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TURKISH  DOMESTIC  LIFE    AND   HABITS  ...          44 








THE  GREEK  CHURCH        ....  .  .114 


THE  VLACHS,  THE  POMAKS,  THE  JEWS,  AND  DUNMAYS         .        144 


THE  ALBANIANS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .164 





MACEDONIA  .......        196 


ASIA  MINOR  ...  ...        246 

THE  ARMENIANS  ......        270 


MAHOMETAN  SECTS  ......        296 


THE  DEVELOPMENT  OF  ISLAM   .  .  .  .  .318 




SIGNS  OF  IMPROVEMENT  IN  TURKEY    ....        344 

INDEX       .......  397 





Introductory  —  Constantinople  —  Nation  of  soldiers  requiring 
absolute  sovereign — Rule  of  succession  to  Turkish  throne — Slaughter 
of  younger  sons — Result  of  law  of  succession — Engenders  suspicion — 
Illustrations — Is  the  Sultan  Caliph? — Pan-Islamism,  false  and  true 

MY  purpose  is  to  give  an  account  of  the  present 
position  of  the  various  races  which  form  the  popu- 
lation of  Turkey ;  to  show  how  they  have  arrived  at  that 
position ;  and  to  indicate,  as  far  as  I  can,  what  are  the 
circumstances  and  influences  which  are  likely  to  modify 
their  development. 

The  most  important  part  of  the  Turkish  Empire, 
Asia-Minor  and  Syria,  including  the  valleys  of  the 
Tigris  and  Euphrates,  has  been  for  three  thousand 
years  the  battlefield  between  the  East  and  West.  It 
was  overrun  by  the  great  armies  of  Darius  and  Xerxes  ; 
by  Arabs  in  their  great  days  of  triumph  after  they  had 
been  compacted  together  by  the  religion  of  Mahomet ; 
by  the  barbarous  but  disciplined  hordes  from  Central 
Asia  under  Yenghis  Khan  and  subsequently  by  Timour  ; 
by  the  Seljukian  and  by  the  Ottoman  Turks,  and  by  a 
number  of  less-known  invaders.  Its  earliest  races  of 
whom  we  have  any  record — indigenous  we  cannot  call 
them — Sumerians,  Assyrians,  Chaldeans,  Babylonians, 
and  Hittites,  never  altogether  disappeared.  They  have 


not  only  left  abundant  traces  in  the  sacred  and  other 
literature  of  the  West,  but  have  still  their  living  repre- 
sentatives. Arabia  and  Syria  have  given  to  the  world 
the  three  great  monotheistic  religions ;  but,  while  the 
great  majority  of  the  population  belong  to  one  or  other 
of  these  faiths,  there  remain  communities  who  practise 
pre-Christian,  perhaps  even  pre-Jewish,  rites. 

Two  notable  divisions  may  be  made  in  reference  to 
the  population  of  Turkey ;  the  first  according  to  race, 
the  second  according  to  religion.  The  races  of  com- 
paratively unmixed  blood  are  the  Arabs,  the  Armenians, 
the  Albanians,  and  the  Kurds.  The  most  mixed  race 
in  the  empire  is  probably  the  Turkish,  using  the  word 
in  its  strict  sense  so  as  to  exclude  other  Moslem  subjects 
of  Turkey  like  the  Arabs,  Albanians,  and  Pomaks. 

Regarded  in  reference  to  religion  it  may  be  noted 
that  the  great  majority  of  the  inhabitants  of  Asia-Minor 
are  Moslems,  while  those  inhabiting  European  Turkey 
are  mostly  Christians.  Diversity  in  race  and  religion 
and  the  long-enduring  traditions  of  ancient  peoples 
make  up  a  population  which  is  a  singular  medley.  The 
Sultan  rules  over  a  number  of  peoples  with  varying  aims 
and  usually  with  opposing  interests.  Even  before  the 
conquest  of  Constantinople  by  the  Turks  in  1453,  the 
influx  of  foreign  peoples  was  greater  than  the  empire 
could  absorb  so  as  to  make  them  its  loyal  subjects.  After 
the  conquest,  the  difficulties  of  welding  the  various 
elements  of  the  population  into  a  nation  with  common 
aspirations  were  enormously  increased  by  the  Islamism 
of  the  conquering  race.  Indeed,  with  the  exception 
of  certain  spasmodic  efforts  to  unify  the  races  into  one 
people,  no  serious  attempt  was  ever  made  to  do  so. 

It  is  of  these  various  peoples  that  I  propose  to  write. 
Most  of  them  have  ideals  to  which  they  consciously  or  un- 
consciously endeavour  to  attain.  Knowing  their  efforts, 


often  unselfish  and  patriotic,  it  is  impossible  for  one  who 
has  lived  among  them  to  do  otherwise  than  sympathize 
with  the  respective  races  and  with  their  aspirations.  The 
revolution  of  July  1908  was  an  honest  attempt  by  the 
representatives  of  the  most  important  races  to  overthrow 
an  ancient  tyranny  and  to  establish  a  constitutional 
government,  where  all  persons  should  be  equal  before 
the  law,  irrespective  of  race  or  religion.  It  called  forth 
the  sympathies  of  every  one  who  wishes  well  to  the  pro- 
gress of  the  country  and  its  intelligent  and  interesting 
peoples.  It  is  impossible  that  Englishmen  in  particular 
should  not  look  with  interest  upon  the  first  experiment 
yet  made  of  establishing  a  Western  form  of  government 
among  a  people  the  majority  of  whom  are  Moslem. 

Before  speaking  of  the  peoples,  something  must  be 
said  of  the  capital  of  the  Turkish  Empire  and  of  the 
Sultanate  under  which  it  has  been  ruled  for  four  and  a 
half  centuries. 


I  have  no  intention  of  describing  the  city  of  Con- 
stantinople. What  I  should  like  to  do  is  beyond  my 
present  purpose,  namely,  to  make  a  short  but  vivid 
sketch  of  its  marvellous  history.  If  I  should  do  so  my 
readers  would  be,  like  most  of  the  Byzantine  writers, 
in  love  with  New  Rome.  It  always  had  individuality. 
When  it  was  the  capital  of  the  Roman  Empire,  it  was 
never  Latin.  When  Greek  influence  was  uppermost,  it 
was  never  Greek.  When  Leo  the  Isaurian  and  other 
Anatolian  rulers  held  sway,  it  was  never  Asiatic.  So  long 
as  it  was  Christian,  its  inhabitants  had  at  once  a  strong 
municipal  feeling  which  recalls  that  possessed  by  the 
citizens  of  Florence  and  of  Venice,  and  a  powerful 
imperial  sentiment  like  that  possessed  by  Parisians.  Its 
story  was  largely  that  of  the  empire.  All  that  was  best 


in  the  wide  territories  over  which  it  ruled  flocked  to  it. 
The  ablest  jurists,  theologians,  painters,  and  scholars 
sought  refuge  withii  its  walls.  The  allusions  to  the 
city  by  Byzantine  authors  show  that  both  writers  and 
citizens  were  proud  of  it.  For  them  it  was  emphatically 
"  the  City/'  or  the  "  Queen  City."  Much  that  has  been 
written  about  its  story  is  misleading.  Until  within  the 
last  half-century  authors  relied  almost  solely  upon  the 
Western  authorities,  who  had  inherited  hostility  to  its 
inhabitants,  due  to  the  opposition  of  the  latter  to  the 
Church  of  Rome.  The  accidents  of  the  city's  history, 
and  not  the  great  achievements  which  kept  it  intact 
and  made  it  for  ever  famous,  are  what  Western  popular 
opinion  seized  upon.  A  certain  gorgeousness  of  palace 
ceremonial  struck  the  attention  of  the  Crusaders  and 
has  never  been  altogether  lost  sight  of.  The  luxury  of 
the  inhabitants  impressed  them  deeply  because  they 
compared  it  with  the  poverty  of  their  own  countries  ; 
but  they  were  mistaken  in  inferring  that  the  dandies 
they  scorned  were  effeminate.  Palace  intrigues  did  not 
surprise  foreigners,  for  they  existed  at  home.  The  love 
of  games  even  appealed  to  them.  The  keenness  of 
popular  interest  in  religious  and  political  discussions 
were  incomprehensible  to  them. 

But  there  were  other  aspects  which  the  Crusaders 
and  thoughtless  travellers  did  not  see.  Constantinople 
had  been  the  strongest  bulwark  of  Europe  against  the 
encroachments  of  Asia.  Hordes  of  barbarians  had 
descended  upon  it  from  the  north  and  east  and  had 
failed  to  capture  it.  The  largest  waves  of  Moslem 
fanaticism  broke  harmlessly  against  its  walls.  The 
Arab  invasions  in  672-7  under  Eyoub,  the  aged  standard- 
bearer  of  Mahomet,  and  of  717,  failed  in  their  attempts 
against  the  Queen  City.  The  Byzantine  historians 
proudly  claim  that  it  successfully  resisted  twenty  sieges. 


Yet  amid  constant  wars  the  prosperity  of  the  densely 
crowded  capital  had  increased.  Its  people  had  grown 
wealthy  by  industry,  intelligence,  and  commerce.  Its 
luxury  was  the  natural  sign  of  wealth.  Law  and  good 
government  had  made  it  the  treasure-house  of  the 
empire,  the  most  civilized  and  the  wealthiest  city  in 
Europe.  Its  inhabitants  lived  and  traded  in  peace,  and 
had  leisure  to  discuss  the  many  political  and  theological 
questions  in  which,  more  than  the  people  of  any  other 
city  they  were  interested.  Its  scholars  had  kept  alive 
the  love  for  classical  learning.  Its  jurists  gave  to 
modern  Europe  a  body  of  legal  principles  known  as 
Roman  law,  from  the  New  Rome  where  they  were 
formulated,  which  every  nation  has  adopted,  and  which 
has  largely  helped  to  shape  modern  civilization.  Its 
theologians  gave  to  the  Christian  Church  nearly  all  the 
great  formulas  of  the  faith.  Its  architects  set  Europe 
upon  the  path  to  great  Christian  architecture. 

In  the  eight  centuries  between  the  fourth  and  the 
thirteenth,  while  our  own  ancestors  were  working  their 
way  upwards  from  something  not  far  removed  from 
barbarism,  the  inhabitants  of  New  Rome  were  thinking 
for  themselves  and  for  the  Western  world,  and  were 
struggling  for  the  realization  of  ideals.  There  were 
always  men  among  them  ready  to  strive,  fight,  and  die 
for  righteousness. 

Upon  the  fall  of  the  Christian  empire,  the  capital  con- 
tinued to  be  the  seat  of  government,  and,  with  certain 
unimportant  exceptions,  has  been  the  capital  unin- 
terruptedly ever  since. 


To  speak  of  each  of  the  Sultans  of  Turkey  since  1453 
would  be  to  write  the  history  of  Turkey  since  that  date, 


which  I  have  no  intention  of  doing.  As  a  rule,  they  have 
not  been  able  men,  though  the  earlier  were  more  com- 
petent than  the  later.  The  three  most  conspicuous  for 
their  ability  since  1453  are  Mahomet  the  Second,  who 
captured  the  city,  and  who  is  known  as  "  the  Conqueror," 
and  also  as  "  the  Lawgiver  "  ;  Suliman,  known  as  "  the 
Magnificent,"  a  great  ruler  under  whom,  between  the 
years  1520  and  1566,  the  empire  obtained  its  largest 
extension  ;  and  Mahmud  the  Second,  known  as  "  the  Re- 
former," who,  during  a  long  reign,  1803  to  1839,  did  much 
to  compact  the  ruined  elements  of  the  nation,  which 
appeared  on  the  point  of  breaking  up.  The  earlier 
sultans  who  carried  the  Turkish  armies  successfully,  first 
to  Constantinople,  and  then  to  the  gates  of  Vienna,  were 
in  many  cases  the  sons  of  Christian  mothers  who  had 
been  captured  in  the  West,  and  whose  descendants  were 
therefore  after  a  few  generations  largely  of  European 
blood.  The  decline  in  ability  among  the  Ottoman  sultans 
dates  from  the  destruction  of  the  corsairs  who  ravaged 
the  coasts  of  Italy,  France,  Spain,  and,  in  the  seventeenth 
century,  even  of  England,  for  the  capture  of  slaves.  The 
mothers  of  sultans  during  the  last  two  centuries  have 
usually  been  quite  uneducated  women,  and  often  slaves 
chosen  for  their  physical  beauty.  Their  subjection  to 
the  limitations  of  harem-life  has  not  tended  to  develop 
such  natural  intelligence  as  they  possessed. 

The  Turks,  since  they  established  themselves  in  Asia- 
Minor,  have  been  a  nation  of  soldiers.  Their  civil  govern- 
ment has  usually  been  extremely  casual.  The  records 
of  travellers  to  Turkey  from  the  fifteenth  to  the  twentieth 
century — and  they  are  numerous — agree  in  telling  the 
same  tale  of  misgovernment,  of  injustice,  and  of  cor- 
ruption in  general,  but  especially  in  the  courts  of  law. 
Governors  buy  their  posts.  Judges  sell  their  judgments. 
The  records  leave  the  impression  that  public  opinion  took 


such  abuses  as  in  the  natural  order  of  things,  and  that  the 
Sultan  and  his  ministers  let  such  matters  drift.  But 
though  bribery  and  corruption  were  present  in  the 
administration  of  the  army  and  navy,  they  were  less 
prevalent  than  in  the  civil  administration,  and  every  now 
and  then  spasmodic  energy  was  displayed  to  effect 
reforms.  All  the  attention  which  the  sultans  could 
bestow  was  given  to  the  fighting  forces.  Arms  were  the 
chief  matters  which  deserved  attention.  All  the  dis- 
tinction that  the  Turks  have  ever  gained  has  been  in 
war.  They  have  produced  no  art  and  no  architecture, 
though  they  have  destroyed  much.  They  have  given  to 
the  world  no  literature,  science,  or  philosophy.  In  all 
such  matters  they  were  inferior  to  the  races  which  they 
conquered.  But  their  traditions  and  their  environment 
and  necessity  itself  made  them  a  nation  of  fighters.  It 
is  almost  literally  true  to  say  that  until  a  century  ago 
every  Turk  was  a  soldier. 

A  nation  of  soldiers  requires  an  absolute  ruler.  It  is 
true  that  under  the  Ottoman  rulers  there  were  a  large 
number  of  subjects  who  were  not  soldiers.  But  they 
were  rayahs  or  cattle,  Christians  and  Jews,  to  be  held 
in  subjection,  whose  lives  were  to  be  spared  so  long  as 
they  submitted,  but  who  took  no  part  in  the  government, 
except  as  servants  of  the  Turkish  nation.  They  formed 
separate  communities  or  millets  which  had  in  many 
matters  to  govern  themselves  and  were  really  outside 
the  Turkish  nation.  The  governing  race,  the  dominant 
millet,  was  the  Turkish,  and  all  power  was  in  its  hands. 
The  head  of  such  a  race  was  of  necessity  absolute. 

Since  the  adoption  of  the  title  of  Sultan  by  Othman, 
or  Osman,  the  founder  of  the  present  reigning  dynasty, 
until  July  1908,  if  we  except  a  few  months  in  1877,  the 
government  of  Turkey  has  been  an  absolute  monarchy. 
Under  such  form  of  government,  the  character  of  the 


ruler  is  manifestly  of  supreme  importance.  The  method 
of  appointing  him,  or  in  other  words  the  law  of  succession, 
may  have  a  powerful  influence  on  the  character  of  the 
ruler.  It  certainly  has  had  such  influence  in  Turkey. 


The  Turkish  law  of  succession  to  the  throne  now 
differs  from  that  prevailing  in  all  European  countries. 
The  heir  to  the  throne  is  the  oldest  male  member  be- 
longing to  the  imperial  stock.  The  usual  European 
method  is  to  make  the  oldest  son  of  the  reigning  sovereign 

In  the  early  centuries  of  Turkish  history  the  European 
mode  of  succession  was  followed.  Son  succeeded  father. 
Brothers  of  the  Sultan  only  came  in  when  the  male  heirs 
of  the  body  had  failed.  As  under  a  system  of  polygamy 
there  were  often  many  sons  by  different  mothers,  serious 
struggles  between  them  and  between  the  mothers 
occurred  for  the  succession  of  the  father.  It  was  for 
this  reason  that,  before  1453,  the  practice  in  the  Sultan's 
family  of  killing  off  younger  brothers  had  become  general. 
Mahomet,  the  conqueror  of  Constantinople,  legalized  the 
practice,  but  did  not  so  far  as  I  can  find  attempt  to  change 
the  rule  of  succession.  The  hideous  practice  of  killing 
younger  sons  continued.  Turkish  history  is  full  of 
struggles  between  brothers  ;  of  younger  brothers  being 
hidden  away ;  of  cold-blooded  murders  when  they  were 
caught,  and  of  infanticide.  The  Turk  seems  to  have 
considered  fratricide,  and  especially  infanticide  in  the 
reigning  family,  a  necessity.  Turkish  law  legitimates 
all  children  of  free  Moslem  fathers,  no  matter  what  was 
or  is  the  condition  of  the  mother.  When  a  man  had  a 
large  harem,  the  share  coming  to  each  of  his  heirs  upon 
his  death  would  be  usually  small,  because  by  Moslem 


law  all  sons  take  equally.  Every  mother  whose  child 
was  living  would  resent  the  birth  of  new  heirs  by  other 
mothers.  The  result  has  been  and  still  is  a  large  amount 
of  infanticide  wherever  there  are  more  wives  than  one. 
Medical  men  in  Constantinople  are  agreed  that  even  now 
the  amount  of  illegal  practices  to  prevent  the  increase 
of  heirs  is  something  appalling.  Hence  the  law  of 
Mahomet  II.,  legalizing  fratricide  in  the  imperial  family, 
coincided  with  the  popular  will,  and  the  inhabitants  of 
the  capital  heard  of  child  murder  with  indifference. 
Contemporary  books  about  Turkey  written  in  the  six- 
teenth, seventeenth,  and  eighteenth  century  abound  in 
imperial  murders,  many  of  which  were  perpetrated  in 
order  to  prevent  wars  of  succession. 

Alongside  the  great  Mosque  of  Saint  Sophia  there  is  a 
striking  illustration  of  this  hideous  form  of  crime.  On 
its  south  are  three  large  mausoleums.  Murad  the  Third, 
who  died  in  1594,  lies  in  the  middle  one.  He  left 
eighteen  sons  who  in  various  ways  had  escaped  death. 
The  eldest  son  succeeded  to  the  throne  as  Mahomet  III. 
On  his  accession  he  ordered  all  his  seventeen  brothers 
to  be  bow-strung.  Their  bodies  are  within  or  rather 
beneath  biers  around  that  of  their  father. 

When  Sultan  Ahmed  died  in  1617,  all  his  children 
were  young.  The  Council  of  State  took  the  opportunity 
of  changing  the  succession.  The  brother  of  Ahmed 
was  proclaimed  Sultan  under  the  name  of  Mustafa,  and 
the  new  rule  of  succession  was  adopted  by  which  the 
oldest  male  of  the  imperial  stock  became  heir  to  the 
throne.  There  are  only  two  sultans  from  that  time 
to  the  present  who  have  succeeded  their  fathers,  one 
being  Mahomet  IV.  and  the  other  Abdul  Medjid.  During 
all  this  period,  until  the  middle  of  last  century,  the 
law  for  destroying  superfluous  male  issue  was  acted 
upon.  Colonel  White  notes  in  his  "Three  Years  in 


Constantinople/'  that  the  barbarous  practice  of  immuring 
younger  sons  or  brothers  who  had  been  allowed  to  live, 
and  of  destroying  their  offspring,  was  in  1844,  the  date 
of  his  residence  here,  still  in  force.  It  was  indeed  just 
about  that  time,  by  the  efforts  of  Abdul  Medjid,  that 
the  recognition  of  the  murderous  seraglio  law  came  to 
an  end.  His  immediate  predecessor,  Mahmud  II.,  the 
Reformer,  had  been  deeply  attached  to  one  of  his 
daughters  named  Mihr,  who,  knowing  the  existence  of 
the  inexorable  rule,  submitted  herself  to  an  improper 
operation,  from  which  both  mother  and  child  died. 
Mahmud  swore  in  his  agony  that  no  more  lives  should 
be  thus  sacrificed.  Nevertheless,  the  law  remained 
unchanged.  Shortly  afterwards,  in  1839,  Mahmud 
himself  died.  His  successor,  Abdul  Medjid,  had  not  been 
long  on  the  throne  before  an  incident  occurred  which 
attracted  the  attention,  not  only  of  the  Sultan,  but  of 
the  ambassadors  of  foreign  Powers  and  of  Western 
Europe.  Ateya  Sultana,  his  sister,  had  already  seen 
one  of  her  sons  killed  in  conformity  with  the  brutal 
palace  law.  When  she  was  again  pregnant  her  husband 
expended  large  sums  to  buy  off  the  hostility  of  the 
mothers  of  other  princes ;  but  when  a  boy  was  born, 
the  jealousy  of  the  mothers  against  the  prince  who  might 
be  a  rival  to  their  own  sons'  claims  was  too  strong  to 
be  resisted.  The  Sultan's  permission  was  obtained,  and 
the  child  was  made  away  with.  The  poor  mother  went 
mad,  and  in  less  than  three  months  was  buried  near  her 
infant.  The  incident  was  strongly  commented  on  in 
England  and  France,  and  with  such  effect  that  if  similar 
murders  have  since  taken  place,  they  have  been  care- 
fully concealed. 

The  change  in  the  law  of  succession  already  mentioned 
probably  increased  child-murder.  It  has,  however,  yet 
more  evil  results  to  answer  for.  It  is  probably  the  worst 


plan  which  could  be  devised  for  securing  a  competent 
Sultan.  The  ruler,  like  any  other  father,  would  naturally 
prefer  that  his  son,  rather  than  his  brother  or  other 
older  relative,  should  succeed.  On  the  other  hand,  the 
brother  or  other  relative  is  waiting  anxiously  for  the 
vacant  throne.  Hence  the  story  runs  through  the  last 
three  centuries  of  the  heir  to  the  throne  being  kept 
strictly  guarded  as  a  prisoner,  or,  as  opportunity  offered, 
of  being  made  away  with.  The  heir,  being  kept  in 
confinement,  sees  nothing  of  the  world,  is  not  visited 
by  or  allowed  to  visit  any  Turkish  minister  or  other 
subject  of  intelligence,  sees  no  foreign  ambassador,  and 
takes  no  part  in  any  public  function.  The  longer  he 
lives,  the  less  incapable  he  becomes  of  governing  wisely. 

Compare  such  a  condition  with  the  training  of  the 
heir  to  the  throne  in  England  or  Germany.  These  heirs 
see  the  ablest  statesmen  of  their  respective  countries, 
meet  with  the  experts  in  science,  art,  and  politics,  are 
visited  by,  and  visit  ambassadors  from  other  countries, 
have  been  at  one  or  more  universities,  are  trained  as 
soldiers  or  sailors,  and  take  the  place  of  their  fathers  in 
many  public  functions.  Under  such  circumstances, 
unless  a  man  is  mentally  deficient,  he  is  sure  to  be 
highly  educated.  The  older  such  a  man  is  when  he 
succeeds  to  his  father's  throne,  the  more  competent  is 
he  likely  to  be.  The  older  a  man  is  under  the  Turkish 
system,  the  less  competent  will  he  be. 

Let  me  take  an  illustration  which  is  under  my  eyes 
while  writing.  Reschad  Effendi,  now  the  reigning 
Sultan  Mahomet  V.,  was  the  next  in  succession  to 
Abdul  Hamid.  He  was  only  two  years  younger,  and 
was  treated  in  the  usual  manner  as  a  next  heir.  He  was 
allowed  an  income  sufficient  to  maintain  him  and  his 
establishment  in  affluence,  but  was  confined  to  his 
palace,  and  to  a  region  of  about  half  a  mile  around  it. 


Spies  inside  and  outside  his  house  took  note  of  all 
visitors,  and  neither  ambassador  nor  minister  could  even 
make  a  visit  of  courtesy.  He  is  said  to  have  declared 
in  August,  after  the  revolution,  that  he  had  not  read 
any  newspaper  for  twenty  years.  So  also  with  the 
other  princes  of  the  imperial  family.  When  Nazim, 
Vali  of  Bagdad  (1910-1911)  ^arrived  in  Constantinople, 
having  escaped  from  prison  in  Erzinghian  a  few  weeks 
before  the  revolution,  where  he  had  been  for  seven  years, 
Prince  Buraneddin  said  to  him,  "  We  have  hardly  been 
better  off  than  you,  for  we  were  never  allowed  to  see 
any  one." 

The  treatment  Reschad  Effendi  endured  is  the  result 
of  the  suspicion  created  by  the  Turkish  law  of  succession. 
Abdul  Hamid  has  quite  enough  to  answer  for,  and 
although  he  has  been  suspicious  of  everybody  and  every- 
thing, I  am  not  prepared  to  say  that  in  his  treatment  of 
his  brothers  he  was  worse  than  his  predecessors  in  similar 
circumstances.  It  is  the  rule  of  succession  that  is  wrong. 
It  will  be  remembered  that  in  April  1909,  when  Abdul 
Hamid  was  deposed,  he  claimed  that  his  life  ought  to  be 
spared  because  he  had  not  killed  his  brother,  the  present 
Sultan.  He  had  a  modicum  of  reason  and  precedent 
in  his  plea. 

Further  illustrations  of  how  the  law  works  may  be 
given  :  Abdul  Hamid  is  the  second  son  of  Abdul  Medjid, 
who  died  in  1861.  Abdul  Medjid  was  succeeded  by  his 
brother  Abdul  Aziz,  who  was  deposed  and  committed 
suicide  in  1876.  On  the  deposition  of  the  latter,  Murad, 
the  elder  brother  of  Abdul  Hamid  and  the  eldest  male 
of  the  imperial  family,  became  Sultan,  but  was  deposed 
for  mental  incapacity  after  two  months,  and  was  suc- 
ceeded by  Abdul  Hamid.  In  the  natural  order  of  things 
it  is  doubtful  whether  any  son  of  Abdul  Hamid  will  be 
girt  with  the  sword  of  Othman,  the  ceremony  which 


corresponds  to  coronation.  It  is  well  known  that  about 
1905-6,  the  Sheik-ul-Islam  was  sounded  as  to  whether 
the  Sultan  might  lawfully  change  the  law  of  succession, 
his  desire  being  to  nominate  his  third  and  favourite  son 
Buraneddin.  The  Sultan's  request  was  met  by  a  very 
distinct  negative.  By  law  there  were  fourteen  who 
took  precedence  over  the  son  in  question,  the  first  being 
Abdul  Hamid's  brother  Reschad,  the  now  reigning 
Sultan,  the  next  being  Prince  Yusuf  Izzedin,  the  son  of 
Abdul  Aziz.  One  of  the  strongest  arguments  in  favour 
of  retaining  the  Sultan  on  the  throne  after  the  revolution 
of  July  1908,  was  that  in  case  of  his  dethronement  or 
death,  there  would  almost  certainly  have  been  a  war  of 
succession.  The  ulema  and  a  portion  of  the  army 
would  have  declared  for  the  lawful  heir,  while  it  was 
generally  believed  that  there  was  an  organized  body  of 
men  who  were  working  to  place  Yusuf  Izzedin,  the 
present  heir-apparent,  on  the  throne.  When,  on  the 
very  day  in  December  1908  on  which  the  Sultan  opened 
the  Chamber  of  Deputies,  an  attempt  was  made  to 
break  into  the  house  of  Reschad,  and,  as  was  believed, 
to  kill  him,  placards  were  posted  in-  prominent  places 
denouncing  a  Turk  who  was  believed  to  be  the  organizer 
,of  the  Izzedin  faction,  and  adding,  "  If  you  wish  to  find 
the  real  author  of  the  crime,  ask  yourselves  who  would 
profit  by  Reschad's  death."  The  answer  of  course  was 

Suspicion,  inherited  by  the  tradition  of  murder  in 
order  to  give  security  for  the  occupation  and  for  the 
succession  to  the  throne,  and  intensified  by  the  know- 
ledge that  intrigues  are  constantly  going  on  to  change 
such  succession,  becomes  the  keynote  to  palace  policy 
in  Turkey.  The  reigning  sultans  have  constantly 
become  suspicious  of  everybody  and  everything.  Abdul 
Hamid,  though  the  latest  and  in  some  respects  an  un- 


usually  striking  example  of  a  sovereign  steeped  in 
suspicion,  shared  this  characteristic  with  nearly  all  his 
predecessors.  Cart-loads  of  "  journals,"  the  technical 
word  for  the  reports  of  his  spies,  were  collected  in  Yildiz. 
These  were  the  documents  which  occupied  most  of  his 
time.  He  knew  that  his  spies  were  often  untrustworthy. 
Accordingly,  other  spies  were  set  to  report  upon  them 
or  to  control  their  reports.  Men  of  every  European 
nation  as  well  as  Turkish  subjects  went  to  form  a  great 
multitude  of  spies.  Well-dressed  women  as  well  as 
men  had  their  expenses  paid  at  the  best  hotels  in  Pera 
in  order  to  report  the  doings  and  sayings  of  even  visitors 
who  might  be  working  for  some  candidate  for  the  throne. 
As  Abdul  Hamid  attached  great  importance  to  what  was 
said  of  him  by  foreign  newspapers,  he  had  "journals  " 
sent  with  extracts  from  the  newspapers  of  every  capital 
regarding  him.  In  the  capital  itself  censorship  of  every 
newspaper  which  entered  the  country  was  complete. 
But  the  Sultan  here  also  distrusted  his  own  workmen. 
He  had  therefore  at  the  palace  a  double  set  of  censors 
who  found  out  what  was  said.  Then  the  two  reports 
were  compared.  A  friendly  censor  told  me  that  he  had 
been  compelled  to  call  attention  to  a  letter  I  had  written 
to  the  Daily  News,  because,  said  he,  "  If  I  had  passed  it, 
it  would  have  been  found  by  the  censors  at  the  palace, 
and  I  should  have  been  dismissed  for  having  omitted 
to  report  it." 

The  suspicion  ever  present  became  a  species  of  mania 
and  developed  a  harshness  of  character  and  a  reckless- 
ness of  the  rights  of  his  subjects  of  which  some  illustra- 
tions may  be  given.  Sir  Henry  Elliot,  who  was  British 
ambassador  to  the  Sultan  when  Abdul  Hamid  came  to 
the  throne,  and  who  had  exceptional  opportunities  of 
knowing  the  truth,  declared  in  the  Nineteenth  Century 
that  the  foulest  blot  on  the  career  of  Abdul  Hamid  was 


the  trial  and  condemnation  of  Midhat  Pasha.  Think 
what  this  statement  means  :  Sultan  Abdul  Aziz  was 
dethroned,  and  committed  suicide  by  opening  the  veins 
on  his  left  arm,  and  to  a  less  extent  on  his  right,  with  a 
pair  of  long  scissors.  His  mother  declared  she  had  lent 
her  son  the  scissors  a  short  time  before  in  order  that  he 
might  trim  his  beard.  Nineteen  medical  men,  including 
one  from  every  foreign  embassy,  examined  the  body, 
and  unanimously  reported  that  the  death  was  from 
suicide.  Dr  Dickson,  the  medical  adviser  of  the  British 
Embassy,  told  me,  and,  I  believe,  published  the  state- 
ment, that  he  went  to  the  palace  to  examine  the  body 
with  the  full  conviction  that  the  Sultan  had  been 
murdered  ;  but  having  made  a  thorough  examination, 
he  entertained  no  more  doubt  than  did  his  foreign 
colleagues  that  the  case  was  one  of  suicide.  Then, 
when  many  months  had  passed,  Abdul  Hamid  put 
Midhat  Pasha  and  others  on  their  trial  for  the  wilful 
murder  of  Abdul  Aziz,  and,  having  placed  his  own 
creatures  on  the  judgment  seat,  false  witnesses  were 
produced  and  a  sentence  of  death  was  pronounced 
which  it  required  all  the  diplomatic  efforts  of  Europe 
to  have  changed  into  one  of  banishment.  As  the  world 
knows,  for  Midhat 's  son  has  produced  ample  evidence, 
the  author  of  the  Constitution  was  subsequently  killed 
in  Arabia. 

Sir  Henry  Elliot's  charge  is  that  Abdul  Hamid,  in 
order  to  render  his  own  succession  to  the  throne  secure, 
trumped  up  a  foul,  detailed,  and  ingenious  story  in  order 
to  get  rid  of  a  man  who  had  shorn  the  office  of  the  Sultan 
of  its  absolute  power  by  insisting  upon  the  proclamation 
of  a  constitution. 

It  would  be  easy  to  record  many  other  foul  deeds  done 
by  Abdul  Hamid  to  make  away  with  men  upon  whom 
his  suspicion  had  fallen.  Hardly  a  year  passed  without 


the  disappearance  of  some  man  of  note  who  had  fallen 
under  the  suspicion  of  the  Sultan.  The  victims  were 
usually  reported  in  the  local  press  to  have  "  died 
suddenly."  In  all  such  cases  it  was  dangerous  to  speak 
openly  of  their  death  or  disappearance. 

One  case,  however,  may  now  be  mentioned,  where 
Abdul  Hamid's  suspicion  and  reckless  injustice  failed 
of  its  object.  It  is  a  tradition  among  Moslems  that 
no  cession  of  territory  can  be  made,  except  it  be 
taken  by  force.  The  Cyprus  Convention  was  con- 
cluded between  Great  Britain  and  Turkey,  the  latter 
being  represented  by  Safvet  Pasha.  I  remark  in  pass- 
ing that  the  arrangement  was  made  in  great  haste, 
kept  secret  from  other  embassies,  and  that  many  of  the 
details  were  curiously  defective,  England  consenting 
for  example  to  pay  so  outrageous  an  amount  of  tribute 
that  the  resources  of  the  island  have  been  crippled  ever 
since.  When  the  cession  became  known  there  was  much 
ill-feeling  among  Moslems.  Here  was  a  reckless  cession 
of  territory  by  the  Sultan,  a  clear  violation  of  Moslem 
law.  Abdul  Hamid  at  once  took  measures  to  save  him- 
self. He  sent  for  Kutchuk  (or  Little)  Said  Pasha,  and 
ordered  him  to  bring  a  public  charge  of  high  treason 
against  Safvet.  The  order  was  monstrous,  because  the 
Sultan  had  himself  taken  the  most  active  part  hi  the 
negotiations,  and  had  himself  issued  the  imperial  irade 
confirming  the  conditions,  each  of  which  he  had  dis- 
cussed with  Sir  Henry  Layard.  The  order  to  Kutchuk 
Said  was  to  find  a  method  of  proving  Safvet  guilty  before 
a  Turkish  court  of  law.  Said  took  some  time,  and  then 
explained  that  several  highly  placed  men  knew  the 
interest  his  imperial  master  had  taken  in  the  matter, 
and  the  really  unimportant  part  which  the  accused  had 
played.  He  reported  that  it  would  be  impossible  to 
prove  Safvet  guilty  with  any  form  of  law,  and  that  the 


attempt  would  do  more  harm  to  his  Majesty's  reputation 
than  good.  The  Sultan  was  furiously  angry,  withdrew 
the  imperial  favour,  and  brave  Little  Said,  an  honest, 
industrious,  eminently  useful  servant  of  the  State,  re- 
mained under  suspicion  until  the  deposition  of  Abdul 
Hamid.  It  may  be  remembered  that  during  the  time 
when  Sir  Philip  Currie  was  ambassador  in  Constantinople, 
Kutchuk  Said  took  refuge  in  the  British  embassy  with 
his  young  son.  It  was  generally  believed  at  the  time,  and 
notably  by  Eutchuk  Said  himself,  that  the  Sultan  was 
endeavouring  to  arrest  him  and  have  him  made  away 
with,  and  it  was  while  he  was  being  followed  in  the 
principal  street  of  Pera,  that  he  with  his  son  passed  into 
the  Bon  Marche,  and  while  the  spies  waited  for  him  at 
the  door,  passed  through  into  another  street  from  which 
he  readily  escaped  into  the  embassy.  He  did  not  leave 
until  Sir  Philip  Currie  had  received  assurances  that  his 
life  and  property  would  be  saved.  In  fact,  however, 
the  publicity  given  to  his  escape  was  his  best  safeguard. 
In  some  matters  Abdul  Hamid  stood  greatly  in  fear  of 
foreign  public  opinion,  and  all  that  the  Sultan  could  do 
was  to  protest  that  he  had  no  hostile  design  against  so 
loyal  a  subject  as  Kutchuk  Said,  a  protest  which  nobody 

The  treatment  of  Sultan  Murad,  who  was  deposed  to 
make  room  for  Abdul  Hamid,  was  miserable  enough, 
but  his  deposition  was  necessary,  inasmuch  as  for  a 
while  he  was  out  of  his  mind.  He  was  confined  in  the 
Cheragan  palace,  the  beautiful  building  which,  after 
having  served  as  the  meeting  place  of  the  Deputies,  was 
accidentally  burnt  in  the  spring  of  1910,  and  there  he  died 
in  1904.  But  he  with  his  wives  and  slaves  were  prisoners. 
They  were  never  permitted  to  leave  Cheragan  and  the 
grounds  around  it. 

The  story  told  to  some  friends  by  the  harem  ladies, 


after  the  revolution  of  July  1908,  which  set  them  at 
liberty,  was  a  pathetic  one.  Children  had  been  born, 
had  died  and  had  been  buried  in  the  garden  of  the  palace. 
But  no  occupant  had  been  permitted  to  leave  it.  None 
of  them  knew  what  went  on  outside.  No  newspapers 
were  allowed  to  be  passed  in.  The  ladies  were  in  old- 
fashioned  dresses — and  Turkish  ladies  are  as  fickle  in 
regard  to  fashion  of  dress  as  Europeans — and  wore  the 
ferijis  and  yashmacs  which  had  been  fashionable  in  the 
seventies.  No  visitors  were  permitted.  Their  supply 
of  food,  with  the  exception  of  the  simplest  articles,  was 
extremely  limited.  The  poor  prisoner  himself  regretted 
most  of  all  that  he  could  not  make  small  presents  to  his 
children  and  grandchildren  who  were  his  fellow-prisoners. 

Before  leaving  the  subject  of  the  imperial  family,  I 
may  note  that  the  mother  of  the  first-born  prince  takes 
precedence  of  all  other  ladies  in  the  harem,  and  that, 
when  her  son  comes  to  the  throne,  she  takes  the  title  of 
Sultana  Valida.  In  the  European  sense,  the  Sultan  is 
never  married.  His  harem  consists  of  as  many  ladies  as 
he  chooses  to  own.  Abdul  Hamid's  harem  was  much 
smaller  than  was  that  of  Abdul  Aziz.  Until  about 
fifteen  years  ago,  the  custom  prevailed  of  making  the 
Sultan  an  annual  present  of  a  lady,  usually  a  Circassian. 
Abdul  Hamid  deserves  the  credit  of  putting  an  end  to  it. 

Upon  the  accession  of  a  sultan  the  ceremony,  which 
corresponds  to  that  of  Coronation  in  England,  is,  as 
already  mentioned,  the  girding  on  of  the  Sword  of  Osman. 
It  takes  place  in  the  Mosque  of  Eyoub,  which  is  situated 
on  the  Golden  Horn,  about  half  a  mile  from  the  Walls  of 
Constantinople.  A  certain  sanctity  attaches,  and  always 
has  attached,  to  this  Mosque.  No  foreigner  and  no  non- 
Moslem  is  allowed  to  enter  it.  Indeed  I  have  often  seen 
considerable  fanaticism  displayed  by  the  poor  Moslems 
living  around  the  Mosque  when  Europeans  have  ventured 


to  enter  the  courtyard ;  angry  faces  and  shouts  of 
Yasak  (forbidden)  greeting  the  intruders. 

The  duty  of  girding  on  the  Sword  of  Osman  on  a  new 
Sultan  devolves  upon  the  Chief,  or  Chelebi,  of  the  Mehlevi 
Dervishes,  who  resides  at  Konia.  The  office  of  the 
Chelebi  is  hereditary,  and  the  occupant  rarely  comes  to 
Constantinople  except  for  the  purpose  of  performing  this 
hereditary  duty. 

At  all  times  it  has  been  extremely  difficult  to  obtain 
accurate  information  of  the  private  lives  of  the  sultans 
and  of  the  crowd  of  men  and  women  who  inhabit  the 
palace.  Under  the  harem  system  the  number  of  women 
largely  exceeds  that  of  men,  and  information  from  the 
palace  is  rarely  to  be  obtained  at  first  hand.  The  Turks 
themselves  fully  admit  their  own  ignorance  on  this 
subject.  It  would  be  easy  to  fill  many  pages  with 
stories  of  the  ugly  deeds  done  there  during  the  thirty 
years  of  Abdul  Hamid's  reign ;  of  persons  who  have 
entered  and  never  come  out  alive ;  and  still  more  of 
persons  who,  after  examination,  have  been  shipped  off 
and  never  heard  of  again,  or  sent  into  exile  to  distant 
portions  of  the  empire.  It  would  be  unreasonable  to 
suppose  that  all  these  stories  are  untrue.  The  evidence 
is  not  sufficient,  however,  to  make  any  sweeping  state- 
ment about  palace  practices.  The  life  is  one  of  mystery 
and  intrigue.  According  to  the  reports  that  come  from 
it,  it  is  essentially  unhealthy  and  morally  unwholesome. 


Abdul  Hamid,  like  several  of  his  predecessors,  claimed 
to  be  not  only  Sultan,  but  Caliph.  The  word  signifies 
"  vice-regent  of  the  prophet."  As  such  the  Caliph  was  to 
be  protector  of  Mahometans  everywhere  and  entitled 
to  their  allegiance.  He  was  to  rule  with  authority  over 
Moslems,  and  practically  to  be  Pope  and  King  combined. 


The  prophet  had  claimed  such  authority  in  Arabia,  and 
made  provision  for  his  successors  to  inherit  the  like 
powers.  The  successor  was  to  be  supreme  in  all  matters 
spiritual  as  well  as  temporal.  There  was  to  be  only  one 
Caliph,  for  the  prophet  said,  "  When  two  Caliphs  have 
been  set  up,  put  the  last  to  death,  and  preserve  the 
second,  for  the  last  is  a  rebel."  l  The  Turks  belong  to 
the  division  of  Mahometans  called  Sunnis,  and  all  the 
Sunni  books  are  hi  accord  as  to  the  necessary  qualifica- 
tions for  the  dignity  of  Caliph.  These  qualifications 
were  judged  so  important  that  until  about  ten  years  ago 
they  were  posted  up  in  all  the  great  mosques  of  Con- 
stantinople. The  first  of  them  was  that  the  Caliph 
should  belong  to  the  tribe  of  the  Koreish  ;  the  second 
(though  I  cannot  learn  whether  this  was  contained  in  the 
extracts  from  the  sacred  traditions  so  posted  in  the 
mosques),  that  he  was  to  be  elected.  Mr  Hughes,  the 
author  of  a  Dictionary  of  Islam  regarded  as  of  high 
authority,  asserts  that  all  parties  among  Mahometans 
agree  that  the  Caliphate  is  elective  and  not  hereditary. 
By  Abdul  Hamid's  orders,  and  much  to  the  disgust  of 
many  Mollahs,  these  notices  as  to  the  qualifications  for 
the  dignity  were  ordered  to  be  taken  down.  "  Does 
Abdul  Hamid  believe,"  said  a  Mollah  of  rank  at  the  time, 
"  that  we  do  not  all  know  them  by  heart,  and  that  we 
shall  omit  to  teach  them  to  all  Moslems  ?  "  Clearly,  as 
Abdul  Hamid  is  not  of  the  Arabic  tribe  of  Koreish,  he 
cannot  be  the  Caliph  whom  Mahomet  contemplated. 
Mr  Hughes  says,  "  We  have  not  seen  a  single  work  of 
authority,  nor  met  with  a  single  man  of  learning,  who 
has  ever  attempted  to  prove  that  the  Sultans  of  Turkey 
are  rightful  Caliphs,"  and  in  support  of  his  statement  he 
gives  a  number  of  quotations  from  Mahometan  writers.2 

1  Mishkat  XVI.,  chap,  i.,  quoted  by  Rev.  T.  P.  Hughes,  p.  150. 

2  Hughes'  "Notes  on  Muhammadanism."  Second  edition,  p.  152-4.  A 


The  same  author,  writing  four  years  ago,  says,  "  After 
a  careful  study  of  the  whole  subject  for  thirty  years, 
twenty  having  been  spent  among  the  mosques  of  the 
Moslems,  I  will  defy  anyone  to  produce  any  reasonable 
proof  that  any  Moslem  scholar  in  India  acknowledges 
Abdul  Hamid  as  the  rightful  Caliph." 

In  certain  Islamic  lands  the  indispensable  qualification 
of  being  of  the  Koreish  is  put  forward  in  support  of  the 
claim  to  be  Caliph.  The  Sultan  of  Morocco  makes  such 
a  claim.  Nor  is  there  any  pretext  that  Abdul  Hamid 
or  his  predecessors  were  elected  by  the  followers  of 

The  claim  of  the  Turkish  Sultan  to  be  Caliph  is  stated 
in  the  following  manner.  He  inherits  the  right  of 
Caliphate  from  the  time  of  his  predecessor,  Selim  I., 
to  whom  the  Sherif  of  Mecca,  who  was  ruler  and  guardian 
of  the  sacred  cities,  submitted  in  1516.  Thereupon  the 
Sultan  took  the  title  of  guardian  of  the  sacred  cities. 
Subsequent  sultans  have  always  preserved  the  title 
taken  by  Selim  and  called  themselves  caliphs.  They 
have,  however,  never  been  recognized  as  such  in  Morocco, 
Tunis,  Algiers  or  India.  I  have  said  nothing  of  the 
Shiah  sect,  because  there  such  a  pretention  is  unknown. 
According  to  the  leaders  of  that  division  of  Mahometan- 
ism  the  Imam,  or  Caliph,  is  almost  if  not  entirely  an  in- 
carnation of  divinity.  The  Caliph  of  the  Sunnis  is  only  a 
divinely  appointed  ruler. 


The  above  facts  are  important,  because  much  was 
said  in  England  during  Abdul  Hamid's  reign,  and  con- 
tinues to  be  said,  about  Pan-Islamism. 

similar  opinion  is  expressed  in  "The  Faith  of  Islam,"  by  the  Rev. 
Edward  Sell,  p.  85.  His  book  is  specially  useful  for  those  interested 
in  the  development  of  the  Shiah  doctrines. 


I  have  made  careful  inquiries  of  many  trustworthy 
Moslems  in  order  to  learn  the  truth  about  the  existence 
of  the  movement  under  this  name.  I  believe  the  facts 
are  the  following : — first,  that  the  Pan-Islamic  move- 
ment, which  writers  in  favour  of  Abdul  Hamid's  govern- 
ment endeavoured  to  persuade  Europe  was  a  living 
force  dangerous  to  England  and  other  Christian  Powers, 
hardly  existed.  I  doubt  whether  Abdul  Hamid  himself 
attached  much  importance  to  it.  It  is  true  that  in 
Yildiz  itself  he  had  denunciations  printed  against 
England,  which  were  prepared  for  distribution  amongst 
Afghans  and  Arabs  during  the  time  when  Lord  Dufferin 
was  Ambassador  in  Constantinople.  But  that  Am- 
bassador saw  the  Sultan  on  the  subject,  and  in  his 
peculiarly  tactful  way  made  light  of  the  matter  and  let 
Abdul  Hamid  know  that  he  was  playing  a  dangerous 
game.  Abdul  Hamid  from  that  time,  though  he  never 
ceased  to  be  hostile  to  England,  lost  apparently  any 
interest  in  the  Pan-Islamic  movement. 

But,  secondly,  there  was,  and  is,  a  genuine  movement 
which  deserves  that  name.  It  is  a  purely  religious  one. 
Islam,  like  Christianity,  being  essentially  a  missionary 
religion,  has  never  wanted  believers  who  were  prepared 
to  become  missionaries.  In  a  subsequent  chapter,  I 
indicate  that  some  of  the  Dervish  sects  are  the  present 
living  force  of  Islam.  But  the  great  missionary  efforts 
of  Mahometanism  are  not  due  even  to  the  religious  sects 
of  Turkey.  At  the  present  time  the  Senoussi  are  spread- 
ing Islam  in  Africa  and  are  converting  idolators  and 
fetish  worshippers  to  the  belief  that  there  is  only  one  God. 
I  am  not  aware  that  this  Pan-Islamic  movement  is  a 
serious  danger  either  to  Islam  or  civilization,  though  in 
Africa  it  may  give  considerable  trouble. 



Population  of  Turkey — Turk  as  distinguished  from  Osmanli — 
Turkish  population  stationary  or  diminishing — Influences  of  heredity, 
environment  and  religion  on  Turkish  character. 

THE  population  of  the  Ottoman  Empire,  including 
about  four  million  Arabs,  is  about  twenty-four 
millions.  As  no  accurate  statistics  exist  it  is  impossible 
to  say  with  any  precision  what  proportion  the  non- 
Moslem  population  bears  to  the  Moslem.  There  are 
between  three  millions  eight  hundred  thousand  and  four 
millions  of  Greeks,  one  and  a  half  million  Armenians, 
and  probably  a  million  Bulgarians.  In  what  remains 
to  the  empire  in  Europe,  there  are  Albanians,  descendants 
of  perhaps  the  earliest  race  which  settled  in  the  Balkan 
peninsula,  some  of  whom  are  Moslems  while  others  are 
Christians.  There  are  Greeks  in  the  south  of  Macedonia 
and  around  all  the  coast  of  the  peninsula,  Bulgarians  in 
its  centre,  and  Serbians  in  the  north.  Scattered  across 
Macedonia,  a  little  to  the  north  of  Salonica,  are  a  few 
colonies  known  as  Wallachs.  All  these  races  profess 
Christianity.  In  Thrace  and  in  the  Rhodope  mountains, 
immediately  to  the  south  of  Bulgaria,  are  the  Pomaks, 
a  hardy  people,  probably  Bulgarians  in  race  or  possibly 
the  survivors  of  the  ancient  Thracians  who  were  pushed 
into  the  mountains  by  the  Bulgarians.  The  Pomaks 
are  Moslems.  Between  the  rivers  Vardar,  which  empties 
itself  into  the  bay  of  Salonica,  and  the  Struma,  are 
settlements  of  Turks.  They  are  found  also  in  isolated 


communities  on  the  frontier  of  Greece,  to  the  south-west 
of  Salonica,  and  in  various  other  parts  of  Macedonia. 

It  is  convenient  to  speak  of  the  Moslem  inhabitants 
of  the  Ottoman  Empire  as  Turks.  The  name  Osmanli 
is  now  officially  applied  to  all  subjects  of  the  Sultan, 
whether  Moslem  or  Christian.  But  the  term  Turk 
requires  explanation.  Among  the  Moslem  subjects  of 
the  Sultan,  there  are  Turks  strictly  so-called,  that  is, 
descendants  of  the  Turkish  race  which  entered  the 
country  during  the  thirteenth,  fourteenth  and  fifteenth 
centuries,  but  also  Arabs,  Circassians,  Albanians,  Lazes, 
Pomaks,  Euruks,  Kizilbashis  and  others. 

It  is  beyond  doubt  that  the  Turkish  race  is  not  of  pure 
blood.  To  say  nothing  of  the  intermixture  of  Turcomans 
and  Tartars,  Mongols,  Patchinaks  and  others  with  the 
inhabitants  of  the  empire  before  the  time  of  the  prophet 
Mahomet,  those  who  emigrated  into  Asia  Minor  in  the 
succeeding  centuries  married  the  women  of  the  provinces 
in  which  they  settled.  Much  of  the  settlement  was  by 
way  of  peaceful  emigration.  Many  of  the  women 
willingly  so  married.  Others  were  forced  to  do  so.  It 
is  an  interesting  fact  that  among  the  early  Ottoman 
conquerors  there  seems  to  have  been  no  objection  to 
taking  wives  who  remained  Christians.  Many  of  their 
leaders  did  so.  Even  at  the  present  day  it  is  by  no 
means  uncommon  for  a  Turk  of  the  wealthier  class  to 
have  a  Christian  wife.  She  may  attend  her  own  church 
and  profess  her  own  faith,  but  the  children  must  be 
brought  up  Moslems.  In  earlier  days  even  this  re- 
striction was  not  imposed  upon  her.  Moreover,  all  the 
invaders  did  not  profess  Islam,  and  upon  others  their 
religion  sat  lightly.1  Even  as  recently  as  sixty  years 
ago  the  custom  among  the  Albanians  was  to  bring  up 
the  boys  as  Moslems,  the  girls  as  Christians.  Sir  Henry 

1  Se«  on  this  subject  my  "  Destruction  of  the  Greek  Empire,"  chap.  iii. 


A.  Layard,  who  as  a  young  man  travelled  through 
Albania,  notices  this  from  his  own  observation  among 
many  other  interesting  facts  in  his  autobiography.  The 
result  of  the  freedom  of  intercourse  between  com- 
paratively small  armies  of  occupation,  as  were  both  the 
Seljuk  Turks,  as  the  first  invaders  of  the  Turkish  race 
were  called,  and  the  Ottoman  Turks  who  subsequently 
branched  off  from  them,  and  the  mass  of  the  population 
in  Asia  Minor  and  European  Turkey,  was  greatly  to 
modify  the  early  type.  Among  other  causes  tending 
to  such  modification  may  be  added  the  existence  for 
upwards  of  three  centuries  of  an  army  of  Christian 
origin,  all  the  members  of  which  were  compelled  to 
become  Moslems  and  were  merged  in  the  Turkish  race 
with  their  descendants.  The  physical  features  of  the 
Turk  were  even  changed.  In  the  interesting  lectures 
on  Turkey,  delivered  at  the  time  of  the  Crimean  war 
by  Cardinal  Newman,  are  given  descriptions  of  the 
hideous  physiognomy  of  ancestors  of  the  Turks,  descrip- 
tions which  explain  the  not  uncommon  belief  that  they 
had  come  from  Tartarus,  but  which  are  certainly  untrue 
of  the  twentieth-century  Turk. 

Speaking  of  the  Turk  in  the  strict  sense  and  omitting 
other  Moslem  peoples  in  the  empire,  his  race  has  de- 
veloped a  type  of  face  which  residents  in  the  country  have 
usually  little  difficulty  in  recognizing.  I  do  not  forget 
that  owing  to  the  isolation  of  races,  as  to  which  I  shall 
have  to  speak  later,  there  are,  in  many  places,  groups 
of  people  where  the  original  type  of  earlier  races  than 
the  Turks  remains  distinct.  There  are  Hittites  and 
Assyrians,  Lazes  and  others  who  have  preserved  the 
appearance  of  their  ancestors  as  completely  as  many  of 
the  islanders  in  the  ££gean  have  preserved  that  which 
Praxiteles  and  Lysippus  and  many  another  sculptor 
have  left  for  us.  In  some  districts,  as  on  both  coasts  of 


the  ^Egean,  there  has  evidently  been  much  inter- 
marriage with  the  Greeks.  In  others,  as  in  the  plain 
to  the  south  of  the  Taurus  range  from  Adalia  to 
Alexandretta,  the  type  is  largely  Arab.  A  little  to  the 
east  of  that  district  and  in  Armenia  proper,  the  Turk 
has  intermarried  with  the  Armenian  and  taken  his  type. 
As  the  types  have  been  varied  in  this  manner,  so  also 
have  the  general  characteristics  of  the  race. 


The  strictly  Turkish  population  shows  a  tendency  to 
decrease.  A  report  was  presented  to  Sultan  Abdul 
Hamid  about  ten  years  ago  by  Dr  Von  During,  an 
eminent  German  specialist  who  had  been  for  some  years 
in  the  Turkish  service,  which  expressed  his  deliberate 
opinion  that  unless  radical  measures  were  taken  to  check 
the  widespread  diseases  with  which  he  had  to  deal,  the 
Turkish  population  would  be  extinct  in  two  generations. 
It  was  a  report  which  stated  facts  fearlessly,  and  was  so 
terrible  that  it  was  with  great  difficulty  that  the  author, 
who  had  given  notice  of  his  intention  to  quit  Turkish 
service  and  resume  his  practice  in  Germany  where  he 
had  already  acquired  a  valuable  reputation,  was  able  to 
get  it  into  the  hands  of  the  Sultan.  He  only  succeeded 
by  the  intervention  of  his  ambassador. 

Abdul  Hamid  was  -alarmed  at  its  contents  and  sent 
for  the  writer.  After  a  long  interview  he  begged  Dr 
Von  During  to  remain  in  Turkey,  and  offered  him  double 
the  considerable  salary  he  had  been  receiving.  He,  how- 
ever, refused  all  offers,  justly  claiming  that  what  he  had 
done  was  no  more  than  his  duty  as  a  medical  man,  and 
in  the  interest  of  a  people  whom  he  liked.  I  believe, 
however,  that  he  promised,  at  the  request  of  the  Sultan, 
to  select  two  medical  men  to  take  up  the  work  in  which 
he  had  been  occupied. 


The  army  system  has  been  largely,  though  not  solely, 
responsible  for  the  spread  of  the  forms  of  disease  with 
which  he  had  had  to  deal.  But  the  whole  Turkish  people 
have  been,  since  their  entry  into  the  country,  a  nation  of 
soldiers,  and  probably  the  like  evils  have  always  existed. 
As  a  result,  the  Turks  are  not  a  prolific  race.  A 
singularly  observant  British  Consul,  the  late  Mr  Gavin 
Gatheral,  whose  station  was  at  Angora,  told  me  that  in 
his  frequent  journeys  from  Ismidt  to  that  city,  before 
the  railway  was  opened,  he  had  passed  the  deserted  sites 
of  at  least  a  dozen  Moslem  villages  which  he  had 
formerly  seen  under  occupation,  and  that  in  several 
others,  where  there  had  been  two  or  three  mosques, 
there  was  now  only  one. 

My  late  friend,  Sir  William  Whittall,  who  died  in 
1910,  was  fond  of  telling  of  towns  and  villages  in  the 
country,  between  Smyrna  and  Konia,  which  he  had 
known  in  his  youth  as  purely  Moslem,  but  which  were 
now  largely  Christian.  A  Greek  bakal  would  establish 
his  huckster's  shop  in  the  town.  It  would  be  found  of 
general  use,  and  gradually  other  Greeks  would  follow 
until  the  Moslems  would  be  in  a  minority.  The  popula- 
tion had  neither  increased  nor  decreased,  but  its  elements 
had  changed.  Other  residents  in  various  parts  of 
Turkey  tell  a  similar  tale. 

My  own  somewhat  extensive  reading  of  Turkish 
history  convinces  me  not  only  that  this  kind  of  peaceful 
penetration  of  the  Christian  populations  has  nearly 
always  been  going  on,  but  that  the  native  Moslem 
population  has  been  constantly  decreasing.  Its 
numbers  have  only  been  maintained  by  a  steady  stream 
of  immigration  from  central  Asia  and  Russia.  Though 
the  Euruks  and  other  destructive  Nomads  commenced 
to  enter  Asia  Minor  long  before  1453,  others  have  con- 
stantly followed  in  their  footsteps.  Settlers  have  also 


come  from  the  same  countries  in  order  to  exchange  a 
Christian  or  semi-pagan  rule  for  a  Moslem  one.  There 
has  been  no  century  since  the  capture  of  Constantinople 
in  1453  in  which  great  numbers  of  Turcomans,  so-called 
Kurds,  and  others  have  not  been  silently  entering  the 

The  most  notable  of  these  immigrants  during  the  last 
century  are  the  Circassians.  Mr  Wilson,  an  American 
missionary  who  has  been  in  Persia  for  many  years, 
writing  in  1899  states  that  600,000  Circassians  have 
entered  Turkey  during  the  fifteen  previous  years.1 
I  have  no  means  of  controlling  this  statement,  but  think 
it  probably  correct.  They  are  not  a  people  who  readily 
assimilate  with  their  neighbours,  and  are  not  popular 
even  with  their  co-religionists. 

There  are  other  Moslem  immigrants  who  have  entered 
the  empire  within  the  last  thirty  years,  whose  names 
will  recur  to  the  reader.  Moslems  from  Bulgaria,  others 
from  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina,  and  a  not  inconsiderable 
number  from  Crete,  probably  numbering  altogether  in 
one  generation  not  less  than  half  a  million  emigrants. 

The  Turks  have  always  been  ready  to  receive  foreign 
immigrants.  The  asylum  offered  to  the  Jewish  victims 
of  Christian  persecution  in  Spain,  under  Ferdinand  and 
Isabella,  was  not  granted  merely  on  humanitarian 
grounds,  but  because  the  sultans  wanted  population  in 
Macedonia.  Yet  in  spite  of  these  immigrants,  Moslem 
and  Jewish,  nobody  who  knows  the  country  will  assert 
that  the  Moslem  population  is  increasing. 

On  the  one  hand,  the  denudation  of  certain  districts 
by  famine,  want  of  communication,  by  the  drain  of 
population  for  the  army,  and  by  other  causes  has 
especially  told  on  the  Turkish  population  ;  on  the  other, 
the  Christian  populations,  in  spite  of  frequent  massacres, 
1  "Persian  Life,"  by  the  Rev.  S.  G.  Wilson. 


have  been  fairly  prolific.  Various  sultans  have  sought 
at  many  periods  in  Turkish  history  to  transplant  the 
prolific  Christians  into  the  districts  left  void  by  the 
Moslems.  We  have  many  instances  of  such  transplant- 
ing even  near  the  capital.  Bardizag,  about  twenty  miles 
from  Ismidt,  is  a  town  of  purely  Armenian  population. 
It  probably  contains  ten  thousand  souls.  Riding  over 
the  Bithynian  hills  a  quarter  of  a  century  ago  with  two 
Turkish  friends,  we  found  in  a  remote  mountain  valley 
a  fairly  thriving  Armenian  village  called  New  Town, 
or  Yenikeuy,  of  probably  three  thousand  persons.  Not  a 
Turk  or  Greek  was  among  them.  Neither  at  Bardizag 
nor  at  Yenikeuy  were  we  able  to  obtain  definite  informa- 
tion as  to  how  colonies  of  Armenians  were  found  in  such 
isolated  places.  The  only  answer  obtainable  was  that 
their  ancestors  had  been  brought  there  many  generations 
ago  by  the  Turks.  These  isolated  communities  are 
found  throughout  the  empire,  and  are  among  the 
curiosities  of  travel.  I  mention  them  as  an  illustration 
of  the  fact  that  the  Turkish  population  has  had,  and  has, 
a  tendency  to  diminish,  while  no  such  tendency  exists 
among  the  Christian  races.  In  spite  of  polygamy  and 
of  constant  immigration,  the  Turkish  population  of  Asia 
Minor,  which  is  so  sparsely  peopled  that  in  large  areas 
it  does  not  amount  to  more  than  seven  to  the  square 
mile,  does  not  increase. 


The  twentieth-century  Turk  is  of  mixed  race,  being 
the  product  of  central  Asiatic  stock  and  of  the  earlier 
races  whom  his  ancestors  found  in  the  country  which  he 
invaded.  The  two  influences  which  have  done  most 
towards  forming  his  character  have  been  derived  from 
heredity  and  religion,  and  deserve  notice.  The  original 
Turk,  as  judged  from  history,  was  a  dweller  on  the  Asiatic 


plains  who  cared  little  about  religion.  That  which  he 
inherited  or  was  ordered  to  profess,  he  clung  to.  But 
he  did  not  care  to  examine  it.  The  people  with  whom 
he  mingled  when  he  came  into  Asia  Minor  took  their 
religious  beliefs  seriously.  They  understood  the  mean- 
ing of  the  phrase  Oportet  hereticos  esse.  The  great 
Paulician  heresy  of  the  third  century,  which  extended 
from  Armenia  to  Ireland,  had  its  stronghold  in  Eastern 
Asia  Minor.  The  Mithras  cult  had  its  greatest  develop- 
ment in  the  same  country.  Other  heresies  will  at  once 
recur  to  the  mind  of  the  reader,  especially  perhaps  the 
Nestorian,  a  fact  which  shows  that  the  inhabitants  were 
not  disposed  in  the  time  of  the  empire  to  take  their 
religious  teaching  from  Constantinople  or  elsewhere 
without  discussion.  These  heresies  were  usually  of  an 
intellectual  and  reasonable  character.  Such  wanton 
beliefs  as  prevailed  among  the  Arabs,  like,  for  example, 
the  existence  of  a  Trinity  composed  of  Father,  Son  and 
the  Virgin  Mary,  must  be  excluded  when  thinking  of 
Asia  Minor.  Sir  William  Ramsay,  who  knows  the  history 
and  archaeology  of  the  religions  of  Anatolia  certainly  as 
well  as  any  man  living,  has  described  the  serious  type 
of  religion  which  the  early  peoples  of  the  country  de- 
veloped, and  the  remarkable  continuity  of  religious 
thought  which  has  existed  from  long  before  our  era 
down  to  the  present  day.  The  central  idea  was  of  the 
Motherhood  of  God,  the  mother  evidently  being  nature.1 
They  never  fell  under  the  spell  of  Pantheism  with  its 
inevitable  tendency  to  degenerate  into  Polytheism. 
Though  the  monotheistic  idea  is  usually  credited  to  the 
Hebrews,  yet  it  would  not  be  wrong  to  say  that  the 
religions  of  Arabia,  Syria  and  Asia  Minor  always  tended 
towards  Monotheism.  The  sense  of  the  incomprehen- 

1  See  Sir  William  Ramsay's  "Luke  the  Physician,"  and  especially 
his  Rede  lecture  at  Cambridge,  published  in  the  "Contemporary 
Review  "  of  July  1906. 


sible,  of  visible  power,  of  almighty  dominancy  and  im- 
manency over  both  nature  and  men,  is  what  impressed 
the  early  races  of  these  countries,  and  still  impresses 
them.  Mr  Charles  M.  Doughty,  in  his  invaluable 
"  Wanderings  in  Arabia/'  expresses  his  surprise  at  the 
"  religiosity  of  the  rude  young  men  of  the  people  "  (of  the 
desert  at  Aneyza),  and  remarks  that  while  the  Semitic 
religion  is  a  cold  and  strange  plant  in  the  idolatrous 
soil  of  Europe,  it  "  is  like  a  blood  passion  in  the  people  of 
Moses  and  Mahommed."  1 

The  influence  of  the  religions  of  Asia  Minor  and  Arabia 
was  always  opposed  to  that  of  Greece.  The  emperors, 
who  opposed  the  worship  of  images  and  pictures,  were 
from  Asia  Minor.  Those  who  protected  such  worship 
were  from  the  European  provinces.  It  was  among  the 
serious  minded  haters  of  image  worship  that  the  Turks 
settled  or  conquered,  and,  before  the  advent  of  the 
destined  conquerors,  the  Anatolian  subjects  of  the 
emperors  had  shown  their  opposition  to  their  fellow- 
Christians  in  Europe  by  their  attitude  in  reference  to 
image  worship.  In  the  case  of  the  Anatolian  Turk, 
the  influence  of  Mahometanism  has  rather  deepened  the 
impress  on  him  which  he  received  by  descent  than 
changed  his  characteristics. 

The  influences,  beneficial  or  otherwise,  which  the 
religion  of  Islam  has  exerted  on  the  Anatolian  Turk  may 
be  noted.  In  passing,  I  may  remark  that  it  would  be 
an  interesting  question  to  ask  how  far  the  European 
conception  of  Mahometanism  has  been  largely  com- 
pounded of  the  hereditary  characteristics  of  the  Anatolian 
and  of  the  teaching  of  the  Koran. 

It  may  justly  be  claimed  that  the  religion  of  Islam 
has  made  or  kept  the  Anatolians  a  sober  race.  I  mention 
this  first,  not  because  of  its  importance,  but  because 

8  "Wanderings  in  Arabia,"  vol.  ii.  p.  161. 


sobriety  is  one  of  the  characteristics  which  at  once 
attracts  the  attention  of  European  travellers.  The 
great  mass  of  Moslems  in  Turkey  are  total  abstainers 
from  every  kind  of  alcoholic  drink.  If  they  were  ever 
likely  to  fall  into  excess,  the  total  prohibition  decreed 
by  their  religion  would  help  to  keep  them  sober.  But  as 
a  simple  fact,  none  of  the  races  of  the  empire  are  inclined 
to  insobriety.  Christians  and  Jews  take  the  wines  of  the 
country,  but  use  them  as  food.  The  habit  of  presenting 
alcoholic  drink  in  any  form  as  an  act  of  courtesy  or 
friendship,  except  at  regular  meals,  is  far  from  general, 
and  in  many  districts  is  unknown.  It  is  therefore  not  a 
very  conspicuous  service  which  Islam  has  rendered  to 
the  Anatolian  Turks  by  prohibition. 

Islam  has  made  them  a  physically  clean  people.  A 
prayer  has  to  be  said  at  least  five  times  a  day.  Before 
each  of  these  services  of  adoration — for  that  term  would 
be  more  correct  than  prayer — the  face,  feet,  hands,  and 
arms  up  to  the  elbows  must  be  washed.  So  completely 
is  the  rule  followed  that  if,  as  in  the  desert,  water  is  not 
to  be  had,  the  form  of  washing  is  gone  through  with  sand. 
The  prayer-place,  whether  at  home  or  in  a  mosque,  must 
be  scrupulously  clean.  The  teaching  in  regard  to 
physical  defilement,  which  requires  the  washing  of  the 
whole  body  on  certain  occasions,  of  the  hands  before 
meals  ;  the  constant  cleans), ig  of  their  houses,  and  puri- 
fication of  the  person,  have  created  the  habit  of  cleanli- 
ness. Travelling  in  the  interior,  where  European  in- 
fluences have  hardly  penetrated,  one  is  struck  by  the 
remarkable  cleanliness  of  the  interior  of  the  poorest 
Turkish  houses.  The  example  has  not  been  without  its 
influence  on  their  Christian  neighbours,  but  the  traveller 
very  often  has  disagreeable  evidence  brought  to  his 
senses  that  the  Christians  are  content  to  have  certain 
receptacles  of  filth  about  their  houses  which  the  Turk 


will  not  tolerate  about  his  own.  Even  in  reference  to 
personal  cleanliness  the  difference  is  the  same.  "  Am 
I  a  Turk  that  I  should  be  always  washing  myself/'  said 
a  Christian  peasant,  when  asked  in  a  village  cafe  if  he 
would  not  like  to  wash  before  starting  on  his  journey. 
A  prominent  member  of  the  Committee  of  Union  and 
Progress  claimed  that  the  special  value  of  his  religion 
was  that  it  is  essentially  hygienic,  and  the  claim  is  well 
founded.  The  health  of  the  ordinary  Turkish  peasant 
is  improved,  because  he  is  clean,  avoids  alcohol,  lives 
frugally,  and  largely  in  the  open  air. 

His  religion  has  helped  to  make  and  keep  him  a  self- 
respecting  man,  an  obedient  citizen,  a  man  contented 
with  his  lot.  These  results  come  from  his  belief  that 
every  action  in  his  life  is  preordained.  It  is  difficult  for 
those  who  have  not  seen  the  Turk  at  home  to  recognize 
how  completely  fatalism  obsesses  him.  If  he  suffers  a 
loss,  "  it  was  written,"  meaning,  of  course,  that  it  was 
preordained  by  Allah  before  he  was  born.  No  Scotch 
Calvinist  ever  held  more  tenaciously  to  the  belief  that 
every  bullet  has  its  billet.  If  a  man  becomes  poor,  "  it 
was  written."  Does  he  rise  ?  as  hundreds  of  men  have 
done,  to  high  office  through  ability  or  favouritism,  "  it 
was  written."  Strong  in  his  belief,  he  takes  the  changes 
in  life  as  a  man  travelling,  for  the  first  time  on  a  railway 
through  fields,  passing  villages  and  towns  of  the  existence 
of  which  he  had  known  nothing.  They  are  there.  He 
has  had  nothing  to  do  with  tjiem,  but  chance  does  not 
exist.  Whatever  is,  is  right.  The  ups  and  downs  in 
life  hardly  worry  him,  and  are  seen  with  wonderful 
indifference  by  his  fellow-men. 

I  recall  a  typical  instance  which  came  under  my  notice. 

A  man  had  risen  from  a  low  position  to  become  a  pasha 

and  governor  of  an  important  vilayet.     He  had  a  large 

salary,  which  he  probably  doubled  by  the  usual  exactions. 



The  time  came  when  another  favourite  replaced  him. 
Meantime  he  had  bought  a  large  palace  on  the  Bosporus, 
had  augmented  his  harem,  and  largely  increased  the 
number  of  his  retainers.  Here  he  lived  in  glorious  style 
and  at  great  expense.  He  had  not  invested  money,  and 
could  not  or  would  not  lessen  his  expenditure  so  as  to 
save  enough  to  buy  a  position  from  the  palace  favourites 
or  live  quietly.  His  fortune  was  soon  spent.  He 
mortgaged  his  palace  and  other  property,  probably  at 
very  high  interest,  and  gradually  the  mortgagees  fore- 
closed. The  pasha  became  penniless  and  houseless.  It 
was  naturally  a  sad  day  for  him  and  the  members  of  his 
family  when  they  had  to  leave  their  palace.  The  women 
howled,  by  which  I  mean  that  they  set  up  those  loud 
cries  of  wailing,  which  have  been  common  to  Eastern 
peoples,  and  even  Greeks,  for  thousands  of  years,  even 
when  professional  mourners  have  not  been  hired.  Then 
they  betook  themselves  to  a  small  tumble-down  wooden 
shanty  a  few  miles  distant,  and  seemed  to  live,  it  would 
hardly  be  incorrect  to  say  to  starve,  as  contentedly  as 
they  had  lived  in  their  palace.  They  were  resigned  to 
their  fate.  Islam  means  resignation  to  the  divine  will, 
and  of  all  the  moral  lessons  taught  by  his  religion  that 
of  being  resigned  has  been  most  thoroughly  learned. 

Of  course  there  are  other  results  from  fatalism,  but 
with  them  I  am  not  at  present  concerned,  but  when 
men  believe  that  everything  is  divinely  ordered,  down  to 
the  smallest  incident  of  life,  the  belief  strikes  at  the  root 
of  ambition,  and  even  of  striving  to  better  one's  condition. 
The  man  feels  himself  to  be  the  puppet  of  the  Higher 
Powers,  like  his  fellow-men — just  as  good  as  they,  and 
just  as  helpless.  Such  a  man  is  likely  to  respect  himself 
and  to  respect  others.  Thrift,  however,  has  no  place 
in  his  practical  philosophy.  To  provide  for  the  morrow 
would  be  to  distrust  Allah. 


There  is  another  beneficial  result  conferred  on  the 
Turk  by  his  religion,  a  result  also  which  has  its  dark  side. 
I  am  told  that  during  the  Crimean  war  some  statesmen 
asserted  that  the  Turk  was  the  only  gentleman  left  in 
Europe.  Ambassadors  and  visitors,  who  have  been 
brought  into  contact  with  Turkish  officials,  have  been 
loud  in  praise  of  the  urbanity,  courtesy,  and  ease  of 
manners  which  characterizes  them.  It  is  indeed  rare 
to  find  a  Turk  with  any  pretension  to  education  whose 
manners  are  not  pleasant.  No  matter  with  whom  he  is 
talking,  his  bearing  will  be  courteous.  He  may  be  a 
scoundrel  who  is  robbing  his  government,  oppressing  the 
peasants,  taking  bakshish  whenever  he  can  get  it,  but 
everything  that  he  does  will  be  done  in  gentlemanly 
fashion.  If  you  know  him  to  be  a  good  man,  you  are 
naturally  charmed.  Burke  says,  that  vice  itself  in 
losing  its  grossness  loses  half  its  evil.  So,  on  the  same 
principle,  you  are  tempted  to  forget  the  thief  in  the 
plenitude  of  his  good  manners.  One  of  our  ambassadors 
spoke  to  me  of  a  Turkish  official  as  beyond  doubt  the 
biggest  liar  he  had  ever  met  with.  But  his  manners  were 
perfect.  Nor  is  this  gentlemanliness,  which  is  largely 
an  absence  of  gaucherie,  confined  to  the  wealthier  Turk. 
The  poorest  will  offer  you  a  light  for  your  cigarette,  or  will 
ask  one  from  yours  ;  give  you  a  welcome,  hosh  geldinez, 
on  entering  his  village  with  an  absence  of  awkwardness, 
and  a  self-respecting  ease  which  in  its  way  is  charming. 
This  trait  in  the  Turkish  character  is,  in  part  at  least, 
the  result  of  the  conviction  in  every  Mahometan's  mind 
that  believers  are  on  a  higher  plane  than  infidels,  and 
that  they  have  the  right  to  be  dominant.  They  are  the 
lords  of  creation,  by  divine  right.  Between  themselves 
they  are  equals.  The  slave-holders  of  the  Confederate 
States  are  represented  by  Americans  as  well  as  by 
Europeans  to  have  had  exquisite  manners.  Both  the 


two  dominant  races  were  aristocrats.  Indeed,  all 
Moslems  in  reference  to  unbelievers  are  born  aristocrats. 
They  have,  of  course,  realized  that  foreigners,  not 
being  under  their  subjection,  are  in  an  exceptional 

It  is  much  that  religion  should  tend  to  produce  clean, 
contented,  well-mannered,  and  self-respecting  men. 
But  Islam  has  done  even  more.  The  deeply  religious 
sentiment  of  the  Anatolian,  noted  by  both  travellers  and 
historians,  has  been  emphasized.  The  daily  prayer,  oft 
repeated,  said  by  the  pious  peasant,  wherever  he  finds 
himself,  fills  the  mind  of  the  religious  Moslem  with  a 
sense  of  the  overpowering  presence  of  God.  His  day 
begins  with  a  call  from  the  minaret  by  the  muezzin. 
"  God  is  Great  (thrice  repeated),  I  testify  that  there  is  no 
God  but  God.  Come  to  prayer  ;  come  to  prayer  ;  come 
to  salvation.  God  is  great.  Prayer  is  better  than  sleep." 
Whether  he  goes  to  prayer  five  times  or  not,  the  constant 
repetition  of  the  words  of  his  devotional  service  exercises 
an  influence  upon  his  character.  The  strictly  observed 
fast,  during  the  month  of  Ramazan,  and  other  observ- 
ances help  to  strengthen  such  influences. 

So  much  for  the  beneficial  results  upon  Turkish 
character  from  his  religion.  But  there  are  other  and 
less  satisfactory  influences  from  it.  First  and  worst  is  the 
position  which  Mahometanism  assigns  to  woman.  What 
that  position  is  may  be  judged  from  the  fact,  elsewhere 
mentioned  and  discussed,  that  for  centuries  the  common 
belief  among  Turks  is  that  women  have  no  souls,  or  that 
they  have  souls  of  an  inferior  kind.  It  is  immaterial  for 
the  present  purpose  to  ask  whether  such  belief  is  in 
accord  with  the  teaching  of  the  Koran.  The  wife  of 
a  distinguished  Frenchman,  who  came  to  Constantinople 
about  1902,  met  the  wife  of  a  Turkish  minister  of  high 
rank  and  other  Turkish  ladies,  and  spoke  to  them  on 


religion  from  the  point  of  view  of  one  who  saw  the  value 
of  the  common  religious  ideas  of  Christianity,  Judaism 
and  Islam.  When  she  had  finished,  the  ladies  expressed 
their  gratitude  with  remarks  of  this  kind :  "  We  have 
never  heard  anything  about  religion."  "  The  subject  is 
profoundly  interesting.  We  thought  it  only  concerned 
men."  Sir  William  Ramsay  suggests  *  that  "  the  fatal 
error  of  Islam,  viz.,  the  low  estimation  of  women,  was 
probably  due  in  great  part  to  the  reaction  from  the  idea 
of  the  cult  of  '  the  Mother  of  God.'  "  Personally  I 
should  prefer  to  say  that  Islam  did  nothing  to  improve 
the  general  Asiatic  estimate  of  woman.  I  agree,  however, 
with  him,  and  with  every  Western  writer  who  has  known 
Turkey,  that  the  low  estimation  of  women  is  an  error 
fatal  to  the  progress  of  the  race.  Elsewhere  I  shall 
attempt  to  show  that  the  greatest  hindrance  to  Turkish 
civilization  is  the  absence  of  family  life,  and  that  this  is 
the  result  of  the  way  in  which  woman  is  regarded. 

The  sense  of  superiority  fills  the  ignorant  Turk  with  a 
spiritual  pride,  an  intellectual  conceit  which  is  a  real 
hindrance  to  his  progress  in  civilization.  No  Moslem 
has  need  to  offer  the  Scotch  minister's  prayer,  "  Gie  us  a 
good  conceit  of  ourselves."  He  has  it  already.  Having 
it,  and  being  saturated  with  the  idea  of  fatalism,  he 
is  neither  thrifty  nor  ambitious.  Of  course  there  are 
ambitious  men  among  the  Turks.  So  also  there  are 
thrifty  men.  But  they  are  exceptions,  and,  in  so  far 
as  they  struggle  to  attain  their  ends,  are  acting  against 
the  generally  accepted  teaching  of  their  religion.  In 
considering  such  cases  it  is  necessary  to  generalize,  and 
a  few  exceptions  do  not  vitiate  the  rule.  The  same 
results  of  Mahometanism  hold  good  in  India.  British 
administrators  have  usually  a  strong  feeling  in  favour 
of  the  Moslem  population,  which  produces  trustworthy, 

1  Contemporary  Review,  July  1906. 


self-respecting  and  brave  soldiers.  But  their  feeling 
of  superiority  and  their  fatalism  prevents  them  from 
succeeding  in  competition  with  the  other  races  under 
our  rule.  Much  to  the  distress  of  some  of  the  best 
administrators  in  India,  who  would  willingly  see  more 
Moslems  occupying  positions  of  trust,  the  latter  cannot 
hold  their  own  against  the  Hindoo  in  the  competitive 
examinations  which  have  been  instituted  so  as  to  give 
every  race  an  equal  chance.  To  me  it  is  abundantly 
clear  that  the  ideas  of  dominancy  and  fatalism  hinder 
the  progress  of  a  Mahometan  people. 

Heredity  and  religion  will  account  for  most  of  the 
characteristics  of  the  Turkish  character.  The  typical 
Turk  is,  under  ordinary  circumstances,  an  honest,  truthful, 
self-respecting  man.  But  I  am  not  sure  whether  these 
causes  will  account  for  his  want  of  energy  or  his  occasional 
outbursts  of  fanaticism.  In  the  normal  condition  of  an 
average  Turkish  peasant  a  long  period  of  laziness  is 
alternated  by  short,  spasmodic  periods  of  industry. 
He  is  neither  industrious  nor  persistent  about  anything. 
In  ordinary  times  he  is  lazily  tolerant  of  the  religion 
of  others,  but  occasionally  he  breaks  out  into  very 
dangerous  fanaticism.  As  is  the  individual,  so  is  the 
nation.  Mr  Palgrave,  who  was  a  keen  observer  and  knew 
Syria,  at  least,  well,  and  knew  also  his  Turkish  history, 
says  that  "  Convulsive  fanaticism  alternating  with 
lethargic  torpor,  transient  vigour  followed  by  long  and 
irremediable  decay ;  such  is  the  general  history  of 
Mahometan  Government  and  races/'  The  indictment 
can  be  justified. 

Where  religious  fanaticism  does  not  come  in,  the 
inhabitants  of  mixed  villages,  and  the  various  races  of 
the  empire,  get  on  fairly  well  together.  Often  in  spite  of 
their  religion  they  have  a  sense  of  human  justice  and 
natural  kindness  which  is  noteworthy.  Let  me  illustrate 


this  by  a  story  which  I  had  at  the  timo  from  my  friend 
the  late  Dr  Long,  whom  I  knew  for  a  quarter  of  a  century 
as  the  vice-president  of  Robert  College.  In  1877  the 
villages  around  Constantinople  were  crowded  with 
refugees  from  Bulgaria.  The  worst  form  of  typhus 
prevailed,  and  was  largely  increased  by  the  poverty  of 
the  sufferers.  Dr  Long  visited,  always  gratuitously,  the 
cases  near  the  college.  He  heard  that  in  one  hut  two 
sons  and  a  daughter  had  died,  and  that  the  father,  a 
Moslem,  was  down  with  the  fever.  He  told  the  wife 
that  he  was  a  Hekim  or  doctor,  and  would  like  to  see 
her  husband.  "  You  may  see  him,  Hekim,  if  you  like, 
but  you  can  do  no  good.  This  is  Allah's  business,  not 
ours."  Then  the  poor  woman  told  her  story  and  ex- 
plained her  meaning.  "  We  were  living  in  a  Bulgarian 
village  ;  our  next-door  neighbour  was  a  Christian.  He 
was  always  kind  to  us.  Our  children  played  with  his, 
and  when  I  wanted  lettuce  or  an  onion,  I  was  welcome 
to  take  it  from  the  giaour's  garden.  Then  one  night  my 
husband  came  home  and  told  me  that  the  padisha  had 
sent  word  that  we  were  to  kill  all  the  Christians  in  our 
village,  and  that  he  would  have  to  kill  our  neighbours. 
I  was  very  angry,  and  told  him  that  I  did  not  care  who 
gave  such  orders,  they  were  wrong.  These  neighbours 
had  always  been  kind  to  us,  and  if  he  dared  to  kill  them 
Allah  would  pay  us  out.  I  tried  all  I  could  to  stop  him, 
but  he  killed  them — killed  them  with  his  own  hand, 
Hekim.  Then,  when  the  war  began,  we  came  here. 
Allah  has  taken  our  children,  and  he  will  take  my  husband. 
Thank  you,  Hekim,  all  the  same,  but  you  can't  be  of  any 
use  against  Allah's  sentence.  I  shall  not  die,  but  my 
husband  will " — and  he  did. 

It  is  when  religious  fanaticism  has  been  aroused  that 
the  Turk  is  seen  at  his  worst.  Let  it  be  noted  that 
spontaneous  outbursts  of  fanaticism  are  unknown,  or, 


at  least,  rare.  The  elements  necessary  to  produce  a 
massacre  exist  almost  everywhere  throughout  Turkey. 
But  the  great  massacres  of  the  last  century,  Chios, 
Bulgaria,  and  Armenia,  were  all  made  to  order.  In  that 
of  Armenia  many  of  the  worst  scenes  were  conducted 
with  military  regularity.  In  many  instances  the  Moslem 
inhabitants  were  invited  to  attend  at  the  principal 
mosque,  at  which,  of  course,  no  Christian  was  allowed  to 
be  present.  Then  a  messenger  from  Constantinople  in- 
formed the  congregation  that  it  was  Abdul  Hamid's 
wish  and  his  command  that  the  Armenians  should  be 
spoiled  on  the  following  day.  To  pillage  your  wealthy 
neighbours  in  the  name  of  religion  and  the  padisha  is  a 
form  of  service  which  appealed  to  the  worst  portion  of  the 
Turkish  population. 

Here  again  it  must  not  be  supposed  that  the  brutal 
massacres  and  robberies  had  the  sanction  of  pious 
Moslems.  I  heard  at  the  time  of  many  such  men  who 
expressed  their  loathing  at- the  orders  sent.  In  one  case, 
and  I  believe  there  were  others  of  a  similar  kind  happened, 
the  Imam,  corresponding  as  near  as  possible  to  the 
parson  of  the  town,  did  his  best,  at  great  risk  to  himself, 
to  stop  a  massacre.  The  usual  address  had  been  given 
by  the  emissary  from  the  palace  in  Constantinople,  who 
stated  that  the  padisha's  orders  were  that  the  Armenians 
were  to  be  plundered  and  massacred  next  day.  When 
he  had  finished  the  Imam  rose,  and,  in  an  indignant 
voice,  declared  that  he  did  not  care  by  whose  orders  these 
attacks  on  their  fellow-townsmen  were  to  be  made,  they 
were  against  Islam.  "  You  know  me,"  he  went  on,  "  as  a 
good  Moslem.  I  have  grown  old  amongst  you,  and  I  tell 
you  that  these  Armenians  are  '  people  of  the  Books/  who 
ought  be  be  treated  as  brethren.  You  are  only  allowed 
to  attack  them  if  they  rebel  against  the  padisha.  No- 
body here  dare  say  they  are  rebels.  If  you  kill  them  or 


rob  them,  you  will  have  to  answer  for  it  to  Allah,  and  I 
will  be  your  accuser." 

Nevertheless,  next  day  one  of  the  worst  massacres  in 
the  bloody  series  took  place. 

I  have  said  that  where  Christians  and  Moslems  are 
living  together  the  first  are  usually  better  oft  than  the 
Moslems.  I  am  not  thinking  of  the  towns,  though  if  the 
official  class  be  omitted  the  remark  would  hold  good 
there  also,  but  of  the  villages  from  one  end  of  the  empire 
to  the  other.  All  the  peasants  are  poor,  but  the  Christian 
is  less  poverty-stricken  than  the  Moslem.  About  the 
fact  no  one  who  knows  Turkey  would  be  doubtful.  The 
explanation  is  to  be  found  partly  in  race  and  partly  in 
religion.  The  Turkish  peasant,  with  his  pleasant  qualities, 
is  liked  by  travellers,  and  especially  by  sportsmen  who 
get  into  remote  villages,  and  speak  in  admiration  of  his 
hospitality,  and  contrast  it,  very  often  unfavourably, 
with  the  sordid  greed  of  the  Armenian  or  Greek.  But  in 
intelligence  the  Turk  is  inferior  to  either.  He  is  dis- 
inclined to  work,  and  is  content  if  he  can  get  bread. 
There  are  villages  within  fifty  miles  of  Constantinople, 
situated  in  the  midst  of  rich  forest  or  grazing  land  which 
belongs  to  the  Moslem  villagers,  where  milk  is  not  to  be 
had,  and  where  nothing  in  the  shape  of  fruit  or  vegetables 
is  procurable  for  love  or  money.  A  quarter  of  a  century 
ago  I  paid  my  first  visit,  with  another  Englishman  and 
two  Turkish  friends,  one  being  the  late  Hamdi  Bey, 
whom  Oxford  honoured  in  1909,  to  Nicaea,  the  city  of  the 
creed.  We  had  taken  a  supply  of  provisions  with  us, 
but  had  omitted  to  take  vegetables  of  any  kind,  believing 
that  we  should  find  them  there  on  sale  in  the  poverty- 
stricken  village,  which  now  replaces  the  once  rich  and 
populous  capital  of  Bithynia.  Nothing  of  the  kind  was 
to  be  had. 

The  Turk  becomes  a  fanatic  from  a  variety  of  causes. 


The  idea  that  he  has  a  divine  right  to  be  lord  over  other 
races  is  one.  But  a  more  powerful  stimulus  than  even 
religion  helped  to  promote  all  the  fanatical  outbursts 
which  I  have  seen.  Both  the  Moslem  atrocities  in 
Bulgaria  and  the  much  greater  ones  in  Armenia  and 
those  in  Constantinople  itself  were  mainly  due  to  the 
sordid  motive  of  obtaining  possession  of  other  people's 
property.  When  the  central  government  gave  permission 
and  even  instructions  that  the  Christians  should  be 
plundered,  all  that  is  vile  in  a  semi-civilized  race  was 
appealed  to.  The  Turkish  Government  has  never  been 
for  a  long  period  either  just  or  humane.  Fifteen  years 
ago  most  of  the  Yezijis  were  quietly  exterminated. 
I  doubt  whether,  at  any  time  since  Mahomet  captured 
Constantinople,  there  has  ever  passed  a  quarter  of  a 
century  without  a  big  massacre.  It  has  been  the 
Turkish  way  of  maintaining  his  supremacy.  As  the 
Christians  are  the  more  intelligent,  industrious,  and 
thrifty  part  of  the  population,  there  is  always  present 
a  feeling  of  envy  and  jealousy.  Why  should  the  un- 
believing Christian  be  better  off  than  a  believer  ?  This 
feeling  helped  to  make  the  Turkish  blackguardism  of 
Constantinople  and  Smyrna  rush  to  Chios  to  share  in  its 
plunder  and  take  part  in  the  massacre.  A  like  motive 
actuated  the  ruthless  atrocities  in  Bulgaria,  and  made 
the  worthless  rabble  of  the  capital  eager  to  kill  the 
Armenians  in  the  capital  in  1896,  and  to  plunder  their 
persons  and  houses. 

We  are  all  hoping,  and  happily  have  some  justification 
for  the  hope,  that  since  July  1908  the  Turk  has  abandoned 
his  ancient  method  of  government.  Our  justification  of 
such  hope  is  grounded  on  various  considerations.  The 
Turkish  people,  especially  in  the  capital,  have  not  re- 
mained uninfluenced  by  the  progress  of  civilization  in 
Europe  during  the  last  forty  years.  Absolutism  has 


happily  been  succeeded  by  constitutional  government ; 
for  absolutism,  in  Turkey  at  least,  meant  the  government 
of  one  man  who  was  almost  certain  from  his  want  of 
culture  and  experience  to  be  especially  ill-fitted  to  rule, 
and  was  responsible  for  opening  the  sluices  which  let 
loose  the  flood  of  fanaticism.  Massacre  would  now,  I 
firmly  believe,  be  condemned  by  the  heads  of  the  ulema 
as  well  as  by  the  constitutional  ministers.  The  Sheik- 
ul-islam,  in  1908  Jelalladin,  with  whom  I  had  the  oppor- 
tunity on  several  occasions  of  discussing  many  questions, 
and  his  two  successors,  are  men  of  deservedly  great 
influence,  and  far  too  enlightened  to  give  their  sanction  to 
outrages  on  Christians  or  to  believe  that  the  cause  of 
Islam  can  be  served  thereby.  The  leaders  of  the  Turkish 
people  have  become  more  tolerant.  Adbul  Hamid 
contrived  to  gather  round  him  men  who  represented  the 
unprogressive  part  of  the  race  and  its  vilest  features.  At 
the  same  time,  it  is  not  well  to  overlook  facts.  Three 
foul  massacres  are  yet  within  the  memory  of  middle-aged 
men.  They  were  due  to  an  abominable  government — 
to  its  appeal  to  the  worst  passions  of  ignorant  and 
fanatical  mobs,  to  the  licence  given  to  plunder  Christians, 
to  jealousy  of  their  superior  progress,  and  to  the  tradi- 
tional belief  that  in  enriching  themselves  these  plunderers 
and  murderers  were  serving  God. 



House  furniture — Poverty — Cleanliness  of  Turks — Defilement — 
Reminiscence  of  sermon — Cemeteries — Slight  value  of  human  labour — 
Illustrations — Hamals — Manufacturers — Their  primitive  character — 
Cotton  yarn — Carpet  industry 

THE  interior  of  a  Turkish  peasant's  house  is  sin- 
gularly bare  of  furniture.  Of  the  two  rooms  which 
it  contains,  one  will  be  reserved  for  the  male  and  the 
other  for  the  female  members  of  the  family.  Bedsteads 
are  unknown.  So  also  are  mattresses.  But  along  one 
side  of  each  room  there  often  exists  a  portion  of  the 
floor  raised  about  nine  inches,  and  fixed  upon  it  is  a 
covering  stuffed  with  cotton  wool.  This  is  the  divan. 
It  serves  as  a  sofa  by  day  and  a  bed  by  night.  Each 
house  contains  a  number  of  yorghans,  or  coverings  made 
of  two  lengths  of  cotton  with  cotton- wool  between. 
These  are  rolled  up  during  the  day  and  serve  as  covering 
at  night.  After  sleep  the  sleeper  or  some  one  else  takes 
up  his  bed  and  walks  off  with  it  to  place  it  on  a  shelf 
where  the  other  occupants  of  the  house  place  theirs. 

Chairs  are  rarely  seen  in  the  house  of  a  peasant,  but 
a  small  stool  about  a  foot  high  and  universally  known 
as  a  scamni,  the  Latin  scamnum,  is  usually  to  be  found. 
Every  peasant  has  two  or  three  trays,  and  food  is  usually 
served  upon  them.  There  is  no  table  in  the  English 
sense,  though  often  a  simple  arrangement  exists  by 
which  the  tray  is  sometimes  raised  a  few  inches  from  the 
ground  on  an  ingenious  tressel.  Forks  are  used  only 



among  those  who  have  come  under  European  influence. 
But,  though  fingers  were  made  before  forks,  and  are  in 
more  general  use,  the  Turks  always  wash  their  hands 
before  eating.  The  practice  still  holds  good  in  the 
villages  of  the  host  offering  a  tit-bit  with  his  fingers 
to  a  guest.  It  is  not  a  pleasant  habit  though  well  meant. 
The  right  hand  is  invariably  used.  In  a  household  where 
there  are  servants,  the  latter  will  come  forward  after 
a  meal  with  a  bowl,  a  pitcher  of  water  with  a  long  spout 
and  a  towel,  and  will  pour  over  the  fingers  water  which 
is  caught  in  the  bowl  by  another  servant.  Washstands 
and  their  furniture  are,  of  course,  unknown  in  peasants' 
dwellings.  The  Turks,  and  indeed  the  other  races 
in  Turkey,  prefer  to  wash  in  running  water  rather  than 
in  European  fashion.  The  habit  has  been  attributed 
to  their  extreme  delicacy  of  cleanliness.  I  believe 
it  arises  rather  from  the  general  scarcity  of  water.  If 
a  man  wants  to  get  the  best  wash  possible  out  of  half 
a  pint  of  water,  his  best  course  is  to  have  it  in  a  vessel 
with  a  hole  which  will  allow  it  to  trickle  out.  Neverthe- 
less, the  comfort  of  finishing  one's  wash  with  running 
water,  as  from  a  tappver  a  bath,  is  so  generally  recognized 
that  at  the  principal  club  in  Constantinople  the  usual 
basins  are  fitted  with  taps  over  them,  so  that  running 
water  may  be  had  as  well  as  the  usual  bowl  full. 

The  general  appearance  of  a  Turkish  and  to  a  less 
degree  of  other  villages  in  Turkey  gives  an  impression 
of  disorder  and  slovenliness.  Even  where  good  building 
stone  is  to  be  had  the  majority  of  the  houses  are  of  wood. 
The  framework  may  be  covered  with  weather-boards 
or  filled  in  with  sun-dried  bricks.  The  house,  once 
built,  is  rarely  repaired  or  painted.  The  Christian 
villages  are  generally  in  better  repair  than  the  Moslem, 
but  shutters  hanging  loose,  weather-boards  that  have 
gone,  and  a  general  tumble-down  appearance  are  common 


features.  In  warm  weather  many  men  have  the  sense 
to  sleep  in  the  open  air.  The  peasants  make  no  dis- 
tinction usually  between  bedroom  and  living  room, 
the  same  room  serving  for  both  purposes.  No  one 
undresses  at  night.  There  is  therefore  no  question 
of  clean  sheets.  Though  the  floors  are  usually 
scrupulously  clean,  the  less  said  about  certain  sanitary 
arrangements,  or  the  want  of  them,  the  pleasanter  for 
the  reader.  The  accumulations  of  refuse  and  other 
filth  outside  the  houses  show  that  there  is  no  attempt 
at  village  government. 

Soap  is  almost  unknown.  Natives  of  all  races  seem 
to  take  no  account  of  fleas  or  B.  flats.  In  many  places 
the  fleas  exist  in  such  numbers  that  if  they  were 
unanimous  they  could  carry  off  the  unwary  European 
while  asleep.  It  is  on  account  of  their  prevalence  that 
the  writer  of  a  guide  book  to  one  country  of  the  Balkan 
peninsula,  some  years  ago,  made  a  careful  distinction 
in  recommending  the  traveller  to  stop.  "  Here  travellers 
may  spend  the  night,"  he  said  of  some  of  the  native 
hotels.  "  Here  travellers  may  sleep,"  he  said  of 

Poverty  is  apparent  on  the  exterior  of  the  peasant's 
house  and  in  the  interior.  When  a  man  is  able  to  buy 
/  more  than  what  is  necessary  for  food  and  cooking 
I  it  he  generally  spends  his  money  on  rugs  or  carpets. 
These,  however,  are  not  put  upon  the  floor.  The  demand 
for  Turkish  rugs  and  carpets  in  Europe  and  America 
has  greatly  increased  the  value  of  those  articles,  and 
the  best,  with  non-aniline  colours,  have  been  exported. 
But  there  are  few  houses  where  they  do  not  possess 
one  or  more,  often  enough  ragged  and  worn,  which  are 
brought  out  to  show  visitors.  Nevertheless,  poverty 
is  the  distinguishing  characteristic  of  the  Turkish 
peasant's  house.  There  are  scores  of  villages  where  a 


Turkish  Hra  has  hardly  ever  been  seen,  and  where  a 
beshlik,  worth  elevenpence,  is  a  rarity. 

People  rise  early  and  go  to  bed  at  dark.  Candles 
and  lamps  are  hardly  known  in  the  peasant's  house. 
Petroleum,  or,  as  it  is  generally  known  in  Turkey,  "  gas," 
has  been  a  great  boon  to  the  poor.  When  artificial 
light  is  employed  it  will  usually  be  from  petroleum. 
Then,  too,  the  gas  tins  in  which  it  is  carried  into  the 
interior  become  very  useful.  They  serve  with  a  little 
adaptation  as  buckets.  The  tin  plates  in  other  cases 
are  carefully  separated  and  serve  as  tiles.  There  are 
few  villages  where  roofs  will  not  be  thus  formed.  My 
first  view  of  the  Bedouins  of  Syria  showed  them  eager 
to  possess  empty  petroleum  tins  and  knowing  how  to 
utilize  them. 

I  have  already  alluded  to  the  cleanliness  of  the  Moslem 
population.  The  statement  that  the  religion  of  the 
Moslem  is  a  hygienic  religion  is  true.  It  is  not  merely, 
as  John  Welsey  was  fond  of  saying,  that  "  cleanliness  is 
next  to  godliness  "  ;  in  the  Islamic  view  it  is  part  of 
godliness.  The  teaching  in  reference  to  defilement 
and  the  practices  of  purification  are  closely  followed. 
Various  precautions  are  taken  in  regard  to  food  lest 
the  body  should  be  defiled.  The  constant  practice  of 
washing  creates  a  habit  of  cleanliness  which  is  useful. 
If  water  is  abundant  the  floors  will  be  often  swilled. 
The  result  is  that  the  Turkish  peasant,  no  matter  how 
poor,  is  usually,  in  his  person  and  home,  a  clean  man. 
Most  Europeans  would  prefer  to  eat  food  prepared  by 
the  Turkish  peasants  rather  than  by  an  Armenian  or 

Every  visitor  or  occupant  of  the  house  takes  off  his 
shoes  before  entering.  The  official  or  man  of  wealthier 
class  wears  thin  kid  boots,  and  over  these,  when  out  of 
doors,  well-made  and  light  overshoes,  usually  of  patent 


leather,  with  a  spring  in  the  heel  by  which  he  can  take 
them  off  on  entering  a  house.  The  little  knob  connected 
with  the  spring  by  which  the  wearer  can  release  the 
spring  with  the  other  foot  without  stooping  is  usually 
taken  by  visitors  to  be  intended  for  a  spur.  The  over- 
shoes once  removed,  the  wearer  steps  with  light,  dainty 
boots  into  the  house,  and  can  sit  upon  a  divan  with  his 
feet  under  him  without  defiling  the  place  by  the  dirt 
of  the  streets.  Somewhat  cheaper  than  this  kind  of 
overshoe,  which  is  yet  very  largely  worn,  are  goloshes 
of  india-rubber.  These  are  made  with  a  solid  knob 
in  the  heels,  and  can  also  be  taken  off  without  stooping. 
Some  years  ago  English  firms  sent  out  goloshes  without 
this  convenience,  but  the  people  would  have  nothing  to 
do  with  them.  They  are  a  necessity  in  winter,  and 
Europeans  take  to  them  or  the  Turkish  overshoe  as 
readily  as  the  Turks  and  other  natives. 

In  front  of  all  mosques  is  a  cistern  of  water  for  the 
purpose  of  ceremonial  purification.  In  front  of  the 
large  mosques  in  Constantinople  one  may  see  every 
day  a  number  of  men  preparing  themselves  by  their 
ablutions  to  enter  the  mosque  for  prayer.  Theie  are 
a  number  of  taps  where  water  can  always  be  had.  The 
dread  of  defilement  leads  to  some  curious  results,  some 
of  which  need  not  be  mentioned.  A  fanatical  Moslem 
of  the  old  school  will  never  give  his  right  hand  to  a 
Christian.  I  remember  an  Arab  merchant,  who  settled 
a  few  years  ago  in  Constantinople,  who  kept  strictly 
to  this  rule.  But  good  Moslems  in  the  cities  have  learnt 
that  for  them  to  give  the  left  hand  to  a  foreigner  is  an 
insult  and  will  probably  be  resented.  The  merchant 
gradually  had  this  fact  brought  home  to  him  and  now 
gives  his  right  hand.  Many  years  ago,  a  British  Consul 
of  great  experience  had  to  visit  a  sheik.  The  visit  was 
one  of  some  ceremony,  and  the  sheik  was  known  to  be 


a  fanatical  hater  of  Christians  of  all  sorts,  and  those 
about  him  felt  sure  he  would  offer  some  kind  of  insult 
to  the  consul  on  his  first  visit.  It  was  therefore  with 
interest  that  the  spectators  watched  the  first  interview. 
The  consul  advanced  into  the  room,  the  sheik  met  him 
in  the  middle,  and  held  out  his  left  hand.  The  consul, 
quite  calmly,  spat  into  it  as  if  it  were  a  spittoon,  and 
went  on  as  if  nothing  extraordinary  had  happened. 
Both  the  Christians  and  Moslems  recognized  that  an 
insult  had  been  offered  and  resented,  and  nothing  more 
came  of  the  matter. 

Connected  with  the  subject  of  defilement,  I  may 
mention  a  sermon  preached  some  three  or  four  years 
ago  in  a  Constantinople  mosque.  Sermon  is  not  quite 
the  word,  for  the  Moslem  hodja  squats  cross-legged  on 
a  slightly  raised  platform,  and  his  hearers  sit  before 
him  on  the  ground,  prepared  to  listen  to  him.  There 
is  nothing  formal  about  the  function.  The  hearers 
constantly  interpose  remarks.  Neither  the  hodja  nor 
his  hearers  object  to  a  joke,  and  very  often  the  address 
is  studded  with  observations,  amusing  remarks,  objec- 
tions, and  questions  from  his  audience.  The  hodja 
in  question  announced  that  he  was  about  to  speak  on 
a  special  form  of  defilement.  He  told  them  that  they 
all  knew  that  in  every  bakal  or  huxter's  shop  there  was 
Siberian  butter  for  sale,  which  was  contained  in  skins, 
just  as  it  was  imported  from  Russia.  Now  if  they  ate 
butter  so  packed  they  were  defiled.  "  Then,"  called 
out  one  of  the  audience,  "  we  are  all  defiled,  because  we 
all  eat  it/'  The  interruption  was  supported  by  many 
voices,  and  the  question  was  argued  with  the  hodja, 
until  he  had  to  whittle  away  his  declaration  by  telling 
them  that  they  should  only  eat  the  butter  in  the  middle 
which  had  not  touched  the  skin. 

Visitors  from  Europe  are  surprised  to  see  the  disorderly 




condition  of  the  Turkish  cemeteries.  Owing  to  the 
practice  of  only  burying  one  body  in  a  grave  the 
cemeteries  cover  enormous  spaces  all  over  the  country. 
But  they  are  rarely  fenced,  and  no  care  whatever  is 
bestowed  on  them.  The  Christian  cemeteries,  on  the 
other  hand,  are  on  the  whole  well  kept. 

It  is  remarkable  that  a  people  whose  houses  are  clean 
and  who  are  clean  in  their  personal  habits  should  be 
absolutely  careless  of  tidiness  and  cleanliness  outside 
their  houses.  The  Turk  has  a  happy-go-lucky  way  with 
him  which  leads  to  curious  results.  He  is  fond  of 
flowers,  admires  fine  prospects,  delights  in  sitting  under 
trees  where  he  can  take  his  kef  amid  his  friends,  but  he 
is  indifferent  to  the  accumulations  of  filth  in  his  streets 
and  to  bad  smells  which  would  be  avoided  by  the 
lowest  class  of  our  population.  Even  in  the  capital 
itself  there  are  no  drains  which  are  satisfactorily  made. 
Such  as  exist  consist  of  unhewn  stones  forming  the 
sides,  with  others  laid  across.  The  ground  forms  the 
bottom.  They  leak,  the  stones  fall  in,  and  the  so-called 
drain  becomes  a  series  of  leaking  cesspools.  In  the 
villages  the  traveller  has  to  be  careful  in  picking  his 
path.  As  may  be  expected,  the  towns  differ  a  good 
deal  among  themselves  as  to  sanitary  arrangements. 
Until  ten  years  ago  I  should  have  said  that  Jerusalem 
was  the  worst  I  had  seen  for  filthiness,  though 
I  am  informed  that  under  recent  governors  considerable 
improvement  has  been  made. 

The  Englishman  on  first  going  through  the  streets  of 
Constantinople  will  see  many  signs  of  the  slight  value  of 
human  labour.  Bootblacks  are  in  every  street.  The 
hamals  or  messengers  and  porters  are  everywhere. 
Hawkers  whose  stock-in-trade  cannot  be  worth  half  a 
crown,  sellers  of  sweets  or  ices,  called  dondermajis,  will 
travel  a  mile  on  the  chance  of  selling  a  piastre's  worth 


of  stuff.  All  bear  witness  not  only  to  the  want  of 
employment  but  to  the  small  amount  on  which  a  man 
can  live.  They  suggest  poverty  largely  due  to  ignorance 
of  any  kind  of  skilled  labour.  Two  men  do  the  work  of 
one.  A  hurdy-gurdy  is  carried  by  one  man  while 
another  does  the  grinding.  The  very  beggars  often 
go  in  couples.  If  a  man  has  a  withered  arm,  or  a 
specially  ugly  sore,  another  will  go  with  him  to  attract 
the  attention  of  passers-by.  The  beggars  are  of  all 
races,  and,  as  the  Greek  phrase  runs,  each  one  is  more 
disgusting  than  the  other.  Their  sores  and  deformities 
are  their  capital.  A  man  will  push  his  naked  withered 
arm  close  to  a  lady's  face  or  show  his  hands  with  double 
thumbs  ;  or  some  wretch  will  crawl  half-naked  on  the 
side-path  so  that  the  traveller  has  to  get  out  of  his  way. 
It  is  generally  believed  that  many  of  the  sores  and 
wounds  are  self-inflicted.  The  Turkish  beggar  will 
shout  out  Allah  as  you  pass  and  demand  bakshish  as 
of  right.  The  Greek  will  whine  out  his  troubles,  and 
especially  if  it  is  Saturday,  for  that  day  is  the  beggars' 
day ;  will  tell  you  what  the  day  is,  implore  you  "  to 
make  your  soul,"  and  call  down  the  blessing  of  the  Virgin 
and  saints  if  you  give  him  ten  paras,  value  a  halfpenny. 
Most  of  the  beggars  leave  the  impression  that  they 
have  adopted  begging  as  a  profession  and  are  unworthy 
of  sympathy. 

When  the  municipality  sends  a  man  to  mend  the 
street  there  is  invariably  another  sent  to  look  after 
him.  In  old-fashioned  Turkish  houses  every  stranger  is 
astonished  at  the  number  of  servants  and  hangers-on. 
Many  of  them  receive  no  wages,  but  get  food,  lodging, 
and  cast-off  clothes.  The  rag,  tag  and  bobtail  of  a 
wealthy  Turk  must  be  a  fruitful  source  of  expense. 
The  hamals  or  porters  form  a  corporation  or  esnaf,  and 
as  such  are  a  hindrance  to  business.  Until  recently 


they  would  not  allow  tradesmen  to  employ  carts  for 
delivery.  Everything  must  be  carried  by  hand.  The 
esnaf  divides  the  city  into  districts,  and  if  a  man  is  hired 
to  take  furniture  who  does  not  belong  to  the  quarter 
where  it  is  to  be  taken  from  there  is  pretty  certain  to 
be  a  quarrel.  The  donkeymen  and  owners  of  horses 
for  transport  form  another  esnaf,  and  every  day  the 
passenger  sees  their  animals  laden  with  bricks  or 
dragging  planks  trailing  on  the  ground  which  might 
be  conveyed  more  cheaply  and  conveniently  in  carts. 
Everything  bears  witness  to  backwardness  in  civilization 
and  to  the  absence  of  skilled  labour. 

Turks  who  are  not  agriculturalists  or  officials 
usually  become  hamals  or  porters.  Until  the  Armenian 
massacres  of  1895-8  many  of  the  hamals  in  Constanti- 
nople were  Armenians.  Many  hundreds  of  them  were 
then  killed.  The  remainder  were  sent  to  their  country, 
and  Turks  and  Kurds  replaced  them.  In  some  places 
there  are  a  few  Greek  hamals.  It  is,  of  course,  an 
occupation  which  requires  little  intelligence  but  much 
strength.  It  is  one  which  can  hardly  be  said  to  exist 
in  the  West  or  wherever  good  roads  allow  wheel  trans- 
port ;  though  the  porters  of  London,  as  described  by 
Defoe  and  other  writers  of  that  period,  seem  to  have 
resembled  our  hamals.  The  weights  which  a  hamal  will 
carry  are  astounding.  I  had  a  piano  which  was  marked 
"  specially  manufactured  for  hot  climates,"  the  only 
speciality  about  it  that  I  could  recognize  being  that 
it  was  unusually  heavy.  Four  men  lifted  it  on  the  back 
of  a  hamal,  who  carried  it  upwards  of  half  a  mile  and 
to  a  height  of  at  least  two  hundred  feet.  Any  day  in 
Constantinople  a  man  may  be  seen  carrying  ninety 
petroleum  tins  (empty,  of  course)  of  the  usual  size,  the 
whole  making  a  large  and  unwieldy  package,  some  nine 
feet  by  three  and  two  feet  deep. 


A  few  years  back  most  of  the  streets  of  Constantinople, 
even  in  the  best  quarters,  were  so  steep  and  narrow  that 
no  carriage  could  ascend  or  descend.  Visitors  had  to 
ride  in  ;edan  chairs.  Hobart  Pasha  for  a  while  lived  in 
such  a  street,  and  I  have  seen  at  an  evening's  reception 
as  many  as  fifty  such  chairs  waiting  outside  his  door. 
They  were  not  uncomfortable.  The  hamals  who  carried 
them  kept  step  together,  and  usually  all  went  well. 
The  person  using  them  had  the  chairs  brought  inside 
his  house  and  taken  into  the  house  where  he  was  going. 
I  remember,  however,  an  awkward  incident  that 
occurred.  Snow  had  fallen  to  the  depth  of  nearly  a 
foot,  and  in  the  course  of  the  journey  the  bottom  of  the 
chair  fell  out.  The  occupant,  who  was  a  stout  lady, 
with  short  legs,  had  to  run  along  through  the  snow, 
and  unfortunately  she  could  not  make  her  cries  heard 
until  near  the  journey's  end.  Happily  no  ill  results 

The  hamals  have,  like  the  dogs  had  till  1910,  their 
own  quarter.  As  they  form  a  guild  or  esnaf,  the  Govern- 
ment, by  being  able  to  get  into  communication  with  the 
head  of  the  esnaf,  is  able  to  exercise  a  certain  control 
over  them.  They  are  fairly  orderly  and  good-natured, 
and  though  destitute  of  education  and  intelligence,  or 
they  would  not  be  content  to  be  hamals,  are  necessary 
in  a  country  where  carts  and  carriages  cannot  get  along 
in  the  principal  streets. 

While  everything  bears  witness  to  the  absence  of 
skilled  labour,  it  is  true  nevertheless  that  even  in  the 
capital  there  is  a  large  amount  of  honest  workmanship. 
It  is  mostly,  though  not  exclusively,  in  the  hands  of 
the  Christians.  There  are  Turkish  saddlers  and  shoe 
and  slipper  makers,  makers  of  pipe-bowls  in  red  clay, 
of  cigarette  holders,  and  of  simple  articles  in  brass-work. 
There  are  Turkish  white- washers,  makers  of  yorghans, 


the  simple  duvet  which  is  found  in  every  house,  and 
already  mentioned.  In  simple  matters  of  this  kind  the 
Turk  manages  very  well.  He  is  by  no  means  so  skilled 
as  the  Christian,  but  he  does  honest  work.  But  the 
great  mass  of  the  work  done  in  the  country  is  very 
primitive.  A  native  window  or  door  rarely  fits  properly. 
The  flooring  of  a  native  house  will  show  planks  that 
have  warped,  joints  that  are  ill-made,  and  a  general 
want  of  skilled  workmanship. 

Naturally  and  inevitably  there  is  a  large  importation 
of  foreign  goods.  Such  native  cloth  as  is  made  is  coarse, 
unequal  in  quality,  and  even  when  made  of  selected  wool 
is  not  to  be  compared  with  that  which  comes  from 
England.  In  Bulgaria  the  native  cloth,  or  as  it  is  called 
shtak,  is  much  superior.  Cotton  goods  from  Lancashire 
have  almost  everywhere  taken  the  place  of  the  native 
articles.  Peasant  industry  in  making  cotton  cloth  still 
continues  all  through  the  empire.  The  peasant  women, 
Christian  and  Turk  alike,  use  for  this  purpose  cotton  yarn. 
Some  of  this  comes  from  Italy.  But  two  factories  for 
preparing  the  yarn  exist  in  Turkey,  the  most  important 
being  in  Constantinople.  It  was  established  with 
British  capital  some  twenty  years  ago,  finds  employ- 
ment for  about  two  hundred  women  and  girls,  and  is 
fairly  successful. 

A  century  ago  very  respectable  pottery  was  made  in 
Turkey,  but  though  at  Eyoub  on  the  Golden  Horn  the 
revival  of  the  industry  was  attempted,  the  experiment 
was  not  a  success.  Germany  now  supplies  the  largest 
amount  of  ceramic  ware. 

One  general  remark  may  be  made  regarding  all  the 
native  industries  of  the  country.  It  is  easy  to  say  that 
they  have  been  killed  by  foreign  competition,  but  that 
is  only  half  the  truth.  Turkey  now  levies  eleven  per 
cent,  on  all  foreign  goods  and  wishes  to  levy  fifteen. 


Until  1907  she  had  never  levied  less  than  eight.  This 
margin  of  profit,  plus  the  cost  of  carriage  into  the  country, 
ought  to  have  been  protection  enough  to  allow  the  de- 
velopment of  native  industries.  But  they  were  killed 
by  the  ignorance  and  stupidity  of  the  Turkish  Govern- 
ment. Obstacles  were  always  placed  in  the  way  of 
natives  or  foreigners  who  attempted  to  establish  them. 
They  had  to  bribe  to  obtain  permission  to  establish  a 
factory  of  any  kind  and  to  keep  it  going.  The  fact  that 
a  native  had  sufficient  money  to  embark  on  an  industrial 
undertaking  indicated  him  as  a  man  to  be  squeezed. 
Imposts  of  a  ridiculous  character  were  levied.  Let  me 
give  a  case  from  my  own  experience.  I  went,  probably 
in  the  year  1879,  to  see  Sir  Henry  Layard,  who  was  still 
in  high  favour  both  at  the  palace  and  the  Porte,  on 
behalf  of  a  British  firm  which  had  a  flour  mill  on  the 
Golden  Horn.  I  pointed  out  to  him  that  while  Russian 
flour  was  imported  into  the  country  on  payment  of 
eight  per  cent.,  Turkish  flour,  before  it  could  be  brought 
from  another  part  of  the  empire  and  be  sent  back,  had 
to  pay  sixteen  per  cent.  Sir  Henry  was  naturally 
incredulous.  But  after  examination  had  shown  the 
statement  to  be  correct,  he  burst  out  with  a  strong 
exclamation  on  the  incorrigible  folly  of  the  Government. 
"  I  can  understand/'  said  he,  "  the  theory  of  protecting 
your  own  industry  against  that  of  foreign  countries,  but 
to  reverse  the  process  is  more  than  I  thought  any  race 
was  capable  of."  He  took  the  matter  up  with  great 
vigour  and  managed  to  reduce  the  amount  to  be  paid 
to  eight  per  cent.  During  the  conversation  he  spoke  of 
the  Turks  as  like  children  in  all  matters  relating  to 
political  economy,  and  told  me  of  another  matter  he  was 
then  treating  with  the  Porte.  There  had  grown  up  in 
England  a  considerable  demand,  especially,  said  he,  in 
the  mining  districts,  for  crushed  dates.  The  result  had 


been  that  thousands  of  acres  in  Arabia  which  had  been 
desert  for  centuries  had  been  planted  with  the  date-palm, 
and  the  Arabs  of  the  neighbourhood  were  settling  down 
to  cultivate  the  country.  "  A  fool  of  a  Vali  had  had 
the  trees  cut  down,  alleging  that  the  Arabs  would  become 
too  numerous  and  wealthy/'  He  had  been  at  the  Porte 
and  had  done  what  he  could. 

The  industry  in  Turkey  which  is  in  the  most  flourishing 
condition  is  that  of  carpet-making,  which,  however,  is 
under  the  direction  of  Europeans.  Turkey  carpets  have 
long  been  famed  for  their  beauty  of  design,  of  colouring, 
and  durability.  The  demand  for  them  in  Western 
Europe  and  in  America  has  greatly  increased  during 
the  last  twenty  years.  They  are  made  in  the  west  of 
Asia  Minor,  Smyrna  being  the  place  from  which  the 
manufacture  is  directed.  The  industry  is  largely  a 
village  one,  and  Turkish  men,  women  and  children,  as 
well  as  Christian  families,  engage  in  it  at  their  own 
houses.  Within  the  last  six  or  seven  years  the  industry 
has  been  so  well  organized  that  nearly  everything 
necessary  for  the  finished  product  is  produced  in  the 
country.  It  is  said  to  give  employment  to  forty 
thousand  persons. 



Absence  of  family  life  in  European  sense — Turkish  marriages,  how 
arranged — Celebration — Seclusion  fatal  to  family  life — Various  aspira- 
tions— Best  Turkish  women — Polygamy — Uncertain  position  before 
law — Repudiation  instead  of  divorce — Wife's  rights  over  property — 
Turks'  kindness  to  children — Hopeful  movement  among  Turkish 

THE  absence  of  family  life  among  the  Turks  is  the 
most  serious  hindrance  to  their  advancement  in 
civilization.  Riding  over  the  Bithynian  hills  some  years 
ago  with  an  educated  Turk,  who  had  lived  some  years 
in  Western  Europe,  we  discussed  the  eternal  question  of 
the  reforms  necessary  to  bring  the  country  to  the  level 
of  Western  civilization.  After  an  hour's  conversation, 
my  companion  turned  to  me  with  an  impatient  remark  : 
"  What  are  we  talking  about  ?  no  reform  whatever  is 
possible."  "  Why  ?  "  I  asked.  "  Because  we  can  have  no 
family  life.  I  have  seen  how  man  and  wife  live  together 
with  you,  how  the  children  are  the  companions  of  both 
parents,  the  woman  the  companion  and  friend  of  her 
husband.  'You  may  believe  in  the  possibility  of  Turkish 
reforms  when  you  see  Turkish  husbands  and  wives  arm- 
in-arm  on  Galata  Bridge,  when  we  Turks  respect  and 
trust  our  women  sufficiently  to  allow  them  to  hear  men 
discuss  all  questions  together  as  freely  as  women  do  in 
Paris  or  London." 

Turks  are  at  a  disadvantage  in  not  having  a  family 
name.  Hassan  Effendi  may  have  a  son  named  Nedjib, 



but  the  son  has  no  surname  to  distinguish  him  from 
dozens  of  other  Nedjibs.  You  hear  a  man  named,  say 
Midhat,  but  the  name  gives  no  information  of  the  family 
to  which  he  belongs.  I  am  aware  that  the  general  use 
of  a  family  name  even  in  Western  countries  is  com- 
paratively recent,  but  such  use  helped  to  strengthen 
family  ties,  and  was  thus  a  step  forward.  That  the  want 
of  it  constitutes  a  difficulty  to  strangers  of  all  kinds  is  a 
secondary  matter. 

The  foundation  of  family  life  is  marriage.  A  Turkish 
marriage  is  arranged,  and  is  usually  the  result  of  negotia- 
tions between  the  relations  or  representatives  of  the  bride 
and  bridegroom.  It  is  supposed  to  be  among  the  demo- 
cratic privileges  possessed  by  Turks  that  any  mother 
with  a  son  whom  she  wishes  to  see  married  has  a  right 
to  enter  into  negotiations  with  the  family  of  the  girl 
whom  she  wishes  him  to  marry  and  to  interview  the  girl 
herself.  Even  if  she  is  unknown  and  poor,  she  may 
present  herself  at  the  house  of  the  girl  and  claim  the  right 
to  see  her.  It  is  in  this  way  that  negotiations  for 
marriage  often  begin.  .  The  mistress  or  hanum  of  the 
house  notifies  the  girl,  who  then  comes  into  the  room 
where  the  mother  or  other  female  representative  of  the 
young  man  is  present.  The  mistress  retires  and  the  girl 
then  offers  coffee  and  other  civilities.  After  what  may 
be  called  an  interview  of  inspection,  the  representative 
retires  to  report  the  impression  the  girl  has  made.  If  the 
overtures  are  looked  on  with  favour,  a  photograph  of 
the  girl  may  be  carried  away.  Then  negotiations  begin 
between  the  two  families.  Etiquette  and  Turkish  pro- 
prieties require  that  these  negotiations  should  not  be 
mentioned  in  presence  of  the  girl,  but  should  be  left  to  her 
relations.  Very  often  the  intermediary  between  the  two 
sets  of  relations  is  an  old  slave  woman,  or  perhaps  two 
such  women,  one  for  each  side.  When  they  are  agreed, 


a  civil  ceremony  of  engagement  takes  place  before  the 
Kadi  and  witnesses,  the  most  important  part  of  which 
consists  in  asking  outside  the  closed  door  of  the  girl's 
room  whether  she  will  marry  Hamid  or  whatever  the 
intended  bridegroom's  name  is.  A  like  question  has 
already  been  asked  of  the  intending  husband.  If  all 
goes  right,  the  marriage  takes  place  when  the  trousseau 
and  house  are  ready.  The  ceremony  begins  by  conduct- 
ing the  bride  with  considerable  pomp  to  the  house  of  the 

As  men  are  not  permitted  to  be  present,  I  have  re- 
quested a  lady  who  has  not  only  lived  long  in  Turkey, 
speaking  Turkish  well,  but  has  an  intimate  knowledge 
of  Turkish  manners  and  customs,  to  take  up  my  narrative 
and  tell  the  story  of  an  ordinary  Turkish  marriage  among 
well-to-do  Turks. 

A  Turkish  wedding  is  celebrated  in  two  places — the 
bridegroom  entertains  his  friends  in  his  own  house.  The 
bride's  celebration  is  much  more  elaborate,  and  lasts  for 
three  days.  During  one  portion  of  the  ceremony  the 
groom  appears  for  a  few  moments.  One  of  the  most 
typical  Turkish  weddings  I  ever  attended  was  in  the 
house  of  an  old-fashioned  Pasha,  whose  daughter  was  the 
bride,  and  whose  acquaintance  with  all  the  old  Turkish 
families  of  the  neighbourhood  made  the  circle  of  guests 
a  very  large  one.  When  we  arrived  at  the  house  we 
were  shown  through  the  great  paved  court  and  up  the 
wide  uncarpeted  stairs,  through  bare  unpainted  halls 
with  many  windows,  into  the  specially  furnished  rooms 
of  the  harem.  The  furniture,  as  usual  in  a  large  Turkish 
house,  was  principally  divans,  chairs  and  chandeliers. 
The  divans  and  chairs  were  nearly  rilled  with  ladies, 
listening  to  the  weird  monotonous  strains  of  Turkish 
music.  The  musicians,  with  their  bagpipes  and  lutes, 


were  concealed  by  a  curtain — as  they  were  mere  men. 
Graceful  salaams  were  exchanged  as  each  new  guest 
came  in.  Occasionally  groups  of  two  or  three  ladies 
made  a  tour  of  the  rooms,  stopping  a  little  to  say  a  word 
to  and  gaze  at  the  bride  as  she  sat  in  the  end  of  one  long 
room  in  solemn  state.  She  was  dressed  in  white  satin, 
with  showers  of  tinsel  all  entwined  in  her  long  black 
hair,  and  falling  over  her  dress,  and  wore  quantities  of 
diamonds  and  jewellery  of  all  kinds.  These  jewels  are 
often  borrowed  for  the  occasion,  as  it  is  considered  very 
necessary  to  have  a  great  display  at  the  wedding.  The 
bride  must  sit  still  all  day  at  the  real  old-fashioned 
wedding,  rarely  speaks,  and  does  not  come  to  the  dinner. 
Something  is  given  her  to  eat,  probably. 

At  some  hour  during  this  first  day  of  the  festivities, 
usually  about  noon,  comes  a  short  ceremony.  The  guests 
veil  their  faces  but  crowd  around  to  see,  as  the  bride- 
groom comes  into  the  house  and  is  led  up  to  meet  his 
bride,  whom  he  is  supposed  not  to  have  seen  before.  He 
goes  into  a  room  with  her  alone  for  a  few  minutes,  then 
comes  out  and  scatters  pieces  of  money — small  silver 
coins — among  the  guests,  who  scramble  eagerly  for  them, 
as  they  are  regarded  as  lucky  coins.  At  the  wedding 
of  which  I  am  speaking,  the  father  of  the  bride  also  threw 
handfuls  of  money  down  into  the  court,  and  the  servants 
and  town  hangers-on  rushed  about  gathering  up  the 
shining  pieces. 

Then  we  were  invited  to  dinner.  Tables  had  been 
arranged  in  one  large  room,  which  would  accommodate 
about  forty-five  ladies,  and  we  all  gathered  and  sat  down, 
as  we  came  in  no  special  order.  The  costumes,  as  is 
always  true  of  a  Turkish  gathering,  were  various  and 
incongruous.  Directly  opposite  me  at  the  table  sat  a 
royal  beauty,  the  daughter  of  a  pasha  in  Stamboul.  On 
her  golden  hair  was  a  diamond  coronet ;  her  white  satin 


gown  was  beautifully  made,  and  cut  very  low,  showing 
the  most  dazzling  white  neck  and  arms.  Her  looks  and 
her  manners  would  have  graced  any  court  in  Europe. 
Next  her  sat  a  veritable  old  hag,  dressed  in  a  cotton- 
wadded  jacket  and  skirt,  shapeless  and  not  even  very 
clean,  with  no  pretence  of  a  collar.  The  old  lady  speared 
pieces  of  bread  and  fruit  with  her  fork  and  drew  them 
toward  herself,  or  handed  them  to  the  haughty  beauty 
next  to  her,  and  chattered  volubly  about  the  food  and  the 
other  guests.  I  saw  many  others  in  the  same  sort  of  easy 
negligee-cotton  gowns — while  scattered  among  them 
were  dresses  that  might  have  been  Worth  creations  from 
Paris,  and  jewels  worth  a  king's  ransom.  My  companion 
and  I  were  the  only  persons  present  who  were  not  Turkish. 
The  waitresses  were  as  casual  as  the  guests  in  their 
costumes.  Some  of  them  were  dressed  in  blue  satin 
gowns  and  coquettish  blue  satin  caps  on  the  sides  of 
their  heads,  with  elaborate  coiffures.  Others  had  trailing 
cotton  wrappers,  and  unkempt  hair,  and  heel-less  shoes 
that  flapped  and  flopped  on  the  bare  floor  as  they  walked 
about.  The  courses  of  food  were  many  and  most 
delicious,  Turkish  cooking  being  especially  excellent 
and  savoury.  Sweets  and  meat  courses  came  in  a  hap- 
hazard sequence.  But  as  always  at  a  Turkish  wedding, 
the  last  dish  was  rice,  covered  with  a  thick  saffron  sauce. 
After  that  the  people  left  the  tables  and  walked  through 
the  rooms  again,  listened  to  more  weird  minor  music, 
talked  or  sat  still,  and  then  were  free  to  go  home.  But 
the  bride  must  still  sit  in  solemn  state  for  hours,  for 
people  came  and  went  all  the  afternoon.  Anyone, 
whether  invited  or  not,  can  go  to  a  Turkish  wedding  after 
the  dinner  is  over — any  complete  stranger  or  passer-by — 
and  so,  curious  crowds  come  in,  and  stare,  and  sit)  and 
drink  coffee,  and  go  out,  while  the  weary  bride  sits  still 
on  her  throne  to  be  looked  at  and  talked  about  for  the 


whole  of  the  three  days,  if  the  old  custom  is  followed. 
It  is  now,  however,  becoming  more  usual  to  have  only 
one  day  of  this  open  hospitality,  and  after  this  the  bride 
either  goes  to  her  husband's  house  or  the  newly-married 
couple  settle  down  in  the  bride's  home. 

The  Turkish  wife  resides  in  a  separate  part  of  her 
husband's  house  specially  set  aside  for  women  and  called 
the  haremlik.  The  other  part  for  the  men  is  the  salemlik. 
The  haremlik  intended  for  the  seclusion  of  women  is 
religiously  reserved  for  their  use.  As  a  rule  no  male 
visitors  are  admitted.  The  practice  varies  to  some 
extent.  An  old  doctor  of  medicine  tells  me  that  in  his 
younger  days  when  called  in  to  attend  a  woman  patient 
he  was  never  allowed  to  see  her.  A  hand  would  be 
pushed  between  the  curtains  and  he  could  feel  the  pulse, 
but  this  was  the  extent  of  his  diagnosis.  It  is,  however, 
now  becoming  recognized  that  the  doctor  may  be 
admitted  into  the  harem. 

The  seclusion  of  women  is  fatal  to  family  life.  A 
woman  must  not  unveil  except  before  her  husband,  her 
father,  or  her  brothers.  The  education  which  comes  to 
European  women  from  being  present  in  the  company  of 
her  husband  and  his  friends,  from  mixing  in  society, 
attendance  at  receptions,  lectures,  and  church  services 
is  all  denied  to  Turkish  women.  The  typical  large 
Turkish  harem  is  one  where  a  number  of  usually  good- 
looking  women  live  together  without  any  intellectual 
pleasure  or  pursuits  whatever.  European  ladies  who 
have  lived  in  such  harems  even  among  those  belonging 
to  the  great  favourites  of  the  Sultan  are  impressed  with 
the  inanity,  the  full-grown  childishness,  and  most  of  all 
with  the  disorder,  which  exists.  The  rooms  may  be 
furnished  with  the  latest  fashions  of  Paris  furniture  ; 
•everything  may  be  costly,  rich  and  gorgeous  ;  the  taste 


usually  much  too  loud  for  Englishmen  or  Frenchmen. 
Gilding,  white  marble,  rich  velvets,  tapestry,  abundance 
of  mirrors,  all  proclaim  wealth  and  an  exuberance  of 
display.  But  amid  it  all  are  specimens  of  barbaric 
taste  and  a  survival  of  Circassian  and  other  Asiatic 
instincts.  Those  who  have  lived  in  such  houses  speak 
of  dinners  served  to  various  ladies  separately,  and  at 
any  time  between  five  o'clock  and  midnight,  of  the 
dinner  things  left  in  corners  of  the  beautiful  drawing- 
rooms  till  they  are  wanted  again  for  service,  of  the 
quarrelling  going  on  between  the  wives  and  among  the 
servants,  and  of  other  incidents  which  show  that  the 
women  of  these  large  harems  are  on  a  lower  level  of 
civilization  than  their  lord.  He  mixes  with  Europeans 
and  with  other  Turks  who  know  what  are  the  habits  of 
civilized  life.  His  wives  see  few  other  women,  and  unless 
they  are  able  to  read  French  or  English  novels,  or  happen 
to  know  foreign  ladies,  are  ignorant  of  European  manners. 

An  English  lady  of  title  who,  after  a  life  of  varied  and 
quite  unique  experience,  ended  as  the  wife  of  an  Arab 
sheik,  and  had  had  an  exceptional  experience  in  Turkish 
and  Arab  harems,  described  to  me  many  years  ago  harem 
women  in  general  as  children  with  the  vices  of  women. 
They  had  at  times,  said  she,  all  the  charm  of  children, 
were  gay  and  careless,  but  were  liable  to  lose  their 
tempers,  and  then  quarrelled  with  the  violence  of  children 
who  had  been  allowed  to  run  wild.  As  for  their  con- 
versation she  added,  "  the  less  I  tell  you  about  it  the 
better."  It  requires,  however,  little  knowledge  of 
Turkish  to  learn  from  the  expressions  of  vexation 
uttered  in  the  streets  even  by  well-dressed  Turkish 
women  that  there  is  amongst  many  of  them  an  absence 
of  refinement  and  delicacy  of  speech. 

It  will  be  readily  understood  that  while  I  speak 
generally  of  harems,  there  are  some  Turkish  women 


of  quite  another  character.  The  ladies  who  are  described 
by  Pierre  Loti  in  "  Les  Desenchantees "  represent 
a  very  different  class  :  a  type  which  exists,  it  is  true, 
but  of  whom  the  numbers  are  very  few.  There  are 
Turkish  women  belonging  to  the  wealthier  class  who  are 
readers  of  French  novels  of  the  most  romantic  kind,  and 
who  might  behave  as  Loti's  heroines  did.  It  is  an 
unhappy  type,  because  the  women  have  broken  away 
from  all  the  traditional  sentiment  and  restraint  of  their 
own  race  or  religion,  have  not  adopted  Christianity, 
and  have  not  come  under  the  influence  of  the  moral  rules 
which  govern  society  in  Western  Europe,  even  where  the 
ethical  teaching  of  Christianity  does  not  prevail.  A 
Turk  who  knew  Loti  well,  and  recognizes  the  women  who 
to  some  extent  served  as  his  models,  insists  very  strongly 
that  the  picture  of  even  the  limited  class  of  Turkish 
women  there  drawn  is  untrue,  and  my  own  experience 
would  certainly  lead  me  to  agree  with  him. 

But  there  is  another  type  of  women  which  it  is  much 
pleasanter  to  think  of.  There  are  Turkish  ladies  who 
have  been  educated  by  English,  French,  or  German 
governesses,  or,  better  still,  at  the  invaluable  American 
College  at  Scutari,  whose  manners  and  conduct  are 
irreproachable.  The  habit  of  seclusion  gives  them  a 
winning  modesty  of  manner  when  they  venture  into 
the  houses  of  European  ladies.  There  is  an  absence  of 
shyness  or  obtrusiveness.  Their  readiness  to  converse 
on  literature  or  other  subjects  which  they  have  studied, 
their  evident  desire  to  learn  whether  their  course  of 
reading  is  approved,  and  their  general  intelligence,  make 
them  pleasant  companions.  These  ladies  have  formed 
an  ideal  up  to  which  they  wish  to  live.  They  endeavour 
to  take  all  the  good  they  can  from  their  own  religion, 
and  are  trying  in  their  own  way  to  adopt  that  which  they 
find  good  in  Western  habits  and  thought.  Quietly  and 


unobtrusively  they  are  working  for  the  establishment  of 
family  life  on  the  best  European  lines.  They  are  entitled 
to  the  respect  of  all  who  know  them.  Two  of  such  women, 
the  daughters  of  a  Turkish  official,  ladylike,  carefully 
brought  up  by  an  English  governess,  of  perfect  manners, 
often  visited  my  wife  and  daughters  and  would  have  been 
an  ornament  to  any  drawing-room.  One  or  another 
of  them  would  take  part  in  a  duet  and  played  classical 
music  at  sight ;  or,  the  two  would  discuss  Tennyson  or 
Browning,  or  other  British  authors.  The  number  of 
ladies  of  the  latter  class  is  beyond  doubt  increasing. 

It  is  well  known  that  some  of  this  class  of  cultured 
women  contributed  to  the  success  of  the  revolution. 
Even  Abdul  Hamid's  spies  dared  not,  except  under  very 
exceptional  circumstances,  invade  the  privacy  of  the 
harem  or  search  Turkish  ladies.  Not  only  did  Turkish 
women  carry  messages  from  one  member  of  the  secret 
committee  to  another,  but  spoke  and  wrote  in  favour  of 
reforms,  and,  in  some  instances,  were  stronger  partisans 
of  the  revolutionary  party  than  their  husbands. 

The  explanation  of  the  influence  exerted  by  this  class 
of  Turkish  women  is  curious.  The  schools  established 
during  the  reign  of  absolutism  wrere  for  both  boys  and 
girls.  Abdul  Hamid  on  occasions  showed  his  anxiety 
that  not  too  much  should  be  taught.  But  what  was 
taught  to  the  girls  did  not  seem  to  trouble  him.  From 
all  I  can  learn  it  was  not  much,  but  they  learned  to 
read,  and  probably  the  ex-Sultan  now  recognizes  that  it 
was  reading  which  did  the  mischief.  A  large  number  of 
women  seem  to  have  read  with  avidity.  Harem  life 
at  least  gave  them  plenty  of  time.  When  they  heard 
the  stories  of  their  brothers  and  other  relations  being 
imprisoned,  or  exiled,  or  secretly  disappearing,  they 
became  partisans  of  the  revolutionary  movement. 

During  the  revolution  of  1908,  and  the  months  which 



followed  it,  some  Turkish  women  came  before  the  public 
in  a  very  favourable  light.  Their  aspirations  showed  an 
amount  of  culture  and  acquaintance  with  advanced  ideas 
which  were  remarkable.  They  knew  what  they  wanted, 
and  appeared  determined  to  have  it.  But  their  utter- 
ances were  generally  full  of  a  reasonableness  which 
appealed  to  fair-minded  men.  They  fully  recognized 
that  in  matters  such  as  walking  out  unveiled,  and  in 
the  changes  which  are  necessary  to  introduce  what  is 
best  in  European  family  life,  they  must  act  with  dis- 
cretion. The  advocacy  of  violent  changes  would  pro- 
duce reaction.  Turkish  women,  and  men  too,  must  be 
educated  by  discussion  in  the  newspapers,  by  general 
reading  and  otherwise,  in  order  that  they  might  welcome 
what  is  good  from  the  West  while  keeping  all  that  is 
valuable  in  Eastern  habits.  Their  moderation  and 
common-sense  were  as  well  marked  as  their  determina- 
tion. One  of  the  best  known  declared  that  woman's 
enfranchisement  must  be  worked  for  steadily  but 
quietly,  and  in  reply  to  some  of  her  sex  who  wished  to 
go  too  fast,  added  that  "  if  the  intelligence  was  en- 
lightened and  unveiled,  the  unveiling  of  the  face  would 
follow  of  itself."  She  claimed  that  nothing  should  be 
done  to  give  the  impression  that  the  emancipation  of 
women  was  likely  to  lead  to  unfeminine  conduct.  Since 
the  revolution,  the  class  of  women  in  question  have 
become  fervent  advocates  of  women's  education.  The 
visit  of  Miss  Isabel  Fry  in  December  1908  was  welcomed 
by  a  group  of  these  ladies,  and  has  already  resulted  in 
useful  developments. 

But  Turkish  ladies  have  many  difficulties  before 
them  in  their  efforts  to  assimilate  what  is  valuable  in 
Western  civilization.  Marriages,  as  I  have  already  said, 
are  largely  matters  of  arrangement.  The  notion  of  a 
Turkish  girl  having  a  word  in  the  selection  of  her  husband 


is  still  foreign  to  ordinary  Turkish  ideas.  Something  is 
to  be  said  in  favour  of  the  selection  of  wives  or  husbands 
as  managed  in  France.  It  has  been  asserted  that 
marriages  there  are  as  frequently  successful  in  after  life 
as  those  made  in  the  Anglo-Saxon  mode  by  a  different 
fashion  of  selection.  I  do  not  believe  it.  But  French 
marriages  are  arranged  with  a  care  greater  than  exists 
with  Turkish  marriages.  I  put  aside  the  marriages  of 
the  daughters  of  the  Sultan.  There,  the  recipient  who 
receives  what  is  practically  an  imperial  command  to 
marry  one  of  the  palace  ladies,  usually  feels  honoured 
by  the  command,  though  it  not  uncommonly  happens 
that  the  recipient  soon  wishes  that  it  were  an  honour 
to  which  he  had  not  been  born.  But  the  ordinary 
business  of  finding  a  husband  by  the  marriage  broker 
is  of  the  most  commonplace  and  sordid  character. 
There  is  neither  poetry  nor  love  nor  the  semblance  of 
affection  about  it.  The  hardship  of  such  an  enforced 
union  tells  most  upon  the  girl  who  has  been  carefully 
educated  and  who  is  ordered  to  take  an  uncultured 
brute  as  her  husband.  In  more  than  one  notable  case 
the  girl  has  upbraided  her  father  for  giving  her  a 
European  education  instead  of  leaving  her  in  the 
normal  ignorance,  where  women  are  content  to  take 
any  man. 

What  I  have  said  on  the  subject  of  marriage  and 
family  life  applies  especially  to  the  classes  who  are  better 
off  than  the  peasants.  The  latter  are  usually  too  poor 
to  keep  more  than  one  wife.  As  women  work  in  the 
fields,  fetch  water,  and  necessarily  mix  to  some  extent 
with  men,  their  simple  life  comes  nearer  to  that  of  a 
European  peasant  than  does  that  of  the  wealthier  Turk 
to  a  man  of  his  class  in  the  West.  Even  in  the  villages, 
however,  it  is  remarkable  how  little  intercourse  takes 
place  between  men  and  women.  But  in  Turkey  as  else- 


where  the  wealthier  class  gives  the  example  which  the 
majority  follow. 

Among  the  wealthy  Turks,  polygamy  still  prevails.  It 
is  lawful  to  all  Moslems,  and  it  is  occasionally  practized 
among  the  poor.  The  habit  of  having  more  wives  than 
one  is,  however,  decreasing.  The  influence  of  the  West 
has  had  its  effect.  I  do  not  mean  that  Turks  consider 
that  polygamy  is  wrong,  but  that  as  Western  men  of 
wealth  are  saved  the  expense  of  keeping  more  than  one 
wife,  wealthy  Turks  do  not  see  the  use  of  incurring  the 
cost  which  the  practice  of  polygamy  involves.  Perhaps 
the  greatest  drawback  to  a  plurality  of  wives  is  the 
increased  expenditure  occasioned  by  it.  But  other  dis- 
advantages result  from  the  practice.  As  each  wife 
knows  that  she  may  be  sent  away  at  any  time,  she  has 
little  interest  in  saving  her  husband's  property.  The 
jealousy  and  selfishness  which  is  developed  on  the 
introduction  of  a  second  or  third  wife  is  another.  The 
wife  or  wives  in  possession  resent  the  intrusion  of  another. 
The  ordinary  Christian  wife  considers  her  interest  bound 
up  with  her  husband's.  Where  there  are  more  wives 
than  one  no  such  sentiment  of  common  interest  exists. 
Each  one  is  trying  to  get  as  much  of  her  husband's 
property  for  herself  and  her  child,  if  she  have  one,  as 
possible.  What  she  gets  she  will  spend  on  jewels  or  on 
dresses  for  herself,  which  in  case  of  divorce  will  remain 
as  her  property  ;  for  the  property  of  married  women 
is  strictly  respected  by  Ottoman  law.  If  not  careful 
to  gain  as  much  for  herself  as  possible,  she  is  still  jealous 
of  what  is  given  to  her  rival. 


A  still  more  serious  inconvenience,  due  largely  to 
polygamy  and  attaching  to  Turkish  women,  arises  from 


her  uncertain  position  before  Turkish  law.  The  wife 
knows  that  at  her  husband's  fancy  he  may  bring  home 
another  woman,  and  that  at  his  whim  she  may  at  any 
moment  cease  to  be  his  wife.  Her  position  thus  deals 
a  fatal  blow  to  the  conception  of  family  life.  Law 
gives  her  no  redress.  Educated  Turks  would  generally 
admit  that  polygamy  is  not  a  satisfactory  institution. 
The  argument  sometimes  adduced  in  its  favour,  that  it 
prevents  prostitution,  is  not  borne  out  by  experience, 
and  there  are  worse  evils  even  than  prostitution. 

Under  a  system  of  law  which  recognizes  polygamy 
and  the  practice  of  making  marriages  without  consulting 
both  parties,  easy  divorce  was  a  necessity.  Accordingly 
Mahomet  provided  a  regular  and  systematic  legal 
manner  of  obtaining  it.  But  in  Mahometan  countries 
generally,  and  certainly  in  Turkey,  this  method  was 
found  much  too  slow,  and  in  its  place  "  repudiation  " 
has  been  substituted.  The  husband  pronounces  three 
times  a  simple  formula  by  which  he  puts  his  wife  away, 
and  then,  without  the  intervention  of  any  kind  of  law 
court,  the  woman  ceases  to  be  his  wife.  Eminent 
Moslem  legal  authorities,  both  of  Turkey  and  India, 
recognize  that  the  practice  of  repudiation  is  an  abuse, 
but  it  exists  ;  it  is  adet  (custom)  and  has  the  force  of 
law.  I  believe  that  in  Turkey  there  are  no  cases  of 
divorce,  at  least  I  never  heard  of  one.  The  wife  is 
simply  put  away.  Cases  have  occurred  not  infrequently 
where  a  man  has  married,  has  tired  of  his  wife  after  a 
few  months,  has  repudiated  her,  and  has  repeated  the 
process  in  heartless  fashion  several  times. 

The  abuse  in  past  years  became  so  great  that  the 
lawyers,  who  have  generally  been  the  defenders  of 
women's  rights,  came  to  their  aid  and  invented  a  method 
which  to  some  extent  prevents  the  abuse  of  repudiation. 
When  a  Turk  of  any  position  marries,  he  now  usually 


gives  a  bond  to  the  wife  or  her  father  to  the  effect  that 
if  he  repudiates  her  he  shall  forthwith  pay  a  fixed  sum 
as  liquidated  damages.  In  addition  to  such  sum,  the 
fact  that  the  wife's  property  is  safe  from  her  husband's 
grasp  makes  a  husband  hesitate  before  he  repudiates 
his  wife. 

Speaking  generally,  a  Turkish  woman  has  rights  over 
her  own  property  which  are  exceptionally  large  and  are 
safeguarded  by  law.  Though  she  owns  property  she  is 
not  compelled  to  contribute  to  household  expenses. 
Does  she  inherit  ?  all  the  inheritance  goes  to  her  for 
her  own  use  absolutely.  In  these  respects  indeed  the 
wife's  position  in  Turkey  is  better  than  it  was  in  England 
before  the  passing  of  the  Married  Women's  Property 
Acts.  English  lawyers  used  to  say  that  the  effect  of 
marriage  was  to  make  two  persons  one,  and  that  that 
one  was  the  husband.  But  Moslems  took  much  of  their 
law  from  that  of  New  Rome,1  which  was  more  favourable 
to  women  than  that  of  medieval  Europe.  Probably 
also  the  system  of  polygamy  rendered  it  necessary  to 
strengthen  the  wife's  hold  over  her  property.  Thus  it 
comes  about  that  upon  repudiation  the  husband,  with 
the  aid  of  the  lawyers,  is  compelled  to  give  up  all  the 
property  which  his  wife  may  have  voluntarily  brought 
into  the  common  stock,  and  to  pay  the  amount  of  the 
bond  which  he  has  signed.  Where  she  brings  none,  her 
position  is  beyond  remedy. 

When  repudiation  takes  place,  the  wife  has  the  right 
to  keep  the  girls  born  of  the  marriage,  and  the  boys  till 
they  are  seven  years  old,  when  the  father  can  claim  the 

1  It  seems  not  to  be  generally  known  that  when  Roman  law  is 
spoken  of,  that  of  Constantinople  or  New  Rome  is  intended.  For 
practical  purposes — and  Roman  law  still  holds  its  own  in  various 
European  States — the  Instituties,  Pandects,  and  Codes  of  Justinian 
are  what  is  intended  by  the  term.  The  Roman  law  of  the  Elder  Rome 
is  only  of  historical  value. 


boys.  Repudiation  and  polygamy  do  much  to  account 
for  the  unimportance  attached  to  the  weaker  sex.  The 
birth  of  a  boy  is  a  subject  for  congratulation  ;  of  a  girl, 
for  openly  expressed  condolence. 

The  seclusion  of  women  produces  no  advantages  and 
many  disadvantages.  It  dwarfs  the  intelligence  of 
women.  It  therefore  makes  them  much  less  fit  to  bring 
up  their  children  than  they  would  otherwise  be.  When 
one  recalls  how  much  of  early  education  and  of  impres- 
sions which  last  for  life  are  due  to  the  influence  of  the 
mother,  the  absence  of  intelligence  in  her  will  be 
recognized  as  deadly.  I  was  impressed  with  the  remark 
of  an  educated  Turk  who  struck  the  weak  spot  in  the 
education  of  young  children  in  Turkish  houses.  Said  he, 
"  I  do  not  believe  in  your  religion  nor  do  I  think  much 
of  mine,  but  your  religion  allows  your  girls  and  women 
to  be  trained  in  family  life.  They  become  intelligent, 
and  their  influence  on  the  children  is  good.  Ours  are 
left  to  run  about  the  harem,  to  hear  all  the  base  talk  of 
women  and  servants,  and  to  have  purely  animal  notions 
put  into  their  heads  almost  before  they  can  talk."  The 
seclusion  of  women,  by  dwarfing  their  intelligence,  lessens 
that  of  their  sons,  and  has  largely  to  answer  for  the  non- 
progressiveness  of  the  Moslem  as  compared  with  the 
Christian  populations. 

Though  family  life,  in  the  European  sense  of  the  word, 
does  not  exist  among  the  Turks,  it  must  not  be  supposed 
that  Turkish  children  have  not  a  good  time,  and  still  less 
that  Turks  are  unkind  to  their  children.  The  youngsters 
are  for  the  most  part  allowed  to  run  wild.  When  a  boy 
first  goes  to  school,  a  pretty  ceremony  is  often  observed. 
He  is  placed  on  a  gaily  caparisoned  horse  in  the  centre 
of  a  procession  of  his  school-fellows,  and  with  the  hodjas 
or  schoolmasters  among  their  pupils,  while  all  join  in 


chanting  the  praise  of  learning  and  wishing  success  to  the 
new  scholar. 

The  Turks  are  indeed  singularly  kind  to  children. 
It  is  rare  to  hear  a  child  of  any  race  in  Turkey  cry,  unless 
actually  from  pain ;  but  the  Turks  allow  their  children 
liberties  which  no  Western  people  would  tolerate.  It 
is  a  common  and  a  very  pretty  sight  to  see  little  boys 
running  about  and  playing  in  the  mosques  while  a 
considerable  number  of  persons  are  saying  their  usual 
prayers.  I  have  watched  them  on  occasions  even  from 
the  gallery  of  Hagia  Sophia.  No  one  attempts  to  stop 
them,  nor  does  any  Turk  see  any  incongruity  in  such 
play  within  the  house  of  prayer.  Of  course  it  must 
be  remembered  that  though  the  prayers  have  to  be 
and  are  gone  through  with  very  great  formality  and 
care,  they  are  individual  and  only  rarely  common 

v  While  writing  this  chapter,  a  lady  friend  who  had  been 
occupied  all  the  afternoon  with  a  group  of  educated 
Turkish  ladies  called  at  our  house.  Her  experience  of 
movements  among  her  sex  in  Constantinople  is  excep- 
tional and  extensive.  One  lady,  or  hanum  as  my  friend 
called  her,  meets  other  Turkish  women  periodically  to  try 
to  advance  elementary  education.  Another  has  just  had 
a  short  series  of  meetings  at  her  house  to  talk  over  the 
best  way  of  rearing  babies  and  young  children.  One 
of  the  ladies  present  at  one  of  these  meetings  had  been  in 
England,  and  declared  that  the  only  proper  way  to  treat 
a  baby  was  the  English  way.  She  denounced  all  others 
as  cruel  and  mischievous.  She  knew  what  she  was 
talking  about,  said  my  friend,  by  detailing  the  faults 
of  the  Turkish  nursery  and  the  advantages  of  the  British. 
My  friend  spoke  also  of  a  species  of  women's  club  which 
she  is  allowed  to  attend,  where  the  members  are  Moslem 
and  Christian  women.  Their  object  is  to  consider  the 


best  rules  to  adopt  for  the  conduct  of  life  and  for  advanc- 
ing morality.  They  had  recently  invited  a  respectable 
Christian  minister  to  open  a  discussion  which  she  had 
heard  on  that  subject.  He  openly  claimed  that  the  best 
teaching  of  morality  was  that  found  in  the  New  Testa- 
ment, and  as  he  treated  the  topic  reasonably  and  not 
dogmatically,  used  fair  arguments,  and  did  not  invite 
his  hearers  to  become  Christians,  but  allowed  his  facts 
and  arguments  to  speak  for  themselves,  the  Moslems 
listened  respectfully,  and  wanted  to  hear  more  of  the 

The  most  interesting  portion  of  her  conversation 
related,  however,  to  her  visits  when  only  Turkish  women 
were  present.  There  are  happily  a  few  small  groups 
of  Turkish  women  who  are  meeting  together  for  study 
and  discussion  of  social  questions.  Her  account  is 
curious.  The  women  sat  round,  threw  off  their  veils,  and 
each  lit  a  cigarette.  I  asked  my  friend  if  she  smoked. 
Her  answer  was  that  if  she  as  a  European  were  to  smoke 
among  them  she  believed  her  influence  would  be  gone. 
They  knew  she  did  not  smoke,  and  she  would  be  looked 
upon  as  abandoning  her  principles  if  she  took  a  cigarette 
to  please  them. 

"  I  asked  her  what  her  friends  thought  of  the  attempt 
of  some  Turkish  women  immediately  after  the  revolution 
to  abandon  the  yashmak.  Her  reply  was  that  they 
disapproved  of  any  such  step.  They  thought  the  time 
had  come  when  they  ought  to  be  allowed  to  be  unveiled 
before  men  whom  their  husbands  approved,  and  to  sit 
at  table  with  such  men.  But  they  were  all  opposed  to 
anything  like  a  revolt  against  a  custom  which  was  general 
in  the  country.  One  of  them  remarked  that  it  was  clear 
that  the  wearing  of  the  veil  was  not  obligatory  according 
to  the  teaching  of  the  prophet,  for  many  Moslem  women 
in  other  countries  did  not  wear  it,  but  the  reform  must 


be  gradual,  or  it  would  be  taken  as  backed  by  a  desire 
to  lead  an  immoral  life. 

The  sum  of  my  friend's  observations  confirms  the 
impression  I  have  gained  from  other  sources.  There  is 
a  remarkable  movement  going  on  among  Moslem  women 
of  the  better  class.  The  movement  is  spontaneous, 
absolutely  unconnected  with  any  missionary  efforts, 
either  Moslem  or  Christian,  though,  with  keen  perception 
of  who  were  likely  to  help  them  in  the  way  they  wished 
to  go,  they  asked  good  women,  either  Christian  or  Moslem, 
for  their  friendship  and  assistance.  In  revising  these 
last  sentences,  I  recall  a  fact  which  shows  how  Moslem- 
ism  does  cruel  injuries  to  women.  One  of  the  ladies 
present  at  the  meeting,  alluded  to  is  of  exceptional 
intelligence  and  culture.  \  Her  husband  and  she  lived 
happily  together  for  ten  years  and  have  a  fine  son.  Her 
husband's  fancy  was  taken  by  a  foreign  woman,  and  as 
his  wife  would  not  consent  to  have  a  colleague,  he 
"  repudiated  "  her.  Family  life  has  an  insecure  basis 
where  such  a  thing  is  possible  and  legal. 

Nevertheless,  the  influence  of  Western  thought  on  the 
status  of  woman  is  having  a  valuable  effect  on  home  life 
in  Turkey.  English,  American,  and  French  teaching, 
the  study  of  English  literature,  even  the  reading  of  the 
ordinary  French  novel,  not  a  very  elevating  study  in 
general — all  are  exerting  a  useful  influence  in  stimulating 
thought,  and  especially  as  indicating  what  family  life  is. 
If  such  life  on  the  best  Western  models  can  be  sub- 
stituted for  that  of  the  harem,  a  great  reform  will  have 
been  accomplished,  and  it  is  to  this  reform  that  a  few 
devoted  and  enlightened  Turkish  ladies  of  the  new 
generation  are  directing  their  serious  attention. 



Sultan  lord  of  all  kings — Why  foreigners  visit  Turkey — Belief  in 
foreigners'  magical  powers — Evil  eye,  charms  and  talismans — Fortune- 
telling — Superstition  has  preserved  inscriptions — Anticas — Counter- 
feits— Objection  to  sketching — Story  of  Toughra — Of  St  Paul — Variety 
of  fashions  among  women — Turkish  officials — Student  dragomans 

THE  ignorance  of  the  Turkish  peasant  may  possibly 
have  had  its  equal  in  England  during  the  Middle 
Ages,  but  hardly  since.  Let  me  give  some  present-day 
illustrations.  Moslem  peasants  are  convinced  that  the 
Sultan  is  lord  of  the  world,  and  that  all  the  sovereigns  of 
other  nations  are  under  his  orders.  They  admit  that  he 
has  great  trouble  in  keeping  them  in  order,  but  that  is 
merely  part  of  his  kismet.  What  many  of  them  failed 
to  understand  about  England  was,  how  the  Sultan  would 
allow  its  vali  or  governor  to  be  a  woman.  Of  course  all 
the  extraordinary  phenomena  of  nature  are  due  to  good 
or  evil  spirits.  Foreigners  are  rich  and  influential, 
because  they  can  control  these  spirits.  The  belief  that 
every  foreigner  has  the  magical  secrets  of  medicine  is 
almost  universal.  An  English  house  within  ten  miles 
of  Constantinople  but  in  a  Turkish  village  serves  per- 
force as  a  dispensary.  The  owner  took  up  his  residence 
there  in  the  sixties  of  last  century,  and  as  a  matter  of 
course  every  one  in  the  neighbourhood  who  had  fever 
or  any  other  malady  went  to  him  for  relief.  He  had 
never  studied  medicine  but  had  to  practise  it.  This  was 
of  course  without  any  payment.  When  he  died  some 



eight  or  ten  years  ago,  his  sons  and  the  ladies  of  the 
family  had  to  continue  his  practice.  Their  annual  bill 
for  pills,  and  above  all  for  quinine,  is  a  heavy  one.  I 
should  be  afraid  to  administer  the  doses  which  I  have 
seen  one  of  these  ladies  give  without  hesitation.  If  the 
medicine  is  strong,  and  particularly  nasty,  it  gets  a  great 
reputation  even  in  distant  villages.  Travellers  like  Sir 
William  Ramsay  who  get  away  from  the  great  roads, 
find  it  difficult  to  live  up  to  their  reputation  as  healers 
of  the  sick.  At  first  sight  the  eagerness  for  medicine 
looks  like  a  violation  of  the  Islamic  opinion  that  every- 
thing is  pre-ordained.  But  Mr  Doughty,  the  Arabian 
traveller,  himself  a  doctor  of  medicine,  remarks  that 
Islam  "  encourages  its  professors  to  seek  medicines, 
which  God  has  created  on  earth  for  the  service  of  man, 
but  they  may  not  flee  from  the  pestilence  " — a  curious 

To  the  peasant,  Moslem  or  Christian,  it  is  a  constant 
subject  of  wonder  why  foreigners  who  are  not  engaged 
in  business  should  visit  the  country.  Their  explana- 
tions are  various.  One  traveller  must  have  committed 
a  crime  and  is  bound  under  a  vow  not  to  settle  down  until 
he  has  expiated  it.  If  this  England  or  France  from 
which  he  comes  is  a  flourishing  country,  why  should  a 
man  want  to  leave  it  ?  I  took  a  snapshot  with  a  kodak 
at  a  group  of  trees.  "  I  suppose  that  in  the  country  you 
come  from,"  said  the  man  who  was  driving  me,  "  you 
have  no  fine  trees  like  these."  "  Is  your  country  as 
beautiful  as  this  ? "  has  often  been  asked  me.  "  Yes,"  and 
"  has  it  good  drinking  water  ?  "  "  Excellent."  "  Then 
why  do  you  not  stay  at  home  to  enj  oy  it  ?  "  The  question 
is  asked  in  simple  honesty.  The  great  aim  in  life  is  to 
make  kef,  to  have  sufficient  food  and  no  work  to  do. 
With  such,  why  should  a  man  wish  to  travel  ?  The 

1  "  Wanderings  in  Arabia,"  vol.  ii.  p.  188. 


archaeologist  is  a  puzzle  to  them.  Why  does  he  want  to 
find  stones  with  writing  on  them  ?  The  usual  answer 
by  the  peasants  is  that  he  knows  there  is  treasure  hidden 
somewhere  in  the  neighbourhood,  and  the  writing,  if 
only  he  can  find  the  proper  inscription,  will  tell  him 
where  it  is  and  how  to  get  it.  A  common  variant  to 
this  version  is,  that  the  visitor  possesses  in  his  own 
country  a  wonderful  book  which  gives  him  a  general  clue 
to  where  treasure  lies.  This  explanation  was  given  to  me 
under  circumstances  which  illustrate  the  imagination  of 
the  peasant.  I  visited  one  of  the  small  islands  in  the  Gulf 
of  Ismidt.  On  it,  as  I  believe  on  every  islet  in  the 
Marmora,  there  are  the  remains  of  a  monastery,  in  the 
crypt  of  which  I  scratched  away  the  soil  which  had 
drifted  into  it  to  see  if  there  were  any  inscription.  On 
the  occasion  of  our  visit  there  was  no  one  on  the  island. 
Two  years  later,  I  again  landed  and  found  a  peasant  who 
had  built  himself  a  small  hut  and  tended  a  few  goats. 
We  went  into  the  crypt  once  more  and  were  then  told 
that  two  years  earlier  a  boat,  which  I  recognized  from 
his  description  as  my  own,  had  brought  a  visitor  from 
Constantinople  who  had  a  wonderful  old  book.  He  had 
not  seen  it,  but  he  believed  that  the  man  had  brought  it 
from  Russia.  The  visitors — there  were  two — had  looked 
at  their  book,  so  the  boatman  had  told  him,  and  had 
found  the  treasure,  which,  however,  they  did  not  then 
attempt  to  carry  off,  but  they  must  have  visited  the  place 
some  days  after,  because  he  had  searched  where  he  had 
found  the  ground  had  been  disturbed  and  the  treasure 
was  no  longer  there. 

The  belief  of  the  Turkish  peasant  in  the  power  of  the 
Western  traveller  is  marvellous.  They  will  not  only  trust 
themselves  and  their  children  to  his  care  in  sickness, 
but  they  believe  that  his  thaumaturgical  power  is 
extensive.  He  can  prevent  a  misfortune  happening  or  at 


least  can  foretell  it.  If  he  does  not,  it  is  because  he  is 
unwilling.  An  American  missionary  told  me  the  story  of 
a  poor  Moslem  who  went  to  him  in  great  distress.  His 
one  possession  of  value  was  a  cow  which  had  fallen  ill. 
He  stated  that  the  mollah  had  given  him  a  verse  of  the 
Koran  on  a  paper  which  he  had  made  the  cow  swallow, 
but  without  avail.  He  had  then  paid,  first  the  Greek, 
and  then  the  Armenian  priest  to  read  prayers  over  it,  but 
the  cow  was  no  better.  "  If  only  you  with  your  foreign 
knowledge  would  read  a  verse  over  it,"  he  was  convinced, 
a  cure  would  be  ade.  It  was  in  vain  that  the  missionary 
endeavoured  to  explain  that  such  a  practice  was  not  in 
accordance  with  American  religion.  The  only  result  was 
that  the  poor  fellow  left,  convinced  that  the  missionary 
did  know  a  charm  which  would  cure  the  cow,  but  that 
for  some  reason  he  was  unwilling  to  use  it.  The  mis- 
sionary, however,  who  had  some  knowledge  of  medicine, 
subsequently  treated  the  cow  and  thus  saved  both  it  and 
his  reputation. 

Superstition  is  almost  equally  general  with  Moslem 
and  Christian  peasants.  It  might  be  supposed  that  with 
the  simple  creed  of  the  first,  with  no  pictures  in  his 
mosque,  no  religious  emblems,  with  absolutely  nothing 
sensuous  about  his  worship,  and  with  very  little  which 
can  be  called  spiritual,  the  Moslem  would  have  got  rid  of 
his  superstition.  There  remains,  however,  in  the  Turkish 
character  much  that  is  primitive.  Moslemism  indeed 
dealt  a  heavy  blow  at  superstition.  It  is  beyond  doubt 
that  it  got  rid  of  the  more  gross  superstitions  which  pre- 
vailed in  Arabia.  But  as  an  enormous  number  of  persons 
adopted  the  Moslem  creed  on  compulsion,  they  retained 
many  of  their  old  beliefs,  and  probably  these  largely  con- 
tributed to  perpetuate  in  the  average  Anatolian  mind  the 
old  superstitions. 

It  is  rare  to  find  a  poor  Turk  who  does  not  feel  that  the 


Christian  Churches  have  some  kind  of  thaumaturgical 
power,  and  this  probably  did  much  to  save  them.  There 
are  in  many  parts  of  Turkey  Christian  tombs  which  are 
venerated  by  Moslems  and  Christians  alike.  There  are 
also  many  Turkish  tombs  which  are  reverenced  by 
Moslems  only.  The  traveller  constantly  comes  across 
such  tombs,  which  exist  in  considerable  numbers  in 
Constantinople  itself,  where  articles  of  clothing  have 
been  attached  to  the  railings  which  surround  them  in  the 
belief  that  virtue  will  come  from  the  holy  person  who  is 
there  buried,  and  will  accrue  to  the  benefit  of  the  person 
who  has  deposited  the  article  belonging  to  him  or  her. 
Many  of  these  tombs  have  literally  hundreds  of  such 
votive  offerings  hanging  upon  them,  which  time  and 
strong  winds  have  torn  into  shreds  and  rags. 

Probably  the  most  widely  dispersed  superstition,  not 
only  in  Asia  Minor  but  throughout  Southern  Europe,  is 
that  of  the  evil  eye.  Moslems  and  Christians  in  Turkey 
have  unquestioning  belief  in  it.  Blue  eyes  attract  or 
give  it.  I  knew  a  Turk  who  refused  to  negotiate  on 
what  promised  to  be  a  good  business  because  the  other 
party,  an  Englishman,  turned  out  to  be  a  man  with  a 
black  beard  containing  a  streak  of  white.  This  could  not 
fail  to  attract  the  evil  eye.  Every  race  takes  measures 
in  various  ways  to  avert  the  malign  influence  of  the  evil 
eye.  The  principle  to  be  borne  in  mind  in  order  to 
thwart  it,  is  to  have  something  strikingly  conspicuous 
which  will  first  catch  its  attention.  If  so,  you  are  saved. 
A  blue  glass  bead  on  your  horse's  neck  is  a  good  talisman, 
and  hardly  a  horse  is  to  be  seen  in  Turkey  without  a 
necklace  of  such  beads  or  at  least  one  bead.  A  string  of 
beads  or  of  shells  round  a  child's  neck  is  also  a  good 
preservative.  A  cross,  no  matter  how  simply  formed, 
on  the  top  of  the  scaffolding,  will  prevent  accidents,  and 
is  used  by  Christians  and  sometimes  even  by  Turks. 


Amulets  and  talismans  play  a  great  part  in  the  life  of 
all  races  in  Turkey.  They  are  of  many  kinds  and  formed 
of  many  different  substances.  The  commonest  are  of 
stone  or  metal,  strips  of  paper,  parchment,  or  leather. 
Gems  are  specially  valuable  as  talismans.  The  fondness 
of  all  classes  for  amulets  may  be  shown  by  certain  facts 
which  I  take  from  memoranda  kindly  furnished  to  me 
by  Dr  Sandier.  During  the  last  six  years  while  in  con- 
nection with  a  medical  mission  in  Constantinople  he  has 
treated  40,000  patients.  The  majority  of  them  were 
Spanish  Jews,  but  there  were  also  Turks,  Greeks,  and 
Armenians.  Among  them  all,  belonging  to  a  variety  of 
classes  and  races  of  both  sexes,  and  of  almost  every  age, 
Dr  Sandier  declares  that  he  rarely  saw  one  without  an 
amulet  or  charm  of  some  kind  or  other.  He  made  many 
attempts  to  buy  amulets  from  patients,  but  they  were 
nearly  always  futile.  The  owners  clung  to  their  mascots 
with  a  singularly  strong  attachment. 

The  wearing  of  such  things  is  a  solemn  business. 
The  person  adopts  his  amulet  with  circumstantial 
ceremonial,  as  if  he  were  performing  an  act  of  religious 
worship.  He  selects  for  the  inauguration  of  his  charm 
a  lucky  day.  He  avoids  everything  which  might  weaken 
or  destroy  its  virtue.  Astrology  usually  plays  a  dominant 
part  in  all  the  preparations.  But  the  day  of  the  week 
or  month  is  also  important.  Nothing  would  induce  a 
Greek  to  choose  Tuesday  as  a  propitious  day,  for  every- 
body knows  that  Constantinople  was  captured  on  a 
Tuesday.  The  magic  formulas  are  often  fantastic,  and 
usually  incomprehensible,  but  they  give  the  amulet  its 
value.  Egyptologists  say  that  the  Egyptians  ascribed 
magic  effect  to  curious  words  which  had  no  sense  what- 
ever. The  same  belief  in  the  efficacy  of  senseless,  but 
possibly  traditional,  conglomerations  of  words  still  exists 
with  us,  among  Turks,  Greeks,  and  Jews  alike.  Fre- 


quently  the  small  leather  bag  of  a  talisman,  worn  as  a 
rule  upon  the  neck,  contains  whole  sentences  or  even 
chapters  from  the  Bible  or  Koran.  Sometimes  only  the 
name  of  Allah  or  the  Greek  'l^Ovs,  formed  of  the  initial 
letters  for  Jesus  Christ,  God,  Son,  Saviour,  or  the  Pater 
Noster,  are  written  upon  it.  Talismans  and  amulets 
with  such  names  or  sentences  are  the  most  sacred  and 
powerful  of  all  charms.  But  even  these  are  not  entirely 
valid,  unless  they  have  been  submitted  to  incantations 
and  ceremonial  rites,  often  of  a  most  elaborate  and  occult 
character,  performed  by  an  initiated  person.  Turkey 
abounds  in  quacks  who  offer  numberless  panaceas  and 
remedies,  which  are  far  more  wonder-working  than  our 
English  patent  medicines. 

The  Oriental  can  certainly  beat  the  Western  in  quack 
remedies.  He  has  poison-expelling  pills,  spirit-cheering 
pills,  and  life-supporting  powders.  The  pill  of  which  John 
Bright  spoke  as  "  a  remedy  against  earthquake  "  must 
have  been  made  in  Stamboul.  The  Moslem  sibyls  are 
especially  great  at  concocting  such  pills.  Dr  Sandier 
tells  of  an  old  hanum  in  Stamboul  who  sells  a  rejuven- 
ating pill  capable  of  dispelling  all  the  ills  of  old  age,  of 
instilling  new  vigour  and  making  one  young,  beautiful, 
and  bright,  like  Phoebus  in  his  morning  flight.  She  lives 
in  a  room  filled  with  every  awe-inspiring  object,  and  all 
the  stock-in-trade  of  a  witch,  with  ghastly  skulls,  snakes, 
and  scorpions,  with  strange  pots  and  pans  for  mysterious 
decoctions  and  mixtures,  with  fantastically  shaped 
figures,  and  of  course  with  the  traditional  black  cat. 

Exorcism  still  survives,  and  ugly  stories  can  be  heard 
in  coffee-houses  of  attempts  which  have  been  made, 
sometimes  with,  sometimes  without,  success  to  drive  out 
the  evil  spirit. 

Fortune-telling  flourishes.  Any  fine  day  in  Constanti- 
nople the  fortune-tellers  may  be  seen  in  the  streets. 


Even  men  who  would  be  supposed  to  be  educated  will 
try  their  luck.  It  was  so  even  a  century  ago  ;  for  Dr 
Millingen  relates  that  Lord  Byron,  whom  he  attended  in 
Greece,  requested  him  to  find  a  witch  in  order  to  determine 
whether  he  was  suffering  from  a  spell  cast  by  the  evil 
eye.1  The  belief  in  astrology  lingers  on  among  all 
classes.  How  can  it  be  otherwise  when,  for  many  years, 
Abdul  Huda,  the  Sultan's  astrologer,  was  a  trusted 
adviser  at  the  palace  ?  He  probably  at  one  time  be- 
lieved in  his  own  prognostications,  but  the  story  of  his 
late  years  until  the  revolution  of  24th  July  1908  would 
show  that,  like  so  many  of  his  profession,  he  was  tempted 
to  aid  his  reading  of  the  stars.  It  is  commonly  asserted 
that  he  and  Izzet  Pasha  worked  together,  that  Izzet 
received  telegrams  daily  from  abroad  and  from  various 
parts  of  the  empire  ;  that  he  showed  these  to  the 
astrologer  before  they  were  seen  by  the  Sultan,  and  thus 
his  predictions  were  singularly  verified. 

Sir  Thomas  Roe,  the  British  Ambassador  to  the  Sultan 
in  the  seventeenth  century,  asked  his  government  to 
send  him  all  the  books  they  could  find  on  the  subject 
of  astrology.  He  explains  that  he  has  told  the  Sultan 
that  English  people  do  not  believe  in  astrology,  but  the 
answer  he  received  convinced  him  that  his  reply  was 
considered  an  evasion.  He  and  his  people  did  not  wish 
the  Sultan  and  his  advisers  to  learn  the  secrets  of  the  art. 

To  dart  your  hands  out  with  your  fingers  open  is  the 
most  effective  way  of  cursing  a  person.  If  you  do  it  to 
his  face  he  will  probably  attack  you,  but  it  is  equally 
effective  if  you  do  it  when  his  back  is  turned. 

Superstition  has  in  one  matter  served  a  useful  purpose. 
Anything  written  has,  among  the  Turks,  a  semi-sacred 
character.  Among  many  of  the  lower  classes  it  is 
regarded  as  dangerous  to  tread  on  a  paper  with  writing 

1  Julius  Millingen,  "  Memoirs,"  p.  139. 


or  print  on  it.  The  explanation  usually  given  is  that  the 
name  of  Allah  may  thus  be  insulted.  In  the  same  way 
an  inscription  on  a  stone  had  better  be  left  undestroyed. 
The  stone  may  be  re-used,  as  thousands  happily  have 
been,  for  a  tombstone,  but  the  writing  must  not  be 
effaced.  An  incident  in  Constantinople  about  1906 
refers,  I  think,  to  the  same  superstitious  instinct.  The 
Tobacco  Regie  had  hundreds  of  thousands  of  cigarette 
papers  with  the  Sultan's  toughra,  or  symbol,  printed  on 
each.  A  spy  informed  his  Majesty  that  a  smoker  had 
thrown  his  cigarette  end  on  the  ground  and  trodden  on  it. 
It  was  an  insult  to  the  imperial  insignia,  and  orders  were 
given  that  no  cigarette  papers  should  bear  the  toughra. 
The  loss  to  the  Regie  and  the  Austrian  Company,  which 
had  a  large  stock  of  such  papers  on  hand,  would  be  heavy. 
Baron  Calice,  the  Austrian  Ambassador,  went  to  the 
Sultan  and  explained  that  in  Austria,  as  in  other  countries, 
postage  stamps  which  bore  the  Emperor's  head  were 
stuck  on  often  with  spit,  that  such  stamps  were  defaced 
by  the  postal  officials,  and  were  just  as  liable  to  be  trodden 
under  foot  as  cigarette  ends.  His  arguments,  after 
considerable  difficulty,  prevailed. 

The  opposition  to  sketching  is  attributed  to  the  inter- 
pretation of  what  we  know  as  the  second  commandment. 
This  is  no  doubt  partly  the  explanation  ;  but  I  believe 
the  real  objection  is  based  on  the  idea,  common  to  all 
primitive  peoples,  that  any  representation  of  a  human 
being  takes  from  his  life  a  part  of  his  vitality.  A  Turkish 
gipsy  strongly  objected  to  being  sketched  or  photo- 
graphed. Her  life  might  be  charmed  away  by  the  person 
who  had  the  picture.  The  person  whose  likeness  is  taken, 
or  better  still  who  is  represented  by  a  clay  image,  may  be 
bewitched  and  done  to  death  by  people  who  know  the 
proper  formula  of  incantation.  But  such  bewitching  is 
greatly  aided  if  something  belonging  to  the  person  can 


be  secured  :  a  piece  of  his  coat  will  do.  Something  that 
he  has  written  is  equally  valuable.  To  tread  on  the 
imperial  symbol  even  accidentally  may  do  injury  to  the 
person  symbolized.  Many  a  tale  is  told  of  the  powers  still 
exercised  among  the  ignorant  of  various  races  in  Turkey 
by  witchcraft  working  on  similar  lines. 

The  ignorance  of  the  great  mass  of  the  people  is  aston- 
ishing, and  is  largely  the  cause  of  the  widespread  super- 
stition. I  was  travelling  in  Roumelia  a  few  years  ago, 
with  my  friend,  the  Vice-President  of  Robert  College, 
when  we  spent  the  night  at  certain  hot  springs.  A  score 
of  visitors  were  there,  and  among  them  a  priest  whose 
rank  corresponded  to  that  of  archdeacon.  At  night,  we 
all  sat  in  a  circle  in  the  open  air  and  in  glorious  moon- 
light and  talked  on  a  variety  of  subjects.  Anent  a 
remark  of  my  friend,  the  archdeacon  observed  that  he 
could  not  understand  how  a  man  could  profess  to  be  a 
Christian  and  yet  believe  that  the  earth  is  round,  and 
that  it  was  ninety-two  millions  of  miles  distant  from  the 
sun.  He  knew  his  Bible,  and  it  was  evident  that  the 
starry  heaven  above  us  was  a  firmament  supported  by 
pillars  with  windows  through  which  rain  was  allowed  to 
come.  These  and  many  other  statements  he  uttered 
with  a  conviction  which  was  evidently  sincere.  I  need 
not  summarize  my  friend's  answers,  which  only  elicited 
the  remark,  "  Your  science  tells  you  one  thing.  My 
religion  tells  me  another,  and  I  believe  it."  The  audience 
wanted  to  hear  what  I  could  say,  and  I  told  them  Dr 
Ward's  parable  of  the  mice  locked  up  in  a  piano. 

As  illustrating  the  ignorance  of  Turkish  officials  even 
in  Constantinople,  I  may  relate  an  incident  which  came 
under  my  own  observation  a  few  years  ago.  A  well- 
known  Greek  doctor  of  medicine  came  to  consult  me 
under  the  following  circumstances.  His  wife,  with  the 
kindheartedness  which  is  one  of  the  best  features  among 


the  Greeks,  had  brought  up  a  poor  boy  as  a  working 
printer.  He  was  now  a  man,  but  having  been  taken  to 
prison,  had  appealed  to  his  patron  to  get  him  released. 
In  the  printing-office  where  he  worked  they  had  brought 
out  in  Greek  the  rules  of  a  Printers'  Benefit  Society,  and 
on  the  title-page  had  been  placed  the  words  of  St  Paul 
(Gal.  vi.  9  and  10),  "  And  let  us  not  be  weary  in  well- 
doing/' etc.  After  the  text  on  a  separate  line  came  the 
words  'ETT.  TlavXov  77/309  FaXar.  The  police  had  seized 
a  copy  of  the  rules,  and  demanded  from  the  young  man 
the  address  of  Paul,  who  was  not  registered  as  a  printer. 
The  young  man  replied  that  the  rules  had  been  printed 
in  his  master's  office,  as  indeed  was  admitted,  but  that 
Paulos  was  dead.  The  police  declared  that  this  was  a 
mere  excuse.  Could  they  not  see  for  themselves  ?  It 
was  Paulos  who  lived  in  Galata.  It  was  in  vain  that 
they  were  told  that  "  Galat."  did  not  mean  Galata,  but 
the  Galatians,  a  people  that  lived  hundreds  of  years  ago. 
They  were  not  to  be  thus  imposed  upon.  To  prison  he 
must  go  and  remain  there  till  he  gave  the  address  of  Paul. 
From  prison  he  managed  to  communicate  with  my  friend, 
who  went  himself  to  the  kouluk  or  police  office  and 
assured  the  officer  who  had  arrested  the  man  that  Paulos 
was  dead,  that  he  was  regarded  as  a  saint  by  Christians, 
and  that  he  died  eighteen  hundred  years  ago.  The 
officer  shook  his  head  with  an  air  which  said,  "  You 
won't  get  over  me :  I  see  Paulos  and  Galata,  and  the 
printer  Paulos  must  be  found.  The  man  shall  not  be 
set  free  till  he  is  found."  It  was  on  this  that  I  was  seen. 
My  advice  was  to  take  two  well-known  Greek  colleagues 
and  declare  that  all  these  were  ready  to  swear  that 
Paulos  was  dead,  and  to  enter  into  sureties  to  pay  if 
Paulos  should  be  found.  Upon  the  representations 
which  were  thus  made,  the  printer  was  set  free. 

Everybody  knows  that  in  the  early  infancy  of  man- 


kind  some  men  had  acquired  the  art  of  sketching  with 
considerable  accuracy.  Some  savages  possessed  it. 
But  it  is  either  by  no  means  a  universal  instinct,  or  it  is 
lost  by  non-use.  Every  one  in  civilized  countries  learns 
to  distinguish  what  a  drawing  is  intended  to  represent. 
But  among  those  who  cannot  read  or  write,  and  especially 
probably  among  races  to  whom  the  representation  of 
anything  in  heaven  above  or  in  the  earth  beneath  is 
forbidden,  it  commonly  happens  that  pictures  convey 
little  or  no  meaning.  I  remember  on  one  occasion 
travelling  with  a  friend  who  had  a  scientific  magazine. 
A  fine-looking  old  Turk  who  had  been  in  conversation 
with  my  friend  looked  over  the  magazine  and  was 
especially  attracted  by  a  full-page  illustration  of  a  steam- 
engine.  A  European  child  of  five  would  have  recog- 
nized what  it  was.  Not  so  the  old  Turk.  After  turning 
the  page  upside-down  and  looking  at  it  all  ways,  he 
remarked,  "  I  suppose  that  is  a  kind  of  animal  that  lives 
in  your  country.  How  big  is  it  ?  " 

I  was  with  the  same  friend  thirty  years  ago  in  the 
gallery  of  Hagia  Sofia.  We  engaged  in  conversation 
with  a  mollah  who,  out  of  pure  kindness,  showed  us  the 
impress  of  Mahomet's  hand  and  the  other  miraculous 
points  of  interest  in  the  great  church.  He  asked  me 
where  I  came  from,  and  on  my  reply  said  that  Ingilterra 
was  well  known,  and  that  her  queen  was  a  faithful  servant 
of  the  Padisha.  When  my  companion  said  that  he  came 
from  America,  the  mollah  brightened  and  said  that  he 
had  heard  of  that  country.  It  was  a  place  which  one  of 
their  great  seamen,  Capitan  Pasha  Colomb,  had  dis- 
covered, but  he  did  not  know  whether  the  Padisha  had 
yet  built  a  mosque  there. 

In  a  country  with  such  a  diversity  of  races  it  is  danger- 
ous to  generalize  about  the  character  of  the  people. 
This  is  especially  the  case  when  treating  of  peasant 


women.  A  Yorkshire  woman  in  her  dress  and  manner 
does  not  differ  much  from  a  Dorset  woman.  But  the 
diversities  of  race  in  Turkey  make  the  difference  very 
obvious.  As  to  the  covering  of  the  face,  the  practice 
varies  greatly.  There  are  districts  where  Turkish 
women,  while  wearing  the  head-dress,  scarcely  take  the 
trouble  to  cover  their  faces  when  approaching  a  man. 
There  are  others  where  they  uncover  their  faces  as 
readily  as  European  women.  In  other  districts  they  will 
not  only  cover  their  faces  but  will  turn  sideways  when  a 
man  approaches,  and  so  remain  until  he  has  passed. 
A  friend  asked  the  husband  to  whom  he  had  rendered  a 
service  why  the  women  did  this,  and  the  answer  was,  "  I 
would  put  away  my  wife  if  I  knew  that  she  had  inten- 
tionally seen  the  face  of  another  man." 

Then,  too,  in  reference  to  the  work  done  by  women, 
the  practice  varies.  Among  the  strange  wandering 
Euruks,  nomads  abounding  in  the  west  of  Asia  Minor,  the 
women  seem  to  do  most  of  the  field-work,  the  men  the 
loafing  and  lounging  about  the  village  cafes.  With 
Circassians,  on  the  other  hand,  the  men  do  the  field- 
work  and  the  women  remain  at  home.  Yet,  when  the 
Circassian  smartens  himself  up  he  is  generally  clean  and 
handsome  and  something  of  a  dandy,  while  the  Euruk 
rarely  looks  other  than  a  lazy  and  slouching  vagabond. 

The  fashion  in  woman's  dress  is  a  dangerous  subject  for 
a  man  to  write  upon.  But  woman  is  woman  everywhere, 
and  will  have  her  changes  of  fashion.  Thirty  years  ago 
every  Turkish  woman  wore  a  spotless  white  yashmak. 
This  was  a  head-covering  carefully  fixed  so  as  to  leave 
a  narrow  slit  through  which  the  eyes  could  be  seen.  The 
material,  I  am  told,  was  a  thin,  clear  muslin.  With 
it  was  worn  a  cloak  or  feriji,  very  often  of  startling 
bright  colour.  All  this  has  been  changed.  The  yashmak 
has  gone  (except  for  palace  women)  as  well  as  the  feriji. 


I  do  not  know  how  the  present  garment  is  made,  but  to 
me  as  a  mere  man  it  seems  to  be  all  of  one  piece,  the  upper 
portion  of  which  covers  the  head  and  supports  a  veil  of 
black  silk  gauze.  Bright  colours  have  given  way  to 
black  among  nearly  all  Turkish  ladies. 


Before  parting  with  the  Turks  something  must  be  said 
of  the  official  Turks.  It  is  difficult  for  the  foreigner  to 
estimate  them  aright.  The  peasant  is  truthful  and 
courteous  though  ignorant.  The  officials — and  all  well- 
to-do  Turks  are  officials — keep  their  courteous  manners, 
but,  speaking  generally,  lose  their  truthfulness  and 
honesty.  Of  course  there  are  many  exceptions,  but  it 
remains  substantially  true  that  the  Turkish  official 
becomes  at  once  imbued  with  the  vices  of  the  rotten 
system  of  administration  which  has  been  for  centuries 
the  bane  of  Turkish  life,  and  which  was  in  as  bad  a  con- 
dition during  the  thirty-two  years  of  Abdul  Hamid's 
reign  as  it  has  ever  been.  He  ceases  so  long  as  he  is  in 
office  to  be  trustworthy.  The  casual  European  visitor 
finds  no  difficulty,  as  he  thinks,  in  gauging  the  character 
of  the  Turkish  official.  Those  who  have  lived  long  in  the 
country  are  less  confident.  The  visitor  will  find  the 
official  ready  to  discuss  the  advantages  of  civilization, 
will  be  surprised  to  find  that  he  has  a  full  appreciation 
of  them,  and  deplores  the  evils  of  the  abominable  system 
which  retards  the  progress  of  his  country,  and  of  which 
he  forms  part.  Speak  on  the  necessity  of  the  pure 
administration  of  justice  in  the  law  courts,  on  the  need  of 
education,  of  roads  and  railways,  and  the  Turk  will  give 
illustrations  of  what  is  needed,  and  will  leave  the  im- 
pression that  he  is  burning  to  execute  reforms.  He  has 
a  wonderful  knack  of  catching  the  point  of  view  of  his 


hearer  and  of  reflecting  his  opinions.  It  is  his  way  not 
only  of  impressing  a  visitor  but  of  flattering  him  and 
being  polite.  If  the  European  should  be  foolish  enough 
to  try  flattery,  he  will  at  once  find  his  superior.  In  this 
respect  Abdul  Hamid  is  a  true  Turk.  A  few  years  ago, 
the  story  was  current  of  an  ambassador  who  told  Abdul 
Hamid  that  he  was  the  ablest  Sultan  who  had  occupied 
the  Ottoman  throne  since  the  capture  of  Constantinople. 
The  answer  came  at  once.  While  deprecating  such 
praise,  the  Sultan  declared  that  he  was  convinced  that 
his  auditor  was  the  ablest  ambassador  his  country  had 
ever  accredited  to  the  Sublime  Porte.  In  the  worst 
periods  of  Abdul  Hamid's  reign,  many  English  and  other 
European  statesman  who  visited  Yildiz  came  away  with 
the  conviction  that  the  Sultan  was  possessed  of  a  re- 
markable zeal  for  reform  and  of  far-reaching  projects 
for  the  welfare  of  all  his  subjects,  as  to  whom,  whether 
Christians  or  Moslems,  he  would  never  make  any  dis- 
tinction ;  for  he  loved  them  all  equally. 

The  desire  of  the  Turkish  official  to  keep  up  appear- 
ances has  occasionally  its  humorous  side.  When  a  royal 
visitor  came  to  the  capital,  the  roads  along  which  he  was 
expected  to  pass  were  carefully  swept,  hoardings  were 
built  to  hide  unsightly  objects,  or  whitewashed  to  make 
them  look  clean.  On  the  last  visit  of  the  Kaiser,  the 
usual  preparations  had  been  made.  Unfortunately  for 
their  success,  the  Kaiser  on  one  of  his  early  morning 
rides  determined  to  choose  a  route  for  himself.  Whether 
he  had  received  a  hint  or  his  choice  was  by  chance,  he 
turned  off  at  a  street  into  which  all  the  filth  of  the  streets 
through  which  it  had  been  proposed  that  he  should  pass 
had  been  crowded,  and  he  thus  saw  what  he  was  not 
intended  to  see. 

The  officials  were  more  successful  with  a  dignified 
Irish  member  of  the  House  of  Lords  who  took  great 


interest  in  prisons.  He  went  to  one  at  Galata  Serai, 
which  is  far  from  being  as  ill-managed  as  are  many.  He 
was  received  with  extreme  courtesy,  regaled  with  coffee 
and  cigarettes,  and  spent  an  hour  in  replying  to  the 
questions  asked  of  him,  and  of  giving  his  opinions  on 
prison  management.  During  that  precious  time  all 
available  men,  warders  and  prisoners  alike,  were  sweep- 
ing and  cleaning,  so  that  when  the  inspection  was  made, 
the  visitor  felt  satisfied  that  the  place  was  kept  clean. 

The  difficulty  which  a  foreigner  encounters  in  under- 
standing the  higher-class  Turk  arises  in  part  from  the 
fact  that  he  never  sees  him  at  home.  He  may  be  enter- 
tained at  formal  dinners,  but  there  will  be  no  ladies 
present.  The  dinner  may  be  all  that  could  be  wished  : 
well  cooked,  because  the  chef  from  one  of  the  leading 
restaurants  has  been  engaged  for  the  day  ;  well  served, 
because  the  waiters  also  have  been  brought  for  the 
occasion.  The  wines,  the  crockery,  the  table  ornaments 
are  all  in  European  fashion,  but  there  is  very  little  to 
indicate  that  the  dinner  is  Turkish.  When  the  time 
comes  to  retire  to  the  % drawing-room,  the  absence  of  the 
womanly  element  becomes  still  more  marked.  The 
foreigner  may  have  intimate  relations  with  the  Turk  in 
business.  He  may  have  a  genuine  liking  for  him.  The 
two  men  may  have  common  sympathies.  If  both  are 
sportsmen,  they  will  find  ample  occasion  for  pleasant  talk. 
They  may  like  each  other  and  respect  each  other.  But 
the  intimacy  does  not  advance  beyond  a  certain  stage. 
He  soon  finds  that  he  gets  no  forwarder.  Each  pro- 
bably realizes  that  the  other  has  different  ideals  and 
habits  of  thought  and  divergent  standards  of  right  and 
wrong.  This  feeling  is  enhanced  by  the  glimpses  the 
European  obtains  into  Turkish  private  life.  Europeans 
and  Turks  who  have  seen  much  of  each  other  come  to 
recognize  that  they  live  on  different  planes.  The  typical 


Turk  has,  in  his  own  way,  ideals  to  which  he  is  faithful. 
While  some  of  the  many  scandals  of  ordinary  Turkish 
life  reveal  immorality  of  a  kind  peculiarly  repulsive  to 
Christians,  the  revelations  of  our  Divorce  Courts  or  of 
Western  Society  life  as  represented  in  French  novels 
seem  to  the  educated  Turk  to  present  a  condition  of 
immorality  worse  than  he  sees  among  his  countrymen. 

As  an  illustration  of  the  statement  that  the  Turk  is 
faithful  to  his  own  ideal,  I  may  mention  a  common  habit 
which  I  have  never  before  seen  noticed.  The  typical 
Turkish  son  considers  it  a  sacred  duty  to  pay  the  debts 
left  by  his  father.  It  may  take  him  years  to  do  this,  but 
he  will  economize  and  save  until  all  are  paid  off.  When 
this  is  done,  he  considers  himself  free  to  incur  expenses 
on  his  own  account,  and  he  has  no  hesitation  in  con- 
tracting debts  which  he  will  not  be  able  and  indeed  never 
expects  to  pay.  That  will  be  the  business  of  his  sons. 
Shopkeepers  speak  highly  of  the  well-to-do  Turk.  He 
rarely  pays  at  once,  and  therefore  a  large  price  is  nearly 
always  demanded  from  him,  but  he  will  pay,  or  his  son 
will  do  so  in  the  long  run. 

When  speaking  of  the  Turks  of  the  higher  class,  it  is 
well  to  note  that  there  are  no  wealthy  men  in  the  European 
sense  among  them.  Nor  is  there  any  class  of  nobles. 
There  are  no  great  families  proud  of  their  descent  and 
possessing  historic  estates,  though  there  are  a  few  men 
who  claim  to  be  descended  from  notable  Turks,  especi- 
ally from  distinguished  ulemas.  In  a  few  but  very  few 
of  such  families,  the  family  name  is  preserved.  A 
century  ago  there  was  a  class  of  men  known  as  Dere-beys 
who  were  in  the  position  of  great  landlords,  and  who  held 
their  land  on  a  feudal  tenure  in  return  for  the  service 
of  bringing  a  certain  number  of  men  into  the  field  in  time 
of  war.  When  this  system  came  to  an  end,  largely  owing 
to  the  military  reforms  of  Sultan  Mahmud  (1808  to  1839), 


the  Dere-beys  almost  everywhere  ceased  to  exist.  In 
Turkey  there  are  no  "  country  houses, "  no  Moslems  or 
even  Christians  who  display  wealth  in  the  villages.  The 
result  is  that  the  peasants  are  familiar  only  with  poverty. 

The  officials  belonging  to  all  European  nations  come 
more  in  contact  with  Moslem  officials  than  with  Christian 
Ottoman  subjects,  whether  official  or  not.  The  tendency 
of  the  foreign  official,  especially  in  places  remote  from  the 
capital,  is  to  be  on  the  best  possible  terms  with  his 
Turkish  colleagues.  It  saves  trouble.  He  hears  the 
Turkish  version  of  outrages,  looks  at  whatever  happens 
from  the  Turkish  point  of  view,  and,  if  he  is  an  unsym- 
pathetic man,  comes  to  look  with  so  much  contempt 
on  the  cringing  Christian,  that  the  latter  dare  not  tell 
the  story  of  his  wrongs.  Most  of  the  British  Consuls  and 
Vice-Consuls  between  the  Crimean  War  and  the  Russo- 
Turkish  War  of  1877-8  were  notoriously  blind  to  the 
wrongs  of  the  non-Moslem  subjects  of  the  Porte.  When 
Lord  Salisbury  came  to  Constantinople  in  December  1876, 
he  had  previously  summoned  a  few  of  the  ablest  men  in 
the  Consular  body  to  meet  him.  He  learned  two  im- 
portant facts,  first,  that  England  had  been  singularly 
ill-informed  of  the  relations  between  the  Turks  and 
Christians,  and  second,  that  Russia  had  been  fully  in- 
formed. British  Consuls  had  taken  their  information 
almost  solely  from  Turkish  officials.  The  Russians  had 
been  in  sympathy  with  the  Christians.  General 
Ignatieff  on  one  occasion  entered  the  Grand  Vizier's 
room  when  Sir  Henry  Elliot  was  present.  The  Grand 
Vizier  remarked  that  he  had  just  heard  that  Russia  had 
spies  all  over  the  empire.  "  Yes,"  said  Ignatieff, 
"  wherever  there  is  a  Christian,  he  is  ready  to  bring  his 
complaint  to  our  notice.  They  are  all  spies  for  Russia." 
It  is  easy  to  object  that  Russia  claimed  and  acted  up  to 


her  claim,  put  forward  formally  and  admitted  in  the 
treaty  of  Kainardji,  to  be  the  protector  of  the  Christians. 
The  answer  is  that  England  and  France  had  disputed  her 
exclusive  claim,  and  at  the  Crimean  War  had  placed  on 
record  that  they  were  also  the  protectors.  But  they  had 
not  exercised  their  right.  Russia  had. 

Lord  Salisbury,  on  the  last  night  which  he  spent  in 
Constantinople,  expressed  his  determination  to  reform 
the  Consular  system  in  Turkey,  and  especially  to  have 
British  subjects  appointed  who  were  not  likely  by  their 
long  residence  in  one  place  to  fall  under  Turkish  influence 
exclusively.  In  accordance  with  this  idea,  he  re- 
organized the  service,  and  constantly  during  the  last 
thirty  years  a  detachment  of  student  dragomans  has 
arrived  in  Constantinople,  who  shortly  pass  into  active 
service.  The  new  plan  has  been  a  success.  The  great 
majority  of  these  men  are  intelligent,  energetic,  and 
independent.  With  some  exceptions,  they  cannot  be 
justly  accused  either  of  being  indifferent  to  the  sufferings 
of  either  Christian  or  Moslem  or  of  seeking  to  live  a  com- 
fortable life  by  making  friends  only  with  the  Turkish 
officials.  From  Armenia  and  from  Macedonia  the 
reports  they  have  furnished  to  the  British  government 
and  public  are  models  of  fairness.  If  it  can  hardly  be 
said  that  there  is  nothing  extenuated,  it  may  be  safely 
affirmed  that  there  is  nothing  set  down  in  malice.  It 
must  be  remembered  that  the  tendency  of  all  officials 
is  to  minimize  the  wrongdoing  of  other  officials  with 
whom  they  have  to  work.  But  they  have  told  the  truth 
fearlessly,  and  with  this  among  other  valuable  results, 
that  Christian  and  Moslem  sought  to  represent  their 
grievances  to  the  British  Consul.  Russia  no  longer 
figures  even  to  the  Christians  as  the  only  Power  which 
takes  any  interest  in  what  happens  to  them. 



How  far  a  pure-blooded  race — Have  varied  little  from  classic  times — 
Hellenic  Greeks  impulsive — Distinction  between  them  and  the 
Anatolian  Greeks — Individualism — Greek  islanders — Massacre  at 
Chios — Story  of  Rhodes 

THE  Greeks  in  the  Ottoman  Empire  are  said  to 
number     about     3,800,000.      Of     these,      about 
1,700,000  are  in  European  Turkey,  including  the  capital ; 
1,600,000  in  Asia  Minor ;    and  500,000  in  the  Greek 

No  one  who  knows  the  history  of  the  Byzantine 
Empire  would  claim  that  they  are  of  pure  descent  from 
the  ancient  Greeks.  Fallmerayer  long  ago  created  a 
sensation  among  the  subjects  of  the  Greek  kingdom  by 
declaring  that  substantially  they  had  very  little  Greek 
blood  in  their  veins.  The  population  of  the  Balkan 
Peninsula  was  so  intermingled  by  the  movements  of 
various  races  that  no  race  had  remained  pure.  Slav 
villages  existed  well  into  the  last  century  within  a  few 
miles  of  Athens.  In  the  crusading  centuries  Macedonia 
was  known  as  Great  Wallachia,  and  although  the  Wallachs 
in  the  country  are  now  few  in  number  and  greatly 
dispersed,  it  is  probable  that  at  one  time  they  were  one 
of  the  main  elements  in  the  population.  Then  the  later 
Slav  races,  of  which  the  two  principal  representatives 
in  the  Balkan  Peninsula  are  the  Bulgarians  and  the  Serbs, 
encroached  on  the  other  inhabitants,  Wallachs,  Greeks, 
and  Albanians,  and  thus  the  country  became  dotted 



about  with  communities  of  different  and  often  hostile 
races.  The  bond  of  union  among  them,  until  the  fili- 
bustering expedition  called  the  Fourth  Crusade  destroyed 
its  influence,  was  the  rule  of  the  emperor  and  of  the 
Orthodox  Church  in  Constantinople.  The  difference  in 
language  as  well  as  in  race  hindered  any  real  amalgama- 
tion. As  the  chemists  say,  the  elements  were  mechani- 
cally mixed  but  never  chemically  combined.  They  are  so 
to  the  present  time.  The  southern  portion  of  Macedonia, 
say  south  of  a  line  drawn  westward  from  Salonika,  is 
occupied  by  Slavs  and  Greeks  who  are  in  villages  side  by 
side  with  each  other,  and  constantly  in  antagonism. 
After  the  Fourth  Crusade  in  1204,  the  Balkan  Peninsula 
right  down  to  Cape  Matapan  was  parcelled  out  among  the 
Crusading  barons,  and  its  history  for  the  next  three 
centuries  was  one  of  constant  struggle  between  them  and 
their  successors  against  the  Greek  adherents  of  the 
restored  empire  of  Constantinople  (1258),  and  in  the  later 
portion  of  the  period  against  the  Turks.  All  this  points 
to  a  large  admixture  of  races.  The  influence  of  the 
language  of  the  peasant  tillers  of  the  soil  prevailed,  and 
the  result  is  that  the  people  of  the  southern  part  of  the 
Balkan  Peninsula  (with  the  exception  of  a  few  Albanians 
and  Turks)  consider  themselves  either  Greeks  or  Slavs. 
It  is,  however,  simply  impossible  to  draw  a  line  across 
Macedonia  and  truthfully  say  that  all  north  of  it  are 
Slavs  and  south  are  Greeks. 

Greek  sculpture  and  coins  have  made  us  familiar  with 
the  type  of  face  and  head  of  the  Greeks  in  classical  times, 
and  the  evidence  afforded  by  both  is  of  value  in  reference 
to  the  question  of  purity  of  race. 

The  Greek  type  of  womanly  beauty  is  much  more 
commonly  found  in  the  islands  of  the  ^Egean  than  on  the 
mainland  east  or  west  of  that  sea.  Nor  is  the  explana- 
tion difficult.  The  hordes  of  barbarians  who  found  their 


way  as  far  south  as  Athens  and  left  colonies  in  their 
many  endeavours  to  occupy  the  lands  whose  owners  they 
had  dispossessed  were  in  almost  every  case  without 
fleets,  and  hence  the  people  of  the  islands  were  saved. 
It  is  true  that  pirates  and  piratical  adventurers  like 
the  Genoese  and  Venetians  often  raided  the  islands,  and 
occupied  some  of  them  during  several  years ;  but  while 
in  some  islands  they  have  left  their  mark,  in  most  the 
admixture  of  blood  has  been  slight.  Most  of  the  domestic 
servants  in  the  capital  and  Smyrna  are  islanders,  and 
many  of  them  have  the  pure  Greek  profile. 

A  distinction  has  to  be  made  between  the  Greeks 
of  the  European  provinces  and  those  of  Asia- Minor. 
Between  them  there  exist  the  two  common  ties  of 
religion  and  language,  but  the  two  populations  differ  to  a 
considerable  extent  on  account  of  admixture  with  other 
races,  and  of  their  different  environments.  Those  in 
Europe  represent  the  tendencies  of  what  especially 
characterizes  Hellenism  much  more  distinctly  than  those 
in  Asia.  They  have  done  so  during  the  last  two  thousand 
years.  Hellenic  Greeks  were  steeped  in  the  religious 
sentiment  of  Greece,  which  represented  the  supernatural 
powers  as  everywhere  present.  Their  religion  was 
Pantheism  of  a  type  which  it  is  difficult  to  understand, 
but  which  is  still  ever  present  with  the  uneducated 
Greek.  There  was  a  deity  for  every  spring,  waterfall, 
valley,  or  forest.  Though  among  the  cultured  the  wor- 
ship became  spiritualized  as  that  of  the  forces  of  nature, 
among  the  uncultured  it  was  polytheism  of  the  most 
pronounced  type.  It  was  probably  nearly  always  saved 
from  being  of  a  gross  type  by  the  lightsome,  cheery, 
open-air  temperament  and  life  of  the  Greek  race.  But 
that  the  masses  believed  in  the  existence  of  a  great 
number  of  gods  I  think  is  beyond  reasonable  doubt. 
When,  beginning  with  Const antine  the  Great,  public 


sacrifices  to  the  gods,  and  subsequently  sacrifices  every- 
where were  suppressed  ;  and  when,  in  the  time  of  Theo- 
dosius,  decrees  were  issued  ordering  every  subject  to 
become  Christian,  nearly  all  men  made  profession  of 
Christianity  to  save  their  lives  or  property.  In  pagan 
times  it  was  well  to  be  on  good  terms  with  all  the  gods. 
But  no  form  of  paganism  was  worth  dying  for.  In 
becoming  nominal  Christians  the  people  took  their 
ancient  practices  with  them  and  paganized  the  Church. 
The  spring  became  an  ayasma  or  Holy  Well,  usually 
guarded  by  a  saint.  Religious  services  were  held  at  it 
and  are  continued  to  this  day  wherever  there  is  a  Greek 
population.  The  "  saints,"  who  were  multiplied  much 
more  in  the  Eastern  than  in  the  Western  Church,  became 
the  successors  of  the  gods.  The  churches  were  filled 
with  icons  or  holy  pictures,  and  pagan  practices  in  a 
variety  of  forms  survived  under  Christian  forms. 

The  Hellenic  people  have  varied  little  in  the  course 
of  their  history.  In  religion,  as  Lord  Beaconsfield 
observed,  they  are  still  largely  pagan.  "  They  think/' 
as  he  made  one  of  his  characters  in  "  Lothair  "  declare, 
"  that  their  processions  with  sacred  pictures  are  Christian, 
but  they  are  only  doing  what  their  fathers  did."  The 
thousands  gathered  from  the  neighbouring  country  at 
any  of  the  great  shrines  of  the  Greek  Church  in  Turkey 
are  only  doing,  probably  on  the  same  spot,  and  mostly 
in  the  same  manner,  what  their  ancestors  did  two 
thousand  years  ago.  Apollo  yesterday;  St  George 
to-day  :  for  the  instinct  for  sun-worship  has  never  ceased 
to  exist  in  the  Greek  race.  There  is  no  Greek  village 
known  to  me  where  on  the  eve  of  St  John's  Day  fires  are 
not  lighted  on  the  hills  and  in  the  valleys  as  they  have 
been  probably  for  millenniums. 

In  the  same  way  the  political  characteristics  of 
the  race  have  little  changed.  The  uncultured  Greek 


is  as  violent  in  his  prejudices,  as  eloquent  and 
vehement  and  vainglorious  in  his  speech,  as  incon- 
clusive in  his  arguments,  and  as  unpracticable  as  were 
his  ancestors.  The  greatest  fault  to  be  found  with  many 
of  the  leaders  of  the  Greek  people  to-day  is  that  they 
mistake  oratory  for  statesmanship.  Professor  Bury 
says l  that  "  Demosthenes  was  the  most  eloquent  of 
orators  and  the  most  patriotic  of  citizens.  But  that 
oratory  in  which  he  excelled  was  one  of  the  curses  of 
Greek  politics/'  It  is  so  still.  The  men  of  common 
sense,  of  cool  heads,  capable  of  thinking  out  the  practical 
problems  of  statesmanship  have  little  chance  against 
the  mere  talker.  The  Greek  kingdom  during  the  last 
thirty  years  has  suffered  enormously  because  thoughtful 
men,  and  they  exist  in  fair  abundance  among  the  better 
class  of  Greeks,  have  no  chance  against  the  fluent  speaker 
or  writer.  Unfortunately  it  would  be  easy  to  give  many 
instances  of  national  folly  and  consequent  misfortune 
due  to  mere  unthoughtful  oratory.  Let  one  suffice. 
Most  people  remember  the  wretched  war  of  1897,  when 
the  Turks  could  have  marched  almost  without  hindrance 
to  the  sack  of  the  Piraeus,  and  even  Athens  itself,  if 
they  had  not  been  prevented  by  the  watchfulness  of 
Europe.  Every  one  who  had  knowledge  of  the  facts 
was  sure  that  the  Greeks  would  be  beaten  ignominiously 
if  they  were  so  foolish  as  to  declare  war.  They  were  so 
beaten.  The  Greeks  made  a  quite  pitiful  show  of  resist- 
ance. Happily  the  Powers  agreed  to  leave  the  settle- 
ment of  terms  of  peace  to  Austria,  and  thus  Greece  was 
saved.  I  was  in  Athens  shortly  after  the  war,  and  called 
upon  an  old  friend  who  belongs  to  the  Phocion  rather 
than  to  the  Demosthenian  class  of  men.  I  asked  why 
they  had  made  the  war  when  he  and  all  other  men  with 
common  sense  knew  they  could  have  no  chance  of  success. 

1  "History  of  Greece,"  ii.  326. 


His  reply  was  substantially  the  following :  "  Of  course 
many  of  us  realized  that  we  had  no  chance.  But  the 
orators  of  our  cafes  and  the  newspapers  that  pander 
to  the  vain  glory  of  our  ignorant  mob  had  shrieked  out 
the  praises  of  the  ancient  Greeks,  had  talked  of  the 
brave  deeds  done  at  our  revolution,  of  the  invincible 
courage  of  our  soldiers  and  sailors,  to  such  an  extent 
that  they  had  persuaded  their  hearers  and  readers, 
and  probably  themselves,  that  they  could  beat  the 
Turkish  army.  A  loud  cry  for  war  was  raised,  and  an 
easy  victory  anticipated/' 

"  But  you  could  not  have  thought  so  ?  "  Then  he 
added  a  story  which,  as  the  principal  actors  are  dead,  I 
will  relate.  Three  or  four  of  the  ex-ministers  went  at 
night  to  Mr  Deliyani,  the  Prime  Minister,  and  asked  that 
their  interview  should  be  private.  Deliyani  agreed. 
His  visitors  explained  the  object  of  their  coming.  They 
were  there  to  state  that  the  unpreparedness  of  the 
country  urged  them  to  put  aside  all  party  feeling  and  to 
join  cordially  with  the  government  to  prevent  war. 
They  suggested  that  Deliyani  should  call  a  meeting  of  the 
Chamber — there  is  only  one — exclude  reporters,  and  urge 
the  members  not  to  speak  of  what  went  on  at  the  secret 
session ;  that  the  ministers  should  expose  the  unpre- 
paredness of  the  country.  They  in  return  would  pledge 
themselves  not  to  make  recriminations,  but  loyally  to 
support  the  ministry  in  any  proposal  to  avoid  war. 

Mr  Deliyani  expressed  his  appreciation  of  their  patriot- 
ism, and  thanked  them  with  the  utmost  cordiality.  It 
was  agreed  that  the  same  persons  should  meet  him  on 
the  following  evening  after  he  had  consulted  his  cabinet. 

Next  night  they  returned,  and  were  first  very  sincerely 
thanked  by  Deliyani  on  behalf  of  all  his  colleagues.  But 
after  long  deliberations  the  ministers  had  decided  that 
the  suggested  course  was  too  dangerous  to  adopt.  The 


reason  given  was  probably  true  :  that  the  orators  of  the 
cafes  and  press  had  so  intoxicated  themselves  and  the 
mob  with  their  own  boasting,  that  if  the  government 
decided  against  war  there  would  be  a  revolution.  The 
royal  family  would  be  driven  away,  and  Greece  would  re- 
ceive no  kind  of  friendly  aid  from  the  European  Powers. 

This  is  the  explanation  of  why  the  Greeks  went  to 
a  war  in  which  mismanagement  and  incompetency 
were  the  chief  features  and  in  which  they  had  never  the 
slightest  chance  of  success. 

So  much  for  the  average  Greek  in  European  Turkey. 
There  are,  however,  many  men  among  them  of  great 
ability  and  good  judgment.  It  is  a  pleasure  to  turn  from 
the  Greeks,  whether  residing  in  Athens  or  in  Constanti- 
nople, who  are  merely  shallow  and  noisy  politicians,  and 
much  more  agreeable  to  speak  of  them  in  other  aspects. 
Their  joyousness  is  a  lesson  to  Englishmen.  Their 
patriotism,  however  blatant,  is  genuine.  Their  desire 
for  education  is  praiseworthy.  Their  devotion  to  the 
interest  of  their  own  people  is  to  be  seen  not  in  boastful 
speeches  but  in  real  work.  Much  of  this  work  is  done 
unostentatiously.  Poor  scholars  educated  ;  promising 
boys  sent  to  Europe  to  study  special  subjects — many 
similar  good  deeds  are  told  of  Greeks  in  Constantinople. 
The  late  Mr  Bikelas  the  historian,  who  died  in  the  summer 
of  1908,  devoted  his  later  years  and  a  large  portion  of  his 
by  no  means  large  income  to  selecting  and  editing  books 
written  in  English  or  other  languages  on  practical 
subjects.  These  he  translated  into  modern  Greek  and 
sold  at  the  lowest  possible  prices  to  the  public.  When 
I  saw  him  last,  he  had  recently  published  a  handbook  on 
bee-keeping  which  had  already  given  a  large  stimulus 
to  that  industry.  Besides  books  on  kindred  subjects, 
he  selected  others  for  translation  which  were  likely  to 
stimulate  the  peasant  to  industry  and  to  improve  him 


materially  and  morally.  His  translation  of  the  principal 
plays  of  Shakespeare  was  part  of  a  plan  to  place  before 
his  countrymen  selections  from  the  best  literature  of  the 
world.  Probably  his  own  inclination  would  have  led 
him  to  continue  the  historical  studies  which  had  given 
him  a  place  among  the  historians  of  Europe. 

Other  Greeks  in  various  spheres  have  been  doing  useful 
and  self -denying  work.  Wherever  a  Greek  community 
exists,  the  patriotism  of  the  race  shows  itself  in  useful 
outlets.  Athens  indeed  is  in  some  danger  of  being 
pauperized  by  the  asylums,  hospitals,  orphanages, 
schools,  and  other  institutions  with  which  it  has  been 
endowed  by  wealthy  Greeks.  Around  the  ^gean  and 
the  Marmora  it  constantly  happens  that  a  Greek  from 
one  of  the  villages  makes  his  fortune  outside  his  own 
country,  and  apparently  his  first  object  is  to  build  a 
school  or  hospital,  and  occasionally,  though  not  often, 
a  church  in  his  native  place.  The  generosity  of  the 
Greeks  in  such  matters  is  beyond  praise. 

Their  enterprise  as  business  men  is  of  a  very  high  order. 
Greek  traders  are  to  be  found  in  every  civilized  country. 
The  merchant  vessels  owned  by  Greeks  are  said  to  be 
more  numerous,  though  of  course  not  of  equal  tonnage, 
than  those  possessed  by  any  other  nation  except  England. 
It  will  be  remembered  that  wherever  our  soldiers  went 
during  the  expeditions  in  Egypt  they  found  Greeks. 
Lord  Cromer,  shortly  before  he  left  that  country,  paid 
them  a  well-deserved  compliment  as  a  race  always  in  the 
forefront  of  commerce.  A  friend  of  mine,  a  mining 
engineer,  went  out  at  the  late  Mr  Cecil  Rhodes's  request  to 
examine  certain  mineral  deposits  in  the  back  country  of 
Rhodesia,  and  twenty  miles  from  the  nearest  settlement, 
where,  however,  there  was  no  Englishman.  His  com- 
panion fell  ill  and  my  friend  rode  late  at  night  to  procure 
medicine  for  him.  When  at  midnight  he  reached  a  small 


settlement,  the  most  remote  in  the  country,  all  lights  were 
out  except  one  which  was  seen  through  the  chinks  of  a 
shutter.  Doubtful  of  whom  he  might  find,  he  listened 
and  heard  the  persons  speaking  Greek.  He  asked  in  that 
language  for  admission,  found  that  the  Greeks  were  as 
much  astonished  as  he  to  find  anyone  in  so  remote  a  spot 
who  spoke  their  language,  and  obtained  all  he  wanted. 

What  I  have  said  of  the  Greek  as  a  politician  applies 
principally  to  the  Greeks  in  Europe.  Those  who  live  in 
Asia  and  the  Greeks  of  the  capital  have  always  been, 
and  continue  to  be  considerably  different  in  character. 
Common  language,  a  common  Church,  and  the  instinct 
of  the  Greek  for  travel  have  caused  at  various  times 
a  large  influx  of  European  Greeks  into  Asia-Minor. 
Smyrna  is  for  example  largely  peopled  by  immigrants 
from  Greece.  The  Greeks  of  Constantinople  are  from 
both  Continents.  Thousands  of  them  have  come  from 
the  Ionian  Islands.  It  must  be  remembered  that  Greece 
is  a  small  country,  that  much  of  it  is  rocky,  and  that  the 
physical  conditions  are  such  that  the  adventurous  Greek 
has  been  at  all  times  forced  to  seek  his  living  in  other 
lands.  Indeed,  at  present  the  most  serious  question 
with  which  the  Greeks  of  the  kingdom  have  to  deal  is 
emigration.  The  United  States  offers  as  many  induce- 
ments to  them  as  it  did  two  generations  ago  to  the  Irish. 
With  the  family  affection,  which  is  one  of  the  best  features 
of  the  Greek,  the  industrious  emigrant  soon  makes  enough 
money  to  send  for  his  relations,  and  so  emigration  has 
gone  on,  and  goes  on  steadily  increasing.  In  former 
times  Greeks  emigrated  to  places  all  round  the  Mediter- 
ranean, to  Marseilles,  Italy,  Tripoli,  Egypt,  Syria,  and 
especially  to  Asia-Minor.  Anyone  who  recalls  his  Greek 
history  will  remember  how,  even  in  the  classic  period 
of  the  Greek  race,  its  colonies  were  found  far  afield. 
Smyrna  was  always  an  important  Greek  centre.  It  is 


only  within  recent  years  that  it  has  ceased  to  be  the  city 
inhabited  by  the  largest  number  of  Greeks. 

It  must  be  noted  that  while  neither  Anatolian  Greek 
nor  Hellenic  is  of  pure  descent,  the  people  with  whom 
they  have  intermingled  respectively  have  been  different. 
The  Europeans  have  intermarried  with  Slavs,  Albanians, 
Wallachs,  and  Franks  ;  the  Asiatics  with  the  earlier 
races  of  Asia-Minor  and  Syria.  The  Semitic  races  have 
left  their  influence.  So  also  have  the  Armenians.  The 
Galatians,  inhabitants  of  what  was  called  by  ancient 
geographers  Gallo-Grecia,  on  account  of  its  conquest 
and  settlement  in  the  third  century  B.C.  by  the  Gauls, 
found  a  population  probably  of  Hittites,  and  both  con- 
queror and  conquered  contributed  to  the  formation  of  the 
existing  Asiatic  Greek.  All  round  the  coast  there  were 
and  are  Greek-speaking  peoples.  The  Lazes  of  north- 
eastern Asia-Minor,  most  of  whom  are  now  Moslems, 
form  one  such  people.  The  colonies  at  Trebizond, 
Samsoun,  Amasia,  Sinope,  and  elsewhere  on  the  Black 
Sea,  and  even  inland  near  Konia,  remain  Greek  in  religion, 
but  are  notoriously  not  of  pure  race.  On  the  south  coast 
of  Asia-Minor  from  Adalia  to  Alexandretta  there  has  been 
a  large  intermixture  of  Arab  blood. 

It  is  in  their  history  and  environment  that  we  find 
how  the  Greek-speaking  people  of  Anatolia  have  come 
to  differ  from  their  brethren  in  Europe.  The  tendency 
of  Asiatic  influence  as  already  stated  was  monotheistic. 
No  better  illustration  of  the  different  tendencies  of  the 
Asiatic  and  European  Greek  could  be  given  than  that 
furnished  by  the  Iconoclastic  controversy,  where  the 
first  was  iconoclast,  the  second  iconodule. 

The  Asiatic  Greek  is  not  so  lively,  so  hasty  in  temper, 
so  versatile,  or  volatile  in  business  and  in  pleasure  as  his 
European  relation.  But  he  is  quite  as  intelligent.  He 
is  a  slower-minded  man,  but  his  judgment  is  sounder. 


He  takes  life  more  seriously.  The  pleasures  of  the 
Hellenic  Greek  are  more  frivolous  than  those  which  will 
satisfy  the  Asiatic.  The  casino  and  the  theatre  in  the 
towns,  the  cafe's  in  the  villages  are  the  Hellenic  Greek's 

The  intelligence  of  the  Greek-speaking  people  is 
undoubted.  The  lower  class  almost  everywhere  in  the 
western  portion  of  Asia-Minor  have  most  of  the  small 
shops  in  their  hands.  They  work  hard,  save  money, 
are  obliging  and  courteous.  They  dislike  farming,  but 
take  readily  to  the  sea  and  make  good  sailors  in  ordinary 
weather.  Their  fault  as  seamen  is  a  want  of  coolness  in 
sudden  emergencies.  I  remember  my  own  cutter  being 
caught  in  one  of  the  sudden  squalls  in  the  Marmora, 
when  nothing  but  presence  of  mind  and  great  activity 
can  save  a  vessel.  I  was  not  on  board  at  the  time,  but 
fortunately  another  Englishman  was.  When  the  fierce 
gale  laid  the  cutter  over  almost  on  her  beam-ends,  the 
Greek  sailors  lost  their  heads,  and  instead  of  hastening 
to  let  everything  go,  began  frantically  crossing  them- 
selves and  calling  on  the  Virgin  and  Saint  Nicolas  for  aid. 
The  Englishman  was  at  the  helm,  but  knocked  the 
kneeling  devotees  over  and  kicked  them  into  doing  their 
duty.  Voltaire  said  of  English  sailors  that,  having  no 
belief  in  the  power  of  the  saints  to  work  miracles,  they 
worked  them  for  themselves.  The  lower-class  Greek 
has  not  yet  reached  that  stage. 

It  is  from  the  lower  class  of  Greeks  that  we  who  live 
on  the  Bosporus  receive  our  domestic  servants.  They 
are  usually  good  girls,  rarely  given  to  be  fast,  often  quite 
illiterate,  but  occasionally,  especially  if  coming  from  the 
islands  belonging  to  Greece,  able  to  read  and  write. 
Probably  Hellene*  is  the  commonest  name  among  them. 
But  all  the  old  names  exist.  The  ugliest  maiden  who 
ever  served  in  our  house  was  Aphrodite.  We  gave 


warning  to  Cassandra  and  she  was  replaced  by  a 
Theodora  who  was  obedient,  meek,  and  correct.  The 
traditions  of  the  Greeks  have  led  them  to  keep  the  names 
of  their  illustrious  ancestors.  They  have  a  kindly 
feeling  even  towards  their  pagan  heroes.  At  Mount 
Athos  I  saw  various  pictures  of  heaven  in  which  Leoni- 
das  and  Epaminondas  and  Plato  occupied  places  of 
honour.  These  still  remain  common  names.  So  also 
are  Eustratius,  Zoe,  and  Penelope.  Constantine  and 
George  are  probably  now  the  commonest  men's  names. 

The  modern  pronunciation  of  Greek  often  puzzles 
travellers.  A  Greek  lady  visitor  took  up  one  of  Mr 
Theodore  Bent's  books  and  remarked  to  me,  "  I  see  you 
have  a  book  on  the  Kickldthees."  It  was  on  the 
Cyclades.  I  remember  asking  a  witness  his  name.  He 
gave  it  as  Evripeethes.  The  judge,  who  was  new  to  the 
country,  asked  how  it  was  spelt.  I  replied,  "  Call  it 
Euripides,"  and  the  difficulty  solvitur  risu.  Some  of 
the  names  strike  an  Englishman  as  strange.  I  have  a 
servant  who  is  called  Saviour,  Soteri.  Another  is 
Deuteri,  pronounced  Thevtari,  or  Monday.  Paraskevi 
(Friday)  is  not  unusual.  Stavros,  a  cross,  is  common, 
the  patronymic  Stavrides  being  an  ordinary  surname. 
As,  however,  I  have  written  elsewhere  on  the  question  of 
modern  pronunciation,  I  need  say  no  more. 

The  individualism  of  the  Greeks  is  very  marked.  Each 
one  fights  for  himself.  Greek  boys  usually  are  not  good 
at  games  like  football  or  cricket  where  combined  action 
is  necessary.  Each  plays  for  himself  only,  and  not  for 
his  side.  Nor  have  they  the  feeling  for  fair  play.  If  the 
game  is  going  against  them,  they  lose  their  temper.  To 
use  convenient  slang,  what  they  do  is  "  not  cricket." 
In  none  of  their  contests  can  they  be  depended  upon  "  to 
play  the  game."  They  are  not  less  keen  in  athletic 
sports  than  any  other  race  in  the  empire.  Indeed,  I 


think  they  are  the  keenest.  For  many  years  I  have  been 
astonished  at  the  skill  in  athletics  shown  at  the  largest 
Greek  commercial  school  in  the  country,  which  is  in  the 
island  of  Halki.  I  have  seen  splendid  performances  on 
the  cross-bar,  at  climbing,  running,  leaping,  and  the  like 
which  showed  exceptional  activity,  energy,  and  skill. 
The  exercises  were  entirely  voluntary,  and  the  boys 
delighted  in  them.  Within  a  mile  from  the  school  in 
question  is  the  only  Turkish  naval  college,  where  the 
students  had  no  boat  to  practise  in,  and  seemed  to  take 
their  holiday  or  (as  it  is  generally  expressed  in  Turkey)  to 
make  their  kef  in  sitting  on  a  quay  and  dangling  their  legs 
over  the  water.  The  contrast  between  the  restless 
activity  and  agility  of  the  Greeks  and  the  dead-and-alive 
conduct  of  the  Turks  is  very  striking.  Yet  set  the  Turks 
to  play  a  game  like  football  which  requires  organization, 
and  all  the  experts  are  agreed  that  the  Turks  will  play 
better.  They  instinctively  recognize  the  need  of  orga- 
nization, of  playing  for  their  side.  They  take  the 
game  coolly,  do  the  work  assigned  them,  lose  without 
loss  of  temper,  and  win  without  irritating  exultation. 
They  play  the  game.  The  same  remark  applies  also 
to  Armenian  boys.  Bulgarians  take  to  athletic  games 
readily,  are  very  serious  about  them,  and  co-operate 
with  their  side. 

Combined  action  is  contrary  to  the  nature  of  the 
Greek.  Individualism  makes  them  courageous  and 
daring,  but  as  in  the  Greek  revolution  and  in  the  conduct 
of  the  Greek  nation  ever  since,  they  do  not  act  well 
together.  Artemus  Ward's  regiment,  where  there  should 
be  no  one  below  the  rank  of  colonel,  would  completely 
suit  the  Greek.  He  has  no  greater  desire  than  other 
people  to  be  superior  in  rank,  but  he  must  work  for  him- 
self and  be  the  centre  of  what  goes  on  around  him. 
Every  coffee-house  in  Athens  has  its  knot  of  politicians 


who  settle  the  Greek  question  nightly,  every  one  appa- 
rently himself  a  better  politician  than  any  of  the  ministers 
in  power. 

Yet  it  must  not  be  forgotten  that  individualism  has 
served  the  race  well  in  many  parts  of  the  world,  nor 
that  the  wealthiest  Greeks  are  to  be  found  in  the  great 
European  cities  outside  Greece,  where,  notwithstanding 
that  they  have  had  to  compete  with  the  keenest  of 
business  men,  they  have  held  their  own. 


The  Greek  islanders  are  perennially  interesting.  I 
include  in  the  term  those  who  inhabit  all  the  islands  of 
the  Archipelago,  whether  belonging  to  Turkey  or  Greece. 
The  traveller  who  sees  the  Greek  islands  for  the  first 
time  will  be  disappointed.  Instead  of  a  vegetation  coming 
down  to  the  water's  edge,  many  of  them  look  barren 
rocks,  incapable  of  being  cultivated.  The  "  eternal 
summer "  which  "  gilds  them  yet "  has  apparently 
burnt  up  every  trace  of  green  vegetation.  Nevertheless 
most  of  them  are  beautiful,  though  they  present  their 
worst  side  to  the  sea.  The  description  of  them  as  places 
"  where  grew  the  arts  of  war  and  peace  "  has  its  truthful 
as  well  as  its  poetic  side.  But  they  are  essentially  places 
for  rest — for  the  weary  sailor  who  has  made  a  few  pounds 
to  quit  the  sea  and  live  and  lie  reclined  for  the  rest  of  his 
days.  Possibly  he  may  be  as  tired  of  the  sea  as  St  John 
was  who,  having  only  the  dreary  waste  of  waters  to  look 
upon  from  Patmos,  described  heaven  as  a  place  where 
there  should  be  no  more  sea.  But  to  an  elderly  Greek  as 
to  an  Englishman,  who  never  feels  quite  happy  unless  he 
knows  himself  to  be  within  get-at-able  distance  from  the 
sea,  the  island  valleys  with  their  abundance  of  vines, 
figs,  and  olives,  present  the  restfulness,  absence  of  excite- 


ment,  joy  of  mere  living  which  either  invite  to  work  as  an 
indulgence  or  to  a  condition  of  nirvana. 

The  history  of  most  of  these  islands  has  never  been 
written,  yet  I  doubt  whether  any  sites  in  the  Western 
world  possess  more  romantic  interest.  Natural  scenery, 
archaeological  remains,  association  with  heroic  deeds  and 
with  the  struggle  of  races,  all  combine  to  invite  a  visitor 
to  stay.  Take  for  example  Chios,  an  island  about  twice 
the  size  of  the  Isle  of  Wight,  with  a  perfect  climate  and 
superb  scenery.  For  a  while  in  the  occupation  of  a 
Genoese  Company  of  merchant  adventurers,  each  of 
whom  took  the  name  Justiniani ;  then,  a  century  ago,  the 
paradise  of  Greeks  who  had  made  fortunes  in  various 
cities  of  Europe,  a  seat  of  learning  with  libraries  and 
colleges — the  very  name  of  Chios  suggesting  refinement 
and  easy  circumstances,  for  the  island  was  under  the 
indirect  rule  of  a  sultana,  who  received  her  tribute 
regularly  and  was  content  to  let  the  Chiots  alone.  Then 
came  the  Greek  revolution,  the  Chiots  sending  hostages 
to  Constantinople,  and  carefully  keeping  out  of  the 
struggle,  though  with  fear  and  trembling.  Next  the 
bursting  of  a  thunderstorm,  the  Sultan  having  given  the 
order,  in  1822,  that  terror  was  to  be  struck  into  all  the 
Greeks  of  the  empire  :  a  rush  of  all  the  scoundreldom 
from  Smyrna  and  even  from  Constantinople  itself ;  the 
destruction  of  the  houses,  capture  of  the  women  and 
children,  the  murder  of  the  men  ;  death  and  destruction 
everywhere  ;  three  months  of  plunder,  the  gratification 
of  man's  lust,  the  desolation  of  the  beautiful  island  :  four 
thousand  persons,  mostly  women  and  children,  sold  into 
slavery.  Only  five  thousand  left  alive  out  of  sixty 

The  fate  of  many  of  the  victims  of  the  massacre  of 
Chios  is  still  a  matter  of  lively  tradition  wherever  the 
Greek  race  exists.  In  every  place  where  there  is  a  Greek 


colony — in  London,  Marseilles,  and  Russia,  the  ablest 
Greeks  usually  claim  Chios  origin.  Almost  every 
family  has  a  gruesome  story  to  tell.  One  friend  of  mine 
glories  in  the  fact  that  her  grandfather,  sent  to  Constanti- 
nople as  a  hostage,  was  hanged.  There  was  no  charge 
against  him  except  that  he  was  a  Greek  and  a  Chiot. 
Another,  and  this  is  a  common  case,  tells  of  his  mother 
having  been  taken  into  a  harem  and  of  her  being  assisted 
to  escape  on  board  a  foreign  vessel.  My  late  friend  Dr 
Paspates,  the  archaeologist,  has  often  told  how,  when 
the  plundering  gang  came  into  his  father's  house  and 
killed  most  of  the  inmates,  his  mother,  then  a  girl,  con- 
cealed her  jewellery  in  her  thick  mass  of  hair.  Captured 
and  sold  into  a  Turkish  harem,  she  managed  to  get  into 
communication  with  a  British  merchant.  She  was 
unknown  to  him  but  trusted  to  British  honour,  then  and 
always  the  most  valuable  asset  we  possess  in  Turkey. 
The  Englishman  entered  cautiously  into  negotiations 
with  her  owner  and  succeeded  in  buying  her  freedom. 
Paspates  was  fond  of  relating  how  loyally  and  generously 
the  Englishman  behaved.  Another  well-known  story 
relates  how  two  little  brothers  were  sold  to  different 
owners,  one  being  brought  up  as  a  Moslem,  and  the  other 
as  a  Christian  purchased  from  a  harem.  They  both 
lived  to  be  old  men  in  Constantinople,  each  keeping  to  the 
creed  in  which  he  had  been  trained.  One  rose  to  be  grand 
vizier  :  the  other  to  be  a  respected  physician. 

Another  island  in  the  ^Egean  under  Turkish  rule  has  a 
still  more  remarkable  history.  The  inhabitants  of 
Rhodes  have  many  strains  of  blood.  Every  one  knows 
the  story  of  the  Colossus  of  Rhodes,  the  bronze  statue 
of  Apollo,  the  Sun-god,  usually  represented  as  straddling 
across  the  mouth  of  the  boat  harbour,  and  beneath  whose 
legs  ships  were  supposed  to  enter.1 

1  It  probably  served  as  a  lighthouse,  and  thus  may  recall  the  noble 
figure  of  Liberty  which  forms  so  conspicuous  an  object  on  approaching 


But  few  people  recognize  that  Rhodes  played  an 
important  part  in  European  history  during  the  two 
centuries  preceding  1522,  when  the  island  fell  under 
Turkish  rule.  In  1310  it  was  occupied  by  the  Knights 
of  Jerusalem,  who  took  the  name  of  Knights  of  Rhodes. 
Their  original  duty  had  been  to  protect  pilgrims  on  their 
way  to  Palestine.  Their  history  is  a  long  and  glorious 
romance.  Under  them  Rhodes  was  for  a  century  at 
least  the  most  powerful  State  in  the  Mediterranean.  Her 
knights  were  the  militant  arm  of  Christendom,  the 
inveterate  enemies  of  the  pirates  from  Algiers  and  other 
North  African  countries.  When  Philip  le  Bel  with  un- 
scrupulous ferocity  suppressed  the  Knights  Templars, 
the  public  opinion  of  Europe  would  not  allow  him  to. 
touch  the  Knights  of  Rhodes.  Their  power  became  so 
great  and  their  hostility  to  Mahometanism  so  formidable 
that  Mahomet,  the  conqueror  of  Constantinople,  after 

New  York.  Though  accounts  differ  as  to  its  height,  the  lowest 
assigned  is  a  hundred  feet.  It  is  difficult  to  decide  upon  the  position 
where  it  stood.  With  the  aid  of  all  I  could  read  on  the  subject  and 
the  assistance  of  our  consul,  Mr  Biliotti,  members  of  whose  family 
have  made  the  island  and  its  history  their  special  study  for  two 
generations,  I  was  unable  to  satisfy  myself  during  my  last  visit  to 
Rhodes  in  1906  as  to  the  original  site.  We  examined  what  is  now  a 
small  garden  just  within  the  walls,  but  which  was  certainly' at  one  time 
a  boat  harbour,  and  agreed  in  thinking  that  of  all  the  sites  suggested 
this  appeared  to  be  the  likeliest.  There  is  no  reason  whatever  to 
contest  the  existence  of  the  Colossus.  The  accounts  come  from 
various  sources  and  are  too  full  of  detail  to  leave  any  doubt  on  the 
point.  Sir  Charles  Newton  and  Mr  Biliotti  agree  with  certain  ancient 
authorities  that  it  did  not  straddle  across  the  entrance  to  any  harbour, 
but  that  the  feet  were  on  the  same  slab.  The  Colossus  was  destroyed 
by  an  earthquake  fifty  years  after  its  erection,  but  the  accounts  of  the 
heaps  of  bronze,  the  size  of  the  fingers  and  other  portions  of  the 
figure,  furnish  satisfactory  evidence  of  its  colossal  proportions. 

Nor  is  there  any  reason  to  doubt  that  it  was  a  superb  work  of  art. 
The  city  of  Rhodes  itself  was  richly  endowed  with  statues,  and  can 
only  have  been  inferior  in  this  respect  to  Athens  itself.  Even  to-day, 
when  half  the  museums  in  Europe  have  been  enriched  with  treasures 
of  art  from  it,  one  sees  everywhere  in  the  ancient  city,  pedestals, 
capitals,  altars,  fragments  of  friezes  and  other  sculptured  work,  which 
fully  confirm  the  statement  that  in  classic  times  it  was  rich  in  this 
kind  of  wealth. 



tremendous  struggles  to  capture  Rhodes,  his  latest  siege 
being  in  1480,  left  as  a  direction  to  his  successors  that  their 
efforts  were  to  be  addressed,  first  against  Belgrade,  the 
key  to  the  advance  northwards,  and  then  against  Rhodes, 
to  further  attacks  westward.  Yet  it  was  not  till  1522  that 
the  Turks  succeeded  in  capturing  it. 

The  story  of  Rhodes  is  a  thrilling  one.  It  is  full  of 
varied  interest  and  brave  deeds,  of  heroic  fighters  and 
treacherous  renegades.  If  a  modern  Sir  Walter  would 
study  it,  he  would  find  ample  material  for  a  dozen  histori- 
cal novels  which  would  illustrate  alike  the  valour  of  the 
knights,  the  wiliness  of  spies  and  renegades,  and,  let 
me  add  in  fairness,  the  chivalrous  deeds  of  many  a 
Moslem.  But  how  stands  the  once  famous  city  of 
Rhodes  to-day  ?  My  last  visit  to  it  was  in  1906.  It 
remains  in  much  the  same  condition  as  it  was  in  the  first 
half  of  the  sixteenth  century.  No  Christian  is  allowed 
to  sleep  within  it.  Its  fifteenth-century  walls  and  forti- 
fications are  strictly  guarded,  though  the  interior  of  the 
city  would  not  be  worth  capturing,  and  the  fortifications 
would  be  useless  under  modern  conditions.  The  stone 
houses  are  picturesque,  with  balconies,  with  grills,  with 
numerous  bridges  across  the  narrow  streets  to  enable  the 
knights  during  a  siege  to  pass  readily  from  one  place  to 
another  above  the  houses.  In  the  streets  one  sees 
numbers  of  stone  cannon-balls  which  tell  of  the  last  gieat 
siege,  capitals  and  altars  which  belong  to  the  earlier 
Greek  period.  The  remains  of  the  temple  of  St  John, 
which  was  destroyed  by  an  accidental  explosion  of  the 
gunpowder  magazine  in  1856,  enable  the  visitor  to 
recognize  that  the  drawings  and  the  descriptions  given 
by  persons  still  living  are  correct  in  speaking  of  it,  as  a 
place  of  singular  beauty.  The  houses  of  the  Masters 
of  each  of  the  "  nations  "  of  knights  are  still  preserved. 
Indeed,  on  every  hand  one  sees  inscriptions  and  shields 


which  mark  the  dwelling-place  of  the  most  distinguished 
knights.  There  is  notably  a  Rue  de  Chevaliers  which, 
though  stripped  of  many  of  the  shields  which  I  saw 
there  on  my  first  visit  in  1876,  is  yet  a  street  as  little 
changed  during  the  last  four  centuries  as  probably  any 
in  Europe. 

My  last  glimpse  of  the  city  was  on  the  Greek  Easter 
Sunday  in  1906.  Between  the  city  and  the  cluster  of 
houses  half  a  mile  distant,  where  Christians  Irw  and  to 
which  I  was  returning,  there  is  a  broad  expanse  of  open 
country.  The  only  persons  whom  I  met  were  a  Greek 
priest  with  four  or  five  acolytes  or  friends  on  their  way 
to  a  church  two  miles  distant.  As  we  got  near  they 
looked  hard  at  the  foreigner  coming  from  the  ancient 
city  accompanied  by  a  Turkish  kavass.  I  gave  them 
their  Easter  salutation,  Xplcrros  avlcrrr)  :  their  faces 
brightened  as  with  one  voice  they  threw  back  the 
response,  'AXyOws  aveo-Trj.  Beyond  the  expanse  of  open 
land  in  front  of  me,  bright  with  spring  flowers,  lay  a  wide 
stretch  of  yellow  sand  ;  beyond  that  a  sea  of  a  glorious 
ultramarine  such  as  I  never  saw  in  any  other  sea  than  the 
Mediterranean  and  not  always  there,  and  far  on  the  other 
side  of  the  fifteen  miles  of  sea  were  the  beautiful  blue 
mountains  of  Asia-Minor,  the  highest  still  capped  with 
snow.  When  Rhodes  is  more  easily  reached,  its  many 
attractions,  not  only  to  people  interested  in  history, 
archaeology,  and  the  modern  Greeks,  but  to  all  who 
delight  in  beautiful  scenery  and  enjoy  a  delicious  climate, 
will  make  the  island  a  favourite  winter  resort. 

Before  leaving  the  subject  of  the  Greek  islands  I  repeat 
that  there  is  a  wonderful  charm  about  most  of  them. 
Sappho's  birthplace,  the  picturesque  island  of  Mitylene, 
still  cherishes  her  memory,  and  though  one  may  well 
doubt  or  rather  have  no  doubt  about  the  validity  of  her 


relics  in  the  island,  its  scenery  and  associations,  its  very 
atmosphere  and  seas  adds  zest  to  what  one  reads  of  her, 
and  by  her. 

Hardly  any  of  the  islands  are  without  valuable  frag- 
ments of  antiquity  to  add  to  their  general  interest.  Take, 
for  example,  Milos  or  Melos.  Everyone  knows  the  famous 
Venus  of  Milo,  now  in  the  Louvre.  Only  a  few  are 
acquainted  with  the  marvels  which  successive  explorers, 
and  of  late  years  especially  English  scholars,  have  brought 
to  light  in  that  island.  The  objects  discovered  range  in 
interest  from  a  time  when  flint  or  obsidian  implements 
marked  man's  progress  through  Greek  and  Roman 
periods  down  to  late  Byzantine  times. 

As  art  decayed  after  the  marvellous  century  of  per- 
fection in  Athens,  its  study  was  continued  not  only  in 
various  places  in  the  West  of  Asia  Minor,  notably  Lycia, 
but  in  the  islands.  Investigations  and  new  finds  are 
constantly  strengthening  this  view.  It  is  confirmed  by 
the  singular  story  about  the  Venus  of  Milo.  When  in 
1820  the  statue  was  found  by  the  French  there  was  upon 
its  base  the  name  of  a  sculptor,  Alexandrus  son  of 
Menides  of  Antioch,  who  belonged  to  the  second  century 
B.C.  The  name  was  afterwards  cut  away,  because,  said 
certain  savants,  it  is  impossible  that  so  superb  a 
work  can  be  of  so  late  a  date.  Surely  it  would  be 
difficult  to  find  a  worse  example  of  the  chauvinism  of 

1  Those  curious  as  to  this  story  may  find  the  details  in  Overbeck's 
"  Griechische  Plastic,"  Book  V.  ch.  iv.  In  the  edition  of  1882  (the 
third)  it  is  in  vol.  ii.  p.  329. 



Its  influence  on  European  history — Its  organization — Murder  of 
Greek  Patriarch  in  1822 — Religion  and  nationality — Influence  on 
Greek  race  and  individuals — Mount  Athos — Disorderly  church- 
services — Church  preserved  Greek  language  in  Turkey — Alleged 
intolerance  of  Greek  church — Attachment  of  Greeks  to  Church — 
Traces  of  paganism  in  the  Greek  and  other  Eastern  churches — 

ANY  notice  of    the  Greeks  would    be    incomplete 
which  did  not  speak  of  their  Church  and  of  its 
present  position.     No  nation  has  ever  been  more  closely 
identified  with  its  Church  than  have  the  Greeks.     Its 
influence  also  on  European  civilization  has  been  immense. 
In  the  fourth,  fifth,  and  sixth  centuries  it  took  the  largest 
share  in  formulating  Christian  theology,  and  it  created 
canon  law.     The  formation  of  the  Nicene  Creed  alone 
as  modified  at  the  subsequent  Council  of  Constantinople 
and  arranged  in  its  present  shape  by  the  Council  of 
Chalcedon,    the    present    Kadikuey,    was    a    historical 
achievement  of  the  first  order.     It  is  true  that  other 
races  and  churches  were  represented  at  these  Councils, 
but  Greek  influence  and  Greek  philosophy  gave  the  lead. 
One-third  of  the  bishops  present  at  Nicsea  were  from 
Asia  Minor.     The  creed  has  been  accepted  all  down  the 
centuries  to  the  present  day  by  nine-tenths  of  those 
who  have  professed  Christianity.     The  skill  and  finesse 
with  which  the  questions  brought  before  these  early 
Councils  were  discussed  bear  testimony  to  the  acuteness 
of  the  intellect  of  the  clergy  of  the  eastern  portion  of  the 



empire.  The  long-enduring  results  of  their  discussions 
show  the  thoroughness  with  which  the  questions  were 
thrashed  out.  Once  the  premises  on  which  the  discus- 
sions took  place  are  accepted,  the  conclusions  are  in- 
evitable and  are  universally  accepted.  We  may  be 
astounded  at  the  violence  displayed,  at  the  intense 
energy  of  the  disputants,  as  when  in  Ephesus  a  bishop 
was  trampled  to  death,  but  we  must  respect  the  thought, 
the  care,  and  the  earnestness  which  they  brought  to  the 
consideration  of  the  difficult  and  solemn  questions  under 

With  the  aid  of  the  lawyers  the  Church  established  a 
system  of  law,  which  in  substance  remains  that  of  every 
civilized  country  in  matters  of  testamentary  and  other 
succession,  marriage  and  other  questions  of  personal 

The  Greek  Church  has  for  many  centuries  ceased  to  be 
a  missionary  church.  But  besides  Christianizing  the 
various  races  within  the  empire,  its  great  missionaries, 
Cyril  and  Methodius,  succeeded  in  planting  Christianity 
among  the  Slav  races.  The  heresies  with  which  it  had 
to  deal  bear  witness  not  only  to  the  subtleties  of  the 
human  mind,  but  to  the  determination  to  solve  the 
great  questions  suggested  by  the  Christian  creed.  The 
Nestorian  with  his  two  natures  in  Christ,  and  his  refusal 
to  recognize  the  Virgin  Mary  as  the  Theotokos  ;  the 
Syrians  or  Jacobites  with  their  Monophysite  teaching 
of  one  nature,  the  sects  which  taught  that  Christ  had  but 
one  Will  and  were  hence  called  Monothelites ;  the 
Adoptionists  or  Paulicians  whose  teaching  spread  from 
the  extreme  of  Asia  Minor  to  Ireland — all  testify  to  great 
activity  of  mind,  seriousness  of  thought,  and  quickness  of 
intelligence.  These  questions  for  which  men  fought, 
for  which  hundreds  were  slain,  though  they  have  for  the 
most  part  long  lost  their  interest,  yet  remain  like  extinct 


volcanoes  to  show  how  fierce  was  the  fire  with  which  they 
once  burned. 

The  Greek  Church,  always  devoted  to  the  solution  of 
moral  and  intellectual  puzzles,  while  its  gieat  rival  in 
the  West  paid  more  attention  to  questions  which  regarded 
the  conduct  of  life,  gradually  and  characteristically  came 
to  be  known  as  the  Orthodox  Church. 

Among  its  many  services  to  the  world  was  that  of 
creating  a  new  style  of  architecture.  The  Greeks,  during 
the  great  century  of  their  history,  had  invented  and 
brought  to  perfection  the  style  which  still  charms  the 
world  in  the  Parthenon  and  the  Erectheion.  The  Romans, 
though  they  did  not,  as  is  often  loosely  stated,  invent  the 
key-stone  arch,  for  Professor  Hilprecht  found  one  under 
the  accumulations  of  millenniums  at  Nippur,  at  least 
discovered  its  great  utility  and  employed  it  in  many 
solid  and  Stately  buildings  which  still  remain.  The 
Orthodox  Church,  unwilling  to  employ  the  buildings 
which  had  been  devoted  to  the  worship  of  idols,  or  even 
to  construct  new  ones  after  their  model,  employed  the 
arch,  extended  its  use,  surmounted  it  with  a  stately 
dome,  and  made  their  churches  glorifications  of  the  arch. 

Let  it  be  noted,  however,  that  they  invariably  attached 
more  importance  to  the  interior  than  to  the  exterior  of 
their  Houses  of  Prayer,  with  the  result  that  an  English 
authority  on  architecture  can  say  of  the  interior  of  the 
Great  Church  of  Constantinople,  which  was  built  in  the 
middle  of  the  sixth  century,  that  Hagia  Sophia  "  is 
the  most  perfect  and  most  beautiful  church  which  has 
yet  been  erected  by  any  Christian  people." l  Its  exterior, 
however,  remains  unfinished  to  the  present  day.  Though 
disfigured  in  appearance  by  additions  and  changes,  prin- 
cipally intended  to  add  strength,  it  has  none  of  the  casings 
and  external  ornamentation  which  have  transformed  St 

1  Fergusson's  "  History  of  Architecture,"  vol.  ii.  p.  321. 


Marc's  at  Venice  from  what  the  present  building  was  in 
the  fourteenth  century  to  what  it  is  in  the  twentieth. 

Hagia  Sophia  gave  a  type  of  building  which  was  repro- 
duced in  various  parts  of  the  empire,  reproduced  but 
with  many  variations.  The  beautiful  little  churches  in 
Constantinople,  now  Moslem  temples,  of  St  John  the 
Baptist  and  the  Kalendir  mosque  may  serve  as  models 
of  what  the  ordinary  parish  church  was  like.  The  Gul 
Jami  or  Rose  mosque,  once  probably  the  church  of 
Pantepoptes,  the  church  of  the  Pantocrator,  of  Pam- 
makaristos  and  of  Hagia  Irene,  remain  as  illustrations 
in  the  capital  of  how  the  architects  gave  reins  to  their 
skill.  In  Salonika  other  variations  from  the  type  exist, 
and  some  of  its  churches  are  illustrations  of  what  beauti- 
ful effects  can  be  obtained  by  employing  bricks  of  any 
shape  which  the  architect  desired.  The  history  of 
Byzantine  architecture  has  not  been  satisfactorily  written. 
Sir  William  Ramsay,  who  has  had  the  subj  ect  under  notice 
during  the  many  years  of  his  visits  to  Anatolia,  has  pro- 
bably collected  material  to  give  us  the  most  complete 
book  yet  produced,  showing  its  development  until  it 
culminated  in  Hagia  Sophia,  and  subsequently  made 
many  interesting  developments. 

Though  Constantinople  became  the  capital  of  the  later 
Roman  empire  its  bishop  or  patriarch  never  succeeded 
in  occupying  so  important  a  position  in  the  State  as  did 
the  bishop  of  Rome.  In  the  Eastern  empire  there  were 
four  patriarchates — those  of  Alexandria,  Jerusalem, 
Antioch,  and  Constantinople.  The  patriarch  of  Con- 
stantinople sometimes  maintained  long  struggles  with 
the  emperors,  and  even  successfully  resisted  them,  but 
never  succeeded  in  obtaining  an  entirely  independent 

The  ecclesiastical  division  of  the  empire  corresponded 
to  the  civil.  The  chief  bishop  in  a  province  was  called 


a  patriarch  or  an  exarch.  Gradually  the  name  patriarch 
became  limited  in  the  East  to  the  bishops  of  the  places 
already  mentioned.  The  Church  is  still  governed  in 
theory  by  the  four  patriarchs,  who  are  equal  in  authority. 
The  teaching  of  the  Orthodox  Church  is  that  all  the  four 
patriarchs  enjoy  equal  dignity  and  have  the  highest 
rank  among  the  bishops.  The  bishops,  united  in  a 
general  council,  represent  the  Church,  and  infallibly 
decide  all  matters  of  faith  and  ecclesiastic  life  under  the 
guidance  of  the  Holy  Ghost.  But  as  in  the  days  of  the 
empire,  so  now.  With  few  exceptions  the  patriarchs  have 
usually  been  under  the  supremacy  of  the  civil  power. 
Upon  the  capture  of  Constantinople  this  supremacy 
was  transferred  to  the  Sultan. 

The  patriarch  of  Constantinople  exercises  ecclesiastical 
rule  over  European  Turkey  and  a  large  portion  of  Asia 
Minor.  Eighty-six  bishops  owe  him  allegiance.  He 
resides  at  the  Phanar,  a  district  in  Constantinople  which 
for  three  centuries  has  been  largely  occupied  by  Greeks, 
and  a  century  ago  contained  the  residences  of  the 
wealthiest  Greek  families  from  whom  men  were  taken  to 
become  the  rulers  of  Moldavia  and  Wallachia.  As  there 
was  much  intrigue  and  bribery  to  secure  these  and  other 
positions  under  the  sultans,  Phanariot  came  to  be  a 
synonym  for  a  man  of  unscrupulous  political  intrigue. 

In  the  Phanar,  which  is  on  the  south  shore  of  the 
Golden  Horn,  is  the  cathedral  church  of  the  patriarchate. 
Immediately  adjoining  it  is  the  official  residence  of  the 
patriarch.  One  of  the  features  which  attracts  the  notice 
of  visitors  to  the  patriarchate  is  a  large  closed  double  gate 
at  the  head  of  the  flight  of  stone  steps  leading  to  the 
principal  entrance.  The  gate  should  indeed,  be  the 
usual  entry  to  the  official  residence.  But  it  has  been 
closed  since  1822,  when  the  reigning  patriarch  was  hung 
in  the  gateway.  The  story  of  his  murder  and  the  treat- 


ment  of  his  body  is  one  which  deserves  to  be  remembered 
as  illustrating  the  conditions  under  which  Greeks  lived 
in  Constantinople  less  than  a  century  ago.     We  have  a 
careful  account  of  it  by  a  trustworthy  witness,  the  Rev. 
Dr  Walsh,  who  was  chaplain  to  the  British  Embassy  in 
Constantinople  at  the  time.     The  excitement  among  all 
sections  of  the  population  in  the  capital  had  been  for 
some  time  intense,  on  account  of  the  progress  of  the 
struggle  by  the  Greeks  in  Greece  to  gain  their  independ- 
ence.    This  had  now  been  going  on  for  some  years.     Dr 
Walsh  repeats  three  or  four  times  over  that  the  Turks 
avowedly  acted  on  the  principle  of  making  every  man 
responsible  for  the  acts  of  every  other  man  of  his  nation. 
It  is  one  well  worth  bearing  in  mind  when  reading  of 
Turkish  atrocities  in  Bulgaria  and  Armenia  as  well  as 
against  the  Greeks.     Already  a  reign  of  terror  existed 
in  1822,  throughout  Western  Turkey,  and  hardly  any- 
where worse  than  in  the  capital  itself.     The  Greeks  of 
Constantinople  were  not  aiding  their  countrymen,  and 
were  indeed  too  much  stricken  with  fear  to  do  so,  though, 
of  course,  they  sympathized  with  them.     Nevertheless, 
they  were  everywhere  publicly  insulted,  their  property 
seized,  and  their  leading  men  butchered.     Men  who  were 
well  known  and  highly  respected  by  English  and  other 
foreign  residents,  as  well  as  by  their  own  people,  were 
imprisoned,  brought  out  suddenly  and,  without  trial, 
hanged,    or    otherwise    killed.     Shortly    before    Easter 
Sunday  of  1822,  the  execution  of  ten  of  the  principal 
Greeks  residing  at  the  Phanar,  and  of  various  others  of 
inferior  note,  seemed  to  whet  the  appetite  of  the  Moslem 
population   for  blood.     Hostages  were  hanged.    Ana- 
tolian regiments  passing  through  the  capital  were  allowed 
to  commit  every  outrage  on  Greek  and  Armenian  women. 
The  devilish  spirit  of  triumphant  fanaticism  became  so 
rampant   that   the    Sultan    himself    became    alarmed. 


Foreigners  were  maltreated  as  well  as  native  Christians. 
To  prevent  any  movement  on  the  part  of  the  Greeks,  the 
Sultan  sent  for  the  patriarch,  and  during  an  interview  of 
five  hours  prepared  a  declaration  signed  by  the  patriarch, 
and  subsequently  by  twenty-one  of  his  bishops,  which 
was  printed  and  read  on  the  following  Sunday  in  all  the 
Greek  churches.  It  is  a  document  of  abject  subjection, 
evidently  wrung  from  the  patriarch  and  signed  by  his 
colleagues,  by  the  threats  of  a  fear-stricken  tyrant 
anxious  for  his  own  safety,  and  signed  by  the  bishops 
with  the  object  of  saving  the  lives  of  their  flocks. 

Easter  fell  in  that  year  for  both  Latins  and  Greeks  on 
the  22nd  of  April.  Dr  Walsh  had  finished  his  own 
service  and  was  preparing  to  visit  the  patriarch  according 
to  custom  on  the  great  festival,  when  he  "  heard  terrible 
news/'  The  patriarch  and  the  bishops,  in  the  conscious- 
ness of  their  own  blameless  conduct  and  in  the  belief 
that  their  pastoral  address  had  removed  all  suspicion  of 
their  loyalty,  had  taken  part  in  the  usual  service  in  the 
patriarchal  church.  The  building  was  full,  and  a  large 
crowd  remained  outside.  Addresses  were  given,  emphas- 
izing the  advice  given  in  the  pastoral  to  remain  quiet,  to 
give  no  cause  of  offence,  and  to  show  themselves  loyal 
subjects  of  the  Sultan.  Suddenly  through  the  dense 
crowd  soldiers  forced  their  way  to  the  patriarchal  throne, 
seized  the  patriarch,  who  had  just  given  his  benediction 
to  the  congregation,  and  dragging  him  and  the  other 
bishops  present  into  the  courtyard  tied  ropes  round  their 
necks.  According  to  the  custom  of  that  period  each 
Church  dignitary  and  even  foreign  consul  had  an  attend- 
ant janissary  told  off  to  protect  him.  The  patriarch's 
janissary  had  learned  to  respect  and  like  him.  When  he 
saw  his  master  roughly  treated,  he  rushed  to  his  defence 
and  fought  against  the  soldiers  until  he  was  stabbed  into 
silence.  The  venerable  and  beloved  old  patriarch  was 


then  dragged  under  the  gateway.  The  cord  was  passed 
through  the  staple  that  fastened  the  folding  doors,  and 
the  old  man  with  his  patriarchal  robes  upon  him  was 
hauled  up  and  left  to  struggle  in  the  agonies  of  death. 
Two  of  his  chaplains  were  hanged  at  the  same  time  in  the 
neighbouring  doorways.  The  bishops  of  Nicomedia 
(Ismidt),  of  Ephesus,  and  of  Anchialos  were  dragged 
through  the  streets  and  hanged  at  different  places  in  the 
Phanar  on  the  same  occasion. 

The  body  of  the  patriarch  was  allowed  to  hang  for 
three  days,  and  was  exposed  to  various  insults.  Then 
some  of  the  lowest  class  of  Jews  were  ordered  to  drag  it 
down  to  the  Golden  Horn,  a  distance  of  a  hundred  and 
fifty  yards,  and  to  throw  it  into  the  water.  Dr  Walsh 
is  careful  to  point  out  that  the  creatures  chosen  for  this 
purpose  "  were  incapable  of  sense  or  feeling  on  such  a 
subject ;  they  acted  under  the  impressions  of  terror  and 
stupidity,  and  any  exultation  they  showed  was  to  gratify 
their  more  brutal  and  ferocious  masters/' 

Finally,  however,  the  body  was  found  floating  in  the 
Marmora  and  was  taken  to  Odessa  for  interment. 

No  shadow  of  proof  or  just  ground  of  suspicion,  says 
Dr  Walsh,  was  ever  stated  against  the  patriarch.  Indeed, 
the  British  chaplain,  to  whom  the  patriarch  was  personally 
well  known,  speaks  of  him  as  distinguished  for  his  piety 
and  gentleness. 

In  concluding  this  story,  there  are  two  facts  which  I 
add  with  sincere  pleasure  :  First,  that  Dr  Walsh  bears 
witness  that  the  news  of  the  outrage  gave  an  immediate 
expansion  to  the  Greek  revolutionary  party ;  and,  second, 
that  throughout  all  the  bloody  outrages  which  preceded 
and  followed  the  execution,  the  foreign  residents,  and 
especially  the  British,  behaved  well,  succoured  the 
desolate  and  oppressed,  ransomed  many  prisoners,  both 
men  and  women,  and,  whenever  possible,  hid  them, 


disguised  them,  aided  fugitives  to  escape,  and  did  this 
often  at  the  risk  of  their  own  lives. 

In  Turkey,  but  especially  among  the  Greeks,  the 
religious  community  to  which  a  man  belongs  is  regarded 
as  of  more  importance  than  his  nationality.  Ask  a 
Turkish  subject  of  what  nationality  he  is,  and  he  will  reply 
that  he  is  a  Moslem  or  an  Orthodox,  a  Catholic  or  an 
Armenian,  as  the  case  may  be.  It  may  be  that  he  is  an 
Armenian  Catholic,  but  the  latter  word  only  will  be  used, 
the  word  Armenian,  signifying  that  he  belongs  to  the 
Armenian  or  Gregorian  Church.  So  also  of  the  Greek 
Uniats,  that  is,  the  members  of  the  Greek  race  who  are 
united  to  the  Church  of  Rome.  The  answer  of  such  a 
member  will  be  that  he  is  a  Catholic.  The  Orthodox 
Church  is  by  far  the  most  important  of  the  Christian 
millets  or  communities  in  Turkey,  and  their  almost 
invariable  use  of  the  word  Orthodox  to  signify  the  race 
to  which  they  belong  usually  surprises  a  stranger.  Of 
what  nationality  are  you  ?  The  answer  in  nine  cases  out 
of  ten  will  be,  "I  am  Orthodox/'  To  them  race  and 
religion,  or  nationality  and  religion,  are  usually  identical. 

This  conjunction  has  had  important  effects  on  the 
history  of  the  Greeks  and  their  Church.  Since  1453 
they  have  always  been  able  to  speak  with  one  voice  ; 
the  mouthpiece  has  been  their  Church.  They  have  been 
singularly  tenacious  of  their  rights,  which  have  all 
clustered  around  their  Church.  In  return  the  Church 
saved  the  race.  They  had  privileges  granted  to  them 
by  Mahomet  immediately  after  the  conquest.  The  con- 
cession of  these  privileges  was  rather  a  renewal  of  those 
which  patriarchs  had  possessed  under  the  empire  than  a 
new  grant.  The  grant  is  creditable  both  to  Mahomet,  the 
conqueror,  and  the  patriarch,  the  celebrated  Gennadius, 
between  whom  not  only  official,  but  apparently  really 


friendly,  relations  existed.  Cantimir  states  that  the 
original  Firman  setting  out  the  privileges  was  burnt,  but 
its  existence  was  established  half  a  century  later  in 
presence  of  Sultan  Selim.  Throughout  the  four  centuries 
which  have  passed  since  his  time  these  privileges  have 
been  often  confirmed,  the  latest  formal  confirmations 
being  in  the  Gul  Hane  Hatt,  and  the  Tanzimat,  granted 
largely  owing  to  the  invaluable  aid  of  Lord  Stratford  de 
Redcliff,  and  in  the  Constitution.  Their  churches  were 
taken  from  the  Greeks  by  successive  sultans,  so  that  in 
Constantinople  itself  only  one  insignificant  building 
remains  in  which  Christian  worship  has  been  celebrated 
continuously  since  1453.  But  they  were  allowed  to  build 
others  ;  for  this  was  one  of  the  privileges  conceded  by 
the  conqueror.  Other  privileges  were  accorded  which 
proved  of  great  value,  the  most  important  being  the  right 
of  the  patriarch  on  behalf  of  his  flock  to  make  representa- 
tions to  the  Sultan  and  the  Turkish  authorities  respecting 
the  violation  of  any  of  the  privileges  ;  and  to  exercise 
legal  jurisdiction  over  the  members  of  his  community 
in  all  matters  in  dispute  among  them.  The  latter  con- 
cession Was  in  accordance  with  mediaeval  practice,  not 
only  in  Moslem,  but  in  Christian  states.  It  was  not  long, 
however,  before  the  jurisdiction  was  limited  to  what  now 
exists,  to  the  right  of  jurisdiction  in  reference  to  marriage, 
succession,  and  questions  of  personal  statute.  To 
maintain  these  privileges  the  Church  has  constantly  been 
in  conflict  with  the  State.  During  the  Abdul  Hamid 
period,  it  was  seldom  that  a  year  passed  without  some 
attempt  being  made  to  limit  them.  Several  encroach- 
ments were  successfully  made,  the  principal  being  that  if 
either  party  to  a  suit  objected  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the 
patriarchal  courts,  he  should  be  free  to  take  his  suit  into 
the  Turkish.  I  have  not  yet  met  the  Greek  who  would 
willingly  consent  that  the  jurisdiction  of  the  patriarchal 


courts  should  be  abolished.  The  courts  in  question  are 
far  from  being  as  satisfactory  as  they  ought  to  be,  but 
they  are  superior  to  the  Turkish.  When,  therefore,  the 
too  zealous  spirits  of  some  of  the  Young  Turkey  party 
speak  of  abolishing  the  privileges  of  the  Greek  and  other 
Christian  Churches,  they  are  met  everywhere  with  serious 
opposition.  The  all-sufficient  Greek  answer  is,  "  Reform 
your  courts  and  then  we  will  consider  the  matter." 
So  long  as  by  the  Constitution  the  established  religion  of 
the  country  is  Mahometanism,  it  is  a  necessity  to  the 
Christian  communities  that  they  should  maintain  their 
own  courts.  Family  life  being  the  basis  of  such  com- 
munities, so  long  as  the  State  does  not  recognize  it,  the 
Christians  must  be  permitted  to  exercise  jurisdiction  in 
regard  thereto.  Take  one  case  in  illustration  :  no  means 
exist  under  Ottoman  law  of  punishing  a  Christian  for 
bigamy.  The  dictum  of  its  law  is  that  a  man  may  have 
a  second  wife  or  even  a  third  or  a  fourth.  The  easy 
manner  in  which  divorce  is  allowed  by  the  Orthodox 
Church  is  probably  due  to  the  fear  that  if  it  is  not  per- 
mitted one  at  least  of  the  parties  will  abandon  the  faith. 


It  is  easy  to  exaggerate  the  influence  of  the  Orthodox 
Church  in  Turkey.  The  Hellenic  Greek  more  especially 
is  not  a  religiously  minded  man.  I  do  not  think  that 
he  ever  possessed  the  Hebraic  spirit.  While  Hellenic 
influence  always  tended  towards  the  paganization  of  his 
religion,  Paganism  and  Christianity  alike  sat  lightly  upon 
him.  The  Orthodox  Church  in  Turkey,  while  saving  the 
Greek  race,  has  become  very  largely  a  political  institution. 
It  would  not  be  right  to  say  that  it  is  without  even 
serious  religious  influence  on  the  community.  But  its 


religious  influence  is  almost  solely  among  the  uneducated, 
and  for  this  and  other  reasons  is  more  powerful  in 
Anatolia  than  in  European  Turkey.  There  is  a  religious 
instinct  which  will  find  refuge  in  the  established  faith  in 
almost  any  country.  But  I  have  yet  to  meet  the 
educated  Greek  who  is  a  regular  church-goer,  or  who  will 
admit  his  belief  in  what  his  Church  teaches.  So  far  as 
influence  upon  character  is  concerned,  the  Church  has  by 
no  means  lost  its  power  over  the  educated  class  in  Turkey. 
It  is  certainly  not  now  an  aggressive  spiritual  force.  Its 
educational  value  is  slight.  Sermons,  except  in  two  or 
three  of  the  larger  cities,  and  there  only  rarely,  are  never 
heard.  The  parish  priests  are  too  ignorant  to  preach, 
too  poor  to  be  respected  socially.  They  are,  of  course, 
not  to  blame  for  their  ignorance  or  poverty.  The  system 
under  which  they  live  and  the  oppression  of  their  pre- 
decessors by  the  Moslem  majority  during  four  and  a  half 
centuries  are  the  chief  causes.  Several  circumstances 
prevent  them  from  rising  in  the  social  scale.  They  are 
wretchedly  paid.  No  man  in  comfortable  circumstances 
will  bring  up  his  son  to  be  a  priest.  A  priest  must  be  a 
married  man  before  he  is  ordained.  The  bishops  never 
marry.  Instead  of  having  a  fixed  salary,  the  priest  has  to 
obtain  his  living  by  practices  which  are  degrading,  and  to 
which  a  man  of  education  ought  not  to  have  to  resort. 
He  usually  goes  round  at  least  once  a  month  to  bless  the 
house  of  each  of  his  parishoners.  For  this  he  will  receive 
a  piaster  or  twopence.  This  seems  to  be  his  great 
stand-by.  The  rest  he  makes  up  in  fees  for  baptisms, 
marriages,  and  funerals.  The  sordidness  consequent  on 
such  a  method  of  livelihood  deters  men  of  intelligence 
from  encouraging  their  sons  to  enter  the  priesthood. 
As  by  the  law  of  the  Church  the  bishop  must  not  be  a 
married  man,  there  is  little  hope  of  promotion  for  the 
ordinary  priest,  and  therefore  little  incentive  to  ambition. 


The  result  is  that  the  ordinary  priest  is  not  only  poor 
but  without  hope  of  bettering  his  condition.  Neverthe- 
less, as  a  class,  the  priests  are  sober,  kindly,  human,  and 
honourable  men. 

It  should  never  be  forgotten  that  whatever  is  the 
condition  of  the  Orthodox  Church  in  Turkey  now,  it  has 
done  splendid  service  to  the  race  during  the  last  four 
centuries.  Its  priests  are  uneducated  because  they 
are  poor.  But  they  are  poor  because  their  Church  has 
been  deprived  of  her  property,  because  the  people  have 
been  oppressed,  and  even  when  they  had  made  money 
were  unable  to  invest  it  so  that  it  should  not  be 

The  Church  has  dark  pages  during  these  four  centuries. 
The  higher  order  of  priests,  including  the  patriarchs  them- 
selves, bribed  in  order  to  obtain  or  keep  their  positions. 
According  to  the  uncontradicted  testimony  of  a  great 
number  of  writers,  there  is  a  melancholy  series  of  the  most 
miserable  tales  of  intrigue  and  bribery  of  Turkish  officials 
to  obtain  the  higher  offices.  The  patriarchs,  who  had 
gained  their  position  by  bribing  grand  viziers,  tried  to 
recover  what  they  had  paid  by  selling  appointments  of 
bishops  and  other  functionaries  to  the  highest  bidder. 
The  bishops  endeavoured  to  recoup  themselves  by 
making  priests  and  people  pay.  The  whole  story  is  a  sad 
one,  and  helps  us  to  understand  how  the  influence  of  the 
Church  as  a  spiritual  force  diminished. 

The  result  upon  religious  sentiment  has  been  fatal.  If 
the  definition  of  religion  is  "  morality  touched  by 
emotion/'  then  the  answer  is  that  in  the  Greek  Church 
the  standard  of  morality  is  low  and  religious  emotion 
rarely  visible.  There  is  no  enthusiasm  either  of 
humanity  or  of  spiritual  life.  Everything  is  common- 
place and  suggests  the  want  of  ideals.  The  priests  seem 
incapable  of  appreciating  the  elevating  character  of 


Christian  teaching,  and  still  less  of  displaying  the 
grim  earnestness  that  characterized  Scotch  ministers, 
Wesley  an  revivalists,  Catholic  priests,  as  well  as  the 
members  of  the  two  great  parties  in  the  English  Church. 
They  have,  however,  succeeded  in  saturating  the  Greek 
race  with  an  intense  love  for  their  Church  as  representing 
national  existence. 

During  a  fortnight's  visit  to  Mount  Athos,  the 
Holy  Mountain,  I  saw  nearly  all  the  great  monasteries 
and  many  of  the  Sketes  (a  word  from  which  we  derive 
ascetics),  and  a  number  of  leading  monks.  There  are 
about  8000  in  all  on  the  peninsula.  They  are  of  two 
orders,  the  Coenobites,  who  live  a  collegiate  life  under  a 
warden,  and  a  more  ancient  order.  The  former  are 
much  more  strict  in  attending  church  services  and  in 
regarding  the  fasts  than  the  latter.  But  the  impression 
left  upon  me  was  that  they  were  all  living  a  useless 
and  most  of  them  a  lazy  life.  On  my  return  to  Con- 
stantinople I  endeavoured  to  stimulate  two  or  three 
leading  Greek  friends  to  visit  the  Mountain.  I  pointed 
out  that  the  geographical  position,  the  extensive  and 
picturesque  buildings,  and  the  revenues  of  the  monas- 
teries invited  the  establishment  of  a  great  theological 
college  or  university  for  the  whole  of  the  Greek  race  and 
others  belonging  to  the  Orthodox  Church ;  that  the 
Greek  monks,  instead  of  spending  their  time  largely  in 
quarrelling  with  the  monks  of  the  Russian  and  the 
Bulgarian  convents,  should  unite  forces  for  the  good  of 
their  common  church,  but  especially  for  the  furtherance 
of  education.  My  friends  were  smitten  with  the  idea 
and  went  to  Mount  Athos.  When  they  returned  it  was 
with  the  melancholy  conviction  that  the  monks  were 
hopeless,  and  that  no  project  of  the  kind  would  have 
the  least  chance  of  success  so  long  as  the  present 
occupants  were  in  possession. 


Before  leaving  the  subject  of  Mount  Athos,  with  its 
beautiful  old  buildings  and  crystallized  fourteenth 
century  habits,  customs  and  art,  and  its  glorious  land- 
scapes with  which  an  artist  might  fill  many  sketch  books, 
I  may  mention  some  facts  of  interest.  On  the  peninsula, 
which  is  about  twenty-four  miles  long  and  from  four  to 
ten  miles  broad,  there  are  eighteen  large  and  many  small 
monasteries.  They  are  governed  by  a  representative 
assembly  which  meets  at  Karyes,  a  small  town  in  the 
centre  of  the  peninsula  where  the  heads  of  the  houses 
form  a  Synod.  There  is  a  Turkish  governor  as  an 
evidence  of  the  rule  of  the  Porte,  but  he  has  little  to  do. 
No  woman  is  ever  permitted  to  land,  nor  is  there  a 
female  of  any  kind.  Even  hens  are  not  allowed,  though 
there  is  a  large  importation  of  eggs. 

I  had  often  heard  that  many  years  ago  an  English  lady 
had  landed  disguised  as  a  middy.  I  asked  one  of  the 
monks  whether  the  story  was  true,  and  was  gravely 
assured  that  it  was,  and  that  the  Virgin  had  punished 
her  for  her  sacrilegious  trespass.  Her  child  had  died. 
I  was  able  to  assure  him  that  the  lady  in  question  was 
still  living,  and  was  enjoying  a  happy  old  age,  but  had 
never  been  married.  Thereupon  the  monk  faced  round 
and  declared  that  he  must  have  been  mistaken  as  to 
the  form  of  punishment,  which  evidently  was  that  the 
lady  had  been  unable  to  find  a  husband. 

Greek  monks  are  as  ignorant  as  the  priests,  but  also 
as  kindly,  hospitable,  and  good-natured.  At  Batopedi 
and  other  monasteries  I  had  a  look  at  the  libraries.  My 
visit  was  not  long  after  the  discovery,  in  the  library  of 
the  monastery  of  the  Holy  Sepulchre  on  the  Golden  Horn, 
of  the  "Teaching  of  the  Apostles."  The  wonderfully 
interesting  little  treatise  was  found  bound  up  with  a 
number  of  other  manuscripts.  The  book  was  labelled 
and  indexed  with  the  name  of  the  first  treatise  only. 


At  Mount  Athos  I  was  curious  to  see  whether  the  cata- 
logues were  similarly  incomplete.  My  inquiries,  besides 
satisfying  me  that  they  were,  brought  me  into  contact 
in  every  monastery  which  I  visited  with  the  best 
scholars.  The  impression  formed  by  me  was  that  there 
were  not  more  than  two  or  three  men  who  knew  any- 
thing of  palaeography. 

During  the  Greek  revolution  of  1820-6  Mount  Athos 
was  overrun  by  Turkish  troops.  The  parchment  MSS., 
not  in  the  form  of  books  but  of  rolls,  were  raided  again 
and  again  by  the  soldiers  to  make  haversacks.  Thou- 
sands of  MSS.  have  been  destroyed  by  rats,  or  stolen  or 
given  away.  At  the  same  time  I  believe  that  in  the 
libraries  of  the  monasteries  on  the  Mountain  and  in  Mace- 
donia and  in  those  of  some  of  the  mosques  of  the  capital 
there  may  yet  be  as  precious  finds  as  "  The  Teaching  of 
the  Apostles."  It  is  only  at  rare  intervals  that  a  scholar 
has  been  allowed  to  look  at  the  piles  of  MSS.,  even  in 
the  Imperial  Library  at  Seraglio  Point  known  as  Top 
Capou.  Yet  forty  years  ago  Dethier  dug  out  of  them 
the  manuscript  of  Critobolus,  giving  the  only  account 
which  we  have  by  a  member  of  the  Orthodox  Church 
of  the  capture  of  Constantinople  by  Mahomet.  Dr 
Arminius  Vambery  was  allowed  a  few  years  ago  to 
search  for  and  take  away  some  of  the  books  which  were 
captured  at  the  taking  of  Budapest,  and  which  had 
been  in  the  library  of  Mathew  Corvinus,  King  of  Hungary. 
The  director  of  the  Imperial  Russian  Institute  at  Con- 
stantinople found  also  a  copy  of  the  Hexateuch  which 
his  government  has  recently  published.  With  these 
exceptions  I  know  of  only  one  person  who  has  been 
allowed  to  carefully  examine  the  Imperial  Library  and 
that  attached  to  St  Sophia.  He  informs  me  that  there 
are  piles  of  MSS.,  mostly  in  Arabic  or  Turkish,  but  that 
there  are  others  which  he  has  seen  in  Greek  and  Latin. 


In  the  libraries  attached  to  several  mosques  in  Constanti- 
nople there  were  many  MSS.  How  many  remain  ? 
Kim  biler  ? 

Before  leaving  the  subject  of  the  influence  of  the 
Greek  Church  and  of  its  priests  and  monks,  let  me 
recall  that  they  assisted  to  preserve  a  knowledge  of  the 
Greek  language  as  well  as  to  compact  the  Greeks  to- 
gether. The  very  forms  and  ceremonies  of  the  Church 
contributed  to  both  these  results.  Even  the  hard 
shell  of  their  religion  guarded  the  living  organization 
itself.  During  her  centuries  of  oppression  there  must 
always  have  been  found  in  the  most  degraded  and  in- 
different times  many  pious  souls  who  recognized  the 
inner  meaning  of  their  faith  and  were  the  better  for  it. 


An  English  visitor  to  a  Greek  church  is  usually  struck 
with  the  want  of  discipline,  and  disorder  in  the  congrega- 
tion. His  first  impression  is  that  there  is  a  want  of 
reverence,  but  further  experience  will  show  him  that 
the  congregation  is  reverent  enough  in  its  own  way. 
Two  incidents  from  my  own  experience  will  show  what 
I  mean.  One  Sunday  morning  I  had  taken  a  walk  with 
my  little  daughter  before  breakfast.  On  my  way  we 
entered  a  Greek  church.  The  important  service  is 
usually  about  eight  o'clock.  I  was  known  to  the  priest 
and  many  of  the  congregation,  and  not  wishing  to  dis- 
turb them,  walked  quietly  up  an  aisle  and  stood  for  a 
while  near  a  lectern,  the  priest  standing  on  the  opposite 
side  at  another.  I  wished  to  follow  the  service,  and,  as 
there  was  a  book  on  the  lectern,  quietly  turned  its  pages 
to  find  out  where  the  priest  was  reading,  doing  so  in  a 
manner  not  to  attract  attention.  The  priest,  however, 


saw  me,  and,  stopping  his  reading,  called  out  "  Can  you 
read  ancient  Greek  ?  "  I  nodded  an  affirmative,  where- 
upon he  crossed  the  nave  and  found  me  the  place,  he 
meantime  still  reciting  the  prayers  until  he  returned  to 
his  former  place.  I  followed  the  words  of  the  beautiful 
liturgy  of  Chrysostom  for  two  or  three  pages.  Then 
there  came  the  insertion  of  a  prayer  which  did  not  follow 
consecutively.  He  saw  that  I  was  lost  and  called  out, 
of  course  in  Greek,  "  Never  mind,  keep  the  place  where 
I  left  off ;  I  shall  be  back  there  directly."  Every  one 
could  hear  what  he  had  said,  but  probably  none  thought 
that  anything  remarkable  had  been  done.  It  was  only 
an  act  of  courtesy  to  an  Englishman  who  was  interested 
in  their  service. 

Another  instance  has  remained  in  my  memory,  though 
it  happened  soon  after  I  took  up  my  residence  in  Turkey. 
With  Mr  Schliemann,  the  first  explorer  of  what  is  gene- 
rally accepted  as  Troy,  and  my  friend  Dr  Paspates,  I 
attended  the  celebrated  Easter  Eve  service  at  the 
patriarchal  cathedral  in  Stamboul.  It  commenced 
about  half-past  eleven  at  night  and  continued  till  two 
in  the  morning.  The  church  was  crowded  in  every 
part,  nineteen-twentieths  standing  all  the  time,  as  is 
the  rule  in  the  Orthodox  Church.  A  portion  of  the  nave 
near  the  screen  or  iconostasis  was  railed  off,  and  in  it 
were  stalls.  Those  on  the  south  side  were  occupied  by 
the  patriarch  and  eight  or  nine  bishops,  the  patriarch 
being  seated  on  an  ancient  throne  which  tradition, 
probably  wrongly,  claims  was  actually  used  by 
Chrysostom.  The  corresponding  stalls  on  the  other 
side  were  for  visitors,  those  immediately  opposite  the 
patriarch  being  known  as  the  imperial  seats  and  being 
occupied  by  our  party.  The  choir,  in  two  parts,  were 
on  the  floor  near  the  stalls.  The  service  was,  as  this 
service  always  is,  of  an  impressive  character,  but  at  one 


part  a  boy  in  the  choir  made  a  mistake.  The  choir- 
master left  his  place,  crossed  to  the  opposite  side,  and 
gave  the  lad  a  severe  box  on  the  ear.  The  lad  shrieked 
with  pain.  The  instant  after  he  shouted  out  against  his 
attacker  and  called  him  a  brute,  as  indeed  we  thought 
him.  Thereupon  he  received  another  blow  :  the  lad 
replied ;  more  blows  followed,  and  this  contest  went  on 
in  presence  of  the  congregation  two  or  three  minutes. 
No  one  remonstrated,  no  one  seemed  to  think  the  scene 
unseemly  or  extraordinary. 

The  language  of  the  Greek  liturgy  is  almost  unin- 
telligible to  modern  Greek  peasants.  The  fact  was 
brought  home  to  me  in  an  interesting  service  which  I 
attended  five  years  ago  in  Nicsea.  Our  party  had  been 
at  the  church  when  the  ordinary  service  was  held, 
and  had  heard  the  creed  to  which  the  city  has  given  its 
name  clearly  read  by  a  deacon,  and  was  on  its  way  home 
to  breakfast,  the  service  having  commenced  at  half-past 
five,  when  we  observed  that  the  congregation  were  filing 
off  to  a  burial-ground.  We  followed,  and  found  there 
was  to  be  a  service  for  rain.  To  our  surprise,  the 
prayers  were  in  Turkish  and  were  read  by  the  priest 
from  sheets  of  paper.  Half  an  hour  later  the  priest 
joined  us  at  breakfast  and  proved  an  exceptionally 
intelligent  man.  He  explained  that  his  flock  could  not 
understand  Greek,  though  having  heard  the  liturgy  all 
their  lives  they  knew  fairly  well  what  the  prayers  meant. 
When,  as  in  the  present  case,  the  service  was  compara- 
tively strange  to  them,  it  was  unintelligible,  and  therefore 
he  had  translated  the  Greek  into  Turkish.  He  hoped 
the  members  of  our  party  did  not  consider  he  had  done 
wrong.  He  was  comforted  when  we  told  him  that  we 
had  noticed  the  people  nodding  approval  and  saying 
Amen  with  great  fervour  at  various  statements  in  the 
prayers  and  at  the  appeals  made  to  Heaven,  and  that 


English  people  were  of  opinion  that  prayers  ought  to  be 
in  a  language  understood  of  the  people. 

The  Orthodox  Church,  judged  by  the  declarations  of 
some  of  its  chiefs,  is  intolerant.  In  reference  to  its  rites 
it  is  intensely  conservative.  The  story  goes  that  not 
long  ago  a  patriarch  spoke  of  the  Pope  as  an  unbaptized 
heretic.  Dean  Milman  characterized  it  in  reference  to 
its  unchangeableness  and  inadaptability  as  bearing  the 
same  relation  to  the  Church  of  Rome  as  the  latter  does 
to  the  Protestant  Churches.  Yet  its  intolerance,  except 
towards  the  Church  of  Rome,  is  more  apparent  than  real, 
and  is  limited  only  to  the  Church  speaking  in  its  official 
character.  Even  here,  however,  it  must  be  noted  that 
it  maintains  friendly  relations  with  the  Armenian  Church, 
and  exchanges  not  unimportant  official  and  friendly 
communication  with  the  Anglican  Church  through  the 
Archbishop  of  Canterbury.  Its  hostility  to  the  Church 
of  Rome  is  due  largely  to  tradition — a  hostility  which 
was  predicted  by  Innocent  III.  when  he  denounced 
those  of  the  Fourth  Crusade  who  took  part  in  the  capture 
of  Constantinople.  It  is  interesting  to  learn  that  the 
Church  of  Rome  has  never  formally  excommunicated 
the  Orthodox  Church. 

The  attempts  of  a  section  of  the  Anglican  Church 
to  establish  union  with  the  Orthodox  Church  have  met 
with  little  success.  The  Church  will  not  even  recognize 
Anglican  baptism.  The  attempt  to  obtain  a  formal 
recognition  of  the  validity  of  Anglican  Orders  has  not 
only  failed  but  continues  to  be  simply  mischievous.  It 
encourages  the  suspicion  that  Anglicans  feel  their 
position  to  be  weak,  and  wish  it  to  be  strengthened  by 
a  Church  whose  Orders  are  beyond  suspicion.  The 
Presbyterian  and  other  Protestant  missionaries,  Ameri- 
cans, Germans,  and  English,  who  have  no  desire  of 
the  kind,  but  whose  work  in  the  country  is  acknow- 


ledged  by  Greeks  and  Armenians  to  be  purely  beneficial, 
get  on  excellently  with  these  Christian  communities. 
The  Armenians  frequently  allow  Presbyterians  to  preach 
in  their  churches.  The  late  Bishop  of  Gibraltar,1  who, 
besides  being  a  historical  High-Churchman,  was  also  a 
broad-minded  man,  was  invited  to  preach  in  the  Armenian 
church,  in  1908,  at  Bardezag  near  Ismidt,  and  wisely 
accepted  the  invitation,  thereby  strengthening  the  hands 
of  the  Rev.  Dr  Chambers,  a  Canadian  Presbyterian  at 
the  head  of  a  valuable  Armenian  college  in  that  town. 
He  had  a  crowded  congregation,  and  his  address  as  well 
as  his  sympathy  had  an  excellent  effect  upon  the  large 
Armenian  population. 


The  Greek  and  other  historical  Churches  in  Turkey, 
being  institutions  whose  development  was  suddenly  cut 
short  by  the  subjection  of  their  members  to  Moslem  races, 
retain  many  traces  of  paganism  which,  under  different 
circumstances,  would  probably  have  disappeared.  These 
are  found  in  customs  and  superstitions,  or  attached  to 
places  of  worship  which  have  survived  in  being  adapted 
to  the  change  from  paganism  to  Christianity.  Such  are 
the  death-wailings  which  are  pretty  general  through  the 
Greek  world,  the  ancient  feasts  of  the  dead,  including  the 
distribution  of  Blessed  Bread  and  the  burning  of  incense 
in  honour  of  the  departed.  The  saints  became  suc- 
cessors of  the  pagan  gods.  Every  hill-top  which  had 
been  crowned  with  a  temple  to  Phoebus  Apollo,  the  Sun- 
god,  was  succeeded  by  a  church  dedicated  to  St  George, 
who  is  invariably  represented  as  slaying  the  dragon. 
The  transformation  may  be  excused  as  allowing  the  pagan 

1 1  regret  to  have  to  speak  of  Dr  Collins  as  the  late  Bishop.  He  died 
in  March  191 1,  on  his  way  from  Constantinople  to  Smyrna,  at  the  early 
age  of  forty-five.  He  was  a  man  of  sterling  merit,  sympathetic,  able, 
and  learned. 


pilgrimages,  beneficial  to  bodily  and  mental  health,  to 
continue  under  the  sanction  of  the  Church.  It  is  justified 
if  St  George  be  regarded  as  light  overcoming  darkness, 
as  the  champion  of  right  triumphing  over  "  the  dragon, 
that  old  serpent  which  is  the  devil  "  (Rev.  xx.  2),  Chris- 
tianity victorious  over  paganism — a  noble  symbol  if 
assuring  hope  of  the  victory  of  right  over  wrong.  Whence 
St  George  came  I  am  compelled,  after  considerable  search, 
to  admit  that  I  have  been  unable  to  find.  I  utterly  fail 
to  recognize  him  as  either  of  the  two  somewhat  common- 
place saints  of  that  name  who  are  given  in  the  Hagi- 
ologies.  There  is  a  passage  in  Eusebius  which  possibly 
suggests  his  origin,  but  the  discussion  of  the  question  is 
not  within  my  present  purpose. 

While  the  rule  holds  good  that  every  hill-top  of  im- 
portance in  the  ^Egean  and  Marmora  is  crowned  by  a 
church  or  monastery  dedicated  to  the  Knightly  Saint, 
it  is  subject  to  an  exception  of  the  kind  which  proves  the 
rule  :  for  churches  may  be  found  in  some  such  places 
dedicated  to  St  Elias.  It  seems  now  to  be  generally 
recognized  that  as  in  Greek  the  aspirate  has  been  for 
many  centuries  unsounded,  there  was  a  confusion  in  the 
popular  mind  between  the  words,  Helios,  the  sun,  and 
Elias,  the  prophet,  and  that  the  church  dedicated  to  the 
latter  was  really  continuing  sun-worship.  Of  course, 
it  will  not  be  forgotten  that  Elias  was  present  on  the 
Holy  Mount  at  the  Transfiguration.  Some  hill-top 
churches  are  named  after  that  event,  which  the  Gieeks 
call  the  Metamorphosis.  In  like  manner,  all  along  the 
shores  inhabited  by  Greeks,  St  Nicholas  has  taken  the 
place  of  Neptune  or  Poseidon.  The  Nereids  are  firmly 
believed  in  by  Greek  islanders.  Our  common  word  in 
modern  Greek  for  water  is  nero. 

The  traditional  Greek  spirit  in  their  blood  infuses 
poetry  into  Greek  superstitions.  "  The  Nereids'  smiles 


turn  to  roses  ;   their  tears  to  pearls  "  ;   "  beautiful  as  a 

Nereid " — are  common  expressions.      Their    long    and 

luxurious  hair  and  supple  forms  still  lure  men.     Mr  Bent 

mentions  certain  well-known  families  of  islanders  who 

are  reported  to  have  Nereid  blood  in  their  veins.     The 

rainbow  is  the  "  sun's  girdle/'  and  as  such  recalls  the 

myth  of  the  virgin  Iris.     It  is  sent  to  show  where  buried 

treasure  exists,  and  reminds  us  that   Iris  was  Jove's 

messenger  from  heaven  to  earth.     In  the  islands    of  the 

Archipelago  there  is  hardly  one  of  the  gods  who  does  not 

figure  as  a  Christian  saint.     In  Kios  or  Zea,  Pan  has 

given  place  to  St  Anarguris,  who  is  the  patron  of  flocks 

and  herds.     When  an  ox  is  ill  the  owner  takes  it  to  the 

saint's  church  and  prays  for  its  recovery.     In  Kythinos, 

when  an  islander  goes  abroad  his  friends  collect,  and  as 

he  crosses  the  threshold  of  his  house  one  of  them  pours 

out  a  libation  to  the  gods  to  bring  him  good  luck.     Mr 

Abbott  notices  the  same  practices  in  Macedonia.     At 

Paros    is    a    church    dedicated    to    the    "  Drunken    St 

George/'     On  the  3rd  November,  the  anniversary  of  his 

death,  the  Pariotes  usually  tap  their  wine,  get  drunk,  and 

have  a  scene  of  revelry  in  front  of  the  church  with  the 

priests    among    them.     Another    form    of    worship    of 

Bacchus   may   be   seen   at   Naxos.     St  Dionysius,  the 

Christian  successor  of  Dionysus,  preserves  many  traces 

of  the  worship  rendered  to  his  ancestor.     A  good  story  is 

preserved    about    him.     According    to    the    Christian 

legend,  when  the  saint  was  going  from  his  monastery  on 

Mount  Olympus  to  Naxos  he  found  a  plant  which  he 

placed  in  the  bone  of  a  bird  to  keep  it  moist.     Later  on, 

he  put  both  in  the  bone  of  a  lion,  and  on  his  last  day's 

journey  placed  the  three  inside  the  bone  of  an  ass.     The 

plant    grew    to    be    a    vine.      From    it    he    gathered 

grapes  and  made  good  wine.     A  draught  of  it  made 

him   sing  like  a  bird ;    a  little  more  made  him  feel 


strong  as  a  lion ;  and  still  more  made  him  as  foolish 
as  an  ass. 

Sometimes  the  old  gods  have  been  changed  into  modern 
saints,  regardless  of  sex.  At  Kios,  Artemis  has  become 
St  Artemidos.  Demeter  is  represented  as  St  Demetrius, 
who  is  the  protector  of  flocks,  herds,  and  husbandmen. 
Many  islanders  still  tell  you  that  Charon  lives  in  Hades, 
where  he  hunts  his  victims  on  a  spectral  horse.  Charon 
or  Charos  is  the  modern  synonym  for  death.  A  new 
personage  has  been  introduced  into  Christian  mythology 
as  Charon's  mother,  a  sweet,  tender-hearted  woman, 
probably  from  the  analogy  of  the  mother  of  Christ,  who 
intercedes  for  sinners  with  her  bloodthirsty  son. 

Among  all  the  Greek  populations,  miraculous  powers 
are  attributed  to  the  old  gods  and  their  modern  successors. 
It  would  be  easy  to  cite  illustrations  from  the  shrines  of 
the  saints  in  Tenos  and  a  dozen  of  the  islands.  But  in 
the  island  of  Prinkipo  where,  during  upwards  of  thirty 
years,  I  have  spent  annually  some  months,  a  good  illus- 
tration is  at  hand.  Crowds  of  people  assemble  on  the 
23rd  of  April  each  year  to  celebrate  St  George.  They 
are  dressed  in  all  sorts  of  curious  costumes,  each  of  which 
is  characteristic  of  the  place  from  which  the  wearer  has 
come  on  pilgrimage.  Many  of  the  women  wear  the 
divided  skirt.  Strings  of  coins,  mostly  silver,  adorn  their 
necks.  Lovely  tertiary  tints  of  green  and  blue  and  red 
alternate  with  rich  orange  and  yellow,  the  produce  of 
traditional  dyes  in  places  to  which  aniline  crudeness  has 
not  yet  penetrated.  St  George's  Church  is  of  course 
on  the  highest  peak  of  our  island,  six  hundred  feet  above 
the  sea.  On  the  eve  of  his  festival  thousands  of  people 
flock  together  from  the  neighbouring  and  the  remote 
islands  in  the  Marmora  and  from  the  villages  of  Bithynia 
to  celebrate  the  feast.  Note  in  passing  that  in  the  East 
the  eve  of  the  feast  day  is  usually  more  regarded  than  the 


day  itself.  In  all  the  ancient  churches,  "  the  evening 
and  the  morning "  make  the  day.  The  church  is 
crowded,  and  hundreds  of  peasants,  unable  to  gain 
admission,  sleep  out  on  the  adjacent  hill-side  with  the 
object  of  obtaining  the  saint's  help  in  sickness,  for  St 
George,  like  his  predecessor  Apollo,  the  father  of 
^Esculapius,  is  a  great  healer.  It  is  a  sad  sight  to  see 
people  in  far  advanced  stages  of  consumption  carried 
there  in  hope  of  a  miraculous  return  to  health.  It  is 
pathetic  to  see  mothers,  weary  with  long  travelling, 
toiling  up  the  steep  hill,  carrying  their  sick  children  to  be 
cured  :  infants  on  whom  death  has  set  his  mark  receiv- 
ing all  the  care  which  maternal  devotion  can  give  in  what 
the  onlooker  sees  to  be  hopeless  cases.  The  wild  eyes  of 
other  visitors  at  this  annual  festival  suggest  craziness  ; 
the  vacant  stare  of  others  proclaims  idiocy ;  for  this, 
like  so  many  shrines  of  Apollo  yesterday,  and  St  George 
to-day,  has  been  and  still  is  reputed  for  healing  the  mad 
and  the  mindless.  On  the  floor  of  the  church  there  are 
iron  rings  to  which  mad  creatures  were  bound,  even 
within  my  own  recollection,  so  that  they  might  pass  the 
night  in  the  church  and  receive  the  benefit  which  St 
George,  or  the  Black  Virgin,  whose  picture,  owing  its 
colour  probably  to  the  fact  that  it  was  painted  with  white 
lead,  was  in  some  mysterious  manner  able  to  bestow. 

This  kind  of  superstitious  belief  in  saintly  intervention 
is  in  the  Greek  blood.  I  knew  one  man  who  was  con- 
stantly dabbling  in  small  speculations  on  the  Bourse. 
It  was  his  habit,  as  he  admitted,  always  to  burn  a  candle 
to  a  saint  to  bring  him  luck  when  he  had  a  speculation 
on  hand.  He  openly  professed  unbelief  in  the  existence 
of  any  supernatural  being.  He  secretly  believed  it  to  be 
useful  policy  to  be  on  good  terms  with  all  the  saints. 

Occasionally  Greek  priests  have  encouraged  the  super- 
stitious tendencies  of  their  followers  for  the  sake  of  gain. 


It  must  be  remembered  that  they  are  almost  always 
peasant  priests,  lamentably  ignorant  and  ill-paid. 
Within  my  own  recollection  there  have  been  ayasmas 
found  and  taken  possession  of  by  priests  at  Kandilli 
on  the  Bosporus  and  at  Prinkipo,  that  is  to  say  a  spring 
of  fresh  water  has  been  discovered.  In  each  case  the 
report  was  spread  that  an  icon  was  found  near  the 
spring  ;  a  priest  took  possession,  erected  a  shrine,  and  at 
once  received  the  offerings  of  worshippers.  Such  a 
priest  I  knew  at  Prinkipo,  and  have  often  visited  his 
shrine.  The  latter  exists,  but  the  Greek  was  found  to  be 
aiding  the  smugglers  of  tobacco  and  was  then  sent  away. 
Some  ten  yeais  ago,  a  serious  attempt  was  made  to 
establish  the  reputation  of  a  miracle-working  shrine  in 
Constantinople,  but  investigation  showed  that  it  was  the 
work  of  persons  who  intended  to  exploit  it  for  their  own 
profit,  and  the  patriarchal  authorities  put  an  end  to  the 
attempt.  Near  Smyrna,  within  the  last  few  years,  there 
was  a  similar  attempt  to  encourage  pilgrimages  to  a  house 
supposed  to  have  been  inhabited  by  the  Virgin  Mary, 
the  pilgrims  being  mostly  Greek  by  race  but  belonging  to 
the  Roman  Catholic  Church.  But  the  ecclesiastical 
authorities,  after  examination,  put  an  effectual  end  to 
such  pilgrimages. 

In  Asia  Minor,  instances  exist  in  abundance  of  the 
respect  paid  by  Christians  and  Moslems  alike  to  holy 
places,  which  have  been  held  sacred  for  probably 
millenniums.  Sir  William  Ramsay  has  called  attention 
on  various  occasions  to  Moslem  mosques  which  have 
been  Christian  churches,  and  which  churches  had  taken 
the  place  of  Hittite  or  other  early  temples.  Something 
in  or  connected  with  the  site  long  ago  was  regarded  as 
marvellous  or  peculiarly  suited  for  the  worship  of  the 
Unknown.  It  may  have  been  a  prominent  wild  peak, 
a  peculiar  formation  of  rock,  a  spring  welling  up  mysteri- 


ously  out  of  the  arid  plain,  or,  as  at  Mahalich  in  the 
district  south-east  of  Koniah,  extinct  volcanic  craters 
leading  to  the  abode  of  the  infernal  gods,  and  suggesting 
terror,  which  first  led  the  original  worshippers  to  regard 
the  place  as  holy.  Our  military  consul,  Captain  Dickson, 
at  Van,  a  district  which  is  full  of  traces  of  paganism,  has 
told  the  story  of  a  holy  place  on  the  summit  of  Jebel  Judi, 
7000  feet  high.  Every  August,  thousands  of  Moslems, 
Christians,  and  Yezidis  or  devil- worshippers  climb  this 
great  height  to  do  homage  to  Noah  at  this,  one  of  his 
many  reputed  tombs.  The  shrine  was  erected  on  the 
place  by  some  early  race  ;  worshippers  flocked  to  it,  and 
a  reputation  for  sanctity  gathered  round  it.  When  the 
old  heathenism  had  to  make  way  for  the  teaching  of 
Christianity,  those  who  were  opposed  to  it  clung  to  the 
holy  place  hallowed  by  the  worship  of  their  fathers,  and 
those  even  who  professed  the  new  faith  were  unwilling 
to  separate  themselves  from  the  ancient  place  of  worship. 
There  was  often  a  lingering  feeling  that  the  old  gods,  the 
guardians  of  those  places,  ought  to  be  appeased.  Chris- 
tians, even  in  the  time  of  St  Paul,  did  not  deny  their 
existence  or  influence.  They  existed,  but  were  powers 
hostile  to  the  True  God.  Then  when  Christian  worship 
had  itself  lasted  for  centuries,  came  the  Moslems,  the 
great  iconoclasts.  But  they  too  felt  the  influence  of  the 
holy  places,  and  while  stripping  the  church  of  its  pictures 
and  ornaments,  respected  the  place  which  tradition 
regarded  as  holy. 

I  conclude  this  notice  of  surviving  paganism  by  telling 
a  story  for  which  my  authority  is  the  late  Theodore  Bent. 
In  his  interesting  book  on  the  Cyclades,  his  last  chapter, 
full  of  good  matter,  is  about  the  island  of  Amorgos,  at 
the  south-east  end  of  the  group  he  has  been  describing. 
The  following  story  is  not  given  in  it,  but  was  told  me  by 
him  shortly  after  the  incident  occurred ;  and  Mrs  Bent, 


who  nearly  always  accompanied  her  husband,  has  kindly 
informed  me  recently  that  it  was  on  Amorgos  where  the 
incident  happened.  Mr  Bent  had  so  often  found  that 
the  customs  mentioned  by  Herodotus  were  continued  to 
the  present  time,  that  he  incautiously  asked  the  priest  of 
St  Nicholas,  the  successor  of  Poseidon  as  the  protector 
of  sailors,  whether  the  old  practice  of  divination  by 
tossing  up  knucklebones  and  learning  by  the  way  in 
which  they  fell  on  the  altar  what  the  direction  of  the 
wind  would  be,  still  continued.  The  answer  was  in  the 
negative.  When  the  piiest  turned  away,  an  old  woman 
who  had  overheard  the  conversation  said  to  Mr  Bent, 
"  All  the  same,  Chilibe,  no  ship  goes  to  sea  without  the 
crew  coming  here  to  learn  how  the  wind  will  blow." 
Mr  Bent  said  nothing,  but  having  learned  that  two  or  three 
days  later  a  vessel  had  arranged  to  leave,  watched  her 
crew,  and  having  seen  them  start  on  their  way  to  the 
church,  followed  them  at  a  distance,  taking  care  to  k(  ep 
out  of  sight.  They  entered  the  church,  and  five  minutes 
later  were  followed  by  Mr  Bent,  who  arrived  just  in  time 
to  see,  through  the  holy  gates,  candles  lighted  upon  the 
altar,  the  priest  with  his  hat  off,  and  his  long  hair  down, 
and  in  the  very  act  of  tossing  the  knucklebones. 

When  we  foreigners  get  impatient  at  the  mistrust 
shown  by  the  Greeks  of  their  Moslem  fellow-subjects, 
of  their  determination  not  to  abandon  one  jot  or  tittle 
of  the  ancient  rites  of  their  Church,  it  is  right  that  we 
should  remember  what  are  their  traditions.  The  grand- 
children of  the  men  who  were  butchered  under  the 
influence  of  Moslem  fanaticism  are  still  living.  They 
remember  that  their  fathers  died  for  their  faith,  that  each 
could  have  saved  his  life  if  he  had  been  willing  to  renounce 
it,  but  that  with  very  few  exceptions  they  stuck  to  their 
creed,  and  with  a  glorious  obstinacy  which  is  the  salt  of  a 


race,  preferred  death  to  a  life  purchased  at  the  price  of 
disloyalty  to  their  beliefs. 

And  how  well  they  died  !  I  am  not  thinking  of  pious 
death-beds,  of  men  borne  up  by  the  hope  of  exchanging 
the  short  time  they  had  to  live  in  this  world  for  the 
eternal  happiness  of  Paradise,  but  of  men  in  the  prime  of 
life,  anxious  to  be  about  their  business,  to  provide  for 
their  families,  and  therefore  desirous  of  living.  Here,  to 
this  lovely  island  of  Prinkipo,  where  I  am  writing,  there 
were  banished,  between  1820  and  1830,  great  numbers  of 
Greeks.  Daily  there  came  to  it  from  the  capital,  eleven 
miles  away,  the  Sultan's  great  cai'que,  bringing  the 
executioner.  Mr  Walsh,  the  embassy  chaplain,  relates 
how  with  a  gaiety  of  heart,  a  worthy  indifference  to  fate 
or  contempt  of  death,  they  continued  their  games  of 
tric-trac  when  the  executioner  arrived.  He  passed 
among  them,  laid  his  handkerchief  on  the  shoulders  of 
the  men  who  were  to  be  taken  off  to  death,  while  the 
men  themselves  continued  their  game  and  finished  it. 
Then  those  marked  rose  from  their  seats,  said  good-bye 
to  their  friends,  and  went  as  gallantly  to  death  as  ever 
did  an  aristocrat  during  the  Terror  in  France.  Bravo  ! 
my  light-headed  Greek  friends ;  you  can  brag  and  be 
vainglorious,  but  you  can  also  die  like  brave  men. 

I  recognize  that  I  have  said  some  hard  things  about  the 
Greeks  and  their  Church ;  but  both  are  worth  criticizing. 
Modern  Gieeks  have  the  making  of  a  fine  people.  They 
have  admirable  qualities.  They  have  life  and  energy. 
More  than  this,  they  possess  nous — intelligence,  brains. 
They  can  think  as  well  as  talk.  Their  commercial 
morality  wants  waking  up,  and  if  a  Chrysostom  or  a  man 
like  many  of  the  great  teachers  of  the  world  should  arise 
among  them,  the  race  might  once  more  come  into  the 
front  rank  of  the  world.  What  they  want  both  in  religion 
and  politics  is  a  few  men  with  clear,  plain  intelligence,  who 


can  see  questions  concerning  their  race  in  their  correct 
proportion,  and  will  speak  and  act  in  accordance  with 
their  insight. 

Turkey  and  its  many  peoples  make  one  believe  in 
race.  Jew  or  Armenian  or  Greek,  neither  can  be  exter- 
minated. They  may  be  oppressed  and  trodden  down, 
debased  by  long  centuries  of  servitude,  but,  like  a  tree 
which  is  not  rooted  out,  they  will  bring  forth  fruit  after 
their  kind.  Disraeli's  remark  that,  while  Jews  are  always 
Jews,  every  nation  gets  the  Jews  it  deserves,  applies  also 
to  Eastern  Christians.  Give  each  their  chance,  and  the 
quality  of  the  race  will  be  proved.  Greeks  are  the  most 
numerous  of  the  latter,  and  they  and  the  Armenians,  in 
spite  of  oppression,  have  for  four  centuries  found  the 
brains  not  only  for  the  Turkish  government  but  for  the 
greater  part  of  the  intellectual  work  in  the  country. 
Many  of  the  best  as  well  as  the  ablest  men  in  the  Turkish 
service  have  been  Gieeks.  Far  and  away  the  ablest 
minister  of  foreign  affairs  who  has  held  office  during  my 
residence  in  the  country  was  Alexander  Pasha,  one  of  the 
family  of  Caratheodoris,  who  have  furnished  and  are 
allied  to  many  men  who,  by  their  services  in  Turkey  and 
abroad,  have  helped  to  keep  the  Tuikish  Empire  going. 
The  ablest  Turks,  many  of  whom  are  conscious  of  hav- 
ing inherited  Chiistian  blood,  are  wise  in  proclaiming 
religious  equality  if  they  wish  their  country  to  take  rank 
among  the  civilized  nations  of  the  earth.  But  of  all  the 
races  under  the  Sultan's  rule  none  are  more  valuable  to 
the  Turks  than  are  the  Greeks. 



Origin  name  Vlach — Early  notices  of  Vlachs — Probably  a  Latin 
people  and  among  earliest  settlers  in  peninsula — Pomaks  possibly 
descendants  Thracians — Why  Moslems — Probably  converted  Adop- 
tionists — Jews — Some  descendants  of  ancestors  who  have  always  resided 
in  country — Others  exiles  from  Spain — Dunmays  professing  Islam  but 
keeping  Jewish  practices — Story  of  Sabbatai  Sevi,  founder  of  sect. 

BEFORE  speaking  of  any  of  the  larger  communities 
in  European  Turkey,  it  is  convenient  to  notice 
three  groups  of  different  races  and  religions  who  are 
found  in  the  Balkan  Peninsula.  These  are  the  Vlachs, 
the  Pomaks,  and  the  Jews.  The  first  two  are  exclusively 
European  peoples. 


The  Vlachs  or  Wallachs  are  widely  dispersed  through 
Macedonia.  They  are  of  the  same  race  as  the  Rumanians 
and  speak  the  same  variety  of  what  may  be  called  Latin 
language,  except  that  there  are  certain  dialectical  peculi- 
arities in  various  districts  due  to  the  fact  of  their  con- 
tiguity with  Slavs  and  Greek.  Little  is  recorded  of  the 
early  history  of  the  Vlachs.  Sir  Charles  Elliot  thinks 
that  the  origin  of  the  name  Vlach  is  to  be  found  in  the 
Polish  word  for  "  Italian/*  and  that  it  was  applied  to  the 
Vlachs  because  of  their  Latin  speech.1  The  suggestion 
does  not  appear  to  me  to  be  necessary.  Vlach  or  Wallach 
is  a  word  which  appears  as  Gael,  Gaul,  Galatia,  Wales, 

1  "Turkey  in  Europe,"  p.  414. 


and  Welsh.  It  usually  signifies  foreigners  or  foreign. 
Of  course  no  native  speaks  of  his  own  people  as  foreigners. 
The  Vlachs  of  Macedonia  call  themselves  Rumani,  or 
Armani,  that  is  Romans,  just  as  the  largest  group  of  the 
race  call  their  country  Rumania.  In  the  time  of  Trajan 
such  country  was  called  Dacia,  and  as  it  is  known  to 
have  been  a  Roman  convict  colony,  a  common  explana- 
tion of  the  existence  of  a  people  speaking  a  form  of  Latin 
was  that  its  inhabitants  were  the  descendants  of  the 
colonists.  The  further  particular  was  then  added  that 
they  subsequently  crossed  the  Balkans  and  spread  into 
Macedonia  and  penetrated  even  as  far  south  as  into 
Greece.  But  the  explanation  fails  for  want  of  evidence 
when  it  is  suggested  as  a  reason  why  the  Vlachs  exist 
throughout  the  Balkan  Peninsula.  Even  the  assertion 
that  the  modern  Rumanians  are  the  descendants  of  the 
Trajan  colonists  was  denied  some  forty  years  ago  by 
Rossler,  who  claimed  that  the  first  mention  of  a  Roman 
settlement  north  of  the  Danube  is  not  before  1222. 
But  we  have  notices  of  the  Vlachs  extending  from  the 
Pindus  range  in  what  is  now  Northern  Greece  right  up 
into  the  Carpathians  and  across  the  peninsula  almost 
to  the  Black  Sea  centuries  earlier.  Procopius,  in  the 
later  half  of  the  sixth  century,  gives  the  names  of  Illyrian 
fortresses  in  what  may  be  called  Rumanian  Latin.  A 
little  later,  in  587,  soldiers  of  the  Greek  Emperor  are 
represented  as  using  such  expressions  as  torna,  frate  (turn, 
brother).  Cedrenus,  about  976,  speaks  of  the  murder  of 
the  brother  of  Samuel,  the  Bulgarian  King,  by  certain 
Vlach  wanderers.  Anna  Comnena,  in  1080,  mentions 
them  as  existing  in  Thessaly.  She  describes  how  a 
certain  general  in  Macedonia  received  orders  to  enlist 
as  many  soldiers  as  he  could.  These  were  not  to  be 
veterans  but  raw  recruits,  both  for  cavalry  and  foot, 
taken  from  the  Bulgarians,  "  and  from  the  wandering 


people  commonly  spoken  of  as  Vlachs,"  or  any  others 
who  might  offer  themselves.1 

About  the  same  time  the  Jewish  traveller  Benjamin 
of  Tudela  gives  an  interesting  paragraph  about  them. 
Travelling  in  Southern  Macedonia,  he  says  that  he 
reached  the  country  of  Wallachia,  whose  inhabitants  are 
called  Vlachs.  "  They  are  as  nimble  as  deer  and  descend 
from  their  mountains  into  the  plains  of  Greece,  robbing 
and  collecting  booty.  Nobody  ventures  to  make  war 
on  them,  nor  can  any  king  bring  them  under  subjection. 
Their  names  are  of  Jewish  origin,  and  some  even  say  they 
have  been  Jews.  When  they  meet  an  Israelite  they  will 
plunder  but  not  kill  him,  as  they  do  the  Greeks.  They 
profess  no  religious  faith.'* 

When  Benjamin  wrote  we  are  in  the  period  of  the 
Crusades,  and  the  chroniclers  of  the  Crusades  speak  of 
Macedonia  as  Great  Wallachia.2  His  short  account 
suggests  that  the  Vlachs  were  highlanders.  Most  of 
them  are  mountaineers  to  the  present  day,  and  many 
prefer  a  wandering  life  as  owners  and  leaders  of  pack- 
horses.  They  were  of  a  different  race  from  the  ordinary 
subjects  of  the  emperor,  whom  Benjamin  here  and  else- 
where speaks  of  as  Greeks.  Their  religion  was  not  that 
of  the  Greeks.  He  thought  they  had  none.  Suppose  that 
they  belonged  to  the  Adoptionists,  Bogomils,  or  Pauli- 
cians,  who  would  not  tolerate  worship  of  the  Virgin  or  the 
saints,  objected  to  icons,  and  to  most  of  the  outward  and 
visible  emblems  of  Christian  worship  which  the  Greeks 
had  incorporated  into  their  Christian  worship  from 
paganism.  They  would  be  regarded  by  the  Orthodox, 
as  we  know  that  these  so-called  heretics  were,  as  atheists, 
men  of  no  religion.  My  conjecture  is  that  they  were 

1  "  Anna  Comnena,"  Bonn   edition  : — '07r6<roi   re  etc  ~Bov\ydpwvt  KO.I 
•oVoo-oi  rbv  vofJ.dSa  fiiov  et\ovro  (^Xd^ouy  rovrovs  ij  KOIV/J  KaXelv  olde  Sia 
jcal  roi)s  dXXodev  ££  diracruy  rwv  xuP^v  epXW&ovs  linreas  re  Kal  ire£ovs. 

8  fj.eyd\a 


such  heretics.  It  is  possible  of  course  that  they  were 
pagans,  but  in  such  case  they  would  probably  have  been 
spoken  of  under  that  name  or  qualified  as  idolaters. 
However  this  may  be,  the  mention  of  them  suggests 
that  in  Benjamin's  time  they  were  a  people  who  for 
some  reason  or  other  lived  apart  from  the  subjects  of 
the  emperor.  Near  the  close  of  the  twelfth  century 
a  Vlacho-Bulgarian  kingdom  was  established.  Pope 
Innocent  III.  addresses  John  Asam,  one  of  its  two  lead- 
ing chiefs  as  a  Vlach,  and  of  Roman  descent.  Ville- 
hardouin,  the  chronicler  of  the  Fourth  Crusade,  expressly 
says  that  Asam  was  a  Vlach. 

In  the  twentieth  century  the  Vlachs  in  Turkey  are 
often  regarded  as  Greeks  because  they  belong  to  the 
Orthodox  Church.  Their  villages  are  hidden  away  in 
valleys  near  the  summits  of  mountains.  The  largest 
clusters  of  them  are  found  in  the  Pindus  range,  on  the 
north-west  boundary  of  Greece  and  the  adjoining  country 
of  Macedonia.  Metsova  is  the  town  which  has  the 
largest  proportion  of  Vlachs.  But  small  settlements 
exist  all  over  Macedonia  and  in  Servia,  to  say  nothing 
of  thousands  in  Transylvania  and  Hungary.  Every- 
where the  Vlachs  are  industrious.  Some  are  wealthy. 
They  nearly  all  now  belong  to  the  Orthodox  Church,  and 
until  thirty  years  ago  seem  never  to  have  thought  it 
necessary  to  have  a  separate  Church.  Rumania  has 
claimed  it  for  them,  and  attaches  more  importance  to 
obtaining  it  than  do  the  Vlachs  who  are  Turkish 

While  it  is  not  denied  that  the  Vlachs  are  of  one  race 
and  language,  there  are  certain  differences  between  them 
due  to  their  environment.  Those  of  South  Macedonia, 
about  the  Pindus  range,  who  are  known  as  Kutzo- Vlachs, 
have  been  for  centuries  intermixed  with  Greeks  and 
have  been  under  the  influence  of  the  Orthodox  Church. 


Further  north  the  tendency  of  the  Vlachs  has  been  to- 
wards the  Roman  Catholic  Church. 

My  explanation  of  the  presence  at  an  early  date  of  the 
Vlachs  in  the  Balkan  Peninsula  is  that  they  were 
members  of  that  branch  of  the  Aryan  race  to  which  the 
Latins  belonged  who  in  later  years  had  taken  refuge  in 
the  mountains  from  Greeks,  Slavs,  Goths,  Avars,  and 
other  enemies.  This  would  imply  that  they  were 
amongst  the  earliest  settlers  in  the  peninsula.  I  suggest 
that  Rumanian  Latin,  Latin  of  the  Elder  Rome,  the 
language  of  the  Gauls,  of  the  ancient  Britons  and  Erse, 
were  all  closely  allied  branches  of  a  common  language. 
It  has  been  shrewdly  conjectured  that  the  soldiers  of 
Julius  Caesar  got  on  well  with  the  Gauls  because  each 
could  understand  the  other.  It  is  hardly  probable  that 
the  first  horde  of  immigrants,  speaking  the  language 
from  which  all  the  Latin  tongues  are  derived,  when  they 
entered  Europe  from  Asia,  would  have  passed  over  the 
fertile  country  south  of  the  Danube  without  leaving 
many  settlers.  Hence,  I  conclude,  that  the  large  numbers 
of  Latin-speaking  Vlachs  now  found  in  Servia  and 
Hungary,  as  well  as  scattered  throughout  the  whole  of 
the  western  portion  of  the  Balkan  Peninsula,  are  the 
descendants  of  an  ancient  race,  possibly  of  settlers  as 
old  as  the  ancestors  of  the  Albanians.  They  may  be 
descendants  of  the  Thracians  dispersed  and  driven  to 
the  hills,  though  some  of  the  place-names  usually  con- 
sidered Thracian  have  not  a  Latin  sound  about  them. 


In  and  near  the  Rhodope  Mountains,  partly  in  Mace- 
donia and  partly  in  Eastern  Rumelia,  are  found  a 
number  of  people  known  as  Pomaks.  They  are  popularly 
believed  to  be  Bulgarians  who  became  Moslems  in  order 
to  preserve  their  lands.  The  explanation  is  open  to 


doubt.  Though  their  language  gives  some  support  to 
this  theory,  since  it  is  largely  made  up  of  Slav  words, 
their  appearance  causes  hesitation.  Many  of  them  have 
light  or  reddish  hair  and  delicate  features.  It  has  been 
conjectured  with  some  plausibility  that  they,  possibly 
like  the  Vlachs,  are  descendants  of  the  original  Thracians, 
who  were  driven  westward  to  the  hills  by  successive 
invasions,  first  of  Greeks  and  then  of  Slavs.  If  so,  their 
change  of  religion  may  be  due  to  a  cause  other  than  that 
just  mentioned.  It  is  possible  that  their  ancestors,  like 
a  considerable  portion  of  the  population  of  Bosnia  and 
Herzegovina  and  of  Macedonia  itself,  were  Adoptionists 
or  Bogomils. 

In  order  to  explain  my  meaning,  I  must  make  a  short 
digression.  A  great  heresy,  existing  almost  certainly  in 
the  fourth  century,  spread  from  Armenia  and  its  neigh- 
bourhood to  Macedonia,  to  Bohemia,  to  Italy,  and  pro- 
bably to  Britain.  For  convenience'  sake  we  may  call  its 
professors  Adoptionists.  They  were  also  known  as 
Paulicians,  not  after  St  Paul,  but  from  a  certain  Paul  of 
Samosata,  who  was  the  typical  Adoptionist.  At  a  later 
period  they  were  known  in  the  Balkan  Peninsula  as 
Bogomils.  They  obtained  their  name  from  the  doctrine 
that  Jesus  became  Christ  and  Son  of  God  at  His  baptism. 
God  on  that  occasion  adopted  Him  and  remained  in- 
dwelling in  Him.  They  repudiated  or  attached  little 
importance  to  the  Christian  sacraments.  But  they 
maintained  that  God  was  imminent  in  the  Elect.  They 
disliked  ecclesiastical  vestments,  objected  to  the  adora- 
tion of  the  Virgin  and  to  the  worship  of  icons.  Speak- 
ing generally,  they  represented  a  Hebrew  rather  than  a 
Hellenistic  tendency.  Like  our  own  Puritans,  they  were 
greatly  attached  to  Old  Testament  teaching.  But  the 
distinguishing  mark  of  the  Adoptionists  was  their  piety, 
resulting  from  their  belief  in  an  indwelling  God.  Many 


of  their  devout  men  tried  to  live  up  to  the  theory  that 
their  bodies  were  the  temples  of  the  Holy  Spirit.  They 
regarded  the  rites  and  ceremonies  of  the  Church  as 
remnants  of  paganism.  In  some  respects  they  recall 
our  own  Quakers.  They  were  undemonstrative  pietists 
who  rejoiced  in  contemplation  and  in  pious  ecstasy. 
They  were  searchers  after  the  Inner  Light.  It  can 
hardly  be  doubted  that  the  charges  brought  against  them 
of  rejecting  some  of  the  doctrines  of  the  Church  were 
well  founded.  Throughout  Macedonia  and  Southern 
Bulgaria  they  formed  a  considerable  portion  of  the 
Christian  population  during  the  thirteenth  and  two 
following  centuries,  their  chief  centre  being  at  Dragovitza. 
In  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina  they  were  more  numerous 
still,  and  their  influence  spread  into  Bohemia  and  cul- 
minated there  in  the  movement  headed  by  John  Huss. 
The  Council  of  Basle  formally  condemned  the  Bogomil 
heresy  in  1435.  At  that  time,  in  Bosnia  and  Herze- 
govina, the  so-called  heretics  were  between  the  hammer 
and  the  anvil ;  for  Roman  Catholics  on  one  side  and  the 
Orthodox  Church  on  the  other  persecuted  them  with 
relentless  pertinacity.  To  escape  persecution  they  had 
invited  the  Turks  to  enter  Bosnia  as  early  as  1415.  They 
were  Protestants,  and  they  seem  to  have  regarded  Islam 
as  a  form  of  Protestantism  which  on  the  whole  was 
preferable  to  the  paganism  of  the  Orthodox  Church. 
It  is  worthy  of  remark  that  other  Christian  dissenters 
under  the  empire  had  similar  tendencies.  They  were 
at  one  with  the  object  of  protesting  against  what  they 
regarded  as  pagan  practices. 

Now  contemporaneously  with  the  spread  through  the 
centuries  of  this  heresy  among  Christians  a  religious 
movement  of  importance  had  been  going  on  among  the 
Mahometans.  From  the  time  of  the  Prophet  himself 
there  had  always  been  two  tendencies  in  Islam  ;  the  one, 


attributable  to  Persian  influence,  was  spiritual  though 
pantheistic.  The  Caliph  Ali  himself  showed  this  tend- 
ency, and  the  members  of  the  Shiah  branch  of  Mahome- 
tanism,  who  are  his  followers,  have  felt  such  influence  to 
a  remarkable  extent.  The  movement  in  question  has 
long  taken  definite  form,  the  pietistic  forms  of  Islam 
having  developed  into  many  sects  known  as  dervishes. 

While  the  majority  of  the  Turks  are  Sunnis,  nearly  all 
the  many  sects  of  dervishes  in  Turkey  are  really,  though 
not  all  nominally,  followers  of  Ali.  In  Turkey  the  ulema 
represent  the  theological  and  formalist  side  of  Islam  ; 
the  dervishes  the  religious  and  spiritual  side.  It  may  be 
taken  as  a  rule  even  now  that  when  a  Turkish  Moslem 
becomes  seriously  and  devoutly  inclined  he  becomes  a 
dervish.  Sultan  Mahmud,  the  "  Reformer,"  who  sup- 
pressed the  Janissaries,  belonged  to  the  dervish  order  of 
Me  vie  vis.  The  actual  Sultan  Mahomet  V.  is  reputed  to 
belong  to  the  same  order. 

The  teaching  and  religious  influence  of  Islam  as  repre- 
sented by  its  spiritual  side  appealed  to  the  pietistic 
Christian  heretics. 

The  districts  which  the  Pomaks  inhabit  were  occupied 
to  some  extent  by  adherents  of  the  Adoptionist  heresy 
during  the  Middle  Ages.  Their  principal  church  at 
Dragovitza  was  long  regarded  as  the  mother  church,  even 
by  the  Cathari  or  Albigenses. 

When  the  Turks  took  possession  of  Rumelia,  most  of 
the  Bogomils  of  the  plains  about  Philippopolis  conformed 
to  the  rites  of  the  Orthodox  Church.  But  while  conform- 
ing outwardly  they  kept  their  own  organization  and 
were  in  consequence  fiercely  persecuted.  To  escape  this 
they  joined  the  Church  of  Rome  in  the  eighteenth 
century.  The  Bogomils  of  the  hills,  however,  passed  over 
into  Islam,  as  did  most  of  the  people  of  Bosnia  and 
Herzegovina,  in  order  to  escape  the  tyranny  of  the 


Churches,  and  because  they  believed  its  religion  to  be 
more  in  conformity  with  their  own  than  the  Orthodox. 
The  converted  or  perverted  Bogomils  of  the  Rhodope, 
if  this  conjecture  be  well  founded,  became  the  modern 
Pomaks.  I  give  this  suggestion  as  plausible,  but  the 
subject  has  never  been  carefully  examined. 

Among  the  refugees  who  have  entered  Turkey  during 
the  last  forty  years  to  avoid  being  under  Christian  rule 
in  Bulgarian  or  in  Austrian  territory,  none  furnish  so 
valuable  an  element  as  the  Bosniaks  and  Pomaks.  Both 
races  are  industrious  and  honest.  They  are  everywhere 
regarded  as  good  neighbours.  In  this  respect  they 
compare  most  favourably  with  Circassian  immigrants, 
who  soon  come  to  be  on  "  shooting  at  sight  "  terms,  even 
with  their  Mahometan  neighbours. 


In  the  absence  of  trustworthy  statistics  it  is  im- 
possible to  say  how  many  Jews  are  found  in  Turkey. 
My  impression  is  that  they  number  about  three  hundred 
thousand.  They  are  naturally  numerous  in  Palestine, 
though  half  the  Jews  there  are  immigrants  who  have 
entered  the  country  within  the  last  century.  Salonika 
is  the  capital  of  Turkish  Jewry.  Its  Jews  are  physically 
the  finest  of  the  race  whom  I  have  seen. 

In  Constantinople  there  are  probably  thirty  thousand. 
They  are  mostly  poor  and  reside  in  two  very  crowded 
villages  on  the  Golden  Horn,  one  at  Balata  (formerly 
Palation,  from  the  neighbouring  Palace  of  Blachernae), 
and  the  other  at  the  village  on  the  opposite  shore  called 
Hasskeui.  On  the  Bosporus  there  are  two  populous 
villages  which  they  have  almost  entirely  to  themselves, 
Ortakeui  and  Kuskunjuk.  Many  well-to-do  Jews,  how- 
ever, reside  in  Pera.  My  impression  is  that  there  have 
been  Jews  in  the  capital  from  a  very  early  period.  The 


Spanish  writer  Benjamin  of  Tudela  gives  an  interesting 
account  of  his  co-religionists  in  1170.  Their  principal 
quarter  was  then  in  Galata.  Frequent  mention  is  made 
of  them  by  later  writers.  Grimston  in  1626  states  that 
they  had  thirty-eight  synagogues  in  the  capital — about 
double  the  number  they  now  possess.1 

Let  me  say  in  passing  that  the  English  and  Scotch 
Jewish  Missions  which  have  schools  in  Constantinople 
and  Salonika  have  done  very  valuable  work.  They  have 
made  very  few  converts,  a  fact  that  I  cannot  say  that  I 
regret ;  but  their  educational  work  and  influence  generally 
have  been  wholesome  and  purely  beneficial.  Old  residents 
declare  that  sixty  years  ago  Jewish  women  occupied  a 
much  lower  social  position  than  they  do  at  present. 
Polygamy  was  common.  The  women  went  about  veiled. 
Few  could  read  or  write.  It  would  be  easy  now  to  name 
many  Jewish  women  who  have  been  educated  in  the 
Mission-schools,  who  are  cultured,  and  are  received  in 
any  society  to  which  their  husbands'  position  entitles 
them.  Indeed,  these  schools  have  raised  the  Jewish 
communities  bodily  to  a  higher  level. 

Speaking  generally,  the  Jew  of  Eastern  Europe  leaves 
much  to  be  desired.  Nowhere  is  Disraeli's  dictum  more 
applicable,  that  each  nation  gets  the  Jews  it  deserves, 
than  in  the  East  of  Euope,  notably  in  Russia,  Rumania, 
and  Turkey.  The  Jew  has  been  better  treated  in  Turkey 
than  in  the  two  other  countries  named,  which  annually 
supply  Jewish  emigrants  to  Turkey.  The  Turkish  Jew 
is  superior  to  his  co-religionists  from  these  countries. 
It  must  not  be  concluded,  however,  that  he  has  received 
any  exceptional  favour  in  Turkey.  There  have  been  no 
favours  bestowed  on  him,  but  neither  has  he  been 

1  Grimston's  Description  of  Constantinople,  published  in  Sir  Richard 
C.  Temple's  edition  of  "  The  Travels  of  Peter  Mundy,"  p.  185.  Hakluyt 
Soc.,  1907. 


subjected  to  legislative  restrictions  in  regard  to  trade, 
commerce,  or  industry.  He  has  been  left  severely  alone. 
The  average  Turk  has  tolerated  but  despised  him.  The 
lower  class  of  Christians,  the  Greeks  in  particular,  are  full 
of  medieval  prejudice  against  him.  But  in  Turkey,  as 
elsewhere,  he  has  managed  to  exist  and  in  some  cases  to 
grow  rich. 

There  are  two  distinct  types  of  Jews  in  Turkey  which 
may  be  conveniently  classed  as  Spanish,  and  German  or 
Polish.  The  first  frequently  show  delicate  features, 
with  light  brown  hair  and  occasionally  with  blue  eyes. 
The  second  have  the  heavy  features  with  dark  hair  and 
unusually  large  nose  which  we  see  in  the  race  in  England. 
Most  of  the  so-called  Spanish  Jews  are  the  descendants  of 
men  who  were  driven  out  of  Spain  in  the  reign  of  Ferdi- 
nand and  Isabella.  Their  language  is  still  Spanish. 
Turkey  gave  them  a  resting-place  and  assigned  Salo- 
nika to  them  as  sufficiently  distant  from  the  capital. 
They  have  flourished,  and  are  now  the  most  important 
commercial  element  in  that  city.  They  are  good  traders, 
will  drive  a  hard  bargain,  but  once  it  is  made,  once,  as  it  is 
locally  expressed,  they  have  given  their  Sta  ben6,  they 
will  scrupulously  respect  it. 

Disraeli  brings  into  two  of  his  novels  Jews  in  Syria 
who  claim  to  trace  their  descent  and  their  occupation  of 
certain  estates  from  a  time  previous  to  the  destruction  of 
Jerusalem.  I  very  much  doubt  whether  any  family  can 
support  such  a  claim.  There  are,  however,  ancient 
families  in  Palestine  proud  of  their  descent,  which  they 
can  trace  for  several  centuries.  I  admit,  however,  that 
if  any  such  families  can  go  back  as  far  as  Disraeli  sug- 
gested, they  are  likeliest  to  be  found  in  Syria  or  in  the 
desert  to  the  east  of  the  Jordan,  where,  after  the  fall  of 
Jerusalem  at  least,  two  Jewish  States  existed  and 
flourished,  and  probably  kept  their  race  pure  in  blood. 


In  the  West,  in  Gaul  and  Spain,  the  suggestion  of  Renan 
appears  to  me  to  be  justified,  that  the  Jews  belonged  to 
the  liberal  section  who  based  their  religion  on  the  later 
prophets,  discarded  the  tribal  ceremonials,  taught  a  pure 
theism,  and  accepted  good  men  of  other  races  without  any 
initiatory  rite.  It  is  beyond  doubt  that  the  Spanish 
Jews  have  developed  a  very  distinct  type  which  produces 
in  both  men  and  women  handsome  specimens  of  humanity. 
Mr  Holman  Hunt,  in  his  "  Finding  of  Christ  in  the 
Temple,"  which  was  painted  in  Jerusalem,  has  repro- 
duced models  of  both  the  Spanish  and  the  German  Jew. 
The  Palestine  Jew  usually  resembles  the  Spanish  much 
more  closely  than  the  German. 

Besides  these  two  classes  of  Jews  there  are  many 
indications  which  show  a  considerable  mixture  of 
Jewish  blood  in  the  population  of  especially  the  eastern 
part  of  the  empire.  I  do  not  speak  of  the  various 
Jewish  populations  of  Arabia  whom  Mahomet  defeated 
or  destroyed,  as  for  example  that  of  Khaiber.  It  is 
sufficient  to  say  that  the  survivors  were  absorbed  in  the 
Arab  population.  But  considerable  detachments  of 
Jews — always  a  prolific  race — have  been  merged  into  the 
Anatolian  population.  Dr  John  Peters,  the  discoverer  of 
Nippur,1  travelled  leisurely  across  country  from  the  mound 
of  that  name,  which  is  just  beyond  the  south-east  boundary 
of  Mesopotamia,  to  Palestine,  and  found  many  traces  of 
Jewish  settlement.  He  was  convinced  that  at  least 
three  small  Jewish  States  had  existed  in  that  region 
after  the  destruction  of  Jerusalem  by  Titus.  There  can  be 
little  doubt  that  these  Jews  became  lost  in  the  general 

1  Nippur  is  the  Calneh  of  Gen.  x.  ip.  The  identification  was  due 
to  Professor  Hilprecht,  who  had  continued  the  work  of  exploration 
commenced  by  Dr  Peters,  and  had  obtained  written  records  which 
go  back  seven  thousand  years  before  Christ,  the  total  result  being 
quite  one  of  the  most  brilliant  obtained  by  archaeology  during  the 
last  century. 


population.  In  some  places  even  now  the  process  of 
absorption  is  going  on.  Mr  Hogarth  speaks  of  groups 
in  Syria,  who  have  long  resided  among  Arabs,  and  who 
tend  to  become  "  hardly  distinguishable  from  their  neigh- 
bours in  tradition  and  hope."  l 

Earl  Percy,  in  journeying  through  the  wild  districts  of 
the  Hakkiari  near  the  Persian  frontier,  inhabited  by 
Kurds  and  Nestorians,  found  near  Girdi  "  three  villages 
occupied  by  Jews."  The  date  of  their  immigration  was 
unknown,  "  but  it  is  certain  that  they  have  resided  in  the 
country  from  a  very  early  period,  and  having  adopted 
the  local  dress  and  even  the  language  of  their  Mussulman 
neighbours,  are  now,  except  in  features,  practically 
indistinguishable  from  the  Kurds."  Earl  Percy  suggests 
that  these  and  others  Jews  whom  he  found  in  consider- 
able numbers,  "  not  only  in  Mossul  but  in  pastoral 
villages  like  Diza,  Neri,  Girdi,  and  Bashkali,  may  be  the 
descendants  of  one  of  the  numerous  Israelitish  colonies 
which  the  Kings  of  Assyria  planted  in  distant  portions 
of  the  empire  after  the  fall  of  Samaria." 

Since  the  revolution  of  1908,  the  Jews  in  Turkey  have 
come  very  distinctly  to  the  front,  and  now  play  a  very 
important  part  in  the  government  of  the  country.  But 
even  before  that  event,  Jewish  medical  men,  advocates, 
and  merchants,  formed  a  valuable  part  of  the  community. 


Something  must  be  said  of  an  interesting  sect  or  off- 
shoot of  the  Jews.  These  are  Jews  who  profess  Islam. 
They  are  called  Dunmays.  The  name  is  Turkish  for 
converts.  They  form  an  important  part  of  the  popula- 
tion of  Salonika.  They  are  found  also  in  Adrianople  and 
in  other  parts  of  the  empire.  They  openly  profess 

1  "The  Nearer  East,"  p.  184. 

2  "  Highlands  of  Asiatic  Turkey,"  by  Earl  Percy,  245-6. 


Mahometanism  and  secretly  practise  the  rites  of  Judaism. 
It  appears  to  me  probable  that  they  may  all  in  time 
become  simply  Moslems.  Their  history  is  known  from 
trustworthy  sources  and  is  interesting.  They  date  only 
from  the  second  half  of  the  seventeenth  century.  Many 
accounts  of  their  founder,  a  certain  Sabbatai  Sevi  (1626- 
76),  have  been  written  within  the  last  quarter  of  a 
century.1  But  the  most  trustworthy  is  that  furnished 
by  an  exceptionally  able  British  consul,  Paul  Rycaut,  who 
resided  at  Smyrna,  the  birthplace  of  the  founder  and  the 
scene  of  many  of  his  doings. 

Among  both  Jews  and  Christians,  but  especially  among 
the  Jews,  the  belief  existed  in  the  first  half  of  the  seven- 
teenth century,  that  in  1666  the  Messiah  would  appear. 
The  Christians  of  course  looked  for  the  second  coming  of 
Christ ;  the  Jews  for  that  of  the  promised  and  long 
expected  Deliverer,  who  should  restore  the  race  to  a 
proud  position  among  the  nations.  The  Jewish  refugees 
from  Spain,  victims  of  religious  persecution,  had  turned 
their  attention  more  than  ever  to  the  practices  and 
teaching  of  their  religion,  to  the  hopes  and  promises  of 
a  divine  intervention  in  favour  of  the  chosen  people  of 
Jehovah,  held  out  to  them  by  their  traditions  and  sacred 
books.  The  study  of  the  Talmud  in  particular  engrossed 
their  attention.  Indeed,  the  intellectual  culture  of  many 
of  them  was  largely  confined  to  its  contents.  The  Koran 
itself  was  not  more  completely  the  authority  for  the 
conduct  of  life  among  Mahometans  than  was  the  Talmud 
among  pious  Jews  in  the  seventeenth  century.  There 
was  a  veritable  rage  for  interpretation  of  the  sacred  text, 

1  See  in  particular,  from  Jewish  sources,  a  very  full  and  thoughtful 
notice  of  Sabbatai  and  of  the  belief  in  a  coming  Messiah  in  the  Revue 
des  Ecoles  de  V Alliance  Israelite  :  Paris,  avril-juin  1902,  and  also  a 
very  learned  paper  giving  new  information  regarding  the  Dunmays. 
by  Abraham  Danon  in  the  Revue  des  Etudes  Juives :  Paris,  oct.- 
decembre  1897. 


and  for  the  verification  of  prophecies.     Every  passage, 

almost  every  word,  had  many  explanations.     There  was 

mystery  in  every  sentence.     Men  studied,  worked,  and 

longed  for  the  discovery  of  these  mysteries,  but  above  all 

to  find  out  by  what  signs  the  Expected  One  should  be 

known.     In  many  synagogues  the  worshippers  prayed 

every   Sabbath   for   the   coming   of  the   Messiah,   and 

thousands  of  pious  souls  confidently  expected  his  speedy 

advent.     The  attitude  of  mind  among  them  was  one 

which,  if  it  were  not  abundantly  proved  by  trustworthy 

evidence,  would  be  incredible.     So  certain  were  hundreds 

that  the  advent  could  not  long  be  delayed  that  they 

neglected  business  altogether  and  devoted  themselves  to 

making  preparations  to  meet  the  expected  Deliverer. 

Rycaut  says  that   in   1666,    having    to   journey  from 

Constantinople    to    Buda,    he    "  perceived    a    strange 

transport  in  the  Jews,  none  of  whom  were  attending  to 

their  business  except  to  wind  up  former   negotiations 

and  to  prepare  themselves  and  families  for  a  journey 

to  Jerusalem." 

It  was  an  attitude  of  mind  which  invited  imposture. 
The  impostor — probably  at  first  an  unconscious  one — 
came  in  the  person  of  a  handsome  Smyrna  Jew.  He  was 
learned  in  all  kinds  of  cabalistic  literature.  He  gradually 
discovered  that  he  himself  had  the  necessary  qualifica- 
tions and  fulfilled  the  predictions  relating  to  the  coming 
Messiah.  He  journeyed  to  Egypt,  to  Palestine,  to 
Salonika,  everywhere  declaring  his  divine  mission.  As 
he  travelled  his  pretensions  and  his  belief  in  his 
own  mission  increased.  He  met  with  many  adven- 
tures. The  rabbis  persecuted  him ;  he  was  denounced 
as  impious  and  a  blasphemer.  But  every  persecu- 
tion and  denunciation  served  to  confirm  his  own  faith 
and  that  of  the  followers,  who  everywhere  flocked 
around  him.  He  was  attended  by  a  certain  Nathan 


who  acted  as  his  Elijah.  Nathan  predicted  the  time 
when  the  Messiah  should  appear  before  the  Sultan,  take 
away  his  crown,  and  lead  the  grand  vizier  captive  in 
chains.  By  the  time  he  returned  to  Smyrna  in  1665, 
the  whole  empire  and  the  Jews  throughout  Europe  were 
full  of  his  doings.  It  was  at  Salonika  apparently  where 
the  infatuation  was  keenest.  The  cry  was  raised  that 
the  Promised  One  had  come.  It  was  only  necessary  to 
await  his  signal.  Many  of  the  Jews  fasted  for  days  till 
they  fainted.  Others  tortured  themselves  in  various 
ways  to  render  themselves  acceptable  to  the  Christ.  All 
their  shops  were  closed,  and  nothing  was  sold  except  to 
get  rid  of  business  altogether.  The  Gentiles  would  soon 
be  subject  to  them,  and  all  that  was  necessary  was  simply 
to  support  life  till  the  Messiah  should  lead  them  to 
their  own.  Four  hundred  poor  Jews  were  fed  by  the 

When  Sabbatai  returned  to  Smyrna,  a  large  section  of 
the  Jews  hailed  him  as  he  wished.  But  the  "  Kochams," 
as  Rycaut  calls  the  rabbis,  still  stood  aloof.  His  sup- 
porters appealed  to  the  kadi  or  local  judge,  but,  says 
Rycaut,  "  the  kadi,  according  to  the  usual  custom  of  the 
Turks,  swallowed  money  on  both  sides  and  then  remitted 
them  to  the  determination  of  their  justice  " — a  delight- 
fully Turkish  proceeding  which  has  happened  scores  of 
times  during  the  last  thirty  years. 

Nevertheless,  his  supporters  at  Smyrna  daily  increased, 
and  with  such  increase  the  pretensions  of  Sabbatai  grew 
also.  He  became  either  a  greater  knave  or  greater  fool 
than  ever,  for  he  added  to  his  title  of  Messiah  that 
of  "  Son  of  God."  Then  there  happened  one  of  those 
strange  outbreaks  of  religious  or  hysteric  mania  of  which 
England  had  an  example  in  the  time  of  Edward  Irving. 
Sabbatai's  followers  fell  into  ecstasies,  and  the  young 
women  began  in  this  condition  to  prophesy.  His 


followers  demanded  a  miracle  for  the  confusion  of  his 
enemies.  On  the  occasion  of  his  public  visit  to  the  kadi 
some  of  his  disciples  declared  that  a  pillar  of  fire  suddenly 
arose  between  him  and  the  judge.  Some  persons  swore 
they  saw  it.  Others  caught  up  the  cry,  and  the  belief 
at  once  spread  to  nearly  all  the  Jews  of  the  place.  The 
Messiah's  mission  was  attested  by  a  miracle.  Every 
man  produced  his  treasure,  his  gold  and  jewels, 
and  offered  them  as  gifts.  But  Sabbatai  prudently 
refused  to  receive  them.  Was  it  from  principle  or 
craftiness  ? 

Shortly  afterwards  he  declared  that  he  was  called  by 
God  to  leave  Smyrna  and  visit  Constantinople,  where  he 
had  to  fulfil  the  most  important  part  of  his  mission. 
With  a  select  few  of  his  disciples  he  took  ship  and 
spent  thirty-nine  days  in  making  a  voyage  which  is  now 
done  in  twenty-two  hours.  Many,  however,  went 
overland  and  awaited  his  arrival.  The  Jews  also  in  the 
capital,  when  they  heard  the  news,  were  greatly  moved 
at  the  approach  of  their  deliverer. 

The  grand  vizier  had  often  heard  of  the  disputes  among 
the  Jews,  but,  so  long  as  they  only  affected  Salonika  and 
Smyrna,  did  not  trouble  himself  about  them.  Once  it 
was  announced  that  the  supposed  Messiah  was  on  his  way 
to  the  capital,  his  attitude  changed.  He  sent  to  arrest 
him,  and  on  his  capture  packed  him  off  to  one  of  the  worst 
prisons  in  the  capital.  This  step  rather  increased 
Sabbat  ai's  influence,  for  this  again  was  the  fulfilling 
of  prophecies.  He  was  visited  by  all  that  was  best  in  the 
Jewry  of  the  capital.  One  of  the  most  highly  esteemed 
among  them  headed  a  deputation  of  his  co-religionists, 
and  "  during  a  whole  day  they  stood  before  him  with 
eyes  cast  down,  bodies  bending  forward,  and  hands  crossed 
before  them,"  which  as  everybody  knows  is  the  rever- 
ential manner  of  standing  before  a  Sultan. 


The  Jews  in  Constantinople  were  as  excited  and 
credulous  as  those  in  Smyrna,  and  Rycaut  relates  a 
curious  story  of  "  some  of  our  merchants,"  meaning 
members  of  the  Levant  Company  who  had  debts  to 
receive  from  certain  of  the  Jews,  and  were  in  doubt  now 
that  the  debtors  had  closed  their  shops  whether  they 
were  going  to  be  paid.  So,  partly  out  of  curiosity  and 
partly  in  hopes  of  obtaining  payment,  they  went  in  a 
body  to  see  Sabbatai  and  to  complain.  The  prisoner 
heard  them,  and  then  wrote  to  each  defaulter  a  request 
that  he  should  pay  the  "  members  of  the  English  nation," 
for,  if  not,  "  know  that  you  are  not  to  enter  with  us  into 
our  joys  and  dominions."  Rycaut  gives  the  text  of  the 
circular  sent  to  the  debtors.1 

After  two  months'  imprisonment  in  Constantinople,  the 
grand  vizier  had  to  leave  on  the  famous  expedition 
destined  to  conquer  Crete,  and,  not  thinking  it  safe  to 
leave  Sabbatai  in  the  capital,  sent  him  as  a  prisoner  to 
Abydos,  at  the  east  end  of  the  Dardanelles,  His  removal 
once  more  confirmed  the  faith  of  his  followers  :  for,  said 
they,  this  prophet  has  foretold  the  doom  both  of  the 
grand  vizier  and  of  the  Sultan,  and  has  spoken  of  putting 
the  grand  vizier  in  chains,  and  they  would  have  killed 
him  had  they  not  known  that  he  was  a  prophet. 

In  all  probability  the  Turks  regarded  him  as  deli,  or 
mad,  and  all  madmen  and  idiots  are  sacred  throughout 
Turkey,  while  injury  done  to  them,  besides  being 
irreligious,  brings  ill-luck.  His  prison  at  Abydos  became 
a  court,  and  he  was  visited  not  only  by  Turkish  Jews,  but 
by  others  from  Poland,  Germany,  Italy,  and  Holland. 
Indeed  he  was  now  at  the  zenith  of  his  career.  In  the 
synagogues  the  letters  S.S.  were  emblazoned  to  honour 
him.  He  ordered  a  new  form  of  liturgy  to  be  used  in 
them  which  he  had  himself  composed. 

1  "  The  History  of  the  Turkish  Empire,"  from  1623  to  1677. 


Unfortunately  he  got  into  disputes  with  a  rival  from 
Poland,  a  man  of  great  reputation,  named  Nehemiah 
Cohen,  who  claimed  that  there  should  be  two  Messiahs 
and  that  he  was  one.  As  they  could  not  agree,  Cohen 
laid  a  formal  complaint  against  Sabbatai  before  the 
caimakan  of  Adrianople  of  so  serious  a  character  that 
this  officer  had  to  forward  it  to  the  government,  who  at 
once  ordered  Sabbatai's  removal  to  that  city.  He  was 
there  brought  before  the  Sultan.  Now  came  his  chance. 
If  he  could  prove  his  power  of  working  miracles,  as  his 
followers  believed  he  could,  the  time  for  the  deliverance 
of  the  Jews  was  at  hand.  But  Sabbatai,  possibly 
demoralized  by  success,  showed  the  white  feather. 
When  asked  to  reply,  he  pleaded  that  he  could  not 
speak  Turkish,  and  asked  for  an  interpreter.  One  was 
allowed.  This  of  itself  was  a  disappointment  to  his 
friends  who  believed  that,  as  the  Messiah  and  the  Son 
of  God,  his  tongue  would  have  been  loosened  into 
-eloquence  in  any  language.  Thereupon  the  Sultan  sug- 
gested a  test  of  his  miraculous  powers.  He  should  be 
stripped  and  set  as  a  mark  for  his  skilled  archers.  If 
their  arrows  missed  him,  or  if  his  body  was  proof  against 
them,  then  he,  the  Sultan,  would  recognize  him  as 
Messiah  and  the  person  chosen  by  Allah  to  be  ruler  of 

Sabbatai's  courage  failed.  He  declared  that  he  was 
only  an  ordinary  Jew  and  had  no  pretentious  to 
authority.  The  Sultan  replied  that,  as  he  had  claimed 
the  right  to  rule,  he  was  a  traitor  and  must  pay  the 
penalty  of  treason  unless  he  became  a  Mahometan.  If 
he  did  not,  the  stake  was  then  ready  at  the  Seraglio 
Gate  for  impalement.  Sabbatai  immediately  declared 
that  he  wished  nothing  better  than  to  change  his  religion. 
Thereupon  the  pretender  was  contemptuously  dismissed. 
But  numbers  of  his  followers  refused  to  believe  the 


master  had  turned  Moslem.  His  soul  had  been  taken 
up  to  heaven  :  his  ghost  walked  on  earth  in  the  dress 
of  a  Moslem.  The  rabbis,  however,  took  courage  and 
proclaimed  him  an  impostor,  and  his  pretentious  to  be 
the  Messiah,  damnable.  In  March  1669,  he  returned  to 
Smyrna,  but  shortly  afterwards  settled  in  Constantinople, 
where  he  not  only  practised  the  rites  of  Mahometanism, 
but  advised  his  followers  that  he  could  not  persuade 
Allah  to  allow  them  the  promised  advantages  unless 
they  would  abandon  the  imperfect  elements  of  Judaism 
and  follow  his  example. 

He  died  in  1676.  His  followers  still  number  many 
thousands.  They  are  probably  the  most  numerous 
portion  of  the  Jewish  population  in  Salonica.  Many 
even  of  the  present  professing  Mahometans  in  that  city 
are  the  descendants  of  Dunmays. 



Ghegs  and  Tosks — Vendettas — Treatment  of  women — Attitude 
towards  religions — Bektashis,  influence  of — Occupations  abroad — 
Skender  Bey — Ali  Pasha — Albanian  share  in  revolution  1908-9 — 
Future  of  Albania 

THE  Albanians,  known  also  as  Arnaouts,  are  a  sur- 
vival of  possibly  the  earliest  Aryan  race  who  entered 
the  Balkan  peninsula.  They  have  remained  an  isolated 
people  since  the  earliest  historical  times,  and  have  sur- 
vived as  a  people  largely  because  of  their  isolation. 
With  the  sea  on  one  side  and  occupying  a  mountainous 
country,  their  isolation  resembled  that  of  the  Scots 
Highlanders  until  two  centuries  ago.  On  the  landward 
side  there  came,  at  periods  which  are  not  yet  determined 
accurately,  other  races — Greeks  on  the  south,  Vlachs, 
Wallachs  or  Welsh  on  the  east,  and  an  early  stream  of 
Slav-emigrants  on  the  north.  The  fringes  of  Albanian 
territory  show  some  admixture  of  these  races.  But 
their  advent  seems  only  to  have  compacted  the  Albanians 
within  their  present  territory  and  to  have  completed 
their  isolation.  In  Montenegro,  however,  there  is  a 
famous  clan  of  Albanians,  who,  though  in  race,  customs 
and  language  they  do  not  differ  from  their  neighbours 
in  Turkey,  are  yet  loyal  subjects  of  King  Nicholas.  The 
Albanians  were  estimated  half  a  century  ago  by  Schafarik 
to  number  about  one  and  a  half  millions,  and  probably 
this  estimate  holds  good  to-day.1  They  inhabit  the 
Brailsford's  estimate  is  1,250,000;  that  of  Mr  Charles  H 



eastern  shore  of  the  Adriatic  from  and  including  part 
of  Montenegro  down  to  the  Gulf  of  Arta  and  the  confines 
of  Greece.  Their  eastern  boundary  is  as  vague  as  that 
of  the  Scots  highlanders  two  centuries  ago,  but  may  be 
represented  generally  by  a  line  drawn  from  Kastoria  to 
Lake  Ochrida,  thence  to  Uskub  and  into  the  vilayet  of 
Kossova,  in  what  is  often  called  Old  Serbia.  Fersovich, 
a  small  town  on  the  railway  from  Salonica  to  Mitrovitz, 
about  equal  distance  from  Prisrend,  Uskub,  and  Pristina, 
may  be  regarded  as  the  entry  into  Northern  Albania  from 
the  north-east. 

The  Albanians  fall  into  two  divisions,  Northern  and 
Southern.  Possibly  they  are  two  branches  of  the  same 
people.  The  first  are  known  as  Ghegs,  though  they  call 
themselves  Skipetars,  probably  meaning  rock-dwellers. 
The  second  are  conveniently  spoken  of  as  Tosks,  from 
the  name  of  the  most  important  clan  among  them.  The 
Skumbi  river,  which  flows  into  the  Adriatic  just  north 
of  41°  latitude,  may  be  taken  as  the  boundary  between 
the  Ghegs  and  the  Tosks.  Prisrend  is  the  most  important 
centre  of  the  Ghegs  ;  Koritza  of  the  Tosks.  The  Ghegs 
have  square  heads,  refined  features,  and  usually  light 
coloured  hair.  The  Tosks  have  a  heavier  caste  of 
features,  with  darker  hair.  Among  both,  however,  are 
beautiful  heads  which  recall  those  of  classic  Greece.  All 
speak  the  Albanian  language,  though  with  certain  dia- 
lectical peculiarities  between  the  Northerners  and 
Southerners.  In  both  forms  it  is  a  pleasant  language 
to  hear.  The  Ghegs  probably  are  the  representatives 
of  the  ancient  Illyrians.  The  late  Professor  Max  Miiller 
concluded  that  the  present  Albanian  speech  is  the  repre- 
sentative of  the  Illyrian  tongue.  The  Tosks,  then  and 
now  the  inhabitants  of  Epirus,  were  spoken  of  by  the 

Woods  (in  the  Westminster  Gazette  of  8th  Sept.  1910)  is  between 
1,100,000  and  1,200,000. 


ancient  Greeks  as  Pelasgi,  and  were  regarded  as  a  people 
more  ancient  than  themselves.  The  characteristic  dress 
of  the  Ghegs  is  a  waistcoat,  jacket,  and  breeches,  each 
close-fitting,  of  a  white  material  usually  resembling 
tweed  cloth,  braided  with  black ;  that  of  the  Tosks  is 
the  long  white  petticoat,  known  as  the  fustanella,  which 
the  Greeks  have  taken  for  the  uniform  of  the  king's 
guards,  known  as  the  Euzones.  The  Gheg  is  proud  of 
his  dress,  and  is  a  picturesque  figure.  The  Tosk  loves 
his  fustanella  as  does  the  highlander  his  kilt,  which  it 
resembles  in  shape,  though  its  material  is  white  cotton 
instead  of  wool. 

Both  Ghegs  and  Tosks  have  at  times  extended  beyond 
what  are  now  the  boundaries  of  their  country.  The 
Ghegs,  though  probably  of  purer  race  than  the  Tosks, 
have  intermingled  to  a  considerable  extent  with  their 
Slavonic  neighbours.  During  the  seventh  and  succeed- 
ing centuries  the  Croats  and  other  branches  of  the  Slav 
races  on  the  Dalmatian  coast  steadily  pushed  the 
Albanians  southwards.  During  the  reign  of  the  Serbian 
Czar,  Dushan,  who  died  in  1348,  the  Ghegs  flocked  to  his 
standard.  The  Serbian  capital  was  for  a  while  at 
Prisrend,  at  another  time  at  Uskub  or  at  Scutari  in 
Albania.  Even  Arta  and  Yanina  were  in  his  possession. 
The  existence  of  many  place-names  of  Slav  origin  in- 
dicates a  long  Slavic  occupation.  After  the  coming  of 
the  Turks  they  and  the  Ghegs  forced  the  Serbs  to  retire, 
and  now  not  only  do  Albanians  occupy  the  three  towns 
mentioned,  but  they  have  taken  possession  of  a  large 
part  of  the  vilayet  of  Kossova  which  two  centuries 
and  a  half  ago  was  occupied  solely  by  Serbs.  The 
oppression  of  the  two  races  drove  a  number  of  Serbs, 
estimated  at  a  hundred  thousand,  in  about  1680  to 
emigrate  in  mass  and  headed  by  their  patriarch  into 
Hungary.  The  departure  of  other  thirty  thousand 


followed  early  in  the  eighteenth  century.  Combined 
Turkish  and  Albanian  oppression  continued,  the  refugees 
finding  their  way  during  the  first  half  of  the  nineteenth 
century  across  into  Hungary,  but  during  the  later  half 
into  free  Serbia.  Those  who  remained  had  to  purchase 
the  right  to  live  by  rendering  service  to  the  Albanians, 
much  as  many  Armenians  had  to  do  towards  the  Kurdish 
chiefs.  Mr  Brailsford  states  that  at  present  in  the 
vilayet  of  Kossova  there  are  from  20,000  to  30,000 
Albanian  families  against  only  5000  Serbian  house- 
holders,1 and  he  describes  the  country  of  the  Serbian 
serfs  under  Albanian  rule  as  "  the  most  miserable  corner 
of  Europe."  The  Northern  Albanian  out  of  his  own 
country  proved  himself  an  incompetent  tyrant.  But  the 
point  to  which  I  here  draw  attention  is  that  among  them 
there  has  been  a  considerable  admixture  of  Serbian  blood. 
The  Tosks  or  Southern  Albanians  have  intermingled 
with  the  Vlachs,  but  especially  with  the  Greeks.  In  the 
Greek  War  of  Independence,  Albanians  and  Greeks 
were  so  intermixed  that  it  is  difficult  to  distinguish 
them.  What  is  certain  is  that  the  Albanians,  whose  sons 
now  reside  on  Greek  territory,  largely  aided  in  the 
triumph  of  the  Greek  cause.  The  Greek  race  has  at  all 
times  shown  a  power  of  assimilating  the  races  among 
which  they  dwell,  and  the  Albanians  furnish  a  striking 
illustration  of  the  fact.  When  Constantinople  was 
captured  in  1204  by  the  Crusaders  and  Venetians,  the 
empire  was  parcelled  out  among  military  chiefs. 
Southern  Albania,  with  Yanina  as  its  capital,  became  a 
principality,  and  Baldwin  II.,  the  last  of  the  Latin 
emperors,  gave  Albania  to  a  member  of  the  House  of 
Anjou.  The  Albanians,  all  of  whom  were  then  Christians, 
joined  with  their  Greek  neighbours  to  resist  the  tyrant 
from  the  West.  They  got  on  well  together,  and  down 
1  Brailsford,  "  Macedonia,"  p.  274. 


to  the  present  hour  the  influences  at  work  for  civiliza- 
tion among  the  Southern  Albanians  are  derived  from 
contact  with  the  Greek  race  and  Greek  Christianity. 
Greek  is  more  spoken  among  the  Albanians  even  in 
Turkey  than  is  Turkish. 

Mr  Hogarth  points  out  that  the  life  and  characteristics 
of  the  Ghek  population  is  largely  due  to  the  peculiar 
relief  of  their  country.1  The  isolation  of  the  region, 
bounded  on  one  side  by  a  malarial  swamp  and  on  the 
other  by  a  sea  without  safe  harbours  and  its  general 
inaccessibility,  have  prevented  its  development  under 
Turkish  rule. 

Both  Tosks  and  Ghegs  are  mountaineers.  Though  the 
first  are  not  so  tall  as  the  second  yet  they  too  are  nimble 
and  active.  Throughout  Albania  the  people  all  belonged 
to  clans.  But  while  the  clan  system  has  largely  broken 
up  among  the  Tosks,  it  flourishes  in  full  force  in  Northern 
Albania.  Everywhere  it  recalls  the  highland  clans  of 
Scotland  of  two  centuries  ago. 

The  people  are  not  only  an  Aryan  people  of  race,  but 
are  European  in  their  national  instincts.  Even  the 
Moslems  among  them  are  monogamists.  Their  sense  of 
family  life  is  European  and  not  Turcoman.  They  are 
barbarians  but  they  have  never  assimilated  with  the 
Turks.  They  marry  in  their  own  rank.  Their  chieftains 
are  born  aristocrats.  When  it  is  remembered  that  the 
Turk  is  of  mixed  blood  and  has  no  family  in  the  Western 
sense,  and  that  his  heir  may  be  the  issue  of  one  of 
the  slaves  whom  he  has  bought,  the  difference  will  be 

The  characteristic  virtues  of  the  Albanian  look  like 
survivals  from  the  Middle  Ages  :  his  vices  and  occasional 
savage  energy  from  probably  an  earlier  period.  Loyalty 
to  the  chief  of  his  clan  and  to  his  word  is  his  greatest 

1  "The  Nearer  East,"  p.  229. 


virtue.  An  inborn  courtesy  is  common  to  the  race. 
The  best  fighter  is  the  best  man.  Every  Albanian  feels 
himself  independent  except  when  bound  by  the  ancient 
customs  of  his  race.  In  Northern  Albania  he  re- 
cognizes no  law  except  that  based  on  such  ancient 
customs.  The  Turk  has  hardly  attempted  to  impose 
any  other  law.  Whether  in  the  field  or  in  the  market- 
place he  is  nearly  always  armed  and  is  ready  to  fight  on 
the  smallest  pretext.  The  boy  attains  manhood  when 
he  can  show  that  he  possesses  arms  which  he  has  captured 
from  an  enemy.  His  rifle  is  ever  with  him.  All  fire  it 
as  a  sign  of  joy.  The  Christian  summons  the  congrega- 
tion to  divine  service  by  a  definite  number  of  shots. 
His  instincts  are  tribal,  and  he  therefore  revenges  any 
insult  to  himself  or  his  clan  by  starting  a  vendetta  which, 
in  case  of  his  own  death,  is  carried  on  by  his  relations  or 
fellow-clansmen,  until  the  bessa  is  given  and  ends  the  feud. 
Once  this  sacramental  word  is  pronounced  it  is  respected 
so  universally  that  the  man  who  violates  it  loses  caste  in 
his  tribe.  He  respects  the  right  of  asylum,  and  even  the 
enemy  is  safe  who  has  sought  his  protection.  When 
reconciliation  has  taken  place  he  may  consent  to  make 
his  enemy  a  blood  brother,  each  of  them  puncturing  his 
arm  and  sucking  a  drop  of  blood  from  the  other.  But 
even  while  the  vendetta  lasts  it  must  be  conducted 
according  to  fairly  well  established  customary  laws. 
The  intended  victim,  who  for  any  cause  has  become 
liable  to  vendetta,  may  not  be  killed  when  he  is  accom- 
panied by  a  woman  or  by  a  child  nor  when  he  is  with 
other  men.  The  parties  may  agree  upon  a  truce  lasting 
for  a  definite  number  of  days  or  weeks,  and  the  bessa 
having  been  given  for  such  time  the  intended  victim 
is  safe.  If  the  vendetta  is  between  clans  they  may  agree 
that  no  action  shall  be  taken  against  the  other  until  an 
hour  after  sunset. 


The  causes  for  which  blood  may  be  shed  are  also  fairly 
well  defined.  Murder,  of  course,  is  one.  But  the  chivalry 
of  the  race  demands  the  blood  also  of  a  man  who  has 
struck  a  woman.  There  is  usually  no  secret  about  a 
vendetta.  Public  opinion  requires  that  for  certain 
offences  a  man  shall  die  by  the  hand  of  the  person  or 
relative  of  the  person  who  has  been  insulted  or  injured. 
When  the  blood-avenger  has  killed  his  man,  he  pro- 
claims his  deed  so  that  public  opinion  may  recognize 
that  he  has  done  his  duty  and  saved  his  honour.  There- 
upon he  himself,  by  the  tribal  custom,  may  become  liable 
to  be  killed  by  the  relative  of  his  victim.  A  sort  of 
Council  of  Honour  exercises  jurisdiction  over  vendetta, 
and  in  certain  tribes  has  large  powers.  It  may  burn  the 
house  and  crops  of  the  wrongdoer.  Miss  Edith  Durham 
states  from  her  own  knowledge  that  "  an  incredible 
amount  of  food-stuff  is  yearly  wasted  and  land  made 
desolate  "  in  consequence  of  such  decisions.1  This  is 
the  more  serious  because  in  Albania,  as  in  certain  districts 
of  Bulgaria,  there  are  House  Communities  containing 
sometimes  from  fifty  to  a  hundred  persons.  In  some 
of  the  tribes  the  Council  has  other  important  powers  over 
their  members.  A  tribesman  belonging  to  the  Northern 
Albanians  cannot  sell  his  land  to  others  than  members 
of  his  clan  without  the  consent  of  the  tribal  Council. 
There  still  linger  among  them  many  of  the  communal 
proprietary  rights  which  once  existed  among  the  whole 
Aryan  race,  and  which  still  exist  in  the  Indian  Village 
Communities  and  until  recently  in  the  Russian  Mir. 
An  outsider  cannot  become  a  member  of  the  clan  with- 
out the  consent  of  the  tribal  Council,  because  on  being 
admitted  he  takes  his  share  in  the  communal  property. 
A  tribesman  may  marry  an  outsider,  but  the  woman  loses 
her  rights  in  the  tribe  she  leaves,  and,  so  to  say,  conies 

1  "High  Albania,"  1909,  by  M.  Edith  Durham. 


under  the  patria  potestas  of  her  husband  or  his  chief. 
An  Albanian,  whether  of  the  north  or  south,  on  being 
asked  his  name  will  give  it  with  the  addition  of  the 
name  of  his  tribe,  just  as  a  Scots  highlander  two  centuries 
ago  would  call  himself  Ian  Macleod  or  M'Tavish. 

The  Albanian's  treatment  of  woman  is  mediaeval.  It 
can  hardly  be  called  chivalrous,  because  the  sex  is  in 
no  sense  glorified  or  clothed  with  romantic  attributes. 
Woman  is  simply  left  out  of  account  in  most  matters. 
The  wife  works  in  the  fields  as  hard  or  harder  than  her 
husband.  But  she  nevertheless  is  respected.  She  can 
fight  in  case  of  need  as  fiercely  as  her  husband.  The 
presence  of  a  woman  acting  as  a  guide  to  a  man  is  a 
protection  to  him.  But  her  husband  leaves  her  to  carry 
produce  and  to  do  his  heaviest  work.  Among  the 
Albanians  who  are  Moslems  she  is  not  veiled,  and  in  this 
respect  is  treated  differently  from  other  Moslem  women 
in  Turkey. 

Marriage  by  capture  remains  the  rule,  and  this  even 
among  the  Mirdites,  a  large  clan  in  Northern  Albania 
numbering  30,000,  who  have  been  under  the  influence  of 
Italian  teaching  and  are  Roman  Catholics. 

About  two-thirds  of  the  population  of  Albania  are 
Mahometans.  The  remainder  consist  of  about  one- 
third  Roman  Catholics  and  two-thirds  members  of  the 
Orthodox  Church.  The  Moslems  and  the  Roman 
Catholics  are  more  numerous  in  the  north,  the  members 
of  the  Greek  Church  in  the  south.1  But  throughout 
Albania  the  professors  of  different  creeds  get  on  fairly 
well  together. 

The  attitude  of  the  Albanian  towards  religion  is  re- 
markable. Christians  and  Moslems  are  before  all  things 
Albanians.  Indifference  to  religion  and  the  strong  sense 

1  An  interesting  and  valuable  article  on  the  Albanians  and  thek 
relation  to  the  Latin  Church  may  be  read  in  "Temple  Bar,"  vol.  127, 
p.  178,  and  vol.  129,  p.  68,  by  Reginald  Wyon. 


of  nationality  as  over-riding  all  other  distinctions  help 
to  make  them  tolerant  and  create  curious  results.  Until 
fifty  years  ago  the  custom  prevailed  in  Northern  Albania 
of  bringing  up  the  boys  as  Moslems,  the  girls  as  Christians. 
Even  now  in  the  Skumbri  plain  many  of  the  boys  are 
baptized  as  well  as  initiated  into  Mahomet anism.  At 
home  they  have  Christian  names ;  officially  they  have 
Turkish.  There  is  no  haremlik  and  salemlik  as  in  a 
Turkish  house.  Many,  of  both  sexes,  keep  both  Lent  and 
Ramazan.  On  the  same  table  will  be  pork  for  the 
Christians  and  mutton  for  the  Moslems.  Lord  Byron, 
nearly  a  century  ago,  noted  that  "  the  Greeks  hardly 
regarded  the  Albanians  as  Christians,  or  the  Turks  as 
Moslems,  and,  in  fact,  they  are  a  mixture  of  both,  and 
sometimes  neither/' l  Religion,  indeed,  has  always  sat 
lightly  upon  them.  I  question  whether  they  were  ever 
much  attached  to  Christianity.  A  Catholic  archbishop, 
writing  in  1610,  says  that  out  of  a  population  of  400,000 
in  the  See  of  Antivari,  350,000  were  Catholics.  There 
are  probably  about  one-third  of  that  number  now.  It 
is  certain  that  the  two-thirds  of  the  total  population  who 
now  profess  Islam  are  very  loose  Mahometans. 

On  the  death  of  the  great  national  leader,  Skender 
Bey,  in  1467,  many  of  the  Albanian  chiefs  soon  found  it 
to  their  interest  to  profess  Mahomet  anism.  By  their 
conversion  they  obtained  peace  and  the  support  of  the 
Turks  against  other  chiefs.  Their  followers,  with  the 
feudal  attachment  to  their  chiefs  and  without  any  great 
attachment  to  Christianity,  adopted  the  creed  of  their 
leaders.  Others  were  attracted  to  a  life  of  adventure 
in  the  Turkish  Army  and  adopted  the  creed  of  their 
comrades.  Many,  however,  who  remained  at  home, 
especially  women,  remained  Christians ;  many  men 
became  crypto-Christians ;  outwardly  conformed  to 

1  "  Notes  to  Childe  Harold,"  Canto  1 1. 


Islam,  privately  maintained  Christian  practices  as  do 
members  of  other  races  in  Asia  Minor  to  the  present  day. 
A  decision  of  the  Roman  Church  in  1703,  however,  forbad 
the  practice  of  the  secret  administration  of  the  Mass 
which  had  been  continued  among  the  Ghegs. 

The  Mahometan  Albanians  show  an  amount  of  tolera- 
tion which  is  exceptional  among  Moslems  in  Turkey. 
Mr  Brailsford  attributes  their  toleration  in  religious 
practice  largely  to  the  influence  of  the  Bektashi  dervishes 
who  have  for  two  centuries  been  among  them.  The 
suggestion  appears  to  me  well  founded.  This  Order 
from  various  causes  was  always  tolerant  of  Christians 
and  their  religion.  Hadji  Bektash,  its  most  illustrious 
member,  though  not  the  founder,  appears  to  have  been  a 
man  who  took  the  good  things  Allah  had  sent  in  a  spirit 
of  joyous  piety.  It  was  he  who  gave  the  name  of 
Janissaries  or  New  Troops  to  the  regiment  which  Sultan 
Orchan  formed  in  1326  by  selecting  youths  from  Christian 
families.  Until  the  destruction  of  the  famous  corps  in 
1826  the  Bektashi  dervishes  always  maintained  their 
connection  with  them,  and  it  is  said  that  as  the  band  was 
slaughtered,  the  men  died  with  the  names  of  Hadji 
Bektash  and  Allah  on  their  lips.  Immediately  after  the 
destruction  an  Imperial  Decree  suppressed  the  Order, 
alleging,  falsely  probably,  that  in  their  convents  were 
demi-jons  of  wine  stoppered  with  leaves  of  the  Koran. 
But  the  Decree  did  not  put  an  end  to  the  Order,  and  their 
convents  exist  in  many  parts  of  the  Empire,  but  are 
especially  influential  in  Albania.  It  may  be  reasonably 
conjectured  that  most  of  the  Janissaries  during  the  first 
three  centuries  of  the  existence  of  the  corps,  all  Christians 
of  origin,  who  had  been  torn  from  their  families  and 
brought  up  as  Moslems,  kept  up  a  feeling  of  kindliness 
and  kinship  for  the  relations  from  whom  they  had  been 
taken,  and  that  this  reacted  upon  the  Bektashis.  Indeed 


many  Janissaries,  when  they  retired  by  reason  of  age 
from  active  service,  became  fully  admitted  Bektashis. 
But  then  as  now  there  were  attached  to  the  Order  a 
great  number  of  lay  brethren.  It  is  certain  that  to 
this  hour  the  numbers  of  the  Order,  both  initiated  and 
lay,  are  well  disposed  to  all  who  are  doing  humanitarian 
work,  and  their  influence  everywhere  favours  religious 
toleration.  I  could  mention  several  instances  in  con- 
firmation which  have  come  under  my  own  observation. 
Let  me  tell  a  story  in  illustration  :  a  friend  of  my  own 
had  been  settled  for  a  year  in  a  village  where  the  popula- 
tion was  about  equally  divided  between  Moslems  and 
Christians.  He  had  passed  his  time  in  learning  the  two 
languages  spoken  there,  and  in  practising  medicine.  He 
had  often  observed  an  old  Bektashi  sheik  in  the  street, 
followed  by  a  number  of  disciples  who  crowded  round  to 
hear  his  words.  My  friend  had  taken  him  for  a 
Moslem  fanatic,  and  had  carefully  avoided  him.  One 
day,  however,  he  had  to  pass  the  Bektash  who  was  on 
the  opposite  side  of  the  way.  The  old  man  beckoned 
to  him  to  cross  the  road,  and,  with  some  hesitation,  he 
did  so.  The  sheik  took  him  by  the  hand,  linked  his  arm 
in  his  own,  and,  turning  to  his  disciples,  said  something 
like  the  following  :  "  I  am  very  old,  and  Allah  will  soon 
take  me  home,  but  I  request  you,  my  children,  to  take 
a  legacy  from  me.  I  give  you  this  man  to  take  special 
care  of.  I  have  watched  him  since  he  came  to  our  town, 
and  he  has  done  nothing  but  good.  Some  of  you  may 
say  he  is  a  ghiour,  but  I  don't  care  for  that.  Whether 
he  says  his  prayers  in  the  name  of  Mahomet,  may  his 
holy  name  be  praised  !  or  whether  he  says  them  in  the 
name  of  Jesus,  may  His  holy  name  be  praised  !  does 
not  matter  to  me.  He  has  been  doing  no  evil  but  only 
good,  and  I  therefore  charge  you  to  take  care  of  him 
for  my  sake." 


The  same  friend  many  years  afterwards  took  up  his 
residence  with  his  family  in  what  was  then  a  purely 
Turkish  village  near  the  Capital,  but  in  which  a  Bektashi 
convent  exercised  influence.  The  fanatical  part  of  the 
population  were  bitterly  opposed  to  the  residence  of  any 
Christians  in  their  village.  They  threw  stones,  called 
ghiour  after  him,  and  made  themselves  generally  dis- 
agreeable. He  soon,  however,  made  friends  with  the 
sheik  of  the  Bektashi  convent.  His  noble  life  gradually 
won  the  esteem  of  his  Moslem  neighbours,  and  when,  in 
1901,  he  was  carried  in  a  chair  from  his  house  to  the 
water-side  in  order  to  embark  on  a  voyage,  during  which 
he  died,  the  Moslem  villagers  extemporized  a  procession 
to  wish  him  God-speed.  The  Iman's  wife,  who  had  been 
the  leader  of  the  opposition,  led  the  women  and  ex- 
temporized a  litany,  "  This  is  a  good  man,  Allah,  send 
him  back  to  us."  Fervent  Amins  followed.  "  He  has 
been  good  to  us,  Allah ;  give  him  health.  He  has 
helped  our  poor,  saved  our  children,"  and  so  on  till  my 
friend  embarked.  It  was  a  pathetic  sight,  showed  the 
influence  of  the  Bektashis,  and  proved  once  more  that 
there  is  a  good  deal  of  human  nature  in  men,  irrespective 
of  their  creeds. 

The  Albanian  is  an  honest  barbarian.  He  is  sensitive, 
has  a  keen  sense  of  honour,  and  a  fine  self-respect.  He  is 
never  a  coward  and  never  mean.  He  is  ready  to  turn 
highwayman,  but  not  to  pilfer  or  cadge.  His  trust- 
worthiness, activity  and  tidy,  not  to  say  picturesque, 
appearance,  makes  him  a  favourite  in  Turkey.  His 
mountains  furnish  him  only  with  a  scanty  living,  and, 
largely  from  this  cause,  many  Albanians  as  well  as  Croats 
and  Montenegrins  leave  their  country  to  take  service  in 
distant  lands  especially  in  Constantinople.  Many  become 
horse-dealers,  especially  from  the  Northern  Albanians. 
They  are  found  in  Constantinople  as  road-makers,  as 


guardians,  body-servants,  gardeners,  and  soldiers.  The 
Turkish  Army  has  long  been  as  great  a  resource  for  the 
superfluous  energy  of  the  Albanian  mountaineers  as 
was  the  British  Army  a  century  ago  for  Highlanders. 

As  road-makers  and  unskilled  labourers,  the  Albanian 
has  little  to  differentiate  him  from  the  Italian  labourer 
out  of  his  own  country.  As  body-servants  and  guardians 
they  are  invaluable.  They  are  ornamental  as  well  as 
useful.  Visitors  to  Constantinople  are  often  struck 
with  the  gorgeous  appearance  of  the  cavasses  before  the 
doors  of  embassies,  banks,  or  the  houses  of  wealthy 
citizens.  These  men,  constantly  mistaken  for  Turks 
by  visitors,  are  pretty  sure  to  be  Albanians,  Montene- 
grins or  Croats.  The  man  chosen  is  handsome,  proud  of 
his  bright  dress,  his  one  or  two  revolvers,  and  his  dagger. 

The  Albanian  and  the  Croat,  who  is  often  half  Albanian, 
make  excellent  guardians  on  account  of  their  honesty. 
On  all  sides  their  trustworthiness  and  truthfulness  are 
acknowledged.  If  I  mention  my  own  experience  it  is 
simply  as  typical  of  what  hundreds  of  residents  in  Turkey 
could  confirm  from  their  own.  During  the  last  thirty 
years  we  have  had  a  summer  residence  in  the  island  of 
Prinkipo,  which  we  have  occupied  during  five  or  six 
months  annually.  On  leaving  it  year  after  year  for  one 
in  Pera,  our  furniture,  household  effects,  summer  clothing, 
books  and  ornaments  are  left  in  the  house,  in  rooms 
which  are  not  even  locked.  A  gardener,  at  one  time  an 
Albanian,  at  another  a  Croat,  has  been  left  in  charge,  and 
on  our  return  to  the  island  in  the  spring  we  have  never 
found  anything  missing.  Most  of  the  neighbouring 
houses,  all  of  which  are  closed  during  winter,  are  similarly 
guarded  by  Albanians  or  Croats  who  usually  agree  well 
together.  They  are  proud  of  their  charge.  Robbery 
from  one  house  would  be  felt  as  a  stain  upon  all  the 
guardians.  Our  usual  word  on  leaving  for  the  winter  is, 


"  We  leave  everything  to  you."     The  answer  is,  "  On 
my  head  be  it." 

Many  other  positions  of  trust  are  held  by  them  in 
Constantinople  and  throughout  all  the  western  portion 
of  the  empire.  They  are  bank-messengers,  door-keepers, 
and  gardeners,  and  are  employed  by  many  merchants 
who  wish  to  have  men  who  can  be  trusted  absolutely. 
They  are  popular  in  such  employ,  not  only  from  their 
honesty  nor  merely  from  their  picturesque  appearance, 
but  because  they  are  lively  and  always  seem  wide-awake. 
The  Turk  in  a  similar  position,  though  equally  trust- 
worthy, looks  usually  sleepy,  and  as  if  he  wished  to 
be  "  making  kef."  I  should  not  wish  to  leave  the 
impression  that  they  are  the  only  men  who,  in  such  posi- 
tions, are  trustworthy.  The  uneducated  classes  of  all  the 
populations  in  the  empire  are  usually  honest  when 
in  positions  of  trust.  Armenian  and  Turkish  hamals 
or  porters  who  are  in  a  foreigner's  employ  are  quite  as 
trustworthy  as  Englishmen  of  the  same  class  would  be. 
My  own  hamals  have  always  been  either  Armenians  or 
Turks,  and  have  cashed  many  thousands  of  pounds,  and 
I  do  not  believe  that  any  of  them  has  ever  stolen  a 

Service  in  the  Turkish  army  long  afforded  to  the 
Albanian  the  most  promising  career.  Where  there  is 
fighting  to  be  done  he  is  happy.  He  is  willing  to  under- 
take the  commonplace  work  of  paving  or  road-making, 
of  gardening  or  of  watchman,  when  necessity  compels 
him  to  leave  his  native  mountains.  But  the  life  which 
appeals  to  him  is  that  of  the  soldier  in  time  of  war. 
Until  half  a  century  ago  it  was  military  service  under  the 
Turks  which  offered  the  great  and  almost  the  sole  induce- 
ment to  leave  Albania.  It  has  been  to  his  race  the  great 
attraction  during  the  last  two  centuries.  Though  all 



were  Christians  when  the  Turks  first  entered  their 
country,  gradually  the  allurements  of  soldiering  led 
many  of  them  to  join  the  army.  Von  Ranke  says  that 
when  the  Albanians  began  to  change  they  went  over  to 
Islam  in  masses.  While  thinking  the  statement  too 
general,  it  is  certain  that  the  liking  for  military  life  largely 
resulted  in  the  adoption  of  Mahometanism,  sometimes 
even  by  whole  clans.  In  other  cases  military  service 
reacted  upon  the  clans  from  which  the  men  came  by 
creating  a  friendly  feeling  which  softened  the  asperities 
of  Turkish  rule. 

The  Albanians  were  at  first  mixed  with  the  other 
troops,  but  soon  came  to  be  considered  the  favourite 
soldiers  of  the  Porte.  They  never  had  the  reputation  of 
being  readily  amenable  to  discipline.  But  they  were 
especially  useful  to  the  Sultans  in  suppressing  revolts 
among  other  subject  races.  For  this  purpose,  in  the 
latter  half  of  the  eighteenth,  and  the  first  half  of  the 
nineteenth  century  they  were  employed  against  Arabs, 
Egyptians,  and  Greeks.  The  great  movement  in  Egypt  in 
1811,  which  placed  the  present  dynasty  on  the  Khedivial 
throne,  was  led  by  a  conspicuously  able  man,  Mehmet 
Ali,  who  had  a  genius  for  warfare  and  administration, 
which,  under  other  circumstances,  might  have  produced  a 
Napoleon.  Mehmet  Ali  was  an  Albanian  who  had  settled 
in  Cavalla  at  the  head  of  the  ^Egean  Sea. 

But  the  Albanians,  though  largely  trusted  by  the 
Sultans  to  put  down  revolt,  were  seldom  to  be  de- 
pended upon  themselves,  unless  kept  actively  employed. 
The  independence  of  the  mountaineers  made  them 
uneasy  under  a  discipline  which  they  regarded  as 

The  same  observation  still  holds  good.  Mr  Brailsford 
mentions  the  case  of  a  Turkish  officer  who,  in  1904,  struck 
a  private  soldier.  "  The  whole  garrison  went  into 


mutiny,  until  it  had  found  and  slaughtered  the  erring 
lieutenant."  l 

The  turbulent  spirit  of  the  Albanian  troops  led  at 
various  times  to  attempts  to  bring  the  whole  of  their 
country  under  complete  subjection.  Up  to  the  present 
time  this  has  never  been  done.  Urquhart,  the  great 
philo-Turk  Englishman  of  the  middle  of  last  century,  and 
a  man  of  deservedly  great  influence  in  his  day,  claimed 
indeed  that  Sultan  Mahmud  the  second,  in  the  first 
quarter  of  the  century,  had  subjugated  the  Albanians. 
Mahmud  had  done  nothing  of  the  sort.  He  had  done 
what  his  predecessors  had  done,  had  sent  overwhelming 
armies  into  the  country,  had  killed  many  persons,  had 
destroyed  crops  and  burnt  houses.  Then  the  troops  had 
retired,  and  in  a  few  years  the  Albanians  were  as  unsub- 
jugated  as  ever.  Even  now,  there  are  clans  which  pay 
no  taxes.  The  district  north  of  Avlona  and  the  back 
country  into  the  mountains  care  nothing  for  the  tax- 
gatherer  and  such  law  as  is  administered  is  not  in  many 
districts  of  Albania  the  law  applicable  elsewhere  to  the 
empire,  but  is  a  general  summary  of  the  tribal  customs. 

The  two  Albanians  who  are  best  known  in  history  are 
George  Castriotes,  more  commonly  spoken  of  as  Skender 
or  Iskender  (that  is,  Alexander)  Bey  and  Ali  Pasha. 
They  are  distinctly  representative  of  the  best  and  worst 
side  of  Albanian  character.  Each  figures  as  a  National 
hero.  The  first  lived  and  made  his  name  renowned 

1  "  Macedonia,"  p.  224.  While  revising  these  pages  a  somewhat 
similar  incident  occurred  in  Constantinople.  On  the  28th  March  1911, 
a  German  officer  struck  an  Albanian  while  at  drill.  The  Albanian 
a  few  minutes  afterwards  shot  him.  When  brought  into  the  presence 
of  the  dying  officer,  and  asked  why  he  had  shot  his  officer,  his  reply, 
given  in  the  Turkish  semi-official  paper  Tanin,  was,  "  I  shot  you 
because  you  ill-treated  me  and  humiliated  me  before  my  comrades. 
I  would  have  done  the  same  to  my  own  father."  He  was  publicly 


throughout  Europe  in  the  middle  of  the  fifteenth  century. 
The  second  made  Turkey  and  Western  Europe  ring  with 
his  bravery  and  misdeeds  from  1790  to  1822.  Each  was 
a  daring  and  skilful  soldier.  To  Ali  Pasha,  however,  must 
be  assigned  a  special  strain  of  perfidy  and  cruelty. 

Skender  Bey  was  Christian  by  birth,  the  son  of  the 
chief  of  a  clan  who  had  been  defeated  and  compelled 
to  give  his  four  sons  as  hostages  to  Sultan  Bayazid.  He 
went  through  a  series  of  adventures  which  recall  those 
of  Garibaldi.  Though  he  was  without  the  humane  and 
chivalrous  qualities  which  characterized  the  Italian  hero, 
he  showed  a  like  skill  in  guerilla  warfare,  and  a  like 
recklessness  of  danger.  During  the  later  years  of  his 
life,  and  for  long  after  his  death  in  1467,  he  was  regarded  in 
Italy  and  elsewhere  as  a  Christian  hero. 

He  left  no  successor  capable  of  carrying  on  successful 
war  ;  and  before  many  years  had  passed,  the  Albanians 
came,  at  least  nominally,  under  Tuikish  rule. 

The  other  Albanian  whose  name  was  well  known  in 
Western  Europe  was  Ali  Pasha  of  Yanina,  a  consummate 
master  of  intrigue,  an  inchoate  statesman,  an  able  soldier, 
but  a  treacherous  and  cruel  tyrant.  He  is  a  good  illus- 
tration of  the  type  of  man  which  Turkish  tyranny 
developes  among  able  and  semi-independent  races.  He 
is  often  mentioned  in  the  correspondence  of  Lord  Byron, 
and  his  later  history  forms  part  of  the  story  of  the  revolu- 
tion which  led  to  the  independence  of  Greece.  That 
story  itself  has  a  happy  issue.  No  Englishman  in  the 
twentieth  century  who  knows  anything  of  the  history  of 
Greece  in  the  eighteenth  century,  and  who  has  visited 
that  country,  can  be  otherwise  than  satisfied  that  the 
fatal  blow  to  the  Turkish  power  in  Greece  given  at 
Navarino  by  the  combined  fleets  of  Great  Britain, 
France,  and  Russia  was  wisely  struck.  Though  for 
political  purposes  the  British  Government  spoke  of  it  in 


intentionally  vague  language  as  an  "  untoward  event/' 
its  results  were  to  create  a  nation  whose  remarkable 
progress  has  been  witnessed  by  the  world  with  satisfaction. 
If  the  story  be  true  that  William,  afterwards  the  fourth 
king  of  that  name,  wrote  on  the  dispatch  to  his  old 
shipmate,  Sir  Edward  Codrington,  who  was  in  command 
of  the  three  fleets,  "  Go  it,  Ned/'  and  that  this  pre- 
cipitated the  action,  we  may  regard  the  act  as  a  happy 

But  the  story  of  the  revolution,  always  bearing  in  mind 
its  happy  issue,  is  grim  and  ugly.  It  is  one  of  struggles 
between  Greek  and  Albanian  generals  who  distrusted 
each  other,  of  contests  between  primates,  of  warfare  of 
one  section  against  another  for  the  glorification  of  private 
levenge,  of  personal  jealousies,  of  blood-feuds,  treacheries, 
desertions  to  the  Turks  and  back  again,  of  intrigues,  of 
political  and  private  murders  in  the  name  of  patriotism  ; 
of  the  murder  of  prisoners  on  both  sides,  and  withal  of 
splendid  acts  of  bravery  by  land  and  sea  ;  it  was  a  period 
of  chaos,  of  wild  confusion,  the  struggles  of  slaves  with 
great  and  glorious  traditions  but  also  with  the  vices  of 
slaves,  to  become  free.  The  idea  of  patriotism  seemed 
at  times  to  be  entirely  forgotten  in  the  desire  for  selfish 
triumph.  Fortunately,  on  the  Turkish  side,  there  was  still 
more  corruption  among  the  officers  and  a  brutality 
which  constantly  helped  to  weld  the  Greeks  together. 
In  all  this  medley  of  treachery  and  hard  fighting  the 
Albanians  took  a  prominent  part.  It  is  estimated  that 
even  fifty  years  ago  there  were  a  hundred  thousand  of 
them  within  the  kingdom  of  Greece,  and  the  numbers 
were  probably  larger  in  the  early  part  of  the  century. 
Under  happier  rule  these  are  rapidly  becoming  merged 
among  the  subjects  of  King  George,  because  whatever 
may  be  said  of  Greek  foreign  policy  it  must  never  be 
forgotten  that  the  rule  of  their  country  by  the  Greeks 


has  been,  on  the  whole,  a  great  success,  and  is  infinitely 
preferable  to  that  which  preceded  the  revolution.  They 
have  passed  from  barbarism  to  civilization. 

When  the  struggle  to  throw  off  the  Turkish  yoke  began, 
many  of  the  Albanians  made  common  cause  with  the 

When  Ali  Pasha  the  Albanian  was  appointed  by  the 
Sultan  about  1790,  to  be  Vali  of  Yanina,  he  was  already 
forty-five  years  old.  Born  near  Avlona,  he  must  be 
counted  as  a  Southern  Albanian.  To  the  south  of 
Yanina  the  mountain  ranges  were  nearly  inaccessible,  and 
on  many  occasions  the  Turkish  troops  sent  against  him, 
when  he  sought  refuge  in  the  hills,  utterly  failed  to  take 
the  positions.  He  had  succeeded  in  getting  named  as 
Vali  after  defeating  several  neighbouring  chiefs,  after 
procuring  the  murdei  of  his  father-in-law  and  sub- 
sequently of  his  brother-in-law,  and  after  himself  stabbing 
a  Vali,  who  had  been  given  a  position  he  wanted  for 
himself.  When  he  obtained  the  Vilayet  his  power  in 
Southern  Albania  was  nearly  absolute.  He  defeated  the 
chiefs  of  the  clans  around  him.  He  encouraged  the 
Greeks  in  rebellion,  and  aided  them  with  his  own 
Albanian  troops,  doing  this  while  always  in  the  Sultan's 
service.  He  played  off  one  revolutionary  party  against 
another,  as  well  as  Turks  against  Christians,  always 
constant  to  the  one  purpose  of  making  himself  sole 
independent  ruler.  He  intrigued  with  the  French  under 
Napoleon,  against  the  English,  and  with  the  English 
against  the  French. 

Sometimes  he  took  French  officers  to  drill  his  troops  ; 
sometimes  English.  He  was  relentless  and  brutal  to  all 
who  opposed  him.  One  of  the  incidents  in  connection 
with  his  career,  which  is  best  known,  is  connected  with  the 
small  district  called  Suli,  between  Yanina  and  the  Gulf 
of  Arta.  It  was  occupied  by  Christian  Albanians,  and 


so  strong  in  its  independence  from  its  natural  position 
as  almost  to  constitute  a  republic.  There  were  in  it 
about  sixty  villages,  but  only  1500  fighting  men.  Many 
attempts  had  been  made  by  Turkish  troops  to  capture 
the  place,  but  the  Suliots  had  always  successfully  resisted. 
Ali  himself  determined  to  annex  it.  He  made  his  first 
attempt  as  early  as  1792,  with  an  army  four  times  the 
number  of  the  Suliots,  and  failed.  During  several 
years  he  endeavoured  to  bribe  the  Suliots  into  sub- 
mission, but  always  without  success.  In  1800  he  again 
attacked  them.  Their  trusted  leader,  Botzaris  (not  to 
be  confused  with  Marco  of  that  name) ,  was  absent.  After 
a  fierce  struggle  against  almost  ever  whelming  numbers, 
the  strength  of  the  Suliots  was  broken.  In  1803  orders 
were  sent  to  Ali,  by  the  Sultan,  to  capture  Suli  at  all  costs. 
The  Suliots  fought  like  heroes,  and  were  led  by  a  priest 
named  Samuel  whose  curious  cognomen  was  "  Last  Judg- 
ment." When,  by  means  of  treachery,  the  approaches 
to  Suli  had  been  captured  Samuel  refused  to  capitulate, 
and,  as  the  place  was  being  taken,  deliberately  blew  up 
the  powder  magazine,  destroying  many  friends  and  him- 
self. Some  few  escaped  to  a  neighbouring  place  called 
Kiapha,  and  subsequently  to  one  of  the  Ionian  islands. 
When  relief  or  further  endurance  was  quite  hopeless, 
six  men  and  twenty-two  women  threw  themselves  over 
a  precipice  in  order  to  escape  falling  into  the  hands  of  the 
blood-thirsty  Ali.  This  appears  to  be  the  simple  narrative 
of  the  deed.  Heroic  in  itself  it  is  one  which  has  grown 
in  the  Greek  imagination  to  a  dramatic  picture  of  a  band 
of  Suliot  women  circling  round  with  joined  hands  in  the 
old  Pyrrhic  dance,  as  they  still  circle  in  dozens  of  places 
throughout  Greece  on  great  feast  days,  and  as  the  circle 
passed  near  the  edge  of  the  precipice  each  one  in  turn 
flung  herself  or  himself  over  while  the  circle  was  im- 
mediately completed  by  the  remainder,  until  all  had 


voluntarily  sought  the  doom  which  should  save  them 
from  the  brutality  of  Ali  and  his  soldiers. 

Ali  resisted  the  Sultan  for  nearly  twenty-five  years. 
His  success  secured  him  the  admiration  of  his  neighbours. 
His  rule,  when  once  it  was  firmly  established  and  recog- 
nized, was  not  bad.  Colonel  Leake,  who  at  the  time 
visited  almost  every  part  of  Ali's  dominions,  states  that 
he  "  always  encouraged  education  among  the  Greeks. 
He  got  rid  of  highway  robbers,  built  roads  and  bridges, 
treated  Christians  and  Moslems  on  an  equality  "  ;  but 
that  he  was  a  selfish  tyrant  is  attested  by  all  witnesses. 
Though  calling  himself  a  Moslem,  he  treated  all  cults 
with  indifference,  and  it  is  suggested  that  he  specially 
encouraged  the  Dervish  order  of  Bektashis,  because 
they  were  regarded  by  the  Turks  as  infidels,  or,  at  least, 
as  men  regarding  all  religions  as  he  himself  did  with 
equal  favour. 

In  1822,  he  received  the  Sultan's  promise  of  pardon  and 
a  safe  conduct  to  Constantinople,  and  upon  this  promise 
he  surrendered.  There  are  various  accounts  as  to  how 
he  came  by  his  death,  the  commonest  being  that  the  day 
after  he  had  set  out  for  the  Capital  he  was  beheaded.  The 
rfritish  Chaplain  in  Constantinople,  Dr  Walsh,  who  was 
in  that  city  in  1822,  saw  the  head  of  Ali  exposed  to  public 
view.  It  was  buried  in  the  great  cemetery  outside  the 
landward  walls  and  immediately  opposite  the  Silivria 
Gate.  The  traveller  now  has  pointed  out  to  him  the 
tombstone  of  Ali  the  Albanian,  and  those  of  his  brothers 
and  three  sons. 

As  recently  as  1880  it  looked  as  if  a  united  Albania 
might  be  possible,  at  least  among  the  Ghegs.  But  the 
movement  turned  out  to  be  nothing  more  than  one  of 
Abdul  Hamid's  futile  attempts  to  frighten  Europe.  The 
time  was  an  anxious  one  in  Constantinople  and  in  England. 
The  Berlin  treaty  had  decided  that  Antivari  and  its  sea 


coast  should  be  given  to  Montenegro.1  Abdul  Hamid, 
however,  refused  to  consent  to  any  surrender  of  territory. 
Mr  Gladstone,  after  negotiations  had  failed  to  persuade 
him,  induced  the  European  Powers  to  make  a  naval 
demonstration  hi  the  Adriatic.  But  this  also  appeared 
to  be  on  the  point  of  failure.  All  the  men-of-war  of  the 
Powers  retired  except  those  belonging  to  Great  Britain. 
The  Sultan  and  the  enemies  of  England  were  in  high  glee. 
But  they  did  not  know  that  they  had  to  deal  not  only 
with  Mr  Gladstone,  but  with  one  of  the  ablest  Ambas- 
sadors England  ever  sent  abroad,  Mr  Goschen.  The 
latter  went  to  the  Palace  and  delivered  an  ultimatum. 
If  the  Sultan  did  not  yield,  England  would  occupy  a 
Turkish  seaport  until  he  did.  It  was  a  message  which 
tried  a  man's  mettle,  and  I  learned  at  the  time  that  Mr 
Goschen's  lips  trembled  as  he  gave  it.  Nevertheless  the 
Sultan  still  refused.  Sealed  orders  were  sent  to  the  Fleet, 
as  the  world  learned  a  few  months  afterwards  when  a 
Blue  Book  told  the  story,  to  sail  for  and  occupy  Smyrna. 
The  signals  for  departure  were  actually  "  bent  on," 
ready  to  be  shaken  out,  when  a  boat  was  observed  pulling 
with  all  haste  for  the  fleet,  and  a  man  in  its  stern  waving 
something  energetically.  It  turned  out  to  be  the  British 
Consul  bringing  a  telegram  from  Mr  Goschen  stating  that 
the  Sultan  had  given  way. 

Meantime,  in  order  to  alarm  the  Powers  a  great  fuss 
was  made  of  an  "  Albanian  League  "  which  was  going  to 
do  wonders  if  the  Powers  persisted.  A  native  prince, 
Dodo  by  name,  Chief  of  the  Mirdites,  whose  capital  is  at 
Oroski,  had  been  placed  at  the  head  of  the  League,  every 
man  of  which  was  to  shed  his  blood  for  the  defence  of 
Ottoman  territory.  When  Abdul  Hamid  yielded  he  had 
no  further  need  of  Dodo,  who  soon  found  that  Western 

1  Certain  modifications  were  made,  and  a  definite  arrangement  was 
only  signed  on  i8th  April  1880.  See  Nouradoungian's  "  Recueil  des 
Treaties/ '  p.  260,  vol.  ii.  The  articles  in  the  Berlin  Treaty  are  28  and  29. 


Europe  suited  him  better  than  Albania.     He  returned 
to  Turkey  after  the  Revolution. 

Many  Albanians  who  have  received  some  amount  of 
instruction  have  risen  to  high  offices  in  the  State.  They 
have  intelligence  and  a  dignity  and  courtesy  of  manner 
which  makes  a  favourable  impression.  The  Grand 
Vizir,  Ferid  Pasha,  who  held  office  until  the  revolution  of 
July  1908,  is  a  pure  Albanian.  He  is  a  typically  hand- 
some man,  and  always  impressed  me  with  his  airs  of 
manliness  and  straightforwardness. 

The  Albanian  regiments  in  Constantinople  were  trusted 
from  his  accession  by  Sultan  Abdul  Hamid,  who  during 
all  his  reign  had  never  less  than  five  thousand  Albanian 
soldiers  as  his  guard  at  Yildiz.  Indeed  the  favours  he 
showered  upon  them  caused  much  jealousy  among  other 
troops.  These  favours  were  not  confined  to  the  Albanian 
guard  ;  for,  in  order  to  stand  well  with  their  race  gener- 
ally, and  to  be  able  to  employ  them  against  the  Serbians, 
Montenegrins  and  Bulgarians,  taxes  were  allowed  to 
remain  uncollected,  and  their  chiefs  were  permitted  to  do 
almost  what  they  liked.  During  the  seven  or  eight  years 
preceding  the  revolution,  they  opposed  the  introduction 
of  reforms  in  Macedonia  urged  by  the  Powers  and 
nominally  accepted  by  Abdul  Hamid.1  When  outrages 
of  an  exceptional  character  occurred,  the  Sultan's 
excuse  to  prevent  the  execution  of  the  reforms,  was  that 
the  Albanians  had  got  out  of  hand.  The  excuses 
deceived  no  ambassador. 

The  Albanians  played  an  important  though  unexpected 
part  in  Macedonia  in  precipitating  the  revolution  in 
July  1908.  The  intention  of  the  Committee  of  Union 
and  Progress  was  to  make  their  demonstration  and 

1  Mr  Brailsford's  book  on  Macedonia  is  especially  valuable  for 
showing  how  the  reforms  suggested  by  Europe  were  for  the  most  part 


demand  for  constitutional  government  on  the  anniversary 
of  the  Sultan's  accession,  namely,  the  ist  September. 
Abdul  Hamid,  however,  had  been  informed  by  the  be- 
ginning of  July,  and  probably  a  fortnight  earlier,  of  what 
the  Committee  was  doing  and  of  the  disaffection  in  the 
third  army  corps  stationed  in  Macedonia.  He  had  sent 
forty  spies,  almost  ostentatiously,  to  scent  out  the  dis- 
affected. Shemshi  Pasha  was  at  Monastir  ready  to 
repress  revolt,  and  on  every  side  precautions  against  a 
rising  were  being  taken.  These  incentives  to  speedy 
action,  however,  might  not  have  been  sufficient  to  make 
the  Committee  change  their  plans.  Their  proposed 
enterprise  was  full  of  risk,  but  the  Committee  believed  that 
so  long  as  their  project  was  not  generally  known,  every 
week  or  even  day  would  enable  them  to  strengthen  their 
position.  They  wished  to  act  with  great  caution  and 
not  to  precipitate  a  hasty  movement  which  would  be 
ruthlessly  ended.  An  incident  at  Uskub  helped  to  force 
their  hands.  In  that  town  there  were  certain  drinking 
shops  and  cafes  chantants  which  belonged  to  Austrian 
subjects.  They  hoisted  the  flag  of  their  nation  to  show 
that  they  were  under  its  protection.  The  Austrian 
Consul  proposed  to  give  a  great  picnic  at  Fersovich,  or 
Ferizovich,  about  half  way  between  Uskub  and  Kossova, 
and  on  the  eastern  frontier  of  Albania.  The  picnic  was 
nominally  for  the  benefit  of  an  Austrian  school  in  Uskub, 
and,  according  to  repute  in  Uskub,  was  to  be  a  record 
one.  A  special  train  was  arranged  to  run  to  Fersovich  ; 
a  great  tent  had  been  sent  on  and  even  wooden  shanties 
erected  for  the  guests.  But  the  organizers  of  the  week's 
pleasure — it  was  spoken  of  in  the  neighbourhood  as  a 
debauch — had  not  taken  the  Albanians  into  account. 
The  leading  families  among  the  Ghegs  had  been  alarmed 
at  the  inducements  to  vice  which  had  led  some  of  their 
young  men  astray  in  the  cafes  chantants  of  Uskub. 


They  collected  some  thousands  of  men  in  the  neighbour- 
ing hills,  and  sent  word  to  the  Austrian  Consul  that  they 
would  not  allow  the  picnic.  They  would  burn  the  train 
and  attack  those  in  it  if  it  were  attempted.  As  an 
earnest  of  what  they  meant  they  destroyed  the  shanties 
and  the  casinos  in  Fersovich. 

The  Committee  of  Union  and  Progress  in  Monastir 
and  Salonika  were  alarmed  at  the  news.  If  the  conflict 
came  off,  the  Austrians  might  enter  the  country ;  war 
would  ensue  and  the  revolutionary  projects  would  be 
for  a  time  at  least  frustrated.  Accordingly  some  of 
their  members  hastened  to  the  hills  near  Uskub,  con- 
ferred with  the  leaders  at  Fersovich,  and  persuaded  them 
to  make  common  cause  for  the  establishment  of  con- 
stitutional government. 

Meantime,  Galib  Bey,  who  commanded  the  gendar- 
mery  at  Uskub,  received  orders  from  Yildiz  to  disperse 
the  thousands  of  Albanians,  but  Galib  had  himself  be- 
come a  member  of  the  Committee.  The  telegraph  and 
most  of  the  railway  employes  were  gained  over  by  the 
Committee  which  issued  its  instructions  from  Salonika. 
The  conference  lasted  a  week.  On  the  22nd  of  July 
telegrams  of  a  common  purport  were  sent  from  Fersovich, 
and  many  other  places  of  Macedonia,  to  Yildiz,  demand- 
ing a  constitution,  and  intimating  that  if  it  were  not 
granted  "  something  very  serious  would  happen  to  the 
Sultan  himself/'  In  presence  of  these  demands  from 
nearly  all  the  important  towns  in  Macedonia  the  Sultan 
yielded.  In  the  night  of  the  23rd-24th  July  replies  were 
received,  and  before  midnight  the  troops  in  Uskub, 
Monastir  and  Salonika  saluted  the  constitution,  some 
eight  hours  before  the  news  was  announced  in  the 
capital.  The  Albanians  had  joined  with  the  rest  of  the 
population  in  Macedonia  in  the  demand  for  this  new 
form  of  government. 


It  was  on  account  of  the  favours  the  Albanian  soldiers 
had  received  from  Abdul  Hamid  that  after  the  revolution 
those  in  Constantinople  were  distrusted  by  the  Committee 
of  Union  and  Progress,  and  a  considerable  number  were 
replaced  in  November  1908  by  other  troops  brought  from 
Salonika,  whose  officers  were  members  of  the  Committee. 
It  was  known  to  be  against  the  Sultan's  wish  that  the 
Albanians  should  be  sent  away,  but  the  Committee  were 
determined,  and  two  of  their  number  were  deputed  to  see 
him  and  declare  that  if  the  Albanian  tioops  resisted  the 
change  they  would  be  attacked  by  the  others  and  by  an 
ironclad  stationed  in  the  Bosporus.  In  such  an  event 
"  the  Committee  would  not  answer  for  the  consequences." 
As  their  barracks  were  almost  in  the  line  of  fire  between 
the  ironclad  and  Yildiz  it  was  impossible  that  the  Sultan 
should  not  realize  what  the  consequence  might  be. 

As  it  was,  when  the  first  detachment  of  Turkish  troops 
arrived  from  Salonika  to  replace  them,  a  mutiny  occurred 
among  the  Albanians  in  the  Tashkisla  barracks,  which 
are  about  half  a  mile  distant  from  the  palace.  In  the 
struggle  to  repress  it  several  men,  officially  stated  as 
nine,  were  killed  and  more  wounded,  but  the  prompt 
action  of  the  officers  prevented  further  trouble.  As 
other  troops  were  expected  whose  arrival  might  cause 
further  trouble  riflemen  were  stationed  during  the  follow- 
ing night  in  the  valley  between  the  mutineers'  barracks 
and  Yildiz,  and  the  ironclad  stationed  in  the  Bosporus 
had  her  guns  turned  on  the  barracks  and  also,  incidentally 
of  course,  on  Yildiz  itself.  The  Sultan,  when  a  deputa- 
tion from  the  mutineers  waited  upon  him  to  object  to 
their  removal,  declared  that  it  was  the  business  of  his 
Minister  of  War  to  determine  where  his  troops  should  be 
stationed,  and  that  as  for  himself  he  loved  all  his  soldiers 
equally  well ! 

Within  six  months,  however,  the  very  troops  who  had 


replaced  the  Albanians  had  been  gained  by  the  partisans 
of  Abdul  Hamid,  and  when,  on  the  I3th  April  1909, 
the  soldiers  in  the  capital  rose  against  their  officers, 
against  the  Committee  of  Union  and  Progress  and  the 
adherents  of  the  new  regime,  these  troops  took  part  in 
the  revolt.  Those  who  occupied  the  Tashkisla  barracks 
had  many  Albanians  among  them,  and  the  regiment  in 
question  was  known  as  the  chasseurs  of  Salonika.  On 
the  I3th  April  they  not  only  joined  the  other  rebellious 
troops  but  killed  all  their  officers  whom  they  could  find. 
When,  therefore,  ten  days  later,  the  army  under  Mahmud 
Shevket  Pasha  arrived  before  the  city  to  recover  posses- 
sion of  it,  and  to  punish  some  of  the  leaders  of  the  silliest 
and  most  ill-considered  movement  that  the  brainless 
partisans  of  reaction  could  have  devised,  the  chasseurs 
of  Salonika  were  marked  men.  They  knew  the  fate 
intended  for  them,  and  in  the  Tashkisla  barracks  made  a 
more  obstinate  resistance  on  the  famous  Saturday  the 
24th  April,  when  the  army  captured  the  various  barracks 
and  public  buildings  near  Yildiz  than  any  other  troops. 
For  a  while  they  remained  in  the  barracks  on  the  defen- 
sive, but  about  9  A.M.  upwards  of  a  hundred  sallied  out 
to  attack  the  invaders.  Many  of  them  fell,  and  the  rest 
hastened  back.  The  soldiers  who  had  taken  refuge  in 
other  barracks  near  had  all  surrendered  by  noon  on  that 
day,  and  many  of  us  civilians  had  ventured  beyond  the 
cavalry  barracks  at  the  Taxim  under  the  impression  that 
the  Macedonian  army  had  captured  every  place  of 
importance.  Suddenly,  about  3  P.M.,  firing  commenced. 
A  body  of  the  chasseurs  had  barricaded  themselves  in 
the  stables  of  Tashkisla  barracks,  and,  after  firing  had 
ceased  elsewhere,  had  opened  fire.  At  once  the  available 
points  for  attack  upon  the  stables  were  occupied  by 
Shevket 's  troops.  Many  of  the  civilians  were  in  the  line 
of  fire  and  hastened  into  neighbouring  houses  for  shelter. 


Artillery  was  quickly  brought  up  and  by  4  P.M.  the 
mutinous  chasseurs  were  either  killed  or  prisoners.  At 
4.30  I  was  with  the  crowd  of  spectators  examining  the 
damage  which  had  been  done.  All  resistance  had 

No  serious  attempts  have  ever  been  made  to  bring 
Albanians  within  the  sway  of  civilization.  Nor  have 
matters  improved  in  this  respect  under  the  Constitu- 
tional Government.  In  a  rising  in  December  1909, 
which  the  Albanians  declare  was  wantonly  provoked  and 
which  lasted  till  the  following  April,  the  old  method 
of  suppressing  discontent  among  them  was  followed. 
It  may  be  admitted  at  once  that  the  Albanians  in 
question  have  been  and  are  unruly,  that  many  of  them 
refused  military  service,  objected  to  pay  for  exemption 
from  such  service,  and,  to  use  the  usual  slang  phrase, 
required  a  lesson.  But  it  should  have  been  remembered 
that  they  were  a  people  who  had  never  been  subdued, 
that  they  had  been  spoiled  by  Abdul  Hamid,  that  no 
attempts  had  been  made  to  civilize  them  either  by 
making  roads  or  encouraging  education,  that  they  hoped 
much  from  the  Constitution  which  they  had  helped  to 
establish,  that  they  had  been  ready  to  fight  Austria 
when  young  Turkey  believed  war  was  probable,  and 
that  the  old  method  of  sending  men  into  the  mountains 
to  destroy  their  houses  and  crops  and  to  kill  all  whom 
they  could  catch  had  invariably  failed  in  making  them 
a  law-respecting  people.  The  example  of  our  own 
country  after  the  rebellion  in  Scotland  in  1745,  when  our 
fathers  under  not  dissimilar  circumstances,  constructed 
roads  through  the  highlands,  would  have  been  an  excellent 
one  to  follow.  Instead  of  following  it,  Turkish  troops 
burnt  their  houses,  aroused  a  bitter  feeling  of  opposition 
throughout  all  sections  of  the  race,  and  finished  up  with 
a  number  of  executions  and  brutal  punishments  which 


left  the  impression  upon  the  inhabitants  that  the  new 
regime  was  no  better  than  the  old.  The  attempt  to 
disarm  the  population  of  Macedonia,  Bulgaria,  and 
Albania,  which  followed  was  not  only  a  failure,  but  was 
conducted  in  a  grossly  unfair  manner  ;  it  was  a  failure 
because  very  few  of  the  forty-two  thousand  Mauser 
rifles,  distributed  among  the  people  to  be  used  against  the 
Austrians  if  the  troubles  brought  about  by  the  annexation 
of  Bosnia  and  Herzegovina  should  result  in  war,  were 
collected  ;  it  was  conducted  in  a  grossly  unfair  manner 
because  the  disarmament  announced  as  general  was  only 
partial,  the  arms  which  were  surrendered — mostly  old 
ones — being  in  many  cases  handed  over  with  little 
attempt  at  concealment  to  those  in  whom  the  officers 
in  command  had  confidence. 

In  concluding  this  account  of  the  Albanians,  some 
notice  must  be  given  of  the  struggle  in  reference  to  the 
written  language.  Koritza  has  for  years  been  the  centre 
from  which  this  language  struggle  has  been  mainly 
conducted.  It  is  now  going  on  more  fiercely  than  ever. 
It  is  not  too  much  to  say  that  the  great  majority  of  the 
people  wish  to  employ  Latin  characters.  Until  a  century 
ago  there  was  practically  no  written  Albanian  whatever. 
About  that  time  the  Tosks  in  the  south,  and  the  Roman 
Catholic  priests  among  the  Ghegs,  began  to  make  fairly 
successful  attempts  to  reduce  the  language  into  writing. 
The  Tosks,  through  the  influence  of  their  Greek  neigh- 
bours, employed  Greek  characters  ;  the  Catholics  used 
Latin.  Forty  years  ago,  when  these  tentative  attempts 
were  beginning  to  make  considerable  progress,  the  Turks 
took  alarm  and  objected  to  both  systems.  The  Roman 
Catholics  had  established  primary  and  secondary 
schools  at  Scutari,  and  the  Italians  about  ten  years  ago 
opened  primary  schools  at  Avlona  and  Yanina.  The 


Greeks  had  been  equally  zealous  in  spreading  a  know- 
ledge of  their  own  written  character.     The  language 
struggle  has  been  going  on  intermittently  for  forty  years. 
The  Turks  appealed  to  the  religious  sentiment  of  their 
faith,  and  represented  to  the  Moslem  Albanians  that  the 
employment  of  other  than  Arab  characters  was  treason 
to    Islam.      But   the    plea  of  utility  appealed  to  all 
Albanians  who  had  received  any  kind  of  instruction. 
The  difficulties  of  learning  to  read  the  Arab  character,  in 
which  Turkish  is  written,  notoriously  exceed  those  of 
learning  with  either  Greek  or  Latin  letters.     The  famous 
Midhat  Pasha,  when  Governor  of  Bulgaria  forty  years 
ago,  told  a  friend  of  mine,  that  if  he  could,  he  would 
prevent  Bulgarians  and  Greeks  using  their  own  system 
of  writing ;    "  for,"  said  he,  "  I  know  that  a  Greek  or 
Bulgarian  child  can  learn  to  read  and  write  in  two  or 
three  years  ;    ours  require  five  or  six/'     So  also  with 
Albanian  in  Roman  letters.,    Gradually  there  came  to  be 
almost  unanimity  amongst  the  Albanians   capable  of 
forming  an  opinion  on  such  subject,  that  Latin  characters 
with  certain  modifications  which  all  readily  understood, 
expressed  most  phonetically  the  Albanian  language,  and 
were   most    easily   learnt.     This    unanimity    was   only 
arrived  at  after  years  of  tentative  attempts  to  find  the 
most  suitable  script.     Portions  of  the  Bible  and  other 
books  were  printed  in  Sofia,  Rome,  and  Bucarest  in  a  type 
with  dots,   accents  and  characters  which  hardly  look 
Latin.   Finally  a  Latin  script  was  generally  adopted.  The 
fact  that  the  British  and  Foreign  Bible  Society,  which 
has  no  other  object  than  that  of  spreading  a  knowledge 
of  the  Sacred  Scriptures,  and  the  Catholic  priests  and 
missionaries  in  and  about  Scutari  in  Albania  are  in 
accord  in  using  Latin  character  with  certain  modifica- 
tions, raises  a  fair  presumption  that  it  is  the  one  best 
adapted  for  the  purpose  required.     A  gathering  of  repre- 



sentatives  from  every  part  of  Albania  in  September  1909, 
held  at  Elbasan,  agreed  to  adopt  the  same  system. 

Unfortunately,  the  young  Turkey  party,  in  its  zeal 
for  the  Turkification,  not  only  of  the  Albanians,  but  of 
all  the  races  of  the  Empire,  closed  all  the  schools  where 
Latin  character  is  taught,  confiscated  Albanian  books 
if  not  in  Turkish  type,  and  insisted  upon  forcing  the 
employment  of  Turkish,  if  any  character  is  to  be  taught. 
The  Albanians  do  not  object  to  the  teaching  of  Turkish 
but  they  do  to  employing  it  for  their  own  language.  It 
is  a  foolish  attempt  on  the  part  of  the  Turks,  because, 
while  on  the  one  hand,  no  impartial  persons  would 
maintain  that  Arabic  character  can  be  learned  as  readily 
as  Latin,  on  the  other  the  written  language  in  Latin 
character  can  be  made  as  simple  and  as  phonetic  as 
Italian  itself. 

Moreover,  it  must  not  be  forgotten  that  the  Albanians 
are  a  European  and  not  an  Asiatic  people,  and  the  educated 
men  amongst  them  prefer  the  form  of  writing  which 
should  bring  them  in  line  with  Europeans  rather  than 
Asiatics.  Speaking  on  the  subject  to  one  of  the  Albanian 
deputies,  who  is  thoroughly  conversant  with  French,  and 
is  at  the  same  time  a  Moslem  who  reads  and  writes 
Turkish  with  facility,  he  remarked  on  the  folly  of  the 
young  Turks  in  endeavouring  to  coerce  his  fellow-country- 
men in  a  matter  of  this  kind  :  "  what  does  it  matter," 
said  he,  **  so  long  as  we  pay  our  taxes  and  give  military 
service,  how  we  write  our  language  ?  Nothing  can  pre- 
vent us  from  speaking  it.  Young  Turkey  recognizes  this  ; 
why  then  should  we  not  be  allowed  to  write  it  as  we  like." 
He  assured  me  also  that  the  Latin  alphabet  expressed 
more  clearly  the  sound  of  the  Albanian  language  than 
either  Turkish  or  Greek. 

Whether  the  Albanians  will  ever  become  a  compact  and 


autonomous  body  is  doubtful.  They  are  divided  in 
religion,  but  not  hopelessly  and  certainly  not  fanatically. 
They  are  united  in  their  love  for  their  country,  and  the 
dialectical  difference  between  Ghegs  and  Tosks  is  not 
greater  than  that  which  existed  two  centuries  ago  between 
English  and  Scotch.  They  have  no  love  for  their  Slav 
neighbours,  and  their  desire  for  national  independence  is 
so  great  that  they  would  form  a  turbulent  element  for 
either  Italy  or  Austria.  It  appears  to  me  highly  pro- 
bable that  as  they  advance  in  civilization — for  advance 
they  will — the  formation  of  an  autonomous  state  is  the 
direction  towards  which  they  will  aspire.  Amongst 
the  difficulties  in  the  way  of  the  realization  of  such  a  wish 
is  that  of  defining  tha  eastward  boundary  of  their 
territory.  If,  however,  autonomy  were  granted  to 
Macedonia  generally  they  would  probably  be  willing  to 
be  included  in  it.  Should  the  happy  consummation  be 
realized  of  a  federation  of  all  the  Balkan  States,  Albania 
might  obtain  a  form  of  self-government  in  such  federation 
which  would  greatly  advance  its  civilization,  and  allow 
the  Albanian  people  to  develop  on  their  own  natural 
and  national  lines. 



Progress  and  present  condition  of  Romania,  Serbia,  Greece  and 
especially  Bulgaria,  all  principally  as  influencing  the  present  position 
of  Macedonia. 

THE  kingdoms  of  Romania,  Serbia,  Greece,  Bulgaria 
and  Montenegro  do  not  come  directly  within  the 
limits  of  my  task.  But  there  is  a  large  and  important 
Bulgarian  population,  and  there  are  Greeks,  Serbians 
and  Romanians  residing  in  Turkey.  It  is  with  such 
dwellers  that  I  am  here  principally  concerned,  but  it  is 
impossible  to  understand  their  condition  and  the  ques- 
tions relating  to  them  without  some  notion  of  the 
countries  mentioned  and  of  their  recent  history.  All 
the  states  of  the  Balkan  Peninsula  which  have  been  set 
free  from  the  rule  of  the  Turk  have  made  great  progress. 
In  Romania,  Serbia,  Bulgaria  and  Greece  we  see  nations 
which,  though  all  a  century  ago  under  subjection  to  the 
Sultans,  have  risen  from  apparent  death  and  are  now  on 
the  highway  to  civilization. 


Romania,  formed  of  the  two  tributary  states  known  as 
the  principalities  of  Wallachia  and  Moldavia,  was,  a 
century  ago,  the  scene  of  constant  troubles,  of  intrigues, 
disorders  and  massacres.  When,  in  April  1866,  its 
present  king  was  chosen  as  Prince,  Bismarck  remember- 
ing the  frequent  revolutions,  in  giving  him  permission, 
against  the  king  of  Prussia's  wish,  to  accept  the  position. 



added  that  if  he  reached  the  disaffected  provinces,  he 
would  probably  soon  be  driven  out,  but  that  his  visit  to 
the  countries  would  always  be  a  reminiscence  for  him. 
Napoleon  III.  was  in  his  favour,  and  rightly  judged  that 
a  well-organized  state  with  a  frontage  on  the  Black  Sea 
would  be  a  barrier  to  the  progress  of  Russia  towards 
Constantinople.  Austria,  however,  which  probably  hoped 
to  add  the  turbulent  population  of  the  principalities  to  the 
million  and  a  half  of  the  same  race  already  under  her  rule, 
was  especially  hostile  to  a  member  of  the  Hohenzollern 
family  becoming  ruler,  and  when  it  was  known  that  the 
prince  had  disappeared  from  his  home,  tried  to  prevent 
his  reaching  the  country  of  which  he  had  been  asked  to 
become  ruler.  Her  agents  carefully  searched  for  him. 
Every  landing-place  on  the  middle  Danube  was  care- 
fully guarded  in  order  that  he  might  be  arrested.  Travel- 
ling as  a  private  person,  he  had  an  awkward  moment 
when  at  one  of  the  wharfs  the  Austrian  authorities 
examined  his  passport ;  for  he  had  forgotten  his  assumed 
name.  His  secretary  however  overcame  the  difficulty  by 
calling  out  "  Mr  Kaufman,  the  customs  authorities  want 
to  examine  your  luggage."  When  he  landed  at  the  first 
wharf  in  what  was  to  be  his  territory,  a  small  crowd,  as 
soon  as  they  knew  who  he  was,  set  up  a  shout  of  welcome, 
and  the  Austrian  agents  knew  that  they  had  been  done. 
From  that  time  to  the  present  the  countries  over  which 
he  went  to  rule  as  Prince  Charles  have  prospered.  As  a 
result  of  the  Russo-Turkish  war  of  1877-8,  the  prince 
became  king.  He  has  been  a  model  constitutional 
sovereign.  From  the  moment  of  his  arrival  he  gave 
great  attention  to  the  organization  of  the  army,  and  one 
of  the  sui  prises  of  the  Russo-Turkish  war  was  its  effective 
condition.  I  remember  before  it  broke  out  that  even 
newspapers  friendly  to  the  Russian  side  spoke  of  the 
Romanians  as  moutons,  quite  useless  as  soldiers.  In 


actual  fact,  they  saved  the  Russian  army  at  a  moment 
of  supreme  danger.  But  Charles  did  more  than  organize 
his  army.  Though  keeping  himself  strictly  within  the 
lines  of  constitutional  rule,  he  made  his  influence  felt  on 
every  set  of  ministers  in  his  country,  and  thus  guided  its 
politics  wisely  and  well.  It  should  be  remembered  that 
in  all  these  newly  created  states,  the  ministers  are  not  only 
inexperienced  in  politics  but  have  had  little  or,no  training 
in  administrating  government,  and  know  little  of  the 
political  questions  which  every  Englishman  or  French- 
man has  been  familiar  with  from  his  youth.  While 
therefore  constitutional  government  is  on  the  whole 
the  best  adapted  to  meet  their  wants  as  signifying 
government  of  the  people  by  the  people,  and  as  training 
the  population  in  the  art  of  government,  it  is  of  great 
importance  that  the  permanent  head  of  the  state  should 
be  a  man  of  good  judgment,  well  acquainted  with 
European  politics  and  capable  of  suggesting  to  his 
untrained  ministers  the  most  expedient  line  of  conduct  in 
regard  both  to  external  and  internal  affairs.  Such  a 
man  is  King  Charles.  He  has  won  the  confidence  of  his 
people  and  without  obtruding  himself  has  directed  the 
policy  of  his  country.  He  has  been  greatly  aided  in  his 
task  by  his  deservedly  popular  queen. 

Little  has  been  heard  of  Romania  during  the  last 
thirty  years.  But  the  country  which  does  not  furnish 
the  newsmonger  of  the  West  with  striking  incidents,  is 
usually  happy  and  prosperous  ;  and  the  prosperity  of 
Romania  has  been  steadily  and  constantly  increasing. 
Its  people  are  contented.  Between  my  first  visit  to  the 
country,  thirty  years  ago,  and  my  latest  in  1910  the 
progress  made  is  very  striking.  Better  houses,  better 
cultivation,  well-built  schools,  and  a  steadily-growing 
population  whose  material  prosperity  is  manifest,  are  the 
visible  signs  of  national  progress. 



Serbia  with  its  thriving  peasant  population  has  also 
quietly  advanced.  The  country  has  memories  of 
its  long  slavery  but  also  of  heroic  struggles.  Its 
people  are  backward,  but  they  are  doing  their 
best  to  promote  and  to  establish  industries.  They 
are  backward  because  during  four  centuries  of  weary 
strife  against  the  forces  of  Asia  they  refused  to  buy 
prosperity  by  abandoning  their  faith.  Their  struggles 
are  kept  in  mind  by  a  rich  collection  of  popular  ballads 
and  legends.  Their  capital,  Belgrade,  has  alone  a 
history  which  deserves  to  be  commemorated  in  folk-lore 
and  in  poetry  worthy  of  European  renown.  Mahomet 
the  Conqueror  of  Constantinople  recognized  its  strategic 
importance  as  being  the  key  to  conquest  north  of  the 
Danube.  The  watchword  already  mentioned  of  the 
silent  sultan  bequeathed  to  his  successors  denoted  the 
great  objects  which  he  tried  to  realize  himself,  and  in 
which  he  failed  but  which  he  left  to  them.  "  First 
Belgrade,  then  Rhodes."  Few  pages  in  history  are  more 
thrilling  than  the  story  of  the  defence  of  Belgrade  against 
his  attacks  in  1455-6.  The  city  was  held  by  the  Hun- 
garians and  the  Serbs.  Mahomet  already  occupied  a 
part  of  the  south-east  Hungarian  plain,  and  dared  not 
advance  with  Belgrade  in  the  hands  of  the  enemies.  His 
expedition  against  Serbia  a  year  earlier  had  been  on  the 
whole  successful,  but  the  wily  king  of  the  country  had  fled 
into  Hungary  at  the  approach  of  Mahomet's  messengers. 
Belgrade,  once  in  his  possession,  would  enable  him  to 
dominate  Serbia  and  extend  his  dominions  northwards. 
He  therefore  concentrated  the  full  strength  of  his  army 
before  the  city.  The  brave  soldier  John  Hunyades  was 
two  hundred  miles  distant  when  he  learned  the  news  of 
Mahomet's  approach.  It  would  be  out  of  place  to  tell 


here  the  glorious  story  of  his  relief  and  subsequent 
defence  of  the  city,  of  the  marvellous — people  believed 
it  to  be  the  miraculous — heroism  of  the  aged  Franciscan 
monk,  John  Capistrano,  who  co-operated  with  him ;  of 
the  descent  of  Hunyades  down  the  Danube  with  his  mot- 
ley collection  of  boats  carrying  Hungarian  and  Serbian 
peasants  ;    of  his  being  accompanied  and  greatly  aided 
on  shore  by  an  ever-increasing  crowd  of  ill-armed  men 
kindled  into  enthusiasm  by  the  burning  words  of  the 
feeble  and  weird  old  monk,  preaching  as  he  stood  beneath 
the  great  black  banner  of  the  cross  ;  of  the  simultaneous 
attack,  by  Hunyades  on  the  great  boom  of  boats  which 
the  Turks  had  placed  to  block  the  entrance  to  the  city, 
and  by  Capistrano,  upon  the  Turkish  army  on  shore ; 
of  the  courageous  rush  which  swept  away  every  obstacle, 
and  of  the  subsequent  fiercely  contested  fight  with  the 
respective  battle  cries  of  Jesu  !  and  Allah  !  and  the  final 
victory  of  the  cross.     It  is  a  heroic  story  which  has  never 
been  worthily  written  though  ample  material  lies  ready 
for  the  historian.     It  is  sufficient  for  my  purpose  to  say 
that  Hunyades  regained  the  reputation  which  had  been 
tarnished  at  Varna  (1444)  and  at  Kossova-pol  (1448), 
that  his  heroic  resistance  was  successful,  though  it  cost 
him  his  life  a  few  weeks  later,  and  that  John  Capistrano 
deserved  from  his  church  and  Christian  Europe,   the 
recognition  which  he  received  after  his  death  by  being 

In  1521  the  night  of  slavery  fell  on  the  Serbians,  when 
Belgrade  was  captured  by  Sultan  Suliman.  Until  the 
end  of  the  eighteenth  century  their  history  was  that  of 
an  attempt  by  the  Turk  to  crush  out  all  national  senti- 
ment, and  to  extort  from  the  population  the  uttermost 
farthing  of  taxes.  They  were  exposed  to  exceptional 

1  The  Story  of  the  Siege  is  carefully  told  in  The  English  Historical 
Review  by  R.  Nisbet  Bain,  April  1892,  p.  253. 


extortion  because  the  Janissaries  in  the  eighteenth 
century,  now  no  longer  solely  recruited  from  Christians 
but  a  body  recalling  the  Praetorian  guard,  making  and 
unmaking  sultans  and  ministers,  were  the  real  rulers  of 
the  land.  As  they  had  become  too  powerful  and  in- 
dependent to  submit  to  the  control  of  their  sovereign, 
the  price  they  exacted  for  their  services  in  war  was  a 
tacit  permission  to  extort  what  they  could  from  the 
Christian  population  of  Serbia.  Their  exactions  became 
so  intolerable  that,  in  1804,  a  great  rising  of  the  people 
in  despair  occurred  under  a  native  leader  named  George 
Petrovich,  commonly  known  as  Kara  George.  The 
rising  was  successful :  the  Janissaries  were  defeated. 
Then  the  Serbians,  encouraged  by  their  success,  en- 
deavoured to  shake  off  Turkish  rule  altogether. 

Kara  George  was  defeated.  In  1813  he  fled  the 
country,  but  in  1817  was  murdered  by  another  Serbian, 
Milosh  Obrenovich.  The  rising  under  Milosh  after  many 
vicissitudes  was  successful.  In  1830  he  was  recognized 
as  prince  by  the  Porte.  He  abdicated,  was  recalled  and 
died  in  1860.  His  son  and  successor,  Michael,  succeeded 
in  getting  the  Turkish  garrison  removed  from  Belgrade 
in  1866.  But  he  too  was  assassinated,  and  according 
to  general  belief  by  a  member  of  the  Kara  George  family. 
His  successor  was  the  grand  nephew  of  Milosh  named 
Milan,  who  became  prince  of  Serbia  in  1872.  The 
struggle  for  independence  was  long  but  it  fell  within 
Byron's  rule  that : — 

Freedom's  battle,  once  begun, 
Bequeathed  by  bleeding  sire  to  son, 
Though  baffled  oft,  is  ever  won. 

In  1878  as  a  result  of  the  Russo-Turkish  war  Serbia 
was  recognized  as  a  kingdom. 
Of  the  heroic  struggle  against  the  Turks  in  1875  and 


of  the  abdication  of  King  Milan,  an  entirely  worthless 
sovereign,  and  of  the  accession  of  his  son  Alexander  and 
the  hideous  and  infamous  tragedy  of  June  1903,  in  which 
the  young  king  and  his  wife  were  brutally  murdered,  I 
have  nothing  to  say.  Our  interest  is  with  the  Serbian 
people.  In  Serbia,  in  spite  of  the  constant  interference 
of  Austria  and  Russia,  the  peasants  have  steadily  im- 
proved their  position.  In  1897  an  important  under- 
standing was  arrived  at  between  Russia  and  Austria,  by 
which  Bulgaria  was  to  be  regarded  as  within  the  sphere 
of  Russian  influence  while  Serbia  should  be  within  that 
of  Austria.  The  latter  Power  has  never  ceased  from 
that  time  to  harass  Serbia.  She  vetoed  in  1906  a  pro- 
posed Treaty  between  that  country  and  Bulgaria,  which 
had  for  its  object  the  preventing  of  misunderstandings 
between  the  two  Balkan  States,  and  which  would  have 
facilitated  intercourse  and  commerce. 

It  is  believed  among  military  experts  that  Austria 
recognizes  that  her  descent  towards  Salonica  could  not, 
for  military  reasons,  be  made  from  Herzegovina,  and  that 
if  ever  the  Austrian  ambition  of  gaining  a  seaport  on  the 
Aegean  is  to  be  accomplished  it  must  be  through  Serbia. 


A  few  words  only  may  be  said  regarding  Greece. 
Those  who  have  read  Finlay's  "  History  of  the  Greek 
Revolution,"  Byron's  "  Letters  while  in  Greece/'  and 
some  of  the  many  able  volumes  of  travel  in  that  country, 
written  between  1810  and  1840,  will  realize  what  was 
the  anarchy  which  then  existed,  how  low  was  the  con- 
dition into  which  the  country  and  its  inhabitants  had 
fallen,  and  the  enormous  difficulties  which  had  to  be 
surmounted  before  Greece  could  be  born  again.  In- 
trigues, disloyalty,  treachery,  and  disunion  meet  one 
at  every  turn.  Dr  van  Millingen,  who  with  Trevelyan 


was  probably  the  last  survivor  of  the  band  of  British 
Philhellenes,  and  who  attended  Byron  on  his  death-bed, 
gave  me  a  vivid  description  of  the  apparent  hopelessness 
of  the  Greek  struggle  for  freedom,  a  hopelessness  mainly 
due  to  the  discord  between  the  Greek  leaders  themselves. 
But  in  spite  of  discords,  illusions  and  failures,  now  that 
one  can  regard  the  struggle  as  a  whole,  we  can  recognize 
that  amid  all  their  dissensions  the  Greeks  were  constant 
to  their  ideal  of  making  Greece  free.  How  hopeless  that 
struggle  appeared  to  some  persons  may  be  gathered 
from  a  volume  written  about  1825  by  a  British  consul 
in  which  he  says  something  like  the  following : 
"  There  are  some  persons  who  choose  to  call  this  col- 
lection of  huts  Athens  and  profess  to  believe  that  the 
barbarians  who  live  in  them  are  capable  of  civilization. 
To  such  persons  I  do  not  address  my  observations." 
If  I  could  now  be  side  by  side  with  that  author  upon 
the  Acropolis  I  should  like  to  show  him  what  the  bar- 
barians have  done ;  a  well-built  city  of  close  upon 
130,000  inhabitants  with  a  flourishing  university,  with 
museums  which  draw  visitors  from  every  civilized 
country,  orphanages,  asylums,  free  schools,  hospitals 
and  other  eleemosynary  institutions ;  a  well  instructed 
people,  having  a  large  business  connection  with  Con- 
stantinople, Alexandria  and  all  the  chief  cities  of  the 
world  ;  the  country  limited  in  extent  and  not  especially 
fertile,  cultivated  in  security  and  a  people  eager  for 
progress,  thinking,  striving,  discussing,  and  blundering 
their  way  forward. 

The  population  of  the  country  is  only  about  two  and 
a  half  millions.  But  it  is  the  fatherland  of  Greeks  all 
over  the  world,  and  with  an  affection  for  it  which  amounts 
to  true  patriotism,  Greeks  everywhere  are  ready  to  assist 
their  countrymen  in  Greece  and  to  aid  in  the  develop- 
ment of  Greek  institutions. 



Bulgaria  is  the  Balkan  state  which  has  made  most 
progress  and  for  various  reasons  and  principally  because 
of  the  large  body  of  Bulgarians  in  Macedonia,  deserves 
fuller  notice  than  that  given  to  the  others.  Its  popula- 
tion in  1895  was  4,035,646,  showing  an  increase  in  the 
period  between  1880  and  1895  of  1,085,000.  The  census 
taken  in  the  autumn  of  1910  gives  the  population  as 
4,317,069.  Of  these  about  half  a  million  are  Moslems. 
This  population  may  be  compared  with  that  of  Serbia, 
which  is  just  over  two  millions.  If  Romania  be  put 
aside  as  a  non-Balkan  state,  then  Bulgaria  has  the 
largest  population  in  the  peninsula.  Romania,  however, 
has  about  six  and  a  half  millions. 

The  Bulgarians  are  a  race  allied  to  the  Finns.  Their 
language,  however,  is  now  Slavic.  It  may  fairly  be  said 
that  the  race  began  its  career  of  early  civilization  when 
the  great  missionaries  of  the  Eastern  Church,  Cyril  and 
Methodius,  in  the  second  half  of  the  ninth  century,  con- 
verted them  to  Christianity  and  gave  them  a  Slavic 

The  recent  history  of  Bulgaria  is  within  the  recollection 
of  all  Englishmen  who  are  fifty  years  old.  It  is  curious 
how  completely  its  former  history  and  almost  the 
existence  of  the  Bulgarian  people  had  been  forgotten  by 
Western  Europe.  The  Bulgarians  were  never  demons- 
trative, and  seemed  to  observers  in  the  first  half  of  last 
century  to  be  hardly  conscious  of  their  own  existence. 
Foreigners  seemed  to  ignore  their  existence.  Kinglake's 
account  in  Eothen  of  his  journey  from  Belgrade  to 
Constantinople  never  mentions  them.  A  distinguished 
British  statesman  told  me  that  when  a  young  man — I 
believe  in  1851 — he  travelled  over  the  same  ground  as 
Kinglake,  but  although  he  saw  from  the  many  churches 


that  there  were  Christian  inhabitants,  he  took  them  to  be 
Greeks.  Many  travellers  made  the  like  mistake.  Prob- 
ably the  houses  at  which  they  were  entertained  were 
those  of  Greek  ecclesiastics ;  for  the  Orthodox  Church 
during  the  first  half  of  last  century,  when  bishops  and 
even  patriarchs  obtained  their  posts  by  payment  and 
intrigue,  insisted  upon  sending  bishops  into  Bulgaria 
who  were  Greek  of  race  and  usually  only  spoke  Greek. 
The  Bulgarian  people  in  addition  to  their  hard  lot  under 
Turkish  rule  had  ceased  to  regard  their  Church  as  a  pro- 
tector. The  liturgy  of  the  Church  was  Greek.  The 
Church  itself  had  come  to  be  regarded  as  foreign.  Indeed 
the  question  of  the  language  was  one  of  the  grievances 
of  the  Bulgarian  people  and  when  a  number  of  young 
Bulgars  had  learned  from  their  education  outside  Turkey 
to  be  discontented  with  the  lot  of  their  countrymen,  they 
demanded  not  only  that  the  service  hi  their  churches 
should  be  in  a  language  understood  of  the  people,  but 
that  the  bishops  sent  by  the  patriarch  should  speak 
Bulgarian.  Once  awake,  Bulgaria  steadily  persisted  in 
her  demand  for  at  least  this  reform. 

The  Bulgars  for  some  years  before  their  struggle  for 
either  ecclesiastic  or  civil  liberty  had  made  great  efforts 
to  give  their  sons  an  education.  Russia  alone  among 
the  Powers  had  given  attention  to  them.  It  was  there- 
fore natural  that  the  Bulgars  who  had  the  common 
bond  with  Russia  of  religion  and  language  should  look 
to  that  country  for  aid.  A  number  who  advocated  the 
cause  of  their  Church  and  country  formed  a  committee 
in  Odessa  which,  until  the  Crimean  war,  continued  to  be 
the  centre  of  Bulgarian  national  activity.  After  the 
war  the  Church  struggle  became  more  acute.  Russia 
was  unwilling  to  reopen  a  conflict  with  the  Western 
Powers  regarding  Turkish  subjects  or  Turkish  territory, 
though  the  Bulgarian  people  had  already  gained  the 


sympathy  of  the  Russian  Church.  When  the  Bulgarians, 
finding  that  they  could  obtain  no  redress  either  from 
the  Orthodox  patriarch  at  Constantinople  or  from 
Russia,  threatened  that  the  population  would  join  the 
Church  of  Rome,  sending  indeed  a  deputation  to  Rome 
in  1861,  the  Russian  government  consented  to  move, 
principally  apparently  to  prevent  such  a  schism  from  the 
Orthodox  Church.  She  declared  herself  in  favour  gener- 
ally of  the  claims  advanced  on  behalf  of  the  Bulgarian 
Church.  The  dispute  threatened  to  become  inter- 
national. The  Greek  ecclesiastical  authorities  at  the 
Phanar  took  up  the  position  that  a  sectional  or  national 
Church  was  impossible  and  in  consequence  declined  to 
recognize  a  Bulgarian  Church  or  appoint  Bulgarian 
bishops.  Meantime  England  and  France  recognized  that 
the  only  reasonable  solution  was  to  allow  the  Bulgarians 
to  have  their  own  Church.  Russia  after  considerable 
hesitation  joined  them  but  her  vacillation  ceased  when 
Napoleon  III.  advised  union  with  Rome.  The  Porte  was 
willing  enough  to  sanction  anything  that  would  divide 
the  Christians,  and  when  the  agitation  became  clamor- 
ous, and  union  with  Rome  probable,  sultan  Abdul  Aziz 
in  February  1870  granted  a  firman  constituting  the 
Bulgarian  Church.  Its  authority  was  to  extend  over  all 
Bulgarian-speaking  communities  in  the  empire.  The 
head  of  the  Church  was  styled  the  exarch.  Monsignor 
Joseph  was  named  and  still  continues  to  occupy  that 
position.  He  has  been  respected  during  the  long  term 
of  office  by  all  the  heads  of  foreign  missions  in  Constanti- 
nople, by  Turkish  ministers  and  by  the  Bulgarian  people. 
His  moderation  and  steady  perseverance  have  made  him 
a  model  church  ruler. 

The  Orthodox  Church  declared  the  Bulgarians  to  be 
schismatics,  and  still  refuses  to  admit  them  to  com- 
munion with  her.  The  division  of  the  churches  has  had 


its  disadvantages.  One  in  dogma  and  discipline,  the 
hostility  between  Patriarchists  and  Exarchists  helped  to 
widen  the  gulf  of  racial  divergence  between  Greek  and 
Bulgar.  It  added  especial  bitterness  to  the  struggles 
in  Macedonia  when  Greeks  and  Bulgarians  contended  for 
the  possession  of  church  buildings.  This  strife  com- 
menced with  the  appointment  of  the  exarch,  but  happily 
diminishes  in  asperity.  It  shows  itself  in  the  opposi- 
tion to  the  appointment  of  Bulgarian  bishops  in  Mace- 
donia, and  does  much  to  prevent  the  harmonious  co- 
operation for  political  purposes  of  Greece  and  Bulgaria. 
Young  Turkey  made  an  attempt  to  settle  the  question  of 
the  ownership  and  occupation  of  the  churches  in  Mace- 
donia, but  happily  the  patriarch  and  exarch  have 
avoided  the  scandal  of  having  their  differences  settled 
by  Moslems.  In  the  majority  of  cases  they  have  agreed 
as  to  the  occupation  of  the  churches  and  schools. 

The  Russian  and  the  Serbian  Churches  have  never 
officially  recognized  the  Bulgarian.  But  the  synod  of 
the  Russian  Church  which  represents  by  far  the  most 
important  body  of  Orthodox  Christians  has  never 
adopted  the  decision  of  the  patriarch  of  Constantinople 
by  which  the  Bulgarians  are  declared  to  be  in  schism. 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  Bulgarian  church 
services  are  in  a  language  known  as  "  Church  Slavic/' 
When  the  great  missionaries  of  the  Orthodox  Church, 
Cyril  and  Methodius,  preached  Christianity  to  the  Slavs 
the  liturgies  introduced  were  in  a  language  now  known 
as  Old  Slavic.  In  the  seventeenth  century,  some  of 
the  Bulgarians  reformed  their  liturgy  so  as  to  make  it 
more  in  conformity  with  the  Russian  form  of  Slavic. 
When  the  Bulgarians  insisted  upon  having  their  church 
services  in  Bulgarian,  they  obtained  their  church  books 
from  Russia.  The  Bulgarians  had  no  printing  press, 
and  were  glad  to  avail  themselves  of  this  kind  of  Russian 


aid.  Their  books  though  now  printed  in  Bulgaria  are 
still  written  in  Church  Slavic,  which  as  I  have  explained 
is  not  Old  Slavic. 

When  the  Bulgarians  awakened  from  their  long 
lethargy  they  turned  their  attention  to  the  cultivation  of 
their  language.  With  some  slight  but  not  unimportant 
exceptions  no  attempt  had  been  made  to  write  Bulgarian 
until  into  last  century.  In  1838,  a  Bulgarian  merchant 
in  Odessa  opened  a  school  in  his  native  country  for  the 
teaching  of  his  own  language  and  this  did  something  to 
put  it  into  grammatical  shape.  A  great  step  was  taken 
twenty  years  afterwards  when  two  Americans,  Dr  Riggs 
and  Dr  Long,  prepared  a  translation  of  the  Bible  into 
Bulgarian.  Dr  Long  was  my  friend  for  a  quarter  of  a 
century,  until  his  death  in  1903,  and  while  he  was  my 
neighbour  was  constantly  consulted  by  Bulgarians  as 
to  the  proper  form  of  writing  Bulgarian  words.  The 
translation  of  the  Bible,  in  which  he  took  an  important 
share,  remained  for  many  years  the  standard  of  what  was 
or  was  not  good  Bulgarian. 

Meantime  the  active  young  spiiits  among  the  Bulgarian 
people,  having  gained  a  victory  in  ecclesiastic  affairs, 
turned  their  attention  to  obtaining  reforms  in  the  civil 
administration  and,  as  some  of  the  bolder  men  hoped, 
freedom  from  the  Turkish  yoke.  They  had  a  terribly 
difficult  task  before  them.  They  had  yet  to  learn  from 
bitter  experience  that  it  was  hopeless  to  obtain  reforms 
from  the  Turkish  Government.  Every  attempt  made 
towards  enlightenment  by  means  of  education  was 
resisted.  Even  Midhat  Pasha,  at  a  later  period  the 
author  of  the  constitution  now  in  force,  proposed  to  forbid 
instruction  in  their  own  language  to  the  Bulgarians  in 
order  to  level  the  people  down  to  that  of  the  Moslems 
in  educational  disadvantages.  But  the  schoolmaster 
made  headway  and  his  peaceful  penetration  had  wonder- 


fill  effects  upon  the  country.  It  was  in  vain  that  the 
Turks  imprisoned,  exiled,  tortured,  or  killed  the  school- 
masters, who  were  indeed  the  class  which  with  a  true 
instinct  the  Turks  especially  persecuted.  Those  who 
gave  heed  to  their  teaching  met  with  a  similar  fate.  The 
result  of  this  method  of  treating  suspects  was  that  young 
men  escaped  from  the  country  ;  and  soon,  from  Bulgarian 
exiles  a  committee  was  formed  in  Bucarest  which  had  for 
its  object  the  setting  free  of  Bulgaria  from  Turkish 
misrule.  The  Committee's  influence  kept  up  the  desire 
for  freedom  but  it  was  looked  upon  coldly  both  by  the 
government  of  Prince  Charles,  and  by  that  of  Russia. 
In  Bulgaria  itself  while  there  was  general  dogged 
discontent,  there  were  no  attempts  at  rising.  The 
enormous  majority  of  the  Bulgarian  people,  mostly 
peasants,  wanted  to  be  left  alone  to  work  their  farms, 
and  were  deaf  to  the  appeals  made  from  Bucarest.  The 
Turk,  however,  feared  that  a  rising  was  contemplated 
and  in  preparation,  and  as  he  knew  of  no  other  means  of 
keeping  a  subject  people  quiet  than  his  usual  one,  gave 
orders  for  a  massacre.  He  would  strike  terror  into  the 
Christians  from  one  end  of  the  country  to  the  other. 
Now,  orders  for  a  Turkish  massacre  meant  a  free  licence 
to  soldiers,  mostly  barbarians  from  Anatolia,  and  to  a 
small  number  of  Circassian  refugees  who  had  recently 
been  dumped  down  into  the  country  by  the  Turks,  to 
violate  women,  kill  men,  women  and  children,  and  take 
possession  of  or  destroy  their  property.  The  orders  were 
issued  in  April  1876,  by  the  Ministers  of  Abdul  Aziz. 
All  the  brutalities  which  had  been  practised  in  1825  in 
Chio,  were  to  be  repeated  and  the  Bulgarians  were  to  be 
taught  a  similar  lesson.  The  half  century  which  had 
elapsed  had  not  changed  Moslem  fanaticism  or  taught 
the  Turk  that  important  changes  had  occurred  in  Europe. 
Immediately  after  the  Crimean  War,  and  principally  due 



to  the  great  influence,  marvellous  knowledge  of  Eastern 
affairs  and  diplomatic  genius  of  Stratford  de  Redcliffe, 
there  had  been  enlightened  and  reforming  ministers 
in  Constantinople,  Ali,  Fuad,  and  Reshid  Pashas.  But 
in  1875,  they  were  dead,  and  a  period  of  reaction  had 
succeeded.  Lord  Stratford's  fondly  cherished  and 
constant  hope  of  a  regenerated  Turkey,  a  hope  for  which 
he  made  enormous  personal  sacrifices  had  proved  illusory. 
The  Turk  fell  back  upon  his  traditional  methods.  He  did 
not  realize  that  Bulgaria  was  very  many  times  the  size 
of  Chios  and  that  from  this  difference  alone  his  task  was 
more  difficult  than  that  of  his  fathers.  But  the  great 
change  which  he  had  overlooked  was  that  the  telegraphic 
wire  and  means  of  communication  with  Western  Europe 
had  altered  the  situation,  and  made  it  impossible  to 
conceal  a  great  massacre  in  any  part  of  Europe. 

The  news  of  outrages  in  Bulgaria  came  in  slowly  to 
Constantinople  where  I  was  then  living.  Little  of  it, 
however,  was  allowed  to  appear  in  the  local  papers.  But 
from  a  variety  of  sources,  the  chief  being  from  my  friends 
Dr  Washburn  the  president,  and  Dr  Long  the  vice- 
president,  of  Robert  College,  I  gathered  enough  facts 
to  write  a  letter  under  the  heading  "  Moslem  Atrocities 
in  Bulgaria,"  to  the  Daily  News.  It  bore  date  June  16, 
and  appeared  on  June  23.  I  gave  the  names  of  thirty- 
seven  villages  which  had  been  destroyed  and  whose 
inhabitants  had  been  tortured  or  killed.  In  a  subsequent 
letter,  written  on  June  30,  I  brought  the  number  up  to 
sixty,  and  stated  that  I  had  seen  an  official  report  which 
estimated  the  number  of  persons  killed  at  12,000.  My 
letters,  in  the  words  of  the  late  Mr  Gladstone,  "  first 
sounded  the  alarm  in  Europe/'  The  first  letter  attracted 
much  notice.  Mr  W.  E.  Forster  called  attention  to  its 
contents  in  the  House  of  Commons,  and  the  Duke  of 
Argyll  in  the  Lords.  Mr  Disraeli  who  was  then  first 


minister  made  light  of  the  matter,  doubted  whether 
torture  had  been  practised  on  a  large  scale  among  a 
people  "  who  generally  terminate  their  connection  with 
culprits  in  a  more  expeditious  manner,"  and  made 
statements  for  which  it  is  now  evident  he  had  no 
authority.  He  spoke  of  the  Circassians  who  had  taken 
a  large  share  in  the  plunder  and  killing  of  the  Bulgarians 
as  "  settlers  with  a  great  stake  in  the  country."  As  a 
fact,  there  were  only  a  few  bands  of  Circassian  marauders 
who  seized  every  opportunity  of  looting  the  property  of 
the  peasants.  They  seized  and  sold  girls  and  this  to  so 
great  an  extent  that,  as  I  mentioned,  girls  could  be  bought 
into  slavery  for  two  or  three  Turkish  pounds  each. 

Mr  Disraeli  stoutly  denied  my  statements,  and  his 
zeal  for  the  Turks  so  far  outran  his  discretion  that  on  one 
of  the  many  occasions  when  attention  was  drawn  to  the 
subject  in  the  House,  he  held  up  a  telegram,  stating  that 
he  had  received  it  from  Sir  Henry  Elliot,  the  British 
ambassador  in  Constantinople,  defending  the  conduct  of 
the  Circassians  and  Bashi-bazouks  and  stating  that  the 
alleged  atrocities  were  gross  exaggerations.  As  I  knew 
that  Sir  Henry,  who  was  essentially  an  English  gentle- 
man incapable  of  lying,  had  had  a  great  mass  of  letters 
and  other  documents  in  his  hands  which  gave  almost 
every  detail  which  I  had  published,  and  that  he  stated 
that  he  had  examined  them,  I  wrote  at  once  to  the  Daily 
News  to  the  effect  that  I  did  not  believe  that  our  ambassa- 
dor had  made  any  statement  of  the  kind.  Considerable 
controversy  took  place  at  the  time.  But  when,  some 
three  years  afterwards,  Sir  Henry  was  ambassador  at 
Vienna,  he  declared  to  the  common  friend  who  had  given 
each  of  us  the  mass  of  detailed  news  that  he  had  never 
sent  a  telegram  of  this  effect  to  Mr  Disraeli,  and  that  the 
misrepresentation  of  what  he  had  said  was  so  great  that 
he  had  to  consider  whether  he  should  lie  under  the  imputa- 


tion  of  sending  a  telegram  which  perverted  the  truth  or 
should  clear  himself  by  publicly  stating  what  he  had 
sent.  It  is  beyond  doubt  that  by  accepting  the  former 
alternative  he  became  the  victim  of  a  crowd  of  charges 
and  attacks  as  the  defender  of  murderers  and  thieves. 

My  letters  on  the  Moslem  atrocities  in  Bulgaria  formed 
the  subject  of  a  hot  discussion  in  the  English  press. 
Though  I  had  given  the  names  of  the  villages  burned, 
one  of  the  leading  London  papers  declared  that  they 
were  names  not  to  be  found  in  any  published  map.  I 
replied  that  they  were  as  easily  identified  as  if  I  had  given 
the  names  of  Yorkshire  or  Devonshire  villages  and  I 
urged  that  a  commission  should  be  sent  by  Her  Majesty's 
government  to  Bulgaria  to  make  a  report  upon  the 

Meantime,  I  had  written  privately  to  Mr  Robinson, 
afterwards  Sir  John,  urging  him  to  send  a  competent 
correspondent  to  report  on  the  subject  as  it  was  im- 
possible for  me  to  leave  Constantinople  and  useless  if  it 
had  been  possible.  Mr  Robinson  made  a  happy  selec- 
tion in  Mr  Macgahan  who  was  sent  to  Constantinople. 
After  learning  what  he  could  from  me  and  others,  and 
accompanied  by  one  of  my  clerks  who  acted  as  inter- 
preter, he  went  into  Bulgaria  with  Mr  Schuyler  the 
United  States  Consul.  One  of  the  first  places  they 
visited  was  Batak  the  destruction  of  which  had  been 
mentioned  in  my  first  letter.  From  thence  Macgahan 
sent  me  by  private  messenger  a  description  simply 
stating  what  he  had  seen  on  entering  that  village.  Its 
contents  were  horrible  and  as  no  telegram  of  the  kind 
would  have  been  transmitted  by  the  authorities  in 
Constantinople,  I  sent  it  on  by  letter  to  be  dispatched 
from  Bucarest.  It  was  followed  a  day  or  two  afterwards 
by  a  letter  which  I  sent  likewise  by  Bucarest.  This 
letter  which  was  dated  2nd  August,  and  appeared  in  the 


Daily  News  about  a  week  later,  created  a  profound  sensa- 
tion, not  only  in  Great  Britain  but  throughout  Europe. 
It  was  at  once  a  series  of  pictures  describing  with  photo- 
graphic accuracy  what  the  observers  had  seen  and  a  mass 
of  the  most  ghastly  stories  they  had  heard  on  trustworthy 
authority.  They  had  seen  dogs  feeding  on  human 
remains,  heaps  of  human  skulls,  skeletons  nearly  entire, 
rotting  clothing,  human  hair  and  flesh  putrid  and  lying 
in  one  foul  heap.  They  saw  the  town  with  not  a  roof 
left,  with  women  here  and  there  wailing  their  dead  amid 
the  ruins.  They  examined  the  heap  and  found  that  the 
skulls  and  skeletons  were  all  small  and  that  the  clothing 
was  that  of  women  and  girls.  Macgahan  counted  a 
hundred  skulls  immediately  around  him.  The  skeletons 
were  headless,  showing  that  these  victims  had  been 
beheaded.  Further  on  they  saw  the  skeletons  of  two 
little  children  lying  side  by  side  with  frightful  sabre  cuts 
on  their  little  skulls.  Macgahan  remarked  that  the 
number  of  children  killed  in  these  massacres  was  some- 
thing enormous.  They  heard  on  trustworthy  authority 
from  eye-witnesses  that  they  were  often  spiked  on 
bayonets.  There  was  not  a  house  beneath  the  ruins  of 
which  he  and  Mr  Schuyler  did  not  see  human  remains 
and  the  streets  were  strewn  with  them.  When  they 
drew  nigh  the  church  they  found  the  ground  covered 
with  skeletons  and  lots  of  putrid  flesh.  In  the  church 
itself  the  sight  was  so  appalling  that  I  do  not  care  to 
reproduce  the  terrible  description  given  by  Macgahan. 
Batak,  where  these  horrors  occurred,  is  situated  about 
thirty  miles  from  Tartar  Bazarjik,  which  is  on  the  railway 
and  on  a  spur  of  the  Rhodope  Mountains.  It  was  a 
thriving  town,  rich  and  prosperous  in  comparison  with 
neighbouring  Moslem  villages.  Its  population  previous 
to  the  massacres  was  about  9000.  Macgahan  remarks 
that  its  prosperity  had  excited  the  envy  and  jealousy  of 


its  Moslem  neighbours.  I  elsewhere  remark  that,  in  all 
the  Moslem  atrocities,  Chiot,  Bulgarian  and  Armenian, 
the  principal  incentive  has  been  the  larger  prosperity  of 
the  Christian  population ;  for,  in  spite  of  centuries  of 
oppression  and  plunder,  Christian  industry  and  Christian 
morality  everywhere  makes  for  national  wealth  and 

I  am  greatly  tempted  to  dwell  on  the  stirring  times 
during  the  latter  half  of  1876,  and  on  the  many  dis- 
closures made  by  Macgahan.  He  was  a  keen  observer, 
absolutely  fearless  and  withal  of  a  kindly  disposition  and 
charming  manner,  which  won  for  him  the  friendship  of 
all  whom  he  met.  He  afterwards  accompanied  the 
Russian  army  in  the  war  which  followed  in  1877,  and 
continued  with  it  until  it  arrived  at  San  Stefano. 
General  Skobeleff  became  greatly  attached  to  him.  But 
the  fatigues  of  the  war  bore  heavily  upon  his  strength. 
He  came  to  my  house  at  Prinkipo  and  spent  two  or  three 
weeks  while  the  Russian  army  was  encamped  during  the 
peace  negotiations  at  San  Stefano.  Strongly  against 
my  advice,  for  he  was  still  weak,  he  went  to  Pera  as  he 
considered  that  it  was  his  duty  to  go  there  for  some  days. 
Black  typhoid  and  other  malignant  diseases  were  then 
raging  fiercely  in  every  part  of  Constantinople,  brought 
into  the  place  by  the  crowds  of  refugees.  He  caught 
typhoid  and  I  accompanied  him  to  the  British  hospital 
where  everything  that  medical  science  could  accomplish 
was  done  to  save  a  life  which  was  very  dear  to  many  of 
us.  The  malady  was  swift  and  he  died.  I  remember 
General  Skobeleff  coming  to  see  him  as  he  lay  dead,  and 
crying  bitterly  over  him.  He  also  attended  the  funeral 
which  it  was  my  task  to  arrange. 

I  am,  however,  anticipating  what  happened  to  bring 
about  the  independence  of  Bulgaria.  The  statements  in 
my  own  letters  were  abundantly  confirmed  by  those  of 


Macgahan,  by  Mr  Galenga  in  the  Times,  and  by  the 
official  report  presented  to  the  American  government 
by  Mr  Schuyler.  The  latter  by  its  official  character  is  in 
some  respects  more  terrible  than  the  letters  of  Macgahan. 
It  is  an  investigation  carefully  made,  giving  the  number 
of  houses,  churches  and  schools  destroyed  and  the  state- 
ments made  to  him  by  Turkish  officials.  Alluding  to  the 
attempt  made  by  the  Turks  to  exonerate  themselves  by 
stating  that  outrages  had  been  committed  by  the  Bul- 
garians on  the  Moslems,  he  says  "  I  have  carefully 
investigated  this  point  and  am  unable  to  find  that  the 
Bulgarians  committed  any  outrage  or  atrocities  or  any 
acts  which  deserve  that  name.  .  .  I  have  vainly 
tried  to  obtain  from  the  Turkish  officials  a  list  of 
such  outrages,  but  have  received  nothing  but  vague 

Mr  Disraeli  had  been  compelled  by  public  opinion  in 
the  House  of  Commons  to  send  a  commissioner  to  re- 
port to  H.M.  government,  and  Mr  Baring,  secretary  of 
Embassy,  was  chosen  for  the  task.  Without  giving  the 
details  either  of  his  reports  or  that  of  Mr  Schuyler,  I  may 
mention  that  Mr  Baring  found  the  number  of  villages 
destroyed  to  be  fifty-nine,  and  that  his  estimate  of  the 
number  killed  was  12,000.  Mr  Baring's  work  was  done 
under  circumstances  of  considerable  suspicion,  by  which 
I  mean  that  many  persons  believed  that  he  was  sent  to 
put  the  most  favourable  aspect  possible  on  the  doings  of 
the  Turk.  The  suspicion  was  probably  without  justi- 
fication, but  whether  well  founded  or  not,  Mr  Baring  did 
his  work  ably,  conscientiously,  and  thoroughly. 

During  the  summer  of  1876,  Mr  Gladstone  had  taken 
no  share  in  the  denunciation  of  the  Moslem  atrocities  in 
Bulgaria.  But  in  September,  Mr  Gladstone  judged  that 
the  evidence  upon  the  charges  was  complete,  and  he 
published  a  pamphlet  under  the  title  of  "  Bulgarian 


Horrors  and  the  Question  of  the  East."  This  summed 
up  the  evidence  and  pointed  to  definite  and  statesmanlike 
conclusions.  Its  appearance  was  contemporaneous  with 
an  outburst  of  indignation  in  England  against  the  authors 
of  the  horrors,  such  as  had  never  taken  place  before  nor 
has  taken  place  since.  Public  meetings  were  held  in 
nearly  every  important  town  in  the  British  Islands. 
The  agitation  spread  throughout  Europe,  and  especially 
in  Russia  where  the  letters  to  the  Daily  News,  Times, 
and  other  important  newspapers  were  reproduced.  It 
was  a  generous  demonstration  of  human  sympathy  with  a 
suffering  people  and  of  indignation  against  its  oppressors. 
Nothing  had  been  seen  the  least  like  it  since  the  time 
when  our  grandfathers  denounced  the  slave-trade. 
Members  of  all  political  parties,  of  all  the  churches,  all 
the  living  historians  including  Freeman,  Carlyle,  and 
Froude,  joined  their  voices  in  the  denunciation  of  the 
most  wanton  and  brutal  attack  which  had  been  made 
on  a  race  within  living  memory. 

Mr  Gladstone  in  the  pamphlet,  page  21,  wrote  as 
follows  : — 

"  The  first  alarm  respecting  the  Bulgarian  outrages 
was,  I  believe,  sounded  in  the  Daily  News  on  the  23rd  of 
June.  I  am  sensible  of  the  many  services  constantly 
rendered  by  free  journalism  to  humanity,  to  freedom, 
and  to  justice.  I  do  not  undervalue  the  performances, 
on  this  occasion,  of  the  Times,  the  Doyen  of  the  press  in 
this  country,  and  perhaps  in  the  world,  or  of  the  Daily 
Telegraph  and  our  other  great  organs.  But  of  all  these 
services  so  far  as  my  knowledge  goes,  that  which  has 
been  rendered  by  the  Daily  News,  through  its  foreign 
correspondence  on  this  occasion,  has  been  the  most 
weighty,  I  may  say,  the  most  splendid."  He  adds  : — 

"  I  believe  it  is  understood  that  the  gentleman  who 
has  fought  this  battle — for  a  battle  it  has  been — with  such 


courage,  intelligence  and  conscientious  care,  is  Mr  Pears, 
of  Constantinople,  correspondent  of  the  Daily  News." 

The  question  arose  of  a  remedy.  No  nation  wished 
to  make  war  on  Turkey.  England  in  particular  desired 
to  save  her,  whilst  introducing  reforms  which  would 
prevent  a  recurrence  of  massacres  and  would  better  the 
condition  of  Bulgaria  and  the  other  European  provinces 
of  Turkey,  including  Serbia,  Bosnia,  and  Herzegovina. 
Other  nations  also  desired  peace  and  objected  to  disturb- 
ing existing  political  relations.  Accordingly,  after  long 
deliberations  it  was  agreed  by  the  Powers  that  an 
international  Conference  should  meet  at  Constantinople. 
When  the  proposal  was  first  made  to  the  Porte,  Sir 
Henry  Elliot  was  directed  to  leave  Constantinople  if  it 
were  not  accepted,  because,  as  Lord  Derby,  at  that  time 
Foreign  Secretary,  stated,  "  It  would  then  be  evident 
that  all  further  overtures  to  save  the  Porte  from  ruin 
would  be  useless."  The  Conference  was  accepted  by  the 
Turks  on  November  20,  1876,  and  each  of  the  six  great 
Powers  named  representatives.  It  was  a  gathering  of 
eminent  men  who  were  practical  statesmen,  all  of  whom 
wished  to  avoid  war.  The  most  distinguished  were  Lord 
Salisbury  who,  with  Sir  Henry  Elliot,  represented  Great 
Britain,  General  Ignatieff  who  was  deputed  by  Russia, 
and  Count  Corti  by  Italy.  Ignatieff  was  a  man  of 
remarkable  energy  and  conspicuous  if  obtrusive  ability. 
He  declared  to  a  friend  of  mine  that  he  knew  that  he 
was  sometimes  called  the  "  prince  of  liars, "  but  he 
deceived  diplomats  by  telling  them  the  truth.  His 
statement  was  not  far  wrong.  His  manner  was  that  of  a 
man  who  prided  himself  on  being  a  soldier  rather  than  a 
diplomatist,  and  it  is  only  fair  to  say  that  I  never  knew 
a  false  statement  brought  home  to  him.  From  the 
moment  of  Lord  Salisbury's  arrival  in  Constantinople, 
he  and  the  representative  of  Russia  got  on  well 


together.  Both  were  big  men  physically  and  mentally. 
The  two  countries  were  believed  by  a  great  number  of 
people  to  be  watching  each  other,  and  ready  to  spring  at 
each  other's  throat ;  for  the  old  hatred  and  jealousy  due 
to  the  Crimean  War  was  still  strong  within  the  memory 
of  the  inhabitants  of  both  countries.  But  Russia  did  not 
want  war  and  the  aim  of  the  Conference  was  to  avoid  it. 
In  the  preliminary  meetings  held  before  the  Turkish 
delegates  joined,  the  Russian  ambassador  "  surprised  his 
colleagues  by  the  facility  with  which  he  made  one  con- 
cession after  another/'  On  December  21,  the  full  Con- 
ference began  its  sittings.  The  Turkish  delegates  were 
both  able  men,  Safvet  Pasha  and  Edhem  Pasha.  Each 
subsequently  became  Grand  Vizier.  They  had  received 
instructions  to  make  no  concessions.  They  knew, 
unfortunately,  that  the  Powers  were  not  united  to  coerce 
Turkey.  The  project  of  reforms  on  which  all  the  non- 
Turkish  delegates  had  agreed  was  rejected.  Sentence 
by  sentence  the  project  was  whittled  down  until  many 
of  us  thought  that  if  the  remainder  were  accepted  it 
would  be  useless.  Much,  however,  might  be  sacrificed  to 
avoid  war.  But  Sultan  Abdul  Hamid  who  had  suc- 
ceeded to  the  throne  six  months  earlier  would  not  have 
the  reforms  at  any  price.  On  January  18,  1877,  the 
Conference  broke  up  without  having  accomplished 
anything.  The  inspired  Turkish  papers  weie  jubilant 
at  the  failure.  It  was  currently  believed  that  Lord 
Salisbury  was  opposed  by  his  colleague,  Sir  Henry  Elliot, 
and  while  the  Turkish  papers  sneered  at  the  first,  they 
had  nothing  but  praise  for  the  second.  "  Bravo,  Sir 
Elliot/'  was  the  heading  of  one  paper,  when  the  failure 
of  the  Conference  was  announced.  I  was  present  at  a 
small  reception  given  by  Lord  Salisbury  the  night  before 
he  left  Constantinople.  In  conversation  with  me  and 
the  late  Mr  F.  I.  Scudamore  he  spoke  freely  and  regret- 


fully  of  the  failure.  "  We  have  all  tried/'  said  he,  "  to 
save  Turkey  but  she  will  not  allow  us  to  save  her."  He 
did  not  wonder  that  some  of  us  in  the  press  had  com- 
plained of  the  whittling  down  of  the  project,  but  their 
great  objects  were  to  avoid  war  and  maintain  the  integrity 
of  Turkey.  There  would  be  a  war  to  a  certainty  and 
Russia  could  not  afford,  whatever  the  cost,  to  lose. 

Lord  Salisbury  was  right.  Russia  perhaps  more  than 
any  other  Power,  wanted  to  avoid  war,  and  this  not  merely 
on  account  of  its  heavy  expense  and  risks,  but  because 
she  was  not  prepared  for  it.  One  person  after  another 
published  statements  in  the  local  press  showing  that 
nothing  was  ready  for  war  in  Russia,  and  Sultan  Abdul 
Hamid  lent  a  willing  ear  to  such  statements. 

Meantime  the  diplomatists  made  one  more  effort  to 
save  Turkey  from  loss  of  territory.  On  the  3rd  March 
the  representatives  of  every  European  Power  signed  a 
Protocol  at  the  British  Foreign  Office  urging  measures 
to  be  taken  to  satisfy  the  disaffected  provinces.  The 
reply  to  this  Protocol  by  the  Porte  on  April  9,  was  to 
reject  it  with  contumely.  Thereupon  the  Tzar  of 
Russia  on  April  24,  issued  a  dignified  manifesto,  in  which 
he  declared  that  having  exhausted  all  pacific  measures, 
Russia  was  "  compelled  by  the  haughty  obstinacy  of  the 
Porte  to  proceed  to  more  decisive  acts." 

On  the  same  day  she  announced  to  the  Powers  that 
she  had  declared  war. 

Of  the  war  itself,  I  have  little  to  say.  I  was  in  Con- 
stantinople during  its  continuance.  The  city  was  full 
of  refugees  from  Bulgaria.  The  first  who  came  were 
Circassians  and  other  unattached  persons,  who  brought 
great  quantities  of  plunder,  horses,  asses,  cattle  and 
especially  the  furniture  and  belongings  of  Bulgarian 
churches  for  sale.  Prices  were  low  on  account  of  the 
large  supplies  offered.  The  spoils  of  the  churches  were 


especially  cheap  because  the  Greeks  and  Armenians 
thought  it  sacrilege  to  buy  them  and  the  Turks  believed 
they  would  bring  ill-luck.  Some  of  us  considered 
whether  it  would  not  be  worth  while  to  buy  in  order  to 
return  the  objects  to  the  churches  plundered,  but  we 
concluded  that  it  would  be  impossible  to  find  the  owners. 
I  bought  a  silver  and  gold  chalice  for  its  weight  in  silver, 
a  beautiful  altar  frontal  for  a  trifle.  A  friend  bought  a 
complete  set  of  priest's  beautifully  embroidered  vest- 
ments for  about  half  a  sovereign.  Then  afterwards 
came  crowds  of  Moslems  who  on  the  advent  of  the 
Russians  fled  before  them  fearing  vengeance  on  the  part 
of  the  Bulgarians.  They  crowded  our  streets  and  suburbs 
driving  cattle  before  them  and  bringing  typhoid  and  other 
deadly  diseases.  It  was  a  horrible  time. 

After  a  long  and  weary  war,  during  which  there  was 
exceptional  suffering,  occasioned  by  a  very  severe  winter, 
the  end  came  somewhat  suddenly.  When  Plevna  was 
captured  by  the  Turks  after  a  defence  by  Ghazi  Osman 
Pasha  which  showed  the  best  qualities  of  the  Turkish 
soldier,  General  Gourko  advanced  with  the  largest 
division  of  the  army  towards  Sofia  with  the  view  of 
pushing  on  through  the  ancient  gates  of  Trajan,  and 
down  the  valley  through  which  the  railway  between  that 
city  and  Constantinople  now  passes.  All  newspapers 
correspondents  with  the  Russians  accompanied  him. 
But  another  movement  of  at  least  equal  importance 
had  been  arranged  which  was  kept  strictly  secret.  It 
was  due  to  the  genius  of  General  Skobeleff .  Winter  in 
the  Balkans  was  at  its  worst.  The  snow-covered  range 
was  believed  by  the  Turks  to  be  impassable.  The  most 
important  pass  debouched  near  the  village  of  Shipka. 
Through  it  there  was  a  good  military  road,  but  it  was 
defended  on  its  southern  side  by  strong  forts  held  by  the 
Turks.  Below  the  forts  and  on  the  plain  was  a  Turkish 


army  of  about  100,000  men  under  Vessel  Pasha  en- 
camped around  a  village  known  as  Shenova,  while  to  the 
west  of  the  village,  at  a  position  where  they  would  be 
ready  to  strike  at  the  flank  of  Gourka's  advance  was 
another  Turkish  army  with  which  was  General  Valentine 
Baker,  then  a  pasha.  Skobeleff  saw  that  to  attempt 
to  cross  the  Balkans  by  the  military  road  was  useless. 
But  he  learned  from  Bulgarian  peasants  that  to  the  east 
and  west  of  it  were  goat  tracks,  where  men  travelling 
Indian  file  could  cross.  Accordingly  while  sending  men 
to  make  a  feint  of  attempting  the  road,  he  sent  a  detach- 
ment to  cross  to  the  east  of  the  road,  while  he  took 
command  of  a  second  which  attempted  to  cross  by  the 
track  to  its  west.  Both  these  divisions  could  be  seen  by 
the  Turks  at  the  forts.  The  thin  line  of  men  was  so  long, 
that  by  the  time  the  first  had  reached  the  southern  end 
of  the  pass  the  last  had  not  yet  started.  Skobeleff's 
division,  however,  as  well  as  that  to  the  east  of  the  road, 
crossed  without  molestation.  Then  they  joined  forces, 
attacked  the  army  under  Vessel  Pasha  and  utterly 
routed  it.  Vessel  with  his  large  army  submitted,  and 
consented  to  send  orders  to  the  Turks  who  were  defending 
the  forts  on  the  Shipka  road  to  surrender,  orders  which 
were  obeyed.  Before  night  fell,  there  were  eighty 
thousand  Turkish  prisoners  on  the  march  northwards 
to  Russia.  The  battle  of  Shenova  was  the  most  im- 
portant incident  in  the  war,  if  the  heroic  defence  of 
Plevna  be  left  out  of  account.  Skobeleff  was  authorized 
by  the  Czar  to  inscribe  its  name  upon  his  flag.  As  not  a 
single  correspondent  was  with  either  of  the  armies  which 
took  part  in  the  battle,  only  the  results  came  to  be  known 
in  Western  Europe,  and  then  only  gradually  and  partially. 
I  was  the  first  to  give  an  account  of  it.  When  the  war 
was  concluded  Skobeleff  came  to  Constantinople  and 
was  kind  enough  to  give  me  a  full  description.  I  took 


this  to  my  neighbour  Baker  Pasha,  who  made  various 
corrections  and  additions  rendered  necessary  by  my  then 
ignorance  of  the  locality  and  of  military  matters  and  I 
published  it  under  the  heading,  "  The  Battle  of  Shenova  ; 
An  omitted  Chapter  of  the  War." 

The  conclusion  of  the  war  may  be  shortly  told. 
Plevna  fell  on  loth  December  1878.  By  5th  January, 
Gourko's  army  was  in  Sofia.  SkobelefFs  army  had 
crossed  the  Balkans  on  gth  January,  and  within  a  week 
of  its  start  was  on  its  way  towards  the  capital.  On 
3rd  March  1878,  the  Treaty  of  Peace  was  signed  at  San 
Stefano  and  Bulgaria  became  free. 

In  many  respects  the  rapid  and  immense  progress 
made  by  Bulgaria  since  the  war  recalls  that  of  Japan. 
In  the  days  of  my  youth,  I  was  in  Java  and  heard  of  the 
limited  visits  of  a  limited  number  of  Dutch  ships  and 
remembering  all  one  has  heard  and  read  of  the  progress 
of  the  island  empire  during  the  last  half  century,  one 
thinks  of  a  fabled  giant  awakened  after  centuries  of  sleep. 
So  also  with  Bulgaria.  Its  existence  was  practically 
forgotten.  Its  power  of  resisting  Asiatic  religion  and  its 
professors  was  unrecognized.  Yet  its  advance  since  1878 
far  surpasses  that  of  any  state  in  Europe.  Like  the 
Japanese  the  Bulgarians  felt  the  need  of  foreigners  to 
instruct  them  in  the  arts  of  the  West.  Like  them  again 
having  carefully  profited  by  what  the  West  could  teach, 
they  manage  now  to  depend  on  their  own  resources  with 
little  aid  from  foreigners. 

It  is  difficult  to  make  a  satisfactory  comparison  of  the 
condition  of  the  country  now,  with  what  it  was  in  1878, 
because  no  statistics  of  or  before  that  year  are  in  exist- 
ence. Almost  everything  in  the  country  has  been 
created  since  then.  Before  this  the  name  Bulgarian 
stood  for  ignorance,  submissiveness,  and  unrecognized 
nationality ;  the  Bulgarians  were  rayahs  or  cattle.  It  is 


now  a  name  to  be  proud  of.  Under  Turkish  rule  every 
part  of  the  country  was  unsafe.  Mr  Stambouloff  the 
last  time  I  saw  him  gave  me  a  vivid  description  of  how 
he  had  put  an  end  to  brigandage  in  the  district  south 
of  Burgas.  It  had  long  been  unsafe  for  travellers,  but 
a  strong  hand,  inflexible  justice  and  swift  execution, 
gave  a  valuable  district  back  to  civilization.  Now,  in 
that  district  as  throughout  Bulgaria,  it  is  a  pleasant 
sight  to  see  groups  of  school  boys  and  girls  with  knap- 
sacks on  their  backs  making  excursions  in  even  remote 
mountain  districts  without  any  thought  of  danger. 

A  few  fact  swill  show  the  progress  made  since  the  country 
became  free.  Sofia,  when  I  first  saw  it,  was  a  wretched 
village  of  mud  huts  and  ill-built  houses  never  more  than 
two  stories  high.  Its  principal  streets,  then  mere  mud 
tracks,  have  now  well-built  houses  four  or  five  stories 
high  with  electric  trams  and  lighting.  The  value  of  land 
has  enormously  increased.  The  city  has  many  handsome 
public  buildings.  As  with  Sofia  so  with  nearly  every 
town  in  the  newly  established  kingdom.  Everywhere 
one  sees  good  houses  replacing  mud  huts.  The  first 
visible  sign  from  the  railway  a  year  or  two  after  the  war 
were  new  schoolhouses  which  bore  witness  to  the  keen 
desire  for  education.  Every  year  showed  progress  in 
that  direction.  As  far  back  as  1892,  I  was  astonished  to 
see  second  grade  schools  or  lyceums  at  Slivna  and  else- 
where, well  filled  with  educational  appliances,  under 
teachers  who  had  received  training  in  Germany  or  some 
foreign  country,  a  people  who  were  enthusiastic  for 
educational  progress.  I  remember  that  during  many 
years  the  largest  number  of  students  and  graduates  at 
Robert  College  on  the  Bosporos  were  Bulgarians.  Then 
their  numbers  gradually  fell  off,  until  in  the  year  1906, 
for  the  first  time  on  its  record  there  was  no  Bulgarian  in 
the  graduating  class.  It  looked  as  if  the  great  American 
College  had  completed  its  work  for  Bulgaria,  by  showing 


its  people  how  to  organize  their  own  teaching.  But  the 
year  in  question  was  the  only  one  in  which  such  a  record 
has  been  noted,  for  Bulgarians  still  seek  the  advantages 
of  an  English  training.  Under  Dr  George  Washburn, 
the  Arnold  of  education  in  the  Near  East,  and  Dr  Long, 
it  had  trained  a  succession  of  Bulgarians  to  think  care- 
fully and  soberly  ;  to  avoid  impracticable  projects,  to  be 
self-reliant,  to  act  for  themselves  and  above  all  to 
endeavour  to  maintain  a  high  standard  of  morality. 
Besides  supplying  able  ministers  like  the  premier 
Stoiloff  and  the  permanent  Secretary  for  Foreign  Affairs, 
Mr  Demitroff,  a  man  full  of  knowledge  on  every  subject 
connected  with  the  questions  of  the  Near  East,  and 
Mr  Gueshoff  the  present  premier,  it  furnished  also  useful 
administrators  like  Matthieff.  It  equipped  likewise  a 
number  of  men  like  Calchieff,  Slavekoff,  Professor 
Panaretof  of  Robert  College  and  a  number  of  others  who 
have  been  leaders  in  Bulgaria  in  its  wonderful  career  of 
progress.  Happily,  there  is  reason  to  hope  that  Robert 
College  is  now  going  to  exert  a  like  useful  influence  on 
Turkish  students  as  it  did  on  Bulgarians  and  is  already 
doing  on  Greeks  and  Armenians. 

In  Bulgaria  education  is  free  and  obligatory.  There 
are  3506  primary  schools  ;  94  pro-gymnasiums,  each 
with  from  three  to  five  classes  ;  33  gymnasiums  each  of 
seven  classes  and  several  with  technical  courses  of  instruc- 
tion. During  the  year  1909,  there  were  469,550  children 
attending  school.  The  educational  system  is  crowned 
with  a  university  which  had  in  1909  no  less  than  1569 
students  of  whom  217  were  young  women.  The  results 
of  the  instruction  given  are  no  less  striking.  The  census 
taken  in  1905  showed  that  in  the  towns  93  per  cent,  of 
the  Bulgarians  and  83  per  cent,  in  the  villages  between 
the  ages  of  ten  and  fifteen  could  read  and  write.  Though 
the  law  regarding  public  instruction  applies  to  Mahome- 


tans  as  well  as  Christians,  only  21  per  cent,  in  the  towns 
and  4  per  cent,  in  the  villages  between  the  same  ages 
could  read  and  write.  The  great  difference  is  not 
attributable  to  the  government  but  to  the  same  causes 
which  in  India  make  the  Moslem  population  unable  to 
compete  with  the  Hindoo.  Out  of  Bulgaria's  budget 
for  1910  showing  a  revenue  of  £6,880,000  sterling,  no  less 
a  sum  than  £880,000  is  assigned  to  education. 

Bulgaria  has  constructed,  including  some  which  are 
not  quite  finished,  12,500  miles  of  roads  and,  excluding 
those  which  had  been  built  previous  to  1878,  2380  miles 
of  railways.  All  these  are  the  property  of,  and  are 
worked  by  the  State. 

Immediately  after  gaining  her  freedom,  Bulgaria 
established  postal  and  telegraphic  services.  In  1879, 
she  had  42  post-offices  ;  in  1910,  these  had  increased  to 
2070,  with  an  additional  323  attached  to  railway  stations 
and  summer  resorts.  I  remember  visiting  the  Philippo- 
polis  exhibition  in  1892,  and  being  surprised  to  find  that 
we  could  be  in  telephonic  communication  with  Sofia  and 
most  of  the  important  towns  in  the  country.  We  were 
impressed,  because  then,  as  even  now,  there  was  no  tele- 
phonic service  in  Turkey.  In  Bulgaria  at  present  the 
important  towns  can  communicate  by  telephone  with 
each  other,  with  Belgrade  and  Budapest.  A  post- 
office  Savings  Bank  was  introduced  in  1896.  Twelve 
years  later,  the  year's  returns  in  1908,  showed  that 
23,458,894  francs  had  been  deposited  and  21,886,410 

Still  more  striking  as  showing  at  once  the  thrift  and 
enterprise  of  the  Bulgarian  peasant  is  the  fact  that  in 
1908  there  were  727  co-operative  societies.  There  were 
also  33  Bulgarian  banks  with  a  paid  up  capital  of 
nearly  a  million  sterling.  The  Bulgarian  national  bank, 
founded  in  1880,  had  had  deposited  in  it  during  the  year 



1908,  roughly  two  millions  sterling  (53,696,033  francs). 
Industries  of  various  kinds  have  been  commenced  with 
Bulgarian  capital  and  are  prospering.  The  export  of 
cloth,  leather,  wool,  mining  produce,  food  stuffs,  etc.  in 
1879  were  Just  over  two  millions  sterling.  In  1908  they 
had  increased  to  nearly  ten  millions. 

On  my  first  visit  almost  the  only  manufacture  worth 
speaking  of  was  of  the  famous  attar  of  roses  in  Kezanlik. 
It  is  an  ideal  industry.  Thousands  of  rose  bushes  on  a 
lovely  plain  at  the  foot  of  a  bold  spur  of  the  Balkans  ; 
the  roses  in  full  bloom,  cream  coloured,  white,  or  red, 
the  air  redolent  with  their  exquisite  scent ;  the  rose- 
gathering  mostly  by  girls  and  women  in  their  bright 
and  picturesque  dresses ;  cloth  and  home-made  on 
patterns,  traditional  and  uninfluenced  yet  by  western 
fashions  ;  the  home  bringing  of  the  leaves  ;  the  handling 
of  them  with  something  like  affection,  and  finally  the 
extraction  of  the  essential  oil,  so  powerful  that  a  few 
drops  will  suffice  to  make  a  half  bottle  pass  as  excellent 
rosewater ;  the  experience  was  altogether  delightful. 
At  Kezanlik  I  was  courteously  entertained  in  the  house 
of  one  of  the  largest  makers  of  attar  of  roses,  a  young 
man  who  had  been  at  Robert  College  and  had  imbibed 
something  of  American  energy  and  pushfulness.  He 
had  already  been  to  America  as  well  as  the  chief  cities 
of  Europe.  In  my  bedroom  were  a  series  of  glass  jars 
containing  the  precious  attar  and  to  my  surprise  I  was 
informed  that  the  total  value  of  their  contents  amounted 
to  something  over  £3000. 

Even  in  the  'eighties  I  found  at  Slivan  that  excellent 
native  woollen  cloth  was  being  made  in  large  quantities, 
and  it  called  up  a  smile  to  learn  that  a  large  order  was 
being  executed  for  the  Turkish  army,  with  whom  a  few 
years  ago  the  Bulgarians  had  been  fighting.  It  sug- 
gested a  new  reading  of  the  text,  "  If  thine  enemy 


hunger,  feed  him,  if  he  is  naked  give  him  the  where- 
withal to  be  clothed." 

I  may  mention  that  students  of  the  Mir  system,  as  it 
recently  existed  in  Russia  and  as  to  a  considerable 
extent  it  still  exists  in  the  Village  Communities  of  India, 
may  find  many  survivals  of  the  kind  in  Bulgaria.  House- 
communities  are  the  most  prominent  examples.  Several 
families  in  some  portions  of  the  kingdom  occupy  a  huge 
house,  or  as  it  is  called  a  Zadruga.  The  men  leave  the 
community  to  earn  their  living  outside  the  village  or 
even  outside  Bulgaria.  Their  earnings  are  thrown  into 
the  common  stock  according  to  well  established  rules. 

Under  the  Treaty  of  Berlin,  the  Bulgaria  of  the  San 
Stefano  Treaty  was  divided  into  two  provinces  after  a 
considerable  portion  to  the  south  had  been  returned  to 
Turkey.  The  northern  province  was  erected  into  a 
principality  under  an  independent  prince.  The  southern, 
named  Eastern  Rumelia,  was  to  be  under  a  prince 
named  by  the  sultan.  The  arrangement  did  not  work 
well,  and  when  in  1885  the  population  expelled  the  prince 
of  Rumelia  even  Sultan  Abdul  Hamid  made  no  effort  to 
enforce  his  rights  under  the  Treaty.  When  in  October 
1908  prince  Ferdinand  proclaimed  himself  king,  no  one 
seriously  opposed.  Certain  financial  questions  occasioned 
some  difficulty,  but  the  Turks  took  up  the  position  that  as 
the  country  had  for  thirty  years  ceased  to  be  under  then- 
rule,  it  mattered  little  whether  the  ruler  was  called  king 
or  prince. 


Present  Condition  and  Probable  Future 

THE  history  and  condition  of  the  countries  I  have 
described  has  to  be  borne  in  mind  when  writing  of 
Macedonia,  for  Bulgaria,  Greece,  Serbia,  and  Albania 


nearly  surround  the  country.  The  first  three  have 
escaped  from  bondage  into  freedom.  Albania  can  hardly 
ever  have  been  described  as  in  bondage.  A  country  thus 
surrounded  was  not  likely  to  remain  quiet  under  Turkish 

Valuable  books  have  appeared  within  the  last  few  years 
on  Macedonia  and  its  various  races.  Sir  Charles  N.  E. 
Eliot's  "  Turkey  in  Europe  "  is  full  of  information  and 
valuable  suggestions.  Dr  Brailsford's  "  Macedonia " 
abounds  in  the  statements  of  a  keen  observer.  A  number 
of  essays  in  French  and  German  periodicals,  published 
during  the  last  ten  years,  show  the  interest  taken  in  the 
Macedonian  question  and  add  to  our  stock  of  knowledge. 
Macedonia  has  indeed  been  and  will  continue  to  be  the 
battle-field  of  writers  on  the  questions  of  the  Near  East, 
and  may  become  at  no  distant  date  the  bloody  battle-field 
of  contending  states.  It  is  possible  that  but  for  the 
proclamation  of  the  Turkish  constitution  in  July  1908, 
it  would  ere  this  have  become  an  autonomous  state. 
The  tendency  of  its  history  even  now  is  in  that  direction. 

In  order  to  understand  and  estimate  this  tendency, 
certain  facts  must  be  considered.  Macedonia  is  a 
geographical  term  used  to  signify  different  extents  of 
country.  Sometimes  it  includes  the  whole  of  the  Balkan 
Peninsula  excepting  Bulgaria,  Serbia,  Montenegro,  and 
Greece,  but  even  including  that  portion  of  European 
Turkey  which  comprises  Adrianople  and  the  country 
west  of  a  line  drawn  from  that  city  to  the  Struma,  the 
ancient  Strymon.  Others  would  exclude  Albania  and 
the  whole  of  the  district  between  Constantinople  and  a 
line  drawn  roughly  from  Serres  to  the  most  southerly 
point  of  eastern  Rumelia.  A  Greek  author  claims  that 
the  term  Macedonia  should  be  limited  to  the  vilayets  of 
Monastir  and  Salonika.  Bulgaria,  Greece  and  Serbia 
have  each  dreamed  of  a  division  of  Macedonia,  and  each 


one  has  done  its  best  to  show  that  it  is  entitled  to  a 
larger  portion  of  the  country  than  the  others  are  willing 
to  concede. 

Serbia  claims  that  there  are  many  Serbians  in  northern 
Macedonia  under  Turkish  rule,  and  that  the  territory 
which  they  occupy  should  be  delivered  to  her  if  any 
partition  of  Macedonia  should  be  made.  This  territory 
is  called  Old  Serbia,  but  the  name  has  no  precise  meaning. 
In  the  reign  of  the  great  Serbian  king,  Dushan,  who  was 
crowned  in  1331  and  died  1355,  all  Macedonia  and 
Albania  with  a  large  part  of  Greece  was  under  Serbia. 
That  indeed  might  be  called  Old  Serbia.  But  apart  from 
the  fact  that  Dushan  is  spoken  of  also  as  king  of  Bulgaria, 
which  indeed  for  a  time  was  under  his  rule,  the  pre- 
cedent is  as  remote  as  that  which  caused  our  sovereigns 
to  take  and  retain  for  centuries  the  title  of  kings  of 
France.  In  like  manner  the  claims  of  Bulgaria  might 
be  advanced ;  for  its  kings  ruled  Macedonia,  with  an 
interval  for  a  century  and  a  half,  their  rule  in  that 
country  ending  in  1241.  The  Bulgarians  however  admit 
that,  if  a  partition  of  Macedonia  were  made,  a  strip  of 
country  ought  to  go  to  Serbia  because  it  is  now  occupied 
by  Serbs. 

Serbian,  Bulgarian,  and  Greek  writers  have  been 
occupied  during  the  last  twenty  years  in  discussing  the 
ethnography  of  Macedonia.  The  object  of  this  discus- 
sion has  been  political  rather  than  scientific.  The  writers 
have  brought  much  careful  research  to  bear  upon  it.  But 
the  object  has  not  been  to  learn  the  truth.  Each  writer 
gives  the  impression  of  holding  a  brief  for  his  own  country. 
The  principal  advantage  gained  by  outsiders  from  the 
discussion  arises  from  the  accumulation  of  testimony, 
ranging  over  many  centuries,  as  to  the  movements  of  the 
Slav  and  other  races  south  of  the  Danube.  The  general 
results  which  I  gather  from  many  studies  on  the  subject 


are  that  the  word  Bulgarian  has  often  been  used  both  by 
Slavs  and  others  to  indicate  all  the  Slavs  in  the  Balkan 
Peninsula  with  the  exception  of  the  dwellers  on  the  Dal- 
matian coast ;  some  of  whom  are  certainly  of  Albanian 
blood  ;  that  at  times  the  whole  of  such  country  has  been 
called  Bulgaria  but  that  at  other  times  Serbia  has  had 
a  much  more  extended  meaning  than  it  now  possesses. 
William  of  Tyre,  for  example,  calls  Harold  Hardrage  of 
Norway — who  aided  the  Greek  emperor  in  1050  to  subdue 
the  inhabitants  of  Macedonia — Bolgara-brenner  ;  while 
during  the  same  period,  and  for  two  centuries  later,  the 
country  was  known  as  Great  Wallachia.1 

The  real  questions  of  interest  to  Englishmen  are  only 
incidentally  historical ;  they  are,  who  are  the  present 
inhabitants  ?  What  is  the  actual  condition  of  Mace- 
donia ?  and  what  is  it  likely  to  be  in  the  future  ? 

The  Greek  population  predominates  on  the  shores  of 
the  Aegean.  During  all  historical  times  this  statement 
would  have  held  good.  It  would  almost  hold  equally 
good  if  made  about  all  the  shores  of  the  Mediterranean. 
But  in  reference  to  Macedonia  it  is  impossible  to  mention 
a  period  when  the  seaports  and  the  immediate  back 
country  has  not  been  occupied  by  Greeks.  Let  it  be  said 
also  that  Greek  influence  has  been  always  in  favour  of 
civilization  and  commerce.  Salonika  is  the  most  im- 

1  Those  who  wish  for  information  on  the  subject  will  find  it  in 
Cvijic's  "  Remarques  sur  1'Ethnographie  de  la  Macedonie"  and  in  a 
"  Response  "  to  it  by  Dr  A.  Tchircoff,  published  in  Serbia  in  1907  :  The 
first  gives  the  Serbian,  the  second  the  Bulgarian  view  of  the  question. 
Another  book  on  the  subject  is  worth  examination  "  La  Macedonie 
au  point  de  vue  Ethnographique,  Historique  et  Philologique  par 
Oleicoff,"  published  in  Philippopolis  in  1888.  In  these  works  a  mass 
of  authorities,  Slav  and  foreign,  are  cited.  One  of  the  writers  best 
worth  consulting  is  C.  Lejean  who  gives  a  carefully  drawn  Ethnographic 
map  of  Turkey  in  Europe  and  the  autonomous  states.  See  his  "  Ethno- 
graphic de  la  Turquie."  He  was  a  young  and  energetic  engineer  who 
had  travelled  through  all  parts  of  the  Balkan  peninsula  and  died  all 
too  soon  for  the  interest  of  geographical  knowledge.  The  Greek  view 
is  well  given  in  "La  Macedonie  et  les  Reforms"  a  valuable  paper 
by  the  Macedonian  Syllogos  of  Athens. 


port  ant  city  on  the  sea-coast  of  Macedonia.  It  is  true 
that  its  influence  and  its  commerce  are  now  mostly  due 
to  its  Jewish  population.  The  Jews,  largely  of  Spanish 
descent,  the  offspring  of  exiles  driven  out  of  Spain  under 
Ferdinand  and  Isabella  in  1492,  still  speak  Spanish.  But 
except  during  the  last  half  century  the  Greeks  had  most 
of  the  business  in  their  hands.  Even  now,  the  Greeks 
are  by  far  the  most  important  element  after  the  Jews. 
As  we  penetrate  inland  we  find  at  once  Greek  villages 
side  by  side  with  Bulgarians  ;  but  on  the  shores  the 
great  majority  of  the  people  are  Greek. 

Unfortunately  no  trustworthy  statistics  exist  as  to  the 
population  of  Macedonia.  The  one  factor  in  regard  to 
it  which  is  pretty  certain  is  that  the  Bulgarians  are  the 
largest  element.  It  may  be  safely  affirmed  that  outside 
the  Turkish  provinces  of  Monastir  and  Salonika  no  Greek 
population  exists.  The  Slav  population  are  agricultural- 
ists ;  the  Greeks  very  rarely.  Away  from  the  shore  it 
is  rare  to  find  a  purely  Greek  village  except  near  the 
confines  of  Greece.  It  is  alleged  by  the  Greeks  that  out 
of  a  total  of  1,873,000  people  in  the  two  provinces 
named  there  are  777,000  Moslems,  659,000  Greeks,  and 
374,000  Bulgarians.1  Probably  the  number  of  Moslems 
equally  with  that  of  the  Greeks  is  over-estimated. 
Rittich,  an  author  quoted  with  approval  by  the  Bul- 
garian Oleicoff,  in  his  "  Le  Monde  Slave  "  gives  figures 
which  may  be  compared  with  those  put  forward  by  the 
Greeks.  In  the  same  provinces,  Monastir  and  Salonika, 
he  estimates  the  Bulgarians  at  682,714  instead  of  374,000  ; 
the  Greeks  at  30,482  instead  of  659,000,  and  the  Turks 
at  175,968  instead  of  770,000.  The  figures  are  of  course 
incorrect  and  I  believe  that  each  set  is  grossly  exaggerated. 

It  is  impossible  to  draw  a  line  between  the  Greeks  and 

1  "La  Macedonie  et   les  Reforms":    Memoire  du  Syllogue  Mace- 
donien  d'Athenes,  published  in  1903. 


Bulgarians  and  to  say  that  all  north  of  it  are  Bulgarians 
and  all  south,  Greeks.  In  a  conversation  with  the  late 
Mr  Tricoupis,  the  prime  minister  of  Greece,  he  admitted 
this  fact  but  added  that  though  to  the  south  of  any  line 
drawn  there  would  be  Bulgarian  villages,  after  a  genera- 
tion under  Greek  rule  the  inhabitants  would  consider 
that  their  ancestors  had  always  been  Greeks.  Then  with 
the  frankness  which  was  characteristic  of  the  man,  he 
added  that  there  would  be  Greek  villages  to  the  north  of 
any  reasonable  line  which  if  placed  for  the  same  time 
under  Bulgarian  rule  would  believe  themselves  to  be  of 
Slav  descent.  The  manner  in  which  Greek  and  Bulgarian 
villages  are  dotted  about  in  many  parts  of  the  country 
makes  it  incorrect  to  assign  such  country  to  either  race. 
One  of  the  many  good  stories  told  of  General  Ignatieff 
emphasizes  this  statement.  When  at  the  Conference 
after  the  Russo-Turkish  War  it  became  necessary  to 
define  the  boundaries  of  Bulgaria,  Ignatieff  told  the 
Turkish  delegates  that  he  was  ready  to  take  those  marked 
by  the  Turks.  They  replied  that  they  were  ignorant  of  such 
boundaries.  The  Russian  ambassador  then  explained  that 
there  were  a  number  of  villages  burned  by  the  Turkish 
troops  because  the  inhabitants  were  Bulgarian.  As  one 
of  these  was  within  twenty  miles  of  Constantinople,  and 
others  far  south  of  the  proposed  new  Bulgaria,  another 
means  of  establishing  a  boundary  had  to  be  devised. 

A  comparison  of  various  accounts  leads  me  to  the  con- 
clusion that  the  population  of  Macedonia,  excluding 
Albania,  is  about  1,750,000 ;  that  of  these  about  one 
million  are  Slavs,  while  the  remainder  may  be  divided 
about  equally  between  Greeks  and  Turks.  The  Bul- 
garians claim  that  to  their  race  belong  sixty-nine  per  cent, 
of  the  population.1 

The  troubled  condition  of  the  country  during  the  last 

1  "La  Macedonia,"  p.  55,  par  Oleicoff. 


fifteen  years  has  considerably  reduced  the  total  popula- 
tion. Hundreds  of  Bulgarians  emigrated  into  Bulgaria. 
It  is  asserted  that  even  now,  after  some  have  returned  to 
their  desolated  homes,  there  are  20,000  Macedonians  in 
Sofia  itself.  But  all  along  the  borderland  of  Bulgaria 
families  quitted  the  country  which  was  the  scene  of 
violent  anarchy  and  disorder  in  order  to  escape  into  the 
land  of  their  countrymen  which  had  obtained  freedom. 
Emigration  to  America  has  also  been  going  on  quietly  but 
constantly.  In  1904  from  the  vilayet  of  Monastir,  3000 
men  are  stated  to  have  crossed  the  Atlantic.  In  the 
following  year  the  emigrants  had  increased  to  about  7000, 
while  in  the  first  half  of  1906  the  number  had  grown  to 
nearly  15,000.  In  ten  of  the  villages  round  Fiorina  only 
women  and  children  remained. 

It  is  not  my  intention  to  write  the  recent  history  of 
Macedonia.  It  is  sufficient  to  recall  that  the  consular 
reports,  written  by  a  number  of  Englishmen  and  French- 
men who  have  lived  in  or  visited  Macedonia,  have  placed 
on  record  a  condition  of  anarchy  which  during  the  same 
period  had  no  parallel  in  Europe.  It  was  justly  described 
by  Victor  Berard  in  1906  as  "  une  Macedonie  pillee  et 
massacree,  unproductive  pour  elle-me'me  et  inutile  pour 
le  reste  du  monde,  intenable  aux  indigenes  et  impene- 
trable aux  etrangers."  1  The  congress  of  Berlin  was  not 
entirely  content  to  leave  Macedonia  to  the  tender  mercies 
of  Abdul  Hamid.  In  conformity  with  its  provisions  a 
mixed  commission  was  formed  to  draw  up  a  scheme  of 
reforms  for  European  Turkey.  The  British  com- 
missioner was  Lord  Fitzmaurice.  Its  work  was  done 
thoroughly.  An  organic  law  was  produced.  But  it  was 
thrown  into  the  wastepaper-basket  by  the  Turks.  If 
the  country  had  been  in  Asia-Minor  probably  it  would 

1  "  La  Macedonie  et  les  Reforms,"  by  Dragonof,  with  preface  by 
Berard,  p.  134. 


have  suffered  less  at  the  hands  of  the  Sultan ;  for  the 
Macedonians  were  surrounded  by  four  free  states,  and 
they  naturally  compared  their  condition  with  that  of 
their  neighbouring  brethren.  The  influence  of  Greece 
made  for  civilization  in  the  south.  The  newly  created 
prosperity  of  Bulgaria  and  Serbia  on  the  north  and  east 
awakened  the  energy  of  the  Slavs,  and  the  state  of  security 
in  Montenegro  and  the  other  Christian  states  of  the 
peninsula,  aroused  the  desire  for  a  like  security  from 
misrule.  Oppression  of  a  kind  which  no  race  is  justified 
in  tolerating,  if  it  has  a  reasonable  chance  of  setting  itself 
free,  drove  many  into  voluntary  exile  and  caused  others 
to  take  to  the  mountains.  In  Bulgaria  the  exiles  worked 
in  collusion  with  their  relations  and  friends  to  avenge 
their  wrongs  and  to  prevent  others  being  committed  on 
men  and  women  of  their  race.  They  formed  commit- 
tees. They  organized  means  of  punishing  noteworthy 
offenders  and  of  striking  terror  into  the  oppressors. 
In  many  instances  the  committees  formed  a  kind  of  law 
court  which  did  justice  upon  offenders,  rough  justice  it 
is  true,  but  like  lynch  law  better  than  no  justice  whatever. 
Race  hostility  entered  and  complicated  the  situation. 
Greeks  and  Slavs  were  jealous  of  each  other.  Each 
feared  that  the  other  would  establish  a  claim  in  case  of  a 
partition  of  the  country  to  a  larger  share  than  that  to 
which  it  was  entitled.  Still  further  to  increase  the 
difficulties  of  the  situation,  the  Church  came  in  with  its 
division  of  the  people  into  adherents  of  the  patriarch  and 
those  of  the  exarch.  Without  the  difference  of  an  iota 
on  matters  of  dogma,  with  none  in  reference  to  the  forms 
of  religious  worship — for  the  division  in  the  Eastern 
Church  is  racial  rather  than  ecclesiastical — the  odium 
theologicum  added  unusual  bitterness  to  the  political 
struggle  between  Slav  and  Greek.  Greek  bands  flocked 
across  the  frontier  to  join  the  bands  which  had  been 


formed  to  attack  the  Bulgarians.  Officers  from  the 
Greek  army  joined  such  bands.  Abdul  Hamid,  with  the 
cunning  which  sycophants  chose  to  call  capacity,  took 
advantage  of  the  hostility  between  the  Christian  races. 
The  Greek  bands  were  encouraged  to  attack  the  Bul- 
garians. One  remembers  with  satisfaction  that  when 
the  most  self-sacrificing  and  daring  of  the  missionaries 
of  the  revolutionary  party,  Dr  Nazim  Bey,  who  was 
already  proscribed  as  a  rebel,  determined  to  place  his  life 
at  the  service  of  the  Committee  of  Union  and  Progress 
in  Salonika,  he  disguised  himself  in  the  Greek  brigand's 
fustanella,  crossed  the  frontier  from  Greece  and  descended 
into  the  town  of  Salonika,  fearless  of  arrest  by  Turkish 
zaptiehs  and  rightly  confident  that  his  disguise  would 
cause  him  to  be  regarded  as  friendly  to  Abdul  Hamid's 

Without  entering  into  details  of  the  anarchy  and 
misrule  which  prevailed  in  Macedonia  during  the  first 
seven  years  of  the  present  century,  it  may  yet  be  gener- 
ally stated  that  there  existed  the  minimum  of  security 
for  life  and  property.  Valuable  mines  were  shut  down 
on  account  of  the  risks  of  carrying  provisions  to  the 
workmen  or  material  for  mining.  Landowners,  Moslems, 
and  Christians  alike,  natives  and  foreigners  were  unable 
in  hundreds  of  cases  to  visit  their  properties.  Bulgarian 
and  Greek  bands  of  brigands  held  possession  of  many 
parts  of  the  country  and  made  life  almost  unsupportable. 
The  Turkish  peasants  or  proprietors  were  allowed  to 
plunder  their  neighbours.  The  Turkish  troops  some- 
times favoured  one  and  sometimes  another  band.  They 
lived  upon  the  peasantry  and  were  useless  as  a  protection 
for  the  innocent.  Even  when  at  the  demand  of  Europe 
foreign  gendarmerie  officers  were  appointed  they  were 
prevented  from  examining  and  reporting  upon  the  de- 
vastation caused  by  Turkish  soldiers  or  Bulgarian  or 


Greek  bands.  It  was  in  vain  that  ambassadors  obtained 
promises  from  the  Sultan  that  such  officers  should  have 
the  right  to  examine  ;  for  orders  were  either  never  sent 
or  disobeyed  by  men  knowing  well  that  Yildiz  would  be 
best  pleased  by  disobedience. 

Massacres  upon  a  scale  comparatively  small  when 
measured  by  those  of  Bulgaria  and  Armenia,  but  great  in 
the  aggregate,  went  on  all  throughout  the  period  in 
question.  Villages  were  pillaged  and  burned  by  one  or 
other  of  the  bands,  or  by  Moslem  neighbours,  or  by  the 
troops  themselves,  and  scores  of  independent  reports  were 
furnished  and  photographs  taken  showing  the  desola- 
tion of  these  places  and  the  ordered  indifference  of 
the  authorities  in  regard  to  them.  The  law  courts 
were  abominably  corrupt.  Sentences  were  notoriously 
bought  and  sold.  When  a  criminal  outrage  was  com- 
mitted it  was  used  as  a  pretext  to  extort  from  the  accused 
man  or  from  his  relations  whatever  could  be  obtained. 
If  a  man  were  killed  a  whole  village  would  be  attacked. 
Administrative  and  judicial  extortion  in  the  collection  of 
taxes  was  common  throughout  the  country.  Men  were 
kept  in  prison  "  administratively,"  as  it  is  called,  with- 
out being  brought  to  trial,  the  term  of  such  imprison- 
ment being  often  measured  by  the  time  within  which 
his  relations  and  friends,  or  one  of  the  committees,  could 
find  the  money  to  buy  his  release.  Though  there  is 
nothing  in  Turkish  law  to  correspond  with  our  writ  of 
Habeas  Corpus,  the  noblest  legal  invention  of  the  British 
race  for  the  safeguard  of  individual  liberty,  yet  even 
under  Turkish  law  such  indefinitely  long  administrative 
imprisonments  were  grossly  illegal.  Nobody,  however, 
could  interfere  to  prevent  them. 

The  public  opinion  of  Western  Europe  and  notably  of 
England  and  France  became  aroused.  Something  must 
be  done  to  clear  out  the  foulest  Augean  stable  which 


existed  in  Europe.  But  no  government  was  anxious 
to  take  the  lead.  Each  one  knew  that  Abdul  would  be 
hostile  to  any  interference.  One  might  suppose  that  he 
was  foolish  enough  to  believe  that  disorders  would  be 
beneficial  to  Turkey  or  would  at  least  show  Europe  that 
her  interference  could  not  mend  matters.  The  latter 
suggestion  will  not  bear  examination  ;  for  the  whole 
history  of  sultanic  rule  in  Turkey  shows  that  reforms 
have  never  come  from  Turkish  initiative.  Germany 
had  already  begun  her  policy  of  shutting  her  eyes  to 
abuses  in  Turkey  and  making  friends  with  the  Sultan  in 
order  to  further  her  commercial  interests.  Even  as  far 
back  as  the  Armenian  massacres  in  Constantinople, 
friends  and  well-wishers  of  Germany  had  deeply  regretted 
her  careful  abstention  from  any  acts  which  showed 
disapproval  of  the  brutal  massacres  at  our  doors,  and 
this  at  a  time  when  France  and  Great  Britain  even 
ostentatiously  sheltered  Armenian  fugitives  from  the 
knives  and  sticks  of  Abdul  Hamid's  barbarous  sopajis. 
But  Germany  had  not  yet  disassociated  herself  from  the 
Powers  in  endeavouring  to  obtain  decent  government  for 
Macedonia.  Russia  looked  on  coldly  because  at  the  time 
she  was  dissatisfied  with  Bulgaria.  She  could  not  how- 
ever refuse  to  join  England  and  France  in  efforts  to  better 
the  condition  of  the  Slavs. 

Austria  from  the  first  was  so  half-hearted  in  her  action 
with  the  other  Powers  to  obtain  reforms  as  to  leave  the 
impression  that  she  preferred  that  the  disorders  in  the 
country  should  continue  until  Europe  in  general  should 
ask  her  to  take  possession  of  the  country  in  the  interests 
of  international  peace.  Among  the  papers  of  the  ex- 
grand  vizier  Halil  Rifaat  Pasha  were  found  several 
reports  which  he  made  in  1898,  after  the  Turko-Greek  war, 
which  throw  light  on  the  attitude  of  Austria.  These 
were  published  in  Paris  after  his  death  with  facsimiles 


of  the  originals  and  translations.  In  one  he  reports  a 
meeting  of  the  representatives  of  the  European  Powers. 
An  original  of  the  minutes,  which  was  signed  by  the 
ambassadors  of  the  seven  Powers,  was  shown  to  him  by 
the  Austrian  ambassador.  The  latter,  according  to  the 
report,  spoke  of  the  great  insistence  (grande  intran- 
sigeance)  of  the  French,  Russian  and  British  ambassadors 
in  their  determination  to  submit  to  the  Porte  a  proposal 
for  putting  into  execution  the  scheme  proposed  by  the 
joint  commission  of  1880.  He  claims  credit  for  being 
the  only  ambassador  who  resisted  this  demand  and  for 
obtaining  an  adjournment  in  order  to  gain  time.  The 
grand  vizier  concludes  by  advising  that  his  government, 
in  order  to  shut  the  mouths  of  its  enemies,  should  itself 
put  into  operation  some  of  the  reforms  which  would  be 
submitted  by  the  Powers. 

The  advice  was  wise  though  it  was  not  followed.  But,  if 
the  grand  vizier's  report  is  a  fair  representation  of  what  he 
was  told,  Austria  then  did  not  desire  Macedonian  reforms. 

Readers  will  remember  that  while  the  three  Powers  in 
question,  to  which  Italy  must  also  be  added,  worked  hard 
to  show  the  Porte  that  it  was  to  its  interest  that  security 
for  life  and  property  should  be  conferred  on  Macedonia, 
travellers  and  newspaper  correspondents  of  all  shades 
of  political  colour  who  watched  events  on  the  spot  never 
believed  in  the  sincerity  of  Austrian  support. 

While  on  the  subject  of  an  attempt  to  persuade  Abdul 
Hamid  to  institute  reforms  or  to  accept  those  proposed 
by  the  Powers,  let  me  bear  my  testimony  to  the  sincerity 
of  the  late  Sir  Nicholas  0' Conor's  labours  on  their  behalf. 
Long  years  of  training  in  the  diplomatic  service  and 
something  in  his  native  character  made  him  an  extremely 
cautious  man.  In  everything  which  he  undertook  he 
was  painstaking  and  industrious.  He  saw  the  various 
sides  of  any  question  submitted  to  him  and  carefully 


selected  what  he  deemed  to  be  practicable.  When,  there- 
fore, from  1900  until  his  death  in  1908,  it  was  his  duty 
to  examine  the  proposed  reforms  for  Macedonia  he  set 
about  his  task  with  the  utmost  care.  This  was  the  more 
important,  because  though  he  was  the  representative  of 
only  one  of  the  Powers,  it  was  notorious  that  the  assist- 
ance given  by  the  representatives  of  the  others  favouring 
reforms  left  to  him  the  bulk  of  the  work.  The  establish- 
ment of  a  financial  commission  for  Macedonia,  the  great 
improvement  in  the  control  of  the  customs  of  the  same 
country,  and  above  all  the  foundation  of  a  school  of 
gendarmerie,  were  benefits  which  the  country  owes  largely 
to  his  initiative,  plodding  industry  and  determination 
not  to  allow  the  purposes  of  his  government  to  be 
defeated.  He  was  aware  that  the  Turkish  officials  knew 
that  if  they  wished  to  stand  well  with  Yildiz  they  must 
make  the  reforms  impossible  of  execution.  With  luke- 
warm supporters  and  active  enemies  what  he  did  was 
remarkable  and  his  labours  are  bearing  fruit  to-day. 

I  have  no  intention  of  writing  the  story  of  the  at- 
tempted reforms.  It  is  constantly  asserted  that  the 
Muerzeg  programme  and  the  steady  and  slow  progress 
which  the  reforms  were  making  precipitated  the  revolu- 
tion of  July  1908.  The  fear  which  existed  among  young 
Turks  was  that  the  Powers  would  declare  that  Macedonia 
should  be  formed  into  an  autonomous  state,  and  thus  be 
separated  from  Turkey.  I  do  not  know  whether  such  a 
course  had  been  agreed  upon.  Probably  not ;  but  the 
possibility  of  it  was  at  least  one  of  the  causes  which  made 
the  Committee  of  Union  and  Progress  quicken  their  pace. 
Every  one  knows  that  the  revolutionary  movement 
began  in  Macedonia,  that  its  headquarters,  from  which 
action  was  directed,  was  at  Salonika,  and  that  Albanians, 
Bulgarians  and  Greeks  joined  hands  to  bring  it  about. 
Such  a  union  of  hitherto  hostile  races  in  Macedonia  had 


never  been  before  seen.  We  hoped  that  under  a  con- 
stitutional form  of  government  a  better  day  had  dawned 
upon  Macedonia.  To  that  hope  most  of  us  are  still 
constant.  When  the  military  revolt  occurred  in  the 
capital  on  I3th  April  1909,  the  object  of  which  was  to 
overthrow  the  constitution,  the  Macedonian  army  at  once 
took  measures  for  its  defence.  Dr  Carasso  one  of  the 
deputies  for  Salonika  with  three  or  four  others  called 
upon  Mahmud  Shevket  Pasha,  the  Commander-in-chief, 
on  the  evening  of  the  I3th  April,  as  soon  as  they  learned 
the  news  of  the  revolt  and  asked  what  he  proposed  to  do. 
The  reply  of  Shevket  was  manly  and  soldierly.  "  I  have 
sworn  to  defend  the  constitution  and  shall  do  so."  His 
action  was  as  prompt  as  his  words,  and  the  next  day  his 
army  had  commenced  that  journey  which  terminated 
happily  by  the  capture  of  the  capital  on  24th  April,  and 
by  the  deposition  of  Abdul  Hamid  on  the  27th.  Mace- 
donia had  saved  the  constitution. 

The  subsequent  history  of  that  province  is  far  from 
making  altogether  pleasant  reading.  A  series  of 
blunders  were  made  by  the  government  which  has  gone 
far  to  compact  Albanians,  Bulgarians  and  Greeks,  into 
opposition  against  the  Turks.  The  Committee  of  Union 
and  Progress,  containing  some  enlightened  men  among 
them,  decided  apparently  to  Turkify  every  race  and 
institution  in  the  Empire.  Not  only  must  the  Albanian 
learn  to  read  his  own  language  only  through  Turkish  char- 
acters, but  Turkish  must  be  taught  in  every  school.  The 
Arab  with  his  semi-sacred  language  must  communicate 
with  government  in  Turkish.  So  also  with  the  Greeks 
and  Armenians.  Old  established  institutions  which  for 
half  a  century  like  the  Ottoman  Bank  had  communicated 
in  French  were  informed  that  henceforward  their  letters 
must  be  in  Turkish.  Nowhere  was  this  drastic  Turki- 
fication  pressed  more  harshly  than  in  Albania  and  Mace- 


donia.  Schools  were  closed  because  the  teaching  was 
not  solely  in  Turkish.  This  attempt  at  Turkification  was 
the  first  step  towards  alienation. 

In  mitigation  of  the  blunder  of  the  Committee,  the 
following  facts  should  be  remembered.  It  soon  came  to 
be  noted  that  in  spite  of  the  popular  demonstrations  in 
the  capital  and  elsewhere  for  brotherhood  and  equality, 
the  adherents  of  the  old  system,  the  legion  of  spies  and 
dismissed  employes,  pointed  to  the  Committee  and  the 
government  as  one  composed  of  atheists,  Jews,  and 
enemies  of  Islam.  The  sneer  was,  of  course,  unjust,  but 
the  presence  of  Ahmed  Riza,  who  with  his  transparent, 
honesty  avowed  himself  a  Posit ivist,  the  outspokenness 
of  some  of  the  orators  in  the  first  bloom  of  the  revolu- 
tionary period  and  the  presence  of  one  or  two  Jews,  able 
and  loyal  as  they  had  proved  themselves  to  be,  gave 
colour  to  the  slander.  It  was  scattered  broadcast. 
Needless  to  say  that  in  a  country  where  the  inhabitants 
are  so  backward  as  in  Turkey  such  a  charge  was  peculiarly 
dangerous.  The  danger  was  greatly  increased  when  a 
strong  party  was  formed  with  the  real  object  of  destroy- 
ing constitutionalism,  but  with  the  avowed  object  of 
establishing  the  religious  law  of  the  Sheriat.  This  party 
had  its  newspapers.  Its  members,  while  secretly 
opposed  to  the  constitution,  cheered  for  it,  but  carefully 
accompanied  their  cheers  with  cries  for  the  Sheriat.  The 
military  revolt  on  I3th  April  1909  showed  to  the  world 
what  was  their  intention.  Real  Hodjas,  and  others  dis- 
guised to  look  like  them,  made  the  Sheriat  the  cry  of  the 
revolt.  "  We  want  the  Sheriat,"  said  a  deputy  springing 
upon  a  chair  in  the  Chamber  of  Deputies  on  the  morning 
of  that  day.  That  deputy  is  now  in  prison  for  his  cry. 
"  We  will  die  for  the  Sheriat/'  said  a  white-bearded 
military  officer  on  the  same  day  in  inciting  the  troops  to 
rebellion.  He  expiated  his  offence  by  being  hanged  a 


fortnight  later  near  the  place  where  he  had  offended. 
The  only  cries  during  the  revolt  were  for  the  constitution 
and  the  Sheriat,  these  cries  coming  from  the  same  mouths. 
There  can  be  no  reasonable  doubt  that  among  the 
thousands  of  men  in  the  streets  the  only  intelligent 
demand  was  for  the  Sheriat,  which  they  had  been  taught 
to  believe  would  put  an  end  to  giving  equality  to  Chris- 
tians. The  cry  meant  that  there  must  be  no  more  talk 
of  religious  equality  or  of  brotherhood  with  giaours.  All 
that  was  against  the  Sheriat.  It  was  treason  to  the  faith. 
The  prominent  members  of  the  Committee,  of  the 
Chamber  of  Deputies  and  newspaper  writers,  who  had 
been  in  favour  of  the  new  regime,  had  to  run  to  earth, 
Ahmed  Riza  being  one  of  those  most  eagerly  sought  for. 

The  leaders  of  the  new  movement  when  they  recovered 
power  had  to  appease  their  followers  by  showing  that 
they  were  good  Moslems  and  neither  atheists,  Jews,  nor 
unbelievers.  Hitherto  they  had  proclaimed  that  Osmanli 
was  to  be  the  name  common  to  all  subjects  independent 
of  race  or  religion.  This  tune  was  now  varied.  It  was 
necessary  to  conciliate  the  ignorant  Turkish  Moslem. 

It  was  at  this  critical  moment  that  dissatisfaction  arose 
among  the  Albanians.  It  was  due  mainly,  if  not  entirely, 
to  the  efforts  to  make  them  conform  to  Turkish  models. 
While  Albanians  were  being  suppressed,  it  was  not  likely 
that  the  Christian  elements  of  the  population  would 
be  fairly  treated.  The  Hamidian  methods  employed 
against  the  race  declared  to  be  revolt  were  applied, 
especially  during  the  disarmament,  against  the  Bulgarians 
of  Macedonia,  and  the  populations  for  a  time  at  least  were 
alienated  from  loyalty  to  the  young  Turkish  party. 

It  is  impossible  to  exonerate  the  government  from 
blame,  but  it  is  just  to  point  out  their  difficulties.  The 
first  and  most  important  was  the  absence  of  men  accus- 
tomed to  administration.  The  government  had  to  choose 


between  trustworthy  men  entirely  without  experience 
and  men  whose  experience  had  been  on  Hamidian  lines. 
In  many  cases  they  were  under  the  necessity  of  choosing 
the  latter.  But  such  men  had  all  the  old  prejudices 
against  the  Christians,  the  old  traditions  of  stamping  out 
opposition  to  the  government  by  means  of  arbitrary 
arrest  and  torture  and  cruel  punishment.  They  were 
tolerated  in  Macedonia  probably  because  it  was  believed 
that  their  methods  would  show  the  Anatolian  Moslem  that 
the  government  was  determined  to  carry  out  its  designs. 
It  may  be  admitted  that  the  Albanians  once  in  revolt 
invited  a  serious  lesson  ;  and  that  the  Bulgarian  inhabit- 
ants were  dissatisfied  with  the  treatment  meted  out  to 
them.  Nevertheless  it  was  unfortunate  that  the  govern- 
ment had  not  faith  in  constitutional  principles.  They 
governed  under  panic  and,  instead  of  stoutly  maintaining 
legal  procedure  and  practices  while  ruling  with  a  firm 
hand,  allowed  their  subordinates  to  use  the  old  brutal 
methods  under  the  sanction  of  martial  law.  The  govern- 
ment blundered  and  committed  grave  errors,  errors 
which,  it  must  be  said,  they  are  now  trying  to  correct. 

As  to  what  the  future  of  Macedonia  will  be,  the  factors 
are  too  numerous  to  justify  a  satisfactory  forecast. 
Serbia  has  for  some  years  advocated  a  partition  of  the 
country  between  herself,  Bulgaria,  and  Greece.  Bulgaria, 
on  the  other  hand,  has  been  in  favour  of  its  erection  into 
an  autonomous  State.  Greece  would  prefer  a  partition 
if  her  share  were  larger  than  the  Bulgarians  would  admit. 
The  theory  of  many  Greeks  a  generation  ago,  and  the 
dream  of  many  more,  was  that  Greece  should  extend  her 
rule  along  the  coast  of  the  ^Egean  as  far  as  and  including 
Constantinople  itself.  They  claimed  that  the  long-shore 
population  was  and  always  has  been  Greek.  But  the 
so-called  Greek  population  of  the  capital  was  never 


Hellenic  Greek.  The  Greek-speaking  peoples  of  the 
eastern  shore  of  the  ^Egean  had  quite  as  much,  and 
probably  more,  influence  on  its  life  and  thought  than 
those  of  Greece.  The  people  of  Macedonia,  always  with 
the  exception  of  the  Turkish  minority,  would  probably 
prefer  an  autonomous  State  under  a  separate  ruler  named 
by  the  Sultan.  But  it  is  to  be  feared  that  Austrian  in- 
fluence would  prevent  Serbia  from  approving  autonomy, 
Austria's  ultimate  object  being  to  reach  Salonika. 

In  these  aspirations  Turkey  cannot  be  overlooked. 
Apart  from  the  reluctance  of  every  Moslem  to  sacrifice 
an  inch  of  territory,  the  important  part  played  by 
Macedonia  in  the  revolution  of  1908  and  in  the  military 
rising  in  1909  would  make  Young  Turkey  stoutly 
resist  partition.  It  is  true  that  Bulgarians,  Greeks, 
Albanians,  and  Jews  aided  the  Turks,  and  that  happily 
all  worked  harmoniously  together,  but  the  Turks  were  the 
most  numerous.  Everything  promised  well  until  the 
Albanian  rising  in  the  winter  of  1909-1910  and  the  events 
which  followed  it.  Arbitrary  measures,  lawless  im- 
prisonment and  torture  destroyed  the  rising  hopes  of 
Christians  and  Albanians  alike  and  their  willing  accept- 
ance of  Turkish  rule.  It  may  be  that  time  and  improved 
administration  will  effect  a  reconciliation.  But  the 
alienation  of  the  races  in  Macedonia  from  the  Turks 
is  the  most  severe  blow  which  constitutionalism  has 
received  in  Tuikey,  and  lessens  the  chance  of  the  Turks 
henceforward  taking  the  lead. 

From  these  and  a  number  of  other  causes  it  appears 
to  me  that  Macedonia  is  returning  to  the  status  quo  of 
three  or  four  years  ago.  If  Turkey  can  regain  the 
sympathy  of  the  various  races  which  she  held  during 
twelve  months  after  the  revolution  Macedonia  may  con- 
tinue to  be  an  integral  part  of  Turkey.  It  is  possible 
that  the  Turks  themselves  may  come  to  recognize  that 


to  erect  it  into  an  autonomous  State  under  her  own  pro- 
tection and  subjection  would  be  in  their  interest.  The 
Macedonians  would  be  satisfied,  for  their  feeling  of 
nationality  is  strong.  No  considerable  portion  of  them 
desires  annexation  either  to  Bulgaria,  Serbia,  or  Greece 
except  as  a  means  of  getting  rid  of  misgovernment.  The 
genuine  Macedonian  considers  himself  the  superior  of  the 
subject  of  either  of  those  States.  Bulgaria  also  has 
constantly  declared  that  she  too  would  be  satisfied  with 
Macedonian  autonomy.  She  fears  that  Austria  intends 
to  employ  Serbia  as  a  means  of  getting  down  to  Salonika. 
The  conduct  of  the  Turkish  government  is  the  most 
important  factor  in  estimating  what  the  immediate  future 
of  the  country  will  be.  If  it  can  repress  disorders,  and 
content  the  various  races,  the  country,  which  is  one  of 
the  most  fertile  in  Europe,  will  become  prosperous  and 
satisfied  to  remain  under  Turkish  rule.  But  to  attain 
this  result  Turkey  must  abandon  Hamidian  methods. 
The  danger  for  the  Turks,  as  for  the  Bulgarians,  is  that 
Austria,  supported  by  Germany,  shall  remain  constant  to 
her  design  and  persistent  in  her  efforts  to  get  to  the 
^Egean.  An  autonomous  State  under  Turkish  rule  with 
a  contented  and  prosperous  people  would  constitute  a 
moral  barrier  which  European  public  opinion  would  make 
it  difficult  for  Austria  to  break  down.  A  condition  of 
things  like  that  which  existed  three  years  ago  would  make 
many  observers  and  well-wishers  to  Young  Turkey  echo 
the  words  of  the  late  Lord  Salisbury,  that  if  Austria  were 
about  to  take  possession  of  Salonika  it  would  be  "  glad 
tidings  of  great  joy."  My  conclusion,  therefore,  is  that 
the  future  of  Macedonia  depends  mainly  on  the  conduct 
of  the  Turkish  government.  Have  they  learned  the 
lesson  that  mere  repression,  without  liberty  in  its  various 
forms,  is  not  enough  to  enable  them  to  keep  their  hold 
over  a  people  and  a  province  ?  The  future  will  show. 



Physical  features — Isolated  communities,  racial  and  religious — 
The  Nomad  races — Turcomans — Euruks,  etc. — Druses,  Maronites, 
Nestorians,  Crypto-Christians — Kizilbashis,  Stavriotai. 

IN  this  chapter  I  deal  with  Asia  Minor.  I  have  already 
spoken  generally  of  the  Turkish  population  who,  in 
their  more  normal  condition,  are  found  in  this  portion  of 
the  empire.  The  Armenians,  who  are  the  most  important 
element  of  the  Christian  population  east  of  the  Bosporus, 
will  require  a  separate  chapter.  But  in  addition  to  the 
adherents  of  the  two  great  religious  systems  of  Islam  and 
Christianity  there  are  in  Asia  Minor  a  number  of  small 
communities,  some  of  which  appear  to  have  halted 
between  the  two  systems  while  others  have  retained  more 
ancient  forms  of  worship  or  of  superstition.  Taken  singly 
each  of  these  communities  is  small,  but  taken  altogether 
they  form  a  far  from  unimportant  section  of  the  popula- 
tion. Asia  Minor  contains  the  debris  of  many  races,  the 
drift  of  many  religious  or  theological  storms.  Scattered 
about  its  mountains  or  in  its  almost  unvisited  valleys, 
in  out  of  the  way  corners  whither  they  have  been 
pushed  by  new-comers  into  the  country,  the  student  of 
compaiative  religion  may  find  almost  virgin  country 
for  his  investigation. 

Before  attempting  a  description  of  these  communities 
some  account  must  be  given  of  the  physical  conformation 
of  Asia  Minor ;  for  it  is  this  conformation  which  has 
largely  aided  the  survival  of  the  remnants  of  ancient 
races  and  religious  beliefs. 



Asia  Minor  is  in  shape  like  an  inverted  dish,  the  larger 
portion  being  an  elevated  tableland.  In  its  slope  towards 
the  north  are  many  fissures  in  which  various  rivers  flow 
to  the  Black  Sea.  In  the  west  the  slope  is  gradual,  and 
the  fertile  valleys  of  the  Mendere,  the  ancient  Meander, 
and  other  less  important  rivers  have  always  supported  a 
considerable  population.  In  the  eastern  portion,  my  in- 
verted dish  is  without  a  rim,  the  mountain  ranges  and  the 
tableland  extending  east  of  the  Tigris  to  the  Persian 
frontier  and  beyond  it.  The  southern  portion  slopes  off 
somewhat  rapidly  in  a  line  continuous  with  that  of  the 
coast  of  Cilicia,  where  the  Taurus  is  the  southern  bound- 
ary of  the  tableland,  to  the  plain  between  Alexandretta 
and  the  Euphrates.  It  is  the  drainage  from  the  tableland 
which  supplies  the  water  for  that  river  and  the  Tigress. 

The  tableland  varies  in  height,  but  its  eastern  portion 
is  lofty  through  a  large  area.  Lake  Van  is  5300  feet 
above  sea-level.  The  plain  extending  from  Van  to 
Erzeroum  is  nearly  everywhere  above  5000  feet. 

South  of  this  central  tableland  and  west  of  the 
Euphrates  is  the  Syrian  desert.  Along  this  roam  many 
tribes  of  Bedouins  not  more  advanced  in  civilization  than 
the  Red  Indians  of  America.  When  I  was  in  Damascus  a 
marriage  took  place  at  which  the  dowry  contracted  to  be 
paid  by  the  bridegroom,  a  Bedouin  chief,  or  sheik,  was 
the  value  of  what  he  could  plunder  from  the  next  caravan 
of  the  Sacred  carpet.  A  friend,  who  had  known  the 
Bedouin  for  many  years,  assured  me  that  this  form  of 
dowry  was  not  unusual.  The  caravan  alluded  to  was 
the  one  sent  annually  from  the  capital  to  Mecca  with  great 
ceremony  by  the  Sultan.  It  carries  the  presents  of  the 
sender,  the  most  notable  of  which  is  a  carpet  to  be  used 
in  the  mosque  of  the  Kaaba.  An  ordinary  Bedouin 
travelling  party  is  singularly  unromantic  and  not  more 
picturesque  than  gipsies  on  the  tramp. 


Where  water  is  available  the  desert  to  the  immediate 
south  of  the  tableland  blossoms  as  the  rose.  I  have 
stood  at  the  place  where  Mahomet,  looking  down  on  the 
green  oasis  of  Damascus,  declared  that  he  would  not  enter 
because  he  could  only  hope  to  behold  one  Paradise.  The 
mass  of  green  is  strikingly  beautiful  because  it  is  set  in 
the  midst  of  a  yellowish  red  desert,  with  a  background  of 
white  mountain  limestone.  It  is  the  nakedness  of  the 
neighbouring  land  in  comparison  with  the  fertility  pro- 
duced by  the  rivers  Abana  and  Pharpha  which  gives  the 
oasis  of  Damascus  and  the  plain  of  Sharon  their  reputa- 
tion for  beauty. 

The  north-west  corner  of  Syria  has  a  like  beauty  due 
to  its  water  supply.  Mr  Hogarth  remarks  with  justice 
that  Palestine  itself  is  not  a  fruitful  country  except  by 
comparison  "  with  the  awful  aridity  of  Sinai." 

The  great  road  from  Syria  to  Constantinople  in  Roman 
times,  and  until  the  destruction  of  the  Greek  Empire,  was 
through  the  pass  in  the  Taurus,  known  as  the  Cilician 
Gates,  and  along  the  country  through  which  the  Konia 
railway  has  been  built.  The  country  west  of  that  road 
has  been  invaded  and  settled  by  men  coming  from  the 
south  and  from  the  shore  of  the  ^Egean.  It  is  still  being 
peacefully  penetrated  by  a  largely  increasing  Greek 
population  which  now,  as  formerly,  comes  in  from  the 
western  shore  of  the  ^Egean.  As  it  appears  pretty 
certain  that  the  days  of  massacre  in  that  part  of  Asia 
Minor  are  ended,  the  ancient  method  of  thinning  out  the 
Christian  population  will  no  longer  be  available  to  pre- 
serve the  balance  in  numbers  between  Moslems  and 
unbelievers.  Owing  mostly  to  economic  causes  the 
Moslem  population  in  that  portion  of  Turkey  is  giving 
place  to  the  Christian. 

It  must  be  noted  also  that  in  this  western  part  of 
Anatolia  the  population,  and  especially  the  Christian,  is 


fairly  industrious.  Within  the  last  generation  the  in- 
habitants have  had  two  inducements  to  industry  which 
were  wanting  to  their  predecessors.  First  and  most 
important,  the  existence  of  two  railways  running  almost 
at  right  angles  from  the  coast  and  each  beginning  at 
Smyrna,  enables  the  peasants  to  get  their  produce  down 
to  the  coast  and  find  a  market.  The  second  is  that 
European  merchants  and  capitalists  have  opened  markets 
for  the  sale  of  Turkish  carpets,  and  have  thus,  as  already 
mentioned,  largely  increased  an  industry  which  already 
gives  home  employment  in  the  villages  to  many  thousands 
of  men,  women  and  children.  If  security  to  life  and 
property,  such  as  exists  in  civilized  countries,  can  be 
provided,  the  development  of  the  western  portion  of 
the  country  may  be  regarded  as  secure. 

Early  travellers,  as  well  as  recent  ones  like  Miss  Lothian 
Bell  and  Sir  William  Ramsay,  American  and  other  mis- 
sionaries who  reside  at  centres  in  Asia  Minor  and  who 
visit  the  less  known  parts  of  the  neighbouring  country, 
tell  of  encounters  with  people  in  isolated  villages,  whose 
faces  and  even  dress  recall  those  of  Assyrian  and  even 
Hittite  sculptures.  The  nature  of  a  large  portion  of  the 
country  facilitates  survivals.1 

Perhaps  it  is  in  the  great  central  tableland  and  in  the 
north-west  corner  of  Syria  that  the  isolation  of  small 
communities,  which  I  have  called  survivals,  is  most 
noticeable.  But  it  would  hardly  be  an  exaggeration  to 
say  that  there  are  survivals  of  all  the  peoples  which  have 
ever  occupied  Asia  Minor  and  representatives  of  all  the 
heretical  sects,  Christian  and  Moslem.  The  Armenian 
community  of  Zeitoun  can  hardly  be  called  a  survival, 
though,  strictly  speaking,  it  is  one.  Its  peoples  are  a 
brave  remnant,  the  survivors  of  Little  Armenia,  a  king- 

1  This  is  well  brought  out  in  Mr  D.  G.  Hogarth's  "  Nearer  East," 
the  best  book  yet  written  on  the  influences  of  the  physical  geography 
of  Turkey  upon  the  history  of  its  inhabitants. 


dom  erected  by  the  crusaders  and  itself  the  fragment  of 
a  larger  state  which  once  extended  from  the  Mediter- 
ranean to  Persia.  Secure  in  their  mountain  fastnesses 
they  have  repeatedly  defied  Turkish  armies,  and  have 
done  deeds  of  heroism  as  great  as  even  Montenegro  can 
show.  A  dozen  years  ago  Abdul  Hamid  determined  to 
extirpate  them.  But  the  troops  he  poured  across  the 
mountains  lost  so  many  men,  and  the  resistance  offered 
by  the  mountaineers  was  so  successful  that,  when  the 
Powers,  and  principally  England,  let  the  Sultan  know 
that  Europe  would  not  tolerate  a  wanton  massacre  of 
brave  men,  he  was  probably  well  satisfied  to  say  that  he 
had  been  obliged  to  yield  to  diplomatic  pressure,  and  the 
Zeitoun  Armenians  were  saved. 

Other  communities,  both  Christian  and  Moslem ; 
Yezidis  and  others  unattached  to  any  recognized  cult, 
followers  of  some  dervish  or  Christian  heretic,  are  hidden 
away  and  owe  their  safety  to  their  obscurity  and  in- 
significance. They  are  survivals  who  have  got  into 
backwaters  and  are  out  of  the  main  stream  of  their  race's 
history.  In  Lycia,  in  the  Taurus  mountains,  and  in 
many  other  parts  of  Asia  Minor,  they  are  occasionally 
encountered.  They  have  kept  the  habits  and  customs, 
the  weapons  and  in  many  cases  the  dress  of  their  ancestors. 
The  Holy  Places  of  their  remote  ancestors  in  their  midst 
have  continuously  been  reverenced,  sometimes  under 
Pagan  forms,  sometimes  under  the  form  of  Christian,  and 
later  under  that  of  Mahometan  sanctuaries.  In  the 
province  of  Konia,  at  Sinason,  where  there  are  no  Turks, 
there  is  a  survival  of  ancient  Greek-speaking  people  who 
keep  many  words  and  forms  of  the  ancient  language 
which  modern  Greeks  have  forgotten.  The  same  district 
abounds  in  rock  dwellings.  There  are  still  troglodytes 
with  many  of  the  characteristics  that  are  attributed 
only  to  prehistoric  man. 


One  of  the  most  important  causes  which  contributed 
not  only  to  the  survival  of  isolated  communities,  but  to 
the  impoverishment  of  Asia  Minor  under  Turkish  rule, 
is  to  be  found  in  the  constant  incursions  and  perpetual 
wanderings  of  Asiatic  nomads.  I  propose  to  indicate 
the  more  important  of  these  nomads  and  to  give  such  a 
summary  of  their  condition  as  will  show  that  they  have 
exercised  an  influence  which  has  been  largely  mischievous. 
In  doing  so  I  am  aware  that  I  am  rummaging  amid  the 
debris  of  many  races  and  religions,  in  which  a  careful 
searcher  with  ample  time  and  knowledge  of  the  languages 
and  people  would  make  valuable  discoveries. 


The  nomadic  races  which  migrated  into  Turkey  are 
mainly  four  in  number — Turcomans,  Euruks,  Araplis, 
and  Abdals.  The  Turcomans,  commonly  known  in 
Turkey  as  Tartar] is,  are  numerous  throughout  the 
central  tableland.  Their  supreme  head  is  supposed  by 
his  followers  to  live  in  Korassan,  but  I  am  told  that 
actually  he  resides  in  India  and  is  a  pensioner  of  the 
British  government.  They  profess  a  form  of  religion 
which  can  hardly  be  classed  either  as  Moslem  or  Christian. 
They  acknowledge  the  authority  of  one  hereditary  high 
priest  who,  when  he  reaches  a  village  or  camp,  is  placed 
in  a  tent  apart.  In  this  tent  he  receives  the  confessions 
of  men  and  women.  If  any  man  has  quarrelled  with  his 
neighbour,  he  calls  both  before  him  and  tries  to  induce 
them  to  settle  their  differences  amicably.  If  either 
refuses,  he  has  the  power  of  excommunication,  which  is 
put  into  force  as  follows.  On  the  great  day  of  a  religious 
service,  resembling  either  a  Christian  communion  or  love 
feast,  Agape,  there  are  two  tables  spread,  one  for  the 
married,  the  other  for  the  unmarried.  Each  family  brings 
a  dish  together  with  wine  or  raki  (mastic).  The  dishes 


are  held  by  each  person  providing  them  till  the  priest 
authorizes  his  placing  them  on  the  table.  In  case  the 
priest  does  not  permit  him  to  do  so,  he  or  his  household 
cannot  take  part  in  the  feast,  a  much  dreaded  punish- 
ment, as  it  entails  the  refusal  of  all  intercourse  with  the 
other  members  of  his  tribe.  Before  the  feast  is  eaten  the 
priest  blesses  the  food  and  passes  the  wine  cup  round. 
There  is  no  divorce  amongst  the  Tartar] is,  and  they  can 
only  marry  a  second  wife  in  case  the  first  proves  sterile. 
The  above  practices  look  like  a  remnant  of  Christianity. 
So  also  does  the  fact  that  they  observe  certain  Christian 
saint  days.  But  the  same  people  keep  the  month  of 
Moharrem  as  a  time  of  abstinence,  eating  only  of  lenten 
dishes.  They  do  not,  however,  keep  the  sacred  month  of 
Ramazan,  which  orthodox  Moslems  observe,  though  they 
in  certain  places  profess  to  do  so.  The  priest  or  sub- 
stitute kills  all  the  animals  intended  for  food,  receiving 
a  small  sum  of  money  per  head. 

They  claim  to  be  followers  of  Ali,  the  son-in-law  of 
Mahomet.  Their  tradition  is  that  when  Ali  was  at  death's 
door  he  commissioned  his  sons  to  hand  over  his  body  to 
an  Arab  on  a  black  camel  who  would  call  for  it.  When 
the  body  was  delivered  to  the  Arab,  the  sons,  out  of 
curiosity,  by  taking  a  short  cut,  overtook  the  Arab  and 
to  their  surprise  found  their  father  leading  the  black 
camel.  From  this  and  from  other  traditions  they  con- 
clude that  Ali  was  incarnate  God.  On  the  tenth  day  of 
Moharrem  they  prepare  the  Ashoureh,  small  baked  cakes, 
something  like  the  koliba  by  which  the  orthodox  Greeks 
commemorate  their  dead  after  forty  days. 

Two  of  the  other  nomad  communities  may  be  dis- 
missed as  of  slight  importance :  first,  the  Araplis,  or 
Arablis,  who  are  believed  by  the  population  to  be  of 
African  descent.  They  are  nearly  all  charcoal  burners 
or  wood-cutters ;  and  second,  the  Abdals,  who  are  not 


numerous  and  are  unfavourably  regarded  by  their 

Of  all  the  nomad  races  the  Euruks  are  the  most 
numerous.  They  are  found  in  small  communities 
throughout  central  Asia  Minor,  from  Smyrna  to  Armenia. 
They  consist  of  several  tribes,  of  whom  the  Tekelis  have 
the  best  reputation  for  honesty,  while  the  Chiplis  have 
the  worst  and  are  dreaded  as  thieves  and  generally 
untrustworthy.  It  is  difficult  to  decide  when  the  Euruks 
entered  the  country.  Some  maintain  that  they  are  the 
descendants  of  one  of  the  ancient  autocthonous  races 
which  was  never  subdued.  Whether  this  be  true  or  not, 
it  is  certain  that  their  numbers  increased  greatly  on, 
and  immediately  after,  the  invasion  of  Genghis  Khan  in 
the  first  quarter  of  the  thirteenth  century,  and  again 
after  that  of  Tim  our  at  the  end  of  the  fourteenth. 

The  only  nomads  with  which  Western  Europe  is 
familiar  are  the  Gipsies.  But  they  have  nowhere  been 
sufficiently  numerous  to  constitute  an  element  of  general 
danger.  Many  of  the  nomads  who  came  into  Asia  Minor 
were  vigorous  and  wild  barbarians  from  the  steppes  of 
Central  Asia.  Ignorant  of,  and  unused  to,  agriculture, 
they  treated  the  settlers  who  had  been  under  the  empire 
as  their  lawful  prey.  The  Seljuk  Turks  showed  a  power 
of  assimilating  much  of  the  civilization  possessed  by  the 
people  whom  they  conquered,  but  they  were  either  unable 
or  unwilling  to  check  the  inroads  of  the  Euruks.  They 
probably  made  use  of  them  to  devastate  the  enemy's 
country.  In  presence  of  the  constant  stream  of  nomad 
immigrants,  deterioration  rapidly  ensued.  The  country 
population  was  driven  into  the  towns  or  their  immediate 
neighbourhood  for  protection.  The  great  roads,  which 
the  Romans  and  subsequently  the  Byzantine  rulers  of 
the  empire  had  maintained,  became  unsafe.  Never 
repaired,  they  were  destroyed  by  rainstorms  and  gradually 


perished.  Communication  between  neighbouring  towns 
almost  ceased  to  exist.  Produce  could  not  be  got  to 
market.  Poverty  followed,  and  with  it  knowledge  of  art 
and  literature  perished  and  industry  ceased.  The  people 
fell  back  into  barbarism,  content  to  grow  enough  food 
to  keep  body  and  soul  together. 

The  Euruks  exist  throughout  large  tracts  of  Asia 
Minor,  sometimes  merely  harmless,  driving  small  flocks 
of  sheep  and  living  much  like  our  own  Gipsies,  but  every- 
where justly  regarded  with  distrust  as  thieves  who  reck 
little  of  life.  I  have  a  vivid  recollection  of  seeing  a 
number  of  these  nomads  at,  and  near,  Hierapolis.  The 
ruined  city  is  intensely  interesting  and  suggestive.  Built 
upon  the  slope  of  a  mountain  forming  one  side  of  a 
magnificent  valley  in  a  district  which  the  Europeans  of 
Smyrna  call  the  Anatolian  Switzerland,  its  situation  is 
superb.  Laodicea,  with  its  ruined  theatre  and  deserted 
buildings,  is  distant  some  five  or  six  miles.  Three  or  four 
walled  towns,  absolutely  deserted  and  not  all  even  identi- 
fied, exist  between  Aidin,  the  ancient  Tralles,  and  the 
valley  in  question.  But  Hierapolis  must  have  been  a 
large  and  fashionable  city.  Its  two  noble  theatres  which 
still  remain  were  capable  of  seating  thirty  thousand 
people.  Its  ruined  churches  speak  of  a  time  when  there 
was  a  large  Christian  population.  Indeed  Renan 
asserts  that  even  as  early  as  the  third  century  the 
Christians  formed  a  majority  of  its  population.  The 
chief  attractions  of  the  city  were  its  hot  baths,  whose 
extensive  ruins  suggest  that  it  was  once  a  Roman 
Harrogate  or  Bath.  A  spring  of  hot  water  wells  up  in 
large  volume  which  yet  flows  along  channels  carefully 
constructed  by  the  side  of  some  of  the  principal  streets 
to  the  great  baths.  In  the  course  of  many  centuries  it 
has  deposited  in  these  channels  a  coating  of  limestone 
which  has  raised  the  level  of  the  channel  six  inches  ; 


and  in  another  part  overflows  down  the  rocks  forming 
a  series  of  beautiful  terraces  somewhat  resembling,  though 
on  a  smaller  scale,  the  famous  terraces  of  New  Zealand. 
Everything  bears  witness  that  at  one  time  the  city  was  the 
inland  resort  of  a  well-to-do  population  who  could  afford 
to  spend  time  and  money  amid  luxurious  surroundings. 

The  city  is  now  a  desolation.  Churches,  theatres, 
markets,  baths,  all  of  which  have  been  solidly  built, 
have  fallen  to  ruins  or  have  entirely  perished.  There  is 
not  a  single  habitable  house  ;  not  a  single  resident.  But 
in  the  great  cemetery  there  are  large  tombs  and  sarco- 
phagi, and  among  them  on  my  visit  was  a  temporary 
encampment  of  Euruks.  Most  of  the  tombs  had  been 
broken  open.  Works  of  art  with  valuable  inscriptions 
had  been  destroyed  ;  and  the  explanation  given  was  that 
the  Euruks  had  broken  them  either  out  of  pure  wanton- 
ness or  in  hopes  of  finding  treasure.  The  members  of  our 
party  who  well  knew  the  country  between  Hierapolis  and 
Aidin  agreed  that  to  be  caught  alone  by  these  nomads 
would  certainly  imply  being  robbed  of  everything  and 
killed  in  case  of  resistance  or  even  merely  to  save  possible 
trouble.  In  fact,  they  were  looked  upon  much  as  settlers 
in  Western  America  look  upon  the  savage  Red  Indians, 
as  dangerous  men,  enemies  of  civilization,  and  a  curse 
to  the  country  where  they  are  found. 

It  was  such  nomads  who  completed  the  work  of  destroy- 
ing Anatolian  civilization  which  other  Asiatic  invaders 
had  commenced. 

Among  the  remnants  of  races  which  have  been  driven 
into  isolation  are  three  or  four  communities  who  inhabit 
the  north-west  corner  of  Syria,  the  Lebanon,  Anti- 
Lebanon  and  the  Ansarieh,  the  highland  district  from 
the  Lebanon  to  Alexandretta.  Most  of  the  inhabitants 
are  Shiah  Mahometans  (not  Sunnis  like  the  Turks)  The 


Metuali  number  about  30,000.  It  is  probable  that  the 
fact  that  they  are  not  Sunni  gave  rise  to  the  belief  that 
they  came  from  Persia  where  the  Shiah  sect  is  dominant. 
There  is  also  a  remnant  of  the  Hashashin.  Their  evil 
reputation  has  given  Western  Europe  the  word  assassin, 
on  the  supposition  that  before  killing  their  victims  they 
intoxicated  themselves  with  hashash,  a  species  of  hemp. 
But  by  far  the  most  interesting  of  these  refugees  or  sur- 
vivals in  Syria  are  the  Maronites  and  the  Druses.  The 
first  are  now  Christians  and  in  union  with  the  Church 
of  Rome.  It  is  among  the  second,  or  Druses,  that  the 
most  interesting  traces  of  an  early  race  exist. 


A  century  ago  the  Druses  were  hardly  to  be  found 
outside  the  Lebanon.  During  the  last  three  generations 
great  numbers  migrated  into  the  Hauran,  the  fruitful 
district  around,  but  principally  south,  of  Damascus, 
where  their  numbers  have  largely  increased.  A  not 
inconsiderable  number  have  emigrated  into  Egypt,  since 
native  reports  from  that  country  have  spoken  of  the 
security  for  life  and  property  under  British  rule.  Others 
have  gone  further  afield  and  even  to  America.  As  usual 
in  Turkey  no  trustworthy  statistics  of  their  numbers 
exist,  but  two  American  friends,  who  know  the  Druses 
well  and  reside  in  Syria,  made  an  estimate  of  the  popula- 
tion in  the  autumn  of  1910,  with  the  result  that  they 
found  the  total  number  to  be  225,000,  of  whom  60,000  are 
in  the  Lebanon. 

The  Druses  are  a  fair-haired  Indo- Germanic  people 
who  at  some  early  period  were  driven  into  the  mountains 
of  Lebanon.  I  can  find  no  information  which  appears 
trustworthy  as  to  their  origin.  They  believe  themselves 
to  have  occupied  the  Lebanon  since  Noah's  flood. 
Though  there  is  a  considerable  literature  of  the  Sacred 


Books  of  their  community,  and  though  many  volumes 
have  been  written  about  the  Druses  themselves,  both 
their  religion  and  history  remain  a  mystery.  When 
visited  by  the  famous  Jewish  traveller,  Benjamin  of 
Tudela,  in  1163,  he  found  them  friendly  to  his  people,  but 
"of  no  religion,  and  regarded  by  their  neighbours  as 
heathens."  As  professing  neither  Judaism,  Islam,  nor 
Christianity,  the  description  was  not  unnatural.  At  an 
early  period  the  Druses  seem  to  have  given  refuge  to 
fugitives  of  various  creeds  and  races,  to  Kurds  and  even 
to  Yezidis,  or  Devil  Worshippers.  They  still  continue 
the  practice.  They  profess  to  do  this  on  the  principle 
that  all  men  are  brothers  and  equally  the  sons  of  God. 

In  1019,  Hamze,  a  Persian  mystic,  preached  among 
them,  and  one  of  his  supporters  claimed  to  be  the  incarna- 
tion of  Christ.  Apparently  their  tenets  and  practices 
have  always  been  mysteries.  The  Druses  are  enjoined 
to  keep  their  religion  secret.  They  are  said  to  be  allowed 
to  profess  whatever  faith  is  dominant  in  the  country 
where  they  live.  The  same  statement  is  made,  however, 
in  regard  to  various  sects  of  Dervishes.  While  I  admit 
that  there  are  many  expressions  in  Eastern  philosophies 
which  would  justify  such  a  belief,  I  doubt  very  much 
whether  any  sect  has  formally  adopted  the  proposition 
that  so  long  as  the  spirit  of  religion  is  kept  any  form 
may  be  professed.  But  the  Druses  appear  to  live  up  to  it. 
They  are  ready  to  sprinkle  themselves  with  holy  water 
in  the  Maronite  Church,  or  to  perform  the  Moslem  ablu- 
tions. Prayer,  however,  is  regarded  as  an  insult  to  the 
Creator,  as  attempting  to  interfere  with  the  Divine  Will. 
But  so  entirely  is  the  obligation  to  secrecy  observed  that 
only  a  few  initiated  persons  are  supposed  to  know  the 
secret  doctrines  of  the  sect.  Such  initiated  persons  are 
the  Elect,  and  it  may  well  be  that  they  have  adopted  the 
formulae  of  some  of  the  Dervish  sects  and  believe  that  the 


Elect  are  divine.  They  are  said  to  believe  it  to  be  their 
duty  to  kill  any  uninitiated  person  who  obtains  posses- 
sion of  their  Sacred  Books.  Nevertheless,  such  books 
have  found  their  way  to  Rome  and  elsewhere. 

The  meetings  of  the  Diuses  are  on  Thursday  evenings. 
So  long  as  strangers  are  present  nothing  extraordinary 
takes  place.  The  Koran  is  read  and  not  their  own  Sacred 
Book.  The  opinion  of  their  neighbours  is  that,  if  there 
are  no  strangers  in  their  meetings,  the  lights  are  extin- 
guished and  a  ceremony  takes  place  at  which  the  break- 
ing of  bread  and  the  distribution  of  wine  form  an  essential 
part.  If  true,  this  suggests  a  Christian  origin.  Their 
neighbours,  the  Maronites,  assert  that  on  such  occasions 
there  take  place  orgies  of  an  indescribable  character. 
Churchill,  whose  books  on  the  Druses  still  remain  authori- 
ties on  the  subject,  appears  to  support  this  opinion, 
and  speaks  of  many  of  the  Druses  indulging  in  the  "  dark 
and  unscrupulous  libertinism  of  Darazi,"  a  Druse  heretic 
of  the  eleventh  century.  He  is  careful,  however,  to  point 
out  that  the  majority  of  the  people  follow  the  teaching 
of  Behr-ed-din,  which  is  unobjectionable. 

They  consider  their  community  responsible  for  all  its 
members,  so  that  Druse  beggars  are  unknown.  Many 
traces  of  this  solidarity  and  mutual  interdependence  of 
the  community  exist  in  Turkey.  The  community  is 
responsible  for  the  criminal  acts  of  its  individual  members. 
While  it  exercises  a  tribal  jurisdiction  over  them,  it  also 
is  bound  to  grant  them  protection.  To  those  who  are 
outside  it  constitutes  a  unit. 

Men  of  other  races,  including  Europeans  who  have  lived 
among  the  Druses,  speak  highly  of  their  hospitality.  It 
is  noteworthy,  however,  that  they  do  not  carry  their 
hospitality  to  the  length  of  the  Arab  tribes.  It  does  not 
follow  that  because  a  man  has  shared  their  bread  and  salt 
that  he  will  be  safe  from  attack.  Lord  Carnarvon,  who 


visited  them  in  1861,  speaks  of  the  "  refinement  which 
distinguished  the  conversation  and  manners  of  those 
amongst  the  Druse  chiefs  "  whom  he  met.  The  char- 
acteristic of  the  Druses  which  impressed  me  most  was 
their  self-respect ;  the  absence  of  anything  like  loutish- 
ness  or  gaucherie  in  the  manners  of  peasants  and  chiefs 
alike.  Further  experience  taught  me  that  this  feature 
was  general  throughout  all  the  population  of  the  empire. 
A  man  who,  by  his  manners,  dignity  of  carriage,  natural 
politeness  to  everybody,  was  one  of  the  most  distinguished 
I  have  ever  known  was  my  own  Armenian  head  porter. 
Freedom  from  awkwardness  is  almost  universal  in 
Turkey.  My  late  friend,  General  Blunt,  himself  a  model 
of  charming  manners,  was  fond  of  calling  attention  to  the 
trait  in  question  among  the  poorest  men  in  the  community. 
Even  a  beggar  will  ask  for  a  light  for  his  cigarette  with  as 
much  confidence  and  delicacy  as  would  any  gentleman. 
The  labourer  who  passes  and  observes  that  you  are  in 
want  of  a  light  wilt  offer  it  with  the  like  absence  of 
awkwardness.  In  this  respect  the  General  would  remark, 
the  people  are  more  advanced  in  civilization  than  our  own. 

Nevertheless,  the  self-respect  of  the  Druses  is  not  a 
mere  question  of  manners.  Like  the  Albanians,  they  are 
proud  of  their  families,  of  their  race,  and  of  their  history  ; 
and  like  the  Albanians  they  have  great  names  and 
reputations  among  them  ;  princes,  like  Shehab,  whose 
pedigree  goes  back  to  times  beyond  the  Crusaders,  against 
whom  their  ancestors  fought ;  chiefs  with  long  lines  of 
ancestry  of  which  they  are  as  proud  as  any  sons  of  the 
Crusaders  in  the  West.  English  and  American  residents 
in  Syria,  like  the  Druses,  because  they  are  men,  strong, 
truthful,  trustworthy  and  independent,  because  they  are 
a  fighting  race  and  will  not  cringe  or  lie  before  any  man. 

I  may  conclude  this  notice  of  the  Druses  with  an 
account  of  their  origin  as  given  by  themselves.  It  was 


related  to  me  by  a  trustworthy  Roman  Catholic  who 
resided  in  the  Lebanon  and  knew  them  well.  Their 
version  is,  that  after  the  Noachian  deluge,  all  the  sur- 
vivors lived  in  the  great  garden  of  Paradise  on  and 
around  the  Lebanon.  Centuries  passed,  and  then  Allah 
sent  a  prophet  named  Moses.  Many  followed  him  and 
left  the  garden.  More  centuries  passed,  and  then  a 
greater  prophet  came  from  Allah  named  Jesus.  A  larger 
host  left  the  garden  to  become  His  disciples.  Then  again 
centuries  passed,  and  Allah  sent  the  last  prophet,  Maho- 
met ;  and  so  large  a  host  quitted  the  garder  that  only  a 
remnant  of  the  inhabitants  was  left.  Finally,  Allah 
sent  the  archangel  Gabriel,  who  asked  of  the  elders  why 
they  also  had  not  quitted  the  garden  :  "  Allah  has  sent 
three  great  prophets  ;  why  have  you  not  followed  one  of 
them  ?  "  The  elders  took  counsel  together  and  answered 
the  archangel,  "  Allah  is  Great  and  we  thank  him  for 
sending  the  three  Great  prophets.  But  we  have  no  need 
of  one.  "  Allah  is  sufficient  for  us/' 


The  largest  community  in  the  Lebanon  is  the  Maronites. 
In  the  fourth  century  they  were  monotheletes.  By  this 
name  they  were  distinguished  from  the  monophysites, 
who  claimed  that  Christ  had  only  one  nature  instead  of 
two  as  Christians  generally  hold,  a  divine  and  a  human. 
The  monotheletes  desired  apparently  to  indicate  that, 
whether  there  was  only  one  or  two  natures,  as  to  which 
they  expressed  no  opinion,  there  was  at  least  only  one 
will  or  source  of  action.  The  controversy  was  a  curious 
one,  and  the  class  of  questions  to  which  it  belonged 
remains,  like  extinct  volcanoes,  though  at  one  time  their 
fires  burnt  fiercely.  The  clauses  in  the  Nicene  and 
Athanasian  creeds  in  regard  to  them  have  been  happily 
described  as  the  tombstones  of  buried  heresies.  The 


heresy  of  the  Maronites  separated  them  from  the  other 
Christian  churches.  They  became  a  distinct  community 
perhaps  as  early  as  the  fourth  century,  under  a  certain 
S.  John  Maro,  from  whom  their  name  is  derived. 
Whether  they  aie  a  distinct  community  by  race  is,  how- 
ever, doubtful.  The  evidence  appears  to  me  to  suggest 
that  they  are ;  that,  like  the  Druses,  they  are  the 
remnants  of  an  ancient  race  who  became  isolated  in  the 
mountains  and  developed  on  their  own  lines,  and  were 
persecuted  as  heretics.  When  the  Crusaders  entered  the 
Holy  Land  they  were  ready  to  ally  themselves  with 
Christians  who  were  generally  hostile  to  their  persecutors. 
As  early  as  1182  their  patriarch  admitted  Roman 
supremacy,  and  since  then  they  have  always  been 
Maronite  Catholics.  It  is  claimed  that  they  number 
about  300,000.  During  the  last  century  they  were 
under  special  protection  of  the  French  government,  just 
as  the  Druses  were,  or  at  least  were  supposed  to  be, 
under  that  of  the  British. 


These  Christians  are  found  near  and  around  Bagdad 
and  in  the  country  to  the  north  and  east  of  that  city  as 
far  as,  and  within,  Persia.  Nestorius,  from  whom  the 
name  is  derived,  was  patriarch  of  Constantinople  between 
428  and  431.  His  heresy  is  another  illustration  of  how 
burning  questions  come  to  resemble  burnt-out  volcanoes. 
Very  hot  controversy  raged  about  his  teaching.  As  he 
began  his  short  patriarchate  by  being  a  bitter  persecutor 
of  others,  no  surprise  arises  at  his  being  swept  aside  when 
his  opponents  came  into  power.  His  heresy  consisted 
in  denying  that  Christ  was  born  God,  though  he  taught 
that  God  dwelt  in  Christ.  Hence  he  held  that  though 
Mary  was  the  Mother  of  Christ  she  was  not  the  Mother 
of  God.  Indeed,  the  controversy  raged  about  the  test 


word  ^core/cos,  which  his  followers  would  not  allow  to 
be  used.  It  is  noteworthy  that  his  doctrine  did  not 
prevent  his  accepting  every  article  of  the  Nicene  Creed, 
and  a  recently  discovered  MS.  by  him  tends  to  show 
that  he  was  not  a  Nestorian  !  But  popular  opinion  was 
against  him.  His  teaching  was  declared  heretical,  and 
the  emperor,  Theodosius,  abandoned  him. 

In  the  east  of  the  empire  and  in  Syria  a  Nestorian 
Church  was  formed.  It  had  a  remarkable  history  as  a 
missionary  church,  glories  in  many  martyrs,  and  spread 
Christianity  through  many  countries  in  Central  Asia,  in 
India,  and  Java,  and  even  in  China,  where,  as  may  be 
learned  from  a  long  inscription  given  in  Colonel  Yule's 
"  Marco  Polo  "  as  existing  in  Singanfu,  the  Nestorian 
Church  had  an  extensive  organization.  So  far  as  I  can 
learn  it  has  never  permitted  eikon  worship.  The  decline  of 
the  Church  was  due  to  the  terrible  invasion  of  Tamerlane 
who,  in  1398—1403,  swept  across  Central  Asia  and  into 
Asia  Minor  as  a  veritable  scourge,  destroying  hundreds 
of  Christian  churches.  Since  that  time  the  Nestorians 
have  gradually  become  of  less  importance.  Their  head- 
quarters are  now  around  Lake  Urmia.  Their  patriarch 
lives  at  Koshanes  and  takes  the  title  of  Marshiman.1 
They  number  about  159,000  and  are  now  perhaps  the 
most  ignorant  of  all  the  sects  of  Turkish  Christians. 
Twenty-five  years  ago  I  was  assured  by  a  Nestorian 
bishop  that  no  copy  of  their  liturgy  had  ever  been  printed. 
I  believe  the  honour  of  first  putting  it  into  type  belongs 
to  an  American  missionary.  The  Nestorians  in  Turkey 
are  largely  descendants  of  the  old  Chaldean  race,  and 
their  race  has  been  kept  fairly  pure.  Sometimes  they 
call  their  Church  the  Syrian  and  themselves  Chaldeans. 
But  the  name  Chaldean  Church  is  now  applied  to  those, 

1  The  patriarchate  is  hereditary,  passing  usually  to  a  nephew. 
Lord  Percy  paid  him  a  visit  and  gives  interesting  facts  about  this 
ancient  people.  See  his  "  Highlands  of  Asiatic  Turkey,"  pp.  165-172. 


mostly  town  dwellers,  who  separated  from  the  Nestorian 
Church  and  accepted  the  supremacy  of  Rome.  The  latter 
are  said  to  number  70,000 ;  their  chief,  whose  name  is 
always  Elias,  takes  the  title  of  patriarch  of  Babylon. 

An  Anglican  mission  is  making  a  useful  attempt  to 
improve  the  Nestorian  Church.  It  was  due,  I  believe,  in 
the  first  instance  to  Mr  Athelstan  Riley,  who  was  sup- 
ported hi  his  efforts  by  Archbishop  Benson.  Its  educa- 
tional work  and  the  influence  of  a  singularly  tactful  and 
sympathetic  missionary,  Mr  W.  H.  Browne,  who  died  in 
1910,  have  been  of  great  value.  I  make  only  one  remark 
about  it.  I  do  so  as  an  Englishman  who  cares  little  about 
the  distinctive  dogmas  of  the  churches,  but  wishes  well 
to  all  civilizing  work  done  among  the  Nestorians  who,  from 
circumstances  for  which  they  are  not  responsible,  are 
degraded,  whether  such  work  is  done  by  Anglicans, 
Roman  Catholics  or  non-Episcopal  missionaries.  My 
remark  is,  that  Anglicans  make  a  mistake  in  giving  the 
grossly  ignorant  Nestorian  priests  the  notion  that  because 
they  belong  to  an  Episcopal  Church  and  have  valid 
"  orders  "  they  are  necessarily  superior  to  the  representa- 
tives of  non- Episcopal  churches.  Such  teaching  retards 
Anglican  work,  creates  ill-feeling,  and  is  unjust  to  the 
men  belonging  to  the  non-Episcopal  churches.1 


The  Kizilbashis,  or  "  Red  Heads/'  are  another  people 
distinguished  from  the  ordinary  Moslems  of  Turkey  by 
their  religious  belief  and  practices.  They  are  said  to  be 
Turkish  emigrants  from  Persia  who,  during  the  long  wars 
in  the  sixteenth  century  between  Turkey  and  that 
country,  left  the  latter  and  were  allowed  by  the  Turks  to 

1  The  Quarterly  Paper  of  the  Assyrian  Mission  is  interesting  and  some- 
times amusing,  but  I  have  seen  too  much  of  the  work  of  eastern  priests 
to  give  credit  to  the  stories  of  Chaldean,  that  is,  Uniate,  priests  con- 
stantly intriguing  to  induce  the  Nestorians  to  quit  their  Church. 


settle  in  the  northern  portion  of  Asia  Minor.  Afioum 
Kara  Hissar,  the  "  black  opium  castle,"  for  such  is  the 
meaning  of  the  name,  a  remarkably  strong  position 
which  the  Konia  railway  passes,  may  be  taken  as  the 
southern  limit  of  the  country  occupied  by  the  Kizilbashis. 
A  line  drawn  from  that  town  through  Angora  to  Amasia, 
about  a  hundred  miles  south-west  of  Samsoun,  runs 
through  fertile  plains  largely  occupied  by  them.  They 
profess  Mahometanism,  but  are  exceptionally  tolerant 
towards  the  professors  of  other  religions  and  especially 
towards  Christians.  Their  women  are  unveiled  except 
in  presence  of  the  ordinary  Turk.  They  object  to 
polygamy,  and  are  said  to  have  secret  meetings  in  which 
wine  is  ceremoniously  drunk.  A  former  British  consul, 
who  was  stationed  at  Angora  and  who  knew  the  people 
well,  spoke  of  them  as  superior  in  intelligence  to  the 
ordinary  Turk,  and  was  convinced  that  their  ancestors 
had  been  Christians.  He  spoke  well  of  their  morals, 
of  their  cleanliness,  of  their  trustworthiness  and  of 
their  kindly  help  towards  each  other.  They  are  good 
agriculturists,  and  our  best  apples  and  pears  come  from 
Amasia  where  they  are  grown  by  Kizilbashis.1 

Near  Yuzgat  the  Kizilbashis  are  largely  occupied  in 
the  breeding  of  horses. 

The  Kizilbashis,  if  they  were  Turks  of  origin  who  had 
settled  in  Persia,  a  statement  which  I  take  leave  to  doubt, 
had  possibly  become  influenced  by  the  Shiah  doctrines 
which  have  usually  been  in  favour  of  religious  toleration. 

1  The  local  tradition  is  that  they  owe  their  excellent  fruit  trees  to 
the  English.  The  Levant  company  had  a  factory  at  Angora  which  in 
the  eighteenth  century  was  fairly  nourishing.  There  are  now  no 
Englishmen  residing  in  that  ancient  city,  but  there  are  some  families 
of  Greeks  who  are  proud  of  showing  English  books  which  belonged  to 
their  ancestors,  probably  daughters  of  Englishmen  who  married  Greeks. 
In  passing,  I  may  remark  that  such  marriages  have  frequently  taken 
place  in  many  of  the  seaports  of  the  empire.  The  offspring  are 
naturally  brought  up  as  Greeks,  and  after  the  second  generation  are 
entirely  assimilated  by  the  Greek  community. 


They  call  themselves  Alevi,  that  is,  followers  of  Ali,  a 
fact  which  shows  that  they  wish  to  be  regarded  by  their 
neighbours  as  Moslems.  When  asked  by  a  stranger 
whether  they  are  Moslems  or  Alevi  they  will  probably 
answer,  "  We  are  all  the  slaves  of  Allah."  Their  tradition 
is  that  their  ancestors  came  from  near  Brussa  and  were 
Christians.  When  once  their  confidence  is  gained  by 
a  European  they  are  communicative.  They  hate  the 
ordinary  Moslem  and  are  equally  hated  in  return. 

They  carefully  respect  the  Christian  emblems  found  on 
gravestones  in  their  villages,  emblems  which  are  usually 
defaced  by  the  ordinary  Moslem.  Turkish  neighbours 
declare  that  on  the  occasion  of  certain  Kizilbashi  feasts, 
meetings  are  held  in  a  room  carefully  tiled,  the  doors  of 
which  are  guarded  by  armed  men  who  will  kill  any 
intruder.  Even  their  weekly  assemblies  are  remarkable. 
An  old  Kizilbashi,  who  gave  full  confidence  to  my 
informant,  stated  that  every  Thursday  evening  his  com- 
munity meets  in  one  of  the  large  houses  belonging  to  a 
member.  The  men  occupy  one  side  of  the  room,  the 
women  the  opposite.  At  one  end  stands  a  priest.  The 
assembled  people  then  partake  together  of  their  ordinary 
evening  meal,  and  when  this  is  concluded  the  priest 
intones  an  ancient  hymn,  accompanying  himself  on  a 
kind  of  small  guitar.  Then  one  of  the  men  rises,  takes 
a  cup  and  fills  it  with  wine  from  a  large  earthenware 
jar.  The  man  advances  with  the  full  cup  to  the  priest 
who  tastes  and  blesses  it.  The  man  returns  to  his  place 
and  drinks  the  wine.  Each  of  the  men  and  women 
present  repeat  this  ceremony.  When  all  have  partaken, 
the  meeting  breaks  up  and  each  goes  to  his  own  home. 
The  consul  already  mentioned  was  invited  to  be  present  at 
one  of  the  Thursday  meetings,  but  was  unable  to  remain. 
A  friend,  however,  who  had  frequently  been  present  at 
them  testifies  to  the  truth  of  the  above  statements. 


Thursday  evening  meetings,  ceremonial  supper,  wine  :  all 
this  is  suggestive  of  either  Christian  or  Mithraic  traditions. 


That  there  are  Crypto-Christians  in  Asia  Minor  who 
pass  as  Mahometans  is,  however,  beyond  doubt.  In  the 
year  1904  the  Orthodox  patriarch  had  a  case  which 
attracted  considerable  attention  concerning  some  persons 
in  the  neighbourhood  between  Batoum  and  Trebizond 
who  are  known  as  Stavriotai,  or  followers  of  the  Cross. 
An  Orthodox  priest  was  imprisoned  for  having  read  the 
burial  service  over  one  of  this  sect,  whom  the  authorities 
claimed  to  have  been  a  Moslem.  The  community  of 
Christians  belonging  to  the  Orthodox  Church  who  never- 
theless professed  Islam  was  so  numerous  that  the 
patriarch  threatened  to  resign  if  the  priest  were  not 
released,  and  to  save  the  scandal  of  its  becoming  known 
to  the  world  that  men  were  forcibly  prevented  from  pro- 
fessing themselves  to  be  Christians,  the  Porte  gave  way. 

It  is  stated  that  there  are  some  thirty  thousand 
Stavriotai.  They  openly  profess  Mahometanism.  They 
secretly  practise  Christian  rites.  They  do  not  tolerate 
polygamy  among  them.  When  they  marry  the  ceremony 
is  a  Christian  one,  often  taking  place  in  a  rock-hewn  house 
or  one  underground.  Then  to  keep  up  the  pretence  of 
being  Moslems  they  will  go  through  a  ceremony  in 
Mahometan  form.  A  trustworthy  Greek  tells  me  the 
story  of  his  entering  the  house  of  a  family  which  he  had 
always  taken  to  be  Moslem,  and  rinding  the  table  pro- 
vided in  one  part  with  lenten  food  and  in  another  with 
meat,  he  remarked  on  their  thoughtfulness  in  prepar- 
ing lenten  food  for  him,  but  received  the  reply  that  they 
were  keeping  lent  and  that  the  flesh  meat  was  for  him. 
Later  on  a  mollah  entered  the  house,  and  to  the  visitor's 
surprise  showed  himself  to  be  a  Christian  priest.  When 


one  of  the  sect  dies,  a  Christian  ceremony  takes  place  as 
well  as  the  usual  Moslem  one.  Old  men  in  the  com- 
munity declare  that  half  a  century  ago  their  cryptic 
ceremonies  had  to  be  conducted  with  the  utmost  care, 
but  that  now,  so  long  as  the  men  register  themselves  as 
Moslems  and  are  thus  available  for  military  service, 
nobody  cares  to  inquire  whether  they  are  Christians  at 
heart  or  Moslems. 

Most  of  the  Stavriotai  come  from  Lazistan.  Many  of 
them  are  miners.  Most  of  the  Lazes  are  fanatical 
Moslems,  but  there  are  Christian  Lazes  also  who  are 
interesting.  They,  as  well  as  many  of  the  Stavriotai, 
travel  over  a  considerable  area  to  work  at  mines.  Prob- 
ably the  largest  number  is  to  be  found  at  the  Ak-dagh- 
maden  mines  in  the  vilayet  of  Angora.  They  have  a 
special  bishop,  Orthodox,  of  course,  whose  seat  is  at 
Gumushhana,  the  "  Storehouse  of  Silver/'  who  travels 
far  afield  to  look  after  his  flock,  for  many  are  in  the 
north-east  corner  of  Asia  Minor.  There  are  others,  how- 
ever, engaged  in  mining  not  far  from  Eregli,  beyond 
Konia,  and  in  the  Taurus.  The  corresponding  state  of 
things  in  England  would  be  that  there  should  be  a 
bishop  for  the  Gipsies. 

There  is  no  reason  to  doubt  the  tradition  of  the  Stav- 
riotai that  their  ancestors  had  the  choice  of  accepting 
Mahometanism  or  death.  They  chose  the  first  and  still 
continued  to  be  Christians  at  heart. 

The  Crypto-Christians  of  Turkey  present  almost  virgin 
ground  for  investigation.  I  am  sure  that  it  would  bring 
to  light  many  interesting  facts.  In  speaking  of  them 
with  a  singularly  learned  French  Catholic  priest  who  is 
also  an  archaeologist  and  has  paid  special  attention  to 
the  subject  of  the  forms  of  religion  in  Asia  Minor,  I  threw 
out  the  suggestion  that  possibly  there  was  no  heretical 
sect  in  the  early  Church  which  was  not  now  represented 


in  some  part  of  Turkey.     He  at  once  replied  that  he  had 
arrived  at  a  similar  conviction.     Many  difficulties  would 
have  to  be  dealt  with  by  an  investigator,  amongst  which 
one  of  the  most  serious  would  be  to  distinguish  between 
the  influence  of  ancient  Christian  teaching  and  that  of 
other  faiths,  old  and  new,  derived  from  Persia.     The 
followers  of  Ali,  the  son-in-law  of  Mahomet,  of  whom 
there  are  many  sects,  have  often  adopted  a  teaching 
which  looks  curiously  spiritual.     Many  extracts  might  be 
made  from  their  books  which  would  pass  as  the  utterances 
of  Christian  mystics.     "  Indeed,"  says  a  recent  writer 
who  has  been  fifteen  years  a  missionary  in  Persia,  "  some 
have   supposed   that   the   Ali-Allahi    (believers   in   the 
divinity  of  Ali)  were  once  Christians  who,  when  con- 
quered by  the  Arabs,  substituted  the  name  of  Ali  for 
Jesus  and  afterwards  forgot  their  origin."     The  same 
writer  adds  that  the  Persian  sects  in  question  call  Ali 
"  the  Light  of  God  manifested  in  the  flesh.     He  is  the 
Redeemer."  l    They  also  have  a  ceremony  which  re- 
sembles   a    Christian    communion.     These    and    other 
indications  suggest  that  these  sects,  both  in  Persia  and 
in  Turkey,  had  a  Christian  origin.     But  other  indications, 
such  as  the  adoration  of  Light,  the  symbolic  use  of  fire 
on  the  occasion  of  religious  service,  recall  Zoroaster  and 
Fire  worship.     I  suspect  also  that  there  are  many  traces 
of  Mithraism.     It  is  only  of  recent  years  that  the  wide- 
spread worship  of  Mithras  has  received  attention,   a 
worship  which  so  curiously  resembled  that  of  the  Christian 
Church  that  many  Christian  Fathers,  Tertullian  notably, 
taught  that  the  devil  had  instituted  many  of  its  rites  in 
order  to  travesty  Christianity.     Mithraic  worship,  which 
was  fully  developed  at  least  three  centuries  before  Christ, 
originated  in  Persia,  but  was  more  fully  developed  in 
Asia    Minor.       Careful    examination    might    discover 
1  "  Persian  Life  and  Customs,"  by  the  Rev.  S.  G.  Wilson.     1899. 


whether  the  curious  religious  practice  of  ceremoniously 
drinking  wine  in  some  of  the  sects  regarded  as  Crypto- 
Christian  is  a  survival  of  Mithraism  or  of  Christian 
communion.  While  writing  on  the  subject  I  have  read 
Sir  William  Ramsay's  "  Notes  on  the  Revolution  in 
Turkey,"  published  in  1910,  and  observe  that  he  states 
as  a  "  matter  of  surprise  that  so  little  evidence  remains 
of  the  worship  of  Mithras  in  Asia  Minor."  Yet  he 
mentions  the  discovery  of  an  inscription  by  himself 
which  shows  that  its  ritual  was  familiar  to  the  Phrygian 
people  and  suggests  that  a  fuller  examination  would 
bring  to  light  further  evidence. 

My  own  belief  in  regard  to  Mithraism  is  that  it  will  be 
shown  to  have  played  an  important  part  in  the  history  of 
the  Christian  Church.  Its  followers  were  found  through- 
out southern  Europe  as  well  as  in  Asia  Minor.  The 
emperors  fostered  it  in  the  army  "  as  a  counterpoise  to 
the  influence  of  Christianity."  When  all  subjects  of  the 
empire  were  ordered  to  become  Christian  the  Mithraic 
worshippers  would  find  little  outward  difference  between 
their  old  faith  and  the  new.  Even  the  festival  of  the 
birth  of  Mithras  was  on  the  25th  December.  But  when 
men  change  their  religion  on  compulsion,  their  tendency 
is  to  take  into  their  new  worship  the  practices  to  which 
they  have  been  accustomed,  and  the  Paganism  against 
which  the  Christians  had  to  struggle  was,  I  suspect, 
largely  imported  from  Mithraism. 



General  characteristics  —  Armenian  Church  —  Persecution  of 
Armenians — Cause  of — Abdul  Hamid's  hostility — Massacres  in  1894-7 
— Testimony  of  Daily  Telegraph— Of  Rev.  Ed.  H.  Hepworth— 
Of  Mr  Fitzmaurice — Slaughter  at  Oufra — Massacre  at  Adana  in  1909 

IN  some  respects  the  Armenians  are  the  most  interest- 
ing people  in  Asia  Minor.  They  are  physically 
a  fine  race.  The  men  are  usually  tall,  well  built  and 
powerful.  The  women  have  a  healthy  look  about  them 
which  suggests  good  motherhood.  They  are  an  ancient 
people  of  the  same  Indo-European  race  as  ourselves, 
speaking  an  allied  language.  During  long  centuries 
they  held  their  own  against  Persians,  Arabs,  Turks, 
and  Kurds.  Wherever  they  have  had  a  fighting  chance 
they  proved  their  courage.  In  the  economic  struggle 
for  life  against  alien  races  they  and  the  Jews  have 
managed  to  hold  their  own  ;  but,  unlike  the  Jews,  a 
large  proportion  of  them  have  remained  tillers  of  the 
soil.  In  commerce  they  are  successful  not  only  in  Turkey, 
but  in  Russia,  France,  England,  and  India.  Though 
subject  to  persecution  for  centuries  under  Moslem  rule 
they  have  always,  though  sometimes  after  long  and 
arduous  struggle,  managed  to  make  their  race  respected. 
Notwithstanding  a  long  series  of  massacres,  in  one  of 
the  latest  of  which,  that  under  Abdul  Hamid  in  1894-7, 
probably  at  least  two  hundred  and  fifty  thousand  of 
them  were  killed  or  died  from  exposure,  the  race  has 
continued  to  increase.  It  is  prolific  and  comparatively 



free  from  the  deadly  maladies  of  immorality,  which,/ 
unless  checked,  will  exterminate  the  Turkish  race.  A 
century  and  a  half  ago,  the  Armenian  language  was 
prohibited  in  several  parts  of  Armenia.  The  penalty 
for  speaking  it  was  to  have  the  tongue  torn  out.  Never- 
theless, Armenian  is  still  almost  everywhere  spoken 
by  the  race.  Its  people  are  stiff-necked  and  have  a 
toughness  about  them  which  prevents  their  being 
broken.  They  probably  number  about  four  millions, 
of  whom  two  are  in  Turkey,  one  and  a  half  in  Russia, 
and  the  remainder  dispersed  throughout  the  world. 
They  are  thriving  merchants  in  India  and  Persia,  make 
splendid  agricultural  colonists  in  the  United  States, 
where  there  are  already  three  or  four  considerable  towns 
almost  exclusively  composed  of  them,  and  are  found 
in  almost  every  country  in  Europe. 

Accepting  Christianity  at  an  early  period  their  Church 
has  always  been  jealous  of  outside  interference.  They 
keep  their  own  rites  and  liturgies  and  only  own 
obedience  in  religious  matters  to  their  own  patriarch 
and  catholicos. 

Since  the  conquest  of  Constantinople  by  the  Turks 
they  have  always  been  more  open-minded  than  any 
other  of  the  Christian  races  in  the  empire  in  reference 
to  matters  of  religion.  It  is  generally  said  that  the 
Greeks  will  not  tolerate  a  Roman  Catholic  or  Protest- 
ant missionary,  because  they  consider  any  man  who 
abandons  the  Orthodox  Church  is  a  traitor  to  his  race. 
They  regard  religion  and  nationality,  using  the  latter 
word  in  the  sense  in  which  Turkish  subjects  employ 
it,  as  meaning  the  Millet  or  community  to  which  they 
belong,  as  synonymous.  But  while  the  Armenian  is 
proud  of  his  Millet  and  does  not  look  kindly  on  a  man  who 
changes  his  religion,  he  does  not  consider  that  it  should 
prevent  him  inquiring  into  the  truth  of  other  forms 


of  Christianity,  or  adopting  one  of  them  if  he  likes.  In 
the  sixteenth  century  the  Armenian  Church  dignitaries 
corresponded  with  Erasmus  and  Melancthon  and  other 
reformers.  The  Jesuits  and  early  Roman  Catholic 
missionaries  in  Asia  Minor  are  said  to  have  used  this  fact 
against  them,  and  persuaded  the  Porte  that  for  Armenians 
to  treat  with  such  foreigners  was  treason  to  the  State. 

When,  in  the  eighteenth  century,  Catholic  missionaries 
endeavoured  to  make  converts  among  the  Armenians 
they  met  with  considerable  success.  The  absence 
of  living  and  visible  force  in  the  Ancient  Church  no 
doubt  greatly  aided  them.  The  converts  were  formed 
into  a  Uniat  Community,  known  as  the  Armenian  Catholic 
Church.  The  first  Armenian  Catholic  patriarch  was 
recognized  by  the  Roman  Church  in  1742.  Its 
adherents  are  more  numerous  in  the  towns  than  in  the 
country.  Their  patriarch  has  virtually  the  same  powers 
and  his  Church  the  same  system  of  church  organization 
as  the  great  majority  of  their  countrymen  possess  in  the 
Ancient  Church.  The  advantage  which  the  Armenian 
Catholics  possess  is  that,  being  in  union  with  the  great 
Latin  Church,  they  find  co-religionists  and  places  of 
worship  wherever  they  go.  They  would  add,  of  course, 
that  they  are  members  of  the  only  true  Church.  Some 
at  least  of  their  opponents  suggest  that  the  greatest 
of  their  advantages  was  that,  on  becoming  Catholics, 
they  obtained  protection  from  France  or  Austria,  which 
claimed  the  right  of  protecting  those  who  acknowledged 
Rome.  But  I  see  no  reason  to  doubt  that  the  great 
majority  of  converts  were  actuated  by  honest  conviction. 
It  may  be  added  that  some  of  the  Armenian  Catholics 
have  a  tendency  to  get  rid  of  their  racial  character  and 
give  the  impression  that  they  do  not  like  it  to  be  known 
that  they  are  Armenians.  Whether  it  is  an  advantage  or 
not  that  all  Christians  should  be  merged  in  one  Church  and 


lose  their  national  or  race  feeling  is  a  fair  subject  for 
difference  of  opinion. 

The  American  Protestant  missionaries  have  also 
met  with  success  among  the  Armenians.  Protestant 
communities  exist  among  them  throughout  the  empire. 
In  the  massacres  of  Adana  in  April  and  May  1909, 
where  Protestants,  ordinary  or  Gregorian  Armenians 
and  Catholic  Armenians  were  slaughtered  indiscrimi- 
nately by  the  fanatical  mob,  twenty-two  Protestant 
pastors  were  murdered. 

Whatever  may  have  been  the  doctrine  and  the  practice 
among  the  early  American  missionaries,  their  teaching 
and  method  of  conducting  their  missions  during  the 
last  twenty  years  have  tended  not  so  much  to  make  con- 
verts as  to  act  as  a  useful  leaven  upon  the  population 
around  the  missions,  especially  the  part  of  it  professing 
Christianity.  The  Eastern  Christian  Churches  generally 
had  become  almost  useless  as  institutions  for  religious 
or  moral  teaching.  Sermons  were  unknown.  The 
American  missionaries  have  infused  into  the  ancient 
Armenian  Church  a  spirit  of  piety  as  understood  in  the 
Churches  of  the  West,  which  was  almost  unknown.  The 
Armenians  have  seen  from  the  teaching  in  the  American) 
schools,  and  from  preaching  in  which  attacks  upon  thof 
Ancient  Church  are  carefully  avoided,  that  there  is  no 
desire  to  make  proselytes.  Their  confidence  has  been 
obtained.  In  many  places,  priests  and  the  heads  of  the 
Ancient  Church  work  harmoniously  with  the  American 
missionaries.  Men  and  women  attend  their  preaching 
but  attend  also  the  Ancient  Church.  A  Methodist 
Episcopal  missionary  declared,  thirty  years  ago,  his 
preference  for  this  kind  of  co-operation.  "  Why,"  he 
asked,  "  should  men  be  asked  to  leave  the  church  of 
their  father  ?  "  He  assimilated  the  practice  followed 
by  him  and  others  to  that  established  with  the  approval 


of  Wesley  when  his  followers  went  to  the  Established 
Church  for  the  sacraments  but  to  the  preaching  for 
religious  instruction.  Of  course  it  happens  when  a 
priest  is  notoriously  immoral  or  stupid  that  a  separate 
community  is  formed.  But  in  many  places  Armenian 
priests  have  been  present  at,  and  have  taken  part  in, 
Protestant  services.  In  like  manner  Protestant  mission- 
aries are  often  invited  and  preach  in  Armenian  churches. 
My  own  impression  is  that  the  American  leaven  has 
worked  excellently,  that  a  reform,  religious  awakening, 
an  improvement — call  it  what  you  will — has  been  and  is 
being  effected  among  the  Armenians  of  a  valuable 

The  Armenians  still  keep  the  iconoclastic  spirit.  They 
object  to  pictures  in  their  churches  except  one  which 
is  usually  of  the  Virgin  and  Child  placed  over  the  altar. 
Sometimes,  however,  small  eikons  or  even  bas-reliefs 
are  placed  on  the  altar,  but  in  order  that  they  shall  not 
be  confounded  with  ordinary  eikons,  they  are  specially 
dedicated  for  church  use.  The  absence  of  eikons  in 
church  or  even  of  a  screen  or  iconostasis  is  noticeable. 
Nor  do  they  keep  them  in  their  houses.  The  practice  in 
the  Greek  Church  of  kissing  the  eikons  is  neither  pleasant 
nor  edifying.  Prelates  and  superior  persons  may  say 
what  they  like  in  its  defence,  but  they  will  never  persuade 
independent  observers  that  the  mass  of  poor  worshippers 
do  not  regard  the  pictures  themselves  as  possessing  a 
miraculous  virtue.  The  practice  is  a  survival  of,  or  a 
reversion  to,  fetishism.  The  Armenian  Church  has  never 
encouraged  it. 

I  believe  the  Armenian  race  to  be  the  most  artistic  in 
Turkey.  Many  paint  well  and  some  have  made  a  reputa- 
tion in  Russia  and  France.  Amateur  painting  is  so 
general  as  to  suggest  that  the  race  has  a  natural  taste  for 
art.  The  picture  gallery  on  the  Island  of  San  Lazzaro 


at  Venice,  where  (as  also  in  Vienna)  there  is  a  convent 
of  Armenian  Catholics  known  from  the  founder  as 
Mechitarists,  contains  many  works  of  art  by  Armenians 
which  won  the  approval  of  Ruskin.  I  can  only  judge  of 
the  Armenian  love  for  music  from  the  fact  that  nearly 
every  family  which  can  afford  a  piano  has  one  upon  which 
its  members  often  play  well,  and  that  excellent  choirs 
of  Armenian  singers  come  occasionally  to  the  capital. 
Every  observer  notes  that  our  best  native  companies  of 
actors  are  Armenians. 

The  National  Church  of  the  Armenians  is  sometimes 
spoken  of  as  the  Gregorian,  because  the  conversion  of 
the  nation  was  largely  due  to  Gregory  the  Parthian, 
known  as  "  the  Illuminator/'  whose  great  work  was 
accomplished  in  301,  when  Christianity  was  adopted  as 
the  established  religion.  The  kingdom  of  Armenia  was 
thus  the  first  state  to  erect  Christianity  into  the  national 
faith.  The  Church  adopted  only  the  decisions  of  the  three 
Great  Councils — of  Nicaea  (325),  Constantinople  (381),  and 
Ephesus  (431) — as  against  the  seven  recognized  by  the 
Orthodox  Church.  Its  history  is  a  long  martyrology. 
In  later  years,  persecuted  by  the  Persians,  nearly  isolated 
from  other  countries  where  Christianity  had  begun  to 
spread,  notably  in  Phrygia,  the  Armenians  developed  the 
Church  on  national  lines.  Amid  many  changes,  it  has 
always  had  a  powerful  hold  over  the  race.  Armenians 
felt  the  influence  of  Hellenism  very  slightly.  They  were 
always  iconoclasts  with  a  strong  conviction  in  favour 
of  Monotheism :  their  religion  never  showed  much 
tendency  to  adopt  the  practices  of  Paganism  which  had 
something  like  a  fascination  for  the  Greek  race. 

The  Armenian  patriarch  has  no  territorial  title,  but  is 
called  "  Patriarch  of  all  the  Armenians/'  While  the 
government  of  the  Church  is  in  his  hands,  aided  by  his 
council,  the  spiritual  head  is  the  Catholicos,  who  resides 


at  Etchmiadzin.  Although  the  majority  of  Armenians 
in  Turkey  are  found  in  Armenia,  there  is  no  province 
or  important  city  in  the  empire  which  is  without  them. 
Everywhere  they  seem  to  be  successful.  They  have 
great  mental  capacity.  The  Greeks  may  excel  them 
in  quickness  of  perception  and  vivacity  but  the  Armenian 
has  a  steadiness,  a  thought  fulness,  and  a  canniness  about 
him  which  is  of  value.  Armenians  and  Greeks  have 
furnished  the  brain  of  the  Turkish  empire  during  the  last 
two  centuries.  Those  who  have  known  Turkey  during 
the  last  thirty  years  will  readily  recall,  not  to  mention 
living  men,  the  names  of  a  host  of  able  public  servants. 
Medical  men,  advocates,  teachers,  managing  clerks, 
belonging  to  the  race  abound  and  have  the  confidence 
of  natives  and  foreigners. 

And  yet  this  race,  which  in  religion  has  never  been 
aggressive,  and  which  under  Turkish  rule  only  asked  for 
the  protection  of  life  and  property  and  desired  to  live  at 
peace  with  its  Moslem  neighbours,  was  during  the  reign  of 
Abdul  Hamid  so  fiercely  persecuted  as  to  lead  many  to 
suppose  an  intention  to  exterminate  all  who  belonged  to  it. 

The  causes  of  the  massacres  in  Armenia  in  1894-7 
were  mainly  four.  All  of  them  had  been  in  operation 
for  years.  There  was  first,  a  traditional  feeling  among 
their  Moslem  neighbours  that  they  had  the  right  to 
plunder  Christians  ;  second,  the  superior  industry  and 
thrift  of  the  Armenians,  which  had  enabled  them  to 
acquire  land  and  become  generally  wealthier  than  their 
neighbours,  who  thus  coveted  their  possessions  ;  third, 
their  superiority  in  intelligence,  due  to  their  thirst  for 
instruction  which  had  induced  them  to  be  less  tolerant 
than  they  had  formerly  been  of  periodical  robbery  and 
outrages  upon  their  wives  and  daughters.  In  other 
words  education  had  fostered  the  desire  to  be  free. 


Lastly,  a  series  of  petty  persecutions  by  their  Moslem 
neighbours,  especially  by  the  Kurds,  and  the  impossi- 
bility of  obtaining  redress.  These  causes  led  to  the 
emigration  of  many  Armenians  to  Russia  and  America, 
and  to  the  formation  of  revolutionary  committees  out- 
side Turkey.  In  despair  of  obtaining  redress,  a  few 
Armenians  within  the  empire  joined  these  committees. 
These  bodies  gave  Abdul  Hamid  the  excuse  for  massacre. 

The  idea  of  the  foreign  committees  appears  to  have 
been  the  very  dangerous  one  that,  by  promoting  disorder 
in  the  country,  the  Turks  would  be  certain  to  commit 
barbarities  and  then  Europe  would  intervene  in  favour 
of  their  people.  Many  members  of  the  foreign  revolu- 
tionary committees  entered  Armenia  from  Russia  and 
provoked  disorder.  As  Europe  did  not  do  more  than 
lodge  protests,  as  in  particular  Russia  was  unwilling  to 
enter  the  country,  the  Sultan  and  his  gang  considered 
that  they  had  a  free  hand. 

The  Sultan,  in  a  hundred  ways,  had  shown  his  dislike 
of  the  Armenians.  He  had  closed  schools  wherever 
possible.  He  had  prohibited  the  entry  into  the  country 
of  all  books  which  could  in  any  way  feed  the  aspirations 
of  the  Armenian  people.  If  a  geography  for  schools  even 
mentioned  the  word  Armenia  it  was  not  allowed  to  enter. 
Armenian  newspapers  were  even  more  strictly  censored 
than  those  in  other  languages.  School  teachers  in 
particular  were  regarded  with  suspicion  and  were 
arrested  on  the  slightest  pretext  or  without  pretext.  It 
was  impossible  for  an  Armenian  to  obtain  justice  in 
the  law  courts  if  one  of  the  parties  were  Moslem. 
Arbitrary  government  showed  itself  in  Armenia  at  its 
worst.  Wholesale  arrests,  imprisonment  without  trial, 
tortures  of  the  most  horrible  character  which  the  in- 
genuity of  savages  could  devise  in  order  to  extort  evidence, 
public  executions,  private  murders  in  the  prisons,  the 


veriest  pandemonium  which  the  nineteenth  century 
could  show,  were  all  displayed  to  the  world  before  the 
massacres  of  1895  commenced.  Abdul  Hamid  knew  of 
these  outrages  and  justified  them.  I  remember  a  story 
which  Sir  Philip  Currie  told  me  in  1894.  He  had  re- 
ceived news  from  a  Consul  in  Armenia  of  the  arrest, 
imprisonment  and  torture  of  sixty  persons  in  a  village 
where  a  Moslem  had  been  killed.  He  went  to  see  the 
Sultan  and  to  ask  that  they  should  be  released.  Abdul 
Hamid  replied  "  but  a  Moslem  has  been  killed/'  and  this 
with  an  air,  said  Sir  Philip,  as  if  to  say  "  you  can't  object 
to  imprisoning  the  whole  lot  when  you  remember  that." 
Our  Ambassador  explained  that  in  civilized  countries, 
the  murderer  would  be  sought  out  and  punished.  It  was 
useless  to  try  and  persuade  Abdul  Hamid  that  order  could 
be  maintained  by  limiting  the  action  of  his  servants  in 
that  fashion  when  Armenians  were  concerned. 

Shortly  afterwards  came  the  massacres.  By  Abdul 
Hamid's  orders  Moslem  fanaticism  was  inflamed ; 
Moslem  cupidity  was  given  a  free  hand  and  the  barbarous 
masses  were  encouraged  to  enrich  themselves  and  prove 
their  fidelity  to  their  faith  by  robbing  and  killing  their 
Christian  neighbours.  The  massacres  were  carefully 
organized.  Messengers  were  sent  from  the  capital  to 
each  of  the  large  towns.  They  gathered  the  Moslems 
in  the  largest  mosque,  harangued  them  as  to  their  duty 
to  their  sovereign  and  religion,  and  urged  them  on  the 
following  day  to  pillage.  As  I  elsewhere  mention,  these 
messengers  of  evil  were  sometimes  stoutly  opposed  in 
the  mosques  themselves  by  good  Moslems,  whose  sense 
of  what  was  right  led  them  to  protest  against  the  proposed 
horrors  as  outrages  on  their  own  religion.  Unhappily 
such  protests  were  rare,  and  when  made  little  heeded. 
On  the  day  following  the  meeting  in  the  mosque  the 
horrors  commenced  by  sound  of  trumpet. 


I  have  no  intention  of  re-telling  the  hideous  story  of 
that  terrible  time.  I  denounced  the  illegal  imprison- 
ments, the  unjust  executions,  the  brutal  tortures,  the 
utterly  and  inexpressible  stupidity  of  Abdul  Hamid's 
government  in  Armenia.  But  I  also  denounced  the 
sending  of  revolutionary  agents  to  provoke  insurrection 
and  this  on  the  sole  ground  that  the  Armenians  would 
and  could  have  no  chance  of  success.  I  knew  generally 
what  the  palace  gang  was  capable  of,  though  I  had  not 
then  fathomed  the  depths  of  savagery  in  them.  Instead 
of  recalling  what  I  myself  wrote  about  the  outrages 
in  Aimenia,  I  may  summon  certain  witnesses  whose 
testimony  will  not  be  suspected.  The  Special  Com- 
missioner of  the  Daily  Telegraph  in  Armenia  on  April  2, 
1895,  telegraphed  a  long  dispatch  from  which  I  take 
the  following  statements  ;  "  The  Armenian  population 
throughout  the  entire  country  are  exhibiting  a  marvellous 
degree  of  patience  under  treatment  which  would  rouse 
any  other  people  to  open  rebellion.  The  mischievous 
remarks  of  people  writing  from  Tiflis  concerning  the 
workings  of  a  secret  society,  and  so  forth,  are  utterly 
devoid  of  truth.  There  is  no  secret  society  worthy  the 
name  in  Armenia  now.  The  Armenians  are  incapable 
of  guarding  secrets  or  of  being  welded  into  a  powerful 
organization ;  and  the  revolutionary  plans  talked  of 
are  a  mirage  of  the  brain  ;  but  the  injustice  and  oppres- 
sion of  which  the  Armenian  people  are  the  victims  would 
change  the  most  loyal  of  Europeans  into  rebels.  Women 
are  being  constantly  insulted,  assaulted,  and  dishonoured ; 
property  is  being  seized  by  violence  ;  men,  women,  and 
children  struck,  wounded,  and  killed ;  and  Christ's 
religion  publicly  reviled.  Those  who  dare  to  complain 
are  imprisoned,  and  the  highest  officials  who  enjoy  the 
Sultan's  confidence  offer  the  very  worst  example.  Every 
day  I  see  property  of  Christian  merchants  publicly 


taken  away  by  Mohammedans,  and  when  these  helpless 
people  kept  their  shops  closed  to  avoid  pillage  the 
Governor-general  himself  ordered  them  to  be  opened. 

"  Two  days  ago  three  Armenian  ladies  came  to  me  for 
protection.  They  did  not  fear  death,  they  said,  but  only 
dishonour,  and  they  had  been  told  by  Turkish  officers 
that  when  the  riot  began  each  one  of  them  would  be 
handed  to  certain  officers  who  had  marked  them  for 
their  own.  The  female  teachers  of  an  Armenian  Pro- 
testant school  at  Erzeroum  took  refuge  with  the 
American  missionary's  family,  as  they  were  all  too  much 
alarmed  to  spend  the  night  in  the  school-house. 

"  The  collection  of  taxes  offers  opportunity  for  exac- 
tion and  nameless  injustice.  I  am  enabled  to  state 
as  an  absolute  fact  that  the  governmental  tax-gatherers 
are  no  longer  satisfied  with  the  money  due  to  the  treasury, 
or  the  usual  bribes  for  themselves,  but  indulge  in  wanton 
cruelties  such  as  tying  men  to  posts,  flogging  them, 
rubbing  fresh  manure  into  their  eyes,  nose,  mouth,  and 
ears  ;  slowly  pouring  cold  water  over  them  while  they 
stand  naked  in  snow  ;  and  forcing  them  to  walk  barefoot 
over  sharp  thorn  bushes." 

My  object  in  making  the  above  quotation  is  to  show, 
(i)  that  the  influence  of  the  foreign  revolutionary  com- 
mittees was  greatly  exaggerated,  (2)  that  the  Armenians 
were  enduring  suffering  which  would  have  fully  justified 
revolt  if  revolt  had  the  slightest  chance  of  success. 

My  second  witness  is  one  of  quite  exceptional  quality. 
The  Rev.  Geo.  H.  Hepworth  is  a  Presbyterian  clergy- 
man greatly  respected  in  the  United  States,  who  has 
turned  his  attention  largely  to  journalism.  He  was  sent 
to  Armenia  with  two  others  by  Mr  Bennett  of  the  New 
York  Herald.  The  Sultan  had  stipulated  with  Mr  Bennett 
that  Mr  Hepworth  should  be  accompanied  by  Mr  Sidney 
Whitman,  with  whom  he  had  personal  relations  and  in 


whom  he  had  great  confidence.1  The  party  was  accom- 
panied by  three  of  the  Sultan's  aides-de-camp  and  a 
secretary.  Mr  Hepworth  remarks  that  no  other  repre- 
sentatives of  the  press  had  been  allowed  to  make  the 
proposed  journey.  I  have  never  met  Mr  Hepworth 
but  I  recall  that  when  it  was  known  in  Constantinople 
that  the  correspondents  of  the  New  York  Herald  were  thus 
sent  off  to  make  an  inquiry  under  the  special  protection 
of  the  palace  we  concluded  that  Abdul  was  at  his  old 
trick  of  trying  to  deceive  Europeans,  and  beyond  all 
doubt  this  was  so.  But  Mr  Hepworth  in  his  preface 
tells  us  that  from  the  first  he  determined  to  be  impartial. 
He  kept  his  promise  and  his  book  indicates  a  clear-headed, 
high-minded  and  trustworthy  man  with  eyes  to  see  and 
with  will  to  resist  all  temptation  to  pervert  truth  and  for 
this  reason  it  affords  invaluable  evidence. 

I  select  certain  passages  from  his  admirable,  because 
impartial,  account.  "It  is  one  thing,"  says  he,  "  to 
read  about  the  tragedy,  the  stupid  blundering  tragedy, 
when  you  are  seated  in  your  easy-chair,  thousands 
of  miles  away,  but  a  very  different  thing  to  look  into  the 
wan  and  wrinkled  faces  of  women  whose  homes  have  been 
broken  up,  and  who  were  compelled  to  fly  to  the  moun- 
tains amid  the  snows  of  winter  in  order  to  save  themselves 
and  their  children,  while  their  husbands  and  fathers  lay 
dead  under  the  deserted  roof."  2 

As  I  have  already  written,  some  of  the  Armenians  were 
worried  into  rebellion  by  the  attacks  made  upon  them 
by  the  Kurds,  attacks  which  brought  in  revolutionary 
agents  from  Russia.  This  is  how  Mr  Hepworth  states 
the  matter.  "  When  I  say  that  the  Armenian  massacres 
were  caused  by  Armenian  revolutionists,  I  tell  a  truth, 

1 "  Through  Armenia  on  Horseback,"  by  the  Rev.  Geo.  H.  Hepworth, 
Isbister  &  Co.,  London  1898. 
8  Page  129. 


and  a  very  important  truth,  but  it  is  not  the  whole  truth. 
It  would  be  more  correct  to  say  that  the  presence  of  the 
revolutionists  gave  occasion  and  excuse  for  the  massacres. 
That  the  Turks  were  looking  for  anioccasion  and  an  excuse, 
no  one  can  doubt  who  has  traversed  that  country. 

"  Way  down  in  the  bottom  of  his  heart,  the  Turk 
hates  the  Armenian.  He  will  swear  to  the  contrary,  but 
I  am  convinced  that  the  statement  is  true  nevertheless. 
The  reasons  for  this  are  abundant,  as  I  have  tried  to 
show  in  other  chapters  of  this  book.  The  Turk  is  ex- 
tremely jealous  of  the  Armenian,  jealous  of  his  mental 
superiority,  of  his  thrift  and  business  enterprize.  He  has 
therefore  resorted  to  oppression,  and  his  steady  purpose 
has  been  and  is  now,  to  keep  his  victims  poor.  Equal 
opportunities  for  all  are  a  delusion  and  a  snare.  They 
do  not  exist,  and  it  is  not  intended  that  they  shall  exist. 
If  the  Turk  could  have  his  own  way,  unhampered  by  the 
public  opinion  of  Europe,  there  would  neither  be  an 
Armenian  nor  a  missionary  in  Anatolia  at  the  end  of 
twenty  years,  for  both  are  equally  obnoxious. 

"  If  you  put  an  Armenian  and  a  Turk  side  by  side  in 
a  village  it  will  hardly  be  twelve  months  before  the  Turk 
will  retire  impoverished  because  the  Armenian  has 
absorbed  the  business.  The  Turk  has  conquered  the 
Armenian  by  force  of  arms,  but  the  Armenian  has  the 
better  of  the  Turk  by  force  of  brains.  Up  to  the  time  of 
the  recent  massacres  the  Turk  was  continually  losing 
money,  while  the  Armenian  grew  richer  every  day." 

As  to  the  numbers  killed,  Mr  Hepworth's  statement 
may  be  compared  with  that  of  Sir  William  Ramsay. 
Each  statement  is  that  of  an  honest  observer,  but  that 
of  Sir  William  is  by  a  man  who  has  known  the  country  for 
a  quarter  of  a  century.  Mr  Hep  worth  says  "  It  would  be 
a  moderate  estimate  to  say  that  fifty  thousand  have 
been  killed.  These  victims  were  mostly  heads  of 


families/' l  Sir  William  says,  "  Abdul  Hamid  has  a 
fair  claim  to  rank  among  the  greatest  destroyers  of 
human  kind  that  have  ever  stained  the  pages  of  history. 
Responsible  for  half  a  million  deaths,  a  still  larger  number 
who  have  suffered  permanently  from  destitution,  torture, 
mutilation,  loss  of  property,  of  honour,  etc.  He  can  vie 
with  Mongols  like  Tamarlane.  .  .  .  Not  one  spark  of 
any  grand  or  great  quality  illumined  his  life  or  ennobled 
his  fall."  2 

Mr  Hep  worth  renders  homage  to  the  "  marvellous 
heroism  of  the  Armenians  in  the  heart-rending  ordeal 
through  which  they  passed."  They  met  their  doom 
"  with  the  true  and  indomitable  spirit  of  martyrdom  and 
were  as  noble  in  their  deaths  as  they  were  faithful  in  their 
lives."  In  exceptional  instances  they  renounced  their 
religion  to  save  their  lives,  but,  adds  the  writer,  "  Let 
those  who  think  they  would  prefer  to  have  their  skulls 
broken  with  a  club  blame  the  people  of  Birejik  if  they 
choose  to  do  so — I  can  only  say  that  I  myself  dare  not 
do  it."  3  "  Think  of  women,"  says  he,  "  holding  their 
honour  at  such  a  price  that  they  deliberately  leaped  from 
the  bank  of  the  Euphrates  and  sank  beneath  the  raging 
torrent  rather  than  submit  to  the  lust  of  the  Kurd.  Can 
the  old  days  of  persecution  furnish  nobler  examples 
of  self-sacrifice  than  these  ?  "  4  He  raised  his  hat  to 
their  honour  as  he  passed  the  place  from  which  they 
threw  themselves. 

For  myself  I  will  remark  that  while  I  recounted 
several  instances  of  self-sacrifice  in  a  letter  to  the  Daily 
News  which  I  headed  with  the  phrase  "  The  Noble  Army 
of  Martyrs  praise  Thee,"  I  wish  with  all  my  heart  that 
the  Armenians  had  not  submitted  so  readily  to  death. 
An  Englishman  who  was  present  at  one  of  the  massacres, 

1  Page  344.  3  Page  163. 

*  "  Diary  in  1909-10,"  p.  140.  *  Page  164. 


I  think  in  Trebizond,  expressed  his  opinion  very  con- 
fidently that  had  there  been  a  score  of  fighting  roughs 
from  the  east  end  of  London,  or  from  the  western  states 
of  America,  they  could  have  organized  a  resistance  which 
would  have  prevented  many  of  the  worst  outrages.  It 
was  because  the  victims  submitted  too  readily  that  the 
blood-thirsty  and  cowardly  scum  of  the  Moslem  popula- 
tion were  encouraged  to  a  profitable  slaughter  which 
entailed  no  risk  to  themselves.  The  attitude  of  turning 
the  other  cheek  is  not  suitable  for  such  occasions.  Still, 
we  must  not  forget  that  these  people  were  unused  to 
arms  and  were  in  most  cases  without  weapons,  while 
their  opponents  were  well  armed. 

The  alternative  presented  to  the  Armenians  was  a 
dreadful  one,  says  Mr  Hep  worth,  "  turn  Moslems  or  be 
exterminated.  .  .  .  The  poor  fellows  at  Birejik  looked 
into  the  faces  of  their  wives  and  children  whose  fate 
depended  on  their  decision.  It  was  a  tragic  scene  and 
tragic  moment.  Their  brethren  in  other  parts  were  being 
murdered  by  hundreds.  The  cemeteries  were  glutted 
with  victims.  They  surrendered  and  saved  their  lives/' 
I  have  marked  many  other  passages  but  refrain.  The 
writer  speaks  of  torture  as  to  which  he  had  trustworthy 
evidence,  of  the  savagery  of  the  Kurds,  of  the  impossi- 
bility for  an  Armenian  to  obtain  justice  in  the  law  courts, 
of  the  practice  of  buying  the  judges  and  of  the  absence 
of  roads. 

The  last  witness  I  will  call  is  at  the  present  time  the 
chief  dragoman  at  the  British  Embassy  in  Constantinople, 
Mr  Fitzmaurice.  The  whole  of  his  reports  dealing  with 
the  troubles  in  Armenia  during  1895-6  are  of  value,  as 
narratives  by  a  keen  observer  who  has  long  been  known 
for  his  skill  in  gaining  the  confidence  of  Moslems  and 
Christians  alike  and  for  his  habitual  good  faith.  In 
February  1896,  the  Sultan  at  the  demand  of  Sir  Philip 


Currie  consented  to  allow  Mr  Fitzmaurice  to  go  to 
Birejik  and  elsewhere  in  Armenia,  to  inquire  on  behalf 
of  the  British  government  into  the  conversions  from 
Christianity  to  Islamism.  His  story  on  the  subject  is  a 
terrible  one.  It  is  contained  in  a  report  dated  5th  March 
i8g6.1  The  Turkish  officer  in  Birejik  had  asked  the 
Christians  to  surrender  their  arms  "  otherwise  he  could 
not  protect  them."  All  the  arms  they  had  were  sent  to 
Government  House.  The  Moslem  mob  was  excited 
against  the  Kaimakan,  reproached  him  "  as  an  un- 
circumcised  infidel,  with  protecting  Christians,  and  with 
concealing  the  sultan's  orders  for  their  extermination." 
Then  the  mob  took  the  matter  into  its  own  hands.  The 
major  in  charge  of  the  troops  refused  to  protect  the 
Christians.  Every  Armenian  house  whether  belonging  to 
Gregorian,  Roman  Catholic  or  Protestant,  was  pillaged, 
ruined  and  desecrated.  Here,  as  happened  in  certain 
other  places,  a  kindly  Moslem  of  good  position  tried  to 
protect  the  Christians.  He  begged  the  major  "  with 
tears  in  his  eyes  "  to  give  him  a  few  soldiers  to  go  up  and 
help  to  save  what  he  could.  His  request  was  refused. 

The  Christians  were  surrounded ;  many  killed  ;  all 
were  menaced  with  death  as  they  left  a  large  building 
where  they  had  taken  refuge.  Their  position  was  hopeless 
when  a  woman  ascended  the  roof  and,  holding  a  white 
flag,  declared  that  all  within  it  had  become  mussulmans. 
As  Mr  Fitzmaurice  says,  "  they  accepted  Islam  to  save 
their  lives,  to  save  themselves  from  certain  death." 

The  official  report  prepared  by  the  Turkish  officials, 
which  represented  the  conversions  as  voluntary,  was  a 
huge  lie.  Even  when  Mr  Fitzmaurice  was  there,  the 
population  was  determined  to  kill  any  convert  who 
renounced  Islam. 

On  the  1 6th  March  1896,  an  even  more  gruesome  story 

1  "Blue  Book,"  Turkey  No.  5,  1896. 


was  told  by  Mr  Fitzmaurice.  He  wrote  from  Ourfa,  the 
ancient  Edessa,  and  described  the  hideous  massacres 
which  took  place  there  in  the  preceding  October  and 
especially  on  28th  and  29th  December. 

When  he  arrived  in  the  first  half  of  March,  he  found 
desolation  everywhere.  In  December  the  town  contained 
40,000  Mussulmans  and  20,000  Armenians. 

Troubles  began  in  October  in  consequence  of  an 
Armenian  asking  a  Moslem  for  payment  of  a  debt.  The 
latter  and  his  friends  attacked  the  Armenians,  believing,  as 
all  the  Moslem  population  in  that  portion  of  Asia  Minor 
did,  that  the  Sultan  wished  the  Christian  population  to  be 
exterminated.  The  Armenians  lived  in  a  quarter  apart 
from  the  Moslems.  They  had  all  been  carefully  disarmed. 
Their  water  supply  was  cut  off  and  no  food  was  per- 
mitted to  enter  the  quarter  after  the  end  of  October. 
The  Armenian  bishop  tried  to  telegraph  to  the  Sultan,  but 
having  withdrawn  to  a  monastery  outside  the  town  he 
was  kept  prisoner.  Neither  he  nor  any  Armenian  was 
allowed  to  telegraph  or  send  letters  by  post.  Among  the 
Armenians,  and  aiding  them  was  a  brave  American  lady, 
a  Miss  Shattuck,  who  was  only  permitted  to  leave  the 
town  an  hour  before  the  great  massacre  commenced,  on 
28th  December.  All  bore  up  well  during  the  state  of 
siege,  from  the  end  of  October  to  the  last  days  of 
December.  They  reopened  old  wells,  caught  rain  water 
and  managed  to  obtain  a  scanty  supply  of  food.  Many 
messengers  were  sent  out  but  all  were  caught  and 
stripped.  Twenty-five  Armenians  were  induced  to  sign 
a  telegram  stating  that  tranquillity  had  been  restored. 

On  28th  December  the  leading  Armenians  gathered  in  the 
cathedral,  drew  up  a  statement  of  their  fears  and  asked 
protection.  The  officer  in  charge  of  the  troops  promised 
that  it  should  be  given.  Hardly  had  the  promise  been 
given  when  the  great  massacre  began.  The  intended 


victims  were  surrounded  by  a  double  ring  of  soldiers  and 
mob.  At  the  mid-day  prayer,  a  mollah  waved  a  green 
flag.  "  Soldiers  and  mob  then  rushed  on  the  Armenian 
quarter  and  began  a  massacre  of  the  males  over  a  certain 
age."  Here  is  one  of  the  ghastly  incidents  recorded.1 

"  A  certain  sheik  ordered  his  followers  to  bring  as 
many  stalwart  young  Armenians  as  they  could  find. 
They  were  to  the  number  of  about  100  thrown  on  their 
backs  and  held  down  by  their  hands  and  feet,  while  the 
sheik,  with  a  combination  of  fanaticism  and  cruelty, 
proceeded,  while  reciting  verses  of  the  Koran,  to  cut 
their  throats  after  the  Mecca  rite  of  sacrificing  sheep.'* 

All  the  houses  were  plundered.  Many  women  were 
cut  down  mercilessly  while  trying  to  protect  their  male 

Towards  sunset  a  trumpet  sounded ;  all  outrages 
ceased.  On  the  next  day,  Sunday  2Qth  December,  the 
trumpet  again  sounded  and  the  massacre  re-commenced. 
Moslems  who  had  not  taken  part  on  Saturday  fearing 
resistance  from  the  Armenians  joined  in  on  Sunday. 

A  savage  butchery  continued  until  noon  and  then 
culminated  in  an  act,  says  Mr  Fitzmaurice,  which  for 
fiendish  barbarity  is  one  to  which  "  history  can  furnish 
few,  if  any,  parallels."  This  was  the  deliberate  sacrifice 
of  a  cathedral  full  of  people.  The  hideous  holocaust  will 
not  and  ought  not  to  be  forgotten.  The  ugly  barn-like 
Cathedral  of  Ourf  a,like  the  mountain  of  sacrifice  of  Mexico, 
like  the  Bridge  of  Sighs  of  Venice  and  the  other  monu- 
ments of  man's  inhumanity  to  man,  ought  to  be  religiously 
preserved  as  a  memorial  of  the  stiff-necked  determination 
of  the  Armenians  to  die  rather  than  change  their  religion, 
and  of  the  infernal  brutality  which  can  be  practised  in 
the  name  of  religion.  The  facts  are  the  following : — 

The  Cathedral  Church  would  hold  about  8000  people. 

1  "Blue  Book,"  page  12. 


A  general  belief  prevailed  that  the  unarmed  persons  who 
took  refuge  within  its  walls  would  not  be  killed  or  even 
molested.  On  the  Saturday  night  the  priest  recorded 
on  one  of  the  pillars  of  the  church,  where  the  record  was 
read  by  Fitzmaurice,  that  he  had  administered  a  last 
communion  to  one  thousand  eight  hundred  of  his  flock. 
These  one  thousand  eight  hundred  remained  in  the  church 
all  night  and  were  joined  by  several  hundreds  more,  who 
believed  that  they  would  be  there  in  a  place  of  safety. 

There  were  thus  in  the  church  on  Sunday  morning  at 
least  three  thousand  people  when  the  mob  attacked  it, 
the  mob  all  well  armed,  the  victims  long  since  disarmed. 
The  attack  commenced  by  firing  in  through  the  windows  ; 
then,  the  iron  door  was  smashed  in.  The  mob  made  a 
rush  and  killed  all  who  were  on  the  ground  floor,  nearly 
all  men,  the  women  and  children  having  gone  into  the 
gallery.  They  rifled  the  church  treasures  and  ornaments, 
tore  down  the  shrines  and  mockingly  "  called  on  Christ  to 
prove  Himself  now  a  greater  prophet  than  Mahomet." 
The  huge  gallery  was  partly  stone  and  partly  wood  and 
was  packed  with  a  shrieking  and  terrified  mass  of  women 
and  children  with  some  men.  Some  of  the  mob  began 
picking  off  men  with  revolver  shots,  but  this  process 
of  killing  Christians  was  too  tedious.  A  large  quantity 
of  bedding,  doubtless  the  yorghans  or  duvets  which  are 
used  both  as  coverings  and  as  mattresses  for  the  sleeper, 
was  collected  together  and  with  many  other  combust- 
ibles including  the  straw  matting  covering  the  floor 
were  arranged  for  setting  fire  to  the  galleries.  Some 
thirty  cans  of  Kerosine  were  poured  over  them  and  also 
on  the  dead  bodies  lying  about  on  the  ground  floor 
and  then  fire  was  set  to  the  whole. 

The  gallery  beams  and  staircase  soon  caught  fire  and 
then  the  mob  left  the  mass  of  the  struggling  human  beings 
to  become  the  prey  of  the  flames. 


Abdul  Hamid  and  Islam  had  avenged  themselves,  and 
a  deed  of  devilry  had  been  done  which  is  on  a  level  with 
the  barbarous  Moslem  outrages  in  Bulgaria  at  Batak,  in 

Moslem  inhabitants  spoke  of  the  hideous  stench  of 
burning  flesh,  and,  says  Mr  Fitzmaurice  "  even  to-day, 
two  months  and  a  half  after  the  massacre,  the  smell 
of  putrescent  and  charred  remains  in  the  church  is  un- 

Like  the  other  massacres  in  Armenia,  for  which  Abdul 
Hamid  and  his  gang  must  be  held  responsible,  the 
massacre  was  systematically  commenced  and  completed. 
At  3.30  on  that  terrible  Sunday  afternoon,  the  trumpet 
once  more  sounded  ;  the  mob  withdrew  and,  soon  after- 
wards, the  mufti  and  other  Moslem  notables  went  round 
the  Armenian  quarter  to  proclaim  that  the  massacre 
was  at  an  end. 

Mr  Fitzmaurice  is  careful  to  point  out  that  no  dis- 
tinction was  made  between  Gregorian,  Roman  Catholic 
or  Protestant  Armenians.  He  notes  that  126  families 
were  so  completely  wiped  out  that  not  even  a  woman 
or  a  baby  remained.  He  estimates  that  on  the  two  days, 
the  28th  and  2Qth  December,  close  upon  8000  persons 
perished,  and  that  of  these  between  2500  and  3000  were 
killed  or  burnt  in  the  Cathedral. 

Between  400  and  500  persons,  during  the  two  months' 
siege,  became  Moslems.  I  agree  with  Mr  Hep  worth,  in. 
not  daring  to  blame  those  who  saved  their  lives  by  chang- 
ing their  faith.  A  letter  from  an  Armenian  woman  was 
shown  me  by  our  own  cook,  which  gave  a  vivid  picture  of 
the  trials  of  the  time.  It  was  addressed  to  her  husband, 
who,  like  many  of  his  countrymen,  was  working  in 
Constantinople,  and  sending  his  wages  home  for  his  wife 
and  family.  It  ran  practically  thus :  "  Our  three 
children  were  with  me  when  a  man  came  up  and  seized 



little  Andon  and  held  a  huge  knife  to  his  throat,  threaten- 
ing to  kill  him  unless  I  turned  Moslem.  I  could  not 
bear  it.  You  know  what  a  bonny  boy  he  is.  He  was 
just  turned  six  and  how  he  loved  us.  He  shrieked  and 
the  others  did  the  same,  and — God  forgive  me — I  turned 

I  regret  that  I  must  not  leave  the  subject  of  the 
massacres  of  the  Armenians  without  speaking  of  the 
hideous  tragedy  in  Cilicia  in  April  1909.  It  was  the 
culmination  of  the  series  of  horrors  by  which  Abdul 
Hamid's  reign  will  be  noted  in  history,  horrors  of  which 
it  is  hard  to  say  whether  their  stupidity  or  their  brutality 
is  the  most  distinguishing  feature. 

The  revolution  nine  months  earlier  had  shorn  Abdul 
Hamid  of  his  arbitrary  power.  No  one  supposes  that 
he  had  re-established  the  Constitution,  framed  by  Midhat 
in  1877,  willingly.  Menaced  by  numerous  telegrams 
from  various  classes  of  his  subjects  in  Macedonia  who 
demanded  the  Constitution,  informed  by  many  of  his 
spies  that  his  troops  were  no  longer  to  be  depended  on, 
but  confident  in  his  own  powers  of  intrigue,  the  Sultan 
called  together  his  leading  advisers  in  order  that  they 
might  find  a  path  of  escape  from  threatened  revolution. 
Their  deliberation  was  long,  because,  while  all  were 
agreed  that  the  only  chance  of  avoiding  a  probably 
bloody  struggle  was  to  proclaim  the  Constitution,  none 
dare  mention  the  word.  At  length  Abdul  Hamid's 
chief  astrologer  and  sooth-sayer  summoned  up  courage 
to  pronounce  it  and  to  inform  the  Sultan  that  it  was 
necessary  to  bow  before  the  storm.  Abdul  Hamid  pro- 
claimed the  establishment  of  Constitutional  government 
and  swore,  or  allowed  it  to  be  stated  that  he  swore,  to 
observe  its  conditions.  But  Abdul  had  lived  a  life  of 
intrigue.  He  never  made  a  confidant,  but  being  a  firm 
believer  in  his  own  intellectual  powers,  which  ambas- 


sadors  had  often  told  him  were  the  greatest  with  which 
any  existing  sovereign  was  endowed,  he  began  at  once 
to  intrigue  for  his  restoration  to  power.  His  plan,  or 
that  of  his  adherents  apparently,  was  to  bring  about  a 
counter  revolution  by  a  series  of  general  and  simultaneous 
risings.  The  difficulties  were  great :  Macedonia  was 
the  stronghold  of  his  enemies ;  the  population  of  the 
capital  was  generally  favourable  to  the  new  regime. 
Abdul  Hamid  knew  that  the  army  generally  was  largely 
discontented,  but  he  trusted  that  the  Albanian  troops 
around  Yildiz,  which  for  many  years  he  had  favoured, 
would  support  his  cause.  But  his  great  hopes  were 
fixed  on  Anatolia.  There  fanatical  Moslemism  was 
strongest,  and  there  consequently  was  the  largest  amount 
of  material  for  a  counter  revolution.  Both  in  the  capital 
and  throughout  Anatolia  he  and  his  friends  intrigued  to 
obtain  especially  the  support  of  the  large  number  of 
Moslems  who  had  seen  with  dislike  the  declarations  in 
favour  of  religious  equality.  A  well-informed  "  occasional 
correspondent  "  of  the  Times  whose  letter  appeared  in 
the  Mail  of  August  20,  1909,  and  who,  from  internal 
evidence  is  evidently  a  man  with  exceptional  local 
knowledge,  said  that  "all  through  the  Asiatic  provinces 
it  is  believed  that  he  instructed  the  high  officials  to 
destroy  the  Christians.  The  report  varies  in  detail  but 
is  always  the  same  in  substance.  It  is  to  the  effect  that  a 
telegram  was  received  from  Constantinople  by  the  Vali, 
the  commandant  or  the  Mutesarif  directing  them  to 
create  disturbances/' 

He  further  states  in  detail  how  dates  had  been  fixed 
for  massacres  in  several  big  provincial  towns  and  com- 
municated to  the  country  population.  The  Sultan 
hoped  for  a  Jehad,  or  religious  war,  against  the  Christians 
and  against  the  Committee  of  Union  and  Progress  as 
consisting  of  unfaithful  Moslems,  Jews  and  Freethinkers. 


The  plans  for  a  counter  revolution  were  laid  in  great 
secrecy,  and  the  stroke  fell  like  a  bomb  on  the  ministry, 
the  population  of  the  capital  and  every  ambassador. 
The  13th  day  of  April  was  the  appointed  day.  A 
demonstration  took  place  in  the  capital  by  which,  in  a 
few  hours,  Abdul  Hamid  became  once  more  undisputed 
master  in  Constantinople.  The  Committee  of  Union 
and  Progress,  the  deputies,  the  editors  of  the  newspapers 
favourable  to  the  Constitution  disappeared.  It  looked 
for  a  few  hours  as  if  the  revolution  had  been  in  vain. 
It  is  true  that  Abdul  Hamid  at  once  declared  that  he 
would  respect  the  Constitution,  but  nobody  believed  him. 
It  may  be  confidently  affirmed  that  if  the  Sultan  had 
possessed  one-tenth  of  the  ability  with  which  his  syco- 
phants, his  paid  agents  in  the  native  and  foreign  press 
and  even  ambassadors  who  ought  to  have  known  better, 
had  credited  him,  he  could  have  become  once  more  an 
absolute  ruler.  But  during  this  period  he  was  inert, 
apparently  bewildered,  unable  to  decide  upon  any  action 
and  left  all  such  to  his  creatures.  By  the  distribution  of 
large  donatives  to  the  troops  and  by  disguising  men  as 
Hodjas  and  Mollahs  who  raised  the  cry  of  "  Islam  in 
danger  "  he  or  his  friends  made  a  successful  first  move 
in  the  capital  itself.  But  he  had  not  even  thought 
apparently  of  the  second.  It  is  sufficient  here  to  recall 
that  Mahmud  Shevket  Pasha  with  Mahmud  Muktar, 
whom  Abdul  Hamid  had  in  vain  sought  to  kill,  led  the 
troops  from  Macedonia,  captured  Constantinople,  took 
possession  of  Yildiz,  deposed  the  Sultan  and  on  the  24th 
April  packed  him  off  without  ceremony  to  Salonika. 

The  movement  planned  by  the  party  of  reaction 
throughout  Anatolia  came  off  only  in  Cilicia  and  its 
neighbourhood  and  principally  in  Adana.  It  was  a 
terrible  success  there  and  was  contemporaneous  with 
that  in  the  capital.  Elsewhere  the  reactionaries  waited 


to  see  which  side  in  Constantinople  would  win ;  and 
when,  in  less  than  a  fortnight,  the  result  showed  the 
powerlessness  of  the  Sultan,  no  further  attempt  at 
reaction  took  place.  Amid  some  problems  which  are 
still  unsolved,  it  cannot  be  doubted  that  there  was  a 
deliberate  attempt  to  raise  Anatolia  against  the  new 

In  Adana  exceptional  circumstances  favoured  the 
party  of  reaction.  Among  them  must  be  placed  the 
foolish  conduct  of  a  section  of  the  Armenian  population. 
Some  of  them,  flushed  with  the  wonderful  changes 
brought  about  by  the  revolution,  gave  vent  to  their 
newly  raised  hopes,  and  declared  that  Christians  and 
Moslems  were  now  equal.  A  few  were  foolish  enough 
to  talk  of  Armenian  independence.  Many  Armenians 
had  bought  arms,  and  the  quantity  purchased,  greatly 
exaggerated  by  the  fears  of  the  Moslems,  contributed, 
together  with  incendiary  speeches,  to  drive  Moslems 
into  a  panic.  The  cry  of  "  Islam  in  danger "  was 
readily  listened  to.  The  Moslem  population  was  inflamed 
and  ready  to  acquiesce  in  the  suggestions  of  men  who 
purposed  to  create  disorder. 

On  the  appointed  day,  the  I3th  of  April,  an  attack 
was  commenced  by  the  Moslems  of  Adana  upon  the 
Christians.  The  Governor  either  countenanced  it  or  was 
criminally  weak.  Within  a  few  hours,  fire  was  set  to  the 
Armenian  quarter  of  the  town  and  the  government  depot 
of  petroleum  which  adjoined  the  governor's  house  was 
opened  and  the  petroleum  taken  away  to  increase  the 
fire.  The  movement  spread  to  the  villages  and  beyond 
the  borders  of  Cilicia.  Probably  not  fewer  than  five 
thousand  persons  were  killed. 

The  distress  occasioned  by  the  tragedies  in  Cilicia, 
and  beyond  that  province  as  far  as  Aleppo,  was  terrible. 
An  international  Committee  of  Relief,  of  which  I  was  a 


member,  published  the  statement  three  months  after  the 
events  in  question  that  "  from  the  most  authorized 
sources  "  the  number  of  victims  who  required  relief  was 
nearly  eighty  thousand  of  whom  five  thousand  were 
orphans.  "  The  number  of  killed  has  been  stated  to  be 
ten  thousand  but  it  would  be  safe  to  take  half  this  number 
as  probably  nearly  correct.  As  these  were  the  bread 
winners  of  hundreds  of  families,  the  sufferers  from  desti- 
tution among  the  surviving  women  and  children  were 
many  times  that  number/'  The  slaughter  of  these 
victims  was  the  characteristic  event  which  marked  the 
end  of  the  reign  of  Abdul  Hamid.1 

The  massacres  of  Armenians  have  received  and  deserve 
the  fullest  condemnation.  Nowhere  else  in  Europe 
during  the  last  century  were  there  any  wanton  outrages 
on  humanity  on  so  large  a  scale.  When  during  the 
Napoleonic  wars,  Spaniards  and  Germans  were  forced 
from  their  homes  to  become  food  for  powder,  when  during 
military  occupation  in  Germany  and  in  France,  horrors 
were  committed  on  both  sides,  we  remember  that  these 
were  in  war,  and  we  recall  also  that  the  horrors  even  of 
war  have  been  lessened  among  civilized  nations.  The 
massacres  in  Armenia,  as  in  Bulgaria  in  1876  and  in 
Chios  in  1825  were  cold-blooded  slaughters  of  men, 
women,  and  children  by  inferior  races,  perpetrated  for 
the  purpose  of  plunder  and  in  the  name  of  religion.  The 
victims  in  Chios,  Bulgaria,  and  Armenia  were  not  rebels. 
Their  horrors  recall  the  Mongolian  invasions  of  long  past 
centuries  in  Asia  Minor  and  of  last  century  in  central 

We  may  continue  to  hope  what  we  like  from  the 
Turkish  revolution.  We  may  believe  that  it  is  possible 

1  An  admirable,  because  impartial,  account  of  the  massacres  in 
Adana  and  its  neighbourhood  is  given  by  Mr  Charles  H.  Woods  in 
"The  Danger  Zone  of  Europe"  (1911). 


that  the  Moslem  population  can  abandon  its  fanaticism. 
But  it  is  impossible  to  read  such  books  as  Hepworth's 
"  Ride  through  Armenia  "  or  Walsh's  "  Residence  in 
Constantinople/'  or  any  fair  account  of  how  the  Turks 
treated  the  Greeks  in  1820-30,  the  Bulgarians  in  1876,  or 
the  Armenians  in  1895-8  without  recognizing  that  there 
is  a  depth  of  brutality,  a  recklessness  of  human  life  and 
hatred  of  Christian  men  and  women  among  the  lower 
class  of  Turkish  Moslems  which  is  unfathomable.  A  long 
and  hideous  series  of  testimony  is  given  in  the  extremely 
interesting  "  Ride  through  Asia  Minor  and  Armenia  "  by 
Henry  E.  Barkley ;  by  Sir  William  Ramsay  in  his 
"  Impressions  of  Turkey/'  and  by  many  others  who  have 
been  through  Anatolia.  We  have  black  pages  in  our  own 
history,  and  especially  in  reference  to  the  treatment  of 
the  Irish  people.  Other  western  nations  have  even 
blacker,  but  nothing  in  the  nineteenth  century  can  ap- 
proach the  horrors  committed  in  Turkey  under  the 
sanction  of  religion.  The  Turkish  reformer  has  to  deal 
with  a  solid  mass  of  prejudice,  based  on  ignorance  and 
tradition,  of  blind  unreasoning  hatred  of  the  very  name 
of  Christian  ;  traditions  which  speak  of  the  utter  ex- 
termination of  enemies,  which  teach  that  all  moslems 
have  the  divine  right  of  dominancy  ;  bigotry  which  will 
refuse  to  examine  the  objections  to  a  divinely  revealed 
faith,  and  which  therefore  makes  the  mass  not  only 
impervious  to  argument  but  unwilling  to  listen  to  it. 
Pride  of  race,  spiritual  conceit,  and  the  obstinacy  of 
ignorance  are  the  obstacles  which  the  new  teaching  will 
have  to  encounter  in  its  endeavour  to  teach  the  lesson 
of  religious  liberty  and  equality  to  lower  class  Moslems. 



Influence  of  Shiah  teaching — the  Dervishes — Senoussi — Mevlevis — 
Howling  Dervishes — Bektashis — Religious  teaching  and  influence 
of  Dervishes — The  Yezidis. 

THE  Shiah  branch  of  Islam  has  had  important  in- 
fluence on  the  religion  of  a  considerable  part  of  the 
population  of  Turkey  and  demands  observation.  The 
Shiahs  or  Shi'ites  are  most  numerous  in  Persia.  Con- 
siderable hostility  exists  between  them  and  the  other 
great  division,  or  Sunnis,  to  which  most  Turks  belong. 
The  Sunnis  are  those  who  hold  by  the  Sunnat  or  Pre- 
cedents or  Traditions  of  Mahomet.  The  Shiahs  hold 
that  the  caliphate  or  successorship  to  the  temporal  and 
spiritual  rule  over  the  faithful  was  vested  by  Mahomet  in 
Ali  and  his  descendants,  through  Hassan  and  Hossein 
the  children  of  Fatima,  daughter  of  the  prophet.  Their 
form  of  belief  is  that  "  There  is  one  God  and  Ali  is  the 
caliph  of  God."  They  commemorate  the  month  of 
Moharem  as  a  time  of  lamentation  for  the  three  martyrs, 
Hassan,  Hossein,  and  Ali  the  son  of  Hossein.  In  the 
fatal  battle  of  Kerbela  six  sons  of  Hossein,  grandsons 
of  the  prophet,  were  killed,  Ali  another  son  alone  escap- 
ing. The  city  of  Kerbela,  where  the  tombs  of  these  de- 
scendants of  the  prophet  exist,  has  long  been  and  still 
continues  to  be  the  chief  place  of  pilgrimage  for  all 
Shiahs.  Thousands  of  corpses  are  carried  thither  annu- 
ally from  Persia  and  India  in  order  that  they  may  be 
buried  in  the  place  made  holy  by  the  dust  of  the  three 


The  annual  commemoration  of  the  death  of  Hassan 
and  Hossein  is  held  in  Constantinople  in  the  largest 
Persian  Han,  and  is  one  of  the  most  bloody  and  grue- 
some sights  I  have  witnessed.  It  is  celebrated  still  more 
dramatically  or  rather  realistically  in  Persia.  In  Con- 
stantinople a  number  of  men  in  white  gowns  each  bearing 
a  sword,  pass  round  in  procession,  again  and  again  wailing 
in  melancholy  cadence  "  Hassan,  Hossein ;  Hassan 
Hossein,"  until  they  have  roused  themselves  to  a  frenzy, 
when  they  cut  and  slash  their  own  faces  and  heads. 
Other  men  stand  outside  the  line  with  stout  sticks  to 
prevent  them  inflicting  dangerous  or  even  fatal  wounds. 
After  a  while  there  is  not  a  man  in  the  procession  who  is 
not  bleeding  profusely  and  the  spectacle  becomes  simply 

The  influence  of  Persia  upon  Mahometanism  has  been 
remarkable.  The  Persians  were,  even  in  the  prophet's 
lifetime,  an  educated  people.  They  had  cultivated  art,  a 
philosophy  of  their  own  and  that  of  Greece  and  Egypt. 
The  natural  result  followed  that  when  they  accepted 
Islam  they  introduced  into  it  a  number  of  conceptions 
which  were  foreign  to  the  Arabs,  and  still  more  to  the 
Turks  or  any  other  central  Asiatic  race.  Mahometanism 
among  pious  Turks  is  essentially  a  religion  of  discipline 
rather  than  of  emotion.  The  daily  prayers  five  times 
repeated  ;  the  formal  purification  before  prayer,  and  at 
other  times  daily,  to  avoid  defilement ;  abstinence  from 
all  alcoholic  liquors  ;  the  rigid  observance  of  the  fast  from 
sunrise  to  sunset  during  the  month  of  Ramazan  ;  these 
and  other  observances  are  all  disciplinary.  I  readily 
admit  that  the  repetition  of  the  attributes  of  God  has  a 
reflex  action  on  him  who  utters  them.  But  there  is  no 
apparent  striving  after  spirituality.  To  the  Shiah  such 
worship  is  formalism.  It  makes  for  "  mere  morality  " 
and  is  not  religion.  Shiah  influence  as  represented  in 


Turkey  by  the  Dervishes  is  on  the  other  hand  essentially 
emotional  and  spiritual.  It  has  been  especially  great  in 
the  development  of  mysticism  and  a  curious  kind  of 
religious  philosophy.  Even  now  in  Persia,  according  to 
the  observant  American  already  quoted,  "  conversation 
on  religious  subjects  is  habitual."  *  Religious  revivals 
have  taken  place  both  among  the  Sunnis  and  the  Shiahs, 
roughly  speaking  among  the  Turks  and  Persians.  With 
the  first  they  have  taken  the  form  of  a  demand  for  the 
return  to  early  practices,  a  stricter  observance  of  Moslem 
ceremonies.  With  the  Shiahs,  they  have  produced  a 
more  intense  feeling  for  mystical  devotion  and  especially 
of  insistence  upon  the  immanence  of  God  in  the  human 
soul,  a  doctrine  which  as  held  by  them  is  the  continuation 
of  a  form  of  Pantheism  which  was  common  both  to  certain 
sects  of  Greeks  and  Persians  but  which  is  spiritual  rather 
than  disciplinarian. 

One  interesting  result  of  this  difference  of  conception 
and  development  may  be  noted.  The  Sunnis  are  much 
less  tolerant  than  the  Shiahs.  The  Shiah  sects  as  repre- 
sented in  Turkey  by  various  orders  of  dervishes,  are  less 
attentive  to  forms  than  the  ordinary  Turkish  Moslem, 
but  their  conception  of  religion  is  different.  So  long  as 
a  man's  heart  "  is  right  with  God,"  to  use  a  phrase 
which  is  common  to  them  and  to  Christians,  the  ordin- 
ary Dervish  would  consider  his  profession  of  faith  as  a 
secondary  matter.  It  is  not  this  conception  so  much  as 
their  neglect  of  forms  which  has  made  them  regarded  as 
only  half  believers — as  at  best,  only  hike-warm  Moslems, 
at  worst,  as  infidels  or  atheists.  But  the  same  conception 
makes  them  tolerant  of  good  men  of  other  creeds,  for  they 
conclude  from  their  conduct  that  they  too  are  partakers 
in  the  immanence  of  God. 

1  "  Persian  Life,"  by  the  Rev.  S.  G.  Wilson,  1899. 



The  Dervish  sects  in  Turkey  are  still  a  living  force. 
They  are  the  Religious  Orders  of  Islam.  Unlike  Christian 
Orders  the  members  are  married  men ;  for  marriage  is 
regarded  by  Islam  as  the  completion  of  manhood.  Few 
of  them  are  of  very  recent  date.  One  general  observation 
may  be  made  which  is  applicable  to  Moslem  sects  whether 
Dervishes  or  not.  The  ascetic  and  reactionary  sects  like 
Islam  itself  came  from  Arabia.  None  of  them  have  made 
any  considerable  progress  in  Asia  Minor  or  European 
Turkey.  Babism  is  of  Persian  origin.  Babism,  called 
after  its  founder  who  was  executed  at  Tabriz  in  1850,  who 
had  taken  the  name  of  the  Bab  or  Gate  and  which  greatly 
troubled  Persia,  never  caught  on  in  Turkey.  Even 
Wahabism  which  owes  its  name  to  a  Sheik  named  Wahab 
who  about  the  middle  of  the  eighteenth  century  founded 
a  sect  which  grew  in  political  importance  in  Turkey  until 
checked  by  Mehmet  Ali  about  1830,  has  not  taken  deep 
root  in  the  country.  The  Wahabi  seized  the  holy  places 
and  were  in  force  around  the  Persian  Gulf  and  formed 
communities  in  Afghanistan  and  throughout  India. 
They  have  been  spoken  of  as  the  Puritans  of  Islam,  but 
the  term  is  misleading.  While  they  lopped  off  many 
of  the  later  accumulations  of  their  religion,  they  en- 
deavoured to  secure  a  reform  by  rigid  asceticism  but 
never  possessed  a  lofty  ideal. 

The  Senoussi  originated  hi  Africa,  but  their  founder, 
after  whom  the  sect  is  named,  established  himself  in 
Mecca,  where  his  influence  made  itself  felt  and  where  his 
distinctive  dogmas  were  formulated.  Subsequently  he 
went  to  Tripoli  in  Africa  and  established  himself  near 
Bengazi.  His  sect  spread  throughout  the  Sahara.  He 
extended  the  ascetic  system  of  the  Wahabi.  Like  the 
latter  he  forbade  the  use  of  coffee,  tobacco  and  silk,  and 


denounced  all  customs  which  were  not  specifically 
authorized  by  the  Koran  or  the  Traditions.  His  hostility 
to  the  Turks  as  bad  Moslems  was  as  great  as  towards  the 
Christians.  His  declaration  "  I  will  crush  out  Turks  and 
Christians  alike  in  one  common  destruction  "  sufficiently 
indicates  his  attitude. 

Happily  it  may  safely  be  said  that  Wahabism  and 
Sinoussism  only  make  progress  among  the  less  advanced 
races.  The  latter  has  made  no  progress  in  Asia  Minor  or 
in  India.  It  is  worth  noticing,  however,  that  it  is  chiefly 
these  forms  of  Mahometanism  which  show  the  missionary 
spirit,  the  latter  in  particular  spreading  Islam  among  the 
fetish  worshippers  of  Africa  at  a  somewhat  rapid  rate. 
Nor  is  this  to  be  deplored.  To  replace  fetishism  by  a 
belief  in  one  God  marks  an  advance  in  civilization.  The 
savage  or  barbarian  convert  to  Islam  is  an  improvement 
on  the  unconverted  man.  Englishmen  who  have  resided 
on  the  west  coast  of  Africa  learn  to  respect  the  truthful 
Moslem  convert  as  more  trustworthy  than  his  neighbours. 
The  pietistic  sects  of  Islam,  roughly  generalized  as 
Dervishes,  cannot  be  classed  among  the  reactionaries, 
except  as  to  some  of  the  smaller  sects.  Among  the  thirty 
existing  orders  classed  as  Dervishes  probably  the  Refaees 
are  the  most  reactionary.  They  are  simply  barbarians 
and  happily  not  numerous  and  diminishing  in  numbers. 

The  three  principal  sects  of  Dervishes  in  Turkey  are 
the  dancing  or  whirling  Dervishes  who  are  known  as 
Mevlevi,  the  howling  Dervishes  and  the  Bektakis. 
Casual  visitors  to  the  dancing  Dervishes  in  Constanti- 
nople are  usually  surprised  at  what  they  see.  They 
anticipate  something  amusing.  Instead,  they  find  them- 
selves present  at  a  moslem  religious  service  of  which  the 
most  characteristic  feature  is  reverence.  A  limited 
number  only  whirl  round.  Others,  without  any  dis- 
tinctive dress,  sit  as  spectators  and  are  thereby  greatly 


edified.  Solemn  hymns  are  sung  to  weird  music.  No 
observer  can  fail  to  be  impressed  with  the  genuine 
sincerity  of  the  worshippers.  They  are  carried  out  of 
themselves  in  an  ecstacy  of  devotion.  The  Mevlevi  have 
many  places  of  worship  even  in  Constantinople.  Their 
order  is  the  wealthiest  in  the  empire,  their  wealth  con- 
sisting mostly  of  landed  property. 

They  claim  that  their  founder  in  the  earlier  part  of  the 
thirteenth  century  was  taken  up  into  heaven  and  then 
returned  to  earth  and  that  he  could  become  invisible  to 
ordinary  sight.  He  urged  men  to  become  Dervishes  in 
order  that  they  might  be  exalted  by  piety  above  the  cares 
and  anxieties  of  the  world.  His  followers  wear  dis- 
tinctive caps,  brown  and  lofty,  and  coats  of  the  same 
colour.  Their  convents  are  known  as  Tekkes.  The 
teaching  of  their  founder  is  found  in  a  poem  which  is 
regarded  as  sacred.  It  is  purely  mystic ;  its  subject 
being  divine  love.  The  raptures  of  worship  are  inspira- 
tions from  on  high,  which  enable  the  worshipper  to  hold 
communion  with  God.  They  give  each  other  the  greeting 
"  May  love  be  with  you."  Many  of  them  command  the 
respect  of  those  who  know  them  by  the  purity  of  their 
lives  and  their  charity.  There  are  no  beggars  among 
them.  Usually  there  is  a  fountain  attached  to  their  tekke 
and  a  brother  ready  to  give  drinking  water  with  the 
salutation  "  In  the  path  of  God  and  for  the  love  of  God." 

Their  belief  in  love  is  the  salt  of  their  lives  and  saves 
them  from  bigotry  or  intolerance.  The  head  of  the 
largest  tekke  in  Constantinople  was,  within  my  recollec- 
tion, a  freemason  and  visited  an  English  Lodge  established 
in  the  capital.  He  was  respected  during  his  life  as  a  holy 
man,  and  for  this  reason  a  light  is  still  kept  burning  upon 
his  tomb  in  the  Grand  Rue  de  Pera.  The  head  of  all  the 
Mevlevi  Dervishes  resides  at  Konia,  in  and  around  which 
the  Order  possesses  much  real  property.  He  is  known  as 


the  Chelebi  effendi  and,  as  already  stated,  preserves  the 
right  of  girding  on  the  sword  of  Osman  on  every  new 

The  howling  dervishes  excite  less  attention  than  the 
whirlers.  Their  mantles  are  generally  green  or  black, 
these  being  the  colours  worn  by  the  prophet.  They 
adopt  as  a  principle  the  necessity  of  withdrawing  from 
the  world,  with  its  cares  and  inducements  to  sin.  De- 
claring themselves  satisfied  with  God  alone,  they  abandon 
all  the  ordinary  pleasures  of  life.  Their  prayers  begin 
with  the  words  :  "In  the  name  of  Allah,  the  merciful 
and  tender.  I  seek  a  refuge  in  God  from  the  break  of  day 
against  the  wickedness  of  those  creatures  whom  He  has 
created  .  .  ."  After  the  prayers  the  ninety-nine  names 
of  God  are  recited.  As  each  one  denotes  one  of  the  divine 
attributes,  it  is  unnecessary  to  reproduce  them.  They 
are  termed  the  beautiful  names  of  God,  and  figure  in  the 
rosary  not  only  of  Dervishes  but  of  many  other  Moslems. 

Foreign  visitors  often  ask  what  are  the  strings  of  beads 
they  see  in  the  hands  of  Turks,  Greeks  and  Armenians. 
The  answer  is  that  in  the  majority  of  cases  they  are  not 
used  for  prayer  but  simply  for  diversion.  The  habit  is 
a  curious  one  but  on  the  same  principle  as  Addison's 
barrister  who  could  not  speak  without  a  piece  of  string 
in  his  hands,  which  the  wags  called  the  thread  of  his 
discourse,  those  who  have  once  adopted  it  do  not  feel 
comfortable  unless  they  have  a  few  beads  to  twiddle  in 
their  fingers. 

Another  order  of  Dervishes  which  among  Europeans  is 
often  regarded  as  a  branch  of  the  howling  Dervishes  is 
the  Nakshibendi.  Their  principal  claim  to  notice  is  the 
possession  of  spiritual  powers  which  enables  certain  of 
their  number  to  perform  miracles.  This  claim  is  very 
wide-spread  and  those  who  make  it  are  credited  with 
large  powers  by  the  ordinary  Mahometan.  The  treading 


upon  sick  persons  by  one  of  the  elect  is  held  to  effect  a 
cure.  Their  books  are  full  of  the  spiritualistic  wonders 
performed  by  their  leading  saints.  The  marvels  of 
mediums,  of  animal  magnetism,  mesmerism  and  above  all 
of  the  Powers  of  Will,  figure  in  the  accounts  of  their 
founders.  Provided  that  the  operator  is  a  holy  man 
and  has  acquired  the  Power  of  Will,  time  and  space  cease 
to  be  obstacles  to  its  exercise.  The  wonderful  powers 
claimed  by  these  Dervishes  appeal  to  the  inborn  super- 
stition of  men  and  women  of  all  races.  Among  others 
whom  they  attracted  was  the  late  Lawrance  Oliphant. 
His  many  stories  of  their  wonders  even  when  told  with 
an  air  of  incredulity  led  me  to  conclude  that  he  was  half 
convinced  of  the  existence  of  some  kind  of  traditional 
miraculous  power  which  might  even  now  be  obtained  by 
prayer,  meditation  and  introspection.  A  man  of  ex- 
ceptional culture,  of  wide  experience — think  of  a  man 
who  had  been  under-secretary  of  State,  becoming  a 
member  of  Harris's  community  and  then  sent  to  sell 
strawberries  at  a  railway-station — the  marvellous  had  a 
fascination  for  him.  He  seemed  to  me  to  have  dwelt 
upon  it  so  long  that  he  wished  to  believe  in  what  he  saw. 
If  anyone  is  curious  to  learn  how  he  expressed  himself  on 
the  subject  they  should  dig  up  an  article  in  "  Blackwood," 
which  appeared  about  thirty  years  ago  on  his  experiences 
in  Damascus. 

Another  order  of  Dervishes  is  the  Bektashis.  They  date 
from  a  very  early  period.  Some  indeed  claim  that  they 
were  organized  as  an  Order  before  the  Christian  era. 
They  are  mystics  to  whom,  as  I  have  already  mentioned, 
no  existing  creed  whether  Christian  or  Moslem  is  of  first 
importance  and  it  is  claimed  that  they  have  been  ready 
to  adopt  that  of  any  race  provided  that  they  were  allowed 
to  follow  their  own  practices.  They  have  their  own 
secret  signs  and  tenets  which  are  only  known  to  the  elect. 


As  many  of  the  "  new  troops  "  or  Janissaries  became 
members  of  the  Order  of  Bektashis  an  intimate  relation- 
ship was  established  between  the  Order  and  the  military 
fraternity.  When  in  1826  the  Janissaries  who  were  in 
Constantinople  were  ordered  to  accept  the  military 
reforms  in  dress  and  drill  which  Mahmud  demanded,  they 
turned  their  camp  kettles  upside  down,  their  usual  signal 
of  revolt,  and  were  attacked  by  artillery.  The  revolt 
was  suppressed  as  I  describe  in  a  later  chapter  and  six 
thousand  Janissaries  were  slaughtered.  Thereupon  the 
Order  of  Bektashis  was  formally  suppressed. 

In  Constantinople  the  Bektashis  have  never  recovered 
from  the  blow  struck  by  an  imperial  edict  which  sup- 
pressed the  Order.  They  were  never,  however,  entirely 
suppressed  even  in  the  capital.  They  have  an  establish- 
ment at  Rumelia  Hissar  and  another  near  Kadikeui. 
I  have  already  stated  that  in  Macedonia  they  are  still 
numerous,  influential  and  a  living  force. 

They  have  always  been  suspected  of  disloyalty  to  the 
faith  of  Islam.  The  Turks  sometimes  speak  of  them  as 
atheists.  All  Orthodox  Moslems  seem  to  regard  them  as 
heretics  and  there  has  constantly  been  friction  between 
their  Sheiks  and  the  Ulema.  They  claim  a  kind  of 
apostolic  succession  from  the  first  Caliph  Abou  Bekr. 
Their  ancient  Sheiks  or  elders  are  believed  to  teach  the 
"  true  path  "  which  leads  mankind  to  God.  They  base 
themselves  on  one  of  the  Hadjis  or  sayings  of  the  prophet : 
"  The  paths  leading  to  God  are  as  numerous  as  the 
breaths  of  His  creatures."  Hence  they  consider  religious 
toleration  as  a  duty. 

The  Bektashis  are  Pantheists  in  the  sense  that  they 
regard  all  nature  as  part  of  God.  But  their  Pantheism 
helps  them  to  look  charitably  on  all  men  and  to  be  kind 
to  animals.  A  Sheik  whom  I  knew  expressed  the  opinion 
that  there  was  nothing  in  Christianity  which  need  prevent 


a  man  from  becoming  a  good  Bektash.  He  was  an  old 
man  much  respected  not  only  by  his  own  Order,  but  by 
many  Europeans  for  his  gentleness,  invariable  kindness 
and  truthful  simplicity.  I  lived  for  a  year  in  a  Turkish 
village  near  his  Teke,  and  on  passing  our  house,  which 
he  did  almost  daily,  he  would  bring  a  peach  or  an  apple 
or  a  freshly-picked  rose  to  give  to  my  little  daughter. 
On  being  thanked  one  day  by  a  lady  of  the  house,  he 
struggled  to  assure  her  that  he  and  his  people  regarded 
Christians  as  their  brothers  as  well  as  Moslems,  and  went 
so  far  as  to  remove  his  head-dress  to  show  that  in  the 
embroidered  portion  there  was  always  a  cross.  Their 
kindness  to  animals  is  one  of  several  practices  which 
has  suggested  that  their  teaching  was  influenced  by 
Buddhism.  It  is  extremely  difficult  to  prove  what  their 
theology  is,  or  whether  they  have  a  precise  theology.  I 
believe  that  the  most  important  feature  of  their  mystical 
system  is  perfectionism,  the  doctrine  that  if  a  man  really 
recognizes  the  voice  of  God  and  lives  accordingly,  he  may 
become  so  perfect  that  he  is  above  the  need  of  a  moral 
code.  On  the  initiation  of  a  neophyte  certain  secrets  are 
whispered  into  his  ear.  But  whatever  their  secrets  or 
their  theology  may  be,  many  fine  characters  exist  among 
the  Bektashis. 

I  have  read  a  great  number  of  the  regulations  of  the 
various  Dervishes'  Orders  and  many  of  their  prayers.1 
They  are  somewhat  dismal  reading  and  to  a  large  extent 
useless,  for  I  am  convinced  that  most  members  knew  little 
of  them.  But  they  have  a  pathetic  side.  They  suggest 
that  each  Order  has  had  among  its  founders  and  first 
votaries  honest  men,  seekers  after  God,  men  who  were 

1  Those  who  are  curious  about  them  and  the  Orders  will  find  a  mass 
of  information  in  "The  Dervishes,"  by  John  P.  Brown,  formerly 
American  Consul  in  Constantinople ;  and  in  a  later  work,  "  Les  Con- 
freries  Musulmanes,"  par  Rev.  P.  Louis  Petit,  the  Superior  of  the 
Assumptionist  Mission  in  Constantinople. 



willing  to  sacrifice  everything  in  order  to  win  divine 
favour.  Some  of  them  had  evidently  come  under  the 
influence  of  the  Greek  philosophy  which  had  worked  its 
way  into  Arabia  and  Asia  Minor.  Others,  and  perhaps 
the  great  number,  knew  something  of  Buddhism  and  of 
that  Indian  and  Persian  philosophy  of  which  there  are 
traces  in  the  New  Testament.  The  early  members  at 
least,  and  probably  others,  all  down  the  centuries,  were 
men  who,  by  such  lights  as  they  had,  struggled  hard  to 
find  their  true  relation  to  the  Eternal ;  men  who  had 
wrestled  with  God — as  the  old  phrase  runs,  suffered  in 
order  that  they  might  find  the  path  to  Him  ;  starved 
themselves  like  early  Christian  ascetics  ;  tortured  them- 
selves like  Indian  fakirs  ;  deprived  themselves  willingly 
of  the  ordinary  pleasures  of  life  in  order  that  they  might 
propitiate  an  angry  God.  Many  of  their  regulations  were 
harsh  and  inhuman.  The  intention  among  some  of  them 
was  that  the  believer  should  save  his  soul  eternally  by 
sacrificing  his  humanity  here.  Happily  the  Mevlevis, 
and  especially  the  Bektashis,  brought  the  best  ethical 
rules  of  their  Order  into  practice. 

All  the  Dervish  Orders  have,  I  believe,  followed  the 
general  course  of  similar  movements  ;  first,  fervency  of 
devotion  and  intensity  of  belief ;  then,  the  formulation 
of  rules  and  practices  intended  to  stimulate  the  devotion 
that  was  waning  ;  third,  the  gliding  into  formalism,  with 
little  of  the  original  fervency  left,  but  always  keeping 
some  aroma  and  saving  grace  of  the  spirituality  which 
had  given  birth  to  the  movement. 

The  smaller  Orders  in  Turkey,  and  especially  those 
which  I  have  called  reactionary,  diminished  in  numbers 
during  the  last  century.  Some  which  had  lost  general 
respect  have  quite  disappeared.  Within  my  own  recol- 
lection it  was  a  common  sight  to  see  half-naked  men  with 
dervish  bowl  and  battle-axe  in  the  streets  of  the  capital, 


terrifying  simple  travellers  by  their  demands,  claiming  the 
right  and  exercising  it  of  entrance  into  mosques  or  minis- 
tries, and  making  themselves  a  nuisance  to  the  public. 
Such  men  were  justly  regarded  during  the  eighteenth  and 
early  nineteenth  centuries  as  the  embodiment  of  fanatic- 
ism, and  their  religious  profession  as  a  cloak  for  robbery. 
These  wandering  Dervishes  did  much  to  bring  the  Orders 
generally  into  disrepute.  I  remember  that  on  a  journey 
thirty  years  ago  to  Lake  Ascanius  with  two  Turkish 
friends  we  suddenly  came  on  two  such  men.  In  reply  to 
my  inquiry,  who  they  were,  one  of  my  friends  answered, 
Dervishes  by  profession,  brigands  when  they  get  the 
chance.  Even  in  the  middle  of  last  century,  Ubicini 
relates  that  hardly  a  week  passed  without  some  Turkish 
minister  having  to  submit  to  the  remonstrances  of  some 
Dervish  who  chose  to  push  himself  forward  for  the 
purpose  of  abusing  and  threatening  the  minister. 

Various  attempts  have  been  made  to  suppress  some  of 
the  larger  Dervish  Orders.  Perhaps  their  survival  may 
be  taken  as  an  illustration  of  Carlyle's  dictum  that  no 
religion  ever  perishes  till  all  the  good  has  gone  out  of 
it.  Nevertheless,  the  Dervishes  too  have  felt  the  world 
movement  like  other  people,  and  have  advanced  with  it 
or  have  been  carried  along  by  it. 

In  concluding  my  notice  of  the  Moslem  brotherhoods  I 
add  that  the  best  side  of  them  is  also  the  truest.  There 
are  bad  men  in  all  communities,  but  the  influence  of  the 
practices  and  teaching  of  the  great  majority  of  the 
Dervishes  makes  for  righteousness. 

The  devotional  meetings  of  even  the  so-called  Dancing 
Dervishes  are  a  suggestive  and  a  pathetic  sight ;  sug- 
gestive, because  one  is  driven  to  think  of  the  elemental 
character  of  reverence  and  of  religious  worship  irrespec- 
tive of  creeds  or  formulas  ;  of  the  human  soul  desirous  of 
entering  into  communion  with  the  Creator ;  pathetic, 


because  the  sad  seriousness  of  the  faces  is  joined  to  a 
look  of  ecstasy  which  we  associate  with  the  rapture  of 
triumphant  piety,  with  an  exaltation  of  spirit  which 
painters  like  Guido  have  successfully  caught,  and  which 
suggests  that  these  are  men  who,  having  passed  through 
tribulation,  have  obtained  a  glimpse  of  unearthly  glory. 
The  weird  music,  the  rapt  look  upon  the  faces  of  even  the 
whirling  Dervishes,  the  devout  aspect  of  the  passive 
members  of  the  congregation,  all  indicate  an  emotional 
religion.  I  have  seen  the  same  look  on  the  simple  faces 
of  Flemish  fishermen  in  Belgian  churches,  and  in  Primitive 
Methodist  chapels  in  Yorkshire.  One  feels  oneself  in 
presence  of  pious  men,  each  of  whom  has  sought  "  to 
reign  within  himself  and  rule  passions,  desires,  and  fears/' 
of  strong  men  who  have  wrestled  with  themselves  in  order 
to  practise  the  bed-rock  duties  which  make  for  righteous- 
ness. Yet  over  many  of  their  faces  has  come  an  aspect 
of  peace,  calm  after  storm,  a  peace  which  passes  all 
worldly  conception  ;  the  peace  of  men  whose  consciences 
tell  them,  as  the  Dervishes  would  say,  that  they  have 
striven  to  obtain  clean  hearts,  or,  as  the  Primitives  would 
express  it,  to  find  salvation. 


I  have  spoken  of  Christian  and  Mahometan  sects,  of 
strange  survivals  of  ancient  creeds  following  intuitions, 
giving  themselves  up  to  ecstasies  rather  than  to  authority 
or  even  to  sequence  of  thought ;  but  something  must  be 
said  of  a  somewhat  large  group  of  people  who  cannot  be 
classed  either  as  followers  of  Christ  or  of  Mahomet,  a 
group  who,  in  the  modern  world,  are  an  anachronism,  who, 
if  they  are  not  a  survival,  are  born  out  of  time.  These 
are  the  Yezidis,  usually  called  "  devil  worshippers." 
They  are  interesting  whether  we  regard  them  as  a  people 


who  have  kept  an  ancient  belief,  or  as  one  which  has 
perverted  any  or  all  of  the  three  monotheistic  religions 
to  which  Syria  and  Arabia  have  given  birth.  They 
occupy  a  somewhat  wide  range  of  country.  A  few  are 
nomads  ;  others  inhabit  a  small  number  of  villages  in 
Armenia,  in  the  vilayets  of  Diarbekir,  Van,  and  Aleppo. 
But  by  far  the  larger  number  exist  in  the  districts  of 
Sheikhan  and  Sinjar,  in  the  province  of  Mossul.  In  the 
plains  of  Sheikhan  there  are  between  15,000  and  16,000 
Yezidis,  occupying  thirty  villages.  These  villages  obey 
the  Government  except  in  refusing  to  send  men  for  mili- 
tary service.  The  Yezidis  of  Sinjar  are  mountaineers  and 
are  less  civilized  than  their  co-religionists  of  the  plains. 
Many  of  them  live  in  tents.  Few  engage  in  agriculture. 
All  have  the  reputation  of  dangerous  brigands.  The 
Sinjars  are  reckoned  at  about  20,000.  Taken  altogether 
the  Yezidis  probably  number  about  loo^oo.1  Formerly 
their  numbers  were  much  greater.  Ainsworth,  an 
English  traveller,  writing  in  1863,  estimated  them  at 

Many  attacks  were  made  upon  them  previous  to  and 
during  the  reign  of  Abdul  Hamid.  They  have  constantly 
claimed  that  they  were  not  Moslems  and  that  they  were 
therefore  not  liable  to  military  service.  The  Turkish 
Government,  on  the  other  hand,  chose  to  consider  them  a 
Mahometan  sect,  and  this  mainly  because  many  of  them 
have  Mahometan  names — a  fact  which  proves  nothing 
since  many  Syrian  Catholics  employ  such  names.  Many 
expeditions  were  sent  to  compel  them  to  furnish  their 
quota  to  the  army.  The  latest  of  importance  attracted 
little  attention  outside  the  Yezidi  countries  and  was  in 
the  year  1886.  It  was  commanded  by  General  Eumer 

1  An  Armenian  writer,  in  November  1910,  who  knows  the  country 
of  the  Yezidis,  estimates  their  number  at  150,000.  He  includes  in  his 
estimate  those  living  in  Persia  and  many  scattered  about  Asia  Minor 
in  districts  other  than  those  I  have  mentioned. 


Pasha,  who  granted  pensions  and  decorations  to  the  prin- 
cipal chiefs  and  did  his  utmost  to  persuade  them  to  serve 
in  the  army.  When  his  efforts  at  conciliation  failed,  he 
attacked  them  and  took  possession  of  the  celebrated  tomb 
of  Sheik  A'ddy,  regarded  by  the  Yezidis  as  the  Mahome- 
tans regard  the  Kaaba  at  Mecca.  The  people  themselves 
arouse  so  little  sympathy  that  few  who  knew  of  the  ex- 
pedition at  the  time  cared  to  trouble  themselves  about 
what  was  regarded  as  an  attempt  at  exterminating  an 
idolatrous,  dirty,  and  rebellious  race. 

A  Turkish  writer,  Jelal  Nouri,  in  May  1910  gave  the 
fullest  recent  account  of  the  Yezidis  which  we  possess,  to 
which  may  be  added  another  by  an  Armenian,  published 
in  Constantinople  in  November  1910.  Jelal  Nouri  states 
that  he  is  largely  indebted  for  his  facts  to  his  father, 
Nouri  Bey,  now  a  senator,  who,  while  governor-general  of 
Mossul,  wrote  a  book  upon  them  called  "  Les  Adorateurs 
du  Diable  "  which,  however,  was  burned  for  fear  of  the 
censorship  under  Abdul  Hamid.  Nouri  states  that 
Eumer  destroyed  half  the  district  of  Sheikhan  containing 
more  than  seventy  prosperous  villages.  The  persecution 
was  known  to  be  severe  and  many  thousands  perished, 
but  whether  Ainsworth's  estimate  of  the  population 
nearly  half  a  century  ago  is  too  high  I  am  unable  to  say. 

The  Sinjars  of  the  mountains  and  the  people  of  the 
fertile  plain  of  Sheikhan  are  of  the  same  race.  They  are 
dirty  in  their  persons,  but  truthful ;  undesirous  of  inter- 
course with  their  neighbours,  but  hospitable  to  refugees. 
They  wish  to  have  the  least  possible  intercourse  with 
other  people.  Like  other  Yezidis  they  not  only  deny 
that  they  are  Moslems,  but  claim  that  they  are  a  distinct 
race  and  are  not  the  descendants  of  Adam  and  Eve,  with 
whose  offspring  they  are  forbidden  to  have  any  relations. 
Their  theory  of  origin  is  curious.  They  declare  that  God 
is  formed  of  seven  emanations,  and  that  each  emanation 


is  God.  From  these  emanations  came  the  angels,  the 
first  of  whom  was  the  devil.  He  sinned,  suffered,  was 
restored  to  favour  and  was  placed  highest  in  order 
amongst  the  angels.  Then  the  angels  revolted  ;  God 
punished  them  ;  and,  this  time,  made  Satan  their  chief 
and  named  him  the  Meleki  Tavus,  or  Peacock  King,  con- 
ferring on  him  power  equal  to  that  he  himself  possessed. 
'  Just  as  two  flames  unite  so  did  Allah  and  Satan  become 
one."  If  this  quotation,  which  I  give  from  Jelal  Nouri, 
be  from  the  sacred  writings  of  the  Yezidis  it  would  imply 
a  monotheistic  belief.  But  all  accounts,  including  that 
of  Jelal  himself,  speak  of  them  as  recognizing  a  dualism, 
the  personification  of  the  ideas  of  good  and  evil  respec- 
tively. The  same  notion  is  found  in  Egyptian,  Persian, 
Assyrian  and  other  ancient  religions.  It  is  man's  theory 
in  a  certain  stage  of  his  history  to  solve  the  eternal  riddle 
of  the  existence  of  evil.  It  cannot  come  from  a  good 
spirit,  therefore  it  must  come  from  another.  It  is  wide- 
spread and  irresistible.  Therefore  that  other  is  of  almost 
equal  power.  Many  other  peoples  have  sought  to  pro- 
pitiate an  angry  God.  Human  sacrifices  were  offered 
even  in  our  own  country  to  appease  such  a  god.  But 
all  such  expiatory  offerings  have  been  made  to  an  anthro- 
pomorphic god  who  was  the  giver  of  good  things  as  well 
as  a  revengeful  god.  It  remained  apparently  for  the 
Yezidis  to  teach,  as  they  do,  that  prayers  to  One  were 
insults,  inasmuch  as  He  was  always  working  for  good  and 
wanted  neither  prayer  nor  guidance,  but  that  to  reverence 
and  propitiate  the  spirit  of  evil  because  he  has  the  power 
and  the  will  to  do  mischief  to  man  was  at  least  a  useful 
precaution.  It  is  worth  noting  that  Yezidism,  like  other 
creeds,  while  recognizing  the  antagonism  between  the  two 
emanations  declares  that  ultimately  the  evil  emanation 
will  be  overpowered. 

The  two  powers  united  to  create  Adam  and  Eve. 


Their  posterity  lived  on  earth  for  10,000  years  and  died 
out  leaving  the  world  in  possession  of  Jins.  The  human 
inhabitants  perished  because  of  their  disobedience. 
This  process  was  repeated  five  times.  Then  a  new  Adam 
and  Eve  were  created  from  whom  all  humanity  is  de- 
scended, with  the  exception  of  the  Yezidis.  The  latter 
are  the  sons  of  Adam  but  not  of  Eve.  The  creation 
in  each  case  was  the  joint  work  of  the  Allah  of  the  seven 
emanations  and  of  the  Peacock  King.  Yezidi  is  one 
name  by  which  the  latter  is  known.  His  followers 
believe  in  transmigration.  The  soul  of  Yezidi  has  occu- 
pied various  earthly  forms,  the  most  important  being 
that  of  the  famous  Sheik  A'ddy.  He  has  often  revisited 
earth  as  a  mahdi.  Now  a  mahdi  or  messiah  or  Keutchek 
is  not  a  prophet,  but  an  incarnation  of  God  himself. 
Many  mahdis  have  since  claimed  to  be  incarnations  and 
have  constantly  appeared,  but  as  they  invariably  lead 
rebellions  against  the  Turkish  Government,  they  are 
ruthlessly  hunted  down. 

Needless  to  say,  the  Yezidis  are  intensely  conservative, 
in  the  sense  of  being  non-progressive.  They  claim  to  be 
under  the  protection  of  the  Peacock  King,  otherwise  the 
devil.  Their  legends  are  many  and  extremely  weird.  As 
far  as  possible  they  refuse  to  have  any  dealings  with  their 
Moslem  neighbours.  The  Moslem  authorities  distrust 
them,  and  on  the  other  hand,  no  Yezidi  chief  will  visit  the 
Turkish  authorities  unless  upon  substantial  guarantees 
being  given  for  his  safety.  No  Yezidi  will  enter  a 
mosque.  They  have  no  desire  to  meet  Christians,  but 
they  do  so  more  willingly  than  Mahometans.  The 
features  in  their  conduct  which  has  most  contributed  to 
their  repute  are  :  their  distrust  of  all  who  are  not  of  their 
religion  ;  and  their  belief  that  reverence  must  be  shown 
for  the  devil.  They  regard  as  enemies  those  who  lightly 
take  his  name  in  vain.  Layard  got  himself  into  trouble 


while  at  Nineveh  for  using  one  of  the  names  of  his  Satanic 
majesty  in  presence  of  some  of  them.  Satan,  devil, 
Eblis,  and  numbers  of  other  words  are  not  to  be 
mentioned.  They  claim  that  it  is  their  duty  to  kill  any 
one  who  speaks  ill  of  the  devil.  Jelal  Nouri  confirms 
the  statement  of  earlier  writers  who  declare  that  their 
religion  requires  them  to  murder  those  who  do  not  accept 
their  opinions  and  authorizes  them  to  take  their  property. 

As  to  what  their  religion  is,  whence  it  comes,  or  what 
it  teaches,  opinions  differ.  None  of  the  Yezidis  has  given 
to  the  world  a  statement  of  their  creed  and  we  are  con- 
sequently limited  to  the  reports  of  outsiders,  few  or  none 
of  whom  have  had  the  necessary  facts  or  knowledge  of 
the  growth  of  religious  ideas  to  give  a  satisfactory 
account  of  it.  They  have  two  sacred  books  called  the 
"  Jelveh  "  and  the  "  Black  Mushafi,"  but  as  it  is  a 
crime  to  any  except  the  members  of  one  family,  to  read 
and  write,  it  is  difficult  to  obtain  information  as  to  their 
contents.  They  have  never  been  printed.  Of  recent 
years  they  declare  that  even  all  their  manuscript  books 
have  been  destroyed.  Both  Moslem  and  Christian 
authors,  however,  have  asserted  that  the  lost  books  were 
transcripts  of  parts  of  the  Koran  with  the  words  Satan, 
Eblis,  as  well  as  other  words  by  which  the  Prince  of 
Darkness  is  alluded  to,  such  as  the  "  Wicked  One,"  the 
"  Accursed  One,"  omitted.  Jelal  Nouri  says,  in  opposi- 
tion to  those  who  declare  that  the  Sacred  Books  have 
been  compiled  from  the  Koran,  that  from  extracts  of  the 
books  which  he  has  seen  there  is  nothing  which  resembles 
the  text  of  the  sacred  book  of  Islam. 

They  are  undoubtedly  idolaters.  They  venerate  the 
statues  of  a  peacock  representing  the  great  God-Devil, 
Meleki-Tavus.  The  principal  feature  in  their  public 
worship  is  dancing  which  they  practise  around  these 
statues.  They  also  offer  sacrifice.  The  most  important 


and  most  venerated  of  these  idols  was  captured  and  con- 
fiscated by  Eumer  Pasha,  to  the  infinite  regret  of  its 
worshippers,  when  he  took  possession  of  the  sacred  tomb 
of  A'ddy.  When  the  statue  was  carried  by  some 
members  of  the  small  Caste  set  apart  for  the  purpose  to 
a  Yezidi  village,  it  was  lodged  in  a  house  of  the  believer 
who  paid  the  highest  price  for  the  honour.  As  it  was 
hollow  so  as  to  receive  the  contributions  of  its  devotees, 
the  host  is  supposed  usually  to  have  made  a  profitable 
business  by  receiving  it. 

Their  faith  and  practice  is  a  pot-pourri  of  superstitions 
and  rites,  a  thing  made  up  of  contributions  from  all  the 
faiths  which  the  country,  the  most  fecund  in  the  produc- 
tion of  religions,  has  ever  produced.  It  might  be  ex- 
plained historically  if  the  facts  were  more  fully  known. 
For  the  present  we  must  take  it  as  it  is.  Its  professors 
practise  circumcision  like  Jews  and  Moslems.  Dancing 
as  the  principal  form  of  worship  recalls  various  ancient 
religions  including  Judaism.  They  baptize  their  children 
like  Christians  and,  like  them,  drink  wine  and  spirituous 
liquors.  They  turn  towards  the  morning  star  like  fire- 
worshippers.  Some  of  them  at  least  worship  water  and 
never  pass  a  spring  without  a  prayer.  They  believe 
firmly  in  transmigration  like  Hindoos  and,  like  them, 
favour  Fakirs.  They  repudiate  Islam  and  yet  have  often 
been  classed,  both  by  Moslems  and  Christians,  as  Mahome- 
tan sectaries.  Turkish  writers  claim  that  they  derive 
some  of  their  doctrines  and  practices  from  the  Nestorians. 
But,  one  God  with  a  co-equal  devil,  the  latter  to  be  held 
in  equal  respect,  was  never  the  dogma  of  any  Christian 
sect.  The  pious  Moslem  of  old  time  would  never  tread 
on  a  scrap  of  paper  lest  the  name  of  Allah  should  be 
inscribed  on  it.  The  Yezidi  shows  his  respect  by  being 
ready  to  die  if  his  second  divinity's  name  is  uttered  with 
disrespect.  He  will  never  spit  in  the  fire  for  that  would 


be  an  insult  to  his  god.  As  far  as  one  can  judge,  it  is  a 
topsy-turvy  creed.  One  God  is  a  negligible  quantity, 
because  he  has  handed  over  the  government  of  the  world 
to  Satan ;  the  other  requiring  adoration  because  he  is 
mighty  and  will  punish  those  who  do  not  render  him  due 

The  problem  of  the  origin  of  these  people  and  of  their 
beliefs  has  been  guessed  at  with  some  plausibility. 
Ainsworth  and  other  writers  who  knew  them  suggest 
that  they  are  the  descendants  of  ancient  Assyrians. 
Their  appearance  rather  favours  this  idea.  They  are 
robust  and  well  built,  wear  their  hair  long  and  gathered 
into  a  bunch  behind  the  head,  and  resemble  in  features 
and  even  in  dress  the  figures  found  on  Assyrian  sculptures. 

As  the  Yezidis  admittedly  resemble  these  sculptures, 
I  see  no  difficulty  in  accepting  Ainsworth's  suggestion 
that  they  are  Assyrian  survivals.  But  their  religion ; 
Whence  comes  it  ?  I  suggest  that  it  is  based  on  that  of 
Assyria  with  accretions  and  modifications  from  the  Fire- 
Worshippers  of  Persia,  from  Buddhism,  from  Christianity 
as  developed  among  their  Nestorian  neighbours,  and 
possibly  from  Islam.  Those  who  have  read  such  essays 
as  those  of  Professor  Fritz  Hommel  on  "  Explorations  in 
Arabia, "  of  Professor  Hilprecht  on  "  Assyria  and  Baby- 
lonia," both  included  in  the  remarkable  volume  of 
"  Explorations  in  Bible  Lands,"  published  by  the 
University  of  Philadelphia,  will  recognize  that  in  Meso- 
potamia, eastward  and  southwards,  there  are  found  the 
ruins  of  religious  systems  showing  the  most  curious 
aberrations  of  religious  thought,  a  power  of  perverting, 
and  turning  topsy-turvy  the  theological  developments  of 
great  religious  systems.  Think,  for  example,  of  that  view 
of  the  Trinity  which  prevailed  among  many  of  the  Arabs 
at  the  time  of  Mahomet.  I  am  unable  to  produce 
evidence  of  how  the  Yezidis  developed  their  curious 


beliefs  and  practices.  Such  evidence  at  present  is  not 
complete,  though  I  think  it  probable  that  it  would  bear 
out  my  suggestion.  Of  course  it  does  not  follow  because 
the  Yezidis  circumcise  that  they  adopted  the  practice 
from  either  Jew  or  Moslem.  The  habit  was  probably 
earlier.  Nor  does  the  practice  of  pilgrimage  which  exists 
among  them  necessarily  point  to  Islam.  They  visit  the 
tomb  of  Sheik-A'ddy,  just  as  some  of  their  neighbours 
visit  Mecca  and  others  the  three  famous  tombs  at  Ker- 
bella.  Pilgrimage,  indeed,  as  a  religious  duty  was  not 
unknown  to  many  of  the  ancient  religions.  The  feasts 
at  the  tomb  of  Sheik-A'ddy  are  usually  described  as  orgies, 
but  as  non- Yezidis  were  not  allowed  to  be  present  the 
statement  may  be  doubted.  Baptism,  however,  appears 
to  point  unmistakably  to  Christianity.  Their  practice 
of  praying  only  in  presence  of  the  morning  star, 
which  is  possibly  derived  from  Persia,  is  equally  likely 
to  indicate  a  habit  derived  from  the  Chaldeans  or 
Assyrians.  The  transmigration  of  souls  may  have  come 
from  India. 

The  American  Protestant  Missionary  Board  has  a 
mission  to  the  Yezidis  which  has  apparently  gained  their 
confidence,  and  during  the  famine  of  1909  one  of  the  mis- 
sionaries was  entrusted  with  the  distribution  of  food.  He 
tells  an  ugly  story  of  the  way  they  are  still  treated.  I 
regret  to  say  that  it  appears  to  me  quite  trustworthy. 
He  wrote  in  November  1910  the  following :  "  The 
Yezidis  are  overflowing  with  gratitude,  and  some  of  their 
villages  are  asking  us  to  give  them  teachers.  But  the 
government  will  not  allow  us  to  do  so.  The  position 
taken  up  by  the  government  is  that  the  Yezidis  are  a 
branch  of  Islam  that  has  been  led  astray  by  corrupt 
teachers,  and  they  must  be  persuaded,  not  forced  as 
formerly,  to  adopt  Moslem  Orthodox  teaching  only/' 
That  is  their  theory.  But  a  different  story  must  be  told 


as  to  their  practice.  In  the  recent  rebellion  of  Ibraham 
Pasha  the  soldiers  separated  the  Yezidis  from  the  Kurds 
and  then  slew  the  Yezidis  and  their  families,  plundering 
and  burning  their  houses  and  carrying  off  their  tents. 
The  American  plan  of  persuasion  is  some  centuries  ahead 
of  the  Turkish. 

The  language  of  the  Yezidis  is  akin  to  that  of  the  Kurds, 
and  is  therefore  not  Semitic  nor  belonging  to  the  Tur- 
coman variety.  Language,  however,  is  by  no  means  a  test 
of  the  origin  of  a  people.  There  are  many  Armenian 
villages  where  only  Turkish  is  spoken,  and  many  Greek 
villages  where  the  inhabitants  have  forgotten  the  speech 
of  their  race.  I  for  one  shall  wait  eagerly  for  further 
investigations  on  the  history  of  these  people  and  of  their 
curious  religion,  and  to  see  what  success  the  American 
missionaries  will  have  in  their  praiseworthy  attempt  to 
bring  them  within  the  range  of  civilization. 



Is  Islam  unchangeable  ? — Foreign  influences — Conservatism  of 
Moslems — Statements  in  Koran  may  now  be  discussed — Hindrances 
to  development — Rules  of  interpretation — Have  women  souls  ? — 
Paradise — Claim  that  Christians  shall  have  equality — Conclusion 

THE  popular  conception  of  Mahometanism  is  that  it 
is  unchangeable  ;  that  having  a  creed  of  only  two 
short  articles,  the  first  declaring  that  there  is  only  one 
God  and  the  other  that  Mahomet  is  his  prophet,  Moslems 
desire  no  change,  do  not  think  improvements  possible 
and  resent  every  attempt,  especially  those  made  by 
Christians,  to  change  their  faith. 

Mr  Palgrave,1  one  of  the  keenest  observers  who  ever 
travelled  among  the  Arabs,  says  "  Islam  is  in  itself 
stationary  and  was  framed  thus  to  remain/'  The  Rev. 
T.  P.  Hughes,  author  of  a  "  Dictionary  of  Islam  "  which  is 
regarded  by  experts  as  singularly  accurate,  claims  that 
Mahometanism  is  "  a  barrier  against  the  progress  of 
civilization,"  that  Mahometanism  "  admits  of  no  progress 
in  morals,  law  or  commerce/'  It  would  be  easy  to 
multiply  quotations  to  a  like  effect.  Without  forgetting 
that  educated  Pagans,  in  the  time  of  Constantine,  made 
similar  observations  regarding  the  incompatibility  of 
Christianity  with  civilization,  it  may  be  admitted  that 
one  of  the  features  of  Islam  which  has  most  impressed 
the  imagination  of  non-Moslems  has  been  its  unchange- 

1  "Arabia,"  vol.  i.  p.  372. 


able  character.  The  Koran  has  been  presented  as  a  final 
but  complete  revelation.  It  has  been  said  "  to  contain 
the  whole  of  the  religion  of  Mahomet,"  to  be  "  an  all 
embracing  and  sufficient  code  regulating  everything." 
Above  all  it  has  been  represented  as  a  Holy  Book  which 
must  be  accepted  but  not  discussed. 

Yet  even  in  Moslem  countries  the  world  moves.  There 
are  communities  where  such  ideas  still  prevail.  They 
were  much  more  generally  held  half  a  century  ago.  The 
Koran  was  beyond  criticism  and  even  outside  discussion. 
It  came  from  God  and  its  teaching  was  therefore  infallible. 
No  Christian  cottager  who  "  just  knew  and  knew  no  more 
her  Bible  true  "  was  ever  more  convinced  that  every 
statement  contained  in  it,  must  be  regarded  as  liter- 
ally true  than  was  the  Moslem  in  regard  to  the  Koran. 
Popular  sentiment  supported  the  notion  that  Islam  must 
neither  be  attacked  nor  discussed. 

The  penalty  for  abandoning  Islam  was,  and  still  is, 
death.  On  the  rare  occasions  within  the  last  half  century 
when  Moslems  in  Turkey  have  changed  their  creed  they 
have  either  fled  the  country  or  disappeared  and  their 
friends  have  assumed,  and  probably  rightly,  that  they 
have  been  secretly  killed.  Religious  liberty  was  decreed 
as  far  back  as  the  time  of  Lord  Stratford  de  Redcliffe,  but 
when  that  great  ambassador  learned  that  a  Moslem  had 
been  sentenced  to  death  for  having  become  a  Christian, 
he  hurried  off  to  the  palace,  refused  to  take  mere  verbal 
assurances  from  the  Sultan  that  the  man's  life  would  be 
spared,  and  insisted  on  waiting  until  with  his  dragoman 
he  could  take  away  the  order  that  the  man  should  be 
given  up  to  him.  He  believed  that  the  convert  would  be 
hanged  as  a  sacrifice  to  Moslem  prejudice  immediately 
it  was  known  that  the  ambassador  had  interfered  and 
that  his  hanging  would  be  declared  to  be  a  mistake. 
The  popular  sentiment  against  a  change  of  faith  is  prob- 


ably  as  strong  now  in  eastern  Anatolia  as  then.  In  a 
hundred  villages  in  Turkey  a  man  would  be  killed  if  he 
declared  that  he  had  become  a  Christian,  and  his  mur- 
derers would  believe  they  were  doing  God  a  service. 

Nevertheless,  Islam  being  a  human  institution  it  would 
be  remarkable  if  in  the  midst  of  change  it  were  unchange- 
able. It  is  true  that  the  old  system  of  astronomy  and 
other  matters  which  in  the  Ages  of  Faith  were  held  also 
by  Christians  are  still  clung  to  in  most,  perhaps  all, 
Mahometan  schools  for  softas.  Christianity,  though 
always  tardily,  has  never  yet  failed  to  accept  the  teach- 
ings of  science.  A  material  firmament  supported  by 
pillars,  with  windows  which  are  opened  when  rain  is  to 
be  supplied,  with  a  score  of  similar  beliefs  have  long  since 
been  discarded  by  nearly  all  Christians  and  though  these 
relics  of  early  teaching  linger  on  among  Moslems,  it  would 
be  strange  if  the  movement  which  has  enabled  Christians 
to  read  into  their  belief,  conclusions  for  which  their  pro- 
fessors would  have  been  burnt  five  centuries  ago  and  for 
which  they  would  have  been  cast  out  one  century  ago, 
had  not  its  counterpart  in  Islam.  A  friend  was  fond  of 
saying  that  the  difference  in  the  eras,  that  of  A.D.  and  of 
A.H.  (the  hegira  632  A.D.)  marked  the  difference  between 
the  civilization  of  the  west  and  the  east.  We  are  in  1911. 
Moslems  are  in  1326*  The  remark  has  a  truth  in  it.  But 
the  learning  of  the  Christian  west  cannot  be  ignored 
among  the  Turks  and  still  less  among  the  Moslems  of 
India,  where  the  teachings  of  science  are  being  steadily 
diffused.  In  India  the  Moslems  read  English  books 
which  have  obviously  been  written  not  with  the  object  of 
perverting  the  faith  but  of  instructing  Englishmen.  They 
are  founded  on  science.  They  do  not  profess  to  teach 
with  divine  authority  but  appeal  to  reason  and  arguments 
which  the  student  is  invited  to  examine  and  is  at  liberty 
to  accept  or  reject  as  he  likes.  Many  of  them  are  of 


course  written  by  agnostics  while  most  of  them  make  no 
reference  whatever  either  to  Islam  or  Christianity. 
Religious  instinct  or  tradition  may  fight  against  the  con- 
clusions but  reason  ultimately  compels  acceptance. 

So  also  in  Turkey.  The  wealthier  classes  usually  know 
some  western  language,  most  commonly  French.  Mili- 
tary students  have  been  sent  to  Germany,  a  few  naval 
men  to  England.  Young  men  training  for  diplomatic  or 
consular  posts  must  always  acquire  at  least  one  foreign 
language.  It  is  natural  that  the  professors  of  Islam, 
which  I  have  heard  a  prominent  Moslem  of  the  Young 
Turkey  party  speak  of  as  first  and  foremost  a  hygienic 
religion,  should  endeavour  to  study  the  art  of  healing. 
But  for  this  purpose,  even  though  they  are  students 
in  the  great  medical  college  at  Hyder  Pasha  a  foreign 
language  is  necessary,  if  the  student  is  to  know  what 
progress  in  medical  science  is  being  made.  Hence  the 
proportion  of  men  who  know  a  foreign  language  is  con- 
siderably high.  This  fact  has  an  important  bearing  on 
the  way  in  which  Islam  is  regarded  by  educated  Turks. 
The  basis  of  their  traditional  creed  is  not  shaken  :  but 
adjuncts  to  it  go  by  the  board.  They  see  professors 
drinking  wine  and  not  becoming  drunkards.  They 
recognize  that  the  command  to  abstain  from  eating  bacon 
or  ham  is  merely  a  hygienic  rule  useful  in  a  semi-tropical 
country.  They  note  that  the  ceremonial  washings  and 
regulations  against  defilement  are  useful  sanitary  pre- 
cautions, but  not  matters  to  be  regarded  as  sacred 

My  own  observation  leads  me  to  conclude  that,  of  the 
students  who  have  been  to  the  West  and  of  those  who 
associate  with  Frenchmen  or  Englishmen  or  read  their 
books,  the  majority  are  far  from  disowning  the  religion 
of  their  fathers  but  they  do  not  care  to  practise  its  ob- 
servances. A  few  among  them  openly  profess  Free 



Thought  or  adopt  Positivism.  Indifference  is  probably 
the  best  word  to  apply  to  the  attitude  of  mind  of  educated 
Turks  in  regard  to  the  observances  of  religion.  It  has 
been  said  that  many  Moslems,  in  neglecting  the  teaching 
of  their  youth,  become  drunkards.  The  statement  is 
simply  untrue.  I  have  known  Turks  who  have  drunk  to 
excess  but  I  am  sure  they  are  not  numerous. 

It  is  rare  among  the  mollahs,  and  they  are  the  leaders 
of  religious  thought,  to  find  a  man  who  knows  anything 
about  western  literature  or  can  speak  a  western  language. 
Arabic,  the  language  of  the  Koran,  is  naturally  the 
language  which  they  acquire.  Hence  to  find  the  old- 
fashioned  Moslem  with  all  his  intolerance  and  bigotry 
one  would  first  look  among  them. 

There  are,  however,  thoughtful  men  among  the  mollahs 
who  respect  their  religion  and  feel  the  difficulties  which 
exist  in  maintaining  the  old  beliefs  and  practices  with  the 
new  teaching  coming  from  the  West,  and  who  wish  to 
reconcile  the  two.  The  needs  of  Turks  have  forced  in- 
novations. Every  reader  of  travels  in  Turkey  will  re- 
member the  general  esteem  felt  for  Europeans  as  the 
depositaries  of  medical  secrets.  Medicine  has  indeed 
made  great  progress  in  Turkey.  There  are  excellent 
surgeons  who  are  recognized  by  their  European  colleagues 
as  their  equals  ;  physicians  with  European  training,  and 
even  a  medical  school  which  would  do  credit  to  a  European 
city.  The  religious  precepts  of  the  Sheri,  formed  on  the 
Koran  and  the  sayings  of  the  prophet,  cannot  be  changed, 
but  they  can  be  explained  away  or  conveniently  disre- 
garded. The  criminal  law  of  Islam  is  as  crude  and  tribal 
as  that  given  to  the  Jews.  Remembering  the  tenacity 
with  which  our  fathers  refused  to  disobey  the  injunction 
"  Thou  shalt  not  suffer  a  witch  to  live/'  we  can  at  least 
make  allowances  for  the  Turk  whose  religion  not  only 
teaches  him  that  he  has  the  latest  and  final  revelation  of 


God  but  that  it  places  him  upon  a  higher  plane  than  even 
men  who  follow  the  "  religion  of  the  books,"  that  is 
Jews  and  Christians. 

How  much  the  Moslem  has  stuck  to  the  sacred  letter 
of  his  law  may  be  illustrated.  The  penalty  to  be  inflicted 
on  a  Moslem  for  eating  or  drinking  during  daylight  in  the 
month  of  Ramazan  is  death,  to  be  inflicted  by  pouring 
melted  lead  down  the  offender's  throat.  I  am  writing  this 
during  Ramazan,  and  while  doing  so  I  had  a  visit  from  a 
former  procureur  imperial,  who  told  me  that  on  one 
occasion  in  Asia  Minor  a  Kadi  formally  notified  him  that 
he  had  sentenced  an  offender  to  this  penalty  for  the  offence 
of  eating  during  the  prohibited  time.  My  informant  re- 
monstrated, stating  that  he  could  not  be  a  party  to  such 
a  proceeding.  The  reply  was,  "  I  have  to  give  sentence 
according  to  the  sacred  law  against  the  man  who  has  been 
found  guilty  of  its  violation  :  it  is  for  you  to  see  to  its 
execution/'  The  matter  was  referred  to  the  Ministry  of 
Justice  in  Constantinople  and  conveniently  forgotten. 
In  a  dozen  different  matters  the  law  being  sacred  remains, 
but  is  disregarded.  In  this  way  some  of  the  less  reason- 
able commands  of  the  Sheriat  have  fallen  into  disuse. 

One  enormous  advance  has  been  made  by  Moslem 
scholars  during  the  last  thirty  years.  After  much  struggle 
it  has  come  to  be  recognized  that  the  statements  in  the 
Koran  may  be  discussed.  It  is  no  longer  a  conclusive 
reply  to  an  objector  that  the  Koran  says  so  and  so.  It  is 
recognized  that  there  are  other  truths  than  those  con- 
tained in  the  great  Sacred  Book,  such  for  example  as 
those  in  the  Ahadis,  and  if  the  statements  in  the  first 
conflict  with  such  other  truths,  the  matter  may  be  ex- 
amined. Once  such  a  position  is  accepted  the  old  dogma- 
tism is  undermined.  In  the  development  of  Islam  the 
recognition  of  the  right  to  criticize  the  Koran  and  the 
Ahadis  or  "  Traditions  "  is  of  supreme  importance,  because 


once  these  books  can  be  examined  their  true  value  can  be 
ascertained.  Mr  Hughes  states  indeed — and  everything 
from  the  pen  of  so  accurate  an  expert  as  he  is,  on  the 
subject  of  Islam,  merits  attention — that  "  as  Islam  is  a 
system  of  the  most  positive  dogma,  it  does  not  admit 
either  of  rationalism  or  free  thought."  He  compares  the 
influence  of  a  certain  Indian  Mahometan  reformer  upon 
Islam  with  that  of  Mr  Voysey  upon  orthodox  Christianity. 
The  comparison  is  fair.  But  I  believe  the  truth  to  be 
that  just  as  modernism,  the  higher  criticism,  broad 
churchism,  or  by  whatever  name  liberalism  in  Christianity 
is  known  among  us,  has  made  great  progress  among  all 
Christian  churches,  so  the  same  order  of  ideas,  the  same 
tendency  of  the  age  has  made  and  continues  to  make  pro- 
gress among  at  least  some  Mahometan  peoples.  It  is  true 
that  Islam  like  Christianity  is  burdened  with  dogma,  but 
a  similar  movement  and  like  arguments  which  have  caused 
all  western  churches  to  ignore  much  of  their  dogma,  and 
to  get  back  to  principles,  are  being  employed  by  Mahome- 
tan students. 

A  great  hindrance  to  the  reception  by  Moslems  of 
European  ideas  in  regard  to  politics,  philosophy  or 
religion  is  the  spiritual  pride  of  the  Mahometan,  by  which 
term  I  mean  the  undoubting  conviction  that  the  believer 
in  the  religion  of  Mahomet  has  a  divine  right  to  treat  all 
non-believers  as  on  a  lower  plane,  to  reduce  them  to  sub- 
jection if  they  are  "  Jews  or  Christians,"  and  to  exter- 
minate them  if  they  are  Idolaters.  Among  the  ignorant 
masses  of  Moslem  Turks  this  sense  of  superiority  is  deep. 
I  may  illustrate  it  by  the  following.  When  about  1880, 
Colonel  Coumaroff  the  military  attache  of  the  Russian 
embassy  in  the  capital  was  riding  two  or  three  miles  away 
from  Pera,  a  Moslem  stepped  out  in  front  of  him,  took 
deliberate  aim  and  shot  him  dead.  He  was  arrested  and 
tried  for  the  murder.  As  all  the  embassies  were  inter- 


ested,  in  consequence  of  the  official  character  of  the 
Victim  in  seeing  that  justice  was  done,  a  court  was  ap- 
pointed of  which  several  foreign  representatives,  among 
them  Hobart  Pasha,  were  members.  On  the  evening  of 
the  trial  he  expressed  to  me  his  regret  that  I  had  not  been 
present  to  see  the  prisoner's  attitude  when  he  was  asked 
incidentally  whether  he  knew  the  man  he  was  shooting 
was  a  Christian.  "  Of  course  I  did/'  was  his  immediate 
answer.  "  You  don't  think  I  am  capable  of  shooting  a 
believer,  do  you  ?  "  "  It  was/'  said  Hobart,  "  as  if  we 
had  asked  after  a  dog."  This  attitude  of  spiritual  conceit 
can  only  arise  from  the  conviction  of  ignorance  that  divine 
Power  has  ordained  that  Moslems  should  possess  domin- 
ance over  other  men.  Once  let  the  Sacred  Books  be 
examined  and  discussed,  as  they  are  beginning  to  be,  and 
the  conviction  of  inherent  superiority  will  diminish  or 

In  certain  cases  of  difficulty  learned  Moslems  boldly 
tackle  the  discrepancies  which  exist  between  what  their 
reason  teaches  them  is  true  and  what  they  find  commonly 
taught  as  the  doctrine  of  Islam.  By  what  is  now  a  well- 
recognized  system  of  interpretation  they  make  a  distinc- 
tion between  the  teaching  which  is  to  be  of  general  applica- 
tion and  that  which  had  only  application  to  the  particular 
case  under  discussion.  It  is  claimed  that  this  mode  of 
interpretation  is  very  old  and  that  it  is  sanctioned  by  the 
early  doctors  of  Moslem  teaching.  It  is  evidently  one  of 
wide  application.  It  should  also  be  noted  that  the 
Moslem  doctors  of  all  schools  are  agreed  that  even  Moslem 
law  is  not  held  to  be  contained  exclusively  in  the  Koran. 
It  is  to  be  gathered,  say  the  professional  teachers  of  all 
branches  of  Islam,  from  four  sources,  from  the  Koran,  the 
Sayings  and  Traditions  of  Mahomet,  the  Consent  of 
certain  early  Doctors  of  the  Law,  and  the  Reasoning  of 
Learned  men.  If  these  early  Doctors  agree  there  can  be 


no  doubt,  say  all  the  orthodox  teachers,  what  Islamic 
Law  is. 

The  greatest  drawback  to  the  progress  of  Moslem 
civilization  is  the  position  popularly  assigned  to  women. 
Thoughtful  men  among  Turks  as  well  as  among 
foreigners  recognize  that  this  is  the  most  serious  blot 
upon  Mahometan  practice.  Lady  Mary  Montagu, 
writing  in  1717,  said  it  was  a  popular  delusion  among 
Christian  peoples  that  in  accordance  with  Turkish  belief, 
women  have  no  souls.  She  then  goes  on  to  explain  that 
the  belief  is  that  they  have  souls  but  of  an  inferior  char- 
acter to  those  of  men.  The  popular  delusion  alluded  to 
still  exists  and  in  support  of  it  I  may  quote  Sir  Edward 
Malet's  pleasant  book,  "  Shifting  Scenes,"  in  which  among 
other  things  he  explains  how  he  remonstrated  with  the 
Khedive,  Tewfik,  during  the  Arabi  disturbances  in  Egypt. 
He  gives  Tewfik's  reply.  "  Death  does  not  signify  to  me 
personally ;  our  religion  prevents  us  from  having  any 
fear  of  death ;  but  it  is  different  with  our  women.  To 
them,  you  know,  life  is  everything,  their  existence  ends 
here  :  they  cry  and  weep  and  implore  me  to  save  them.'* 

A  cultured  American  lady  informed  me  that  on  three 
several  recent  occasions  Turkish  ladies  had  excused  their 
ignorance  as  to  the  matters  under  discussion  by  saying, 
"  We  don't  understand  such  things,  we  women  have  no 
souls/'  There  is  probably  little  difference  between  those 
who  use  such  language  and  those  who  agree  with  Lady 
Mary's  informants  that  women's  souls  are  of  an  inferior 

On  the  other  hand  it  is  clear  that  many  Moslems  hold 
that  women  have  souls.  The  evidence  for  this  is  to  be 
found  on  some  women's  tomb-stones.  Near  Haskeuy  on 
the  Golden  Horn  is  one  with  "  grant  my  soul  the  blessing 
of  a  prayer."  In  a  Turkish  cemetery  opposite  me  while 
writing,  is  "  weep  not  for  her  :  she  has  become  a  dweller 


in  the  Gardens  of  Paradise/'  Such  epitaphs,  however,  are 
rare.  Among  those  who  have  come  under  European 
influence,  men  and  women,  it  is  of  course  recognized  that 
woman  is  as  clearly  endowed  with  a  soul  as  man.  The 
pious  reconciler  of  the  Sacred  Word  and  the  teaching  of 
the  West  wishes  to  establish  that  the  popular  belief  is 
incorrect  and  that  no  such  inequality  ought  to  be  credited. 
European  commentators  on  the  Koran  are  agreed  that 
there  are  passages  in  the  Koran  that  justify  those  who 
claim  that  women  have  souls  and  may  enter  into  a  para- 
dise. The  two  verses  relied  upon  are  clear.  The  first  is 
in  Sura  or  chapter  xlviii.  v.  5;and  says  that  God  is  knowing, 
wise  "  to  make  the  believers,  men  and  women,  enter  into 
gardens  beneath  which  rivers  flow  to  dwell  therein  for 
ages."  l  The  second  is  in  Sura  iv.  v.  123.  "  He  who 
doeth  good  works — be  it  male  or  female — and  believes, 
they  shall  enter  into  Paradise."  2 

If  it  be  asked  how  in  presence  of  these  passages,  the 
belief  has  become  popular  that  women  are  soulless,  the 
answer  is  not  difficult  to  give.  The  rewards  promised  in 
the  Koran  to  men  who  attain  Paradise  are  very  promin- 
ently brought  forward  3  Those  for  women  are  very  few 
and  are  not  given  and  though  a  woman  may  attain 
Paradise  her  pleasures  and  her  occupations  are  not  de- 
scribed. The  houris  are  not  earthly  women  but  a  distinct 

If  we  pass  from  the  educated  man's  examination  of  the 
question  to  the  popular  conception  and  even  teaching  in 
the  backward  parts  of  Anatolia,  the  following  is  illustra- 
tive :  Some  years  ago,  an  American  young  lady  living  in 
an  interior  city  in  Asia  Minor  visited  a  mosque,  and  tells 

1  "  Translation  of  Koran,"  by  E.  H.  Palmer,  "  Sacred  Books  of  the 
East,"  edited  by  F.  Max  Miiller. 

2  Ibid. 

3  See  Suras,  47,  55,  56  and  76,  and  given  in  fuller  details  in  the 
"  Sayings  of  the  Prophets." 


the  following  story :  Some  of  her  Turkish  friends  wished 
her  to  hear  a  sermon  specially  for  women.  As  it  was 
unheard  of  for  a  foreigner  to  attend  such  a  service,  she  put 
on  the  charshaf  (or  sheet)  of  the  Turkish  woman  and  so 
disguised  attended  as  a  Turkish  woman. 

She  knew  Turkish,  and  as  she  sat  on  the  floor  huddled 
up,  and  closely  veiled,  she  lost  her  fear  of  being  discovered 
in  the  interest  of  listening  to  the  preacher.  Her  account 
is  the  following :  The  imam  sat  on  a  sort  of  low  armchair, 
raised  six  or  eight  feet  above  the  floor  and  so  wide  be- 
tween the  arms  that  he  could  sit  in  it  cross-legged. 
From  this  elevation  he  gave  golden  counsel  to  the  veiled 
women  crowded  together  on  the  floor  around  him.  He 
said,  "  Of  course  you  women  have  no  souls."  And  the 
women  rocked  to  and  fro  and  beat  their  breasts  and  said, 
"  Yes  :  amin :  we  have  no  souls.  We  are  asses.  We 
are  beasts."  Then  the  preacher  discoursed  long  on  their 
duties.  He  said,  "  Although  there  is  no  place  prepared 
for  you  in  Paradise,  you  may  possibly  get  there  by  being 
very  good  to  your  husbands  and  sons,  your  fathers  and 
brothers.  If  you  rise  in  the  night  and  prepare  food  and 
see  that  the  house  is  clean  and  do  all  the  things  that  your 
men  like  and  never  neglect  their  wishes  and  work  hard 
and  faithfufly  and  never  think  of  selfish  pleasure,  when 
your  husband  or  your  son  dies  and  rides  into  Paradise  on 
a  noble  white  steed  you  may  catch  hold  of  the  tail  of  the 
horse  and  so  get  in."  And  all  the  women  rocked  back 
and  forth  and  said  "  We  are  asses ;  but  please  Allah  we 
may  reach  Paradise." 

The  enjoyments  of  Paradise  as  everyone  knows  are  of 
the  most  sensual  kind,  and  in  this  respect  the  Mahometan 
contrasts  unfavourably  with  the  Christian  conception  of 
Heaven.  The  teaching  of  Christ  is  that  the  inhabitants 
"  neither  marry  nor  are  given  in  marriage,"  and  the  ideal 
which  speaks  of  the  consummation  of  just  men  made 


perfect  could  not  be  bettered  by  prophet,  practical  man 
or  dreamer. 

But  even  here  the  influence  of  modern  thought  is 
visible.  The  sensual  delight  of  Mahomet's  Paradise  are 
felt  by  many  pious  Moslems  to  constitute  a  low  ideal  of 
happiness,  and  teachers  are  now  found  who  speak  of  such 
enjoyments  as  figurative,  like  many  of  the  expressions  in 
Solomon's  song.  Mr  Hughes,  however,  is  presumably 
right  when  he  states  that  "  all  Moslem  theologians  have 
given  a  literal  interpretation  of  the  sensual  .delights,  and 
it  is  impossible  for  any  candid  mind  to  read  the  Koran 
and  the  '  Traditions  '  and  arrive  at  any  other  conclusion 
on  the  subject  "  x 

Whatever  the  recent  teachers  of  Islam  may  say,  it  is 
however  beyond  reasonable  doubt  that  the  position  of 
women  in  Moslem  is  lower  than  in  Christian  countries. 

The  modernist  among  Moslems  is  trying  to  find  a 
remedy  for  the  position  in  which  woman  is  placed.  Her 
worst  grievances  are  to  be  found  in  polygamy  and  in  her 
liability  to  be  "  repudiated."  Her  husband  has  but  to 
pronounce  the  simple  formula  of  repudiation  three  times 
and  his  wife  is  legally  put  away.  No  reason  need  be 
assigned.  She  is  cast  off  almost  as  easily  as  an  old  shoe. 
The  leading  Moslems  both  in  Turkey  and  in  India  recog- 
nize the  evil  of  such  a  practice.  A  Turkish  Moslem  and 
an  Indian,  the  latter  a  barrister-at-law,  both  of  them 
reputed  to  be  experts  on  Mahometan  law,  have  assured 
me  that  the  practice  of  repudiation  though  everywhere 
admitted  is  an  abuse  contrary  to  the  religious  teaching 
of  Islam  and  that  regular  divorce  proceedings  based  upon 
adultery  is  what  Mahomet  enjoined.  I  cannot,  however, 
find  in  Mr  Hughes'  "  Notes  on  Mohammedanism  "  any 
authority  for  the  statement.  My  informants  claimed 
that  the  movement  to  abolish  repudiation  will  be  sup- 

1  Hughes'  "  Notes  on  Mohammedanism,"  p.  93. 


ported  by  appealing  to  early  religious  teaching.  As 
happened  in  England,  and  as  I  have  already  explained,  the 
lawyers  came  to  the  assistance  of  Turkish  women.  From 
the  days  of  the  early  caliphs,  they  claimed  that  women 
were  entitled  to  their  own  property.  Modernism,  however, 
wishes  to  strike  at  the  practice  of  repudiation  altogether. 
Perhaps  the  most  remarkable  signs  of  the  movement 
to  get  rid  of  the  hardness  and  rigidity  of  Mahometan 
dogma  is  the  attempt  made  during  and  since  the  revolu- 
tion of  July  24, 1908,  to  show  that  Christians  and  Moslems 
ought  to  be  regarded  as  equals.  The  cry  during  the  first 
weeks  after  the  destruction  of  the  debasing  and  irritating 
tyranny  of  Abdul  Hamid  was  for  liberty,  equality,  frater- 
nity and  justice.  The  four  words  were  inscribed  on  most 
of  the  Turkish  banners.  In  a  great  procession  which 
passed  my  house  in  Pera  on  the  3rd  December  1908,  there 
were  probably  fifty  open  carriages,  in  each  of  which  sat  a 
mollah  side  by  side  with  a  Christian  bishop  or  priest  or 
with  a  Jewish  rabbi.  Every  form  of  Christianity  in  the 
Empire  was  represented.  The  Orthodox  Church,  the 
Armenian,  Melkite,  Coptic,  Armenian  Catholic,  each  had  a 
member  sitting  side  by  side  with  a  Moslem  dignitary. 
From  the  terrace  of  the  Town  Hall  a  mollah  offered  prayers 
for  brotherhood,  and  the  crowd,  composed  about  equally 
of  Moslems  and  Christians,  responded  with  hearty  Amtns. 
Two  months  previously  I  had  a  conversation  with  the 
Sheik-ul-Islam  who  is  at  once  "  primate  and  lord  chancel- 
lor "  of  the  Moslem  Millet  or  community,  and  had  invited 
him  to  express  his  opinion  on  the  question  whether  by  the 
law  of  Islam  equality  with  Christians  could  be  permitted 
by  the  "  Sheri ' '  or  Sacred  Law.  His  reply  was  remarkable. 
He  declared  that  in  accordance  with  the  teaching  of 
Mahomet  they  ought  to  be  so  treated,  and  that  as  a  fact 
they  were  so  treated  by  him.  In  response  to  my  ob- 
servation that  I  could  not  recall  any  Mahometan  ruler 


who  had  recognized  the  "  People  of  the  Books  "  as  the 
equals  of  Moslems,  he  admitted  that  this  was  true  gener- 
ally but  added  that  when  the  Moslem  applied  the  law  of 
the  conqueror  he  was  acting  against  the  law  of  Islam. 
He  asked  me  whether  I  had  given  attention  to  the  early 
progress  of  Islam.  In  reply  I  told  him  that  I  had  and 
that  I  considered  it  the  most  wonderful  progress  of  which 
history  bears  record.  "  Yes/'  said  he,  "  from  India  to 
Gibraltar  within  a  few  years  was  marvellous,"  but  what 
was  my  explanation  of  it  ?  I  told  him  that  I  would 
much  prefer  to  hear  his.  He  then  claimed  that  it  was  be- 
cause Mahomet  proclaimed  liberty  and  granted  equality. 
Thousands  of  Christians  flocked  to  his  standard  as  they 
did  afterwards  to  that  of  the  caliphs  in  order  to  enjoy  the 
liberty  and  the  equality  which  he  offered  them.  Mahomet 
and  the  caliphs  were  true  to  these  principles.  Then  he 
added,  and  the  phrase  was  twice  repeated  during  the 
conversation  and  recalled  to  him  by  me  a  little  later  in 
an  interview  in  presence  of  Mr  Noel  Buxton  and  Dr, 
now  Sir  Arthur  Evans,  that  liberal  though  the  Consti- 
tution granted  in  July  was,  Islam  was  still  more  liberal. 

In  the  course  of  my  second  interview  and  upon  the 
suggestion  of  Mr  Roden  Buxton  I  asked  whether  he  re- 
garded the  members  of  the  Sheah  sect  as  Mahometans. 
His  answer  was  emphatically  yes.  In  the  course  of  the 
same  conversation  he  made  a  statement  which  I  confess 
startled  me.  All  men,  said  he,  may  be  recognized  as 
entitled  to  equality  and  even  as  belonging  to  the  religion  of 
Islam  if  they  are  prepared  to  say  and  believe  "  La  ilaha 
Il-lal-laho,"  "  There  is  no  deity  but  God."  He  did  not  add 
the  other  portion  signifying  "  Mahomet  is  the  prophet  of 
God."  Upon  his  making  the  remark  I  replied,  "  then  all 
of  us  here  are  Moslems  for  we  all  believe  and  are  all  ready 
to  say  that."  The  venerable  head  of  the  faith  smiled 
pleasantly  but  said  nothing  in  the  way  of  dissent. 


If  this  statement  be  held  by  any  considerable  member 
of  Ulema  or  of  Moslem  scholars,  and  it  was  made  in 
presence  of  four  or  five  Moslem  dignitaries,  then  the 
world  is  in  presence  of  a  movement  before  which  the  old 
notion  of  Mahometanism,  as  a  crystallized  faith,  will  have 
to  be  abandoned. 

Of  one  thing  I  am  convinced,  that  among  the  educated 
and  thoughtful  Moslems  of  Turkey  there  have  been  for 
some  years  and  still  are  forces  at  work  which  are  exercis- 
ing immense  influence  on  them  and  their  religious  con- 
ceptions. Among  these  forces  are,  the  progress  of 
physical  science,  the  example  of  the  prosperity,  strength, 
order,  better  government  and  civilization  of  Christian 
countries,  the  influence  of  travel  both  of  Moslems  who 
have  resided  in  Western  Europe  and  of  European  travel- 
lers who  have  visited  Turkey,  and  association  with  and 
the  example  of  men  of  other  religions. 

We  are  now  beginning  to  see  the  results.  Islam  is 
theism  plus  many  practices.  These  practices  have  in 
many  cases  become  sanctioned  as  if  they  were  articles 
of  belief.  Some  are  useful,  others  of  doubtful  utility. 
Many  have  served  their  turn  and  have  become  useless. 
The  hygienic  regulations  have  made  the  Moslems  the 
most  cleanly  people  in  Turkey.  The  rule  as  to  abstaining 
from  eating  swine-flesh  in  any  form,  though  generally 
observed,  is  spoken  of  by  educated  Moslems  merely  as  a 
good  sanitary  observance  for  a  country  like  Arabia.  In 
time  it  will  probably  be  sent  to  the  limbo  of  the  similar 
provisions  made  for  the  Jews.  The  dogma  insisting  on  a 
pilgrimage  to  Mecca,  which  is  officially  taught  to  be  one 
of  the  "  Five  Pillars  of  Islam,"  has  had  its  use  but  is 
generally  recognized  as  one  which  may  be  obeyed  or  not 
according  to  the  convenience  of  the  believer.  The 
practices  of  Islam  which  cannot  reasonably  be  justified 
will  die  out,  but  they  will  die  slowly.  The  great  definite 


advance  which  has  been  made  in  deference  to  modern 
Moslem  thought  is  that  investigation  is  permitted  by 
public  opinion.  To  be  not  altogether  satisfied  with 
dogmatic  teaching  and  to  be  able  to  examine  it  is  in  itself 
progress  and  the  best  Turkish  thought  has  arrived  at 
that  stage. 

But  one  must  face  facts  ;  and  while  one  welcomes  the 
developments  of  Islam  it  must  not  be  forgotten  that  the 
modern  views  have  to  make  way  against  a  dense  mass 
of  bigotry,  superstition  and  unreasoning  attachment  to 
old  beliefs.  There  are  developments  which  are  acting  as 
leaven,  but  it  would  be  against  all  experience  to  believe 
that  the  leaven  will  work  quickly.  A  recent  writer,  Leon 
Cahun,  says  "  Les  Turcs  ont  ete  toujours  trop  inaccessible 
au  sentiment  religieux  pour  jamais  devenir  heretiques. 
Us  ne  demandent  pas  mieux  que  de  croire,  mais  ils  ne 
tiennent  pas  du  tout  a  comprendre  "  and  though  it  must 
be  remembered  that  the  Turks  of  Turkey  are  a  mixed 
race,  with  Arab,  Syrian,  Karamanian,  Armenian,  and 
Greek  blood  in  them,  the  remark  is  substantially  true. 
It  is  of  course  true  of  most  peoples,  but  in  Islam  the 
doctrines  of  pre-ordination,  of  foreknowledge,  of  fatalism 
have  taken  away  or  at  least  lessened  the  desire  for  know- 
ledge and  the  thirst  for  inquiry.  To  suggest  that  any 
other  religion,  be  it  Christianity  or  Buddhism,  ought  to  be 
examined  is  an  insult  to  the  uncultured  Turk.  An 
apostate  ought  to  be  killed  ;  doubt  is  disloyalty.  The 
elect  are  preordained.  To  accept  any  other  faith  is  in 
popular  belief  to  abandon  all  hope  of  that  Paradise  which 
awaits  every  Moslem,  to  lose  the  right  of  dominancy 
over  the  professors  of  all  other  creeds  with  which  his 
religion  inspires  him  and  to  willingly  take  a  lower  place 
in  the  world.  Nevertheless  I  believe  in  the  power  of  the 
leaven  which  has  already  begun  to  work. 



Capitulations  a  survival — Largely  employed  in  Middle  Age 
Foreign  jurisdiction  an  obligation,  not  a  privilege — In  full  force  in 
1453 — French  Capitulations  of  1535 — Followed  by  English — Favoured 
nation  clause — Its  operation — British  and  Turkish  administration 
of  law  compared. 

FOREIGNERS  constitute  so  large  and  important 
an  element  in  the  population  of  Turkey,  that  some 
notice  must  be  given  of  them,  but  especially  of  the 
peculiar  conditions  under  which  they  reside  in  the  empire. 
This  is  the  more  important  because  there  constantly 
appear  statements  in  British  and  American  papers 
which  display  ignprance  of  what  these  conditions  are. 

The  subjects  of  European  States  and  of  America  who 
reside  in  Turkey  are,  within  certain  well-defined  limita- 
tions, subject  only  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  countries 
to  which  they  belong.  British  subjects  form  a  colony 
within  Turkey,  and  are  always  within  the  legiance  of 
the  British  king.  Their  descendants,  no  matter  how 
remote,  do  not  become  Turkish  subjects  merely  by  being 
born  on  Turkish  soil.  They  are  justiciable  before  the 
British  Courts  where  British  Law  is  administered  by 
British  judges  and  British  juries.  In  like  manner, 
German,  French,  Russian,  American  and  subjects  of  other 
civilized  states  form  colonies  in  Turkey,  each  set  of 
subjects  being  amenable  to  their  own  laws.  There  are 
thus  a  series  of  imperia  in  the  imperium  of  the  Turkish 
Empire.  Such  a  condition  of  things  does  not  exist  in 
any  other  European  country.  It  is  usually  and  correctly 


stated  to  be  due  to  the  Capitulations.  The  word  belongs 
to  mediaeval  Latin  and  signified  Treaties  with  the 
conditions  given  under  small  headings.  In  its  modern 
use  as  applied  to  Turkey  it  simply  means  treaties.  It  is 
the  Treaties  or  Capitulations  which  create  for  non- 
Turkish  subjects  the  exceptional  position  which  they 
possess  in  Turkey. 

Many  incorrect  statements  have  been  made  and  much 
nonsense  has  been  uttered  in  regard  to  the  origin  of  the 
Capitulations.  Such  statements  have  been  founded  on 
one  of  two  assumptions,  both  of  which  are  contrary  to 
fact.  It  has  often  been  asserted  even  in  the  House  of 
Commons  that  the  Capitulations  are  a  proof  of  the  far- 
sightedness or  magnanimity  of  the  Turkish  Sultans  who, 
in  their  desire  to  foster  commerce,  conferred  privileges  on 
foreigners  in  order  to  induce  them  to  reside  on  Turkish 
territory.  It  is  more  usual  to  describe  them  as  con- 
cessions wrung  from  the  Sultans  by  the  grasping  foreigner. 
Each  view  is  incorrect.  The  first  is  hardly  colorably 
true  ;  the  second  is  ludicrously  at  variance  with  facts. 
When  it  is  remembered  that  the  most  important  Capitula- 
tions to  the  Western  nations  were  granted  during  the  six- 
teenth and  seventeenth  centuries  when  Turkey  was  at  the 
height  of  her  power,  when  indeed  all  Western  Europe  was 
alarmed  at  the  almost  uninterrupted  encroachment  upon 
Christian  territory  made  by  the  Grand  Turk,  it  will 
at  least  be  recognised  as  unlikely  that  Western  Europe 
compelled  him  to  make  concessions  which  reduced  his 
sovereign  rights.  Indeed  the  supposition  is  at  once 
absurd  and  without  any  historical  foundation. 

The  explanation  of  the  existence  of  capitulations  and 
of  what  appears  now  to  be  the  anomalous  conditions 
created  by  them  is  to  be  found  in  their  history.  The 
key  to  their  history  is  in  the  fact  that  they  are  not 
creations  of  modern  statesmen,  but  survivals  to  modern 


times  of  legal  conceptions  which  were  familiar  to  the 
Roman  and  especially  to  the  Later  Roman,  or,  as  I 
prefer  to  call  it,  the  Greek  Empire. 

This  is  not  the  place  to  point  out  the  conditions  under 
which  foreigners  lived  under  the  Roman  Empire  before 
the  time  of  Caracalla.  This  has  been  done  by  various 
German,  French  and  English  writers.  It  is  sufficient 
to  say  that  under  the  Greek  Empire  and  in  Syria  during 
the  Crusades,  foreigners  were  permitted  to  form  colonies 
on  Greek  and  Saracen  territory  which  were  governed  by 
their  own  laws  and  administered  by  their  own  magistrates. 
The  ruler  of  the  territory  only  conceded  the  privilege  of 
residing  within  it.  What  is  now  regarded  as  at  least  an 
equally  valuable  concession,  namely  that  foreigners 
should  be  governed  by  their  own  magistrates,  who  should 
administer  their  own  laws,  was  not  considered  by  the 
emperors  or  sultans  as  a  privilege.  It  was  an  obligation 
imposed  on  them  as  a  condition  upon  which  they  enjoyed 
the  privilege  of  residing  in  the  foreign  country.  All 
ancient  peoples  regarded  their  laws  as  sacred.  They 
considered  them  as  privileges  which  were  not  to  be  con- 
ferred on  outsiders.  Students  of  the  Bible  will  recall 
the  treatment  prescribed  for  Gentiles.  Students  of 
Roman  law  will  remember  that  by  the  side  of  the  Civil 
Law,  which  was  only  for  Roman  citizens,  there  grew 
up  under  the  direction  of  an  officer  appointed  to 
settle  matters  between  foreigners,  and  called  the  Pretor 
Peregrinus,  a  parallel  system  of  law,  the  Roman  equally 
with  the  Jew  being  unwilling  to  allow  foreigners  to 
have  the  advantages  belonging  to  his  own  citizenship. 
They  might  reside  in  the  empire  but  they  must  govern 
themselves.  The  Roman  knew  nothing  of  their  laws  or 
usages,  and  was  not  going  to  be  troubled  with  their 
internal  affairs  except  when  they  were  likely  to  disturb 
public  order. 


This  system  took  a  wider  development  when  the  seat 
of  the  empire  was  fixed  on  the  Bosporus.  When  the 
Greek  Emperors,  or  the  Saracens  granted  permission  to 
reside  in  their  territory,  it  was  on  the  well-understood 
condition  that  the  foreigners  on  whom  the  privilege  was 
bestowed  should  remain  subject  to  the  sovereign  to 
whom  they  had  owed  allegiance  before  coming.  They 
were  to  remain  under  his  jurisdiction  while  residing  on 
foreign  territory,  and  he  was  to  support  the  burden  of 
governing  them. 

One  of  the  earliest  Treaties  or  Capitulations  known 
was  made  between  the  Greek  Emperor  and  the  Warings 
or  Russians  in  905.  It  was  renewed  in  945.  From  that 
date  to  the  conquest  of  Constantinople  by  the  Turks  in 
1453  there  is  a  series  of  Capitulations  between  certain 
European  states  and  the  Greek  Empire.  There  were 
also  similar  Capitulations  between  various  Italian  States 
and  the  Saracens  in  Syria  and  Egypt. 

When  the  Turks  captured  Constantinople  they  there- 
fore found  Capitulations  in  full  force.  Galata  on  the 
opposite  shore  of  the  Golden  Horn  was  a  walled  town 
occupied  by  Genoese,  who,  by  virtue  of  their  Capitula- 
tions with  the  Emperors,  elected  their  own  podesta  or 
mayor,  were  governed  by  their  own  laws,  and  were  sub- 
jects of  the  Duke  of  Milan.  The  Sultan,  within  a  few 
days  after  the  capture  of  the  city,  confirmed  the  ancient 
capitulations  in  favour  of  the  people  of  Galata  and  the 
Genoese  generally,  though  he  would  not  allow  their 
fortifications  to  remain.  He  stipulated  that  they  should 
govern  themselves  and  remain  subject  to  the  Duke  of 
Milan  their  overlord.1 

In  the  following  year,  1454,  the  Venetian  colony  in 
Constantinople  likewise  received  Capitulations  and  were 

1  The  treaty  containing  these  Capitulations  is  given  in  Von  Ham- 
mer's "  History  of  the  Ottoman  Empire,"  and  in  Sauli's  "  Storia  di 
Genovesi  in  Galata." 



allowed  to  govern  themselves  under  their  own  bailo  or 
mayor,  it  being  always,  of  course,  understood  that  they 
should  continue  subjects  of  the  Republic  of  Venice.  We 
need  not  trouble  ourselves  about  other  Capitulations 
until  we  come  to  those  given  to  France  in  1535.  These 
are,  however,  of  great  importance  because  they  formed 
the  basis  upon  which  all  European  nations  obtained 
similar  treaties. 

The  first  English  Ambassador  to  the  Sultan  was 
William  Harborne,  who  arrived  in  Constantinople  in 
1583.  He  at  once  began  to  appoint  consuls.  A 
"  Charter  of  Privileges  "  had  been  granted  to  the  English 
in  1579.  These  were  enlarged  in  the  following  year. 
The  new  treaty  is  given  in  Anderson's  "  History  and 
Chronological  Deduction  of  the  Origin  of  Commerce  " 
under  the  title  "  The  Charter  of  Privileges  granted  to 
English  and  the  League  of  the  great  Turke  with  the 
Queenes  Maiestie  in  respect  of  Traffique."  These 
privileges  were  formally  confirmed  as  Capitulations  in 
1593,  under  Sir  Edward  Barton  the  second  English 
ambassador.  They  were  renewed  and  added  to  in  the 
time  of  Charles  II.,  in  1675.  They  have  received  further 
modifications  which  have  reference  almost  exclusively 
to  commerce. 

Now  the  English  Treaty  obtained  in  the  last  years  of 
Queen  Elizabeth  was  based  upon  the  French  Treaty  of 
1535,  and  that  again  was  founded  on,  and  so  far  as  legal 
principles  are  concerned  was  identical  with,  the  Treaties 
with  Genoa  and  Venice.  The  English  Treaties  of 
Elizabeth  and  Charles  II.  have  never,  so  far  as  the  legal 
status  and  immunities  of  British  subjects  are  concerned, 
been  changed  from  that  day  to  the  present. 

If,  under  an  empire  which  had  conferred  on  the  world 
Roman  Law,  it  was  judged  necessary  to  have  capitula- 
tions, which  compelled  resident  foreigners  to  provide 


for  their  own  government,  such  provisions  were  far 
more  needful  when  the  ruler  of  the  empire  was  a  Moslem. 
Neither  Turk  nor  foreigner  would  be  content  that  such 
residents  should  be  under  Turkish  law.  The  Moslem 
could  never  consent  to  accord  to  the  miscreant  the 
privileges  his  religion  conferred  on  him  as  a  believer. 
The  unbeliever  to  him  is  on  a  lower  plane.  He  is  a  man 
to  be  killed  if  he  will  not  submit  to  Moslem  rule,  to  be 
treated  as  an  inferior  being  if  he  submits.  The  Koran 
is  for  the  Moslem  at  once  a  civil  and  a  religious  code. 
The  foreigner,  as  a  non-Moslem,  is  outside  religion.  The 
law  being  an  advantage  derived  from  religion,  only  be- 
lievers can  share  in  its  advantage.  Foreigners,  how- 
ever, could  not  consent  to  be  treated  as  cattle  or  rayahs, 
the  term  which  the  Turk  applies  to  non-Moslem  subjects. 
It  was  nevertheless  in  the  interest  of  the  country  that 
foreigners  should  live  in  Turkey.  They  could  do  so, 
but  they  must  govern  themselves.  The  arrangement 
suited  both  parties. 

It  was  in  the  realisation  of  the  unsuitability  of 
Turkish  law  either  to  the  Turkish  or  foreign  subject 
that  all  foreign  countries  received  Capitulations.  Then 
there  followed  a  somewhat  interesting  and  important 
development.  Each  nation  sought  to  obtain  the  best 
possible  conditions,  and  from  an  early  period  a  stipulation 
was  inserted  in  the  Capitulations  which  any  country 
obtained  that  whatever  advantages  were  accorded  to 
any  other  nation  should  likewise  be  granted  to  that 
obtaining  the  new  capitulation.  Thus  each  capitulation 
contains  the  "  most  favoured  nation  clause/*  The  effect 
is  that  the  subjects  of  all  foreign  nations  are  under  the 
same  regulations  or  capitulations,  and  thus  the  Capitula- 
tions taken  altogether  form  a  body  of  law  applicable  to 
all  foreigners  who  reside  in  the  Turkish  Empire.  The 
general  result  was  correctly  stated  by  Lord  Watson  in  a 


case  before  the  Judicial  Committee  of  the  Privy  Council, 
and  is  that  such  foreigners  "  form  an  anomalous  ex- 
territorial colony  of  persons  of  different  nationalities, 
having  unity  in  relation  to  the  Turkish  Government,  but 
altogether  devoid  of  such  unity  when  examined  by  itself ; 
the  consequence  being  that  its  members  continue  to 
preserve  their  nationality  and  their  civil  and  political 
rights,  just  as  if  they  had  never  ceased  to  have  their 
residence  and  domicile  in  their  own  country." 

The  operation  of  the  Capitulations  in  Turkey  leads  to 
each  European  State  having  a  separate  colony  with 
its  own  court  of  law,  laws,  and  judges.  In  case  of  dis- 
putes between  non-Turkish  subjects  in  Turkey  of  different 
nationalities,  the  court  of  the  defendant  has  jurisdiction. 
Where  either  of  the  contending  parties  is  a  Turkish  sub- 
ject, then  under  the  Capitulations  the  question  in  dispute 
has  to  be  decided  by  a  special  court.  This  consists  of 
three  Turkish  judges  with  two  assessors  named  by  the 
Embassy  of  the  nation  to  which  the  foreigner  belongs. 
For  the  further  protection  of  the  foreign  litigant,  whether 
plaintiff  or  defendant,  the  presence  of  a  dragoman,  that 
is  of  an  official  interpreter  belonging  to  the  Embassy  in 
question,  is  necessary.  The  tribunal  in  question  is 
usually  spoken  of  as  a  "  mixed  court."  Many  such 
courts  exist  throughout  the  empire.  As  without  the 
presence  of  the  dragoman  the  court  is  not  validly  con- 
stituted, he  is  an  officer  of  considerable  importance. 
Usually  and  throughout  the  empire  the  dragomans  told 
off  to  attend  the  mixed  courts  are  able  and  trustworthy. 
If  he  be  so,  his  influence  on  the  assessors,  who  are  very 
rarely  legal  men,  and  on  the  judges  is  beneficial. 

Since  1869,  foreign  subjects  have  been  permitted  to 
own  land  in  Turkey.  Inasmuch  as  the  condition  on 
which  they  hold  is  that  they  are  to  be  considered  in 
reference  to  such  ownership  as  Turkish  subjects,  and 


therefore  judiciable  in  purely  Turkish  Courts  where 
they  are  not  permitted  to  have  the  advantage  either  of 
assessors  or  dragoman,  it  would  be  out  of  place  here  to 
speak  further  on  the  subject. 

Turkish  courts  and  judges  call,  however,  for  remark. 
Speaking  generally,  they  are  corrupt.  I  have  known  not 
merely  able,  but  honest  Turkish  judges,  but  their  popular 
reputation  is  deservedly  bad.  Bentham  says  that  the 
greatest  liar  who  ever  lived  made  more  statements  which 
were  true  than  were  false.  In  like  manner  I  believe  that 
the  majority  of  Turkish  judgments  are  substantially 
just.  But  there  is  certainly  no  presumption  in  the 
public  mind  that  a  judgment,  even  if  just,  has  been 
honestly  obtained.  Popular  sentiment  on  the  subject 
is  the  very  antithesis  of  what  it  is  in  England.  The 
system  of  Trial  by  Jury  has  produced  in  England  the  in- 
incalculably  valuable  effect  of  familiarising  all  classes 
of  the  community  with  the  course  of  legal  procedure, 
especially  in  criminal  cases,  and  of  thus  inspiring  public 
confidence.  The  Assize  system,  practised  during  long 
centuries,  increased  this  confidence.  The  solemn  entry 
of  the  king's  judges  into  a  provincial  city,  where  they 
were  met  by  the  High  Sheriff,  the  mayor  and  all  local 
dignitaries,  all  clothed  in  official  livery,  the  fanfare  of 
trumpets,  the  reading  of  the  King's  commission,  the 
ringing  of  the  church  bells,  the  attendance  in  state  at  the 
cathedral,  all  added  dignity  and  importance  to  the 
occasion.  People  noted  that  these  representatives  of  the 
King  came  from  the  capital,  knew  nothing  of  local 
differences,  had  no  temptation  to  favour  one  person 
more  than  another,  and  having  executed  the  task  assigned 
to  them  by  the  sovereign  did  not  linger  in  the  place.  If 
ever  dramatic  effect  were  useful  to  a  state  it  was  here. 
Justice  was  not  only  properly  administered,  but  ap- 
peared to  be  so.  It  was  known  also  that  the  judges 


were  chosen  from  the  most  eminent  men  at  the  bar,  and 
were  paid  large  salaries.  The  result  has  been  that  in  no 
country  on  earth  do  the  great  mass  of  the  people  more 
completely  believe  in  the  purity  of  the  administration 
of  law.  The  advantage  is  an  enormous  one.  With  a 
somewhat  exceptional  knowledge  of  most  of  the  foreign 
systems  of  law  administered  throughout  Europe,  having 
had  the  advantage  of  working  for  upwards  of  thirty 
years  with  able  and  loyal  legal  colleagues  representing 
almost  every  European  state,  I  confidently  affirm  that 
our  judicial  system  has  a  reputation  not  only  among 
British  subjects,  but  among  competent  foreign  observers, 
for  dispensing  even-handed  justice  such  as  is  not  pos- 
sessed by  the  legal  system  of  any  other  country,  and  I 
add  that  such  reputation  is  deserved,  and  is  one  of  which 
we  may  well  be  proud.  I  am  not  thinking  so  much  of 
the  spirit  of  our  legislation,  which  has  given  us  the  Habeas 
Corpus  Act,  and  which  for  two  centuries  at  least  has  never 
tolerated  the  preliminary  and  secret  official  examination 
of  accused  persons  which  still  prevails  in  some  civilised 
states,  as  of  the  spirit  of  confidence,  of  respect  for  fair 
play  and  for  seeing  both  sides  of  a  question,  created  in  the 
public  mind  by  an  administration  which  is  believed  to  be 
beyond  suspicion.  It  is  largely  from  having  acquired 
this  spirit  that  our  trades-unionists  and  our  socialists 
are  far  ahead  of  their  continental  colleagues  in  modera- 
tion and  fair-mindedness,  and  take  the  lead  in  the  Inter- 
national Congresses  of  working  men. 

In  Turkey,  things  are  far  different.  There  is  little 
fault  to  be  found  with  the  Turkish  law.  In  a  sense  the 
Turks  may  be  said  to  have  inherited  Byzantine  law,  that 
is  the  law  of  the  New  Rome  formulated  mainly  in  the 
time  of  Justinian.  The  members  of  the  Orthodox  church 
are  governed  to  this  hour  by  Byzantine  law  in  all  matters 
relating  to  marriage,  succession,  dowry  and  personal 


statute.  The  Turks  adopted  large  portions  of  it,  partly 
from  Byzantine  law  directly,  chiefly  from  compilations 
made  from  it  during  the  time  of  the  caliphs.  Within 
the  last  half  century  they  have  largely  used  the  French 
codes  for  framing  their  system  of  commercial  law  and 
procedure.  It  is  true  that  the  Koran  furnishes  a  system 
of  law  and  procedure  which  believers  hold  to  be  sacred. 
But  at  all  times  Moslems  have  held  and  still  hold  that 
the  advantages  of  such  law  are  for  believers  only. 

Mahomet  the  Conqueror  granted  what  may  be  called 
Capitulation  to  the  Christian  churches  in  Turkey,  in 
order  that  they  might  govern  themselves.  He  re- 
cognized that  the  law  of  the  Koran  administered  by 
what  are  known  as  Sacred  or  Sheri  Courts  could  not  deal 
with  many  matters,  and  that  a  Christian  system  was  so 
alien  to  that  of  Islam  that  Christians  must  be  allowed 
on  such  matters  to  govern  themselves.  They  were  left 
therefore  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Patriarchal  Courts.  I 
have  elsewhere  cited  bigamy  as  an  offence  unknown  to 
the  Sheri  Court. 

Fault  is  to  be  found  not  with  Turkish  law  but  with  its 
administration.  Why  its  administration  is  impure  is 
difficult  to  understand.  But  there  is  no  tradition  of  just 
administration.  It  has  been  often  said  that  Asiatic 
influence  is  against  it.  But  why  ?  I  have  no  sufficient 
answer.  I  note,  however,  as  a  fact  which  would  have  to 
be  considered  in  seeking  for  an  answer  so  far  as  Turkey 
is  concerned,  that  the  outward  signs  of  respect  for  the 
administrators  of  the  law  as  exhibited  by  the  judicial 
genius  of  our  race  have  no  existence  in  Turkey.  Nothing 
has  been  done  to  exalt  the  position  of  the  magistrate. 
He  is  an  ordinary  servant  of  the  state,  unsurrounded  by 
any  accessories  which  confer  dignity  on  his  office,  and 
he  is  ill  paid. 


were  chosen  from  the  most  eminent  men  at  the  bar,  and 
were  paid  large  salaries.  The  result  has  been  that  in  no 
country  on  earth  do  the  great  mass  of  the  people  more 
completely  believe  in  the  purity  of  the  administration 
of  law.  The  advantage  is  an  enormous  one.  With  a 
somewhat  exceptional  knowledge  of  most  of  the  foreign 
systems  of  law  administered  throughout  Europe,  having 
had  the  advantage  of  working  for  upwards  of  thirty 
years  with  able  and  loyal  legal  colleagues  representing 
almost  every  European  state,  I  confidently  affirm  that 
our  judicial  system  has  a  reputation  not  only  among 
British  subjects,  but  among  competent  foreign  observers, 
for  dispensing  even-handed  justice  such  as  is  not  pos- 
sessed by  the  legal  system  of  any  other  country,  and  I 
add  that  such  reputation  is  deserved,  and  is  one  of  which 
we  may  well  be  proud.  I  am  not  thinking  so  much  of 
the  spirit  of  our  legislation,  which  has  given  us  the  Habeas 
Corpus  Act,  and  which  for  two  centuries  at  least  has  never 
tolerated  the  preliminary  and  secret  official  examination 
of  accused  persons  which  still  prevails  in  some  civilised 
states,  as  of  the  spirit  of  confidence,  of  respect  for  fair 
play  and  for  seeing  both  sides  of  a  question,  created  in  the 
public  mind  by  an  administration  which  is  believed  to  be 
beyond  suspicion.  It  is  largely  from  having  acquired 
this  spirit  that  our  trades-unionists  and  our  socialists 
are  far  ahead  of  their  continental  colleagues  in  modera- 
tion and  fair-mindedness,  and  take  the  lead  in  the  Inter- 
national Congresses  of  working  men. 

In  Turkey,  things  are  far  different.  There  is  little 
fault  to  be  found  with  the  Turkish  law.  In  a  sense  the 
Turks  may  be  said  to  have  inherited  Byzantine  law,  that 
is  the  law  of  the  New  Rome  formulated  mainly  in  the 
time  of  Justinian.  The  members  of  the  Orthodox  church 
are  governed  to  this  hour  by  Byzantine  law  in  all  matters 
relating  to  marriage,  succession,  dowry  and  personal 


statute.  The  Turks  adopted  large  portions  of  it,  partly 
from  Byzantine  law  directly,  chiefly  from  compilations 
made  from  it  during  the  time  of  the  caliphs.  Within 
the  last  half  century  they  have  largely  used  the  French 
codes  for  framing  their  system  of  commercial  law  and 
procedure.  It  is  true  that  the  Koran  furnishes  a  system 
of  law  and  procedure  which  believers  hold  to  be  sacred. 
But  at  all  times  Moslems  have  held  and  still  hold  that 
the  advantages  of  such  law  are  for  believers  only. 

Mahomet  the  Conqueror  granted  what  may  be  called 
Capitulation  to  the  Christian  churches  in  Turkey,  in 
order  that  they  might  govern  themselves.  He  re- 
cognized that  the  law  of  the  Koran  administered  by 
what  are  known  as  Sacred  or  Sheri  Courts  could  not  deal 
with  many  matters,  and  that  a  Christian  system  was  so 
alien  to  that  of  Islam  that  Christians  must  be  allowed 
on  such  matters  to  govern  themselves.  They  were  left 
therefore  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Patriarchal  Courts.  I 
have  elsewhere  cited  bigamy  as  an  offence  unknown  to 
the  Sheri  Court. 

Fault  is  to  be  found  not  with  Turkish  law  but  with  its 
administration.  Why  its  administration  is  impure  is 
difficult  to  understand.  But  there  is  no  tradition  of  just 
administration.  It  has  been  often  said  that  Asiatic 
influence  is  against  it.  But  why  ?  I  have  no  sufficient 
answer.  I  note,  however,  as  a  fact  which  would  have  to 
be  considered  in  seeking  for  an  answer  so  far  as  Turkey 
is  concerned,  that  the  outward  signs  of  respect  for  the 
administrators  of  the  law  as  exhibited  by  the  judicial 
genius  of  our  race  have  no  existence  in  Turkey.  Nothing 
has  been  done  to  exalt  the  position  of  the  magistrate. 
He  is  an  ordinary  servant  of  the  state,  unsurrounded  by 
any  accessories  which  confer  dignity  on  his  office,  and 
he  is  ill  paid. 



Can  Turkey  reform — Three  periods  taken  between  1820  and  1911 
to  illustrate  progress  of  Turkish  people — Abdul  Hamid's  reign — A 
reaction — Progress  in  sanitary  matters — In  Education — Efforts  of 
Christian  Churches — American  Schools  and  Missions — Robert  College 
— Scutari  College 

IS  it  possible  that  Turkey  can  reform  ?  Is  the  Turk 
capable  of  improvement  ?  Is  he  not  an  irreclaimable 
barbarian,  a  man  incapable  of  civilization,  unconsciously 
prevented  from  making  progress  by  his  religion  and  his 
traditions  ?  Many  have  both  asked  and  answered  these 
questions.  Their  answers  fall  under  two  categories.  In 
the  first  the  position  is  taken  up  that  all  reform  in  Turkey 
is  impossible.  "  It  is  clear  to  me/'  says  the  author  of  an 
able  and  altogether  honest  book  on  Armenia,  "  that 
Turkey  will  never  organize  practical  reforms.  She  does 
not  know  how  to  reform,  is  quite  content  to  remain  as 
she  is,  hates  all  innovations,  even  when  they  come  in  the 
shape  of  improvements."  The  sentences  quoted  are 
written  at  the  end  of  Mr  Hepworth's  investigations  re- 
garding the  Armenian  massacres  and  record  his  conclu- 
sions. It  would  not  be  difficult  to  find  similar  utterances 
in  the  suggestive  books  of  those  experienced  travellers  in 
Anatolia,  Sir  William  and  Lady  Ramsay.  Both  know  the 
country  well  and  their  conclusions  lead  the  reader  almost 
to  despair  of  reform.  I  have  myself  often  called  attention 
to  the  terrible  task  of  effecting  any  beneficial  changes  in 
Asia  Minor,  and  have  spoken  of  the  career  of  the  Turks 
during  the  last  five  centuries  as  one  of  destruction  and 



never  of  construction.  I  have  no  intention  of  unsaying 
what  I  have  said.  I  may  have  stated  even  that  the  Turk 
was  hopeless,  though  I  think  not.  In  denouncing  the 
iniquities  of  misgovernment  in  Turkey,  it  was  hardly 
possible  to  employ  the  language  of  exaggeration.  When 
writing  of  the  general  corruption  in  the  administration 
of  government ;  of  the  great  variety  and  number  of  out- 
rages committed,  the  torture  of  prisoners  to  obtain 
evidence  or  confession  ;  of  the  imprisonment  of  crowds 
of  Armenians  to  find  one  criminal ;  the  daily  extortion, 
shared  in  or  permitted,  by  those  in  authority  ;  the  organ- 
ized massacres  of  tens  of  thousands  whose  offences  were, 
first,  that  they  were  Christians,  and  second,  that  they 
were  more  prosperous  than  their  Moslem  neighbours, 
hardly  any  language  could  be  characterized  as  too  violent. 
That  in  writing  upon  them  in  the  twentieth  century,  one 
should  regard  the  perpetrators  as  incapable  of  reform  was 
natural.  Expressions  denoting  the  hopelessness  of  reform 
might  be  gathered  by  the  score  from  many  English  and 
other  authors  belonging  to  the  nineteenth  century. 

Another  class  of  writers  who  were  much  in  evidence 
half  a  century  ago  would  have  given  different  answers  ; 
for  they  regarded  the  Turks  and  reforms  from  a  totally 
different  point  of  view.  The  most  conspicuous  writer  of 
this  class  was  Mr  Urquhart  who  about  the  time  of  the 
Crimean  War  exercised  influence  on  English  opinion. 
He  was  the  great  leader  of  the  Philo-Turks  in  England. 
His  followers  went  far  beyond  their  leader  in  admiration 
for  everything  Turkish.  The  Turk  was  the  only  gentle- 
man left  in  Europe.  If  mal-administration  existed  in  the 
country  it  was  due  to  foreign  influence.  Christians  had 
corrupted  Turks.  Christian  traders  had  introduced  such 
abominations  as  general  bribery  among  the  Turks  who  by 
race  and  religion  were  honourable  and  pure-minded. 
The  Christian  races  of  the  Empire  were  degraded,  liars, 


untrustworthy,  incapable  of  civilization  and  sunk  in 
ignorance  and  superstition.  Islam  was  a  religion  well 
suited  to  the  Turkish  race  and  on  the  whole  preferable  to 
Christianity.  Indeed  three  of  the  disciples  of  Urquhart, 
all  holding  a  somewhat  conspicuous  position  before  the 
British  public,  became  Mahometans.  In  1873  when  I 
arrived  in  Constantinople,  the  influence  of  these  English- 
men was  still  powerful.  I  recall  one  of  them  in  particular 
who  paid  a  long  visit  to  Turkey,  who  could  never  see 
anything  Turkish  except  through  rose  spectacles.  He 
was  an  elderly,  kindly,  and  intelligent  man,  but  his  belief 
in  the  immaculate  character  of  the  Turk  was  incurable. 
Before  leaving  he  gave  me  very  seriously  a  word  of  advice  : 
"  You  are  a  young  man,  and  if  I  were  you  I  should  become 
a  Moslem :  you  would  then  have  a  great  career  before 
you."  I  smiled  and  said  that  one  must  draw  the  line 
somewhere,  and  that  most  certainly  I  should  draw  it 
before  reaching  that  stage."  He  was  a  generous  man  and 
wealthy.  In  passing  through  the  picturesque  Turkish 
cemetery  at  Scutari  he  met  two  Turkish  soldiers,  who 
asked  him  for  bakshish.  In  his  entire  confidence  in  the 
native  goodness  of  the  Turk  he  pulled  out  of  his  pocket 
all  the  money  he  possessed,  including  gold  and  silver  and 
showed  them  in  his  hand,  inviting  them  to  take  something. 
One  of  the  soldiers  seized  the  hand  and  simply  emptied 
its  contents  into  his  own.  Does  the  reader  imagine  that 
this  disillusioned  him  ?  Not  the  least  !  I  could  tell 
many  stories  about  him  and  other  philo-Turks  of  that 
period  of  a  similar  character.  I  will  only  relate  one  :  An 
imaginary  debt  was  paid  to  a  Turkish  department  running 
into  thousands  of  pounds,  after  the  imaginary  debtor  had 
been  assured  by  legal  advice  in  England  and  in  Turkey 
that  he  was  under  no  legal  or  even  moral  responsibility  in 
regard  thereto.  To  complete  the  story  I  may  mention 
that  he  sent  a  man  to  pay  the  amount  and  that  for  two 


months  the  Turks  refused  to  receive  it,  fearing  probably 
that  the  offer  of  payment  was  a  trap,  and  that  if  they  gave 
a  receipt  it  would  be  used  to  found  a  demand  for  the 
payment  of  a  much  larger  sum.  The  man  who  was  sent 
with  the  money  came  to  me  about  a  month  after  his 
arrival,  and  stated  that  he  had  had  a  visit  from  two 
government  officials  who  told  him  that  they  had  arranged 
with  the  minister  to  receive  the  money,  but  that  he  would 
have  to  pay  them  £500  for  persuading  the  minister  to  do 
so.  He  was  a  blunt  sort  of  Englishman  of  the  straight- 
forward, superior  working  man  class,  and  his  answer  to 
the  officials,  which  referred  to  his  boots  and  their  persons, 
was  not  complimentary  either  to  his  master  or  to  the 
Turks.  Ultimately,  but  only  after  two  months'  delay,  the 
Turks  took  the  money  and  no  bakshish  was  paid  for 
receiving  it. 

This  is,  of  course,  an  extreme  case  of  Philo-Turkism,  but 
the  attitude  of  mind  years  ago  was  not  so  rare  as  might 
be  supposed.  There  were  Englishmen  who,  while  unable 
to  see  any  fault  in  the  Turks,  could  see  no  merit  in  the 
Christian  subjects  of  the  Sultan.  The  most  distinguished 
of  such  men  in  later  years,  and  one  of  whom  I  can  only 
speak  with  respect,  was  the  late  Earl  Percy.  His  ten- 
dency and  that  of  all  the  school  in  question  is  to  hold 
that  the  need  for  reform  is  greatly  exaggerated,  and  that 
the  Turk  may  safely  be  left  alone  to  work  his  own  will 
upon  his  subjects.  Such  writers  would  hardly  go  so  far 
as  to  say  no  reforms  are  advisable,  but  that,  all  things 
considered,  there  is  no  need  to  worry  the  Turk  to  make 
them.  Some  would  add  that  more  harm  is  done  by 
pressing  for  them  than  by  letting  things  take  their 
natural  course.  The  sufficient  answer  to  such  a  con- 
tention is  twofold ;  that  while  not  one  of  the  able  men 
who  were  British  ambassadors  here  during  the  last  or 
the  present  century  has  held  such  an  opinion,  no  improve- 


inent  in  Turkey  during  the  same  period  was  initiated  by 
the  Turkish  Government.  All  ambassadors  alike,  begin- 
ning at  the  opening  of  last  century  with  the  greatest  ever 
sent  to  Turkey  by  England,  Lord  Stratford  de  RedcMe, 
and  continuing  to  the  revolution  of  1908,  have  had  as 
their  chief  duty  to  urge  upon  the  Porte  the  necessity  of 
reforms  which  should  make  for  the  welfare  of  Moslems 
and  Christians  alike,  and  which  in  particular  should  make 
the  lives  of  Christians  endurable.  The  longer  they  have 
remained  here  the  more  firmly  have  they  been  convinced 
that  Turkey  must  perish  if  such  reforms  are  not  carried 
into  execution. 

Seventy  years  ago,  Lord  Stratford,  then  Stratford 
Canning,  used  the  phrase  found  in  Shakespeare,  and  made 
famous  in  connection  with  Turkey  by  W.  E.  Gladstone, 
"  bag  and  baggage/'  as  expressing  his  hopelessness  of 
reforms.  "  I  wish,"  said  he  in  1821,  "  that  the  Sultan 
were  driven  bag  and  baggage  into  the  heart  of  Asia."  l 
Sixty  years  later,  Sir  Henry  Layard  was  sent  here  by  Mr 
Disraeli  and  chosen  as  a  friend  of  the  Turks.  An  old 
acquaintance  of  Urquhart,  he  believed  that  once  they 
were  shown  that  reforms  were  for  the  advantage  of  the 
country,  the  Turk  would  accept  them.  His  reputation 
was  bound  up  in  such  acceptance.  No  ambassador  ever 
worked  harder  in  trying  to  show  the  Turks  that  what 
England  advised  through  him  was  in  their  own  interests. 
But  he  was  compelled  to  admit  that  he  had  entirely  failed, 
and  those  who,  like  myself,  often  saw  him  and  observed 
how  from  month  to  month  his  illusions  fell  before  the 
steady  resistance  of  Abdul  Hamid,  were  not  in  the  least 
surprised  when  his  famous  dispatch  of  April  1881  was 
published  admitting  his  failure.  It  recorded  an  honest 
change  of  opinion  arrived  at  by  the  irresistible  force  of 

1  "Life  of  Stratford  Canning,"  by  S.  Lane  Poole,  p.  307. 


Yet,  in  spite  of  the  many  statements  that  the  Turk 
cannot  reform,  in  spite  of  the  comparative  failure  of  the 
attempts  by  the  Powers,  and,  to  England's  credit, 
especially  by  her,  to  urge  the  execution  of  reforms,  in 
spite  of  the  publication  of  paper  reforms  decreed  to 
placate  Western  Europe,  and  including  the  famous  Hatti- 
Humayoun  and  Midhat's  constitution  of  1876  and  their 
immediate  neglect  by  the  Turks,  there  has  been  im- 

Even  in  reference  to  Turkish  fanaticism,  I  have  no 
hesitation  in  saying  that  it  has  diminished  and  is  dimin- 
ishing. The  pages  of  Turkish  history  even  before  1800 
give  ample  evidence  of  such  change.  They  contain  the 
records  of  foul  slaughter,  of  which,  if  fanaticism  was  not 
the  direct  cause,  it  always  supplied  the  most  dangerous 
element.  In  the  beginning  of  the  sixteenth  century, 
Sultan  Selim  (1512-1520)  proposed  to  put  all  Christians 
in  the  capital  to  death  unless  they  accepted  Mahome- 
tanism,  and  to  convert  all  their  churches  into  mosques. 
Happily  the  grand  vizier  recognized  the  folly  of  so  terrible 
a  proposal  and  arranged  with  the  patriarch  a  pretty  little 
plot.  The  patriarch  was  to  appeal  against  the  proposal 
to  the  chief  officer  of  the  Sheri,  or  Religious  Court,  who 
had  also  previously  been  seen  by  the  vizier  and  was  in 
accord  with  him.  When  the  case  came  on  for  hearing 
the  patriarch,  in  presence  of  the  Sultan,  quoted  the  Koran 
to  the  effect  that  the  "  People  of  the  Books  "  were  to  be 
spared.  The  chief  judge  declared  that  all  the  authorized 
Moslem  commentators  agreed  with  the  version  given  by 
the  patriarch.  It  was  therefore  Sacred  Law.  The  Sultan 
had  to  content  himself  with  taking  their  churches  and 
giving  them  permission  to  build  others  in  wood.  No 
such  monstrous  proposition  has  ever  been  renewed. 

But  though  the  lives  of  the  Christians  were  saved, 
they  were  subject  to  constant  brutalities  and  periodical 


massacres.  The  seventeenth  century  is  a  story  of  wild 
disorder,  of  continued  oppression  and  of  the  general 
toleration  of  lawlessness  so  long  as  it  was  directed  against 
the  Christian  rayahs.  In  the  middle  of  the  century 
foreign  subjects  were  almost  as  ill-treated  as  the  rayahs. 
In  1645,  when  the  Porte  declared  war  on  Venice,  orders 
were  issued  to  slaughter  or  make  slaves  of  every  Venetian 
subject  found  in  the  empire.  The  war  was  declared  by 
throwing  the  ambassador  and  his  suite  into  prison.  This 
practice,  indeed,  continued  till  the  Peace  of  Ryswick  in 
1697  ;  and  in  the  enclosure  called  the  Seven  Towers,  which 
was  usually  employed  for  the  imprisonment  of  diplomats 
and  their  suites,  there  still  exist  inscriptions  on  the  walls 
carved  just  before  that  date  by  diplomatist  prisoners. 

The  eighteenth  century  is  full  of  injustice  toward  the 
Christians,  but  it  is  an  improvement  on  the  seventeenth 
and  this  because  the  influence  of  European  States  had 
begun  to  be  felt  in  Constantinople.  As  the  century 
advanced,  the  Turks  learned  that  Europe  would  not 
tolerate  the  imprisonment  of  ambassadors  or  the  murder 
of  subjects  of  foreign  States  because  Turkey  was  at  war 
with  them.  But  so  far  European  influence  hardly  told 
upon  the  Turk  in  reference  to  the  treatment  of  his  own 
subjects.  I  may  remark  in  passing  that  there  appears  to 
be  an  idea  in  England  that  the  Turk  always  showed  a 
contemptuous  toleration  for  his  Christian  subjects.  This 
is  far  from  being  true.  His  history  at  its  best,  in  regard 
to  them,  is  one  of  comparative  indifference  alternated 
with  energetic  persecution.  Until  the  nineteenth  century 
his  policy  was  one  of  constant  worry  with  occasional 
Bartholomew  massacres. 

The  nineteenth  century  enables  us  to  estimate  the  im- 
provement which  has  taken  place  and  the  diminution  of 
fanaticism  as  part  of  it.  For  the  purpose  of  examination 


I  may  divide  it  into  three  periods  each  representing 
roughly  about  a  generation.  We  may  begin  with  the 
year  1820. 


The  atrocities  committed  between  1820  and  1830  in  the 
capital,  in  Smyrna,  in  Chios  and,  indeed,  wherever  Greeks 
were  found  throughout  the  empire,  were  of  a  hideous 
character.  The  dregs  of  the  Moslem  population  were 
turned  loose  upon  the  Christians  in  the  name  of  religion 
to  satisfy  their  greed  and  their  lust.  It  is  hardly  possible 
to  imagine,  and  quite  impossible  to  describe  without 
giving  scenes  unfit  to  be  printed,  what  was  the  brutality 
of  the  tortures  and  the  treatment  generally  meted  out  to 
the  Christians.  All  this  is  now  known  from  a  variety  of 
eye-witnesses,  but  it  took  months  or  years  before  the 
horrors  of  the  time  were  brought  to  the  knowledge  of 
Western  Europe — so  long  indeed  that  the  reports  when 
they  arrived  had  lost  much  of  their  interest. 

The  condition  of  Constantinople  was  far  worse  than  it 
has  been  even  during  the  thirty-three  years  of  Abdul 
Hamid.  The  English  embassy  chaplain  of  that  period, 
Mr  Walsh,  mentions  that,  as  regiments  passed  through 
Constantinople,  they  committed  every  kind  of  outrage 
with  impunity  on  the  unarmed  rayahs,  women  and  men 
alike.  He  tells  the  story  of  an  Armenian  cloth  merchant 
who  was  measuring  a  length  for  a  soldier  and  leaned  over 
the  cloth  while  doing  so.  The  naked  neck  was  tempting, 
and  the  soldier  whipped  out  his  yataghan  and  with  one 
stroke  the  Armenian's  head  dropped  into  the  cloth.  This 
was  in  Constantinople  itself.  The  body  was  left,  but  the 
soldier  carried  off  the  cloth  with  the  head  in  it,  showed  it 
openly  and  boasted  of  his  feat.  Nobody  dared  interfere. 
The  victim  was  only  a  Christian.  Wealthy  Christians 
were  tortured  on  the  slightest  pretext.  Many  were  killed 


without  even  the  semblance  of  a  trial.  Every  now  and 
then  the  Turks  would  take  it  into  their  heads  to  order  the 
Christians  not  to  show  themselves  in  the  streets,  even  of 
Pera,  the  foreigners'  quarter  of  Constantinople.  The  chap- 
lain mentions  an  incident  on  one  of  these  occasions  when 
the  Turks  alone  paraded  them.  He  saw  a  Greek  who  had 
ventured  out  of  a  bakaTs,  or  huckster's,  shop  to  buy  some 
article  and  who  was  returning  when  a  Turk,  who  was 
walking  just  in  front  of  the  chaplain,  met  him.  The 
Greek  drew  himself  up  to  the  wall  as  close  as  possible  to 
let  the  Turk  pass,  but  the  latter  deliberately  pinned  him 
to  the  wall  with  his  yataghan  and  the  Greek  fell  dead.  The 
Turk  wiped  his  weapon,  entered  a  coffee-house  where  the 
chaplain  saw  him  unconcernedly  smoking  his  chibook.  It 
was  no  uncommon  thing,  he  declares,  for  a  Turk  to  try  his 
pistol  on  the  first  Christian  he  could  get  a  shot  at.  Every 
day  some  wounded  person  was  carried  hastily  by  the 
embassy  gate.  He  tells  the  story  of  a  man  being  beheaded 
in  the  street  by  a  soldier.  There  was  no  trial,  no  ap- 
parent cause  of  offence  except  that  the  man  was  a  giaour. 
He  mentions  the  names  of  men  respected  in  the  city  who 
were  suddenly  decapitated  without  any  trial  or  even 
formal  charge.  Lawlessness  was  general.  Men  were 
executed  on  slight  suspicion.  A  well-known  dragoman, 
intimate  with  every  ambassador,  was  summarily  executed 
before  the  eyes  of  the  Sultan.  His  offence  was  that  in 
reading  out  a  letter  which  he  considered  it  his  duty  to 
disclose  to  the  Turks  he  omitted  to  mention  the  name 
of  one  of  his  friends.  If  he  had  said  nothing  about  the 
letter  no  harm  could  have  come  to  him. 

The  city  during  many  weeks  was  in  the  possession  of 
an  unbridled  rabble,  and  the  Turkish  ministers  declared 
to  the  ambassadors  that  they  could  not  control  it.  The 
chaplain  gives  many  illustrations  of  what  he  himself 
saw.  A  man  was  cut  down  in  front  of  the  embassy 


gates.  An  artist  who  would  have  been  killed  for  painting 
the  scenery  of  a  small  theatre  where  a  play  objected  to  by 
the  Turks  was  put  on,  took  refuge  in  the  embassy  and 
was  given  employment  to  save  him  from  the  Turks.  "  Not 
knowing/'  says  Dr  Walsh,  "  how  long  we  might  keep  our 
heads,  we  thought  it  a  good  opportunity  of  sending  some 
representations  of  what  they  were  to  our  friends  at  home." 
So  they  had  their  portraits  taken.  Finally,  the  man 
was  smuggled  one  night  on  board  a  Russian  ship  where 
he  was  hidden  in  a  cask  and  arrived  safely  in  Odessa. 

After  the  massacre  of  Chios,  the  price  of  Greek  slaves 
went  down  so  low  in  the  capital  that  a  boy  or  girl  could 
be  bought  for  a  few  dollars.  Indeed  the  glut  was  so  great 
that  many  were  killed  to  get  rid  of  them.  The  chaplain 
saw  or  heard  on  good  authority  of  headless  men ;  of 
caiq-jis  taking  captives  to  be  killed  who  were  slaughtered 
with  such  fiendish  delight  that  the  expedition  was  re- 
garded by  the  savages  as  a  picnic.  The  British  embassy 
gardens  were  filled  with  fugitives  for  whom  the  pretext 
of  finding  work  was  found  as  an  excuse  for  not  turning 
them  out  to  be  killed.  They  were  of  different  trades,  but 
Lady  Strangford  found  excuses  for  keeping  them  all,  and 
kept  her  brave  and  mirthfu]  spirit  alive  amid  the 
pandemonium.  She  declared  that  she  had  sent  the 
tailors  among  the  cabbages,  and  the  bakers  among  the 
flowers.  Let  it  be  said,  with  pride,  that  all  accounts  of 
the  devilry  of  that  dreadful  decade  show  the  conduct  of 
the  British  residents  to  have  been  worthy  of  the  best 
traditions  of  our  race.  Though  foreigners  and  other 
Christians  were  forbidden  to  ransom  or  buy  slaves, 
British  merchants  arranged  with  individual  Turks  to  pur- 
chase and  set  them  free.  They  sheltered  them  whenever 
they  could,  helped  them  to  escape  from  the  country,  and 
behaved  generously  to  the  victims  of  ignorance,  savage- 
dom  and  religious  fanaticism. 


We  have  another  and  valuable  account  given  of  the 
condition  of  Constantinople  and  Smyrna  by  an  intelligent 
traveller  who  was  in  the  capital  from  May  to  October  1828. 
He  had  previously  been  in  Smyrna.  The  author,  an 
English  barrister,  Charles  MacFarline,  was  a  cautious 
man,  and  a  faithful  recorder  of  what  he  saw  and  learned 
from  trustworthy  persons.  He  visited  Chios  and  re- 
marks that  the  fearful  outrages  perpetrated  were  because 
the  island  was  the  centre  of  an  educational  movement. 
He  describes  the  hanging  of  the  hostages  as  a  brutal  crime 
against  civilization,  and  arrives  at  the  conclusion  that 
besides  the  thousands  who  were  killed  in  the  massacre, 
no  less  than  40,000  men,  women,  and  children  were  sold 
into  slavery.  The  population  of  the  island  was  15,000,  as 
against  100,000  five  years  earlier,  or,  according  to  the 
Greeks,  120,000.  The  fate  of  the  Christians  of  both  sexes 
"  was  most  horrible." 

On  his  arrival  in  Smyrna  in  August  1827,  ne  found  the 
city  tranquil.  He  tells  the  story  of  the  massacre  of  the 
Greek  notables,  of  the  desire  of  the  Moslems  to  extirpate 
the  Gieek  population,  and  of  the  violence  of  the  mob 
against  the  governor,  who  honestly  tried  to  prevent  so 
extreme  a  measure.  "  But,"  he  adds,  "  the  ruffianly 
mob,  while  destroying  Greeks  like  game  in  preserves,  had 
become,  in  fact,  masters  of  the  town  from  which  they  had 
frightened  speculation  and  commerce  to  the  no  small 
detriment  of  the  pasha's  revenue."  To  object  to  the 
killing  of  Greeks  was  to  be  on  their  side.  In  the  streets 
wherever  a  Greek  was  seen  he  was  shot  at,  the  most 
violent  of  their  enemies  being  Moslems  from  Crete. 
MacFarline  makes  a  remark  which  is  interesting  as 
recalling  what  happened  in  Armenia  in  1895-6.  The 
misfortunes  of  the  Greeks  were  so  many  and  so  terrible 
that  "  some  came  at  last  to  court  death.  They  were  to 
consider  their  death  at  the  hands  of  the  blaspheming 


Mahometans  as  a  martyrdom,  and  hundreds  submitted 
their  throat  to  the  knife  with  a  placidity,  self-possession 
and  unresistingness  that  might  go  far  to  merit  that  palm." 
Resistance,  according  to  many  eye-witnesses,  was  rarely 
offered.  Let  me  say  of  Smyrna  what  I  have  also  said  of 
Constantinople,  that  the  British  residents  sympathized 
with  and  protected  the  Christians,  and  that  they  were 
ably  assisted  by  the  French  consul  and  colony. 

On  leaving  Smyrna  MacFarline  passed  to  Pergamon 
and  has  to  tell  the  same  story  of  lawlessness,  poverty, 
desolation  and  slaughter.  He  landed  also  at  Mitylene, 
and  found  the  beautiful  island  of  Sappho  suffering  from 
the  same  mad  fanaticism  and  lawlessness  as  the  other 
islands  which  he  had  visited.  He  embarked  on  the  first 
steamer  which  was  ever  seen  in  these  parts,  for  Con- 
stantinople. As  they  entered  the  Dardanelles  they  were 
fired  at  by  a  company  of  Zeibecks,  savages  from  the  hills 
whom  the  Sultan  was  endeavouring  to  drill  into  a  useful 
force.  The  firing  was  only  for  fun,  and  happily  no  one  on 
board  was  hit. 

When  he  arrived  in  the  capital,  he  was  "  astonished  at 
the  melancholy,  depopulated  aspect  of  the  place."  The 
explanation  follows  at  once.  It  was  not  a  question  of  the 
Greeks.  They  had  had  their  bad  time.  It  was  now  the 
turn  of  the  Armenian  Catholics.  In  January  1828,  eight 
or  ten  thousand  of  this  always  respectable  community 
had  been  exiled  into  Asia  from  the  capital.  Two  or  three 
thousand  more  had  been  cleared  out  of  the  city,  but 
allowed  to  settle  in  neighbouring  villages.  In  the  Grand 
Rue  de  Pera  nearly  every  third  house  was  painted  red. 
This  indicated  that  they  belonged  to  Turks.  They  had 
been  stolen  from  the  exiles  by  the  government,  but  had 
been  sold  at  not  a  twentieth  part  of  their  value,  and  only 
to  Moslems.  MacFarline  tells  many  stories  of  arbitrary 
oppression,  of  brutal  cruelty,  and  of  the  horrors  of 


slavery.  It  is  unnecessary  to  furnish  other  illustrations 
of  the  condition  of  the  country  between  1820  and  1830. 

But  the  point  that  I  wish  to  note  is,  that  the  state  of 
things  described  was  hi  the  capital,  and  hi  the  most 
civilized  cities  of  the  empire.  We  have  seen  Armenians 
slaughtered  in  Armenia  by  Abdul  Hamid  amid  a  devilry 
quite  equal  to  that  exhibited  in  Constantinople.  We 
had  here,  even  hi  Constantinople  in  1897,  a  massacre  of 
Armenians.  But  the  massacre  in  the  capital  cannot  be 
compared  with  those  between  1820  and  1830.  It  was  a 
short,  sharp,  tentative  attempt  made  by  Abdul  to  see 
whether  Europe  and  his  own  people  would  allow  a 
massacre  like  those  which  he  had  successfully  carried  out 
in  Armenia,  an  attempt  which  was  put  an  end  to  after 
the  first  day  by  the  collective  and  stern  representations 
of  the  ambassadors  of  the  Powers.  His  own  people  in  the 
capital  were  hardly  less  decisive  in  their  answer.  His 
army  of  spies  dare  not  tell  him  of  the  deep  loathing 
which  respectable  Turks  expressed  at  his  conduct,  but  it 
is  inconceivable  that  they  did  not  inform  him  that  his 
own  subjects,  excepting,  of  course,  the  low  rabble  which 
had  been  employed  as  his  instruments,  utterly  disapproved 
of  his  brutal  savagery.  In  other  respects  the  capital,  even 
after  long  years  of  Abdul  Hamid's  rule,  showed  that  there 
had  been  improvement.  It  is  true  that  property  was 
arbitrarily  seized  by  the  late  ruler,  but  a  pretext  had  to  be 
found  before  it  was  confiscated.  Some  men  mysteriously 
died  or  disappeared,  and  hi  popular  belief,  which  in 
certain  cases  was  probably  well  grounded,  they  had  been 
made  away  with.  But  the  openly  reckless  slaughter  of 
men  under  Sultan  Mahmud's  reign  had  disappeared. 

I  have  mentioned  Mahmud  as  Sultan  during  the  period 
between  1820  and  1830.  His  long  reign,  which  began  in 
1808  and  lasted  till  1839,  was  a  useful  one.  His  chief 
reform  consisted  in  the  adoption  of  European  drill, 


discipline  and  methods  in  his  army.  To  accomplish  this, 
he  had  to  break  the  power  of  the  Janissaries.  These 
"  New  troops  "  had  ceased  about  1680  to  be  recruited 
exclusively  or  even  mainly  from  Christian  families.  Their 
organization  had  become  so  complete  and  their  esprit  de 
corps  was  so  strong  that  during  the  seventeenth  and 
eighteenth  centuries  they  were  a  greater  terror  to  Sultan 
and  ministers  than  to  a  foreign  enemy. 

Originally,  and  until  the  Moslem  conquest  of  Con- 
stantinople, they  were  never  more  than  15,000  in  number. 
But  this  number  gradually  increased,  and  members  of  the 
corps  took  other  offices  as  watchmen,  body  servants,  and 
the  like,  so  that  in  1826  there  are  said  to  have  been  120,000 
in  the  capital  alone.  Of  these  about  25,000  were  in  the 
fighting  service.  When  they  refused  to  obey  Mahmud's 
orders,  every  one  knew  that  the  long  expected  struggle 
was  at  hand.  Their  predecessors  had  deposed  sultans, 
had  demanded  the  heads  of  unpopular  ministers,  and 
had  almost  invariably  succeeded  in  obtaining  them. 
Mahmud,  however,  was  made  of  sterner  stuff. 

In  the  courtyard  of  the  Seraglio,  near  the  once  famous 
church  of  St  Irene,  they  overturned  their  camp  kettles. 
They  were  attacked  by  a  small  body  of  troops,  who  had 
been  drilled  on  the  European  model,  and  fled  a  short 
distance,  less  than  a  quarter  of  a  mile,  to  the  hippodrome 
or  At-meidan  where  they  had  a  barrack.  This  was  on 
the  I5th  June  1826.  From  thence  they  fled  to  the  Et- 
meidan,  or  meat  market,  a  mile  and  a  half  distant,  where 
their  principal  barrack  was  situated.1  This  was  sur- 
rounded by  troops.  The  rebels  were  ordered  to  surrender. 

1  It  is  worth  noting  the  difference  between  the  two  words,  Atmeidan 
and  Etmeidan,  because  in  an  otherwise  able  article  in  a  French  Review 
on  the  Janissaries  the  slaughter  is  described  as  having  taken  place 
on  the  hippodrome  or  At-medan.  On  my  pointing  out  this  to  the 
writer  he  frankly  admitted  that  he  had  thought  at  and  et  indicated  the 
same  place.  At-medan  is  a  Turkish  translation  of  hippodrome,  at 
being  a  horse.  Et-medan  means  meat  market. 


On  their  refusal  the  barracks  were  surrounded  and 
attacked.  A  desperate  rush  was  made  by  a  compact 
mass  of  Janissaries  to  break  through  the  iron  ring  which 
had  been  drawn  round  them.  Cannon  were  in  front  of 
them,  but  when  the  gunners  hi  charge  saw  the  mass  of 
their  fellow  Moslems  rush  forward  with  their  cry  of  Hadji 
Bektash,  their  hearts  quailed  and  they  turned  their  backs 
to  the  guns.  It  was  at  this  fateful  moment  that  an 
officer  named  Kara-gehenna,  or  Black  Hell,  rushed  for- 
ward to  one  of  the  guns  and  discharged  it  by  firing  his 
pistol  over  the  priming.  The  charge  was  of  grape  shot, 
and  the  havoc  it  made  among  the  densely  packed  mass 
in  the  crowded  street  was  appalling.  The  Janissaries 
hesitated  in  confusion.  Some  turned  and  fled.  A 
second  discharge  completed  their  discomfiture. 

The  scene  is  a  hideous  one,  and  that  which  followed, 
during  the  next  few  days,  the  slaughter  of  every  Janissary 
who  could  be  found  in  Stamboul  or  across  the  water  was,  at 
least,  awful.  The  British  ambassador  estimated  that  six 
thousand  Moslems  were  killed  in  the  attack.  The  Janis- 
saries had,  by  their  crimes  against  individuals  and  the 
State,  filled  the  cup  of  their  iniquity,  and  no  great  fault  can 
be  found  with  Mahmud  for  destroying  them.  I  mention 
the  incident  first,  to  complete  the  picture  of  Constantinople 
at  the  period  under  consideration ;  and  second,  to  mark 
that  the  suppression  was  part  of  the  work,  on  the  whole 
a  needful  part,  of  Mahmud's  reforms.  Many  others  were 
attempted.  He  endeavoured  to  prevent  the  outrages  of 
his  soldiers,  and  when  he  could  not  prevent,  he  punished 
the  wrong- doers  with  a  strong  hand.  I  have  mentioned 
that  a  body  of  Zeibecks  amused  themselves  by  firing  at 
the  passengers  on  board  the  ship  on  which  MacFarline 
passed  the  Dardanelles.  Another  band  of  the  same 
lawless  scoundrels,  on  their  way  through  Brusa  and  other 
Bithynian  towns,  fired  their  pistols  at  Greeks  and 


Armenians,  broke  open  their  shutters  and  doors,  and 
killed  harmless  rayahs.  Mahmud  had  given  orders  that 
all  outrages  should  cease.  The  tidings  of  the  conduct  of 
this  particular  band  preceded  them  to  Constantinople, 
and  when  it  arrived,  they  were  decimated,  and,  according 
to  one  account,  twenty,  according  to  another,  forty,  were 
strangled  and  thrown  into  the  Bosporus. 


In  endeavouring  to  point  out  the  improvement  effected 
in  Turkey,  I  now  pass  from  the  period  ending  in  1830  to 
about  the  year  1870.  It  is  the  period  when  the  am- 
bassadors of  England  and  France  are  striving  to  obtain 
reforms.  Canning  was  again  the  representative  of 
England  though  he  was  absent  from  1829  to  1841.  He 
had  had  a  rough  time  towards  the  end  of  the  first  period 
I  have  taken.  When  the  news  of  the  destruction  of  the 
Turkish  fleet  at  Navarino,  in  October  1827,  arrived,  the 
attitude  of  the  Turks  became  so  alarming  that  he  and  his 
colleagues  representing  France  and  Russia  thought  it  not 
unlikely  that  they  and  their  suites  would  be  sent  as 
prisoners  to  the  Seven  Towers.  As  a  precaution  Canning 
burned  his  papers.  He  and  his  colleagues  asked  for  their 
passports,  which  were  refused,  and  all  left  the  country 
without  permission.  The  practice  of  imprisoning  am- 
bassadors had  ceased,  as  we  can  now  recognize,  for  ever. 

Canning's  name  will  ever  be  associated  with  the 
attempts  of  Western  Europe  to  place  Turkey  among 
civilized  nations.  He  recognized  that  if  she  were  ever  to 
take  such  a  place  there  must  be  radical  reforms.  She 
"  must  be  saved  by  the  assimilation  to  Western  principles 
of  liberty,  toleration  and  good  government/'  "  One  of 
the  chief  points  in  his  programme,"  says  his  biographer,1 



"  was  the  removal  of  all  the  distinctive  disabilities  which 
oppressed  the  Christians."  He  recognized,  as  all  un- 
prejudiced observers  had  done  from  the  time  of  the  able 
British  consul  Rycaut  in  the  seventeenth  century,  that 
the  Christians  form  the  most  intelligent  element  in  the 
country,  and  that  the  empire  had  need  of  their  intelligence. 
He  concluded,  therefore,  that  in  helping  the  Christians,  in 
making  himself  their  protector,  as  he  soon  came  to  be 
regarded,  he  was  rendering  good  service  to  Turkey.  On 
this  principle  he  worked  steadily  for  years.  He  obtained 
great  influence  and  became  for  Turkey  a  benevolent 
despot  always  trying  to  drive  home  reforms. 

He  was  a  man  of  strong  will,  of  clear  insight,  of  con- 
siderable tact,  and  of  even  a  fierce  courage.  His  long 
experience  had  made  him  self-reliant.  He  belonged  to  a 
period  when  an  ambassador  was  not  a  foreign  office  clerk 
at  the  end  of  a  telegraph  wire.  He  had  had  the  duty  im- 
posed upon  him  when  only  twenty-three  years  old  of 
deciding  what  England's  policy  should  be  during  a  period 
of  eighteen  months  when  he  was  unable  to  receive  com- 
munications from  his  government.  Between  1810  and 
1812  he  had  prevented  Turkey  joining  with  France.  He 
had  been  disciplined  into  self-reliance,  and  in  the  accom- 
plishment of  his  purpose  never  feared  responsibility.  On 
his  return  to  Constantinople,  thirty  years  later,  he  acted 
with  a  firmer  hand  than  ever.  When  his  government,  at 
the  request  of  the  Porte,  sent  a  circular  to  each  consul 
practically  telling  them  not  to  interfere  with  individual 
cases  of  oppression,  Canning  wrote  a  private  note  to 
each  one  to  say  that  the  circular  did  not  apply  to  him. 

The  following  may  be  mentioned  as  illustrating  his 
character.  Among  the  debasing  customs  which  the 
Turks  had  retained  from  the  time  of  their  supremacy,  was 
one  in  accordance  with  which  every  European,  as  well  as 
Christian  subjects,  had  to  dismount  and  walk  past  the 


imperial  palace.  On  one  occasion  Canning  was  returning, 
bespattered  with  mud  from  a  long  ride,  and  was  ordered 
to  dismount.  He  did  so,  and,  just  as  he  was,  demanded 
an  audience  of  the  Sultan  and  did  not  leave  until  orders 
were  given  that  this  practice  should  cease. 

Acting  constantly  with  the  desire  to  benefit  the  Turkish 
nation  he  tackled  the  question  of  the  inequalities  to  which 
the  Christians  were  subject.  He  judged  rightly  that  so 
long  as  religious  toleration  did  not  exist,  reform  for  the 
nation  was  impossible.  In  1844  his  indignation  had  been 
brought  to  fever  heat  by  the  reports  which  reached  him 
from  the  provinces.  He  learned  that  Christian  children 
were  being  seized  in  various  parts,  forcibly  made 
Mahometans,  and  confined  in  harems.  He  found  that 
the  practice  of  executing  Moslems  who  changed  their 
religion  was  general,  though  such  changes  were  few.  He 
worked  hard  to  put  an  end  to  both  practices.  A  special 
appeal  was  made  to  him  while  driving  from  Pera  to 
Therapia  by  the  relatives  of  a  young  Armenian  then  under 
arrest.  His  crime  was  that,  having  become  a  Moslem,  he 
had  reverted  to  Christianity.  The  efforts  of  Canning  were 
in  vain,  and  the  man  was  executed.  But  the  man  did  not 
die  in  vain.  Canning  and  his  French  colleague  took  the 
matter  up  and  each  succeeded  in  obtaining  instructions 
from  his  government  to  require  of  the  Porte  that  punish- 
ment should  no  longer  be  inflicted  on  persons  who 
abandoned  Moslemism.  When  Canning  framed  an 
official  note  to  the  Porte  in  this  sense,  his  dragoman, 
Pisani,  whom  I  remember  well  as  a  brave  old  man  well 
fitted  to  serve  such  a  chief,  replied  that  it  would  never 
succeed.  Canning's  reply  was  given  with  a  look  of  deter- 
mination, "  Mr  Pisani,  it  shall." 

The  struggle  was  long.  The  Turkish  ministers  wanted 
to  compromise,  to  give  a  vague  declaration  of  their  desire 
"  to  avoid,  as  far  as  it  might  be  practicable,  occasions  of 


according  to  their  beauty  and  accomplishments.  Men, 
women  and  children,  who  had  been  imported  could  be 
bought  cheap.  The  M  second  hands,"  that  is,  those  who 
were  being  sold  by  their  owners  and  who  had  learned  to 
cook,  to  cut  wood,  or  be  useful  in  the  house,  fetched  a 
higher  price.  He  saw  a  fine  negress,  with  good  recom- 
mendations as  a  cook  and  sempstress,  put  up  for  sale. 
It  was  admitted  that  she  had  an  incorrigible  temper,  and 
on  this  account  had  been  sold  thirteen  times.  Buyers 
apparently  were  afraid,  but  she  was  finally  knocked  down 
to  an  old  mollah  for  £17.  Negroes  and  negresses  usually 
increased  in  value  for  some  years  after  their  arrival  in 
the  country  :  white  female  slaves,  however,  fetched  lower 
prices,  the  reason  being  that  young  women  were  rarely 
re-sold  except  for  incorrigible  defects,  or  for  another 
reason.  It  was  "  no  uncommon  practice,"  says  Colonel 
White,  with  young  and  wealthy  profligates  to  purchase 
young  women  from  the  Circassian  dealers  at  Tophana, 
or  from  those  who  bought  such  women  from  the  dealers 
to  educate  and  re-sell  and  then,  at  the  expiration  of  a 
few  weeks,  to  send  them  to  Avret  Bazaar  in  order  to 
procure  money  for  purchasing  other  novelties. 

The  trade  in  human  flesh  in  1843  was  not  so  flourishing 
as  it  had  been  a  few  years  previously.  An  old  Arab  who 
had  carried  on  the  business  for  many  years,  "  with  Allah's 
permission,"  as  he  carefully  explained,  cleared  about 
thirty  per  cent,  on  his  sales.  The  profits  would  have 
been  much  larger  but  for  the  unfortunate  fact  that  sixty 
out  of  every  hundred  died  on  their  journey  from  their 
homes  in  Africa  to  Stamboul.  Nevertheless,  the  business 
flourished,  though  prices  were  not  high.  The  slaves 
brought  from  Africa  were  of  course  black.  A  newly  im- 
ported one  could  be  bought  for  £14,  and  never  fetched 
more  than  £25  ;  a  second-hand  article  who  had  been 
taught  to  work  and  was  in  good  health  ranged  from  £25 


to  £50.  White  women  sold  in  the  market  when  young 
averaged  from  £9  to  £14.  The  choice  articles  in  white 
slaves  were,  however,  sold  at  Tophana.  In  1822  the 
number  of  slaves  officially  notified  as  imported  from 
Africa  was  2800,  while  Circassia  sent  500  in  the  same  year. 
The  Circassians  were  almost  always  imported  young. 
Dealers  bought  them,  had  them  carefully  fed,  washed  and 
clothed,  and  sold  them  off  at  prices  varying  according  to 
their  personal  charms.  A  young  girl  thus  treated  often 
doubled  or  tripled  in  value  after  two  or  three  years. 
Colonel  White  relates  that  a  doctor  who  was  sent  to 
examine  one,  reported  that  she  was  not  in  any  danger, 
whereupon  the  owner  replied  "  Thank  God ;  it  would 
have  been  a  sad  loss,  she  cost  me  £400." 

The  remarkable  thing  about  these  Circassian  slaves  is 
that  they  were  usually  brought  up  by  their  parents  for 
the  purpose  of  sale.  The  girls  themselves  looked  forward 
with  pleasure  to  the  time  when  some  wealthy  pasha  would 
take  a  fancy  to  add  them  to  his  harem.  Many  Circassian 
slaves  rose  to  high  honours  :  for  slavery  was  not  a  bar  to 
marriage  and  by  adet,  or  custom  having  the  force  of 
law,  a  slave  who  bore  a  child  to  her  master  became 

It  may  be  admitted  that  on  the  whole  slaves  in  Turkey 
were  not  and  are  not  ill-treated.  A  woman  in  particular 
who  has  been  long  in  the  service  of  her  master  is  kept  on 
until  her  death,  though  she  has  become  incapable  of  work. 
Even  in  the  slave  depots  they  did  not  usually  complain. 
Still,  the  system  was  and  is  a  barbarous  one,  and  so  long 
as  a  human  being  is  a  chattel  and  there  are  brutes  among 
men,  instances  of  cruelty  will  occur.  Colonel  White  him- 
self was  witness  of  one  :  the  broker  had  ordered  a  girl  to 
follow  him  round  the  colonnade  arranged  for  showing  off 
his  goods.  The  girl  either  from  shame  or  obstinacy  went 
the  other  way.  The  broker  struck  her  so  severely  on  the 


face  that  she  fell  and  the  blood  rushed  from  her  mouth 
and  nose.  The  Englishman's  blood  rose  and  he  would 
have  liked  to  have  punished  the  brute,  but  he  points  out 
that  an  attack  would  only  have  resulted  in  the  expulsion 
of  himself  and  friend. 

Slavery  in  Turkey  has  not  ceased  to  exist.  But  it  has 
become  illegal  though  everybody  who  knows  Turkey  is 
aware  that  thousands  of  slaves  are  still  found  in  the 
country,  that  every  now  and  then  black  slaves  are  landed 
from  Africa,  and  that  the  sale  of  a  Circassian  is  by  no 
means  unknown.  In  a  Turkish  village  where  I  lived  for  a 
year  on  my  first  arrival  in  the  country,  there  was  a  house 
where  an  old  Turkish  woman  always  had  from  two  to 
half  a  dozen  little  Circassian  girls.  The  neighbours 
assured  me,  and  I  have  no  reason  to  doubt  their  state- 
ment, that  her  practice  was  to  buy  them  young,  to  let  them 
run  wild  on  the  beautiful  hill-side  for  two  or  three  years, 
and  then  to  sell  them  into  harems.  They  were  not 
cruelly  treated.  Talking  some  three  years  ago  with  a 
medical  man  who  has  studied  in  England,  France,  and 
Germany,  but  who  is  a  Turkish  subject,  he  observed 
"  You  Europeans  know  nothing  of  what  goes  on  in  the 
harems.  We  hekims  are  privileged.  You  believe  slavery 
is  abolished — rubbish.  I  have  myself  examined  five 
women  for  the  purpose  of  sale  within  the  last  month." 

During  several  years  Canning  had  endeavoured  to  pre- 
vent the  importation  of  negro  slaves.  MacFarline  and 
Stevens  as  well  as  Colonel  White  found  the  practice 
general  and  not  apparently  condemned  by  public  opinion. 
But  the  sufferings  of  the  slaves  in  their  passage  to  the 
coast  and  thence  to  Turkey  were  terrible  and  awakened 
the  sympathy  of  all  Englishmen.  Canning  called  the 
attention  of  the  Sultan  to  what  civilized  states  had  done 
to  put  down  the  slave-trade  and  in  1850  succeeded  in 
persuading  him  to  issue  a  law  forbidding  Turkish  vessels 


to  transport  slaves.  I  cannot  find  that  he  ventured  to 
touch  the  domestic  aspect  of  the  question. 

In  the  same  year  he  succeeded  in  obtaining  the  recog- 
nition of  the  Protestants  in  Turkey  as  a  distinct  body, 
which  was  to  enjoy  the  same  privileges  as  the  Greeks 
and  Catholics  respectively.  For  this  purpose  they  were 
authorized  to  name  a  representative  or  Vekil  who  should 
have  the  right  to  represent  any  Protestant  before  the 
government.  The  arrangement  continues  to  the  present 
day.  The  Armenian  Catholics  had  fallen  under  the  dis- 
pleasure of  the  Turks,  but  Canning  judged  that  they  were 
oppressed  and  pleaded  successfully  also  on  their  behalf. 

There  were  thus  distinct  and  important  reforms  due 
to  the  efforts  of  the  Powers  and  always  mainly  of  England 
which  were  effected  during  the  second  period  I  have 
chosen.  Many  of  them,  as  for  example  the  order  abolish- 
ing torture,  are  rightly  classed  as  paper  reforms.  Far  and 
away  the  most  important  was  the  granting  of  a  charter  of 
liberties  known  as  the  Hatti-humayoum.  It  marked  the 
climax  of  Canning's  career  as  a  reformer.  It  included 
and  summarized  all  the  reforms  he  had  succeeded  in  ob- 
taining during  twenty-five  years.  Already  in  1839  an 
imperial  decree  had  been  issued  known  as  the  Hatti- 
sherif  of  Gulhana  which  promised  security  for  life  and 
property  for  all  subjects  of  the  empire  without  distinction 
of  race  and  creed.  But  the  Hatti-humayoum  promul- 
gated in  February  1856  was  in  more  emphatic  language. 
It  renewed  the  ancient  privileges  of  the  churches,  guar- 
anteed the  free  exercise  of  non-Moslem  religious  rites, 
and  allowed  every  church  and  sect  to  have  the  control 
of  its  ecclesiastical  and  educational  buildings.  It  pro- 
claimed that  "  every  distinction  and  designation  tending 
to  make  any  class  whatever  of  the  subjects  of  my  empire 
inferior  to  another  class  on  account  of  their  religion,  lan- 
guage or  race,  shall  be  for  ever  effaced  ...  no  subject  of 


my  empire  shall  be  hindered  in  the  exercise  of  the  religion 
which  he  professes  nor  shall  he  be  in  any  way  annoyed 
on  that  account.  No  one  shall  be  compelled  to  change 
his  religion."  It  was  a  Magna  Carta  for  Turkey. 

When  at  the  end  of  the  Crimean  War,  the  Treaty  of 
Paris  was  drawn  up,  the  Hatti-humayoum  was  formally 
recognized  in  Article  IX.  To  Canning's  disgust  no  pro- 
vision was  made  in  the  Treaty  for  enforcing  its  provisions. 
But  they  remained  on  the  Statute  Book  and  have  often 
been  appealed  to  in  the  law  courts  and  by  diplomatists. 

Let  the  remark  be  made  here  once  for  all,  that  irades  or 
decrees  making  promises  of  reforms  and  other  promises 
are  one  thing,  their  execution  another.  In  my  own  ex- 
perience decrees  forbidding  torture  have  been  made  again 
and  again  but  constantly  disregarded  both  in  their  letter 
and  spirit.  Torture,  abolished  by  law  half  a  century  ago, 
flourished  five  years  since  with  all  sorts  of  hideous  horrors. 
Slavery,  abolished  in  like  manner,  still  exists  though  the 
traffic  is  driven  under  ground.  Reforms  for  the  bettering 
of  the  lot  of  Armenians,  promised  by  the  Treaty  of  Berlin, 
were  drafted  by  the  Powers,  strongly  supported  by 
England  and  urged  upon  the  Porte.  Each  reform  was 
keenly  contested  and  had  to  be  abandoned  until  what 
Lord  Salisbury  qualified  as  the  "  irreducible  minimum  " 
was  attained  and  then  Sir  Henry  Layard  had  even  to  cut 
down  the  "  irreducible/'  Finally  a  show  of  reforms  was 
agreed  upon  and  an  imperial  irade,  followed  by  promises 
made  to  the  Great  Powers,  was  issued.  But  judging  by 
results  there  was  no  intention  to  cairy  them  into  execution 
and  for  the  most  part  they  have  remained  a  dead  letter. 
The  specific  reform  longest  dangled  before  Western  eyes 
regarding  Armenia  was  the  appointment  of  assistant 
governors  who  would  be  Christians.  Naturally  the 
Sultan's  creatures  selected  men  who  would  do  what  the 
Moslem  governor  ordered  them  to  do  and  such  men  in 


popular  speech  soon  became  known  as  Evvet  effendis,  or 
"  certainly  sirs/'  because  of  their  subserviency. 

Have  then  all  these  promises,  obtained  by  the  strenuous 
and  unremitting  labours  of  Canning,  who  is  still  known  in 
Turkey  as  the  "  Great  Elchee,"  and  of  other  ambassadors, 
been  of  no  avail  ?  The  answer  is  that  they  have  not. 
The  attempts  to  evade  them  as  far  as  possible,  to  go 
through  the  pretext  of  carrying  them  into  execution  so 
that  the  Powers  should  not  worry  the  Porte  by  their 
importunity,  have  had  a  beneficial  result,  an  educational 
value.  The  people,  Moslem  and  Christian  alike,  learned 
what  the  promises  were,  formed  the  conviction  that  the 
Powers  wished  better  government  for  all  sections  of  the 
community,  and,  as  the  reforms  were  intended  to  intro- 
duce religious  toleration  and  to  prevent  oppression,  they 
helped  to  prepare  the  population  for  the  introduction 
of  a  better  system  of  government.  Paper  reforms  led 
the  people  to  anticipate  real  reforms.  They  gave  the 
Christians  hope  and  taught  the  fanatical  portion  of  the 
Moslem  population  to  regard  reforms  as  pre-ordained. 

The  point,  however,  to  which  I  wish  to  call  attention  is 
that  Turkey  had  made  progress  towards  improvement 
between  1830  and  1870. 

But  though  the  paper  reforms  were  not  without  distinct 
value,  and  while  noting  definite  improvement,  it  must  not 
be  supposed  that  the  condition  of  Turkey  at  the  end  of 
the  period  cited  showed  that  they  had  effected  a  great 
general  bettering  of  the  condition  of  the  population  and 
especially  of  the  Christians.  Scenes  of  violence  were  less 
frequent  but  misgovernment  still  continued.  The  same 
gross  mass  of  ignorance  and  fanaticism  which  we  have 
seen  in  excelsis  in  the  period  between  1820  and  1830  still 
existed  :  the  same  corruption  in  the  administration,  the 
like  injustice  in  the  law  courts,  the  same  refusal  to  admit 
the  Christian  to  equality  with  the  Moslem.  It  would  be 


easy  to  fill  hundreds  of  pages  with  quotations  from  a  score 
of  volumes  published  soon  after  the  Crimean  War  showing 
that  injustice,  oppression,  mis-government  and  no  govern- 
ment remained.  One  of  the  earliest  of  such  books  may 
be  mentioned  as  giving  a  faithful  picture  of  the  condition 
of  Turkey  during  the  period  of  ten  yeais  after  that  war. 
The  "  Hakim  Bashi,"  by  Dr  Humphry  Sandwith,  weU 
known  as  the  author  of  "  The  Siege  of  Kars,"  was  pub- 
lished in  1864.  The  author's  picture  is  not  the  less  true 
because  he  tells  his  story  under  the  guise  of  a  romance. 

The  doctor  of  medicine  or  "  Hakim  Bashi "  visits  and 
resides  in  Salonika  as  well  as  in  Bagdad  and  Syria. 
Sandwith  wrote  from  actual  experience  and  it  would  be 
difficult  to  show  venality,  corruption  in  all  sorts  of  persons 
in  authority  and  general  demoralization  in  more  striking 

The  "  Hakim  Bashi  "  goes  to  Damascus.  The  people 
have  heard  of  the  firman  confirming  the  Hatti-humayoum. 
The  incident  related  in  the  following  extract  is  valuable 
as  showing  the  way  Moslems  regarded  and  treated 
Christians  notwithstanding  all  promises  of  reform  to 
better  their  condition.1  **  While  buying  a  lantern  at  the 
shop  of  a  Moslem,  I  heard  jeering  voices  a  few  paces  from 
me,  with  the  words,  "  Hanzeer-pig,  Kaiffer,  and  such  like. 
I  turned  and  saw  two  Christian  merchants  hurrying 
through  the  streets,  looking  neither  to  the  right  nor  to 
the  left,  and  as  they  passed  each  shop,  jeers  and  scoffs 
followed  them.  The  tradesman  who  was  showing  me  his 
goods  stopped  for  a  moment,  put  down  his  lanterns,  and 
cried  out,  "  Hanna,  thou  pig,  I  am  coming  to  help  myself 
out  of  thy  house  :  I  shall  take  thy  daughter  to  my  harem/' 
A  few  steps  further  on  a  young  boy  planted  himself  before 
the  two  Christians,  and  tracing  a  cross  on  the  ground  spat 
upon  it,  and  as  the  two  men  hurried  by,  he  gave  them 

1  "  Hakim  Bashi,"  vol.  ii.  p.  199. 


each  a  vigorous  kick,  which  feat  was  loudly  applauded  by 
the  bystanders. 

"  What  have  these  Christians  done,"  I  asked  of  the 
lantern  seller,  "  that  they  should  be  treated  so  scurvily  ? 
Have  they  stolen  anything  ?  have  they  broken  the  law  ? 
are  they  felons  ?  " 

"  Man,  they  are  Christians/'  fiercely  answered  the 
shopkeeper ;  "is  not  that  enough  ?  they  are  Christian 
pigs,  and  ought  not  to  defile  the  city  with  their  presence." 
"  But  have  you  not  always  had  Christians  amongst 
you  ?  "  I  replied.  "  What  have  they  done  lately  to 
excite  your  anger  ?  "  "  What  have  they  done  ?  " 
screamed  an  armourer  close  by ;  "  they  have  year  by 
year  been  invading  our  privileges.  When  I  was  a  boy 
they  were  humble  rayahs ;  no  Christian  durst  mount 
a  horse,  or  take  the  wall  of  a  Moslem,  or  dress  in  hand- 
some clothes  ;  now  they  are  richer  than  ourselves,  they 
seek  protection  of  foreign  consuls,  some  of  them  even 
ride  horses,  nay,  I  have  seen  one  or  two  bear  arms. 
May  God  curse  them.  Wait  until  the  firman  comes  to 
Damascus,  and  we  will  make  short  work  of  it." 

"  My  friend,"  I  replied,  "  why  should  not  the  Christians 
wear  good  clothes  if  they  pay  for  them  ?  Why  should 
not  they  ride  horses,  if  they  buy  them  ?  There  is  no  law 
against  their  riding  their  own  animals  surely  ?  " 

"  No  law  against  Christians  riding  horses  ?  Hear  the 
blasphemer,"  cried  more  than  one  voice  :  for  there  was 
now  quite  a  crowd  gathered  to  hear  the  discussion  which 
I  had  foolishly  begun.  "  Abdullah  ibn  Omar- Abdullah, 
tahl,  tahl, — come  come,  tahl  heyn — come  here  :  you  are 
wanted.  Come  and  refute  this  Kiaffir." 

"  I  am  not  a  Kiaffir  "  I  replied  indignantly  :  "  I  am 
a  Moslem.  II  hand  ull  illah — praise  be  to  God,"  "  Aib, 
aib,  shame  on  the  fellow :  he  calls  himself  a  Moslem, 
and  talks  like  a  Christian.  What  is  he  ?  "  "A  Turk 


surely,"  remarked  a  bystander.  "  Naam — yes  indeed  : 
he  is  one  of  the  Stamboulis  who  come  to  govern  us  : 
he  is  a  cross  between  a  dog  and  a  sow — a  bad  breed 
surely,"  said  the  sallow-faced  armourer/' 

The  last  sentence  points  to  a  truth  that  applies  to 
Constantinople  and  has  applied  to  it  for  a  century.  The 
inhabitant  of  the  capital,  the  Stambouli,  the  Moslem  in 
particular  has  always  and  is  now  far  in  advance  of  his 
co-religionists  in  Anatolia.  Everybody  knows  that  all 
our  words  denoting  civilization  point  to  its  growth  in 
cities  as  opposed  to  rural  districts.  Civility,  politeness, 
urbanity  are  opposed  to  rusticity  and  boorishness. 
Freedom  and  progress  alike  spring  from  city  life.  But 
to  realize  how  these  words  have  come  to  have  their 
derived  meaning,  we  need  to  recall  the  isolation  of  cities 
in  former  times.  The  want  of  communication  means 
poverty,  ignorance  of  what  other  men  are  doing,  the 
nursing  of  the  sentiment  that  an  outsider  is  a  barbarian 
and  to  be  treated  as  an  enemy.  Isolation  in  Turkey  even 
at  the  present  time  exists  because  there  are  few  roads 
and  the  country  is  never  safe.  But  isolation  was  more 
complete  fifty  years  ago.  Hence  the  contrast  between 
the  condition  of  things  in  the  capital  and  in  Anatolia  was 
striking.  The  Earl  of  Carlisle  who  visited  Turkey  in  1853 
describes  it  as  follows :  "  When  you  leave  the  partial 
splendours  of  the  capital,  and  the  great  state  establish- 
ments, what  is  it  you  find  over  this  broad  surface  of  a 
land  which  nature  and  climate  have  favoured  beyond  all 
others,  once  the  home  of  all  art  and  all  civilization  ? 
Look  yourself :  ask  those  who  live  there ;  deserted 
villages,  uncultivated  plains,  banditti-haunted  mountains, 
torpid  laws,  a  corrupt  administration,  a  disappearing 
people."  i 

Unhappily  the  distinction  made  by  Lord  Carlisle  up- 

1  "Diary  in  Turkish  and  Greek  Waters,"  by  the  Earl  of  Carlisle,  p.  184. 


wards  of  half  a  century  ago  is  true  to-day.  Macedonia 
is  half  a  century,  and  the  eastern  portion  of  Anatolia  a 
full  century,  behind  the  capital.  Nevertheless  there  has 
been  progress  since  Sandwith  and  Lord  Carlisle  wrote, 
and  this  in  spite  of  the  reactionary  reign  of  Abdul  Hamid 
between  1876  and  1908. 


I  have  endeavoured  to  show  that  in  the  first  two 
periods  selected,  terminating  with  the  accession  of  Abdul 
Hamid,  definitely  marked  progress  had  been  made  by  the 
Turkish  nation.  I  now  proceed  to  deal  with  the  reign 
of  that  Sultan  with  the  object  of  showing  that  even  under 
a  reactionary  sovereign  of  the  worst  kind,  Turkey  has 
continued  to  improve. 

One  of  the  first  notable  events  in  his  reign,  for  which, 
however,  Abdul  Hamid  cannot  be  held  responsible,  were 
the  Moslem  atrocities  in  Bulgaria.  They  occurred  in 
May  1876.  I  have  already  described  the  indignation 
they  aroused  throughout  Europe.  The  outcry  prevented 
further  massacre  in  Bulgaria  and  withdrew  sympathy 
from  a  nation  capable  of  such  horrors.  Punch's  cartoon 
on  the  subject  reflected  English  opinion  on  the  matter 
when  it  represented  the  Sultan  with  his  hands  dripping 
blood,  surrounded  by  corpses  and  asking  for  British 
help.  The  reply  was  "  not  with  your  hands  that  colour." 
For  the  first  time  the  Porte  was  astonished  to  find  that 
their  treatment  of  Christians  was  a  matter  which  pro- 
foundly interested  Western  nations.  It  was  a  useful 
lesson  and  constituted  a  landmark  of  progress.  When  in 
1885,  eastern  Rumelia  threw  off  her  allegiance  to  Turkey, 
the  Sultan  hesitated  to  exercise  the  right  he  possessed 
under  the  Treaty  of  Berlin,  to  enter  the  province  and 
reduce  it  to  subjection.  But  it  was  well  known  in  Con- 


stantinople  that  when  such  a  proposal  was  made  to  him, 
he  declared  that  his  troops  were  rough  fellows  and  could 
not  be  restrained,  and  that  such  an  occupation  would 
awaken  European  fanaticism  against  Turkey's  method 
of  punishing  rebels.  He  declined  to  exercise  his  right. 
In  other  words  Abdul  Hamid  had  learned  the  lesson  of 
the  Atrocity  agitation  in  England. 

The  massacres  in  Armenia,  in  1895-1896,  were  in  many 
respects  more  ghastly  than  either  those  of  the  Greeks  in 
1820-1830  or  of  the  Bulgarians  in  1876.  But  there  are 
several  considerations  which  show  that  western  opinion 
though  powerless  to  prevent  them  was  a  factor  which 
even  Abdul  Hamid  did  not  altogether  neglect.  Armenia 
is  a  long  distance  from  Constantinople.  There  is  no 
province  in  which  the  Christians  are  in  a  majority.  The 
only  adjoining  country  was  Russia  which  was  known  to 
be  unwilling  for  various  reasons  to  interfere.  Lord  Salis- 
bury publicly  regretted  that  he  could  not  send  a  fleet  over 
the  Taurus  mountains.  The  Sultan  and  the  palace  gang, 
mindful  of  the  agitation  over  the  Bulgarian  horrors  in 
1876,  made  most  determined  efforts  and  with  a  large 
measure  of  success,  to  prevent  any  European  and  especi- 
ally any  newspaper  correspondent  from  learning  what 
was  going  on.  Unscrupulous  mendacity  on  a  large  scale 
was  resorted  to  in  order  to  deceive  foreign  consuls  and 
ambassadors  and  prevent  them  from  learning  what  was 
being  done.  The  organization  of  the  massacres  was  kept 
strictly  secret.  The  Sultan's  orders  were  promulgated 
only  in  the  mosques  when,  of  course,  only  Moslems  were 
present.  The  open,  shameless,  almost  ostentatious  de- 
struction of  Christian  men,  women,  and  children  which 
had  taken  place  at  Chios,  and  even  in  Bulgaria,  was 
replaced  by  massacres  which  were  concealed  as  far  as 
possible  and  were  made  to  appear  the  spontaneous  work 
of  the  Moslem  population.  When  they  were  repeated, 


though  on  a  much  smaller  scale,  in  the  capital  they  were 
stopped  immediately  on  the  receipt  of  an  open  telegram, 
due  to  the  initiative  of  the  British  Charge1  d' Affaires,  Sir 
Michael  Herbert  (in  the  absence  of  the  ambassador,  Sir 
Philip  Currie),  and  signed  by  aU  the  European  ambas- 
sadors telling  Abdul  Hamid  that  if  these  events  did  not 
immediately  cease  "  there  would  be  danger  to  his  throne 
and  dynasty/'  No  letter  or  similar  message  would  have 
been  sent  even  half  a  century  earlier,  or  if  sent,  would 
have  been  regarded. 

The  progress  of  a  nation  may  be  delayed  by  the  acts 
of  an  incompetent,  perverse  and  ignorant  ruler.  But 
there  are  movements  beyond  his  control.  So  it  has  been 
in  Turkey.  Outside  influences  make  themselves  felt. 
One  of  the  most  important  in  Turkey  was  derived  from 
the  progress  made  by  neighbouring  peoples,  and  though 
Abdul  Hamid  did  his  utmost  to  prevent  such  progress 
from  becoming  known,  he  failed  in  this  as  in  so  many  of 
his  foolish  attempts  to  keep  the  nation  in  ignorance.  It 
was  in  vain  that  he  appointed  a  censor  in  every  newspaper 
office  and  caused  every  sentence  in  each  local  paper  to  be 
carefully  censored,  that  he  excluded  school  books  which 
stated  that  Asia  Minor  was  once  highly  civilized  but  under 
Turkish  rule  was  now  largely  depopulated  ;  that  he  pro- 
hibited the  mention  of  the  words  Armenia  and  Macedonia ; 
that  he  rigorously  insisted  that  not  a  word  should  be 
published  to  indicate  that  the  English  had  entered  Egypt ; 
that  whenever  an  attempt  was  made  upon  the  life  of  a 
ruler  of  a  foreign  state  he  required  that  no  mention  should 
be  made  of  it,  and  that  when  such  attempts  succeeded  as 
they  did  against  Nicholas  of  Russia,  King  Humbert,  the 
Empress  of  Austria,  Mr  M'Kinley,  M.  Carnot  and  Mr 
Stambuloff ,  he  would  only  permit  the  statement  of  death 
without  a  word  to  indicate  that  it  had  been  the  result  of 
violence ;  in  vain  that  he  prevented  as  far  as  he  could 


the  entry  into  the  country  of  foreign  newspapers  which 
either  mentioned  facts  which  he  wished  concealed,  or 
commented  unfavourably  upon  his  want  of  states- 
manship, or  exposed  the  evils  of  his  administration. 
It  was  all  supremely  silly  because  all  the  facts  which 
he  wished  to  conceal  became  known  at  once  to  his 
subjects.  Foreign  newspapers  in  his  pay  praised  his 

Members  of  various  parliaments,  received  in  audience 
and  conversing  with  a  ruling  sovereign  for  the  first  time, 
were  flattered  by  him  into  believing  that  he  was  a  wise 
ruler.  Even  ministers  who  ought  to  have  known  better 
and  ambassadors — though  thank  God  never  a  British 
ambassador — mistook  his  cunning  for  capacity  and  spoke 
of  him  as  an  enlightened  ruler.  He  was  emphatically  the 
sultan  of  reaction  and,  in  all  matters  where  a  wise  sultan 
could  have  favoured  material  progress  or  exalted  the  ideal 
of  his  people,  did  harm.  Possibly  owing  to  the  commonly 
expressed  belief  of  his  Moslem  subjects  that  he  was  of 
Armenian  origin,  he  showed  himself  a  frantic  supporter 
of  Moslem  fanaticism  against  the  Armenians.  But  I 
repeat  that  his  efforts  to  put  an  end  to  progress  towards 
civilization  were  in  vain.  He  arrested  it,  put  a  brake 
upon  it,  but  the  elemental  forces  were  too  strong  for  him 
and  finally,  to  the  delight  of  all,  swept  him  unrelentingly 
into  obscurity. 

The  most  noteworthy  improvements  made  in  his  reign 
are  those  which  tend  to  the  preservation  of  health. 
Constantinople  a  century  ago  was  the  city  in  Europe 
where  plague  was  endemic  and  most  virulent.  As  re- 
cently as  1835  the  well-known  American  traveller  Stephens 
asked  "  Can  this  beautiful  city,  rich  with  the  choicest 
gifts  of  heaven,  be  pre-eminently  the  abode  of  pestilence 
and  death  ?  where  year  after  year  the  angel  of  death 
stalks  through  the  streets  and  thousands  and  tens  of 


thousands  look  him  calmly  in  the  face  and  murmuring 
Allah,  Allah,  God  is  merciful,  lie  down  and  die." 

The  latest  outbreak  of  plague  in  Constantinople  was 
in  1841.  But  hardly  less  terrible  were  the  visitations 
of  cholera,  of  which  the  last  worth  noting  was  in  1865. 
These  diseases  once  introduced  spread  with  terrible 
rapidity.  A  soil  saturated  with  the  filth  of  centuries  ; 
street-dogs,  homeless,  often  mangey,  numbering  probably 
thirty  thousand ;  street  cleaning  unknown ;  heaps  of 
decaying  vegetable  and  other  matter,  the  absence  of 
drainage  and  a  deficient  water  supply  supplied  the 
conditions  which  enabled  the  great  scourges  mentioned 
to  sweep  away  tens  of  thousands.  The  sanitary  con- 
ditions of  all  towns  in  Turkey  at  the  present  day,  in- 
cluding the  capital  itself,  is  disgraceful.  Typhoid  fever, 
small-pox,  diphtheria  and  other  deadly  diseases  kill 
hundreds  annually  whose  lives  would  have  been  saved 
by  decent  regulations.  But  nevertheless  there  has 
been  great  improvement  in  the  Public  Health.  The 
establishment  of  an  International  Sanitary  Board,  in- 
tended primarily  to  prevent  the  entry  of  epidemic 
diseases  by  means  of  quarantine,  has  had  a  useful 
influence.  Consequent  upon  its  representations,  ac- 
cumulations of  filth  have  been  removed,  some  attempts 
have  been  made  to  cleanse  the  streets,  and  above  all  a 
public  opinion  has  been  created  in  favour  of  better 
sanitary  arrangements.  We  have  even  seen  the  dogs 
of  the  capital  disappear.  These  measures  were  in  many 
cases  opposed  by  Sultan  Abdul  Hamid,  who  introduced 
to  the  Sanitary  Board  about  1882,  nominees  of  his  own, 
sufficient  in  number  to  swamp  the  delegates  of  foreign 

The  general  corruption  in  the  administration  was 
seen  even  in  the  execution  of  the  simplest  sanitary 
precautions.  Whenever  there  occurred — as  there  did 


nearly  every  year — an  alarm  lest  cholera  or  plague 
should  break  out,  dirty  places  were  daily  sprinkled  with 
a  white  powder  which  was  supposed  to  be  chloride  of 
lime,  but  which  was  popularly,  and  I  believed  rightly, 
understood  to  be  pounded  maltese  stone  mixed  with 
a  small  quantity  of  the  disinfectant.  The  principal 
streets  have  been  paved  during  the  last  fifteen  years 
with  basalt  blocks  which,  when  we  have  our  heavy 
rains,  allow  them  to  be  washed  and  therefore  largely 
lessen  the  accumulations  of  filth  which  previously 
existed.  The  change  was  valuable. 

Moslems  generally  are  cleanly  in  their  persons  and 
in  their  houses.  But  many  travellers  old  and  new 
have  remarked  that  they  care  little  about  filth  in  the 
streets.  Colonel  White  noted  with  surprise,  in  1842, 
well-dressed  ladies  sitting  upon  small  stools  or  scamni, 
which  were  placed  upon  heaps  of  refuse.  Many  other 
travellers  have  noted  that  the  Turk,  during  plague  or 
cholera,  would  take  no  precaution  against  infection  or 
contagion.  While  Greeks  or  Armenians  were  particular 
about  the  disinfection  of  their  houses  and  food,  carrying 
their  somewhat  primitive  notions  of  avoiding  it  to 
absurd  extremes  and  carefully  avoiding  touching  other 
persons  or  their  clothes  during  the  prevalence  of  epi- 
demics, the  Turk  would  stalk  carelessly  through  the 
most  infected  quarters  fearless  of  death.  His  fatalism 
made  him  courageous.  Defoe  tells  a  story  in  his  history 
of  the  Plague  in  London  which  has  had  its  analogy 
thousands  of  times  hi  Turkey.  A  negro  boy  remarked, 
when  his  master's  family  were  about  leaving  the  horrors 
of  that  time  in  London,  that  he  supposed  his  master's 
God  lived  in  the  country,  the  inference  being  that  he 
was  unable  to  afford  protection  in  town.  The  Moslem, 
with  the  belief  that  he  still  expresses  in  the  form,  "  all 
is  written,"  that  everything  is  fore-ordained,  considered 


it  wicked  as  well  as  impossible  to  attempt  to  evade  the 
eternal  decree. 

Notwithstanding  this  belief,  he  was  generally  willing 
to  take  medicines.  Foreigners  in  Turkey  were  always 
supposed  to  possess  magical  powers  over  sickness.  The 
Moslem's  theory  is  that  God  has  provided  remedies  to 
be  used  by  man,  but  that  man  nevertheless  cannot 
evade  "  what  is  written."  Human  nature  is  stronger 
than  dogmatic  belief. 

Gradually  it  dawned  upon  the  Turks  that  it  would 
be  well  that  they  as  well  as  foreigners  should  learn  the 
secrets  of  the  healing  art.  A  decision  to  this  effect 
was  not  arrived  at  without  difficulty.  Besides  the 
chief  objection,  that  the  attempt  to  cure  sick  persons 
was  to  interfere  with  the  decrees  of  heaven,  there  was 
a  strong  prejudice  against  anatomy,  which  indeed  still 
continues.  In  time,  however,  and  especially  during 
the  last  twenty  years,  this  prejudice  was  overcome,  and 
Turks  became  medical  students.  A  well- arranged  medi- 
cal school  has  been  built  at  Haidar  Pasha  and  its  staff 
of  teachers  does  credit  to  all  concerned. 

In  no  direction  has  more  progress  been  made  in 
Turkey  than  in  the  healing  art.  Abdul  Hamid,  with 
his  rare  faculty  of  seeing  danger  in  most  kinds  of  progress, 
did  not  see  any  in  the  study  of  medicine.  He  would  not 
allow  his  naval  officers  to  receive  the  instruction  which 
some  of  those  who  had  been  in  Europe  proposed  to 
give.  One  of  these  indeed,  an  able  man  known  as 
English  Said,  was,  during  the  early  years  of  Hamid's 
reign,  a  sort  of  show  pasha.  I  recall  a  visit  paid  here 
by  the  late  W.  E.  Forster  in  1876  who  had  a  long  inter- 
view with  Said.  The  next  day  he  told  the  Englishman 
who  had  introduced  him  that  he  would  believe  in  the 
possibility  of  reform  if  the  Sultan  would  make  English 
Said  Grand  Vizier.  But  this  kind  of  Turk  was  far  too 


intelligent  to  be  taken  into  imperial  favour.  Said  pasha 
wished  to  improve  the  education  given  to  the  pupils  of  the 
Turkish  Naval  College,  but  so  far  was  he  from  succeeding 
that  orders  were  sent  that  they  should  be  taught  nothing 
but  reading  and  writing.  Said  ended  his  career  by  being 
shipped  away  from  the  capital  and  dying  in  obscurity. 

In  other  directions  Abdul  Hamid  showed  his  dread 
of  progress  in  educational  matters.  The  elementary 
schools  which  had  been  established  before  his  reign, 
where  children  might  be  allowed  to  read  and  learn  the 
Koran,  were  permitted.  Their  principal  aim  seemed 
to  me  always  to  teach  the  Koran  by  rote.  The  children 
might  be  seen  swinging  backwards  and  forwards  while 
they  shouted  out  the  sacred  text.  Though  in  a  very 
clumsy  manner,  they  were  taught  Turkish  reading  and 
writing,  and  after  years  of  labour  many  of  them  were 
able  to  decipher  what  appeared  in  the  newspapers. 

One  of  the  difficulties  in  the  way  of  elementary 
education  for  the  Turks  arises  from  the  use  of  Arabic 
characters  in  Turkish  writing.  Reading  is  rather 
deciphering.  It  is  almost  inconceivable  that  an  ordinary 
scholar  should  attempt  to  read  a  book  of  considerable 
length,  say  a  novel  by  Dickens  or  Dumas,  even  if  any 
one  would  take  the  trouble  to  translate  it.  Something 
has  been  done  during  the  last  quarter  of  a  century  to 
simplify  the  written  character,  but  it  is  still  far  from 
being  as  easy  to  read  as  any  Western  language  or  as 
Greek,  Bulgarian  or  Armenian.  Some  years  ago,  a 
considerable  number  of  Turkish  scholars  strongly  advo- 
cated the  use  of  Latin  characters.  Even  those  who 
oppose  such  a  change  recognize  that  it  would  render 
reading  and  writing  much  easier.  But  it  would  be 
difficult  to  accomplish  and  has  probably  about  the 
same  chance  of  being  made  as  the  adoption  by  English 
speaking  peoples  of  a  phonetic  system  of  spelling. 


Christian  schools  were  at  a  disadvantage.  An  educa- 
tional tax  was  levied  about  twenty-five  years  ago  to 
which  both  Christians  and  Moslems  had  to  contribute, 
though  the  Christians  had  to  support  their  own  schools 
and  derived  no  advantage  from  the  new  ones.  The 
Greeks  were  the  first  to  establish  elementary  schools. 
But  all  the  Christians  were  keen  to  learn.  It  was  an 
interesting  sight  even  thirty  years  ago,  before  the 
Armenians  were  forbidden  to  meet,  except  for  service 
in  church,  to  see  able  bodied  labourers  in  their  churches 
on  Sundays  struggling  with  the  elements  of  reading  and 
writing.  The  efforts  of  the  two  great  Christian  churches 
stimulated  the  Turks  to  follow  their  example. 

Education  for  the  wealthier  classes  of  Christians  had 
already  made  considerable  advance.  The  credit  of 
having  been  the  first  to  furnish  such  educational  aid  is 
due  to  the  Roman  Catholics.  The  Armenian  Catholic 
Church,  denied  the  privileges  of  a  separate  community 
and  persecuted  if  they  attended  religious  service  at 
Latin  churches,  had  for  many  years  a  rough  time. 
Their  young  men  intended  for  priests  and  the  sons  of 
men  who  could  afford  it  were  sent  abroad  for  their 
education.  Two  great  institutions  were  established 
by  wealthy  Armenians,  which  subsequently  passed  into 
the  possession  of  Armenian  Catholics,  one  on  the  island 
of  San  Lazzaro  at  Venice,  the  other  known  as  the  college 
of  the  Mechitarists  at  Vienna.  The  convent  at  San 
Lazzaro  with  its  picture  galleries,  the  exercises  in  the 
Armenian  language  of  Lord  Byron,  and  the  mementoes 
of  Ruskin  and  Gladstone,  is  probably  well  known  to 
many  readers.  Its  most  valuable  product  has  been  a 
supply  of  young  men  who  have  returned  to  Turkey 
with  a  good  education  and  especially  with  a  knowledge 
of  Italian  and  French. 

The  example  of  the  Armenian  Catholics  stimulated 


the  national  Armenian  Church,  and  the  two  have  vied 
with  each  other  in  educating  boys  and  girls  throughout 
the  empire. 

In  aU  these  educational  matters  Abdul  Hamid  either 
had  no  share  or  did  what  he  could  to  prevent  their 
development.  There  was  no  university.  A  large  build- 
ing indeed  was  erected  by  his  predecessor  as  the  crown 
of  an  educational  system  and  is  still  known  by  the 
pretentious  title  of  The  Gate  of  Learning.  But  it  has 
never  been  used  for  the  purpose  for  which  it  was  built. 
It  is  now  the  seat  of  the  principal  Law  Courts.  A 
valuable  middle-class  lyceum  was  established  at  Galata 
Serai,  before  Abdul  Hamid  ascended  the  throne,  and 
did  very  useful  work  under  an  able  French  director, 
but  it  was  looked  on  unfavourably  by  the  Sultan,  and 
when  some  six  or  seven  years  ago  the  building  was 
burnt  down,  popular  opinion  held  that  the  fire  was  by 
"  superior  orders."  The  late  distinguished  director  of 
the  Imperial  Museum  remarked  to  me  at  the  time  that 
I  should  never  see  it  rebuilt.  The  prediction  would 
probably  have  come  true,  but  for  the  revolution  of  July 
1908.  It  has  now  risen  from  its  ashes  and  has  probably 
a  greater  career  of  usefulness  before  it,  than  in  the  past. 

Quite  the  most  remarkable  instance  of  educational 
progress  during  the  period  of  which  I  am  treating, 
is  that  of  Turkish  women.  My  own  impression  is  that 
Abdul  Hamid  regarded  women  as  a  negligible  quantity 
in  the  matter  of  education.  If  a  few  women  chose  to 
learn  foreign  languages,  to  occupy  themselves  with 
what  they  considered  learning,  what  did  it  matter  ? 
Turkish  fathers,  however,  who  had  seen  how  women 
were  treated  in  Western  Europe  were  often  anxious 
that  their  daughters  should  be  taught.  One  such 
father  applied  to  the  head  of  an  American  school  and 
begged  that  his  daughter  might  be  received.  The 


directress  was  not  anxious  to  receive  her,  and  judging 
from  an  expression  he  had  used  that  he  thought  the 
school  was  English,  she  explained  that  it  was  American. 
"  What  does  it  matter/'  was  his  reply,  M  English  or 
American,  the  teaching  will  be  clean  and  good."  During 
the  last  thirty  years  there  have  been  many  governesses 
in  Turkish  harems.  English,  French,  German  and  Swiss 
women  have  been  in  demand.  One  may  say  even  that 
it  became  the  fashion  in  Turkish  Society  to  have  a 
governess.  Abdul  Hamid  did  not  like  the  fashion  and 
grew  alarmed.  One  of  his  latest  orders,  given  a  few 
months  before  his  dethronement,  was  that  foreign 
governesses  should  not  be  employed  in  Turkish  families. 
The  order  was  quietly  evaded.  He  was  equally  per- 
sistent in  his  endeavour  to  prevent  Turkish  girls  receiv- 
ing instruction  in  European  schools,  and  many  orders 
were  issued  forbidding  them  to  attend.  He  never  even 
pretended  that  his  opposition  was  based  on  the  fact 
that  in  such  schools  the  girls  might  be  proselytised. 
Spies  were  sent  even  in  Constantinople  to  prevent  them 
attending.  Happily,  under  the  regime  of  the  Capitula- 
tions, no  Turkish  official  can  enter  foreign  premises 
without  the  permission  of  the  embassy  of  the  country 
to  which  it  belongs.  But  within  my  own  knowledge 
I  have  known  both  boys  and  girls  whose  Moslem  parents 
have  succeeded  in  persuading  the  managers  of  such 
schools  to  allow  their  children  to  attend,  and  in  order 
to  prevent  the  Sultan  becoming  aware  of  their  attend- 
ance, have  requested  that  the  pupils  in  question  should 
not  be  allowed  to  go  outside  the  school  grounds.  At 
the  gates  stood  or  slunk  the  miserable  agents  of  the 
palace,  to  find  out  who  were  the  Turkish  children  or 
their  parents  who  sought  instruction.  Yet  in  spite  of 
these  precautions,  children  and  grand  children  of  some 
of  the  most  highly  placed  persons  in  the  empire,  includ- 


ing  men  who  were  in  immediate  attendance  on  the  Sultan 
himself,  managed  to  elude  his  orders.  Education  was 
a  forbidden  fruit  and  fathers  and  mothers,  the  latter  in 
particular,  decided  that  their  girls  should  eat  of  it. 
The  managers  were  not  keen  upon  having  Moslem 
children,  because  their  presence  led  to  constant  annoy- 
ance by  palace  spies.  In  many  cases  when  the  director 
of  the  school  or  college  pointed  out  that  the  institution 
was  Christian  and  that  the  girl  or  boy,  would  be  required 
to  attend  the  Christian  services,  the  answer  was  "let 
him  (or  her)  attend  them.  We  have  no  fear  that  they 
will  be  taught  anything  wrong  and  we  wish  them  to  be 
taught  Christian  morality."  I  have  never  heard  of  a 
case  where  this  confidence  in  the  absence  of  a  proselytis- 
ing spirit  has  been  abused. 

When  the  revolution  came,  there  was  immediately 
an  increase  of  applications  for  entry  into  the  foreign 
Christian  schools,  and  within  my  own  knowledge  the 
college  and  school  faculties  or  committees  have  had  to 
make  regulations  by  which  the  number  of  Moslem 
pupils  should  be  limited. 

The  influence  of  the  foreign  schools  established  in 
Turkey  has  been  great  and  purely  for  good.  Such 
progress  as  has  been  made  by  the  people  of  Turkey  has 
been  largely  by  their  aid. 

I  have  a  high  opinion  of  the  value  of  the  educational 
work  done  in  Turkey  by  the  Roman  Catholic  mission- 
aries. But  the  most  extensive  and  valuable  work  in 
this  direction  has  been  accomplished  by  the  Americans. 
Their  missions  exist  throughout  the  empire.  I  deal 
separately  with  Robert  College  for  boys  and  young  men 
and  with  the  Scutari  College  for  girls,  for,  although 
these  are  perhaps  the  two  most  important  in  the  empire, 
neither  of  them  is  or  professes  to  be  a  missionary  institu- 
tion. Elsewhere  throughout  Turkey  there  are  noble 


American  missionary  establishments  both  for  elementary 
and  for  advanced  education.  There  are  colleges  at 
Marsovan,  Kharput,  Aintab,  Tarsus,  Marash,  and 
Smyrna.  The  Smyrna  College  is  managed  by  a  Board 
of  Trustees  upon  which  are  some  of  the  leading  British 
subjects  in  that  city ;  for  in  this  matter  of  education 
Englishmen  have  always  worked  harmoniously  and 
heartily  with  Americans.  There  has  been  no  British 
ambassador  in  Turkey  for  a  century,  whether  Protestant 
or  Roman  Catholic,  who  has  not  shown  high  appreciation 
of  American  educational  missions  in  the  country,  and 
who  has  not  rendered  aid  to  them  whenever  he  could. 

In  addition  to  the  colleges,  there  are  under  the  American 
Board  of  Missions  forty-four  establishments  which  may 
be  classed  as  High  Schools.  Some  of  these  are  for  girls. 
There  are  also  two  hundred  and  seventy  elementary 
schools.  Counting  all  the  schools,  instruction  is  now 
being  given  to  25,000  pupils  by  one  hundred  and  eighty- 
six  missionaries.  These  are  all  Americans  or  Canadians. 
One  of  the  most  interesting  institutions  near  the  capital 
is  at  Bardizag,  two  hours  distant  from  Ismidt,  the  ancient 
Nicomedia.  The  town  is  almost  exclusively  Armenian 
and  the  school  with  its  orphanage  is  full  of  Armenians. 
Its  director,  Dr  Robert  Chambers,  a  Canadian,  is  exerting 
an  admirable  influence  over  some  four  hundred  of  his 
pupils.  In  1908  it  was  visited  by  Dr  Collins,  the  late 
Anglican  bishop  of  Gibraltar,  who  was  delighted  with 
what  he  saw.  The  local  priests  and  the  members  of  the 
school  staff  work  well  together.  The  bishop  was  invited 
to  preach  in  the  Armenian  church  and  did  so  to  a  crowded 
congregation,  the  service  being  one  in  which  Armenian 
priests  and  Presbyterian  pastors  took  part  with  the 
Anglican  bishop. 

At    Beyrouth   there   exists   an   American   university 
whose  beneficial  influence  is  not  only  wide-spread  but 


recognized  by  Turk  and  Arab  as  well  as  by  the  members 
of  the  many  ancient  churches  in  Syria.  It  contains  eight 
hundred  and  seventy  students .  Thirty-five  of  its  teachers 
or  professors  are  Americans.  In  addition  there  are  forty 
teachers  who  are  natives  of  the  country.  The  university 
has  one  faculty  for  medicine  ;  another  for  law  and  others 
for  commerce  and  engineering.  In  the  American  ele- 
mentary schools  of  Syria  there  are  5600  scholars. 

The  two  great  American  institutions  in  Constan- 
tinople which  have  especially  rendered  valuable  service 
to  the  Turkish  people  deserve  special  notice.  These 
are  Robert  College  on  the  European  side  of  the  Bosporus 
and  Scutari  College  on  the  Asiatic.  There  are  about  650 
boys  and  young  men  in  the  first  college  and  250  girls  in 
the  second.  From  the  foundation  each  has  been  a  con- 
spicuous success.  Robert  College  was  due  to  the  efforts 
of  the  Rev.  Dr  Hamlin,  an  American,  long  resident  in 
Turkey,  a  useful  and  versatile  man  in  the  Crimean  days 
and  for  long  after,  and  possessed  of  a  remarkable  energy 
which  he  kept  almost  to  the  age  of  ninety.  He  had  the 
confidence  of  Sii  Stratford  de  Redcliffe  and  other  British 
representatives  as  well  as  those  of  America.  Even  in 
Crimean  War  days  he  had  convinced  himself  that  educa- 
tion was  the  great  need  of  the  Christian  peoples  of  the 
empire.  His  experience  had  taught  him  that  if  instruc- 
tion given  by  foreigners  were  identified  with  proselytising 
it  would  not  be  welcomed.  After  expressing  this  opinion 
in  New  York,  a  wealthy  merchant,  Mr  Robert,  liked  the 
idea  of  having  a  college  where  the  teaching  should  be 
Christian  but  undenominational,  and  where  no  attempt 
whatever  should  be  made  to  induce  the  students  to  leave 
the  churches  to  which  their  fathers  belonged.  He  offered 
£40,000  as  a  first  contribution  towards  the  founding  of 
such  an  institution.  Thus  the  college  called  after  him 
was  commenced.  It  is  on  a  noble  site  above  the  famous 


castles  of  Europe  constructed  by  Mahomet  II.  in  1452  as 
a  basis  for  his  operations  against  Constantinople.     Many 
other  buildings  have  since  been  added  to  the  original 
block  paid  for  by  Mr  Robert.     Various  donors  have  given 
liberally  ;   Mr  Kennedy,  one  of  the  most  liberal,  crowned 
his  gifts  by  bequeathing  in  1908  upwards  of  £300,000 
for  its  development.     The  success  of  the  institution  was 
remarkable  from  the  first.     Its  president  for  thirty  years 
was  Dr  George  Washburn  who  retired  in  the  spring  of 
1908.     He  exercised  a  great  and  useful  influence  ;  for  he 
impressed  hundreds  of  young  men  who  passed  through 
the  college,  with  his  own  manly  character,  soundness  of 
judgment  and  moderation.     His  example  and  teaching 
discouraged  wild  thought  and  violent  action,  but  stimu- 
lated an  enthusiasm  which  had  permanent  effects  on  the 
character  of  the  young  men  under  him.     Many  of  these 
graduated,  for  the  college  under  a  charter  from  the  State 
of  New  York  has  the  power  of  conferring  degrees,  and 
have  become  conspicuous  professional  men  or  merchants 
throughout  Turkey.     Dr  Washburn  was  ably  supported 
by  an  excellent  staff  of  professors,  notably  by  Dr  Albert 
Long  and  Professor  van  Millingen,  an  Englishman  and 
a  great  authority  on  the  antiquities  of  Constantinople. 
I  have  been  well  acquainted  with  them  all  for  many  years 
and  can  honestly  say  that  their  influence  has  been  of  price- 
less value.     English  being  the  language  of  the  college  it 
will  be  readily  understood  that  without  any  attempt 
whatever  to  form  political  opinion,  the  studies  and  the 
educational  atmosphere  were  hostile  to  absolutism.     On 
this  account  Abdul  Hamid  with  the  old  palace  gang  never 
looked  with  favour  on  the  college  and  did  not  hesitate  to 
let  their  hostility  be  known .     On  many  occasions  Turkish 
boys  have  been  ordered  to  cease  attending.     But  in  spite 
of  these  orders,  and  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  the  faculty 
did  not  care  to  have  students  to  whose  attendance  the 


government  was  opposed,  Moslem  parents  constantly 
begged  that  their  sons  might  be  allowed  to  attend. 
Shortly  after  the  college  opened,  the  majority  of  the 
pupils  were  Greeks.  So  highly  was  the  course  of  educa- 
tion appreciated  that  a  number  of  wealthy  men  of  that 
race  felt  that  they  ought  not  to  be  beholden  to  Americans 
and  therefore  established  a  middle-class  commercial 
school  in  the  island  of  Halki,  about  ten  miles  from  Con- 
stantinople, which  has  done  and  is  doing  excellent  work. 
I  have  already  spoken  of  the  beneficial  influence  exerted 
by  Robert  College  on  Bulgaria. 

The  American  college  for  girls  at  Scutari,  though  a 
younger  institution  than  Robert  College,  has  done  and  is 
doing  equally  good  work.  As  women's  education  was 
even  behind  that  of  men,  this  work  is  the  more  remark- 
able. Its  influence  has  been  equally  well  appreciated  by 
all  the  populations  of  the  empire.  Like  Robert  College 
it  has  the  power  given  by  an  American  State  Charter  to 
confer  degrees.  It  turns  out  annually  a  number  of  young 
women  who  have  received  as  good  an  education  as  they 
could  have  obtained  in  an  English  or  American  High 
School :  but  above  all  mental  attainments,  its  graduates 
and  other  students  leave  it  with  high  ideals  of  home  life 
and  purity.  Under  the  direction  of  Dr  Mary  Patrick, 
its  president,  whose  influence  is  magnetic  and  wholesome, 
and  a  staff  of  educated  American  women  of  the  best  type, 
— bright,  intelligent,  highly  educated  and  earnest  workers, 
but  kindly,  sympathetic,  and  lovers  of  fun — the  students 
leave  the  college  for  their  homes  throughout  the  empire, 
to  become  wherever  they  settle,  centres  of  light  and 
civilization.  Home  life  is  the  great  desideratum  of  all 
the  races  in  the  empire :  and  the  women  of  Scutari 
College  are  annually  furnishing  models  for  such  life.  The 
diversity  of  races  to  which  they  belong  is  remarkable. 
Four  years  ago  I  was  present  at  a  lecture  in  it  by  my  old 


friend  Canon  Shoobridge  of  Tasmania.  After  the  lecture 
there  was  an  "at  home  "  in  the  college  drawing-room, 
and  noticing  that  half  a  dozen  of  the  elder  students  were 
in  conversation  with  the  canon,  I  observed  that  he  would 
be  interested  in  finding  how  many  races  his  half  dozen 
hearers  represented.  He  asked  each  and  found  that 
there  were  five,  a  Greek,  a  Bulgarian,  a  Turk,  an 
Armenian  and  a  Jewess  probably  from  Russia. 

How  about  the  religious  difficulty  ?  might  be  asked. 
The  answer  is  that  like  Robert  College,  the  institution  is 
Christian  but  not  sectarian.  Neither  institution  is  under 
a  missionary  society  and  there  is  no  religious  difficulty. 
If  the  parents  of  the  Jew  or  the  Turk  do  not  wish  their 
child  to  be  present  at  the  religious  services,  he  or  she  may 
be  absent.  As  for  the  Christians,  as  no  attempt  whatever 
is  made  at  proselytism,  the  parents  prefer  that  they 
should  receive  religious  instruction  at  the  college.  Even 
Turks  have  often  desired  that  their  children  should  attend 
Christian  lessons.  The  members  of  the  ancient  churches 
are  allowed  and  indeed  encouraged  to  attend  their  own 
places  of  worship  on  holidays  and  festivals,  but  on  ordinary 
Sundays  they  will  listen  to  a  sermon  in  the  college  from 
an  Episcopalian,  Presbyterian  or  any  other  minister 
whom  the  president  may  invite.  The  happy  result  of 
this  liberality  is  that  from  the  beginning  both  institutions 
have  been  regarded  favourably  by  the  Orthodox  patri- 
arch, the  Bulgarian  exarch,  the  Armenian  patriarch  and 
the  heads  of  every  Christian  Church  in  the  empire  except 
the  Roman  Catholics.  Indeed  it  is  usual  at  the  annual 
"  Commencement  "  of  both  these  colleges  for  the  repre- 
sentative of  each  of  the  heads  of  these  Churches  to  be 
present  or  represented  in  order  to  show  their  sympathy. 

We  English  are  doing  something  for  education  in 
Turkey.  We  have  in  Constantinople  a  High  School 
for  girls  where  there  are  two  hundred  pupils  of  whom 


about  one  fourth  are  English.  The  school  itself  is  in  the 
High  Street  of  Pera  and  is  built  on  a  site  given  by  Sultan 
Abdul  Medjid  after  the  Crimean  War  for  the  purpose  of  a 
girls'  school.  During  the  last  twenty  years  it  has  been 
successfully  managed  and  a  succession  of  girls  have  been 
sent  forth  well  trained  for  the  duties  of  womanhood.  It 
possesses  property  which  brings  in  a  revenue  of  about 
£800  a  year,  with  the  result  that  it  is  able  to  maintain  an 
excellent  staff  of  about  a  dozen  teachers.  It  is  under  the 
management  of  a  committee  of  which  the  ambassador  for 
the  time  being  is  ex-officio  president.1 

An  English  boys'  day  school  has  also  recently  been 
established,  to  which  in  1908  the  British  government, 
allotted  the  annual  sum  of  £300.  It  is  right  to  mention 
that  every  important  European  State  subsidises  a  school 
or  schools  in  the  capital.  England  was  the  last  to  do  so, 
and  no  one  who  knows  what  other  States  are  doing  in 
order  to  spread  a  knowledge  of  their  respective  languages 
can  doubt  that  England  was  wise  in  following  their 

It  is  a  satisfactory  feature  that  the  great  American 
colleges  mentioned  have  had  the  cordial  sympathy  and 
support  of  every  British  ambassador,  and  there  is  probably 
no  British  subject  in  the  empire  who  does  not  highly  value 
the  work  they  are  doing  and  wish  them  every  success.2 

1  I  may  be  allowed  to  mention  that  I  have  been  for  many  years 
chairman  of  this  committee. 

a  While  on  the  subject  of  education  in  Turkey,  I  may  call  attention 
to  a  matter  which  usually  occasions  surprise  to  visitors  in  Turkey. 
Those  who  come  to  Constantinople  or  the  other  large  cities  are  aston- 
ished to  find  that  most  persons  are  able  to  use  at  least  three  or 
four  languages.  Every  foreign  resident  has  to  know  something  of 
four.  Let  his  own  be  English,  German,  Russian  or  Italian,  he  will 
find  it  of  little  use  to  him  outside  his  own  community.  French  will 
carry  him  much  further  because  it  is  the  language  of  diplomacy  and 
because  it  is  acquired  by  every  Ottoman  subject  with  any  pretentious 
to  education.  The  worst  linguists  in  Europe  are  probably  Frenchmen, 
though  we  run  them  very  close,  but  the  races  of  Turkey  seem  to  pick 
up  French  or  indeed  any  European  language  with  remarkable  ease. 
You  may  meet  any  day  a  bevy  of  Greek  or  Armenian  girls  who  will 


If  I  have  dwelt  long  on  the  educational  work  done  by 
the  Americans  in  Turkey  it  is  because  I  regard  such  work 
as  a  living  regenerative  force.  It  is  hardly  possible  to 
speak  too  enthusiastically  of  its  value.  A  body  of  edu- 
cated men  and  women  are  scattered  throughout  the 
empire  who  are  everywhere  centres  of  light.  The  houses 
of  the  missionaries  are  models  of  simple  home  comfort 
and  home  life.  Their  occupants,  by  their  life  and  con- 
duct, set  an  example  of  what  a  Christian  family  should  be. 

be  speaking  French  instead  of  their  own  language.  They  are  absolutely 
free  from  the  foolish  shyness  which  marks  English  boys  and  girls 
in  speaking  a  foreign  tongue.  They  recognize  that  language  was 
made  for  use  and  begin  using  it  as  soon  as  they  know  a  few  words. 
Once  language  is  acquired  in  this  way,  that  is  by  treating  it  as  a  living 
language  and  by  using  it  on  every  occasion  without  mauvaise  honte, 
a  working  knowledge  is  soon  obtained.  The  learners  seem  to  bother 
little  about  grammar  but  the  grammar  nevertheless  comes.  They 
obtain,  if  not  a  full  vocabulary,  a  practical  knowledge  of  the  language^ 
Nor  is  a  full  vocabulary  needful  for  the  ordinary  business  of  life. 
An  old  Rumanian  who  had  taken  Orders  in  the  English  church  and 
was  a  wonderful  linguist  expressed  his  belief  that  a  man  could  say  all 
that  was  needful  in  any  language  if  he  knew  forty  words  and  that  if 
he  knew  a  hundred  he  could  write  a  book  in  it.  But  he  added,  he 
must  know  the  words  :  they  must  rise  to  his  lips  as  easily  as  his 
thoughts  came.  I  have  met  dozens  of  persons  in  Turkey  who  were 
at  home  in  five  languages.  A  legal  friend  in  Constantinople  is  familiar 
with  eleven.  He  is  Maltese  of  origin  and  his  native  language  at  once 
gave  him  the  clue  to  Arabic.  His  studies  were  made  in  Italian  and 
Latin,  the  latter  being  taught  as  a  living  language.  This  facility  of 
acquiring  foreign  languages  sounds  somewhat  remarkable  to  an 
Englishman,  but  not  to  a  native  of  Turkey.  My  own  conclusions 
about  the  acquisition  of  languages  are  pretty  definite  and  are  founded 
on  somewhat  exceptional  opportunities  of  observation.  I  am  quite 
clear  that  it  is  better  that  a  man  or  woman  should  be  able  to  express 
six  ideas  in  one  language  than  one  idea  in  six  languages,  and  speaking 
generally,  the  alternative  lies  that  way.  The  men  whom  I  know  or 
have  known  who  are  able  to  speak  many  languages  have  had  to 
neglect  the  study  of  other  subjects.  While  I  should  like  to  see  a 
more  widespread  knowledge  of  languages  in  England  than  at  present 
exists,  I  should  strongly  deprecate  the  sacrifice  of  other  subjects  to 
make  room  for  them.  It  is  of  supreme  importance  that  a  man  should 
know  his  own  mother  tongue.  It  may  be  said  of  many  natives 
of  Turkey  that  they  have  no  mother  tongue.  Their  vocabulary  of 
words  in  any  of  the  languages  they  speak  is  small.  But  words  repre- 
sent ideas  and  without  a  somewhat  extensive  vocabulary  men  know 
little  and  can  know  little  of  the  literature,  the  thought,  and  the  ideas- 
which  are  moving  the  world. 


Let  me  say  at  once  that  they  do  not  make  any  converts  to 
Christianity  from  the  Moslems.  I  doubt  whether  they 
ever  try.  In  the  large  majority  of  instances  they  make 
no  attempt  to  withdraw  Greeks  or  Armenians  from  their 
own  churches.  They  try  to  live  on  good  terms  with  the 
priests  of  the  ancient  churches  and  though  in  the  early 
days  of  the  American  missions  they  were  met  with  per- 
sistent jealousy  and  hostility,  their  lives  and  conduct 
have  lived  these  sentiments  down.  But  the  work  being 
done  is  mainly  educational  and  its  influence  is  recognized 
as  invaluable.  Moslems  have  seen  native  as  well  as 
foreign  Christians  who  are  not  degraded,  who  are  living 
good  lives  and  prospering,  and  in  many  districts  there  has 
been  a  marked  change  of  feeling  towards  them  by  the 
best  followers  of  Islam.  British  and  American  travellers, 
of  all  churches  and  of  none,  in  Anatolia,  Bulgaria,  and 
Macedonia,  have  borne  willing  testimony  not  only  to  the 
civilizing  influence  of  the  missionaries  themselves  but  to 
that  of  their  pupils.  In  a  journey  made  a  few  years  ago 
through  the  entire  length  of  Rumelia  from  the  west  to 
the  Black  Sea,  I  found  in  almost  every  town  that  the 
houses  with  the  conveniences  of  European  civilization, 
with  decent  sanitary  appliances,  and  the  comparative 
refinements  which  are  to  be  found  in  English  houses 
of  the  lower  middle  class,  were  those  of  ex-pupils  of 
American  schools. 

In  thus  giving  a  necessarily  short  account  of  what  has 
been  done  in  Turkey  during  the  past  century,  I  trust  I 
have  shown  that  there  has  been  definite  progress  in 
civilization.  Turkey  is  usually  classed  as  an  Eastern 
nation.  Arnold's  lines 

"  The  East  bowed  low  before  the  blast 

In  silent  deep  disdain, 
And  let  the  legions  thunder  past 
Then  plunged  in  thought  again," 


convey  a  truth,  but  not  the  whole  truth.  The  difference 
between  races  is  not  between  those  which  are  progressive 
and  those  which  are  non-progressive,  but  between  those 
which  are  more  and  those  which  are  less  progressive. 
The  human  mind  whether  Asiatic  or  European  goes 
marching  on,  and  Turkey  is  no  exception.  But  Turkey 
can  hardly  be  classed  as  an  Eastern  nation.  At  least  one 
half  of  the  population  are  the  direct  descendants  of 
civilized  peoples,  of  Assyrians,  Chaldeans,  Hittites, 
Greeks,  Armenians,  Arabs,  and  European  settlers.  In 
the  other  half  there  is  a  large  admixture  of  Greek  and 
Armenian  and  other  Christian  blood.  "  When  our 
fathers  half  a  century  ago,"  said  a  leading  Turk  in 
presence  of  several  others  and  of  a  British  consul, 
"  wanted  a  wife,  they  selected  one  from  the  Greeks 
and  Armenians  and  took  her  by  force."  The  statement 
is  true  of  all  parts  of  the  empire.  The  result  of  the 
admixture  of  races  has  been  that  the  Osmanli  people, 
using  the  word  in  its  modern  sense  to  include  all 
subjects  of  the  Sultan,  is  hardly  properly  classified  as 

In  concluding  my  notice  6f  improvement  during  the 
last  thirty-five  years,  I  may  call  attention  to  indications 
within  my  own  recollection  in  another  direction  which 
are  not  without  value.  The  behaviour  of  the  ordinary 
soldier  has  greatly  improved.  Before  the  Turco-Russian 
War,  it  was  hardly  safe  for  European  ladies  to  walk  about 
unattended  even  in  Pera.  New  comers  were  warned  that 
if  they  met  two  or  more  soldiers  it  was  better  to  leave  the 
side-walk  and  go  into  the  street  so  as  to  give  them  a  wide 
berth.  Almost  every  woman  had  a  story  to  tell  of  her 
own  experience.  They  were  severely  pinched,  or  received 
an  indecent  blow  or  were  jammed  up  against  the  wall  by 
men  who  were  simply  savage  brutes.  The  stories  one 


heard  of  their  treatment  of  poorer  Christian  women  were 

The  Russian  War  taught  the  common  soldier  and  even 
the  Turkish  officer  a  useful  lesson.  Hundreds  of  Russian 
officers  came  daily  to  the  city  while  their  army  was  en- 
camped from  San  Stefano  to  the  Black  Sea.  They  con- 
ducted themselves  well  and  went  about  with  the  pride  of 
their  position  as  representing  the  army  of  their  country. 
If  their  scabbards  clanked  at  every  step,  the  clanking  did 
not  suggest  that  they  were  ashamed  of  their  service. 
After  a  while  the  Turkish  officers  imitated  them.  But 
the  most  valuable  lesson  taught  to  the  Turkish  people 
came  from  the  conduct  of  the  Russian  private  soldiers. 
All  reports  which  came  in  from  the  camp  at  San  Stefano, 
only  ten  miles  from  Constantinople,  spoke  of  the  excellent 
discipline  of  the  whole  army  and  of  the  respectful  be- 
haviour of  the  men  not  only  to  their  officers  but  to  all 
who  visited  the  camp  whether  men  or  women.  The 
result  was  that  Turkish  officers  made  an  effort  to  knock 
decent  behaviour  into  their  own  men  and  to  some  extent 

Another  valuable  lesson  was  taught  by  the  same  war. 
A  large  number  of  prisoners  were  taken  by  the  Russians. 
At  the  great  defeat  of  Shenova,  at  least  sixty  thousand 
captives  sent  off  at  once  across  the  Shipka  Pass 
reached  Russia.  At  the  end  of  the  war  these  men  were 
released  and  sent  back  to  Turkey.  They  were  loud  in 
praise  of  the  treatment  they  had  received.  The  effect 
was  the  more  remarkable  since  before  the  war  the 
Russians  were  held  to  be  ogres. 

When  the  revolution  came  in  July  1908,  its  first  and 
immediate  effect  was  to  improve  enormously  the  disci- 
pline of  the  army.  I  have  not  heard  of  any  misconduct, 
in  Constantinople  at  least,  of  private  soldiers  towards 
Christians.  The  old  rollicking  fashion  of  strolling 


through  the  streets  and  finding  amusement  in  insulting 
European  and  other  Christian  ladies,  in  tearing  their 
dresses  and  in  pinching  them  has  disappeared,  let  us 
hope  for  ever. 

I  set  out  in  this  chapter  to  show  that  Turkey  had  im- 
proved. By  comparing  the  condition  in  the  three  periods 
I  have  chosen,  I  trust  I  have  established  my  contention. 
All  the  influences  which  have  combined  to  bring  about 
the  improvement  already  achieved  are  still  at  work,  and 
it  is  not  unreasonable  to  believe  that  they  will  operate 
with  increased  activity.  Education,  increased  facility  of 
travel,  and  intercourse  with  the  people  of  the  West  will  do 
much  to  lessen  Moslem  fanaticism.  It  is  a  force  which 
will  have  to  be  reckoned  with,  and  Europe  may  yet  see 
wild  outbursts  due  to  its  influence,  but  it  is  a  diminishing 
force.  The  ulema  class  is  beginning  to  be  under  the 
influence  of  Western  ideas,  and  the  day  is  coming  when 
even  the  ignorant  Moslem  will  not  consider  it  meritorious 
to  kill  a  Christian.  Looking  beyond  the  present  day,  the 
evidence  appears  to  point  to  a  continued  though  slow 
improvement.  The  revolution  of  1908  constitutes  a 
great  landmark  in  the  advance  of  the  Turkish  people. 
Its  primary  object  was  to  rid  the  country  of  a  sovereign 
who  represented  arbitrary  and  reactionary  methods  of 
government.  But  its  success  was  due  to  the  belief  that 
the  time  had  come  to  put  into  practice  the  ideal  of  Lord 
Stratford  de  Redcliffe  and  to  establish  a  government 
which  should  recognize  equality  among  all  subjects  in- 
dependent of  religion  and  race.  The  revolution  itself 
gave  hope  to  all  the  races  in  Turkey.  Foreigners,  who 
like  the  present  writer,  saw  the  accession  of  Abdul  Hamid 
and  the  mischief  he  perpetrated  during  upwards  of  a 
generation,  welcomed  the  revolution  and  the  dethrone- 
ment of  the  Sultan  with  unmixed  satisfaction.  The  ten- 


dency  of  most  men  who  saw  and  sympathised  with  the 
sufferings  of  the  Turkish  people  during  Abdul's  weary 
reign  was  to  be  oblivious  of  such  progress  as  was  being 
made,  and  to  conclude  that  the  nation  was  incapable  of 
advance  in  civilization.  The  historical  method  is  the  best 
corrective  of  such  tendencies.  I  have  confidently  asserted 
in  my  short  sketch  that  the  Turkish  nation  in  the  nine- 
teenth century  had  lost  some  of  the  barbarism  which 
had  characterized  it  in  previous  centuries  :  and  I  have 
indicated  that  the  condition  of  the  Turkish  people  in  the 
middle  of  last  century  was  better  than  it  was  between 
1820  and  1830,  and  that  the  population  even  under  Abdul 
Hamid,  and  in  spite  of  him,  made  a  real  advance.  An 
Arab  proverb  says,  "  The  dogs  bark  but  the  caravan 
moves  on."  Those  who  have  seen  the  lines  of  camels 
pursuing  their  course  with  steady,  stolid,  unheeding  but 
unresting  steps,  and  who  have  witnessed  their  disregard 
of  attacks  by  the  village  packs  of  wolf-like  hounds,  will 
recognize  the  vividness  of  the  proverb.  It  applies  to 
Turkey ;  in  spite  of  the  disaffection  of  reactionaries,  of 
fanatics,  of  indifference,  cynicism  and  other  hostile  forces 
there  is  reason  to  believe  that  Turkey  will  continue  in 
her  course  of  advancement.  If  her  people  have  learned 
or  show  themselves  capable  of  learning  the  lesson  of 
religious  equality,  she  will  yet  take  her  place  among 
civilized  nations. 


ABDALS,  251,  252 

Abdul  Hamid,  n,  19,  26,  43,  65,89, 

185-191,  218,  219,   227,  250, 

270,  277-279,  283,  290  rfw?., 

356,  373 

attempt  of,  to  conceal  Armenian 

massacres,  374 

attempt  of,  to  keep  Turks  in  ignor- 
ance, 375 

banishment  of,  to  Salonika,  292 
European  threat  to,  375 
love  of  intrigue  of,  290 
opposition  of,  to  sanitary  reforms, 

377  ;  to  education,  382 
progress  during  reign  of,  373  et  seq. 
speciousness  of,  376 
Abdul  Medjid,  10 
Absolutism,  necessity  of,  7 

responsible  for  fanaticism,  43 
Adana,  massacre  at,  293 

account  of,  294  note 
Adoptionists,  149 

compared  with  Puritans,  149 
compared  with  Quakers,  150 
persecution  of,  150 
theory  of,    denounced   by  Council 

of  Basle,  150 
Albanians,   23,    24,    94,     103,    and 

chapter  ix. 
an  Aryan  race,  168 
blamed  for  outrages,  186 
characteristics — 
chivalry,  170 
courtesy,  168 
independence,  178 
instincts,  tribal,  169 
militarism,  169,  177 
tolerance,  172,  173 
trustworthiness,  168,  175-177 
tyranny,  167 
communal  rights,  170 
compared  with  Scotch  Highlanders, 
1 66,  1 68,  176 

Albanians— continued 
crops,  washing  of,  170 
divisions  of,  165 
education  of  children,  172 
excuses  for  lack  of  civilization,  191 
family  life,  1 68 
future  of,  194 
independence,  national,  desire  for, 


intermingled  with  Greeks,  167 

language,  168 

language  struggle,  192-194 

Latin  Church,  relation  to,  171  note 

marriage  rights,  170,  171 

number  of,  164,  and  note 

promotion  to  State  offices,  186 

religion,  171,  172 

Revolution  of  July,  1908,  186 

schools,  establishment  of,  192 

taxes,   refusal    to    pay,    179 ;    un- 
collected,  186 

trades,  175 

treatment  of,  by  Sultan,  186 

vendetta,  169,  170 

women,  treatment  of,  171 
veiling  of,  171 
work  of,  171 

Ali,  as  successor  to  Mahomet's  tem- 
poral rule,  296 

Tartarjis  followers  of,  252 
Ali  Pasha,  179-184 

attacks  Suliots,  183 

career  of,  182 

death  of,  184 

intrigues  with  English  and  French, 

resists  Sultan,  184 
Ambassadors,  imprisonment  of,  350 
Amulets.     See  Talismans. 
Anatolians,  31 

Anatomy,  prejudice  against,  379 
Antiquities — 

in  Greek  islands  generally,  113 



Antiquities — continued 
in  Milos,  113 
in  Rhodes,  109  note,  ill 
Apostasy,  death  penalty  for,  361 

abolishment  of,  362 
Arabs,  24,  26,  103 
Araplis,  251,  252 
Architecture — 
Byzantine,  117 
Greek  Church,  116 
Hagia  Sophia  at  Constantinople,  1 1 6 
Mosques  at  Constantinople,  117 
Rhodes,  in,  112 
Salonika,  117 
St  Mark's,  Venice,  117 
Armenians,    23,   26,    29,     103,    and 

chapter  xii. 

Ancient  Church,  272,  273 
as  agriculturalists,  270,  271 
as  Hamals,  52 
as  iconoclasts,  274,  275 
as  merchants,  270,  271 
attacks  of  Kurds  on,  277,  281 
Catholic  Church,  272 
•characteristics — 

artistic  qualities,  274 
courage,  270 
dramatic  qualities,  275 
healthiness,  270,  271 
industry,  276 
mental  capacity,  276,  282 
morality,  271 
music,  love  of,  275 
physique,  270 
thrift,  276 

•Church,  272,  274,  275 
absence  of  eikons  in,  274 
patriarch  of,  272,  275 
compared  with  Greeks,  271 

with  Turks,  276,  282 
distribution,  271,  276 
early  history,  270 
iustice  in  law  courts,  impossibility 

of,  277,  284 
language,  270,  271 
massacres  of  1894-1897,  270,  276 

et  scq. 

Blue  Books  on,  285,  287 
causes  of,  276 
conversion  of  Christians  in,  283, 

285,  289 

"Daily  Telegraph,"  quoted  on, 

Armenians — massacres  of  1894-1897 
— continued 

description  of,  277  et  stq. 
families  exterminated  by,  289 
Fitzmaurice  on,  285 
Hepworth,  Rev.  G.  H.,  on,  281- 

influence    of    revolutionists    on, 

281,  282 

in  Ourfa  Cathedral,  287,  288 
Moslem  opposition  to,  278 
number  of  killed  in,  282,  289 
organization   of,  278,  286,   287, 


outrages  of  tax-gatherers  in,  280 
Ramsay,  Sir  Wm.,  on,  282 
report  of  Turkish  officials  on,  285 
submissiveness  of  victims  of,  279, 

283,  284 
massacres  of  1909,  273 

circumstances   leading  to,    290- 

destitution  among  survivors  of, 

numbers  killed  in,  293,  294 

missionaries,  work  of,  272,  273 

number,  270,  271 

religion,  271,  273,  275 

revolutionary  committees,  277 
influence  of,  exaggerated,  280 

Sultan's  dislike,  277 

Turks'  dislike,  282 

women,  270 

Aryans.     See  Albanians. 
Asia  Minor,  Chapter  xi. — 

as  battlefield   between    East    and 
West,  i 

contains  debris  of  many  races,  246 

influence  of  nomads  on,  251 

obscurity  of  communities  in,  250 

physical  features  of,  247 

religion  of,  2 
Assyrians — 

as  ancestors  of  Yezidis,  315 

traces  of,  I,  25,  249,  315 
Astrology,  80,  82 
Athens,  Modern,  203 
Athos,  Mt.,  127 

theological  college  at,  proposed,  127 
Attar  of  roses,  manufacture  of,  226 
Austria,  designs  of,  on  Salonika,  244, 

relationship  of,  to  Serbia,  202 



BABISM,  299 

Babylonians,  traces  of,  I 

Bain,  R.  Nisbet,  on  Siege  of  Bel- 
grade, 200  note 

Balkan  Peninsula,  94,  95 

Balkan  States,  federation  of,  possi- 
bility of,  195 

Barkley,  Henry  E.,  295 

Batak,  scene  of  Bulgarian  Atrocities, 

212,  213 

Beads,  302 

Bedouins,  247 

Bee-keeping,  amongst  Greeks,  100 

Beggars,  51 

Bektashis,  173,  300,  303 

character  of,  304,  305 

influence  of,  175 

influence  of  Buddhism  upon,  305 

Pantheism  of,  304 

religious  toleration  of,  7,  174,  304, 


suppression  of,  304 
Belgrade,  capture  of,  by  Suliman,  200 
defence  of,  by  Hunyades,  199,  200 
strategic  importance  of,  199 
Benjamin  of  Tudela,  quoted,  257 
quoted,  on  Wallachs,  146 
referred  to,  on  Jews,  153 
Bent,  Theodore,  on  relics  of  Pagan- 
ism, 140 
Berlin,  Treaty  of,  227 

Abdul  Hamid  disobeys,  184 
England's  measures  to  enforce,  185 
reforms  promised  by,  368 
Bikelas,  work  done  by,  100 
Bogomils.     See  Adoptionists 
Brailsford,    Dr,   on  Albanians,    167, 

173.  178,  1 86  note 
Bridal  dinner,  description  of,  60,  6 1 
dress,  description  of,  60 
guests,  60 

British  subjects,  status  of,  334 
Bulgaria,  204  et  seq. 

atrocities,    England's   attitude    to- 
wards, 373 
banks,  225 
boundaries,  232 
brigandage  suppressed,  223 
characteristics  of  natives,  204 
church,  205 

constitution  of  separate,  206 
Joseph,    Monsignor,    as    exarch 
of,  206 

Bulgaria — church — continued 

liturgy  of,  207 

Orthodox  Church's  hostility  to, 
206,  207 

Russia's  sympathy  with,  205 

threat  of,  to  join  Rome,  206 
comparison  with  Japan,  222 
co-operative  societies,  225 
educational  progress,  223-225 
freed,  222 

King  Ferdinand,  227 
language,  204,  208 
manufactures,  226 
massacres  of  1876,  209^  seq. 

commission  sent  by  Disraeli  to 
report  on,  215 

description  of,  213 

Disraeli  on,  210,  211 

Elliott,  Sir  Henry's  telegram  on, 


English  indignation  at,  216 
European  attitude  to,  217 
European  Conference  subsequent 

to,  217,  218 

Gladstone's  pamphlet  on,  215 
impossibility  of  concealment  of, 

letters  to    "Daily    News"    on, 

210,  212 

Macgahan's  report  on,  212,  213 
motives  for,  209,  214 
newspaper  incredulousness  as  to, 


population,  204 

postal  services,  225 

progress,  222  et  stq. 

railways,  225 

roads,  225 

Robert  College,influence  0^223,224 

savings  bank,  225 

schools,  number  of,  224 

telephonic  services,  225 

university,  224 
Bulgarians,  23,  28 
Bury,  Professor,  quoted,  98 
Byron,  Lord,  quoted,  107 

quoted  on  Albanians,  172 

superstition  of,  82 

CAHUN,  Le"on,  quoted,  333 

Caliph,  Abdul  Hamid's  claim  to  be, 

20,  21 
qualification  of,  20 



Caliph — continued 
signification  of,  19 
Sultan's  claim  to  be,  19,  21 
Canning,  character  of,  360 
early  responsibility  of,  360 
experience  of,  as  Ambassador,  389 
intervenes  to  put  down  slave  trade, 


obtains  charter  of  liberties,  367 
success  of,  in  abolishing  torture,  363 

in  obtaining  reform,  362 
work  of,  not  in  vain,  369 
Capistrano,  200 

Capitulations,  advantage  of,  339 
between  England  and  Turkey,  338 
France  and  Turkey,  338 
Genoese  and  Galata,  337 
Greek  Emperor  and  Europeans, 


Greek  Emperor  and  Russians,337 
Italians  and  Saracens,  337 
Venice  and  Constantinople,  337 

granted  to  Christian  Churches,  343 

growth  of,  339 

instances  of,  in  Middle  Ages,  337 

Lord  Watson's  definition  of,  340 

meaning  of,  335 

operation  of,  340 

origin  of,  335 

Carlisle,  Earl  of,  on  isolation,  372 
Carpet  industry,  249 

making,  56 
Carpets,  export  of,  46 
Castriotes,  George.    See  Skender  Bey 
Catholicos,  275 
Cemeteries,  50 
Chairs,  44 

Chaldeans,  traces  of,  I,  262 
Characteristics — 

ambition,  lack  of,  37 

attitude  to  Christians,  42,  282,  295, 


charm  of  manner,  259 

cleanliness, personal,  32,47>332>37& 

courtesy,  35 

fanaticism,  38,  39,  295,  349 

fatalism,  32,  34,  378 

indifference  to  religion  among  edu- 
cated classes,  322 

industry,  lack  of,  38 

intellectual  conceit,  37 

lower  classes,  brutality  of,  280,  295 

pilgrimages,  practice  of  making,  332 

Characteristics — continued 
self-respect,  32,  38 
sobriety,  32,  322 
superstition,  78  et  seq. 
thrift,  lack  of,  34 
truthfulness,  38 

Chasseurs  of  Salonika,  mutiny  of,  190 
Chelebi  effendi,  302 
Children,  custody  of,  in  case  of  re- 
pudiation, 70 
education  of,  71 
happiness  of,  71,  72 
kindness  of  Turks  to,  72 
Chios,  1 08 

desolation  of,  in  1822,  108,  109 
outrages  at,  108,  109,  294 

cause  of,  354 
Cholera,  378 

Christianity,  penetratien  of,  27 
Christians,  ill-treatment  of,  350  et  seq. 
inequalities  of,  360,  369 
position  of,  under  Ottoman  rulers,  7 

See  also  Massacres 
Russia  protects,  92,  93 
transplanting  of,  29 
Cilician  Gates,  248 
Circassians,  24,  28,  87 
as  slave  dealers,  364 
as  slaves,  368 

Columbus,  Christopher,  belief  regard- 
ing, 86 
Constantinople,  3-5 

allusions  to,  by  Byzantine  authors,  4 
bulwark  against  encroachments  of 

Asia,  4 

comparison  of,  with  Florence,  3 
with  Paris,  3 
with  Venice,  3 
conditions   of,  between    1820  and 

1830,  351,  354,  355 
ecclesiastical  position  of,  compared 

with  Rome,  117 
educational  influence  of,  153 
International  Sanitary  Board  in,  377 
invaded  by  Arabs,  4 
Jews  in,  152 
mistakes    of   Western    authors  in 

regard  to,  4 
patriarch  of,  117,  118 
plague  in,  377 
prosperity  of,  5 
sale  of  slaves  in,  363 
source  of  "  Roman  Law,"  5 



Constantinople — continued 

streets  of,  53 

synagogues,  Jewish,  in,  153 
Constitution  of  1908,  Abdul  Hamid's 
attitude  to,  290 

effect  of,  on  Macedonia,  228 

fails  to  civilize  Albanians,  191 
Consuls,     British,     attitude    of,     to 

Turkish  officials,  92 
Coronation,  12,  1 8,  19 
Cotton  yarn,  54 

Courts    of  Justice,    compared    with 
English,  341 

corruption  of,  341 

injustice  in,  277,  284,  369 

mixed,  340 

site  of,  382 

special,  340 

Croats,  character  of,  176 
Crypto-Christians.     See  Stavriotai. 
Currie,  Sir  Philip,  278,  284 
Cvijic,  230  note 
Cyprus  Convention,  history  of  the,  16 

"Daily  News,"  revelation    of  Bul- 
garian Atrocities,  210,  212,  216 
"Daily     Telegraph,"     quoted      on 

Armenian  massacres,  279 
Damascus,  oasis  of,  248 
Darius,  invasion  by,  I 
Date-palm,  cultivation  of,  frustrated, 


Debts,  son's  duty  to  pay  father's,  91 
Defilement,  dread  of,  48,  49 
Deliyani,  attitude  of,  to  war  of  1897,  99 
Dere-beys,  91 
Dervishes,  299  et  seq. 
character  of,  307 
Dancing,  300,  301 
beliefs  of,  301 
religious   services  of,   300,  301, 

disappearance  of  smaller  Orders  of, 


early  asceticism  of,  306 
emotionalism  of,  308 
formalism  of,  gradual  gliding  into, 


Howling,  300  et  seq. 
garb  of,  302 

Nakshibendi,  branch  of,  302 
prayers  of,  302 
principles  of,  302 


Dervishes — continued 

influence  of  Eastern   philosophies 
on,  306 

prayers  of,  302,  305,  and  note 

suppression  of,  attempted,  307 

wandering,  307 

Devil-worshippers.     See  Yezidis 
Dickson,    Dr,    on   death    of    Sultan 

Abdul  Aziz,   15 

Dinner,  description  of  formal,  90 
Diplomats,  imprisonment  of,  350 
Disraeli,  indiscretion  of,  21 1 

on  Bulgarian  massacres,  210,  211 

on  Jews,  143,  153,  154 
Divan,  44 
Divorce,  329 

ease  of  obtaining,  in  Greek  Church, 

non-existent  among  Tartarjis,  252 

wife's  property  in  case  of,  68 
Dogmatism,  movements  to  get  rid  of, 

undermined  by  education,  321,  323 
by  medicine,  321,  322 
by  science,  320 
Doughty,  C.  M.,  cited,  31 

quoted,  76 
Drainage,  unsatisfactory  condition  of, 

46,  5° 
Drawings,    unfamiliarity     with,    86. 

See  also  Sketching 
Druses,  256  et  seq. 

British  protection  of,  261 

hospitality  of,  258 

interdependence  of,  258 

manliness  of,  259 

meetings  of,  258 

number  of,  256 

origin  of,  256,  260 

politeness  of,  259 

principles  of,  257 

religion  of,  257 

self-respect  of,  257 
Dunmays,  156  et  seq. 

founder  of,  157.    See  also  Sabbatai, 

number  of,  163 

Durham,  Miss  Edith,  quoted,  170 
During,    Dr    von,    on    decrease    of 
Turkish  population,  26 

EDUCATION,  demand  for,  384 
Eikons,  274 



Elliot,  Sir  Henry,  cited,  14 

on  Bulgarian  massacres,  211 
Employment,  want  of,  51 
Engagements,  59 
England,  Queen  of,  belief  regarding, 


Erasmus,  272 
Esnaf,  51,  52 

Euruks,  24,  27,  87,  251,  253-255 
Evil-eye,  79,  82 
Exorcism,  81 
Eyoub,    invasion   of   Constantinople 

by,  4 
mosque  of,  18 

FALLMERAYER'S  theory,  94 
Family  life,  chapter  iv. 

absence  of,  37,  57,  58,  62 
Family  name,  absence  of,  57,  58,  91 
Fatalism,  333 

Fergusson's     ' '  History     of     Archi- 
tecture "  referred  to,  116 
Fitzmaurice,  on  Armenian  massacres, 

Foot  gear,  47 
Foreigners,  as  landowners,  340 

credited  with  healing  powers,  379 

position  of  non-Moslem,  339 

right  of,  to  own  land,  340 

status  of,  334 

treatment  of,  350,  372 
Forks,  44 
Fortune-telling,  81 
Fratricide,  Mahomet  III.'s  crime,  9 

polygamy  as  cause  of,  8 

GHEGS,  165 

characteristics  of,  168 

dress  of,  166 

intermingle  with   Slavonic  neigh- 
bours, 1 66 

physical  features  of,  165 

physical  features  of  country  of,  168 

representatives  of  ancient  Illyrians, 

Gladstone,     quoted     on     Bulgarian 

atrocities,  216 
Goods,  foreign,  importation  of,  54 

tariff  on,  54,  55 
Goschen  threatens  Sultan,  185 
Governesses,  European,  demand  for, 

forbidden  for  Turkish  families,  383 

Government,  civil,  state  of,  6,  7 
Greece,  202,  203 

anarchy    in,    between     1810    and 
1840,  202 

ideals  of,  203 

population  of,  203 
Greek,  pronunciation  of  modern,  105 

survivals  of  ancient,  250 
Greek  Church,  chapter  vii. 

architectural  features  of,  116 

as  political  institution,  124 

bribery  in,  126 

canon  law  created  by,  114 

Christianizing  work  of,  115 

compared  with   Western    Church, 

difficulties  of,  115 

divorce  in,  124 

friendly  relations  of,   to  Anglican 

Church,  133 

to  Armenian  Church,  133 
to  Presbyterians,  133,  134 

ignorance  amongst  priests  of,  125 

influence  of,  on  European  civiliza- 
tion, 114 

intolerance  of,  133 

lack  of  ideals  in,  126 

liturgy  of,  often  unintelligible,  132 

Nicene  creed,  formation  of,  by,  1 14 

privileges  granted  to,  by  Mahomet, 

122,  123 

confirmation  of,  123 
religious  influence  of,  125,  130 
services  of,  lack  of  orderliness  in, 

I3<>>  131 

traces  of  paganism  in,  134 
Greek  islands,  physical  features  of, 


Greeks,  chapter  vi. 
23,  94  et  seg.,  234 
as  domestic  servants,  104 
Asiatic,  103 

attitude  of,  to  pagan  heroes,  105 
autonomy  of,  successful,  181 
beekeeping  amongst,  IOO 
characteristics — 

behaviour  in  games,  105 

contrasted  with  Turks,  106 
bravery,  142 

devotion  to  own  people,  loo 
family  affection,  102 
generosity,  101 
intellectuality,  143 



Greeks— characteristics — continued 

intelligence,  104 

intolerance,  271 

love  of  travel,  102 

patriotism,  100,  IOI 

political  enthusiasm,  106 

skill  in  games,  106 

tenacity,  143 
Christian  names  amongst,  example 

of,  104,  105 

commercial  enterprise  of,  101 
compared  with  Armenians,  271 
distinctions  between,  96 
emigration  of,  to  U.S.A.,  IO2 
festivals,  religious,  of,  92 
individualism  of,  105-107 
influence  of,  230 
need  of  intelligent  leaders  amongst, 

oratory  of,  Prof.  Bury  on,  98 

responsible    for    war    of     1897, 


pantheism  amongst,  96 
political  characteristics  of,  97 
polytheism  amongst,  96 
seamanship  of,  104 
sun-worship  amongst,  97 
type  of  womanly  beauty  amongst, 


value  of,  to  the  Turks,  143 

war  of  1897  between,  and  Turks, 


Grimston,  cited,  153 

HABITS,  difference  between  European 

and  Turkish,  90 
Hamals,  50-53,  177 
Harem,  1 8,  19 

furniture  of,  62 

position  of  doctor  to,  62 

quarrelling  in,  63 

recruited  from  slaves,  366 
Haremlik,  62 
Hashashim,  256 
Hassan  and  Hossein,  commemoration 

of  death  of,  296,  297 
Hatti-Humayoun,  349,  367 

recognized  in  Treaty  of  Paris,  368 
Hatti-Sherif,  367 
Hawkers,  50 

Hepworth,   Rev.   G.   H.,   quoted  on 
Armenian  massacres,  281-284 

on  reforms,  344 


Heredity,  influence  of,  29 

Herodotus,  customs    mentioned  by, 
still  existent,  141 

Hierapolis,  former  importance  of,  254 
present  ruin  of,  255 

Hilprecht,  Prof.,  155  note 

Hittites,  traces  of,  I,  25,  103,  249 

Hogarth,  D.  G.,  cited,  on  Ghegs,  168 
on  "  Nearest  East,"  249 
quoted,  on  Syrian  Jews,  156 

House,  description  of  peasant's,  44, 


exterior,  45 

interior,  44 
Hughes,  Rev.  T.  P.,  cited,  20 

quoted,  2O,  21,  318,  324,  329 
Hunyades,  defends  Belgrade,  199 
Huss,  John,  150 

ICONOCLASTIC  controversy,  103 
Iconoclasts,  among  Armenians,  274, 

Industries,  native,  53,  54 

killed  by  Government  ignorance,  55 
Infanticide,  Abdul  Medjid's  efforts  to 
deal  with,  10 

medical  men  on,  9 

polygamy  as  cause  of,  8 
Inscriptions,  sacredness  of,  83 
Islam,  criminal  law  of,  322 

definition  of,  332 

development  of,  chapter  xiv. 

dogmas  of,  investigated,  332 

law   of,   as  regards  equality,   330, 


liberty,  331 
Islamism,  2,  22 
Iskender  Bey.  See  Skender  Bey 

JANISSARIES,  173,  201,  304 

as  members  of  Bektashi  Order,  304 
quelled  by  Sultan  Mahmud,  357 
slaughter  of,  358 

Jews,  Anatolian,  155 
character  of,  153 
Disraeli's  dictum  on,  143,  153 
educational  influence  of,  153 
expectant  of  coming  of  Messiah, 


immigration  of,  28 
in  Constantinople,  152 
number  of,  152 



Jews — continued 

Palestine,  resemble  Spanish  Jews, 


polygamy  among,  153 

position   of,   since    Revolution    of 

1908,  156 
position  of,  under  Ottoman  rulers, 


Renan  on,  155 
Spanish,  beauty  of,  155 

integrity  of,  154 

prosperity  of,  154 
treatment  of,  by  Christians,  154 

by  Turks,  153 
types  of,  154 

KERBELA,  battle  of,  296 

pilgrimages  to,  296 
Kizilbashis,  24,  263 

attitude  of,  to  Moslems,  265 

meetings  of,  265 

occupations  of,  264  and  note 

religion  of,  264 

tolerance  of,  264 

trustworthiness  of,  264 

women  unveiled  among,  264 
Koran,  as  civil  and   religious  code, 


as  lawgiver,  343 
discussion  of  statements  in,  323 
infallibility  of,  319,  323 
quoted,  on  immortality  of  women, 


taught  by  rote,  380 
Koreish,  tribe  of  the,  20,  21 
Kurds,  317 

LABOUR,  absence  of  skilled,  52-54 

slight  value  of  human,  50,  51 
Latin  characters,  Albanian  views  on, 

opposition  to,    by  Young  Turkey 

party,  194 

struggle  concerning,  193 
Latin  language,  traces  of,  144 
Law,  administration  of,  bad,  343 
French  codes  adopted  for  framing 

commercial,  343 
origin  of  Turkish,  342 
Lawyers,  as   champions  of  women's 

rights,  69,  70,  330 
assistance  given  to  Greek  Church 

by,  us 

Lazes,  24,  25,  103 
Legitimacy,  law  of,  8 
Lejean,   C.,    on   Macedonian  ethno- 
graphy, 230  note 
Loti,  Pierre,  referred  to,  64 
Lunatics,  attitude  to,  161 

MACEDONIA,  chapter  x. 
anarchy  in,  233-235 
backwardness  of,  373 
books  on,  228 

defends  Constitution  of  1908,  240 
definition  of,  228 

effect  on,  of  1908  Constitution,  228 
ethnography  of,  229,  230  note 
fertility  of,  245 
future  of,  243-245 
Greek  and  Slav  jealousy  in,  234 
massacres  in,  236 

attitude  of  Austria  towards,  237, 


attitude  of  England  towards,  236 
attitude  of  France  towards,  236 
attitude  of  Germany  towards,  237 
attitude  of  Italy  towards,  238 
attitude  of  Russia  towards,  237 
population  of,  230-232 

reduction  of,  by  emigration,  233 
reforms     for,    Sir     N.    O'Conor's 

efforts  to  secure,  238 
Turkification  ordered  in,  240 
MacFarline,  quoted  on  Smyrna  mas- 
sacres, 354,  355  *     -v-^-;-^ 
Macgahan,  investigation  of  Bulgarian 

atrocities  by,  212-214 
Magistrates,  position  of,  343 
Mahmud  II.,  6,  10,  151,  179,  356, 

army  reforms  of,  356 

Mahomet  II.,  6 

Mahomet  III.,  9 

Mahomet  V.,  11-13,  151 

Mahometanism,  disciplinary  character 

of,  297 

discrepancies  in,  325 
effect  of  education  on,  321 
effect  of  science  on,  320,  332 
effect  of  travel  on,  332 
effect  of  Western  civilization   on, 

320,  321,  324 

immutability  of,  doubted,  318 
influence  of  Persia  upon,  297 
interpretation  of,  325 



Mahometanism — continued 

leniency,  modern,  with  regard  to, 


missionary  efforts  of,  22 

penalty  for  abandoning,  319,  320 

Persian,    compared  with    Turkish, 

297,  298 

emotional  character  of,  298 
spiritual  pride  of,  324 
Maronites,  256,  260,  261 
founder  of,  261 
French  protection  of,  261 
number  of,  261 
religion  of,  260 
Marriage,    ceremony    of,    men    not 

allowed  at,  59 
description  of,  59  et  seg. 
negotiations   for,  58 
Turkish  system  of,  compared  with 

French,  67 
disadvantages  of,  67 
Marshiman,    Patriarch   of  Nestorian 

Church,  262 

Massacres,  in  Adana,  273 
in  Armenia,  270,  273,  2"]%  et  seg., 

in  Bulgaria,  209  et  sep.,  289,  294, 


in  Chios,  108,  109,  294 
in  Cilicia,  290,  293 
in  Constantinople,  119,  356 
in  Macedonia,  236 
in  Mitylene,  355 
in  Pergamon,  355 
in  Smyrna,  354 

in  Sixteenth  Century,  proposed,  349 
in  Seventeenth  Century,  350 
in  Eighteenth  Century,  350 
motives  for,  345 

of  Armenians,  not  spontaneous,  40 
opposition  to,  by  pious  Moslems, 

4°>  356 

reasons  for,  42,  43 
secrecy  regarding,  374 
of  Greeks,  in  1822,  119-121 
of  Janissaries,  357 
Meckitarists,  275 
Medical   Science,   progress    of,    321, 


Mehmet  Ali,  178 
Melancthon,  272 
Meleki-Tavus,  313 
Mesmerism,  303 

Messiah,  beliefs  regarding  appearance 

of,  157 
Metuali,  256 

Mevlevis.     See  Dervishes,  dancing 
Midhat  Pasha,  193,  208 

Sir  H.  Elliott  on  trial  of,  15 
Militarism,  6,  7 

effect  of,  on  population,  27 
Millets,  7,  271 
Milos,  113 
Mir  system,  227 

Miracles,  performance  of,  302,  303 
Missionaries,   American,  among   Ar- 
menians, 273,  274 
among  Yezidis,  316 
Anglican,  among  Nestorians,  263 
Catholic,  among  Armenians,  272 
Missionary    spirit,    among    Senoussi 

and  Wahabi,  300 
Mithraism,  268 
Mitylene,  112,  355 
Moldavia.     See  Romania. 
Mollahs,  ignorance  of  Western  pro- 
gress among,  322 

Monasteries,  at  Mt.  Athos,  127,  128 
libraries  in,  128,  129 
manuscripts  in,  129 
remains  of,  77 
Mongols,  24 
Monks,  idleness  of,  127 

ignorance  of,  128 
Muezzin,  36 


powers  claimed  by,  303 
Navarino,  battle  of,  180,  359,  363 

attitude  of  Turks  after,  359 
Negroes,  as  slaves,  364 
Nereids,  135 
Nestorian  Church,  262 

improvement  of,  263 

Patriarch  of.     See  Marshiman 
Nestorians — 

decline  of,  262 

founder  of,  261 

missionary  efforts  of,  262 

religion  of,  261 
Nicene  Creed,  114 
Nippur,  155 

Noah,  reputed  tomb  of,  140 
Nomads,  influence  of,  in  Asia  Minor, 

251,  253 
Nouri,  Jelal,  on  Yezidis,  310  et  seq. 



OFFICIALS,  characteristics  of— 

courtesy,  88 

dishonesty,  88 

flattery  of  strangers,  89 

ignorance,  84 

love  of  appearances,  89 

untrustworthiness,  88 
Kaiser  outwits,  89 
Oleicoff,  230  note 

Oliphant,  Lawrance,  stories  of,  303 
Osman.     See  Othman 
Osmanli,  24,  242 
Othman,  7 

sword  of,  1 8,  19,  302 
Ourfa  Cathedral,   massacre  in,  287* 

PAGANISM,  relics  of,  140 
Palgrave,  quoted,  38,  318 
Pan-Islamism,  21,  22 

Abdul  Hamid's  attitude  to,  22 
Pantheism,  in  doctrine  of  Bektashis, 

304  ;  of  Shiahs,  298 
Paradise,  conception  of,  328 

influence  of  modern  thought 

on,  329 
conditions  for  men  entering,  327 

for  women  entering,  327 
sensual  delights  of,  329 
Paris,  treaty  of,  368 
Patchinaks,  24 
Patriarchal  courts,  123,  124 
Patriarchs,  118,  126 
Paulicians.     See  Adoptionists 
Peasants,  courtesy  of,  88 
ideals  of,  76 

ideas  of,  concerning  archaeologists, 
77  ;  foreigners,  75-78  ;  nature, 
75  ;  Sultan,  75 
ignorance  of,  75,  84 
poverty  of  Moslem,  41 
superstition  of,  78  et  seq. 
truthfulness  of,  88 
Percy,  Earl,  as  philo-Turk,  347 

quoted,  156 
Persia,  influence  of,  on  Mohametan- 

ism,  297 

Peters,  Dr  John,  153  and  note 
Petroleum,  use  of,  47 
Phanariot,  meaning  of,  1 18 
Philo-Turkism,  advocates  of,  345,  347, 

instances  of,  345-347 

Plague,  378 

Plevna,  capture  of,  by  Turks,  220 

fall  of,  222 
Polygamy,  as  cause  of  fratricide  an 

infanticide,  8 

bearing  of,  on  prostitution,  69 
decrease  of  population  despite,  29 
disadvantages  of,  68 
Political  economy,  ignorance  of,  55 
Pomaks,  23,  24 
character  of,  152 
origin  of,  148 
persecution  of,  151 
physical  qualities  of,  149 
religion  of,  151 
Population,  23 

change  of  elements  in,  27  et  seq. 
decrease  of  Turkish,  cause  of,  28, 


unification  of,  unsuccessful,  2 
varying  elements  in,  2,  23 
Prayer,  daily,  36,  72 
Prayer-place,  cleanliness  of,  32 
Priests,  Greek  Church- 
character  of,  126 
ignorance  of,  125,  126 
must  be  married,  1 25 
payment  of,  125 
poverty  of,  125 
Turkish,  ignorance  of,  84 
Prisons,  condition  of,  90 
Protestants,  recognition  of,  367 

QUACKS,  8 1 

RAMAZAN,  fast  of,  36,  297 

sacredness  of,  not  observed  by  Tar- 

tarjis,  252 

Ramsay,  Sir  Wm.,  cited,  30  ;  quoted, 
37,   283  ;  on  Mithraism,  269 ; 
on  reforms,  344 
Refaees,  300 

Reforms,  Canning's  views  as  to,  359 
co-existent    with    toleration,    361, 


danger  of  delay  in  granting,  348 
England's  attempt  to  secure,  349, 


evasion  of,  368 

France's  attempt  to  secure,  359 
Hepworth  on,  344 
hesitation  to  grant,  361 



Reforms — continued 
opposition  to — 

in  Albania,  192 

in  Bulgaria,  208,  218 

in  Macedonia,  237 
paper,  369 

Philo-Turk's  failure  to  secure,  348 
possibility  of,  discussed,  344 
progress  of,  in  city  and  country, 

compared,  372 
Ramsay,  Sir  Wm. ,  on,  344 
religious,  367 
sanitary,  376 

opposition  of  Abdul  Hamid  to, 

Turkey's  future  dependent  on,  348 

Religion,  as  hygienic  factor,  33 
attitude  of  Anatolians    to    image- 
worship,  31 

conjunction  of,  with  race,  122 
Divine  immanency,  31,  36 
fatalism  engendered  by,  33,  37 
formalist  side  of,  151 
influences  of,  29 
Monotheism,  30 
Monotheistic,  source  of,  2 
pantheism  among  Greeks,  96 
polytheism  among  Greeks,  96 
position  of  women  in  regard  to,  36 
Ramsay,  Sir  Wm.,  on,  30 
simplicity  of,  78 
spiritual  side  of,  151 

Renan,  cited,  254 

Repudiation,  329 
as  substitute  for  divorce,  69 
safeguards  against,  69,  70 

Reschad  Effendi.     See  Mahomet  V. 

Revolution  of  1908,  3,  239 
Albanians'  part  in,  186-188 
counterstroke  to,  planned,  291 
partial  success  of,  292 
"Times"    correspondent   on, 

women's  part  in,  65,  66 

Rhodes — 

beauty  of,  112 

capture  of,  by  Turks,  1 1 1 

Colossus  of,  109  and  note 

description  of  modern,  in 

hostility  of,  to  Mahometanism,  no 

knights  of,  1 10 

statues,  remains  of,  in,  109  note 

Robert  College,  223,  224,  384 

Rock  dwellings,  250 
Romania,  145,  196-198 
King  Charles,  197 
as  administrator,  198 
as  politician,  198 
organizes  army,  197 
prosperity,  198 
Roman  Law,  70  note 
Rugs.     See  Carpets 
Ruskin,  on  Armenian  art,  275 
Russia,  protection  of  Christians  by, 

92,  93 

Rycaut,    Paul,     referred     to,     157 ; 
quoted,  158,  161 

SABBATAI.     See  Sevi 
St  Dionysius,  136 
St  Elias,  135 

St  George,  97  ;    churches  dedicated 
to,  134 

festival  of,  137 
St  John's  Eve,  97 
St  Nicholas,  35 

St  Paul,  mistake  concerning,  85 
Saints,  as  successors  of  pagan  gods, 
97,  134-138 

miraculous  powers  of,  137 
Salemlik,  62 
Salisbury,    Lord,    reforms    Consular 

system,  92,  93 
Salonika,    152,   154,   156,   230,  239, 

244,  245 
Sandwith,  Dr  Humphrey,    "  Hakim 

Bashi "  quoted,  370-372 
Sappho.     See  Mitylene 
Scamni,  44 
Schools,  Armenian  Catholic,  381 

Christian,  381 

Elementary,  380,  381 

influence  of,  384 

medical,  379 
Scutari,    American    college    at,    64, 


Sects,  Mahometan,  296  et  seq. 
Sedan  chairs,  53 
Seljuk  Turks,  I,  25,  253 
Sell,  Rer.  Edward,  cited,  21  note 
Senoussism,  299,  300 
Serbia,  199-202,  229 

Austria's  interference  in,  202 

recognized  as  kingdom,  201 

revolt  of,  in  1804,  201 
Serbians,  23,  94 



Sevi,  Sabbatai,  157-163,  157  note 

brought  before  Sultan,  162 

claims  of,  159 

conversion  of,  162 

death  of,  163 

fall  of,  162 

followers  of,  163 

imprisonment  of,  160 

infatuation  caused  by,  1 59 

journeyings  of,  158 

persecution  of,  158 

regarded  as  mad  by  Turks,  161 

veneration  of,  160 

visits  Constantinople,  160 
Shakespeare  translated  into  Greek,  100 
Sheik  A'ddy,  310,  312 
Shenova,  battle  of,  221 
Sheriat,  religious  law  of  the,  241 
Shiah  Mahometans,  255 
Shiahs,  296,  298,  331 
Sh'tak,  54 
Sinjars,  character  of,  310 

dualism  of,  311 

theory  of  origin  of,  310 
Skender  Bey,  179 
Sketching,  objection  to,  83 
Sketes,  127 

Skobeleff,  Gen.,  220,  221 
Slaves,  353,  354,  363  et  seq. 

prices  of,  364 

Slavs,  94,  95,  103,  115,  234 
Smyrna,  massacres  in,  354 

peopled  by  Greek  emigrants,  102 
Sofia,  223 
Spies,  14,  356 
Stavriotai,  as  crypto-Christians,  266 

as  miners,  267 

marriage  ceremonies  among,  266 

polygamy  forbidden  among,  266 
Succession,  law  of,  8-19 

European,  8 

Turkish,  9  et  seq. 

incompetence  of  heir  under,  1 1 
infanticide  under,  8-10 
suspicion  created  by,  II,  12 
workings  of,  illustrated,  12  et 


Suliman,  6 

Suliots,  heroism  of,  183 
Sultana  Valida,  18 
Sultans,  eminent,  6 

heirs  of,   compared   with   English 
and  German  heirs,  1 1 

Sultans — heirs  of — continued 
incompetent,  II 

mothers  of,  in  recent  times,  6 

private  lives  of,  19 
Sumerians,  traces  of,  I 
Sunnzs,  20,  151,  296,  298 
Sun-worship,  among  Greeks,  97 
Superstitions,  78  el  seq.,  136-141 

encouraged  by  priests,  1 38 
Syllogos  of  Athens,  230  note 

TALISMANS,  79,  81 

Tartarjis.     See  Turcomans 

Tartars,  24 

Tchircoff,  Dr  A.,  230  note 

Tekkes,  301 

Territory,  cession  of,  illegal,  16 

Timour,  invasion  by,  I 

Tombs,  veneration  of,  79 

Torture,  Canning's  efforts  to  suppress, 


order  abolishing,  367 
Tosks,  165,  192 

dress  of,  166 
Troglodytes,  250 
Tuesday,  unluckiness  of,  80 
Turcomans,  24,  28,  251 
Turkification,  consequences  of,    194, 

VAN,  Lake,  247 

Veil,  use  of.     See  under  Women 

Vekil,  367 

Vendetta.     See  under  Albanians 

Vlachs.     See  Wallachs 

WAHABISM,  299,  300 
Wallachia.    See  Romania 
Wallachs,  23,  94,  103,  144  et  seq. 
industry  of,  147 
language  of,  144 
origin  of,  145 

Anna  Comnena  on,  145,  146  note 
Benjamin  of  Tudela  on,  146 
presence  of,  in   Balkan   Peninsula 

explained,  148 
religion  of,  146,  147 
settlements  of,  147 
Walsh,  Dr,  on  the  massacres  of  1822, 


"  residence  in  Constantinople,"  295 
Water,  use  of,  for  ceremonials,  48 
in  house,  45 



Wealth,  absence  of  landed,  91 

White,  Col.,  cited,  9 

Wilson,  Rev.  S.  G.,  cited,  28 ;  quoted, 

268,  298 
Women — 
Albanian,  171 
Armenian,  270 
as  slaves,  363 

treatment  of,  365 
betterment  of,  74 
childishness  of,  62 
Christian,  24 

children  of,  24 
club  for,  72 
dress  of,  18,  87 
colours  in,  88 

educated,  examples  of,  64-6 
education  of,  382 
emancipation  of,  66 
Greek,  95 
grievances  of,  329 
ignorance  of,  63,  71,  326 
—  immortality  of — 
•Koran  on,  327 

»  popular  delusion  as  to,  326,  328 
influence  of  Western  thought  on 

status  of,  74 
Jewish  veiling  of,  153 
manners  of,  63 

'••  married,  legal  position  of,  68,  70 
m   position  of,  326,  329 

•  in  regard  to  religion,  36,  37 

repudiation  of,  69,  329 

seclusion  of,  as  cause  of  non-pro- 

gressiveness,  71 
fatal  to  family  life,  62 
sermon  for,  account  of,  328 
unveiling  of,  66,  73 

Women,  veiling  of,  87 

Writing,  Arabic  characters  used  in, 

sacredness  of,  82 

XERXES,  invasion  by,  I 

YENGHIS  KHAN,  invasion  by,  i,  253 
Yezidis,  appearance  of,  315 

as  water  worshippers,  314 

baptism  of  children,  314,  316 

brigandage,  309 

circumcision,  314,  316 

conservatism  of,  312 

distribution  of,  309 

dualism  of,  311 

idolatry,  313 

language  of,  317 

missionaries,  American,  among, 

Nouri,  Jelal,  cited  on,  310  et  seq. 

numbers  of,  309 

origin  of,  theory  as  to,  312,  315 

persecution  of,  by  Turks,  310 

pilgrimage,  practice  of,  316 

refuse  military  service,  309 

religion  of,  313-315 

resemble  Assyrians,  315 

reverence  for  devil,  312 

sacred  books  of,  313 

suspicion  of  Moslems,  312 

Turkish  treatment  of,  316 

ZADRUGA,  227 
Zeibecks,  355,  358 
Zeitoun,   heroism  of  community  of, 



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