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Full text of "Twenty lessons on poultry keeping; an elementary treatise prepared under the direction of the American Poultry Association"

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Tue poultry business, once regarded as of small conse- 
quence, has come to be recognized as one of our important 
food-supplying industries. Both the flesh and eggs of poul- 
try have become standard articles of diet. Eggs have been 
found to be a good substitute for meat; people of all nations 
eat more of them than of any other kind of food. Conse- 
quently, there is a large and steady demand for poultry 

Indeed, no other farm products, save, perhaps, those 
of the dairy, give as great a return as poultry for the time 
and money invested. Even when no especial emphasis is 
laid upon the raising of fowls, they prove profitable to their 
owners. On the average farm, the outlay for food for poul- 
try is very small. They can be fed, in part, with the waste 
from the table. They can supplement this food with scraps 
and scattered grain, and with insects picked up about the 
farm and barnyard. It is a matter of economy for a 
farmer to keep at least as many chickens as can find a living 
for themselves; for they do more than supply eggs and 

meat for family use. As a rule, the eggs and fowls sold 



go a long way toward buying groceries, or toward paying 
some of the other regular expenses of the farm home. 

The people of to-day are demanding vocational courses 
in the public schools. In response to their demand, a study 
of practical agriculture has been made a part of the school 
work in many States. A very important subdivision of this 
study is poultry raising. As a type study the subject of 
poultry raising will be found to appeal to both boys and 
girls, large and small, rich and poor, in town and in coun- 
try. Moreover, it deserves a place in the school curriculum 
because of the increasing importance of the poultry indus- 
tries. The raising of fowls should prove a profitable voea- 
tion for any enterprising young man or woman, as well 
as a pleasant, remunerative “ side line” for the farmer or 

the suburbanite. 

The American Poultry Association is anxious that the 
boys and girls of America be given some correct and definite 
knowledge concerning poultry raising before they start on 
their life’s work. Because so many children leave school 
about the time they complete their elementary course, this 
book has been prepared especially for the use of the seventh 
and eighth grades. It is intended to be studied in connec- 
tion with the subject of practical agriculture. 

We hope this little volume will meet the demands of 


both teacher and pupils—that the teacher will find it of as- 
sistance in leading the children, and that the children them- 
selves will find it an aid toward making the study of 
poultry both pleasant and profitable. To this end, we dedi- 
cate the book to the teachers and pupils of America. 
Respectfully yours, 
Tue AMERICAN PouULTRY Assocratton, 

E. B. Tuompson, President, 

S. T. Campsett, Secretary, 

C. T. Parrerson, Author, 

Franx E. Herre, Editor. 

November, 1915. 






ORIGINS ANDEEISTORYSORN HOWdS.0. 7) aes. telat ee 1 
NOMENCLATURE DIAGRAM OF FOWL..............--02-: 5 
CHARACTERISTICS) ORR OWLS ee acne tes ee eee 6 
BREEDS MAND SY VeAREE TTR stacy tere. cesehe crt oy tee ey clei sias af) 
BREEDS, AND» VARIETINS. (Continued) 2.2.0... 2. tenes os 15 
BREEDS AND VARIETIES (Continued). .................. 26 
PURKEY Se DUCKS AND» GEES ance 4:s.2-oc0d ves 5 a tes ds oe oe 28 
SUD GUN Grey ence arse a tee ree rece, fn Pesees’ 2. per aR 
LOU STN Gre poet ter aye ey ed ene OT ey kes sce neMe cuaree nes 38 
IE QUE MN Tees war tend aa reer eea otc te onriotve si Saauek onsiet oa tn fis ths eran 43 
NEAR DEN GUAN Das Lun N CING terpenes secre? eicis aise isha aiaiai tare cise olets 48 
EGET) SReATN ID SALVE OD ENG eee ets ot oe tas eset sie a etcs yeh eo chetes oie ia 52 
HEE DINGRDE MMI AB Ye HICK Gis. cose sae csc ce cere die sue sua 06 57 
I VAPACISIIN Geert eS -taetee NricWee gnClia, ak nets Seca s lever eo4 abaars or 60 
TEN CUP IAT ONE Meet aera oct cay Me acts cape ustv cbs aitavs ave mene sae 63 
IB ROOD EN Gre weer pete ecein hic picyrceisiisa e Stomiielc) otons asco ae etenact 3 68 
TRANG DINE DOTS AN 5 15 ark oP 5 ee es gel aa a a 71 
IDTSHASHS see ee eee al A Pad to ete eee eitavettne 60 Sao Het t 75) 
GARE PAN DIVIEANIAG EMG ND rene cosa: os 5 allel s Sts oWodeiel 6 ers a0 eee. « 79 
IRI OMAR ON hn ss cacca EBSA Bienes Une Ontne oI ee eee CEC Ce ee eee 83 
CruBSPANDY CONTESTSiis teres oe eee 2 oe aos Nas eieteveve Nee 89 
SEEN S CHOOT MEAT Rs 5 ace esenereee a cia Ss Sere apa GS oe ore 92 


A Flock of Pekin Ducks. Fowls on the Range. Poultry Students 
Holding an Exhibition on the Street............ Frontispiece 

fee Nomenclature: Oiaeram on Male am. 2 cece ete 2s see ee et ae + 
SD, Snapal es Gravel JUSS Go aw oboe Gis oa are ee eae ares Cee aoe 7 
Own itterenteandsrom Combes aces eaciee els ce seis cleo enn ores 8 
Am Sectionsyolen Heatherperr oic.acer eee tsi ae ae ae Mensa eras ae 9 
FRE COOMLC LENCE Caiicd sic faputy ie neda Geet. o0 Gg dane, Mew hayarcrbues + 9 
Gaps pemeledwHesiyherecr arent ag eee etl catvs teen S25. has al Geb eenks che 9 
Veen cing a Crescen tieoH OPM untae eis ad fuss ile Gd ciate oie es i) 
Qeplzcncnine sl earallGl Morita pei ere Sect ac eaters. sacra atic 10 
OMB ArreCeHea tere era exciecrn perce ears feces cheves cians tees ae toe aba 10 
10 striped Neck (iackle) Weather, Male. 22. ..60. 2. we. ec eee oe 11 
TLL, TEAR yel ke JLT aS ae nS ae Seige oe ea 16 
i2esimele Comby BlackwMinOrcaSeace +4 sas cases oh at carves 6 ole Ge 16 
TISy,.. 1ektsis (Core ot rie kee ee Maeno cece eet aa ne Re Get aed Wi 
fm simgle Comb: Butt WechoOrmse's. 65s: ont oo sds shee oc 5 se ae 17 
oes LintMel yANI OU COC KSamr ge feteects = aceleeit tee seis res = aj Ae es 18 
{Om sinele;©ombebuth Orpinetonss.: 4.202.100 ee «sess sees a 18 
fem inibemelyamoutche ROCKS vei slate. ere ia cies te © tac suns «ue oo 19 
(eaoimelesCombewWhite Orpinetons.-.-.- ei. e is eee oe cee 19 
(OmsinglerombrWihitewdberhoms t+. 2..0+ +20. asectatttie mee es 20 
2 DRAVVANTTC OW VEC OLLES ten ae yreeae eta ane, ee eck conic med oe, ates 20 
Aa OnE S PAINS aoe paiscs aus en eats cate) SoA Biota ta seta ins c+ oi Gemtota e wieua lean 21 
2 man) ire en SPANTIN AS ee ye epee eet er eicskoee Sisrade ckoetes te oueekac es teecice on IO il 
Dome arred@llyam OUbMGhOCKSrara crease sets ciaein oe ce-ce cerste erene ae 22 
DAMES LLVETANV EY ATIC OLLCS Mie. i Snaeeceaeavebasinis’s créicrae’s w fe Gis clan Mate: 22 
DomoimelesCombykihodelislandsRedsaayays « «0 qeu-.1< +0 steeiajoe cs eresia 23 
2 Gta © OUI Siege cope ene eerie Malaccan soaks Aes EH ee apr ok 23 
DMERATLTIG cox @WOCHINS peti pee NSAI eee ete bce s Sees Sergei ees 24 
Demon lexCombp Bro wees ts «icles s «04 5 ots a shitestes aoe lass 24 
Pl). LEUNG Fen Telegs nasrafe 9 aac ks CRA A ae 25 
SO Moilverispaneled@kiam purest nates c/s... sett ee cures «sete oi 25 
31. Children Describing Breeds and Varieties.................... 26 
phew 2] gb Oilers ra eset ae neve tac 5 oye hioraveisuere Re shoe oka cletese ak 27 



32. Bronze Turkey .i.25 tase eis ene ose nsan co Atealeuece eee 28 
33, elon Ducks’ oo 2 ccitstueiencke iene esto eee thee eee 29 
34. Runner Ducks: 12.265 <sasieeals fas ces oe eee ae eee 30 
Bo. LOWoUse Geese: 2 o\Sc 2G naewame alc ae athe ae eee 31 
36. A Building Which Insures Good Circulation of Air............ 38 
of. Location of the, House: a5 canes ode eee vu eee 39 
38: Colony HIGuse.. 6.2. vs he. ote ae eck see ie ee 40 
39. Section of House Showing Roosts, Dropping Board and Nests 43 
40) Indoor Heed JElOp per... 2... ent tveds cin cise ereteee eee <0 44 
Ail, Outdoor Feed Hoppers. 2s. Gosia eee eee 45 
42. Brood y COO py 0.2. : eri & win 0 arden» Mafebovers (has mses ee eee 46 
43. A Good Poultry Yard Wence. . ..//0, + aes) ac one eee 49 
a4, Two Poultry Vards. 22.2.2... ones ee eet tao oa 50 
45. InternalOreans of Elen s-. 4. <02 os sateen oe ieee 53 
46. Digestive Organs of Baby Chick.................02000000005 57 
AT, Mat CMM O BOX ce ecg «aes eclera elvis n-sisss a exe) Save eee eee 63 
48. Twenty-four-Hour Old Chick.............. 00... ccc cece eee 64 
49, Brood ot Incubator Chicks, 2... 2 ccs v4 ac cease ee 66 
50s Broodmig Coops. ...-24...206+.94e%- sss 0s ons eee 69 
51. Pupils Naming Broods and Varieties.................0.ee00 90 
52. Children Building Exhibition Coops...................+208- 90 
53. Pupils After a Contest, with Their Winnings ................. 91 
O45 (Pupils with! Chickens. 25.2... .08+ © +2 -sle's te lee 91 

PO balk Yok FBP NG 

Tue Oriain anp History or Fowts 

Many hundreds of years ago, before dawn of civili- 
zation, man lived by hunting and fishing. When he had 
caught and killed all the game in any one place, it became 
necessary for him to move to another region, where he could 
find a fresh food supply. But finally he became tired of 
this wandering life and decided to settle down and live in 
one place which he could call home. Then, in order to be 
sure of having enough to eat, he was forced to tame some 
animals and to cultivate some plants for food. 

It is thought that the fowl was one of the first animals 
to be domesticated, or tamed. Perhaps that was because a 
fowl, once caught and its wing feathers clipped, could not 
get away as easily as other animals. Whatever the reason, 
it is certain that many hundreds of years ago wild Aseel and 
Jungle fowls were captured and tamed by the tribes of 

Open your geographies and find India. Many cen- 
turies ago, men wandered from that country across the 
Himalaya Mountains into China. With them, they took 

some tamed Aseel fowls. These fowls were large, angular 


birds, very clumsy and not at all attractive in appearance. 
For many centuries they were bred in China. To-day their 
== 4 > 
deseemmdants, among which are the large fowls known as the 
= ‘ aa , NY ‘ 
Brahma, Cochin and Langshan, are scattered all over the 

<= === 


bw ‘e ee 

Now all the poultry that have their origin in any one 
region are said to belong to a certain class, which usually 
bears the name of that region. Accordingly, we say that the 
Brahma, Cochin, Langshan and other types developed in 
Asia belong to the Aszatic class. 

But not all of the men who left India for other parts of 
the world went into China. Some wandered to the north- 
east, and settled-in the countries around the Mediterranean 
Sea. With them they took some Jungle fowls—small, ac- 
tive, nervous birds, which, after many hundreds of years, 
developed into the class of fowls we know as the Medtter- 
ranean class. ‘These fowls are noted for laying great num- 
bers of large, white eggs. Among them are the Leghorn, 
Minorea and Spanish fowls. 

Thus there came into being the two principal classes of 
chickens—the large Asiatic type, best fitted for meat pro- 
ducing, and the small, active, Mediterranean type, espe- 
cially adapted for egg producing. 

When men first crossed the Atlantic Ocean and settled 
in America, they brought with them both Asiatic and Medi- 

terranean fowls. In order to insure a supply of both meat 


and eggs, it was necessary to keep both classes of birds— 
which meant, as may readily be seen, a great deal of trouble 
and inconvenience. | 

In order to do away with some of this unnecessary 
trouble, there was developed in America a new class of fowls 
called dual purpose fowls, because they combined the quali- 
ties of the two original classes, producing both eggs and 
meat. This new type of birds was developed by crossing 
and recrossing Mediterranean and Asiatie breeds. Some 
of the principal breeds thus produced are the Plymouth 
Rocks, the Wyandottes, and the Rhode Island Reds. These, 
with some others, form the American class of fowls. 

It is not necessary now to go into the origin of our 
domesticated turkeys, ducks, and geese. Their line of 
descent, like that of the chicken, can be traced back directly 
to wild fowls of more or less remote times. 


1. When were poultry first tamed? 

2. Why were fowls tamed? 

3. How were fowls tamed? 

4, Where were the large, meat fowls originated? 

5. Where were the small, egg fowls originated? 

G. Explain the meaning of “ class.” 

7. Explain the meaning o: the term “dual purpose fowls.’ 
8. Where and how were the dual purpose fowls developed? 
9. Name the classes we have studied. 

10. Name some breeds of fowls included in each class. 

‘ , 


Fig. 1.—Nomenclature diagram of male. 1, head; 2, beak; 3, nostril; 4, comb; 
5, face; 6, eye; 7, wattle; 8, ear; 9, ear-lobe; 10, hackle; 11, front of hackle; 
12, breast; 13, cape; 14, shoulders; 15, wing-bow; 16, wing-front; 17. wing-coverts, 
wing-bar; 18, secondaries, wing-bay; 19, primaries; flights; 20, primary coverts; 
21, back; 22, saddle; 23, saddle feathers; 24, sickles; 25, smaller sickles; 26, tail 
coverts; 27-27, main tail feathers: 28, body feathers; 29, fluff; 30, thighs; 31-31, 
hocks: 32-32, shanks; 33-33, spurs; 34-34; feet; 35-35-35, toes; 36-36, toe nails. 


NoMENCLATURE DiaGram or Fowu 

Tue illustration opposite gives the various sections of a 

fowl, with their names. 

It is essential that this diagram be 

earefully studied, and the names of the parts learned. 

Draw an outline of a fowl on the blackboard. 

Number and name the sections from memory. 


Handle some fowls at home, locating each section. 


We have learned that the fowls which had their origin 
in a certain region are said to belong to a class which is 
usually named after that region. All of the fowls of one 
class, however, are not necessarily alike. Those which re- 
semble one another in certain characteristics, such as size 
and shape, are said to belong to some particular breed. For 
instance, the Brahma and Cochin chickens both belong to the 
Asiatic class, but a difference in size and shape shows that 
they are of separate breeds. 

A common means of distinguishing breeds is found in the 
appearance of shanks and feet. Some of these types are 
shown in Fig. 2. The most common breeds are those hay- 
ing four toes and smooth shanks. Some breeds, however, 
have feathers on shanks and toes, and there are a few five- 
toed breeds. 

Fowls may be of the same size and shape, but may differ 
or vary in color, shape of comb, ete. It is from such dif- 
ferences that we get the various varieties of chickens. 

In Fig. 3 are shown different types of combs. Be sure 
to learn the names of each kind as well as the names of the 
different parts of each comb. 

While some of the varieties of poultry, such as the single 

and rose comb varieties of the Leghorn breed, are formed 


by a variation of the comb, a far greater number are formed 

by variations in color. Accordingly, before studying the 

Fig. 2.—Shanks and feet; A, fout toes and smooth shanks; B, five toes and smooth 
shanks; C, feathers on shanks and toes. 

different breeds, we should gain some idea of the colors and 
color combinations which are the distinguishing marks of 

the varieties. 


A type of Single Comb A type of Rose Comb 
(ideal). 1, base; 2, points; (ideal). 1, base; 2, rounded 
3, blade. For other types see points; 3, spike. See Dia- 
Plymouth Rocks, Minorcas, gram of Fowl (Fig. 1.) for ideal 
Javas, etc. Wyandotte comb. 

Pea Comb, quartering view 


s = Wi 

‘| Ww, 

Sultan Head, male (ideal). 1, V-shaped Strawberry Comb (ideal). 
comb; 2, crest; 3, muffs; 4, beard. 

Fic. 3.—Different kinds of combs 


Fig. 4 shows the parts of a feather and gives their names. 
In case a chicken is of a solid color, that fact is indicated 

in the name so it is not necessary to discuss the solid-col- 

=| / 

) phy \ iis WM; Wiz UZ 

quitton SW FLUFF % “WEB % 
aA) Ny hi WA id Nass 

Fic. 4.—Sections of a feather. 

ored varieties here. Where the feathers are marked, how- 
ever, the naming of the varieties is much more difficult. 

A feather with a black edging on the outer edge of the 

Fie. 5. 

Fic. 5.—Laced feather. Fic. 6.—Spangled feather. Fic. 7.—Penciling, crescentic 
form (ideal). 

web, is called a laced feather (Fig. 5). The color of the 
centre of the feather determines the color of the bird. If 

the centre is white, the color is said to be silver; if it is bay, 


the color is called golden. Good examples of such naming 
of varieties are the Silver and Golden Wyandottes. 

A feather, tip of which is black, is called spangled 
feather (Fig. 6). Accordingly, a white feather with a 
black point is said to be silver spangled ; while a bay feather 
with a black point is called golden spangled. 

Sometimes feathers are said to be penciled with dark 
lines. These lines may either follow the outline of the 

Fie. 8. Fie. ‘9: 


Fic. 8.—Penciling, parallel Fic. 9.—Barred feather (ideal). 
form, (ideal). 


feather as in Fig. 7, or may run straight across the feather, 
asin Fig. 8. The latter kind of penciling is shown clearly 
in the Campine varieties, while the outline, or crescentic, 
kind is shown in the Dark Brahma, and in all partridge 

As is the case with the laced feather, the background of 
a penciled feather gives the color. If the lines are against a 

white ground, the color is called silver; if against a bay 


ground, golden. In case there is a black line around a 
white feather, as in Fig. 7, the color is called silver penciled. 
The Dark Brahma, although called “ dark,” is a good ex- 
ample of a silver-penciled fowl. When there is a black 

border around a bay feather, the color is said to be par- 

Fic. 10.—Striped neck (hackle) feather, male (ideal). 
tridge. The Partridge Cochin is typical of this type of col- 
oring. Jf a fowl is marked with black-and-white bars, 
running parallel across the feathers, we say that it is barred 
(Fig. 9). The Barred Plymouth Rock is, perhaps, the 

best known illustration of a barred chicken. 


As shown in Fig. 10, the neck feathers of many male 
birds have a peculiar marking, different in color from the 
body feathers. 

Give origin and history of the large, meat type of fowls. 
Give origin and history of the small, ege type of fowls. 
Give origin and history of the dual-purpose type. 

me OLD & 

Explain the meaning of * class.” 


What was the origin of domestic turkeys, ducks and geese? 

Explain what is meant by * breed.” 
Describe the different types of fowls’ feet. 
What is meant by “variety?” 
Name and deseribe five different kinds of combs. 

Oe aw We 


Which do you think is the most common ? 
Name the parts of a feather. 
Describe two different kinds of penciling. 

~I D 

Deseribe a barred feather. 


9. Describe a striped feather. 


. What is the difference between a laced and spangled feather? 

Collect as many differently marked feathers as possible. Loeate the 
parts of each. Fasten the best specimen of each marking on a 
card for future reference. 


We have learned that class indicates the region in which 
any type of fowls originated; that breed is determined by 
size and shape; that the word ‘ variety ” is used to desig- 
nate differences in color or comb. There is one other term 
used in classifying fowls. This term is strain, which has 
practically the same meaning as “ family.” or instance, 
if John Smith should grow White Wyandottes for a num- 
ber of years, we would classify his fowls as American Class, 
Wyandotte Breed, White Variety, and Smith Strain. 

Learn the following chart of characteristics so that you 

can write it from memory : 

Name Size Colors Combs Shanks 
Barred Plymouth Rock...Medium Black and White Single Smooth yellow 
White Plymouth Rock ...Medium White Single Smooth yellow 
Buff Plymouth Rock..... Medium. Buff Single Smooth yellow 
White Wyandotte ....... Medium White Rose Smooth yellow 
Silver Wyandotte ....... Medium Black and White Rose Smooth yellow 
Buf Orpington ...'6......< Large Buff Single Smooth white 
White Orpington ........ Large White Single Smooth white 
Butta @ oe hin veperesesscyeene ohare Large Buff Single Feathered—yellow 
Partridge Cochin ........ Large Red and Black Single Feathered—yellow 
MighteBrahmay. i... eee os Large Black and White Pea Feathered—yellow 
Dark Brahma ........... Large Black and White Pea Feathered—yellow 
Black Langshan ......... Large Black Single Feathered—bluish 
8. C. Black Minorca..... Medium Black Single Smooth and dark 
S. C. White Leghorn..... Small White Single Smooth yellow 
S. C. Brown Leghorn ....Small Red and Black Single Smooth yellow 
S. C. Buff Leghorn ...... Small Buff Single Smooth yellow 
S. C. Rhode Island Red... Medium Red and Black Single Smooth yellow 
Wornishvrenris ster stecech he nae Medium Red and Black Pea Smooth yellow 
VOU GAIN Aeye creveveve, ctereve erste Medium Black and White V-Shape Dark crest and five 

Silver Spangled Hamburg. Small Black and White Rose Smooth 
Leghorns, Minorcas and R. I. Reds are also bred with Rose Combs 
i 13 


Describe the differences in fowls’ feet. 
Describe the differences in fowls’ combs. 
. Name the parts of a feather. 
Deseribe the different feather markings. 
What is the difference in feather markings of the silver and 

nore WW Re 

partridge varieties? 

Name the white varieties and give their characteristics, 
Yame the buff varieties and give their characteristics. 

w Ney 

vYame the black varieties and give their characteristics. 


Name the varieties which have yellow shanks. 
5. Name the varieties which have feathered shanks. 
6. Compare the White Leghorns and White Plymouth Rocks. 
Compare the Buff Leghorns and Buff Orpingtons. 
8. Compare the Cornish fowls and the Partridge Cochin. 
9. Compare the Houdan and the Silver Spangled Hamburg. 
10. Name the black-and-white fowls mentioned in the preceding 
See if you can find a fowl which has feathered shanks, but which 
should have smooth ones. 

Brereps anp Varieties (Continued ) 

Srupy carefully the characteristics of each variety of 

chickens pictured in figures 11 to 30. 

. Name the solid-colored fowls we have studied. 
. Name the black-and-white fowls. 
. Name the black-and-red fowls. 
. Name the fowls having feathered shanks. 
. Describe the different combs we have studied. 

Oo PB Fo We 

1. Tell the characteristics of each fowl represented in Lesson V. 
2. A fowl is medium in size, white-and-black in color, and has a 
rose comb, and smooth yellow shanks. Give class, breed, and 
3. A fowl is small and white, and has a single comb and smooth, 
yellow shanks. Classify. 
4. A fowl is large, black, has a single comb and feathered shanks. 
5. A fowl is large, black-and-white, has a pea comb and feathered 
shanks. Classify. 
6. A fowl is large, black-and-red, with a single comb, and feathered 
shanks. Classify. 
. Let each pupil describe a fowl, and let the rest of the class 
name it. 
8. What colors are characteristic of the fowls we have studied? 
9. Name the fowls having smooth shanks. 


10. Name the fowls having feathered shanks. 


Tell the characteristics of all the pure varieties that you see on the 
road to and from school. 



Fic. 11.—Black Langshans. 

Fic. 12.—Single Comb Black Minorcas. 


Fia. 13.—Buff Cochins. 

Fic, 14.—Single Comb Buff Leghorns. 


Fig. 16.—Single Comb Buff Orpingtons. 

Fic. 18.—Single Comb White Orpingtons. 


Fig. 19:—Single Comb White Leghorns. 

Fic. 20.—White Wyandottes 


Fig. 22.—Dark Brahmas. 



iy NN 

| Att 

Fic. 24.—Silver Wyandottes. 


Fic. 25.—Single Comb Rhode Island Reds. 

Fic. 26.—Cornish. 


Fic. 27.—Partridge Cochins. 

Fic. 28.—Single Comb Brown Leghorns. 


Fic. 29.—Houdans. 

Fia. 30.—Silver Spangled Hamburgs. 

Ler each pupil bring to school a good specimen of the 
variety of fowl grown at home (Fig. 31). Number the 

fowls and, if coops are not handy, tie each one’s feet together 

Fie. 31.—Children describing breeds and varieties. 

and place the fowls on the floor, with numbers on the wall 
above them. Let each pupil make a blank ecard and fill it in 
with the names and characteristics of the fowls exhibited, to 

correspond with the chart on Page 13. The children should 


note carefully whether or not all the characteristics of the 
fowls are as they should be. 

Tlistorical data regarding the origin of our domestic 
fowls is not available to any great extent, but there are 
many points of similarity in the habits, color and form of 
the Wild Jungle Fowl! that point to its being the probable 
ancestor of our domestic poultry. Many scientists working 
independently of each other have come to this same con- 
clusion. The Jungle Fowl (Gallus Bankiva) agrees very 
closely in shape and color with the Black Breasted Red 
Game Bantams, with the exception of being somewhat 
larger in size. This wild fowl will very readily cross with 

many of our domestic fowls. 

Turkeys, Ducks anp GEESE 

Tue turkey is an American fowl (Fig. 32). When this 
country was first discovered, whole flocks of the large stately 

birds were found wild in the woods. They wandered about 

S= WN \ 

Fic. 32.—Bronze turkey. 

catching insects and picking up seeds and berries for food. 
At night they perched in the trees. Although at the present 
day there are comparatively few wild turkeys left in this 
country, those that have been domesticated retain many of 
the characteristics of their wild ancestors. They do much 

better if allowed to wander through fields and pastures, 


foraging for their food, than if they are penned within the 
limited space of a poultry yard. 

The domestic turkey is larger than the wild one. The 
following table shows the Standard varieties and weights: 

2-yearold l-yearold Less than 1- 1-year old Less than 1-year 

mlae male year old male female old female 
ISTONZe Waele) sce 36 Ib. 33 |b. 25 Ib. 20 Ib. 16 Ib. 
Narraganset ... 30 Ib. 25 Lbs 20 Ib. 18 lb. 12elb: 
White Holland ,, 28 lb. 20 Ib. 18 lb. 14 Ib. 
Black Holland .. 27 lb. 18 Jb. 18 lb. 12 lb: 
Buff Holland .. 27 db. 18 lb. 18:4lb: Zeb: 
Slate Holland .. 27 Ib. -18 Jb. 18 Jb. 12s 1b. 
Bourbon Holland. 30 Ib. 22a. 18 Ib. 14 Ib. 

Ducks are water fowls directly descended from the wild 

ducks which are found everywhere throughout the Northern 

Fig. 33.—Pekin ducks, 

Hemisphere, nesting in the North and migrating to the 

South for the winter. Like all true water fowls they have 


webbed feet, adapted to swimming. Their mouth parts are 
much larger than the mouth parts of chickens, and are called 
bills instead of beaks. There is a little strainer arranged 
on either side of the mouth, so that water can be taken in at 

the front of the bill, and passed out through the strainers, 

Fig. 34.—Runner ducks. 

leaving in the mouth any particles of food that may have 
been present in the water. The females of these fowl are 
ealled ducks, and the males drakes. 

Ducks are grown for their meat, eggs, and feathers. The 
Pekin (Fig. 833) and Runner ducks (Fig. 34) present the 
two extremes in types, the Pekin being the meat and feather 

type, while the Runner is the egg type. 


It is not necessary for domesticated ducks to have water 

to swim in. However, since they require much water to 

- drink, they do best where they can have access to fresh, 
running water all the time. 

Fig. 35.—Toulouse geese. 

The following table shows the Standard varieties and 

weights of ducks: 

Adult Young Adult Young 
Breed Variety drake drake duck duck 

Bekin'sstye session. White 9 lbs. 8 Ibs 8 lbs 7 \bs. 
Aylesbury...... White 9 lbs. 8 lbs 8 lbs 7 I|bs. 
FROUCTI Nc eisiere eyes: « Colored 9 lbs. 8 lbs. 8 lbs. 7 Ibs. 
Cayuga’. sas on Black 8 lbs. 7 Ibs. 7 lbs. 6 lbs. 
Crested......... White 7 Ibs. 6 lbs. 6 lbs 5 lbs. 
Muscovy....... Colored 10 lbs. 8 Ibs. 7 lbs. 6 lbs. 
Swedish. ....... Blue 8 lbs. 63 lbs. 7 Ibs. 53 Ibs. 
RRUNNCTY eis loietesese Fawn and white 44 lbs. 4 lbs. 

Callas ioee ccs Gray 
(CrillacsGanunang White Appreciated for their smallness 


Geese are water fowls with bills and webbed feet very 
much like those of ducks. They are grown more for their 
flesh and feathers than for their eggs, and they do best 
where they have good grass pasture and plenty of fresh 
water. The male is called a gander, and the female a 
goose (Fig. 35). 

The table which follows gives the Standard breeds, vari- 


ties and weights: 

Adult Young Adult Young 

Breeds Varieties gander gander goose goose 
Toulousé’.:caasee ces + Gray 25 lbs. 20 Ibs. 20 Ibs. 16 lbs. 
Bim PO Giits ace eres 1-8 White 20 lbs. 18 lbs. 18 lbs. 16 lbs. 
ALEDIGAI vc arose bee's coe oe Gray 20 Ibs. 16 lbs. 18 lbs. 14 lbs. 
@hinesere.c ce sie ee ous ere Brown 12 lbs. 10 lbs. 10 lbs. 8 lbs. 
@hines6iseeaes sees oe White 12 lbs. 10 lbs. 10 lbs. 8 lbs. 
Wild or Canadian..... Gray 12 lbs. 10 lbs. 10 Ibs. 8 lbs. 
JDatg anne: eles Sr oomaicG Colored 10 lbs. 8 lbs. 8 lbs. 6 lbs. 


. What varieties of chickens confuse you the most? 
Give the characteristics of the Barred Plymouth Rock. 

es bo 

Give the characteristics of the Rhode Island Red. 
4, Give the characteristics of the Buff Orpington. 
5. Compare a White Wyandotte and a White Orpington, 

. Name the varieties of turkeys. 
2. Where is their native home? 
3. Which variety is the most common? 
4. Name the varieties of ducks. 
5. What are they raised for? 
6. Deseribe the mouth parts. 
7. What are the males called? 
8. What are Runner ducks noted for? 
9. Name the varieties of geese. 

10. What is their principal value? 


Ar all contests and shows the judges must have some 
uniform standard by which they can make their decisions. 
The guide used in judging the poultry at the various exlu- 
bitions held in America is a book called the American Stand- 
ard of Perfection, which is published by the American 
Poultry Association.. Since this association is composed of 
the leading poultry breeders of the country, it is naturally 
the highest authority on poultry in America. It decides 
many of the questions that arise in connection with the poul- 
try industry. It also decides the points which are necessary 
to make a perfect fowl, and names the percentage which, in 
judging, must be deducted from the grade of each section 
that is not perfect. All of these particulars are to be found 
in the Standard of Perfection. 

Page 36 shows a score card used by judges in marking 
fowls. The percentage taken off for a defect in the shape of 
any section is placed in the first column, and that taken off 
for defective color is placed in the second column. The de- 
ductions are then added; and their sum, subtracted from 

one hundred, leaves the fowl’s score. During the fall sea- 
3 3333 


son, fowls are usually judged by comparison; that is, the 
judges carefully compare the competing birds section by 
section, and award the prizes to the best fowls. 

There are some defects which are so serious as to dis- 
qualify a fowl and prevent it from winning a prize. There 
is not space to list all of these disqualifications here, but the 
following list will give some idea of the kinds of defects 
which make a chicken unfit for exhibition. 

In all breeds required to have unfeathered shanks, any 
feathers or stubs or down on shanks, feet, or toes, or unmis- 
takable indications of feathers having been plucked from 

A wing showing clipped flights or secondaries, or both, 
except in water fowls. 

Lopped combs, except in Mediterranean and Dorking 
females; rose combs falling over to one side or so large as 
to obstruct the sight; combs foreign to the breed; split or 
fish-tail combs; side sprig on all single-comb varieties; 
decidedly wry tails; crooked backs; plucked hocks; de- 
formed beaks; absence of spike in all rose-comb varieties, 
except Silkies, Malays and Malay Bantams; decidedly 
squirrel tail in all breeds except Japanese Bantams. 

In four-toed breeds, more or less than four toes on either 


In five-toed breeds, more or less than five toes on either 

Legs and toes of color foreign to breed. 

Entire absence of main tail feathers. 

Some defects are not serious enough to disqualify the 
specimen. Tor these, a percentage is deducted from the 
grade, or score. In applying the score card, judges are to 

discount for the more common defects as follows: 

Too many or too few points on comb, each ........ % point. 
RearmOr Comba turmMing aROUNC) Soe cence see se eee = = W% to | point. 
Goarsemtexturer Of «COMM “04522. ..656.00s000. 060s % to 1 point. 
Goanse texture Ole wabblest acs. cae eee oa ae ve ee ene % to 1 point. 
Missing feather or part of feather in primaries or 

secondaries where foreign color disqualifies .... 1 to 5 points. 
Irregular barring in Barred Plymouth Rocks, in each 

SECUION™ AVINCLE) TOUIMC ipa s tes erences cleis/ste'e =o agiaias = 1%, to 1% point. 
Tail in any variety showing not to exceed 4, develop- 

AYVETI Gmmee re etisicay swe favre er cies eyes (ot nee analre, eas or nie goa sas oes 3 points. 
@rooked: toes. ach 22.5.5.-.8 20.408 e ees seccseeae % to 1 point. 

The greater number of fowls score between 85 and 95, 



To be filled out on A. P. A. Card in Standard. 

LDN GOUT: Bove 5 co socene? «stares aegis beted io aE 4 auaic ds as eRe ene ee 
MOP oscaxeoavawscke tetas Rae OCR cert 245 tee ee 
Bintry NOs; 4: .02.0:2.. (Band Noy i..22sic..0. (Weightereeeees see 


| | 
Shape Color Remarks 

Weight or Size . . er er eee ee Pee Pe Pte eo sn oe asc 
Condition . ga Pde e Eoct| fess w Sls Se eetelidds wecne Sane once eee 
COM: o.2 Moats ele es ere Pe 
13 Ls nr ee ny Param PRSPe er weUMr eR rn Sk 
Beale. 2.e0 turds aba iosce ee ole © oe 2 lapoeecie sillaye-c 2g 392/0 
Kyes . Nec ant tecstanstrs Wiraiall ee Se tells arcuetare ena rea en 
Wattles, “Rar Lobes. ics.) .|o.:120\4.804|-o0c00.4s eee en 
ING 2 Se, 5 pidncte aC qgse <ibr co ehabels © lier anne ek | daeraeecey | easner el erat gor a 
eee ee ol mcenea ep ag Irie piirst| ose s8 dade 


Breast. . aeagescissesjcreesscs peereere rer te 


Legs and Toes....... 

y and Fluff .. ee ae cach neha oe 

ey seeeefeateefearee one 46 2 ole a 
*Short of Feather. ee ne ene eR le 

Mahal Gute oe kote oh) Score... 2. 0e eee 

+ Applies to crested breeds. * Applies to Games and Game Bantams. 


. Name the varieties of turkeys. 

. Name the varieties of ducks. 

. Name the varieties of geese. 

. What are the valuable qualities of ducks? 
. What are the valuable qualities of geese? 
. What are the valuable qualities of turkeys? 


. What is meant by disqualification? 
. Name a disqualification. 

. What is meant by defect? 


What is the authority on poultry in America? 
What is the judge’s guide in making his decisions? 
What is a score card? 
How is it used? 
How is the score found? 
What method of judging is there in addition to judging by card? 

Describe a defect which is not a disqualification; and tell how 
such a defect should affect a fowl’s score. 


Make a score card. Judge the sections of a fow! and fill out the 

eard, using your own idea of how each section should be 



One of the most important questions connected with the 
care of poultry is that of housing, for the health of the fowl 


Fic, 36.—A building which insures good circulation of air, 

depends largely upon the surroundings while it is asleep. 
The primary consideration in building a poultry house is to 
insure a good circulation of air (Fig. 36). Since many of 
the impurities of a chicken’s body are carried off through 
its breath, an abundance of fresh air is essential. Under 

no cirewnstances should a poultry house be kept too warm. 


A chicken is provided by nature with feathers to protect it 
against severe weather; accordingly it should not be ex- 
pected to thrive in as warm a house as a man ean live in. 
The location for the house should be chosen very ecare- 
fully. A high, well-drained place, if possible on sandy soil, 
will prove the most desirable. The structure should face 

south so as to receive sunlight and air from that direction ; 

Fic. 37.—The location of the house should face south with door located in the 
southeast corner, 

and the door should be located in the southeast corner (Fig. 
36). Ifa droppings board is used on the north side, win- 
dows should be placed under the board to distribute light to 
all parts of the floor. 

The house should conform in size to the number of fowls 
it is intended to shelter. On the average farm, where two 
horses, two cows, and a few hogs are kept, it is considered 

profitable to keep from eighty to one hundred hens; for that 


number will be able to get along with the grain and scraps 
they pick up, and will not require much extra food. If a 
flock of this size is allowed free range, it can easily be accom- 
modated in a house 16 * 20 feet, which will allow between 

three and four square feet of floor space to each fowl. 


Fic. 38.--Colony house. 

Though various materials are used in building poultry 
houses, wood gives the best satisfaction. Concrete floors 
are good, but concrete walls make the house too damp. 

The plans shown in Figures 36 and 37 are both prae- 
tical. One is for a house with an open front which will 

admit both air and light. The other has slat ventilators to 



admit air, and windows for lighting purposes. The ar- 
rangement of the rooms will be discussed in the lesson on 

Some especial provision must be made for the housing of 
young chicks, for they are not old enough or strong enough 
to protect themselves against changes in the weather, and 
are apt to crowd together if the nights are chilly. A colony 
house (Fig. 38), about 8 & 12 feet in size, with a front like 
that of one of the larger poultry houses, should prove an 
effective shelter for the young stock. The brooders can be 
placed within such a house, and can be left there until the 
chicks are from five to seven weeks old, when the brooders 
are removed and fireless hovers substituted. The age at 
which this transfer can be made depends partly upon the 

season of the year. When the chicks are large enough to 
use the roost poles, which are placed about sixteen inches 
from the floor, the hovers can be removed. 

Houses such as this should be built on skids or runners so 
that they can be drawn from place to place to furnish the 
chickens with range in summer, and can be drawn together 
in winter for protection to the fowls. 

Explain the score ecard. 
Name the two methods of judging poultry. 
What guide is used in judging poultry? 
What would be the condition of contests without a guide for 

What is a defect? 

PR wON eS 





. Why do poultry need a house? 

. Should a poultry house be warm enough for man? 
. How large should the house be? 

. Explain why a house should face the south. 

. Where should the openings be? 

. What kind of material should be used? 

. Deseribe the colony house. 

. Tell how it should be equipped. 

. Give size of colony house. 

. Should chicks be kept in the house? If so, when? 


Measure the poultry house at home and estimate the number of 

birds it will accommodate, allowing three square feet of floor 
space per fowl. 


Sryce the poultry house is the home of the poultry, it 
should be equipped for their comfort with roosts, nests, feed 
hoppers, drinking fountains, ete. The roosts are of especial 

Fia. 39.—Section of house showing roosts, dropping boards and nests. 

importance. They should be about three or four feet from 

the floor, and on a level, so that the chickens will not crowd 

to the highest perch. Sawed sticks about two inches square, 

with the top corners rounded, make good roosts (Fig. 59). 

About eight or ten inches under them, a droppings board 

should be placed, so that the entire floor of the poultry 


house may be used for scratching room. The roosts should 
be movable so that they can be taken out when the drop- 
pings board is to be cleaned. 

If the nests are on the floor of the house, the hens are 

often tempted to eat their eggs. Accordingly, one good, 


clean raised nest should be provided for each four hens. 


Fic. 40.—Indoor feed hopper. 

These nests should be kept filled with clean, fresh straw, 
so that the eggs will be clean and unbroken. A good place 
for the nests is under the droppings board. (Fig. 39.) 

In addition to roosts and nests, feed hoppers and drink- 
ing vessels should be provided (Figs. 40 and 41). The 

feed hoppers, which should be placed so that the fowls ean 


easily get the food, are to be used only for mash. Grain 
should be thrown into the litter, so that the birds will get 
some exercise in scratching for it. The drinking vessels 
should be such as to insure an abundant supply of fresh 
water to the fowls all the time. They should be of a kind 
that is easily cleaned, and should be up off the floor, so that 
litter cannot be scratched into them. Every care should be 

Fia. 41.—Outdoor feed hopper. 

taken to keep both feed and water clean and free from dis- 
ease germs. 

Special coops should be provided for the hens that be- 
come broody (Vig. 42). These coops should be raised off 
the ground, and should have a floor made of slats about two 
inches apart, to insure a circulation of air under the heus. 

If the hens are kept cool in this manner, they will be 


broken of broodiness in a shorter length of time than if 
there were solid floors in the coops. If broody hens are well 

housed, and are fed and watered properly so as to keep their 

Fic. 42.—Broody coop. 

flesh up, they will go back to laying in a few days. If it is 
desired to set. a broody hen, she should be placed separate in 
a hatching box that will permit her to get to her own nest, 

but will prevent the other hens from bothering her. 


or wh Co 

me Oo DN re 

Oo ont co OK 




. Deseribe a good poultry house. 

. Which way should the house face? 
. Describe the openings. 

. Describe the materials used. 

. Describe a colony house. 


. Why should we use feed hoppers? 
. What feed should be given in hoppers? Why? 

What feed should not be given in feed hoppers? Why? 

. Where should the feed hoppers be placed? 

. Where should the water be placed? 

. Describe a broody coop. 

. Why has it an open slat bottom? 

- How should hens be treated when in broody coops? 

. Describe a hatching box. 

. What are some of the advantages of a hatching box? 


Build either a feed hopper or a brooay coop. 



Every farm should have its poultry yard, which the 


poultry should recognize as ‘“ home.” It is not necessary, 
however, to keep the fowls penned in that yard. On most 
farms, it is more profitable to fence in lawns and gardens 
to keep the poultry out, than to pen the fowls in an en- 
closure; for if the flock is allowed free range, it will pick 
up most of its food about the farm, eating scattered grain 
and weed seeds, and catching insects that might otherwise 
prove harmful to the crops. 

It is always wise, however, to have a breeding yard. 
In this yard should be put the good winter layers; for they 
are the most profitable hens, since one winter egg is worth 
two or three summer eggs. Often a flock is allowed to run 
down through failure on the part of an owner to insure good 
hatchings. The winter layers are the first to go to sitting 
in the spring. About the time these hens become broody, 
the “ loafing” hens start to lay; and the good hens are set 
on the poor hens’ eggs. This is a sure method of weakening 
a flock. If, on the contrary, the winter layers are kept in 
the breeding yard, and their eggs used for hatching, the 

flock will be certain to show improvement. Towards the 


close of the hatching season, these hens may be turned out 
with the flock, and the yard used for young chickens. 

The fencing of a yard is a very important question (Tig. 
43). If the yard is square, or very nearly so, it will be 
found, as the diagram (Fig. 44) will show, that more 

ground can be fenced with the same amount of wire used 

Fig. 43.—A good poultry yard fence. 

than to fence a rectangular yard. Moreover, it will readily 

be seen that the chickens in yard No. 1 of the diagram can 

get further from the fence than those in yard No. 2. Ac 

cordingly, since they have more freedom, the former 

chickens will not be so greatly tempted to try to get out. 

A heavy wire fence six feet high, with a one-inch mesh at 


the bottom, makes a good fence for both old and young 
fowls. Since fowls usually fly to the top of a fence, and 
then down to the other side, there should be no board or 
other heavy finish at the top of the fence to afford a perch. 

It is a good plan to have two yards for each room of 

the house, so that the chickens ean be shut out of one while 

Yard No. 1 Yard No. 2. 

— — 

: Ie 

Fia. 44.—Two poultry yards, each divided into four pens. The square yards in 
No. 1 require less fence than the rectangular yards in No. 2. 

green food is being grown in the other. In this way the 


soil will always be kept fresh and free from disease. 

How should grain be fed? 
How should mash be fed? 
What is the best way to break broody hens? 
How should broody hens be fed? 

or we 

Deseribe a hatching box. 



1. Should poultry have a yard? Why? 

2. What are the advantages of a free range? 

3. What kind of poultry yards should be fenced? 

4. How large should a yard be? 

5. What change could be made with the fowls in a pen? 
6. How do fowls get over the fence? 

7. What shape should the yard be? 

8. Give some advantages of this shape, 

9. Why should the yard be divided? 

10. What kind of fence is best and why? 


How many farms do you know of which have a poultry yard separate 
from other yards? 

Freps anp Frrpine 

In their wild state, fowls wandered at will, and got their 
food by hunting and scratching for seeds, insects, worms, 
and so forth. With unlimited range, and all sorts of foods at 
their disposal, it was an easy matter for them to get foods 
containing the necessary elements for proper nourishment. 
Now that fowls have become domesticated, however, it is 
necessary for those who raise them to make sure that they 
are provided with food containing body-building substances, 
as well as ege-forming material, if eggs are desired. 

There are two classes of foods necessary to the proper 
nourishment of an animal’s body. One consists of protein, 
the muscle builder, which is composed chiefly of nitrogen. 
The other consists of the carbohydrates, which build fat and 
supply heat and energy. Sugar and starch are among the 
chief carbohydrates. at answers the same purpose as 
sugar and starch, and is two and one-fourth times as 

A fowl should have about one part protein to each five 
parts of carbohydrates. A ration which has this relation 
is said to be a balanced ration. A ration in which the rela- 
tion of protein to carbohydrates is as one to four is called a 
narrow ration; that in which the relationship is as one to 
six is called a wide ration. 

In order to determine the relative value of two or more 



foods, add all the protein they contain, and then add all the 
carbohydrates. Divide the sums by the amount of protein. 
It will be found, of course, that the protein goes into the sum 

of the proteins once. The number of times it is contained 


Fic. 45.—Internal organs of hen; 1, mouth parts, receive food and air; 2, 
csophagus, conveys food to crop; 3, crop, for softening food; 4, stomach, secretes 
digestive fluids; 5, gizzard, grinds food; 6, duodenum, receives pancreatic juice; 
7, pancreas, secretes pancreatic juice; 8, liver, stores food and secretes bile; 9, 
intestine, absorbs nourishing parts of food; 10, ceca, for absorption; 11, cloaca, 
common opening for intestine, kidney, and oviduct; 12, Ovary, develops yolks of 
eggs; 13, funnel of oviduct, receives yolk from ovary; 14, Albumen section of 
oviduct, forms white around the yolk; 15, isthmus of oviduct, forms soft shell; 
16, uterus of oviduct, forms hard shell; 17, kidneys, take out impurities; 18, 
trachexe (windpipe), conveys air to lungs; 19, lungs, purify blood; 20, heart, keeps 
up the circulation of the blood; 21, spleen, acts on red blood-corpuscles. 

in the carbohydrates will show the relative value of the 

The following table gives the amounts of protein and 
carbohydrates in certain foods, together with their relative 
value. From this table select feeds to make a balanced 




Foodstuffs Percentage of | Percentage of Nutritive 
Protein Carbohydrates Ratio 
and Fats 
Barley \ seeean ss seins 8.75 67.24 Veit 
3uckwheat ........ 8.1 53.6 136.9 
STOO GOL seiereretee [abe 57.66 eas} 
Indian corn ........ 8.6 Tose SHS) 
Waites SCOR evacuees (5) 76.5 1210.3 
lax. SCCM wes ser aret ate 20.6 82.35 134:0 
GAS ec, sete ceencciet noes 9.2 56.7 136-2 
Cow Weds” se-ca6..s: 18.3 56.7 Tidal 
Mallet seed’ 2.5221. 2 - 19.63 43.38 L222 
RICE flare seeia. seenetenens Dic 68.3 ees 
RY Cite lskeress toreeetes <a uctels Gen 66.1 1:8.8 
Sorghum seed ...... (WAU 59.1 1:8.4 
STON JURE ty eda aaa 29.6 54.7 132.0) 
Sunflower seed ..... 2a 86.1 Weiffell 
Wheat, plump ..... 9.2 63.8 1:6.9 
Wheat, shrunken ... 9.8 64.3 1:6.5 
Alfalfa meal ....... 12:3 40.7 L338 
Buttermilk 2.22226 4.0 5.5 Lelie: 
Sin pai ike 22 ees ape to eleg 
WW Tole winner peceneren 545) 32 1:3.7 
Dried milks 292525... lee 18.6 1:0.4 
Beck Sscrapsi sere ee- 54.0 29:6 1:0.5 
Dried blood ........ 78.6 
Green cut bone ..... 27.8 5.8 
Wear tan DItauth ney eee aneeeeene 12.62 43.9 Tee: 
Wheat middlings ... 12.2 61.9 1:5.1 
Wheat shorts! cious: 13.02 54.5 1342 
Cracked corn ...... (eth 74.0 nega in le 
Steel “cut oats 2.22% 10.6 66.3 1:6.2 
Corn meal ......<.. 6.4 73.9 Peles 
Rolled oats ........ 9.5 65.5 ee 
Cottonseed meal ... 41.1 40.4 WILD) 
Gluten meal ....... 25.8 74.8 1:29 
Linseed oil meal ... 24.4 61.6 1:2.5 
(old process ) 
Linseed oil meal ... 26.1 sy i1t 1:2.0 

(new process) 


Although proteins and carbohydrates are the main 
elements needed for the nourishment of fowls, there are 
other essential elements. Most of these are present in the 
foods that contain the proteins and carbohydrates, but there 
are some few elements that must be supplied. Among these 
are common salt (sodium chloride), which should be given 
to fowls, as to other animals. Care should be taken in 
regulating the amount, however, as too much salt proves 

Other minerals, such as lime, the fowls get from gravel, 
sand, ground oystershell, ete. These hard, sharp particles 
serve two purposes: they grind the food in the gizzard of 
the fowl, as well as furnish minerals. It is always well to 
remember in this connection that poultry do not grind their 
food in their mouths, as most animals do, but in their giz- 
zards. Accordingly, part of the food should be ground 
before being fed to the fowl, as an aid to digestion. 

The following ration is good for laying hens. If the 
fowls are allowed free range, however, the food they pick up 

outside should be considered in feeding them. 


C@onmameall Fv. .ceae ee NOOMbDSs Me Shorts sence eee 40 lbs. 
Cmoundeyoatss 27 cie rer) ss 1OOMbS i Beetescraps's.).2 serce vic 20 Ibs. 
Wwilveaitan Wrame scmueevent ces NOOMbsS ee Hines salt. cee. 2 Ibs. 

The grain fed with this ration should be composed of 


equal parts of cracked corn and wheat, and should'be seat- 
tered in the litter morning and evening. 

Chareoal and grit should be before the fowls all the 

In order to fatten fowls, they should be confined in a 
coop and fed a wide ration, which contains a large per- 
centage of carbohydrates. Corn meal and shorts, moistened 
with buttermilk, make a good food for fattening. 

Plenty of fresh, clean water should be before the fowls 

at all times. 
Tell how fowls get over fences. 
Describe a good poultry fence. 
Give size and shape of a farm poultry yard. 
“What advantage is there in fencing the poultry yard? 
What disadvantage? 

go to 



1. Hew do fowls grind their food? 

2. Give the two values of grit. 

3. What are the two classes of foods needed? 

4. What is protein and what does it do? 

5. What are carbohydrates and what do they do? 

6. What is a “balanced ration”? and how do you figure a ration 
where several feeds are combined? 

7. What is a narrow ration? A wide ration? 

8. Give a good ration for laying hens. 

9. Give a good ration for fattening fowls. 

10. Name the digestive organs of a fowl and tell the work done by 

Mix a balanced ration for laying hens and bring a sample of the 
mixture to school. 

Frrepine THE Baby CuicKks 
Axout the time a baby chick is ready to leave its shell, it 
draws the yolk of the egg into its body. Nature has given 
this yolk to the chick as a sort of lunch basket which contains 
food enough to last for several days. This is a wise provi- 

sion on the part of Dame Nature, for the little chick is very 

Fic. 46.—Digestive organs of a baby chick; 1, crop, in which food is softened; 
2, stomach, in which digestive juices are mixed with the 100d; 3, gizzard,in which 
the grinding is done by means of small pieces of stone, called grit; 4, intestines; 5, 
yolk, which serves as food for the baby chick for the first few days after it comes 
out of the shell; 6, Coeea or blind pouches. Much of the digested foods enter these, 
the nourishing parts being absorbed. 

weak for some time after leaving the egg and does not know 
just what to eat nor where to find it. The yolk furnishes it 
with food until it grows strong enough to shift for itself. 
(Fig. 46). 

The baby chick should not be fed until it has used at 
least a part of this yolk. It is not well, however, to wait too 
long before feeding it. If the chick grows too hungry, it is 



likely to gorge itself. From twenty-four to forty-eight 
hours after hatching is a good age at which to begin feeding. 
Only a small quantity of food should be given to begin with, 
but the amount should be gradually increased as the yolk 
is used, 

Some claim that sour milk or buttermilk, if given to the 
chick before any food is given, will have a medicinal value 
in controlling diseases of the intestines. It will at least do 
no harm to give the chicks a few drops of the milk, which 
is a valuable food. All through the chick’s life buttermilk 
and sour milk are very beneficial and, to some degree, take 
the place of meats. 

The first day’s feed for the chick may be of hard boiled 
ege, ground up fine, shell, yolk and white thoroughly mixed. 
If the shell is not included in the mixture, some fine sand 
should be sprinkled over the food. Grit or sand should not, 
however, be given to chicks in quantities during the first 
few days; for the chicks are likely to eat too much of it. 

The feed for the second and third days should be a mix- 
ture of boiled eggs, bread crumbs, and oatmeal. The egg 
and bread crumbs should be gradually omitted, and wheat 
bran added to take their place. When the chick is about a 
week old, it may be given a good grade of chick feed for 
grain, and a mixture of corn meal, oatmeal, and wheat bran 
for mash. At the age of two months, chicks may be fed the 

ration for laying hens. 



. Name the digestive organs of a fowl. 

. Explain a ‘balanced ration.” 

. Explain a “wide ration;” a “narrow ration.” 
Give a ration for laying hens. 

. Give a ration for fattening poultry. 

moo DO 



1. What is the yolk of an egg for? 

2. How long will the yolk last the baby chick? 

3. Where does the yolk enter the intestine? 

4. When should the first feed be given to the baby chick? 

5. What should its first feed be? 

6. When and how should grit be given? 

7. What is the danger in waiting too long to feed the chick? 

8. What should the chick’s feed be the second week? 

9, At what age should it be given the ration for laying hens? 
10. Is sour milk a good food? 


Kill a hen at home and examine the digestive organs; name each 
organ as you locate it. 


Experiments have proved that it is best to keep the 
various breeds and varieties pure. It is a risky business 
to attempt cross-mating. Those who practise it usually 
fail, and find it necessary to begin all over again. Those 
who wish to experiment, should try cross breeding with only 
afew chickens. The main flock, to produce the best results, 
should be kept pure. 

In order to improve the farm flock, it is a good practice 
to select the best fowls and place them in a pen by them- 
selves, and to hatch from this pen only. If eggs for hateh- 
ing are taken from the entire flock, the results are uncertain, 
and failure is likely. Only those fowls should be selected 
which have constitutional vigor. It is not necessarily the 
largest chickens that are the best. Other characteristics 
than size should be considered. The fowls should have 
clear voices, and prominent, clear eyes. They should stand 
firm, with their feet flat on the ground and their toes well 
spread. The toes should have short nails, and the knees 
should be set well apart. If the chickens are in good con- 
dition, they should be quick and active, and should get out 
early in the morning and stay out late at night. 



The shape of the fowls 1s a very important considera- 
tion. Hens which are wedge shaped—narrow in front and 
wide behind—are usually the best ege producers. The 
blocky, square or rectangular shape is the best for meat pro- 
duction. Under no circumstances should fowls which show 
weaknesses of any kind be used for breeding. All those 
should be discarded which have any prominent defects, such 
as crooked backs or breast bones, wry tails, single combs 
in rose comb varieties, or rose combs in single comb varie- 
ties, feathers on shanks, in smooth-shank varieties, or 
smooth shanks in feathered-shank varieties. 

It is the tendency among fowls of the parti-colored 
varieties, for the males to become lighter and the females 
darker in color through breeding. In order to produce 
males and females of the same color, it is necessary to have 
two breeding pens. One of the pens should be used for 
fowls lighter in color than wanted, and the other for darker 
fowls. The first pen will produce females of the desired 
color, and the second will produce males of the desired color. 
This method, which is called double mating, is practised by 
some fanciers to produce exhibition fowls. 

If males and females from the same pen are kept to- 
gether for breeding, the results are likely to be bad. This 
practice is called in-breeding. In order to avoid it, some 
breeders keep two pens or lines which were originally from 

the same pen. The fowls are mated from these two lines. 


The results of this method, which is called line breeding, 

are likely to be good; for, while the fowls are of the same 


oe WD He 


ood, they are distantly related. 


. What is the yolk of an egg for? 

. When should the baby chick be fed? 

. What should its first feed be? 

. How should grit be given? 

. Explain the changes in the feed ration for the first two months. 


. How can the flock be improved? 

. What is the most important point in selecting breeders? 

. Does the movement of a fowl tell anything of its vigor? 

. Name some points of a good fowl. 

. Name some points of an inferior fowl. 

. What is the egg-producing shape? 

. What is the meat-producing shape? 

. Should breeds and varieties be crossed? 

. What is the breeding tendency of fowls whose color is black- 

. What is * double mating?” 


lect and mark some good breeders and some poor breeders and 
write out your reasons for the selection. 


Ir is natural for a hen to lay twelve or fifteen eggs and 

then to become broody. By selection and careful breeding, 

Fig. 47.—Hatching box. 

hens have been brought to lay many more eggs than this 
number ; but most hens, sooner or later, want to sit. If it is 
desired to hateh chicks, a hen should be removed to a hateh- 
ing box as soon as she becomes broody (Fig. 47). This box 
should be arranged with a runway in front of the nest 
so that the hen will be able to get some exercise, and to reach 

the food and water placed there for her, without bothering 


the other hens, or being bothered by them, during the period 
of incubation. 

By incubation we mean the developing of the chick inside 
of theege. An egg is composed of four parts; Ist, the living 
germ, which develops into the chick ; 2d, the yolk, which is 
food for the chick after it leaves the shell; 3d, the white, 
or albumen, which is food for the embryo while in the shell ; 

and 4th, the shell, which is for protection. The white is 

Fig. 48.—This chick is only 24 hours old; it still has the chipper on its beak, yet 
it is growing some wing feathers. 

composed principally of protein and water; and the yolk 
contains a large amount of fat. 

The microscopic germ is located in a small, white spot 
(the germinal disk) on the top of the yolk. This spot always 
turns to the top; and if the egg is not moved, the yolk will 
rise through the albumen so that it can receive the heat from 
the hen above. If left in this position too long, the embryo 
will stick to the shell. To avoid this catastrophe, the hen 

turns the egg two or three times a day. 


Air passes through the pores of the shell for use by the 
embryo as it develops. If the pores are stopped by a coat of 
oil or dirt, the embryo smothers. If the eggs are permitted 
to dry out too much, there will not be enough albumen left 
to make the chick large and strong enough to break the shell 
and get out, and it will die in the shell. 

After about twenty-one days of incubation, the chick is 
ready to leave its shell (Fig. 48). Although it is not very 
strong, it is able to make its way through the hard shell with- 
out very much difficulty, for Nature has provided it with a 
hard, sharp point which is fastened to the end of its beak. 
With the aid of this little instrument, the chick breaks out 
of its shell. It first makes a little hole in about the middle 

of the largest part of the egg. Then it turns itself around 


inside of the egg, breaking the shell as it goes. This makes 

a broken ring around the egg, so that just a little pressure is 
needed to force the two halves of the shell apart, and let 
the little chick out into a big world where all things are 
strange and new. 

The process of incubation goes on just the same 
whether the eggs are hatched by a hen or by an incubator. 
An incubator, as you know, is a machine whereby chickens 
are hatched by artificial heat. As the demand for poultry 
and poultry products became greater and greater, some 
such machine became necessary; for men wanted to rear 

greater numbers of chickens than it was possible to hatch 


with hens. There are now many types of incubators, hold- 
ing from fifty eggs to several thousand eggs each. They are 
heated by means of oil, coal, gas, or electricity. Hot air, or 
sometimes hot water, is distributed through pipes which 
pass through the upper part of the incubator, over the eggs. 

The temperature is held at 103 degrees for the first week ; 

Fic. 49.—A brood of chicks hatched in an incubator. 

but is increased to 104 degrees the second week, and remains 
stationary during the rest of the period of incubation. All 
incubators are self regulating; that is, they have some 
mechanical device for keeping the heat stationary. They 

require nothing on the part of the breeder save the keeping 

up of the fire and the turning of the eggs. This must be 


done once or twice a day from the third to the eighteenth 
day of incubation. The eggs must also be cooled and aired 
each day for about thirty minutes at the time they are 
turned. The construction of the incubator is so simple that 
it is almost impossible to have bad results with them if 

instructions are followed (Fig. 49). 


. Tell how to improve the flock. 

. Describe a fowl of high vitality. 
. Describe a fowl of low vitality. 
. Describe a good egg type. 

. Describe a good meat type. 

oF Whe 


. What is incubation? 

. What is the natural method of incubation ? 

. Name the parts of an egg. 

. Give the composition of the yolk and albumen. 
. Where is the germ located? 

. How long does it take a chick to develop? 

. Tell something of incubators. 

. Why should eggs be turned? 

. What temperature should be maintained? 

. How does a chick get out of the shell? 




Select a good meat type and a good egg type from among the fowls 
at home. 


Ir is natural for the hen to brood her young chicks—that 
is, to care for them until they are old enough to care for 
themselves. The good mother does not leave her nest as soon 
as a few of her chicks are hatched. Often her chicks are 
two days old before the hen gets off her nest. Even after 
that she looks after them carefully. She protects them 
from danger, and shelters them under her wings from cold 
and rain. She keeps them from going astray and finds food, 
such as seeds and insects, for them. She vahantly fights off 
any intruders. 

After the chicks are hatched, it is a good plan to place 
the hen in a brooding coop (Fig. 50). This coop should 
consist simply of a hover, with a runway in front of it. The 
runway should be fenced with slats close enough together to 
keep the hen from getting out, yet not close enough to pre- 
vent the little chicks from going through. Such a coop ean 
be placed in the yard or garden, or in any out-of-the-way 
place. As the chickens grow older, they will learn to range 
farther and farther, and yet will have the coop to run to in 
case of danger, and to go to at night. 

When chicks must be cared for without the hen, artificial 
brooders must be used. There are many kinds of brooders. 



Some are made to be placed inside a building, while some 
are built so that they can be used outside. There are heated 
brooders which are heated by means of oil, coal, gas, or elec- 
tricity, in much the same manner as an incubator, and fire- 

less broeders which are dependent upon the body heat of 

Fic. 50.—Brooding coop. 

the chicks. ‘There are brooder stoves made which will heat 
an entire room. 

Of course, natural brooding has some advantages over 
artificial brooding. A hen will take eare of the chicks while 

the owner is away—will fight enemies such as hawks and 


will protect the chicks from sudden showers. There is no 
danger of fire with a natural brooder, and the chicks are not 
often smothered by crowding, as they sometimes are in an 
artificial brooder. But on the other hand, an artificial 
brooder can take care of many more chicks than a hen; and 
the dangers it exposes them to are not much more serious 
than those they are likely to experience when mothered by 
a hen. Little chicks are often exposed by the hen to ver- 
min. Occasionally they are killed by their mothers, who 

fight them, step on them, or draggle them through wet 

Define natural and artificial incubation. 
Tell all you can about the different parts of an egg. 
Give the effects of the drying of an egg. 
Describe fully a hatching box. 
Deseribe an incubator. 



What does the hen do for the baby chick? 
What does the chick do for food just after hatching? 
What should a chick be fed first? 
What changes should be made in the food? 
Describe a good brood coop for hen and chickens. 

St go to 


3. Give some advantages of a brood coop. 

. What is a brooder? 

Name the different kinds of brooders. 

Give some advantages of both natural and artificial brooding. 

Coe | 


Give some disadvantages of each. 


Make a good brood coop for a hen and chickens. 


Ir is natural for some animals to live by eating plants. 
Others live by eating both plants and animals; while still 
others live upon animals alone. The last two classes in- 
clude the enemies of poultry, such as rats, cats, skunks, 
hawks, crows, lice, mites, aud so forth. 

Rats are thought to do more harm to the poultry indus- 
try than any other enemy excepting lice. They usually 
eatch little chickens at night, and kill them by biting them 
through the heads. Then they suck the blood, and drag the 
dead chickens away and hide them in some out-of-the-way 
place. Skunks kill chicks in very much the same way as 
rats, though they usually leave some of the dead chickens 
where they have killed them, dragging off only one or two 
to their dens, for food for their young. House eats, also, 
often catch and kill small chickens during the daytime; 
but they are very sly about it, so they are usually thought to 
be innocent. The surest way to combat these enemies is to 
build the coops and houses so that they cannot get in. 

In timbered regions, hawks are a great menace to chicks. 

The only way to protect the chicks against them is to kill the 


hawks. Sometimes they can be shot; or often they can be 
trapped with a steel trap placed on a high pole near the 
place where the chicks range. 

Crows often prove as dangerous as hawks. If they once 
start catching little chicks, they will work diligently, 
sometimes carrying off almost an entire flock in a single 
day. It is much easier to trap or shoot a crow, however, 
than a hawk; for the crow seems to forget danger when 
interested in its prey, while the hawk is always on the alert. 

Owls work at night. The screech owl, which makes 
the wild, weird sound at night, does very little damage to 
poultry, as it feeds chiefly on mice; but the great horned 
owlisa powerfulenemy. It knocks large fowls off the roost 
at night, and makes short work of them, while they are 
stunned by their fall. A steel trap on the top of a pole near 
the hen roost is usually effective in putting an end to the 
owl robber. 

Although all of these larger enemies are powerful ones, 
lice and mites are by far the most destructive foes of poul- 
try. The louse is a parasite which makes its home on the 
body of the fowl, and gets its living by sucking the chicken’s 
blood. There are two effective methods of killing lice. 
One is by giving the chickens a dusty place to scratch in. 
The dust fills the breathing pores of the lice, and smothers 

them. Another way of getting rid of the pests is by the 



use of ointments. A good ointment for this purpose 
is made of one part (by weight) of mercury, three 
parts of lard, and three parts of tallow, melted together and 
mixed thoroughly while cooling. A small quantity of this 
mixture, used about the head and vent of the fowl, usually 
kills all the lice on its body. 

This remedy, however, will not prove effective against 
mites. Mites make their home in the cracks of the hen 
house, in the roosts, or in the straw under the nests. They 
suck the fowl’s blood at night, and hide themselves in their 
homes during the day. Since the pests live on filth when the 
chickens are not present, it does no good to shut the fowls 
out of the house for a time unless the house is thoroughly 
cleaned. The best way to get rid of mites is to remove all 
straw or litter and then to spray the inside of the house 
thoroughly with equal parts of crude carbolic acid and 
coal oil. 

It should be remembered that lice and mites weaken 
the bird until it becomes an easy prey to all sorts of diseases. 
Often people treat their chickens for various ailments with- 
out ever discovering the primary causes—lice and mites. 
Chickens that are free from these body pests will be likely to 
thrive better and to prove better paying propositions to their 
owners than those that, through ignorance or negiect, are 

allowed to suffer from the parasites. 



1. Explain how a baby chick should be fed for the first ten days 
after hatching. 

2. Deseribe a good brooding coop. 

3. Describe a brooder. 

4. Name some of the advantages of a brooder. 

5. Name some of the disadvantages of a brooder. 


1. Name some enemies of poultry. 

2. What are the habits of rats and skunks? 

3. What is the best method of controlling them? 

4. When and how do cats, hawks and crows catch young fowls? 
5. How can they be controlled? 

6. When do owls work, and how can they be caught? 

7. What are the habits of lice? 

8. Give methods of control. 

9. What are the habits of mites? 

10. Give methods of control. 


Collect some lice and mites in a small bottle and describe the size, 
shape, and number of legs of each. Examine them through a 
magnifying glass if possible. 



Tue old adage, “‘ An ounce of prevention is worth a 
pound of cure,” is nowhere truer than in the treatment of 
poultry diseases. <A sick chicken should always be a signal 
to warn the poultryman that something is wrong. He 
should immediately try to find and remove the cause of the 
ailment. Then he should proceed to the treatment of the 

Of all the diseases that come to poultry, the least under- 
stood and the hardest to handle is roup. This disease is 
usually considered to be the last stage of a bad cold. When 
the fowl first takes cold, the corners of its eyes froth, and 
it is subject to frequent sneezing. After a few days, the 
head swells on one or both sides in front of the eyes. Then 
the entire head swells, and the breath becomes very offen- 

The cold is evidently caused originally by an alternate 
heating and chilling of the fowl’s body, sometimes as a 
result of drafts in its sleeping quarters, or of the chickens 
standing in groups on the wet ground in the yard when the 
weather is windy. If the house is the cause of the trouble, 

do away with the drafts. If the chickens seem to be catch- 


ing cold in the poultry yards, keep them in the houses on 
bad days. 
There are two other diseases which many claim are 

chicken pox, or sore head, and canker. 

related to roup 
Chicken pox affects the unfeathered parts of the head. It 
first appears as a blister; later, a dark, hard scab forms. 
Canker consists of sore spots in the mouth. These spots are 
often covered with a thick coat or yellowish scab. 

No one has been able to show exactly what the relation 
between these three diseases is, but it is certain, at least, that 
they respond to the same treatment. Creolin or zenoleum is 
a good remedy when applied directly to the affected parts. 

As a system treatment, the following often proves effective : 

Magnesium sulphate ........ ieeneeastatts 10 oz. 
IMI OMTES TTT O30) Cre ntneees ictal see here 1 oz. 
SHUM OOS AMON THO Reo ae em cots oe 2 OZ. 
GcOU LS IM ST erode cre verses = eters tenors eb ey ore 2 02. 
SUlpHOr ie wk seems cnecae cae mene 3 OZ. 

Give 1 teaspoonful to 12 fowls in moist mash each morning for 
3 mornings then discontinue till needed. For severe cases double 

the dose. 

Another common disease of poultry is gapes. This is 
caused by a small worm which fastens itself to the inside of 
the windpipe of a fowl, and lives by sucking the bird’s blood. 
A fowl atilicted with gapes stands in a drooping position, fre- 

quently gaping and showing signs of irritation in the throat. 


Since the gape worm lives in the earth and is picked up by 
the fowls from the soil, the best way to eradicate it is to 
move the chickens to a new place, and then to apply lime to 
the infected soil. The ground should be cultivated for one 
or two years, and should afterwards be sown in grass. It is 
not safe to move the chickens back until the infected place 
has been in grass for at least a year. 

Before treating a fowl for the gapes, it is well to make 
sure that the chicken is really suffering from the disease. A 
good remedy for the ailment is to put the fowls in a box 
or barrel and to sift dry, air-slaked lime over them. The 
breathing of the dust by the fowls dislodges the worms. 
Care must be taken, however, not to use enough lime to suf- 
foeate the chickens themselves. 

Limber neck is not a disease in itself, but is a condition 
resulting, usually, from ptomaine poisoning, though acute 
indigestion sometimes produces the same symptoms. It can 
be transmitted from a dead fowl] to a live one, if the live bird 
is permitted to eat of the carcass of a fowl that died of 
limber neck. Accordingly, it is well to burn all the dead 
chickens that might transmit the trouble. 

Sealy leg is a rough, irregular growth on the feet and 
legs, caused by a mite much smaller than that which infests 
the poultry houses. This mite works its way underneath 
the scales on a chicken’s feet and legs, and causes an extra 

growth there. Like most parasites, it thrives better in filth, 


and is sure to flourish on the feet of poultry that are allowed 
to roost in filthy quarters. Two or three applications of 
equal parts of lard and sulphur usually will cleanse the feet 
and legs of a fowl] that is suffering from this pest. 

Baby chicks are often afflicted with diseases caused by 
their being too warm or too cold, or by their being fed too 
young. They are also subject to white diarrhoea, a germ 
disease. The best way to prevent these diseases is to exer- 
cise care in housing and feeding the little chicks, as directed 
in Lessons XIT and XIII. 

. What is the worst enemy to poultry? 
Tell how to control hawks and crows. 
Tell how to control rats and skunks. 
How can we control lice? 
How can we control mites? 






What is the first step in controlling diseases? 
What is the beginning of roup? 
Give symptoms and remedy for roup. 

Bo bo 

Give symptoms and remedy for canker. 
Give symptoms and remedy for chicken pox (sore head). 
Give symptoms and remedy for limber neck. 


—~ 8 
. . 


Give symptoms and remedy for gapes. 

8. Give symptoms and remedy for scaly legs. 

9. If fowls have a cold where would you look for the trouble? 
10. If they catch cold in the yard what can be done? 


Find two diseases in the flock at home and remedy them. 


Aumost all poultry will sooner or later be used for food 
purposes. Since this is the case, each fowl should be 
properly fattened before being sold. In selecting chickens 
for market, it is wise to choose those which will not prove 
profitable for egg-laying or breeding purposes. A hen is 
not profitable as an egg-producer after her second laying 
season ; so all the old hens should be disposed of. Inasmuch 
as weak fowls are likely to produce weak chicks, all those 
that show indications of weakness should be selected for 
market. owls with long, straight necks, straight beaks, 
knock knees, and so forth, are not usually profitable. 
Accordingly, the sooner they are turned into cash, the bet- 
ter. At the close of the hatching season all male birds 
should be sold save those to be kept for the next year’s breed- 
ing season. There is a double advantage in selling them off, 
since infertile eggs are better in quality and keep much 
longer than fertile eggs. Any pullets having serious defects, 
such as crooked backs or wry tails, should be disposed of. 

When the young birds that are to be sold weigh from one 
to two pounds, they should be placed in a coop or small pen 

and fed on cracked corn, wheat middlings, wheat bran, and 


sour milk for about ten days before being placed on the 

Since a great deal of the profit in keeping chiekens 
comes from the sale of the eggs, it is necessary that the eggs 
be in first class condition when placed on the market. They 
should be kept as carefully as milk and butter during the 
summer months. At all times, they should be clean; for 
clean eges are more attractive, and secure higher prices than 
dirty ones. It is easy to ensure clean eges, if good nests with 
plenty of fresh straw are provided. The straw also prevents 
the eggs from being cracked, as has been mentioned before 
and an egg that is sound will keep much longer than one 
with a crack in it. 

An egg should be nicely shaped if intended for market. 
Since small eggs turn down on their sides in the egg fillers, 

and very large ones stand up so high that the eggs above 

break them, eggs of an average weight of about two ounces 
should be selected for market. Those larger and smaller 
should be kept for home use. 

In order to be sure of having fresh eggs, the eges should 
be collected every day. If hens sit on eggs even over night, 
the germ begins to develop. After two days of incubation, 
the eggs are unfit for food. Moreover, hens must be 
watched and prevented from “ stealing ” their nests. Often 
they hide their eggs in out-of-the-way places, and by the 

time the nest is discovered, the eggs have been spoiled by the 


heat of the sun. In order to ensure a reputation for reliabil- 
ity, always test with a candle any doubtful eggs before tak- 
ing them to market. It is a good plan, oftentimes, to sell to 
dealers who buy ‘ loss off ”—that is, who test the eggs them- 
selves, and pay only for the good ones. If you wish to mar- 
ket “ strictly fresh ” eggs, they should be disposed of twice 
a week if possible. 

With poultry, as with everything else, care and prompt- 
ness are two of the chief secrets of success. Especial care 
should be exercised in seeing that the fowls get food con- 
taining the proper elements for fattening or for egg produc- 
tion; and that the baby chicks are given proper rations. On 
many farms, the supply of sharp grit is all used up. When 
this is the case, grit must be furnished to the chickens. 
Crushed rock answers this purpose admirably. Care should 
be taken also to ensure to the chickens a constant supply of 
clean, fresh water. Unless the water is in very large vessels, 
it must be renewed oftener than once or twice a day. 

Promptness in discovering and arresting disease has 
helped many a poultryman to prosperity. It is a good prac- 
tice to look over the flock each day, in order to discover any 
disease before it gains a foothold. The fowl which seems 
sick or drooping should be immediately separated from the 
rest of the flock in order to prevent the spread of contagion ; 
and the poultryman should spray the houses and coops regu- 

larly, without waiting for disease to appear. 


It will be found that the work of poultry house and yard 
ean be done much more easily and quickly if a little fore- 
sight is used in the location of the buildings. They should be 
so situated as to be convenient to the other farm buildings 
and to each other. It isa good plan, also, to have in the poul- 
try house bins which will hold a large amount of feed so that 
it will not be necessary to go to the barn for feed a couple 
of times a day. It is attention to details such as these that 
distinguishes the good business man from the poor one, 
and the thrifty farmer from one that is shiftless. 

Which is better, a preventative or a cure? Why? 
Tell all you can of roup. 

How would you treat canker? 
What are gapes and how are they controlled? 

oe Oo PO 

How can you control scaly leg? 

. What is necessary to success in poultry? 

2. What is the final use of most poultry? 

3. Give a ration for small chicks. 

4. What is grit for? 

5. Can fowls live without it? 

6. Give some points which indicate that a fowl is not profitable 
for laying or breeding purposes and should be sold on the 

7. What results from hens stealing their nests? 

8. How often should eggs be sold? 

9. How do you candle eggs? 

10. What are the advantages of good nests? 


Select two profitable and two unprofitable birds at home, 






1. What does poultry mean? 

2. Why should we study poul- 

3. Who grow poultry? 

4. What is comparison judging? 

5. What is score-card judging? 

6. Where are used for 

7. Name the parts of poultry 


used for food. 
8. Name the sections of a fowl. 
9. Give the history of the meat 

10. Give the history of the egg 

1l. Give the history of the dual- 
purpose breeds. 

12. Compare White Plymouth 
Rock and White Orpington. 
13. Compare Buff Plymouth 

Rock and Buff Cochin, 
14. Compare Black 
and Black Minorca. 
15. Name the solid-colored fowls. 
16. Name the parti-colored fowls. 
17. Deseribe the Barred Ply- 
mouth Rock. 
18. Describe the Silver Wyan- 
19. Describe the White Leghorn. 


20. Describe the Light Brahma. 

21. Describe the White Wyan-. 

22. Describe the Houdan. 

23. Why should poultry houses 
be ventilated? 

24. Describe a good location for 
a poultry house. 

25. Describe a good poultry 

26. Describe a colony house. 

27. How should the house be 
equipped ? 

28. How many nests are needed? 

29. Where should the nests be 
placed ? 

30. Describe a broody coop. 

31. Describe a feed hopper. 

32. How 
divided ? 

33. Which fowls 
breeding pen? 

34. What is the 

35. What is the natural food of 
the fowl? 

36. Give a good feed ration for 

should the yard be 

should be in 

best shaped 

37. Give a good feed ration for 
baby chicks. 


38. Name the internal organs of 
a hen. 

39. Tell the work done by each 

40, Should breeds be crossed? 
4]. Give some points that indi- 
cate high and low vitality. 

42, What is an incubator? 
43. Name the parts of an egg. 
44, What is the temperature 
necessary to incubate eggs? 
45. Explain natural and arti- 
ficial brooding. 

46. Name three enemies of poul- 

47. Give method of controlling 

48. Name the three most common 
diseases of poultry. 
49. Give causes and remedy of 


50. Describe the healthy type of 

51. Describe the type to cull and 

52. What is a good fattening ra- 
tion ? 

53. Why is regular feeding nec- 
essary ? 

54. Why is a balanced feed neces- 


55. How 


should eggs be cared 



BARRING: Bars extending across a feather at right angles to its 
length, or nearly so. 

BearD: In chickens, a group of feathers pendent from the throat, 
as in Houdans and Polish. In turkeys, a tuft of coarse, bristly 
hairs, four to six inches long, projecting from upper part of 
breast of mature males. 

Beak: The projecting mouth parts of chickens and turkeys, consist- 
ing of upper and lower mandibles. 

BILL: The projecting mouth parts of water fowl consisting of upper 
and lower mandibles. 

BLADE: The rear part of a single comb, back of the last well-defined 
point, usually extending beyond the crown of the head. 

Breep: A race of fowls, the members of which maintain distinctive 
shape characteristics that they possess in common. Breed is a 
broader term than variety. Breed includes varieties, as, for 
example, the Barred, White, and Buff varieties of the Plymouth 
Rock breed. 

Broop: All the young birds hatched or cared for at one time by one 
mother, or in one brooder. 

Cuiéxs: The young of the domestic hen, properly applied until the 
sex can be distinguished; sometimes used to designate specimens 
less than one year old. 

Cock: A male fowl one year old and over. 

CocKEREL: A male fowl less than one year old. 

Coms: The fleshy protuberance growing on the top of a fowl’s head. 
The standard varieties of combs are: Single, rose, pea, V-shaped, 
and strawberry, all others being modifications of these. 

ConpDITION: The state of a fowl as regards health, cleanliness, and 
order of plumage. . 

Crop: The receptacle in which a fowl’s food is accumulated before 
it passes into the gizzard. 

DISQUALIFICATION: A deformity or serious defect that renders a 
fowl unworthy to win a prize. 



DISQUALIFIED: Term applied to a fowl that is unworthy to win a 

Down: The first hairy covering of chicks; also the tiny tufts of 
hair-like growth that sometimes are found on the shanks, toes, 
or feet, of fowls. 

Drake: A male of the duck family. 

Duck: A female of the duck family, as disprior to the development 
of feathers. 

PaR-LOBES: The folds of bare skin just below the ears, sometimes 
called ‘ deer-ears.” Ear-lobes vary in color in different breeds, 
being red, white, purple, cream, and so forth; they also vary 
greatly in size. 

Fiurr: The soft feathers about thighs and posterior part of a fowl; 
also the soft, downy under-part of a feather. 

Gitts: A term that is applied to the wattles. 

ILAcKkLE: The neck plumage of either sex, formed of the hackle 

KNOcK-KNEED: A deformity in which the legs come too near together 
at the knee-joints and are bent outward, laterally, below the 

Meaty: Having the appearance of being sprinkled with meal. Ap- 
plied to buff varieties where the ground color is stippled with a 
lighter color. 

Parti-CcoLoreD: Feathers or fowls of two or more colors. 

Pea coms: A triple comb, of medium length, resembling three 
straight, single combs placed parallel with one another, and 
joined at base and rear, each having short but distinctly divided 
serrations, the serrations of the two outer rows being lower 
and smaller than those of the middle row, and those of each 
row being larger and somewhat thicker midway of the comb than 
at front and rear. 

Pen: A male and four females. 

PENCILING: Small markings or stripes on a feather. They may run 
straight across, as in the penciled Hamburgs, in which case they 
frequently are called bars, or may follow the outline of a 
feather, taking a crescentic form, as in the Dark Brahmas, 
Partridge Cochins, ete. 

PLruMAGE: The feathers of a fowl. 


Poutt: The young of the domestic turkey, properly applied until the 
sex can be distinguished, when they become cockerels and 

Poutrry: Domestic fowls reared for exhibition, for the table, or for 
their eggs or feathers. 

Primaries: The flight feathers of the wing, hidden, or nearly so, 
when the wing is close. 

PurLet: A female fowl less than one year old. 

QuiILL: The hollow, horny, basal part, or stem, of a feather. 

Rose coms: A low, thick, solid comb, the upper surface of which 
should be covered with small, rounded points. This comb ter- 
minates in a well-developed spike, which may turn upward as in 
Hamburgs; be nearly level, as in the Rose-comb Leghorns, or 
turn downward, as in the Wyandottes. 

ScaLy LEGS: A fowl’s legs with an incrustation or deposit upon and 
beneath the scales. 

SECONDARIES: The long quill feathers that grow on the second joint 
or fore-arm of a fowl’s wing, visible when the wing is folded. 
With the primaries, they constitute the main feathers of the 

SOLID COLOR—SELF COLOR: A uniform color, unmixed with any other. 

SERRATED: Notched along the edge like a saw. 

SERRATION: One of the projections of a serrate. 

SHarr: The stem of a feather, especially the part filled with pith, 
which bears the barbs. 

SHANK: The lower, scaly part of a fowl’s leg, exclusive of the foot 
and toes. 

SIcKLES: The long, curved feathers of a male bird’s tail, properly 
applied to the top pair only, but sometimes used in referring 
to the prominent tail coverts, which also are called lesser sickles. 

Smpe sprics: Extraneous, well-defined growths on the side of a 

SINGLE COMB: A comb consisting of a single thin, fleshy serrated 
formation, rising from the beak and extending backward over 
the crown of the head, and, in males, beyond the head. 

SpANGLE: A clearly-defined marking of distinctive color, located at 
the end of a feather. 

SPANGLED: Plumage made up of spangled feathers. 


SQUIRREL TAIL: A fowl’s tail, any portion of which projects for- 
ward toward the neck, beyond a perpendicular line drawn from 
the juncture of tail and back. 

Strain: A family of any variety of fowls bred in line of descent 
by one fancier, or a successor, during a number of years, until 
it has acquired individual characteristics which distinguish it 
more or less from other strains of the same variety. 

STRAWBERRY COMB: Approaching in shape the outline and surface of 

SURFACE COLOR: The visible color of the plumage when a fowl is at 

SyMMErRY: Perfection of proportion; the harmony of all the parts 
or sections of a fowl, viewed as a whole, with regard to the 
standard type of the breed it represents. 

TAIL-FEATHERS, MAIN: The straight and stiff feathers of the tail that 
are contained inside the sickles and tail-coverts; the top pair 
are sometimes slightly curved, but generally are straight. 

THUMB MARK: A disfiguring depression which sometimes appears in 
the side of a single comb. 

TOE FEATHERING: ‘The feathers on the toes of a fowl. 

TrI0: One male and two females. 

TypicaAL: Expressing a characteristic, in color or form, representative 
of a breed or variety; for example, * typical shape” means the 
form peculiar to a breed. 

Unper cotor: The color of the downy portion of the plumage, not 
visible when the plumage is in its natural position. 

Variety: A subdivision of a breed used to distinguish fowls hav- 
ing the standard shape of the breed to which they belong, but 
differing in color of plumage, shape of comb, ete., from other 
groups of the same breed. The general difference between the 
terms breed and variety is well brought out in the statement, 
popular among fanciers, “shape ,makes the breed; color the 

V-sHAPED comB: A comb formed of two well-defined horn-like sec- 

WatTtLes: The pendent growths at the sides and base of the beak. 

WEB—WEB OF FEATHER: The flat or plumed portion of a feather, 
made up of a series of barbs on either side of the shaft. Wes 
or FEET: The flat skin between the toes. WEB OF WING: The 
triangular skin attaching the wing to the body, visible when 
wing is extended. 



Mucn good ean be had from the holding of contests in 
school (Fig. 51). Competitions of any sort have the 
effect of stimulating the interest of the pupils, and of 
encouraging them to greater efforts. Many contests are pos- 
sible in connection with the study of poultry. A very inter- 
esting one consists of the naming of the breeds and varieties 
by the pupils, as mentioned in Lessons LV, V, and VI. 

The fowls should be placed in numbered coops. The 
pupils are then given blank ecards like that on Page 13; and 
are told to pass in front of the coops, examining the poultry, 
and writing on the cards the name and description of each 
fowl. The child who names the fowls and gives their char- 
acteristics correctly wins the contest. In case of a tie, the 
child whose spelling is the best wins. If there is still a tie, 
the penmanship on the card will decide the question. 

Another good contest for counties where annual poul- 
try shows are held consists of a competition among the chil- 
dren in raising fowls to be entered and judged at the county 
poultry show. Special prizes for fowls should be offered for 
the school children ; and an additional prize should be given 
for the best exhibition coop made by a pupil (Fig. 52). 
These coops are twenty-four inches from front to back, 
thirty inches high, and forty inches long, with cloth ends, 
backs and tops, board bottoms, and wire fronts. Every 
pupil should exhibit the fowls he raises in a coop of his 
own making (Fig. 53). 


Fic. 52.—Children building exhibition coops which are 24 inches from the 
front to back, 30 inches high and 40 inches long, with cloth ends, back, and top, board 
bottom, and wire front. 


Fria. 54.—Pupils with chickens which they have brought to school. 


An effective contest can be based on the care and man- 
agement by the child of the flock at home. The pupil should 
keep a definite and accurate record of all feed used and of 
the cost of houses, coops, and egg cases. He should also keep 

a record of all eggs used, sold, or incubated. These records, 

together with a three-page essay on some problem con- 
nected with poultry raising, will serve as the basis of the 
contest. The parents should co-operate with the teacher 
by seeing that the pupil does the work, and by furnishing 
written statements of the amount of work done by the child. 
The teacher should give the pupil school credit for the work 

done at home. 


Durine the fall season, the pupils should arrange for a 
one-day fair. On that day, they should bring to school 
many products of the farm, with poultry chief among them 
(Fig. 54). The parents should be invited to be present. It 
will not be hard to find competent men who will be willing 
to assist in judging the poultry and other products. The 
American Poultry Association has members in every school 
district, who will be glad to co-operate in this work and to 
help in every way possible. The prizes need not be elab- 
orate. A ribbon often means just as much to a child as an 
expensive prize, and proves just as successful in stimulating 

the pupil to greater efforts. 

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