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Full text of "US Patent 2599470: Axial flow compressor, particularly for combustion gas turbine plants"

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June 3, 1952 

Filed July 20, 1948 


Patented June 3, 1952 _. 2,599,470 


Adolf Meyer, Kusncht, ner Zurich Switzerlnd, 
assignor to Aktiengesellschït Brown, Boveri & 
Cie, Bden, Switzerlnd,  joint-stock compny 
Applicttion July 20, 1948, Seritl No. 39,716 
In Switzerlnd October 22, 1947 
5 Clims. (CI. 60--39.09) 

This invention relates to compressors and par- 
ticularly those of the axial flow type used in con- 
junction with combustion gas turbines fo provide 
power plants for locomotives, aircraft and other 
mobile craft. 
As is well known, the volume of air required 
fo be compressed for driving the gas turbine is 
enormous, and when the air supplied to the com- 
pressor unit is very cold as will often be the case 
during winter or when operating at high altitudes 
there is an ever present danger of ice formation 
on the compressor surfaces, especially upon the 
first few stages, i. e. rows of stator and rotor 
vanes at the compressor entrance. As the ice 
builds up on the vanes, the cross section of the 
air passages through these stages of the compres- 
sor are correspondingly reduced with the result 
that the air volume is lowered and the eflïciency 
of the plant falls off. Under severe icing condi- 
tions, the chocking off of the air supply from the 
compressor ourlet fo the combustion chamber of 
the plant may even be so great as fo cause com- 
plete failure of the plant. 
The object of this invention is to provide an 
improved arrangement for preventing formation 
of ice in the compressor. Other solutions to this 
vexing problem bave been proposed in the past 
but none bave proved entirely satisfactory. For 
example, it bas been suggested .that the entire 
supply of air to the compressor be heated belote 
reaching the compressor. While this remedy 
does remove the danger of icing, it also undesir- 
ably decreases the eflïciency of the compressor 
and hence that of the whole plant. Compressor 
eflïciency should be maintained as high as possi- 
ble and this is especially necessary, in the case 
of combustion gas turbines since the effective 
power output of the plant for driving a load is 
represented by the difference between the total 
power delivered by the turbine element and the 
po.e_r taken from the turbine te drive the com- 
ïoressor, and thelatter even when cooled air is 
used is already about three times as great as the 
effective power delivered by the .plant. It is 
therefore highly expedient that the air e heated 
only to the extent necessary fo prevent icing in 
the compressor. So far, this desired objective 
bas not been attained. 
This invention, however, proposes an entirely 
different approach to the problem which bas none 
of the disadvantages of the past proposais. 
will prevent icing and yet requirë a minimum of 
heat transïer to the fiuid being compressed, 
thereby attaining the result desired without ap- 
preciably lowering the efficiency of the power 

plant. Specifically, the invention resides in  
new arrangement for preventing ice formation by 
using hollow vanes and causing a gaseous agent, 
at a temperature above that at which ice can be 
5 expected to form, to fiow over the exterior sur- 
faces of the-vanes of at least the first stage of 
the compressor in such manner that the layer of 
the agent in contact with the vanes is continu- 
ously replaced. Thus the actual surface of the 
10 vanes is effectively isolated from the cold incom- 
ing air to be compressed by the constantly re- 
newed layer of the warmed gaseous agent and 
icing is prevented with but little decrease in 
15 In a gas turbine plant, the exhsust gases from 
the turbine are ideally suited for use as the gase- 
ous agent. However, in lieu of exhaust gases, 
air from a later stage of the compressor can be 
led back fo the initial stage or stages fo which 
.0 ice prevention is applied, such air having been 
heated by virtue of the compression process in 
the preceding stages of the compressor. The 
automatic increase in temperature of air as it 
passes through the various stages of an axial fiow 
25 compressor is about 8 ° centigrade per stage. 
Hence for example in aircraft installations, the 
compressor stage at which air will be tapped off 
to furnish the fiuid layer to be circulated over the 
surfaces of the vanes at the initial stage of the 
30 compressor can be so chosen with reference to 
the temperature of the cold air expected to be 
encountered that the required heating effect, and 
no more, is produced thereby preventing any 
appreciable drop in eflïciency. 
35 Another object of the invention is to warm up 
the vanes of the initial stages of the compressor 
unit of a combustion gas turbine plant and simul- 
taneously cool down the vanes of all stages of the 
turbine unit of such plant by circulation of a gas- 
40 eous medium over the exterior surfaces of the 
compressor and turbine vanes, the saine gaseous 
agent being used for both purposes. 
Another object of the fo provide 
for warming up the rotor vanes of a compressor 
45 of the axial flow type without heating up the 
remaining stages of the rotor. 
The foregoing as well as other objects and 
advantages to be derived from the invention will 
become apparent from the following description 
0 when considered with the accompanying drawing 
which illustra.tes several practical structural ar- 
rangements for carrying out the novel method. 
In the accompanying drawing, Fig. 1, a view in 
longitudinal axial section of a combustion gas 
5 turbine plant, illustrates one embodiment of the 


invention wherein exhaust gases from the turbine 
comportent of the plant are used as a source of 
gaseous fluid for providing the ice preventing film 
over the vanes of the compressor component; 
Fig. 2, also a view in longitudinal axial section 
of the same basic plant shows a modified arrange- 
ment wherein the ice preventing fiuid is consti- 
tuted by compressed air taken from the latter. 

vanes lb. Valve $ also pelïits the flow of ex- 
haust gas to the compressor vanes to be cut off 
completely when hot needed. 
If additional protection against ice prevention 
is. found.necessary the init4al stages of the rotor 
vanes le/mÇy also be ruade hollow like those of 
the stator vanes and the hot exhaust gases from 
the exit end of turbine 3 fed through one or more 

stages of the compressor, this air also being used ports I{} into the hollow interior of turbine rotor 
for the additional purpose-of- coolng d0vfithe: 10: 3c:,.thence through: passageway I I into the hollow 
vanes of the turbine componentto prevent-over-- inerto of rotor compressor Ic, and from the 

heating; Figs. 3 and 4 are detail views .of,-a valve. 
arrangement employed in the.Fi 2 cotrueiql 
for selectively distributing the compressed air: 
to the vanes of the compressor.andor tçbne. 
components; Fig. 5 is a view in longitudinatx 
section illustrating an application of the inven- 
tion to a modified form of compressor unit,; Fig._ 6 
is a longitudinal vertical section showing a hollow 
blade and mounting construction suitable for use 
in: carryng out the ivënti0n;. nd Fig. 7 
horizontal section taken, on. line. ]--] of. Fig, 6. to thé.drawing, and paricilar.lF 
fo Fig. 1, the gas turbine plant thme pictured i 
basically conventional, Consisting of an axial type 
compressor I, combustion chamber 2.and gas tur- 
bine 3 arranged in-line anti-, in that ordei  along 
the axis of the-plant. Compressor I includea a 
stator I« having/a piurality.of rows or stages of 
stationary- vanes   and rotor. I c having, a plu- 
rality of rows of movable vanes lc/ interleaved 
• with the rows of-stationary vanes I. The com- 
bustion chamber 2 is stationary, this chamber 
taking in compressed air from compressoï I, add- 
ing energy to it by the process of combustion of 
fuel admitted .throughpipe 2 and delivering the 
products of combustion to gas turbine 3 which, 
like compressor I, includes a stator 3 having a 
plurality of.rows or stages of stationaryvanes 3 
and rotor 3c also provided with a plurality of.rows 
of rotatable vanes 3c/-interleaved with the rows of 
stationary vanes 3.. The rotor elements of the 
compressor and turbine components are. united 
and are suitably mounted for.rotation on a hori- 
zontal axis. 
Following the laststages of the turbine 3, an 
annular chamber 4 is provided. This. chamber 
which surrounds the stator 3, receives a portion 
of the hot exhaust gase 6 fromthe interior of the 
turbine through one.or more.ports . Compressor 
I is similarly providedwith an. annular chamber 
@ surrounding the initial stages of stator I.and 
which is placed in communication with chamber 
4 by means of pipe . Passageways 8exend from 
chamber  through the Wall of .stator I« into the 
interior of the initial stages (the first three in 
the illustrated construction) of-the.stationary 
vanes I which are ruade, hollow for purpose 
and provided with one or more orifices for direct- 
ing. gas fiow ovin" the exterior surfaces of the 
vanes. Various.structural variations for the holr 
low vanes are possible, one of which is shown in 
my prior U. S. Patent.No. 2,220,420. 
Another hollow varie construction suitable, for 
this purpose is shown in U. S. Patent No. 2,236,426. 
Thus, a portion of the-hot gases tapped off from 
the exhaust end of.turbine 3 fiow into chamber , 
thence through pipe  into chamber  .and from 
the latter into the hollow stator vanes I/ where 
the gases, are then distributed over the exterior 
surfaces ofthe latter as a constantly renewing 
protective film. which prevent the_ cold air com- 
ing into the.compressor from icing, upon the stator 
vanes. A valve $.can be pipe. fo 
regulate the volume of exhaust gas supplied fo 

latter, thoug ports I into the interior of the 
initial.rows-of..hoïlow rotor vanes I c/, the first 
four-.ows, ofw.apesbeing made hollow in the illus- 
l tratdconstructio_n. For regulating the quantity 
of extiaùst.gases passed to the hollow rotor vane 
iï; awa]ve:i3 associated with the gas inlet end 
to.pass_ageway 11 can be used. Like valve 9, valve 
13 a]so permits the flow of turbine exhaust gases 
20 to,the rotor vanes.lç/of'the compressor to be cut 
off comPlçly when there is no danger of icing. 
F.ig 2 fllustrates a modified form of the inven- 
tion..whrei/compressed air heated in the com- 
pressor a aresult of the compression process s 
2.5 used as the source of warm air for bathing the 
eterior surfaces of the vanes in the initial stages 
of.the.compressor to prevent ice formation. This 
emb0dimenf, also afford a.n.additional advantage 
in that..his saine air whch although hot (about 
30 200? C:) is stflLneyertheless much cooler tha.n the 
very hot/combustion gases (about 700 ° C.) to 
which£he turbinevanes are s.ubJected, and can 
thus be usedto, lrevent th'e turbine vanes from 
, Referrn..noy to Fig. 2, the compressor-com- 
bustion.-chamber-turbine plant is seen to be 
basically, the s.ame as that .illustrated in Fig. 1 
and hence like prts, on the two plants have been 
designated-by_ like reference numerals. Unlike 
0 Fig. 1, however, the vanes of. all stages of both 
the statorandrotor elements of turbine 3 are 
ruade hollow with means.for distributing cooling 
air over. their exterior, surfaces. Also the air to 
bedistributed, to thestator vanes of the com- 
:1 pessor unit. for ice.prevention and to the statm" 
vanes, of the..turbine unit to prevent overheating 
is :tappedoff:through port I § 'at the ourlet side of 
compressor . and p.asses through a three-way 
valve I@into.pipes.l, I' that lead to the com- 
50 pressor and turbine stator vanes respectively. 
Distributionof/air. through pipe I to the stator 
vanes I/ of compressor Iis the same as in Fig. 1. 
For distributing cooling air to the stator vanes 
3/..of. turbine. 3, the stator 3« is surrounded by 
, an annulr.chamber I$extending axially over all 
turbine sages, and ports  associated with each 
varie 3b provide the necessary communication 
bet)veen the.interior of the vanes and the dis- 
tribution I $. 
ôo When valve- the position shown 
in Fig, 3, hpt air. through port I§ passes in_fo 
b0thpipes I , I  ]hus heating up the stator vanes 
lb  of compressm" I and.cooling down the stator 
vanes ïSb of turbine .3 simultaneously; when the 
c5 valve, occupies., the. position shown in Fig. 4, 
which would,be, the .position used when there is 
no dange of icin.g at the initial stages of the 
compressoç, hot compressed air from compressor 
I passes:only-to the-hollow.stator vanes 3b of the 
ï0 turbine. 
Like the Fig. 1 construction, means aiso 
provided in  the Fig. 2 embodiment for a.lso warm- 
ing the.rotor vanes of the initial states of the 
compressor, and further for cooling down the 
75 rotor vanes in all stages of the turbine. Warm 


air at the ourlet end of compressor | is tapped 
off through Ports 2 [, 22 into the h011ow interior of 
compressor |. œerom here, the air is distributed 
to the vanes 3g of the initial stages of the com- 
pressor rotor through ports [2 as in Fig. 1. Air 
for cooling down the rotor vanes of the turbine 
rotor enters the hollow interior of the latter from 
corapressor rotor c through passageway 23 and 
there distributed fo the hollow rotor vanes 3 
through ports 24. 
The modified compressor construction shown 
in Fig. 5 permits warm, ice prevention fluid to be 
fed to the vanes in the initial stages of the com- 
pressor rotor without heating up the entire rotor 
structure. Here itis seen that the compressor 
stator and the arrangement for preventing the 
formation of ice on the vanes of the initial stages 
of the stator is the saine as that employed in 
Fig. 1 or 2. However, the compressor rotor is 
constructed differently, being ruade up of a series 
of side-by-side discs 26 so shaped as to form 
mutuaIly isolated chambers 27-- | therebetween. 
Warm air for preventing formation of ice on the 
vanes of the initial stages of the rotor is con- 
ducted through an axial passageway 32 (which 
corresponds fo passageway | | in Fig. 1) exfnd- 
ing through the discs 26 into the end chamber 
27 and thence through ports 33 into the hoIlow 
vanes |g on the initial three varie rows of the 
compressor rotor. 
Figs. 6 and 7 have been included fo show struc- 
rural details of the hoIlow blade and mounting 
covered in my prior U. S. Patent No. 2,220,420 
which as previously explained is suited for use in 
this invention. The construction detailed in 
these two views pertains only to the air inlet end 
of the compressor rotor |c in the previous views 
but if will be understood that a like construction 
can be used for the hollow vanes on the com- 
pressor stator and also for the hollow vanes on 
both the stator and rotor elements of the tur- 
bine shown in Fig. 2. 
Referring now fo Figs. 6 and 7, numeral 36 
designates the feed passage through the blade | 
for the turbine exhaust gases in Fig. 1 or the 
warmed compressed alr in Fig. 2, numeral 36 
designaes an adjacent distribution passage for 
these gases which is placed in communication 
with feed passage 36 by a series of ports 37, and 
numeral 36 designates the wall of the varie |g 
enclosing distribution passage 36. As shown in 
Fig. 6, ai the open end of varie |g, the wall 36 and 
the opposite edge 39 of the varie are cut away 
leaving only the wall enclosing feed Passage 36. 
This end of the vane is inserted through an open- 
ing in the plate 46 and is secured thereto by the 
welding or soldering metal 4|. The resulting 
structure is set into the groove in the rotor |c 
and secured therein by the welding or soldering 
metal 42. The feed passage 36 within varie |g 
• is supplied with the gaseous fiuid frein the in- 
fi terlor of rotor |c through the passageways |2 
shown in Figs. 1 and 2. 
Fig. 7 which is a section on line -- of Fig. 6, 
looking downward, indicates the location of the 
cut away portions 38 and 39 of vane |c in dot- 
and-dash lines, and the arrows indicate the di- 
rection of fiow of the gaseous fiuid along the 
opposite face portions of the varie in a constantly 
renewed film thereby serving fo keep the cold 
incoming air to the compressor away from the 
vane faces. 
In conclusion, I wish it to be understood that 
while preferred constructional embodiments of 
the inventions have been presented in this ap- 

plication, other structural arrangements fo pro- 
viding and conducting warm gaseous fluid over 
the exterior surfaces of the stator and/or rotor 
vanes in thé initial stages of the compressor may 
5 be devised by others without departing from the 
spirit and scope of the invention as defined in 
the apPended claires. 
I claim: 
1. An axial flow type air Compressor compris- 
10 ing a plurality of interleaved rows of statiormry 
and movable vanes, the stationary and movable 
vanes of at least the first row at the air inlet 
having interior passageways with ports leading 
therefrom to the exterior surfaces of the vanes 
15 fo distr'ibute a film of gaseous fluid over said sur- 
faces, and means for leading said gaseous fiuid 
fo the interior passageways of said vanes, said 
fiuid being at a temperature above that at which 
ice can be expected to be formed on the vanes 
20 as a result of the low temperature of the air at 
the inlet Side of the compressor. 
2. An axial fiow type compressor comprising a 
stator having a plurality of rows of vanes, a rotor 
having a plurality of rows of vanes interleaved 
25 with the rows of stator vanes, said rotor being 
constituted by a plurality of axially spaced discs 
forming mutually isolated chambers therebetween 
and af least the first row of vanes thereon ai 
the air iniet having interior Passageways with 
3o ports leading therefrom fo the exterior surface 
of the vanes fo distribute a film of gaseous fiuid 
over said surface, ports placing the rotor cham- 
ber ai the inlet end of the compressor in com- 
munication with the interior passageways of said 
35 first row of rotor vanes, and means for leading 
said gaseous fiuid to such chamber, said fiuid 
being at a temperature above that at which ice 
can be eXPected fo be formed on the vanes as 
a result of the low temperature of the air at 
4O the inlet side of the compressor. 
3. A combustion gas turbine plant including an 
axial fiow type compressor, combustion chamber 
and gas turbine units, the rotor elements of said 
compressor and turbine being hollow and in com- 
45 munication with each other, and the stator and 
rotor vanes of at least the first row in the com- 
pressor af the air iniet having interior passage- 
ways with ports leading therefrom to the exterior 
surfaces of the vanes to distribute a ilm of gase- 
5o ous fiuid over said surfaces, a housing surround- 
ing the stator element of said compressor in 
communication with the interior passageways 
of said stator vanes, ports placing the interior 
Passageways of said rotor vanes in communica- 
55 tion with the hollow rotor interior, and means 
for leading exhaust gases from said turbine fo 
the interior of the rotor element thereof and fo 
said housing. 
G0 4. A combustion gas turbine plant including 
an axial fiow type comPressor, combustion cham- 
ber and turbine units, the stator vanes of at least 
the first row in the compressor ai the air iniet 
and the sttor vanes of the turbine having in- 
G5 terior passageways with ports leading therefrom 
to the exterior surface of the vanes to distribute 
a film of gaseous fiuid over said surface, a hous- 
ing surrounding said compressor in communica- 
tion with said passageways of said first row of 
7o stator vanes, a housing surrounding said tur- 
bine in communication with said passageways 
in the stator vanes thereof, and means for lead- 
ing air heated as a result of the compression 
process in said compressor fo both of said bous- 
75 ings. 

5 .. Combustior gas :turbine plans as deflned 
in  ctaim4-wherin at-leasS thefirst row of vanes 
on throtor;element of: said compressor: and the 
rotorvaneson . the turbine are dikewise' provided 
with intèrior passagewas, having ports leading 5 
tlierefrom tohe exSerior surfaces, of She.vanes 
and means are provided for leading- air- heated 
as a result of the compression process-in said 
compressor to-She interor passageways of said 
rotorvanes., • .. 1 

T.he-fMlbwinreferencesre of record in the 
file • of.' tli paten: 
Number Naine. Date 
2,404275ï Clrk ............... July 16, 1946 
2,4-35,990 Veiler .............. Feb. 17, 1948 
2,474»068 Sammons .......... June 21, 1949