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Ul"    THi: 


Maryland  Agricultural  College 


THIR'rV  =  F"lRST     Vkar, 

i  Kioiii  ilic-  l'i-os~;  ol  Tl-K'  D.-iilj'  R,e<-<)Td. 


Mar  ij  I  a  lid  Agi'i  culture  I  College. 

CALENDAR  FOR  1890-91. 

September  2j — Tiiesdiiv — Exiuniiuitioiis  for  admission. 

Septembe7-  2^— Wediiesdny — Full  Term  begins,  9  A.  ]\I. 

Thiiteen  AA^eeks. 

Decembe?-  2j>— Tiiesdav— Fall  Term  ends  at  H  P.  M. 

January  6 — Tuesday —\\  inter  'iVrm  begins,  !>  A.  jM. 

Eleven  Weeks.  # 

Alarch  2j  —  Winter  Term  ends  at  noon. 

CEaster,  Alarch  21»th.) 

Afar  eh  ji — I'nesday — Sjiring  Term  begins,  9  A.  M. 

'I'welve  AVeeks. 

/luie  24 — Wed nesday — <  J radiiation    I  )ay. 

Spring  Term  ends  at  sunset. 

June  25 — Thursday — Examination  for  admission  to  the  College, 

the  followinir  Autunni. 

Ma rij/a lul  .dgricultLifal  College.  '> 


Members  Ex-Officio  under  State  Law. 

Pliy  Excellency   E.  E.  JACKSON,  Uoveriwr, 


Hon.  WiM.  PINKNEY  AVIIYTE,  Aftonunj  General         / 
Hox.  L.  VICTOll  liAUCTlIMAN,  ComptrolJer  of  the  Trcasitnj.     \ 
Hon.  IJOIiEirr  F.  JiRATTAN,  PresideiU  of  the  Senate. 
Hon.  JOHN  HUBNEh',  Speaker  of  the  House  of  Delegates.     3 
Hon.  EDWIN  H.  BKOWN,  State  Treasurer.  i 

^  Members  Elected  by  the  Stockholders. 

Hon.  J.  CAHKOLL  WALSH,  Jernsalem  Mills,  Harford  Co.     i^ 
Hon.  WILMO'J^  JOHNSON,  Catoiisville,  l^altimore  Co. 
CHAS.  H.  CAIA'EKT,  Es(^,  Agricultural  Colloi-o,  P.  C.  Co. 
ROIVEKT  A.  DOBIHN,  Esq.,  St.  Denis,  Haltiinore  Co.  h 

ALLEN   I)0D(;E,  Esq.,  Washington,  J).  C. 

Members  by  Executive  Appointment. 

'I'crm  lvx]>ires. 

GEORGE  \{.  WILLLS  Esq.,  ^13  Courtland  St.,  Hallimoro.  1S'.)3 

Dk.  CILVS.  A.  WELLS,  Hyattsville,  rrincc  George's  Co.  \^\n 

Col.  F.  CARROLL  GOLDSIU)ROU(iH,  Eastern,  Talbot  Co.  1894 

DAX'ID  SEIIU^irr,  Es(^.,  Clear  Spring,  AVashington  Co.  LS94 

JEREMIAH   I'.  SILVER,  Est^,  (ilenvillc,  Harl'ord  Co.  180H 

WILLIAM  'V.  lVrEI)LEK\  Esq.,  L.altiniore.  189H 

Jf  Maryland  AgriciUtaj-aJ  College. 



President  and  Lecturer  on  Agrieiilfnre  and  Hidori/. 

THOMAH  N.  CONKAI),  A.  M.,  M.  Sc, 

Professsor  of  the  Principles  and  Pracfim  of  Agriculture. 

DICE  MoLAKEN,  M.  So.,  B.  D. 

Professor  <f  Natural  History. 

JOPIN   D.   Hirtl),   A.  M. 

Professor  of  Chemistry. 

KICHAKIJ  H.  ALVEY.  Jk.,  A.  V>., 
Professor   of    Language    a)id    Literature. 

W.  H.  ZIMMERMAN,  A.  M.  . 

Professor  of  Physics  and  Acting  Professor  of  German  and  French. 

ALBERT  B.  SCOTT,  Lieut  13th  Infantry,  V.  S.  Army, 

Professor  of  Military  Science  and  Tactics  and  Acting  Professor  of 

Mcdhematics  and  Drawing. 

*W.  HORACE  SOPER,  Registrar. 

Rrof.  ALVEY,  Librarian. 

*DiL'il  Octolicr  25th,   1SS9. 

Maryland  Agriculiif ifrl  ( 'o/lcge. 



F.  L.  KILlJOPiNK,  l'>.  \.  ^. 

U.  S.  BiLVcmi  of  Animal  Indndry. 

IX'Ctlircr  on  Comparative  Aiiatoiny  of  Doiiitstic   Auiinals  and  Veterinary  Science  cnul 


M,  (J.  ELLZFA\  l\.  I).. 

Vroprktor  of  Earnsrliffi'  Siork   Ficnn.    Woods/ui-l:,    Md:  fovoKrhj 
Professor  of  AgricuJivre,  Vir()ivi((  Af/riciiJfiiral  Co/lefje. 

Lecturer  upon  the  Principles  of  Preeilini;  Domestic 

C.  lIx\KT  MKIUMAM,  M.  1).. 

Vliiif  of  Division  of  OrnitlwJo<iy,  r.  S.  Dcpfrfnimf  of  Af/ricdJ/urc. 

Lecturer  on  the  IJircls  and  rkianuniils  of  America  in  their  Rekitions  to  AsrricuUure. 


Curator  Dcpt.  of  Litliology  and  Physic(d  Gt'ajnqdiy,  U.  K  Kalioiud 


Lecturer  on  the  Practical  Aspects  of  I'hysical  Cccgraphy  anci  (ieolcsy 


Maryland  Agricultural  ExpcriniGntal  Station 


HENllY  E.  ALVOIM),  (J.  E., 





-A-ii'i'ioi  ilti  ii'i:-;r. 


jN'Iaolii  iii><t. 




Mar  [flu  I  id  Agi'icidtitval  College. 

Catalogue-  of  iTuoE-MTS 

I'OR    TH1£ 

Session  of  1889-90. 


ANNAN,  DANIKL,  JR.,     -        -        -        - 
BRANCH,  CHARI.HS,        -        -        -        - 

^'  cAi.vKR'r,  divORc,]-;  hi;nrv,  jr.,   - 

CAI,VJ:kT,  RICHARD  CR]:AGH   M.,      - 
CHKNV.  FRANK.  -         .         -         .         . 

CHILDS,  NATHAN,       ----- 

i)Achi>;nhai'Sf;n,  ali-;xandf;r  yon. 

I'ISHKR.  JOHN  cordon,         - 

Foss,  ALLISON  archi;r 


gambrill,  sTF;rnFN  warfifU-d.  - 


Amineiidale,  I'rincc  Georijcs  Co. 

Aniinciulale,  I'rincc  GcoiKe's  Co. 

Cuiuberland.  Allejjaiiy  Co. 

Ash  (irove,  F'airfax  Co.,  Ya. 

IvlHcott  City.  Howard  Co. 

Brookland,  D.  C. 

Asricnltaral  College,  I'rincc  Gcora;e',s  Co. 

Ajiricniliiral  Collcvjc.  Triiicc  George's  Co. 


Highland,  Howard  Co. 

I-'airland,  Montgomery  Co. 

>Yashington,  D.  C. 


Wa.shington,  D.  C. 

^Vashington,  D.  C. 


I,anrel,  I'rincc  George's  Co. 

La\ircl.  Prince  George's  Co. 

I'recdoni,  Carroll  Co. 

Faston.  Talbot  Co. 

Dcrwood,  Montgomery  Co. 






"  K]-:ECH.  \VILLL\M  SCOTT,  Jr.,       - 

LANc.Li'V,  j.\M}-;s  cj,ari;nci-;, 

J,ATLMJ-:i<.  J.\Mi;S  r.K.WVNEK. 

LAT]M^;K.TIIO^L^S  i:i>\VL\. 

Me]JOXAI,D,  T11<j:\L\S  Hl-.NToN, 
^  NILES,  EDWARD  (iRANT.     - 
Vl']vNN,  Sr,  ------ 

KAV,JAM1-;S   ICNOS,  Jr., 

RIND.  R()1?1';hT  C.  KIlvRSON. 

krssia.L.  RoBivKT  Li;i;, 
si;ii{i;RT,  ■a',\l'j"i:k  s'i"i"avart, 

Slv.MMl'S,  RICHARD  :\I  I  DDLI' TON.     - 

shi;r:\l\n,  hi;nrv  cL.M'i', 

SMITH,  i-ri;di;rick  joiin, 

V  SOLIDS,  cL.\Ri;xci;  I'll. di;r. 

\ 'I'oNvi'.Rs,  lanvki;nci-:  barton, 
i    vi:iTCH.  it^i:tchi;r  i']-:arri;, 


Cuinl)erland,  Allejfaiiy  Co. 
Myersdale,  I'enn. 

IJurnt  Mills,  Montgomen-  Co. 

15iiohton,  Montg^omcry  Co. 

Acjricnltural  College.  Prince  George's  Co. 

Towsoii,  lUillimore  Co. 

Scollaiul,  St.  -ALiry'.s  Co. 

I'ort  Republic,  Cal\(.-rt  Co. 


Ha;4ersto\\  11.  Washington  Co. 

Potomac,  IMontgoniery  Co. 

NVashington, D.  C. 

Seoul.  Corea. 

NVashington.  D.  C. 


Wasliington.  D.  C. 

Clear  >Spriiig'.  NVasliino'ton  Co. 

Cumberland.  .Alleg.'iny  Co. 

.\sh  <".rove,  I'airfax  Co..  Va. 

Washington,  1).  C. 

;\IcKeesi)iirt,  Penn. 

Denton,  Caroline  Co. 

I,a>lons\iIl(',  Montgomery  Co. 

Denton,  Caroline  t.'o. 


M(( /'///' ffjid  Agi'icultuTal  College 


irrCIIARl)  C.  M.  CALVERT,  W.  S. 
EH  WART)  (Hi  ANT  NILES,  R.  S. 


l^OliERT  M.  RINDELL,  Jr.,  R.  S. 
FRANK  WITMER,  1^.  S. 


sa:^iuel  i\i.  chamrliss,  a.  r. 
mela  in  c.  iiazen.  r.  s. 
leonard  r.  johnson,  a.  j*,, 
william  a.  sicleh,  r,.  s. 
rorert  e.  smith,  r.  s. 

JITLIITS  ^^.  WLEMS,  B.  S. 

Marijland  Agii cultural  College.  9 



Was  the  second  of  its  kind,  still  in  existence,  in  Aniericii,  to  open 
its  doors  to  students,  and  the  iirst  and  only  one  established  by  the 
voluntary  contributions  of  public-spirited  citizeiis.  The  charter, 
"to  establish  and  endow  an  agricultural  college  in  the  State  of 
Maryland  *  *  *  in  which  the  youthful  student  may  especially 
be  instructed  in  those  arts  and  sciences  indispensable  to  suc- 
cessful agricultural  pursuits,"  was  granted  in  j\[arch,  185G,  being- 
more  than  six  years  before  the  Iirst  1^'ederal  legislation  for  a  similar 

As  a  foundation,  about  live  hundred  liberal  residents  of  Mary- 
land, most  of  them  directly  interested  in  the  agi'icultural  property 
and  progress  of  the  State,  together  with  a  few  non-residents,  sub- 
scribed the  amount  necessary  to  purchase  the  farm  and  erect  the 
first  buildings.  Subsefjuently  the  State  made  special  appropria- 
tions to  the  College,  which  are  still  continued,  and  this  institution 
receives  the  benefits  of  the  Congressional  land  grant  to  jMaryland, 
under  the  act  of  July  2d,  18G2 ;  also  the  ai)propriations  under  the 
act  of  Congress  of  March  2cl,  1887. 


njIIE  COLLEGE  is  located  three-fourths  of  a  mile  from  College 
Station,  Prince  George's  Co.,  Md.,  on  the  Washington  Branch 
of  the  Baltimore  and  Ohio  Railroad.  Numerous  trains  daily 
afford  easy  communication  with  all  points.  College  Hill,  on  which 
stand  the  principal  college  buildings,  is  a  beautiful  eminence,  over- 
looking wide  stretches  of  country.     The  surrounding  farm  em- 

10  MaTTjlancl  Agricultural  College. 

braces  two  hundred  and  eighty-six  acres,  forty  of  which  are  wood- 
land, and  a  large  part  of  the  remainder  is  nnder  cultivation.  The 
conformation  of  the  farm  and  diversity  of  its  soil  offer  excellent 
opportunities  for  varied  agricultural  operations,  and  this,  together 
with  the  beauty  and  healthfulness  of  the  site,  admirably  adapts 
the  location  to  the  purposes  of  an  educational  institution  of  this 
character.  The  city  of  AVashington  is  only  eight  miles  distant ; 
this  proximity  to  the  National  Cajntal  gives  the  College  exceptional 
advantages  in  the  valuable  aid  which  it  derives  from  the  libraries 
and  scientific  collections  of  the  different  Departments  of  the  Gov- 


rFsIIE  post-office  address  is  Agricultural  College,  I'rince  George's 
^       Co.,  Md.     Telegrams  and  express   matter  should  be  sent  to 
College  Station  (B.  and  O.  E.  IL) 


rTsIIE  main  building,  standing  in  the  midst  of  a  fine  grove  of 
^  forest  trees,  is  a  massive  brick  structure  of  six  stories,  one 
hundred  and  twenty  fe(5t  long  and  fifty-four  feet  Avide.  It 
possesses  accommodations  for  one  hundred  and  fifty  students, 
apartments  for  professors,  class-rooms,  chapel,  museum,  library, 
reading-room,  armory,  parlors,  dining-room,  and  the  necessary 
offices.  The  dormitories  are  sj)acious,  well  ventilated,  and  heated 
by  steam.  Well-water,  forced  to  ttinks  in  the  attic,  is  supplied  to 
the  several  floors  by  a  system  of  pipes.  Careful  provision  is  made 
for  the  maintenance  of  the  proper  sanitary  condition  of  the  building. 

Maryland  Agricultural  College. 


The  Chemical  Laboratory,  a  separate  brick  structure  close  to  the 
main  building,  has  been  recently  thoroughly  refitted.  It  is  furn- 
isln.'d  with  Avater,  steam  and  gas,  and  with  all  the  apparatus  of  a 
well  appointed  laboratory. 

The  Gymnasium,  another  detaclied  building,  erected  for  the' 
purpose,  affords  opportunity  for  liealthful  exercise  and  muscular 

The  President's  residence  occupies  a  fine  site  a  few  hundred 
yards  from  the  college. 

The  Agricultural  Experiment  station  has  its  offices  and  working 
quarters  in  the  substantial  brick  structures,  formerly  known  as 
"  Itossburgh,"  now  completely  renovated,  and  situated  about  a 
hundred  rods  from  the  college  buildings,  in  the  midst  of  the  fields 
especially  assigned  to  experiment  purposes. 

12  Maryltuul  AgricultiLral  College. 


npiIE  Act  of  Congress  creating  the  endowment  of  State  Agricul- 
^'  tural  Colleges  was  passed  July  2d,  1802,  and  is  entitled  "An 
act  granting  jinblic  lands  to  the  several  States  and  Territories 
which  may  provide  colleges  for  the  benefit  of  agriculture  and  the 
mechanic  arts." 
as  follows : 

The  aims  of  a  college  thus  originated  are  defined 

"  Its  leading  object  shall  be,  without  excluding  other  scientific 
and  classical  studies,  and  including  military  tactics,  to  teach  such 
branches  of  learniug  as  are  related  to  agriculture  and  the  mechanic 
arts,  in  such  manner  as  the  Legislatures  of  the  States  may  respec- 
tively i)rescribe,  in  order  to  promote  the  liberal  and  practical 
education  of  the  industrial  classes  in  the  several  pursuits  and  pro- 
fessions in  life." 

In  accordance  with  this  "  act "  and  corresponding  legislation  of 
the  State  of  Maryland,  the  trustees  of  this  College  recognize  their 
obligation  to  provide  here,  first  of  all,  for  thorough  instruction  in 
"  those  branches  of  learning  which  are  related  to  agriculture  and 
the  mechanic  arts."'  They  have  not  yet  been  able  fully  to  realize 
their  hopes  and  purposes,  but  they  are  assured  that  the  plans  they 
have  now  devised  will  effect  a  steady  advance  in  this  direction. 
The  members  of  the  Faculty  are  men  chosen  with  special  reference 
to  their  iitness  for  duties  in  an  institution  of  the  character  above 
indicated.  The  course  of  study  has  been  changed  in  certain  im- 
portant particulars  to  adai)t  it  more  perfectly  to  the  "  leading- 
object  "  of  the  College,  and  so  far  as  means  are  available  all  appli- 
ances which  are  correspondingly  called  for,  will  be  provided.  It 
is  not  intended  that  the  time  of  the  students  shall  be  occupied 
with  the  ordinary  labors  of  the  farm  and  workshop,  but  that,  ac- 
companied by  their  instructors,  they  shall  spend  certain  fixed  por- 
tions of  the  day,  at  suitable  seasons,  in  the  fields  or  stables,  observing 
and  performing  such  operations  as  may  illustrate  the  teachings  of 
the  class  room  in  the  department  of  agriculture  and  instruct  in 
their  proper  execution. 

Mavylaiiil  Agricultural  College. 


But  while  these  brunches  of  learning  will  be  thus  strongly  em- 
phasized, "  other  scientific  and  classical  studies  "  will  be  included 
in  the  course  as  heretofore,  so  that  a  "liberal"  as  well  as  a  "prac- 
tical education "  may  be  within  the  reach  of  the  "  industrial 
classes  "  to  lit  them  for  "  the  several  pursuits  and  professions  in 
1  ife."  Instruction  in  military  tactics  Avill  be  given  also,  as  by  law- 

Experience  has  proved  that  the  course  of  instruction  oifered  at 
this  and  kindred  institutions,  forms  an  exceptionally  good  prepara- 
tion for  those  desiring  to  pursue  later  professional  studies  for  law 
or  medicine,  often  saving  a  full  year  of  time  at  the  expensive  pro-  / 
fessional  schools.  And  the  range  of  study  here  is  so  broad,  truly 
liberal  and  thoroughly  practical,  that  the  graduate  is  well  fitted 
for  general  business. 



Agricultural  property  in  the  older  States  has  depreciated  in 
value  in  recent  years,  and  it  is  generally  admitted  that  the  success- 
ful and  profitable  pursuit  of  farming  is  more  difficult  than  in  for- 
mer times.  The  changed  condition  of  aifairs  is  recognized  l)y 
every  one.  Active  and  increasing  competition,  loAver  prices  for  pro- 
ducts and  higher  rates  for  labor  compel  greater  economy  on  the 
farm  and  a  closer  study  of  the  markets.  A  greater  diversity  in 
crops  and  stock  is  found  advisable  as  a  rule.  The  owner,  renter  or 
manager  of  agricultural  land  needs  to  apply  less  physical  strength, 
but  more  brain  Avork,  tlian  in  years  past.  In  short,  it  is  now 
almost  universal] v  recognized  that  the  business  of  farminn'  and 
gardening  requires  a  si)ecial  prepai'ation  and  training,  or  in  otlier 
words,  a  ."Special  cdiuxttion  for  its  successful  pursuit,  just  as  is  found 
necessary  for  other  gainful  occupations. 

The  Maryland  Agricultural  College  aims  to  supply  this  i)articu- 
lar  line  of  education.  It  does  not  expect  one  of  its  students  or  grad- 
uates to  perform  the  manual  labor  of  the  farm  any  better  than  if  he 
had  never  attended  college.  But  it  does  enable  him  to  understand 
better  the  reasons  for  such  labor,  and  the  right  time  and  method 
of  its  application, — to  judge  of  skilled  and  unskilled  labor  and 
manage  it  economically  and  wisely, — to  understand  the  principles 

IJj.  Maryland  AgricultiLral  College^. 

of  the  construction  and  use  of  labor-saving  appliances  so  as  to 
select  and  operate  tliem  with  judgment, — to  know  the  natural  laws 
and  their  modifications,  which  should  govern  the  cultivation  of  the 
soil,  the  production  of  crops  and  rearing  of  domestic  animals, — 
and  the  many  ways  in  which  modern  science  can  he  brought  to  the 
aid  of  agriculture,  by  preserving  the  natural  fertility  of  the  earth, 
restoring  the  productiveness  of  worn  lands,  and  by  improved 
methods  enlarging  the  returns,  while  lessening  the  area  and  cost  of 

This  class  of  instruction  is  not  only  becoming  a  necessity  to 
those  who  must  obtain  a  livelihood  by  furming,  but  it  is  equally 
useful  and  profitable  to  the  retired  merchant  or  professional  man, 
the  inheritor  of  large  estates  which  have  been  impoverished  by 
long  continued  cropping,  and  the  lover  of  nature  and  country  life, 
whatever  may  be  his  special  occupatiou.  It  is  a  training  in  the 
observation  of  natural  objects  and  practical  affairs  which  proves 
useful  in  all  the  walks  of  life,  although  especially  adapted  to  those 
who  have  the  ownership,  use  or  management  of  agricultural  land 
and  country  property. 

In  the  effort  to  realize  thes«  aims  and  purposes,  the  laboratory, 
museum,  library,  stable  and  fields  are  used  to  supplement  work  in 
the  class  and  lecture  room.     Practical  illustration  or  object  lessons 
go   hand  in  hand  with  theory  and  the  teachings  of  science.     The 
Agricultural  Experiment  Station,  provided  for  this  State  by  the 
Act  of  Congress  approved  March  :2(1,  1887,  has  been  established 
upon  the  college  farm,  and  although  a  distinct  branch  of  the  insti-; 
tution,  it  adds  greatly  to  the  facilities  for  agricultural  instruction./ 
Finely  equipped,  with  a  corps  of  scientific  workers,  the  operations 
of  the  station,  in  original  investigations  and  practical  tests  and  ex- 
periments, prove  interesting  and  instructive  alike  to  the  student!! 
of  the  college  and  to  all  engaged  in  the  progress  of  agricultura 
and  horticultural  affairs. 

In  short,  the  Maryland  Agricultural  College  will  be  conductei| 
in  accordance  with  its  name  and  original  object,  as  described  in  itS| 
comprehensive  charter,  and  the  subsequent  legislation,  both  State 
and  National,  which  so  clearly  defines  its  special  purpose.  | 


The  varions  branches  of  study  which  are  embraced  in  this  gene- 
ral title  are  of  the  first  importance  to  one  who  is  constantly  sub- 
jected to  the  laws  of  nature  in  the  operations  of  farm  and  garden 
Among  these  brandies  are  climatology,  geology,  mineralogy,  botany 
zoology,  and  comparative  anatomy,  and  entomology.  It  is  the  pur- 
pose to  teach  these  according  to  the  latest  researches  of  modern 
science  ami  by  the  most  approved  and  practical .  methods.  A 
knowledge  of  these  subjects  is  equally  essential  to  the  physician 
and  of  great  value  to  the  lawyer  and  the  business  man. 

The  unsurpassed  collections  in  Washington,  at  the  Smithsonian 
Institution,  the  National  Museum,  and  the  Department  of  Agricnl- 
ture,  all  easily  accessible,  are  of  the  highest  value  in  connection 
with  the  instruction  in  this  department.  ^ 


The  CfTEMicAL  Department  has  been  thoroughly  reorganized 
and  et'juipped  as  never  liefore  in  its  history.  Its  new  quarters  af- 
ford excellent  facilities  for  practical  work.  Each  student  is  pro- 
vided with  ii  laboratory  bench,  together  with  all  needful  apparatus 
and  re-agents,  for  the  condition  of  Avhich  he  is  held  responsible. 

Inorrjanir  Cliemi.^try. — The  facts  and  principles  of  general  chem- 
istry must  be  mainly  acquired  in  the  study  of  non-metallic  ele- 
ments; hence  special  attention  is  paid  to  this  introductory  work 
before  proceeding  with  the  no  less  important  study  of  the  metals 
and  their  application  in  art  and  industry.  Daily  experiments  illus- 
trate the  subjects  under  discussion. 

Analysis. — Qualitative  analysis  of  both  simple  and  mixed  sub- 
stances is  taken  up  during  the  Sophomore  ^av.  and  blow-pipe 
analysis  with  dermination  of  minerals  and  ores  at  the  beginning  of 
the  Junior  year.  Qualitive  analysis,  both  gravimetric  and  volu- 
metric, is  also  included  in  the  Junior  year.  Agricultural  chemi- 
cal  analysis   is   made  an    important   feature   of  the   course,    and 

If)  Mctrylancl  Agriciiltural  College. 

comprises  the  analysis  of  commercial  fertilizers,  fodders,  feed- 
stufTs,  water,  milk;  also  the  detection  of  adulteration  in  farm  and 
manufactured  products,  and  the  examination  of  soils. 

Organic  Glteinistry. — A  few  series  are  studied  exhaustively,  a 
general  survey  of  the  field  following,  special  attention  being  paid 
to  compounds  of  interest  on  the  farm.  The  laboratory  work  of 
the  Senior  year  consists  of  the  practical  application  of  chemistry 
to  agriculture. 


The  study  of  mathematics  is  pursued  only  so  far  as  the  distinc- 
tive aims  of  this  institution  require,  the  course  conforming  in  gen- 
eral to  that  adopted  in  the  most  approved  Agricultural  Colleges. 
The  Freshman  year  begins  with  a  review  of  Arithmetic,  special 
attention  being  given  to  its  application  to  the  daily  affairs  of  life. 
This  is  accompanied  by  a  brief  course  iu  single  entry  book-keeping. 
Algebra  is  then  taken  up  and  completed  by  the  middle  of  the 
Sophomore  year.  Geometry,  Mensuration,  Trigonometry  and  Sur- 
veying follow  in  the  Sophomore  and  Junior  3^ears.  The  field  work 
in  surveying  will  afford  much  practice  in  the  use  of  chain  and  com- 
pass, transit  and  theodolite,  surveying  and  leveling.  This  practice  is 
continued  in  the, Senior  year  with  application  in  running  old  farm 
lines,  mapping  farms,  dividing  lands,  highway  surveying  and  road- 
making,  with  cuts  and  fills,  draining  and  water  works,  louring 
this  year,  also,  the  elements  of  Civil  Engineering  are  taught  with 
a  consideration  of  the  strength  of  materials  and  the  general  prin- 
ciples of  building  and  construction. 

Drawing  is,  for  the  present,  assigned  to  this  department,  and  ex- 
tends through  three  years,  being  taught  in  its  practical  aspects, 
rather  than  as  an  artistic  accomplishment. 


The  course  of  Instruction  in  Physics  and  Mechanics  .aims  to 
make  clearly  understood  the  principles  of  the  differeiit  mechanical 
powers  and  the  physical  forces  of  nature  and  their  industrial  ap- 

The  method  of  instruction  is  by  means  of  recitations  and  lec- 
tures acconi})anied  by  experimental  demonstrations. 

The  students  of  the  senior  class  are  re({uired  to  take  notes  of  the 
lectures  and  experiments  and  illustrate  them  by  suitable  drawings. 
These  notes  are  examined  at  intervals  and  marked  according  to 
their  value. 

The  course  embraces  the  general  properties  of  matter;  laws  of 
falling  bodies :  hydrostatics,  hydro-dynamics,  and  pneumatics ; 
also  the  principles  of  sound,  light,  heat,  electricity,  magnetism  and 
electro- magnetism. 

Great  care  is  taken  throughout  the  course  to  array  the  various 
branches  of  science  in  natural  groupings,  in  order  to  emphasize 
their  intimate  relations. 


Ax  Accurate  and  refined  use  of  the  mother  tongue  is  the  chief 
aim  of  the  course  in  the  department  of  English.  In  the  earlier 
stages  there  is  a  persistent  drill  in  analysis  of  sentences,  in  word- 
building  and  derivation,  and  in  the  elements  of  style,  with  con- 
stant practice  in  expression,  oral  and  written.  The  history  of  the 
language  is  then  taken  up,  with  respect  to  its  vocaT)ulary,  grammar 
and  dilferent  periods.  This  is  followed  by  the  historical  and  criti- 
cal study  of  English  literature.  Throughout  the  course  the  text- 
l)ooks  used  are  supplemented  by  conversational  lectures  and  parallel 

To  this  department  have  been  assigned  the  related  subjects  of 
Logic,  Mental  Science,  Constitutional  History  and  Political  Econ- 
omy— most  of  these  in  the  Senior  year.  Also  the  periodical  exer- 
cises in  composition,  debates  and  elocution. 


The  study  of  Latin  will  be  offered  in  a  continuous  course  of 
four  years  and  optional  with  the  student,  being  accepted  as  a  sub- 
stitute for  French  or  German,  or  some  of  the  scientific  branches  of 
Junior  and  Senior  years.  If  Latin  is  elected  at  the  beginning  of 
Freshman  year,  it  must  be  pursued  the  whole  year,  and  must  also 
be  taken  a  second  year,  unless  a  substitute  be  arranged  satisfactory 
to  the  Faculty.  Only  those  will  be  admitted  to  the  advanced 
Latin  classes  who  are  (puililled  to  hold  a  good  position  in  them. 


18  Marjjland  Agricivlfural  Collei^e. 


Two  yeiirs  of  iustniction  will  be  ottered  in  each  of  these  inoderii 
laiigUciges,  and  if  either  is  taken  it  must  he  pnrsned  that  length  of 
time.  These  languages  will  be  optional  and  accepted  in  place  of 
Latin  or  some  other  studies  of  t!ie  course,  to  l)e  designated.  The 
ability  to  read  the  language  will  be  souglit  as  the  end  of  main  im- 
portance, but  the  course  will  be  such  as  to  include  attention  to 
pronunciation  and  ordinary  conyersation. 


The  Act  of  CoNniiESrt  which  cojitributed  the  greater  part  of 
the  endowment  of  the  College,  was  accejjted  by  tlie  State  under 
conditions  which  make  instruction  in  military  tactics  imperative. 
The  students  are,  tlierefore,  organized  as  a  corps  of  cadets  under 
the  commandant,  wlio  is  an  officer  of  the  IJegnlar  Army,  detailed 
for  this  duty  by  the  War  l)e])artment,  and  is,  for  the  time,  a  mem- 
ber of  the  faculty.  They  arc  uniformed,  and  every  one,  unless 
physically  debarred,  is  retjuireil  to  attend  such  exercises  as  are  jn-e- 
scribed  and   is  subjected  to  military  discipline  to  a  certain  degree. 

These  exercises  are  bf-lieved  to  be  decidedly  beneficial,  and  the 
tactical  instruction  is  thoroughly  given.  The  drills,  which  occupy 
three  or  four  hours  a  week,  furnish  excellent  ])hysical  culture,  in- 
suring regular  and  healtliful  exercise  at  all  seasons,  and  out  of 
doors  whenever  possible.  Neatness  in  dress,  graceful  carriage  of 
the  body  and  dignified  bearing,  are  secured  by  the  drill,  and  habits 
are  acqtiired  of  prompt  obedience  and  self-control  and  the  ])ower 
to  command. 

The  excellence  of  the  instruction  in  this  department  was  shoAvn 
in  May,  188G,  wdien,  at  the  National  Drill  at  Washington,  the 
Corps  of  Maryland  Agricultural  Cadets  rec<.4ved  the  second  cadet 
prize  in  the  competitive  drill. 

The  members  of  the  upper  classes  who  show  attention  to  duty 
and  proficiency  in  drill  are  detailed  in  rotation  to  perform  the  du- 
ties of  commissioned  and  non-coniniissioned  ollicers  of  the  com- 
pany and  battalion. 

Maryland  AgTlculturaX  College.  19 

Every  student  is  required  to  provide  himself  with  the  full  uni- 
form adopted  for  this  department,  l)efore  the  close  of  the  term  in 
which  he  enters  the  college,  and  tliereafter  to  keep  the  same  in 
order  and  wear  it  upon  all  drills  aiul  stated  military  exercises. 
'^I^he  uniform  is  a  neat  suit  of  cadet  gray,  suitable  for  all  occasions, 
and,  at  the  reasonable  prices  which  the  institution  is  able  to  obtain, 
by  contract,  it  forms  an  extremely  economical  dress.  No  [irticle 
of  uniform  dress  will  be  permitted  to  be  worn,  unless  obtained 
under  the  sui)ervision  of  the  college  ofiicers,  and  from  the  author- 
ized contractor  for  the  time  being. 

The  military  system  is  also  applied  to  the  discipline  of  the  stu- 
dents while  in  and  al)Out  the  buildings,  and  where  deemed  neces- 
sary this  discipline  may  l)e  extended  to  apply  to  individuals  or  the 
entire  body  of  students,  at  all  times  :ind  places.  The  dormitories, 
as  well  as  the  arms,  equipments  and  clothing  of  the  cadets,  are 
regularly  inspected,  and  neatness  and  order  are  enforced. 

While  this  department  is  administered  to  honestly  meet  the  re- 
([uirements  of  law  and  to  benefit  the  individual  and  the  College,  it 
is  not  permitted  to  interfere  with  other  educational  interests  and 
duties,  or  encroach  upon  reasonable  periods  of  recreation. 



20  MaryUind  Agricidtui'al  College. 




Agriculture. — History,  breeding  and  care  of  farm  stock;  Dairying. 

Natural  History. — Climatology  and  Physical  Geography. 

History. — Ancient  and  Modern. 

English. — Analysis  and  construction  of  language. 

French.  \  Begun  and  continued  through  the  year. 
Latin.    J  One  of  these  is  required,  but  not  both. 

Matliomatics. — Arithmetic  reviewed  ;  Algebra. 

Book-keeping. — Single  Entry,  with  practice  in  business  forms  and 

farm  accounts. 


Agriculture. — Anatomy  and  Physiology  of  Plants  and  Animals. 

Natural  History. — Botany  and  Mineralogy. 

Chemistry. — Begun  and  continued  throughout  tiie  year. 

English. — History  of  language ;  Expression  and  Style. 

French.  \  Second  year  of  both. 
Latin.    J  One  of  these  is  required. 

Mathematics. — Algebra  completed ;  Geometry. 

Drawing. — Free-hand  and  Geometrical. 


Agriculture. — Soils  and  Plant  Growth  ;  Horticulture. 

Natural  History. — Geology,  Zoology  and  Entomology. 

Chemistry. — Laboratory  practice  and  Organic  Chemistry. 

Physics. — Mechanics  and  Physics  through  the  year. 

English. — English  Literature,  Logic  and  Ehetoric. 

Latin. —  Third  year.    \  Optional  studies ;  both  may   be  taken    on 
German. — First  year.  )  certain  conditions. 

Mathematics. — Trigonometry,  Mensuration  and  Surveying. 

Drawing. — Mechanical  and  Topographical. 



AfjriruUurc. — jNTaimres  ami  Fertilizer.s  ;  Crops,  genera]  and  special ; 

Forage   and    Feeding;    Farm   Mecliaiiics ;    Lec- 
tures and  Field  Notes. 

Cliciiuxlinj. — Ijaboratory  Practice;  Organic  Analyses. 

rii\jx'\ri<. — Lectnres,  with  notes  and  examinations. 

EnfjliKli.  —  jNIental  and  Moral  Science;  Elocntion  ;   Debates. 

Hif<1orij. — History  of  Ciovernment;  IVditical  Economy. 

Lafin. —  Fourflt  year.         )^  Optional    Studies;  both  may   be  tiiKen 
German. — Second  near.      J  under  certain  conditions. 

Ma/J/cmafics. — Practice  in  Surveying,  Poad-work  and  Elements  of 
Civil  Engineering,  FVinciples  of  Construction,  &c. 
Dra/rii/r/. — j\Iap-vvork  ;  Pi'ojeclions  and  Perspective. 

Lec/icre-^. — On  Comparative  Anatomy,  \"eterinary  Science  and  l^rac- 
tice,  and  other  topics. 


i\ri1itary  Drill,  as  required  by  law,  throughout  the  course 
Exercises  in  Composition  and  Elocution,  as  directed. 

'B'2  Maryland  Agricultural  College. 


Candidates  for  admission  to  the  Frcsliiiiiui  class  are  examiiied 
orally  and  in  writing  upon  the  common  Englisli  branches,  namely, 
reading,  spelling,  elements  of  English  grammar,  geogra})hy,  com- 
mon-school arithmetic,  and  history  of  the  United  St-ates.  These 
examinations  must  be  satisfactorily  passed  in  order  to  entitle  one 
to  full  standing  in  the  Freshman  class,  and  give  assurance  of  sub- 
sequent })rogress. 

The  public  educational  facilities  are  l)elieved  to  l)e  snch,  in  all 
]nii"ts  of  the  State,  as  to  render  it  unnecessary  for  the  College  to 
maintain  a  prei)aratory  department,  but  if  students  present  them- 
selves, who,  for  lack  of  projK'r  opportunities,  are  im}ierfectly  pre- 
pared, yet  show  willingness  and  ability  to  do  cvtra  work,  they  Avill 
be  admirted,  conditionally,  u}>on  passing  a  reasonable  part  of  the 
entrance  examinations,  and  an  instructor  will  be  assigned  to  assist 
them  in  meeting  the  conditions  and  acqniring  a  full  standing  in 
their  class. 

Ap})licants  for  admission  to  the  higher  classes  must  pass  the  en- 
tr.-uice  examinations  and  also  be  successfully  examined  on  all  of 
the  studies  completed  by  the  classes  they  wish  to  enter,  or  on 
branches  equivalent  thereto. 

jSTo  one  is  advised  to  apply  nntil  lifteen  years  of  age,  although 
physical  and  intellectual  development  are  regarded  as  more  impor- 
tant and  will  be  considered  rather  than  age.  Every  a})plicant 
must  furnish  a  certificate  of  good  character  satisfactory  to  the 
Faculty;  this  should  be  obtained  from  his  pastor,  or  last  teacher, 
and  presented  on  arrival  at  the  college. 

Candidates  are  advised  to  provide  themselves,  in  all  cases,  with 
certificates  of  their  standing  in  the  school  last  attended  and  present 
these  certificates  to  the  examiners.  Previous  good  scholarship  will 
be  considered  and  given  due  weight  at  entrance  examinations,  and 
a  certificate  of  proficiency  in  any  subject  will  be  accepted  instead 
of  an  examination,  if  granted  by  a  college  authorized  to  confer  de- 
grees, or  by  a  high  school  in  Maryland  or  Washington,  I).  C 

As  stilted  in  the  Calendar,  the  regular  exuminations  for  admission 
are  held  at  tlie  College  on  the  day  following  the  annual  Craduatiou 
Day,  in  June,  and  in  h-"e])tenil)er  on  the  day  ne.xt  |ireceding  that  for 
the  opening  of  the  Fall  Term  of  the  Institution,  beginning  at  nine 
o'clock  A.  M.  on  these  days;  hut  candidates  may  be  examined  and 
admitted  at  any  other  time  in  the  year. 


TifOSE  wlio  com[>lete  the  i)i'escribed  course  of  study  :iiid  Jiuiin- 
tain  the  reciuiivd  siajidard  oi'  scholarship  will  I'eceive  the  dcgivc  <it' 
J)achelor  of  Science,  the  di})lonia  l)eing  signed  hy  the  (ioveriior  <>f 
Maryland,  who  is  cr-ojjino,  piesident  of  the  cor})oration.  in  case 
the  student,  by  taking  the  optional  studies  and  suhstitutes  of  the 
Junior  and  Senior  years,  makes  his  course  more  literary  in  chainc- 
ter,  the  Degree  of  ]>achelor  of  Arts  may  be  conferred. 


'i'UFTiON  is  free  to  all  students,  whether  residents  of  the  State  of 
^Maryland  or  ]iot.  To  cover  the  necessary  ex])enses  of  the  vear  al 
College,  clothing  excepted,  a  single  charge  is  made  of  one  hr.iidred 
and  eighty  dolliirs  ($180).  This  includes  board,  room  piiitiv 
furnislied,  heat,  lights,  washing  and  the  necessary  text-books. 

Stndents  whose  homes  are  in  the  neighborhood  will  be  allowed 
to  attend  the  college  exercises  daily  upon  payment  of  Iwentv-four 
dollars  (s24)  })er  annum.  They  will  be  assigned  rooms  to  be  occu- 
pied during  study  hours,  be  supplied  all  necessary  books,  and  will 
be  on  a  par  with  other  students  in  connection  with  all  college  dulies 
and  exercises. 

The  text-books  furnished  will  become  the  i>roperty  of  the  stu- 
dent if  he  completes  the  college  year  in  which  tliey  are  used,  but 
not  otherwise. 

No  fees  or  other  extras  will  be  charged  by  the  college  except  foi- 
special  expenses  actually  incurred  on  behalf  of  the  studeiit.  such 
as  medical  attendance,  for  stationery  or  for  other  articles  su]>})lied. 
and  for  loss  or  damage  of  college  ])ro})ei-ty,  for  wdiich  the  student  is 
personally  responsible. 

)ijf  Marijlcuul  Agricultural  College. 


All  chauges  und  fees  are  due  and  must  be  paid,  in  advance. 
For  convenience  of  patrons  tlie  payments  are  arranged  as  follows: 

On  the  day  of  entrance  fifty  dollars  (^50)  of  the  annual  charge  ; 
tifty  dollars  ($50)  of  the  annual  charge  on  the  loth  day  of  Novem- 
ber ;  on  the  1st  day  of  February  forty  dollars  ($-40),  and  the  1st 
day  of  April  forty  dollars  ($40). 

The  low  rates  at  which  the  students  are  received  can  only  be 
maintained  by  purchasing  all  su})plies  at  wholesale,  for  cash.  This 
is  only  possible  when  all  })ayments  are  made  as  stated.  The  Regis- 
trar is  specially  charged  with  the  duty  of  maiving  jjrouipt  collec- 
tions, and  annoyance  to  all  parties  will  be  avoided  l)y  a  caretul 
observance  of  all  obligations  in  accordance  with  the  terms  above 

The  general  charge  for  the  vear  is  made  against  the  student  when 
lie  arrives,  ilnd  no  allowance  or  rebate  Avill  be  made  for  any  alt- 
sence,  unless  specially  agreed  to,  in  advance. 



Each  bed-room  is  furnished  with  two  single  beds  and  mattresse 
two  clothes-presses,  a  table  and  a  wiishstand.  The  student  must 
furnish  chairs,  lookiiig-glass,  chamber-ware,  pillow  and  all  other 
arti(des  of  bedding;  also  a  study-lamp,  a  broom,  shoe-brush,  tow- 
els, table-nn.pkins,  clothes-bag  and  proper  toilet  articles.  Clothing, 
towels,  bedding,  etc.,  should  be  marked  with  the  owner's  name. 
Such  of  the  articles  named,  as  cannot  be  conveniently  brought  from 
home,  can  be  obtained  at  the  College  at  cost  prices. 


The  UNrFOiiM  worn  by  the  students  during  all  military  exercises 
is  of  gray  cloth  of  an  established  grade,  cut  according  to  the  pat- 
tern adopted  at  the  United  States  Military  Academy.  This  con- 
sists of  a  dress  coat,  pair  of  pants,  cap  and  gloves,  costing  just 
about  twenty  dollars  (,S20).  Those  who  desire  can  obtain  a  fatigue 
suit,  in   addition,  for   about   ten   dollars  ($10),    but  this  is  not  re- 

Mcwylancl  Agricultiwal  College.  25 

quired.  To  insure  uniformity  in  quality  and  pattern  and  maintain 
low  rates,  the  military  suits  must  be  purchased  from  the  contractor 
with  the  college  and  paid  for  in  cash,  on  delivery.  Every  student 
must  provide  himself  with  the  regulation  garments  before  the  close 
of  the  College  term  in  which  he  enters,  and  must  thereafter  keep 
uniformed  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  Commandant. 


It  is  expected  that  all  students  attending  this  College  will  have 
reached  an  age  when  their  habits  are  so  fixed  and  their  characters 
so  matured  as  to  cause  them  to  appreciate  the  value  of  their  time 
and  the  opportunities  afforded  them  at  this  institution.  Without 
multiplying  rules  and  regulations,  they  will,  from  the  day  of  en- 
trance, be  placed  upon  their  honor  to  contribute  to  the  general 
good  order  and  studiousness  of  the  College,  to  promptly  and  cheer- 
fully obey  all  instructions  they  may  receive  from  its  officers,  pay 
proper  regard  to  the  care  of  its  property,  refrain  from  all  acts  cal- 
culated to  disturb  the  comfort  and  work  of  their  fellow- students, 
and  in  personal  habits,  conversation  and  conduct,  at  all  times  and 
places,  to  act  as  gentlemen. 

In  general,  exemplary  deportment,  attention  to  duties,  and  the 
maintenance  of  good  scholastic  standing,  will  be  required  of  all. 

Should  there  be  those  who  cannot  be  allowed  full  privileges  be- 
cause of  immaturity  and  thoughtlessness,  rather  than  deliberate 
misconduct  or  intentional  neglect,  they  will  be  assigned  quarters 
in  a  special  part  of  the  building  and  placed  )nore  or  less  completely 
under  military  discipline,  as  circumstances  may  require. 

Such  regulations  as  may  be  necessary  will  be  promulgated  from 
time  to  time,  so  as  to  be  fully  understood,  and  they  must  be  ob- 
served and  complied  with  by  all. 

Discipline  will  be  administered,  as  a  rule,  in  a  progressive  man- 
ner, by  admonition,  formal  warning,  notice  to  parents  or  guardians, 
and  strict  probation,  but  at  any  time  when  such  action  is  in  the 
interest  of  the  Individ aal  or  the  College,  any  student  may  be  sent 
home  without  previous  notice,  or  may,  for  cause,  be  suspended,  dis- 
missed or  summarily  expelled. 


Members  of  the  Senior  and  Junior  classes,  and  all  stiulents  who 
have  attended  the  College  for  one  year  or  more,  will  be  required  to 
perform  such  duties  as  may  he  assigned  them  as  officers,  non-com- 
missioned or  guards,  in  connection  with  the  military  exercises  or 
the  police  and  discipline  of  the  College. 


All  students  are  required  to  attend  the  daily  morning  prayers 
and  public  worship  on  Sunday  in  the  College  Chapel.  Arrange- 
ments will  be  made  for  the  Sundav  services  to  be  conducted  by 
clergymen  of  different  denominations.  Upon  request  of  parents, 
students  will  be  permitted  to  attend  religious  services  elscAvhere  in 
the  neighborhood,  at  hours  not  conflicting  with  exercises  at  the 


Holds  weekly  meetings,  affording  its  members  excellent  opportu- 
nities for  practice  in  oratory  and  debate.  The  advantages  of  this 
sort  of  training  are  not  to  be  overlooked  in  estimating  College  life. 
Occasional  public  meetings  are  held.  The  Society  library,  which 
is  open  to  members,  is  especially  rich  in  history,  biography,  and 
the  works  of  great  statesmen. 


The  Library  of  the  College,  which  is  mainly  for  reference  in  the 
Departments  of  Agriculture  and  General  Science,  contains  several 
hundred  valuable  books.  The  Librarv  of  the  Literary  Society  has 
probably  fifteen  hundred  volumes,  and  the  private  libraries  of  the 
professors  as  many  more.  All  of  these  are  accessible  to  students 
under  proper  conditions.  The  great  libraries  of  the  National 
Capital  are  within  almost  as  easy  reach  as  if  the  College  were  lo- 
cated in  Washington. 

Marylancl  Agriculhival  College. 



In  the  Museum  is  an  excellent  study  collection  of  minerals  and 
ores,  well  classified,  and  of  important  service  as  a  guide  in  the 
science  of  mineralogy. 

For  use  in  the  study  of  crystallograpliy  there  are  models  illus- 
trating all  the  systems  of  crystallization,  with  the  most  important 
modifications  of  typical  forms. 

A  small  but  by  no  means  unimportant  collection  is  one  presented 
to  the  College  by  the  United  States  department  of  Agriculture, 
containing  specimens,  labeled  and  indexed,  of  more  than  four  hun- 
dred varieties  of  woods  grown  in  the  United  States. 

AYorthy  of  notice  is  the  large  number  of  models  of  agricultural 
machinery  furnished  through  the  courtesy  of  the  United  States 
Patent  Office.  Other  aids  to  the  study  of  science  included  in  the 
Museum  are  an  herbarium,  illustrating  the  flora  of  Maryland  and 
the  District  of  Columbia;  also  a  good  collection  of  standard  agri. 
cultural  seeds  and  of  animal  and  vecetal)le  fibres. 


The  students,  assisted  by  the  Faculty,  support  a  reading-room, 
which  is  amply  supplied  with  newspapers,  magazines,  and  reviews. 
At  present  forty-seven  daily,  weekly  and  monthly  publications  are 
regularly  placed  on  file,  including  leading  papers  of  Baltimore, 
Washington,  Xew  York,  Louisville,  Atlanta  and  other  cities ;  Har- 
per's Monthly  and  Weekly,  The  Century,  The  Forum,  Xortli 
American  Eeview,  Scientific  American  and  Supplement,  Popular 
Science  Monthly,  Frank  Leslie's,  Golden  Days,  Youth's  Compa- 
nion, etc. 

For  the  folloAving  magazines  and  papers  the  Association  is  in- 
debted to  the  politeness  of  the  publishers :  Breeders'  Journal, 
American   Cultivator,   Industrialist,  American  Farmer,  Maryland 

8  Maryland  Agricultural  College. 

Farmer,  Massachusetts  Plowman,  Farm  and  Home,  Anne  Arundel 
Advertiser,  Centerville  Record,  Cambridge  Chronicle,  Carroll  News, 
Democrat  and  News,  Denton  Journal,  Federalsburg  Courier,  Free 
Quill,  Harford  Democrat,  Marlboro  Gazette,  Peninsula  Farmer, 
Prince  George's  Enquirer,  Republican  Citizen,  Travelers'  Record, 
Appleton's  Bulletin,  Patent  Office  Gazette. 


A  PRIZE  of  ten  dollars  (810)  in  money  or  books  is  offered  by  the 
President  of  the  Faculty,  to  be  awarded  to  that  member  of  the  Se- 
nior class  who  sustains  throughout  the  year,  including  examina- 
tions, the  best  record  in  the  department  of  agricultural  studies. 

Other  prizes  are  being  arranged  and  will  be  duly  announced. 


The  Ao-ricultiaral   Pri^e  for  1890 



OF    WASHI^STGTOX,    D.  C. 






Has  been  reported  to  tlie  War  Department  for  lionorable 

mention,  and  his  name  will  so  apjjear  in  the  next 

U.  8.  Army  Register.