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Project Gutenberg 's Vector Analysis and Quaternions . by Alexander Macf arlane 

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Title: Vector Analysis and Quaternions 

Author: Alexander Macf arlane 

Release Date: October 5, 2004 [EBook #13609] 

Language : English 

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No. 8. 







London: CHAPMAN Sz HALL, Limited. 


THANSCRlHEJi's XOTES This material uias originally published iii a book by Klerriman and Wood- 
ward titled Higher Mathematio. J believe that some of the page number cross-references have 
been retained from that presentation of this material. 

! did my best to recreate the index. 



Mansfield Merriman and Robert S. Woodv^ard. 
Octavo. Cloth. Si, 00 each. 

No. 1. History of Modern Mathematics, 

By David Eugexe S^[ith. 

No, 3, Synthetic Projective Geometry. 

By George Cruce Halsted. 

No, 3, Determinants. 

By Laenas Gifford Weld. 

No. 4. Hyperbolic Functions, 

By .James McMahox 

No, 5, Harmonic Functions. 


No, 6, Grassmann^s Space Analysis. 

By Edward W. Hyde. 

No, 7. Probability and Theory of Errors, 

By Robert S. Woodward 

No, 8, Vector Analysis and Quaternions. 

By Alexander Macfarlaxe. 

No, 0. DifFerential Equations, 

By William Woolsey Johnsow. 

No. 10, The Solution of Equations, 

By Maxsfield Merrimaw. 

No. 11, Functions of a Complex Variable- 

Bv Thom \s S. Fiske. 



Editors' Preface 

The volume called Higher Mathematics, the first edition of which was pub- 
lished in 1896, contained eleven chapters by eleven authors, each chapter being 
independent of the others, but all supposing the reader to have at least a math- 
ematical training equivalent to that given in classical and engineering colleges. 
The publication of that volume is now discontinued and the chapters are issued 
in separate form. In these reissues it will generally be found that the mono- 
graphs are enlarged by additional articles or appendices which either amplify 
the former presentation or record recent ad^'ances. This plan of publication has 
been arranged in order to meet the demand of teachers and the convenience 
of classes, but it is also thought that it may prove advantageous to readers in 
special lines of mathematical literature. 

It is the intention of the publishers and editors to add other monographs to 
the series from time to time, if the call for the same seems to warrant it. Among 
the topics which are under consideration are those of elliptic functions, the the- 
ory of numbers, the group theory, the calculus of variations, and non-Euclidean 
geometry; possibly also monographs on branches of astronomy, mechanics, and 
mathematical physics may be included. It is the hope of the editors that this 
form of publication may tend to promote mathematical study and research over 
a wider field than that which the former volume has occupied. 

December, 1905. 

Author's Preface 

Since this Introduction to Vector Analysis and Qnateinions was first published 
in 1S9G. the study of the subject has become much more general: and whereas 
some reviewers then regarded the analysis as a luxury, it is now recognized as a 
necessity for the exact student of physics or engineering. In America, Professor 
Hathaw^ay has pubhshed a Primer of Quaternions (New York, 1890), and Dr. 
Wilson has amplified and extended Professor Gibbs' lectures on vector analysis 
into a text-book for the use of students of mathematics and physics (New^ York, 
1901). In Great Britain, Professor Henrici and Mr. Turner haA^e published a 
manual for students entitled Vectors and Rotors (London. 1903): Dr. Knott 
has prepared a new edition of Kelland and Tait's Introduction to Quaternions 
(London, 1904): and Professor Joly has realized Hamilton's idea of a Manual of 
Quaternions (London, 1905). In Germany Dr. Bucherer has published Elemente 
der Vektoranalysis (Leipzig. 1903) which has now reached a second edition. 

Also the writings of the great masters have been rendered more accessible. 
A new edition of Hamilton's classic, the Elements of Quaternions, has been pre- 
pared by Professor Joly (London, 1899. 1901) ; Tait's Scientific Papers have been 
reprinted in collected form (Cambridge, 1898, 1900): and a complete edition of 
Grassmann's mathematical and physical works has been edited by Friedrich En- 
gel with the assistance of several of the eminent mathematicians of Germany 
(Leipzig, 1S94-). In the same interval many papers, pamphlets, and discussions 
have appeared. For those who desire information on the literature of the subject 
a Bibliography has been published by the Association for the promotion of the 
study of Quaternions and Allied Mathematics (Dublin, 1904). 

There is still much variety in the matter of notation, and the relation of 
Vector Analysis to Quaternions is still the subject of discussion (see Journal of 
the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung for 1904 and 1905). 

ChATHA^[. OxTARIO. CaXAD.A, December, 1905. 


Editors' Preface iii 

Author's Preface iv 

1 Introduction.. 1 

2 Addition of Coplanar Vectors. 3 

3 Products of Coplanar Vectors. 9 

4 Coaxial Quaternions. 16 

5 Addition of Vectors in Space. 21 

6 Product of Two Vectors. 23 

7 Product of Three Vectors. 28 

8 Composition of Quantities. 32 

9 Spherical Trigonometry. 37 

10 Composition of Rotations. 44 
Index 47 


Article 1 


By "Vector Analysis'^ is meant a space analysis in which the vector is the funda- 
mental idea; by "Quaternions" is meant a space-analysis in which the quaternion 
is the fundamental idea. They are in truth complementary parts of one whole: 
and in this chapter they will be treated as such, and developed so as to har- 
monize with one another and with the Cartesian Analysis . The subject to be 
treated is the analysis of quantities in space, whether they are vector in nature, 
or quaternion in nature, or of a still different nature, or are of such a kind that 
they can be adequately represented by space quantities. 

Every proposition about quantities in space ought to remain true when re- 
stricted to a plane; just as propositions about quantities in a plane remain true 
when restricted to a straight line. Hence in the following articles the ascent 
to the algebra of space is made through the intermediate algebra of the plane. 
Arts. 2-4 treat of the more restricted analysis, while Arts. 5-10 treat of the 
general analysis. 

This space analysis is a universal Cartesian analysis, in the same manner as 
algebra is a universal arithmetic. By providing o^ explicit notation for directed 
quantities, it enables their general properties to be investigated independently 
of any particular system of coordinates, whether rectangular, cylindrical, or 
polar. It also has this advantage that it can express the directed quantity by a 
linear function of the coordinates, instead of in a roundabout way by means of 
a quadratic function. 

The different views of this extension of analysis which have been held by 
independent writers are briefly indicated by the titles of their works: 

• Argand, Essai sur une maniere de representer les quantites imaginaires dans les 
constructions geometriques, 1B06. 

• Warren. Treatise on the geometrical representation of the square roots of nega- 
tive quantities. 1828. 

• Moebius. Der barycentrische Calcul. 1827. 

• BellavitiS; Calcolo delle Equip ollenze. 1835. 

For a discussion of the (elation of Vector Analysis to Quoteznions, see Nature, 1391— 13S3. 


• Grassmann. Die lineale Ausdehnungslehre. 1844. 

• De Morgan. Trigonometry and Double Algebra. 1849. 

• O'Brien, Symbolic Form.s derived from, the conception of the translation of a 
directed magnitude. Philosophical Transactions, 1851. 

• Hamilton. Lectures on Quaternions. 1853. and Elements of Quaternions. 18GG. 

• Tait. Elementary Treatise on Quaternions. 1867. 

• Hankel. Vorlesungen liber die complexen Zahlen und ihre Functionen. 18G7. 

• Schlegel, System der Raumlehre. 1872. 

• Hoiiel. Theorie des quantites complexes. 1874. 

• Gibbs. Elements of Vector Analysis. 1881—4. 

• Peano, Calcolo geometrico. 1888. 

• Hyde, The Directional Calculus. 1890. 

• Heaviside. Vector Analysis, in "Reprint of Electrical Papers,'' 1885—92. 

• Macfarlane, Principles of the Algebra of Physics. 1891. Papers on Space Analy- 
sis. 1891-3. 

An excellent synopsis is given by Hagen in the second volume of his "Synopsis der 
hbheren Mathematik." 

Article 2 

Addition of Coplanar 

By a "vector" is meant a quantity which has magnitude and direction. It is 
graphically represented by a line whose length represents the magnitude on 
some convenient scale, and whose direction coincides with or represents the 
direction of the vector. Though a vector is represented by a line, its physical 
dimensions may be different from that of a line. Examples are a linear velocity 
which is of one dimension in length, a directed area which is of two dimensions 
in length, an axis which is of no dimensions in length. 

A vector will be denoted by a capital italic letter, as B} its magnitude 
by a small italic letter, as b, and its direction by a small Greek letter, as P. 
For example. B = 6,^, R = rp. Sometimes it is necessary to introduce a dot 
or a mark / to separate the specification of the direction from the expression 
for the magnitude: but in such simple expressions as the above, the difference 
is sufficiently indicated by the difference of type. A system of three mutually 
rectangular axes will be indicated, as usual^ by the letters i, j. k. 

The analysis of a vector here supposed is that into magnitude and direction. 
According to Hamilton and Tait and other writers on Quaternions, the vector 
is analyzed into tensor and unit-vector, which means that the tensor is a m.ere 
ratio destitute of dimensions, w^hile the unit-vector is the physical magnitude. 
But it will be found that the analysis into magnitude and direction is much 
more in accord with physical ideas, and explains readily many things which are 
difficult to explain by the other analysis. 

A vector quantity may be such that its components have a common point 
of application and are applied simultaneously; or it may be such that its com- 
ponents are applied in succession, each component starting from the end of its 

This notation is found convenient by electrical writers in order to harmonize u^'ith the 
Hospitalier system of symbols and obbieviotions. 

"The dot ■vv'QS used for this purpose in the outhor's Note on Plane Algebra, 1833; Kennelly 
has since used fL for the same purpose in his electrical papers. 


predecessor. An example of the former is found in two forces applied simul- 
taneously at the same point, and an example of the latter in two rectilinear 
displacements made in succession to one another. 

Composition of Components havin°; a common Point of Application. — Let 
OA and OB represent two vectors of the same kind simultaneously applied at 
the point O. Draw BC parallel to OA, and AC parallel to OB. and join OC. 
The diagonal OC represents in magnitude and direction and point of application 
the resultant of OA and OB. This principle was discovered with reference to 
force, but it applies to any vector quantity coming under the above conditions. 

Take the direction of OA for the initial direction: the direction of any other 
vector will be sufficiently denoted by the angle round which the initial direction 
has to be turned in order to coincide with it. Thus O A may be denoted by /i/O, 
OB by /2/^2 1 OC by f/6. From the geometry of the figure it follows that 


/j sin O2 

tanS = 

/i + /2 00562 ' 

OC = V f{ + fi + 2/1 /a cose^ / tan- 

/o sin 02 

2 ■ 

Exajnple. — Let the forces applied at a point be 2/0° and 3/G0°. Then the 
resultant is J4 + 9 + 12 x ^ /tan"^ ^^ = 4,30/36^ 30'. 

If the first component is given as f\/Oi , then we have the more symmetrical 

^ /_ /iCOsgi +/2COsfc^2 

When the components are equal, the direction of the resultant bisects the 
angle formed by the vectors; and the magnitude of the resultant is twice the 
projection of either component on the bisecting line. The aboA'e formula reduces 

O2 /O2 
OC = 2/xcos^/^. 


Example. — The resultant of two equal alternating electromotive forces which 
differ 120° in is equal in magnitude to either and has a phase of 00"^. 

Given a vector and one component, to find the other component. — Let DC 
represent the resultant, and OA the component. Join AC and draw OB equal 
and parallel to AC. The line OB represents the component required, for it is 
the only line which combined with OA gives OC as resultant. The line OB is 
identical with the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by OC and OA reversed: 
hence the rule is, "Reverse the direction of the component, then compound it 
w^itb. the given resultant to find the required component.'' Let f /O be the vector 
and /i/O one component: then the other component is 

/2/^= yjr-+fi -2//icosy tan-^ 



Given the resultant and the directions of the two components, to find the 
magnitude of the components, — The resultant is represented by OC. and the 
directions by OX and OY . From C draw CA parallel to OY . and CB parallel 
to OX\ the lines OA and OB cut off represent the required components. It is 
evident that OA aiid OB when compounded produce the given resultant OC^ 
and there is only one set of two components which produces a given resultant: 
hence they are the only pair of components having the given directions. 

Let f /O be the vector and /Oj and /S2 the given directions. Then 

h cos(e2 - e^) + h = fcos{e2-e)., 

from which it follows that 

^{cos{0 -Oi) -cos(^2 -^)cos(^2 -^1}} 

/i = /- 

1 -C0S^{^2 -^1) 


For example, let 100/60*', /30°, and /QO"* be given; then 

cos 30" 

/i = 100, 

Composition of any Number of Vectors applied at a common Point. — The 
resultant may be found by the following graphic construction: Take the vectors 
in any order, as A, B^ G. From the end of A draw B equal and parallel 
to B. and from the end of B draw C equal and parallel to G\ the vector 
from the beginning of A to the end of C" is the resultant of the given vectors. 
This follows by continued application of the parallelogram construction. The 
resultant obtained is the same, whatever the order; and as the order is arbitrary, 
the area enclosed has no physical meaning. 

The result may be obtained analytically as follows: 






/i/Si+^/Sa + Za/^s + ■■■ + /„/&„. 

/iM = h cos ei/0 + h sin ^i/ J ■ 

/2/^ = /2 cos ej/O + /2 sin 92/ J . 

fr^jOn = in COsg^/O +/„ Smg„/| . 

i:{/M = {i:/-^^}/^+{E/E 




In the case of a sum of simultaneous vectors applied at a common point, 
the ordinary rule about the transposition of a term in an equation holds good. 
For example, if A -\- B -\- C = 0, then A -\- B = -C , and A -\- C = -B , and 
5 -|-C = —A. etc. This is permissible because there is no real order of succession 
among the given components. 






Composition of Successive Vectors, — The composition of successive vectors 
partakes more of the nature of multiplication than of addition. Let A be a 
vector starting from the point O, and B a vector starting from the end of A. 
Draw the third side OP ^ and from O draw a vector equal to B. and from its 
extremity a vector equal to A. The line OP is not the complete equivalent 
of A + B ; if it were so, it would also be the complete equivalent oi B -\- A. 
But A -\- B and B -\- A determine different paths; and as they go oppositely 
around, the areas they determine with OP have different signs. The diagonal 
OP represents A -\- B only so far as it is considered independent of path. For 
any number of successive vectors, the sum so far as it is independent of path is 
the vector from the initial point of the first to the final point of the last. This is 
also true when the successive vectors become so small as to form a continuous 
curve. The area between the curve OPQ and the vector OQ depends on the 
path, and has a physical meaning. 

Prob. 1. The resultant vector is 123/45 . and one component is 100/0 : find the other 

Prob. 2. The velocity of a body in a given plane is 200/75 . and one component is 

100/25 ; find the other component. 

Prob. 3. Three alternating magnetomotive forces are of equal virtual "value, but each pair 
differs in phase by 120°; find the resultant. [Ans. Zero.) 

Prob. A. Find the components of the vector 100/70^ in the directions 20° and 100^. 
Prob. 5. Calculate the resultant vector of 1/10^, 2/20°. 3/30°, 4/40°. 

Prob. 6. Compound the following magnetic fluxes: hsinnt -\- hsinijit — 120 )/120 + 
/isin(nt- 240°)/240°. (Ans. '^h/nt.) 

Tills does not hold true of □. sum of vectors having a real order of succession. It is a 
mistake to attempt to found space-analysis upon arbitrary formal laivs: the fundamental rules 
must be made to express universal properties of the thing denoted In this chapter no attempt 
is made to apply formal laws to directed quantities. What is attempted is an analysis of these 


Prob. 7. Compound two alternating magnetic fluxes at a point acosnt/Q and asinnt/^. 
{Ans. a/nt.) 

Prob. 8. Find the resultant of two simple alternating electromotive forces 100/20° and 

Prob. 9. Prove that a uniform circular motion is obtained by compounding two equal 
simple harmonic motions which have the space-phase of their angular positions 
equal to the supplement of the time-phase of their motions. 

Article 3 

Products of Coplanar 

When all the vectors considered are confined to a common plane, each may 
be expressed as the sum of two rectangular components. Let i and j denote 
two directions in the plane at right angles to one another; then A = aii + flojj 
B = hii + 62 J 1 R = xi -\- yj- Here i and j are not unit-vectors, but rather signs 
of direction. 

Product of two Vectors. — Let A = a^i + a2J and B = h^i -\- h2J be any 

two vectors, not necessarily of the same kind physically. We assume that their 
product is obtained by applying the distributive law. but we do not assume that 
the order of the factors is indifferent. Hence 

AB = (ui? + a2J){bii + 62 J } = <^i^i n + 112^2 J J + i^i^2^J + <J2^2i'- 

If we assume, as suggested by ordinary algebra, that the square of a sign of 
direction is +, and further that the product of two directions at right angles to 

one another is the direction normal to both, then the above reduces to 

AB = aibi + a^t^ + (<^i^2 ~ a2bi)k. 

Thus the complete product breaks up into two partial products, namely, 
ai^i + a^^E which is independent of direction, and (^162 — a^^i )fc which has the 

axis of the plane for direction. 

A common explanation which is given of ij ^ k \s that i is an operator; j an operand, 
and k the result. The kind of operator which i is supposed to denote is a quadrant of turning 
round the axis i; it is supposed not to be an axis, but a quadrant of rotation round an axis. 
This explains the result ij = k. but unfortunately it does not explain ii = +; for it Un'ould give 
ii = i. 



Scalar Product of two Vectors. — By a scalar quantity is meant a quantity 
which has magnitude and may be positive or negative but is destitute of direc- 
tion. The former partial product is so called because it is of such a nature. It 
is denoted by SAB where the symbol S, being in Roman type, denotes, not a 
vector, but a function of the vectors A and B . The geometrical meaning of SAB 
is the product of A and the orthogonal projection of B upon A. Let OP and 
OQ represent the vectors A and B: draw QM and NL perpendicular to OP. 

(OP)iOM) = {OP){OL) + {OP){LM'), 

?1— + ^2 — 

a a 

Corollary 1. — SB A = SAB. For instance, let A denote a force and B the 
velocity of its point of application; then SAB denotes the rate of working of the 
force. The result is the same whether the force is projected on the velocity or 
the velocity on the force. 

Example 1. — A force of 2 pounds East -I- 3 pounds North is moved with a 
velocity of 4 feet East per second + 5 feet North per second; find the rate at 
which work is done. 

2x4 + 3x5 = 23 foot-pounds per second. 

Corollary 2. — A = a^ -h aj = a . The square of any vector is independent 

of direction; it is an essentially positive or signless quantity: for whatever the 
direction of A, the direction of the other A must be the same; hence the scalar 
product cannot be negative. 

Example 2. — A stone of 10 pounds mass is moving with a velocity 64 feet 
down per second -h 100 feet horizontal per second. Its kinetic energy then is 

— (64^ -h 100") foot-poundals, 

a quantity which has no direction. The kinetic energy due to the downward 

velocity is 10 x 



and that due to the horizontal velocity is — x 100 ; the 

2 ^ 2 



whole kinetic energy is obtained, not by vector, but by simple addition, when 
the components are rectangular. 

?' + 

Vector Product of two Vectors. — The other partial product from its nature 
is called the vector product, and is denoted by V AB . Its geometrical meaning is 
the product of A and the projection of B which is perpendicular to A, that is, the 
area of the parallelogram formed upon A and B. Let OP and OQ represent the 
vectors A aiid B. and draw the lines indicated by the figure. It is then evident 
that the area of the triangle OPQ = aib2 — 2^2*^2 ~ 2^1 ^2 ~ 2^^'^ ~^'i)(^2~*^2) = 

Thus {^162 — a-2bi)k denotes the magnitude of the parallelogram formed by 
A and B and also the axis of the plane in which it lies. 

It follows that YBA = —YAB. It is to be observed that the coordinates of 
A and B are mere component vectors^ whereas A and B themselves are taken 
in a real order. 

Example. — Let A = [lOi + llj) inches and B = (5i -I- 12j) inches, then 
V AB = (120 — 55)A; square inches; that is, 65 square inches in the plane which 
has the direction k for axis. 

If A is expressed as act and B as 6/3, then SAB = afccosa.J, where a3 
denotes the angle between the directions g and ,J. 

Example. — The effective electromotive force of 100 volts per inch /90* along 
a conductor 8 inch /45'' is SAB = 8x100 cos/45°/90° volts, that is, 800 cos 45° 
volts. Here /45° indicates the direction a and /QO*^ the direction /3, and /45°/90^ 
means the angle between the direction of 45° and the direction of 90" . 

Also y AB = ab sin q3 ■ aP, where a,5 denotes the direction which is normal 
to both a and j3, that is. their pole. 

Example. — At a distance of 10 feet /30° there is a force of 100 pounds /SO^ 
The moment is Y AB 

= 10 X 100sin/30''/G0'' pound-feet 90°//90° 

= 1000 sin 30^ pound feet 90<>//90° 

Here 90°/ specifies the plane of the angle and /90° the angle. The two 
together written as above specify the normal k. 


Reciprocal of a Vector. — By the reciprocal of a A^ector is meant tlie vector 
which, combined with the original vector produces the product +1. The recip- 
rocal of A is denoted by A~ . Since AB = ai(coso:/3 + sin a/? ■ a/3) , b must 
equal a~ and P must be identical with a in order that the product may be 1. 

It follows that 

I 1 aa aii + ixoj 

< —s — '■! X 

The reciprocal and opposite vector is —A~. In the figure let OP = 23 

be the given vector; then OQ = ^13 is its reciprocal, and OR = ^{—P) is its 
reciprocal and opposite." 


Example.— If ^ = 10 feet East + 5 feet North. A~^ = feet East + 

^ ■ 125 

5 , 10 5 

feet North and -A~^ = feet East feet North. 

125 125 125 

Product of the reciprocal of a vector and oiiother vector. — 

A-'^B = \aB, 


= — (cosct/^-h sin Q!3 ■ a3). 

Hence SA~^ B = -cosct/? and V A~^ B = - sin a,d ■ q/3. 

"Writeis who identify a vector with a quadrantal versor ore logically led to define the 
reciprocal of a vector as being opposite in direction as well as reciprocal in magnitude. 


Product of three Coplanar Vectors. — Let A = a^i -\- ^2 J i ^ = ^i* + ^2j) 
C = c\i + coj denote any three vectors in a common plane. Then 

{AB)C = {{aibi +^2^2) + (^1^2 -a2bi)k}{cii-\-C2J) 

= {aibi + a-2b2){cii + cej) + (0162 - a26i)(-C2i + cij). 

The former partial product means the vector C multiplied by the scalar 
product of A and B ; while the latter partial product means the complementary 
vector of C multiplied by the magnitude of the vector product of A and B. 
If these partial products (represented by OP and OQ) unite to form a total 
product, the total product will be represented by Oi?, the resultant of OP and 

The former product is also expressed by SAB ■ C, where the point separates 
the vectors to which the S refers; ajid more analytically by abc cos q3 ■ 7. 

The latter product is also expressed by {V AB)C , which is equivalent to 
V(VA5)C, because Y AB is at right angles to C. It is also expressed by 

abc sin ay3 - 0,57. where q3~( denotes the direction which is perpendicular to 
the perpendicular to a and 3 and 7. 

If the product is formed after the other mode of association we have 

A{BC) = {aii + a2J)(5iCi +63^2) + {a^i -^ a2J){hiC2 -62^1)^^ 
= {bici + b2C2){aii + a2J) + (61 C2 -&2^i)(a2i - ^ij) 
= SBC ■A-\-YA(yBC). 

The vector 031 — aij is the opposite of the complementary vector of aii-\-a2J. 
Hence the latter partial product differs with the mode of association. 

Example.— Let A = 1/0^ + 2/90°, B = 3/0° + 4/90°, C = 5/0° + 6/90°. 
The fourth proportional to A.B.C is 


-G/0° -\-rj/9oA 

"^ 1^+2^ 
= 13.4/0° + 11.2/90°. 

Square of a Binomial of Vectors. — If A -\- B denotes a sum of non-successive 
vectors, it is entirely equivalent to the resultant vector C. But the square of 


any vector is a positive scalar, hence the square oi A -\- B must be a positive 
scalar. Since A and B are in reality components of one vector, the square must 
be formed after the rules for the products of rectangular components (p. 432). 

{A-\-B)^ = {A + B)(A + B), 

= A^ -\-AB -\-BA-\-B-, 

= A"^ -\-B^ -\-SAB -^SBA -\-VAB -^VBA, 

= A^- -\-B^ -\-2SAB. 

This may also be written in the form 

a^ -\-b^ -\- 2abcosa3. 

But when A-\- B denotes a sum of successive vectors, there is no third vector 
C which is the complete equiA^alent: and consequently we need not expect the 
square to be a scalar quantity. We observe that there is a real order, not of the 
factors, but of the terms in the binomial: this causes both product terms to be 
AB , givino; 

{A-\-B)- = A^ -^2AB + B- 

= A^ -\-B- -^2SAB -\-2\AB. 

The scalar pai't ^ives the square of the length of the third side, while the 
vector part gives four times the area included between the path and the third 

Square of a Trinomial of Coplanar Vectors. — Let A -h B -\- C denote a sum 
of successive vectors. The product terms must be formed so as to preserve the 
order of the vectors in the trinomial; that is, A is prior to B and C, and B is 
prior to C. Hence 

(A -\- B -\- C)^ = A^- -\- B^ -\- C^ -\- 2AB + 2AC + 2BC 
,^ + B^ + C^ + 2(SAB + SAC + SB 
+ 2(yAB + VAC + VBC) . (2) 

= A^ + B^ + C^ + 2{SAB + SAC + SBC), (1) 



S(^ + 5 + C)^ = (1) 
= a~ -\- b -\- c + 2ab cos oP + 2ac cos a'/ + 2bc cos ,^7 

V{A + 5 + C)^ = (2) 
= \2ab sin a3 + 2ac sin 07 + 2bc sin ,^7} ■ aj3 


The scalar part ^jves the square of the vector from the beginning of A to 
the end of C and is all that exists when the vectors are non-successive. The 
vector part is four times the area included between the successive sides and the 
resultant side of the polygon. 

Note that it is here assumed that V(^ -\- B)C = \' AC -\-YBC. which is the 
theorem of moments. Also that the product terms are not formed in cyclical 
order, but in accordance with the order of the vectors in the trinomial. 

Example.— Let A = 3/0°. B = 5/30^, C = Ij^^"; find the area of the 

-V(AB -V AC -VBC) = -{15sin/0730° + 21 sin /0745° + 35/30745°}, 
= 3.75 + 7.42 + 4.53 = 15.7. 

Prob. 10. At a distance of 25 centimeters /20° there is a force of 1000 dynes /80^; find 
the moment. 

Prob. 11. A conductor in an armature has a velocity of 240 inches per second /300 and 
the magnetic flux is 50.000 lines per square inch /O ; find the vector product. 
(Ans. 1.04 X 10 lines per inch per second.) 

Prob. 12. Find the sine and cosine of the angle between the directions 0.8141 E. + 0.580TN.J 
and 0.5060 E. + 0.8625 N. 

Prob. 13. When a force of 200 pounds /2rO^ is displaced by 10 feet /30", what is the work 
done (scalar product)? What is the meaning of the negative sign in the scalar 


Prob. 14. A mass of 100 pounds is moving with a velocity of 30 feet E. per second + 50 
feet SE. per second; find its kinetic energy. 

Prob. 15. A force of 10 pounds /45" is acting at the end of 8 feet /200°; find the torque, 
or vector product. 

Prob. IG. The radius of curvature of a curve is 2/0 + 5/90 ; find the curvature. 
(Ans. .03/0° + .17/90°) 

Prob. 17. Find the fourth proportional to 10/0° + 2/90^. 8/0° -3/90°, and G/0° + 5/90°. 

Prob. 18. Find the area of the polygon whose successive sides are 10/30°. 9/100^, 8/180°. 

Article 4 

Coaxial Quaternions, 

By a "quateinion"' is meant the operator whicli changes one vector into another. 
It is composed of a magnitude and a turning factor. The magnitude may or may 
not be a mere ratio, that is. a quantity destitute of physical dimensions: for the 
two vectors may or may not be of the same physical kind. The turning is in a 
plane, that is to say. it is not conical. For the present all the vectors considered 
lie in a common plane; hence all the quaternions considered have a common 

Let A and R be two coinitial vectors: the direction normal to the plane may 
be denoted by 3. The operator which changes A into R consists of a scalar 
multiplier and a turning round the axis 3. Let the former be denoted by r and 

the latter by 3 , where denotes the angle in radians. Thus R = r!3 A and 

1 d 1 d 1 1 fl 

reciprocally A = -d~^R. Also —R = r 3^ and —A = -/3"^. 
T A R r 

The turning factor 3 may be expressed as the sum of two component op- 
erators, one of which has a zero angle and the other an angle of a quadrant. 

3^ = cosO -.J^ + sin^ -3^. 

When the angle is naught, the turning- factor may be omitted; but the above 
form shows that the equation is homogeneous, and expresses nothing but the 

The ideo of the "quaternion" is due to Hamilton Its importance moy be judged from 
the fact that it has made solid trigonometrical analysis possible. It is the most important 
key to the extension of analysis to space. Ety mo logically '"quaternion" means defined by four 
elements; which is true in space; in plane analysis it is defined by t'vs'o. 



equivalence of a gh^en quaternion to two component quaternions. 


r,3^ = rcos^ + rsin^ ■ ,3^ 
= p + g . jf 


rp^A = pA-\-q3^A 

= pa ■ a -\- qa • 3^ a.. 

The relations between r and S. and p and g. are ^jven by 


Example. — Let E denote a sine alternating electromotive force in magnitude 
and phase, and / the alternating current in magnitude and phase, then 

E = [t + 27ni^ ■3'^) I, 

where r is the resistance. I the self-induction, n the alternations per unit of 
time, and 3 denotes the axis of the plane of representation. It follows that 
E = rl -\- 2-Knl ■ 3^1; also that 

I~^E = T + 27i-nZ-,J^, 

that is, the operator which changes the current into the electromotive force 
is a quaternion. The resistance is the scalar part of the quaternion, and the 

inductance is the vector part. 

Components of the Reciprocal of a Quaternion. — Given 

R= [p + q-Q^) A, 


p + g ■ , J ^ 

p-q- 3\ 

[p-\-q-3^) [p-q-p'- 



p2 _^ g2 p2 + g 


"En the method of complex nmnbers j3 T is expressed by i, which stands for y— 1. The 
advantages of using the above notation are tbat it is capable of being apphed to space, and 

that it also serves to specify the general turning factor as well as the quadrantal turning 
factor fB'^. 


Example. — Take the same application as above. It is important to obtain / 

in terms of E. By the above we deduce that from E = (j -\- 2nit! ■ Q^)I 

Addition of Coaxial Quaternions. — If the ratio of each of several vectors to 
a constant vector A is ^ven, the ratio of their resultant to the same constant 
vector is obtained by taking the sum of the ratios. Thus^ if 

Ri = (pi +91 ■,^^)^^ 

Rn = {Pn+qn -0')^.. 


and reciprocally 

i:^= E^+eo-^^M- 

Example. — In the case of a compound circuit composed of a number of simple 
circuits in parallel 

ri - 27rn/i ■ /3^ 7-2 - 27rn/2 ■ /5t 



- 27rn/ 



+ (27r7i)2i2j 

= ^^[^^TjLw) ~''''"^r^- + (Lnr-p-^"\^' 

and reciprocally 

r^+(2iT^)^^V '^^'"■' V^" r' + (27r7i)^?' 

This theorem Uh'qs discovered by Lord Rayleigh; PhiloBophLca.1 IXIogazine, May, 1830. See 
also Bedell & Crehore s Alternating Currents, p. 233. 


Product of Coaxial Quaternions. — If the quaternions whicli change A to i?, 
and R to R\ are °;iven, the quaternion which chan°;es A to R' is obtained by 
taking the product of the given quaternions. 


E = r,3^A = (p-\-q -3^) A 

R' = r'3^'A= (p +q' -3^) R, 

R' = rr',3^+^'A = {{pp' - qq') + (pq + p'q) ■ B'^} A, 

Note that the product is formed by taking the product of the magnitudes, 
and likewise the product of the turning factors. The angles are summed because 
they are indices of the common base P. 

Quotient of two Coaxial Quaternions. — If the given quaternions are those 
which change A to /?. and A to R' , then that which changes R to R' is obtained 
by taking the quotient of the latter by the former. 


R = r3^A = (p + q ■ 6'^)A 



R' = t',3'^'a= {p +q ■,3^)A, 



p- + r 

p^ -\-q^ 

Prob. 19. The impressed alternating electromotive force is 200 volts, the resistance of the 
circuit is 10 ohms, the self-induction is j^ henry, and there are 60 alternations 
per second; required the current. (Ans. 18.7 amperes / — 20° 42'.) 

Pvlany writers, such as Hayward in "Vector Algebra and Trigonometry," and Stringham 
in "Uniplanar Algebra," treat this product of coaxial quaternions as if it inuere the product of 
vectors This is the fundamental error in the Argand method. 


Prob. 20. If in the above circuit the current is 10 amperes, find the impressed voltage. 

Prob. 21. If the electromotive force is 110 volts /9 and the current is 10 amperes /d — ■rJ''. 
find the resistance and the self-induction, there bein^ 120 alternations per sec- 

Prob. 22. A number of coils having resistances rj . r2- etc.. and self-inductions li, I2- etc.. 
are placed in series; find the impressed electromotive force in terms of the cur- 
rent, and reciprocally. 

Article 5 

Addition of Vectors in 

A vector in space can be expressed in terms of three independent components, 
and when these form a rectangular set the directions of resolution are expressed 
by i, J, k. Any variable vector R may be expressed 0.5 E = rp = xi -\- yj + zk^ 
and any constant vector B may be expressed as 

B = b^3 = bji + b2J + b^k. 

In space the symbol p for the direction involves two elements. It may be 
specified as 

xi -\- yj -\- zk 

P = 

1^ + y^ -V z^ 

where the three squares are subject to the condition that their sum is unity. Or 
it may be specified by this notation, 4>II0^ a generalization of the notation for a 

plane. The additional angle 4>/ is introduced to specify the plane in which the 
angle from the initial line lies. 

If we are given R in the form Tif>j/0 , then we deduce the other form thus: 

B = r cosO ■ i -\- T sin cos(p ■ j -\- r sin sin <j> • k. 

If R is given in the form z? + yj + zk. we deduce 

R= v/:c^ + y2 

z- tan — // tan 

For example, 

5 = 10 30''// 45'' 

= 10 cos 45'' ■» + 10sin45°cos30'' ■ j + 10 sin 45"^ sin 30° - k. 



Ao;ain, from C = 3i + 4j + bk we deduce 

C = \/9 + IG + 25 tan"^ - // tan 

■^ // _i ^41 

4// 3 

= 7.07 bl°A//GA°.9. 

To find the resultant of any number of component vectors applied at a com- 
mon point, let i?i. R2, . ■ ■ Rn represent the n vectors or, 

J?l = :rii + Vii + El A:, 

R^ = Xj,i + y„j + ^nfc; 




z ")+(!:») +£ 

tan <b = == — and tan = 

V^(E?^)' + (E^)' 

Ey E^ 

Successive Addition. — When the successive vectors do not lie in one plane, 
the several elements of the area enclosed will lie in different planes, but these 
add by vector addition into a resultant directed area. 

Prob. 23. Express A = Ai - rjj -\- Gk and S = Si + Gj - Tk in the form r^y/fG 

(Ans. 8.8 130° //G3° and lO.S 311°//Gl" .S.) 

Prob. 24. Express C = 123 5TV/142° and D = 456 65V/200^ in the form xi + yj -\- zk. 
Prob. 25. Express E = 100 — /'— and F = 1000 - /7 — in the form xi -h !/:J + zk. 

Prob. 26. Find the resultant of 10 20V/30^, 20 30^>//40°. and 30 A^" j/bO" . 

Prob. 27. Express in the form r <p//8 the resultant vector of li + '2j — 3k. Ai — 5?" + ^k and 

-7z-h8? + 9jt. 

Article 6 

Product of Two Vectors, 

Rules of Signs for Vectors in Space. — By the rules ?" = +, j = -\-^ ij = fc, 
and ji = —k we obtained (p. 432) a product of two vectors containing two 
partial products, each of which has the highest importance in mathematical 
and physical analysis. Accordingly, from the symmetry of space we assume that 
the following rules are true for the product of two vectors in space: 

r = +, 

f = +, 

fc^ = +, 

ij = k, 

jk = i, 

ki = j , 

ji = —k, 

kj = -i, 

ik = -j 

The square combinations give results which are independent of direction, 
and consequently are summed by simple addition. The area vector determined 
by * and j can be represented in direction by A:, because k is in tri-dimensional 
space the axis which is complementary to i and j. We also observe that the 
three rules ij = k, jk = i. ki = j are derived from one another by cyclical 
permutation; likewise the three rules ji = —k. kj = — i, ik = —j. The figure 
shows that these rules are made to represent the relation of the advance to the 
rotation in the right-handed screw. The physical meaning of these rules is made 
clearer by an application to the dynamo and the electric motor. In the dynamo 
three principal vectors have to be considered: the velocity of the conductor at 
any instant, the intensity of magnetic fiux, and the vector of electromotive force. 
Frequently all that is demanded is. given two of these directions to determine 



the third. Suppose that the direction of the velocity is i, and that of the flux j, 
then the direction of the electromotive force is k. The formula ij = k becomes 

velocity flux = electromotive-force^ 

from which we deduce 

flux electromotive- force = velocity, 


electromotive-force velocity = flux. 

The corresponding formula for the electric motor is 

current flux = mechanical-force, 

from which we derive by cyclical permutation 

flux force = current, and force current = flux. 

The formula velocity flux = electromotive-force is much handier than any 
thumb-and-finger rule: for it compares the three directions directly with the 
right-handed screw. 

Example. — Suppose that the conductor is normal to the plane of the paper, 
that its velocity is towards the bottom, and that the magnetic flux is towards 
the left; corresponding to the rotation from the velocity to the flux in the right- 
handed screw we have advance into the paper: that then is the direction of the 
electromotive force. 

Again, suppose that in a motor the direction of the current along the conduc- 
tor is up from the paper, and that the magnetic flux is to the left; corresponding 
to current flux we have advance towards the bottom of the page, which therefore 
must be the direction of the mechanical force which is applied to the conductor. 

Complete Product of two Vectors. — Let A = a^i -h a2J + a^k and B = 
bii -h 62J + ^3^^ be any two vectors, not necessarily of the same kind physically. 
Their product, according to the rules (p. 444), is 

AB = (ui? + aoj + a^k)(bii -h 62 j + ^3^): 
= a^biii -h a-2b2Jj + a^^b^kk 

+ a2b^jk -h asb2kj -h a^biki -h aib-^ik -h aifc^^J + <^2hj^ 
= a^bi -h a2b2 + a^b^ 

+ {a2bz)i + (^361 — aib3)j -h (^1^2 — ^2^1)^ 

= a^bi -f- (22^2 + <t3^3 + 












Thus the product breaks up into two partial products, namely, fli^i -\-a-2b2-\- 

a^b^^ which is independent of direction, and j^i b-j 65 j , which has the diiec- 

\ i j k\ 
tion normal to the plane of A and B. The former is called the scalar product, 
and the latter the vector product. 

In a sum of vectors, the vectors are necessarily homogeneous, but in a prod- 
uct the vectors may be heterogeneous. By making ag = i:^ = 0. we deduce the 
resnlts already obtained for a plane. 

Scalar Product of two Vectors. — The scalar product is denoted as before by 
SAB . Its geometrical meaning is the product of A and the orthogonal projection 
of B upon A. Let OP represent A, and OQ represent B. and let OL, LA/, and 
MN be the orthogonal projections upon OP of the coordinates bii. feaj. b^k 
respectiA'ely. Then ON is the orthogonal projection of OQ. and 

OP X ON = OP X [OL + LM + MN), 

( ai ^2 '^5 

= a\b-i h 62 h 65 — 

•-a a a 

= (iih\ + fl2^2 + '^3^3 = SAB . 

Example. — Let the intensity of a magnetic flux be 5 = 61? + 62J + h^k., 
and let the area be S = sii + ioj + ^z^\ then the flux through the area is 

SSB = bisi-\- b-2S2 -\- bss-j. 

Corollary 1.— Hence SBA = SAB. For 

61 ai -\-b2a2 -\- b^a^i = aibi +02^2 + ^5^^- 

The product of B and the orthogonal projection on it of A is equal to the 
product of A and the orthogonal projection on it of B. The product is positive 
when the vector and the projection have the same direction, and negative when 
they have opposite directions. 

Corollary 2. — Hence A^ = ai' 

03 = a . The square of A must be 

positive: for the two factors have the same direction. 

Vector Product of two Vectors. — The vector product as before is denoted by 
Y AB . It means the product of A and the component of B which is perpendicular 



to A, and is represented by the area of the parallelogram formed by A and 
B. The orthogonal projections of this area upon the planes of jk^ ki^ and ij 
represent the respective components of the product. For, let OP and OQ (see 
second figure of Art. 3) be the orthogonal projections of A and B on the plane 
of * and j: then the triangle OPQ is the projection of half of the parallelogram 
formed by A and B. But it is there shown that the area of the triangle OPQ 
is 17(0162 ~ <^2^i)- Thns {aib-2 — a-2bi)k denotes the magnitude and direction of 
the parallelogram formed by the projections of A and B on the plane of i and 
j. Similarly (^2^:3 ~ 0362)1 denotes in magnitude and direction the projection 
on the plane of j and k. and (a^^hi — ajb^jj that on the plane of /: and i. 

Corollary 1.— Hence V^.4 = -\' AB . 

Example. — Given two lines A = 7i — lOj + 3fc and B = — 9« + 4 j — Gk: to 
find the rectangular projections of the parallelogram which they define: 

\'AB = (60 - 12)i + (-27 + 42)j + (28 -90)^ 
= 48i + 15j -G2fc. 

Corollary 2. — If A is expressed as aa and B as 5,J, then SAB = abcosaS 
and V AB = a6 sin a,J ■ aS. where a3 denotes the direction which is normal to 
both a and 3. and drawn in the sense giA'en by the right-handed screw. 

Example.— Given A = r'^/0 and B = r'WJlO' . Then 

SAB = tt'cos'^/8'^/6' 

= rr {cosScos^ + sin sin cos{^ — <^)}. 

Product of two Sums of non-successive Vectors. — Let A and B be two com- 
ponent vectors, giving the resultant A -\- B ^ and let C denote any other vector 
having the same point of application. 



A = aij -\- a2J -\- a^k. 
B = hii-\-b2J-\-b3k., 
C = cii -\- C2J + c^k. 


Since A and B are independent of order, 

A-\-B = {ai +bi}i + (a2 +62)^ + {«3 + ^a)^, 
consequently by the principle already established 

S{A-\-B)C = (ai +5i}ci + (a^ +62)^2 + {^3 + ^3)^3 
= aici + a2C2 + a^cs + 6iCi + fc^co + h^s 
= SAC -\- SBC. 

V{A-\-B)C = {(02 + ^2)^3 - {as -^h)c2}i +etc. 

= (a2<:'3 — <13C2)« + (&2<^3 — ^3C2)i + " " " 

= VylC -I-V5C. 

Hence (A-\-B)C = AC +5C. 

In the same way it may be shown that if the second factor consists of two 
components, C and D. which are n on- successive in their nature, then 

{A -\- B){C -\- D) = AC -\-An -\-BC -\-BD. 

When A -\- B is a sum of component vectors 

{A-\-Bf = A^ -\-B^ -\-AB -\-BA 

= A^ -\-B^ + 2S^B. 

Prob. 28. The relative velocity of a conductor is S.W.. and the magnetic flux is N.W.; 

what is the direction of the electromotive force in the conductor? 
Prob. 29. The direction of the current is vertically downward, that of the magnetic flux is 

West; find the direction of the mechanical force on the conductor. 
Prob. 30. A body to which a force of 2z + 3j -\- 4fr pounds is applied moves with a velocity 

of Si -\- Gj -\- 7k feet per second; flnd the rate at which work is done. 
Prob. 31. A conductor 8i H- 9^ -|- 10k inches long is subject to an electromotive force of 

1H-|- V2j-\- 13k volts per inch; flnd the difference of potential at the ends. (Ans. 

326 volts.) 
Prob. 32. Find the rectangular projections of the area of the parallelogram defined by the 

vectors A = 12i - 23j - 34fr and B = -45z - bQj -\- Q7k. 
Prob. 33. Show that the moment of the velocity of a body with respect to a point is equal 

to the sum of the moments of its component velocities with respect to the same 

Prob. 34. The arm is 9z + Hj + 13fr feet, and the force applied at either end is 17i-\- 19 j + 

23^ pounds weight; find the torque. 

Prob. 35. A body of 1000 pounds mass has linear velocities of 50 feet per second 30*'//45 
and 60 feet per second 60"//22".5; find its kinetic energy. 

Prob. 36. Show that if a system of area-vectors can be represented by the faces of a 
polyhedron, their resultant vanishes. 

Prob. 37. Show that work done by the resultant velocity is equal to the sum of the works 
done by its com.ponent5. 

Article 7 

Product of Three Vectors, 

Complete Product. — Let us take A = a^i -\- a2J -\- (13k. B = bii -\- b^j -\-b^k. and 
C = cii H- C2J + c-^k. By the product of A. B, aud C is meaut the product of 
the product of A and B with C, accordiu^ to the rules p. 444). Hence 

ABC = (aibi + Q262 + a3h3){cii + C2J + c^^k) 

+ I (1^2 ^5 — 0362 )i + (<J^&1 — ai6^)j + (aifc^ — a2 6i)A;| (cii + C2J + c^fc) 
= (ai^i + a-2b2 + a5i3)(ci? + c^ j + C3A:) (l) 

1^2 a^i 

1^3 fll| 

1^2 b,\ 

1^3 til 





\ai ao 


\aj ^2 as 
+ 1^1 ^2 ^5 1 

|Cl C2 C3I 



Example.— Let A = li -\- 2j -\- 2k, B = 4i -\- .5j + 6A:, and C = 7i -\- 8j + 9A;. 

(1) = {4 + 10 + lS){7i-\-Sj-\-9k) = 32(7i +8j + 9fc). 

-3 -3 

7 8 9 
i j k 

(2) = 
{3) = 

= 78i + 6j - 66A:. 

1 2 3 

4 5 
7 8 9 

= 0. 



If we write A = aa ^ B = b3, C = C7, then 

ABC = ahccosoL'S-'f (l) 

+ abc sin cxQ sin 0,^7 ■ Oi!3^ (2} 

+ abc sin (:t/3 cosa/37, (3} 

where cos 0,^7 denotes the cosine of the an^le between the directions a,J and 7, 
and a/^7 denotes the direction which is normal to both ol3 and 7. 
We may also write 

ABC = SAB -C -\-Y{yAB)C -\-S{yAB}C 
(1) (2) (3) 

First Partial Product. — It is merely the third vector multiplied by the scalar 
product of the other two, or weighted by that product as an ordinary algebraic 
quantity. If the directions are kept constant, each of the three partial products 
is proportional to each of the three magnitudes. 

Second Partial Product. — The second partial product may be expressed as 
the difference of two products similar to the first. For 

Y{VAB)C = {-{b2C2 +i^C3)ai + (c^a^ + c^asj^iji 

+ {-(^5"^^ + hci)a2 + {c^as + ciai)b2}j 

+ { — (^Ki + ''2^2)^5 + (^i<ti + C2a2)b:i]k. 

By adding to the first of these components the null term {biciai —ciaibiji we 
get —SBC -aii -\- SCA -bii. and by treating the other two components similarly 
and adding the results we obtain 

Y{yAB)C = -SBC ■A-\-SCA B. 

The principle here proved is of great use in solving equations [see p. 455) . 

Example. — Take the same three vectors as in the preceding example. Then 

y{VAB}C = -{28 + 40 + 54)(li -\-2j-\-3k) 
+ (T + IG + 27)(4i + 5j + 0A:) 
= 78i + 6j - GGfc. 


The determmant expression for this partial product may also be written in 
the form 

It follows that the frequently occurring determinant expression 

\ai a-2\\ci C2 I |a2 <t3 | |<^2 ^3 | . |i^3 <^1 1 |'^3 ci I 
\bi ^2 k^l f?2 ^^2 ^3 "^2 ^3 \ \^3 ^1 <^3 '^l 

means S(yAB){yCD). 

Third Partial Product. — From the determinant expression for the third prod- 
uct, we know that 

S{yAB)C = S(yBC)A = S(yCA)B 

= -S{VBA)C = -S(yCB}A = -S{yAC)B. 

Hence any of the three former may be expressed by SABC , and any of the three 
latter by -SABC. 


The third product S{y AB)C is represented by the vohime of the paral- 
lelepiped formed by the vectors A^B^C taken in that order. The line V AB 
represents in magnitude and direction the area formed by A and B^ and the 
product of V AB with the projection of C upon it is the measure of the volume 
in magnitude and sign. Hence the volume formed by the three vectors has no 
direction in space, but it is positive or negative according to the cyclical order 
of the vectors. 

In the expression abc sin q,^ cos 0/^7 it is evident that sin q/^ corresponds 
to sin^, and cosa/?-/ to cos i^, in the usual formula for the volume of a paral- 

Example. — Let the velocity of a straight wire parallel to itself he V = 

1000/30"^ centimeters per second, let the intensity of the magnetic flux be 
B = G000/90° lines per square centimeter, and let the straight wire L = 15 

centimeters 60°// 45^. Then YVB = 6000000 sin 60° 90^//90'' lines per centime- 
ter per second. Hence S{VVB)L = 15 x 6000000 sin 60° cos <i^ lines per second 
where cos (^ = sin 45° sin 60°. 

Sum of the Partial Vector Products. — By adding the first and second par- 
tial products we obtain the total vector product of ABC, which is denoted by 
Y{ABC). By decomposing the second product we obtain 

y{ABC) = SAB -C -SBC -A -^SCA B. 


By removing the common multiplier abc, we get 

V(a/?7) = cos a 13 ■ 7 — cos/?-/ ■ a + cos 7a ■ 3. 


ViSfG) = cos ,57 ■ a — cos 70: ■ ,5 + cos q3 ■ 7 


V(7a:/3) = cos 7a ■ P — cos a3 ■ 7 + cos Pj ■ or. 
These three vectors have the same magnitude, for the square of each is 
cos" a/5 + cos S', + cos 7a — 2 cos a 3 cos P-^ cos 7a, 
that is, 1 -[S{a,3'i)}'^. 

They have the directions respectively of o' , P\ 7', which are the corners of 
the triangle whose sides are bisected by the corners a. 3. 7 of the given triangle. 

Prob. 38. Find the second partial product of 920V/30°' 103D°//dt}'', 11 Ab° //■Hb" . Also 
the third partial product. 

Prob. 39. Find the cosine of the angle between the plane of lii + mjj -\- mk and i2i + 
"^2J + ^2^ and the plane of i^i + sn^j + n^k and [41 -\- jn4J + itik. 

Prob. 40. Find the volume of the parallelepiped determined by the vectors lD0i-|-50j + 25t . 
50z+ 10j-\- 80fr, and -7r^z -\- 40? - SDk. 

Prob. 41. Find the volume of the tetrahedron determined by the extremities of the follow- 
ing vectors: 3z - 2j -\- Ik. -Ai -h Sj - 7k. Si — Tj- •2k. Si -\- Aj - 3k. 

Prob. 42. Find the voltage at the terminals of a conductor when its velocity is 1500 cen- 
timeters per second, the intensity of the magnetic flux is 7000 lines per square 
centimeter, and the length of the conductor is 20 centimeters, the angle between 
the first and second being 30°. and that between the plane of the first two and 
the direction of the third 60°. (Ans. .91 volts.) 

Prob. 43. Let a = 20V/10''i 3 = 30° //25° . 7 = 40V/3S°. Find Vq57; and deduce \'i3ja 
and W'yaiS. 

Article 8 

Composition of Quantities, 

A number of homogeneous quantities are simultaneously located at different 
points; it is required to find how to add or com.pound them. 

Addition of a Located Scalar Quantity. — Let m^ deuote a mass m situated 
at the extremity of the radius-vector A. A mass jn — jn may be introduced at 

the extremity of any radius-vector R, so that 

mA = (m - m)R + m^ 
= mii -\- mA -m^ 

= TJiR + m(A — R). 

Here A — i? is a sim.ultaneous sum, aud denotes the radius-vector from, the 
extremity of R to the extremity of A. The product m(A — R) is what Clerk 
Maxwell called a mass- vector, and means the directed momeut of ni w^ith respect 
to the extremity of R. The equation states that the m.a3s m at the extremity 
of the vector A is equivalent to the equal mass at the extremity of i? , together 
with the said mass-vector applied at the extremity of R. The equation expresses 
a physical of mechanical principle. 

Hence for any number of masses, nii at the extremity of Ai . mo ^t the 
extremity of A^, etc., 

/ ^ mA = 2_^ ^^ + Z-*i ^^{^ ~ ^ 



where the latter term denotes the sum of the mass-vectors treated as simulta- 
neous vectors applied at a common point. Since 

the resultant moment will vanisli if 

J? = =^ . or R} m=} mA 

Corollary. — Let 

K = x\ -\- yj -\- zh. 

^ = ^ij + 6ij + cifc; 

then the above condition may be written as 

X^{77i(ai + fe j + cfc)} 
Ti -h yj + eA: = = 

^TTJ Yl.'^ Yn\ ' 


^ = ^v^ — . y = ^v^ — . 2 = 

E?^ ' E?^ ' !]■ 

Example— Given 5 pounds at 10 feet 45°//30'' and 8 pounds at 7 feet 

60''//45°: find the moment when both masses are transferred to 12 feet ZS^Z/GO". 

mivli = 50(cos30°*-hsin30°cos45''j-hsin30°3in45''fc), 

mi^i = 56(cos45°i-hsin45°cos60''j-|-sin45°sin60''fc). 
{mi -hma)/? = 156(cos GO'^i -h sin G0° cos 75"^ -h sin G0° sin 75°A;), 
moment = nii^i -h 77i2'42 ~ ("^i + "12)^- 


Composition of a Located Vector Quantity. — Let F^ denote a force applied 
at the extremity of the raxiius-vector A. As a force F — F may introduced at 

the extremity of any radius-vector R, we have 

Fa = {F-F)+Fa 
= Fr +V(A-J?)F. 

This equation asserts that a force F apphed at the extremity of A is equiva- 
lent to an equal force applied at the extremity of R together with a couple whose 
magnitude and direction are given by the vector product of the radius-vector 
from the extremity of R to the extremity of A and the force. 

Hence for a system of forces applied at different points, such as Fi at Ai, 

F2 at Ao . etc., we obtain 

H (Fa) = Yl (-Pfi) + H V (^ - i?) F 


^\'{A-R)F = J2 V^4i^ - J2 V^^ 

the condition for no resultant couple is 

which requires ^ i^ to be normal to ^VAF. 

Example. — Given a force It -\-2j -\-^k pounds weight at 4i -h 5j -\-Gk feet, and 
a force of Ti -h 9j -h llA; pounds weight at lOi -h 12 j -h 14fc feet: find the torque 
which must be supplied when both are transferred to 2i -I- 5j -I- 3A:, so that the 



effect may be the same as before. 

VAiFi = 3i -Gj + 3A:, 
YA2F2 = Gi -12j +6A:, 

^ VAF = 9i -ISj -\-9k, 

Y^F = Si-\-Uj -\-14k, 
Vi?^ F = 3Ti -4j -ISk, 

Torque = -2Si - 14j + 27k. 

By takino; the vector product of the above equal vectors with the reciprocal 
of ^ F we obtain 


By the principle previously established the left member resolves into —R + 
Si?= — ' ^ F: and the right member is equivalent to the complete product on 

account of the two factors being normal to one another: hence 

that is. 

-^ = ^E(^'-4n 

+ SE 






The extremity of R lies on a straight line whose perpendicular is the vector 
(1) and whose direction is that of the resultant force. The term (2) means the 
projection of R upon that line. 


The condition for the central axis is that the resultant force and the resultant 
couple should have the same direction: hence it is given by 

that is 

V (Vfl ^ f) ^ F = V {J2 AF) J2 F. 

By expanding the left member according to the same principle as above, we 

- (H ^) ' ^ + s^ I] ^ ■ E ^ = ^'" (Z -4 J^) I] ^ ; 


This is the same straight line as before, only no relation is now imposed on 
the directions of ^ F and J^ YAF; hence there always is a central axis. 

Example. — Find the central axis for the system of forces in the previous 
example. Since X^ F = 8i + llj + 14fc, the direction of the line is 

Si + lli + 14A; 
V64 + 121 + 19G' 

1 8i + 11J + 14A; ^ 

Since == — = and > \ AF = 9i — lS }-\-9k, the perpendicular 

Y.F 381 ^ J ^ y y 

to the line is 

Si + Uj -\-lAk 1 

V 9i -ISj -\-9k= {351i + 54j - 243A:}. 

3S1 381 

Prob. 44. Find the moment at 90"//2r0^ of 10 pounds at 4 feet 10''//20° and 20 pounds 

at 5 feet 30V/1^0''. 

Prob. 45. Find the torque for 4z + 3:j"-h2fr pounds weight at ■2i-3j-\-lk feet, and2z-i;:-U 
pounds weight at —3i -\- 4?" + 5k feet when transferred to — 3z — 2j — Ak feet. 

Prob. 46. Find the central axis in the above case. 

Prob. 47. Prove that the mass- vector drawn from any origin to a mass equal to that of the 
whole system placed at the center of mass of the system is equal to the sum of 
the mass-vectors drawn from the same origin to all the particles of the system. 

Article 9 

Spherical Trigonometry. 

Let i. J, k denote three mutually perpendicular axes. In order to distinguish 
clearly between an axis and a quadrantal version round it, let *^ , J^ , k'^ denote 
quadrantal versions in the positive sense about the axes i, j, k respectively. The 
directions of positive version are indicated by the arrows. 

By i'^i'^ is meant the product of two quadrantal versions round i; it is 
equiA'alent to a semicircular version round i; hence *TiT = j" = — . Similarly 
j'^JT means the product of two quadrantal versions round j. and j'^j'^ = j'^ = 
— . Similarly k'^ k'^ = k^ = —. 

By i'^jT is meant a quadrant round i followed by a quadrant round j; it is 
equiA'alent to the quadrant from j to i, that is, to —k'^. But j^ i^ is equivalent 
to the quadrant from —i to — j, that is^ to k^ . Similarly for the other two pairs 
of products. Hence we obtain the following 

Rules for Versors. 

i^j^ = -k^ , j^i^ = k^ , 

j^k^ = — ?^, k^ j^ = i^ 
k'^i'^ = —j ^ , i T fc T = J T , 




The meaning of these rules will be seen from the following application. Let 
li + tnj + nk denote any axis, then (li + nij + nk)'^ denotes a quadrant of 
an^le round that axis. This quadrantal version can be decomposed into the 
three rectangular components li^ . mj'^ .. nk'^: and these components are not 
successive versions, but the parts of one version. Similarly any other quadrantal 
version {I'i + ni'j -h n'j) ^ can be resolved into I i^ y m j'^ ^ n'k'^ . By applying 
the above rules, we obtain 

{li -\-mj + nk)^{l'i + m'j -\-n'k)^ 

= {li^ + mj^ + nk^){l'i^ + m'j^ + n'k^) 

= —(II + mnt + nn ) — {■mn — tn n)i^ — {nl — n l)j'^ — [lin — I m.)k^ 

= —{II' + mm + nn') — | [mn — nf.'n)i + {nV — n'l)j + {hn — l'm)k^ ^ . 

Product of Two Spherical Versors. — Let Q denote the axis and h the ratio 
of the spherical versor PA^ then the versor itself is expressed by ,J , Similarly 
let 7 denote the aa:is and c the ratio of the spherical versor AQ , then the versor 
itself is expressed by 7*^. 


3^ = cos6 + sin6 ■ p^ , 

7 = cos c + sin c ■ 7^ ; 


Q 7^^= (cosfeH- sin i ■ /3 ?")(cos c + sin c ■ 7^) 

= cos6cosc + cos6 sin c-73" + cosc sin h -3^ + sin h sin c ■ ,J'^7'^ . 

But from the preceding paragraph 

^T-^Y = — cos ,^7 — sin ,^7 ■ ,i37 ^ : 



/^ 7^ = cos 6 cos c — sin b sin c cos/?-/ (l) 

+ {cos 6 sin c ■ 7 + cose sin b ■ 13 — sin b sin c sin Pf ■ ,^7}^ . (2) 

The first term gives the cosine of the product versor; it is equivalent to the 

fundamental theorem of spherical trigonometry, namely. 

cosa= cos6cosc + sin b sin c cos A^ 

where A denotes the external angle instead of the angle included by the sides. 
The second term is the directed sine of the angle; for the square of (2) is 
equal to 1 minus the square of (1). and its direction is normal to the plane of 
the product angle. 

Example.— Let 3 = 30^//45° and 7 = OO^Z/SO". Then 
cos i3', = cos 45° cos 30^ + sin 45^ sin 30"^ cos 30°, 

sin,/37 ■'3j = ¥,^7: 

f3 = cos45°i + sin45°cos30''j + sin 45° sin 30°A:, 

', = cos30°i + sin30°cos00^j + sin 30° sin 60°A:: 

V/37 = {sin 45° cos 30° sin 30° sin OO"" - sin 45° sin 30° sin 30° cosGO""}! 

+ {sin 45'' sin 30^ cos 30° - cos 45'' sin 30° sin 60°}j 
+ {cos45°sin30°cos60° - sin 45'' cos 30° cos 30° }jt- 

Quotient of Two Spherical Versors. — The reciprocal of a given versor is 
derived by changing the sign of the index: 7"*^ is the reciprocal of 7*^. As 
3 = cos 6 + sin b ■ /5^, and y~*^ = cose — sin c ■ 7"^ , 

/? 7 = cos b cos c + sin b sin c cos ,^7 

+ {cos c sin h • 3 — cos b sin c ■ -/ + sin h sin c sin Q-^ ■ ,^7}^ . 

Principles of Elliptic and Hyperbolic AnolysiSj p. 2. 


Product of Three Spherical Versors. — Let a** denote the versor PQ, 3 the 

versor QR, and 7^ the versor RS\ then a°,jS^ denotes PS. Now a^/^S^ 

= (cos a + sin a ■ ct ?")(cos5 + sin h ■ ,J'^)(cosc + sin c ■ 7"^) 

= cos a cos 6 cose (l) 

+ cos a cos 5 sin c - 7"^ + cos a cose sin b • i^^ +cos6cosc sin a • ol^ (2) 

+ cos a sin h sin c ■ ,^"^7"^ + cos6 sin a sin c ■ a "^7"^ 

+ cose sin a sin b ■ a'^ 3'^ (3} 

+ sin a sin 6 sin c ■ ct "^ ,J "^ 7 "^ (4} 

The versors in (3) are expanded by the rule already obtained, namely, 

P'2-fY = — cos ,57 — sin ,i?7 ■ ,^7 ^ . 
The versor of the fourth term is 

a^3^f^ = —{cos 0.3 + sinet/3 ■ a,'? ' )7^ 

= — cos a,J ■ "/ ' + sin a:/3 cos 0,^7 + sin a 3 sin a,J7 ■ 0,^7 . 

Now sin a3 sin a:/37 ■ a,57 = cos 07 -5 — cos 3 J ■ o: (p. 451) , hence the last 
term of the product, when expanded, is 

sin a sin b sin c | — cosa,5 ■ 7"^ + cos 07 ■3'^ — cos ,^7 ■ q^ + cos Ci3'-i\ - 



cos g'^3 "f' = cos a cos 5 cose — cos a sin h sin c cos /^7 

— cos 5 sin a sin c cos 0:7 — cose sin a sin h cosa/3 
+ sin a sin h sin c sin olQ cos gPj. 

and, letting Sin denote the directed sine, 

Sin g'^3 -f^ = cos a cos 5 sin c ■ 7 + cosacosc sin b ■ 3 

+ cos h cos c sin a • c^ — cos a sin 6 sin c sin ,^7 ■ 3'f 

— cos 5 sin (X sin c sin a 7 ■ 07 

— cos c sin a sin & sin a/3 - a,J 

— sin (X sin h sin c {cos a/? ■ 7 — coso:7 ■/? + cos 3-^ ■ a} . 

Extension of the Exponential Theorem to Spherical Trigonometry. — It has 
been shown (p. 458) that 

cos ,J 7 = cos 5 cose — sin h sin c cos/37 

(sin /3 7^j ^ = cose sin b • 3^ -\- cos b sin c ■ 7"^ — sin b sin e sin ,^7 ■ 3") ^ . 


6^ b^ b' 

cos5 = l -- + ---+ etc. 


Sin b = b 1 etc . 

3! 5! 

Substitute these series for cos fe, sin fc, cos c, and sin c in the above equations, 
multiply out, and group the homogeneous terms together. It will be found that 

cos,/3^7'^ = 1 -{b-^ +26ccos/?7 + c^} 

+ —{5'* +46^ccos/57 + G6^e^ -\- 4bc^ cos i3j -\- c^} 

^{5^ +06^ccos/37 + 156^e^ -\-20b^c^cosi3', 

+ l^b'^c^ -\- GbrJ cos ,3j -\- rj \ -\- ..., 

In the above coae the three Qxes of the successive angles are not perfectly independent, for 
the third ongle must begin where the second leaves off. But the theorem remains true when 
the axes aie independent; the factors are then quaternions in the most general sense 


where the coefficients are those of the binomial theorem, the only difference 
being that cos/?"/ occurs in all the odd terms as a factor. Similarly, by expanding 
the terms of the sine, we obtain 

{Sin i3^Y)^ = 6-/5^ + c-7^ -6c sin,/?-/ -3^/' 

{b~^ ■ ,3^ + U^c ■ 7^ + 35c^ ■ ,J^ + c^ ■ 7^} 

•J . 

+ —{bc^ -\-b^c}sin3'f -Pj^ 
•J . 

-\ {b'^ ■ i3^ + rjb'^c ■ 7^ + lOb^c'^ ■ ,3^ 


+ 105^c^ -'i^ + 56c^ -3^ +c^ -7^ 

- — \b^c-\- '-^b^c^ +6c^l sin57 -^^ - ... 
5! L 2-3 J ■ ' ' 

By adding these two expansions together we get the expansion for ,5 7*^, 

- —{6^ + 26c(cos/57 + sin,/37 -P^') + c^} 

_ —[b^ . /?T + U^c ■ 7^ + 3ic- ■ ,J^ + c^ ■ 7^} 
•J . 

+ —{6^ + 46^c(cos,/37 + sin,/37 ■'3j^) + Gfe^c^ 
+ 45c^(cos,57 + sin,57 -^^j +c^} + .. . 

By restoring the minus, we find that the terms on the second line can be 
thrown into the form 

— {b- ■ ,3'' -\-2bc -3^-/^ +c- -7^} , 
and this is equal to 

where we have the square of a sum of successive terms. In a similar manner the 
terms on the third line can be restored to 

b^ -3'-^ +36^c-,5'^7^ + 36c^ -,5^7^ + c^ "7^'^', 
that is^ 



3^^^' = I -\- b ■ ,3^ -\- c ■ j^ -\- — {b ■ 3^ -\- c -7^}^ 

■^ —{b ■ 3^ -\-c--f^} -^ —{b ■ 3^ -\-c-j^} +... 
•J . ~t . 

Extension of the Binomial Theorem. — We have proved above that e ^ e^'' ^ = 
^bfS 2 +C-1 2 pI■Qvi^j^^j that the powers of the binomial are expanded as due to a 
successive sum , that is. the order of the terms in the binomial must be preserved. 
Hence the expansion for a power of a successive binomial is given by 

{t-^3^ -\-c- 7^}" = 6" ■ /?"^ + nb^-'c ■ ,5("-^)(T)-^f 

1-2 ■ ' 

Example.— Let b = ^ and c = \, i3 = 30^/45", 7 = eO^//30''. 

(t .^T + c ■ 7^)^ = -{b^ +c^ -\- 2bc cos 3j -\- 2bc(sin3';)^} 

Substitute the calculated values of cos ,^7 and sin ,^7 (page 459) . 

\/3 1 1 
Prob. 48. Find the equivalent of a quadrantal version round i-\- 7=i -\- ^t followed 

2 2V2 2V2 

1 ^3 3 

by a quadrantal version round —i -\- j -\- —k. 

Prob. 49. In the example on p. 459 let b = 25 and c = 50 : calculate out the cosine and 
the directed sine of the product angle. 

Prob. 50. In the above example calculate the cosine and the directed sine up to and in- 
clusive of the fourth power of the binomiaL (Ans. cos = .9735.) 

Prob. 51. Calculate the first four terms of the series when b = -^, c = TTfni /^ = 0°//0 . 

Prob. 52. From the fundamental theorem of spherical trigonometry deduce the polar the- 
orem with respect to both the cosine and the directed sine. 
Prob. 53. Prove that if a ,,3 ,7 denote the three versors of a spherical triangle, then 

sin ,57 sin 70 sin a3 

sin a sin 6 sine 

diplnnar quaternions we cannot expect to find that the sum of the logarithms of any two 
proposed factors shall be generally equal to the logarithm of the product; but for the simpler 
and earlier cose of coplanar quaternionSj thot algebraic property may be considered to exist, 
with due modification for multiplicity of value." He was led to this vieiv by not distinguishing 
bet'vv'een vectors and quadrnntQl quaternions and between simultaneous and successive addi- 
tion. The above demonstration was first given in my paper on "The Fundamental Theorems of 
Analysis generalized for Space." It forms the key to the higher development of space analysis. 

Article 10 

Composition of Rotations, 

A version refers to the change of direction of a. hne, but a. rotation refers 
to a rigid body. The composition of rotations is a different matter from the 
composition of Aversions. 

Effect of a Finite Rotation on a Line. — Suppose that a rigid body rotates 
radians round the axis 3 passing through the point O. and that R is the radius 
vector from O to som.e particle. In the diagram OB represents the axis P, and 
OP the vector R. Draw OK and OL, the rectangular components of R. 

i3^R = (cos^ + sin£^ • '?^)rp 

= r(cos^sin^ ■ /5^)(cos,J/j - t3 + sin,/?/? ■ 3p'3) 

= r{cos Qp ■ Q + cos^ sin 3p ■ 3p!3 + sin sin 3p ■ 3p}. 

When cos 3p = 0, this reduces to 

P^R = cosOR-\- sin eVipR). 

The general result may be written 

,3^R = S3R ■ 3-\-cose{V3R),3-\-sinOV3R. 




Note that {V3R),3 is equal to Y(VpR)3 because S3R,3 is 0, for it involves 
two coincident directions. 

Example. — Let 3 = li-\-trtj -\-nk^ where l' -\-tn- -\-n = 1 and R = xi-^yj-\-zk] 
then S3R = Ix -\- fny + nz 

Y(J3R).3 = 

mz—iiy nx—lz ly — mx 

I 771 n 

i j k 


V,Ji? =\x y z\ . 

\i j k\ 


/3 = {It + tny + nz){li + mj + nk) 

\7jiz — ny nx —Iz ly — mx 

+ cos t 


\l tn n 
-\- sin \z y z 

\i j k 




To prove that /?/^ coincides with the axis of /? ? p^ 3-^ . Take the more general 
versoi p . Let OP represent the axis /3, AB the versor 3^>~ ^ BC the versor p . 
Then {AB)(BC) = AC = DA. therefore (AB){BC)(AE) = (D A){AE) = DE. 
Now DE has the same angle as BC, but its axis has been rotated round P by 
the angle b. Hence if ^ = y, the axis of Q^~ p^ Q2 will coincide with 3 p- 

The exponential expression for P^~ p^ Q^ is e"?''^ ""'■?"'' ^ ~'~t''p ^ which may 
be expanded according to the exponential theorem, the successive powers of the 

This theorem inuaB discovered by Cayley. It indicates that quaternion multiplication in the 
most general sense has its physical meaning in the composition of rotations. 


trinomial being formed according to the multinomial theorem, the order of the 
factors being preserved. 

Composition of Finite Rotations round Axes which Intersect. — Let /3 and 7 
denote the two axes in space round which the successive rotations take place, 
and let ,J denote the first and 7'^ the second. Let /? x 7^ denote the single 
rotation which is equivalent to the two given rotations applied in succession: 
the sign X is introduced to distinguish from, the product of versors. It has been 
shown in the preceding paragraph that 

and as the result is a line, the same principle applies to the subsequent rotation. 

because the factors in a product of versors can be associated in any manner. 
Hence, reasoning backwards, 

b c 

Let fu denote the cosine of ,^^7^. namely. 

be be 

cos — cos sin — sin — , 

2 2 2 2^ 

and n ■ zy their directed sine, namely, 


be c b be — — 

cos — sin — ■ 7 + cos — sin — ■ J — sin — sin — sin P7 ■ J7; 

2 2^ 22' 22 ' ' '' 

r,h € 2 2 , ^ 

p X7 =771 — n + luin ■ I/. 


Observation. — The expression (,j3^7^) is not, as mi^ht be supposed, identi- 
cal with j3 7^. The former reduces to the latter only when 3 and 7 are the same 
or opposite. In the figure ,5 is represented by PQ. j'^ by QR^ (3 7^ by PR, 
■5? 7^ by ST . and [3'^^'^) by SU . which is twice ST. The cosine of SU differs 
from the cosine of PR by the term —(sin ^ sin ^ sin P'f) It is evident from the 
figure that their axes are also different. 

Corollary. — When b and c are infinitesimals, cos 3 xy^ = 1 , and Sin 3 xj'^ = 
6 ■ ,J + c ■ 7, which is the parallelogram rule for the composition of infinitesimal 


Prob. 54. Let 3 = 30^^// 45°, ^ = f . and R = 2i - 3j -h 4fc; calculate 3^ R . 

Prob. 55. Let i3 = 90° //90° ._ G = ^. R = -i -\- 2j - 3k- calculate i3^R. 

Prob. 56. Prove by multiplying out that 3 ^ p-^ f3^ = {jS p} ^ . 

Prob. 57. Prove by means of the exponential theorem that ■^~'^,3 "f'^ has an angle h. and 

that its axis is 7"'^ ,5. 

Prob. 58. Prove that the cosine of (,5?" ■7?' )" differs from the cosine of /3 7 by 
— (sin ij-sin ^ sin|37)". 

Prob. 59. Compare the axes of (,5^7^)^ and /?^7^. 

Prob. 60. Find the value oi ^^ X Y~ when = OV/^O" and 7 = 9OV/90". 

Prob. 61. Find the single rotation equivalent toz'^" X j'^ X k'^ . 

Prob. 62. Prove that successive rotations about radii to two corners of a spherical triangle 
and through angles double of those of the triangle are equivalent to a single 
rotation about the radius to the third corner, and through an angle double of 
the external angle of the triangle. 



of space, 1 

of the plane, 1 
Algebraic imaginary, 17 
Argand method, 19 
Association of three vectors, 13 

Bibliography, iv, 1 

Binomial theorem in spherical analy- 
sis, 41 

Cartesian analysis, 1 

Cayley. 45 
Central axis, 35 
Coaxial Quaternions, 16 

Addition of. 18 

Product of, 19 

Quotient of, 19 
Complete product 

of three vectors. 28 

of two vectors, 9, 24 

of quaternion, IT 

of reciprocal of quaternion, IT 

of versor, 16 

of any number of simultaneous com- 
ponents, G 

of coaxial quaternions, 18 

of finite rotations, 44 

of located vectors, 34 

of mass- vectors. 32 

of simultaneous vectors in space, 

of successive components, 7 

of two simultaneous components, 

Coplanar vectors, 9 
Couple of forces, 33 

condition for couple vanishing, 33 

Cyclical and natural order. 15 


for scalar product of three vectors, 

for second partial product of three 

vectors, 28. 30 
for vector product of two vectors, 
Distributive rule. 27 
Dynamo rule, 24 

Electric motor rule, 24 

Exponential theorem in spherical trigonom- 
etry, 41 

Hamilton's view, 43 


analysis of vector, 3 

idea of quaternion, 16 

view of exponential theorem in spher- 
ical analysis, 43 
Hayward, 19 
Hospitaller system. 3 

Imaginary algebraic. IT 

Kennelly's notation. 3 

Located vectors, 34 

Mass-vector, 32 

composition of, 32 
Maxwell, 32 




of I, 3 

of ^TT as index. 37 

of 7, 21 

of dot, 3 

of S. 10 

of V. 11 

of vinculum over two axes, 11 

Natural order, 15 
Notation for vector, 3 

Opposite vector, 12 

Parallelogram of simultaneous compo- 
nents, 4 

Partial products, 9, 25 
of three vectors. 29 
resolution of second partial prod- 
uct, 29 

Polygon of simultaneous components, 


complete, 9. 24 
of coaxial quaternions, 19 
of three coplanar vectors, 13 
of three spherical versors, 40 
of two coplanar vectors, 9 
of two quadrantal versors, 38 
of two spherical versors. 38 
of two sums of simultaneous vec- 
tors, 20 
of two A'ectors in space, 25 
partial. 9, 25 
scalar, 10, 25 

Quadrantal versor, 12 

definition of, IG 

etymology of. 16 

reciprocal of, 17 

Coaxial. 16 

definion of, 1 

relation to vector analysis, 1 
Quotient of two coaxial quaternions, 

Rayleigh, 18 

of a quaternion, 17 

of a vector, 12 
Relation of right-handed screw, 24 

of a vector, 5 

of second partial product of three 
vectors, 29 

Rotations, finite. 44 

for dynamo, 24 

for expansion of product of two 
quadrantal versors, 38 

for vectors, 9, 23 

for versors, 37 

Scalar product. 10 

geometrical meaning, 10 

of two coplanar vectors, 9 
Screw, relation of right-handed, 24 
Simultaneous components, 3 

composition of, 4 

parallelogram of, 4 

polygon of, 6 

product of two sums of, 26 

resolution of. 5 
Space-analysis, 1 

advantage over Cartesian analysis, 

foundation of, T 
Spherical trigonometry, 37 

binomial theorem, 41 

fundamental theorem of, 39 
Spherical versor, 38 

product of three^ 40 

product of two, 38 

quotient of two, 39 

of a vector, 10 

of three successive components, 14 

of two simultaneous components, 

of two successive components, 14 
Stringham. 19 
Successive components, 4 


composition of, 7 

Tait's analysis of vector, 3 
Torque, 35 

Total vector product of three vectors, 

Unit-vector, 3 


co-planar. 9 

definition of, 3 

dimensions of, 3 

in space. 21 

notation for, 3 

opposite of, 12 

reciprocal of, 12 

simultaneous, 3 

successive, 4 
Vector analysis 

definition of, 1 

relation to Quaternions, 1 
Vector product, 11 

of three vectors. 31 

of two vectors, 11 

components of. 16. 38 

product of three general spherical, 

product of two general spherical, 

product of two quadrantal, 38 

rules for. 37 








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