of councils enlarged and defended : against the deceits of a pretended vindicator of the primitive church .."

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Enlarged  and  Defended, 

Againftthe  Deceits  of  a  pretended  Vindicator  of  the  Pri- 
mitive Church,but  infl^ed  oftheTympanite&Tyran- 
ny  of  fome  Prelates  many  hundred  years  after  Chrift. 

With  a  Detection  of  the  falfe  Hiftory  of  Edward  Lcrd 
Bifhop  ofCorke  and  Roffe  in  Ireland. 

And  a  Specimen  of  the  way  by  which  tfiis  Generation 
confuteth  their  Adverfaries  in  federal  Inftances. 

And  a  Preface  abbreviating  much  of  Ludolphus's  Hifto- 
ry of  Halajfu. 

Written  :  j  fhew  their  dangerous  Errour,  who  think  that  a  gene- 
ral Council^  or  Coiledge  of  Bifhops,  is  a  fupream  Governour 
of  all  the  Chrlftian  World,  with  power  of  Univerfal  Legifla- 
tion,  Judgment  and  Execution,  and  that  Chrifts  Laws  with- 
out their  Univerfal  Laws,are  not  fufficient  for  the  Churches  Uni- 
ty and  Concord. 

By   R  I  C  HARDVB  A  X  T  E  R,  a  Lover  of  Truth,  Love, 
and  Peace,  and  a  Hater  of  Lyings  Malignity,  and.  Terfecuticn. 

To  which  is  added  by  another  Hand,  a  Defence  of  a  Book,  En- 
tituled,  No  Evidence  for  Diocefan  Churches.  Wherein  what  is 
further  produced  out  of  Scripture,  and  ancient  Authors,  for 
Diocefan  Churches,  is  difcuffed. 

I      London  Printed  for  Tho.  ?artyurft,  at  the  Bible  and  Three  Crowns,  at 
the  lower  end  of  Cbeapfide,  near  Mmta  Chappel.     1 63  2. 

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«$»  «^>  «^»  «^» 

To  the  Pious  and  Peaceable  Proteftant-Cdnform- 
ing  Minifters,  who  are  againft  our  Subje<%ion 
to  a  Foreign  Jurifdidtion.     The-  notice  of  the : 
Reafbn  of  this  Book,  with  a  Breviate  of  Ludol 
pirns  Habaffian  Hiftory, 


Reverend  Brethren  3 

WHen  after  the  ejfeffs  of  our  calamitous  di 
vifions ,  the  rejoycing  Hat  ion  fuppofed 
they  had  been  united,  in  our  King  new- 
ly  reflored  (by  a  General  and  Army 
which  had  been  fighting  againft  himjnvited&flrengthned 
by  the  City  }3  many  other  sJ3  an  Aft  of  Oblivion  feerned  to 
have  prepared  for  future  amity ;  fome  little  thought 
that  men  were  about  going  further  from  each  other  than 
they  were  before :  Bu  t  the  Malady  was  evident  to  fuch 
of  us  as  were  called  to  attempt  a  Cure,  and  neither  the 
Caufes  nor  the  Prognofticks  hard  to  be  known.    A  cer- 
tain and  cheap  Remedy  was  obvious ;  but  no  Tleas,  no 
cPetitionsi  could  get  nan  to  accept  it.     The  Symptomes 
then  threatnedfar  worfe  thanyet  hath  come  to  pafs,God 
being  more  merciful  to  us  than  mijiaken  men.   We  were 
then  judged  criminal  forforefeemg  and  foretelling  what 
Fruit  the  Seed  then  [own  would  bring  forth :  And  fine  e 
then  the  Sowers  fay  the  Foretellers  are  the  caufe  of  all. 
We  quickly  fiwy  that  inftead  of  hoping  for  any  Concord \ 
and  healing  of  the  Bones  which  then  were  broken,  it 

A  2  would 

lhe  rreiace, 

would  become  our  Care  and  too  hard  work,  to  endeavour 
to  fr  event  a  greater  breach.  Though  we  thought  Two 
Thoufandfuch  Minifters  as  were  filenced  would  be  mifty 
when  others  thought  it  a  blefftng  to  be  rid  of  them,  we 
then  pared,  andfome  hoped,  that  no  [mall  number  more 
would  follow  them. 

It  was  not  you  that  caft  fuch  out  \  nor  is  it  you  that 
wifljthe  continuance  and  incre a fe  oftheCaufes.  We  agree 
with  you  in  all  points  of  the  Chriftian  Reformed  Religi- 
on :  and  concerning  the  evil  of  all  the  fins  which  we  fear 
by  Conforming  to  commit,  though  we  agree  not  of  the 
meaning  of  thofe  Oaths,  Tromifes^rojefftons,  and^Pra- 
Bices,  which  are  the  matter  feared.  We  live  in  unfeign- 
ed Love  and  Communion  with  thofe  that  love  Truth,  Ho- 
lme fs  and  Teace,  notwithftanding  fuch  differences  as 
thefe.     God  hath  not  laid  our  Salvation  or  Communion 
upon  cur  agreeing  about  the  meaning  of  every  word  or 
Sentence  in  the  Bible ,  much  lefs  on  our  agreeing  of  the 
fenfe  of  every  word  in  all  the  Laws  and  Canons  of  men* 
Two  things  we  earnefily  re  que  ft  of  you  ,  for  the  fake 
of  the  Chriftian  Religion,  this  trembling  Nation,  and 
your  own  and  others  Souls,     i.  That  you  will  in  your 
cPariJJj  Relations  ferioufty  ufe  your  beft  endeavours  to 
•promote  true  Godlinefs  and  Brotherly  Love,  and  to 
heal  the  fad  Divifions  of  the  Churches :  We  believe  that, 
it  muft  be  much  by  the  Parochial  Minifters  and  Affem- 
blies  y  that  Piety  and  Troteftant  Verity  muft  be  kepi 
up :     And  what  we  may  not  do,  we  pray  that  you  may 
do  it  who  are  allowed.     2.  That  you  will  join  with  us 
again/}  all  Foreign  Jurifdi&ion,  Ecclefufiicalor  Civil. 
The  Tarty  which  we  dread  I  have  given  you  fome  ac- 
count of  in  my  Reply  to  Mr.  Dodwell.     By  their  Fruits 
you  may  know  them.     1.  They  are  fuch  as  labour  to  mike 
our  Breaches  wider,  ly  rendring  thofe  that  they  differt 


The  Preface. 

from  odious ,  which  commonly  is  by  falfe  accusations; 
They  call  out  for  Execution  by  the  Sword  againft  thoft 
that  dare  not  do  as.they  do,  and  cry,  Goon ,  abate  no- 
thing; they  are  famous Schifmaticks,  rebellious:  They 
might  eafily  have  learnt  this  Language,  without  flaying 
long  in  the  Vniverfities,  and  without  all  the  Brtmftone 
Books  that  teach  it  them. '  An  invifible  Tutor  can  foon 
teach  it  them  without  Book.  He  that  hateth  his  Bro- 
ther is  a  murtherer,  and  hath  not  eternal  Life  abiding 
in  him.  2.  They  are  for  an  univerfal  humane  Govern- 
ment, with  power  of  Legiflation  and  Judgment  over  the 
whole  Chriftian  World.  How  to  call  it  they  are  not  yet 
agreed 9  whether  Ariffocratical,  or  Monarchical  r  or 
mixt.  Some  of  them  fay  that  it  is  in  the  Collegium  Epif- 
eoporum,  governing  per  Literas  formatas, for  fear  left 
if  they  fay,  It  ism  Councils,  they  J}jould]>refently  be  con- 
futed by  the  copious  Evidence  which  we  produce  againft 
them.  Andyet  they  may  well  think  that  men  will  ask 
them  {When  did  all  the  Bifhops  on  Earth  make  Laws 
for  all  the  Chriftian  World,  orpafs  Sentences  on  Offen- 
ders without  ever  meeting  together  ?  And  how  came 
they  to  know  each  others  minds  ?  and  which  way  the 
major  Vote  went  ?  And  what,  and  where  are  thofe  Laws 
which  we  mufl  all  be  governed  by,  which  neither  God 
nor  Councils  made  ?  The  Canons  were  all  made  by 

If  you  fay  that  I  describe  men  fo  mad,  as  that  lmujl 
be  thought  to  wrong  themr  I  now.  only  ask  you,  whether 
our  Cafe  be  not  difmal  when  fuch  ?ne-n  as  you  call  mad, 
have  power  to  bring  us  and  keep  us  in  our  T)ivificns  ; 
or  to  do  much  towards  it  without  much  contradiction! 

But  others  who  know  that  fuch palpable  darknefs  will 
not  ferve  their  caufe,  do  openly  jay,  that  it  is  General 
Councils  which  are  the  Legiflative  and  judging  Govern 


The  Preface. 

nours  to  the  whole  Church  on  Earth,  as  one  Political 
Body.     For  they  know  that  we  have  no  other  Laws  be- 
(ides  Gods  and  theirs,  pretended  to  be  made  for  all  the 
World.     But  when  the  Cafes  opened  by  me  in  the  Second 
part  of  my  Key  for  Catholicks,  and  elfe  where,  dofdence 
them,  this  Fort  alfo  is  deferted  by  them.    Even  Albert. 
Pighius  hath  rendred  it  ridiculous,     i.  Jf  this  be  the 
i  I  fpecijyifl&  or  unifying  Head,  or  fumma  Poteftas  of  the 
Universal  Church,  then  it  is  not  monarchical  but  Arifto-  - 
cratical.     i.   Then  the  Church  is  no  Church,  when  for 
hundreds  of  Fears  there  are  no  General  Councils,  an  effen- 
tial  part  being  wanting.     And  they  that  own  but  the  4 
or  6  firfi  General  Councils,  make  the  Church  no  Church, 
or  to  have  been  without  its  eJfentiatingGovemmentthefe 
Thousand  Fears.  And  by  what  proof ,  be  fides  their  incre* 
dibleWvrd,  can  they  tell  the  Church,  that  they  are  fub- 
j elf  to  the  fix  firfi  General  Councils,  and  yet  not  to  the 
[event h,  eighth,  ninth,  oranyfince^  3.  I  have  oft  (^a* 
gainFt  Johnfon,   and  elfewhere,')  proved  that  there  ne- 
ver was  an  universal  Council  of  all  the  Churches,  but  on- 
ly of  part  of  thofe  in  the  Roman  Empire  ;  Were  there  no 
prooj  but  from  the  recorded  Names  of  the  Callers  of  Coun- 
cils ,    and  all   the  Subscribers ,    it  is    unanswerable. 
4.  Who  knows  not  that  the  Church  is  now  divided  into 
about  Twelve  SeBs,  all  condemning  one  another^     And 
\\  that  they  are  under  the  Tower  of  various  ^Princes,  and 
many  Enemies  to  Chriftiamty  ,    who  will  never  agree 
to  give  them  leave  to  travel  to  General  Councils^    And 
who  (hall  call  them,  or  hew  long  time  will ycu give  the 
Bijheps  of  Antiocb,  Alexandria,  the  Jacobites,  Abaffines, 
IMcftorians,  Armenians,  Mufcovites,  and  all  the  reft,  to 
learn  fo  much  of  each  others  Languages,  as  to  debate  in- 
telligibly matters  cf  fuch  moment,  as  Laws  for  all  the 
World  mufl  be.     Fwenty  more  fuch  abfurdities ,  make 


The  Preface. 

this  Ariflocracy  over  all  the  World,  as  wad' a  conceit  as 
that  for ement tone d:  And  when  we  know  already  what 
the  Christian  Parties  hold,  and  that  the  [aid  Jacobites, 
Neftorians,  Armenians,  CircafTians,  Mengrelians,Greeks, 
Mufcovites,  &c.  are  jar  more  than  either  Protefratits  or 
Tariffs,  do  we  not  know  that  in  Councils  if  they  have  free 
Votes  they  will  judge  accordingly  againft  both. 

But  this  Jort  of  men  are  well  aware,  that  the  Church 
is  always,    but  Councils  are  rare,  and  it's,    at  leaft , 
uncertain  whether  ever  there  will  be  more;  and  the  Ar- 
ticles of  the  Church  of  England  fiy,  They  may  not  be 
called  without  the  Will  of  Princes,-  and  the  Church  is 
now  under  fo  many  contrary  Trinces  as  are  never  like 
to  agree  hrr-etc.  And  they  knew  that  fome  body  muft  call 
them,  and  fame  body  muft  pre  fide  y  &c.    Therefore  they 
are  fori  ed  \  o  fpeak  outy  and  fay,  that  the  Pope  is  St.Pf- 
frftSucceflbr,  the  prime  Patriarch,  and  prmcipiumVni- 
tatst,  and  muft  call  Councils,  and  asPrefident  moderate 
and  difference  the  lawful  from  the  unlawful  .•  And  that 
in  the  Intervals  of  Councils  he  as  Patriarch  is  to  govern 
at  leaft  the  !VeIiy  and  that  every  Diocefane  being  ex  Of- 
ficio, the  Reprefenter  of  hisDiocefs,  and  every  Metro- 
politane  of  his  Province,  and  every  Patriarch  of  his  Pa- 
triarchate, what  thefe  do  all  the  Bifliops  on  Earth  do, 
Andfo  the  Riddle  of  a  Collegium  Paftorum  is  opened, 
end  all  comet h  but  to  this,  that  the  Italians  are  Papifts, 
who  would  have  the  Tope  rule  Arbitrarily,   as  above 
Councils;  but  the  French  are  no  Tapifts ,  who  would 
have  the  Tope  rule  only  by  the  Canons  or  Church  Tarlia- 
ments,  and  to  be  fingulis  Major,  at  univerfis  Minor,  This 
is  the  true  Reformation  of  Church-Government ,  in  which 
the  Engliffj  Jhould  (by  them)  agree.  And  now  you  know 
what  1  am  warning  you  to  beware  of 
We  are  for  atwi$tf§  cwjmfficr  of  the  civil  Tower 

The  Preface. 

nnd  the  Ecclefiaftical,  and  for  Christian  Kingdoms,  and 
Churches,  fofar  national  as  to  he  ruled  and  protected  by 
Christian  'Kings,  in  the  great ejt  Love  and  Concord  that 
can  be  will  obtained:  And  for  Councils  nee  effary  to  fuch 
ends:  But  we  are. not  for  fetting  up  a  Foreign  Jurifdi- 
I  {lion  over  King  and  Kingdom,  Church  and  Souls,  upon 
■  the  fa  If e  claim  ofuncapable  Z) fur  per  s.  One  of  your  felves 
in  a  [mail  Book  called,  The  whole  Duty  of  Nations,  and 
another,  Dr.  Ifaac  Barrow  againft  Papal  and  all  Foreign 
Jurifdi&ion,  {ptblijhed  by  2>.  Tillotfon)  have  (poken 
our  thoughts  fo  fully,  as  that  we  only  intreatyou  to  take 
thofe  for  ourfenje,  and  concurr  with  us  therein  for  our 
common  Teace  and  Safety. 

We  reverence  all  Councils  fo  far  as  they  have  done 
good-,  we  are  even  for  the  Advice  and  Concord  <?/"  Fo- 
reigners; but  not  their  Jurifdiclion. 

If  you  know  the  difference  between  an  Ajfembly  of 
Princes  confultingfor  Peace  and  Concord.anda  Senate  to 
govern  all  thofe  Princes  as  their  SubjecJs,  you  will  know 
the  difference  between  our  Reverence  to  Foreign  Councils, 
and  the  Obedience  to  them  now  challenged  as  the  only 
way  to  avoid  Schifm.  I  hope  you  will  join  with  us  in  being 
called  Schifmaticks  both  to  Italian  and  French  Vapifts. 

The  great  Inftrument  of  fuch  mens  T>efign  being  to  o- 
ver-  extol  Councils  called General,  and  to  hide  their  Mis- 
carriages, and  fo  by  f  life  Hiftory  to  deceive  their  credu- 
lous -parly  who  cannot  have  while,  to  fearch  after  the 
truth,  I  took  it  to  be  my  "Duty  to  tell  fuch  men  the  truth 
out  of  the  moft  credible  Hiftorians,  especially  out  of  the 
Councils  themfelves  as  written  by  our  great  eft  Adverfa- 
vies ;  that  they  may  truly  know  what  fuch  Bifljops  and 
Councils  have  done.  Among  others  this,  exafferaied  a 
Writer^  (by  fame  called  Mr.  Morrice,)  who  would  make 
men  believe  that  I  have  wronged  Councils  and  Bi  (hops, 


The  Prefaced 

and  falfified  Hiftory;  and  divers  other  accusation* 
he  brings,  to  which  I  have  tendered  you  mine  Answer. 
I  have  heard  men  reverence  the  Englifti  Synods,  who 
yet  thought  that  the  5th96th,7th,  %th  Excommunicating 
Canons  and  the  late  Engines  to  cafl  out  2000  Minifters, 
f roved  them  fuch  to  England  as  I  will  not  denominate. 
I  have  heard  men  reverence  the  prefent  Miniftry  andV- 
mverjities,  who  yet  have  fad,  that  they  fear  more  hurt 
from  the  worfer  part  of  them  to  England,  than  theyjhould 
do  from  an  Army  of  Foreign  Enemies  whom  we  might 

I  write  much,  and  in  great  weakness  and  hafte^  and 
have  not  time  for  due  perufal :  And  my  judgment  isra- 
ther  to  do  it  when  I  think  it  neceffary,  oilcan,  than  not 
at  all.  And  Mr.  M.  would  make  Jm  Reader*  believe ; 
when  he  hath  found  a  word of  Theodorets  haftily  mifta- 
ken,  and  Calami  tranflated  Quils,  and  fuch  matter  for 
a  few  triflmgcavils,  that  he  hath  vindicated  the  Coun- 
cils and  Bifhops,  and  proved  me  afalfe  Hiftorian. 

Andean  we  have  a  harder  cenfure  of  General  Councils 
than  his  own  Reverend  Lords  and  Tatronspafs  upon . 
them,  who  tell  us  that  there  is  but  fix  of  all  the  multi- 
tude to  be  owned.  If  all  the  reft  are  to  be  rejected,  I  think 
the  faults  ofthofejfix  may  be  made  known,  againft  their 
jDefigns  who  would  bring  us  under  a  Foreign  JurifditJi- 
on,  by  thi  art  of  over-magnifying  General  Ccnncils. 

I  confefs  theje  men  have  great  advantage  againft  all 
that  fuch  as  I  can  fay  ,'  for  they  have  got  a  fort  of  Fol- 
lowers who  will  take  their  words,  and  are  far  from  ha- 
ving will  or  wit  impartially  themselves  to  read  the  Hi- 
flories  and  try  the  cafe ;  but  will  {wear  that  we  are  all 
Rogues  and  Schematic  ks,  and  unfit  to  be  fuffered-  And 
they  have  got  young  Reverend  Priefts,  who  can  cry,  away 
with  them,  execute  the  Laws ;  being  confeious  how  much 

[a]  lefi 

The  Preface. 

lefs  able  they  are  to  confute  us,  than  the  Gaoler  is :  But 
this  h  but  a  "Dream :  The  morning  is  near,  when  we  f jail 
all  aw  ike.  Terhapf  you  remember  the  jeaftingfory  with 
which  Sagitarius  begins  the  Trejace  to  his  Me- 
tafbyficksx  Indeed  the  hyflerical  fufocating  Vapours  do 
07' dm  inly  (o  work^  that  in  a  place  vf  T  erjumes  or  fweet- 
nefs  the  Worn eh v  faint  and  fwoun  away  as  dead;  andCa- 
■  y  or  AjfdFoetida,  called  Stercus  Diaboli,  or  fuch  like 
(link^rrviveth  them like  a  Cordial  And  worfe  vapours 
affeEt  the  men  we  {peak  of:  Motions  of  Love  they  can- 
not bear;  but  reviling  and  fal[e  accufivg  Books  and 
Speeches  are  Food  and  Medicine  to  them. 

One  of  my  chief  Ccntr  over  fie  s  with  Mr.  M,  is  about, 
the  Acts  and  Effects  of  the  Councils  of  Ephefus  andCvX- 
cedon,  about  the  Nejlorian  and  Eutychian  and  Mono- 
th  elite  Cont  r  over  fie  s.  That  the  ijfue  was  mofi  dolefulTDi- 
vijions  of  the  Chrifian  World,  unhealed  to  this  day ,  is 
pafl  the  denial  of  fober  men.    Whether  this  was  long  of 
the  Bijhop-  and  Councils  is  the  que f  ion.   I  have  fully 
proved  that  Neftorius,  Cyril,  and  Dioi'corns  were  all  of 
the  fame  Faith  and  differed  but  in  wording  the  fame 
fenje :  And  if  fo,  judge  how  much  the  World  is  beholden 
toihefe  Councils  of'Bi/hops  .•  But  this  Mr.  M.  takethfor 
afalje  Report. 

Becaufe  it  is  our  mofi  important  difference,  I  will  here 
give  the  Reader  an  account  op  the  Effect  of  fhefe  Cam- 
cils  even  to  our  times,  in  the  great  Empire  c/Haballia, 
out  of  the  much  praifed  Uiflory  fl/Job  Ludolphus. 

Lib.;,  c.  8.  In  order  to  declare the  Religion  of  the  Ha- 
baflines  he  frfl  declareth  the  Succefs  of  the  Council  of 
Calcedon,  thus,--  [  Damnatus  Diofcoms  Patriarcha 
Alexandrinus  tanquam  Eutychis  Dcfenfor  &  Hasrefiar- 
eha,  verheribus  quoaue  mul&atus  Sc  in  cxilium  eje&us 
fair,  alio  Patriarcha  Catholico  in  locum  ejus  iuffe&o--- 



The  Preface, 

Atrox  exinde  in  Ecclefia  Alexandrina  Schifma,  czdc  & 
fanguine  continuatum,  in  caufa  fait,  ut  non  folum  mul- 
to  maxima  pars  Ecclefise  Alexand.    a  reliqua  Ecclefia 
Catholica  avelleretur,  fed&iEgjptus  ipfa,  attritis  in* 
colarum  Saracenorumpoteflatem  veniret;  qui 
difcordia  Chriftianorum,  utrofque  opprefTerunt  ,•  ut  exi- 
guum,  proh  dolor !  veftigium  Chi  iftianas  Religionis  nunc 
in  JEgy pto  fuperfit.Hsec  atque  alia  talia  Scriptores  noftri. 
And  the  /ofs  0/Egypt  and  the  South,  fo  firengthened 
the  Enemies  of  ChrifHanity,  that  this  breach  let  in^De- 
flruEiion  to  the  whole  Chriffian  Empire  :    But  the  lofs 
of  the  whole  Empire  and  Introduction  oj  Mahomet anifm, 
in  the  Eyes  of  our  fiery  Canoneers,  is  no  dijljonour  tothefe 
Councils:    It  is  but  Jaywg,  It  was  all  long  ofDiofcorus, 
and  the  Hereticks :    And  were  not  thefe  Hereticks  alfo 
Tr elates  andTrelaticafo 

But  he  procedeth,   ["  But  the  ^Ethiopians  thus  re- 
c<  port  it,  that  Diofcorm  and  his  SuccefTors,  and  their 
<;  followers  did  greatly  complain  of  the  Injury  done 
"  them ;  for  he  neither  followed  Eutyches,  nor  ever  de- 
M  nied  or  confounded  the  Divinity  or  Humanity  really 
"  exiftinginChrift,but  only  was  unwilling  to  acknowlcdg 
"  the  word  [Narure]  to  be  common  to  the  Divinftyand 
11  Humanity  of  Chriit;  anJ  only  avoided  this,  leftcon- 
il  trary  to  the  mind  of  the  Catholick  Church,  and  the 
"  Decrees  of  the  General  Council  at  Ephefits,  two  per- 
41  fons  of  Chrift  (hould  be  afferted  :  For  that  would  fol- 
"low,  if  we  admit  Two  Natures,  and  two  Wills  in 
"  Chrift.  And  the  word  [cpu'ens]  [Nature']  fignifyingfom- 
u  what  born  or  created,  no  way  fitteth  the  Divinity: 
*  Nor  can  the  mind  conceive  of  two  Wills,  in  two  Na- 
<c  tures  united  in  one  perfon,  without  Divifion,  Separa- 
"  tion,  orDiftance.-  And  the  Humane  Nature  exalted 
"  into  the  ftate  of  Glory,  doth  not  will,  do,  or  fuffer  the 

[  a  i  ]  "  fame 

The  Pretace. 

4<  fame  which  it  willed,  did  and  differed  in  the  (late  of 
l€  Exinanition;  and  fo  in  the  preftnt  date  of  Glory  , 
"  the  humanity  doth  neither  will  nor  judge  any  thing 
€C  but  what  the  Divinity  at  once  willeth  and  judgeth. 
"  And  this  being  our  known  Judgment ,  the  queftion 
4i  feemeth  idle,  and  a  meer  ftrife  of  Words,  for  which 
<4  Chriftians  fliould  not  have  hated  one  another.  At  Cdl- 
44  cedon  they  proceeded  irom  Words  to  Blows,  and 
44  fought  more  than  they  difputed:  And  c£zofcorm was 
"  condemned  abfent,  neither  heard  nor  well  underftood, 
44  as  obftinate  and  guilty  of  Herefie  in  Hatred  and  En- 
4<  vy  rather  than  by  right.] 

This  is  the  Habaflincs  Opinion  of  the  Council  and  Con-' 
troverjie,  falfe  no  doubt  in  our  Canoneers  Judgment,  (for 
alas  they  are  unlearned  men ;  )  but  indeed  much  truer 
and  wifer  than  their  Adversaries. 

Heproceedeth,  4Primoreperiomnidubiocarere,  quod 

*  Habeffini  rejiciunt  consilium  Chalcedonenfe --  i.  Ob- 

*  fervavi  eos  in  hoc  errore  e(Fe,  quafi  Patres  Concilii  Cal- 

*  ced.  Hypoftafin  Chrifti  dividere,  &  contra  pr^ecedens 

*  Concilium  Ephefinum  ex  una  duas  perfonas  facere  vo- 
1  luerint—  Hanc  ob  caufamdamnant  LeonemPapam,& 
4  in  coelum  extollunt  fuum  Diofcorum  tanquam  Ortho- 
4  doxae  fidei  hyperafpiften  qui  juftozelo  diploma  Leonis 
4  ad  fe  datum  diJaceravit,-  eumque  Martyri  affimilant,  ob 

*  accepta  verbera,  excuflbs  dentes  &  evalfam  barbam.] 
(But  it  eafed  the  Spleen  of  the  Bfs.  at  prefent,  and  then 
all  the  following  lofs  feems  tolerable.)Be  addeth,  [4.Con- 
1  flat  ex  multis  locis,  quod  utrumque  abftradtum,  Divi- 

*  nitatem  &  Humanitatem,  conjun&im  in  Chrifto  aperte 
1  confiteantur.  Quid  autem  hoc  aliud  eft,  quam  agnofce- 
4  re  duas  fimul  naturas  in  Chrifto.  ?.  Tellezius  ex  Rela- 
4  tione  Patrum  focietatis  teftatur  [utramque  naturam] 
'  reperiri  in  eorum  libris.  6*  Hejhews  that  the  Habajfmes 

4  words 

The  Preface- 

c  words  have  various  fignifc -at ion ,  and  by  two  natures, 
4  they  mean  twoPerfons--\Vhich(p/r/6Ludolphus)vvhcnI 
'read  and  confider,  I  find  all  to  be  confufed  and  per- 

*  plexed  .•  There  is  no  certain  Hate  of  the  queftion,  and 
c  the  words  are  out  of  meafure  equivocal.  Perhaps  is.'** 

*  tyches  himfelf  could  not  tell  what  fort  of  Nature  was 
'madeoftwo,  and  what  was  its  name,  and  what  wasits 

*  qualities:  But  that  he  was  fuch  a  fool  as  to  think  that 
'  the  Natures  in  Chri'ft  were  fo  confufed  as  Water  is  with 
'Wine,  and  that  in  fo  abfurd  an  Opinion  he  had  molt 
'wife  men  agreeing  with  him;  thisalmolt  exceedeth  all 
4  belief:  Certainly  the  Ethiopians  are  not  guilty  of  fo 
c  grofs  a  Herefie.    Wherefore  I  confefs  I  cannot  under- 

*  ftand  what  thofe  frequent  Difputations  were,  which 

*  the  Jefuitshad  with  the  Kabaffiines,  of  two  Natures  in 
'Chrift,  in  which  they  fay  they  had  ftill  theworfe,  be- 

*  ing  convidted  by  their  ownBooks,which  I  eafily  believe, 

*  feeing  they  mod  willingly  confefs  Chrifts  Divinity  and 
'  Humanity.  To  me  it  feemeth  likely  only  that  they 
4  could  not  agree  in  words.Do  but  explain  to  them  that  by 

*  Natures  in  Chrift  we  mean  his  Divinity  and  Humanity, 
4  &  then  ask  them  which  Nature  is  it  that  fai?eth  inChril/. 
'Mod  certainly  they  will  anfwer  that  neither  the  Divi- 

*  vinity  nor  Humanity  failed,  but  both  continue  eternal- 
c  ly.  And  fo  it's  plain,  that  they  take  the  word  Nature 
*in  a  far  other  fenfe  than  we,  and  that  the  true  ftate  of 

*  the  queftion  with  them  is,  whether  and  by  what  com- 
mon Name  the  two  abftra&s  are  to  be  denominated, 
4  which  they  undoubtedly  confefs. 

Now  good  Mr.  Morrice,  (with your  Lords)  yea  mujl 
pardon  me,  (or  choose)  for  thinking  that  it  is  not  necef- 
fary  to  Salvation,  or  to  keep  the  Church  from  utter  con- 
fufion,  to  be  fuch  Criticks  in  Grammar  or  Metaplyr 
Jicks,  as  to  revive  the  queftions  about  the  fence  oj  Na- 

The  Prerace. 

ture,  and  Unity,  or  Duality,  which  yon  no  better  re- 
fclveyour [elves  ;  I  fay,  it  is  not  neccjj'ary  by  Gods  Law, 
but  by  the  Councils  *  And  ifl  be  a  Schtfmatickfor  hold- 
ing that  Chrifts  Vniverfal  Law  is  fo  Sufficient  for  his 
Church,  as  that  a ive  Tower  in  Councils  to  make 
fuch  Laws  asJJoalltear  allto  pieces  theChurckesfor  i  joo 
Tears,  and  teach  our  Holy  Fathers  to  damn  Millions  of 
the  Innocent,  is  not  either  neceffary  or  defireable;  a 
Schifmatick  I  will  continue. 

Ludolphus  proceeding  to  open  the  ambiguity  of  the 
words,  addeth,  [4  A  famous  Country-manor  ours,  who 
''anno  1634.  dwelling  in  Egypt,  read  the  Books  of  the 
'Cophties  (Tet.  Beylmot  Lubeck.*)  judged  that  [the 
'  Diffent  of  the  Parties  was  more  in  their  fear  of  the  Se- 

*  quele,  than  in  the  matter  itfelf :  For  the  Greeks  would 
1  obviate  the  Hereticks  who  confound  Chrifts  Divinity 
'  and  Humanity  :  And  the  Cophties  thofe  who  feign  two 

*  Perfons  in  Chrifh]  And  it  indeed  this  be  the  cafe,  that 
1  the  Fight  either  of  old  was,  or  ftill  is  only  about  the 
'  fenfe  of  words;verily  no  kind  of  Tears  can  be  fo  ftiarp,as 

*  to  fuffice  to  weep  for  this  unhappy  Word-War ;  NoBreaft 
4  can  be  fo  hard  which  would  not  mourn  for  the  unhappy 
Contentions  of  them,  to  whom  Chrift  by  his  own  ex- 
4  ample  folicitoufly  commended  the  ftri&eft  Bond  of  Cha- 
1  rity  :  No  mind  can  be  fo  cruel,  which  for  the  name  of 
1  [Nature]  would  loofe  the  knot  of  Concord  between 
4  thofe  whofe  Nature  the  eternal  Word  afiumcth  into 
1  his  mod  facred  Hypoftafis.  ] 

Fie,  Mr.  Ludolphus,  canyon  fo  well  defcribe  Ethiopia, 
and  no  better  know  your  Neighbours!  Come  ///to  England 
and  you  may  fobn  know  the  Reverend  and  Right  Re- 
verend, who  will  not  only  defend  this  Councils  Acls,and 
condemn  thofe  that  be  not  of  their  mind,  but  are  ready 
to  do  the  like  themselves,  and  triumph  over  the  thoufands 


The  Preface. 

JHenced,  as  they  judge,  for  lejfer things ;  yea,  and  make 
that  Councils  Canons  fuch  a  Law  to  theVniverfilChu 
as  that  all  are  Schismatic ks  that  obey  it  not. 

i?^Ludolphus^YJ  confide  ring,addeth,[b\xiiAch  is  the 
Infirmity  of  our  mod  corrupt  Nature,  that  where  once 
Ambition  hath  begun,  and  from  Ambition  Emulation, 
and  from  Emulation  Envy,  and  from  Envy  Hatred,  the 
mind  poffeiTed  with  (fuch)  afTe&ions,  no  more  percciv- 
eth  Truth,  but  as  with  Ears  and  Eyes  fhut  up,  neither 
heareth  nor  feeth,  how  or  with  what  mind  any  thing  is 
fpoken  or  written  by  the  other  fide. 

O  Sir,  now  J  perceive  you  understand  more  than  you 
Jetmedto  do. 

But  yet  the  Hijtory  is  behindXhe  ^Pcpe  hath  long  had  a 
great  dejire  to  be  the  Church  Governour  c^Habailia,  but 
could  never  come  to  know  it,  much  lefs  to  bear  Rule  over 
it.  At  I jff  the  Portugals \  getting  poffeffion  offome  Mari- 
time farts ',  whence  with  much  difficulty  it  was  poffible 
to  come  to  them,  the  Tope  got  them  to  help  the  Kabaf- 
fines  in  a  dangerous  War  which  they  had  againft  their 
Neighbour  Mahometanes  and  Heathens ,  on  condition 
that  the  HabafTmes  would  receive  a  Patriarch  and  Je- 
Juites  from  Rome y  The  Portugals  Guns,  (which  that 
Country  had  not)  and  their  own  neceffuy,  made  the  Ha- 
bzffmzs  confent ;  The  Roman  Patriarch  and  Jefuits  came 
ever.  The  cujiom  of  Habaffia  had  long  been  to  receive  a 
Metropolitan  called  their  Abuna  ,  from  the  Patri- 
arch of  Alexandria,  who  being  a  poor  unlearned Sub) utl, 
and  almoft  Slave  totbeTurk,  made  Abunas  and  Priefs 
as  unlearned  as  himfelf:  when  the  Jefuits  came  fur 'ni  fe- 
ed with  Arts ^nd  Sciences,  the  matter  came  to  longitif- 
piles  ;  for  the  'People,  tfpecially'the  Monks  and  the  Ru- 
lers,  were  loth  to  change  their  old  accuftomed  Religion, 
sailed  the  Alexandrian  ,  for  that  called  the  Romane  : 



The  P  ret  ace. 

71:  e  King  would  needs  have  it  done  by  hearing  both  par- 
tus [peak:  But  the  learned Jefuites  were  ft  ill  too  hard  for 
the  unlearned  HabafJJnes :    One  King  feemed  to  like  the 
Romanes,  but  his  Son  (Claudius)  fiiffiy  rejiftedthem: 
Others  afterward  again  needed  help,  atid  received  themf 
and  by  theirT)ifputes  feemed  really  tobeforthttn,  feeing 
how  much  the  Jefuites  excelled  their  IPriefts ;  fpecially 
K.  Zadengelus,  being  taken  with  the  Jefuits  Treachifig% 
when  all  his  own  Clergy  only  read Litnrgies&Homiliesy 
&neverpreacht:tlefct  up  theRomanecPatriarch&  power + 
&  KSuihcus  after  him  [ware  Obedience  to  theT operand 
refolut-ely  efiabli/Led  Tcpery  :    Difputcs  brought  him  to 
it :  And  the  Jefuites  knowmg^that  it  muft  be  fomthing 
which  [eemed  to  be  ofjVeigbt,  which  muft  make  the  Em- 
pire fubmit  to  a  Change  of  their  Religion^  accufe  the  Abaf- 
fines  as  erring  with  the  Eutychian$,in  rejccJwgthe  Coun- 
cil cj  Calcedon,  and  denying  two  Natures  and  Wills  in 
Chrift.  Tim  was  chofen  as  the  main  Subjett  of  the  great 
T)ifputes  :  The  Empercur  was  convinced  of  their  Here- 
fie,  and  became  a  refolute  Profelite  to  Rome.-  And  To* 
pery  Eight  Hears  had  the  upper  ruling  hand. 

But  all  this  while  the  Empire  was  in  difcontent :  The 
rRoyal  Family  and  the  Sub-Cioverncurs  oft  broke  out  into 
Rebellion.  To  befhortynany  bloody  battels  were  fought  The 
/Emperour  ufually  had  the  Victory  :  But  when  one  f eld  of 
|  blood  was  dried  up,  a  new  Rebellion  [till  Sprungup.  The 
Tapifisftill  told  the  K  that  God  gave  him  the  Viclory for 
owning  his  Church  and  Caufe.  His  Rulers,  Triefts,  and 
Monks  told  him  he  killed  his  Subjeffs,  and  in  the  end 
would  lofe  his  Empire  for  nothing  but  bare  words.     Af- 
ter many  fights  in  the  Lift  about  Eight  Thcujand  of  his 
Subjects  called  his  Enemies, were  killed:  The  Kings  cwn 
adherents  being  no  friends  to  the  Roman  Change,  defired 
the  King  to  view  the  dead,  and  made  to  him  presently 


The  Preface. 

thisSpeech:  'Thefewere  notHeat  hens  nor  Mahometanes, 

*  in  whofe  death  we  might  juftfy  rejoice:They  wereChri 

4  ftians;they  were  formerly  yourSubje<3:$,our6buntrymcn , 

*  andnear  in  Body  fome  of  them  to  you, and  fome  to  us : 
4  How  much  better  might  fo  many  valiant  Breads  have 
c  been  fet  againft  the  deadly  Enemies  of  your  Kingdom. 
'■It's  no  victory  which  is  got  upon  Citizens  ;  with  the 
J  Sword  by  which  you  kill  them, you  (tab  your  felf.  Thole 
4  whom  we  perfecute  with  fo  terrible  a  War  do  not  hate 
'us,  but  only  are  againft  that  Worfliip  which  we  force 
c  them  to:  How  many  have  we  already  killed  for  the 
'  changing  of  Religion  (Sacromm  ?  )  How  many  more 
■  are  there  yet  to  De  killed  ?  What  end  will  there  be  of 

*  Fighting?  Give  over  we  befeech  you,  to  drive  them  to 

*  your  new  Religious  things  (novafacra,')  left  they  give 
4  over  to  obey  you,  elfe  there  will  never  be  a  fafe  peace] 

TeajheKwgs  eldefl  Son  and  hisBrother  got  the  Gallans 
(Heathens ,)  that  had  been  Souldiers  [or  the  King,  to  tell 
him  they  would  fight  againft  his  7)ijfenting  Chrtfiiansno 
more.  The  K.  growing  weary  of  War,  and  feeing  and 
hearing  all  this,  changed  his  mind,  and  called  a  Council, 
in  which  it  was  agreed,  [That  the  Alexandrian  Religi- 
on Ihould  be  reftored:  And  to  effect  this  they  declared, 
that  indeed  the  Roman  Religion  was  the  very  fame.- 
Both  faid  that  Chriit  is  true  God  and  true  Man  :  And  to 
fay,  There  is  one  Nature,  or  there  are  two,  are  words  of 
fmall  moment,  and  not  worthy  the  ruining  of  the  Em- 
pire,! Aadthus  the  King  was  brought  to  give  Liberty  of 
Religion  to  the  DifTenters. 

The  Romane  Patriarch  underfhnding  all  this,  gceth 
with  the  Biihop  and  Jcfuits  to  the  King,  andmide  this 
Speech  to  him,  [  'I  thought  we  had  been  lately  Conque- 
'rours,  bat  behold  we  are  conquered  :  The  Rebels  that 
4  were:  conquered  have  obtained  tlmt  which  they  de  fired  : 

[  b  ]  4  Be- 

The  Preface. 

K  Before  the  Fight  was  the  time  of  Vowing  and  Promising, 

k  but  now  is  the  time  of  Performing:  The  Catholickand 

Portugal  Soldiers  got  the  Vi&ory,  God  profpering  the 

*CathoIick  Religion:  But  now  what  thanks  is  given  him? 

4  When  his  decreed  the  other  day,  that  the  Alexandri- 

1  an  Religion  fhall  be  freely  permitted.    And  here  you 

4  ccnfult  not  with  the  Bps.  and  Religious  men,  but  the 

1  duli  Vulgar,  and  Gallanes  and  Mahomctanes,  yea  and 

4  Women  pafs  Sentence  of  Religion  :  Bethink  you  how 

4  many  Vi&oriesyou  have  won  againft  the  Rebels  fince 

4  you  followed  the  Romane  Religion.   Remember  that  it 

4  was  nor  as  conftrained  by  Arms  or  Fear,  but  induced  by 

*  free  Will,  that  you  embraced  it  as  the  truer.  Nor  did 
'  we  come  to  you  of  our  own  accord,  but  were  fent  by 
4  the  Pope  of  Rome,  the  higheft  Prelate,  and  the  King  of 
.*  'Portugal,  and  this  at  your  Requeft.  Nor  did  they  ever 

4  intend  any  thing  (againft  you])  but  only  to  join  your 
4  Kingdom  to  the  Church  of  Rome.  Take  heed  therefore 

*  left  you  provoke  them  to  juft  Indignation  :  They  are 
4  far  off  you,  but  God  is  near  you,  and  will  demand  the 
4  fatisfadiion  which  is  due  to  them,  you  will  inure  an  in- 

*  delible  Blot  on  the  Lyon  of  the  tribe  of  Judah,  with 
4  whom  your  Enfigns  fliine;  and  will  imprint  a  ftain  on 
4  your  Glory  and  your  Nation  .•  In  a  word,you  will  caufe 
4  fo  many  fins  by  your  Apoftafie,  as,  that  I  may  not  fee 

•  4  them,  nor  the  Vengeance  of  God,  which  hangeth  over 
'you,  I  defire  you  to  command  that  my  Head  may  be 

*  presently  cut  off]  Thus  lay  the  Parriarch,  Bp.  and  Je- 
fuits  at  the  Kings  feet  in  tears. 

Readers,  Left  you  think  that  I  have  miftranjlatedr 
to  ft  the  matter  to  our  times  ,  I  intreat  the  learned  to 
try  it  by  the  Original:  Toupee  that  the  things  that  arc, 
haze  been,  and  that  fin  fo  blindelb  and  hardeneth  fin- 
ners,  that  one  Age  md  Country  will  take  no  warning  by 
many  others.  Ton 


Ton  fee  here  that  the  Name  and  Inter  efi  of  God  and  Re 
ligion,  and  the  Church  may  be  pleaded  by  a  blind  ambiti- 
ous Clergy,  for  the  murdering  of  thoufands  for  a  bare 
difference  of  Names  and  Words ,  and  Gods  Judgments 
threatned  againjl  thofrthat  will  net  go  on  in  killing  and 
deftroying,  and  making  Kingdoms  de folate  By  Cruelty  : 
And  that  the  hurt  Satan  doth  by  Witches  and  Highway 
Robbers,  it  a  flea  biting  in  cemparifon  of  what  he  doth 
by  ambitions  Tr  elates  and  valiant  Soldiers.    The  dif 
malleft  Story  of  the  fuccefs  of  Witches  is  that  of  the  Swedes 
Witches,  by  Mr.  Hornick  tranflated;  But  what  is  the 
killing  of  now  and  then  cne9  to  the  Murder  of  fo  many 
Thoufands ,  the  Ruine  of  fo  many  Kingdoms,  tht  Silencing 
of  fo  many  Thoufand faithful  Pre  at  hers,  the  Perfecting 
of  fo  many  Thoufand  godly  Chriftians,  and  the  engaging 
the  Chriftian  World  in  Hatred  and  War,  as  the  Topijh 
'Prelates  have  been  guilty  of! 

But  you  I  expert  the  Anfwer  of  King  Sufneus  to  the  Pa- 

LudoJphus  thus  proceedeth,  (li.  \.  c.  n.)  [c  The  King 
'unmoved  briefly  anfwereth,  that  he  had  done  as  much 
'  as  he  was  able,  but  could  do  no  more.  And  that  thebu- 
*  finefs  was  not  about  the  total  change  of  Religion,  but 
'only  about»the  grant  or  (Ubeny)  of  certain  Rites  for 

(O  Sir,  you  had  been  happier  if  you  had  known  that 

'The  Patriarch  anfwered,  that  he  himfelf  had  indul- 
'  ged  fome  things,  and  was  about  to  indulge  more,  which 
'concern  not  the  fubftance  of  Faith,  (you  are  for  Tole- 
ration till  the  Fires  are  kindle dy)  fo  be  it  another  EdicSfc 
might  be  proclaimed  ,  that  there  might  be  no  other 
change.  The  King  gave  him  no  other  Anfwer,  but  that 
the  next  day  he  would  fend  fome  to  treat  with  the  Fa- 
thers, [bi]  They 

The  Preface. 

They  that  were  for  the  Alexandrian  Religion  go  to 
the  Emperour,  and  by  Abba  Athanafim  requeft,  that 
by  a  publick  Edid  he  would  allow  his  Subjects  to  em- 
brace the  Religion  of  their  Anceftors,  elfe  the  Kingdom 
would  be  ruined.  The  King  confenred,  and  fent  fome  to 
the  Patriarch,  to  acquaint  him  with  it.  Thefe  upbraid 
him  with  the  many  defections  of  the  People.  *  Minis, 
'Caabraely  Ttcla-George^Sertzax,  with  many  A.lyriades' 
4  flain :  And  that  the  La/lenfes  yet  fought  for  the  old  Re- 
c  ligion,  and  all  ran  to  them.  But  the  King  was  deferted, 
4  all  the  Habaffines  defiring  tkeir  old  Religion.  But  that 
c  they  that  would  might  follow  the    Roman  Religion, 

The  Tafifts  feeing  that  they  could  get  no  better  but 
a  Toleration,  fent  to  the  King  this  Answer  by  Emanuel 
d*  Almeyda,  That  ['the Patriarch  underftood,  that  both 
'Religions  were  tolerated  in  his  Kingdom,  and. now  he 
c  loved  Ethiopia  equally  with  his  own  Country  Tortu- 
lgal,  and  would  prefently  grant  as  much  as  mightftand 

*  with  the  purity  of  Dodrine,  (viz.oi  the  two  Natures) 

*  But  there  muft  be  difference  made  between  thofe  who 

*  had  not  yet  received  the  Roman  Religion,  and  with 
4  them  they  might  agree;  but  thofe  that  had  given  up 
4  themfelves  to  it,  and  had  ufed  the  facrod  Confeffion 

*  andCommunion,  might  not  be  fuffered  to  return  to  the 

*  Alexandrian  Religion  without  grievous  Sin.]  By  this 
temperament  the  Patriarch  would  have  kept  the  King 
and  all  his  Court;  for  thefe  had  profefled  the  Roman 
Religion.  But  the  King  weakened  with  Age  and  Sicknefs 
^avethem  no  other  Anfwer  but,  ['  But  howpanthatbe 
1  dono,  for  I  have  not  now  the  Power  of  the  Kingdom?] 
Home  went  the  Prelates  and  Jefuits :  And  prefently  the 
Trumpets  and  Drums  founded,  and  the  Crier  proclaim- 
ed, [  *  Oyes,  Oyes,  (Hear  ye)  We  firft  propofed  to  you 

4  the 

The  Preface* 

'the  Romane  Religion,  taking  it  for  good;  but  an  in- 
'  numerable  multitude  of  men  perifhed,  with  JElius^Ca- 
1  brall^  Tula-George,  Sertzaxoy  and  with  the  Country 

*  La/fenfes;  Wherefore  we  now  grant  you  the  Religion 

*  of  your  Anceflors :    It  fhall  be  lawful  hereafter  for  the 

*  Alexandrian  Clergy  to  frequent  their  Churches,  and  to 
4  have  their  Arcula  for  the  Eucharift,  and  to  read  their 
'Liturgy  in  the  old  manner.-  So  farewel,  and  Rejoice] 

It  is  incredible  with  what  joy  this  Edidt  W2S  received 
by  the  People,  and  how  the  whole  Camps  applauded  and 
rejoiced,  as  if  they  had  been  delivered  from  an  invading 
Enemy,  fpecially  the  Monks  and  Clergy  having  feit  the 
Fathers  greateft  hatred,  did  lift  up  to  Heaven  their  joy 
ful  voices :  The  Vulgar  Men  and  Women  danced,  the 
Soldiers  prayed  all  Profperity  to  thflBJperour:  They 
broke  their  own  Rofaries,  and  other  mens  as  they  met 
them,  and  burned  fome,  faying,  'That it  was  enough  for 
'them  that  they  BELIEVE  CHRIST  TO  BE  TRUE  GOD 
'and  TRUE  MAN,  and  THERE  IS  NO  NEED  OF 
'  DISPUTING  ABOUT  TWO  NATURES,  and  fo  they 
returned  to  the  old  way.. 

It's  worth  the  noting  here,  that  the  Papifts  way  was 
cafi  out  as  Novelty,  and  the  other  kept  on  the  account  of " 
Antiquity :  For  Habaffia  never  had  received  the  Tope 
till  the  Portugals  came  to  help  them.  Tet  are  they  not 
ajhamedhere  to  call  theirs  the  old  Religion, becaufe  when 
they  had  banifhed  the  old,  [which  was  Jimp le  Chrifiia- 
nity)  we  returned  to  it  by  Reformation. 

Befides  the  T^cclrine  of  Two  Natures,  about  which 
they  piw  they  agreed  in  fenfe,  while  the  Jefuites  Here- 
ticatedthem^  tbreeahings  much  alienated  the  Habatfincs.' 
i-  Denying  them  the  Sacrament  of  the  Eucharift  in  both 
kinds,  2.  Rebaptifmg  their  Children.  3.  Reordain- 
ing  their  Priefls, 


The  Preface. 

This  much  being  done,  the  Tapfts  were  by  degrees 
Joon  overcome,  i.  TheTatriarch  is  accufea ]  for  j? reach- 
i  fig  Sedition.-  i.  Then  the  Temples  are  taken  from  them, 
and  they  break  their  own  Images  left  the  Habaftines 
Jhould  do  it  in  [com.  3 .  On  Sept  16.  1631.  the  King  died, 
and  his  Son  Bafiiides  was  againft  them.  4.  Ras-Secl- 
axus  their  mofi  powerful  Jriend  is  banijhed,  and  others 
after  him.  5,  Vpon  more  Accusations  their  Far  me  s, 
Goods,  and  Guns  are  feifed  on.  6.  They  are  confined  to 
Fremona  .•  Thence  they  -petition  again  for  new  Difputati- 
ens  :  The  KingBzCihdcs  anfwereth  them  thus  by  writing: 

[  'What  1  did  heretofore  was  done  by  my  Fathers 
4  command,  whom  I  muft  needs  obey,  (o  that  bv  his 
'conduct  I  mjJfcWar  againft  my  Kindred  and  Sub- 
4  jedts.  But  afterthe  lad  Ba  tie  in  Wainadega,  both  learn- 

*  ed  and  unlearned,  Clergy  and  Laity,  Civil  and  Military 
'  men,  great  and  fmall,    fearlefly  faid  to  my  Father  the 

*  King,  How  long fhali  we  be  vexed  &  tired  with  unprofita- 

*  ble  rhings?  How  long  ftiall  we  fight  againft  ourBrethren 
4  and  near  Friends,  cutting  off  our  Right  Hand  with  our 
4  Left?  Hew  long  fliall  we  turn  our  S.vords  againft  our 

*  own  Bowels,  when  yet  by  the  Roman  Belief  we  know 
4  nothing  but  what  we  knew  before?  For  what  the  Ro- 
4  manes  call  two  Natures  in  Chrift,  the  Divinity  and  Hu- 
1  manity,  we  knew  it  long  ago,  from  the  beginning  even 
4  unto  this  day:   For  we  all  believe  that  the  fame  Chrift 

*  our  Lord  is  perfect  God  and  perfedl  Man ;  perfed:  God 
1  in  his  Divinity,  and  perfect  Man  in  his  Humanity  :  But 
'  whereas  thofe  Natures  are  not  feparated,  nor  divided, 

*  (for  each  of  themfuhfifleth,  not  by  itfelf,  but  conjunct 
1  withthe  other)  therefore  we  fay  not  that  they  are  two 
4  things,  for  one  is  m&de  of  two,  yet  fo  as  that  the  Na- 
4  flrres  are  nor  confoiiaded  or  mixed  in  his  Being.  This 
'  Cuatroverfie  therefore  is  of  fmall  moment  among  us  : 


The  Preface. 

*  Nor  did  we  fight  much  for  this ;  but  fpecially  for  this 
'caufe,  that  the  Blood  was  denied  the  Laity  m  theliu- 
'charift,  whenas  Chrift  himfelf  faid  in  the  Gofpcl ,  ex- 
4cept  ye  eat  the  Flefh  of  the  Son  of  Man,  and  drink  his 

*  Blood  ye  fhallnot  have  eternal  Life.—  But  they  deteft- 

*  ed  nothing  more  than  the  Reiteration  of  Bapnfrns,  as 
'  if  before  the  Fathers  rebaptizedus  we  had  been  Hea- 
'  thens  or  Publicanes:  And  that  thty  Ileordained  our 
4  Puefts  and  Deacon?.—  You  toolate  offer  us  now  that 

*  which  might  have  been  yielded  at  the  firft;  for  there  is 
'now  no  returning  to  that  which  ail  look  at  with  the 
"  greateit  horrour  and  detefiation,  and  therefore  all  fur- 

*  ther  Conferences  will  be  in  vain.] 

In  fort  the  'Patriarch  and  all  the  reft  were  utterly 
banifhed  outofthe  Empire  .   Ludolph.  J.  5.  c.i  5, 

1  add  one  hut  thing  (ex  cap.  1 4.)  to  end  the  ft  ory.  As  the 
new  Alexandrian  Abuna  was  coming  oik  of  Egypt,  the 
foresaid  Z)r.  Peter  Heyling  of  Lubeck  being  then  in 
Egypt,  took  that  opportunity  to  fee  Habaffia,  and  went 
with  him\On  the Borders  tf/Suagena  they  met  the  depart- 
ing  Roman  Tstriarch;  where  Peter  Heyling  enters  the 
Lift  with  hirtfSfo  handled  him  as  made  it  appear \that  it 
was  only  tire  poor  Habatfine  Triefts  utile  arneanefs  .which 
had  give*  the  Jefuits  their  Succefs  .•  And  the  Tatriarch 
at  the  parting,  jighing  {aid  to  his  Company,  If  this  Do- 
ctor come  into  Habajfu,  he  will  precipitate  them  in- 
to che  extreamefl:  Herefie.  But  what  became  of  him  is 
yet  unknown. 

And  fo  much  for  this  Uiftory  of  the  Roman  C  on  que  ft  in 
Habaffia,  by  the  Calcedon  Council,  and  the  Hereticating 
the  HabafTines ,  about  the  one  or  two  Natures,  and  the 
Eight  years  poffef/ion  Tcpery  got  by  ity  and  the  many 
bloody  Battles  fought  for  it,  the  Tril itvs  jpowerJulOra* 
t.ory  for  it,  and  ike  CP copies  more  powerful  again  fl  it; 

The  Prerace. 

f  he  Kings  mind  changed  t?y  fad  experience,  and  the  Ta* 

pifts  finally  Extirpated.  " 

And  it  is  exceeding  observable,  that  their  veryVicJo- 
ries  were  their  Ruine,  and  the  lafl  and greatefl  which 
killed  8 coo,  was  it  that  overcame  them,  when  they 
ihcught  they  had  dene  their  work.  And  thofe  that 
conquered  for  them  drove  them  out,  when  they  confider- 
ed  what  they  had  done :  But  had  it  not  been  better  known 
at  a  cheaper  rate  ? 

This  Tragedy  is  but  the  fruit  of  the  Council  which  Mr. 
Morrice  juftifieth:  The  fruit  of  a  Church  determination 
above  i  io£>  years  ago.  If  you  had  feen  the  Fields  of  blood 
in  Habaffia,  would  it  not  have  inclined  you  to  my  Opi- 
nion again  ft  Mr.  M.  Or  if  he  had  feen  ity   would  it  %ot 
have  changed  his  mindl  I  doubt  it  would  not ,  becaufe 
the  Silencmgs  andCalamities  in  England  no  more  move 
fuch  men  ;    and  becaufe  they  ftill  call  for  Execution  a- 
gainft  thofe  that  obey  not  all  their 'Oaths  and ' Ceremonies^ 
and  will  abate  nothnig,what  ever  it  maycoft 
the  firengthening  of them  that  are  for  ov./Divifion:And 
becaufe  the  11  coy  ears  experience  hath  not  yet  been  enough 
to  make  them  fee  the  faultinefs  of  fuch  Bijhtts^i)  Councils, 
nay,  becauf  thy  yet  take  not  all  Gods  Laws  in  Nature 
and  Scripture  j or  Sufficient  to  Rule  the  Catholic  k  Church 
in  Religion^  without  the  Laws  of  thefe  fame  Councils, 
which  hive   h  id  fuch  effects  :    But  fome  Bijho^s  and 
Clegy-Mtn  yet  fiand  to  it ,  thit  All  mult  be  taken  as 
Schifmaticks  who  obey  not  thefe  fame  Counci^Decrecs, 
04  the  Laws  of  the  Universal  Church. 

A"d  if  Ludolphus  and  the  Aballines  can  fay  fo  much 
agunfi  htercticatmg  thofe callt d  Eutychians,  much  more 
m  iy  be  (aid  for  the  Neitorians,  to  prove  that  the  Contro* 
ve>-\y  w  is  but  verb  il. 

There  U  m  Biblioth.  Par.  To.  6.  p.  1 3 1.  the  Mifh  qua 


The  Preface. 

utuntur  antiqui  Chriftiani  Epifcopatus  Angamallenfis  in 
Montanis  Mallabarici  Regni  apud  Indos  Oricntalcs,  o 
mendata  &  ab  erroribus  blafphemiifque  Neftorianomm 
expurgata  per  Alexium  Menefium  Archiepifcopum  Goa- 
num  an.  1599.  I  had  rather  have  had  it  with  all  its 
Err  ours  ,  that  voe  might  have  truly  known  how  much 
is  genuine.  But  it  being  one  of  the  mo  ft  Scriptural,  rati^ 
onal,  and  well  compofed  Liturgies  of  all  there  publiflj- 
ed:  It  would  make  one  think,  1.  That  thefe  Neftorians 
were  not  fo  bad  a  people  as  their  Anathematifers  would 
haw  made  the  world  believe  them.  i.  That  the  Banifh- 
ment  of  the  Neftorians  and  Eutychians  accidentally  pre* 
ved  a  great  means  of  theChurches  enlargement  beyond  the 
bounds  of  the  Romane  Empire,  whither  they  were  ba- 
nifhed:  And  this  is  plain  in  current  Hiftory. 

I  have  given  you  wis  account  ofmyDefign  in  both  the 
Books,  (The  Hiftory  of  Councils,  with  its  Vindication. 
and  the  following  Treat  ife.)  I  add  an  Anfwer  to  a  Lord 
Si/hop  of  Cbrke  and  Rofle,  who  hath  written  mary  Hi- 
ftorical  Untruths  by  his  credulity,  believing  falfe  Re- 
porters. As  to  his  and  others  Reprehenjion  ofmyjloarp 
unpeaceable  words,  my.  Cafe  is  hard;  My  own  Confer- 
ence at  once  forbids  tnetojuftifie  my  Stile  orTaffion ;  and 
alfo  tells  me  that  if  making  odious  Gods  fervants,  fi- 
lencing  and  perfecting  faithful  Minifters,  and  Perjury, 
jhould prove  as  great  a  guilt  and  danger  ofT>eJtruc~iion  to 
the  Land,  as  is  fearedyI  cannot  jaftifie  my  long  Silence^ 
nor  that  I  ufe  no  more  plainness  and  fervency  in  calling 
the  guilty  to  Repent. 

[c]  THE 


I.     A    Specimen  of  the  Way  by  which  this  Generation  confuteth 
XJL     their  Adversaries  m  fever  al  Inftances* 

II.  In  the  General  Part : 
§  i.  Hard  for  young  men  to  know  what  Teachers  or  Hiftory  to 

§  7.    temping   Reafons   for  Papacy.     §  8.    Evident   atainft 
tt.  §  9.  The  Steps  by  which  Bijhops  afcended  to  Papacy.  &     J 

§  1  ^ .  The  different  Opinions  of  Popery  in  the  Englffh 
$  .18    TheCafe  cf  F ac~l  decerned,  what  Judgment  I  fettled  in 
about  Church-Power.  '    6  jmuam 

lime  F°Y  "hAt  MU  M'  ^^  m0U  Withf°  WUCh  difPU«f»"  * 

§22.  Inftances  of  above  an  Hundred  Councils,  beSdes  Particu- 
lar B.Jhops,  all  be fore  An.  xoyo.   ./ whom  I  appeal  to  the  Con fci 

TcVi  Mer  Me">  wbether  the>  have  ^*t£$4 

General  hfiances  of  the  greater  Schifmsfince  then  bj  popl/h  Bps. 
Some  gvejl.ons  put  to  Mr.  M.  and  feme  Seafonsto  abate  hisd,f. 

pleaju'e.  ■> 

jr^2LaUteBo°kofthemor79fmyLi^ *•  pw'vtb 

§  24.  Whether  I  be  guilt,  of  falling  H.fiory. 

rl       «e  Ppart'cu,ar  yAnfwer  t0  Mr.  MS  Vindication; 

B^PLTdhcoRuent  "niBeflltt  of  *>  **H  °f  «*  **&  •/ 

c2ctca%y%Zpk  »  tdl  *  th<  **>*  <•*  CouncUs 

r^  l'  ?J,M,r-  M'*  Imb,fir>  toJhew  m<  }°  b°  Earned. 
Ch.  4.  Whether!,  name  Htforians  which  /never  read 
Ch.  y.  Ofmyufe  ofTranflations,  and  following  Binniui. 
Ch.  6.  H„  charge  of  my  o^n  mifiranfiatims  andmtfiakcs. 
Ch.  7.  Hufalfe  Suppofition  that  I  am  only  for  a  Church  of  one 
Congregation.  '  i  J 

*£»'  >8'    ??/# '/'?&'*-  **  Iam  a^iKfi  Dioccfanes, 

Vihcnti  s  only  tie  tit  fpecees.  * 

t^ns9'  A>Ui  th'n  Iam,t  T"dePendent>  *»*)«  plead  for  Fresbj- 

of?UHl'rH'Sff!  fr4**''™  thM  l  »*%  the  BtMs  ^e  caufe 
oj  all  Hertpts  and  Sckifms,       •  Cb*    i    • 

The  Contents. 

Ch.  xT9  And  that  I  mention  all  the  Bijhops  Faults  and  none  of 
their  Goodnefs. 

Ch,  12.  His  Accufation  of  Spite,  Malice,  and  Railing  examin- 
ed, Dr.  Burnet  fatisfied, 

Cb.13.  HisSuppofition  that  I  fpeab^againft  aliBi/hops  Councils, 

Ch.  14.  Some  mens  Credit  about  ancient  Hiftory,  tried  by  their 
Hifhry  of  this  Age,  Twenty  Inflances  of  the  Hiftory  of  cur  times* 
My  own  experience  of  it.  Whether  I  hate  compliance  with  Superi- 
ours3  or  to  preach  by  Licence. 

Ch.  15*.  Mr,  M's  Magifierial  author ifing  or  reletting  what  Hi- 
ftorians  hepleafes.  His  Accufation  of Socrates  aadSozomcne,and 
valuing  Valefius,  Sirmond,  &c. 

Ch.  16.  His  Obfervation  on  my  Notes  of  credible  and  incredi- 
ble Hiftory.  His  Inftances  of  my  Railing  particularly  confidered. 
Whether  the  word  [Her eucat'mg]  be  railing  or  caufelcfs.  An  In- 
stance of  Fifty  five  ofBp.  St.  Philaftrius'j  accufed  Henfies,  by  which 
I  dt fire  any  fob >er man  to  judge.  Other  Inftances.  Whether  St.  The- 
ophiIus5  or  Socrates  and  Sozomene  were  the  Criminals,  Even 
Pe/?<?Honorius  and  Vigilius  hereticatedfor  being  wifir  than  other 

Ch.  17.  Of  his  Cenfure  of  my  Defign  and  Church- Principles : 
Whether  I  be  guilty  of  expofing  Chrifiianity  wore  than  Julian  &  Lu- 

Ch.  iB.  Of  his  id  Chap.  Who  is  mcfi  againfi  Difcipline.Of Ana- 
thematifing.  Whether  Novatus  was  a  Bijhop  or  an  ardaimngPresby- 
ter.  Councils  for  rebapt ifing.  His  Self-contradictions.  Seme  J>hieft't- 
ons  to  him.  Whether  the  Diocefane.P**^  (as  Mr,  Dodwel^)  who 
nullifie  our  Sacraments^  are  Hcreticks^if  the  Re-baptifers  were  fitch. 
The  old  qu,  was  not  of  Rebaptifing  Hereticks^  but  of  fuch  as  Here- 
tickj  hadbaptifed.  Of  the  Donatifts  and  many  Councils,  Ofeur 
Liturgy's  Rule  to  find  Eafter-day.  What  the  Novatians  held.  Pe- 
tavius*«^  Albafpineus  Testimony  of  them.  His  quarrels  about  Epi- 
phanius,  t he  Arians,  the  Audians  divers  Synods.  Antioch.  Of  the 
Circumcellians.Opcacus  of  the  Donatifts  as  Brethren.  His  Ex- 
-cufe  of  the  Bifhops. 

Ch.  19.  Of  the  ifl  General  Council  at  C.  P.  Whether  Bijhops 
followed  Emperours,  Their  ufage  of  Greg.  Nazianz.  .  Of  the  Prif- 
cillianift$,r&<?  Bijhops,  and  Martin.  Of  my  Letter  to  Dr,  Hill.  Of 
the  Council  at  Capua. Jovinian^  Eafter,  African  Bps,  Donatifts, 
Theophilus.  Altars, 


The  Contents. 

Cb.  20.  His  5  Chap.  Of  the  ift  Ephef.  Council.  His  retfding 
Socrates  and  Sozomene,  as  againfi  Cyril.  Cyrils  Story.  Of  the 
Presbyterians  Cruelty.  Neftorius  Cafe.  His  cavils  againft  my  Tranf 
lattons.  The  effetts  of  that  Council  at  this  day  confidered. 

Ch.  21.  Of  the  2d  Ephef.  Council.  Of  Cyril,  the  Eutychians,1 
and  Diofcorus. 

Ch.2i.  Of  the  Calcedon  Council:  Pulcheria  and Eudocia,1 
What  one  found  man  can  do  in  a  Council.  Whether  our  late  Concili- 
atory Endeavours  about  Arminianifm,  have  been  as  vain  as  thefe 
Councils.  Of TheodoCi'.  and  the  Eutychians.T/^  whole  flory  of  that 
Council.  Luther  <*/  well  as  I,  maizes  the  Contr  over  fie  verbal.  Of  the 
BiJJcops  Peccavimus.-  Many  Accufat ions  refe lied:  More  of  tlic 
Councils  Succeffes,  and  late  Conciliators.  The  Weftminfter  Synod. 
Mr.  M's  way  of  Concord.  Of  the  old  Conformity  and  ours.  Mr%  Ed- 
wards Gangrena,  and  the  late  Sells  and  Herefies. 

Ch.  24,  Of  his  qth  Chaffer.  Of  the  old  Herefies.  Whether  Pre* 
jeSls  for  Moderation  have  been  the  chief  diftr afters  of  the  Church. 
He  eft  faljly  faith,  that  I  charge  the  Bifhops  with  all  the  herefies  in 
the  world.  What  it  is  that  I  jay  of  them.  The  true  caufe  of  Schifm 
confeffed.  His  mifre  forts  of  the  caufe  and  Bifhops.  His  falfe  faying  of 
me  that  I  com  fared  Oliver  and  his  fon  to  David  and  Solomon  My 
frofefl  Repentance  which  he  feigneth  me  anEnemy  to.  What  Noncon- 
formity is3  and  what  his  mifreports  of  it.  An  explicatory  profeffion 
of  the  meaning  of  this  Boo^gainft  Miftnter prefers. 



•    ■  ■      . 

»...*'"         "   ' '    '        '  '         '     •  • 

■  III  '  "" 


Ready  Way 

O  F 

Confuting  $tr.  0ajctet, 



O  F 

Controverfie  in  England. 

"  ■  .   »  -  i        i     i  ■  i    ■  i  '  i  i  i.  ^ ^s 

Job.  8.  44.  1  King.  22.  22.    Pr^u. 29.. 12.. 
&  19.5^  9.  K^  21.  8.  &  22. 15.. 

IN  1661.  Dr.  Borernan  of  Trinity-CoIledgeinCa'mbridge,  PubliftV 
ed  a  Book  againft  me*  as  having  written  to  Dr.  Hill  againfb 
Phyfical-Tredetermination  to  Sin  }  and  in  it  faith,  That  it  is  re- 
ported^  That  I  kjU'd  a  Man  with  my  own  Hand  in  cold  Blood  ;  and 
if  it  be  not  trtte y  /  am  not  the  fir  &  that  have  been  wronged.  The  Man, 
though  promoted  to  the  Charge  of  this  Parifc,  St.  Giles  in  the  Fields^ 

A .  -    was 


was  accounted  fo.weak,  (forbearing  his  Miniftry,.and  faying  he  was 
fufpended  fome  Years  before  he  died)  that  I  thought  it  vain  to  take 
publick  Notice  of  his  Words  \  neither  imagining  whence  he  had 
them,  nor  ever  hearing  of  them  before. 

But  a  few  Weeks  before  the  late  Plot  was  reported,  one  Mr.  P.- 
came  to  me,  and  told  me,  -  That  at  the  CofFeerHoufe  in  FuMcrs- 
Rej.ts,  where  P apsis  and  Protectants  ufed  familiarly  to  meet ;  he  pro- 
voking the  Papists  to  Anfwer  my  Books,  orto  Difpute  with  me,  was 
anlwercd  by  a  Gentleman  of  this  Parifh,  faid  to  be  of  the  Church 
of  England,  That  \_Mr .  Baxter  had  kjjld  a  Alan  in  cold  Blood  with  his 
own  Hand.~]  Mr.  P.  provoked  him  by  a  Wager  to*  make  it  good. 
He  refilling  the  Wager,  was  told,  He  mould  hear  of  it  p-.iblkkly, 
unkfs  he  would  ask  me  Forgivenefs. »  After  fome  time,  the  Gentle- 
man came  to  me  with  Mr.  Tailor  ough^Qmce  imprifoned,  as  is  known) 
and  with  great  Civility,  ask't  me  Forgivenefs.  He  was  the  Son  of 
a  Knight,  and  Judge,  of  my  Acquaintance  ^  and  had  an  Aunt,  that 
had  been  my  very  dear  Friend.  I  told  him,  That  Slandering  is  fo 
common,  and  asking  Forgivenefs  fo  rare,  that  1  took  it  for  a  note 
of  great  Ingenuity  in  him  }  and,  as  I  mull  forgive  all  Men  as  a  Chri- 
flian,  fo  I  .could  eaiiiy  'forgive  any  wrong  to  one  related  to  fuch  a 
Friend  of  mine.  He  told  me,  He  was  refolved  openly  to  confefs  his 
Fault,  and  to  vindicate  mc  on  all  Occalions. 

Accordingly,  at  the  fame  Coilee  Houfe,  he  openly  declared  his 
Repentance.  Upon  which,  Mr.  P.  tells  me,  That  Mr.  G.  an  A- 
ged  Lawyer,  Brother  to  the  Lady  Ab.  was  difpleafed,  and  faid, 
He  would  prove  the  thing  true  by  many  Witxeifes" :  (And,  faith 
Mr.  P.  the  Story  among  foine  of  them  was,  Tnat  a  linker  did 
beat  his  Kettle  at  iny  Door,  and  being  dilturbed  by  him,  I  pi/toll'd 
him,  and  was  tryed  for  my  Life  at  Worcester?)  Mr.  P.  faid,  He 
provoked  Mr.  G.  to  lay  a  Wager  oh  it:  And  he  refilling,  was 
told,  [Then  he  jhould  hear  of  it  in  We  si minsbcr-  Ha117\  Upon  this, 
faith  Mr.  P.  his  Feilow-C^W/d^.ingenuoufly  refolved  to  difown 
him,  unljefs  he  would  ask  Forgivenefs  \  whiclrhe  being  unwilling  to 
come  to  me  to  do,  Mr.  P.  faith,  He  at  laft  performed  before  Himy 
and  Capt.  Edmund  Hampden. 

All  this  being  done  without  my  Knowledge  (till  after,)  Iwas  re- 
lating it  to  Mr.  John  Humfrey :  Why  (Taith  hej  /  did  twelve  Tears 
/tjroijear  Dr.  Allcflry,  now  Regms-Profeffor  in  Oxford,  fay  the  /;%, 
That  he  could  not  thinhjwell  of  that  Man-)  that  had  kl^d  a  Man  in  cold 
Blood  with  his  own  Hand. 

I  little 


I  little  regarded  all  the  reft :  But  Dr.  AlUViry  had  many  Years 
been  my  old  School  Fellow  \  many  a  time  I  had  taught  him  \  and  he 
was  the  belt  at  Learning,  and  of  the  honeftefl  Difpofition  of  any 
Boy  that  ever  1  knew  ;  and  I  thought,  if  Parties  could  draw  fuch  as 
"he  into  fuch  Guilt,  there  was  little  Account  to  be  made  of  the  Re- 
ports or  Hitter/  of  Men,  if  once  they  fell  into  different  Factions.- 
Wherefore,  i  wrote  w  him  what  Mr.  Hmnfrey  told  me,  and  received 
from  him  this  her  .:  ingenuouS  Letter,  which  I  here  annex. 

And  as  to  all  this  Stc  -\  I  do  here  folemnly  profefs,  That  I'never 
killed,  wounded,  or  hurt  any  Man  in  my  Life,  (fave  one  Man, 
whoie  Leg  I  hurt  with  playful  Wreftling,  when  I  was  a  Boy,  and 
once  or  twice  boxii  g  with  Sehobi-Bpys,  and  correcting  Lads  when 
I  was  one  Year  a  Sthool  Mailer.)  Nor  in  all  the  Wars,  or  in  my  Life, 
did  1  ever  fee  any  other  kill  any  Man,  fave  o  le  \  and  that  was  at  the 
farue  Bickering,  (about  Forty  of  a  Side)  wnen  Jennings  was  wound- 
ed :  While  they  were  Fighting  with  him  in  one  great  Field,  I  be- 
ing in  another  near  the  Houfe,  faw  the  Souldiers  offering  Quarter 
to  a  Foor-Souldier,  and  promifinghim  Safety,  if  he  would  lay  down 
his  Musket  \  ■  which  he  did  not,  but  ilruck  at  them  ,  and  Captain 
HJi.'h  fhot  him  dead :  And  it  proved  sfter  to  be  a  Welfi-man,  that 
undei  itood  not  E.ighfh  ;  which  grieved  them  when  they  knew  it. 

I  have  gone  rhe  next  day  where  Fights  have  been,  and  feen  many 
dead,  when  I  had  nothing  to  do  with  the  Armies  of  either  Part. 
But  1  never  few  any,  to  my  Knowledge,  kill  or  hurt  any  Man,  but 
this  one. 

Dr.  Alkjlrfs  Letter  :  (Which  I.fliould  notPubiifh,  but  that 
even  in  Oxford,  and  elfe where  among  the  Clergy,  the  Re- 
port yet  goeth  on. ) 


Mujt  profefs  fmcerely,  That  T  cannot  recollect  I  ever  f aid 
fuch  Words  of  you  to  Mr.  Humfrey,  as  itfiems  he  does  affirm 
-  did:  But  yet  I  cannot  but  acknowledge-,  itisverypoffible,  that 
I  related,  (and  may  be,  to  Mzfr)  That  I  had  heard,  you  kilPd  a 
Man  in  cold  Blood :  S^nce  I  very  rvell  remember ,  that  above 
Thirty  Tears  fince,  at  the  End  of  the  War,  1  heard  thftfub- 

A  2,  Uckly 


Hckly  fpoken  before  Company ',  and  with  tins  farther  Circum- 
fl&nce,  that  it  was  aSouldier,  who  had  been  a  Prifbmr  forte 
Hours.  Now  this  Report  relating  to  the  Wan ,  in  which  {I fear) 
fuch  Things  were  no  great  Rarities ,  and  from  my  very  tender 
Tout  h  y  I  having  not  had  the  leafi  Comer fe  with  you,  nor  likely- 
of  anv  for  the  future,  did  not  therefore  apprehend,  at  prefect, 
any  Concern  or  Occafion  of  inquiring,  whether  it  were  true  ;  of 
which,  upon  that  confident  Ajfeveration,  I  did  make  m  do  ibt. 
And  I  took  fo  little  thought  of  laying  up  the  Relation,  that  I 
protefi  to  you,  as  in  the  Prefence  of  Almighty  God,  it  is  impojfi- 
ble  for  me  to  recover,  who  made  up  that  Company  in  which  I 
heard  it,  or  from  whom  I  heard  it :  And  I  wonder,  how  it  came 
into  my  Mind,  to  fay  that  I  had  heard  ity  fo  long  after.  But 
however,  though  it  be  fome  Eafe  to  me,  to  believe  the  late  Dif- 
courfes  of  it,  do  not  come  from  my  relating  fo  long  fi/ice  that  I 
,  htar 'd  ity  neither  are  likely  to  receive  any  Confirmation  from  it, 
unlefs  it  be  made  more  Publick  thin  J  have  made  it ;  yet  I  do 
frofefs,  it  is  a  great  Affliction  to  me,  to  have  fpoken  that,  though 
but  as  a  Report,  which  {it  feemr)  was  a  Slander,  (for  fo  I  be- 
lieve ity  upon  your  Ajfeveration)  and  not  having  endeavoured 
to  know  whether  it  were  true.  And,  as  I  have  begd  G  od's  For- 
givenefs  of  it ;  fo  T  heartily  defire,  Tou  will  forgive  me  :  And 
if  I  could  direct  my  f elf  to  any  other  way  of  Satisfaction,  I  would 
give  it.  This  is  the  whole  Account  lean  give  of  this  Matter  ; 
-  to  which  I/hall  only  add,  That  lam, 

Eatcn-Coll/Dec.  SIR, 

13.  it>79* 

Your  very  Affe&ionate  Servant, 

Richard  AUefiry. 

II.  In  the  Preface  tor  the*  Life  of  Dr.  Htylin  are  thefe  Words. 
Mr.  Baxter  may  he  f  leafed  to  call  to  mind,  what:  wot  done  t&  ont  Major 
Jennings,'/*  lafiWar^  in  that  Bight  that-  wo*  ktweenLyndfcl  and  Lorg- 
ford*,  in tbt  County  of  Salop  ;  where  the  Kings  Party,  having  unfortu- 
nately the  worfi  of  the  Bays  thtfoer  Man  was  firift  almefi  naked,  and  left 




fcr  dead  in  the  Field:  Bit  Air.  Baxter,  and  om  Lieutenant  Hfirdmar, 
f  rf&tff  their  Wallajtmong  thewomded  and  dead  Bodies,  perceived  feme  Life 
left  tn  the  Major,  ahdHurdn&n  run  him  through  the  Body  in  cold  Blor 
A/r.  Baxter  all  the.  while  looking  on,  and  taking  off  with  his  own  Hand,  the 
Kings  Picture  from  about his  Neckj  telling  him,  as  he  was  fwiming  in  bit 
Gear,  That  he  was  a  Pcpifo  Rogue,  and  that  was  his  Crucifix  :  Which  Pi- 
cture was  keft  by  Mr.  Baxter  for  many  Tears, till  it  was  got  from  him  (but 
not  without  much  difficulty)  by  one  Mr.  Somerfiild,    who  then  lived  r 
Sir  Thomas  Rous,  andgenercufly  reslored  it  to  the  poor  man,  now  'alive 
at  Wick  near  Perfhore  in  Worcefterfhire,  although  at  the  Fight  fuppo- 
fedtobe  dead:  being,  after  the  Wounds  given  him, 
Field  by  the  mercilefs  Souldiers;  Mr.  Baxter  approving  of  thz 
ty,  by  feeding  his  Eyes  with  fo  bloody,  and  fo  barbarous  a  Spectacle. 

I  Thomas  Jennings,  Sttbfcribeto  the  truth  of  this  Narrative  abovemr-- 
tioned ;  andhave  hereunto  put  my  Hand  and  Seal  thisfecend  Day  c/MarcJ? 
1682.  Thomas  Jennings.  Signed  and  Sealed,  March  2.  1682.  in  the 
Pre  fence  of  John  Clark,  Minister  of  Wick,  Thomas  Dacke.  Publijhed 
by  George  Vernon,  Minister. 

The  like  was  before  Publilhed  by  Roger  U  Strange. 

Anfw.  I  do  not  think  Major  Jennings  knowingly  made  this  Lye, but 
was  directed  by  feme  bodies  Report,  and  my  fending  him  the  Med.d. 
I  do  folemnly  proteft,  1 .  That,  to  my  Knowledge,  I  never  faw  Ma- 
jor Jennings:  2.  That  I  never  faw  Man  wound,  hurt,  flrip,  or  touch 
him :  3 .  That  I  never  fpake  a  word  to  him,  much  lefs  any  word  here 
affirmed :  4.  T  h2t  I  neither  took  the  Picture  from  about  his  Neck, 
nor  faw  whodid  it :  5.  That  I  was  not  in theField,when  it  was  done : 
6.  That  I  walked  not  among  any  wounded  or  dead  y  nor  heard  of 
any  kild.but  the"  one  Man  before-me  tioncd.  7.  That  the  Pi&ure  was 
never  got  from  me  with  difficulty.  But  that  this  is  the  Truth:  The 
Parliament  had  a  few  Men  in  Longford  Houfe,  and' the  King  at  Lynd- 
fet,  about  a  Mile  and  a  half  a-funder  -,  who  ufed  oft  to  sk'frmifti,  and 
dare  each  other  in  the  Fields  between:  My  Innocent  Father  being 
Prifoner  at  'Lyndfel,  and  I  beihg  at  Longford,  rcfolved  not  to  go 
thence  till  he  was  delivered.  Ifawthe  Souldiersgo  out,  as  they  oft 
did,  and  in  another  Field  difcernedthem  to  meet  and  Fight :  I  \:r  ,v 
noty  that  they  had  feen  Jennings  -,  but,  being  in  the  Houfe,  a  Soul- 
dier  fhewed  a  tmalVMiktl  of  Guilt  Silver,  bigger  than  a  Shilling; 
at  d  tokbus,  That  he  wounded  Jennings,  and  took'  his  Coat,  afctt1 
toofrthat  Medhi  from  about  his  Neck  :  I  bought  it  of  him  for  18  J. 
no  one  offering  hnfmore.    And fome  Years  after  (the  firft:time  that1 

I  heard 

.       (6) 

I  heard  where  he  w^,  freely  defired  Mr.  Somerfieldto  give  it  him  from 
me,  that  had  never  feen  him  -,  fuppofing  it  was  a  mark  of  Honour, 
which  might  be  ufefui  to  him.  And  now  all  thefe  Lies,  are  all  the 
Thanks  that  ever  I  had. 

III.  The  Obfervator,N.  96.  faith,  [T or.  Wlio  faith,  t hey  (the  Presby- 
terians) brought  in  theKmgi>e fides  your  fdf  ?  Wh.  y*/r.Hunt,  the  Author 
of  the  Conformists  Plea,   Air.  Baxter  and  who  not  ? 

Tor.  Prethee  ask^Mr.  Baxter,  If  he  knows  who  it  was,  that  went  with 
five  or  fix  more  of  his  own  Cloth  and  Char  after,  to  General  Monk,  upon 
his  coming  up  to  London,  *tf  1659  ;  and  finding  a  great  deal  of  Company 
with  him,  told  his  Excellency,  That  he  found  his  time  was  precious,  and  fo 
would  not  trouble  him  with-  many  Words  :  But  as  they  were  of  great  weight, 
fo  he  hoped,  they  would  make  an  anfwerable  Jmprcjfwn  on  him  :  I  hear  a 
Report,  Sir,  (faith  he)  that  you  have  fome  thoughts  of  calling  backjhe 
King  ;  but  it  is  my^  Senfe, '  and  the  Senfe  of  thefe  Gentlemen  herewith  me, 
that  it  is  a  thing  you  ought  not  to  do  on  any  termes  :  For  Prophannefs  is  fo 
infepar  able  from  the  Royal  Party,  that  if  ever  you  bring  the  King  backjhe 
Power  of  G  odlinefs  willmoJi  certainly  depart  from  this  Land. 

Anfw.  Dr.  Afanton  f  and  whether  any  other,  I  remember  not)  went 
once  with  me  to  General  Monkj,  and  it  was  to  congratulate  him ;  but 
with  this  requeft,  That  he  would  take  care,  that  Debauchery  and  Con- 
tempt of  Religion  might  not  be  let  loofe,  upon  any  mens  pretence  of  being  for 
the  King,  as  it  already  began  with  fome  to  be.  But  there  was  not  one 
word  by  me  fpoken,  (or  by  any  one,  to  my  remembrance)  againft  his 
calling  backjhe  King,  nor  any  of  the  reft  hereadjoyned  -,  but  as  to  me, 
it  is  a  meer  Fidion. 

And  the  AT^wasfofenfibleofthefame  that  I  faid,  that  he  fent 
oyer  a  Proclamation  againft  fuch  Men,  as  while  they  caMed  them- 
felves  the  Kmgs  Party,  did  live  in  Debauchery  and  Prophannefs ; 
wkich  Proclamation  fo  rejoyced  them  that  were  after  Nonconformists, 
that  they  read  it  publickly  in  the  Churches.  Such  grofs  Falfhoods  as 
thefe,  are  part  of  the  Evil  deprecated. 

As  to  his  Queftion,  Whether  the  Presbyterians  brought  in  the  King  f 
Who  can  affirm  or  deny  any  thing  of  equivocal  Words  ?  A  Pfesbyte- 
ri.wis,  who  thefe  Men  will  call  fuch.  They  that  in  the  Face  of  the 
World  deny  the  Publick  Afts  of  Three  Kingdoms,  in  the  Age 
they  were  done  in,  no  wonder  if  they  multiply  the  groiTeft  Lies  of 
fuch  as  I.  The  Parties  that  reftored  the  King,  were  thefe-,  1.  Ther 
Excluded  Members  of  the  Ung  Parliament^  the  Minifters  that  were 


*         [  (7) 

fince  filenced ;  and  the  fruflrated  endeavours  of  the  Scotch  A; , 
Sir  George  Booth,  Sir  Thomas  Middleton,  joyning  with  fomeofthe 
Kings  Souldiers,  prepared  Mens  minds  to  it.  2  General  Atonkty  anid 
his  Army,  who  were  Fighting  againit  the  King  a  little  before,  repreP 
O omvcels  Army.  •  3.  The  Long- Parliament  Members  reftored,  agreed 
todilTolve  themfeives,  and  fee  up  a  Council  to  call  home  the  King: 

4.  Sir  Thomas  Allen,  Lord  Mayor,  and  the  Aldermen,  invited  General 
MonV^'wito  the  City,  who  joyning  with  him,  turned  the  Scales. 

5 .  The  City  Minifters  (called.  Presbytena?is)  perfwaded  the  Lord  May- 
or to  this,  and  wrote  to  Mctiks  Colonels  (called  Presbyterians)  to  be 
fortheTung:  (fpeciallyMr.  Afr,  by  Mr.  Calamys  Couniel.)  6.  The 
Lord  Alazarine,  Lord  Broghil,  and  others  of  the  fame  Party  in  Ire- 
land, contributed  their  help  ;  and  Colonel  Badges,  with  others,  lur- 
prizedD/^//tf'Caftle.  7.  Many  of  the  Old  Parliament  Men  openly* 
provoked  Gen  Monkj,  and  fecretly  perfwaded  and  treated  with  himr 
to  bring  in  the  King  (whom  the  Earl  of  Angle fiy,  the  Earl  of  Shaftf- 
bury,  and  others  yet  living,  can  Name  to  you.)  8.  The  Parliament 
called  by  General  Mor\,  (by  agreement  with  the  Lo-ng-Parliament,) 
accounted  mollly  of  the  fame  Party,  Voted  the  Kings  Return :  Which 
no  doubt  alfo,  the  Old  Ro.yalifb  molt  earnefily  dehYed,  and  en- 

Thisisthe  Hiflorical  Truth  -,  which  if  in  this  Age,  Men  will  deny, 
I  will  bear  any  lies  that  they  fliall  fay  or  fwear  of  me. 

Now,  either  the  f ore f aid  Armies,  Parliament  men,  Mi?;is~hers,  &C. 
were  Presbyterians,  or  not.  If  they  were  not  *,  then,  I.  Say  no  more, 
that  it  was  Presbyterians  that  rat  fed  War  agJtinft  the  King  ;  but  that  it 
was  the  Men,  if  thefe  were  fuch.  2.  Why  then  have  you  cal- 
led them  Presbyterians  fo  long,  and  do  fo  ftill  ?  But  if  they  were  Prtf- 
byterians,  then  it  was  fitch  that  Reftored  the  King.  But  alas,  how  con- 
temptible, yea,  how7  odious  is  Truth  grown  to  this  Generation ! 

IV.  There  is  yet  a  more  Famous  Hiftorian,  than  any  of  thefe, 
though  unnamed ;  who  pretending  to  militate  after  Dr.  Stilling  fleet, 
as  in  a  2d.  Part  againsl  Separatton,takcs  on  him  to  give  you  theHifto- 
ry  of  my  Life.  Partly  making  it  my  Reproach,  that  when  1  grew  to 
llnderitanding,  I  reinembred  how  many  Drunken  or  Ignorant  Ren- 
ders had  been  my  Teachers  :  Partly  raking  up  retraced  and  oblite- 
rated Paifages  of  Old  Writings  *,  while  at  once  they  perfwade  me 
to  Reviews  and  Retractations  :  Partly  heaping  up  abundance  of 
down  right  FaMhoods  :  Partly  clipping  Sentences,  and  leaving  out 



the  part  that  fliouU,  *nake  them  underftood,and  turning  true  Words, 
by  perverfion,  into  Falfhoods :  And  partly  by  mixing  this  known 
Truth,  [That  I  was  on  the  Parliaments  fide,  and  openly  declared  it, ,] 

But  when  at  the  uew  Models  I  faw  that  they  changed  their  Caufe,  I 
changed  my  Pra&ioe,  &  was  from  the  Day  that  I  went  into  the  Army, 
a.refolved  Qppofer  of  all  that  they  did,to  the  Changing  of  the  Govern- 
?r:m,  &  their  Vfurpation:,  &  was  fent  among  them  to  that  end }  which 
was  immediately  after  Nafeby  Fight :  And  continued  openly  disown- 
ing the  llfurpation,  and  the  Means  thatfet  it  up.  And  though  I  was 
Preaching  and  Writing  againlt  the  feidllfurpers,  when  an  Army  was 
Fighting  for  them,  a^aipft  the  King,  and  the  King  knew  how  to  for- 
give and  Honour  them,  that  did  fo  much  to  his  Refloration  ,  yet  are, 
the  Accufers  fo  far  from  forgiving  thofe  that  never  perfonally  hurt 
a  Man,  that  they  forbear  not  multiplying  falfe  Accufations -,  yea,  and 
accufing  thofe  Minilters,  and  private  Men  that  never  had  to  do  with 
Wars:  Yea,  the  feme  Men  that  then  wrote  again  ft  me  for  the  Chan- 
gers andUfurpers,  have  fince  been  the  fierce  Accufers  of  us,  thatop- 
pofed  them. 

And  if  thefe  Men  be  unfatisfyed  ofmy  prefent  Judgment,  I  have  no 
hope  of  giving  them  Satisfaction,  if  all  will  not  do  it,  which  I  have 
largely  written  in  my Second  Tie  a  for  Peace,  for  Loyalty,  and  againft 
Rebellion;  and  all  my  Confutation  of  Head's  Politicks,  in  the  Lalt 
Part  ofmy  Chriftian  Dirt  fiery ',  with  much  more. 
.  But.  this  Book  mull  have  ( if  any)  a  Peculiar  Anfwer. 

V.  Lately,  when  I  taught  my  Hearers,  That  we  muft  not  make  the 
World  believe,  that  we  are  under  greater  Sufferings,  than  we  are,  nor  be 
unthankful for  onr  Peace,  and  that  we  muft  when  any  hurt  us,  hove  and  for ~ 
give  them,  and  fee  that  we  fail  not  of  our  Duty  to  them  ;  but  not  for  fake 
the  owning,  andjittt  defending  by  Scripture-Evidence  the  Truth  oppo fed. 
They  Printed,  that  I  Bid  the  People  Reftsl,  and  not  ft  and  ft  til,  and  dye  like 
Bogs.  And  1. was  put  tbe  next  Day  to  appeal  to  many  Hundred  Hear- 
ers, who  all,  knew,  that  the  Accufation  was  molt  impudent  Lies* 
This  is  our  prefent  Cafe, 

VI.  The  Players,  1  hope,  exped  no  Anfwer  to  their  Part. 

LonoLony  Printed  for  R.  Javeway,  in  jQueeas-Hedd-dl/ej,  in 
Pater-'Nofter-  R  on>,    1682. 


The  General  Tart  containing  the  Dejign  and  Sum  of  this 
and  the  former  SooA,  that  it  may  be  under -flood  Tbbat 
it  is  that  Mr.  Morrice  defendetb,  and  oppofetb  ;  and 
what  it  is  that  I  maintain  or  blame y  and  by  what  Evi- 


§  i.TF  Have  been  thefe  forty  years  much  troubled  with  the 
temptation  to  wonder,  why  God  fuffers  moft  of  the 
World  to  lie  drown'd  in  Ignorance,  Infidelity  and  Sen- 
fuality,  and  the  Church  of  Profeffed  Chriftians  to  live 
in  fo  great  Scandal,  Contention,  Divifion,  and  for  the  greater 
number,  in  a  Militant  Enmity  againft  the  Word,  Will,  Way,  and 
Servants  of  Chrift,  while  in  Baptifm  they  are  Lifted  under  him. 
But  of  late  fince  Experience  tells  me  of  the  marvelous  Diverfity 
of  Humane  Interefts  and  Apprehenfions,  and  the  deep  Enmity 
of  the  Flefhly  Mind  to  Spiritual  things,  I  admire  the  Wifdom 
and  Providence  of  God,  that  there  is  fo  much  Order,and  Peace, 
and  Love  in  the  World  of  Mankind  as  there  is  :  And  that  all 
men  live  not  as  in  a  continual  War.  And  I  perceive  that  if  God 
had  not  preferved  by  Common  Grace  fome  remnants  of  Moral 
Honefty  in  the  World,  and  had  not  alfo  fanctified  a  peculiar 
People,  whole  New  Nature  is  LOVE,  the  Sons  of  Men  would 
have  been  far  worfe  than  Bears  and  Wolves  to  one  another  $ 
and  a  man  would  have  fled  with  greater  fear  from  the  fight  of 
another  man,  than  from  a  Snake  or  Tyger.  But  God  hath  not 
left  himfelf  without  witnefs,  in  his  Works,  and  daily  Provider 
ces,  and  in  the  Confcicnces  of  thofe  who  have  not  finned  them- 
felves  into  Brutes  or  Devils.    And  hence  it  is  that  there  is  fome 

B  Govern- 


Government  and  Order  in  the  World,  and  that  fin  is  afhamed  of 
its  proper  name,  and  even  they  that  live  in  Pride,  Govetoufnefs, 
Ambition,  Lying,  Perfecution,  ch\  cannot  endure  to  hear  the 
name  of  that  which  they  can  endure  to  keep  and  praclife^  and 
cannot  endure  to  forfake. 

§  2.  And  indeed  it  is  a  great  Credit  to  Hotiefly  and  Piety,  to 
Truth,  and  Love,  and  Peace,  and  fufiice,  that  the  deadliest  Ene- 
mies of  them  are  ambitious  of  their  Names  ;  and  though  they 
will  damn  their  Souls  rather  than  be  fuch5  they  will  challenge 
and  draw  upon  any  man  that  denieth  them  to  be  fuch. 

And  I  muft  profefs,  that  I  fetch  hence  a  great  confirmation 
of  the  Immortality  of  Souls,  and  a  Future  Life  of  Retribution, 
For  if  there  were  not  a  very  great  difference  between  Moral 
Good  and  Evil,  whatfhould  make  all  the  world,  even  the  worft 
of  men,  be  lb  defirous  to  be  accounted  Good,  and  fo  impatient 
of  being  thought  and  called  naught,  and  as  they  deferve.  And  if 
the  difference  be  fo  vaft  here,  muft  there  not  needs  be  a  Go- 
vernour  of  the  World  that  hath  made  fuch  a  difference  by  his 
Laws  and  Providence,  and  who  will  make  a  greater  difference 
hereafter,  when  the  End  and  Judgment  cometh. 

§  3.  Among  other  Gaufes  of  Humane  Pravity  and  Confufion, 
one  is  the  exceeding  difficulty  that  young  men  mefct  with,  in 
the  communication  of  fo  much  Knowledge  as  they  muft  necef- 
farily  receive  from  others.  Knowledge  is  not  born  with  them : 
It  is  but  the  power  and  capacity  of  ir,  and  not  the  atl  in  which  an 
Infant  excels  a  Dog.  And  how  (hall  they  have  it  but  by  Objects 
and  Communication  ?  And  Oljects  tell  them  not  things  paft,  the 
Knowledge  of  which  is  necefiary  to  make  them  underftand 
things  prefent,  and  to  come;  and  without  which  it  is  not  pof- 
fible  to  be  wife.  And  God  teacheth  not  Men  now  by  Angels 
fent  from  Heaven,  but  by  Men  that  were  taught  themfelves  be- 
fore 5  and  by  his  Spirit  bleffing  mens  endeavours.  And  when  I 
have  faid  {by  Man\  how  fad  a  creature  have  I  named  ? 
Alas !  David's  hafte  Pfal.  1 16,  was  not  erroneous  paffionj  nor 
Paul's  words,  Rom.  3.  a  flander,  when  they  called  all  men  Lyers, 
that  is  untrufty  5  and  fo  little  do  men  know  that  muft  teach 
others,  and  fomuch  doth  all  corruption  incline  them  to  love  flat- 
tering LieSj  and  to  take  flefhly  Intereft,  the  World,  and  the  De- 
vil for  their  Teachers,  and  to  hate  the  Light,  becaufe  itdifgra- 
ceth  their  hearts  and  deeds,  and  fo  much  goeth  to  make  a  man 


wife,  that  ic  muft  be  a  wonder  of  merciful  Providence  that  fnaii 
help  young  men  to  Teachers  that  fhall  not  be  their  Deceivers. 
There  were  ever  comparatively  few  that  were  truly  wife  and 
trufty,  and  thefe  ufually  defpifed  in  the  World. 

§  4.  And  bow  fhould  young  men  know  who  thefe  are  ?  This 
is  the  grand  difficulty  that  maketh  the  Errour  of  the  World  fa 
uncurable.  It  requireth  much  wifdom  to  know  who  is  wife, 
and  to  be  truftedj  who  can  well  difcern  and  value  that  Know- 
ledge in  another,  which  he  is  a  granger  to  himfelf  ?  Experience 
tells  us,  that  young  unexperienced  men  do  commonly  receive 
that  man's  Opinions,  1.  Who  hath  by  nearnefs,  or  fbme  acci- 
dent the  greateft  advantage  in  their  efteem  and  love  :  2.  Or  his 
that  fpeaks  moft  for  their  flefhly  Intereft,  and  for  that  which 
they  would  have  to  be  true  :  3.  Or  his  that  hath  the  laft  wordl 
It  cannot  be  expected  that  they  judge  of  any  thing,  beyond  the 
advantage  of  their  fenfes,  and  the  Netitia  communesy  accord- 
ing to  Evidence  of  Truth,  which  muft  be  received  by  long  and 
ferious  ftudy,  and  by  willing  honeft  minds,  and  by  the  help  of  an* 
tecedent  Verities. 

§  5:.  In  this  therefore  Divine  free  Elettion  is  very  manifeft  $ 
As  in  giving  the  Gofpel  to  fbme  Nations  in  the  World,  when 
moft  others  never  have  it,  fo  in  giving  fome  young  perfonsthe 
bieffing  of  good  Education,  and  Teachers,  and  chufing  for  them 
that  were  unable  to  chufe  well  for  themfe Ives  5  as  alfo  in  blef- 
fing  the  fame  helps  to  one,  which  are  defpifed  by  another.  And 
verily  when  I  have  been  long  ftalled  with  the  difficulties  about 
Election  and  Differencing  Grace,  undeniable  Experience  hath  been 
my  chief  Conviction.  If  the  Gofpel  be  true,  the  common  world- 
ly flefhly  fort5  that  areforChrift  but  by  Tradition,  Law  andCu* 
ftotiij  and  are  religious  for  worldly  ends,  and  no  farther  than  the 
Intereft  of  the  Flefh  and  World  will  give  them  leave,  have  no 
true  Saving  Grace  at  all.  And  the  reft  that  ferioufly  believe 
and  feek  a  better  Life,  and  live  above  flefhly  worldly  Interefts, 
are  in  moft  places  few,  and  made  the  fcorn  and  hatred  of  the 
reft.  And  if  de  fatto,  God  do  fanctifie  only  a  peculiar  People, 
who  can  deny  his  differencing  Will  and  Grace  ? 

§  6.  I  was  my  felf  in  my  Childhood  ignorant  what  Teachers 
among  fuch  diverfity  I  fhould  prefer.  And  firft  God  had  fuch  a 
witnels  in  my  Confcience,  that  Virtue  and  Holinefs  were  better 
than  Vice  and  Sw>  that  it  made  me  think  that  the  fort  of 

B  2  Teachers 


Teachers  who  Traded  meerly  for  the  World,  and  never  fpake  a 
ferious  word  of  Heaven,  nor  differed  from  fober  Heathens,  but 
in  Opinion  j  yea,  that  endeavoured  to  make  ferious  Godlinefc 
ro  feem  but  Hypocrifie,  were  not  like  to  be  the  wifeft  and  moft 
rrufty  men.  And  yet  how  to  judge  among  the  ferious,  which 
were  right,  was  long  too  hard  for  me, 

§  7.  When  I  came  to  confider  ofthe  Divifions  of  the  Chriftian 
World.and  heard  the  Fapifts  pretend  to  Catholicifm,  and  call  all 
others  Schifmaticks  or  Hereticks,it  fometime  feemed  a  plaufiblc 
Opinion,  that  the  greateft  Power  and  Dignity  of  the  Clergy,  was 
the  Intereft  of  Cbriftianity  :  By  Ricbes,Honour  and  Power,  they 
may  protect  the  Godly,  and  keep  Religion  from  Contempt  a- 
mong  the  worldly  fort  of  men,  or  from  oppreffun  at  the  leaft. 

2.  And  I  faw  that  in  all  Ages  and  Countries  of  the  World, 
Hiftorians  tell  us  how  rare  a  thing,  a  wife  and  holy  Prince  hath 
beeiij  and  how  commonly  by  Wealth  and  Greatnefs  they  have 
been  bred  up  in  that  Senfuality  and  Pride,  which  hath  made 
them  the  Capital  Enemies  to  ferious  Piety  5  if  not  the  Perfecu- 
tors  of  it. 

3. 1  thought  with  my  felt  if  fuch  godly  Chriftians,  as  much  va- 
lue the  Intereft  of  Religion  had  lived  in  fuch  times  and  places, 
where  Rulers  were  Perfecutors  of  the  Truth,  how  glad  would 
they  have  been  to  have  had  the  Power  of  Church-matters  put 
into  the  hands  of  their  Chofen  Paftors,  what  would  they  have 
defired  more  ? 

4.  And  I  read  that  till  Riches  and  honours  were  annexed  ro  the 
Office,  the  People  had  ftill  the  Choice  of  their  own  Paftors,  and 
therefore  could  not  chufe  but  wifh  their  Eftates  and  Lives, and  all, 
as  well  as  their  Religion,  to  be  as  much  as  might  be  in  their 
hands.  And  fo  no  doubt  when  the  Bifhopswrere  advanced  to  great 
Diocefles,  and  Power,  it  was  by  thedefire  ofthe  moft  Religious 
Chriftians,  who  valued  moft  the  Intereft  ofthe  Church. 

j.  And  I  could  not  but  obferve,  that  though  Cbrift  gave  his 
Apoftles  no  Power  ofthe  Sword,  he  fet  them  above  other  Mini- 
ilers,  not  only  in  Miraculous  Gifts,  and  Infallible  teftifying  and 
recording  his  Commands  and  works,  but  in  fome  fort  of  over- 
fighr,  which  feemeth  a  thing  appointed  for  Continuance  as  well 
as  preaching. 

6.  And  I  thought  that  if  Church  Grandure  were  the  Intereft 
of  Religion  and  Unity  the  ftrength  of  the  Church,  it  lookt  very 



plaufibly  to  reafon,  that  as  Bifhops  were  over  Presbyter?,  fo 
iherefhould  be  fome  over  Bifhops  ;  and  that  National  Churches 
(hou'd  by  fuch  Government  be  hindered  from  Schifm  and  Here- 
fie  as  well  as  Parochial.  And  that  Diocefans  and  Metropolitans 
Power  mould  be  derived  from  a  Superiour  as  well  as  Presbyters-. 
And  tbat  w hen  poor  Subjects  dare  not  reprove  a  Prince,  fome 
that  are  above  fearing  his  Power  may. 

7.  And  when  I  read  the  Popes  Claim,I  thought  it  feemed  not 
improbable,  that  Petrus  primus,  and  pafce  oves  meas,  andfuper 
banc  Petram  were  not  fpoken  in  vain  And  thefe  though:* 
pleaded  thus  for  Church-Grandeur  in  Prelates  and  Popes. 

§  8.  On  the  other  fide.,  I  faw  1.  ThatChrift  faid,  HisKing- 
com  was  not  of  this  world,  and  comes  net  u*m  J^/lnfo**,  with 
obfervablePomp.  And  that  when  they  ftrove  who  fbould  be 
greateft,  he  reproved  them,  and  Concluded  [w >it b  you  it  ft all not 
t>efo~j  and  that  the  moft  ferviceable  is  to  be  accounted  thegreateftj 
that  Peter  himfelf  accordingly  defcribeth  their  office,  1  Pet.  e. 

2.  I  find  that  Chrift  appointed  them  another  fort  of  work  to 
do,  even- to -Preach  the  Gofnel  #to  all  Nations  through  all 
(freights,  difficulties  and  furferings,  and  to  baptize,  and  teach 
Chriftians  to  obferve  the  Lawsof  Chrift.  And  that  as  he  never 
put  the  5word  into  their  hand,  fo  an  official  declaring  and  ap- 
plying hU  Word  to  voluntary  Difciples  was  all  their  Office,  as 
ordinary  Paftorsto  be  continued. 

3.  I  find  that  Chrift  fent  them  out  by  two  and  two,as  if  it  had 
been  done  on  forefight,  that  men  would  erect  a  Church- Monar- 
chy :  And  tbat  no  Scripture  tells  us  of  any  divifion  of  the  Church 
into  Diocefles,  where  ore  Apoftle  was  a  Monarch5or  had  Power 
above  the  reft,or  was  his  Peculiar  Province:  Nor  tbat  the  twelve 
fettled  twelve  fuch,  or  any  as  the  feats  of  their  Succeffors. 

4.  1  find  not  that  ever  any  one  ApoftleexercjTed  Government 
over  tbe  reft  :  Nor  that  ever  Chrift  gave  the  reft  any  Command 
or  Direction  to  obey  any  one  $  Nor  tbat  ever  the  Contending 
or  Schifmatical  fort  of  Chriftians  were  directed  to  end  their 
ftrife,  by  taking  any  one  for  the  Head  who  muft  determine  all 
their  Controverfies  :  And  that  they  that  faid  [/  am  of  Cephas'} 
are  reproved  with  the  reft.  And  tbat  all  are  called  Mem- 
bers of  the  Body,  and  only  Chrift  the  Head.  And  if  it  had  been 
his  will  that  One  Vniverfal  Head  ox  Power  fhould  have  been  let 
up  as  the  Princlpium,  or  Center  of  Unity,  it  is  a  matter  of  fo 

great  . 

yaence,that  it  is  net  to  be  believed  thftt  GUrh: 
.ave  plainly  commanded  it. 
-   f.  1  find  that  Chrift  bath  himfeifdone  the  work,    for  which 

HumMH  Govtmmtnt  (by   Pope  or 
Councils)  ispretendc  He  hath  made  and  caufed  his  a- 

pottles  (peculiarly  qualified  fbr  it  J  to  record  llniverfal  ChurcU- 
l,2v.  |  even  ai  many  u  are  UnivertaKy  r.ecellary  :  And  if  lb, 
I  cannot  but  think,    I  c  hath  done  it  better  than  Man  can 

dOi  2.  And  that  to  add  more  unneceffarily  mult  needs  be  a 
c  and  burden  to  the  Church;  ;.  A  d  that  i:  nmft  be  an 
ufurping  the  I  ver  of  Chrift  :  For  if  chert  be  no  other  llniverfal 
there  is  no  other  that  hath  Authority  to  make  Uni* 
veria!  Law*.  Therefore  this  is  Trealbn  againit  Chrilt,  and  a 
making  Man  a  Yice-Chritt, 

6.  I  found  chat  there  is  not  Co  much  as  a  X.iturAl  Capacity 
in  any  one,  or  many,  for  an  llniverfal  Government:  Church- 
Government  being  of  fuch  a  nature  as  maketh  it  far  more  im- 
partible, than  for  one  Monarch  or  Ariftocracy  to  Govern  all  the 

:h  :  And  to  do  it  by  a  trujy  General  Council,  or  by  the  Dif- 
futed  Fifhops  of  all  the  World  is  further  from  poiFibility  than  to 
do  it  bv  a  Pope. 

7.  I  torch t the  Councils  pretended  to  be  General,to  fee  whe- 
ther they  had  made  any  better  Laws  than  ChriiVs,  or  made  any 
defirab'e  addition.  And  I  found  1.  That  while  they  were  not 
wholly  Papifts,  they  never  pretended  to  make  Canons  for  any 
Chrhtians,  but  only  thofe  in  the  acw.i»  Empire.  2.  And  that  it 
had  been  much  happier  for  the  Churches  if  they  had  made  no 
more  Laws  than  Chriir  had  made  them,  for  holy  Doctrine,  Wor- 
fhip,  and  Church  Difcipline,  and  had  only  as  Teachers  expound- 
ed and  applied  the  Laws  of  Chrift. 

8.  I  confidered  the  Prclent  State  of  the  Church  llniverfal, 
and  I  find  it  inch  as  no  Party  of  Chriftians  in  the  World  doth 
own.  The  Pope  pleadeth  for  an  llniverfal  Soveraignty,  and  all 
his  Clergy  do  the  fame  $  fome  faying  it  is  in  Councils,  fome  in 
the  Pope,  and  moft  in  both  together,  or  Councils  approved  by 
the  Pope :  And  Proteltanrs,  Greeks,  Neftorians,  Jacobites,  and 
almoft  all  other  Chriitians  in  the  World,  accufe  this  Rcmtn 
Church  and  Claim. 

The  Papifts condemn  the  reft:  The  Creeks,  Arminians,  and  aft* 
moft  all  the  reft  accufe  each  other, 

9.  * 


9.  I  confidered  what  Popery  is,  that  is.  Clergy -Power  in  \:s 
height, and  what  it  hath  done  in  the  World.  And  I  found  i.  A 
wolul  defcription  of  the  lives  of  multitudes  of  Popes,  recorded 
by  their  own  moft  credited  Hiftorians.  And  x,  I  found  multi- 
tudes of  vicious  Canons  obtruded  by  them  as  Laws  on  the  Uni- 
vcrfal  Church.  3.  I  found  moft  doleful  Hiftories  of  the  Wars 
and  Rebellions  that  they  have  caufed  from  Age  to  Age.  4.  I 
found  that  they  have  corrupted  the  Doctrine  of  Chrift  in  abun- 
dance of  particulars.  5.  And  that  they  have  lockt  up  the  Sa- 
cred Scriptures  from  the  Vulgar,  as  they  have  not  done  their 
Canons.  6.  And  that  they  have  turned  God's  Spiritual  Wor- 
ship into  a  multitude  of  Superfluous  Riies,  and  fcenical  Cere- 
monies and  Shews.  7.  And  that  they  have  turned  Spiritual 
Charch-Difcipline  into  a  fecular  fort  of  Tyranny.  8.  And  that 
they  have  moft  fchifmatically  unchurched  the  reft  of  the  Church- 
es, becaufe  they  are  not  Subjects  of  the  Pope.  9.  And  that  they 
have  branded  the  foundeft  Churches  with  the  name  of  Here- 
t '^ks,while  they  are  the  grand  Herefie  of  the  World.  1  o.  And  that 
they  have  been  and  are  the  greateft  Silencers  of  found  Preach- 
ers, and  hinderers  of  true  Piety  and  Reformation  in  the  Church. 

11.  And  that  they  have  wofully  vitiated  the  People  that  are 
their  Subjects,  fo  that  cdious  wickednefs  fed  by  Ignorance,  a- 
bounds  among  them  5  and  it  is  their  Votaries  that  are  called  Re- 
I'.gf'otu,  and  a  few  Canonized  perfons  Saints  ;  as  if  Religion  and 
Sanctity  were  rarities,  or  any  could  be  faved  without  them. 

12.  Laftly,  I  find  that  they  have  lived  upon  Blood,like  Leeches, 
and  have  been  the  cruelleft  Perfecutors  of  holy  men,  on  pre- 
tence of  killing  Hereticks:  And  that  it  is  this  to  which  they 

10.  I  took  not  this  notice  of  them  upon  meer  prejudice,  but 
have  read,  I  chink, as  many  Papifts  Books,  as  Proteftants,  or  any 
other  againft  them.  Nor  have  I  taken  it  upon  dark  Scripture 
Prophecies,  fufpecting  my  uoderftanding  of  them:  But  1.  The 
matter  of  fact  from  themfelves-:  2.  Againft  their  Papal  Supre- 
macy from  fuch  Arguments  as  are  fully  collected  by  Dr. Barrow. 
3.  Againft  their  heinous  Church- corruptions,  from  fuch  Moral 
Evidence  as  Dr.H.  Moore  hath  fully  gathered  in  his  Mjfiery  of 
Iniquity.  4,  Againft  their  pretences  of  Tradition  and  Antiquity, 
I  fetcht  my  Arguments  from  the  Hiftories  and  Authors  which 
they  themfelves  alledge,  and  efpecially  their  Councils,  with  the 
Fathers  Writings.  §  9.  Seeing 


§  9"  Seeing  the  Church  in  this  fad  Condition,  and  the  Papal 
part  lb  greatly  vitiated,  I  confidered  how  long  it  had  fo  been. 
And  I  round  that  the  Pope  and  his  Bifhops  grew  not  up  like  a 
Mufhroom  in  aday$  but  had  been  long  in  thriving  to  maturity: 
And  I  met  with  no  man  that  could  jufr  tell  what  Year  or  what 
Age  the  difeafe  or  tumor  did  begin.  Bifhop  Bromball  thinks  if  i 
they  will  abate  their  laft  400  years  Innovations,  we  may  have 
hope  of  agreeing  with  them.  Bifhop  Gunning  will  own  no  General 
Councils,but  the  ftti\  fixj  fome  will  receive  eights  fomebut  four. 
Mr,  Momce  here  goeth  no  further  in  his  defence  of  them,  what- 
ever he  think.  Some  begin  Popery  with  Leo  the  great,  fome 
with  Gregorys  SuccelTour.  But  it  is  moft  certain  that  it  was  firft 
an  Embrio,  and  next  an  Infant  and  fo  grew  up  from  Childhood 
to  maturity  bydegrees.And  the  firft  Church-corruption  was  not 
that  which  we  now  call  Popery.  And  it  is  as  certain  that  the  tu- 
mor did  neither  begin  nor  grow  up  in  the  Bifhop  of  Rome  alone, 
but  in  other  Bifhops,  who  grew  up  withhim,&  were  his  ftrength 
and  Councils,  and  he  their  Head. 

§  10.  It  is  known  when  the  Greeks  and  Romans  began  moft 
notably  to  ftrive  which  mould  be  greateft,  and  how  the  divifion 
increafed,  and  when  and  how  it  came  to  an  anathematizing  or 
excommunicating  each  other. 

§  1 1.  It's  notorious  that  it  was  from  the  Councils  of  Calcedon, 
and  Ephefus,  that  the  great  feparated  bodies  of  Neftorians  and 
Etttycbians  (now  called  facohites)  that  pofiefs  the  Eafi  and  South, 
were  broken  off  with  NeftoriM  and  Diofcorusi  and  fo  continue 
to  this  day. 

§  n.  I  confidered  who  were  the  Chief  Authors  of  all  thefe 
lamentable  Schifms,  and  Church- corruptions  in  the  feveral  Ages 
when  they  rofe,  and  who  continue  them  to  this  day:  And  I 
found  that  many  Princes  were  much  to  be  blamed,  and  the  Peo- 
ple not  Innocent,  no  not  the  Religious  Monks.  But  the  Bifhops 
that  had  the  main  Church-power,  by  abufmg  it,  were  with  their 
Clergy  the  principal  Caufes,and  foare  to  this  dayp  The  breaches 
might  yet  be  healed  in  Eaft,  Weft,  and  South,  were  it  not  for 

§  13.  Finding  this  in  Hiftory  of  undoubted  Truth,  I  next 
confidered  what  was  the  Caufethat  the  Bifhops  and  their  Clergy 
fhould  become  fuch  Church-corrupters  and  Dividers,  and  ftill 
continue  the  Churches  miferies, 



And  I  found  as  followcth,  i.  That  none  are  ab;c  to  do  fo 
much  hurt  as  thofe  that  have  the  greateft  Parts,  Poiverjr.urcft 
and  Truft.  None  kill  fo  many  (except  SouldiersJ  as  thofe  Fhyli- 
cians  who  are  entrufted  to  heal  and  fave  them.  If  five  hundred 
neighbours  miftake  a  man's  Difeafe,  whom  he  never  trufted,  it 
hurts  him  not :  But  an  unskilful  Nurfe  or  Parent  may  kill  a  lick 
Childjand  an  unskilful  or  unfaithfulPhyfician  may  kill  multitudes. 

2.  And  there  goeth  fo  much  to  make  a  man  a  skilful,  faithful 
Paftor,  as  that  fuch  are  rare.  A%  a  Phyfician  is  like  to  kill  his 
Patient,  if  he  miftake  but  fomc  one  thing  in  his  Difeafe,  or  fome 
Ingredient  in  his  Medicine,  though  he  were  right  in  all  the  reft: 
So  if  a  Guide  of  Souls  were  excellent  h  all  other  things  what 
work  one  Opinion,  yea  or  unskilful  word  may  make  ,  not  only 
the  cafe  of  the  Nejlcri.ani9  E*t)chians,  Monot Elites,  8rp<  tell  us,., 
but  even  the  ftriferhat  arofe  in  the  Church  about  Hjpjhtfismd 
Ferfina,  which  had  almoft  hereticated  ferom  himfelf,  for  all  hi? 
skill  in  the  Languages  :  And  the  cafe  of  the  Greeks  and  Latines 
about  [F/7/o^}j  and  fuch* 

3.  And  Frtde  is  the  Heart  of  the  Old  Man  5  firft  living,  and 
laft  dying.  And grea^Power,  great  Parts,  and  great  Efts em  do 
feed  it,  iftrueGracedo  not  mortifie  it.  Knowledge  purfeth  up$ 
and  efpecially  when  men  live  among  the  ignorant  and  unlearned, 
and  are  but  half  Learned  themfelves,  and  are  thought  by  the 
people  and  themfelves,  to  be  much  wifer  than  they  are:  Inter 
aoecos  lujcus  Rex. 

4.  And  Selftjhnefs  is  the  very  fum  of  all  positive  iniquity:  And* 
Pride  and  Selfiffinefs  make  men  ciefirous  to  be  the  Idols  of  the 
World,  and  to  feem  as  Gods  knowing  good  and  evil,  and  to 
have  their  will  of  all  that  they  have  to  do  with. 

5".  And  the  ftrongeft  temptations  ufe  to  caufe  the  greateft  fins. . 

§  14.  Thefe  Generals  prefuppofed,  it  is  moft  clear,  i.Thac 
the  remnant  of  thefe  fins',  even  in  Chrift's  Apoftles,  fet  them  on 
ftriving  whofhould  be  greateft,  and  made  James  dXidJohn  defire 
preheminence,  and  alfo  to  have  called  for  Fire  from  Heavenjand 
made  them  after  Chrift's.  Refurrection,  hope  that  he  would  have 
reftored  the  Earthly  Kingdom  unto  Ifrad.  And  it  put  Paul  to 
vindicate  his  Apoftlefliip  againft  many  that  difparaged  him  5  As 
it  made  Dietrepks,  who  loved  to  have  the  preheminence,  to 
caft  out  the  Brethren,  and  fpeak  evil  of  John ;  It  gave  Peter  oc- 
cafionto  warn  the  Bi(hops  not  to  Lord  it  over  Cod's  Heritage, 

Q  but. 


to  be  Examples  to  the  Flocl^,  overfeeing  them  net  by-  cort- 
ftrainr,  but  willingly. 

2.  Even  in  good  men  this  fault,  though  not  in  a  reigning  de- 
cree, did  live  more  in  others  afterwards,  that  had  nor  that  mea- 
sure of  the  Spirit  as  the  Apoftles  had  to  overcome  it.  And  if 
even  in  Paul's  daies  he  had  none  like-minded  to  Timdthj^ho  na- 
turally cared  for  the  good  of  all;  for  all  (too  muchj  fought 
their  own,  and  not  the  things  that  are  Jefus  Chrift's,  as  Demas 
forfook  him  for  fome  worldly  Interelt  -,  what  wonder  is  ir  if  af- 
terward Pride  and  Worldlinefs  grew  greater,  and  Herefies  and 

•  Strifes  increafed. 

3.  Yet  while  Chriftianity  was  a  fuffering  and  laborious  State, 
the  Paftors  of  the  Churches  were  commonly  the  beft  men,  thac 
had  more  Knowledge,  Holinefs  and  Love  than  others,  and  the 
Churches  profpered  under  the  Crofs  :  They  that  fpared  not 
their  labours,  but  imitated  the  pattern  fet  by  Panl,  Atts  20.  did 
not  ftrive  who  fhould  have  the  largeft  Diocefs,  and  undertake 
that  which  they  could  not  do,  but  they  ftrove  to  do  as  much  as 
they  were  able,  and  to  increafe  and  edifle  the  Flock. 

4.  But  when  extraordinary  Gifts  abated*  and  acquired  Ones 
became  more  neceflary3  and  few  Philofophers  turned  Chriftians, 
able  Taking  Preachers  or  Orators  grew  fewer,  and  thofe  few 
that  were  eminent  in  knowledge  and  Speech  were  juftly  pre- 
ferred before  the  relr.  And  ufually  fome  one  man  had  the  chief 
hand  in  converting  men,  and  gathering  a  Church  in  each  parti- 
cular Town,  and  then  he  rightfully  was  taken  for  their  Paftor : 
And  it  being  found  that  the  publick  and  private  care  of  Souls  re- 
quired in  each  Church,  where  were  fit  men-,  mo  re  than  one  Pa- 
ftor j  \  It  was  not  meet  that  more  fhould  be  brought  to  him  that 
8  was  there  before,  without  his  approbation  and  confentj  but  that 
4  he  were  to  the  juniors  as  a  Father;  And  becaufe  the  relt  were  u- 
fually  below  him  in  Gifts  and  Worth,  it  was  thought  but  meet 
that  they  fhould  do  what  they  did  by  his  confent  :  And  alfo  to 
avoid  Divifions,  to  which  they  were  over-prone,  it  was  Judged 
fit  that  one  fhould  have  the  preheminence,  and  a  negative,  and 
partly  ruling  Vote. 

5.  The  Churches,  which  in  the  beginning  had  thefe  Bifhops 
and  Fellow- Presbyters,  were  fingle  Congregations  :  And  fhortly 
they  grew  to  be  more  than  could  meet  together  in  fome  few 
great  Cities  %    Perfecution  hindering  them  from  very  large  Af- 


(II)     . 

femblies,  beftties  their  want  of  large  capacious  Temples.  Dr. 
Hammond  thinks  that  there  is  no  evidence,  that  in  Scripture- 
time  there  were  any  other  Presbyters  than  Bifoops,  and  conse- 
quently aBifhop  had  but  one  Congregation,  unlefs  he  went  one 
hour  to  one,  and  another  to  another,  which  was  not  their 
life.  But  doubtiefs  in  this  he  is  miilaken,  as  the  many  Speakeis 
as  Corinth  (hew. 

6.  TheGreatnefc  of  the  Roman  Empire  was  prepared  by  God 
to  be  then  an  exceeding  great  furtherance  of  the  Gofpel  :  For 
under  the  fame  Civil  Laws  and  Power?,  where  one  or  two  Lan- 
guages were  underftood  by  moil,  Chriftians  had  the  far  greater* 
advantage  for  Communication.  Want  of  forreign  Languages  is 
now  our  great  hinderance  from  Preaching  the  Gofpel  to  ether 
Nations  of  the  World :  And  the  Confufion  at  Babel  was  an  un- 
fpeakable  Judgment.  But  as  Ships,  yea  Navies,  can  fail  on  the 
Ocean,  when  final!  Barks  or  Boats  only  can  pafs  on  Rivers  5  fo 
the  vaftnefs  of  the  Reman  Empire  was  a  great  help  to  thcChurch, 
by  Communication  ,  Language  and  AccefTes :  But  efpecialiy 
when  the  Emperour  became  Chriftian,  the  advantage  was  ex- 
ceeding great :  Whereas  now  the  Greatnefs  of  the  Tttrkjjh,  Tar* 
tarian  fklxdoftan  Empire,  are  great  Impediments  to  the  Gofpel  5 
becaufe  the  Barbarians  are  more  cruel  Enemies  than  the  Civil 
Romans  (notwithstanding  the  ten  Perfections)  were;  and  their 
oppofition  is  the  moreextenfive  by  the  extent  of  their  Domi- 
nions $.  and  the  Chriftian  Churches  having  now  more  fcandalized 
the  Infidels  by  their  corruptions.  While  they  were  not  corrupt- 
ed by  worldly  power  and  wealth*  the  great  holinefs  of  the 
Churches  convinced  the  fober  part  of  the  Empire.  Albafyintus 
fhews  us  clearly  that  their  ftri&nefs  was  fo  great,  that  they  en- 
dured no  notable  fcandalous  fin  among  them  5  yea  and  came  ve- 
ry near  to  the  Novatians  in  their  Discipline :  And  that  it  was 
not  for  greater  ftridtnefs  that  the  Novatians  were  condemned, 
but  for  denying  the  Power  of  the  Church  to  abfolve  men  peni- 
tent that  finned  afcer  Baptifm.  And  their  Canons  (new  it.  And 
it  is  certain,,  that  Chriftians  obeying  ?ault  avoided  the  Heathen 
Judicatures  as  much  as  might  be,  and  cenfured  thofe  that  did 
not,  and  ended  their  Differences  by  the  way  of  Arbitration,  and 
took  the  Bifhop  with  the  Confent  of  bis  Clergy  to  be  an  Au- 
thorized Arbitrator  5  and  thus  the  affairs  of  all  the  Chriftians 
being  caft  upon   him,  -  and   lie  having  no  power  to  force  any 

C  2  ma.v 




man,  but  only  to  govern  Volunteers,  theBimops  were  con- 
(trained  to  make  their  Rules  of  Difcipline  fo  much  the  ftri&er, 
that  all  that  would  not  renounce  Chriftianity,  and  Church- 
Communion,  might  be  brought  to  Obedience  to  efcape  Excom- 

7.  God  having  made  the  Great  Yowr  and  Extent  of  the  Ro- 
man Empire,  fo  great  a  means  for  the  propagation  of  Chriftiani- 
tv,  the  Chriitians  thought  that  the  Greater  they  grew  them- 
felves,  the  more  it  would  tend  to  the  Churches  deliverance,, 
from  contempt  and  perfecution :    And  their  advancement  lay  in 

"that  advancement  of  the  Bifhops,  which  private  men  could  not 
expect,  fave  only  by  fubfequent  participation.  Hereupon  the 
Bifhops,  by  the  Peoples  content,   endeavoured  to  form  the  Go- 

\  vernment  of  the  Church  within  the-  Empire,  into  a  conformity 
to  the  Government  of  the  Empire:  And  they  contrived  that 
thofe  Cities  whofe  Govemonrs  had  the  chief  Civil  Power,their 
Biflhops  mould  have  anfwerable  Church-Power;  the  Glory  of 
the  Empire  drawing  them  for  Teeming  Intereft,  into  imitation. 

8.  From  the  like  Principles  they  defired  greatly  the  enlarge- 
ment of  the  Churches  of  which  they  were  Overfeers  :  And 
whereas  Chriflhad  made  fingle  Churches  like  Schools,  and  eve- 
ry ftated  Worfhipping  Church,  was  alfo  a  Governed  Church,  as 
every  School  hath  its  School-Mafters,  one,  or  more,  by  degrees 
thefe  Churches  were  by  degeneration  quite  altered  into  other 
things  :  Firft,  They  were  like  a  Parochial  Church,  which  add- 
eth  Chappels:  They  thought  not  fo  contemptibly  of  tbePaftoral 
work  as  we  do,  but  found  enough,  as  is  laid,  for  many  men  in  a 
Church  of  a  few  hundred  or  thoufand  fouls  .•  And  when  by  Per- 
fecution, or  Numbers,  or  Diftance,  tbey  could  not  all  meet  or- 
dinarily in  one  place,  they  appointed  them  to  meet. under  feve- 
ral  Presbyters,  in  feveral  places,  but  without  appropriating  a 
particular  Presbyter  to  each  AfTembly. 

2.  After  they  appropriated  them  to  their  diftincl:  charges, 
and  diftinguifhed  a  ftated  Worfhipping  company  from  a  Govern- 
ed Church, the  Bifhopand  his  Confiftory  ruling  all  in  common  ; 
and  the  People  tyed  to  communicate  only  at  the  Bifhops  Altar, 
and  elfewhere  to  be  but  Hearers  and  Worfhippcrs. 

3.  After  that  they  fetup  Altars  u-p  and  down  for  Monuments 
and  Memorials  of  Nkrtyrs^nd  then  in  the  Presbyters  Chappefsj 
yet  fo  that  the  People  were  at  Eafic\  WhibftntMr,  ana  the  Na- 


tivity,  to  communicate  with  the  Eifhop  in  the  Mother  Church 
or  Cathedral. 

4.  Then  when  Country-Village?  diftarrt  had  a  great  irxreafe 
of  Uhriftians,  they  allowed  Country-Bifhops,  Chore pifcopos, (pro- 
ved by  Petaviusxo  be  true  Bifhops;  if  they  were  nor,Presbyters 
ordained.)  But  they  muft  be  fubjeel:  to  the  City  Bifhop.    f.  Afrer 
this  they  decreed  that  very  little  Cities  ihould  have  no  Bifnope, 
ne  vHtfcai  nomsn  Bpifcopi ;  whenas  before  that  every  City  had 
a  Bifhop  and  Elders,that  had  Chriftians  enow  :  And  every  Town, 
like  our  Corporations,   or  Market-Towns,  were  called  Cities: 
*BA/<4jd  not'fignific  only  fuch  as  we  now  call  Cities  diftinft  from 
fuch  Towns ;  were  they  no  bigger  than  Cenchrea,  Majufna*  and 
fuch  others  clofe  to  greater  Cities,  they  had  Bifhops.  Yea  every 
Church  was  to  have  their  Elders,  (and  confequently  Bifhops,faith 
Dr.  Hammond)  where  ever  it  was,    by  the  Rule  of  the  Holy 
Ghoft,  Acts  14.23.     And   God  never  faid,    Let  there  be  .no 
Churches  but   in  Cities :    Elfe  when  an  Emperour  would  put 
down  all  the  Cities,  or  many,  he  fhould  put  down  as   many 

6. After  this  they  fet  upPatriarks  as  before  they  had  doneMe- 
tropolitans:  And  ir  was  three  that  they  firft  fet  up  (but  no 
where  out  of  the  Empire:  J  And  the  Papifts  find  in  thelnftitu- 
tion  the  myftery  of  Trinity  in  Unity  :  For  they  could  not  find 
any  where  Twelve  Seats  SuccefFors  to  the  Twelve  Apoftles  $  and 
fo  they  feigned,  that  Veter  being  the  Center  of  Unity,  The  Tri- 
nity flowed  from  him.  1.  He  as  Bifhop  erected  the  Antiocht- 
ai  Patriarchate.  2.  By  St.  Mar^hh  Difciple,  the  Alexandri- 
an. And  3.  By  his  final  Epifcopacy  the  Roman,  faith  foh.Dar- 
tist  de  ftatu  Ecckf.  tempore  Apvftolt%  pag.  23,  24,  \Jmitatur 
Ecclsfa  D  um  ut  trinum  in  Per  fonts  &  unum  in  effentU,  quatenus 
fcilicef  una  dr  eadem  Ec  clef  a  eft  multiplex  ratione  locorum-,  nam 
diftrihutio  prima(&  generalis  omnium  Ecclefarum  fait  in  tres  Pa- 
triarcbat:iss  Romanzm,  Alexander  mum,  &  Antiscienumy  ut  unum 
eptpcr  tres  Ami  ft  it  es  Saccrdotium  ad  Trinitatis  in  far  cut  una  eft 
atque  individua  poteftas  ut  rette  interpret atur  S)mmachus  Pap.  ad 
Eonwm---  Dicendum  eft  quod  ficut  in  Trinitate  una  exiftente  ef- 
fcxtui,  tamen  perfna  d'.ffsrentes  exiftunt^  it  a  Ecclefa  una  eft  effen- 
ti.iy  licet  plnres  particuUres  ex  if  ant :  Et  fcui  omnes  Trim  tat  is 
pcrfina  ortginem  fumznt  d  Patrey  qui  eft ortgp  Fili:y  &  met  que  Sp. 
Santti)  it  a  Ecclefa  ortgo  eft  Roth  ana  aliarum.] 

7.  After 

7.  At  the  fame  time  ihey  began  to  defcribe  Churches  or  Bi- 
fhops  Provinces  by  the  Meafures  of  Land,  which  before  were 
defcribed  by  the  Perfons  of  Volunteers,  inhabiting  near  each 
other,  faith  the  aforefaid  Dartis  p.  128.  Et  fane  din  duravit  Hit 
mo:  tanquam  Apoftolicus  in  Ecclejiis^  at  non  effent  alii  termini 
EpifcQpatUi  qttam  muhitudo  tor  am  quos  ad  fide m  convert  ijf cm  & 
baptiz-a/fent,  which  he  proveth  out  of  the  Canons. 

8.  Rome  being  the  imperial  Seat,  the  Bifhop  of  Rome  was 
neareft  the  Emperour  and  fiibordinate  Rulers,  and  (b  mo  ft  capa- 
ble to  make  Friends  for  Chriftians  under  any  Accusations  and 
Perfecution?*  by  which  advantage  all  Chriftians  through  the 
Empire  needing  and  being  glad  of  fuch  help,  did  willingly  give 
the  Primacy  to  the  Romane  Fatriark. 

9.  The  Emperor  Confi  amine  turning  Chriftian,  and  taking  them 
for  his  fureft  Souldiers,  refolved  to  raife  them  as  high  as  he 
well  could,  for  the  intereft  of  Chriftianity  and  his  own,  and 
thereby  to  work  down  the  Heathens  by  degrees,  and  according* 
ly  gave  them  chief  Countenance  ,  and  chief  Power  5  and  their 
Bifhops  being  their  chief  men,  it  muft  be  done  by  exalting  them. 
He  made  them  the  authorized  Judges  of  -all  Chriftians  that  de- 
fired  it,  even  in  criminal  cafes.  He  yet  gave  not  the  Bifhops  the 
power  of  the  Sword  5  but  if  any  Chriftians  had  committed  For* 
nication,  Adultery,  Perjury.,  yea  Murder,  the  Bifhop  was  to  pu- 
nifh  them  by  Pennance  and  Sufpenfion  from  the  Sacrament : 
Befides  which,Chriftians  had  the  chief  Preferments  as  they  were 
capable  of  in  the  Armies  and  Civil  Government:  So  that  they 
triumphed  over  their  late  Perfecutors,  AndnowHonour,Power 
and  Wealth, were  moft  on  the  Chriftians  fide,  but  efpecialLy  the 

10.  Worldly  Intereft  being  now  on  the  Churches  fide5  much 
of  the  World  by  fuch  Motives  crowded  into  the  Churchy  and  no 
man  can  imagine  that  it  could  be  otherwife,  who  confiders 
which  way  the  Vulgar  go,  and  how  apt  to  be  of  the  Prince's 
mind,  and  how  much  nature  inclineth  to  flcfhly  Intereft:  Who 
had  nor  rather  be  kept  from  the  Sacrament  and  Communion  for 
a  crime,  till  be  profefs  Repentance,  than  to  be  hanged  or  ba- 
nifhed,  or  ruined  for  it  ? 

But  cfpecially  the  Temptation  was  ftrongeft  to  the  Biftiops, ' 
whofe  baits  were  the  moft  alluring:  And  ever  fince  then  they 
that  moft  \ovttiYealthpowr  nn&Honoitr  (that  is,  the  worft,  molt 



vtorldly  men)  have  been  the  moft  eager  defirers  and  teekers  of 
Bifhopricks:  And  while  humble  holy  men  mutt  rather  be  fought 
to,  fuch  earneft  feekers  are  like  to  be  the  ordinary  finders  and 

ii.  But  yet  three  things  kept  up  for  fome  tirme  a  confide- 
rabte  number  of  godly  Bifhops  in  theChurches,  which  with  the 
humble  Presbyters,  kept  up  the  Intereft  of  found  and  practical 

i.  Thofe  that  had  been  tryed  worthy  men  before  Conftan* 
tines  converfion,  and  the  Bifhop's  exaltation,  kept  their  Integri- 
ty in  the  main  j  though  in  the  Nicene  Council  their  conten- 
tious Libels  (hewed  that  we  are  more  beholden  to  Conftantine 
than  to  them,  that  they  fell  not  into  fuch  ftrifeas  their  Saccef- 
fors  did.  Good  men  may  be  carryed  too  far  in  Pride  and  Strife, 
but  they  will  not  be  mattered  by  them,  and  turn  againft  the 
Power  of  Godlinefs. 

2.  The  People  and  Inferiour  Clergy  had  the  choice  of  their 
Bifhops :  And  fo  (though  they  oft  had  tumults,  as  in  popular 
Elections  it  will  be)  yet  the  worft  ambitious  men  were  long 
kept  out,  and  the  beft  oft  chofen,  till  the  People  and  Presbyters 
themfelves  were  corrupted. 

3.  And  divers  good  Emperours  arofe  that  took  fome  care  to 
promote  the  beft :  But  alas  !  this  had  fad  and  frequent  inter- 

12,  For  the  Arlans  poffeft  Conftantine  hrmfelf  with  hard 
thoughts  of  Atbanaftm  and  his  Adherents :  And  it  could  not  be 
expected  that  Julian  fhould  countenance  the  beft,  when  Conftan- 
tim  and  VaUm  had  done  fo  much  againft  them,  and  got  moft  of 
all  the  Churches  headed  by  Arian  Bifhops  5  to  fay  nothing  yet 
of  after  times. 

13.  But  now  iW6  things  became  matter  of  Contention  a~ 
mong  the  Bifhops  and  their  Clergy,  and  increafed  the  ftrife 
from  time  to  time.  The  firft  and  chief  was  the  Old  Caufe great- 
ly ftrengthened,  *#'&,  Whojhould  be  greateft  t  Who  fhould  have 
the  largeft,  fatteft,  and  moft  Ruling  Diocefs  and  Seat  ?  The 
other  was,  Wbofloottld  be  taken  for  the  moft  Orthodox  ,  and  wbofe 
Explications  of  the  Faith  Jhould  be  taken  for  the  foundeft  ;  efpe- 
cially  about  the  defcription  of  the  Per  fin  and  immanent  atts  of 
Chrift  ?  Or  briefly,  1.  Jurifdiftion  and  Greatnefs  :  2.  Wifdom 
and  hard  words. 

14.  Now 


14.  Now  alfo  Conftantinople  contended  with  Rome,  and  being 
the  Seat  of  the  Empire  which  they  judged  to  be  the  true  Rea- 
Ton  of  Church-preheminence,  they  rtfirft  modeftly  took  rbefe- 
cond  place:  And  now  the  Trinity  of  Patriarchs  was  turned  to 
ftvejertifalem  being  made  the  fifth.  At  all  this  Rome  grudged. 

if.  All  this  while  the  old  Difcipline  of  the  Church  was  tole- 
rably kept  up;  i.Becaufe  though  much  of  the  world  had  got  ir- 
to  the  Church.,  yet  a  very  great  part  were  tenacious  of  their 
HeathenifhCuftoms,  and  prejudiced  againft  Chriftians  by  their 
Contentions,  (odioufly  defcribed  by  Am.  Marcellinus,  and  many 
others, and  prejudiced  againft  Confi  amine  for  his  Son  Crifpus  and 
Sopaters  death,  &C.  and  againft  Conftantiw  for  the  Murder  ©f^- 
lian'i  Relations;  and  being  taken  with  the  plaufible  parrs  of  p-i- 
Han,  and  with  the  great  Learning  and  highly  extolled  Lives  of 
Tlotinus)  VorphyriuS)  fambhcbut,  lALdefitis,  Mavcimu^  VrcereJiM, 
LibaniuSy  ChrjfanthiKs,  and  fuch  others,  defcribed  by  Emiaptu*) 
&C,  fo  that  except  Rome  and  Alexandria  for  100  years/an  j  fbme 
few  of  the  very  great  Churches  for  400,  the  Churches  were  no 
greater  than  one  Bifhop  and  his  ConfefTus,  might  tolerably  go- 
vern by  the  Keys.  2.  And  all  this  while  all  the  Presbyters  were 
Church-Governours  as  well  as  the  Bifhop,  though  he  was  their 
Chief,  and  all  Excommunications  were  to  be  done  by  joint  con- 
fent;  And  fo  many  Church-Governours  may  do  more  than  one. 

16.  Tben  Councils  called  General,  having  bytbe  Emperours 
Grant,  and  the  Clergies  Defire  and  Confent,the  Supreme  Church- 
Power,  it  was  in  thefe  Councils  that  the  Pride,  Ambition  and 
Domination  of  all  the  worldly  Prelates  that  were  too  foon  got 
in,  didexercife  itfelfas  the  valour  and  wit  of  Souldiers  in  a  field 
of  War:  And  as  1.  The  good  men  yet  among  them  ;  2.  And 
the  Articles  of  Faith  yet  retained  by  them,  did  caufe  them  to  do 
much  good  againft  fome  Herefies  and  £>iforders,fo  the  Pride  afid 
Turbulency,  yea  ignorance  of  the  reft,  caufed  them  to  become 
theoccafions  of  the  doleful  Schifms,  and  Herefies^  and  Enmity 
of  Chriftians  againft  each  other,  which  continue  to  this  day  un- 

17.  Thefe  hurtfal  Contentions  in  Councils  at  flrft  prevailed 
but  little,  and  that  at  Nice  did  much  more  good  (I  think)  than 
harm :  And  after  at  Qwjrant  :  a  little  more  hurt  was  done,  and 
lunch  good:  And  thofe  that  followed  did  worfe  and  worfe, 
till  the  proud  worldly  Spirit  contracted  Malignity,  and  fo  much 



^prevailed,  that  for  a  thoufard  years  at  leaft  the  Bifhops  with 
their  Prelatical  Clergy  and  their  Councils  have  been  the  grand 
Corruption  and  Plague  of  the  Church  j  which  many  of  the  moft 
Learned  Expofitors  of  the  Revelation^  take  to  be  the  Image  of 
the  Beajt  5  and  Dr.  H.  Moore  calls  it  a  Heathemjb  Chriftiamty9 
which  they  have  made  their  Religion.     1 ' ~*~ 

1 8.  In  their  progreft  to  all  this,  as  the  Diocefles  firft  g*ew  up 
from  our  Parochial  Magnitude  towards  that  of  the  prefer.c  Dio* 
cefan,  lb  the  very  Paftoral  Power  of  all  the  reft  of  the  Presby- 
ters, was  by  degrees  taken  away,  fo  far  as  that  they  had  no 
contenting  power  in  Ordinations  or  Excommunications,  unlefs 
the  Bifhop  would  chufe  a  few  for  his  Council :  fo  that  the  proper 
power  of  the  King's  was  confined  to  one  Bifhop  over  many 
hundred  Parifhesj  and  fo  Difcipline  became  an  impoflible 
thing,  fave  as  it  ferved  the  Bifhops  againft  fome  that  theydif- 
liked  :  And  fo  the  Church  which  was  as  the  Garden  of  Chrifr, 
became  like  the  Commons,  and  good  and  bad  were  little  diffe- 
renced in  Communion. 

19.  Yet  becaufe  the  Power  muft  ftill  be  ufeful  to  the  Bifhops 
ends,  as  he  fees  caufe,  fome  fhadow  of  the  old  exercife  muft  be 
kept  up :  But  the  Bifhop  having  not  leifure  for  the  tenth  part  of 
the  labour  which  this  very  fhauow  required,  Lay-  men  are  made 
his  Chancellours  to  decree  Excommunications  and  Abfolutions, 
and  to  Govern  by  the  Church  Keys ;  like  a  fecular  Court :  And 
CommiflaYies,  Officials,  Surrogates,  and  other  hard  names  and 
things,  are  fet  up  inftead  of  the  Presbyters  and  their  Antient 

20.  By  this  time  the  Antient  Species  of  the  Churches  was  a!- 
teredr  and  whereas  it  was  long  held,  that  a  Church  and  Bifhop 
were  Corre!ates,and  there  were  no  more  Churches  than  Bifhops, 
cow  many  hundred  or  a  thoufand  Parifhes  are  become  no 
Churches,but  parts  of  one  Diocefan  Church,which  is  the  lowefr, 
and  manv  fcore  or  hundred  of  the  old  fort  of  Bifhops,  all  caft 
out  andfwallowed  up  by  one.  Juft  as  if  a  thoufand,  or  fome 
hundred  Schools  fhould  have  but  one  Governing  Schoolmafter, 
and  be  but  one  School,  but  each  part  have  an  Ufher  to  read  to 
the  Boyes,  and  tell  the  one  Schoolmafter  as  a  Monitor  what  they 
did  amifs  $  but  might  correct  none,  nor  put  them  out. 

21.  'By  this  time  they  began  to  live  on  blood  $  and  even  as 
they  fweiled  in  the  beginning>  cruelty  grew  up  equally  with 

D  Pride ; 

Pride :  For  Reafon  and  Scripture  were  not  on^their  fide,  nor 
would  juftifie  their  Caufe  and  them,  and  therefore  violence 
mult  do  it :  They  defired  not  the  bare  title  of  Power,  but  the 
exercife  of  it,to  promote  the  Ifliies  of  their  Wit  and  Will.  They 
began  with  rafh  filencing,  ejecting  anddepofing  Difltnters,  and 
thence  to  anathematizing  them,  and  thence  to  banifhing,  till  at 
laft  it  grew  up  to  tormenting  in  the  Inquifuion,  and  burning 

2x.  And  whereas  (rotwithftanding  the  petty  Herefies  among 
Chriftians  too  earlyj  the  glory  of  the  Antient  perfecuted  Chri- 
stians was  their  entire  Love  and  Concord,  and  the  fhame  of  the 
Philofophers  was  their  difcordjit  came  to  that  pafs,that  where- 
as  a  Herefie  of  old  did  ftart  up  among  a  few  for  a  fm all  time, 
like  our  Ranters  and  Quakers,  who  fhame  Religion  no  more  than 
Bedlams  fhame  Reafon  :  Now  the  great  Continents  of  theEartfc 
have  been  the  Seats  of  the  millions  of  thofe  called  Hereticks 
and  Schifmaticks  by  each  other,  about  1400  or  13  00  years.  Ea- 
fdius  in  Prapar.  &  Dcmonftr.  copioufly  fhevveth  that  the  Philo- 
fophers were  'all  confounded  in  diffention  (and  yet  did  not  per- 
fecute  each  other)  but  that  the  Chriftians  were  all  of  One  Reli- 
gion, cleaving  to  one  Sacred  Word  ofGod  :  Of  which  alfo  fee 
Rajmt  Breganitim  in  Theol.  Gent,  de  Cogn.  Dei,  Euar.  $.  cap.  8» 
To  be  Lovers  of  good  men,was  the  character  of  the  old  Bifhops: 
To  be  dividers,  and  haters,  and  flanderers,and  fi!encer*,and  per- 
secutors, and  murderers  of  them,  grew  up  with  corrupters 

23.  And  with  thefe  did  gradually  grow  up  corruptions  of 
Doctrine,  even  while  they  pretended  a  burning  Zeal  sgainft  He- 
refie j  and  corruption  of  God's  publick  Worfhip,.  till  it  grew 
up  to  all  the  Mafs  and  Roman  Impurities. 

24.  And  to  fecure  all  this  againft  Reformation,  ridiculous 
Legends,  and  falfification  of  Churcr>Hifrory,  made  it  hard  for 
posterity  what  to  believe,  or  whom. 

§  1  j.  Being  thus  farfure  of  the  matter  of  fad,  by  what  de- 
grees Prelacy  grew  up  to  the  height,  that  it  hath  now  attained 
in  the  World  abroad,  I  confidered  what  men  thought  of  it  now 
at  home  (I  am  fpeaking  yet  but  of  matter  of  faCty)  and  I  found 
great  diverfity  in  mens  thoughts  of  it. 

1.  As  to  the  Reman  heightj  found  that  the  Church  of  England 
ifmce  the  Reformation  till  A.BX^'s  time  took  thePope  to  be  the 



Antichrift;  It  was  in  thrir  Church- books  :  Many  other  Bifhops, 
as  well  as  Bifhop  Downam,  have  written  for  it  :  W-hat  Bifhop 
Morton. and  Hall,  and  Abbot,  and  abundance  fuch  have  written 
againft  Popery  I  need  not  name. 

2.  I  found  chat  then  the  ftream  began  to  turn/  and  the  name 
of  Antichrift  was -put  out,  and  our  Reconciliation  with  Rome 
wjs  taken  to  be  a  hopeful  work,  and  actually  endeavoured 
(which  by  their converfion  all  good  men  defire.) 

3.  I  found  thac  many  among  us  of  greateft  reverence  and 
riamejiad  laid  down  fuch  tearms  as  thefe,  Ct  [That  the  Catho- 
"  lick  Church  is  one  Vifible  Society  under  one  humane  Govern- 
"  ing  Soveraignty :  That  this  Univerfal  Soveraign  hath  power  of 
"Univerfal  Legislation  and  Judgment:  That  the  Colledge  of 
"  Bifhops  through  all  the  World,  are  this  one  Supreme  Univer- 
"  fal  Soveraign  :  That  they  exercife  it  in  GenerafcCouncils  when 
c'  they  (it:  That  every  Bifhop  is  by  Office  the  Reprefentative 
"  of  his  Diocefan  Church  }  and  thefe  Bifhops  may,  or  muft  have 
"  Metropolitans  and  Patriarchs  5  and  by  thefe  Patriarchs  and 
u  Metropolitans /w  liter  as  format  as,  and  their  Nuntii  theVm- 
c<  verfal  Supreme  Colledge  may  exercife  their  Power  over  all  the 
*c  World :  And  what  they  do  thus,  the  Church  or  Colledge  doth, 
"in  the  intervals  of  General  Councils:  That  the  Pope  of 
"  Rome  is  to  be  acknowledged  the  Trincipium  Vnitatis  to  this 
«f  Univerfal  Church  and  Colledge  of  Bifhops,  and  the  Ordinary 
"  Prefident  of  General  Councils  ex  Officio.  That  Councils  called 
*t  without  the  Prefident  who  hath  the  fole  power,  are  unlawful 
"  AfTemblies,  and  punifhable  Routs.  That  the  approbation  of 
"  the  Prefident,  (if  not  of  the  moft  of  the  Patriarchs;  is  the 
"  note  by  which  an  authoriz'd  obliging  'Council  is  to  be  known 
c  from  others.  That  the  Pope  "is  to  be  obeyed  accordingly  as 
"  Prime  Patriarch,  Vrincipium  Vnitatis,  Prefident  of  General 
"Councils,  and  Patriarch  of  the  Weft.  That  all  that  will  not 
Cf  unite  with  the  Church  of  Rome  on  thefe  teafms,  are  Schifma* 
"  ticks,  and  fo  to  be  accounted  and  ufed.  That  thofe  that  thus 
"  unite  with  the  Church  of  Rome,  are  no  Papifts  :  But  a  Papift 
"  is  only  one  that  holdeth  all  to  be  ;uft  and  good  thac  is  done 
^  by  Popes,  or  at  leaft  one  that  is  for  the  Pope's  Abfolute 
f  Power  of  Governing  above  Canon- Laws  and  Church-Parlia- 
t  ments  or  Councils.  And  that  if  they  will  but  abate  their  Jaft 
c<400  years  Inaavations,  or  at  leaft  not  impofe  them  on  others, 

D  z  "we 


•?  we  may  unite  with  the  Church  of  Rome,  though  they  claim 
■f  as  Peter's  SuccefTors,  the  Univerfal  Supremacy  at  lea  ft  to  be 
"  exercifed  according  to  the  Canons  of  Councils.  And  that  it 
ff  is  not  the  Chureh  of  Rome,  but  the  Court  of  Rome,  which  at 
"  prefent  we  may  not  unite  with.  That  the  Church  of  Rome  is 
c<  a  true  Church,  and  hath  had  an  uninterrupted  SucceiTion,  and 
"  its  Sacraments  true  Sacraments  :But  none  of  thofe  Proteftanc 
u  Churches  are  true  Churches,  that  have  notDiocefan  fiifhopsj 
"  nor  any  of  their  Paftors  true  Minifters  of  Chrift,  who  have  not 
n  Diocefan  Epifcopal  Ordination  ;  nor  any  that  have  fuch,unfefs 
"  it  hath  as  fuch  been  conveyed  down  from  the  Apoftles  by  un- 
*c  interrupted  SucceiTion  by  fuch  Diocefans.  That  fuch  men  have 
"no  true  Sacraments,  God  not  owning  what  is  done  by  any  not 
Cc  fo  ordained  :  That  therefore  they  have  noCovenant-promife 
"  of3  or  right  to  Pardon  and  Salvation,  becaufe  fuch  right  is 
cf  given  onJy  by  the  Sacrament :  That  therefore  all  fuch  Pre-- 
"  teftants  Sacraments  are  but  nullities,  and  a  prophanation  of 
Cc  holy  things:  And  that  the  Holy  Ghoft  being  the  Inftituter  of 
u  thefe  (acred  things,it  is  the  fin  againft  the  Holy  Ghoft  to  under- 
"  take  and  exercife  theMiniftry,&:  celebrate  Sacraments  without 
c'  fuch  uninterrupted  fuccefllve  Ordination.  That  an  Ordained 
"Minifter,  hath  no  more  power  than  was  intended  him  by  his 
*'  Ordainers :  That  in  fuch  Presbyterians,  or  Epifcopal  Churches, 
iC  which  have  their  power  from  theOrdainers,and  (o  far  for  want 
"  of  Succeflion,are  nullities 5  it  is  fafe  for  men  (as  e.g.  in  France) 
"  to  be  rather  of  the  Roman  Church  than  theirs. 

§  16.  And  as  I  found  this  Doctrine  in  the  afcendent  in  Eng- 
land^ fo  I  met  with  fuch  as  were  for  ufing  Proteftants  according- 
ly, even  for  the  filencing  of  them  by  thoufands,  if  they  would 

not  fwear^  profeft,  promife,  and  do  all  that And  for  ufing  the 

People  accordingly.  And  abating  neither  big* nor  little,  an 
Oath  or  a  Ceremony  to  unite  or  fave  them.  And  I  lived  in  an 
Age  where  thefe  things  were  no  idle  fpeculations. 

§  17.  Being  thus  far  fure  of  the  Matter  of  FacT,  I  ftudied  as 
tfeil  as  I  was  able  to  kuow  which  of  theie  waies  was  right :  And 
I  faw  that  either  Popery  that  is,  the  Popes  univerfal  Headfhip 
or  GoverjHnemr  Is  of  Divine  Inftirution,  or  elfs  it  is  a  heinous  11- 
furpation,  and  foimeth  a  fore  of  Church  which  is  not  on  any  pre- 
tence of  Concord  to  be  owned.  And  as  to  the  flrft  I  hdve  faid 
before  and  irj  many  Books  what  I  have  to  fay  againft  it  3  which 



is  all  fummed  up  in  Doftor  Iz..  Barrow,  and  Doctor  H.  Moire , 
and  largely  told  the  world  by  Cb*mi$rs  Stdscl,  Wbitakjsf>J9Vfeli 
Vfber,  Morton,  Wh'ite%  C'nlltngtyirt h^CrakenthoYne ,  and  abundance 
more.  And  I  thought  it  ftrange  if  either  Papacy,  or  that  Tym- 
panite  of  the  Clergy  which  tended  to  it,  were  of  God3  that  the 
Eerfons  fhould  be  ordinarily  fo  bad,,  and  it  fhould  introduce  fo 
great  mifchief'  in  doctrine,  worfhip  and  practice  over  the  Chri- 
ftian  world,and  bring  the  Church  into  fucli  a  divided  and  pollut- 
ed (rate,  and  that  as  the  Clergy  f.velled  the  Body  mould  pine 
away,  and  the  Spirit  ofholinefs  and  Love  be  turned  into  the 
Skeliecon  of  Ceremony  and  Formality,  and  into  hatred,  cruelty, 
and  tearing  and  tormenting  pains. 

§  1 8.  Upon  ail  fuch  thoughts  I  concluded  in  thefe  refolurionsj 
i*  That  I  muft  not  accufe  any  Office  made  by  God,  for  mens 
abufe  of  it.  2.  Nor  mult  I  accufe  the  good  for  the  faults  of  the 
bad.  3.  Nor  Confound  the  Office  it  felf,  with  its  difeafe,  and 
the  accidental  Tympanite.  4,  Nor  aggravate  humane  infirmities 
in  good  men,  as  if  they  were  the  crimes  of  malignant  Enemies. 
5fc  Much  lefs  lay  any  of  the  blame  on  Chriftianity  cr  Piety,  when 
nothing  in  the  world  is  fo  much  againft  all  thefe  Evils,  nor 
would  they  have  been  fo  far  limited,  reftrained  or  refilled,  had 
it  not  been  for  that  Chriftianity  arid  Piety  that  was  kept  up  a- 
gainft  it  $,nor  is  there  any  other  cure  of  it.  It  is  not  by  Religion* , 
bat  for  want  of  more  true  and  ferious  Religion,  that  all  thefe  mif- 
chiefs  have  fo  lamentably  prevailed. 

§  19. 1  therefore  refolving  to  avoid  extreams,  concluded  thusj 
1.  That  it  is  moft  certain  that  Chrift  is  the  only  Head  of  the 

2.  And  that  as  fuch  he  himfelf  did  make  univerfal  Laws,  and 
will  be  the  final  univerfal  Judge,  and  there  is  no  other  that  bath 
univerfal  Legiflative  and  Judicial  Power  but  he. 

3.  As  fuch  he  inftituted  necefTary  Church-Officers  ;  firfr,  ex- 
traordinary ones  to  be  his  Inftruments  in  Legitimation,  as  Mofes 
was  to  the  Jews,  giving  them  his  Spirit  extraordinarily  for  that 
ufe",  to  bring  all  that  he  taught  them  to  their  remembrance,  and 
guide  them  to  deliver  and  record  all  his  Commands:  And  or- 
dinary Minifters  fas  the  Priefts  and  Levites  to  the  Jews)  to 
teach  and  apply  thefe  Commands,  or  univerfal  Laws,  to  the  end 
of  the  World3  but  not  to  add,  diminifh  or  alter  them. 

4.  That  the  formal  Eflence  of  this  continued  Sacred  Mlniftry 


ccnfiiteth  in  a  derived  Fewer  and  uj  ligation  lft  iubofdination  to 
Chrift  as  Prophet,  Pried  and  King,  to  Teach,  to  Guide  the 
Churches  in  holy  Worfhip,  and  to  Rule  them  by  the  Paftoral 
Power,  which  maketh  them  Ministerial  Judges  ofmens  capacity 
for  Church-Communion  $  but  they  have  as  fuch  no  forcing 
power  of  the  5 word. 

f.  That  there  are  two  forts  of  thefe  Min'fters  accidentally 
dUtinguifhed:  i.  Such  as  are  only  ordained  to  the  Miniftry  in 
"general,  and  not  fpecially  related  to  any  one  particular  Church 
more  than  other  •  whofe  work  is  to  do  their  beft  to  Teach  In- 
fidels, and  baptize  them,  and  gather  Churches,  and  occafionally 
to  Officiate  orderly  in  fuch  Churches  where  they  come  as  need 
their  help.  2.  Thofe  that  have  moreover  an  additional  call  to 
be  the  ftated  Paftors,Overfeers.  or  Gu'des  of  particular  Churches 
as  fixed  Officers  ofChrift.  All  which  have  the  three  forefaid  EC- 
fentials  of  the  Office,  to  Teach,  Worfhip  and  Rule. 

6.  T*hat  the  Office  of  thefe  men  is  to  be  performed  by  them- 
felves,  and  no  Lay-man  may  do  any  Effential  part  of  them  by 
their  deligation,  and  therefore  (  as  in  Phyficians,  Tutors,  &C.) 
necefTary  Perfonal  abilities  are  as  effential  as  the  neceffary  difpo* 
fit  10  materia  is  adreceptionem  alicuj m ■forma.  And  ex  qnovis  ligno 
no n  fit  mercuriw. 

7.  That  it  is  very  much,and  great,  and  moft  important  work, 
which  thefc  Minifters  have  to  do.  To  Preach  God's  Word  un* 
xlerftandingly,  faithfully,  conftantly,  fervently  5  torefolvethe 
doubtful,  to  reprove  the  fcandalous*  to  perfuade  the  obftinate, 
to  confute  gainfayers^  to  comfort  the  fad,  and  ftrengthenthe 
weak,  particularly  as  there  is  occafion.  To  vifit  thefick,  Cate- 
chize, Baptize,  befides  all  ads  of  publick  Government  There- 
fore one  man  cannot  poffibly  do  all  this  for  too  great  a  number 
of  fouls,  but  great  Congregations  mud  have  many  Minifters  :  A~d 
fb  they  had  in  the  Primitive  Church,  where  the  moft  able 
Speakers  preacht  ufually  in  publick,  and  the  reft  did  more  of 
the  perfonal  and  more  private  work. 

8.  And  whereas  it  was  very  early  that  moft  fingle  Churches 
had  one  that  had  a  preheminence  amongft  the  reft  (not  as  of 
another  Office,  but  as  a  Prefident  in  a  Colledge  of  Philofbphers, 
Phyficians  or  Divine  Students,  to  be  a  Governour  over  thofe  of 
his  own  profeftion,  by  moderate  Guidance,)  and  it  is  not  un- 
meet, that  when  one  worthy  Teacher  hath  guttered  a  Church, 


and  brought  up  younger  Chriftians  to  Minifterial  abilities,  that 
they  when  they  are  ordained  fhould  take  him  for  their  Father,  I 
will  never  gainfay  fuch  an  Epifcopacy  in  Tingle  Churches  (  that 
is,  focieties  of  Chriftians  combined  for  perfonal  Communion  in 
Doctrine^  Worfhip  and  Holy  living  under  fuch  Paitors  as  afore- 

9.  And  becaufe  I  find  that  the  Apoftles  and  Evangelifts  had  a 
Minifterial  care  of  many  Churches  to  teach,  reprove,  exhort  the 
Paftors  and  People;  And  though  the  Apoftles  extraordinary 
power  and  work  cea(ed,yet  tyarch-Ovcrfight  as  well  as  Preach- 
ing being  an  ordinary  continued  work;  and  when  I  find  Chrift 
Inch  inftiruted  fome  Teachers  over  many  Churches,  I  dare  noc 
fdy  that  he  hath  repealed  this  till  I  can  prove  it.  And  the  nature 
of  the  thing  tells  us,  that  if  fome  grave  holy  men  have  the  care 
of  coun  felling  and  warning  and  reproving  the  Minifters  of  many 
Churches  who  are  below  them  in  parts  and  worth;  It  may  d  > 
much  good  and  can  do  no  harm  . to  the  Churches,  while  they 
have  no  power  of  force  or  tyranny,  Therefore  I  refolved  never 
to  fpeak  or  do  any  thing  againft  fuch  Biftiops  of  Bimops,  though 

§.  20.  Thus  far  I  have  oft  declared  my  felffor  Epifcopacy: 
But  finding  in  all  the  aforefaid  Hiftory,  how  the  Church  came  to 
fhe  woful  State  that  it  hath  been  in  thefe  1200  years,  and  what 
it  furlereth  by  the  Bimops  and  their  Cergy  in  almoft  all  parts- 
of  the  Chriftian  World  j  and  that  even  the  Englijh  Diocefans 
can  endure  no  more  Parochial  Paftoral  Difcipline  than  they  do* 
(I  mean  fuch  as  Bticer  in  Ssripr.  Anglic,  preft  fo  vehemently  on 
King  Edw.  and  the  B;fhopsj  and  that  they  cannot  contentedly 
hold  their  Lordfhips,  Wealth  and  Honours,  without  filencing 
and  ruining  Twothoufand  fuch,  as  I,  or  better  ;  and  ufing  many 
thoufands  of  godly  Chriftians  as  they  do  5  and  finding  that  I  and- 
(bch  others  are  accufed  as  being  difobedient  to  them —  and 
for  not  fwearing,and  covenanting*never  to  endeavour  any  alte- 
ration of  their  prefent  Ciurch-Governmertr,  and  ail  excommu- 
nicate by  the  Canon  that  fay  there  is  any  thing  in  it  (even  from 
the  Archdeacon  downward  to  [the  refl  in  Office  ]  repugnant  to 
tfo  Word  ofGody  I  took  it  at  laft  to  be  my  duty  to  give  the* 
Reafons  of  my  diffent  in  a  full  Treatife  of  Epifcopacy. 

And  becaufe  I  perceived  young  men  and  ftrangers  to  for- 
mer timeSj  deceived  by  the  general  noife,  How  Anttint  and 

"Vnivsrfitl  Epifcopacy  hath  been-,  as  if  all  that  is  called  Epifcopacy 
were  but  one  and  rhe  fame  thing;  or  as  if  .ve  were  againft  the 
Primitive  Epifcopacy  j  therefore  I  fuddenly  (ard  too  b*?iti!y  for 
want  of  time,)  beftowed  a  few  weeks  in  fumming  up  the  Heads 
of  the  Hiftory  of  Bifhops  ard  Councils,  out  of  a  tew  Hutorians 
which  were  moft  common,  nexr.  at  hand^  and  of  molt  credit 
with  thofe  whole  faults  I  opened  :That  it  might  be  truly  known 
Hurv  much  the  tumifisd  degenerate  fort  of  Prelacy  had  canfed  the 
Divifions  and  Calamities  of  the  Church, 

§  21.  For  this  Mr.  M^rrice  fasia me  faith)  and  many  more 
are  lb  greatly  offended  with  me,  and  fay  of  me  herein  what  they 
do.  And  on  pretence  of  Vindicating  the  Primitive  Church  which 
untruly  implyeth  that  I  who  vindicated  it  againft  corrupters  did 
oppofe  it,!  hedefendeth  the  corruptions  and  finful  mifcarriages 
and  difeafesof  the  Prelates  :  And  this  he  doth,  i.  By  ftriving  to 
make  me  contemptible  as  unlearned^  as  if  that  would  excufe  the 
fins  which  I  rehearfe  and  lament:He  findeth  in  one  place  through 
myihafte  and  heed Ie(hefs,a  word  ofTheodorer  mifplaced,  and  the 
word  [Calami"]  tranflated  JguMs,  which  he  thinks  (hould  be 
Reeds  $  and  one  or  two  more  fachj  as  if  he  prevaricated,  and 
had  a  defign  to  extol  the  Book,which  he  Mi  ds  no  more  and  grea- 
ter fault  in,  than  he  really  hath  done.  And  he  proveth  it  Iikelj 
that  I  never  faw  the  Hiftories  that  ftood  by  me  near  twenty 
years,  becaufe  the  Printer  put  a  Comma  between  \Marquarduf] 
and  [Freherw]  (I  think  there  are  a  dozen  Comma's  mifplaced  in 
my  whole  Book  ->)  when  he  himfelf  faith  of  his  own  Book  {The 
faults  that  have  efcaped  are  almofi  infinite .]  But  of  thefe  things 
more  anon* 

2.  He  loudly  and  frequently  chatgeth  me  with  malicious  fal- 
fifying  Hiftory  5  and  when  he  comcth  to  the  proof,  I  have 
{hewed  you  who  the  falfifier  i?. 

3.  The  grrat  thing  I  amaccufed  of,  is  making  the  Bifhops 
more  the  c  ufes  of  Herefie^Schlfm  and  Violence,than  they  were  : 
And  of  th  t  1  havefaid  nothing,  bur  what  1  chi  rrk  I  have  fully 
proved.  And  let  the  Reauer  ;u  gebv  this  following Catalogue. 

Domineering  Pride  hath  been  <hc  chief  caufe  of  Herefies  and 
Schilm?,  dpecially  working  in  theClergy  to  tumid  Prelacy  and 

I.  I  before  noted  how  the  Anoftles  began  roftrive  who  mould 
be  greateft,  till  the  effufion  of  the  Spirit  after  Chrifts  rebukes 



had  cured  them.  And  what  tiranny  Diotrephes  ufed  through  love 
of  Preheminence. 

U.  If  the  doubtful  ftories  otSimon  Magus  be  true.,  his  tumor 
was  more  than  Papal  ;  And  Epiphanim  makes  Mcnander,  Satur- 
mlw,  Baftlides,  to  be  but  his  Off-fpring.  The  Original  of  the  2Vt- 
colaitans  and  Gnoftickj  (who  Epiphamus  faith,  had  enfnared  him- 
felfonce  )  is  utterly  uncertain;  Carpocras,  Cerinthus,  Ebion^a- 
lenunusy  Secundtts,  Ptolomaus,  were  all  but  Birds  of  the  fame 
Gnoftickj  Neft,  a  crazed  fort  of  men  that  mingled  Chnftianity, 
Platonifm,  and  Magical  Imaginations  5  and  what  they  were 
themfelves,  is  not  kno^vn  :  Such  was  Marcus,  Colarbafus,  He- 
racleo/ty  the  Oph:tat  the  Cainites,  the  Sethians,  Cerdo\  Martion 
was  a  Bifhop's  Son  caft  out  for  vice  5  and  Lucim>  Apelles  and 
Severn*  his  Off-fpring,  the  Heads  of  their  little  Sefts  9  whether 
Bifhops  or  not,  is  unknown.  What  kind  of  Hereticks  Tertullian, 
Tatianus,  and  Origen  were,  and  how  many  faults  as  foul  Lallan- 
n'/^and  many  not  numbered  with  Hereticks  havens  well  known : 
And  among  all  thefe  in  thofe  early  daies,  till  there  were  Popes 
and  Diocefans  (fuch  as  now)  in  the  world,  none  fuch  could  be 

III.  Many  Councils  contended  about  the  time  of  Eafter,  and 
ViEior  with  one  part  of  Bifhops,  excommunicated  Polycrates 
and  the  Arian  Bifhops  5  while,  as  Socrates  and  Socmen  tell  us, 
the  Churches  that  left  it  indifferent  had  peace. 

IV.  A  Council  of  the  belt  Bifhops  at  Carthage  decreed  Re- 

V.  A  Council  of  the  Bifhops  of Cappadocia.Ciliciafialatia^c^     \ 
at  Iconittm,  for  Rebaptizing  thofe  Baptized  by  Hereticks  :   And   yf- 
Stephen  Bifhop  of  Rome  excommunicated  them  all. 

VI.  A  Council  at  Synadis,  and  divers  others  decreed  the  fame 

VII.  Divers  more  African  Councils  of  good  Bifhops  with 
Cyprian,  decree  the  fame,  whom  Stephen  Bifhop  of  Rome  con- 

VIII.  Divers  Bifhops  are  faid  to  be  Sabellian  Hereticks. 

IX.  Paulus  Samofatenus  Bifhop  of  Antioch  was  a  Heretick.! 

X.  The  Council  of  Bifhops  at  Cirtain  Numidia  under  Secun- 
dum Mr.  M.  calls  worfe  than  I  do. 

XI.  A  Carthage  Council  of  70  Bifhops  An.  306.  fet  up  the 
Donatifts  Schism,  ftriving  for  the  preheminence.  who  fhould  be 
Bifhop  of  Carthage,  E  XII.  An. 


XII.  An.  308.  Another  Donatifts  Council  had  270  Bifhops. 
Many  more  Councils  they  had. 

XIII.  The  firft  General  Council  at  Nice  wehonour,and  affent 
to  its  Creed:  But  thank  Confiantine  for  burning  all  their  Lrbels, 
and  keeping  peace  by  his  p-refence  and  fpeech. 

XIV.  The  Schii'm  made  by  MeUtin*  and  Peter,  Bithops,is  well 

XV.  The  Here(ieofv4n'//.f  (a  Presbyter  that  would  have  been 
a  Prelate )  quickly  infefted  Eafebms  Nicomed.  if  not  Efffebim 
Cafarvnjis,  and  divers  other  Bifhops. 

XVI.  Epiphanies  faitb3  that  Audius  was  driven  to  his  Herefie 
by  being  Jong  abufed,  beaten,  and  at  laft  excommunicated  for 
reproving  the  Bifhops  and  Pfiefts  for  their  Covetoufhefs^  Luxu- 
ry, and  other  fins:  And  fo  he  became  a  Bifhop  himfelf. 

XVII.  EvJebiHs  Nicom.  made  Bifhop  ofConftantinople  fwhom 
you  tell  us  VaUfins  thinks  was  no  Heretick)  hired  a  Whore  at 
^intiocb,  to  father  her  Child  on  Eufiarhius  the  Bifhop  there,  and 
got  more  Bifhops  to  depofe  him,  and  the  Emperour  to  banifh 

XVIII.  A  Council  of  Bifhops  at  7y;'eun;uflly  condemn  and  per- 
fecute  Athanapus. 

XIX.  Three  Bifhops  (faith  Mr.  M.  overcome  with  too  much 
Wine  and  perfuafion)  ordained  Novatian  falfly  Bifhop  of  Rome 
(before  this  aforementioned.) 

XX.  A  Council  at  ^emjakm  An.  335.  tryed  and  approved 
Arim  Faith,  and  reftored  him. 

XXL  A  Council  at  Constantinople  condemned  Marcellus  Ancj- 
ranus,  and  Athanafins,  and  juftified  Arius. 

XXII.  A  Council  of  near  100  Bifhops  at  Antiocb,  36  being 
Arians9  depofed  At  b  ana  fins. 

XXIII.  Another  Council  ixAntioch  make  a  new  Creed  with. 

OUt  [ouaxnQ- ,1 

XXIV.  A  Council  of  576  Bifhops  at^  decree  Appeals 
to  Rome,  which  Anguftin  and  the  African  Bifhops  were  againfr. 

XXV.  The  Semi-Arian  Bifhops  went  to  Pbilippopolis^nd  con- 
demned fuch  as  the  other  at  Sardica  had  abfolved,  but  call  out 
[ooca^©-]  as  not  fcriptural,  and  caft  dreadful  accufationson  Atba- 
nafiw,  Paulas  C.  P.  and  Marc  e  Has. 

XXVI.  An,  3  yo.  A  Council  at  Milan  received  Vrfacius  and 
Valens^  Arians. 

XXVII.  Stephen 


XXVII.  Stephen  an  Arian  Bifhop  hired  a  Whore  to  go  in  to 
Bifhop  Euphrates-,  and  this  Enphratas  after  turned  Photinian. 

XXVIII.  An.  3  5* 3.  A  Council  at  -^r/n  condemn  Athanafius. 

XXIX.  ^w.  35?.  A  General  Council  at  Mihn  of  above  3  as 
Wcftern  Bifhops  (though  the  Eaftern  that  were  moft  Arian  could 
not  come,)  where  Athanafixs  was  condemned,  and  communion 
with  the  Arums  fublcribed. 

XXX.  An,  356.  A  Council  at  Byterris  condemned  and  ba- 
mmed HUarv,  and  condemned  them  as  Separatifts  or  Schifma- 
ticks  that  renounced  the  Arian  Communion. 

XXXI.  A  General  Council  at  Sirmium  of  300  Weftern  Bifhops 
befides  the  Eaftern,  made  three  different  Creeds,  condemned 
Athanafws,  left  out  the  word  [Subftance]  made  P.  Liber itts^nd 
old  Ofius  fubfcribe  againft  Athanajms. 

XXXII.  The  Oriental  Bifhops  at  Aneyra  were  only  for 
£  opufafftt  ]  and  not  [  ofioiaiQ-  ]  and  wilh  Macedonia  againft  the 
Godhead  of  the  Holy  Ghoft. 

XXXIII.  A  General  Council  400  Bifhops  met  at  Ariminum  } 
of  whom  moft  at  firft  were  Orthodox;  but  after  when  the  Em- 
perour  interpofed,fubfcribed  to  the  Arian  Party. 

XXXIV.The  reft  fate  at  Selettcia^nd  were  moreOrthodox,but 
divided  into  Acacians,  who  were  for  leaving  out  [Subftancc]  and 
Semi-  Arians,  who  were  for  [LikeSubftancei]  Sulp,  Severus  tells 
ui3  that  many  Bifhops  quieted  their  Confidences  by  [[ubjcribing 
in  their  own  fenfe'}  and  fo  deceived  the  Avians  that  thought 
they  had  won  them. 

XXXV.  A  Council  at  C>  P.  made  a  Ninth  Creed,  leaving  out 
ISubftance  and  Hypoftafis,  The  Semi-Arians  for  this  banifhed  the 

XXXVI.  A  Council  at  Antioch  caft  out  Mdetitts,  and  made  a 
Tenth  Creed,  worfe  than  the  reft. 

XXXVII.  fulian  Re igning, A 'thanafius  calls  a  Council  ztAlex* 
tndria,  which  had  almoft  divided  Eaft  and  Weft  about  the 
names  \_Hypoftafis  and  Perfona  {]  but  that  fbme  wife  men  per- 
fuaded  them  that  the  words  were  both  of  the  fame  fignificationj 
which  yet  was  hardly  entertained  afterward. 

XXXVIII.  A  Council  at  Antioch  of  Semi-Arians  Petitioned  ?o- 
vianus  to  caft  out  the  Acacians  5  till  they  knew  his  mind,and  then 
the  Arian  Bifhops  turned  Orthodox. 

XXXIX.  At  a  Synod  mTyana  Euftath.Sebafl.  denied  [^i«©-] 
and  the  Godhead  of  the  Holy  Ghoft*  E  a  XL,  An 

XL.  An  Arian  Council  of  Bifhops  in  Carta  under  Valens :  And 
another  at  Singeduni  in  Mifia% 

XLI.  Damafus  in  a  Roman  Council  condemneth  Sifinnius  for 
Conventicles :  For  at  the  Election  in  the  Church  they  fought 
for  thefe  two:  And  Damafus  his  Party  one  day  left  137  dead 
bodies  behind  them,  and  got  the  better. 

XLII.  Falensby  cruelty  fet  up  Arian  Bifhops  in  a  great  part 
*  oftheEafr. 

XLIII.  The  firft  General  Council  at  C.  P.  is  commonly  called 
the  Second  General,  when  yet  that  at  SardUa ,  Ar'tminum , 
Sirmium ,  Milan,  were  General  alfo.:  They  were  many 
good  men,  and  did  good  :  But  how  they  ufed  Nauan^en  to  the 
great  grief  of  the  Church  of  C.  P.  and  how  Naz.ianz.en  defcrib- 
eth  them,  I  defire  the  Reader  to  take  from  his  own  words., 
and  not  from  mine,  or  Mr.  M. 

XLIV.  The  Council  at  Cafar  jiugufla  did  that  which  made 
Martin  feparate  from  them  and  all  their  Councils  after  to  M\% 

XLV.  A  Council  at  C.  P.  fet  up  Flavian  at  Antiochy  and  a 
Council  at  Rome  were  for  Paulinas :  The  former  advance  C.  P. 
and  ferufalem. 

XLVI.  Many  Schifmatical  Councils  of  Donatifl  Bifhops  fol- 

XLVII.  For  Theophslus  cafe  I  refer  you  to  Socrates  and  Svxjir 

XLVIII.  Epiphanim  his  Schifmatical  ufage ofChryfoftomis  un- 

XLIX.  Andfo  xsTheophilus  profecution  of  him,  and  a  Synod 
of  Bifhops  caftinghim  our,  and  Cyril* s  refitting  the  reftoring  of 
his  name  when  dead,  and  reviling  the  foannites  that  kept  fepa- 
rated  Meetings  for  his  fake. 

L.  The  Diofpolitan  Council  abfolved  Pelagius.  Divers  Car- 
thage Councils  condemned  him.  P.  Innocent  condemned  him* 
Zofimus  once  abfolved  him,,  and  condemned  his  accufers. 

The  Bifhops  caft  out  for  Simony,  I  will  not  number  here. 

LI.  The  Contentions  between  Boniface  jand  Eulalius,  and  o« 

thers  after  them  to  get  the  Bifhoprick  of  Rome,  are  fo  many  as 

I  will  not  number  them.    And  the  ftriving  of  three  Bifhops  fuc- 

ceffively  againft  the  African  Fathers  for  the  Roman  fuper-emi- 

v  nence  and  Appeals  to  Rome,  are  commonly  known, 

LII.  One 


LIL  (Jnc  of  Bifhop  Boniface's  Decrees  is,  That  £Ara  Btjfbop 
/ball  be  brought  before  any  fudge,  Civil  or  Military  either  for  anj 
Civil  or  Criminal  Cauje.~\ 

Llir.Whac  the  firft  General  Council  at  Ephefw  did  intheOufe 
ofNefiorias  I  have  fully  opened:  Derodons  Evidence  is  undeniable, 
that  Neftorius  was  Orthodox  as  to  the  Matter,  though  he  mif- 
took  as  to  words,  in  thinking  that  Mary  fhould  no't  be  called 
Tb:  Mother  of  God,  but  ofChrift  who  is  God,  (  which  Luther  alfo 
fhews.)  Yet  fince  that  Councils  anathematizing  him,  a  great  body 
of  Chnftians  in  many  Eaftern  Kingdoms,  to  this  day  are  a  party 
hereticated  by  the  reft.  Is  not  fuch  an  effect  of  1200  years  con-r 
tinuance,  a  witnefs  of  the  failing  of  that  Council? 

LIV.  TheBiftiops  of  C.  P.  and  Alexandria  ft  riving  which 
fhould  be  greateft,  a  Council  at  C  P.  decided  it  forC.  P.  where 
Thsodoret  was  for  Alexandria,  and  fell  under  difpleafare. 

LV,  Leo  M.  Bifnop  of  Rome,  claims  the  title  of  Head  of  the 
Catholick^C  hutch. 

LVI.  Two  Councils  at  C.  P.  one  againft  Emyches  and  the  other 
for  him. 

LVII.  The  fecond  Gouncil  at  Ephefm  is  fo  heavily  accufed  by 
Mr.  M.  and  fuch  others,  that  I  need  not  accufe  it  more.  FU- 
iiianus  of  C.  P.. was  there  hurt  to  death.  Yet  Bellarmin  confef- 
feth  it  wanted  nothing  of  a  true  General  Council  but  the  Popes 

LVIII.  A  Council  at  Alexandria  under  Diofcorns  excommn- 
cateth  Leo. 

LIX.  What  the  Council  of  Calcedon  hath  done  I  have  ihewed: 
Inftead  of  reconciling  the >  Neftorian  and  £/#/^V2«  Controverfics    / 
by  a  skillful  explication   of  their   ambiguous  unfit  words,  they^yL 
Anathematized  both  and  banimedDi^TV^.And  ever  fince  to  this 
day,  the  Eutjcbians  and  Neftorians  are  feparated  DhTenters. 

LX.  Ac  Alex  and.  the  Bifaops  party  that  the  Council  was  for 
(ProteriM6)ax\&  Timothy  whom  Diofcorm  party  werefor,fb  raged, 
that  they  murdered  Proteriw,  and.dragg'd  his  carkafs'in the 
ftreets,and  bit  his  ftefh  :  Avd  each  party  ftill  accufed  the  other.  . 

LXf.  Pulcheria (Theodojiw's  Sifter  and  Martian's  Wife  )  be- 
ing for  the  Council,  and  Eudocia  Theodofuii's  Widdow  for  Diofcc- 
r/^,  they  animated  the  feveral  Parties  of  Bifhops  and  Monks :  Ani 
in  Palefiine  fuvenalB'iihop  of  ferufalem  was  expelled,  Severianu* 
Bifhop  of  Schnhopolis  killed,  &c. 

LXIL  Lu* 


LXII.  Leo  the  Emperour  commanding  obedience  tp  the  Cat- 
cedm  Council,  at  Alexandr  ;<*and  Am  loch  the  Armies  of  contend- 
ing Bifhops  were  in  continual  war,  calling  each  other  Neftorians 
and  Eutjcmnns  5  one  Bifhop  banifhed  by  the  Emperour,  the  con- 
trary Bifhop  murdered  by  the  people,  and  cart  into  the  River  % 
the  next  getting  the  better  again,    ehr. 

LXIIF.  In  Martiarh  and  Leo's  daies  mcft  Bifhops  fubfcribed 
to  the  Council.  When  Bafilifcm  ufurped,  and  was  againft  the 
Council,  faith  Nicepb.  three  Patriarchs,  and  Hvc  hundred  Bifhops 
renounced  it,  molt  before  having  damned  its  adverfaries.  Btfi- 
lifius  recanteth  his  Commands,  and  commandeth  all  to  be  for 
the  Council,  and  the  Bifhops  obey  him,  fave  thofe  of  A  fa,  Zcno 
recovereth  the  Empire,  and  is  for  the  Council,  and  the  Afian 
Bifhops  turn  for  it ,  and  fay  they  fubfcribed  to  5^///r«/atfirft 
for  fear.  Zeno  feeing  it  impoflible  otherwife  to  make  Peace, 
leaveth  all  indifferent  whether  they  will  fubferibe  the  Council 
or  nor.  Then  the  War  grew  hotter  between  the  Bifhops  and 
their  Armies  againft  each  other,  fpecially  the  Patriarchs  5  all  be- 
ing in  Confufion  ,  at  Alexand.  Antioch  and  C.  P.  and  no  Em- 
perour  wife  enough  to  quiet  them. 

LXlV.  Anaftafipts  a  peaceable  man,  made  Emperour,  leaveth 
all  te  th'nk  of  the  Council  as  they  will  :  Then  the  B  (hops  fall 
into  three  Parties  5  fome  for  every  word  in  the  Council  5  fome 
anathematizing  it,  and  fome  for  the  indifferency  :  The  Eaft  one 
way,  the  Weft  another,  and  LybU  another;  yea  each  Country 
divided  among  themfelves  :  Saith  Niccph.  So  great  confufion 
And  blindnefs  of  mind  befell  the  whole  World.  The  Emperour  falls 
upon  the  impeaceable  of  both  fides  :  At  his  own  place  C.  P.  the 
Sedition  of  the  People  overcame  him,  for  their  Council  Bifhop, 
which  tarred  the  Emperour  more  againft  the  Council,  and  that 
Bifhop  and  the  reft. 

LXV.  At  Amioch  the  Armies  of  two  Bifhops  fought  it  out, 
and  theCouncil  Party  getting  the  better,  killed  fo  many  Monks, 
as  to  fave  the  labour  of  burying  thtm,  they  caft  their  bodies  in- 
to the  River:  And  after  another  Party  of  them  made  as  great 
a  (laughter.  For  this  blood  the  Emperour  banifh'd  FUvianus  the 
CouncilBifhop:This  was  called  Perfecution./Vf.^tf.beingdead, 
tie  Bifhops  of  Alex,  Egypt  and  Lybia,  fell  all  into  pieces  among 
themfelves,and  had  feparate  Meetings :  The  reft  of  theEaftfepa- 
rated  from  the  Weft,  becaufe  the  Weft  refufed  Communion  with 



them  unJefs  they  would  anathematize  Neftcrius,  Eutjch-s,  Di- 
cfcorus,  Moggus,  and  Acacius  :  And  yec  faith  NUeph.  J$*iger- 
mani  Diofcori  &  Ew y >cbst it  feB at  ores  jnere,  ad  max imam  pauat li- 
tem redattifstnt .Note  ihziFlavian  theCouncilBifhop  for  fear  with 
his  Fello  v  Bifhops  frhreatned  by  Bifhop  Xenaits)  fubferibed  an 
Anathema  againft  Theodore^  Theodorite,  Ibas,  as  Neftorians:  The 
IfdHrian  Bifhops  yield  to  anathematize  the  Council.  Sevsrm  a 
fierce  Enemy  of  the  Neftorians  made  Patriirch  at  Antioch,  for- 
ced many  Bifhops  to  renounce  the  Council  5  and  many  ro  fly. 
The  Ifamriz*  Biih)ps  repent  and  condemn  Severm  :  Tne  Empe- 
rour  commanded  out  two  Bifhops  for  condemning  their  Pa- 
triarch :  The  People  defend  them,  and  force  the  Emperour  to 
defift,  becaufe  he  would  fhed  no  blood  for  Bifhops.  HeLas 
Bifhop  of  Jerufalcm9Qvi  all  the  Bifhops  in  f'uch  confufion,  that  he 
would  communicate  with  none  of  them,  but  the  Bifhop  of  C.  P. 
The  Monks  at  Jerttfalem  proclaim  Anathema  to  all  that  equal  not 
the  jour  Councils  to  the  four  Evavgelifts,  and  write  to  the  Emperour 
that  they  vconld  make  good  the  conflicl  to  blood,  and  went  about  to 
engage  men  to  the  Council  :  The  Emperour  commanded  the 
Bifhop  to  reform  this:  He  refufeth.  The  Emperour  fendeth 
Souldiers  to  compel  them,  and  the  Bifhops  and  Monks  forcibly 
caft  theTn  out  of  the  Church.  He  fent  Olympic  with  a  ftronger 
band,  who  cifl  out  the  Bifhop:  The  next  Bifhops  and  more 
Souldiers  had  yet  more  conflicts  after  this,  and  the  SouIJiers 
driven  away  by  force. 

LXVI.  Fdix  of  Rome,  with  77  Bifhops,  excommunicate  Aca* 
ciftsof  C.  P.  f  with  a  \^Nanquam  Anaihematis  vincutis  exnendui) 
and  their  own  two  Bilhops  that  obeyed  the  Emperour  in  com- 
municating. The  Schifm  between  Laurent  ins  and  Symmachvs, 
came  to  blood-fhed,  when  five  or  fix  Councils  laboured  to  heal 
it.  Symmachns  excemmunicatetb  the  Emperour  and  Bifhop  of 
C.  P.  as  communicating  with  Heretick*  5  but  not  an  Arian 
King  then  at  Rome. 

LXVII.  A  Council  of  80  Bifhops  at  Sidon  anathematize  the 
Council  of  CtlcedoHj. 

The  ft  riving  Parties  keep  upftill  in  great  Bodies,  and  the  Met- 
rites (as  they  call  thofe  that  obeyed  Kings  and  the  Council) 
have  one  Patriarch  at  Damafius,  the  Emychian  Jacobites  one  at 
Mefopotamia,  the  Maronites  one  at  M.  Libanus,  all  called  Pa- 
triarchs ofAntioch)  (and  the  Remans  make  a  fourth  of  the  fame 



title)  and  the  NeftoYians  have  their  Patriarch  at 

Of  the  many  Herefies  or  Seels  that  rofe  up  from  the  intem- 
perate opposition  to  Nefforias,  and  the  woful  ruines  they  made 
in  the  Eaft  after  the  Calcedon  Councils,  and  all  caufed  by  Pride 
and  Profperity,  and  wantonnefs  of  Wit,  and  ftopt  only  by  the 
Conqueft  of  the  Saracens  and  Arabians,  and  how  orthodox  now 
in  their  Captivity  and  Poverty  they  all  are,  even  the  Jacobites, 
the  Neftorians,  the  Armenians,  the  Cophti,  the  Abeffmes^  the 
Indians,  and  the  Maronites,  fee  the  notable  words  of  Brurwrod 
Enquir.p.  i8o,  i8i3  182,  183.  As  alfo  how  the  Verfim  King 
was  a  great  caufe  of  the  fpreading  of  the  Nefiorians  through 
his  Dominions, 

LXVIIL  The  Eaft  and  Weft  were  divided  in  fufi'irh  Reign5on 
the  Qjeftion,  whether  the  names  of  two  Orthodox  dead  Bifhops 
fhould  be  reftored  into  the  Dypticks,  even  Euphemius  and  Ma- 
cedonius,  whom  the  Pope  had  damned  as  communicating  with 
Hereticks5  the  Bifhops  of  the  Eaft  being  for  k9  and  the  Weft  a- 

LXIX.  fuftin  turning  theftreamfor  the  Calced.  Council,  the 
Bifhops  in  a  Council  at  ferufalem,  and  another  at  Tyre  are  for  it, 
and  condemn  Sevems.  And  a  Roman  Council  condemneth  the 
three  dead  Bifhops  of  C.  P.  Acacius,  Euphemius  and  Macedo* 


LXX.  So  far  were  the  Bifhops  yet  from  Peace,  that  Jufliniatt 
being  Emperour,  headed  the  Council  Party,  and  his  Wife  the ad- 
verfe  Party. 

About  30000  they  fay  were  then  killed  inCsP;  at  an  Infur- 

LXXI.  A  mifchievous  Schifm  for  the  Bifhoprick  at  Rome,  be- 
tween Boniface  2.  and  Diofcorus  and  Agapetus  after  Boniface* 

LXXII.  In  fuftinians  time  a  Controverfie  arofe,  whether  we 
may  fay  [One  of  the  Trinity  was  crucified?  ]  Hormifda  Bifhop  of 
Rome  CM  No.  The  Nefiorians  took  hold  of  this  and  faid,  \Jhsn 
we  may  not  fay  Mary  was  Mother  to  one  of  the  Trinity."]  Jujtinian 
fent  for  a  Council  about  it  to  Pope  fobm  He  and  his  Bifhops 
concluded  contrary  to  Hormifda,  that  we  may  fay  [One  of  the 
Trinity  was  crucified."]  And  fay  Baronius  and  Binius  [_Ita  mutatis 
hoftibus  arma  mutari  neceffe  fuitT]  Faith  changeth  as  occafions 
change.  Reader,  if  chou  feeft  not  here  how  Bifhops  have  bro- 
ken the  Church  in  pieces ,  Irauftnottell  thee,  left  Mr.  M.  be 
angry.  I  in. 


I  Intreat  the  Reader  to  fee  what  I  faid,  Hift.  p.  i  J  2.  of  the 
Conference  of  Hypatius  and. the  Eutychians. 

LXXIII.  A  Council  at  C.  P.  calls  their  Bifhop  Patriarch* 
Oecumenicus,  and  condemn  divers  Bifhops,  as  doth  a  Council  ac 

LXXIV.  At  Rojne  the  Arian  King  made  Silverius  Bifhop,' 
and  others  chofe  VigUius  that  murdered  him.  VigUius  excom- 
municated Mcnna  or  C.  P.  which  fuflim'an  revenged. 

LXXV.  A  new  Controverfie  is  ltaced  whether  thrifts  body 
was  corruptible:  The  denyers  had  Gainas  A.  Bifhop  5  The  affir- 
mers  had  Thecdofius ;  The  firft  were  called  Phantafiafta,  the  o- 
ther  Corrupt  icol#.  Moft  were  for  Gainas,  but  the  Soldiers  for 
Theodofmr.  They  fought  many  daies,  and  the  Soldiers  killed  ma- 
ny, and  many  of  them  were  kiHed,  and  the  Women  withftones 
from  the  top  of  the  houfes,  and  the  Soldiers  with  fire,  continued 
the  war:  And  thedivifion  continued  in  Liberatus's  daies:  fufti- 
nian  was  fo  zealous  for  the  Council  ofCalcedon,  that  he  murder- 
ed thoufands  (as  they  fay  )  in  Egypt,  and  yet  dyed  a  reputed 
Heretick  himfeif,  being  for  the  Corrupt UoU,  and  Evagrius  faith, 
when  he  had  fet  the  whole  world  in  tumult,  he  was  damned  him- 
feif. But  God  beft  knoweth  that. 

LXXVf .  A  Council  at  Barcelona  Decree  that  Priefts  muft  cut 
their  beards,  but  not  fhave  them. 

LXXVII.  By  the  Cheat  of  an  Eatycbian  Bifhop  fuftinian  was 
perfuaded  that  the  condemning  of  fome  Writings  of  Theodora 
Afopfueft,  Theodorite  and  Ikas9  would  reconcile  the  Bifhops:  He 
calls  a  General  Council  at  C.  P.  to  that  end  (ufually  called  the 
jth)His  Letters  are  read  opening  the  doleful  divifions,  that 
the  Churches  had  no  Communion  with  one  another,  &c.  The 
three  Bifhops  writings  are  read  :  Theodorite  charged  by  this  Ge- 
neral Council  with  that  fait  Epiftle  againftdead  Cyril, and  a  like 
Speech  at  Antioch,  and  none  vindicated  him  :  Binitts  and  Mr. 
Morice  and  others  fay  the  Letter  is  forged  :  I  know  not  5  But 
the  Tria  Capitula  are  condemned.  And  now  this  General  Council 
hath  made  a  new  dividing  fnare.  Many  that  were  for  the  Calce- 
don  Council  feared  this  was  a  condemning  of  what  they  did  in 
receiving  Theodorite^  &c.  The  Adverfaries  were  never  the  more 
fatisfyed  j  but  faith  B mitts  himfeif  [  The  end-was  not  obtained,  but 
a  moft  grievous  mifchief added  to  the  Church—  The  whole  Catholic^ 
Church  was  torn  by  Schifm,  and  worJe,the  Emperourftir^dup  Per- 

F  jecution, 

'[edition,  depofed  or  banijhed  P,V\g\\\US:  But  left  the  Eaft  Jhould 
allforfakethe  Weft,  he  recanted  and  conferred  to  the  Council.  Doth 
cither  the  work,  or  the  effect  commend  this  General  Council? 

LXXVIII.  A  Council  of  ferujalem  fave  one  Bifhop,  prefently 
received  this  Decree. 

LXXIX.  A  Weftern  Council  at  AquiUia  condemn  this  fth 
General  Council  atC.  P.and  (faith  Binim)feparatedfrom  the  whole 
CatholickChurch(even  from  Rome)  for  an  hundred  years  tz'l  Sergius 
reconciled  them.  J^Were  the  Weitern  Bifhops  or  the  Pope  then 
the  Weftern  Church  ?  -So  many  feparated,  that  Vigiiins  being 
dead,  there  could  but  two  Bifhops  (and  a  Presbyter  )  be  got  to 
or  Jain  Pelagius  his  SuccefTor.  But  the  Emperour  and  his  Pope 
perfecute  the  Bifhops,  and  the  Schifm  feemed  defperate. 

LXXX.  Another  Council  at  C.  P.  An.  5:87.  decree  that  John 
Bifhop  of  C.  P.  be  called  The  Vniverfal  Bi/Jjop  5  which  greatly  in- 
creafed  the  Churches  divifions. 

LXXXI.  King  Gumhram  called  a  Council  at  Mafcon  An.  589. 
finding  all  things  grow  worfe  and  worfe,  &  all  long  of  the  Bifhops 
©nly,  faith  Binivu, 

LXXXII.  Even  Great  Gregory  called  a  Synod  againft  the  dif. 
fenting  Bifhops, and  they  not  obeying  hisfummons,the  Bifhop 
ofAquileia  was  ruined  (  the  Weftern  Head)  Sabinian  that  fuc- 
ceeded  Gregory  would  have  had  his  Books  burnt.  Boniface  the 
third  got  Phocas  the  Murderer  to  declare  Rome  the  Chief 
Bifhops  Seat  (He  to  whom  Greg,  had  fung  L&tentur  coe'i,  &  ex- 
tiket  terra^Scc.) 

LXXXIII.  Next  rofe  up  the  Monothelite  Controverfie.  Cyrus. 
Bifhop  of  Alexand.  to  end  the  Controverfies   aforementioned., 
was  told  that  to  ufe  the  word  [Dei  virilis  operatio  &  voluntas} 
would  unite  them  alJ,which  paft  as  fattsfatlion  in  a  Council  at  A- 
lexand.    1\  Honorius  perfuaded  them  to  filence  [One~\  and  [Tir*?.] 

But  this  Counfel  was  rejected.,  and  now  whether  Chrift  had 
[One  or  Two  Wills  and  Operations^  became  as  defide^  the  new- 
War  of  the  Bifhops  through  the  world.  Some  were  for  [One] 
and  fome  for  [Twoj  as  if  [Will  and  Operation,  and  One  or  Tw~]- 
were  words  that  had  but  one  fignification;  When  every  Novice 
in  Philofophy  muft  grant  that  Chrift's  Will  and  Operation  in  fome 
/enfe,  was  bur  One,  and  in  other  fenfes  Tiv<?5  as  I  have  proved. 
But  Sergius  Bifhop  of  Conh1.  fet  it  on  foot,  TIeraclius  being'for 
ir3  and  Pjrrhus  his  SuccefTor  followed  it  oa.    And  Sergius  by  a 



Council  of  Biftiops  at  C.  P.  decreed  for  [One  Will-] 

The  Opinion  and  the  Emperour  Conjtans  his  fifencing  both, 
are  condemned  at  Rome,  The  Pope,  Emperours  and  Bifhops, 
are  all  condemned,  and  perfecting  each  other  about  ir. 

LXXXIV.  Cottft.  Pogonat.  called  a  General  Council  at  C*  P. 
called  the  6tb,  which  condemned  Macarius  Bifhop  of  Ant%  and 
the  pacificatory  Epiftles  of  P.  Honorius  and  Sergius  as  Heretical, 
and  all  that  were  for  One  Will^  and  Que  Operation  of  Chrift  $ 
I.  As  denominated  anaturis  &  earum  principiis  feu  facpiltatibus^ 
the  Divine  and  Humane  Will  and  Operations  were  and  are  Two  : 
i.  As  denominated  ab  unit  ate  perfona  j  they  are  the  Will  avid  Ope- 
rations of  Oneperfon,  and  (b  far  may  be  called  One.  3.  As  deno- 
minated ab  unit  ate  okjetliva  they  are  One  :  The  Divine  and  Hu- 
mane Nature  will  the  fame  thing,  fo  far  as  the  Humane  willeths 
and  do  fo  far  the  fame  work  :  But  if  any  will  make  a  new  He- 
refieby  difputing  whether  the  Divine  Nature  alone  do  not 
will  and  acl  fomewhat  without  the  volition  and  aUion  of  the  Hu- 
mane (fince  the  Incarnation^  they  (hall  have  no  company  of 
mine  in  it.  4.  In  the  fenfe  as  the  Operation  of  the  principal 
and  inftrumentalCaufeare  One^  producing  One  Efetl-y  foChrift's 
Divine  and  Humane  Operations  are  One.  $\  As  Confent  deno-* 
minateth  Vnity^nd  the  Old  Chriftians  are  faid  to  be  of  One  heart 
and  foul,  One  mmd  and  mouth  $  and  Chrift  prayeth  that  we  may 
be  One  in  him,fo  his  Will  and  Operation  are  One%  6.  Yea  if  there 
be  a  fort  oiVnion  between  Chrift  &  his  Members,  and  between 
the  Bleffed  in  Heaven,  which  is  quite  beyond  ourprefent  com- 
prebenfion,  it  is  much  much  more  fo  between  drift's  Divinz 
and  Humane  Will  and  Operations. 

And  now  Reader,  whether  it  was  well  done  topafs  over  thefe 
and  many  other  needful  diftin&ions^  and  to  put  men  barely  to 
fay  that  Chrift's  Will  and  Operations  were  not  One^but  Two^vhttl 
really  they  were  both  One  and  Two  5  :nd  to  make  the  Pope  him- 
feif  a  Heretick,  for  one  of  the  wifeft  Epiftles  that  ever  Pope 
wrote  (lam  no  fuch  enemy  to  a  Pope  as  to  be  partial  -J  and  to 
divide  t&e  very  Weftera  Church  from  Rome,  and  make  AquileU 
its  Head  for  an  hundred  years,  and  to.  fet  all  the  Roman  Empire 
in  a  fl3me,  anuthemariz-ngand  fcparating  from  one  another,  tie- 
ask  each 'other  , 
ste  wifely  and 
to  blame  for 
F  z  blaming 

blaming  it,  then  good  and  evil  is  but  what  every  difeafed  foul 
will  make  it.  Mr.  Mortice  and  his  Matters,  that  honour  their 
Leviathan  for  fuch  works  asthefe,  do  tell  us/bat  they  would  da 
it  themfelves  were  it  to  be  done  again.  And  let  it  be  their  work, 
and  the  reward  be  theirs:    For  my  part  I  abhor  and  renounce  ir. 

LXXXV.  Faith  and  Salvationnow  depended  fo  much  on  Arith- 
metick,  that%the  Bifhops  of  Spain  raifed  another  Arithmetical 
ControverUe  ,  afTerting  Three  Subftances  in  Chrifi,  bis  Divinity^ 
his  Soul^  and  his  Body  y  and  fay5  [  A  Will  begat  a  Will,  that  L% 
the  Divine,  the  Humanc.~\  Thefe  things  are  true.  But  the  wife 
Pope  was  fo  affrighted  with  Arithmetical  Cuntr  over  fits  by  expe- 
rience of  the  mifchievous  Effects,  that  Ifc  cautioned  them  much 
about  ir,  and  for  that  fome  judged  him  errone 

LXXXVI.  The  Council  at  Trull  was  one  of  the  heft  that  ever 
they  had,  yet  (hewed  the  Core  of  the  Churches  Plague,,  by  de- 
creeingj  That  whatever  alteration  the  Imperial  Tower  mtketh  on 
any  City^  the  Ecclefiaftical  Order  Jhall  follow  it.  This  Clergy  am- 
bition nurft  up  Anti-Chrift. 

LXXXVIL  A  Council  at  Aquileia condemned  the  5th  General 
Council  for  condemning  the  Tria  capitula. 

JLXXXVIII.  Pope  Sergius  condemning  the  Trullans  Council,  the 
Emperour  commanded  him  to  be  a  Prifoner,  and  the  Soulditrs*. 
bribed  refcued  him. 

LXXXIX,  Bardanes  Thilippicus  being  made  Emperor,  he  cal- 
ieth  a  General  Council  at  C.P.  where,  faith  Bwius,  out  of  the 
£aft  there  were. innumerable  Bifhops,  (which  is  notfaidof  any  o- 
ther  Council)  who  all  condemned  the  6th  General  Council,  and 
their  Decrees  of  Two  Wills  and  Operations. 

Here  (not  I,  but)  Bar  oni  us  and  Bmius  fay  [Thus  at  the  Beck  of 
An  Emperour,  andthe  Will  of  a  Monothelite  Patriarchy  the  holy  6th > 
Synod  is  condemned \and  what  they  f aid  of  Two  Wills  with  Chrifiy  and 
two  Operations,  and  all  retraced  by  the  Decree  and  Subfcription 
efvery  many  Oriental  Bifhops,  that  were  in  one  moment  turned  from 
being  Catholick  to  be  Monothehtes\  But  do  they  forget  the  100 
Year,  that  even  the  Weft  made  a  head  againft-the  ?  th  Council 
and  the  Pope. 

XC.  Next  all  the  World  is  fet  together  by  the  Ears  about 
Images,  for  which  the  Pope  rebelled  againft  and  rejected  the 
Emperour  for  Charles  Maxteloi  France. 

Ajid  FopeZachary  bid  Boniface  call  a  Council  to  eject  the  Af- 
(kllQizti  Antipodes*  XCI.  It 


CXI.    Ffl  a  General  Council  at  C.T.  338  Bifhops  condemn- 
ed the  worfhipping   of  Images^    and  fwear  men  not  to  adore 
therm,   and  derrroyed   reliques,  &c.  and  decreed,  that  Chrift's 
Body  is  not  flefh  in  Heaven:  Bat  the  Pope  and  Weftern  B  (hops 
of  his  Party,  condemn  this  Council. 
XCll.  The  C7r^Bifhops  condemn  the  RomanB\(hov$  for  add- 
U  wg  [F///^]  to  the  Creed,  and  fo  another  occafion  ofSchifmis 
1     raifed> 

XCIII.  The  Schifms  in  Italy  zvARcme  itfeif  now  grew  fo  great 
and  the  Effect's  in  Blood  and  Confufions  fo  difmal ,  that  I  mult 
not  number  them  one  by  one. 

XCIV.   Conji amine  and  Let  Ijkkri  Emperours,  being  dead,  a 

(Woman  Irene,  and  her  Infant  Son  are  for  Images,  and  call  a  ue- 
ncral  Council  for  them  at  Nice,  where  Tharafws  Bifhop  of  C 
P.  got  the  B.fhopsto  carry  it  for  Images  and  Reliques,  and  the 
Chief  Bifhops  that  had  condemned  them  before,  nowcryed/w- 
cavimus,  and  condemned  thefe  that  were  againft  adoration  of 
Images,  &c.  If  Mr.  Morrice  call  me  an  Enemy  to  Repentance 
for  reciting  this,  I  cannot  help  ir. 

XCV.  Yet  more  Schifm  :  Two  Bifhops,  F'celix  and  EV.pandus, 
fay,  Tluti  Chrift  as  the  eternal  Word  was  Gods  natural  Sonl  but  as 
Man  he  was  but  his  adopted  Son :  (thinking  that  duo  fundaments. y 
viz.  Generati*  tterna,  &  temporalis,  duas  faciunt  Relations,  fili- 
ationis  in  uia perfona.  ]  But  Councils  condemned  them  as  mak-v 
ing  two  Sons.  And  the  great  Council  at  Franhjord  condemning 
the  fecond  Council  of  Nice,  and  Image-worfhip,  condemn  alio 
thefe  two  Bifhops,  1,  For  faying  Chrifi  was  God's  AdcptedSon  j 
2.  And  that  bj  Grace  j  3 .  And  that  he  was  a  Servant.  Is  any  of. 
this  falfe  5  not  excluding  a  higher  title  ? 

The  Council  concludeth  that  Cbrifl  was  not  a  Servant  fubjetl-- 
ed  to  God  bj  penal  fervitude:  Sure  it  was  part  of  his  fuffering  for 
our  fins,  to  be  in  the  form  of  a  Servant,  Phil.  2.7. 

XCVI.  Binius  faith  the  FUioqt  was  added  to  the  Creed  by 
the  Spanijh  and  French  Bifhops  without  the  Pope. 

XCVII.  One  Council  at  C.  P.  reftored  him  that  married  the 
Emperour  adulteroufly  to  another  wife:  And  another  condemn- 
ed Theod.  Studita  and  Plato,  for  being  againft  it. 

XCVIIL  The  moft  excellent Emperour  Ludov.  Piuswu  fo> 
zealous  to  reform  the  Bifhops,  that  they  hated  him,  and  in  a 
Council  at  Compendium  (Compeigne)  moft  perfidioufly  depofed 


Dim,  ana  aicer  oaieiy  aouieci  mm,  even  witnout  me  rope. 

XCIX.  As  to  pleafe  his  Son  Lothariw,  they  depofed  the  Fa- 
ther 5  fo  when  he  was  beaten  by  his  Brethren,  they  after  in  a 
Council  at  Aquifgrane  {Aken)  depofed  Lothariast  accufing  him 
as  they  did  his  Father* 

C.  At  c.  P.  a  Council  was  called  by  the  power  of  another 
Woman  Theodora  and  the  Bifhops  that  had  under  divers  Empe- 
rours  condemned  Image-  worfhip,  now  turn  to  it  again,  and  ana- 
thematize on  a  fudden  the  oppofers. 

CI.  The  Bifhops  own  Lotharios  Adulterous  marriage  with 

CII.  The  Councils  that  fet  up  and  pull'd  down  Ignatius  and 
Tintim  at  C.  P.  and  the  woful  ftir  that  they  made  as  Emperours 
changed,  were  lamentable. 

GUI.  Many  contrary  Councils  were  between  the  French 
Bifhops  that  were  for  Lotharius  divorce  and  the  Pope. 

CIV.  Bafd  the  Emperour  writes  to  the  Pope  to  pardon  all  his 
Bifhops,  or  e!fe  they  fhould  be  without,  becaufe  all  had  mifcar- 
ried,  and  turned  with  the  times. 

CV.  A  General  Council  at  Conft.  called  by  the  Paplfts,  Ujs 
Eighth  General  Come //,  condemned  Photitts  again,  and-fetup /g-  . 
natiuS)  and  the  Changers  crytd,  peccavimus^  and  make  extreme 
Decrees  for  Images  (But  they  well  condemn  Subscribing  to  be 
true  to  their  Patriarchs  and  Bifhops-,)  but  decree  that  all  Princes 
and  Subjects  worfhip  the  Bifhops,  who  mult  not  fall  down  to 
them.  Other  horrid  Elevations  of  Prelates  above  Princes  they 
decreed — faying,  A  Bifhop,  though  it  be  mamfefi  that  he  is  defti-, 
tute  of  all  Firtue  of  Religion,  jet  ts  aPafior  $  and  the  Sheep  muft 
not  refift  the  Shepherd. 

CVI.  A  dangerous  Rent  between  Rome  andC.  P.  what  Bifhop 
fhould  have  the  Bulgarians. 

CVIL  A  Council  at  JVLtz.  called  Prtdatorium,  gave  the  King-. 
dom:  to  Car.  Calv.  unjuftly. 

CVIIL  A  Council  at  Pavia  falfly  make  Charles  Emperour. 

CIX.  Another  (Pontigonsnfe)  confirmed  it 5  (the  Pope:  chim- 
ing the  Power.) 

CX.  A  Roman  Council  unjnftly  made  Lndov.  3.  Emperour. 

CXI.  A  General  Council  at  C.  P.  again  fet  Mp-Pbotius,  and  call 
out  IFUiofa] 

CXII.  The*Roman  adlions  for  and  againft  P.  Formofus,  are 
odious  to  allfober  Chriftians  Ears,  CXIII.  A 



CXIII.  A  Council  at  Sojfons  confirm   the   A.  Bifhoprick  of" 
Rhemss  to  a  Child  of  five  years  old,  Son  to  the  E.  of  Aqmtane, 
Divers  other  Councils  do  and  undo  about  the  fame  Caufe. 

CXIV.  TheHiilory  of  the  Bifhops  of  Rome  and  their  Councils 
from  hence  forward  is  fo  lamentable  that  even  the  mofl:  flattering 
Papift  Hiftorians  mention  them  with  deteftation.  So  that  I  limit 
not  fray  to  name  many  particulars. 

CXV.  An.  1049.  A  Roman  Council  wis  fain  topardoo  Simo- 
niacal  Bifhops  and  Pried?,  became  the  Cy  was,  that  elfe  none 
would  be  left  to  officiate. 

CXVI.  Beirg  come  into  rhe  Rowan  fmfe,  I  will  pafs  above  an 
hundred  more  of  the  Councils  of  this  woful  fort  of  B  mops,  left 
Mr.  Mrrrice  think  that  I  fuppofe  him  to  vindicate  them,  or  not 
to  abhor  them.  Only  remembering  my  Reader  ofafew  General 
or  notable  things  :  vfc. 

I.  The  multitude  of  Schifm%  and  long  vacancies  at  Rone  $ 
and  the  horrid  incapacity  of  very  many  Popes,  which  prove  an  in- 
terrupted fucce.Tion. 

II.The  horrid  wars  that  long  infefted  Italy  by  the  Popes  means.. 

III.  The  difmal  wars  with  many  Emperours,  and  the  Bifhops 
and  Councils  half  on  one  fide  and  half  on  the  other. 

IV.  TheC^uncil  that  called  the  Emperours  and  others  Prin- 
ces  power   of  inverting  Bifhops,  the    Henri  ci  a  nHercfie,.  and; 
judg'd  the  Bifhops  that  had  been  for  it  to-be  dig'd  out  of  their 
graves  and  burnt. 

V.  The  Subjecting  and  debating  of  all  Chriftian  Princes,  mak- 
ing them  but  as  the  Body,  and  the  Moon,  and  the  Bifhops,  to  be 
as  the  foul  and  the  fun.  Efpecially  the  General  Lateran  Council 
which  decreed  Tranfubftantiation,  and  all  to  be  Hereticks  that 
denied  it ;  And  oblige  all  temporal  Lords  to  exterminate  all  fucU 
Hereticks  on  pain  of  Excommunication,  depofition  &  damnation. 

VI.  The  Councils  ofConflance  and  Bafils  that  were  for  Refor- 
mation how  falQyand  cruelly  they  dealt  with  ///wand  Jerome 
and  rejected  the  four  great  requefts  of  the  Bohemians,  and  fixed 
their  pollutions. 

VII.  The  Councils  of  Florence,  and  that  of  "Trent,  ,which  had 
more  Learned  men,  who  yet  more  obftinately  managed  the  En- 
mity to  Reformation. 

VIII.  The  p  re  fen  r  State  of  the  Univerfal  Church  throughout;- 
the  World  as  it  is  divided  into  Papifts,  Pr weft [ants,  Greek*,  Mof- 



-covites,  Georgians,  with  the  Circajfians  and  Mengrelians,  Ame~ 
nlans9  Neftorians,  Jacobites,  Copbtts,  Abafinet,  Maronites,  Aiel- 
chites\  And  what   thoughts  thefe  have  of  one  another. 

And  I  would  deiire  Mr.  Momce  to  tell  us, 

i.  Whether  he  believes  not  verily  that  all  thefe  Inftances 
prove  that  the  Bifhops  have  been  the  chief  caufe3  and  that  by 
Ambition,  Pride  and  Worldlinefs  ? 

2.  Whether  it  be  not  the  Bifhops  that  in  the  Roman  and 
other  Parties  now,  are  the  greateft  hi nderers  of  Reformation, 
and  of  Concord  ?  and  it  would  not  be  foon  done  were  it  not 
through  them  ? 

*.  Where  it  is  that  he  will  (top  in  his  Vindication  of  the 
Bifhops  and  their  Councils,  and  go  no  further  ?  and  by  what  co- 
gent reafon? 

4.  Whether  he  thought  he  had  well  defended  the  Church- 
Tyranny  which  I  accufed  ?  i.  By  vindicating  the  firft  Ages,  and 
others  whom  I  praifed,and  accufed  nCt^i,  And  by  letting  fall  his 
Vindication  (favea  few  confequent  quibbles)  at  the  fourth  Ge- 
neral Council;  which  was  in  451.  Andfo  feems  to  vindicate  the 
Bifhops  and  Councils  but  for  the  fpace  of  iyo  years  of  the  time 
that  I  mentioned  their  degeneration? 

5.  Whether  if  the  Bifhops  had  been  willing  when  they  had 
the  King's  Commiffion  to  make  neceflary  alteration, or  were  but 
to  this  day  willing  to  prefer  things  neceflary  before  things  hurt- 
ful or  indifferent,  we  might  not  live  in  happy  and  holy  Love 
and  Peace  in  England  ? 

6.  Whether  he  can  blame  a  man  that  believes  in  Chrift,  for 
lamenting  the  doleful  corruption  and  divifion  of  the  Chriftian 
world,  and  for  enquiring  of,  and  lamenting  the  finful  caufes.. 

7.  If  that  Church  Prelacy  which  they  juftly  call  the  beft  in  all 
the  world  can  endure  no  more  Parifh  Difcipline  than  we  have* 
nor  can  endure  fuch  a  Miniftry  as  are  filenced  by  hundreds  or 
thoufands  ("than  whom  no  Nation  on  Earth  abroad  that  I  can 
hear  of  hath  better)  can  you  blame  us  for  fufpecYmg  that  fome- 
what  is  amifs  with  them,  and  more  with  others  r 

8.  I  hope  ycu  w4il.y<et  remember  that  I  did  not  appear  as  an 
accufer  of  Prelacy  or  Conformity,  but  as  importuned  by  your 
fdvcsto  give  the  reafons  why  I  dare  not  take  your  Covenant 
and  Oath  never  to  endeavour  any  alteration  of  your  Church  Go- 
vernment: and  that  after  feventeen  yeers  filence.    My  prayers 



to  God  fhall  be  my  endeavour  for  thefe  following  Alterations. 

i.  That  the  Primitive  Difcipline  may  be  exercifed  intbePa- 
rifh  Churches,as  Bucer  importuned  the  King  and  Bifhops  de  Regno 

2.  That  to  that  end  we  may  either  have  fo  many  Bifhops  un- 
der the  Diocefan  as  be  capable  to  do  it,  or  the  Presbyters  ena- 
bled, allowed  and  oWjged  to  do  ir. 

3.  Ancfthatwemaynot  inftead  of  it  have  only  ad iftant Court 
of  men  that  know  not  the  Parifhioners.,  where  a  Lay  Chancellour 
decreeth  Excommunication,  and  Abfolution,  which  the  Paridi 
Prieft  mult  publifli,  though  his  confcience  be  againft  it. 

4.  And  that  Diocefans  may  not  filence  faithful  Minifters  with- 
out fuch  caufe  asChrift  will  allow,  nor  fet  up  ignorant  bad  ones 
and  bind  the  Parishioners  to  hear  and  communicate  with  no 
other.  I  am  fo  far  from  precife  expectations  from  Diocefans,  or 
from  reviling  them,  that  I  do  conftantly  praife  them  as  very  good 
Bifhops  who  do  no  harm,  or  but  a  little,and  if  they  fhould  never 
preach  themfe!ves,fo  they  will  not  hinder  others. 

9.  And  as  for  my  calling  Things  and  Perfons  as  they  are,  I 
hope  you  will  not  fay  that  it  was  out  of  Malice  thtt'Anaftajius 
Plat  in  a,  Majfonius,  Stella,  Sigibert,  Baronius,  Genebrard,  Bin- 
nius,  &c.  have  recorded  fuch  horrid  crimes  of  Popes,  and  others 
alfo  of  Prelates.  And  is  it  malice  in  me  to  tranfcribe  their  Hi- 

I  am  of  Dr.  Henry  M core's  mind,  who  faith,  \My fiery  of Iniq* 
p.  388.  "  Hence  it  is  plain  that  they  are  the  true  ft  friends  to 
"  Chriftendom,  even  to  Rome  it  felfo  that  do  not  foot h  them  up  in 
u  their  fins,  by  mitigating  and  hiding  their  foul  mifcarriagcsi  but 
€<  deal  apzrtly  and  plainly  with  them  for  their  ownfafety  5  that  nei- 
"  thcr  admit;  nor  invent  fubt  erf uges  to  countenance  or  palliate  their 
ef  Idolatrous  and foperftitious  pratlices,  but  tell  them  plainly  how 
Cf  much  they  are  apoftatiz,edfrom  the  trueWorJhip  ofGodandChrifi 
tc  into  Paganifm  and  Idolatry.  Better  are  the  rebukes  of  a  faithful 
fi friend ',  than  the  hired  flatteries  of  a  globing  mercenary.'}  I  pray 
mark  this  well 

10.  I  take  two  things  to  be  the  degenerating  and  corruption 
of  Epifcopacy, 

1.  When  they  became  fo  bad  that  they  were  not  willing  to 
do  good  according  to  their  undertaken  Office.  Bad  men  will 
do  ill  in  any  place. 

G  2.  When 


2.  When  they  had  put  themfelves  into  a  ftate  of  incapacity'^ 
that  they  could  not  do  the  Good  undertaken,  were  they  never  fo 

i.  Since  great  Baits  of  Wealth  and  Domination  have  tempted 
the  worft  men  to  be  the  Seekers,Bifnops  have  rarely  been  good, 
except  under  a  Saint-like  Prince  or  People  ihat  had  the  Choice  5 
nor  are  ever  like  to  be.  And  what  work  mk  Enemies  of  Holi- 
nefs  will  make  by  abufing  Gbrift's  Name  againft  himfelf,  is  eafie 
to  know5*fuch  will  take  the  beft  men  for  the  word,  and  call 
them  all  thai's  naught,  tlut  they  may  quiet  their  Consciences  in 
deftroying  them. 

2.  And  fmce  a  Diocefs  of  many  hundred  or  fcore  Parifhes- 
hath  had  but  one  Bifhop  for  Discipline,  the  work  is  become 
■impofltble  to  the  belt*  But  when  a  few  Bad  men  will  rnercinarily 
undertake  Impolfibilities,and  fo.Badvefs  and  J&poflibility  go  to- 
gether, alas,  what  hope,  but  of  a  better  world  above  ? 

Saith  Lptthzr  ds  Concil.  &  Ecckf.p.  300.  Ssdquam  fttnt  intent* 
hanc  craffktn  &  afininam  fatttitafem  f(WnU$ Epifcopxs  nownnqnam 
babet  ires  Epifcopatus  vel  Diocefes>  &  tamen  vocal ur  Vnitts  Vxo- 
ris  mar  it  us,  &  cam  habet  tantum  unum  Epifcopatvms  tamen  inter- 
dnm  habet  centum^  due  cat  as,  qningentas  Varcchias,  ant  etiam 
flares,  &  vocatur  tamen  Sponfus  unim  Ecclejia  —Hi  .non  font 
digami- —Tarn  infwlfas  &  inept  ifjimas  n&<>iasrecipit  mens  humana\. 
it  a  permittente  Deo  cum  a  vet  bo  difccHimxs,  &  omnia  limatius  & 
fxbtilitis  fcrtitamar .qitam  ipfe  vnlt  nos  fi*AN&k]  Whether  you  re- 
verence Lifar  any  more  than  Calvin  I  .know  not. 

1 1*  To  conclude  this  matter,  two  things  I  defire  you,  or  at 
leaft  the  Reader  to  confider, 

1.  Whether  it  be  not  a  dreadful  thing  for  a  man  to  make  the 
Church  corrupting,  dividifrg  and  confounding  fin?,  to  be  all  his 
own  by  defending  or  exculing  them,  on  a  falfe  pretence  of  Vin- 
dicating the  Primitive  Church  Government,  which  was  contra- 
ry to  them  ? 

2.  Whether  you  rruft  to  Truth  and  Evidence,  or  to  Intereft 
and  depraved  Judgments,  if  you  ttiink  men  fhall  believe  that 
you  have  confuted  all  this  undoubted  Hiftory,  and  the  prefent 
experience  of  ail  the  woful  Chriftian  World,  by  a  general  Cry 
thitX  write  falily  and  malicioufly,  or  by  faying  that  I.  am  un- 
learned, or  that  I  trufted  to  a  Tranflation,  or  Binnius,  or  that 
Mmifis  miftook  the  year,  (things  that  I. will  not  turn  over  my 



Books  to  try,)  or  that  I  mifplaced  or  mifunderftood  a  word  of 
Iheodorite,  or  miftranflated  CaUmi,  or  fuch  like.  Such  Believers 
of  you  are  guilty  of  their  own  deceit. 

§  22.  There  is  lately  publifhed  by  a  namefcfs  Prelatifr,  to 
fhew  the  World  what  Spirit  he. is  of,  a  Book  pretending  by  the 
defcription  of  my  Life  from  J640.  till  1681.  to  prove  me  one 
of  the  worft  men  alive.  To  that  I  will  now  fay  but  thefe  few 

1.  That  let  them  take  me  to  be  as  bad  as  they  will,  fo  they 
would  have  fo  me  mercy  on  their  own  and  others  Souls,and  the 
Church  of  God. 

2.  That  it's  no  wonder  that  we  differ  about  Antient  Times 
and  Hiftory,  and  prefent  Impofitions,  when  the  main  difference 
in  our  Times  is,  who  are  godly,  yea  tolerable  Chriftians,  and 
who  are  intolerable  Rogues  5  and  thofe  that  fas  before  God) 
by  long  and  intimate  acquaintance^  judge  to  be  the  moft  ferious, 
confcionable,  humble,  holy  MinifterS  and  People  that  were  ever 
known  to  me,  are  the  Perfons  that  the  Prelatifts  profecute,  fi~ 
lence,and  cry  out  againft  as  the  moft  intolerable  wicked  Ene- 
mies of  Piety, Truth  and  Peace.  What  is  it  that  is  the  root  of 
this  ? 

3.  That  this  forefaid  Book  is  one  continued  Calumny,un wor- 
thy of  an  Anfwer,  partly-making  my  duty  my  fin  fas  that  I  di£ 
liked  the  many  drunken  Readers  that  were  the  Teachers  of  my 
Youth,  &c.)  and  partly  perverting  fcraps  of  fentences  5  and 
partly  reciting  one  revoked  Book,,  and  a  few  retraced  fentences 
of  another,  when  Augttftin  is  commended  for  retracing  far 
more,  and  filling  it  with  a  multitude  of  moft  grofs  untruths,of  his 
own  fiftion. 

•  4.  That  as  to  his  and  Mr.  Mortice  and  others  talk  of  the 
Wars  I  fay." 

1.  That  I  never  thought  the  Parliament  blameleft. 

2.  That  yet  on  Bilfo>f$  grounds  I  was  in  my  Judgment,  and 
Speech,  and  A&ion,  comparatively  for  them  while  they  made 
their  CommilTi  ons  to  Effex  for  King  and  Parliament. 

3.  That  from  N^sby  Fight  I  wholly  laboured  to  have  drawn 
off  their  Souldiers  from  Errour,  and  Rebellion,  and  Ufurpationj 
in  which  I  did  and  fuffered  more  than  multitudes  of  my  Ac* 

4*  That  I  never  went  fo  far  againft  the  Power  of  the  King  as 

G  z  R.  Hooker 


R.  Hooker  whom  I  have  long  ago    confuted. 

5.  That  I  never  (truck  or  hurt  man  in  the,  wars. 

6.  That  I  will  confent  to  be  filenced  and  imprifoned  if  they 
will  but  give  tkofe  Minifters  leave  to  preach  Chrifts  Gofpel  that 
never  had  to  do  with  wars  (unlefs  for  the  King.) 

7.  That  when  our  beginning  Concord  had  reftored  the  King, 
the  5<7<tf  j,though  unfuccefsfully  fought  for  him,Mow^&  his  Army, 
that  had  blood  ilyf  at  D//«£W,&c.)fought  againfthim,had  with  the 
Concurrence  of  Sir  Tho.  Allen,  the  Londoners  and  Presbyterians 
reftored  him,  when  the  King  by  them  came  in  Triumph,  Ho- 
noured Monk  and  others  of  them,  confeft  them  the  Caufe  of  his 
Reftoration,  paft  an  Aft  of  Oblivion  that  we  might  all  live  in  fu- 
ture Peace,  I  fay,  If  after  all  this  it  be  Prelacy  and  C'ergy  In- 
tereft  and  Spirit,  that  will  rub  over  all  the  healed  wounds,  and 
itrive  again  what  ever  it  coft  us  to  ulcerate  the  peoples  mind33 
and  refolve  that  the  Land  and  Church  (hal!  have  no  Peace,  but 
by  the  deftruttion  of  fuch  as  reftored  the  King  ;  I  (hall  think  ne- 
ver the  better  of  Prelacy  for  this.  But  ask  them,  why  did  you 
not  Speak  it  out  in  1660  to  M<?«^and  his  Army,  or  till  now. 

§  23.  And  whereas  that  Advocate  (defcribed  ?«h,8.)  and  you 
are  (till  deceiving  the  ignorant  by  facing  men  down  with  Confi- 
dence that  Hie  in  faying  that  [  Two  Epifcopd  Parties  began  the 
War  in  England  and  the  Papifls  and  Frefbyterians  came  in  but  a*s 
Auxiliaries^  I  again  fay, 

1,  Allow  me  but  reafonable  leave,  and  I  will  prove  it  to  the 
fhameofyou  if  you  deny  it. 

2.  At  prefent  I  will  but  recite  one  claufe  in  Whitlockj  Memo- 
rials, pag.  45:.  even  after  they  thought  themfelves  under  a  ne- 
ceffuy  to  pleafe  the  Scots  as  far  as  they  could.  ["  Anno  1640. 
u  The  Commons  had  debate  about  a  new  Form  of  Ecclcfiaftical  Gc- 
u  vernment,  and  fuly  17.  agreed,  That  every  Shire  Jloall  be  a  fevt- 
cc  ral  Diocefs  ;  a  Presbytery  of  Twelve  Divines  in  each  Shire,  and 
cc  a  Prefident  as  a  Bijhop  over  them  5  and  he  with  the  ajfiftance  of 
<c  fome  of  the  Presbytery  to  ordain,  fufpcnd,  deprive,  degrade  and 
<c  excommunicate.  To  hzve  a  Diocefan  Synod  once  a  year,  and 
iC  every  third  year  a  National  Synod,  and  they  to  make  Canons ,  but 
<c  none  to  be  binding  till  confirmed  by  Parliament, 

C(  The  Primate  of  Armagh  offered  an  expedient  for  conjunBio* 
u  in  point  of  Difcipline%  that  Epifcopal  and  Presbyterian  Govern- 
^  mcut  might  not  be  at  4  far  dlfiavge^  but  reducing  Epifcopacy  to 

cc  th* 

n  ths  Form  of  Synodical Government  in  the  Primitive  Ciurch 

Were  not  thefe  men  Epifcopal  ?  It's  much  like  Mr.  Tho/n- 
dik/s  own  motions  faving  his  Opinion  for  Forein  JurifdicYion. 

§  24.  As  to  your  fir  ft  and  laft  Chapters,  and  about  the 
Antient  Extent  of  Churches,  while  my  Treatife  of  Epifcopacy, 
which  fully  confuteth  you,  is  unanfwered  j  if  I  repeat  it  again,  it 
will  not  be  read  by  weary  men.  And  another  hath  anfwered 
thofe  parts  of  your  Book,  which  is  ready  for  the  Prefc. 

I  after  tell  you  where  Chrjfoftcm  even  in  his  time  numbers 
the  Chriftians  in  that  great  Imperial  City  to  be  an  hundred 
thoufand,that  is  as  many  as  in  Martins  and  Stepney  Pa-rimes,  and 
perhaps  in  Giles  Cripplegate  too. 

§  2f.  To  conclude,  Whereas  Mr.  M.  in  general  chargeth  me 
as  falfifying  H  ftory,  I  frill  call  myftlfa  HATER  of  FALSE 
HISTORY,  and  loath  W[r.Morrict9$  Hiftory,  becaifc  it  is  falfe: 
Bat  if  he  will  inftead  of  falsifying  and  trifling,  (hew  me  any  falfe 
H.ftory  that  I  have  owned,  I  will  thank  him  unfeignedly,  and  re- 
tracl:  it.  Bat  factious  reproaching  of  good  men,  and  painting 
the  deformed  face  of  Vice,  go  not  with  me  for  convincing 
proof.  If  I am  not  nearof  kin  to  Eftfrnxs,  I  am  a  ftranger  to 
my  feif,  even  as  Memla,  and  M.  Adamus  defcribe  him,  \_Ingeni* 
er at  (implex  ;  adeo  abhorrent  a  mendacio,  tit  pxellus  etiam  odijfet 
pwes -  menttentes ;  &  fenex  ad  illorum  adfpeftum  etiam  cor  pots 
commoveretur.  Dignitatem  01  magnarum  divitiarum  contumax 
contemptor  ;  neqae  quicqaam  pritis  itio  babttit  ac  li-jeitate.'}  And 
I  think,  as  it  isfaid  otCtifpinian,  [_Ratus  fe  fattsfaclnrt<m  mgenuo 
Ldhri,  fiqua  vcrijftma  ejfe  comperijj'et  ftmpLc'ffima  oratione  man* 
daret  pofteritati  :  fatis  enim  eft  h'ftorico  (jit  pr&cUre  dixit  apfid 
Cicsronem  Catullus),  non  ejfe  Mendacem."] 

And  as  to  my  ends  and  expectation?,  I  am  not  Co  vain  as  to 
write  with  any  great  hope  of  perfuading  many,  if  any  who  are 
pofleft  of  large  Diocefs,  Wealth  and  Power,  to  for  fake  them, 
muchlefs  to  cure  the  common  Thirft  that  corrupted  Nature  is 
pofleft  with,  and  to  be  the  means  of  a  Publick  Reformation :  if 
I  may  fatisfie  my  Confcience,  and  fave  fome  from  being  decei- 
ved by  falfe  Hiftory  about  the  Caufes  of  the  Antient  Schifms, 
it's  all  that  I  can  hope  for :  Hid  I  lived  in  Alb.  Crantzius  daies, 
I  might  perhaps  have  faid  as  he  of  Luther  [Frater,  Frater9  abi 
in  cetlam  tuaP^%  &  die  Mtferere  m:i  Deus ;]  Et  de  Canonic  it 
«pt  (£ylty&nv  diftis,  Nwquam  pojfe  cos  redHti  ad  meliortm  frngem* 



nijlprius  a  vlrU  dottis  expu^utta  arcs  (*.  e.  Vap.tttt.) 

'  And  for  my  felf,  none  of  the  Inter cfted  mens  reproaches  are 
unexpected  to  me  :  Anger  will  fpeak.  I  know  what  tbePapifts 
fay  of  the  Reformers,  and  all  the  Proteftants  :  And  yet  I  expert 
that  all  at  laft  will*  turn  to  thedifgrace  offalfhood,- by  putting 
men  to  fearch  Church-Hiftory  for  the  Truth. 

The  cafe  oi  Capnio  is  worth  a  brief  recital.  A  covetous  Jew 
pretending  Converfion,  contrived  with  the  Fryers  and  Inquifi- 
tors,  to  get  a  great  deal  of  money  from  the  Jews,  by  procuring 
an  Edift  from  the  Emperour  to  burn  sll  the  Jews  Books,  that 
fo  they  might  purchafe  them  of  the  Fryers.  The  Emperour 
will  firft  hear  what  Capnio  a  great  Hebrician  faith  :  Capnio  ad- 
vifeth  to  fpare  all  that  only  promoted  the  Hebrew  Literature, 
and  burn  only  thofe  that  were  written  againft  Chrift.  Hock? 
ftrate  and  the  Fryers  were  vext  thus  to  lofe  the  prey,  and  accu- 
fed  Capnio  of  Herefie :  The  caufc  is  oft  tryed,efpecially  at  Rome : 
All  the  Learned  Hebricians  were  for  Capnio  :  The  Fryers  raged 
the  more:  This  awakened  many  Learned  men  to  fearch  into  the 
Caufe,  and  armed  them  againft  the  Fryers.  Galatinm,  Hmten^ 
Erafmus,  cVc.  are  for  Capmo.  The  Fryers  accufe  them  alfo  of 
Herefie  :  But  by  this  they  ftirred  np  fuch  a  Party  of  the  moft 
Learned  men  againft  them,  that  when  Tez,elitts  came  to  vend 
his  Indigencies,  Luther  hud  fo  many  ready  to  /oyn  againft  the 
Inquifitors  and  Mercenary  cheating  Fryers,  as  greatly  furthered 
the  Reformation.  And  two  or  three  ingenuous  Conformifts  who 
have  lately  written  againft  the  violent  battering  Canoneers,  do 
tell  us  that  fome  are  like  to  be  excited  by  the  Overdoing  of  the 
Accufing  filencing  Party,  to  fearch  better  into  the  matter  of 
Fact  and  Right,  till  they  can  diftinguifh  between  an  Eucrafic 
and  a  Tympanite. 

Or  if  this  world  be  incurable,  they  cannot  keep  us  out  of  the 
heavenly  femfalem,  where  there  is  no  Errour,  Schifm,  nor  Per- 
fection, becaufe  no  Ignorance,  Malignity  or  Pride,  but  the 
General  Aftembly  of  perfect  Spirits,  are  united  in  one  perfect 
Head ^  in  perfect  Life,  and  Light,  and  Love. 



The  particular  Defence  of  the  HiPcory 
of  Councils  and  Scliifms. 

Art  Account  to  Mr.  Morrice  why  my  mentioning  the  Chu>xh» 
difl ratling  fins  cj  the  Clergy ',  when  worldly  grandeur  cor* 
ruptedthem,  is  not  a  TJijhoymr/hig,    but  a  Honouring  of 
the  Primitive  Church.    And  to  vindicate  thofe  fins  is  no 
Vindicat  ion  of  the  Primitive  Church. 


CHAP,     I, 
The  Reafon  and  Dcfign  of  my  Hifiory  of  Bifoops  and  Councils.. 

i.TH  E  Y  that  know  the  men  with  whom  I  have  to  do,  and 
A  the  Caufe  which  1  have  in  Controverfie  with  them, will 
eafily  underftand  my  purpofe..  The  Perfons  with  whom  I  am  to 
deal,  are  fuch  as  bold, 

i.  That  a  General  Council  of  Bifhops  or  the  Col  ledge  of 
Bifho'ps  Governing  per  Litems  format  as  out  of  Council,  are  the 
Supreme  Governing  Power  over  the  Univerfal  Church  o%n  Earth, 
having  the  Power  of  Univerfal  Legiflation  an*d  Judgment-.. 

2.  That  among  thefe  the  Pope  is  juftly  the  Patriarch  of  the 
Weft,  and  the  Principitimunitatis  to  the  whole,  and  the  ordinary 
Prefident  in  fuch  Councils.  And  fay  fome,  It  belongs  only  to  the 
Prefident'to  call  them,  and  they  are  but  rebellious  Routs  thataf- 
(emble  without  a  ;uli  call. 

3.  That  there  is  no  concord  to  be  had  but  in  the  Obedience  to< 
this  Univerfal  Governing  Church.  But  all  Perfons  and  all  Nati- 
onal Churches  are  Schifmaticks  who  live  not  in  fuch  Subje- 
ction and  obedience. 

4.  that  fuch  as  the  Diocefah  Epifcopacy  which  is  over  one 
loweft  Church  containing  hundreds  or  multitudes  of  Parifhes 
and  Altars  without  any  other  Bifhop  but  the  faid  Diocefan  is 
that  Epifcopacy  which  all  muft  be  fub/ett  to3  while  it  is  fubkclr. 
to  the  Univerfal  fupreme. 

5.  That  every  Chriftian  muft  hold  fubjecYive  Communion 
with  the  Bifhop  of  the  place  where  he  liveth:  And  fay  fome^ 


Draft  not  praftife  contrary  to  his  Commands,  nor  appeal  for  fuch 
practice  to  Scripture  or  to  God. 

6.  That  if  this  fupreme  Power  filence  theDiccefans,  or  thefe 
Diocetens  filence  all  the  Minilters  in  City  or  Country,  they  muft 
Ceafe  their  Miniftry  andforftke  the  Flock*. 

7.  And  fay  divers  of  them,  They  are  no  true  Churche*,  or 
Minilters,  that  have  not  ordination  from  fuch  Diocefans,  yea  by 
an  uninterrupted  fuccdfion  from  the  Apoftles  :  And  for  want  of 
this  the  Forein  reformed  Churches  are  no  true  Churches,  but  the 
Church  of  Rome  is. 

Much  more  of  this  Nature  I  have  already  tranfcribedf  and 
confuted  )  out  of  A.  Biftiop  BrombaII,Dr.  Heylins  Life  of  A.  Bi- 
fhop  Laud,  Mr  Tb$mdikit  Mr  Dod-well  and  divers  others. 

§  2.  The  firft  thing  then  in  my  intention  is  to  (hew  that  the 
Reman  Grandeur  which  is  thought  to  be  the  Glory  of  the  Church 
on  Earth,  and  the*neceflary  means  of  its  Unity,  fafety  and  true 
profperity,hath  proved  dean  contrary,  even  the  means  ofCburch 
corruption  in  Doftrine,  Worfhip,  Discipline  <Sc  Convention,  the 
Soil  of  the  moft  odious  crimes,  the  means  of  tyranny,  fuppref- 
fion  of  true  piety,  and  perkcution  of  Gods  faithful  Servants,  and 
of  rebellious,  War  and  cruel  blocdfhcd, 

§  3.  To  this  end  I  defcribed  the  fteps  by  which  the  Clergy 
afcended'to  the  Papal  height :  For  as  all  Proteftants  juftly  main- 
tain that  their  Corruption  of  Doftrine  &  Worfhip  came  not  in  at 
once  but  by  flow  degrees,  fo  do  they  alfo  of  the  Papal  Govern- 
ment and  difcipline.  And  they  con>monly  (hew  the  vanity  off  he 
Papifts  demand,who  ask  us  who  was  the  man,and  which  was  the 
year,  as  if  the  world  had  gone  to  bed  in  fimple  Chriftianity,  and 
awaked  Papifts thenext  morr.'rg.Whercas  it  is  moft  evident  in  all 
Church  hiftory  that  theCIergy^eaving  the  Chriftian  Purity,Sim- 
p)icity  and  Love,  did  climb  the  Ldder  ftepby  ftep  till  they  amen- 
ded to  the  Papal  height.  And  it's  a  meer  dream  of  them  that  think 
it  was  the  Bp-  of  Rome  alone  that  thus  afcended,and  not  the  Army 
that  made  him  their  General :  As'the  boat  nfeth  with  the  waters, 
fo  did  the  Pope  with  the  attending  Clergy  :  Others  ftrove  for 
fuperiority  as  he  ftrove  for  Supremacy  :The  ftrife  began 
Chrii'ts  Apoftles  who  fhouldbe  greateft,  and  who  fhould,  fir  next 
him  in  his  Kingdom  }  And  though  Chrift  then  fupprcit  it  by  his 
Word  and  Spirit,  and  the  fufrerings  of  the  Church  took  down 
thofe  afpiring  thoughts,  as  foon  as  Cwftwtine  had  fet  tbem  the 



Ladder,  what  fcrambling  was  there  who  fiiould  climb  higheft. 
Yea  Confl ant inople  ftrove  for  the  Supremacy  h(c]f. 

§  3.  And  I  rhe  rather  mentioned  this  becaufe  I  found  fome  late 
learned  Expofitors  of  the  Revelations,  taking  this*  inordinrte  af- 
cenr,  for  the  promifed  glory  and  felicitvof  the  Church  on  Earths 
and  taking  it  for  the  fulfilling  of  many  ofthofe  prophecies  and 
promifes  which  fome  applyed  to  the  Millennium,  and  fome  to 
the  heavenly  (rate.  And  doubrlefs  H.lddrand  and  his  adherents 
had  (ucli  thought*,  and  did  believe  that  their  rule  over  Emper- 
ours3  Kings  and  Kingdoms,  by  the  Power  of  the  Keyset  the 
Kingdom  of  heaven,  was  the  true  Glory  of  the  Church,  and  rhe 
Reign  of  Chrift,  and  that  all  the  honour  W2s  indeed  given  to 
Chrift  as  King  of  the  Church,  which  was  thus  given  to  the  Pope 
and  the  Church-Parliaments  of  Bifhcps.  C-.itnpa,:.  Del 

doth  but  fpeak  the  thoughts  of  greater  Clergy  men  when  he  ?p- 
plyeth  the  forefaid  Texts  to  prove  that  the  Popes  Univcrfal  Mo- 
narchy is  the  true  Ivn-dcm  of  Chrift  on  Earth,  to  v.hicli  all 
Monarcbs  and  Men  muft  ftoop. 

And  Nature  is  fo  apt  to  entertain  fuch  thoughts,  efpecially  in 
the  Clergy,  who  think  of  it  as  their  own  profperky  and  glory, 
that  it  is  no  wonder,  if  as  J^w;***,  and  his  Fifth  Monarchy  men, 
did  itch  to  be  getting  up  under  the  name  of  the  Reign  of  Chrift, 
and  Co  did  John  of  Lejdcn  and  his  Company  at  Mu*jjkr\  fo  the 
Fifth  Monarchy  C'ergy  men,  who  can  afpire  more  [  lauflbly,  do 
long  to  be  climbing,'  and  are  very  reconcilable  to  Papal  Great- 
nefs;  and  where*  Popery  is  become  a  diftafied  name3they  nev 
thelefs  defire  their  fh:re  in  the  Power,  Honour  and  Wealth,  and 
under  pretence  of  Peace  and  Concord  among  all  Chriftians,  and 
reftcrirg  the  Church  to  its  Unity  and  Strength,  they  ftrive  for 
much  of  the  famethinf,  and  think  it  enough  ro  avoid  the  n?.me  : 
And  the  Pope  mail  be  but  I  itis,  and  the  Prefi- 

cknt  of  the  Clergy  or  Councils,  Get  but  the  poor  trick  of  cal- 
ling nothing  Popery  but  the  Pope's  Arbitrary  abfolute  Power, 
and  do  but  tiebim  to  Ru'e  by  the  Content  and  L 
Parliament?,  tfm  fe,  let  up  the  French  Cluirch-Governnoit,  and 
then  they  arc  no  Paptfis.  Do  net  the  French  Proteftants  de'erve 
all  their  fufferings  then  for  calling  the  CHorefi  or  Bifhops  there 
Papifts,  and  (eparating  from  I  vernment  ? 

§  9.  And  it  was  not  the  L-aft  of  my  Motives  to  try,  were  it 
polfible  to  cure  their  Lcve- kill;  lit,   who  think  that  all 

H  are 


are  Enemies  to  Unity  and  Peace,  who  are  not  for  Obedience  to 
this  Univerfal  or  Superlative  Prelacy,and  to  fave  us  all  from  that 
confufion  and  calamity,  which  this  Opinion  is  carrying  on,  while 
the  Patrons  of  it  think  that  all  arc  to  be  profecuted,  filenced, 
ruined  as  Rebellious  Enemies  to  the  Ruling  Church,  who  do 
not  fub)e&  themfelves  to  fuch  a  Prelacy  $  and  that  we  muft  or 
can  have  no  Chriftian  Church- Concord,  but  by  Obedience  to 
the  Univerfal  Church,  as  Bifhop  Gunning  hath  over  and  over 
told  me,  that  is,  to  the  Univerfal  Colledge  of  their  fort  of 
Bimops  :  Yea  not  only  the  Papifts,  but  thele  Bifhops  among  us, 
to  this  purpofe  repeat  and  apply  P/W.72.1  i.  Yea  all  Kings  fhall 
fall  down  before  hrm  :  All  Nations  (hall  ferve  him.  Or  Ifa. 
<~o.  12.  For  the  Nation  and  Kingdom  that  will  not  fcrve  thee 
Jhali penjh:  Tea  thofe  Nations  JJoail  be  utterly  vcafted}']  which 
Bifhop  Gunning  applyeth  to  the  Epifcopal  Univerfal-Govern- 
ing  Colledge. 

Thefe  are  terrible  threatnings,  as  they  fhew  the  principles 
and  purpofes  of  men,  however  they  miftake  the  mind  of  God. 
Few  parts  of  Europe  have  had  more  long  and  cruel  Wars,  than 
Italy  it  felf,  where  thefe  Principles  have  obtained  :  But  the 
blood  ofthoufands  of  fincere  Chriftians  hath  been  a  Sacrifice  to 
thefe  Principles  in  the  Clergy.  When  we  read  in  Jefuires,Fryers 
and  Prelates,  found  Chriftians  called  Hereticks,  and  all  fuch  He- 
reticks  called,  mortal,  odious,  wicked,  pernicious,  intollerable 
Enemies  to  the  Church,  whom  all  good  men  are  bound  to  en- 
deavour to  root  out  and  deftroy  ;  when  we  hear  our  neigh- 
bour Papifts  fay,  It  is  no  more  (in  to  kill  an  Hcretick^tban  a  Dog  : 
And  when  we  hear  and  read  our  Clergy  calling  out  to  Magi- 
ftrates  for  yet  more  Execution  upon  m^  for  not  obeying  them 
sgainft  that  which  we  undoubtedly  take  for  the  Law  of  God  5 
and  the  nearer  any  man  is  to  the  Papifts,  ufually  the  more  he  is 
for  our  deftrucYion,  and  for  their  way  of  cruelty,  I  thought  it 
time  to  try  if  it  were  poflible.  if  not  to  fave  the  Land  from  this 
confuting  fire,  yet  at  leaft  to  fave  fome  Souls  who  elfe  were 
like  to  be  tempted  to  malignant  Enmity  to  the  beft  and  trueft 
Chriftians,  and  to  perifh-for  ever  by  this  deceit. 

How  many  honeft  paffages  are  in  Mr.  Thomdikt  which  mew 
rhat  it  was  not  any  worldly  j'ntereft  of  his  own  that  moved  himj 
but  yet  the  Power  of  this  Errour  [  Of  a,  Church  that  xvasVm- 
verfillj   One  hj  One   Ruling  Colledge  or  Council  of  Vrelates^  of 



which  the  Tope  was  the  rightful  Prejidcntfoc."]  which  muft  be  ac- 
knowledged by  all  Nations  and  Perfons,  that  will  have  Chriftian 
Communion  and  not  be  condemned  Schifmaticks,  prevailed  with 
him  to  theexclufion  of  all  DifTenters,  and  confining  his  Commu- 
nion to  thofe  only  who  owned  and  obeyed  This  Vniverfal  Go- 
verning Church. 

§  6.  And  as  long  as  this  Opinion  prevaileth,efpecially  in  men 
of  Power  and  Reverence  who  take  other  mens  belief  and  obe- 
dience for  their  unqueftionable  right,  where  can  we  think  hatred 
and  Perfecution  will  ftop.  Will  not  they  (till  think  that  they 
that  kill  or  filenceor  imprifon  or  banifh  us,,  do  God  fetvice,  and 
that  the  Magiftrate  that  doth  not  punifh  us  deferveth  puniQV 
ment  from  God,  if  not  alfo  from  the  Church.  And  they  that  are 
moil:  for  Seldom  preaching,  and  can  difpenfe  with  our  Minifte- 
rial  labour  therein,  will  not  be  indifferent  as  to  the  filencing,  im- 
prifoningor  deftroying  us. 

§  7.  Whether  we  have  any  reafon  to  refufefwearing  orfub- 
fcribing  to  them,  and  never  to  endeavour  any  alteration  of  their 
Government  as  it  is  in  England,  I  have  fincerely  endeavoured  to 
(hew  in  my  Treatife  of  Epifcopacy.  And  if  Chriftian  Conco.rd 
and  Communion  be  fo  hard  and  narrow  a  thing,  as  that  no  men 
are  Capable  of  it  who  are  not  of  a  higher  form  than  I,  as  to  un- 
derftanding,  impartiality  and  wiliingnefs  to  know  theTruth,  the 
Church  andChriftianity  are  things  beyond  my  capacity  and  reach: 
But  I  doubt  not  but  ic  is  humane  errour  that  would  dwindle  it 
into  fo  fmall  a  SeeX 

§  8.  Alas  what  Perfons  for  Knowledge  and  Life  can  they 
bear  with  in  their  Communion,  who  cjunotbear  with  fuch  as 
they  fi'er.ce  and  ruinein  this  Land  !  And  the  Papilte  can  receive 
even  thofe  that  know  notChrift  if  they  do  but  profefs  o&edience 
to  the  Clergy-Chr-c*\  Lathers  words  are  harm,  but  I  will  re- 
cite xhtm  a;  Co-idh::  P**t  3.  Pag  2QI.  Si  monZr-ivsrint  mihi 
unum  aliqttem  ex  4  mzhttudine  q;ti  pejjit  aqxare  umm  4/- 

pha'vitarium  in  all  qua  erudita  Schola,  ant  in  fuwma  dotlrlu<z 
Cbrifiiana,  vel  in  Scriptura  Sacratantum  prof  cerint,  quantum  una 
aliq'id  paella  feptem  annorum  \  tunc  illis  concedam  palam—  nip 
quod  plus  callent  traditionum  httmanarum,  &  S)<!cphantiarum  : 
Jgjtcd  valde  credo,  &  firmius  quam  in  Deurn  credn^  cum  me  con- 
vacant  fatlo  ipfo  ut  credam.To  this  pafs  did  the  Clergies  afpiring 
then  bring  the  Church,  when  worthy  men  were  filenced  and  per- 

H  2  fecuted  . 


fecuted.And  we  are  unwilling  of  any  thing  that  looketh  towards 
a  differencing  men  ib  contrary  to  that  which  Chrift  will  maks 
at  laft. 

CHAP.    II. 

Whether  we  have  any  reafon  to  repwt  the  Faults  of  fome  Bijhops 
and  Councils,  from  the  beginning  of  their  Depravation  till  the  Lijl  ? 

§  i.'irHat  I  had  great  reafon  for  it^  I  think  what  is  before 
A  fdid  will  evince  5  when  we  fee  men  deitroying  Chri- 
ft ian  Love,  themfdves,  and  us,  and  the  Land,  could  they  pre- 
vail, by  their  erroneous  endeavour  to  grant  no  Concord,  Com- 
munion nor  Peace,  to  no  Chriftians  how  ccnfcionabJe  otherwife 
foever3who  cannot  unite  in  a  fpecies  of  Prelacy  which  they  be- 
lieve (by  fuch  evidence  as  I  have  given)  to  be  contrary  to  the 
Law  of  Chrift".  To  the  fdving  men  from  Herelie  and  Schifrn 
now,  our  oppofers  (  and  we)  do  judge  it  ufeful,  to  know  how 
Hereticks  and  Dividers  mifcarried  heretofore,  that  others  may 
beware.  And  is  it  not  as  true  if  Bifh  ps  be  the  Dividers  i  And 
alfo  when  the  Clergies  Ambition  ind  Uiu'pation  have  brought 
that  upon  the  Chriltian  World  which  it  languifheth  and  groan- 
eth  under  in  Esft  and  Weit  ,  is  irnot  needful  to  open  the  be- 
ginning and  progrefs  of  the  difeafe,  by  fuch  as  had  rather  ic 
were  cured,  than  the  Church  deftroyed  by  it  ? 

§  i.  Among  the  mult,  ude  of  Pruteltant  Church- Hiftorians 
anu  Ctt«)no!bger$3  how  few  are  there  that  do  not  do  the  fame, 
though  in  various  degrees  ?  He  that  will  read  the  Msgdcbur- 
gtnfcf,  or  Lucas  O/iandcr,  Iliytiei  Tcft.  Vtrit,  Mc'antlhon  hi'mfelf, 
and  Car  ion  FuKccivs^yta.  peaceable  holy  Bncholtz~er^  Alicrelim, 
Nenr.der,  Phil,  Parens,  Hen.  Gather  let  h^fke.  yea  or  f  alius  or 
fof.  Scaliger,  St>lm*fius,  Hot  toman,  Hottinger^  Morney^  (hall  lee 
the  faults  of  Bifhops  opened  before  this  day. 

§  3.  The  pious  and  moderate*  Papiftt  themfdves  report  and 
lament  them  :  Such  as  Clemangis,  Vdagius  Alvarus,  MtranduU, 
Feru>,  fof.^cofla,  Lud,  Vives,  Gcrjon,  Ersfmus,  an  J  many  other 

§  4.  The  antient  Godly  Bifhops  are  they  who  for  the  moft 


part  have  been  freeft  in  reprehending  the  vices  of  the  reft*  e 
^cially  Greg.  Naz.ianz.en,  and  Chryfoftom,  and  many  antient  godly 
Presbyters  have  been  as  free_,  as  Gildas,  Ifidore-Petufiota,  Sal- 
vian,  Snip.  Severn*,  Bernard. 

§  f.  And  if  I  have  wronged  the  Bifhops  or  Popes  in  this 
Abridgment,  their  ownHiftorians,yea  their  chief  flatterers  have 
wronged  them.  One  Pope  angered  Platir.aby  imprifoning  him : 
Yet  if  he  be  partial  it  is  for  the  Clergy,  and  not  agairift  them. 
But  who  will  believe  that  Binning  Baronius9  Crab,  Gencbra  d0 
Bellarmine^  Petavtas,  and  fuch  others  have  fpoken  too  hardly 
of  them.  There  is  no  one  man  that  I  took  fo  much  from  as 
BinniUs:  And  what  mould  move  him  to  name  fo  many  of  the 
mifcarriages  of  the  Councils,  but  the  neceflity  of  reciting  the 
A  els  ofthe  Councils  hiftorically  as  he  found  them  ? 

§  6.  The  Sacred  Scriptures  record  the  Crimes  of  the  befi: 
men  in  all  the  Ages  of  which  they  write,  even  Adams  ^  Noes, 
Lots,  Aarons,  Davids,  Solomons,  Heztk^ahs,  fofiabs,  Peters,  all 
the  ApoftJe*3dv.  And  it  was  not  done  out  of  fpite  or  malice  y 
but  as  a  nectffary  warning  to  us  all. 

§  7.  The  fa  1  (hood  of  Hiftory  is  an  intolerable  abufe  of  man- 
kind :  To  know  nothing  done  before  our  times3:s  to  {hut  up  man- 
kind in  a -dungeon  $  and  falfe  Hiftory  is  worfe  than  none.  And 
it  may  be  falfe  and  deceitful  in  defeft  as  well  as  excefs.  He  that 
fhould  record  all  that  was  good  in  the  Popes,  and  omit  all  the 
reft,  would  be  a  dangerous  deceiver  of  the  world,  and  do  more 
than  hath  been  done  to  make  all  Chriftians  Papifts.  Yen 
tell  us  your  felves,  that  he  that  fhould  write  the  Hiftory  of 
Crcmivell,  e.  g.  or  of  any  Setft  that  you  are  againft,  and  mould' 
leave  out  all  their  faults,  would  be  taken  for  a  falfe  Hiftorian. 

§  8.  They  that  write  the  Hiftory  of  mens  Lives,  do  ufe  to 
record  their  Parentage,  Birth  and  Education  :'  And  fomuft  he 
that  will  truly  write  the  HiHory  of  Gburch-Tyranny,  Perfec- 
tion and  Schifrn.  Thcf  end  is  not  well  underftood  without  the 
beginning.  Who  is  it  that  heareth  how  many  Ages  the  Chri- 
ftian  world  hath  been  divided  into  Papifts,  Greek??  facobius,Ne- 
fiorians,  A'hlcbites,&c,  and  that  feeth  what  work  the  Papacy 
msde,  but  will  ask  how  all  this  came  to  pals  f  Did 
the  man  thntdied  of  Gluttony,  fwallow  all  at  onemcrfel  ?  or 
rather  one  bit  after  another  f  And  when  the  Clergy  have  ven- 
tured on  one  merry  Cup,  or  one  pleafant  mcrfel  in  excefs,  it's 



eafie  to  make  them  believe  that  one,and  one5and  one  Cup  mores 
one3  and  one,  and  one  bit  more,  is  no  more  unlawful  than  the 
firft.    Tvinvipii)  ubfta%  is  the  Rule  of  Safety. 

If  Papifts  intending  the  recovery  of  England  to  the  Pope 
fhould  fay  [rc  La  us  but  firft  get  them  under  the  Oaths ^Covenants 
uwd  Practices  which  we  will  call Conformity^  and  fo  caft  out  mo  ft 
c  that  daft  not  fn^  and  by  th  s  engage  them  as  two  Armies  in  con- 
*?  trarj  Inter  eft  to  fight  agairft  each  other ,  and  it  will  be  an  eafie 
"  waiter  to  bring  \ 'he fiv allow.  \g  Tarty  to  go  further  by  degree s3  and 
<c  to  believe  that  as  a  Farifh  Church  mujt  not  be  t no1- pendent  as  to 
u  the  Diocefany  nor  the  Diocefan  to  the  Metropolitkal  or  National, 
"  fo  neither  muft  a  National  be  independent  as  to  the  Vniverfal : 
(i  And  that  the  Vniverfal  therefore  mu ft  have  its  known  flat ed  Go- 
"  vernment  as  well  as  the  National,  J  Were  it  not  neceflary  here 
for  him  that  would  fave  the  Land  from  Popery  to  (hew  the 
danger  of  the  firft  degrees. 

The  ufual  Method  is  not  to  ufe  Boccalines  Roman  Engine, 
which  will  help  a  man  to  fwallow  a  Pompion  that  he  may  get 
down  a  Pill,  but  to  fwallow  alelfer  Pill  firft  and  a  bigger  next, 
till  the  Pompion  will  go  down.  Infancy  is  before  manhood. 

§  9.  But  the  great  neceffity  wasasaforefaid,  from  the  reviv- 
ed or  rather  Continued  attempts,  of  imitating  the  fatal  ambitions 
and  Contentious  malady.  If  Prifcillians,  or  Gnofticks  fhould  rife 
row  among  us,  were  it  not  our  duty  to  fet  before  them  the 
hiftoryofthe  mifcarriage  of  their  predeceffours.  And  when  men 
are  fo  much  fet  on  reftoring  an  Univerfal  Supremacy,  is  it  not 
meet  to  (hew  them  where,  and  when, and  with  what  fuccef*  the 
afpiring  humour  did  begin.  If  we  have  fmall  vifible  probabili- 
ty ofefcaping,  we  muft  yet  before  we  come  to  Smithfield,tmz- 
fy  aur  Confidences  that  we  betrayed  not  the  Church. 

Of  Mr.  M's  notice  that  I  am  Vnlearned. 

§i.AyTR.  AP%  Preface  Contradeth  the  Chief  things  which 
iVX  he  hath  to  fay  a  gain  ft  me  in  his  book,  that  the 
Reader  may  find  them  there  all  together.  And  of  thele  [that  I 
urn  unlearned  ]  is  not  the  leaft.  And  ifthat  be  any  of  his  queftion 
I  affure  him  it  (hall  be  none  of  mine.    I  am  not  yet  Co  vain  as 



to  plead  for  my  Learning  :  Yea,  I  will  gratify  him  (though 
heaccufe  me  of  being  againft  repentance  )  with  an  unfeigned 
confefllon  that  my  ignorance  is  far  greater  than  his  accufatiort 
of  mharnednefs  doth  import.  Alas  I  want  the  knowledge  of  far 
more  excellent  things  than  languages.  I  do  but  imperfeftly 
know  my  felf,my  own  foul,  my  own  thoughts  and  underftanding: 
Ifcarce  well  know  what  knowing  is.  Verily  if  no  knowledge  be 
properly  true  that  is  not  adequate  to  the  object  I  know  nothing : 
And  fubferibe  to  Z  anchez.^uod  nihil  Scaur,  (by  fuch  as  I.)  Alas 
Sir  I  groan  in  darknefs  from  day  to  day,Sr  I  know  nor  how  to  be 
delivered  !  How  little  do  I  k«iow  of  ihat  God  whom  the  whole 
Creation  preacheth,and  of  that  Society  which  I  hope  to  be  joyn- 
ed  with  fur  ever,  and  that  world  which  muft  be  my  hope  and 
portion,  or  I  am  undone. Many  whom  IamConftrained  to  difient 
from  upbraid  me  with  my  ignorance,andI  fuppofe  it  is  that  for 
which  they  filence  me,  reproach,  hate  and  profecute  me  3  even 
becaufelbave  not  knowledge  enough  to  difcern  that  all  their 
impofuions  are  lawful  (  or  elfe  I  know  not  what  it  is  for  )  Bjt 
none  of  them  all  can  (  and*  will  )  tell  me,  how  I  mould  be  deli- 
vered from  this  ignorance:  If  they  fay,  [/*  muft  be  by  bardftudf]  I 
can  ftudy  no  harder  than  I  have  done.If  they  fay  [[muft  be  willing 
to  k*ow  the  truth  j  I  take  my  felffor  fure  that  I  am  fo  :  If  in  thac 
alfo  lam  ignorant,  in  thinking  that  I  know  my  own  mind  when 
I  do  not,  what  elfe  then  can  I  hope  to  know  ?  If  they  fay  [  Ton 
mnft  be  impart  id  ]  I  think  I  am  fo,  faving  that  I  muft  not  deny 
or  a ft  away  the  truths  already  received.  If  they  fay  [  Ton 
Jloouldr-ad  the  ftme  boot's  which  have  convinced  us~]  I  read  far 
more  of  the  P^piftsand  PreUtifts  and  other  fells  that  write  againft 
me,  than  of  thofe  that  are  for  me.  And  the  more  I  read  the 
more  I  am  confirmed.  And  when  thefe  men  preach  and  write 
againft  the  Cdvimfts,  they  render  them  odious  as  holding  thae 
menars  mccjfitated  to  fin  and  to  be  damned,  and  that  it  is  long  of 
Gods  Decree  which  cannot  be  refifted:  Therefore  I  fuppofe  they  will 
not  lay  the  Caufe  on  God.  I  do  then  eonfefs  my  Ignorance.,  of 
matters  a  tboufandfold  greater  and  more  needful  than  thofe 
which  they  mention  in  their  accufations.  I  eonfefs  my  fel  fun- 
learned  :  But  I  intreat  them  that  tell  me  of  my  difeafe  f  which  I 
know  to  my  daily  grief  much  better  than  they  )  to  tell  me  alfo 
how  I  may  be  cured.If  they  fay  that  it  muft  be  by  Fines  aid  Im- 
frifonment  it  hath  been  tryed  &  I  am  yet  uncured  1  I  hope  they 



^riil  not  pronounce  me  remedi!ef3  and  not  te!!  me  why5  who 
ufe  themfelves  to  fpeak  againft  thofe  that  preach  men  into  de- 
fperationjwould  they  but  tell  me  the  fecret  how  fb  many  thou- 
fands  of  them  came  to  be  Co  much  wifer  than  I,  in  farlhorter 
time.and  with  far  lefs  ftudy.,  it  would  be  (if  true)  an  acceptable 
deed  of  Charity  ;  rather  than  to  tell  me  of  the  Ignorance  which 
I  cannot  help.  Could  I  but  know  needful  truth  in  Engtifh,  I  would 
joyfully  allow  them  to  glory  of  being  more  skilful  in  all  the  Ori- 
ental Tongues3and  alfo  in  French,  Ir if >,  Spamjh  and  Italia?: ,than 
I  am. 

CHAP.    IV. 

■  Of  his   Accufation,  that  I  vainly  name  Hiflorians  which  I 
never  f aw  or  re. id. 

§  i.T  Muftprofefs  that  it  never  was  my  purpofe  to  tell  the 
X  world  how  many  Hiftorians  I  have  read  $  nor  to  abridge 
all  that  I  have  read  i  And  thofe  that  I  have  moft  read  I  have 
there  made  no  mention  of*  as  not  being  for  my  intended  end  : 
.And  multitudes  that  ftood  by  me,  I  never  opened  to  the  writing 
of  this  hiftory,  my  defign  being  chiefly  againft  the  Papifts  and 
thofe  Proteftants  who  moft  efteem  their  writings,  and  had  rather 
unite  with  the  French  Papift  Church,  than  with  us  Nonconfor- 
ming :  Therefore  when  I  was  part  the  firft  400  or  5*00  years, 
it  was  the  greateft  and  moft  flattering  Popifh  hiftorians  that  I 
abriged,  as  ad  hominem  being  Jikeft  not  to  be  denyed. 

I  toM  the  reader  that  I  made  not  ufe  of  Lutfar  the  Magde- 
6tirgenfes,  nor  the  Collections  ofGoldaftw,  Marquardns  Frehertts, 
Reaberus,  Fifloriiu^fkc.  ]  And  the  Printer  having  put  a  Comma 
between  Marquardu* and  Frehcrm^  he  Conje&ures  that  I  took 
him  for  two  men3  becaufe  I  added  not  the  Chriftian  names  cfths 
reft  :  And  he  concludes  that  Twhoever  this  mifia^e  belongs  to,  it's 
■plain  that  M'.R.  had  but  little  acquaintance,  with  thofe  CoUetlions.'} 
For  I  nam?  fome  of  the  Authors  therein. 

Anf  Seeing  thefe  things  are  thought  juft  matter  for  our  ac- 
cufers  turn,-  I  will  crave  the  Readers  patience  with  fuch  little 
tilings  while  I  tell  him  the  truth.  It  is  about  25:  years  fince  I 
read  the  German  Hiftory  in  the  Colleftions  of  Freherns,  Renbe- 
rm  wAP/forim,  and  about  30  years  firxe  I  read  the  Golleftions 


4>f  Goldaftm  :  The  Magdelwgenfes  ^Ofunder  ^Sleidav^  or  any  fuch 
Proteftants  I  thought  vain  to  alledge  to  Papifts.     About  feven 
or  eight  years  ago  as  I  remember,  I  was  accufed  for  Preach- 
ing, and  Fined  by  Sir  Thomas  Davis ;  and  the  Warrant  was  fent 
by  him  to  Sir  Edm.  Bury  Godfrey  ro  levy  it  on  me  by  Diftrefs  : 
I  had  no  way  to  avoid  it  but  bona  fide ,  to  make  away  all  that  I 
had  :  Among  the  reft  I  made  away  my  Library,  only  borrowing 
part  of  it  for  my  ufe.    I  purpofed  to  have  given  it  almoft  all  to 
Cambridge  in  New- England  :  But  Mr.  Knowles  f  yet  living)  wliD 
knew  their  Library,tc!d  me  that  Sir  Kenclme  D'gby  had  already 
given  them  the  Fathers5Ccuncils  and  Schoolmen, but  it  was  Hi- 
itory  and  Commentators  which  they  wanted.  Whereupon  I  fent 
themfome  of  my  Commentator?,  and  fome  Hif.orians  among 
which  were   Frcberus,  Reuberus  and    Ti florins  Collections,  and 
Nauclevus^  Sibellicus,  Thuanus^  Jof.   Sczhger  de  Emendat,    Temp. 
&c  j  B:  t  Gddafrtis  I  kept  by  me  (  as  borrowed  )  and  many 
more  which  I  could  not    fpare  *  ard  the  Fathers  and  Councils 
and  Schoolmen  I  was  ftopt  from  fending.     Now  whether  I  was 
unacquainted  with  thole  that  partly  ftand  yet  army  Elbow,  and 
which  I  had  read  fo  long  2go,  muft  depend  on  the  Credit  of  my 
Memory  •  snd  I  confefs  my  Memory  \%  of  late  grown  weak,  but 
not   fo  weak  as   to  think   that  Marquardfts  Fsefcrtts  was  roc 
one  man,  ard  a  Palatinate  Councillor, though  it  be  names  that 
I  moft  forger  ;  why  I  gave  not  the  Cbriften  names  of  Rcubtrtu 
and  PtftvriKs,  whether  becaufe  I  for  gat  them,  or  becaufe  I  mind- 
ed  not  fo  fm all  a  thing,  rot  dreaming  what  would  be  inferred 
from  ir,  [remember  nor.  But  when  I  wrote  that  abridgment,  I 
made  ufe  of  none  that  I   thought  the  Papifts  would  except  a- 
gainft ;    For  the  firft  apes  I  pothered  what  I  remembredout  of 
the  Fathers,    and  out  of  Evftbiu*,  Socrates,  Soz^omen^  Evagriw, 
Theodoret,  the  Tr ipa?  t tr e ^N ' ,c?fhor w,  Lihcrat  w ,  Brev.  lri€zor  Vtic. 
Beda,and  fuch  others  as  are  by  them  received:  Be  fides  which  I 
principally  followed  and  E<  i  orfrzed  Binning  and  Qrab,  and  part- 
ly Baron  Hi ,  wish  Fia;i;.^i  Oxughrizs  Bantir.ius^   Stella,  Vet  alius  > 
and  others  of  their  own.  And  i 'rtfolvrd  I  would  not  ib  much  as 
open  Goldjiftiss, Or  any  Proteftant  Collector,  that  thev  might  not 
e.xcrpt  againit  their  Credit,  aud  reje<ft  them  as  m&liciet'S curf.d 
Jhrttick**  as  Ltl-be  do:h    M  Ichlor  G>l<J»ft*s  and  alrnoft     ajl 
fjch  others  as  he  mention?  ;    *nd  as  Gretferi  Sanders,  snd  other 
Papiils  tomihenly  do.  Therefore  even  thofe  Hiftoncs  which 

J  be 

be  in  Goldajlm.l  would  not  take  as  out  of  him,  but  fome  of  them 
from  the  books  published  by  others,  and  fbme  as  cited  by 
BinniiU)  Petavittsfx  other  fuch.  And  this  is  now  the  proof  of  my 

§  2.  It  is  a  miftake  if  he  think  that  I  intended  fas  he  fpeaks^) 
to  be  a  Compiler  of  General  Church  Hi  ft  or j  ;  When  I  profe  (Ted  but 
to  acquaint  theEnglifh  Reader  with  the  true  matter  of  fa&out  of 
the  Papifts  themfelves,  whac  the  ambitious  part  of  Blfliops  and 
Councils  have  done,  and  by  what  degrees  the  Papacy  fprang  up, 
and  whether  fubjection  to  the  afcendent  exort  Prelacy  be  ab- 
folutely  neceffary  to  Concord  and  Salvation. 

§  3.  As  to  his  faying  [  /  am  the  fir  ft  that  ever  reckoned  Na- 
zianzen  among  Hi fter ians ,  ]  I  take  the  writings  of  tbe  Fathers, 
efpecially  fftjtifi^  Clemens  Alex.  Tertttllian,  Cyprian,  Eufebius,  Ba~ 
Jilj,  Hierom,  Chryfoftom,  Auguftrn,  to  be  the  beft  part 
ofChurchHiftory,  efpecially  their  Epiities.  And  of  this  opinion 
I  am  not  the  firfr. 

CHAP.    V. 

Of  his  Accufation  of  my  citing  Hanmer  and  ether  Irar.fl-ttors^  and 
being  deceived  by  Binnius  andfuch  others. 

§  1.   I.TTE  accufeth  me  for  not   uling  Valeftus  his  Edition  of 
X"l     Eufebius  and  thofe  Editions  of  the  Councils  which- 
he  accounteth  the  beft  :  To  which  I  fay, 

1.  I  am  not  Rich  Enough  to  buy  them,  nor  can  keep  them  if. 
I  had  them.  Muft  none  write  but  Rich  men  f  The  French  Coun- 
cils would  coft  more  than  many  of  us  are  worth  :  We  have  had 
no  Ecclefiaftical  maintenance  thefe  19  years  5  and  we  cannot 
keep  the  books  we  have.  Luther  wrote  his  book  de  Conciliis 
when  it  feems  he  had  never  read  many  of  the  Councils  Acts,  but 
as  related  by  Eufebius  Socrates,  So&omcn,  and  the  Tripartite  Hifto- 

2.  Dr.Jamcshtth  long  ago  warned  all  Scholars  to  make  much 
of  Crab  and  other  old  ones,  (  and  the  Fathers  as  Printed  zt>Ba~ 
Itf  by  Erafmus,  Amcrbachius%  &c.)  and  not  to  trull  much  to  new 
Editions,  as  coming  through  untrufty  hands. 


3.  l&Valefius  a  man  of  fo  much  credit  with  you  ?  Do  you  be- 
lieve what  he  faith  oiGrotim  as  being  in  judgment  for  the  Pa- 
pa! Church,  and  only  in  prudence  delaying  his  yifible  Communion 
with  them,  that  be  might  draw  in  many  with  him  ?  (  rale  fin  Petavio:  )  If  he  lye  in  this,  and  the  fuccefs  otPetaviws 
on  GrotwS)  why  fhould  he  be  more  trufted  than  others  ?If  not, 
I  need  not  tell  you  what  to  think  of  thofe  Bifhops  and  Drs.who 
profefs  to  be  of  the  fame  mind  and  Church  as  Grotius  j  nor  again 
to  tell  you  who  they  be. 

4.  My  defign  led  me  not  to  make  ufe  of  Criticks,  but  only  to 
tell  the  world3  what  the  Papifts  themfelves  confefs,  fuchas  I 
have  throughout  cited. 

§  2.  As  for  my  ufing  Hanmers  Tranfiation  of  Eufeb'ius  and 
Socrates,  my  cafe  was  as  before  described:  Vak ft 'us  I  had  not : 
Grineus  I  made  ufe  of  heretofore.  But  fince  I  was  by  conftraint 
deprived  both  of  my  books  and  money  to  buy  more,  when  I 
wrote  that  Abridgment  I  bad  only  Hanmers  Tranfiation  left  me. 
And  if  that  fort  of  men  that  forced  me  to  give  away  my  book?, 
to  keep  them  from  heing  diftreinedon3  will  make  ufe  of  this  to 
prove  me  ignorant  of  them,  the  matter  is  very  final!  to  me. 

If  you  fay,  I  fhould  not  then  have  written,  I  anfwer,  could 
they  fohave  filenced  us  in  the  Pulpir,  they  had  more  anfwercd 
theirown  judgment  than  mine.  I  had  no  ufe  for  Criticks,  nor  for 
any  thing  in  Eufebius  and  Socrates  that  depends  on  the  credit  of 
the  Tranflator. 

§  3.  As  to  his  oft  noting  that  in  Tranflations.,  and  fometime 
in  Chronology  I  err  by  following  Binmus^  I  anfwer,  had  I  written 
a  full  Church  Hiftory,  I  fhould  better  have  examined  him  and 
others.  But  I  lay  no  ftrefs  of  my  caufe  of  any  oiEinnius  hisTran- 
flations,  nor  will  I  undertake  for  any  Hiftorian  that  I  cite:  My 
bufineVs  was  but  to  tell  thofe  that  believe  Binn'mszx\<\  BaroniHs% 
and  fuch  other,  what  they  fay.  Nor  do  I  yet  intend  to  beftow 
any  time.,  in  examining  whether  he  wrong  Binmus  or  not,  it  be- 
ing nothing  to  my  caufe  nor  me,  whether  he  miftook  a  year,  or 
the  meaning  of  a  word  of  the  Authors- whom  heciteth. 

§  4.   He  faith  I  ufe  an  old  uncorreYt  Edition  of  Binmus  1  606. 

<    An[.  It  is  thar  which  is  in  mod  common  ufe,  entituled,  Rtagru- 

ta^  AucIa^  notis  l/tufirata,  dedicated  to  the  Pope,  and  to  C^Ba- 

ronius,  ejus  monim  fcripta,   qtiivetercm  itUmim€ndofam>  mutilim 

&  confufan  ccmpilAt^j-.em  mlUe  locis  iil*ftravit,<kQ.  commonly 

I  1  preferred 


Preferred'befjre  Crab,  Sarins,  Niaolinus,  Sec.    But  any  quarrel 
fcrveth  fome  men. 

G  H  A  P.     VI. 

Oj  his  Acc^tions  of  my -own  M$  rat  fiat  ions  and  Mifiakfs. 

§  i  /^\P  tncfe  there  are  two  real  Overilghts  which  he 
\J  nameth,  committed  by  too  much  haft  and  heedlef- 
nefs :  The  one  is,  that  I  mifplaced  {}rere~\  in  the  TrunlLtion  of  a 
Speech  of  Theodoras  -,  a  grofs  overfight  I  confefs  :  The  other, 
that  I  put  [Epifcoptyas  if  it  had  been  the  Genhive  cafe,  when  it 
was  the  Nominative  plural  }  which  alfo  was  a  heedlefc  ever  fight. 
And  about  the  death  of  Sttphanw,  he  noteth  my  miftrarfLting 
Calami  3  and  I  imagine  yet  he  is  fcarce  certain  what  it  fignitied 
himfelf.  As  for  his  note  of  my  ufe  of  [Scripture"]  about  the 
Epbcfine  Council,  I  purpofely  kept  to  the  literal  Tranflation,  that 
none  might  fay  I  did  miftranflate  it  -,  but  I  never  faid  that  by  the 
Scriptures  was  meant  the  Bible. 

§  2.  This  \Accufer  puts  too  great  an  honour  on  flicha  Hiftory 
2$  mine,  which  goerh  through  fo  many  ^ges  and  A<fb,in  noting 
To  few?  and  fuch  iictle  things.  Lnever  pretended  to  be  as  good 
an  FMorian  as  he  is  3  yet  I  do  not  think  that  it  v\as  any  thing 
but  a  flip  of  memory  that  made  him  put  BujiaihiM  ir.ftead  of 
Flavian,  as  kickt  to  death  at  Eph>fw.  And  me;hinks  he  thit 
thus  begins  his  Errata  of  his  own  Book  [H><?  faults  that  t>ave 
efcapedare  almjft  infinite  :]  mould  not  for  one  fd}fc  Com,na  of 
the  Printers,  have  paffld  the  forefaid  cenfure  of  me. 

But  doth  not  this  Learned  Hiftorian  know,,  how  ordinarily  the 
greateft  of  them  do  charge  one  another  with  manifold  Errcursi 
*nd  of  far  greater  moment  than  thefe  fore  mentioned.  How  few 
Hiftorians  do  not  this  ?  Yea  what  bitter  cenfures  doth  he  pafs 
hknrelf  on  no  lower  Hiftorians  than  Socxates  and  Sozomen  f  h 
would  be  tedious  to  give  you  the  Inftances  that  every  fuch  Book 
afTordetb.  I  fee  he  value th  Lalbe  the  Jefuite.  How  oft  doth 
he  accufe  Hiftorians  of  Errour,  Ignorance,  Malice,  &c.  e.g.  de 
sfnaftajio  Biblioth.  fo  eminent  a  Writer  of  the  Popes  Lives,  yet 
£  Err  at  Pofiim  &  fiqni  alii  enm  Anaflafio  Vresbjtero,  &  c.  ]    And 



even  of  that  famous  Hiftory  of  the  Popes,,  [_Onnphrius  Punm- 
nifif,  Gerb.  Pojfias,  &  plenque  alii  nitimam  cenfent  effe  *b  An#- 
ftapo  fcriptamyNicoiai  I.  Papa  Vttam3  &  a  Gululmo  S.R.E,  Bib* 
liotbecario  additas  fttiffe  Hadr.  2.  &  Stepb.  6.  P.  Pitas  :  Verum 
Cafdinalis  Barouifts  its  fefrdgatftr  eidemque  auclori  omnes  til  At 
afcnbit  $  fum  qaoqac  qui  a  Damafo  Papat&c.^  Here  the  greatcft 
Hiftoruns  differ  about  one  of  the  molt  noted  Hittories. 

Of  Augttftiti 's-  Works  (To.  1,  p.  129.)  he  rells  you  that  BclUr- 
mine  tells  us  not  what  Edition  he  ufed  :  But  it's  certain  he  ufed 
not  the  AntwerpyOT  VUminian  Edition,  which  was  the  belt.,  and 
the  Original  of  all  the  reft.] 

T7.  132.    Rivet   and  Ptrkjns  are  derided  for  difowning  lone' 

P.  1 3  f.  Erafmi,  Riveti  fimiliumqwe  ridctxr  a  doclis  cenfxra 
(viz..  de  lib.  Cfinrinetj.)  Antf  I  profefs  my  (elf  Jefs  skilful  in  fuch 
matters  than  Efafmus, 

Et  ibid.  Erafmus  &  He  fins  Juliana  opus '  illtid  tr -buer  evident  ur% 
Pamtluts  tanq^im  incerti  Author  is  aliegat  :  Nos  cum  Livanien*- 
ftbus  BcllarmiKo,  alufqne  Catbohcis  siugufiim  effe  cenjemus,  nee 
trie  a  Rivet  1  dftcrrent, 

V.  136.  Qiaft.  Vet%&  Novi  Te/t.  non-  fitnt  Auguflini  tit  facile 
tmncsconfentixbt  ;  Jj)jdamv+s  jub  ejus  nomine  citato  reperiantar  ab 
£pi [caput  Ltttetia  Par  if  An.  824.    Con$r egat  is  &  quibufdxm  alas. 

Of  Aufomus  the  Poet,  p.  171.  he  faith,  [_£>*am  falfa  fmt  qua 
de  eo  fc'ipfic  Jo.  Tritbtmms  qu'ivts  vel  ex  tpfa  lellione  innlliget. 

Of  AiAMHAB*  p.  173.  \J^x  Trithemit  encomia  h&c  dnbio  proad 
omni  oi>litcranda:  [J§Jj«  metro  Virgiliumi  Cicercnem  profa  aqttat, 
ne  dicamfhpsrat  :  J  Sunt  cnim  falfijftma  iis  qtti  gufittm  aliquem  la>- 
tinitatis  babent. 

Of  Beda3p  184.  See  what  he  faith  of  Will  Malmsburj^  Mat,. 
Wcftminft.  f^i'jfixs  and  Baroniw. 

Of  B.etbitit,  p.  204.  Hi.norim  Augnftod. — ubt  falfo  narrat 
Medio  la  n  1  intt  rft  ttttm  fuiffi  -  -  - 

P.  217.  Piura  adverfts  Lemclavium3  primnm  eorum  editor  ent' 
dtcUmavit  Jac.  Billius  (de  Cdfario.') 

DeCljuAioScote,p.zl8.  Tbo.  Dempftertis  mtilta  pro  more  fm 
indigefta  tffudii— 

De  Gerfone^p.  565'.  E'rat  pofl  Pcfftvinum  Maraccius  qui  Joan, 
htinc  Monacham  or  Amis  cce!efti—*JJerri~_—Idtm  quoqtte  ex  Patro~ 
loqo  eradendnm, 
&  Sec. 


'"See  what  he  faith  dejulto  Africano,  that  the  Annot at tones 
eruditijf.  in  Eufeb.  Ecclef.  Hift. — Opinioni  nofira  in  plerifque  ad~ 
vet{antm\]  I  fuppofe  he  means  that  Olefins  which  I  wanted. 

And  de  fuftino  MaxttScaligerum  erraffe,  &c.~]  Et  p.  8^3 .  (/«- 
figne  mendttm  ex  Trithemio9  Gefneroy  Simlero^  Sexte}  Fojfevino, 
Bdlarmino,  Mira?o,  aliifque  propagatum--) 

To.  2.  p.  361.  Smaragdos  duos  in  mum  conftidermt,  Trithe- 
mitis,  Sixtus  Sencnfis,  Pojfevinus,  Bellarminus^  Mir&ui  aliiqut 
pkjfim — ]  Abundance  fuch  charges  tell  us  how  much  greater 
Errours  are  charged  on  thegreateft  Hiftorians,  than  Mr.  Morrice 
chargeth  on  me,  with  the  leaft  (hew  of  probability. 

How  many  fcore  of  Hiftorians  doth  Blondell  cite, who  he  thinks 
have  falfly  told  us  of  a  Pope  Joan  ? 

What  abundance  of  faults  would  Caufabon  have  found  in  Baro- 
titis, if  he  had  lived  to  go  through  him  as  he  began  ?  And  I  pro- 
ftfs  my  (elf  much  more  ignorant  in  Hiftory  than  Baronius. 

It  would  be  tedious  to  number  all  the  grofc  Errours  that 
■Vojfius  cite th  de  fcript or.  Gr<ecis&  Latinis  j  e.g.  in  the  Later. 
p.  230.  Hos  duos  confudit  Trithemius — vid.  qua  habet  de  Flac.  AU 
cuino>p.  290,291,292.  De  Vfuardo^p.  29  j.  com.  Gualterium  & 
Baromum,  Wicelium^p.  29 6. &  cap.  32.  deTwpino  contra  Trithe- 
mium  &  altos.  Et  cap.  $$.de  Walafr,  Strab.  Tritthenius  vehemen- 
ter  errat—Et  Laur.  Surihrn  Bellarmin.  in  Cat  ah  CT  alios  non- 
nullos  in  err  or  em  induxit. 

Vid.  &  qua  de  Atmoino,  p.  308,  309.  habet  t  &  contra  Vejfe- 
<vinum,p.  3  10.  &  contra  alios,  311.  Et  contra  Baronium,  Brest- 
Hum.  &c.  5 1 2.  Et  de  Haimone  cap.  3  5*.  contra  itritthenitim,  &  de 
Rabano  Ad  aura,  p.  215.  Et  de  Landnlph.  Sagace  contra  Ctf.Or- 
landium.  De  Anajtaf.c.  3  $'./>.  319.  De  Hincmaro  contra  Tritthc- 
nium^CxiG.p.  320.  But  I  muit  not  tire  the  Reader:  Multitudes 
of  fuch  Inftances  this  one  Author  gives  us  :  And  how  few  Histo- 
rians charge  not  others  wkh  Errours  (b  much  greater,and  more 
than  Mr.  M.  with  any  Truth  accufeth  me  of. 

§  3.  As  to  his  notes  on  my  Titles  of  fbme  Councils,  it's  paft 
my  memory,  whether  it  was  my  carelefnefs,  or  (as  I  think)  the 
Printer's  Errour^to  put  [a  Council  at  Aranfxcan^Toletan  Regien[st 
for  Concilium  Aranficar.umtToletanumi  Rhegienfe.~\  If  it  was  my 
a6r5  i  forgot  that  I  had  firft  put  the  Subltantivc  in  Englifb.  But 
he  may  oft  find  the  fame  names  ufed  to  his  mind :  And  fure  it  is 
[io  falsification  of  the.Hiitory. 

§  4  But 

J ' 

§  4,  But  he  hatha  far  greater  charge  againft  me,  that  I 'did 
not  apprehend  the  mind  of  the  Council  at  Tours  ;    why  f>  ?    The 
words  are  [_Nos  veto  Jiquos  Lex  perimi  j  bet9  fi  cupiunt  audire 
pr&conem,  vdumus  ut  convert  ant  ur  ad  v  it  aw  :  Nam  perimendi  font 
oris  gladio  &  communione  privandi  fi  relitla  fibi  feniorum  deer  eta 
obfervare  noluerint,  &c.    Here  he  faith  the  meaning  is,  [The  Ec- 
cleliaftical  Laws  do  punifh  fuch  with  perpetual  Excommunica- 
tions, yet  this  Council  thought  fit  to  mitigate  ir,£h\]  The  Que- 
ftion  is.  Whether  [\J§>*/*j  Lex  perimi  jubet,  fignifie  Dtatb,   or  Ex- 
communication ?]  1  take  it  to  be  Death,   and  that  the  Council 
faith  [Though  by  the  Law  fuch  are  to  Die,  if  they  will  hear  the 
Preacher,  we  will  have  them  converted  to  Life  i  But  fb  that  if 
they  will  not  be  feparated,  the  Church  Sword  of  Excommunica- 
tion (hall  cut  them  off  inftead  of  Death.  ]My  Reafons  why  [Lex  pe- 
rimi ;«^r]fignifiethDeatb5are  from  the  exprefs  foregoing  words,. 
\_£hna  etiam  Lex  Romana  confiituit,  ut  autcunqae  Jacratam  Deo 
Virginem  vel  Vidnam  fortajfe  rapuerit,  fi  poftea  eis  de  conjuntlione 
convenerit,  capitis  fententiaferiantur.     ltemfiquis^  non  dicam  ra- 
pere}f:d  attentare  matrimonii  conjungendi  caufa%  Jacram  Virgmem 
aufus  fuerir,  capitis  fententia  feriatur.     Cum  etiam  in  Chrcnicis 
babeatur  de  rirqinibus  G  ent  ilium  -tempore  y  qu<t  fe  de&  Vefla  Jacra- 
verant,  poflmijfo  propofito  &  corrupta  virgwa/i  gratia,   Legalifen^ 
tentia  vivas  in  terra  fuijfe  defojfas.  If  none  of  this  fignifie  Death : 
I  confefs  I  underftand  not  Latine.  I  thought  the  Council  meant 
Death  by  [Lex  perimi  jubetf]  but  they  would  be  more  merci- 
ful 5  which  I  blamed  them  not  for,  but  noted  here  what  many 
other  Canons  inftance,  where  they  alfo  punifh  murder  but  with 
keeping  men  from  Communion,  that  this  agreeth  with/  foinc 
Sectaries  Opinion.     I  leave  Mr.  M's.  great  skill  in  expounding 
Councils  here  to  any  equal  Judge.     But  if  I  ignorantly  miftake 
in  all  this,  and  neither  [Capitis  fententia  feriaxtur]  nor  [Vivas 
in  terra  defojfas'}   fignifie  Death,   but  Excommunication,    yet 
many  other  Canons  after  cited  fully   tell  us  of  the  Bifhops 



CHAP.    VII. 

Mr  M's.Expofttion  of  Church  Hi fiory  try  eel  fy  his  Expo  ft  ion  of  my 
own  words :  slnd  I.  Of  his  falfe  fuppofition  that  I  am  orVyfor  * 
•Church  of  one  Congregation  meeting  in  one  place. 

§  i/lFfo  many  repetitions  of  my  Opinion  cannot  fave  Mr  M. 
A  from  Co  untrug  a  fuppofition  of  my  (elf,  I  mult  not  too 
far  jruft  him,  of  the  fence  of  thofe  that  he  is  as  diftant  from  as  I. 
Yet  this  fuppofition  running  through  all  his  book,  (hews  that  he 
wrote  itagainft  he  knew  not  whom  nor  what.  His  foundation  is 
becaufe  I  define  a  (InglcChurch  by  Perfond prefent  Communion, 

§  2.   I  do  Co;  And  i.  Doth  he  think  there  is  no  fuch  thing  as 
Chriftians  conjoyned  for  aflembling  in  Gods  ordinary  worfhip, 
•under  the  Conduct  of  their  Proper  Paftors.l  will  not  cenfure  him 
lb  hardly  as  to  think  he  will  deny  it. '  2.  Are  thefe  Churches  or 
not.  I  fuppofe  he  will  fay,  Yea,  3.  But  is  there  no  Perjonal  Pre' 
f  nt  Communion  but  in  publick  worfhip.  Yes  fure  Neighbours  who 
vvoTfhipGod  in  divers  places,  may  yet  live  in  the  Knowledge 
and  conversion  of  each  other  $  and   may  meet  for  Election  of 
Officers,and  other  Church  bufine(Tes,and  may  frequently  exhort, 
reprovcand  admonifli  each  other, and  relieve  each  other  in  dai- 
ly wants  j  and  many  meet  (bmetimes  by  turns  in  the  fame  place, 
where  they  all  cannot  meet  at  once:  We   have  great  Towns, 
(  like  Ipfvich,  Plymouth  Sbrewfbury,  6Vc. )  which  have  many  Pa- 
rimes,  and  yet  Neighbourhood  maketh  them  capable  of  [Perfonal 
Communion  in  Prejence  ]  as  diftinct  from  [  Communion  by  Letters 
or  Dciegats  with  thofe  that  we  neither  fee  nor  £tf<nv.]And  we  have 
many  great  Pariihes  which  have  feveral  Chappels,  where  the 
People  ordinarily  meet  yer  per  vices  fome  one  time  and  feme  ano- 
ther come  to  the  Parim  Churches.  Have  thefe  no  Parochial  Per- 
fonal  Communion} 

To  the  well-being  of  a  Church,  I  confefs  I  would  not  have  a 
firgfc  Church  of  the  lo^vefrfpccies  have  too  manv,  nor  too  few  : 
No  more  than  whofe  Pe»  f  >nal  Communion  fhould  be  frequent  in 
Gods  publick  worfhip.  Nor  fo  few  as  fhouU  not  fully  employ 
more  Minifters.of  Chrift  than  one.  Burto  thei>e/>gofa  Church, 

L^ .  Ion,y 

l  oniy  require  mat  tne  una  01  tneir  Aiiociaujon  De  rerjonai  Com- 
munion as  diftincT:  from  diftant  Communion  by  Letters  and  dele- 
gates. And  by  [  Communion  ]  I  mean  not  only  the  Sacrament. 

§  2.  It  is  in  vain  therefore  to  anfwer  a  book  that  goeth  on 
fuch  falfe  fuppofitions,  and  a  man  that  will  facedown  the  world 
that  I  plead  for  that  which  I  never  owned,  and  fo  frequently  dis- 

CHAP.    VII  L 

Of  b'<s  falfe fuppofit ion  that  I amagainft  Dioc-efan  Bifl:cps%  bee au fc 
I  am  againjl  that  fpecies  of  them  which  puts  down  all  the  BiJJjcps 
of  jingle  Churches,  and  thefe  Churches  thcmfelves* 

§  i.HTHis  fuppofition  goeth  through  almoft  all  the  book:  In 
his  preface  he  faith  [  The  ftperiority  of  Bifhops  over  Prc- 
fbyters  is  acknowledged  by  Catholicks^nd  Schifmat'ickj  &  Heretick/^ 
&c.  and  yet  this  Church  hiflory  would  have  us  believe  the  Contrary,^ 
And  fo  throughout. 

§  2.  And  yet  to.fliew  that  he  knew  the  Contrary  in  one 
place  heconfeffeth  it,  and  defcribed  part  of  my  judgment,  and 
faith  that  none  will  be  of  my  mind  in  it,  but  it  is  lingular  to 
my  felf:  Yea  I  had  in  my  Difput.  of  Church  Government, 
which  he  taketh  on  him  in  part  to  anfwer,  and  in  my  Treat,  of 
Epifcopacy  which  tic  alfo  pretends  to  anfwer  in  part?  told  them 
of  mure  forts  of  Bifhops  than  one  that  I  oppofenor5  no  not  A. 
Bifhops  themfelves :  And  cne  of  them  hereupon  notes  it  as  if  I 
differed  but  about  the  name,  fubmitting  to  Diocefansfo  they  may 
but  be  called  A.  Bifliops.  To  whom  I  anfwered  that  A.  Bifhops 
have  Bifhops  under  them,  fo  that  though  I  over  and  over 
even  totedioufnefs  tell  them  it  is  the  depofmg  of  all  the  fir j for 
I  owe  ft  Species  of  Bijhnps  and  Churches^znd  Corfftquenfiy  zWFoffibi- 
lityofirtie-Di\ip!ine  that  I  oppofe^md  (ubmit  to  any  that  overfce 
many  fuch  Churches  without  deftroying  them  and  their  privi- 
leges inftituted  by  Chrift]  I  fpeak  Kill  in  vain  to  them:  Thefe 
true  Hiftorians  face  down  the  world  that  I  write  whole  books 
to  the  clean  contrary. 


CHAP.    IX. 

Of  bis  [apportion  that  I  am  an  I nde pe  ndcM^  and  )et  that  ~I  plead  for 
the  catijeoftb$  Prefbyterians. 

§  i  HpHis  is  alio  a  fuppoficion   that  is  part  of the  Stamina  of 
his  Book ;    and  how  fir  he  is  to  be  believed  herein 
judge  by  the  evidence  following. 

i.  He  knew  what  I  (aid  before  for  three  forts  of  Bifhops, 
i.  Epifccpi  Gregi*,  Overfeers  of  fmgle  loweft  Churches,  as  of 
Divine  Infticution:  2. For  Ep'fcopi  Epifcoporttm,  or  Prefidents. 
Bifhops  ejufdem  Ordinis  jion  ejnfdsm  Gradxsjn  the  fame  Churches, 
as  of  early  Humane  Inftitution,  which  I  refift  nor.  3.  Epifcopi 
EplfcopoYum,  Overfeers  of  many  Churches,  which  I  fhfpectto 
be  SuccefTors  of  the  Apoftles,  and  of  fuch  as  Timothy 3Titi&,  &c. 
in  the  continued  ordinary  part  of  their  work,  (exercifing  no 
other  Power  than  they  did  :)  Infomuch  that  Dr.  Sherlock  would 
be  thought  Co  much  lefs  Epifcopal  than  I,  as  that  he  faith;  It  H 
Antichriftian  to  ailert  Epijcvpos  Epifcoporum. 

§  2.  And  Dr.  Parker  hath  newly  wrircen  a  Book  for  Epifco- 
pacy,  which  I  hear  many  defpife  $  but  for  my  parr  I  take  to  be 
the  ftrongeft  that  I  have  feen  written  for  ir  thefe  twenty  years  ^ 
but  to  no  purpofe  againft  me  ;  fur  it  is  but  foi*  Epifcopacy  in -ge- 
neral, which  I  oppofe  not.  It  excellent  well  improved*  the  Ar- 
guments of  the  K.  and  Bifhops  at  the  Ifle  of  Wight  5  even 
one  Argument  that  a  Superiority  of  fome  over  others  being 
fettled  by  Chrift  and  his  Apoftles,  that  Form  muft  be  fuppofed 
to  continue,  unlefs  wetoave  clear  proof  of  the  Repeal  or  Cdia- 
tion.  I  have  oft  (aid  the  fame  5  I  could  never  anfwer  that  Ar- 
gument :  But  this  will  not  juftifie  the  depofing  of  thousands  of 
Bifhops  ar.dthurches,  and  of  their  Difcipline,  to  turn  them  ali 
into  two  or  three  Diocefans. 

§  3.  Affo  he  knoweth  that  I  have  written  thefe  35-  years 
aguinit  Lay  Elders ;  believing  that  the  Colledge  of  Elders  which 
of  old  affiled  the  Bifhops,  were  none  of  them  Lay- men,  nor  un- 
ordained,  but  of  the  fame  Order,  though  not  Degree,  with  the 
Biihop  himfelfi 

§  * 


§  4-  And  I  have  alfo  written  that  Synods  of  Bifhops  or  Pref- 
tyters  tfte  but  for  Concord,  and  have  not  as  fuch  by  a  major 
Vote  a  proper  Government  of  the  minor  part  or  abfent:  Much 
lefs  that  Gaffes,  and  other  Aflemblies,  are  the  flared  Church  - 
Government  which  all  moft  obey  :  And  are  the  Presbyterians 
of  any  of  the  three  forementioned  Opinions  ? 

§  $\  I  ever  held  a  neceffity  of  manifold  dependance  of  alj 
Chriitians  and  Churches.    As  all  depend  on  Chriir  as  their  Head, 
fo  do  all  thePeopleon  the  Paftors,  as  their  authorized  Guides, 
whom  they  muft  not  Rule,butbe  Pviiled  by,r  The f,<$. 11,11.  H(b. 
13.  17,  24.   And  all  tbete  Churches  depend  on  each  other  for 
Communion  and  Mutual  Help,  as  many  Corporations  in  one 
Kingdom.     And  frequent  Synods  well  ufed,  are  greatly  helpful 
to  thefcends  :  And  the  Command  of  doing  as  much  as  we  can 
in  Love  and  Concord,  >loth  bind  all   the  particular  perfbns  to 
concur  with  the  Synods  in  all  things  that  terd  to  the  Peace  and 
Edification  of  the  Church,  or  are  not  againft  ir.    And   more 
than  fo,  if  the  general  Vifitors  or  B'fhops  that  take  care  of  ma- 
ny Churches,  do  by  God's  Word  direc\,  inftrucl,  reprove,   ad- 
monifh  the  particular  Bifhops  and  Churches  they  ought  with 
reverence  to  hear  them  and  obey  them.     And  if  Independents 
really  are  for  all  this,   why  do  thefe  Accufers   reprefent  them 
odioufly,  as  if  it  were  no  fuch  matter,  but  they   were   meerly 
for  Church-Democracy  ?      Either  you  are  not  to  believed  in 
what  you  fay  of  them,  ©r  of  me. 

§  6.  I  know  we  have  men  that  fay,  that  on  pretence  of  ac- 
knowledging all  this  Epifcopacy,  I  pur  down  all,  becaufe  I  take 
from  them  the  power  of  the  Sword,  and  leave  all  to  defpife 
them  if  they  plcafe.  Ar<£  This  indeed  is  the  power  that  under 
the  name  of  Epifccpacy  now  too  msny  mean.  Bifhop  Biijon 
knew  no  Power  bqt  Magiftrates  by  the  Sword,  and  Minifters -by 
the  Word.  But  why  name  I  one  man  ?  It  is  the  common  Opi- 
nion of  Protectants,  and  moft  fober  Papifts,  that  BiOiops  as  fuch 
have  no  power  of  force  en  Body  or  Purfe.  But  we  deny  not  the 
forcing  Power  of  the  Magiftrate.  3.  Ratwc  heartily  wi(h  that 
they  would  keep  it  in  their  cwn  band?,  and  never  ufe  it  to  force 
unwilling  men  into  the  Church,  or  to  Church  Communion;  high 
Priviledges  which  no  unwilling  perfon  hath  any  right  to.  This 
is  my  Independency,- 

K  z  CHAP. 


CHAP.    X. 

Of his  Accufation,  That  I  make  the  Bifhops  the  Authors  of  all 
Hertfes  and  Schifms  ,  as  diftintt.  from  Presbyters  3  Monks 
and  People. 

§  i.T^His  alfo  runs  throughout  his  Book  5  and  muft  fuch 
A  Books  be  aniwercd  or  believed  ?  I  never  denyed  the 
guilt  and  concurrence  of  others  with  them.  I  only  fay,  That  as 
Bifhops  were  the  Chief,  Co  they  had  the  chief  hand,  as  far  as  I 
can  yet  learn,  in  Herefies  and. Schifms,  fince  they  came  to  their 
height  of  Power,,  and  fpecially  in  thofe  grand  Herefies  and 
Schifms,  which  have  broken,  and  keep  the  Churches  in  thofe 
great  Se&s  and  Parties,  which  in  Eaft  and  Weft  it  fteth  of 
to  this  day.  I  never  doubted  or  denyed  but  that  1.  The  He- 
refies that  were  raifed  before  the  Church  had  any  Patriarchs, 
or  the  turgent  fort  of  Bifhops,  were  certainly  raifed  without 
them.  2.  And  afterward  fometime  a  Presbyter  began  a  He- 
refie.  3.  And  the  Bifhops  were  but  as  the  Generals  of  the 
Arrny  in  all  theChurch  Civil  Wars.  But  I  never  denyed  but  the 
Prelatical  Priefts,  Monks,  and  multitude  were  their  obfequious 

§  2.  Mr.  M.  faith,  That  thofe  Bifhops  that  were  Herericks, 
were  moftly  fucb,  or  inclined  to  it  before.  Anfvr.  1.  Was  there 
then  a  good  Succeffion  of  Ordination ,  when  the  World  groan- 
ed to  find,  it  felf  Arian  ?  Were  all  thefe  Avians  before  their 
Confecration  ? 

Anfw.  2.  Were  they  not  all  Prelatical  Presbyters  that  afpi<- 
red  to  be  Bifhops,  and  fo  as  they  fay  had  a  Pope  or  Bifhop  in 
their  bellies.  I  never  thought  that  Prelatical  Priefts  that  flu- 
died  Preferment,  and  longed  to  be  Bifhops,  had  no  hand  in 
Herefies  nor  Schifms,  no-  more  than  that  the  Roman  Clergy  are 
innocent  herein,  and  the  fault  is  in  the  Pope  alone.  What  a 
deal  then  of  this  man's  Book  is  loft  and  worfe,  on  fuch  fuppo- 
fitions  i 



CHAP.    XL 

Of  his  confident  Accufation,  that  f  mention  all  the  faults  of  t-:f 
Bifhops,  and  none  of  their  Goodneft^  or  Good  Deeds. 

§  i.TPHis  a! Co  is  a  chief  part  of  the  Warp  or  Stamen  of  his 
Book.  In  bis  Preface  he  frith,  ["This  Hifiory  of 
"  Bifaops  is  nothing  elfe  but  an  Account  of  all  the  faults  that  Bifkupt 
"  have  committed  m  the  fev:ral  Ages  of  the  Church,  without  Any. 
"  Mention  of  their  Good  Aftions,  of  their  P/ety  and  Severity  of 
lt  their  Lives  5  of  their  Zeal  for  the  Faith  t&cf] 

Anfiv.  1.  Whether  this  Fundamental  Acculation  be  true  or 
falfe,  lee  the  Reader  who  loveth  Truth  fre  1 .  in  the  very  h:fo 
Chapt.  from  §  41.  to  the  end.  2.  Through  all  the  Book 
where  I  oft  praife  good  Bifhops,  good  Councels,  and  g;ood 
Canons,  and  good  Books  and  Deed?.  3.  In  the  two  laft  Chap- 
ters of  the  Book,  written  purpofely  to  hinder  an  ill  ufe  of  the 
Biftiops  faults. 

In  tbetirlt  Chapter  ["  Very  many  of  the  Bfoops  themfelveswere- 
"  humble ,  hoi/,  faithful  men,  that  grieved  for  the  mifc carriages  of 
"the  rcfl  :  Though  fuch  excellent  perfons  as  Gregory  of  Neoat- 
<:  farea,  Greg.  NazJanz*.  Greg.  N/ffcn,  Bafil,  Chryfjjtom,  Augit- 
"  fline,  Hillary,  Profper,  Fulgent  iua^fke.  were  not  very  common,. 
u  no  doubt  but  there  were  many  that  wrote  nor  Books,  nor 
f*  came  Co  much  into  the  notice  of  the  World,  but  avoided  con-- 
*c  tention3  and  factious  ftirs,  that  quietly  and  honeftly  conduct- 

0  ed  the  Flocks  in  the  waies  of  Piety,  Love,  and  Juftice.  And 
u  fome  of  ihem  (as  Sr.  Martin)  feparated  from  the  Councils  and 
tr  Communion  of  the  prevailing  turbulent  fort  of  the  Prelates,. 
*'to  figmfie  the  difwung  oj 'their  fins .] 

Of  the  Ahtients  before  the  world  crowded  into  the  Church, 

1  never  trade  qu  eft  ion  ;  Such  as  Clemens^  Folycarp,  Ignatius Jre- 
nxuf,and  then  ft. 

Kow  oft  I  have  praifed  holy  Cyprian,  and  the  African  Bifhops 
and  Councils,  he  fometime  confefletb. 

1  What  I  fay  cf  Atticus,  Proclus,  and  other  peaceable  Biftiops, 
you  may  fee/?.  17.  and  very  oft.  Yea  of  the  Bifhops  of  many 
Sect?i  much  oithe  Albigenfesp&.p*  17, 1 8»  Yea- 


Yea  of  the  good  that  was  done  by  the  very  worldly  fort 
p.  18,  19,  20.  Yea  of  the  Papifts  Bifhops  that  were  pious 
/>.  20.  §  46. 

And  §  47.  I  vindicate  the  excellency  of  the  Sacred  Office. 
And  §  53, 5*3, 5-9,  60.  I  plead  for  Epifcopacy  ic  fe!f  in  the  jufti- 
fiable  fpecies  of  ft: 

§  2.  But  perhaps  he  will  fay,  that  at  leaftl  fay  more  of 
their  faults  than  thcir.virtues:  I  anfvver,  of  fuch  good  Bifhops  as 
Cyprian,  Baft,  Greg.  Naz.ianz~en3  Chryfoftom,  Attinfkin,  Hillary, 
Martin^  &c.  I  fpeak  of  their  virtues  and  nothing  at  all  ('that  I 
remember)  of  their  faults.  Of  fuch  zsTheophilus,  and  Cyril  Alex- 
andria 2iT\<iEpiphanii44,<&cA  fpeak  of  their  virtues  and  fome  of 
their  faults  (  as  thefcripture  doth  of  many  good  mens.  )  Of  the 
more  ambitious,  turbulent  forr,  I  fpeak  only  or  moftly  of  their 
faults  :  For  I  profefs  not  to  write  a  Hiftory  of  their  Jives,  but 
to  inform  the  ignorant  what  Spirit  it  is  that  brought  in  Church 
tyranny  and  divifions.  I  denyed  none  of  their  virtues^  though  it 
was  not  my  '~  ork  to  record  them. 

Whiielam  confuting  the  Errours  ofyourbook,do  I  wrong  you 
unlefs  I  write  a  Catalogue  of  your  good  works.  Monuy,  Wyri- 
cm,  and  many  others  have  gathered  a  Catalogue  of  old  witnelTes 
for  Protdtant  Verities.  And  Bifliop  Morton  hath  cited  multi- 
tudes of  Papifts  againft  their  party  :  Have  they  wronged  them 
becaufe  they  have  notalfocited  all  that  the  fame  (aid  for  the 
Roman  canCel  I  have  mentioned  the  virtues  of  fome  of  thr  Popes, 
even  of  Greg,  7.  but  of  many  others  I  have  only  mentioned  their 
vices:  This  is  not  to  deny  any  good  that  is  in  them:  Nor  do 
you  accufe  vour  (elves  of  any  injuftice  when  y^u  tell  the  w  Id 
how  bad  mi.,  the  Parliaments  have  bin,  and 'how  bad  Cromwell 
and  the  Armies,  and  how  bad  the  Nonconformiits  are,  and  I  in 
particular,  without  naming  any  of  their  geed  deeds  or  virtues': 
Becaufe  ir  is  not  yo'ur  bufincft. 



C  H  A  P.  X  1 1. 

Of  his  Accufation  that   I  do  all  in  fpitc  and  malice  again fi  Bifoops, 
and  as  fifing  ill  language  of  them, 

§i.4    Nfw.   i.  Spite  and  Malice  are  heartfins  :    If  the  fame 
j^jL  etfrcV  may  come  from  other  Caufes,  how  know  you 
that  thefe  are  the  Caufe  ? 

Anfi.t.  Is  it  from  Spight  and  Malice  that  Proteftants  common- 
ly defcribe  the  vices  of  the  Popes,  fuch  as  Greg.  ^.Sergi^^AUx- 
.indr.%.  Bomface  8.  and  i  3.  & 22,  6c  23.  6c  Evgcn.^, &c. 
And  alfothat  they  fb  hardly  fpeak  of  the  fefoites,Yea  afcd  Pa- 
pifts  commonK7  ?  Sure  it  may  come  from  fome  other  caufe. 

Anf.  3.  Is  it  from  Spight  and  Malice  that  you  recite  the  tu- 
mults of  theGVrm^  Anabaptifts,the  fsults  of  thofeat^##jrVr,tbe 
Errours  of  David  Gtoygt^  the  many  Enthufiaftick  Sects  defcribed 
by  Bakmm  Exercit.  (of  whom  many  z$TbattkrHs,Ker/;Pi<^ 
Behm.n  had  much  very  commendable  $  andGrotitts  praifed  fob. 
Arr.dc. )ls  it  from  Malice  that  the  Families,  Seekers,  Quakers, 
Anabaptifts,cyf.  a7e  ufuaily  by  your  party  defcribed  by  their 
faults,  without  any  mention  of  their  goodnefs  ? 

Anf.  4.  Is  it  from  Spight  and  Malice  that  your  Party  have 
written  what  they  have  done  of  the  great  faulcinefs  of  theNort- 
conformifts,  both  former  and  latter;  and  that  Cahinifisavefo 
odioufly  reprefented3that  the  Reformation  by  them  isdtfcribed 
by  H:yliri  and  others  as  Rebellious?  That  fuch  books  are  written 
as  Htjlins  Aerifts  Rcdivivt/s,  H.  Po'tvUs,  the  EvangeL  Armatntm, 
The  EccUfi  Pcliu  the  Friendly  Debate,  the  Ccunterminer,  the 
Vindicar.  of  Dr.  StMhgfieet,  the  pretended  fecond  parr3  (which 
is  a  continued  Calumny  againft  my  ftff,  fo  full  of  particular  hlf- 
hoods  as  are  not  to  be  without  a  tedious  Volume  anfvvered  : 
And  a  multitude  fuch  written  to  render  the  N',nccnformifts 
odious  and  unfufferabJe.  If  all  thefc  be  not  written  in  MaIice,how 
knowyoii  that  mine  were  .? 

Ar,f.  y.  And  whereas  fome  pretending  moderation  accufe 
me  of  too  bad  provoking  language,  1.  Is  there  any  Comparifon 
between  the  language  of  any  of  thefe  books5  or  yours  and  Dr, 


w^wK/i,^oaiia  num.   r    ividu  uul  i_»tai  ucu  vjuuiy  iuuuciaic  pirilUU 

Downam  his  Defence  of  his  Vifir.  fermon,  his  frequent  charges 
[  of  fhamdefs,  impudent  Lying,  and  much  more  ]  againft  a  Noin 
conformift  that  gave  him  no  fuch  language.  Read  but  the  ordi- 
nary Writings  of  fuch  as  Bifhop  Bancroft,  Dr.  Sut  cliff,  and  molt 
others  againft  the  Old  Nonconformifts ;  and  of  the  Lutherans 
againft  the  Calvinifis,  even  men  that  I  am  perfuaded  meant  ho- 
neftly,  but  by  Faction  were  exafperated,  as  Hunnnu,  Brentius, 
MorUnus,  Mir  backus,  Snepfius,  Wigandus,  Hejhufius,  Andreas, 
Selnecerus^  Heerbrand,  Caloviut,  and  many  fuch.  Read  but  our 
Grammarians,  fuch  as  you  may  find  in  the  many  Volumes  of  the 
Collections  of  fanus  Gruterus,  even  thofe  of  Cramer^  and  P£/7. 
Faraus,  and  others  againft  himfelfj  where  Fools,  Knaves,  Lyars, 
Sots,  and  worfe,  make  up  much  of  the  ftyle. 

Read  but  our  Old  Grammarian  Reformers  againft  the  Popifh 
Priefts,  and  Schoolmen,  I  mean  Erafmus,  Hutten^Faber,  and  the 
reft,  what  Scorns  their  Writings  do  abound  with. 

I  will  not  refer  you  to  the  Qjcen  of  Navarre,  and  Stephanas 
his  World  of  Wonders,  againft  the  Prieft?,  left  you  think  I  ap- 
prove of  theexcefs. 

Yea  read  but  the  Writings  of  our  famous  Learned  Criticks, 
^«/.and  fofeph  Scaliger,  Heinfms,  Sabnafius,&c.  from  whom  the 
railing  Jefuite  Labbe  took  advantage  to  fay,  Tom.i.p.S^o.  [ct  Ri- 
tc  veto  pr  diver  at  ^o/epbus  Scaliger,  homo  mi  que  modefiijfimus, 
"qui  Edit  of  es  S.  Irandi  vocat,  clamofos ,  male die entijftmos. 
^Ccrcopas,  Tartar  eos,  Fyrifhlcgetkontas,  virulent  id  &  probrorum 
"  concionatores^  editiohtm  eolonienfem,  cloac'am  Sjccph ant i arum, 
cC  latrinam  convitiorum,  &  (tabubim  in[atid7\  Through  God's 
great  mercy,  while  Malignity  is  the  Complexion  of  the  Ser- 
pent's Seed3  and  Lying  is  their  Breath,  and  Murder  is  their 
Work,  the  names  of  all  thefe  fins  are  odious  in  the  world,  and 
guile  is  impatient,  and  Cannot  endure  its  own  name. 

Should  I  but  mention  the  Language  of  Papifts,  how  they  re- 
pretent  the  holieft  Proteftants  as  Lyars, Deceiver*,  Devil?,intol- 
lcrab!e5  whom -it  is  as  lawful  to  kill  as  D:>gs,  Foxes  or  Toad?j 
h  vvoufd  concern  none  but  thofe  of  you  that  ufe  to  fay,  I  had 
rather  be  a  Papift  than  a  Puritane,  or  Presbyterian  ;  -or  thofe 
that  renounce  Communion  with  us,  and  own  it  with  the  Church 
of  Rome -,  who  arc,  alas,  too  many.  Such  Language  as  Labbcs, 
P'oh  1.P.819.  is  of  thefvreeter  fort,  viz..  <:  J^ijqtsis  cs  [aim  is 



u  tm  4MMv,st  Omncs  illico  Calviniftas^  Luther  anos^  SUkinianos 
u  u4nabaptiflasy  Jimilefyue  generis  humani  peftes,  Cacod& 
st  tnftar  e.vecrabere,  This  is  but  what  we  daily  hear:  But  while 
we  hear  it  in  a  Language  Co  very  like  from  the  Papifts,  and  the 
Pulpits  and  Prefs,  and  Roger  Le  Strange  is  become  the  Church's 
Advocate  and  Mouth,  it  will  harden  them  that  did  ill  joyn  to- 
gether Popery  and  Prelacy  in  their  rejections. 

Honeft  Thuanus  is  amiable  and  honourable  for  Speaking  well 
of  all  that  deferved  ir,without  partiality:  But  GerhVofius  is  pur. 
to  defend  his  Father-in-law  Junius  againit  his  unjnft  cenfure.  In- 
dcedjunius  was  a  man  of  Eminent  peaceablenefs  and  moderation, 
(I  would  Armlnius  and  he  had  been  the  utmoft  profecutors  of 
thatControverfie,  notwithftanding  Dr.  Tmjfes  undervaluing  his 
skill  in  School  Divinity)  And  few  men  were  more  unlike  Thua- 
nus his  ill  Character  than  Junius  :But  Dr  Manton  hath  told  me 
that  he  hath  been  fully  informed  that  it  was  not  Junius  that  Thua- 
nus meant  but  anetber  that  dyed  that  year(" which  Junius  did  not} 
and  that  by  fome  ill  chance  a  wrong  name  was  put  in  Contrary 
to  Thuanus  intent. 

§  2.  Dr. Bumet  is  a  man  whom  I  much  value  and  honour,  and 
pleadeth  much  for  peace  and  moderation,  and  therefore  much 
the  more  amiable  to  me :  I  thank  him  for  his  reproof  of  me  to  my 
face  jbutbecaufe  hegoeth  on  to  vend  it  as  ;uft  behind  my  back,, 
where  I  cannot  anfwer  him,  I  tnuft  do  it  here.  He  faith  that  [  / 
began  and  that  with  unchriftiantpr choking  language  tgainft  the  Con- 
forwifts  in  my  frft  Plea  for  peace,  which  caufed  all  the  fucceedingt 

jinf.  1. 1  have  to  him  and  oft  in  print  appealed  to  humanity 
and  common  fence  whether  one  that  was  feventeen  years  filenr,<3: 
communicated  in  the  Parifh  Churches,  and  under  fcorns,  and 
ejecYion,imprifonment  &  mulcts  did  peaceably  continue  Commu- 
nion with  them  without  reply  orfelF  defence,  and  never  wrote 
againft  them,  till  they  had  long  called  out  to  him  to  give  thern 
an  account  of  the  reafons  of  his  Nonconformity,  and  then  durft 
not  provoke  them  by  a  difpute,  but  barely  named  the  matters- 
which  we  /udge  unlawful,  profefllng  not  to  be  the  Accufer  of 
Gonformifts,  but  only  to  anfwer  the  Call  of  Parliament-  men,, 
Bifhops,  and  others  that  urged  us,  and  threatned  us  if  we  would 
not  tell  them  what  we  (tuck  at  5  and  made  this  the  Juftirlcation 
of  their  profccution  of  many  hundred  men:  I  fay, whether  fuch  a 

L  man 


man  tffed  a  Call  to  fpeak  ?  When  the  King  Licenfed  us,  I  bad 
before  briefly  defended  our  Preaching  as  Licenfed  :  But  being 
thus  fummoned  by  our  Profecutors  andSuperiours,  I  told  them 
what  we  judged  unlawful  5  and  was  this  a  beginning  of  the 
Flame  ?  Was  Seventeen  years  Poverty,,  Prohibkioi  and  Profe- 
cution,  and  all  this  Importunity,,  no  provocation  or  call  to  fpeak  ? 
Did  this  begin?  If  he  were  in  the  Houfe  of  Cor  recti  on,and  were 
beaten  but  Seventeen  years,  or  Seven  years,  to  confefs  the 
Caufe  for  which  he  fuffere'd,  and  at  laft  confeffed  it,  and  one 
fhould  fay,  This  was  the  beginning  of  the  ftrife5  Would  he  take 
this  for  a  good  Hiftorian  ?  And  it  he  bad  written  Hiftory,  would 
this  report  advance  the  credit  of  it  ? 

§  3.  But  the  fecond  thing  accufed,isthe  unchriftian  Language 
ofthacBook.  Anfo.  Doth  a  genera)  Accufation  fignifie  more 
ill  of  the  accufcr,  or  of  the  accufed,  if  it  be  not  proved  by  par- 
ticular Inftances  ?  I  urged  him  to  name  the  unchriftian  words, 
and  I  remember  but  two  Inftances  he  gave  me. 

The  firft  is,  that  I  ufe  the  word  [untruths']  againft  my  Accu- 
fers.  And  1.  I  think  the  Reader  will  very  rarely  find  that 
word  in  that  Book.  2.  Is  this  fo  harm  as  the  common  charge 
of  Lying,  ufed  even  by  the  moft  Learned  fuber  Conformifts  ? 
3 .  J  thought  it  had  been  a  modeft  word  :  What  /hall  a  man  fay 
when  fuch  Volumes  of  Slander  are  published  againft  him  and 
others,  as  tends  to  preach  all  their  Neighbours  into  hatred 
and  perfecution  of  them  ?  Alas!  Doth  ,it  increafe  our  crime 
to  fay,  It  is  untrue  i  How  (hall  we  then  anfwer  for  our  felves 
at  any  Bar  ?  Is  it  tollerable  voluminoufly  to  tell  the  World 
down-right  falmoods  of  us  ?  and  is  it  railing  for  us  to  fay,  [Thej 
are  untrue  f]  What's  this  but  like  him  that  run  a  man  thorow  in 
wrath  with  his  Sword3  and  indi&ed  him  for  crying,oh  ?  This  is 
the  Church  Juftice  even  of  our  moderate  Hiftorians. 

§  4.  But  he  fairly  I  fhould  not  call  it[a/rf//£»W3or  untruth^ 
but  a  miftakj.  Anjw*  This  is  a  {harper  word  5  for  it  fignifieth 
tne  fault  of  the  mittaker  ufually  j  whereas  by  fpeaking  de  objetto^ 
that  it  is  falfe,  I  leave  it  to  others  how  far  the  reporter  is  to 
be  blamed.  But  fure  moft  Logical  imputations  are  Railing?,  if 
the  words  \jalfxm~]  and  [fallaci*]  be  fiich. 

§  5-.  About  a  month  or  fix  weeks  ago  the  Obfervator,  the 
Churches  Advocate  published,  That  ["  a  Captain  of  Horfe  of 
*'  the  King**,  had  the  fortune  to  be  diftnountcd,  wounded  and 



cr  ftript,  and  ai'ChapIain  (naming  me  before)  cut  from  about  his 
cc  neck  a  Medal,  which  the  King  had  given  him,  and  thcSouJ- 
Cf  diers  fpared  in  the  heat  of  blood]  I  fent  him  word  how  falfc 
this  was :  I  never  faw  the  man  in  my  life  that  I  know  of}  much 
lefs  ever  medled  with  him  :  But  was  in  a  Houfe  where  a  Soul- 
dier  brought  a  fmall  filver-guilt  Medal,about  the  bignefs  of  a  big 
Shilling,  and  faid,  he  took  it  from  about  the  neck  of  one  Captain 
Jennings,  whofe  Life  he  fpared;  He  offered  it  to  fale5  and  no 
one  offering  him  more,  I  gave  him  eighteen  pence  for  it  in  1643. 
as  I  remember  :  And  about  16481  hearing  where  Captain  fen* 
nings  was,  fuppofing  it  might  be  of  great  ufe  to  him,  I  fent  ic 
him  as  a  gift  by  one  Mr.  Sommerfield.']  And  this  flander  is  all 
the  thanks  I  had.  The  Church-Advocate  wrote  me  back,  that 
he  had  it  formally  attefted.  I  craved  as  a  favour  of  him  to 
tell  me  if  Captain  Jennings  be  living,  how  I  might  write  to  him. 
Heanfwers  me,  that  one  was  out  of  the  way  that  he  muft  firft 
fpeak  with,  and  I  mould  (hortly  hear  from  him.  The  next  I 
heard  was  as  a  fecond  part  of  Dr.  StilUngfleet,  the  forefaid 
Book  full  of  cruel  falmood,  taken  from  my  having  been  for  the 
Parliament,  and  from  many  diftorted  words  of  mine  :  Now 
when  this  Book  renders  me  worfe  than  a  Jew,  or  Heathen,  and 
unfit  to  live,  fome  I  fear  will  tell  abroad  that  I  am  a  Traitor, 
for  faying,  that  [/r  is flandtrous  or  untrue, ~\ 

§  6.  His  fecond  Inftancewas  thefe  words  of  mine  [cc  Pardon 
<c  me  for  faying,  I  thinkjhtf  Mr.  Tombs  hath  faid  more  Ufa' truth 
"for  Anibaptiftry,  the  late  Hungarian  for  Polygamy,  many  for 
cC  Drunfannefs,  Stealing,  and  Lyings  in  cafes  of  Neceffity,  than  ever 
w  I  yet  read  for  the  Laivfulnefs  of  all  that  I  have  here  defer ibedf\ 

Anfiv.  1.  Is  there  any  Railing  or  unchriftian  Language  in  theie 
words  t.  which  be  they  ? 

Anfw.  2.  Do  I  here  fpeak  of  any  but  my  felf  and  the  Non- 
conformifts  ?  Do  I  not  proteft  againft  accufing  others,  and  only 
fay,  what  it  would  be  tome,  fhould  I  conform  ?  And  muft  I 
not,  when  importuned  by  Bifhops,  Priefts  and  Rulers,  fay  what 
I  fear,  left  others  mould  think  it  intimateth  their  guiltinefs  ? 
Can  I  help  that  ? 

Anfw.  3.  Did  that  man  ever  underftandingfy  confider  the 
matter,  who  can  doubt  of  the  truth  of  what  Kay  ? 

I.  On  the  one  fide  how  heinous  and  many  the  fins  that  we  fear 
are,if  we  mould  conforiD,Imuft  not  again  name,fcr  that's  it  that 
provoketfa,  L  2  II.  Now 


1 1.  Now  as  to  the  Comparison; 

i.  Fie  appeal  to  Learned  Bi  (hop  Barlow  whether  Mr.  Tombs 
hath  not  made  the  Cafe  of  Anabaptiftry  more  difficult?  Let  them, 
that  deny  it  confute  him  better  than  I  have  done. 

2.  And  why  doth  none  anfwer  the  Hungarians  book  for  Poly- 
gamy if  it  be  eafier  done  than  the  task  in  queftion.I  have  known 
the  man  that  maintained,  that  if  a  King  had  a  barren  wife,and  his 
Kingdom  like  to  be  undone  by  a  deftru&ive  fucceflor,  he  might 
as  lawfully  take  another  wife,  as  Adams  Children  might  marry 
inceftuoufly.  And  indeed  themany  unreproved  inftances  of  Po- 
iygamy  in  Abraham,  facob,  Mofes,  David,  Solomon,  &c.  will 
allow  men  more  pretence  for  it,  than  ever  I  (aw  brought  for  all 
( I  fay,  but  For  all )  that  I  hare  named  in  that  hook. 

3.  And  many  Phyficianshave  faid  fo  much  ("though  arnifsj  for 
the  lawfulness  of  a  Drunken  Cup  inftead  of  a  Vomit  &  a  Cordial 
in  fome  difeafes,  as  have  made  it  a  harder  cafe  than  ours  (cems 
to  me  :  And  I  fay  not  what  it  (eems  to  others. 

4.  And  de  necejfario  concubitu  legantur  qua  a  medic  is  dicim- 
tur  de  far  ore  merino. 

y. And  for  ftealing  nothing  but  prefent  food  tofave  life5he  that 
Confiders  what  God  allowed  a  man  to  take  that  went  through 
an  Orchard,  Vineyard  or  Corn-field,  and  what  the  Law  of  na- 
ture is,  and  whether  the  Kings  Army  on  whofe  ftrength  the 
Safety  of  King  &  Kingdom  depends,may  not  violently  take  food 
without  the  owners  content  rather  than  perifh,  will  find  it  har- 
der to  juftifie  the  denying  Chriftendom  and  Communion  to  godly 
Perfons  that  fcruple  our  fort  of  God  Fathers^CrofTmg  andKneel- 
\x\gt&c.  than  to  confute  the  aforefaid  ftealing,  or  that  which  is 
meerly  tofave  life. 

6.  And  as  for  Lying  in  cafes  ofneceflity,No  left  men  of  their 
own  party  than  Grotim  de  fpire  Belli  and  Bifhop  fer.  Tajlor  in 
Dttft.  Dnbit.  have  written  for  it.  And  though  I  be  againft  it, 
and  many  Conformifts  for  it,  yet  I  will  not  deny  but  if  the  Life 
of  the  King  might  be  faved  among  Enemies  by  a  Lie  ;  or  the 
Life  of  a  Patient  by  his  Phyficians  deceiving  him  by  a  Lie,much 
more  may  be  pretended  for  it,  than  for  all  the  heinous  fin  which 
I  fear. 

§  7.  And  if  thefe  words  be  uncharitable  Railing,what  means 
have  we  left  to  give  them  that  demand  it,  the  Reafons  of  our 
Nonconformity  ? 



What  if  we  had  gone  further,  and  taken  it  for  a  crying 
Church  Crime,  and  called  all  the  Clergy  to  Repentance  ?  If  that 
which  we  judge  finful  be  not  fo,  let  them  confute  us:  If  it  be 
fo,and  as  great  as  we  fear,  is  it  not  our  duty  to  bewail  it,  and 
mourn  for  it?  Ez.ek.  9.4.  Zeph.i.  17,  &c.  And  is  not  mincing 
and  extenuating  great  fin,  an  implicit  hardening  men  againft  Re- 
pentance ?  Should  one  Preach  againft  Adultery,  Fornication, 
Perjury,  Murder,  as  about  a  doubtful  Controverfie,  or  a  fmall 
thing,  and  fay  but  \G00d  men  are  on  both  fides  5  /  dare  not  fay  it 
is  a  fin,  though  I  dare  not  do  it  my  feif:  Or  if  it  be  one,  it  is  but 
fuch  as  good  men  are  ordinarily  guilty  of  \  We  mufl  not  judge  one 
another.']  What  were  this  but  (worfe  than  Eli  to  his  Sons)  to 
cherifh  Sin,  and  Preach  Impenitence,  and  ferve  Satan  againft  the 
Evangelical  Preaching  of  Repentance  ? 

§  8,  For  my  Judgment,  I  profefs  it  to  be  the  duty  of  me, 
and  all  men,  to  ufe  no  Language  of  Good  mens  faults,  no, 
though  they  turn  Perfecutors  upon  fome  particular  Errour,  but 
what  is  confident  with  true  Love  to  the  men  3  and  to  cover 
their  faults  that  are  private,  and  meerly  perfonal,  as  far  as  law- 
fully we  may  3  but  not  to  make  light  of  publick,  aggravated 
Crimes,  fuch  as  thofe  of  Hophni  and  Phinehas  iuor  to  (hew  indif- 
ferency  towards  Buyers  and  Sellers  in  the  Temple  3  nor  to 
ftrengthen  the  Sin  which  threatneth  a  Land.  If  I  thought  that 
hundreds  or  thoufands  of  Chrift's  faithful  Minifters  in  any 
Country  were  unjuftly  hunted  and  forbidden  to  Preach  the  Gof- 
pel  to  a  People  that  truly  need  it,  and  this  to  the  unavoidable 
-dividing  of  the  People,  and  the  plain  making  way  for  a  Forreign 
Jurifdi&ion,  I  (htuld  take  my  felf  as  a  guilty  hinderer  of  Repen- 
tance, and  Enemy  to  the  Publick  Safety,  if  I  fhould  fay  only 
[  This  is  a  doubt fnl  Controvsrfie  between  Good,  Wife,  and  Learned 

Labbe  ends  his  To.  1.  as  justifying  his  bittereft  Reproaches, 
with  the  Authority  of  Chrift,  Peter ,  /W3  fohn,fude,  Ignatius. 
And  if  he  had  only  given  great  and  publick  fins,  the  true  names 
neceflary  to  mens  knowledge  of  them,  for  Repentance  orPre- 
fervation,  thofe  Texts,  and  many  more  would  have  juftified 



CHAP.     XIII. 

Of  his  Suppofition  that  I  /peak,  againft  all  Bifhops  Come  Us. 

§  l.'THis  Is  not  fo.  i.  I  write  ofc  for  the  great  ufefulnefs  of 
A  Councils.  2.  I  juftly  praife  no  fmall  number  of  them, 
efpecially  before  the  great  Riling  of  the  Bifhops,  for  the  firft 
300  or  400  years:  He  once  acknowledged  it  of  the  African 
Councils  :  And  he  might  have  feen  the  like  of  many  Spanifh^nd 
fome  French  and  Germane  Councils  :  The  EngUJh  I  little  medled 
with.  3.  The  Firft  General  Council  at  Nice  I  juftly  honour  $ 
yea  and  the  Three  following,  and  miny  more  than  three,for  the 
foundnefs  of  their  Faith,  and  as  having  many  very  laudable 
perfons  in  them;  though  I  (hew  the  ill  effects  of  their  conten- 
tion and  ambition. 

I  have  heard  fome  Conformifts  confefsthe  great  Learning  and 
piety  of  the  Weftminifter  Synod  in  1642.  and  of  the  Synod  of 
Dort^  where  we  had  Delegates  :  and  yet  (harplier  fpeak  againft 
the  Acts  of  both  by  far,than  I  have  done  by  any  fuch  pious  Per- 
fons.  Even  they  that  have  honoured  Bifhop  Carlton,  Bifhop 
Hall,  Bifhop Davenant,  Dr.Ward^&c.  that  were  there,  have  yet 
bitterly  reproached  the  Decrees  which  they  fubfcribed.  And 
how  many  as  well  as  Dr  Heylin  have  written  and  fpoken  ill  of 
A.  Bifhop  VJherJof  A.  Bifliop  Abbot  A.  Bifhoo  Grindai,  A.  Bi- 
fhop Parker  (yea  of  A.  Bifhop  Whitguift  for  x)&&Lambeth-  Articles 
which  I  juftifie  not)  who  yet  have  a  great  honour  both  for  Bi- 
fhops and  their  Councils. 

§  2.  But  I  confefs  I  am  much  of  Naz.ianz.enh  mind,  and  I 
think  I  am  no  more  agawift  them  in  the  general  than  he  was.  And 
I  am  againft  our  fubjection  to  the  Jurifdiction  of  Forreign  Coun- 
cils, and  the  ufe  that  the  Pope  and  ambitious  Clergy  have  made 
of  them.,  to  become  Mafters  of  Princes  and  of  the  world  :  I  am 
not  for  Ebbo's  French  Council  which  depofed  Lu  do  v.  Fins,  nor 
for  making  them  either  the  Popes  Army,  or  the  Army  of  Pa- 
triacks  againft  each  other  or  of  fuch  Princes  as  Conftantim^  Valens> 
Theodofius  junior ,  Anaftafim  Fhilifpicus^  fftftinian,  Irene,  &c.  to 
fulfill  their  own  miftaken  wills,  how  honeft  foever  the  men 


(79) : 

might  be. Much  lefs  am  I  for  fuch  work  as  the  Council  at  Lateran 
fnbfnnoc.  3  made,no  nor  that  at  Florence* 

§  3  And  I  take  it  for  anj^ft  of  great  Prudence  in  this  my  ac- 
cufer,  while  he  is  vindicating  BiftiopsCouncils,to  go  no  further 
than  the  four  firfl:  General,  when  it  is  many  hundred  that  I 
have  mentioned.  And  is  it  not  really  an  intimated  accufation  of 
them  to  vindicate  fo  few  of  above  400.  And  thofe  fuch  as  for 
their  faith  we  all  own. 

And  yet  a  man  would  think  by  the  ftrein  of  his  ftyle  and  lan- 
guage that  it  were  at  leaft  the  greater  part  of  Conncils  that  he 
were  pleading  for.  I  fay  ftillas  Bifhop  Bilfon  and  other  Prote- 
ftants  :  Well  ordered  found  Councils  we  owe  great  refpecl:  and 
honour  to,  for  Counfelj  ftrength  and  Concord,  but fu 'bj etl 1 on  and 
Obedience,  faith  he,  if?  Owe  Taem  none,  (fave  as  we  are  bid,  be 
all  fubject  one  to  another,  and  ferve  one  another  in  Love.) 

§  4.  And  now  I  leave  any  impartial  man  to  judge  what  an- 
fwer  luch  a  book  deferved,  which  goeth  upon  all  thefe  foremen- 
tioned  untrue  fuppofitions. 


Some  mens  Credit  about  anient  Church  Htjiorj^  may  be  conj  eft  ti- 
red at  by  their  Reports  of  the  Hiflory  of  the  twe  and  place  that 
W2  live  in, 

§  i.T^Y  their  Hiftory  of  late  and  prefent  things  we  may  con- 
J3  jefture  at  the  Creditof  not  Mr.  Mu  but  others  of  the 
Clergy-accufers  and  Profecutors  of  their  Brethren.  Almoftall 
that  I  remember  that  write  againft  me,  agree  in  fuch  mifreport- 
ing  matters  of  facl,  yea  the  rnoft  publick,  of  the  perfons,  place 
and  time,  which  our  fenfes  have  given  us  notice  of,  that  we 
muft  believe  them  with  as  great  difficulty  as  we  muft  believe 
Tranfubftantiation,  even  in  oppofirion  to  all  our  fenfes  and  ex- 
perience. And  whether  thoie  men  be  fit  Vindicaters  of  the 
Bifhops  and  Councils  above  a  Thoufand  years  ago  ('which  are 
blamed  by  the  Hiftorians  of  th.e.irown  Age,  and  by  their  own 
Confeffions,  and  by  their  rnoft  fervent  Defenders)'  who  noto- 
rioufly  mifreport  the  perfons,  and  acYions  of  their  own  Place 
and  Age,  I  think  it  is  not  hard  to  judge.  I  will 


I  wM  ktftence  in  Twenty  particulars  of  pnblick  notice  5  for 
thofc  againft  particular  perfons,  even  my  feff,  are  not  to  be 

I.  It  is  now  commonly  taken  for  true,  that  the  prefent  Non- 
conformifts,  who  gave  in  their  Defires  for  Concord  1660.  are 
of  the  fame  Judgment  as  thofe  called  Nonconformifts  hereto- 
fore, and  whatever  can  be  raked  up  out  of  Chrift.  Goodman^ 
Knox^  Kilby,  or  is  reported  by  Bancroft^  is  partly  chargeable 
on  them,  when  as  their  propofed  Defires  yet  (hew  the  world 
that  they  never  made  any  motion  againft  many  things  by  thofe 
aforefaid  fcrup!ed3in  Do&rine,  Worihip,  and  Ceremony. 

And  it  is  commonly  fuppofed  by  them,  that  the  prefent  Con- 
formity is  but  the  fame  as  the  Old,  and  the  Cafe  no  harder  to 
us  :  And  this  notwithstanding  all  the  ftill  vifible  Afts  and  Alte- 
rations, and  Additions,  which  atteft  the  contrary  to  all  the 

II.  In  moft  of  their  Inve&ives  the  prefent  Nonconformifts- 
are  argued  againft,  as  if  they  had  been  in  the  Civil  War  againft 
the  King  j  or  had  been  guilty  of  it  more  than  the  Conformifts* 
And  that  War  is  made  a  Reafon  of  their  Silencing  3  whereas  fo 
few  of  them  bad  any  hand  in  it,  that  I  have  many  times  told 
them,that  if  they  will  Silence  none  but  thofe  that  they  can  prove 
guilty  of  any  War,  or  Rebellion,  or  Sedition  ?  the  reft  of  us  will 
give  rbem  a  thoofand  Thanks,  though  we  fuffer  our  felvcs.  Few 
of  the  prefent  Nonconfor  mifts  were  then  in  the  Miniftry,  and  of 
thofe  few  that  were,  few  now  living  meddled  with  War. 

III.  They  are  fo  confident  that  the  Parliament  and  Army  that 
began  the  War  in  England,  were  Nonconformifts,  yea  Presbyte- 
rians, and  not  of  the  Church  of  England^  that  Mr Minkleyfc  here 
Mr.  Motricey  make  a  renouncing  of  their  Senfes  or  Underftand- 
ings  necefTary  to  the  believing  of  it.  And  yet  they  might  as 
well  tell  us,  that  they  were  all  Turks  or  Papifts.  Are  not  a  Par- 
liament and  an  Army  things  publick  enough  to  be  known  in  the 
fame  Age  ?  When  we  name  to  them  the  Chief  Lords  and 
Commons,  and  Chief  Commanders,  yet  (and  lately)  living^  who 
are  known  ftill  to  live  in  their  own  Communion  5  and  when  we 
challenge  them  to  name  Three  Presbyterians  that  were  then  in 
the  Houfe  of  Lords,  or  the  Houfe  of  Commons  $  or  many  thac 
Were  at  firft  Commanders  in  the  Army*  and  we  name  them 
the  Men  that  then  Commanded,,  who  were  commonly  knowrv 



to  be  Conformifts  of  the  Church  of England.    And  if  they  will 
not  believe  their  prefent  practice  and  profeilion  they  may  yet  go 
to  them  and  be  Satisfied  from  their  own  mouths  what  were  their 
former  Principles.  I  have  told  them  of  a  moft  credible  Member 
of  that  Parliament  yet  living,who  hath  oft  profeft  to  me  that  he 
knew  but  one  Presbyterian  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons  when  the 
war  began,and  I  have  named  that  one  man  to  thereto  try  if  they 
can  name  another.  I  expert  not  that  they  fhould  believe  me,  or 
fuch  other  concerning  thofe  whom  we  knew:  But  they  may  be- 
lieve the  men  themfelves  yet  living5&  their  moft  familiar  Friends. 
Yea  the  Records  of  many  foregoing  Parliaments,  withL*^'* 
Life  written  by  Dr.  HeylinfuWy  Iheweth  them  that  the  d infer- 
ence arofe  i.  About  the  tear  of  Popery,    (  and  Arminianifmz.% 
they  thought  tending  towards  it  )  2.    About  Property,  Loan- 
mony3  Knight-mony  and  afcer  Ship-mony,cVc.  3.  About  Impri- 
sonment of  members  and  other  Gentlemen.And  thefe  were  ftilf 
the  quarrel. 

But  faith  Mr,  M,  How  then  Jh all  we  believe  our  fenfes.  Jtnf 
See  Reader,  whether  his  moft  confident  Errours  about  paft  things 
be  any  wonder.  He  is  not  fo  fure  of  what  he  faith  of  the  old 
Prelates,  or  the  Ne$orianst  Etujohians,  &c.  as  he  is  that  he  muft 
believe  his  Senfes:  And  his  very  fenfes  tell  him  that  a  Parliament, 
even  Lords,  Commons,  and  an  Army,  many  of  whom  are  yet 
living^  were  of  another  opinion  in  Religion  than  ever  they  were 
then  acquainted  with.,  and  which  was  known  to  very  few  in  Eng- 
land till  afterward. And  this  contrary  to  their  Prafeflion  and  pra- 
ctice and  the  fenfes  of  their  acquaintance.  Lords  are  Perfbns 
effo  publick  notice  that  they  may  eafilyyetbe  informed  of  the 
living  and  the  dead:  In  the  Army  the  Chief  Commanders 
were  the  E.  otEJfex,  the  E.  of  Bedford  (  yet  living  )  Sxtfohn 
Merrick^  the  E.of  Pet erborough^  Dolbisre,  the  E.'  of  Stamford,  the 
Lord  Hafiings  (E.of Huntington)  the  Lord  Rochford  (E,  of  Do- 
ver) the  Lord  Fielding  (Ex»{  Denbigh)  ihe  Lord  Mtndevile  (E9 
of  Mane heft er  )  the  Lord  Roberts  (  now  Earl  of  Radnor  and  Pre- 
fldent  of  his  Majefties  Council  )  the  Lord  St.  Johns,  (killed  at 
Keinton  Fight.,)  Only  the  Lord  Sajy  and  Lord  Brooke  were  known 
Independents  $  and  whether  the  Lord  Wharton  (yet  living)  was 
then  for  Biftiops  or  againft  them  I  know  notj  but  all  the  reft 
were  of  the  Church  of  England,  And  fo  were  the  other  Collonels, 
SlrHenyC'joMej,  the  bee  Lord  Hollis,CQlWUl.B*mpficld9  Col. 

M  77;*. 

Tho. Grantham,  Col.  7 ho.  Ballard,  C.  Sir  William  Pairjax,  U>1: 
Charles  Effex,  Col.  Lord  Willoughby  of  Pa'ham,  Co).  Sir  FTift 
Wi&r,  Col.  £<to  SW/j,  Cap.  Lord  Grey  of  Gwty  j  and  I  think 
then  Sir  Will.  Conflableznd  Col.  Hampden.  What  mind  Sir  Will. 
Balfoore  was  of  i  know  not:  But  I  know  his  Country  man  Col. 
Brown  was  too  far  from  a  Puritane, 

Bl  t  faith  Mr.M.[i.ft's  well  the  Bijhops  hadnojhare  in  it]  Anf. 
Let  Heylm  tell  you  what  hand  the  difference  between  A.Bifhop 
Abbats  Church  of  Englandmd  Laud's  then  little  Party  had  in  the 
preparations.  2.  And  was  the  A.  Biihop  of  Torino  Biftiop,  who 
afterward  was  a  Commander  for  the  Parliament. 

But  faith  he,  [  /  pray  where  were  the  Presbyterians  when  the 
"Parliament  took.  #p  Arms  :  Were  they  not  then  in  being  i  ]  Anf  An 
excellent  Hiftorian !  that  maintaineth  Parliament  and  Army  were 
fuch,  as  he  knows  not  whether  they  were  then  in  being.  Yes 
Sir,  they  were  in  Holland,  and  France  and  Geneva,  and  Scotland; 
and  in  England  there  was  one  John  Ball^nd  one  Mr.  Langley,  and 
afew  more  fuch  old  Nonconforming  that  never  were  in  Arms5 
and  old  John  Dody  and  one  Mr.  Geree  that  was  againft  the  war 
and  dyed  for  grief  of  the  Kings  death  :  But  among  thofe  called 
Puritans,few  knew  what  Presbytery  was,till  the  Scots  afterward 
brought  it  in.  Much  lefsdid  Lords,  Commons,  and  Army  know 
it.  In  your  fenfe  Sir  they  were  not  then  in  being3  and  therefore 
could  not  fight. 

It  appears  by  Bancroft  and  others  that  there  had  been  once 
Presbyterians  in  England  :  But  they  were  dead,  and  few  even 
of  the  few  Nonconforming  Minifters  fucceeded  them  in  the 
Study  of  that  point. 

But  faith  he,  [  Were  they  none  of  them  in  the  honfe  ]  Anf.  Yes, 
one  f  or  did  they  protefl  againfi  the  prcceedings  of  the  Epifcopal 
and  Erafiians  ?  Anf.  That  one  went  with  them.  And  Non  entis 
non  funt  accidentia.] 

But  faith  he  [  Can  Mr%  B.  believe  (  or  think^any  one  elfe  fo 
weal^as  to  be  impofed  on  in  a  matter  fo  notoriopts  )  that  it  was  a  Par' 
liamtm  of  Ep  if  copals,  and  Erafiians  and  not  Presbyterians  that  be- 
gan  the  war?] 

Anf  Thus  youngmen  that  know  not  whom  they  talk  of  can 
controle  the  moft  publick  matter  of  facl:  by  their  conjettures.Go 
ask  the  worthy   Matter  of  the  Rolls  Sir  Harbottle  Grimfton, 
whofe  Speeches  were  then  printed: Ask  Sir  f^.^/wd  His  Ma- 


jetties  Sergeant  a  t  Law  who  was  one  of  them  -,  or  any  other  of 
them  yet  living.  Ask  them  whether  they  knewthemfelves  and 
their  companions  better  than  you,  who  it  feems  knew  them  not. 
But  faith  he  [  Were  thej  Ep  if  copals  that  voted  down  Epifcopacy 
Root  and  Branch  before  the  war  begun  ]  Anf.  I.  Have  you  proved 
that  they  did  fo  ?  2.  Do  you  think  that  acontradiftion?  1.  They 
had  got  a  belief  that  Bifhop   Laud  had  got  fuch  men  into  the 
Seats  as  were  for  a  Syncretifm  with  the  Papifts   (  defcribed  by 
Heylin)  and  againft  the  Subjects   Property  and  Liberty.  And  it 
was  the  M:n  and  not  the  Office  that  offended  them.  2.  But  be- 
caufethey  were  willing  of  the  favour  of  the  Scots, and  thole  Lon- 
doners who  were  againft  the  Biftiops,   they  pleafed  them  by  vot- 
ing down  the  prefent  frame,    intending  to  fet  up  a  moderate 
Epifcopacy  in  its  fteadj  Yea  long  after  this  when  many  Learned 
Divines  in  the  Aflembly  declared  thcmfelves  for  Epifcopacy,  but 
nor  for  Deans,  Cbancellors,&c.  They  altered  the  Covenant  foas 
to  defcribe  the  prefent  frame  only :  And  when  the  Houfe  of  Lords 
took  the  Covenant,  Mr.  Coleman  fan   Erafiian  )  gave  it  them 
openly,  dec!aring,that  it  was  not  meer  Epifcopacy  that  this  Co* 
venant renounced,  but  only  the   EngUJh  defcribed  Complicate 
form.  And  could  they  have  had  fuch  Bifhops  a*  Abbot  and  the 
old  Church  of  England,  they  had  never  gone  thus  far.  3.  And 
they  thought  not  Epifcopacy  itfelf  fo  neceflary,  (  though  if  mo- 
derate the  beft  fort  of  Governments  )  as  to  hazard  all  for  ir, 
which  they  thought  had  been  in  danger.  Even  in  1640  July  ij. 
They  Voted  a  Diocefan  in  every  County,  with  Twelve  Divines 
to  Govern. 

But,  faith  he,  [Were  they  Epifcopals  that  Petitioned  the  King  at 
Y ork  for  -  Rejormation  in  Difapline  and  Worfoip  then  ?  i.  e,  for 
abolifhing  Epifcopacy  and  Common- Prayer  f]  Anfa.  1.  Reform- 
ing is  not  Abolishing.  2.  I  anfwercd  that  as  to  the  lafr.  When 
they  feared  that  the  Old  Houfe  wouid  fall  on  their  heads,  they 
were  for  pulling  of  it  down,  and  building  a  New  one,  after  fuck 
a  Model  as  Bifhop  Vfier  after  gave,  and  the  Germane,  Swedijh, 
and  Danifh  Churches  have  5  which  they  called  the  Primitive 
Epifcopacy  :  But  before  they  could  do  ir,  they  needed  the  Scots 
help,  who  brought  in  the  Covenant,  which  they  chofe  rather 
than  to  fall  into  the  hands  of  thofe  of  whom  they  had  fuch 
thoughts  and  fears,  as  I  need  not  now  defcribe,  Prin's  Kiftory 
of  Land's  Tryal  defcribeth  them. 

M  2  I- would 


I  would  ask  this  confident  Hiftorian  (wh^fefenfes  tell  him  what 
Religion  men  were  of  contrary  to  their  daily  praftice  of  communi- 
cating in  the  Varijh-Chftrches  conformably)  whether  the  Longeft 
Parliamentof  all,  which  made  the  A&s  of  Uniformity,  the  Cor- 
poration and  Veftry  Acts,  the  Two  Afti  againft  Conventicles, 
the  Mdrtia  Aft,  &C.  were  Presbyterian  or  Epifcopa!  ?  Verily, 
if  thefe  were  Presbyterians,  I  am  none,  nor  ever  will  be  :  Wc 
fhall  then  have  a  ftrange  definition  of  a  Presbyterian,  fuch  as 
will  take  in  Bifhop  Sheldon^  Bifhop  Morley,  Bifhop  Gunning  and 
fuch  others.  If  not,  did  not  the  fear  of  Poperv  make  that  very 
Parliament  begin  to  look  fo  fowrely  on  the  Clergy,  as  produ- 
ced that  which  I  need  not  tell  you  of?  And  did  not  molt  of  the 
fame  men  meet  in  the  next  Parliament  after,  and  look  yet  more 
fufpiciotifly  on  the  Clergy  ?  And  the  next  yet  more  f  And  doth 
it  follow  that  they  were  not  Epifcopal  but  Presbyterian?  But 
fome  men  are  confident  againft  the  Sun- light,  and  the  moft  no- 
torious Publick  Evidence.  But  I  mcfl:  confefs  that  fuch  have 
{haken  my  belief  of  the  meer  Moral  Evidence  of  moit  Hiftory, 
and  left  me  only  certain  of  that  which  hath  Evidence,  which  is 
truly  Natural,in  the  Natural  IrnpciTibilky  of  Confpiracy  in  a  Lie. 

There  were. men  heretofore  that  would  fwear  that  man  was 
a  Puritane,  who  would  not  (wear  and  drink  with  them,  and 
would  pray  in  their  Families,  ?.nd  read  the  Scriptures  on  the 
Lord's  Day,  while  others  were  dancing.  And  the  word  [Puri- 
tane] is  now  vulgarly  changed  into  [Presbyterian'}  (by  the  Cler- 
gies Contludh,)  And  there  are  fbme  Clergy- men  that  will  fay, a 
man  is  a  Presbyterian,  who  reproves  them  for  Drunkennefs  and 
Swearing,  and  other  Crimes,  fpccially  if  he  would  not  have 
Nonconform; its  ruined  and  laid  in  Gaol  with  Rogues.  In  this 
fenfe  I  deny  not  but  Lords,  Commons  and  Army,  had  many 
Puritanes  or  Presbyterians  among  them,  who  yet  never  knew 
what  Presbytery  was. 

But,  frith  Mr.  M.  [Were  they  Epifcopal  who  pray  the  King  at- 
Oxford  to  abolifh  At  Bifiops  and  Bifhops^  &c>  that  entred  into  a 
Solemn  Leagne  and  Covenant  againft  Epifcopacy,  and  for  Reforming 
the  Church  after  the  Presbyterian  Platform,  and  fet  up  Presbytery 
by  fo  many  Ordinances  ?] 

Anfw.  Diftingue  temporais  none  of  this  Hiftorians  Principles. 
How  long  after  the  War  begun  was  this  Petition  at  Oxford^ 
this  Covenant,  and  thefe  Ordinances  ?  He  proveth  them  Pref. 

V  "  byterians 

byterians  at  firft  when  they  knew  not  what  it  was,  becaufe  they 
were  for  Presbytery  a  year  or  two  after:  Negatur Sequela.  The 
Scots  taught  afterwards  the  Aflembly,and  them  that  which  they 
never  knew  before, 2.And  all  thefe  Petitions  &  Ordinances  (hew- 
ed not  what  they  preferred  as  beft,but  what  they  preferred  be- 
fore expefted  ruine.  The  I  flue  proved  this,  an&Heyl'm  confeffeth 
it,  and  faith,  They,  never  fct  up  Presbytery  in  any  one  place 
/which  yet  is  not  true,  though  they  did  not  force  it.) 

3.  Do  you  not  know  now  living,  thofe  Epifcopal  Conforming 
whorefufc  no  part  of  your  Conformity,  and  are  much  againft 
Presbytery,  who  fince  the  Difcovery  of  the  Papifts  Plot,  are  fo 
much  afraid  of  Popery,  and  Co  confident  that  too  many  of  the 
Clergy  are  prepared  for  ir,  that  a  little  more  would  turn  them 
from  you,  though  they  love  Presbytery  as  little  as  they  love 
your  felves. 

la  a  word,  The  Old  Clergy  and  the  Parliament  Men  agreed. 
The  New  Clergy  in  Bifhop  Land's  time  diftafted  them:&  the  Scots 
Presbyterians  helping  them  in  their  ft  rait?,  partly  turned  fome 
of  them,  and  partly  impofed  on  them  impleading  conditions. 

But  faith  be,  {The  Eraftians  and  Independents  were  at  firft  in* 
tonfidsruble,  and  acted  jo)  ntly  with  the  Presbyterians^  &C.~] 

"Ak[\\\  Thus  is  Hiftory  delivered  to  the  deluded  World!  Nei- 
ther Independency  nor  Presbytery  were  underftood  by  many 
till  the  War  was  begun.  The  Scots-  CommifTioners  by  degrees 
acquainted  them  with  Presbytery,  and  Mr.  Bur  ton's  Protection 
Frotefted,  and  the  live  Dilfenters  with  Independency  :  Two  or 
three  Independents  were  m  the  Houfe  of  Lords^  and  fome  few 
in  the  Houfe  of  Commons :  It  was  Epifcopal-men  that  made  tp 
the  ma  n  Body  :  Thefe  were  of  two  forts  .-The  one  fort  thought 
Epifcopacy  of  Divine  Inftituticn,  but  not  Chancellors,  Deans 
and  Chapters,  Arch-  Deacons,  Officials^  &c  The  other  fort 
thought  that  Epifcopacy,  nor  rampant,  was  the  belt  Govern- 
ment fare  humano^  But  that  the  Magiftrate  being  Chief,  might 
fet  it  up,  or  take  it  down,  as  he  fee  molt  for  the  common  good* 
Thefe  were  called  by  fome  Eraftians  :  And  that  thefe  at  firft 
were  inconfiderable,  is  Hiftory  written  in  defpight  of  Evidence. 
Let  any  man  1.  Read  what  Parliaments  formerly  faid  5  2.  And 
what  many  EngUfo  Divines  wrote  for  the  Jiu  humanum  againft 
the  fty  Divinnm  -,  and  what  Teftfmony  Frin  hath  given  of  it  5 
3..  And  YihatDr. St Mngfltet  hath  produced  for  it  in  his  Irenicon^ 

4,  And 


4.  And  how  commonly  it  was  owned  by  Conformifts  then  in 
Conference  5  ^.  And  how  commonly  the  Lawyers  were  for  the 
Humane  Right  ;  6.  Yea  and  the  Civilians  themfelvesj  and  then 
let  him  take  this  Hiftorian's  word,  if  he  tell  Pofterity  that  the 
Parliament  and  Army,  were  not  Englijlo  men. 

IV.  Thefe  Hiftorians  candidly  tell  the  world,  that  the  Non- 
conformifts, who  offered  their  Defires  for  Concord  166©.  were 
Presbyterians,  and  fo  are  molt  of  the  Nonconformifts  now. 
Whereas  they  never  made  one  motion  for  Presbytery,  for  Lay- 
Elders,  for  Ruling  ClafTes  or  Afiemblies,  nor  againfl:  Epifcopacy  5 
but  only  offered  the  Paper  called  A.  Bifhop  VJhtr's  Reduction 
of  Epifcopacy  to  the  Primitive  Form  ;  wherein  neither  A.  Bi- 
fliops,  nor  Bifhops,  nor  Deans  and  Chapters,  Archdeacons5were 
taken  down,  or  any  of  their  Revenues,  Lordfhips,or  Parliament- 
Power.     This  is  Presbytery  with  thefe  Hiftorians. 

V.  They  make  the  world  believe  that  the  main  Body  of  the 
Conformifts,  are  fuch  as  differed  for  the  King,  or  complied  not 
with  the  Directory  and  Times  of  Ufurpation  :  Whereas  u's  pub- 
Jickly  notorious,  thatthere  are, about  9000  Parifh-Churches in 
£#g/W,befides  many  hundred  Cnappels,6Vmany  Churches  that 
had  more  than  one  Minifter.  And  almoit  all  thefe  complied  with 
the  Times  or  Directory,  as  the  Nonconformifts  did  :  And  of  all 
thefe,  it  was  buta-bout  xooo  that  Conformed  not}  fo  that  7000 
or  8000  of  them  that  had  kept  in,  did  on  a  fudden  turn  Confor- 
mifts. And  divers  that  had  been  in  Arms  for  the  Parliament: 
Yea,  fome  that  had  written  for  the  Engagement  when  I  wrote 
againftit;  yea  fome  that  had  fpoken  or  written  tantum  now 
Juftification  of  the  Killing  of  the  King.  And  of  thole  that  ;oyn- 
ed  with  us  in  our  Propofals  for  Concord,  Dr.  Worthy  and  Dr. 
Reignolds  were  made  Bifhops,  and  divers  others  d:d  Conform. 

VI.  Thefe  Hiftorians  would  make  the  world  believe  that  the 
Prtfl-nt  Church,  and  fuch  as  they, did  more  than  the  Parliamen- 
tarian?, and  Presbyterians,  and  Nonconformifts,  to  reftore  the 
King  5  when  it  is  notorioufly  known,  how  oft  their  Attempts 
were  defeated,  and  what  the  Scots  Army  under  Hamilton  under- 
went, to  fay  nothing  of  the  next  ;  and  of  the  Lord  Delamo>e's 
Attempt,  and  what  the  Reftored  Parliament  did:  Butfurelam, 
that  the  Old  Parliament  Souldiers,  and  Presbyterian  Comman- 
ders andSouldien  in  General  Monkj>  Army,  with  thofe  in  Er.g- 
/Wand  Ireland  that  joyned  with  him,  and  Sir  Thomas  AlUn 


Lord  Mayor,  with  the  Londoners,  at  the  perfuafion  of  the  Pref 
byterian  Minifters,  drawing  Genera!  Monk  to  joyn  with  them, 
did  the  main  work,  which  the  Council  and  Parliament  after  fi- 
nifhed.  When  moft  of  thefe  men  that  will  not  endure  the  ob- 
livion of  Difcord*,  nor  the  Reconciling  and  Union  of  the  King's 
Subjects,  do  but  itart  up  to  revile  others,  and  blow  the  Goals 
again,  and  reap  the  fruit  of  other  mens  labours,  that  defire  but 
to  live  in  Peace. 

VII.  That  there  are  able  worthy  men  that  Conform, 
we  are  far  from  denying}  and  we  earneftly  defire  their 
Concord,  and  the  fucctfs  of  their  Labour,  and  I  hope  love 
them  as  our  felves.  Buc  whereas  the  Hiftory  of  this  Parcy  doth 
proclaim  how  much  better  and  abler  Minifters  than  the  Noncon- 
formifts  are  generally  put  into  their  Places,  that  are  no  Novices 
or  Ignorant  Youths,  no  Drunkards,  nor  fcandalous,  but  mofe  la* 
borious,  skilful  Labourers,  I  will  fay  nothing,  but  lee  the 
Countries  judge. 

VIII.  And  whether  it  be  true  that  there  is  no  need  of  the 
Nonconformists  Miniftry,  but  the  Churches  are  fufficiently  fup- 
plied  without  them,  both  as  to  the  number  and  quality  of  their 
Teachers,  I  have  in  my  Apology  enquired  5  and  with  godly 
men  it's  eafily  judged. 

IX.  And  whether  it  be  true,  that  it  was  only  for  the  Kings 
or  Bifliops  caufe  that  the  Parliament  put  out-all,  or  moft  of 
them  that  were  heretofore  removed,  I  leave  to  the  WitnefTes 
and  Articles  againft  them.  I  am  fure  I  and  my  neighbour  Mi- 
nifters petitioned  that  none  that  were  tolerable  pious  Minifters, 
might  be  put  out  for  being  for  the  King  or  Bifliops. 

X.  It  is  commonly  now  recorded  and  reported  that  the  Pref- 
byterians  and  thofe  that  now  conform  not  put  down  Catechi- 
zing, and  turned  the  Creed,  Lords  prayer  and  Decalogue  out  of 
the  Church- Service.  Whereas  f  iffome  few  Independents  did 
any  of  this,  ic  is  more  than  I  know,  but)  in  all  our  Countrey, 
and  where  I  cam^  I  remember  no  Churches  that  did  not  ufe  the 
Creed  openly  at  their  baptizing  any,  and  the  Decalogue  fre- 
quently read  out  of  Exod.  20.  or  Dent.  5.  and  the  Lords  prayer 
frequently;  as  we  did  conftantly„  Buc  fome  thought  that  we 
were  not  bound  to  ufe  it  every  time  they  prayed.  And  the  Di- 
rectory commendeth  all  thefe  to  them.  And  all  our  Countrey 
agreed  not  only  to  Catechize  publickly,  but  to  take  larger  time 


tm  tlie  week  daies  to  Catechize  every  family. 

X  I.  Thefe  Hiftorians  fay  that  I  and  fuch  others  take  the  things 
which  we  conform  not  to,tobe  but  inconveniences  and  not  fmsj 
And  that  we  keep  the  Nation  in  Schifme  while  we  confefs  the 
things  to  be  but  Indifferent  And  our  writingsarevifible  in  which 
we  profeft  the  contrary,  and  laboured  by  many  arguments  to 
prove  it  and  protefted  that  we  would  conform  if  we  took  them 

ot  to  be  fins.  And  we  gave  in  a  Catalogue  of  what  wejudged  to 
be  fins  :  And  this  before  the  New  Conformity  was  impofed  :  And 
fincerhefierceft  difpleafure  is  againft  us  for  telling  them  what 
we  account  Sin,  and  how  great  :  When  many  years  together  our 
Rulers  and  the  People  were  told  that  we  confeflcd  them  indif- 
ferent and  refufed  them  but  to  avoid  offending  our  followers. 

XII.  We  frequently  hear  from  them  that  we  oppofe  Epifco- 
pacy  becaufe  we  cannot  be  Bifhops  our  felves :  When  its  known 
that  nothing  could  more  put  men  out  of  all  fuch  hopes  than  the 
Presbyterians  Endeavours  that  both   their  power  and  wealth 

fhould  be  taken  down :  And  he  that  hath  any  defires  of  a  Bifhop- 
rick  fhould  fure  be  for  the  keeping  of  them  up.  And  the  fame 
men  reprove  us  for  refufing  Bifhopricks  and  Deanries,  and  fay 
we  did  it  to  pleafe  the  People. 

XIV.  The  new  Hiftorians  would  make  us  believe  that  the 
Reformed  Church  of  England  before  Bi (hop  Lauds  time,  were  of 
their  mind  that  now  call  themfelves  Bifhops  and  Doctors  of  the 
Church  of  England,  in  holding  as  they  do,  that  there  is  an  Uni- 
verfal  humane  Soveraignty  with  Legiflative  and  Judicial  power 
over  all  the  Churches  on  earth  :  and  that  this  is  in  Councilor  an 
Univerfal  Colledge  of  Bifhops  5  of  which  the  Pope  may  beal- 
Jovved  to  be  president,  and  Principium  V  nit  at  is  ^  &c.  and  that  he 
muft  be  obeyed  as  Patriarch  of  the  Weft  5  and  fo  we  muft  be 
under  a  forreign  JurifdicYion.  Whereas  it  is  notorioufly  known 
that  before  Bifhop  Lauds  time  the  doctrine  of  this  Church  was 
quite  Contrary,  as  may  be  feenat  large  in  the  Apology,  the  Ar- 
ticles of  Religion,  the  writings  of  the  Bifhops  and  Doctors  j  Yea 
they  writ  copioufly  to  prove  that  the  Pope  is  Antichrift,  and  put 
it  into  their  Liturgy.  And  Dr. Hey  tin  tells  us  that  theReafon  why 
Bifhop  Laud  got  it  out  was,  (that  it  might  not  offend  the  Papifts 
and  hinder  our  reconciliation  with  them}  And  the  Oath  of  Supre- 
macy fweareth  us  againft  all  forreign  JurifdicYion. 

XV.  The  fame  Hiftorians  would  make  us  believe  that  thefe 



mens  doctrine  is  now  the  doctrine  of  the  Churcb  of  EngUki  or 
agreeable  to  it.  Whereas  the  Oath  of  Allegiance  is  ft  ill  in  force, 
and  foare  the  Homilies,  and  the  Articles  of  Religion  and  the 
Laws  and  Canons  for  the  Kings  Supremacy  againftall  forreign 
JurifJiction.And  there  is  no  change  made  whichalloweth  of  their 
doctrine:  And  the  Church  doctrine  muft  be  known  by  its  pub- 
lick  writings,  and  not  by  the  opinions  cf  new  rifenmen. 

X  V  I.  The  new  Hiftdrians  make  the  Nonconforming  Mini- 
Iters  to  be  men  grofly  ignoranr,preach;ngfa!fe  doctrine,of  wicked 
principles  and  lives,  and  not  fit  to  be  futfered  out  of  Gaols.  And 
yet  thefe  19.  or  20.  years  how  few  of  them  have  been  convict 
ofanyfalfe  doctrine  ?  And  I  have  not  heard  of  four  in  England 
that  have  ever  been  convict  fmce  they  were  caft  our,  of  being 
once  drunk,  or  fornicating,  cheating,  (wearing,  or  any '  immo- 
rality, unleft  preaching  and  net  fwearing.  Subscribing,  &C  be 
fuch,  nor  for  falfe  doctrine. 

XVII.  The  new  H'ftorians  have  made  thoufands  believe  that 
the  doctrine  or  opinions  cfthe  Nonconforming  is  for  fedition 
and  rebellion  ^  Arra  that  it  is  for  this  that  they  refufe  to  renounce 
tt.e  obligation  of  the  Covenant  as  to  all  men  befides  themfelves 
and  that  they  refufe  to  fubferibe  that  it  is  not  lawful  on  any  pre- 
tence wbatfoever  to  rakeArmsagainft  any  CommifTioned  by  the 
King.  Whereas  we  have  at  large  in  a  fecond  Plea  for  peace 
opened  our  judgments  about  Loyalty  and  obedience,  ana  none 
of  them  will  tell  us  what  they  would  have  more,  nor  where  oar 
profeftion  is  too  fhort  or  fruity.  Nor  have  they  convict  any 
of  my  acquaintance  of  preaching  any  'difloya!  doctrine. 

X  V  1 1  i.  Yea  they  have  by  writing,  preaching  and  talking 
made  multitudes  believe  that  the  Non  conform  ilts  or  Presbyte- 
rians have  been  long  hatch;i:g  a  rebellion  againft  the  King,  and 
have  a  Plot  to  take  down  Monarchy  under  pretence  of  oppofir.g 
Popery.  And  how  far  thefe  Hiftorians  are  to  be  b else ved3  true 
Froteftanrs  by  this  time  partly  underftand. 

X  I  X.  Yea  thefe  Hiftoria^s  have  made  multitudes  believe 
thit  the  Parliaments  that  have  been  difblved  here  of  lare  years 
have  been  defigning  tcr  change  the  Government  of  Church  ami 
(late,  under  pretence  of?  .  As  if  that  Parliament 

that  did  that  for  them  and  a  gain  ft  us  which-  is  done,  and  made 
all  the  Acts  which  are  foT  the  Renunciation  of  the  Covenant, 
and  for  all  the  Dedaratioms/Subfcriptions  and  Practices  Impofcd, 
and  {'or  Fining  us  20/.  and  40  /.  a  Sermon,  and  laying  us  in  Ga^c, 

N  h«d 

bad  been  for  Nonconformifts,  and  againft  Epifcopacy*  and  they 
that  made  the  Militia  Act,  and  fuch  other  had  been  againft  the 
Kingjor  his  Prerogative :  Or  the  other  following  had  not  been  of 
the  lame  Religion. 

X  X.  But  theboldeft  part  of  their  Hiftory  ,is  their  defcription 
of  the  two  forts  of  the  People  in  England,  thofe  that  are  for  the 
prefent  Nonconformifts,  and  thofe  that  a,re  againft  them.  Thofe 
that  are  againft  them,  they  account  the  molt  Religious,  Tempe- 
rate, Cbaft,  Loyal,  Credible,  and  in  a  word,  the  beft  people 
through  the  Land  (Tor  of  our  Rulers  I  am  not  fpeaking.)  And 
thofe  that  are  for  the  Nonconforming  Minifters,  they  defame 
as  the  moft  proud5  hypocritical,  treacherous,  difloyal,  covetous> 
falfe,  and  in  a  word,  the  worft  people  in  the  Land  ;  or  as  Fovclis 
faith,  the  worft  of  all  mankind,  and  unfit  to  live  in  humane  Socie- 
ty. How  Jong  will  it  be  ere  the  fober  people  of  this  Land  be- 
lieve this  Character  ?  One  would  think  that  the  quality  of  the 
common  Inhabitants  of  the  Land  mould  not  be  aControverfie> 
or  unknown  thing.  All  that  I  will  fay  to  this  Hiftory,  js,  to  tell 
the  Reader  the  utmoft  of  my  obfervation  and  experience  from 
my  Youth  up,  concerning  thefe  two  forts  of  men. 

Where  I  was  bred  before  1640.  (which  was  in  divers  places) 
I  knew  not  one  Presbyterian  Clergy- man,nor  Lay3and  but  three 
or  four  Nonconforming  Minifters.  Nay  till  Mr.  Ball  wrote  for 
the  Liturgy  and  againft  Can,  and  Allen^  &e.  and  till  Mr.  Bur- 
ton Publifhed  his  Proteftation  protefted,  I  never  thought  what 
Presbytery  or  Independency  were,  nor  ever  fpake  with  a  man 
that  feemed  to  know  it :  And  that  was  in  1641.  when  the  War 
was  brewing.  In  the  place  where  rfirft  lived,  and  the  Country 
about,  the  People  were  of  two  forts :  The  generality  feemed 
to  mind  nothing  ferioufly  but  the  body  and  the  world:  They 
went  to  Church  and  would  anfwer  the  Parfon  in  Refponds  and 
thence  go  to  dinner,  and  then  to  play  :  They  never  prayed  in 
their  families,but  fome  of  them  going  to  bed,would  fay  over  the 
Creed,  and  the  Lord's  Prayer,  &  fome  of  them  the  Hail  Mary  : 
All  the  year  long,.not  a  ferious  word  of  holy  things,  or  the  Life 
to  come,  that  I  could  hear  of,  proceeded  from  them.  They  read 
not  the  Scripture5norany  good  Book  orCatcchifm.Few  of  them 
could  read,  or  had  a  Biblc:They  were  of  two  ranks$  the  greater 
part  were  good  Husbands  as  they  called  them,  and  favoured  of 
nothing  but  their  bufinefs  or  Intereft  in  the  World  $  the  reft 
were  Drunkards :  Jvloft  were  Swearers,  but  not  equally :  Both 



forts  feemed  utter  ftrangers  to  any  mote  of  Religion  than  I  have 
named  ;  and  loved  not  to  hear  any  ferious  talk  of  God,  or  Du- 
ty, or  Sin,  or  the  Gofpel.,  or  Judgment,  or  the  Life  to  come  : 
But  fome  more  hated  it  than  others:  The  other  fort  were  fuch 
as  had  their  Conferences  awakened  to  fome  regard  of  God  and 
their  Everlafting  State  5  and  according  to  the  various  meafures 
of  their  underftanding,  did  fpeak  and  live  as  ferious  in  the 
Chriftian  Faith,  and  would  much  enquire  what  was  Duty, 'and 
what  was  Sin,  and  how  to  pleafe  God>  and  to  make  fure  of  Sal- 
vation 5  and  made  this  their  Bufinefs  and  Intereft,  as  the  reft 
did  the  world.    They  read  the  Scripture,  and  fuch  Books  as 
The  Pratlice  of  Piety  ;  and  Deut'j   Plain  Man's  Path  Way  ;  and 
Dod  on  the  Commandment  syd>cc.    They  ufed   to  pray  in  their  Fa- 
milies, and  alone  -,  fome  on  the  Book,  and  fome  without :  They 
would  not  Swear,  nor  Cur  fe,  nor  take  God's  Name  lightly: 
They  feared  all  known  fin  :    They  would  go  to  the  next  Parifh- 
Church  to  hear  a  Sermon  when  they  had  none  at  their  own  j 
would  read  the  Scripture  on  the  Lord's  Day,  when  others  were 
playing  ::Thefe  were^where  I  lived,  about  the  number  of  two  or 
three  Families  in  twentyjand  thefe  by  the  reft  were  called  Puri- 
tanes,  and  derided  as  Hypocrites  and  Precifians,that  would  take 
on  them  to  be  Holy  :  And  efpecially  if  they  told  any  one  of  his 
Swearing,  Drunkennef?,  or  Ungodlinefs.,  they  were  made  the 
common  fcorn.     Yet  not  one  of  many  of  them  ever  fcrupled 
Conformity  to  Bifhops  Liturgy  or  Ceremonies,  and  it  was  god- 
ly Conformable  Minifters  that  they  went  from  home  to  hear  : 
And  thefe  M;nifters  being  the  ableft  Preachers,  and  of  more  fe- 
rious Piety,  were  alfo  the  Objeds  of  the  Vulgar  Obloquy  as 
Puritanes  and  Precifians  themfelves  j  and  accordingly  fpoke  a- 
gainft  by  many  of  their  Tribe,  and  envyed  for  being  preferred 
by  godly  men. 

This  being  the  Condition  of  the  Vulgar  where  I  was,  when  I 
came  into  the  acquaintance  of  many  Perfons  of  Honour  and 
Power,  and  reputed  Learning,  I  found  the  fame  ferioufnefs  in 
Religion  in  fome  few  before  defcribed,  and  the  fame  daily  fcorn 
of  that  fort  of  men  in  others,  but  differently  cloathed  :  For  thefe 
would  ta'k  more  bitterly,  but  yet  with  a  greater  fhew  of  rea- 
fon  the  other,  than  the  ignorant  Country  People  did: 
And  they  would  fometime  t:uk  of  fome  Opinions  in  Religion, 
and  fome  of  them  would  ufe  fome  of  the  Common- Prayer  in 

N  z  their 

their  Houfes,  and  fame  of  them  would  fwear,  but  feldom,  and 
fmall  Oaths,  and  lived  foberly  and  civilly  $  but  ferious  talk  of 
God  or  Godlinefs,  or  that  which  tended  to  fearth  and  reform 
the  Heart  and  Life,  and  ferioufly  prepare  for  the  Life  to  come,. 
or  to  awaken  Souls  to  a  care  of  their  State  and  Salvation,  they 
would  at  leaft  be  very  weary  to  hear,  if  not  deride  as  Puritani- 
cal. Mr.  Robert:  Bolton  a  Conforming  hath  fully  opened  all  this 
Of  both  (brts  in  his  Difeourfe  of  Trite  Happincfs,  and  Dirrftions 
for  walking  mth  God:  And  how  the- name  Puritan?  wis  then 
if  fed. 

This  being  the  Fundamental  Divifion  where  I  came,  fomeof 
thefc  that  were  called  Puritanes  and  Hypocrites,  for  not  being 
Hypocrites,  but  ferious  in  the  Religion  they  proftffed,  would 
fometimesget  together,  and_as  Drunkards  and  Sporters  would 
meet  to  drink  and  play,  they  would  (in  fbme  very- few  places, 
where  there  were  many  of  them)meet  afterSermonon  tbeLord's 
Daies  to  Repeat  the  Conforming  Mlniiiers  Sermon,  and  fing  a 
Pfilm, and  Pray.  For  this,  and  forgoing  from  their  own  Pa- 
riih-Churches,  they  were  firft  envied  by  the  Readers,  and  dry 
Teachers,  whom  they  fometime  went  from,  and  next  profeoraf- 
te<Jby  Apparitors,  Officials,  Archdeacons,  Commiffaries,  Chan- 
cellors, and  other  Epifcopal  Miruments :  For  in  former  times 
there  bad  been  divers  Presbyterian  Nonconforming,  who  ear- 
neilly  pleaded  for  Parifh-Difcipline  (as  Buccr  aifo  did  in  Opcr. 
Anglic.)  And  tofubdue  thefe,  divers  Canons  were  made  j  which 
ferved  the  turn  againft  thefe  Meetings  of  the  Conformable  Pu- 
riranes,  and  going  from  their  ownParifh-Churches  $  though,  the 
Old  Presbyterians  were  dc&d9  and  very  few  fucceeded  them. 
About  as  many  Nonconformists  as  Counties  were"  left;  and  thofe 
few  molt  fiuck  at  Subfcriprionand  Ceremonies,  which  were  the 
hinderance  of  their  M  niftry5and  but  few  of  them  ftudiedor  un- 
..derftood  the  Presbyterian  or  Independent  Difeiplinary  Caufes. 
Bat  when  thefc  Conformable  Puritanes  were  thus  profecu  ted,, 
it  bred  in  them  hard  thoughts  of  the  Bifhops  and  their  Courts,as 
Enemies  to  ferious  Piety,  and  Perfecutors  of  that  which  thty 
ihould  promote:  Suffering  bred  this  Opinion  and  Averfation, 
And  the  ungodly  Rabble  rejoyced  at  their  troubles,  and  ap- 
plauded the  Bifhops  for  ir,  and  were  every  where  ready  to  fee 
the  Apparitors -on  them,  or  to  ask  them,  Are  you  holier  or 
cr  thin  :    Aid  their  Accufations  were  readily  en- 



rertained  :    This  much  inclined  them  to  hearken  to  thtm  i 
were  averte  to  Conformity,  when  fuch  rote  dp,  and  to  firch  as 
were  more  againft  the  Bifhops,   than  there  was  cauftj  10  i 
by  this  time,    the  Puritanes  took  the  Bifhops  to  be  Captains  and 
the  Chancellors,  Archdeacons,Commill^rie?,  Officials  and  P 
their  Officers,  and  the  Enemies  offeriousG  >dHnefr,  and  the  vi- 
cious Rabble  to  be  as  their  Army,  to  fupprefs  trueconfciencious 
Obedience  to  God,  and  care  of  mens  Silvatjjn.     And   the   cer.- 
fured  Clergy  and  Officers  took  erj<  crs  to  be  Suhifin- 

ticks3  and  Enemies  to  the  Ciurch,  unfit  to  be  endured,  and  fit- to 
be  protecuted  with  reproach  and  pi  rt  5   lb  that 

Puritanes  took  it  to  be  bur  the  com  .hat  ilnee  C\i/Vs 

daies  hath  been  in   the  world,    between   the  S 
Woman's  Seed:     And  when  the  ceflors, 

Official-',  Apparitors,  &:.  'Jer  fuch  a   repute,  it 

was  eafie  to  believe  what  fh  .u'  i  be  fti'J  agamft  their  Office. 
And  the  more  the  Bidiops  thought  to  cure  this  bypuniftrmenr, 
the  more  they  increafed  th'e  Opinion;  ttiat  they  were  perfecn- 
ting  Enemies  or  Godiinefs,  and  theCaptiti  \t  Pfopharie. 

And  when  fuch  fmful  Beginnings  had  prepared  men,  the  C 
Contentions  arifing,  thofe  called  Puritanes,  moiily  were  againlt 
that  fide  which  they  faw  the  Bifhops  and  their  Neighbour  Ene- 
mies for :  And  they  were  for  the  Parliament  the  rather,  becatife 
they  teemed  defirous  to  Reform  the  Bifhops,  and  Pveftore  the 
Liberty  of  thofewhom  they  profecuted  for  the  manner  of  their 
terving  God.  Yet  they  defired,  where-ever  I  was,  to  have  lived 
peaceably  at  home :  But  the  Drunk  irds  and  Rabble  that  former- 
ly hated  them,  when  they  Caw  the  War  beginning,grew  inraged;. 
and  if  a  man  did  but  Pray,  and  Sing  a  Pfalm  in  his  houte,  they 
would  cry  [Dow*  with  tkt  Roundheads']  (a  word  then  new  made 
for  them,)  and  put  them  in  fear  of  linden  violence,  and  after- 
wards brought  the  King's  Souldiers  to  plunder  them  of  their 
goods,  and  they  were  fain  to  run  into  holes  to  hide  their  per- 
sons {Martin  Crufixt  in  his  Turco-Gr&cia  defcribeth  much  the 
like  Cite  of  his  Father. )  And  when  their  Goods  were  gone, 
and  their  Lives  in  continual  danger  ^  they  were  forced  to  fly  for 
Food  and  Shelter :  To  go  among  thole  til  at  hated  them,  they 
durlt  nor,  when  they  could  nordwell  among  fuch  at  home.  And 
thus  thoufandj  rod  into  the  Parliaments  Garrifons,  and  having- 
bo  thing  there  to  livr-upon,  became  Souldfer?; 


We  had  an  honeft-very  Old  ^rminian  (Mr.  Nayler)  in  Coven* 
f//5that  was  againft  the  Parliaments  Caufe  5  and  he  would  fayf 
{The  King  hath  the  befi  Caufe,  and  the  Parliament  the  befi  Men."} 
And  that  he  wondred  how  ic  came  to  pafs,  that  the  generality 
of  fober  Religious  men,  (hould  be  all  in  the  wrong,  and  the  molt 
Irreligious  and  Prophane,  and  Debauched  be  in  the  right.]  But 
he  knew  but  the  Vulgar,  and  not  the  Grandees,  who  no  doubt 
were  many  of  them  men  of  very  laudable  accomplifhments. 

And  as  the  feud  of  the  Bifhops  and  their  Officers  and  Curates 
againft  the  aforefaid  exercifes  of  Religion  occafioned  this  fad  Di- 
vifion3fo  did  the  fenfe  of  this  in  the  minds  of  thofe  called  Pu- 
ritanes  continue  too  long.  Many  a  time  have  Ifeen  abundance 
in  great  Perplexity,  faying  [We  believed  them  that  profefled 
that  they  took  not  Arms  againft  the  King,  but  to  execute  the 
Law  on  Delinquents  and  defend  themfelves  and  the  Kingdom 
from  them  :  We  abhor  the  Regicides  and  Ufurpers  :  We  would 
reftore  the  King,  if  we  were  ftronger  than  the  Army.  And  yet 
we  are  in  doubt  how  far  we  (hould  actively  contribute  to  our 
own  calamity:  For  though  the  King  deferve  more  than  we 
can  do,  we  doubt  not  but  the  Bifhops  will  increafe  our  Burdens 
and  make  greater  havock  in  the  Church  than  heretofore]  And 
many  fate  ft  ill  on  this  account,  and  as  far  as  ever  I  could  diP 
cern,  next  the  Power  of  the  Army,  the  fear  of  the  Bifhops  was 
the  chief  delay  of  the  Kings  return. 

I  knew  not  all  England;  but  according  to  the  Extent  of  my  ac- 
quaintance, I  have  truly  told  you  the  quality  of  thofe  then 
called  Puritans  and  of  their  Common  adverfaries. 

And  on  which  fide  now  proportionably  are  moll  of  the  moft 
undemanding,  fober,  charitable,  confcionable^  and  ferioufly  re- 
ligious Perfons,  and  on  which  moft  of  the  contrary  fnot  fpeak- 
ing  of  any  Magiftrates  )  I  think  it  neither  my  work,  nor  our  New 
Hiftorians  to  tell  :For  people  that  live  among  their  neighbours, 
will  believe  their  fenfes  and  experience,  what  ever  either  he 
or  I  ftiall  fay.  And  I  am  well  afifured  that  this  argument  (  which 
I  think  was  not  found  )  [  We  cannot  believe  that  God  witt  fuffer  the 
Generality  of  the  Religions  to  be  deceived  in  Jo  great  a  cafet  and  the 
?nofi  of  the  debauched  ignorant  haters  of  feriom  GedLnefs  to  be  in 
theright^"]  did  prevail  with  very  many  that  could  not  try 
the  Caufe  by  the  Laws  and  conftitution  of  the  Kingdom. 
§  2.  lfl  fhould  recite  the  particular  unjufi  reports  of  mul- 

titudes  of  thefe  Writers  it  would  be  tirefome  and  Joathicme  : 
Yea  all  the  miftakes  of  this  Eminent  Hiftorian  are  too  many  ro 
be  named  :  But  I  will  here  name  one  which  feems  at  once  to 
fmite  and  fmiJe. 

Pag.  217.  ["There  is  a  temper  which  Mr.  B.  it  acquainted 
"  with  that^  is  not  to  be  prevailed  on,  either  by  threats  or  promifes 
Qt  from  ths  Magtfirate  -3  and  feems  to  hate  nothmgfo  much  as  compii- 
Cc  ance  with  Superiors  :  Thtre  are  fame  that  fcorn  to  preach  by  the 
*c  Licence  of  the  Government^  and  place  the  Kingdom  ofChrifi  purely 
"  in  oppofnon  to  Law  and  Magiftrrtes.  2 

Anfw,  Note  the  credibility  of  this  Hiftorian.  1.  Doth  their 
accufation  of  my  flattering  the  Ufurpers  (whom  I  more  openly 
difowned  thanmoit  of  his  Fraternity)  agree  with  this? 

2.  Did  my  Jong  and  earned  Petitioning  to  be  accepted  but 
in  a  poor  Curates  place,  though  I  Preachc  for  nothing,  yea  if  it 
were  but  in  fome  ignorant  obfcure  Village,  and  only  to  preach 
over  the  Catechifm^gree  with  this? 

3.  Doth  my  large  profeflion  of  Subje&ion  in  my  Second  Plea 
for  Peace  not  yet  blamed  by  them  herein  agree  with  this  ? 

4.  I  willingly  took  the  Oaths  of  Allegiance  and  Supremacy, 
and  an  Oath  to  be  true  to  the  King  as  his  Chaplain  in  ordinary, 
and  had  this  any  fuchfignification  f 

5.  Did  my  begging  in  vain  a  Licenfe  from  Bifhop  Morleyy 
and  craving  and  obtaining  one  of  Bifhop  Sheldon  fign\dc  this  ? 

6.  .But  th  e  fmile  is  that  one  would  think  by  thefe  words,  I 
might  have  preached  by  the  Governours  Licenfe  and  would 
not.  And  is  that  true?  Did  I  not  preach  by  the  Kings  Licenfe, 
and  the  C'ergy  blame  me  for  it?  And  as  for  the  Bifhops  Licenfe 
I  do  profefs  that  it's  yet  in  force,  and  I  do  preach  by  it.  If  I  mi- 
stake it  is  not  my  refufing  it.  If  he  intimate  as  he  feems,  that  by 
the  Bifhops  Licenfe  I  might  have  had  leave  to  preach  in  the 
Parifh  Churches,it's  now  too  late:But  I  would  I  had  known  how 
to  get  it.  I  confefs  one  Summer  in  the  Countrey  about  z$ 
miles  off,  I  did  venture  upon  the  Credit  of  my  Licenfe  fac 
u4merfham,  Chejham3  Rickmerfworthj&c.)  But  it  was  too  pleafing 
work  to  me  to  becontinued:One  Church  mSouthwarl^l  was  once 
Jet  into,  but  no  more  in  or  near  London.  I  once  craved  leave  of 
the  moderate  Bifhop  that  now  is,  that  without  putting  down 
the  meeting  where  I  was  in  that  great  Parifh  of  Sr.  Martin's, 
I  might  preach  fometime  there  and  once  a  day  at  the  Chappcl 

which!  builr5  which  the  Parifh  Incumbent  ufeth,  and  that  he 
would  quiet  the  Juitices  to  that  end,  and  thought  I  hid  had  his 
confenr :  But  the  Conftables  and  other  Officers  it- '  -  fi  om  that 
day  about  a  quarter  of  a  year  together  every  Loro'i  Day  at  the 
door  of  the  former  place  of  Affemblv,  to  have  apprehended 
me  by  the  Juftices  warrant  if  I  had  gone.  And  never  could  I 
hear  of  a  man  in  London  that  was  willing  I  fhould  come  into 
his  Pulpit  j  but  the  be  ft  have  refufed  it.  Nor  did  I  much  defire 
it  here  :  For  it  is  not  to  preach  to  them  that  have  no  need  that 
is  my  requeft  j  but  to  fuch  as  cannot  come  into  the  Parifh  Church 
or  otherwlfe  truely  need  our  help.  Once  I  did  try  to  have  got 
leave  two  miles  out  of  the  City  to  have  preachta  Kinfwomans 
Funerall  Sermon  on  the  right  of  my  Licenfe  :  But  the  Minifter 
faid,  He  muft  firft  ask  the  Bifhcp,  and  then  denyed  me. 

Reader,  thefe  ave  the  Hiftorians  that  Charge  me  with  mif- 
report  of  ancient  Hiftory,  vifible  in  the  mo  ft  partial  Authors 
on  "the  other  fide:  Judge  of  them  by  their  Report  of  the  Hifto- 
ry of  our  Place  and  Age. 

CHAP.     XV. 

\Mr<W£s.    way  of  getting   beliefs    by  a   AJtgifteriat condemning  the 
mofl  credible  Hiftorians^  and  authorising  whom  hepleafe. 

§  i.  T-F  we  had  not  Eufi&fa,  Socrates  and  Soz.cmcn,  how  naked 
JL  flioijfd  we  be  left,  and  much  unacquainted  with  the 
cafe  of  the  Church  from  the  Apoftles  5  (  Befides  7&eodoretsR\- 
fbory)  tiil  440  And  whata  fliake  is  given  to  the  Credit  of  all 
thrfeby  Mr.  M  and  others  of  greater  name? 

Though  Enfebtus  bimfelf  be  by  Petaviw  and  many  other  Pa- 
pifts  accounted  an  Arian,yea.  and  (eemingly  proved  fuch,  and  by 
Bellarmine  de  Script.  Eccltf.  its  faid  that  Aibanafiw  fo  calls  him, 
znd-fcrcw  calls  him  the  ^r/^wSignifer  and  Prince,  and  the  7th 
•General  Council  fo  judgeth  him,  yet  Sccrates  vindicateth  him, 
and  thinks  he  is  wronged  :  And  indeed  though  his  own  Epiftle 
written  to  his  Flock  be  not  juftifyable,  incautelousand  unjuftify- 
?ble  words  were  too  Common  before  his  daies  (  as  Petavius 
hath  too  fully  proved  )  with  thofe  that  we  muft  not  yet  call 
Arianu  But  while  BclUrmin:  and  Mr.    M,  charge  Socrates  and 



Socmen  zs  Novations  that  is  Hereticks  themfelves,they  deprive 
Enfebim  of  much  of  their  defence,  and  render   his  Hiftory  the 

more  fufpicious. 

§  2.  And  though  I  know  Mr.  ^/.hath  more  partners  herein,  I 

never  faw  yet  any  credible  proof  that  either  of  them  were  No- 
vations: Good  Chriftiansarenot  afhamed  nor  afraid  to  make  pro- 
feffionof  theirReligion.Andthey  arefo  far  from  profefTing  ir?that 
they  oft  fpeak  of  the  Novations  in  difowning  words.  But  they 
praifed  them  for  the  good  that  is  in  them  !  And  would  not  any 
impartial  Hutorian  do  the  like/  Muft  a  man  rail  at  any  party  J  or 
hide  their  Virtues  or  elfe  be  taken  to  be  one  of  them  ?  I  cenfefs 
thatfuch  as  Mr. Af .do  fully  acquit  themfelves  from  the  fufpicion 
of  being  Presbyterians  or  Nonconform  it!  s.  But  fo  did  not  A. 
B\(hop  GrindaU,  Bifhop  fewel,  A.  Bifhop -^w  A.  Bifhop  VJher, 
and  many  more  fuch.  Sure  Candor  and  Impartiality  is  Laudable 
in  Hiltorians  $  And  Tbuanstsh  moft  honoured  for  that.  And  not- 
withftjnding  Mr.  M*%  aflercions  of  the  contrary,  I  profefs  my 
felf  a  lover  &  honourer  of  the  worth  of  many  of  theafpirirg  Bi- 
fhops  that  corrupted  theChurcb^and  of  many  PopesAandofmany 
that  continue  Church  corruptions  in  the  heightjeven  many  of  the 
Papifts  Cardinals,  Schoolmen  and  Jefuites.  Who  will  not  love 
and  praife  the  excellent  Learning  of  fuch  as  Syanz.^Vafqu?^  Vi- 
ctoria, Ve.tavim  and  abundance  fuch  ?  Who  will  not  pra.fe  the 
piety  of  fuch  as  Gerfon  ,  Bcrrcmtus,  Sales,  and  many  others  , 
though  we  neverthelefsdifown  their  Popery?  For  my  part  I 
highly  value  the  C!earenefs,of  multitudes  of  the  School  men,and 
t^at  they  have  not  in  whole  loads  of  their  volumes  fj  much 
malicious  railing  as  thejefuits  ard  many  of  our  late  Conformifts 
have  in  a  few.  meets.  Doth  it  follow  that  I  am  a  Papilt  becaufe 
I  praife  them^r  that  Socrates  or  Socmen  were  Novations  becaufe 
they  fpeak  well  of  their  faith  and  pjety. 

There  are  abundance  of  Malignanrs,  thsc  acknowledge  the 
Good  Lives  of  rhofe  they  call  Puritanes  fand  if  he  had  not 
had  the  late  Wars  between  King  and  Parliament  to  fill  aii 
Mouths  and  Books  agarnft  them,  the  Devi!  by  this  time  might 
have  been  at  a  lofs  with  what  Accufatior.s  to  reproich  them. 
For  he  was  put  to  ufc  the  Voices  (  no  names  )  of  [Roundheads^ 
Whigs,  &c,  when  their  Revilers  were  called  Drunkards  Swea- 
rers, Dam-me'$,  &c.~\  But  they  that  confefi  the  Good/eproach 
them  as  Hypocrites  that  do  but  counterfeit  it.    Doth  this   ao 

O  knowledemert 

knowledgment  prove  them  Puritane3.  I  fuppofeMr.  M,  know- 
cth  that  no  (mall  number  of  Hiftorians  and  Fathers  confefs  the 
frri&nefs  of  the  Novatians  Lives,  and  yet  were  no  Nov at  tans. 
And  Cunftantine's  words  to  Acefnu  imply  that  he  thought  him 
Angularly  ftrkft.  Andlvlr.  M.  faith  Pref.  [The Novatians., /*;>£ 
the  Author,  did  not  fvffer  muck  by  this  Editl^  being  befriended  by 
ths  Emperour,  who  had  an  efteem  for  their  Bifhop  of  Q.  P.  upon  the 
account  of  his  Hohmfs7\  And  may  not  an  Orthodox  man  confefs 
the  Piety  of  others  ? 

§  3.  But  Mr.  M.  \i  Co  Migifterial  as  to  fay,  Fag,  312.  The 
ftory  tf/Theophilus,  and  the  Monks  0/Nitria,  no  reafonable  man 
can  believe^  as  it  is  related  by  Socrates  and  Sozomen,  without 
loving  a  malicious  Lie.']  So  that  Socra*es  and  Sozomen  either  be- 
lieved not  themfelves3  or  cKc  Loved  a  malicious  Lie, 

And  Page  3 19  he  faith^  [Theftory  of  TheophiJus  his  charging 
lfidore  with  double  Letters,  th  it  whoever  was  Conqutrour^  he 
might  apply  himfelfto  him  in  his  name ,  is  of  the  fame  pierce  with 
the  reft  of  Socrates  his  flo-y  concerning  that  Bijhop;  and  in  all  pro- 
bability an  invention  of  one  of  the  Monies  o/Nitria,] 

It  feems  this  Hift'orian  believeih  Old  H;ftorians,as  the  matters 
feem  probable  or  improbable  to  himfelf.  And  Co  we  may  take 
him  for  the  Univerfai  Expofitor  of  Hiftory :  It  is  not  the  Old 
Hiftorians  that  we  muft  believe,  but  his  Conjectures.  And  thus 
he  deals  with divers  others. 

§  4,  For  my  part  I  profefs,  that  before  I  had  any  Engagement 
in  thete  Controverfies,  fince  I  firft  read  them,  I  took  Socrates  and 
Socmen  to  be  two  of  the  moft  credible  Hiftorians  that  the 
Church  had  till  their  Times3  and  of  many  an  A^e  after  them. 
I  (aid  of  them,  as  I  ufe  to  do  of  Thttantts,  A  man  may  trace  the 
footfteps  of  Knowledge,  and  impartial  honefty,  and  foof  Vera- 
city in  their  very  ftyJe.  And  there  are  few  of  the  judicious 
Cenfurers  of  Hiftorians,  but  def  tell  us  of  far  more  uncertainties 
in£;i/f£/'^,and  after  in  Nicephorvs^nd  moft  that  followed,(as  far 
as  I  am  acquainted  with  fuch  Cenfurers)  than  in  thefe  two.  And 
if  their  Hiftory  be  (haken,  our  lofs  will  not  be  fmall.  And  I  doubt 
not  but  the  Anathematizing  and  Condemning  Spirit  bath  done 
hurt,  which  hath  made  Eufebius  an  undoubted  Arian,  and  Theo- 
dorets  firft  a  Neftorian,  and  after  at  the  fifth  General  Council 
condemned  fome  of  his  Writings,  and  impofed  it  on  the  whole 
Chriftian  World  to  condemn  them,  though  many  never  heard  of 



them,  and  that  made  Rttffintts  (and  Chryfoftom)  Origimfts,  and 
Origen  a  Heretick,  condemned  alfo  by  a  General  Council,  and 
Socrates,  and  Soz»omen,  Novatians,  Eplphanim  an  ignorant  cre- 
dulous Fabler,  Snlpitius Sevcrus^znd  Beda,  two  pious  credulous 
Reporters  of  many  feigned  Miracles^  and  one  a  Millenary,  Ni- 
cephorus  a  Fabler,  Anaftafius  BMfall  of  Falfhoods,  PbH*jfri#j  an 
ignorant  Erroneous  Hereticator,C^///^«^j  a  Semi- Pelagian,  Cajfics 
dor  I  Chronic,  eft  farrago  temnlentia  in  quit  0;:upbrius  Pan.  Per] 
nunqaam  cum  Eiffebio  convenit  intuit  Vofftys,  &c.   I  fay,  Though 
it  be  no  wrong  to  the  Church  to  take. them  for  fallible,  and  fuch 
as  have  miftakesf  which  the  Englijh  Articles  fay  even  of  General 
Council*)yetit  wrongfully  fhaketh  al]  our  belief  of  ChurchHifto- 
ry  to  call  their  Credit  in  matters  of  faft  into  queftion  for  their 
Erroursor  opinions  fake_,w  i  thou  t  good  Evidence  that  either  they 
were  ignorant,  mif-informed  or  wilfully  lied.Buc  ifthe  Natrntians 
were  more  ftrift  &  precife  than  others,  it's  that  they 
were  more  and  not  lefs  credible  than  others,   and  made  more  or 
notleft  confeience  of  a  lye*  Certainly  that  which  the  reft  named 
are  charged  with  is  fomewhat  more  as  toHiftorical  Credit  than 
to  be  Novatians  :  So  that  if  thefe  men  had  been  Nova'Sans, 
I  mould  yet  fay  by  the  Complexion  of  their  Hiftory  that  I  hey 
are  two  of  our  moil  ufeful  and  credible  Church-  Hiftorians. 

§  5.  Bat  when  it  ferveth  his  turn  he  can  gather  out  of  Sozo- 
imn  that  even  in  Conft amines  time,  Conft ant inople  was  [Altoge- 
ther a  Cbriftian  City']  Becaufe  he  mentioned!  the  great  Enlarge- 
ment of  it  -,  and  great  encreafe  of  Chriftianity  :  When  as  no 
man  that  lived  could  be  a  fitter  judge  of  the  number  of  Chrifti- 
ans  in  bis  time  than  Chyfftom:  And  he  that  confidered  that 
there  and  every  where  Conftantine  left  all  the  Jews  and  Heathens 
nneompelled  to  be  Chriftians,  yea  and  ufed  them  commonly  in 
places  of  dignity  and  Government  in  City,  Provinces  and  Armies, 
and  that  they  continued  in  fuch  power  under  many  Emperours 
after  him,  will  hastily  believe  that  in  Conftamine9s  time  C.  P.  had 
half  or  a  quarter  fo  many  Chriftians  as  were  in  the  time  of^r- 
aadim  and  Chryfoftom-,  And  yet  then  Chryfoftom  corjeftureth 
the  Chriftians  to  be  an  hundred  thoufand,  and  all  the  City  poor 
half  as  many,  but  the  Jews  and  Heathens  not  to  be  numbrcd. 
Sec  him  one  All  4.  Horn,  it;  When  he  is  making  the  moil  of 
their  eftate  and  numbers.,  faith  he  [  I  pray  yon  tell  me :  How  great 
a  number  of  all  fats  ofmsnhath  ojir  C'ty  ?   How  many  Chriftians   ' 

O  2  m$ 

•       (100) 

will  you  that  there  be  (That  is  will  you  grant,  or  do  you  think  there 
be  ?)  Will  you  that  there  be  Si^^veU^,  an  hundred  thoufand  ?  But 
bow  great  is  the  Number  offews  and  Ethnickj  .?  How  many  pounds 
of  Gold  have  been  gathered  ?  for  Myriads  .?)  And  how  great  is  the 
Number  of  the  Poor  f  (that  is,of  the  whole  City  ?)  I  do  not  think, 
they  are  above  fifty  thoufand  (C&mmelbi.  hath  put  an  hundred 
thoufand,  as  Erafmus  Tranflation,  Huppofe  by  the  Errour  of 
the  Prefs.)  Now  if  there  was  in  Chryfofloms  daies  but  an  hun- 
dred thoufand  (which  many  fay  is  not  near  fo  many  as  there  be 
in  two  Parilhes  here,  Martins  and  Stepney)  it  is  not  like  that  in 
Cox/lam  ine*$  Time  they  were  half  fo  many  at  moft.  And  yet  I 
am  far  from  thinking  that  there  was  then  no  more  than  ufually 
met  in  an  Atfembly,  or  could  fo  meet. 

§  6.  The  Jefuites,  Valtfius  and  Sirmondus^  I  am  no  fit  per- 
fon  to  cenfure,  But  lam  notfatisfied  why  their  Credit  mould 
go  as  far  with  me  as  it  doth  with  him :  I  have  before  fpoke  of 
Vale fiush  Recording  Grotius  as  one  that  defigned  to  bring  many 
with  him  into  the  Roman  Church.  And  Grotius  himfelf  faith, 
That  many  of  the  EngUJh  Bifhops  were  of  his  mind,  as  Bifliop 
Bromhall,  and  many  Doctors  by  defending  him  (eem  to  be:  And 
yet  when  I  wrote  my  Chrtfiian  Concord^nd  Tve  Grotian  Religion, 
how  many  cenfiired  me  as  a  Slanderer,  for  faying  le(s  than  Va- 
lefius doth*  Yet  I  am  falfe  with  this  Hiftorian,  and  Valefius  is  a 
credible  Jefuite. 

And  he  vouchfafethto  tell  us  the  Judgment  of  Valefius ,  that 
Eufebius  Nicomed.  was  no  Arian%  pa g.  3  32.  where,  he  faith  [Eu- 
febius  of  Nicomedia  was  no  Heretic^in  the  judgment  of  Valefius : 
But  if  be  were,  be  was  not  an  Heretic^,  becaufe  he  did  not  begin 
the  Arch-Herefie^  but  followed  Arius.] 

What  the  meaning  is  of  the  latter  words  I  know  not  [  If  he 
were  (an  Heretick^)  he  was  not  anHeretickJ]  I  conjecture  it  is  one 
of  the  almofl  Infinite  Errata's  of  the  Printer:  (But  he  fuppofeth 
iny  Printer's  to  be  mine  own  :)  But  that  Eufebius  Niccmed. 
ihould  be  no  Heretick,  whom  all  the  ftream  of  credible  Hifto- 
rians  make  to  be  that  Arch-Heretick  (I  fay  not  the  firft)  who 
corrupted  Conftar.tme  his  Court  and  Son,  which  introduced  the 
prevalency  of  Ananifm  to  the  almoft  Ruine  of  the  Orthodox 
Church,  is  a  thing  which  he  that  believeth  Valtfius  in,  muft  pre- 
fer the  Credit  of  one  Jefuite  that  lived  above  a  thoufand  years 
after,  before  the  whole  current  of  the  beft  Hiftorians  of  the 



fame,  and  many  following  Ages.  And  did  I  ever  fo  difcredic 
the  whole  ftream  of  Church-Hiftorians,  as  on  the  word  of  one 
Jefuite,  to  bring  them  under  the  fufpicion  of  fuch  a  Lie  ?  But 
I  confefs  I  am  more  inclined  to  believe  a  Jefuite,  and  a  Prela- 
tift,  when  they  excufe  any  man  of  Herefie,  than  when  they  ac- 
cuse him. 

§  7.  In  the  Preface  he  tells  us  that[c< Had  1  consulted  SirmondV> 
"  Edition  of  the  French  Councils  I  mufi  have  wanted  fveral  Alle- 
"  gat  ions  for  theCongregationalwaytwhich  are  nothing  elfe  hut  Corrupt 
*  readings  of  the  ancient  Canons  of  the  Gallican  Church,  Nor  can  we 
Q'fufpett  Sirmond  as  too  great  a  favourer  of Dioce fan  B  flops  «fince  it 
"  is  wellkfoxn  how  he  is  charged  by  the  Abbjt  of  S.Qyrzn  under  the 
"  name  of  Petrus  Aurelius.^cr  having  falfifizda  Canon  in  the  Cou-iclt 
te  of  Orange  to  the  prejudice  of  ths  Epifcopal  Order]  fefuites  care 
tQ  as  little  for  Bijhups  as  our  P  rote fl  ant  Dijf enters  can  do.~]  Anfw.  I 
doubt  not  but  Sirmond  was  a  very  Learned  nian,and  had  not  the 
Conform  ids  diverted  me  or  all  Church-maintenance,  I  had  been 
like  to  have  bought  bis  French  Councils.  In  the  mean  time, 
that  notice  which  others  before  him  gave  of  the  A&sand  Canons 
of  Councils,  fufficed  to  my  furniture,  fully  to  prove  the  Caufe  I 
maintained:  But  I  confefs  his  pretended  reafon  no  whit  in- 
duceth  me  to  give  more  credit  to  a  Jefuite  than  to  another 
man.  Though  Albafpineus  was  a  Bifhop,  there  is  fo  much  Judg- 
ment and  Honefty  appears  in  his  Observations,  that  I  would 
fooner  believe  him  about  Epifcopacyi  than  a  Jefuite  that  you 
fay  is  againft  it. 

But  it's  as  \ncrediWe  to  me,  a*  the  reft  ofhis  fpurious  Hlfto- 
ry,  that  the  fefcites  care  as  In  tie  for  Bijhops  as  our  Trot  eft  ant  Dif 
/enters  can  do,  Sure  many  of  thofe  called  Presbyterians  and  In- 
dependents, would  havenoneatalK  If  this  be  true,  then  i.The 
Jefuites  would  have  no  Bifhops  of  Rome>  though  they  be  his 
fworn  Servants.  2.  Then  they  would  have  no  Bifhops  to  be 
fubject  co  the  Pope.  5.  Then  they  would  have  all  particular 
Churches  to  be  without  Bifhops,,  or  to  be  unchurcht.  4.  Then 
they  would  have  Ordination  without  Bifhops.  c.Then  they  think 
not  that  an  uninterrupted  Succeflion  of  Epifcopal  O  dination  is 
neceflary  to  Church  or  Mfoiftry.  6.  Then  they  think  that  Bi- 
fhops (hotrld  not  confirm,  7.  Then  they  are  againft  the  Coun- 
cils of  Bifhops,  General  or  Provincial.  8.  And  againft  Diocefans 
Government  of  the  Par ifli  Priefts.    And  yet  is  a  Jefuite  a  Papift  ? 

Wonderful ! 

Wonderful  !  that  they  will  venture  their  Lives  in  endeavours 
for  the  Church  of  Ai  i»*  ,  ard  that  they  write  fo  much  of  and 
for  Bifcops  Councils,  and  yet  are  quite  againft  them. 

But  if  really  this  be  fo,  you  that  take  me  for  incredible,  who 
am  againft  but  the  Corruption  of  Epifcopyey,  do  allow  me  to 
take  S.;rmondus  and  Valefius^  and  the  reft  of  the  Jefuites  for  in- 
credible, who  areas  much  againft  the  very  Office  as  our  Dif- 
fenters  can  be  ?  But  what  will  not  fome  Hiftorians  confidently 

CHAP.    XVI. 

Mr.  M'-f .  Obfer  vat  ions  on  my  Notes  of  credible  and  incredible 
Hiftory,  Examined, 

§  i.  I. "p>  Ecaufe  I  fuppofe  that  common  found  Senfes  are  to  be 
Xj  trufted  :  He  i.  Infers  that  I  was  afleep^  &  thought 
that  I  faw  all  that  I  relate  5  that  is,  He  that  faith  he  muft  be- 
lieve fenfe,  implies  that  he  feeth  all  that  he  reporteth  :  I  am 
one  of  the  unlearned,  and  this  Logick  is  too  hard  for  me:  Let 
it  be  his  own. 

^.  He  concludes,  That  we  mufl  not  believe  our  fenfes,  if  they 
were  not  Presbyterians  but  Epifc opal  that  begm  the  lats  War  ('in 
England:)  As  if  he  had  feen  not  only  the  Parliament  (Lords 
and  Commons)  then,  and  the  Army  then  (forty  years  ago  al- 
moft)  but  had  feen  their  Religion,  or  heard  or  read  them  then 
fo  prcfefs  it :  Whereas  I  cannot  learn  yet  whether  he  was  then 
born,  or  of  capable  underftanding,  and  hath  neither  fente  nor 
reafon  for  what  be  faith.  The  Cafe  that  we  are  in  is  very  fad, 
when  both  fides  fay  they  have  the  Evidence  of  Senfe  it  felfa- 
gainft  each  other  ;  what  hope  then  of  Reconciliation  ?  They 
that  are  yet  living,  that  were  Lords,  Commons,  ana1  Comman- 
der?, fay  their  internal  Senfe  and  Self-knowledge  told  them, 
that  they  were  no  Presbyterians,  butEpifcopal  $  and  their  daily 
convert  told  them,  that  their  Companions  were  moftly  of  the 
fame  Religion  and  Mind.  But  Young  Men  that  never  conver- 
ged with  them,   know  them  all  better,  and  that  infallibly  by 

ftcfe  icfclf. 

§  2. 

§  2.  II.  Becaufe  I  fay,the  Hiftory  of  the  Gofpel  i*  certainly 
credible  5  it  is  ground  enough  to  fay,  That  All  is  not.  Gcfpel  that 
J  write  ;  as  if  I  had  faid  it  i?. 

§  3.  III.  Becaufe  I  h\\P>ophcts  were  fure  of  their  Revelation  fit 
faith.  It  may  be  AJr.B.  beat  da  Bene  fcnpffii  :  As  if  1  had  pre- 
tended to  be  a  Prophet. 

§  4.  IV.  I  faid  that  Hiftory  is  certain  even  by  Natural  Evidence, 
when  it  is  the  common  Agreement  of  all  men  of  moft  contrary 
Interefts,  &c.  in  a  matter  of  fact  and  fenfe  to  all  that  knew  it. 
To  which  he  fairh  {The  Superiority  cf  Etfivps  ov:  r  /  r.sbyters  is 
acknowledged  by  C -it  holiest,  and  Schifinaticks  and  Hcretickj>  *:en  °f 
very  contrary  minds,  dif pi  fit  ions  and  inter  efts;  and  jet  this  ChurcL- 
Htflory  would  have  us  believe  the  contrary  a 

Anfw.  This  is  our' credible  H  llorL  n. 

1.  He  doth  not  tell  us  in  what  Ages  it  W3sfo  acknowledged  j 
when  thofe  who  doubt*of  the  matter  of  fad,  doubt  but  fome 
of  1 00,  fome  of  1 50,  or  200  years:  Doth  any  doubt  whether 
it  be  fo  now  ? 

2  He  tells  us  not  either  what  Species  of  B;  (hops  the  qneftion 
is  of,\nor  what  Species  of  Presbyters,  nor  wh.  t  the  Superiority 

3.  H:*  fpeaks  without  dHtinction  or  Exception^  and  fo  muft 
be  underftood  to  fay  that  this  Church  hiftory  would  have  us  to  be- 
lieve that  even  Prefdent  Bifoops  Ejufiem  Ordinis  had  de facto  no 
Superiority  at  all  over  Presbyters  in  the  fame  Churches  and  of  the 
fame  order  with  r^w^which  is  an  untruth  fo  g'rofsas  is  no  Credit 
to  our  Hsftorian.  I  have  named  both  morethan  one  ranckofBi- 
(hops  whofe  Superiority  de  fure  I  deny  nor :  &  Popes,  Patriarchs^ 
Primates 5Diocefans  who  depofed  the  Biftiops  offingle  Churches, 
whofe  Superiority  de  fatto  I  fully  enough  affirm,  in  the  ages  and 
degrees  in  which  they  did  afcend. 

It  he  fry  that  he  meant  it  \_Even  frcm  the  Apofles  time^nd  that 
offuchDiocefans  as  have  [cores  or  hundreds  of  true  Churches  andAl- 
ta  s  without  their  particular  Bifhops,  or  any  Presbyters  that  were 
#  Ejufdem  Ordinis  with  the  Bifkops,  and  were  Epifcopi  Gregis,  and 
that  hadfuch  Power  of  the  Keys  over  their  flocks,  as  curs  have  not  : 
or  that  had  fo  many  fetch  Affcmblies  thai  were  no  true  Churches;  j  if 
he  will  be  proved  a  Hiftorian  worthy  Credit.,  Let  him  give  us 
any  proof  that  all  men  defcribed  by  him  agreed  defalto  that 
there  was  fo  long,  fuch  a  fuperioriry  of  fuch  Bifliops.  But  thefe 



men  deride  diftinguifhing,  and  banifh  Loglck,  that  is  Reafon,  from 
their  Hiftory. 

§  5*.  V  The  next  Evidence,  of  certainty  which  I  mentioned,  was 
from  [continued  Exiftent  vifible  Effects  which  prove  their  Cattfes.^ 
And  here  th»s  undiltinguifhing  Hiitorian  is  at  it  again.  The  Supe- 
riority vf  B.'fhops  over  presbyters  is  proved  by  the  Laws  andCufloms 
of ' all Chm<; ties.  This  hath  the  fame  anfwer,  which  I  will  not  re- 
pear.  Either  it  falfly  reporteth  my  denyal,  or  it  falfl  v  affirmeth 
that  all  Churches  in  all  ages  have  left  us  vifible  Etfectsof  the 
forefaid  fpecie*.  And  I  would  he  would  help  us  that  are  ignorant 
therein  with  (i>ch  Hutory  and  Evidence  from  the  beginmg  of- 
the  Churches  in  Scotland,  and  in  the  Southern  and  EalternCoun- 
treis  that  were  without  the  Empire. 

§  6.  VI.  I  fard,  that  Hiftory  is  credible  which  fpeaketh 
confemingly  againft  the  known  intereft  of  the  authors:and  there- 
fore I  named  few  teftimonies  of  the  fins  ftf  Popes  and  Councils 
but  of  thofe  that  are  their  moit  Zealous  Friends.To  this  he  faith 
that  my  Characters  of  ancient  Bifhopsare  taken  from  their  pro- 
feffed  Enemies,  [^a&  my  account  of  Athanafiuf^  ThcophyUs,  Cyril, 
and  divers  others.] 

Jtnfii.  Myaccountof^^^^isalmoftal^ifnotall  in  his 
pralfe3  and  is  not  an  enemies  teitimonv  therevalid.  If  I  menti- 
on the  difpleafure  of  Conftantine  againft  frm  it  is  no»-  any  Chara- 
tfler  of  him,  but  ofCenftantwe  the  Agent  :  Nor  dd  I  think  Con- 
fiantitiepr  Ettfebitu  C&far: meet  to  be  numbred  wrltb  his  Enemies; 
why  did  he  not  inftance  in  fome  words  of  mine  ? 

As  to  Theophylm  and  Cyril,  I  do  not  believe  that  he  can  prove 
that  Socrates  and  Socmen,  and  the  Hiftorians  that  Concur  with 
them,  were  their  Enemies.  And  if  in  reciting  the  Acts  of  the 
Councils  I  recite  their  Enemies  words,  fo  doth  SuripL^Nicho- 
linw,  Binnius,  B&roniw  and  all  juft  writers  of  thofe  ads.  And  I 
do  not  find  that  Chryfeftom  himfr  If,  or  I  fid  re  Telufiot  a  hed  any 
Enmity  to  them,  nor  Pope  Innocent  neither.  Ot  the  reft  before. 

§  7.  VII.  The  next  degree  of  credibility  that  I  mentioned 
is  that  whrb  dependeth  on  the  Veracity  and  fitnefs  of  the  re- 
porter. Of  '  hi:h  I  named  nine  things  requifite. 

Here  he  fuppofethme  one  that  is  unfit;  and  particluarly  faith 
[Whether  any  hath  railed  vpnh  greater  in  temperance  ,and  lejs  provo^ 
cation  ]  An[.  1.  I  am  not  the  Author  of  the  Hiftory  of  the  men- 
tioned Councils  or  Popes  or  Biflhops,  but  the  Tranfcriber.  Lee 


me  be  as  bad  asyou5  or  any  of  your  tribe  have  made  me,  that 
proveth  not  that  Socrates.  So^omen,  The  odor  it  e,  Nicepborus,  &€. 
or  Bmnim,  Baronius,&c.  have  mifreported  what  they  write.  If 
I  have  mifreported  thefc  authors  in  any  material  point,  prove  ic 
and  I  will  foon  retraft  it. 

As  for  my  railing,  I  expecl:  that  title  from  all  fuch  whofe  faults 
I  name,  and  call  them  to  repentance  :  He  that  calls  men  to  Re- 
pent, calleth  themfinners,and  that  is  Railing  be  it  never  fo  grear. 
His  tirit  inltanced  railing  is  Pag,  19.  [  A jew  turbulent  Prelates 
Terfecute good  0^0  ]  He  faith  thus  I  call  the  prefenr  Bifhops  of 
the  Church  of  England  i  Doth  he  mean  All  or  fome  ?  If  All  he  is 
an  untrue  Hiitorian  :  He  may  fee  many  named  before  my  Apo- 
logy whom  I  except :  And  if  I  have  named  two  I  have  annexed 
the  proof. 

The  next  is  Pag.  46,  [  filencingdeftroying  Prelates  J  Anf.  Are 
there  none  fuch?  Were  not  about  2000  here  filenced  ?  Do  we 
not  continue  fo  and  impoverifhed  almoft  20  years?  Have  none 
perifhed  in  prifons  or  with  want  ?  Do  men  call  out  for  the  exe- 
cution of  the  Law3  and  plead  for  our  Silencing  as  a  good  work, 
and  take  it  for  railing  to  have  it  named  ?  Doth  not  Confcicnce 
recoil  inthefe  men  when  in  Pulpits,  prels  and  Conference  they 
maintain  it  to  be  a  good  work,  and  tell  the  world  how  finful  a 
thing  it  is  for  rulers  to  fuffer  us  out  of  Gaols  ?  What,  are  you 
now  afhamed  of  your  meritorious  works  ?  Sure  they  are  fcant 
good  if  it  be  railing  to  name  them.  You  will  not  fay  I  rail,  if  I  call 
you  Preachers.  And  why  do  you  fay  for  if  I  call  you  Silencers, 
if  that  be  as  good  ? 

The  next  railing  is  Pag.  73  [ //  all  the  proud,  Contentious,  am- 
bitious, hereticating  part  ofth'  B  flops,  had  been  of  this  Chriftiatt 
mind  (to  endure  each  other  in  frnal!  to! lerable Differences)  What, 
fins)  Scandal  and Jhame ,  what  Crimes,  confufion  and  mifenes  had 
the  Chnftian  world  efcapsd?]  And  is  this  railing  ?  Hath  the  Cari- 
ftian  world  had  no  fuch  Bifhops  thefe  1000  years  ?  Have  not 
whole  Kingdoms  been  forbidden  all  Gods  Publick  worfhip  by 
,fuch,  even  France  and  England  among  the  reft?  Is  it  railing  to 
teil  for  what  litcle  things  they  not  only  Silenced  men^  but  burn- 
ed and  murdered  many  thoufands  ?  Were  they  not  proud  am- 
bitious Prelates  that  depofed  and  abufed  Lud.  Pim^  and  thofe 
that  in  Council  decreed  the  digging  all  the  dead  Bifhops  out  of 
their  graves  to  be  bunt  as  Herccicks,  who  were  for  the  Etn- 

P  perours 

perours power  oflnveititures?  Do  I  rail  it  I  lay  thatureg.j.  was 
Proud  and  ambitious  when  he  threatened  the  Prince  ofCaUris 
with  the  lofsofhis  dominions,  unlefs  he  made  his  Bifhop  fhave 
his  beard  ?  Do  not  Jew  el ^  and  all  Proteftant  writers  fay  worfe 
than  this  of  Papift  Bifhops?  Is  there  any  fuch  thing  as  pride  filen- 
cing,  burning,  6cc.  If  yea,  muft  it  never  be  known,  reproved,  re- 
pented of  and  (b  forgiven  to  the  penitent?  And  if  \ea,  than  how 
fha.ll  it  be  known  without  proper  names?  By  what  name  fhould 
I  have  called  Silencing  but  its  own  and  fo  of  the  reit?  Gods  power 
over  Conference  is  marvellous  that  fin  cannot  endure  its  own 

•  The  next  railing  is  the  word  [  Heretic  Ming.  J  And  how  could 
I  have  known  if  he  had  not  told  me  that  this  word  is  railing  ? 
Did  not  the  Bifhops  take  it  for  a  great  fervice  of  God.,  and  is  ic 
railing  to  name  it  ?  It's  true  I  ufed  one  word  inltead  of  a  Sen- 
tence for  brevity, to  fignifie  the  Bifhops  culpable  overdoing  in 
proclaiming  men  Hereticks.  He  that  doth  not  believe  that  they 
did  not  well,  nor  do  not  to  this  day  in  Cutting  off  from  the 
Church  of  Chriit  all  thofe  whole  Countreys  of  Chriftians  called 
Neforiansi  Jacobites,  Mekhites  and  the  McnotkeliteswA  many 
fuch  I  cannot  fave  him  from  himfelf  who  will  own  all  fuch  fin  and 
contract  the  guilt  of  it.  Hath  /iot  Bifhop  Epiphanies  made  us 
more  Hereticks  than  he  needed.?Hath  not  Bifhop P^/^W^, made 
many  more  than  the  Devil  himfelf  made?Left  this  pafs  for  railing 
once  more  I  will  name  fbme  of  them. 

I.  His  lit h  fort  of  Hereticks  are  thofe  that  kept  Eafter-dayrf* 
a  wrong  time  (  as  oar  Brittains  and  Scots  did. 

^.  The  Millenaries  are  the  nth  (fuch  as  many  of  the  ant  tent  fa* 
thers,  and  our  Mr.  Mede,  Dr.  Twifs,  &c.) 

3.  The  ijih  Offered  Bread  and Cheefe  at  the  oblation. 

4.  The  28; hp 'fit  Nc»  Wine  in  New  Veffels  in  the  Church. 

5.  The  29th  Put  their  fingers  on  their  months  for  Silence. 

6.  Th?  loih Thought  that  all  Prophets  ended  not  with  Chrifi. 

7.  The  3  ^d  went  without  f:ooes. 

8.  The  Novatians  are  the  ^^th. 

9.  Tve  ^\th  thought  the  Ep  ifile  to  the  Hebrews  was  not  writ' 
tcn'oy  ?m\,butby  Barnabas  or  Clemens  ?  and  the  Epiftle  to  Laodi- 
cea  by  Luke. 

10.  The  ^zth  are  the  Orthodox  Miletians  t  hat  Communicated 
With  the  Orthodox  andfome  Arians  too. 

11.  The 


1 1.  The  46th  doubted  of  the  diver fny  of  Heavens. 

1 2.  The  ^"jth  being  ignorant  that  there  is  another  Common  Earth 
invifible,  which  is  the  Matrix  of  all  things,  do  tkin\  to  at  there  is  no 

■    Earth  but  this  one. 

13.  The  48/i/j  thought  that  wat.r  was  the  common  matter,  and 
Was  alwaies,  and  not  made  with  the  Earth. 

1 4.  The  49-6  Hercfie  denyed  that  the  foul  was  made  before  the 
body,  and  1 he  body  after  joy ned  to  it  :  and  believed  that  Godi  making 
them  Male  and  Female  ftrft  was  to  be  under fiood  of  the  bodily  Stxes: 
Whereat  (faith  he)  it  was  the  Soul  that  was  made  Mai:  and  Fe- 
male, jind  the  Soul  was  made  the  Sixth  day  and  the  body  the  Jth. 

15.  The  ^oth  Hercfie  thought  that  not  only  Grace,  but  alfo  the 
Soul  it f elf  was  by  God  breathed  into  man, 

6.  The  5'  \ft  is  Or\gcn$(that  thought  our  Souls  were  firfi  celefiial 
Intellecls,  before  incorporate  (as  Mr,  Glanvile  and  many  now.) 

17.  The  ^id  thought  that  brutes  had  fome   reafon  (  as  Mr, 

18.  The  <e^th  thought  that  Earthquakes  have  a  natural  Caufe. 

19.  The  5  j th  Hen fie  learned  of  Trifmegiftus  to  call  the  Stars 
by  the  names  of  Living  Creatures  (as  all  Afironcrmers  do.) 

20.  The  <$6th  thought  that  there  were  not  many  languages  before 
the  confufion  0/BabeJ. 

21.  The  $Jth  Here  fie  thought  that  the  n^r/ie  cfa  [Tongue]  pro- 
ceeded firfi  of  the  Jews  or  of  the  Pagans. 

22.  The  fith  Here  fie  doubted  oj  the  years  and  time  of  Cbrift. 

23.  The  ^Jfh  thought  (  as  many  Fathers  )  that  Angels  begat 
Giants  of  women  before  the  flood. 

24.  The  6 1  ft  was  that  Chriftians  were  after  Jews  and  Pagan*. 

25.  The  6id  Hen  fie  faith  that  Pagans  ale  born  naturally,  but 

•  not  Cbrift ians3  that  isy  that  the  Soul  and  body  of  men  are  not  daily,  - 
Created  by  Ch'ifi,  but  by  Nature, 

26.  The  6%,4 'faith  that  the  number  of  years  from  the  Creation 
was  uncertain  aid  unk$o  vn, 

27.  The  64  thought  that  the  names  oj  the  dates  of  the  wcel^  ("Sun- 
day, Monday,  &"c.)  were  made  by  God  firfi  and  not  by  Pagans,  and 
were  nanvd  from  the  Planets. 

28.  The  66' h  was  that  Adam  andEve  were  blind  t HI  God opened 
their  Eyes  to  feethnr  n.tkednefs. 

29.  Thi  6-jtb  Henfie  wfttteth  the  Sins  of  Parents  to  their  Chif- 

P   z  30.  The 


30.  The  68  Herefie  was  of  fome  troubled  about  the  Bool^  called 

31.  7 be  69  thought  that  thofe  fanclified  in  the  Womb  were  jet 
conceived  in  Jin. 

3*.  The  70th  Here  fie  thought  that  the  World  had  been  fir  ft  di- 
vided by  the  Greeks,  Egyptian?,  and  Perfians. 

33.  The  71  thought  there  was  a  former  Flood  under  Deucalion 
and  Pyrrha. 

34.  The  72  faith  that  men  are  according  to  (or  under}  the  12 
figns  of  the  Zodiack^  not  Rowing*  hat  thofe  izfigns  are  divers  Cli- 
matcs,  and  habitable  Regions  of  the  Earth. 

3  5*  -   The  74  Her  (fie  is  that  Chri ft  defended  into  Hell  to  offer 
-    Repentance  there  to  firmer  s. 

36.  The  7  5  doubted  of  the  nature  of  the  So&l,  thinking  it  was 
wade  of  Fire,  cVc.  (as  many  G;tek  Fathers  did.} 

37.  The  77  is  of  Gods  hardening  Pharaoh.,  (f£v.  where  he  defers- 
btih  the  Dominicans.) 

38.  The  79  is  that  the  Tfalms  were  not  (all}  made  by  David  : 
and  it  denieth  the  equality  of  the  T films,  as  if  they  were  not  all 
written  and  placed  in  the  order  that  the  things  were  done. 

39.  The  80  Herefie  thought  that  Gods  words  to  Cain  [Thou 
(bale  rule  over  him]  were  properly  to  be  under  flood,  whereas  the 
meaning  was  [Thou  fhalc  rule  over  thy  own  evil  Thoughts  that 
are  in  thy  own  free  Will.] 

40.  The  8 1  Herefie  did  not  well  under  ft  and  the  reafon  of  Gods 
Wards  to  Cain,  giving  him  Life. 

41.  The  8i  Herefie  thought  that  the  Stars  had  their  fixed  place 

I    in  Heaven,  and  th:ir  courfe,  not  under fianding  that  the  Stars  arer 
every  night  brought  cut  of  feme  fee,  et  place,  and  fet  up  for  ufe^  and 
at  morning  return  to  their  fecret  place  tgain,  Angtls  beingVt  cfi-\ 
dems  and  D  fpofers  of  thsm^)  (thai  is  y  as  Jervants  bring  Candles  in- 
to the  room  at  night  and  take  them  out  again.} 

42.  The  83  doubted  (as  feme  Epfcpd  Commentators)  of  the 
Z^^tf/ Can  rides,  lefl  it  had  'a  carnal  Senfe. 

43.  The  83  Herefie  thought,  that  the  Soul  of  man  was  naturally 
Geds  (mage  cefore  Grace. 

44.  Tm  87  Herefie  thought ,  that  really  four  living  Creatures 
mentioned  in  the  Prophets praifed  God. 

4  j.  The  8:>  Herefie  thought  that  the  Levitical  Feafls  were  late- 
rally to  be  under ftood>  not  knowing  that  it  was  the  8  Feafls  of  the 
Church  that  were  meant.  46.  The 


a6.  The  90  Here  fie  preferred  Aquila'j   Tr  an  flat  ion  before  the 

47.  The  91  preferred  a  Iran/tat  ion  of  thirty  men  Before  the  Sep- 

48.  The  92  preferred  another  Tradition  of  fix  men  before  it. 

49.  Another  Herefic  preferred  the  Trahflation  0/Iheodotion 
and  Symmachus  before  it. 

50.  Tbt  94  Here/is  preferred  the  Scriptures  found  in  a  Vlffel  af- 
ter the  Captivity  before  it. 

j  I.  Tht^G^J  ou^jt  that  Melchizedeck  had  to  Father  or  Mo- 
ther, not  looping  that  it's/po^n  of  him  as  Uarningthat  which  his 
Father  and  Mother  never  taught  him. 

j2.  The  97  hold  that  the  Prophet  Zachariah  of  Fafts,  is  to  be 
properly  under  flood  5  when  as  it  is  but  tor  the  fur  Fajis  of  the 
Church,  viz.  for  Chr  iftmas,  Eafter,  Epiphany,  and  Pentccoft. 

53.  7*^98  H-rcfte  holdeth,  that  SJomon's  great  number  of 
Wives  and  Concubines^  is  literally  to  be  underflood  $  whireas  it  is 
meant  but  of  diver fi'.y  of  Gifts  in  the  Chare  b. 

54.  The  10'©.  Her  cfie  thm+ht  that  the  Me  offering  Cord  in  Zj- 
charv,  was  to  be  under  ft  oodoj meafuring  Jerufalcm  literally  wh^re- 
as  it  meant  the  choice  of  Believer j. 

$$.  The  10  r  Her  cfie  not  under fiandi^g  the  Myfiical  Senfe  of  the 
Cherubim  and  Seraphim,  in  Ifaiab,  are  tfoubUd  about  1 .,  and  m 
doubt  ( And  here  he  Myftically  teRsyouthc  MyfticalSe.-fe.) 

56     The  la  ft  Here  fie  thought  that  one  of  the  Cherubims  came  to 
Ifaidh,  and  with  a  Coaltouaoed  his  Lips,  and  that  it  was  an  Argil 
or  Ammal  with  Fire-,  whereas  it  is  the  Two  Tefiaments,    and  the 
Fire  of  God's  Grace, 
y       To  thefe  you  may  add  if  you  pleafe  the  Here  fie  of  holding  Afttb- 
;  podes,  dttermmed  by  Pope  Zachary3  by  the  Mediation  of  the  holy 
Bifioop  Boniface,  /  thinly  an  Englifh  man.     And  of  what  peril  it  is 
for  Christians  to  eat  Jaye-s^  and  Rookjt    and  Badgers,  a.d  Haresy 
i    ana  Wood  horfes:     And  La*d  mull  not  be   eaten  before   it  is  dryed 
\  in  the  Smoa^  or  boded  on  the  Fire :  Or  if  it  be  eaten  unboiled,  it 
\fnuft  not  be  till  af  er  Eafter  :   And  there  ma  ft  be  three  great  Lamps 
ft  m  a  fecret  place  ufthe  Church,  after  the  fimditude  of  the  Taber- 
nacle ^  which  m;ijt  be  kept  burning  3  and  at  Baptifm  others  lighted 
by  them. 

Reader,  remember  1.  That  Philafirius  as  well  as  Epipbanitu, 
wasaBifliopj  2.  Yea  and  a  Saint  5  whereas  very  few  Bifhops 


of  all  the  Councils  had  the  honour  to  be  Sainted, 

The-.eiore  if  you  fay  that  all  trefe  were  noi  Anathematized 
bv  Cotf^ci'ss  I  anfvver,  i.  All  rhefe  are  Regiiiicd  as  Heieticks, 
2.  nd  they  held  (as  Mr.  Dodwtlf  and  his  Compary  here  do) 
that  he  that  comaiunicatedi  with  Hereticks,  is  to  be  judged  a ' . 
Here-rick.  3.  And  that  Hereticks  are  no  pars  of  the  Church. 
Aid  forget  not  above  all  the  Henrician  Horefie,  which  deter- 
mineth  noc  only  our  King,  but  many  Papift  Princes  to  be  Here- 
ticks, for  claiming  Invcftiture*. 

And  now  Reader,  I  unfeignedly  hate  uncharitablenefs,  and 
therefore  deny  no  good  that  wasin  fuch  Bifhops:  Buf  I  muft  no 
more  be  indifferent  between  Good  ar.d  Evil,  than  between  Hea- 
ven and  Hdl  $  nor  may  I  judge  Chrift  a  Railer,  for  faying  to 
hi?  prime  Apoflle,  [Get  thee  behind  me  Satan,  thou  art  an  offence 
unto  mejkcj]  It  the  name  oi[Hereticators~]  that  i?,too  rafh  pro- 
nouncing men  Hereticks  be  railing,I  will  give  thee  no  Character,  . 
cenfureor  name  of  the  aforefaid  pra&ice/or  lean  devife  no  name 
which  may  not  be  called  Railing.  But  judge  of  it  and  call  it  what 
you  fee  caufe. 

And  again,  if  you  fay,  Thefeare  not  the  Decrees  of  Councils, 
Ianfwer,  Thefe  are  but  Flea-bitings  to  the  wounds  that  the 
Church  bath  received  from  Councils,  by  Anathematizing. 

The  next  Inftance  of  Railing  in  thefe  words,  which  he  half 
repeateth  [Either  credible  Socrates  and  others  were  grefs  Lyars9 
or  this  Patriarch  and  St.  was  a  downright  Knave.  ]  An[t  He  him- 
felt  is  [q  far  from  denying  this,  that  he  makes  Socrates  and  £0- 
tLomen  not  only  Lyars,  but  Lovers  of  a  Lie  j  for  what  tl  ey  fay 
of  Sr.  Theofbilns :  And  who  is  it  then  that  is  the  Railer  ?  Read 

The  next  Inftance  i?,/>.9f.  that  I  call  Bifhops  the  [Firebrands 
of  the  World^]  slnf.  The  words  are  thefe  [/  take  them  to  be  the 
Firebrands  of  the  World,  and  unworthy  the  regard  ofjober  men,  who 
fretendto  kpow  mens  Judgments  better  than  them[dvesy  and  allow 
not  tuens  own  deliberate  prcfejfions  to  be  the  not  tee  of  their  Faith.2 
Fthey  will  fay,  that  you  are  Hereticks  in  heart,  though  your 
Tongue  and  Life  profefs  found  Dodrine,  what  means  hath  arry 
man  to  clear  himfelf  againft  fuch,  and  keep  from  their  Inqui- 
fition  Puicks  or  Flames?  Is  this  Railing? 

1  The  next  Inftance  is  the  Word  [Self-conceited  Bifoops~]  P.  98. 
Hiving  mentioned  the  many  Logical  Niceties  neceflary  to  de- 



cide  the  Queftion  between  the  Neftoriant,  Epttychians%  and  the 
Orthodox,  I  faid  \_Is  it  not  p;tj  'hit  fuci^ife^ionsJhenlA  be  rai- 
ded about  the  Perfon  of  CM{vi  by  felf  conceited  Bijhops,  ani  m«de 
neceff^ry  to  Salvation,  and  the  World  fet  on  fire  a :  d  divided  by 
tbemf\  Reader,  remember  the  Divltioti  mid'-  by  ic  cdntrnuefh 
ro  this  day,  to  the  Separation  and  Condemn,^*.  >n  of  a  great  part 
of  the  Chriftian  World!  And  is  the  name  [ft  If- conceit  eg]  in  de- 
ferring thecaufe  of  this  a  railing?  Ho  v  much  worie  ra-lers  arc 
they  that  will  call  a  Drunkard  a  Drunkard,  or  a  Fur  iicator  a 
Fornicator  ?    Read  the  fidder  words  of  Ludviphns. 

The  WC&if4tlin£\%  [mercilefs,  furies  B'fbops,  pag  196.]  Anf. 
There  is  no  fuch  word:  When  I  find  wbe-e  it  is  I  (h*ll  fee  the 
occafion  of  it.  Italy,  Piedmont^  Ireland^  &c.  have  tried  thac 
there  have  been  fuch. 

The  laft  is  pag.  183.  [  The  Qonfoundcrs  of  Church;  s.  ]  Anf.  f 
thought  I  hid  merited  of  them  by  my  impartiality  and  lenity : 
As  after  I  commend  the  Wifdom  cV  peaceablenefs  of  Pope  Hono- 
nus,  ( though  a  Genera'  Council  even  for  that  made  him  an  H?re- 
tick,)f »  i  here  jultly  commend  the  Wifdom  and  Peaceablenefs  of 
Pope  Vigilipts^  who  advifed  the  Council  to  leave  dead  men  to  God 
(Theod.  Mpf.  Thtodoftte  jn  J  lbis~]  and  not  damn  them  when  God 
hath  judged  them  already, and  jet  not  to  admit  any  of  their  wrong  opi- 
nions'] I  Uy  [This  was  the  *igb%  way  :  If  they  vad  all  dealt  as  wife- 
ly and  Coriflianhke ,  Councils  had  not  been  the  Confound"?*  of  the 
0\u-ch:r.~\  Is  this  railing?  At  Ui\  they  forced  Pope  Vigdius  to 
fubferibe  to  chem,  and  it  Co  confounded  the  Churches,  that  a 
great  part  of  Italy  itfelf  forfook  the  Church  of  Rome  for  ir,  and 
fet  up  another  head  agiinft  the  Pope  an  ioo  Year*.  Was  not  this 
confufiofi?  And  muft  it  not  be  known? 

Reader,  as  far  as  I  understand  them,  the  Paraphrafe  of  thefe 
mens  words,  is  [If  we  kindle  a  fire  in  the  Church,  name  it  nor3 
much  lefs  call  any  to  quench  it:  or  elfe  wc'H  fav  it's  you  thac 
kindle  it:  fay  not  you  are  excommunicate  or  filenced  when  you 
are,  though  it  be  by  Tboufands  :•  elfe  we  will  prove  that  von 
are  railers :  If  we  lay  you  in  Gaols  and  take  all  vou  have-,  do  not 
fay,  yon  hurt  us,  much  lefs  you  wrong  us :  take  not  on  vou  to 
know  or  feel  when  you  are  hurt :  elfe  we  will  have  an  Adion  of 
railing  a?,ainir  you. 

§  8  That  which  followeth  I  anfwered  before  :  But  afrer  he 
finds  a  notable  piece  of  my  ignorance.    The  Pope  inviting  the 


King  of  Denmark^  to  conquer  a  Province  of  Heretick^  I  know 
not  who  they  were  unlefs  they  were  the -Waldenfes:  Well  gueft% 
faith  Mr.  M.  Waldo  was  in  ii6d,  80  Years  after.  Anf,  This 
will  ferve  for  men  willing  to  be  deceived.  It  wa,s  the  Perfons 
and  Religion,  and  not  the  name  that  I  fpoke  of.  Dorh  not  he 
know  that  Rainenus  himfelf  faith,  that  thofe  Perfons  (called  Al- 
bigenfes,  Watdenfes,  and  other  fuch  names)  profelled  that  their 
way  of  Religion  was  Apoftolical,  and  they  derived  it  down  from 
SUvefters,  hat  is  Confiantmes  time  ?  If  I  did  not  guefs  well  I 
wrong  no  Bt (hops  by  i t:  and  i  confeffed  my  Ignorance  that  I 
knew  not  whom  the  Pope  meant :  And  why  did  not  this  callent 
Hiftorian  tell  us  who  they  were  ? 

§  9.  Next  he  hath  met  with  my  Ignorance  for  faving  Vienna 
near  France^  which  is  in  the  Borders  of  France,  A  /  1.  Is  that 
any  (lander  of  Bifhops  or  Councils  ?  2  Truly  I  had  many  a  time 
read  in  Councils,  that  Vienna  was  in  France,  and  had  not  forgot 
it;  if  Ferrarius  and  Cbenu  had  not  alfo  told  it  me  ;  And  whether 
it  was  the  fault  of  the  Printer,  or  of  my  Hand,  or  my  Ad.mory, 
that  put  near  for  in,  1  leave  it  freely  to  his  Judgment,  fori  ie- 
member  it  not. 

And  if  the  manner  of  Binnius  naming  it  made  me  call  Ordo 
Prophet  arum  in  Gelafms  a  Book,  it's  no  wrong  to  Epifcopacy. 


His  Ccnfhrc  of  my  Dsjign>  and  Church-Principles^  confidered. 

§  1.  AS  to  this  his  firft  Chapter  I  have  before  fliewed  bow 
jfjL  falfly  he  reporctth  mv  defign.  He  faith  he  never  jaw 
any  thing  which  more  nfletleth  on  Religion  :  Lucian  and  Julian 
have  left  nothing  half fo  fcandalous  tn  all  their  Libels  againft  Chri- 
ftiavs,  as  this  Chare >  -Hiftory  has  r*ked  up  :  Here  is  nothing  to  he 
feenm  his  Bjo^  km  the  Ava?ic",  Ignorance,  Mifiakes  and  furious 
Contentions  of  the  Gov  emu  fits  of  the  Qhurcb. 

Anf  How  faife  that  is  rhe  Rradcr  mav  fee  in  aU  the  begin- 
ning, the  two  Chapters  in.the  end,  and  much  in  the  midit,  which 
are  written  contrarily  to  obviate  fuch  fahe  thoughts  2  Is  the 
afcendent  fort  of  Prelates  that  were  growing  up  tomaturiry  till 



Gregory  the  Seventh's  daies,  the  whole  Church  of  God  t    Are 
there  no  other  Chriftians  ?  Is  all  that  is  written  againft  ihe  Pope 
andfuch  Afcendents,  written  againft  Chriftianity  ?    Did  Cbiift 
fpeak  againft  Chriftianity,  when  he  reproved  them  for  ftriving 
who  mould  be  greateft  ?  or  Peter,  when  he  counfelled  them,  as 
i  Pet.$*   And  Paul  when  he  (aid,  /  have  no  man' like  minded ; 
for  they  all  feek^t heir  own  things^  and  not  the  things  that  are  Jefos 
Chrift's  t  Or  when  he  faid,    Demas  hath  forfaken  me^  &c  ?  Or 
fohn,  when  he  faiJ,  Diotrephes  loved  to  have  the  preheminence  ? 
Or  all  thofe  Councils  of  Bifhops  which  condemned  each  other, 
far  deeplier  than  I  judge  any  of  them  ? 

What  have  I  faid  of  Fact  cr  Canons,  which  Binnius  and  their 
other  Flatterers  fay  not  ?  Was  it  not  there  extant  to  the  fight  of 

And  that  I  Recorded  not  all  their  Virtue?,  i.  The  Hiftory  of 
Councils  faith  little  of  them.  2.  Muft  no  man  (hew  the  hurt 
of  Drtinkennefs,  Gluttony,  &c.  and  fo  of  Ambition  and  Church- 
corruption,  unlefs  he  will  write  fo  Voluminous  a  Hiftory,  as  to 
contain  alfo  all  the  good  done  by  all  the  perfbns  whom  he 
blameth  ?  I  have  oft  faid,  that  I  wondered  that  inftead  of  fo 
greedy  gathering  up  all  the  fcraps  of  Councils,  the  Papifts  did 
not  burn  them  all,  as  they  have  done  many  better  Books  which 
made  againft  them. 

§2.1  was  about  to  anfwer  all  his  firft  Chapter,  but  I  find  it 
fo  ufelefs  a  work,  that  I  (hall  eafe  my  felfand  the  Reader  of 
that  labour.  1.  He  takes  on  him  to  anfver  a  Piece  of  a  Difpu- 
tation  written  about  23  years  ago,  whereas  I  have  lately  writ- 
ten a  Treat ife  of  Epifcopacy,  with  fuller  proof  of  the  fame 
things,  which  he  nameth,  and  takes  on  him  to  anfwer  fome  pare 
of  it,  andanfwers  not:  Till  he,  or  fome  other,  fhew  me  the 
miftakes  of  that,  let  them  talk  on  for  me  in  their  little  Vdi^ 

2.  Moft  that  is  confiderable  which  he  faith,  is  anfwered  al- 
ready in  that  Book  :  As  his  fiction  that  Vnum  Altare  in  Igna- 
tius,  figniiieth  not  an  ordinary  Communion  Table,^.  And  much 
more  out  of  Ignatius  ^  and  many  more  is  added,  which  he  faith 
nothing  to. 

3.  I  have  before  (hewed  that  he  goeth  on  falfe  Suppofition?, 
that  I  am  only  for  a  Bifhop  of  a  fingle  Congregation,  or  againft 
a-!!,  snd  many  fiich*  when  yet  he  himfclf  coufeftcch   the  con- 

CL  trary, 

trary,  yea  dtndeta  me  tor  making  iwelve  torts  of  biinops, 
and  being  for  fuch  as  no  Party  is  like  to  be  pleafed.with. 

4  The  contradi&ions  and  miftakes  are  fo  many  as  would 
tire  the  Reader  to  perufe  an  anfwer  to  them. 

And  when  he  hath  all  done  with  the  numbring  of  Churches, 
(o  ver-paffing  the  full  proof  of  the  Primitive  Form  of  them  which 
I  gave  as  before)  he  confeffeth  that  even  his  great  efteemed 
Jefajte  Falefins,  [klieves  that  the  City  Church  wjs  but  One  even 
in  Alexandria,  and  in  Dionyfius'j  time^,  64. 

And  while/?.  6j.  he  makes  Petavius  and  Falefius  Co  much  to 
differ,  as  to  gather  their  contrary  Opinions  .from  the  fame 
words,  and  confequently  one  of  them  at  Jeaft  underftood  them 
not,  I  that  profefs  my  felf  not  comparable  to  either  of  them, 
fpecially  Petavitts,  in  fuch  things,  am  taken  for  a  falfifier,  if  I 
mifunderftand  a  word  that  concerneth  not  the  matter  of  the 

This  therefore  being  not  about  Ghurch-Hiftory  fo  much  as 
againft  my  Opinion  of  the  Antient  Government,  when  he  hath 
anfwered  the  forefaid  Treatife  of  Epifcopacy,  if  I  live  not,  fome 
one  may  reply,  if  he  deal  no  better  than  in  this. 


Of  his  Second  Chapter. 

§  i,T)Ag.  78.  He  would  have  men  believe  that  itisDif- 
X  cipline  againft  real  Herefie,  that  I  find  fo  much  fault 
with,  and  afcribe  all  mifchief  to — 

*dnfw.  Utterly  contrary  to  my  moft  open  ProfefTion:  It  is 
only  making  thofe  things  to  feem  Herefie  that  are  none  (either 
Truth,  or  meer  difference  of  words,  or  fmall  miftakes,)  or  cu- 
ring Herefies  by  rafh  Anathema's,  without  neceffary  precedent 
means  of  Conviction,  or  by  Banifhment  or  Blood. 

§  2]  Is  this  it  that  you  defend  the  Church  for,  and  we  op- 
pole  it  for  ?  When  we  would  have  none  in  our  Churches  whom 
we  know  nor,  and  that  have  not  perfonally3  if  at  Age,  profeft 
underftandingly  their  Faith.  And  what  is  the  Difcipline  that 
you  exercife  onHcreticks?   It's  enough  that  you  know  them 




not,  and  Co  never  trouble  them.  Your  Talk  and  Pamphlets  tru- 
ly complain  what  f warms  of  Hobbift$,Sadduces5Infidels,Atheifts, 
are  among  us :  Do  they  not  all  live  in  the  Parifhes  and  Diocefles? 
Doth  the  Bifhop  know  them?  Are  any  of  them  Excommuni- 
cated ?  I  could  never  learn  yet  how  to  know  who  are  Mem- 
bers of  your  Churches:  Is  it  all  that  dwell  in  the  Parifhes? 
Then  all  thefe  aforefaid,  with  Jews  and  Papifts,  are  in  it :  And 
then  why  are  ten  parts  of  fome  Parifhes  futfered  without  Dif- 
cipline to  (hun  the  Parifh  Church-Communion  ?  Is  it  all  that 
hear  you  ?  Then  i.  Ten  parts  in  fome  Parifhes,and  two  or  three, 
or  half  in  others  are  not  of  your  Church,  and  hear  you  nor,  and 
many  Nonconformifts  hear  you.  2.  And  any  Infidel  may  hear. 
Bare  hearing  was  never  made  a  Efficient  note  of  a  Church- 
Member.  3.  And  how  can  you  tell  who  all  be  that  hear  you 
in  an  uncertain  crowd  ?  4.  And  why  doth  not  your  Difcipline 
meddle  with  conftant  Non-Communicants  ? 

3.  Is  it  only  all  that  Communicate  with  you?  i.Thefeareyet 
fewer,  and  fo  the  far  greateft   part  of  many  or  moft  Parities 
here  are  let  alone  to  be  no  Church  numbers  at  all,  when  they 
have  been  long  Baptized,  and  no  c«nfure   by  difcipline  paft  on 
them.  2.  How  know  you  your  ftated  Communicants,  when  any 
ftranger  may  come  unqueftioned  ?  The  truth   is,  it  is  Parifh  dif- 
cipline which  you  will  not  endure.  No   wonder  if  you  named  it 
IJfacbars  burden.  Bucer    tn  firip,  Anglic,   and  all  the  Noncon- 
formifts after  him  \op%  ftrove'for  it  in  vain.    It  is  the  hated 
thing.  Were  it  poffible  to  prevail  with  you  for  this,  we  fiiould 
have  little  difagreement  about  Cburch  Government.    But  the 
Popes  that  ha^e  been  the  greateft  enemies  of  ir,  have  yet  glo- 
ried in  a  Difcipline  to  fet  up   their  power  over  Princes  and  Peo- 
ples, and  to  have  their  own  wills,  and  tread  down  all  that  are 
againft  them. 

§  2.  To  extenuate  AnathematitJingX^  Co  very  Common  with 
Council?)  'ie  tells  us  P.  Si.  that  [  4f  Let  -  him  be  Anathema  im- 
"ports  no  more  than  that  we  declare  our  abhorrence  of fnch  doctrine  s^ 
Cc  and  will  have  nothing  Common  with  thofe  that  prof efs  them. 2 

Anf.  1.  w'e  may  declare  our  abhorrence  of  every  known  fin 
and  Errour,  in  fuch  as  muft  notbe  anathematized.  2.  By  (no- 
thing,) I  fuppofe  you  mean  not  [  not  the  fame  King,  Conntrey^ 
Earth)Airi&c,~\  but  [not  the  fame  Church/he  fame  Chriftjan  C  m- 
mtaion,  familiar  itj%  love,  &v~\  Whether  you  mean   [  not  the 

CLz  fame 

(n  6) 

fame  God,  drift,  &C.  ]  I  know  not  But  do  you  think  the  Ana- 
thematizing Bifhopsfounreafon.ble,  as  to  renounce  all  Chriftian 
Communion  with  men  and  not  tell  why  ?  Or  to  give  no  better 
Reafon  than  [  We  abhor  their  dotlrineQ  How  few  Churches  or! 
men  have  nothing  worthy  to  be  abhorred,that  is3  No  Errour  or 
iiri  ?  And  mult  we  renounce  Communion  with  all  the  Chriftian 
world  ?  No,  they  were  not  fb  bad  :  You  ufe  them  hardlier  than 
I,  They  -took  them  to  be  no  true  Chriftians,  as  wanting  fome- 
what  of  that  faith  which  is  neceffary  toSalvation,andE(Tential  to 
a  Chriftian,  and  fb  to  have  made  themfelves  no  Church-Mem- 
bers, and  therefore  are  to  be  fentenced  &  avoided  accordingly. 

And  how  ordinarily  do  they  expound  [  Let  him  be  Anathema'] 
that  is[  Cm  off  from  Chrift  ?]  Not  only  HUdebrand  fo  expounds 
it  often,  but  many  before  him:  Whereupon  they  commonly  a- 
gree  that  an  Anathematized  Heretickis  none  of  the  Church,  nor 
can  be  faved  without  repentance. 

And  indeed  to  renounce  all  Communion  with  Chrifts  true 
members  not  Cut  off  from  the  Church,  is  a  greater  fin  than  I 
charge  on  them.  Though  familiarity  and  fpecially  Communion 
may  be  fufpendedD  while  clfjay  of  repentance  makes  the  Cafe  of 
a  finner  doubtful. 

§  3.  Pag.  8x  He  begins  himfelf  with  blaming  Bifhop  Vitlor^ 
M  for  Endangering  the  Peace  of  the  whole  Church  upon  fo  light  occa- 
cc  [ton.  Valefius  is  ofopinionjhat  it  was  bat  by  letters  of  accusation. 

Anfo.  I  think  it  could  be  but  by  Letters  of  Accufation,  Re- 
nunciation, and  perfuading  others  to  renounce  them.  For 
Bifbops  were  not  then  come  up  to  their  Commanding  Power 
over  one  another.  But  doth  not  Mr.  A/'s.  here  rail  upon  a 
Bimop,  in  faying  the  fame  of  him  that  I  did,  if  my  words  were 
Railing  ?  Thus  you  fhall  have  him  all  along  confeffing  much  of 
that  faultinefs  by  them,  which  he  takes  the  mention  of  by  me 
to  be  fo  bad. 

§  4,  He  nairieth  many  Council!,  which  he  faith  I  pafs  lightly 
over  j  then  fure  I  fay  no  harm  of  them.  He  thinks  ft  is  becaufe 
I  could  not,  as  if  he  knew  it  were  my  will.  A.nd  fo  I  am  never 

§  j.  But  he  hath  a  notable  Controverfie  againft  Baronltts^ 
who  thought  Novawshid  been  a  Bimop  (fuch  Errours  as  Ba- 
rotitis was  guilty  of  by  Ignorance,  are  excufable  in  one  fo  far 
below  him  in  Hiftory  as  lam.,)    But  I  congratulate  Mr.  MX. 




difcovery,  that  be  was  but  a  Presbyter:  But  all  confefs  that  he 
Ordained  Fehcifpmus  Deacon  :  And  here  is  a  Presbyter  Ordain- 
ing:  But  it  was  irregularly!  Let  it  be  fo:  He  faith,  that  he 
ought  not  to  have  Ordained,  but  with  Cyprian,  or  by  his  per- 
million.  I  grant  ir.  But  1.  If  Cyprian's  permiffion  would  ferve, 
then  it  was  not  a  work  alien  to  a  Presbyter  :  If  a  permitted 
Presbyter  may  Ordain,  a  Bfliop's  Ordination  is  not  necefiary  ad 
effe  Officii  ;  and  fa  that  which  is  a  diforder  is  no  Nullity.  2.  And 
it  feems  by  Novates  Ad,  that  the  Nectflity  of  Epifcopal  Or- 
dination was  not  univerfally  received.  And  I  have  not  yet  met 
with  any  that  make  it  more  neceflary  ad  ejfe  Presbyteratus  quam 

§  6.  Next  he  mentions  another  Carthage  Council,  where  one 
V ilt or  dead,  is  condemned  for  making  a  Prieft  Guardian  of  his 
Child,  and  fo  entangling  him  in  worldly  Affairs.  And  he  tells 
you,  that  all  that  I  can  fay  againft  this,  is  the  rigour  of  the 
Sentence  5  but  he  difTemlileth,  and  takes  no  notice  that  I  men- 
tion it  in  praife  of  the  Biftiops  of  thofe  Times,  w#ho  were  fo 
much  againft  Clergy-mens  medling  with  Secular  Affairs  :  What 
odious  Puritanifm,  would  this  have  been  with  us  ?  What  I  cite 
in  praife,  our  Hiftorian  cannot  underftand. 

§  7.  And  that  you  may  need  no  Confuter  of  much  of  his  Ac- 
cufation  of  me  but  himfelf,  who  fo  oft  faith,  I  fay  nothing  of 
B  (hops  and  Councils,  but  of  their  faults,  <3v.  he  here  faith  as 
folio  wet  h. 

£"  After  this  he giv:s  a  fioort  Account  of  Councils  called  on  the 
u  SubjtH  of  Reb apt  nation  of  Heretickj :  And  here^  to  do  him  rights 
*:  he  is  jnfp  enough  in  his  Remarkj  :  The  generality  of  the  World 
t{  iv  as  for  Re  baptising  Heretickj  i  And  conjidering  what  manner 
"of  mm  the  fir  ft  Heretickj  were,  it  is  probable  thy  hadTro 
u  dition  as  well  as  Reafon  on  their  fide.  However •,  Mr,  Baxter 
w  endeavours  fairly  to  excufe  thefe  Differences,  and  f  peaks  of  the 
"  Bfoops  with  honour  and  refpeft,  allowing  them  to  be  men  ofemi- 
u  nent  Piety  and  Worth.  Had  he  ufed  the  fame  Candour  towards 
Ci  others,  Sec. 

Anfw.  1.  If  this  be  true,  a  great  deal  contradictory  is  untrue. 

2.  He  greatly  mifreporteth  the  Controverfie  :  It  was  not 
whether  Hereticks  (hould  be  Rebaptiz^  but  thofe  that  were 
Baptised  by  Hereticks,  and  taken  into  their  Churches.  IfaHe^ 
.reticle  had  been  Baptized  when  found  by  a  found  Minifter,  and 


after  turned  to  Herefie,  he  was  to  be  reftored  by  Repentance 
without  Rebaptizingj  and  I  think  they  all  agreed  in  thL«.  But  I 
imagine  this  was  but  a  lapfe  of  his  memory  in  Writing. 

3.  But  the  Queftion  is3  Whether  theBifhops,  whofe  faults  I 
mention,  were  of  equal  Worth  and  Innocency  with  thofe  whom 
I  honour  and  praife?  Let  the  proof  fhew. 

I  would  he  would  freely  tell  us3  d>.   i.  Whether  he  think  at 
this  day  the  generality  ofBifhops  fin  Italy%Spain,  France,  Ger- 
maty,  Poland,  the  Greek, Church,  Mofcoiy,  Armenia^ ^n'^,  &c.) 
are  (o  commendable,  as  not  to  be  notably  blamed  ?     J^  2.  If 
not/ When  was  it  that  he  thinks  they  ceafed  to  be  generally  lb 
commendable?  Was  it  in  H+ldebrancPs  Time,  or  any  time  be* 
fore?    4L  3-  Can  you  believe  that  the  generality  turn  from 
good  to  bad  juft  in  one  Age?  Or  rather  that  they  degenerated  by 
degrees?  If  they  were  moftly  bad  in  a  thoufand,or  nine  hundred, 
or  eight  hundred,  can  you  think  that  they  were  not  drawing  to- 
wards it  and  near  as  bad  a  little  before  5  ^4.  What  was  it  think 
you  in  which  the  Corruption  of  the  Clergy  didconfift  ?  Was  ic 
rot  rooft  in  a  proud,domineering  worldly  Spiritfls  it  not  that  that 
you  blame  the  Popes  for?Was  not  their  Afcent  theirCorruption? 
Sure  you  all  agree  of  that  ^..  J.    And  did  the  Papacy  Spring 
up  in  a  year?  Did    not  Leo  begin  to  arrogate,  and  others  afrer 
him(  to  fay  nothing  now.of  thofe  before  him  )  rife  higher  and 
higher  by  degrees  as  Children  grow  up  to  manhood,  till  in  Greg. 
7.  it  came  to  Maturity  ?  I  know  no  Proteftant  thatdenyeth 
this?  J$Km  6,  And  can  you  or  any  fober  man  think  that  in  fo  ma- 
ny hundred  years  it  was  only  the  Bifhop  of  Rome  that  was  fick 
of  this  difeafe,    and  that  all  or  moft  of  the  other  Bifhops  were 
Free  ?  Were  they  not  commonly  for  afcending  with  them  :  Did 
not  they  in  the  Eaftftrive  to  be  greateft  ?  And  theBifhops  of  the 
Weft  drive  to  rife  with,  and  by  the  Pope  ?  Were  they  not,  and 
are  they  not  as  his  Army  ?    And  did  he  prevail  agair.ft  the  Pri- 
mitive Purity  and  Simplicity  without  them  ?  Did  not  his  Coun- 
cils, and  Prelates, as  his  Armies,do  his  greateft  works?  Yea,  have 
they  not  oft  out-done  him,  and  over-topt  him  in  Mifchief  (as  in 
the  depofing  of  Ludov.  Vim  againft  his  will  ?    fay  good  Hifto- 

Tell  us  then  at  what  Age  ;uft  we  may  begin  to  difpraife  the 
Bifhops.  And  from  that  time  forward,  will  you  not  be  as  great 
a  Railer  as  I,  and  fcandalize  Chriftianity  more  than  Lucian  or 
luliml  §  3.  But 


§  8.  But  I  fomewhat  marvel  that  he  is  again  at  it  (  reciting 
Dionyfwss  words  which  he  thinks  I  miftook  for  Eufcbivis  ) 
That  he  does  Hot  condemn  the  rebapti&ing  of  Herettickj  which  was  a 
Tradition  of  fo  great  antiquity.  I  judge  more  Candidly  of  him 
than  ^  doth  of  me:  Though  he  fooft  repeat  it^I  will  not  believe 
that  he  knew  not,  that  it  was  not  the  baptizing  of  Hereticks  as 
fuch,  that  was  the  queftion:  but  only  ofthofe  that  were  baptized 
by  Hereticks.  Yet  Iconfefs  Eufebins  phrafmg  ir,  might  tempt  one 
to  think  fo  that  had  not  read  Cyprian  and  others  upon  the  que- 
ftions.  But  when  Eufebius  and  Dionyfius  mention  [£  He- 
retickf]thty  mean  only  thofe  that  were  by  Hereticks  baptifm  en- 
tered into  the  Societies  and  Trofeffion  c£  Hereticks.  If  the  worft 
Heretick,  yea  or  Apoftate,  had  been  baptized,  by  the  orthodox, 
Cyprian  and  all  thf  reft  were  agreed  againft  Rebaptizing  fuch 
when  they  repented.  This  Dionyfias  telling  Xyfiits  Rom.  of  an 
ancient  Minifter  that  was  greatly  troubled  in  Confcience  that  he 
had  beenfalfly  Bapti&edby  an  Heretick  (  being  himfelfno  Here- 
tick )  and  doubted  whether  he  fhould  not  be  Reb3ptized,  yec 
faith,  He  told  him  he  durft  not/Rebaptize  him  that  had  fo  long 
been  in  the  Church  and  Communicated^but  bid  him  go  on  Com- 
fortably in  Communion  (  Much  like  a  forementioned  cafe  puc 
to  me,  by  forne  that  never  were  Baptized3but  in  our  undifciplin- 
ed  Parifh  Churches  had  been  without  knowledge  or  queition 
admitted  long  to  Communion,  whether  yet  they  fhould  be 
Baptized  at  all  :  And  Diony finis  Reafons  againft  it  I  cannot  an* 

§  9.  And  here  I  may  take  notice  how  our  new  Church-meo, 
(  fuch  as  Thorndikf}  Mr,  Dodwell  and  all  their  partners  )  who  nul  • 
1  -fie  facraments  delivered  by  one  that  hathnot  Canonical  Or- 
dination by  a  Bifhop  of  uninterrupted  Succefiion  from  the  A- 
poftles3do  make  themfelves  Hereticks  in  the  fenfe  of  the  Roman 
Church  which  they  allow  :  For  1.  Baptifm  is  the  firft  and  moft 
neceflary  Sacrament  in  their  own  .opinion.  Yea  Anfiin  and  too 
many  of  old,  but  fpecially  too  many  now,  take  it  to  be  neceffary 
to  Salvation  $  2,  If  therefore  Baptifm  be  a  nullity  all  that  are 
Baptized  in  England^  Scotland  and  all  the  Proteftant  Churches  by 
fuch  as  had  no  fuch  Ordaincrs,  muft  be  Baptized  again  or  be 
damned.  3.  If  they  fay,  They  may  be  faved  without  it,  then  1. 
they  confefs  Mr.  Dodwelis  Doctrine  to  be  falfe,  that  faith  none 
have  a  Covenant  right  to  Salvation,who  have  it  not  by  a  Sacra* 



tnent  from  fuch  hands.  2*  And  they  renounce  the  Dodlrine  *f 
the  Neceility  of  Baptifm  to  Salvation.  But  if  they  are  for  Re- 
baptising  all  fuch  Proteftant  Countries,  as  necellary  to  Salvation-, 
they  are  uncharitable  that  do  not  fpeak  it  out. 

§  10.  He  paffeth  by  Bifhop  Stephens  Excommunicating  all 
the  Oriental  Bifhops  of  Cappadocia,  Cilicia,  Galatta,  and  Repro- 
bating their  Synods,  for  Rebaptization  :  Doth  he  think  that 
even  then  fome  Bifhops  did  not  rife  too  faft  ? 

§  u.  The  man  that  is  fo  angry  with  me  for  telling  of  the 
faults  of  Bifhops  and  Councils,  is  pag,  87.  angry  with  me  for 
fiot  faying  worfeagainft  Semndm  his  Council  of  Bifhops  at  Cirta\ 
and  fajlth,  I  have  not  done  right  to  the  Catholick  Church  :  I 
perceive  the  queftion  is  not,  whether  I  may  Rail  at  Bifhops,but 
what  Bifhops  they  be  that  I  muft  Rail  at. 

As  for  the  Council  at  Simejfa,  I  believed  the  being  of  it  no 
more  than  he  doth:  And  when  I  am  but  naming  the  common 
Catalogue,  he  might  pardon  my  modefty  for  faying  that  the  be- 
ing of  it  is  a  Controverfie. 

§  iz.  Of  the  Council  of  IlUberis  he  faith  but  contraftedly  the 
fame  that  I  do,  that  It  hath  many  good  Canons^  and fome  that  need 
A  favourable  Interpretation,  and  is  very  fever e  in  fome  cafes.  This 
meafure  of  juft  praife  and  difpraifeD  is  pra&ifed  by  him  that  is 
condemning  it  in  me. 

§  13.  As  to  his  Controverfie,  whether  Bifhops,  of  fuch  as 
flrove  to  be  Bifhops,  were  the  very  firft  movers  of  the  Dona- 
tifts  Controverfie,  who  fhould  be  Bifhop,  it's  not  worth  the 
turning  over  one  Book  to  fearch,  as  to  my  bufmefs. 

§  14.  Next  he  that  accufeth  me  of  Railing  at  Bifhops,  accu- 
feth  me  for  faying  (from  fome  good  Authors)  that  a  Bifhop  of 
Carthage,  Donatus^  was  a  good  man,  who  he  faith  was  bad.  It's 
little  to  me  whether  he  were  good  or  bad. 

§15-.  Next  henoteth  that  I  Err  with  Binnias  and  Baronius 
as  to  the  year  of  a  Carthage  Council.  I  undertook  not  to  ju- 
ftifte  all  the  Chronology  or  Hiftory  that  I  tranferibe  :  Whether 
Optatus,  or  Binnius  and  Baronius  hit  on  the  juft  year,  little 
care  I. 

•    §  16.  I  praifed  a  DonatiJFs  Council  of  270  Bifhops  at  C^r- 
thage  for  Moderation,  agreeing  te  communicate  with  penitent 
JYaditors,  without  Rebaptizing  them,  and  fo  doing  for  40  years. 
4>.  What  was  thefe  mens  Herefie  * 
V"  He 

r    He  faith,  This  lookj  Uker  a  piece  o]  Fobcythan  Moderation^  for 
it  had  no  tendency  topeace%but  toftrengthen  the  Scbifm.~] 

Anf.  Who  knows  how  to  pleafe  men  ?  When  they  exclaim 
againft  Separation  if  men  Communicate  with  them,  they  judge 
it  but  Policy,  that  hath  no  tendency  to  peace.  2.  And  who  is  it 
now  that  mod  raileth  atBifliops  ?  I  am  confuted  for  praifing  the 
moderation  of  270  of  them,  and  he  is  their  cenfurer  even  when 
they  Jo  well,  and  their  moderation  with  him  is  but  Policy.  E- 
ven  as  they  fay,  of  me,  that  I  conftantly  Communicate  with 
their  Parifh  Churches  to  undermine  them  \  Near  or  far  off,  all's 
one  with  this  fort  of  men,  if  you  ftickat  any  thing  that  they  bid 
you  fay  or  do. 

But  he  will  not  believe  that  this  Council  of  Orthodox  mode- 
rate Donatifts  were  fo  many  as  ^7o,  "  Because  1.  we  h*ve  only  the 
<  e  Authority  for  it  0/Tychonius  a  Donatift,2.  It's  improbable  after 
€(  Conftantine'j  ftipfrejfionof  them  that  Schifmjhcald  fo  [uddenly 
"fpread.  3.  Left  it  jhould  prove  the  Chinches  to  be  too  Small'.  Tet 
(t  he  [aith>  Thefe  Schifmatickj  fet  up  Churches  in  every  City  and 
"  Village^ 

Anf.  1.  It's  faid  I'ychonim  confeffeth  this  Council, becaufe  the 
later  Donatifts  would  fain  have  buryed  the  memory  of  it:  But 
that  it  depends  only  on  the  Credit  of  Tjcbomus,  I  think  depends 
only  on  your  Credit :  2.  Augttftine  that  reports  it5  honoureth 
this  T)choninsy  and  reciteth  an  Expofition  of  his  of  the  Angels  of 
the  Churches, fo^.2.and  3. which  I  fuppofe  difpleafeth  you  more 
than  his  Donatifm.  3.  It  feems  you  would  have  believed  fome 
ftranger  that  knew  it  not5  rather  than  zDonatift  that  fpeaketh 
againft  the  will  andintereft  of  his  party.  4.  It  rather  feems  that 
the  Donatifts  were  the  greater  number  of  Chriftians  there  be- 
fore Conftantine7s  time,  and  like  the   Papifts  therefore  counted 
themfelves  the  CathoJicks  and  the  others  the  Schifmaticks. 
Conftantines  Prohibition  did  not  fupprefs  them.  5. Therefore  the 
numeroufnefs  of  their  Bifhopsand  fmallnefs  of  Churches,  rather 
fheweth  what  was  -tbe"ftaceof  the  Churches  before  worldly 
greatnefs  fwelled  them  to  that  difea(e,which  was  the  Embrio  or 
infancy  ofPopery. 

§  17.  Whether  the  Donatifts  be  like  thePapifisor  the  Se- 
parates (  much  fefs  to  the  Nonconform: fts)  if  the  Reader  will 
but  perufe  what  I  have  faid  and  what  Mr.'Af,  hath  (aid,  1  am 
content  that  he  judge  without  more  words. 

R  §  18.  He 

§  i8.  He  pafleth  by  divers  Councils  becaufe  he  could  not 
fay  that  I  blame  them:     And  he  paffeth  by  Conftantineh^ 
piftle  to  Alexander  and  Aritts9  which  raileth  at  them  more  than 
I  do  (  inhisfence*) 

As  to  the  Council  of  Laodicea,  it  is  not  two  or  three  fuch 
words  as  his  that  will  make  an  impartiarman  believe  that  the 
Churches  were  like  our  Diocejfes,  when  every  Convert  before 
baptifrn  was  to  fay  his  Catechifm  to  the  Bilhops  or  his  Presby- 
ters: Or  that  the  Command  that  Presbyters  go  ftill  with  the  Bi- 
(hop  intotneChurch,and  not  before  him, do  net  both  imply  that 
they  were  both  together  in  every  Church, 

But  he  will  have  it  confined  to  the  Cathedral  5  And  when 
I  fay5  There  were  long  no  Churches  but  Cathedrals,  he  faith  he 
will  net  differ  with  me  whether  they  (hall  be  called  Churches  or 
Chappels.  But  the  difference  is  de  re  :  Thej7  fay  themfelves  that 
ABifbop  and  a  Church  were  then  Relatives  :  And  when  they 
have  put  down  many  hundred  Churches  under  the  Diocefanfcr- 
footh  they  wiHgratifie  us  by  giving  us  leave  to  call  them  Church- 
|es.  As  if  they  put  down  an.  hnndred  to  one  of  the  Cities  and 
Corporations,  and  then  give  us  leave,  to  call  them  Corporati- 
ons when  they  are  none.  Ye:  blufh  they  not  to  make  the  world 
believe  that  they  are  that  Epifcopal  party  (  who  put  down 
a  thoufand  Cluirches  and  Bifhopsin  fome  one  Dlocefs  )  and  lam 
againft  Bifhops,. 

Yea  when  they  have  not  the  front  to  deny  but  that  every  Ci- 
ty then  had  a  Bifhop(  that  had  Chriflians, )  and  that  our  Cor- 
porations are  fuch  as  they  called  Cities,  Yet  when  we  plead  but 
at  leafr,  if  they  will  have  no  Chorepfcopi,  they  willreftorea 
Church  and  Bifhop  with  his  Presbyters  to  every  fuch  City  with 
its  adjacent  Villages,  hatred.,  fcorn  and  derifion  goeth  for  a  Con- 
futation of  us  j  Though  we  do  it  but  to  make  true  difcipline  a 
pofTible  thing  5  Which  they  call  IJfacharh  burden,  and  abhor  ir^ 
and  then  fay,  It  is  pofTible  and  pradifed. 

§  19.  As  to  the  Roman  Council  which  he  believeth  not,  he 
might  perceive  that  I  believed  at  lead  their  antiquity  as  little 
as  he  :  But  the  Canons  arefo  like  thole  of  following  Councils 
that  fuch  it's  like  were  fometime  made. 

And  whereas  I  noted  that  their  condemning  them  that  wrong 
timed Eafter5  would  fall  on  the  Subfcribers  to  our  EngliJhlA- 
turgy,  where  2000  are  Silenced  for  not  Subfcribing,  the  man 



had  no  better  anfwers  to  give,  than  thefe  r.  That  I  JhohU 
have  [aid  the  Almanac^  Makers.  As  if  he  would  have  had  men 
believe  that  Fal(hood,that  it  was  the  Almanack  Makers  and  not 
oar  Liturgy  changers  that  were  deceived. 

2.  ( <dl*s  I  one  j ear  they  mifioo^  ]  As  if  he  would  Perfvvade 
men  that  their  rule  failethbut  one  year,  which  faileth  oft. 

3.  The  Silenced,  Ministers  have  little  Reafon  tothank^him  or  any 
body  el[e%  thit  giveth  this  Reafon  of  their  Separation.  It's  fir ange 
this  Jhould  trouble  their  Conferences  that  Care  no  nsorje  ycr  Eaftcr 
than  for  Chriftmas^/tf  only  that  it  Falls  upon  a  Sunday, 

Here  fee  his  Historical  Credibility.  1.  Would  he  perfwade  men 
that  we  give  this  Reajon  alone  ?  Or  why  may  it  not  be  one  with 
twenty  more  ? 

2.  He  intimateth  that  1  give  them  as  reafons  of  Separation: 
As  if  to  be  Siknced^cxt  to  fe par ate 3  and  to  bepajfive  were  to  be 

3.  Heintimateth  that  as  Nonfubfcribers  I  and  fuch  other  are 
Separatifls, which  is  fa!fe5  While  we  live  in  their  Communion. 

4  He  taketh  on  bim  to  know  our  judgment  as  againft  Easier 
(  but  for  Sunday  )  when  we  never  told  him  any  fuch  thing. 

5".  He  intimateth  that  it's  no  credit  to  us  that  we  make  Con- 
ference of  deliberate  profeffing  Affent  to  a  known  untruth  in  o- 
pen  matter  of  facl :  And  if  the  Contrary  be  their  Credit., 1  wifh 
they  may  never  be  WitnefTes  againft  us. 

6.  He  intimateth  that  a  man  that   is  not  for  keeping  Easier,- 
is  the  fefs  excufable,  if  he  will  not  Profefs  a  known  Falfhood  a- 
bout  the  time  of  Easier.  If  Confcience  flood  a  man  in  no  ftead 
for  greater  Ends  than  worldly  wealth  and  eafe  and  honour,  who 
would  not  be  a  Latitudinarian  Conformift  ? 

§  20.  Next  when  I  deny  belief  to  thefe  Councils,  he  blames 
me  for  making  advantage  of  the  Hiftory  of  them.  As  if  he  frw 
not  that  I  do  it,but  ad  hominem  to  thePapiits  who  record  them 
as  if  they  were  really  true.  For  it  is  principally  the  Pjpifts 
(from  Infancy  to  Hildebrands  Maturity  )  againft  whom  I  write, 

§  21.  He  next  comes  to  the  Novatians  as  my  Favourite  fcFv^ 
Ar\4[Favottrite2  may  fignifie  to  the  Reader  a  truth  or. a  Falfhood. 
1.  Doth  not  every  Chriftian  Favour  them  that  have  lefier  Er- 
rours  more  than  them  that  have  greater? 

2.  Do  I  not  as  oft  as  he  profefs  my  great  diflike  of  every 
feci;,  as  a  fed? 

R  2  3,  Do 

3.  Do  I  not  difclaim  this  Novatian  feft  and  their  opinion; 
and  own  the  Contrary? 

4.  Itfeemshe  taketh  me  to  be  too  Favourable  to  fome  Bi- 
fhops and  their  followers;  Thequeftion  is  but  who  they  be  that 
muft  be  favoured?  I  may  come  to  be  taken  for  a  Novatian  by 
fuch  men  as  well  as  Socrates  and  Sozomen. 

§  22.  Here  (  without  railing  )  he  bedawbs  Novatus  and 
Novatian  to  the  purpofe  with  horridCrimes,  a  VharifaicaL  Saint, 
Perjured,  and  what  not?  But  what !  Were  they  not  Epifcopal  ? 
Yes,  he  doubts  it  not :  It  was  for  to  be  a  Bifhop  that  Novatian 
wrought  his  Villanies  5  (what  if  I  had  thus  bedawbed  the  Epi- 
fcopal ?)  But  yet  the  very  word  [  Puritan]  is  of  ufeto  him. 
This,  faith  he  of  Novatus,  was  the  tender  Conscience  of  the  au- 
thor of  the  uincient  fell  of  the  Puntanes  ?  Can  you  tell  who  the 
man  aimeth  at  t  Is  it  Nonconformifts?iVoz/^«j  &  Novatian  were 
Prelatifts,  and  never  fcrupled  more  Ceremonies  than  our  Pre- 
lates impofe.  Who  then  can  it  be  but  men  that  in  general, 
though  Epifcopal,do  profefs  Tendernefs  of  Qonfcience*  And  there  I 
leave  them,  without  the  application. 

§  23.  But  thisDefender  of  Surgent  Prelacy,  fticks  not  to 
difgrace  thofe  whom  he  feemeth  to  defend.  It  was  three  of  the 
Catholick  Bifhops  that  Confecrated  Novatian^nd (without  rail- 
ing) he  calls  them  Three  plain  ignorant  Bifhops.  Tnefe  good  men 
fuf peeling  no  tricky,  and  overcome  with  his  good  entertainment,  with 
too  much  Wine  and  pirfwafions  ,were  forced  at  lafi  to  lay  their  hands 
on  him  and  Confecrate  him Bifhop.^i. Ignorant  Bifhops-,  ^.Overcome 
with  too  much  Wine,  and  entertainment :  3.  And  with  perfwafion: 
4.  To  do  fuch  an  Aft  as  to  Confecrate  fo  bad  a  Bifhop,6Vthat  in 
fuch  a  city  as  Rome,  and  that  without  the  Churches  choice  or 
Confenr.  How  much  worfe  have  I  laid  of  Bifhops  ?  But,  yec 
[_they  were  good  men.']  But  if  they  had  been  Nonconformifts,  what 
names  had  been  bad  enough  for  them?  No  doubt  if  they  had 
been  fequeftred  and  caft  out  (  for  their  too  much  wine  and  fuch 
ordination)how  odioufly  might  the  agents  have  been  defcribed  as 
enemies  to  the  Church  and  Perfecutors  of  good  men, 

§  24.  Yet  further  this  New  Bifhop  engageth  men  to  him  by 
Oaths,  enough  to  fir  ike  a  horror  in  the  minds  ^/r^Reader,faithhe; 

See  what  a  man  may  do  for  a  Bifhoprick  f  It  reminds  me  of 
many  good  Canons  that  forbid  Bifhops  fwearing  their  Clergy  to 
them  :  And  of  our  Et  Cat  era  Oath  in  1640  never  to  Confent  to 


any  alteration,  fto  fay  nothing  of  our  times)  and  the  old  Oath 
of  Canonical  obedience. It  ftrikes  horror  into  mens  minds  now  that 
we  fcruple  thefe. 

§  2^.  He  makcth  the  Novatian  doctrine  blafpbemous  (with- 
out railing  )  and  me  too  Favourable  in  reprefenting  it.  As  to 
that  I  fuppofe  he  is  not  ignorant  how  great  a  Controverfie  it  is 
what  they  held,  even  among  the  greateft  Antiquaries,  and  Ene- 
mies of  Schifm  and  Herefie.  And  I  ufe  in  accufations  to  meet 
with  moft  truth  in  the  moft  Favourable  interpretations. 

And  here  I  will  tell  our  Hiftorian,  that  while  I  take  leave  to 
diflent  from  his  accufationjt  fhall  be  but  by  the  authority  of  thofe 
whom  I  judge  as  well  acquainted ^with  Church  Writers  and  Cu- 
ftomes  as  any  that  ever  Mr.  M%  or  any  of  his  Mafters  read,  aoc 
excepting  more  knowing  men  than  Valefins. 

The  firft  is  D.  Petavitts  in  Epiphan.  de  Cath.  Where  firft  he 
tells  us^that  no  lefs  nor  later  men  than  moft  of  the  ancient  Fathers, 
and  Specially  the  Greekj ,  miftook  Novatus  and  Novatian  for 
one,  or  thought  the  feci:  had  a  fingle  Author  5  naming  Eufeb. 
Theodoret  y  Epipban.  Naz^ian.  Ambrofet  Auftin^  Thilaftrius,  yea 
and  Socrates.  Yet  half  as  great  a  miftake  in  me  would  have 
been  fcorned. 

2.  Aga/mft  Epiph.  and  Theodoret  he  faith  [  Nor.  ea  Nova- 
tiani  Opinio  fait  ,eos  qui  gravioris  peccati  noxam  contraherent,  ab 
omni  fpe  conftquend<&  [ahttis  excludi  :  Nam  &  illos  ad  capeftendam 
pcenitentiam  hoitari  folebant :  Et  sit  Divinam  clement iam  lachrj- 
mis  acfordibm  elicerent  identidem  admonebant :  Sed  hoc  unum  nc- 
gabant  5  ad  Ecclepa  ftdeUnm  Communionem  recipi  amplius  opor- 
tere :  Neque  penes  Ecclefiam  reconciliandi  jus  ullum  ac  pot  eft  at  em 
ejf?  :  JQuippe  umcam  illam  peccatorum  indulgentiam  in  Hints  ar- 
bitrio  verfttri,  qua  per  Baptifmum  obtinetur  5  which  he  proveth 
out  of  Socrates^  Ambrose .  And  he  faith,  that  they  were  not 
counted  Hereticks  for  wronging  the  lapfed^  by  denying  them 
Communion,  but  for  wronging  the  Church  Power,  by  denying 
the  Power  of  theKeyes  for  their  Reftitution.  (Like  enough.) 

The  other  (hall  be  that  excellent  Bifhop  Albafpineus  Qbfiryl 
lib.  2.  Obferv.  20,  21.  p.  (mihi)  130,  121.  [  Advert  ant  Nova- 
tianorum  err  or  em  non  in  eo  pofitumi  quod  dicer  ent  neque  lapfum, 
neque  excommunicatum  inmorte  a  peccatis  liber andum  5  fedh&re- 
ticos  ideo  habit os9  quodopinarentur  Deum  ip(um  Ecclepa  neque  re- 
wittjndorum  neque^  rctjntndofjtm  psccatorHm  capitalism  pote ft  atem 


ccpiam^uefeaffe  :  JLtque  h&c  m  eo  Jmt  viguitque  eotum  barejis, 
qui  qnanquam  Hind  confqueretnr  ex  eorum  falfa  Opinione,  ut  ab- 
folutioncm  non  largitcntur^  tamen  hoc  eotum  factum  non  h&refis  no- 
mine affciendum  erat,  ncqte  ai  hare  fin  accede  bat  ob  aliam  caufam 
quam  quod  a  fonte  illo  &  quafi  capite  h«tefin  olente  dim ak d at,  eo 
maxime  quod  Novatiani  ere  detent  id  Ecclefia  a  Deo' non  fuiffe  pra- 
ftitum  &  conctffum  ;  qu&  can  fa  fola  fuit  cut  ptaxts  ilia  ten  difci- 
plina  Novatiahotumratio  h&tsjii  nomen  notionemque  non  effngetet."] 
The  Clergy  felt  their  own  Intereft.,  and  the  Novat t an s  denied 
their  Power  to  retain,  as  well  as  forgive  capital  Crimes^  and 
thought  their  Keyes  extended  not  fo  far. 

And  that  the  Cafe  of  the  lapfed  was  it  that  they  began  with, 
Epiphanius  himfelfand  others  agree. 

And  Obferv.  19.  he  (hews  that  Nov  at  i anus  did  this  againft: 
his  former  Judgment^  in  Envy  and  Faction  againft  the  Bifhop,be- 
caufe  he  mift  of  being  Bifhop  himfelf.  A  Bifhoprick  was  it  that 
provoked  him  to  deny  this  Pardoning  Power  in  Bifhops. 

Ad  Albafp.neM    hath  in    many    antecedent  Obfervations 
fhewed3  how  little,  if  any  thing  at  all,   the  Novatians  differed 
clfe  from  the  Antient  Church  in  the  ftrictnefs  of  their  Commu- 
nion, and  avoiding  finners:  So  that  he  thus  begins  his  fif?h  Ob- 
fcrvation  \Jnctedibdia  prope  fnnty  qua  his  capitibus  ditlmi  [*mus\ 
fed  tamen  it  a  vet  a  &  cettat   &  qua  cujufque  animam  fun.mam  in 
admirationem  r  apian?,  primis  temporibus  nulla  vel  le- 
viffima  labe  inquinatam  fuiffe  3  quin  it  a  illibatam  intatlamque  ut 
tmhi  tatione,  curd  &  folic  it  udine  profpexerit,  filii  ut  fits  qnam  d 
Baptifmo  haujetant  path  at  em  earn   nulla  afpetfam  vitii  altcnjns 
macula  &  foeditate  confer  vat  ent*     Imo  ea  fe  veritate  adhibit  a  ut 
fugiendum  fibi  deteflandumqne  peccant???,    quovis  tcttote  propofito 
putarent.     Non  folum    ant  em  mult  a  crimina   peccataque  numc- 
rabantur9  quorum  Author es  attificefque  abfolutionem  omnem  defp:- 
rabant,  fed  &  ea  quoqus  quibus  ignofcet  poenitentiam   cmcedtmopcr- 
tere  cenfuerat,  peccata  it  a  ulcifcebaturjut  non  nifi  femel  eis  qui  ea 
commififfen^  unins  posnitentia  copiam  facer et  Ecclefia,  hoc  eft  fipoft 
Baptijmum   lethalitet  peccaffent.     Jguod  Ji  cum  Ecclefia  reconci- 
Latvs  in  idem  ant  aUud  mottale  peccatum  itcrum  prolaberetur,  va 
in  petpetuum  ttibus  primis  faculis  ab  Ecclefia  rtpnlfam  ferebat,  ut 
non  nip  poenitentia  &  in  motte  ptecnm  qua  reltqua   erant  fubfidia 
expeftandajibi  ducetet>nulla  abjolutione  data  qua  infpsm  venia  il- 
ium ctigerct,  2    And  he  adds,  that  many  that  cannot  deny  his 


proofs,  yet  will  not  believe  that  ever  fuch  a  Difcipline  was 

But  this  was  in  the  three  Firft  Ages  :  After,  when  Profperity 
and  Wealth  ticed  the  ungodly  into  Bifhops  Seats,  and  into  the 
Church,  the  Cafe  was  altered,  and  as  he  (hews,  Oh  fir  v.  6.  the 
Cafe  was  fo  altered  to  the  loofe  extreme,  that  Criminals  wer£ 
admitted  toties  quoties.  And  in  his  Notes  on  Tertullian  he 
fheweth,  that  this  was  a  difference  between  the  Orthodox  and 
the  Hereticks,  that  the  Orthodox  did  din  multfimjue  deltberare 
quos  in  focietatem  ejufdem  Ecclefix,i  &  corporis  recipere  debeant',but 
the  Hereticks  were  ready  to  take  all  that  came.  Yet  I  fuppofe 
not  near  fo  loofe  as  thofe  Diocefan  and  Parochial  Churches  that 
know  not  who  comes5.  but  without  queftion  take  all  that  will 
but  come  to  the  Rails  and  kneel :  And  when  by  the  magnitude 
of  Diocefs  and  other  means,  they  have  fecured  themfelves  a- 
gainft  the  trouble  and  poffibility  of  Paftoral  Difcipline,the  Prieft 
wipes  off  all  guilt  with  a  word,  and  faith,  If  they  were  Atheifts, 
Hobbifts,  Sidduces,  Whoremongers,  common  Blafphemers, 
Drunkards,  it's  no  fault  of  mine,  I  kno  v  it  not  5  and  no  won-: 
der5  when  he  knoweth  not  who  in  the  Parifh  are  his  Flock. 

Thzt  Eufebins  himfelf  and  others  named  by  Vetavim  milrook 
the  Novatians  is  no  wonder  to  thofe  who  read  the  volumes  of 
palpable  Falfnood  written  againft  theNonconformifts  in  this  pre- 
sent age,and  hear  witneffes  at  the  bar  fwear  thofe  Plots  and  Con- 
spiracies &  Treafons  againft  men,  from  which  grave  and  confeio- 
nable  Juries  quit  them. 

But  me  thinks  when  Mr.  M  had  (aid  that  Socrates  is  an  Hifto- 
rian  of  good  Credit  and  acquainted  with  them  ]  he  much  forgot 
his  own  ends  when  he  recited  thefe  words  as  his  [  Some  took 
part  with  Novatian,  and  others  with  Cornelius;  according  to  their 
Jevcral  inclinations  and  Coxrfe  of  life  :  The  loofer  and  more  licenti- 
ous fort  Favouring  the  moft  indulgent  difciplinejbe  other  of  more  au- 
fiere  lives  inclining  mo  ft to  the  Novatian  feveritj.^  Good  ftilJ,  I 
now  fee  that  the  Novatians  indeed  were  Puritanes,  though  E- 
pifcopal,  and  I  accufe  not  our  accufers  of  any  fuch  Herefie.  But  I 
confefs  that  I  (lull  believe  a  Novatian  Hiftorian,  who  being  fo 
ltrift  againft  fin  mull:  be  ftricl;  againft  a  Lie,  rather  than  thofe 
that  Scorn  fuch  Puritanifm3  and  deride  the  Perfon  that  cannot 
fwallow  a  bigger  Pi'!. 

And  when  Mr.  M%  labours  to  (hew  out  of  Socrates  that  it 


was  not  only  Idplatry  that  they  cenfured,  he  labours  in  vain  : 
It  was  the  beginning  of  their  Schifm  that  I  mentioned,  and  not 
Socrates  his  Age. 

As  to  the  judgment  of  the  Council  of  £//'£*nx  and  all  the  three 
Firft  Ages.,  I  have  told  you  whet  AWafpine  faith  before.  If 
you  can  confute  him,  do  $  I  am  not  engaged  to  defend  him*  but 
I  believe  him.  v 

§  16.  I  conclude  this  and  the  former  Chapter  with  this 
Counfel  to  the  Scorners  of  Puritanes :  Never  truft  to  your  Titles 
and  Order,  how  good  foevcr5  without  a  careful  holy  obedience 
to  the  Supreme  Law-giver,  either  for  Concord  on  Earth,  or 
Salvation  in  Heaven.  True  Parifh-Reformation  is  the  way  to 
fatjsfie- godly  perfons  better  than  either  Violence  or  Separation. 
But  if  you  ftill  obftinately  rtfift  Parifh  Difcipline  and  Reforma- 
tio^ you  muft  have  Toleration  of  fuch  as  will  not  confent  to 
your  Corruption,  or  dCe  perfecute  the  beft  to  your  own  mine. 
Theophilus  Parocbialis  hath  faid  more  for  Parifh  Order  againft 
the  Regulars,  and  Priviledged,  than  you  have  done  againft  the  Se- 
parating. And  yet  the  Confraternity  of  the  Oratorians  fet  up  in 
every  Parifh,  was  the  beft  way  he  could  devife  to  recover  the 
ftate  of  lapfed  Parifhes:  As  the  priviledging  of  Fryars  was  the 
Pope's  laft  Remedy  inftead  of  Reforming  his  corrupted  Church. 


Of  the  Council  of  Nice  andfome  following. 

§  i.npHis  Hiftorian  having  put  himfelf  into  a  military  pofture 
J  feemeth  to  conceit  that  every  word  proceeds  from  an 
Enemy.  And  firft  he  feigneth  me  to  make  Conftantine  judge 
that  [/A*  B'Jheps  and  Councils  were  of  little  ufe  ]  when  I  had 
no  fuch  word  or  thought,  but  the  contrary. 

§  2.  Next  he  himfelf  confefleth  that  which  Iblamethofe  Bi- 
fliops  for  5  Even  thofe  Libels  which  they  Contcntioufly  offered 
againft  one  another  $  to  have  raifed  Quarrels  inftead  oWeace, 
and  which  Conftantine  caft  altogether  into  the  fire  without  read- 
ing them.  And  when  he  confefleth  what  I  fay,  is  heuotaRai- 
ler  at  the  Bifhops  as  much  as  I  in  that  f 



As  to  his  excufe  that  [  It  is  no  wonder  confidering  their  great 
dijfentions  in  Religion,  &c.]  I  cafily  grant  it :  But  in  this  excufe  he 
faith  yet  more  againft  them. 

§  3.  Becaufe  I  faid  that  Atbanafius  differing  fromConftan- 
tine  about  the  reception  of  Arivtt  his  repentance  [  Cattfed  much 
Calamity  *]  he  feigneth  melieinoufiy  to  accufe  Atbanafim  which 
I  intended  not :  Even  a  juft  action  may  £Cazfe  Calamity  3*9 
Ch.  ill  faith  his  Gofpcl  would  bring  divifion.  All  his  labour  in 
jultifyir.g  Atbanafins  fighteth  but  with  a  fpectre  of  his  own  ima- 
gination. Andyetlam  inclined  to  think  that  ifan  Hypocrite 
Aria*  had  been  connived  at  to  pleafe  fuch  an  Emperor,  the  death 
of  Arias  would  have  left  the  Church  quieter  than  it  clidjthough 
he  here  thinks  greater  rigour  had  been  fafer :  And  I  think  mul- 
titudes of  Sadduces,  Infidels  and  debaucht  Perfons  in  one  of  our 
Dioceffes,  yea  or  Parifhes,  is  worfe  than  one  Ax  ins  while  Hy- 
pocrite retrained  him  from  Venting  his  opinion. 

§  .{,  And  here  he  that  dreamed  I  accufed  AthanapttSi  really 
accufeth  Conft  amine  as  impofcd  on  bj  a  Counterfeit  Repentance  and 
rc&o  .r.dnxry  to  opportunities  of  doing  mifcbuf  and  being 

againft  the  means  \Xi2Xmight  have  ended  that  fatal  mifebjef,  But  I 
confefs  Conftantme  was  no  Bifhcp,  and  therefore  this  is  not  an 
^.ccujation  of  Bifhops  or  a  railing  at  them. 

§  5.  Next  when  I  had  fully  opened  the  Cafe  of  the  Metetians 
cut  of  Epipbanius  on  pretence  ofabbreviating,he  leaves  oat  that 
which  he  likes  nor,  and  tells  us  how  the  Nonconformifts  have 
advantaged  the  Papifts  :  If  I  thought  the  man  believed  himfelf 
I  would  try  to  undeceive  him;  In  the  mean  time  Idefire  him  to 
think  again  which  party  moft  befriends  the  Papifts  5  (c  They 
u  that  are  for  a  reconciliation  with  them  on  thefe  terms,  that 
"  there  may  be  acknowledged  an  Univerfal  fupreme  human 
Cf  Power  over  all  the  Church  on  Earth,  and  the  Fope  to  be  V 
"  cipiuw  Vnitatis  and  Patriarch  of  the  Weft,and  he  fhall  abate  us 
C{  the  laft  400  years  Impofitions,  and  all  be  accounted  Schifma-  » 
"ticks  that  unite  not  into  this  Church  3  and  that  all  the 
<c  Preachers  in  England  (hall  be  filenced  that  will  not  fwear,pro- 
cc  mife,  profefs,  and  praftife  all  that  which  is  here  impofed  en 
Cc_tbem,  though  they  think  it  heinons  fin.tnd  others  think  it  but 
w  matter  indifferent,  and  all  the  people  fhall  be  profecuted  that 
K  hear  them  ;  and  that  this  Divifion  fhall  rather  weaken  the 
u  Kingdom.,  and  advantage  the  Papifts^  than  the  Conferences 



rt  of  men,  as  wife  and  faithful  as  themfelves  fhall  be  eafed  of 
rt  fuch  Impofitions,  or  they  ftmered  to  Preach  the  Gofpel  of 
"  Chrirt  ;  Or  thofe  that  being  condemned  to  fuch  Silence,  Pri- 
"  fo,s  and  Ruine,  had  rather  be  delivered,  though  a  Papift  be 
fl  delivered  with  tbem,  than  be  destroyed.]  Methinks  we  are 
ufed  by  thefe  Church-F^lurs,  as  if  they  flhonld  determine  that 
a  great  part  of  the  Proteftants  who  are  moft  againft  Popery, 
thall  be  hanged,  unlefs  the  Papifts  will  beg  their  pardon,  or  cut 
the  Rope  5  which  if  thefe  Proteftants  accept,  they  fhall  be  faid 
to  be  the  Promoters  of  the  Papifls. 

§  6.  As  for  a!!  his  Exceptions  againft  Epipbamus,  they  are  no- 
thing to  me,  who  did  not  undertake  to  juftifie  his  word?,  but 
tranferibe  them  -m  nor  think  it  worth  my  labour  now  to  examine 
the  Cafe  of  fo  fmall  concernment. 

§  7.  V/hen  fbme  have  blamed  me  for  condemning  the  Arians 
too  much,  he  faith,  that  I  jfty  fomewhat  very  much  to  the  dif- 
ad  vantage  of  the  Do&rine  of  the  Trinity,  but  he  was  fo  gentle 
as  not  to  tell  what  it  was,  unlefs  it  be  telling  what  Petavim  the 
jefuite  faith :    About  that  lam  wholly  of  his  own  mind.     But 
the  exprefs  words  which  Petavlus  ds  Trinit.  citetb  out  of  all 
t-hofe  Old  Fathers,  cannot  be  denied  :   And  verily  they  are  fo 
many,  and  fo  grofs,  that  unlefs  his  Argument  fatisfiedme,^/*,. 
[The  Votes  of  the  ComcilofNiQeJhewedvchat  was  the  Common  fence 
of  the  Church)  better  than  the  vpcrds  of  all  thofe  Fathers']  I  fhould 
think  as  Philoftorgiw  in  point  of  Htftory,  t!i2t  there  were  no  fuf- 
ficient  confuting  ofthe  Arians  from  thofe  Fathers,  though  fome- 
times  they  have  better  words.  Vifible  words  cannot  be  denied, 
even  where  they  muft  be  lamented.  That's  the  difference  be* 
tween  Mr.  M's*  Opinion  of  Hiftory  and  mine. 

§  8.  "As  to  the  Andiansy  I  recite  but  Epipbamus's  word?, 
who  in  other  cafes  is  greatly  valued  by  thefe  Accufers :  They 
will  believe  what  he  faith  of  Aeriw.  And  as  to  what  he  faith 
to  the  contrary  out  of  Theodoret,  he  may  fee  that  he  faith  all 
by  hearfay,  and  faith.,  that  They  hid  that  which  he  accufeth  them 
of,  and  were  Hypocrites,  prgfefling  too  much  ftrictnefs,  /.  4. 
c.  91  which  is  ftill  the  common  way  of  accufing  the  beft,againlt 
whom  inftead  of  pr&veable  faults,  they  turn  their  ftriclnefs 
into  a  crime.  Epiphanim  is  much  more  particular  than  Thtodoret 
in  the  ftory, 
§  u.  The  reft  which  he  noteth  of  my  words  ofthe  Council 


of  Nice,  have  nothing  needing  a  reply.  Fetavitu  hath  fully 
proved  cb^t  the  Cb&repifcopi  were  true  Bifhopt.  But  now  we 
are  odious  Presbyterians  if  we  would  bur  have  a  Bifhop  in  every 
City,  that  is,  Corporation,  Defiring  only  that  Difciplinc  might 
become  pofTiblc.  And  for  this  we  arc  proclaimed  to  be  a- 
gainft  Bilhops;  that  is,  faith  this  fort  of  men  5  They  that  would 
have  but  One  Biftiop  over  a  thoufand,  or  many  hundred,  or 
fcore  Churches,  are  for  Epifcopacy  j  and  they  that  would  have 
every  Church  have  a  Bifhop,  as  of  old,  or  at  Jcaft  every  great 
Town,  and  fo  would  have  twenty,  or  forty,  or  a  hundred  for 
one,  areagainft  Epifcopacy:  And  that  which  is  ftrange  i?,Thefe 
men  are  believed. 

§  10.  I  praifed  the  Council  of  Gangra  for  condemning  fome 
Super!!  itions,  and  he  faith,  I  have  nothing  againft  it  :  Whether 
it  be  a  Common  Mtftake  that  Arias  was  here  received  to  Com- 
munion, l'le  not  ftay  to  examine. 

§  11.  When  he  hath  weighed  all  he  can  for  the  Synod  at 
Antioch^  he  is  forced  to  confefs  that  they  were  a  packt  com- 
pany of Bifhops,  that  complied  with  Confiamius  and  Eufebiafs 
Contrivance.  And  what  do  I  fay  worfe  of  them  than  he  ?  As 
to  the  Canon  againft  Prieftt  or  Deacons  not  gathering  Afiem- 
blies  agamft  the  Bifhops  will,  I  am  for  it  as  much  as  he,  if  the 
Bifhops  and  Churches  be  fuch  as  they  were  then  $  but  not  in 
France  nor  Italy, 

He  faith,,  I  leave  my  fiing  behind  me ^  and  end  very  angrily ;  for 
thefeonly  words  [This  is  their  fir ength'}  mentioning  the  Coun- 
cils ("that  was  againft  Atleanafius)  (uppreffingDiflenters  as  fe- 
ditious  by  force,  I  fee  angry  men  think  others  angry  when  they 
are,  and  are  ftung  if  we  do  but  name  their  ftinging  us :     As  if 
Prifonsand  Ruine  were  notfo  fharp  a  fting  as  thefe  four  words. 
If  it  be  not  their  ftrength,  why  do  they  fo  truft  to  it,  as  to  con- 
fefs that  their  Arguments  and  Keyes  would  do  little  to  uphold 
their  Prelacy  without  it.    In  the  daies  of  the  Ufurpers  I  moved 
for  a  Petition,  that  when  they  granted  Liberty  ofConfcience 
for  fo  many  others,  they  would  grant  Liberty  for  the  full  cxer- 
cife  of  the  Epifcopal  Government  to  all  that  defired  it*  But  the 
Epifcopal  Party  that  I  fpake  to,wou!d  not  endure  ir3  as  knowing 
what  bare  Liberty  would  be  to  thcirCaufe^unlefs  they  could  have 
tke  Sword  to  fupprefs  thofe  that  yield  not  to  their  Reafons. 
§  12.  Next  he  faith,  I  fpare  my  Gall  for  about  a  dozen 

S  z  times. 


times,  not  regarding  how  it  contradi&s  bis  former  Accufation*. 
But  whereas  I  recite  the  horrid  Accufations  of  the  Council  at 
ThUippopolis  againft  Atbanajius,  Paulas  and  Marcellus,  of  open 
Matters  of  Fad,  as  Murder,  Perfections,  Burning  of  Churches, 
Wars,  Flames,  Dragging  Priefts  to  the  Marker-place  wkh 
Chrifts  Body  tyed  about  their  necks,  ftripping  Confecrated  Vir- 
gins naked  before  a  concourfe  of  People  [and  offering  to  fend 
mefiengers  on  both  fides  to  Try  the  -Fact,  and  to  be  themfelves 
condemned  if  it  prove  not  true]  he  is  offended  that  I  feem 
ftaggered  at  this,  Athanafias  having  detected  before  fo  many 
Subornations,  c£v.  s 

Anfw.  I  did  not  fay  that  1  was  ftaggered,  much  lefs  doubted 
wTTich  of  them  did  the  wrong  :  But  that  a  Reader  may  by  fuch 
a  Temptation  be  aftonifhed,  and  confounded  whom  to  believe. 
But  d  d  I  ever  rail  more  at  Bifhops  than  he  here  doth  ?  What 
i.  So  great  a  number  of  Bifhops,  2.  Deliberately,  in  Council, 
3.  To  affirm  fo  vehemently,  4  Such  matters  of  open  Fa&, 
j.  And  orfer  it  to  the  Trial  of  WitnefTesof  both  fidesjand  all  this 
to  be  falfe.,  6.  And  to  be  but  the  confequent  of  former  Sub- 
ornations and  Perjury  5  can  you  name  greater  wickednefs  ? 

QIpj.  But  they  were  Anans,  Anfcv.  But  they  were  Bifhops. 
The  worfe  for  being  Arians.  2.  Yet  called  but  Semi-Arians, 
and  renounced  Arius^  and  pretended  Reconciliation.  3.  And 
they  were  the  Oriental  part  of  the  Council  at  Sardica,  called 
Gensrd  by  the  Fapifts.  4.  And  they  were  believed  againft  Mar- 
cellus  by  Bafil  and  Cbryfiftom  :  But  all  that  J  cite  it  for,  is  fotell 
the  Reader  what  a  doleful  cafe  the  Church  was  fain  into,  by  the 
depravation  of  the  Bifhops.  Did  none  of  thefe  profefs  before 
to  be  Orthodox  ?  I  do  not  fay  that  it  was  quatev.m  Bifhops  that 
they  did  ail  this,  but  that  multitudes  of  Bifhops  were  then  be- 
come the  fhame  and  calamity  of  the  Church. 

§  13.  Next  he  fcorningly  accufeth  me  for  giving  too  foft  a 
Character  of  the  Circumcillians^  and  faith,  My  Aloderation  and 
Charity  may  extend  to  John  of  Leyden.  And  he  calls  them  The 
Mofi  barbarous  and  defperate  Villains  that  ever  defamed  Chnftia- 
Kity  by  ajfuming  the  Title. ~\ 

Anf.  1.  This  is  the  man  that  faith  I  rail.  I  named  fo  many 
and  great  fins  of  theirs,  that  I  little  thought  any  Reader  would 
have  thought  that  I  fpared  tbeni  too  much.  2.  Yet  they  were 
Eonatiftsflnd  of  them  Qpmm  hijflfelf  faith,  lib.  5.  ["  s4pftdyos 


U  &  apud  nos  Vm  eft  Ecclefiaftica  convey fatio  -,  Communes  Lc* 
*c cl tones  :  Etdem  Fides  ;  ipfa  Fides  Sacrament  a  ^  eaiem  my  sic- 
Cf  ria~\  that  is,  faith  Alba[pins  [Vna  Ecclefi.iftica  dfciplina  :  £:- 
demmodo  Script uras  Explicamus  :  Ipfa  Regul.%  Fides  :  Idem  My- 
sttrium  quad  confertur  &  ftgnijscatur,  CT  eadem  res  w.Jibilis  per 
qttAmres  fpirititilis  d-itu*']  in  lib.  $.p.  fj}. 

And  faith  Opratus,  lit>.  i  [Neqws  die  at  me  in: or fi derate  cos 
fratres  appcIUr?,  qui   ta  .      J$j:mvis&  ilk  nan  ncger.t  CT 

omnibus  notumfir,  quod  nos  od'.o  babea-tt^  &  I  fl",  ~y  nobmt 

fe  dtdfr aires  nofiros  ;  tamsn  nos  :  d  timir:  Dei  nan  / 

mus—funt  igitur ;ra:  dnbio frrtrjes  ..-'  :  Quaxe  nemo 

miretur  eos  mi  appsttart  frarrts,   q.ii  ;n,i   pojfi  tfft    fratrcs, 

Obj.  But  the  Circumceliians  were  worfe  than  the  reft, 

Anfa.  They  were  of  the  fame  Religion,  but  the  unruly   fu- 
rious part  in  their  practice  :    And  Opt  a:  us  faith,  Though  they 
would  rail  in  words  ifcd  mum  q'uidem  vix  ihveuimus  cum  qui 
.  isctu.ui;r  :]   And  fj  goes  on  to  cjII  "Par- 
And  it's  worth  the  confiieration  how  much 
ifpine  inc  irnitj  5  note  firft,  &  inObfervat. 

3.  And  they  were  Orthodox  tierce  Prelatifts,  doing  all  this 
To.'  the  preheminencc  of  their  Biihopj.  And  what  if  fame  Pre- 
Uttfts  »<?ivJhouid  hurt  their  Brethren  more  than  the  Gircvnrcet- 
lam  did,  mutt  I  call  them  therefore  th?m>ft  barbarous  ViiUins 
th.n  isd  Christianity.     Augustine  faith,  They  made  a 

Water  of  (bme  Salt  or  fharp  thing,  and  caftin  mens  Eyes  in  the 
night  in  the  ftreets  :  No  man  can  think  that  this  barbarous 
action  was  done  by  the  molt,  or  any  but  Tome  furious  fools: 
They  fay  that  they  would  wound  themfelves  to  bring  hatred  on 
the  Cacholick*,  as  if  they  had  done  if,  or  drove  them  to  it  :  He 
that  knoweth  what  Self  love  i?,  will  believe  that  this  was  the 
cafe  but  of  a  few;  and  an  eafier  wrong  than  fome  that  abhor 
them  do  to  their  Brethren.  And  muft  we  needs  Rail  indeed  a- 
gainft  fuch  numbers  of  hurtful  Prelatifts  .?  What  if  any'rude  per- 
(ons  of  your  Church  fhould  be  Whoremongers,  Drunkards, 
Blafphemers,,  and  feek  the  Imprifonment  of  their  Brethren,  yea 
their  Defamation  and  Blood  by  Perjury,  fhould  the  Church 
be  for  their  fakes  fo  called,  as  you  call  them?  I  fpeak  them  no 
fairer  than  Optatus  did. 

§  14.  When/?.  j7«  I  commend  the  many  good  Canons  of  the 
•African  Councils,  and  the  faithfulnefs  of  the  Biftiop?,  he  noteth 


none  01  tuis,  .pecame  it  pruvctn  uic  umruiu  01  uis  iormer  Ac- 

And  when  I  name  twenty  five  or  twenty  fix  more  Councils  of 
Bifliops,  fome  General,  and  fome  lefs,  which  were  for  Arianifm, 
or  a  compliance  with  them,  he  defendeth  none  of  them.,  but  ex- 
cufeth  them,  and  faith,  that  [_they  vpere  not  much  to  the  honour  of 
the  Church':  Tet  the  evil  Edith  and  Conferences  of  them  are  ra~ 
th:r  to  be  charged  on  the  Arian  Emperour,  than  ths  Bifhops.~\ 

Anfrv.  i.  This  is  the  fame  man  that  elfewhere  fo  overdoes 
me  in  accufing  the  Brians. 

2.  The  Emperour  was  Erroneous,  but  faid  to  be  otherwife 
very  commendable.  And  is  it  not  more  culpable  for  Bifliops  to 
Err  in  the  Myfteries  of  Divinity^  than  a  Lay- man  ?  And  for 
many  hundred  to  Err,  than  for  On?  Alan  ?  And  do  you  think 
that  the  B.fliops  Erring  did  not  more  to  feduce  the  Flocks,  than 
the  Ernperour's  f 

But  he  fditb,  that  \Jf  many  fell  in  the  DayofTryalt  thsy  are 
Ystbtr  to  be  pitied,  than  infulted  over,  for  we  have  all  the  fame 
infirmities 9  &c. 

Anfx.  1  wrote  in  pity  of  them  and  the  Church,  without  any 
infulting  purpofe.  If  any  now  to  avoid  lying  in  Prifhn,  and  ftar-* 
ving  their  Families,  by  Famine,  mould  furrender  their  Conferen- 
ces to  finful  Subfcriptions  after  a  Siege  of  Nineteen  years,  Ifhall 
pity  theirs  and  not  infult  over  them.  Nay,  if  I  fpeak  of  thofe 
that  lay  the  Siege,  and  call  out  for  mfrre  Execution,  I  do  it  not 
infultingly,  but  with  a  grieved  heart  for  the  Church  and  them. 
•But  when  I  largely  recited  Hillary's  words  of  them,  he  faith, 
[The  Account  is  very  fad~\  (and  what  faid  I  more?)  But,  faith  he, 
yet  fuch  as  Jhevps  rather  the  Calamity,  than  the  Fault  of  the 

Anfw.  Nay  then,  no  doubt,  it's  no  fault  to  Conform.  Hillary 
then,  and  all  that  kept  their  ground,  were  in  a  great  fault  for 
fo  heavily  accufing  them.  And  fo  the  World  turned  Arians  in 
(hew  (as  Hiercm  and  Hillary  fpeak)  is  much  acquit,  and  the 
Nonconforming  are  the  faulty  Railers  for  accufing  them.  It  had 
been  enough  to  fay,  It  was  no  Crime  ;  but  to  fay,  no  Fault ,  is 
too  gentlegfor  the  fame  man  that  fo  ttaJkt  of  Perjured  Arians 

§  I  j»  Yet  becaufe  he  is  forced  to  confefs  that  it  wnmofi  by 
far  of  all  the  Bifliops,   even  in  Councils  (  he  of  Rome  not  ex- 

cepted)  that  thus  fell,  he  muft  fhew  how  it  offended  him  to  be' 
forced  to  ir,  by  telling  the  world  how  contentious  I  have  been 
againsl  all  forts  and  Seds  (the  (iritis  faHe,  and  he  knows  it  I 
think,  and  thelatter  is  true  formally  of  a  Seel  as  fitch-,  even  his 
own  Seel.)  And  fomc  judge  me  fuch  a  stranger  to  Peace^  as  to  need 
a  Moderator  to  hand  between  me  and  the  Contradictions  of  my  own 

Anfw  Yes,  the  Bifhops  Advocate  Roger  L' Estrange  ,  where 
norhing  but  grofs  ignorance,  or  malice,  or  negligence,  could 
have  found  Contradictions,  were  the  whole  places  perufed.  And 
where  I  am  fure  my  felf,  that  there  is  nonej  I  have  fomewhat 
elfe  to  do  than  to  write  m:>re,  to  (hew  the  Calumnies  of  fuch 
Readers.  Who  moft  feeks  Peace, you,  or  thofe  that  you  prole- 
cute  I  One  would  think  it  fhould  not  be  hard  to  know  if  men 
be  willing. 

CHAP.     XX. 

Of  the first-  General  Conned  at  Conftantinople.     His  Cap.  4. 

§  i.fTE  begins  with  accufmg  me  of  imitating   the  Devil* 
il  Doth  fob  ferae  God  for  naught  \  becaufe  I  fay  that  [the 
n  why  tbelieft   was  freer  from  the  Afian  Her ej7e>    than  the 
£.-i:lt    was  not  as  the  Papi:ts  fay,  that  Chrisl  prayed  for  Peter, 
that  his  Faith  rmjhi  not  fai'^  bat  bicatife   the  Emperours    in  the 
West  were  Orthodox^   and  thofe  in  iBs   Eaft  Arians  :     And   the 
Bifhops  much  followed  the  Emperours  will.],  faith  he,  can- be  more  unc'hri$li.>u> 
Anfw.  1.  I  never  faid  that  this  was  the  Only  Caufe. 

2.  I  proved  that  this  Priv Hedge  of  Rome  was  not  the  mean- 
ing of  Chrift's  Prayer. 

3.  Is  not  this  the  fame  man  that  even  now  kid  the  fall  of 
far  more  Bifhops,  even  moft  in  the  World,  on  the  Emperour, 
as  overcoming  them  by  force  and  fraud  ? 

4.  Doth  not  God  himfelf  keep  men  ufually  from  ftrong 
temptations,  when  he  will  deliver  them  from  fin? 

5*.  Were  not  the  Eaftern  Bifhops,  and  the  Weftern,   of  the 
fame  mold  and  temper  ?  And  if  the  Eaftern  followed  the  Empe- 

roiirs,  had  not  the  Weftern  been  in  danger  if  they  had  the  like 

temptation  ? 

6.  Doth  not  Bafil  that  fent  to  them  for  help,  complain  of 
them  a«  proud,  and  no  better  than  their  Brethren  ? 

7.  Did  not  Marcellmus  ft  I)  to  Idolatry,  and  Liberies  to  fub- 
fcribe  againft  Atbanafius  with  the  Arians  .? 

8.  Did  not  the  Weft  actually  fall  to  Arianifm  when  tempted 
for  the  molt  part  ?  Judge  by  the  great  Council  at  Milans^  and 
by  HilUrfs  complaints . 

9.  Hajh  Rome  and  the  Weft  flood  fafter  to  the  Truth  fince 
then  I  What !  all  the  Popes  who  are  by  Councils  charged  with 
Her.efie  or  Infidelity,  and  all  wickednefs,  and  thofe  many  whofe 
Lives  even 'by  fiaronins  and  Genebrard^xe  fo  odioufly  defcribed  ? 
h  the  Weft  at  this  day  tree  from  Popery  and  its  fruits  ? 

10.  Do  you  think  in  your  confcience  that  if  we  had  not  here 
aProteftant  King,  but  a  Papift,  many  of  the  Clergy  would  not 
be  Papifts  .?  Why  then  are  they  fo  in  France,  Spjin,  Italy,  Po- 
land, cVc?  And  why  did  the  moft  of  them  turn  in  Qj.  Mary's 
daies  ?  1  do  not  infult,  but  lament  the  Churches  Cafe,  which 
ever  (ince  Wealth  and  Honour,  and  too  much  Power  corrupted 
it,  have  had  Bifho^s  far  more  worldly,  and  iefs  faithful  than 
they  were  the  fir  it  three  hundred  years.  Though  I  ftill  fay 
that  ever  fince,  God  hath  in  all  times  raifed  fome  ferious  Be- 
lievers that  have  kept  up  ferious  Piety  in  the  Church  :  And  as 
L  doubt  not  but  there  are  fo  many  fuch  among  the  Canfor- 
mifts^asis  our  great  joy,  Co  I  hope  that,  though  foully  blot- 
ted with  Superftition  and  Errour,  there  are  many  fuch  among 
the  Papifts  themfelvcs. 

§  2.  Yet  he  faith,  /  do  the  Bijhopi  Right  again  j» it  bout  thinks 
ing  of  doing  them  Jaftice,  <  while  I  tdl  hew  many  were  murdered. 

Apfw.  .£v,  Doth  he  Know  my  thoughts  l  2.  It's  true  I  in- 
tended not  to  do  any  other  Juftice;  than  to  praife  Chrift's 
Martyrs  and  Confeflbrs,  while  I  lament  the  Cafe  of -Perfecu- 
tors  and  Revolters?  Is.  the  praife  of  Confeflbrs  any  honour  to 
the  Hereticks  ? 

But  perhaps  he  means,  {  right  the  Order  ofBifhops.  Anfw. 
Did  1  ever  fay  or  think  that  there  were  no  Bifhops  that  kept 
the  Faith  ?  Do  I  fay  All  fell,  when  I  fay  Moft  fell  ?  The  Man 
fpeaks  as  his  imagined  Intereft  leads  him,  and  fo  interpreted 
my  vvcHt!s  to  his  own  fenfe,  not  as  written.    And  if  that  be  the 



right  way3  I  think  he  will  grant  that  there  were  more  Martyrs 
and  Sufferers  under  Valens^  ConfiantiUsy  Hvnnerictis,  and  Genfett- 
cut,  in  the  Eaft^  and  in  slfnck>  by  far,  than  were  when  their 
Tryal  came  in  all  the  Weft  that  is  now  fubjeft  to  the  Pope.  And 
what  moved  the  man  to  dream  that  when  I  fo  defcribe  and 
praife  their  conftancy  in  Suffering,  I  did  it  as  at  unawares  ? 

That  the  greater  pertiof  the  Bifhops  of  the  Empire  were  Ari- 
ans,  I  will  not  offer  by  Teftimony  to  prove,  when  it  is  fo  com- 
monly by  Fathers,  Hiitorians,  by  Papifts  and  Proteftants  agreed 
on.  How  many  of  them  were  Bifhops  before,  and  how  many 
but  Presbyters  or  Deacons,  Tie  not  pretend  to  number.  The 
turning  of  multitudes  all  agree  on.  The  Conftancy  of  many  he 
falfly  intimateth  that  I  deny,  and  faith,  /  injurioufly  reprefent 
themy  and  cannot  tell  a  word  wherein  that  Crime  is  found. 

§  3.  Naming  the  things  that  were  done  by  the  Council  at 
Constantinople ,  I  mention  both  the  fetting  up,  and  after  the  put-  ~ 
ting  down  of  Gregory  \  &  left  any  Caviller  fhould  carp  at  the  wqjrd 
[patting  down]  I  prefently  open  particularly  what  it  W3S  that 
they  did  toward  it  5  that  refolving  on  his  depofition,they  caufed 
him5though  unwilling.rather  to  give  it  up,thanftay  till  they  caft 
him  out.  This  great  Hiftorian  had  no  more  manlike  an  Excep- 
tion here,  than  to  fay,  rhat  againft  all  Hiftory,  and  againft  my 
own  Explication,  I  fay  that  [They  Depo/ed  him."]  I  faid  [They  put 
him  down]  in  the  manner,  and  as  far  as  I  explained. 

§  4.  While  he  here  himfelf  accufeth  the  Times  then  of 'Gene- 
ral Corruption,  and  the  Church  of  Divifions^  adding,  [What  Age 
hath  been  fo  happy  as  not  to  labour  under  thofe  Evils  f]  he  accufeth 
me  of  making  mifufe  of  Gregorys  words,  to  reprefent  the  Coun- 
cil in  an  odious  manner. 

Anfw.  Ic  is  'o  reprefent  the  worfer  part  in  a  lamentable  man- 
ner, as  far  as  Gregory  did,  and  no  further.  And  as  to  bis  quar- 
rel at  my  citation,  I  fhall  fay  no  more  5  but  if  the  Reader  will 
but  read  Gregory's  own  wor  i§  5  I  will  igly  leave  all  that  Caufe 
to  his  Judgmem  :  if  he  will  not,  my  words  cannot  inform  him. 
Yet  he  himfelf  faith  [He  doth  indeed  in  fever  at  places  find  fault 
with  this  Council]  And  can  you  forgive  him  ?  I  think  I  find  no 
more  than  he  diw  But  for  this  you  find  fault  with  him  [He  did 
refent  the  Injury  (AnJ  was  it  an  Injury?)  and  did  not  bear  the 
deprivation  of  his  Bijhoprick^  wtihjJte  fame  genero fit y  he  propofed, 
which  made  him  a  little  more  Jharp  than  was  decent  in  his  repre- 

T  fentation 

Cent  at  Ian  of  the  BiJhops—lVhat  wonder  if  [harp  ened  with  difcontent, 
he  exclaim  with  font  eve  hat  too  great  a  fafftori  against  the  admini- 
fir  at  ion  cfthe  Chstrch  which  he  had  been  forced   to  quit  ]  Anf    Ail 
will  beconfeft  anon^  when  I  have  been   accufed  for  faying  it  be- 
fore him  :  That's  his  way.  Bat  it  was  not  for  leaving  a  high  and 
fat  Bifhoprick  that  he  was  grieved,  but  for  being  feparated  from 
the  Peopfe  he  bad  partly  ferved  in  their   lower  ftate,  and 
partly  won  from  Herefie,   and  who  came  about  him  with  tears 
increasing  him  not  to  forfake  them.    And  though  it  were  more, 
than generojity  to  fet  light  by  the  Hononr  and  Wealth,  it  is  trea 
chery  to  fet  light  by  Souls  :  And  they  changed   to  their  great 
loft.    He  refigned  much  to  quiet  the.PeopIe  left  they  (hould  do 
as  they  did  for  Chryfojtom  after  him.    It  is  no  new  thing  for  the 
Major  vote  of  the  Gergy  to  Envy  thofe  few  that  are  better  and 
more  efteemed  than  themftl  ves,  nor  yet  for  the  Godly  People  to 
be  loth  to  leave  fuch  paflors. 

$  5.  He  faith  [//#  cenfure  of  Councils  that  he  knew  none  of  them 
that  have  any  happy  End ,  was  not  the  fault  of  the  expedient,  but  of 
the  men"]  Anf.  And  what  did  lever  fay  more.  Ic  is  his  cuftom 
when  he  hath  ftormed  at  me,  to  fay  in  Effedt  the  fame  that  he 
ftormed  at.  Some  Papifts  would  perfuade  men,  thatit  was  only 
Avian  Councils  that  he  meant,  but  moft  Protectants  that  Write 
^bout  Councils  againft  them,  do  cite  &  vindicate  thefe  words  of 
Gregory  :  And  the  impartial  Pa  pills  confefs  that  it  was  the  Coun- 
cils alfo  of  the  Catholicks  that  there  and  elfe  where  he  fpake  of. 
§  6.  In  the. Cafe  of  Meletius,  and  Panlinus,  two  Bifhops  in  a 
Cicy,and  the  Cafe  of Lucifer  CaUritanus  made  a  Heretick  for 
feparatingfromlapfed  Arians,  he  faith  over  the  fame  that  I  do$ 
that  good  men  cannot  rightly  underhand  one  another^  andfo  it  ever 
katdsbejn,  and  iiys  the  Effecl  of  humane  frailty  and  not  Epifcopacy. 
l3»*t|l.thislagree.  Buti.  If  humane  frailty  make  Bifhops  (well 
in  pride  and  ambition,  and  domineering,  it  hath  far  worft  Effects 
than  in  other  men :  ^.  And  Bifhops  are  bound  to  exccll  their 
flocks  in  Piety,   humility,  Selfdenyal,  peaceablenefs,  as  well  as 
in  knowledge.  If  thePhyficians  of  this  city  (hould  prove  unskil- 
ful, and   yet  confident  where  they  err  5  it  is  not  qu arena s  Phy- 
sicians that  they  are  fuch :  But  if  it  be  qui  Phyficians  that  are  fuch, 
they  may  kill  thoufands,  (while  the  fame  faults  in  all  their  neigh- 
bours may  kill  few  or  none.    If  your    Intereft  made  you  no: 
(mart  and  angry  without  caufe,  you  would  not  cavil  againft  fuch 
plain  truth.  §  7.  About 

§7.  About  the  Prifcillianifts  he  faith  [I  all  along  obferveto-s 
Rule,  to  be  very  favourable  to  all  Heretic kj  and  Schifmatickj  be 
they  never  [0  much  tn  \hJ.  wrongs  and  to  fall  on  the  Orthjdox  piny 
*nd  improve  every  mifej/nage  of  theirs  into  a  mighty  crimed] 

Anf.  If  all  along  this  accufation  be  falfe,  then  all  a  long  your 
Hiftory  ferveth  (uch  a  life.  But  in  France,  Spain,  Italy,  he  is  fa- 
vourable to  Hereticks  that  takes  not  the  orthodox  for  fuch,  or 
that  is  not  for  racking  and  burning  them.  And  in  England  he  is 
favourable  to  Schifrru ticks  that  taketh  not  the  greateft  lovers 
of  Piety  and  peace  for  fuch,andthe  Church  Tearers  for  Church- 
Healers  :  As  Mr.Dodwell  phrafeth  it,  tb*y  areSchifmaticks  that 
fuffer  themfelves  to  be  excommunicate  ( for  unfinful  things 
in  the  Bifhops  account,  and  heinous  fin  in  theirs  5  and  fo  that  are 
not  fo  ripe  in  Knowledge,  as  to  know  all  the  unfinful  things  to 
befuch  which  may  be  impofed. 

§  8.  What  would  this  enemy  of  railing  hare  had  me  faid 
more  than  I  did  of  the  Prifcillianifts  ?  viv.  that  they  were  Gno- 
flicks  and  AJanicbees?  Was  not  that  bad  Enough.  No,  I  favour 
themftill  ?  And  what  f&y  I   more  of  the  Bifhops  and  the  whole 
caufe,  than  Sulpitius Severn*  the  fulleft  and  molt  knowing  De- 
fcriber  faith  ?  Why  doth  he   not  accufe  him  for  the  fame  de- 
fcription  ?  Yea  and   their  Mr.  Ri.    Hooker  who  in  the  Preface 
to  his  Eccl.  Vol.  faith-  of  Ithacius  the  like  ?    Yea  Ba^oniushhm- 
felfconfenteth  ?  Where  I  fay  that  to  the  death  Martin  feparated 
from  the  fynuds  o<  thefe  Bifhops  (I  faid  not  from  all  Bifhops  in 
the  world)  he  faith,  he  renounced  only  the    Ccmmnnion  of  Itha- 
cius his  F*rty%andtbat  others  did  as  well  as  he.   Reader,  it  will  be 
thy  folly  to  take  either  his  word  or  mine,  what  an  Author  faith3 
when  we  differ,   without  looking  into  the  Book  it  felf.     Read 
Sulpitius  Severn*  $  I  will  tranferibe  fome  words.,  left  he  fay,  I 
miftranfiate  them. 

<c  Prifcilhanus,  familia  nobilis ,  pr&dives  opibus  acert  inquies, 
u  facundtU)  mult  a  leclione  truditw,  differ  endi  &  d  if  put  audi  prom- 
c< ptiffimus-  ■  -vigilare  multumjamem  &  fuirnjerrt  p  vrM  hu>enai 
u  minime CHpidus,  utendi  parciffimm  (Was  it  a  crime  to  fay  fo 
cc  much  good  ot  him.5)  But  proud  of  his  Learning,  fetup  a  He- 
"  refie,  and  two  Bifhops  Infiantius  and  Salvianus  ioyned  with 
u  him,  and  made  him  a  Bifhop— At  Cdfar  Augufla  one  Synod 
"  was  gatheted  ag&hrft  him.  The  Story  1  before  recited.  Next 
11  a  Synod  at  Burde^ux  tryeth  them.    Saith  Sulpitius  [is  Ac  we  a 

T   2  c'  quidem 


11  qtiidem  fententia  eft,  mihi  tarn  reos  quam  accufatores  difpLcere] 
tC  Certe  Ithacium  nihil  penfit  nihil  f anil  i  habuijfe  definio  :  fttit  enim 
r<  audaxt  loquax,  impudens3  fumptuofus,  ventri  &  guU  plurimum 
<c  impertiens.     Hie  ftultitia,  eo  ufque  procejferat  ut  omnes  etiam 
cc  fanclos  viros,  quibus  am  slrudium  erat  leftionis^  am  prop ofi turn 
"  erat  cert  are  jejuniis,  tanquam  Prifcilliani  focios  ant  difciptdos  in 
"  crimen  arcejfsret.  Auftts  etiam  mifer  eft  ea  tempeslate  Martino 
iC  Epifcopo—palam  objetlare    harefis    in f ami  am.      Imp  erat  or  per 
<c  Magnum  &  RufumEpifcopos  depravatus  d  mitionbus  confdiis  de- 
Qtflcxus-~-So  he  tells  how  many  were  put  to  death-— Caterum 
lf  Pnfci'iliano  occifo3_  nonmfolum  non   reprejfa  eft  h&refis—  fed  confir- 
cc  mat  a,  latins  propagata  eft :    Namque  fetlateres  ejus   qui  eum 
<c  prius  tit  fantlum  honor  aver  ant  ^  poftea  ut  Martyr  em  colere  empt- 
**  runt.  Ac  inter  noBros  perpstuum  difcordiarum  helium  exarferat, 
Cc  quod  jam   per   quindecim  annos  fcedis  differ.fionibus  agitatum, 
M  nullo  modo  fopiri  pot  erat.    Et  nunc  cum  maxime  difcordus  Epif- 
iQcoporum  turbari  am  mifceri  omnia  cetnerentur,  cuntlaque  per  eos 
"  odio  aut  gratia,  mttu,  inconftantia,  invidia,  fatlione,  libidine, 
<c  avaritia,  arrogantia,  fomno,  defidia,  ejfent  dtpravata  :  Voftremo 
€t  plures  adverfus  paucos  bene  confrtlentes,  infants  confiliis  &  perti- 
*c  nacibus  ftudiis  certarent  :  Inter  htc  Plebs  Dei,  &  Optimus  quif- 
Qi  que  probro  a^que  ludibrio  habebatur.~]  So  ends  Sulpitius  Hiftory, 
Do  you; not  fee,  Mr.  Morrice,  that  there  have  been  Prelates 
and  Puritanes/venEpifcopal  Puritanes  before  our  Times  fDoth 
not  your  ftomach  rife  againfr  £#//>;>/#  5  as  too  Puritanical  and 
fevere  ?  Is  not  my  Language  of  moft  of  the  Bifhops  fofc  in  com- 
parifon  of  his?  Yet  he  was  fo  early  as  to  live  in  that  which 
you  now  call  the  moft  flourifhing  Time  of  the  Church.     Sir,  I 
hate  Difcord,  and  love  Peace  $  but  I  never  look  that  the  En- 
mity between  the  Woman's  and  the  Serpent's  Seed,  or  Cain  and 
Abel^  mould  be  ended  $  or  that  the  holy  Title  of  Bifhops  and 
Priefts  mould  reconcile  ungodly  men  to  Saints.     Sir,  England 
knoweth,  that  though  fome  factious  perfons  have  done  other- 
wife,  the  main  Body  of   thofe  that  your  Law  doth  Silence, 
Ruine  and  Revile,  have  a  high  elteem  of  fuch  Bifhops  as  have 
been  ferioufly  godly  5  fuch  as  were  many  in  Antient  and  late 
Times  :  And  deride  itas  long  as  you  will,  the  ferioufly  religious 
People  in  England  are  they  that   are  moft  againft  Church-Ty- 
ranny, and  which  Party  moft  of  the  debauched  and  prophane 
are  of>  hathlongbeen  known. 

§  ?.  But 

§  9.  But  the  Reader  (hall  further  hear  how  little  you  are  to 
be  trufted.  Saith  Sul.  in  Vita,  A/an.  [_^pud  Nemaufwm  Epifco- 
porum  Synodus  habebatur  ad  quam  quidem  ire  neltierat—  -(There's 
another  Synod.) 

Et  pag.  584.  InAfon.  Pat.  [cC  Maximus  Imperator  alids  vir 
<c  bonus )  depravatm  covfiltis  Sacerdotum,  poft  Prifcilliam  necem 
Qt  Ithacium  EpifcopumPrifcilliani  accufit crem  cater ofjj  illim  focios^ 
"  quos  nominarenon  efi  necejfe  vi  regia  tuebatur.-~Congregati  apud 
"Trcvercs  Eptfcopi(ihere'$  another  Synodjtenebantur^qui  quotidie 
"  communic  antes  Ithacio  communem  fibi  caufam  fecerant :  His  ubi 
<c  nunciatum  efi  inopinantibus,  adzffe  Martinum^  totis  animis  la- 
tC  befatti,  muffitare  &  trepidare  CGepcrttnt.-~Nec  dubium  erat  quirt 
"  Sanciorum  etiam  maximam  turbam  tempeflas  ifla  depopulatura 
H  efjet.  Etenim  tunc  folis  oculis  dtfeernunt  inter  hominum  genera^ 
cc  cum  quis  Pallore  potius  am  Vefie}  quamfide^  h&reticus  <zjtimare- 
u  tur.  Hdc  nequaquam  placitura  Martino  Epifopi  faciebant. — 
"  Ineunt  cum  Jmperatore  Confilium  ut  m^ffts  obviam  Alagifiri  of- 
"  ficialibuS)  urbem  iftam  (Martinus*)  vetaretur  propim  accedere. 
(But  it  was  not  five  Miles  from  all  Cities  and  Corporations.)— 
u  Inter ea  Epifcopi  quorum  cemmunionem  Martinus  non  in  ibat  tre- 
fc  pidi  ad-  Regem  concurrunt,  per  damnatos  fe  conquer  entes  atlum 
"  effe  de  [ho  omnium  fiat u,  fi  Theognifii  pertinaciam^  qui  eos  SO- 
"LVSt  palam  lata  fententia  coudemnaverat,  Martini  artnaret  au- 
"  thoritas  :  Non  oportuijfe  hominem  capi  moenibus  illis  :  Non  jam 
<c  defensor  em  h&reticorum  efjey  fed  vindicem  (Methinks  I  read- Mr. 
Ct  Merrice)  Nihil  attummorte  PrijciUiam  ft  Martinus  exerceat 
c<  iUm  ultionem.  ( Thefe  men  have  done  nothing  till  they 
"  have  deftroy'd  all  that^  are  againft  their  Tyranny.)  Pofiremo 
"  pro  fir  at  i  cum  fietu  (they  could  weep  too)  &  lament at ione  Pa- 
"  teftatem  Regiam  implorant^  nt  utatur  adverfus  VNVM  homi- 
<c  nem  vi  fua :  Nee  multum  aberat  quin  cogeremr  Imperator  Mar- 
?*  tinum  cum  hareticorum  forte  mifcere.^But  the  Emperour  know- 
u  ing  his  eminent  Holinefs  and  Reputation,  tryeth  perfuafion  $ 
w  {&  blande  appellat,  h&reticos  jure  damnatos9  more  judiciorxm 
u  public  or  urn,  pot  ins  quam  in  fettationibus  Sacerdotum:  Non  eJJs 
"  caufam  qua  Ithacii  cater  or  umq-y  partis  ejus  communionemy  puta- 
"  ret  effe  damnandam^  Theogniftum  odiopotius  quam  caufa,  fecijfe 
"  diffidium  5  Eundemq-^  tamen  SOLVM  effe  qui  fe  d  communione 
"  interim  f  par avit  -,a  reliquis  nihil  novatum.^  You  fee  here  that 
"  M  M,  faith  truly3  that  Martin  feparated  but  from  the  Bifhops 


"■■oi  it toacttis  s  rarty:    inac  is,  ah  lave  one  l^eogmjtus  (and 
ec  lentil  is  elfewhere  named,  )  Is  not  here  a  great  accord  of  the 
Bifhops  ?  )    [tc  J^itietiam  paucos  ante  dies  habita  Sjnodus    (Sy- 
"  noGS  ftill)   Ithacium  pronunciaverat  culpa  non  tenerf]  no  won- 
"  der  :  Synods  have  juftified  the  forbidding  of  two  thoufand  to 
"  Preach  the  Gofpel.)    At  laft  when  no  other  Remedy  could 
"  fdv^  the  Lives  of  men  from  the  Leeches,  Martin  yielded  once 
w  to  communicate   with  the  Bifhops  on  condition  the  mens 
a  Lives  mould  be  faved  :     The  Bifhops  would  have   had  him 
"  Subftribe  this  Communion :  But  that  he  would  never  do.  £Po~ 
u  ft cradie  inde Je  prorij>iensycum  revertens  in  viam  mceftus  ingemifce- 
u  ret  5  fe  vel  ad  horam  noxia  communioni  ejfe  permixtum-fub- 
et  fediti   caufam  dolor  is  &  fatli  accufante  &  defendente  cogitations 
ct  pervolvens,  aft  it  it  ei  repent  Angelus  j    Merit  0  inquit  Marline 
f   compungeris,  fed  aliter  ex  ire  nequifti ;  Repara  virtutem  :  re  fume 
cc  Confiantiain  j   ne  jam  non  periculum  gloria,  fed  falutis  incur- 
"  reris.  Itaque  ab  illo  tempore  [at is   cavit,    cum  ilia  Ithaciana 
Q<  partis  communione  mifceri.     C&terum  cum  quofdam  ex  inergu- 
tc  menis^  tardius  quam  folebat^   &  gratia  minore  curabat,  fabinde 
<c  nobis  cum  lachrymis fatebatur,  fe  propter  communioni  s  illius  ma* 
(t  lum  cuife  vel puntlo  temporis  neccffitate,  nonfpintu  mifcuijfet,  de- 
'f  tnmentum  /entire  virtutis.     Sedecim  poftea  vixit  annos  :    Nul- 
**  lam  Synodum  adiit;  ab  omnibus  Convent  thus  fe  removit.']  Now 
Reader,  judge  how  great  Ithaciush  Party  was,  that  boafted  but 
one  or  two  men  were  sgainft  them  :  And  whether  Martin  fepa- 
rated  not  from  their  common  Synods. 

Methinks  I  fee  Mr.  M.  here  in  the  (trait  of  the  Pharifees, 
when  put  to  anfwer  whether  John's  Baptifm  was  from  Heaven, 
or  of  men.  Fain  he  would  make  Martin  and  Sulpitius  Puriranes 
and  Fanaticksi  but  the  Church  hath  made  a  Holy  day  for  Marm 
tin9  and  dedicated  multitudes  of  Temples  to  his  Honour;  and  all 
men  reverence  Sulpitius  and  him.  Yet  he  ventures  to  go  as  far 
as  he  durit/?.  142.  againft  them. 

§  10.  But  here  Mr.  M.  fmarteth,  and  faith  [This  Inftance 
could  become  none  worfe  than  Mr%  B.  who  in  a  Letter  to  Dr.  Hill 
confeffes  himfelf  to  have  been  a  Man  of  Blood— 2 

0An[w.  A  Man  of  Blood  is  your  Libertine  Phrafe.  If  yoa  would 
have  publifhed  that  fecret  Letter,  you  fhould  1.  Have  told  the 
whole,  and  worded  it  truly?  2.  And  have  profefted  your  felf  a 
derider  of  Repentance,  while  you  call  for  it.     I  lived  in  an  Age 



of  War,  and  I  was  on  the  Parliaments  fide,  and  that  was  enough 
to  prove  that  I  had  a  hand  in  blood  while  I  was  on  one  tide, 
though  I  never  drew  blood  of  any  man  my  fell  (fave  once  a 
Bov  at  School  with  boxing.) 

But  he  thinks  I  (hould  have  imitated  Martin  in  renouncing 
Communion  with  men  of  blood. 

Anfw.  Martin  renounced  Communion  wirh  thofe  that  were 
for  deftroying  even  downright  Hereticks.  Alas  Sir,  I  dare  not 
renounce  Communion  with  thefe  that  Silence  thoufands  of 
faithful  Minifters,  and  continue  ftill  to  Plead,  Preach,  and  Write 
for  their  Profecution  by  fmprifbnment  and  Ruine.  I  hope  many 
do  it  in  Ignorance,  and  if  I  do  ir,  it  may  increafe  the  diftance 
that  I  would  heal.    Nonconformists  are  no  Prifcillianifts. 

And  if  I  renounce  Communion  with  all  that  were  in  Wars,  it 
rouft  be  with  fome  prefent  Bifbops,  and  a  great  part  of  the 

But  I  underftand  you  5  it  mult,  be  with  all  that  were  in  Arms 
for  the  Parliament,^.  Anfw.  The  King  then  will  condemn 
me  by  his  Aft  of  Oblivion,  and  by  his  own  practice  :  Hath  he 
not  one  of  them  for  the  Lord  Prefident  of  his  Council  ?  znd  ma- 
ny more  in  Truft  and  Honour  ?  Did  he  renounce  Communion 
with  General  Mankind  his  whole  Army,  who  were  long  in 
Arms  for  the  Parliament?  Or  with  the  Citizens,  and  multitudes 
of  Commanders  through  the  Land,  who  drew  in,  &  encouraged 
General  Monk?  Or  the  Minifters  that  perfuadedSir  Tho>  Allen, 
Lord  Mayor,  to  draw  him  in  .? 

To  be  plain  with  you  Sir  ^though  you  call  It  Railing)  Men  of  . 
your  Faculty  kindled  the  Fire,  and  fet  the  Nation  together  by 
the  Ears,  and  when  fad  experience  broifghtTheTn  to  repentance 
and  to  defire  unity  and  peace,  and  thofe  that  had  fought  for  the 
Parliament  had  reftored  the  King,  this  evil  Spirit,  envveth  the 
Kingdom  the  benefit  of  this  concord,  and  would  fain  bre.ik  us 
again  into  contending  Parties,  and  will  not  let  King  and  Kingdom 
have  peace,  while  God  giveth  us  peace  from  all  foreign  enemies. 
Do  we  need  any  other  notice  what  a  Contentious  C!ergy  have 
ftill  been,  than  the  woful  experience  of  what  they  are.  If  you 
would  have  had  G.  Monk,  and  his  Army,  and  all  fuch  that  joyned 
with  him  deftroyed  or  excommunicate  for  what  they  had  done., 
why  did  you  notfpeak  out  at  firft,  but  when  we  would  all  fain  ' 
have  peace  and  concord  thus  twenty  years  after  caft  your  Wild- 


fire  you  warn  the  Prefent  Duke  of 'Albemarle  to  expett  to  be  ac 
laft  called  to  account  for  his  original  fin. 

§  11.  But  his  paflion  makes  him  fay  he  knows  not  what,  P. 
i4x  ["  I  need  not  call  Mr.  B.  to  rcmemberance  who  compared 
Cf  Cromwel  to  Davidznd  his  Son  to  Solomon  5  But  this  has  tran- 
<c  (ported  me  a  little  too  far.] 

-An[,  He  faith  this  plainly  of  me  afterward,  to  fhew[the  cre- 
dibility of  his  Hiftory  ?  Did  he  know  it  to  be  falfe  ?  If  fo\  there's 
no  difputingwith  him.  If  not,  why  did  he  not  cite  my  words. 
Yea  he  after  tranferibes  the  Epiftle  meant.,  where  he  faw  there 
were  no  fuch  words :  But  others  had  told  that  tale  before  him, 
and  that  was  Enough.  Even  as  one  of  his  tribe  hath  written  that 
I  have  written  in  my  Holy  Common- wealth ,  that  any  one  Veer 
may  judge  the  King,  Ifthefe  Epifcopal  Hiftorians  tell  foreigners 
that  we  have  all  Cloven  Feet  and  Horns,and  go  on  four  Jegs3yea 
and  iffome  fwearir,  we  have  no  remedy:  They  can  prove  our 
notes  horns,  and  our  hands  Feet. 

I  again  tell  them,  If  Martins  Angel  and  Miracles  be  credible, 
woe  to  thofe  Prelatifts  that  are  for  ruining  violence.,  and  filences 
againft  men  better  than  the  Gno flicks.  If  they  be  not  tfue,let  them 
not  truft.too  much  to  the  beft  Hiftorians. 

§  12.  Of  the  Council  at  Capua  I  faid  that  they  decreed  that 
the  two  Biftiops  and  their  People  Jhould  live  in  loving  Com- 
munion, Mr.  M.  finds  me  miftaken  here.  The  words  in  Bmnim 
are  [Vt  tarn  Flaviani  quam  Evagrii  fatitor es  in  Communionem 
Catholic  am  admittantur,  modo  Catholic*  fidei  aj] en  ores  tnvenian- 
tm~\  I  thought  Catholick  Communion  had  been  Loving  Commu- 
nion: And  I  thought  if  their  fautors  were  to  be  received,  fo 
were  they  :  And  I  thought  Antioch  had  been  a  part  of  the  Ca- 
tholick Church,  and  Catholick  Communion  had  extended  to  An- 
tioch', But  if  Mr.  M.  deny  thefe,  I  will  not  contend  with  him. 

§  13.  He  tells  us,  that  \No  man  with  his  Eyes  open  ever  faw 
the  Condemnation  o/Bonofus  by  the  Council  of  Capua]  (for  deny- 
ing the  Virgin  M^r/s  perpetual  Virginity. 

Anfiv.  It  is  Criticifm  and  not  Hiltory  that  the  is  beft  at. 
They  did  it  mediately, while  they  referred  it  to  them  that  did 
it.  Siith  hmnipis  £"  Can[a  Bonofi  cujufdam  in  h/iae'der^a  Epifco- 
"  pi  htcretici^  mgantis  delibatam  De*  gtnitricti  Maria  Virginita- 
u  tem^  pofi  partum  in  judicium  dedutla  efi.  Synodus  cognitionem 
Cf  cauja  Any  fin  Thejfalonienfi  cum  Epijcopis  ipft  fubjetlts  delegavit: 


"  Ab  Anjfio  Bonofum  damnatum,  iorumcjue  quos  ordinajfet  comma - 
tC  nione  privatum  ejfe  teftatur  Innoc.  P.  And  he  knows  h's  a  He  - 
rede  now.  Yec  this  Council  condemned  Reordinations. 

§  14.  That  fovinian  a  Monk  was  called  a  Heretick,  for  Do- 
ctrines judged  (bund  by  Proteftants,  is  no  ftrange  thing.  Thar 
one  not  a  Bifhop  was  the  Head  of  a  Herefie,  was  fomewhat 
ftrange  then,  but  not  before  they  got  too  high . 

As  to  the  Q^eftion,  Whether  Bifhops  were  the  Chief  Heads 
and  Fomenters  of  Herefie,  I  crave  his  impartial  Anfwer  to  thefe 
Queftions.  1.  Do  not  your  felves  maintain  that  all  Churches 
in  the  world  had  Bifhops  j  and  that  the  Bifhops  were  the  Ru- 
lers, and  of  Chief  Power  f  Kfo,  can  you  imagine  that  after  they 
had  fuch  Power,  Churches  could  be  ufuaiiy  made  Hereticks 
wichout  them  ? 

4>.  2.  Do  not  Councils,  and  all  Church-Hiftory  tell  us  how 
many  Councils  of  Hereticks  there  have  been  that  were  Bifhops  ? 

J^  3.  If  any  Presbyter  broke  from  his  Bifhop  to  lee  up  a 
Herelie,  was  it  not  one  that  foughr  to  be  a  Bifhop?  Or  did  they 
not  make  prefently  him  or  fome  other  their  Bifhop  and  Head  f 
Herefie  or  Popery  had  made  but  fmall  progrefs/had  it  not  been 
for  Bifhops. 

§  15.  When  I  commend  the  Novations  Canon,  which  al- 
lowed all  men  Liberty  for  the  Time  of  Eafter,  as  better  than 
burning  men  as  Hereticks,he  takes  it  fox  an  Immoderate  Tranfpon 
that  I  fay  \j'as  loud  as  I  can  [peak*  If  all  the  Proud,  Ambitious, 
tC  Herniating  part  of  the  Bi/kops  had  bsen  of  this  mind,  O  what 
"fitly  what  fcatrdal,  and  what  foam z ,  whit  cruelties,  confufions  and 
Ct  miferies  bad  the  Chrifiian  world  efcapid?]  That  is,  had  they  letc 
fuch  Indifferent  things  as  Inditferent. 

And  is  this againft  Moderation  ?  I  would  fuch  Zeal  of  God's 
Houfe  had  more  eaten  me  up  :  Dare  you  deny  but  that  this 
courfe  would  have  faved  the  Lives  of  all  thofe  thoufands  oiAl- 
bigenfes,  Waldenfes,  and  Bohemians  that  the  Papifts  killed  :  And 
the  death  and  torment  of  multitudes  by  the  Inquiikion  ?  And 
the  burning  of  our  Smithfield  Martyrs  :  And  it's  like  moft  of  the 
Wars  between  the  Old  Popes  and  Emperours  about  Inveftitures  ? 
And  the  blood  of  many  thoufandmore.  And  it  would  have  fa- 
ved more  Nations  than  ours  from  the  Tearing  and  Diviiion  of 
Churches  by  the  Eje&ing  and  Silencing  of  hundreds  or  thoufands 
of  their  Paftors,  as  the  cafe  of  the  Germans  Interim,  and  other 

V  fuch 

«nch  actions  prove.  And  is  it  immoderate  iranjport  to  witn  all 
this  Blood,  Schifm,  Hatred  and  Coiiuiion,  and  weakning  and 
(haming  of  the  Church  had  been  prevented  at  the  rate  of  ToU- 
rating  Indifferent  things:  No  wonder  if  you  had  rather  Eng- 
land [\\\\  furfered  what  it  doth,  and  is  in  danger  of  by  Schifm, 
than  fach  things  Indifferent  (hall  be  tolerated  :  It  is  not  for  no- 
thing that  Chriftand  Paul  repeat,  that  fome  have  Eyes  and  fee 
lot ,  Ears  and  hear  not,  &C. 

§  1 6.  And  here  he  again  would  make  his  Reader  think  it's 
true,  that  the  Nonconforming  pretend  that  their  Silencing  is 
for  not  keeping  E  after  Day  at  the  due  Time  ;  as  if  this  man  that 
liveth  among  us  did  not  know,that  i*  is  the  avoiding  of  deliberate 
Lying  by  fubfcrtbing  to  a  known  untruth,  which  is  the  thing  that 
theyrefufe;  and  they  mention  it  only  as  an  appurtenance  of 
the  Impofition  ad  homines,  that  it  would  bind  them  to  two  dif- 
ferent times. 

Whether,  as  he  faitb,  our  difeafe  be  a  wantonmfs  fed  by  con- 
cejfion,  and  we  are  moft  violent  when  we  know  not  what  we  would 
kjive,  thofe  men  are  no  credible  Judges  that  for  feventeen  years 
would  not  endure  us  to  fpeak  out  our  Cafe  ;  and  when  before 
we  debated  part  of  ir,wou!d  not  vouchfafe  to  anfwer  us  jand  at 
hft  when  we  tell  it  them, do  butaccufe  us  with  a  (harper  ftorm, 
inftead  of  giving  any  thing  that  a  man  can  cdll  an  Anfwer  that 
ever  knew  the  Cafe,  e.g;  to  our  Pleas  for  Peace,  and  my  Trea- 
t  ife  of  Epifcopacy. 

§  17.  He  cdnfefTeth  that  I  praile  the  African  Bithops  as  the 
belt  in  the  world,  though  it  contradict  his  former  charge.  As  to 
the  Magnitude  of  Diocefles,  when  he  hath  anfwered  my  Treat, 
of  Epifcopacy,  fome  body  may  be  edified  by  him. 

I  agree  with  him  that  Good  men  will  do  much  Good  in  a  great 
Diocefs.  But  1.  Worldly  Bifhops  are;fo  far  bad  :  And  worldly 
Wealth  and  Honour  will  ever  be  moft:  fought  by  the  moft 
worldly  men  :  And  ufually  he  thatfeeks  (hall  find- -Ergo —And 
2,  A  good  mm  cannot  do  Impoflibilities :  The  belt  cannot  do 
the  work  of  many  hundred. 

Forty  two  years  ago  fome  wifht  for  theReftoring  of  Confef- 

Theophilus  Parochialis  brings  copious  Reafons  and  Orders  of 
Princes,  Popes  and  Prelates,  that  all  fhould  confefstothe  Parifh- 
Prieft.  If  you  had  fet  this  up  here,  how  many  men  inuft  have 



gone  to  it  in  the  Parifhes  of  St.  Martin,  Giles  Cripplegate,  Step- 
ney3  &c  ?  But  how  much  greater  work  hath  Dr.  Hammond,  and 
Old  Councils,  cut  out  for  him  that  will  be  the  fole  Bifhop  of 
many  hundred  Pariihes  ?  I  have  named  it  eliewhere. 

And,  if  any  man  of  confideration  think  I  have  not  proved 
againft  Mr.  Dodwell,  that  Bifhops  Government  is  not  like  a 
King's,  who  may  make  what  Officers  under  him  he  pleafe,  but 
depends'more  as  a  Phyfician's  or  School-matter's  onPerfonal  Abi- 
lity^ I  will  now  add  but  this  Queftion  to  him  [Why  is  it  that 
Monarchy  may  be  hereditary \  and  a  Child  or  Infant  may  be  King] 
but  an  Infant  may  not  be  Bifhops  nor  any  one  not  qualified  with  Ef- 
fential  Ability?  I  have  at  large  told  you  how  ftiarply  Baromus 
and  Binnim  condemn  that  odious  Nullity  of  making  a  Child  (by 
his  Father's  Power)  A. 'Bifhop  of  Rhcmes. 

If  I  heard  twenty  men  fay  and  fwear  that  one  man  is  fufficient 
to  be  the  only  Matter  of  many  hundred  Schools,  or  Phyficiart 
to  many  hundred  Hofpitai^or  that  one  Carpenter  or  Mafon  may 
alone  build  and  rear  all  the  Houfes  in  the  City  after  the  Fire,  cr 
one  man  be  the  fole  Matter  of  an  hundred  thoufand  Families  5 
what  can  I  fay  to  hirrr,  but  that  he  never  tryed  or  knows  the 
work  ? 

§  18.  When  I  note  that  the  Donattfts  took  themfelves  for 
the  Catholicks,    and  the  Adverfaries    for  «Schifinaticks,    be- 
caufe  they  were  the  greater  number,  he  very  honeftly  faith  ■ 
that  Multitude  may  render  a  Sett  formidable,  tut  it's  no  Argu- 
ment of  Right. 

Very  true  -,  nor  Secular  Power  neither.  But  what  better  Ar- 
gument have  the  Papitts3  and  many  others  that  talk  againft 

§   19.  He  thinks   the  Donatifls  Bijhops   Churches  were  not  fo 

[mall  as  our  Partjhes.     Anfw.    Not  as  forne  :    Bur  if,  as   I  faid 

before,   Confiantinople  in  the  height  of  all   itVGIory  in  Chryfo- 

fiomh  daies3  had  but  icoooo  Chriftians,  as  many  as  three  Lon- 

^<7«- Parifhes  have,  judge  then  what  the  Donatifis  had. 

§  20.  His  double  quarrel  with  Bmnim  and  Barcnius,  let  who 
will  mind.  What  I  gathered  out  of  thofe  and  other  Canons  of 
the  fmalnefs  of  Churches  then,  I  have"  elfewhere  made  good.- 
His  Reviling  Accufations  o{  Envy  to  their  Wealth,  deferveth  no 

§  1 1.   He  comes  to  St.  Th:cpbilus$  Cafe,  of  which  we  fpake 

V  z  before. 

1*4*  J 

^re.  The  Monks  that  reported  e\ril  of  bim,  were^  it  may  bet 
faith  he.,  downright  Knaves,  The  Reviling  is  blamelefs  when  ap- 
plied to  fuch.  Doubilefs  they  were  ignorant  raft  Zealots:  But 
one  that  reads  what  the  Egyptian  Monks  were  in  Anthonys 
uaies,  and  after,  and  what  Miracles  and  Holinefs,  Sulpitius  Seve- 
rn* reporteth  of  thern^  and  why  Bafil  retired  into  his  Monaftery, 
&c.  may  conjecture  that  they  had  much  lefs  worldlincfs  than 
the  Bi(fiops,an:J  not  greater  fault?. 

§  22.  I  think  it  not  defirable  or  pleafant  work  to  vindicate 
the  credit  of  Socrates  and  Socmen  accufing  Theophilus  :  But  if 
his  Conjectures  in  this  cafe  may  ferve  againft  exprefs  Hiftory 
of  fuch  men,  and  fo  near,  let  him  leave  other  Hiftories  as  Joofe 
to  our  Conjecture?.  Poftbum/anus  Narrative  in  Sulpitiw,  is  but 
of  one  piece  of  theTragedy.He  thinks  it-improbable  that  Origen 
fhould  be  accufed  for  making  God  Incorporeal -,  and  fuch  Con- 
jectures are  his  Confutation  of  Hiftory :  But  Ongen  had  two 
fort  of  Accufers  -,  theBi(hops5fuchas  Theophilm  and  Epipkanius 
had  worfe  charges  againft  him :  But  the  Anthropomorphtte  Monks 
were  they  that  brought  that  Charge  againft  him  (that  God  had 
no  face,  hands,  eyes.)  And  Theophihu  before  them  cryed  down 
Origen  in  general,  to  fave  his  life,  by  deceiving  them,  that  they 
nvght  think  he  did  it  on  the  fame  account  as  they  did.  This  is 
Socrates  his  Report  of  the  Cife. 

He  faith, that  the  Impudent  Mutinous  Monks  were  not  afcamed 
to  tell  all  the  world,  that  all  were  againfl  them  were  Anthropo* 

An[w\  It  was  other  Monks  that  I  here  talk  not  of,  that  he 
means  :  It  was  thefe  Monks  that  were  Anthropomorphites  them- 
it  Ives,  and  would  have  killed  Theophihu  for  not  being  fb3  till  he 
faid  to  them,  Methinkj  I  fee  your  faces  as  the  Face  of  God  :  And 
the  name  of  the  Face  of  God  did  quiet  them.  Hienm  was  a 
Party  againft  Chrjftfiom  ;  it  was  for  not  palling  that  Sentence 
on  Origen,  that  Epiphamus  would  by  mafterly  Ufurpation  have 
Impcfed  on  him,  that  Chryfoftom  was  by  him  accufed. 

§  23.  Could  any  Sobriety  excufe  that  man  Epiphanlu.^  that 
would  come  to  the  Imperial  City,  and  there  purpoftly  intrude 
into  the  Cathedral  of  one  of  the  beft  Bifhcps  in  the  world,  for 
Parts  and  Piety  5  and  there  play  the  Bifhop  over  an  A.  Bifliop 
in  his  own  Church,  and  feek  to  fet  all  the  Auditory  in  a  flame 
at  the  time  of  Publick  Worihip,  and  require  him  to  fay  that  of 


Orlgen,  which  he  there  without  any  Authority  impofed  on  biirji 
I  know  not  what  is  Pride,  Ufurpation,  Turbulency,  if  not  Malig- 
nity, if  this  be  not. 

But  at  laft  he  faith,  ['5  /  do  net  intend  to  excufo  Theophilus  in 
"  this  particular  :  (Thank,  Pope  Innocent)  He  did  certain!/  pro  - 
Cc fecute  his  Rrfentment  too  far  :  But  he  was  not  the  only  mm  : 
"  Epiphanius,  a  per  Con  of  great  Holinefs  j  Hierom,  aid  fever  al 
<:  oth.r  pj'rfons  renowned  for  their  Piety  ^  wen  concerned  in  the-per- 
cl  Jecution  of  this  Great  man,  as  well  as  he  :  And  to  fay  the  truth, 
c>  this  J*  tksit  weaknefs  ;  for  that  Severity  which  gives  men  gene- 
a  rally  a  Reparation  of  Holinefs,  though  it  mortife  fame  irregular 
"  heats,  yet  is  apt  to  difpofe  men  to  p?evijl:nefsf\ 

But  true  Holinefs  ever  fincerely  iovcth  holy  men,  and  fpeciaf- 
ly  fuch  as  are  publick  Bleffings  to  the  Church  i  And  though  [ 
cenfure  not  their  main  State,  your  Holy  Perfccutors  of  the  brfc 
of  ChrinVs  Servants,  will  never  by  Chrift  be  judged  fmalJ  Offen- 

Alas  !  it's  too  true  that  Theophilus  was  not  alone  :  A  Coun- 
cil ofBiihops  were  the  Perfccutors.  And  it's  hard  to  think  thar 
they  loved  Chryfoftom  as  chemfelve?.  When  the  forememioned 
Council  at  Conft amino  pie  had  turned  out  Naz.ianz.en^  even  the 
great  magnifiers  of  General  Council*,  Baromm and  Bmnius, thus 
reproach  them,  that  they  drove  away  a  holy  excellent  man,  that 
a  man  was  fet  up  in  his  fie ad  that  was  no  Cbnftian;  that  it  was 
thi  Epifcopi  Nundinarii  that  did  it,  the  Oriental  Bi/h<.ps  firft 
leaving  them,  aid  going  away  with  Gregory.  And  if -he  Ai*yor 
Vote  of  that  General  Council  were  Ep-fcopi  Nundinarii,  what: 
Chyfsljm's  Perfccutors  were  may  be  conic  <fba  red.  Do  not  thefe 
Papiits  here  fay  worfe  of  them  than  I  do  ? 

§  24.  Yet  though  he  confets  as  much  as  is  aforefaid,  and 
bring  but  his  Conjectures  mixt  with  palpable  omiflions  againft 
the  exprefs  words  of  Socrates  and  Socmen,  he  hath  the  face  to- 
make  up  his  failing  with  this  Calumny  [Ct  /  have  dwelt  (0  long  en 
"  this,  nut  only  to  vind  cats  Theophilus,  iut  to  /hew  once  for  ail  the- 
"manner  of  our  Authors  dealing  with  his  Reader  in  his  Church- 
H  Hiflory.  Any  fcandalom  Story,  though  it  be  asfalfe  and  imprz- 
"  bable  as  any  in  the  Asni  Mirabiles,  or  Whites  Cenruries  of  Scan- 
"  daloits  A.fmifiers,  any  Fid  ion  that  refletfs  with  difgracc  on 
Ci  Bijhops  and  Councils  is  fit  down  fqr  apttbwtic^  no  matter  wh> 
;;  dslivtri  it,  friend  or  fee. 2 



Cc  therefore  there  is  no  great  credit  to  be  given  them  in  thefe 
C(  Relations,  as  manifeftly  efpoufing  the  Caufe  and  Quarrel  of 
u  the  Novatians.~\ 

str.fw.  i.  Juft  as  Thuanpu  or  Erafmus  cfpoufed  the  Caufe  of 
the  Proteftants  by  Truth  and  Peace,  when  others  hated  and  be- 
lied them.  2.  Methinks  the  man  revileth  me  very  gently  in 
companion  of  Socrates  and  $oz,omen3xhe  two  mod  impartial  and 
credible  of  all  our  Antient  Church- Hiftorians  (  with  Tbeo- 
dorot.)  But  who  can  wonder  that  he  imitateth  that  which  he 

§  4.  But  he  faith,  [It  may  be  the  Novatians  deferred  it--*  and 
its  not  unlikely  that  they  were  very  trouble  Com  and  [edit ious.~] 

Anfw.  W$  not  uh likely  now  that  others  will  fay  it  was  fo.  But 
mark  Reader  which  of  thefe  Hiftorians  is  mod  credible  [Socra- 
tes and  Sozomen  lived  with  thofe  that  knew  the  things  and  per- 
sons :  They  have  told  us  Truth  in  the  reft  of  their  Hiftories :  If 
they  had  been  Novatians.Mx.M.  faith,   They  believed  finning 
after  Baptifm  had  no  pardon  or  abfolution  :    And  were  they  not 
like  then  to  (ear  fuch  Lying  and  falfe  Accufing  a?  paints  a  Saint 
like  the  Devi]  or  Anrichrift.]  On  the  other  fide  [Mr./*/.  liveth 
above  a  thoufand  years  after  them  ;  He  is  one  of  the  Party  that 
take  it  to  be  not  only  lawful,  but  a  duty  to  fay  and  fwear  all 
that  is  impofed  now,which  I  will  not  here  defcribe  :How  truly 
he  writes  theHiftory  of  his  own  Age,  even  of  Parliament  and 
Wars,  and  living  perfons,  I  have  told  you.     He  faith  no  more 
againft  the  Hiftorians  credit  here,  but  [it  may  be~]  and  [it's  not 
wlikely]  and  [thy  were  Novatians,  SchHina  ticks,  Alexandrians.] 
Even  fo  theirCountermine^and^manyConformiftSjthat  lave  many 
years  reported  us  to   be  Rajfing  a  War  againft  the  King,  bad 
their  [May-be'i]  and  [Its  not  unlikely']  and  [they  are  Scbifma- 
tickj'j  to  prove  it :    And  others  foon  role  up  and  fwore  it.    And 
when  fome  lament  their  Perjury,  it  flops  not  the  reft.  But  fome 
have  fuch  Free-will,  that  they  can  believe  whom  they  lift. 

§  5".  Socrates,  faith  he,  makes  it  part  of  his  charge  that  he 
took  on  him  the  Government  of  temporal  Affairs.  This  was  not  the 
ZJ fur  pat  ion  of  the  Bijtcop,  but  the  Indulgence  of  the  Emperour:  And 
he  flievvs  the  Churches  need  of  it. 

jinfw.  That  which  he  is  charged  with  is,  that  he  -was  the 
fir  ft  Ihjivp  that  him fe  If  u fed  the  Sword.      And     I.   Do  you    think 

i-hit  io  great  a  Patriarchate  &  Diocefs  would  not  find  a  confeio- 



nable  Paftor  work  enough,  without  joyning  with  it  the  Magi- 
ftrates  Office?  2.  Was  not  the  Church  greatly  changed  even 
fo  early  from  what  it  was  a  little  before  in  the  daies  of  Martin 
and  Snlfitim^  when  even  Ithaciu*  durft  not  own  being  fo  much 
as  a  feeker  to  the  Magiftrate  to  draw  the  Sword  againft  grofs 
Hereticks  j  and  the  belt  Bifhops  denied  Communion  with  them 
that  fought  it :  And  now  a  Biftiop  himfelf  becomes  the  ftriker 
not  of  grofs  Hereticks,  but  fuch  as  peaceable  Bifhops  bore 

I  remember  not  to  have  read  that  Cyril  had  any  CommifTion 
for  the  Sword  from  the  Emperour :  Others  then  had  not :  But 
I  deny  it  not. 

§  6.  He  faith,  that  elfewhere  I  fay  [Ifhallnot  dijhonour  fhcht 
nor  difobey  thim!\  Anfa.  I  fay  and  do  fo  :  If  a  Bifhop  will  take 
another  Calling  from  the  King's  Grant,  when  he  hath  underta- 
ken already  40  times  more  work  as  a  Diocefan  than  he  can  do, 
He  honour  and  obey  him  as  a  Magiftrate  :  But  I  would  be  loth 
to  ftand  before  God  under  the  guilt  of  his  undertaking  and 

§  7.  As  to  all  the  reft  of  the  Hiftory  about  fjril's  Execu- 
tions, and  the  wounding  of  Ortftes  the  Governour,  I  leave  ic 
between  the  Credit  of  Mr.  M.  and  Socrates. :  And  he  very  much 
fufpetls  the  Story  of  Cyril  V  making  a  Martyr  of  him  that  was  exe- 
cuted for  it :  I  leave  all  to  the  Reader's  Judgment.  I  think  I  may 
tranferibe  Socrates  without  flandering  Cyril. 

Here  his  fpleen  rifing,  faith  [There  are  men  in  the  world  that 
honour  fuch  as  Martyrs  for  murdering  a  King."] 

-Anfxv.  You  may  fmell  what  he  infinuates  :  I  think  he  witt 
not  fay,  that  he  ever  did  more  againft  them  than  thofe  that  they 
call  Presbyterians  have  done.  We  Wrote  and  Preacht  againft 
them  when  he  did  not.  I  know  not  the  Presbyterian  living  to 
my  remembrance,  that  was  not  againft  the  Murder  of  the  King  , 
and  Prin,  whom  the  Bifhops  had  cropt  and  itigmatized  for  be- 
ing againft  them,  as  an  Eraftian,  was  the  hotrelt  in  the  Par- 
liament, for  the  Execution  of  the  King's  Judges :  But  I  knew  di- 
vers Conformifts  that  have  written  or  fpoken  to  juftifie  or  ex- 
cufe  that  Fa<5t. 

§  8.  As  for  the  Murder  of Hypatiayl\twt  him  to  bis  fcuffle 
with  Socrates  and  Damafciusjn  which  I  interefsnot  my  felf. 
§  9.  I  thank  Pope  Innsctnt  Mr,  M.  durft  not  deny  CyrU\ 

X  faulty 

faults,  in  his  hnmity  to  tne  memory  oi  wryjoiron*  $  ami  yet  ne 
calls  my  reciting  the  matter  of  Fac*t  a  reproach.  He  i3  conftrain- 
f  d  to  confefs  [Cc  That  the  Quarrel  was  it  feems  hereditary  to  hint 
u  (fo  is  Original  Sin)  and  he  didprofecme  it  beyond  all  equity  or 
u  decency  anainft  the  memory  of  a  dead  man  :  This  was  a  faulted 
*  and  he  that  is  without  any,  or  without  any  particular  animofttyy 
tC  fpscially  if  he  be  in  any  eminent  place,  Let  him  caft  the  fir  ft  ftone.~\ 

Anfw.  Thanks  to  Confcience  :  We  feel  your  Animofities:  But 
is  not  this  man  a  Railing  Accufer  of  Cyril,  if  I  am  fuch  ?    What 
faith  he  lefs  in  the  main  ?  Yea  he  now  renews  his  Accufation  of 
his  Predecelfor,  faying,  It  was  hereditary.    To  profecute  malice 
againft  the  very  name  of  a  holy  extraordinary  Bifhop,  beyond 
all  equity  and  decency— what  will  Chriftianity  or  Humanity  call 
it  ?  But  Faction  faith,/*  was  a  f suit, and  he  that  is  without  anjjkc. 
Thus  talkt  Eli  to  his  Sons:    So  one  may  fay,  To  Silence  2oco 
Minifters,  or  to  hate  the  belt  men,   and  feek  their  ruine,   is  a 
fault,  aPrelatica!  peccadillo;  and  (b  was  Bonner's  ufage  of  the 
Martyrs  5  and  let  him  that  is  without  any  caft  the  firft  (tone. 
And  Sr.  John  faith,  He  that  hateth  his   Brother  is  a  murderer,  and. 
none  fuch  hath  Eternal  Life  abiding  in  him;  and  that  as  Cain,  he 
is  of  the  Evil  One,  the  Devil.     And  I  believe  him. 

§  10.  But  he  faith,  /  irjxrioufly  charge  h:m  with  calling  Alex^ 
ander  a  boldfaced  man^  when  Atticus  was  the  fir  ft  Author  of  that- 

Avfw.  Atticni  mentioned  Akxandcr^'c.orfidtnxjrue  and  ne- 
ceffary  Counfelj  Cyril  contradicting  ir,  calls  the  man,  A  man 
of  a  confident  face  or  mouth.  If  another  Bifhop  fa  id  the  firft  words- 
before  him,  do  I  wrong  him  %  faying  he  faid  tht  fi>coxd?  O 
tender  men!  His  urging*;the  keeping  up  the  names  of  fuch  as 
NcchariHs  and  Arfacius;  and  calling  out  Ch ryf-ftcmw,  is  lb  like 
our  Canons  about  Readers  and  Nonconform^?,  and  our  Cano- 
neers  defcriptions  of  their  Gauntry  Parfon?,  and  the  Furitanes, . 
that  i  wonder  not  that  you  defend  him, 

§  1 1.  But  he  faith,  that  lis  a  little  ur.chrtftian  to.  blaft  his 
memory  with  the  faults  which  he  corretled  in  his  life-time.'] 

Anfw.  1.  It's  neceflary  to  tell  that  truth  which  blafteth  the 
Reputation  of  fuch  fin  as  was  growing  up  towards  Papacy. 
^«/. 2. Then  Chrift  was  unchriftian  to  tell  the  Jews  of  their  very 
fathers  murders  of  the  Prophets,  while  they  difclaimed  ir,  and 
built  their  Sepulchres,  Mat.  23.  And  then  it  was  unchriftian  in 



tbe  Holy  Ghoft,  to  blaft  the  memory  of  Adam%  Noe,  Lot.David 
Solomon,  Peter,  yea  or  Manaffeh,  with  fins  repented  of.  3.Hiftory 
muft  fpeak  truth  about  things  repented  of$  or  elfe  it  will  but 
deceive  the  world.  4.  The  Honour  of  God,  andGoodnefs,  and 
Truth,  muft  be  preferred  before  our  own  Honour.  Repentance, 
if  true,  will  moft  freely  confefs  a  mans  own  fin,  and  moft  fully 

§  12.  Whether  all  his  far-fetch t  Conjectures  that  Cyril  re- 
pented, be  true  or  no,  is  nothing  to  me.  I  will  hope  he  did, 
though  I  nerer  faw  it  proved  :  The  very  laft  Sentence  of  Death 
might  do  it.  His  retortion  is,  [/  know  no  man  deeper  engaged 
in  the  Contentions  of  the  Church  (than  I)  The  writing  of  his  Eighty 
Bookj  Being  but  lik-  fo  many  pitcht  Battels  he  has  fovgbt,  and  mop 
commonly  in  the  dayk^t  when  he  was  ■  hardly  able  to  difc over  friend 
from  foe .] 

Anfw.  It's  too  true,   that  being  all  written  for  Peace,  the 
Enemies  of  Peace  have  fought  againft  them.    Ntmis  dm  habi- 
tavitt  anima  me  a  inter  ofores  pari*.    But  pro  caput  Lector  is,  &ct 
All  men  take  not  the  words  of  fuch  as  he  for  Oracles.     How 
much  I  have  written  and  done  for  Peace,   lee  others  read  and 
judge.     I  long  laboured  and  begg'd  for  Peace  in  vain  with  fuch 
as  he  defendetb.     And  it's  admirable  if  this  pittFlefs  Enemy  of 
Sects  and  Errours  can  be  for  all  the  Seels  and  Errours  that  I 
have  written  againft.     Have  I  in  the  dark  taken  for  foes  by  Er- 
rour  the  Atheifts,  the  Infidels,  the  Sadduce<«,  the  Hobbifts,  the 
Quakers,  the  Ranters,  the  Papifts,  rhe  Socinians,  the  Libertines 
called  Antinomians,  the  Anabaptiits,  the  Separatifts,  and  Sects 
as  Sects  l  Be  of  good  comfort  ail :  Thefe  Prelatifts  that  accufe 
us  for  too  dark  and  (harp  Writings  againft  you,  feem  to  tell  you 
that  they  will  more  hate  perfecuting  or  diftretfing  you  -9  Yes 
when  they  agree  with  themfelves. 

His  Prayer  that  I  may  have  a  more  honorable  opinion  of  Re- 
pentance he  calls  me  to  fpeak  to  in  the  End. 

§  13,  Whether  good  Ifidore  Telupota  were  a  man  [«wr; 
*:  eafy  to  take  any  impreffions,  and  upon  falfe  information  char  get  h 
u  Cyril  with  profecttting  his  private  qnarrclls  with  Nefrorius 
"  under  pretence  of \,eal  for  tie  faith  ]I  leave  all  men  to  believe 
our  Accufer  as  they  fee  caufe.  And  the  fame  I  fay  of  that  which 
is  fo  great  a  Gontroverfie  among  the  Critical  HiftorianSjWhetber 
Thcodorets  Epiftle  to  fob.  Ant,  againft  Cyril  be  Counterfeit,  or 

X  2  were 


were  written  on  a  falfe  rumour  of  Cyrils  death.  Their  5-th  Ge- 
neral Council  hath  ir.  Baronius  and  Bmnius  fay,  fome  Eutychian 
knave  hath  corrupted  the  Acts  of  that  Council.  Muft  Council* 
be  the  Laws  of  all  the  world,  and  hath  the  Church  and  Tradi- 
tion kept  them  no  better,  that  we  know  not  when  we  have  them 
truly  f  Leave  us  then  to  the  univerfal  Laws  of  God. 

§  14.  He  faith  truly  that  [  the  Council  of  Ephefus  was  chiefly 
direfted  by  the  authority  ©/"Cyril  ]  Anf  And  fo  was  that  at  Trent 
by  the  authority  of  the  Pope  And  when  he  hath  confuted  the 
credible  Hiftory  wich  tells  us  of  the  womens  and  Courtiers  ha- 
tred of  Neftorius,  and  proved  that  the  Emperour  and  Pal- 
cberia  the  Emprefs  were  but  one,  I  will  grant  that  the  authority . 
0}  the  Court  dtretled  not  Cyril  ;  and  that  then  and  now  Bifhops 
neither  were  nor  are  directed  by  the  Civil  powers. 

§  if .  When  I  fpake  againft  Ne florin*  his  cruelty  to  Sectaries 
he  asketh  [  What  Hereticaters  were  hotter  than  the  Trefbyterians 
in  1646.  The  Inquifition  is  not  more  fever e  than  their  ordinance  a- 
gainfl  Herefes,  which  they  deflredjhould  be  made  felony  and  pun  fo- 
ld by  death  &c.l ; 

Anf.  Reader  Judge  of  the  mans  Credit  at  to  ancient  Hiftory 
ftill  by  his  truth  about  the  Prefent  age.  1.  The  Inquifltion  he 
faith,  is  not  more  fever e.  Do  I  need  to  anfwer  this  to  any  man  of 
50  years  of  age. ?  It's  Capable  of  no  anfwer  but  what  he  will  call 
by  fome  name  defer ved  by  his  own. 

x.  I  can  find  no  fuch  ordinance:  He  faith  It  was  offered  ?  Is 
that  all  ?  And  by  whom  I  Was  it  the  body  of  thePresbterians,or 

3.  What  were  the  Herefies  named  by  them?  Were  they  not 
down  right  BJafphemy? 

4.  Who  arvd  how  many  were  ever  either  tormented  or  put 
to  death  for  Herefie,  from  1641  till  1660:  I  remember  not 
one,  fave  that  fames  Nay A?r  was  imprifoned  and  whipt,  and 
had  his  Tongue  bored  for  blafphemous  Perfonating  Ghrift,  and 
that  not  by  the  Presbyterians. 

5.  Why  are  they  fo  ordinarily  reproached  by  the  Prelatifts 
for  tolerating  all  Sects  here  in  England  ? 

6.  What  ifall  this  had  been  true  ?  What  is  it  to  me  or  any  of 
my  mind  ?  I  never  had  a  hand  in  perfceuting  one  man,  to  my 
remembrance.  How  few  can  you  name  of  all  the  Nonconfor- 
ming now  in  England,  that  had  any  hand  in  the  Severities  you 

mention  ? 


mention  ?  I  know  not  four  in  England,  that  I  remember.    And 
what's  this  to  us  any  more  than  to  you  ? 

7.  And  was  it  well  done,  or  ill  ?  If  well,  why  do  you  liken 
them  to  the  Inquifition  ?  Are  you  for  it  f  If  ill,  why  do  you 
plead  for  it  in  others  ?  Imitate  it  not  if  you  diflike  it. 

For  my  part,  as  lam  againft  all  Seds  as  fuch,  I  am  much 
more  againft  the  cruelty  of  any.  I  (tick  no  more  at  the  clif- 
gracing  the  Presbyterians  fins,  than  yours  :  And  I  am  readier  to 
difgrace  my  own  than  either,  if  I  can  know  tbem.  I  wouM 
cherifh  Errours  no  more  than  you  j  but  I.  would  not  ruine  or 
imprifon  even  fuch  of  your  (elves  as  have  too  many.  Herefie 
muft  have  its  proper  cure.  I  thank  God  I'had  once  an  Ortho- 
dox agreeing  Flock.  But  again  I  fay,  the  Presbyterians  were  too 
impatient  with  Diffenters  ;  and  it's  better  have  variety  of  Fifti 
in  the  Pond,  than  by  the  Pikes  to  reduce  them  tofpecial  unity, 

§  16.  He  faith  that  Ncftorius  conf?au:ntially  denyedtbe  God- 
Head  of  Chrift.p.  192.  Next  he  hath  found  a  contradiction  in 
my  words,  that  the  Emperor  was  weary  of  tbisftir:  And  yet  that 
[■  Cyril  did  it  to  pleafe  the  Court  ]  Thefe  critical  men  can  make 
their  two  hands  enemies  to  each  other.  How  came  he  waking 
to  dream  that  this  was  a  contradiction,  when  Hiftorians  tell  us 
that  the  Women  and  Courtiers  hated  boinChryfo flame  2nd  iW/rV 
rSus  ?  He  implyeth  that  the  Emperor  2nd  the  Court  were  all  one, 
or  of  one  mind.  But  I  am  not  bound  to  believe  him,  no  more 
than  of  many  other  Emperours  whofe  Wives  kept  up  one  party 
and  they  another.  And  I  pray  you  why  mould  we  be  confident 
that  Theodofitis  2.  himfelf  called  an  Eutycbian  by  the  heretica- 
ting  Bi(hops,was  notagainft  Neftorms  when  he- called  that  Coun- 
cil^ at  firft  Condemned  both  him  andC)n'/,and  after  him  alone.? 
I  did  but  recite  the  Hiftorians  words,  and  was  that  forgetfulnefs  ? 

§  17.  His  many  words  about  this  controverfie  with  Nefiori- 
us  are  the  mod  unworthy  of  any  anfwer  of  all  his  Books  :  fome- 
time  he  faith  as  I,  as  p.  193  [  It  bad  been  happy  for  the  Clnrch  if 
the  myjteries  of  our  Religion  had  never  been  curieufly  difputed  7 
fometime  he  confefifeth  1  bat  Neftorius  fpake  the  fame  thing  with 
Cyril 3t bat  Chrift  had  two  natures  iff  one  Perfon :  ibid.  And  that  be 
expreffeth  himfelf  one  would  thinly  very  orthodoxly,  p.  202.  But  the 
Heretic}^  diffembled  and  hid  his  fence.  And  fo  this  man  after  above 
1 000  years  knew  the  mans  mind  to  be  contraiy  to  his  words : 
whereas  it's  palpable  to  him  that  readeth  the  Hiftories,  that  the 


(pake  as  i  ^ft  as  Nsftonus.  He  oft  confefleth  (  for  he  can- 

not deny  it  )  [that  be  doth  frequently  own  but  one  nature  ]  p.  197. 
and  198.  [  that  there  is  but  one  nature  of  the  wrd  incarnate  ]  fo 
p.  2oi#  &c  But  C)n7 meant  well,  that  is,  by  Nature  he  meant 
Perfon.  And  was  not  this  Eutychian  Speech  as  improper  as  2\fa/?0- 
riu's  is  ?  Is  the  nature  and  iV/o»  to  be  confounded  .?  Did  the 
Fathers  fpeak  thus?  If  Nature  put  for  Perfon  be  pardonable, 
why  is  it  not  pardonable  to  prefer  a  denomination  a  propnetate 
vel  forma,  to  another  ?  And  thus  you  make  Cyril  to  differ  from 
the  Eutychians,  in  their  different  meanings  while  they  ufed  the 
fame  words.  If  I  had  laid  that  Chrift  had  but  one  Nature  I 
fhould  have  had  a  cenfure  otherwife  me?.'»jred. 

And  though  this  man  feem  to  deny  it,  [  have  cited  many  of 
his  words  in  which  he  faith  [  Duas  natu-  \  unitas  afferimus  :  poft 
unionem  vera  tanquam  ademptajam  in  duas  diftinfttone,  unam  effc 
credimusfilii  naturam,  tanquam  unius  fed  inhuman  &  incarnati 
&  ad  face f  Nihil  injufti  facimus  dicentes^  ex  duabns  naturis 
fatlum  ejfe  concur fum  in  unit  at  em  :  Toft  unionem  vero  non  dijtin- 
guimus  naturas  ab  invicem.  But  I  have  cited  enough  before. 

The  fum  and  truth  is,  to  judge  no  one  but  my  felf,  I  muft  be 
blind  by  ignorance  or  partiality  if  I  be  not  paft  doubt,  1.  That 
unskilful  explication  was  their  difference.  2.  That  Cyrils  words 
were  Eutychian.  3.  That  Neftorius  words  were  orthodox  in  the 
main,  but  not  fufficiently  yielding  to  a  tolerable  phrafc.  4.  That 
they  both  meant  the  fame  thing.  5.  That  all  their  war  was 
managed,  1.  For  want  of  diftinguifhing  fully  the  Abftraft  [  Dei- 
tatem  ]  and  the  Concrete  [^Deurn^  2.  For  want  of  diftinguifhing 
[  Qui  Deus  ]  from  [  Qua  DeusJ  and  a  ftricl;  formal  expreffion 
from  a  morelaxe  that's  tolerable.  And  3.  For  want  of  diftingui- 
fhing [  divifeon  2  from  [  difiintlion  ]  of  natures.  4.  For  want  of 
explaining  the  various  forts  and  ferfes  of  [Vnity]  and  [Plurali- 
ty.^ I  cannot  but  know  this  to  be  true,  though  Mr.  M.  fcorn  me 
for  in. 

What  [  /  that  under  ft  and  not  the  language  they  wrote  in  to  pre- 
tend to  kpow  better  than  the  Council  Q  Anf  1.  So  fay  the  Papiits  : 
what?  will  you  pretend  to  know  more  ttian  the  Church  and 
Councils  ?  If  it  be  implicite  faith  that  they  are  bringing  us  to, 
let  them  tell  us  which  Councils  we  muft  fo  believe  when  they 
condemn  each  other  ?  2.  I  thought  I  could  make  fhift  tounder- 
itand  their  language,  though  I  be  no  critick  in  it :  But  if  he  know 



rue  better,  I  ftrive  not  for  the  reputation  of  Learning ;  not  only 
Baronius  and  Binnivu,  and  all  the  reft  that  he  nameth  that  had 
no  skill  in  Greek,  but  mod:  of  the  Schoolmen,  feemto  me  with- 
out ir,  far  more  Learned  than  he.  I  can  tell  him  of  Lads  whofe 
Learning  I  admire  not,  that  (hall  vie  with  him  in  Languages 
Oriental  and  Occidental,  and  give  him  odds  3  And  when  he  fcorns 
Derodons  diftinctions,  telling  us  it's  making  two  bad  Groats  by  flit- 
ting a  Sixpence,  Sec.  I  leave  him  to  glory  in  hit  Confufion:  But 
I  fufpeft  the  Fox  that  fpeaks  cgainft  Tails  is  like  enough  to  want 
one  himfelf. 

But  when  he  hath  (hewed  in  all  this  Hiftory"of  Neftorius , 
Cyril,  and  the  Council,   little  but  that  partiality  which  can  talk 
confidently  to  the  ignorant  for  any  caufe,  without  any  (hew  of 
confuting  Derodons  purification  of  Neftorius^  or  my  Conciliati- 
on, his  craft  or  paffion  attempts  to  divert  the  Reader  by  the 
art  of  the  times,  and  as  if  it  muft  ftop  our  Mouths  from  lament- 
ing  the  fin  of  Hereticators,  and  mifery  of  the  Church  thereby, 
he  tells  us  how  men  in  thefe  times  call  themPapifts  that  are  none. 
Anf    If  it  be  ill  done,  why  condemn  you  your  (elf  by  de- 
fending thofe  that  did  the  like  I    If  it  was  well  done  in  Bifliops 
Councils,  why  not  in  them?     2.  But  what's  this  tome,  if  it  be 
not  me  that  he  means?    If  it  be,     1.  If  you  will  read  but  the 
Jaft  part  of  my  CathoL  Theolog.  judge  of  the  mans  front.     2.  It  is 
none  but  tho(e  that  are  for  a  humane  Soveraignty  over  all  the 
Church  on  Earth  that  we  judge  Papifts :  And  if  you  judge  them 
not  fucb,  we  will  thank  you  to  tell  us  what  a  Papift  is  in  your 
own  fenfe. 

§  18.  His  (aying^.  22J.  that  [fohn  Comes  that  gives  a  fad  ac- 
count of  the  Council  is  much\o  be  fufpefted,  8fC  doth  but  tell  us 
that  he  would  have  your  belief  of  Hiftory  guided  by  the  Intc- 
reft  of  his  Caufe* 

§  19.  As  to  his  fcorn  againft  my  tranflating  the  words  [tkt 
Scriptnrc  and  Sacred]  which  mean  that  imperial  Scripture,  I  did 
think  a  litteral  Tranflation  could  not  have  been  judged  a  mifun- 
derftanding  or  miftranflation :  Why  may  they  not  be  called  in 
Englifj  what  they  are  called  in  Greek)  And  he  had  aftrong  ima* 
gination  if  he  thought  that  Haunters  Tranflation  ofEufebi^&c* 
afforded  me  fuch  materials  as  theft* 

§  20.  His  conclufionof  fome  that  fcorn  to  preach  by  the  HA 
eence  of  the  Government  I  before  mentioned*    The  Truth  and 

Y  minifterial 

minifterial  Honefty  of  it,  is  much  like  as  if  Tfaoufands  fhould 
petition  the  Eifhop,  that  their  Tick  families  may  have  licenfed 
Phyficians,  and  he  reje&eth  all  their  Petitions,  and  prevaileth 
with  the  Parliament  to  do  the  like:  At  laft  the  King  pittieth 
them,  and  licenfeth~the  Phyficians,  and  theBifhop  and  his  Cler- 
gy are  offended,  and  get  it  revoked,  and  the  Phyficians  praftife 
at  their  peril  without  licenfe:  And  our  credible  Hiftorian  fhould 
record  it,  that  they  fcorned  to  praftife  as  licenfed  by  the  Govern- 
ment, even  while  ftill  they  make  all  the  Friends  they  can  to  the 
Clergy  to  be  licenfed,  and  arc  not  able  to  prevail.  But  the  ages 
that  knew  ncft  them  and  us,  that  arejo  come,  may  poflibly  be- 
lieve thefe  men  as  they  believe  their  Predecefibrs. 

§2i.  To  conclude,  Reader,  if  now  thou  have  any  fenfe  of 
Chriftian  Intereft,  Unity  and  Love,  judge  of  the  whole  cafe  im- 
partially, and  begin  with  notorious  matter  of  fad:. 

i.  We  find  at  this  day  a  great  Body  of  Chriftians,  called  Ne- 
ftorians,  inhabiting  the  Countries  of  Babylon,  ^Jfjria,  Mesopo- 
tamia^ Parthia,  and  Media ,  yea,  fpread  Northerly  to  Cat  ay  a^ 
arid  Southerly  to  India-,  abundance  of  them  even  in  Tartar]  , 
faith  Partus  Vcnet*  See  Brienvood  p.  139.  And  we  find  that  they 
•are  by  the  Weftern  Churches,  if  not  the  Greekj^  called  Here- 
ticks,  and  at  the  eafieft  Schifma ticks.  And  yet  as  thofe  very 
Friars  that  have  lived  among  them  fay,  they  are  commonly  free 
from  any  fuch  Opinions  as  are  charged  on  them,  but  only  ho- 
nour the  name  of  Neftorins,  and  condemned  the  Councils  that 
condemned  him.  This  Mr.  M.  nor  no  Prelate  will  deny  that  re- 
taineth  humanity. 

7.  We  find  that  this  woful  fraftion  hath  continued  about  one 
Thoufandtwo  Hundred  and  thirty  Years. 

3.  We  are  put  to  enquire  what  was  and  is  the  caufe  5  and  we 
find  that  on  both  fides  it  is  the  Bifhops  and  their  Clergy  that  now 
continue  it,  and  it  was  Patriarchs  and  their  Bifhops  that  ac  firft 

4.  We  enquire  how  they  did  it:  And  Mr.  Morrice  confefleth 
that  it  began  in  a  difpute  between  the  two  Patriarchs  (whether 
the  Virgin  Mary  was  to  be  called  The  Mother  of  God,  or  rather 
The  Mother  of  Refits  Chrifi  who  is  God  and  Man :  and  that  on 
this  occafion  Cyril  charged  Neftontts ,  as  making  Chriit  to  be 
two  Perfons,  and  he  himlelf  (aid  Chrift  incarnate  had  but  one  Na- 
ture, but  had  m  more  skill  in  fpeaking,  thaji  by  one  Nature  to 



mean  one  Ferfon,  ( though  Derodon  labour  to  prove  that  he 
meant  worfe,)  that  Ncftorius  profefled  two  Natures  in  one  Per- 
fon.  And  Mr.  M.  faith,  Nefxorius  when  he  fpake  well  meant  iU5 
and  Cyril  when  he  fpake  ill  meant  well.  And  upon  this  a  Gene- 
ral Council  itfelf  is  firft  divided  about  them,  even  to  blows :  and 
after  by  the  importunity  of  C]!r*P$  party,  Neftorius  is  banifhed, 
and  the  Bifhops  divided,  fome  for  one,  and  fome  for  another  to 
this  day.  Another  Council  is  called  at  Calcedon,  and  conftrmeth 
the  Condemnation ,  and  the  Neflorian  Bifhops  condemn  that 
.  Council,  and  for  many  Ages  the  Bifhops  were  divided  alfo  about 
that,  one  pare  condemning  it,  and  the  other  fubferibing  to  it , 
and  honouring  it.  Judge  now  what  thefe  Bifhops  have  done  to 
Chriftian  Religion  and  the  Church  of  Chrifr,  and  continue  to  do: 
And  if  you  dare  join  with  our  Canoneers  in  making  the  guilt  your 
own,  by  juftifyingfuch  difmal  workj  the  further  you  go,  the 
more  of  it  you  have  to  jaftitie_,  till  your  Souls  have  guilt  and 
load  enough. 

HoneftDr.  Moore  charged  with  Neftorianifm,  is  fain  to  ac- 
cufe  Neftorius  out  of  his  Enemies  words  to  clear  himfelf.  That 
he  owned  not  a  [VhyficaL  Vnjon  of  Natures^  is  an  ambiguous,  un- 
fafe  word:  APhyfical  Union  feems  to  fignifie  one  &fw  which  is 
not  to  be  faid.  He  never  denied  a  perfonal  or  Hypoftatical  Uni* 
on.  And  if  he  had  fas  he  did  not)  oppofed  the  word  ffypofiafs, 
fo  did  Hterom  that  was  no  Heretick,  and  many  more  for  a  long 

I  fuppofe  Mr.  M.  is  not  more  zealous  againft  Neftorianifm 
than  the  Hereticating  Church  of  Rome  Is:  And  how  great  they 
really  thought  the  NeftorianHerctie,  the  ftory  which  I  mention 
of  P.  Hormifda  tells  you,  which  I  will  repeat.  [Therearofea 
controverfie  whether  it  might  be  faid  that  [  One  of  the  Trinity 
was  crucified^  Pope  Hormijda  faid  [AV]  becaufe  they  that  were 
for  it  were  fufpefted  to  be  Eutjcbians:  The Nefiorians  laid  hold 
on  this,  and  faid,  [Then  we  may  not  fay  that  Mary  was  the  Parent 
of  one  of  the  Trinity .]  This  was  a  hard  cafe :  fnflinian  fent  to  Pope 
fohn  about  it.  His  infallibility  and  Hormifdas  were  contrary :  he 
and  his  Council  fay  that  we  may  fay,  that  [^One  of  the  Trinity 
was  crucified.]  Hereupon  Baronius  and  Binnius  give  us  a  ufefuf 
note,  £/ta  mutatis  hofiihs  arma  mutari  neceffe  fuit-2  What 
fhould  the  World  do  if  we  had  not  had  fuch  a  Judge  of  Contro- 
verfies,  I  hope  Mr.  M.  will  not  be  fo  heretical,  or  fchifmatica!, 

Y  2  » 

as  to  fay  that  either  of  thefe  Popes  erred  againft  an  Article  of 
Faith:  But  will  rather  recant  his  Accufation  of  Neftorius,  and 
number  this  with  Things  Indifferent ,  which  the  Church  hath 
power  to  change  at  her  pleafure. 


Of  the  Council  o/Ephefus  2d. 

§i.npHatour  Hiftorian  may  juftifie  the  Dividers  he  make* 
-L  himfelfa  Party,  and  by  downright  miftake  againft 
both  faith,  r.  ThttNeftorius  fellinto  Blafphemy^  denying  Chrift 
to  he  true  God.  2.  And  that  Eutyches  denied  Chrift  to  be  true 
Man.}  This  is  our  Reformer  of  Hiftory  5  when  both  of  them 
profeffed  Cbrift  to  be  true  God,,  and  true  man.  I  doubt  not  but 
the  Man  can  write  another  Book  to  juftifie  this  5  for  what  is  it 
thatfome  cannot  talk  for  ?  Yea,  he  is  at  it  again,  p.  230.  that 
Eutyches  held  Chrift  not  to  be  true  Man. 

§  2.  He  confeffeth  again  that  Cyril  affirmeth  but  one  Nature^ 
and  meant  but  one  Pqrfon^  and  that  Eutyches  ukd  the  fame  words, 
but  faith,  fure  they  cannot  be  fo  mad  as  to  fall  out  fo  violently  when 
they  fay  the  fame  thing  &  words..  Flavian  could  not  be  fo  foolijh  or  fo 
wickedfiiQ.Anf  I  juftifie  not  the  words  of  Eutyches  orC;n/j  but  if 
lhave  great  reafon  to  believe,  that  as  he  confeffeth  Cyril  fo 
grofsas  to  ufe  <puV  for  wrosaaK,  fo  Eutyches  who  had  far  lefs 
Learning  than  Cyril,  did  word  amifs  the  conceptions,  which  were 
the  fame  with  Cyrils ,  I  leave  it  to  this  mild  Cenfurer  to  call 
them  Fools^  and  mad,  and  wicked.  It's  taken  for  railing  in  me 
to  blame  them. 

§  3.  He  faith  [Cyrilnever  faid  there  were  two  Natures  in  Chrift 
before  theVnion.  Anf.  I  have  twice  cited  his  words:  Find  a 
true  difference  between  them  and  thofe  of  Eutyches  if  you  can, 
1  believe  they  both  mean*  better  than  they  (pake. 

§  4.  But  the  Spirit  of  detraction  ufeth  to  fetch  Accifations 
from  Hearts  fie  Thought *3and  fecret Actions ,and  fo  doth  he  againft 
Eutyches  j  and  he  faith  this  hath  been  done  of  late  times  ^  To  deliver 
tihat  in  f elect  Meetings,  which  they  will  not  in  public^  promifcuous 
^ijfemblies :  as  evil  Spirits  are  under  reftraint  in  conjeer ate d places, 



Anf.  Therefore  it  is  that  the  Nonconformifts  have  20  or 
19  years  fo  earneftfy  beg'd  for  leave  to  preach  in  pubiick  con- 
fecrated  places  to  promifcuous  Aflemblies,  that  they  might  be 
out  of  fufpicion,  but  could  never  obtain  it  of  this  fort  of  Ma- 
tters. Ex  ore  tuo-—  Thus  they  that  caft  the  ftone  at  others  off 
find  it  hitthemfelves.  Mr.  Edwards  Gangrena  is  here  commend- 
ed to  thofe  that  are  for  Toleration.  As  if  all  differences  were 
equally  intolerable  or  tolerable:  And  he  that  faith  [Tolerate  not 
thofe  that  preach  Blafphemy  or  intolerable  errour  ,]  faid  no  worfc 
than  he  that  faith  {Silence  Two  Thousand  Preachers,  unlefs  the? 
Will  Profefs,  Promife,  and  Swear,  and  do  all  that  is  (oft  defer  ibed) 
impofed  on  them. 

§  5.  In  his  Narrative  he  is  no  more  tender  of  the  honour 
of  Bifhops  it  feerns  than  I  am,  nor  fo  much  of  Emperours; 
for  when  he  had  faid  the  Emperour  [  -was  too  much  addicted 
to  this  hind  of  Vermine  (  Eunuchs  )  and  Jhews  his  bitternefs 
againfl  Flavian^  he  faith  that  the  Letters  which  called  this  Council 
fagge ft  ed  Efficiently  what  it  was  to  do,  and  that  their  bufnefs  was  to 
condemn  a  Bijhop  the  Emperour  did  not  care  for,  though  without  any 
juft ground,  nay,  for  Lis  konefty* 

I  deny  none  of  this :  Bur  were  the  Bifhops  of  the  Catholick 
Church  in  a  good  cafe  then,thar,when  they  knew  before  that  they. 
were  called  to  fuch  a  work  as  thi*,would  meet  in  a  General  Coun- 
cil and  do  it  ?    No  -,  he  accufeth  them  himfelf,  I  need  not  do  it. 

The  Emperour,  he  faith,  fyew  how  to  choofe  Bifhops,  fand  yet 
his  Summons  was  general  to  all  to  come,,)  and  the  Prefdent,  if 
half  be  true  that  i*  faid  of  him  y  (and  if  that  be  a  doubt,  how  cre- 
dible are  your  Hiftorians  I)  was  one  of  the  moft  wicked,  profligate 
Wretches  in  the  Worldf]  yet  he  was  one  of  the  Patriarchs,  and 
aH  the  Council  Bifhops,  and  till  they  met,  were  not  thusaccuftd* 
You  lee  the  man  is  a  far  greater  railer  than  I  even  againft  Bi- 
fhops :  But  it  is  but  againft  thole  that  are  againft  his  Intereft 
and  fide. 

§  6.  He  defcribes  thofe  Bifhops  as  u(W£  violence,  forgetting 
that  it  is  it  his  Party  trufteth  to  continually  :  juft  with  the  front 
as  Baronius  and  Binnius,  and  many  other  Papifts,  juftifie  Martin 
for  being  againft  putting  Hereticks  to  death,  and  condemn  hhdr 
citis^  while  their  Kingdom  is  upheld  by  that  which  they  con* 
demn,  and  worfe,  even  the  burning  of  true  Chriftians  as  Here- 
ticks,  and  it's  Heretical  with  them  to  imitate  Martin^  juft  as 


thole  Matth.  23.  Your  fathers  killed  the  Prophets,  and  you 
build  their  Sepulchers,  and  fay  if  we  had  lived  in  the  days  of  our 
Fathers,  we  would  nor,  &c. 

§  7.  But  in  the  paflfage  I  find  our  Hiftorian  in  a  more  charita- 
ble mood  to  this  Ephefine  Council  of  Bifhops  than  his  Brethren, 
[How  badfoever  Diofcorus  and  this  Cornell  were,  yet  they  are  m 
my  judgment  to  be  looked  en  rather  as  favourers  of  Here fe  than 
Hereticks%  they  followed  the  meaning  I  believe  as  well  as  the  Words 
of  Cyril.]  Anf  And  now  I  may  hope  lam  Orthodox  and  Cha- 
ritable when  I  have  no  lefs  than  his  Judgment  to  juftifie  mine. 
And  Anatolipu  juftifieth  us  both. 

§  8.  But^Sir,  now  you  are  in  a  good  Mood.,  will  you  confider, 

1.  Whether  thofe  Bifhops  and  Councils  that  fet  the  Chriftian 
World  in  that  Flame  that  burnetii  dreadfully  to  this  day,  after 
above  1200  Years,  were  not  guilty  at  leaft  of  a  peccadillo  or 
venial  fin, 

2.  Whether  they  are  imitable. 

3.  Whether  this  General  Council  had  a  fupream  Legiflative 
and  Judicial  power  over  all  the  Church  on  Earth,  which  all  muft 
obey  and  none  muft  appeal  from. 

No :  faith  Bifhop  Gunning^It  was  a  meeting  of  violent  Robbers* 
Anf$  But  it  was  a  General  Council:  which  it  feems  then  may 
be  fucb. 


Of  the  4th  General  Council  at  Calcedon, 

§  i.TTE  begins  his  Chapter  comically,  and  notably  derideth 
XjL  me  for  faying  Fulcheria  was  the  fame  that  before  at 
Bphefm  had  fet  the  Bifhops  againft  Neftoritts.  Is  this  fo  ridicu- 
lous ?  It's  well  known  that  Hiftorians  make  her  very  powerful 
with  her  Brother:  frffchofehis  Wife  Eudocia,  ("They  were 
long  of  two  minds.)  It's  no  wonder  that  (he  that  got  him  con- 
demned at  Ephefus,  got  the  the  fame  further  done  at  Calcedon, 
when  (he  was  Emprefs  her  felf,  having  made  Martian  Empe- 
rour,  and  her  nominal  Husband,  ('for  they  were  not  conjugally 
to  know  each  other.)  Is  there  any  thing  in  this  that  deferveth 
the  ftage  ?  Though  Theodofws  be  reproactrtd  by  Popifo  Hiftorians 



as  an  Eutychian.,  or  a  favourer  of  them,  if  credible  honeft  So- 
crates may  be  believed,  there  have  been  few  fuch  Princes  in  the 
World,  (for  Piety,  his  Houfe  was  a  Church  ;  for  Patience,  ne- 
ver feen  angry;  for  GompaiTion,  would  never  let  a  man  die  for 
Treafon  againft  himfelf.)  But  his  Sifter  (a  Woman  eminent  for 
Wit  and  Piety)  was  thought  to  govern  him  very  much,  &  fpe- 
cially  in  the  feverities  againft  Neftorius.  Evagrius  who  bitterly 
reproacheth  Neftorius,  tells  us  offome  writings  of  his  that  fell 
into  his  hand,  in  which  he  faith,  that  the  Emperour  was  his 
friend,  and  would  not.  fign  his  banifhment,  and  laies  the  cruel- 
ties that  he  underwent  on  his  Officer  :  and  confidering  the  cafe 
of  a  fuffering  man,  I  fee  nothing  unfeemly  in  the  Letter  to  him, 
which  Evagrius  chargeth  with  contempt. 

§  2.    My  wifh  for  the  Churches  Peace,  that  the  unskilful 
words  of 'Neftorius  and  Eutyches  had  beenfi]enced  by  neglect/a- 
ther  than  the  flame  blown  up  by  honouring  them  with  two  Ge- 
neral Councils  difputation  ,    doth  with  this  Gentleman  deferve 
this  Replication,  [He  cannot  be  more  violent  and  outragious,  more 
bitter  and  malicious  under  all  the  provocations  imaginable,  than  he 
is  under  that  negletl  which  himfelf  prefcribeth  for  the  cure/]  Anf  If 
this,  be  a  true  accufer,  he  can  prove  what  he  faith  :    It's  eafie  to 
(ay  this  of  any  man:    But  if  a  man  that  hath  a  cholerick  Sto- 
mack  (hall  fwear  that  there  was  Aloes  in  his  Phyfick,  his  word 
is  no  proof.    Thefe  are  the  men  into  whofe  hands  we  are  by 
Gods  permiffion  falln,  while  wearecaft  our,  judged  tofilence, 
prifons,  cV  beggary,  if  we  do  but  repeat  the  words  of  the  Laws 
and  Canons,  and  in  17  Years  time  when  moft  that  they  turned 
out  are  dead,  if  the  reft  at  their  own  urgent  demand  do  but  tell 
them  what  they  judge  unlawful,  and  anfiverthofe  thataccufe 
them,  they  are  outragious,  violent,  bitter,  and  malicious*    As  if 
one  that  wounds  me  ihould  fue  me  for  faying ,  Tou  hurt  me. 
It's  violence  and  an  unpeaceablenefs  to  feel,  but  none  at  all  in 
them  to  ftrike  or  to  deftroyt     We  will  give  you  many  thanks  if 
you  will  hurt  us  no  more  than  we  do  you. 

§3,1  faid  that  one  skilful  healing  man  that  could  explicate  am-> 
biguous  rvords,and  perfuade  men  to  Love  and  Peace yt ill  they  under* 
flood  each  other,  had  more  befriended  Truth,  Piety,  and  the  Church, 
than  the  hereticating  Councils  did.[\  And  why,  faith  he,  may  not 
that  skilful  manjhew  his  skill  in  Councils,  as  well  as  elfe  where  ? 
Anf%  Who  denieth  it?   But  the  queftion  is,  how  he  (hall  be 


heard  and  prevail?  I  told  you  that  here  One  man  in  one  fentence 
did  fot  by  differencing  between  mental  dijlingui/bing  and  divi- 
ding ;  even  Bafil  of  Sekucia,  faying,  \Cognofcimus  duas  naturas% 
non  dividimus}  neque  divifas>  neque  confufas  dicimtts.']  This  was 
true  and  plain  enough,  to  have  ended  all  the  quarrel :  But  who 
laid  hold  on  it,  or  did  improve  it?  What  the  better  was  Naz*i- 
anzen  for  fpeaking  well  in  the  Council  at  Constantinople}  Or 
Chryfoftome  for  any  thing  he  could  fay  to  the  Bifliops  for  himfelf  ? 
I  hope  few  of  all  that  great  number  of  Councils  that  wcredrian, 
Semiarians  Eutychian,  Monothelites,  for  Images,  &c.  were  fo 
bad  as  to  have  never  a  Bifhop  among  them  that  could  or  would 
fpeak  right :  But  did  they  prevail  t  In  the  very  Council  at  Trent 
were  more  good  Speeches  than  did  prevail  5  and  if  Luther,  Me- 
lanchthon,  Zmngliusf  and  fuch  others,  had  not  done  more  good 
fingly  by  Writing  and  Preaching,  than  Vudithim  could  do  at 
Trent %  or  any  of  them  at  JVormes,  or  Ratisbone,  &c.  there  had 
been  little  done.  What  good  did  Pbilpot  do  in  the  Convocation? 
Some  fay  one  Paphnutim  turned  the  Inclination  of  the  firft  Nicene 
Council  for  good  5  But  that  hearing  temper  was  too  fhort  or 

§  4.  Next  he  tells  us,  that  [in  many  late  Difputes  offuftifica* 
tion,  &c.  we  find  not  that  any  of  thefe  healing  men  were  able  to  re* 
concile  Parties  any  more  than  the  Councils  of  old.'} 

Anfw.  1.  If  that  were  true,  it's  alfo  true,  that  they  have  not 
made  fo  great  and  many  Parties  as  Councils  did.  We  have  not 
caft  the  world  intoffo  many  Nations  offaccbites,  Neftorians,  and 
other  Se&s. 

Anfw.  2.  Through  God's  mercy  it  is  much  better  than  fuch 
Hiftorians  would  make  men  believe.  Dr.  Heylin  tells  us  what 
work  the  Arminian  Controverfie  made  between  Bifhop  Laud's 
Party,  and  the  Parliaments  and  Abbots  Party,  as  if  it  had  fet  us 
all  by  the  Ears.  It  is  not  fo  now:  One  of  your  Brethren  late- 
ly tells  us,  how  that  Controverfie  is  quieted  :  What  Contention 
do  you  hear  of  among  the  Nonconformities  about  it  t  No  man 
hath  fo  much  as  writ  a  line,  that  I  know  of,  againft  my  Concilia- 
tion in  my  CathoL  Theology.  How  little  ftir  doth  the  Anthcmian 
Controverfie  make  ?  If  one  or  two  men  do  vent  their  difplea- 
fiire  about  any  of  thefe,  we  negleft  it,  and  it  is  prefently  for- 
gotten. I  hear  fometime  that  called  Arminianifm  hotly  preach- 
ed in  the  Parifh  Churches  :  It  provokcth  not  me,  and  Ltake  no 


notice  01  ir.  l  ^rareiy;  near  lome  preaca  againir  tne  smmmans  : 
I  take  no  notice  of  ir,  and  there  it  dies  :    Whereas  if  one  fhould 
write  Challenges  and  Accufations  to  the  Preacher?,   we  might 
make  work  enough  for  all  the  Country.     I  never  yet  met  with 
many  fucb,  but  if  you  make  not  a  War  of  it,  and  engage  them 
by  oppofition,  they  grow  weary  themfelves,  and  grow  into  un- 
obferv'd  neglect  or  contempt.     Moft  of  the  fpreading  Errours 
and  Contentions  among  us  have  come  by  the  Bellows    of  too 
ftrcng  or  imprudent  Oppofition  or  Difputes.     I  hear  of  no  con- 
fiderable    Doctrinal  Strivings  among  all  the  Nonconforming 
now  in  England.     One  Ignorant  Uncalled  Fellow  is  lately  crept 
into  London,  and  wrote  proud  Challenges  for  Antinomianifm,and 
none  anfwered  him,  and  he  is  contemned,  and  hath  no  Second 
that  I  hear  of. 

§  j.  Though  he  fay  {he  ?V  weary,  yet  he  must  not  pafs  by,  that 
when  I  mention  Socrates  his  moft  high  praife  of  Theodofius  (living 
under  him  J  and  the  miracles  which  he  faith  God  wrought  for 
him  j  I  fay,  if  this  be  true^  God  owned  his  Moderation  by  Mira* 
cles,  notwithstanding  his  favouring  the  Eutychians,  more  than  he 
did  any  ways  of  violence.]  And  here  the  man  hath  found  me  in 
Contradiction,  and  faith,  {Thofe  miracles  could  not  countenance 
the  Eutychian  caufe  that  was  after.  2.  That  the  Eutychians  were 
the  moft  violent  men.  Such  Contradictions  he  and  VEfirange  find 
in  my  Writings. 

Anf  Bur,  1.  Is  it  true  that  I  faid  thofe  miracles  countenanced 
the  Eutychian  Caufe?  I  faid  only  that  God  owned  the  Moderati- 
on (not  the  Eutychian  Opinion)  of  a  man  called  an  Eutychian  by 
theHereticators,notwithftandinghis  favouring  the Eutycbians.He 
was  a  man  that  ftudied  the  reconciliation  of  the  contending  Bi- 
fhops3  and  was  moderate  towards  all,  but  perfuaded  that  the 
major  Vote  of  the  Bifhops  being  againft  Neftoriut,  and  for  Cyril, 
and  Diofcorus,  it  tended  to  peace  to  take  that  fide.  His  Mode- 
ration was  the  fame  before  the  ftir  with  Eutyches  as  after.  I  on- 
ly faid  that  God  by  miracles  owned  that  mans  moderation  who 
is  charged  with  after  favouring  the  Eutychians. 

2.  And  what  I  fpake  of  Moderation  oppofiteto  violence,  in 
way  of  fupprefling  Hereticks,  he  feigneth  me  to  fpeak  it  as 
oppofite  to  violence  in  the  Perfonsfupprejfed:  I  (pake  of  Violence 
in  the  Prince  as  agent,  and  he  feigneth  me  to  fpeak  of  Violence 
in  the  parties  that  he  dealt  with.  He  may  find  matter  at  this  rate 

Z  ro 

to  write  greater  Volums  againft  any  man.  I'read  of  none  of  the 
Herefies  then  contended  about,  Neftorian  or  Eutychian,  but  the 
accufed  Bifhops  were  violent  for  them:  But  though  they  were 
all  violent,  yet  if  the  queftion  were,  whether  the  Emperour 
fhould  life  violence  or  Moderation  againft  them,  I  may  fay,  that 
Godowneth  more  the  way  of  Moderation. 

§  6.  P.  246.  he  faith  \At  Ephefus  Euftathius  wask^kt  to  death, 
and  all  thofe  that  durfl  defend  him  were  threatned  to  be  ferved  in 
like  manner  J]  Anf  Of  this  before:  His  memory  failed  him:  It 
was  not  JLpifiathitis  but  Flavian  us.  2.  Yet  he  after  excufeth  Di» 
cfiorus  from  Herefiej  more  Bifhops  than  were  Hereticks  were 

§  7.  As  to  his  Reflection,  [fc  It  may  be  he  think*  the  Empe* 
*r  roar  took^  a  particular  Delight  in  that  kind  of  cruelty,  and  that 
"he  had  rather  one  fhould  be  kjckt  to  death,  than  that  he  fiould  be 
Ci  hanged  or  beheaded ;  which  would  not  be  much  to  the  credit  of  his 
cC  Moderation  :  And  to  fay  the  truth ,  his  Letter  to  Valentinian 
ee  difcovers  a  ftrange  kind  of  Spirit  5  for  there  he  jufiifies  the  pro- 
Ceceedings  of  the  Eutychians  at  Ephefus,  andfaies  that  all  things 
cc were  carried  on  with  much  freedom  and  pe'- feci  Truth,  and  Flavi- 
an found  guilty  of  Innovating  in  Religion.  This  is  but  an  illfgn 
"  that  Mr.  B.  is  a  hater  of  falfe  Hiftory,  when  he  lets  this  pafs  un- 
(( reproved. 

Anf.  1.  Had  I  reproved  fuch  an  Emperour,  I  mighthave  ex- 
pected that  fome  of  you  would  have  publifhed  me  an  Enemy  to 

Anf  2.  Rather  Sir.,  you  and  I  fhould  hence  gather,  that  all 
men  muft  have  pardon  and  forbearance,  and  that  for  want  of 
that,  the  names  of  Neftorians,  Jacobites,  Melchites,  Greeks, 
Papifts  5  Proteftants  ,  Lutheranes  ,  Calvinifts  ,  Prelatifts  ,  and 
Presbyterians,  &c.  have  almoft  fwailowed  up  the  Name,  much 
more  the  Love  of  Chriftians. 

Anf.  3.  May  it  not  confift  with  modefty  and  the  hatred  of 
falfe  Hiftorj,  to  believe  the  high  praifts  of  this  Emperour,  pub- 
lifhed by  one  that  knew  him  in  fo  pious  and  credible  words  as 
Socrates  fpeaks5  as  I  before  told  you,  giving  him  f to  mej  a 
more  credible  Canonization  than  the  Pope  could  have  done,  as 
a  man  of  eminent  holihefs,  wonderful  Clemency,  that  would  not  let 
a  Traitor  go  out  of  the  Gates  towards  the  place  of  Executions  and 
when  hs  was  moved  to  any  Execution,  anfwered,  he  had  rather  , 



were  he  able,  reft  are  the  Dead  to  Life:  excelling  all  the  Clergy  in 
meeknefs,  and  never  fetn  angrj.  May  not  I  who  am  branded  for 
a  railer  by  meek  Prelatifts,  be  tolerated  to  think  charitably  of 
fuch  an  Emperour,  and  to  wifh  that  the  world  had  many  more 

Anf.  4.  Judges  are  taken  for  unjuft  if  they  will  not  hear  both 
fides  fpeak.  And  why  (Tiould  not  I  regard  the  words  of  fuch  an 
Empercur,  as  well  as  of  one  halfthe  Bifhops  againft  the  other? 

Anf  5  .  Surely  Modefty  requireth  me  to  think  that  the  Em- 
perour was  much  more  capable  of  knowing  the  truth  of  theafts 
of  his  own  Subjects 3  when  his  Servants  prefent  gave  him  an 
account  of  them,  than  I  am  1200  Years  after:  And  fo  good  & 
man  would  not  willingly  lye. 

Anf.  6.  Therefore  my  own  Conclufion  is ,  God  is  true  and 
all  men  areLyars,  that  is,  untrufty  :  and  that  Eudocia  and  his 
Courtiers  had  much  power  with  him  for  Diofeorus  againft  Flavi- 
mjisPulcheria  had  againft  Nefiorius  5  but  that  it  was  the  Peace  and 
Concord  of  the  Bifhops  which  he  moft  ftudied^and  thought  that 
it  lay  in  going  with  the  major  part.And  I  believe  things  were  bad 
on  both  fides,  and  worfe  than  die  Emperour  thought  with  the 
Eutychian  Bifhops,  and  worfe  than  others  fay  with  their  Adver- 
fariesj  and  that  the  Emperour,  though  fallible,  wis  as  Socrates 
faitb,  beyond  all  the  Clergie. 

But  here  I  fee  that  I  am  blamed  for  not  railing  againft  a  meek 
and  pious  Emperour,  and  as  a  Railer  for  lamenting  the  fins  of 
the  Clergie. 

§  8.  About  the  Council  of  Calcedon  he  accufeth  me  in  gene- 
ral, as  [difingenioufly  mincing  the  ABs,  and  fifing  all  the  foulpUj 

Eafilyfaid:  And  what's  the  proof  ?  Why,  %.  Leave  out  that 
they  were  violently  beaten  to  it. 

Anf.  The  Reader  may  fee  that  this  is  falfe :  I  mention  it  oft; 
pag.  io  1.  [The  Bifhops  anfwered^  that  they  did  it  againft  their 
Wills,  being  under  fear :  Condemnation  and  banifhment  was  threat- 
ned9  Sonldiers  were  there  with  Clubs  and  Swords.2  Shall  I  believe 
this  man  againft  fuch  as  Socrates,  of  things  done  1200  Years  ago, 
that  will  face  me  down  with  fuch  untruths  about  my  own  yet 
Vifible  Writings  ? 

i.  But  is  it  falfiiood  to  omit  what  is  (aid  in  fuch  and  fo  many 
Volumns?  May  not  the  Reader  there  fee  it.*  DoIcontradicVit? 

Z  z  Muft 

Muft  I  write  many  Folio's  or  nothing?    I  refer  all  Readers  to 
the  Ads. 

§  9.  But  he  faith,  [/r  would  go  near  to  excufe  their  Compliance 
with  a  merciful  Man."} 

Anf.  I  confefstuch  are  not  fo  bad  as  the  Clergy-men,  that  wifl 
fin  for  meer  Preferment,and  will  write  againft,and  revile,  nd  call 
for  Execution  on  thofe  that  will  not  do  as  they.  But  if  Noncon*- 
formifts  after  19  years  Ejection  and  Reproach,  and  Sufferings 
by  more  than  Threats,  fhould  at  laft  fiirrenjer  to  hemou*  fin, 
can  he  think  it  would  excufe  their  Compliance,  when  Chrift 
faith,  Lttk^.  14  33.  He  that  f or  fake  th  not  all  that  he  hath  cannot  be 
wyDifcipki  It  he  think  Martyrdom  a  work  of  Supererogation,he 
is  dangeroufly  miftaken.  And  he  that  to  day  thinks  Threatning 
and  Danger  an  Excufe  for  hi*  fin,  may  to  morrow  think  Poverty, 
and  the  next  day  thedefire  of  Preferment  an  excufe. 

§  10.  Diofcor  wand  the  Eutychians  holding  clofe  to  the  Council 
ofiWs*,as  fufficient,  as  a  Teft  of  the  Orthodox,to  which  nothing 
was  to  be  added,  in  reciting  this  he  hath  found  my  Ignorance 
in  tranflating  [rctraBat~]  by  [retratt.~]  Is  not  the  Englifh  word 
of  the  fame  fence  with  the  Latine  ?  If  not,  and  I  be  ignorant  in 
Englifh  too,  what  wrong  is  that  to  any  Bifhop  ? 
■  §  11.  When  he  had  charged  Nonfence  and  Confufion  on  that 
which  he  underftood  nor,  and  mentioned  Fu(ik  DoriL  giving  the 
Lye  to  Eutyches,  he  conftfleth  that  the  thing  was  true. 

§  12.  P.  25*3.  He  faith,  When  tin  giddy  rabble  of  Monies  with 
Swords  andftaves,  like  Bedlams  broke  loofe^  run  Upon  thtm—  I 
fhould  rather  pity  them  than  infult. 

Anf  If  the  Hiftory  be  an  infulting,  his  own  credited  Hiftori- 
ans  infult.  by  recording  it.  If  noting  it  as  a  fault  be  infulting,then  a 
.motion  to  Repentance  is  infukii,g,  and  if  he  would  have  us  pity 
them  for  their  fin,  and  not  only  for  their  fuffering  5  that  is  in- 
fulting too :  But  to  own  their  fin,  and  draw  men  to  imitate\them, 
Ihall  be  none  of  my  Compaffion. 

He  minds  me  of  Peters  Denial,  and  the  Difeiples  forfaking 
Chrift.  Alas !  he  is  not  a  man  that  is  not  fenfible  of  Humane 
frailty?  But  is  it  not  therefore  to  be  blamed?  Why  doth  Scrip- 
ture mention  ir,  but  that  we  may  avoid  the  like  f  Is  it  to  tempt 
others  to  the  like?  Did  Chrift  infult  when  he  faid.  to  Peter,  Get 
thee  behind  me  Satan,  &C. 

§  i3«  He  next  falk  into  his  familiar  ftrain  ,  to  carry  that  ex 



Cathedra,  by  fentence,  which  he  cannot  do  by  proof,  and  faith, 
[When  I  venture  on  Obfervations  it*s  an  even  lay  that  I  am  out.  ] 
Anf.  That  is,  I  am  out  of  the  way  of  his  Magiftry ,  Precon- 
ceipt  and  Intereft. 

It  is  my  Conciliatory  words  that  the  peaceable  man  is  an- 
gry at,  viz,.  [That  this  doUffti  y  Contentions  y  Anathematizing  , 
and  ruining  of  each  other  f  was  about  the  Jenfe  of  ambiguous  words, 
and  they  were  both  af  one  mmd  in  the  matter  and  knew  it  not.~\  He 
cannot  but  confefs ,  that  my  judgment  of  them  is  lofter 
than  theirs  that  hereticate  each  other.  And  Derodon  hath 
fully  proved  that  this  Council  when  they  condemned  Neftorius, 
were  of  his  Judgment  in  the  whole  matter,  and  faid  but  the 
fame  as  he. 

§  14.  As  to  his  telling  me,  that  Eutyches  denied  Chrift  to  be 
truly  and  properly  man,  I  will  no  more  believe  him,  than  if  he 
had  faid  Cyril  did  Co. 

§  15.  But  he  faith,  the  Monothelites  were  the  genuine  Difci- 
ples  of  Eutyches.  They  were  of  his  mind  in  that  Confcquence  : 
And  fuch  another  Controverfie  it  was.  And  how  much  greater 
crrour  againft  our  Belief  of  the  Father,  Son,  and  Holy  Ghoft , 
have  I  proved  e.  g.  to  be, ,  in  your  Dr.  Sherkks  Book  5  And  yet 
I  hope  he  meant  better  than  he  fpake. 

§  16.  P.  25  j.  He  confefleth  of  one  Party  what  I  faid,  viz,. 
["  O/Diofcorus  and  Flavian,  /  am  apt  to  believe  they  were  much 
* *  of the  fame  Opinion  as  to  the  point  m  c  ontr  over  fie %  and  kyw  it 
iC  well  enough  $  which  was  the  only  caufe  why  Diofcorus  with  his 
<c party  of  Bijhops  and  Monkjy  would  not  endure  to  come  to  anyDe- 
"  bate  of  the  matter^  for  fear  it  would  appear  that  they  all  agreed, 
tC  and  then  there  would  have  been  no  pretence  to  condemn  Flavian  , 
n  which  was  the  Defign,  if  not  of  the  Emperour,  yet  at  leaft  of  thofe 
[l  that  governed  him.~\  : 

Anf.  Fie  Dr.  will  you  thus  abufefo'many  Orthodox  Bifhops? 
Andalmoft  condemn  your  vindicating  Book?  And  harden  me  in 
myErrour?  But  I  am  much  of  your  mind,  and  if  one  of  us  err, 
fo  doth  the  other. 

§  17.  And  I  like  his  Ingenuity^  faying  AnatoliMConfeftctb  in 
Council,  that  Diofcorm  was  not  condemned  for  Hen fie  but  Tyranny ', 
and  no  man  contraditled  him.  Anf.  Not  in  anfwer  to  thofe  words, 
but  the  Accufations  of  many  contradicted  him  -before. 

§  18.  That  they  mean  one  thing  by  their  various  expreflions 

I  have 

I  kave  fully  proved,  and  he  no  whit  confuteth :  That  the  Euty- 
chians  acknowledged  no  diftinct  Preptrties,  and  Ne florins  own- 
ed an  Unity  but  in  Dignity  and  Title  only,  are  his  flat  {landers,  to 
be  no  way  proved  but  by  their  Adverfaries  accufatiom.  The  ve- 
ry words  I  named  even  now,  \_Divinoy  mirabili,  fubltmi  nexn.~] 
and  many  clearer,  (hew  it  of  Neftoriw.  And  I  wifli  him  to  take 
heed  himfelf  how  he  defineth  the  Hypoftatical  Union,  left  the 
next  General  Council  (if  ever  there  be  one)  make  him  an  Here- 

Can  he  believe  that  the  great  number  of  Emychian  Bifhops 
were  fo  mad,  as  not  to  know  that  Chrifts.  Mortality,  poffibility, 
material  Quantity,  Shape,  &c*  were  the  properties  of  Chrifts 
Humanity  and  not  his  Deity  ?  But  fome  Men  can  believe  any 
thing  well  or  ill,  reafonable  or  unreafonable,  as  Intereft  and  af- 
fection lead  them. 

§19.  He  faith,  that  [  If  it  were  a  faB ion  that  denied  this,  it 
was  a  ftrong  one ,  and  never  was  oppofed  by  any  Per  fan  before  Mr. 

jinf  I  heard  you  were  a  young  man  j  but  if  you  be  not  above 
one  Hundred  Years  old,  your  reading  cannot  be  great  enough 
to  excufe  this  confidence  from  fuch  temerity  as  re ndereth  you 
the  lefs  credible.  How  many  Thoufand  Books  be  they  which 
you  or  I  never  read  ?  How  know  you  that  none  of  them  all  op^ 
pofe  it  ?  But  would  you  perfuade  the  Reader  that  I  call  it  a  Fa- 
ction, to  believe  your  fence  of  thefe  Councils?  Factious  men 
are  forwardeft  to  judge  others  Hereticks  without  caufe  5  and  all 
that  I  fay  is,  that  Though  fuch  deny  my  u4Jfertionit  is  true:  Doth 
it  follow  that  I  take  all  for  faUiom  that  deny  it  ?  If  I  had  faid, 
[Though  Tapifts  denyitj]x\\it  had  not  been  all  one  as  to  fay,[-^# 
are  Papifts  that  deny  it  J} 

2.  But  did  never  any  perfbn  oppofe  it  ?  1.  I  named  you  Da- 
vid Derodon  before,  who  though  he  largely  labour  to  prove  Cy- 
ril an  Entychian  in  words  and  fence,  and  that  by  Win  he  did  mean 
Natura^  and  not  Perfona,  yet  as  to  Nefioritts  he  copioufly  pro- 
verb, that  the  Council  of  Calcedon  was  juft  of  his  Mind,  and 
condemned  him  for  want  of  Understanding  him.  Though  you 
have  no:  Jeen  that  Book  of  Derodons,  I  have^and  you  mould  not 
judge  of  what  you  never  fa w. 

2;  Luther  de  ConcUns  firft  accufeth  Neftorim  as  a  Heretick  , 
denying  Chrift's  Godhead,  or  holding  mo  Perfons  j  And  prefent- 



Jy  retraces  it,  and  confeffeth  he  was  feduced  by  believing  the 
Papifts,  but  (though  he  had  not  read  much  of  the  Councils,  but 
what  he  had  gathered  out  of  the  Tripartite  and  fuch  HiftoriansJ 
yet  he  gathered  from  the  PafTages  of  the  Hiftory,  that  the  dif- 
ference lay  only  in  words,  which  he  openeth  at  large,  and  yet 
turns  it  fharply  againft  Neftorius,  for  thinking  that  we  may  not 
fpeak  of  Chrifts  Godhead  or  Manhood  by  communicated  names 
or  Attributes,  and  greatly  rejoiceth  that  this  ferverh  his  turn 
in  his  Opinion  about  Confubftantiation  and  Sacramental  words. 

Becaufe  I  will  leave  nothing  in  doubt  with  you,  but  whether 
Luther  was  before  my  days,  and  left  you  fay  again  that  I  cite 
Books  which  I  fee  nor,  I  will  give  you  fbme  of  his  words,  be- 
ginning earlier,  (not  tranflating  left  I  have  not  skill  enough  ) 
but  they  are  fo  like  mine,  that  I  doubt  you  will  be  no  Luthe- 

De  Concil.  pag.  i^y.  Ecc!efi<e  Romano,  ScC.P*  ambit  to  ft  rix  a- 
tdfttHt  de  re  nihili,  vamfftmis  &  nugacijftmis  naniis  donee  tandem 
Mraqu?  hornbilittr  vaftata  &  dcleta  eft. —  Ilia  omnia  libentim  re- 
citot  m  videat  prudens  LeHor  quomodo  ex  tarn  celebri  Sjnodo  Con- 
ftantinopolaana,  feu  ex  font  e  man  aver  int  feminamaxim arum  Con- 
fuftonttm,  fropNrea  quod  ibt  Epifcopus  Ecclefta  ut  Patriarch*  fu$- 
rat  Prafecli4f,-~~p.  178,  J^uam  horr'ibilia  certamina  &  contentio-  ■ 
nes  moverunt  hi  dm  Epifcopi  de  primatu :  ut  facile  judicari  poftet 
Sptritum  fantlum  non  t'jfe  author  em  hujm  Inftituti :  Alia  habn 
Epifcopm  longe  potior  a  qua  agat,  quam  font  hi  puerile  s  &  inept  i 
ludi-  —  Pramonemur  quod  Concilia  pr  or fus  nihil  novi  de  bent  commit 
nifci  vel  trader*. 

De  Concil.  Ephef.  p.  180,  181.  Excejferant  jam  e  vivis  fanFxi 
Patres,  &  illi  optimi  Epifcopi,  5.  Ambrofitts,  S.  Martinus,  S.  Hi- 
eronymm^  S.  Auguflinus  (  qui  eo  ipfo  anno  quo  Synodvu  coatla  eft 
mortum  eft}  5.  Hilarim,  $.  Euftebius  &  fimiles  3  eorumque  loco 
frorfus  difftmiles  patres  fuborti  fuerant.  Ira  ut  Imperator  Theodufi- 
ta  amplim  eligi  Epifcopum  C.  P.  ex  Sacerdotibus  vel  Clench  (fivi- 
tatis  C.  P.  nolltt :  banc  ob  caufam  quod  pkrumque  ejfent  fuperbi  9 
ambit  10 ft ,  morofi,  qui   mover e  certamina,  &  tumult m  in  Eccleftm 

plernmqus  tolerent, p.   igi.  Cum  jam  videret  Neftarim  tarn  as 

turbas  ortas  ex  corrupt eli  mult iplici^  gemens  prorupit  in  hac  verba y 
Tolfainus  e  medio  omnes  am&guitates  qua?  primuta  pra?buerunt  ■•' 
occafiones  iitis  certaminibus ,  6c  fateamur  palam  Mariam  recle  r 
vocari  Ma^rem  Dei,  Sc4  nihil  profecit  NtftoriHt,  ne  twcqmdem 

cum  . 

cum  revocaret  futim  error  em-,  fed  voce  public  a  ande  mnattts,  ex  or- 
be  Imperii  umverfo  ejsllw  &  explofui  eft  :     Jguanquam   dli  duo 
Epifcopi  Antiochwus  &  Alexandrinus,  etiam  poft  Concilium  cum 
rednjjent  in  fuafi  Ecclcfas,  fe  ipft  mutuis   convitiis  Ucerabant,  & 
ommkfis  diris  dsvovebMU  :    Erf  poftea  res  ad  pUcidum  txitum  de- 
an ft  a  eft :  ^nanquam  tstnen  dolendum  hoc,  &  effufis  Uchrymts  de~ 
plorandnm  in  Ecelefta  eft,  tarn  praftantes  viros  adeo  indulfiffe  fuus 
affcclibus,  at  inftar  muliernm  ant  puerorum  inept  iffims  inter  fe  rix- 
arentur.  Omnino  fmffet  eis  opm  aUquo   Con  ft  amino ,  qui  ip forum 
jurgia  &  contentiofa  fcripta  etiam  conjeciftet  in  ignetn. —  p.  1 84. 
Mentioning  the  falfe  accufations  of  Neftorius,  making  two  Per- 
Ibns,  Cc.     [_Atque  adeo  intricata  &  confufa  (unt  qua  fcribunt9  ht 
cxijttmem  r.e  quidem  ipfosfcire  in  hunc  ufque  diemy  quid  &  propter 
quas  caufasdamnaverint  Neftorium.    Hoc  inde  conjicito.   Fatentur 
credidijfe  Neftorium  quod  Chriftus  (it  Deus  &  Homo---  exkis  cer- 
tum  eft  quod  Neftorius  non  crediderit  Chriftum  effe  purum  fomi- 
nem.—  Confiat  Neftorium  non  duos  fed  unum  C hriftum  credidijfe,  id 
quod  ipforum  verba  teftantur — ideoque  non  potuit  credere  effe  duas 
perfenas.    Nee  ullibi  leper  it  hy  in  hiftoriis  quod  Neftorius  unum 
Chriftum  crediderit  habere  duas  perfonas,  nift  quod  Pontifices  & 
eorum  hiftoria  it  a  argutantut.     Apparet  Papam  &  fcriptoresPon- 
xiftcios  h&c  verba  contra  Neftorium  calumniofe  &  veteratorie  finxiffe, 
quod  Christum  pro  puro  homine  &  non  pro  Deo,  &  quod  unum 
Christum  pro  duabus  perfonis  vel gemino  Christ  0  habuerit. —  Ne- 
stor ius  fua  homo  inflatus  tumens  Pharifaico  faftu ,   &  indotlus, 
Et  cum  fubito  ejfet  evetlus  ad fupremum  fastigium  Ecelefta,  adeo  ut 
haberetur  pro  fummo  Pontiftce,  Patriarcha,  fomniabat  je  unum  an- 
tecellere  dotlrina  &  eruditioncomnes  homines  in  toto  genere  humane, 
nee  ftbi  opus  effe  letlione  hbrorum  qui  erant  fcripti  a  Majoribus  nut 
aliisy  nee  in  explicatione  magnaram  return  retinendos  effe  modes  lo- 
quendi  antiquitus  receptos  in  Ecclefia  puriore  \  fed  quia  &  voce  va- 
le bat,  &  ex  temporali  facundia  volebat  effe  dvTofifi*>K-ns,  Doctor  vel 
Magistery    &  for  mas  loquendi  quibus  ipfe  uteretur  tantum  recipi- 
endas  effe  in  Ecclefia,  non  alias.    Et  tali  faftu  armatus  adorieba- 
tur  ilium  articulum.   Maria  est  mater  Dei,  aut  genetrix  Dei;    Ibi 
viciffim  Epifcopos  in  adverfa  parte  invemt  perinde  inflatos9  quibus 
vehemenier  difplicebat  Nestor li  faftus,  inprimis  Cyr  ilium  Alexan- 
drinum:  quia  tunc nulluserat  August  inus  aut  Ambrofius.---p.  189. 
Nmc  manifestum  est,  quod  Neftorius  ut  homo  impru dens  &  vamffi- 
ma  perfuaftone  addutlus,  loquatur  quidem  bono  z.clo  de  Christ o  :  fed 

+  ex 


ix  mera  infcitia  non  intelligat  quid&  quomodo  loquatur.-»  p.  19^ 
Non  est  Neftorii  error  cjnod  Christum  credit  tantum  effe  purum  ho- 
minem,  nee  in  duas  perfonas  earn  dirimi;  fied  duas  naturas  Dttim 
&  hominem  tn  u%a  perfiona  uniri  fatetur  :  fed communicat tonem  tdio- 
matum  non  vult  concedere.  Objiciat  autem  hie  aliqujs^  Nestor  mm 
infidtofe  confeffum  effe,  quod  Christ  us  Deus  fit  &  una  perfona,  Refip. 
Jguod  non:  Tarn  ingeniofus  enim  &  industnus  nonfuit,  fedferio  it  a 
judicavit. —  Ad  loic  acceffit  aliorum  Eptfeoporum  tnfolentia,  qui 
non  cogitaverunt  quomodo  fiananda  effent  taua  vuUera,  fed  mult 9 
magis  trritandis  &  refricandis  caufam  dederunt.  Vide  c tier  a. 

P.  202.  De  Concil.  Calcedon,  Adeo  indulgebant  fantti  Patres 
mututs  odiis  &  diffenftombus  ut  alter  non  facile  vellet  alteri  cedere — 
fliewing  the  uncerrainty  of  the  Hiftories  of  tbis  Council,  and 
the  Lies  of  the  Papifts  not  to  be  trufted.  fam  dtvina  qua  rat  lo- 
ne ego  ero  falvandus,  qui  nee  ipfum  Concilium  ajfequor  ,  he c  caufam 
Concilii  fiatisperfipicio.     p.  205".  JS>uod  Eut)chesnon  tantum  unam 
in  Christ  0  naturam  effe  ft  at  Hat ,  oftendunt  Papist  arum  Verba9  qui 
dicunt  Eutychen  concejfijfe  in  Chrifto  duas  naturas9v\z.  Divinitatem 
&  Humanitatem,  qua  d  Divinitate  eft  aJfumpta—Sed  quid  Euty- 
ches  voluerit  quod  poftea  in  Chrifto  tantum  Divina  natura  manfie- 
rit,  defer t a  humana^  tbi  prorfus  funt  muti  j  &  re  nondum  certo  cogni- 
td  dicunt,  ftatuiffe  Eutychen  quod  in  Chrifto  dua  natura,  &  tamen 
non  dua  fed  una  natura  fit :  It  a  poftea  hiftoria  fiunt  incerta  &  ob- 
ficura ,  ut  nemo  poffit  inteRigere  quid  Eutyches  fienfierit,  aut  quid 
Pontificia  hiftoria  fie ntiant.      Amittimus  hifce  ambagibm  concilium 
una  cum  caufts propter  quas  convocatum  eft.— -Ego  me  as  conjectural 
recitabo  :  ft  rem  ajfequor,  bene  5  ft  non,  non  propterea  labefaclabitur 
fidesChriftiana.Eutychis  opinio(ficut&Neftorii)errat  circa  idiom  at  a, 
quamvis  alio  modo.  Neftorius  non  vult  idiom  at  a  humanitatistribu- 
ere  Dtvinitati  in  Chrifto:— Contra  Eutjches  non  vult  idiomata  di- 
vinitatis  tribuere  humanitati,etiamft&  tp fie  fir  miter  &  mordicus  re- 
tineat   Chriftum  effe  verum  Deum  &  hominem,    Vt  fi  dicer  em  in 
Cone  tone  public  a,  Verbum  filium  Dei  effe  conditorem  Coeli  &  Terra 
aqualem  Patri  ab  aterno — -Et  hoc  Verbum,  ilium  ftlium  Dei  effe 
verum  hominem :  Hoc  concedit  mihi  Eutyches  nihil  dubitans.    fam 
fiporro  die  am,  Jguod  Me  homo  Chriftus  fit  conditor  cceli  &  terra,  hoc 
offendit  Eutychen  ,  qui  put  at  prorjus  effe  abfurdum  dicer  e,    Homo 
crcat  coelum  &  terrain. —  P.  210.  Ibi  vides  quod  idiomata  fact  Li 
cccaftone  homines  non  pramonitos  offendant  &  petfurbent.    Hie  erat 
fiubijemcndum  tener is  Confident  lis  fr at erna%  amsca  &  fialutari  admo- 

A  a  tutione 

nit  tone,  nee  fuperbiffimi  err  antes  akjiciendieffent.  Viinam  met  pt- 
dicio  non  respondeat  event  us:  fed  vereor  profeclo  aliquot  b&reticos 
in  novijfimo  die  fieri  judices  5  &  illos  ipfosEptfcopos  Penes  quos  fuitju- 
dicandipo:eftas3m  aternum  damnatos,niDeus  eft  mirabilisd?  incom- 
prehehjiinlts  in  fttisjudiciis\nifi  quodfeimvu  cum  effepropitium  humi- 
libus  &  injenfijfimum  fttperbi*.  Et  pr&fertim  in  Concilia  &  Ecclcfiis 
nihil  erat  agendum  z*elo  vel  invidia  ,  vel  fuperbia,  quia  Deus  non 
pot  eft  ferre. 

§  20.  Readers,"  you  fee  what  tedious  work  fome  men  caa 
make  us:  Many  are  fcandalized,  as  if  we  gave  them  falfe  Hifto* 
ry,  if  we  do  not  thus  confute  them  ;  and  if  we  do,  we  tire  our 
felves  and  you.  If  I  fhould  cite  you  many  more  thus  to  confute 
his  falftiood,  that  never  per fon  before  meoppofed  that  Faftion,  you 
would  be  weary  of  it. 

§  21.  Yet  now  my  hand  is  in,  you  (hall  fee  further  bow  much 
Luther  was  for  the  fame  that  I  have  written.  [J^#/  volet  poterit 
mterius  legere  acla  Ccnalii,  privata  opera.  Ego  ad  tadium  &  nau- 
feam  ujq\  legi  ifta-,    ejufmodi  Chaos  aremoniarum  &  confujionum 
eft  ibi^  ut  videatur  recle  judicajfe  Greg.Naz*.  qui  Synodis  eruditiori- 
bus  &  fedatioribus  inter  fuit, —  &  fcrtbit  [Sic  affetlus  fumfi  die  en- 
da  eft  Veritas,  Ht  malivo  omnes  Epifcopoyum  eonventus  vitare,  quia\ 
nulims  Synodrfincm  vidi  bonum,  am  qui  magis  toller  et  mala  quam 
augerst.     Nam  cupiditas  contentions  &  principatus^  &  amulatio 
vincmt  rationem.  ZJt  profeclo  miror  quod  propter  hac  verba  non  du~ 
dwn  earn   excommunicavernnt    ut  atroaffimum  hareticum.     Sed 
quid  jit  quod  dicit  in  Synodis  Epifcopos  certaffe  ambiticne,  Jupsrbia, 
phomteU,  habes  in  hac  Synodo  clanffimnm  exemplum.     £>£od  au~ 
tern  art  urn  fit  quod  hie  dicit  fe  nullius  Synodi  vid'.ffe  finem  bonum , 
docent  nos  hiftoria:  Nam  Ariana  h&efis  jocus  fuit  ante  Nic&num 
Concilium  pra  ilia  eonfufione  quam  ipfi  poft  Concilium  excitavernnt , 
(that  was  not  long  of  the  SynodJ  Talis  etiam  fmt  Macedomci  & 
Neftorimi  ConciliiK      Nam  ilia  pars  qua  eft  condemnata  co  fuit 
conjunEHor,  ut  tali  fpecie  Concordia  &  unit  at  is  fuas  prafttgias  pin- 
gerent  quafi  nulli  jufta  rati  one  damnari  poffent.    Submde  excitarunt 
major  a  certamina  contra  Concilia  qua  ipfi  non  recle  intelLgebant,—- 
P.  247.    Illud  pojfum  facillime  probare-  quod  mifer  ille  Paftor    in 
Hippcne  S,  uiuguftinus  plus  docuit  quam  omnia  Concilia —  Die  am 
&  qniddam  amplius :    Majus  Lumen  accedit  Doclrina  Chriftian& 
ex  Catechifmo  puertfi  quam  ex  omnibus  Conciliu^  <jr  oratio  Domi- 
nica &  decern  pracepta  plus  continent  dotlrina  &  eruditionis  quam 
omnia  Concilia,  §  22, 


§  2^.  Becaufe  I  recite  the  words  of  the  Bifnops  crying  Tetca- 
vimttSy  he  exclaimeth  againft  me,  as  making  Repentance  and  Rc- 
santation  a  derifion  .  and  this  by  the  Spirit  of  Schtjm  which  ts 
nice  in  point  of  honour 9  no  Convitlicn  Jhall  be  able  to  reclaim  it  % 
though  in  the  mefl  indefcnfible  thin^  in  the  World.] 

slnf.  Add  but  with  the  Inquiiitors ,  [Therefore  burn  them  as 
hopelefs,]  and  you  are  come  to  the  end  of  your  LeflTon.  The  pe- 
netrating Wits  of  fome  men  are  admirable.  This  man  whofe  face 
I  never  faw,  knoweth  my  heart  fomuch  better  than  my  felf  and 
my  acquaintance,  that  he  can  tell  that  it  is  to  avoid  dimonour 
that  I  avoid  Repentance,  when  I  offer  him  my  Oath,  that  if  I 
have  any  knowledge  of  my  own  defire,  I  would  thank  him  as 
my  deareft  Friend,  who  will  by  Evidence  fhew  me  any  necefia- 
ry  truth  that  I  deny,  or  Faifhood  that  I  hold,  and  will  joyfully 
publiih  my  recantation. 

2.  And  he  can  fee  Schifm  in  my  forbearing  known  and  hei- 
nous fin  in  the  fatisfattion  of  my  Confcience^  while  1  write,  and 
preachy  and  pra&ife  Communion  with  their  Church,  and  can  fee 
none  in  filencing  Thoufands,  and  ipfofaBo  excommunicating  ma* 
ny  more  Thoufands  of  godly  Chriitians,  and  denying  Baptifmand 
the  Lords  Supper  to  fuch  as  think  it  is  finful  to  do-—  he  knows 

3.  And  he  can  fee  thofe  things  to  be  moft  in defenfible,  which 
after  our  beft  ftudy  we  take  to  be  clear,  and  can  get  no  rational 
Reply  to  our  defence. 

4.  And  (for  want  of  memory  or  tendernefs  of  his  partners  ve* 
racity)  when  their  Advocates  have  {0  oft  and  fcornfully  charged 
me  with  Retrattations,  and  alfo  told  the  World  how  much  my 
own  party  (as  they  call  them)  fpeak  againft  me,  and  my  many 
large  and  free  oppofitions  to  the  faults  of  Nonconformifts  that 
run  into  any  extream,  do  all  proclaim  how  little  I  have  fet  by 
fuch  honour  5  yea,  when  himfelf  faith  that  I  have  fiercely  con- 
tended againft  all  Sefts  and  Parties,  and  they  call  me  IJhmael , 
whofe  hand  is  againft  every  man:  After  all  this  to  proclaim  as 
aforefaid,  fuch  obftinate  Impenitence  for  the  love  of  Honour,  I 
confefs  doth  no  more  further  my  conviction  than  the  Oath  of 
an  Irifh  Witnefs  would  have  done:  For  if  he  had  fworn  it,  I 
would  have  (hewed  my  Books  and  their  contrary  testimony,  and 
have  askt  him ,  whofe  honouring  of  me  is  it  thaPf'buy  Co 
dearly  ?  It  is  not  the  Rulers,  nor  the  Prelates,  nor  their  Clergy* 

A  a  1  nor 


nor  their  adherents,  noble  or  ignoble:  And  if  I  have  willingly 
and  laborioufly  difpleafed  and  loft  the  Sectaries  too,  whofe  ho- 
nour is  it  that  I  fell  my  Soul  for  ? 

§  23.  But  did  the  man  think  that  Vnconftancy  and  compliance 
with  powerful  Hercfie,  is  the  fame  thing  with  Repentance  for 
it  ?  Or  is  it  well  done  to  perfuade  the  Reader  that  it  is  Repen- 
tance or  Retractation  of  Fterefie  I  write  againft,  when  I  recite 
the  words  of  the  Council  and  their  own  ?  Do  I  fay  that  peccavi- 
rmu  was  their  fin  ? 

§  24.    And  I  would  humbly  defire  him  in  time  to  confider , 
1.  Whether  it  was  a  venial  fin  not  to  be  named  by  me,  when  the 
moft  zealous  Papifts  and  Hiftorians  name  it,  for  fo  great  a  num- 
ber of  Bifhops  to  turn  and  turn  again  fo  often,  and  that  with 
Anathematizing  one  year  of  what  they  voted  for  before  with 
Anathema  to  the  contrary,    I  crave  your  impartial  confiderati- 
on  but  of  two  Liftances:    How  oft  did  they  with  Anathema's 
vote  for  and  againft  the  Council  of  Calcedon  as  the  Emperours 
changed  ?   Yea  in  the  fame  Ufurpers  time,  Bafilifcus^  when  he 
changed  himfelf.     2.  In  the  cafe  of  Images:  How  oft  did  they 
change  in  Councils,  for  them  and  againft  them<  as  the  Princes 
changed  ?  Sir,  we  mind  this  with  lamentation  and  not  infultingly  : 
But  if  you  take  thefe  for  venial  little  fins,  and  our  not  fwearing 
and  covenanting  all  that  you  bid  us  for  a  mortal  fin,  are  you  not 

2.  And  I  Would  wifh  you  to  think  on  it  again,  before  you 
make  this  guilt  your  own,  by  mincing'and  excufi»g  it  5  and  left 
you  make  all  other  mens  fin  your  own,  whom  hereby  you  en- 
courage in  the  imitation  of  them.  Thefe  are  not  things  indif- 

3.  And  do  not  fo  difhonour  Prelacy ,  and  your  Church  and 
Difcipline,  as  to  tell  the  World  that  thefe  in  Bifliops  are  little 
things ;  what  then  is  left  for  you  to  (tick  at?  No  man  mould 
make  light  of  fuch  Beams  in  the  Eyes  of  thofe  that  mould  be  the 
moft  pure,  while  they  are  pulling  the  mote  of  fcrupling  a  Cere- 
mony, yea  an  Oath.  &c.  from  their  Brothers  Eye,  and  that  by 
fuch  Iron  Inftruments  as  they  ufe. 

§  2  j.  Next  comes  his  Logical  terms,  [throwing  dirt,  outragi- 
ottst  bitter,  maliciom^  &c]  And  what's  the  matter?  [I give  not 
one  loofe^at  Emperours  and  Courts  :  {corning  to  change  the  game, 
charging  the  Bijhops  with  the  faults  of  the  Magiftrate ,  and  lajing- 



til  the  blame  on  tbem.~]  In  what  words?  I  fay,  [_fo  far  coktdfitrte, 
andfattious  Prelates  prevail  with  a  pious  and  peaceable  Prtncc,  by 
the  pretences  of oppojing  Here  fie  dndSchifm. 

An[.  i.  Was  he  not  a  moft  pious  and  peaceable  Prince  ?  Then 
Socrates  that  Ktoew  him,  and  protefteth  againft  flattery,  and 
many  others,  are  not  to  be  believed  f  yea,  if  he  excelled  not 
the  Bifhops  ? 

2 .  Do  I  fay  that  none  but  the  Bifhops  perfuaded  him  ?  Where 
do  I  lay  all  the  fault  on  them  ?  Do  I  not  after  name  the  Empe- 
reft  Evdocia,  as  the  Agent  to  perfuade  him  for  the  Eutychians, 
and  Pulcheria  to  perfuade  him  againft  Neftorius:  My  words  are 

3.  What  Bifhops  were  they  that  perfuaded  him  to  make  a 
Law  to  confirm  the  Ephefine ,  Eutychian  Council  ?  Was  it  not 
Diofcorus  and  the  Eutychians  ?  Were  they  not  Bifhops  ?  Did 
they  not  do  it  ?  Yea,  doth  not  this  man  oft  revile  them  far 
more  bitterly  than  ever  I  did,  and  revile  me  for  fpeaking  fo  cha- 
ritably of  them?  Would  you  ever  have  expected  that  the  fame 
man  fhould  have  fo  reviled  me,  for  faying  that  thefe  Eutychian 
Bifhops  prevailed  with  a  good  Emperour  to  confirm  that  Coun- 
cil of  Eutychians  ? 

4.  Is  it  a  fin  not  to  fpeak  hardlier  of  fo  good  a  Prince,  who- 
after  repented  and  punifhed  his  Wife  and  Eunuch  for  perfuading 
him?  It  was  a  blaming  him  to  tell  to  what  he  was  perfuad- 

Truly  the  mans  anger  here  for  my  blaming  the  Eutychian  Bi- 
fhops, in  condemnation  of  whom  he  hath  poured  out  fo  much 
more  than  I,  doth  make  me  think  that  there  is  fomewhat  in  the 
found  of  fome  words,  that  turns  his  wrath  this  way  or  that: 
When  he  hears  the  name  of  an  Eutychian,  away  with  them,fpea^ 
not  eafily  of  them.  When  the  fame  men  are  called  Bifhops,  it's 
malice^  outragious  bitternefs  to  blame  them  for  getting  a  Law 
to  confirm  that  called  an  Heretical ,  Murdering ,  Latrociaian 
Council.  His  words  are,  p.  146.  [_VVere  there  ever  greater  vio- 
lences committed  than  in  that  infamous  Conventicle  at  Ephefus  ?  ] 

%  1.6.  P.  263.  He  confetfeth  that  the  Debate  between  the 
Council  and  the  Egyptian  Bijhops  was  fomethmgteo  warm  :  but  faith 
that  h:at  was  not  altogether  without  rcafon.  Anf.  This  is  his  way 
to  confefs  their  faults,  and  then  rail  at  me  for  bare  reciting  the 
words  of  the  Debate  or  Hiftory,  But  ic  ms  mt  without  reafon :  He 


confelfeth  not  (o  much  as  this  of  the  filencing  and  ruining  Mini- 
fkrs  now.  It  fhall  not  be  the  ufe  of  my  reafon  jq  make  Fig- 
leaves  to  cloath  and  cover  the  lins  which  God  abhorreth. 

Men  will  be  men  he  fait h,  wherever  they  arc  placed,  whether  in 
a  Council  or  in  the  Church,  or  even  at  the  Altar.  • 

Anf.  By  Attn  I  fuppofe  he  meaneth  Sinners :  and  it's  true.  But 
of  all  Sinners  Oh  that  God  would  fave  his  Church  from  thofe 
who  hate  reproof,  and  cherifh  the  worft  that  will  be  for  them, 
and  excommunicate  and  profecute  the  moft  confcionable  that 
will  not  obey  them  in  things  which  they  call  indifferent  j  for 
fear  of  finning  againft  God. 

§  27.  His  trifling  words  about  Leo  and  Rome  are  not  worthy 
•fan  Anfwer. 

§  28.  He  hath,  P.  268.  hit  again  on  the  overfight  which. I 
before  confefied,  even  the  effect  of  my  neceffitated  halte,  that 
in  tranflatjng  Theodoret's  words  I  put  {truly)  in  the  wrong  place: 
I  ask  him  forgivenefs,  and  the  Bifhops,  if  that  be  any  (lander 
againft  them  $  which  is  nothing  to  them. 

§29.  He  faith,  P.  269.  [  There  is  no  truth  in  what  our  Au- 
thor faith,  that  Ibas  Epiftle  was  acquit .]  Anf  There  is  no  truth 
in  faying  that  I  faid  it  was,  when  my  words  were  disjunctive, 
[  The  Epiftle  was  acquit,  or  at  leaft  the  Bifhop  upon  the  reading  of 
it.']  He  faith,  Ibas  was  not  acquit  on  the  reading  the  Epiftle,  but 
\  on  the  defence  he  made^  that  he  communicated  with  Cyril.  Anf  His 
Accufations  of  Falfhood  are  commonly  Boyifh  Quibbles.  Hrs 
Defence  and  the  Reading  of  his  Letter  go  together,  and  in  Bin- 
mus  the  Letter,  and  the  Letters  of  the  Clergy  ofEdcffazre  the 
laft  things  done  before  he  is  difcharged. 

§  30.  P.  270.  He  faith,  [  The  truth  is,  tit  Eaftern  Bifhopswere 
not  fo  ingenuous  and  fair-  after  their  reconciliation  with  Cyril,  &c„  ] 
Thus  he  becomes  himfelf  ftill  anaccufcr  of  the  Bifliops. 

§31.  Becaufe.Ifay  that  the  Judges  part  fentence  to  caft  out 
both  Stephen  and  Baffian  from  Ephefus,  and  all  confented,  he 
faith,  {One  would  thinly  here  the  fudges  pajfed  fentence  againft  the 
confent  or  Inclination  of  the  BijhopsT\  Anf  There  is  no  end  of 
anfwering  your  thinkings.  I  did  not  fay  that  the  Judges  paffed 
the  Councils  Sentence  but  their  own  :  And  whether  it  were  a- 
gainit  the  F ore- inclination  of  the  Council  let  any  Reader  judge, 
when  the  Judges  asking  the  Council  their  fence,  [_Ref .  Epifcopi 
ctriwzvtYunt,  j*(titi*  Bajfiamm  vocat:     ReguU  valeant.     The 



Judges  anfwered  them  that  their  judgment  was  that  both  were 
to  be  caft  out,  and  a  third  chofen,  and  the  Council  fuddenly  con- 
fented.  If  he  would  be  believed  conrradicling  this  he  giuft  deny 
the  Acts. 

§  32.  He  hath  found  matter  for  a  quibble  againft  tafrmg  Pore- 
xxms  FUJh  with  their  Teeth.  Teeth  taite  not:  Dangerous  falfeHi- 
ftory,  or  want  of  Learning  is  learnedly  heredifcovered.  When 
he  cannot  deny  the  moft  woeful,  calamitous  dnTcntions  which 
followed  the  Calcedon  Council,  he  faith,  \W<to  it  the  misfortune 
or  the  fault  of  the [e  only  not  to  he  able  to  heal  the  differences  of  the 
Church  I  Or  was  the  defeft  in  the  Councils,  or  the  blame  to  be  im- 
puted to  thofe  obfiinate  men  that  oppofed  the  Rule  eftablifhed  by 
them  f  1 

^nf.  No  :  They  were  neither  the  firft  nor  the  laft  that  have 
mifcarried.  Nor  are  we  the  firft  that  fuffer  under  fuch  mifcarri- 
age.     It  was  the  misfortune  of  the  Churches  to  have  fuch  Phy- 
ficians :  But  as  it  is  the  honour  of  fome  Phyficians  to  fhew  how 
many  Patients  they  have  cured,  fo  is  it  of  fome  others  ,   when 
moft  die  under  their  bands,  t(*be  able  to  fay,  that  it  was  long  of 
the  Patients  that  would,  not  be  ruled,  or  that  thtv  killed  rherrr 
fecundum  artem.  It  was  a  Proverb  in  $%tton~Co!dfield,  [  Who  be- 
gun ,?]  A  poor  man  had  but  one  Afs  and  be  loaded  him  too  hard, 
and  the  Afs  being  in  pain  bit  his  Mafter  a  little  on  the  But- 
tockj    and  his  Mafter  knockt  him  down  ,  and  killed  him  ;  and 
when  he  faw  him  dying,  ,  [  Well,  (faith  he)  But  who  begun  §  ] 
But  who  had  the  lofs  ?    There  be  Clergy-Men  that  can  inopeni- 
tentJy  fee  the  Strages,  the  divifions,  the  (warms  of  fin  that  are 
the  confequents  of  their  needlefs  mafterly  Impositions,  and  wipe 
their  mouths  and  fay,  It  was  the  obftinacy  of  thofe  that  would 
not  be  ruled  by  us  I  They  kill  a  Flea  on  a  mans  Forehead  with  a 
Beetle,  and  fay  they  meant  not  to  kill  the  man. 

But  if  thafCouncils  Acts  were  a  fit  means  to  cure  the  Churches 
Divifions  ,  how  came  they  to  be  prefently  and  through  many 
Ages,  yea,  ever  fince  to  this  day,  thereby  increafed  (b  many 
fold  '<  Though  the  Aftembly  at  ferufalem  cured  not  all  the 
Jewifh  Teachers  of  their  blind  Zeal  for  Mofes  Law,  it  was 
fo  far  from  increafmg  the  Diflentions  and  number  of  Difien- 
ters,  that  it  fatisfied  the  Gentile  Chriftians  for  the  moft  part , 
and  many  of  the  Jewifh,  and  greatly  diminifhed  the  Difcord.  It's 
one  thing  not  wholly  to  cure,  and  another  to  ma\efar  worje. 



§33-    He  inftanceth  alfo  in  the  Dort  Synod  that  made  things 

Anf.  1.  The  Synod  of  Dort  made  things  the  worfe  in  their 
own  Country  3  not  by  their  Dotlrinal  Decifions^  but  by  too  much 
of  the  Mafterly  Spirit,  engaging  the  Magiftrates  againlt  the  Ar- 
minians  in  theufe  of  ihe  Sword.  Whether  it  be  true  that  they 
fay.,  that  they  were  neceffitated  to  do  what  they  did  againlt 
Bar  neve  it  and  Grotius  for  the  fafety  of  their  State,  I  am  no  Judge : 
But  I  am  fure  it  is  of  an  ill  found  to  thofe  that  read  it :  And  fo 
is  it  to  read  in  Epfccpitts  and  others,  what  violence  the  People 
have  ufed  againlt  the  Arminians,  and  they  were  fain  to  tolerate 
them  when  all  was  done. 

And  it's  no  wonder  that  the  Diffention  increafed  in  England, 
when  the  Clergy  would  not  long  ftand  to  the  decrees  that  by  our 
own  fix  Delegates  were  moderated:  Dr. Hejlin  tells  you  how  Bi- 
fhop  Laua's  Zeal  was  the  caufe  of  our  following  Contentions : 
And  how?  By  bearing  down  all  that  were  againlt.  him. 

2.  But  the  meer  Dotlrinal  Decrees  of  the  Synod  of  Dort  are  fo 
moderate  and  healing,  that  wheft  Violence  hath  been  forborn, 
and  Reafon  ufed3  many  have  been  pacified  by  them.       And 

3.  What  that  Synod  did  not,  a  few  private  Peace-makers  have 
much  done  :  The  Writings  of  Camero  Amjraldtts ,  C ape  Hut  % 
Placeus,  Teftardus,  Lud>  Crocitis,  Mat,  Martinius%  Conr.  Bergi- 
pis,  foh.  Bergins,  Blondel,  Daile,  and  above  all,  Le  Blank's  have 
for  ought  I  hear,  half  ended  the  controverfie.  And  having  my 
felf  written  one  Book  (CathoL  Theologie)  for  Reconciliation,  I 
have  not  to  this  day  bad  a  word  of  Contradiction,  but  the  Coa- 
fent  of  very  many.  And  as  1  before  noted,  Is  not  even  in  Lon- 
don where  other  differences  might  exafperate,  yet  this  Contro- 
verfie almoftlaid  to  fleep  ?  But  if  our  At  minions  will  but  get  as 
fevere  Laws  and  Canons  made  againft  them  that  are  not  of  their 
Opinions,  as  be  againft  them  that  dare  not  conforrri  to  the  Dio- 
cefane  Model  and  the  reft,  they  (hall  quickly  fee  this  quarrel  re- 
vived. The  Articles  of  the  Church  of  England  determine  not 
thefe  Controverfies,  and  that  is  our  Peace.  Put  in  but  one  de- 
termining Article  againft  either  fide,  and  it  will  break  us  more 
in  pieces.  Doth  not  our  own  Cafe  and  Experience  then  confute 
thofe  over-doing  Councils  ? 

§  34.  His  next  Inftance  is  that  of  the  Wcftmmfter  AfTembly,— 
So  far  from  reconciling  the  People ,   that  after  this  thy  were  di* 


ftratted  into  innumerable  Schifms  ?  Never  was  there  fo  lament abl* 
a  face  of  things ,  never  facts  variety  of  Herefe[y  and  fuch  Wan- 
tonnefs,  and  Extravagancy ,  in  blafphemmg  God  under  pretence  of 
Religion  and  Confcience:  And  this  is  the  State  whither  the  fame 
manner  of  men  are  driving  again, 

Anf..\.  I  fay  again  I  knew  fo  many  of  that  AfTembly,  asthat 
I  do  noc  think  that  the  Chriftian  World  had  ever  an  Afiembly 
of  more  able  and  truly  pious  Clergy-Men,  thefe  1300  Years  at 
Jeaft.    But  thefe  Upftarts  that  knew  them  not  can  tell  us  any 
thing  that  Faction  hath  taught  them  to  believe  concerning  them 
and  others.     The  Parliament  was  by  feeming  necelTity  drawn  to 
gratifie  the  Scots :  The  Affembly,  though  Conformifts,  all ,  fave 
Eight  or  Nine  ,  were  as  fenfible  as  the  Nonconformiits  of  the 
mifchiefs  of  filencing  worthy  Minifters,  and  forbidding  After- 
noon Sermons,  and  fuch  like  5    and  they  were  as  much   againft 
Arminianifm  and  Popery  as  the  Church  of  England  was  in  A.Bp. 
Abbat's  days,  and  as  much  as  he  againft  the  Doctrine  of  Main- 
waring  and  Sibthorp:    And  the  Parliament  abfolurely  reftrained 
them  from  debating  any  thing  but  what  they  propofed  to  them  5 
(b  that  they  that  were  for  the  Primitive  Epifcopacy  had  no  li- 
berty to  debatje  it,  or  fpeak  for  it,  but  on  the  by.  But  when  the 
Covenant  was  offered  them  againft  Prelacy,  they  were  about  to 
enter  a  Proteftation  againft  it,  and  were  ftopt  only  by  limiting 
the  renunciation  to  the  Englifh  frame  defcribed  in  an  explicato- 
ry Parenthefis.    But  for  my  part  I  think  them  much  to  be  bla- 
med, that  they  did  not ,  though  againft  that  prohibition,  re- 
folve  to  propofe  fuch  moderate  healing  terms  to  the  Parliament 
as  were  agreeable  to  their  judgments,  or  at  leaft  have  teftifled 
againft  the  limiting  of  Church  Concord  to  fuch  narrow  termes, 
as  muft  exclude  fuch  men  as  were  for  the  Englifh  Epifcopacy  : 
They  mighceafily  have  Known,  that  the  number  of  fuch  in  Eng- 
land was  fo  grear,  as  that  an  excluding  Law  mull  needs  be  an 
Engine  of  great  Divifion  5  and  that  Conqueft  .will   not  change 
mens  Judgment*. 

And  as  I  dot.:  not  but  the  five  Diffenring  Independents  were 
greatly  to  blame,  r  making  fuch  a  ftir  for  leave  to  gather  their 
Churches,  when  nothing  was  impofed  en  them  which  they  could 
accufe$  So  J daabt  not  but  the  Afiembly  were  to  be  blamed 
formaking  a  greater  nolle  againft  errours  than  they  had  caufe 
for.     Their  defire  of  Concord3  which  was  good  itfeJf,  did  raife 

B  b  them 


them  to  too  great  Expectations  of  it,  and  too  great  impatience  of 
little  differences*  They  publifhed  their  Teftimony  againft  the 
errours  of  the  times,  in  which  they  took  in  Dr.  Hammond,  and 
made  many  differerces  worfe  than  they  were  ,  too  like  the  old 
Hereticators.  And  they  wanted  that  skill  to  compofe  their 
differences  with  the  Independents,  as  was  needful  to  that  end, 
and  might  have  been  attained.  And  will  the  faults  of  that  Affem- 
bly  jultitiethe  far  greater  faults  of  others?"     But 

2.  This  fort  of  Hiftorians  do  much  more  differ  from  us  about 
the  matters  of  Fad,  which  our  Eyes  have  dayly  feen,  yea,,  about 
our  own  Thoughts  and  Minds,  than  about  the  Hiftory  of  the  an- 
cient Church.  The  cafe  was  very  far  different  from  that  which 
he  defcribetb.  Mr.  Lawfon,  a  Conforming  faith,  [There  was  ne- 
ver better  Preaching,  Piety  encouraged  and  encreafed,  &c>  than 
at  that  time.  In  all  the  Counties  where  I  was  acquainted,  there 
were  many  young  Orthodox  faithful  Preachers,  that  gave  them- 
felves  wholly  to  do  good  ,  for  one  that  was  ten  Years  before, 
and  not  any  confiderable  number  noted  for  any  immorality  :  We 
were  in  the  County  where  I  lived  almoft  all  of  one  mind  3  for 
Epifcopal,  Presbyterians  and  Independents  uniting  in  that  which 
they  agreed  in,  and  leaving  all  to  Liberty  in  the  reft,  we  lived 
in  conftant  Brotherly  Love  and  Peace  without  DiiTention.  I  ne- 
ver knew  of  any  of  a  divers  Religion  in  all  the  County  ,  fave  at 
she  end,  in  one  or  two  corners  about  Twenty  Quakers:  And 
near  me  were  about  Twenty  otherwife  Orthodox,  that  denied 
Infant- Baptifm,  (and  perhaps  as  many  more  in  the  whole  Coun- 
ty,) and  Two  or  Three  ignorant  Socinians.  In  the  next  County 
i heard  not  of  fo  many  Heterodox:  Never  did  I  fee,  before  or 
fince,fo  much  Love  and  Concord  among  Minifters,  and  all  reli- 
gious People^  nor  read  of  any  Age  that  had  fo  much  for  1300, 
Years.  And  whereas  the  common  cry  is,  Oh,  but  they  wtre 
all  Rebels  againft  the  King !  lhave  named  abundance  of  the  Mi- 
nifters in  mine  Apology  to  Dr.  Good,  (who  being  Epifcopal  was  a 
Guide  in  our  Meetings, and  after  fo  accufed  the  Nonconforming 
and  challenged  him  to  name  one  of  them  that  ever  meddled  with 
Wars.  I  knew  none  in  ail  the  County  that  was  in  any  Army  fave 
the  King's,  Pave  Mr.  Hopkim  of  Eve/ham  (dead)  and  my  felf,  and 
one  that  is  a  Conforming  and  one  Independent  (dead.) 

But  it's  true3  that  they  were  then  fo  fet  upon  Parifh  Refor- 
mation and  Concord,  that  they  were  more  troubled  at  any  one 



that  did  turn  Quaker,  oragainft  Infant  Baptifm,  thanfomein- 
different  Perfons  are  at  Multitudes.  And  Iwasonethatdifputed 
moft  againft  them,  and  wrote  againft  fome  diftant  Antinomians, 
moftly  Souldiers  5  But  our  Difputes  fatisfied  and  confirmed  all 
our  Neighbours  more  than  Prifons  would  have  done.  We  punifh- 
ed  none  of  them,  and  none  of  our  People  there  turned  to  them. 
But  Iconfefs  we  were  commonly  too  little  fenfible,  how  much 
hurtful  Violence  hindereth  Concord,  more  than  loving  forbear- 
ance of  tolerable  differences.  As  too  many  were  how  much  for 
Peace  they  fbould  have  abated  of  the  Zeal  for  their  private  Opi- 
nions, which  they  thought  to  be  better  than  they  were.  We 
were  much  like  the  days  that  followed  the  Apoftles,  which  had 
fbme  troublefome  Sectaries,  but  the  main  Body  of  Chriftians 
did  cleave  together  in  Love,  till  fuccefs  had  puft  up  a  rebellious 
Army  to  make  themfelves  Rulers ,  to  the  Gonfufion  of  chem- 
felves  and  others. 

§  3j.  At  laft  mentioning  the  common  Diffentions  of  the 
Churches,  he  feems  to  refolve  the  Queftion,  What  then  mufi  be 
done  f  But  he  puts  us  off  only  with  the  Negative  Anfwer5  that 
Xjhe  Rule,  u  e.  of  our  Uniformity  is  not  to  be  altered.  And  why  ? 
*[We  have  no  ajfttrance  that  we  fh all  find  afiy  Conformity  to  it  more 
than  we  have  now^\ 

Anf.  ImuftnotcaJJ  this  Anfwer  as  it  defer veth. 

i.  You  were  about  dealing  otherwife  with  the  Papifts  :  Dr. 
Heylm  tells  us  how  much  they  were  to  have  altered  for  Con- 
cord :  Mr.  Thorndikj  threatens  the  Land,  if  you  alter  not  the 
Oath  of  Supremacy  for  them:  The  name  of  the  Pope  and  And- 
Chrift  bath  been  expunged  for  them  3  yet  you  faid  not,  We  know 
not  that  they  will  come  any  nearer  us. 

2.  By  thefe  meaflires  a  Rag  or  a  Ceremony  (hould  never  be 
abated  for  the  Peace  and  Concord  of  any  Church  or  Kingdom  : 
You  may  ft'tll  fay  we  are  not  furethat  this  will  ferve  thcin.  The 
Pope  may  fay  fo,  where  he  refufeth  to  abate  the  (having  of  the 
Priefts  Beard?,  or  the  leaft  of  his  Impofitions ;  yea  he  knows 
•that  would  nor  ferve.'  They  faid  fo  to  the  Bohemians  four  De- 
mands :  They  concluded  fo  at  fir  ft  againft  Luther.  This  very  Ar- 
gument harh  kept  them  from  all  Reformation. 

3.  Can  you  find  nothing  inyonrlmpofitions  that  in  the  nature 
of  the  thing;  is  worthy  to  be.  altered?  If  not,  you  have  more  or 
lefs  Wifdom  thanBiflhop  Morton,  and  the  reft  of  the  Church 

B  b  2  Doctors, 

Do&Qrs  who  at  iVeftminjler  motioned  fo  many  Alterations.  If 
one  (hould  bur  then  move  you  to  correct  your  knawn  falfe  Rule 
For  finding  Eafttrdaj,  or  to  give  Parents  leave  to  be  the  firft 
Promifers  for  their  own  Children,  and  Godfathers  but  theirfe- 
conds,  or  not  to  deny  Cbriftendom  and  Communion  for  that  or 
a  Ceremony :  No,  come  on  it  what  will,  nothing  muft  be  al- 
tered, left  men  ask  more.  And  yet  you  preach  againft  Clergy 
Infallibility,  (or  fubfcribe  at  leaft. ) 

4.  Bur  if  you  are  fo  much  againft  altering,  why  did  you  alter 
to  our  greater  fuifering,  and  add  as  much  more  (yea  five  times 
morej  to  the  former  Task  and  Burden?  You  can  no  doubt  fay 
fomewhat  for  all  this. 

j.  And  when  it  is  the  fame  things  that  the  old  Nonconformifts 
ftill  asked,  and  we  fince  1660  asktyetlefs,  what  reafon  bad 
you  to  raife  that  fufpicion  that  we  will  not  be  fatisfied  with  what 
we  ask.?  Have  we  given  you  any  caufe  ?  If  you  mean  that  per- 
haps there  be  fome  (till  that  may  be  unfatisfied ,  will  you 
deny  Peace  to  fo  many  that  beg  it  of  you,  becaufe  others  will 
not  accept  it  on  their  Terms  i  Or  will  you  never  agree  with  a- 
ny  left  fome  difagreement  (hould  arife  hereafter. 

Some  Travellers  were  aflaulted  by  the  high  way  by  a  Cap- 
tain of  Sbuldiers,  who  took  all  their  Money,  Swordsand  Hotter* 
and  fwore  he  would  kill  them  if  they  would  not  take  an  Oath 
to  conceal  him  :  One  took  the  Oath  to  fave  his  Life,  another 
fcrupledit:  They  begg'd  his  Mercy  to  reftore  fo  much  as 
would  bring  them  home:  He  askt  them  what  would  fcrisfie 
them:  One  would  have  his  Horfe,  another  his  Sword,  another 
part  of  his  Money.  He  told  them  ,  Ten  are  a  Company  of  Rone  a, 
that  can  neither  agree  what  to  ask^>  nor  give  me  affurance  if  Tgive 
yon  this  you  will  ask  no  more.  I  compare  not  the  Authority  but 
the  Reafons  of  the  Denial. 

§  36.  But  feeing  no  abatement  of  their  Canons,  &c.  mu:r  be 
granted^  what  is  it  that  muft  caufe  our  Concord?  He  would  not 
tell  you;  but  it's  difcernible  what's  left :  It  muft  be  no  Concord  but 
what  Punilhment  can  procure  :  And  whar  punifhment  ?  Sharpe  r 
than  is  yet  tried  5  for  that  hath  not  done  it:  Such  Concord 
as  Tmullian  nameth,  Solitudwem  faciunt  &  pacem  vocant :  The 
Concord  in  Spain  is  worfe  than  the  Amfterdam  toleration. 

Again  I  remember  the  great  Fifh-Pond  mentioned  by  Judge 
Hale,  that  had  multitudes  of  Fifli  and  fries    and  at  laft  two 


fffisJJ  Pikes  put  in 5  when  the  Pond  wa9  drawn  there  was  never 
a  Fifh  but  the  two  Tyrants  (as  he  calls  them)  grown  to  a  huge 
bignefs.  The  fear  leaft  Popery  and  Prelacy  mould  be  the  two 
Pikes,  tempted  men  irregularly  to  covenant  againft  them.  To 
have  fuch  variety  as  Rocb,  Dace,  Piercb,  Tench,  Carp;  made 
it  a  Schifmatical  Pondj  The  two  Pikes  were  againft  Schifm  and 
Toleration,  and  for  ending  the  Divifion  by  reducing  all  to  unity 
of  Species. 

§  37.  As  to  his  Qneftion  ofQu.  Elizabeths  days,  the  Intima- 
tion may  feduce  the  ignorant,  but  none  eife.  1.  If  he  know 
not  that  it  was  the  Subfcription  required  in  the  Canon?,  (chat 
nothing  in  the  Books  is  contrary  to  the  Word  of  God,  fcrupled,  which 
broke  the  Peace  and  Concord  of  England,  he  is  unfit  by  his  Igr  to  be  an  Informer  of  others.  I  have  known  many  that 
would  have  yielded  to  come  into  the  Conforming  Church,  if 
that  one \vcrd  bad  been  but  forborn:  For  when  any  practice  a~ 
gainft  their  Confciences  about  baptizing,  Communion,  or  Bu- 
rials had  filn  in  their  way,  they  would  have  filently  fhifted  it 
off,  or  been  from  home,  and  have  ventured  toanfwer  it,  fo  they 
could  but  confcionably  have  got  in.  But  our  Ganoneers  are  for 
all  or  nothing, 

2.  He  is  lure  no  Englifti  Clergy-man,  if  he  know  not  how 
much  is  laid  on  us,  that  was  not  known  in  the  days  of  Qu.  E//- 
zateth.  Is  it  to  inform  men,  or  deceive  tbem,  that  he  nukes  the 
difference  to  be  between  36  and  39  Articles ,  and  faith  nothing 
of  all  the  new  Covenants,  Declaration?,  Oaths,  Subscriptions, 
Doctrine  and  Practices  ? 

§  38.  Many  make  ufe  pi  Mr.  Edwards  Gangrena,  and  the  Lon- 
don Minifteri  Teftimony  againft  erroars,  to  prove  the  Kerefies 
and  Confufions  of  the  late  times.  No  doubt  all  fin  is  odiocsr 
But  few  men  living  are  more  competent  Witnefles  of  thofe  things 
than  I.  The  Errours  that  fprung  up  were  much  mere  tenderly 
refented  then  than  now.  You  now  have  many  called  Wits  and 
Perfons  of  Quality,  who  at  a  Club  difpute  againft  the  Pi  ovidence 
of  God,  the  immortality  of  the  soul,  and  a  future  Life  5  and 
there  is  neither  Church- Admonition,  Excommunication,  nor  any 
great  matter  made ,  but  they  are  Members  of  the  Church 
of  England,  thepureft  Church  in  all  the  World  :  Whereas  in  thofe 
licentious  times,if  one  Souldier  had  fpoken  fuch  a  Word,  it  would 
have  rung  out  through  the  Land,  and  perhaps  his  Tongue  would 


have  been  bored  with  an  hot  Iron,    It  was  the  errours  of  the 
proud  rebellious  Soldiers  that  made  moft  of  the  noife,  that  had 
no  confiderable  number  of  Minifters  left  with  them.     I  had  a 
hand  in  Mr.  Edwards  Book  thus:  An  Affembly  of  Minifters  after 
Nafeby  Fight  fent  me  into  the  Army  to  try  if  I  could  reduce 
them.     Dayly  difputing  with  them,  a  few  proud  felfconceited 
Fellows  vented  fome  grofs  words.    At  Amerjham  a  few  Coun- 
try Sectaries  had  fet  up  a  Meeting  in  Dr.  Crook*  Church,  to  dis- 
pute and  deceive  the  People :   A  few  of  Major  Bethel's  Troop 
(that  afterwards  turned  Levellers  and  were  ruined)  joined  with 
them :  I  met  them,  and  almoft  all  day  difputed  againft  them, 
and  fhamedthem,  and  they  met  there  no  more.    I  gathered  up 
all  the  grofs  words  which  they  uttered  and  wrote  them  in  a  Let- 
ter to  Francis  Tyton,  and  after  I  found  them  cited  inMr.Edwards 
Gangrena.     And  what's  the  abfurd  Speeches  of  a  fewjgnorant 
Souldiers, -that  aredead  with  them,  to  thcHerefies  and  Schifms 
that  thefe  1000  or  1200  Years  continue  in  all  the  RomarrCom- 
munion,  and  they  fay  in  all  the  reft  of  theChriftian  World.  One 
cheating  Papiftas  a  converted  Jew  got  into  an  Anabaptifts  Meet- 
ing, one  Maxwell  a  Scot,  and  all  England  rung  of  it.    But  when 
Bidiops  have  made  and  keep  France,  Spain,  Italy,  6Vc.    in  the 
fame  Errours,  Dr.  Hejlin^  and  Bp.  Bromhall,  and  fuch  others ., 
took  them  for  fuch,  with  whom  a  Coalition  on  the  terms  by 
them  defcribed  was  very  defirable. 


His  yth  Chapter  considered. 

%  H  E  Man  had  not  the  courage  to  defend  the  furgent 
A  Prelacy  in  its  Manhood  and  Maturity,  but  only  in  its 
Infant  and  Juvenile  State  5  nor  to  defend  the  many  hundred 
Councils  which  I  mentioned  after  the  Council  of  Calcedon,  in 
which  either  his  Modefty  or  Cauteloufnefs  comes  fhort  of  his 
Rd.  Fathers,  who  fome  of  them  own  the  fix  flrft  General  Coun- 
cils, and  fome  of  them  eight,  and  fome  would  unite  with  the 
Church  of  Rome,  if  they  will  abate  bat  the  laft  400  Years  addi- 

§2.  In 

§2.  In  his  Gleanings  in  this  7th  Chap,  he  over,  and  over,  and 
over  perfuadeth  hisReader,thac  I  make  or  affirm  that  [the  Bps. 
were  the  caufe  of  all  the  Herefies  in  the  world,  and  of  alHhe  Here- 
fies,  Schifms,  and  Evils  that  have  afflicled  the  Church \  And  hath 
thisHiftorwn  any  proof  of  this  ?  Or  is  it  the  melancholy  fiction 
of  his  Brain  f  Yes5  this  is  his  proof  contrary  to  my  manifold 
Inftances,  becaufe  I  fay  in  one  age  >  [We  have  a  ftrange  thing,  a 
Herefie  raifed  by  me  that  was  no  Bifhop:  which  I  have  anf.vered, 
before.  To  be  then  ftrange,  and  never  to  be  at  ail ;  are  nor  words 
of  the  fame  fenfe?  But  his  Anfwers  throughout  do  mind  me  of 
Seneca's  Words*  that  a  man  that  is  fore  complains  (or  cries  Oh) 
when  he  doth  but  think  you  touch  him. 

§  j.  He  thus  himfeJf  accufeth  the  Biihops,  p.  2-6.  [There 
have  keen  wicked  men  and  wicked Bifoopj  in  all  times7\  And  p,  277: 
fcThat  feme  Bi/hops  have 'abufed  their  Authority  and  Office,  and 
been  the  caufe  of  Herefie  and  Schifm  cannot  be  denied^  But  yec 
\_He  hath  (hewed  fufficiently^  that  mofl  of  my  particular  Accufati- 
ons  are  void  of  all  truth  and  Ingenuity.  ]  Anf.  Or  el(c  thofe 
words  are  fo. 

§  4.  He  faith  All  EtcUfiaftical  Writers  agree,  that  Simon  Mn- 
gus  was  Author  of  the  fir  ft  Herefie  in  Chriftian  Religion^  Anfi  All 
confefs  that  Judas  was  before  him  :  And  if  it  be  a  Herefie  to 
buy  the  Spirit  for  Money,  it  is  a  Herefie  to  fell  Chrift  for  Mo- 
ney. Butlccnfefsibme  tell  us  of  his  after  pranks  at  Rome  y. and 
imitating  Icarus,  at  Peters  Prayers  :  If  you  would  fee  why  Dr. 
More  takes  this  for  a  toyifh  Legend,  fee  his  Myftery  of  Iniqui- 
ty, Lib.  2.  C.  19.  §  6,  7.  p.  447,  448. 

§  f.  P.  286,  287.  Baronim  firit,  and  Vhilaftrim  after,  are 
made  guiiry  of  Forgery  and  difregardable  Hiftory  y  fo  that  I 
may  well  bear  fome  of  his  Cenfures. 

§  6.  P.  290.  To  confute  me  effectually  he  faith  much  what 
the  fame  which  is  much  of  the  fum  of  all  my  Book  :  And  yec 
it's  falfe  and  malicious  in  me,  and  true  and  charitable  in  him: 
viz.i  [Praifing  the  firft  300  years,  (when  the  Bifhops  were 
fuch  as  we  offer  to  fubmit  to : )  he  adds  [  The  following  Ages 
were  not  fo  happy;  .  but  as  Chrift  ians  generally  degenerated  fo  did 
the  B if. ops  1 00  [\ 

Anfi  What !  Before  the  Council  of  N/«  /  That's  a  fad  Con- 
fcflion.  I  was  ready  to  fay  as  a  Roman  Etnperour  faid  to  a  flat- 
terer3  that  ftill  faid  all  that  he  faid,  [Die  alind  aliquid  m  duo  fi- 

mtsj  . 

-musf\  But  his  next  words  allay  it,  [But  yet  notfo  much  as  cur  An- 
ther would  make  it  appear. ]  As  the  Dominicans  and  Oratorians 
mufl  fay  feme  falfhood  of  Calvine,  left  they  be  thought  Calvi- 

And  yet  he  addetb3  [The  beginning  of  the  qth  Century  was  very 
unhappy  to  the  Church,  for  Terfecution  Without  ,  and  Herefe  and 
Schifm  within.  Meletius  an  Egyytian  began  a  Schifm  J  forfook  the 
Communion  of  the  Church,  &c.  Next  the  Donatifts,  Arians,  5rc] 
Anf.  It  feems  that  the  Emperours  Conftantim  and  Valens  were 
without  the  Churchy  and  yet  the  Arian  Pr  lefts  and  Bifoops  were 
within  it.  When  he  defineth  the  Church  we  may  underftand  this. 
But  is  it  not  this  4th  Century  that  is  made  the  Churches  more 
fiouriming  ftate  by  others  ? 

§  7.  Even  the  great  Hiftorianof  Herefies,  Epiphanins,  is  faid 
p.  492.  to  be  [unaccountably  miftaken  in  fever al  things  relating 
to  that  Hiftory.\  And  293.  hath  [a  ft  range  unaccountable  miftake 
in  diver fe  other  things  relating  to  that  matter.^]  If  I  had  at  any 
time  erred  with  fuch  a  Bifhop  and  Father  3  I  might  have  bdi 
excufaWe  for  reciting  his  Hiftory. 

§  8.  Pa£.  29^,  He  opens  the  very  Heart  Gf  his  Parties  Prin- 
ciples, and  faith,  [  The  Church  is  never  diftracled  more  by  aty  ■ 
thing  than  Projecls  of  Moderation.  ] 

Anf  Experience  proveth  that  you  fpeak  your  Heart.  The 
words  are  no  wilful  Lye  which  agree  with  a  mans  Mind,  be  they 
never  fo  falfe  as  difagreeable  to  the  matter.  No  man  was  more 
of  that  Opinion  than  Hildebrdnd^  that  would  nor  yield  fhe  Em- 
perours the  Inveftiture5  nor  as  I  before  faid,  abate  the  Prince  of 
Calans  the  (having  of  his  Bifhops  Beard  to  fave  his  Kingdom. 
Vitlor  began  with  that  Opinion  too  foon,  but  his  Succeflbrs  have 
thefeThoufand  Years  been  as  much  for  it  as  you  can  wifh. 

2.  But  to  whom  is  it  that  you  intend  this?  Sure  not  to  all  : 
Was  Bifhop  Laud  of  that  mind  toward  the  Papifts  if  Dr.  Hcylin 
fay  true  ?  Was  Grotim  of  that  mind  toward  them  \  Was  Arch- 
Bifhop  Bromhatt,  Forbes,  Bez.iari  Thorndike  (and  many  more 
fachj  of  that  mind  ?  No:  Tie  excufe  you  ,  that  you  meant  not 
them  and  their  Projecls  of  Moderation-.  Nor  I  believe  neither 
Caffander's,  Erafmus's,  Wicelius's,  Sancla  Clara's f  Leander^s  3 

But  towards  fuch  as  I  am,  you  have  been  as  firm  to  that  Prin- 
ciple as  any  one  of  our  Enemies  could  wifli.   In  1660,  1661.  it 



Was  moft  effe&ually  improved  ;  and  you  have  attained  much  of 
the  fruits  then  foretold  :  and  ever  fince  have  been  unmoveably 
and  prevailingly  true  to  it. 

3.  But  this  miketh  (ome  men  the  Diftratlerj  of  the  Church,  if 
not  the  greateft,  which  truly  I  have  better  thoughts  of:  Suck 
as  futtius  ,  Par&iu  ,  Amjraldm  5  Le  Blank? ,  Davenant,  Ward, 
VJher^  Hold/worth,  Morton,  Hall,  &c.  And  lately  when  we 
were  preparing  for  the  Kings  Return,  Bp.  Brownrig,  and  after 
his  death  Dr.  Gawden,  Dr.  Gulfton,  Dr.  Allen,  Dr.  Bernard^  and 
diverfe  fuch  did  offer  themfelves  to  a  Treaty  for  Moderation : 
And  fince  then  Dr.  Wilkjns,  Dr.  Burton,  Dr.  TiUotfon,  and  in  di. 
ebm  iilis  Dr.  Stillingfieet  have  been  guilty  of  this  crime,  of  di- 
ftratting  the  Church  by  projetls  of  Moderation  :  But  I  can  name 
the  Bps.  that  were  not  guilty  of  it. 

To  abate  or  forfake  theneceffary  pofnts  of  Faith  and  Practice 
on  pretence  of  Moderation,  is  to  deftroy  Chriftianity  on  pre- 
tence of  Humanity  or  Peace.  But  to  make  Laws  that  men  (hall 
preach  with  Horns  on  their  Heads ,  to  fignifie  the  Victory  of 
Truth,  and  to  ruine  all  that  will  not  keep  thefe  Laws  (much 
more  if  men  fhould  command  worfe )  and  to  fay  a  Project 
for  Moderation  would  diftract  the  Church,  would  be  as  far  from 
Wifdom  as  it  is  from  Moderation :  And  fome  Prelates  have 
done  as  bad  as  this. 

§  9.  He  confeffeth/?.  296.  that  by  force  and  Fraud  [the  whole 
World  in  a  manner  was  turned  Arian.~\  And  did  I  ever  lay  worfe 
of  the  Bifhops  than  this  ? 

§  10.  He  maketh  Aerius  to  fpeak  againft  Bifhops  becaufe  he 
could  not  be  a  Bifhop,  fo  that  he  was  of  a  Prelatical  Judgment 
and  Spirit,  and  calleth  him  [JThe  Cartwright  of  the  times,"]  by 
which  if  he  mean  that  Cartwright  would  have  been  a  Bifhop, 
it  doth  but  tell  us  that  hedeferveth  little  belief  in  hisHifto- 

§  ir.  He  is  a  moft  lingular  Hiftorian  ,  p,  303.  in  telling  us, 
that  after  the  Monothelites  in  following  Ages  of  the  Church  the 
Devil  ft  art  ed  up  but  few  Herejics  till  theje  Ages,—  Swenkjeldians, 
Anabaptifts,  ore. 

By  this  I  perceive  he  believeth neither  Papifts  nor  Proteftants: 
For  the  Papifts  name  many  Herefies  fince,  and  the  Proteftants 
fay  that  Popery  is  but  a  Conipofition  of  many  Herefies ,  and 
name  us  many  that  coicur'd  thereto. 

C  c  §  12.  He 


§  12.  He  there  giveth  me  this  ferious  Admonition,  [  It  is  a 

much  greater  wonder  that  any  man  that  makes  Conscience  of  what 
he  faith,  Jl:ould  againfi  ail  truth  of  Hiftory  ,  and  again  ft  his  own 
knowledge,  charge  the  Bifhops  with  all  the  Herejies  in  the  World  : 
that  a  per  [on  that  feems  Jo  Jen  fib  ie  of  approaching  Judgment,  as  fre- 
quently to  put  himfelf  in  mind  of  it—-Jhouldyet  advance  fo  malici- 
ous and groundlefs  an  Accufation,  There  is  no  dallying  with  the  all- 
feeing  God— What  Plea  /hall  be  made  for  whole  Booths  full  of  Ca- 
lumny and  Detraction,  &c] 

jinf.  This  is  not  the  Ieaft  acceptable  paffage  to  me  in  his  Book ; 
Hove  the  man  the  better  for  Teeming  ferious  in  the  belief  of 
Judgment;  and  I  hope  his  Warning  (hall  make  me  fearch  my 
Heart  with  fome  more  iealQufie  and  care.  He  feems  here  to  be- 
lieve himfelf  3  but  being  my  felf  far  more  concerned  than  he 
is  to  know  how  far  I  am  guilty  ©f  what  I  am  accufed,  as  far  as 
I  can  know  my  Heart  and  Writings,  Tie  tell  the  Reader  what  to 
judge  of  his  words  and  me. 

1.  That  I  charge  the  Bifhops  with  all  the  Herejies  in  the  World, 
never  was  in  my  mind3  nor  can  I  find  it  in  any  of  my  Writings  : 
Yet  this  he  very  oftrepeateth :  And  fhould  a  man  fo  often  write 
a  falfhood  about  a  thing  viflble,  and  never  cite  the  place  where 
I  fay  it,  and  this  while  he  is.  thus  ferioufly  mentioning  Calumny 
an4  Judgment, 

2.  Can  he  make  men  believe  at  once  that  I  do  perfuade  men 
that  Bifhops  or  Diocefanes  came  not  up  till  about  i  jo  years  af- 
ter Chrift,  and  yet  that  I  make  them  the  Authors  of  the  Here- 
fies  that  were  in  thofe  times  ?  Non  entis  non  efi  aclio :  Could  Bi- 
fhops be  Hereticks  when  there  were  no  Bifhops? 

3.  If  I  had  charged  the  Bijhops  with  all  the  Herejies,  it  follow- 
eth  not  that  I  had  charged  no  one  elfe  with  them,  and  made  the 
Bifhops  the  fole  Authors ,  and  acquit  People,  Priefts,  and  Princes  , 
why  then  doth  he  name  many  Monks  and  Priefts  that  were  He- 
reticks f  Or  Emperours  that  promoted  them,  as  if  this  croffed 
what  I  fay  f  Did  he  think  that  I  excluded  the  Army  if  I  blame 
the  General,  or  the  Prelatical  Priefts  when  I  blame  the  Prelates  ? 
If  I  took  the  Bifhops  of  England  to  be  the  chief  caufe  of  our 
Church-Schifms ,  and  Calamities,  doth  it  follow  that  I  acquit 
fuchas  you,  and  all  the  Clergy  like  you  ? 

4.  That  I  have  done  this  [againfi  allTrmh  of  Hifiory']  which  I 
tsarrfcribed  out  of  the  Councils  and  Hiftorians  rnoft  partial  for 

the  higheft  Prclacie  ,  is  either  a  great  untruth,  and  Unproved 
by  him,  or  1  know  not  what  I  read  or  write. 

j.  That  I  do  this  againft  my  own  Knowledge  I  am  certain  is 
an  untruth.  * 

6.  That  my  Accufations  are  malicious  I  zmeertain  is  untruth, 
as  being  able  to  fay  that  I  fpeak  in  pitty  to  the  Church,  and  to 
fave  Souls  from  deceit,  and  malice  no  man  ;  but  pray-vith  the 
Liturgy  5  that  God  will  forgive  our  Enemies,  Ferfecutorsa  And 
Slanderers ,  and  turn  their  Hearts, 

7.  That  I  have  brought  any  Groundlefs  Accusation  I  muft  take 
for  an  untruth  5  till  my  Grounds  produced  are  better  confu- 

8.  Much  more  that  I  write  whole  Books  full  of  Calumny  and 

All  thefe  and  more  untruths  being  heapt  up  with  the  mention 
of  Death  and  Judgment,  tells  us  whither  Fattion  and  Prepof- 
fcflion  may  carry  men. 

2.  But  what  is  the  truth  I  (hall  again  briefly  tell  the  Readers 
i.  About  2000  of  fuch  Minifters  as  I  confidently  take  for  the 
moft  fpiritual ,  and  confcionable  and  devoted  to  God  and  the 
good  of  Souls  are  filenced,  and  in  Law  imprifoned  and  ruined; 
and  all  the  People  of  their  mind  are  iffofatlo  (if  they  confefs  it) 
excommunicated,  befides  their  other  penalties.  I  accufe  not 
the  Law  but  mention  only  the  matter  of  Fa& ,  which  the  K, 
once  cornmiflioned  Bps.  to  have  prevented. 

2.  The  Kingdom  is  dolefully  divided,  and  alas,  the  (ad  con-; 
fequents  are  not  to  be  named. 

3.  Befides  all  our  Penalties  the  Bifhops  accufe  us  as  thecaufts 
of  all,  and  as  wilful  Schifmaticks,  and  call  for  the  Execution  of 
the  Laws  againft  us. 

4.  We  fay,  we  dare  not  do  that5  which  when  ever  they  will 
give  us  leave,  we  are  ready  to  give  our  reafons  why  we  take  it 
for  heinous  fin  againft  God,  and  tending  to  the  ruine  of  the 
Church :  nor  dare  we  forfake  our  Miniftry  while  the  Churches 
necefTities  are  to  us  paft  doubt. 

5.  We  beg  of  them  but  to  abate  us  fome  needlefs  Oaths,  and 
Covenants,  and  Profeffions,  and  a  few  things  called  indifferent 
by  the  Impofers,  that  we  may  all  live  in  Chriftian  Love  and 
Peace ,  and  we  offer  them  as  unqueftionable  fecurity  for  our 
Pcaceablenefs,  Loyalty,  and  Orthodoxnefs,  as  the  faid  Oaths, 
Proraifcs,or  Profeffions  can  be.  C  c  2  6.  They 

6.  They  tell  us,  Nothing  is  to  be  abated  us,  and  we  ntufi  ceafe 
f>reaching,t  he  Rule  mufi  not  be  altered-,  we  will  do  more  harm  in  the  > 
Church  than  out ;  Projecls  for  Moderation  moft  difiratl  the  Church  5  . 
There  is  no  Concord  or  Liberty  to  be  expected,  but  by  our  total  obe- 
dience to  the  Bijhops-,  It  is  obeying  the  Church,  yea  the  Vniverfal 
Church  of  Bijhops,  that  is  the  only  way  to  Concord, 

7.  To  confute  this  Suppofition,  which  is  the  root  of  our  Ca- 
lamities, I  tranfcribe  out  of  Hiftory  and  the  Ads  of  Councils, 
how  great  a  hand  in  the  Schifms,  and  Herefies,  and  Confufions. 
of.Chriftians,  thofe  Bifhops  have  had,  who  have  fwelled  upa- 
bove  the  primitive,  fpecies,  by  vaft  DiocefTes ,  Wealth  ,  andv 
claim  of  Government  over  other  Churches  and  Biftiops  5  and  that 
it  is  notorious  that  this  Grandeur  and  exorbitant  power  of  Bi- 
fhops, fingly  or  in  Councils,  hath  been  fo  far  from  keeping  the, 
Church  from. Schifms,  that  it  hath  been  one  of  the  greateft 
caufes  of  the  Schifms  of  moft  Ages,  fince  fuch  a  fort  of  Prelacy 
fprung  up3  and  that  Popery  came  not  up  in  a  day,  but  rofe  from, 
thai  Juniority  to  its  prefent  Maturity,  This  was  my  work, 

§  1 3.  He  truly  tells  you,  that  the  Original  of  ailmif chiefs  k 
the  Lufis  that  war  in  our  Members^  and  not  this  or  that  Order  of 

When  the  World  had  a  good  Pope,  if  God  would  blefs.that. 
Order  of  men,  fome  think  he  might  do  more  good  than  any 
other  man.  But  he  hath  toucht  the  Core  of  the  Churches,  Mala- 
dy. Verily,  the  grand  Strife  is  between  the  ity/kand  Spirit,  ths 
feed  of  the  Serpent  and  of  the  Woman:  And  if  Patriarchs  and  Di- 
ocefans  were  but  as  much  fet  on  the  promoting  of  a  holy  and 
heavenly  Life,  as  thofe  Minifters  are  whom  they  filence  and  im- 
prifon,  they,  might  do.  muchgood,  though  .the  largenefs  oftheif 
Diocefs  render  them  uncapabfe  of  performing  the  40th  part  of 
a  true  Bifliops  Work,  No  doubt  but  Bifhop  Mall,  and  Potter , 
and  Vfher,  &c.  did  much  good,  by  fuch  preaching*  writing, 
and  good  living,  as  others  ufe  that  are  no  Bifhops. 

But  will  fire  burn  without  fewel  ?  And  will  it  not  burn  ifcom- 
buftible  fewel  be  contiguous  f  Do  not  the  Lufts  that  war  in  our 
Members  live,  upon  tha,c  food  which  we,  are  forbidden  to  pro- 
vide ?  Do  you  think  that  the  £#/?'  of  the  Flefti  doth  not  more 
defire  Riches  than  Poverty.,  Honour  than  a  low  Eftate,  Domi- 
nation over  others,  to  have  our  Will  on  all,  than  humble  Sub* 
jeftion  ?  Where  the  Carkafs  is  there  will  the  Eagles  be  gather- 

td.  Do  -not  you  your  felf  fay  ,  that  the  Bifheps  and  Church' 
grew  more  corrupt  after  the  third  Century?  Do  you  be- 
lieve that  when  a  Bifhops  Power  was  made  equal  to  a  great 
Lords,  or  more,  and  all  his  Pomp  and  Riches  anfwerahle,  that 
the  Luft  of  the  Flefh  would  not  more  greedily  defire  ir,  than  it 
would  defire  a  meer  mediocrity  ?  Or  that  a  worldly  proud  man 
would  not  feek  more  for  Lordfhip  and  Grearnefs,  than  a  Sjnefiw, 
and  fuch  others  as  you  fay  fled  from  it  ?  If  the  poor  retired 
Monks  were  as  bad  as  you  make  them,  what  wonder  if  great 
Lordly  Bifhops  were  much  worfe  ?  Will  not  the  fire  of  Luft 
grow  greater  as  the  fewel  is  greater  ? 

I  am  fatisfied  that  Riches  and  Power  well  ufed,  may  greatly 
ferve  the.  Intereft  of  Religion  :  But  two  things  muft  be  confi- 

i.  That  the  greatefl  Power  and  Wealth  being  far  more  defired 
by  carnal  Worldlings,  (that  is,  by  bad  men)  than  by  mortified 
heavenly  minded  men,  the  more  men  defire  them,  the  more 
eagerly  they  will  feek  them  by  Friends,  Flattery3  or  any  means  : 
and  therefore  the  liker  they  attain  them ,  except  when 
the  choofers  are  fome  refolved  godly  men.  And  ib  which  way 
can  a  Succefllon  of  the  worft  men  be  avoided  ?  But  a  mediocri- 
ty that  doth  not  to  the  Flefh  overweigh  the  labours  and  diffi-. 
culties  of  the  facred  Office,  will  encourage  the  good,  and  not 
much  tempt  the  bad :  Or  if  good  men  will  be  never  Co  bounti- 
ful to  pious  ufes,  their  bounty  and  Church-Lands  may  better 
maintain  Labourers  enough  for  the  work,  than  be  made  a  fnare 
to  one. 

2.  And  that  Power  which  depopulated  and  deftroys  its  end,, 
is  unlawful  in  its  very  ftate,  as  well  as  in  its  ufe.  The  Power  of 
one  man  to  be  folePhyfician  to  the  City,  and  to  have  none  but 
Apothecaries  under  him  $  or  of  one  man  to  be  the  only  School- 
Mafter  in  the  County,  and  have  none  but  Ufhers  under  him,  is 
rather  to  be  called  Deftruttion  than  Power.  It  is  Bifhops  cafting 
aut  Power  that  I  am  againft,  that  is,  the  neceflary  Power  of 
the  Keys  in  the  Parifh  Minifters,  or  putting  down  neceflary 
Bifhops  5  and  alfo  a  Power  to  filence  Cb:i ft s  faithful  Minifters, 
and  deprive  Souls  of  the  neceflary  means,  by  impofing  things, 
needlefs  in  themfelves,  and  finful  in  the  receiver,  that  after  his.. 
beft  fearch  believes  them  fuch. 

Seeing  then  that  we  are  agreed,  that  it  is  the  Lnfi  that  war- 
ret  hr 

retkinmeny  that  is  the  corrupter  of  the  Church,  let  burthe  face 
of  the  whole  Romane  Clergy  thefe  iooo  Years  at  leaft  tell  us, 
whether  it  be  not  the  fuelling  of  the  Power  and  Wealth  of  Bi- 
(hops,  that  hath  caufcd  fo  long  a  Succeflion  of  a  worldly,  luftfuf, 
tyranical  Clergy. 

§  14.  And  he  truly  faith,  [p.  306.  that  the  generality  of  men 
when  they  have  gained  Wealth  and  Honour  ,  are  commonly  willing 
to  fecure  the  enjoyment  ofthofe  Pojfeffions,  by  letting  things  run  in 
their  ordinary  courfe. 

(  The  Spanrfh  Proverb  is ,  The  World  if  a  Carryon,  and  they 
are  Dogs  that  love  itt  and  they  will  fnarle  at  any  that  would 
take  it  from  them,  and  if  it  lie  in  the  Ditch,  Dogs  rather  than 
Men  will  gather  about  it :  and  its  pitty  fuch  men  fhould  by  fuch 
a  Bait  be  tempted  into  the  facred  Chair.)  And  he  truly  adds, 
that  Repulfe  and  Difappointment  will  end  fuch  mens  Patience.  For 
really  as  the  man  is,  fuch  are  his  defires :  It  is  not  only  turgent 
Prelacy  but  a  Prelatical  Spirit  that  troublerh  the  Church :  And 
If  Novatianus  or  Arius  would  fain  be  a  Prelate,  it  is  in  his  heart} 
and  no  wonder  if  he  be  a  Schifmatick }  Trahit  fua  quemque  vo- 
luptas.  Appetite  is  the  Spring  of  Adion.  All  the  Popes  Clergy 
are  much  of  his  mind  5  for  they  participate  of  his  worldly  Inter- 
eft,  and  depend  on  him,  and  therefore  participate  of  the  Papal 
Spirit.    The  Intereft  of  the  General  and  Army  are  conjunft. 

§  15.  And  its  true  that  he  faith,  that  the  Btjhops  Intereft  oh- 
ligeth  him  to  maintain  Peace  andVnity.  And  fo  no  doubt  from 
that  fenfe  of  Intereft  it  is  endeavoured,  in  Italy,  Spain,  France 9 
Germany,  &c.  when  a  ftrong  man  armed  keeps  his  houfe,  the 
things  which  hepoffefTeth  are  in  Peace.  But  whether  therefore 
the  People  did  ill  that  forfook  the  Bifliops  and  followed  Lu- 
ther j  or  are  all  bound  to  cleave  to  the  Bifhops  Unity3  is  the 

§  16.  Whether  it  be  true,  p.  310  that  very  few  if  anyone  were 
Bijhops  when  they  turned  Hereticks,  I  have  enquired  in  the  Pre- 
face; though  if  they  afcended  from  Herefie  to  Prelacy  it's  all 
one  to  me.  But  by  this  I  conjefture  that  he  taketh  fewer  for 
Hereticks  than  others  do,  and  that  he  pretends  acquaintance 
with  their  minds,  in  that  antecedent  part  of  their  Lives  which 
no  Hiftory  mentionetb.  I  confefs  I  think  that  for  the  moft  part 
men  are  Papifts  before  they  are  Popes  or  Papift  BiC  >ps:  And 
yet  I  think  that  it  is  firft  the  defire  of  Papal  and  Prelatical  Gran 



deur9  and  next  the  Exercife  of  it,  which  is  the  cau(e  of  SchiCm 
and  Perfecution. 

§  17.  I  verily  believe  as  he  doth,  that  Platonick  Philofophy, 
and  a  willingncfsto  win  the  Heathens  by  compliance,  had  a  great 
hand  in  corrupting  many  Do£trines  j  and  not  only  Monk*  but 
others  of  the  moft  religious  Chriftians,  had  a  great  hand  in  ma- 
ny of  the  ancient  Superftltions,  efpecially  thofe  that  tended  to 
the  over-honouring  of  their  Martyrs,  and  too  much  advance- 
raentof  their  Bifhops,  when  they  came  newly  from  under  the 
Perfecution  of  the  Heathens.  But  it  came  not  to  be  univerfal, 
nor  the  Engine  of  great  Corruption  and  cruelty,  till  theBifhop* 
turned  all  into  a  Law.  Who  could  make  any  of  all  this  neceffa- 
ry,  but  Pope,  Prelates,  or  Princes,  who  pretended  a  Legifla- 
tive  Power  hereto  ?  Even  Luther  and  MelanBhon  were  indifFe- 
rent  to  diverfe  Ceremonies,  fo  they  were  made  to  be  indiffe- 
rently ufed.  But  when  they  are  made  neceflary  by  a  Law  (fpe- 
daily  more  neceflary  to  a  Minifter  than  his  Mmillry,  and  to  a 
private  Cbriftian,  than  his  Church  Communion,  who  doth  more 
vehemently  condemn  them  than  they  ? 

§  18.  That  Pafchafiu*  Radbertns  was  the  firft  that  broached 
the  Doctrine  of  Tranfubftantijitio&^  is  a  doubtful  exprcftion.  Ei- 
ther he  meaneth  the  Name  or  only  the  Thing  under  another 
Name.  If  the  latter,  he  will  do  more'than  Edm.  Albertinus,  or 
Bg.  Confius  have  done,  if  he  prove  it:  If  it  be  the  name  that  he 
meaneth,  I  think  (by  my  Memory,  for  I  will  not  for  that  go 
read  him  all  over)  that  he  will  not  find  the  name  in  RaSertw? 
nor  any  where  before  Stephana  Eduenfis,  about  130  years  after 
him:  and  that  all  that  he  can  truly  fay,  is  but  as  Bellarmme 
doth,  £Hic  Author  primus  fait  qui  ferio.  &  copiose  fcripfit  de  veri- 
tate  Corporis  &  Sanguinis  Domini  in  Euchariflia  contra  Bertra- 
mum  Prefbyterum, 

§  19.  That  the  Bifhops  charged  by  me  with  theje  Corrupt ions , 
vpere  the  only  Oppofers  of  them  that  we  find  in  antiquity  ,  as  we  may- 
fee  in  the  Canons  of  Africk  and  Spain,]  is  a  faying  very  near  kin 
to  much  of  his  Hiftory:  I  confefs  that  fo  few  Presbyters  in 
comparifon  of  Bifhops  were  publick  Actors,"  whofe  Judgments 
were  nctifiedNto  the  World,  that  ft'sno  wonder  (after  Gonftan- 
tine's  time)  if  there  be  more  proofs  of  their  words  and  deeds 
than  of  other  mens:  But  there  are  a  great  number  of  excellent 
men  here  flandered  againft  the  credit  of  all  Church-Hiftory,  and 



-their  own  Writings  yet  in  our  hands.  Would  it  be  worth  tte 
Readers  Price  and  Labour,  I  could  fwell  my  Book  with  the 
proof  that  what  he  fpeaketh  is  untrue.  Did  he  think  that  I  could 
not  prore  that  Juftin  Martyr,  sithenagoras,  Tatianw,  lertulli- 
an$  Clemens  AUxandrinm,  Origene,  Arnobim,  Latlantim^  Ma- 
carius,  Mat  emus  Pirmkusi  Ephrem  Syr  us,  Fauflinus,  Hierome, 
Ruffinus,  Prudent  ins,  Sulpitius  Severus,  Sedulius ,  Mammertus  y 
Cajfimus,  Ftncent.  Lirinenjis,  Socrates^  Soz.omcv9  Ifodore  Pelkfi- 
otay  &c.  did  fomething  in  opposition  to  fome  Church- Corrup- 
tions ?  Though  fome  of  them  promoted  fome  others :  Yea_,  An- 
tonie  and  abundance  of  Monks  that  furthered  fome,  oppofed 
others  no  lefs  dangerous:  Though  many  of  them  may  be  accu- 
sed as  BelUrmine  doth  Sulpit.  Severus^  for  faying,  Ecclefiam  au- 
yo  non  firuifed  deftrui. 

Judge  oftimepaft  by  what  we  fee;  Is  it  only  the  Bifhops  that 
are  againft  the  Popes  Church-Corrupting  Ufurpation  in  Italy , 
Spain tFrance^&c,  Is  it 00/7  the  Bifhops  that  are  againft  the  Mafs 
Corruptions,  and  againft  all  their  corrupt  Do&rines  of  Indul- 
gences, Purgatory,  Images,  &c.  and  againft  all  their  Ceremo- 
nies, and  prophanc  abufe  of  holy  things  ?    Was  it  only  the  Bi- 
fhops at  Confiance  and  Bafil^  that  were  againft  fupprefling  the 
Bohemian  and  Moravian  Reformation  ?  In  the  end  ofLydius  up- 
on Prateolus  you  may  read  a  Letter  fubfcribed  by  fo  great  a 
number  of  Lords  and  great  men  ,  for  John  Hhs,  and  Hierome , 
and  the  Reformation,  which  yetprevailed  not  with  the Bifhops, 
as  will  tell  you  who  was  then  the  greateft  Oppofers  of  Church- 
Corruption,,  And  I  think  Princes  and  Drs.  oppofed  it  more  than 
Bps.  in  Luther's  time.    Is  it  onJy  the  Bifhops  that  have  oppofed 
warping  towards  Rome  for  Church-Unity  t    Have  none  but  Bi- 
fhops been  againft  corrupting  the  Churches,  by  filencing  good 
Minifters  and  ordaining  bad  ones  f    The  things  that  are,  have 
been,  I  confefs  our  difference  is  great  on  the  cafe,  what  is  to  be 
accounted  Church-Corruption.  For  that  whfch  in  one  Country  go- 
eth  for  Corruption,  in  another  (yea  the  famej  goeth  for  Church- 
Glory,  Strength^and  Beauty  $  Our  main  difference  is  about  what's 
good,  and  what's  bad;  what's  Virtue*  and  what's  Vice. 

§  20.  He  next  comes  to  Sedition ,  and  askerh  [What  Reign 
have  they  diftur bed  here  with  their  Sedition?"]  And  becaufe  he 
knoweth  that  I  can  refer  him  to  the  large  Volume  of  tbfir  Trea- 
sons written  by  Prin  y  and  abroad  to  the  many  Volumes  in  Gol~ 



daft  us,  and  the  many  Hiftories  of  the  Wars  of  Popes  and  Coun- 
cils  againft  Emperours,]  he  prevents  all  my  Proof  with  a  down- 
right Untruth,  that  [  "  If  a  man  be  not  blind  he  may  fee  that  my 
u  Hiftory  is  only  defined  against  Trot  eft  ant  Bifioops  under  a  general 
€t  name. 

An/  Was  it  not  enou  gh  fo  grofly  to  write  this  Untruth  of  me3 
but  he  muft  alfo  reproach  all  the  Readers  as  blind  that  will  noc 
judge  falfly  of  what  they  read?  Doth  he  know  my  meaning  bet- 
ter than  my  felfi*  He  knoweth  that  I  plead  for  the  Primitive 
Epifcopacy,  and  that  I  profefs  to  intend  this  Hiftory  moft  to  difc 
cover  the  Rife,  Growth,  and  Maturity  of  the  Popifh  deftrurtive 
fort  of  Prelacy.  Readers,  can  you  believe  this  man,  that  I  wrote 
the  cale  of  the  Bifhops  before  and  under  Popery ,  and  of  the 
Popes,  and  of  above  Five  hundred  Councils,  and  all  thefe  be- 
fore the  name  of  a  Proteftant  Bifhop  was  known  in  the  World, 
and  as  he  faith,  gathered  their  faults,  and  a'l  this  only  againit 
the  Proteftant  Bifhops,  and  not  againft  Popes  or  Prelates,  or 
any  of  the  Councils  that  I  named? 

Perhaps  he  would  tempt  me  to  refer  him  to  the  Hiftory  of 
Bifhop  L  ana's  Tri a!,  or  ro  what  Bifhcp  Abbot,  George  and  Ro- 
bert, Bifhop  Hall  and  others  faid  againft  him:  Or  to  tell  him  of 
A.  Bp.  Williams  Arm  s  for  the  Parliament  But  thefe  are  not  Sub- 
jects fit  for  our  Debates. 

§  21.  P.  3  18.  When  I  fay,  that  where  Prelacy  with  the  Pa- 
pijts  is  at  the  higheft,  Princes  are  at  the  low  eft.  Ke  asketb,  Is  it 
the  Bifroop  or  the  Pap  ft  that  is  here  to  blame  ?  \  Is  this  the  effect  of 
their  Order  ? 

Anf.  1.  I  thought  the  Pope  of  Rome  and  the  Bifhop  of  Rome 
had  been  the  fame.  2.  But  this  Corrector  of  Hiftory  taking 
Untruths  not  only  into  the  Completion,  but  the  Stamina  and 
Scope  of  his  Book,  among  all  the  reft  fuppofeth  me  to  (peak 
againft  4  Bifhop  as  a  Bifloop  ,  when  I  have  troubled  hi  in  with 
my  repeating  fo  often  that  I  am  for  Bfkcps,  and  that  it  is  not 
the  Office  but  the  tumor,  and  that  tumor  that  maketh  another 
/pedes  which  1  oppofe.  Doth  he  not  think  that  the  Popes  Bi- 
/hoprickis  faulty  (yea,  as  a  corrupt  /pedes?)  And  as  it  is  more 
tumid  than  the  Patriarchs,  is  not  the  Patriarchs  inore tumid  than 
the  Metropolitans ,  and  that  than  the  Diocefanes  ?  And  if  Dr. 
Hammond  were  not  deceived  ,  who  thought  that  there  were  no 
/fated  worshipping  Ajfsmbliesm  Scripture  times  without  a  prefent 

P  d  Bijhofa 


ip ,  is  not  the  fole  Bijhop  of  a  Thoufand  or  a  Hundred  fuch 
\ts  different  from  a  Bifhop  of  One  only  t  And  if  many  Ca- 
nons fp^k  truly,  that  fay  a  Bifhop  fhould  be  in  every  City  that 
hath  a  Church,  and  every  great  Town  like  our  Corporations  and 
Market  Towns  was  called  a  City,  doth  not  a  Bifhop  of  one  Ci- 
ty, and  a  Bifhop  of  50,  or  40,  or  10,  differ  fo  far,  that  a  man 
may  be  againft  one  without  being  againft  the  other?  Doth  he 
Ipeak  againft  Patriarchs  that  fpeaks  againft  the  Pope  ?  Or  againft 
Diocefanes  that  fpeaks  againft  Patriarchs  ?  Or  againft  the  Primi- 
tive Bifhops  that  fpeaks  only  againft  fuch  Diocefanes  as  put  them 
all  down,  and  all  their  Churches,  and  almoft  all  true  Difcipline 
of  fuch  Churches,  like  Erafiians. 

§22.  P.  319.  322.  His  Charge  on  Socrates  and  Sc&cmene  (fha- 
king  thecredit  of  Church-Hiftory  )  as  writing  that  [which  no 
reasonable  man  can  believe  as  it  is  related  by  them,  without  loving  a 
malicious  Lye 7\  I  fpake  to  before :  If  fuch  Hiftorians  believed  not 
what  they  write  or  loved  a  maliciom  Lye$  alas,  whom  fhall  we 
believe  ?  Is  he  better  than  they  ? 

And  his  note  that  Valefins  judged  Ettfebius  Nicomed  no  Here- 
ticket  I  before  noted. 

But  I  will  follow  that  cafe  no  further,  left  he  fhould  draw  me 
to  feem  to  charge  the  ancient  Bifhops  with  fedition,  whom  I  ne- 
ver intended  fo  to  charge  5  but  only  to  defire  thofe  that  can  ex- 
cufe  the  Language  e.  g.  of  Gregory  the  great  to  Phocas,  of  Am- 
brofe  to  Ettgenius,  of  the  Bifhops  to  Muximm  ,  and  many  fuch 
like,  not  implacably  to  reproach  and  hunt  thaft  that  did  no  more 
or  not  fo  much. 

§23.  His  full  Stomach  difchargeth  itfelf  againft  me  three 
times  over  with  one  charge,  P.  3 14,  320,  352.  [Oliver  Crom- 
well and  his  Son,  the  David  and  Abfalom  of  Mr%  B.]  And  [  He 
compares  the  mofi  barbarous  villain  in  the  World  to  King  David, 
in  his  Epiftle  to  his  Son* 

Anf.  Reader  if  there  be  no  fuch  word  in  any  of  my  Writings, 
after  all  thefe  Accufadons  of  this  man  and  many  fuch  other,  I 
mull  leave  it  to  thy  felf  how  thou  wilt  name  thefe  men,  their 
Hiftory,  and  their  dealings  j  for  if  I  name  them  they  will  fay  I 

Yea ,  what  if  this  very  man  fit's  eafie  to  know  why  and 
whence)  doth  even  here,  p*  352.  &c.  reprint  the  very  Epiftle 
which  he  thus  accufetli!  and  cite  no  fuch  word,  to  tell  us  that 


he  knew  there  was  no  fuch  word  there,  and  yet  thus  affirmeth 
it,  what  will  you  call  this  ? 

The  words  cited  by  himfeif  are  thefe,  [  "  Many  obferve  that 
cC  you  have  been  ftrangly  kept  from  participating  in  any  of  our  late 
€S  bloody  Contentions,  that  God  might  make  you  a  Healer  of  our  Had  I  [aid 
"  Breaches,  and  employ  yott  in  that  Temple  Work^%  which  David  ™b&  ktbh 
«c  himfeif  might  not  be  honoured  with,  though  it  was  in  his  mind,  be-  J^  Pub~  g 
*  caufe  he  hadjhed  blood  abundantly,  and  made  great  Wars.  I  Chr.^  their  chief 
22.7,8.]  Dr's  Elegy 

Is  here  ever  a  word  of  Oliver?  Is  he  here  called  David*  Did  uPon  Oliver 
I  not  purpofely  fay,  I  David  himfeif ]  and  cite  the  Text,  left  g^ 
any  fhould  feign  the  fame  that  he  doth  ?  Any  man  may  fee  that  t\Krs)  w^ 
he  hath  nothing  to  fay,  but  to  accufemy  Thoughts,,  and  fufpcCtjhouldihave 
that  I  had  fuch  a  meaning.  And  who  made  him  acquainted  with  he,ard/mji 
Thoughts  that  were  never  uttered  ?  Or  made  him  a  Judge  of ftSS/ 
them  ?  If  bis  and  other  mens  thoughts  may  be  thus  by  conjecture  fiattoJo- 
accufed,  no  Enemy  need  to  want  matter  of  Accufation.  liver,  while 

It'*  like  he  will  appeal  to  my  Confcience  whether  it  were  not  J  °?mJj  &fm 
my  thought  f  And  1.  By  what  authority  will  hefo  dof  2.  But^*£>^ 
I  will  fhrive  my  felf  to  him  this  once.    It  is  fo  long  fince,  that  fattioJtmr 
truly  I  remember  not  what  was  in  my  Thoughts,  any  fur- malice  hath 
ther  than  my  words  exprefs:    But  I  well  remember  my  for- &>*  the  hax- 
mer  Heltons,     and   what  was  then    my  judgment    of  Oliver  ^* 
and  his  Anions,  and  I  ufe  not  to  fpeak  againit  my  judgment. 
Many  knew  that  he  being  acquainted  the  firft  day  that  I  went 
into  the  Army,  f  which  was  after  Nafeby  Fight)  that  I  was  fenc 
by  an  AffcmbJy  of  Divines,  to  try  whether  I  could  turn  the  Sol- 
diers againft  his  fubverting  Dcfigns,  (then  firft  difcovered  to 
me,)  he  would  never  once  fpeak  to  me  while  I  was  in  the  Ar- 
my; and  that  ever  after  I  was  driven  away,  I  openly  in  Pulpit, 
Prefs  and  Conference  difowned,  and  warned  men  to  difown  his 
A&ions  againft  King  and  Parliament,  and  his  Ufurpation  ;    and 
that  I  wrote  againft  the  Engagement;  And  therefore  I  do  not 
think  that  ever  I  meant  to  call  him  David,  and  I  am  fure  I  ne- 
ver did  it.     But  they  fay  old  Men  can  fee  better  afar  off  than 
near  at  hand  5   and  fo  all  thefe  notorious  Untruths  about  vifible 
prefent  things,  may  yet  confift  with  fuch  mens  credibility  about 
things  faid  and  done  1300  Years  ago. 

§  X4-  And  now  I  am  here,  I  muftnot  pafs  by  his  friendly  Ad- 
monition, p,  3J7,  after  his  reciting  my  Epiftles,  ["  If  I  were  as 

D  d  2  "  worthy 

(2  04) 

u  worth)  to  advife  Air.  B.  a$  he  was  to  adv'tft  Cromwell,  /  would 
u  fay.  It  were  much  more  advisable  for  a  Chnftian,  fpecially  for 
ct  one  that  thinks  he  is  fo  near  his  eternal  State  ,  to  repent  ar>d  cry 
"  peccavimus,  than  to  ft  and  on  fuftifaation  of  the  fail,  &c.  ] 

Anf  i.  It  was  ufual  for  men  to  choofe  their  own  ConiefTours: 
But  it  being  the  Cuftom  of  the  times  for  Paftors  and  ConfefTors 
to  be  forced  on  Dilfenters,  I  will  fubmit  now  to  your  way 

though  my  former  ConfefFions  and  my  Communion  with  you 

have  been  turned  to  Reproach  and  Scorn. 

i.  I  do  daily  beg  earneftly  of  God,  to  let  none  of  my  fins  be 

unknown  to  me,  and  taken  for  no  fin3  and  be  unrepented  of; 

and  that  he  would  forgive  that  which  I  would  fain  know,,  and 

do  not. 

2.  I  do  not  repent  of  owning  Oliver's  Aclions  againft  King 
and  Parliament,  or  his  Ufurpation;  for  Inever.^owned  them  , 
nor  the  Actions  of  them  that  fct  up  his  son. 

3 .  I  do  not  repent  that  I  loved  the  Peace  of  the  Church,  and 
thatldefired  the  Governour,  though  a  Ufurper,  (hould  do  good 
and  not  evil.  / 

4.  I  do  not  repent  that  feeing  the  Armies  Rebellions  andCor?- 
fufions,  I  ftirred  up  Rulers  and  People  to  take  heed  of  favouring 
fo  great  Sin. 

j.  But  I  do  now  by  experience  of  other  ways  perceive  that  I 
was  fometimes  too  eager  in  aggravating  mens  Errours3  and  re- 
pent that  I  ufed  not  more  forbearance  of  fomc  of  my  Accufati- 
ons  of  fome  of  them. 

6.  I  did  think  that  Richard  Cromwell  was  an  Ufurper  :  But 
when  we  had  been  twelve  Years  at  leaft  without  a  rightful  Gc- 
vernour,  I  then  thought  as  T'homas  White,  albs  BUcklow\  the 
moderate  Papifh,  wrote,  that  the  Land  could  not  fubfifr  in  Soci- 
ety without  fome  Government,  and  that  No-Government  is  worfe 
to  the  People  than  a  Vfurpedone:  And  that  it  is  fomtime  lawful 
to  ftibmit  and -ufe  an  Ufurper,  when  it  is  not  lawful  to  approve 
his  Entrance.  And  wherein  I  was  deceived  I  am  willing  to  be 
better  informed. 

7.  But  I  do  unfeignedly  repent  that  I  wrote  thofe  two  Epiftles , 
though  it  was  to  put  a  man  on  to  do  good,  whom  I  never  [aw ^ 
nor  ever  had  the  leaft  to  do  with. 

8.  And  I  do  more  repent  of  the  caufe  of  all,  viz.  that  I  ap- 
pointed God  a  time,  and  limited  his  Providence;   and  thought 



that  becattfe  (o  many  Armies  and  Endeavours  bad  failed  Twelve 
or  Fourteen  Years \  that  had  attempted  the  refrorirg  of  the 
King,  therefore  there  was  no  probability  of  accomplifhir.g  it  : 
I  do  not  repent  that  I  was  not  a  Propher,  to  know  before  what 
God  would  do  $  for  it  was  not  in  my  power  5  nor  do  I  repent 
that  I  preached  Chrifts  Gbfpcl  under  Ufurpers  j  but  I  repent 
that  I  waited  not  Gods  time,  and  did  not  better  confidcr  that 
want  of  humane  Power  is  no  hinderance  to  Omnipotency,  and 
nothing  is  difficult  to  him. 

9.  I  was  drawn  too  far  by  Mr.  Harringtons  Scorn,  and  the 
diflike  of  Sir  Henry  FanSs  Attempts  for  a  Common- Wealth,  to 
meddle  with  matters  of  Government,  and  to  write  my  Politi- 
cal Aphorifms,  called,,  A  Holy  Common-Wealth:  kvA  I  do  un- 
ftignedly  repent  that  ever  I  wrote  and  publifned  it,  and  had  not 
more  confined  my  fclf  to  the  matters  proper  to  my  Calling,  and 
Jet  thole  meddle  with  forms  of  Government  who  were  titter 
for  ir. 

Ail  thcfe5  befides  what's  formerly  faid  to  Mr.  Bagjlja\v>  I  de- 
clare my  unfeigned  Repentance  of.  And  though  it  pleaferh  you 
to  feign  me  a  Schifmatick,  and  hater  of  Repentance,  ( for  (peak- 
ing againftthe  fault-  that  needed  it)  I  fhall  thank  you  to  be  a 
real  helper  of  me  in  f)  neceflary  a  work  as  Repentance  i?. 

An  J  that  I  may  do  the  like  by  you,  I  (hall  now  only  require 
you  wich  this  Advice  ,  that  before  you  write  nexr5  you  wift 
fet  before  your  Eyes  the  Ninth  Commandment,  Thm.Jhalt  not 
bear  fa Ifs  Witnefs  againft  thy  Neighbour  :  And  that  when  you  fay 
your  Prayers,  you  would  be  ferious  when  you  fay  ,  Lord  have 
ALrcy  upon  us,  and  encline  our  hearts  to  keep  this  Law. 

§  if.  A  Roman  Zeal  tells  us,  that  FacTion  and  Schifm,  when 
animated  by  worIdIyInrereft,and  grown  up  to  a  malignant  hatred 
of  the  things  and  perfonsthat  are  averfe  to  it,  is  hardly  bound- 
ed, but  is  thriving  up  towards  deftructivc  Perfecution,  as  fuel- 
ling Prelacy  did  towards  the  Papacy  and  the  Incjuifition.  It  is 
not  one  or  two  Fifties  that  will  fatisfie  the  ftomach  of  a  Pike: 
Nor  is  it  the  llandering  or  ruining  of  one  or  two  men,  or  filen- 
cingof  one  or  two  of  the  Minifters  of  Chrift,  that  will  fatisfie  a 
malignant  Spirir.  One  Meal  will  not  make  a  lean  Man  fat.  Whe- 
ther there  be  a  Legion  in  thofe  that  would  deftroy  a  Legion  of 
Chrifts  Servants,  or  one  have  Co  much  Power  I  know  not  -x  but 
the  effects  tell  us  whop  manner  of  Spirit  they  are  of.  But  let  the 
Papifts  pafs.  §  %6t. 

§26.  When  I  read  ^.33  7,  and  398,  359.  and  fuch  paffages,  it 
makes  me  think  of  them  that  cried  ,  [  His  Blood  be  on  us  t  and 
our  Children,"]  together  with  our  Judge's  words,  [  In  as  much  as 
jou  did  it  or  did  it  not  to  one  of  the  leaft  of  thefe  my  Brethren,  you 
did  it  or  did  it  not  to  me.]  P.  337.  he  faith,  [  "  There  is  great 
"  reafon  to  value  the  peaceable  Reft  ^nation  of  the  Nonconformifts, 
c  c  when  we  confider  by  what  V fur  pat  ion  and  Violence  they  were  brought 
"  in,  and  what  a  number  of  worthy  learned  Minifters  were  turned 
"  out  to  make  vacancies  for  thefe  men,  who  were  to  inftrutl  the  Peo- 
u  pie  in  new  Myfteries  of  Religion^  which  their  old  Paftors  had  not 
"  the  Confcience  or  Ability  to  teach  them,  that  is,  of  the  lawfulnefs 
"  of  Rebellion.--  And  p.  3j8,  &c.  There  were  many  of  thofe  Mini- 
<c  fters  V fur  per  s^  and  ha$  intruded  into  thz  Churches  of  other  men, 
u  who  had  been  file  need  and  cafi  out."'-  There  were  many  others  that 
"  were  intruders  into  the  Miniftry,  and  fuch  not  a  few  of  them  as 
"  Mr.  B.  himfelf  would  not  have  thought  fit  to  have  continued.  All 
"  the  reft  were  fuch  as  would  not  fubmit  to  the  Rule  that  was  then 
<Q  eftablijloed  in  the  Church,  but  chofe  rather  to  leave  their  Livings, 
H  and  the  Bifkops  could  not  help  it,  any  other  Wife  than  as  they  were 
Cfc  Members  of  Parliament ;  for  it  was  the  Law  th.1t  tied  them  to 
tc  their  choice^  and  not  the  hiftoops.  If  Mr.  B.  means  what  happened 
Cc  before  the  Lift  Civil  Wars,  as  ifs  lively  he  may^  then  thefe  ancient 
€i  Teachers  were  the  inftruments  of  an  Antimonarchical,  Antiepifco- 
C{  pal  Fatlion  :  They  would  preach  but  they  would  not  conform  to  the 
iC  Eftablijhed  Religion  :  Nay  many  of  them  would  preach  againft  it, 
*c  and  againft  their  Governours  too.  Thefe  were  fuch  Incendiaries  as 
St  no  Government  would  endure,  cVc.  ] 

AnJ.  When  you  have  noted  this  part  of  his  Hiftory,  it  will 
not  be  hard  to  judge  of  his  credibility. 

I.  The  things  that  he  defendeth  is  the  filencingand  profecu- 
ting  of  three  forts  of  Minifters.  1.  Many  Hundreds  of  Noncon- 
forming in  the  days  of  Qu.  Eliz..  K.  ^ames,  and  fome  few  in  the 
time  ofK.  Charles  1.  2,  Many  Conformifts  in  the  time  of  K. 
Charles  1.  under  Bifhop  Laud.  3.  About  2000  that  conform 
not  to  the  New  Laws  of  Uniformity  in  the  time  of  K.  Ch.  2. 
What  thefe  Minifters  were  or  are,  and  what  the  fruits  of  their 
fiiencing  have  been,  and  what  it  hath  done  to  the  Church  of 
Englandy  and  to  rruny  Thoufands  of  Godly  Chriftians ,  I  will  judge  :  Nor  will  I  difpute  that  which  all  England  fees  or 
feels.     But  it  feems  fo  well  done  to  ourHiftorian,  as  that  he  is 



willing  deliberately  to  juftifie  or  defend  it,  which  as  I  underftand 
is  to  make  it  his  own,  and  to  undertake  to  be  one  of  thofe  that 
(hall  anfwer  for  it.  What  if  another  had  done  as  much  againft 
him,  as  he  hath  done  againft  himfelf?  And  for  howfmalla 
prize  f 

I I.  As  he  before  would  infinuare ,  that  what  is  faid  of  the 
great  number  of  Drunkards,  and  ignorant  men  turned  out,  was 
falfe,  though  fo  judged  upon  the  Oaths  of  men  accounted  the 
greateft  loversof  Religion  in  their  Parifhes;  fohe  feemeth  here 
to  intimate  that  it  was  only  or  chiefly  into  the  places  of  learned 
worthy  men,  that  the  filenced  Minifters  fucceeded  ;  whereas  it* 
was  not  one  of  many  that  came  into  any  fuch  mens  places  of  them 
that  were  filenced  at  the  fatal  Bartholomew  day. 

III.  He  feemeth  to  intimate,  that  when  the  Parliament 
(Tuppofe  by  wrong)  put  out  either  fuch  as  he  or  I  defcribe^the 
Land  mult  be  under  an  Interdict  till  the  Bifhops  and  King  were 
reftored,  and  that  Chrifts  Gofpel  was  no  more  to  be  preached 
in  EngUnd^  till  Diocefanes  returned,  but  all  Souls  be  given  up 
to  Damnation  ,  unlefs  Chrift  would  lave  them  without  the 
preaching  of  his  Gofpel,  and  the  Land  was  to  be  left  to  the 
Devil  and  Paganifm.  And  who  can  deny  now  but  the  Diocefane 
Species  is  ejfential  to  the  Church  ? 

I  V.  When  I  fpake  only  of  the  filencing  and  ejecting  Act, 
of  Aug,  24.  1662.  he  would  make  the  Reader  believe,  that  this 
Change  was  to  reftore  the  Churches  to  their  ejected  Paftors,  or 
caft  out  Ufurpers  $  whereas  unlefs  Ignorance  or  worfe  hinder  him, 
he  knoweth  that  all  that  were  caft  out  and  were  alive.,  laid  claim 
to  their  Benefices,  and  were  reftored  before  that,  and  their  Li- 
vings refigned  quietly  to  them,  to  fay  nothing  of  the  reft  that 
were  fuppofed  to  be  at  the  Lord  Chancellors  difpofal.  Thofe 
that  were  put  out  that  the  fequeftred  might  re-enter,  were  none 
of  them  filenced ,  nor  made  uncapable  of  other  Livings  till 
Augttft  24.  i66x. 

V,  He  would  infinuate  that  it  was  only  the  Nonconformifts  that 
were  caft  out  of  fuch  fequeftrations :  Whereas  in  the  Countries 
that  I  either  lived  in  or  heard  of,  it  was  as  many  or  more  of 
the  Conformifts,  that  had  fequeftred  Livings  and  were  caft  our5 
and  took  new  prefentations, 

V  I.  And  this  is  evident  by  his  Intimation,  as  if  it  were  a  ve- 
ry great  number  of  the  Church  Livings  that  were  fo  pofleft: 


^  LVO) 

Whereas  of  Nine  Thoufand  or  Ten  Thoufand  Minifters  then  in 
Poffeflion  ,  Seven  or  Eight  Thoufand  Conformed  :  There- 
fore it's  likely  that  the  Conformifts  had  molt  of  the  Sequeftra- 

VII.  He  tells  you  that  the  Eje&ed  Minifters  were  brought 
in  to  inftruft  the  People  in  the  Lawfulnefs  of  Rebellion:  Doth 
not  this  intimate  that  this  was  the  cafe  only  or  chiefly  of 
the  filenced  Nonconforming?  But  I  haveoft  cited  /We/ defend- 
ing the  French  Protectants ;  Was  not  he  a  Bifhop  ?  I  have  oft 
cited  Bilfon,  affirming  it  no  Rebellion  if  the  Nobles  and  People 
defend  their  Legal  Conftitution  againft  one  that  will—  (I  will 

not  recite  the  reft.  J I  have  oft  cited  Ri.  Hooker  whofe 

popular  Principles  I  have  confuted,  and  goeth  higher  againft  ab- 
folute  Monarchy.,  than  I  or  any  of  my  Correfpondency  did  in  all 
the  Wars.  Heylin  is  for  Conciliation  with  thePapifis :  He  know- 
eth  not  their' Writings  who  knoweth  not  that  the  Papifts  are 
more  for  popular  Ele&ion,  and  Power  towards  Princes,  far  than 
ever  fuch  as  I  were.  And  had  he  not  put  hisH^ad  and  Eyes  into 
a  Bag,  he  could  hardly  have  denied  but  that  they  were  Epifcopal 
Conformifts  on  both  fides  that  began  the  War  :  But  being  got 
into  the  dark  he  loudly  denieth  ir. 

VIII.  He  faith5  There  were  many  ethers  that  himflf  would 
not  have  thought  fit  to  have  continued,  Anf.  I  thought  I  wjs 
more  likely  to  know  them  than  he.  I  remember  not  one  fucli 
of  an  hundred  that  did  not  conform.  I  confefs  that  when  the 
Prelatical  party  intreated  me  no  longer  to  refufe  the  tVefiminftet 
Commiftioners  Letters3  deputing  me  with  others  to  try  ard 
judge  of  fome  Epifcopal  Conformifts  that  ftood  then  for  Living?, 
to  avoid  all  feeming  oppofnion  to  that  way  I  did  ftrctch  as  far 
as  I  durft,  to  approve  and  keep  in  fome  Conformifts,  of  very  low 
parts  who  knew  not  a  quarter  fo  much  as  fame  Lay  People  did  : 
But  none  of  thefe  were  Nonconforming. 

IX.  He  faith,  [All  the  reft  were  fuch  as  would  not  fuhmit  to 
the  Rule  then  eftablifoed  in  the  Church.  This  is  true:  And  what 
was  that  Rule  f  Did  Peter  or  Paul  make  it,  or  fubmit  rto  it? 
Did  they  refufe  any  thing  that  God  commanded  in  Nature  or 
Scripture?  Or  any  Circumftantials  necefiary  in genere  left  infpe- 
c'ieto  theMagiftrates  determination?  They  were  guilty  of  be- 
lieving that  God  is  above  man,  and  that  there  is  no  Power  but 
of  God,  and  none  againft  him  5   and  that  we  muft  pleafe  him 



whoever  be  difpleafed.  They  were  guilty  of  fo  much  Self-love 
as  to  be  unwilling  to  be  damned  for  a  Benefice,  or  for  a  Bifliops 
Will.  They  did  not  confent  to  profefs  Affent  and  Confent  to  all 
things  contained  in  and  prefcribed  by  three  Books,  written  by 
fuch  as  declare  themfelves  to  be  fallible;  and  fuch  as  not  one 
of  Fourty  ever  faw  before  th^y  declared  the  faid  Ailent  and 
Confent  to  them.     They  did  not  confent  to  caft  out  all  Infants 
from  Chriftendom,  whofe  Parents  durft  not  offer  them  to  Bap- 
tifm,  under  the  Sacramental  Symbol  of  the  Crofs  ;  nor  unlefs 
they  might  have  themfelves  been  Covenanters,  Undertakers,  or 
Promifcrs  for  them,  as  well  as  the  Godfathers:    Or  that  fcru- 
pled  getting  Strangers  to  undertake  that  perfidioufly  for  their 
Children  which  they  never  intended  to  perform.  They  durft  not 
read  Excommunications  againft  Chriits  true  Servants,  nor  repel 
thofe  from  Chriftian  Communion,  who  fcruple  kneeling  in  the 
reception  of  the  Sacrament:    They  durft  net   fwear  that  many 
Thoufands  whom  they  never  knew  are  not  obliged  by  the  Co- 
venant-when tbey  know  net  in  what  fence  they  took  it:    For 
they  are  not  willing  to  believe  that  the  compounding  Lords  and 
Knights  did  not  put  a  good  fence  en  it  before  they  tooklr.  They 
durft  not  fay  that  all  is  fo  well  in  our  Church  Government  by 
Diocefanes,  Lay-Chanccliours  Power  of  the  Keys,  Archdeacons, 
Official?,  Commillaries^  &c.  that  we  may  fwear  againft  all  en- 
deavours to  amend  it  by  any  alteration  j    They  do  believe  that 
the  Law  of  Nature  is  Gods  Law,  and  that  as  italloweth  a  fwgle 
Perfon  only  private  defence, fo  it  alioweth  every  Nation  publick 
defence  againft  Enemies  notorious  deftroying  affaults  :  And  they 
dare  not  (wear  or  covenant,  that  if  any  fhould  from  the  Lord 
Chancellour,  &c.  get  a  Commiflion  to  fe'ze  on  the  Kings  Navy, 
Treafures,  Forts,  Guards,  Perfon,  and  to  feize  on  the  Lives 
and  Eftates  of  all  his  Innocent  Subjects,  that  it  is  unlawful  to  re- 
fift  any  that  execute  fuch  a  CommiiTion.     They  find  it  fo  hard 
a  Controverfie  ,  what  God  doth   with   the   dying  Infants  of 
Atheifts,  Infidels,  Mahomerjnes,  and  Perfecurors ,  that  they 
dare  not  declare,  that  if  any  of  their  Children  be  baptized  and 
die,*>  ii  certain  by  the  word  of  God  that  they  arc  undoubtedly  faved. 
We  fay  nor  that  the  Law  binds  us  to  any  of  the  evil  which  wc 
fear :     But  we  dare  not  take  Oaths  and  Promifes  which  we  un- 
derftand  nor. 

Abundance  I  pretermit. 

E  c  He 

He  is  extreamly  cenforious  if  he  think  that  Mr.  R.  Hooker, 
Bp.  Bilfon^  Bp.  Grindaly  A.  Bp.  <dbbot  5  Bp.  &>£.  ^^r,  Bp. 
p*w*/,  6cc.  would  have  been  Conformifts  had  they  been  now- 

X.  He  faith,  [They  chofe  rather  to  leave  their  Livings.^  Anf 
They  chofe  not  to  conform,  but  fubmitted  only  to  leave  their 
Livings  ;  Eligere  efi  agere.  They  were  paffive  in  this,  they  re- 
fufed  to  conform  as  fuppofed  by  them  a  heinous  Sin^  but  they 
chofe  not  to  be  filenced  orcaft  out ;  but  they  chofe  to  endure  it  . 
when  the  Bifhops  chofe  it  for  them. 

X  I.     He  faith,  that  fobs  Bifhops  could  not  help  it  any  other- 
wife  than  as  they  were  Al  embers  of  Parliament. 

Anf.     i.    1  confefs  Scripture  ufeth  the  like  Phrafe  ,  Can  the 
Leopard  change  his  Spots,  sec.    or  they  that  are  acctiftomed  to  do 
evil  learn  to  do  well?  And  Rom.  8,  6,  J.  The  carnal  mind  is  enmi- 
*.y  again  ft  God,  for  it  is  not  fttljetJ  to  his  Law,  nor  can  le.~\    I  will 
not  hereitoo  much  contradict  him,  2.  But  is  it  nothing  that  they 
could  have  done  in  Parliament,  had  they  been  willing?     3.  Is  it 
unlawful  for  us  to  know  if  he  know  it  not,  or  derry  it,  how 
much  the  Bifhops  and  Clergy  did  with  the  Parliament- Men  ? 
4.  He  (hould  at  leaft  have  Itayed  till  Dr.  Bates,  Dr.  facomb, 
and  I  are  dead,  who  wrote  and  difputed  with  the  Bifhops  by  the 
Kings  Commiffion,  before  he  bad  talkt  at  this  rate  to  the  World. 
Did  not  the  King  make  his  Declaration  about  Ecclefiaftical  Af- 
fairs ?  And  did  he  not  under  the  broad  Seal  commiffion  thofc 
Bifhops  and  Doclorsto  treat  with  us  for  the  making  altera- 
tions as  were  neceffary  to  tender  Confciences  t    Did  they  not  main- 
tain that«<?  alterations  were  thereto  neceffary,  and  fo  end  the  trea- 
ty.  5*.  Did  they  not  in  their  next  Convocation  lay  alide  the  Kings 
Indulgent  Declaration,  and  make  the  Additions  to  the  Liturgy  ? 
And  yet  could  they  not  help  it  ?     Nor  W3S  it  none  of  their  do- 
ings?    6.  Doth  not  England  know  that  Parliaments  fince  have 
by  experience  perceived  their  Miftake,  and  would  hive  fufpend- 
ed  our  Profecution^  and  reftored  us  to  Unity,  and  the  Bifhops 
and  Clergy  will  not  content  but  rage  againft  ir,  and  preach  and 
write  to  have  us  executed  according  to  the  Laws/  and  no  abate- 
ment to  be  made,  and  as  this  man,  think  that  the  Ch  urches  Di- 
ftrartion  is  from  Projetls  of  Moderation.    What  name  fhould  one 
give  to  fuch  Hiftories  as  thefe .?    The  guilty  cannot  bear  their 

XII.  He 

XII.  He  faith,  {It  was  the  Law  that  tied  them  to  their  choice 
and  not  the  Bifiops. 

Anf.  i.  Suppofe  the  word  choice  were  proper  here ,  [  Is  it 
any  juftification  of  the  Executioners  ?  ]  It  was  the  Emperour 
Charles  the  yth's  Edict  that  tied  all  the  Proteftant  Minifterg  to 
conform  to  the  Interim,  or  be  gone  :  It  was  the  Law  that  tied 
rile  Martyrs  in  Qu.  Maries  days  to  profefs  what  they  believed 
nor,  or  to  be  burnt.  Alas!  How  could  Bonner  and  Gardiner 
help  it  ?  2.  But  how  many  Bifhops  were  againft  the  palling  of 
that  Bill  ?  And  who  perfuaded  the  Lay-Men  to  it?  Muft  we  not 
know  when  it's  night  if  you  deny  it  ? 

XIII.  He  tells  you,  that  [the  ancient  flenced  Teachers  be- 
fore the  Civil  Wars,  were  the  Injlruments  of  Antimonarchical  and 
Antiepifcopal  Faclion. 

Anf.  i.  Which  of  them  all  faid  fo  much  as  Mr.  Hockir,  Bp. 
Bilfon}  Bp.  Jewel,  6Vc.  have  done  ?     2.  If  you  make  any  Con- 
ference of  the  9th  Commandment,  prove  the  Truth  of  what  you 
fay  of  thofe  that  were  fufpended  and  driven  out  of  the  King- 
dom in  the  times  of  A.  Bp.  Laud,  Bp.  Wren,  Bp.  Piercy,  Sec.  for 
not  reading  the  Book  for  Lords-days  Dancing  and  Sports,  and 
that  were  profecuted  for  Preaching  twice  on  the  Lords-day,  and 
for  not  turning  the  Table  Altar-wife,  and  railing  it  in,  which 
even  Bp.  Montague  as  well  as  Williams  was  againft.    Was  Bifhop 
Miles  Smyth  ofGloucefter,  were  A.  Bp.  Abbot  or  Grindtll  Anti- 
monarchical  or  Antiepifcopd  i  3.  Prove  if  you  are  able  any  Anti- 
monarchical  .Principles,  Words,  or  Deeds  by  Mr.  HUderjham, 
Mr.  Brmjley  ,  Mr.  Paul  Bame,  Mr.  Dod,  Mr.  Knewftubs>  and 
hundreds  of  fuch  I  might  name.  The  moft  malicious  are  fain  to 
talk  of  one  Knox,  or  one  Goodman,  or  one  Junius  Brutus,  (that 
is,  Hubert  us  Languetus  Mclantthons  friend)  or  fomewhat  in  Bu- 
chanan, not  the  tenth  part  fo  much  as  k  commonly  faid  by  the 
JPapfts,  wich  whom  our  A.Bp.  Bromhall  and  his  Companions  fo 
much  plead  for  Concord.     4.  Doth  not  Al.  Cope3  and  Sandys, 
and  Patefon  in  the  Image  oj  both  Churches,  and  lately  the  nomi- 
nal Bellamy  in  his  Philanax  Anglicus,  and  many  more  iucb,   fay 
all  the  fame  of  theBilhops  and  Church  of  England,  and  all  that 
they  deride  *%{Prot  eft  ants  of  Sincerity"]  as  guilty  of  far  more  re- 
bellious Principles  and  Practices,  than  evjer  you  can  prove 
by  the  meer  Nonconformifts  old  or  new  ?    And  is  it  enough  to 
accufe  ? 

E  e  2  "  XIV.  He 

XIV.  He  faith,  The.)  wotud  preach  but  they  would  net  conform 
tethe  eft Abli fl:ed  Religion. 

An],  i.  But  why  mould  they  be  forbidden  to  preach  (which 
was  good  and  they  were  devoted  to? )  If  a  man  will  not  do  ail 
that  you  would  have  him  to  do,  fhajl  he  do  nothing  f 

2.  What  was  that  which  he  calleth  the  hftabUJhed  Relighn? 
It  was  the  Ceremonies,  atrd  Subfcription,  that  there  is  nothing  in 
the  Liturgy  contrary  to  theWera  of  God.~]  And  was  this  a  Crime 
worthy  the  forbidding  men  to  preach 'the  Gofpel?  Or  why 
fhould  the  Souls  ofThoufandsof  the  Innocent  People  be  fo  hea- 
vily punifhed  for  another  mans  omiflion ,  even  becaufe  the 
Teachers  fear  Conformity. 

3.  But  ftill  we  fee  what  thefe  mens  Religion  is:  Had  their 
ReligioLbeen  the  Scripture,  or  any  Doctrine  or  Woifhip  com- 
mon to  the  Chriftian  or  Proteftar.t  Churches,  the  old  Noncon- 
formifts  willingly  confented  to  it.  But  here  they  (hew  that  their. 
Ceremonies  and  proper  Liturgy  forms  are  their  Religion.  But 
then  1.  Why  do  Dr.  Barges  and  all  that  plead  for  your  Cere- 
monies and  Invention,  build  all  on  this,  that  you  make  them  not 
any  parts  of  Worfhip  or  Religion,  (  which  they  confefs  man 
may  not  invent)  but  meer  accidents  ?  2.  How  old  then  \$your 
Religion}  Your  Liturgy  was  made  fince  Luther  began  his  Refor- 
mation. 3.  It  feems  then  that  you  are  not  of  the  fame  Religi- 
on with  the  Protectants  that  have  none  of  your  Ceremonies,  Li- 
turgy or  Subscriptions.  4.  Is  not  then  your  Church  of  a  Angu- 
lar Religion  from  all  the  World,  and  confequenr'y  a  lingular 
Church  ?  And  is  it  the  whole  Catholick  Church  then  ,  or  a 
Schifmatical  Church  ? 

I  confefs  that  you  (hew  more  evidently  than  by  fuch  words, 
that  your  felf  made  Rules  and  Circumftances  are  your  Religion  : 
For  1.  You  make  Conformity  to  them  to  be  de  fatlo  more 
neceffary  than  our  Preaching  the  Gofpel,  or  our  Church  Com- 
munion or  any  publick  Church  Worfhip  of  God.  2.  And 
you  excommunicate  by  your  Rule  or  Canon  every  Member 
of  Chrift  in  England,  that  doth  but  think  and  fay  3  that  any 
thing  of  your  Impofition,  Liturgy,  Ceremonies,  or  Govern- 
ment are  finful.  3.  And  yet  when  you  have  done  you  call  all 
your  I mpofmons  things  indifferent.  4.  And  thereby  you  declare 
that  your  Religion  in  part  is  a  thing  indifferent.  5-.  And  no  Man 
or  Woman  fhall  be  of  your  Church  that  cannot  know  all  the  in* 


dtjferm  things  in  tne  vvqyla  wmcn  may  oc  impoiea  on  rue m,  ro 
be  Indifferent  and  not  Unlawful;  when  you  knew  for  you  know 
not  whom  you- dwell  amongj  that  we  have  much  adoe  to  get 
one  half  your  Church  to  know  things  necrffarj,  6.  The  Papifts 
that  put  a  greater  necefFity  on  their  Inventions  will  deride  you 
for  an  Indifferent  Religion. 

There  was  a  poorPuritane  Nonconformift  that  feared  Lying, 
^that  went  about  the  Streets  with  Ink  to  fell,  and  was  wont  tru~ 
ly  to  cry,  ^JTerj  good  In k^,  very  good  I  n^']  b'ut  once  his  Ink  a 
little  milcarried,  and  he  durft  not  call  it  \Jfery  goodf]bi\t  cried, 
Pretty' good  Ink^,  Pretty  good  lr\^  and  no  body  woulj  buy  ot 
him5  and  he  loft  his  Ink.  And  if  you  cry  up  [An  indifferent  Re- 
ligionf]  whatever  you  have  for  numbers,  you  will  have  for  qua- 
lity but  an  Indifferent  Churchy  ( fave  our  Rulers. ) 

XV.  But  he  adds,  [Many  of  them  weald  preach  again  ft  it  And 
their  Governours  too.  ] 

*dr,f.  i.  You  tempt  them  towards  it.  If  I  askfne  Butcher 
[Is  yo:tr  Meat  fweet?  ]  and  he  fay  it  is  indifferent ,  I  am  excusa- 
ble if  I  think  it  (links.  2.  They  judge  by  the  effects:  They 
thought  that  when  an  indifferent  thing  cafteth  cur  a  necelfary 
thing,  it  become-s  naught.  3.  But  yet  your  Accufation  is  un- 
faithful :  Why  did  you  not  fay  then,  that  it  was  not  for  Non- 
conformity that  men  were  caft  our,  but  for  preaching  again  ft  your 
Religion?  Who  were  thofe?  Was  it  proved?  If  lb,  what  was 
that  to  the  reft  ?  Dj  you  punifh  many  learned  moderate  men 
for  the  fault  of  a  few  others  that  they  were  not  concerned  wirh  ? 
You  now  al ledge  Mr.  Hilderfham,  Ball,  Bradjhaw,  Bdinet  Knew- 
/tabs,  and  abundance  fuch ,  for  being  againft  Separatitm,  and 
perfuading  men  to  come  to  the  Common- Prayer,  (and  many  of 
them  to  kneel  at  the  Sacrament,)  and  yet  when  you  plead  for 
their  Silencing,  even  other  mens  words  may  ferve  againft 

XVI.  To  conclude,  in  all  he  layeth  thecaufecf  their  filence 
on  themftlves  for  not  conforming,  and  vet  will  not  teiius  whar 
we  fhould  do  to  help  it.  Would  they  have  us  Conform  while 
we  judge  it  as  finful  as  I  have  mentioned  in  my  firft  lica  for 
Peace?  Noj  they  profefs  the  contrary.  Would  they  have  11$ 
believe  all  to  be  lawful  ?  We  cannot :  Our  Judgments  are  not 
at  cur  Command  :  What  would  they  have  us  do  to  change? 
Worldly  Litereftmaks  us  too  willing!  Weftudy  as  hard  as  they  ! 


we  earnettiy  Deg  uocis  illumination  to  lave  us  trom  krrour 
We  read  all  that  they  write  to  convince  us :  And  the  more  we 
read,  ftudy,  and  pray,  the  more  heinous  the  Sin  of  Conformity 
feems  to  fome.  I  askt  Bp.  Morlly  the  fame  queftion  when  he  for- 
bad my  preaching,  before  the  ejeftibg  Act;  and  he  bid  me  read 
Bilfon  and  Hooker  :  I  told  him  that  was  not  now  to  do :  and  in 
both  of  them  I  found  the  Principles  which  are  made  the  caufe 
of  my  Silencing,  my  grcateft  Crimes,  and  in  one  of  them  wor(e» 
He  then  told  me,  IfGodwould  net  give  me  his  Grace  he  could  not 
help  it'.  And  yet  moft  of  thefe  men  are  againft  fatal,  repro- . 
b&ting,    nt'cejfttating  Decrees. 

The  imposing  Papifts  ufe  men  Worfe  :  Of  whom  will  you  par- 
don a  Fable. 

A  Bee  and  a  FLe  were  catcht  together  in  a  Spiders  Web  :  The 
Spider  when  they  were  tired  with  ftriving,  claimed  them  both 
for  her  Food,  as  a  punifhment  for  breaking  into  and  troubling 
her  Web  :  And  againft  the  Bee  (he  pleaded  that  (he  was  a  hurt- 
ful Militant  Animal,  that  had  a  Sting;  and  egainft  the  Flic  that 
fhe  was  noifome  and  good  for  nothing.  The  Bee  anfwered  that 
her  nullifying  Nature  and  work  was  profitable,  and  Nature  had 
armed  ber  with  a  Sting  to  defend  it.     And  theFIie  faid,  asdic- 
did  little  good  fo  (he  did  little  harm,  and  could  make  her  felt 
no  better  than  Nature  had  made  her.     And  as  to  the  Crime  al- 
ledged  againft  them,  they  both  faid,  that  the  Net  was  made  by 
a  venomous  Animal,  (pun  out  of  the  Air  and  the  Venom  of  Iter 
own  Bowels,  made  for  no  ufe  but  to  catch  and  deftroy  the  In- 
nocent, and  they  came  not  into  it  by  malice,  but  by  ignorance 
and  miftake,  and  that  it  was  more  againft  their  Will  than  againft 
the  Spiders,  for  they  contrived  not  to  fall  into  it ;  but  (he  con- 
trived to  catch  them  $  and  that  it  was  not  to  break  the  Net  that 
they  ftrove,  but  to  fave  their  Lives.     The  Mafter  of  the  Houfe 
overheard   the  Debate  ,   but  refolved  to  fee  how  the   Spider 
would  judge,  which  was  quickly  done  without  more  words ; 
flic  took  thern  for  Malefactors,  and  killed  them  both,   The  Ma- 
fter of  the  Houlc  Co  dill  iked  the  Judgment,  that  he  ordered  that 
for  the  time  to  come,     1.  The  Bees  (hould  be  fafely  hived  and 
cherifhed.     2.    And  the  Flies,  if  not  very  noifome,  (hould  be 
tolerated.      3.  And  all  Spiders  Webs  fwept  down. 

I  need  to  give  you  no  more  of  the  Expedition  of  it,  than  by 
the  Spider  I  mean  the  Papal  noxious  Canon-makers,  and  that  by 



the  Net  I  mean  their  unneceffury  and  enfiariag  Urwi  and 
which  are  made  to  catch  and  deftroy  good  menyand  are  the  • 
to<the  Inquifition,  or  Bonner's  Coal-boufe,  orSmttbfield  Bonefires. 
Bur  I  mutt  defire  you  not  to  imagine  chat  I  fpeak  againft  the 
Laws  of  the  Land. 

§  27.  As  to  the  Conclufion  of  hi*  laft  Chapter,  I  (hall  now 
add  no  more  but  this :  If  what  I  faid  before  and  to  Mr.  Hinkley 
fatisfie  him  nor.,  of  what  Religion  and  Party  both  (ides  were  that 
began  the  War  ,  and  Mr.  Rnjhworths  Collections,  and  other  Hi- 
ftories  cf  former  Parliaments  be  not  herein  ufeful  to  him,  let 
him  but  fecure  me  from  burning  my  Fingers  with  Subjects  fo  red 
hot,  by  mens  mifinterpreting  and  impatience,  and  I  will  (God 
willing)  give  him  fo  full  proof,  that  (to  fay  nothing  of  latent 
Inftigators  and  confequent  auxiliaries  en  either  fide,  nor  of  the 
King  himfelf,  whofe  Religion  is  beyond  difpute,)  the  parties 
elfe  that  begun  the  War  in  England  d\d  differ  in  Religion  ,  but 
as  A.  Bps.  Laud,  and  Neat,  and  Brombal,  and  fuch  others;  and 
A.  Bps.  Abbot  and  Williams,  and  Bp.  Bilfon>  on  the  other  fide  5 
and  as  Dr.  Mainwaring,  Sibtborp,  &;c.  on  one  fide,  and-Mr.  Ri. 
Hooker  and  fuch  on  the  other  fide  differed.  An4  if  my  proof  be 
confutable  I  will  not  hereafter  undertake  to  prove  that  Englijh 
is  the  language  of  England, 

But  my  Bargain  muit  be  thus  limited.  1.  I  will  not  under- 
take that  from  the  beginning  there  was  no  one  Papift  on  the 
Kings  fide,  or  no  one  Presbyterian  on  the  Parliaments:  I  could 
i;ever  yet  learn  of  more  than  one  in  the  Houfe  of  Commons,  and 
a  very  few  Independent?,  but  I  cannot  prove  that  there  was  no 

2.  You  muft  not  put  me  upon  fearching  mens  hearts:  I  un- 
ci tt take  not  to  prove  what  any  mans  heart  in  England  was  $  but 
what  their  Profeffion  was,  and  what  Church  they  joined  with 
in  Communion. 

3.  And  you  muft  not  equivocate  in  the  ufe  of  the  name  [Prcs- 
fiaut  ]  or  \Nonoonformift ,  ]  and  tell  me  that  you  take  fome 

A.  Bps.  and  Bps.  and  fuch  Divines  as  Ri,  Hooker  ^  and  Bilfon,  and 
Bp.  Downame,  the  Pillars  of  Epifcopacy  and  Conformity,  for 

And  if  it  may  be  I  would  beg  that  of  you,  that  you  will  not 
take  the  long  Parliament  for  Presbyterians  and  Nonconform! ft?, 

)  made  the  Arts  of  Uniformity,  the  Corporation  Aft,  the 


(if  6) 

Militia  Aft,  and  thofe  againft  conventicles,  and  for  banifhrnent 
from  Corporations^  &c.  Notwithftanding  their  high  Votes  about 
the  Succeffion  and  Jealoufies  of  Popery,  and  that  which  they 
faid  and  did  hereupon  :  For  I  confefs  if  it  be  fuch  Nonconform- 
ifts  or  Presbyterians  as  thofe  that  you  mean,  Fie  give  you  the 
better.  And  I  muft  alfo  defire  that  you  call  not  the  next  Parlia- 
ment, which  confifted  moft  of  the  fame  Men,  Presbyterians  or 
Nonconformiftsj  nor  the  other  fince  them?  Or  at  leaft  that 
hereafter  before  we  difpute  we  may  better  agree  of  the  mean- 
ing of  our  terms. 

And  I  declare  to  the  Reader,  that  nothing  in  all  this  Book  is 
intended  againft  the  Primitive  Church-Government  or  Epifcopa- 
cy,  nor  againft  the  good  Bifhops,  Clergy,  Councils,  or  Canons, 
which  were  many  5  nor  againft  King,  Parliament,  Magiftracy, 
the  Laws,  or  Liturgy,  or  Church  Communion  ;  nor  againft  our 
peaceable  and  patient  fubmifllon  where  we  dare  not  practically 
obey  :  But  only  againft  the  difeafes  and  degeneracy  or*  Bifhops, 
Clergy,  Council?,  and  Canons,  ana  thofe  dividing  practices,  by 
which  they  have  for  1200  Years  and  more  been  tearing  the 
Chriitian  World  into  the  Seels  of  which  it  now  confifteth  j  and 
againft  the  whole  afcendent  Change  from  the  Primitive  Epifco- 
pacy  to  Papal  maturity:  and  againft  .our  fwearing,  Subfcribing, 
declaring,  covenanting,  profefling ,  and  pra&ifing ,  where  we 
■underftard  not  the  Impofers  fenfe,  and  are  unwilling  by  our  pri- 
vate Interpretations  to  deceive  them,  and  where  we  are  per- 
liiaded  that  it  wrould  be  heinous  fin  to  u?,  not  meddling  with 
the  cafe  of  Lawmakers  or  Conformifts,  who  have  no  fuch  fears^ 
but  think  all  good.  (before  cited)  in  Aft,  1.  Horn.  3.  p.  (mihi)  472. 
fpeaketh  harder  than  I  ever  did  :  £K**A&«vAi}*s  Sec.  which  Eraf~ 
Was  tranflaterh,  FNon  termre  d>co^  fed  ut  affect  w  fum  &  fentio  ; 
~Non  arbitrcr  inter  Sacer dotes  multos  efje  qui  fiirui  fiant,  Jed  mult 0 
f  hues  quip+remt.  His  reafon  is  the  lame  which  fome  give  why 
they  think  molt  Fhyficians  kill  more  than  they  cure,  becaufe 
there  is  fo  much  Wifdom,  Goodnef?,  Watch fulnefs,  and  Dili- 
gence required  to  their  Callings  which  few  of  them  have. 

Luther  is  much  (harper  than!  ever  was,  when  he  faith,  \Hi- 
tronjmus  &  alii  Patres  vixerunt  in  temper  all  Sncceffione  Ecclef£t 
expert  es  Crsecii  &  per fecui io>:i s.  Epifcopi  enim  jim  inm  cceperant 
-crefecfe  rj  affgert  cpikfts,  exifiimathne  & 'gloria  in  rnnndo  :  Et  pie- 

(xi  7) 

rique  etiam  tyrannidem  exercebant  in  populum  cui  prterant,  utte- 
ftatur  hifioria  Ecclefiaftica :  Fauci  feciebant  fit  a  Officio^  6Vc.  Loc. 
Com.  4.  Oafli  p.  79,  80. 

Et  Cap.  17.  p.-j 8.  de  Synodis.  In  pofterUribu*  Conciliis  nnnquam 
de  fid*,  fed  femper  de  opinionibus  &  qu&ftionibus  dtfputatum  ('after 
the  firfty  ut  mibi  Conciliorum  nomen  pens  tarn  fufpellum  &  invi- 
fitm  fit,  qxam  nomen  Libcn  arbitrii. 

What  MeLm&bon  though.;  of  the  Papal  defign  of  magnifying 
Councils,  and  pleading  the  neceflity  of  uninterrupted  Succeffi- 
on  ofEpifcopal  Ordination,  fee  in  his  Epiftles,  efpecially  of  the 
Conference  at  Ratisbone. 

Dr.  Henry  Moore  in  his  Mjftery  of  Iniquity  faith,  p.  1  32.1 
[CtThat  Principle  tends  to  the  ruining  of  Faith,  which  fup- 
u  pofeth  that  without  right  Succeffion  of  Bifhops  and  Priefts, 
Cs  there  is  no  true  Church,  and  therefore  no  true  Faith:  and 
"  that  this  Succeffion  may  be  interrupted  by  the  Mifordination 
u  or  Mifconfecration  of  a  Prieft  or  Bifho'p,  the  Perfons  thus  or- 
"  dained  being  Atheifts  or  Jews,  or  ordained  by  them  that  are 

ecf0 As  if  a  man  could  not  feel  in  his  own  Conference  whe- 

cc  ther  he  believed  or  not  the  truths  of  holy  Scripture,  without 
"  he  werefirft  affured  that  he  was  a  Member  of  that  Church, 
Cc  that  had  an  uninterrupted  lawful  Succeffion  of  the  Priefthood 
Qt  from  the  ApoftJes  times  till  now. 

Perhaps  Epifcopim  and  CurcelUus  will  be  more  regarded. 
Read  that  notable  Preface  of  CurcelUus  to  Epifcopim  Works, 
p.  12,  1  3.  [  Refp.  Experisntiam  docere  nullas  unquAm  Controver- 
fias  de  Religione  inter  Cbriftianos  exortas  autloritatc  fynodali  fx- 

liciter  terminatas  fu  ffe---&  certiorem  mtiltopAcis   viam  effe 

Next  he  fhews  how  little  good  even  the  Nicene  Council  did  , 
and  how  much  worfe  things  were  after :  Hnrome  faying,  that 
the  whole  World  was  Arian,  And  Conflantius  reproaching  Libe- 
Yius  for  being  with  one  man  againft  all  the  World :  The  Vulgar 
D  icier  turn  bt'mgy  Omne  Concilium  pmt  Be  Hum.  Whence  he  ga- 
thers that  Councils  ,  fuch  as  the  World  hath  hitherto  had,  non 
effe  idoneum  componendis  Rehgionis  d'ffidiis  R;medium  :  Et  quam- 
diu  illud  ufufpabitur  perpetuus  in  EccltftA  &  Republica  turbos  fo- 

Epifcopii  &  pr&cipuorum  emicuit  fides  &  animi  mtgnitudo , 
quod  nepremiffo  quidem  folutionis  ejufdem  quo  an'eA  fruebantur  Jli~ 
pendii,  inducipo^usrint  ut  fe  adfilentium  quod  imptrabaxm  fervA?,- 

F  f  dum 

wV  «.v,j,,vue  ««i«  ***•*»  ^  ia  ^yv^w,^  v^aj.  ^^t  p#  ^0  D#  in  main* 
taining  that  the  Magiftrate  hath  no  Authority  to  forbid  facrcd 
AfTcmblies  to  tolerable  Diflfenters,  and  that  Minifters  and  Peo- 
ple forbidden  them  muft  hold  on  to  the  death,  that  I  will  not 
recite  the  words,  but  defirehis  Admirers  to  read  them. 



cffia  cs*  cS-n  §£u  cX-a  caa  ffSrf.  cffi^J .  *?**  s§«  c#3  5#s  s^j  B2fr  ci* 


^  Account  to  Edward  Lord  (Bijliop  of  Cork  andRotte 
in  Ireland,  of  tbefuccefs  of  his  Cenfure  of  Richard 
Baxter  in  England :  Detecting  his  manifold  Mn* 
truths  in  matter  ofFacl. 

§  1.  rTIO  give  my  Chara&er  of  you  whom  I  know  not,  as 
you  do  of  me,  is  none  of  my  work :  But  t.Your 
B         Stile  alloweth  me  to  fay,  that  by  it  you  feem  to 
me  to  be  a  man  ofConfcience/earingGod.  2.And 
yet  your  Matter  aflureth  me,  that  you  (peak  abundance  of  Un- 
truths confidently  ;    I  fuppofe,  partly  by  not  knowing  the  per- 
fons  and  things  of  which  you  fpeak;  and  partly  by  thinking  that 
you  ought  to  believe  the  falfe  Reporters,  with  whom  you  are 
better  acquainted. 

§  2.  The  ftrait  which  you  caft  us  into  is  unavoidable :  Either 
we  muft  feem  to  own  all  the  falfe  Accufations  brought  againft 
its,  which  will  hurt  others  far  more  than  usj  or  elfe  we  muft  de- 
ny and  contradict  them,  and  that  will  pafs  for  an  intolerable  ad- 
dition to  our  guilt,  and  we  fhall  be  fuppofed  fuch  intemperate, 
fierce  abufive  Perfons  as  you  defcribe  me,  while  you  think  We 
give  you  the  Lye,  or  make  you  Slanderers.  But  we  cannot  cure 
your  Mifrefentments,  but  muft  be  content  to  bear  your  Cen- 
fures,  while  we  call  you  not  Lyanr,  but  only  acquaint  you  with 
the  truth, 

§  3.  For  my  own  part  my  final  Judgment  is  fo  near,  and  lam 
confcious  of  fo  much  evil  in  my  fe\f,  that  I  have  no  reafonto  be 
hafty  in  my  own  Vindication,  but  much  reafon  to  take  all  hints 
'and  helps  for  deeper  fearch,  and  will  not  juftifie  my  Stile.  And 
God  knows  I  am  afraid  left  felfifhnefs  or  partiality  (hould  hinder 

F  f  z  mc 

me  from  finding  out  my  fin:  and  I  dayly  and  earned !y  beg  of 
God  to  make  it  known  to  me  ,  that  I  may  not  be  impenitent : 
But  either  Prejudice,  Converfe,  or  fomwhatcli>3  maketb  a  ve- 
ry great  difference  between  your  Judgment  and  mine,  of  Good 
and  Evil :  And  I  cannot  help  it :  If  I  err  it  is  not  for  want  of 
willingnefs  ro  fee  my  Errour,  and  openly  retract  it;  ncr  for 
want  of  an  ordinary  Diligence  to  know  the  Truth. 

The  Sum  of  our  difference,  as  far  as  I  can  underft'and  you,  is  in 
tbefe  particulars.    • 

I.  Whether  there  be  no  fin  impofed  by  the  Laws  or  Canorvs 
on  Minifters  and  People  here  ? 

I I.  Whether  it  was  well  done  by  the  Bifhops  and  other  Cler- 
gy-Men to  do  what  they  did  to  caufe  thofe  Laws,  which  filenced 
the  whole  Miniftry  of  England,  unlefs  they  would  conform  to 
all  things  fo  impofed  in  the^ft  of  Uniformity  j  and  actually  fi- 
lenced about  2000,  and  made  thofe  other  Laws  againft  their 
Preaching  to  more  than  Four,  and  againft  coming  within  Five 
Miles  of  Corporations,  and  fuch  others,  as  adjudge  Nonconfor- 
ming to  Gaols  and  Ruine  j  and  whether  the  Clergy  do  well  ftill 
to  urge  the  Execution  of  thofe  Laws,  and  are  guiltlefs  of  the 
doleful  Divifions  of  this  Land,  and  danger  of  itsRelapfe  to  Po- 

II L  Whether  it  be  unpeaceable  for  a  Nonconformift  after  17 
years  filent  fuffering,  to  tell  his  Superiors  why  he  dare  not  con- 
form,, when  he  is  by  them  importuned  to  it?  And  to  write  a 
Confutation  of  a  multitude  of  Volumns  of  falfe  Accufations 
hroughtto  juftifie  the  Executions ? 

§4.  If  you  think  you  have  proved  all  thofe  Impofitions  fin- 
lefs  which  I  have  mentioned  in  my  firft  Plea  for  Peace 3  I  think 
you  might  as  well  havefhortfy  faid,  [We  Bijkop  art  of  fo  much 
Wifdbm  and  Authority,  that  you  muft  hold  them  lawful^  became  we 
Jay  fo<2  And  muftall  be  ruined  that  would  not  be  fo  convinced  ? 
But  if  any  of  thofe  Impofitions  prove  to  be  fin^  and  fo  great  fin 
as  we  cannot  chufe  but  think  they  are.,  is  it  a  greater  fault  to. 
name  them  (when  importuned^  than  to  impofe  them?  And  a 
greater  fault  to  feel,  and  fay  we  feel,  than  to  ftrike  or  wound 
men  I 

If  we  had  taken  it  to  be  our  Duty  to  have  called  thofe  Cler- 
gy-Men to  Repentance ,  which  we  think  are  ignorantly  undo- 
ing therafelves  and  the  Land3  how  fhould   we  do  it  without 


naming  their  Sin  ?     Yea,  and  the  greatnefs  of  it  ?     And  if  we 
think  it  our  Duty  to  deprecate  our  Deftru&ion,  and  beg  of  you 
to  fpare  our  Lives  or  Conferences,  how  can  we  do  it  without 
telling  what  we  fuffer?  If  it  be  well  done  of  you,  and  be  bo  per- 
fection, but  your  Duty  for  the  Churches  good,  (as  no  doubt 
the  Executioners  think)  the  Hrilory  is  your  praife,  and  ycu  need 
not  extenuate  the  Fad:    Valiant  Souldiers  glory  in  the  multi- 
tudes they  kill:  Had  you  filenced  the  other  7000  that  conform- 
ed, when  you  filenced  but  2000,  your  Viclory  had  been  the 
more  famous.  Some  think  thofe  that  are  here  againft  your  ways, 
are  not  half  the  Land  5  were  it  murdering  of  one  man,  that  ano- 
ther is  judged  for,  it  were  not  unpeaceablenefs  to  fay,  that  he 
deferveth  to  be  hanged  :    But  the  judge  deferveth  praife  if  he 
condemn  an  hundred  fuch.  But  when  thofe  men  who  fhould  be 
the  tendered  Peace^  makers,  and  skilfulleft  therein,  dial)  be  the 
men  that  bring  fuch  a  Land  as  this  into  the  Cafe  that  we  are  in, 
and  will  not  be  intreated.,  nor  by  any  Experience  be  perfuaded 
toconfent  to  its  Relief,  I  know  not  how  to  (hew  mercy  to  the 
Land  or  them,  bet  by  perfuading  them  to  repent.  Anil  if  all  fin 
were  made  a  matter  of  Controverfie,  and  many  learned  men 
were  for  it,  this  would  not  alter  the  Cafe  with  me.    If  I  may 
compare  great  things  with  fmall,  who  finned  more  ?    The  Irifh- 
for  murdering  iooooo3  or  Sir  John  Temple,  Dr.  Henry  Jones,  the 
E.of  Or*7,for  recording  and  reporting  what  they  did?Was  it  the 
fin  of  the  Savoyards  and  others  to  kill  and  mine  the  Prqteftanrs  in 
Piedmont  f  Or  of  Perrin,  and  Sir  Sam.Mo  or  eland  to  write  the  ftp- 
ry  I    Did  Thuanuj,  Davilah,   &c.  fin  in  recording  the  French 
Maflacre?  Or  the  French  in  doing  it.?    Is  it  the  French  Prote- 
ftants  now  that  are  criminal  for  defcribing  and  complaining  of 
their  Sufferings  ?  Was  John  Foxe  the  Malefactor  for  writing  the 
Sufferings  of  the  Proteftants  under  a  lawful  Queen?    This  day 
came  out  (Mar.  10.)  a  Narrative  from  Bnftol  how  they  are 
crowded  in  the  Gaol  on  the  cold  ground,  dx  Is  the  Report  the 
Crime  t    Do  you  find  a  Juftification  in  humane  nature  of  fuch 
terms  as  thefe,  [You  jhall  fuffer  whatever  we  will  inflitl  on  you , 
but  fljJtl  not  tell  any  that  you  are  hurt,  or  who  did  it,  or  why  ?  J 

§  y.  I  have  told  the  World  fo  often  over  and  over,  that  it  is 
not  ail  the  Conformifts,  no  nor  all  the  Bifhops  that  I  impute  our 
Sufferings  to,  that  I  muft  fuppofe  you  to  underftand  it,  fpeciaJly 
when  the  Prefatory  Epiftle  of  the  Book  which  you  fall  upon  . 



-tells  it  you  of  many  Bifhops  by  name;    Therefore  when  />.  68. 
you  fay5  £  /  apply  to  you  more  than  once,  i  Thef.  2.  I  j.    they 
pleafe  not  God,  &c.  ]    and  add,  [  /  believe  in  my  Conference  he  is 
miftaken.l  Either  by  [to  t§i]  you  mean,  all  theuConformifts  or 
Bifhops,  and  that  is  not  true,  as  the  words  tell  you :    Or  you 
mean,  [Vs  that  procured  or  own,  and  execute  the  aforefaid  filencing, 
fflifting  ABsi  ]  which  your  words  feem  to  mean.   Aritf  then  I 
do  but  fay,  Oh  I  What  may  temptation  bring  even  good  mens 
Judgment  to  ?     Is  the  filencing  of  2000,  the  affli&ing  of  many 
times  more  of  the  Laity,  the  Jealoufies,  Diftra&ions,  and  Dan- 
gers of  this  Land5  fo  fmall  a  matter,  or  fo  good,  that  God  is  not 
difpleafed  with  it  t  And  can  you  myour  Conscience  own  what  the 
Bifhops  did  towards  it  ?     No  wonder  then  if  Ceremonies  be  cal- 
led things  Indifferent.  Certainly  this  cannot  be  Indifferent  ?  Ic  is  a 
moft  meritorious  or  excellent  work,  or  elfe  a  heinoiu  Crime :  It  is 
either  fuch  a  Cure  as  the  cutting  off  a  Cancerous  Breaft,  or  elfe 
if  it  be  a  fin,  it  muft  be  as  great  as  contributing  to  the  endanger- 
ing of  as  many  fcore  Thoufand  Souls  as  2000   Miniftcfs  were 
likely  to  have  helpt  to  fave,  and  to  the  corrupting  of  the  Church* 
and  the  Introduction  of  Popery,   And  few  Chriftians  think  that 
Nathan  finned  by  unpeaceablenefs  more  than  David  by  Murder 
and  Adultery,  though  but  once  3  or  Samuel  more  than  Saul-,  or 
the  Prophet  that  reproved  him  more  than  Jeroboam  ;  or  Chrift 
Mattk  z$.  more  than  the  Pharifees  ?  yea3  or  than  Peter,  Mat, 
16.    when  he  faid  ,    Get    behind  me  Satan  ,  thou  favour efi  not 
the  things  that  be  of  God-,    or  Paul  more  than  Peter,  Gal  2.    or 
than  the  Jewifh  Teachers,  whom  he  called  the  Concifion  &  Dogs ; 
or  John  than  Diotrephes,  &c. 

Guilt  is  tender,  and  they  that  think  God  is  of  their  Mind 
when  he  is  filenr,  PfaL  50.21.  will  think  men  fhould  be  fo  too; 
And  man  dare  not  bid  defiance  to  God,  and  openly  proclaim  a 
War  agaisift  him,  and  therefore  hath  no  way  to  fin  in  peace,  but 
by  a  conceited  bringing  the  Mind  and  Law  of  God  to  his.  What 
fin  is  there  that  Learned  Men  father  not  on  God:  And  then  they 
muft  bepraifed  ancj  not  reproved  ,  and  then  it's  worle  than  un- 
peaceable  to  aggravate  that  which  they  fay  God  ownetb  5  fucft 
men  as  I, would  think  it  fcarce  crediblegthat  the  Spanijh  Inquifi- 
tion,  the  French  MafTacre,  the  Powder-  Plot,  the  Murder  of 
200000  in  Ireland,  the  Perjuring  of  a  Nation,  the  filencing  of 
Thoufands  of  faithful  Minifters3  fhould  have  one  word  of  Jufti- 



fication  ever  rpoken  for  it.  But  we  are  miftaken:  No  doubt  men 
can  write  learned  Volumes  to  defend  any  of  thefe  $  and  if  one 
do  but  fay,  They  pleafe  not  God,  men  may  be  found  that  can  fay, 
£/  believe  in  my  Confidence  that  yon  are  mifiaken,  and  fipeal^  un- 
peaceably:  God  is  pleafed  with  it  all7\  Sure  the  day  of  Judgment 
will  be  much  to  juftifie  God  himftlf,  who  is  thus  flandered  as  the 
Friend  of  every  mans  Sin.  What  wonder  is  it  if  there  be  nume- 
rous Religions  in  the  World,  when  every  felfifh  man  maketha 
God  and  a  Religion  of  his  own,  fitted  to  his  Intereft  and  Mind  ? 
But  when  all  men  center  onely  in  one  God ,  and  bring  th^ir 
Minds  to  his,  and  not  conceitedly  his  to  theirs,  we  may  yet  be 

And  if  we  could  make  men  know,  that  Godis  net  forthtm,  and 
accepteth  not  of  a  Sacrifice  of  Innocent  Blood,  however  men 
think  that  they  do  him  good  Service,  yet  they  would  not  have 
this  known  :  It's  long  fince  unhumbled  Sinners  turned  Chorch- 
Confefiion  into  Auricular  5  If 'Saul  do  fay  at  laft,  /  have  finned,  he 
would  vet  be  honoured  before  the  People.  But  the  time  is  near 
when  thofe  that  honour  God  he  will  honour,  and  thofe  that  de- 
fpife  him  (hall  be  lightly  efteemed. 

Few  men  living  can  eafier  bear  with  others  for  different  forms 
and  Ceremonies  than  1$  but  I  take  not  the  filencing  and  ruining 
of  2030  Minifters  for  Ceremonies/were  that  the  worftof  ir)  to 
be  a  Ceremony. 

§  6.  Pag,. 69.  You  fay,  We  are  not  all  of  one  mind  yet:  A  fad- 
word'from  a  Bifhop.  Do  you  think  that  any  two  Men  on  Earth 
are  of  one  mind  in  all  things?  Were  thofe  agreed  whom  Paul 
perfuadetb,  Rom.  14.  to  receive  each  other,  but  not  to  doubtful 
Difputations,  and  not  to  judge  or  defipifi  each  other,  (much  lefs 
to  filence,  imprifon,  and  deftroy.)  We  are  agreed  in  all  that  is 
conftitutive  of  Chriftianity3  and  agreed  that  all  Chriftians  fhould 
Jove  others  as  themfelves  ,  and  do  as  they  would  be  done 
by.  I  confefs  if  you  have  fuch  eminent  Self-denial,  as  to  be  wil- 
jing,  if  ever  you  differ  from  the  publick  Impoficions,  about  the 
lawfulnefs  of  any  one  thing,  to  be  not  only  caft  out  of  your  Lord- 
fhip  and  Bifhoprick,  but  to  be  filenced,  imprifoned  and  deftroy- 
ed,  I  cannot  accufe  you  of  Partiality  but  of  Err  our.  I  have 
known  too  many  Conformifts  who  needed  no  Bilhop  to  filence 
them,  (they  never  preached.  )  But  that  will  not  juftifle  their 
defires  that  others  be  filenced. 

I  have 


I  have  eft  enough  told  you  in  how  many  thing*  the  Cotl- 
for  milts  are  difagreed:  I  now  fay  the  Bifhops  rhemfelves  are 
not  agreed  of  the  very  Species  of  the  Church  of  England:  To  fay 
nothing  of  their  difagreement  of  the  Conftitutive,  national  Head 
or  Governor  j  they  are  not  agreeJ5  whether  it  be  only  apart  of 
an  miverfal,  humane,  political  Church,  fzbjett  to  an  univerfal  hu- 
mane ftipretm  Power,  who  hath  the  right  of  Leg; flit  ion  and  judg- 
ment over  1  hsm3  or  whether  it  be  a  compleat  national  Church  of  it 
fe!fy  a  part  only  of  the  univerfal  as  Headed  by  Chrift,  but  not  as 
by  Man,  or  as  humane  Politie5  having  no  foreign  Governour* 
Monarchical  or  Ariftocraticaf,  (Tope  or  Council.^ 

Overdoing  is  illdoing  and  undoi  g.  He  that  would  make  fuch  a 
Law  of  Goncord,  as  that  none  fhall  live  out  of  Prifon  who  arc 
not  of  the  fame  Age,  Complexion,  Appetite,  and  Opinion,  would 
depofe  the  King,  by  leaving  him  no  Subjects.  Thelnquifition  is 
fet  up  in  Love  of  Unity:  But  we  know  that  we  fhall  differ 
while  we  know  but  in  part:  Only  the  perfect  World  hath  per- 
fect Goncord.  I  greatly  rejoice  in  that  Concord  which  is  a- 
mong  all  that  truly  love  God.  They  love  one  another,  and  agree 
in  all  that  is  neceffary  to  Salvation :  The  Church  of  the  Con- 
formifts  is  all  agreed  for  Croffing  and  the  Surplice ,  and  for  the 
Jmpofed  Oaths,FrofeJfions  and  Covenants:  Oh  that  all  our  Parifhi- 
oners  who  plead  for  the  Church  were  agreed  that  the  Gofpel  is 
true,  and  that  Chrift  is  not  a  Deceiver,  and  that  Man  dyeth  not 
as  Dogs,  but  hath  a  Life  of  future  Retribution. 

§7.  1\  69.  Asking,  [Were  not  almoft  all  the  Weftminfter  A[~ 
fembly  Ep  if  copal  Conformable  men  when  they  came  thither?']  He 
can  fay,  [  No  3  not  in  their  hearts,  as  appeared  by  their  fruits,  ]J 
And  he  cites  fome  words  of  thefenfe  of  the  Parliament,^.  i%. 

Anf%  1,  See  here  a  Bifhop  that  knew  the  hearts  of  hundreds 
of  men,  whom  he  never  faw,  to  be  contrary  to  their  Profeillon 
and  conftant  Practice. 

2.  And  he  can  prove  by  their  reporting  the  Parliaments 
words  what  was  thefe  Minifters  own  Judgment. 

3.  And  he  can  prove  by  thofe  words  in  fun.  1643.  what  wa* 
their  Judgment  a  Year  or  two  before,  and  is  fure  that  the  Scots 
Arguments  did  not  change  them. 

4.  And  he  can  prove  that  thofe  are  noEpifcopalConformifrswho 
are  for  the  ancient  Epifcopacy  only  (defcribcd  by  Bifhop  Vjherf) 


and  take  the  Englifh  frame  to  be  only  lawful,  but  not  unalter- 
able, or  beft.  And  if  really  he  do  take  him  to  be  no  Epifcopd 
Conformift,  who  is  for  enduring  any  way  but  their  own,  it  is  he 
and  not  I  that  gave  them  fo  bad  a  Character :  It  is  he  and  not  I 
that  intimateth,  that  thofe  moderate  Conformifts  who  had  ra- 
ther Church-Government  were  reformed,  than  fuch  Confufion 
made  by  filencing  and  hunting  Chriftians,  are  at  the  Heart  no 
Epifcopa) 'Conformifts:  Their  Hearts  I  confefs  much  differ  from 
the  Silencers  and  Hunters. 

§  8.  He  maketh  me  a  falfe  Hiftorian  for  fixing  the  War  on  the 
Eraftian  Party  in  Varliamtnt.  Anf  Did  I  lay  it  only  on  the 
Eraftiansf  Have  I  not  undeniably  proved  that  the  War  here  be- 
gan between  two  Epifcopal  Parties  ?  Of  which  one  part  were 
of  A.  Bp.  Abbots,  Mr.  Hookers,  and  the  generality  of  the  Bi- 
fhops  and  Parliaments  mind,  and  the  other  of  Bp.  Lauds,  Sib- 
thorps  3  Mayntvarings ,  Heyhns ,  A.  Bp.  Bromhalls ,  Sec.  mind: 
And  the  firft  fort  fome  of  them  thought  Epifcopacy  fure  Divtno  -, 
but  the  Englifh  Frame  not  unreformable :  And  the  other  fort 
thought  it  was  but fure  humano,  and  thefe  were  called  by  fome 
Eraftians.  Let  him  give  me  leave  to  produce  my  Hiftorical 
proofs,  even  to  fingle  men  by  name,  that  the  EngUJh  War  be- 
gan between  thefe  two  Parties,  and  I  defie  all  his  falfe  Contra- 
diction :  Only  fuppofing,  i.  That  I  fpeak  not  of  the  King,  nor 
of  the  War  in  Ireland  or  Scotland.  2.  That  I  grant  that  the 
Nonconformifts  were  moft  for  the  Parliament,  and  the  Papifts 
moft  againft  them. 

But  when  I  have  faid  fo  much  to  Mr.  Hinkley  already  to  prove 
this,  did  this  Lord  Bifhop  think  to  be  believed  without  confu- 
ting it  ? 

§  9.  But  it  tranfeendeth  all  bounds  of  Hiftorical  credibility, 
that  he  anfwereth  this  by  faying,  [He  and  all  his  Abettors  muft 
know  the  Catalogues  of  that  Parliament,  and  I htat  Affembly  are  ft  ill 
in  our  hands,  the  Copies  of  their  Speeches,  and  journals  of  their 
Fotes,  &c.  ]  Anf  They  are  fo  to  the  Shame  of  fuch  Hiftorians. 
You  have  many  of  them  in  Whit  he  kj  Memorials  5 1  knew  fo  great 
a  number  my  felf  of  the  Parliament,  Affembly,  and  Army,  as 
makes  me  piety  the  Ignorant  World,  which  is  abulcd  by  fuch 
Hiftorian?  as  yon  and  yours. 

§  10.  As  for  your  affuring  me  that  joh  Icok^  nnd  day  to  aufver- 
for  all  joh  fay,  it  minds  me  of  the  words  of  your  Dr.  slflu 

G  g  CI 


Chaplain  to  the  Duke  of  Ormond,   who  (as  going  to  the  Bar  o  f 
God)  undertakes  to  prove,  that  it  is  through  Vnde  and  Covetoufnefs 
that  we  conform  not.  The  Inquifitors  alfo  believe  a  day  of  Judg- 
ment. And  what  is  it  that  fome  men  do  not  confidently  afcribe 
to  the  moft  holy  God  ? 

§n.  Your  praifes  of  me  are  above  my  defert :  I  am  worfe 
than  you  are  aware  of:  But  mens  fins  againftChriits  Church  and 
Servants  in  England,  Scotland,  and  Ireland  are  never  the  lefs  for 

§  12.  You  fhew  us  that  you  are  deceived  before  you  deceive: 
You  do  but  lead  others  into  the  way  of  falfhood  which  you  were 
led  into  your  felf,  when  you  fay3  1  am  \_faid  to  have  afferted9 
that  a  man  might  live  without  any  aclual  Sm.~\  A  Lord  Bifhop 
(Morley  p.  13.)  told  it  you,  and  you  a  Lord  Bifhop  tell  it  others, 
and  thus  the  poor  World  hath  been  long  ufed  5  fo  that  of  fuch 
Hiftorians  men  at  laft  may  grow  to  take  it  for  a  valid  Confe- 
quence,  {It  is  written  by  them :  Ergo  it  is  incredible."]  I  tell  you 
firft  in  general,  that  I  have  ieen  few  Books  in  all  my  Life,  which 
in  fo  few  Sheets  have  fo  many  Falihoods  ^matters  of  Faftdone 
before  many.,  as  that  Letter  of  Bifhop  Morleft^  which  upon 
your  Provocation  I  would  manifeft,  by  Printing  my  Anlwer  to 
iiirn3  were  it  not  for  the  charges  of  the  Prefs. 

2,  And  as  to  your  Inftance,  the  cafe  was  this  ;  Dr,  Lany  im- 
pertinently talkt  of  our  being  juflified  only  by  the  All  of  Faith, 
and  not  the  Habit :  Iaskt  him  whether  wc  are  un/uftified  in  our 
fleepf  which  led  us  further,  and  occafioned  me  to  fay  to  fome 
Objection  of  his,  that  men  were  not  always  doing  moral  Afls  good 
or  evil :  and  thence^  {that  a  man  is  not  always  acluady  finning  3 
viz.  In  amans fleep,  he  may  live  Jometimes  and  not  aBually  fin-, 
as  alfo  tn  an  Apoplexy  and  other  lofs  of  Re aj on.~]  Hence  the  cre- 
dible Bifhop  Morley  printed  that  I  faid,  A  man  may  live  without 
any  aclual  Sin:  Yea,  and  fuch  other  Reafons  are  given  for  his 
forbidding  me  to  preach  the  Gofpel.  And  now  another  pious  L. 
ftp. going  to  anfwer  it  at  Judgment,  publifheth  it  as  from  him.  O 
what  a  World  is  this,  and  by  what  hands  are  we  can:  down  ?  Is 
my  Affertion  falfe  or  doubtful  ?  Dr.  Bates  and  Dr.  facombc 
who  were  prefent  are  yet  both  living.  By  fuch  men  and  means 
is  the  Church  as  it  is :  Arife  O  Lord  and  fave  it  from  them. 

§  13.  You  tell  me,  as  Bp.  Morley,  of  being  the  top  of  a  f aft i- 
cu  of  my  own  making,   neither   Epifcapal,  Presbyterian,  Indepen- 

dene,  or  trajttan.  uinj.  so,  to  oe  agamii  an  faction  is  to  be 
the  top  of  a  Faction :  I  am  neither  anArian5nor  a  Sabellian,nor  an 
Apollinarian,  nor  a  Macedonian,  nor  a  Neitorian,  or  Eutychian, 
or  Monothelite,  or  a  Papift,  &c.  Conclude  ergo  I  am  the  top  of 
a  new  Herefie,  and  filence  and  imprifon  me  for  it,  and  your  Di- 
ocefane  Conformity  will  be  paft  all  fufpicion  ("even  at  the  heart.) 
But  you  will  one  day  know5  that  to  be  againft  all  Faction,  and  yet 
to  bear  with  the  Infirmities  of  the  weak,  and  love  all  Chriftians 
as  fticb,  is  a  way  that  had  a  better  Author. 

§  14.  P.  73,74.  As  to  your  extolled  Friend  a  Nonconformfl; 
who  you  fay,  told  you  that  [ /  am  not  able  to  bear  being  gainfaid 
in  any  thing,  for  want  of  Academic^  DifpHtes>  6Vc. 

^4nf  1.  Was  your  great  Friend  (o  excellent  a  man,  and  was 
it  a  good  work  to  filence  him,  with  which  in  your  Confcience 
you  think  God  ispleafed? 

2.  Now  you  name  him  not,  he  cannot  contradict  you:  Mr. 
Bagjhavo  faid'fbmthing  like  it  of  Mr.  Herle,  Prolocutor  of  the 
Aflemblie  ,  which  his  Acquaintance  contradict. 

3.  Ijuftifie  not  my  Patience;  it  is  too  little:  But  verily  if  you 
had  filenced  me  alone,  and  Gods  Church  and  Thoufands  of  Souls 
had  been  fpared,  I  think  you  had  never  heard  me  twice  com- 
plain.   Judge  you  whether  I  can  endure  to  be  gafnfaid,  when  I 
think  there  are  Forty  Books  written  againft  me  by  Infidels,  So- 
cinians,  Papifts,  Prelatifts,  Quakers,  Seekers,  Antinomians, 
Anabaptifts,  Sabbatarians,  Separatifts,  and  fome  Presbyterians, 
Independents,  Eraftians,  Politicians,  &c.  which  for  the  far  great- 
eft  part  I  never  anfwered,  though  fome  of  them  written  by  Pre- 
latifts and  Papifts  have  fpoken  fire  and  Sword  :   Nor  to  my  Re- 
membrance did  any  or  all  thefe  Books  by  troubling  me  ever 
break  one  hour  of  my  fleep,  nor  ever  grieve  mefo  much  as  my 
own  fin  and  pain  (which  yet  was  never  extream)  have  grieved 
tne  one  day.     Alas  Sir!  How  light  a  thing  is  the  contradiction 
or  reproach  of  man  who  U  fpeaking  and  dying  almoft  at  once? 

§  15.  P.  7j.  As  to  my  Political  Aphorifms  I  have  oft  told 
you  I  wifh  they  had  never  been  written  :  But  all  in  them  is  not 
wrong  which  Bifhops  are  againft.  The  firft  paffage  challenged  by 
your  Bifhop  Morlej  is  ,  My  calling  a  pretence  to  unlimited  Mo- 
narchy by  the  name  of  Tyranny ^  adding  niy  reafon,  becaufe  they  are 
limited  by  God  who  is  over  all,  Minifters  were  never  under  Turks 
thought  worthy  of  punifliment  for  fuch  an  Affertion:    But  Bi- 

G  g  2  fhop 

mop  Money  is  no  lurk.     It  Monarchs  be  not  limited  by  God, 
they  may  command  all  their  Subjects  to  deny  God,or  btafpheme 
him,  to  take  Perjury,  Murder,  and  Adultery,    for  Duties: 
and  they  are  unwife  if  ever  they  will  be  fick^  die ,  or  come  to 

§  1 6.  You  fay,  [  Cc  /  was  told  by  a  Reverend  Prelate,  that  at 
"  the  Conference  at  the  Savoy,  Mr.  Baxter  being  demanded  what 
"  would  [at isfie  him,  replied,  All  or  Nothing :  On  this  I  refletled 
Cl  on  what  that  grave  Divine  told  me."] 

Anf.  Alas  good  man!  if  for  all  other  your  hiftorical  notices 
you  are  fain  into  fuch  hands,  what  a  mafs  of  Untruths  is  in 
your  Brain  ?  But  why  will  you  difhonour  Reverend  Prelates  fo 
much  as  to  father  them  on  fuch  .?  I  never  heard  the  queftion  put 
[What  will  fat  ts fie  you  ^  nor  any  fuch  anfweras  All  or  Nothing: 
When  the  King  commifFioned  us  to  treat  of  fuch  Alterations  as 
were  neceffary to  tender  Conferences,  the  Bifhops,  i.  Would  not 
treat  till  we  would  give  them  in  writing  all  that  we  blamed  in  the 
Liturgy,  and  all  the  Alterations  we  would  have,  and  all  the  addi- 
tional Forms  we  defired.  2.  When  thusconftrained_,  we  offered 
thefe  on  fuppofition,  that  on  Debate  much  of  it  would  be  de- 
nied us3  or  altered  $  but  they  would  not  vouchfafe  us  any  De- 
bate on  what  we  offered5nor  a  word  againft  our  additional  Forms, 
Reply,  or  Petition  for  Peace,  jw  To  the  laft  hour  they  maintain- 
ed, that  No  alteration  at  all  was  neceffary  to  tender  Conferences  J\ 
And  fo  they  ended,  and  the  Convocation  doubled  and  trebled 
our  Burden,  and  the  Bifhops  in  Parliament  together. 

Once  B\(hop^CouJtns  defired  us  to  lay  by  Inconveniences^  and 
name  only  wha't  we  took  for  downright  Sin,  I  gave  him  a  Paper 
defcribing  Eight  fuch  \  We  did  but  begin  to  debate  one  of  them, 
(Cafking  fuch  from  the  Communion  of  Ch'ifis  Church  that  dare  not 
take  the  Sacrament  kneeling,  though  they  bemifiaken)  and  our  time 

Dr.  Pierce  undertook  to  prove  it  a  Mercy  to  them  to  deny 
'  them  the  Sacramentj  and  he  made  a  motion  to  me,  that. he 
and  I  might  go  about  the  Land  to  preach  men  into  fatisfa.cYion 
and  Conformity :  I  asked  him  how  I  could  do  that  when  they 
intended  to  filence  me  f  For  though  I  fcrupled  not  kneeling  at 
the  Sacrament,  if  they  made  any  one  Sin  the  condition  of  my 
Miniftry,  I  mould  be  filenced,  though  they  abated  all  the  rein 
It  may.  be. this  went  for  S^All  or  Nothing.^  And  I  am  forry  that 


the  Bilhops  be  not  ot  tne  lame  mind  :  bt.  fames  was,  tnat  ttud» 
He  that  breahth  one  is  guijty  of  all :  And  Chrift  was,  who  faid, 
Me  that  breaketh  one.  of  the  leaft  of  thefc  commands,  and  t  sachet  h 
men  fo,  /ball  be  called  leaft  it}  the  Kingdom  of  God. 

So  that  it  was  not  All  Inconveniences,  but  All  flat  Sins  that 
we  craved  in  vain  to  have  been  exempted  from  :  Much  lets  was 
it  the  Eftablijhment  of  all  that  we  propofed  to  have  been  treat* 
ed  of,  openly  profefTing  our  felves  ready  to  alter  any  thing  amifs 
or  needlefs  upon  treaty.,  and  fuppofing  there  would  be  many 
fuch  words:  But  they  would  not  touch  our  offered  additions , . 
nor  entertain  any  treaty  about  them. 

And  now  pitty  your  (elf  who  have  been  drawn  to  believe  fuch 
Reverend  Prelates  as  you  fay,  and  pitty -fuch  as  your  Writings 
will  deceive. 

§  17.  That  you  take  it  to  be  contrary  to  a  Chriftian  temper 
to  be  fenfible  of  the  Sufferings  of  the  Church,  and  to  name  and 
defcribethefin  that  caufeth  them,  and  that  but  in  a  neceffitated 
Apology  for  the  Sufferers^  is  no  wonder,  the  Reafons  and  your 
Anfwer  I  gave  you  before  §  4.  and  5*.  I  think  ir  no  breach  of 
Peace  with  Perfecutors  or  Silencers,  to  tell  them  what  they  do$ 
efpecially  when  the  Sufferers  are  feigned  to  deferve  ic  all  $  and 
not  to  fin  and  that  deliberately,  is  made  a  fin  deserving. all  that 
we  fuffer  and  the  Nation  by  ir. 

§  18.  But  />.  77.  tells  us  yet  more  whence  your  Errours 
come,  even  by  believing  falfe  Reports.,  and  then  reporting  whae 
you  believe.  You  fay  ,  [  Some  People  have  talked  of  a  Combina* 
tion  orVaii  amongft  tbemfelves,  that  except  they  might  have  their 
own  Will  throughout ,  they  would  make  the  World  know  whata.breac& 
■they  could  make*  and  how  confiderable  they  were. ] 

Anf.  1.  Do  you  not  think  that  Rogers^  Bradford,  Vhilpt% 
and  the  reft,  did  fo  in  Qui.  Maries  days,  and  that  ic  was  they 
that  made  the  Breach  by  being  burnt?  What  is  it  that  fuch  Hi- 
ftorians  may  not  fay  ?  So  Luther  was  taught  by  the  DevU^Bucer 
was  killed  by  the  Devil,  fo  was  QecUmpadiw,  Calvin  was  a  frig- 
matized  Sodomite,  and  what  not:  And  even  the  rn oft  publick 
things  are  yet  uncertain  before  our  Eyes  :  Godfrey  killed  him- 
felf:  The  Papifts  Plot:  The  Presbyterians  have  a  PIqe 
sgainftthe  King:  The  Nonconforming filenced  themfelves:  An  I 
did  not  the  Citizens  of  London  barn  their  own  Houfes  ?•  When 
you  that  area  Bifhop  cite  other  great  Bifhops  for  fuch  things  as 

ysu  do,  may  it  not  come  in  time  to  oe  trie  taitto  $j  tnt  Lbur*^ 
and  thence  to  be  necejfary  to  all. 

2.  EJut  how  do  ycu  think  all  thefe  that  werefcattered  aH  over 
England,  and  knew  not  one  another  by  name  or  Dwelling,  fhould 
fo  confederate  ? 

3.  Do  but  think  of  it  as  a  man.  There  were  Nine  orTenThou- 
fand  Minifters  that  had  conformed  to  the  Parliaments  way  in 
pofleflion:  They  were  all  to  conform  or  be  caft  out.  The  Book 
and  Ad  of  Uniformity  came  not  out  of  thePrefs  till  about  that  very 
day  Aug*  24.  Neither  Conformifts,  nor  ( afterj  Nonconforming 
could  fee  it,  but  thofe  in  or  near  London :  What  time  was  theif 
to  tell  them  all  over  England  in  one  day  ?  How  knew  we  who 
would  conform  and  who  would  not3  when  NineThoufand  were 
equally  in  PoiTeffion  ?  If  we  had  written  to  them  all,  would  not 
One  Thoufand  of  our  Letters  have  detected  it?  Or  at  leaft 
fome  of  thofe  that  conformed,  with  whom  we  prevailed  not? 

4.  What  was  it  that  moved  them  all  to  this  Confederacy? 
To  fufferRuine  in  the  World?  To  make  tbemfelves  confiderable 
you  fay,  andjhew  what  a  Breach  they  could  make .?  And  for  what  ? 
Vnlefs  they  might  have  alt  their  own  Wills  ?  And  what  was  their 
Will  f  Was  it  to  be  Lord  Bifhops  ?  Or  domineer  over  any  ?  Or 
to  get  great  Benefices .?  I  think  no  high- way  Robbers  do  any 
Villanies  meerly  to  fhew  what  mifchief  they  can  do,  much  left 
ruine  themfelves  to  fhew  that  they  can  do  Mifchief  by  Suffering. 
Some  fuch  thing  is  faid  of  fome  odd  Circumcellians  that  they 
killed  themfelves  «to  make  others  thought  their  Perfecutors: 
But  Perfecution  was  more  hated  then  than  now.  Did  the  former 
Life  and  Do&rine  of  thefe  Two  Thoufand  men  fignifie  a  Spirit 
fo  much  worfe  than  the  reft  ? 

5.  And  do  you  think  that  the  other  Seven  Thoufand  or  Eight 
Thoufand  that  conformed  did  confederate  beforehand  to  con- 
form ?  How  could  they  do  it  who  declared  AfTent  and  Content  to 
every  thing  contained  and  prefcribed  in  and  by  the  Book  which 
they  never  faw,  unleft  they  confederated  at  a  venture,  to  do 
whatever  was  impofed .?  And  if  Seven  Thoufand  could  agree 
without  confederating,  why  not  Two  Thoufand  ?  I  could  not 
then  have  my  Poft  Letters  pafs  without  Interception:  And  it's 
a  wonder  that  no  Letter  of  this  Confederacy  was  taken. 

And  Tie  tell  (not  you,  but  thofe  that  believe  me )  how  far 
We  were  from  it.  When  we  were  all  caft  out  and  fome  new  mo- 

tion  was  made  for  our  fervice,  one  weak  man  moved  here,  that- 
we  might  draw  up  a  contenting  Judgment  to  how  much  we 
could  yield,  that  we  might  not  differ.  Ianfwcred  that  it  was  not 
our  bufinefs  to  make  a  Faction,  or  to  ftrengthen  a  Party  5  nor 
were  we  all  of  one  judgment  about  every  Ceremony,  and  therefore 
no  man  muft  go  againft  his  judgment  for  a  Combination  with 
the  reft  :  If  they  would  abate  but  fo  much  as  any  one  mansCon- 
fcience  would  be  fatisfied  in,  that  one  man  muft  ferve  the  Church 
accordingly.  And  if  any  were  taken  in,,  the  reft  would  rejoyce.] 
This  Anfwer  filenced  that  motion,  and  I  never  heard  any  move 
it  more  :  And  I  am  fully  affured  there  was  never  fuch  a  Com- 

But  with  this  exception  :  How  far  any  thought  the  Covenant 
bound  them  againft  our  Prelacy  I  cannot  tell,  Thofe  that  I  con- 
vers'd  with  faid,  it  bound  them  to  no  more  than  they  were 
bound  to  before.  But  I  confefs  we  did  all  confederate  in  our 
Baptifm,  againft  willful  fin:  And  I  know  of  no  other  Confedera- 
cies bue  thefe  :  which  indeed  was  enough  to  make  all  men  for- 
bear what  they  judged  to  be  finful. 

§  19,  You  add,  £"  But  jet  it  is  not  fair  to  over-reckon  know-- 
"  ingly,  and  in  ordinary  courfe  Two  Hundred  in  the  fum,  as  Mr. 
u  Baxter  and  others  do,  p.  ly^  210.  thereby  to  fwell  the  ac- 
"  count  to  the  greater  odium,  by  complaining  roundly  Two  Thou- 
"  fand  :  This  I  muft  conclude  to  be  done  knowingly  ,  for  femtimes 
"  he  only  mentions  One  Thou  fand  Eight  Hundred^  p.  iy  i?  Src.  ] 

Anf  I  am  perfuaded  that  it  is  not  knowingly  that  you  fpeak 
fo  much  befides  the  truth  ;  but  for  want  of  knowing  what  and 
whom  you  talk  of.  I  never  medled  with  gathering  the  number, 
Mr,  Calamy  did,  and  (hewed  us  a  Lift  of  1800,  upon  which  I 
long  mentioned  no  more,  and  feldom  faw  him  afterward  :  But 
Mr.  Ennis  who  was  more  with  him,  afTuring  me  that  they  had 
after  an  account  of  at  leaft  200  more,  who  were  omitted;  L 
fometime  to  fpeak  the  leaft  mention  the  1800,  and  fometime 
fay  about  2000,  and  by  his  laft  account  that  was  the  leaft.  Yet 
with  a  Lord  Blfhop  that  knoweth  nothing  of  all  this,  I  fyomng- 
ly  over-reckon  :  But  if  God  be  pleafed  with  their  filencing^  why  do- 
you  take  this  ill  ? 

§  20.  The  next  and  great  Accufation  is  my  extenuating  theB;~ 
Jhops  Clemency,  and  aggravating  our  Sufferings,  and  that  againft 
tny  Qonfcience  I  impute  to  the  BijKops  that  bloodinefs  which  they  ne- 


iwr  intended  but  abhcr.  -And  he  will  not  believe  what  I  fay  oftht 
death  of  any  by  Imprisonment  or  want. 

An[,  The  good  Lady  that  pittied  the  Beggars  when  (he  came 
in  out  of  the  Froft  and  Snow,  when  (he  had  warmed  her  felf, 
chid  them  away,  and  fa  id.,  k  was  warm  enough.  I  could  name 
•you  thofe  in  London,  that  travelled  out  of  the  North  in  great 
want,  and  took  up  with  fuch  cold  Lodgings  here  in  great  want 
of  all  things,  that  they  were  paft  cure  before  their  mifery  was 
known.  How  many  poor  Quakers  have  dyed  in  Priforfmany 
know  :  It's  like  you  never  heard  of  the  death  of  Mr.  Field,  a 
worthy  Minifter,  in  the  Gate-heufe-,  nor  of  Mr.  Thompfon  in  the 
noifome  Prifon  at  Briftol,  nor  of  Reverend  Mr.  Hughes  of  Pli- 
mouth's  Death,  caufed  by  his  Prifon  ficknefs  $  perhaps  you  ne-  ' 
ver  read  the  Life,  Sufferings,  and  Deaih  of  excellent  fofeph  Al- 
len of  Taunton :  I  will  not  be  the  gatherer  of  a  larger  Catalogue, 
But  I  believe  fome  others  will.  But  thefeyou  know  not  of, 

§  2i<  The  words  in  my  Book  which  I  fpeak  argumentatively, 
(hewing  clearly  whither  their  caufe  will  lead  them,  if  they  truft 
to  bring  us  to  Unity  by  force,  you  unworthily  feign  that  I  fpeak 
^as  accufing  the  Bifhops  Inclinations.  My  Argument  was',  If  you 
think  by  violence  to  eff eft  your  ends,  it  ma  ft  be  either  by  changing 
mfns  judgments,  or  by  forcing  them  as  Hypocrites  to  go  againft 
1  heir  judgment s9  or  elfe  by  utter  deftroying  them  till  there  are  no 
Diffenters:  But  none  of  theft  three  ways  will  do  it :  Ergo  Violence  will 
not  do  it.  1.  I  prove  that  force  will  not  change  their  Judgments. 
2.  I  prove  they  are  fuch  men  as  will  rather  fuffer  death  than 
fin  againfr  their  Confciences  5  and  fo  lefs  Sufferings  which  cure 
not  do  but  exafperate  the  Difeafe.  3.  I  prove  that  if,  when 
lefs  doth  no  good,  you  would  deftroy  them,  that  would  notdo 
your  work  but  crofs  it.  And  doth  this  fignifie  that  I  charge  the 
Bifhops  with  bloody  purpofes?  They  openly  tell  us  that  it's  pu- 
<Kifhing  us  that  muft  bring  us  to  Concord.  I  tell  them,  Lejfer  will 
not  do  it,  andgreater  will  but  hurt  themfelves*  A  man  would  think 
that  I  hereby  rather  infer  that  Bifhops  will  not  be  bloody,  than 
that  they  will,  when  I  argue  ab  incommodo.  Truly  Sir,  I  fee  no- 
thing in  your  Book  which  tempted  me  to  lament,  that  I  mift 
the  happinefs  of  your  Academical  Education  or  Difputes:  Nor 
do  I -envy  thofe  that  now  enjoy  it.  God  fave  his  Church  from 
♦the  worfer  part  of  them. 

§  2i .  You  fay,  p.  79,  You  muft  needs  loc\on  my  aggravating 


tnyown  and  the  Diff enters  Sufferings  bejond  Truth,  jou  are  fure  be- 
yond Probability,  to  have  proceeded  from  want  of  temper.  As  for 
faying  that  fome  have  lived  on  brown  Bread  and  Water. 

Anf.  I  find  (till  that  our  difference  lieth  in  matter  of  Faft, 
done  in  the  open  fight  of  the  World :    And  if  it  were  whether 
we  are  EngU/h-  men,  I  have  no  hope  of  ending  it !  O  what  is  Hi- 
ftory  !    My  own  Sufferings  by  them  are  very  -final!,  fave  the 
hindering  of  my  Labour:    Leave  to  work  is  all  the  Preferment 
that  ever  Idefired  of  them  :  What  I  have  had  hath  been  againft 
their  Wills,  who  have  called  out  for  my  greater  reftraint.     God 
hath  enabled  me  by  the  Charity  of  others  to  fend  fome  fma!I  re- 
lief to  a  few  of  thofe  whofe  Cafe  he  will  not  believe.  Some  of 
them  have  Seven  or  Eight  Children,  and  nothing  at  all  of  their 
own  to  maintain  them,  and  live  in  Countries  where  fcarce  two 
Gentlemen  of  Eftates  within  their  reach  do  befriend  them  5  and 
the  People  are  generally  poor;  and  many  of  thefe  have  none  to 
preach  to,  being  not  permitted ,  And  when  they  attempted  to 
meet  with  fome  few  fecretly,  to  fail  and  pray  in  fome  cafe  of 
need,  have  had  their  few   Goods  carryed  away  by  Diftrefs, 
Good  Alderman  AJhhttrft,  now  with  Chrift,  took  care  of  many, 
and  hath  (hewed  me  Letters  and  Certificates  of  undoubted  cre- 
dit,, in  the  very  words  which  1  named.  One  is  now  near  us,  that 
was  put  to  get  his  Living  by  Spinning.    Mr.  Chadwick^  was  the 
laft  of  whom  I  read  thofe  words  in  a  juft  certificate,  that  he  and 
his  Children  had  long  lived  on  meer  brown  Rye  Bread  and  Wa- 
ter. It  is  now  above'a  dozen  Years  fince  Dr.  lrermnxden  told  me 
that  Mr.  Matthew  Hill  was  his  Patient,  with  Hydropical  fvvelPd 
Legs,  with  drinking  Water  and  ufmg  anfwerable  Food  through 
meer  Poverty :  But  God  turned  it  to  good  ;  for  necefTity  drove 
him  (when  a  little  ftrengthened)  to  Mtry-Land,  where  he  hath 
been  almoft  the  only  able  Minifter  they  have.    We  that  know 
them  our  felves,  and  beg  Moaey  to  relieve  them,  are  fuppofed 
to  be  Lyars:  for  telling  that  which  all  their  Neighbours  know. 
Through  Gods  Mercy  few  in  London  fuffer  fo  much,  (though  di- 
vers are  in  great  (freights.,)  But  greet  numbers  in  the  Countrys 
who  live  among  the  poor,  had  not  fome  of  them  now  and  then  a 
little  Relief  from  London,  were  like  to  beg  for  Bread,  or  fall  in- 
to mortal  Difeafes  by  Food  unfit  for  Nature.     Even  in  London 
they  that  knew  Mr.  'Farnworth,  Mr.  Spmage,  and  fome  others, 
and  how  they  lived  and  dyed,  underftand  me,  Tie  name  Mr,  Mar- 

H  h  tin 

*I>iad  tin  formerly  of  IVeedon,   *  very  poor  in  London,  to  tell  you  of 
pneitbt   y0Ur  impartiality;  though  he  loft  one  Arm  in  the  Kings  Army^ 

rf'tbtif    **e  ^ac^  noc  a  ^  a^atec^  ^im  *n  J^nricJ^Gaol  for  preaching. 

;  §  12.  As  to  his  repeating  all  my  mention  of  their  dealings, 

and  my  blaming  the  Bifhops  at  the  Savoy  for  our  pre  Tent  dhrifi- 
ons,  and  my  aggravating  the  evils  which  Violence  will  produce 
if  they  truft  to  that  way,  I  judge  it  all  nectifary  to  be  fpoken; 
Unknown  fin  will  not  be  repented  of  nor  forborn  5  nor  unknown 
danger  prevented  5  nor  the  unknown  needs  of  the  Peoples  Souls 

He  asketh,  Is  this  the  way  to  be  at  Teace  with  m  ?  I  anfwer, 
There  is  no  other  way :  What  Peace  can  we  have  with  them 
that  think  they  are  bound  to  filence  us,  and  keep  us  fix  Months 
in  Gaol  for  every  Sermon,  and  fo  on  for  the  next,  and  for  the 
nextf  Or  to  pay  40  /.  a  Sermon,  and  to  banifh  us  five  Miles 
from  Corporations,  andmuft  not  be  told  of  any  fuch  thing?  He 
was  not  unpeaceable  that  (aid,  He  that  feeth  his  Brother  have 
need  and  fhutteth  up  the  Bowels  of  Companion  from  him,  how  dwel- 
leth  the  Love  of  God  in  him?  Nor  for  faying,  He  that  hateth  his 
Brother  is  a  Murtherer:  Nor  Chrift  for  telling  us  how  he  will 
judge  them  that  did  not  relieve  and  vifit  him  in  his  little  ones  3 
and  how  he  will  ufe  him  that  beat  his  Fellow-Servants.  It  is 
with  you  and  not  with  your  fins  that  we  would  have  peace. 
Not  only  MaJfoniusan&  Platina,  but  even  Genebrard,  and  Baro- 
nim  fpeak  far  fharplier  of  the  faults  of  many  Popes  themfelves, 
and  all  Hiftoriansof  their  Prelates,  and  yet  are  taken  to  be 
peaceable  men.  Either  thofe  that  I  mentioned  will  repent  here 
or  hereafter,  and  then  will  fay  far  worfe  of  themfelves  than  I  do  , 
And  may  I  not  foretel  it  them,  when  it  is  but  in  neceffnated 
deprecation  of  the  miferiesof  fhe  Land  ? 

§  23.  One  of  their  Champions  wrote  that  he  was  not  bound 
to  deny  his  own  Liberty,  becaufe  ot hers  would  pievijloly  take  fcandal 
at  it.  I  (hewed  the  finfulnefs  of  that  Conclufion,  and  that  a 
mans  Liberty  often  lay  in  as  fmall  a  matter  as  a  game  at  Chefs, 
a  Pipe  of  Tobacco,  or  a  Cup  of  Sack:  andmoft  fcanda!  is  taken 
by  pievifh  perfons  :  and  yet  even  a  pievifh  mans  Soul  is  not  to 
be  fet  as  light  by  as  fuch  things.  Chrift  and  Paul  made  more  of 
Scandal :  And  this  very  arguing  of  mine  is  numbred  with  my 
unpeaceable  difrempered  words. 
5  24.  As  to  his  talk  abcuc  our  Controverfies  of  paffages  in 


Conformity,  be  confefTeth  that  he  hath  not  ,read  my  Plea  for 
feace^  in  which  I  have  partly  opened  them:  And  much  lefs 
what  I  have  (aid  fince  of  them  to  divers  others;  and  I  confels 
I  have  neither  mind  or  leifure  to  fay  all  over  again  in  Print,  up- 
on the  occafions  of  fuch  words  as  hi?,  which  have  been  oft  an- 

§25.  I  named  the  Martyr-Bifhops  Hooper,  Ridley,  &c.  as 
Nonconformifts  to  the  Laws  of  their  Persecutors,  to  fhew 
that  fuch  Sufferers  leave  a  fweeter  name  than  their  Per- 
fecutors  5  and  he  feigneth  me  to  have  made  them  Nonconfor- 
mifts to  our  Laws,  and  faith,  [Ingenuity  and  Chriftian  Veracity 
would  blujh  to  own  this  Art.]  Thus  It  ill  falfe  Hiftory  is  that  which 
aflaulteth  us. 

But  I  humbly  ask  his  Lordfhip,  1.  Whether  he  think  that 
Cranmer,  Ridley,  and  Latimer,  were  more  for  Conformity  than 
fewel,  Bil[on,  and  Hooker,  and  Abbot  ?  And  2.  Whether  he 
will  fo  far  reproach  thefe  men  as  to  fay,  that  fewel,  Bilfon,  and 
Hooker  would  have  conformed  by  approving  that  which  they 
moft  exprelly  wrote  againft  l  I  have  oft  enough  tranferibed  their 

§  26.  To  fhew  that  iince  my  expulfion  I  drew  not  the  People 
of  Kiderminfter  from  the  Bifhops,  I  faid  that  I  [never  fine ~e  came 
near  them ,  tor  except  very  rarely  fent  them  one  Line;  which  he 
pretends  I  contradict,  by  faying,  1  fent  them  all  the  Books  I  wrote. 
One  might  have  found  hiflorical  errours  enough  in  his  words 
without  a  Rack  or  Quibble.  1.  Sure  Books  are  fomwhatrare- 
lier  written  than  Letters.  2.  An  ordinary  Wit  would  have  un- 
derftood  that  I  fpoke  of  one  Line  of  Manufcript,  or  one  Letter, 
and  not  of  Printed  Books,  I  delivered  them  to  Mr  Simmons,  or 
their  Neighbours  to  fend  them  without  Letters.  And  few  of 
thofe  Books  were  written  before  this  Apology. 

§  27.  As  a  Self-contrad idler  he  faith  of  me,  [omtime  I  am 
againft  all  Subfcribing,  as  P.  60,  113.   ccc.  and  fometimes  not. 

An[  Still  untruth!  P.  60.  The  words  are  [If  men  were  not 
driven  fo  much  to  [nbferibe  and  [wear  as  they  are  at  this  day.  ] 
Reader,  is  it  true  that  this  is  againft  All  Subscribing  ? 

Pag.  113.  The  words  are,  [//  we  had  learned  the  tricky  *f 
f peaking,  writing,  a\d  [wearing  m  univerfal  terms,  and  meaning 
not  wwerfally but. particularly,  as  many  do ,  we  could  [ay,  or  fit  b- 
fcribe,  orfwear  as  jar  as  you  defire  us.~\  And  [  Take  off  the  penalty 

H'h  2 

oj  jut>jcrit?wg,  aeaartng.  crojjwg,  occ.  wnaj  gooa  aotfi  juojcrwing 
a  Sentence  which  he  believeth  not  ?  ]  Is  this  againfi  Ml  Subfcri- 
bing  ? 

§  28.  Whether  to  profefs  our  tendemefs  of  other  mens  Re- 
putation, and  yet  to  name  the  nature  and  aggravations  of  the 
fin  which  we  fear  our  felves ,  when  we  are  importuned  to  it,  be 
contradictory,  let  the  impartial  judge. 

§29.  P.  ?\  Hf  faith,  as  my  judgment,  [To fubfcribe  andde- 
dare,  that  it  is  not  lawful  on  any  pretence  vphatjoever  to  tal^e  Arms 
againfi  the  King,  or  that  an  Unlawful  Oath  cannot  bind  men  to  un- 
lawful ABions,  is  Per jury,  fome  of  the  great  efi  that  Hellfuggefieth."] 
*Anf,  Not  one  true  word  ?  I  believe  all  this  to  be  as  he  faith  r 
Both  in  my  firft  and  fecond  Plea  for  Peace,  I  have  largly  told 
him  what  it  is,  and  what  it  is  not  which  I  own  5  but  he  hath 
feen  neither,  and  yet  feigneth  me  to  fay  or  hold  what  I  have  fo 
oft  renounced. 

§  30.  P.  94.  He  might  have  known  how  oft  in  Print  I  have 
retracted  the  Book  called,  "the  Holy  Common-Wealthy  wifhing  the 
Reader  to  take  it  as  Non-fcriptum:  Yet  he  faith,  [  as  far  as  is 
generally  known  I  have  not  done  it.  ]  And  how  ihould  I  make  it 
generally  known  more  than  by  oft  Printing  it  ? 

§  31.  P.  95-.  He  pittieth  me  for  calling  the  Author  of  the 
friendly  Debate,  the  Debate  maker ':  And  I  piety  England  for  fuch 

§  32.  P.  96.  Whereas  the  Convocation  hath  impofed  on  all 
Minifters  a  Profeflion  of  undoubted  certainty  of  the  Salvation  of 
dying  baptised  Infants,  without  excepting  thofe  of  Atheifts  or 
Infidels,  I  ask  whether  all  the  young,  unfiudiedfort  of  Minifters 
have  arrived  at  this  certainty  any  more  than  I3  and  how  they 
came  by  it?  and  crave  their  Communication  of  the  afcertain- 
ing  Evidence.  And  what  doth  his  Lordfhip  but  pretend  that  I 
call  the  Convocation  thefc  young,  unfiudied  men,  as  if  they  had 
made  this  Rubrick  for  none  but  themfelves? 

§  33.  And  he  hath  found  another  fault  which  exceedeth  all, 
and  that  is,  the  Title  and  Dedication  of  my  Methods  Theologid, 
where  I  fay,  that  I  dedicate  it  not  to  the  Jlothful,  hafiy^  tired 
Settaries,  &c.  but  tofiudiom,  ingenious,  humble ^fkz.  young  men, 
as  being  the perfons  that  are  above  all  others  born,  difpofed,  conje" 
craieiio  Truth,  Holin?fsz  and  the  Churches  Pence,  &c]  Exceed- 
ing bad! 


Will  you  hear  the  proof  that  this  is  exceffive  Pride?    i. 

Book,  in  the  fi-ront  indirectly  and  fitly  calls  the  Reader,  Jlothpd,  r. 
foolijh,  6Vc.  Anf  Is  this  true  f     i.  It  is  only  thofe  that  I  would 
not  have  to  be  the  Readers.    Yea,  2.  Only  thofe  that  I  fay  it  is 
not  dedicated  to. 

And  do  you  think  there  are  none  fuch  in  the  world  f  Will  not 
his  forefaid  Debater,  and  Dr,  Parker,  and  Dr.  Sherlock^,  and  abun  - 
dance  more ,  tell  you  that  the  Nonconforming  are  many  of 
themfucb,  and  will  you  now  deny  it?  If  not,  ami  bound  to  de- 
dicate my  Book  to  fuch  ?  By  what  Obligation  ? 

But  he  faiuh  fo  volmninom  and  tmboft  a  Title  will  deter  the 
Readers.  But  do  you  not  know  the  Dedication  from  the  Title,  on* 
ly  becaufe  it  is  printed  on  the  Title  Page  ?  Is  that  unufua!  ? 

But  the  odious  Arrogance  followeth,  [Could  any  thing  eafily 
be  faid  with  more  (appearance  0/)  Arrogance;  in  the  very  Tit  Is 
Page  toojhan  that  hisBookjs  above  all  others  of  the  fame  Subject ,(/ 
know  not  how  otherwife  to  interpret  his  fupra  omnes,  viz..  Metho- 
dus  Theologia?  Chriftiana?,]  &c.  framed,  difpofed  and  hallowed 
to  the  propagation  and  growth  of  Helinefs,  to  the  Peace  and  Ho* 
nour  of  the  Churchy  I  will  now  for  ever  acquit  him  of  hypocritical 

Anf  I  defire  Mr.  Morrice  to  compare  this  Ld.  Bp's  Tranfia- 
tion  with  that  overfight  of 'The odor et's  words  which  he  fafteneth 
on  in  me.  What  if  I  had  faid  that  this  Bifhop  knoweth  not  how 
to  interpret  a  plain  Latine  Sentence,,  as  he  faith  it  of  himfelf7 
That  which  I  moft  exprefly  fay  of  pious,  ingenious  Youth,  he  feign- 
eth  me  to  fay  of  my  Boot*.  Reader^  look  on  the  Book  and  judge 
whether  Methedus,  the  Nominative  Cafe  fingular,  agree  with 
nat&,  difpofiu,  confecratA  9  the  Dative  Cafe.,  when  ^uvsntuiii 
Parti  fiudiofe,  feduU,  with  many  other  Datives,  went  before 
it:  There  are  no  lefs  than  Twelve  Adjectives  joined  to  Parti  in 
the  Dative  Cafe,  and  yet  he  conftrueth  the  three  laft  a  agree- 
ing with  the  very  firft  Title-name  in  the  Nominative  Cafe.  And 
is  this  the  way  to  make  me  lament  my  want  of  his  Academical 
Education?  Is  it  any  wonder  if  thefe  men  prove  us  Liars  aud 
proud,  and  if  they  fentence  usfcr  leffer  Crimes  ? 

Yea,  here  he  concludeth  that  I  write  [fo  puvifoly%  fj  v.  r> 
onfly  and  unconftantly  to  my  j elf,  fo  blindly^  as  if  willfully  blihdan  i 
not  penitent  of  my  own  guilt,  and  fo  arrogantly,  and  difdampdlyi  &c.  ] 
You  have  heard  the  proof, 

^•54.  Pag.  99.  He  provethmy  unpeaceabUnefs  from  the  Pe- 
ru :on  for  Peace,  and  Additions  to  the  Liturgy :  The  Crime  here 
IF,  \Thtttt  not  one  Office,  no  not  one  Prayer  of  the  old  Liturgy,  and 
is  l'tiled  A  Reformation  of  the  Liturgy,  and  little  more  than  a  Di- 

An[.  O  miferable  World!  What  cure  is  there  for  thy  De- 
ceits ?  This  good  man  talks  as  he  hath  heard,  and  lb  all  goes  on. 

But  1.  he  knoweth  not  it  feems  what  Title  our  Copy  had, 
but  judgeth  by  that  which  fome  body  printed. 

2.  It  feems  he  knoweth  not  that  this  Draught  was  only  offer- 
ed to  debate_,  expecting  abundance  of  Alterations :  We  openly 
declared  that  it  was  done  on  fuppofition  of  obliterating  and  al- 
tering all  that  they  had  any  juft  exception  againft,  were  it  but  as 
needlefs.  And  for  the  claufes,  [Thefe  or  the  like  words!  we  pro- 
felr,  that  we  expected  an  Obliteration  of  them,  but  had  rather 
theBiihops  did  the  impofing  part,  if  it  muft  be  done,  than  we. 

3-He  knew  not  it  feems  that  ours  we  re  offered  but  as  additional 
Forms,  that  fuch  of  them  as  both  fides  agreed  on,  might  be 
mixt  as  Alias's  with  the  old  Liturgy.  And  doth  his  Lordfhip 
then  exclaim  with  reafon,  that  [Net  one  Office^  not  one  Prayer  of 
the  old  was  in,  when  all  (after  correction)  was  to  be  in3  and  none 
left  out.  Oh  what  is  Hiftoryl  and  what  men  are  its  corrupters  ? 

And  (that  his  work  may  be  homogenealj  p.  100,  101.  having 
recited  my  Commendation  of  their  Liturgy  as  better  than  any 
in  the  Bibhoth.  Patrum,  he  addeth'as  an  Accufation,  [Yet  /\  2 19. 
he  complains  of  fuch  failings  in  i>3  that  IT  IS  A  WORSHIP 
which  we  cannot  in  faith  be  affured  God  accepteth.~\ 

Reader,  This  is  one  of  the  leffer  fort  of  deceiving  Accufarions. 
I  (aid  that  (among  greater  fins  which  we  fear  in  our  Conformi- 
ty) we  fear  leaft  by  AfTent  and  Confent  to  all  things  contained 
and  prefcribed.  &c>  we  fhould  be  guilty  of  juftifying  all  the 
failings  in  that  worfhip,  and  alfo  of  offering  to  God  aWorflnp  that 
we  cannot  in  faith  be  affured  that  he  accepteth.  This  Lord  fo  word- 
eth  it,  that  the  Reader  who  perufeth  not  my  words  would  ve- 
rily think  that  I  had  frid  this  of  the  Liturgy  in  the  fubftance  of 
Worfhip  there  prefcribed  ,  which  I  faid  only  as  to  the  things 
xrhich  we  dare  not  conform  to  :  And  I  explained  it  by  faying, 
\\Ve  dare  no:  juftijie  the  bjl  Prayer  we  pat  up  to  God  in  all  things.'} 
E.g.  To  dedicate  Infants  to  God  without  their  Parents  exprelt 
Dedication  ,  or  confent ,  or  their  promife  co  educate  them  as 



jChriftians,  and  this  upon  the  falfe  covenanting  of  Godfather*: 
'that  never  owned  them>  nor  ever  mean  to  educate  them  as 
promifed,  ('as  is  known  byconftant  experience,  neither  they  nor 
the  Parents  intending  any  fuch  truft  in  the  undertakers)  and  ro 
dedicate  them  by  the  facramental  Sign  of  theCrofs,  or  a  badge 
of  Chriftianity,  and  to  refufe  all  that  will  not  be  thus  baptifed, 
This  we  fear  is  a  worfhip  that  God  will  not  accept.  But  is  this 
therefore  faid  of  the  fubftance  of  the  Liturgy  ? 

And  if  the  Lord  Bp.  be  wifer  or  bolder  than  we,  and  be  be- 
yond all  fuch  fears,  mould  he  not  fuflfer  Fools  gladly,  feeing  he 
himfelf  is  wife  ?  And  if  he  like  not  our  fearing  an  Oath,  Subfcrip- 
tion,  Declaration,  Covenant,  or  Practice,  which  he  thinks  to  be 
true  and  good,  and  we  think  to  be  falfe  and  evil,  why  may  he 
not  endure  our  timorouihefs  while  he  may  rufh  on  himfelf  and 
venture  j  mould  he  not  rather  pitty  us,  while  ScP**/ faith,  He 
that  donbteth  is  damned  if  he  eat,  becavfe  becateth  not  in  Faith. 

§  3y.  P.  ic8.  He  queftions  whether  their  communion  be  my- 
practice:  and  p.  no.  givethme  two  friendly  Councils,     i.  To 
perufe  my  Books,  and  retract  what's  amifs.     2.    To  tell  the 
World  now  my  fober  Thoughts,  what  I  could  and  would  do  were 
I  to  begin  the  World  again. 

I  heartily  thank  him  for  bis  Counfel,  for  it  is  good  and  honeft, 
But  alas,,  what  a  thing  is  it  to  write  of  things  which  men  know 
not!  1.  Heknowethnot  that  I  have  retracted  much  already  $ 
partly  bydifowning,  and  partly  by  large  Obliterations :  Of  the 
flrft  fort  are  my  Aphor.  of  Juftification,  and  my  Voht.  Aphorifms 
(though  not  all  that's  in  them.J  Of  the  2d  he  may  fee  many  and 
iarge  Obliterations  in  my  Saints  Refttmy  Key  for  Catbohclrs,  &ce. 

2.  He  feemeth  not  to  know  what  bloody  Books^  to  prove  me 
one  of  the  worft  men  living,  their  Church  Advocates  have  writ- 
ten againft  me,  fetcht  mainly  from  thefe  retracted  Books  and 
Words.  Nor  how  they  that  commend  Augu^ine^  reproach  me 
as  mutable  for  thofe  Retractations. 

3.  It  feemeth  he  knoweth  not  that  I  have  already  performed 
hisfecond  Advice,  in  my  Cvre  for  Church- Divifions,  my  Sec 
Plea  for  Peace  ,  (about  Government)  Ye3,  Bifhop  Alorley  before 
the  King  ,  Lords,  and  B  mops  at  Worcejhr- bottfe,  fpeaking  of 
Ceremonies  and  Forms,  caufed  my  Dif put  at  ions  of  Charcb-Gc- 
verntnent,  produced  and  faid,  No  man  hath  written  better  than 
Mr.  Baxter,  (as  if  it  v/erc  .jgainft  my  feif)  And  indoctrinate, 

:.ithoL  fhetl.  and  Methcd-a  Tbeot.  and  Cbriflian  DireFtoryhiVtcxpref- 
led  my  maturcit,  calmeit  thoughts.  But  hcthatconnfcls  rr.e  to  it^nows 
not  that  it  is  already  done.  And  more  for  Reviling  and  Retractation  I 
would  do,  ifneceifity  did  not  divert  me,  even  the  want  of  time  and 

§  36.  P.  1 1  y.  You  fay.  {That  Reverend  and  great  man  Bp.  Morley  tells  ut 
\_tbe  generality  of  None  on j  arming  Divines  Jbewedthemfelves  unwilling  to  en- 
ter on  Difpute,  andfeemed  to  like  much  better  another  way,  tending  to  an 

amicable  and  fair  compliance,  which  was  wholly  fruftrated  by-—— a  cer. 

tain  perfons  furious  eagernefs  to  engage  in  a  Deputation.]  This  was  it  feems 
thefnfe  of  both  fides  at  that  time.] 

Anf.  How  far  from  Truth  ?  It  was  the  fenfe  and  Refolution  of  the 
reconciling  Party,  called  by  them  Presbyterians:  We  all  defired  no- 
thing but  an  amicable  Treaty—  We  were  promifed  by they  fhouli 

meet  us  half  way.  When  we  met,  Bifliop  Sheldon  declared  the  Agree- 
ment of  his  Party,  that  till  we  had  brought  in  all  our  Exceptions  agatnfl 
the  Liturgies,  aisd  our  additional  Forms  ,  they  would  hot  treat  with  us.  IVIr. 
Calamy,  Mr.  Claris,  and  others,  would  have  taken  that  as  a  final  Refu- 
ial,  and  meddled  no  more,  left  Difpute  mould  do  more  harm  than  good  : 
I  was  againftfuch  an  untimely  end  ,  and  faid,  They  will  report  that  we 
had  nothing  tofiy :  It's  better  let  the  cafe  befeen  in  writing,  than  fo  breal^  off. 
The  reft  wrote  the  Exceptions  about  the  Liturgies ;  ibme  Agent  of  the 
Bifhops  anfwered  them  without  the  leaft  conceflion  for  alteration  at  all. 
I  wrote  a  f{eply, and  the  Additional  Forms,  and  a  Petition  to  the  Bifiops,  and 
they  would  treat  of  never  aoneofthem:  But  at  the  end,  put  us  to  dif- 
pute to  prove  any  Alteration  necefjary,  they  maintaining  that  none  at  all 
was  neceffary  to  the  ca/e  of  tender  Confciences.  (Of  which  before.) 

§37.  I  had  thought  to  have  proceeded,  but  truly  the  work  which 
the  Bifliop  maketh  me  is  lb  unpleafant,  almoft  all  about  the  truth  or 
Falihood  of  notorious  matter  of  Fa<5t,  that  I  have  more  Patience  to  bear 
his  Accufations  ( whatever  his  learned  Friend  faid  of  my  impatience) 
than  to  follow  him  any  further  at  this  rate.  But  whereas  he  faith,  that 
\_fome  will  thinly  that  many  things  in  his  Boof^want  truth.']  I  am  one  of 
thofe,  and  leave  it  to  the  Readers  Judgment  whether  they  judge  not  tru- 
ly :  And  whereas  he  lays  fo  muchftrefs  on  Bp.  Morley's  words,  if  any 
Printer  (hall  beat  the  charge  of  Printing  it,  I  purpofe  while  he  and  the 
Witneeflsare  yet  alive,  to  publiflj  the  Anfwcr  to  his  Letter,  which  1 
caft  by  to  avoid  Difplcaiure.  And  if  they  will  ftill  be  deceived,  let  them 
be  deceived.  I  cannot  help  it. 

It  is  no  wonder  that  hethat  is  defcribed,  JoL  8.  44.  mould  carry 
on  his  Kingdom  accordingly  in  the  World  :  But  muft  his  Dial  be  let 
-on  the  Steeple  of  Chrifts  Church,  and  have  a  confecrated  Finger  for  its 
Index  ?  O  lamentable  Cafe  ! 





Yet  Difcovered  in  the  Primitive  Times. 

O  R 

A  Defence  of  the  Anfwer  to  Dr.  Stilling- 

fleets  Allegations  out  of  Antiquity  for 

fuch  Churches. 


Againfl  the  Exceptions  offered  in  the  Preface  to 
a  late  Treatife  called  a  Vindication  of  the  Pri- 
mitive Church. 


What  is  further  produced  out  of  Scripture  and 

Antient  Authors  for  Diocefan  Churches  is 

alfb  Difcuffed* 

. Lift,  Vin ;       », : 

L  OZX.D  0  JsQ, 

Printed  for  Thomas  ^Parkhhrfl  at  the  Bible  and  three  Crowns 
at  the  lower  end  o£ Cheap-fide  near  ^Piercers  Chappel  1682.  / 

•'  0 

■p  >  %tutt' 

JL  Age 59.1.  4. r. Sirmond.  p.  6*7. 1.  35. r.  to.  p.  t<5.  r.  Euodius.  p.  80. 1.  ii»r.  oqaro- 
rum.  p.8£.l.  itf.r.Congtegations.  p  87. 1.27.r.  Bifhops.  p.  9$.  1.  7.  r  Jlcnv-mms, 
p.  ult.  I.  9.  r.  tefs.  befides  mif-acceming  fome  Greek  words,  and  other  mif- pointings; 



Iflenters  are  accnjed  of  Schifm  by  fome  of 
this  Churchy  both  thefe  and  the  other  are 
branded  not  only  as  Schifmaticks,  but  as 
Hereticks  by  the  Papifts  ;  who  upon  this  account 
judge  its  unworthy  to  live yand  had  actually  dejhoyed 
both  together,  if  God  in  Mercy  had  not  difco- 
verd  their  devilifh  Plot.  The  difcovery  gave 
them  fome  interruption,  and  put  them  upon  an  af- 
ter-game 3  to  retrieve  what  had  mifcarryed.  And 
this  was  fo  to  divide  m,  as  that  our  (elves  fbould 
help  them  in  their  defign  to  mine  us  all,  when  they 
had  lefs  hopes  to  do  it  alone.  In  pur  fiance  hereof 
fuch  influence  they  have  had  upon  too  many,  as 
to  raife  in  them  a  greater  aver  fat  ion  to  DifTenters 
than  to  Papifts.  Thefe  the  Conlpirators  count 
their  own,  and  thinly  they  may  well  do  fo,  fince 

A     6.  thpv 

The  Preface. 

they  are  too  ready  to  concurre  with  them  in  then 
defign  to  exterminate  thofe,  who  are  true  Prote- 
ftants  in  every  point,  and  differ  no  more  from 
this  Church  than  thofe  in  France  do,  who  by  the 
fame  Counfeh  are  at  this  time  in  extreme  danger 
to  he  utterly  extirpated.  Others  are  fo  far  f  re- 
tailed with  as  to  mafy  ufe  of  one  of  the  fiarpejl 
weapons  they  have  again]}  diffenting  Proteflants, 
and  that  is  the  charge  fl/ochifme,  lately  renewed 
and  re-inforced. 

In  thefe  hard  circumflances,  while  we  do  what 
we  can  againfl  the  common  Enemy,  we  are  put  to 
ward  off  the  blows  offuch  as  (notwithstanding 
fomeprefent  diflemperj  we  will  count  our  Friends. 
Amoiigft  other  expedients,  fujficient  to  fecureusa- 
gainfl  this  attaque,  it  was  thought  not  unufeful,  to 
anjwer  the  allegations  out  of  Antiquity,  concern- 
ing two  pints,  wherein  only  Hoe  Antients  were 
made nfe  of  to our 'prejudice,  vi^.  i.  FtfrDioce- 
fan  Churches,  and  then  ily.  Againfl  the  Electi- 
on of  Bifhops  by  the  people  in  the  primitive 
times.  Something  was  performed  and  publifloedin 
reference  to  both  thefe  in  a  kite  difcourfe.     One  half 


of  which,  where  the  latter  is  dijcujjed,  concerning 
the  popular  Eledions  of  Bifliops^  hath  yet  faffed 
without  any  exception  that  I  can  fee  or  hear  of;  yet 
this  alone  is  enough  to  defend  us  againfl  the  of  or  ef aid 
charge :  For  thofe  who  will  not  makg  the  primitive 
Church  Schifmatical,  mutt  not  condemn  any  as 
Schifmaticks  for  declining  fetch  Biftiops  as  that 
Church  would  not  own. 

Agamfl  the  former  fart  of  the  Difeourfe,  con- 
cerning Diocefan  Churches.,  feme  exception  hath 
been  made,  but  very  little ;  a  late  Author  in  his 
Preface  to  a  Treatife  of  another  Subjeli,  hath  touch- 
ed  about  5  pages  in  40.  butfo  as  he  hath  done  them 
no  more  harm,  than  another,  who  to  fend  one  fault 
therein,  runs  himfelfinto  two  or  three,  about  a*<w, 
render  d  indefinitely  according  to  the  mind  of  the  Au- 
thor who  ufesit,andthe  moft  common  ufe  of  it. 

I  difyarage  not  theGenthmmsLearningwhoat- 
taques  me  in  his  Preface, he  fljews  that  which,  (with 
anfeverable  care  and  Judgment^  might  befervice- 
ableiu  a  caufe  that  deferves  it.  But  much  more  than 
hejheivs,  would  not  be  enough  tofupport  what  he 
would  effablijh.  And  he  might  have  for  bom  the  vi- 

A  2  lifvin? 

'Vilifying  of  thofey  who  ate  haiown  to  be  Mafters 
of  mhcb  more  valueable  Learning,  than  appears  in 
cither  cf  us.  The  negleB  of  fome  occur  atenefs  in 
little  things,  remote  from  the  merits  of  the  caufe,  in 
one  mho  is  not  at  leifurc  to  catch  flies.,  is  no  argu- 
ment that  he  is  destitute  of  Learning 

I  complain  not  of  his  proceeding  with  me  ;  hut 
am  obliged  by  him,  that  he  treats  me  not  with  fo 
much  contempt  as  he  does  others,  who  lefs  deferve 
it.  I  wijh  he  had  dealt  more  temperately  with  M. 
B.  it  would  have  been  more  for  his  rcputatim,  and 
no  prejudice  to  his  undertal^n^ ;  0:  good  caufc, 
when  it  hath  a  Sufficient  Advocate,  does  not  need 
any  undec  cut f implements. 

After  1  have  cleared  my  Difcourfe  from  this- 
Gentleman's  exceptions,  I  thought  it  not  imperti- 
nent to  few  what  in  reafon  Cannot  be  counted  com- 
petent proofs  cfDhcckn  Churches;^//  if  any  will 
pnrfne  this  debate  farther,  instead  of  oppofng  w, 
they  may  not  beat  the  Air,  and  amufe  thofe  that  en- 
quire after  truth ,  with  what  is  infgnifcant. 
PVithal  i  have  given  an  account  of  what  other  alle- 
gations out  of  Scripture  and  Antiquity  this  Author 


The  Preface. 

hath  brought  in  other  farts  of  his  Treatife  for  fifth 
Churches ;  and  jhe&>  d  that  there  is  no  evidence  in 
them,  at  to  thepurpofe  they  are  alledgedfor* 

Injhorty  I  find  nothing  in  this  Author,  ,or  any 
other  before  him,  which  mayfatisfe  a  judkiom  and 
impartial  man,  that  in  the  two  nr&AgesofChri* 
Hianity  any  Bijhop  had  more  than  one  particular 
Church  or  Congregation  for  his  proper  charge  ;  <or 
that  in  the  third  Age,  there  was  any  Bijhop  which 
had  a  Church  confiding  of  more  than  are  in  feme  one 
of  our  Farifhes,  unlefs  it  was  the  Church  ,ofR  ome 
Cnor  is  there  fuffcient  evidence  produced  for  that  :J 
Or  that  ir;  the  middle  of  the  fourth  Age  there 
were  4  Churches 3eacb  of  which  ccmpri fed  more  than 
comU ajfemhk  in  one  place  {though  if  they  had  con- 
tained more yt hat  might  he  far  enough  from  making 
them  P&cefans  \  J  Or  that  afterwards ,  within  the 
time  <£  die  four  firft  General  Councils,  where 
there  were  fever al  Churches  belonging  to  one  Bifloop, 
he  did  exepcife  juris  diBum  over  them  alone,  or  only 
by  bfflfeJfmd  Ms  Delegates.  It  will  he  ti^ie  c- 
nough  tow$nre  m  M  Schifmaticks  for  declining 
Diocefan  Churches,  when  they  have  made  it  ap- 


The  Preface. 
fear,  that  there  wasfuch,  in  the  bett  ages  of  Chri- 
stianity :  (which  not  appearing,  the  cenfure  falls 
upon  the  primitive  Chrittians,  from  whom  it  will 
Aide  of  Jipon  themfelves.J  If  they  will  forbear  us, 
till  this  be  performed,  we  need  defire  no  more.  Vn- 
lefs  we  may  prevail  with  thofe  who  ft 'merely  profefs 
themfelves  Proteftants,  to  regard  the  fecuring 
themfelves  and  their  Religion  from  the  deUruBive 
defgns  of  the  Papifts  ,  more  than  thofe  things 
which  are  not  properly  the  concern  either  of  Pro- 
tcRantorof  Religion. 

As  for  thofe  who  prefer  the  Papifts  before  Di£ 
{enters,  and  revile  thefe  as-worfe,  though  they  differ- 
in  no  one  point  of  Religion  from  other  true  Prote- 
ftants :  We  need  not  wonder  if  we  meet  with  no 
better  treatment  from  them,  then  from  declared  Pa- 
pifts; fince  by  fuch  preference  they  too  plainly  declare 
r^eProteftant  Religion  to  be  worie  than  Popery., 
in  their  accountXbe  following  fheets  have  lain  by  me 
many  Months,  and  bad  done  fo  tfill;  but  that  the 
importunity  offome,  and  the  mifreprefenting  of  my 
filence  by  others,  forced  me  to  pnblifh  tbem^ 

» •- 

(  o 

Diocefan  Churches  not  yet  difcovered  in 
the  Primitive  times. 

TO  fhew  that  many  Presbyters  in  one  Church 
was  not  enough  to  prove  it  a  Dioce/an ,  I 
I  made  it  manifeft  that  it  was  ufual  in  the  anti- 
ent  Church,  to  multiply  Presbyters,  beyond 
what  we  count  neceffary^  (not.  beyond  what  is  neceffary, 
as  it  is  too  often  mifreprefentedO  For  this  I  offer'd  two 
Teftimonies,  one  aflerting  it  to  be  fo  in  the  Fir  Si  <Age, 
the  other  in  the  Fourth,  and  thought  thefefufficient,  if 
they  could  not  be  denied,  (as  they  are  not  J  to  evince  it 
to  have  been  fo  in  the  Third :  For  who  can  reafonably 
fiippofe,  but  that  had  place  in  the  Thirds  which  was 
ulual  both  in  the  Ages  before  and  after  ?  The  firft  was 
that  of  Tiifoop  Downham,  who  (ayes,  at  the  firjl  Conver- 
ftonof  Cities,  the  number  of  people  converted  were  not  much 
greater  than  the  number  of  Presbyters  placed  amongji  them. 
hut  this,  its  fayed  can  be  of  little  uje$  'becaufe,  i.  This 
'  was  not  the  cafe  of  the  Church  of  Carthage,  it  was 
*  not  a  new  converted  Church,  but  fetled  long  before, 
e  and  in  a  flourifhing  condition. 

The  Church  of  Carthage  by  the  fierce  perfections  in 
Cyprians  time(which  is  the  time  we  fpeak  of)  was  brought 
fo  low,  and  reduced  to  fo  very  few,  as  if  it  had  been 
but  new  converted,  and  how  was  kin  a  fetled  and  flou- 
rifhing  condition,  when  it  was  fo  lamentably  wafted,  and 
ftill  harrafiedone  year  after  another  $  or  who  can  be- 

B  lievc 


lieve  it,  that  reads  Cyprian  lamenting ,  Treffuw  jjiittt 
tarn  turbidam  uaflitatem,  qua  gregem  noUrtim  maxima  ex 
parte  populataeft,  adhuc  &  ujque  populatur,  and  that  they 
were po(iti  inter  plangentium  ruinat,  et  timentium  reliquias 
inter  numerofam  &  languentiumflragem,  et  exiguamftanti- 
nrnpaucitatem  .<?  ("a)  Was  not  this  much  the  cafe  of  the 
^Apoflclical  Churches,  unlefsthis  of  Carthage  was  worfe, 
and  fo  lefs  for  our  Author  s  advantage  ?  Or  if  this  were 
otherwife,  the  Churches  in  Nazianzens  time  were  not 
newly  converted,  but  Jet  led  long  before,  and  in  a  flour 'iflj- 
ing  condition  5  which  yet  cannot  be  denyed  to  have  had 
more  Presbyters  than  we  count  needful.  So  that  this 
was  the  pra&ifein  every  condition  of  the  Church,  whe- 
ther flourishing  or  not. 

2.  c  He  (ayes,  many  more  Presbyters  may  be  ordain* 
*edin  a  City,  than  is  neceffaryfbr  the  firft  beginning  of 
'a  Church,  with  refpedt  to  future  increafe.  e>v. 

And  who  will  queftion,  but  the  many  Presbyters  in 
the  Church  of  Carthage  were  for  future  increafe  both  in 
City  and  Country  £  So  that  herein  the  cafe  is  not  diffe- 
rent h  And  the  defign  of  that  number  of  Officers  might 
partly  be  for  other  Congregations,  (Epifeopal  Churches, 
though  n6t  Dioce(an)  to  furnilh  them  with  Officers. 
This  is  apparent  afterwards  in  the  praftice  of  the  Jtfri- 
canChurches,  who  when  a  new  Church  was  erefted,  (up- 
plyed  it  with  aBifhop  or  other  AfEftants  from  places  bet- 
ter ftored  with  Officers  \  And  it  is  exemplyfied  particu- 
larly (as  we  (hall  fee  hereafter)  in  the  provifibn  which 
St.  Auflin  made  for  Fuflala. 

c  He  (ayes  further,  the  multitude  of  Presbyters  belong- 
£  ing  to  one  Congregational  Church,  might  be  occafi- 
c  on'd  by  the  uncertain  abode  of  mod  of  the  Apo flies 

*  and  their  Commijjtvners,  who  are  the  Principal,  if  not 

*  the»onlyOrdainers  of  Presbyters  mentioned  in  Scrip- 

*  ture. 


(3  ) 

But  herein  he  does  but  guels,  and  had  no  reafon  to 
be  pofitive,  unlefi  the  Apojiles  and  their  Commijjiomrs^ 
(as  ha  calls  them,)  had  been  then  the  only  Ordainers, 
which  he  will  not  venture  to  affirm,  knowing  what  evi- 
dence there  is  againft  it. 

'Laftly,  he  (ayes,  if  this  opinion  of  TSijhop  Downham 
c  had  any  certain  ground  in  Antiquity,  we  (hould  pro- 
'bably  hear  of  it  with  both  eares,  and  we  (hould  have 
'it  recommended  upon  antienter  Authority  than  his. 

This  of  BiJIwp  Dovpnham  hath  certain  ground  in  the 
beft  antiquity,  if  the^cmTefiament  befuch  5  vwhere  it 
is  plain  there  were  many  Presbyters  in  diverfe  Chur- 
ches, (uchas  are  not  yet,  nor  ever  will  be  proved  to  be 

To\\\zto{y\(jizianzen^  he  (ayes,  cit  hath  received 
'its  anfweiv  and  adds,  he  that  cannot  an(wer  it  to  him- 
'fel£  from  the  great  difference  between  the  condition  of 
'the Church  in  Cyprian^  and  in  J^azianzeris  time,  hath 
'a  fond nefs  for  the  Argument. 

This  is  the  an(wer  it  received,  T*ag.  51.  and  this  dif- 
ference was  thus  expreffed  a  little  before  3  '  But  that  any 
e  Church  fixt  and  fetled,  having  its  Bifhop  alwayes  pre- 
cfent,  (hould multiply  Presbyters  beyond Ineccjfity,  in  the 
^circumftances  of  the  Primitive  Chriftians  before  Con- 
'Jiantwe,  is  altogether  incredible  5  for  the  neceflary  ex- 
c  pences  of  the  Church  were  very  great,  the  poor  nu- 
'merous,  the  generality  of  Chriftians  not  of  the  Rich- 
'eft,  and  the  Eftates  they  had  being  at  the  difcretionof 
'their  enemies,  and  mind  with  perpetual  perfecution, 
&c  He  fayes,  multiplying  Presbyters  beyond  mccjfity^ 
and  without  neceJJIty^  while  he  alters  my  words  (b  as  to 
change  the  fenfe,  he  difputes  againft  himfel^  not  me  5 
But  this  looking  more  like  an  Argument  than  anything 
before,  I  ihall  take  a  little  more  notice  of  it.  t .  Is  not 
all  this  applicable  to  the  Churches  in  the  Apojiles  times, 

B  2  when 

wnen  it  cannot  oe  aenyea  rresvyiers  were  muitipiyea 
beyond  what  we  count  neceffary  ?  The  poor  numerous, 
the  generality  of  ChrilJians  not  of  the  Tfychejl,  afid  the 
EJiates  they  had  beingat  the  difcretion  of  their  enemies,  and 
mind  with  perpetual  perfection. 

Further,  the  Church  before  ConBantine  and  Carthage 
particularly ,    fuppofing  thefe  to  be  its  circumftances, 
might  have  many  Presbyters  without  any  great  charge : 
For  i  ft.  the  Church  Stock  was  referved  only  for  thofe  in 
want,  r&i  JtotMoit,  as  is  determin  d  in  one  of  the  Canon* 
b)can.  4.     which  pals  for  jipoftolic&l,  fb)  and  the  lame  decreed  in 
c}  can.  25.    the  (ynod  at  jintioch.    (c)  ^ntbrofe  even  in  the  4th. 
Age,  will  have  none  to  have  a  ftipend  wha  hath  other 
revenues,  Qui  fidct  exercet  militiam,   agelli  fki  fru3ibusy 
fi  habet,  debet  ejfe  contentus  5  Jinon  habet,  Stipendiorum  ft- 
d)  ogki  L.  1.  orumfruUu.  (d)  And  Chryjbftomtdh  us  that  in  Eleftions, 
•  *5,  thofeof  the  Competitors  that  had  Eftates  did  carry  it, 

becaufe  the  Church  would  need  to  be  at  no  charge  in 
maintaining  of  fiich,  **  &  /lo/ro  tfh&m  c*  ?w  t«  owKhtm'** 
1)  ve  factrd.  *p#Aw   2ly.  When  they  had  no  Eftates,  andtheC^rrA 
tiLSaviu*  could  not  maintain  them,   they  were  ta  provide  for 
tbemfelves  by  fome  honeft  imployment.    The  Council 
of  Elvira  allows  all  forts  of  Clergy  men  to  drive  a  trade, 
for  their  living,  provided  they  did  it  only  in  the  Pro- 
:)  Can.  19.    vince  where  they  lived,  (f)  and  in  the  4th.  Council  of 
Carthage  it  is  ordered,  that  the  Clergy,  though  they  be 
learned  in  the  word  of  God,  flail  get  theirlivingbya  trade. 
0  cm.  $11     (gj  and  in  the  next  Canon  that  they  flail  get  food  and 
rayment by  a  Trade  or  Husbandry,  with  this  provifo,  that 
it  be  not  a  prejudice  to  their  Office*     Our  ^Author  (ayes  in* 
*)  Va&*  154.  deed,  (h)  that  this  is  contrary  to  theufage  of  all  other  Chur- 
ches 5  how  true  this  is  may  be  (een  by  the  Canon  before 
cited.     He  fayesalfb,  that  this  is  forbidden  by  the  ^d. 
Council  of  Carthage  5  but  neither  is  this  fo,  that  Canon  adds 
but  another  rcftri&ion,  viz.  that  they  get  not  their  liviug* 


(5  ) 

by  an  employment  that  is  fordid  or  difljonejt,  where  the  (j)  can.  i5.  in 
Latine  and  Greek  both  agree  in  it.  gly.  The  Church  Cod*  l6< 
was  to  allow  none  of  them,  no  not  Bif/jops  more  than*e- 
ce/Jary>even  zitetConftantims  time.  That  Canon  call'd  the 
ApoJilesyZnd  the  other  Antioch  forecited,  exprefs  this  in  the 
lame  words,  the  Bifljop may  have  of  the  Church  Stock  what 
is  neeedfitll,  if  he  be  necejjitous,  rd  </Wr««  JWt*  ©e/s  *V*Jxca- 
•f;c?«ifltft  for  necejfary  ufes,  and  thefe  are  afterwards  ex- 
plain'd  to  be  food  and  rayment.  Zonaras  expreffes  it  fully 
and  clearly,  whom  he  that  the  Canon  doth  not  fatisfie, 
may  confult. 

Having  fhew'd  out  of  Jujiinian,  that  60  Presbyters 
belonged  to  the  great  Church  in  Constantinople ,  and 
thence  inferr'd  they  were  numerous  in  Conjiantines  time, 
the 6  number  ((ayes  he, J  was  become  extravagant  in  jf«- 
*Sfinians  time  5  but  what  is  this  to  their  number  in  Cy- 

He  (taould  have  asked  the  Dean  this,  who  to  prove 
Diocejan  Churches  from  the  number  of  Presbyters,  im- 
mediately after  Teftimonies  out  o£  Cyprian,  brings  this  of 

c  For  this  very  edift  of  Jujlinian  (hews  that  this  multi- 
plying of  Church  Officers  was  an  innovation,  m&therc- 
cfore  would  have  them  reduced  to  the  firft  eftaWifh- 

Jujlinian  took  order  to  retrench  the  numbers  of  Pres- 
byters, not  therefore  becaufe  it  was  an  innovation,  but 
becaufe  the  Church  revenue  could  not  maintain  fo  many, 
which  is  exprefs  in  the  Novel. 

c  But  that  firft  eftablifbment  it  (eems  admitted  grear 
c  numbers,  for  one  Church  had  60* True  5  butitmuft  alfb 
cbe  noted  firft,  that  thefe  60  were  to  ferve  more  than 
*  one  Church. 

Some  may  be  ready  to  ask  how  it  can  be  true,  that 
one  Church  (hould  have  6o,  and  yet  more  than  one  had 
thefe  60  amongft  them,  c  For 

*  tor  tnere  were  tnree  more  oenaes  at.  Sophia  to  be 
cfupplyed  by  theft  Presbyters.  &cl 

True  5  but  this  ftill  confirms  what  I  anfwer'd  to  their 
argument  from  the  multitude  of  Presbyters,  that  in  the 
antient  Church  the  Officers  were  multiplyed  above  whai 
we  count  needful :  For  it  is  not  now  thought  needful  that 
any  3  or  4  Churches  in  a  City,  (hould  have  60  Presby- 
ters, 100  Deacons,  90  Subdeacons,  Readers  no.  &c. 

c  Yet  after  all,  there  is  no  argument  to  be  drawn  from 
'this  number,  for  thefe  were  Canons  o£  a  particular  foun- 
dation, defigndfor  the  fervice  of  a  Collegiate  Churchy 
'and  no  meafure  to  be  taken  from  thence  concerning  the 
c  numbers  of  Presbyters  belonging  to  the  Diocefi.  This 
c  is  evident  from  the  Preface  of  the  (aid  Novel. 

If  no  argument  is  to  be  drawn  from  this  number,  why 
did  the  Learned  Dean  draw  one  from  it  .<?  2ly.  This 
feems  fcarce  confident  with  the  former  Period  .-  there, 
thefe  Presbyters  were  for  3^4  Churches,  here  they  are 
but  for  one  Collegiate  Church  of  which  they  were  Canons, 
and  this  faid  to  be  evident  in  the  ^Preface,  where  I  can- 
not fee  it.  3ly.  Since  no  meafure  is  to  be  taken  from  hence 
concerning  the  numbers  of  ^Presbyters  belonging  to  a  Dio- 
cejs  5  it  feems  there  may  be  this  number  of  Presbyters 
in  a  place  which  cannot  be  counted  a  Diocefi,  (as  this 
one  great  Church  never  was,  nor  can  be)  and  then  no 
argument  drawn  from  thenumber  of  Presbyters  at  Rome, 
Carthage,  SdeJJa,  <&c.  will  prove  a  Diocefan  Church  5  for 
here  was  the  greateft  number,  which  any  where  we  meet 

Dr.  St.  to  prove  Diocefan  Churches  from  the  nume- 
-roufhefs  of  Presbyters,  mentioned  60  in  C.  P.  in  Jujli- 
maris  time?  from  hence  on  the  by,  I  thought  it  reason- 
able to  fijppofe  they  were  numerous  in  Conjiantine'stime, 
when  yet  Theodoret  fayes,  all  the  Brethren  met  together 
with  the  Bijhop.    That  the  number  of  Presbyters  is  no 



proof  of  a  Diocefan  Church  was  evinced  fufficiently  be- 
fore: this  fell  in  occafionally,  and  was  added  cxabun- 
dantt  5  Yet  upon  this  (upernumerary  ftragler  he  turns 
his  main  force,  (pending  about  12  Pages  on  it.  lam 
little  concerned  what  becomes  of  it,  fince  the  main  Hy- 
pothefis  is  already  (ecured  by  the  premiffes  5  but  that 
this  Gentleman  may  not  quite  loofe  all  his  labour,  I  am 
willing  to  loofe  a  little,  in  taking  fome  notice  of  it. 

c  I  muft  confefs  that  what  is  added  concerning  the 
c  Church  of  C.  P.  is  fomewhat  furprizing,  no  doubt 
c  (ayes  he ,  that  the  Presbyters  were  more  numerous  in 

Indeed  it  might  have  been  furprizing  if  I  had  (aid  as 
he  reports  me,  that  they  were  more  numerous  $  but  I  (aw 
reafon  not  to  fay  (b,  though  what  reafon  there  was  to 
impofe  it  on  me  I  know  not :  I  cited  Soc  :  mifprinted 
Soz.  (aying,  Conjiantine  built  two  Churches  at  C.  CP. ,  but 
laid  no  ftrefi  on  it  at  all.  f  k)  It  is  true,  he  fayes  not  that  (k;  to  U 
he  built  no  more  than  two,  but  his  expreffion  plainly  im- c%  I2# 
plyes  it,  and  he  v^as  concerned  if  he  had  known  any  more 
to  have  mention  d  it,  when  in  the  fame  Line,  he  (ayes 
Conjiantine  intended  to  make  it  equal  to  T\ome.  Eufebi- 
us's  words  agree  well  enough  herewith,  he  (ayes  Confian- 
tine  adorn  d  it ,  *r*rfww,  -coith  more  Churches  ,  and  that's 
true,  if  he  built  but  two  more,  or  any  more  than  was 
there  formerly,  or  any  more  than  was  ufaal.  And  theft 
more  Churches  were  not  in  the  City,  but  ("as  the  Hijlorian 
(peaks )  partly  there,  and  partly  ^f 3  wars®-,  which  as  the 
word  is  u(ed,  may  denote  places  many  Miles  di- 
ftant  from  the  City,  as  the  Gentleman  elfewhere  ob- 
serves after  Valerius.  Sozomen  (ayes  he  built  toaaw,  ma- 
ny Churches,  (not  very  many  as  he  will  have  it)  but  if 
he  thereby  meant  more  than  are  named  by  Socrates,  we 
need  not  underftand  that  done  before  the  time  Theodoret 
ipeaks  of}  Norfhould  a  lax  expreffion  be  more  relyed 



on,  than  one  that  is  pun&ual  and  definite  5  unlefswc 
have  a  mind  either  to  be  milled,  or  to  fet  the  two  Hifto- 
rians  together  by  the  ears.  Sozomen  names  but  one 
Church  more  than  Socrates  did,  and  that  not  *>,  but  a 
good  diftance  from  the  City,  (70  Furlongs  by  Land,) 
and  3  may  pais  for  many,  when  it  was  a  rare  thing  for 
any  City  to  have  more  than  one.  The  heft  Authors,  as 
they  fometimes  exprefs^er^  few  by  none,  and  a  generality 
by  all-0  fo  they  exprels  tffore  than  ordinary  by  many  5  and 
twoo*  three  fuch  Churches  in  one  City  were  more  than 
ordinary  at  that  time,  when  one  City  in  an  Hundred  had 
not  two  Churches,  and  one  in  a  Thouland  had  not  three 
Churches,  that  could  be  ftyled  **Wfc  ^//that  Conjiantine 
built  here  were  fuch,  both  Eujebius  his  more,  and  Sozo- 
mens  many,  are  laid,  by  them  to  be  very  great,  i&yw* 
But  no  confiderable  Author  that  I  meet  with  in  that 
Age,  or  fome  Hundreds  of  years  after,  names  more  than 
two  very  great  Churches  ere&ed  by  ConBantine  in  that  Ci- 
ty. And  if  companion  be  made,  thece  is  no  Hijiorian 
of  thole  times,  to  be  more  regarded  in  matters  which 
concern  C.  *P ,  than  Socrates  who  tells  us,  that  he  was 
born  and  educated  in  C.  P. ,  and  continued  there  ("as  an 
advocate )  when  he  wrote  his  Hiftory. 

But  if  we  (hould  luppofe  that  Sozomen  intended  more 
than  3  or  4  Churches,  or  that  the  Emperour  built  no 
more  than  was  requilite,  and  only  conlulted  convenien- 
cy,  anddefignd  not  State  or  Magnificence,  (which  yet 
our  Author  a  little  after  layes  he  did  5  and  we  know  no- 
thing is  more  ordinary  than  for  great  Cities  to  have  more 
Churches  than  are  needful :  it  was  lb  in  London  before 
the  Fire,  and  the  retrenching  of  their  number  fince 
fhews  it :)  yet  this  will  be  lb  far  from  proving  sAlexan- 
der's  Church  in  C.  7\  to  be  Diocejan,  that  it  will  not 
prove  it  greater  than  fome  fingle  Congregations:  for  there 
were  12  Churches  in  Alexandria,  when  yet  the  Church 



in  that  City  adhereing  to  .Athanafius  confifted  of  no  , 
%  more  than  are  in  fome  one  of  our  Parifhes.  For  which 
ftch  Evidence  has  been  brought,  as  is  not  yet,  nor  I 
think,  can  be  defaced.  c  Npr  can  we  imagine  that  two 
c  Churches,  much  lefs  one,  could  fuffice  all  the  Chrifti- 
c  ans  in  C.  T.  when  the  City  of  Heliopolk  being  convert- 
ed to  Chriftianity  required  more,  and  Conftantine 
c  built  feveral  for  them,  **xM9**t  o  ml**t. 

The  word  plurally  exprefled  is  much  improved  by 
our  ^iitthor,  he  makes  out  of  it  diverfe  Churches^  and  all 
tkefe  Churches^  when  yet  all  tkcfe  were  but  one  Church, 
as  Socrates  himfclf  makes  it  plain  a  little  before/ 5    for  isoc.  i.i.c.iB. 
having  related  how  Conftantine  ordered  a  Church  to  be 
built  near  the  O^at  Mambre^  he  adds,  that  he  order- 
ed another  Church  ("not  Churches )  to  be  ereclcd  at  Helio- 
polis,    M&v  UMwieut  y47*titdsa&ivcu.     And  to   put  it  pad 
doubt,    Eufehius  whom  the  Emperour  employ 'd  about 
thofe  ftru&ures,  and  from  whom  in  all  likelihood  So- 
crates  had  the  Relation,    gives  an  account  but  of  one 
Church  there  founded  by  the  Emperour^  which  he  calls 
l7x»?luK7iigMG4uttoiolat0f,  and  that  it  was  furnifhed  with  a  ml.$.c.$6.t>f 
^Btfrjop^  'Vresbyters  and  Deacons.     So  that  the  Bifhop  of lM  Coniiiint- 
Heliopolk  had  but  one  Church  for  his  Diocefs,    which 
our  [Author  fhould  not  be  fb  loath  to  own,  fince  it  can- 
not be  proved  that  at  this  time  one  Bilhop  in  an  hundred, 
had  more. 

Valefius  (whom  our  Author  much  relies  on)  in  his 
VSj>ies  upon  this  place,  is  fo  far  from  thinking  that  Con-  « 
fiantine  built  more  Churches  in  Heliopolis^x.  he  judges 
this  one  at  prefent  was  not  neceffary  for  it,  the  Town 
haviug  then  no  Chriftians  in  it :  and  affigns  this  as  the 
reafon  why  Eufebhis  fpeaks  of  it  as  a  thing  unufual,  that 
it  fhould  have  a  Bifhop  appointed,  and  a  Church  built 
in  it.  His  words  are,  Fortajfe  hoc  novum  &  inauditum 
ftiijfe  intelligit^  &c.     He  may  think,  this  new  and  unheard 

C  of, 

C  to  J 
of,  that  a  Church  fiwuld  he  built  in -a  City,  where  as  yet  there 
were  no  Chriflians  but  all  were  alike  idolaters.  Therefore 
thk  Church  was  built  at  Heliopolis,  not  for  that  there* was 
any  nccejfity  of  it,  but  rather  in  hope  that  he  might  invite  all 
the  Citizens  to  the  profejficn  of  the  Clyrifiian  Religion.  So 
that  the  Bilhop  here  had  none  for  his  Diocefe  but  one 
iniib^Mvk.  Church,  and  that  empty,  there  being  then  no  Chrifti- 
?^'  °' 58'  ans  in  ^at  one  Parifh  3  which  yet  was  all  he  had  to 
make  him  a  Diocefan. 

The  better  to  confute  Theodoret,  whofaies  (Tor  they 
are  his  words,    not  mine  )  that  Alexander  with  all  the 
^Brethren  met  together,  he  endeavours  to  (hew  the  (Vote 
of  that  Church  about  the  latter  end  of  Conjlantine,  Sec. 
this  he  does  here  and  after  by  an  undue  Application  of 
feme  paffagesin  Sozomen.     For  the  account  which  that 
Hijlorian  gives  of  that  City  is  not  confined  to  Conftan- 
tines  time,  but  reaches  beyond  it,  ay,  and  beyond  Ju- 
lians too,  which  appears,  as  by  other  paffages,  fo  by 
his  mentioning  the  heathen  Temples  in  the  time  of  that 
Emperour.     And  with  refpeft  to  the  time  after  Con- 
Jlantine  muft  that  expreffion  be  underftood,    which 
makes  C.  CP.  to  exceed  Rome,  not  only  in  Torches,  but  in 
the  number  of  inhabitants,  otherwife  it  will  be  apparent- 
ly falfe.     For  when  Chryfijlome  was  Bifhop  there,  about 
70  years  after  (when  it  is  like  the  number  of  the  Inha- 
bitants were  doubled,  it  cannot  be  queftioned  but  they 
were  far  more  numerous)  he  who  beft  could  do  it,  rec- 
n  in  ab.  mm.  kons  the  Chriftians  then  to  be  an  100000  n  5  our  Au- 
1  i.pag.6^    tkor  will  have  us  look  upon  the  Jews  and  Heathen  there 
to  be  inconfiderable  but  let  us  count  them  another 
icoooo.     Yet  both  put  together  will  fall  incomparably 
{port  of  the  number  in  old  Rome,  which  by  the  compu- 
o  m  Ma'gnit.    tation  of  Lipjius  was  at  leaft  two  millions  p.      And  in 
Rom.  nb.  3.C.3.  Confiantines  time  new  Rome  was  as  far  fhort  of  the  old 



as  to  its  greatnefs  in  circuit,  for  whereas  Hcrodian  de- 
clares that  Severus  quite  demolifhed  ^Byzantium  for  tid- 
ing with  ^Qger,  and  reducing  it  to  the  if  ate  of  a  Village 
fetbjetfed  it  to  Perinthus,  *"V«  ^W  ntoivtion  J8&*  *Adn  p,  ?  lib.  2..  p.  62. 
we  cannot  in  reafon  fuppofe  it  to  be  extraordinarily 
fpacious  5    yet  as  Zofimus  reports,   all  the  inlargement 
which  Contiantine  gave  it,  was  but  the  addition  of  1 5 
Furlongs,  *»<#•'*  ^m^V^'^.     Now  (uppofe  it  was  30  q//^.  2. ;.  62. 
or  40  Furlongs  in  com  pais  before  fand  fo  larger  than 
one  City  in  an  hundred)  yet  this  addition  will  leave  it 
lefs  than  Alexandria^  which,  as  Jofephu*  defcribes  it,  was 
80  Furlongs,  that  is,ten  miles  in  circumference  r,  yet  A-  rpeBeih  Jud. 
lexandriawas  four  times  lels  than'Z^We,  forby  Vopifeuas ll0'  2* caf' l6% 
account,  in  Aureliaris  time,  not  long  before  Confiantine^ 
the  walls  were  made  by  him  near  50  miles  in  circuit.     So 
it  will  be  in  comparifon  of  Confiantinople  when  firft 
built,  rather  like  a  V^ation  than  a  City^  as  ^iriftotle  fa  id 
of  the  Other  Babylon,  %XH  myyesiVkS  pahhov  ?$»*  i-dhsm  j.  s  Pol.  lit.$.c.2. 
If  then  we  will  have  this  paflage  ofSozomen  to  have 
any  appearance  of  truth,itmuft  be  extended  far  beyond 
Conjlantinesume,  when,  as  Zofimus  tells  us,  many  of  the 
flicceeding  Emperours  were  ftill  drawing  multitudes  of 
People  to  thatCky,fothat  it  was  afterwards  encompafled 
with  walls  far  larger,  wd*a»  rfo^^  than  thofe  ofConJian- 
tine  t.  And  in  an  Oration  of77?e^7/ri^itismade  a  que-  t  lib.  2.  p.  6$. 
ftion  whether  Tkeodofius  junior  did  not  add  more  to 
C.P.  than  Confiantine  did  to  Byzantium. 

c  Many  of  the  Jews  and  almoft  all  the  Heathen  were 
|  c  converted  and  became  Christians. 

The  expreffion  of  Sozomen  does  not  hinder  but  as  the 
'main  body  of  the  Jews  remained,  fo  the  numbers  of  the 
Heathen  might  be  confiderable.  Tcrtnliian  fpeaks  of 
Citizens  in  his  time  as  if  they  were  almoji  all  christians^ 

C  2  pa  J 

C  "  J> 

u  Apol.  c.  37.  yen±  otnnes  elves  chrijliani  u  5  yet  no  inftance  can  be  gi- 
ven of  any  one  City  where  the  Chriftians  were  the 
major  part  of  the  Inhabitants  .•  thofe  that  take  his 
words  in  a  ftri<S  fenfe  are  very  injurious  to  him,  and 
make  him  (peak  that  which  no  antient  Records  will 
warrant.  Sozcmm  alfo  may  fuffer  by  ftraining  his  -ex- 
predion }  but  I  will  not  digrefi  to  take  farther  notice 
of  what  is  not  material  5  forldeftgnnot,  nor  have  any 
need,to  make  any  ad  vantage  of  the  numbers  of  the  Hea- 
thens in  this  City. 

He  tells  us  of  950  Work-houfes  whofo  rents  were  al- 
lowed to  defray  the  Funeral  expences  of  all  that  died  in 
the  City  (for  fo  it  is  exprefled  in  the  Conftkution, 

W  Novel.  43.      TT&f  1  rlw  YMviuj  a,7idv7wv  dv&$cv7mv  ooidM  70  <7az£yyu8t  <s^JHmv  VP  )     thefe 

being  performed  with  great  folerrjnity,   and  multitudes 
of  Attendants  maintained  by  thofe  rents  for  that  pur- 

x  Nov.  $9.c.z+  pofe  x.  How  this  here  makes  the  Chriftians  in  C.  7J.  to 
be  fo  very  numerous  as  he  would  have  them,  he  fhould 
have  (hewed  us  5  I  am  not  yet  fo  fagacious,  as  to  difco- 
ver  it.     The  number  of  the  Decani  was  determined 

y  cod.  de Led.  by  Ronorhts  to  950  y.  Our  Author  thinks  it 
probable  they  were  fo  many  at  the  firft  eftablifhment, 
but  there's  more  ground  to  believe,  they  were  much 
fewer  in  Conftaniims  time  \  for  about  800  were  counted 
Efficient  in  Jvjhmaris  Reign,  200  years  after,  when 
the  City  was  both  larger,  and  much  more  populous  and 

%  *bvtL$9j.&  jn  jts  greateft  flourifti  z.  Thofe  that  confider  the  pre- 
mises, may  well  think,  he  might  have  form'd  his  con- 
clusion in  terms  left  confident,  to  (ay  no  worie  of 

Next  he  forms  an  Obje&ion  againft  himfelf :  c  not- 
c  withftanding  the  number  of  Chriftians  in  C.  P.  might 
c  be  much  too  great  for  one  Congregation,  yet  the  ma- 
4  jor  part  might  be  Hereticks  or  Schifmaticks^  fuch  as 
c  came  not  to  the  Bilhop's  Church ,    and  therefore  all 


( i3 ) 

c  that  adhered  to  him  might  be  no  more  than  could 
1  meet  in  one  Aflembly. 

To  which  he  anfwers,  that  the  number  of  Heretic^ 
and  Schifmaticks  was  inconsiderable,  and  will  not  except 
the  Arians  or  V^ovatians.  For  the  Arians,  he  faks, 
they  had  not  yet  made  a  formal  Separation. 

But  if  they  did  not  feparate  themfclves,  the  Church 
would  have  them  feparated,  and  did  exclude  them  from 
communion,    and  withftood  Conjlantines  importunity 
for  their  admiffion,    both  here  and  in  other  places : 
Athanafws  was  threatned  by  Eufebius  of  ^Qcomedia  a,  zSQcdib.icn 
and  banifhed  by  the  Empcrour  for  this  caufe  among  o- 
thers.      And  Alexander  being   fecured  by  Arius  his 
death  from  admitting  him  to  Cothmunion,  was  the  oc- 
cafion  of  this  paffage  in  Theodorct  which  gives  our  Au- 
thor fb  much  trouble.     Now  the  Arians  being  debar- 
red from  communion,    leflened  the  Bifhop's  Church, 
both  here  and  elfewhere,  as  much  as  if  they  had  fepa- 
rated  themfelves.     And  they  were  numerous  here,  this 
being  the  place  where  they  had  greateft  favour  5  in 
Conjiantines  Edid  againft  the  Hereticks  whofe  meetings 
he  would  have  fuppreffed,  the  Aridns  were  not  men- 
tioned when  the  other  are  named/'.     Socrates  writes  vitx- 
that  the  People  in  this  City  was  divided   into  two  confUnt.vk^. 
Parties  the  Arians  and  the  Orthodox,  they  had  contimi-  _ ( 
ally  fiarp  bickerings,  but  while  Alexander  lived  the  Or- 
thodox had  the  better  5  as  foon  as  he  was  dead  (which 
was4"  while  Conjlantine  lived  J  it  feems  they  appeared  *  Vales  obftw. 
equal,for  the  conteft  fixes  he,  ivas  dubious,  *wfaiwri  p*w  cf  tnSUn  &Sc~' 
In  ^{aziznzens  time  fb  far  they  overtopt  the  Orthodox,  Q  s'ocAlb.i.c^,. 
that  this  great  Diocefan  Church  appear 'd  but  in  the  form 
of  a  private  meeting,    held  in  a  very  little  honfe,    where 
he  kept  a  Conventicle  with  them,  ^^^V^^x^^ah^s^ 
fb  Sozomen  d,  and  Socrates  agrees  with  him  in  the  ex-  dz./fc.  ?.  ^,5, 
prciiion,  «WJ»K?  tam»^  fuch  a  diminutive  place  feemsas 


i  x4  ; 

unproportionable  for  fuch  a  Diocefan  Church  as  a  5Yut- 
Jfje/J  for  Howcr's  Iliads,  or  a  Keyhole  for  a  Witch^  to 
ufe  our  Author's  Elegancies. 

As  for  the  Novations  to  which  he  will  have  no  more 
allowed  than  a  Conventicle,  they  were  numerous  in  o- 
ther  places,  they  had  once  diverfe  Churches  in  ^Alex- 
andria, many  Churches  in  Rome  and  in  other  places. 
It  is  like  they  were  numerous  here,  for  here  they  had 
as  much  favour  or  more,  and  longer  too,  than  in  the 
Cities  forementioned,  here  Socrates  fayes  they  had  three 
<Lcap.$o.  Churches  e,  and  if  three  Churches  w7ould  but  make  one 
inconjiderable  Conventicle  $  it  is  poffible  the  other  Ortho- 
dox'Churches  (though  he  will  have  them  to  be  many) 
might  be  comprized  in  one  vaji  Congregation. 

I  might  obferve  how  much  Sozomeu  is  mif  represent- 
ed in  what  he  fayes  next  of  thofe  concerned  in  the  £dicf, 
the  V^ovatians  efpecially.  He  fpeaks  not  mincingly  as 
our  Author  would  have  him,  but  fully  that  the  iN^ova- 
tians  did  not  fuffer  'much  by  the  Edift  5  he  does  not  fay 
only  that  it  was  probable  they  fuffered  little,  but  (ayes 
this  only  of  a  reafbn  himfeff  gives,  why  they  fuffered 
not  much.  He  gives  other  reafbns  for  itthanf/>e  opinion, 
the  Novatians  had  of  that  Bifhop.  He  does  not  fay  the 
other  Heretic ks  were  altogether  extirpated.  He  does  not 
confefs  that  the  Novatians  fffircd  the  fame  meafure  with 
ethers  every  where,  no,  nor  any  where  elfe,  it  is  the 
^Montanifs  that  he  fayes  this  of.  He  dares  to  affirm 
they  had  a  Conventicle  or  more,  for  he  affirms  they  had 
an  eminent  Bifhop  in  C.  'P.  and  were  not  only  numerous 
therebefore  the  Edidt,  but  continued fo after.  The  Gentle- 
wan  was  in  too  much  hafle  here,  as  himfelf  will  per- 
ceive, by  obferving  how  much  his  account  differs  from 
the  Hiftorians. 

At  laft  he  comes  to  that  paflage  tff  Theodorct  which 
occafioned  all  thefe  lines,   but  Theodorct  affirms  they 


were  no  more  than  could  meet  in  one  Church,  and  that  they 
did  a&ually  do  fo,  c  I  anfwer,  fayes  he,  Theodoret 
*  does  not-fay  fo,  and  the  paffage  cited  does  not  con- 
c  elude  it. 

I  did  not  fay  Theodoret  affirms  they  were  no  more,  than 
could  meet  in  one  Church,  but  he  (ayes  the  fame  in  effect, 
viz.  that  all  the  Brethren  ajjembled  with  Alexander.  His 
words  are,  Alexander,  the  church  rejoycing,  held  an  Af- 
femhly  with  all  the  'Hrethren,  prajing  and  greatly  glorify- 
ing God.  The  words  are  plain,  and  the  fenfe,  I  take 
them  in,  is  open  in  the  face  of  them.  Nor  do  I  believe 
that  any  difinterefted  perfbn  would  put  any  other  fenfe 
upon  them  than  this-,  that  the  generality  ofChrijlians  of 
which  the  Church  at  Conftaminople  confijied,  ajjembled 
together  with  their  TZ/fiop  Alexander,  to  praife  God  joy- 
fully for  their  deliverance  by  the  death  of  Arius.  But  he 
will  not  have  the  words  taken  in  a  general fenfe,  but  will 
fuppofe  them  taken  with  refpeli  to  that  particular  Congre- 
gation^ in  which  Arius  was  to  be  reconciled.  Yet  this  fup- 
pofition  hath  no  ground  either  in  the  words,  or  in  the 
contexture  of  the  Difcourfe,  or  any  where  elfe  that  I 
know  of,  or  our  ^Author  either  }  for  if  he  had,  we 
fhould  have  heard  it  with  both  ears,  as  he  fpeaks  elfe- 
where.  He  will  not  have  all  the  Brethren,  to  be  all  the 
Believers  at  C.  P.  yet  he  knows  that  Brethren  and  Be- 
lievers are  Synonymous  terms  both  in  Scripture  and  an?  • 
cient  Authors.  vAnd  thofe  were  the  Believers  or  Bre- 
thren of  the  Church  of  C.  T3.  which  had  occafion  to  re- 
jovce,  and  that  was  the  whole  Church  there  .*  as  for 
■attVJs*,  render'd  Z)niver(i,  Ido  not  take  it  jw-  all  and  every 
one  of  the  Chriftians  there }  for  in  all  AfTemblies,of  great 
Churches  efpecially,  mwy  are  alwayes  abfent.  He  had 
dealt  more  fairly  with  Theodoret,  if  by  all  he  would 
have  underftood  the  generality  of  Chriftians  adhereing  ta 
Alexander  at  C.  P.  or  the  greateft  part  of  them,  and 


•  r  to 

about  fuch  an  abatement  of  the  full  import  of  the  word, 
there  had  been  no  need  to  contend  ,  but  his  reftraint 
of  it  to  a  particular  Congregation  agrees  not  with  the 
words,  nor  the  occafion  of  them,  nor  hath  any  fupport 

Nor  is  that  better  which  follows,  unlefs  you  will  fay 
that  with  all  the  Brethren,  does  not  Jignifie  their  perfonal 
pre  fence,  hut  only  their  unanimity. 

This  looks  more  like  a  fhift  than  a  plain  anfwer, 
and  therefore  he  was  well  advifed  in  not  venturing  to 
own  it. 

c  Theodoret  could  not  think  that  all  theBeleivers  of  C. 
c  P.  could  come  together  to  the  Bifhop's  Church,  for  he 
c  cites  a  Letter  of  Conjiantines  a  little  after,  where  he 
*  gives  an  account  of  the  great  increafc  of  that  Church. 
In  the  City  that  is  caWd  by  my  name  by  the  Providence  of 
God \  an  infinite  multitude  of^Pcople  have  joined  them/elves 
lo  the  Churchy  and  all  things  there  wonderfully  increasing, 
it  feems  very  requifite  that  more  Churches  flwu  Id  be  built  5 
nnderflanding  therefore  hereby  what  I  have  refolved  to  do, 
I  though  fit  to  order  you  to  provide  50  'Bibles  fairly  and  le- 
gibly written. 

He  does  not  fay  an  infinite  multitude,  the  words  of 
the  Letter  are  vhwv  n$Sos9  that  there  was  a  very  great 
multitude  pf  Chriftians  is  not  denied,  nor  that  he  intend- 
ed to  build  more  Churches  3  but  this  confirms  what  is  fig- 
nified  before,  that  thefe  very  many  Churches  were  not 
yet  built,  but  only  in  defign,  and  that  with  a  profpect 
of  Chriftians  there  (till  increafing.  And  the  Bibles,  if 
they  were  intended  only  for  C.  P.  might  be  for  the  future 
Churches,  not  the  prefent  only. 

His  Conclufion  is,  c  where  Chriftians  were  fb  multi- 
plied that  it  was  neceffary  to  build  more  Churches, 
c  and  to  make  fuch  provifions  for  the  multitude  of  their 
c  Affcmblies,  it  could  not  be  that  they  fhould  all  make 
e  but  one  Congregation.  He 

He  (hould  have  concluded  that  which  is  denied,  o- 
ther wife  all  he  hath  premifed  will  be  infignificant,  and 
to  no  purpofe :  it  is  granted  that  all  the  Chriftians  at 
C.P.  did  make  more  than  one  Congregation,  and  for 
their  conveniency  met  atother  times  in  feverai Churches. 
That  which  is  denied  is,  that  the  main  Body  or  genera- 
lity of  Chriftians  there  could  not  meet  in  one  Aflembly, 
or  did  not  lb  meet  at  this  time  with  their  Biftiop  Alex- 
under,  as  to  this  he  hath  proved  nothing,  and  therefore 
did  well  to  conclude  nothing  againft  that  which  is  affir- 
med to  be  the  plain  import  of  Theodora's  expreliion. 

And  it  may  be  fuppofed  that  Tkeodoret,  if  he  had  not 
exprefled  it,  might  well  thinks  (though  the  contrary  be 
iuggefted )  that  as  great  multitudes ,   as  Conffaxtines 
Letters  fignified,   might  meet  together  at. the  Biftiop's 
Church  5  for  himfelfdeclares  what  a  vaft  Congregation 
he  preached  to  at  dntioch,  having  an  Auditory  of  many 
Myriads  f.  I  will  not  ask  him  what  Uttfebius  could  thinks  f  Ep.  8 $. 
when  he  tells  us  the  Chriftians  had  mwh*<  Zfofwai"}**, 
djfemblies  confining  of  ^Myriads  g.     Nor  what  Socrates  g  ^-8.  Cap.  u 
thought,  when  he  tells  us  long  after,  of  C.  P.  that  the 
whole  City  became  one  ^ijjembly,  and  meeting  in  an  Or  a- 
tory,  continued  there  all  day  h,  ''okvtkxk  rf&lKKKmdt.iyknTihUb.'j.cap.ii. 
h  o  t4  ivwsico  w'Q/ufyQt9  <&c.    But  I  would  have  him  tell 
me  how  he  underftands  that  paffage  of  Chryfoftcmc^  %w 

TpJh  /.     vVhat  is  the  import  of  thefe  words  ?   Do  they  i  mm.  8$.  h 
fignify  that  ten  ^Myriads  were  affembled  in  one  place  Mat- Tm-  z-h 
to  hear  Chryfoftome?   Iffo,  there  will  be  no  queftion  52p* 
but  that  the  generality  of  Chriftians  might  meet  in  one    - 
Church  with  Alexander  in  Confiantines  Reign  $  for  that 
then,  (about  70  years  before  J  there  was  any  thing  near 
fo  many  Chriftians  as  an  100000 ,    adhereing  to  one 
Bifhop  in  this  City,  cannot  with  any  reafon  be  iroagin- 

D  ed. 

C  i8J- 
ed.  Or  does  he  mean  only,  that  there  were  fo  many 
^Myriads  of  Chriftians  contained  in  that  City.<?  If  fo, 
then  he  faies  here  no  more  than  in  another  Homilyfoxt- 
cited,  where  the  number  of  Chriftians  in  C.  P.  is  com- 
puted to  be  an  ioooco,  reckoning  all  he  fides  Jews  and 
Heathens.  Now  if  they  were  no  more  in  his  time,  they 
cannot  with  reafon  be  fappcfed  to  have  been  above 
half  fo  many  in  Covftantines  (unlcfs  any  can  imagine, 
that  their'numbers  advanced  more  in  6  years  than  in 
7c,  when  the  fucceeding  Emoerours  multiplyed  the 
Inhabitants  exceffively,  y^f  rfe^  x?"**0  as  Zofimus  tells 
lt-L/k  2*.  us  4,  crouding  the  City  fo  full  as  that  they  could  fcarce 
ftir  without  danger  :  )  and  a  great  part  of  thefe  were 
fallen  off  to  Artus  while  .Alexander  was  Bifhop  :  the 
y^Qovatians  alfo,  were  numerous,  having  feveral  Chur- 
ches s  and  thefe  with  other  Se&s  being  dedu&ed,  the 
Chriftians  there  that  communicated  with  .Alexander 
will  be  no  more  (if  fo  rnanyj  than  belong  to  fome  one 
of  our  Parifhes. 

*  It  would  fwell  this  Preface  to  too  great  a  Bulk,  if  I 
*  fhould  anfwer  the  reft  fo  particularly. 

Since  he  defigned  to  be  fb  brei£  and  to  have  fo 
fhort  a  Preface,  I  wifh  he  had  employed  more  of  it  a- 
gainft  that  which  is  the  ftrength  of  the  Difcourfe  he 
oppofes,  and  of  more  confequence  to  the  main  Caufe  3 
and  not  have  fpent  (b  many  leaves  upon  a  by-paflage, 
for  which  we  have  little  reafon  to  be  concerned  :  for  if 
he  could  make  it  appear,  that  the  Chriftians  at  C  P.  in 
Conjlanttnes  time  were  more  than  could  meet  in  one 
Congregation,  yea,  or  in  two  either  5  that  would  be 
far  from  proving  it  a  Diocefan  Churchy  unlels  fome  one 
or  two  of  our  Parifhes  can  be  counted  fo. 

Let  me  add  in  fine,  that  our  Author  has  done  juft 'no- 
thing towards  the  difproving  of  what  Theodoret  was  al- 
ledged  for  3  unlefi  he  fhew,   that  C.  P.  exceeded  old 


C  19 ) 

Rome,   was  furnifhed  with  ftch  an  infinite  number  of 

Chriftians,    Co  many    ("more  than  two  J)   magnificent 

Churches  there  ere&ed,  the  50  Bibles  thought  needful 

to  be  provided,  and  almoft  all  the  Heathen  befides  many 

Jews  converted  }  before  Alexander  (who  is  faid  to  hold 

this  Affembly  with  all  the  brethren)  deceafed  5    and  (b 

unlefs  he  prove  that  all  this  was  done  (which  himfelf  I 

think  can  fcarce  believe)  in  lefs  than  a  year.     For  Vale* 

Jius  (uyn  whofe  authority  this  Gentleman  takes  much) 

proves  at  large  (^making  it  the  bufinefs  of  one  of  his 

Tiooks)  that  Alexander  died  (and  yet  muft  live  fome 

while  after  this  panegyrical  Affembly)  in  the  year  331.  l.  2.  ohferv.h 

Anditsmanifeft,  that  C.P,  was  not  built,  nor  had  that  Soe-&S9* 

name  till  331.  For  tho'  it  was  building  the  year  before, 

yet  it  was  not  finifhed  till  25  of  Conftantines  Reign  (as 

Jerome  and  others:)  and  the  beginning  of  his  Reign  \s  chronic. 

reckoned  from  the  death  of  Conflantius  his  Father,  who 

was  Conful  with  Maximianus  in  the  year  306,   and  V4 conful. 

died  in  the  middle  of  it.   There  needs  not  a  word  more 

to  (hew  that  all  his  difcourfe  on  this  fubjeft  is  wholly 

infignificant,  and  not  at  all  for  his  purpofe,  tho'  this  be 

the  moft  confiderable  part  of  his*  Preface. 

c  This  Author  gives  feveral  inftances  of  feveral  Rifliops 
c  being  in  one  City  at  the  fame  time,  in  anfwer  to  the 
c  Dean  otT^aul*^  who  affirmed  that  it  was  an  inviolable 
c  rule  of  the  Church  to  have  but  one,  &c.  Jerufalemh 
c  thefirft  inftance,  &c.  I  wonder  to  find  a  manofLearn- 
c  ing  cite  this  paflage,  than  which  nothing  can  be  more 
'disadvantageous  tohisCaufe. 

There  is  one  who  I  fuppofe  paffes  for  a  man  of  learn- 
ing  who  for  the  fiime  purpofe  makes  ufe  of  this  inftance, 
fince  mine  was  publifhed  5  We  have,  faith  he,  Examples 
in  Ecclefiajlicaljlory  of  of  two  Bijfwp's  at  the  fame  time  in 
the  fame  See$  and  yet  this  was  never  thought  Schifmatical^ 
when  the  fecond  was  advanced  by  the  conjent  of  the  firfi. 

D  2  Thus 

C    20) 

Thus  Alexander  a  Bifhop  in  Cappadocia  torn  made  Bijfjop  . 
of  Jerufalem  while  Narciflus  wo*  living,  but  very  old:  and 
Anatolius  at  the  fame  time,  fate  in  the  Church  fl/Caefarea 
with  Theotecnus,  and  this  was  St.  Auft'in  s  own  cafe,  who 
)££%$Drk  rcas  r,tade  Bifiop  tf/Hippo  while  there  was  another  Hijjjop 
living  /.  He  (ayes  alfb,  Nothing  can  he  more  difadvan- 
tagcous  to  my  caufe  than  this  pajfige.  If  it  had  been  no 
advantage  to  my  caufe,  I  fhouM  have  thought  it  bad 
enough  5  but  if  nothing  could  be  more  difadvapt.ige- 
ous,  I  am  very  unhappy  :  let  us  fee  how  it  is  made  good. 

c  VH^arciffus  having  retired,  and  the  people  not  know- 
c  ing  what  had  become  of  him,  the  neighbouring  Bi- 
4  (bops  ordained  Dins  in  his  place,  who  was  fucceeded 
c  by  Gordius  and  after  by  Germanico,  ( it  fliould  be  by 
c  Germanico,  and  after  by  Gordius  )  in  whofe  time 
<- Narciffus  returned,  and  was  defired  to  refume  his 
c  Office,  and  did  fo.  What  became  of  Germanico  (he 
'means  Gordius,*)  is  not  (aid  but  probably  he  refigned 
'  or  died  prefently. 

There  is  nothing  to  make  either  of  thefe  probable,  it 
is  altogether  as  likely,  if  not  more,  that  he  continued 
Bifhop  there  with  Narciffus  for  fome  time  3  but  becaufe 
izitfebius  fayes  nothing  of  it,  I  infift  not  on  it.  But  be- 
fides  he  tells  us,  Narciflus  took  Alexander,  into  the  par* 
ticipation  of  the  charge.  That  fignifies  Narciffus  was  not 
excluded  from  the  Epifcopal  charge,  both  had  their  parts 
therein.  No,  but  fayes  he,  Alexander  was  the  Tiiflwp^ 
Narciflus  retained  but  the  name  and  title  only,  that  is,  he 
was  but  a  Titular,  not  really  a  Bifhop.,  and  why  fo  £ 
becaufe  Alexander,  fayes  he,  joined  with  him  in  prayers, 
and  the  Hi  fieri  an  fijes  he  was  not  able  to  officiate  by  reafon 
of  his  great  age.  He  was  not  able  it  may  be  to  perform 
all  the  Offices  of  a  Bifhop,  but  what  he  was  able  to  do 
no  doubt  he  performed.  Now  if  they  but  ti- 
tular Bifhops,  who  perform  not  perfonally  all  the  0£ 


fices  of  a  Paftoral  charge  (  when  they  cannot  pre- 
tend Mvatfv  yk?f)  how  many  real  Bifhops  fhall  we  iind 
in  the  World  .<?  But  betides  the  V^jime  and  Title,  did  he 
not  retain  the  Power  and  Authority  of  a  Bifhop  f  If 
not,  how  came  he  to  loofe  it  I  Did  he  rcjign,  or  was 
he  depojed  <?  That  he  refigned  there  is  not  the  leaft  in- 
timation in  this  Hijiorian  or  any  other  5  nor  any  in- 
ftance  in  the  antient  Church,  that  ever  any  Bifhop  di- 
verted himfelfof  all  paftoral  "Tower  upon  this  account. 
To  have  depofed  him  for  his  great  age  h  id  been  a  barba- 
rous Ad,  andfuch  as  the  Church  in  thofc  times  cannot  be 
charged  with.  No  doubt  but  he  retained  the  Epifco- 
pal  power,  though  through  Age  he  could  not  exercife 
kin  all  inftances }  and  if  he  had  not  only  the  Title  but 
theTWer,  he  was  really  a  Bi(hop7  and  there  were  two 
Bifhops  at  once  in  one  Church,  and  then  this  inftance 
is  (b  far  from  being  n/oji  dijadvantageous,  that  it  (erves 
me  with  all  the  advantage  I  defigned  in  alledging  it. 
,  As  for  the  words  o^Valedm  cited  by  him,  if  they  be 
taken  in  the  fenfe  which  our  Author  would  have  them, 
that  learned  man  will  not  agree  with  himfelf  For  but 
a  very  few  lines  before,  he  fays,  thefe  two  were  Co- 
Epijcopi,  TSifiops  together  in  that  City,  juperjiite  epifiopo 
adjutor  &  coepifcopus  eli  adjunttus,  And  tho'  he  (ays 
(but  fays  it  doubtfully  with  a  rd  jailor  )  this  was  forbid- 
den at  Sardica  (above  100  years  after  )}  yet  he  adds 
that,  notwithjianding  it  was  jiill  ufoal  in  the  Church,  nihil 
ominus  ider.tidem  in  ecclejia  ujurpatum  eji,  which  is  all 
that  I  need  defire.  And  afterwards,  where  Sujebius  in/.  7.^.32. 
again  mentions  two  Bifhops  in  one  City,  he  obfervesy 
that  in  one  of  his  Copies,  the  Scholiaji  lus  this  note  up; 
on  it  in  the  Margin,  A)*"7™^^**  mvwmifvonswwe&^here 
alfo  there  were  two  Bifiops  of  one  Church.  Vaiejiw  adds, 
the  Scholiaji  nnderjiands  Alexander,  who  w#$  Tiij/wp  of 
]exufalcrmtogether  with  Narciflus. 


The  next  inftance  is  oiTheotecnus  and  Jlnatotius 
who  were  Bithops  of  Cafarea  together.  Againft  this  he 
hath  little  to  fay,  I  fuppofe  becaufe  nothing  can  be  (aid 
againft  it  in  reafon.  Only  he  feems  willing  that  Anato- 
lius  (liould  pafs  but  as  Epifcopus  dejignatus^  whereby  iF 
he  mean  one,  who  is  not  yet  aftual'ly  a  Bifhop,  but  de- 
figned  to  be  one  hereafter,  as  Eradius  was  by  dugujiine, 
it  is  inconfiftent  with  what  Izufebius  fayes  and  hirnfelf 
quotes,  but  one  line  before,  viz.  that  Theotecnus  or- 
dained him  BiJJjop  in  his  life-time ,  for  if  he  was  not 
actually  Bifhop  after  he  was  thus  ordained,  he  was  never 

m  Euftb.  1. 7.  Bifhop  at  all  m. 

c-l2-  Another  inftance  was  of  ^lacarius  and  ^Maximns 

both  Bifhops  at  once  otjcrufalem. 

He  would  not  have  ^Maximus  to  be  Bifhop  while 
ZMacarius  lived,  becaufe  it  is  (aid  he  was  to  rule  the 
Church  after  his  Death. 

But  £Maximus  was  to  govern  the  Church  not  only 
after  his  death,  if  he  furvived  him  (as  he  was  like  to  do 
being  much  younger)  but  while  he  lived  5  and  fo  did 
aftually  together  with  him,  ™wsp£d«/3   which  denotes 

n^./.2.f.i9.theexerci(e  of  the  fame  Fun&ion  together  n  :  befides 
the  Hijiorian  fayes,  ^Maximus  was  before  this  ordained 
Bifhop  ofDioJpolis,  and  if  he  had  officiated  at  Jeruja- 
lent,  where  they  were  fo  defirous  of  him,  in  a  lower 
Capacity  =,  their  kindnefs  to  him  had  been  a  degrading 
him  5  which  it  cannot  be  fuppofed  they  would  either 
offer,  or  he  yeild  to. 

I  alledged  epiphanius,  who  fignifies  that  other  Cities  had 
two  Bifiops  together,  and  excepts  only  Alexandria.  To 
w.hich  he  anfwers,  that  Epiphanius  cannot  mean  that  all 
other  Cities  had  two  Bijfjops  at  a  time,  nor  did  I  (ay  that 
he  meant  this,  but  his  expreffion  imports  no  le(s  than 
that  it  was  ttfualfor  other  Cities  to  have  two  Biftops.  Nor 
is  there  any  reafon  to  think  that  Epiphanius  refj^&sonly 



the  cafes  alledged  $  it  was  quite  another  cafe  that  was 
the  occafion  of  his  words  5  and  diverfe  other  inftances 
might  be  brought  of  a  different  nature  and  occafion, 
though  this  be  fufficient  to  (hew,  that  the  rule  againft 
two  bifliopsinone  City  was  not  inviolable  :  He  adds,  c  I 
c  do  not  fee  what  advantage  can  be  made  of  this  paf: 

This  pajpige  (hews  that  there  was  commonly  two  Bi- 
(hops  in  a  City  at  once,  ^Alexandria  is  only  excepted 
as  varying  herein  from  other  Cities.  And  this  is  ad- 
vantage enough  for  me,  and  it  is  enough  againft  him 
too  $  and  leaves  no  reaibn  for  his  pretence  that  it  was 
only  in  extraordinary  cafes.  I  affirmed  it  could  not  be 
Epiphanius  hk  meaning  (as  a  great  Antiquary  would  have 
it)  that  Alexandria  ww  never  fo  divided,  as  thatfeveral 
parties  in  it  f/oould  have  their  rejpetfive  Bijlwps  there,  .and 
brought  feveral  Inftances  to  evince  it  .•  for  Jo  it  teas  di- 
vided in  the  time  of  Epiphanius,  when  the  Catholicks  had 
Athanafius,  the  Arians  had  Gregorius,  and  then  Geor- 
gius  3  and  afterwards  the  cne  had  Peter  the  other  Lucius, 
and  the  Novatians  had  their  Bifiops  fuccejfively  in  that 
City  till  Cyril V  time. 

c  He  anfwers  however  I  do  not  fee  why  that  learned 
4  Antiquaries  opinion  may  not  be  maintained  againft  this 

*  Gentleman's  objeftions,  he  (ayes  that  Alexandria  was  s 
c  divided  before  epiphanius  his  time  between  feveral  Bi- 

>c  (hops  (I  faid  in  epiphanius  §  time)  it  cannot  be  denied. 
c  But  that  is  not  the  thing  Epiphanius  fpeaks  ofj  but  that 
;  before  the   Eleftion  of  Theonas  againft  Athanafius , 

*  there  were  never  two  oppofite  Bifhops  as  in  other 
4  Churches. 

But  this  doth  neither  agree  with  the  one  nor  defend 
the  other  5   it  agrees  not  with  Epiphanius,  but  makes 
him  contradict  himfel£  for  he  tells  us  there  were  two  . 
oppofite  Biftiops  at  Alexandria  before  Theonas  was  cho- 

fen. . 

fen.    For  this  was  not  till  Alexanders death,but  he  (ayes 
Tijlus  was  made  Bifhop  there  by  the  .Avians  while 
o  Her.  Sv.yum.  Alexander  was  living  0.     And  he  could  not  be  ignorant 
I'huantt.  ofwhat  Sufebius  declares />,    that  upon  the  divifion  in 
/.  3.  ap.  4.  '   Egypt  occasioned  by  Arius,\n  every  City,  n<fih&?iw  mhtf 
there  was  Biftop  againft  Bifiop,  and  People  againft  Peo- 
ple.    Nor  doth  it  defend  the  Antiquary,  for  he  (peaks 
.  univer(ally  without  limiting  himfelf  to  the  Election  of 
TkeonaS)  &cclejiam  Alexandrinam  nunquam  in  partes  fcif 
Jam  quorum  (ingulf  £pifcopum  fuum  habebant,  that  Church 
was  never  divided  fo  as  to  have  oppojite  Biftops. 

c  Theinftances  are  all  later  than  this  Fad:,  and  there- 
c  fore  are  infignificant,  (ayes  he. 

They  are  fully  Significant,  both  in  reference  to  the 
Nff:  ^Antiquary  againft  whom  they  are  brought  to  prove  that 
he  miftook  cpiphanius^  when  he  would  have  it  to  be 
his  meaning,  that  Alexandria  was  never  (b  divided  as 
to  have  two  oppofite  Bifhops  5  for  they  (hew  it  was  of- 
ten (b  divided :  and  alfo  in  reference  to  Epiphanius,  they 
were  fb  late  as  his  time  on  purpofe,  to  (hew  more  un- 
<jueftionably,  that  could  not  be  his  meaning,  which 
was  againft  his  knowledge,  and  notorious  inftances  in 
his  own  time. 

But  he  will  not  deny  the  infta?2ce  of  the  V^ovatians  to 
he  fignificant,  only  Socrates  does  not  fay  that  they  had  their 
TiiJ/jops  fuccejjively  to  Cyril/ time. 

Nor  do  I  fay  he  does  5  but  he  (ayes  Cyrill  JImt  up  the9 
Novatian  Churches  there,   and  tool^  away  all  the  facred 
0  treajure  in  them^    and  deprived  their  Tiiffjop  Theopom- 

pus  of  all  he  had*  Now  when  our  Author  meets  with 
Churches,  and  a  Biftop  over  them}  he  is  not  wont  to 
queftiona  Succcjfwn,  unlcfi  it  appears  he  was  the  firft. 

4  It  may  be  they  began  there  after  this  time,  for  there 
'  is  little  Account  in  Church-Hiftory,  that  I  know,  of 
*  any  ^ovations  in  Alexandria  before  Athana(ius7 



We  are  little  concerned  about  this,  yet  it  may  be 
they  began  before  this  time,  for  there  is  no  account  at 
all  in  Church  Hifiory,  that  the  Novatians  began  there  in,  or 
after  Athanafius  his  time. 

I  had  produced  evidence  that  many  African  Tiifiops 
declared,  in  the  cafe  of  Valerius  and  Aufiin,  that  it  was 
nfual  in  all  parts,  to  have  two  Bifhops  in  a  City  at  once  5 
to  this  he  anfwers,  '  but  fuppofc  all  this  true,  that  this 
c  might  be .  maintained  by  the  Examples  of  feveral 
c  Churches,  what  is  it  that  two  Bifhops  may  be  in  one 
c  Church  ?  no,  that  is  not  the  matter,  but  that  a  Bifhop 
c  when  he  growes  old,  may  appoint  or  ordain  his  Suc- 
c  ceflbur,  to  prevent  the  mkchiefs,  that  are  ufially  produced 
c  by  popular  Ele&ions. 

If  what  the  African  Bifiops  did  alledge,  werereftrain- 
ed  to  that  particular  cafe  he  contends  for}  yet  this  is 
enough  to  make  good  all  I  intend,  viz.  that  ufially  in 
the  antient  Church,  there  were  two  'Uifiops  together  in 
one  place.  For  when  one  is  ordained  Bifhop  in  the  fame 
place,  when  another  isftillliving,  with  whatever  defign, 
upon  what  occafion  foever  this  is  done,  yet  there  are 
two  Bifhops  at  once  in  the  fame  place. 

I  fee  no  reafon  why  this  fhould  be  reftrained  to  that 
particular  cafie,  the  occafion  of  what  the  Bifhops  affirm 
may  clear  it,  and  that  was  Aujiins  feruple,  not  to  fuc- 
ceed  Valeria  but  to  be  made  Bifhop  of  Hippo,  while 
his  Bifhop  there  Was  living,  Epifiopatum  fifcipere,  fuo 
vivente  Spifiopo,  recufibat,  for  fo  there  would  be  two 
together,  which  he  took  to  be  againft  the  Cuftomof  the 
Church,  contra  morem  cZcclefw  5  but  they  all  perfwade 
him  that  this  was  ufually  done,  id  fieri  fiolere,  and  prove 
it  by  examples  in  all  parts  q.  And  Valerius  his  defire  q  Poffloa.viu 
and  propofal  was,  that  jlufiin  might  be  ordained  Bifhop  Awfl-  ty& 
of  Hippo,  Quifu£  Cathedra  non  tarn  fiuccederet  fed  Confii- 
cerdos  accederet,  not  as  one  that  was  to  ficceed  him  only, 
but  to  be  Hifiop  together  with  him.  E  When 

(26  ) 

When  he  affign9  this  as  the  reafon  of  appointing  a 
a  Succeffour,  to  prevent  the  mifchiep  that  are  nfitally  pro- 
duced by  popular  elections,  he  (peaks  his  own  fence,  not 
theirs  5  for  they  were  better  advifed  than  to  brand  the 
general  pra&ice  of  the  ancient  Church  as  mifchievous, 
and  how  this  fuggeftion  becomes  one,  who  undertakes 
to  write  a  vindication  of  the  primitive  Churchy  let  him- 
felf  confider.  Others  may  judge  it,  a  more  intolera- 
ble Jefleftion  upon  the  univerfal  Church  in  the  beftand 
after  times,  than  any  £M.  13.  can  be  juftly  charged 
with.  However  the  reafon  affigned  for  it  by  'Vojjido- 
nius  is  another  thing  than  appears  in  this  Authors  whole . 
account,  it  was  becaufe  Valerius  feared  left  fome  other 
Churchy  flwuld  feeh^  him  for  their  BiJIwp,  and  get  a  per- 
fonfo  approved,  from  him. 

Whereas  in  fine  he  fayes,  c  Thefe  Cafes  (pecified 
*  were  not  thought  to  violate  the  Rule  that  allowed  but 
c  one  Bifhop  to  a  City.  Yet  it  was  thought  fo  by  St, 
yiufiin,  when  heexcufes  his  fuffering  hiitifelf  to  be  made 
Bifhop  with  Valerius,  by  this,  that  he  knew  no:  it  was 
forbidden  by  a  rule  of  the  V^Qcene  Council,  Quod  Conci- 
lio  ^Qceno  prohibitum  fuiffe  nefciebam,  and  gives  this  as 
the  reafon  why  he  would  not  fo  ordain  Eradius. 

Next  he  would  prove,  that  this  provision  for  a  Suc- 
ceffour  does  not  dejlroy  that  7(u!e,  by  an  inftance,  I  need 
not  tranfcribe  it  at  large,  the  fum  of  it  is  this,  when  the 
Government  is  ^Monarchical,  if it  fall  out  once  Cin  many 
Ages,  as  it  did  in  England  once  in  above  500  years) 
that  another  King  be  crowned,  beftdes  him  who  hath  the 
Throne  }  yet  it  will  be  true  enough,  that  it  is  the  rule  of 
thoje  Kingdoms  to  have  but  one  King.  To  which  I  fay 
briefly,  if  it  be  ufual  to  have  two  Kings  in  fuch  a  Go- 
vernment, it  will  fcarce  be  thought  true,  that  it  is  the 
inviolable  Ttyle  of  thofe  Kingdoms,  to  have  but  one 
King.    And  then  how  this  inftance  will  fate  his  pur- 


pofe  let  thofe  judge  who  take  notice,  that,  I  have  al- 
ready proved  it  ufaal  in  the  antient  Church  for  Cities 
in  all  parts  to  have  taw  Tiifiops  at  once. 

From  pag.  12.  he  paffes  to  pag.  23.  To  (hew  there 
were  more  Bifhopricks  than  one  in  the  Region  or  Dio- 
cefs of  Hippo  I  brought  feveral  inftances  5  and  might 
have  produced  more,  but  that  I  confined  my  felf  to 
thofe  which  the  learned  Dean  alledged  to  the  contrary. 
Fujfala  is  one  of  them5  and  that  alone  this  Gentleman 
takes  notice  of.  St.  Auflin  calls  it  Cajlellnm  diverfe 
times  in  one  Epiftle.  He  finds  fault  that  I  tranflate  Ca- 
ftellum  a  Cafile.  I  did  no  more  expeft  to  be  blamed  for 
this,  than  if  I  had  render'd  Oppidum  a  Town.  But  I 
(uppofe  he  counts  it  no  great  crime,  fince  he  runs  into 
it  himfelf  and  in  a  few  lines  after  calls  it  a  Cafile. 

c  But  thefe  Caftles,  fayes  he,  were  Garrifon  Towns, 
cwith  a  good  dependance  of  Villages  belonging  to 
c  them. 

They  were  Fortreffes,  and  fbmetimes  had  Villages 
depending  on  them,  and  might  contain  fo  many  build- 
ings as  there  are  in  fome  Village  or  little  Town  5  how- 
ever he  calls  them  Cajiles,  and  may  give  me  leave  to 
do  (b  too. 

He  adds,  cc  It  was  40  miles  diftant  from  Hippo,  and 
c  was  in  St.  An/lines  Diocefs,  and  never  had  a Bifhop  of 
its  own. 

It  is  faid  indeed  to  belong  to  the  Diocefs  of  Hippo, 
but  I  do  not  find  it  faid  to  be  in  St.  Auftines  Diocefs  or 
Bifhoprick  5  thefe  are  two  things  and  (hould  not  be 
confounded.  When  it  is  faid  to  belong  to  the  Diocefs  of 
Hippo,  fb  farr  diftant,  Diocefs  is  not  taken  as  an  £ccle- 
fiafiical  fenfe  as  it  is  with  us,  for  part  of  a-  Countrey 
under  the  Government  of  0#e  Bifhop  5  but  as  it  wasufed 
in  Africa  in  a  civil  fenfe,  for  part  of  a  Province,  without 
refpeft  to  one  Bifiop,  or  to  any  one  Bifoop  at  all.     Some 

E  2  parts 


parts  there  call  d  DiocefTes  had  no  BiJI)Ops,t;or  were  to  haze 

i  con.  earth.  2.  any  by  Decrees  of  the  African  Councils  r.     Other  places 

fr?c'.S$z.°dl  A^~  ca"Cc^  a  Diocefs  had  more  Bifhops  than  one.     T^ctilian 

(ayes,  that  in  the  place  where  his  Collcgue  Januarius 

was  Bifhop  there  were  4  Bifhops  befides,  all  five  in  una 

{coii.cartb.D.i  Diarcfi  s.     And  thus  it  was  in  many  other  places,  parti- 

jtoB.117,        cularly  in  that  called  the  Diocefs  of  Hippo,  as  I  fhew'd 

by  diverfe  inftances,  and  St.  Aufiins  own  Teftimony. 

Hereby  it  appears  that  in  Africa,  a  Diocefs  and  a 
Ttifjopricl^were  not  the  fame  thing,  though  they  be 
wjth  us.  There  were  diverfe  Dioceffes  and  no  Bifhop- 
ricks  and  many  Bifhopricks  where  but  one  Diocefs  5  fb 
that  Fujfala  and  20  other  Caftlesand  Towns  might  be  in 
the  Diocefs  of  Hippo,  at  40  Pities  dijiance  or  more  5  and 
yet  St.  Anflins  Bifhoprick,  not  one  jot  the  larger  for  it, 
nor  he  more  a  Diocefan. 

Whereas  he  adds,  that  it  never  had  a  Bifljop  of  its  own. 
It  is  unqueftionable  that  Fujfala  had  a  Bifhop  of  its  own 
in  Aufb/s  time  5  and  this  renders  it  wholly  unfervice- 
able  to  their  pur pofe  \  for  the  Bifhoprick  of  Hippo,  faid 
to  be  of  40  miles  extent,  will  not  upon  the  count  of 
Fvffala  be  "40  yards  larger.  Nor  will  either  of  thefe  Bi- 
fhops, nor  any  other  inthat  Region  be  Diocefans  5  un- 
lefs  there  can  be  two  Diocefans,  and  I  know  not  how 
many  more,  move  Diocefs. 

I  affigned  this  reafon,  why  Fuffala  had  not  a  Bifhop 
iborier,  becaufe  Auflin  declares,  there  vcas  net  one  Catho- 
lichjn  it,  and  fuppofed  this  might  ferve  the  turn,  not 
dreaming  that  thofe  who  count  all  the  people  in  a  very 
large  Parifh,  or  in  an  100  Pari  (lies  little  enough  for  a 
Diocefan  5  could  think  his  Diocefs  competently  furnifh- 
ed  when  he  had  not  one  Soul  (or  but  fome  few)  in 
communion  with  hirii. 

He  fayes,  the  Town  or  Cafile  indeed  had  none,  hut  the 
County  belonging  to  it  had  fome  5  he  will  have  the  Terri- 

t  29 ) 

tory  or  Parifli  depending  on  this  Caflle  to  be  a  County. 
I  cannot  but  obferve  the  admirable  power  of  a  fancy 
tinctured  and  prepofTefled.  It  wilPturn  a  Party  into  a 
County i  and  a  Caftlc  into  a  County  Town  5  and  fincc  a 
County  with  us,  was  a  ''Province  with  them,  one  'Pro- 
vince muft  be  as  much  as  all  Africa  5  and  a  very  (mail 
part  oiJfytnidjfa  muft  be  far  greater  than  the  whole. 
But  there  are  fome  Hypothefes,  which  may  ftand  in  need 
of  fuch  imaginations. 

However  he  likes  not  my  reafbn,  and  why  .<?  be- 
caufe, though  it  had  no  Catholicks  in  it  then,  it  might  have 
fome  before  and  concludes  it  had,  becaufe  it  belonged  here- 
tofore to  the  Diocefs  of  Hippo. 

"  But  that  it  formerly  had  Catholicks,  ((aies  he)  we 
"  may  conclude  by  Mr.  Baxters  reafoning,  becaufe  it 
"  belonged  heretofore  to  the  Diocefs  of  Hippo. 

If  Diocefs  be  taken  in  a  civil  fenic  ("as  it  is  frequently 
in  African  Authors  )  this  will  be  no  proofj  that  there 
had  been  any  Catholicks  in  it,  becaufe  in  this  fenfc  Fuffa- 
la  might  belong  to  that  Diocefs,  though  there  had  not 
been  either  Chriftian  or  Bifhop  in  the  whole  Region: 
Nor  will  it  be  hereby  proved,  taking  it  in  the  Ecclefi- 
aftical  fenfe  5  for  that  part  of  Hippo,  which  was  under 
the  Don  at  if  Bifhop,  had  no  Catholick  3  and  yet  de 
jure,  as  he  tells  us,  belonged  to  the  Diocefs,  (as  he  calls 
it,)  or  charge  of  St.  ^fitjlin.  Yet  fince  he  allows  Mr. 
^Baxters  Argument,  he  muft  admit  what  it  concludes, 
viz.  that  a  place  that  hath  no  Chriftians  or  Catholicks 
in  it,  belongs  to  no  Bifhop  $  and  then  Fujfala  never 
belonged  to  St.  Aufin  as  its  Bifhop  5  either  before  it  had 
Catholicks,for  againft  this  the  Argument  is  admitted  to 
be  conclufive  .\  not  after,  for  then  it  had  a  Bifhop  of  its 
own.  And  fo  all  they  have  to  alledge  for  the  largenefs 
of  St.  Safins  Bifhoprick  comes  to  nothing. 



1 3°  J 

"  So  that  I  conceive  the  reafon  will  not  hold,  for  its 
"  having  no  Bifhop  of  its  own,  fince  the  fame  reafon 
"  deftroys  its  dependence  upon  the  the  Diocefs  of  Hippo, 
"  which  isexprefly  affirmed. 

The  reafon  I  gave  for  its  having  no  Bifhop,  was, 
becaufeSt.  ^nfiin  declares  there  was  no  Catholickjntt. 
This  reafon  will  hold,  unlefs  they  think  a  place  may 
have  a  Bifhop  where  there  are  no  Chriftians  at  all  5 
when  as  yet  they  judge,  that  a  place  which  hath  Chri- 
ftians enough  to  make  a  good  Congregation,  or  many, 
ought  not  to  have  a  Bifhop.  Whereas  he  fayes  this  rea- 
fon deftroys  its  dependance  upon  the  Diocefs,  I  wonder 
what  dependance  he  imagines,  fince  it  is  foch,  as  both 
the  not  having  of  Chriftians,  and  alfothe  having  of  them, 
deftroys  it.  The  former  he  here  affirms,  the  fame  reafon 
(which  is  its  not  having  of  Catholicks)  deftroys  it  5  the 
latter  is  undeniable,  for  when  Fujfala  had  a  competent 
number  of  Catholicks,  a  Bifhop  was  there  conftituted  5 
and  then  it  depended  no  more  on  the  Diocefs  of  Hippo, 
than  one  Bifhop's  Church  depends  on  another,  when 
both  are  independent* 

The  dependance  of  Fujfala  upon  Hippo  was  (uch,  as 
that  of  a  Countrey  place  upon  a  greater  Town  well 
furnifhed  with  Officers  for  their  help,  to  convert  and 
reduce  the  Inhabitants,  and  when  enough  are  convert- 
ed to  help  them  to  a  Bifhop  or  Paftor.  This  St.  Aufiin 
did  for  Fujfala,  he  imployed  Presbyters  to  reduce  the 
Donatifts  there,  and  when  they  were  reduced,  he  adds 
them  not  to  his  own  charge,  would  not  have  them  £- 
pifcopo  cedere^  but  advifes  them  to  have  a  Bifhop  of  their 
own,  and  procures  one  for  them.  This  was  the  pra- 
ctice of  the  primitive  times,  in  thefe  methods  were 
Churches  and  Bifhops  multiplyed }  it  was  not  out  ofufo 
in  the  fifth  Age,  this  of '  Fujjala  as  managed  by  St.  .Aufiin 
is  a  remarkable  inftance  thereof  and  if  otherBifhops  had 


(3i  ) 

'mitated  him,  as  he  did  the  Apoftles,  and  beft  Ages, 
the  Church  would  not  have  been  troubled  with  de- 
bates about  Diocc/ans. 

That  ^fuftin  would  not  take  the  Charge  of  a  Place 
lb  far  off  as  Ft/Jfala,  he  will  have  it  afiribed to  his  £Mo- 
delly.  But  it  was  flich  ^ModcSly  as  this  excellent  Perfon 
made  Conference  of,  being  convinced  certijfma  ratione, 
by  moji  certain  reafon,  that  he  was  not  (ufticient  for  it. 
If  all  other  Bifhops  had  been  (b  modefi,  fo  confeientious, 
there  might  have  been,  as  ^(azianzen  fpeaks,  when  Bi- 
fhops were  multiplyed  in  Cappadocia,  ^x^v  Sa^WwxeW, 
a  much  more  defirable  thing,  to  thofe  that  love  Souls, 
than  a  great  Diocefs. 

He  gives  a  reafon  why  this  muft  be  afcribed  to  St. 
lAujims  modejly,  becaufe  he  di/charged  the  Office  of  a 
Tlijtwp  there,  in  more  difficult  times,  while  the  presbyters 
he  imployed  there,  were  barbaroujly  ujed. 

I  need  not  deny  that  he  performed  the  Office  of  a  Bi- 
fiop  there  5  for  it  is  the  office  of  a  Bifhop  to  endeavour 
by  himfelf  or  others,  the  converting  or  reducing  of  all 
that  he  can.  Only  this  will  not  prove  FuJJala  to  be 
then  a  part  of  his  Bifhoprick,  no  more  than  it  will  prove 
^Athanafus  to  have  been  Bifhop  of  Indian  becaufe  he 
encouraged,  and  fent  Frumentius  with  others  thither, 
to  convert  the  Indians t.  tsoc.  lu  c.v 

The  learned  Dean  had  cited  ^Aufin  as  calling  himfelf  So\*  ^2-f-  2\ 
the  Bifhop  of  that  Diocef(  underftanding  by  it  a  Region 
of  vaft  extent  J  I  obferved  that  in  the  Epiftle  quoted  he 
onely  faith  he  had  the  Epifcopal  charge  of  Hippo.  By 
this  the  Gentleman  changing  my  words,  will  have  me  to 
fignifie,  that  he  was  the  Bifhop  ofcheTown  only.  This 
I  did  not  intend,  but  that,  he  was  not  the  only  Bifiop 
of  that  whole  Region.  But  whether  he  was  Bifhop  of 
part  of  the  Town  only,  or  of  that  and  fome  part  of  the 
Region  alio,  I  am  not  much  concerned.    His  words  are 


C  v  ) 

"  as  if  he  had  beenBifhop  of  the  Town  only,  nay,  but 
"  of  part  of  that  neither,  for  the  Donatifh  had  their 
"  Biftiop  there  :  fo  this  will  ftrangely  diminifti  the  Bi- 
"  (hoprick  of  St.  Aufiin  which  at  firft  appeared  folarge. 
Then/  he  anfwers,  for  the  Donatifis  htving  a  Bifhop 
there,  itfigniji'es  little  to  our  prefent  purpofe,  (ince  he  wa>s 
but  an  Ufurper. 

But  this  fignifiesas  much  *o  my  purpofe  as  I  need  5  for 
the  Donatifis  having  aBiftioprickin  Hippo,  St.  ^Aufiin  s 
muft  needs  be  diminiftied  thereby,  and  altogether  as 
much  leffened,  as  if  they  had  not  been  Ufurpers.  And 
they  were  counted  no  otherwife  TJfurpcrs,  but  (b  that  if 
the  Donatitf  Biftiop  had  been  reconciled  3  by  a  Decree 
of  the  African  Church  he  was  to  continue  in  his  Bifhop- 
there,  as  a  rightful  Toffejfcur,  and  there  would  have 
been  ftill  two  Diocefles  (fuch  as  they  were )  in  one 

He  would  have  us  believe  Aufiin  as  if  he  declared, 
that  he  was  not  the  Bifhop  of  the  Town  only  3  but  his 
words  are,  Ut  modum  dijpenfationjf  nte<e  non  fupergrediar 
hoc  Ecclefis  ad  Hipponenfim  Regionem  pertinenti  prodeffe 
contefior,  which,  (ayes  our  Author,  plainly  fignifies, 
that  all  the  Church  belonging,  not  only  to  the  Town,  but 
but  alfb  to  the  T^egion  of  Hippo,  belonged  to  him. 

But  if  he  pleafe  to  view  the  words  again  which  him- 
felf  hath  quoted,  he  will  find  it  plainly  fignifyed,  that 
Auflin's  Church  belonged  to  the  Region  0/Hippo,  but  not 
that  all  the  Church  both  in  Town  and  Region,  belonged  to 
hint.  ^Antonitts  Biftiop  of  Fuffala  might  have  (aid  this 
as  truly  of  his  Church  there,as  Aufiin  did  it  of  his  Church 
at  Hippo  3  it  did  ad  Hipponenfem  T^egionem  pcrtinere,bc- 
long  to  the  Region  of  Hippo.  And  it  may  be  as  juftly  in- 
ferred from  hence,that  all  the  Church  both  irt  the  Town 
and  Region  of  Hippo  belonged  to  the  Biftiop  of  Fuffala. 
If  our  Author  will  allow  of  this  ("as  he  muft  if  he  will 


r  33  j) 

ftand  to  hisown  account  of  this  paffage^z/tf/Z/Vs  Bifhop- 
rick  will  bejlrangely  diminif/jed  indeed,  it  muft  be  con- 
fined to  a  part  of  Hippo,  and  made  Iefi  than  I  reprefent 
it.  For  I  did  not  fay,  nor  had  I  any  need  to  afleit, 
that  he  was  Bilhop  of  the  Town  only.  We  may  allow 
him  befides  his  part  of  the  Town,  diverfe  Villages  in 
the  Countrey  (though  I  have  not  feen  it  proved)  with- 
out any  danger  of  affigning  him  a  Diocefan  Church. 
For  Kidderminfier  ("as  one  tells  us,  who  very  well 
knows  it  J  hath  20  Villages  belonging  to  it,  and  fome 
thoufands  of  Souls  therein,  yet  according  to  our  mo- 
dern meafures  will  fcarce  make  a  Diocefan  Church  u.      a  M.  B.  of  £- 

To  (hew  that  there  were  more  Bifiops  in  the  Region  rf%[e*£h  Part 
Hippo,  than  St.  ^fujlin,  befides  particular  inftances 
("which  he  paffes  by)  I  alledged  a  paffage  of  his  where 
the  Donatitls  were  defircd  to  meet  together  with  the  Ca- 
tholic!^ Bifhops,  that  were  in  that  T^egion,  and  who  there 
fitfferedfo  much  hy  the  'Donatiiis  :  to  this  he  anfwers, 
"  That  thefe  Bifhops  who  are  (aid  to  be  in  Regione  Hip- 
"  ponenft,  were  not  the  Bifhops  of  that  T^egion^  but 
"  fome  Bifhops  of  the  ^Province  met  together  there. 

But  that  thefe  were  Bifhops  of  the  province  met  to- 
gether there,  is  a  meerconje&ure  of  his  own,  without 
the  leaft  ground  either  in  this  paffage  or  any  other  in 
that  Epijile.  It  will  not  be  hard  to  anfwer  any  thing  at 
this  rate.  If  there  had  been  a  Provincial  Council  then 
held  in  that  T^egion,  there  might  have  been  fome  pre- 
tence for  what  he  fayes }  but  there  is  not  any  hint  of 
this  in  the  whole  Epijile.  That  which  is  defired  is  a 
^Meeting  for  conference,  Hoc  eft  ergo  defiderium  nojlrumy 
&c.  Vrimum  ft  fieri  poteji  ut  cum  Epifcopis  nojlris  pacificc 

confer  at  is ,  ideo  nos  conferre  volumus- ,  and  the 

prime  occafion  of  it  was  the  outrages  committed  in 
that  Region  by  the  Donatifts,  wherein  the  Bifhops  of 
that  place  were  particularly  concerned.     This  is  figni- 

F  fyed, 

fyed,  as  in  other  parts  of  the  Epiftle,  Co  particularly  in 
the  paffage  cited,  £pifcopos  nojiros  qnijunt  in  Regione  Hip* 
poncnji,  ubi  tanta  mala  patimur.  This  Meeting  was  to 
be  with  the  Catholic^  Bifhops  upon  the  place,  b  Regione 
Hipponenfi,  not  any  to  be  call'd  from  other  parts.  And 
thefe  words  feera  brought  in  to  prevent  an  objection 
which  the  Donatifis  might  make  againft  a  more  genera], 
or  more  publick  meeting,as  that  which  might  bring  them 
in  danger  of  the  Laws  in  force  againft  them^An  forte  i(l<e 
leges  Imperatoris  vos  non  permittnnt  nojlros  Spijcopos convc- 
vire,and  then  immediately  follows  thefe  words  in  anfwer 
to  h,Eccc  interimipifcopos  nofiros  qui  funt  in  Regione  Hip- 
ponenft,  &c.  Co  that  this  to  me  feems  the  plain  fence  of 
both  Objection  and  anfwer  5  If  becaufe  of  the  Laws 
you  dare  not  meet  us  in  a  more  General  or  Provincial 
Council,  yet  give  a  Meeting  to  the  Bifhops  of  this  par- 
ticular Region,  where  there  can  be  no  apprehenfion  of 
danger.  All  which  makes  me  judge,  what  he  fayes 
concerning  the  Bifiops  of  the  Province  as  here  intended, 
to  be  no  better  than  an  Evafion. 

To  prove  that  there  was  but  one  Bifhop  in  the  Re- 
gion of  Hippo,  he  tells  us,  cc  That  the  Clergy  there  cal- 
"  led  in  the  Infcription  of  an  Epiftle ,  Clerici  Regionk 
"  Hipponenjium,  fpeaking  of  the  Bifhop  of  Hippo,  do  call 
"  him  their  Bifhop,  and  not  one  of  their  Bifhops,  &c. 

But  the  Clergy  fo  called,  way  be  only  the  Clergy  of 
Hippo,  and  Co  they  are  in  the  Title  of  the  Epiftle  Clerici 
HipponeCatholici :  and  well  may  they  of Hippo  be  called 
the  Clergy  of  the  Region,  both  becaufe  they  were  in  that 
Region,and  were  theClergy  ofit^T  «&xk"\But  if  theex- 
preffion  fhould  be  extended  to  more  or  to  all  in  j:he  Regi- 
on,their  calling  him  Epifcopns  noJ}cr,w\\l  be  no  proof  that 
they  had  no  other  Bifhop,  but  him  at  Hippo.    For  that 


C  95  ) 

phrafc  Epifiopus  noffer  ovEpifcopi  nofiri^W  along  in  this 
Epiftle,  doth  not  denote  the  Bifhop  of  that  particular 
Church  to  which  they  belonged  fas  he  would  have  it  J 
but  a  Bifhop  of  their  party  or  pcrfoafoiu  So  they  call 
Valcntimis  noftrum  Catholicum  tzpifcopum,  who  yet  was 
not  Bifhop  of  Hippo.  So  they  call  them  £piJcopos  ?ieftros, 
whom  they  dcfircd  the  Donatifts  to  meet  once  and  a-  - 
gain  ip,  and  thrice  in  another  page,  where  our 'Author  w/><#.  37?. 
finds  £pifcopos  twtfros  x.  He  may  have  many  more  in-  x  pag.  571, 
fiances  hereof  in  that  Epiftle.  If  there  was  (b  many 
Bifhops  in  Hippo  or  in  that  Region,  as  the  Clergy  call 
Spjjcopos  nojlros,  he  muft  grant  many  more  Bifhops  in 
that  Region  than  1  need  defire.  So  that  this  l?hrafe 
however  it  be  underftood,  is  a  medium  unhappily  cho- 
(en  :  if  it  be  taken  in  my  fenfe  it  is  impertinent  and  can 
conclude  nothing  for  him  5  if  it  be  taken  in  his  ownfenfi^ 
it  will  conclude  direftly  againft  him. 

He  paffes  to  Alexandria,  and  to  pag.  32.  Theinjlance 
of  Mareotis  hefayes  little  to,  fo  our  Author,  I  might 
think  it  enough,  where  there  was  fo  little  occafion. 

"He  infinuates  asifc^/rfra?/7.r  might  not  have  number 
"  enough  of  Chriftians  tp  have  a  Bithop,  but  this  Atha- 
"  nafius  does  fufficienriy  {hew  to  be  a  groundlefs  con- 

I  had  no  intention  or  occafion  to  fignifie  that  Mareo- 
tis had  not  Chriftians  enough  to  have  a  Bifhop,  I  knew 
that  it  both  had  many  Chriftians,  and  a  Bifhop  alfb, 
and  named  him  too  5  and  therefore  the  groundleftconjt- 
Sure  may  be  fixed  fomewhere  elfe. 

cc  And  even  before  Athanafius,  the  generality  of  the 
"  People  there  were  Chriftians. 

How  long  before  ?  Dionyfius  in  the  latter  part  of  the 
third  Age  declares  it  2?w^w«VU?£r5  quite  destitute  of 
Christians y,  and  the  gaining  the  generality  there,  to  yzuftbttfj,c.i\\ 
the  Faith,   required  fbme  confiderable  time,   and  it  is 

F  2  like 


like  proceeded  not  far,  till  Chriftianity  generally  pre- 

Befides  Ifchyras,  1  had  mentioned  Dracontius^  both 
Bifhops  in  the  Territory  of  Alexandria  fas  Agathawmon 
z4pol,2.p.6i2.  alio  was&)  of  Dracontius  he  takes  notice,  and  (ayes, 
pojfibly  he  was  a  Chorcpijccpus. 

But  a  Chorepifcopus  is  elfewhere  with  him  a  D/<?a> 
^  *,  and  here  he  (ayes  that  he  did  accept  a  TSiJJwprick. 
Now  the(e  put  together  will  go  near  to  make  a  Dioce- 
fan  Bilhop.  But  then  if  there  were  two  or  three  Bifhops 
in  the  Diocefs  of  Alexandria,  befides  Athanafms^  they 
will  (carce  be  fo  much  as  half  Diocefons. 

He  (ayes  Athanafius  prejj'd'kimto  accept  it.  If  (b  this 
great  Perfon  was  no  more  unwilling  to  have  another 
Bifhop  in  his  Dioccfi  and  in  a  Countrcy  place  too,  than 
AitUin  was  to  have  one  at  Fujfala,  He  fayes  further  this 
was  an  extraordinary  cafe,  though  what  was  extraordi- 
nary in  it  I  cannot  imagine  j  to  prove  any  thing  there 
mentioned  to  be  fo,  will  be  an  hard  task. 

"And  allowing  this  man  a  Countrey  Bifhoprick, 
"  that  of  Alexandria  would  be  a  great  deal  too  bigg  for 
"  the  Congregational  meafunci 

And  fo  it  might  be,  and  yet  be  no  Diocefin  Church  5 
if  that  will  (atisfie  him  which  is  too  big  for  thofe  meafures^ 
he  (eems  content  to  drop  his  caufe,  and  may  leave  it  in 
the  hands  of  ^Presbyterians.  And  he  is  in  the  more 
danger,  becaufe  he  (eems  not  apprehenfive  of  it,  but 
counts  it  enough  if  he  thinks  a  Church  is  any  where 
found  larger  than  one  Congregation. 

I  had  given  inftances  of  feveral  Towns  that  had  Bi- 
fhops, and  were  but  two  or  three  or  four  &c.  miles 
diftant  one  from  another  this  he  denies  not :  but  asks 
what  does  this  conclude?  might  not  thofe  Diocejfcs  be  yet 
much  larger  than  one  Congregation  $ 


I  might  conclude  that  thefe  were  juft  fuch  Diocefies 
as  our  Countrey  Parifhes  are  5  and  had  fuch  Congrega- 
tions as  thofe  Parifh  Churches  have.  And  fome  of  them 
in  time  might  have  provifion  fas  fome  of  ours  have  J 
for  more  Congregations  than  one.  And  if  our  modem 
DioccJJes  were  of  this  proportion,  they  would  be  much 
more  conformable  to  the  antient  Modells. 

"  Suppofe  the  chief  Congregations  of  Holland  had 
"  each  a  Bifhop,  yet  I  conceive  they  would  be  Dioce- 
"  fans,though  thofe  Cities  lie  veryclofe  together. 

He  might  have  laid  the fcene  at  home,  where  we  are 
better  acquainted,  and  fuppofed  this  of  our  Countrey 
Towns  5  or  of  both  the  cf.iefi  and  lejjer  Towns  in  Hol- 
land 5  if  he  had  defigned  what  would  be  moft  paraUel. 
But  to  take  it  as  it  is  formed,  though  thofe  Cities  lay 
not  further  diftant,  and  had  each  of  them  a  Bifhop,  yet 
if  their  Churches  were  governed  in  common  by  Bifhop 
and  Presbyters,  as  the  antient  Churches  were  5  they 
would  not  be  Diocefan,  but  more  like  the  Model  of  the 
Churches  and  Government  which  Holland  hath  at  pre- 

cc  And  now  after  all  this,  though  we  have  feveral  in- 
"  fiances  out  o(Egjrpt,  how  near  Cities  were  together 
"in  fome  parts,  yet  upon  the  whole  account  the  Dk> 
"  ceffti  do  appear  to  be  large  enough,  from  the  num- 

He  would  have  us  think  where  Cities  arey&  near  toge- 
ther (as  I  had  (hewed)  yet  becaufe  of  their  number  the 
Dioceflcs  might  be  large  enough.  But  where  they 
were  fonear  together,  they  could  not  be  large  enough 
to  make  any  thing  like  the  modern  Dioceffes,  no,  no? 
larger  than  our  Countrey  Parishes  if  they  had  Bifhops 
in  them.  And  the  Ancients  thought  themfelves  obliged 
by  the  Apojlles  rule  to  have  a  Bifhop,  not  only  in  fome 
but  in  every  City,    ftmJimvZfti'inHJSv  %  fayes  Chrjifi-* 


C  38  ) 

b  in  i  rim.  tfome^  $  ><$  *y&*v  *»'*"  '®^»>»«v«W  £,  and  Thecphilutt  ex- 
How,  ii.  preffes  ^w^r  by  ^'  t^^,  without  exception 
of  the  fmallnefs  of  the  place  or  its  nearnefs  to  others. 
The  reafon  diverfe  Cities  had  none,  was  the  want,  or 
the  inconfiderable  number  of  Chriftians  in  them.  No- 
thing but  this  hindered  any  City  from  having  a  Bifnop 
in  the  four  firft  Ages  5  though  the  greateft  part  of  their 
Cities  (  as  may  be  made  manifeft  )  were  no  greater 
than  our  Market-Towns  or  fairer  Villages.  And  upon 
this  account  many  Cities  might  want  Biftiops,  and  it 
may  be  did  fo,  in  Egypt  particularly  5  Heathenifae  pre- 
vailing in  many  places  there,  even  in  Jhhamfyus  his 
time  5  for  which  I  could  produce  fufficient  evidence  5 
but  will  not  now  digrefs  (b  far.  Afterwards  the  affe&a,- 
tion  ofgreatnefs  in  fome,  was  the  occafion  of  new  mea- 
sures 5  and  orders  were  made  that  Towns  which  had 
no  Bifhops  before  (hould  have  none  after  :  though  the 
reafon  why  they  had  none  before  was  gone  5  and 
thole  places  had  as  many  or  more  Chriftians  in  them, 
than  mod  Epifcopal  Cities  had  of  old. 

"  For  in  Athanafms  his  time  there  were  not  an  hun- 
cAthan.Apol.2.  "  dred  Bifhops  in  all  Egypt,  Lybia  and  Teniapolk  c. 

I  was  a  little  furprized  to  read  this,  and  fee  dthana- 
fius  cited  for  it.  For  I  knew  that  lAthanafim  reckons 
95  Bifhops  from  Egypt  befides  himfelf,  at  the  Council  of 
Sardica^  and  others  from  Africa,  wherein  Ljlia  and 
T^entapolis  are  ufually  included  $  and  it  was  never 
known  that  a  major  part  or  a  third  of  the  Bifhops  in  a 
Countrey,  did  come  to  a  Council  at  fuch  a  diftance  as 
Egypt -uwas  from  Sardka.  It  is  fcarce  credible  that  A- 
th0^Ljms  would  fo  far  contradict  himfelf,  as  to  fay  there 
were  not  fb  many  Bifhops  in  all  thofe  three  Countreys, 
when  he  had  fignifyed  there  were  many  more  in  one  of 
them.  Some  miftake  I  thought  there  muft  be,  and  con- 
futing the  place  I  found  it  not  intirely  reprefented. 


There  is  this  Claufe  (immediately  following  the  words 
he  cites )  left  out,  «<^«*  r*™*  »(**<  w77*70,  vonc  of  tkefe  ac- 
cufed  mc0  whereby  it  appears  that  the  meaning  of  the 
whole  paffage  is  this,  thervwas  an  hundred  BiJJjopsin  the 
Diocefs  of 'Egypt  who  appeared  not  againfi  himy  or  that 
favoured  him.  But  thofe  who  favoured  ytrim  (whom 
he  calls  Hufebians)  and  ^Melethis^  to  fay  nothing  of  Co- 
luthus  (for  into  fo  many  parties  was  that  Countrey  then 
divided)  are  not  taken  into  the  reckoning  3  otherwife 
it  would  have  amounted  to  many  more  than  an  hundred. 
Sozomen  (ayes  the  Bifhops  there,  who  took  Arius  his 
part  were  many,  ^aao/  w  Zhtn-nw  d,  and  in  Atkanafius  dLib.i.  f.14. 
there  is  an  account  of  many  ^MeletUn  Bifhops  by 
name  e  5  and  in  Spiphanius  it  is  laid,  that  in  every  Re-  e^;»/. 2.^.5 14. 
gion  through  which  <5Mcletius  paffed,  and  ///  every  place 
where  he  came  he  made  Biflwps  f  (Ep,  far.  6d. 

The  next  thing  he  takes  notice  of  is  the  defence  of 
Mr.  Baxter's  Allegation  out  of  At ban 'aft W,  to  (hew,  that 
all  the  Chrijlians  0/ Alexandria  (M.  TJ's  words  are,  the 
main  body  of  the  Chriftians  in  Alexandria  )  could  meet 
in  one  Church, 

cc  It  is  to  be  confefTed  that  the  expreffions  of  that 
cc  Father  feem  to  favour  him,  yjx* '**f\at  \C^m  and  that 
"  the  Church  did  ™U  A?^/  hold  all,  &c. 

I  am  made  more  confident  by  all  that  is  faid  to  the 
contrary,  that  the  evidence  is  really  fuch,  as  will  need 
no  favonr,  if  it  can  meet  with  Juftice. 

"  Now  fuppofe  that  all  the  Chriftians  in  Alexandria^ 
"  the  Catholicks  at  leaftwife,  could  meet  together  in 
"  that  great  Church,  yet  all  the  Diocefs  could  not. 

All  that  was  undertaken  to  be  proved  by  the  paffage 
in  queftion,  was,  that  the  mam  body  of  Christians  in 
Alexandria  adhereing  toAthanajius  could,  and  did  meet 
in  that  one  Church.  If  this  be  granted  nothing  is  de- 
nied that  he  intended  to  prove.     As  for  a  Diccefm  the 


k  40  J 

Countrey,  if  he  will  (hew  us  what,  or  where  it  was, 
and  that  it  had  no  other  Bijhcpin  7/,  he  will  do  fomething 
that  may  be  confidered  }  yet  nothing  at  all  againft 
what  this  Teftimony  was  maJe  ufe  of  to  evince. 

He  (ayes  2dly,  "  Suppofe  this  great  great  Church 
"could  receive  all  the  multitude,  yet  if  that  multitude 
"  was  too  great  for  Perfonal  Communion  it  is  infignifi- 

Upon  this  feppofition  it  might  be  too  great  for  an  or- 
dinary meeting  in  the  Congregational  way,  yet  not  big 
enough  for  a  Diocefan  Church.  But  the  fuppcfition  is 
groundlefs  and  contradifts  Athanafius  who  (ayes  they 
had  Perfonal  Communion,  they  all  prayed  together,  and 
did  not  only  meet  within  the  Walls,  but  concurred  in 
the  worjhip,  and/aid.  Amen. 

He  (ayes  3dly,  "  Before  the  Church  of  Alexandria 
"met  in  diftinft  Congregations,  but  we  are  told  that 
"  thofe  places  were  very  finally  port  and  fir  ait  places. 

All  thefe  five  one,  I  faid,  which  he  ought  not  to 
have  omitted.  And  they  were  Cofmal/,  becaufe  thofe 
who  were  wont  to  meet  in  them  feverally,  fo  as  to  fill 
them,  could  all  meet  in  one  Church,  and  did  fo  as 
Athanafius  declares. 

"  But  that  they  were  (uch  Chappels  or  Churches,  as 
"fome  of  our  Parifhes  in  England  have  as  great  a  num- 
w  ber  as  Alexandria,  is  hardly  credible. 

I  know  not  how  thofe  places  could  be  well  expreffed 
with  more  diminution  than  Athanafius  hath  done  it,  he 
(ayes  they  were  not  only  Jlrait  and  [mall,  but  the  very 
fmalleSl.  If  he  will  make  it  appear  that  our  Churches 
or  Chappels  are  Ie(s  than  thofe  that  were  C&xfr*™,  I 
(hall  underftand  that  which  I  could  never  before,  that 
fomething  is  lej?  than  that  which  is  kali  of  all.  But  he 
will  prove  they  were  not  (b  fmall,  becaufe  firft  the 
Church  0/ Alexandria  was  very  numerous  from  the  begin- 

tilng.    Why  it  fhould  be  counted  fo  very  numerous  from 
the  beginning,  I  know  no  reafon,  but  the  miftake  of  an 
Hiflorian  who  will  have  a  Se&  of  the  Jem  (which  was 
numerous  in  or  about  Alexandria)  to  be  Chriftians. 

"  And  if  they  met  all  in  one  place  it  muft  confequent- 
"ly  be  very  large. 

The  ground  of  the  confequence  is  removed,  Vaky>is 
his  own  Author  (ayes  they  had  but  one  Church  to  meet  in, 
in  Dionyfius  hk  time,  almoft  3  Ages  from  the  begin- 
ning^. If  that  one  was  large,  yet  it  is  not  like  that  it  gpsg.  64. 
flood  till  jithanafrus  his  time  \  after  fo  many  Edicts  for 
demoliftiing  of  all  Chriftian  Churches,  and  a  fevere 
Execution  of  them  in  Diocletian s  Perfecution. 

"  Nor  is  it  likely  they  (hould  divide  till  they  were 
"  grown  too  numerous  for  the  biggeft  Meeting-place 
"  they  could  conveniently  have. 

It  is  as  likely  as  that  ^Athanafws  {peaks  truth,  in  a 
matter  which  he  perfectly  knew  3  he  tells  us  they  did 
divide,  and  yet  were  not  too  numerous  for  one  great 
Church,  in  which  they  met  conveniently  too  5  yea,  bet- 
ter than  when  difperfed  in  thofe  little  places,  as  he 
fayes  and  proves,  w*°  Ci\mv  nv,  &c. 

2dly,  He  (ayes,  cc  Though  before  the  Umpire  was  con- 
"  verted  they  might  be  confined  to  litde  places,  and 
"  forced  to  meet  Severally  5  yet  zfevConfiantine  became 
"  Chriftian,  it  is  not  likely  that  the  Alexandrians  would 
"  content  themfel  ves  with  fmall  andjirait  Chappels. 

Nor  did  they  content  themfelves  with  thofe  little 
ones,  for  befides  this  built  in  Athanajius  his  time,  there 
was  one  greater  than  thofe  finall  ones  finifhed  in  Alex- 
anders time,  where  the  body  of  Catholicks  aflembled 
with  Alexander,  the  other  places  being  too  ftrait, 
m&roPTw  tLMavTWTi'matl)  this  is  that  one  I  excepted,  when 
I  (aid  (after  Athanajius)  that  the  reft,  alljave  one,  were 
exceeding  frnaU.    But  is  it  any  proof  that  thefe  were  not 

G  very 


very  imall  which  Athanajius  represents  as  fiich,  becaufe 
there  was  one  (exprefly  excepted  from  that  number  J 
(bmething  larger  ?  As  for  what  he  adds,  that  then  every 
ordinary  City,  built  very  great  and  magnificent  Cathedrals, 
it  is  eafily  faid,  but  will  never  be  proved. 

"  3dly,  Some  of  thefe  Churches  had  been  built  with 
a  a  defign  of  receiving  as  many  as  well  could  have  per- 
"  fonal  Communion  in  Worfhip  together. 

Neither  will  this  hold,  unlefs  fome  of  thofe  Churches 
could  have  received  all,  which  had  l?erfonal  Communi- 
on with  tAthanafim  in  this  greateft  Church  5  which  he 
denies,  and  makes  ufe  of  to  Coxjlantius  as  a  plea  why  he 
madeufe  of  the  great ejl. 

"  As  Theonas  is  laid  by  Athanafius  to  have  built  a 
"  Church  bigger  than  any  of  thofe  they  had  before. 

Where  Theonas  is  (aid  by  sAthanafius  to  have  built  a 
Church,  &c.  I  find  not,  nor  does  he  direft  us  where  it 
may  be  found,  I  fuppofe  for  very  good  Reafon.  In- 
deed Athanafius  in  this  Apology  (peaks  of  a  Church  called 
Theonas  fit's  like  in  memory  of  a  former  Bifhop  of  that 
place)  where  he  (ayes  the  multitude  of  Catholicks  met 
with  ^Alexander,  *wmyww£tf **£*>$&&  5  in  like  Circum- 
ftances,  as  a  greater  multitude  affembled  with  himfelf  in 
the  new  Church,  which  was  greater,  and  pleads  Alex- 
anders example  in  defence  of  what  he  did.  But  Theonas 
could  not  build  this  Church,  for  he  was  dead  many 
vears  before,  being  Predeceffour  to  'Peter  whom  Achil- 

tuttdom  *'  *as  and  Akxander  fucceeded  h. 

L  ic,  2.  "  And  yet  this  and  all  the  reft  were  but  few  and  ftrait 

a  in  comparifon  of  the  great  multitude  of  Catholicks 
"  that  were  in  Alexandria. 

I  expe&ed  another  Conclusion,  but  if  this  be  all,  he 
might  have  fpared  the  premiffes  }  for  one  part  of  it  we 
affert,.  the  other  we  need  not  deny,  only  adding  with 
Athanafiu*,  that  the  greateji  Church  was  capable  M*&» 
&*P*i  °f  receiving  this  great  multitude*  But 

f  43) 

But  here  he  fticks,and  will  wriggle  a  little  more,"  But 
"  I  conceive,  (ayes  he,  after  all  this,  that  the  expreffi- 
"  ons  of  Athanafius  do  not  conclude  that  all  the  Chrifti- 
u  ans  in  Alexandria  were  met  in  this  great  Church. 

That  rf//and  every  one  did  come,  was  never  imagined. 
It  is  but  the  main  body  of  the  Catholicks  that  M.jB.  in- 
tends, as  our  Author  obferves  a  little  before. 

"  For  the  tumultuous  manner  in  which  they  came  to 
cc  their  Bifhop  to  demand  a  general  Affembly,  makes  it 
"  probable  that  not  only  Women  and  Children,  would 
"  be  glad  to  abfent  thcmfelves,  but  many  more^  either 
"  apprehenfive  of  the  effefl:  of  this  tumultuous  proceedings 
"  or  of  the  danger  of  fuch  a  crowd. 

The  Women  he  will  not  admit ,  but  was  it  ever 
known  that  fuch  a  great  and  folemn  Affembly  for  Wor- 
fhip  confiited  only  of  Men  ?  Were  not  the.  Women  in 
Communion  with  Athanajiuss  Chriftians,  that  they  muft 
be  left  out,  when  he  (ayes  all  the  Catholicks  met.*?  Can 
all  be  truly  (aid  to  affemble  when  the  farr  greater  part 
QVomen^  Children  and  his  many  more)  were  abfent  £ 
Are  not  the  Women  in  the  'Primitive  Church  often 
noted  for  fuch  Zeal  for  the  Worftlip  of  Chrift,  as  made 
them  contemn  far  greater  dangers,  than  here  they  had 
any  caufe  to  be  apprehenfive  of  .<?  The  fuppofed  danger 
was  either  from  the  Crowd  or  the  Tumult.  For  the  for- 
mer, did  the  Women  and  many  more  never  come  to  Chri- 
ftian  Affemblies,  when  there  was  any  danger  of  being 
crowded  .<?  I  think  there  was  as  great  danger  from  a 
crowd  in  TSafilifcus  his  Reign,  when  the  whole  City  of 
C.  *P.  is  (aid  to  have  met  together  in  a  Church  with  the  £m- 
perour,  but  yet  the  Women  flayed  not  behind  but  crowd* 
ed  in  with  the  men^    as  Theodoras  Le&or  reports  it,   ™tm 

civadpctdiim  i    Befides  Athanajius  here  (ignifies  the '  dan-  i  collttt*  lib.  v 
ger  of  a  crowd  was  in  the  lefler  Churches,  (not  in  this  J 

G  2  where 


where  they  could  not  meet  but  *$  *aM*  9wv%^  and  fo 
prefers  their  affembling  together  in  the  great  Church  as 
c  As  for  the  Tumults  (which  might  have  been  conceal- 

ed in  a  Vindication  of  the  primitive  Church)  if  there  was 
any  thing  tumultuous,  it  was  over  when  Athanafius  had 
complyed  with  their  defires  to  meet  in  the  great  Church. 
And  (6  no  apprehenfion  of  danger  left  to  women,  or  any 
elfe,  upon  this  account. 

"  And  even  thofe  that  did  affemble  there  were  too 
"  many  for  one  Congregation,  and  was  an  aflembly 
"  more  for  Solemnity  and  Oftentation  than  for  Perfonal 
"  Communion  in  Worfhip,  and  the  proper  ends  of  a 
"  religious  Aflembly. 

Here  he  runs  as  crofs,  to  the  great  Athanafius  and  the 
account  which  he  gives  of  this  Aflembly  as  if  he  had 
ftudied  it,  debafing  that  as  more  for  Oftentation  than  for 
^Perfonal  Communion  in  Worihip,  and  the  proper  ends 
of  a  Religious  Kffembly,  which  Athanafius  highly  com- 
mends both  for  the  more  defirable  communion  which  the 
Chriftians  had  there  mWorfiip,  and  for  the  greater  ef- 
ficacy of  it  as  to  the  proper  ends  of  a  T^eligions  Sjjembly. 
k  ^*/.2.M3i.  Let  any  one  view  the  paflages  £and  judge.  He  ftts 
*52,  forth  the  harmony,    and  concurrence  of  the  multitude  in 

worfnpwith  one  voice.  He  preferrs  it  before  their  afjem- 
blies,  when  dijperjed  in  little  places,  and  not  only  be- 
caufe  the  unanimity  of  the  multitude  was  herein  more  ap- 
parent,  but  becaufe  God  would  fooner  hear  them,  *™  *} 
i*.y$m  ©  0205  tmKxei.  For  if,  iayes  he,  according  to  our 
Saviour  s  promife,  where  two  full  agree  concerning  any  thing 
it  pall  he  done  for  them  by  my  Father,  &c.  how  prevalent 
will  be  the  one  voice  of  Jo  ?7umerous  a  people,  ajj Ambled  to- 
gether and  faying  kmen  to  God?  and  more  to  that  pur- 
pofe,  by  which  we  may  perceive,  htkanafus  being 
Judge,  how  true  is  it  that  this  Aflembly  was  more  for 


r  45 ) 

Solemnity  and  OJlentation ,  than  for  Terjonal  Commu- 
nion in  Worflrip  and  the  proper  ends  of  a  Religious  Ajfem- 
bly.  And  thus  much  to  let  us  fee  through  the  Arts  ufed 
to  cloud  a  clear  paffage  alledged  out  of Athanafius  5  if 
M.  B.  hid  betaken  himfelf  to  fuch  little  devijes,  in  like 
Circumftanccs }  our  Author  would  have  taken  the  Li- 
berty to  tell  him,  th  it  he  was  driven  to  hard  Shifts. 

Before  we  leave  Alexandria  I  am  to  take  notice  of 
what  is  faid  by  our  Author^  to  part  of  a  Letter  writ  by 
a  Friend  to  M.  15.  concerning  this  City  and  the  num- 
ber of  Chriftians  therein  in  Conftantiits  his  time.  The 
Writer  of  it  obferves  a  grofi  abufe  put  upon  him  in  the 
Vindicators  Anfwer  to  it,  and  defires  his  defence  may 
be  here  inferted.  It  contains  an  argument  to  confirm 
what  was  concluded  from  that  paflfage  in  Athanafws 
here  infilled  on,  that  the  Cathoiicks  then  could  meet  in 
one  place.  After  that  paffage  and  to  this  purpofe  M/B. 
introduced  it,  as  is  very  apparent  /.  This  our  Author  1  church  Hiff. 
leems  to  obfcrve  when  he  begins  with  it  5  he  adds^  (ayes  *ag%  9%  IO' 
he,  to  this  oj  Athanafius  fthe  very  paflage  mentioned  J 
another  argument  given  him  by  a  learned  Friend  m.  And  m  Pag.  58, 
after  he  hath  done  with  it ;/,  becaufe  *JH.  B.  has  endea-  n  Pag.  6$. 
vowed  to  reprefent  the  Church  of  Alexandria^  inconfidera- 
ble  even  in  Conftantius  his  dayes,  &c.  And  yet,  how  it 
comes  to  pais  I  know  not,  it  is  quite  out  of  his  thoughts 
while  he  is  examining  it.  He  was  fo  hafly  for  confuting, 
that  he  ftaiesnot  to  take  notice  what  hj  was  to  confute, 
though  the  intent  of  it  be  mjft  plain  and  obvious,  both 
by  the  occafion  and  words  of  the  Letter :  But  Forces  that 
fenfeonit,  and  makes  that  the  defign  of  it}  which  I 
was  far  from  thinking,  would  ever  come  into  any  mans 
Fancy,  when  he  was  awake.  The  words  of  the  Letter 
are  thefe  5  The  City  0/ Alexandria,  fayes  Strabo,  is  like  a 
Soldiers  Cloak^  &c.  and  by  computation  about  ten  miles 
in  compafi   a  %d.  or  ^th.  part  of  this  no  as  taken  up  with 


fublick  buildings,   Temples  and  Ifoyal  'Palaces  $    thus  is 
two  miles  and  an  half  or  three  and  a  quarter  taken  up.     He 
anfwers,"  I  will  not  fay  this  learned  friend  hath  impofed 
"  on  M.jB.  but  there  is  a  very  great  miftake  betwixt  them. 
But  the  miftake  is  his  own,  and  fuch  a  one,  as  I  won- 
der how  he  could  fall  into  it.     He  takes  it  for  granted, 
that  the  Argument  is  brought  to  prove  what  Chriftians 
Alexandria  had  in  Strabos  time.     Here  is  not  the  leaft 
occafion  given  for  this,  unlefs  the  citing  of  Strabo  (hew- 
ing the  dimenfions  of  that  City  .•  but  ^Primate  Vfocr  is 
quoted  too,  on  the  lame  account  $  and  fo  as  much  rea- 
fon  to  fancy  the  defign  was  to  fhew  what  Chriftians  A- 
lexandria  had  in  the  'Primates  time.     Jerome,  Epipha- 
nius,  Theodoret,  Socrates,  Sozomen  are  alfo  cited  there } 
why  could  not  thefe  as  well  lead  him  to  the  right  Age, 
which  their  words  plainly  point  at,  without  the  leaft 
glance  at  any  Age  before,  as  Strabo  alone  (cited  with- 
out any  relpedi:  to  the  time  when  he  writ )   fo  far  miP 
lead  him  ?  Nay,  the  4th.  age  is  exprefly  mentioned  in 
the  Letter  $   and  the  numeroufhefs  of  the  VH^ovatians 
and  Brians  in  ^Alexandria   at   the   time   intended  , 
is  infilled  on  5  could  he  think  any  man  fo  ftupid,  that 
had  but  the  leaft  acquaintance  with  thofe  things,  as  to 
fpeak  of  Brians,  and  ^(ovatians  in  Strabos  time  ?  But 
it  may  be,  though  I  would  hope  better,  our  Examiner 
was  too  inclinable  to  fix  an  abfurd  thing  upon  the  Wri- 
ter  of  'the  Letter  3  that  he  might  be  excufed,  from  giving 
a  better  anfwer  when  it  was  not  ready. 

But  let  us  hear  what  he  (ayes  to  it  5  yet  what  can  be 
expe&ed  to  be  (aid  by  one  who  makes  his  own  dream 
the  Foundation  of  his  Difcourfe  .<?  However  let  us  try 
if  we  can  find  any  one  claufe  that  is  true  and  pertinent  in 
the  whole,  and  begin  with  the  beft  of  it. 

Though  Strabo  fayes  that  Temples  and  great  Palaces 
took  up  a  4th.  or  a  3d.  of  the  City,   yet  our  Examiner 


will  have  us  think  there  might  be  inhabitants  there  $ 
when  Hpiphanius  (ayes,   as  I  cited  him,    that  part  was 
W®*,  deftitute  of  Inhabitants,  fo  he  tells  us  'Uruchium 
was.   The  Examiner  denies  not  Bruchium  to  be  that  Re- 

fion  of  the  City  which  Strabo  fayes,  was  taken  up  with 
*ublich^  Ttuildings,  but  adds,  what  all  the  publick^build- 
ings  of  the  Town  in  one  T^egion  .<?  But  who  (aid  all  the 
Publick  Buildings  ?  This  is  his  own  fancy  ftill. 

"  And  that  an  outer  skirt  too,    as  it  is  defcribed  by 
"  the  Greek  ^Martyrology  in  HiHarion,  &c. 

If  he  mean  it  was  not  a  Part  or  Region  of  the  City 
Sirabo  and  lipiphanitts  will  have  Credit  before  a  Siory  out 
of  the  Greek  JUtrtyrology,  or  him  that  tells  it,  when  it 
appears  not  in  the  words  cited.  In  Strabo  it  is  m®"  part 
of  the  City,  in  Epiphanins  it  is  a  Ifegion,  l*i*Cs*%»  igwdv*  df  ^  M 
KhjLuiAv.     For  as  T^onte  was  divided  into  14  Regions,  and  mm  p.  i66i 
C.  T\  in  imitation  of  it,  fo  Alexandria  was  divided  into 
5,  whereof  Bruclmm  was  one,  and  the  greateft  of  all. 
So  I  underftand  Antmianus  ^Marceliinus,  who  upon  the 
lofs  of  Bruchitwt  faith,  amiQt  regionum  maximam  partem 
qu£  Tiruchhtm  apellatur  5   Alexandria  loji  the  greateft  of 
its  Regions,  which  wis  called  Bruchium. 

u  This  Qpiphanits  (ayes  was  deftitute  of  Inhabitants  in 
16  his  time,  and  not  unlikely,    and  perhaps  deftitute  of 
"  Publick  Buildings  too,    for  it  was  dejiroyed  after  an 
£  obftinate  (lege  in  the  Reign  of  htrelian  as  kmmtanus 
"  ^Marcellinus,  or  otClaudius  as  Sf/febius. 

When  he  hath  granted  all  that  I  defigned,  that  this 
part  was  deftitute  of  Inhabitants,  and  more  too,  that  it 
was  dejiroyed,  yet  he  wo  aid  have  the  City  no  lefi,  no 
t7ecejjity  of  this,  (ayes  he,  fare  we  are  not  yet  awake  j? 
can  a  City  loofe  7*?*%™?  n  x)  r{trov  rk  7ntvr©'  m£/£oA« /d§& 
in  the  Hiftorians  words,  a  \th.yea,  or  a  third  part  of  its 
largenefs,  and  yet  not  be  (b  much  the  lefs$  He  hath  no- 
thing to  (alve  this5   but  it  may  be,    and  it  might  bey 



groundlefs  farmifes,  without  either  reafon  or  authority, 
"  They  might  inlarge  upon  another  quarter,  being  it 
"may  be  forbid  to  build  Bruchium- — —  they  might 
f  dwell  cloftr  than  before,  and  fo  their  multitude  be  un- 
<c  diminifht. 

How  far  it  is  from  being  true,  that  their  multitude  was 
vndiminiffit }  and  how  necdlefs  either  to  inlarge —  or  to 
dwell  clofcr,  may  (bon  appear.  The  multitude  muft 
needs  be  much  diminifhed  in  fuch  a  War,  and  a  clofe 
(lege  of  many  years  continuance,   for  fo  it  is  reported 

in  chronic.  both  by  Eufebius  and  Jerome  5  and  it  was  much  wafted 
and  in  a  conlumptive  condition,  before  it  was  thus  be- 
fieged  and  difmantled  by  Claitums  2.  or  Aurelian. 

It  was  greatly  diminifhed  in  numbers  by  CaracaUa  who 
Maffacred  a  great  part  of  the  inhabitants.  Herodian 
(ayes,  ^^T(^-$^67o^V(^^f«^o/^W^*,  &c.  theflaughter 
was  juch  that  with  the  jir earns  of  b  loud,  which  ran  from  the 
place,  not  only  the  vajiejl  outlets  0/Nilus,  hut  the  Sea,  all 

oHift.tib.4.  along  the  Shore  of  Alexandria  was  difiolonred  0.  Towards 
the  latter  end  of  the  third  Age,  Dionyfus  gives  an  ac- 

p  m  Eufeb.  lib.  count  of  the  ftrange  diminution  of  the  Alexandrians  p, 

7.  cap.  22.  fignifying  that  informer  dates  the  elderly  men  were  more 
numerous,  than  in  his  time,  both  young  and  old,  compris- 
ing all  from  infancy,    to  extream  old  age,  *™  vnwav  dfZ&pfyn 

"  However  certain  it  is,  that  this  City  long  after  the 
ci  deftruftion  of  Bruchium,  retained  its  ancient  Great- 
"  nefi  5  and  is  reprefented  by  no  Author  as  diminifht  ei- 
"  ther  in  Number  or  Wealth. 

This  is  certain  no  otherwife  than  the  former,  i.e.  quite 
the  wrong  way.  For  not  long  after  the  deftru&ion  of 
TSruchium,  in  the  Egyptian  War  made  by  Diocletian  up- 
on Achilleus,  which  Eufebius,  Sutropius  and  othersmen- 
tion :  It  was  greatly  diminiffjt  both  in  numbers  and  wealth. 
For  Alexandria  after  a  long  fiege,   was  taken  by  force 


(  49  ) 

and  plundred,  great  Execution  done  upon  the  Citizens, 
and  the  Walls  of  the  Town  demolifhed. 

A  great  part  oft  he  City  (fayes  the  Letter^  was  aJfig*' 
ed  to  the  Jews,  fo  Strabo  indefinitely  as  Jofephus  quotes 
hint,  others  tell  us  mere  punctually,  that  their  pare  was  two 
of  the  five  divisions  ;  though  many  of  them  had  their  habi- 
tations in  the  other  divifwns,  yet  they  had  two  yh.  parts  in- 
tire  to  themjelves  ,  and  this  is  Ifiippofe  the  ***©-  M©"  which 
Jofephus  fayes  the  Succejfors  0/ Alexander,  fit  apart  for 
tkem  5  thus  we  fee  bow  6  or  7  miles  of  the  10  are  dif 
pofed  of  To  this  he  (ayes,  cc*  The  number  of  thofe 
"  Jews>  was  much  leflened  within  a  little  while  after  % 

"  Strabo  by  an  infurre&ion  of  the  Alexandrians  againft 
"  them. 

I  fuppofe  he  means  by  that  (laughter  of  them  which     - 
Jofephus  mentions?,  where  500c  o  were  deft  royed}  but  %%*[£  }*~u 
what  were  thefe  to  the  vaft  number  of  Jews  in  Egypt, 
which  Thilo  r  fayes  amounted  to  no  lefi  than  a  mil-n^t.  u 
lion?  CAim> 

"  The  civil  Wars  afterwards  under  Trajan  and  his 
"  Succeflbr  had  almoft  extirpated  them. 

It  was  in  'ValeBine  where  thefe  Tragedies  were  afted, 
and  was  (b  far  from  extinguifhing  them  in  Sgypt  or  A- 
lexandria,  that  thereby,  in  all  probability  5  their  num- 
bers were  there  increafed  5  for  being  diverted  of  about 
1 000 Towns  and  Garrifons by  Severus  (Adrians Gene- 
ral) as  Dion  reports,  and  forbidden  all  acce(s  to  Jeru- 
falem  as  drilio  Tclleus  in  Sufebius  f,  this  made  other  f£*M*  CAh6' 
places  more  defireable,  thofe  particularly  where  they 
might  have  good  entertainment  as  they  were  wont  to 
have  at  Alexandria,  and  what  Dion  Chryfoiiome  (ayes, 
confirms  it. 

But  all  this  which  he  (ayes,  if  there  were  truth  in  it, 
is  impertinent  5  for  the  Letter  is  not  concerned  what 
Jews  were  there  near  Strabo  or  Adrians  time,   but  in 

H  the 

the  fourth  Age.     Yet  this  is  all  that  he  hath  to  (ay  to  the 
reft  of  the  Letter,  befides  the  publifhing  and  repeating 
of  his  own  miftake,  and  upon  no  other  ground  making 
himfelffport  with  the  Writer  of  it. 

Thus  he  begins,  by  the  fame  rule  he  might  havedijpojed 
cfall  at  once,  and  concluded  out  ofStrabos  divifion  of  the 
Town,  that  there  was  not  one  Chriftian  in  it :  and  repeats 
it  thrice  in  the  fame  Page,    ^(j>  matter  what  number  of 

Jews  or  Heathens  it  had  in  StraboV  dayes ,  it  is  kindly 

done  to  provide  for  Chrijlians  before  they  were  in  beings 
furely  Strabo,  who  makes  the  diftribution,  never  intended  the 
Chriftian  s  one  foot  of  ground  in  all  that  division,  and  this 
learned  Friend  might  have  fpared  his  little  Town  cf8  or 
IO  Furlongs,  which  hefo  liberally  beftows  upon  the  rBifoop 
^/Alexandria,  before  our  Saviour  was  born ,    and  he 

tp^.^.94.  is  at  it  again  feveral  times  in  the  following  difcourfe  t. 
How  defirable  a  thing  is  it  to  have  M.  T?.  and  his 
Friend  render'd  ridiculous/  when  rather  than  it  (hall 
not  be  done,  our  Examiner  will  publifh  his  own  indi£ 
cretion  fo  many  times  over  to  effeft  it.  But  I  will  for- 
bear any  fharper  refleftions  upon  this  Author,  for  taking 
him  to  be  an  ingenuous  Perfon,  I  may  expeft  he  will  be 
icvereupon  himfel£  whenhedifcernshiserrour^  which 
1  doubt  not  but  he  will  fee  clearly  by  once  more  reading 
that  Letter. 

Next  he  would  difprove  M.  T3  sreprefentation  of  the 
Church  of  Alexandria  in  Conftantiuss  time,  by  giving  a 
view  of  that  Churches  greatnefs  from  the  firft  Founda- 

u  Pag.  61.  tion  of  it  n  5  which  becaufe  it  may  concern  ihtLctter  du- 
ly underload,  I  (hall  take  fome  notice  of  it  very  briefly. 
But  there  is  fomething  interpofed,  between  this  and  the 
Letter,  which  requires  fome  obfervance  5  there  we  may 
have  an  inftance  of  this  Gentleman's  jfeverity  upon  M. 
J5.  and  how  reafonable  it  is  5  "  His  remark,  (ayes  he, 
"  upon  two  Bifhops  living  quietly  in  Alexandria  is  fo 

*  difeige- 


"  difingenuous  a  fuggeftion,  that  he  hath  reafon  to  be 
"  afliam'd  of  it,' 

But  what  is  therein  this fo difingenuous andjhamefitl} 
Does  not  Epiphanius  fay  this,  'and  our  Examiner  ac- 
knowledge it  b  i  Ay,  but  M.  B.  means  that  there  were  b  pag.  io7. 
not  only  two  Bifhops,  but  their  diftinci  Churches  in  this 
City.  Well,  and  does  not  oipiphanim  give  him  futfici- 
ground  for  it  .<?  Does  he  not  tell  us  that  ^Mcletius  made 
Bi(hops,who  had  their  W«*  &Ktod*t  in  every  place  where 
he  came  ?  Does  he  not  fignifie  that  the  ^Meletians  in 
Alexandria  had  their  dijiincl  Churches  or  Meetings  both 
in  the  time  of \Akxander  and  Athanafws  ?  (ayes  he  not 
particularly  of  ^Meletius  that  being  familiar  "wixh^Alex- 
ander  he  flayed  long  in  that  City*  having )&**  nv*Z*v  <*»' 
wuMtti  a  difiinU  ^meeting  with  thofe  of  his  own  Tarty  $ 
Were  there  not  innumerable  Cities  in  that  Age  which 
had  two  Bifhops  and  their  Churches,  fbme  three  or  four 
at  once  (thofe  of  the  Arians,  the  Donatijis,  the£\W- 
tians,  the  ^Meletians,  &c.  befides  thofe  who  were  ftyl- 
ed  Catholicks)  Would  this  Gentleman  take  it  well  if  M. 
1?.  fhould  tell  him,  that  he  who  denies  this  is  difingenu- 
ous if  he  know  it,  and  hath  fbme  reafon  to  be  aftiamed 
if  he  know  it  not  $  Ay,  but  Epiphanius  was  deceived  in 
this  account  of  the  ^Meletians,  and  miPreprefents  them. 
Indeed  our  Examiner  makes  as  bold  with  epiphanius  (a 
Bilhop  of  great  Zeal  and  Holinefs,  a  Metropolitan,  a 
famous  Writer  fas  he  does  with  M.-B.  charging  him 
with  much  weakpefs  (as  one  eafily  impofed  upon,)  many 
overfights,  grofi  miftakes,  diver Je  abfurd  things,  and  fitch 
Stories,  that  he  will  fcarce  with  worfe  to  his  Adversary, 
than  to  believe  him  c.  Nor  does  epiphanius  alone  fall  cP4g.u2.113. 
under  his  cenfure  in  his  Vindication  of  the  Primitive  &c* 
Church  (as  he  calls  it)  he  goes  near  to  accufe  more  par- 
ticular Perfons  ("Bifhops  amongft  others)  of  eminency 
in  the  antient  Church,  than  he  defends  5   fo  that  one 

H  2  may 

may  fufpeft  his  defign  was,  not  (b  much  to  defend  emi- 
nent ("Bifl)ops,  as  great  Biflwpricks  fuch  as  the  antient 
Church  had  none,  and  to  run  crofi  to  M.  5.  more  than 
to  vindicate  any. 

"  In  §t.£Marl(s  time  Alexandria  had  feveral  Churches, 
dEMfibJ.2  c.i6  though  but  one  Bifhop,  &c  d. 

What  Sufebius  (ayes  of  Churches  in  Alexandria  at  that 
time,  is  grounded  upon  a  miftakc,  as  appears,  becaufe 
immediately  afcer  the  words  cited,  he  adds,  Jo  great  was 
the  multitude  ofBeleivers  at  Marks  firfi  attempt  there,  that 
Philo  /;/  his  writings  thought  fit  to  give  an  account  of  them, 
»<$y&$*  dfyuwnv  $ikZm.  tufcbius  conceived  that  the 
Effenes,  as  Scaliger,  or  the  Tkerapeut£,  as  Valerius,  whom 
Philo  defcribes,  were  the  Chriftians  of  Mark's  Converfi- 
on  5  and  there  being  Aflemblies  of  that  Seft  of  the  Jews 
in  T?hitis  time ,  the  Hiftorian  (peaks  of  Chriftian 
Churches  at  Alexandria  in  Marl(s  time  5  but  thofe  who 
believe  that  he  erred  in  the  former,  can  have  no  reafon 
to  give  him  credit  in  the  latter.  Our  Examiner  does 
not  deny  that  he  was  miftaken,  but  (ayes,  it  is  not  ma- 
terial whether  they  were  Jews  or  Chriftians  3  yet  thofe  who 
inquire  after  Truth  fincerely,  will  think  it  material  5 
and  little  value  a  Teftimony  which  hath  no  better 
ground  than  a  miftake. 
e?*£.62.  The  next  is  no  better  c,    that  is  an  Epiftle  of  A- 

drian,  which  others  are  puzzled  to  make  fenfe  ofj  or 
(uch  fenfe  as  can  have  any  appearance  of  Truth. 
That  very  paffage  in  it,  which  is  the  only  ground  of 
our  Authors  Argument,  himfelf  acknowledges  to  be 
falfe  $  for  he  would  fnew  the  Chriftians  in  Alexandria 
to  be  numerous  enough  for  his  purpofe,  becaufe  it  is 
there  (aid  that  feme  (whom  be  takes  to  be  Chriftians)  did 
force  the  Patriarch  (  whoever  he  be  )  to  worfiip  thrift, 
and  yet  adds,  there  is  no  doubt  but  Adrian  does  the  Chri- 
ftians wrong  in  this  point,  for  they  never  forced  any  to  their 


C  53) 
Religion.  Will  he  have  us  to  rely  upon"  reasoning?, 
which  have  no  better  Foundation,  than  what  is  //#- 
doubtedly  falft  by  his  own  Confeffion  ?  He  (ayes  alfo  it  is 
not  material  to  our  purpofe  whether  this  ^Patriarch  were 
Tiifiop  of  Alexandria,  or  chief  Governour  of  the  Jews. 
If  (b,  then  it  is  not  material  with  this  Gentleman,  either 
to  argue  from  that  which  is  not  true,  or  elfe  from  that 
which  is  nothing  to  his  purpofe.  For  if  this  Patriarch 
was  the  Bifhop  of  Alexandria,  that  they  forced  him  to 
worfhip  Chrift,  is  not  true,  he  did  it  of  his  own  accord  : 
and  if  it  be  not  one,  who  was  no  Chriftian,  that  they 
forced  }  then  is  not  any  thing  in  this  paflage  to  his  pur- 
pofe, and  Adrian's  Epiftle  might  have  been  waved  as  a 
meer  im pertinency. 

That  which  follows^  hath  not  the  (hew  of  a  reafon,  f  pag.  6$. 
"  the  great  Catcchifts  of  Alexandria,  as  T^antenus,  Cle- 
"  mens,    Origen  and  Heracles,    did  not  a  little  advance 
"  the  growth  of  Chriftian  Religion  in  that  place,  <&c. 

Muft  there  needs  be  a  Diccefan  Church  there  becaufe 
the  Catcchifts  did  advance  Religion  not  a  little  .<? 

The  next  concerning  Dionyfius  his  Church  meeting  at 
Chebron  (Cephro  it  (hould  bej  and  Colutlio,  is  already 
fully  anfwered,  as  it  is  offered  with  better  improvement 
than  our  Examiner  gives  \tg.  It  cannot  eafily  be  ap-  g^o Evidence 
prehended  how  a  larger  Church  meeting  with  Diony-forrai;'l*>& 
fim^  made  up  of  thofe  banifhed  with  him,  and  others 
from  feveral  parts  of  Egypt,  at  Cephro,  a  Village  in  Ly- 
bia,  a  diftmct  Province  5  fhould  prove  that  he  had  a 
Diocefan  Church  ifi  Alexandria,  to  any,  but  thofe  who 
are  very  inclinable  to  believe  it  without  proof  Nor 
will  others  underftand  that  D/^//;/j-<fe  better  proved  to 
be  a  Dioceftn  by  the  Chriftians  which  came  from  Alex- 
andria to  Coluthio  in  ^Mareotes-^  (there  being  none  there 
befides)  for  the  Believers  in  Alexandria  it  ftlf,  were  no 
more  than  one  Church  could  hold,    as  Valejins  collefts 


from  this  very  place  to  our  Examiners  regret,  Ex  hoc 
loco  coliigitur,  £tate%[qjiidem  Dionyjii,  tmicam  aclhuc  fttijjh 
Alexandria  Ecclejiam,  in  quant  cntnesTJrbk  il/ius  fidelcs, 

h  Vet.  in  Eufeb.  Orationk  causa,  conveniebant  h. 

Ub.  7.  Mj>.if.  jn  tjie  next  paragraph  our  Examiner  argues  for  the 
great  numbers  of  Chriftians  at  Alexandria ,  from  the 
multitude  of  Martyrs  at  Thebes. 

"  Under  the  Persecution  of  Diocletian  what  numbers 
cc  of  Chriftians  might  be  at  Alexandria,  may  be  judged 

1  Pag.  64.  «  by  tjje  muititucie  of  Martyrs  that  fuffered  at  Thebes  i, 

But  here  he  miftakes  £ufebins,  who  gives  an  account 
not  of  the  Martyrs  which  were  *»  ©«&«*,  in  the  City 
Thebes,  but  *?  ©«&»«<&-,  the  province  Thebak  :  which 
W3s  half  ofthat  large  Kingdom,according  to  the  antient 
divifion  of  it  into  the  upper  and  lower  Sgypt.  The  Supc- 
riour  Sgypt  was  Thebak,  the  inferiour  was  called  fome- 
times  the  Delta,  fometimes  Egypt  in  a  reftrained  fenfe, 
and  this  divifion  in  thefe  terms  we  have  \r\Eufebius(\.o  go 

k  cap.  6.  no  further)a  little  before  ^,  *?  enCa,iJk  >&T  'A/y^w,  where 
he  begins  his  account  of  the  Martyrs  in  this  Countrey. 
Now  if  the  Chriftians  in  that  Provice  of  large  extent, 
and  comprifing  very  many  Cities  may  be  concluded  to 
be  very  numerous  from  the  multitudes  of  Martyrs  which 
fuffered  there  5  yet  nothing  at  all  can  be  inferred  for  any 
numbers  to  his  purpofe  in  the  City  Thebes,  by  which  he 
would  conclude  their  numeroufnefs  in  Alexandria.  But 
if  M.  t~B.  had  miftaken  one  City  forfb  large  a  Countrey 
with  multitudes  of  Cities  in  it,  and  made  that  miftake 
the  ground  of  his  reafoning  ,  it  is  like  our  Examiner 
would  have  expoled  him  for  it  in  his  Preface,  as  he  does 
forfbme  leffer  matters. 

i  Fag.  $5.  In  the  following  Paragraph  /,  there  is  a  groundlefs 

fiippofition,  that  the  divifion  of  Alexandria  into  Varices 
was  antienter  than  Arms,   there  being  no  mention  of  it 


r  55  j 

by  any  antient  Author :  as  alfo  an  accusation  of  Peta- 

vius  as  miftaking  £piphatiius  his  words,   without  any  Stm.  of  Septra- 

caufe  that  I  can  difcern  in  thofe  words,    though  he  tio*P-2* • 

(ayes,  it  is  plain  there.     That  which  he  (ayes  is  plain, 

the  learned  Dean  of  "'Paul's  could  not  difcern,  but  un- 

derftood  Spiphanius  as  Tetavius  and  others  did  before 

him.     Thefe  I  took  to  be  preliminaries  and  expe&ed  his 

Argument,  but  found  it  not,  unlets  it  be  couched  in 

the  firft  words. 

"  The  Divifion  of  Alexandria  between  feveral  Pres- 
"  byters,  as  it  were  into  fo  many  Parifhes,  &c. 

But  this  fignifies  nothing  for  his  purpofe,  if  thofe  in 
Alexandria  thus  divided  could  all  meet  in  one  place,  as 
Athanafius  declares  they  did  5  and  that  fo  plainly  that 
any  one  will  judge  fo,  whofe  intereft  is  not  too  hard 
for  his  judgment.  Valefius  Cwho  had  no  byafs  unlefi 
what  might  lead  him  the  other  way^)  underftood  it  as  I 
do  5  and  exprefles  it  in  thefe  words.  (  deciding  the 
matter  fo  long  infifted  on,  againft  our  Author)  ^After- 
wards in  the  times  0/ Athanafius,  when  there  were  more 
Churches  halt  by  diverfe  HSifhops  of  Alexandria,  the  Citi- 
zens affembkd  in  fever  al  Churches  fiver  ally  and  in  parcels^ 
as  Athanafius/y ej-  in  his  Apology  to  Conftantius  }  but  on 
the  great  Feftivals^  Rafter  and  T^entecoji^  no  particular 
affemblics  were  held,  fed  univerfi  in  majorem  Ecclefiam 
conveniebant,  ut  ibidem  teftatur  Athanafius,  but  all  of 
them  affembled  together  in  the  great  Church  as  Athanafius 

So  that  there  can  be  no  pretence  that  the  Church 
in  Alexandria  was  Diocefan  at  this  time,  unlefs  thofe  who 
could  meet  together  in  one  place  might  make  fuch  a 
Church.  Yet  this  was  then  the  greateft  Church  in  the 
Empire  fave  that  at  T(omer)  and  what  he  adds  makes 
that  at  Rome  very  unlike  Juch  Diocefan  Churches,  as 
are  now  aflerted. 

u  Vakiius 

t  5^  J 

"  Valefius  inferrs  from  the  fame  paffage  of  Pope  Inro- 
cc  cent's  Epiftle  to  Dccentius,  which  'Vetavius  brings  to 
"  prove  the  contrary,  that  though  there  were  feveral 
"  Titles  or  Churches  in  Rome  then,  and  had  been  long 
"  before,  yet  none  of  them  was  as  yet  appropriated  to 
"  any  Presbyter,  but  they  were  ferved  in  common  as 
cc  great  Cities  in  Holland  and  fome  other  reformed 
cc  Countreys ,  that  have  feveral  Churches  and  Mini- 
"  fters,  &c. 

The  Advocates  for  thefe  Churches,  who  affign  the 
bounds  of  a  Diocefs  with  moft  Moderation,  will  have  it 
to  comprize  a  City  with  a  Territory  belonging  to  it  5  but 
there  was  no  Church  in  the  Territory  which  belonged 
•to  the  Bithop  of  Rome,  he  had  none  but  within  the 
City,  as  hinocentius  declares  in  the  cited  Epiftle,  where- 
as now  the  greateft  City  with  a  Territory  larger  than 
fome  antient  Province  is  counted  little  enough  for  a 
Diocefi.  Further  it  is  now  judged  to  be  no  Diocefs 
which  comprifes  not  very  many  Churches  with  Presby- 
ters appropriated  to  them  $  but  he  tells  us  none  of  the 
Churches  in  Rome  were  appropriated  to  any  Presbyter, 
but  they  were  ferved  in  common.  How  ?  as  greater 
Cities  in  Holland  and  fome  other  reformed  Countreys, 
and  then  they  were  ruled  in  common  as  thefe  Cities  are.. 
The  Government  of  many  Churches  is  not  there,  nor 
was  of  old,  ever  entrufted  in  one  hand  5  and  thus  the 
Biftiop  of  Ttyme  was  no  more  a  Diocefan  than  the  Pres- 
byters of  that  City. 

He  concludes  m  with  two  AfTertions  which  will 
neither  of  them  hold  good.  The  firft  that  it  is  evident 
out  of  Athanafius  how  the  Bifljop  of  that  City  had  from  the 
beginning  feveral  fixed  Congregations  under  him. 

This  is  fo  far.  from  being  evident  in  kthanafws,  that 
he  hath  not  one  word  which  fo  much  as  intimates  that 
the  Bifhop  of  Alexandria  from  the  beginning  had  any  fuch 
Congregations  under  him.  »         The 


The  other  is  that  thofe  of  ^Mareotes  tnuft  he  Juppofcd 
to  receize  the  faith  almoli  as  early  m  Alexandria. 

How  true  this  is  we  may   underftand  by  Dionyfius 
Biftiop  of  Alexandria  towards  the  latter  end  of  the  third 
Age,  who  declares  that  then  iMarectes  was  *f »f*©-  «*«Av 
qurii)  <rjv£<iiw<Lvfyc!>7mv  tr^    it  was  fo  far  from  having  any  n  Eufeb.  t.  7. 
true  Chriftians  in  it,   that  it  had  none  of  our  Authors  c-lu 
oldchrijlians,  i.  e.  virtuous,  good  men  0.     Nor  is  it  like-  °'*  6o' 
ly  that  the  faith  was  there  generally  received  till  many 
years  after  5  and  therefore  not  almoft  fo  early  as  Alex- 
andria, unlefs  the  diftance  of  above  200  years  will  con- 
fift  with  his  almofi.     For  Alexandria  received  the  Faith 
by  the  preaching  of  Mai\,  who  arrived  there,  (ayes 
Sujehius,  in  the  2d.  of  Claudius /?,   others  in  the  3d.  of  Pcbr§*'  Ehftb- 
Caligula  q.    But  in  the  time  of  Dionyfius  it  dotH  not  ap-  q  chron.  Aitx. 
£ear  that  Mareotes  had  fo  many  Chriftians,  as  Biftiop 
Ifchyras  his  Church  there  confifted  o£  though  thofe  were 
but  (even,  *  ***»  W\*  w  »w^»r  %%v  r.     But  enough  r  ^&a».  jpok 
of  Alexandria,  though  our  Author  is  far  from  bringing  a-w-^s- 
enough  to  prove  it  even  in  the  4th.  age  a  Diocejan 
Church.     He  may  be  excufed  for  doing  his  utmoft  to 
this  purpofeDconfideringtheconfequence  of  it,for  if  this 
Church  was  not  nowfo  numerous  zstobzDiocefanjt  will 
be  in  vain  to  expeft  a  difcovery  of  any  fuch  Churches  in 
the  whole  Chriftian  World  in  thofe  times  5  for  this  is  ac- 
knowledged to  be  the  greateftCity  and  Church  in  the 
Roman  Smpire  nextto  Rome.  So  that  there  cannot  be  fo 
fair  a  pretence  for  any  other  inferiour  to  this,  fiich  as 
JeritJalem,Carthage,Antioch,&c.m\ich\efs  for  ordinary  Ci- 
ties, which  were  10  times  lefs  confiderable  than  fomeof 
the  former,  as  may  be  collected  from  what  Chryfejiome 
fayes  of  one  of  them  «^^  wfosa*  vivimf  <h>vA-nvvbjj  £?*4<#3  that 
it  was  able  to  maintain  the  poor  of  ten  Cities/  fa  Mat.  hoik. 

So  far  the  Writer  of  the  Letter.     Let  me  now  return  ^' 
to  our  Authors  "Preface  5  To  (hew  that  the  Chriftians 

I  in 

(  53  ) 
in  Alexandria  adhereing  to  ^thanaflus  were  not  Co  ex- 
ceeding numerous  as  is  pretended,  *  and  not  to  be  com- 
pared with  the  Chriftians  now  in  London,  I  had  (aid, 
that  the  greatefl  part  of  the  Inhabitants  of  that  City  were  at 
this  time  Heathens  or  Jews  5  ofthofe  who  paffed  for  Chri- 

u  P&.  34«  fiians,  it  is  like  Athanafius  had  the  leffer  flure  u,  the  No- 
vatians  and  other  SeUs,  the  Meletians  efpecially,  and  the 
Arians,  did  probably  exceed  his  flocks  in  numbers,  it  may 
be  the  Arians  there  were  more  numerous.  This  laft  claufe 
f  which  appears  by  theexpreffion,  I  was  not  pofitivein^) 
he  alone  fixes  on,  and  would  difprove  it  by  a  paffage 
out  of \Athanafm.  But  the  Greek  is  fal(e  printed,  and 
and  the  (enfe  defe&ive  for  want  of  fbme  word,  and  fo 
no  Judgment  can  be  well  paffed  thereon,  unlefs  I  (aw 
it  5  and  where  to  (ee  it  he  gives  no  diredion.  My  con* 
cern  therein  is  not  (b  great  as  to  fearch  for  it  through  (b 
voluminous  an  Author.  It  willferve  my  turn  well  e- 
nough,  if  the  Jfrians  were  but  very  numerous,  or  as 

w  Uk.  1.  CT4:  sozomen  expreffes  them,  «t*Aiyw  &'&  *S  ***  w,  which 
cannot  be  denied,  though  they  alone  were  not  more 
numerous.  The  laft  thing  he  would  take  notice  of,  is 
the  Dioce(s  of  Theodoret,  but  this  is  remitted  to  the 
Dean  0/ Paul's,  yet  one  thing  he  fayes  he  cannot  omit  5 
though  fome  may  think  that  he  had  better  have  paffed 
it  (as  he  had  many  other  things)  5  than  being  (b  much 
in  hafte,  to  flip  at  almoft  every  line,  as  he  does  in  thofe 
ft w  which  concern  it. 

Iftheje  800  Churches,  not  80  as  this  Gentleman  reckons 
them  ("it  was  not  he  but  the  ^Printer  that  (b  reckoned 
them,  as  the  Errata  fhewj  belonged  to  him  as  Metropo- 
litan, and  they  were  all  Spifcopal  Churches  (I  never  met 
with  any  before,  that  took  them  for  Spifcapal  Churches, 
and  how  he  (hould  fall  into  this  miftake  I  cannot  ima- 
gine 3  I  will  not  believe  that  he  creates  it,  to  make 
himfelf  v/ork)  this  poor  Tfegion  of  Cyrus  would  have  more 


C  59  ) 
Biflwps  than  all  Africa  (not  Co  neither,  for  by  the  f&& 
fercnce  at  Carthage,  and  the  abbreviation  of  it  by  St.  An- 
Jlin,  much  more  to  be  relyed  on,  than  the  ^Qtitia 
publifhed  by  S(mond,  which  is  neither  confident  with 
others,  nor  with  it  fel£  Africa  had  many  more  Biftiops 
than  800)  notwithfianding  they  were  more  numerous  there 
than  in  any  part  of  the  World  befides.  Nor  will  this  pafs 
for  true  with  thofe,  who  take" his  own  account  concern- 
ing their  numbers  in  Africa  (which  he  reckons  but  \66  Vhdit*t»n 
taking  in  thofe  of  the  Schifmaticks  too  3  about  66  for 
each  Province  one  with  another,  counting  them  as  he 
does  Jeven  :)  and  the  account  which  others  give  of  their 
numbers,  in  the  antient  T(oman  Province,  the  King- 
dom  0/ Naples,  the  IJland  Crete,  Ireland,  to  fay  nothing 
of \Armenia,  and  other  parts  of  the  World. 

That  which  follows,  is  I  fuppofe,  inftead  of  an  An- 
fwer  to  the  other  part  of  my  difcourje  concerning  the  po- 
pular ele&ion  of  Bifhops,  which  this  Gentleman  was  as 
much  concerned  to  take  notice  of,  as  of  the  few  pat 
fages  he  hath  touched  in  the  former  part9  why  he  did 
not  I  will  not  enquire  further,  but  fatisfie  my  felf  with 
what  is  obvious  5  efpecially  fince  he  tells  us  he  intends  a 
difcourfe  of  fuch  a  Subjeft.  If  in  this  defigned  work 
he  Satisfies  roe,  that  it  was  not  the  general  pra&ice  of  the 
antient  Church,  for  the  ^People  to  concur  in  the  choice  of 
their  Bishops,  he  will  do  me  a  greater  difpleafure,  than 
the  confutation  of  what  I  have  writ,  or  any  other  that  I 
can  fear  he  intends  me  5  by  taking  me  off  from  further 
Conversation  with  antient  Authors,  as  perfons  by  whofe 
Writings  we  can  clearly  know  nothing.  For  if  that 
point  be  not  clear  in  Antiquity.  I  can  never  expeft  to 
find  any  thing  there  that  is  fo. 

I  intended  to  conclude  this  difcourfe  here,  without 
giving  the  Reader  further  trouble  5  but  considering 
there  are  mifapprehenfions  about  the  Subjefl:  in  que- 

I  2  ftion 


ilion,thofe  being  taken  by  diverfe,  for  Diocefin  Churches 
which  indeed  are  not  fuch,  and  arguments  ufed  to 
prove  themfb  which  are  not  competent  for  that  pur- 
pofe,  f  of  which  there  are  many  inftances,  as  elfewhere 
lb  particularly  in  the  latter  end  of  this  Authors  dip 
courfe  )  :  I  thought  it  requifite  for  the  rectifying  of 
thefe  miftakes,  and  to  (hew  the  infufficiency  or  impcr- 
tinency  of  fuch  reafbnings,  to  give  an  account  what 
mediums  cannot  in  reafon  be  efteemed,  to  afford  com- 
petent proof  of  Diocefin  churches. 

In  general,  Thofe  who  will  fitisfy  us  that  any 
Churches,  in  the  firft  Ages  of  Chriftianity,  wereD/^- 
fin,  fhould  prove  them  to  be  fuch  Diocefin  s  as  ours  are, 
as  large  or  near  as  large}  otherwife  what  they  offer, 
will  fcarce  appear  to  be  pertinent.  For  the  rife  of  this 
debate  is  the  queftion  between  us,  whether  the  Bifhops 
of  thefe  times  be  fuch  as  thofe  in  the  primitive  Church. 
This  we  deny,  becaufe  modern  Bifhops  will  have  another 
fort  of  churches  or  Diocefes,  than  were  known  in  the  beft 
Ages.  Not  that  we  rejeft  all  Diocefes  or  Diocefin 
Churches,  for  both  **d?'*"*  and  toeUnw  are  ufed  by  the 
Antients  for  fuch  Churches  as  we  allow.  It  is  thofe  of 
a  later  Model,  that  we  approve  not,  as  vaftly  differ- 
ing from  the  antient  Epifeopal  Churches.  The  modern 
Diocefes,  and  Churches  thence  denominated  are  ex- 
ceeding great  and  extenfive,  confifting  of  many  feores, 
or  many  hundred  particular  Churches,  whereas  for  the 
three  firft  Ages  we  cannot  find  3  Bifhops  that  had  two 
particular  Churches  in  his  Diocefs,  nor  in  the  4th.  one 
in  50  (if  I  may  not  fay  one  in  a  hundred)  that  had 
more.  So  that  the  difference  is  exceeding  great,  and 
more  confiderable  in  the  confequence  thereof  which  I 
had  rather  give  an  account  of  in  the  words  of  the  very 
learned  D.  St.  than  mine  own.  Diocefes  generally,  fayes 
he,  in  the  primitive,  and  tlaftcrn  Churches  were  veryfmall 


and  little,  as  far  more  convenient  for  this  end  of  1 1  em  in 
the  Government  of  the  Church  under  the  Bifiops  charge  x,  x  imf.n*. 
and  elfewhere,   Difiipline,   (ayes  he,    was  then  a  great 
deal  more  flriff,   Preaching  more  diligent,  Men  more  ap- 
pre  hen  five  of  the  weight  of  their  Fund  ion,   than  for  any  to 
undertake  fitch  a  care  and  charge  of  Souls,  that  it  was  im- 
pojfiblefor  them  even  to  k$ow,  objerve  or  watch  over,  Jo  as 
to  give  an  account  for  them  y,Men  that  were  imployed  in  the  y  pag.  332. 
Church  then  did  not  cor?fult  for  their  eafe  and  honour,  and 
thought  it  not  enough  for  them  to  fit  fill,  and  lid  others  ziV*-333- 
worl[z.  St.Auftin  fpeaking  of  the  3<iAge,makes  account 
of  many  thoufand  TiiJIwps  then  in  the  World  a.      Our  tcontra  Cnfcon. 
^Author  (eems  to  treat  that  excellent  Perfon  (bmething  ltb' 3' 
courfely  on  this  occafion,    and  goes  near  to  queftion 
his  judgment  or  veracity  for  it ,   b  (bme  may  think  this  b  ?*£•  $34- 
not  over  decently  done  (  to  fay  no  more  )  when  it  is 
his  bufinefi,  to  vindicate  (bme  antient  Bifhops  who  need 
it,to  reflect  upon  one,(b  untainted,as  to  need  none.How- 
ever  fince  he  (ayes  that  Father  judged  of  other  Ages  by  his 
own,    when  Dioccjes  were  exceedingly  multiply cd  c,  we  c  Pa£  -? 
may  fuppofe  he  will  grant  there  were  many  thoufand 
Bifiops  in  the  4th.  Age.     Yet  among  (b  many  thoufand 
Bifhops  I  do  not  expeft  that  any  can  (hew  me  20  f  if  I 
may  not  fay  10. J  who  had  (b  many  Churches  in  their 
Diocejs,    as  (bme  rPluralifls  amongft  us  may  have,  who 
yet  never  pretend  to  have  a  Diocefan  Church.     Thofe 
therefore  who  will  make  proof  of  fuch  Diocefan  churches  f 
as  are  in  queftion,  mad  fhew  us  (bme  in  the  primitive 
times  fomething  like  ours  in  largenefs  and  extent.     A- 
mongft  the  inftances  produced  for  this  purpofe  by  for- 
mer or  later  Writers ,    I  find  none  any  thing  near  to 
ours,  (ave  that  only  o?Theodorct  in  the  5th.  Age.     But 
this  in  the  former  Difcourfe  was  (hewed  to  be  fb  inef- 
ficient to  ferve  the  ends  it  is  alledged  for,   that  I  may 
hope  it  will  be  preft  no  more  for  this  Service. 


(62    ) 

More  particularly,     i  ft.  It  proves  not  a  Church  to 
be  Diocefan  becaufe  it  confifts  of  more  than  can  meet 
together  in  one  place,    for  there  are  Parifhes  in  this 
Land  that  contain  many  hundreds  or  thoufands  more 
than  can  meet  in  the  Parifh  Church,    and  yet  are  but 
counted  fingle  Congregations.     Though  multitudes  in 
fuch  Churches  be  far  from  proving  them  to  be  Diocefan^ 
yet  I  think  two  inftances  cannot  be  given  in  the  third 
Age  of  more  in  one  Church  than  are  in  fome  fingle  Con- 
gregations amongft  us  5    nor  many  afterwards,  till  A- 
rianifm&vA  Donatifm  were  fuppreffed}  which  the  lat- 
ter was  not  in  Africa  till  after  the  famous  Conference  at 
Carthage^  Anno  4105  nor  the  former  in  other  parts  dur- 
ing the  4th.  Age  5    for  though  Theodofius  made  fome 
fharp  Declarations  againft  them  and  other  Hereticks, 
yet  none  but  the  S.unomians  were  profecuted,  if  we  be- 
lieve Socrates  d  5   that  Emperour  gave  not  the  leaft 
trouble  to  the  reft,  forced  none  to  communicate  with  him^ 
but  allowed  them  their  ^Meetings ,    and  even  in  CP. 
when  afterwards  the  Arians  divided  among  themfelves, 
each  party  had  feveral  Congregations  in  that  City  e  5 
both  that  which  adhered  to  ^Marinus^    and  that  alfo 
which  followed  Dorothius^  thefe  keeping  the  Churches 
which  they  had  before  and  the  other  erefting  new  Chur- 

I  know  there  are  thofc5  who  from  fome  paflages  in 
i^cll',}^&  Tertullianf  would  infer  that  the  Chriftians  in  his  time 
were  the  major  part  of  the  Inhabitants  in  all  Cities,  and 
fo  enough  not  only  for  vaft  Congregations,  but  forD/'- 
ocefan  Churches.  But  Tertullian  was  a  great  Oratour  and 
frequently  ufes  hyperbolical  expreffions,  which  ought 
not  to  be  ftreined.  Such  are  thofe  infifted  on,  and  by 
regular  conftru&ion  they  import  no  more  than  that  the 
Chriftians  were  very  numerous  in  many  parts  of  the 
Empire.    Thofe  that  will  have  them  ftreined,  and  un- 


(63)  • 

derftood  as  they  found,  offer  great  injury  to  Tertullian) 
making  him  intend  that  which  hath  no  warrant  in  any 
Records  of  Antiquity,  Civil  or  Ecclefiaftical,  that  I  can 
meet  with.  Before  they  impofe  fuch  a  fenfe  on  him, 
they  ought  in  reafon  to  make  it  manifeft,  that  the  Chri- 
ftians were  the  major  part  of  the  inhabitants  in  fome 
confiderable  Cities  at  thai:  time  §  when  I  believe  they 
cannot  produce  two  inftances  in  the  whole  Empire,  I  ne- 
ver yet  could  meet  with  one. 

Our  Author  from  thefe  Oratorical  expreffions  flicks 
not  to  conclude,    that  it  is  evident  that  the  Christians 
were  the  major  part  every  where,  but  in  Rome  more  emi- 
nently Jo ,    and  Dr.  Downham  fignifies  that   Tertullian 
Jpeal{s  chiefly  of  the  City  0/Romeg,  this  Gentleman  (ayes,  g  Defence  l,  2, 
that  by  hk  account  it  is  made  very  probable,   that  they  were  c' 5*  ?'  ^ 
the  better  half  of  the  Roman  Empire,  and  tells  us,   it  is  pg%  w 
certain  that  the  number  ofChriJlians  at  Rome  was  propor- 
tionably  greater  than  in  any  part  of  the  Empire.    Now  how 
fir  the  Chriftians  at  T{ome  were  from  being  the  major 
part  of  the  Inhabitants,    we  may  judge  by  the  vaft  di£ 
proportion  between  the  poor  in  the  Church  at  T(omey 
and  thofe  in  the  whole  City.     Cornelius  near  50  years 
after  Tertul/ian  (when  it  was  of  more  growth  by  half 
an  Age)  reckons  the  poor  of  his  Church  to  be  1500  $ 
whereas  out  of  Suetonius  and  others,  the  poorer  forts  of 
Citizens,  qu£  e  publico  vi&itabat^  are  computed  to  be 

32000O  £.  hlippusde 

JVlany  take  occafionfrom  the  thousands  converted  at  Mag.^Rom.i.$* 
Jerufdcm,  Acts  2.  and  4.  to  conclude  the  vaft  number  ca^  2" 
of  Chriftians  and  exceeding  largenefs  of  Churches  elfe- 
w  here.     Our  .Author  hath  nothing  from  Scripture  for 
Diocefan  Churches  but  this,    which  is  confiderable/ 5  ipas4$$,&c* 
nor  will  this  appear  fo,  if  but  a  Cnall  part  of  thofe  thou- 
fands  can  be  counted  inhabitants  of  Jcrufelem,  and  fo 
fixed  in  that  Church.     And  this  is  as  dernonftrable  as 


C  *4  ) 
any  thing  of  this  nature  can  be.  For  this  miraculous 
Converfion  was  at  T^entecoSi,  one  of  the  three  great 
Feaffs,  when  there  was  a  vaft  concourfe  of  Jews  and 
Profelytes  from  all p arts  to  that  City.  Thefe  converted 
were  not  only  Inhabitants  of  Jerufalem  but  Forreigners } 
and  in  all  reafbn  more  of  thefe  proportionably,  as  they 
exceeded  the  Inhabitants  in  number.  And  then  thofe  of 
the  City  will  fcarce  be  a  20th  part  of  the  5  or  8cco 
Converts.  For  the  Forreigners  that  refbrted  to  Jerufalem 
at  thefe  great  Solemnities  are  reckoned  to  be  three  mil- 
kjofepbde  Bel.  lions,  **  Sa*t7«  Tf/ajworV  ^tajtav  ^  whereas  the  Inhabi-'2'  tants°f  ^at  City  were  but  about  an  120000  wifJ  «&'«&** 
pvitdft^  butofthiselfe where  more  fully. 

The  Author  of  the  Vindication  will  not  have  fb  great 
a  part  of  thofe  Converts  to  be  Stranger j,  and  to  return 
home  when  the  Feaft  was  over,  and  afligns  fbmething 
like  reafbns  for  it. 

"  ift,  That  the  Scripture  gives  no  countenance  to  this 
"  Conje&ure,  but  fayes  all  thofe  ftrange  Nations  were 
<c  Inhabitants  of  Jerufalem,  and  the  Original  word  in- 
cc  clines  moft  on  this  fide. 

That  he  fhould  fay  the  Scripture  gives  no  countenance  to 
thk,  is  fbmething  ftrange.  It  is  plain  in  Scripture,  that 
God  injoyned  the  Children  of  IJrael  to  repair  to  Jeru- 
falem from  all  quarters  of  the  Countjcey  where  they 
dwelt  thrice  a  year,  for  the  obfervance  of  the  three 
great  Feajis.  And  it  is  apparent  alfo  that  they  were 
wont  to  come  up  to  Jerufalem  at  thofe  Solemnities,  both 
Tews  and  Profelytes  «^*to  7id^a.  ffi/vsto*v$*<m.t7itt<m.tti{t  yvkcuf/p 
*;  vSpiMta.  And  it  is  evident  in  that  Chapter  cited, 
Ac7s  2.  The  Fcaft  of  Pentecoft  being  come,  there  was  a 
refbrt  of  Jews  and  Profelytes  from  all  thofe  parts  of  the 
World  to  this  City.  Ay,  but  the  Scripture  fayes,  all 
thofe  Strange  Rations  were  inhabitants  of  Jerufalem. 


C  6*  ) 

He  can't  judge  that  the  Scripture  fayes  this,  but  upon 
a  fuppofition  that  the  word  wMrfrrx,  Acts  2.  5.  can 
fignify  no  other  thing  than  inhabitants,  but  this  is  a  mi- 
ftake,  for  the  word  denotes  fuch  as  abide  in  a  place,  not 
only  as  inhabitants,  but  as  fir angers  or  Sojourners.  Thus 
Dr.  Hammond  will  have  it  tranflated  abiding ,  rather 
than  dwelling  b,  thofe  that  were  there  as  strangers  c,  and  b  m  lot. 
here  expreffes  thofe  abiding  at  Jerufalem,  to  be  Jews  c  ln  Aa* 10'2' 
which  came  up  to  the  Feafi  of  the  PaJ/eover,  and  T>rofe- 
Ijtes  which  had  come  from  feveral  Rations  of  all  Quarters 
of  the  World.  Thus  alfo  Mr.  ZMead  d,  for  the  word  &i*Exercit.i* 
^twxSVtk,  faith  he,  which  1  tranjlate  fejourning  rather  '* 
than  dwelling  (for  Jo  I  understand  it,  that  they  were  not 
proper  dwellers,  but  fuch  as  came  tdworjhip  at  Jerufalem 
from  thofe  far  Countreys,  at  the  Feafi  of  the  Pajfeover  and 
Pentecoji,  and  Jo  had  been  continuing  there  feme  good 
time)  it  is  true  that  in  the  ufual  Greeks,  onuo  and  ^twxa* 
fignffy  a  durable  ntanfwn,  hut  with  the  Hellenifls  in  whofi 
Dialed;  the  Scripture  Jpeafyth,  they  are  ujed  indifferently 
forafiayofajhorter  or  longer  time,  that  is,  for  tofojourn 
as  well  as  to  dwell,  as  theje  two  examples  out  of  the  Septu- 
agint  will  tnak$  manifefi,  Gen.  27.  44.  1  Kings  17.20. 
there  w™*&v  is  tofojourn  only.  In  a  word  °*m*  and  x&nma 
anjwer  to  the  Hebrew  Verb  1>W  which  Jignifies  any  flay  or 
remaining  in  a  place.  Grotius  faith  it  anfwers  the  He- 
brew word  which  is  render  d  not  only  by  wmmv  but 
mauny,  &c.  adding,  therefore  it  is  not  laid  only  of 
them  who  had  fixed  their  habitation,  but  of  thofe  who  were 
come  to  the  City  for  the  celebrating  of  the  ^Paffeover  or  Ten- 
tecofi,  fiaying  there  fen  a  while.  The  beft  and  moft  lear- 
ned Expositors  generally  take  it  fo  in  this  place,  as  de- 
noting, not  fettled  Inhabitants,  but  fuch  as  redded  there 
only  for  a  time.  Indeed  when  this  Author  would  have 
the  Scripture  fay  all  thefe  firange  Rations  were  inhabi- 
tants 0/Jerufalenij  he  makes  it  fpeak  things  inconfiftent. 

K  For 

I     00    J 

an  occafional  recourfe  of  ftranger?,  who  inhabit  remote 
parts  or  fbrreign  Countreys. 

If  there  had  been  more  Chriftians  in  the  Church  of 
Jerufalem  than  could  meet  in  one  place,   that  would  be 
no  Evidence  that  it  was  a  Diocefan  Church,   whereas 
i  An.  2: 44.    the  whole  is  (aid  in  the  Alls  to  meet  in  one  place  /.     He 
6. 2.  &c.       f^h  nothing  to  fay  againft  this  which  is  confiderable, 
m  Pag.  441.    but  that  the  all \  may  denote  only  thofc  that  wereprefent  m, 
and  fo  the  fenfe  will  be,  all  that  were  in  one  place,  were 
in  one  place,  if  this  can  pleafe  himfelfj  I  think  it  will 
fatisfie  none  el(e.     Let  Dr.  Hammond  decide  this  bufi- 
nefs,    for  in  fuch  a  caufe  we  may  admit  a  Party  to  be 
n  Anfwtr  to  L.  Umpire  *,  What  follows,  faith  he,  of  the  paucity  of  Tie* 
Miniftirs.  pag.  fevers,  and  their  meeting  in  one  place,  is  willingly  grant- 
ed by  us.     What  they  fay  of  the  point  of  time,  Ads  2.  41. 
that  believers  were  Jo  numerous,  that  they  could  not  conve- 
niently meet  in  one  place,  thk  is  contrary  to  the  evidence  of 
the  Text,  which  faith  exprefly  ver.  44.  that  all  the  believers 
were  &*  riwri,  which  in  the  laji  ^Paragraph  they  interpret- 
cd  meeting  in  one  and  the  fame  place :  the  like  might  be  faid 
of  the  ether  places,  Adts  4.  3.  and  5.  14.  for  certainly  as 
yet,  though  the  number  of  Believers  increafed,  yet  they  wen 
not  distributed  into  fever al  Congregations \ 
pp. 44a. 443.      Concerning  the  difperfion,    ^ftfs8.i.  0  he  tells  us, 
"  Though  they  are  all  (aid  to  be  fcattered  befides  the 
"  Apoftles,  yet  it  cannot  be  underftood  of  all  the  Be- 
"  leivers. 

No,  but  of  the  generality  of  them,  all  that  could 
commodioufly  fly  as  ftrangers  might  do.  Nor  muft  it 
be  confined  to  all  the  Officers  only,  the  generality  of  Ex- 
pofitorsare  mifreprefented  if  this  be  made  their  fenfe, 
nor  doth  it  appear  that  £ujebius  (b  underftood  it,  ^nreJ 
is  ufed  in  Scripture  and  other  Writers,  and  Eufebius  him- 
fclf,  to  denote  Believers  and  not  Officers  only.    As  for 


(69  ) 
the  time  of  the  difperfion  (though  I  need  not  infift  on 
it)  probably  it  was  nearer  this  great  Pentecojl  than  fome 
would  have  it.  On  the  firft  day  of  the  week  in  the 
morning  were  the  three  thoufand  converted,  the  next 
or  (  as  fome  tell  us )  the  fame  day  afternoon,  at  the 
ninth  hour  p,  the  number  of  the  Converts  was  increafed  p  d.  l. 
to  five  thousand.  While  this  Sermon  was  preaching 
the  Apoftles  are  apprehended  and  committed  to  Cu- 
ftody  till  the  next  morning.  Another,  it  is  like  the 
day  after,  they  are  imprifoned,  but  enlarged  by  an 
Angel  in  the  night,  chap.  5.  In  or  near  that  week 
were  the  feven  Deacons  chofen,  prefently  after  the  Di- 
fciples  were  thus  increafed  and  the  Apoftles  imprifoned 
and  difmiffed.  The  expreffion  fignifies  it,  chap.  6.  1, 
It  is  not  k  ^«<,  in  thofe  daies  which  may  admit  a  lati- 
tude and  fome  good  diftance  of  time,  but  &  wW^  in 
thefe  dayes,  which  denotes  the  time  inftant ,  or  that 
which  immediately  enfiies,  without  the  interpofiire  of 
any  (uch  diftance.  And  fo  the  phrafe  is  ufed  by  St. 
"  Ijtkg  both  in  the  Gofpel  and  in  the  A&s.  It  is  Dr. 
"  Hammond's  obfervation  upon  Luk.  1.39.  The  phrafe 
« c*  Twj<jta<  *mt  w«*,  in  thefe  dayes,  faith  he,  hath  for 
"  mod  part  a  peculiar  fignification  ,  differing  from 
"Unwept  WKa*,  in  thofe  daies.  The  latter  fignifies 
"an  indefinite  time,  fometimes  a  good  way  off,  but  the 
"  former  generally  denotes  a  certain  time  then  prefent, 
"  inftantly,  then  at  that  time  5  fo  here,  that  which  is 
"  (aid  of  <£Marys  going  to  Elizaleth  was  fure  immediate- 
"  ly  after  the  departing  of  the  Angel  from  her,  and 
u  therefore  it  is  (aid  (he  rofe  up  &  evMs,  very  haftily, 
cc  fo  ver.  24.  ^-w  invrai  w  iut^y  i.e.  immediately  Sliza- 
"  beth  conceived,  fo  chap.  6.  12.  o'^WTB/^  j.e* 
then,  at  that  point  of  time  he  went  out  to  the  Moun- 
tain. See  Chap.  23.  7.  c.  24.  18.  Atis  1.  5.  c.  n,  27. 
and  21.15. 


Q  70  ; 
Immediately  after  the  choice  of  the  Deacons,  Stephen. 
one  of  the  Seven  is  apprehended  *w  w  x«#7w<*,  ^  feon 
as  ever  he  was  ordained,  as  if  he  had  been  ordained  for  thfr 
alone  faith  Eu/ebius  (1.2.  c.  i.)  And  at  the  fame  time  the 
Persecution  began  which  difperfcd  that  Church.  Where- 
as he  faith,  c  whatfoever  numbers  were  forced  away}  it 
c  is  likely  they  returned,  if  he  underftand  it  of  the  fir  an- 
gcrs  driven  from  Jerufalem,  that  they  returned  to  fix 
there,  or  otherwifc  than  occafionally3  it  is  no  more 
likely  nor  will  be  (boner  proved  than  what  he  aflerts  a 
little  after  (  pag.  444. )  viz.  that  the  empty  Sepulcher 
preached  with  no  lefs  efficacy  than  the  .Apo files. 

This  is  enough  to  fatisfy  what  our  Author  would 
draw  out  of  Scripture  concerning  the  Church  of  J eru- 
falem.  After  fome  trifling  about  Objeftions  which  he 
forms  himfelf,  and  then  makes  fport  with,  he  comes  to 
prove  that  Jerufalem  was  a  Diocejan  Church  in  the  A- 
poftles  time.  But  firft  he  would  have  us  believe  that 
James  was  the  proper  Bifijop  of  that  Church,  and  would 
evince  it  by  two  Teftimonies,  that  of  Clemens  and  He- 
gefippm.  But  what  fayes  his  Clemens  ?  He  faith  not 
only  that  James  was  ordained  Ttifiop  of  Jerufalem  pre- 
fently  after  our  Saviours  jifcenfion,  but  what  I  think  our 
Author  was  loth  to  mention.  If  he  had  given  us  the 
intire  fentence  it  might  have  been  better  underftood. 
After  the  ^fcenfion  of  our  Saviour,  Peter,  James  and 
John,  the  moji  honoured  by  our  Lord,  would  not  yet  con- 
tendfor  the  firft  degree  of  honour,  *«?  %fo&)&{i&e.i  J&fy^  but 
chofe  James  thejufi  TSifljop  of  Jerufalem,  ^ipofiolorum  £- 
pifcopum.  Ifyffinus  reads  it,  This  feems  to  fignify  that 
his  being  made  a  Bifhop  there,  was  fbme  degree  of 
Honour  above  their  being  Apoftles.  A  learned  Roma- 
ntfi  tells  us  q,  that  the  books  where  £ujebius  had  this 
did  fo  abound  with  Errours,  that  they  were  not  thought 


C7i  J> 
worth  preferving,  and  fo  are  loft  ("as  thofe  of  Tapias 
and  Hegiftppus  are  for  the  fame  reafon)  this  may  prove 
one  inftance  of  thofe  many  Errours.  That  which  (eems 
to  be  the  fenfe  of  his  words  is  more  fully  expreflfed  by 
one  who  goes  under  the  name  of  Clemens  too  r,  James  r  l.i.Kuognk. 
the  Lord's  Brother  was  *Vrince  of~BiJJjops,  and  by  his  E- 
pifcopal  Authority  commanded  all  the  Apoflles,  and  fo  the 
former  Clemens  in  Ruffinus  calls  him  the  TSifiop  of  the 
Apoflles  f.  If  he  means  fuch  a  Bifhop  as  ours  (  and  chW.  1.2.C.2, 
otherwise  his  meaning  will  not  ferve  our  Authors  pur- 
pofe)  then  the  Apoflles  were  but  the  Vicars  or  Curates 
of  James.  This  is  bad  enough  if  James  was  an  Apoftley 
the  abfurdeft  Papift  will  fcarce  aferibe  as  much  to  Teeter. 
But  if  he  was  not  an  Apoftle,  it  is  yet  more  intolerable. 
If  our  Author  can  believe  his  own  WitneG,  fome  may 
admire,  but  I  thiak  few  will  follow  him. 

Let  us  hear  Hegefippus  f  not  quite  fo  antient  as  this 
Gentleman  makes  him,  fince  he  was  alive  in  the  Reign 
ofCommodus')  he  (ayes,  James  ruled  that  Church  wn& 
™v  *fm&K»t%     If  we  take  this  as  it  is  render 'd  in  Jerome 
after  the  Apoflles^    it  is  not  only  againft  Grammar,   but 
without  Truth,  and  makes  James  to  be  Bifhop  when 
he  was  dead,  for  he  was  martyred  about  the  4th.  of 
ZftQro,  and  all  the  Apoflles  but  the  other  James  furviv- 
ed  him.     But  if  the  meaning  be  that  he  ruled  that 
Church  with  the  ^ojlles,    it  (peaks  him  no  more  the 
Bifhop  ofjerujakm  than  the  reft  of  the  Apoftles,  who 
were  not  fixed  or  topical  Bifhops,  but  Oecumenical  Of- 
ficers of  an  extraordinary  Office  and  Power  ancl  accord- 
ingly ;is  James  defcribed.     One  antient  Author  (ayes 
that  he  no  lefs  than  Peter  did  &tT&7r1w  -wt  qdl^k  *t>*. 
J%<L&ujt     And  Spiphanius  reports  t,    that  Hyginus  after  t  Hires,  ctrdon. 
James,  Teeter  and  TW  was  the  ninth  Bi/ljop  of  Rome 
fucceffively,    fignifying  that  he  was  as  much  Bifhop  of 


Tfyme  as  Paul  and  Teeter.    I  need  not  quote  that  other 
Author  who  fayes  he  ruled  the  holy  Church  of  the  Hebrews, 
u  Ep.  to  Jams,  as  alfo  he  did  all  Churches  every  where  founded  u. 

M  However  certain  it  is  that  James  was  Bifhopof  jfe- 
"  rujalem,  not  only  from  Hegijlppus  and  Clemens  ^Alex. 
u  but  alfb  from  St.  Paul,  who  mentions  him  as  one  of 
"  the  sfpojlles  that  he  had  Converfed  with  in  Jerufalem, 
"  and  it  is  likely  there  were  no  more  there  at  that  time 
"  but  he  and  *Petcr. 

This  is  no  way  certain  from  Clemens  and  Hegefippus, 
and  fb  far  from  being  certain  by  St.  Paul,  that  his  men- 
tioning him  as  an  Apoftle  makes  it  rather  certain  that  he 
was  not  a  Bilhop  $  for  the  Offices  of  an  Apo(lk  and  of  a 
BiJIwp  are  inconfiftent,  as  is  acknowledged  and  proved 
w  Dr.  Bmow  by  an  excellent  Perfon  of  your  own.    w  "  The  Offices 
sufrmtMo,  aofan  Apoftle  and  of  aBiftiopare  not  in  their  nature 
"  well  confident,  for  the  Jpojilefoip  is  an  extraordinary 
"  Office,  charged  with  the  inftru&ion  and  Government 
"  of  the  whole  World,  and  calling  for  an  anfwerable 
"  care  (  the  Apoftles  being  Rulers,  as  St.  Chryfijiom 
a  faith,  ordained  by  God,  Thiers  not  taking  fever al  Na- 
"  tions  and  Cities,    hut  all  of  them  in  common  intruded 
"with  the  whole  world  )  but  £pifcopacy  is  an  ordinary 
"  ftanding  charge  affixed  to  one  place,  and  requiring  a 
"  fpecial  attendance  there,    Bifhops  being  Paftors  who, 
cc  as  Chryfoflome  faith,  do  jit,    and  are  imployed  in  one 
"place.    Now  he  that  hath  fuch  a  general  care  can 
cc  hardly  dilcharge  fuch  a  particular  Office,  and  he  that 
"  is  fb  particular  an  attendance,can  hardly  look 
"  well  after  fb  general  a  charge,  &c.  Haronius  faith  of 
"  St.  Peter,  that  it  was  his  Office  not  to  flay  in  one  place, 
"  but  as  much  as  it  was  pojfiblc  for  one  man  to  travel  over 
"  the  whole  world,  and  to  bring  thofe  who  did  not  yet  believe 
"to  the  Faith,  and  throughly  to  eflabliJI)  believers.     If  fb 
"  how  could  he  be  Biftiop  of  Rome,  which  was  an  Office 


"  inconfiftent  with  fuch  vagrancy.  It  would  not  have 
"  befeemed  St.  rPeter  the  prime  Apoftle  to  alTume  the 
"  charge  of  a  particular  Biftiop,  it  had  been  a  degrada- 
"  tion  of  himfelf,  a  difparagement  to  the  Apoftolical 
cc  Majefty  for  him  to  take  upon  him  the  Bifhoprick  of 
"  Rome,  as  if  the  King  ftiould  become  Mayor  of  London, 
"  as  if  the  Bifhop  of  London  ftiould  be  Vicar  of  Pan- 
"crM.  And  little  before,  St.  Peters  being  Bifhop  of 
"  Rome  (it  holds  as  welI'of]amQss  being  Biflwp  of  Jeruft- 
"lemj  would  confound  the  Offices  which  God  made  di- 
"  ftin&,forGoddid  appoint  firft  Apoftles,  then  Prophets, 
"  then  Paftors  and  Teachers,wherefore  StHPeter  after  he 
"  was  an  Apojilc  could  not  well  become  a  BiJIjopjt  would 
"be  fuch  an  irregularity  as  if  a  Biftiop  ftiould  be  made  a 
"  Deacon. 

"  Ecclefiaftical  Hiftory  makes  James  the  ordinary  Bi* 
"  fhop  and  Diocefan  of  the  place. 

There  is  nothing  in  Ecclefiaftical  Hiftory  for  it,  but 
what  is  derived  from  Hegejippus  and  Clemens,  whom  o- 
thers  followed  right  or  wrong. 

"  It  is  ftrange  to  fee  Salmajius  run  his  head  fb  vio- 
"  lently  againft  fuch  folid  Teftimonies  as  thofe  of  Hege- 
"Jippus  and  Clemens. 

:  That  great  perfbn  underftood  things  better,  and  di£ 
cerned  no  danger  in  running  his  head  againft  a  ftiadow, 
and  there  is  nothing  more  of  Solidity  in  what  is  alledged 
from  thole  Authors. 

Further  he  would  prove  it  a  Diocefin  Church  by  a 
paffage  in  Hegejippus,  who  fayes,  "  that  feveral  of  the 
"  Je™ifi  Se&aries  who  beleived  neither  a  Refurre&ion 
"  nor  Judgment  to  come,  were  Converted  by  James^ 
"  and  that  when  a  great  number  of  the  Rulers  and 
"  principal  men  of  the  City  were  by  this  Miniftry 
"  brought  to  believe  the  Gofpel,  the  Jews  made  an 
"  Uproar,  the  Scribes  and  Pharifees  faying,  that  it  was 

L  "to 


"  to  be  feared  that  all  the  people  would  turn  Chri- 

x  Pag,  445.    ftians  x. 

He  (ayes  many  of  the  prime  Se&aries  were  converted 
by  James,  but  this  will  fcarce  prove  fuch  a  Diocefan 
Church  as  he  contends  for.  That  which  would  fcrve 
his  turn  (that  all  the  people  would  turn  Chriflians)  was 
not  effeUed,  but  only  feared  by  the  Jews,  who  took  a 
courfe  to  prevent  it  by  killing  James.  But  if  this  were 
for  his  purpofe,  Hegefippus  is  not  an  Author  to  be  reli- 
ed on,  part  of  the  Sentence  cited  is  falfe,  that  the  Se&s 
mentioned  (and  he  had  mentioned  fevenj  did  not  believe 
the  T^efurreUion  nor  Judgment,   whereas  the  Pharifees 

in  EiM.2.c.2$.  and  others  of  them  beleived  both,  which  Valejius  ob- 
serves. One  falfe  thing  in  a  Teftimony  is  enough  to 
render  it  fufpe&ed,  but  there  are  near  twenty  things 
falfe  or  fabulous  in  this  account  he  gives  of  James,  ma- 

y  Animad.  h   ny  of  them  marked  by  Scaligery,   divers  by  Valejius  z^ 

Ttoktfeu'i.  and  fome  acknowledged  by  Petavius  a. 

cap.  25.  He  would  not  have  us  fufpeft  that  the  numbers  of  the 

l^fdHs'  Church  at  Jerufalem  were  not  fo  great  as. he  pretends, 
becaufc  Pella,  an  obfcure  little  Town,  could  receive 
them  all  befides  its  own  Inhabitants,  cc  but  we  muft  un- 
"  derftand  that  Town  to  be  their  Metropolis,  and  the 
"  Believers  all  Scattered  through  the  whole  Countrey, 
?  and  this  as  £piphanius  writes. 

But  where  does  Spiphanius  write  this  ?  Not  in  the 
place  cited,  he  writes  the  contrary  both  there  and  elfe- 

bEpipb.Her.$o.  where,  that  all  the  Believers  fin  one  place  V)  that  all 
the  Difciples  fin  another  place  )  immwpAn-m  wncm*  h 

c  De  Ponder.&  ii4aah  c,    what  he  adds  is  but  to  defcribe  where  the 

MmJ.cap.11.   Town  wasfituated5    a]1  the  Difciples,  all  the  Believers 

dwelt  beyond  Jordan  in  Telia.  Archbifhop  WLitgifi 
brings  this  as  a  pregnant  proof  that  the  Chriflians  at 
Jerufalem  were  but  few  in  comparison  (  and  no  more 
than  could  all  meet/;;  one  place,  as  a  little  before  he  af- 


firms  again  and  again )  his  words  are  how  few  Chri- 

"  ftians  was  there  at  Jerufalem  not  long  before  it  wasde- 

"  ftroyed,  being  above  Forty  years  after  Chrift  £  Does 

"  noxEnfebius  teftifie  d  that  they  all  were  received  into  a  d  L*^s-  ^ ; 

"  little  Town  called  Te//#  ?  yet  the  Apoftles  had  fpent 

"  much  time  and  labour  in  Preaching  there  }   but  the 

"  number  of  thofe  that  did  not  profefi  Chrift  in  that 

"  City  was  infinite  e.     This  might  be  farther  cleared  by  t  Defence  of  *. 

what  Spiphanius  faith  of  that  Church  in  its  return  from  $ir£"i'  f ' 

Pella,  but  I  defign  briefneis. 

Our  Author  adds  one  Teftimony  more,  to  (hew  that 
under  the  Government  of  Simeon  great  numbers  were 
"  added  to  that  Church,  many  thoufands  of  the  Cir- 
<c  cumcifion  receiving  the  Chriftian  Faith  at  that  time, 
"  and  among  the  reft  Jujlus,  &c.  pag.  448. 

But  thofe  who  view  the  place  in  Sufebiits  will  fee, 
that  he  does  not  fay  thofe  many  of  the  Gircumcifion 
were  converted  by  Simeon^  or  were  under  %is  Govern- 
ment^ or  belonged  to  that  Church  3  and  fb  it  fignifies 
nothing  for  his  purpofe.  And  fb  in  fine,  the  account 
wherewith  he  concludes  his  Difcourfe  of  jerufalem  will 
not  be  admitted  by  any  who  impartially  confider  the 

As  for  his  other  Scripture  inftances,  there  is  not  fb 
much  as  the  fhadow  of  a  proof  {hewed  by  him,  that 
there  were  near  fb  many  Chriftians  as  in  Jerujalem,  or 
as  are  in  fbme  one  of  our  Parifties,  yea,  or  more  than 
could  meet  in  one  place,  either  in  Samaria  ("where  he 
fay  es'it  appears  not  what  kjnd  of  Government  was  eSiablifi- 
ed0  /tog.  451.)  or  in  Lydda9  which  was  but  a  Village, 
though  a  fair  one,  and  far  from  having  Saronfor  its  pro- 
per Territory,  that  being  a  plain  between  Joppa  and 
Cajarea$  or  xn^intioch,  pag.  452.  muchlefs  in  Corinth 
and  Ephefus  which  he  advifedly  pafles  by,  pag.  456. 

L  2  Our 


Our  Author  does  in  effeft  acknowledge  that  in  Scrip* 
ture  it  appears  not  that  thefe  Churches  were  Spijcopaf, 
much  left  Diocefan  -0  "  It  is  to  be  confeffed,  faies  he, 
"  pag.  461.  that  the  Scriptures  have  not  left  fo  full  and 
"  perfect  an  account  of  the  Conftitution  and  Govern- 
"ment  of  the/r/?  Churches,  &c.  Thus  we  have  no 
"  more  notice  of  the  Churches  of  Samaria  and  of]ud<ea 
"  (]erufalcm  excepted)  than  that  fach  were  founded  by 
"  the  Apoftles  5  but  of  thdr  Government  and  Conftitution 
<c  we  have  not  the  leaft  Information.  What  information 
then  can  we  have  that  they  were  Diocefan  or  Epifeopal  j? 
He  goes  on,  "  And  the.profpeft  left  of  .AntiochmScvvp- 
"  ture  is  very  confufed,  as  of  a  Church  m  fieri,  where  a 
"  great  number  of  eminent  perfons  laboured  together 
"  to  the  building  of  it  up  5  but  only  from  Ecclefiaftical 
a  Writers,  who  report  that  this  Church,  when  it  was 
"  fettled  and  digefted,  was  committed  to  the  Govern- 
cc  ment  ofSuodw,  and  after  him  to  Igratius,  &c.  So 
that  after  what  form  the  Church  at  Antioch  was  confti- 
tuted  does  not  appear  (It  may  be  Congregational  and 
not  Diocefim,  for  any  thing  this  Gentleman  can  fee  in 
Scripture  J  but  only  from  Ecclefiaftical  Writers. 

But  his  Ecclefiaftical  Writers  do  fo  contradift  one  ano- 
ther as  renders  their  teftimonies  of  little  value.     Nor  is 
there  much  more  reckoning  to  be  made  of  the  traditi- 
onal account  they  and  others  give  concerning  the  SucceP 
lion  and  Government  of  the  firft  Bifhops,  than  this  Au- 
thor makes,  of  Eufebius  his  traditional  Chronology,  pag. 
454.     Some  make  Suodias  the  firft  Bifhop  and  he  being 
f  Eu<eb.!.$.c.22.  dead  Ignatius  to  fucceed  him/5    on  the  contrary  fome 
will  have  Ignatius  to  have  been  the  firft,  and  make  no  mention  of  £«odmg$  others  will  have  them  to  have 
if  ctmens  con-  governed  that  Church  both  together  h  3  fome  will  have 
fto*f./.7.*4<5.  Euodim  ordained  by  Peter,   and  Ignatius  by  Taut,  o- 
thers  report  Ignatius  ordained  by  Peter,  and  fome  mo- 

C  77  ) 
dern  Authors  of  great  eminency,  both  Proteftants  and 
Papifo  ("not  only  Baronius  but  Dr.  Hammond')  find  no 
more  tolerable  way  to  reconcile  them,  than  by  aliening 
that  there  were  more  Biftiops  than  one  there  at  once, 
which  quite  blafts  the  conceit  of  a  Diocefan  Church 

And  what  is  alledged  for  the  numbers  of  Chriftians 
there,  to  fipport  this  conceit  of  a  Diocefan  Church,  is 
very  feeble,  pag  452,  453.  A  great  number  believed, 
^Atisw  a  1.  and  inch  people,  ver.i^.  The  next  verfes 
{hew,  that  the :re  were  no  more  than  Vaul  and  Barnabas 
aflembled  wit  a  one  Church}  meeting  «*  rf  gh,xkw&j 
for  a  year  together,  and  there  taught  this  Ik&Iv  or  m*>w 
oxw.  The  feme  divine  Author  (ayes,  ufffs  6.  7.  ™*rft 
fXt&y  a \  great Company  ofthePrieJis  were  converted,  and 
will  this  Gentleman  hence  conclude  that  there  were 
Priefts  enough  converted  to  make  a  Diocefe? 

He  hath  no  ground  from  Scripture  to  think  otherwife 
o£Tfyme  ("that  we  may  take  in  all  his  Scripture  inftan- 
ces  together  )  however  he  would  perfwade  us  that 
there  were  feveral  Congregations  there  in  the  Apo- 
ftles  times.  Let  us  fee  how.  "  By  the  multitude  of 
"  Salutations  in  the  end  of  that  Epiftle  he  makes  appear 
"the  numbers  of  Chriftians  in  that  City.  Salute  *Prtp 
^  cilia  and  Manila  with  the  Church  that  is  in  their 
cc  houfe. 

The  Dean  of  T>auh  will  have  this  Church  in  their 
houfe  to  be  but  a  Family,  this  Author  will  have  it  to 
be  a  Congregation,  a$  if  it  might  be  either  to  ferve  a  turn. 
I  think  it  was  fuch  a  Congregation  as  removed  with 
*Aqiiila  from  one  Countrey  to  another,  for  this  Church 
which  was  in  their  houfe  at  Ephefus  before,  (1  Cor  16.) 
is  faid  to  be  in  their  houfe  at  Ttyme,  Rom.  16.  that  is, 
there  werefome  of  the  Church  which  belonged  to  their 

y  Family, 

C  78) 

Family.  It  is  a  queftion  whether  there  was  now  at 
Ttyme  any  one  Congregation  fuch  as  our  Author  intends, 
Grotius  i  thinks  it  probable  there  was  none  at  all.  But 
let  us  fuppofe  this  to  be  a  Congregation,  where  finds  he 
his  feveral  others  ?  why  where  another  perfon  would 
fcarce  dream  of  any  ?  "  It  is  not  improbable,  faith  he, 
"  that  feveral  that  are  mentioned  with  all  the  Saints  that 
"  aye  with  them,  may  be  the  Officers  of  feveral  Congre- 
gations, f*£- 457- 458. 

But  it  is  manifeft  that  in  the  Apoftle's  times  one  Con- 
gregation had  many  Officers,  how  then  can  feveral  Of- 
ficers be  a  good  Medium  to  prove  feveral  Congregati- 
ons I  The  antient  Authors  which  count  thofe  Officers 
(mentioned  Rom.  16.)  do  make  them  Tliffjops  ("and 
fome  except  not  V^arcijjus  nor  Trijca,  i.  e.  Vrifcilla^ 
tho'  her  Husband  alfb  hath  an  Epifcopal  Chair  affigned 
him)  Now  if  they  were  not  Bifhops  at  Rome  but  other 
places,  they  are  alledged  to  no  purpofe  5  if  they  were 
Bifhops  at  7(ome,  there  will  be  very  many  Bifhops  in 
that  one  Church  (it  may  be  more  than  Vrifcillas  Con- 
gregation confifted  of)  which  rather  than  our  Author 
will  grant,  I  fuppofe  he  will  quit  his  plurality  of  Con- 
gregations here.  Indeed  what  he  adds  next  doth  no 
waies  favour  them,  and  this  number  was  afterwards  in- 
cc  creafed  confiderably  by  the  coming  of  Paul,  who  con- 
cc  verted  fbmeof  the  Jews,  and  afterwards  received  all 
"  that  came,  whether  Jew's  or  Gentiles,  and  preached 
"  to  them  the  Kingdom  of  God  for  the  fpace  of  two 
"  whole  years,  no  man  forbidding  him,  fag.  458. 

Vanl  preached  at  Rome  in  his  hired  houfefor  two  years, 
all  this  while  he  received  all  that  came  to  him  5  there  is 
no  queftion  but  that  all  the  Chriftians  there  did  come 
to  hear  this  moil:  eminent  Apoftle  .•  fb  that  it  feems  from 
firft  to  laft  there  were  no  more  Chriftians  at  Rome  than 
a  private  Houfe  could  receive. 



He  would  prove  what  he  intends  from  JQros  Per- 
"fecution,  who  is  faid  to  have  put  an  infinite  multitude 
"of  Chriftians  to  death  upon  pretence  that  they  had 
"  fired  Rome,  pag.  458.  Tacitus  fpeaks  of  the  Chrifti- 
"  ans  as  guilty,  and  fa  yes  they  confeffed  the  Crime,  and 
"  detefted  many  others. 

Now  thofe  who  fuffered,  either  confeffed  that  they 
fired  Tfyme  and  then  they  were  no  Chriftians  5  or  they 
did  not  confefs  it,  and  then  he  wrongs  them  intolera- 
bly, and  defer ves  no  credit.  But  our  Author  toexcufe 
him  (againft  the  fenfe  of  fuch  who  beft  underftand  him, 
Lipjius  particularly ,  befides  'Baronius  and  others ) 
fayes,  they  confeffed  not  that  they  burnt  T(ome,  but  that 
they  were  Chriftians.  Whereas  the  inquiry  being  con- 
cerning the  burning  of  Tfome,  the  queftion  was  not 
whether  they  were  Chriftians,  but  whether  they  fired 
the  City,  ofthislaft  T^cita/  fpeaks,  and  will  be  fo  un- 
derftood  by  thofe  who  think  he  (peaks  pertinently. 
But  for  truth  in  thofe  accounts  he  gives  of  Chriftians^ 
it  is  no  more  to  be  expe&ed  than  from  other  Heathen 
Authors  of  thofe  Ages,  with  whom  it  is  cuftomary  on 
that  fubjtdifplendide  mentiri.  Some  other  inftances  here- 
of we  have  in  this  report  of 'Tacitus,  which  I  fuppofe 
our  Author  will  fearce  offer  to  excufe,  as  when  the 
Chriftian  Religion  is  called  £xitiabilts  Juperjiiti&,  and 
when  the  Chriftians  are  faid  per  Jiagitia  invifos  vulgi 

But  fuppofe  he  fpeaks  truth,  what  is  it  he  fayes  ? 
Nero  put  an  infinite  multitude  of  them  to  death,  but  ingens 
rmltitudo,  which  are  his  words,  may  be  far  lefs  than  an 
infinite  multitude.  Two  or  three  hundred  may  pafs  for 
n  great  multitude,  and  extraordinarily  great,  when 
that  which  is  (poke  of  them  is  extraordinary.  The 
Martyrs  burnt  in  Queen  £Marys  dayes  were  a  great 
multitude  j  and  few  may  be  accounted  very  many,  to 


(8o  ) 
fuffer  in  fuch  a  manner,  as  thefc  did  by  JQrds  Cruel- 
ty, Ferarum  tergis  conteSi  ut  laniatu  canum  interirent,  ant 
crucibus  ajfixi,  aut  flammandi,  atqtie  ubi  defecijjct  dies  in 
ufum  noUurni  luminis  uterentur,  in  the  words  of  T&ci- 

To  this  he  adds  the  general  account  which  Hufebius 
gives  of  the  (uccefs  of  the  Chriftian  faith  immediately 
after  the  firfl  difcovery  of  it,  that  prefently  in  all  Cities 
and  Villages  Churches  abounding  with  innumerable  multi- 
tudes were  ajfembled^  Sec.  p<<g.  459. 

If  he  will  not  deal  unkindly  with  Eujebius  he  mud  not 
fet  his  expreffions  upon  the  fvack,  nor  ftretch  them  be- 
yond his  intention,  nor  forget  what  is  obferved  to  be 
ufual  with  him  5  Oratorwn  more  rem  amplificare.  Thefe 
Churches  confiding  oi innumerable  multitudes  are  (aid  to 
be  not  only  in  all  Cities,  b at  Villages  5  now  I  believe  it 
will  be  an  hard  matter  for  our  Author  to  (hew  us  any 
Villages,  even  in  Conjlantine's  time,  where  there  were  a 
Thoufand,  yea,  or  500  Chriftians.  Thofe  who  will 
not  abufe  themfelves  or  their  Readers  mud  give  great 
allowance  to  fuch  expreffions,  and  not  rely  on  them  in 
ftrift  arguing. 

And  here  it  may  not  be  amifi  to  take  notice  of  what 
he  (ayes  ofltyme  in  another  Chapter \  M.  TS,  had  decla- 
red, ihat  fa  found  no  reafon  to  believe  that  Rome  and  A- 
lexandria  had  for  200  years  more  Chriftians  than  fome 
London  Parifties  (which  have  60000  SoulsJ  nor  near, 
^  church  mp  if  half  fo  many  kz  The  chiefj  if  not  the  only  argu- 
^r?mdiCat'  ment  to  prove  them  at  Rome  more  numerous,  is  a  pat 
fage  in  Cornelius  his  Epiftle  (hewing  the  number  of  the 
Officers  and  of  the  poor,  this  was  in  the  middle  of  the 
third  Age,  and  (b  not  within  thefe  200  years,  but  yet 
proves  not  what  it  is  alledged  for  in  Cornelius's  time, 
near  .Anno  360.  The  number  of  Officers  (ignifies  no 
fuch  thing,  as  hath  been  made  evident,   the  number  of 


p.  27. 


the  poor,  being  1 500  rather  proves  the  contrary.  This 
was  cleared  by  comparing  the  proportions  of  the  poor 
with  the  reft  in  other  places,  at  Antiochm  particular,  as 
was  fhewed  out  of  Chryfoficmey  who  reckons  the  poor 
to  be  a  tenth  part  of  the  Inhabitants,  and  if  it  was  (b  at 
Rome  in  Cornelius's  time,  the  Chriftians  were  about 
1 5000.  This  will  ferve  M.  I^s  purpofc  well  enough. 
But  the  time  and  circumftances  being  exceeding  diffe- 
rent, makes  it  mod  probable,  that  the  Chriftians  then  at 
Rome  did  nothing  near  (o  much  exceed  the  poor  in 
number.  It  is  far  more  likely  that  the  proportions  were 
nearer  that  at  Conjlantinople^  where  Chryfoflom  (ayes, 
the  poor  was  one  half  this  would  (poil  all  our  Authors 
pretentions,  and  fo  he  advifedly  takes  no  notice  of  it. 

However  fomething  he  would  fay  againft  M.  T?.  if 
one,  could  underftand  it.  It  is  about  the  word  ^tCo/^u 
in  Cornelius's  Epiftle  render'd  the  poor.  Valcfius  obferves 
the  word  is  ufed  by  the  T(oman  Clergy  in  an  Epiftle  to 
thofe  at  Carthage^  Jive  Vidua  Jive  Thlibomeni^  i.  e.  indU 
gentes,  (aith  he,  as  Rufinus  tranflates  it,  and  tells  us  alfb 
that  Cyprian  I  calls  them  pauperes  &  indigentes  qui  labo-lEp.  $* 
rant.  Thefe,  (ayes  our  Author,  were  not  only  poory 
but  Jick^and  difeajed^  alledging  that  of  the  Roman  Clergy 
for  it  after  Valefus^  and  if  he  mean  not  only  the  poor, 
but  the  fick  alfo  and  the  difeafed  he  is  right,  for  Corne- 
lius fignifies  thofe  that  were  maintained  by  the  Church, 
Widows  and  Indigent  whether  fick  or  well.  But  when 
he  (ayes  thefe  poor  were  fitch  only  as  were  not  able  to  come 
abroad^  he  feems  to  confine  it  to  the  fick  and  diftafed, 
and  then  it  contradi&s  the  former,  and  is  without  rea- 
(on,  againft  the  ufe  and  import  of  the  word,  as  render'd 
by  all  Interpreters  former  and  later  that  I  meet  with,  and 
indeed  againft  common  (en(e }  for  the  number  Cornelius 
(peaks  of  is  fixed,  as  that  of  the  Presbyters  and.  Deacons^ 

M  (ueh 


fuch  as  may  be  conftantly  known  and  a  certain  account 
given  of  it,  whereas  the  number  of  the  fuh^  is  not  fixed, 
but  fuch  a  contingency  as  is  very  uncertain  and  various. 

But  Cornelius  fayes  in  the  fame  Epiftle  that  the  people 
of  his  Church  were  innumerable.  True,  that  is,  accord- 
ing to  the  frequent  ufe  of  the  word,  very  many  (  it  is 
granted  they  were  more  than  in  any  other  Church)  as 
when  Dio  (ayes  the  Nations  conquered  by  Trajan  were 
innumerable,  and  Socrates  exprefles  thole  wounded  in 
the  fight  between  the  Chriftians  and  Heathen  in  Alex- 
andria about  the  demolilhing  of  an  Idol  Temple  were 
dvafiQwiToi  m,  which  in  Sozomen  is  but  many  n  ■>  and  ano- 
m  Lik$.a$.  ther  antient  Author  (ayes  there  were  innumerable  Bifljops 
nub.j.c.i$.  jn  ^4jyica^  which  yet  this  Gentleman  can  eafily  county 
and  tells  us  that  Schifinaticks  and  all  were  but  466  0. 
opag.  131;  M.T3.  may  allow  him  what  he  falls  fhort  in  this  rec- 
koning, which  is  more  than  hal£  and  may  grant  there 
were  many  more  hundreds  of  Chriftians  in  Rome  than 
any  of  thefe  innumerable!  come  to,  and  yet  make  good 
what  he  ftppofes. 

The  great  liberality  of  the  Roman  Church  is  offered 
as  no  fmall  argument  of  its  greatnefs,  theyfent  to  a  great 
many  Churches^  releiving  thofe  that  were  in  want,  and 
fending  necejjaries  to  fuch  as  were  condemned  to  the  Zftiines^ 
thus  in  Severu/s  time,,  and  in  the  time  of  Dionyfus  the 
Provinces  tf/Syria  with  Arabia  were  thereby  relieved  eve- 
ry one,  pag.ft. 

M.  1?.  need  not  doubt,  but  fbme  one  Parifh  near 
him  might  do  what  is  equivalent  to  this ,  if  the  an- 
tient Charity  were  revived,  which  opened  the  hearts 
of  Chriftians  in  thofe  times  further  than  their  Purfcs 
could  well  extend. 

But  the  words  are  odly  ftretched,  for  they  did  not 
relieve  every  one  in  all  thofe  places,but  fuch  as  were  in 
great  want,  and  thofe  particularly  who  were  condemned 


to  the  £Mines  }  and  Iimim  muft  denote  as  //  were  the  al- 
fufficiency  of 'the  T(oman  Churchy  which  fome  would  fay 
is,  as  it  were  Blajphemy,  but  our  Author  meant  better, 
the  proper  import  of  the  wrord  is  no  more  than  Jlipem 

He  alledges  two  paflages  in  fzujebius  p,    the  farmer  P  rag.  54. 
concerns  not  T(ome  more  than  any  other  place  in  the 
Empire,  the  import  of  it  is  this,    not  that  every  foul  of 
every  fort,  but  that  many  of  all  forts  were  lead  to  the 
Chriftian  Religion,  if  ™w  4»w  be  ftretched  to  every 
foul  Suftbius  is  made  to  fpeak  what  is  in  a  manner  no- 
toriously falfe,  and  monftroufly  extravagant.    The  later 
which  concerns  T^ome  does  but  fignify,    that  more  of 
Good  quality  for  Riches  and  Birth  with  their  Families  and 
Relatives  came  over  for  Salvation  q.     Thefe  he  will  have  q  lib.  5.  c.21. 
to  be  of  the  Nobility,  but  thofe  were  counted  noble  who 
defended  from  fuch  as  had  been  Magiftrates  in  Cities 
or  free  Towns.    How  this  can  make  that  Church  near 
fo  great  as  our  Author  would  have  it,  or  greater  than 
M.  B.  fuppofes,  I  don1 1  underftand. 

What  he  fubjoyns  is  very  furprizing  and  muft  foem  &&  5* 
ftrange  to  thofe  who  are  acquainted  with  the  ftate  of 
Church  in  thofe  times,  that  the  Chrijiians  were  the  Letter 
half  of  the  Roman  Empire,    that  they  were  the  major  part 
every  where,  but  in  Rome  more  eminently.     This  hath  no 
good  warrant  from  antient  Authors,  no,  not  from  Ter- 
tullian,  though  he.  writ  many  years  after  Commodus. 
He  like  an  Oratour  draws  fomething  bigger  than  the  life 
(as our  Author  fayes  of  ^Qizianzen,  pag.  137.)  and 
muft  have  allowance  on  this  account  by  thofe  who  will 
not  be  injurious  to  him.     In  that  very  Age  wherein 
Commodus  reigned,  it  is  (aid  the  Chrijiians  were  Jo  often 
jlaughtered  that  few  could  be  found  in  Rome  who  profeffed 
the  name  ofChriJi  r.     And  near  150  years  after,  when  r  Plain*  vit* 
Conjlantine  had  reigned  near  20  years  in  Rome  the  gene-  X^L 

M  2  rality 

rality  of  the  Inhabitants  (hewed  fuch  difaffe&ion  to 
Chriftianity,   as  that  is  given  for  one  reafon  why  he 

(7*/iw*s,Hi,l  transferred  the  (cat  of  the  Empire  to  Byzantium  f. 

Li.f.61.  j_je  runs  bey0nci  ]vi#  B's  bounds  towards  the  middle  of 

the  third  Century,  and  tells  us  the  great eft  part  0/ Alex- 
ander Severus  his  Family  were  Christians.  And  (b  they 
might  be,  and  yet  no  more  Chriftians  in  Tfyme  for 
that,  if  they  were  Chriftians  before  they  came  in- 
to his  family,  which  is  more  likely  than  that  they 
were  converted  in  it.  However  many  more  fuch  Ad- 
.  ditions  will  not  increafe  that  Church  beyond  M.  B's 
Meafures,  nor  make  it  near  (6  numerous  as  that  Parilh 
to  which  Whitehall  belongs. 

v«g.  55.  What  he  next  offers  neither  concerns  Rome,  being 

.  general  expreffions,nor  M.  T5.  referring  to  the  Ages  af- 
ter thofe  which  he  is  concerned  fbr,whether  by  &*&&£§«{ 
®n<wv<Ly*W  we  underftand  the  great  multitudes  which 
were  gathered  into  theChriftianProfeffion  (as  Valerius) 
or  that  aflembled  together  for  Chriftian  worfhip  (  as 
our  Author)  is  not  material  5  though  the  former  is  more 
likely,  uniefs  we  can  think  Sujebius,  an  elegant  Writer, 
would  u(e  (b  much  tautology  in  fo  few  lines.  That  from 
which  he  may  expeft  more  (ervice  is  the  next  exprelfi- 
on,  which  he  renders  the  multitude  of  their  ^Meetings  in 
every  City,  but  may  with  better  reafon  be  render'd,  the 
?mmerouJhefs  or  multitudes  ofthofi  that  affemhled  in  Jeveral 
Cities.  For  it  is  fo  far  from  being  true,  that  every  City 
had  many  Congregations  of  Chriftians  in  it  5  that  there 
were  many  Cities  long  after,  which  had  no  Chriftians 
in  them.  And  two  inftances  cannot  be  given  of  any 
Cities  in  the  whole  Empire  that  at  this  time  had  more 
Congregations  than  one  ±  uniefs  where  they  all  might 
have  aflembled  in  one  place,  they  thought  it  better  in 
Prudence  to  difperfetheT.f?lves  into  fcveral  Meetings. 
For  in  Alexandria,  which  was  the  grcateft  City  next  to 


Home,  and  the  moft  populous  Church  in  the  whole 
World,  there  is  no  appearance  of  more  aflemblies  till 
the  end  of  the  tenth  Perfection,  and  the  death  ofTc- 
ter  Bifhop  there,  who  faffered  in  the  ninth  year  of  it  /.  tEMfib.l.+t  $a. 
And  therefore  the  elegant  gradation,  in  discovering  of 
which  this  Gentleman  would  have  us  take  notice  that 
he  has  a  more  comprehenfive  faculty  than  Valefivs Jkems 
not  very  well  founded: 

That  which  follows  is  an  hundred  years  or  more  be-  p*£.  55. 
yond  the  time  to  which  M.  B.  limits  his  Aflertion, 
"  About  this  time  or  not  long  after  Tronic  had  above 
"  40  Churches,  which  we  muft  not  imagine  to  be  built 
cc  all  at  the  fame  time,  but  by  degrees,  according  as  the 
<c  number  of  Believers  did  require  v  &c.  p<*g*  5  5. 

From  the  number  of  Churches  he  can  t  reafonably 
conclude  fuch  a  multitude  of  Chriftians  as  he  contends 
for.  There  were  many  Churches  in  Alexandria  when 
Athanafius  was  BHhop  of  it,  and  yet  there  were  no  more 
Chriftians  in  his  communion  than  could  meet  together  in 
one  place.  Tiaroxifts  tells  us,  that  there  was  a  City  in 
Germany  vphkh  bad  ^00  Churches  in  if->  and  yet  no  rea-  Amiofaj.  ■ 
ton  to  think  that  Town  was  comparable  for  Circuit  and 
Populoufhels,  either  to  Rome  or  Alexandria.  If  I  fhould 
fay  that  in  Optatus  there  were  not  fo  many  Churches, 
but  the  number  miftaken  by  the  Tranfcribers ,  this 
would  be  as  good  an  anfvver  as  that  of  our  Author,  who 
will  have  the  12  or  14  years  of  Athanafu/s  his  Eanifti- 
ment  in  £piphaniu*  not  to  be  fo  many  moneths,  and  that 
years  are  put  inftead  of  moneths  by  the  miftake  of  the 
Copies,  pag.  113,  Or  that  other  about  the  number  of 
Bilhops  in  the  Council  at  \Aniicch,  where  he  will  have 
go  in  diverfe  Authors  to  be  a  miftake  of  the  Tranfcri- 
bers for,  90  (or  97  or  99. ;/)  Onuphrius  muft  have  11/^,123,134. 
liked  fuch  an  Anfwer  to  this  of  Optatns,  who  tho'  he  "*'  mc 
was  as  much  concerned  for  the  greatnefs  of  the  Roman  £$£ 


Church  as  any,  and  no  Ids  inquifitive  into  the  antient 
ftate  of  it,  yet  delivers  it  as  a  thing  manifeft  and  cer- 
tain, that  Rome  had  but  28  Titles,  and  this  number 
notcompleated  till  the  fifth  Age.  But  there's  no  need 
to  infift  on  any  thing  of  this  nature,  it  is  not  fo  material 
how  many  Churches  there  was,  as  when  there  was  fo 
many,  and  about  the  time  he  will  have  l&lendd  to  mi- 
ftake,  and  M.  B.  to  follow  him  therein  5  he  had  been 
nibbling  at  Blondell  a  little  before  upon  a  fmall  occafion 
and  with  as  little  reafon,  as  might  be  fhew'd,  if  it  were 
fit  to  follow  one  in  his  Vagaries.  Let  us  fee  whether 
here  he  doth  not  follow  Palejius  in  his  miftake,  who 
will  have  Optatus  to  fpeak  of  the  Churches  at  Rome  in 
the  time  of  Diocletian  sT^erJecutiot;,  tempore  perfecntionk 
Diocletiani  w.  But  Optatus  {peaks  of  thofe  Churches 
when  extant  and  capable  of  receiving  Congregation^as 
is  plain  by  his  words  5  but  what  Churches  were  at  Rome 
or  other  places,  in  the  very  beginning  of  that  Perfec- 
tion, were  all  quite  demolifhed,  and  that  in  one  day, 
fayes  Theodoret  x,  or  the  T^afchal  dajes,  as  fiufebiusy  5 
and  there's  no  probability  they  could  rebuild  them 
while  the  Perfecution  lafted,  or  that  fo  many  could  be 
7.  c.  49.  raifed  in  lefs  than  many  years  after.  ^Qcephorus  fpeaks 
but  of  14  Churches  at  Conjtantinople  in  the  reign  of  The* 
odofius  junior,  nor  meet  I  with  any  Author  that  gives 
an  account  of  more,  yet  this  was  about  an  hundred 
years  after  Byzantium  was  re-edifyed,  and  both  Con* 
fiantine  and  the  fucceeding  Emperours  endeavoured  to 
make  that  City  as  populous  as  could  be,andfurnifhed  it 
with  Churches  anfwerable  to  the  numbers  of  the  Inha- 
bitants. .  So  that  there's  no  likelihood  there  could  be 
40  Churches  in  Rome  at  any  time  nearer  Dioclefians 
than  Optatus  s. 

But  to  help  this  our  Author  tells  us  out  of  Optatus, 


(87  ) 
that  there  were  three  Donatifis  Bifhops  at  Rome  fiicce£ 
fively  before  ^Macrobins^  who  was  Contemporary  with 
Optatns,  and  that  the  firft  of  them  was  Victor  GarbienJIs, 
and  he  will  have  Opt  at  us  to  (peak  of  the  State  of  Rome 
(the  40  Churches  there  J  not  as  it  was  in  his  own  time, 
but  in  that  of  this  Victor^  when  this  was,  he  fayes,  is  not 
eafietofix.  fag.  56. 

Yet  this  is  certain,  it  cannot  be  in  the  time  of 'Diode- 
(iaris  Terfecntion,  for  the  Schifme  of  the  Donatifis  did 
not  break  out  till  ZMajorinus  was  ordained  ( who  was 
the  firft  Bifhop  of  the  Faftion  made  in  Africa  or  elfe- 
where)  and  this  was  fometime  after  the  Persecution  was 
there  ended,  as  Optatns  and  Valefins  after  him,    and  o- 
thers  declare  %  5  and  (bmetime  muft  be  allowed  after  zveScbif.Vo- 
this  for  the  Donatiffs  fettling  in  T{ome,  and  fiich  an  in-  nau  c*^ 3' 
creafe  of  them  there  as  to  need  a  Bifhop.     TSaronins 
makes  this  Victor  to  be  Bifhop  in  Silvejlers  time,  which 
might  be  long  enough  after  Dioclejiaris  Perfecution,  for 
he  lived  till  335.  All  which  our  Author  hath  to  alledge 
for  the  more  early  date  of  Victors  Bifhoprick,    is  that 
there  were  two  or  three  Donatift  BiQio^s  between  Victor 
and  Optatns  5  but  this  will  fcarce  ferve  bis  turn.     For 
there  were  four  Biftiops  of  Rome  in  the  former  part  of 
that  very  age  wherein  we  are  now  concerned,    who 
held  not  the  Chair  ten  years  among  them,    Marcel/us, 
Eufebins,  ZMclchi&des  and  ZMarcns.     But  we  may  allow 
the  three  Donatift  Bifhopfat  Rome  near  ten  years  a  piece 
from  the  time  of  Optatns,    378    (as  both  Blondel  and 
Valerius  agree)  and  yet  Victor  Garbienfis  may  not  be  Bi- 
fhop till  Anno  350  and  fo  nearer  to  Optatns  his  time, 
than  Dioclefians. 

2dly,  It  is  no  proof  of  Diocefan  Churches  that  thofc 
who  belong  to  it,  do  occafionally  divide  themfelvcs 
into  diftindt  Meetings,     A  large  Church,    and  fome- 


times  a  fmall  Congregation  may  have  occafion  to  divide 
and  meet  in  parcels  for  their  convenience  or  iecurity. 
Particularly  in  time  of  Perfecution,  that  they  may  afc 
femble  with  more  fafety,  and  be  the  better  concealed 
from  thofe  who  would  difturb  or  apprehend  them.  The 
people  that  belonged  to  Cyprian  did  meet  all  together 
on  feveral  occafions,  as  is  apparent  in  his  fifties  5  yet 
when  Perfecution  was  hot,  he  thought  it  advifable, 
caute  non  glomeratim  nee  per  multitudinem  ftmul  jurtlam^ 

I  np.  5.  conveniendum  /,  they  durft  not  in  fome  parts  «*  *a  *tv*&*. 

m So*  l,i.M  iKMwtz^  jn  the  beginning  of  Conjiant  tee's Reign  nt. 

Damajus,  the  fuppofed  Author  of  the  Popes  fiver, 
(ayes,  Suariftus  Titnlos  *Vresbyterk  druifit^  divided  the 
Titles  in  Rome  to  the  Tresbyters,  and"  by  Titles  fome 
will  have  us  to  underftand  Pmijh  Churches.  But  it  is 
incredible  that  the  Chriftians  in  Trojans  time  when 
Euarijlits  was  Bifhop,  could  ereft  any  ftru&ures  in  form 
of  Churches,  or  had  any  diftinguilhable  from  other 
houfo,  fo  as  the  Heathen  might  take  notice  of  them,  as 
ufed  or  defigned  for  the  religious  exercifes  of  Chrifti- 
ans. Who  can  imagine  that  when  it  was  death  for  any 
one  to  be  known  to  be  a  Chriftian,  they  fhovild  fre- 
quent any  known  places  for  Chriftian  Worfhip  .<?  It  is 
far  more  reafonable  which  T?laiina  (ayes  of  Califfus's 
time,  more  than  an  hundred  years  after,  that  then  the 
meeting  of  Clrifli  answer  e  all  Jeer  et,  and  rather  in  Ckappels^ 
and  thofe  hidden,  and  for  the  mo  ft  part  underground  5  than 
in  open  and  public/^  places  Cum  ea  tempejiate  ob  crebras 
perjecutiones  occulta  effent  omnia^  &  facella  potius,  at  que 
eadem  abdita  &  pier umque  fitbt err anea  3  quam  apertk  in  lo- 
ck  acpublicisfkrent.  Dr.  St.  (ayes,  I  confefs  it  Jeems  not 
'  probable  to  me  that  thofe  Tituli  were  Jo  foon  divided  as  the 
time  tf/Euariftus,  who  lived  in  the  time  0/Trajan,  when 
the  Perfecution  was  hot  againji  the  Chriftians  3  but  Damafus 


flews  not  to  believe  himfelfa  for  in  the  life  o/Dionyfius  he 
faith.  Hie  Tresbyteris  £ccleftas  divifit.  His  reafon  con- 
cludes as  much  or  more  againft  the  Titles  under  this 
notion  afcribed  to  ^Marcelltts  200  years  after  (  which 
fome  will  have  to  be  2  5,  but  Onuphrius  (hews  the)  could 
not  be  more  than  1 5  n  )  for  fmfrctllm  was  Bithop  of  n  uterpnt.Voc. 
Rome  for  fix  years  of  the  tenth  Perfecution  begun  by  EccUf- 
Dioclcfian,  which  was  the  longeft  and  fierceft  that  ever 
befel  the  Church  }  when  the  Chriftians  were  fo  far 
from  erefting  any  Churches ,  that  alt  before  erected 
were  by  fevere  Edi&s  to  be  quite  demolifhed.  But  what 
is  (aid  of  Titles  divided  by  Euariftus  may  be  true  in 
this  fenfe,  that  fince  they  could  not  fafely  meet  toge- 
ther in  the  Persecution  under  Trajan,  they  difperfed 
themfelves  into  diftin<3  meetings,  and  had  Presbyters 
affigned  to  officiate  in  each  of  them.  And  yet  the 
Chriftians  at  T(ome  were  then  no  more,  nor  long  after, 
than  might  all  meet  together  for  Worfiiip,  and  did  fo 
when  it  could  be  done  in  fafety.  In  the  time  ofXyJlus 
who  had  the  Chair  at  Rome  under  Adrian,  it  is  faid 
becanfe  of  the  frequent  JJaughters  of  the  Chriftians,  there 
were  few  found  who  durft  profefs  the  name  ofChrijI,  prop- 
ter freqitentes  cades  pauci  reperirentur  qui  r.amen  chrifiz 
profiteri  audennt  0.  And  there  was  an  order  in  that  0  Putin*. 
Church  that  when  the  cT$iflwp  celebrated,  all  the  Presby- 
ters Jlwuld  be  prefent.  Zepherinus  zoluit  ^Presbyteros 
emnes  adeffe  eclebrante  £pifcopo,quodet? ^/^Euarifto-  placuH, 
this  is  (aid  to  be  made  in  the  time  of  Suarijius  to  whom 
this  divifion  of  Titles  is  afcribed,  and  it  was  in  force  at? 
hundred  yearsafter,  being  renewed  by  Zepherinus  wha 
was  Bifhop  till  Anno  2 1  &  about  3c  years  before  Cornell 
us,  who  freaks  of  46.  Presbyters  at  Rome.  Now  the 
Lords  Supper  was  frequently  adminiftred  in  thofe  times, 
at  leaft  every  Lords-day,  and  when  the  Bifhop  was  pre- 
fent, he  himfelfdid  celebrate,  and  if  all  the  Presbyters 

N  were: 

were  to  be  prefect  when  he  did  celebrate  ^  then  all  the 
People  likewife  were  to  be  preterit,  or  elfe  they  had  no 
Publick  Worfhip,  for  they  could  have  none  without 
Bifhop  or  Presbyters. 

3dly5  A  Church  is  not  proved  to  be  Diocefan  by  the 
numbers  o£T>resbyters  in  it,  this  I  have  made  evident 
before,  and  made  it  good  againfl:  our  \Authors  excepti- 

P?^,5j2,  ons.  But  he  brings  a  new  inftancep,  and  will  have  E- 
dejja  to  have  been  a  Diocefan  Church  becaufe  of  the  nu- 
merous Clergy,  the  Clergy ,  fayes  he,  of  the  City  of  E- 
deffa  was  above  200  perfons^  not  reckoning  that  of  the 
Countrey  within  his  Diocefe,  and  this  was  a  Diocefan  Tii- 
J/jop  topurpoje. 

He  did  well  not  to  reckon  that  of  the  Countrey  in 
his  Diocefe  :  unlefs  he  had  kown  that  fomething  of  the 
Countrey  was  within  his  Diocefe.  It  was  not  unufual 
for  the  Bifhops  charge  to  be  confined  to  a  Town  or  City 

qmocenuEp.   Rome  it  felf  is  an  inftance  of  it  ^,    Cum  omnes  £cclefi<e 

ad  Dtctnmm.  mflr£  ifJtra  Civitatem  conftituufunt.  But  why  it  Ihould 
be  judged  to  be  a  Diocefan  Church  becaufe  200  fuch 
Perfons  belonged  to  it,  feeing  the  great  Church  at 
C.  P.  had  above  500  Officers  amgned  it  after  ^uftinian 

r  N0W/.3.  c$.  had  retrenched  the  numbers  r,  and  yet  was  never  coun- 
ed  a  Diocefe,  I  do  not  well  underftand.  But  he  hath 
fome  other  reafons  for  it,  and  becaufe  he  thinks  >  they 
prove  the  Bifhop  o£Ed?Jfa  to  have  been  a  Diocefan  to 
purpofe,  let  us  on  the  by  a  little  examine  them  5  thefe  he 
gives  in  fummarily,  This  was  a  Diocefan  Ttifljop  to  pur- 
pofe^  who  befides  a  large  Diocefe^  had  excommunicating 
Archdeacons^  and  a  great  revenue. 

I  find  nothing  alledged  to  (hew  he  had  a  large  Dio- 
cefe or  any  at  all,  but  this,  the  City  of  Battina  was  in  the 
Dioceje  ^Edefla,  for  Ibas  is  accufed  of  having  endeavour- 
ed tomake  one  John  Bifhop  ofit7  8cc. 


(9i  ) 

Battina  had  a  Bifhop  of  its  o  Wn,  how  rfacn  can  it  be 
faid  to  be  in  the  Dioccfe  oCEdcjffa,  unlefs  Province  and 
Diocefe  be  confounded  i  SdeJ/a  was  the  ^Metropolis  of 
^Mefopotatnia,  the  Bifhop  of  it  was  the  third  ^Metropo- 
litan in  the  patriarchate  of  ytntioch,  as  they  are  ordered 
in  the  antient  V^otitia.  The  Bifhop  of  rBattina  was 
one  of  the  many  Suffragans  belonging  to  that  Metropo- 
litan. How  then  comes  the  Diocefe  of£dejffa  to  be  any 
wayes  large  upon  this  account  f  Is  the  Diocefe  of  Can- 
terbury one  foot  the  larger,  becaufe  there  is  a  Bifhop  of 
Peterborough  in  that  Province  $  Thefe  things  are  not 
eafily  apprehended  nor  can  be  well  digefted. 

2dly,  The greatnef of  his  Tfevenue  is  no  more  appa- 
rent, there  is  nothing  to  prove  it  but  the  riches  of  that 
Churchy  and  its  great  Revenues,  and  hereof  our  Author 
gives  us  no  clear  account,  no  value  of  the  V^Qimifmata^ 
nor  is  there  any  Evidence  in  the  Council  for  the  Man- 
vors  he  fpeaks  of  but  only  the  jelling  offome  wood  in  a 
certain  place  there  named.But  where  there  was  aDiocefw 
and  Archdeacons ,  decorum  required  there  fhould  be 
Mannors  and  vaft  Revenues  for  the  Bifhop.  Nor  do  I 
quarrel  with  it,  only  this  breaks  the  fquares  a  little,  and 
difturbs  the  correspondence  between  thofe  and  our 
times  '•>  that  if  the  Revenues  of  that  Church  had  a- 
mounted  to  ten  times  more,  yet  the  Bifhop  would  Jcarce 
have  been  one  jot  the  richer  for  it.  This  will  not  ieern 
ftrange  to  any,  who  take  notice  of  the  antient  Orders, 
concerning  the  revenues  of  an  Epifcopal  Church.  The 
Bifhop  was  to  have  nothing  thereof  if  he  could  main- 
tain himfelf  otherwife.  When  he  was  neceflitous,  no- 
thing was  allowed  him  for  himfelf  but  necejfaries,  food  cCdn.  Anuoch. 
and  raiment  f  He  was  to  pur  chafe  nothing  while  he  c.25. 
lived,  nor  to  leave  any  thing  got  by  his  Bifhoprick  i^^/3m?i 
when  he  died,  to  his  Relatives  or  others,  but  only  to  e.  dt  Epifc.Novl 
the  Church  that  maintained  him  U     The  Bifhop  of '3,-?-l3-Cwft 

N  2  2^4^*^* 

(92   ) 

•Sdeffa,  or  any  other  in  thefe  Circumftanees,  muft  be  a 
poor  Drocefan,  and  one  in  a  good  Englifo  Rettery  or  Vi* 
car/dge,  is  in  a  fairer  way  to  be  rich,  than  any  in  the 
antient  Bifhopricks,  fo  ordered.  And  if  Riches  or 
Revenues  be  good  Arguments  to  prove  a  Dwcefan,  one 
of  our  Vicars  may  be  a  better  Diocefan  than  the  Bifhop 
of £de[fi.  It  is  true  there  is  fome  intimation  from  T{ome, 
that  the  Bifliop  (hould  have  the  4th.  part  of  the  Churches 
revenues,  but  there's  no  appearance  of  fuch  a  dijlribu- 
tion,  till  after  the  time  of  the  four  firft  general  Coun- 
cils 5  nor  in  any  Countrey  but  Italy  till  an  hundred 
years  after  :  Nor  did  it  ever  obtain  ("that  I  can  dilcover 
after  fome  inquiry)  in  the  Greeks  Churches. 

3.  The  other  proof  that  Ibas  was  a  Diocefan,  viz* 
becaufe  fo  had  excommunicating  Archdeacons,  our  Author 
would  make  good  by  telling  us,  that  one  of  his  Arch- 
deacons excommunicated  Maras.  Now  this  though  it 
prove  not  what  it  is  alledged  for,  may  prove  more 
than  he  likes.  An  Archdeacon  in  the  antient  Church 
(though  he  be  another  thing  now)  was  not  fo  much  as 
a  Presbyter,  he  was  but  in  the  lower  Order  of  Deacons, 
though  chief  amongft  them,  and  chofen  by  them,  as 
u  Ep.  ad  Eva-  Jerome  fignifies  u,  Diaconi  eligunt  deje  quern  indufirium 
gnnm.  noverint,    &  Archidiaconum  vocant,    the  Deacons  chufe 

from  amongft  themfelves  one  whom  they  know  to  be  indu- 
firiom,  and  call  kirn  Archdeacon.  Now  if  a  Deacon 
had  the  power  to  excommunicate,  there  can  be  no  doubt 
but  the  Presbyters  had  it,,  being  of  a  Superiour  Order 
and  Power.  And  excommunication  being  counted  the 
higheft  a&  of  Jurifdi&ion,  it  cannot  be  queftioned  but 
the  other  afts  thereof  belonged  to  them  5  and  fo  the 
Presbyters  having  all  the  Jurifdiftion  of  Biflwps  (  all  the 
power  of  Government^  what  did  they  want  of  being 
Bifhops  but  the  honour  of  prefiding  in  their  Aflemblies? 
j  And 

C  93  ) 
And  if  they  were  no  farther  from  being  Bifhoos,  they 
will  go  near  to  be  as  much  Diocefan,  and  fo  x\WGentle~ 
man  may  chufe,  whether  he  will  have  all  of  both  forts 
to  be  Diocefans,  or  none  of  either. 

4-ly,  It  is  no  Argument  to  prove  a  Diocefan  Church 
to  fhew  that  it  confifts  of  (lich  who  live  at  a  good  di- 
ftance  one  from  another.  Dionyfus  had  a  great  Con- 
gregation  at  Cephro,  a  Village  in  Lybia,  but  thofe  which 
made  up  this  Church  were  of  another  Countrey,  coming 
partly  from  .Alexandria ,  partly  from  other  parts  of 
£&yPU  as  Eufebitts  (hews  us,  yet  none  ever  efteemed 
that  to  be  a  Diocefan  Church.  In  Juflin  ^Martyrs  time 
thofe  that  were  in  the  Countrey,  and  thofe  that  were  in 
the  City,  when  thofe  were  no  more  than  made  one 
Congregation,  met  together  in  one  place,  W^^-w 
7rfae<;  x}  £yf*s  u%vov]ov  &$7vcIvtv  ow&.JJm  9  the  Meeting  con- 
lifted  of  fiich  as  lived  at  a  good  diftance,  but  none  will 
imagine  it  to  be  a  Diocefan  Church,  but  thofe  who  will 
have  a  fingle  Congregation  to  be  fuch  a  Church.  All 
the  Chriftians  in  City  and  Countrcy  ,  fays  Dr.  Downham% 
if  they  had  been  affembkd  together •,  would  have  made  but  a 
fmall  Congregation. .  vo.  w  Defence  Li. 

Our  Authour  would  prove  the  largenefs  of  ^Bafth  e-W'6?' 
Diocefs  by  the  diftance  between  Crfjarea  and  Safma.  *.  xpag. 54^,547 
He  makes  much  of  it  and  takes  the  pains  to  meaflire  the 
diftance  between  thefe  Towns,  or  rather,  as  he  (ays ,  to 
mak^fome  guefs  at  it out  of  an  Itenerary  and  Putinge/sTa* 
bles^  yet  tells  us  the  diftance  muft  be  as  great  at  leaft  as 
between  Hippo  and  Fujfala,  that  fo  Si.  IBaJil's  Diocefs 
may  be  as  great  at  leaft  as  that  of  St  Auftins.  I  think 
they  will  prove  much  alike ,  for  as  I  have  (hew'd  that 
Aujlins  Diocefs  was  not  one  foot  larger  for  Fuffala^  fo 
it  will  appear  that  St.  Haft's  had  not  the  leaft  enlarge- 
ment upon  the  account  ofSafma.  That  he  might  not 
be  out  in  his  meafures  nor  have  loft  all  his  labour,  two 

x     thing? 

C  94  J> 

things  (hould  firft  have  been  cleared,  neither  of  which 
is  (or  Aiink  can  be  proved  5  ift,  That  Safima  was  in 
Bafil's  Diocefe,   for  if  it  was  but  only  in  his  Province  ^ 
how  far  fbever  it  was  from  C<efarea,  his  Diocefe  can  be 
nothing  the  larger  for  it,    though  his  Province  might. 
To  prove  it  in  his  Diocefe  I  find  nothing  but  his  own 
aflertion,  that  Safima  isfaid  exprefly  to  he  taken  out  of  the 
Diocefe  of  Bafil  5  "but  where  is  this  faid  exprefly,  or  by 
whom,  except  by  himfelf  .<?  The  words  in  the  Margin 
fignify  no  fuch  thing,  but  only  fome  attempt  to  deprive 
a  Metropolis  of  Safima.     For  a  Metropolis  may  be  de- 
prived of  a  Town  which  is  in  any  part  of  the  Province, 
when  another  Metropolitan  feizeth  on  it.     And  I  believe 
our  Author  is  yet  more  out  in  taking  the  (^Metropolis 
Which  9\(azianzen  (peaks  of  to  be  Cdcfarea,  when  it  ap- 
pears by  the  Spijile  to  be  rather  Tyana.     For  as  the 
whole  Epiftle  is  writ  to  BafJ,  fo  thefe  words  cited,  af- 
ter many  others  by  way  of  fharp  expoftulation,  are  di- 
rected to  him  as  endeavouring  to  deprive  a  Metropolis 
of  this  Town,  called  ironically  ™v**y*$v  Xm^v :  Now 
Ctffarea  was  not  the  Metropolis  which  Bafil  would  have 
deprived  of  Sa(ima0  he  earneftly  endeavoured  to  have 
it  annext  thereto  $  but  he  would  have  deprived  Tyana 
of  it ,    if  Anthimus  the  Metropolitan  there,    had  not 
made  a  ftout  oppofition.     sdly,  He  (hould  have  prov- 
ed, that  after  this  part  of  Cappadocia  was  divided  into 
two  Provinces,  Safima  was  in  that  Province  which  fell 
to  Bafth  (hare  f  for  if  it  was  not  in  his  Province  how 
could  his  Diocefe  be  any  larger  for  it?  )  but  inftead  of 
this  our  Author  offers  what  may  ferve  to  difprove  it, 
telling  us  that  in  the  antient  Greeks  t^Qotitia,  Safima  is 
fet  down  in  the  fecond  Cappadocia  ("which  belonged  to 
Anthimus  as  the  firft  did  to  Bafil)  andfo^  fayes  he,  it  is 
not  lively  to  he  very  near  Caefarea.     No  indeed,   it  is 
thereby  proved  to  be  fo  far  from  Ctffarea,   that  it  did 



hot  enlarge  Tiafifs  Province,  much  lets  his  Diocefe, 
Thus  it  is  alfb  placed  in  the  tommm  of  Leo  Sophus  un- 
der the  Metropolitan  of  Tyana,  not  of  defarea.  It  is 
true  Bajil  laid  claim  to  it,  but  after  fome  conteft  he 
yeilded',  and  Anthimus  carried  it,  placing  Eulalias  there 
as  one  of  his  Suffragans,  when  J^jtzianzen  had  quitted 

He  goes  farther  on  to  (hew  the  largenefs  of  Diocefes 
in  Bafil's  Province. 

"It  is  plain  by  U^&zianzen  that  Cappadocia  had  but 
<c  50  Bifhops,  for  fo  many  he  fayes  Bafil  had  under  him, 
cc  and  confidering  the  extent  of  that  Countrey  the  Dio- 
"  cefes  muft  needs  be  large. 

He  does  not  fay  TSafil  had  no  more  under  him,  nor 
that  he  was  making  no  more  5  he  knew  Bafil  was  con- 
ftituting  more  Bifhops  in  that  part  of  Cappadocia  which 
was  his  Province,  and  V^aztanzen  commends  him  for 
it  as  an  excellent  undertaking  on  feveral  accounts/.        y  oratJeBafr 

"  Confidering  the  extent  of  that  Countrey,  the  Dio- 
cc  cefes  muft  needs  be  large,  for  the  Countrey  as  Strabo 
"  computes,  is  near  400  miles  in  length,and  little  lefs  in 
"  breadth. 

If  he  means  Bafil's  own  Province,  where  he  told  us 
there  were  50  Suffragans  under  him  befides  Safima, 
&c  z  :  (as  I  know  not  what  he  can  mean  elfe,  ff  his  z  ?ag.  $4$. 
Difcourfe  be  not  impertinent  and  inconfiftent  5  for  Ba- 
fil  as  Metropolitan  had  no  Bifhops  under  him,  but  thofe 
in  his  proper  Province )  Strabo  is  ftrangely  mifrepre- 
fented  to  ferve  a  turn  3  for  it  is  the  whole  Countrey  which 
paffed  under  the  name  of  Cappadocia^  that  the  Geogra- 
pher gives  us  the  dimenfions  of  in  the  place  cited,  and 
tell  us  it  was  divided  into  ten  Trefe&ures,  Meletena^ 
Cataonia*,  Cilica,  Tyanitk^  lfautith,  &c.  whereof  Ba- 
Jits  Province  was  but  one,  viz.  that  called  (Silica,  and 
that  of  Anthimus^    Tyanitis ,    another,    &c    Mazaca 



(afterwards  called  C<cfarea)  being  Metropolis  of  Bafih 
and  7^^  ofTyanitk,  &c.  and  after  he  hath  given  fome 
account  of  thefe  ten  Prefectures,  he  adds  the  dimenfi- 
ons  of  the  whole  Countrey,  in  thefe  words,  the  extent 
<?/Cappadocia  in  breadth  from  the  Euxine  to  Taurus,  is 
l8cc  Furlongs^  in  length  3000.  So  that  our  Author 
will  have  the  extent  of  TSafU's  Province  to  be  no  lefs 
than  that  of  the  whole  Countrey  when  it  is  but  the  tenth 
part  thereof  And  as  if  this  were  not  enough,  he  makes 
the  breadth  of  the  whole  Countrey,  to  be  near  twice  as 
much  as  it  is  in  Strabo  3  but  he  hath  fome  falvo  for  this, 
fuch  as  it  is, 

"  And  little  lefs  in  breadth,  as  Caufabon  reftores  the 
"reading  of  1800  Furlongs  in  the  12th.  Bco^  by 
"  a  paflage  in  the  Jecond  where  the  breadth  is  made 
"  280c. 

It  is  true  Caufabon  obferves  fome  difference  in  the 
places  cited,  but  he  fhews  how  they  may  be  eafily  re- 
conciled, without  changing  the  Text  here, .  or  making 
the  Countrey  broader  than  it  is  here  defcribed,  viz. 
by  taking  T^ontus  in  one  place  for  the  Sea,  in  the  other 
For  the  T\egion  fo  called,  feparated  from  Cappadocia  by 
mountains  parallel  to  Taurus  \  and  then  concludes,  Sic 
non  erit  difcedendum  &  vulgat*  led  ion  e.  So  that  he  hath 
00  relief  by  Caufabon  without  curtailing  the  Paflage. 

"  And  in  this  compafs  Bilhops  may  contrive  50  Dio- 
"  cefes  of  very  competent  extent,  and  not  inferiour  to 
"  many  of  ours. 

Let  him  try  how  in  IBaftl's  Province  of  about  40 
miles  in  length,  he  can  contrhe  room  for  above  $0 
Bifhops,  with  as  large  Diocefcs  as  thofe  he  pleads  for. 
That  which  is  now  thought  little  enough  for  one  Bifhop 
^Baftl  conceived  too  big  for  Fifty. 


C  97  ) 

What  Diocefes  Bafd  (and  others  before  him)  thought 
fufficient  for  Bifhops  both  then,  and  in  former  times,  ap- 
pears by  a  paffage  which  our  Author  next  cites,  where* 
^Amphilochius  Bifhop  of  Iconium,  is  dire&ed  to  conjiitute 
Ttrjfjopr  for  the  'Province  of  Iconium,  in  little  Corporati- 
ons and  Villages,  a  Hundreds  of  inftances  might  be  a  Ep.  406. 
brought  of  Bifhops  elfewhere,  in  Jitch  little  places  and 
Villages,  but  I  will  go  no  further  now,  than  the  in- 
ftance  himfelf  offers  us,  whereby  it  is  manifeft  that  a 
UttleCorporation,  or  a  Village  might  furnifh  a  Bifhop  with 
fuch  a  Diocefe,  as  was  then  thought  competent,  both 
by  TiaJiL,  and  the  Church  before  kit*.  For  in  fuch  lit- 
tle places  there  was  Bifhops  before,  as  TSafU  there  figni- 
fies,  and  he  gives  dire&ion  that  it  (hould  be  fb  ftill. 
Yet  he,  that  would  ad vife  the  reducing  of  Bilhopsto 
fuch  Sees  now,  would  be  counted  an  enemy  to  Epifco- 
pacy  3  and  his  advice  deftru&ive  to  Bifhops.  So  much 
do  we  now  differ,  both  from  the  judgment  and  prac- 
tice of  the  antient  Church,  and  the  moft  eminent  Bi- 
fhops in  it. 

Hereby  alfb  it  appears  that  the  multiplying  of  Metropo- 
litans was  no  fuch  occafion  of  multiplying  Bif/iops,  but 
that  their  numbers  increajed,  when  there  was  not  that 
occafion  }  And  this  in  Cappadocia,  which  is  our  Au- 
thors eminent  inftance.  b  For  Bifhops  were  multiplyed  b  Pa*.  545. 
by  ere&ing  Epifcopal  Sees  in  Villages,  and  little  places, 
this  was  done  in  JJiuria,  a  Province  in  Cappadocia,  as 
appears  by  thefe  paffages  in  TSajil,  before  the  conteft 
between  him  and  jfnthimus,  upon  the  conftituting  of 
a  new  Metropolitan  :  and  after  that  difference  was 
Compofed,  Tiajil  thought  it  advifeable  that  it  fhould 
be  done  ftill.  And  the  like  may  be  (aid  of  Africa,  the 
inftance  he  moft  infifts  on,  and  fpends  many  Pages  up- 
on it,  pretending  the  occafion  why  Bifhops  were  fo 
numerous  there,  wa6  the  schifat  of  the  Donatifrs, 

O  Whereas 


*  Whereas ihe  rule  by  which  the  African  Fathers  proceed- 
ed in  ere&ingBifhopricks  in  little  places,  and  fo  increa- 
fing  the  number  of  Bifhops,  was  as  themfelves  declare, 
who  beft  knew  it,  the  increaje  of  the  number  of  Chritfi- 
:co*cU.c*rtb.  ans  :  c  Where  thefe  were  multiplyed,    and  defired  a 
i  can.  5.        Bilhop,  they  thought  themfelves  obliged  to  let  them 
have  one  5  not  excepting  the  meannefs  or  finalnefi  of 
the  places,  where  he  was  to  be  conftituted.     And  we 
muft  believe  fif  we  have  any  reverence  for  thofe  Fa- 
thers) that  they  would  have  done,  what  they  judged 
themfelves  obliged  to,  though  there  had  been  no  Do- 
natijls  amongft  them.     And  when  there  can  be  nofuch 
pretence  of  occafion  from  the  Donatijis,  the  praftice 
was  continued,  as  appears  by  St.  Aujiins  procuring  a 
Bifhop  for  Fujffala,  which  he  calls  a  Caflle,  upon  fbme 
increafeof  the  Catholicks  there,  diverfe  years  after  the 
noted  conference  at  Carthage,  where  the  heart  of  the 
Donatifts  was  broken  5  Nay,  many  years  after  the  in- 
vafion  of  the  Vandals,  and  the  death  of  St.  Aufiin  they 
proceeded  in  the  (ame  methods,  or  rather  exceeded  their 
Predeceffors  in  multiplying  Bifhops,  by  erefting  Epif- 
copal  (eats  in  (mailer,  and  more  inconfiderable  places, 
A  £?.  8$.       if  Leo  hisEpiftlemay  be  credited,  d 

But  to  return  to  our  jinthor,  and  the  paffage  of  Ba- 
fil,  tnfifted  on5  by  which  fayes  he,  '  it  appears  that 
*c  Ifauria  was  part  of  Bafil's  Province  3  How  this  appears 
by  any  thing  therein/  I  cannot  imagine,  our  Author 
fignifies  before  that  Ifauria  was  a  diftinft  Province, 
the  Metropolis  of  it  fas  he  fuppofes)  SeleucU,  which 
had  a  metropolitan  and  fuffragans  before,  and  being 
now  deftitute,  the  Bifhops  in  the  Vicinity  were  care- 
ful to  provide  others.  Which  being  fo,  that  it  (hould 
be  part  of  Tiafll's  Province  feems  as  incongruous,  as  if 
it  were  (aid,  that  the  Province  of  Torl^,  is  part  of  the 
Province  of  Canterbury  :  but  if  this  could  be  digefted, 


that  one  Province  is  part  of  another,  yet  IJauria  would 
rather  be  part  of  Amphilochius  his  province,  who  (as 
he  tells  us)  was  to  confliMc  a  Metropolitan  and  other 
Bifhops  therein,  than  of  Bafl's,  who  is  only  represent- 
ed as  giving  advice  about  it.  Or  if  giving  advice  and 
dire&ion,  would  prove  any  thing  of  this  nature,  the 
7>apijls  might  think  it  a  good  argument,  that  Africa 
was  part  of  the  Roman  Province,  becaufe  Leo  Bifhop 
of  Rome  gives  advife,  how  Biftiops  fhould  be  there  con- 
ftituted.  e  cibid. 

x  Next  he  brings  in  the  chore-pifcopi  in  order  to  his  de- 
fign,  and  tells  us  /  they  were  '  Countrey  Biflwps,   and  f  ?ig%  **0' 
c  their  Church  confided  of  many  Congregations ,    and 
c  thofe  at  a  good  diftance  one  from  another,  and  alfo 

*  that  Come  of  them  had  the  infpe&ion  of  a  large  Ter- 
c  ritory,  no  left  it  is  like  than  the  County  of  Fuffala. 

But  not  a  word  for  proof  of  this,  fave  Bafih  men- 
tioning a  Chor-epifcopusT^Tww^^e^/^re/  5  Where- 
as if  he  had  been  the  Biftiop  of  two  or  three  Villages, 
this  might  be  enough  to  (atisfie  the  import  of  that  ex- 
preffion.  Yet  he  knows  there  is  fome  one  Countrey 
Parifh,  that  hath  ten  times  as  many,  or  more  Villages 
in  it,  but  never  pretended  to  be  a  Diocefin  Church, 
and  that  fuch  a  pretence  would  be  now  counted  ridi- 

He  adds,  that  which,  if  it  were  true,  wouldgo  near 
to  dethrone  thefe  Countrey  Tiifhops^  (for  Tiajil  fpeaks 
of  them,  as  having  their  Thrones  in  Villages^  and  ren- 
der them  lefs  than  antient  Presbyters,  for  all  their  large 
Territory,  and  there  being  Diocejans. 

c  But  yet  thefe  were  but  the  Deputies  or  Surrogates  of 
lthe  City  Biftiops  in   point  of  jurifdi&ion ,    for  they 

*  were  to  do  nothing  of  moment  without  their  Biftiop. 

O  2  If 

li  this  be  ib,  it  would  be  left  wonder  that  the  Pope 
will  have  Bifaops  to  be  but  his  fubftitutes ,  and  that 
fome  Bifhops  will  have  the  Paftors  of  Parochial  Chur- 
ches to  be  but  their  Vicars  or  Curates.     I  hope  our  Au- 
thor intends  better,  however  it  is  well  that  fuch  odd 
Hypothcfcs  have  no  better  fupport  than  that  which  is  add- 
ed, for  fayes  he,  they  were  to  do  nothing  of  moment  with- 
out their  Bifjop  3    this  is  his  argument,   and  he  is  not 
alone  in  urging  it.     Let  us  lee  whether  it  will  not  do 
the  Bifhops  (for  whole  advancement  it  is  defigned)  as 
much  differvice,   as  it  can  do  the  Chorepifcopi ,   or 
Presbyters  3  diverting  them  of  that  which  is  counted 
more  neceflary  and  advantageous  to  them,  than  a  large 
Diocefe.     The  Provincial  Bifhops  were  obliged  to  do 
nothing,  l^Hv  vrgtv/lav  ZhxH?*v  ^XA  *S  &*&&*&    '&***»**% 
without  the  Tiijloop  of  the  ^Metropolis,  this  the  fynod  at 
4#tioch  decrees,  according  to  an  antient  Canon  of  the 
g  can.  9.  can.  Fathers,   g  By  this  argument  we  muft  conclude,  that 
*iLMUv.m'  t^ie  Bifa°Ps in  a  Province  were  but  the  Deputies  and 
can.  13.         Surrogates  of  the  Metropolitan.     And  it  may  proceed 
proportionably  againft  the  ^Metropolitans  with  refpeft 
to  the  yH?*W  or  primates  }  and  alio  to  their  prejudice 
in  reference  to  the  Patriarchs.     It  will  go  near  to  de- 
ftroy  thcTSiJIiops  likewife,  if  we  follow  it  downwards. 
In  the  antient  Church  the  Bifhops  were  to  do  nothing  of 
moment,  without  the  Presbyters,  this  the  moft  judicious 
and  Learned  ^JJcrters  of  Epifcopacy  acknowledge  5 
h  b.  snfon,     h  Nay  further,  in  the  beft  Ages  of  the  Church,  the 
nwnbai]  b!'  73?fops  WW  *°  **  nothing  without  the  people,    that  is, 
mil,  m!       without  their  and  confent.     This  is  moft  evi- 
*%£?      B'    dent  in  Cyprians tzpijllcs,  and  is  acknowledged  by  fuch 
i  nit  defence   Trelatifts  as  are  otherwile  reserved  enough.    *  Now 
of  Dr.  st.  Pag.  by  th18  ArgUment  we  may  conclude  that  Bifhops  were 
but  the  Deputies  or  Surrogates  of  the  Presbyters  5  or 
which  will  be  counted  mpxp  intolerable,  that  Bifhops 


had  their  jurifdittion  from  the  people  by  Deputation 
and  Vicarage.  It  may  be  this  Gentleman  will  not  like 
his  argument  (b  well,  when  he  fees  what  improvement 
it  is  capable  o£  yet  in  purfuance  of  it  he  adds,  c  Tiafil 
c  is  (b  refolute  upon  his  prerogative,  that  he  will  not  en- 
cdure  they  Ihould  ordain,  as  much  as  the  inferiour 
c Clergy,  without  his  contents  and  if  they  do,  let 
c  them  know,  ((ayes  he)  that  whofoever  is  admitted 
c  without  our  content  (hall  be  reputed  but  a  Layman. 

I  fuppofe  the  'Prerogative  for  which  he  will  have  Ba- 
fil  (b  refolute ,  is  a  Negative  in  ordinations  upon  the 
Countrey  Bifhops  *  but  this  cannot  be  concluded  from 
the  words  cited.  For  the  Council  of  5\jVe  gives  the 
Metropolitan  a  power,  as  to  ordinations  in  the  fame 
words,  k  declaring  that  if  a  Bifhop  be  ordained  by  the  kc«.  6. 
Provincials,  yty  yww>  without  the  judgment  of  the  Me- 
tropolitan^ the  great  Council  will  have  him  accounted  no 
Tiifiop  5  and  yet  the  Metropolitan  had  no  Negative  up- 
on the  Provincials  in  Ordinations,  for  the  Game  Council 
determines,  that  in  ordinations  plurality  of  Votes  Jhall 
prevail,  which  is  utterly  inconfiftent  with  any  ones  Ne- 
gative vcice.  What  then  is  the  import  of  Tiafirs  *V<6 
yvetyw}  take  it  in  the  words  of  a  very  Learned  and  Ju- 
dicious Dr.  of  this  Church,  it  is  indeed  there  faid,  that 
none  fiould  be  wdained  %*wyvvy.M  without  the  opinion  of 
the  ^Metropolitan,  but  that  doth  not  import  a  Negative 
voice  in  him,  but  that  the  tranfaUion  Jlwuld  not  pafs  in 
his  abfence,  or  without  this  knowledge,  advice  and  fuffr age, 

&C'   '      .  -  IBmoTvoftbe 

5.  it  is  no  proof  of  a  Diocefan  Church,  to  (hew  that  ?WS  s*?rtm~ 

a  Town,  befides  the  Clergy  or  Officers  in  it,  had  fome  Ch  Pag'  *14' 
Presbyters  or  Congregations  in  the  Countrey  belong- 
ing to  it.    The  inftances  which  fignifie  no  more,  or 
not  fo  much,  are  produced  as  fufficient  arguments  to 


C  Ic2  ) 

prove  there  were  fuch  Churches.     As  that  of  Gaim 

Diddenfis  T^resbjter,  fuppofed    (with  what  ground  I 

examine  not)  to  have  been  a  Countrey  Presbyter  be- 

n  vindication*  longing  to  Carthage,  and  under  Cyprian,     m  And  that 

I,  504.         0f  peijx  f^id  to  do  the  Office  of  a  Presbyter,  under 

DeciMvs  another  Presbyter  5    a  thing  unheard  of  in 

thofe  times,  but  let  us  take  it  as  we  find  it,  and  upon 

the  very  (lender  reafon  alledged  againft  Goulartius  (who 

is  of  another  Judgment)  believe,  that  he  was  a  Prieft 

1  Pag.  $06.     in  fome  Village  belonging  to  Caldoniui  his  Diocefe.   n 

;o7#  And  that  order  for  the  Presbyters  from  their  Churches, 

>  con.  4.  can. io  repair  to  their  proper  ^Bifiop  for  Chrijm'm  Africa,  0  in 
>$.  Spain,  p  and  in  France,    q  To  thefe  are  added,  for 

>  Toi.  1.  cap.  further  evidences,  the  Churches  ( (aid  without  ground 
\Vafcon.Can.^  to  be  many,)  belonging  to  Hippo  Di^ritorum  -0  AHb  the 

Church  of  Thyana ,  belonging  to  Alypius  Bifhop  of 
Tagella,  which  without  reafon,  we  muft  take  to  be  a 
confiderable  City,   r  and  the  City  Milevis 0   becaufe 

Pag-  5*7'  Petilian  (ayes  Tunca  belonged  to  it  once,  though  now 
it  had  a  Bifhop  of  its  own  5  and  by  our  Authors  Art 
of  computation  ,  Towns ,  Villages  and  Cities  muft  be- 
long to  Milevis,  upon  the  (ble  account  of  Tunca,  (bme- 

Pag.  $28.  **mG  appertaining  to  it,  /and  thefe  with  Fuffala,  (of 
which  before)  are  the  chief  inftances  to  prove  that 
Africa  had  very  large  Diocefes  not  inferionr  to  thofe  of 
ours,  in  extent  of  Territory,  t  Befides  in  the  Council 
of  Neoaefarea  Countrey  presbyters  are  diftinguifhed 
from  others  5    u  and  that  of  ^intioch  provides  that 

h  an.  a'  Countrey  presbyters  fall  not  give  Canonical  £  piffles,  w 
and  allows  the  Bifhop  to  order  his  own  Church,  and  the 

\St* 9' ?ag%  G°!t}rtrey  places  depending  on  it.  x  And  Epiphanius 
fpeaks  of  a  Church  belonging  to  his  charge,  which 
we  muft  underftand  to  be  his  Diocefe,  though  in  the 

fP*i>  s$r  paffage  cited,  it  is  twice  called  his  province,  y  in  fine, 
Jerome  fpeakes  of  (bme  baptized  by  Presbyters  or  Dea- 

Pag.  516 

j  Can.  1 3 
h  C. 

K  CA 

c  103 ; 

cons  in  Hamlets,  Co/Iks,  and  Tlaces  remote  from  tic 

Thefe  and  fuch  like  are  ufed  as  good  arguments  for 
Diocefan  churches,  whereas  there  are  diverfe  Towns  in 
England,  which  befides  the  Officers  in  them,  have  ma- 
vy  Congregations  and  Presbyters  in  Villages  belonging 
to  them,  and  contained  within  the  Pariih  5  and  yet 
our  Author  and  thofe  of  his  perfwafion  would  think 
Dioccfans  quite  ruined ,  if  they  were  reduced ,  and 
confined  to  the  meafures  of  thofe  Parifh  Churches,  and 
left  no  bigger  than  fome  of  our  Vicarages  and  Parfona- 
ges,  though  fuch  as  Mr.  Hooker  affirms  to  be  as  Urge  a* 
fomeantient  Bifiop >ricks  5  he  might  havefaid  moji,  there 
being  not  one  in  many  greater  or  fo  large.  I  yet  fee 
no  ground  in  antiquity,  nor  can  expeft  to  have  it 
proved,  that  the  larger  fort  of  ordinary  Biihopricks  in 
the  fourth  age,  and  fometkne  after,  were  of  more  ex- 
tent than  two  fuch  Vicarages  would  be,  if  united.  Yet 
a  Bifhop  of  fuch  a  Djftrift  in  our  times  would  be 
counted  fo  far  from  having  a  competent  Diocefe,  that 
he  would  fcarce  efcape  from  being  (corned  as  an  Italian 

But  his  greateft  argument,  (in  comparifon  of  which 
his  other  Allegations,   he  tells  us,  are  but  accidental 
hints,  z.  )  which  he  raoft  infifts  on,  and  offers  many  z  Pag.  508; 
times  over  5  fo  that  it  makes  a  great  part  of  his  diP 
courfe  on  this  fubjeft.  a     It  is  drawn  from  the  number  *Pae-  *°8,  *° 
ofBifljops  in  Councils,  by  which  he  would  evince  the  $&  pig.  55$ 
largenefs  of  antient  Diocefts,  when  it  no  way  proves u  *62t 
Diocefan  Churches  of  any  fize.     He  proceeds  upon  this 
fuppofition   that  there  were  great  numbers  of  Chrijiians 
in  all  parts  and  Cities,  bin  the  firtf  age:  ^nd  that  the  b  Pag.  530. 
Bipjops  were  fewer  in  former  times  than  afterwards.     The 
former  part  of  his  Hypothecs,  if  he  underftands  the  num- 
bers of  Chr'tftians  to  be  any  thing  comparable  to  what 


(  104  ) 
they  were  after  Confiantine,  when  Bifhops  were  much 
multiplied  5  (as  he  muft  underftand  it,  if  he  expedt  any 
fervice  from  it)  wants  proo£  and  he  offers  none  but 
(bme  paffages  in  Tertullian,  (trained  far  beyond  what 
i$  agreeable  to  other  aniknt  Authors,  of  which  before. 
Let  me  add  that  V^Qtzianzen  comparing  the  numbers  of 
Chriftiansin  former  times,  withthofe  in  Julian's  Reign, 
(ays,  they  .were  not  many  in  former  Perfecutions,  ("Chri- 
ftianity  had  not  reached  many,  8*"  W  wjaaw,J  no,  not 
in  that  of  Dioclefian,  8cc.  ( though  they  were  at  that 
time,  farr  more  numerous,  thm'mTertulliaris  age)  but 

c  ont.  3.  that  Chriftianity  was  found  only  in  a  few  5#  MpU  c  The 
ether  part  which  needs  no  proo£  fince  it  is  granted, 
(and  may  be  without  any  advantage  to  himj  he  at- 
tempts to  prove  largely  and  induftrioufly  5  but  by  fuch 
a  medium  as  makes  that  which  is  granted  to  be  quefti- 
onable,  fuch  a  one  which  as  it  is  ordered  may  conclude 
backward,  and  prove  the  contrary  to  what  he  defigns. 
That  this  may  be  manifeft,  let  it  be  obferved,  that  he 
will  have  us  take  an  account  of  the  number  of  Bi(hops 
in  the  Church  by  their  appearing  in  Councils,  more  or 
<bwer  5  and  accordingly  judge  in  feveral  periods,  whe- 
ther they  were  le(s  numerous,  and  confequently  their 
Diocefes  larger  in  former  times  than  afterwards.  And 
to  this  purpofe  we  need  view  no  other  inftances  than 
himfelf produces.  At  Lambefe  in  Africa  there  were  90 
Bifhops  againft  Prwatus  5  but  not  (b  many  in  any 
Council  after  (though  not  a  few  are  mentioned  in  that 

ipig.  $09.  Countrey.)  till  the  Donatifts  grew  numerous  d.  In 
Spain  the  Council  of  Eliberk  had  19  Biftiops  in  the  be- 
ginning of  the  4th.  Age,  and  the  firft  Council  of  Toledo 
had  no  more  in  the  beginning  of  the  age  after.  But 
the  following  Synods,  at  SaragoJJa,  Gerunda,  Ilerda9 

*m>M-$&Valentia,  Arragon,  had  not  (b  manye.  In  France  the 
Council  at  Valence  had  2 1  Bilhops  in  the  fourth  Age, 


C'ios  ) 

but  thofe  following  them,  in  that  and  the  after  ages 
had  ftill  fewer,  viz.  That  ofTtyz,  Orange,  the  third 
of  Aries,  that  at  Angers,  that  at  h ours,  and  Vennes  and 
another  at  Aries.  For  General  Councils,  the  firft  at 
&(ice  had  318  Bifhops  in  the  beginning  of  the  fourth 
Age,  thatat  Ephefas  above  an  hundred  yearsafter,  had 
but  two  hundred,  that  at  C.  7*.  in  the  latter  end  of 
the  fourth  Age  had  but  one  hundred  and  fifty  Bi- 

So  that  if  we  take  account  how  many  Bifhops  there 
were  of  old,  as  he  would  have  us,  by  their  numbers  in 
Councils,  there  will  be  more  before  the  middle  of  the 
third  Age,  than  in  the  beginning  of  the  fourth  5  more 
in  the  beginning  of  the  fourth  than  in  fome  part  of  the 
fifth  3  and  more  in  the  beginning  of  the  fifth,  than  in 
fome  part  of  the  (ixth  $  quite  contrary  to  the  Hypothe- 
cs on  which  he  proceeds.  Whether  by  his  argument 
he  would  lead  us  to  think  Diocejes  did  wax  and  wane 
fo  odly,as  it  makes  Bifhops  to  be  more  or  fewer,I  cannot 
tell.  However  fince  he  grants  that  in  the  fourth  and 
fifth  Ages  Diocefes  were  very  finally  and  crumbled  into  t  pa?.  $$2, 
fmall  pieces g,  (and  fo  nothing  like  oursj  .*  there's  nogw  $*<*' 
expe&ation  he  can  find  any  larger,  if  any  thing  near  fo 
great,  in  any  former  age :  unlets  they  can  be  larger 
when  incomparably  fewer  Chriftians  belonged  to  thefe 
Bifhops  3  which  will  be  no  lefs  a  paradox  than  the  for- 
mer. For  it  cannot  but  be  thought  ftrange,  that  the 
Bilhops  Diocefe  fhould  be  greater  when  his  flock  was 
undeniably  far  lefs.  And  they  feem  not  to  be  Chriftian 
Tliffjopricks,  whofe  measures  muft  be  taken  by  num- 
bers of  Aires  rather  than  of  Souls  3  or  by  multitudes  of 
Heathens  rather  than  Chriftians. 

He  denies  not,  that  the  generality  ofBi]hops,for  a  long 
while  after  the  Apoftles,  had  hut  one  Congregation  to  Go-  ?*£*  7*- 
vfrnk    What  then  $  fays  he,  If  all  the  Bskmrs  in  and 

P  about 

about  a  City  would  hardly  make  a  Congregation,  that  is  td 
be  afcribed  to  the  condition  ofthofe  times.  Diocefes  with 
him,  werelargeft  in  the  firft  times  3  but  Bifhops  being 
ftill  multiplyed,  they  became  lefi  and  lefs,  and  fo  were 
very  fmall  and  crumbled  into  very  little  pieces  in  the 
fourth  and  fifth  Ages.  This  is  the  tendency  of  his  dif- 
courfe  all  along.  Thus  Diocefes  mud  be  langeft,  when 
a  Bifhop  had  but  one  Congregation  $  but  in  after  ages 
when  he  had  more  Congregations  under  his  infpe&ion 
Diocefes  were  very  fmall  If  he  will  ftand  to  this,  our 
differences  may  be  eafily  compromized.  Let  him  and 
thole  of  his  perfwafion,  be  content  with  the  Diocefes 
in  the  firft  ages,  when  he  counts  them  largeft  ;  and  we 
(hall  never  trouble  any  to  reduce  them  to  the  meafures 
of  the  fourth  and  fifth  ages,  when  in  his  account  they 
were  lb  lamentably  little  ,  and  crumbled  fo  very 

The  particulars  premifed  contain  enough  to  (atisfie 
all,  that  I  have  yet  feen  alledged  out  of  Antiquity  for 
Diocefati  Churches,  fo  that  no  more  is  needful,  yet  let 
me  add  another,  which  will  (hew  there  is  a  medium  be- 
tween Congregational  and  Diocefan  Churches.  So  that 
if  fbme  Churches  (hould  be  (hewed  out  of  the  ^Antients 
exceeding  the  Congregational  meafures  ("as  feme  there 
were  in  the  times  of  the  four  firft  General  Councils^) 
yet  it  cannot  thence  be  immediately  inferred  that  they 
were  Diocefan,  fince  they  may  prove  a  third  fort  of 
Churches,  and  fuch  as  will  as  little  pleaie  thofe  of  this 
Gentleman's  perfwafion  as  Congregational. 

6.  It's  no  argument  for  a  Diacejan  Church,  that  there 
*vere  feveral  fixed  Churches,  with  their  proper  Presby- 
ters in  a  City  or  its  Territory  }  fo  long  as  thefe  Chur- 
chcs,how  many  fbever  were  governed  in  common  by  the 
Bifhop  and  Presbyters  in  fuch  a  Precinft.  For  though 
few  inftances  can  be  given  of  fuch  Churches,  in  or 


r  «oy) 

belonging  to  a  City  in  the  4th.  Age  5  yet  wherever 
they  were  extant  in  that ,  or  the  following  Age,  in 
things  of  common  concern  to  thofc  Churches,  they  were 
ordered  in  common  by  a  Presbytery,  that  is,  the  Bi- 
Ihop  with  the  Presbyters  of  that  Precinft.  Jerome  de- 
clares it  de  jure,  they  ought  to  be  governed  in  common , 
in  comrmni  debere  licclefiam  regere.     h  h  in  Titus  ti 

And  Felix  3  Bifbop  of  7{ome,  ("than  whom  no  Bi- 
fliop  was  higher,  or  more  abfolute  in  thofe  timesj  de- 
clares it  de  faiio^  when  he  fpeaks  of  the  Presbyters  of 
that  Church,  as  %Mw  nsr  Ip*  ?fo  d7n&\tKQv  d^far,  ruling 
that  Church  withbim.     It  is  the  lame  word  that  the  go- 
verning of  Churches  by  other  Bifhops,  is  exprefled  by 
$  Ww  ?£p  &btxfirw  0/  t*s  my!;  fiZmv  tKKto<na.<  yMlk^  as  Alex- 
ander faith  of  J^arcifus,   o^l\fitiiwvh™w'&^™it 
i  It  imports  no  lefs  than  pr<ejidere,  and  is  afcribed  to  *  &&•  u  6*cl 
Bifhops  and  Presbyters,  jointly  by  Tertullian,  ^  Cypru  kApoi.  c.  39: 
an  I  and  Firmilian.     m  Hence  the  Presbyters  are  fire- ]Lib*  »•  EP*  ?• 
quently  (aid  to  be  cv*Ae#r«?yo*  with  the  Bifhop,  n  for  n^i^jii/u. 
then  the  Governing  power  of  Bifhops  was  but  count-  4*  *• 8-  EP*- 
ed  a  tMinijiry,  ,Aimp>fa  y*?  i^rliii  ^K^mim^^horiMVy  ?han'  m'  42» 

0  and  the  Presbyters  fellow  ^Minijlers  with  him,  and  ojfid&KLib.Q 
joint  Administrators  in  the  Government.     They  are  EP-  260. 
ftyled  ntAmipttit*  p  fellow  T^aftors,   they  did  not  then  P^-^M' 
dream  that  a  Bifhop  was  file  Tajior  of  many  Char>-  Qm% 7' 
ches.  They  are  alio  called  *^f<£r*/,  which  is  no  lefs 
than  m&tmii  q  for  the  Presbyters  had  their  Thrones  with  qjgnatradTrai 
the  Bilhop.     So  Nazianzen  fpeaks  of  Bajil  when  or-  «  cbrrfofi.Tom^ 
dained  Presbyter,  as  promoted  twit  &faw  ~to  the  Sacred  7'Hom'^'<tt 
Thrones  of  the  Tresbyters.    r  They  are  alfo  called  <w-'r0rat.2o. 
4*rmor  ~'  **#.  f  ch„]t  %  ^ 

Hm  1. 
But  further  evidence  is  needlefs,  though  abundance 
may  be  produced,  fince  the  great  Tatwns  of  Epifco- 

P  2  pacy 

C  108; 

pacy  leems  not  toqueftion  it,  that  the  Church  was  g<r 

vernedin  cowmen,  and  the  Bilhop  was  to  do  nothing  of 

importance  without  the  Presbyters,  it  is  acknowledged 

t  Ptrptt  Go-     by  Biftiop  Bit/on,   t  BiQiop  Downham,  n  Bilhop  Hall 

vern.up.  u.  aflerts  it,  as  that  which  is  Vniverjally  accorded  by  all  an- 

\  l™"1  8. '  ti^y-i  fhat  dl  things  in  the  anticnt  Church  were  ordered 

w  At*  F.  47»  and  tranfa&ed  by  the  general  co??jent  of  ^Presbyters,     w 

Mr.  Thomdike  proves  at  large,  that  the  Government  of 

X  Prim.  Go-     Churches  pajfed  in  common  5   x  Primate  Z)J/jer  more  foe* 

yZdua.  of    cif!ftly  but  ^dually.    J  Add  but  Dr.  St.  who  both 
Epifaptcy.       aflerts  and  proves  it,  z>  there  was  fill  one  Ecclefiafiical 
z  inn.  Pag.      Senate,  which  ruled  all  the  feveral  Congregations  ~of  thofi 
354,35         '  Cities  in  common,  of  which  the  feveral  Presbyters  of  the 
Congregations  were  Members,   and  in  which   the  BiJIwp 
aUed  as  the  Prefldent  of  the  Senate,  fir  the  better  Govern- 
ing the  affairs  of  the  Churchy  8cc 

Let  me  add,  when  the  Churches  were  (b  multiplyed 
in  City  and  Territory,  as  that  it  was  requifite  to  divide 
them  into  Parishes,  and  conftitute  feveral  Churches  5 
the  Biftiop  was  riot  the  proper  Ttyler  or  Pajior  of  the 
whole  Precinft,  and  the  Churches  in  kr  or  of  any 
Church,  bx&one.  TheParilhes  or  Churches  were  di- 
vided among  Presbyters  and  Bilhop,  they  had  their  fe- 
veral diftihft  cures  and  charges  5  the  Bilhops  peculiar 
charge  was  the  Ecclejia  principalis,  the  chief  Parifh  or 
Church  fo  called,  or  **&wtuA  x*9i<ty*.  The  Presbyters 
performed  all  Offices  in  their  feveral  Cam,  and  order- 
ed all  affairs  which  did  particularly  concern  the  Church- 
es where  they  were  incumbents  5  thofe  that  were  of 
more  common  concern  were  ordered  by  Bilhop  and 
Presbyters  together,  and  thus  it  was  in  the  Bilhops 
Church  or  Parifti,  he  performed  all  Offices,  adminiftred 
all  Ordinances  of  Worlhip  himfelf,  or  by  Presbyters 
joyned  with  him,  as  Affiftants.  He  was  to  attend  this 
particular  cure  conftantly,  he  was  not  allowed  to  be  ab- 


C  109  ) 

fetit,  no,  not  under  pretence  of  taking  care  for  fomc 
other  Church  5  if  he  had  any  bufinefs  there  which  par- 
ticularly concerned  him,  he  was  to  make  quick  diP 
patch,  and  not  (&*%«*  $  ****«'#  *****  as  Zonaras) 
(lay  there  with  the  neglell  of  his  proper  flockj>  this  is  all  evi- 
dent by  a  Canon  of  the  Council  of  Carthage  a,  Rur-  J*Jg**W 
fitm  plactiH  ut  nemini  fit  faculty  reliCta  principal*  Cathe- 
dra, ad  aliquant  Hcclefiam  in  Dioceji  conjlitutamfe  aon- 
ferre,  vel  in  re  propria,  dintius  qnam  opart et  conBitutnm, 
cur  am  vel  frequent  attonem  prapri£  Cathedra  negligerc.  Of 
this  Church  or  Parifti  he  was  the  proper  Paftor  or  Ru- 
ler, called  there ^©"  fcfcflb  and  elfewherei  «««*  ^8^^  bc*»-S*' 
in  contradiftin&ion  toother  parts  of  the  Precinft,  called 
here  Diocefes  }  and  the  people  of  it  are  called  "**&  *<*& 
by  the  ancient  Canoniji  c,  his  proper  flocks  or  people,  his  czm.mhc. 
own  fpecial  charge.  This  was  the  particular  Churcb 
under  his  perfonal  Government,  but  he  was  not  Ruler 
of  the  Precinft,  or  any  other  Churches  in  it,  five  only 
in  common,  and  in  conjunttion  with  the  other  Pres- 
byters s  who  jointly  took  cognizance  of  what  in  his 
Church  or  theirs,  was  of  greater  or  more  general  con- 
fequence,  and  concerned  the  whole,  and  gave  order  in, 
it  by  common  confent* 

And  while  this  was  the  form  of  Government,  if  there 
had  been  as  many  Churches  there,  thus  affociated5  as 
Opt  at  us  in  the  fourth  age  (ays  there  was  at  T(ome,  or 
for  more,  they  could  not  make  a  Diocejan  Church,  un<- 
lefsa  Diocejan  and  a  Presbyterian  Church  be  all  one. 
For  this  is  plainly  a  'Presbyterian  Church,  the  antient 
'Presbyteries  differing  from  the  modern  but  in  a  matter 
of  (mailer  moment.  In  thofe  their  T'rejident  being 
fixed  and  conftant,  in  thefe  commonly  though  not  al- 
ways circular.  The  Presbyteries  in  Scotland  compri- 
sed feme  twelve,  feme  twenty,  fome  more  Churches^ 


r  no) 

their  Moderators  were  at  firft,  and  for  fome  years,  rfr- 
iam»M$h  c^ar^  King  James  afterwards,  Anno  1606  d,  would 
have  them  to  be  confiant,  and  fo  it  was  ordered  5  yet 
when  they  were  fixed,  no  man  ever  counted  the(e 
Presbyteries  to  be  Diocefan  Churches.  The  Church  of 
Geneva  confifts  of  twenty  four  Parifhes,  governed  in 
common  by  a  Presbytery  with  a  Moderator,  who  is 
fometimes  changed,  fbmetimes  continued  for  Life. 
Calvin  was  Prefdent  while  he  lived,  yet  that  of  Geneva 
is  not  wont  to  be  taken  for  a  Diocefan  Church.  Nor 
were  thofe  antient  Churches  fuch,  while  they  were 
governed,  not  by  one  Biftiop,  but  by  a  Senate  of  Pres- 
byters where  he  prejlded  5  as  in  the  Council  of  Conftan- 
tinople  all  things  in  the  Province  are  (aid,  to  be  governed, 
not  by  the  ^Metropolitan ,  but  by  the  Provincial  Sy- 

ican.i.SocL  node. 
5.  up.  8. 

Finally,  the  Presbyters  are  in  the  antient  Church  ac- 
knowledged to  have  had  the  power  of  the  k§ys,  both  as 
to  the  miniftration  of  the  Word  and  Sacraments,  and 
the  exercife  of  Government  andctnfures.  This  power  they 
exercifed  either  jointly  in  conjunction  with  the  Biftiop 
and  Senate  of  Presbyters  3  or  diftin&ly  in  the  particu- 
lar Churches  whereof  they  had  the  charge.  The  for- 
mer power  concerning  the  Word  and  Sacraments  is  not 
queftioned-j  nor  is  there  any  ground  to  queftion,the  lat- 
ter jf  fame  werenot  fwayedmore  by  the  praftice  of  their 
own  times,  than  the  principles  and  declarations  of  the 
antients.  Chryfojlom  afcribes  to  Presbyters ,  not  only 
tk(k<r<*x/W,  the  power  of  order,  but  <sw<wri*v  the  power 
fin  i  rim.  of  Government  f  giving  this  as  the  reafon  why  the 
Apoftle  gives  the  fame  rules  for  the  ordering  both  of 
Bithops  and  Presbyters,  there  *f  but  little  difference  be- 
twixt them,  fays  he,  for  they  are  ordained  both  to  the 


llom,  11. 

C  "O 

teaching  (<9O*"**0and  ruling  of  the  Church  Now  that  «er 
&**>   denotes     jurifdidtion  or  prefidentiam  cum  pote- 
fiate,  and  is  as  Hejychiu*  renders  ir,'  *»$yw*  is  plain  in 
Chryfoflome  himfelf}  he  tells  us  the  ApoftleTWhad 
4  i\x^m  <B&*****i  g  which   he  elfewheje  exprefles  by  g  in  i  cor.Hom. 
tw  wx^wr  fmumv  x»fav»rh:  and  fpeaking  of  ^Mofes,  he  h*a232i. 
(ays,  //  w«rc  wonderful,  that  he  who  was  to  be  a  Ruler,  25. 
0  <s&s«,w  tdxkw  £**%,  front d  be  born  atfuch  a  time  i.  The-  l^A^*^m, 
cphilatt  makes  the  difference  as  little  between  Bifhop 
and  Presbyters,  and  afcribes  as  much  power  to  the 
later,  alofoft  in  the  fame  words  4     So  Theodoret  de-  k  r* « *** 
dares  w*#fh  jurifdiftion  to  belong  to  every  Presby- 
ter/, again  fi  an  S/der  efpecially^  no  kfs  than  two  Witnef-ltoittn-W* 
Jes  muji  be  admitted,  becaufe  he  having  ©****/**  fqyuMft 
the  Government  of  the  Church  ,  and    in  the  exercife  of 
it  often  grieving  Delinquents,  they  being  ill  affected  to 
him,  will  be  apt  to  bring  falje  accufotions.     And  this  .is 
the  wW*  included  in  the  PresbyteFS  Office,  **n  a«t*t 
fa  X$«  Ktynry  «t*  wwW,    as    V^azianz&n   fpeaks  and 
much  more  to  that  purpofe  m.     And  befides  many  other  ra  Orat.  u 
paffages  of  like  import,  the  Title  ofGovernours  is  all 
a  long  in  antient  Writers  given  to  Presbyters  5  and 
all  the  expreffions  which  fignifie  Authority  and  Go- 
vernment, are  afcribed  to  them.     Thereby  thoie  that 
would  curtail  their  power,  and  make  it  no  more  of  old 
than  it  is  now,  are  not  a  little  encumbred  5  to  extricate 
themfelves  a  diftinftion  is  devifed  of  a  power  internal 
and  external,  the  former  they  will  allow  to  Presbyters 
in  their  refpedive Churches,  not  the  later. 

But  this  is  deviled  to  difentangle  themfelves,  a'nd 
falve  the  deviations  and  irregularities  of  later  times, 
not  that  there  is  any  ground  for  it  in  Antiquity.  For 
the  higheft  a&  of  that  external  power  of  jurififi&ion,  j 

is  Excommunication  3  and  if  this  was  in  the  Presbyters 
power  of  old,  no  other  aft  of  that  power  will,  or  can 


Q   112   J 

in  reafbn  be  denied  them  $  but  this  the  antients  afcribe 
n  Ad  wiiodo-  to  them  ,  So  Jerome,  n  Jliihi  ante  Tresbyterum  federe 
*m-  non  licet,  iUi  ft  peccavero  licet  me  tradere  fat  an  £  ad  inter- 

ritum  carnfc~,  ut  fpiritus  falvus  (it.     Chryfofiome  threat- 
ned  fome  of  his  Auditory,  while  he  was  a  Presbyter, 
to  Excommunicate  them,  **tpfAi**rimfyX9  rSv  U$v  7£Tay 
o  Rom.  17.  h  thCb>atv&M?w^  0  to  wave  all  of  like  nature  infifted  on 
Matth'  by  others  3  Jufliniun  in  the  6th.  Age  fignifies  plainly, 

that  not  only  BiJJiops,  but  'Presbyters  might  Excommu- 
nicate Offenders,  in  his  Conjiitutions  he  forbids  Bifhops 
and  'Presbyters  to  exclude  any  from  Communion,  till  fitch 
cauje  was  declared,  for  which  the  Canons  appointed  it  to 
be  done,  **<»  '6  roU  tiincixw  $  irfvrfyM&ti  dm^d'o^,  *po$ifar 
w*  n  '*}!&<  xoivwicu,  &c.  and  will  have  the  fentence  of 
Excommunication  refcinded,  which  u>as  pajfed  by  Tiif/jops 
p  Novtl.  123.  or  'Presbyters  without  cauje.  p  In  theCWe  both  Bifhops 
Cr  "•  and  Clergy  are  forbid  to  Excommunicate  in  certain  ca- 

fes, and  then  mentions  the  cafes  for  which  they  tnuft 
not,  i  a><p*tK"v  *  drthpadfy*  —  k*v  %Q&  m&m  ixf«7*0w>  aU 

q  uk  3  9,  Sec.  though  they  had  been  accuHomed  to  it.     q 

2.  Tit.  de  Epifc: 

Now  while  Presbyters  had  this  power  there  could 

be  no  Diocejan  churches,  whether  they  exercifed  it  in 

common,  as  was  (hewed  before,  ox  particularly  in  their 

feveral  Churches,  as  will  now  be  made  apparent ,  For 

by  virtue  of  thefe  powers  the  Presbyters  were  really 

Bifhops,  though  they  had  not  alwayes  the  Title,  yea, 

they  are  called  Bifhops,  as  a  Learned  'Prelatili  obferves, 

by  the  antienteft  Authors,  Clemens,  Ignatius,  TertuUian^ 

r  Tbornd.  Prim,  r  and  have  frequently  the  Names  and  Titles  which  fome 

7^74! Pae'    would  appropriate  to  Bifhops,  and  which  the  Fathers 

ufe  to  exprefs  the  Office  of  Bifhops  by,  ^aw™  T>r<epo- 

iUm.firvht.fitiy  ^ntijiites,  7)r£(identc3,  f&c.  And  fo  there  was  as 

Fag.  53.        niany  Bifhops  really  in  every  Diocefe,  as  there  were 

particular  Churches  and  Presbyters  there  $  And  well 


(  tvi  ) 

may  they  be  laid  to  be  really  the  fame,  fince  they  were 
of  the  very  fame  Offu-  -,  for  Bifhops  in  the  antient 
Church,  were  not  afapericnr  Order  to  Presbyters,  but 
had  only  a  Precedency  in  the  fame  Order.     This  fomc 
of  the  moft  judicious  and  learned  Defenders  of  Epifco- 
pacy  afl'crt.     And  thofc  who  hold  that  Patriarchs,  Me- 
tropolitans and  Tliflwps  differed  not  in  Order,  but  in 
degree  only,  which  is  the  common  opinion  of  Epijcopal 
Dhines,  and  yet  contend  that  Bilhops  and  Presbyters 
were  of  a  different  order ,will  never  be  able  to  prove  i*. 
The  difference  they  affign  between  'Bifiops  and  £Mc- 
trope  lit  an  s  is,  that  thefe  presided  in  Synods,  and  had  a 
principal  interest  in  Ordinations,  and  what  more  did  the 
preeminence  of  antient  Bifhops,  diftingutfhing  them, 
from  Presbyters  amount  to  ?  It  confided  in-  nothing 
material  but  their  presidency  in  Presbyteries,  and  their 
power  in  Ordinations.     This  laft  is  moft  infifted  on, 
as  making  the  difference  wider,  between  thefe  than  the 
other.     But  with  little  reafon  all  things  considered. 
For  thofe  to  be  ordained,  were  firft  to  be  examined  and 
approved  by  the  Presbyters,  m  ***»*  x^™^^7**  *&4  % 
Itfocti&v  KhmyJv  J)»unA?tovTw  t,  the  ordaining  of  one  to  the  t  rbtopfoTu* 
Presbytery  was  to  be  4"?«  ^  *?/V«  <r«  **»?«  xnv]&  u.     It  commonitor. 
was  a  crime  for  which  the  greateft  Bifhop  in  the  World  uci$m.con!tt- 
was  cenfurable,  to  preferr  any,  or  make  Ordinations  t*.tik  8.<r^ 
*£&  yveSmy  t»  KKn$*^  as  appears- by  what  Chryfbfl&me  was 
accufed  of,  though  it  is  like  falily  w,  and  this  is  counted  vjpiiotjn  ckryf* 
by  fome  xhzfubftancc  of  Ordination,  wherein  the  P^^c^ffufrthZ 
byters  had  no  left  (hare  (to  fay  no  more  J  than  the  cap.22fnm&i 
Bifhop.     And  in  impofing  hands,  which  was*  the  Rite 
ef  Ordainingy  the  Presbyters  were  to  concurr  with  the 
Bifhop,  for  which  there  is  better  Authority  than  the 
Canon  of  an  .African  Council,  for  faith  a  very  learned 
Doctor  x,  to  thkpm'pofc,  the  laying  on  of  the  hands  of  the  x  Im'  ?•  27$* 
Tvesbytery  y,  is  no  mays  impertinently  alkdged^  although  y  x  rim.  1. 1 


(  Ml } 

mfippfift'St*  Ptiul  teconburr  mthe  aftim  §  becmife  if  the 

T^resbytcry  had  nothing  to  do  in  the  Ordination,  to  what 
purpofe  were  their  hands  laid  upon  him  <?  Was  it  only  to  be 
Witneffes  of  the  fatt,  or  to  (ignifie  their  covfent  .<?  TSoth 
thefe  might  have  been,  done  without  their  uje  of  that  Cere- 
mony, which  will  fear  ce  be  inftanccd  in,  to  be  done  by  any 
but  fuch,  as  had  power  to  conferr  what  was  (ignifyed  by 
that  Ceremony.  And  diverfe  inftances  are  brought  by 
the  fame  hand  to  (hew  that  Ordinations  by  Presbyters 
ip*i'  37 h      was  valid  in  the  antient  Church  z. 

But  if  the  Presbyters  had  been  quite  excluded  from 
Ordination,  and  this  power  had  been  intirely  referved 
to  the  Bifhops,  yet  this  would  not  be  fufficient  to  con- 
ftitute  them  a  fuperiour  Order.  For  the  Rite  of  Or- 
daining was  fo  farr  from  being  an  aft  of  Government  or 
jurifcli&ion,  that  it  did  not  inferre  any  fuperiority  in  the 
Ordainer 5  nothing  being  more  ordinary  inthe  prac- 
tice of  the  Antient  Church,  than  for  thofe^were  of  a 
lower  Degree  and  Station,  to  Ordain  their  Superi- 

While  there  was  no  more  diftance  betwixt  Bifiiop 

and  Presbyters  but  only  in  Degree,  fo  that  as  the  Bi- 

(hop  was  but  primm  Presbyter,  (  as  Hilary  under  the 

d  in  1  Tlm.Au-  name  of  ^frnbrofe,  and  others  a  \  or  Primiceri/ts  as  Op- 

«r?pT* 'in  V *tatm  •>  defined  by  a  Learned  Civilian  to  be  *t*™  * 

b  Go'thofrld.  in  **5i£f)  b  the  fir  ft  Presbyter,  fo  the  Presbyter  was  a  fe- 

uiu  conci  Bifhop  &  #Myi<  S&ok,  as  ^(azianzen.     As  the 

rBifl)op  was  fumrnu*  facer dos,  in  the  ftyle  o£Tertu//ian 

and  others,  that   is,  cheif  Presbyter,  fo  the  Presbyter 

was  BiJIwp  a  degree  lower  5  not  that  he  had  left  pafloral 

power,  but  becaufe  he  wanted  that  degree  of  dignity  or 

preeminence,  for   which  the  other  was    ftyled  chief. 

As  the  T?r<£ter  Urbanus  was  called  £Maximtts,  yet  he 



had  no  more  Power  than  the  other,  Trttorum  idem  erat 
collegium,  eadem  potejlas  c,  but  only  fome  more  privi-  c  Bedim  lib.  3, 
ledge  and  dignity,  dignitate  cceteros    anteibat  propterea  *■  6t 
maximus  dicebatur  d,  and  the  *SXav  •awwf*©'*  at  Athens  d  Fed.  in  verb. 
was  1? rat  or  maximus,  yet  all  the  reft  were  pares  potejla-  maiou 
et  e  5  TSiJIwpr  and  Presbyters  had  idem  mimSterium  as  cibid. 
Jerome,  eadem  Ordinatio,  as  Hilary  f,  they  were  of  the  f  &  1  Tim.  3. 
fame  Order  and  Office,  had  the  fame  power,  the  power 
of  the  Keys,  all  that  which  the  Scripture  makes  effential 
to  a  TSifiop.  While  it  was  thus,  there  couldbe  no  Dio* 
cefin  Churches,  that  is,  no  Churches  confiding  of  many 
Congregations  which  had  but  one  Bipop  only. 

vf*  *&*  *fi*  *$* .  %?*  *%*  %** 



Late  Writer  prefumes  he  has  detected 
a  notable  miftake  in  the  Author,  of 
No  Evidence  for  Diocefan  Churches  (afc 
cribed  to  one  who  owns  it  not)  about  wv°t, 
which  I  fuppofe  he  would  have  Tranflated 
Ten  TJ?oufands  definitely  j  but  ahere  it  is  rendred 
indefinitely  thoufands,  as  we  are  wont  to  exprefs 
a  great  many,  when  the  precife  number  is 
not  known.  Thofe  who  underftand  the 
Language,  and  have  obferved  theft/eofthe 
Word,will  be  farr  from  counting  this  a  fault  : 
and  thole  who  view  the  paflage  will  count  it 
intolerable,  to  render  it  as  that  Gentleman 
would  have  it.  That  of  Atticns  Bifliop  of  C 
(P.  may  fetisfie  any  concerning  the  import  and 
ule  of  the  word,  who  fending  mony  for  the 
releifof  the  poor  at  Mice  to  CaUiopim,  he  thus 


Writes,   '«/u*$w  twite  **  tw  toa.«  7!uvwt*9  A7&;  *^?  #f  &* 

where  he  tells  him  that  by  wW  he  underftands 
a  multitude  whole  number  he  did  not  exactly 
know,  thus  (i.  e.  indefinitely  )  is  the  word 
moft  frequently  ufed  by  Greek  Writers,  and 
particularly  by  Eufebim  the  Author  of  the 
paflage  cited.  So  he  tells  us,  Nero  killed  his 
Mother 7  his  (Brothers,  his  Wife ,  **!  **am*  p^fa* 
of  her  Kindred  :  And  Timotbeus  of  Ga^a^ ,  ,he 
lays,  indured -w**  £**«**.  Many  more  might 
be  added,  where  the  word  is  not  rendred  by 
the  beft  Translators  (Vdefius  particularly) 
ten  thoufand  ;  but  ftill  indefinitly  imwnkrabi- 
ksorinfiniti,  orjexcenti,  &c  Nor  have  I  met 
with  one  inftance  (  though  poffibly  there 
may  be  fome)  in  him  where  it  is  ufed  to  ex- 
prefs  ten  thoufand  precifely. 

Howe\er  it  had  been  an  unpardonable  in* 
jury  to  Eu/ebius,  to  have  rendred  it  fo  in  this 
place  3  as  if  he  would  have  deluded  the  World 
with  a  moft  palpable  untruth,  which  both 
he,  and  all  men  acquainted  with  the  ftate  of 
the  Church  in  thofe  times,  know  to  be  lb. 
For  this  make  him  lay  that  ten  thoufand  Bi- 



fliops  met  in  Cancel  at  Antloch  in  the  third 
Age  ;  when  as  he  never  knew  a  Synod  of 
fix  hundred  Bifhops  in  the  fourth  Age,  while 
he  lived  j  though  then  Bifhops  were  farr 
more  numerous,  and  had  all  encouragement 
to  meet  in  greateft  numbers.  This  makes 
him  fignifie ,  that  ten  thoufand  Bifhops  af- 
fembled  in  the  skirts  of  the  Eafi  part  of  the 
Empire  :  When  as  their  was  not  near  fo  ma- 
ny (this  Gentleman  is  concerned  to  maintain 
there  was  not  one  thoufand)  in  the  whole  Chri- 
ftian  World. 

This  is  more  than  enough  to  Chew  that 
there  is  fufficient  warrant  to  Translate  w«/, 
Ihoufands  more  than  once  ;  though  that  it  is 
in  that  difcourfe  (which  he  ftiles  a  little  Pam- 
phlet) (b  tranflated  more  then  once,  is  ano- 
ther of  his  miftakes.  And  a  third  (all  in  two 
lines)  is  that  the  Author  grounds  his  Argu* 
ment  on  it.  Whereas  thofe  that  view  the 
paffage,  and  the  occafion  of  it,  will  fee  it  had 
been  more  for  his  advantage  to  have  tranfla* 
ted  it  ten  thoufands.  He  that  can  allow  him- 
felf to  write  at  this  rate,  may  eafily  be  volu* 
minous,  and  look  too  big  to  be  defpiled,  as  a 
writer  of  little  Pamphlets.  The 


Tioe  Letter  mentioned  pag.  45.  being  commune 

cated  to  me  by  M.   B.  that  part  of  it  *tobich  concerns 

Alexandria  is  here  added,  that  it  may  appear  how 

much  it  is  miftaken,  and  l>owfarr  from  ketw  an- 


For  Alexandria  it  was  the  greatefl:  City  in 
the  Empire  next  to  <%ome,uiw  $  riw%  p»nW  *  &•„' 
fays  Jofephus  de  bello  Judaic  lib.  5  .cult.  And  Ept- 
phanius  gives  an  account  of  many  Churches  in 
it  affigned  to  feveral  Presbyters,  Yi^.  befides 
Ctfarea  finished  by  Athanafius,  that  of  Dionyji* 
us,  Theonat,  Vterw,  Serapion,  Terfeas  ,  Vizta, 
Mundidius ,  Annianus  ,  (Baucal<My  adding  $  *M*t. 
Hwes  69.  page  728:  This  notwithftanding 
that  the  Chriftians  at  Alexandria  which  held 
Communion  with  Jthamtfius,  might  and  did 
meet  together  in  one  Church,  he  himfelf  de- 
clares exprefly  in  his  Apology  to  Conflant'rus, 
page  531.  Tom.  1.  Edit.  Commelin.  Anno  1 601 . 
The  whole  paffage  is  too  large  to  transcribe  or 
tranflate,  this  is  the  fence  of  it.  He  being  ac- 
cufed  for  affembling  the  People  in  the  great 
Church  before  it  was  dedicated  (*fV  *wW  tikuc*- 
■aw*/]  makes1  this  part  of  his  defence.  '  The 
'confluence  of  tie  People  at  thePafchal  folem- 



nity  was  fo  great  that  if  they  had  met  in  feve- 
ral  afTemblies  (xp  /**!&  6  &ww*  j  the  other 
Churches  were  (b  little  and  ftrait,  that  they 
would  have  been  in  danger  of  differing  by 
the  crowd,  nor  would  the  univerfal  harmo- 
ny and  concurrence  of  the  People  have  been 
(o  vifible  and  effectual,  if  they  had  met  in 
parcels.  Therefore  he  appeals  to  him,  whe- 
ther it  Wa  not  better  for  the  whole  multi- 
tude to  meet  in  that  great  Church  (being  a 
place  large  enough  to  receive  them  altogether 

qvt@-  Sc/V»7wr«  T6  Jbvtitupu  Ji^ac^  rnvmii  cv  cwm  weAdtTp^and 

to  have  a  concurrence  of  all  the  people  with 

One  Voice  (  *J  t!w   avtW  v«J  wfflem'as  pt  **£>  ?/Ve«%  rlvS 

9»vtw\)  For  if  fays  he  according  to  our  Savi- 
viours  promife  ,  where  two  fhall  agree  as 
touching  any  thing,it  fhall  be  done  for  them 
of  my  Father,  &c.  How  prevalent  will  be 
the  one  voice  of  fo  numerous  a  People affem- 
bled  together  and  faying  Jmen  to  God?  Who 
therefore  would  not  wonder,who  would  not 
count  it  a  happinefs,  to  lee  fo  great  a  People 
met  together  in  one  place  ?  And  how  did  the 
people  rejoice  to  behold  one  another,where- 
as  formerly  they  aflembled  in  feveral  places  ? 
Hereby  it  is  evident  -hat  in  the  middle  of 
the  fourth  Age,  ail  the  Chriftians  at  Jlexan- 

R  dria* 


dria  which  were  wonc  at  other  times  to  meet 
in  ieveral  aflemblies,  were  no  more  than  one 
Church  might  and  did  contain,  fo  as  they 
could  all  join  at  once  in  the  Worfhip  of  God 
and  concurre  in  one  Amen. 

He  tells  'jirn  alio  that  Alexander  his  Prede- 
ceflTor,(who  died  An.  325  )did  as  much  as  he  in 
likecircumftances,  Yi^.  aflembled  the  whole 
multitude  in  one  Church  before  it  was  dedica- 
ted, fteg.  532.  • 

This  feems  clear  enough,  but  being  capa- 
ble of  another  kind  of  proof  which  may  be  no 
lefs  fatisfa&oty,  let  me  add  that  alfo.  This 
City  was  by  Strabo  his  defcription  of  it,  xa*H&- 
a/fc  ^  tfuu,  like  a  Soldiers  Coat,  whole  length 
at  either  fide  was  almoft  30  Furlongs,  its 
breadth  at  either  end  7  or  8  Furlongs,  Geogr. 
lib.  \y.  /w£.  546.  fo  the  whole  compafs  will 
be  lefs  than  ten  Miles.  A  third  or  fourth  part 
of  this  was  taken  up  with  publick  Buildings, 
Temples,  and  Royal  Palaces,  %xHt^^^^^K 

#a«  /xefQ-.  ibid,  two  Miles  and  half  or  three  and 
a  quarter  is  thus  diipoled  of.  I  take  this  to 
be  that  Region  of  the  City  which  Epiphanius 
calls  Gt*w*>  (where  he  tells  us,  was  the  famous 
Library  of  Ftolomeus  Thiladelphus)  and  (peaks 



of  it  in  his  time  as  dedicate  of  Inhabitants, 
¥pjK#  7r/yCV  bfzti^r  de  Wonder.  &  menfur,  n.  9.^.1  66 
A  great  part  of  the  City  was  a/ftgned  to  the 
Tews    7naM&< *$»&&>  p*i*  A*tjG*  txJ  £<3r«  t«tJ.   So  Strabo 
indefinitely,  as  fojpflm  quotes  him.   Antiquit. 
Jud.  L  14.  c.  \  2.   Others  tells  us  more  punctu- 
ally, their  fhare  was  two  of  the  five  divifions 
(Upers  Annals  Latin,  pag.   859.)  Though  many 
of  them  had  their  habitation   in  the   other  di- 
vifions, yet  they  had  two  fifth  parts  entire  to 
themielves,  and  this  is  (I  fiippofe)  the  ™3-u& 
which      Jofephus     faith  ,     the    SucceiTors    of 
Alexander  fee  apart  for  them  ^MW  *f»e«w,  hello 
Jud.  I.  2.  cap.  2  \ .      Thus  we  lee  already  how 
6  or  7  miles  of  the  1  o  were  taken  up.     The 
greateft  part  of  the  Citizens  (as  at  G(pme  and 
other- Cities)   in  the  beginning  of  the  4th.  Age 
were  Heathens.     Other  wife  Antonius  wrong'd 
the  City, who,  in  Atbanafius's  time,is  brought  in 
thus  exclaiming  by  Jerom.  Vit.  Waul.  p.  24 j. 
V&  tibi  Alexandria  qu<e  pro  Veo  portent  a  yeneraris  • 
"Vd  tibi  civitas  mereirix  m  quam  totius  orbis  ddmoma 
confluxere,  &c.  a  Charge  thus  formed,  fuppoles 
the  prevailing  party  to  be  guilty.     But  let  us 
fuppofe  them  equal,  and  their  proportion  half 
of  the  3  or  4  miles  remaining,     Let  the  reft 
be  divided  amongft  the  Orthodox,  the  Arrians, 



the  Novations  and  other  Se£ts  :  And  if  we  be 
juft  a  large  part  will  fail  to  the  {hare  of  Here- 
ticks  and  Sectaries.  For  hot  to  mention  others, 
the  Novatians  had  feveral  Churches  and  a  Bi- 
fhop  there,  till  Cyrils  time,  Vui.  Soerat.  Hift.  i 
7.  c.  7.  The  Brians  were  a  great  part  of  thole 
who  profetled  Chriftianity,  ™  ***  ™  ca<>  ^:^ 
(So^pm.Hift.l.  i.e.  14.)  and  if  we  may  judge  of 
the  followers  by  their  leaders,  no  lefs  than 
half.  For  whereas  there  were  I  9  Presbyters 
and  Deacons  in  that  Church  (Tbt  I,  Hift.  I.  4. 
c.  23.)  (12  was  the  number  of  theitr  Presbyters 
by  their  Ancient  Conftitution,  as  appears  by 
EutycbitiSy  and  7  theij  Deacons,  as  at  %;«e,  and 
elfewhere)  6  Presbyters  with  Jriusy  and  j 
Deacons  fell  off  from  the  Catholicks.  So%pm. 
Hift.  I. \.  c.  14.  But  let  the  Arians  be  much 
fewer,  yet  will  not  the  proportion  of  the 
Catholick  Bifhops  Diocefe  in  this  City,  be 
more  than  that  of  a  fmall  Town,  one  of  8 
or  1  2  Furlongsin  compafs.  And  Co  the  num- 
bers of  the  Chriftians  upon  this  account,  will 
be  no  more  than  might  well  meet  for  Wor* 
fliip  in  one  place. 



THB  /?^  Epiftle  is  now  written  upon  the  fight 
of  Jugulum  Caufae :  The  other  with  the  fa 
Tropofttions  was  written  about  a  year  and 
half  ago,  upon  the  fight  of  Papa  ultrajectinus, 
k?c.  and  the  Panenefis  contra  i£dificatores 
Imperii  inlmperio  :  jfndthe  defign  of  all  is, 
to  fi?ew  how  little  or  nothing  at  all  thefober  mode* 
rate  Vroteflants  ,  called  Epif copal,  Presbyterian y 
Independent,  and  Political  or  Erajlian  are  dij agreed 
in  all  this  bufinefs,  whiljl  I  name  you  near  a  hun* 
dred  Tropofitwns  in  which  they  commonly  confent : 
Tloat  Princes  and  all  Magijlrates  may  feey  tl^t  they 
haye  no  caufe  to  be  offended  at  the  Chriftian  and 
Proteftant  Do&rine,  or  to  judge  the  true  Re- 
ligion of  any  of  thefe  parties,  as  fuch,  to  be 
contrary  to  their  inter  eft  •   when  in  njery  truth  they 
are  in  that  all  one  :  (But  that  *amonz  all  Setts  and 
(parties,  there  will  be  ftillfome  injudicious ,  intern* 
per  ate  and  unpeaceahle  men  •   especially  thofe  whofe 
Interefl:  in  the  world  is  Great,  and  cannot  be  up* 
held,  without  encroaching  on  the  rights  of  others : 
j{$  Great  Trees  mujl  have  much  room,  and  fuffer 

A  z  nothing 


nothing  to  profper  under  them 9  but  Weeds  and  Bry* 
ars.  And  it  is  to  tell  politicians^  that  the  tritef&a* 
floral  Tower  ( being  a  Tower  to  labour  and  fuf-. 
fer  in  patient  felf-denyal  for  the  Church  of 
Qhnjl  and  the  Jouls  of  men )  is  paft  all  doubt  of 
Chrifli  anointment :  jini  to  dimimjh  that-Tower, 
ts  but  todiminijh  our  obligation  to  labour  and[\i(- 
fer,  and  to  gratife  our  floth  and  flejhly  intereft. 
(But  to  duninifl?  that  Secular  Church*power  which 
Clergie  men  claim  as  of  ViYme  tfijght,  is  but  for 
Princes  to  be  Princes  ^whether  the  Clergie  mil  or  no. 
Jnd  as  to  the  Learned  Author,  Dr.  Lud.Moli- 
nxus,  my  meaning  is  tofecond  him  in  awakening 
Magijlrates  to  reaffume  their  proper  pouter  ,  and  to 
leave  it  tnnoQergie  mens  hands  y  of  what  party 
foever :  (But  as  to  his  reflections  on  the  Trotejlants 
0ifcipliney  lovingly  to  chide  him  for  making  the 
difference  feem  wider  than  it  isy  and  to  %E(J)N* 
CILE  the  four  (parties,  while  I  diftinBly  open  the 
common  DoSlrine  of  them  all,  excepting  the  rigid 
Opinions  of  fome  inter effed  or  intemperate  indu 

/• — s 



My  Learned,  Sincere  and  Worthy  Friend, 

HEN  I  had  haftily  fet  down  my  judge- 
ment  of  the  Caufe  which  I  found- 
handled  in  your  Papa  Vltrajcttimis  and 
other  Writings  which  you  fent  me,  I 
caft  by  that  Script  (  which  I  intended- 
at  the  writing  of  it,  for  your  view  ) 
that  I  might  fttrely  keep  it  from  the 
notice  of  others,  in  this  Age  wherein 
the  prevalency  oi  InurC}\rF  aUtirnJ  affion  and  In]udiikufiefsy 
doth  make  it  fo  great  a  difficulty,  to  fay  any  thing  for  the 
cure  of  any  mens  errors^ytirmitics  or  impieties^whlch  fhallnot 
be  charged  with  the  fame  crime  (or  greaterjwhich  it  would 
cure,  and  be  taken  for  a  difturber  of  the  Church  and  Peace, 
which  it  would  fave  or  heal.  But  now  feeing  that  you  renew 
your  endeavours  in  the  fame  Caufe,  and  rinding  your  Jugu-* 
lum  Caufe  dircdbd  to  fo  many  hands,  by  feventy  particu- 
lar Epiftles,  and  that  you  have  honoured  me  with  a  place 
among  thofe  great  and  worthy  perfons,  I  take  my  felf  ob- 
liged to  render  you  fome  account  of  my  judgement  of 
your  Writings,  and  efpecially  of  the  whole  Caufe,  by  brinp.-r 
ing  into  the  open  light,  thofe  hundred  Proportions  which 
I  had  purpofed  to  conceal  ;  And  withal  to  tell  you, 

i.  That  f  though  you  have  much  overvalued  me  in  your 
recitation  of  their  report,  who  would  have  joyned  me  with 
fo  Great,  fo  Wife  and  Good  a  man  as  A  Bimop  Vfnr,  and 
that  in  fo  great  a  work  •,  and  experience  may  tell  you,  that 
other  men  have  other  thoughts  of  me,  as  one  unmeet  to 
preach  the  Gofpel  ia-the  Land  of  my  Nativity,  much  more 

A  3  vmmeet 


Unmeet  to  be  a  decider  of  the  Churches  Controverfies  ) 
yet  you  have  truly  described  my  judgement  of  your  felf 
and  your  undertaking.  I  confefs  I  hope  not  that  ever  you 
fhould  make  the  Roman  Usurpation,  more  palpable,  than  the 
ta'thood  of  their  Dj&rine  of  Tranfubftantiation  i  where 
they  maintain  (  not  only  the  Corporal  Preface,  which  is 
nor  it  that  I  now  mean,  but  )  that  Bread  is  net  Bread,  and 
V/ine  is  mt  Wine,  when  all  men  fee,  tafte,fmcll  and  feel 
them  :  And  if  the  Princes, -Doctors,  and  great  men  of  the 
world,  can  thus  obftinately  deny  (  or  take  on  them  to 
deny  )  the  judgement  which  is  made  of  feniible  objects,  by 
all  mens  fenfes,  you  may  gather  what  fruit  you  may  ex- 
pect of  your  labours,  or  of  any  Caufe  how  plain  foever, 
where  prejudice  and  feeming  imereji  are  againit  you  ?  Can 
all  the  Writings  or  Reafonings  in  the  world,  bring  any 
thing  to  a  more  clear  and  fun  decifion,  than  that  of  all  the 
fenfes  of  all  men  in  the  world,  about  the  proper  objects 
of  fenfe?  If  flejh  fo  far  conquer  fkjh  it  felf  and  the  intereti 
of  fenfuality  can  caufe  fuch  men,  and  iuch  multitudes  to 
renounce  the  apprehenfion  of  all  their  fenfes,  what  have 
we  to  do  more  for  the  cure  of  mankind? 

You  have  made  it  plain  enough,  that  it  is  really  a  part 
of  the  Secular  Government  of  Kings  and  States,  which  is 
now  commonly  called  Ecclefiaftical  among  the  Papifts,  and 
as  fuch  is  challenged  and  ufurped  by  the  Pope,  and  that 
'  Princes  that  fubject  their  Kingdoms  to  his  Ufurpation,  do 
take  in  a  joint  Ruler  with  them,  and  divide  their  King- 
doms  or  Tower  between  themfelves  and  him.  But  fo  they 
have  done>  and  fo  they  will  doy  till  the  Time  of  the  Chur- 
ches fuller  Reformation,  and  of  the  Coalition  of  the  Chri- 
ftian  world  is  come* 

I'know  you  may  think  that  as  Interefl  blindeth  them,  fo 
this  great  detection  of  the  Invafion  of  their  Intercfi  is  the 
way  to  bring  them  to  the  truth.  For  who  will  have  a 
Co-partner  with  him  in  his  Kingdom,  that  may  choofe  > 
Who  had  not  rather  Rule  alone,  than  divide  his  Kingdom 
with  the  Pope?  Undoubtedly  they  give  away  more  of 
their  own  Intereft  hereby,  than  you  have  opened  ?  When 
they  deliver  part  of  their  power  to  one,  who  by  an  ap- 


proved  General  Council  of  their  own,  which  is  the  Religion 

of  their  Party,  Later. fub  Innoc.3. 

Can.  2..$.     may  depofe  Temporal         Read    the  Declaration    againft  the 

Lords,  (  though  no  Proteftants     ,?ath  *  #&»!*  b>  *  *   f<*  *• 
'«        ^  ,v  V  .,.  Popes  diPofiiwKirg«,^M5,  17,27  4?  • 

.thtmfelves  )   that  will  *i*  exter-     R/ad  HJtm*s  Fr?nce.Gal.  cap.  7.  and 

wii/jfe  t/M/e  ffcil  afe//y  Tranfub-     his  fcw*«   ftta  ,    pg.  87,  s>7>  ?8- 

\tantiation  out  of  thdr   Domini-      Read   uithrUgton  and  B*v/#    againft 

Mf,   and. may  abfilve  their  fub-     *Jg**  G.'W"S.  *?V-/?  f? 
t  *x     r         1    •    hj  r  j  An<*    BtlLirvnn     aeainft    Barclay   C  $>. 

jecls  from  their  fidelity,  and  may  yidm  Sm,^  lm  admf.  [ctl.  A^llcli  6. 
ght  their  Countryes  unto  others,  cap.  4/fca.  14.  &  ca\6.  feci.  22.  14. 
When  their  molt  Learned,  Re-  A\er.t*j,  Mor.  far.  uL  8  c  i$.Dom. 
nowned  ,  applauded  Doctors  Banm  U  Viom.n  q.iz.  art.  2.  A*- 
teach,  that  the  Pope  rnay  ex-  ft»R;  L%?(%*&fC& 
communicate  Kings,  and  that  an  p0pe  may  depofe  all  Kings  when  there 
excommunicated  King  is  no  is  reafonable  caufe  for  it.  ]  See  the 
King,  and  he  that  killeth  him,  Jefuhs  Morals,  and  Myftery  or  Jcfuitifin, 
killeth  not  a  King.  When  the  **?<N*W 
Roman  Council  under  Greg*y*  de- 

creeth,  that  the  Pope  may  depofe  Emperours  :  And  the  fame 
Greg.  j.  It.  4.  Ep.  7.  confpireth  in  the  like  Doctrine.  The 
Oration  of  Card.  Ptron  is  well  known  :  If  fo  great  a 
Kingdom  as  France,  that  glorieth  of  its  Church-liberties, 
can  bear  fo  much,  what  will  not  thofe  bear,  that  are 
lefs  able  to  deliver  themfelves  ?  The  words  of  this  Great 
and  pretendedly  Moderate  Cardinal  in  a  Moderate  King- 
dom, in  a  publkk  Writing  againft  a  Proteftant  Learned 
King  (  King  Jamts  )  pg.  453*  (  as  cited  by  A.  Bimop  Vfhtt 
of  Babylon,  pag*  163.  is  fit  to  be  written  on  the  Doors  of 
all  Princes,and  of  the  Pope  himfelf,in  Capital  Letters  *,  viz* 
f  By  this  Article  (  that  Kings  may  not  be  depofed  by  the 
Pope  )  We  ate  cafi  headlong  into  a  maniftft  Htrtfie,  as  bind- 
ing us  to  confefsi  that  for  many  Ages  paft  the  Catholic]^ 
Church  hath  been  banifhtiontoftht  rcbole  world  :  For  if  the 
Champions  of  the  "DoUrine  contrary  to  this  Article  do  hold  an 
impious  and  deteftable  opinion  contrary  to  Gods  Word,  then  ^ 
doubtlefs  the  Tope  forfo  many  hundred  years  expired,  hath  not  ^ 
bttn  tht  Head  of  the  Churchy  but  a  HERETICK  and  the 
What  would  you  have  more  to  fatisfie  Kings,  than  their 



own  profeflion  that,  Either  the  Tope  may  depofe  Kings,  or 
elfe  he  is  not  the  Head  of  the  Church ,  but  an  Hereticl^  and 
Anticbrift,  and  hath  been  To  for  many  hundred  years.  Can 
youlhew  their  Intereft  plainlier  than  all  this  > 

And  left  any  fay,  that  this  is  but  the  Dodtrine  of  the 
Jefuits,  remember  that  Perron  was  another  kind  of  man, 
and  the  famous  Per  verter  of  King  Henry  the  fourth.  And 
I  will  cite  here  the  words  of  one  more  of  a  multitude, 
even  one  that  wrote  fo  long  ago,  as  to  be  numbred  with 
the  Fathers  in  Bibliotb.  Patr.%o.  \.p.^\^.  and  &  Roman 
•  Cardinal  Bertrard  Card.  &  Epif.  Eduenf.  de  Orig.  &  ufit 
Jurifd.  §h.  4..  [  Rcfpondeo  &  dico  .  quod  Potcjtas  Spiritual'^ 
debet  dominari  omni  human*  Creatura    per   rationes  Hofti- 

enfis— Item  quia  Jcfus  Cbrijius  filius  Dei  dum  fuit  in 

hoc  mundo,  &etiam  ab.dterno  natural'n  dominus  fuit,  &  de 
jure  naturali  in  Imperatores  &   quofcunque  alios  depofttionvs 
fententlts  ferre  potuijfet,  &  damnation**,  &  quafcunque  ali- 
as :  Vtpote  in  per  fonts  quas  creaverat,  &  donis  naturalibus  & 
gratuito  donaverat,  &  etiam  confervabat.     Et  tadem  ratione 
63*      etiam  ejus  Vicarius  potejh     Nam  non  videtur  difcretus  "Domi- 
<T      nus  fuijfe  f  ut  cum  reverentia  ejus  loquar  )   nifi  unicum  pofi 
t3*      fe  tulem  Vicarium  reliquiffet ,   qui  h£c  omnia  p  Jfet.     Fuit 
autem.  ifte  Vicarius  ejm  Petw  apitd  Mattheum  :  Et  idem  di- 
cendum  eft  de  fuccefforibws  Petri,  cum  eadem  abfurditas  fe- 
querctur,  ft  pofi  mortem  Petri  humanam  natur am  afe  creaiam 
fine  regimine  unius  perfon£  reliquiffet.  "] 

I  will .  EngliQi  it  lett  the  unlearned  believe  not  what 
Fathers,  what  a  Bibliotb.  Patmm,  what  Cardinals,  and  what 
Dodrrines  the  Roman  Clergy  obtrude  upon  the  Chriftian 

£  I  anfoer  and  fay,  that  tbefpiritual  Power  ought  to  have 
domination  over  every  humane  creature,  by  Hoftienfis  reafons 

Alfo  becaufejefm  Chrift  the  Son  of  God  while  he  was 

in  this  world,  and  alfo  from  Eternity,  was  the  Natural,  Lord : 
and  by  Natural  Right,  could  pafs  the  fentence  of  Depofition 
and  of  Damnation,  and  any  other,  upon  Emperours  and  upon 
any  others  >  as  being  perfons  that  he  had  created  and  endowed 
with  Natural  Gifts,  and  freely,  and  alfo  preferved ;  And  by 
the  fame  reafon  bis  Vicar  can  do  it :  For  the  Lord  feemeth 



not  to  have  been  difcrcet  (  that  I  may  fpeal^  with  reverence 
to  him  )  unlefs  he  bad  left  behind  him  one  fitch  Vicar,  who 
could  do  all  thcfe  things*  And  in  Matthew  thU  bit  Vicar 
was  Peter :  And  the  fame  mull  be  faid  of  the  fucccffors  of 
Peter,  feeing  the  fame  abfurdity  would  follow  ,  if  after  the 
death  of  'Peter  he  had  left  humane  nature  created  by  bimfelf 
without  the  Regiment  of  0  neper fon.  ] 

Do  you  think  this  is  not  plain  dealing  enough,  if  men 
are  willing  to  underhand  ? 

I  know  that  there  were  Emperours  and  Princes  that 
ftrugled  hard,  before  they  futfered  themfelves  to  be  thus 
fubjeded  i  And  thcfe  Emperours  had  Lawyers,  Statefmen 
and  Divines  that  took  their  parts  i  as  all  the  Treatifes  in 
Goldaftus  his   three  Volumes  de 

Monarch,  and  his  In$.  Confiit.  Sex  Bel/arm.  dcPontif.Ro.  li.  5.  c.  1.  && 
ihew.  But  ftill  thole  that  fded  &7.&8.  he  faith,  ft  is  the  cemmon 
with  the  Pope  fpake  contrary,  as  judgement  of  all  Catholick  Divines  , 
the  .argumentations  of  thofe  that  the  Pope  r^ejlntudu  huh  at 
t>      1    l  r  j       i_     a     u  i_  lufc  i>idmtlly  a   cert  an  Pomr,  .rid  that 

Books  behdes  the  Authors  whom  th,  hkhcfi  ]rf  rtmpmU.    which  c.e.  he 

they .  oppofe,     do  (hew.      And,  faith,  y  ju(l  fwh  ovtr  Pructs,  as  the  foul 

alas,  Occham,    and  Marfilw  Pa-  hath  over  the. body  5   or  festive  appetite: 

tavinus,    and    Widdrington  and  ^d  that  thus  he  may  change  l^mrdoms,  aU 

t,      ,  11  1*         r-  take  them  from  one,  aid  gwe  to  another,  as 

Barclay  came  all  too  late.     For  t}f  cbkf  spiritual  Prince,  if  it  be  but  ne- 

all  that  Secular  Power  which  was  ceffary  to  the  fafcty  of  fouls.    Yea,  he  faith, 

cloaked  with   the  name  of£c-  that  it  is  w  lawful  for  Chriftians  to  to- 

clefiafiical  and  Spiritual,  was  be-  *»f  <  «  *<fi$  f ;  U:rf[dn  K*\ .  * he 

r'J  r     jaa  1  r TTj  „l  endeavour  to  draw  his  Subjicts  to  his  He- 

fore    fo  deeply  rooted    in  the  y^e  or  kMf.    But  to  judge  whether  * 

Papacy,  that  they  durft  plead  for  j^hg  do  thaw  to  Htrefie  0  not,  bdoweth 

no  more,  than  that  Princes  are  10  tb?  Pope,  tonbovthc  care  of  Religion  is 

nctfubied  to  the  Pope  in  Tern-  commit- td}     nerfore  it  Mjtetb  to  the 

1        r»  ^     1  Potto  iud*c  a KW too: depo edifice. 

porals :  But  as  you  truly  note,  ;   *      v  *         f 

abundance  of  Temporals  ,  and 

of  the  Magiftrares  proper  work  about  things  Eccleflaftical, 
was  (till  vailed  under  the  name  of  Spiritual :  And  at  lair, 
even  the  'Temporal  Power  again  claimed  more  fubtilly,  and 
indirectly,  as  in  ordine  ad  fliritualia. 

But  you'l  fay,  that  All  men  are  naturally  fo  regardful  of 
their  ownlnterefl,  and  ejpecially  Princes,  that  it  is  notpojfble  t 
they  jhould  be  fo  fervile,  tame  and  felf-abaftng,  as  to  give 

B  away 

4>v.ty  /o  great  a  part  of  their  Kingdoms  to  a  Forreigner,  yea, 
to  one  that  claimetb  a%  (  by  bimfelf  or  by  his  moft  famous 
Writers  )  and  by  hti  Councils  claimetb  a  power  to  depofe 
them  '•>  They  that  with  their  orvn  Nobles  and  other  Sub'yetls, 
are  fo  jealous  of  their  Prerogatives,  would  never  fo  far  depofe 
thcmfelvcs,  if  they  did  but  hpow  what  they  do  :  And  there- 
fore when  Popijh  Princes  underjland  the  matter,  they  willfiakc 
off  the  yoke,  and  reajfume  their  right* 

Anfw.  It's  true,  that  Proteftant  Princes  and  States  have 
done  fo  \  And  the  true  meaning  of  our  Oixh  of  Suprema- 
cy is  the  fame  with  your  main  defign  :  And  though  fome 
have  (tumbled  at  thofe  words,  that  the  King  is  Supream 
Governour  in  all  Caufes  Ecclefiafiical,  the  meaning  is  only 
(  as  hath  been  oft  publickly  declared  )  that  he  a  the  Su- 
pream Civil  or  Coa&ive  Governour  by  the  Sword,  in  all  Caufes 
Ecclefiaftical,  fo  far  as  they  fall  under  that  Coa&ive  or  Co- 
ercive Government.  And  hereby  the  King  doth  but  reafc 
fume  the  Royal  Power  over  the  Clergy  and  .the  affairs  of 
Religion,  which  the  Pope  had  ufurped  under  the. name 
of  EcclejiafiicaL  For  its  well  known-  what  was  called  EccU • 
fiajiical  Power  in  England  in  the  times  of  Popexy:fo  that  this 
much  of  the  Vail  is  removed  long  ago  among  all  Proteftants. 
And  if  you  perufe  but  Bifhop  BUfons  excellent  Tract  of 
Chriflian  Subjeclion,  and  Bifhop  Andrews  his  tortura  Torti 
(  to  pals  by  all  others  )  you  will  fee  that  this  Cafe  is  bet* 
ter  opened,  than  I  for  my  part  am  able  to  open  it.  And 
it  is  feldom  heard  of  (  for  all  the  induftry  and  (ubtilty  of 
Home  )  that  any  Prince  or  State  doth  Voluntarily  turn  Pa- 
pift,  that  is  once  delivered  from  the  Yoke,  and  that  ever 
again  parteth  with  his  power  when  he  hath  recovered  k. 

But  yet  that  even  this  Argument  from  Notorious  Interefi, 
doth  not  recover  the  Liberty  of  Countreys  fubject  to  the 
Pope,  you  will  the  lefs  wonder,  if  you  confider  thefe 
three  things. 

i.  That  the  Papal  Intereft  hath  got  fuch  rooting  in  their 
Subjects  minds,  that  it  is  not  in  their  power  to  reafTume 
their  right.  TheClergy  are  fo  numerous,  fubtile,  ubiqui- 
tary  and  potent,  and  the  people  fo  commonly  deceived, 
and  fo  tenacious  oi  ancient  Cufioms ,  that  to  make  this 



Change,  might  caft  all  into  a  flame :  And  they  think  it  bet- 
ter to  lofe  part,  than  all.     And  no  doubt  but  the  examples 
of  Henry  the  third,  and  Henry  the  fourth  of  France,  make 
fome  think,  that  if  they  difpleafe  the  Pope  and  his  Confe- 
derates, they  have  not  fufficitnt  fecurity  for  their  lives. 

2.  And  Princes  ftand  ufually  on  fuch  terms  of  danger  or 
jealoufie  from  one  another,  that  they  are  fain  to  keep  fuch 
a  Peace  at  home,  left  they  expofe  themfelves  to  a  greater 
mifchief  from  abroad.  And  they  are  broken  by  the  Papal 
fubtilty,efpecially  in  Germany  and  Italy 'into  fuch  Fra&ions, 
and  petty  Principalities,  that  few  of  them  are  ftrong  enough 
to  defend  themfelves  againit  the  Confederates  of  the  Pope 
(  when  potent  Emperours  heretofore  could  not  do  it.  J  And 
many  of  them,  efpecially  the.Houfe  of  Auftria,  do  take 
this  Copartnerfhip  of  the  Pope,  to  be  a  great  part  of  their 
ftrength  :  And  as  anciently  many  Emperours  were  forced 
to  choofe  their  Gtfars  and  Copartners,  when  the  defence 
of  the  Empire  was  too  hard  for  themfelves  alone  \  fo  di- 
vers Princes  are  glad  to  make  ufe  of  the  Papal  intereft  and 
power  for  their  own  fecurity  \  though  upon  terms  that 
elfc  would  never  be  fubmitted  to. 

And  in  fome  Countreysthe  Rebellious  difpofit ion  of  the 
Subje&s  driveth  them  to  accept  of  this  dear  remedy  \  and 
they  choofe  rather  to  ftrengthen  themfelves  by  a  Copart- 
ner, than  to  ftoop  to  the  wills  of  their  infer iours. 

For  here  you  muft  take  notice,  that  the  pretence  of  a  Jus 
divinum  and  of  Spirituality^  and  the  Intercji  of  Chrtft,  and 
of  the  fafety  of  their  fouls,  doth  make  this  kind  of  fervi- 
tude  much  lefs  difhonourable,  than  it  is  to  be  overtopt  by  a 
neighbour  Prince,  or  to  be  curbed  by  their  fubjedls.  For 
what  dishonour  is  it  for  a  man  to  be  fubjedt.  to  his  Maker 
and  Redeemer?  Nay,  what  greater  honour  can  there  be? 
And  the  Koman  Clergy  have  ufed  themfelves  to  Canonize 
thofe  Princes  that  have  been  molt  zealous  for  their  Gran- 
dure,  and  to  raife  the  fame  and  praifes  of  fuch,  as  have 
raifed  that  which  they  call  the  Church,  that  the  very  am- 
bition of  the  Clergies  Praifes,  doth  do  much  to  tempt 
fome  to  a  tame  acceptance  of  a  Copartner,  who  pretendeth 
to  be  the  Vicar  of  Chrift :    When  this  fervitude  goeth  for 

B  2  fan&ity 

lanctity,  ana  carnetn  not  witn  it  ine  reproacn  or  other 
forts  of  fervitude. 

3.  And  it  greatly  furthereth  their  fuccefs,  that  the  Popes 
Agents  are  commonly  bred  up  in  Learning,  and  fo  are 
m2de  able  to  over-wit  the  Laity  =>  And  that  it  is  their  great 
ddign,  to  gratihe  the  Lulls  of  Princes,  by  indulging  their 
voluptuous  fenfual  lives,  that  fo  they  may  fpend  their  dayes 
in  fuch  things,  as  will  never  advance  their  underftandings 
to  an  ability  to  difcern   the  cheats   of  their  Copartners  : 
And  they  detdtably  cherim  the  Ignorance  of  the  Common 
Laity,  that  they  may  be  the  titter  to  be  led  and  mattered  by 
them  i  even  as  men  keep  women  from  Learning  and  great 
attainments,  left  they  (hould  be  the  more  uncapable  of  fub- 
je&ion.     And  thus  as  Satan  leadeth  men  to  Hell,  fo  the 
Papal  Uiurper  bringeth  the  Laity  into  their  power,  by  their 
own  confent^  by  fuch  pleafmg  baits,  as  make  their  fervitude 
eafie  to  them*     And  it  is  not  your  telling  them  of  their 
intercft  ,  that  will  prevail   againlt   all  thefe  temptations. 
They  that  will  lofe  Heaven,  and  their  falvation  by  fuch 
cheats,  may  lofe  half  of  their  earthly  Dominions  by  them, 
as  long  as  the  other  half  fufrlceth  to  fatisrie  their  concu- 
pifcence,    and  to  maintain  their  honour  and  plealure  in  the 

The  Roman  Ufurpation  confifteth  of  two  parts.  i.The 
Ufurpation  of  fuch  a  Pajloral  Power  as  they  have  no  right 
to.  2.  The  Ufurpation  of  a  great  part  of  the  Magiftrates 
power,  fometime  dintily,  and  fometimes  indirectly  in  or- 
dine  ad  fpiritualia  '•>  and  conftantly  by  the  cheat  of  the 
falfe  name  of  Church  pawer,  put  upon  the  Magiftrates  part 
of  Church  Government,  as  if  it  were  the  Clergies  part. 

I.  The  Ufurpation  of  a  Paftoral  power  which  belongefrh 
not  to  them,  is  the  chief  part  of  their  Iniquity.  And  it 
conlifteth  in  thefe,  among  other  particulars. 

1.  In  the  impious,  and  arrogant  claim  of  anUniverfal 
PaftorfiSip  over  all  the  world.  The  Roman  Prelate  muft  be 
the  Teacher  of  all  the  world,  the  High  Prieft  of  all  the 
world,  and  the  Spiritual  Ruler  of  all  the  world  *  which  be- 
caufe  he  cannot  do  by  himfelf,  he  muft  do  by  others,  as  far 
as  Ipe  can  to  uphold  his  ufurpation.  He  muft  be  the  Law- 

giver  and  the  Judge  of  all  the  world,  even  at  the  Anti- 
podes, and  where  he  hath  no  acquaintance  nor  accefs. 

2.  By  this  he  undertaketh  to  be  a  Bifhop  in  other  mens 
Dioccfles,  and  to  rule  in  all  matters,  where  he  hath  no 
more  power,  than  any  Pallor  hath  in  another  Paftoral 

3.  And  by  this  he  undertaketh  to  be  the  Spiritual  Father 
and  Governour  of  all  the  Kings  and  Rulers  of  the  Chriflian 
world,  and  fo  to  have  the  power  of  excommunicating 
them  when  hethinketh  there  iscaufe,  and  to  brand  them 
as  uncapable  of  Chriftian  communion  with  their  own  Sub- 
jects j  or  with  any  other  Chriftians. 

4.  By  this  he  ulurpeth  authority  of  impofing  what  Pa- 
ftors  he  pleafe  (  even  fuch  as  will  carry  on  hisintereft  )  up- 
on all  the  Churches  in  the  world,and  depriving  both  Princes 
and  people  of  their  juft  liberty  of  choice. 

5.  By  this  alfo  he  ufurpeth  the  power  of  depofing  what 
Bifliops  or  Paftors  he  pleafe,  and  depriving  the  people  of 
their  necelTary  helps,  and  faithfulleft  Teachers.  Yea,  of 
putting  whole  Nations  under  Interdicts  of  ferving  and  ho- 
nouring God  in  Church-ailcmblies  •,  commanding  all  Pa- 
ftors  tofnut  up  the  Church  doors,  and  forbidding  them  to 
perfom  their  office,  and  to  preach  Chrifts  Gofpel,  or  admi- 
nifter  his  holy  Sacraments. 

6.  By  this  he  fendeth  forth  his  Miffionaries,  and  fetteth 
up  Societies  of  Jefuits  and  Fryers  to  do  his  work,  and  com- 
mandeth  all  Princes  and  people  to  receive  and  counte- 
nance them. 

7.  By  this,  he  layeth  claim  to  a  right  of  maintenance  for 
Himfelf  and  his  Miilionaries  in  all  parts  of  the  world,  in  the 
nameof  Chriit,  who  hath  faid,  that  the  labourer  is  worthy 
of  his  hire. 

8.  By  this  he  granteth  Difpenfations,  Pardons,  Indul- 
gences, commanded!  praying  to  Saints  and  Angels  ,  and 
praying  for  the  Dead,  as  being  in  Purgatory,  and  by  this 
he  fetteth  up  his  whok  new  frame  of  felf-devi fed  Worlhip 
and  Religion.  Now  I  call  not  all  this  an  Ufurpauon  of 
Magiftracy,  fo  far  as  he  ufeth  no  Corporal  force  >  and 
threatneth  no  penalty  but  encommumcation  and  damna- 

B  3  lion*- 


tion.  For  every  true  Paftor  with  his  own  flock  hath  the 
Power  of  Guiding  them  by  delivering  Chrilts  Dodtrine  and 
Precepts  ,  and  commanding  obedience  as '  his  Servant  or 
EmbifTadour  in  his  Name,  and  of  denouncing  his  judge- 
ments, and  of  judging  obligingly  who  are  fit  to  be  taken 
into  the  Church  by  Baptifm,  and  who  to  be  caft  out  as 
Impenitent  by  excommunication  in  his  own  particular 
Charge  or  Society.  And  if  the  Pope  ufurp  a  power  of 
doing  all  thisand  more,  as  an  Univerfal  Pallor  only,  this 
is  an  Utilisation  of  a  Church  Fower^  and  not  of  a  Magijiracy. 
And  indeed  if  you  will  acquit  him  from  the  guilt  of  the 
Myfrerie  of  Iniquity  any  further  than  he  invadeth  Magi- 
ftracy  it  felf,  you  will  do  him  a  great  deal  ot  wrong:  For 
he  is  the  Vicarius  Chrifti,  and  the  Vice-Chrijl  more  notably 
by  his  Spiritual  Vfurpation  of  a  power  proper  to  Chrifi 
bimftlfi  or  at  lead  of  a  power  that  Chriit  never  gave 

II.  His  fetting  up  a  KI N  GD  O  M,  and  invading  the 
MAGISTRACY  is  done  I.  Dire&ly,  II.  Indire&ly 
and  Confequentially. 

1.  Dire&ly*  i.  By  holding  a  Secular  Jurifdi&ion,  as  the 
King  of  Rome,  where  he  exercifeth  the  Supream  Civil  'Pow- 
er, acknowledging  no  Superiour  Civil  Governouri  either 
as  to  the  Legislation  or  Execution,  in  all  the  parts  of  his 
cwn  Dominions. 

2.  By  his  laying  claim  to  many  Kingdoms  as  his  own 
(  among  which  England  is  one  ,  as  pretended  to  be  deli- 
vered to  him  by  King  John  )  and  fuppoling  that  the  Kings 
do  hold  them  as  under  him,  and  by  his  Grant. 

3.  By  laying  claim  to  the  Temporal  or  Corporal  Go- 
vernment of  all  the  world  (  fay  fome  }  or  of  all  the  Chri- 
ftian  world  (  fay  others  )  :  Of  which  you  may-fee-a  multi- 
tude of  Volumes  written  in  the  defence  of  his  pretenti- 
ons: In  particular  all  thofe  aforefaid  were  of  this  fubject, 
Which  all  Goldajiuf  his  Collected  Treatifes,  for  the  Right  of 
Princes  do  confute.  I  gave  you  Cardinal  Bertrands  words 

And  though  fome  of  their  Clergy  who  live  under  Prin- 
ces that  axe  not  willing  to  refign  their  Crowns,  dodifclaim 


f  II) 

*hc  Popes  dirett  Title  to  the  Univerfal  Civil  Soveraignty,  yet 
he  himfelf  difclaimeth  it  not,  nor  condemneth  the  Books  as 
fuch,  that  have  been  written  to  defend  it. 

In  the  Jefuits  Morals  the  laft  Chapter  hath  this  Title 
£  'that  the  Jefuits  teach,  that  the  Church  cannot  command 
jpiritual  and  internal  aelkns  >  Ibat  its  Lapps  and  guidance 
are  humane  ->  and  that  it  is  itfelfonly  a  Political  Body~\  Where 
the J anfeniji  chargeth  them  with  destroying  the  Church  from 
its  foundation,  and  making  it  altogether  external,  humane 
and  Politick  ■>  and  that  which  needeth  only  Politick  Ver- 
tues  for  its  Government,  and  the  excrcife  of  its  principal 
offices,  and  that  they  make  its  Laws  but  humane  and  po- 
litick, which  oblige  only  to  things  external :  and  charge 
eth  them  as  Cyprian  did  the  Novatians,  §>uod  Ecclefiam 
hnmanam  factum  ]  So  that  if  heaccufe  them  juftly  ,  here 
is  no  room  for  any  fubterfuge  :  It  is  not  the  Spiritual  and 
Temporal  power  that  he  makes  them  claim,  but  the  Tem- 
poral or  External  only  :  But  what  /  doth  the  J  anfeniji  him- 
felf therefore  difclaim  all  Temporal  Power  in  the  Churchy 
or  is  he  juft  to  Kings  ?  Judge  but  by  pag.  3S8.  where  he 
boafteth  of  Laymans  Confelfion  of  the  Truth,  that  [  Ecc/e- 
fiaftic\  power  is  injiituted  immediately  from  God,  and  the  Ci- 
vil power  comes  immediately  from  men  :■  And  that  Civil 
power  regards  properly  and  diredly  wealth  and  peace  temporal 
only  :  ~]  And  he  adds  [_  For  the  Civil  power  regards  the  out- 
ward order  and  Civil  tranquility  almes  and  prefcribes  none 
hut  outward  and  humane  means  to  attaift  this  end,  ]  Which 
is  all  falfe,  and  moft  injurious  to  Kings  h  whom  this  mode* 
rate  J 'anfeniji  would  hereby  fet  as  far  below  every  Prie^ 
in  real  dignity  and  amiabknefs  to  the  Subjeds  as  a  Humane 
Creature  is  below  a  Divine,  and  the  intereft  of  ^the  body 
is  below  that  of  the  foul.  Whereas  indeed  God  is  the  im- 
mediate Original  of  Civil  and  Church  power ,  though  irr 
both  the  Perfons  are  defigned  by  the  means  of  men*  And 
both  have  God  himfelf  for  their  ultimate  end,  and  the 
Common  Good  of  the  Society  for  their  Common  End  3 
which  ever  confifteth  moft  in  fpiritual  felicity,  referring 
to  Eternal.  Though  the  Magiftrates  weapon  be  the  Sword* 
and  thePaftoisonly*heWord,by  which  all  this  is  brought 
*opa&«  ladeeA^ 

Indeed  it  is  not  poffible  that  the  Papacy  in  its  prefent 
State  can  be  detended  by  any  man  how  moderate  foever, 
without  Injury  to  Princes  and  States,  whofe  Power  the  Pope 
hath  fo  notoriously  invaded  and  ufurped  :  For  how  can 
they  defend  him,  that  ufurpeth  the.  Power  of  Kings,  or 
ufurpeth  a  falfe  Power  over  Kings,  and  not  be  injurious  to 
them  that  the  Ufurper  injureth  ? 

But  it  is  motf  wonderful  to  me,  that  when  W.  Barclay  de- 
fendeth  the  right  of  Monarchs  in  fuch  a  Kingdom  as 
France  that  hath  power  and  will  to  hold  fait  its  own,  he 
fliould  complain  as  if  he  undertook  a  Caufe  which  mod 
were  again  ft  him  in,  and  in  which  he  expected  to  be  won- 
dered at  for  his  Angularity. 

4.  By  their  Inquifition,  and  by  their  Decreeing  Corpo- 
ral Penalties  in  their  Councils,  and  Decreeing  the  depofition 
of  Princes,  and  the  giving  away  their  Dominions  toothers, 
as  in  the  two  fore-cited  Councils ,  Roman*  fob.  Greg.  7.  & 
Later  an.  fab  Innvc.3.  In  a  word,  by  all  that  they  do  in  their 
Ufurped  Legiflation,  Judgement  and  Execution,  by  the 
Sword,  or  a  forcing  Power  as  in  themfelves. 

II.  But  the  more  fuccefsful  Ufurpation  of  the  Power  and 
Rights  of  Princes  is  IndireUly,  and  as  Bellarmin  defendeth  it, 
in  or  dine  ad  Jpiritualia  v.  By  ufing  their  Ecclefiaftical  Ufurp- 
ed power  upon  mens  Consciences,  in  fuch  a  way  as  (hall 
overtop  the  Magiitrates  power  of  the  Sword  :  when  they 
decree  that  all  are  Hereticks  that  believe  their  fenfes,  and 
deny  Tranfubftantiation,  and  that  all  fuch  Hereticks  mail 
be  banilhed  or  burnt  >  the  Clergy  is  not  to  do  this  them- 
felves, but  to  deliver  them  over  to  the  Secular  Power: 
The  Pope  and  Clergy  do  but  charge  it  on  their  Confciences 
in  the  name  of  Chrift.  And  if  Princes  obey  them  not,  or 
Temporal  Lords  will  not  burn  or  banifh  all  fuch  Hereticfy 
for  believing  fenfe,  the  Pope  is  not  to  touch  their  bodies, 
fyut  to  excommunicate  them.  And  if  they  will  not  yet  obey 
the  Pope,  when  they  are  excommunicate,  the  Pope  ,  Good 
man,  will  not  draw  a  Sword  againft  them,  but  only  ufe 
the  Spiritual  Sword,  by  giving  their  Dominions  to  others , 
which  is  but  byword  of mouth  y  he  doth  but  declare  fuch 
a  Temporal  Lord  to  be  difpoffeft  of  his  Title,  and  require 


another  to  take  his  Lands,  and  let  his  great  Divines  pub- 
lifh  that  an  Excommunicate  King  is  no  King,  and  that  to 
kill  him,  is  not  to  kill  a  King  :  And  if  Princes  will  defend 
themfelves  by  Arms,  the  Pope  will  not  fend  his  Clergy  in 
Arms  againft  them,  but  only  by  the  Spiritual  Sword,  or 
Word,  command  other  Princes,  States  and  people  to  arm 
themfelves  againft  their  Emperours,  Kings  and  Governours, 
and  to  defend  thofe  to  whom  he  hath  given  their  Domi- 
nions. How  oftthefe  Games  have  been  ferioufly  acted, 
the  German  Hiftories  lamentably  tell  us  :  and  Guicciardines 
Italian,  and  the  Englijb,  French  and  others  are  not  wholly 

So  if  the  Clergy  be  exempt  from  paying  Taxes,  from 
Secular  Judgements,  if  their  Lands  and  Eftates  be  not  un- 
der the  Power  of  Kings,  if  they  fet  up  Courts  of  Judica- 
ture with  Offices  like  a  Civil  Court,  if  they  aiTume  to 
themfelves  the  fole  judgement  of  Hereticks,  and  Schifma- 
ticks,  and  Apoftates,  and  alfo  of  Teftaments  of  the  dead, 
and  of  Caufes  of  Adultery  and  Fornication,  of  lawful  or 
unlawful  degrees  of  Marriage,  and  of  Divorce,  if  the  Pope 
lay  Taxes  on  the  Ciergy  that  are  Subje&s  in  all  Princes 
Dominions,  if  he  difpofe  of  Buildings,  Tythes,  Glebes, 
Monaftcries,  Lands,  Almshoufes,Colledges,  and  abundance 
fuch  like  h  all  this  is  not  by  the  Sword,  but  by  perfwading 
Kings  and  States  that  they  are  bound  in  Confcience  to 
promote  all  this,  and  obey  the  Pope  as  their  Ghoftly  Fa- 
ther herein:  And  that  if  they  be  ftricken  with  the  Thunder- 
bolt of  Excommunication,  they  are  in  a  ftate  of  damnation, 
and  if  they  fo  dye,are  undone  tor  ever  :  And  by  perfwading 
other  Princes  and  people,  that  the  Arms  taken  up  againft 
fuch  Princes  at  the  Popes  Command  (  according  to  the  fore- 
faid  Councils  )  are  meritorious,  and  (hall  procure  their 

And  if  Princes  and  people  will  believe  all  this,  and 
will  be  deceived,  and  will  voluntarily  fubjedt  themfelvej, 
to  fuch  an  Ufurper,  who  can  help  it  ?  Though  it  excufc 
not  the  Pope,  yet  they  have  little  reafon  to  complain,  that 
they  lofe  that  power  which  they  voluntarily  give  away, 
and  that  the  Pope  (hall  exercife  that  power  which  they 

C  give 

give  him.     And  fo  much  to  your  Caufe  againft  the  Pa- 

II.  But  in  your  Epiftle  to  Mr.  Jreshjn  and  feveral  others, 
vou  lay  much  of  the    like   charge    upon    the  Ret  or  me  d 
Churches,  and  you  take  our  great  Reforming  Divines*  to 
have  kept  up  the  Myiterie  ot  Iniquity  in  their  Difcipline. 
Concerning  which  give  me  leave  to  deal  freely  with  you,- 
and  to  tell  you,  that  I  am  perfwaded  that  your  meaning    is 
iincere  and  good,  and  that  it  is  an  usurpation  or    devifed 
imitation  of  Secular  Government  by  the  Clergy  which-  you 
condemn-,  and  that  too  great  a  part  of  the  Proteftant  Clergy 
have  given  you  forne  occaiion  tor  thefe  complaints;    But 
that  really  you  deal  not  accurately  in  the  Controveriie,  and 
Jccuratenejs  is  the  thing  you  want.     You  do    not  here  cx- 
aclly  defcribe  the  true  difference  between  the  feveral  powers 
where  you/  defcribe  them  \  you  leave  out -much  that 
mould  be  faid.     It  is  a  more  diftinct  way  of  handling  this 
point,  that  muft  decide  the  Controveriie.     To  which  end 
I  have  laid  you  down  an  hundred  Proportions,  on  occaiion 
of  your  former  Writings  fent  me. 

And  as  you  fay  in  Epijh  ad  P.  Rujfelium,  p.  248.    that  in 
this  you  would  believe  one  Phyficion,  one  Cexe,  Goddard, 
Lower ,  Ridglcy,  &c.  (  Though!  have  rcafon  to  think  that 
the  firft  and  laft  of  thefe.  are  more    of  my  mind    about 
Church.  Government  than  of  yours  )    before  a  thoufand 
Aupi\\inesy    Hieroms,    Gregories,    yea,   JmeJJf,  Vavenant, 
Vlhcrf^VaVces;    fo  my  opinion  is,  that  ufually  all  men  are 
wifefi  in  their  own  Profeffion.     And  though  I  am  natural- 
ly (omewhat  unapt  to  take   more  than  needs  I  mult  up- 
on tr nil  from  any  (  fince  I  have  had  great  experience  of 
humane  ignorance. and   vanity)    yet  I  had  rather  take  a 
Phyficions  judgement  in  Phyiick,  and  a  Lawyers  in  points 
of  Law,  and  a  Souldiers  in  Military  matters,  and  a  Divines 
in  Theology  ,    than  any  ot  their  judgements   about  the 
matters  ot  an  aliene  Protellion,     Not  but  that  now  and 
then  a  man  may  arile,   that  (hall  know  more  on  the.  by, 
than  others  that  make  it  the  ftudy  of  their  lives  :  But  that 
is   not  ufual.       And  that  one  man  would-  have    been  yet 
wijh'y  in  thofc  things  if  he  had  befn  of   that  Prcfefiion. 


'For  furely  ceteris  paribus,  he  that  beftoweth  twenty  years, 
or  thirty,  or  forty,  or  threefcorc  in  the  Study  ot  Divinity 
alone,  with  its  fubfervicnt  helps,  is  liker  to  underftand  it, 
than  he  that  allowcth  it,  but  now   and  then  a  fpare  hour, 
in  the  midft  of  other  diverting  Studies.     For  my  part,  if 
J  follow  not  one  thing  only  when  I  am  upon  it,   but   di- 
vide my  thoughts  among  things  heterogencal,  I  cannot 
pierce  deep  into  any  great  difficulties,  nor  make  any  thing 
of  diftradted  Studies  j    neque  quicquam    rede  fit,  quod  fit 
prtoccupato  animo.     God  doth  not  ufe  to  give  wifdom  now 
by  the  way  of  Miracles  \  but  they  that  fetk^  molt,  are  likeft 
to  find.     And  therefore  pardon  me  for  telling  you,    that 
though  I  am  deftrvedly  a  great  honourer  of  the  Phylicions 
you  name,  yet  I  fet  more  by  the  Judgement  of  one  VJher, 
one  Vavenant,  one  Jewell,  one  Dalldw,  one  Blondel,  one  Ca- 
mero,  one  Le  Blan^  one  Petrus  Molinaut  in  matters  of  The- 
ology, than  of  abundance  of  Lawyers  and  Phyficions.   And 
of  one  Lawyer  and  Phyticion  in  matters  of  their  Profeili- 
on,  than  of  many  Divines.     Being  (till  of  Pembles  mind, 
that  one  clear  eye  can  fee  further  than  a  Council  of  pur- 
blind ones. 

And  as  to  the  matter  of  Partiality  of  which  you  fufpecf. 
Divines,  it  is  not  without  caufe  as  to  all  that  party  who 
feek  for  Richer,  Eafe  and  Hmours,  or  Domination  and  Pre- 
ferments and  Prebemrnency  in  the  world  :  But  fuch  as  that 
St.  Martin  whom  you  mention  out  of  Severn* ,  who  fo  ve- 
hemently oppofed    the    Itbacian 

Violence,* and  Maximur  his  uiiiig  J/*?  •*  m^^lm  yoh    twte  e*H 
the  Sword  againft  the  Pnfcilianijh  his  ^^  /  had  mn  a  mpm  SainL  ' 
are  as    impartial  as  you.     Cer- 
tainly if  Chriftianity  be  what  we  all  profefs  to  take   it  for, 
it  will  make  that  man  befi  who  is  moil  a  Chriftian  :  And  he 
that  is  befi  will    be  moft  impartially  and   felt-denyingly 
faithful  to  Ghrilt,  and  will  prefer  Chrifts  honour  incompa- 
rably before  his  own.     And  he  is  like  to  be  moft  a  Chri- 
stian, who  doth  fincerely  give  up    himfelf  to  the  clofeit 
ftudy  of  it  all  his  dayes.     Deny  this,  and  your   fufpieions 
will  fall  upon  Chriftianity  itfelf. 
Cut- yet  I  will  allow  you  to  be  moderately  fufpicious 

C  2  where1 

where  you  lee  tnat  mere  is  any  great  bait  of  carnal  interejt 
to  tempt  men  :  A  Fopedome,  a  Cardinaljhip,  (  I  muft  name 
no  more)  may  make  the  Roman  Heathen  fay,  I  will  turn 
Chriltian,  if  you  will  make  me  Bifhop  of  Romey  &c.  But 
will  you  fufpecl:  that  a  good  man,  yea,  and  all  fuch  good 
men,  (hould  be  Partial  where  they  put  themfelves  on  the 
greateft  felf-denyal  ?  Where  they  have  no  profit,  no  pre- 
ferment, no  man-pleaiing,  no  worldly  honour  to  invite 
them  ?  Yea,  where  it  is  like  to  diminifh  their  gain,  to  hin- 
der them  from  preferment,  to  make  them  hated  by  moi\ 
on  whom  their  difcipline  is  exercifed  ?  If  a  few  out  of  a 
pang  of  Fa£f  ious  or  Phanatick  zeal,  may  caft  themfelves  on 
fuch  a  felf-denying  life,  it  is  not  like  that  this  will  be  the 
ordinary  Cafe,  of  Learned,  fober,  godly  men.  If  it  be,  with 
whom  (hall  the  ignorant  truft  the  conduct  of  their  fouls, 
that  will  not  make  merchandize  of  them  ?  Would  yon  be 
partial  and  falfe  to  the  Tiuth  ofChrift  your  felfi  if  you 
were  the  Paitor  of  a  Church }  Is  the  Office  fo  malignant 
to  infed  all  that  undertake  it  }  If  it  be,  how  can  our 
Religion  be  good  ?  If  not,  why  (hould  you  think  that 
others  will  not  be  as  juft  and  impartial  as  you  would  be  ? 
Do  you  conlider  what  excellent  perfons  in  all  refpe&s  for 
Wifdom,  and  Piety,  and  Integrity,  were  Melancbthon,  Bk~ 
choltzer,  Sohnius,  Kimedontius,  Olevian,  Vrftnus,  Zanchius> 
Partus^  and  thofe  Englifh  men  you  named ,  and  many 
hundreds  more  -,  who  more  unlikely  through  Ignorance  or 
partiality  to  betray  the  truth  ? 

But  they  fay,  that  Intereft  will  not  lye.  Do  you  not 
know  that  an  able  Preacher,  may  better  by  many  degrees 
eonfult  his  own  Eafe,  his  Profit,  and  his  worldly  honours 
by  Preaching  only  ,  than  by  this  troublefome  ungrateful 
work  of  Difcipline  ?  I  am  confident  that  you  and  I  do 
take  one  another  for  true  plain  dealing  honeft  men,  and 
therefore  can  believe  each  other.  And  if  you  will  believe 
me,  I  did,  in  my  Paftoral  Charge  (  in  thofe  times  when  I 
was  thought  tolerable  in  the  Sacred  Office  )  for  about  ten 
yeais  (  of  the  twenty  that  I  had  leave  to  preachy)  exercife 
fome  Difcipline  upon  fbme  particular  offendors,  according 
to  the  common  judgement  of  Proceftant  Divines  j    And  it 



was  fomuch  to  my  labour,  to  my  expcnce  of  time,  to  the 
grievous  difpleafure  of  thofcthat  fell  under  it,  and  requi- 
red fo  much  felf-denyal,  that  when  I  confulted  with  flcfh 
and  blood  ,  if  I  might  but  have  fbrborn  it,  and  only 
preached,  and  given  the  Sacraments  to  all  that  came,  f 
fhould  have  thought  my  ftlf  fo  greatly  disburdened,  as 
would  have  made  my  life  to  be  fenfually  pleafant :  fo  that, 
though  I  had  not  any  maintenance  of  my  own,  I  think  I 
could  gladly  have  given  up  all  that  I  received  for  my  Mi- 
ni ftry,  and  made  what  other  (hift  I  could  for  food  and  ray- 
ment,  fo  I  might  but  have  been  freed  from  the  trouble  of 
this  particular  Difcipline  :  I  fpeak  only  what  it  was  to  flefh 
and  blood,  and  not  what  it  was  to  faith,  which  faith 
God  cannot  be  ferved  too  dearly.  Till  Ifpcak  this  to 
one  that  hath  tryed  the  thing  I  talk  of,  I  (hall  take  it  for 
granted,  that  my  words  are  not  half  underilood. 

If  you  fay,  Why  then  did  you  not  forbear  a  work  fo 
ungrateful  >  I  now  only  anfwer,  Why  doth  not  the  Judge 
and  Sheriff  forbear  hanging  Murderers  and  Thieves  :  The 
reft  of  my  Anfwer  you  (hall  have  anon. 

Though  my  following  Proportions  feem  full  enough  in 
opening  the  difference  between  the  two  Powers  ^  yet  1  will 
here  alio  briefly  tell  you,  i.  Somewhat  of  the  nature  of 
Church  Tower  :  2.  Somewhat  of  the  certain  Truth  that  Jefus 
Chrift  did  inftitute  it  :  3.  Somewhat  of  the  Neceflity  of 
it  fub  rat  tone  mcdii  ad  finem, 

1.  For  the  rirft,  take  thefe  few  things  together,  and  you 
may  clearly  fee  what  power  we  claim. 

i.OurOffke  for  the  Original  of  it,  is  as  immediately 
from  Chrift  as  that  of  Magiftrates ,  and  is  not  made  by 
Kings  or  any  Monarchs.  Therefore  we  hold  it  as  imme- 
diately from  Chrift. 

2.  lor  the  Matter  of  it,  it  is  only  to  expound  and  ap- 
ply the  Word  of  God,  both  commonly  in  Sermons,  and 
particularly  to  each  mans  feveral  Cafe,  as  Phyficions  look 
to  the  Cure  of  individuals  :  And  alfo  to  exercife  the  Keys 
of  the  Church  or  Kingdom  of  Chrift  i  that  is,  1.T0  be 
the  ordinary  Judges  who  is  to  be  taken  in  by  Baptifm  j 
2.  And  alfo  who  is  to  bepublickly  admoaiifhed  as  fcanda- 

C  3  lous, 

^    10  ) 

lous,  in  our  particular  Charge:  3.  And  alfo  who  is  to  be 
abfolved   aspr.itent:   4.  And   who  is  to  be  declared    un- 
meet for  Church- communion,  as  obftinately  impenitent, 
and  to  be  forbidden  Communion  with  the  Church,  and  the 
Church  with  him  ,    and  confequently  denyed   the  privi- 
ledges  of  the  Church,  and  figns  of  Communion  in  the 
Lords  Supper,  which  it  bclongeth  to  the  Pallor  to  deliver 
only  to  the  capable,  and  by   the  peoples  Familiarity  and 
brotherly  Society,  which  tViey  are  obliged  to  deny  them. 
And  this  Sentence   of  the  Pallor,  if  it  fhould  proceed  on 
lniikke,  doth  not  make  the  mans  Cafe  the  worfe  before 
1  God  \  but  yet  (  till  the  Church  have  (ought  its  due  reme- 
dy againil  miilaking  Pallors  )  it  remaineth  fo  far  valid,  as 
that  none  againit  it  may  obtrude  himfclf  on  the  Commu- 
nion of  that  Church.    For,  I  pray  you  telf  me,  if  flato, 
or  Zeno  miitake  in  their   judgement  of  a  Difciple  whom 
they  refufe,  or  any  Free  Schoolmalter  in  judging  of  the  in- 
capacity of  a  Scholar,  (hall  others  fo  misjudged  intrude  in- 
to their  Schools ,    and  make  themftlves    their    Scholars 
againli  their  wills  ?  Or  ihall  he  whom  by  mif-information 
you  refufe  or  rejedfc  from  your  family  or  fervice,   become 
your  hou(hold  fervant  indefpight  of  you? 

3.  And. as  to  the  Inllruments  and  manner  of  exercHing 
our  OrBce,  we  .  profeiTedly  difclaim  all  pretentions  to  any 
power  of  the  Sword,  or  of  corporal  penalty,  that  is  co- 
a&ive  or  coercive.     You  contefs  this  once  your  felf.     We 
claim  no  power  but  by  the  Word^  either  generally  preach- 
ed, or  particularly  applyed  to  the  cafe  of  thole  that  are  of 
our  charge.     No  other  power  of  "Excommunication  do  we 
claim  :  If  men  will   defpite  our  Minifterial  inftrudtions, 
reproofs  and  cenfures,   we:  have  done  with  them.     Shall 
they  force  themfelves  into  our  familiarity  or  communion 
in  fpightof  us  ?   Your  Epift*  54.  ad  Mettagerium  openeth 
the  matter  fo  fairly,  that  we  little  differ  from  it.     If  you 
Gy  that  Presbyterians  and  Epifcopal  fet  up  Courts,  Judica- 
tories, with  Officers  like  Civil  Courts:    I  anfwer,  1.  The 
more  pomp  and  likenefs  to  the  Magiftrates  coercive  way, 
the  worfe  I  like  it*     2.  But  how  (hall  men  be  heard,  if  they 
be  not  cited  ?  How  ihall  fuch  things  be  Juftly  and  Regu- 

(  19) 
Jarlv  tran  faded,  if  there  benota  known  Twt  and  Pkke, 
and  if  Accusers  and  Witncflls  be 'not  fummoned  ?  Are  not 
fuch  regular  proceedings  necelTary  even  in  Cafes  of  meer 
arbitration ?  If  this  be  all,  here  is  no  more  Sword,  no  more 
force,  than  in  a  Pulpit.  And  how  doth  Excommunica- 
tion (  that  is,  declaring  an  Impenitent  pcrfon  unfit  for 
Church  Communion  by  Chrilts  Laws,  and  binding  him 
over  to  the  great  day )  I  fay  how  doth  this  touch  mens 
bodies  or  ejTates,  or  work  any  otherwife  than  a  Pulpir- 
Sermon  on  the  confeiencious  Volunteers  ?  3.  And  if  horn- 
ing, or  Writs  dc  TLxciwimitnizjio  Capiendo,  or  imprifonmenr, 
or  burning  men  as  HLreticks  follow  this,  all  this  is  the  Ma- 
gistrates own  doing  >  If  it  be  wtl,  praile  him  for  it.  If  it 
be  ill,  blame  him  tor  it.  If  Rulers  will  make  fuch  Liw>, 
and  if  they  mil  fo  far  be  Executioners  of  the  Oergies  De- 
crees, who  can  hinder  them?  If  it  be  againlt  their  right*  it 
is  their  own  act,  who-gtve.(b  much  of  their  right  away. '  If 
you  fay,  that  Clergy  m:n  are  too  blame  that  urge  them  to 
it  ■->  you  (lull  not  calily  think  worfe  of  their  Co  doing,  thaa 
I  do:  It  is  greatly  againlt  our  wills  that  the  Sword  lo 
clofely  folio  wet  h  Excommunication.  I  think  it  is  the  ef- 
fect of  Carnal  Clergy  mens  bale  conceit  of  their  own-  Sa- 
cred Ofiice,  as  if  it  were  a  Leaden  unpowerful  S.vord 
which  Chriit  hath  put  into  their  hands,  and  Excommuni- 
cation were  invalid,  when  the  Sword  forceth  not  the  impe- 
nitent to  dilfcmble  Repentance  and  Submillion.  When 
great  worldly  baits  have  enticed  worldly,  men -into  the. 
Sacred  Office,  as  to  a  worldly  preferment  and  Trade,  they 
will  judge  accordingly  and  manage  it  like  themfelves 
(which  is  and  hath  been  the  Churches  Pell)  We  would 
beg  on  our  knees  of  Kings  and  MagiltraKs,  if  it  would 
prevail,  to  leave  Church  Cenfures  to  our  Lords  intended* 
uiej  and  valeant  quantum  valcrc  pffunth  arid  to  keep* fcheir 
Sword  out  of  Chureh-mens  hands,  and  to  puniih  men  in 
their  own  Courts  for  every  crime  that  defcrveth  it  *  but 
not  qitatemts  excommunicate,  or  meerly  becauie  the  Clergy 
hath  judged  them  unmeet  for  Church  Communion.  He 
that  taketh  Excommunication  alone  for  no  puniflament, 
is  not  fit  to  be  in  the  Communion  of  the  Church,  and 



therefore  mould  not  be  driven  for  fear  of  a  Prifon  to  that 
which  he  hath  no  right  to.  So  that  you  muft  not  charge 
the  ads  of  Princes,  nor  of  ambitious  Cardinals,  &c.  neither 
en  Cil:  ?>?,  Ff£j,  or  any  fuch  as  them. 

And  as  to  Lay-Elders, ox  Lay Chancellors,  I  am  no  more 
for  them  than  you  arc,  that  is,  as  the  Magiftrates  Officers, 
or  as  the  Churches  Sub-Officers  circa  ftcra  &  non  infacrU ; 
But  fure  thofe  of  them  who  are  introduced  on  a  mijhahgn 
conceit  of  Divine  rights  and  do  no  more  than  the  Pallors  do, 
are  no  llfurpers  of  Coercive  power. 

You  fee  by  the  late  Ads  of  King  and  Parliament  in 
Scotland,  that  all  External  Church  power  is  declared  to  be  in 
the  King  :  And  what  would  you  have  more?  No  doubt 
the  meaning  is  not,  All  power  about  external  things  :  For 
the  Sacraments  of  Baptifm  and  the  Lords  Supper,  and  the 
perfons  baptized,  &c.  are  external  objeds :  Nor  can  it  be 
all  power  that  is  exercifed  by  the  external  parts  of  the 
body.  For  the  Tongue  of  the  Preacher,  and  the  Hand  of 
the  Baptizer,  as  well  as  the  Ear  of  the  Hearer  is  an  external 
part.  But  in  thefe  two  fenfes  it  is  true,  and  commonly  con- 
fented  to,  by  all  that  I  remember  of  my  acquaintance  that 
are  Chriftians.  u  That  all  the  power  of  the  'Sm  rd,  or  of 
forcing  by  Mulds  or  bodily  punifhments,  as  diiVind  from 
the  power  of  the  Word,  that  worketh  diredly  upon  the 
foul  alone  (  by  the  fenles )  is  in  the  King,  and  not  in  any 
of  the  Clergy,  though  it  be  about  the  matters  of  Religion. 
2.  And  that  all  power  in  Church  matters  and  Religion,  Ex- 
trinfecal  to  the  Fjfioral  Office  as  inftituted  by  Chriit,  is  of 
right  the  Kings,  and  his  inferiour  Magiftrates.  And  what 
would  yoti  or  any  man  have  more  ? 

4.  And  as  to  the  exercife  of  our  Office,  we  all  confefs 
(  except  the  Papifts  )  that  we  are  refponfible  to  the  King 
and  Magiftrates,  for  our  faults,  yea,  for  our  injurious  mal- 
adminiftration.  And  that  though  the  King  be  not  the 
Chief  Paftor,  nor  hath  the  power  of  the  Keys  which  Chriit 
gave  to  his  Minifters,  yet  he  is  the  Ruler  of  all  Churches 
and  Paftors  by  the  Sword,  as  well  as  of  all  Phyficions.  And 
is  not  all  this  enough  to  fatisfie  you,  that  we  claim  no  part 
of  the  Magiftrates  Office  t 



As  you  fay,  our  power  is  but  Ferfaaftve.  U  is  buf,  By 
the  Word\.\\  is  but  on  the  Confcicnce  i  It  is  under  theMa- 
gillrates  coercive  Government :  And  foit  is  like  a  PhynVi- 
ons  or  a  Tutors  in  a  Colledgc.  But  that  I  pray  you  leave 
net  out  i.  That  it  is  not  under.fhe  Magiliratcs,  as  to  the 
derivation  of  the  office  or  pjwer,  that  is,  It  is  no  office  which 
the  Magifirate  made  or  may  unmade :  2.  That  it  is  as  imme- 
diately of  Divine Inuitution  as  the  Magiftrates.  And  there- 
tore  in  your  iimilitude  you  mull  fuppofe  your  rnyilcion 
and  Tutor  to  have  a  Commiffion  from  God.  3.  That 
God  hath  dtferihed  our  office,  and  limited  the  Magijlrates 
office,  fo  that  he  hath  no  power  frpm  God  to  hinder  the  Mi- 
nijxry.  4.  But  if  he  doit  injurioufly  we  mult  not  retift, 
but  patiently  iurTer  for  obeying  God.  So  much  of  the  na- 
ture of  the  office. 

II.  Now  that  it  is  certain  that  God  hath  committed  to 
Pallors,  fuch  a  Government  of  his  Church  by  the  Word,  as 
t<5  ftated  commiifioned  Officers,  becaufe  I  have  pall  by  the 
proofs  in  my  following  Proportions,  I  will  addibme  here. 
Supposing  what  Dr.  Hammond  hath  faid  of  the  Power  of 
the  Keyes,  and  that  no  man  with  common  (enfe  can  take 
the  Power  of  the  Keyes,  for  any  thing  lefs  than  a  power 
of  Church  Government,  or  Authoritative  Guidance,  and  fo 
a  Power  of  receiving  in  and  putting  out  as  there  is  caufe  -, 
It  is  plain  in  that  Chrifl  firft  reciteth  his  own  Commiffion 
and  Power, Mattb.  28.  itt,  19,  20.  and  thence  dateth  the 
Commiffion  of  his  Apoftles,  as  it  was  to  endure  to  the  end 
of  the  age  or  world. 

Seei/j22.22.  ScRcr.  3.7.  &  1.  18.  compared  with 
Mattb*i6.i$.  Sc  John  20*  23.  The  word  Fresbyter  and 
Biffiop  can  lignifie  no  leis  :  as  A3s  4.  8,  &c.  compared 
with  Ails  14.  23.^  15.  2,4,  6, 22>  23.  &i6.$.  6^20. 
17,  28.   TttM  1.  5.  James  5.  14.    1  Pet.  5.  i.Rcv.  4.4,6^. 

And  nothing  lefs  can  be  meant  by  1  Tim.  5.  17.  The  El- 
dcrs  that  Rule  well  arc  worthy  of  double  honour,  &c»  Heb.13. 
17.24.  Obey  tbcm  that  Jiaye  the  Rule  over  you,  for  they 
watch, &c.  1  ThelT.  5. 12,  13.  Know  tbcm  that  labour  among 
you,  and  are  over  you  in  the  Lord,  and  admonijh  you,  1  Tim. 
5.  1,4,  5.  If  a  mandefire  the  office  of  a  Bijb  p,  he  dcfiretb 

D  a  z" ' * 


J  izorkj— ^Onc  that  Ridetb  recti  bis  ownhoufe,  hav- 
ing hvs  children   in  fubjefiion* —For  if  a  man  know  not 

how  to  rule  his  own  houfe,  bow  Jh  all  he  takg  care  of  the  Church 
of  God*  So  7*7.  i.  7,  &c.  1  Per.  5.  1,  2:  3,  4.  Many  other 
1  pais  by. 

And  tor  the  adt  of  excommumcstion^  or  excluding  un- 
meet perfons  from  ChrljHan  Church  CnnmmnM,  it  would 
be  tedious*  to  (land  to  vindicate  all  thofe  plain  Texts  from 
any  mens  exceptions,  1  Cor.  ^.pertotum*  Ttitws  3.10.  2  John 
10, 11.   2  7heff,  3.  6,  14.  Rev.  2.  14,  15,  20. 

But  while  1  am  writing  this,  I  remember  that  I  have  long 
ago  written  a  fmall  Book  called  Vnivcrfal  Concord,  in  which 
I  have  defcribed  all  the  Pajtoral  Office  and  IVorhj,  If  you  canv 
prove  it  lefs  than  I  have  there  named  in  any  one  point, 
you  will  fo  far  eafe  us,  and  take  nothing  from  us  at  all 
that  gratirieth  our  flefh  :  If  you  can  deny  none  of  that,  we 
are  agreed.  And  in  the  Preface  to  the  fame  Book  I  hav$ 
given  you  twelve  Reafons  of  the  great  ufe  of  Church  Dis- 
cipline i  which  (hall  fave  me  the  labour  of  the  third  point 
which  I  intended  next  to  fpeak  to  •■>  fave  only  that  I  will 
briefly  ask  you, 

III.  Would  you  have  any  difference  made  between  the 
Chriftian  Church  and  the  Pagan  and  Infidel  world  >   If  not 

If  you  would,  it  muft  be  fuch  a  difference  as  Chrift 

hath  appointed  us  to  make  ?  And  doth  our  Baptifmal  Cove- 
nant contain  no  promife  and  profeffion  of  godlinefs  and 
obedience,  as  well  as  of  Belief  >  and  fo  of  Repentance  and 
a  better  life  ? 

2.  Who  would  you  have  to  be  Judge  in  this  matter  ? 
Shall  every  one  be  Judge  himfelf  >  Then  all  Pagans,  Murde- 
rers, Blafphemers  may  come  in  and  turn  Religion  and  the 
Church  into  a  fcorn.  If  any  muft  judge,  you  would  not 
fare  fet  the  Magiflrates  or  people  fuch  a  task  (  on  pain  of 
damnation  )  to  leave  their  Calling,  to  try  and  judge  of  the 
qualifications  of  expectants  or  Church-members. 

3.  Whom  do  you  think  Cbrifi  committed  this  bufmefs  to  ? 
Who  were  the  Judges  of  the  Capacity  of  perfons  to  be  bap- 
tized, or  the  defert  of  perfons  to  be  rejected  >  Viotrophes 
could  not  have  rejected  Chriftians  injurioufly  3  if  he  had 


not  then  had  fome  Governing  power. 

4.  Hath  not  all  Chrifts  Church  exercifed-  Puch  .a  Difci- 
pline  as  I  have  defcribed  fince  the  ApoiUes  days  till  now  ? 
(faving  the  corruption  of  it  by  ill  additions,  or  carnal 
negledhj  And  hath  all  this  Church  been  from  the  begin- 
ning under  a  falfe  Government  in  the  main  ?  Or  is  not  Re - 
formation  a  righter  way  than  extirpating  01  'D/fcipliue  as 
well  as  ofVofirine  andlforfhip  / 

5-  Is  it  not  the  rvicl^dncfs  of  that  is  the  chief 
hardening  of  7Wrly  and  other  Infidels  againit  Chriltianity  > 
And  would  they  not  encreafe  this  pollution  that  would  have 
the  mo/1  vicious  to  be  equally  received  with  the  belt  t 

6.  Is  not  Faith  for  H*linefs>  and  did  not  Chriit  come  to 
purine  a  peculiar  people,  and  reftore  us  to  the  Image  of 
God  }  And  if  for  want  of  Difcipline  Saints  and  Swine  be 
equally  Church-members,  and  partakers  of  holy  things,  is 
that  agreeable  to  this  deGgn  of  our  Redeemer  ? 

7.  If  Oeconomical  Government  and  School  Government 
and  Colledge  Government  be  no  wrong  to  Kings,  neither  is 
the  Church  Government  which  Chriit  hath  inftituted. 

I  do  not  fay  all  this  to  intimate  that  you  fay  the  contrary. 
But  becauie  your  Charge  on  Luther^  Calvin  and  other  Pro- 
tectants fheweth  that  you  do  fure  miitake  them :  And  to 
tell  you  that  I  joyn  with  you  in  difowning  the  KING- 
DOM and  Magiftracy  of  the  Mock-Church  of  Rome;  and 
of  all  that  will  imitate  them  $  But  that  I  take  the  Enmity 
to  and  grojfe  neghtt.  of  true  Cburch-Uifcipline,  to  be  one  of 
Satans  principal  fer vices  that  is  done  him  upon  earth, 
a^ainft  true  Godlineis. 

D  2  Th 

•f  s 


The  Churches  and  the  Magiftrates 
Power  ftated  in  matters  of  Religion  •  In 
an  hundred  Propofitions ,  which  al- 
moft  all  fober  Proteftant  Teach- 
ers are  agreed  in. 

A  Reconciliation  of  the  fober  EpifcopaL, 
Presbyterians,  Independents  and  Eraftians. 

To  my  vtry  Learned^  fin  cere  and  worthy  Friend  Lu- 
dovicus  Molinx'us  Dr.  of  Phyftck^  (  The  Author  of 
many  Treatifes  on  this  fubje3t  ) 

Dear  Sir, 

PON    the  perufal  of  your  Writings  which 

you  fent  me,  the  love  of  the  Church ,  and  of 
'truth  and  Feace  and  you,  doth  command 
me  to  tell  you  as  followeth  j 

I.  That  I  make  no  queftion,  but  that 
the  Pride  of  the  Clergy  (  with  their  Co- 
vetoufnels )  hath  for  above  twelve  hundred  years  been 
a  greater  plague  to  the  Churches  throughout  the  Chriitian 
woild,  than  all  the  cruelties  of  the  Laity :  And  that  the 
fenflefs  forgetting  the  matter  and  manner  of  Chrifts  decifion 
of  his  Apoltlcs  Controvettie,  Which  of  them  Jhould  be  the 
greateft,  hath  divided  the  Eaft  and  Weft,  and  corrupted  and 
kept  down  Religion  \  whileft  that  the  lives  of  the  Prelates 
bave  perfwaded  the  obfemrs,  thai  they  Hill  took  it  for  a 



more  important  Qjeftion,  Winch  of  thcrrrfhould  be  the  great - 
eft  ?  than,  Whether  they  or  their  people  jhould  be  faved*    And 
it  hath  ever  been  a  matter  or  eaiie  remarquc,  that  there 
have  been  feldom  any  dangerous  Schifms  on  one  fide,  or 
any  cruel  F executions  on  the  other  iide,  which  the  Clergy 
have  not  been  the  principal  caufes  or  :  And  that  the  Laity 
would  be  more  quiet,   if  the  Clergy  did  not  delude  them, 
orexafperate  them  j  And  that  even  the  more  mrftaken  and 
violent  fort  of  Magiftmtes,   would  have  fome ■  moderation 
in  their  Perfections,  it  the  Clergy  did  not  make  them    be 
*  licve,  that  a  burning  killing  Zeal    is  the  mark  of  a  good 
Chriftian,and  is  the  fame  that  in  Tit. 7..  14.1s  called  a  zeal  of 
good  worlds;  and  that  to  deftroy  the  bodies  of  men  truly  fear- 
ing God,   is  the  way  to  (ave  their  own  fouls,  or  their  Do- 
minions at  leafrs   when   indeed,  the  zeal  orChriits  com- 
manding,  is  a   zealous  Love  to  one  another,  and  a  zealous 
doing  good  to  others,   and   the  VtriHjh  zeal  t  as  St.  James 
diitinguifheth  it,  James  2.  15,  16,  17.  )  is  an  envious,  ha- 
ting, hurting  zeal. 

2.  That  in  all   this  the  Laity  are  not  innocent,  but  mult 
thank  themfelves  fer    the  evil  that  befalleth  them  5  and 
that  on  two  notable  accounts :    1.  Becaufe  they  have  ordi- 
narily the  choofwg  of  the  dignified  and  beneficed  Churchmen, 
and  they   have  but  fuch  as  they  choofe  themfelves :  They 
think  it  is  their  mfdvm  as  well  as  piety )   to  make  the  Ho- 
nour and  Profit  fo  great,    as  (hall  be  a   very  Jhong  bait    to 
Pride  and  Covet oujhefs  :  And  when  they  have  fo  done,  the 
Froudeji  and  moll  Covetous  will  certainly   be   the  Setters  •> 
and  that  with  as  much  cratt  and  diligence,  as  an  ambitious 
mind  can  ufe  their  parts  to :  And  he  that  feel^eth  (  by  him- 
ftlf  and  friends  )   islikeftto  rind  :    And  the  mere  humble 
and  heavenly  any  one  is,  and  confequently  moft  honeft,  and 
tit  to  be  aPaftor  of  the  Church,  the  further  he  will  be  from 
the  Seekers  way  !  So  that  except  it  be  where  the  world  hath 
Rulers  fo  wife  and  ltrangcly  pious,  as  to  (Irk  out  the  wor- 
thy who  feek  not  for  themfelves,  its  eaiie  to  prognofticate 
what  kind  ofPaitorsthe  Church  will  have   :    And  verily 
they  that  choofe  them,  are  the  unfitted    to  complain  of 
them.     Whereas  if  the  Churches  maintenance  were  fuch, 

D  3  as 

as  might  but  prevent  the  difcouragements  of  fuch  as  feek  the 
Minil'try  for  the  workj  fake  and  for  the  love   of  fouls,  that  fo 
Students  might  not  make  it  a  Trade  for  wealth,  but  a 
fclf  denying  dedication  of  themfelves  to  God,  the  Churches 
would  be  accordingly  provided  \  And   they  that  intend  the 
faming  of 'fid  s,  would  be  the  Candidates,  (  by  their  own 
and  their  Parents  dedication  J  as  now  they   that   intend    a 
clrade  to  live  and  ferve  the  ftcjh  by  (  in  an  honourable  way  ) 
are  too  great  a  part  of  them.     Or  men  might  be  further  re- 
warded ex  poji  facto  for  their  Merits,  without  being  tempt- 
ed to  Ihidy  pr'mcipaHy  for    that  reward.     And  if  we  will 
needs  have  carnal  men,  let  us  not  wonder  if  they  live  car- 
nally.    And  it  the  carnal  mind  be  enmity  to  God,  and  neither 
is   nor  can  be  fubjeel  to  his  Law,  Rom.  8-  6,  7.  we  may  ea- 
sily prognofticaK   how  Cbrijls  enemies  will   do  his  wot\y 
and  guide  his  Church,  and   whether  their  wills  and  rvayes 
will  be  fuch  as  the  confcionable  can  conform  to. 

3.  And  the  Laity  are  unexcufable,  becaufe  it  is  they  (\n 
all  thofe  Countreys  where  Popery  and  Church -tyranny  pre- 
vailed )  who  put  their  Sword  into  the  Clergies  hands,  and 
give  away  their  own  authority,  and  fet  up  men  to  vie 
with  them,  and  to  overrop  them:  of  which  more  anon. 

3.  I  grant  you  alfo,  that  in  all  fuch  Countreys  as  afore- 
faid  (  where  Popery  and  Church-tyranny  prevaileth J  the 
name  of  Ecclcfajlical  Courts  and  Vifcipline,  is  applyed  to 
that  mungrel  power,  which  is  neither  Fifth  nor  Flefh;,  and 
that  the  true  Spiritual  Power  fet  up  by  Chrift,  is  corrupted 
and  turned  into  a  fecular  thing,  or  by  cenfuijon,  a  third 
fort  arifen  out  of  both.  And  that  Popim  Princes  are  woful- 
ly  abufed  by  this  deceit:  while  that  the  reverence  of  the 
name  of  the  Church  and  Church-Government,  doth  perfwade 
them  to  ruine  the  Church  indeed  ,  and  to  fet  up  their 
Subjeds  to  be  the  Governours  of  themfelves,  and  to  give 
away  their  own  power  to  their  fervants,  and  then  to  ftoop 
to  the  power  which  they  have  given. 

4.  And  I  grant  you,  that  all  this  mifchief  would  much 
be  cured,  it  Magiitrates  would  keep  the  Sword  to  them- 
felves, and  ufe  it  only  according  to  the  judgement  of  their 
proper  Courts  i   and  would  leave  the  Power  of  the  Church 



Keycs  to  the  Paftors,  &  vakant  quantum  vslere  puffunt  > 
and  let  it  be  thought  penalty  enough  tor  an  excommuni- 
cate perfon  qua  talis  to  be  excommunicate  :  And  not  to 
take  him  to  be  a  penitent,  or  worthy  of  the  Communion 
of  the  Church,  that  had  rather  be  there  than  in  a  Gaol. 
There  be  wi(er  wayes  of  bringing  men  to  Repentance  and 
to  the  Communion  of  the  Church,  than  by  faying  [Choofc 
this  or  the  Goal  :  You  are  worthy  to  be  in  the  Church,  if 
you  had  but  rather  be  in  it  than  in  a  Prifon.  ]  Chrift  laid, 
[  Forfar  a%  or  ye  cannot  be  my  Vifciples  5 1  And  fome  fay, 
j_  Be  Chrifts  Difciples,  or  forlake  all :  The  Church  will  re- 
ceive you,  if  you  will  but  accept  her  communion  rather 
than  imprifonment  or  beggary.  ]  A  kind  Church  indeed  / 
ot  which  more  anon. 

5.  But  notwithstanding  all  thefe  conceilions,  I  muft  fur- 
ther tell  you,  that  it  is  the  Paftors  of  the  Churches  that 
mult  keep  up  the  intereft  of  Chriftianity  in  the  world  ,  and 
that  as  the  bad  ones  are  the  greateft  plagues,  fo  the  good 
ones  arc  the  greateft  bleflings  of  the  earth  i  even  the  fair 
and  lights  of  the  world  :  And  none  but  the  enemies  of 
Chrift  are  their  enemies,  (  as  fuch.  )  And  as  the  Miniftry 
hath  grown  better  or  worfe,  fo  hath  Chriftianity  either 
rifen  or  fallen,  in  all  times  and  places  of  the  Church  on 
earth.  (  Of  which  fee  Two  Sheets  which  I  have  written 
for  the  Miniftery,  againft  the  Seeders  and  Malignants  long 

6.  And  though  the  Carnal  Clergy  afore  defcribed,  de- 
ferve  all  the  inve&ives  in  your  Books,  and  their  Ufurpati- 
ons,  and  turning  Church  Difcipline  into  a  fecular  thing,  do 
call  aloud  for  a  juft  detection  and  rebuke  5  and  it  would 
be  the  happinefs  of  the  world,  if  the  eyes  of  all  Chriftian 
Princes  and  Rulers,  were  opened  in  this  point  *,  yet  I  muft 
tell  you,  that  I  believe  moft  fober,  pious  Proteftant  Divines 
are  really  agreed  in  the  main  things  that  you  defire  and 
intend  ;>  And  that  both  you  and  fome  of  your  adverfaries 
both  do  amifs,  to  make  the  difference  feem  wider  than  in- 
deed it  is :  And  that  making  Verbal  differences  feem  real, 
and  fmall  ones  feem  great,  is  an  ill  employment  v  when  a 
fewdrtinftionsmi  clearer  explications,  would  make  both 


ficUs  fee,   that  they  arc  almoji  of  one  mind. 

Therefore  all  that  I  fhall  do  in  this  buiinefs  is,  to  lay 
down  my  own  judgement,  and  I  think  the  judgement  ot 
all  the  p'ous  and  (objr  part,  of  the  Epifcopjl,  Presbyterian, 
Independents  and  EraUans  (  or  Politicians  )  in  certain  briet 
Proportions ,  which  (hall  carry  their  own  evidence  pait 
all  contradiction  ot  Learned  and  Coniiderate  Chriftians. 

Frop.  i,  T^He  work  of  the  Gofpel-Miniftry    is  not  a 
X  work  of  rnecr  Charity  and  Liberty,  but   an  Of- 
fice-wcrkj.  Authority,  Keafon  and  Love,  are   its  principles, 
Matih.  28.  19,  2C,  Titus  1.  5.  Ads  14.  23. 

2.  This  Office  is  injlituted  by  Chriji  himfclf,  and  by  the 
Holy  Ghoft,  Ibid.  Ads  20.  28,  &c. 

3  It  was  instituted  fot  great  and  nccejfary  ends,  that  the 
Mini  111  y  might  be  Chrifis  Agents,  Mcjfengers,  Stewards,  &c. 
for  the  furthering  the  arfairs  of  his  Spiritual  Kingdom,  and 
mens  falvation  in  the  world,  1  Cor.  4.  1, 2.  1  Jim.  3.  1,  2, 
3,  &c.  Ads  20.  28.    1  Tbejf.  5.  12, 13.  Heb.  13.  17. 

4.  It  was  fir  ft  put  into  the  hands  of  Apojiles  chofen  by 
Chrift  himfclf  j  who  were  to  be  the  Gatherers,  Ediiiers  and 
Guides  of  his  Church,  and  to  be  its  foundation  built  on 
Chrift,  and  the  tranfmitters  of  the  Gofpel,  and  a  ftated 
Miniftry  to  the  following  Ages. 

5.  Though  the  extraordinary  part  of  their  work  ceaftd 
with  them,  the  ordinary  part  continueth  after  them,  with 
a  Miniftry  which  is  to  continue  to  the  end  of  the  world 
Eph.  4.  ii\&c. 

6.  This  Office  was  in  time  before  a  Chriftian  Magi{irate, 
and  mull  be  the  fame  where  there  is  any  fuch,  and  where 
there  is  none,  Matth.  28.  20.    Eph.  4.  12,  14,  16,  &c. 

7.  It  conlifteth  in  an  Authority  conjunct  with  an  Obliga- 
tion to  do  their  proper  work. 

8.  ThisMinifterial  Office  is  fubordinate  to  Chrift  in  the 
three  parts  of  his  Office,  Prophetical,  Prieftly,  Kingly  f  as 
they  arc  commonly  diftinguifhed  )  or,  in  'teaching,  Wor- 
(bipping  God,  and  Governing  his  flocks,  John  20.  21.  Matth. 
28  1.9,2c.  1  G/r.4.1,2.  1  Tiw.  3. 2,3,6a:.  &  5.17.  Ads  d.4. 

?.  n 


p.  It  is  cflential  to  the  Office  to  have  all  thefe  in  Divine 
Authority,  but  not  in  Excrcife,  nor  in  the  Civil  Liberty  of 
exercifing  them  (^whichmay  be  hindered)  Ails  5.  i8,&:c. 

10.  The  Office  is  to  be  judged  of  by  Gods  InjUtutiony 
and  not  by  the  Ordaincrs  wills  intention,  or  contrary  cxpref- 
fions  i  if  the  effencc  of  the  Office  be  delivered  in  general 

11.  Chrift  made  thefe  Officers  the  Key-bearers  of  his 
Churches,  that  is,  the  Rulers  or  Guides,  who  have  authority 
under  him  over  Church  communion,  to  judge  what  mem- 
bers (hall  be  taken  in,  and  who  (haH  be  put  out,  Mat.16.1p, 
Heb.  13.  17,  24.  1  iheff.  5.  12,  13. 

12.  The  tirlt  and  great  ad  of  this  Key-bearing  power 
(  never  denyed  them  from  Chrifts  time  to  this  dayj  is  the 
power  of  Baptizing  and  of  judging  who  (hall  be  admitted  by 
Baptifm  into  the  Church  or  number  of  vifible  Chriftians, 
Mat.  28.  ip,20.  Adtsi.  +  i.  &  8.  12,  13,38. 

13.  This  power  is  not  arbitrary  but  Mitrijterial,  regulated 
by  Chrilis  univerfal  Laws  >  which  defcribeth  every  mans 
Title  to  admittance  •,  which  is  [_  his  own  (  or  Parents  if  an 
Infants  )  understanding,  voluntary,  ferious  Profejjion   of  Con- 

fent  to  the  Baptifmal  Covenant.  ]  A3s  2.  38.  &  8.  12.  &  10. 
47,  48.  Mar.  \6.  16.  Matth.  28.  20. 

14.  If  oneMinifter  refufe  fuch  Confenters,  others  mull 
admit  him  :  And  if  many  (hould  agree  utterly  to  tyrannize, 
both  Magistrates  by  juft  Laws  may  corredt  them,  and  the 
people  defert  them,  for  better  Guides:  1  Kings 2-2-7. 
2  John  10,  11.  Mat.  7.  1 5.  &  16.  6. 

1 5.  The  Churches  Communion  and  Sacraments  are  not  to 
be  common  to' all  the  world.  Other  wife  the  Church  were  no 
Church,  as  confuting  of  Heathens,Inridels  andall,that  would 
come  even  purpofely  to  pollute  and  fcorn  the  holy  Myite- 
ries,  1  Cor.  10.  \6.  2  Cor.  6. 14.   AUs  2.^],  Sec. 

16.  It  is  necelTary  therefore  that  fome  men  be  the  Judges 
who  are  fit,  and  who  (hall  be  admitted.  EHe  there  can  be 
no  difference.  Of  this  fee  my  Treatife  oi  Confirmation. 

17.  Everyman  is  not  to  be  the  fole  publick  Judge  for 
himjclf:  For  then  there  would  be  Hill  no  difference,  nor 
the  Myfteries  kept  from  common  fcorns, 

E  ig.The 


18.  The  Magiftrate  is  not  made  the  firfl  and  proper 
Judge:  For  then  he muft  make  a  Calling  of  it,  and  attend 
upon  this  very  thing,  to  try  the  baptized  and  the  admitted  j 
which  is  no  (mall  work.  For  he  that  judgeth,  muft  rirft 
try  the  Cafe,  and  that  with  the  diligence  which  the  weight 
of  it  requireth,  Acfs  8.  3J: 

ip.  The  People  axe  not  to  be  the  ordinary  Judges:  for 
elfe  they  muft  all  leave  their  Callings  to  attend  baptizings, 
and  fuch  works  as  thefe  i,  and  muft  do  that  which  moft  of 
them  are  unfit  to  do :  And  Chrift  hath  put  all  out  of 
doubt,  by  putting  the  Keys  into  the  Paftois  hands,  and 
commanding  their  ftudy  and  attending  to  this  work,  and 
calling  them  the  Rulers,  Guides,  Paftors,Fathers,  Stewards, 
Overfeers,  &c.  and  commanding  the  people  to  obey  them 
with  fubmiffion  j  and  telling  (  not  the  people  or  Magi- 
ftrates  )  but  thePaftors  of  the  great  and  dreadful  account 
that  they  muft  give,  Heb.  13.  17.  Mattb.  24.  45,  4^,  47. 
1  Cor.  4. 1,  2.  2  Tim*  4.  1,  2.  &  1  7*m.  4.  15,  16. 

20.  He  that  will  lay  this  work  upon  people  or  Magi- 
ftrates,  is  their  cruel  enemy  •,  and  brings  on  them  a  moft 
heavy  burden,  and  confequently  makes  it  their  duty  to 
prepare  and  ftudy  for  it,  and  to  avoid  all  otber  buftnefs  that 
hindereth  it  j  and  would  lay  them  under  the  terrors  of  a 
moft  tremendous  reckoning  unto  God. 

21.  Seeing  it  is  a  truft  that  muft  be  committed  to  fome  or 
§tber,  common  reafon  tells  us,  that  it  is  better  in  their 
hands  that  Chrift  hath  put  it  in  by  Office,  and  who  fpend 
their  lives  in  preparation  for  it,  than  in  theirs  that  neither 
have  the  preparations  nor  the  Office,  1  Con  $.16.  &  2  Cor. 
5.19,20.   1  Cor.  4.  1,2. 

22.  It  is  the  great  end  ofChrifts  coming  into  the  world 
to  deftroy  the  works  of  the  Devil,  and  to  purifre  to  himfelf 
a  peculiar  people  zealous  of  good  works,  and  to  fave  his 
people  from  their  fins,  and  to  vindicate  the  Holinefs  of  God : 
And  the  world  is  fo  apt  to  judge  of  Chrifts  dodhine  by  his 
followers,  that  the  Holinefs  and  Concord  ofChriftians  is 
one  ofChrifts  great  appointed  means,  for  his  own  and  his 
Fathers  glory  in  the  world  :  That  as  Gods  greatnefs  (hineth 
forth  in  the  frame  of  nature,  fo  might  his  Holinefs  in  the 

Cburch : 

Church:  And  the  Enemies  of Holhufs  are  condemned  by 
their  Creeds  when  they  profefs  to  believe   the  Holy  Catbo- 
lic\Church^  and  the  Communion  0}  Saint  r.     And  Rome  it 
doth  own  the  name  and  pretence  ot  Holintfs. 

23.  Travellers  well  know,  that  the  great  hinderanee  of 
the  Converfion  of  Infidels  and  Heathens,  Turks,  Perlians, 
Indians,  Tartarians,  &c.  is  the  wicked  lives  of  the  profef- 
fed  ChriiVians  that  are  next  them  ■■>  when  they  fee  that 
Chriltiansare  more  falfe,  and  cruel,  and  drunken,  and  beaft- 
ly,  and  divided,  &^c.  than  themfelves. 

24.  Thofe  therefore  that  would  have  the  Church  lye 
common  (  without  Chriits  Difcipline  J)  to  all  the  moJt 
prophane  and  wicked  that  will  come  in,  and  have  commu- 
nion with  it,  are  indeed  Antichrifiian,  even  open  enemies 
to  the  Church,  to  holinefs,  and  to  the  faving  of  the  Infidel 
and  Heathen  world  ,  1  Cor.  5.  d,  11,  12,  13.  1  Pet.  2.  9. 
Tit.  2.  14. 

25.  The  Devil  hath  fought  in  all  Ages  as  fubtilly  and  di- 
ligently againlt  the  holy  Difcipline  of  Chrift,  as  againft  the 
Christian  Dodhine. 

26.  True  Difcipline  doth  fo  wonderfully  difpleafe  the 
guilty,  and  lofe  mens  love,  and  efpecially  the  Richer  fort, 
and  all  mens  carnal  intereft  and  nature  inclineth  them  fo 
much  to  man-pleaiing  and  flattery  ,  that  Minifters  have 
abundance  more  need  to  be  driven  to  the  exercife  of  Difci- 
pline, than  rejhaincd  from  k  -■>  except  it  be  the  corrupt 
and  carnal  Difcipline  which  the  Pqpifh  and  tyrannizing 
Clergy  do  exercife,  where  the  Magiltrate  himfelf  upholdeth 
them  in  Grandure,  and  lendeth  them  his  Sword.  Let  Difci- 
pline be  but  fuch  as  Chrift  appointed,  and  (land  of  it  felt, 
and  then  it  is  but  few  that  will  have  any  more  caufe,  to  be 
retrained  from  it,  than  from  too  much  preaching  :  Though 
(till  I  yield,  that  there  muft  be  limits  for  the  wilful  and 
the  indifcreet,  1  Cor.  5.  3  John  9. 

27.  The  true  Difcipline  of  Cliriit  hath  been  acknowledged 
to  be  his  Ordinance  ,  in  all  the  Churches  almolt  in  the 
world,  fince  the  Apoltles  dayestill  now  i  fave  that  fas  you 
open  it )  fince  Conjhntines  time  it  hath  been  much  cor- 
rupted by  the  mixture  of  the  fecular  torce,  and  the  Em- 

E  2  perours 

pcrours  lending  his  Church-power  to  the  Bimops  and  Cottn- 

28.  Government  hath  two  parts  :    Antecedent  to  mens 
falls-,  which  is  Legiflation  ^  and  Confcquent,  which  is  Judge- 
ment and  Execution.    Chrifi  is  the  only  Lawgiver  of  Vni- 
vcrfal  Laws  to  the  univerfal  Church  \  and  the   Author  of  his 
own  Do&rine,  and  the  fubltantials  of  his  Worfhip  :  But 
yet  there  are  many  undetermined  circumftances  ,   which 
may  and  muft  be  antecedently  determined,  fome  by  each 
Tajior'-i  fome  by  a  confent  of  Paftors,  and  fome  by   Magi- 
ftrates  (  if  they  plcafe  ).     I   will  name  you   twenty  lately 
named  elfewhere  •,  1.  What  day  (  befides   the  Lords  day  ) 
and  what  hour,  the  Church  (hall  meet.     2.  How  long  the 
Prayers, Reading  and  Sermons  fhall  be.     3.  When  and  how 
often  publick  Fafts  and  Thanksgivings  be.     4.  What  place 
the  Church  (hall  meet  in.     5.  Of  the  Form,  Ornaments, 
Seats,  &c.  of  the  Temples.     6.  The  place  and  form  of  the 
Pulpit.     7.  The  fuh)eU  of  the   prefent  Sermon  ,  and  the 
Chapter  to  be  read.       8.  The  Method  of    the  Sermon, 
c?.  The  Words  of  Sermons  and  Prayers.      ic.  Of  ufmg  or 
not  ufmg  Bookj  and  Sermon  Notes  for  memory.     1 1.  What 
Iranflation  of  Scripture  to  ufe.     12.  And  what   Verfion  and 
Meeter  of  the  Pfalms.     13.  And  what  tune  to  ilng  in. 
14.  What  form  ofCatccbifm  to  ufe.     1 5.  Of  decent  Habits, 
cfpecially  in  publick  Worfhip.     16.  By   what  fro} ejjing  fign' 
to  teftirie  our  confent  to  the  Churches  Conftflion  of  faith: 
Whether  by  fpeaijng,  or  lifting  up  the  hand,  oxfianding  up. 

17.  Of  decent  Geftures  in*  the  ads  of  publick  Worfoip. 

18.  Of  Font,  Table,  Cups,  Cloathes  ,  and  other  Utenfils. 

19.  Making  new  Officers  for  thefe  actions  circa  facta  ,  as 
Door-keepers,  Clarks,  Churchwardens,  &c.  20.  Judging 
wteany  private  man  (hall  fpea]^  in  the  Church,  and  whin 
he  (hall  be  filent>  and  fuch  other  Orders  neceflary  to  peace 
and  Edification,  1  Cor.  14.  28,  29.  33.  26,40. 

29.  Moji  of  thefe  (hould  be  left  to  every  Paftors  judge- 
ment ■->  fome  may  be  determined  "by  the  Magiftrate  i  but  yet 
fome  are  fitted  for  the  Concordant  determination  of  Con- 
fociated  Churches,  in  a  Synod,  or  by  confent.  But  none  of 
them  by  any  neighbour  Paftor  ( that  like  the  Pope)  ufurp- 


tth  authority  over  other  Churches.  Nor  (hould  anyftand- 
ing  Laws  at  all,  be  made  oHuch  things  where  there  is  ni 
needs  efpecially  where  the  cafe  is  mutable,  and  it  belongcth 
to  the  Pallors  function  to  determine  it,  as  occafion  faveth. 
2  riim*  2. 15.   Mat.  24.  45. 

30.  Whether  the fe  Antecedent  Veterminatims  of  Concor- 
dant Taftors  in  a  Synod,  (hall  be  called  Lars,  or  Canons,  or 
Decrees,  is  but  lis  de  nomine :  And  alio  whether  this  power 
be  called  Legiflitive,  or  JurifditlieH.  And  who  will  trou- 
ble the  Church  unneceffarily  about  words  and  names  ?  But 
yet  I  think  they  may  be  belt  called  Canons  or  Agreements  ; 
And  I  wifh  that  high  Titles  be  laid  aiide,  left  it  encourage 
the  ufurping  Spirit,  that  afpireth  after  too  high  things. 

31.  Grotiut  de  Imperii  Jummamm  pjtcfiatum  circa  fa  era 
hath  faid  Co  much  and  Co  well  of  all  this  Controverfie,  that 
it  is  a  fhame  to  us  all  that  we  need  any  more,  and  a  (name 
to  me  to  trouble  the  world  after  him,with  Writings  on  that 
fubjeel,  fo  far  Jefs  ufefuU  and  to  anyone,  to  cloud  that 
which  he  hath  clearly  and  judicioufly  Itated  s  were  it  not 
that  renewed  occafions  require  it. 

32.  Paftors  have  not  only  the  charge  of  right  ordering 
the  Ajfemblies,  but  alfo  of  helping  and  overfeeing  all  the 
individuals  of  their  charge  •,  And  to  help  them  in  the  perfi- 
nal  application  of  the  Scriptures  to  themfelves,  and  to  re- 
folve  their  particular  Doubts  and  Cafes  of  Confcience  i  and 
to  reprove,  ad monith  and  comfort  the  individuals  as  there 
is  need.  As  a  Phyficion  is  not  only  to  read  a  Phyfick  Le- 
cture to  his  Hofpital,  but  to  Govern  each  Patient  in  order 
to  his  Cure. 

33.  Ordination  is  &  rei  &  ordintf  gratia  an  zde  of  Of- 
fice, by  which  the  Minifterial  Office  and  Power  is  Minifte- 
rially  delivered  by  way  of  Inveftiture  and  Solemnization,  as 
a  houfe  is  delivered  by  a  Key,  and  a  parcel  of  Land  by  a 
Turf  and  Twig,  by  the  hand  of  a  Servant  appointed  there- 
unto. Or  as  our  Church  ftate  is  delivered  to  us  by  Bap- 
tifm  by  the  like  inveftiture.  Though  yet  it  is  Gid  diretHyy 
who  giveth  the  Power,  and  that  fecondarily  by  his  fervant 
thus  inveftctb  us  in  it  \  though  not  without  the  previous  Call 
which  is  neceffary  thereunto.    . 

E  3  34.  Ordi- 

.        C3+) 

3^.  Ordination  is  not  an  idle  Ceremony  which  the  Or- 
dainer  mull  perform  upon  the  judgement  of  ethers  (Prince 
or  people  )  without  his  own  cognizance  of  the  perfon,  or 
againft  his  Conicience  :  But  be  that  muft  ordain,  muft  firjl 
judge  the  perfon  fit  to  be  ordained  \  and  thefetore  muft  al- 
io try  his  'fitnefs,  i  Tim*  5.  22. 

35.  So  much  of  the  Antecedent  power  of  the  Mini- 
ftry  ;  in  which  it  is  to  be  noted,  that  Ordination  and  Bap- 
tifm  are  efficient  ails,  like  Generation  in  nature,  under  God 
the  firjl  efficient,  as  ex  §juo  omnia,  and  as  they  are  ordinvs 
gratia,  are  the  beginning  of  Government  alfo.  And  Go- 
vernment  is  an  Ordering  adr,  as  under  God  the  fu p ream  Go- 
zernour,  in  per  §htem  omnia*  And  Sacramental  entertain- 
ment with  Chriits  body  and  blood  in  Church  Communion, 
is  A  elm  Amoris,  a  final  adr,  of  friendfhip,  under  God  as 
the  final  Caufe,  adgjhem  omnia. 

35»  The  fubfequent  part  of  the  Paftoral  Government,  is 
by  uting  the  members  of  the  Church  in  the  exercife  of  the 
Palioral  Office,  according  to  their  feveral  deferts;  which 
is  by  a  General,  and  particular  application  of  the  Word  of 
God  to  their  Confcicnces,  and  guiding  them  in  circum- 
ibnecs,  and  judging  of  adfions  and  perfons  according  to 
that  Word,  in  order  to  the  good  of  fouls,  and  the  prefer- 
vation  of  the  Church  and  truth,  Ads  20.  28.  Heb*  13.  17. 

37.  When  the  whole  Church  falleth  into  notorious  tin,  the 
Paiiors  muft  reprove  them,  and  call  them  to  repentance  : 
And  if  they  apoftatize  forfake  them  ,  as  ceafing  to  be  a 

38.  When  a  fmglc  member  falleth  into  notorious  fcand al \ 
the  Paftor  muft  admonifh  him,  and  call  him  to  repentance  : 
and  if  he  remain  impenitent  and  obftinate  after  due  admo- 
nition, and  publick  exhortation  and  patience,  he  muft  [  as 
Chriits  Steward  of  his  WTord  and  Family,  pronounce  him 
a  perfon  unht  for  Church  communion  ,  and  require  or 
command  him  in  the  name  of  Chrift  to  forbear  it,  and  the 
Church  to  forbear  his  communion,  declaring  him  alfo  un- 
pardoned by  Chrift  till  he  repent,  and  binding  him  over 
to  his  judgement.  J  So  that  Excommunication  is  a  Sen- 
tence of  the  perfen  as  uncapable  of  Church  communion 



according  to  Chrifts  Laws,  and  a  fore-judging  him  as.  un- 
pardoned and  condemnable  by  Chrifts  judgement,  unkfs  he 
repent,  and  a  command  to  the  tinner  to  torbear  the  com- 
munion and  priviledgesof  the  Church,  and  to  the  Church 
to  avoid  him,  i  Cor.  5.   Titus  3.  10, &c 

39.  If  the  tinner  repent,  the  Paftor  is  Chrifts  Officer,  in 
his  name  to  pronounce  him  pardoned,  if  his  repentance  be 
fincere  ;  and  the  Guide  of  the  Church  to  require  them  to  re- 
ceive him  again  into  their  communion,  2  Cor*  2.7,10,  1  r. 
Gal.  6   1,  2,  3. 

40.  Becaufe  Magiftrates  and  people  f  as  aforefaid  )  can- 
„  not  attend  fo  great  a  work  as  this,  without  the  neglect  of 

their  particular  Callings,  and  are  not  to  be  (uppofed  fo  fit 
as  the  Pallor,  and  becaufe  God  hath  made  it  the  work  of 
his  Office,  the  people  are  to  reft  in  his  judgement  about 
the  titnefs  and  Title  of  thofe  that  have  the  publick  Church 
communion  with  them,  (  though  they  are  the  Judges  and 
Choofers  of  their  Domeftick  and  private  familiars  :  )  And 
they  muft  not  feparate  from  them  that  a*e  thus-  regularly 

41.  Yet  when  the  Paftors  by  mai-adminiftration,  give 
them  juft  caufe,  the  flock  may  feek  their  due  remedy :  of 
which  more  anon. 

42.  This  power  is  ejfentially  in  the  Minijicr'ul  Office  ;  and 
therefore  is  in  every  jingle  Paftor,  and  not  only  in  fome 
few,  or  in  the  abler  fort,  or  only  in  a  Synod,  Mat.  id.  ip. 

43.  When  a  Church  hath  but  one  Pafior  he  muft  exercife 
it  alone  (  with  due  coniideration  and  advice.  )  But  when 
a  Church  hath  many  Paftors,  they  muft  exercife  it  (  and  all 
Church  guidance  )  in  a  way  of  Concord,  and  avoid  all  dif- 
fentions  among,  themfelvts,  Ephef  4.  3,  4,  5.  1  Cer.  1.  10.  ■ 
John  17.21,22. 

44.  Therefore  in  fuch  a  cafe  a  particular  Paftor  may  be 
obliged  oft  to  fufpend  fome  fuch  a6ts,  becaufe  the  Major 
Vote  of  his.  Syn-Presbyters  are  againit  it ;  Not  that  they 
are  his  Gbovernours  for  the  Majority  of  Vote ,  but  becaufe 
the  Laws  of  Concord  require  the  Minor  part  to  fubmit  to 
the  Major. 

45.  The  fame  is  the  reafon  why  in  Elections,  Confents 


and  other  a<£b  belonging  to  the  flock,  the  Major  Vote 
lhould  carry  it  in  things  lawful  i  not  becaufe  the  people 
have  any  true  Church  Government  \  but  becaufe  they  are  ob- 
liged to  Vnity  and  Concur d\  And  in  that  cafe,  the  Law  of 
Nature  calleth  the  Minor  part  to  fubmit  to  the  Major,  left 
there  never  (hould  be  any  Concord  had. 

46.  And  the  fame  is  the  reafon  why  in  Synods  and  Coun- 
cils, the  Major  Vote  of  the  Bilhops  mult  prevail,  in  lawful 
things  not  forbidden  of  God. 

47.  If  any  Pallor  in  the  world  pragmatically  thruft  him- 
felt  into  another  mans  charge,  and  pretend  himfelf  to  be 
the  Ruler  of  his  neighbour  Churches  and  Pallors,  and  at- 
tempt to  cxercile  authority  over  them,  he  is  to  be  flight- 
ed as  an  Ufurper,  and  a  dilturber  of  the  order  and  peace  of 
the  Churches  of  Chrift,  3  John  p,  ic. 

48.  Yet  every  Paltor  is  an  Officer  and  Miniller  of  Chrift 
(  as  to  the  unconverted  world  to  call  them,  fo  )  to  the  uni- 
verfal  Church  to  exercile  his  Office  in  it  where  ever  he 
hath  an 'orderly  call]  And  if  he  teach,  or  adminiiter  Sacra- 
ments  or  Uifiipline^  upon  fuch  a  particular  call,  in  a  neigh- 
bour Church  pro  tempore,  he  doth  it  as  an  Officer  of  Chrift 
(  and  their  Pafior  pro  tempore  )  and  not  as  a  Lay-man  :  As  a 
licenfed  Phylicion  medicateth  another  Phylicion,  or  ano- 
thers'Hofpital,  when  called  to  it,  not  only  as -a  neighbour 
that  is  unlieenfed,  but  as  a  licenfed  Phylicion.  So  Timothy^ 
Ap'h,  Silis,  and  others  did. 

45?.  Therefore  neighbour  Pallors  muft  have  fo  much  care 
of  other  Churches  as  toadmonifhthem  againft  the  infection 
of  any  Hereiie  or  Scandal,  which  they  fee  them  in  apparent 
danger  of  -,  whether  by  heretical  wicked  Pallors,  or  others. 

50  All  neighbour  Churches  Capable  of  correfpondence, 
are  bound  to  hold  a  fpecial  concord  among  themfelves^  for 
the  advantage  of  the  Gofpel  by  their  Unity,  orforthecon- 
veriion  of  the  Infidel  world,  and  for  the  prefervation  of  the 
feveral  Churches  from  danger  ,  by  Hkrcfie  or  difcord, 
Jills  15.  John  17.  21,  22.  Eph.  4.  3,<5. 

5 :.  He  that  is  excommunicated  jultly  in  one  Church  (hould 
not  be  received  by  the  reft  till  he  repent  :  Therefore  the 
neighbour  Clinches  may  do  well ,  to  acquaint  eaCh  other 


whom  they  have  excommunicated,  when  there  is  caufe. 

52.  This  correfpondence  is  to  be  kept  by  Meffengers,  Let- 
ters^ or  Synods. 

53.  Whether  fuch  Synods  be  jiated,  or  occafional,  and 
whether  the  Piefident  fhall  be  £1  ill  the  fame  or  changed, 
with  fuch  other  circumftances,  are  things  not  determined 
in  Scripture  ,  but  left  to  the  determination  of  humane 
prudence,  as  the  cafe  fliall  require,  for  the  end  intended, 

54.  Though  the  Major  part  in  thefe  Synods,  be  not  the 
proper  Governours  of  the  Minor,  yet  the  Paftors  there  af- 
fernbled  are  (till  the  Gove  moms  of  the  flockj,  and  they  arc 
alfo  bound  to  Concord  in  things  lawful  among  themfelves. 
Therefore  their  Decrees  about  fuch  things,  are  Obligatory 
to  the  People  rationc  authoritat'u,  and  they  are  obligatory  to 
one  another  ( I  mean  the  Paft/rs)  ratione  concordi* :  And 
this  is  the  true  ftateof  the  binding  power  of  Synods. 

55.  Though  the  ufual  phrafe  of  [  binding  the  Cop fi- 
eme  ~]  be  unapt,  (  Confcience  being  an  ad  of  fcience  ;  and 
it  is  not  to  tyiow  that  by  the  obligation  now  in  queftion  we 
are  bound  to  primarily  )  yet  as  to  the  fenfe  intended,  it  is 
certain,  that  the  Commands  of  Parents,  Magiftrates  and 
Paftors,  in  their  proper  places,  do  all  truly  bind  the /<?«/, 
or  will,  or  man,  or  as  they  fay,  the  Confcience  =>  But  it  is 
only  by  a  fecondary  obligation,  from  a  derived  power  \  as 
God  bindeth  it  by  a  primary  obligation  by  the  primitive 
power*  He  that  hath  no  power  of  obliging,  hath  no  power 
of  Governing.  And  he  that  obligeth  not  the  foul  and 
will,  obligeth  not  the  man  at  all,  by  any  Moral  obligation  ; 
The  body  alone  or  immediately  is  bound  by  Cords  and 
Chains,  but  not  by  Commands  and  Laws :  He  that  may 
not  bind  the  foul  by  a  Command,  hath  no  commanding 
authority,  Col.  3.  20,  22.  Epb.  6.  1.  fit.  3.  1.  H«b*  13 
17,  24.  &  11.  8. 

56.  Therefore  the  diftin&ion  of  Internal  and  External 
Government,  and  of  the  forum  interim  &  exterius,  need- 
eth  better  explication,  than  is  ufed  by  moft  ,  or  elfe  it  will 
be  worfe  than  ufelefs.  The  true  difference  of  the  Govern- 
ment Civil  and  Ecclefiaftical  is  to  be  fetcht ,  ab  objetto,  & 
fine  proximo  &  modi  regendi.     But  as  it  meaneth  that  which 

F  is 

(>*  ) 
is  Inttinfecal  or  Extrinfecal  to  the  Paftoral  Office,  it  is  of 
great   ufe.     And  as  it    differenceth  Government  by    the 
Sword,  from  that  which  worketh  only  on  the  mind. 

^-7.  The  Came  God  who  inftituted  the  Office  of  the  Ma- 
aiiVrate,  did  alio  immediately  inliitute  the  Office  of  the  Mi- 
niltry  :  And  therefore  as  to  the  Foundation  they  are  co- 
ordinate ',  and  neither  of  them  derived  from  the  pofTeflbrs 
of  the  other. 

58  As  to  the  Work  and  End,  the  Magiftratcs  work  and 
the  Minifters  have  each  a  preheminency  in  their  own 

5$>.  Magiftrates,  Mfnifters  and  Parents  may  all  command 
the  tame  thing,  and  all  their  Commands  be  obligatory  •, 
As  to  learn  aCatechifme,  to  obferve  the  Lords  Day,e^c. 

6c  It  is  not  lawful  for  Pallors  to  Excommunicate  cither 
Kings^  or  their  chief  Magijlr  ate  s  ,     or  their  orrn  P  irents 
(  uwlefs  perhaps  in  ibme  rare  cafe  )    by  any  publick  for- 
mal or  dilhonouring  Excommunication.     Becaufe  the  great 
Command  in  Nature  [  Honour  thy  Father  and  Mother  \  Ho- 
nour the  King  "]  lyeth  lower  than  the  pofitive  Command  of 
Excommunication  *,  and   is  antecedent  to  it :  And  as  affir- 
matives bifid  notfemper&adfempcr,  fo  alfo  they  give  place 
to  Natural  Larrs^  and  not  Naturals  (  ordinarily)  to  them. 
And  thcKulers  Honour  is  of  more  publick  ufe  and  neceifity, 
than  excommunication  in  that  particular  acl  is.     But  an 
Vfurping  Tyrant,  who  may  be  depofed,  and  difhonowed^  may 
be  excommunicated. 

61.  Much  lels  may  a  (trange  Pallor,  to  whom  the  Magi- 
strate never  committed  the  care  of  his  foul ,  prefume  to 
excommunicate  him  who  is  none  of  his  charge  :  And 
therefore  the  Pope  and  his  Prelates  excommunicating 
Kings  and  Rulers,  feemeth  to  me,  to  be  nothing  but  a  pro- 
claiming open  Holtility  againlt  them. 

62*  Paftors  have  no  Power  over  any  but  Cwfcntcrs : 
Nor  can  they  ufe  the  Sword,  or  have  any  Coaclive  power  at 
all  '■>  that  is,  any  power  to  touch  a  i.rans  body  or  eft  ate :  but 
only  to  work  upon  his  Confcience4,  and  Ins  Church- reputa- 
tion.    The  torcing  power  bdongeth  only  to  Parents,  and 



Magiflrates,  and  not  to  Miniliers  as  fuch  at  all,  Lukj  22- 
25,  26,  27.   1  Tefn  5.  1,  2,  3,  4.  2  Dr.  10.4. 

63.  The  timilitude  of  a  Fhyficions purrer^  (if  you  will  but 
fuppofe  him  to  have  a  Hofpital  of  Volunteers,  and  his  oftSce 
to  be  of  Divine  inftitution  )  \  or  of  a  Philofophers  or  Tu- 
tors (  on  the  like  fit ff option  )    over  adult    Dilciples,    may 
much*  explicate  the   Church  power.      No  wile  Phyliciori 
will  take  any  into  his  Hofpital  and  Cure,  upon  unfotede- 
hruclive  terms,  which  the  Patient  or  Magiftrate    (hall  im- 
pofe  j  but  will  fay,  [  It  is  my  fun&ion  to  Rule  you,  as  to 
Medicine  for  your  Cure  ',  Take  what  I  give  you,  and  life 
your  (elf  upon  it  as  I  adviie  you,  or  elfe  take  your  couiie  j 
•you  are  no  Patient  for  me  j  nor  (lull  be  in  my  Holpital : 
I  will   not  (irrkG  you,  nor   fine  and  imprifon  you  i    bur  [ 
will  be  none  of  your  Pbyficion,  (  or  faith  the  Tutor,   I  will 
be  none  of  your  Teacher  J  nor  (hall  you  be  any  part  of 
my  Hufpital,  (  School  )  or  charge.  ]  Only  (till  remember 
here  the  Divine  inliitution  of  the  Minijiry  and  D  if  if  line, 
and   the  regulation  of  it  by  Gods  Laws,  that  it  be  not  ar- 
bitrarily uled. 

64.  The  undoing  of  the  Church   of  Chriit  (  in  thofe 
Countreys  where  Popery  and  Church-tyranny  prevail )  hath 
long  been  by  the  Magi  urates  annexing  their  executions  to 
the  fentence  of  the  Church  fas  it  is  called  )  and  becoming 
the  meer  Executioners  of   the  judgement  of , other  men. 
No  Magiftrate  fhould  be  debafed,    10  as  to  be  made  the 
Churches   Executioner.     If  the  Magiftrate  will  punifti  a 
man,  it  mud  not  be  meerly  quatenus  excommunicate ',  that 
is,  as  puniflied  already   \    but  for  the  fault  for  which  he 
was  excommunicate.     And  if  fo,  then  he  muft  try  and 
judge  him  for  that  fault  at  his  own  barr,  and  not  punilh 
him  unheard ,  becaufe  the  Church  hath  fentenced  him : 
And  if  Rulers  would  more  leave  the  Church  to  the  exer- 
cife  of  its  proper  power  ,    and  let  excommunication  do 
what  it  can  of  it  felf,  (  unlefs  the  nature  of  the  crime  re- 
quire a  diltintft  Secular  judgement  and  punifhment  J    it 
would  do  much  to  heal  all  the  diviiions  and  perturbati- 
ons in  the  Chriftian  world.      For  which  courfe  I  have 
thefe  Rjrafons  following  to  urge. 

F2  Kit 


i.  It  is  a  great  contempt  and  reproach  to  Chrifts  infti- 
tution  of  discipline,  to  tell  the  world,  that  it  is  a  power- 
lets  uncffcdhial  thing  of  it  felt,  unlefs  the  Secular  Sword 
do  enforce  it.  Such  Paftors  vilitie  their  own  power  alfo, 
which  is  (o  ufelefs. 

2.  It  is  a  corrupting  of  Chrifls  difcipline,  and  deflroying 
the  ufe  of  it :  For  it  cannot  be  known  now  ,  what  the 
Keycs  do  of  thcmfelves ,  when  the  Sword  goeth  with 
them  :  No  man  knoweth  when  Repentance  profcfTed  is 
credibly  real  and  moved  by  divine  Motives  ■•,  and  when  it 
is  diflanbled  for  avoiding  of  the  Secular  punimment. 

5.  It  muit  leave  the  Paftors  confeience  unfatisried  in  his 
adminiftrations  ■■,  and  bind  him  to  abufe  Chrift  '■>  when  he 
mu(t  fay  to  men,  £lf  you  had  but  rather  fay  that  you  re- 
pent, than  lye  in  a  Gaol,  I  abfolve  you,  and  give  you  the 
Sacraments,  and  pronounce  you  pardoned  by  Chrift. 1  Who 
can  ad m miller  on  thefe  terms  ? 

4.  It  is  a  dangerous  deluding  of  the  Tinners  foul,  that 
fecmeth  intimated  by  this  way. 

5.  It  is  a  wilful  corrupting  and  confounding  of  the  Church  ', 
when  men  (hall  be  forced  to  be  its  members,  though  they  be 
Infidels,  Heathens,  or  rnoft  impious,  if  they  had  but  ra~ 
ther  fay  they  are  Chriftians  than  lye  in  Gaol.  And  by 
this  means  it  is,  that  no  man  can  know,  who  are  really 
of  the  Church  of  Rome,  or  of  any  tyrannical  Church,  but 
only  who  had  rather  fay  they  are  of  the  Church,  than  be 
undone:  which  any  Inridel  and  Atheift  will  foon  do.  There- 
tore  let  not  Rome  boaft  of  the  number  of  her  members 
which  are  unknown. 

6.  It  is  a  changing  of  Chrifls  terms  of  Covenant,  Chrifli- 
amty,  Communion  and  Ahfolution  :  when  Chrift  faith,  [  He 
that  from  his  heart  believeth  and  rcpenteth,  and  forfaktth 
the  flefh  and  the  world  for  me,  Jhall  he  my  Difciple  and  he 
pardoned  \  and  he  that  credibly  profeffeth  thus  much ,  Jhall 
be  taksn  into  the  Church  (  which  are  truly  Chrifts  terms  ) 
now  cometh  the  Church-tyrant  and  faith  f  He  that  will 
fiy,  that  he  believeth  and  repenteth  rather  than  he  wiUforfafo 
the  flcjh  and  the  world,  and  mil  choofe  the  Church  before  a 
Gaul  ,   Jhall  be  pardoned  ,    and  have  communion  with  the 



Churchy  or  at   lead  have  the  feals  of  pardon  to  delude 

7.  By  this  means  the  Church  is  moftly  conftkuted,  in 
fuch  Countreys,  of  the  groffeft  wicked  hypocrites  :  And  it 
is  made  a  (corn  to  Infidels  and  Heathens,  and  their  con- 
verfion  hindered  thereby,  when  they  fee  that  Chriitians  are 
worfe  than  they. 

8.  And  by  this  means  thefe  hypocrites  mine  the  Church 
it  felf  C  as  an  enemies  Souldiers  in  an  Army  )  :  And  no- 
minal Chriftians  and  Paftors,  that  are  heartily  enemies  to 
Chrii'lt,  do  him  more  wrong,  and  caufe  more  divillons  and 
mines  in  the  Church,  than  they  could  have  done,  if  they 
had  ftaid  without. 

p.  It  deftroyeth  moft  of  the  hopes  of  the  fuccefs  of 
thofe  Paftorfy  as  to  the  converting  and  faving  of  rnjfifns 
fouls:  Becaufe  when  the  Magistrate  is  made  but  their  ex- 
ecutioner ,  the  people  take  all  their  furferings  as  from 
them  :  And  they  will  bear  that  from  a  Magiftrate,  which 
they  will  not  bear  from  a  MimjUr,  whofe  Office  is  to  Rule 
them  by  Keafon  and  by  Love  :  And  fo  fuch  Paftors  are  ufu- 
ally  feared  and  bated  by  the  people,  whereby  they  are 
diiabled  to  do  them  that  faying  goad ,  which  can  be 
done  on  none  againft  his  will,  1  Cor.  8.  13.  &  p,  22. 
1  Tim*  4.  16* 

10.  And  hereby  a  Church-tyranny  is  fet  and  kept  up  in 
the  world,  by  which  perfections  and  divisions  have  been 
maintained  for  many  hundred  years  \  and  the  Minilters  of 
Ch rift  have  been  forbidden  to  preach  his  Gofpel ,  to  the 
unfpeakable  injury  of  fouls  \  and  the  lives  of  many  hun- 
dred thoulands,  have  been  a  Sacrifice,  to  the  Pride,  and 
Avarice,  and  Cruelty  of  the  Clergy  \  to  the  great  diihonour 
of  the  Chriftian  Name. 

n.  And  hereby  Princes  have  had  a  power  fet  over 
them,  to  the  diminution  of  their  proper  power,  and  part  of 
their  dominion  fubjugated  to  others,  under  the  falfename 
of  EcclefiajHcal  Authority  ■>  yea,  and  their  own  (landing 
made  troublefome  and  unfafe,  and  multitudes  dethroned* 
and  Wars  railed  againft  them  by  the  Clergies  pretended 
power,  or  inftigationj  of  which  all  the  Wars  between  the 

F  3  German 

ucrman  t.iiipt,iuui&  anu  iiil  it  apdiiuc*  die  iuii  pruor,  record- 
ed in  all  the  Hiflories  collected  by  Frcberus^Ruberus^nd  Pi- 
ftoriuj?  in  Sabbtliicm^  Nauckrus^  and  multitudes  of  other 
Hiltorians  j  and  our  Englijh  Hiitories,  by  Ingnlpbw,  Mat- 
tbcjv  farti^  Hoveden,  &<£  And  the  Italian  by  Gxicciardine 
and  many  others :  Nay,  what  Countrey  is  there,  where 
the  Papal  and  Tyrannical  Clergy  have  not  overtopt  or  trou- 
bled the  State. 

12.  And  when  all  this  is  done,  they  would  deceive 
the  Princes  themfelves  into  a  Conjbtt^  and  fo  into  the  guilt 
of  their  own  disturbance,  and  their  peoples  mifery  :  And 
cift  all  the  odium  upon  them,  and  (ay,  we  do  but  deliver 
you  into  the  hands  of  the  Secular  Power,  it  is  they  that 
do  the  execution  on  you  :  when  yet  a  General  Council 
(  the  Rule  of  their  Religion  )  Later,  fob  Innoc.  3.  Can.  2,3.. 
depoleth  fuch  Temporal  Lords  that  will  not  do  foch  exe- 

65.  He  that  defiretb  the  Communion  of  the  Church, 
doth  take  it  for  a  grievous  punilhmerit  to  be  cait  out  of  it. 
And  he  that  doth  not  deftre  it,  is  unfit  for  ir.  Therefore 
he  that  cannot  feel  the  penalty  of  an  Excommunication 
alone  (  but  only  of  a  Muldt  or  Prifon  )  may  be  rit  enough 
for  further  punimment,  but  is  unfit  for  the  Communion 
of  the  Church. 

66.  Yet  is  the  Magiftrate  the  Prote&or  of  the  Church, 
a  Keeper  of  her  Peace  and  Priviledges  and  of  both  Ta- 
bles ••>  and  muft  ufe  his  power  to  promote  Religion. 

6y.  To  which  end  he  may  prudently  by  moderate  means 
conltrain  fome  that  negledr  their  own  folvation  to  hear 
Gods  Word,  and  confer  with  fuch  as  can  initrud  them, 
and  ufe  thofe  means,  which  God  hath  made  univerfally  ne- 
ceifary,  to  bring  the  ignorant  to  knowledge  >  and  may  re- 
drain  them  from  adtual  open  fin,  and  from  fcorn  and 
oppofition  of  the  means  that  mould  convert  them,  and 
from  hindering. others  from  the  means  of  falvation,  and 
from  open  feducing  them  from  God,  or  Chriftianity,  or 
from  a  godly,  righteous,  or  fober  life  :  In  all  this,  mode- 
rate penalties  may  be  uied  i  and  men  may  be  thus  far  con- 
tained, and  retrained  :  But  not  conftraioed  to  profefs  that 


which  they  do  not  believe,  nor  to  take  the  priviledgcs 
which  God  forbiddeth  them  to  take.  So  that  there  are 
fitter  means  left,  tor  the  Magistrate  to  help  the  Church 

68.  The  Ring  and  Magiftrates  have  ear  am  ani<narumy 
though  not  in  the  fame  fenie  as  the  pjftors  have:  They 
have  the  charge  of  Government,  not  only  in  order  to  the 
corporal  cafe,  and  peace  and  profperity  of  their  fubjedb, 
bur  alfo  in  order  to  mens  holy,  (ober  and  righteous  living, 
and  to  the  (aving  of  mens  fouls.  And  their  Caling  muit 
be  fanclified,  by  doing  all  in  it  to  thizic  high  and  holy  ends, 
'Rev.  II.  15.   Rom.  13.  3,  4,  5".    I  fa.  49.  2y,&c. 

dp.  They  are  Gods  (ubordinate  Officers,  and  have  their 
power  from  him,  and  therefore  tor  him,  who  is  the  begin- 
ning and  the  end  of  all,  Rom.  13.  2,  4,  5,  6. 

jc.  Becaufe  their  power  is  from  him  and  for  him,  they 
have  none  againlt  him. 

71.  Yet  have  they  a  power  which  rve  mull  fubmit  to  as 
frsm  God,  even  when  it  is  uftd  by  accident  againft  him,  in 
fome  points  of  his  will  and  intereft  \  fobe  it  that  we  obey 
it  not  in  doing  any  fin  our  felves. 

72.  They  that  make  Kings  and  Magiftrates  to  have  no 
charge  of  Religion/  but  only  as  the  Clergies  judgement  leads 
them, )  but  only  to  prefcrve  mens  bodily  power  \  and  fay 
that  the  Church  hath  the  care  of  mens  fouls  and  Religion^ 
and  the  King  only  of  the  Bo4y  and  our  outward  wealthy  do 
debafe  the  Magistrate  as  far  below  the  Minifier,  as  the 
body  is  below  the  foul  *  and  teach  the  people  to  cfteeco, 
love  and  honour  the  Minilter  as  much  above  the  Magi- 
ftrate,  as  the  JW/ and  Heaven  are  better  than  the  ftejh  and 
earth:  And  they  make  the  difference  To  great,  as  that  the 
holier  any  of  the  people  are,  the  more  they  muft  prefer  their 
Minitler  before  their  King:  which  is  a  Popith  and  moil 
unfufferable  debating  of  the  higheil  Officers  of  God. 

73.  The  fame  points  of  Religion,  the  fame  tin  and  du- 
ties come  under  the  judgement  of  the  Magistrate  and  the 
Paftors  •,  though  to  feveral  ends.  The  Magistrate  is,  the 
judge  of  Herelie,  and  the  Payors  are  the  Judges  ofHcre- 
lie  :  TheMagiftrate  is  the  Judge  of  Murder,  Adultery  and 


Theft,  and  fo  is  the  Paftor  :    That  is,  the  Magiftrate  is 
Judge-,  rvbo  is  to  be  corporally  punifhed  for  Here  fie  and  Mur- 
der, and  Adultery,  &c.    And  the  Paftors  are  Judges,  who  ]a 
to  be  excommunicated  as  Impenitent  in  fucb  guilt,  i  Cor.  5. 

74.  Yet  there  are  fome  faults,  and  Tome  forts  of  inquifi- 
tion  into  faults,  which  the  Magiftrates  may  prudently  re-, 
itrain  the  Paftors  from  medling  with,  for  the  fafety  of  the 
publick  peace  :  efpecially  when  they  would  indirectly 
make  themfelves  Judges  of  mens  Titles  and  Eftates  -,  or 
in  controverted  cafes,  where  the  Magiftrate  muft  rirft  de- 
cide, and  the  Paftors  only  follow,  if  the  Paftors  will  be  the 
rirft  deciders,  and  prevent  the  Magiftrate  and  aflume  his 
work,  or  otherwife  wrong  the  publick  peace,  or  private 
right,  they  are  to  be  rcftrained. 

75.  The  Magiftrate  hath  all  the  Coadtive  Government, 
over  Minifters  as  well  as  over  any  others  of  his  Subjects : 
And  to  exempt  the  Clergy  from  his  fubjedion  without  his 
confent,  as  traiterous.  (  And  if  he  will  confenty  he  may 
thank  hi mfelf.  ) 

j6.  Magiftrates  may  (  by  moderate  penalties  )  drive 
on  negligent  Paftors  to  their  duty,  and  reftrain  them  from 
mifchieving  the  Church,  and  punifh  them  for  notorious 
pernicious  mal-adminiftration  ;  As  Solomon  depofed  Abi~ 
ather,  &c. 

77.  But  they  muft  not  on  this  pretence  invade  any  part 
of  the  Paftors  Office',  as  to  ordain,  degrade,  baptize,  ex- 
communicate ecclefiaftically,  nor  impoie  on  the  Paftors  any 
of  the  circumftantials,  which  it  is  their  own  Office  to  de- 
termine of. 

78.  Paftors  muft  obey  the  Magiftrates  in  all  Lawful 
things,  which  belong  to  his  Office  to  command. 

7p.  Many  things  are  ilnfully  commanded  (  becaufe  with- 
out neceffity  or  cauie,  or  becaufe  to  ill  ends,  or  with  ill  cir- 
cumftances  in  the  Commander  )  which  yet  it  is  the  Sub- 
jects duty  to  obey  in  :  Becaufe  one  Law  may  be  for  a  Ru- 
ler, and  another  tor  a  Subject,  and  their  duties  various. 

80.  Where  it  is  not  lawful  to  obey,  it  is  yet  unlawful 
for  fubje&s  to  reiift  the    higher  powers,    as  being  the 



authoriied  Officers  of  God,  for  our  good,    Rom.  13.  it 

81.  Though  ufually  it  is  very  unfit  that  Paftors  be  alfo 
Magiftrates  (bothbecaufe  of  fomediflbnancy  in  their  ne- 
ceflTary  deportment  and  work,  and  bccaufe  one  of  the  Of- 
fices  alone  is  enough  for  any  man  faithfully  to  perform  } 
Yet  if  the  King  make  Magiftrates  of  Pallors,  at  Magiftrates 
their  coadtivc  power  muft  be  obeyed. 

82.  Magiftrates  may  make  Laws  for  the-Church  incir- 
cumftancials  circa  facta,  which  belong  to  their  proper  de- 
termination: And  alfo  to  enforce  obedience  to  the  Com- 
mands of  God,  as  far  as  prudence  (hall  juftly  direct  them : 
of  this  fee  Grotim  de  Imf.  fitm.  pot. 

83.  Magiftrates  may  call  Synods  and  Councils  :  And  the 
Paftors  may  alio  voluntarily  afTemble,  for  mutual  advice,  ei- 
ther in  cafes  of  great  neceffity  for  the  fafety  of  the  Cburcb^x 
in  leffer  cafes,  when  the  Mzgi&titeforbiddetb  it  not. 

84.  In  a  time  when  Blafphemy,  or  Hereile,  or  Sedition 
prcvaileth,  the  Magiftrate  may  name  certain  Blafphemiest 
Herefies,#T. which  he  may  forbid  his  Subjects  to  preach  up. 

85.  And  he  may  reftrain  all  utterly  unable  perfons,  or  he* 
retical  falfe  Teachers,or  any  that  notorioufly  do  more  harm 
than  good,  from  the  liberty  of  preaching  in  his  Dominions* 
till  they  are  proved  fitter  i  that  is,  from  abufing  the  Go- 
fpel  and  mens  fouls. 

86.  But  if  on  this  pretence  he  mould  forbid  Chrifts  faith- 
ful able  Minifters,  to  preach  the  Chriftian  faith,  and  call 
men  to  repentance,  and  fave  mens  fouls,  (  when  there  are 
not  enow  more,  efpecially  to  do  that  work,  as  proportioned 
to  the  number  and  neceflity  of  fouls  )  it  would  be  a  ira  fo 
heinous  againft  Chrift,  and  againft:  the  fouls  of  men,  as  I 
think  it  not  meet  now  to  aggravate  or  exprefs,  1  tbefz. 

87.  If  faithful  Minifters  break  good  Laws,  theymuft  be 
puniihed  as  other  Subjects,  in  Purfe,  or  Body,  or  Name,  fo 
as  may  leaft  hinder  them  in  the  work  of  Chrift. 

88.  They  that  Clence  faithful  able  Paftors,  for  fuch  faults 
as  may  be  otherwife  punithed,  do  grievouily  punilh  the 
fault  lift  pofle  (  even  in  their  fouls  >  for  the  fault  of  ano- 

G  ther. 

ther.  As  if  a  man  that  hath  a  family  of  an  hundred  per- 
fons,  were  forbidden  to  give  them  bread  to  fave  their  lives, 
becaufe  he  was  drunk,  or  fwore  an  Oith,  which  might  be 
punifhed  on  himfelf  alone. 

8?.  The  Magillrate  may  excommunicate  in  hit  rvay,is  well 
35  the  P  ijlorj  do  in  theirs*  That  is,  the  Magiitrate  may  as 
a-  penalty  for  a  crime,  lay  Subjects  under  a  note  of  infamy, 
and  Outlaw  them,  and  command  all  men  to  avoid  famili- 
arity with  them  *,  (  And  this  as  bad  Snbjccls^  whether  they 
be  Church-members  or  not. )  And  he  may  as  a  Keeper  of 
the  Churches  Priviledges  and  Peace  (  till  forfeited;  reitraiu 
all  excommunicate  perfons  from  forcing  themfelves  into  the 
Communion  of  the  Church  which  did  excommunicate  them, 
•  po.  So  contentious  are  Pallors  oft  times,  and  fo'  necefTary 
is  the  Magi itr at es  Office  to  the  publick  peace,  that  every 
Ghurck  (hould  be  under  the  eye  of  fome  Juftices  of  the 
Peace,  or  Cenfors  appointed  by  force  to  lilence  intruding 
Bawlers  and  Railers,  and  to  reftrain  Minifters  from  making 
it  their  publick  work,  unpeaceably  to  traduce  and  revile 
their  Brethren,  and  represent  diflenters  as  odious  to  the 
flock.  And  if  fuch  Magi  (hates  had  kept  the  Churches 
Order  and  Peace  according  to  their  Office^  it  had  prevented 
abundance  of  the  Papal  Usurpations,  which  were  the  fruit 
of  Magiftrates  negle&s. 

pi.  Lay  Chancellors  excreting  the  Spiritual  Power  of  she 
Keyes  ( though  they  (hould  pro  forma  uie  the  (tale  of  an 
Ordinaries  pronunciation  )  is  fuch  a  fort  of  Church  Govern- 
ment, as  I  will  never  fwear  that  in  my  place  and  Calling 
I  will  not  at   any  time  endeavour  to  alter  by  lawful  means, 

p2.  The  Parents  are  put  in  the  fourth  Commandment, 
tather  than  the  Magiitrate  or  Paftor,  becaufe  their  authority 
is  the  moft  plenary  Image  of  the  Divine  Authority  in 
thefe  refpe&s.  i .  Their  Authority  is  not  by  Contract,  but 
by  Nature.  2.  It  is  the  primary  radical  power.  3.  It  is 
ifcoft  univerfally  necefTary  to  mankind.  4.  And  it  reprt- 
fenteth  Gods  Government.  1 .  In  that  it  is  founded  in  Genera- 
iion>  as  Gods  in  Creation.  2 .  Becaufe  thence  aiifeth  1 .  The 
fullejl  Image  of  his  Dominion,  in  the  Parents  fitVejl  Propriay 
m  his  Child.     2.  Of  his  fapientfol  Rule,  in  the  Parents  (5o- 


vernmem  (  as  in  pretence  )  3.  Of  his  Love  which  Parents 
are  allowed  to  exceed  all  other  Rulers  in  :  Therefore  God 
calls  himfelf  Our  Father. 

93'  J^What  if  the  Magiftrate,  Minilter,  and  Parents 
have  oppoiite  Commands  >  Which  of  them  is  to  be  obeyed  ? 
c.  g.  The  Magiftrate  bids  you  meet  in  one  place  for  publick 
Worfhip  ^  the  Bifhop  in  another,and  the  Parent  in  a  third  } 
The  Magiftrate  bids  you  Learn  one  Catechifm  and  no 
others  the  Bifhop  another,  and  not  that>  and  the  Parents 
a  third.  The  Magiftrate  bids  you  (land,  the  Paftor  bids 
you  kneel,  the  Parents  bid  you  fit.  The  Magiftrate  bids 
you  pray  by  one  form,  the  Bifhop  by  another,  and  the  Pa- 
rents by  a  third  or  none.  The  Magiftrate  commandeth 
one  tranflation  of  the  Scripture,  and  the  Bifhop  another. 
The  Bimop  commandeth  you  to  ufe  a  Ceremony,  or  to 
keep  a  holy  day,  and  your  Parents  forbid  it  you  >  In  fuch 
calcs  which  muft  you  conform  to  and  obey  ?  Anfo*  When 
I  am  defired,  and  promifed  by  thofe  concerned  in  it,  that  it 
will  be  well  taken,  I  will  anfwer  fuch  kind  of  queftions  as 
thefe.  But  till  then  I  will  hold  my  tongue,  that  I  may 
hold  my  peace. 

P4.  No  contrary  commands  of  Church-men  (  as  they  arc 
called  )  -y  nor  any  of  our  own  Vows  or  Covenants,  can  excufe 
us  from  obedience  to  the  Higher  Powers,  in  lawful  things, 
which  God  hath  authorized  them  to  command  '•>  that  is, 
which  are  belonging  to  their  place  of  Government  to  regu- 
late. Though  if  the  queftion  be  but,  e.  g.  What  Medi- 
cine and  Dofe  (hall  be  given  to  a  Patient,  or  by  what  Me- 
dium a  Philofopher  (hall  demonftrate  *,  or  what  Subjed:  and 
what  Method  and  Words  a Paftor  {hall  ufe  for  the  prefent 
edification  of  his  flock  ?  or  how  a  Surgeon  (hall  open  a 
Vein,  or  a  Pilot  guide  his  Ship,  &c.  the  Artift  may  be  obey- 
ed before  an  Emperour,  (  by  him  that  careth  for  his  life,or 
his  underftanding  \  But  yet  as  all  thefe  are  under  the  Go- 
vernment of  the  King,  fo  he  may  give  them  general  Laws  9 
efpecially  to  reftrain  them  from  notorious  hurtfulnefs. 

Sir,  If  all  thefe  Propofitions  be  enow  for  the  Concord  of  fi- 
ber Chrijiians  in  thefe  matters,  I  hope  neither  you,  njr  I,  nor 
any  lover  of  the  Church  and  Peace,  fljall  need  to  ufe  much 

G  2  Jbarpnefi 

maxima  munch  mala. 

K  4°  ) 

Jbarpneft  again  ft  the  Opinion  of  fitch  diffenters.    But  if  they  be 

not,  I  irtorv  not  when  tve  Jhall  have  concird.    And  yet  that  you 

may  fee  that  I  am  not  over  follicitous  of  my  Peace,  I  mil 

makf  up  the  number  with  thefe  lefs  pleafing  Propofitions. 

P5-  B.caule  Corruptio  optimi\  eft  peflima,  Magiftrates  and 
Miniftcrs  are  of  all  men  (  ufually  )  either  the  greateft  Blef- 
fings  or  the  greateft  Burdens  of  mankind  on  earth.  Saith 
Campanella,  (  Metaph. ) 

^FitentU  j  ^Tyrannis    > 

*S  Sapient  U  ^Corruptio^li^  Hxrefis     >maxima  i 

CAmjrif     S  •  Hypocrifu.J  fe 

(  though  indeed  he  might  as  well  have  named  more.  )  As 
Tyranny  is  in  the  greateft  part  of  the  whole  world,  (which 
is  Heathen,  Infidel  and  Popifh  )  the  principal  Fin,  which 
hindereth  the  Golpel  and  Kingdom  ^oj  Chrift,  forbiddeth 
the  preaching  of  the  Word  of  life  for  mens  falvation  (  And 
therefore  a  fin  which  no  Chriftian  Magiftrate  or  Preacher, 
fhould  think  of,  but  with  great  abhorrence,  and  none  by 
any  palliation  (hould  befriend  it )  >  Co  Prudent  and  Good 
Princes  are  under  God  the  Pillars  of  the  worfd  '•>  For  they 
are  the  Chief  Officers  of  God,  to  (hew  forth  his  Power \  Wifi 
dom  and  Goodnefs^  Truth  and  Holinefs,  Juftice  and  Mercy,  in 
their  Government  j  And  by  their  Laws  to  promote  the 
obedience  of  bit  Law*  And  to  encourage  the  Preachers 
and  Pra&icers  of  Godlinefs,  Sobriety  and  Righteoufnefs  > 
And  to  defend  them  againft  the  Malignity  of  thofe  that 
would  filence,  opprefs  and  perfecute  them  on  earth  i  And 
by  their  examples  and  punifhments,  to  bring  all  ungodlinefi, 
intemperance  and  injuftice  unto  fhame.  None  therefore  that 
poiTefs  fo  great  a  mercy,  (hould  undervalue  it ,  or  be  un- 

96.  Wife  Rulers  will  watch  the  Plots  of  fuch  enemies,  as 
would  ufe  them  as  the  Devil  would  have  ufed  Chrift ,  who 
carried  him  to  the  Pinnacle  of  the  Temple,  in  hope  to  have 
feen  his  fall  the  greater  :  who  would  have  them  with  He- 
rod  arrogate  the  praife  of  God  unto  themfelves,  or  with 
Pharaoh  or  Nebuchadnezzar  to  difdain  to  be  under  the  So- 
vereignty of  their  Maker  ?  and  afcribe  to  them  the  Divine 

Prerogatives  *, 

Prerogatives  i  And  would  make  it  fecm  their  honour  to 
have  Po&er  to  dothegreateft  mifchief,  that  the  pretence 
and  claim  may  make  them  odious,and  fo  may  debilitate  and 
undermine  them.  That  like  a  draught  or  cold  water  to 
one  in  a  Pleurifie/they  may  kill  them  by  pleaiing  them. 

27.  It  is  an  unchrift  ian  carnal  craft  for  the  Proteftant 
Clergy  of  feveral  Opinions,  to  lay  falfe  charges  on  one 
another,  as  being  enemies  to  the  Civil  Government,  when 
realiy  their  ftrrnciples  therein  are  all  the  fame  •,  Or  to  make 
the  differences  of  Stalefmen  and  Lawyers,  to  betaken  for 
differences  in  Religion :  purpofely  to  make  one  another 
(  and  their  Religion  )  odious,  and  to  ftrengthen  them- 
selves by  the  errors  and  paffions  of  Princes  j  till  at  laft  they 
have  tempted  the  world  to  think  as  bad  of  all  and  of  Reli- 
gion it  felf,  as  they  have  faid  of  one  another,  and  by  un- 
dermining others  fall  themfelves. 

98.  But  yet  that  Patty  who  really  make  a  Religion  of 
the  Dodrine  of  Rebellion,  are  tobedifowned  by  all  that 
will  be  true  to  God  and  to  his  Omcers:In  my  Sermon  to  the 
Parliament  the  day  before  they  Voted  the  Reftoration  of 
the  King,  I  fai3  fomewhat  of  the  difference  of  the  Proteftant 
and  Popifh  Religion,  in  this  point.  And  a  Papift  Gentleman 
rirft  wrote  an  InvecTive  againft  me,  as  if  I  had  given  no 
proof  of  what  I  faid  >  And  feveral  perfons  of  unknown 
names  wrote  Letters  to  me  to  urge  and  challenge  me  to 
prove  it :  Blindly  or  wilfully  overlooking  the  undeniable 
proof  which  I  had  there  laid  down,  from  one  of  their  Ge- 
neral Councils,  viz* 

*the  Decrees  of  approved  General  Councils  are  the  Papifts 
Religion  t  'the  Decrees  of  approved  General  Councils  are  for 
the  Popes  depofing  'temporal  Lords,  if  they  exterminate  not 
fuch  as  deny  Tranfitbftantiation,  and  giving  their  Dominions  to 
others :  Ergo,  the  Popijh  Religion  U  for  the  Popes  depofing 
'temporal  Lords  in  that  cafey  and  giving  their  Dominions' to 

The  Major  is  not  queftioned.  The  Minor,  (befides  the 
ConciU  Rom.fub  Greg.  7.  which  determineth  that  the  Pope 
may  depofc  Emperours  )  I  there  proved  from  the  exprefs 
words  of  Condi*  Later  an*  fub  Innoc.  jt  C*».J.    which  ut- 


tereth  it  at  large.  And  if  any  Protcftant  do  fwith  Dr.  Tai- 
lor, Dr.  Gunwng,  2nd  Dr.  Vierfin)  doubt  of  the  authority  of 
thofe Canons,  thats  nothing  to  the Papilte  who  jultirie  it  as 
an  approved  Council,and  vindicate  it,  as  you  may  find  with 
copioufncfs  and  conrider.ce,  in  the  printed  Anfwcr  to  the  hit 
named  Dodlors.  "  What  impudency  then  is  it  in  thefe  men 
to  challenge  me  to  prove,  and  yet  overlook  my  proof? 

9£.  CHRISTIANITY  according  to  the  Scripture  and 
primitive  Simplicity,  in  Votlrine,  Worfhip,  Government  and 
life,  doth  conliitute  a  CHRISTIAN,  and  aChriftian 
Church,  The  making  of  humane  additions  and  mutable  ad- 
juntls  to  Teem  things  nccejfary ,  doth  conftitute  a  SECT. 
(  And  alas  how  (mall  a  part  of  the  Chriftian  world,  is  not 
entangled  in  fome  fuch  Sett.  )  To  be  united  to  all  ChrifU- 
ans,  in  the  bond  of  Cbrijiianity,  is  to  be  a  Catholic^'-  To 
trouble  the  Churches  peace  by  driving  to  fet  up  one  Sett 
ox  Faftion,  and  fupprefsthe  reft,  is  to  be  a  Schifmatic]^  and 

So  then  if  fome  will  by  a  fuperftitious  unfcriptural  rigour 
of  Difcipline,  make  every  Pallors  power  arbitrary  (  or  the 
peoples,  which  is  worfe  )  in  judging  of  mens  inward  holi- 
nefs,  and  will  lay  by  the  Scripture  Title,  which  is  (  a  fiber 
Trofieffion-ofi  the  Baptifimal  Covenant  )  and  think  by  this  Ihidt- 
nefs  to  advance  the  honour  of  their  party,  as  to  purity  , 
They  will  but  endlefly  run  into  divilions  :  And  by  fetting 
themfelves  at  a  greater  diftance,  from  common  Chriltians, 
than  God  alloweth  them,  provoke  him  to  caft  on  them 
fome  greater  fhame. 

And  if  any  others  will  make  their  unneceffary  firms  of  Sy- 
nods, and  other  adjuntls,  to  feem  (0  neceifaxy,  as  to  enter 
mto  Leagues  and  Covenants  to  make  them  the  terms  of 
the  Churches  ,Unity,God  will  not  own  fuch  terms  nor  ways  j 
nor  will  they  be  durable,while  the  ground  is  mutable. 

And  if  in  the  Countreys  where  Popery  and  Church-tyranny 
prevail,  any  other  more  lofty  fj&ion,  (hall  perfwade  the.  peo- 
ple that  there  muft  be  no  King  any  longer  than  their  domi- 
nation is  upheld  ^  and  (hall  feek  to  twill  the  corruptions, 
grandure  or  mutable  adjuncts  of  their  fiunUion,  by  Oaths,  in- 
to the  very  Conjiitution  of  the  State  *  Like  the  Trent  Oath, 



(wearing  the  Subjects  to  obey  the  Church,  yea,  putting  the 
Church  before  the  State,  and  fwearing  them,  not  at  any  time 
(though  commanded  by  the  King  J  to  endeavour  any  altera- 
tion in  that  Church- Government  s  no  nor  to  confent  to  any\ 
that  Co  the  lubjects  may  be  as  fill  bound  to  them,  as  they 
are  by  the  Oath  of  fidelity  to  their  Kings  \  It  is  time  infuch 
a  cafe  to  pray  £  God  five  the  King  ~J  and  to  write  oil  our 
cloors  [  Lord  have  mercy  en  ui.  1  And  a  true  fubjedi  in  fuch 
cafes,  when  it  comes  to/wearing,  muft  learn  Seneca's  LeiTon, 
£  No  man  more  efteemeth  venue,  than  he  that  for  the  love  of  it 
can  let  go  the  reputation  of  it  j  ]  And  muft  be  content  to  be 
called  Difloyal,  difobedient,faUious,  that  he  may  not  befo}  nor 
betray  hit  Soul,  hti  Prince,  arid  hvs  pofterity. 

ioc.  But  to  put  my  felf  out  of  the  reach  of  any  rational 
fufpicion,  befides  what  is  faid,I  profefs,  that  lafcrihe  all  that 
Power  to  Kings,  which  is  given  them  by  any  'text  of  Scripture, 
or  acknowledged  by  any  Council  General  or  Provincial,  or  by 
any  publicl^authentickjConfeflion  of  any  Chrijlian  Church,  ei- 
ther Protcjiant,  Greeks  or  Popifh,  that  ever  I  yet  f aw.  And  if 
this  be  not  enough  as  to  matter  of  Religion,  (  leaving  the 
Cafes  of  Law  to  Lawyers  )  I  can  give  you  no  more. 

Obje<Sh  Ecclef.  1. 18.  In  much  wifdom  is  much  grief,  and 
he  that  increafeth  knowledge,  increafeth  forrow.  7.  16.  Be  not 
righteous  over  much  i  neither  makf  thy  felf  over  wife :  why 
fhouldji  thou  defiroy  thy  felf  ?  p.  2.  As  vs  the  good,fo  is  the 
finner  :,hs  tl;at  fweareth,as  he  that  fear eth  an  Oath.  Ifa.5p.i  5. 
Truth  faileth  \  and  he  that  departeth  from  evil,  mafyth  himfelf 
a  prey*  1  Kings  22.  13.  Let  thy  word,  I  pray  thee,  be  likg  the 
word  of  one  of  them,  and  jpeaj^  good. ■ — — 

Anfw.  V.  14.  As  the  Lord  liveth,  what  the  Lord  faith  un- 
to me,  that  I  willfpeak^  Luke  12.4.  I  fay  to  you  my  friends. 
Be  not  afraid  of  them  that  kjti  the  body,  and  after  that  have 
no  more  that  they  can  do.  But,  &c.  1  TheiL2.  15,  16.  they 
pleafe  not  God,  and  are  contrary  to  ailment  forbidding  us  to 
fyeakjo  the  Gentiles,  that  they  might  be  faved,  to  fill  up  their 
fins  alwayei  •>  for  the  wrath  tf  come  upon  them  to  the  uttermofi. 


I  52  J 

A&s  20#  24.  But  none  ofthefe  things  move  mey  neither  count 
I  my  life  dear  unto  my  felf  fo  that  I  might  finijh  my  courfe 
with  joy ,  and  the  Minijlry  which  I  have  received^  6cc.  1  Cor. 
4.  17,  18.  For  cur  light  afflidion  which  U  but  for  a  moment, 
worksth  for  m  a  far  more  exceeding  eternal  weight  of  glory  : 
While  we  look^  not  at  the  things  which  arefeeujbut  at  the  things 
which  are  notfeen  :  For  the  things  which  are  feen  art  temfe- 
tal  >  hut  the  things  which  arc  mtfeeny  are  eternal. 

Sept*  21.  1669* 

Addition : 


Addition :  Of  the  Power  of  Kings  and  Bi- 
(hops  out  of  Bifhop  Bilfon  and  Andrews. 

LEft  you  (hould  wrong  the  fober  Epiicopal  Divines,  fo  as 
to  think  that  they  claim  as  jure  Vivino,  and  as  Paitoral, 
any  Coercive  forcing  power,  but  only  an  authoritative  per- 
lwading  power,  and  that  of  the  Keyes  of  the  Church,  I  will 
tranferibe  fome  of  the  words  of  that  Learned,  Judicious 
Bifhop  Bilfon  in  his  7r<*#.  of  Cbriftian  Subjeftion  >  By  which 
you  will  fee,  that  all  forcing  power  claimed  by  them  ,  is 
only  Magiftratical,  as  they  are  the  Kings  Officers,  and  not 
from  Chrift. 

Note  alfo  that  constantly  he  diftinguifheth  the  Magistrates 
power  from  the  Paftors,  by  the  [  Sword  ]  as  the  inftru- 
ment  of  execution,  which  even  about  Ecclefiaftical  mat- 
ters is  proper  to  the  Magiftrate  ;  As  the  power  of  the  Word 
and  Sacraments,  or  Keyes  of  the  Church,  is  the  Paftors :  And 
thefe  are  the  (horteft,plaineft,  and  leaft  ambiguous  terms ; 
and  more  clear  than  [_  Internal,  Ecclefiaftical  and  Civil  ] 
which  have  all  much  obfeurity  and  ambiguity. 

Pag.  238.  Prince s  only  be  Governour s  in  things  andCaufes 
Ecclefiaftical,  that  if,  with  the  Sword Bijhops  be  no  Go- 
vernour s  in  thofi  things  with  the  Sword. "]  Pag.  240.  Wecon- 
fcjl  Princes  to  be  Supream  Governours, Supream  bear- 
ers of  the  Sword We  give  Princes  no  power  to  devife  or 

invent  new  Religions^  to  alter  or  change  Sacraments,  to  decide 
or  debate  doubts  of  faith,  to  dijlurb  or  infringe  the  Canons  of 
the  Church* 

But  of  thefe  two  laft  I  muft  tell  you,  what  we  Puritans 
(  as  they  call  us  )  hold  1.  That  the  King  may  and  muft 
decide  doubts  of  faith ,  in  order  to  execution  by  the 
Sword  (  as,  who  (hall  be  banifhed  or  imprifoned  as  a 
Teacher  of  Herefie)  2.  And  that  Canons  circa facra  not  take- 
ing  the  Paftors  proper  work  out  of  his  hand  may  be  made 
by  the  Magiftrate  even  if  he  pleafe  without  the  Prelates ; 

H  And 


And  if  Piftors  make  Canons,  they  are  but  in  order  to  their 
proper  way  of  execution. 

Pag.  2  52.  A/vl  if  Princes Jball not  bear  the  Sword, .in  things 

andCaufts  Ecdhjiajiical,  yen  hnuft  tell  us  who  ft? all— Strict 

by  Gads  Law  the  Prieji  may  not  meddle  with  the  Sward,  the  con- 
fcquent  is  inevitable,  that  Frinces  alone  are  Gods  Minijicrs, 
bearing  the  Sword,  to  reward  and  revenge  good  and  evil  in  all 
things  and  caufes,  be  they  Temporal^  Spiritual  or  Ecclcfujii- 
cal :    unlefs  yon  tbinl^tbat  dij orders  and  abufes    Ecclefiafti- 

cal  fhould  be  freely  permitted' Page  2  56.  Ibis  then  vs 

the  Supream  power    of  Princes,  which  we   teach lhat 

they  be  Gcds  Miniftcrs  in  their  own  Dominions,  bearing  the 
Sword,  freely  to  permit  and  publicity  defend  that  which  God 
eommanJetb-  •  •      So  may  they  with  juft  force  remove  whatfo- 
ever  is  'erroneous  ,  vicious  y   and  fuperjiitious    within  their 
Lands,  and  with  external  loffes  and  corporal  pains  reprcft  the 
broachers  and  abetters  of  Herefes  and   all  impieties-* 
from  which  fubjedion  to  Princes,  no  man  within  their  Realms^ 
.   Monk^,  Priefi,  Preacher  or  Prelate  U  exempted :  And  without 
.   their  Realms  no  mortal  man  bath  any- power  from  Cbrijl  ju- 
dicially .to  depofe  them  '■>    much   lefs  to  invade  them  in  open 
field,  leaji  of  all  to  warrant  their  Subjecls  to  rebell  againfi  them* 
Ibefe  be  the  things  which  we  contend  for  >    and  not  whether 
Princes  be  Cbrijis  Mafiers^   or  the  functions  to  preach,    bap- 
tize, impofe  bands,  and  forgive  fins,  muji   be   derived  from 
the  Princes  power  and  Laws  \  or  the  ApojUes  might  enter  to 
convert  Countreys,  %vttbout  Caefars  delegations  >  Ihefebejejls 
andjhifts  of  yours* 

Page  261.  7i  Bijhops  fpeakjng  the  Word  of  God,  Princes  m 
well  as  others  muji  yield  obedience :  But  if  Bijhops  pafs  their 
Commiffion,  and  fpeak^  befides  the  Word  of  God,  what  they 
lift,  both  Prince  andpeople  may  defpife  them* 

Page  258.  BuWord  is  Irutlr:  and  therefore  your  Bi- 
fhops  cannot  be  Judges  ef  the  Word  ofCbrift,  but  they  mnft 
be  Judges  of  Cbrijl  bimf  elf  that  fpeakftb  by  his  Word,  which 

is  no  fmall  prefumption* My  Sheep  hear  my  voice— ~ 

*lhey  be  no  Judges  of  his  voice. 

Page  2  5^.  V  yoH  taks  judging  for  difccrning,>  the 

People  niHjt  be  difcermrs  and  Judges  of  that  which  is  taught— 


Page  271.  Ph.  If  General  Councils  might  err,  the  Church 
might  err*- — — Th*  As  though  none  were  of  or  in  the 
Church,  but  only  Bijhops  !  Or  all  the  Bijhops  of  Chriftendome 
without  exception,  were  everprefent  at  any  Council  t  Or  the 
greater  part  of  thofe   that  are  preftnt  might  not  ftrike   the 

flroke  without  the  reft—* 

Seepag.  350, 351,352.    Etfeq.   that  only  Magiftratet 
may  touch  body  or  goods* 

Page  ^58.  ihe  Watchmen  and  Shepheards  that  ferve  Chrifi 
in  hU  Church,  have  their  kjnd  of  Regiments  diftincl  from  the 
temporal  Power  and  State  :  But  that  Regiment  of  theirs  v*  by 
Cou>fel  and  perfwafton  ,  not   by  terror  or  Compulsion  h    and 
reacheth  neither  to  the  goods,  nor  to  the  bodies  of  any  men—* 
Page  366.  As  for  your  Epifcopal  Tower  over  Princes, if  that 
be  it  you  feei^  for,  and  not  to  takg  their  Kingdoms  from  them, 
I  told  you,  If  they  breal^  the  Law  of  God,  you  may  reprove 
them  :  If  they  hear  you   not ,  you  may  leave  them  in  their 
fins,  and  [hut  Heaven  again}}  them*     If  they  fall  to  open  He- 
re fie  or  wilful  impiety,  you  may  refufe  to  communicate  with 
them  in  prayers  and  other  divine  duties  \  yea,  you  muft  ra- 
ther yield  your  lives  with  fubmijjion  into  their  hands ,  than 
deliver  them  the  Word  and  Sacraments  ,  otherwife  than  God 
bath  appointed.  1 

'  (  Say  you  fo  *,  I  promife  you  Sir,  if  Kings  muft  be  dealt 
fo  ftri&ly  with,  though  it  coft  you  your  lives,  I  will  be  a 
Non-conformift  a  little  longer,  though  it  coft  me  my  live- 
lihood, rather  than  give  Baptifm,  the  Lords  Supper,  Ab- 
solution., and  the  juftifying  alTertions  at  Burials,  as  com- 
monly as  I  muft  do,  if  I  conform.  ) 

P.  525.  Tajhrs  have  their  kjnd  of  CorreUion  even  over 
Princes  :  but  fuch  as  by  Gods  Law,  may  ft  and  with  the  Pa- 
ftors  Vocation  '•>  and  tend  to  the  Princes  falvation  :  and  that  ex- 
ceeded not  the  Word  and  Sacraments  :  Other  CorreUion  over 
any  private  man  Paftors  have  nones  much  leftover  Princes*--* 
Princes  may  force  their  Subjetts  by  the  Temporal  S  word.— ~ 
Bijhops  may  not  force  their  flacky  with  any  corporal  or  external 

violence*     Pag.  yiG.Chryfoftom  faith For  of  all  men  Chri- 

ftian  (  Bijhops).  may  leajt  corrcft  the  faults  of  men  by  force  : 

Judges  that  are  without  the  Church may  compell—Buf 

H  2  here. 

he  re  ( iti  the  Church  )  we  may  not  offer  any  violence,  but 
only  perfivadc.  We  have  not  fo  great  authority  given  us  by 
the  Laws  as  to  reprefs  offenders  :  And  if  it  were  lawful  for 
us  fo  to  do,  we  have  no  ufe  of  any  fucb  violent  power*  for 
that  Chri'l  crowneth  them  which  abfiain  from  fin,  not  of  a 

forced,  but  of  a  willing  mind Hilary  teacheth  the  fame 

Leflbir,  If  this  violence  were  ufed  for  the  true  faith,  the  do- 
Urine  ofBiJhops  would  be  againftit.  God  needeth  no  forced 
fervice :  He  required  no  contained  confefton  :  I  cannot  receive 
any  man  but  him  that  k  willing  <^J  I  cannot  give  ear,  but 
to him  that  intreateth.     I  cannot  fign,    (that  is,    baptize 

any  but   him  that  (gladly)    profeffetb. So    Ori^en 

For  all  the  crimes  which  God  would  have  revenged,  he  would 
have  them  nvenged  not  by  the  Bijhops  and  Rulers  of  the 

Church,  but  by  the  Judges  of  the  world Bijhops  by  venue 

§f  their  Callings  cannot  command  ethers,  or  authorize  violence 
or  arms.— 

Pag.  541 ,  Parliaments  have  beenkspt  by- the  King  and  his 
Barons,  the  Clergy  wholly  excluded  >  and  yd  their  ARs  and 
Statutes  good.  And  when  the  Bijhops  were  prefent,  their 
Voices  from  the  Conquefito  tbtf  day,  were  never  Negative.  By 
Gods  Law  you  have  nothing  to  do  with  ntakjng  Laws  for 
Kingdoms  and  Commonwealths  :  Tou  may  teach,  ymmay  not 
command.  Perfwafion  is  your  part  :  Compulfion  is  the 

Page  245.  Far  better  St.  Ambrofe  faith  \_lftheEmperour 
as\  for  tribute,  we  deny  it  not  :  'the  Lands  of  the  Church 
fay  "tribute  1  If  he  affell  the  Lands  themfelves,  he  bath  power 
to  takg  them  :  no  man  among  us  is  any  let  to  him.  the  alms 
ef  the  people  is  enough  for  the  poor.  Let  them  never  procure 
us  envy  for  our  Lands :  let  them  takf  them  if  they  pleafe :  I 
do  not  give  them  to  the  Emperonr%  but  I  do  not  deny  them* 
So  far  Bilfon. 

All  this  we  allow :  And  if  all  this  be  the  concurrent 
judgement  of  all  forts  of  fober  Proteftants  ,  called  Epis- 
copal or  Presbyterians,  what  rcafon  hath  any  Eraftian  upon 
the  account  of  the  Magiftrates  intereftto  quarrel  with  them. 
If  any  praUife  not  according  to  thefe  principles,  let  them 
hear  of  it# 



Indeed  in  point  of  convenience  we  greatly  differ  from 
feme  men:  That  is,  i.  Whether  it  be  convenient  for  the 
King  to  make  Church-men  Magiftrate  j,  or  not?  2.  And 
whether  it  be  convenient  immediately  to  back  their  Ex- 
communications, with  the  Sword  i  And  for  the  Migiftratc 
to  be  the  Clergies  Executioner,  or  to  imprifon  men  eo  no- 
mine^ becaufe  excommunicate  and  not  repenting.  3.  And 
whether  it  be  convenient  to  make  the  fame  Court  called 
Ecclefiaftical,  fo  mixt  of  Faftoral  and  Secular  Power  united, 
in  one  Chancellor  f  who  is  no  Pallor,  but  a  Lay  man  )  or 
in  a  Bi(hop,  as  that  in  and  by  it,  the  Magiftrates,  and  the 
Spiritual  Government  fhall  be  either  confounded  ,  or  Co 
twilled  as  tobeundifcernable,  or  become  one  tertiunu 

But  for  this,  as  we  love  not  to  be  too  forward  in  teach- 
ing Magiftrates  what  is  convenient,  (  though  many  of  the 
ancient  Fathers  have  done  it  plainly  ,  and  fpoken  againft 
the  Magistracy  of  Priefts  v  and  Cyril  of  Alexandria  is  brand- 
ed by  Socrates  and  others  with  fome  infamy  ,  as  the  rirft 
Bilhop  thatufed  Coercive  power  J  •,  fo  you  have  more  caufe 
to  fay  what  you  have  to  fay  in  this,  to  the  Magiftrate  him- 
felfy  than  to  the  Bifhofs  or  Presbyteries  :  For  if  the  MagN 
firate  tvill  needs  make  Priefts  his  Officers  ,  and  put  his 
Sword  intofuch  hands,  as  have  enough  to  do  in  their 
proper  work  ,  Or  if  he  will  puni(h  men  with  the  S-vord^ 
becaufe  they  are  punifhed  already  by  excommunication, 
or  becaufe  they  repent  not,  left  excommunication  alone 
(hould  prove  unerlecftuaU  quarrel  not  for  his  a&ions  with 
other  men :  It  is  his  own  doing  »  and  it  is  himfelf  that 
you  blame,  when  you  blame  thefe  things :  Say  not  that 
Prelates  or  Presbyteries  takg  the  Magiftrates  power  from 
bim  h  but  fay  the  truth,  that  the  Magiftrate  giveth  it  them,, 
and  mil  have  it  fo  to  be..  (Though  Iexcufe  none  that 
urge  him  to  it,  or  voluntarily  alTume  his  Power.  ) 

Bifhop  Andrews  alfo  faith  -Tortur  torti  p-  383.  [  Cohi* 
beat  Regem  Viaconus,  ft  cum  indignm  fit,  idq\  palam  con* 
ftet>  accedat  tamen  ad  Sacramentum  :  Cobibeat  &  medizus, 
fi  ad  noxium  quid  vei  infalubre  manum  admoveat  :  Cohl- 
beat  &  Equifax  ft  inter  equitandum  adigat  Equum  per  te- 
cum prtrnptum,  vel  faUbrofm,  cut  fubfit  fericulum.  Eti- 
11  H  3        *  amrc 

(  5*  ) 
amnt  medics?    Etiamxe  Equifoni  fuo  fubjectus  Kex  ?    Sed 
de  Majori  poteftate  loquitur  :  fed  ea  ad  rem  noxiam  procul 
arcendam  :  qua  in  re  CbaritaW  fempcr  Poteftas  eft  maxima. 

Here  you  fee  what  Church  Government  is  in  Bilhop 
Andrews  fenfe,  and  how  far  the  Biftiops  hold  the  King  him- 
fetf  to  be  retainable  even  by  a  Deacon  i  And  yet  but 
(  I  think  )  according  to  your  own  fenfe,  I  pray  you  judge 
then  whether  the. Bimops  and  you  differ  as  far  as  you  ima- 
gine ^  and  whether  the  Courts  and  Church  power  which 
offendeth  you,  be  not  fet  up  by  Kings  themfelves,  who 
make  the  Bilhops  their  Officers  therein.  To  which  add 
what  Bilfon  proveth  that  Patriarchs,  Metropolitans  and 
Archbiihops  Dignities  are  the  gift  of  Princes,  and  not  the 
inftitution  of  Chrift,  and  then  you  will  fee  more,  that  it  is 
the  Princes  own  doing. 

I  add  to  the  like  purpofe  more  out  of  Bilfon  pag.  313. 
£  We  grant,  th:y  muft  rather  huzard  their  lives,  than  baptize 
Princes  which  believe  not,  or  diftribute  the  Lords  myfteries  to 
them  that  repent  not,  but  give  wilful  and  open  fignifcatim 
of  iniquity,  &c.  ]  This  is  Church  Government,  which  none 
can  contradict. 

This  is  it  that  Chryfoflom  fo  often  profeffeth  alfo*  as  that 
he  would  rather  let  his  own  blood  be  (bed,  than  give  the 
blood  of  Chrift  to  the  unworthy. 

And  Bcda  Hijt.  Ecclefl.  2.  cap.  5.  telkth  us,  that  Melt* 
ins  Bilhop  of  London  (  with  Jujlus )  was  banimed  by 
the  heirs  of  King  Sabareth,  becaufe  he  would  not  give  them 
the  Sacrament  of  the  Lords  Supper,  which  they  would 
needs  have  before  they  were  baptized. 

(  And  by  the  way,  if  Bimops  fay  that  Kings  muft  be  ufed 
thus,  the  Non-conformifts  are  not  fuch  intolerable  Schif- 
maticks,  as  fome  now  reprefent  them ,  for  defiring,  that 
every  Presbyter  may  not  be  compelled  againft  his  Con- 
fcience  to  give  the  Sacrament  to  the  bafeft  of  the  people 
that  are  ignorant  what  Chrift  or  Chriftianity  is,  and  to 
them  that  are  not  willing  to  receive  it,  but  are  forced  to 
take  it  againft  their  wills  for  fear  of  a  Prifon  j  nor  to  bap- 
tize the  Children  of  fuch  Parents  as  know  not  what  bap- 
tifm  is,  or  as  are  profefled  Infidels,  having  not  fo  much 


)  (59) 

as  ChrifUan  Adopters*  but  only  Ceremonious  perfons  called 
God-fathers  and  God-mothers.  ) 

Tapirius  Msjfonus  in  vita  Leonti  j.  reciteth  his  words  of 
thcMigiltrates  banifhing  the Man  tehees,  and  addeth  [E* 
hac  ret  gejle  narratione  perfpioHum  ell  Komams  Epifeopos 
rclegsre  tunc  nsn  potuiffe,  nee  in  exilium  reos  tmttere,  nil  ho~ 
die  factum  J  fed  eos  tantum  cenfnra  cocrcere,  &  poena  ecclefi- 
ajiica  mulftarc* 

I  add  no  more,  fuppoimg  t/-a  lalmoft  all  fober  Epifco- 
pal,  Presbyterians,  Independer  and  Eraftians  are  agreed 
in  all  the  ririt  ninety  four  Proportions,  (  if  not  all  )  that 
are  here  aiTerted',  and  thai  all  thofe  may  fuffice  to  fignine 
their  Concord,  and  promote  their  Reconciliation  ,  if  Inte- 
reli  (  miftaken  )  and  PalTion  (  mif-guided  )  did  not  much 
more  than  difference  of  judgement  in  thefe  matters ,  to 
caufe  their  alienation. 

And  as  I  have  written  this  to  vindicate  both  the  Power 
of  Kings,  and  the  Office  of  Paftors  from  any  mens  unju/t 
fufpicions  or  accufations,  who  look  only  on  one  fide  •->  and 
to  (hew  that  thefe  Offices  are  no  more  contrary  than  He ud 
and  Heart,  than  Light  and  Heat  :  fo  I  do  require  the  Rea- 
der to  put  no  fenfe  upon  any  thing  here  written,  which  is 
injurious  to  the  Government  of  Magiftrates  or  Paftors,  or 
contrary  to  the  Laws :  For  all  fuch  fenfes  I  do  hereby  de- 













