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.  - 1 

OF    T  II  K 


LgTiciiItiiral  l^olloge, 

F  O  K 

Session  Ending  June  27iii,  IGTG. 

B  A  I.  T  I  i\[  0  n  E  :      . 
Printed  by  John  Mukpiiy  &  Co. 

18  2      ]^  A  L  T  1  M  O  li  K      S  T  U  Y.  X  T. 




Hon.   JOHN   LEE   CAEl^OLL, 

Governor  of  Maryland^ 


President  of  ihc  Senate. 

Hon.  lewis  C.  SMITH, 

Speaker  of  ihc  House  of  Dclcjaics. 

V  Prof.  M.  A.  Is E WELL, 

Principal  of  State  Normal  School. 

7iej)7'cscuthig  t?ic  S.'  c7c/iol(lc7^s  : 

Hon.  JAMP:S  T.  EAllLE,  ALLEX  DODGE,  Esq,,     < 

Major  J.  F.  LEE,  Judge  ^V.  II.  TUCK, 

E.  ^VIIITMAN,  Esq.,  CHAS.  P.  CALVERT,  Esq., 

Gex.  E.  L.  E.  IIAPvDCASTLE. 

•  4 

Hon.  E.  J.  Hkxklk tf.  S.  JIousc  of  Rcprcaailaih'c.'i. 

■■  Mr.  J.  H.  McHenrv ..' Pikesvilkt  Md. 

j\tr.  Jamks  L.  McLeax ....Balthnore,  Mil. 

lion.  Hexry  SxVdeU Baltimore^  Md. 

Hon.  James  A.  Bo>:i) Prince  Frederick,  Md.. 

Hon.  Daxiel  Fiki.d Dcnion,  Md. 

Hon.  J.  K.  LoNGvrKLi Wesfinlnsfer,  Md. 

Hon.  C.  Mackall,  ]NL  I) FAhtoUy  ^fd. 

Major  Wm.  B.  ]\[atiieavs Port  Tobacco,  Md. 

Hon.  Tkaxci.^  P.  Phelps Ccmhridric^  Md. 

Hon.  E.  H.  Kteixek Frederick,  Md. 

Hon.  Joiix  Daily Oakland,  Md. 

Heni;y  D.  Fakxandis,  Ksq Pel  Air,  Md. 

»    Hon.  A.  P.  GouMAN ■ .Laurel,  Md. 

Col.  Ed-\vakd  "Wilkixs  Chester toton,  Md. 

Hon.  Nicholas  Brewer,  M.  D Pockvillc,  Md. 

Hon.  De  AViTTox  SxowDEX,  M.  1) Laurel,  Md. 

Hon.  B.  F.  Ford Centervillc,  Md. 

Hon,  George  H.  Dexnis U.  S.  Senate. 

Hon.  J.  F.  Dext Leonardtmcn,  Md. 

Hon.  Edward  Lloyd Boston,  Md. 

Hon.  Z.  T.  Claggett Hagcrstown,  Md. 

Hon.  Humphrey  Humphreys Salisbury,  Md. 

Hon.  "William  J.  Aydelotte Snow  Hill,  Md. 

Hon.  T.  G.  McCullough Cumberland,  Md. 



\     * 

♦  ■  • 

WILLIAM  H.  PAIIKER,  Tkksident, 

■  /  Professor  of  J^Iaihetnaiirs. 


I  Profc&sor  of  English  jMnjuar    >  nd  Lilcraturc. 



Profcsaor  of  AQvirnlturc,  and  livghlrnr. 
E.  E.  NELSOX, 

Professor  of  Phijsics  and  Applied  ^[a(Ilcma[ics,  and  Commandant  of  Cadets. 


Professor  of  Chcmistrii  and  Natural  Science. 


Assistant  Professor  of  Maikonadcs,  ard  Instruc'or  of  Mditanj  Tacrir.<. 



Prof.  E.  E.  NELSON,  Coiyiviandant  Cadets. 

THOMAS,  T Cadet  Capiahi. 

THOMAS,  G ".... «'  M  Lieut. 

■\V0HTI1INGT0N,  J.  L "  2nd  Lieut 

COOK,  K.   S "  3rd  Lieut 

DOWNMAN,  J.  B "    ■  Isi  SergH, 

nOlIN,  M.   L "      2ndSergH. 

KOBINSON,  n "      SrdScrgH. 

AVniTELOCK,  W "      IsiCorpH. 

GARLAND,  J.  S ''      2nd  Cor pH. 

BLAIK,  AV.  J Cadet  Adjutant 

TAYLOR  JOHN "       Quarter  Master  Serg't. 




Nave.  Parent  or  GcAninAN-.  Addhkss. 

Bakkh,  "\Vm Mrs.  M.  A.  Baker Wasliington,  D.  C. 

Bellixokk,  0.  II C.  B.  Bellinger Portland,  Oregon. 

BiCKNKLL,  J.  D C.  B,  B'tcknell.  Pliiladolphia,  l^inii. 

]5if<noi',  L.  C Airs.  Ayin  Bishop Sprinijficld,  Ohio. 

Blatk,  "W.  J Alexander  Blair Ornngeville,  Md. 

Blakk,  K.  B Mrs.  A.  ]■:.  Blahe Shnfcrdsvillo,  N.  C. 

Casox,  Q\  J Hon.  F.  J.  Cason "NVa.^liinglon,  J).  C. 

Cason,  Waltki! Jfon.  F.  J,  Cason AVrt?liinLct'>ii,  D.  C). 

Catlett,  J.  31.,  Jk Jas.  ^^.  Cailcit CMtlctt  Station,  \ n. 

Claude,  IlKunKiiT Dennis  Claude Annapolis,  3rd. 

Clakke,  Hkkmax T.  ('.   Clarke Pliiladclpliia,  Penn. 

Chanck,  T.  P Tdghynan  Chance Pa?ton,  ^Id. 

Cook,  F.  31 Mrs.  A.  B.  Cook New  Orleans,  La. 

Cook,  E  S L.  M.  E.  Cook AVa.-liington,  D.  C. 

Cook,  Jay A.  D.  Cuok AVashington,  I).  C. 

CoxKESS,  T>.  B J/io.  Conncss 3Iatapan,  31ftss. 

CuuTis,  E.  L E.J.  Curtis Boise  City,  Idaho. 

Cravkx,  3lACDOxouGii.7Vios.  T.  Craven (icncva,  N.  Y. 

DkLaney,  Joiix' Poi*e..Z>;-.  Geo.  X.  Dox Geneva,  N.  Y. 

Deax,  Ciiaklks T.  B.  Dean BaUiniorc,  31d. 

Doty,  G.  II Mrs.  J.  F.  lhnderson...V\i\\n^\v\^,  N.  J. 

Do^vx.MAN,  J.  B R.  W.  Dov^nman AVashington,  I).  C. 

BuvALL,  Maku's Dr.  M.  Davall Baltimore,  3Id. 

Dyku,  S.  A Mrs.  B.  Di/er AVasliington,  I).  C. 

Edelix,  p.  G Mrs.  Ellen  Edelin St.  3rary's,  3rd. 

Emack,  E.  G /•;.  G.Emack Bolt.sville,  3Id. 

Emmet,  LeBoy  AYm.. ..]{'.  ,7.  Eyyivv:f Pelhani,  N.  Y. 

Emoky  E.  II Blanch  Enwry,  Esq CentrevilK-,  3ld, 

8  . 

Namk.  Tarext  ok  Gi-AUuiA.v.  Address. 

Estill,  A.  E Capt.  W.  J.  Esiill Petersburg,  ]11. 

Kyke,  M.  K ; Wilson  Eyre Newport,  K.  I. 

Finli:y,  35.  L '. T.  II.  Finlaj Washington,  D.  C. 

Gaiiland,  J.  S J.  S.  Garland "Wasliington,  ]3.  C. 

Gilliam  Doxnkli -^^y".  ^^.  ■^-   Gilliam Edenton,  N.  0. 

GuKsr,  J xyiKS  ALiiKS...Co77i}}iodorc  Jno.  Guest...ViC\t5\-\\\G,  Md. 
Guest  John Coyujuodore  Jno.  Giicsi...Bc\isvi\\c,  Md. 

Haukrsiiam,  Uakhy  S..^1.  V\  Jlahcrsham St.  Dennis  P.  O.,  Md. 

Henkle,  E.  J..... Hon.  E.  J.llenklc Brooklyn,  Md. 

Heaves,  M.  L Jas.  E.  Jlcwes Hooversville,  Md. 

IIOLMES,  I.  D John  L.  Jlolmcs Wilmington,  N.  C. 

HoLSTON,  EoBEiiT Mrs.  J.  L.  Jlolston Hyattsville,  Md. 

HoLSTOx,  A Mrs.  J.  L.  llolston Hyattsville,  Md. 

HoiiN,  M.^'L Bevj.'.Horn  Baltimore,  Md. 

Horn,  J.  P BcnJ.  Jlom Bultimorc,  ]Md. 

Jacksox,  J.  M J.  M.  Jacksoji ..Sligo,  !M(1. 

Jones,  Pembuoke Mrs.  P.  K.  7)/c/;i?zso?z... Wilmington,  N.  C. 

Jox'Es,  J.  Paul Rcuhcn  Jones Catonsvillc,  Md. 

.Jones,  William WiUiam  Jones,  Esq Poolsville,  Md. 

Joiix.soN,  James  AV A.  M.  Jo^mson,  Esq Chattanooga,  TeniL 

Macomb,  A.  C Col.  A.  C.  Macomb Rock  Island,  111. 

Marchaxd,  J.  T Mrs.  M.  D.  Ma7'cJumd...Aniiix\)o\h,  Md. 

Merger,  Jxo.  F F.  S.  Mercer Washington,  D.  C. 

MoRSELL,  Vj.  F B.  F.  Morscll Wasliington,  I),  C. 

Nichols,  A , G.  S.  Nichols New  York,  N.  Y. 

OuTRAM,  T.  S Jno.  Oidram Easton,  Md. 

Parker,  F.  A.  Commod,^ e F. A. Parker ...A.\\\\i\Y)o\\s,,  Md. 

Pattersox,  S.   a.  \\"... Commodore  Pa^/r/«....AYashington,  J).  C. 

Pveameh,  M.  M Saml.  R.  Fisher Philadelphia,  Penn, 

PiiQE,  F.  M Frederick  Rice Baltimore,  Md. 

PvORixsox,  II ...Mrs.  Robinson Sah  Francisco,  Cal. 

KoHlxsox,  W i»/rs.  R.  B.  Robinson Washington,  I).  C. 

Name.  rARKNi  on  CLAUDi.vy.  Address.  * 

Simpson,  Edwaud Capt.  E.  C.  Simp.^on Newport,  11.  I. 

SoTiioRON,  J.  P J.  Jf.  Soihoron Cliarlotlo  Hall,  Md. 

Taylou,  John .Jolin  S.  Taulor .lAiclimond,  Ky. 

Thomas,  T.  II ^frs.  Eleanor  7'A9??^a.s...Ch;n»tico,  St.  Mar}''.-,  !Mcl. 

Thomas,  "SV.  II Mrs.  Eleanor  Thomas.. .(^\\•^\^\\^'o^  St.  Clary's,  Md. 

Thomas  Geouok Mrs.  Eleanor  7yi07«a.s...Clia})tico,  St.  Clary's,  Md. 

Thompson,  P.  AV M.   TAontpsoji,  Esq AVasliiii^^on,  D.  C. 

Tkuxtux,  "SVm Cojyt.  W.  F.  Truxiun....lsor[o\k,  Va. 

VaN'CE,  Z.   13.,  Jp. Ifon.  Z.  ]J.  Vance Charlotte,  N.  C. 

Whjtk,   Jamks Archibald  White Bright  wood,  D.  C. 

AYhitklock,  "VVm R.  G.  Whlidocl: Baltinioro,  Md. 

"Williams,  Edwaud. ...7/o?i.  Wm.  Williams "Wnsliington,  I).  C. 

Williams,  Euoknk Hoii.  Wm.  Williams Wasliington,  J).  C. 

"VViLsoN,  11 Jiev.  Franklin  l['i7.NOM...I3altiinurC',  ]\Id. 

AVlNCIlESTKK,  J.  P J.  M.  Winchesler BaUIiuorc,  ^Md. 

AVoiiTHiXGTOv,  J.  '\^....Prof.N.Ji.Worihinfjion.j\gv.  College,  Md. 

11  E  C  A  P  I T  U  I.  A  T I  0  X . 


Di>trict  of  Columbia, 

North  Carolina, 

New  York,     . 



New  Jersey,  . 

Illinois,  . 







Oregon,  . 

Khode  Island, 






Graduales  of  ^S75, 

JOim  B.  GRAY,  B.  S. 
F.  B.  HYDE,  B.  S. 

Graduales  of/S?V, 

W.  J.  BLAIR,  B.  S. 


T.  H.  THOMAS,  B.  S. 

7)e(/7'ees  Co7ife7'?'ed  in  Cou?'se. 

Mr.  R.  SAUNDERS  HENRY,  A.  M. 
Key.  OLIVER  C.  MILF.ER,  A.  M. 




^^4^'iX  ;f  a  >-^ 

<-'^  % 

T  H  I] 

A'       o 






T  II  E 

Is  situatcci  in  Prince  George  County,  nine  miles  from  AVasli- 
ingtoii,  twcnty-ciglit  from  Baltimore,  and  three-fourths  of  a 
mile  from  College  Station,  on  the  Washington  Branch,  Balti- 
more and  Ohio  ]\:iilroad.  The  College  building,  which  is 
spacious  and  substantial,  is  in  thorough  repair,  lias  fine 
chambers,  is  well  ventilated  and  wan/  •,  lighted  thi-ouirhout 
with  gas,  and  combines  every  requisite  of  a  comfortable  and 
pleasant  home.  The  location,  which  experience  has  proved 
eminently  licalthful,  is  on  the  edge  of  a  handsonie  forest 
growth,  and  commands  a  fine  view  of  the  picturesque  country 
around  it. 

Seventeen  trains  (seven  from  AVashington,  ten  from  Balti- 
more) stop  at  the  College  Station  every  day,  thus  affording 
convenient  and  speedy  access  to  the  Institution. 

N.  B.  Persons  coming  to  the  College  are  notified  to  stop 
at  ^^ College  Station,"  on  the  Washington  and  Baltimore  Bnil- 
road,  whence  conveyance  will  be  furnished  to  the  College. 



^oniisc  oji  §(iislrudion. 

«<  » I 

The  branches  of  study  taught  at  the  College  are  grouped 
under  the  following  departments  : 

1 .  Civil  Engineering  and  Astronomy. 

2.  English  Literature,  Moral  Philosophy,  and  History. 

3.  Pure  Mathematics. 

4.  Physics  and  Applied  Mathematics. 

5.  Agriculture,  Architecture  and  Drawing. 

6.  Chemistry  and  Xatural  History. 

7.  Ancient  and  Modern  Lancruapros. 

The  Course  of  Study  embraces  the  following  subjects: 

ptpurtiucnt  0f  Sibil  Cuiginccrinj  mxb  ^sttdnomr). 

Astronomy. — Descriptive  and  Practical. 

Physical  Geography. — Maury  and  Guizot,  with  Maps. 

Civil  Engineering.— Drawing,  Materials,  Bridges,  Rail- 
roads, Tunnels,  Canals,  &c.,  <S:c.,  Running  Lines  and 
Curves  for  Common  Roads  and  Railroads,  Levelling, 
&c.,  &c.  Explanation  of  Geodetical  Surveys ;  practical 
'  work  in  Surveying  and  Plotting,  &c.,  Sic 



Lockyer's  Astronomy  ;  Herscliel's  Outlines;  Chauvenet's  Practical  As- 
tronomy; Loomis'  Surveying;  Gillespie's  Surveying;  Mahan's  Civil 
Engineering;  Rankine's  Civil  Engineerinir. 


|cparljncut  trf  ^itijlislj,  ^i^tctQ  mibiWtniixl^citncc. 

English. — The  History,  Usage,  and  Grammatical  Structure 
of  the  English  Language ;  History  of  English  Litera- 
ture; Rhetoric;  Composition;  Elocution. 

History. — History  of  Greece,  Eome,  England,  United 
States ;  Outlines  of  History ;  History  of  European  Civ- 

Mental  Science. — Mental  and  Moral  Science;  Logic; 
History  of  Philosophy. 

Law. —  Commentaries  on  Constitution  of  United  States ; 
Constitution  of  Maryland. 




Englisu. — Abbott  &  Seelcy's  English  Lessons;  IlaJlcy's  Brief  History 
of  the  English  Language;  Taine's  English  Literature;  Hart's  Composi- 
tion and  Rhetoric. 

History. —  Freeman's  General  Sketch;  Hume's  England;  Smith's 
Greece;  Liddell's  Rome ;  Guizot's  European  Civilization. 

Mental  Science. — Upham's  Mental  Philosophy;  Seelye's  Schwayler's 
[History  of  Philosophy ;  Schuyler's  Logic  ;    Haven's  Moral  Philosophy. 

La.w. — Story  on  the  Constitution  ;  Constitution  of  Maryland. 

Book-Keepixo. — Hanaford  &  Pavson. 

Itputlmcut  0f  dtlull^cmutks. 

Algebra. — Reduction  and  solution  of  Equations  of  the  first 
and  second  degrees ;  Proportions  and  Progressions ;  na- 
ture and  construction  of  Logarithms;  and  the  theory  of 

Geometry.— Plane  and  Solid. 



TiUGOXOMETiiY Analytical  investigation  of  Trigonometrical 

Formulas,  and  their  application  to  the  Solution  of  all  the 
oa^o^  of  Plane  and  Spherical  Trigonometry  ;  the  Con- 
struction and  Use  of  Trigonometrical  Tables. 

Arri.icATioN  of  Aj.cebilv  and  TraGOxo:\rETiiY. — Mcn- 

i^uration   of  Planes  and  Solids. 
DEScrjPTiVE  Geometry. — The  gra])hic  illustration  and  so- 

huion  of  problems  in  Solid  Geometry;  Projections  of  tJie 

Analytical  Geometry.  —  Equations  of  the  Eight  Line, 

Plane,  and  Conic  Sections;  principal  problems  relating 

to  the  Cylinder,  Cone,  Sphere  and  Spheroids. 
Lecturk-  on  Shades,  Siiadows  aud  Perspective. 

T  i:  XT-  li  O  O  JC  s . 

Lo.  :r.:5'  Algebra  ;  Eay's  Iliglicr  Algebra  ;  Todluintor'.s  Algcora  ; 
Schiiy'::'?  Geonietr}- ;  Loomis'  Geometry;  Chaiiver  -',<  Geonu-'n-y  ; 
Loonv.>*   Trigonometry  and  ^lonsuration  ;    Cbtiuvcnet's   'i"rIgono!iv:-tvv  ; 


ChuroV.">  Descriptive    Geometry;    Loomi?'  Analytical  Geometry:    Tocl- 
hunter'?  Conic   Section?. 

Orpiirtjucut  of  ^Jl^iistcs  mtix  ^ppUrb  |Ha%irr;ific$. 


c:|'!o?  of  the  DifTerential  Calculus,  including  Tavlor's 
Tr.corem,  applications  to  Problems  of  ]\laxlnia  and 
Minima,  and  the  tracing  of  Curves;  the  methods  of 
Iniegration,  and  the  application  of  the  Integral  Calcu- 
lii5  to  Areas,  Surfaces  and  Yolumcs,  and  to  the  finding  of 
CvDtres  of  Gravity  and  jNIoments  of  Inertia,  and  to  the 
siir.pler  cases  of  Difrerential  Equations-. 

'    ,   .        /17X 

Mechanics. — Statics;  Dynamics. 

IIydkostatics. — Mcclianical  properties  of  Fluids;  Specific 
Gravity,  kc.j  &c. 

Acoustics. — TI?o  j)ro(liiction  and  jn-opagation  of  Sound; 
modes  of  Yibiatioii,  c^-c,  c^-c. 

Optics. — Lcnscr?,  A'ision  and  Optical  Instruments;  Spectrum 
Analysis ;  Color,  t^c,  Sic. 

Ei.KCTiucjTV  AND  oMagnetism. — Maguctlsm  ;  Voltaic  Elec- 
tricity, t^'c,  etc. 

Heat. — Theories  of  ITeat;  Sources    o^  TTrnf  ^    ;        -nts 

used  for  the  Measurement  of  I'     '  :  '.;  m  ;  .'^io  u , .  =      "  r, 


Loomis' DilVerrntial  and  lntt-L:;r:il  Ciijciilus ;  Coiirlcny's  Cnlrulus ;  ]5uck- 
ingham's  Calculus;  Wells' jS'aluiul  ]'lii'u:>sopLy  ;  Ganot's  2satural  Pliiloso- 
jihy  ;  Cauibridgi'  (Knyliuul)  Course  of  Elementary  Natural  l*liiloso}»liy  ; 
Todliuiiter's  ^lechauics  for  Beginners;  Eankin's  Applied  3ratliemalics  ; 
JSmitli's  I^ydro^{aties ;  Barllett's  Acoustics  and  Optics;  Jenkins'  Kloo- 
tricity  and  jNIagnetisin  ;  3Ia.\v,elPs  Theory  of  Ileal ;  Peck's  Mechanics. 

:  llrabhrq. 

CI)  '♦ 

Agriculture. —  General  Afcrieulture;  Civil  Knoincerinii- 
applied  to  Farm  Koad^v,  ]]ridges,  Embankments,  Drain- 
age, etc. ;  application  of  Chemistry  to  Agriculture;  use 
of  Implements;  Breeding  and  Care  of  Stock;  Dairy; 
Gardening;  Fertilizers;  iJotany ;  ITortlcidtnie;  Geol- 
ogy;  Arboriculture;  Exercises  on   the   Farm,  tV:e.,  t^c. 

Lectures  on  A'^eterinarv  Medicine  and  Surirerv,  and  on  the 
relations    of  Agriculture   to    Commerce,    Manufactures, 
Labor,  d'c. 


Arciiitkctuke. — Drawing;  Materials,  IMa.soiiry,  Carpcutr)', 

rouiulalious,  Orders,  etc. 


The  Progre.-sivc  Farmer,  by  J.  A.  Nasli  ;  Ccniieclion  between  Sciono(^ 
and  the  Art  of  Praetical  Farnniig,  by  J,  1*.  Korton  ;  Chemical  and  Pield 
Lectures,  by  Jame.s  E.  Leseliemakcr;  Farmers'  Guide,  by  H.  Stephens 
and  Prof.  Norton;  Farm  and  Fireside,  by  John  L,  Blake;  Allen's 
American  Farm  Pook  ;  How  Crops  Grow;  The  Plougli,  the  Loom  and  ^ 
the  Anvil,  by  J.  S.  Skinner  &  Sons;  Youatt  and  ^Martin  on  the  Horse, 
Cattle,  &c.;  Peter  Henderson  on  Gardening  for  Profit ;  Architecture  and 
Eight  Line  Drawing,  by  AValter  Smith. 

(^  to 

Chemistry. — Organic  and  Inorganic  Chemistry;  Qnalita- 
tive  and  (Quantitative  Analysis  ;  Detection  and  Scpara- 
tion  of  the  Elements;  JManufaeturo  and  A])plication  of 
Manures;  Manufacture  and  Application  of  Chemicals; 
Blow  Pipe;  Organic,  Volumetric,  Microscopic  and  Spec-, 
troscopic  Analysis ;  Chemistry  applied  to  the  Arts  and 
Manuficturcs;  Agricultural  Chemistry ;  Toxicology. 

Natural  IIiSTOiiY  and  Science. — Zoology;  Mineralogy; 
Physiology;  Metallurgy;  Photography;  Telegraphy 
and  Printing. 

T  j:  X  T  -  n  o  o  k  s  . 

CiiKMi.sTRY. — Fownes',  Fresnius',  Steele's.  •, 

Agkicultukal  Cue.mjstuv. — Johnston's.        .        . 

Zoology  — ISicholson's  Te,\t-Book 

MiNEKALOGY. — Dana's. 

Physiology. — Flint's. 

Mktalluiigy'. — Percy'.-. 

Tklkgkai'iiy. — Culley's. 

SrKCTur.M  Akaly.sls. — Ko.scoe's.  *        - 

MiCROscoric  Analysis.-— Carpenter's. 

A'OLUMKTKIC   AnALYSL^. — Sutton's. 

Plow  Pjpk  Axaly-SIS. —'s-. 
Toxtcolooy. — Taylor's, 

-19     \  ^ 


Latin.-- -Grammar,   Eearlcr,    Ca?5ar,    Ovid,   Yirgll,    Cicero, 

Horace,  Sallust,  Livy,  Tacitus. 
FjiEN'Cir. — Grammar,  I.\cadcr,  Classics,  Colloquial  Exercises. 
German. — Grammar,  Header,  Classics,  Colloquial  Exercises. 

*  • 

Ti:XT-  Ji  O  O  KS . 

Fasquelle's  Grammiir  ;  De  Fivas' Grammar ;  Collotts' Dramatic  Frcncli 
Eeadcr  ;  Erkmann-Chatrain's  Le  Conscrit ;  Ollcnclorf's  German  Courso  ; 
Ca>sar  J  Ovid;  Cicero,  &c.,  &c. 

The  Course  of  Instruction  extends  over  foui*  years,  and  the 
course  for  each  year  is  as  follows: 


School  of  Astkoxomy,  &c. — Physical  Geography.        • 

School  of  English  LrrEUATUiiE,  &c. — English  Lessons;  Composition; 

lihc'toric ;  Outlines  of  History;    Elocution;   Book-kce])ing ;  Ilistorv 
of  Enirland. 

School  OF  [Mathematics.— Algebra  ;   Geometry;  Plane  Trigonometry; 


School  of  Physics,  A:c. — Elementary  Natural  Philosophy. 

School  of  Aguicultuuk. — Botany;   Exorcises  on  the  Farm. 

School  of  Chemistuy'. — Organic  and  Inorganic  Chemistry  ;  Zoolncry. 

School  of  Languages. — Latin,  (optional,)  French  or  German. 


School  of  Astkoxomy,  &c. — Field  Surveying. 

School  of  English,  Sec — Rhetoric;  Composition;  Elocution;   History 

of  Greecn  ;  History  of  Pvonn*. 
School  OF  Mathf:matics. — Sjiherical  Trigonoinftry  ;  Descriptive  Gconic- 

try;  An-.ilvtical  Goomctrv. 



i^rnO')!,  or  ]'iiYSirs,  kc. — Todhmiler's  Mcclianics  for  Beginners ;  Optlr.- 
Acoustics  ;   Ilvclrostatics  ;   Electricity  and  Mjiirnctisni. 

School  of  Agkicultuue,  tfcc. — Geology;  Exercises  on  the  Farm. 

School  OF  CiiKMiSTiiY,  &c. — Qutilitntivc  Analysis  ;  detection  and  Sepa- 
ration of  the  3*]lenK'nts;  Agricultural  Chemistry;  3[anufacturc  and 
Ap])lication  of  ^Manures  ;  jMineralogy. 

School  of  Laxguagks, — Latin,  (ojUional,)  French  or  German. 


School  of  Astkoxomy,  &c. — Practical  Astronomy. 

School  of  English  LitkuatuFvK,  &c. — 3Iental  Philosojihy  ;  History  of 
the  English  Language;  History  of  English  Literature;  History  of 
Civilization  in  Europe;   Essays  and  Declamation. 

School  of  IMathematics. — Shades,  Shadows  and  Perspective. 

School  of  Physics,  Arc. — Diflerential  and  Integral  Calculus. 

School  of  Agkicultikk,  itc. — General  Agriculture;  Horticulture; 
Arboriculture;  Landscape  Gardening;  Lectures  on  A^eterinary 
Anatomy  ;  Physiology  and  Surg(!ry  ;  Exercises  on  the  Farm. 

School  of  Chemlsthy',  Sec. — Qualitative  and  Quantitative  Analysis  ; 
Organic  Analysis;  Blow  Pipe  Analysis ;  Manufacture  and  Applica- 
tion of  Chemicals  ;  Physiology  ;  Mctallury  ;  Toxicology. 

School  of  Languages. — Latin,  (optional,)  French  or  German. 

•'    •  SENIOE  CLASS.     - 

School  of  Astronomy,  Sec. — Civil  Engineering. 

School  of  Encjlish  Literatuue,  &.c. — History  of  Philosophy  ;  Ikloral 
Philosophy;  Logic;  Essays;  Original  Declamation. 

School  of  Physus,  &C. — Pvankine's  Applied  Mathematics. 

School  of  Agiiiculture,  Sec. — General  Agriculture;  Civil  Engineer- 
ing a]»plied  to  Farm  Poads,  Bridges,  Sec,  Sec.  ;  Architecture;  Lect- 
ures on  the  relation  of  Agriculture  to  Commerce,  INIanufacturcs, 
Sec.  ;  Exercises  on  the  Farm. 

School  of  Chemistry,  Arc. — Chemistry  ai>i.lied  to  tlie  Arts  and  3»rauu- 
facturos  ;  Quantitative  Analysis  ;  Volumetric, -Microscopic  and  Spec- 
troscopic Analysis  ;  Assays — Telegrapliy  ;  Photography. 

School  of  Languages. —Latin,  (optional,)  French  or  German. 



A  Prcparatu-ry  Fjx'shinnn  C'la>5  will  bo  formed  at  (lie 
beginning  of  cacb  Term,  to  avL:  Ji  Sludcnts  over  13  years  of 
noe  v.-ill  be  adnHltcd.  The  branehcs  tanjrht  ^vill  be:  Aritli- 
mdicj  Grcihimar,  Geography^  Ilidory  of  iJie  United  Slatcb-j 
SpcUinrjy  Writing^  Latin  and  French, 

In  addition  to  the  Course  above  mentioned,  Lectures  will 
be  given   montbly  by  distinguished  non-resident  Professors/ 
on  subjects  relating  to  Agrieulture. 



I.  Tlie  Degree  of  Bacliclor  of  Arts  will  be  conferred  upon 
those  wlio  gradiiate  in  all  the  Scliools. 

II.  The  l^cgrcc  of  Jiachclor  of  Science  will  be  conferred 
upon  those  wlio  graduate  in  the  Schools  of  Astronomy  and 
Civil  Enginecringj  English  Literature,  Mathematics,  Physics, 
Chemistry,  and  Languages. 

•  III.  Any  student  who  shall  have  passed  satisfactory  exam- 
inations in  the  Scliools  of  English,  Mathematics,  Agriculture, 
and  Chemistrv,  will  be  declared  a  Graduate  in  AQ;riculturc. 
lY.  The  Degree  of  Master  of  Arts  and  Master  of  Science 
will  be  conferred  upon  those  who  take  the  Degrees  of  Bach- 
elor of  Arts  and  Bacliclor  of  Science,  and  maintain  for  three 
vears  thereafter  the  character  of  a  student. 


Students  are  required  to  make  daily  recitations  at  the  black- 
boaixl  in  all  the  branches  taught. 

The  semi-annual  examination  is  held  (in  the  presence  of  the 
Faculty)  in  the  last  week  of  the  first  term. 

The  annual  examination  begins  about  June  loth,  and  ends 
about  June  2oth. 

These  examinations  are  both  oral  and  written. 

The  scale  of  marks  for  recitation  and  exercises  mmres  from 
4  to  0.  A  mark  of  4  indicates  thoroughness;  0,  a  total  fail- 
ure; and  the  intermediate  nnnibcrs  shall,  as  far  as  possible, 
represent  absolute  values. 


•T  J 



A  jnark  of  2.5  represents  tlie  niininiiim  of  proficiency. 
Students  wliose  final  average  for  ihc  term  or  year  in  any 
branch  falls  below  that  nuinl^cr,  jv^"^  liable  to  be  turned  Ijack 
to  the  next  class. 

At  every  annual  examination  the  Faculty  will  form  a 
merit-roll  of  each  class  in  the  follovring  manner  : 

The  final  averairc  of  each  Student  in  each  branch  for  which 
a  coefficient  is  assigned  in  the  table  of  coefficients,  shall  be 
mult i})l led  by  such  coeflicicnt^  and  the  sum  of  the  i)roducts, 
after  making  the  deduetion  for  conduct,  shall  be  the  final 
multiple  for  the  year. 

The  names  of  the  Students  will  be  arranged  according  to 
the  final  multiple,  the  highest  multiple  l)eiiig  placed  first  on 
the  list,  and  the  others  in  their  order;  but  no  cla.-s  number 
will  be  assigned  to  any  Student  who  has  been  found  deficient. 

Montlily  Ke])orts  will  be  sent  to  parents  and  guardians 
showing  the  progress  and  standing  of  the  Student. 

The  attention  of  parents  is  respectfully  called  to  these 
Keports.  . 

The  Scholastic  Year  is  divided  into  two  terms.  There 
will  be  but  one  recular  vacation,  bc^innintr  the  last  week  of 
June,  and  closing  about  the  middle  of  September.  There 
will  also  be  a  short  intermission  at  Christmas  and  Easter. 

The  first  term  will  0])cn*  on  the  20th  of  Se})tembcr,  and 
close  with   the  month   of  Januarv.     The  second    term   will 


A^.  24 


begin  1st  of  February,  and  end  with  the  College  year,  the 
last  of  June. 

When  parents  or  guardians  wisb  their  children  or  M'ards  to 
visit  homo,  a  letter  to  that  ellect  should  be  addressed  to  the 


For  Sludents  from  the  State  of  Maryland  and  District  of  Columbia: 

First   Tkum. — Board,   Liglits,  "Washing,  uso  of   Furniture  and 

Koom  Eent,    .         .         ....         $100  00 

Matriculation   Yvo 5  00 

'  Total,         .         .         .         .         $105  00 
Skcond  Tkhm. — Same  as  the  first,  less  the  [Matriculation  Fee. 

For  Kon-rcsidoits  <f  tJte  Stoic  of  Mari/land  and  District  of  Columbia  : 

First  Tkkm.— Board,  Tuition,  &c.       .         .        .         .         •        $12r>  00 
Matriculation  Fee,  .....  5  00 

Total,         ....         $130  00 

Seco>1)  Tkhm. — Same  as  first,  less  the  Matriculation  Fee. 

Students  from  the  State  of  Maryland  and  District  are  received 
free  of  charge  for  tuition — they  arc  allowed  also  the  use  of 
books;  but  it  is  recommended  that  they  should  purchase 
the  same  if  in  their  power. 

].)ay  scholars  will  be  charged  two  dollars  a  month  for  use 
of  rooms,  fuel,  &c. 

New  students  will  be  examined  on  entrance  and  assigned 
to  i)roper  classes. 

Students  having  a  constant  fire  in  their  rooms  will  be  charged 
two  dollars  a  month  extra. 

]Car]y  applications  for  al mission  arc  reqncslecl,  and  punc- 
tual attendance  on  the  day  of  opening. 

Fre-ixiymcnt  in  every  case  icUl  he  o-ccjuirccl,  unless  satisfactoiy 
arrangement  is  made  \vith  the  President  of  the  Faculty  ft)r 
settlement  by  note  at  short  date. 

No  deduction  ^vill  be  made  for  absence,  except  in  case  of 
protracted  illness;  nor  will  money  be  refunded  in  case  a 
student  be  Nvithdrawii  or  disniisscd  during  the  term,  unless 
at  the  discretion  of  the  President. 

Special  damages  arc  assessed  on  those  v.'Iio  unnecessarily 
injure  or  destroy  College  i)roperty. 

^(nifivi'm  and  otfuw  ffiloilung. 

As  the  Students  are  required  to  wear  a  prescribed  uniform 
habitually,  it  is  only  necessary  to  bring  a  fidl  supply  of 
under- clothing.  Arrangements  are  made  with  a  competent 
Tailor  who  will  supply  the  uniforms  at  the  lowest  prices. 
The  cost  of  uniform,  with  cap  complete,  is  §20.  Each 
Student  will  require  two  suits  for  the  year. 

Stitdcnis  must  brine/  ei  supply  of  iou-ch-,  'juij^linsy  bcd-Unen 
and  ichite  Berlin  gloves,  and  all  articles  of  clothing  must  be 
marked.  .  *  . 

'  Itrqui.c'iff^.'  for  g\(Imi.c;.oion;  &(, 

Students  will  be  received  .<^any  point  in  the  College  Course 
for  which  they  arc  qualified  ;  but  no  Student  will  be  per- 
initted  to  begin  the  course  who  cannot  pass  a  good  examina- 
tion in  Reading,  NVriting,  Arithmetic,  Grammar,  Geography, 
and  History  of  the  Uniud  States.  All  not  so  qualilied  will 




be  entered  in  tlie  preparatory  Frosliinan  Class  ;  provided  tlicy 
arc  thirteen  years  of  age.         •  - 

Students  are  required  to  bring  testimonials  of  charaeter 
from  the  schools  they  liave  attended,  and  certificates  of  vacci- 

The  discipline  of  the  College  is  conducted  in  accordance 
^vith  the  system  of  rules  laid  down  in  this  Catalogue,  and 
such  others  as  the  Faculty  may  from  time  to  time  jircscribc, 
subject  to  the  approval  of  the  Board  of  Trustees;  and  it  is 
expected  that  all  Students  will  conform  to  these  rules,  and  to 
the  proper  authority  of  the  officers  in  enforcing  them,  so  long 
as  they  remain  connected  with  the  Institution.  ]^or  persistent 
infraction  of  the  rnles,  or  any  conduct  unbecoming  a  scholar 
or  a  gentleman.  Students  will  be  liable  to  suspension,  expul- 
sion, or  a  request  addressed  to  the  parent  or  gnardian  that 
they  be  withdrawji. 

After  the  expiration  of  a  term  of  suspension,  the  student 
may  return  to  his  class  upon  passing  the  necessary  exami- 

Ko  student  will  be  permitted  to  go  on  with  his  class,  who 
fails  to  pass  a  satisfactory  examination  at  the  end  of  each 
term.  AVhen,  however,  the  deficiency  is  slight,  and  arises 
from  a  cause  not  afTccting  his  moral  character,  he  will  be 
allowed  to  proceed,  u])on  condition  of  making  up  his  defi- 
ciency and  passing  the  requisite  examination  within  a  specified 

Applications  for  admission,  or  for  fnrther  information, 
should  be  addressed  to  the  President  of  the  Maryland  Agri- 
cnltural  College,  College  Station,  Prince  George  County, 

■1        :  J- 

. '  s 

,  i 

wi)MM  ©m^QQ'mw^ 






i  V  y  I 









M::i\\hvii  fhuiivndhn. 


For  the  purpose  of  mllllary  iiistriiction,  as  required  by  Jaw, 
the  students  arc  organized  into  companies  (the  number  oi 
companies  depending  on  tlic  number  of  students)  on  the  basis 
of  the  infantry  organization.  The  military  course  consists  of 
daily  drills,  and  occasional  lectures  on  tactics  and  the  com- 
position and  organization  of  armies.  Military  discipline  will 
be  strictly  enforced,  and  stadcnis  u'lll  he  required  to  appear  in 
uniform  at  all  times, 

*  -  ■  . 

The   Professors   will   in  succession   perforin    the  duties  of 
Offlcer-in- Charge. 

The  Oniccr-in-Chargc  will  enforce  all  regulations,  and  use 
every  eflort  to  preserve  good  order  and  detect  oflcnccs. 

lie  vrill  as  far  as  possible  attend  all  formations. 

He  will  inspect  Cadets*  rooms  at  12  Meridian  and  at  other 
times  at  discretion.  -       /  ■      '     • 

Military  etiquette  will  govern  the  exchange  of  salutations 
between  a  Cadet  and  his  Professor  at  all  times. 

The  Officer-in-Chargc  will  inspect  all  parts  of  the  College 
after  ^^  taps,*'  guarding  specially  against  fire. 

No  permission  shall  he.  granted  to  sit  up  after  taps,  or  to 
burn  lights,  except  in  case  of  illness,  or  some  extraordinary 

&ifxttx  0f  tlu  SiUj. 

At  evening  roll  call  an  Onicer  of  the  Company  or  ])af- 
^^i^ion  will  be  detailed  for  dutv  as  Oflicer  of  the  ])av,  be-in- 
ping  oil  ^]^f^  ^-]  followino;  at  mornin<r  roll-call,  and  continuing- 
twenty-four  houi'S. 

/  30 

Tlic  Ofilcci'  of  the  Day  ^v^ll  wear  a  sword,  sasli  and  white 
gloves  during  liis  tour  of  duly,  except  wliilc  at  jiicals. 

He  Avill  reecivc  and  trcnt  with  courtesy  all  persons  who 
may  visit  the  College. 

He  Avill  at  all  times  enforce  the  regulations,  and  assist  the 
ofKicer  in  charge  in  the  performance  of  liis  duties. 

He  will  not  attend  drills  or  recitations  durini!;  his  tour  of 


.duty;  but  will  be  present  at  roll-calls  and  mess- formations ; 
and  he  will  superintend  at  section-formations,  seek  absentees 
not  accounted  for,  order  them  to  go  to  the  proper  room,  and 
report  all  delinquencies.  He  may  study  the  lessons  of  the 
day,  but  reading  or  writing  for  other  purposes  is  forbidden. 

He  will  keep  the  daily  Journal  and  Order  Book,  and  Avill 
cause  the  bells  to  be  rung  at  the  proper  time. 

He  will  keep  the  daily  conduct-report  in  such  form  as  the 
Commandant  of  Cadets  iniiy  prescribe. 

He  will   enter  the  names  of  all  Cadets  p'oinof  on  furlouoh 
and  note  the  time  of  going  and  returning. 

He  will  not  visit  any  of  the  Cadets'  rooms  except  on  duty. 

He  will  not  receive  visits  from  the  Cadets  in  his  office. 

He  will  sec  and  report  all  lights  extinguished  at  10  P.  M. 
except  those  of  the  Professors. 

The  Oflieer  of  the  Day  will  receive  and  distribute  the  mail. 

The  Cadets  occupying  each  room  will  alterjiate  weekly  as 

The  Orderly  will  post  his  name  in  his  room  in  such,  place 
and  manner  as  the  Commandant  of  Cadets  inay  direct. 

lie  will  be  responsible  for  the  general  cleanliness  of  the 
room,  and  of  such  furniture  as  is  used  by  the  occupants  in 
common,  and  for  the  observance  of  regulations  in  the  room. 

>  \  01 

ric  will  bo  responsible  for  tlio  proscrvailon  of*  all  College 
properly  iiscCi  in  the  room,  aiul  will  sec  thai  tlic  regulations 
about  ligbts  are  obeyed.  "  • 

Upon  tbc  call  to  any  forination,  Cadets  will  assemble  and 
fall  in  at  the  place  designated,  quietly  and  i)romptly. 

All  formations  will  be  of  a  strictly  military  cliaractcr. 

During  the  reading  of  the  conduct  report,  the  battalion 
shall  be  brought  to  "parade  rest." 

The  Cadet  whose  name  stands  first  on  the  list  of  a  section 
shall  be  the  leader,  and  the  next  one  shall  be  the  second 
leader.  ^     - 

The  section  leader  shall  bo  responsible  fov,  and  report  all 
irregularities  in  dress  or  conduct. 

At  the  given  signal,  the  leader  shall  form  his  section  at  the 
appointed  place,  in  two  ranks,  in  the  order  in  which  they 
stand  on  the  list  from  right  to  left. 

At  the  command,  he  shall  call  the  roll  of  his  section,  and 
shall  report  all  absentees  to  the  Officer  of  Viie  Day. 

He  shall  march  his  section  into  the  section  room,  presorv- 
nig  strict  military  discipline  and  silence.  After  the  section 
has  entered  the  room,  the  leader  shall  command  '^  Seats !  " 
and  report  absentees  to  the  1^-ofessor.  When  dismissed,  he 
shall  give  the  order  "  llise  !  "  and  "  March  out !  "  lie  shall 
then  form  liis  section  as  before,  and  march  to  the  plaxjc  desi"- 
liated  for  its  dismissal,  where  he  shall  break  ranks. 

Cadets  yvhcn  reciting  shall  stand  at  attention  or  parade 
rest,  modified  as  circiinistanees  may  require. 

No  Cadet  shall  leave  the  Section  Koom  without  the  per- 
mission of  the  Professor,  nor  shall  he  ask  for  permission  ex- 
cept in  a  case  of  necessity.  . 

No  Cadet  except  the  leader  and  second  leader  shall  bring  a 
text-book  to  the  formation  or  Section  Room,  nnless  specially 
ordered  by  the  Professor.  Section  leaders  shall  be  responsible 
for  the  enforcement  of  this  rule. 

ll^pot'fs'  and  6xrii^iC.^'. 

Delinquencies  shall  be  reported  by  the  ofliccrs  responsible 
for  the  conduct  of  Cadets. 

Delinquencies  at  recitations,  or  at  any  other  time  %Yithin, 
the  knowledi'c  of  the  Professors  or  Assistant  Professors,  shall 
be  reported  in  writing  to  the  President. 

Excuses  may  be  made  cither  verbally  or  in  writing  to  the 
Commandant  of  Cadets  daily  at  4  P.  M. 

All  re]?orts  of  absence  from  quarters  at  night  must  be  ex-     • 
plained  by  a  written  statement,  whether  an  excuse  is  ofTcred 
or  not. 

Cadets  desiring  a  personal  interview  with  the  President 
will  call  at  his  Office  at  11. oO  A.  M.,  or  at  4  P.  M.     *    .    . 

^ivc  l^vitjartr. 

The  Fire  Brigade  will  include  in  its  organization  every 
person  connected  with  the  College  and  Farm. 

Cadets  will,  at  the  fire  alarm,  proceed  to  their  stations  as 
designated  in  the  fire-bill. 

Exercise  at  fire-drill  will  take  place  at  such  time  as  the 
]^resident  may  direct. 




■  Cadets  shall  bathe  at  least  once  a  week. 
Loitering  aiid  disorderly  conduct  in  ihc  bath-room  or  ba.-e- 
mcnt,  arc  forbidden. 


A.  M 







11. CO 


12.40  P.  31 











guily  pontine. 

On  Week  Days. 

Boll  rings  to  rise. 

"     Prayers  and  Breakf:i-t. 

«'     Sick  Call. 

"     First  liecitation. 

*'     SocoikI         " 

"     Tliird  " 

'<     Fourtli         " 

*'     Clo.-oofA.M.Pocitaioiis. 

^Military  Exercises. 

]*re}iara(ory— -Dinner. 
"     Dinner. 

''     First  P.  M.  Pvccitation. 
"     Second  "  " 

"     Close  of  Exercises. 
"     Preparatory — Su])per. 


Call  to  Study. 

Close  of  Study  Hours. 

Eoll  Call. 
Taps — Lights  out. 







On   S  u  n  d  a  y. 

7.30  A.  M. 


.     Bell 

rings  to  Kisc. 

8.00      " 


*'     Prayers  and  Breakfast 

9.00      «' 


"     Sick  Call. 

10.30      " 


"     Inspection. 

12.30  P.  31. 


*'     Preparatoi'v — Dinner. 

1.00      " 


"     Dinner. 

5.30      " 


"     Pre]»aratory — Supj)er. 

COO      " 


*'     Supper. 

7.00      '>• 


*'     l^ivine  Service. 

9.50      «« 


"     Boll  Call. 

10.00      '' 


— Ijiirhts  out. 

-  34 

Cadets  shall  rise  proni2)tly  at  7  A.  ]\I.,  dress  without  delay, 
and  arrange  their  rooms  in  such  manner  as  may  be  prescribed 
by  the  Comjnandant  of  Cadets. 

The  daily  report  of  dclinqucnces,  involving  demerits,  shall 
be  read  at  eveninc;  roll-call. 

An  inspection-parade  shall  take  jilace  every  Sunday  at 
10,30  A.  M. ;  and  the  President  and  Faculty  will  inspect  the 
entire  College  building  at  the  same  time. 


Prayers  will  be  read  by  the  Professor  of  English  daily, 
immediately  after  breakfast-call,  and  Divine  Service  will  be 
held  on  Sunday  by  the  Rev.  Mr.  Williams  of  the  Protestant 
Episcopal  Cliurch. 

The  attendance  of  Cadets  will  be  required  unless  their 
parents  make  a  written  request  to  the  contrary. 

Cadets  shnll  observe  the  Lord's  Day  with  pro])or  decorum. 

II  n  f  i  V  mnr  y . 

Lists  of  Cadets  iintltted  for  duty  by  illness  will  be  sent 
daily  from  the  Infirmary  to  the  Commandant  of  Cadets. 
The  sick-list  shall  contain  the  names  of  Cadets  excused  from 
all  recitations,  drills  and  formations. 

No. Cadet  will  be  excused  from  duty  unless  liis  name  is  ])ut 
on  the  list  by  the  proper  officer. 

Cadets  excused  from  drill  will  be  required  to  remain  in 
their  rooms  while  the  drill  is  taking  place. 

The  rooms  of  the  Cadets  will  be  inspected  daily  at  noon, 
by  the  Ofricer-in-Chai-ge ;  and  on  Sunday  by  the  President 
and  Faculty. 

(^      35 

Cadets  will  rise  and  stand  at  "attention"  wliilc  their 
rooms  arc  being  inspected. 

Cadets  \vil]  Ikivc  their  clotlics  and  lists  ready  for  tlic  laun- 
dress at  7  A.  M.  on  Monday. 

Furniture,  &c.,  must  be  arranged  as  the  Commandant  of 
Cadets  may  jn-escribe.  ■    .  ' 

The  Commandant  of  Cadets  ^vill  inspect  tlic  Mcss-IIall 
daily.  ■ 

The  Ofllcer-in-Charge  will  pre  ide  at  nieals. 

AVhen  the  Cadets  have  entered  the  hall  before  a  meal,  the 
Senior  Captain  sliall  give  tlie  order,  '^ Seats!" 

Thirty  minutes  will  be  allowed  for  breahfist  and  for  sup- 
per, and  forty  minutes  for  dinner.  At  the  end  of  this  time, 
the  Captain  will  give  the  ^^  der,  *^Eise  !"  the  comj)anies  vrill 
be  marched  from  the  hall,  and  tlie  doors  sha.ll  be  closed. 

No  Cadet  shall  leave  the  ^less-llall  vrithout  permission. 

Complaints  in  regard  to  the  Mess  may  be  made  to  the 
President  of  the  Faculty. 





iilclifioiia!  |;{cgtt!aliotiK. 

1.  Stiulciits  shall  be  subject  to  the  laws  and  govern iiicnt  of 
tlic  College,  and  show  in  speech  and  behavior  all  proper 
tokens  of  respect  and  obedience  to  the  Faculty;  and  arc 
expected  to  conduct  themselves^  on  every  occasion^  with  the 
propriety  and  decorum  which  characterize  the  society  of  gen- 

2.  Students  shall  observe  order  in  their  rooms,  as  well  as 
in  every  part  of  the  College  buildings  and  grounds.  Loud 
talking,  scuflling,  boisterous  behavior,  throwing  water  or 
stones,  or  unnecessary  noise  of  any  kind,  is  strictly  prohibited 
at  all  hours,  in  any  portion  of  the  building. 

3.  If  any  student  is  known  to  indulge  in  habits  injurious 
to  the  morals  of  the  College,  or  calculated  to  destroy  the 
e5tal)lished  order,  he  will  be  immediately  dismissed. 

4.  Any  student  who"  shall  bo  intoxicated,  or  shall  use,  or 
bring  wilhin  the  College  grounds,  or  have  in  his  room,  any 
spirituous,  vinous,  fermented,  or  other  intoxicating  drinks, 
shall,  for  the  first  offence,  receive  such  punishment  as  may  be 
inflicted  by  the  Faculty;  but  for  a  second  oiTence  of  a  similar 
kind,  shall  be  dismissed  from  the  Institution. 

5.  Gambling  and  card-playing  of  every  description  is 
strictly  prohibited,  and  will  be  punished  in  the  discretion 
of  the  Faculty. 

6.  Profane,  obscene,  or  vulgar  language  or  conduct,  Is 
strictly  prohibited,  and  will  be  punished  by  the  Faculty. 

7.  No  student  shall  absent  himself  from  the  College  farm 
without  first  obtaining  the  permission  of  the  President. 

8.  Students  are  not  to  join  any  convivial  club  or  other  asso- 
ciation, nor  shall  any  general  meeting  be  called  by  them  for 
any  jmrpcsc,  without  the  express  permi::slon  of  the  President. 

'>\  37 

9.  No  fire-arms  or  fire-works  of  any  dcsci'Iptlon,  or  guii- 
pO'.vdcr  in  any  {oYm^  sliall  be  introduced  by  any  student 
within  the  walls  of  the  College;  nor  shall  the  same  be  used 
by  any  person  within  the  inclosnrc  of  the  College  f.iriii, 
without  the  sanction  of  the  President. 

10.  All  persons  are  strictly  forbidden  to  cut,  mark,  or  in 
any  manner  deface  or  injure  the  y  alls,  buildings,  porches,  or 
public  property  of  any  kind.  Any  one  so  offending  will  be 
required  to  make  good  such  daningc  or  injury,  and  be  other- 
wise punished,  as  the  case  may  require. 

11.  Students  arc  not  to  congregate,  for  social  or  other  pur- 
poses, in  the  hall,  nor  sit  on  the  stairs  or  front  stejis,  nor 
lounge  or  stand  on  thc^)o?T/i  or  grounds  u]  front  of  the  College. 
They  are  also  forbidden  to  sriiolcc  in  the  Jiall.i  or  on  the  front 
porch,  or  io  jilaij  or  smol'c  on  the;  grounds  in  front  of  the  hvild- 
ings.  They  are  also  required  to  leaye  the  J  Tall  immediately 
after  roll-call,  and  are  not  allowed  to  use  the  south  stairs  of 
the  College  at  any  time. 

12.  Study  hours,  except  on  Saturday  and  Sun(hiy,  arc  from 
8.1-A.  M.  to  12  M.,  from  2  to  -1  V.  M.,  and  from  7  to  K) 
P.  M.  During  these  hours  students  must  be  quiet  and  stny 
within  the  buildiuii'.  Yisitiu"'  from  room  to  room  durine- 
study  hours  Is  forbidden,  unless  by  express  permission  of  the 
President,  or,  in  his  absence,  by  some  member  of  the  Faculty, 
or  military  officer.  And  in  going  to  and  from  the  recitation 
and  their  own  rooms,  students  must  walk  \\\  an  oi"derly  man- 
ner. Loud  talking,  whistling,  or  noise  of  any  kind  in  the 
rooms  or  halls,  or  running  u])  or  down  stairs,  is  stricth/  for- 

13.  On  Saturday,  and  cspccicdhj  on  Sunday,  the  sanie  quiet 
order  shall  be  maintained  in  the  rooms  and  halls  as  o]}  othei* 
days.     Put  this  rule  shall  not  be  construed  to  forbid  students 


visiting  cacli  ollic'/.s^  rooms,  provided  that  not  more  than  two 
visitors  sliall  be  in  any  room  at  a  time, 

1-i.  Xo  student  shall  resort  to  the  kitchen  or  visit  tlic 
dining-room,  (except  durijig  meal  hours,)  ^vithout  special  per- 
mission of  the  President  or  some  member  of  the  Faculty. 

15.  Tasks  or  other  punishments  may  be  inflicted  for 
absence  from  prayers,  meal-rolls,  from  churcli,  or  absence 
from  class,  without  permission  iirevlousJij  obtained. 

16.  Tlie  student's  room  shall  be  subject  to  inspection  at 
any  and  at  all  hours.  Want  of  neatness,  etc.,  shall  be  pun- 
ished as  the  President  ma)"  determine. 

17.  In  proceeding  to  meals,  and  while  at  the  table,  every 
one  is  expected  to  conduct  himself  with  gentlemanly  pro- 
priety. Xoisy  conversation,  loud  calling  to  servants,  or 
rattling  of  dishes,  &c,,  will  not  be  allowed. 

18.  Those  who  wilfully  disregard  the  letter  and  spirit  of 
the  rules  of  the  College  arc  punished  with  domci'its.  When 
the  demerit  marks  of  any  student  reach  50  in  number  he  will 
be  warned  by  the  President  in  private:  when  his  demerits 
reach  100  the  President  will  again  warn  him,  and  advise  his 
guardian  of  such  action,  with  the  reason  therefor:  for  200 
demerits  he  shall  be  requested  to  icithdraw  from  the  Institu- 

19.  In  matriculating,  each  student  is  furnished  with  a 
copy  of  the  Pules,  and  is  understood  as  pledging  himself  to 
obey  them. 

20.  The  Faculty  and  military  oflicers  arc  required  to  re- 
port all  students  who  violate  the  Pules  or  any  regulations  of 
the  College. 

21.  No  Cadet  shall  address  a  Professor  on  the  subject  of 
marks  without  permission  from  the  President  of  the  Faculty. 





At  the  coininencemoiit  of  tlic  coming  Session,  ] 870-77, 
tlie  Matyland  Agkicultuual  College  will  be  almost 
free  of  debt.  The  Trustees  liaving  dcemcil  it  expedient  to 
increase  and  reorganize  the  faculty  and  reeonstruct  the 
course  of  study,  so  as  to  adaj^t  tlic  College  more  fnlly  to 
the  present  wants  and  requiremciits  of  tlie  State,  there  will 
be  lienceforth  : 

3.  A  Chair  of  Civil  Engineering  and  Astronomy. 

2.  A  Chair  of  English  Literature,  Mental  and  Moral  Thil- 

osophy,  and  History. 

3.  A  Chair  of  Matliematies. 

4.  A  Chair  of  Physies  and  Ap})lied  iMathematics. 

b.  A  Chair  of  Agrieulture,  Architecture  and  -Drawing. 
G.  A  Chair  of  Chemistry  and  Xatural  History. 
7.  A  Chair  of  Ancient  and  Moderi)  Lanif;uaircs. 

This  institutio]!,  as  will  be  seen  from  its  extensive  and 
varied  ''^course  of  study,''  supplies  a  manifest  want  of  the 
community.  Those  who  have  both  time  and  means  for  a 
thorough  collegiate  course  will  find  here  all  the  requisite 
facilities  for  securing  that  end.  Others  whose  circumstances 
are  different  are  not  required  to  2^iiisue  studies  that  have  no 
inunediate  and  direct  reference  to  the  active  business  duties 
of  the  future  towards  which  they  arc  looking.  All  such  are 
provided  with  thorough  instruction  in  those  branches  which 
more  particularly  relate  to  the  chosen  vocation. 

Each  student  will  be  required  to  j^ursuc  in  regular  order  one 
of  the  courses  of  study  prescribed   by  the  Board  of  'I'rustccs. 

All  the  text-books  of  the  course  are  furnished  at  the  Col- 
lege at  statiorers'  rates.  Beneficiary  students  have  use  of 
them  free  of  coi^iy  except  in  case  of  loss  or  damtige. 

Farmers  in  the  State  desirina,-  an  analysis  of  Soils  or  Fer- 
tilizers,  are  requested  to  send  specimens  to  the  Professor  of 
Chemistry.     The  work  will  be  done  witliout  charge. 


dkleiidkf  l§>r6-^^^-. 


June  25 — Baccalaureate  Ser^iox, 

%  Eey.  Dr.  GRAI^OIER,  of  Maryland, 

June  27 — Commencement  Day: 

Address  to  the  Graduating  Class^ 

By  Hon.  Z.  33.  YANCJ^:,  of  North  CaroUna. 

June  28 — Session  Closes. 

September  20 — Session  Commences. 

December  21 — Cjiristmas  Holiday  of  Thirteen  Days. 

187  7  s 

January  31 — Close  of  First  Term. 
February  1 — Second  Term  Begins. 
June  24 — Baccalaureate  Sermon. 
June  26 — Commencement  Day.