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Full text of "Vernacular list of trees, shrubs, and woody climbers in the Madras Presidency"

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Conservator of Forests, Northern Circle, Madras. 

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INTRODUCTION ... ona gee aaa es Bea <c 

ABBREVIATIONS Fe + aa ~ = “2 
List OF PRINCIPAL Botanists we we ine nea ~ 


Synopsis or NATURAL ORDERS ens = a aa bbs wa 
BoraNicaL INDEX... aes oF sf se ace Be 
ENGLIsH INDEX ace ae acc Scr cee ao = oe 

of lef IE A 



tes 6-9 

13, 14 


». 313-1034 



HE revision of the “List of trees, shrubs and woody climbers 

found in the forests of the Madras Presidency” has been beset 

with many difficulties; and I have no doubt but that there will be 
many adverse critics of the result of my endeavour. 

2. The first difficulty that presented itself arose as to what consti- 
tuted such a tree, shrub or woody climber,—firstly in respect of 
indigenous, secondly in regard to exotic-plants. As regards the 
indigenous: firstly, taking Hooker, Roxburgh, and such well-known 
authorities to start with, I found, inter alia, that Datura (Indian indi- 
genous), Stachytarpheta indica, and Hibiscus ficulneus, are classed as 
“annual herbs” ; these are only samples and many other instances 
could be quoted; the first was found in Ganjam as a tree of 25 feet 
high with a stem of 6 to 7 inches diameter, and is commonly met 
with in many parts of the Presidency as a good sized shrub; the 
second forms a bushy shrub in the Northern Circars sometimes 10, 
often 6, feet high with a woody stem and woody branches often 2 to 4 
inches thick, and in Jeypore forms a dense scrub along the road; the 
third, usually found browsed down and spreading along the ground 
on black soils, was found at Gullery in Ganjam over.!2 feet high and 
with a woody stem 2 to 3 inches thick. With divergence such as 
these from the standard authors, one cannot help feeling doubtful as 
to whether the “habit” in innumerable other cases has not been 
wrongly gauged. Then again under the head of climbers amongst 
dicotyledonous plants, there is almost a complete transition from 
scaudent herbs to scandent trees of considerable magnitude, and it is 
exceedingly hard to draw the line, especially, perhaps amongst the 
_Leguminose. Epiphytes and parasites again are another class where 
if is extremely difficult to draw a line, e.g., do Cuscuta and Cassytha 
come under the head “ligneous,” or “ herbaceous”? When it comes 
to the class of monocotyledons and ferns the difficulty is even greater. 
I think, for instance, the Epiphytic Orchids have just as great a claim 
to entry as many of the Viscums and some of the Loranthi. 

3. Secondly, with regard to exotics, where is the line to be drawn? 
a considerable number have naturalized themselves, and in the dry 



, districts often forma large part of the forest vegetation, e.g., Tamarind, 
Babul, Neem, Pricklypear, Lantana, and along streams Thevetia, 
Oleander, and so forth. Allamanda grows in profusion in the back- 
waters of the West Coast, T'urnera is apparently common there and in 
Ganjam. Then again exotics have been largely planted for commer- 
cial purposes, and cannot be ignored; the Casuarina all down the 
coast, Hucalypti, Wattles, and Pines in the higher hills of the 
Presidency. Innumerable species and genera have been tried, with 
varying measures of success, and it seems unreasonable to exclude 
them. Again many have been largely introduced for ornament, 
including avenue trees; samples are the Portia, Albizzia, Enterolobium, 
Colvillea, Spathodea, and innumerable others. Then, if such are 
introduced for ornamental purposes, common garden trees and shrubs - 
should be entered too, Almost every Forest officer is a lover of 
arbori-horticulture, and endeavours to make a beautiful garden not 
only in the compound of his own head-quarter bungalow, but in the 
compounds of the bungalows in the heart of the forests; and this is 
not confined by any means to the controlling staff, but a large number 
of rangers do the same. The ranger wants to know the names of 
these exotics just as much as does any one else of higher standing; | 
and as the work aims at being a help to rangers and lower 
subordinates first and foremost, such names of exotics have been ~ 
shown. | 

4, In these circumstances an endeavour has been made to include ~ 
every tree shrub and climber known to exist in the Presidency. I am 
aware that some have been omitted, but this was discovered only after 
the list was originally developed and the addition of new ones would | 
cause contusion. This revised list cannot be considered final by any 
means, it is only a step, though it is believed, and hoped, to be rather 
a big step, The way I set to work was first to consult the chief stand- 
ard authors on Madras trees, e.g., Beddone, Brandis, Gamble, 
Bourdillon and Cameron’s Trees of Mysore, and Roxburgh and Hooker | 
where they applied ; then all the Working-plans, Forest Administra- 
tion Reports from 1859 to 1906 were exploited ; and finally, knowing | 
that many exotics had been put down in forest compounds which were ~ 
not included in these, the great Robert Brown’s list of treesin the | 
Madras Agri-horticultural gardens, supplemented by Wood, Riddell 
and Boddam’s and Jaffrey’s Hints on gardening, Cameron’s work | 
on gardening, supplemented—or rather checked so as to bring it within 
Presidency limits—by nurserymen’s lists including. Rudrappa, Muni- 
swami, and Hodson of Bangalore, the Ootacamund garden list, and 
the Madras Agri-horticultural list. 

5. The most difficult part of the whole work was the correction of — 
the vernacular names. The names have been collected from a multi- — 
tude of sources, including Roxburgh (who often gives the Telugu, and — 
frequently Van Rheede’s Malayalam, name), Beddome, Brandis, 
Gamble, Cameron’s trees, Elliott’s Flora Andrica, and his list at the’ 
end of Drury’s plants, the names from Volume III of McLean’s Madras — 


Administration, the names of the Working-plans, Forest Administra” 
tion Reports, Biandis suggestions for Madras Forest Administration, 
the old vernacular list, local lists either collected by myself or kindly 
sent iv by District Forest Officers (to whom I am greatly obliged), and 
a variety of other sources. In these almost every author has his own 
way of spelling the names, and the difficulty was to find out which, if 
any, was the correct way. As one example, the common Tamil name 
Odi (Odina Wodier) was spelt in 27 different ways, including Odi, 
Oody, Hoody, Woody, Vudy, Odiya (the genitive), etc. I have 
tried to bring all this spelling into line; I do not say that in every 
case my interpretation must be correct, but I think that this isa step, 
and perhaps a big step towards getting uniformity on the one hand 
and correctness on the other. A great difficulty was in the fact 
that often there is the same vernacular name for very different spe- 
cies, that often there are several names for the same species, that in 
different districts a patois changes the correct name, that often a wrong 
name has been given toa specific plant, and finally that somewhat 
similar sounding, but in reality different, names are given to allied 
species. Under the last I may quote firstly the Albizzias in Tamil; we 
get Calaivagai, Celdivagai, Cildivagdi, and CQolaivagai; in the second 
place we find errors such as Nirmadalam (“ Water pomegranate ”’) for 
Nirmaliyam “offerings:to Siva”) in Malayalam,Holenekki (“WaterVitex 
Negundo”) for Hoddelenage (“joined together leaf plant”) in Cana- 
rese, both for Cratwva religiosa. The names of every plant required. 
a study in itself. Here] may mention that, having made out my 
transliteration table which is given at the commencement, the trans- 
literation being such that now the English letters can at once be 
put back into the vernacular, I started first with the dictionaries of 
each language (given in the abbreviations) and adopted them first as 
a basis (I have taught myself to read each of the vernaculars) transli- 
terating them according to the above table. Then [have taken Vol. III 
of McLean’s Manual of Madras Administration, where entries were 
made in the vernacular type (with one or two modifications where, as 
above, I believe a mistake has been made); and thirdly the Sanskrit 
names asa basis, either direct, or by inference as to the meaning of the 
nai:e of the plant ; for, a careful study of the whole shows that each 
plant name has a quasi-descriptive meaning, either from its form, pro- 
perties, habitat, or similar qualification ; and finally, when none of these 
aids were available, by tracing the meaning of the name of the plant. 
There may be errors inthis, but I have made a special study of the 
plants on the one hand and of the vernaculars (Uriya, Sanskrit, Telugu, 
Tamil, Malayalam and Canarese) on the other, and I think I have 
fairly well worked them out, or atall events made a step towards 
doing so. A commonerror is in putting the genitive case. (e.g., Guggi- 
lapu (Tel.), Odiya (Tam.), Udina (Can,) for the nominatives Guggilamu, 
Odi, Udi, when “ tree ” is dropped. 

6. I have mentioned that in different districts there is a patois; 
e.g., Rela, and Vemu (or Vepa-genitive-cettu) in Ouddapah are 



called Raila and Yapa. These—with all the various writers’ interpreta- 
tions of spelling—find place in the index of the vernacular to which they 
belong, but not in the general list. The index is intended to admit 
of the plant being identified with the smallest amount of trouble, the 
general list shows what I take to be the correct word only. An old 
cardener in England used to talk of the “Oak” as the “ Wuk,” and 
the “Elm” as the “‘ Hellum ”; no one would dream of writing as 
correct, the words “ Wuk” or “ Hellum,” although the local inhabit- 
ants would understand that mode of pronunciation better; and so it 
would be easier to find out Puliki or Polikias such from the index 
than to have to look for Ponaku, the correct (dictionary) method of 
writing one of the Sterculias in Telugu. 

7, I have entered English names, which were not inserted in the 
original list, and, here I have to confess that I have taken a great, 
some critics would say, unwarranted liberty. I have adapted a large 
number of English names; sometimes I have taken a specific English 
name, and have adapted it for a genus, or qualified it for two or three 
genera. In adapting it fora genus, I have further qualified it so as 
to distinguish to some degree between the species of that genus. I 
further admit that some of the names so adapted are extremely clumsy 
as names. My plea is this; the work is intended essentially for 
Rangers and Deputy Rangers who have no opportunity whatever of 
referring to the books of reference that have been at my command ; 
they have not even acopy of Brandis’ Trees. It is of importance that 
they should be able to discriminate between the different species of a 
genus, it is because of this want that so many vernacular names have 
been erroneously entered, and once erroneously entered it is most 
difficult to say that such a nameis wrong. It is hoped by this—albeit 
clumsy—means they will to a large extent be able to distinguish bet- 
ween the different plants, helped also by the insertion in this list (not 
in the original list) of the habit and habitat. Moreover the Forest 
Commissioner has kindly permitted now, a key of the divisions, orders, 
and genera to be inserted, which should also be of considerable help ; 
bot this permission was not accorded until after the English name 
adaptations were compiled. In a revision it would be better to have 
a key of the species, and simplify the English names. 

8. In the outset I tried to follow Hooker’s Flora of British India, 

as nearly as possible, as that was then, and still largely is, 
the standard work. I was kindly given the loan of Index Kewensis, 

and, as far as was practicable therefrom, deducted the recognized 

nomenclature. It will be seen that according to Brandis there are 
further modifications, e.g., he uses Palaquium for Dichopsis, Aphania 
for one section of Sapindus, and so forth; but to get the whole pro- 
perly into order I could not do this without a study at Kew, and this 
was not permitted to me. In the last column of the general list are 
numbers of synonyms, Suppose No. 2026 were one of such numbers, 
by referring to the Serial No. 2026 in the Botanical Index the name 
of synonym is found. 


9. Finally I may say that a large number of clerical errors, and 
possibly other oversights still exist in the work. For these I plead for 
forgiveness ; I have had to undertake the work in my leisure hoars, 
often under considerable difficulties in camp, and have had to do it 
practically single handed, for an attempt on two occasions to obtain 
help from my office establishment was disastrous. At the same time I 
cannot commend too highly the work of the typist, and the bulk of 
the work in the Government Press, for a teclinical work of this nature 
must be most difficult to follow. It has been decided that despite such 
errors as may still exist, it is better to get the work into print, and to 
revise it again after a year or two. As regards omissions from the 
list, referred to in paragraph 2,1 hope that in revision this will be 
largely rectified ; and at the same time I hope that, during my retire- 
ment from service, I shall be permitted to take up the herbaceous plants 
on similar lines, so that all plants in the Presidency can find place in 
one or the other list. 

Conservator of Forests, Northern Circle. 


(com.)=commemorative name of 

(loc.) =derived from geographical name, 

N. or Nic.=Nicholson’s Dictionary of 

Ch.=J. W. Cherry’s (Consr. 
unpublished list of names. 

Cass. Lat. Dic.=Cassell’s 

Nut.=Nutail’s Dictionary. 

(Clas.) = Classical or Mythological name. 

(all.)=alluding to, or, the allusion 
being :— 

H.=Heinig’s Glossary. 


for Madras) 

Latin Die- 

MchL.=MacLeane’s Manual of Madras 
Administration, Vol. III. 
Gk. Lex.=Liddell and Scott's Greek 

Lexicon (Small). 
En. Brit.=eHncyclopezedia Britannica, 
Rox.= Roxburgh’s Flora indica. 
Bed. =Beddome’s Flora sylvatica. 
Bed. =Beddome’s Plates. 
W.A.I = Wight (and Arnott) Icones. 
Bs/T.=Brandis’ “ Indian Trees.”’ 
Bs/S.=Brandis’ Suggestions for the 
Administration of Forests inthe Madras 

Gbl.=Gamble’s Revised Manual of Tim- 

L.N.S.B.=Lindley’s Natural System of 

Treas. Bot.=Lindley and Moore’s Trea- 
sury of Botany. 
Br.=Handbook of Trees, shrubs and 

herbaceous plants growing in the 
Madras Agri-horticultural Society’s 
gardens, etc., by Robert N. Brown, and 
J.J. Wood. 

Rid. = Manual of Gardening by R. Riddell, 
and Lt.-Col. Boddam. 

Jaf.=Jaftrey’s Hints. 

Cag.=J. Cameron’s. 

Cat.= Forest Trees oi Mysore and Coorg 
by I. Cameron. 

Bdn. F.T.=Forest Trees of Travancore by 

Bdn. L.=List of Trees accompany report 
on Travancore Forests by Bourdillon. 

Rn.N.) » | ( Kudrappa (Bangalore). 
| 2 a: New Edition. 
Rn. O.| 8 & | Rudrappa (Bangalore) - 
r&S4 Old Edition. 
Mu | 5 S | Mooneswamy (Banga- 
EO lore). 
Hod. )% | Hodgson (Bangalore). 

Po. 4») , { Pochajee (Poona). 
AGH, 'h @ | Agri-hortienltaral 
M. uy De | Society (Madras). 
Ooty or & Sq } Government Botanical 
Ogbe. | % ae | Gardens (Ootaca- 
J o mund). 

lik. = Hooker’s Flora of British India. 

Bth. or Benth.=Bentham’s Australian 

Ol.=Oliver’s Flora of Tropical Africa. 

Ho. EK. F.= Hough’s Elements of Forestry 

Pfl. = Pfleiderer’s 500 Plants (Canarese). 

Ell/F.A.=lliott’s Flora Andhrica. 

Muell. S.P.=Mueller’s Selected Plants. 

Kew. Bnll,=Kew Bulletin. 

Bot. Mag. Comp.=Compaunion 
Botanical Magazine. 

I.f.=Indian Forester. 

E,D.=Watt’s Dictionary 

Pr.=Prain’s Bengal Plants. 

F.A.R. 1, 2, 3, ete. =Forest Administration 
Report (Madras) for 1859-60, 1860-61, 
1861-62, ete. 

of Hconomic 

Bon,=Dr. Bonavia’s “Oranges and 

U.D.=Uriya Dictionary (Miiler). 

Te.D.=Teiugu Dictionary (Sankara- 


Ta.D.=Tamil Dictionary (V. Visvanatha 

M.D.= Malayalam Dictionary (C. Stolz). 

C.D.=Canarese Dictionary (Rev. J. 
Ver.=Vernacular List of Trees and 

Shrubs (Madras, 1801). 
W.= Working Plan. 

Board’s Proceedings 

No. District. Forest number 
and date. 

441 5 Aug. 1887 
Oa. (NLGS) oA 9 Feb. 1901 
1. (KNL.) 6m J6 Feb. 1901 
2. (SLM.) 108 19 Mar, 1901 
3. (SLM.) 109 19 Mar. 1901 
4, (SLM.) 121 21 Mar. 1901 
5. (SLM.) 139 11 Apl. 1901 
6. (SLM.) 146 12 Apl. 1901 
7. (SUM.) 232 1 July 1901 
8. (SLM.) 247 9 July 1901 
Oe (LS) 248 13 July 1901 
10. (SLM.) 249 13 July 1901 
11. (SLM.) 250 13 July 1901 

to the 



12. (SLM) 
18. (NAC.) 
14 (TVY.) 
15. (MRA.) 
16, (TVY.) 
17. (SLM.) 
19. (VZM.) 
20. (NAC.) 
21. (CBT.) 
22. (GJM.) 
23. (CBT.) 
24. (CBT.) 
25. (CBT.) 
26, (CBT.) 
27. (CBT.) 
28, (NAC.) 
29. (NAC.) 
30. (SAC.) 
31. (KSN.) 
32. (VZM.) 
33. (TVY.) 
34, (MBR.) 

35. (TVY.) 
36. (TVY.) 

37. (TVY.) 
38, (MBR.) 
39. (GDV.) 
40. (GDV.) 
41, (GPV.) 
- 42, (GDV.) 
43. (MBR.) 
44. (CAN.) 
45. (CAN.) 
46. (CAN.) 
47 (SLM.) 
48, (CAN.) 
49, (CAN.) 
50. (NAC.) 
51, (TVY.) 
52, (TVY.) 
53. (TVY.) 
54. (TVY.) 
55. (TCH.) 

56. (TVY.) 
57. (GJM.) 
58. (TVY.) 
59. (TVY.) 
60. (GDV.) 
61. (GJM.) 
62. pac) 
63. (SLM.) 
64. (SLM.) 
65. (NAC.) 
_ 66. (GJM.) 
- 67. (TVY.) 

68. (VZM.) 

69. (KNL.) 
70. (ATP.) 


D? strict. 


Board’s Proceedings 
Porest number 





and date. 

15 July 1901 
26 July 1901 
30 Sept. 1901 
Oct. 1901 
Nov. 1901 
Dec. 1901 

9 Jan. 1902 | 
Jan, 1902 | 

Jan. 1902 
Apl. 1902 

1 May 1202 

3 May 1902 | 
May 1902 | 

May 1902 
May 1902 
May 1902 
May 1902 
June 1902 
9 July 1902 
9 July 1902 
June 1896 
July 1902 
July 1902 
1 Dec. 1897 
July 1902 
July 1902 
July 1902 
July 1902 
July i902 
July 1902 

Sept. 1902 
Sept. 1902 
Sep+. 1902 
Sept. 1902 
Sept. 1902 
Oct. 1902 
Oct. 1902 
27 Oct. 1962 
21 Jan. 1903 
20 Mar, 1903 
21 Oct. 1899 
26 Apl. 1993 
30 Apl. 1903 
4 May 1903 

8 May 1903 
21 May 1903 
29 May 1903 

3 June 1903 

7 Aug. 19038 
20 Ang. 1903 
25 Sept. 1903 
16 Oct. 1903 
28 Oct. 1903 

8 Dec. 1903 
16 Dee. 1903 
9 Jan, 1904 

“7 GO CO CO G Or or Ors 


Apl. 1902 | 

July 1902 | 
Aug. 1902 | 
Sept. 1902 | 


. (ATP.) 


. (SLM.) 
. (CBT.) 
. (KNL.) 
. (DV.) 
. (NAC.) 
. (NEL) 
. (NAC.) 
. (SLM) 
. (ATP.) 
. (KSN.) 


4, (ATP.) 
| (CAN.) 


. (TVY.) 
. (TIB.) 


. (GIM.) 


. (ATP,) . 
. (MBR.) 
. (SLM.) 
. (SLM.) 


. (CBT.) 
. (KNL.) 


. (CBT.) 


. (CDP.) 


. (CDP.) 


. (CDP.) 
. (CBT.) 


. (SAC.) 


. (NAC.) 
. (SLM.) 


Board’s Proceedings 
Forest number 


and date. 

10 Feb. 1904 
30 Mar. 1204 
31 Mar. 1904 
7 June 1904 
8 July 1904 
26 July 1904 
26 July 1904 
8 Aug. 1904 
16 Aug. 1904 
20 Aug, i904 
3 Oct. 1904. 
10 Oct. 1904 
8 Noy. 1904. 
25 Nov. 1904 
25 Noy. 1904 
12 Jan. 1905 
20 Feb. 1905 
20 Feb. 1905 
27 Feb. 1905 
20 Mar. 1905 
11 May 1905 
22 May 1905 
31 May 1905 
14 June 1905 
8 Feb. 1906 
. 1906 
.» 1906 
. 1906 
. 1907 
. 1907 
. 1907 
. 1907 
. 1907 
1 Aug. 1908 
25 Aug. 1908 
17 Nov. 1908 
10 Mar. 1909 
11 Sept. 1909 
22 Sept. 1909 
10 Noy. 1909 
1 Noy. 1909 
. 1910 


T.=Large tree normally over 50’ high, | 

minute leaves=under 4 


T.= Medium tree normally over 20’—50 
high, very short or smail leayes=% to 
14 inches long approximately. 

t.=small tree normally under 20’ high, 
small or short leaves=13 to 3 inches 
long approximately. 

inch iong 

medium leaves=3 to 6 inches long 

sH.=Medium shrub normally over 4’/—6’ 
high, long or large leaves =6 to 12 inches 
long approximately. 

| sh,=Small shrub normally under 4’ high, 

very long or large leaves=over 12 inches 
long approximately. 

| CL.=Large Climber. 
cL.= Medium Climber. 
SH.=Large shrub normally over 6’ high, | 

cl, =Small climber, 
X.=Introduced Plant. 

Districts, localities and general term. 

Agt.=Agency Tracts of the 

Anms.=Anaimalai Hills of CBT: MBR: 

Antg.=Anantagiri Hills of VZM: 

aren. —arenacious soils. 

Armd,.= Armed with spines or prickles. 

ATP.=Anantapur district. 

atts. arid tracts. : 

Ayms.=Ayamalai Hills of CBT. 

Betn.= Black cotton soils. 

Bdns.= Bababuden Hills of Mysore. 

BEL. = Bellary district. 

Bglr.= Bangalore. 

Bgms.=Biligirangam Hills of CBT. and 
MWB: th 

Bgts.=Balaghat Hills of all 
bordering MYS. 

Bopt.= Bolampatti Hills of CBT. 

Brgh.=Burghur Hills of CBT. 

CAN.=S8. Canara district. 

CANS.=Canara southwards to Ceylon. 

CBT.=Coimbatore district. 

CCH. =Cochin State. 

CDP.=Cuddapah district. 

CKNs.=Conkan and all South. 


Cntc.=Carnatic or country below ghaut’s 
south of GDV. Don. and Mplt: 

Coct.—Coromandel Coast. 

Cpks.=Palkonda Hills of CDP. 

CPT.=Chingleput district. 

CRG.=Coorg State. 

Cult. Cultivated. 

DCN.=Decean, including KML. CDP. 

DCNh. = Deccan Hills. 

Ddgl.=Dindignol in MRA. 

Degn.=Dry evergreen forest; (see Gbl. 
129, 623, ete.). 

Dnkt. = Denkanikota Hills of SLM. 

Dtts.=Dry tracts. 

ECT. = Hast Coast. 

Egts. = Eastern Ghauts. 

Egn.= Evergreen. 

Ehls.= Everywhere in the hills. 

Epls.= Everywhere in the plains. 

Epph. = Epiphyte. 


Northern [ 

Fqt.= Frequent or common. 

Fswp.=Freshwater swamps. 

GDV.=Godavari district. 

Ggds.=Golgonda Hills in VZM. 

GJM.=Ganiam district. 

Gmsr.=Gumsur in GJM. 

GTR.=Guntur district. 

His. = Hills, 

—a.=up to abont 1,000 ft. 

—b.=from about 1,000—2,500 ft. 

—c.=from about 2,500—4,000 ft. 

—d.=from abont 4,000—6,000 ft. 

—e.=above 6000 ft. 

Jprs.=Jeypore Hills in VZM. 

Jvds.=Javadi Hills in SLM., NAC. and 

Kbkm.=Kambakam Hills in NLGS. 

KNL.= Kurnool district. 

Kols. = Kollemalai Hills in SLM. 

Kpls.= Kondapalli Hills in KSN. 

KSN.= Kistna district. 

Ktlm.=Kuttalam in TVY. 

Levs.= Laccadive (Lakkadivi) Islands, 

Lit]. = Littoral, along the coast. 

Lkms.=Lankamalai Hills of CDP. 

MBR.= Malabar district, 

Mbre. = Malabar Coast. 

Mdgm.=Malliamma durgam Hills in CBT. 

Mdmi.—Mndumalai Hills of NLGS. 

Mdps.=Madanapalli and Sub-division 
Hills of CDP. 

MAS. = Madras. 

Mdsm.= Madeswaramalai Hills of CBT. 

Mers. = Melagiri Hills of SLM. 

Megvs. = Mangrove Swamps. 

Mhgi.= Mahendragiri Hills of GTM, 

Mnd.= Malnad of MYS§..- 

Mohs.= Mohiri Hills of GJM, 

MRA, = Madura district. 

Mtts. = Moist tracts. 

MYS, = Mysore State. 

NAC.=North Arcct district. 

Necs. = Northern Circars. 

Nect.= Northern Cirears Coast. 

NEL.=Nellore district. 

Neri.=Nagari Hills of CPT. and NAC. 

NLGS.=Nilgivi Hills. 

Nems.—Nallemalai Hillsof KNL.and CDP. 


Nipt.= Nelliampai Hills of 

Odcec. = Everywhere from ORS. down 

Odct. — Iiverywhere 
CAN. to TVY. 

ORS. = Orissa, 

Par, = Parasite. 

Pchs. = Pachaimalai Hills of SLM, and 

Pdoy. = Pondicherry. 

Pdkl. = Pondakhol Agency of GJM. 

Pet. = Palghat (MBR.). 

Pkds. = Penukonda and Southern Hills of 

Pkia, = Parlakimedi Agency of GJM. 

Plns. = In the plains. 

Pnds, = Palnad-and Vinukonda Hills of 

Pnis, = Palni Hills of MRA. 

Ppsm. — Papanasam Hills of TVY. 

Qin. = Quilon (TRV.). 

(R.) = Rare, or uncommon. 

Ravs. = Ravines. 

Rdgs, = Ramandrug and hills of BEL. 

Rfds. — = Bice fields. 

MBR. and 

from ORS, Den, 

Rpas. = Rampa Hills of chy, 
Rw. = Run Wild (cult. exotic). 
SAC.= South Arcot district. 

Sarm, = Srmt (q.v.). 

Sgts.—Southern ghants of MRA. and TVY, 
Shos.=Sholas, or dense evergreen 

SLM. = Salem district. 
Srkt. = Sriharikota Island of NIL. 
Srmt, or Sarm. = Sarmentose, 
Ssls. — Saline Soils. 
Sswp- — Salt Swamps. 
Svgs. = Sivagiri Hills of TVY. 
Svry. = Shevaroy Hills of SLM. 
TCH. = Trichinopoly district. 
Tadld. = Tendrilled, 
TIR: = - Tanjore district. 
Tmls. = Tenmalai Hills of SAC. 
TRY. —= Travancore State. 
TV Y. — Tiunevelly district. 
Jgth. = Undergrowth. 
Veds. = Veligonda Hills of KNL. CDP. 
and NEL. 
Voks. = Palkonda Hills of VZM. 
VZM. = Vizagapatam district. 
Wet. — West coast. 
Wits. — Western forests, including MYS., 

Mnd., CRU., CAN., MBR., CCH., 
TRV., TVY., MRA., Pnis, CBT., Anms, 
Bopt, NLGS. 

Wets. — Western Ghants. 

Wnd.— Wynaad of MBR. and NLGS. 
Yrms. = Yerramalai Hills of KNL, 



Roman equivalent 

Tamil. | Telugu. | Canarese.| Malayalam. Uriya. Sanskrit. | under thisisenoeel 
my es Be (AN i a Si a 
4 eo | @ Q® | ae aT a 
elala|e2 ies : 
fF 2 Bs oo oe) g I 
3) | u 
Q- Ge a = &) ie a 7] 
Det Got ee 29 2) ‘ 
ao | so | 8 Seuss = 
2 aor | DDS Ss es ‘ 1 
a Ly 
= Y a i ra oy ly 
= re = = g PS 
or a | o) 2) q c a 
a] rls Mees Cine ai 
a0 2 s) | 606) - Q ee F 
Tah oon ee ry ices : 
@ Fb: oe 9 B AT 
A a 
Spor se 3 a5) (33 AT = 
ie) ° x h 
loko) 8 3 ° 8 ’ j 
a= 2 c ee in before labials ; 
otherwise, n 
& || s o q@ co k 
eee a on q cI k’h ; when 
ch peel | double, kk’h. 
eit"). <ciegn on q T e 
Bg) | eso cs oo! ay q 27h; when 
| | a double, gg’h. 
Ca Aa NR 2 i0 Mme dS a 
FAs ||). 2 | 24 ene =) a c; when 
| | double, ¢c. 


Roman equivalent 

Tamil. | Telugu. | Canarese| Malayalam. | Uriya. | Sanskrit. | | aor this scheme. 
a Ps eg aa Q oi eh; when 
fore[*|) 2 [*] eS a Gord} Ft J 
- | & Bo | ow g a | jh; when 
| double, jj”h 
@ "| =e x oe g a fi; when 
; double, fin. 
Berit: || | -é Seah Neate 3 ¢ t [7°] 
zs 5 o = O 6 th; [1°] when 
| double, tt’h. 
’) 5 ie ih 2) S 40°] 
wo | sats | Cus z Wh; [1°] when 
| a oo 2 double, dd’h. 
CO | A) ere Pie A mie 
Pa | 2 3 My ea ee! q aed, 
i if yer | th; [1] when 
e | ® | Z double, tt’h 
Bama ee) hie el oe Ba 
1G) Vh; [*"] when 
- o 3 Wish ables a ne dd’h. 
sel a] ae oe 
Peli) Shoe 0 3 q 
et) ruts Lo o i ph; when 
: ok Xe double, pp’h 
ui" » a ie 7 7 i 
: oe 23 2 Q 4 b’h; when 
double, bb’h, 
» 2g ieee a 9 q m 
vo ¥ 5 us §| a a lead 
ap & si foal g y sh 
Ap) a | oe oe ae ila ali: 
aM Sar, |) eo ao @ a h 
wi (ON) ods a q 3] y 
ect Sree | 3 - ol x r [a4 
Beal (ivenh ie < iti ie Py 


Melee vast | N Male P " y a Roman equivalent 
Tamil. Velugu, Canarese.| Malayalam. | Uriya. | Sanskrit. under GhislcenoRees 
Oy Es Es) Qu 9 q v (uriya, w) [7] 
op, x a, B20 g a ksh (uriya, khy) 
on a 2 & a) Bd 
fo) ul = x [1°] (when 
es 5 - 
i o double, 
pronounced tt ; 
[*] but transli 
terated rr.) 
iP _ i if i 

Notes for pure Tamil words.—|{!] &, %, u are transliterated by k, t, 
p when initial, or when double. [?] +, s, u are transliterated by g, d, b 
when not initial, and when not double. |*| # is pronounced j when 
following , and the two letters are transliterated fic. [*] t 1s trans- 
literated by t when initial or double. [| t is transliterated by d 
when media: and single. {°|#»—pronounced tt. Mote for words borrowed 
by Tamil direct from Sanskrit and the Prakrits —|"| #, 8, u, when initial, 
may on occasion stand for the sounds g, d, b, and ean then be pronounced 
accordingly ; but as the sounds in this position are entirely foreign to the 
bulk of the Tamil-speaking population, the original transliteration is 
retained. Notes for pure Telugu words.—{|*| ws is pronounced ts when 

followed by the vowels a, a, u, a, 0,6, or au otherwise pronounced ec: 
|°| #28 pronounced—dz when followed by the vowels a, a, u, a, 0, 0, or 

au otherwise pronounced j- ['°] in these letters the toague is rolled 
back so as to touch the roof of the palate. [1'| In these letters the tip 
of the tongue touches the pack of the teeth. ['*| A very soft v, almost w. 
['3] Writteu in the right hand top corner of the letter before giving 
it a soft nasal sound like the terminal n, in French conversation. 
[*] Combined with k or g [1°] Variously represented as n, b, rl, rhl, 
bj, 2j, zh, zy, xh, and an admixture of all these together may perhaps 
come somewhere near the correct pronunciation which, as Dr. Maclean 
says, represents a sound “Suz Generio.” [1°] Very soft, almost bg, 
[17] In Uriya almost “ory ”. 




Anderson ('T). 
Belfour (junior). 
* Banks. 
- Bory. 
Brongniart (A). 
Brown (N.E.). 
Brown (R.), 
Browne (P.). 


Coémans (E). 
Correa da Serra. 
De Bary. 
De Candolle. 
De Candolle 
Don (D). 
Don ((). 
| Dumortier, 


Dyer (Thistleton). 


Gaertner (junior). 

Gay (J). 
Gmelin (8. P). 
Gray (Asa). 

Hooker (W.J). 
Hooker (J.D). - 

Jacquin (junior). 
Jussieu (Adrien de). 




Koch {C). 

La Marck. 
Linnzeus ( junior.) 
Meyer (C. A.). 
Meyer (E.). 
Meyer (Ernst. ). 

Meyer (G. A. F. W,). 

Meyer (G. F. M.). 


Meyer (G. W.. 

Mueller (IF). 





| Retz. 


Richard (Achille). 
Richard (L. C.). 





| Roth. 


| Salisbury. 


| Savi. 
Nees von Esenberg. | 

Scheid werler. 

| Schitzlein., 

Schlecht endahl. 

| Schmidt (J. W.). 
| Schnitzlein. 
| Schoenherr. 


| Schrader. 


| Siebold. 


| Smith. 
| Smith (J), 



| Stuedel. 
| Stewart (J. L.). 

St. Hilaire. 

| Stocks. 
| Strachey. 
| Swartz. 


| Thouars. 


| Thwaites. 
| Tode. 

| Tozetti (Targioni). 


| Treitschke, 


| Tulasne. 



| Vieillard. 

Watson (J). 
Wendland (4). 


An attempt has been made to give roughly the pronunciation of foreign names 
in composition, it must be remembered, the silent final n,t, and other letters are 
pronounced, i.e. Garnot [Garr No.] becomes Garnotia [Garr-no-tee-a]; the 
nasal in [ang.|, etc.: become ine [een.], etc.: such nasal sounds are of courge 
merely approximate, 

In words derived from Latin and Greek, the following is the table of pronunci- 
ation, adoptea by Nicholson : -— 

a, as in apart. ad, as in Psdlmist. 2 

6, as in slender 6, asin veined, 0e == al, a8 In pasn- 

i, V; aS in thin, i, y, a8 in mach7nist el 

6, asin rotten 6, as in voter au on, as int house. 

i, asin powerfil ui, as in réler. 

c f ce in muscular Viens and Latin dipthongs, with 
ch } always hard,as ; ch in christian two separate letters, have in 
ey L g in good 1 the text been marked with a 


long accent over them as 4. 

Herein, orders, genera, and derivatives from persons, names have been com- 

menced with capitals; species, etc. (unless also a genus or personal derivative), 
with small letters. 

Note :—-A great many terms have become anglicized technically ; e.g., aristatus— 
aristate, uncinatus — uncinate, and so forth, 

Ab-el’-i-a ne ... (com.) Dr, Chas. Abel, Physician to Lord Amherst’s Embassy 
to China (1887) (N. 3/1); 

Ab’-i-es fe ... Abeo (Latin), to rise; (all:) aspiring of habit of growth 
the tree (N. 1/1); 

Ab-nor-ma’-lis Se } (Latin), abnormal; in which some departure takes place from 

Ab-nor’-mis the ordinary structure of the family, or genus, to which 
a given plant belongs ; 

Ab-ro'-ma __.... .. @, broma (Greek), not food; (all:} its unwholesomeness 
(N. 1/3); 

Ab-rot’-an-um .. (Latin), name of the plant, used by Horace, a Roman poet 
65-8 B.C. (Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 

A’-brus aM a oe (Greek), soft; (all:) extreme softness of the leaves 
N, 1/3); 

ab-u’-til-if-ol-i-a ... abutilon, folium (Latin), abutilon, leaf; (all:) resemblance 
of leaves ; 

ab-u’-til-o-i-des ... a@bitilon, eidos (Greek’ abutilon, likeness; (all:) resem- 
blance of plant ; 

Ab-w’-til-on .., ... (Arabic), name of this, or similar, plant (N. 1/3) ; 

Ac-a’-ci-a Ns wae (Celtic), point, or akazo (Greek) sharpen; (all:) spinous 
thorns of most species (N. 1/5); 

Ac-al’-yph-a ... 1. akalaphe (Greek), nettle, name given by Hippocrates (N. 

1/7), akaléphe is the Lexicon name for nettle, which would 
bring the accent on the penultimate syllable ; 

Ac-anth-a-ce-2a ». (Latin) Acanthus Family, or Order ; 

Ac-anth’-oph-ce-nix .,,  akuntha, phoinix (Greek), spine, Date Palm; (all:) stem 
densely arnred with black needle shaped spines (N. 1/7). 

Ac-anth’-us ... oa le hie Spine ; (all :) prickly nature of many species 

N. 1/8) ; 
ac-au’-lis wes (Greek), stemless ; 
ac’-cre’-tns ... oo. (Latin), acerete ; fastened to another body, and growing with it ; 

Ac’-er... ee 


a-cer-0’-Sus ... 

ac-e-tab-ul-if-or’-mis . 

ac-ic-ul-a’-ris ... 
ac’-id-a 4 

Ac-roc ar’pus 


a-‘cris .. aay 
Ac-te’-phil-a ... 

Ac-ti’ norh’-yt-is 
ac-u’-le-a’-ta ... 
ac-u’-min-a -ta 
ac-u -ta 
ac-u-tis -sim-<a 
Ad-an-s0’-ni ... 

Ad-e -nan-the -ra 


ad-e’-noph-yl’-lum ... 


Ad’-in-a sted 

ad-press «um 

ad-un’-ca des 
fig-ic’-er-as ... 


acer (Latin), name used by Ovid, a Roman Poet 4% B.C. 
17 A.D.; (Cass. Lat. Dic.) wrongly supposed to tke 
connected with dcer, sharp, as the wood was formerly 
used for pikes (N, 1/9, 5/349) ; 

acer, folium (Latin), maple, leaf; (all:) resemblance of 
leaves ; 

(Latin), needle shaped ; linear, rigid, tapering to a fine point ; 

(Latin), concave, depressed, round, with a border turned a 
little inwards ; 

Achetras (Greek) without hands ; (all :) uncertain ; 

achras (Greek) wild Peach ; (all:) supposed resemblance, 

(Latin), needle-like ; 

(Latin), sour ; 

(Latin), very sour ; 

(Latin), rather sour ; 

(Latin), scimitar shaped ; curved, plane on two sides, the con- 
cave border thick, the convex border thin ; 

Akros, karpos (Greek), at the top, fruit ; ‘ 

Akron, onux (Greek), tuft, claw; (all:) curved points of 
petals. (N. 1/8) ; 

Akros, stichos (Greek), outermost, row ; (ail:) the disposition 
of the Sori (patches of spore cases) has been compared 
to beginning of lines of verse, they cover the whole 
pinna (N. 1/8) 5 

(Latin), pungent ; 

Akt2, philos, (Greek), raised place, loving ; (all :) habitat ; 

Aktis (Aktinos) daphne (Greek), of a vay, Bay Laurel; (all:) 
verticelled leaves and aflinity ; 

Aktinos, phullon (Greek), ray leaved ; 

Aktinos, rhytis (Greek), ray, wrinkle; 

(Latin), armed with prickles (N. 1/22) ; 

(Latin), extended gradually into an acute terminal angle (N.1/22); 

(Latin), Sharp potnted (N. 1/22) ; 

(Latin), with acute angles ; 

(Latin), sharpened ; 

(Latin), with acute flowers : 

(Latin), with acute leaves 

(Latin), very acute ; 

(Latin), of Adanson ; 

Michel?’ Andanson (com.) [(pr.) Mee-shail Ard-arng-sorng], 
eminent French scientist and traveller, born 1727 (N. 1/25 
Ene. Brit) author of ‘‘ Familles des plantes ”’ 1768 ; 

adén anthéra (Greek) ; (all :) anthers terminating in a deciduous 
pedicellate gland (N. 1/23); 

adén, chlaina, (Greek), gland, woollen overcoat; (all:) pubes- 
cent and mealy calyx with glands at the base outside; 

adén, phoreo (Greek), gland bearing (N. 1/28) ; 

adén, phitillon (Greek), glandular leaved ; 

adén (g. ddénos) akme (Greek), gland, extremity ; (all:) glands 
on the margins of the stipules, bracts, and in the sinus of 
the calyx lobes ; 

(Latin), adhering ; united laterally by the whole surface with 
another organ ; 

ad’hatodai (Tamil), name of the plant; Nicholson places the 
accent on the second syllable, which is obviously incorrect ; 

adi nos (Greek), crowded ; (all :) flowers being disposed in heads, 
(N. 1/29) ; 

(Latin), pan to anything by the whole surface (N. 1/29) ; 

(Latin), brought into close contact, without adhering, to anything 
(N. 1/29) ; 

(Latin), bent inwards ; 

(Latin), opposite (q.v.) ; pointing directly to a particular place ; 

Aix (g. aigos), keras (Greek), goat, horn; (all:) shape of the 
fruit (N. 1/30) ; 

AM g"’-le 

wg-yp -ti-ac-a 
aequa -lis ae 

i arr” 

e-qua’ tus 





af-ric-a’-na_ ... 
Ag-al’-loch-a ... 

_ Ag-an-os’-ma... 

Ag-a’-ve i 





(Clas.), one of the Hesperides (N, 1/30), daughters of the evening 
living in an island in the extreme west, in a garden with 
golden apples, guarded by a dragon (Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Egypt; in North Africa ; 

(Latin), equal ; when the sides of a figure on both sides of its 
axis are symmetrical ; 

(loc.) belonging to the equator ; 

(Latin), even ; the reverse of anything expressive of inequality 
of surface ; 

aér (Latin), of the air;(all:) power of deriving sustenance 

from the air (N. 1/31); _ 
Eryoua (Arabic), name of the plant (N. 5/25) ; 

a: j (Latin), bronze ; deep brown with a red ‘mettalic lustre ; 


Ai-lanth’-us ... 

Al-ang’-i-um ... 



al-bes’-cens .,. 
Al-biz’-zi-a ... 


al-bo-mar -gin-a -ta. 


Al-ha’-gi a. 



(Latin), verdigris-green; dark clear green, with admixture of 
blue ; 

aischiinomat (Greek), to be ashamed ; (all :) sensitive leaves of 
some species (N. 1/23) ; 

(Latin), name given to a kind of oak with edible fruit [from 
esca, nourishment] ; by Pliny (q.v.) (N. 1/34); 

(Latin), akin to ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Africa , 

agallo, ocha (Greek), To make glorious, exceedingly ; (all 2) 
delightful scent of the wood ; 

dgands, osmé (Greek), mild, smell; (all:) scent of the flowers 
(N. 1/35) ; 

dgathos (Greek), noble ; (all :) stately form of the trees ; 

agata (Greek), admirable; (all::) stately form in which some 
flower (N. 1/35) , often mispronounced (N. 4/349); 

(Latm), gathered together (N.1/42) ; elustered; collected in 
parcels, each of which has a roundish figure; 

(Clas.), one of the Graces (eldest,—Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; (alt :) 
beauty and sweet scent of the flowers (N. 1/42) ; 

dgrostis, stachys (Greek), Bent grass, spike ; (all:) short spikes 
of densely imbricate glumaceous bracts, each with 1—3 flowers, 
in the inflorescence ; 

agrostis (Greek), name of the grass (N. 1/45, 4/349) ; 

ai-lan-to (Chinese), Tree of Heaven; (all:) its lofty growth 
(N, 1/44) ; 

Azhincil (corrupted to alanji) (Tamil), name of the tree ; 

(Latin), winged, furnished with membranous expansion 
(N. 1/45) ; 

(Latin), white [of six types]: 1 snow, 2 pure or lily, 3 ivory, 4 
milk, 5 chalk, 6 silvery]; 

(Latin), changing toa whitish cast from some other colour ; 

(Latin), growing white (N. 1/48) ; 

(Latin), whitish flowered ; 

(Latin), whitish, any of the six types of white a little soiled ; 

(Latin), white flowered ; 

(com.), Albizzi [(pr :) Arl-beetzy ] Italian botanist (N. 1/45) ; 

(Latin), white and scarlet ; 

(Latin), white lined :, 

(Latin), white bordered ; 

(com.) Stanesby Alchorne, Assay Master in the Mint, died 
about 1800 (N. 5/31) ; 

dléwrin (Greek), wheaten flour ; (all:) plant appearing to be dusted 
with a farinaceous substance (N. 1/49) ; 

alezétérion (Greek), remedy ; (all :) supposed medical properties, 

al-Hagi (Arabic), the pilgrim; (all:) furnishes manna; the 
name of the tree (N. 1/46, McL. 38) ; 

(com.) Dr. Allamand [(pr:) Ar)-lar-marndj of Leydem, who 
first communicated the seeds to Linnzeus (N. 1/46) ; 



al-ln'-ghas_... xe 
al-nif-ol’-i-a ... wa 

Al’-o-e eee aes 


Alphons’-é-a .., 

al-pi’-na nee 




al-tis’-sim-a ... 
al-u-ta’-ce-a ... 


am-a’-bil-e “ 
am-a -ra a eee 
Am’-ar-an-ta'-ce- ... 

Am ‘-ar-yl’-lid-a’-ce-x. 

am-big’-u-a ©... 
a-men-ta -cé-a eee 
am-er ic-a’-na 
am-o’-nus ... eee 
Am-0'-mum ... 

iim-oo’-ra_... ek 
Am-orph’-a .. aes 
Am’-pel-id-a’-ce-2 ... 


am-phit’-rop-us ron 



allos, phillon (Greek), diverse leaf ; (all :) excessive variability in 
form, indumentum, serratures, etc., of the leaves ; sometimes, 
but not originally, spelt with 2 1’s in phyllus ; 
allahu, ghas (Arabic), god’s grass; (all :) fragrance ; 
(Latin), alder leaved ; 
al-lan (Celtic) near bank of river; (all:) habitat (N. 1/49) ; 
alloch (Arabic) |through Aloe (Greek)|, name of the plant 
(N. 1/51) ; 
(Latin) aloe leaved ; 
(com.) Z. Alonso, formerly Spanish secretary for Santa Fede 
Bogota (N, 1/53) ; ; 
(com.) Alphonse de Candolle [(pr:) Arl-forns der (Carn-dole) } 
French botanist of Geneva, (Ch) author of “ Laws of Bota- 
nical Nomenclature” and son of A, P. de Candolle (See 
Candcllet) ; 

(Latin), inhabiting high mountains ; ‘ 

(com.) Prosper Alpinus [pr: Arl-pee-noos], an Italian botanist 
(N. 1/54) 

Alsos, (g. alseos) daphne (Greek), grove, Bay laurel; (all:) 
affinity and habitat ; 

alsodés (Greek), leafy; all: plants thickly beset with leaves, 
(N. 1/54) ; 

Alsos, philds (Greek), grove, loving ; (all:) habitat (N. 1/54) ; 

Dr. Alston (com.) once Professor of Botany at Edinburgh 
(N. 1/56) ; 

(Latin), alternate ; placed alternately, one above the other, on 
some common body ; 

(Latin), alternate leuved ; placed in a different level on opposite 
sides of an axis (N, 1/59) ; 

(Latin), very tall; 

(Latin), leathery, or leathery yellow, dull yellowish white ; 

(Latin), honey combed; excavated in the manner of a section of 
honey comb ; 

Alyzia (New Holland), native name of the 

(Latin), lovely (N. 1/59) ; 

(Latin), bitter ; 

(Latin), Amaranth (Amarantus) [from &, mdraino (Greek), not 
to wither ; Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), Amaryllis [(Class.), Roman shepherdess, The Sparklina 
One, mentioned by Virgil] Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), doubtful, of doubtful affinity ; 

(Latin), growing a catkin (a deciduous spike of unisexual 
apetalous flowers) (N. 1/68) ; 

(loc.) of America ; 

ammos, dendrin (Greek), sand, tree ; (all :) habitat (N. 1/64); 

Halmilla (Singhalese), name of the plant (MeL. 922) ; 

(Latin), pleasing ; 

2, momos (Greek), without, impurity ; (all:) quality of counter- 
acting poison (N. 1/64); or more likely, hamadma (Arabic), 
heating (all:) pungent properties (McL. 1008) ; 

amur (Bengali), name of the tree (Ch.) ; 

a, morphé (Greek), without, form; (all:) incomplete formation of 
flowers (N, 1/65); 

[Ampelis (g. ampélidos) (Greek), vine-plant;] Vine (Vitis) 
Family, or Order ; 

(Greek), amphigenous ; growing all round any organ ; 

amphilophos (Greek), crested on all sides ; (all :) limb of corolla 
‘much curled (N. 1/67) ; 

(Greek), amphitropal; curved round the body to which it 
belongs ; 

(Latin), embracing ; clasping with its base ; 

(Latin), embracing the stem (N. 1/67) ; 

(Latin), with leaves embracing the stem ; 

(Latin), like an almond ; } 

plant (N. 5/41); 



An-ac-ar’-di-a’-co-w .. 



A-nam-ir’-ta ... 


An-aph’-al-is ... 


An-cis’-troc-lad-a’-ce -2e. 





an-gul-a’-tus ... 
an-ous-ta’-ta ... 
an-i-sa’-tum ... 



an-nul-a’-tus ... 



An-ti-a’-ris ... 











amysso (Greek), to lacerate ; (all :) fissured channels in the stone 
of the fruit (N. 1/67) ; 

dnd, kolés (Greek), at the top, cut off sharp ; (all:) calyx ; 

(Latin), Cashewnut (Anacardium) Family, or Order ; 

and, kardia (Greek), like, heart; (all:) form ofthe nut; but 
origin donbtful (N. 1/68) ; 

ana, gyros, eidos (Greek), backwards, circle, resembling ; (all :) 
resemblance to anagyris (which has pods turned back at 
their extremities) ; 

anat, amrytavalli (Tamil), Elephant, Tinospora ; (all:) resem- 
blance and size; 

(loc.) belonging to the Anaimalai Mills, of Coimbatore, Travan- 
core, etc. ; 

a, Knaphalion (Greek), not a Gnaphalium ; (all :) affinity to, but 
distinction from, latter ; 

(Lat), branching one vein wnto another (N. 1/70) ; 

(Latin), two-edged (N. 1/70); compressed, with two sharp 
edges ; 

(Latin), Ancistrocladus Family, or Order ; 

Ankistron, klddos (Greek), Fish-hook, branch; (all:) supra- 
axillary circinately wooded tendrils. 

(com.) of Messrs. Anderson, ‘Surgeons, great promoters of 
Botany (N. 1/71), or of Dr. T. Anderson, Superintendent of 
Calcutta Botanic Gardens, and who assisted in the prepara- 
tion of Hooker’s Flora of British India; or, finally, of 
Graham Anderson, author of the ‘‘ Forest Trees in the Coffee 

(© lands of South Mysore” ; 

(Latin), inhabiting the Andes, Mountains of America ; 

(Greek), man’s sweaty down; (all:) viscid down of the 
panicles ; Greek name of the plant (Gk. Sex., N. 1/186) ; 

(com.) of André {(pr:) Arn-dray] French botanist ; 

(Latin), curled (N. 1/157) ; Spiral ; 

Angeion, pteris (Greek), vessel, fern ; (all:) spore cases are 2- 
valved, bursting vertically at the apex, leaving a vessel with 
an open mouth (N. 1/78) ; 

(Latin), snake-loke ; 

ae ; (Latin), having angles; latter term rather more intense ; 

(Latin), narrowed ; 

(Latin), narrow-leaved ; 

(Latin), scented-like Anise ; 

ani sos, cheilos (Greek), wnequal lip; (all:) in equality of both 
lips of calyx and corolla (N. 1/80) ; 

anisos, melos (Greek), unequal member ; (all:) anthers of the 
longer stamens halved (N, 1/80) ; 

(com.) of Messrs, Année [(pr:) Arn-nay} French floricultarist 
(IN. 1/262) ; 

(Latin), adnate (q.v.); 

(Latin), ringad ; surrounded by elevated or depressed bands ; 

ano, dendron (Greek), wpwards, tree; (all:) gigantic size of 
this climber ; 

dno, geisson (Greek), upwards, house-tile ; (all:) small com- 
pressed 2-winged nuts pac’:ei horizontally into a dense 
head of fruits ; 

Anona (St. Domingo) native name of the tree (N. 1/82); 

(Latin), Custard Apple (Anona) Family, or Order ; 

anti, helmins (Greek), against, little worm ; (all:) its medicinal 
properties ; 

anthos, ke'phale (Greek), flower, head ; (all:) inflorescence ; 

(Greek) coal black, a little verging upon blue, with metallic 
lustre ; 

antiao (Greek), to hit with an arrow ; (all:) poison used here- 
from for arrow tips ; 

anti, chorvon (Greek), instead of, leather ; (all :) strong fibre ; 


an’‘tic-us ths 

An-tig-o’-non... oon 

an-tit’-rop-us .. 
ap-ic-ul-a’-ta .. 
ap’-1-0c-ar’-pa eee 
Ap-od’-yt-es .. 

aq-uat -ic-a 

Aq-uif-ol’-i-a’-ce-z ... 

Ar-a’-ce-2 .,. 
ar-ach’-no-i -de-a 


ar ’-bor-e-a 
ar-bor-tris -tis 
Arb’-ut-us... Ses 


ar-ctl-a-ta ... 

Ar-dts-i’-na .., ore 


(Latin), turned inwards ; or towards the axis to which it 
belongs ; 

anti desma (Greek), over against, head-bond ; (all:) position of 
stamens against the disk ; 

(Greek), against dysentery ; antidote for it ; 

anti, gonia (Greek), opposite, angle : (allj:) 3-cornered buds and 
fruit (N. 1/87) ; also written Antigonium (Juss); accent often 
wrongly put on the second syllable, making third short, just 
as trigonometry, coming from the Latin trigéniwm, is pro- 
nounced with the first O short (See lilitflorus) ; 

(Latin), of the ancients ; 

antistrophé. (Greek), reverse turn (of the old Greek dances) ; 
(all :) corolla lobes twisted tothe left in bud, whilst in 
Ardisia they are twisted to th» right ; 

(Greek), antitropal; straight, and having a direction contrary 
to the body to which it pertains ; 

apheles, dnér (2. andrés) (Greek), simple male; (all:) anthers 
one celled (N. 1/90) ; 

(Greek), without petals ; 

(Greek), without leaves ; 

(Latin), apiculate, or pointletted; terminating abruptly in a 
little peint, which is part of the limb, and not only the 
costs ; 

apios, karpos (Greek), pear-tree, fruit; (all:) similarity of 
fruit ; 

(Latin), Dog’s-bane [(Apocynum) from Apo, kines (Greek), away, 
from, dogs; (all :) poisonous | Family or Order ; 

apodiutos (Greek), undressed ; (all:) minute calyx for the com- 
paratively large flowers ; 

Apollo (Clas.) alias Phebus, the sun god; (all:) beautiful 
plants with a six starred hardened perianth at the base of 
the fruit (See also Phebe) ; 

(Greek}, inclined to doubt, or of dowbtful affinity ; E 

apo, oros (Greek), away from, mountain ; (all :) habitat chiefly 
in plains and valleys ; 

(Latin), loving the sun ; 

(Latin), inhabiting watery places ; 

aquifolium (Latin), prickly, leaved (N. 2/174) ; Holly (Ilex) 
Family or Order ; 
(Latin), eagle-like (N. 3/240) ; 
(loc.) Arabian ; 
(Latin), Arum [from Aron (Egyptian) } Family, or Order ; 
(Greek), cobwebbed; covered with loose white entangled thin 
hair, resembling the web of a spider ; 
(Americon), name of the Ivy plant (McL. 1003) ; 
(Latin) Aralia Family, or Order ; 
(Latin), cobweb-like ; 
(loc.) Arauco [(pr: a-rou-ko)], a province 
5. America ; habitat of the plant (N.1/105) ; 
(Latin), tree-like ; 
(Latin), growing like a tree ; 
(Latin), sad tree ; (ail :) planted often near tombs ; 
arboise (celtic), austere bush; (all :) austere quality of the fruit, 
(N. 1/106); but the name itself is used by Virgil (Cass. 
Lat. Dic.) ; 
Archonte, phoenix (Greek), Chief, Date Palm; (all:) majestic 
appearance and affinity (N. 5/81); 
(Latin), shaped lake a bow ; 
Ardis (Greek), point; (all:) acute, 
(N. 1/108) ; 
(com.) P. Arduini (com.) [(pr:) Ar-doo-ee-nee}, Curator of the 
Economical Gardens at Padua, in the time of Linnzwus 
(N. 1/109); 

cf §8. Chili in 

spear-pointed anthers 

Areo’-ca Sen he 

ar-e-ra’-riea .. wwe 
Ar-en’-ga eee eee 
ar-e-ol-a’-tus ae 


ar-gyr-w a 
-Ar-gyr-ei’-a .., 

ar’-gyr-oph-yi’-lum ... 
ar-il-ia’-ta eas ES 


Ar-is’-tol-och’-1: a’ 

Ar-is’-to’- och’-i-a-’ 





ar-0-mat’-ic-us Sue 
ar-rec’-tus , 


art-em-is’-1-d-i-des ... 


Art-oc-ar’ pus 


As-cle’-pi-ad-a’-ce-e ... 

a-si-a’-ticea es , vee 


Atakka (corrupted into Areec)(Malayalam), name of the tree 
in Malabar (N. 1/109) ; 
(Latin), growing in the sand ; 

Aren (Malayan), native name of the plant (McL. 314); 

(Latin), areolate; divided into a number of irregular squares 
or angular spaces ; 

(Latin), silvery, white a littie changing to bluish grey with 
something of a metallic lustre ; 

(Latin), lively, fresh; 

(Greek), silvery ; 

Argirios (Greek), silvery ; (all :) silvery under surface of the 
leaves, especially when young (N. 1/111) ; 

argiros, labion (Greek), silver, little pod; (all:) silver haired 
legumes ; 

(Greek), with silvery leaves ; 

(Latin), furnished with am aril, or accessory coat, partly 
or wholly; over the seed ; 

(Latin), aristate, or awned; furnished with an elongated pro- 
jecting bristle, in continuation of the costa; 

aristos, léchios (Greek), best, pertaining to child birth; (all :) 
medivinal properties of the plant (N. 1/112, 4/350) : 

(Latin), Birth wort (Aristolochia) Family, or Order ; 

[Columbian (N. America) )j, native name of the plant, 

(Clas.), Arjuna, The White One, friend of Kryshna, and 
principal hero of the Pandavas in the war for the 

* succession to the throne of Hastinapuram detailed in 
the Mahabharata epic poem: wrongly accentuated by 
Nicholson (McL, 41) ; 

(Latin), armed, with spinous or prickly thorns ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Armenia, the country lying between 
the Caucasus on the north, Caspian Sea on the east, 
Kurdistan mountains on the south, and Asia Minor 
on the west ; also, apricot-yellow a dull orange colour with 
tinge of yellow; 

Southern India, co-author, with Wight,!of “ Prodromus flore- 
Peninsul-z Indi orientalis” ; 

arématikos (Greek), having a spicy fragrance ; 

(Latin), upright ; 

artao, botris (Greek), to suspend, bunch of grapes; (all :) 
fruit suspended by a curious hocked tendri] (N. 1/115) ; 

(Clas.), Artemis, daughter of Jupiter and Latona (sister 
of Apollo), virgin goddess of the moon and of hunting, 
supposed to kill without pain ; (all :) soothing, but deleterious, 
properties of the plant (N. 1/115; Cass. Lat. Dic.; G.K, 
Lex.) ; 

(Greek), resembling Southernwood (Artemisia) ; 

arthron, knémz (Greek), joint, shin-bone; (all:) jointed 
branches of the plant; 

(Latin), articulated; having joints ; or separating reality, or 
falling in pieces, at the joints ;jor united to another body by 
a manifest joint. 

artos, karpos (Greek), bread, fruit ; (all:) fruit of one special 
when baked, resembles bread, (N 1/117); 

(Latin), reed-like ; : 

(Latin), pertaining to the reed class (N. 1/118); 

(Latin), reed ; (all :) typical of the reed class (N.1 /118) ; 

(Latin), ascending ; having a direction upwards with an obligue 

eo of G. A. Walker—Arnott, celebrated botanist of 

base ; 

(Latin), Swallow-wort (Asclepias)[(Clas.), god of: healing ; (all :) 
medicinal properties} Family, or Order ; 

(loc.) of, or pertaining to, Asia; 


As-par’-ag-us 30s 
as -per-a be oat 
as’-per-a -tum 

as -per-ic-au -lis 


asth-mat’-ic-a ane 
As-troc-ar'“y-um. .. 


eeetray see 



a-‘tro-pur-pur’-6-a se. 

a’-tro-san-guin -e-ns... 

a’-tro-vir’ -id-is 
at-tal-e’-a we 

at-ten-u-a -tum te 

au’-gus-ta - 
au-gus-ta’-tia ... 
au-ran’-ti-a | 
aur-an -ti-ac-a 


aur-ic’-om-A ... 
aur-ic-ul-a -ta 

aus -tri-ac-a 
ay-el-la’-na ... 


(Greek), resembling Aspalathus sweet 
scented shrub}. 

a, Sparasso (Greck), exceedlingly, to tear; (all:) very prickly 
nature of some species (N. 1/121); 

(Latin), rough, with very short stiff hairs or hard points ; 

(Latin), roughened ; 

(Latin), brush shaped; divided into several fine ramifications. 
so as to resemble the brush used in Roman Cathelic 
ceremonies for sprinkling holy water. 

(Latin), with rough stem; 

(Latin), very rough; 

aspts, (g. aspidos), pterua (Greek), Smeld, wing ; (all:) winged 
carpels of the fruit ; 

a, splen (Greek), without, spleen; (all:) medicinal properties 
of the plant (N. 1/27). 

(Latin), resembleng ; 

(Latin), ascending, (g.v-) ; 

‘aspalathos (Greek), 

ad, Stephanos (Greek), without, crown ;(all:) absence of 
corona ; 

astérion, stigma (Greek), little star, stigma; (all :) Stigma star 
shaped ; 

(Greek), useful for asthma ; 

astron, Kiuruon (Greek), Star, nut; (all:) disposition of the 
fruit (N. 1/142); 

(Clas.j, Atalanta, daughter of Schcenus (King of Beeotia 
in Greece), famed for her running, refused to marry any 
one who could not catch her: finally, Milanion succeeded 
by throwing golden apples in her path; (all:) copious 
os fruits which drop from the tree (N. 1/143; Cass. Lat. 

. Dic.); 

atatta (Maiayalam), goat leech, name of the plant ;! 

(Latin), black, pure without any admixture 
colour ; 

of other 

(Latin), when a portion only of something is black ; 

(Latin), becoming dead black; 

(Latin), blackish-purple (H.); dark purple [between pur- 
pureus and violaceus | ; 

(Latin), Maroon , Carmine verging to black with a brownish 
tinge in it; 

(Latin), blackish-violet [between violaceus and indigoticus] ; 

(Latin), green with a black tinge ; like pine or casuarina needles ; 

(Latin), blackish green ; 

attalus (Latin) magnificent ; 
(N. 1/144) ; 

(Latin), tapering gradually to a point (N. 1/144) ; 

a, tulos (Greek), without, a knot; (all:) absence of callosity 
on the standard (ch.) ; 

(Latin), holy, or, majestic ; 

(Latin), sanctified ; 

(all:) beauty of the genus 

.. (Latin), orange-yellow (H.) ; pure yellow and scarlet ; 

(Latin), the orange (H.) ; 

(Latin), gilt ; golden yellow ; 

(Latin), golden coloured ; pure gamboge yellow, but with con- 
siderable brightness ; 

(Latin), golden tawny ; 

(Latin), golden streaked ; 

(Latin), golden haired ; 

(Latin), having Ear-like appendages (N. 1/147); on two very 
small lobes at the base ; 

(Latin), Southern, or, of Australia (H.) ; 

(loc.) of Austria (N. 3/147) ; 

(loc.) of Avellino [(pr:) Ar-vell-ee-no} a town in Italy 
(N, 1/385) ; 

Av-er-rho’-a ... 



a’-2ad-ir-ach-’ ta 



Bal-ang’-has ... 
Bal-o’-zhi-a ... 
bul-sam’-ic-a ... 


Bam-bnu’-s2 ... 

Ban-dbu’-ca .. ‘ 2 


Bank’ -si-i 
Bap-tis’-ti-i ... 



ve a darakt (Persian), 


(com.) Averrhoes [(pr:) Arv-air-rho-ays}] of Cordova in 
Spain, Arabian physician who lived in Spain during 
the domination of the Moors about the middle of 12th 
century, and translated Aristotle into Arabic (Nic. 1/143); 

(com.) Avicenne, Arabic philosopher and physician, A.D 
980—1037, (Nic. 1/143) ; 

‘3 (Latin) of, or, belonging to, birds ; (all:) eaten by birds (H.) ; 

(Latin) of, or, in the azil, of leaves, etc. (H); 

excellent tree: (all:) useful properties 
of wood, leaves, fruit, etc. (McL. 577, ; 

azimenn (Malagasy), native name of an alied shrab(N. 5/118) ; 
(loc.) of the Azores Islands, in the Atlantic Ocean ; 
(Latin, from Persian), azure ; light sky blue, the palest pure 

lively blue ; 

(loc.) of Babylan, the country between Tigris and the Euphrates 

tivers of Western Asia ; 

(Latin), with berries, or berry like (fi.); in texture, juicy and 
succulent ; 

bacca., aurea (Latin), berry golden; (all:) strings of golden 
berries hanging from the tranks of the trees ; 

(Latin) chestnut broun, a dull brown slight tinged with red ; 

(com.) of F. H. Bailey, of Australia ; 

(com.) of J. O. Baker, ¥.E.S., F.L.S., eminent botanist author 
of “Hand book of the Bromeliacew,” etc. |(N. 1/114), and 
assisted in the preparation of Hookers “Flora of British 
India ’”’; 
valin, Kai (Malayalam), dung-fruit ; 

plant (McL. 68) ; 

balanos Karpos (Greek) acorn, fiutt ; (all :) calyx forming a 
cup at the bottom of the fruit, like an acorn and its cup ; 

balanos, cita (Greek), accorn, thus (i.e., resembling) ; (all:) the 
fruit : 

(com.) of J. H. Balfour, M.D., ¥.L.8., F.B.8.F., etc., of Edinburgh, 
author of “Outlines of Botany * 1854 and many other 
botanical works ; 

balios, sperma (Greek), spotted, seed ; (all :) mottled seed ; 
(Norfolk Island), believed to be the native name of the tree; 
(Greek) balsamic, through baal, samen (Hebrew), royal oil, 

(MeL. 67); 

balsamon, dendron (Greek), balm (or balsam), tree: word used 
by Theophrasstus ; (a//:) oleoresin that exudes from the tree 
(Nic. 1/154); 

Fambu (Malayan), name of the class of trees (Nic. 1/155) ; 

Bauw@huka (Sangcrit), binding; (all:) compact inflorescence 
(McL. 375): 

(com.) Sir Jos..Banks, once President of the Royal Society 
of Science and Natural History (N, 1/156) ; 

(com.) of Lady Banks, who introduced the Banksian Roses — 
from China (N. 5/120) ; 

(com.) of Str Joseph Banks ; 

(com.) of Baptisi (N. 1/372) ; 

(com.) of Baraguin [(pr:) Bar-ar-kang} (N. 1/472): 

(Latin) of Barbados, Island in the Caribbean sea on the East 
Coast of Central America; 

(Latin), bearded, i.e., having long weak hairs in one or more 
tufts (N. 1/157y; 

(Latin), somewhat bearded ; 

(com.) J. Barrelier [(pr :) Bar-ray-lee-yay ] Bronch Botanist of 
the 17th century (N. 1/158) ; 

(all:) fetid smell of the 


Bar-o’-ni Bae 
Bas’ -si-a nae 
Bau-e’-ri ye 




ben-gh4-len ’-sis 
beu-jam-i-na .. 

Ben-tharn-i-a -na 



Ber -ber-id-a’-ce-z ... 

Ber’ -ber-is 

ber-gam'-i-a ... 

ber-mu-di-a -na 
Ber -rya 
bet-on -ic-a 



bi ah 
bi-ar-tic-ul-a ane 
bi-aa-ri’-tum ... 
bic-us’-pid-a’ ta 


(quasi-Greek), resembling Barleria ; 

(com.) Michael Barnadez, Spanish Botanist (N. 1/158); 

(com.) of Baron ; 

(com.) Hon. Daines Barrington, ¥.R.S. 

(Latin), basal ; fixed at the base of anything ; 

(com.) Fernando Bassi ((pr: Fair-narn-do Bar-sea] Curator o 
the Botanic Garden, Bologna, Italy (N. 1/160) ; 

(com.) Francis and Ferdinand Bauer. German botanical 
draughtsmen (N. 1/161); 

(com.) John and Caspar Bauhin [pr. Bo-hang,}] two French 
brothers, famous botanists of the 16th century (N. /161) ; 

(com.) of Profesor Johann Friedrich Bause ;(pr:) Yo-harn 
Freedrik Bou-ser], of the university of Leipzig in Saxony ; 

(com.) of Mrs. Beawmont of Bretton Hall, Yorkshire, England, 
(N. 1/154) ; 

(com.) Dr. Beceari[{pr:) Beck-ar-ree], ltalian botanist, one of 
the greatest authorities on Asiatic and Malayan Palms, 
who assisted Sir J. D. Hooker in that order in the Flora of 
British India ; 

(com.) Col. R. H. Beddome, Conservator of Forests, Madras, 

distinguished Botanist ; author of * Flora Sylvatica’’ 1869--73; 

= } (com.) of Col. Beddome ; 

(com.) Beilschmied {(prv:) Bile-shmeet] German botanist ; 
Beley (Arabic), name of the tree (Rox, 2/431); 

(Latin) beautiful (N. 5/145) ; 

(com.) Belmore, Collector in Australia ; 

(loc.) of Bengal : 

(Latin) of Benjamin; (all:) Benjamin’s coat, and the many 
coloured figs, at first yellowish green with a tinge of purple, 
ultimately passing to blood red ; 

(com.) George Kentham, distinguished English Botanist (N. 1/_ 
180) ; author of ‘‘ Flora Australiensis, etc.” ; 

(com.) Lord W. Bentinck, Governor-General of India, 1828 
1836 ; Governor of Madras, 1868 ;s 

(Arabic), gum bengamin, an oleo-resin (Nut.) ; 

(Latin) Barberry (Berberis) Family, or Order ; 

Berberys (Arabic) (N. i /181), Ambarbd@ris (Arabic) (McL. &4), 
name of the tree; 

(loc.) of Bergamo, a town in Italy, where Bergamotte scent is 
prepared (Nut.); 

(loc.) of the Bermudas, islands in the Atlantic ocean ; 

(com.) Dr. A. Berry of Madras, about 1807 (Rox. 3/807) ; 

(com.) of Dr. Berry ; 

(Latin) esculent (N. 1/422) ; 

(Latin), resembling Betony (Stachys betonica) (N. 1/185) ; 

Vettila (corrupted into Beetla, Malayalam), Betel; Pepper 
creeper (Rox. 1/158, McL. 676) ; 

Betu (Celtic), name of the plant; or batuo (Latin), to beat, as 
the fasces of the Roman lictors were made of Birch ros 
(N. 1/185); 

(Latin), Birch (Betula) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), like the Birch tree (N. 1/272) ; 

(Bhadra, ranga),(Sanskrit), auspicious desire ; (all :) seeds used 
as caraway (carum carni) in curries ; 

(See bis. ); 

(Latin), two-jointed (H.) ; 

(Latin), two-eared (N. 3/241); 

(Latin), having two capsules ; 

(Latin), two-colowred (H.) ; 

(Latin), having two short sharp points (N. 1/145) ; 


Bid-will’-i... .. (com.) of Bidwill, Australian botanist ; 

bif-a’-ri-a bie .. (Latin), Bifarious; same as distichons (q.v.); when organs are 
arranged in two rows on opposite sides of the axis ; 

bif-lo’-ra 5 Wa «+ (Latin), two-/lowered (H.) ; 

pif-ol-i-4'-tus (atin): compound ith two leaflets (N. 1/187) ; 

eal sol:a‘itus : pound leaves with two leaflets (N. ); 

Big-ar-ad’-i-a... ... Bigaradier (French), Risso’s name for a class of oranges ; 

big-em’-in-a’-tum _... } (Latin), doubly paired (N. 1/157); . when each of two rachide 

big-em’-in-um dares bears a pair of leaflets ; 

big-lan-dul-o’-sa ... (Latin), with two glands; 

Bi-gno’-ni-a ... 1 (com.), Abbe Bignon [(pr:) Ar-bay Bee-nyorng'] librarian to 
Louis IV of France (N. 1/187) ; 

Bi-gno’-ni-a’-ce-a_ .... (Latin), Trwmpet-flower (Bignonia) Family or Order ; 

bi-hor-el’-li ... _ (com.) of Bihorell (N. 1/262) ; 

bij’-ug-a M34 ... (Latin), a compound leaf with two pairs of leaflets (N. 1/189) ; 

Bil-im-bi ... Blimbing (Malayan) the name of the plant (McL. 82) ; 

bil’-ob-a es ... (Latin), two-lobed, ie., a leaf divided into two parts, not more 
than halfway down, the lobes or sinuses being rounded 
(H.) ; 

bil-oe ul-a’-ris .., (Latin), two-celled (H.) ; 

bin-a’-ta Sed ... (Latin) in pairs, or a leaf composed of two leaflets proceeding 

from the same point (N. 1/191: H.); 
binnec’-tar-if’-er-um... (Latin), having two nectaries, or flower glands ; 

bi-i- ... ae ... (Latin) two together; 
bipar-ti’-ta ... ... (Latin), divided in two nearly to the base (N. 1/191) ; 
bip-in-na’-ta ... ... (Latin), bipinnate ; when the leaflets of a pinnate leaf become 

themselves pinnate ; 
bip-in’-na-tif’-id-a ...* (Latin), bipinnatifid, the primary and secondary segments of 
a leaf both being divided, but not tothe base (N. 1/191: 


bis ae aes .. (Laten), twice, twain, two ; im compositien’ bi—; 

Bisch-o’-fi-a ... ... (com.) Karl Gustav Bischof [(pr:) Karrl Goos tarv’ Bee-shofe 
German professor at Bunn, 1792—1870 ; 

bis-er-i-a’-lis ... (Latin). biseriate ; in two series or rows; 

bis-ul-ca’-ta ... ... (Latin), bisulcate, with two groves (H.) ; 

bit-er-ra’-ta ... ... (Latin), biternate ; when three secondary rachides proceed from 
common rachis, and each bears three leaflets ; 

biv-al’-vis mt ... (Latin), with two valves, or (of a capsule) halves of the split 
pericarp (H.) ; 

Bix’-a Sea ... Biva (South American), name of the plant (N. 1/192) ; 

BUx=eCO-2 ... ... (Latin) Arnotto (Bixa) Family or Order ; 

Blach’-i-a ; ... (com.) Blachie {(pr .) Blar : shee], "'rench botanist ; 

Blackburn’-i-4’-num .  (com.} of Blackburn (N. 1/338) ; 

Bla-k-6’-i a .. (com.) Martin Blake, of Antigua, great promoter of useful 
knowledge (N. 1/93) ; 

blan-‘da me .. (Latin), alluring (Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 

Blech-‘num ,.. ... Blechnon (Greek) a fern (N. 1/193) ; 

Ble’-o ... Ri ... Bleo (Mexican), name of the plant ; 

Bleph’-ar-is ... ... (Greek), eyelash ; (all :) fringed bracts of the calyx (N, 1/195) ; 

bleph’-ar-is-per’-mum. blaphiris, sperma (Greek), eylash, seed; (all:) ciliate margins, 
of the achenes. 

Bleph-’ar-is-tem’-ma. blepharis, stemma (Greek), Eyelash, wreath; (all:) stamens and 

petal claws both cilated, and tips of the latter lacerated ; 

iBhehi-iea) i .. (com.) Captain Bligh, who first carried bread-fruit tothe West 
Indies (Br.33) ; 

Bln’-me-a’-na .. €(com.) of P. C. L. Blume, author of “ Flora javenenois” and 

Blu-me-a.- nus ...U  ‘Rumphia’”’ Amsterdam, 1836. 

Boeh-me’-ri-a .. (com.) George Rudolph Boehmer [(pr:) Bur-mair}, German 
botanist (N. 1/197) ; 

Bo-er-haav.’i-a ... ‘com.) Hermann Boerhaave [ pr : Hair-marn Bur-har-vay ] 1668-- 

1738, famous Dutch physician, professor of botany, medi- 
cine and chemistry at Leyden in South Holland ; 





bol-iv-i-a’-na ... 

Bon '-a-noxX 



Bor-bo -nic-a ... 

Bo-ry-a -num 

Bos-wel’-li-a ... 


Bour-dil -lon-i 

Bou-var -di-a 

Bow-e -ni-a 
Bow-man’-ni ... 



brach-ys-tach-y-um i 

brac-te-a’-ta . 

Bra-gan’-ti-a ... 
Bren-di’-si-i ... 

Bras-s2 -1-a 



(Latin), with leaves like those of Boerhaavia (N. 1/195) ; 

(com.) of M. Bojer, collector of plants in Zanzibar and else- 
where ; 

(loc.) of the Bolampatt: valley, in the Coimbatore district ; 

(loc.) of Bolivia, in South America ; 

(loc.) of Bombay ; ' ‘ 

Cotton ; (all :) the silk-cotton in the pods (N. 1/200) ; 

(Latin), Good night; (all:) flowers opening at night and shut- 
ting by day ; 

Bandak (Arabic), a filbert (corylus avellana) ; (all :) supposed 
resemblance of seed to that nut (McL. 150); 

(Latin), Small Bonduc ; 

(Latin), Borage (Borago (derivation unknown]) Family or 
Order ; 

Borassos (Greek), spathe of a date palm (N. 1/201); perhaps 
suggested by the Sanskrit term Purashaka, i.e., rough, a 
term used for the Date Palm; 

(loc.) of the island of Bourbon (or Réunion), east of Madagas- 
car in the Indian Ocean off the East Coast of Africa ; 

(com.) Francis Boroni, Italian Servant of Dr. Sibthorp, who 
collected many specimens figared in “Flora Groeca’’(N. 1/202); 

(com.) of Jean Baptiste Georges Marie Bory de Saint Vincent 
((pr:) Zhong Bar-teest Zorzh Mar-ree-Bo-ree de Sang Vang- 
song | 1780--1846, distinguished french naturalist and tra- 
veller ; 

(com.) Dr. Boswell, of Edinburgh (N. 1/204) ; ' 

botrys, Eidos (Greek), botryoidal, or a centripetal inflores- 
cence (H.) ; 

(Latin), Sausage shaped; long, cylindrical, curved inwards 
towards each end ; 

(com.) C. & P. Bouche [(pr :) Boohyay] German naturalists, 
ar /205) 3 

(com.) De Bouganville [(pr:) der-Boo-gang-veel] French navi- 
gator (N. 1/205). 

(com.) T. F. Bourdillon, Conservator of Forests, Travancore, S. 
India, aud distinguished botanist , author of “ Forest Trees, 
of Travancore, ”* 1908 ; 

(com.) Dr. Charles Bouvard !pr. Boo varr]j, formerly 
Superintendent of the “ Jardin du Roi” at Paris),N. 1/206); 

(com.) Sir G. Bowen, Governor of Queensland (N, 1/207) ; 

(com.), Bowmann, botanical collector in Queensland, Australia 
(N- 1/473) ; 

(Latin), brachiate, when ramifications proceed from a 
common axis nearly at night angles, alternately in opposite 
directions ; 

brachus, botrys (Greek), short bunch ; 

brachus, lepis (Greek), short, scale ; (all :) the broad scales of the 
corona of the flower ; ) 

brachus, pous ( 9. podos), (Greek), short, foot, or stalk ; 

(Greek), with short spikes; 

Brachus, Stelma (Greek), short, crown ; (ali:) the short segments 
of the corona of the flower (N. 1/309). 

(Latin), furnished with bracts or small leaves about tho base of 
the flower or inflorescence (H) ; 

(com.) Braganti, of Portugal ; 

(com.) Sir D. Brandis, K.c.8.1., Inspector-General of Forests in 
India, author of ‘‘ Indian Trees,” ete. ; 

(loc.) of Brazil, in South America ; 

(com.) Lady Anne Brassey, English traveller, married Lord 
Thos. Brassey, 1860, died at sea 1887. 

(Latin), short, lobed; 

(Latin), short, necked ; 

brev-it’-ub-a ... 
Brew-er’-i-a ... 

_ Brous-son-e’-ti-a 


Brug-ui-e’-ra ... 


Budd-le’-i-a ... 



Bun-gé a’-na ... 


Bur-man -ni 




bux-if-ol’-i-a ... 

Bux’-us SY. 

Cac-a/’-o 2 
Cac-ta‘-ce-z ... 





(Latin), short, jlowered ; 

(Latin), short, leaved ; 

(Latin), short-footed, or atalked ; 

(Latin), short-trunked, or scaped ; 

(Latin), with short stigma ; 

(Latin), with short tube ; 

(com.) Brewer ; 

(com.) Johann Philipp Breyn, German botanist (N. 5/160) ; 

(com.) Bridel [ (pr :) Breedale], German botanist ; 

(com.) P. N. V. Browssonet [(pr:) Broo-son-nay ], French natu- 
ralist, who wrote many works in Natural History (N. 1/249) ; 

(com.) Patrick Brown, M.n., author “ History of Jamaica” 
(N. 1/215) ; 

(com.) James Bruce, celebrated African traveller (N. 1/215) ; 

(com.) Bruguier [(pr:) Bryg-ee-yay |, French botanist ; 

(com.) stto Brunfel. [(pr:) Broon-felse] of Menty, first a 
Carthusian monk, afterwards physician, who published the 
first good figures of plants in 1580 (N. 1/215) ; 

(Latin), deep brown; pure, and dull, almot wmbrinous (q.v.), 
or burnt umber ; 

(com.) of Robert Brown, formerly Superintendent of the Madras 
Agri-horticultural Society’s Gardens ; afterwards a dis- 
tinguished botanical authority ; 

(com.) of Dr. F. H. Buchanan-Hawilton ; 

(com.) Dr. F. F. H. Buchanan-Hamilton, author of ‘ Journey 
to Mysore,’’ 1802 (Ch) ; 

(com.) Dr. Buckland, former Dean of Westminster and Pro- 
fessor of Geology at Oxford (N. 1/218) ; 

(com.) Adam Buddle, often mentioned in Ray’s Synopsis ; whose 
herbarium is preserved in the British Museum (N. 1/220) ; 

(Greek), resembling Buddleia ; 

(Latin), bearing bulbs (N. 1/221) ; 

béulbos, phullon (Greek), bulb, leaf; (all:) leaves issue from 
the apex of pseudobalbs (N. 1/220) ; 

(Latin), furnished with a bulb; 

(com.) of Bunge | (pr :) Boon-gay | ; 

(Amboynese, §. Moluccas), name of the plant ; 

(com.) Napaleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French, 1746-- 
1821 ; 

Bous, plewron (Greek), ov, rib; (all :) strong nerves of the leaves 
probably ; 

(com.) of Professor J, Burmann [ (pr :) Boor-marn) ] Dutch botan- 
ist, Professor at Amsterdam, with whom Linnzus lived for a 
year (1785), author of “Flora indica” and ‘ Thesaurus 
Zeylanicus ”’ ; 

(com.) of Burridge, celebrated floriculturalist ; 

bursa (Latin) a pouch; (all:) the capsules which much 
resemble those of Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella) (N. 1/225) ; 

(com.) Joachim Burser (pr: kim Boor. sair) discipie of 
Caspar Bauhin (N. 1/225) ; 

(Latin), Bursera Family or Order ; 

(com.) John, Earl of Bute munificent 
(N. 1/225) ; 

(Latin), with leaves like Box (Buxus) ; 

Pyknos (Greek), dense ; (all :) hardness of the wood (N. 1/226) ; 

bursa, phillonw (Greek), a hide, leaf; (all:) the very coriaceous 
leaves ; 

patron of Botany 

(Guianese), name of the plant (Br. 27 ; Ch.); 

(Latin) Cactus [from Kaktos (Greek) name used by Theophras- 
tus for a spiny plant | Family or Order [ Note: the term Cactus 
is applied to all genera of the order} (N. 1/230) ; 

Kadhab (arabic) name of the plant (Ck.) ; 


Cad-amba eee mas 

cer-ul’-e-a... eae 

coe’ -s1-a 



Cal-ap-pa -ri-a 

Cal-ath-e’-a ee 





Cal-lit'-ris —... 

cal-lo’-sa dé 

Cal-oph’-an-és ae 
Cal-oph-yl’-lif-ol.’-a ... 



Kadamba (Sanskrit) ewring ; (all :) supposed medicinal properties 
of the plant (McL. 112) : 

(Latin), caducous, falling off very early ; 

(Latin), dark sky-blue. or sea blue, a middle clear lively 
blue ; (between azuwreus and cyaneus) ; also written cerulea ; 
(com.) Andreas Caesalpinius [(pr.) Arn-dray-arse Says-arl-pee- 

nee-oos | celebrated Italian botanist, 1519—1603 ; 

(Latin) Cesalpinia suborder of the Leguminose Family, or’ 
order ; 

(Latin), lavender blue, or bluish grey; or, covered with a fine 
bloom, rather greener than the ordinary cabbave leaf. 

(Latin), cespitose ; forming dense patches, or turves; 

(Latin), South African ; 

(West Indian), name of the plant (N. 1/825) ; 

Kachan (Malayan), name of the plant (N. 1/232, Mch. 138) ; 

Kalos, Akanthos (Greek), beautiful Bear’s-breech (Acanthus) : 
(all:) its beauty and affinity ; 

Kaldmos (Greek), a reed; old word by Theophrastus (N- 

Calappa (Amboynese) name of the cocoanut palm (Rox. 3/614) 
perhaps connected with Calapan, a town in Mindoro, one of 
the Philippine Islands ; 

Kalathos (Greek), basket; (all:) basket-shaped stigma, and 
leaves worked into baskets in South America (N. 1/237). 

(Latin), having a spur, like the hollow extension of the flower 
of the violet (N. 1/238; H.); 

Latin chalkwhite ; very dull white, with a slight touch of grey; 

Calceolus {Latin ], a little slipper; (all ;) form of the corrola ; 
also probably in reference to; (com.) F. Calceolart, Italian 
botanist of the 16th century (N. 1/238) ; 

(Latin), shaped like a slipper, or round-toed shoe (N. 1/240); 

(loc.) of the Kalkad Hills, in Tinnevelly District ; ' 

Colla salla (Peruvian,) remedy, rocky ground; (all :) medicinal 
properties and habitat (Bot. Mag. Comp., 1835.) 

Kalli-aner (g. andros) (Greek), beautiful (prefia), male ; bie :) 
Jong silky purple or white stamens (N. 1/242); 

Kallia, lata (Hindustani,) name of the plant, creeper ; 

Kalli-, Karpos (Greek), beautiful, fruit; (all:) ornamental 
berrus (N. 1/242) ; 

Kalli-, Stemén (Greek), beautiful, stamen; (all:) beautiful 
scarlet stamens of most of the species (N. 1/243) ; : 

Kalli-, tres (Greek), beautiful, thrice over (i.e. ee (all:) 
beauty of the species ; 

(Latin’, hardened, or with thick prominences (N. 1/244 ; II.) 

Kalos, dendron (Greek), beautiful, tree ; (all:) one of the most 
beautiful trees of the Cape or Good Hope (N. 1/245) ; 

Kdlos, phaino (Greek), beautiful, to appear; (all:) Showy 
flowers (N. 1/245) ; 

Kalos, phyllon (Greek), beautiful, leaf ; (all :) leaves are large, 
beautiful green, and elegantly veined (N. 1/248) ; 

(Latin), with leaves like Calophyllum ; 

Kdlos, tropis (Greek), beautiful, Keel; (all :) corona of the flower 
(N. 1/247); the Greek word is also that for a swallow (beauti- 
ful in its turning), whence the English name Swallow-wort ; 

(com.) Titus Julius Calpurnius, an imitator of Virgil; (all :) the 
species closely allied to Virgilia (N. 5/187); 

(loc.) Colombo, in Ceylon, whence Colombo root first was sent 
to England (McL. 120); 

(Latin), belonging to the, or with prominent, calyz ; 

Kaliz, pterua (Greek), calyx, wing; (all:) enlarged calyx in 
fruit (N. 1/187) ; 

cal-yo-ul-a’-ta ie 
Ca'-ma-ra nas 
Cam-bo’-yi-a ine 
Cam-bodg’ -i-en’-sis 

Cam-el -li-a 

cam-e-lo -rum . 
Cam-pa’-u-la’-ce-2 ... 

com-pa nul-a'-ta 


Can-an’gi-um i 
ean’-ar-a-na ... ts 
ean-ar-en -sis 
can-a-ri-en -sis 


Can-cel-la’-ta tee 



can-dam-ar-cen -sis 


Can-dol’-la-a’-na 3 
Can-dol-le-i_ ... se 

Can-es’-cens ... 
can-ic-ul: a’-ta 

Y eC 
can-nab-in-a ... 


Can’-ter-bu-ry-a-na .., 




(Latin), with an additional calyx, seemingly, 
disposed beneath the normal calyx (IN. 1/248) ; 

(Jamaican), name of the plant (N. 2/234) ; 

(loc.) Camboja, territory south of Siam in South Kast Asia ; 

from fracts 

a } (loc.) of Camboja ; 

(com,) George Joseph Kamel, alias Camelllus, Moravian Jesuit, 
traveller in Asia, with a history of the plants of the Isle of 
Lazon (N, 1/250) ; often mispronounced Cam-e-le a (N. 4/351) ; 

comelus [ Latin] a camel; [all:] eaten by camels; 

[Latin |], Bell flower [Campanula (Latin), little bell ; (all :) shape 
of the flowers] Family or Order ; 

[Latin], bell-shape (N. 1258): of a calyx or corclla, in which 
the tube is inflated, and gradually enlarged into the limb, 
but the base of which is not conical ; 

(¢om.) Pr. C. Campbell ; a correspondent of Roxburgh, 

Karpira (Sanscrit) through Kafiér (Arabic) (McL, 121) ; 

(Latin), white ; with a greyish tinge caused by hairs, overlying 
a green surface and not easily distinguished by the eye. 

Kananga (Malayan), name of the plant (McL, 350) ; 

| (loe.) of the Canara district ; 

(loc.) of the Canary Isles, in the North Atlantic Ocean, off the 
West Coast of Africa ; 

(Latin), cancellate ; when the Parenchyma is wholly absent, and 
the veins alone remain, anastomosing and forming a net 
work ; 

Kanari (Malayan) name.of the plant (MeL. 287); Nicholson 
places the accent on the second a, as is usually done; but if 
MacLean’s is the correct name, it is obvious that that is 
wrong ; 

Kanavazhi (corrupted into Canavali) (Malayalam), name of the 
plant (McL, 1009 ; N. 1/259) ; 

(loc.) of Cundinamarca (N. 1/267), Ecuador, South America ; 

Candelabrum (Latin), a candle stick; (all:) branching, with 
flower-spikes at the ends, like candles. 

(Latin), becoming white and glistening ; 

(Latin), pure white with a translucent touch in it; lily white ; 
not quite so clear snow white ; 

(com,) of Augustus Pyramus de Candolle ( (pr :) O-goos-toos Pee 
rar. moos der Carndole] formerly Professor of Botany at 
Geneva (Switzerland), and author of “ Prodromus systema- 
lis naturalis regni vegetabilis ” 1818--1831, and other num- 
erous-botanical works (N. 1/260) ; 

(Latin), hoary, or approaching to white (N. 1/260); greyish 
white caused by hair overlaying a green surface. 

(Latin), channelled; long and concave, soas to resemble a 

gutter or channel ; 

Kanna (Greek), cane, or reed; (all:) stems of the plants (Gk. 
Lex.) ; 

(Greek), like Hemp (Cannabis) (Gk. Lex) ; 

Kanne Karpos (Greek), with fruit like Canna ; 

(com.) of Canon (N. 1/117); 

cheruvalli kanniram (corrupted into Kan: scheru) (Malayalam) 
small climbing nua-vomica (Stychnos), name of the plant 
(Rox. 1/441) ; 

(loc.) of Canterbury, province of New Zealand ; 

Kantankaéra (Malayalam) name of the plant (parviflorum), first 
part latinized (Ch.) ; 

Cantu (Peruvian), name of the plant (N, 1/263) ; 




cap-it-ul-a’-tus “at 

Cap -par-id-a’-ce-v 
cap-par -id-if-ol’-1-a 

Cap-rif-ol’-i-a’-ce-2 ... 


Ca-ral’-li-a_ ... 



Car’-di-os-per’-mum ... 




car-i-na'=tus ... ae 

Car-lu-dov -ic-a 

car -ne-a 

Car-pi-nus~... mete 

car -til-a-gin’-e-um 



car-y-op -ter-is 
Car-y-o'-ta ... 
Cas--a'-rika ... 




(Latin), of the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa ; 

(Latin), hair-like ; slender like a nair ; 

(Latin), headed ; collected in a head or cluster or sessile or sub- 
sessile flowers ; or, when suddenly thicker at the point than 
in any other part of an organ ; 

} (Latin) growing in small heads (N. 1/268) ; 

(Latin), Caper (Capparis) Family or Order ; 

(Latin) ; with leaves like the Caper (Capparis) ; 

Kapparis (Greek) ; from Kaar (Arabic), name of the plant used 
by Dioscorides (N. 1/263) ; 

Caprifolium (Latin) of a he-goat leaf; (all:) mode of insertion 
of the True Honeysuckle leaf ; Honeysuckle (Lonicera) Family 
or Order ; 

Kapto (Greek), to ite; (all:) biting heat of the seeds and 
pericarp (N. 1/264) ; 

Karu, alls (Telugu), forest, shining; (all:) shining glabous 
leaves ; Nicbolson makes the first syllable short, which is 
obviously wrong ; 

Karmaranga (Sanskrit) [through Karambala (Maharatti) ] work 
desire; (all:) making food palatable (McL, 229); if would 
seem as if the accent should properly be on the second, not 
third, syllable ; 

Karonda ( Hindustani’, name of the plant (McL. 1382) ; 

(Guianese), name of the tree (N. 1/265) ; 

Kardamon, amomon (Greek), Cress (i.e., pungent) amomum ; (all :) 
pungeucy of the seeds and affinity ; 

(Greek), with heart shaped petals ; 

Kardia, sperma (Greek), Heart seed; (all:) prominent white 
heart shaped scars on the seed (N. 5/194) ; 

(com.) Rev. Wm. Carey, of Serampore, distinguished botamist 
and linguist (N. 1/267), Editor of Roxburgh’s “ Flora indica ” 
in 1832. 

Karikos (loc. and Greek), of Caria, province in Asia Minor; 
(all :) its (erroneously) supposed habit at (N. 1/267) ; 

Kryshna (Sanskrit), dark blue, or black ; (all:) fruit which is 
blackish blae, and called in Sanskrit Kryshnap’hala (McL. 
132) ; 

(Latin), keeled ; resembling the keel of a boat, with a projecting 

ridge arising from a flat, or concave, central rib ; 

(Com.) Charles IV, of Spain and Louisa, his Queen (N. 1/268); 

(Latin), flesh coloured ; white tinged with pure pink ; 

(Latin), fleshy in consistency ; 

(Latin), name used by Pliny (N. 1/271): the second syllable 
should not be pronounced short, as it often ig (NW. 1/271) ; 

(Latin) of the consistence of cartriage, or gristle ; ; 

Karuophullon [from Qarumfel, (Arabic)], hoion (Greek), clove, 
like as; (all:) resemblance of leaves (N. 1/274) ; 

(Latin) being the clove (caryophyllum) ; 

(Latin), clove leaved ; 

(Greek), clove resembling ; 

Karwon, pteris (Greek), nut, wing; (all:) winged fruit 
(N. 1/274) ; 

Karuotis (Greek), name used by Dioscorides (N. 1/274) ; 

(Latin), Caryota leaved ; 

(com.) J. Casearius, who assisted Van Rheede “in Hortus Mala- 
bariens ”’ (N. 1/275) ; 

Kasia (Greek) [from Quetstoth (Hebrew) }] name used by Dios- 
corides (N. 1/275) ; 

Kasumunar (Hiudustant), name of the plant (McL. 139); 



Cas’-ti-ar-i-na’-ce-@ ... 


Cat-ap'-pa ... nee 
(OP HEY) « a Be tka 
cat-ech-t-6-i -des 
Cat-es-b®’ea ... 

cath-ar’-tic-a ... 




Oe-i'-ba aes 




Cen-tros-e’-ma Ae 



ce-ra’ -ce-us 

’ < s 




Kassuthen (Greek), what has been sewn together ; (all:) the intri- 
cate interlacing of the stems ; 

(Latin) [from Kastana, (Greek), (N. 4/351°, name of the tree, 
used by Virgil (Cass. Lat. Die.); also chestnut brown, a dull 
brown, slightly tinged with red ; 

Kastana, opsis (Greek), chestnut tree, resemblance; (all :) 
affinity (N. 5/201) ; 

Kastanon, sperma (Creek), chestnut, seed ; (all:) the seeds taste 
like chestnuts (N. 1/278) ; 

(com. D. Castillejo [(pr.) Car-stee-yay-ho botanist of Madrid, 
(N. 1/378) ; 

Casuarius (Latin), Cassowary ; (all:) the long weeping leafless 
branches which resemble the drooping feathers of the bird 

(Latin), She oak (Casuarina) Family or Order; 

(N. American Indian), name of the tree (N. 1/278) ; 

Kataphracta {Greek), fenced in; (all:) used for fencing, vr, on 
account of the fearsome thorns, applying to the plant itself ; 

Katapang (Malayalam), name of the tree (McL. 138) ; 

Kachu (Canarese), nawe ot the resinous extract (Mech. 255). 

Catechu, eidos (quasi-Greek), like Catechu ; 

(com.) Mark Catesy, contemporary of Linnceus, 
** Natural History of Carolina’’ (N, 1/280) ; 

(Greek), purgative; 

(com.) of Wm. Cattley, of Barnet, Hertfordshire, famous patron 
of Botany, and one of the most ordent collectors of rare 
plants in his day (N. 1/284). 

(Latin), tailed, or having a long process like a tail (N. 1/284) ; 
as in the tips of some leaves, e.g., Peepul ; 

(Latin), with flowers growing from the stem ; 

(Latin), cauline : of, or belonging to, the stem ; or arising there 
from ; 

Cedrella (Latin), diminutive of Cedrus, Cedar tree ; (all :) wood 
having aromatic like the Cedar (N. 1/285); Nicholson places 
the accent on the first syllable, and the diminutive should 
have the double 1 or long E; 

(Latin) [from Kedros], (Greek) } name of the tree, words used 
ey aa Virgil, Horace and liny (N. 1/285) ; (Cass. Lat. 

1C.) 5 

(South Americn), name of the tree (N. 1/201) ; 

(Latin), Staff Tree (elastrus) family or Order ; 

Kélastros (Greek), Privet (Ligustrum), name given by 
Theophrastus; (all:) resemblance of mode of growth 
(N. 1/287) ; 

(Latin), concealed-stemmed; (all:) lies flat on walls, and 
stem is concealed by its own leaves (N. 1/218) ; 

Kélosia {from Kéleds, dried wp], Eidos (Greek), Celosia like; 

(com.) of Olaus Celsius, 1670—1756, Professor of the University 
of Upsala (Sweden) (N. 1/290) ; 

(Latin), namé used by Pliny for the Lotus 
Lotus) ; (all:) similarity of foliage (N. 1/290) ; 

(Latin), hundred leaved; 

Kentron, Séma (Greek), spur, standard; (all:) the standard 
has a short spur behind (N. 5/213); 

(loc.) of Cephalonia, the largest of 
belonging to Greece ; 

Kephalé, stachys (Greek), head, spike; (all:) the terminal 
globose heads of spikelets ; 

(Greek), in heads, as of flowers (N. 1/294); 

(Latin), waxy, having the texture and colour of new wax; 

(Greek) , resembling Cerasus ; 

author of 

(Zizy phus 

the Ionian islands, 



ce-ré-if’-er-a ... 

ce-ri -na gas 



cer-vi nus 
cey-lan’-ic-a ... 
Cha’ba ot 
Chail-le’-ti-a ... 

Cham-ber-lay’-né-i ... 


Cham-pa’-ca ... 
Chap’-lash-a ... 


chel-o-né-o-i -dés 




Chi-o0-coc’-ca «.. 

Chlo-ranth-a’-ce-e . 



ehat fo aire WS 


Kévasdés (Greek), a town of Pontus, a territory of Asia Minor, 
whence the Cherry tree is said to have been first brought 
(N. 1/295) ; 

Ke ration (Greek), a little horn; (all:) resemblance of the pods 
(N.!1/297) ; 

Cerberus (class), the three headed dog at the gates of 
Tartarus (Hell); (all:) its poisonous properties (N. 1/297) 
(Cass. Lat. Dic. ye 3 

(Latin), Wax bearing ; 

(Latin), flexible as wax; (all:) pliancy of the shoots of some 
species, (N. 1/298): 

(Latin), waxy yellow ; dull yellow, with a soft geet of red- 
dish brown, and waxy lustre ; 

(Greek), like the Honey-wort (Cerinthe) (N. 1/300) ; 

Kérion, ops (Greek), wazen tablet, resemblance ; ‘(all :) waxy 
appearance of the leaves ; 

(Latin), drooping ; inclining from the perpendicular, so that the 
apex is directed towards the horizon ; 

Keros, peg2 (Greek), waz, fountain: (all:) form and waxy 
appearance of the flowers (N. 1/300) ; 

Kéros, zylon (Greek), wax wood; (all :) the trunk is coated 
with wax (N. 1/301) ; 

Cerrus (Latin), name of the Turkey Oak used by Bence (Cass. 
Lat. Dic.) ; 

(Latin), fawn-coloured ; same as fulvous (q.v.) but darker: ; 

Kestron (Greek), ancient name (N. 1/301) ; 

(loc.) of Ceylon; . 

Chavya (Sanskrit), name of the plant (McL. 677) ; 

(com.) Chaillet [(Pr:) Shi-yay] French botanist ; 

(Latin), Chailletia Family or Order ; 

cham@i, rhops (Greek), on the grownd, bush; (all:) low growth 
of the plants (N. 1/306) ; 

ae | of Chamberlayne ; 

(Hindustani), resembling Michelia champaca; (all:) flavour of 
fruit supposed to resemble scent of the flower ; 

(loc.) of Champa, province of Camboja (q.v.) (McL. 156) ; 

chaplash (Bengali), name of the tree ; 

Salpan [by corruption, chappar | (Hindustani), name of the 
plant ; 

(Latin), papery ; having the consistence of writing paper, non- 
transparent ; 

(com.) de Chasal {[(pr:) der Shar-zar!] French botanist 

(loc.) of Cabul, in Afghaniatan (McL. 928) ; 

(Greek), like the Turtle head plant (chélone) ; (all:) the back 
of the upper lip of the corolla is compared to a tortoise 
[N. 1/310] ; 

(Latin) Goose foot ‘chenopodinm [from chen, pous [g. Podos], 
(Greek) goose, foot ; (all :) shape of leaves| Family or Order; 
Cherimoyer Peruvian], name of the plant, lacinized 

(N. 1/82]; 

Cheilos, Karpos (Greek), lip, fruit; (all:) the fleshy berry 
ultimately becoming two valved as if opening its mouth ; 

loc.) of China ; 

Chion, kokkos (Greek), snow berry; (all:) the berries of one 
species [called snuwberry] are white [N. 1/315] ; 

(Latin), Chloranthus Family or Order ; 

Chloros, anthos (Greek), green, flower; (all:) flowers have no 
perianth ; 

(Greek), green fruited 

Brnal te ful eM 


Chlo-roph’-or-a w+» Chloros. phireo (Greek), green or yellow to bear ; (all:) gréen or 
vellow dyes produced by the Fustic Tree (N. 1/227) ; 

chlo’-réps sk. .. (Greek), appearing greenish ; 

chlo’-ros we (Greek), clear green, same as vividis (q.v.), less bright than 

grass green; 

Chlo-rox’-yl-on ve Ghloros, xylon (Greek) yellowish wood ; (all:) the wood is a 
deep yellowish (N. 1/317) ; 

Choi-sy-a’-na » (com.) of M. Choisy [(pr:) Shwar-zee] a botanist of Geneva, 
and author of many monographs in DeCandolle’s 
“ Prodromus ’”’ (N. 1/317) ; 

Cho-ne-mor-pha .... Choné, morph@ (Greek), funnel-shape; (all:) shape of the 
flowers (N. 5/228) ; 

cho-ri-zan’-dra .. Chorizo, anér |g. andros| (Greek), to separate, males; (all :) 
Stamens 6 separate and long exserted instead of the usual 
3, connate or separate ; 

Chor-iz’-em-a w» chords zema (Greek), dance, drink; (all:) Labillardiére, after 
coming across many salt springs in New Holland, found 
a fresh spring close by where he discovered this plant 
(N. 1/317) ; 

Chor-iz’-em-#-fol’-i-a. (Latin), with leaves like chorizema ; 

Chry-sal’-id-oc-ar’-pus. ney karpos (Greek), gold, fruit; (all:) colour of the nuts 
N. 1/818) ; 

Chry-santh’-em-um ... Chriésos, anthomon (Greek), gold flower; (all:) colour of the 
flowers (N, 4/351, 375) ; 

chry-sé-i’-dés ... Chriseos, éidos (Greek), golden, like ; 

Chry-sob-al’-an-us ... " Chréaisos balanos (Greek), gold, nut; (all:) colour of the fruits 
of some species (N. 1/224) ; 

chry-soc-ar’-pa — .... Chriiseos karpos (Greek), gold, fruated ; é 

chry-soph-yl’-lum ... Chriisos phillon (Greek), gold, leaf; (all:) onder site of the 

. leaves (N. 1/325); 

chry’-sos xe ww. (Greek), golden-yellows, sume as aureous (q.v.) ; 

Chu-kras’-si-a ... Chikradst, Hindustani, naine of the tree (McL. 168) ; 

cic-a-tris-a’-tus ... (Latin), scarred ; marked by the scars of bodies that have fallen 
off 5 

cic-u-ta’ ... (Latin), hemlock (cicuta) -like, foliage, finely devided ; 



Ciu-cho’-na ... .» (com.) Countess of Chinchon [(pr:) shang-Shorng ) wife of 
Governor of Peru, who in 16388 was cured of a fever by 
the use of Pernvian Bark (N. !/380); 

“it (Latin), fringed, as with an eye lid; 

cin-er-a -ce-a ... (Latin), ashy white ; same as next, but rather white ; 
cin-er’-6-a .. (Latin), ashy grey ;intermediate between pure white end pure 
grey ; 

cin’-nab-aeri’-na =... (Latin), salmor colowred, scarlet with an admixture of orange ; 
but dull [between miniatus and awrantiacus] ; 

din-nam-o’-me-4  .., (Latin), cinnamon brown, bright brown mixed with yellow and 
red ; 

cin-nam-o’-mif-ol’-i-a. (Latin), with leaves like cinnamon ; 

Cin-nam-o’-mun .... Kinnamomon (Greek) {from Kinamon (Arabic)}, name of the 
plant, used by Theophrastus (N. 1/330) ; 

Cip-ad-es’-sa... ... Cipus, adese (Latin), tomb, to be present; (all:) it grows 

rankly in all waste places and about burial grounds ; 
cie-cin-a’-lis ... ws | (Latin), cwred like a shepherd’s crook ; or rolled spirally down- 
cir-cin-a’-tum i wards ; 

Cir-rhop-et’-al-um ... Kirrhos petdlon (Greek),-tendril, petal; (all:) strap shaped 
petals of the plant (N. 1/330) ; 

cir-rho’-sus ... «. (Latin, from Greek) ; tendrilled ; terminated by a spiral or flat 
nose filiform appendage ; 
Cis-sam’-pel-os ... Kissos ampélous (Greek), Ivy, vine ; (all:) resemble ivy in 

rambling habit, and the vine in racemed fruits (N. 1/331) ; 

3 « 



cit’ -re-a ano 
cit-rif-ol’-i-a ... 





cla-vif-or’ mis 
Clau-se’-na ... 




Cli’-an’-thus ... 


co-ac-er-va -ta 
cd-ac’-ta Be 

Co’-ca D 
coc-cig’-er-a ... 





Coch-los-per’-mum .. 




Kistos (Greek), box or, capsule; (all:) remarkable shape of the 

capsules (N.1/531);  ~ 

Kitharé Xylon (Greek), lyre, wood; (all:) 
wood for musical instruments (N. 1/388) ; 

(Latin) (com.), yellow; the purest light yellow, without any 
brightness ; 

(Latin), with leaves like a lemon; 

(Latin), lemon scented ; 

(Latin), lemon yellow; purest light yellow, but withont any 
brightness ; 

Kitron (Greek), the citron (N.1/334; Gk. Lex.) ; 

Klaé, Xylon (Greek), to break, wood ; (all :) brittle wood ; 

(com.) of C. B. Clarke, one of the helpers of Sir J. D. Nooker 
In preparing “ The Flora of British India.” 

(Latin), club shaped, thick end uppermost (N. 1/336) ; 

(com.) P. Clausoen [(pr:) clou-zern] Danish botanist of the 
17th century (N. 1/536) ; 

Kléidion (Greek), a little key; (all:) the female flowers some- 
what resemble a small key ; 

Kleto, stoma (Greek), to close the mouth; (all:) mouth of spur 
closed by a toothed process (N. 1/387) ; 

Kleistos, anthos (Greek), closed flower; (all:) ovary enclosed 
by the dise ; 

Kléma (glématis) (Greek), vine branch; (all:) the plants climb 
like vines (N. 1/337); usually mispronounced, either the a 
made long, or the m thrown into the first syllable (N. 4/351) ; 

Klé@ros; dendron (Greek), chance, tree; (all:) said to be owing 
to the uncertainty of the medicinal properties (N. 1/841). 

Kigzios anthos (Greek) glory, flower; (all:) handsome flowers 
(N. 1/342); evidently a misprint in Nicholson giving a short 
mark (°) over the i; 

Klino. giné (Greek), to bend down, female; (all:) hooked style ; 

Klitoris (Greek), an anatomical urgan fancied to exist in the 
flower (N. 1/343) ; often wrongly pronounced with the tin 
the first syllable ; 

(Latin, from Greek), bucklershaped ; same as scutate (q.¥. ; 

(Latin), clustered ; same as aggregate (q-v.); 

(Latin) massed together ; 

suitability of 

(Latin), connate (q.v.) ; 

(com.) B. Cobo, Spanish botanist (. 1/345). 
Kobbé (Singhalese), naine of the plant; 
(South American), name of the plant; 
(Latin), scarlet berry bearing ; 
(Latin), cochineal insect bearing ; 
(Latin), scarlet red, pure crimson 
(between phoeniceus and miniatus) ; 
Kokkos lobos (Greek), berry, pod ; (all:) fruit (N. 1/346); 

Coccilus, diminuive of coccus (Latin), systematic name for the 
cochineal ; (all:) scarle berries which most of the plans 
formerly assigned to this genus possess (N. 1/346) ; 

(Latin), cochlear ; when one piece, larger than the others, and 
hollowed out like a helmet or howl, covers all the others ; 
(Latin), snail hell-like in shape ; 

Cochlos, sperma (Greek), shell fish with spiral shell, seed; (all :) 
twisted seed (N. 1/347) ; 

Coco (Portuguese), monkey ; (all :) end of the nut resembling a 
monkey’s face (N, 1/848); 

tinged with yellow 






cof’ -fe-o-i'-dés 

Co’-la me 

eol-li’-na see 


col-um-na -ris 



com-pac’-ta .., 
com-}os -it-a 

com-pres’-sa ... 

con-ca-nen -sis 



Con’-flu-ens ... 


con-ges’-ta ... 



Kota, pina (Malayalam), flag, palm; (all:) resemblance of 
foliage to flags or banners, name of a sjmilar palm; 

Codebo} (Malyan), name of the chief speci es (N. 1/349); 

(loc.) of Kodaikdnal, hill station on the Palni Hills in Madura 
District ; 

(Latin), connate (q.v.) ; 

Kotlos, depas (reek), hollow, goblet; (all:) calyx cup-shaped 
in the female, globose and splitting into 3-—4 segments in 
the male ; 

Kotlos, diskos (Greek), hollow, disk; (all:) disk naked, the 
stamens surrounding it ; 

Koilos, gine (Greek), hollow, female; (all:) stamino-pistillary 
column winged and hooded (N. 1/856); 

K’hdwah (Arabic) (Ene. Brit.), name of the plant; or coffee 
(N. 1/358) [caffa (Enc, Brit.)} in Abyssinia in Africa ; 

(Latin), like the coffee plant ; 

(Honduras), name of the Attalea Palm (N. 1/144) ; 

(Tropical African), name of the plant (N. 1/859) ; 

(com.) Henry Thomas Colebrooke, F.R.S., F.L.8., accomplished 
botanist (IN. 1/360); 

(com. of Colebrooke ; 

(Latin), brought together ; 

(com.) Philibert Collet [(pr:) Fee-lee-bair-cole-lay ], 
botanical writer, 1643--1718 (N. 1/361) ; 

(Latin), pertaining to hills ; 

(Latin), tinted ; 

coliber (Latin) snake ; (all:) twisted stamens (N. 1/365), also 
if resembling a snake from twisted stem, or used as antidote 
for snake poison ; 

Latin, formed like a column (N. 1/365); in Orchids, the pistil 
and staminal filament form a column; ora leaf of two or 
more leaflets ; 

(com.) Sir Chas, Colville, Governor of Mauritius (N. 5/256) ; 

(Latin) Combretum Family, or Order; 

(Latin), name given by Pliny to a, now unknown, climbing plant 
(N. 1/364) ; 

(com.) of Philibert Commerson, distinguished botanist, died 1727, 
CN. 5/256) ; 

(Latin), common ; 

(Latin), furnished with tufts of long soft hairs (H.) ; 

(Latin), with the parts set close together (H1.) ; 

(Latin), flattened in any direction (H.) ; 

(Latin), compound, with two or more parts forming a whule ; 
c.y., a flower made up several florets in one head (H.); ora 
leaf of two or more leaflets ; 

(Latin), compressed, flattened lengthwise ; 

(Latin), ornamented ; 

(loc.) pertaining to the Konkan, the moist region along the coast 
from Bombay southwards ; 

(Latin), elegant (H.) ; 

(Latin), conduplicate, when the sides are applied parallelly 
to the faces of a each other ; 

(Latin), closely packed (H.); crowded; when the parts are 
closely pressed round about each other, 

(Latin), connate (q.v.) ; 


Kadngia (Bengali), name of Sympkorema pentandra (Rox. 3/54); 
supposed by Roxburgh to the same genus (Roscoea, according 
to him) ; 

(Latin), heaped together (H.) ; 

(Latin), clustered same ag aggregate (q.v.); 


co-nic-a bi: es 
co-nic-ar’-pa ... CO 
Uo-nif-er-e ... eae 

Con-nar-a’-ce-z Sek 
Con-nar-us ... ee 


con-ni’-vens ... 
con-san-guin’-e-us ... 
con-spic -t-2 .. , 
con-tin’-u-us .. sas 



con-ver-gin-er’-vis .. 
con-vol-u’-tia ... 

Con-vol-vul-a’-ce-2e ... 

Cook’-i-i ee 
op-ros’-ma ... 
Or-aC-in-us .., ay 
or-al’-li-o-i’-des ... 

sor’ -chor-if-ol’-i-a 
Gor’-chor-ys ... 

cor-dif-or’-mls Ny 
Cor=di=ar ay ire als 

cordif-ol-i-a ... 
Cor-dyl-i’-ne ... 
COr-i-& -Ce-d ... 
cor-i-a-ri-a Js) 
Cor-na’-ce-x ... ie 

soe 200 

cor-nig’-er-a ... 


cor-nu -ta 4 

COYreO’-nans ... 
cor-o-na -ri-us 




(Greek), shaped like a cone, with tapering apex form a broad base ; 
otherwise cylindrical ; ; 

(Greek) with conical, or cone-like, fruit: f 

(Latin), Consfer [comum, fero (Latin), Cone (a scaly multiple 
fruit) ], or Pine Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), a leaf stalk bearing only a single pair of leaflets (N. 
1/367) ; 

(Latin), Conngrs Family, or Order ; 

Konnaros (Greek), an unknown tree described at length by 
Athenmus (N. 1/367), a Greek of Naacratis, near the mouth 
of the Nile ia Egypt, about end of 2nd century (Ene. Brit.) ; 

(Latin), similar organs congenitally joined together (H.) ; 

(Latin), converging, having a gradually inward darscaone ; 

(Greek), resembling, but not accurately, a cone ; 

(Latin), closely related [literally, related by blood}; 

(Latin), conspicuous, or conspicuously fine ; 

(Latin), continuous, reverse of interrupted (q.v.); when @ 
symmetrical srrangement ig preserved throughout along 
the axis, and not broken at intervals, as in some inflores- 
cences ; 

(Latin), twisted in one direction wpon itself (H.); obliquely 
imbricated ; 

(Latin), curved ribbed, see curvinervis ; 

(Latin), convolute, when one organ is wholly wrapped up in 
another organ, e.g., one petal in another ; 

(Latin), Convei wulus (from Convolvo (Latin), to entwine ; (all :) 
twining habit | Family or Order ; 

(com.) Capt. James Cook, R.N.., celebrated navigator, killed in 
the Sandwich Islands, 1779 (N. 1/871) ; 

(com.) Nicolaus Kopperniyk, alias Coporuteus celebrated Gernian * 
Astronomer, !473--1543 (N, 1/371; Ene. Brit.) ; 

Kopros,0 smé (Greek), dung, smell ; (all :) fetid smell of orushed 
leaves ; 

(Greek) raven black, bluish with strong lustre ; 

Korallion, éidos (Greek), coral, resemblance; 

(Latin), with leaves like Jute (Corchorus) ; 

Korchoros (Greek), a poor vegetable growingiu the Pelo ponne- 
sus (Gk. Led.), S.W. portion of Gre cece ; 

... U (Latin), heart shaped, like the heart in playing cards ; with two 

rounded lobes at the base ; 

(com.) Hemricus Urbanus, otherwise Buricius Cordus, 1486--1535 
(N. 1/372) ; 

(Latin), with leaves heart shaped at base ; 

Kordulé (Greek), a club; (all:) fleshy roots (N. 1/872) ; 

(Latin), of leathery consistence, or tough (H.); 

Corium, (Latin), a hide; used by tanners ; 

(Latin), Cornel or Dogwood (Cornus) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), horny, hard, very close in texture, but capable of being — 

cut without difficulty, the parts cut not being brittle; 
(Latin), horn bearing ; 

Cornu (Latin), horn ; (all: ) toughness of the wood (N. 1/378), 
word used by arid (Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 

(Latin), horned ; terminating in processes resembling horns ; 

(loc.) of the Coromandel, or Hast Coast of the Madras Presi- 
dency ; : 

(Latin), crowning, situated at the top of anything 

(Latin), relating to, or used for making, a garland; 

(Latin), crowned, with some organ on its apex; or having a 
special organ called a corona, or crown, or appendages of the 
eovolla or stamens ; 

Cor-re’-a aa 

_ cor-tic-a’-tus ... 

cor-ym- bif-lo’-ra 



cos-ta’-tus .., 


Cot-to’-ni-a ... 



crat-2’ va 


ere-na’ -ta 

ere-na’-tifol -’ia 
cre-nul-a’- tus 


crep-it-ans ... 
~ Cres-cen’-ti-a 

Cres‘-sa oe 
cre-ta’-ce-a ... 

cré-tic-a Aa 


(com.) Jose Francesco Correa da Serra, 1750-—1828, a learned 
Portuguese, who published several treatises on plant physio- 
logy (N. 1/380) ; 

(Latin), irregularly wrinkled (H.) ; 

(com.) of Corsini ; 

(Lattin), coated, harder externally than internally ; 

(Latin), name ot the tree used by Virgil and Gvid (Cass. Lat. 
Dic.), from Koris (Greek) helmet ; (all:) calycine covering of 
the nut (N. 1/384) ; ; 

(Latin), with corymbose flowers ; 

(Latin), having a flat’ topped inflorescence, which is a raceme, 
the pedicels of which gradually get shorter und shorter as 
they approach the summit and centre (N. 1/388) ; 

Korin? Karpos (Greek), club, fruit; (all:) shape of the fruit 
(N. 1/385) ; 

Koruph? (Greek), the summit; (all:) leaves all growing in a 
tuft at the top of the stem (N. 1/386) ; 

Késkinion (Greek), a little sieve; (all:) seed perforated (N. 
1/386) ; 

Kosmos, stigma (Greek), beautiful stigma; (all:) broad flat 5- 
angled stignia ; 

(Latin), midribbed, having a midrib ; 

eae (Sanskrit), bad spoed ; (all :) cure for eruptions (McL 
37) ; 

Kotone on, aster (Greek), Quince tree star; (all:) resemblance 
to the Quince, and star like flowers (N. 1/88); 

(com.) Major-General Fredarick Cotton, ¢.8.1., Madras Kngineers, 
collector of Orchids —, whofound one of this genus in Malabar 
(N, 1/262) ;* 

(Laiin), resembling rotate (q.v.), but with an erect limb; 

(South American), name of the plant (N. 2/164) ; 

(Guianese), name ot the tree ; 

velly district with climate and flora pertaining to a tar 

{"s: of Kuttélam, sacred place with three waterfails in Tinne- 

higher elevation than its own 700 ft. (McL. 287) ; 

(Latin), thick and fleshy leaved ; 

(Latin), thick, something thicker in texture than usual ; 

Krataios (Greek), strong; (all:) hardness and strength of the 
wood (N. 1/392); 

(com.) Cratavas, Greek botanist who livedin the time of Hippo- 
crates [See Hippocratea] (N. 1/394); 

(Latin), goblet shaped, concave, hemispherical, a little 
tracted at the case ; 


(Latin), crowded together ; 

(Latin), crenate, i e., with an indented edge convex between the 
indentures ; 

( Latin), with crenate ieaves ; 

(Later), crenulate,.i.e., with a crenated edge the convex parts 
being again indented ; 

(Latin), shoe-like, creprda (Lutin), a sandal: curiously the 
Geek word is differently accentuated Krépis (gen krepidos), 
a boot (N. 2/315: Cass Lat. Dic. : Gk. Lex.) ; 
Latin), crackling ; 

(com.) Pietro Cresenzi, | pr : Pee-yay-tro Cresh-endz-ee] Italiana 
writer On agriculture in the 13th century (N. 1/395) ; 

(loc.) of Crete; (all:) found in Crete, Island of the Mediter- 
ranean sea ; 

(Latin), chalky or chalk white, a very dull white with a little 
touch of grey ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Crete ; 


eri-ni’-ta eee 
cris-pa’-tum ... 
cris-ta’-ta ... 


cro’-ce-a Rise 

Cros-sos-teph’-i-um ,. 
Crot-0n* see 

crus-ta’-ce-a ... 
Cry p-tol’-ep-is 
Cry p-tos-teg’-1-a 


eee tec 

Cud-ra -ni-la .. 

cun-e-a -ta 
cun-e-if-ol -i-a 




cup-1e-a bee 
cu-pres-sif -or’-mis 






(Latin), furnished with tuft, 
(N. 5/265) ; 

(Latin), curled, or finely undulate, especially near the margin 
(N. 5/267) ; 

(Latin), like a cock’s comb ; . 

(Latin), crested, with a ridge, tuft, or crest-like elevation on 
the surface (H.) ; 

(Latin), saffron yellow, orange coloured with a tinge of brown; 

Krossos, anér (y. andres) (Greek), fringe, male ; (all:) anthers 
fringed (N. 1/400) ; 

Krossos, stephion (Greek), fringe little wreath; (all:) much 
divided leaves crowded towards the ends of the branchlets ; 
Krotalon (Greek) a rattle; (all:) seeds rattling in the hollow 

inflated pods, when mature (N. 1/401) ; 

Kroton (Greek), a tick; (all:) appearance of the seeds, usually 
wrongly pronounced with the first long and second short 
botanically, that being the adopted English pronunciation ; 
(N. 1/402, 851) (See liliiflorus) ; 

(Latin), with leaves tike a croton ; 

(Latin), with or in the form of a pouch. 

(Latin), crustaceous, hard, thin, and brittle like an egg shell; 
Kruptos, Kdruon (Greek), hidden nut; (all:) fruit included 
in the subglobose perianth tube ; 
Kruptos, lepis (Greek), hidden scale ; 

calyx ; 

Kriptos, merit (Greek), hidden, part; (all:) structure of all 
parts of the flower are hidden (N. 1/403) ; 

Kruptos, ste gé (Greek), hidden, roof ; (all :) scales in the throat 
of the corolla cover the anthers (N. 1/404) ; 

Kababak (Arabic), pepper, name of the plant (McL. 676) ; 

(Latin), hooded, v.e., when the sides or apex of an organ are cured 
inwards so as to resemble a hood (N. 1/404) ; 
Cudrang (Malayan), name given to the green dye yielded by 
the tree (N. 1/272) ; 
(Tropical American), name of the tree (N. 1/395) ; 
(com.) Major-General Cullen, former Resident of Travancore ; 
(com.) of Cuming (IN. 1/274); collector in Australia ; 
(Luitin), wedge shuped ; 
(Latin), with wedge shaped leaves, broad towards the apex, 
acute at the base ; 
Khunia (Hindustant), name of the tree ; 
(com.) Allan and Richard Cunningham two celebrated botani- 
cal collectors, especially in Australia (N. 1/408) ; 
(com.) Father Franets Cuwpani | (pr :) Coo-par-nee | Italian monk 
author of Hortus Catholicus, etc., died 1710 (N, 1/409) ; 
(Latin) like Cupania ; 
Kuphos (Greek), curved; (all:) (form of the capsule) (N. 
1/409) ; gibbous or spurred calyx (See Treas. Bot. 1/361) ; 
(Latin) copper red, brownish red with metallic lustre ; 
(Latin), resembling Cypress (Cupressus) ; 
(Latiz), name of the tree used by Virgil from kwpartssos 
(Greek) (Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 
(Latin), saucer shaped, slightly concave with a nearly entire 
margin ; 
(Tropical American), name of the tree ; 
(com.) William Curtis, celebrated English botanist, who 
founded the Botanical Magazine in, 1785 (N. 1/412) ; 
(Latin), bent, so as to represent the arc of a circle; 
(Latin), with curved flow ers 5 , 

(Latin), curved ribbed, when the ribs of a leaf describe a curve, 
and meet at the point ; 

or fringe, of long weak hair 

(ail :) 5 scales within the 

Cus-cu’-ta =... nee 

cus-pid-a’-ta pe 

Cy-ath-o’-a ... “ot 

cy-ath-if-or’-mis ... 
Cy-cad-a’-ce-2 fod 


Cy-clo’-p-ia ... ae 


Cyd-o’-ni-a .., 

cyl-in’-dric-a oa 
cym-bif-er-a ... see 
cy-mo’-sa see 

Cyn-anch -um 

cyn'-ar-d-i’-des bce 

Cyn-om-e’-tra see 

cyn-om-e tro-i'-des 

Dab-o-e’-ci-a ... Ase 
Dac’-ca Aaé 
Dea-dal-ac-anth’-us .., 

De-mi-a ate sae 
dze-mo “na eee eee 



Ktymology very doubtful (N. 1/412) ; Kashi@s (Arabic), nam 
of the plant (MeL. 804) 5 

(Latin) cuspidate, i.e., a leaf suddenly narrowed at the top and 
then produced to a point (N. 1/413) ; 

(Greek), Prussian blue, clear brigkt blue: between [cwrileus 
and indigoticus | ; 

Kuanos, sperma (Greek), steely blue, seed : 

Kuatheion (Greek), little cup; (all:) cup-shaped involucres of 
the spores on the back of the found (N. 1/415): Nicholson 
places the accent on the second syllable with the third short, 
but with his own derivation (diminutive) ; this is obviously 

(Latin), cup shaped, simiiar to campanulate (q.v.), but with 
an erect limb ; 

Kuathos, kalux (Greek), cup, calyx; (all:) sepals united into a 
3-lobed cup ; 

(Latin), Ferr Palm, or Palur Pir (Cycas) , Family, or Order ; 

Kukas (Greek), a palm ; (all:) resemblance of mode of growth, 
(N. 1/416) ; 

(Latin), Cyclanthus {from kwklos, anthos (Greek), circle, flower ; 
(all :) spiral arrangement of flowers (N. 5/277) , Family, or 
Order ; 

Kikleo (Greek), to move a thing rownd and round; (all:) 
tendency of all parts to wheel shape, male flowers, peltate 
leaves, horse shoe shaped endocarp of seed, ete. ; 

Kiklops (Greek), Cyclops, i.e., round eye ; (all:) roundish mark 
on the standard (N. 5/277) ; 

Kuklos, stémon (Greek) circle, stamen; (all:) the stamens, 
which are namerous, form a complete circle round the 
disk ; 

Kudonia (loc. and Greek) Cydonia, a city of Crete, island in 
the Mediterranean ; (all:) the trees grew there in numbers, 
and perhaps the Greeks first became acquainted with it 
there (N. 1/419) ; 

(Latin), cylindrical ; 

Kulia (Greek), calya ; (all :) large size of the calyx 
Kumbidion (Greek), a little boat ; 
lip of the flower (N. 1/420) ; 

(Latin), boat shaped (literally, boat bearing) ; 

(Latin), having a branched centrifugal inflorescence, where the 
centre, usually topmost, flower opens first (N. 1/421) ; 

Kiudn (gen, kunos), ancho (Greek), dog, to strangle ; (all :) 
poisonous properties (N. 1/421) ; 

(quasi-Greek) resembling the Artichoke (Cynara [from Kindrion 
(Greek), puppy; (all:) tue spines of the involucre like 
puppy’s teeth}) (N. 1/421) ; 

Kuon (g. kiunos), métra (Greek), dog’s womb ; (all :) shape and 
consistence of pods (N. 1/421) ; 

(quasi-Greek) resembling Cynometra ; 

Kaphoma, dner (g. andros), (Greek) a hwmp, male; (all :) 
anthers form a hump (N, 1/422) ; 

(Latin), word used by Virgil (Cass. Lat. Dic.) ‘from Kiutisos 
(Greek), a shrubby kind of Clover] (Gk. Lex) ; 

(N. 1/419) ; 
(all:) hollow recess in the 

(com.) St. Daboec’s Heath (Irish), nameof the plant (N. 1/480) ; 

(loc.) Town in Bengal ; 

(Latin), date bearing; literally, finger bearing, 
supposed to resemble short stubby finger ; 

(Latin, from Greek), many coloured (literally, cunningly 
wrought) acanthus ; (all :) colouring and affinity (N. 5/298) ; 

Dimia (Arabic), name of the plant (Nic. 1/430; Meu. 282) ; 

Déimon (Greek), an evil spirit; (all:) thorns ; 

dates being 


Dal-ber’-gi-a ... 

dal-ber’-gi-0-i -des 


Dal-to’ni Bes 





Dar’-win-i_ ... 

Dat-is -ca 

Dat-is- ca’-ce-s8 

Deb-ré-ge-a -si-a 
dec’-a . 

Dec-aisn’ -e- a -na 
Dec-aisn’-é-i ... 

Dec-al’-ep-is ... 



dec-ca-nu ,., 
dec-ca-nen -se 


de-cip’-i-ens ... 
de-cli-na’-tus ... 
dec-um-a’-na ... 
de-cum -bens 

de-our-si-va ... 

eae of N. A. Dalzell, m.a., 


Didimin, rhops (Greek), evil spirit, brushwood ; (all:). very 
thorny climbers ; 

(com.) Nicholas Dalberg {[(pr:) Ne. cole. arse Darl. bairg]} 
Swedish botanist, 1720—1530 (N. 1/4:s7) ; 

(quasi-Greek), like Dalbergia ; 

(com.) Jacques Dalechamp [(pr.:) Zharker. Dar-ler-sharng] 
French physician, botanist, and philologist, 1513—1588 
(N. 1/438) ; 

(com.) of Lady Dalhousie, wife of Karl Dalhousie, Governor- 
Genera! of India, 1848 —1856 ; 

(com.) of Genl. Dalton, Commissioner of Chota Nagpur, 
(Hk. 4/190) ; 

Gibson) of the Rombay flora, 1861 ; 

(loc.) of Damascus, capital of Syria, on the Eastern shore of 
the Mediterranean Sea ; 

damnum, acanthus (Latin), injury, thorn; (all:) the spinous 
nature ot the plant ; 

(Greek), with leaves like the Spurge Lawrel (Daphne) ; 

(com.) of Dr. Erasmus Darwin, ¥.8.8., author of “ Phytologia,”’ 
1800 ; 

(Greek), thickly hairy stemmed ; 

(Greek), thickly hairy leaved ; 

(Greek), thickly hairy seeded ; 

Datisko (Greek), I seem to break wp; (all:) fragmentary 
appearance of the parts, stamens and styles without 
perianth, persistent styles on capsules, and divided leaves ; 

(Latin), Datisca Family or Order ; 

Dhattura (Sanskrit) name of the plant (MeL. 261) ; 

(com.) E. Davall [(pr.:) Dar-varl] Swiss Botanist (N. 1/445) ; 

(quasi-G'reek), a Davallia ; 

(Latin), whitened, slightly covered with white on a darker 
ground ; 

(com.), Debregeas [(pr.:) Der-bray-zkar]; 
friend of Gaudichand ; 

(Greek), ten; 

French botanist, 

ae) (com.) of Joseph Decaisne [(pr.:) Zho-zeff Der-cain] French 

botanist, 1807—1582 for a long time Director of the Paris 
Jardin des Plantes (N. 1/449) ; 
deka, le pis (Greek), ten, scale; (all:) Five staminal filaments 
with coronal scales at the base and glands between them ; 
deka, anér (g. andros) (Greek), ten, Male, i,e., ten stamened ; 
deka, schtstos (Greek), ten, divided: (all:) capsule 10-valved 
ovary 10-celled, style 10-branched, 
(N. 5/306) ; 
(Greek), ten seeded ; 

mi f (loc.) of the Deccan ‘country, ov the dry districts (i) of Bombay 


J Presidency from Khandesh southwards, (2) of Hyderabad, 

50° [ and (3) of Madras Presidency, Kurnool, Bellary, Anantapur 

and Cuddapah districts. 

(Latin), ten ; 

(Latin), deciduous, finally falling off; Nicholson shows the 
first syllable short which is wrong ; 

(Latin), deceptive ; 

(Latin), deflexed, bent down under; 

(Latin), decompound, having various compound divisions or 

ramifications ; 

(Latin), very large ; 

(Latin), decumbent, lying on the ground (N. 1/449) ; 

(Latin), running down, a8 the pase of the blade of a leaf along 
its stalk (N. 1/449) ; 

(Latin) » running along ; 

F.R.S.E., collaborator (with | 

and bracteoles 10. 



Deer-ing’-i-a ... 
de’-lic-i-o’-sa ... 

del-to-i'-de-a ... 

Den-droc-al’-am-us ... 

den-sif-lo’-ra .. 

(/ dena ita aS 

de-nu-da’-ta . 
De-o-da -ra 
dep-ax’ -1-0-i’-des 
de-pen’-dens ... 


Der’ -ris 3 
Des-mod -i-um 
Deut -zi-a 



di-an’-drum ... 
Dich-op’-sis ... 
Dick-so -ni-a ... 

did’-ym-om ._ 

Di-er-vil’-la ... : 

Drf-fu’-sum_ .., 


(Latin), bent downward (H.) ; 

(Latin), decussate, arranged in pairs that alernately cross 
each other ; of leaves, pairs that alternately at right angles 
to each other up the axis; 

(com.) Deering, botanist of New Holland ; 

(Latin), some organ, or part of an organ, deficient ; 

(Latin), deflexed, bent downwards ; 

(Latin), delicious, fruited ; 

délimo (Latin), to sile down; (all:) roughness of the leaves, 
which are used for polishing (N. 1/449) ; 

(Greek), triangular in outline, usually with rounded angles ; 

dendron, bion (Greek), tree, living; (all:) epiphytic habit 
(N. 1/451) ; 

dendron, kalamos (Greek), tree, reed; (all:) large size of this 
grass ; 

(Latin), densely flowered ; 

(Latin), densely leavéd ; 

(Latin), toothed, or furnished with projecting points on the 
margin, which is more or less concave between those 
points ; 

(Latin), denticulate, or a dentate margin with the interspaces 
between the teeth furnished with smaller teeth ; 

(Latin), become bare, stripped of hair or other appendages ; 

dévaddru (Sanskrit), sacred tree ; 

(quasi-Greek), resembling the Deparia Fern of Australia [from 
dé pas (Greek) goblet; (all:) cup like involucres (N. 1/459)} ; 

(Latin), starved, whee some part is less perfectly developed 
thau is usual with plants of the same family ; 

(Latin), hanging down by its own weight; 

(Latin), jlattened vertically, or, of size, broad and dwarf, as 
if, instead of growing perpendicularly, the growth had taken 
place hurizontally ; 

(Greek), a leather covering ; (all:) coriaceous pods; 

(Latin), having a direction generally downwards ; 

desmodion (Greek), little bond; (all :) jointed pods, and 
connected stamens (N. 1/459) ; 

(com.) Johann Deutz. |(pr.:) Yo- harn. Doitz] Dutch naturalist, 
friend and patron ot Thunberg (N. 1/460) ; 

(Latin), right handed, twisting trom left to right in the direc- 
tion of the sun’s course; 

(Greek), twofold ; 

Didlis (Latin), belonging to Jupiter; (all:) noble appearances 
of the trees ; 

(Greek), having two stamens (N. 1/461) ; 

Dicra, opsis (reek), in two, resemblance ; (all:) calyx lobes in 
two series aod another 52 lobed at apex (N. 1/320) ; 

dichotomeo (Greek), to cut in two, i.e., continuously dividing inte 
two verifications (N. 1/467) ; 

dis, chrés, stachis (Greek), double, colour, spike ; (all :) inflores- 
cence being haif pink, half yellow, (N. 1/467) ; 

(com.) James Dickson, famous British Cryptogamic Botanist 
(N. 1/467) ; 

(com.) of James Dickson ; 

(com.) of Dr. Dickson, Surgeon of Bedanore in Malabar, who 
reported the Pinanga of his name, to Roxburgh (Rac. 3/617 
(bl. 727) ; 

diktiion, Sperma (Greek), net, seed ; (all:) raphe of seed forms 
a loose net-work (N. 1/470) ; 

(Greek), ton or double ; 

(com.) Dr. Diefenbach {(pr:) Deef-en-bark] German botanist 
(N. 1/472) ; 

com.) M. Dierville ((pr:) Dee-air-veel.] French Surgeon 
(N. 1/475) ; 

(Latin), widely spreading (H.) ; 

dig-it-a’-lif-or’-mis ... 




di-mid-i-a’-ta ... 
dim-o1ph’-oc-ar’-pa ... 
di-o1’-ca : 


Di-os-cor’-6-a’-cé- ... 
Di-os’-pyr-us doe 


diph- yl’-la 




dis-co-i’-de-a ... 


dis’-tans hs 
dis’-tich-a ... 4a 
dis-tine’-tus .., hor 

dis-ty’-la oe 

di-va-ric-a’-ta tee 
di-ver’-gens ... eo 
di-ver’-sif-ol’-i-a ... 
Do-bé-ra ure 
do’-dec-a ee +c 


(Latin), fox-glove shaped, resembling vampanulate (q.v.), but 
longer, and oblique or irregular ; 

(Latin), fingered shaped like the open hand; of leaves when 
several distinct leaflets radiate from the point of a leaf stalk 
(N. 9/476) ; similar to palmate (q.v.), but the segments less 
spreading and narrower ; 

(Latin), when the secondary rachides, on the sides of which 
leaflets are attached, part from the summit of a common 
rachis ; 

(Greek), having two separate styles or carpels (H.) ; 

(com.) Johann Jakob Dillen |(pr:) Yo-harn yar-kobe-Deel- 
lain] alias Dilleniws, 1687—1747, born at Darmstadt, Professor 
of Botany at Oxford and author of several botanical works 
(N./476, Enc. Brit.) ; 

(Latin), Dillenia Family, or Order ; 

(com.) of J. J. Dillenius ; 

(Latin), divided into unequal halves (N. 1/477), sach that one 
half is nearly wanting ; 

di, morphé2, katux (Greek) two, orm, calyx; (all:) calyx in the 
male cupular, 5-partitilobed or toothed, in the female of 5 
distinct sepals enlarging greatly in fruit ; 

(Greek), having two forms of fruit ; 

(Greek), diwcious [from di, oikos (Greek) two, house; i.e., male 
flowers on one tree, female on another | ; j 

(com.) Dioscorides, native of Anazauba in Cilicia, lived in the 
time of Nero (37-68 A.D.). Wrote a book on medicinal herbs 
which was the foundation of all botanical knowledge till 
recent times (N. 1/478) ; 

{Latin), Yam (Dioscorea) Family or Order ; 

(Latin), name used for the tree by Pliny, fromd iospiuros (Greek), 
used by Thephrastas (N. 9/352) ; 

di, ous (g. 6tos), akanthos (Greek), two, ear, acanthus; (all :) 
iarge ventricose two lipped corolla limb ; 

(Greek), with two leaves ; 

diplos, kentron (Greek), double, spur; (all:) lip of the orchid 
fiower with 2 spurs ; 

diplo, spora (Greek), to bend double, seed; (all:) seeds in each 
cell densely packed, and, being thin, by their imbrication are 
bent between one another ; 

(Greek), having twice as many stamens as petals or sepals 
(N. 9/82) ; 

(Latin), Dipterocarp Family or Order ; 
di, pterux, karpos (Greek), two, winged fruit; (all:) the nuts 
are either two winged, or have 2 of the 3 or 5 wings larger ; 
(Latin), discoidal, when there isa single large spot of colour 
in the centre of some other colour; 

(Latin), orbicular, with some perceptible thickness, and a 
rounded border ; 

(Latin), of two, or more, different colours ; 

(Latin), cut into many deep lobes (W. 9/485) , 

(Greek), with two sprkes ; 

(Latin), distant, remote from one another ; 

(Greek), bifarious, arranged in two opposite vertical rows (H) ; 

(Latin), separate, when there is no cohesion between the parts 5 

dis, stulos (Greek), two, style; the second syllable is long, not 
short as marked by Nicholson; __ 

(Latin), spreading widely apart (H.); straggling, turning off 
from anything irregularly, but almost at a right angle ; 

(Latin), inclined away from each other (H.) spreading 
outwards from the centre (N. 1/485) ; 

(Latin), having two or more types of leaves; 

(Arabic), name of the plant ; 

(Greek), twelve ; 




Dol’-ich-an-dro’-ne ., 

dom-es -tic-a ... 

dor-sa’ -lis 

Drac-w-na’ .,.. eet 
drac’-o 4 es 
Dre’-ge-a__.., fee 


Dun-ba’-ri-a ... 
qdu-0 —... Ses 
du-o’-dec-im .,. 
Dup-en’-i ee 

dup-lex’ eos na 
Du-ran’-ta... aie 

dys-oph-yl’- lo-i des... 


Eb-enacee ... 
eb-or-i’-na_... mo} 
Ee-bol’-i-um .. 

» Ee’screm-oc-ar’-pus .. 




(com.) Rembert rhe bel alias Dodoneus, author of “ Historia 
Plantorum’’ (Ch: N. 4/348); and “ Plorum et coronararium 
historia” Antwerp, 1568. 

dolabra, forma (Latin), axe shape, nearly straight, somewhat 
terete at the base, compressed towards the upper end, one 
border thick and straight, the other enlarged, thin and convex; 

dolichos, andrén (Greek), long, males’ compart nent; (all:) 
elongated anther cells ; 

(Greek), long; (all:) length of stems of some species, which 
climb to the top of the loftiest trees (N. 1/486). 

(com.) Joseph Dombey, Wrench botanist of 18th century, com- 
pavion of Ruiz and Pavon in Peru and Chili (N. 2/486); 

(Latin), used for domestic purposes ; chiefly to be eaten ; 

(com.) of Dominy after whom Messrs. Veitch & Co., named 
a hybrid Fuchsia (N. 2/32) ; 

doru, etta (Greek), spear, like as ; (all:) 3-awned plate on the 
disk of the lip, ana the column narrowly winged forming a 
spurlike mentum with the side lobes of the lip of this orchis 
giving an idea of a spear ; 

(Latin), dorsal, fixed upon the back of anything ; 

(com.) of David Douglas, Botanist and Collector in north-west 
America, died in the Sandwhich Islands, 1836 N. 1/488); 

Drakaina (Greek), female dragon ; (all:) juice which when 
inspissated, becomes a powder like dragon’s blood (N. 1/489) ; 

Drakon (Greek), male dragon; (all:) as in Draceena ; 

(com.) M. J. F. Drege, {(pr.:) Draiszhe.]. French collector of 
South African plants, on which in 1886, Professor i, Mayer 
of Konigsburg in Prussia, prepared a commentary ; 

(Latin), dowbtful of identity ; 5 

(Latin), sweet ; 

(Latin), of thorn bushes, i.e., one of them ; 

(Lain), covered with thorny bushes, i.e., one of them ; 

(com.) Professor George Dunbar, ot Edinburgh (Ch.) ; 

(Latin and Greek), tavo ; in Greek composition, di-(q.v.) ; 

(Latin), twelve ; 

(com.) Dwpen of Palghat, Malabar ; 

(Latin) (g. duplicis), double ; 

(Latin), growing in pairs ; 

(com.) Castor Durantes[(pr.:) Doo: rarn-taiz.] Physician and 
botanist, died 1590 (N. 1/496) ; 

Durian (malayan), names of the tree; 

(quasi Greek) like. Dysophylium [from dus-phyllon (Greek), 
bad (prejiz), leaf ; (all:) odour which is pungi nt and pepper 
mint-like (N. 1/332) |; 

dus-ailon (Greek), bad (prejix) wood ; (all:) odour, whieh i is 
of garlic; 

(Latin), Ebony Dios pyros Family, or Order ; 

Ebenos (Greek), name of the tree, ebony, and used by Viagil ; 

(Latin), tvory-white, cream white, white with a little, or without, 
Instre Verginz to yellow ; 

Ekbolos (Greek), thrown out; (all:) long filiform corolla tube 
making the flower project ; 

Ekkremes, karpos (Greek) suspended, fruit ; 
pendant capsules (N. 1/498) ; 

(Latin from Greek), Echinate, hedge hog-like furnished with 
numerous rigid hairs and straight pickles; 

Echinos, karpos (Greek), hedgehog, fruit; (all:) fruit covered 
with long pickles; 

Echinos, calya- (Greek), hedgehog, calyx; (all:) calyx covered 
with pickles ; 

(class.) of Eck-hardt, a legendary old man of Germany, who 
appears with a white stafi on Maundy Thursday to warn 
and save people from Holle’s furious host; — 

(all :) Jong stalked 


ed-u’la <p ... (Latin), edible ; 

Eg-lan-te’-ri-a ... LEglantine (French) (from aculeatus (Latin), prickly], name of 
the plant (N. 1/820; Nut:) ; 

Eh-re’-ti-a ss ... (com.) G. D, Ehret, |(pr.:) Ay-rait] born in Germany, died in 

England, 1708—i770, artist and botanist (N. 1/505) ; 

El-z-ag-na’-ce-w  ... (Latin), Oleaster (Elaeagus) Family, or Order ; 

Kl-e-ag’-nus .. .-- Hiaios, agnos (Greek), wild olive, Vitex Agnus—astus ; (all:) 
similarity of fruit to the olive and of whiteness of leaves 
urderneath to the Vitex: used by ‘Lheophrastus for the 
Willow (N, 1/565) ; : 

Ele-js an, ... Elaia (Greek), true olive; (all:) oil expressed from the nut 
resembles Olive oil, (N. 1/508) ; 

El-z-oc-ar’-pus ... Llatos, karpos (Greek), wild olive. fruit; (all:) similarity in the 
round truit containing a nut with rugosities (N. 1/506) ; 

El-e-od-en’dron .., laios, dendron (Greek), wild olive tree; (all:) similarity of fruit 
and oiliners of seeds (N. 1/506); 

el-ai-os ae .. (Greek), of an olive tree ; or olive green, a mixture of green and 
brown, same as olivacens (q.v.) 

el-as’-tic-us ... ... (Latin), elastic, er resembling wmdia rubber in consistence 
appearance or touch ; 

e-la’-tus ‘+ .-. (Latin), very tall; 

e-leg-ans a: .. (Latin), elegant ; 

e-leg-an-tis’-sim-a ... (Latin), very elegant; 

el-en’-gi w= tannyt (Malayalam), name of the tree ; 

el-eph-an-ti’-na ... (Latin), Hlephantine, coarse; 

el-eph-an-tum .. (Latin), appertaining to, or caten by, elephants ; 

E]-let-ta’-ri-a ... elattadre (ualayulam), name of the plans (N. 1/506) ; 

el-ew-ther-an’-dra_ ... Klenthevos, dmrr (g. andros) (Greek), free males ; (all :) stamens 
free; ‘ 

El-ler-to -ni-a .. (com.) J. Ellerton Stocks, Bombay Medical Establishment, . 
(Ch.) ; 

El-li-ot’-tii «.. .. (com.) Sir W. Elliot, author of Flora andhrica ; 

Ei-lip-anth’-us .» Lllipes, atthos (Greek), defective, flower; (ull:) flowers often 
polygamous, thouga In tne order usually bisexual ; 

e}-lip-so-i’-de-a ... (Greek), with an eliptical figure ; 

el-lip’-tic-a ... ... (Latin), Elliptic ; 
e-long-a-ta ... .. (Latin), much lengthened (H.) ; 

e-mar-gin-a’ -ta .. (Latin), distinctly notched at the tip 
Em-be’-li-a ... ... (Singhalese), name of the plant (McL. IID; 
Em-blic-a Be .. Amlikéd (Sanskrit), sowr; (all:) juice of the iruit (McL. 923); - 

#m-both-ri-uim ... En, bothrion (Greek), an, litive pir; (all :) authera (N. 1/507); 
em-bry-op’-ter-is ... Embruon, pterua (Greek), embryo, wing ; 

em-et’-ic-a ... ... Hmatikos (Greek), provokirg sickness (Gk. Lex); 

en-dec-a ... .. (Greek), eleven, correctly written Lendeka; 

e-Der-vis... .. (Latin), veiniess, when there are no ribs or veins in leaf ; 

en -ne-a See wee (Greek, nine ; 

En-sé-te ae we (Abyssinian), name of the plant (N. 2/392) ; 

en-sif-ol’-i-a ... (Latin), with sword shaped -leaves, straight, long, flat, acute 
at the point ; 

En’-ta-da ... .. Entada (Angolese), name of the plant in Central Africa (oliver) ; 

Nicholson says, however, that it is the Malabar name, and 
Roxburgh gives Van_Rhesdis name as Entada; the nearest 
approach to this is Anattata (Elephant hindrance), when the 
accent should be on the first syllable (Wn’-tad-a) ; 
En’-ter-ol-ob’-i-um ... Eniera,lobion (Greek), entratls, pod; (all:) fleshy material 
inside the fruit ; Mt: 
Ep-id-en’-drum_ ... Epi, dendron, (Greek), on, tree; (all:) epiphyte on trees (N. 

1/512) ; ’ 
ep-ig-w-us ... ... (Greek), egipous, growing close upon the earth; 
Ep-ig’-yn-um ... Epi, gune (Greek), on female; (all:) anthers around the stigma 

hardly adhering, whilst generally in this order they do 

adhere ; “ 
ep-ig’-yn-us . (Greek), growing upon the summit of the ovary; . 

Ep-iph-yl’-lum Ay 

e-punct-a’-ta ... 

eq-uis-e’-tif-ol’-i-a ... 

eg’-uit-ans .. 

E-ranth’-em-um Per 

e-rec’-tus 4e So 
Er-i-a ... sah see 


Er i-ca’-ce- ... 
er-i-co-i’-des ... 

Er‘-i ob-ot’-ry-a o 


Er’-i-og-lo' -ssum 

Er’-i-ol-z’-na os 
er’i-op-et’-al-a ee 
Er-i-os-té-mon vee 

Er-ye’tibe_.... “ne 
Er-yth-ri’-na bor 


Er-yth-rox’-yl-on ... 
Es-cal-lo’-ni-a wee 


Ku-ge’-ni-a ... one 
Eu-0’-nym-us ees 


Dpi, phiillon (Greek), on, leaf; (all:) flowers arise from flat 
leaf-like branches (N. 1/515); 

Ept premnon (Greek), on, trunk; (all: ) plants root on the 
trunks of trees (N. 1/517) ; 

(Latin), without points, or glandular, often translucent, dots - 

(Lutin), with leaves like Horse tail plant (Equisetam, [from 
equus, seta (Latin) horse, stiff hair |); 

(Latin), equitant, when conduplicate parts overlap each other 
parallelly and entirely without any involution ; 

érdo, athémon (Greek), I long for, flower; (all :) beauty of 
the blossoms (N.1/518); @r, anthiman (Greek), Spring- 
time flower, the time of flowering being January, February, 
and March (Br. 173); the latter seems more correct, other- 
wise the first syllable would be short, and not long, as 
marked by Nicholson; 

(Latin), upright ; 

rion (Greek), wool; (all: ) downiness of the leaves of some 
species (N. 1/519) ; the flowers are woolly, not the leaves, as 
suggested by Nicholson; 

(Greek), woolly flowered ; 

(Latin), name for the plant used by Pliny, from erika, 
(Greek), name used by Theophrastus (N. 1/519); second 
syllable often wrongly pronounced short (N. 4/352) ; 

(Latin), Heath (erica) Family or Order; 

(Greek), resembling Heath (erica) ; 

Erinos, karpos (Greek), hedgehcg, fruit; (all:) spinous nuts, 
(Ch.) ; 

Erion botriis (Greek), wool, bunch of grages; (all:) woolliness 
of the plant with frnit in thyrsoid panicles ; . 

(Greek), woolly fruited ; 

(Greek), with a woolly head of dowers ; 

Erion, dzndron (Greek), wool, tree; {ali:) silk cotton in the 
capsule (N. 1/527); 

Erion. glossa (Greek), wool, tongue; (all.:) hairy hooded scale 
on the petals ;_ 

érion, laina (Greek), wool, gauze; (all :) woolly bracteoles 

(Greek), woolly petalled ; 

Erion, stemon (Greek), wool stamen; (all:) stamens woolly ; 
(N.1/528) ; 

(Latin), erose, a8 if nibbled at the tip; 

(Latin), growing reddish, blueish ; 

eruko (Greek), to hinder ; (all :) properties as a climber ; 

Eriithros, Ginadi (Greek), red, to be ; (all:) colour of the flowers, 
(N. 1/53); 

(Greek;, red fruited ; 

éruthros, palin (Greek), reddish at the back; (all:) ultimately 
reflexed epicarn. or calyx, of the fruit ; ; 

ériuthros, cilon (Greek), reddish, wood; (all:) wood a reddish 
brown (N. 1/533) ; 

(com.) Escallon, Spanish traveller in 8. America, found the 
first species of this genus (N. 1/533). 

(Latin), fit for food ; ‘ 

(hybrid), Ew (Greek), alata (Latin) well winged ; 

Eu, kalupto (Greek), well, to cover as witha lid; (all:) calyx 
limb, covering the flower before expansion, afterwa)ds falls 
off in one piece (N. 1/535) ; 

(com.) Prince Eugene of Savoy, patron of Botany (N. 1/5%#8) ; 

(quasi-Greek), resembling Eugenia ; 

Euonimos (Greek), lucky: name used hy Theophrastus 
(N. 1/529, 352); second syllabie is long, and has nothing. 
to do with the Greek word for name (Gndma) ; 

(com.) Ewphorbus, physician to king Juba of Maritania; name 
used in Greek by Dioscorides and in Latin by Pliny 
(N. 1/540) ; 


€U-10-pxe’-US .., 


e-vol-u’-ti-or ... 



ex-cel’-sa, ae 
ex-cur’-rens ... 505 


ex ten’-sum ... an 
ex-tror’-Sus ... ee 

fa-gif-ol’-i-a ... 
Fa-go’-ni-a ... 
Fag-re’-a 00 
fal-ca’-tus  ... SCO 
Fal-con-e’-ri .. 
far -i/-na/-ce-a... 
Far-ne’-si-a -na 

fas-Ci-a-ri-us ... 

fas-ci-a’-tum ... 

fas-ti -gi-a’-ta 

Wat’-si-a ove 

feb-rif-ug’a 0... 


(Latin), Spurge (Huphorbia) Family, or Order ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Europe ;, 

Euriis (Greek), large ; (all: ) wrongly, to the flowers which are 
comparatively small (N. 1/542) ; 

Euterpé (Greek and clas.), well pleasing, one of the nine Muses, 
that of harmony; (all: ) graceful and harmonious appear- 
ance of the palm (N, 1/548) ; 

(Latin), carried away, or lifted up ; 

Euodés (Greek), sweet scented ; (all:) flowers ; 

(Latin\, more rolled back ; 

(quasi-Greek), resembling Evolvulus [from evolvo (Latin) to 
roll outwards ; (all:) in contradistinetion to Convolvulus | ; 

(Latin), somewhat tall, or comparatively tall ; 

(Latin), rough, covered with hard short points, or very short 
stiff rigid hairs ; 

excorco (Latin), to make blind ; (all:) juice, if it gets into the 
eyes (NX. 1/359) ; 

(Latin), lofty ; 

(Latin), ex current, when the axis projects from the other 
parts, or remains always in the centre with the other parts 
regularly disposed round it ; 

(Latin), small, as compared with other larger things, but well 
proportioned in all its parts ; 

(Latin), tender, or meagre ; 

Exo, karpos (Greek) outside, fruit; (all:) fruit{Iresting or 
enlarged pedicel (N. 5/359) ; 

(Greek), exotic, introduced from another country (H.) ; 

(Latin), projecting outwards, such as stamens beyond the 
corolla (H.) ; 

(Latin), stretched out ; 

(Latin), turned outwards, or away from the axis to which it 

(Latin), Beech (Fagus) Family, or Order; 

(Latin), with leaves like the Beech; 

(Latin), pertaining to, or like, the Beech ; 

(com.) Fagon: [pr, Far-gorng.], French Botanist ; 

(com.) Jonas Theodors Fagrieus, 1729---1797, physician and 
botanist (N. 2/1) ; 

(Latin) name of the tree used by Cesar, Virgil and other Latin. 

authors (N, 3/2) ; 

(Latin), sickle-shaped, curved like a crescent moon, but not 
tapering at end, with parallel edges and plane ; 

(com.) of Dr. Faleonar, Superintendent of the Calcutta Bota. 
nical Garden, 1852 ; 

(Latin), mealy, having the texture of flour ; 

(Latin), starch producing ; 

(Latin), mealy, covered with a sort of white scurfy substance ; 

(com,) of Farnese, a noble Italian house, to which belonged one 
of the Popes, a queen and several of the princess of Parma ; 

(Latin), band-shaped, narrow, very long. with the two opposite 
margins parallel ; 

(Latin), fasciate, or banded, several stems fused in one plane, 
flattened, and expanded by monstrous growth (H.) or, when 
there are transverse bands of one colour crossing another 
colour ; 

(Latin), fascicled, in bundies, several stalks (of leaves or 
flowers) arising from the same spot ; 

(Latin), fastigiate, clustered together, pointing upwards, more 
or less parallel, and tapering to a point (N.2/3: H.); 

(Latin), haughty, prickly stalked ; 

(Japanese), name of the piant (N. 2/8) ; 

(Latin), honey combed, same as alveolate (q-v.); 

(Latin), fever cwring 


fen-es-tra tum (Latin), windowed, with holes and openings in the surface; 
- Wer-gus-so’-ni + (com.) of W. Fergusson, author of List of Ceylon Timber trees : 
Fe-ro-ni-a ... ... (clas) Férinia, goddess of the woods and groves, connected 
with férdlis (Latin), relating to the dead ; (all:) possibly, to 

it being planted near burning and burial grounds (N 2/1: 
Cass, Lat, Dic.); 

fer-ox’ (Latin), terrible,usually implying full of thorns, or very poison- 
Ous 5 
fer’-ré-a (Latin), of iron, steely, either in consistence or colour; if the 

latter, passing from purple, sometimes with a tinge of brown 
to deep blue, and with a metallic lustre ; 

fer-rug-in’-e-us .» (Latin), rusty coloured, dull light reddish brown (lighter than 
rubiginosus) ; 

fi-bro’-sus (Latin), fibrous, containing a large proportion of loose woody 
fibres ; 

fi-cif-or’-mis ... ... (Latin), fig shaped ; 

fi-cul’-ne-us_..- ... (Latin), belonging. to or resembling, the Fig tree ; 

Fi -cus 

(Latin), old name used by Horace, Cicero, and others (N. 2/11 
Cass. Lat. Dic) ; 

fi’-lam-en-to’-sa ... (Latin), with fibre-like threads (H.) ; 

fil-ic’-if-ol’-i-a ... (Latin), with leaves like a fern ; 

Fil-ic’-i-um ... ... Filia (Latin), a fern; ‘all:) the pinnated leaves with winged 
rachis ; 

fi-lif’-er-a ee ... (Latin), thread bearing ; 

fi-lif-or’mis ... jilum, forma (Latin), thread, likeness; slender like a thread; 

fi -lip-és er ... « (Latin), thread footed, very thinly stalked ; 

fil-ix-fve’-min-a ... (Latin), female fern ; 

fil’-ix-mas’ ee. (Latin), male fern ; 

fim-bri-a’-ta -- (Latin), fringed, with a border of thread-like processes, thicker 
than hairs, see ciliate (H.) ; 

(Latin), split wp; aivided nearly to the base into a determinate 

number of segments ; 

Fis-tul-a ane ... (Latin), a pipe, or tube ; 

fla-bel’-lif-er ... fidbellum [diminutive of fiabrum (Latin) breeze], fero (Latin), 
fan, to bear ; ‘ 

fla-bel’-lif-or’-mis ... (Latin), jan shaped ; 

flac’-cid-um ... ... (Latin), imp, wanting in stiffness (H.) ; 

Fla-cour’-ti-a (com.) Etienne de Flacowrt [(pr:) Ay-tee-yender Flar-coor } 
1607-1661, Director of French East India Company (N. 2/7) ; 

(Latin), fiagellum, whip thong; (all:) elongated stem and 
lanceolate leaves ending in spiral tendrils ; 
Flag-el-la’-ri-a-ce-2. (Latin), Flagellaria Family, or Order ; 



flag-el-la’-ris... .. ) (Latin), whip-like, long and tapering like a whip thong, 

flag-el’-lif-or’-mis ; (N. 2/17); 

flam’me-a ...» (Latin), flame coloured, scarlet passing almost to orange, bright 
and clear [same as ignea}; 

flam’-mul-a ... ... (Latin), little fame; 

fla’-va Be es fees pale yellow, between gamboge and lemon yellow, pure 

fla-ves’cens : but withont brightness; canary-yellow : 

fla-vo’-virens (Latin), yellowish-green; when slichtly tinted yellow, pea- 

green, when light generally, hut dull, sap green; vhen much 
stained with yellow, anda dull, dead colour. moss-green ; 
(com.) Dr. John Fleming; Botanist and Physician General of 
Bengal (Ch.) ; 
fle-x’il-is ord ... (Latin), flexible ; 
flex-u-’o-sa_... (Latin), twisting about; gently bending alternately inwards 
- and outwards; 
.. (Latin), floceose, covered with close woolly hairs, which fall 
away in little tufts (N. 2/17) ; 
flo’-ra-lis Ka ... (Latin), floral, of, or belonging to. the flower ; 
flo-ré-ple’-no .. (Latin), double flowered, petals multiplied so as to fill up the 
whole flower ; 
flo’-rib-un’-da w. (Latin), bundle flowered (N. 4/215) ; 
flo-rid-a ser w. (Latin), rich in flowers ; 

Flem-ing’-i-a ... 



(Latin), flower of the Queen ; 
(com.) Flwegge |(pr: Flyg: gay] German botanist ; 
(Latin), stinking ; 
(Latin), leaf-like, having the texture or form of a leaf; 
(Latin), epiphyllous, inserted upon the leaf ; 
(Latin), ,with many leaflets ; 
(Latin), with many leaves; 
(Latin), deautifut ; 
.«. (com.) of Forster, Australian botanist ; 
ws. ) (com.) of Robert Fortune, travelied in China, and introduced 
..§ China tea into India ; 
(Latin), fragile, easily broken or delicate ; 
(Latin), sweets cented ; 

flos’-regi’-ne ... 

Fors’ ter-i-9’-na 


fra-gran-tis’-sim-a (Latin), very sweet scented ; 

Fra’-ser-i (com.) John Fraser, 1750---1811. Collector of N, American 
plants (N. 2/23) ; 

frax-in’-e-a... ws (Latin), pertaining to, or resembling, the Ash (Kraxinus) ; 

frax’-in-if-ol’-i-us (Latin), with leaves like the Ash ; 

Frax’ -in-us (latin), name of the tree used by Virgil and Ovid (N. 2/28; 

Cass, Lat, Dic.) ; 

fri’-gid-a Mi ... (Latin), cold, or of cold climates ; 
fron-do’-sa ... .. (Latin), leafy ; 

frut’-es-cens ... oe 

frut’-ie-ans_ ... 
frut-ie-ul-o “sum 

(Latin), shrubby ; 

(Latin), of dwart shrubby habit (N. 2/30) ; 
(com.) Leonhart Fuehs [(pr :) Lay-on-hart Fyx ] 1561—1566, 

German botanist (N. 2/31); offen wrougly prenounced as 
Few shah (N. 2/852). : 

fug-ax’ a (Latin), fugacious, falling off, cr perishing very quickly ; 


eee ope } (Latin), sooty-brown, dirty brown verging on black ; 

ful-vens (Latin), hining 2 

ful-va ... (Latin), tawny, dull yellow mixed with brown and grey; 

ful-vo-sa (Latin), almost tainy : 

pean ae ae ; (Latin), smoke-grey, grey changing to brown ; 
fu-na/-lis (Latin), rope shapea, formed of coarse fibres resemblme cords = 

(Latin), funeral, or planted about tombs ; 

(Latin), mushroom headed, cylindrical and having a rounded, 
convex, overhanging extremity ; 

(Latin), forked, or repeatedly branched (H.); or having long 


terminal lobes like the prongs cf a fork; 

Far-cra’-a... .» (com.) A. F. Foureroy, [(pr :) Foor-erwah] celebrated French 
Chemist, 1785---1809 (N. 2/36); 

fus’-ca (Latin), brown, tinged with grey or black, 4.¢., dusky ; 

fus-ca/-ta at _ (Latin), somewhat dusky brown ; 

fas’-co-pur-pur-e-um. (Latin), dusky browmish purple ; 

fu-sif-or’-mis (Latin), spindleshaped, or narrow-ovoid tapering more or less 
to spoint at each end ; 

com.) Dr. Joseph Gaertner, celebrated German botanist, 
1732--1791 ; author “ De fructibus et sominidus plantarum,” 
1788---1791 ; 

Khulanjan (Arabic) [from Chineiel, wild ginger (Mch, 298) ; 

(Latin), fitted with a helmet [from gatea, (Latin) a leather 
helmet.] Uscally applied toa ringent corolla, where the 
upper division is greatly arched ; 

(quasi-Greek), resembling Galega [from- gala (Greek) milk; 
all:) supposed to increase the milk of animals which feet 
on it (N. 2/42) ]; 

(loc.) belonging to France i.2., Gaul ; 

(com.) J. S. Gamble, M.A., C.LE., F.B.8., F.LS., Conservator of 
Forests in Bengal, Madras, and North India, Author of 
“ Manual of Indian Timber” ; 

Gaert-ner-i .” 

ga-le-a-tum ... tee 

al-e’-2o-i’-des — 

gal’-lic-a ae ys 
Gam-ble-i eer ose 

gam’-o ie 
Gan-i’-trus ... 

Gar-de’ -ni-a 



ue fl 







gil-vus oS 
gith a-gin’.e-us 
ylab-er’-rim-a - 


we * (Greek), (in composition) joined together ; literally, wedded ; 


(loc.) pertaining to the Ganges ; 

(Malayam), name of the tree (Rox. 2/592); 

(com.) Lawrence Garcin [(pr:). Lo-rongse-Garrsang,] French 
cotanist and traveller im India, author of numerous botanical 
memoirs (N. 2/43) ; 

(com,.) Alexander Garden, M.D. of Charlestown, Carolina, N. 
America, correspondent of Linnzeus and Ellis (N. 2/51); 

(com.) George Gardner, Superintendent, Royal Botanic Gardens, 
Ceylon (W. A. 1.) ; 

(com.) of George Gardner ; 

garugz (Telugu), name of the plant; Nicholson places the 
accent on, and makes long, the second syJlable, whilst 
showing (N. 2/54) that it is a native name ; this is wrong ; 

(com.) Gaulthier [(pr +) Go-tee-yay] physician and botanist of 
Canada (N. 2/55); 

(com.) of J. Gay, French botanist ; 

(Latin), gelutinous (literally, partially frozen, gelatus), having 
the appearance and texture of a jelly ; 

{quasi-Greek), resembling Geloniwm ; 

gelon (Greek), laughing; (all:) polished leaves, 
“ smiling ” 

(Letin), little twins, smal] and united in pairs ; 

(Latin), doubled ; 

(Latin), with flowers in pairs ; 

(Latin), in pairs ; 

Gandaha, rasa (Sanserit) fragrance, juice ; 

genéia-anthos (Greek), beard, flowers; (all:) corolla villous 
within ; 

(Latin), knee-jointed, bent abruptly like a knee ; 

geonomos (Greek), studying the earth; (all:) probably dwarf 
stature ; 

(Latin), Geransum Family, or Order : in English, pronounced with 
a soft g andanglicized a, bat is derived from gérdnos (Greek), 
a crane; (all:) long beak that terminates the carpel-, the word 
being used by Dioscorides; and the FEnglis name usually 
refers to the genus Pelargoniwm from Pelargos (Greek), a stork ; 
(all:) carpel projections resewbling a stork’s bill; 

(com.) John Gerard, 1545—1607, author of the “ Herbal,” and 
cultivator of exotic plants (N. 2/64) ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Germany ; 

gasambilla (Singhalese), Ambilla Tree, name of the tree in 
Ceylon ; 

(com.) of Ghiesbreght [ {pr:) Gheese-brekt ] German botanist ; 

(Latin), gibbons, more protuberant or convex on one side than 
on the other (N. 2/67); 

(Latin), somewhat gibbous ; 

(com.) of Dr. Alexander Gibson, botanist in the Bombay Presi- 
dency, co-author (with Dalzell) of ‘Flora ot Bombay,” 1861 ; 

(Latin), giant; gigantic, tall, but stout and well proportional ; 

(com.) of Dr. iillies, of Mendoza, Chili, 8. America (N. 2/68) ; 

(Latin), Isubella-yellow, dull yellow mixed with grey and red; 

(Japanese), name of the tree (N. 2/68) ; 

(com.) Girardin [(pr :) Zhee-rarr-dang | ; 

(com.) Grronnier [ (pr :) Zhee-ro-nec-yay | ; 

(Latin), greenis).-red, rather more red than apple green ; 

(com.) Givot [(pr :) Zhee-vo] ; 

(Latin), somooth and hairless ; 

(Latin), perfectly hairless ; 

(Latin), Smooth and hairtess; 

(hybid), glabra (Latin). hairless, 
glabrous above tomentose below ; 


erta (Greek), woolly ; (all 3) 


glad-i-a’-ta ... 
glan-dul if’-er-a 



Glen-nie-e-i ... 
Glob-ba sae 

' glom-er-a’-ta... 



God’ -seff-i-a’-na 
Gol-die-a’-na .. 
Gom-phi-a_ .., 


Ke , (Latin), becoming hairless with age;” 

gom-phoc-eph’-al-a ... 
Go-ni-oth-al’-am us ... 


go-noc-al]-yz ... 



Gor-do’ -nia 



(Latin), more hairless or less hairy ; 

(Latin), sword shaped, (same as ensformis, see ensifolia), long, 
narrow, flat, quite straight with an acute point. 

(Latin), acorn-brgwn, brown mixed with yellow and red; 

(Latin), having small glands ; 

(Latin), somewhat glandular ; 

(Latin), becoming glaucous ; 

(Greek), with glaucous leaves ; 

(Latin, from Greek), glaucous, dull green passing into greyish 
blue; covered with a bloom of the colour of a cabbage, or 
American Aloe, leaf; 

(com.) of Glaziow, Russian botanist and traveller (also 
written Glaz. of or Glaziov) ; 

(Latin), with leaves like Glechoma [from glecho (Greek), Penny 

(com.) W. F. Gleichen [(pro: @li-hyenn] German botanist, 
1717-88, (N. 2/72) ; 

(Latin), Gleichenia Family, or Order ; 

(com.) Glennie, botanist of Ceylon. 

(Molucca), name of the plant (N. 3/73) ; 

(Latin). spherical ; 

(Latin), nearly spterical ; 

(Latin). small round ball; ; 

diminutive of Glox (g. gloehos) (Greek), beard of corn; (all :) 
Styles confinent with a cone or column ; 
(Latin), compactly clustered into a round heap or head (H.) ; 

(Latin), full of glory ; (all :) handsome flowers, ete. (N. 3/74) ; 
Gloute (Greek), stickiness: all resin ; 
Gluten (Latin), glue: sticky; 

Glukus"osme (Greek), sweet, smell ; 
and other parts (N. 2/76) ; 

Gluptos, petaton (Greek), carved petal; (all :) petals with two 
pitlike depressions in the upper surface ; 

(com.) S. Gottlieb Gmelin [(pr :) Got leeb ‘Gmay leen ] ; 
naturalist and traveller, 17438-1774 (N. 2/77); 

(Latin), Gnetum Family or Order ; 

Knao (2 Ver. Part neuter Kneton) (Greek), to wear down ; (all:) 
habit of climbing over and bending down other species; 

(com.) of Godseff (N. 5/380); 

(com ) of Goldie (N. 2/853) ; 

goxphes, aner (g. andros), (Greek), club, males; (all:) filaments 
of stamens are dilated towards the top; (Ch.) ; 

gomphos (Greek) club: (all:) shape of the fruit (N. 2/7) ; 

gomphos, karpos (Greek), club fruit; (all:) the follicles are 

ventricose (N. 2/78) ; nae [ 

(Greek), club headed ; be fe 
Gonia, thalamos (Greek), CE tial cauch; mash :) the inner 

petals cohere in a valated cap over the stamens and ovaries ; 
(ch.) ; 
(Greek), with angled calyx; 
(Greek), with angled branches; 

(Latin), Goodenia [from Dr. Sam. Goodenough, 1743—1827 Bish- 
op of Carlile Family, or Order ; 

(com.), Peter Good botanical collector in Australia (N. 2/80) ; 

(com.) Alexander Gordon, nursery man (N. 2/86) ; 

(Latin), with leaves lixe cotton (Gossypium) ; 

(Latin), pertaining to or resembling cotton ; 

(Latin), name of the plant used by Pliny (N. 2/85), derived 
from Goz. (Arabic) (Br. 19); 

(Tamil), name of the plant ; 

(all :) fragrance of flowers 


gou-ri-a’-na ... 




Gra’-min-if-ol-i-um ... 








Grey’ -ili’-lé-a ... 


gris’. -e-08 
gros’ sum 
gru-mo ’-82 

Guet-tar’-da .. 


Guil-foy’-1é-i ... 




Gut-tif-er-fe ... 




Gyn-er’-i-um ... 




(com.) Anthony Gouan, 17383-1821. 

Professor of Botany. st 
Montpelier in the south of France (N 

. 2/85) ; 

. (claas), Gowry, ulias Girijay, the mountain born of the Hima- 

layas, aud Parvaty asa maid before she became the wife of 

Siva (McL, 827) ; (all:) plants of the mountains and sacred to 
her ; 

we (Latin), graceful ; 

Author of “catalogue of plants growing in Bombay and its 
vicinity ” 1839 ; 

(Latin), Grasses Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), with leaves like grass; 

(Latin), lettered, when spots upen the surface assume the form 
of letters ; 

ne {Os John Graham, 1805—1839 Postmaster-General of Bombay, 

se (Latin), filled with seeds ; 
»»» (Latin), with a big head ; 

(Latin), with a large flowers ; 
(Latin), with large leanes ; 
(Latin), growing to a large size ; 

. (com.) of Gaptain Grant, who, with Captain Speke, made an 

expenditien to Victoria Nyanza, in Africa ; 
(Latin), granular, divided into little knots or knobs ; 
graptos, phillo (Greek), written, leaf; (all:) markings on the 
leaves (N. 2/94) ; 
(Latin), agreatle ; 
(Latin), most agreeable ; 
(Latin), unpleasant smelling ; 
(eom.) C.F. Greville, a patron of Botany (N. 2/97); 
(com.) Nehemiah Grew, M.D., famous for his work ojn “ Anatomy 
of Vegetables,” (N. 2/98 

(com.) of W. Griffith, author of « Palms of British India,” 1850 ; 

-. (Latin), pearl grey, almost pure grey, just verging to blue ; 

(Latin), large ; 

(Latin), grwmous, in the form of clusters of grains ; 

Guarac (South American) name of the plant (N. 2/100) ; 

(Mexican), name given by Plumier (N. 2/101) ; 

(com.) Jean Etienne Guettard [ (pr:) Zhong Ay-tee-yeen Get, 
tar] 1715—1786, Member of Academy of Sciences, Paris- 
France (N. 2/!01); 

(Latin) of Guiana, in the North-East of 8. America, between 
the Amazon and Orincco River ; 

(com.) of Guilfoyle (N. 1/378) ; 

(loc.) of Guinea, part of the west coast of intertropical Africa, 
from Cape Verga to Cape Negro ; 

(Latin), producing gum ; 

{com.) of Ronald. Gunn, co-author (with R. W. Lawrence and 

Thos. Scott) of “Contributions towards a flora of Vandie- 
men’s Lang,” 1836; 

... (Latin), marked with drops, or spots of a different colour ; 

(Latin), Gamboge (Garcinia) Family, or Order ; 
(West Indian), name of the treei(Br. 78) ; 
Gumnos, nema (Greek), naked, thread ; (all:) tilaments are naked 
as there is no stamineous corona (N, 2/103); 
(Greek), with naked roots ; 
gumnos sporos (Greek), naked seed; (all:) early and complete 
dehiscence of the capsule leaving the seed exposed and 
attached toit (N. 5/412}; 
»» gyne, erton (Greek), female, wool ; 
(N. 2/103) ; 
gyné, Kardia (Greek), female heart ; (all:) stigmas cordate; 
(Latin), chalky white, very dull white with a little touch of 
grey ; 

(all :) stigmas “woolly 


gy’-rans co 





hal-ep-en’ sis 

















(Latin), Circling or oscillating ; 
guros, Karpos (Greek), circle, Frut ; 
round as it falls from the tree; 

Haima, diktiion (Greek), blood, net; 
veins of the leaves ; 

(Greer), with blood colowred tongue-like appendage ; 

(Greek), with blood colowred mouth; 

(Latin), brown red, dullred wih a slight admixture of brown 
same as rubiginosus (q.v.); 

(Greek), bloody headed ; (all:), heads of crimson flowers ; 

Haima (G. haimatos), Kilon (Greek) blood, wood ; 
furnishes red dyes ; 

(com.) Baron Hake | (pr:) Har. 
botany (N. 2/109); 

(loc.) of Aleppo, alias Hale, city of Syria, 70 miles east of the 
Mediterranean sea,and at the north-west extremity of the 
great Syrian desert ; 

enEnT He (Persian), name of the plant, corrupted (McL. 

611) ; 

hals (G. halos), puron (Greek), salt, wheat; 
thesea, and affinity ; 

hals (G. holos), zulon (Greek), salt, wood; (all:) grows in salt 
sWanips ; 

(Latin), Witch Hazel ;(Hamamelis [from hima, mel6n, (Greek) 
together, fruit ; (all :) fruit accompanies the flower (N. 2/110)) } 
Family, or Order ; 

(com.) Henri Lowis du Monceau du Hamel {pr: Hong-ree Loo-. 
ee. doo Morng.—so doo Har-mail] 1700—1782, celebrated 
French author (N. 2/i11); 

(com.) William ‘Hamilton, of Woodlands, near Philadelphin, 
North America, who eontributed many American plants to 
the Calcutta gardens (Rox. 1/554) ; 

(all :)jfrnit spins round and 

(all’:) crimson network of 

(all :) 

kay] a German patron of 

(all:) grows near 

f (com.) of Dr. H. Buchanan-—Hamilton, author of “Journey to 

Mysore,” 1802 ; 

(Latin), with hooks ; 

(Latin), somewhat hooked ; 

haptomai (Greek), to grasp; (all:) rooting climbing branches ; 
(com.) General Hardwicke, of the East India Company [N. 2/112]. 
Harmal (Arabic) name of the plant [McL. 340] ; 

Harpe, Phullon (Greek), sickle leaf; (all:) shape of the 
leaflets ; 

Harpulli (Bengals), name of the plant at Chittagong 

(com.) of Harris ; 
(com.) Harrison, collector in the Malay Archipalago ; 

(Latin) Hastate, pointed at the apex, cordate at the base with 
the basal lobes pointed and directed outwards like a halbert 
(H); (see Sagittate) ; 

(loc.) of Havannah, capital of Cuba, island in the Gulf of 
Mexico ; 

(com.) of Hawtayne ; 

hebao anthos (Greek), to arrive at the age of puberty, flower; 
(all :) densely pubescent corolla ; 

(Latin), name of the plant used by 
Pliny (N. 2/120: Cass, Lat, Dic.) ; 

(Latin), resembling Ivy (Hedera) : 

he dus chion (Greek), sweet, snow; 
white flowers (N./122) ; 

hediis, ovis [g-otos) (Greek), 
Ear like leaves [ch.] ; 
(Latin), with leaves like Hedysarum ; 

Cesar, Virgil, Horace, and 

(all;) sweet-scented snow- 

sweet, ear; (all:) sweet-scented 


he-dys’-ar-if-ol’-i-a ... (Greek), Sweet, illing, old word used by Dioscorides (N./123) ; 

he-dys’-ar-o-i-des ... (Greek), resemblify Hedysarum ; 

He-dys’-cep-e .. hedis, skepa (Greek), sweet, covering; (all:) dense head of 
leaves (N. 2/124) ; 

he-li-anth’-em-if-ol’-i-a (Latin), with leaves like the Sun Rose (Helianthemum) ; 

He-li-anth’-em-um ... helios, anthemon (Greek), Sun, flower; (all:) conspicuous 
blooms and habitat in sunny localities (N.2/124) ; 

He: lich-ry’-sum ... helvos, chrasos (Greek), sun, gold: (all :) colour of the flowers ; 
word used by ‘Theophrastus (N. 2/127) : 

He-lic’-i-a .» helia (Greek) vigour ; (all:) appearance, with evergreen leaves 
and yellow flowers ; 

Hel-ic-6-ni-a ... (Clas.) Helikon, mountain of Boeotia in Greece, sacred to the 

Muses ; (all:) affinity to the Masa genus (N. 2/128: Cass. 
Lat. Wic.) ; 

Hel-ic’-ter-es w hetikter (Greek), twisted bracelet ; (all :) fruit (N. 2/180) ; 
Hel’ -in-us .. helinos (Greek), tendril; (all:) tendrils by which it climb® 

(N. 2/130) ; 

Hé6-li-ot-rop’-i-um ... helios, trope (Greek) sun, turning, name used by Theophras- 
tus ; (al/:) , ancients believed that it turned towards the sun 
(N. 2/130] ; 

hel-’ix .. helix (Greek), anything twisted or spiral ; 
hel’-vol-us... . (Latin), bistre, greyish yellow witb a little brown; 
He-mic-y’-cle-a w» hemi, Kuklos (Greek), half circle; (all:) stamens round a 

circular disk, but about half as many as in Cyclostemon, to 
which it is closely allied. 


He-mid-es’-mns ... hemi, desmos (Greek), half, bond ; (all) : filaments free {usually 
connate in the order |, anther tips alone joined : [Ch.], 

He-mig-y-ro’-sa w+ hemi, guros (Greek) half circle ; (all:) fifth petal usually minute 
or obsolete leaving a blank in the circle ; 

he-miph-loi-a .. (Greek), half barked, bark flaking off only in parts ; 

he-mis-phe’-ric-a ... (Greek), hemispheric, like half a sphere ; 

He-mit-e’-li-a .. hemi telia (Greek), half lid; (all:) shape of indusium 
(N. 2/128) ; 

hen’-dek-a_.... .» (Greek), eleven (See endeca) ; 

Hen-der-s6-ni ... (com.) of Henderson ; 

he-pat’-ic-a ... -.. (Greek), liver-coloured, dull brown with a little yellow ; 

he-pat’-ic-a-fol’-i-a ... (Latin), with leaves like Anemone hapatica [fron hepor (g. 
hepatos liver |; (ali:) medicinal properties ; 

hep’-ta eee .. (Greek), seven ; 

hep-taph-yl’-la ... (Greek), seven leaved ; 

Hep-tap-leu’-rum =... hepta, plewron (Greek), seven, rib; f[all:] ribbed fruit 
(N. 2/136); 

her-ba’-ce-um w» (Latin), herbaceous, resembling herbs ; of acorolla, green (H.); 
of leaves, membranous, i.e., thin, green, and cellular (See 
membranous) ; 

fle-rit-i-e’-ra . (com; Charles Louss 1’ Heritier [(pr:) Sharrl Loo-ee Lay-ree- 
tee-yay | 1747-1800, celebrated French botanist (N. 2/137); 
Her-nan’-di-a... « (com.) Francisco Hernandez [(pr:) Frarn-thees-co Air-narn- 

days |, physician to Philip 11, King of Spain, writer on the 
Flora of Mexico (N. 2/138); 

her-nan’-dif-ol’-i-a .... (Latin), with leaves like Jack-in-a box (Hernandia) ; 

her-pet’-ic-um ... (Greek), creeping; 

het-er-an’-tha .. (Greekj, with two kinds of flowers; or, with different flowers, 
_ from another species ; 

het’-er-an-the’-ra_.... (Greek), with two kinds of anthers ; 

het’-er-oc-ar’—pum .., (Greek), with two kinds of fruit ; 

het’-er-om-al’-lus .... (Greek), with two kinds of locks of wool ; 

Het’-er-op-an’-ax ... (Greek), a different kind of Panaz ; 

Het’-er-oph-rag’-ma_ — he teros, phragmos (Greek), other, partition : (all:) the 4-ridged 
septum (differing from’ others), found in the first species of 
this genus ‘discovered (Ch.) ; 

het’-er-oph-yl’-la_... (Greek), with two kinds of leaves ; 




Het’-er-os-tem’-ma ... 


He-ve’-a a 
hex’-a An 

hex-ag-o’*na ... 

hex-an -dra\”... 
Hey ’-nd-a 

Hey-né-a’-na ... 
Hey -ne-i 
Hib-is’-cvs .., 

Hil-li-a’-na .., 

hi-no-i’-de-us ... 



hetéros, pteruc (Greek), other, wing; (all:) various forms of 
winged samar@ (N. 2/139) ; 

he te ros, stemma (Greek), other, crown ; (all :) 5 large lobes of the 
corona spreading horizontally fromthe column, and lying 
flat on the corolla (Ch.) ; 

(Greek), with two kinds of hair, or, with diferent hair from 
another species ; 

Heve (Brazilian), name of the para (N. 2/140) ; 

(com.) Hewitt ; or Hewet, according to W.A.1. ; 

(Greek), six ; 

gonu (Greek), six, bend ; with accent on 2nd, and short 8rd ; 

(Greek), with six stamens syllable ; but see Antsgonon, 

(com.) Dr. B. Heyne | (pr:) Hain} German botanist and traveller 
in tne Hast Indies (Ct.) ; co-author (with Klein and Rottler) 
of Herbarium madvraspatense ; 

a te gonia (Greek), siz, angle : some consider it to be from hea, 

i j (com). of Dr. B, Heyne; 

Hip-po o-a8«<tam-um ... 


hir-su-tis’ sim-a 
hir-su’-tum .., 

hir’-tum ae 

his-pid’-ul-a ... 


Hol-ig-ar-na ... 

hol’ -cs-e-ric’-e-a 
Hom-al’-i-um ... 

Hom-on-0i’-a ... 

Hibiskos (Greek), Marsh Mallow ; name 
(N. 2/144) ; 

(com.) of W, Hill, Supexintendent of the Botanic garden at 
Brisbane, Australia ; 

(Latin (from Greek, his—g. hinos—a tendon]}), when all the 
veins of the leaf proceed from the midrib, and are paralled, 
and undivided, as in the Ginger family ; 

hippos, kastanon (Greek), horse, chestnut ; (all :) resemblance to 
Spanish Chestnut (Castanea), and inedibility ; 

used by Dioscorides, 

(com.) IHtppucrates, celebrated Greek physician, born about 
460 B.C, died about 877 B.C, called ‘Ine Father of Medi- 
cine” (Ch.) ; 

Hiptamai (Greek), to fy ; (all :) three winged samarz (N. 2/427) ; 

(Latin), more hirsute, than some other species or variety ; 

(Latin), very hirsute : 

(Latin), somewhat hirsute ; 

(Lutin), hirsute, thickly covered with long, somewhat stiffish, 
haris (H.); 

(Latin), hirsute stalked ; 

(Latin), hirsute (H.); 

(Latin), hizpid, thickly covered with long stiff, bristly, hairs, 
CH.) 3 

(Latin), very hispid; 

Latin), somewhat hispid ; 

(com.) G. F. Hoffmann 1761--1826, Professor of Botany at Got- 
tingen, Prussia (N. 2/147) ; 

(com.),Hohenacker, botanist whose chief efforts were exerted in 
the Nilgiri Hills, and the west coast ; 

holos, arrhen (Greek), whole, malé ; (all :) entire anthers (Ch.) ; 

Hola gerani (Canarese), cultivation, of a Marking Nut (Seme- 

carpus) ; (ali:) habitat (near the coast) and affinity ; 

(com.) ‘heodor Holmskjold (pr.) Tay-o-dor Hoalm-sky-oald 

1782—1794, Danish botanist (N, 2/149) ; 

Holos, ptelea (Gre-k) entire elm (ulmus); (atl:) leaves, except 
when young entire instead of serrate ; 

holos, sertkos (Greek), entirely silky: in Nicholson, the 8rd syl- 
lable is short, possibly a slip, as it is long in sericews ; 

holes, stemma (Greek), whole crown ; (all:) fleshy annular corona . 
(Ch ) ; 

homalos (Greek), consistent ; (all:) stamens of some species in- 
regular fascicles (N. 5/429); | 

(Greek), smooth: leaved ; 

(Greek), Sameness of mid; (all:) hothe species are found in 
milar localities, 7.¢.. river bed ; ' 


Hoog-en-dor’-pi i 

Hook '-er-i 



Ho-pé-a -na 

Hor-ten’-si-a oe. 


Ho-ven -i-a 


Hua’-ber-i eae 

Hum-boldt -i-a 

Hum-bo dt’-i-i 

hum -il-is eee 
Ham ’-ul-us 

TLunt-er’-i-a ... 
Un’ -ra wee 

hy-al-i’na es 






(Greek), turned in one direction; having the same direction ag 
the body to which it belongs, but not being straight ; 

+ (com.) of Hooge drop, Dutch botanist of the Indian Archipelago; 

... \ (com.) of Sir William J. Hooker, ¥.R.8., or his son, Stir J. D; 
Hooker, ¥.R.8., the latter for many years head of the Royal 
Botanic Gardens at Kew, and author of Flora of British 

ee India; 

we (com.) Dr. John Hope, Professor of Botany at Kdinburgh, 
Scotland (Ch.) ; 

(com.) of Dr. John Hope ; 

(Latin), horizontal; when a plane points to the heavens and its 
apex to the horizon, us with most leaves ; 

(Latin), bristling, usually with prickles ; 

(com.) Mrs. Horsfall, of the West Indies (N. 2/191); 

.. (com.) Eugenie Hortense de Beauharnats [(pr:) Er-zhay-nee 
Orr-tongse der Bo arr-nay| 17883—1837, daughter of the 
French Empress Josephine, and mother of Napoleon ITI, 
anthoress of ‘ Partant pour la Syrie’”’ (Ene. Brit.) ; 

(Latin), growing in gardens (H.); 

(com.) of Mrs. Hoskins ; 

(Latin) foreign ; 

(com.) A. P. Hove, 
(N, 2/154) ; 

(com.) Dard Hoven, Senator of Amsterdam, Holland (N. 2/155) ; 

(com.) Lord Howe's Island, of Australia, where alone the genus 
is found (N. 2/155) ; 

(com.) Thomas Hoy, once gardener to the Duke of Northum- 
berland, at Sion flouse (N. 2/155) ; 

(com.) of Huber | (pr :) Oo-bair |, German botanist ; 

(com.) of Baron Karl Alexander Anselm Von Huegel [(Pr :) 
Karrl Arl-aix-arn-dair Arnselm fon Hyg-ell.| 1796—1870. 
German traveller ia Asia, including Hast Indies, and 
elsewhere ; 

(com.) John Hugon. Wnglish Botanist (Ch.) ; 

(com.) Baron Friedrich Heinrich Alexander Humboldt (pr:) 
[Free dresk Hine-reek Arl-ayx-arn-dair Oom-boalt} (1769— 
1859) of Pomerania, a province of Prussia on the Baltic Sea, the 
celebrated traveller, co-author (with Bonplandt an? Kunth) 
of “‘ Nova genera et Species cequinoctialium orbis novi.” 

(com.) of Baron Humboldt ; 

.- (com.) of Lady Hume, of Wormeleybury, 
(N. 2/157) ; 

(Latin), procwmbent (q-v.) ; 

(Latin), low in stature (FL.) ; 

humus (Latin), the ground; (all:) plant prostrate if not sup- 
ported (N.2/157) ; 

(com.) Dr. William Hunter, Bengal Medical Establishment 
botanist, and author of History of Pegu (Ch.) (Rox. 1/1696) ; 

(South American), name of the plant (N. 2/158) ; 

(Latin, from Greek), glass-like, whence also, transparent ; 

(Latin) hybrid, a cross breed between two different species, 
OS ae 

(loc.) of Hyderabad ; 

hudnon, karpos (Greek) (tuber frwit); (all:) appearance of 
fruit (Ch.) ; 

hudor, angeton (Greek), water vessel; (all:) cup shaped frnit 
(N. 2/162) ; 

hudrva, stéle (Greek), water vessel, cobumn; (all:) habitat rear 
springs, and tall stems (N. 2/163); 

(Latin), resembling Hydrophyllum [(Greek) water, leaf ; (all :) 
leaves loaded with water at spring time (N. 2/164)]. _ 

aah hyme: naeus (Latin), belonging to the God of marriage ; (all :) twin 
leaflets (N, 2/164): it is to be noted thatin Greek the first 
syllable of this word long, in Latin short (N. 2/356) ; 

Polish botanist and Collector for Kew 

Herts, Hngland 



hy’-men-os’-por-um ... 



hy p-0c-ra-te’-rif-or- 





i-anth’-in-a ... 

Ic-a’ -cir-a’-ce-2 aes 
Ie-a, -co 


telex eee 

i -lic-if-ol’-i us 

Im-ber -ti 



Im-per-a’-ta ... 

im-per-a -tor 3h 
im-per-i-a -lis 
in-a’-qna’-lis ... J 


in-ca-nes -cens 
in-car-na -ta ... 

in-ci -sa d 

in-cil -sif- ole a 
in-con’-stans ... HBG 
in-cras-sa’ -ta 
in-cur’-va-  ... abe 
in’-dic-a Pa ae «a 
In-dig-of’-er-a, see 

in-dig-ot/-ic-a coe 


Himen (g. hamnos), diktyon (Greek), membrane, net; (all:) / 

seeds are girded by a reticulated membrane (N. 2/165) ; 

Humen (g. huménos), phillon (Greek), membrane leaf; 

Humen (g. humnos), spora (Greek), membrane, Seed ; (all :) 
seeds are girded by menibranous wings (N. 5/437) ; 

Hus (g. hu i08), phorbe (Greek), pig, food; (all:) nuts eaten 
by pigs (N. 2/165) ; 

(Latin), St. John’s-wort (Hypericuw), Family, or Order ; 

hipereike (Greek), name of the plant used by Dioscorides, 
(N. 2/168) ; 

(Latin), salver shaped, with a long slender tube and flat limb 
to the corolla (N. 2/168) ; 

(Greek), subterranean, growing under the earth ; 

(Greek), growing from below the base of the ovary ; 

(Greek), growing on the underside of a leaf (N. 2/170) ; 

(Greek) porcupine, i.e., beset with thorns ; 

(Greek). violet [Same as violaceus| (q.v.), intermediate between 
pure indigo blue and crimson; 

False Cocoa Plum Family, or Order ; 

(Florida), name of plant (N. 1/3824) ; 

whnos, karpos (Greek), vestige, fruit; (all:) slender follicle, 
(N. 2/173) ; 

(Greek), slender, spiked ; 

(loc.) of Ida, mountain of Thessaly in Greece ; 

(Latin), flame coloured, scarlet passing almost to orange 
bright and clear [same as flammea] ; 

(Latin) holm oak (Quercus a) name given by Virgil; (all :) 
resemblance of leaves (iN. 2/178) ; 

(Latin), with leaves lilce Holly (ey 

(illicio) (Latin) allure; (all :) agreeable aromatic ml (N. 
2/177) ; 

(Latin), remarkable, for its beauty ; 

(com.) of Imbert, name given by Bourdillon without specifying 
“the person commemorated ; 

(Latin), imbricated, overlapping each other, like the tiles of a 
root (N. 2/178, H.); 

(Latin) , odd-pinnate, when a pinnate (q.v.), leaf rachis teminates _ 

in a leaflet, making an odd number of leaflets, or im a 
tendril ; 

(Latin), impatient; (all:) elasticity of the seed pod valves, 
which discharge the seeds when ripe (N. 2/178) ; 

(Latin), commanded ; (all:) not clear, unless intended for Im- 
perator, from its noble appearance ; 

(Latin), Emperor, noble in appearance; 

(Latin), tmperial ; 

(Latin), entangled (H,) ; 

(Latin), unequal ; 

(Latin), inequittateral, or wnequal (q.v-), when the sides of a 
figure are not symmetrical : 

(Latin), hoary, white with a greyish tinge, caused by hair, 
indistinguishable to the eye, on a green surface : 

(Latin), somewhat hoary ; 

(Latin), flesh-coloured, the palest rosy-pink, with the faintest 
touch of yellow; 

(Latin), incised, cut deeply into sharp irregular divisions (H.); 

(Latin), with incised leaves ; 

(Latin), variable in character ; 

(Latin), thickened (H.) ; 

ae (Latin), ewrved tnwards (H.) ; 

(loc.) of India; 

(Indicwm) [through indigo (Portuguese) ], féro (Latin), bearing s 
(all :) some species produce indigo dye (N. 2/181) ; 

(quasi-Latin), indigo colowred, the deepest clear blue; 







in-un-dib’-ul-if-or’- . 



In- na’-tas 
inn-od-0’rum ... 

in-tric-a -tus 

in-tror’-sus ... 

in-tsi-a P 

in-vol-u’-tus .. 


1-phis’-i-a ss. 
T-pom-e#a .. 

1 pid-if-ol’-i-a 

i-rid-if-lo’-ra . 


i’-sor-a Ss 

Ix-0’-ra : 

Jack-i-a’-nus ... 
Jack’.i-i ase 


(Latin), in duplicate, having the margins bent abruptly inwards, 
aml the external faces of the edges applied to each other 
without any twisting ; 

(Latin), unarmed, without thorns : 

( Latin), used by dyers ; 

(Latin), bladdery, thin, membranous, slightly transparent, 
swelling equally as if inflated with air; 

(Latin), inflexed, suddenly bent inwards ; 

(Latin), with no luck, i.e-, in Clerodendron, withont medical pro- 
pertiés ; 

(Latin), injlexed ; 

\Latin), funnel-shaped, with long slender tube, and limb an 
inverted cone; 

(South American), name of the plant (N. 2/182) ; 

(Latin), unpleasant ; 4 

(Latin), innate, adhering to the pex of a thing ; 

(Latin), without scent ; 

(Greek), with leaves having mony nerves; 

(Latin), poor, or deficient. (H.) ; 

(Latin), remarkable, for its beauty or size ; 

(Latin), grafted {N. 3/236) ; 

(Latin), quite entire; 

(Latin), with entire leaves,ie., without marginal division ; 

(Latin), intermediate, between two other species; 

(Latin), interrupted, i.e.. regularity of form broken; in leaves, 
tne blade not continuous, but in fragments kept together by 
the midri (See continuous) ; 

(Latin), entangled, intermixed in an irregular manner, that 
they cannot be easily disentangled ; 


“) Latin), inflered, suddenly bent inwards ; 
eG y 3 

(Latin), turned inwards, or towards the axis to which it 
appertains ; 

Inca (Malayalam), name of the plant ; 

(Latin), with a whorl of bracts subtending a flower cluster 
(A) ; 

(Latin), involule, when the edges are rolled inwards spirally on 
each side ; ‘ 

(Latin), inverted, having the apex of onet hing in the opposite 
direction to that of another ; 

.» tphios (Greek), strong ; 

Ips. (g. ipos). homoios (Greek), Convolvulus, resembling ; (all :) 
affinity and similarity generally (N. 2/191); 

(Latin), with leaves like the Corn Flag (Iris) [(clas.); goddess of 
the rainbow ; (all:) many coloured flowers] ; 

(Latin), with flowers like Iris ; 

(Latin), irregular, in which the symmetry is destroyed by some 
inequality of its parts ; 

isos, aner (g. andros) (Greek), equal, males; (all:) stamens 
half perfect, half barren (N. 2/202) ; 

isvaramuli (Malayalam), divine root, name of the plant (McL. 
802): Nicholson puts the accent on the 2nd syllable, with a 
long o, which is obviously incorrect ; but See Igora; 

(Greek), with a head like Ixia; 

.. Isvari (Sanskrit), a synonym of Parvati, wife of Siva, to whom 
the plant is sacred, was evidently the original name, but as 
shown by Roxburgh (note to 1/376), it was apparently 
purposely altered to the pronunciation given ; 

... _ (Brazilian), name of one of the species (N. 2/205); 
+ |(com.) of William Jack of Aberdeen, botanist in the Malay 
Islands, died 1822 ; 



Jac-o-bin’-i-a ... (loe.) Jacobixa, Province of Brazil, probably, as the species 
come from tropical America, bat derivation doubtful 
(N. 2/ 205) ; 

Jac-que-mon’-ti-a ... (com.) Véetor Jacquemont [(pr:) Veek-tor Zhark-er-morng | 
1801— 1832, French naturalist and traveller in the Kast Indies, 
(N. 2/206) ; 

ues mae Bee i Rak. | (com.) of Victor Jacquemont ; 

Jac-qui’-ni... ... (com.) of N. Jacquin; _ 

Jac-quieni’-a ... 2 (com.) Nicholas Juseph de Jacquin |(pr:) Nee-cole-ar Zho-zeft 
der Jar kang | 1727—1817, eminent botanist and Professor of, 
Botany at Leyden in South Holland (N. 2/206) ; 

jam-bhi-ri_... ... (Sanskrit), a kind of sowr orange ; 

jam-bol-a’-na ... jambu (Sanskrié). name of the plant ; corrupted first iuto 
Kuglish Jambolin ; 

jam’-bos af ... jambu (Sanskrét), name of the plant ; 

Jame’-si-i ao ... (com.) of James ; collector in the Rocky mountains of America ; 

jan’-thin-us_... ... (Latin, from Greek), aform of writing tanthinus (q. v.) ; 

jap-on’-ic-a_... ... (Latin), pertarning to Japan; 

jas-min-if-lo-ra ... (Latin), with Jasmine like flowers ; 

jas-min-0o-i’-des ... (quasi-Greek), resembling Jasmine (Jasminum) ; 

Jas’-min-um .. ... Ydsamix (Arabic), rame of the plant (N. 2/206; Mch. 382) ; 

Ja/-te-orh-1’-za ... wdlos, rhiza (Greek), healing, roct; (all:) medicinal qualities, 
(N. 2/208) 2 

Ja't-roph-a... ... idtros, trophe (Greek), physician, fooi; (all:) medicinal quali- 

ties (N. 2/ 208) ; the last half is more probably from phainomdi 
(Greek), to be apparent : 

jav-a’-di-en’-sis ... (loc.) belonging to the Javadi Hills ot North Arcot and Salem 
districts ; 

ja-van-en’-sis ...) (loc.) of Java, the most important, but not the largest (Borneo 

ja-van’-ic-a New Gninea, Sumatra and Celebes being larger) of the 

ja-ven’-sis Indian Archipelago (Hnc. brit.) ; [See moluccana| ; 

Jen-kins-l-a’-na ... (com.) of Jenkins; 

Jenatanent .. (com.) of Jenman (N. 5/532) ; 

Jer-do-ni-a/-na ... (com.) of Surgeon Major VL. 0. Jerdon of the Madras Medical 

Service, Kiminent OUrnithologist (N. 2/208); and colleccor of 
plarts, especially orchids, whilst his wife illustrated many for 
Wight’s ‘1 cones,’ about 1845; 

iey-po-ren -sis ... (loc.) of Jeypore, the zemindary lying between Vizagapatam 
District and Bastar Stwte in the Central Provinces ; 
Jo-an-ne -sl-a ... (com.) Joannez ((pr:) Ho-arn-aize}, Poruguese botanist; 
John-so’-ni_.., a or of the Revd. Edward Johnson of Coonoor (W.A.1.) ; 
John-sto’-né-i | (com.) of Revd. W. Johnson (or Johnstone) of Calicut ; 

Jo-seph’-i-a (com.) Dr. (aferwards Sir) Joseph Dalton Hooker (See Hookeri) ; 

Jos-si -ni-a 

Jub-z'-a Ae bas (com.) Juba, King of Nuwidia in Africa (N. 2/209) ; 

ju’-jub-a . .. (bat). jujube [through ziziphos (Greek), from zaizufan 
(Persian) |, name of the plant (McL. 3/66) ; 

ju-lip-ris‘sin ... ... Gutdbresham (Hindustant), silken rose (8s/T/272) ; 

ju-lif-lo’-ra ... ... jults [from voulos oreo fics (g-florts) (Latins young hair. 
Stower ; 

jun’-a-cé as ... (Laten), reed-leke ; 

Ju-nip’-er-us ... ... (Latin), old name used by Virgil and Pliny ; 

WUSesi-se -a 625. ee (com.) De Jussieu | (pr:) der Zhyss- yer], a Fxench family with 

six botanists of note: (1) Antoine |(pr:) Arn-twarn] 1686— 
1758, editing Tournelort’s « Institutiones rei herbariz, ” and 
Barrelier’s ‘‘ Plante per Galliam, Hispaniam, et Italiam 
observatee ”; (2) Bernard [(pr:) Bair-narr] 1699—1777, 
brother: (8) Joseph, [{(pr :) Zhozeff |, 1704—1799, brother ; (4) 
Antoine Laurent | (pr : Ung-twarn-i-orong | nephew of three 
preceding, 1748—1836 ; (5) Adrien Lawrent Henri, [(pr:) Ar- 
dreeong Lorong Hongree}, s0n cf No. 4, 1797—1858; and 
(6) Laurent Pierre {pr :) Lorong Peey-air|, nephew of No, 4, 
1792—1866, (N. 2/214, Ene. Brit.); 
Jus-tic'-i-a .,. ee (com.) J. Justice, Scotch Horticulturalist (N. 2/214) ; 

Ka’-ki ... 



kar-am-a’-na .. 

Kar -ka 

Kay’-6-ia ; 
ken-troc-an -los 
ker-me-si-na ... 


Ki-ge -li-a 


ko-et-ja -pe 

kor’ -in-ti Sic 
kum-a’-on-i ... 
Kur-ri’-mi-a ... 

Kyd’-i-a eae 


ab-ur -ni f-ol’-i-a 



(Jupanese), name of the plant ; 

Kaki (Japangse), name of the plant; 

(com.) Peter Kalm, 1715—1799, pupil of Linnzus, travelled in 
Canada andthe Northern States, and became professor at 
Abo in Finland (N, 2/216) ; 

(Latin), belonging to the Canara Districts, north in Bombay, 
south in Madras, Presidency ; 

Kandal (Tamil), name of the plant (MoL. 3/122) ; 

(com.) Rat Sahib Vpentranath Kanjilal, author of “ Forest Flora 
of the School Circle, N.W.P. ” ; 

(loc.) of Caramania, or Karamania, the south coast of Asia 
Minor form the Mediterranean Sea to Mount Taurus, 
comprising the ancient districts of Lycia, Pamphylia and 

(Bengal), name of the plant ; 

kaki | Japanese), name of the plant ; 

(com.) Dr. R Kaye Greville, of Edinburgh (Treas. Bot.) ; 

(com.) Kendrick ; a botanist in Ceylon ; ° 

(Greek) with spur-like protuberances on the stem ; 

(com.) M. Kerr, Superintendent of the botanic garden in Ceylon, 
(N. 2/218) ; 

(Latin), carmine, a pure red, deeper than crimson, verging 
towards black [See phoeniceu] ; 

(loc.) belonging to the Khast Hilis of Assam; 

{com.) Johann Kicke |(pr:) Yo-harn Keeks], father and son, 
Dutch botanists ; 

(com.) Kigel | (pr :) Kee-gail], German botanist and traveller in 
Africa ; 

(com.) Dr. John Kirk, «a celebrated botanist of Zanzibar and 
traveller in Africa, especially in Zambesi land (Treas. Bot) ; 

(com.) M. Kleinhof’, {(pr:) Cline-hoaf} Director of the Botanic 
Gardens at Batavia, in Java (N. 2 /219) ; 

(com.) of the Revd. Dr, Klein | (pr : Cline,] German, for a long 
time residing in T'ranquebar, wno with Heyne and Kottler, 
was co-author of “ Herbarium madraspatense’”’ ; 

(com.) of Dr. Klotzsch, of Berlin who determined Dr. Peter's 
Zambesi aud Mozambiqus plants for Oliver’s ‘“ Flora of 
‘Trop:cal Africa” ; 

(com.) of oentg |(pr.) Knr-ny], Danish botanist, physician to 
the 'fraquebar Mission : 1768 ; 

(Singaporese) name of the pear shaped and flayoured variety 
of Sandoricum indicum (H.R. 558) ; 

(Bengali), name of the plant ; 

Kokun (Singhalese), name of the plant ; 

(com.) Jan Kops |(pr:) Yarn Coaps ], 1765—1849, Professor at 
Utrecht in Holland ; 

(Telugu), resembling Plecospermum spinosum; name of the 
plant ; 

(loc.) of Kwmaon, district of the North West Provinces. 

(com.) of Kunth [(pr:) Coont] Austrian botanist, co-author 
(with Hamboldt and Bonplandt) of * Nova generaet species 
plantaram quinoctialium orbis nove ;” 

(loc.) pertaining to Coorg; 

(com.) Abdul Karim, draughtsman of Wallich (See Wight's 
I cones under Govindooa) ; 

(com.) Colonel Robert Kyd, founder and first Direccor of the 
Calcentta Botanic Gardens, died 1794. 

(Latin) Labiate (from labium (Latin) Lip], Family, or Order ; 
being the principal family in which the calyx and corolla are 
each separated in two anequal, anterior and _ posterior, 
divisions, or lips. The term /abiate is often used instead of 
personate, or ringent (q.v.) ; 

(Latin), with leave like Laburnum ; 


Lab-ur’-num ... 



lep=s taro. a 
lee’: te-vir-en’s 
le-vig-a -ta 




la-mi-if-ol ‘-1-a 


lan’ -cé-2e-fol’-1-a 
lan-cif-ol’-ia ... ons 
Lax-dolph’-i-a =e 

lar-ic’ -i-0 

Lar’ -ix 

Las-1-0s i-ph-6n 



(Latin), old name used by Pliny {N. 2/225) ; 

(Latin), jagged, cut or} divided into unequal segments (N. 
2/ : 

(Latin), milk-white, a dullish white verging to blue; 

(Latin), depression, pit or intercellular spaces (H.) ; 

(Latin), having numerous, large deep depressions (See serobi- 
culate) ; 

(Latin), laudanum producing ; [ladanum (Latin) from ladanon, 
(Greek) mastic | ; 

(Latin), joyful, fresh looking ; 

(Latin), bright green 3| 

(Latin), with polished surface ; 

(Latin), smooth ; free from hairs, asperities, or any unevenness ; 

(Latin), quite smooth ; 

(com.) Duke of Lafoens, 1719—1806, President of the Academy 
of Science at Lisbon in Portuga! (N. 2/220) ; ; 

(Latin) flask bearing, bottle-like ; 

(com.) Magnus Lagerstroem[(pr:) Marg-noos. Lar-gair-strurm | 
of Gottenbure in Sweden, a friend of Linnaeus, 1696—1759 
(N, 2/231) ; 

Greek) resembling Hare’s-foot (Lagopus) ; 

(com.) Andres deLaguna [(pr:) Arn-drayze day Lar-goo-nar]- 
Spanish Botanist, 1499 —1560 (N. 2/231) ; 

lakach (Hindustanz), name of the plant ; 

(com.) Chevalier|Jean Baptiste Monet de La Marek { (pr :)]} 

Shur-var-lee-yay Zhong Barp-teest der Mo-nay der : Lar-mark, 

eminent French naturalist, 1744—1829 (N. 2/31) whence 

also the name Monetia, which is a synonym of Azima ; 

(com.) of Aylmer Bourke, Lambert, ¥.R., President of the 
Linnean Society, author of “ Description of the genus Pinus, 
1803, snpplement 1825,’ and other works, 1799—1825 ; 

(Latin), with leaves like Dead-nettle (Lamium [from laimos, 
(Greek) throat ; (all:) shape of the corolla!) ; 

(Greek) a torch, briiliant ; 

(Latin), woolly, with iong loosely intricate or curly haire 

nls) 3 

ay with lance-shaped leaves ; 

(Latin), lance-like, straight, upright and tapering, or useful for 
making lances , 

(Latin), lance-shaped, narrowly pellitic and tapering to both 
ends (N. 2/282) ; 

(Latin), with lance shaped leaves ; 

(com.) M. Landolphe | (pr :) Larn-doalf| French Comroander of 
the West African expedition to which P. deBeauyois was 
attached as botanist (N. 2/232) ; 

Lanseh (Malayan), name of the plant ; 

(Italian), Way-faring tree (Viburnum opulus) ; (all:) resem- 
blance (N. 2/238) ; 

(Latin), lanuginose, with lon. soft interlacing hairs or down, 
finer than Janate (H.) ; 

(Latin), stone coiowred, «a yellowish-brown, intermediate 
between umbrinous (qev-) and stramineous (q.v.) ; 

(com.) M. Laporte |(py :) Lar-porr-ter], a friend of the French 
botanist Gandichaud (N. 2/235) ; 

(Latin) with burrs, or covered with tufts of prickles (H.) ; 

(Italian), like the Larch (Larix) (N. 3/142) ; 

(Greek and Latin) old name used by Dioscorides and Pliny for 
the tree (N. 2/235 ; Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 

lasios, anthos (Greek), hairy, flower ; (all:) hirsute bracteate 
heads of flowers of the first found species ; 

(Greek), hairy frutted ; 

(Greek), with hairy petals ; 

lasios, siphon (Greek), hairy tube; (all:) tnbe of the corolla 
somewhat long and densely villous with long silky hairs ; 

lat-eb-ro’-sa ... 
Latter-a’-lis .., 
la-tro’-num ... 
Laur-a’-ce-2 ... 
laur-if- ol’-j-us 
laur-i’-na ; 
laur-i-nd-i’ des 
Laur-oc-er’ -as-us 


Law-i-a’-nus ... 
Law’ -i-i 
Law-so’-ni-a ... 
leeseg- a. « 
lax’-if-lo’-ra ... 




Lee -a... 


len ti-gin-o’-sus 


lep- roc-ar’ pa 

lep-ro’-sus ... 

Lep-ton-yeh’-i as 

led Te J AWS 

ae | (com.) of J. 


Latanier (Mauritius), name of the plant (N. 2/237) ; 

(Latin), seeking, or affording, shelter ; 

(Latin), lateral, fixed near the side of any organ; 

(Latin), brick-red, dull vermilion mixed with grey ; 

(Latin), with broad leaves ; 

(Latin), of robbers, or affording protection to them ; 

(Latin), Lawrel (Laurus) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), with leaves like laurel ; 

(Latin), like laurel ; 

(quasi-Greek), somewhat like lawrel ; 

(Latin), Laurel Cherry, with laurel-like leaves and Cherry-like 
fruit ; 

(Latin), name used by Cicero, Horace, and Virgil, sacred to 
Apollo, and a wreath of which was emblematic of victory in 
all kinds of pursuits, (Nic. 2/239 ; Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 

lavo (Latin), to wash; (all:) use for perfuming during ablu- 
tions (N. 2/239) ; 

(com.) Lavater [(pr:) Lar-var-tair}, two brothers, physicians 
and naturalists of Zurich in Switzerland, who lived in the 
18th century ; 

8. Law, Indian Civil Service (Bombay) and 
botanist on the Malabar, or West Coast (Ch.) ; 

(com.) Dr. Isaae Lawson, botanical traveller, who published an 
account of a voyage to Carolina in N. America in 1709 
(N. 2/242) ; 

(com.) of M. A, Lawson, ¥.R.8., who assisted in the preparation 
of Hooker’s “ Flora of British India” ; 

(Latin), loose, not rigid (H.) ; also,in texture, soft and cellular, 
or open in arrangement, the parte being distant from, and 
not closely packed among, each other ; 

(Latin), with flowers loosely arranged ; 

libds (Hindustans), what is tied round; (all:) cord like appear- 
ance and twining habit ; 

(com.) of Lear (N. 2/191) ; 

(South African), name of a similar plant (Treas. Bot.) ; 

(com.) Charles Ledger, an English traveller, who in 1885, 
obtained seeds of a superior kind of Cinchona, which were 
raised with remarkable success in Java ; 

Lédon (Greek), Cistus, name used by Dioscorides , (all :) resem- 
blance in habit and foliage (N. 2/245) ; 

(com.) James Lee, 1715-1795, well-known nursery man at 
Hammersmith, London, who did a good deal to popular 
the Linnwan system (N. 2/247) ; 

(Latin), Legumsnous [from legumen (Latin), pulse;| Family, 
or Order ; 

leios, rhiza (Greek), flat root ; 

(com.) of Sir Charles Lemon, ‘Bart. (Br. 41) ; 

) (Latin), resembling a double convex lens; 

(Latin), dusty, covered with minute dots as if dusted ; 

(Latin), spotted like a leopard, black or purple-brown on yellow 
or orange ground ; 

(Greek), with scaly frust ; 

(Latin from Greek), lepidote, covered with minute peltate (q.v.) 
scales ; 

(Latin), neat ; 

(Greek), with “rough, or scurfy, fruit ; 

(Latin), lepidote; 

leptos, adén (Greek), slender, gland ; (all.) corona of the corolla 
forming minute processes in the sinus of its lobes; 

leptos, onuax (g. onuchos). Greek), insignéficart, claw ; ; (all :) 
orbicular concave petals without the claw, which is prevalent 
in most allied genera ; 

slann chie GRO OM Od 


lep’-tos-pa’- dix 

lep-tos-tach’- ya 


Leu-cx’-na ... 

Leu’ -cas Wie 
Jeu’-cos x 


Lig-us’-tram ... 


Li’-lt-a’-ce-z .., 

Tii7-ma/eCi-a s.. 
lim ba’-ta ... 
li-met’-ta ..: 
Li-mo’ ni-a 

li-mo’nim-ed’-ic a 


Li-na’-ce-e .,. 





ws (Greek), with slender petal; 
.« (Greek), with slender leaves ; 
we (Greek), with slender foot, or stalk ; 

(Greek), with slender spadiz, or flower cluster enclosed in the 
Spathe ; 

.© (Greek), with slender seeds ; 

wee (Greek), with slender sptkes ; 


(com.) of L. T. Leschenault | (pr.:) Lay-shay-no], 17783—1826, 
French botanist and traveller (N. 2/252) ; 
(com.). John Coakley Lettsom, M.D., F.s.A., author of numerous 
valuable works [Rox. ]—487]: 
we leaukaino (Greek), to whiten ; (all :) glaucous leaflets and waite 
flowers ; 
«. léakos, dendron (Greek), white tree ; (all:) silvery white foliage 
(N. 2/255) ; 
... ledikos (Greek), white ; (all :) flowers of all the species ; 
vs (Greek), white tree ; 
«. (Greek), white nerved ; 
(Greek), with white bark ; 

we (Greek), with a whete corn-grain ; 
we (Greek), white, albows, (q.v) 5 
«+ (Greek), with white haér ; 

«+ (Greek), with white wood ; 
ws» (loc.) of Mount Lebanon, a high range of hills in the sonth of 
Syria ; 
(Latin), distinct (q.v.) , or free; 
... (loe.) of Liberia, on the Grain Coast of West Africa ; 
+ (Moluccas), name of the plant (N, 2/262) ; 

ve (Latin), woody, having the texture of wood ; 

(Latin), havimg a léjywle (scarious projection where the leaf blade 
joins the sheath (H.); or strap-like, narrow, moderately 
long, with the two opposite margins parallel ; 

.. (Latin), resembling Privet (ligustrum) ; 
.. (Latin), name used by Pliny and Virgil (N. 2/263; Cass. Lat. 
Die.) . 

(Latin) [from lilds (Persian), the indigo plant, |, lilac, pale duil 

purple coloured, mixed with a little white ; 
.. (Latin), Lily (Lilium) Family, or Urder ; 

Ulium, flds (2. fldris) (Latin) lily, flower ; it is to be noticed 
that whilst the iis short in English, it is long in Latin ; 
Virgil writes: “Lilia, verbenasque promens, vescumque papa- 
ver” (N. 2/358), on much the same principle us the differ. 
ences in the names Croton, Anemone, Antigouon, and others ; 

leimez (Greek), slug ; (all ;) appearnce of drupes ; 
(Latin), bordered, with a different colour ; 
.. (Italian), a small lemon ; 
... Lemon (Malay) {through limina (Persian), citron] (Bon. 240 : 
N. 2/277) ; 
vs (Latin), lemon citron : more lemon than citron, but compound of 
beth ; 
(Latin) [from Persian) lemon ; 
(Latin), Flax (Linum) Family, or Order ; 

vs } (com.) of J. Linden, Belgian horbiculturalist (N. 2/280) ; 

((com.) of John Lindley, Pu.p., ¥.R.S., 1799—1865, author 

| *Tntroduction to Botany—Vegetable 

J Kingdom,” and 
} numerous other works, including a ‘“ Natural system of 
Botany ” one of the earliest works on natural orders ; 
.. (Latin), linear, with almost parallel edges and length at least 
five tumes the breadth (H.) ; 
(Latin), with linear leaves : 
«. (Latin), marked with longitudinal lines (H.) ; 




Lip’ -ar-is ed 


lit’-chi Li 


Liv-is-to’-ne ... 

' Lo-be’-li-a 

Lod-6-i’-ce-a ... 


Lo-ma’ ri-a 

long-if-lo’-ra ... 
long-is-pi’-na ... 
long’-um aa 



(Latin), tongue shaped. long, plano convex, and obtuse ; 
( (com.) of Karl von Linné [(pr:) Karl fon Lee-nas | alias Carolus 
Linnaeus, 1707-1778, Swedish botanist and the founder of 
botanical science, Professor first of Medicine and then of 
Botany at Upsala in Sweden, author of many works, but 
especially of “Systema Nature, ’ “ Fundamenta botanica ”’ 

ized botany as then known, and was the starting point of 
the science since then (Hue. Brit.) ; his son Karl, 1740—1783, 
began to help his father in 1768, and wrote several works, 
helping in Aiton’s ‘“‘ Hortus Kewensis’’; the works of father 

“J and ‘*(senera Plantarum,” which between them revolntion- 

and son were sold by the latter’s mother to Sir J. E. Smith, 
L first president of the Linnzan Society ; 
linon, Ketria (Greek), linen bandage ; (all) : consistency and form 
of leaves ; 

liparos (Greek), Smooth like oil ; (all :) shining surface of leaves, 
(N. 2/288) ; possibly, lipares (Greek), clinging # (all:) habit 
of clinging to roeks and trees 3 

(com.) Augustus Lippt [(pr:) O-go0s-toos Leep-pee], French 
physician and traveller in Abyssinia (N. 2/284) ; 

léirton dendron (Greek), ltly trea; (all:) appearance of the 
flowers (N. 2/285) ; 

Greek), smooth leaved ; 

toneore) name of the plant ; 

(Greek), steny seeded ; 

(Japanese), name oi the plant (N. 2/287) ; 

(Latén), pertaining to the sea shore ; 

(Latin), lévid, dull yellow clouded with greyish, brownish, and 
blaish tints ; 

(com.) David Livingstone, 1813-1873, Scotch missionary and 
celebrated traveller and explorer in Africa ; 

(loe.) P. Murray of Livingston, near Wdinburgh (N. 2/287) ; 

(com.) M., la Llave, [ (pr :) lar-Lar-ver] diseoneaee of the plant, 
(N, 2/288) ; 

(Latin), lobed, having divisions extending not more than half 
way down (H.) ; 

(com.) Matthias de l’Obel, 1538--1616, botanist and physician to 
King James I (N. 2/289;; 

(Latin), ony divided by internal partitions into cells ; 

(loc.) Laodtcea [after Laodice, daugiter of Priam, last King of 
Troy,] said te be altered therefrom (N. 2/298) : spossibly 
from lédix (gen. l dicts), a rug; (all:) thick fibrous husk of 
the huge fruit: or again from Lakkadivicea (loc.) pertaining to 
the Lakkadivi Islands, where (and in the Maldives, Seychelles) 
it is found ; 

(com.) Konr ad Loddiges [{pr:) Cone rart Load-deeg-gaze 
founder of a once celebrated nursery at Hackney, London 
(N. 2/292), author of ‘* Botanical Cabinet, ” 1512—1833 ; 

(com.) (Latin), Logania [from James Logan, 1674—1751, born in 
Ireland, afterwards Governor of Pennsylvania U.S. ne and a 
writer on botany (N. 2/292) | Family, or Order ; 

lama (Greek), an edge; (all:) position of the sporangia on the 
fronds (N. 2/298); 

longén (Malayan), name of the tree (MeL. 3/486) ; 

(Latin), with long flowers; 

(Latin), with long leaves ; 

(Latin), with a long foot stolk : 

(Latin), with a long spathe, or bract covering the inflorescence ; ; 

(Latin), with long spines ; 

(Latin), very long ; 

(Latin), long ; 

¥ (com.) Adam Lonitzer {(pr:) Ar-darm Loan-eet-zair], 1528-- 

1586, German botanist (N. 2/296) ; 
(quasi-@reek), resembling Honeysuckle (Lonicera) ;. 


loph-aoth’-a ... nee 
Loph-op-et’-al-um ... 
Lo-ranth-a’-cé-ce aR 
lo-ranth’-if-ol’-1-a ... 
Lo-ranth’-us ... 

lo=tat-olcei-a ss. 

Lu -ci-z se 
Lu-i’-si-a ase 


lup-ul-i’-nus ... 

lu’-rid-a 00 300 
ln’-te-a Oe vee 

ly c-i-0-i-dés 

lyo-op-er-8i c-a-for’ - 



Ma-ba 60¢ ate 
Mac-ad-am-i-a aH 
Mac-af-ee-a-na ae 


Mac-fad’-yen-a nee 

Mach-i’-l-us ... 


Mac-iae-l... oe 
mac-ran’-tha ... Be 
mac-roc’-al-yx Aine 
mac-roc-ar’-pus 360 

mec-ros-tach’-y-a ... 



(Greek), crest flowered ; 

lophos, petalon (Greek), erest, petal; (all:) the crested upper 
surface of the persistent petals ; 

(Latin), Mistletoe (Loranthus and Viscam) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), with leave like Loranthus ; 

loron, anthos (Greek), thong, flower ; (all :) shape of the flowers ; 

Latin, (from Greek), thong like, narrow, moderately long, with 
two opposite margins parallel, same as ligulate (q.v.) ; 

(Latin), with leaves like Birds-foot-trefotl (Lotus) : 

(Latin), shining : 

(com.) of Madame Lucie Savatier [(pr:) mar-darm Lys-ee Sar- 
var-tee-yay ] (N. 3/645) ; 

(Latin), bright ; 

(com.) Don Luis de Torres [(pr:) Don Loo-eez day Tor rayze], 
Spanish botanist (N. 2/801) ; 

(Italian), sweet lemon ; 

(com.) Lunitzer [(pr:) Loom-neet-zair], 
author of ‘ Flora Posonensis,” (Ch.) : 
(Latin), half-moon shaped, or crescent shaped (H.): 

(Latin), lunate ona small scale ; 

German botanist 

‘ (Latin), having waxy, glohules such as are fownd on the female 

flowers of the Hop (Humulus) : 

(Latin), lurid, dirty brown somewhat clouded ; 

(Latin), lurid sanguine, dirty brown passing through dull red 
to blackish ; 

(latin), yellow, like gambodge ; 

(Latin), pale yeilow, like ;ale gamboge ; 

lavanga (Sanskrit) cutting; (all:) acid juice of the fruit, 
pungent oil of the plant generally, and the thorns ; 

(Greek), like the Box Thorn (lycium) [name given by Theoph- 
vastus to the Rhamnus which it somewhat resembles (N. 2/ 
308) ]. 

ee. with teaves like Tomato (Lycopersicam) ; 

(Latin), of the shape and appearance of a Tomato (Lycopersi- 
cum) ; 

(Latin), Club Moss (Lycopodium), Family, or Order ; 

(lukos, pous (2 podos) (Greek), wolf, foot ; (all:) resemblance 
of roots to woif’s paw (N. 2/307) ; 

lugodes (Grees), flewible ; (all:) flexible habit (N. 2/308) ; 

(Latin) lyre shaped, similur to panduriform (q.v.), but with 
several sinuses on either side ; 

(Latin), Loosestrife, (Lythrum) [from luthron (Greek), black 
bloud ; (all :) colour of flowers, (N. 2/311) | Family, or Order ; 

(Tonga Islands), native name of the plant (N. 2/811) ; 

(com.) John MacAdam, M.D., Secretary of the Philosophical 
Institute, Victoria, Australia (N. 2/311) ; 

(com) of Mavafee (N. 1/7) ; 

Makaranga (Sanskrit), monkey’s body; (all:) fruit: name of 
the plant (McL. 3/1012; N. 5/570) ; 

(com.) of MacArthur, an Australian Collector ; 

(com.) James Macfadyen. M.d., author of ‘‘ Flora of Jamaica, ”’ 
1837 (N, 5/570) ; 

Mache, eile (Greek), strife, crowd; (all:) doubtful; possibly 
large inflorescence, or numerous stamens ; 

(com.) of Macleod ; 

(com ) of Macrae, botanist whose efforts were mostly: directed 
to the West Coast; 

(Greek), with long flowers ; 

(Greek), with a long calyx; 

(Greek), with long frust ; 

(Greek), with long leaves ; 

(Greek), with long foot stalk ; 

(Greek), with long seeds ; 

(Greek), with a long spske of flowers ; 


mac-ul-a’-ta ... 

mad-ag-as-car-i-en’ sis. 



Mie’-sa + 
Mag-no’-li-a ... 

Mai’-ze : 


mal-ab-ath’-ric-um ... 





Mal-pi-ghi-a’-ce-z ... 


mal-va’-ce-a ... 

Man-e’ tt-ti-a... 

man-ic-a’-t-a .. 


Map-pi-a “0 


.. 2 (Latin), 
.§ broad irregular blotches ; 


(Greek), with a long corona 

Makros, Zamia (Greek), long, Zamia | (Greek) loss, applied by 
Pliny to barren pine cones, and by Linnzus to this species ; 
(all:) sterile appearance of the male fructification (N, 4/230) }; 
(all:) aftinity, and larger habit (N. 2/314) ; 

blotched, marked with different colours disposed in 

maidhavi, lata (Sanskrit), spring flower, creeper: 
(loc.) of Madagascar, island off the South Hast Coast of Africa ; 

madaras-pat-en’-cis, ... f (loc.) pertarntng to Madras 

(loc.) pertutning to Madura district ; 

Mérw (Arabic), name of the plant (N. 2/314); possibly con- 
nected with Mehr (Arabic), the sun; (all:) habit ; 

Maas (Arabic), name of one of the species (N. 2/314) ; 

(Latin), Magnificent; 

(com.) Pierre Magnol [(pr.:) Pee-yair Mar nyole]}, 1688—1715, 
Professor of Medicine, and !’rotessor of the Botanic Garden at 
Mountpellier in the south of France (N. 2/313) ; 

(Latin), Magnolia Family, or Order ; 

Muhogany (Central American), names of the plant; doubtful ; 

(com.) of Ma-, the christian name of Mrs. Bourdillon, the dia- 
coverer of the species ; 

(Latin), greater ; 
(Latin), Somewhat bigger; 
*(com.) of Makoy (N.1/237) ; Collector in ‘Tropical America; 

(loc.) of Malabar District, or the adjoining country ; 

(loc.) of Malacca, on the South West Coast of the Malay 
peninsula ; the Straits of Malacca separate the Malay penin- 
sula from Sumatra; and the Straits Settlements are the 
British Colonies to the north with headquarters at Singapore ; 

Mallata (Nepalese), name of the tree (McL. 3/404) ; or mallotos 
(Greek), fleecy; (all:) fruit of some species (N, 5/512); 
perhaps both ideas are embodied in the name ; 

(com.) BE. Von Malortie {pr:) fon Mar loar tee] of Hannover 
(N. 2/318) ; 

(com.) Marcello Matpighi [(pr:) Marr chel lo Marl pee ghee] 
}628—1694, Italian naturalist and Professor at Bologna in 

» Italy (N. 2/318) ; 

(Latin), Barbados Cherry (il alpigia) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), an appletree, word used by Virgil (Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 
[cf. Malo, | would rather be, Mdlo, in an apple tree, Malo 
than a bad man, Malo, in adversity, of school boy rhymes] ; 

(Latin), Mauve, purple with a tinge of blue; 

(Latin), Mallow (Malva, [word used by Cicer 0]) Family or Order; 

(com.) H. J. Mandeville, a British Minister at Buenos Ayres in 
Argentine of S, America, (N. 2/ 322); 

(com.) Xavier Maneitti [(pr :) Yar vee yair Mar net tee], Pre- 
fect of the Botanic Gardens at Florence in Italy in the middle 
of the 18th century (N 2/323); 

(quasi-Latin), Mingo bearing ; 

Mang, gusta (Malayan), name of the tree (McL. 3/467) ; 

(Latin), Sleeve-like, having an indumentum of matted scales or 
pubescence go thick and interwoven that it can be slipped 
off like a sleeve (H); with a blue corona that looks like a 
sleeve ; 

(Brazilian), name of the genus, which includes the Tapioca and 

Ceara (often mis pronounced as Ceara) Rubber plants (N, 2/ 
328) ; 

.» U (com.) Barthol Marants [(pr:) Barr tole. Mar rarn tee], Vene- 

.. J tian Botanist, died 1754 (N. 2/326) ; 




Mar-at’ -ti-a’-ce-2o 

mar-gin-a’-ta En 

mar-it’-im-a ... 

ma-ro’ -ni-en’-se sa 


Mar-ti-a’-na ... 08 

Mas-san’-ge-a -na 
Mas-tix’-i-a” ... 

max -im-a mi 
Max-im-il’-j-a’-na_ ... 

me’ -dic-a 

med -ic-a 
Me-dic-a’-go ... 

me -dic-o-li-mo’-num, 



meg” -ap-ot-am’-ic-a. 


mel’-an-oc-ar -pa 
mel’-an-oph-lo’-a .., 

vee soe 


(com.) J. F. Maratté [(pr:) Marr rart tee], Italian botanist, 
author of “ De floribus filicum ” 1760 (N. 2/327) ; 

(Latin), Marattia Family, or Order ; +5 

(Latin), marcescent, withering without falling off, as with some 
corollas (H.) ; 

(Latin), marginal, fixed upon the edge of any organ ; or edged; 

(Latin), marginate, having a border distinct as to texture or 
appearance (H); [narrower than limbatus] ; 

(Latin), Slightly marginate ; 

(Latin), growing on the sea coast (H.) ; 

(Portuguese), conserve of quinces, (Nutt) ; 

(Latin), marbled, marked with veins and shades of colour (H) ; 

(loc.) Name of 2 town in Bahia, an Atlantic State in Brazil, 
8. America (Ene. Brit.) ; 

(loc.) of the Maront River, in Dutch Guiana (Surinam) in the 
North East of S. America (N. 2/454); 

(com.) William Marsden, F.R.s., 1754— 1886, author of “ History 
of Sumatra” (N. 2/329) ; 

(Latin), a pouch or bag ; (all:) fruit; 

(loc.) of Maytaban, in Burma; 

(com.) Dr. Von Martius [(pr:) fon Marr-tee-oos), Eavarian 
traveller, and co-author (with Spix) of ‘‘ Travels in Brazil,” 
1823 ; 

(com.) Balthassar Martinez [(pr:) Barl-tars-sarr-Marr-tee- 
naize], Spanish naturalist (N. 2/330) ; 

(com.) of M. Massange de Lowvrex [(pr :) Mar-sarnzher der Loo- 
vray ], distinguished Belgian horticulturalist (N .2/335) ; 

mastix (g. mastigos) (Greek), whip, or scourge ; (all:) bracteate 

inflorescence of some species ; 

(Latin), very large ; 

(com.) Maximilian I, King of Bavaria, from its majestic appear- 
ance (N. 2/339); [Emperor of Brazils, who was assassinated 
brother of the Emperor of Austria]; 

(Greek), resembling medeola {from Médéia (Greek), an enchan- 
an (all :} supposed medicinal properties of this lily (N. 2/ 
341) ]; 

(Latin), middle, or intermediate between two other species ; 

médikos (loc.and Greek), of Media, a portion of Persia between 
the Caspian Sea and Araxes or Aras River (N. 4/358) ; 

médicus (Latin), cwrative (N. 4/353) ; : 

Médiké (Greek), name given by Dioscorides to a Median grass, 
(N. 2/841) ; 

(quasi-Latin), citron-lemon, more 
compound of both ; 

(com.) J. de Medinilla [(pr:) May-dee-nee-lya] of Pineda, 
Governor of the Marianne,or Ladrone, Islands in the North 
Pacific Ocean, belonging to Spain (N. 2/341); 

(Latin), as if painted about the middle (H.);_« 

(Latin), medullary, or pithy, filled with pith, or spongy cellular 
tissue ; medullary rays (also called Silver grain) are fine 
lines of cellular tissue radiating from the central cellular 
column of pith in exogenous plants to the bark through the 
woody and vascular tissue ; 

(Greek), having a large sour fruit ; : 

mégs, potanos (Greek), big, River; (all:) Rio Grande (which 
means Big River) or Para River, the head stream of the 
Parana River, in Brazil ; [See note to Hevea]; 

(Greek), having a big stigma ; 

mélas, lewkos (Greek), black, white; (all:) trunk is black, 
branches white (N. 2/343) ; 

(Greek), having a black fruit ; 

(Greek), having a black bark ; 

(Greek), having black wood ; 

(Greek) [g-melanos], atrous (q.v.), black; 

citron than lemon, but 


Mel-han -i-a 



me-lo-nif-or’-mis ... 


men’-as-u_... a 
men-is’-co-i’-de-us .. 

Me’-nis-per-ma -ce-2. 




Mez-on-eu-rum nee 

Mi-che-li-a ... 

mi-or-ob-ul’-bon ... 
mi-croc-ar’-pa oe 
mi’-croc-os ... 




Mélas, stéma (Greek), black mouth; (all:) berries, when eaten 
stain the mouth (N. 2/345) ; 

(Latin), Melastoma Family, or Order ; 

(loc.) Mount Melhan in Arabia Felix, where the first species was 

discovered (N, 2/345) ; 

Mélia (Greek), the Ash tree’; (all:) resemblance of its leaves ; 
often incorrectly pronounced as if the e were long ; 

(Latin), Bead Tree (Melia) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), with leaves like the Bead Tree (melia) ; 

Meéli, anthos (Greek), Honey, flower ; (all :) calyces full of honey, 
(N. 2/346) ; 

meli, Kopé (Greek), honey, division; (all:) four honey glands at 
the base of the ovary (N. 2/346) ; 

méli, sme (Greek), honey, scent ; 
flowers ; 

mélon, kaktos (Greek), melon, spiny plant; (all:) shape and 
nature (N. 2/347) ; 

melozchos (Greek), a girdle that confines the breasts ; (all :) stamens 
united into a tube only at the base of the ovary, not forming 
a tube throughout as in most allied genera ; 

(Greek), producing a melon like fruit ; 

(Latin), melon shaped, irregularly spherical, with projecting 

(Latin), membranous (not as applied to leaves, for which See 
herbaceous), like a fine membrane, thin and transparent ; 

(Latin), having leaves like Memecylon ; 

(Greek), name used by Dioscorides for the fruit of the Arbutus ; 
(N. 2/351); (all:) not explained ; according to Nicholson: 
but the Arbutus is arboreous and closely allied to the 
Bilberry, and the fruit and leaves of the Memecylon some- 
what resemble those of the Bilberry, hence the name “ Tree 
Bilberry.”” . 

(Latin), brown-black ; 

(Molucca), name of the plant, probably, but doubtful ; 

(Greek), Watch-glass shaped, round, convex on 
surface, concave on the upper ; 

(Latin), Moonseed (menispermum [from méné , sperma (Greek), 

moon, seed ; (all :) shape of the seed (N. 352) ]) Family, or Order ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Mergui, a district of 'Tenasserim in Burmak ; 

mérva, dnér (g. andros) (Greek), thigh bones, male ; (all :) short 
stout stamens; 

(com.) of Merkusius ; 

(com.) Mesue, two celebrated Arabian physicians and botanists 
who flourished at Damascus in the 8th and 9th centuries, 
(Nic. 2/361); 

(Latin), brownish purple with a metallic lustre ; 

Methel (Arabic), name of the plant (E.D. 3/39); 

(loc.), pertaining to Mexico, the Southern portion of North 
America ; 

me sds, neuron (Greek), middle nervs; (all:) joint of the legume 
expanded into a wing (Ch.) ; 

(Latin), shining ; 

(com.) Pietro Antonio Michele [(pr:) Pee-yay-tro arn to- 
nee-vo meek-ay-lay, 1679—1773, a celebrated botanist of 
Florence in Italy (N. 2/362), 

(Greek), small flowered ; 

(Greek), with a small bulb ; 

(Greek), with small fruit ; 

(Greek), with a small head of flowers ; 

(Greek), with a small helmet ; 

mikros, kosmos (Greek), small ornament ; 
below flowers : 

(Greek), wtih a small tongue, or appendage ; 

(all:) fragrance of the 

the lower 


(all :) 


mi-cros-tach’-y -a 
mi-mo’-s0-i -dés 

min j-a’-ta 


Mis-canth’-us ... 
Misch’-od-on ... 
mi-tis : 
Mit-re’ -phor-a a 
mo-ac-ur -Yo-i-dés’ 
Mol’-lé e. meg 
mol-lis-sim-a ... 

mol-li’-gin-if-ol’-i-a . 

mol-uc-ca’-na ° 

mon-an’-dra ,., 

Hila icadl 


mikros, mélon (Greek), small small UTD fruit ; (all :) small 
berry : 

(Greek), with small leaves ; 

(Greek), with a small spike of flowers 3 

mikros, tropis (Greek), small, ship’s keel ; (all :) fruit ; 

(com.) of middleton ; 

Derivation uncertain, perhaps meilisso (Greek), to soothe ; (all :) 
velvetty organs ; 

(com.) J. A. Millet [ (pr :) mee-yay |, French botanist of the 18th 
century (N. 2/366) ; 

(com.) Thomas Millington, English botanist of the 18th century 
writer on Vegetable physiology (N. 2/866) ; : 

mimos (Greek) : mimic; (all:) leaves sensitive and fold up on 
being touched (N. 2/ 370) ; 

(Latin), Mimosa sub-order of the Leguminose Family, or Order; 

(Greek), resemblig gi sesittve plant (mimosa); 

mimulus (Latin), a small ape; (all:) ringent corolla 
(N. 2/370) ; : 

Mimos, ops (Greek), ape, face; (all:) form of the corolla 
(N. 2/371) ; i 

(Latin), vermilion, scarlet with an admixture of yellow 
| between coccinews, and cinnabarinus |; 

(Latin), smaller ; 

(Latin), with minute flowers ; 

(com.) Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel [(pr.) Free-dreek Arn- 
ton Vil-helm Mee-kell.] 1811--1871 noted German botanist 
and physician, professor of botany at Utrecht in Holland ; 

(com.) of F, A. W. Miquel ; 

(Latin), wonderful ; 

miskos, anthos (Greek), stem, flower; (al/:) the tall stems, 
(N, 2/372) ; 

mischo |late form of miqnimi]|, ddous (g. ddontos) (Greek), to 
mingle, tooth ; (all :) form of the ovary and capsule ; 

(Latin), of the mission : alluding sometimes to the collections 
of Heyne, Klein and Rottler of the Tranquebar mission in 
the herbarium of Wallich: 

(Latin), mized, or confused ; 

(Latin), mild, free from harskness, soft ; 

mitré, phoreo (Greek), mitre, to bear; (2ll:) outer petals cohere 
and are vaulted, resembling a mitre ; 

(quasi-Greek), resembling moacurra (Chailletia gelonioides) 
[moakurra Bengali] ; 

modikka (Telugu), name of the plant (McL. 3/662; N. 
2/375) ; 

(Latin), nave shaped, hollow, round, depressed, with a very 
narrow orifice ; 

(Latin), troublesome ; in the case of Memecylon it upsets the 
system of arrangement adopted; 

Mulli (Peruvian); native name for Peruvian Mastic tree . 
(Schinus) ; 

(Latin), soft ; 

(Latin), very soft ; 

(Latin), with leaves like Indian Chickweed (moljlugo) [name used 
by Pliny (Br. 14)}; 

(loc.) pertaining to the Moluccas, or Spice Islands, in the Indian 
Archipelago between Celebes and Papua, of which Gilolo, 
Ternate, Amboyna, Ceram, Buru and Banda are the most 
important ; more broadly speaking, the Molucca Islands of 
the Indian Archipelago include also Borneo group, Java 
group, Sumatra group, Lesser Sunda group and the Celebes 
group, as well ; 

(Greek), with one thorn ; rd 

(Greek), with one stamen; 










Mon-tez u’-mze 



Mo-rind-’a “| 
fv len wa rd UUs 



Morerret va 



mo-8a/-iC.US .. 
mu cro-na’-ta 
mu: co’-sa 


Muebl-en-beck’ -1a by : 




Maun’-du-lé-a | 

Mun-ro’-ni-ai - 



(Greek), with a single flower ; 

(Latin), necklace shaped, cylindrical or terete, contracted at 
regular intervals ; 

(Greek), with one fruit, or once truiting only ; 

(Greek), with one pistil ; 

(Greek), monecious, having stamens and pistil on separate 
flowers on the same plant (H.) ; 

(Greek), with one leaflet; 

} (Greek), with one seed ; 

(Greek), with one stigma ; 

(loc.) of Montpellier [(pr:) Morng-pel-lee-yay ], capital of the 
department of I[érault in the South of France ; 

monstrum (Latin), a prodigy; (all:) curious appearance with its 
perfoliate leaves and considerable size as a climber; and 
delightful pine-apple-like fruit ; 

(Latin), unusual, either exceedingly large, or a monstrosity ; 

(Latin), growing on the mountains ; . 

(com.) Montano |(pr:] Mon-tarenyo a Mexican politician, 
(N . 2/380) ; 

(com.) of Montezwma, an Aztec war-chief or Emperor of Mexico 
at the time of the Spanish conquest, 1477--1520; 

(com.) of Moon, a botanist in Ceylon; author of “ Catalogue 
of Plants of Ceylon ” (Ch:) ; 

(Latin) Mulberry (Morus) Family, or Order ; Nicholson, probably 

by a slip, makes the first syllable short, whilst making that 
of Morus long ; 

morelle (French), solanum or Nightshade; (all:) similarity of 
fruit to some species ; 

Morus, indiacus (Latin), Mulberry, indian ;(ail:) mode of forma- 

tion of the compound fruit (N. 2/383); here again Nicholson 
makes the first syllable short ; but morinda, haying the first 
syllable short, is the Hindustani name, and possibly the 
derivation is therefrom; or, as frequently happens, the two 
ideas conjointly may have. been eonyeyed in the specific 
name ; 

Murinna (Malayalam), name of the plant; corrupted into 
Moringa (N. 2/384; Mcl. 3/518); the Tamil name is 
Muringai ; 

(Latin), Drumstick tree (Moringa) Family, or Order ; 

Uorus (Latin), name used by Ovid (Cass. Lat. Dic.); first 
syllable long ; 

(Latin, tessellated ; 

(Latin), smelling of musk, or other allied aroma; 

(Latin), mucronate, abruptly terminated by a hard sharp 
point ; which ig a continuation of the costa; 

(Latin), slimy, covered with a slimy secretion, or with a coat 
that is readily soluble in water, and becomes slimy ; 

(Brazilian), name of the plant (N. 2/389) ; 

(com.) Dr. H. G. Muehlenbeck [(pr :) Myl-en-bek], 1798—1845, 
physician of Switzerland (N. 2/389) ; 

(Latin), multifid, divided into many lobes or segments, more 
than half way down the surface from the edge (H.); 

(Latin) having many flowers ; 

(Latin), many celled; 

(G. multiplicis) (Latin}, manifold ; 

(Latin), many ; 

Munduli (African) ground nut (Arachis hypogeea); (all:) 
appearance of the plant ; i 

... (Latin), mungoose, or anything supposed to kill snakes ; 

(com.) Lieut. Munro, 30th Foot, an Indian botanist (Ch.) ; 
(W.A.L.) ; Wight called him such about 1835, or eight years 
after the death of the great Sir Thomas Munro ; 




Mu-ru-cu’-ja ... 


Mn-.szen’-da ... 

mu-ta’-bil-is .. 





Mys- tax 

myx’-a oo 


na -num 


na-tal-en’-sis ... 



(com.) of Lieut. Munro; ; 

(Latin), muricate, covered with short sharp points, or hard 
excrescenses (N. 2/391); 

(Latin), mouse coloured, grey with a touch of red; 

(com.) John Andrew Murray, 1740—1791, Swedish botanist, | 
pupil of Linnzus, and Professor of Medicine and Botan 
at the University of Gottingen in Hannover (N. 2/391) ; 

(com.) of J. A. Murray; 

(Brazilian), name of the plant (Br. 87); 

Mauz (Arabic) name of the plant, altered by Linnzus so as 
to be called after-Anionius Muga, physician of Augustus, 
(N. 2/391) ; 

(Latin), resembling the plantain (Musa) ; 

(Latin), Mossy, with curly, green, straplike appendages ; 

(Latin), 4rush shaped, a slender body furnished with long hairs 

at the end; 

Mussanda (Singhalese), name of the plant (N. 2/400; McL. 
3/518) ; 

(Latin), changeable ; 

(Latin), pointless (N. 2/401) ; used in contradistinction to other 
things that are pointed in some way or other; j 

(com.) of J. C. Mutis, 1732—1808, South American botanist, 
(N. 2/401) ; 

(Latin), Myoporwm Family, or Order ; 

(Greek), resembling Myoporum ; 

mio, poros (Greek), to be closed, pore; (all:) transparent spots 
on the leaves (N. 2/402) ; 

(Greek), resembling Candleberry Myrtle (Myrica); 

hhiiriké (Greek), Tamarisk, name used by Homer (N. 2/404) ; 

(Greck), with countless spikes of flowers ; 

muristikos (Greek), smelling of myrrh [muron (Greek)|; (all :) 
aroma of the plants (N. 2/405) ; 

(Latin), Nutmeg (Myristica) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), Myrsine Family, or Order ; ; 

Mursiné (Greek), Myrtle name given by Dioscorides; (all:) 
s):newhat similar looking gland dotted leaves (N. 2/405) ; 

(Latin), Murtle (myrtus) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), with leaves like myrtle (myrtus) ; 

murios (Greek), name of the plant (N. 2/406) ; 

(loc.) Mahendra Hills of Ganjam or Tinnevelly districts ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Mysore ; 

(Malayalam) [corruption of métirakkanni], name of the plant; 

misza (Greek), phlegm, or mucus; (all:) mucilaginous pulp of 
the berry ; 

mica, pros (Greek), mucus, grain of corn; (all:) fruit with 
horny albumen ; 

(Chinese, or Japanese), name of the plant (N. 2/404) ; 

nandin (Japanese). name of the plant (N. 2/408) ; 

(Latin), dwarf; small, short, dense, as compared with other 
species of the same genus ; __ 

nanos, *nogs (Greek), dwarf, low shrub ; (all :) habit (N. 2/408) ; 

(loc.), of Nepal ; ; 

(Latin), turnip shaped, depressed spherical, pointed at the base ; 

naravel (Singhalese) from nara, valli <Sanskrit), grey hatr 
climber ; (all: ) pubescence and habit), name of the plant 
(N. 2/409) ; 

narakam (Malayalam), name of the plant (Mch. 3/539) ; 

naram panal ( Malayalam), name of the plant ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Natal [so calied by Vasco da Gama who 
discovered it on Christmas Day], a province in the South. 
east of the South African confederation ; 4 

Natsiat (Javanese), name of the plant ; 


neb-ul-o’-sus ... 
Nec-tan’-dra ... 


ne-glec’-tum ... 

’ neil-gher-ren’-se 
nem-or-a-lis .., 


ne -ré-if-ol’-1-a 
ne’ -ri-if-ol’ -i-a 
Ne’ ri-um 
ner-vyo-8a ... 



New-i-i 5 


w. naus, Kigio (Greek), ship, to enclose; (all:) hull-shaped half 

capsule (N, 2/421) ; Nicholson throws the accent on the first 
syllable, and shows the second short ; from the derivation 
this would appear to be wrong ; 
(Latin), clouded, when colours are unequally blandea together ; 
noktar, anér (Gandros) (Greek), nectar, male; (al/:) three 
nectariferous barren stamens (N, 2/422) ; 

we (loc.) of the Nélgiri Hills ; 

(com.) of Christian Gottfried Nees von Esenbeck [(pr.: ) Krees-tee 
arnGot-freet Naiz-fon-Ay-zen-bek|, 1776—1858. German 
botanist, Professor of Botany at Krlangen, Bonn and Breslau, 
but deprived: of office for political reasons, author of 
“Characters of new species of Indian Acanthacew, ’’ 1836, 
and other works ; 

(Latin) disregarded ; ; 

Nivgund (Sanskrit), to shed; (all:) juice; name of the plant 3 
(McL. 596) ; 


re j (/oc.) of the Nilgirt Hills ; 

*** } (Latin), pertaing to wood groves ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Nepal ; 

(Latin), with leaves lke Catmint nepeta [Pliny’s name from 
Nepi (loc.) a town in Italy (N. 2/489), often mispronounced 
with the second e long (N. 4/334) | ; 

néphelion (Greek), Burdock (Arctium lappa); (al/:} rough 
fruits (N. 2/4389) ; 

Néphros (Greek), kidney; (all:) kidney shaped sporangia, 
(N. 2/440) ; the accent is as given by Nicholson ; but the ques- 
tion is whether it is not diminutive, when the d would come 
in the second, and short, syllable ; 

Ne‘phros, lepis (Greek), kidney ; scale; (all:) covering of the 
Sori (masses of sporangia) (N. 2/444:) ; 

* | (Latin), with leaves like Oleander (Nerium) ; 

(Latin), oleander-like ; 

Nérion (Greek) old name of the plant used by Dioscorides, 
from mnéros (Greek), humid; (all:) habit of the plants, 
(N. 2/447) ; 

(Latin), conspicuously nerved, or marked with several ribs or 
conspicuous veins ; 

nésos (Greek) island ; (all:) found in the island of Mauritius, 
or Isle of France, east of Madagascar in the Indian ocean 
(N. 3/448): this seems to be a mistake ; the Treasury of 
botany gives the habitat as Senegambia and Morocco ; with 
a sub-genus—Decodon—itrom North America ; Robert Brown 
(Br. 78) gives Brazil as the habitat of the species cultivated in 
Madras, and derivesit from Nesxa (Greek), a sea nymph ; 

Néuron, pelté (Greek), nerve, shield ; (all:) accrescent nerved 
bract under the calyx in fruit ; 

(com.) of New ; 

(com.) Jean Nicot [(pr:) Zhong Nee-Ko], 1530—1600, French 
agent of the King of France to the King of Portugal, intro- 
duced tobacco into France (N. 2/449) ; 

ni’-co-ti-a'-nzw-fol'-i-um (Latin), with leaves like Tobaeco (nicotiana) ; 


nig’-ra hc 
nig-res'-cens ... 

(com.) Karstens Niebuhr [(pr:) Karr-stens Nee-boor], 1731— 
1815, German traveller in Arabia and the Hast from 1771 to 
1776 ; 

(Latin), black, slightly tinged with grey ; 

(Latin), nearly bldck (H.) ; 

(Latin), becoming black (H.) 5 

.. (Latin), when a portion of something is black ; 
.. (bad hy brid, Latin and Greek), black fruited; 


nil-ag-ir’-ic-a ... 

Ni'-pa ... 
nit’ -id-a 
niy -6-a 

niy-o -sus 
niy -ul’-i-a 

noc-tif-lo’-ra ... 
Noi-set -ti-a’-na 



Nord-man’-ni-a’-na ... 

nor-ma -lis 
Nor-6n’-hi-a ... 
nov-em ae 
nu-dif-lo’-ra ... 
nu’-ga... ae 



nu -tans 


QO-ber-on’-i-a ... 



(Latin), with a fringe of black hairs ; 
(loc.) pertaining to the Nilgiri Hills ; 

(com.) of Nimmo, who co npleted and published John Graham’s 
“Catalogue of plants grown in Bombay and its vicinity,” 
1839 ; 

Nupa (Molucca), name of the plant (Rox. 3/650) ; 

(Latin), shining ; 

(Latin), snow-white, the purest clearest, somewhat tramuslucent, 
white as in the Camellia ; 

(Latin), snowy, or covered with white hair ; 

ni vilews, diminutive of niveus (Latin), covered with snow ; (all :) 
probably to the drops of white juice which dry up upon the 
leaves and other parts of the plant ; 

(Latin), noble, majestic looking, renowned, or of great service; 

(Latin), flowering at night ; 

(com.) Louis Claude Noisette [(pr:) Loo-ee Clode Nwar-zett], 
1772--1849, eminent French cultivator of fruit trees, author 
of “ Le Jardin traitier” (N. 2/454); 

(com.) Nolte , South African botanist ; 

nopal (Mexican), name of the Cactus , 

(com.) of Nordmann ; 

(Latin), normal ; in which the ordinary structure, peculiar to the 
genus or family, of a given plant is in no wise departed from ; 

(com.) Noronha, Portuguese botanist of Java, and traveller in 
Madagascar (Br. 118) ; 

nothos, péegia (Greek) [from péyé (Greek) a spring ; (all :) habitat], - 
counterfeit Pegia ; (all:) affinity (Ch :) ; 

(com.) Benjamin Noton of Bombay, indefatigable collector of 
Indian plants (Ch.) ; 

(com.) of Benjamin Noton ; 

(Latin), nine ; 

(Latin), nut-beariny ; 

(Latin), with naked flowers; no perianth free of hair or other 
appendages ; 

(Latin), naked ; 

(Latin), trifiing ; 

(Latin), veinless, when there are no ribs or veins in a Jeaf, 
[same as eneruis] ; 

nummilus (Latin [from nowmmos (Greek) }), a little coin; (ad :) 
discoid leaves or pod joints ; ; 

nirvidl (Malayalam), water Wood-apple, name of the plant 
(McL. 8/580) ; this is evidently wrong ; itis ntravila (Mala- 
yalam), united leaf, with corresponding terms ia Tamil 
(Inatvilat) and Canarese (Neravele), together with various 
other synonyms, which all point to the similarity between 
this trifoliate leaf and the sacred Lingam sectarian mark, the 
Avadaiyar, or the trident of Siva, and its insinuations in 
correction with procreation. It is net essentially or water- 
loving tree and ig found often on the driest soils ; but is 
frequently planted near Sivite temples ; : 

(Latin), nodding, with flower bent downwards ; 

(Latin), nut which causes vomiting ; 

(Latin), Marvel of Peru (Mirabilis—previously called Nyctago 
[from nua (gs. niktos) (Greek) nignt; (all:) flowers open at 
four in the afternoon |) Family, or Order ; 

nuz (g.niuktos), anthos (Greek), night: flower ; (all :) flowers 
open in the evening and fall off at break of day (N. 2/459) ; 

(Cias.) Oberon, King of the fairies; (all:) quaint and variable 
forms of the plant (N. 2/465); - 





ob-sen’-ra | 
ob-tec’-ta — 










O-chro -si-a 









QOl-ac-a’-cé-z ... 

ol’-ac if-ol’-i-a, 




(Latin), oblate, broader than long ; 

(Latin), oblique, slanting, unequal sided, or—of leaves—the 
division on one side of the midrib smaller than that on the 
other ; or obliquely twisted, when the margins point to the 
heavens and the apex to the horizon ; 

(Latin), oblong, elliptic with obtuse ends and at least twice 
(and less than five times, see linear) as long as broad 1.) 
more correctly, with sub-parallel—not elliptic—sides ; 

(Latin), with oblong leaves ; 

(Latin), obovate, ovate turned upside down, the broad part is 
the top half ; 

(Latin), obscure, hidden undistinguishable (H.) ; 

(Latin), covered ; 

(Latin), obtuse, blunt or rounded at the apex (H.); 

(Latin), made obtuse, or darkened, dulled ; 

(Latin), with obtuse leaves ; 

(Latin), obvolute, when the margins of one alternately overlap 
those of that which is 0).posite to it ; 

(Latin), western ; 

(Latin), ocellated, when a broad spot of some colour has another 
spot of a different colour within it ; ° 

ochlos, nér (g. andros) (Greek), a crowd, male ; (all:) stamens 
anywhere between 6 and 120, in most other bamboos from 
3 to'6.4 

ochné (Creek), wild pear, name used by Homer ; (all:) resem- 
balance of Ipaves (N. 2/466) ; 

(Latin), Ochna Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), ochre-coloured, dull yellow imperceptibly chauging to 
brown : 

ochros, karpos (Greek), yellow fruit; (all:) colour of fruit 
(N.-2/466) ; 

(Greek), white with a tinge of yellow ; 

ochros (Greek), pale jyellow; (all:) colour of the flowers 
(N. 2/266) ; au 

okimon (Greek), name of the plant used by Theophrastus, 
(N. 2/466) ; ; 

(Greek), with eight stamens ; 

(Latin and Greek), erght ; 

Octo, tropis (Greek), eight, keel; (all:) ovary has eight ribs ; 

udina (Canarese), name of the tree ; this is the genetive case, 
used with mara, a tree, the nominative being udi [See 
wodier | ; 

utlam (Malayalam), name of the plant; Nicholson puts the 
accent on the second syllable, but in the Vernacular it is on 
the first ; 

(Greek), with a toothed fringe ; 

(Latin), fragrant ; 

(Latin), very fragrant ; 

(Latin), sweet scented ; 

oine, hopla (Greek), the vine, armour ; (all:) climbing habit and 
offensive thorns ; 

(Latin), of the shops ; 

(Latin), oficwnal, sold in shops, or used in medicine or in the 
arts (H.) ; . 

otos, anthos (Greek), solitary, flower ; (all:) cymes are few ; 
flowered, in allied genera many flowered ; 

(Latin), Olax Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), with leaves like Olaz ; 

olax (Greek), furrow ; (all:) flowers partially furrowed or 
imbricated (N- 2/480) ; this is seemingly incorrect, Ulaz and 
O. zeylanica were the names given by Linnzeus, and the latter 
has “ young branches sharply angled and furrowed with fine 
wrinkles”? (Treas, Bot.) ; and it is this, probably, to which 
allusion is made ; 


Ol'-é-a MAN 

Ol-e-a/-c6-2 «ee 
ol-i’-vee-for -mis 
On-ag-ra -cé-2 * 


op-a’ -cus 
Op-i-li-a one 

op-er’-cul-a -ta 

oph’-i-oc-eph '-al-a 

C ph’-i-or-rhi’-za 

Op-pos’-it a. 

op -pos -it-if-ol’-i-a 


orb -ic-ul-a-ta 



Or’ -6-od-ox’-a 

or’ -1-en- ‘ta’ -lis 
or-ix-en’- “sis 

or-moc-ar’ ~po- i/-des. 

Or. moc-ar’-pum 


Or-nus woe 

Or-ox’yluw ... 

- ‘gh: 
~ ee i i i 



See) name of the tree used by Cicero and Varro (Cass. Lat. 

©.) 5 

(Latin), Olive (olea) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), oleaginous, flesky in substance, but filled with oil ; 

oleandre (French), name of the plant ; 

oleander (Latin) ; (all :) Similarity of leaves and plant generally ; 

(quasi-Greck) resembling the Olive (olea) ; 

(Latin), edible, serving as a potherb (H.) ; 

(Greek), with few stamens ; 

(Greek), few; 

(Latin), olive green, a mixture of green and brown; 

(Latin), shaped like an olive fruit ; 

(Latin), Evening Primrose (Cinothera—formerly Onagra) 
Family, or Order ; 

onkos, sperma (Greek), twmour, 
the seed ; 

(Greek), with egg-shaped fruit ; 

(Latin), dull, reverse of shining ; 

ope, etlo (Greek), opening, to close up; (all:) imbricate bracts 
concealing the flowers before opening, forming a strobile-like 
inflorescence ; 

(Latin), opening by a lid ; 

(Greek), Wke a snake’s head ; 

ophis (g. ophios), glossa (Greek), snake, tongue; (all:) shape 
of the spike of fructification (N. 21/499) ; 

Ophi (g. Ophios), rhiza (Greek), snake 
supposed to be antidote to snake poison ; 

(Latin), opposite, pointing directly to a particular place; or 
placed on opposite side of some body, or thing, in the same 
plane ; 

(Latin), with opposite leaves, a pair of leaves at a node, one cn 
either side of the axis exactly opposite each other; or another 
organ inserted opposite to a leaf (H.); 

(Latin), name used by Pliny, derived from Opus [a town in 
Locris, a division in the middle of Greece], the adjectival 
form of which was opuntius (N. 2/501 ;) Cass. Lat. Die. 

seed; (all:) broad raphe on 

root; (all:) root 

di f (Latin), orbicular, fat with an almost circular outline (H.); 


(Latin) Orchid (orchis) [(Greek), testicle ; (all :) shape of roots |) 
Family, or Order ; 
(Latin hybrid), with flowers like an Orchid ; 

(com.) Francisco-de Orellana [(pr:) Frarn this-co-day O rail 
yar-uar | 1490-1546, a Spanish soldier, tke first explorer of 
the Amazon River, whence he went to Trinidad and Spain ; 

oros (g. oreos), dowa (Greek), mountain, glory 3 (all:) lofty 
stature (N. 21/220) ; 

ords (g. oreos), panaz (Greek), 
habitat and affinity (N. 2/522). 

(Latin), eastern . 

(loc.) pertaining to Orissa ; 

(Greek), resembling Ormocarpum. 

hormos, karpos (Greek), necklace, frwit ; (all: ) narrow chain-like 
pods (N. 2/523) ; |Note; the aspirate in Greek is often 
omitted in botanical names |; ; 

hormos (Greek) necklace ; (all :) the scarlet seeds of one species 
which are strong for necklaces (Nic. 5/28) ; 

(Latin), adorned ; 

(Latin), mountain ash, word used by Virgil (Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 

orophe (Greek), roof of a house; (all:) mitriform cap made hy 
the inner petals, which cohere by their margins (Ch.) ; 

oros, Xulon (Greek), mountain wood ; (all :) habitat ; 

(Greek), straight, haying the same direction as the body to 
which. it belongs ; 

mountain Panaz; (all :) 

Os-beck’-i-a ... 

Os-manth’-us eer 
Os-mun’-da oes 
os’ -se-2 




Ov-0-i’-de-a ... Ao 

ox-yph-yl-la ... 
Ox-ys-tel-ma ... 

Ox-yt-en’-an-the’-ra .. 




Pa-jan-el’-i-a ... 
pal-e- a’-ce-us 
pal-zs-ti’-ne .., 




Pal’-me so Se 
. pal-ma’-ta ... Se 


pal-u- do’-sa ove eee 
pal-us’-tre .,. ves 


(com.) Peter Osbeck, 1723—1805, Swiss clergyinan and*natural- 
ist (N. 2/1,528) ; 

osmeé, anthos (Greek), fragrance, flower ; (all:) perfume of the 
blossoms ; 

(Clas.) Osmunder, another name of the Scandinavian Thor, 
God of Thunder, a powerfui man in the prime of life with a 
long red beard, carrying a hammer in his hand, end possessing 
a girdle which had the power of renewing his strength, 
(N. 2/530); (all:) not obvious, but the inflorescence some- 
what resembles a long red beard ; 

(Latin), bony, hard, and very close in teature, not cut off 
without difficulty, ancl the parts so cut being brittle ; 

(Greek), like bone; (all:) bony endocarp of the capsule ; 

(Greek), name of the plant used by Discorides (N. 2/582) ; 

ous (g. otos), phoreo (Greek), ear, to bear ; (all:) base of petals 
auriculate ; 

(loc.) Oojjein, or Ujjayini, or Ujain, a city in the native state of 

. Gwalior, traditionally the capital of Vikramaditya, in which 
city the pillars of the Madajee Scindia’s palace consisted of 
the timber of this plant (Rox. 3/221) ; 

(Latin), with oval leaves, broadly elliptic in outline, and acute 
at both ends (H.) ; 

(Latin), ovate, the sbape of an egg with the broad and down- 
wards (N. 2/537) ; 

(Latin), with ovate leaves ; 

(Latin), of solids with a figure resembling an egg ; 

Jas, lobion (Greek), sharp, pod ; (all:) legumes end in sharp 
points (Nic. 2/542), 

ovus, petalon (Gresk), sharp, petal ; (all:) petals are shup 
pointed (N. 2/533). 

(Greek), with shurp leaves ; 

otus, stelma (Greek), sharp girdle; (all:) segments of corona 
are acute (N. 2/533) ; 

ovute nes, anthera (Greek), stretched to a point, anther ; (all :) 
narrow acute anthers; 

pachius. goné, (Greek), thick, seed ; (al?:) thick semicylindric 
cotyledon (Ch.) ; 

(loc.) Pucifie Islands, or Polynesia, comprising the intertropical 
islands east of the Australian Barrierreef, New Guinea and 
the Philippine Islands and including the Solomon, New 
Hebrides, Fiji, Samoa, Hawaii, Cook, Society, Caroline, 
Marshall and Gilbert Islands ; 

pedes (Latin), offensive smell; (all:) rank odour of all the 
parts when bruised (N. 2/84) ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Pahuda, in Java; 

payyannali (Malayalam), name of the tree (McL. 2/732) ; 

(Latin) palaceous, when the foot stalk adheres to the margin; 

(Latin), chaffy, covered with small weak membranous scales ; 

(loc.) of Palestine, bordering the eastern shore of the Mediter- 
ranean Sea ; 

(loc.) of Palembang, a district in the south-eastern part of 
Sumatra ; 

(com.) Peter Simon Pallas, 1741—1811, German naturalist and 

(Latin), pale, or of undecided colour (H.) ; 

(Latin), Palm Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), palmate, with the ribs of the leaf lobes or leaflets, all 
meeting at the apex of the peticle, the segments like the 
extended fingers of an open hand (H.,) ; 

(Spanish), a small palm ; 

(Latin), Palmicostate, when.the ribs of a leaf are palmate; 

} (Latin), growing in swamps (H.) ; 


Pa-nam-on '-ja 
Pan’-dan-us .. 
pan-du-ra’ ta 

Pap-ay -a 



pap-il lo’-sus ... 
pap-y-rif -er-a 
Par-ab-a’-na . 

par-ad-ox’-a ... 

par-al-le’-lin-er’-vis ... 


Pari a-ri-um Ho 
par-ip-in-na’-ta aor 



Par-son’-si-a ... 
par-ti’-ta Bat 
par-vif-lo’-ra ... 


Dv. ty 


‘Conkani), Betel nwt; (all:) fruiting calyx which resembles 
sliced Betel ; 

panakos (Greek), complete remedy; (all:) miraculous virtue 
ascribed to Ging-Seng by the Chinese ; used by Theophrastius 
(N. 2/18) ; 

(Latin), Screw-pine (Pandanus) Family, or Order ; 

Pandang (malayan), name of the plant (N. 2/15) ; 

... | (Latin), fiddle-shaped, obovate with a deep recess, or sinus, at 

each side, and usually cordate at hase ; 

... (Latin), paniculate, or having an inflorescence, the axis of which 

is divided into branches bearing two or more flowers ; 
(N. 2/18) : 

(Latin), pannose, or having the the texture, or appearance, of 
rough wollen cloth (H.) ; 

Papaw (South -imerican), name of tree (N. 1/267) ; 

(Latin), butterfly ; (all :) fruit (Ak. 1/363) ; 

(Latin), Papilionee suborder of the Leguminose Family, o1 
Order, flowers are butterfly-likxe with two open wings (two 
lateral petais) ; the top petal is called the standard ; and the 
two lower the eel, for they resemble the keel of boat ; 

(Latin), nipple, or nipple-like protuberances (H.) ; 

(Latin), pimpled, with nipple-like protuberances ; 

(Latin), papery, of the consistence of writing paper ; 

(Latin), paper producing ; 

parataino (Greek), to transgress ; (all:) climbing tendency ; 

(Latin), of Paradise, of which supposed to be one of the fruits 
(N. 2/392) ; 

(Greek), paradox, appearing different to what it really is; 

(loc.) pertaining to Paraguay [(pr.:) Par-arr-ghi] in South 
America [See note on Hevea, Manihot, aud megapotamica| ; 

(Latin), paralled ribbed |same as rectinervis (q.v.)]; 

paramignumi (Greek) to intermiz ; (all:) climbng propensities 
amongst other plants ; 

(Greek), parasizic, growing and feeding upon some other plant, 
called the hos?; 

Paréira brava (Brazilian), name of Chondrodendron tomentosum, 
for which this plant was for a long time mistaken (H,D. 
3/327 ; N./23); 

Parinart (Brazilian), name of the species (N. 3/23). 

(Katin), equally pinnate, or abruptly pinnate, when a pinnate 
(q.v.), leaf has an even pair of leaflets, and the rachis is 
terminated by neither leaflet nor tendril ; 

(com,) Mungo Park, 1771—1825, Scotchman, who as agent to 
the African Association undertook to explore the course of 
the Niger River, did so, and published his account in 1799 ; 
in 1805 during a second attempt he was drowned in the 
Niger during an attack by the natives (N. 3/24) ; 

(com.) John Parkinson, 1567—1629, apothecary of London, 
author of “ Paraisis terrestris’’ and “'lheatrum botani- 
cum” (N, 3/24) ; 

(com.) A. Parmentier [(pr:) Parr-mong-tee-yay |, 1737--1813, 
French writer on edible plants (N.3/28);_ - 

(com.) of Parqut, botanist of, or name of the plant in, Chili 
in Sorth America (N. 1/802); 

(com.) Dr. John Parsons, 1705--1770, Scotch physician and 
writer on natural history (N. 3/28) ; 

(Latin), divided into a determinate number of segments, which 
extend nearly to the base of which they belong ; 

(Latin), wih small flowers ; 

(Latin), with small leaves ; 

Passio, fios (g. floris) (Latin>, Passton, tower; (all:) the early 
missionaries in South America fancied that there existed in 
the blossoms a representation of the elements of the cruci- 
fixion (N. 3/28) ; 




pau’-ci AS 

pa-vo-ni -na 





_ pel-ta’-ta 


pen-na -ta 


(Latin), Passion flower (Passiflora) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), ‘nee-pan shaped, resembling meniscoid (qv.‘, but 

(Latin), wide open (H.); spreading, having « gradually outward 
direction ; 

(Latin), very wtde open ; 

(eom.) Col. W. Paterson, English traveller in South Africa in 
the 18th century (N. 1/33) ; 

(Latin), somewhat spreading, or extended (H.) ; 

(Latin), few ; 

(Latin), with few flowers ; 

(Latin), with few leaves ; 

(Latin), with few pairs of leaflets ; 

iy } (Latin), with few nerves ; 

Padvatta (Malayalam), nawe of the plant (N. 3/34, MeL. 3/670) ; 

(com.) Don Jose Favon[(pr: Don Ho-zay Par-von], Spanish 
traveller in Peru with H. Ruiz as companicn and co-author, 
of ‘ Flora peruviana et chileusis,” he died 1844 (N. 3/36) ; 

(Latin), peacock-like, of many brilliant colours (N. 1/23); 

(Latin), comb-shaped, similar’ to pinnatifid (q.v.), bunt the 
segments very numerous, close and narrow, like the teeth of 

(Latin), shaped like a comb ; 

(Latin), pedate, with the leaf-lobes or leaflets, arranged in a 
palmate manner, but outside, or lateral, lobes or leaflets 
again divided (H. ; 

(Latin), peduticostate, when the ribs of leaf are pedate ; 

pedilon, anthos (Greek), shoe, flower; {all:) shape of the 
blossoms {N. 3/58) ; 

(Latin), having charactueristicped uncle ; 

(Latin), having a peduncle, or flower stalk ; 

(Latin), having a characteristic peduncle ; 

réaanon (Greek). Rue, name used by Theophrastus; {a’l:) 
resemblance of plants (N. 3/58) ; 

(Latin), shield shaped ; of leaves, scales, hairs, etc.,—when 
the petiole, stalk or organ of attachment, affixed to the 
back, and not to the base(H.) ; ; 

pelté phoreo (Greek), shie’d, to bear; (all:) shape of the stigsaa, 
(N. 3/68) ; | 

pemphis (Greek), a blister ; (all:) resemblance cf the globular 
capsule (Ch_); 

(Latin), pendulous, hanging down from the weakness of its 
support ; 

.. (Latin), of the peninsula, sometimes used in respect of Indian 



pen’-ta aa 

 Pen-tap’-an ax 

Pen’-ias ; 

forms compared with Ceylon forms ; 

(Latin), like a feather; 

( Latin), feathered, coloured with streaks resembling a series of 
arrow feathers; 

(Latin), central feathered, similar to the last, but on either side 
of the midrib of a Jeaf ; 

(Latin), pennicostate, when the ribs of a leaf are pinnated, or 
arranged like feather barbs on either side of the midrib ; 

(Greek), five; 

(Greek), with five pistils ; 

(Greek), with five stamens ; 

Pente, panax (Greek), five, Panaz; (all :) 5 styles, most species 
having 2 to 4; 

(Greek), with five leaflets ; 

pentas (Greek), the number /ive just as tessura (or tetra) is four, 
and tessavas the number four; see also treis, trias; (all:) 
parts of the flower in fives, allied genera being mostly in” 
fours (N. 3/70) ; 


Pen tat’-rop-is .. penta, trépis (Greek), five, keel ; (all :) coronal scales (Ch.) ; 

per-en’-nis_... »+ (Latin), lasting for several years ; 

Per-esk’-I-a ... (com.) Nicholas F'. Peiresk [(pr:) Nee-ko-lar Pay-resk ], French 
Senator who collected a considerable library and herbarium 
(N. 3/78) ; 

per-fol-i-a’-ta .. (Latin), perfoliate, where the base of a leaf passes right round 
the stem, which appears to pass through the leaf-blade ; 

per-grac’-il-e ... (Latin), exceedingly slender, or graceful ; 

per-gul-a/-na ... (Latin), forming an arbour ; 

Per-cul-a’=r-ia ... pergila (Latin), an arbour; (all:) twining character 
(N. 3/76); 

per-ig’- yn-us ... (Greek), perigynous, growing upon some body that surround 
the ovary ; 

per-it’-rop-us ... (Gresk), peritroyal, directed from the axis to the horizon; 

Per-off-sky-a’-na_ ..._ (com.) of Feroffsky [or Perowski], Russian botanist ; 

pe-ron-a’-ta ... ... (Latin), peronate, thickiy overlaid with a woolly substance 
ending in a sort of meal | pero (Latin), am untanned leather 
boot | ; 

per-pen-dic-ul-d’-ris... (Latin), perpendicular, at right angles to some other body ; 

per-pet’-t-a ... eos (Latin), perpetual, continnous ; 

Per-rot-te’ -ti-a’-na 

ORE specimens in Senegambia for Oliver’s ‘‘ Flora of Tropical 
Per-rot-te’-ti-i = 

Per-se’-a ae .. persea (Greek), name given by Theophrastus to an Egyptian 
tree, which this is supposed to resemble (N. 3/82) 

{ S of Perrottet (pr: Pair-o-tay], French botanist collected 

per’ -sic-a mS ae (loc.) of Persia : 

per’-sic-a-fol’-i-a ... (Latin), with leaves like a Peach (Prumnu persica) ; 

per-sis’-tens ... ... (Latin), persistent, not falling off, but remaining green, until 
the part, which it bears is matured; of leaves, evergreen ; 

per-son-a’-a ... ... (Latin), personate, applied in a way similar to ringent (q.v-) 5 

per: tii-sa eA ... (Latin), pierced with holes ; 

per-u-vi-a’-na ... (com.) pertaining to Peru, in South America; 

pés-ti’-grid-is ... (Latin), resembling a tiger’s foot ; 

Pet/-al-id’-i-um .. petadrion, dliminitive of petdlon (Greek), a petal ; (all :) petal- 
like bracteoles (N, 3/83) ; 

pet’ -al-0-1’-aé-a ... (Greek), having the appearance of petals ; 

pet’-i-ol-a’-re ... ... (Latin), having a petiole {i.e., leaf stalk), or a conspicuou 
petiole or inserted upon the petiole; 

Pet’-ree-a ie ... (com,) Robert James, Lord Petre, famous patron of botany, died 
1742 (N. 8/84) ; 

Phee-an’-thus ... ... phaios, anthos, Greek, greyish brown flower ; (all:) colour of the 
flowers ; 

phze’-os ah ... (Greek), brown tinged with grey or black, 2.e., fuscous (q.v.); 

Phas’-e-ol-us ... ... phdsedlos [from phase lds (Greek), a little boat] (Greek), name of 
the plant used by Dioscorides (N. 2/94) ; 

Phil-ad-el’-phus ... philidelphos {from philds, addelphos (Greek), fond, brother] 
(Greek), name used by Atheneeus for a different plant, which 
is supposed to resemble ; 

phil-ip’-pin-en’-sis ... (loc.) of the Philippine Islands, in the Indian Archipelago 
north-east of Borneo ; Z 

Phil-od-en’-dron .. philéo, dendron (Greek), to love, tree; (all:) according to 
Nicholson, arborescent habit of some species (N. 3/96), but 
more probabl; because most species grow on trees : 

phley-ma’-ri-a .. philegma (Greek) flame; (all :) powder from spores protects the 
hands from fire : 

Phlom’-is ae .. phlimis (Greek), name cf the plant used by Dioscorides 
(N. 3/99) ; 

phlom-6-i’-dés ... (Greek), resembling Phlomis ; 

Phee-be a ... (Clas.) sister of Phoebus Apollo, goddess of the moon; (all :) 

beautiful plants with a six starred hardened perianth at the 
base of the fruit (see also Apollonias) ; 

Olds * 


Pho’ -nix 

Phol-id-o’-ta . 
Phor’-mi-um ... 



Phy t-ol-ac-ca’-cé-2e 


Pi’-er-is — 

pil-ip-et’-al-a ... 
pil '-is-tam-in’-e-a 
pil-ul-a -ris 




f Aa 

il ‘ s 

1) a, (A 
7 he Ces 

f “ 

a . -« 

Yer i af 


(Latin), crimson, crimson-lake colour, the purest red: [same as 
puniceus|: very pale, it forms rosy-pink (See rosews) ; very 
deep, it forms carmine (see Kermasinus) ; itis the basis of 
many other colours; intermediate between crimson and 
yellow is orange (See uurantiacus), and intermediate between 
crimson and, orange, one-third of the way (i.e, nearer 
crimson) is scarlet (See coccineus), and two-thirds of the way 
V.e., nearer orange) is salmon (See salmoneus) and cinnabar 
(Seo cinnabarinus), the former clearer, the latter duller ; 
intermediate between crimson and indigo blue, one third 
ot the way (i.e., nearer crimson) is purple (See purpureus), 
and two-thirds of the way (i.e, nearer blue) is violet (See 
violaceus) ; with green it forms brown; brick red and Indian 
red being respectively one-third and two-thirds of the way) 
between scarlet and brown ; 

phoinix (Greek), name used by Theophrastus (N. 3/103) ; also 
used for a palm, generally, in composition, as Archontophce- 
nix Acanthophoenix ; 

pholis (g. pholvdos), ows (g. otos) (Greek), scale, ear; (all:) 
scaly ear-like bracts of the spike (N. 3/105) ; 

phormos (Greek), basket; (all:) use made of the fibre in New 
Zealand (N. 3/105) ; 

photetnos (Greek), shining; (all :) leaves (N, 3/107) ; 

(Greek), partitioned, divided by partitions into cells ; 

phragmos (Greek), fence; (all:) dense mass of woody stems ; 

(Greek), resembling Phyllanthus ; 

phillon, anthos (Greek), leaf, flower; (all:) flowers in the axiled 
of small leaves that look like the pinne of a pinnate leaf 
(N. 3/110) ; 

phillon, kaktos (Greek), leaf, spinous plant; (all:) leaf-like 
stems, (N: 3/112) ; 

phillon, chlamis (Greek), leaf, cloak ; (all :) involucral bracts; 

(Latin) Pokeweed (Phytolacca from phiton, lakkos* (Greek), 
plant, loc. * (word used in the Periplus) ; (all :) crimson juice 
of the fruit (N. 3/1)8)} Family, or Order ; 

pix (Latin), pitch : copious resin of the plants (N. 8/121) ; 

(Latin), pitch black. a black changing to brown; 

(Latin), painted, with different colours in streaks of unequal, 
intensity ; 

(com.) of Francis Pierard, H.¥.1.c.8., of Chittagong, who did 
much to help in sending plants to the Calcutta Botaric 
Gardens (Rox.2/255) ; 

(Clas.) Pierides, name applied to the Muses from their supposed 
abode at Mount Pieros of Thessaly in Greece (Gk. Lex.) ; 
(all :) similar habitat ; 

(Latin), hair pointed, terminating in a fine weak point ; 

(Latin), with thinly hairy petals ; 

(Latin), with thinly hairy stamens ; 

(Latin), with thinly hairy styles ; 

(Latin), thinlg hairy, with soft long simple hairs 

(Latin), very thinly harry ; 

(Latin), columnar, pillar-shaped ; 

Pimento (Spanish), name of the plant ; 

Pindng (Malayan), name of the Areca Palm, which this 
resembles ; 

pinus, astrum (Latin), Pine, star; (all:) dense clusters of 
cones ; 

pindrauw (Hattu {North Indian]), name of the tree ; 

(Latin), pinnate,.a compound leaf with pinne (leaflets) arranged 
on either side of the rachis (main axis)of the leaf (H.); 

(See penninervis) ; 

(Latin), when the lobes are divided down to half the breadth of 
the leaf ; 


pin-na-tip-sar-ti’-tus. (Latin), when the lobes pass beyond the middle of the blade 
and the paranchyma (cellular tissue) is not interrupted 

(q.v.) 5 
pin-na-tis-ec’-tus ..._ (Latin), when the lobes are divided down to the midrib, and the 
Pparanchyma is interrupted ; 
pin-sa-po ... ... (Spanish), name of the tree ; 
Pi’-nua Se ... (Latin) [probably contraction of picinus (Latin) abounding in 
pitch | name of the plant used by Virgil, Ovid, etc. (N.3/136) ; 
Pip-er es ... (Latin) [Through pe peri (Greek) from Pippali (Sanskrit) ] name 

of the ‘plant used by Horace (N, 3/146; Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; often 
mispronounced with the i long (N. 4/352) ; 

Pip-er-a’-cé-e ... (Latin), Pepper (Piper) Family, or Order ; 

pip-er-i'-ta ... ... (Latin), resembling pepper ; 

pis-cid’-I-a... ... (Latin), pertaining to fishes, used as fish poison ; 

Pi-80 -ni-9) | <2. ... (com.) Willem Paso [ (pr :) Vil-laim Pee-zo |, Dutch physician and 
writer on natural History, Amsterdam, Holland, died 1648 

pi-ta-yen’-sis ... ... (loc.) of Pitayo ; 

Pith-e’-col-ob’-i-um ... Pithéx (g. pithékos), lobos (Greek) monkey, ear-lobe; (all :) 
Mexican name meaning “ monkey’s earring” (N. 3/152) ; 

Pit-tos-por-a’-cé-ze ... (Latin), Pittosporwm Family, or Order ; 

Pit-tos’-por-um ... pitta, spora (Greek) resin, seed ; (all:) resinous coating of the 
seeds (N. 3/153) ; 

pla-na‘-ta =... ... (Latin), having a flat level surface ; 

Planch-o’-ni-a’-na_ ... (com.) of J. E. Planchon {(pr:) Plarng-shorng], French dis- 

coverer of the source of the Phylloxera disease of vines, 
co-author with Linden, Luddeman aud Reichenbach of 
*‘Pescatorea” (figures of Orchids from Pescatore’s collec- 

tion) ; 

pla-nif-ol’-i-2 ae een), with flat leaves ; 

pla’-nif-rons ... (Latin’, with a flat crown ; 

plan-ta’ -gin-if- ol’-i-a. (Latin), with leaves like the Ground Plantain (Plantago) ; 

Plat-an-a’-cé-2e ... (Latin), Plane Tree (Platanus) Family, or Order ; 

plat’-an-if-ol’-i-a ... (Latin), with leaves like the plane Tree ; 

plat’-nn-0-i’-dés ... (Greek), resembling the plane Tree ; 

Plat’-an-us-... .. Platanos [from Platis (Greek), broad; (all:) foliage] (Greek), 

name of the plant (N. 3/156) ; 

plat-ye-au’-lon ... (Greek), with a flat stem ; 

plat-yo’-lad-a ... (Greek), with flat branches ; 

Plat-yl-ob’-i-um ... platus, lobos (Greek), broad, pod; (all:) broad legumes 
(N. 3/159); 

Plat ym-is’-chi-um*‘.,. platus, mischion (Greek), flat small stem ; (all:) , flat oblong 

ods ; 

plat-yph-yl’-la sah (Greek) broad leaved ; 

plat-y p’-ter-a ... (Greek), broadly winged ; 

plat-ys-tach’-y-a ... (Greek), with a broad spike ; 

Plec-os-per’-mum ... plekd, Sperma (Greek), to enfold, seed ; (all:) one cotyledon, 
very large fleshy, embracing the smaller folded one ; 

pléc-tranth’-6-i’-dés .... (Greek), resembling the Cockspur Flower (Plectranthus [from 
plektron, antho (Greek), spur, flower; (all:) corolla tube 
gibbous at base (N. 3/160) |) ; 

Pleur-os-ty’-li-a ... pléwron, stulé (Greek), rib, style; (all:) on the side of the 
white drupe is the remains of the style, which, on becoming 
bent round from the apex, forms a kind of rib along the side 
from the top; 

plic-a’-tus... ... (Latin), plaited (more properly pleated) folded lengthwise like 
the pleats of a folded fan; 
Pli-ni-a’-na ... ... (com.) of Caius Plinius, Secundus, two Roman authors, the 

elder, 23—79 A.D. a clebrated naturalist and wrote ‘‘ Natural 
History ” ; he died in the eruption of Vesuvius ; the younger, 
his nephew, 62--113 A.D. ; generally known by the name of 
Plio’-ché-a . (com. y N. A. Pluche [(pr :) Plysh], French author, published 
5 “ Spectacle de la nature ’’ 1732 (N. 3/164) ; 


p/u-ma’-tum ... «» (Latin), witha tuft of feather-like hairs ; 
Plam-ba’-gin-a’-cd-«.. (Latin), Leadwort (Plumbago) Family, or Order ; 

Plum-ba’-go ... .» (Lat) [from plumbum (Latin) lead ; (all :) cures lead palsy ;] 
nanie of the plant used by Pliny (N. 3/169) ; 

plum -be-us ... (Latin), lead grey, grey bordering on blue, with a metallic 
lustre ; 

Plu-me’-ri-a .. .» (com.) Charles Plumier [(pr:) Shar-rul Plym-yay], French 
traveller and writer on botany, 1646—1706 (N. 3/170) ; 

plu-mi-e’-ri_ ... ... (com.) of Charles Plumier ; 

plu-mo-sa ... ... (Latin), plumose, or feathery with branches disposed like the 
plume on the shaft of a feather (H.) ; 

plu’-res ey ... (Latin), many; in composition, pluri- ; 

po-cu-if-or’-mis ... (Latin), cupshaped, similar to cyathiform (q.v.) ; 

Pod-ag’-ric-a ... (Greek), gowty,—of stems, unduly swollen at the base ; 

Pod-al-y’-ri-a «. (Clas.), Podalyrius, son of Alsculapius (N. 3/172) ; 

Pod-oc-ar’-pas ... pous(g. podos), karpos (Greek), foot, fruit; (all:) fruits are 
stalked (N. 3/172) ; 

Pod-och-i’-lus --. pous (g.podds), chéilos (Greek), foot, lip; (all:) lip of the 

corolla jointed to the foot of the stamino-stylar column ; 
pod-oph-yl’-lum w+ (Greek), having leaves with elongated petiole, literally, foot- 
Pec-il-on-eo’-ron .,. pozkilos, neuron (Greek), inlaid, nerve ; (all:) beautiful reticu- 
lation of the nerves of the leaves, especially when dry ; 

Po-gos’-te’-mon ... pogon, stemon (Greek), beard, stamen ; (all:) filaments bearded 
in the middle (N. 3/175) ; 

Pohl-i-a’-na wees (com.) of Johann Emanuei Pold [(pr:) Yo-harn Aim-arn-oo-ail 
Poalj, 1782-—-1834, Austrian botanist ; 

Poin-ci-a’-na ss (com.) M de Poinci [(pr:) Pwarn] See Governor of the Antilles 

(West Indies) in tue middle of the 17th century, and patron 
of botany (N. 3/176); 

Pol-em-o’-ni-’-ce- .., (Latin), Jacob’s Ladder (Polemonium [ (Greek), name used by 
Dioscorides}) Family, or Order ; 

- poleif-ol’-i-a .., ... (Latin), with leaves lake Poliwm (Teucrium) ; 

Pol-y-al’-thi-a .« poli, althimdi (Greek) much, to become sound ; (all:) supposed 
medical properties of the plant (N.3/181) ; 

pol-y-an-cis’-tra wee (Greek), with many hooks; or prickles ;’-drum w+ (Greek), with many stamens ; 
. "** | (Greek), with many flowers ; 
pol-yc-ar’-pum .» (Greek), with many fruits ; 

- Pol-yg-al-a ... » polis, gala (Greek), much, milk; (all:) reputed preperty of 
increasing the secretion of milk, name used by Dioscorides 
(N. 3/183) ; 

Pol-yg-al-a '-cé-ze .. (Latin), Milkwort (Polygala) Family, or Order ; 

pol-yg-am-a . (Greek), polygamous, hermaphrodite (bisexual) and unisexual 
flowers borne by the same species on one (or on different) 
individual (H.) ; 

Pol’-yg-on-a'-cé-z ... (Latin), Knot Grass (Polygonum) Family, or Order ; 

Pol-yg’-ou-um .. polis, ,dnu (Greek), many, knee ; (all :) numerous joints in the 

stem (N. 3/133) ; : 
pol-ym-orph’-um .., (Greek), of many forms (H.) ; 

pol-yph-yl'-lus . (Greek), with many leaves, or leaflets ; 

Pol-yp-od’-i-a-cé-« ... (Latin), Polypody (Polypodiwm) Family, or Order ; 
pol-yp-od’-i-6-i’-dés ... (Greek), resembling Polypody ; 

Pol-yp-od’-i-um ... polis, podion diminutive of pous (g. podos) (Greek), many, 

little foot ; (all:) appearance of the rhizome and its append- 
ages (N. 3/186); 

pol’-ys a we. (Greek), many ; ' 

Pol-ys'-ci-as .., .. pols, skia (Greek), much, shade; (al/:) umbrageous foliage ; 

Pol-ys-tach’-y-a  ... polis, Ha ea (Greek), many, spike; (all:) inflorescence 

(N. 3/196) ; 

pol-ys-tach’-y-um ... (Greek), having many spikes of flowers ; 

po-ma'-cé-a ... ww. (Latin), apple-like ; 

po-mif’-er-a ... w. (Latin), apple-bearing ; 


pom-po’ -ni-a 
po -pul-if-ol’-i-am 

por-phy’-re-us tee 

pos’-tic-us ... 


pras’-in-us... aoe 

Prem’-na fer a 

priest’-ley 6-i'-dés ... 
prin’-ceps... ee 
pri-no-i’-des ... “en 
Pri-o-ni-tis ... 
Prin-sep -i-a ... 


pro-ce’-ra es xe 
Proc’-ris ae ree 


pro-lif’-er-a eee ove 

pro’-nns aa 3 
Pros-o’-pis... te 

prop-in’-quum ove 
pros-tra’-ta eee coe 


(Latin), of apple-shape ; 

(Latin), pompone, with small flowers and numerous, mostly 
refiexed, petals (or, in Composite, florets) ; 

(Latin), heavy, or heavy-wooded ; 

Pungam ’Tamil) name of the plant (N. 3/198, Mch 3/694) ; 

(com.) Popow, German botanist ; 

(Latin), with leaves like Poplar (Populus, | alias palpulus] (Latin), 
trembling ; (all:) perpetually trembling leaves (N. 3/199) ; 

(Latin), Poplar-like (N. 4/27) ; 

Bhairi, (Makhratti), name of the plant ; Nicholson places the 
accent on the first a, which he seemingly wrongly makes 
long (N. 3/201, B.D. 6/1/1165) ; 

(Greek), red brown, brown mixed with red, but not sored as 
rufous (a.v.) ; 

(com.) of H. J. A. Porter, Conservator of Forests, Madras ; 

(Latin), turned outwards, turned away from the axis to which 
it pertains ; 

(Latin), of drinkers, useful for persons requiring a drink ; 

Paid, (Singhalese), name of the plant (N. 3/213: McL. 3/288) ; 
Nicholson makes the first o short, placing the accent after 
the first syllable Poth; but that o islong in Singhalese 
according to McLean ; 

(com.) Pouzolz |(pr :) Pootz-oaltz], German botanist ; 

(Latin), pregnant, with smaller fruits within ; 

(Latin), bitten off, the termination abruptly jagged as if bitten 
off (H.); 

(Greek), grass green, clear green without any admixture, inter- 
mediate between pure yellow and pure blue ; 

(Latin), used for praying, or for religious purposes ; 

premnon (Greek), a stump ; (all:) stampy appearance, or low 
stature, of the species (N. 3/215) ; 

(quasi-Greek), resembling Priestleya [from Dr. Joseph Friestley, 
1733--1804, a famous English chemist] ; 

(Latin), prince ; (all :) fine appearance ; 

(Greek) resembling Holly (Prinus alias I] ex.) ; 

prion (Greek), Saw ; (all:) appearance of the capsule ; 

(com.) Prinsep; author of History of the Punjab ; 

(Greek), having several longitudinal angles, and intermediate 
flat faces ; 

(com.) W. P. Pritchard, author of ‘ Polynesian reminiscences ” 
(N. 3/224) ; 

(Latin), tall ; 

(Clas.), Procris,daughter of Erectheus, king of Athens,— 
married to Cephalus, who killed her in the forest, mistaking 
her for a wild animal (Cass, Lat. Dic.); (all :) plant dedicated 
to her ; 

(Latin), procumbent, lying for the whole, or greater part, of its 
length along, or close to, the ground (H.) ; 

(Latin), offspring bearing, denoting, in its widest sense, repro- 
duction of plants by buds ratber than by seeds, whether by 
offshoots, stolens, suckers, bulbs in leaf axils, budding from 
the margins of, or from broken, leaves, or from fern fronds; 
also applied to the abnormal reduplication of flowers from a 
single flower, known as the “‘Hen and chickens” type ; 
it also applies to the production of young fern growth (on the 
fronds of ferns about, or near, their extremities (H.) (N. 3/ 
225) ; 

( Latin), prostrate, lying flat along the ground; 

(Greek), name given by Dioscorides to the Butter-burr (Pet- 
asites officinalis) to the inflorescence of which this plant is 
supposed to have some resemblance (N. 3/227) ; 

(Latin), allied to ; 
(Latin), luina flat along the yround (H.) ; 


Pro’-té-a res 




Pseud-arth’-ri-a 2 
pseud-o-cap -sic-um, 

pseud-o-plat’-an-us ... 

Pseud-o-tsu’-ga ae 




Pter-oc-ar- pus 
pter-o-i’-des .. 

Pter-yg-os-per’-ma .., 

pu-ber’-ul-a_ ... 

pu-bes’-cens .,. ses 

pu-bifl-o’-ra ... 
pud-ic-a Bee 
pu-er-a’-ri-a .., tie 

pul-chel’-la_ ... 
pul’-lus ss 
pul-vin-a’-ta ... 



(Clas.), Proteus, god of the sea, herdsman of the sea calves of 
Poseidon (Neptune), had the power of changiny himself 
into different shapes, and, as a prophet, would only answer 
those bound in chains (Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; (ald :) diversity of the 
species (N. 3/227) ; 

(Latin), Protea Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), drawn out, elongated ; 

(Latin), frosted or covered with hoar frost, or a glittering bloom, 
or powder (H.) (See rorid) ; 

(Latin) [from prowné (Greek) |, name used by Ovid, Horace, and 
Pliny (Cass. Lat. Dic., N. 3/235) ; 

(Latin), ike a Plum (Pranus) ; 

(Latin), with leaves tike the Plum (Prunas) ; 

(Latin), producing itching, or an irritable sensation, when 
touched (H.) ; 

Psetidos, arthron (Greek), false, joint; (all:) its resemblance 
to Desmodium except that the pods are not proper ly jointed ; 

(quasi-Greek), false Cajunus, or resembling Cajanus ; 

(quasi-Greek), false Capsicum ; 

(quasi-Greek), false Platanus ; 

(hybrid Latin and Greek), resembling the species denominated 
tenuis ; 

(quasi-Greek), false Tsuga; 

Psidvon [from psizo (Greek), to feed on pap] (Greek), pome- 
granate ; (all:) resembling fruit, with the multiplicity of 
seeds (N. 3/2338) ; 

Psilos, thria (g. trichos) (Greek), bare, hair; (all:) absence of 
the woolliness of allied general, nor are there any deformed 
flowers in the clusters as in some allied genera, which give 
a scaly appearance. 

Psorléos (Greek), seabby ; (all :) plants mostly roughened with 
glandular dots or warts (N. 3/239) ; 

Psuche, otrino (Greek), life, to encourage ; (all:) powerful 
medicinal qualities of some species (N. 3/239) ; 

Ptairo, Xulon (Greek), to sneeze, wood; (all:) sternutatory 
effects when cut ; 

Pteron (Greek), feather ; (all:) fronds resemble feathers: old 
name used by Dioscorides (N,. 3/240) ; 

Pteron, karpos (Greek), feather, fruit ; (all :) winged pod ; 

(Greek) resembling Bracken (Pteris) ; 

Pteron, lobion (Greek), feather, pod; (all:) fruit samarcid 
winged down one suture ; ; 

Pieron, sperma (Greek), feather seed; (all:) seeds are winged 
at upper serd ; 

Pterua (g. pteriigos) sperma (Greek), wing, seed; (all :). seeds 3- 
winged ; 5 

Ptiz (g. ptuchos), spérma (Greek), a fold, seed; (all:) romin- 
ated albumen (N. 3/247) ; h 

(Latin), puberulous, with very short soft hair or down 
minutely pubescent (EH.) ; ; 

(Latin), pubescent, or downy, with somewhat short, straight 
and not entangled, soft hair or (H.) ; 

(Latin), with downy flower ; 

Padam, (Hindustani), name of the plant ; 

(Latin), bashful ; 

(com.) I M.N. Puerart [(pr:) Poo-air-ar-ee], botanical pro fes- 
sor at Copenhagen, capital of Denmark ; 

(Latin), small and very pretty ; 

(Latin), very pretty ; 

(Latin), pretty ; 

(Latin), raven black, bluish black with a strong lustre ; 

(Latin), as tf covered with dust. 

(loe.) pertaining to the Pali Hills in Madura district 

(Latin), cushioned, with a flattened convex surface 




pu -nic-a see 
pufnic’-6-0s ... se 

pur -ga ; 
pur-pur-as -cens 
pur-pur -6-um 


pyc-nan -tha .., 

Py-ge’-um ae 
PYQ-Mze’-US see eee 

pyr-am -id-a’-lis 

Py-re-nac-an’-tha .. 
pyr-en-a -ic-a 

pyr-if-oz’ -mis 

pyr -in-a 

quad-ran’-gul-a’-re ... 
quad’-ri-au-ri -ta 

Qua’-moc-lit ... ie 


quat -tu-or ete eee 
‘ quer-cif-ol’-1-a 


Quil- la'-j2 sve Eee 
qui’ -na 
qui- na’-ta Sr “se 
quin’-que “3 ee 
quin-que-cos- ta’ -tus.. 

quin-quef-ol-i-a’-tus os 


(Latin), low in stature, compared with other species of the 
same genus (H.) ; 

(Latin), dotted with glands, sometimes translucent; or with 
minute impressions, or with very small round dots of colour 
other than the body colour ; 

(Latin), pungent, with sharp hard points ; 

punica (Latin), pertaining to Carthage ; (all :) called by Pliny 
Carthaginian Apple (N. 3/252). 

(Latin), crimson [same as phzeniceus}]; sometimes incorrectly 
interpreted scarlet|same as cocoineus], or parmime [same as 
kermesinus | ; 

(Latin), with leuves like Pomegranate (Punica) ; 

(Latin), purgative ; 

(Latin), purplish, or becoming purple ; 

(Latin), purple, one-third way intermediate between crimson 
(See phaeniceus) and Indigo blue (See caeruleus, and indi- 
goticus) ; with a touch of scarlet it forms magenta ; 

(Latin), very small, weak and slender ; 

putra, jiva (Sanskrit), son, life; (all:) supposed property of 
keeping children in health, wherefore necklaces are worn, 
made of the fruits (McL. 3/711) ; 

(Greek), with dense flowers ; ‘ 
Puknos, spora (Greek), densley packed, seed ; (all :) seeds more 
numerous and more closely packed than in allied genera ; 

Pagé (Greek), buttocks ; (a/1:) shape of the fruit (Ch.); 

(Greek), dwarf, small, short, dense, as compared with other 
species of the same genus ; 

(Latin, from Greek), pyramidal, with the form of @ cone, but, 
in some cases, with longitudinal angles instead of quite 
round ; 

pirén akanthos (Greek), stone of a drupe, thorn ; (all :) thorn- 
like stone cf the fruit ; 

(loc.) of the Pyrenees mountains which separate France from 
Spain ; 

(Latin), shaped like a pear (Pyrus) ; 

(Latin), resembling the pear ; 

pyrusor pirus (Latin), pear-tree; name used by Virgil (Cass, 
Lat. Dic.; N. 3/259) (from par (G. paéros) (Greek), flame ; 
(all:) colour of the fruit]; from the existence of numerous 
derivatives, it was probably also Greek ; 

(Latin), quadrangular, with four angles ; 

(Latin), four (in composition, See guattuor) ; 

(Latin), with four ears, lowest pair of pinne bipartite ; 

(Latin), quadrifoliate, a compound leat with four leaflets ; 

(Latin), fourfoid ; (g. quadruplicis) ; 

Kama, lata (Sanskrit), (god of love) creeper; (all:) name of the 

lant ; 

Ge Quassi, a Negro of Surinam (Dutch Guiana) in the 
north of §. America, who used the bark as a remedy for 
fever (N. 3/262) : 

(Latin), four; in composition quadri, quaterni— ; 

(Latin), with leaves like the Oak (Quercus) ; 

(Latin), name of the tree, used by Horace, Cicero, Juvenal, 
Tacitus, etc. (Cass. Lat. Dic., N. 3/263); the derivation of 
the English word “ cork,’’ which is obtained from one species ; 
possibly also the word ‘‘ Oak’’ is of the same derivation ; 

Quillai (Chilian), name of the tree; 

: (Latin), fivefold ; 

(Latin), five ; ’ 

(Latin), five ribbed, when five leaves proceed from the base of . 

a leaf; 
(Latin), a compound leaf with fiye leaflets ; 

quin’-tup-lex 4 
quin-tap-lin-er’-vis ... 

Qais-qua’-lis ... 
rac-€-mo’-sa ... es 


rac-oph-lo’-a oA 


, ra-di-ca’-lis 


ra-di-co’-sum er 
Ralph-i-i = 
Ra-ma-Var’-mae .. 
ra-me-a -lis-ra’ me-us 

ra-mif-lo’-ra ... 


Yra-mo’-sa ee ws 
Ta-mo-sis -8im-a —_... 
Rand-i-a a aes 

Ra-nun’-cul-a’-cé-e ... 

ra’-rus... ee: 


Ray-en-a’-la .,. ash 
Rav-en’-i.a.. iy. 
rec-li-na’-tus ... Sais 

rec’-ta He 


ref-lex’-a bas 
re-ga-l'is sae ae 
re-gia os a 
re-gi'-na a 

reg eul-a’-ris eee oe 



(Latin), with five cells, in the fruit ; 

(Latin), five ribbed, same as guinguecostatus (q.v.) ; 

(Latin) (g. quintiplicis), fivefold ; 

* (Latin), quintupleribbed, when, of five ribs, two or more emerge 
just a little above the base of the leaf ; 

Quis, qualis (Latin), whick of what kind; (all:) it was un- 
certain at first to what class, and of what order, the plant 
belonged (N. 3/2677) ; 

(Latin), racemose, haying an inflorescence with a long undiyi- 
ded axis, the flowers being arranged on either side on 
approximately equal pedicels (H.); 

(Latin), beariny small racemes ; 

(Greek), back bone; the axis, ora peduncle proceeding ina 
nearly rizht lime from the base to the apex, of an inflores- 
cence, the axis, or prolongation of a petiole, of a compound 
leaf, from which the leaflets, or secondary rachides, branch 
off ; 

(Greek), with bark torn in strips ; 

(com.) of Professor Raddi, Italian botanist ; 

(Latin), radiate, arranged like rays around a common centre 

(Latin), radical arising from the root; 

(Latin), rooting [from radiz (G. radicis) (Latin), root; often 
mispronounced (N. 11/354; or climbing by means of roots (H.) 

(Datin), with numerous roots ; 

(com.) of Ralph | (pr: ) Raif}, 

(com.) of Rama Varma, H.H. the Maharaja of Travancore. 

(Latin), rameous, of, or belonging to, the branches ; 

(Latin), ramentaceous, having the epidermis covered with 
weak, shrivelled, brown, chaffy scales ; 

(Latin), with flowers on the branches, instead of terminal or 
from leaf axils ; 

(com.) of Ramontch ; 

(Latin), branched, divided into many branches ; 

(Latin), with veru many branches ; 

(com.) Isaac Rand, formerly preefectus of the Botanic Garden 
of the Society of Apothecaries at Chelsea, London ; 

(Latin), Crowfoot (Ranunculus [from diminutive of rana 
(Latin frog; (all: ) habitat in swamps of most species } 
Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), distant, in contradistinction to close, imbricate, etc., 
Same as remote (q.v ); 

(com.) Leonhard fawwolf [(pr: ) Lay-on-hart Ron-voif al, 
physician at Augsburg in Bavaria, who travelled through 
Palestine and other Eastern countries in 1753-5 (N. 3/279) ;: 

(Madagascar), native name of the plant (N. 3/279), also called 

Jranza (class.), one of the muses; (all:) affinity to genus 
Musa (Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 

(Com.) Raven 5 
(Latin), reclinate, falling gradually back from the perpendi- 
colar ; F 

(Latin), straight, not curyed or wavy ; 

(Latin), when the ribs of a leaf are straight, almost parallel, 
bat united at the summit ; or whose lateral ribs are straight ; 

(Latin), bent backward, or downward (H.) ; 

(Latin), bent abruptly backward: or downward (H.) ; 

} (Latin), royal, of noble appearance ; 

(Latin), Queen, indicating splendonr ; 

(Latin), of the Queen, indicating splendour: or dedicated to 
Queen Victoria ; 

(Latin), regular, in which all the parts are symmetrical ; 




rel-ig’-1-0'-8a ... 

é gis 
re-nif-or-mis .. 


rep-li’-a’-tus ... 
re-sup -in-a’-ta 
re-tic’-o'-sa ... 
re-tror’-sus 4. 

ret-n-sel-la ... 
rev-ol-v’-t11S se. 

Rex Wits oon 
rham-no-i dés 

Rhaph-id-oph’-or-a ... 





Rhi-zoph’-or-a'-ce-z .. 





(com.) K. G. K. Reinwardt [(pr: ) Rine-varrt] 1773--1822, 
Director of the Botanic Garden as Leyden, South Holland, 
(N. 3/282) ; 

(Latin), sacred, consecrated to some deity, or used for religious 
purposes ; 

(Latin), remote, in contradistinction to close, dense, imbricate1, 
etc.; - 

(Latin), Kidney shaped, cordate (q.v.) with the apex flattened 
out into an arc with a long radius or into a nearly straight 
line ; 

(Latin), repand, having a margin waved so as to form indis- 
tinct lobes [not up and down, which is wndulate] ; 

(Latin), repent, growing along, or somewhat under, 
ground rooting as it grows (H) ; 

(Latin), replicate, when the upper part is curved back and 
applied to the lower ; 

(Latin), producing|resin ; 

(Latin), reswpinate, turned or twisted so that the parts, 
normally in one direction, are eventually in the opposite 
direction (H.) ; 

(Latin), forming a network ; 

(Latin), with nerves forming a network (H.): projecting a little 
above the surface ; 

(Latin), turned backwards or in opposite direction to that of 
the apex of the body to which the part turned appertains ; 
ee retuse, witha small skallow notch in arounded apex 


(Latin), slightly retuse ; 

(Latin), revolute, having the margins, or apex, rolled backward 
spirally upon the under surface (H.) 5 

(Latin), King, indicating splendid appearance ; 

rhabdos (Greek) switch; (all:.) switchy habit (Ch.) ; 

(Latin), Buckthorn (Rhamnus) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), with leaves like the Buckthorn ; 

(Greek), resembling the Buckthorn ; 

rhamnos (Greek), prickly shrub, name used by Theophratus for 
the plant (N. 3/288) ; 

rhaphis (g. rhaphi dos), phored (Greek,) needle, to bear; (all: ) 

needle-like hairs which abound in the intercellular spaces of 
the plant (N. 3/288) ; 

rhapis (Greek), needle; (all: 
leaves (N. 3/287) ; 

(com.) of Henricus van Rheede van Drakenstain [(pr :) Fan 
Raid‘ fan Drar-ken-shtine] Dutch author of ‘“ Hortus 
Malabaricus’’; published 1678—1703 ; his transliteration of 
the Malabar names was weird, and as many botanical 
names are derived therefrom, it is not surprising that people 
vary in their idea of the pronunciation (e.g., Sonerila, 
etc.) ; 

ees name of the tree ; 

Bhis (g. rhinos), akanthos (Greek), 
thus); (all: ) curious 
(N. 3/289) ; 

Rhiza, phoreo (Greek), root, to bear ; 
they produce ; 

(Latin), Mangrove (Khizophora) Family, or Order ; 

rhédamnos (Greek), small branch; (all: ) size of the plants 
(N. 3/291); 

rhodon, dendron (Greek), rose, tree ; (all:) rosy red flowers, 
name of the plant (N. 3/291); first o often wrongly pro- 
nounced long (N. 4/354) ; 


) needle-like segments of the 

nose, Bear’s-breech (Acan- 
shape ct Acanthus 

(all:) aerial roots which 

rhodon, murtos (Greek), rose, myrtle ; (all: :) rose-colonred 4 

flowers, and affinity (N. 3/298); 

like corolla ~ 

rhod’-os tt ahs 
rhom-bif-ol’-i-a ze 

rhom-bo-i’-dé-a far 
Rhop’-al-os-ty’-lis ... 

Rhus’... ave eve 
Rhyn-chos-ty ’-lis 





rin’-gens ase Mae 
ri-pa’-rl-a ba ao 
Ritch-ie-a’-na ee 
Ritch’-ie-i ae 
ri-va’-lis ie , 
Ri’-vé-a Le Sol 
Riy-i/-na eee ane 

Rob-in-so’-ni-a’-na ... 

Ro’-bur oes eee 

Ro-bus’-ta_... sam 
Rod-i: 2’ -1 eee 

ro-hit’-tik-a ... wae 
Ron -delet’-i-a ae 

ro’-rid-us oan 

Ros’-a as ee 

Ros-a’-ce-w ... ; 
ros-a/-ce-us ... “Hy 

rOS-a-si -nen’-sis 

ros’-é-a oa asa 
ros’-6-0- pic’ -ta Ee 

Ros-mar-i’-nus wee 


(Greek), rosy pink ; 

(Latin), with rhombic leaves ; with four more or less equal sides 
and lateral angles obtuse (H); 

(Greek), rhombic im outline ; 

rhopalon, stulos (Greek), club, pillar ; (all’:) club shaped spadix 
(N. 3/299) ; 

rhous (Greek), name of the plant used by Theophrastus 
(N. 3/800) ; 

rhunchos (Greek), beak ; (all :) shape of the keel (See Pepilioneae) 
(N. 3/302) ; 

rhunchos, stulos (Greek), beak, pillar; (all :) shape of the 
stamino-pistillary column (N. 3/302) ; 

ribes [?revand (McL. 3/363)] (Arabic), name of Rhubarb 
(Rheum) wrongly applied to this (N. 3/303) ; 

(com.) of Achille Richard [(pr:) Ar-sheel Kee-sharr |, author 
of “Flora of New Zealand ’’); and his father L.C. Richard, 
two celebrated French botanists. 

(Latin), a tick ; (all:) resemblance of seeds thereto (N. 3/307) ; 

(Latin), droll, curious,; 

(Latin), stiff ; 

(Latin), grinning a term applied to a mounopetalous corolla 
haviug an unequally divided limb, the upper division, or lip, 
being arched, the lower prominent and pressed against it, so 
that, when compressed, the whole resembles the month of a 
gaping animal ; 

(Latin), pertaining to stream banks ; 

(com.) of Dr. Ritchie of Bombay, collected plants in Belgaum. 

(Latin), growing beside streams (H.) ; 

(com.) Auguste de la Rive ((pr :) O.goost der Jar Reey} physio- 
logical Professor of Geneya, Switzerland (N. 3/309); 

(com-) A. Q. Rivinus [(pr:) Ree-vee-noos | of Saxony, 1662-- 
1722, Professor of Botany andiMedicine at Leipzig (N. 3/309); 

(com.) of Robinson; itis not known whothis Kobinson is 3; a 
plaut called Rolinsonia, of Juan Fernandez island, was dedica. 
A y. Monsr, Decandolle to Defoe’s Robiuson Crusoe Treas, 

ot.) 5 

(Latin), strength ; (all:) durability of the wood; “hearts of 
Oak ’’ is used metaphorically, indicative of strength ; 

(Latin), strong ; 

(com.) Hugh Rodie, Surgeon resident »in Demarara, British 
Guiana, South America, who discovered the alkaloid Bibi- 
sina in Greenheart (Nectandra) as a substitute for quinine 
(Eno, Brit.) ; ; 

rohttaka (Sanskrit), red tree ;(all:) inner bark which is used 
medicinally ; name of the tree (McL. 762.) ; 

(com.) Witham Rondelet, 1507—1566, scientific physician, autho- 
rity on fishes and Algz (N. 3/313) ; 

(Latin), dewy, covered with little transparant elevations of the 
parenchyma (cellular tissue), which have the appearance of 
fine drops of dew, less opaque than in pr uinose (q.v.) ; 

(Latin), name used by Virgil, Horace, Evid, Cicero, Plautus 
and others (Cass. Lat. Dic.), although the o is long in English, 
it is short in the Latin (ef. Antigonon, liliifiorus, Croton, 
etc. |; 

es Rose (Rosa) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), rose-like, or rosaceous, having the same arrangement of 
the petals as of a single rose ; 

(Latin), Chinese rose ; 

(Latin), pink, rose-coloured, pale crimson (See phoenicsus) ; 

(Latin), streaked with pink ; 

(Latin), with leaves like Rosemary (Rosmarinus) ; 

Ros, marmus (Latin), dew, of the sea; (all:) habit of the plant 
(N. 3/828); : 


ros-tra’-ta ... ... (Latin), beaked, having a narrow elongated process (H.) 3 
ros-ul-a/-ris ... .-- 1 (Latin), roswlate, of leaves, packed closely together, by short- 
ros-ul-a’-ris 4. ness of their internodes, over one another like the petals of 

a double rose; 
Rot’-ang ee ... Rotan (Malay), pared, or trimmed; name of the plant 
(McL. 3/751) ; 

ro-ta’-ta 50 ... (Latin), rotate, wheel shaped,—of a corolla, with short tube 
and flat spreading limb (H.) ; 

Roth-i-a -na ... .. (com.) Dr. A.W. Roth [(pr:) Roat], German botanist, author 

Roth’-i-i Ace iis of ba plantarum species presertim Indi orientalis,” 
(Ch.) ; 

Rott-le’-ri_... ... | (com.) Revd. Dr. Rottler, co-author (with Heyne and Klein) of 

Rott-le’-ri-a’-na | “ Herbarium Madraspatense”’; long time resident im 

Tranquebar ; 

rottt-le’-rif-or’-mis .... (Latin), resembling Rottlera (Mallotus) ; 
Srna i i im (Latin), round, nearly circular in outline (H.) ; 
rot-un’-dif-ol’-i-a  ... (Latin), round, with leaves ; 
Rou-pel-li-a ... wo. (com.) Rowpell family, encouragers of botany (N. 3/829) ; 
Rou-re-a ae ... (Guiana), name of one of the species, probably \N. 3/329); 
Rox-burgh’-i-a’-ce-xe. (Latin), Koxburghia Family, or Order ; ; 

(com.) of Dr. William Roxburgh, M.D., ¥.R.8.E., etc., author of 
Rox-burgh’-i-a’-pa_ ... } “Flora Indica”, published in 1832 by Rey. Dr. Carey, of 

Kox-burgh’-i-i ...) © Plants of the Coromandel Coast’’, 1795, and of “ Hortus 
benghalensis’’; the father of Indian Botany : 
Royl-e-a-na ... «vw (com.) of Dr, J. Forbes Royle, M.D., V.P.B.S., Botanist to the 

Indian Government, author of several botanical works ; 
rub-el’-ia Acc 
rub-es’-ces ey 
Rub-i-a’-ci-2... ... (Latin), Madder (Rubia [from rubus (Latin), red ; (all:) dye] ) 

Family, or Order ; ; 
rub-ic-au- lis... .. (Latin), with a red stem ; 
rub-ic-un'-da,.. ... (Latin), rosy red (H.) ; 
rub’-id-a se ... (Latin), reddish (H.); 
ru-bi-gin-o'-sum_—... (Latin), rusty red, dull red with slight admixture of brown, 

[darker than ferrugineus | ; 
rub’-ra ss ... (Latin), red, general term for all shades of red ; 
rub’-ré-c@-rul’-e-a ... (Latin), red and blue, red and blue on the same organ, or red 

changing to blue, and vice versa ; 
rub-ron-er «vi-a .. (Latin), with red nerves ; 

Rub’-us SAC ... (Latin), name of the plant used by Virgil, Caesar, and other ; 
often wrongly pronounced with the first u long (N, 8/354) ; 
ru’-fa ... ape ... (Latin), reddish brown (H.); 

*** © (Latin), becoming red, reddish ; 

‘yuefes’-cens ... ... (Latin), becoming reddish brown (H.) ; 
ru-go'-8us ... (Latin), full of wrinkles (H.); the surface being covered witha 
net work of lines, and the interstices convex ; 
ru-gul-0-sa ... ... (Latin), full of small wrinkles, or somewhat. wrinkled ; 
ru-min-a-ta ... ... (Latin), runuinate, as if cheiered, when a body is pierced in 
various directions by narrow Cavities filled with dry cellular 
matter ; 

((com-) G. E. Rumphius, or van Rumph [(pr.) fan Rooms] M.D. 
R ae | (Hanavensis), senior merchant, Consul, and Dutch botanist 
amph’-i-a 5 
yu np } 

R hii of Amboynu in the Southern Molucca Islands, and author 
umph-i-l... ree 

of ‘‘ Herbarium amboynense” 1750 ; 
((com.) of G. E. Rumphius ; 
run-cin-a’-tus... ... (Latin), book-backed, curved in direction from the apex to the 
base; usually applied to the serratures of a deeply serrat 
or pinnatifid leaf ; 

ru-pic-o-a_... .. (Latin), inhabiting cliffs and rocks ; 

rus-cifol’-1-a ... ... (Latin), with leaves like Butcher's Broom (Ruscus) ; 

Rus’-cus es ... (Lat), name used by Virgil and Pliny (N. 3/335) ; 
Rus-sel’-i-a ... .. (com.) Alewander Russel, M.D., F.R.S,, author of “ Natural 

History of Aleppo,” 1756 (N. 3/835) ; 
Rus-sell-i-asnum  ... (com.) of Russell; 

Ru-ta ... sie 
Sa’-bal “he 
Sa’-bia af 




Sag-er-w'-& .. 

sag-it’-ta’-ta ... 
sal-mo’-ne-us .. 



Sal-va’-do-ra’-ce-z ... 

Sal-yi-a ne 


| Sa-myd-a’-ce-e 

San-ché-zi-a ... 



(Sacharon (Greek), from Sharkara 


Raté [from ruomai (Greek) to preserve ; (all :) medical effect } 
(Greek), name of the piant (N. 3/337) ; 
.. (Latin), Rwe (Ruta) Family or Order ; 
(Latin), auburn, deep red with metallic lustre (H.) ; 

.. (South American), name of the plant ;* 
Saba (loc.) a district in Arabia Felix, noted for its perfumes ; 
(all :) scent of the flowers ; 
(Latin), Sabia Family, or Order ; 
(com.) Joseph Sabine, ¥.R.8., ¥.D.8., Secretary of the Horticul- 
tural Society, London ; 
(Latin), sugar producing ; 
3a. (Sanskrit), piece; (all :) 
| Sticks into which cut for producing sugar (MeL, 3/857.) 
2 _(N, 3/339/3) ; 
| Nicholson puts the accent on the second syllable, probably a 
misprint ; 
... Saccus, labium (Latin), bag, lip; (all :) ba lip of the corolla 
(N. 3/340) ; MEAs che i. 
ge se pe talon (Greek), bag, petal ; (al/:) saccate base of the 
petals ; 
Sajert (Mahratti, Canarese) name of the plant (Ch.) ; 
(com.) M. Sageret [pr: Sar-zher-ay), distinguished French 
agriculturalist | N. 3/341) ; 

. (Latin), arrowhead shaped, with pointed apex, cordate, but net 

rounded, at base with basal lobes directed downwards, into 
points (See hestate) (H) ; 

(Latin), with arrow-head shaped leaves ; 

(Clas.) Salacia, or Tethys, wife of Neptune (Okeanos) (goddess 
of the Sea); (all :) sea green flowers and leaves (N. 3/343) ; 

(Latin), Willow (Salix) Family, or Order ; : 

... (Latin), with leaves like the willow; 

(Latin), resembling the willow, 

sal (g.) salis, cornu (Latin), salt, horn; 
ducts, and hornlike branches (N. 3/843) 

(Latin), resembling the willow, switchy ; 

(all :) economical pro- 


.. (Latin), name of the plant ured by Virgil and others (N. 3/345); 

(Latin), Salmon pink, similar to cinnabar, (q.v.) but clearer 
intermediate between orange and rosypink (See pheniceus) ? 
(hyorid Lutin and Greek), resembling Saltwort (Salsola) from 
diminutive of salsus (Latin), salted; (all:) habitat, salt 
swamps (N. 3/348) ; he 

.. (com.) J. Salvador |(pr.) Sarl-var-doar}, Spanish botanist 

(N. 3/348) ; 
(Latin), Salvadora Family, or Order ; 
Salveo (Latin) to heal; (all :) medicinal qualities: na 
by Pliny (N. 3/459); ‘ Macaieetist.” 

= (Latin), with leaves like the Sage (Salvia) ; 

Samadara (Singhalese), name of the plant (McL. 3/781) ; 

Zamang (Venezuelan), same of the tree, (McL, 3/1048) ; 

Zambac (Arabic) white lily; (all :) whiteness and scent 
(McL. 8/38 ) ; : 

(Latin), resembling the Elder (Sambucus) ; 

.. Sambuke \Greek), pipes musical instrument ; (all :) made of 

Elder wood ; name used by Pliny (N. 3/353) ; 

(Latin), Samyda [from Sumudos (Greek), the birch tree ; 
resemblance in habit ; name used by 
or Order ; i 

(all :) 
Theophrastus} Family, 

we» (com.) Josef Sanchez (pr.:) Ho,-zaif Sarn-kaive), Professor of 

Botany at Cadiz in Spain (N, 3/354.) ; 
.. (Brazihan), name of the plant ; 





Sap-ros’-ma ... 

Sar-a’-ca uh 


Sar-coc-oc -ca 




Sas’-saf-ras’ ... 
satel -va 606 


Sax’-if-rag-a'-cé : 

sca- ber 

sca-ber -ul-um 
SCa-bi-0 8a vee 

sca -bra 
sca -brel-‘la 
sca -brid-a : 

Sce’svol-a se 

scal’-pe te 

pcan’-dens s+. 



(Lutin), holy, use: for religious purposes ; 

(com.) of Sander ; 

Santur (Malayan), name of the tree (McL.3/468 ; N 3/358) ; 

(Latin), blood red, dull red passing into brownish black ; 

(Latin), Sandalwood (antelum) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), resembling sandalwood ; 

(quasi-greek), resembling sandalwood ; 

Sanutalon (Greek) (irom Chandana), (sanskrit), gladdening ; 

(all:) aroma and medicinal properities names of the tree 

(McL. 3/782; N. 3/356) ; 

(Latin), flavoursome; 

(Latin), of the wise men ; 

(Latin), Soapnut (Sapindus) Family, or Order ; 

Sapo, indieus (Latin) Indian Soap ; (all :) detergent property 
of the fruits ; 

(Latin), name given by Pliny to a resinous pine; (all :) 
nnetuous exudation from the wounded trunk (N, 3/358) ; 

(Latin), used as Soap ; 

Zapota (West Indian), name of the tree (MeL. N. 3/358) ; 

(Latin), Sapodilla (Sapota) Family, or Order ; 

Sapang (malay), name of the tree (McL. 3/788); 

Sapros, osme (Greek), putrid, small; (all :) feted sniell of the 

(Brazilian), name of the plant (N 3/359) ; 

Sare (g. sarkos). anthos (Greek), flesh, flower; (all:) subs- 
tance of the flowers (N. 3/859); ‘ 

Sarkx (g. sarkos), Kephale (Greek), fieah, head; (all :) flesh 
heads of fruit (N. 3/336) ; 

Sara (g. sarkos), gheilos, (Greek) flesh, lip; (all:) fleshy lip of 
the corolla (N. 3/3860) ; 

Sarz (G. Sarkos), Kokkos (Greek), flesh berry; (all:) fleshy 
fruits (N. 3/861) ; 

(Greek), with fleshy leaves ; 

(Greek), with fleshy crown ; (all :) fleshy inner corona (N, 3/361) ; 

(Greek), with fleshy stigma ; 

(Latin), Sarmentose, bearing long slender branches, or runners 
(H.) ; 

(Spunish), Saxifrage [saxifraga (Lectin), rock, break ; (all:) 
curative for stone in,the badder (N. 3/370)] ; (all:) supposed 
similar properties (N. 3/367) ; 

(Latin), cultivated (H.) ; 

(com.) Sauwraujo |ipr:) Sou-rou-ho], Portuguese botanist, a 
friend of Willdenow (N. 3/868) ; 

Sadaros, pots (Greek), lizard, foot; (all:) clusters of axillary 
flower buds, with slender pedicels and the buds at the tip ; 

(Latin), Sawifrage (see above-Sassafras) Family, or Order 3 y 

(Latin), scabrous, rough to the touch, due to scattered hard, short, 
rigid points, or very short stiff hairs (H.) ; 

(Latin), somewhat scabrous ; 

(Latin), rough, scaly ; 

(Latin), scabrous ; 

(Latin), slightly scabrous ; 

(Latin), somewhat scabrous ; 

(bad hybrid, Latin, Greek), rough leaved ; {the proper Greek is 
sclerophylla, a word sometimes used] ; 

(Latin), diminutive of scevus (Latin, [from skaios (Greek)]), 
left hand ; (all:) form of the corolla, which is monopatalous, 
usually 5-parted and oblique, and has its tubes split on the 
upper side (N. 3/377) ; 

shalipt (Sanskrit) {from shala (Sanskrit) to shine], name of the 
plant (McL. 3/655,1813). 

(Latin), climbing ; 

scapha, gero (Latin, boat, to carry ; (all :) follicles ; 


Car-i-o'-sa ss... .. (Latin from French), scarious, thin dry somewhat stiff, some- 
what transparent, not green (H.) ; 
Scheff’-ler-a ... ss (com.) Schefler, German botanist ; 
Schim-per-i-a’-na_—.... (com.) of Wilhelm Philipp Schimper [(pr:) Veel-helm Fee. leep 

sheem-pair], 1808-1880, botanist and palwontologist of 
Alsace on the French border of Germany, author of “ Indo- 
Mal. Strandflora ”’ ; 

Schi’-nus me ... Schinos (Greek), Mastic Tree (Pistacia), name ased by Theoph- 
rastus ; (all :) affinity, and from mastic-like exudation from 
this plant (N. 3/381) ; 

Schiz-w-a’-cé-a +. (Latin), Comb fern (Schizzea [from schizo (Greek), to spli; 
(ali :) fan-shaped or,dichotomously multitid, fronds (N. 3/383 }) 
Family, or Order ; 

schiz-op-et’-al-us  ... (Greek), with laciniated petals ; 

Schleich’-er-a ..» (com.) August Schleicher [(pr:) O-goost Shli-hyair] 18211868, 
German philologist ; 

Schmidt’-i-i ... .. (com.) of Schmidt [(pr :) Shmeet], German botanist ; 

echol-a’-ris... ... (Latin), pertaining to a school, wood used for blackboards, etc., 
in schools (Cat. 184 N. 1/56) ; 

Schot’-ti-i... .» (com.) of Richard Vander Schott, German traveller in Brazil 
friend and companion of Jacquin (Treas Bot.) ; 

Schre’-ber-a ... .» (com.) J. C. Schreber |(pr:) shray-bair], German botanical 

author, “ who has been held up to universal scorn for having 
presumed, without authority, or any sort of pretension to 
a knowledge of the plants of Aublet, to alter the whole 

. nomenclature of that author” (Lindl. 581) ; 
schist-a’-ce-us ... (Latin, from Greek), Slate Grey, Grey bordering on blue 
Schre’-ber-i ..» (com.) of J.C. Schreber ; 
Scin-dap’-sus ... Skindapsos (Greek), an ivy-like plant. ; (all:) habit (N, 3/391 
sci-pi-o -num ... (Latin) of, or used for, walking sticks ; 

Sci-ta’-miu-a’-cé-z2 ...  scztd@menta (Latin), dainties; (all :) foodstuffs and condiments 
furnished : Ginger (Zingiber) Family, or Order ; 
Scle-rop’-yr-um ... skleros, puros (@reek), hard, pear ; (all :) drupe ; 

Scol-op’-i-a... .. skolopron, diminutive of skolops (Greek), a stake ; (all:) mass of 
thorns on the stem and branches ; 

scop-a -Fri-a... we. (Latin), used for trooms ; 

scrob-ic-ul-a’-ta ... (Latin), pitted, having numerous small depressions, or excava- 
tions (See lacunose) ; 

Scroph-ul-a’-ri-a’- (Latin), Fig wort (Scrophularia [from Scrophula (Latin), seurfy ; 

cé-2. (all :) supposed remedy (N. 3/397) ]) Family, or Order ; 
seur’-rul-a_... .. (Latin), small parasite ; 
scro-tif-or’-mis .. (Latin), pouch shaped, hollow and resembling a little bag ; 

Sle if ] (Latin), having figure of a small round buckler ; 

scu-tel-lif-or’-mis ... (Latin), resembling meniscoid (q.v.), but oval instead of 
round ; 

Scu’-ti-a oe ... sciitwm (Latin) shield ; (all :) form of the disk (ch.\; 

Scyph-iph’- or-a ... skiphos, phored (Greek), cup, to bear ; (all :) persistent calyx ; 

Sea-forth’-i-a’-num ... (com.) of Seaforth Austratian botanist ; 

se-bes-te’-na ... ... Saprstan (Persian), dog’s nipple; (all :) appearance of fruit 
(MeL. 3/802) ; 

se-bif’-er-a_.., (Latin), producing tallow; 

Sec-am-o’-ne .., ... Sguamona (Arabic) [? sakmdniyd (McL. 3/801)], name of the 
plant (N. 3/402) ; 

se-chel-la’-rum ..  (loc.) of the Seychelles, islands in the Indian Ocean, east of 
Zanzibar ; 

sec-un’-da ,,. .. (Latin), secwnd, one sided, having all the parts, by twists in 

their stalks, turned on one side of the axis only ; 
seg-ui’-ne,.. .. (West Indian), name of the plant (N, 1/474) ; 
sel-le-for’-mis «. (Latin), saddle shaped, oblong, with the sides hanging down 
: like the laps of a saddle ; 
Sel-lo-um .., .. | (com.) of C. Selle (N. 3/97) or Sellow (N. 5/596) ; German botani- 
Sel-low’-i-a’-na On cal traveller in Brazil (Treas. Bot.) ; 
se-me-car’-pif-ol’-i-a,,, (Latin), with leaves like the Marking Nut (Semecarpus) ; 


Se-me-car’-pus .. S2mz2idn, Kar pos (Greek), a mark, nut ; (all) : black juice of the 
nut used for marking, or tracing designs upon, cloth 
(N. 8/415); (often wrongly supposed to come from the 
Latins emi, a half)); 

se -mi-a-la -ta ... (Latin), half winged, or winged for a portion only ; 

se-mi-am-plex-ic-au’- (Latin), half stem-clasping, amplexicaul to a less degree ; 


se’-mic-or-da’-ta ... (Latin), half cordate, in oblique leaves the base is often cordate 
On one side and acute on the other; 

se’-mid-ec-an’-dra_ ... (Latin), half ten stamened; with ten filaments of which only 

five antherifervus ; 

se-mi-e-rec’-tus ... (Latin), half erect, with a tendency partially to climb, partially 
to be erect; 

se-mit’-er-es ... (Latin), half cylindric, flat on one side and tercte (q.v.) on the 
other ; 

sem-per-flo’-rens ... (Latin), always flowering ; 

sem-per-ver-eos ... (Latin), evergreen; 

Sen-eC-1-0 cf ... Sénex (Latin), an old man; (all :) pappus [byaline (q.v.) calyx} 
usually white and hair-like, name of the plant used by Pliny, 
(N. 3/419) ; 

sea-no-i'-dés ... ... (quaasi-Greek), resembling Senna (Cassia, alias Senna) [from 
Sena (Arabic) (Rox, 2/346) ]; 

sen-tic-o-sa ... ... (Latin), of the nature of a thorn bush ; 

sep-al-o'-8a ... ... (Latin), with conspicuous sepals ; 

se-pi-a'-rl-a... ... (Latin), usually found in hedges ; 

sep-ta’-ta he ... (Latin), partitioned, divided by partitions into cells ; 

sep’-tem . (Latin), Seven ; 

sep-tem-cos-ta’-tus a (Latin), seven ribbed, when seven ribs all proceed from the 

sep-tem-ner’-vis tal base of a leaf ; 

seq-uoi a yes ... (com.) See quayah a celebrated Cherokee (North American 
Indian) Chief (N. 3/421) of gigantic stature; (all:) the 
enormous growth of these species; the tallest tree of the 
“Mammoth Grove” of these trees, found by a hunting 
party in June 1859, in Upper California, was 327 feet high 
and 90 teet girth at the base ; another larger one, found 
later, was 112 feet girth and broken off at 300 feet, but, 
from its symmetry, Was calculated to be 450 feet high, and 
its annual rings showed it to be 1,100 years old (Treas. Bot.) 

ser-i-a’-li8 .. (Latin), in rows ; 

se-ric -6-a ae ... (Latin), silky, covered with fine close shiny straight hairs 

ser-pen-ti -na ... (Latin), pertaining to snakes, snake like, or antidote to snake 
poison ; 

ser-ra’-ta son ... (Latin), serrate, toothed like a saw with the teeth directed 

forward (Ee 
ser-ra’-tif-ol’-i-us ... (Latin), with serrate leaves ; 

ser-rul-a-ta ... ... (Latin), serrulate, serrate with further small teeth in each 
main tooth ; 

Ses-ban’-I-a ... ... Sdisbdn (Arabic), name of the plant (N 3/425; McL. 3/805) ; 

ses-sil-if-lo’-rum ... (Latin), with sessile flowers ; 

e8’-eil iz Ian. ... (Latin), sessile, attached directly without a stalk (H.) ; 

ses-sll-0-1’-dés .. (quasi-Greek), resembling the species sessilis ; 

se-tig’-er-a_... ... (Latin) bearing bristles ; 

se-to’-8a Se ... (Latin) bristly, furnished with stiff hairs (H.) ; 

BOX 5. she .. (Latin), six; 

sex-en’-nis... ... (Latin), sie yearly, flowering, etc., once in six years ; 

sey-chel-la’-rum ... (loc.) of tne Seychelles, islands in the Indian Ocean, east of 
Zanzibar ; 

Shor'-6-a oe .. (com.) Sir John Shore, afterwards Lord Teignmouth, Governor- 
General of India, 17983—1798 [I. F. VII1-473 ; Rox. 2/615] 

Shu-te’-ri-a ... ... (com.) Dr. Shuter, formerly a physician in Madyas (ch.) ; 

Shut-tlé-worth’-i-i ... (com.) of Shuttle worth ; 

si’-am-6-a Se 4. (loc.) pertaining to Siam, East of Burma and South of the Shan 

States ; 

Si’-da ... 
sid-e’-roph-loi’-a —... 

sil-het en’sis ... 
simi-l-a’-rum ... 



sin-gam -pat’-ti-a’-na. 





sis-s0-i -dés 

smi -lac-if-ol’-i-a 

Emi -lax 

Smith-i-i aa 

So-lan-a’-c-x ee 

So-la’-num ... oes 
So-le’-nocear’-pus ... 

Sol’-ly-a aoe eee 

Sol-u’-tus Rica Pee 
som-nif -er-a ... ve 

So-ner-il’-2 ... ee 


sida (Greek), the water-lily, name used by Theophrastns ; (all :) 
beautiful wide open flower (N. 3/430) ; 

sidérdn, phloios (Greek), tron, inner bark ; 

(Greek), with wood as strong as iron; 

(loc.) of Sikkim, Native State in Northern India, adjoining 
Thibet ; 

(loc.) of Silhet, district in Assam ; 

(Latin), a pod, usually applied toalong pod with two valves 
applied by their faces to a persistent placenta or septum 

(Latin), Bitterwood (Simaruba [from Simarouba (Caribbean), 
name of the tree (N. 3/436)]); Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), of monkeys, or eaten by them ; 

(Latin) (9. simplicis), simple, single; of leaves, applied to one, 
with a single blade, in contradistinction to compound (q.v.), 
which have two or more leaflets ; 

(Latin), with simple leaves, as opposed to forms with compound 
leaves ; 

(loc.) of China; Nicholson makes the first syllable short, 
whilst in the analogous word chinensis, he makes it long ; 
(loc.) of the Singampatti valley and hills in the Tinnevelly 

district ; 

(Latin), left handed, twisting from right to left, in the opposite 
direction to the sun’s course ; 

(Latin), sinuate, with a strongly wavy margins forming 
rounded lobes and sinuses in the flattened organ (See 
undulatum) ; 

stphon (Greek), a tube [sometimes wrongly pronounced with 
the i long] ; 

siphon, kampiulos (Greek), tube, curved; (all:) form of the 
corolla (N. 3/437) ; 

(Greek), with tube like flowers ; 

(quasi-Greek), resembling the Sissoo ; 

Sisi (Hindustani [from shi (Sanskrit), to attenuate ; (all :) cus- 
pidate leaves |), name of the plant (McL.3/821) ; 

(Greek), emerald green, grassgreen, clear lively green without 
any admixture, same as prasinous (q.v.) ; 

(Latin), with leaves like American China Root or True Sarsa- 
parilla (Smilax) ; 

smilaz (Greek [from Smilé (Greek), a graving chisel; (all:) 
shape of the leaves (Sgk-Lex) }) (G@reel:), the yew tree, name 
used by Theophrastus ; (all:) derivation of name and the 
copicus cutting prickles (N. 3/444) ; 

(com.) of Sir James E. Smith, ¥.2.8., P.L.s., 1759—1828, founder 
of the Linnwan Society [See Linnzi], author of “ English 
Botany,” “ Flora britannica,” and other works (N. 3/445); 

(Latin), Nightshade (Solanum) Family, or Order; 

(com.) Daniel Charles Solander, Lu.D., ¥.R.8., 1736—1782, 
Swedish botanist, disciple of Linnzeus_ fe!low traveller with 
Sir Joseph Banks and Captain Cooke (N. 3/452) ; 

(Latin), name of the plant used by Pliny (N. 3/452; Cass. Lat, 
Dic.) ; 

Solén (g. a0l@nos) karpos (Greek), pipe, fruit; (all:) oblong 
drupe with truncate end, like a pipe bowl ; 

(com.) Richard Horsmann Solly, 1778-1858, vegetable physio- 
logist and anatomist (N. 3/458) ; 

(Letin), distinct (q.v.) ; 

(Latin), sleep producing ; 

(Soneri-ila) ( corrupted from sunda?i-ila, (Malayalam), beautiful 
woman, leaf; (all:) beauty of the crozier-like racemes or 
spikes of flowers} rame of the plant (Rox. 1/177) ; Nicholson 
(3/458) has mixed up Roxburgh’s Malayalam and Khasi 
names, and his accentuation is wrong ; 

Son-ner-a -ti-a 


80°-ri ... 


spar’-sum ees 

SPeC-1-0'-SA sve 

spec -i-0-sis’-sim-a 

spec-ta’ -bil-is 
spe-lun’-ce ... 

sphe-noc-ar’ pa 

spi-cig’-er-a_ ... 
spi-cul-a’-tus ... 
spi-nul-o’-sa ... 


splen’-dens ... 

spod’ os 

spor-angoi’-a ... 
Spren-ge’-ri . 

squa-mo'-8a ... 
squar-ro'-si ... 



(com.) Pierre Sonnerat [(pr:) Pee-yairr So-nair-ar], 1749—1814, 
French botanist who travelled into New Guinea, the East 
Indies and China, (N, 3/459) ; 

(Latin), sounding (N. 2/138) ; grows on the coast, and reverber- 
ates the sound of the surf ; 

| (Arabic), name of a papilionaceous flowered tree (N. 3/459) ; 

(Latin) [from Greek, sdros|, heaps, applied to defined masses, 
of characeristic shape in the different genera, of sporangia 
in Fern ; 

Somida (Telugu) [genitive of somi,from svdmi (Telugu), deity ; 
(all :) used for sacred pillars in temples and tanks], name 
ot the tree (Mch. 3/862) ; 

(Latin), sparse, arranged at some distance from each other on 
the axis (H.); 

(spathé, eidos) (Greek), broad blade, resemblance ; (all:) calyx 
split on one side and resembles a broad blade or the spathe 
of palms (N. 3/467) ; 

(Greek), having a pod like a broad blade ; 

(Latin), Spathulate, plane, oblong or linear, with a broad round- 
ed apex and narrow base (H.); almost spoon shaped ; 

(Latin), beautiful ; 

(Latin), very beautiful ; 

(Latin), remarkable. notable ; 

(Latin), belonging to a cave or grotto ; 

(Greek), with globular fruit ; 

(Greek), with a spherical figure slightly depressed at each end ; 

Sphdira, pteris (Greek), globe, fern; (all:) the globose in- 
volucres) (N. 3/470) ; 

Sphén (G. Sphenos), Kargos (Greek) wedge, fruit ; 

Sphéen (G. Sphénos), desmé (Greek), wedge. fascicle; (all:) the 
form of the inflorescence (N. 3/470) ; 

(Latin), arranged in spikes (H.) ; 

(Latin), bearing spikes (H.) ; 

(Latin), spiculate, covered with fine, fleshy, erect, points ; 

(Latin), of spines ; 

(Latin), a marker of spines ; (all:) pungent rigid leaves ; 

(Latin), furnished with spines, (H.) ; 

(Latin), furnished with very many spines; 

(Latin), furnished with little spines ; 

speirao (Greek), to wind ; (all:) suitability of the plant for 
garlands; name used by Theopbrastus (N. 3/473) ; 

(Latin), spiral, as if wound round an axil (H.) ; twisted like a 
cork-screw : 

(com.) of Spiz, fellow traveller and co-author (with Dr. von 
Martius) of ‘‘ Travels in Brazil,’’ 1823 ; 

(Latin), glittering (H.) ; where, the lustre is more broken than 
in a polished surface ; f 

(Greek), cinereous (q.v.), ash-grey ; 

spondias (Greek), a plum, name used by ‘Uheophrastus ; (all :) 
resemblance of the fruit (N. 3/479); 

(Latin), spangy, of the texture of a sponge, porous and elastic ; 

(Latin), growing wild ; 

sparos angeza, (Greek), sporecoses of ferns ; 

(com.) of Sprenger ; 

(com.) of Spruce; botanical collector on the Amawon and Rio 
Negro rivers of S. America, did a good deal [together with 
Markham } towards making known, and disseminating, the 
American cinchonas ; ; 

; (Latin), be set with scales fixed at one end (H.) ; 

(Latin), rough with jagged projections, or— of leaves and scales 
—imbricated with tips pointed and spreading more or less 
at right angles from a common centre or recurved (H.) ; 




stans’... ; 









(Latin), squarrose slashed, slashed with minor divisions at 
right angles to the main divisions ; 

stachica, tarphis (Greek), spike, thick and dense; (all:) inflores- 
cence (N, 3/4838) ; 

(Latin), standing upright, in contradistinction to climbing ; 

(Greek), resembling a bunch of grapes [from staphilé (Greek), 
a bunch of grapes ;(all:) fruits and their mode of inflores- 

statikos, (Greek) astringent; (all:) properties of the plant 
(N.3/491) ; 

ne | (Latin), star shaped, with members radiating from a common 



Ster-culi-a ... 


Ster’-é-os-per’-mum ... 




stip-ul-a’-ta ... 


stri-a’-tum .,. 

stric’-tum ... 
stri’-dul-a_ i... 

strig-o’-sus ... 



centre like the points of a star (H.) ; 
(Latin), small star shaped, somewhat star shaped ; 

stemon (gy. stomonds) (Greek), stamen; (all:) foliaceous 
stamens (N. 3/496) ; 

(Greek), with narrow flowers ; 

sténds, karpos (Greek), narrow, fruit; (all:) follicles 

usually nearly flat, in allied genera more or less inflated, 
(N. 3/497) ; 

(Greek), with narrow leaves ; 

(Greek), with narrow tube, of the corolla; 

(com.) Professor Frederick Stephan of Moscow, who died 1817, 
(N. 3/498) ; 

stephanos, ous (gy. otos) (Greek), crown ear; 

the staminal corona (N, 3/499) ; 

stephos, (g. stepheos} gine (Greek), ercwn, female; 
capitate stigma above the anthers, as it were a crown ; 

Sterculius, diminutive of stereus (Latin), ordure; (all:) flowers, 
sometimes other parts are fetid ; 

(Latin), sterculia Family, or Order ; 

stereos, sperma (Greek), stiff, seed; (all:) seeds usually embed- 
ded in notches in the septum of capsule ; 

(com.) Stevenson, Governor of Mauritius (N. 3/502); also 
wrongly written Stephensonia; sometimes called Phwnico- 
phorium (Greek), stolen palm, in allusion to the assertion 
that it was once stolen from the Royal Botanical Gardens at 
Kew (Treas. Bot.) ; 

stigma, phillon (Greek), stigma, leaf; (all:) stigmas foliaceous 
(N. 3/502) ; 

(Latin), stipitate, elevated on a stalk, which is neither 
peduncle (flower-stalk) nor petiole (leaf-stalk), as in the 
case of some ovaries, glands, ete. ; 

(Latin), relating to stipules (H.), or with conspicuous stipules ; 

(Latin), taking the place of stipules (H.) ; 

(Latin), provided with stipules, (H.) ; 

(com.) of Dr. J, Ellerton Stocks, Indian Medical Service, did 
useful Botanical work in the Conkan and Sind ; 

(Latin), straw-yellow, dull yellew mixed with white ; 

strichnos, manikos (Greek), solanum, inclined to madness ; 
(all:) deleterious effects: term employed by Theophrastus 
and Dioscorides (McL. 3/262; E.D. 3/29) ; 

stréblos (Greek), twisted ; (all:) usual habit; 

Stréptos, kdulos (Greek), ‘twisted, stem ; (all: ) twining habit ; 

(Greck), twisted pistils ; 

(Latin), striate, marked with thin thread-like lines or streaks 
longitudinally (H.); 

(Latin), very straight and close, or narrow (H.) ; 

(Latin), creaking ; 

(Latin), slightly strigose ; 

(Latin), strigose, covered with aie pointed straight stiff hairs 
of unequal lergth, lying close along the eurfaced (oppressed) 
and forming minute ridges (H.); 

(Latin), slightly or mintely, atriale ; 

auricles of 

(all :) 

(all :} 


Strob-i-lan’-thes ... strobilos, anthos (Greek), fir-cone, flower: (all:) form of in- 
florescence, especially when in a young stage (N. 3/516) ; 

strob-i-lif/-er-a ... (Latin), producing a strobile, a multiple fruit largely consisting 
of imbricating scaler, whicb, if woody, corresponds to a fir 
cone (H.); 

strob’-us = --- strobos (Greek), whirling round ; 

Strom-bo’-si-a ... Sstrombos (Greek) spinning top ; ‘(all : :) turbinate fruit ; 

Stroph-an’-thue ... Strophos anthos (Greek) twisted, flower; (all:) twisted 
elongated corolla segments (N. 3/519) = 

Strych’-nos ... ... striichnos (Greek) name used by Theopnrastus for Solanum and 

allied plants ; (all:) poisonous properties of both plants 
(N. 3/320) ; : 

Stu-art’-i-a’-n2 «. (com.) John Stuart, Lord Bute, 1713—1792, zealous patron of 
Botany (N. 3/521) ; 
sty-lo’-sa es... ... (Latin), with a prominent style ; 

Sty-los-an’-thés ... stulos, anthos (Greek), style flower ; (all:) its very large style, 
(N. 3/522); ; 

Styr-a’-cé-ae ... (Latin) Storaz (Styrax), Family, or Order ; 

Styr’-ax aes ... sturax (Greek), name used by Lheophrastus (N,. 3/523) ; 

Sue’-da Se ... suaed (Arabic), name of the plant (N. 3/528) ; 

sna’-vé-ol-ens ... (Latin), sweet scented ; 

sua’ -vis-sim-a ... (Latin), very sweet ; 

sab-cor-da’-ta ... (Latin), almost cordate ; 

sub’-cor-i-a’-cé-um ... (Latin), almost coriaceous ; 

sub-e-rec -tum .- (Latin), almost erect ; 

so’-ber-if-ol’-i-um .,. (Latin), corky leaved ; 

su-ber-0'-sa ... ... (Latin), corky, ‘not to be confased with the next]; having the 
texture of cork; 

sub-€-T0'-82 sve .. (Latin), somewhat; erose [not to be confused with the one above] ; 

sub-glab’-ra ... ... (Latin), almost glabrous ; 

sub-glob-o’-sa ..» (Latin), almost globose ; 

sub-has-ta’-ta .. (Latin), somewhat hastate ; 

sub-int’-eg-ra ... (Latin), almost entire ; 

sub-lob-a’-ta ... (Latin), somewhat lobed ; 

sub-pel-ta’-ta .. (Latin), almost peltate ; 

sub-per-fol-i-a’-ta ... (Latin), almost perfoliate ; 

sub-rot-un’-da . (Latin), almost rovnd in outters ; 

sub-se-ric’-6-a .. (Latin), somewhat silky ; 

sub-ser-ra’-tum ... (Latin), somewhat serrate ; 

sub-ses’-sil-e .. (Latin), almost sessile ; 

su-bul-a’-ta ... «. (Latin), awl-shaped, narrow, stiff and tapering ; froma tes 
case to a fine point (H.) ; 

snc-ce-da -né-a ... (Latin), acting as subsittute ; 

suc-cir-ub’-ra ... (Latin), red when cut ; 

suc-cot-ri -na ... (loc.) of Socotra, island in the Indian Ocean, east of Cape 
Guardafui, the north-eastern-most cape of Africa; 

suc-cul-en’-tum ... (Latin), succulent, very cellular and juicy ; 

sui -frut-ic-o -sa ... (Latin), almost shrubby ; 

sul-ca’-ta ... ... (Latin), furrowed, grooved with longitudinal depressions more 
or less parallel (H.) ; 

sul-phur-a’-tum ... (Latin), almost sulphur colowed ; 

sul-phur -é-a ... (Latin), sulphur coloured, a pale lively yellow, with a mixture 
of white ; ; 

sum’-2 we vee «8EMA (Sanskrit), name of the tree (Rox. 3/568) ; 

su-ma-tra’-na ... (loc.) pertaining to Swmatra, island in the Indian Archipelago 
[See Java]. 

sun’-dra oe ... chandra (Telugu), name of the tree ; 

sup-er’-ba ... ... (Latin), magnificent ; 

gup-ery-cl-u-ti’-va ... (Latin), swpervolute, when one edge is rolled inwards and 
enveloped by the opposite edge rolled in opposite directio 

Sup-ra-de-com-peos’-it-a (Latin), swpradecom pound, having various decompound divi. 
sions or ramifications ; 

Su-ri-a’-na w» sdérya (Sanskrit), sun; (all:) yellow flowers; but derivation 
doubtful ; 



vz s/f 

swer -ti-6-i'-dés <F 
swiet-en -i-a 

swiet-en -1-0-i -dés 
syl-ves -tre 
sy m-phor-e’-mu 

sym ’-ploc-os 


Tab-eb-u’-i-a ... 


ta-lu’-ra s 
tam-ar-in’ -dif-ol’-1-a, 

Tam/’-ar-is-ca’-ce-z ... 

tar-tar’-e-us ... 



tec’-ta... ‘ 
Tec’-ton-a_... fi 

Tei-nos-tach’-y-um .., 

te-n’-ax Bae 



< Oo YOY YP “. ee I ' 


(com.) James Sutherland, Superintendent of the Roya] 
Botanical Gardens at Edinburgh, Scotland, and author of 
‘Hortus Medicus Edinburgensis, ” 1688 (N. 1/527) ; 

(quasi-Greek), resembling Swertia [from chirata (Sanskrit) 
mountaineer ; (all:) habitat] ; 

(com.) Gerard van Swieten ‘(pr:) Jay-rard van Svee-tain|], 
1700—1772, Dutch botanist and author (N. 3/529); 

(quasi-Greek), resembling Mahagony (Swietenia) ; 

(Latin), belonging to the woods ; 

(Greek), causing to suffer with it ; (all:) strong curved thorns ; 

Simphoreo (Greek), to bring together; (all:) capitate cymeo 
within the involucre ; 

Stimploké (Greek), connection; (all:) stamens nnited at the 
base (N. 3/538) ; 

sun, adén (Greek), together, glund; (all:) glands of the 
involucre are united in a cup or disk (N. 3/533) ; 

sun, karpos (Greek), together, fruit ; (all:) capsule included in, 
and adnate to, the calyx tube ; 

sum, gone (Greek), together, womb; (all:) cohesion of the 
ovaries (N. 3/553); 

(loc.) pertaininy to Syria, in Asiatic Turkey, extending from the 
Mediterranean sea eastward to the Euphrates and Arabian 
desert ; 

(Brazilian), native name of the plant (N. 4/1) ; 

{com.) James Theodore Tabernemontanus, German physician 
and botanist of Heidelburg, died 1590 (N. 4/1) ; 

(Latin), relating to boards, used for planking, etc. ; 

Tacso (Peruvian), name of one of the species (N. 4/3) ; 

(Latin), tapeworm shaped, long, cylindrical, contracted at 
various places in the manner of a tapeworm ; 

tainia, phullon (Greek), riband, leaf; (all:) linear leaves of 
this orchid (N. 4/4) ; 

(Latin), with flowers like the Marigold (Tagetes) ; 

(South American), native name of one of the species (N. 4/5) ; 

(com.) of W. A. Talbot, F.L.s., Conservator of Forests in Bom- 
bay, and author of ‘ Bombay List of Trees,” etc. ; 

Tallier (Bengali), name of the tree (Rox. 2/174) ; 

(Tamil), name of the tree (McL. 799) ; 

(Latin), with leaves like the Tamarind (Tamarindus) ; 

tamar-i-hindi (Arabic), ripe date of India; (all:) pulp of the 
fruit (N. 4/7; Mc. 873) ; 

(Latin), Tamarisk (Tamarix) Family, or Order ; 

(L1tin), name used by Pliny (N. 4/7) ; 

athanatos (Greek), immortal ; (all :) persistent flowers (N. 4/8) ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Tanjore District ; 

tatulah (tersian [from Dhattura (Sanskrit), name of the 
plant |), name of the plant (E.D, 3/29) ; 

(Latin), having a rough crumbling surface like some lichens ; 

(com.) J. B. Tavernier [(pr:) Tar-vair-nee-yay }, 1605—1689, 
French traveller in the Levant and India (N. 4/10) ; 

(Latin), name used by Virgil and Pliny, akin to tazos (Greek), 
used by Dioscorides (N. 4/10) ; 

Tecomaxochitl (Mexican) —abridged name of the plant (N. 4/12); 
Tecomatl, an earthenware vessel of peculiar shape, and 
Xochitl, a flower, usually applied to Solandra guttata (Tress. 
Bot.) 5 

(Latin), covered, with short silkly hair ; 

Tekka, rts (Malayalam), Teak, progeny, name of the tree, 
(N. 4/14) ; 

teino, stachus (Greek), to stretch, spike; (all:) inflorescence a 
spicate panicle often with whip-like branches ; 

(Latin), very tenacious, or strong fibred ; 

(Latin), tenacious, or strong fibred ; 



ten’-er-a ae 
ten’-u-is a 
Teph-ro’-si-a ... 

ter’-es ... vue 

ter -et-if-ol’-i-a 

terg-em’-in-a . 

Ter-min-a li-a 

Ter-na -té-a 
ter-nif-lo’-ra ... 





tet’-ra : 
tet-rac-an PA 
Tet-rac’-er-a ... 

tet-rag-o’-11a ... 
tet-rag’-yn-a ... 





Thomp’-son-i ... 

Thom ’-son-i 





télopas (Greek), seen at a distance ; 
son flowers (N. 4/15) ; 

(Latin), tender : 

(Latin), with thin leaves ; 

(Latin), thin ; 

tephros (Greek), ash- grey, 
the leaves (N. 4/17 

(Latin), cylindrical (H.) ; or slightly tapering; usually used 
in contradistinction to angular ; 

(Latin), with a cylindrical horn, or projection ; 

(Latin), with cylindrical leaves ; 

(Latin), teraemenate, where each of two secondary rachides 
bears towards its Summit one pairct leaflets, and the com- 
mon Yachis (central axis) a third pair at the origin of the 
secondary rachides ; 

terminalis (Latin), at the end ; (all:) disposition of the leaves 
of some species towards the end of the brachhlets (N. 4/17) ;: 

(Latin), at the end ; proceeding from the extremity ; 

(Latin), three in a whorl, or cluster (H.); ternate ; 

(loc.) of the Island of Ternate, one of the Mcluccas ; 
(Latin), with ternate leaves, or, sometimes, 3 digitate leaflets ; 
(Latin), with ternate flowers ; 

(all :) conspicuous crim- 

cinereous (q.v.); (all:) colour of 

(com.) Cristopher Ternstrem [(pr:) Cree-sto-fair-Tairn- 
stroom ], Swedish naturalist and traveller in China, died 
1745 (N. 4/17) ; 

(Latin), Ternstremia, wore commonly called the Tea (Camellia) 
Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), tessellated, where colours are arranged in small 
squares, so as to have the appearance of a tessellated pave- 
ment ; 

(Latin), buff, dull brownish yellow Tike unglazed pottery ; 

(Latin), having the figure of two oblong or ovoid bodies ; 

(Greek), four ; 

(Greek); having four thorns ; 

tetra, keras (Greek), four, horn ; 
capsules (N. 4/19) ; 

(Greek), four angled; 

(Greek), with four pistils ; 

tetra, melos (Greek), four, limb ; (all :) calyx teeth 4, styles 4, 
lines or ridges on the capsule 4; 

(Greek), with four stamens ; 

(Greek), with four projections ; 

(Greek), with four seeds ; 

(Latin), useful for weaving purposes ; 

te (Malayan), native name of the plant (McL. 888) ; 

Th2os broma (Greek), god, food; (all:) produce of the seeds, 
(N. 4/26) ; 

théséion (Greek), name used by Theophrastus for a kind of flax, 
and converted with théston (Latin), by Pliny ; but often mis- 
pronounced with the i short (N. 4/3565) ; 

the spe sios (Greek), divine ; (all :) frequently . planted about 
temples and churches (N. 4/27) ; 

(com.) Andr. Thevet [(pr:), Tay-vay}, 1502—1590, French 
monk who travelled in Braziland Guiana (N. 4/27); 

(com.) of Mrs. Thompson ; 

(com.) of Thompson ; 

(all :) curved shape of the four 

J. D. Hooker, of “‘ Flora Indica’? and who assisted in the 
preparation of the “ Flora of British India ”’; 

(Greek), a fan ; (all:) form of the leaves (N. 4/29) ; 

(com.) Karl Peter Thunberg [(pr:) Toon-bairg), 1743-1828, 
Swedish botanist, pupil of Linnzus, author of “ Travels” 
(1795), “ Flora Japonica,” etc.; 

(com.) of Dr. Thomas Thomson, M.D., F.L.8., co-author, with Sir 


Thun-berg’-i-i ws (com.) of K. P. Thunberg ; 
Thuy’-a oe ... Thuia (Greek), name used by Theophrastus (N, 4/33) ; 
Thwaites’si-i ... . (com.) of Dr. G. H. K. Thwaites, r.t,s., author of “ Knumeratio 

plantarum zeylanicarum,’’ 1836; 
Thym’-el-wa'-cd-x2 ... (Latin), Thymelwa [thimos, eldia (Greek), thyme, olive; (all :) 
Thyme like foliage and olive like fruit] Family, or Order ; 

thyr-sif-Jo’-ra we (Latin), with flowers in a thyrse, or a panicle whose principal 
diameter is midway between the base and apex|(N. 4/36) ; 

thyr-so-i’-dé-a «» (Greek), resembling a thurse ; 

Thys’-an-ol-we-na —...._— thiisdnoz, Lénos (Greek), fringe, wool ; (all :) erect white hairs on 
the innermost glume of the spikelets, which are innumer- 
able 3 

Tib-ouch-i’-na ss (com.) Tibouchin [(pr :) Tee-boo-shang ], French botanist ; 

tig’-li-um =... . (Chinese), name of the plant; 

Til-i-a 5a .. (Latin), name of the plant used by Virgil and Pliny (N. 4/39; 
Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 

Til-i-a’-ce-m ... ... (Latin), Linden (Tilia) Family, or Order ; 

til-i-a’-cé-us .. (Latin), resembling the Linden (Tilia) ; 

Til-1-a’-cor-a ... .. (Tiliakorw) (Bengali), name of the plant (N. 4/41) ; 

til-i-2e-fol’-i-a ... .«. (Latin), with leaves like the Linden (‘Vilia) ; 

ti-mor’-i-en’sis ... (loc) pertaining to Timor, an island of the Malay Archipelago ; 

tinc-to’-ri-a... .. (Latin), used for dying ; 

ting’-ens it . (Latin), used for colouring ; 

Ti-nos'-por-a ... ss. téino, spora (Greek), to stretch like a bow, seed ; fall :) seeds 
curved round the intruded endocarp ; 

ti’-nus ee ... (Latin), name used by Ovid for the plant (Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 

tir-uc-al’-li... ... © tirukalli (Malayaiam), twisting, false tree; (all:) absence of 
leaves ; name of the tree ; 

Ti-tho’-ni-a... . (Clas.) Tithonus, husband of Aurora (goddess of the morning), 

who obtained the gift of immortality, but not of perpetnal 
youth, and was ultimately changed into a grasshopper ; (all :) 
preference of the flowers for the morning sun ; 

tith-ym-al’-d-i’-dés ... (Greek), resembling the spurge (Tithymalus alias Euphorbia) ; 

tjak’-el-a. Soc ... chakka, ila (Malayalam), death, leaf ; (all:) deciduous nature 
of the foliage (MeL. 78) ; 

Tod’-dal-i-a ... ... toddali (corrupted from titali) (Malayalam), chain plant ; (all :) 

chain of thorns (McL. 905): Nicholson makes the a in the 
second syllable long, which is not justified from the word 
whence the name is derived ; 

to-men-to’ -sa ... (Latin), tomentose, or felted densely covered with short soft 
tangled hairs like matted wool (H.); 

too’-na bat ... tun (Hindustani), name of the plant ; 

to-po’-si-@ —... ... Topost (Bengali), name of the plant; 

tor’-a ... eat ... tora (Singhalese), name of the plant; 

Tor-rey-a’-na .. (com.)of Dr John Torrey, 1796—1873, American botanist, author 

of Synopsis of North American plants, 1836, ‘* Flora of 
North America,” etc. (N. 4/59) ; 

tor’-ta Act ... (Latin), twisted ; 

tor’ -til-is nor ... (Latin), twisting ; 

tor-tu-o’-8us ... .. (Latin), tortuous, bent irregularly in different directions (H.) ; 

fOL-ul-0'-S2 .,. .. (Latin), torulose, or knotted, more or less cylindrical with eor- 
tractions at intervals (H.); 

tor’yum : ... (Latin), Savage, armed with severe prickles ; 

Tour-nef-or’-ti-a —...._ (com.) Joseph Pitton de Tournefort [(pr:) Zho-zeff Pee-torng 
der ‘Toor-ner-for ], 1656—1708, distinguished French author 
of ** Institutiones rei herbariz ” (N. 4/64) ; 

tox-ic-a’-ri-a ... ... (Latin), Poison producing ; = 

Tox-oc-ar’-pus ... togon, Karpos (Greek), bow, fruit; (all:) the follicles when. 
ripening ave spread out and curved, much in the form of a 
bow, between them ; 

Trach-e’-los-per’-nium. trehélos, sperma (Greek), neck, seed ; (all:) apical elongation 

’ of the seeds (N. 4/64) ; 

Tra-chyc-ar’-pus ... trchuis, a ane (Greek), rough, fruit ; (all:) rough, hairy fruit 

(N. 4/64) ; 




tran-queb-a -ri-en’-sis 



trav-an-co -ri-en’-sis ... 

treis’ ..- ae 

trem ~-ul-nm 

Trew -1-a 


. Tri’-as 

trich-an’-dra ... 

trich-os-tach’-y-um ... 


tric’ -ol-or 
tric-og-ta-tus ... 



trif-as’-ci- 2’ -ta 



Trig-o'-nos-te’-mon ... 


tril-ob-a’-ta ... 


trin-er’-vita ... 

Triph-as’-T-a ... 


a a 


(com.) Jerome Bock, alias Tragus [tragos (Greek), he~goat ; (all :) 
Bock is the German for a he-goat|, 1498—1554, a German 
botanist (N. 4/65) ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Tranquebar ; 

(Latin), trapeziform, having four edges, two of which are oppo- 
site not being parallel ; 

loc.) pertaining to Travancore ; 

(Greek), three ; in composition, tri—; 

tréma (Greek), what is pierced; (all:) softness and porosity of 
the wood, perhaps, bu‘ uncertain ; 

(Latin), quivering ; in Bulbophyllum, the hairs on the lip of 
the coralla are jointed at the base, and in a state of constant 
tremulous motion (W.A.I.); 

(Latin), three ; in composition, trz—; 

(com.) C. J. Trew, 1695—1769, German botanical author of 
“ Nuremburg in Bavaria” (N. 4/77) ; 

(Greek), with three stamens ; 

(Latin), triangular ; in outline ; 

trias (Greek), the number three; (all:) arrangement of the 
floral envelopes, the sepals of this orchid being subequal 
and spreading and the Petals small (N. 4/77) (See Pentas) ; 

(Greek), resembling the Caltrops (Tribulus) ; having spiny fruits ; 

(Greek), with hairy stamens : 

(Greek), with hairy stem ; 

(Greek), with hairy spikes; . 

(Greek), with the divisions always in threes, branching in threes 
(N. 1/87 ; H.); 

(Latin), with three colours ; 

(Latin), three ribbed, when three ribs proceed from the base of 
a leaf ; 

(Latin), triplicostate. where of three ribs two emerge from just 
above the base of a leaf ; 

(Latin), with three cusps, or sharp points ; 

(Latin), trident pointed, when the point is truncated, and has 
three indentations ; 

(Latin), in three bundles ; 

(Latin), with three flowers ; 

(Latin), with three leaves, ov three leafiets digitately arranged ; 
not always kept strictly to its proper meaning ; trefoil ; 

(Latin), with three leaflets, pinnately arranged ; not always kept 

_ strictly to its proper meaning ; 

(Greek), trigonows, with three plane faces, or three-angled in 
cross section ; 

trigonon, steémon (Greek), triangle, stamen; (all:) filaments 
united into a trigonous column ; 

(Greek), with three pistils ; 

(Latin), with three pairs of leaflets ; 

(Greek), with three lobes, or rounded divisions not reaching 
more than half way to the base ; 

(Latin), with three lobes, or rounded divisions not reaching 
more than half way to the base ; 

(com.) of Dr. Trimen, for many years in charge of the Pera- 
deniya Gardens in Ceylon, and co-author, with Sir 
J. D. Hooker, of ‘‘ Flora of Ceylon” ; 

(Latin), with three main nerves (inclading the midrib) from 
the hase of the leaf ; 

(Latin), trifoliolate, a compound Jeaf with three leaflets ; 

(Latin), with fiowers like the Hibiseus (Trionum section) ; 

triphdstos (Greek), three-fold ; (all:) calyx 3-lobed, petals 
3, stamens twice 3, ovary 3-celled, stigma 3-lobed, ovules 
3 (one in each cell) (N. 4/91); 

tripn-yl’-la_ ... 

trip’-lex be? 
tri-quet’-rum ... 

tris’-tis ae 

TP)’ =b8 ... 

trit-er-na’-ta ... 





tub-ul-o’-sa ... 
tum-bug- eee 





Tur-pin’-i-a ... 

Tyl-oph’-or-a ... 


(Greek), with three leaves, or leaflets ; 
... (Latin), tripinnate, when the leafiets of a bi-pinnate leaf them- 
selves become pinnate ; 
«. (Latin) (g. triplicis), triple ; 
.. (Latin), same as triplicostate (q.v.) ; 
(Latin), three angled, with faces concave rendering the angles 
salient (H.);. 
(Latin), in three rows ; 

(com.) Jules M. C. Tristan [(pr:) ZGhyl Tree—starng], 
1776—1861, French Botanist (N. 4/98) ; 

(Latin), sad, Sombre in aspect ; 

(Latin), common ; 

tri—, taxis (Greek), three-foid (prefix), arrangement; (all:) 
stamens in three whorls, normally with the central, some- 
times with all, filaments forming a column, ovary 3-celled ; 

(Latin), triternate, when a common rachis (q.v.) is divided 
into three secondary rachides, which are each sub-divided 
into tertiary rachides, each of which bears three leaflets ; 

(com.) Giov. Batt. Trionfetti, 1658—1708, Italian botanist and 
author (N. 4/95) ; 
.. (Latin), pulley shaped, circular, compressed, contracted in the 
middle of its circumference, 80 as to resemble a pulley ; 
troglodutai (Greek), cave-dwellers ; name of the old inhabit- 
ants of the west coast of the Arabian Gulf, in A‘thiopia 
(Cass. Lat. Dic.) ; 
(Latin), ladle shaped, roundish and coneave with a projecting 

bandle ; 
(Latin), truncate, ending abruptly as if with the end (or top) 
cut oft (H.) ; 

chéla (Malayalam), cloth; (all:) bark of the tree fibrous, and 
occasionally made into a kind of cloth (McL. 932) ; 
... | (Latin), trumpet shaped, hollow and dilated at one extremity 
} like the end of a trumpet ; 
(Latin), furnished with tubercles, or wart-like exerescences 
(H.) ; 
(Latin), furnished with tubers, or swollen parts of roots or under- 
ground stem (H.) ; 
(Latin), with tubular flowers; 
(Latin), twhular; 
(Bengali), native name of the bamboo ; 
(Latin), producing flowers like the Tulip (a kind of cup-shaped 
lily) ; 
mae tinbygai (Tamil), name of the tree ; 
taparu (Canarese) austere ; (all:) pulp of the fruit ; 
... (Latin), spinning-top shaped, inversely conical, with a con- | 
traction towards the point ; 
(Latvn), Swollen; 

.. (com.) William Turner, Prebendary of York, Canon of 
Windsor, author of ‘‘ New Herbal”, died 1568 (Br. 87); 

(Latin), Turnera Family, or Order ; 

(com.) of Mrs. Charles Turner, wife of the celebrated flori- 
culturalist of Slough, Backs, England; , 

trivrit (Sanskrit [through turbud (Arabic) ]) three, eaisting ; (all :) 
threé-fold medical property, antiphlegmatic, antibilious and 
cathartic (McL. 9238) ; 

(com.) P. Turpin [(pr :) Toor-pang}j, French Lbtanibal artist 
and naturalist, died 1840 (N, 4/116) ; 
(com.) George Turra, Professor of Botany at Padua in Italy, 
author of many botanical works, 1607—1638 (N. 4/116) ; 
s. (com.) of Tweedie ; traveller in Chili and botanist ; 
... tulos, phores (Greek), swelling, to bear; (all:) coronal lobes 
(N. 4/118) ; 



‘fT y-pha’-cé-z ... one 
typ’-ic-a be 

U’-lea Ano 


um-bel-la’-tum tee 

Um-bel-lif’ -er-ce 

um-bra’-cul-if’-er-a ... 

un-ci-ra -ta 

un -dul-ze-fol’-i-a 

Un’ -ed-o 500 



u-nif-lo’-ra ... 
u-nij'-ug-a ... bh 
u-nil-at-er-a’-lis ee 

u-ni -tum 

U-no’-na - 


Wariece-ol-a.) 2s. Ae 


u’-rens ene 


Taphé (Greek [possibly from t&phos (Greek), mist; (all:) the - 

clond of florets that blow away as the plant dies off]), 
bulrush, the old name used by Theophrastus (N, 4/118) ; 

(Latin), Bulrsuh (Typha) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), typical variety ; 

(Greek), purple flower, literally, ‘‘ with flowers of Tyre,” in 
Phoenicia which was famous for its manufacture of purple 
colour ; 

(Latin), name used by Pliny for a similar shrab (N. 4/119) ; 
a shrub like Rosemary (Cass. Lat. Dic,) ; 

(Latin), inhabiting swampy places ; 

(Latin), Elm (Ulmus) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), with leaves like the Elm (ulmus) ; 

(Latin), umbelled, producing several nearly equal branches 
(ways) from the same point, like the ribs of an umbrella 
(but not necessarily curved) (H.) ; 

(Latin), producing an umbel ; 

(Latin), Umbellofer Famtty, or Order ; 

(Latin), peltate (q.v.) ; 

. (Latin), wmbonate, round with a projecting point in the centre, 

Jike the boss of an ancient shield ; : 

(Latin), having an wmbrella-like crown, branches, or foliage ; 

(Latin), wmbrella shaped, hemispherical and convex, with rays 
or plaits from a common centre ; 

(Latin), wmber brown, pure deep dull brown; 

(Latin), hook shaped, curved at the tip ; into a hook; 

(Latin), greasy, having a surface which, though not actually 
greasy, feels so; 

(Latin), eleven ; 

(Latin), with undulate leaves ; 

(Latin), wndulate, wavy, undulations up and down in compari- 
son with the axis, whilst in a sinuate leaf the undulations 
are in and out compared with that axis ; 

(Latin), name used by Piny for the Arbutus tree (Cass. Lat, 
Dic.) ; 

(Latin), clawed ; of a petal, having a footstalk ; 

(Latin), clawlike, shaped like a claw, somewhat like a rose 
prickle ; 

(Latin), wnicostate, when a leat has only one prominent rib 
(midrib) ; 

(Latin), with one flower ; 

(Latin), with one pair of leaflets ; bifoliate (q.v.) ; 

(Latin), secund (q.v-) ; 

(Latin), one ribbed, same as wnicostate (q.v.) ; 

(Latin), umted, physically, by adherence or coherence; or 
metaphorically, by affinity ; or in any similar way ; 

Anona (Malayan), of which it is supposed to be a variation, 
the genera being allied (N. 4/128); but this seems very 
doubtful; possibly connected with wnd und, (Latin), one by 
one ; (all :) the constructed seed vessels ; 

(Latin), one ; in composition wni—; 

oura (Greek), a tail; (ald:) the bracts, and inflorescence, 
(N- 4/123) ; 

urce olus (Latin), a pitcher ; (all:) urceolate or chatty-shaped 
[similar to campanulate (q.v.) but with erect limb contracted 
at the orifice] corolla ; 

wren (corrupted from uran) (Malayalam), name of the plant ; 
Nicholson places the accent on the e which he makes long; 
this is Incompatible with the native name; in which no 
e exists 5 

(Latin), burning, stinging ; covered with rigid, sharp pointed, 
bristly hairs, which emit an irritating fluid when touched ; 




u- vif’-er-a 

Vac-ci -ni-a-ae-2 

Vahl-i-a’-na . 
Vahl’ i-i 

Van -da 

Van-del’: li-a’-na 
Van-il -la 
Van-volx-em -i-i 


va -sic-a 
va-sul-a’-ris . 
vel-u-ti -n-a 







(Latin), Nettle (Urtica [from wrtico (Latin) to sting; (all:) 
property of the hairs of the plant |) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), wseful ; 

(Latin), very useful ; 

attalari (Tamil), jungle beauty (or oleander) ; name of the 

lant ; 

ae (Latin), cluster of grapes ; (all :) fruits of some species, 
(N. 4/128) ; 

(Latin), grape bearing, or fruit resembling grapes ; 

(Latin), Bilberry (Vaccinium) Family, or Order ; 

(Latin), name used by Pliny and Virgil (N, 4/128) ; one of the 
lines of the latter quoting, “‘vaccinia nigra ceguntur,” 
showing the in the second syllable long, not short as some- 
times made (N. 4/335) ; 

(Latin), sheathing, surrounding the stem, or other body, by 
the convolute base ; 

(Latin), sheathed ; 

(Latin), wandering, diffuse ; having no particular direction ; 

(com.) of M. Vahl [(pr:) Val] author of “ Symbolz botanic- 
we,’ “Knumeratio Plantarum,” 1865, and co-author, with 
Mueller and Hornemann of * Flora danica,’”’ 1761—1829 ; 

Vallo (Latin), to enclose ; (all:) use in Japan for fencing; 
doubtful (N. 4/132) ; 

(Latin), valvate, applied to each other by the margins only ; 

Vanda (Sanskrit), adoring (whence parasitic) ; (all:) nature of 
the plant (McL. 328) ; 

(com.) of Dominico Vandelli [(pr:) Doe-mee-nee-coe Varn- 
dail-lee |. Professor of botany at Lishon, Portugal, and wrote, 
in 1623 a work on Portuguese plants (N. 4/136) ; 

(com.) of Vandenheck, Dutch traveller in Brazil (N. 1/238) ; 

Voa-vanguer (Madagascar), name of the plant (N. 4/136) ; 

Vanilla (Spanish), little sheath; (all:) shape of the fruit 
(N.. 4/187) ; 

(com.) of Van Volxem, Datch traveller in New Grenada ; 

(Latin), variable ; 

(Latin), variegated, with patches of a different colour, vagal 
in various irregular sinuous spaces, but sometimes adopted 
for any variation of different colouring (H.) ; 

(Latin), vascular, consisting of vessels, or membranous tubes 
tapering to each end either having a fibre generated spirally 
in side, or having their walls marked by transverse bars, 
arranged more or ‘less in a spiral direction ; 

vdsaka (Sanskrit), perfumed ;(all:) aromatic scent, name of 
the plant, (McL. 6) ; 

(Latin), vase shaped, like a flower-pot, or invested truncate 
cone ; 

(com.) Abraham Vater { (pr:) Far-tair], 
18th century ; 
vaticus (Latin), pertaining to the prophet; (all:) originally 
applied to white dammer (Vateria), which is used as incense 
for religious rites ; 

German botanist of tha 

.. 1 (com.) of James Veiteh and Sons, celebrated floriculturalists, 

Chelsea, near London (N. 5/189) ; 

(Latin), velvetty, densely covered with soft short silky straight 
hairs (H.) ; 

(Latin), poisonous. 

ventilo (Latin), to be exposed to the wind ; (all :) linear wings at 
the upper part of the frait (N. 4/141) ; 

(Latin), bellying, swelling unequally on one side ; 

(Latin), full of veinlets (H.) ; 

(Latin), when the veins of a leaf all proceed from the midrib, 
are parallel, undivided, and connected by little cross-veins. 



ven-us -tus ... (Latin), beautiful ; 

ve’-ra ths .-» (Latin) true ; 

ver-bas’-cif-ol’-i-a_ ... (Latin), with leaves like the Mullein (Verbascum) ; 

Ver-ber-na’-cé-ze .... (Latin), Vervein (Verbena) Family, or Order ; 

ver-mic-ul-a’-ris ... | (Latin), worm shaped, thick and almost cylindrica], but bet in 

ver-mif-or’-mis | different places ; 

ver-nic-if -er-a ... (Latin), producing varnish ; 

Ver-non’-i-a ... ... (com.) William Vernon, a botanical traveller in North America 
(N. 2/147) ; 

Ver-on-i'-ca ... we (1) hiera, etkon (Greek), Sacred image; (al/:) sacred handker- 

chief of St. Veronica (N. 4/14) ; : 
(2) Beronike (Greek), the medical work being probably a Latin 
form ; many other derivations have been ascribed, such as 
(3) Viroo ntkoo (Arabic) ; beautiful remembrance. Withering says 
quaintly, ‘‘In Veronica, the ni is to be the accented syllable 
and not the ro, which isa common error; Lindley, Hooker, 
etc., persist in the common error” (N. 4/355) : 
ver-ru-ce’-sa ... (Latin), waretd, covered with wart-like excrescences (EL.) ; 
ver-sa-ti’-lis .. (Latin), versatile, adhering slightly by the middle, so that the 
two halves are nearly equally balanced, and swing backwards 
and forwards ; 

Versch-aff-elt’-i ... (com.) of Ambrostus Verchaffelt [(pr:) Fair-sharf-felt] who 
wrote a work on ‘‘ Camellias” (N. 4/140). 
ver-sic’-ol-or ... ... (Latin), of many tints or colours (F.) ; 

ver’-tic-cil-la’-ta ... (Latin), whorled, arranged in a circle in the transverse plane 
around an axis (H.) ; 

ver-tic-a’-lis ... .. (Latin), vertical, at right angles to some other body ; 

ve-si-ca -ri-a ... ... (Latin), causing blisters ; the two first syllables are long, but 
often wrongly pronounced short (N. 1/335) ; 

vex-il-la’-ris ... (Latin), vexillary, when one piece is much larger than the 

others, and is folded over them, they being arranged face to 
face, as the standard petal over the wings in papilionaceous 

flowers ; 

vi-bur’-no-i-des ... (quasi-Greek), resembling Viburnum ; 

Vi-bur’-num * ... (Latin), name used by Virgil and others (N. 1/155) ; 

Vic-to’-ri-n... ... (com.) of Queen Victoria, late of Great Britain , 

Vi'-gna hae ... (com.) Dominic Vigni [(pr: Veen-yee], Professor at Padua in 
Italy. who wrote a commentary on Theophrastus in 1625 
(N. 1/157) ; 

Vil’-leb-ru’-ni-a ... (com.) Villebrum [(pr: Vee-yay brurng], French botanist ; 

vil-lo’-sa ee ... (Latin), villous, clothed with long soft hairs (not short as when 
pubescent, nor interwoven as when tomentose) (H.) shaggy ; 

vi-min-a’ -lis ... (Latin), pertaining to osters (Salix), or (like them) twiggy ; 

Vin’-ca Bey ... (Latin), name used by Pliny (N. 1/160); connected with vincto 
(Latin), to bind ; 

vin-cze-fol’-i-a ... (Latin), with leaves like the Periwinkle (Vinca) ; 

Vi-nif’-er-a ... ... (Latin), wine producing ; 

Vi-ol.a’-cé-a ... (Latin), violet, pure indigo blue stained with pure red (crimson) 

so as to be two-thirds way (i.e., nearer the blue) intermediate 
between the two colours; with a tinge of white it forms 
Heliotrope colour ; 

Vi-oi-a'-ce-ve ... (Latin), Violet (Viola) Family, or Order ; 

Eis inet 3 (Latin), pea-green, a clear green with just a touch of yellow ; 

vir-ga’-ta ioe ... (Latin), virgate, long, slender, erect, and scarcely branched ; 

Wir-gil’-i-a... ... (com.) L. Publius Virgilius Maro [cormmonly known as *“ The 
poet Virgil’’], 70-19 Be. author of * The Aineid”, “ Geogrgics”’, 
“ Bucolics ’? and ‘‘ Eclogues,” one of the most celebrated 
“ Latin”? poets ; 

Vir-gn-1-a/-na ... (coc.) pertarning to Virginia, one of the South Atlantic states of 
the United States of America ; 

vir-id-if-lo’-ra ... (Latin), with green flowers ; 

vir-id-if ol’-ia ... (Latin), with green leaves ; 


vir -id-is 


vir-o’-8a “+e 

vis’ -cid-a 

Vi -tex 



yom’ -ic-a 

vul-ga -ris 
Wa gat-e-a 


Walk: er-i-z ... es 

Walk’ er-i-a-na aes 



Wal-the’-ri-a ... 

wam -p ms 
War-burg’-i-i ... 
war-re-en -sis 
War-scew-ic’ -zi-i 

Web-bi-a’-na ... 
We -ber-a 

Wei -hé-a i 

Wend-land’-i-a’-na ... 



(Latin), green, a clear intermediate between pure blue and pore ; 
yellow, but not quite so bright as grass green (see prasincus) ; 
it passes into apple green with as hading of yellow and red; 

(Latin), poisonous; 
(Lain), sticky, coated with a sticky secretion (H.) ; 
(Latin), somewhat sticky ; 

(Latin), the name used by Virgil and Pliny [akin to izos 
(Greek) | (N. 4/184) ; 

(Latin), Egg-Yolk yellow, dull yellow just turning red ; 

(Latin), name used by Pliny for this, or a similar, shrub 
(N. 4/184) ; 

(Latin), with leaves like the Vine (vitis) ; 

(Latin), name used by Virgil, Ovid, Juvenal, Cicero, Tacitus, 
an‘ other authors (N. 4/184) ; 
(Latin), striped, with bands lengthwise (H.) ; 
(Latin), viviparous, reproducing by buds which root and form 
young plants while it is attached to the parent tree (H.) ; 
(com.) Dr. Edward Vogel, who crossed the Sahara Desert in 
Africa, and supplied svecimens for Oliver’s “ Flora of Tropi- 
cal Africa” ; 

(Latin), twisting spirally round a support (H.) ; 

(Latin), causing to vomit ; 

(Latin), common, ordinary ; 

Vagati (Mahratti) (from vdg’hants (Sanskrit), tiger-like; (atl:) 
thorns] name of the plant (McL. 1015, 1018) ; 

... (com.) of Colonel Walker, who, helped by his wife, did a great 

deal towards making known the flora of Ceylon, by collect- 
ing specimens, colouring figures, etc., and corresponding 
with Sir J. D. Hooker ; 

(com.) of Mrs. Walker, wife, and helper, of the above ; 

(com ) of Colonel Walker ; 

(com.) Dr. N. Wallich, one of the principal botanists in India, 
author of “ Plantz asiatice rariores,’’ ‘‘ Tentamen flore 
nupalensis,’ and the abandoned Wallich’s edition of 
Roxburgh’s Flora indica published in 1824. 

} (com.) of Dr. N. Wallich ; 

vdlasura (Tamil), vdlarasi (Telugu), name of the plant? 
(N. 4/195; MeL, 1020) ; 

(com.) Aug. Fried. Walther [(pr:) Varl-tair], 1688--1746, 
German professor at Leipzig in Saxony (N. 4/195) ; 

hwang, pt (chinese), yellow skin: name of the plant ; 

(com.) Warburg, German botanist and collaborator with 
Engler and Prantl ; 

(loc.) Waree, a kingdom on the west coast of Africa ; 

(com.) Warscewtcz, of Poland ; 

(com.) George Washington, the great American patriot (N. 4/ 
196) ; 

aoe William Watson, 1715—1787, Professor of Botany at 
Chelsea, near London (N. 4/201) ; 

(com.) of Weatherill, celebrated nnrsery-man ; 

(com.) of P. Barker Webb ; naturalist and traveller ; 

(com.) George Henry Weber j(pr: Vai-bair], 1752—1828 
German Professor at Kiel, seaport in Schleswig-Holstein 
Province of Prussia (N. 4/1203) ; 

(com.) of Weddell; |(pr:) Vai dell)], French botanist and 
traveller in Brazil, Treas. Bot. ; 

(African), name of the plant ; doubtful ; 

(com.) Henry Ladovic Wendland, 1755--1828, curator of the 
Botanic garden at Hannover (N. 4/205) ; 

(com.) also of H, Wendland, who, with Drude as companion, 
did much in collecting and making known, the flora of 
Australia; ; 

(com.) of Whyte, traveller in Africa, discoverer of the 
Callitris (Widdringtonia) of his name in Nyassaland in 1893 







xan’ thos 
xe-ram-pel’- in-us 



xy] -op’-yr-us 




Zen-ke’-ri-a ... 


zey-lan’-ic-a ... 
zib eth i’-nus 


Zyg- oph-yl~’la-cé-z., 


(quasi-Greek), resembling Wigandia |(com.) John Wigand, 1523— 
1587, Bishop of Pommerania (N. 4/208) ]; - 

(com.) of Robert Wight, M.D., F.L.S., celebrated botanist o: 
Southern India, author of “Icones”’,and Joint anthor, with 
Arnott, of “ Prodromus florze Peninsule orientalis ’’, 1834 ; 

(com.) J.E. Wikstrem[ (pr :) Veek. strurm ], 1780—1856, Swedish 
botanist (N. 5/741) ; 

(com). C. L. Willdenow, German botanist, author of ‘‘ Linnei 
species plantarum,” published at Berlin 1797 ; 

(com.) Francis Willughby, 1635—1672, English naturalist and 
pupil of Ray (N. 4/210) ; 

(com.) Caspar Wistar [(pr :} Vee-Starr] 1761—1818, Professor of 
anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 
United States of America (N. 4/213) ; 

(com.) Withan ; 

odiya (Tamil), name of the tree; this isthe genitive case, used 
with maram, a tree, the nominative being odi (See Odina) ; 

(com.) J. Woodford, wrote an account of the plants round Hdin- 
burgh, Scotland, in 1824 (N. 4/215) ; 

(com.) William Wright, 1740-1827, Scotch physician and 
botanist (N. 4/219) ; 


nis j (loc.) of the Wynad, parts of the Malabar and Nilgiri districts ; 

(Greek), with yellow fruit ; 

(Greek), with yellow juice; 

(xamthos), phyllon (Greek), yellow, (eaf; (all:) large yellow 
green leaves ; ’ 

(Greek), gamboge yellow, pure and clear, Same as lwteous (q.v.) ; 

(Greek), dull red with a strong admixture of brown; 

‘com.) Francis Ximenes [(pr : ) Hee-may-nayze |, Spanish monk 
who wrote a work on Mexican plants in 1615 (N. 4/225) ; 

wulon (Greek), wood; (all:) hardness of the wood; one of the 
iron-woods ; 

(Greek), with woody frut ; 

sylon, pikron (Greek), wood, bitter ; (all: ) intense bitterness of 
the wood in some species (N. 4/225) ; 

(Greek), having a wooden pear-like fruit ; 

xylon, osmé (Greel), wood, emell ; (all :) wood somewhat fetid ;— 

zylon, osmé (Greek), wood, smell; anagram of the above, to 
which it is closely related ; 

(West Indian), name of the plant (N. 4/227) ; 

(Molucea), name of the plant (N. 4/235) ; 

zantnos, ailon (Greek), yellow, wood ; (all :) colour of the roots 
(N. 4/237) ; 

(Latin), striped in a@ xzebra-like manner, in different colours 
transversely (N. 4/238) ; 

(com.) Zenker [(pr:) Tzain-kair], German botanist ; 

(com.) of Zenker ; 

zurumbad (Arabic), long Zedoary (Curcuma zedoria) ; (all:—) 
similarity of the produce,there being much confusion between 
the two (B.D. 6/3/366 ; McL. 1044) ; 

(loc.) pertaining to Ceylon ; 

(Latin), pertaining to a civet cat, smelling like one ; 

ziggiberis (Greek) [from shringabéra (Sanskrit), horn, body ; 
‘atl: ) consistence of the rhizome], name of the plant 
(McL. 310) ; 

zizuphos (Greek from zaizufan (Arabic), Lotus plant), name 
of the plant (N. 4/244; MeL. 66, 1044) ; 

(Latin), zoned, same as ocellated, but with several concentric 
bins ; 

(Greek), what can be bisected in only one plane into two 
similar halves ; 

(Latin), Bean-caper (zygophyllum) [zugon, phullon (Greek), 
eee leaf; (all:) [numerous pairs of leaflets}), Family, or 

7 her 5 . : 


Tue distinguishing characters are selected with special reference to the trees and 
shrubs herein referred to and are taken mostly from Sir D. Brandis ‘ Indian Trees.’ 

First Class. (Angiosperms.) 

Flowers bisexual or unisexual, as a rule with perianth, consisting of one or several 
whorls on leaves, free or connate (calyx and corolls), Ovules enclosed in an ovary, 
fertilized by the pollen-tube growing towards them through the tissue of stigma and 
style. Seeds enclosed in the fruit, embryo straight or curved, with or without 

First Sub-Class- (Dicotyledons ) 

The stem consists of pith, wood, bast, and bark, which form concentric cylinders, 
wood and bast being separated in the growing stem by a continuonas layer of long soft 
cells (cambium), which are transformed into new wood on the outside of the wood 
cylinder, and into new bast on the inside of the hollow bast cylinder. The wood 
consists of wood-fibres, vessels, wood-parenchyma and medullary rays. Many climbers 
have anomalous structure, also the erect woody species of Plumbaginacew, Nyctaginacex, 
Amarantacew, and Chenopodiacew and afew treesof other orders; Cocculus lLaurifolius, 
Dalbergia paniculata, most Comtretacew Strychonos, and non-Indian Drimys. Leaves 
netveined. Parts of perianth, calyx or corolla usually in fours or fives. Embryo with 

_two cotyledons which, when the seed germinates, are asa rale raised above ground (in 
Garcinia, -chrocarpus and Meswe the embryo consists of a homogeneous fleshy mass), 


Flowers in the majority of species bisexual, as a rule with both calyx and corolla, the 
corolla consistivg of distinct petals. 


Sepals in the majority of cases distinct, petals and stamens hypogynous, ovary free, 
A well-developed disk in Orders XIII Tamariscacew, XXVI Rutacew, XXVII Sima- 
rubacee, XLI Moringacew, in Orders XXIX to XXXIII, XXXV to XL and ina few 
genera of VII Capparidacew, X Bivacew and KXI Tiliacee. 

I. RaNuNcULACE®.—Climbers only. L. opposite, mostly compeund, often with 
tendril-like petiole or rachis. Sepals deciduous, often petaloid. Stamen anthers adnate, 
longitudinally dehiscent. Carpels numerous, free, 1-celled. 

II. DILLenrace#.— L. alternate, simple, penninerved, petioles sheatnin,;. FI. large, 
white or yellow. Sepals 5,imbricate persistent, petals 5 caducous. VCarpels one or 
many, more or less cohering, styles free. 

Ill. Maegnoriacex.—L, alternate, simple, most genera with convolute deciduous 
stipules. Sepals and petals alike, in whorls of three, imbricute, deciduous. Stamens 
8,anthers basifixed. Carpels numerous, usually distinct generally on an elongated 
torus. Embryo minute, endosperm uniform. 

IV. Anonaca,—-L. usually slightiy but unpleasantly aromatic, alte:uev, simple, 
stipules none. Sepals 3, petals in one or two trimerous whorls. Stamen flaments 
usually short or none, anther cells adnate to a board connective. Carpels distinct in 
fruit (confluent in Anona). Seeds large, embryo small, endosperm ruminated. 

V. MenisperMAce®.-—Usually climbers with broad medullary rays and otherwise 
anomalous wood structure. L. alternate, simple, mostly palminerved often peltate, 
stipnles O. Fl. small, unisexual, trimerons, sepals usually free. Stamens opposite to 
petals, usually 6, carpels free, asa rule 3. Embryo curved, with or without endosperm. 

VI. Berseripacex.-—L, alternate, glabrous, pinnate with spine-toothed leaflets, or 
simple fascicled in the axils of spines. Sepals and petals alike, usually trimerous, 
caducous. Stemans opposite to petals, anthers adnate, as a rule opening by valves, 
Carpels distinct, often one only. Endesperm fleshy. ie 


VII. Capraripace#.—-L. asa rule alternate, stipules often present and spinescent. 
Fl. usually bisexual, often zygomorphic. As a rule sepals 4, petals 4. Stamens 
generally numerons, filaments, filiform. Carpels connate into a one-celled ovary with 
2—4 parietal placentas, often on an elongated gynophore, embryo curved, endosperm 
O. or scanty. 

VIU. Viotace#.—L. as a rule alternate, stipules small and leafy. FI. regular or 
zygomorphic, sepals 5, imbricate, persistent, petals 5. Stamens 5 filaments short or 
O, connective broad and often produced above, anthers connivent or Gonnate round 
the ovary. Carpels connate into @ one-celled ovary with usually 3 parietal placentas. 
Seeds small, embryo straight in a fleshy endosperm. 

IX. CrstAcrx.—-Introduced shrubs. L. simple entire opposite, exstipnlate. Fl, in 
anilateral recemes, sepals 5, persistant, unequal, petals 5 caducous, stamens numerous 
distinct, carpels connate usually into one-celled ovary with parietal placentas. Capsule 
3—5-yvalved, seeds numerous, embryo inverted, either spiral or curved, in a mealy 

X. Brxacex.—L. alternate, simple, mostly dentate, stipules small or O. FI. 
regular, 4- or 5-merous, perianth sometimes wanting, stamens usually numerous. 
Ovary one-celled, seeds few, arillate or with pulpy tests. 

XI. Pitrosporsce®.— Often with fennel-like aroma, L. often subverticillate, alter- 
nate, simple, entire, stipules O. Fl, regular, pentamerous, and pentandrous, sepals free, 
as well as petals imbricate, anthers vergatile. KEmbryo smal), in copious endosperm. 

XII. PotyeaLace#.—L. alternate, simple, quite entire, stipules O. Fl. bisexual, 
zygomorphic, sepals 5 the 2 inner larger, petaloid, petals 5 or 3. Stamens as a rule 8, 
filaments usually connate in a cleft sheath, anthers mostly opening by terminal pores. 

XII. Tamariscack#.—L. alternate, small generally scale-jike. Fl. regular, in spikes, 
racemes Or panicles, sepals and petals usually free, pentamerous. sometimes tetramerous. 
Stamens as many as petals or twice their number. Capsule 3~—5—valved, seeds tufted 
or winged. 

XIV. Hyrericacex.—lL. opposite, often gland-dotted, stipules O. Fl. regular 
bisexual, sepals 5, imbricate, petals 5, contorted in bud. Stamens numerons, filaments 
usually connate into 3 or 5 hundles, anthers versatile. Endosperm O. 

XV. Gurtirer#.—Juice resinous, yellow or greenish. L. opposite, simple entire, 
astally coriaceous, stipules O. Fl. regular unisexual or polygamous sepals 2—6, mostly 
in decussate pairs, petals as a rnle 2—6, imbricate or contorted Fr. usually indehiscent, 
seeds large, endosperm OQ. : 

XVI. TreENsTReMIAcEe@.—-L. alternate, simple, generally coriaceous, stipnles O. FI. 
regular, as a rule bisexual, sepals and petale usually pentamerous and imbricate. 
Stamens generally numerous, ovary 3—5-eelled. 

XVII. ANcisTROCLADACE#2.—Glabrous, woody climbers, not resinous. L. entire 
stipules minute, caducous. FI. bisexual, regular, pentamerous, calyx adnate to the 
l-celled ovary, segments much larged in fr. 

XVIII. DietTERocaRPACEx®.—Resinous trees. L. alternate, usually coriaceous, 
simple, penninerved, stipules large, enclosing the bud. FI. bisexual, regular, calyx- 
segments 5, some or all as arule much enlarged infr. Petals 5, contorted, stamens” 
5, 10 or more, anthers adnate to filaments. Fruit indehiscent, 1-seeded. 

X1X. Matyacem.—Wood soft and light. L. alternate, mostly stipulate, generally 
palminerved, hairs usually stellate. Fl. as arule bisexual, regular, supported by 3 or 
more bracteoles. Sepala 5, valvate, more or less connate, petals 5, base adnate to 
staminal column, contorted in bud. Stamens numerous, filaments variously connate 
anthers 1-celled. 

XX. Srercutiacen.—L. alternate, mostly stipulate, bairs often stellate. Sepals 5, 
valvate, more or less connate, petals 5 or none. Stamens commonly monadelphous, 
anthers 2-celled. Hr.a dehiscent capsule or a whorl of distinct carpels. 

XXI. Tittach#.—L. alternate, simple, stipnles deciduous. Fl. regular, almost 
always bisexual. Sepals 5, usually connate, valvate in bud. Stamens numerous, 
anthers 2-celled. Ovary 2--10-celled. 

XXII. Linacrz.—L. alternate, simple, entire. Fl. bisexual, regular, sepals and 
petals pentamerous, sometimes tetramerous. Stamens 8 or 10, half the number 
often sterile, filaments united at base, anthers versatile. Ovary 3—5-celled. Capsule 
dehiscing septicidally or drupe. 

XXIII. Mauriesiacex.—L. usually opposite, simple, entire, stipules small or O. 
Fl, often zygomorphic, calyx 5—lobed, petals 5, often fimbriate. Stamens 10, sometimes 
unequal. Hr, usually of one or more winged samaras. 


XXIV. Zycopuyitacex.—L. usually compound and opposite, stipules in pairs, 
persistent, sometimes spinous. Fl, 1—2 in axils of stipules, hermaphrodite, sepals and 
petals usually 5, and stamens double the number often with a scale on the filament, 
disk fleshy. Ovary angled or lobed, with 2 or more oyules. Fr. usually of angled, 
sometimes spinous, 2-10 cocci. 

XXV. GeRaniace®,—L. alternate, imparipinnate, or simple and toothed, stipules 
O or biglandular on petiole. Fl. bisexual, regular or irregular and often spurred sepals 
and petals 83—5, stamens 5 or 10, Fr. oblong, fleshy, 5-ribbed, or capsular and 
loculicidally 5-valved. 

XXVI. Ruracex.—L. aromati3, dotted with translucent glands, stipules O. FI. 
regular, sepals and petals 4 or 5, stamens 4—5 or 8—10, filaments inserted on the 
outside of the disk. 

XXVII. Simarvusack#.—Bark bitter, L. usually compound, alternate, stipules 
deciduous or 9. FI. regular, small, often unisexual, sepals 3—5 usually connate, petals 
3--5. Stamens as many as petals or double their number, inserted outside the disk. 

XXVIII. Ocunacr#.—bL, alternate, simple, glabrous, stipulate. Fl. regular, 
bisexual. Sepals 4or 5, free, imbricate, persisting, petals 5 or more, deciduons, 
stamens 10 or many, anthers basifixed. Fr. of 3—10 one or few seeded drupes. 

XX1X. BurserAcex.—Resinous. L.alternate, imparipinnate, sometimes 1-foliolate. 
Fl. small, regular, calyx 3—5-lobed, petals 3—5. Stamens as many as petals or twice 
their number, inserted on the disk or outside at its base. Ovary 2—5 celled, ovules 2 
in each cell. 

XXX. Mewiacex.—L. usually bitter, alternate, generally pinnate, stipules O, FI, 
regular, in cymose panicles, calyx small, 4—5 cleft, petals 4-5, stamens twice the 
number of pétals, filaments generally united into a tube, disk between stamens and 
ovary, often tabular. * 

XXXI. CuHaittetiacea@.-~L. alternate, entire, simple, stipules deciduous. FI. 
_l-sexual or polygamaus, petals 5, notched or bifid, stamens 5, disk of 5 glands, 

alternating with stamens. Ovary pubesent 2—3-celled, ovules 2, collateral in each cell. 
Endosperm Q, cotyledons thick. 

XXXII. Onacacezx.—L. alternate. stipules O. FI. small, asa rule bisexual, calyx 
small or wanting, stamens opposite to petals or O. Overy at base often 2-5-celled, 
ovules pendulous from a free axile placenta. Drupe l-seeded. [In Engler u. Prantl, 
Natur!, Pflanzenfam. III. 1:231 placed near Loranthacee and Santalacee}. 

XXXIIL. Icactnacex.—L. generally alternate, stipules O. FI. small, 1-sexual or 
polygamons, calyx small or wanting, stamens alternating with petals. Ovary 1-celled. 
Drupe 1-seeded. 

XXXIV. AguiFoLiAcEx%.—lL. alternate, or (curtisia) opposite, simple, usually 
coriaceous and ever-green, stipules minute. FI. regular, usually 1-sexual, calyx 4-5- 
lobed, petal 4-5, connate at base. Stamens 4-—5, alternating with petals, disk O. Fr. 
a drupe, supported by the presistent calyx, stones 1-seeded, 2 or more. 

XXXV. Cenastracex.—L. simple, as a rule opposite, stipules minute or none FI. 
regular, small, birexual or polygamons, calyx small, 4 or 5-lobed, persistent. Disk 
large, surrounding the base of the 3—6&-celled ovary or partially enclosing it, stamens 
3--5, rarely 10, inserted on the disk. 

XXXVI. RHAMNAcEs.—Branchlets or stipules often spinescent, L. simple. FL, 
small, regular, calyx 4—5 cleft, lobes triangular, valvate in bud, disk lining or filling the 
calyx tube, petals inserted at the mouth 1f calyx-tube, Stamens opposite to petals, 
often enclosed by them. 

XXXVIL. AMPELIDACEH.—Climbers mostly, or erect, usually tendrilled, L, 
alternate, stipulate, often compound. FI. regular, calyx small, entire or 4—5 dentate, 
petals 4—5, valvatein bud. Stamens opposite to petals, inserted outside or between the 
lobes of the disk. Fr. a berry. 

XXXVITI. Saprnpace£.—L. usually alternate, compound, and exstipulate (opposite 
in Aisculus, Acer, and Turpini1z, simple in deer, Do!loncea, and occasionally others, 
stipulate in Velsunthus and Turpinia). F]). usually irregular and unsymmetrical, small, 
polygama-diwcious, calyx 4—5-lobed, petals 4—5, filth often wanting ; stamens 5 to 10, 
often 8 inside a usually unilateral disk, ovary usually 3 (2 in Acer) celled, often lobed 
or winged ; fruit capsular or indehiscent of 1—3 nuts or samaras. 

XXX1X. Sapiace#.—L, alternate stipules O. Fl. small, calyx 4—5 partite, stamens 
4--5, opposite to petals, anther-cells distinct, usually adnate to a large connective. 

XL. ANACARDIACE2.—Often with caustie grey juice turning black on drying. L. 
in most genera alternate, stipules 0. Fl. regular calyx 3-5 cleft (spathaceous in Gulta) 


petals 83—4, rarely O. Stamens alternating with petals, inserted under, rarely on, the 
disk. Ovary in 2 genera inferior, drupe 2—5 seeded. 

XLI. Morincacrm.—Wood soft, L. deciduous, alternate, bi- or tri pinnate, pinnz 
and leaflets oppesite, glands at base of petioles and pinne. FI. large, bisexual, 
pentamerous, petals, unequal. Fertile stamens 5, opposite to petalss alternating with 
sterile stamens. Fr, a long 1-celled 3-valved pod, seeds, winged. 



Calyx gamosepalous, often adnate to ovary. Petals inserted on calyx, or on disk 
lining calyx-tube. 

XLII. Connaracr®,—hL. alternate, imparipinnate or 1-foliolate, leaflets entire, 
_ coriaceous, stipules O. Fl. usually bisexual and regular, pentamerous, petals linear- 

oblong, stamens 10, the epipetalous stamens generally shorter and often sterile. 
Carpels 5, free, mostly hairy, ovules 2, collateral. Fruiting carpel one, 2-valved. 

XLII. Leeuminoss.—t, stipulate, as a role alternate and compound. FI. bisexual 
petals 5, in the majority of genera zygomorphic, stamens 10 or many. Carpel one, 
free, ovules usually numerous, attached to the inner suture. Fr. a I-celled pod, or 
nut, Sometimes winged, endosperm generally O. 

A. PapiLionEm®.—Corolla papilionacecus, petala 5 irregular imbricated, the 
uppermost (standard or vexillum) outermost, the four others in two opposite pairs, the 
lateral forming the wings or alw, the lower forming the keel or carina, Stamens 

B. C#saLPINtr#.—Petals imbricate slightly unequal, upper innermost in bud 
nsually 5 bunt sometimes wanting, reduced to 1,3 or 4; stamens definite. 

C. Mimose®.—Petals regular valvate, usually united above the base, sometimes 
into a tube. Stamens often indefinite, sometimes 10 or 5. 

XLIV. Rosacrx.—L. stipulate, usually alternate. F]. pentamerous, as a rule 
regular and bisexual, stamens usually numerous. Carpels mostly distinct, often adnate 
to and enclosed in the calyx-tube. Albumen 0 or scanty. 

XLV. SaxirraGacr®.—L. simple, mostly opposite. Fl. regular, 4 or 5-merous, 
celyx free or adnate to ovary, stamens free, as many as petals, twice the number or 
numerous. Carpels 2 or numerous, usually connate, ovules numerous. Seeds small, 
embryo minute, in copious albumen. 

XLVI. HAMAMELIDAcKm.— L. alternate, stipules usually deciduous. FI. in compact 
heads of spikes, usually bracteate, calyx-tube more or less adnate to ovary, ovary 
2-celled, styles 2, usually persistent, testa shining. 

XLVII. RuizopHoracra.—t. opposite usually coriaceous and entire, scars of petioles 
mostly prominent, stipules interpetiolar, deciduous. Fl, regular, generally bisexual, 
calyx more or less adnate to ovary, limb 4-14-lobed, !obes as a rule persistent, petals 
as many as sepals, stamens usually twice the number of petals. Fr. coriaceous, usually 

XLVIII. Compretacnm.—L. simple, entire, stipules O. Fl. usuaily bisexual and 
regular, calyx-tube adnate to ovary and produced beyond it, segments 4-5, valvate, - 
petals often wanting. Stamens as many as calyx-segments or twice their number, 
perigynous. Fr. generally angled or winged. 

XLIX. Myrracem.—Usually aromatic. L. simple, generally quite entire, either 
opposite with translucent glands or alternate without glands. Stipules O. FI. regular, 
generally bisexual. Ovary enclosed in and generally adnate to calyx-tube. Stamens 
many, inserted with the petals in the mouth of calyx-tube. 

L. Mrnastomacrem.—L. opposite, entire or nearly so, usually with 3—7 based nerves, 
no translucent giands, stipules O. Fl. regular, bisexual, calyx-tube entirely or partially 
adnate to ovary, sezments 4 or 5, deciduous. Stamens twice the number of calyx- 
segments,inserted with petals on the edge of calyx-tube, connective often large. 

Li. Lyruraces.— L. generally opposite, simple, entire. Calyx cup-shaped, persist- 
ent, segments valvate, often with intermediate teeth, petals when present imbricate 
and crumpled in bud. Ovary a8 a rule superior. 

LII. Onacrackm.—L. opposite or alternate, exstipulate, Fl. regular or nearly 80, 
usually 4-merous, calyx lobes valvate, petals imbricate, stamens definite, ovary inferior 
usually 2 or more celled, style undivided. Fr. various, dehiscent or indehiscent, 1-many 
celled, 1-many seeded, seeds exalbuminous. 

LITI. Samypacem.—L. often gland-dotted, alternate, distichous, stipules small. Fl. 
regular, inconspicuous, generally bisexual. Calyx persistent, tube short. Capsule 2-—4- 
valved, seeds numerous. 


LIV. TuRNeRACER.—L. alternate simple usually 2 glandular at base, stipule, small 
or O. FI. usually solitary axillary, often with peduncle adnate to petiole, calyx 5-lobed, 
petals 5 inserted ia the calyx throat, stamens 5 inserted below the petals, carpels 3 
connate in a 1-celled ovary, Fr. a 3-valved capsule, usually with many seeds confined 
to the centre of the placentas, seeds arillate with fleshy albumen and cylindric embryo, 

LY. PassrFrorace&’.—L. alternate, usually lobed. FI. regular'unisexnal in Papaya, 
bisexual in Passiflora, dicocions in Modecca. | 

LVI. Datiscacka.—(Tetrameles) L. deciduous, petiolate, broadly ovate. FI. 
dicecious, calyx deeply 4-lobed, petals O, stamens 4, Capsule crowned by the persistent 
calyx-segments, the valves terminating in the persistent styies. 

LVIL. Cacrackm.—Stems and branches succulent, prickly. Fl. regular, bisexual, 
solitary, calyx-tube adnate to ovary, petals numerous, imbricate, tamens many. Fr. 
fleshy, seeds numerous. 

LVIII. UmMpritirerm.—th. entire, alternate exstipulate. EF. in compound umbels, 
calyx-tube adnate to ovary without a limb, petals 5, stamens 5, both epigynous. Ovary 
2-celled with 1 ovule in each cell. Fr. of 2 laterally compressed carpels separated by 
a commissure, with 5 ridges, seed 1 in each carpel with cartilaginous albumen and 
small embryo. 

LIX. Aratiace®.—Balsamic, branchlets speckled: LL, alternate, simple or com- 
pound. Fl. regular, usually pentamerous and umbellate. Calyx adnate to ovary, 
usually entire, petals caducous. Stamens inserted outside the epigynous disk, anthers 

LX. Cornacrea.—L. entire, stipules O. Fl. regular, calyx-tube adnate to ovary limb 
persistent, segments small, peta!s 4 or 5, inserted with stamens round an epigynous 
disk, Fr. drupaceous. 


Flowers in the majority of species bisexual, as a rule with both calyx and ccrolla, 
corolla gamopetalous. 

LXI. CaprirolLiacv&.—L. opposite, stipules usually O. Fl. bisexual, calyx-tube 
adnate to ovary, limb 3-5 toothed, corolla often zygomorphic, lobes 5. Stamens 
inserted on the corolla-tube. 

LXII. Rupsiacrm.—L. opposite, sometimes whorled, stipules as a rule interpetiolar. 
Fl. as a rule bisexual and regular, calyx-tube adnate to ovary, corolla inserted round 
the epigynous disk, stamens inserted on the corolla-tube, alternating with its lobes. 
Ovary as a rule 2-celled. 

LXIII. Composira.—L. asa rule alternate, stipules O. Inflorescence a dense head 
of many small fl., sessile on.a broad receptacle and enclosed in an inyolucre of whorled 
or imbricate bracts. Calyx usually a pappus of hairs on the top of the ovary, stamens 
on the corolla-tube, anthers usually connate, connective produced upwards. 

LXILV. GoopdENIAcEx®.—(Scevola). L. alternate, simple, stipules O. FI. bisexual, 
in short axillary cymes, calyx adnate to ovary, lobes 5. Corolla oblique split on the 
back, stamens 4, inserted at the base of the corolla. Fr. a drupe, crowned by the 
enlarged calyx-segments. 

LXV. CamMPpANuLAcEx.—Juice after milky. lL. alternate, simple, exstipulate. Fl. 
axillary, calyx 5-lobed, lobes slightly unequal, corolla usually oblique 2-lipped, stamens 
5, connate ina tube, carpels connate in a 2-celled ovary with many ovnoles. Fr. 
a capsule loculicidally 2-valved, seeds many minute. 

LXVI. Ericacra#,—lL. alternate, simple, stipules O. Fl. bisexual 4-or 5-merons, 
stamens as a rule twice the number of corolla-lobes, anther-cells opening at the top by 
pores or short slits. Ovary inferior or superior, 4-5 or many-celled, ovules numerous 
on an axile placenta, 

LXVII. PrumBpaginace£.—L, alternate, entire. Fl, regular, bisexual, pentamerous, 
sheathed by bracts, calyx 5-ribbed, ovary l-celled, ovule 1. 

LXVIII. Mygsinacex.—L. alternate, simple, generally gland-dotted, stipules O. 
Calyx persistent, often enlarged infr. Corolla-tube short or none, stamens opposite 
the corolla-segments. Ovary 1-celled, ovules on a free central placenta, 

LXIX. Sapotacrs.—Juice milky. Ly entire, usually alternate and coriaceous FI. 
bisexual, calyx persistent, segments 4—S, almost distinct, corolla-tube short lobes 4-24. 
Fr. a 1—--8-seeded berry, seeds oily, witha crustaceous shining testa. 

LXX. Esenace#.—L, entire, asa rule alternate, stipules O. Fl. regular, usually 
dicecious, calyx gamosepalous, persistent and generally enlarged in fr. segments 3—6, 
corolla-segments 3—6, stamens usvally twice the number of corolla-lobes, filaments 



variously connate at base, often in pairs, anthers basifixed, Rind of fr. coriaceous, seeds 
embedded in soft or viscid pulp. i 

LXXI. Sryracex. LL. alternate, stipules O. Fl. bisexual, regular, 4-—5-merous 
calyx superior or inferior, limb persistent, petals free or connate, stamens 10 or 
numerous, Ovary 2--5-celled, ovules i or few on the inner angle. 

LXXII, Oneacn#.—L. as a rule opposite, stipules O. Fl. regular, as a rule 
bisexual, in trichotomous panicles, calyx small, often truncate. Stamens 2, filaments 
usually short, ovary free, 2-celled, ovules 1 or 2 in each cell. 

LXXIII. Sanvaporace®. Glabrous, L. opposite, entire, stipules minute, or spinous, 
Fl. small, tetramerous, calyx small, corolla membranous. Ovary free, 1—2-celled. 

LXXILV. Apocynacem. Juice milky. lL. entire, as a rule opposite or whorled, 
stipules 0 or small, sometimes intrapetiolar. Fl. regular, bisexual, usually pentamerous. 
Calyx free, corolla lobes spreading, mostly contorted in bud, stamens 5, inserted in the 
corolla-tube. Carpels 2, usually distinct. Seeds often with a tuft of hairs. Hndosperm 

LXXV. AscLEPIADACE®.—Mostly climbers. Juice milky, grey or green. LL. entire 
as a rule opposite, stipules O. Fl. regular, bisexual, pentamerous. Calyx inferior, 
sepuls imbricate in bud. Stamens 5, inserted on the base of the corolla, anthers 
cohering or connate, enclosing the stigma, pollen grains asa rule united into waxy 
masses. Corona corolline or staminal. Carpels 2, distinct. Seeds usually winged and 
surmounted by a dense brush of hairs. Hmbryo large, in copious endesperm. 

LXXVI. Logantace&.— L. often bitter, opposite, simple, generally connected by 
interpetiolar stipules or by araised line. Fl. regular, usually bisexual, ovary free, 
2-celled. Embryo straight, in copious endosperm. 

LXXVII. PoremMonraces.—L. usually opposite, simple or compound, exstipulate, 
calyx and corolla 5-lobed, stamens 5 on corolla-tube alternate with its segments, ovary 
3-celled, ovules few or many, Fr. 3-celled capsule with few or many seeds, albumen 

LXXVIII. Boracinacem.—L. as a rule alternate and simple, stipules O. FI. 
bisexual, as a rule regular and pentamerous, In unilateral spikes or racemes, calyx 
free, persistent, lobes valvate in bud. Ovary superior, cells 2, each with 2 ovules, or 
4, each with one ovule. Fr.a drupe or consisting of 4 nutlets. 

LXXIX. CoNnvoLtvuLAcE#.—Juice often milky L.; mostly climbers alternate, 
stipules O. Fl. usually large, bisexual, regular, pentamerous, sepals distinct, persistent. 
Fr. a berry or capsule, seeds 2-4, 

LXXX. Sonanace*®.—L. as a rule alternate, stipules O. FI. regular, pentamerous, 
calyx usually gamosepalous, ovary free. Fr a berry or capsule, seeds numerous. 

LXXXI. ScropHuULARIACE®.—L. usually opposite, stipules O. Fl. usuatly bisexual, 
irregular; stamens 4, didynamous. Fr. a capsule, seeds numerous. 

-LXXXII. Brenontace#®.—L, usually opposite, compound, leaflets opposite, stipules 
O. FI. bisexual, generally zygomorphic, calyx gamosepalous, truncate split or toothed. 
Ovary free, supported by an annular disk. Fr. often elongated. generally dehiscent, the 
two valves separating from the dissepiment, to which numerous seeds are attached, 

LXXXIII. AcanrHacex.—L. cpposite, stipules O. Fl. bisexual, mostly irregular. 
Ovary free, 2-celled, style filiform, bifid, one branch often obsolete. Capsule, loculicidal, 
seeds seated on hard curved acute supports. 

LXXXIV. Myoporacea.—Introduced strubs. I. alternate, grand-Jotted simple, 
exstipulate. Fl. small in axillary clusters, calyx 5-lobed, persistent, corolla 5-lobed 
nearly regular, stamens usually 4 in pairs, subequal, ovary 2--4, celled with one ovule 
in each cell. Fr. a small drupe. 

LXXXV. Versenace#,—L. usually opposite or whorled, stipules O. Fl, bisexual or 
by ahortion polygamous, usually zygomorphic. Calyx as a rale gamosepalous and 
persistent, lobes imbricate, stamens usually 4, ovary 2-or 4-celled, 1 ovule in each cell. 

LXXXVI. Lasiat#.—Mostly aromatic, branches usually 4-sided, L. opposite or 
whorled, stipules O. FI. zygomorphic, calyx persistent, corolla usually 2-lipped, lobes 
imbricate in bud. Stamens didynamous, the 2 upper sometimes imperfect or wanting. 
Ovary free, usually 4-lobed, supported by the annulardisk. Fr. of 4 one-seeded nutlets. 


Fl. frequently unisexual, perianth as a rule simple, rarely a distinct calyx and 

LXXXVII. Nycraginacex.—L. as a rule entire and opposite, stipules O. Fl. usually 
bisexual, often involucrate, with petaloid bracts. Ovary free, 1-celled, ovule i. Fr. 
indehiscent, enclosed in the persistent perianth-tube. 


LXXXVIIZ. Amaran7ace&.—Stipules 0, Fl. usually bisexual, perianth of 5 persist- 
ent sepals, imbricate in bud. Stamens opposite the sepals, ovary free, l-celled. Seed 
one, embryo horseshoe-shaped or annular, surrounding a mealy endosperm. 

LXXXIX. CiENopopiAcE®.—Mostly plants of Salt lands L. wanting, or often small 
and fleshy, alternate, rarely opposite, simple, stipules O. Fl. small, perianth of 3—5 
sepals, stamens opposite the sepals, Fr. generally enclosed in the perianth, seed one, 
embryo curved, annular or spiral, 

XC. Puyronaccace&£,—lIntroduced shrubs. L. alternate, entire, exstipulate. #1. in 
racemes sepals 4-5 often petaloid, imbricate in bud, petals O, stamens 4 alternating with 
petal spaces, or more and irregularly inserted, carpels 1 or more, 1 ovuled. Fr. dry or 
fleshy (red and pisiform in the present case). 

XCI. Potyeonacex.—L. alternate, simple, stipules scarious or membranous usually 
sheathing, FI, small usually bisexual, perianth of 4—6 persistent segments, imbricate 
in bud, stamens opposite the segments. Ovary free, 1-celled compressed or trigonous. 
Fr, a small hard nut, seed one. 

XCII, ArtstotocuiacE&.—Climbers. LL. alternate, stipules O. Flowers bisexual, 
perianth companulate or tubular, 3-lobed or 2-lipped, ovary inferior, placentas parietal 
ovules numerous. 

XCIII. Piprracr%.—Climbers. Usually aromatic and pepper scented. L. usually 
alternate, entire, basal nerves 3 or more, stipules membranous, enclosing the buds. 
Fl. usually dicecious or polygamous, in catkin-like spikes, perianth O, stamens 1—4, 
hypogynous. Berry 1-seeded, seed globose. 

XCIV, CutorantHacez.—Usually aromatic. L. opposite, petioles often connate 
forming a sheath, stipules small subulate. Fl. in terminal spikes 1-sexual, connate 
male and female in pairs, perianth none, stamen 1 (or 3 confluent), ovary 1-celled with 
l-ovule. Fr. a small drupe 1-seeded, with copious fleshy albumen. 

XCY. MyristicaceEx.—Aromatic, L. entire, penninerved, stipules O. FI. 1-sexual, 
perianth as a rule 3-lobed, valvate in bud, anthers 6—380, usually sessile, ovary free, 
ovule 1, erect. Seed arillate endosperm oily, raminate. [In Engler u. Prantl, Naturl. 
Pflanzen fam. III. 2°40 justly placed near Anonacez. | 

XCVI. Lauracex.-—Aromatic. L. as a rule entire and evergreen, stipules O. 
Perianth regular, deeply 6-cleft, segments biseriate, tube often enlarged in fr., stamens 
perigynous, normally 12 in 4 circles, those of the innermost circle often wanting, those 
of the two outermost circles opposite to perianth-segments, anther cells 2 or 4, opening 
by valves. Ovary free, l-celled. Fr. a berry or drupe, seed one, cotyledons thick, 
oily. [In Engler u. Prantl, Naturl. Pflanzen fam. III. 2,106 placed in the vicinity 
of Berberidacex and Menispermacez. | 

XCVII. Provzacex.—L. hard, mostly alternate, stipules 0. Fl. bisexual, perianth of 
4 segments, in bud valvately cohering into a cylindrical tube, tips free, recurved. 
Stamens 4, filaments inserted on perianth-segments. Ovary free, l-celled. Seeds few. 

XCVIII. Toymetzacem.—L. simple, quite, entire. Fl. usually bisexual, perianth 
tubular or companulate, lobes 4 or 5, imbricate in bud. Stamens inserted on the 
perianth, uscally twice the number of lobes, Ovary free, usually 1-celled. 

XCIX. ELxacnacex,—Often spinescent, with silvery or brown stellate scales or 
hairs. L. alternate, quite, entire, stipules O. Fr. indehiscent, entirely enclosed within 
the lower fleshy part of perianth, seed 1, radicle inferior. 

C. LoranrHAace®.—Parasitic on stems and branches, L. entire usually opposite, 
sometimes wanting fF]. regular, perianth simple or double, stamens equal to and 
opposite the petals or perianth-lobes. Ovary inferior, 1-celled, ovuled, adnate all round 
to the ovary walls. Fr. usuaily viscid. | See Olacacez}. 

CI, SanraLace®.— Mostly root-parasites. L. entire, stipules O. Perianth usually 
adnate to ovary, 5—8 lobed, stamens opposite to lobes, ovary 1-celled, ovules several. 
Drupe or nut one-seeded. [See Olacacez}. 

CII. Eupvorsiacex.—L. in most genera alternate and undivided, stipulate. Fl.asa 
rule unisexual. Perianth calycine, several genera with petals. Ovarysuperior, as a 
rule of 3 carpels, more or less united, styles 3, ovules 1 or 2in each cell, pendulous from 
the inner angle. 

CIII. Unmacex.—L. distichous, undivided stipulate. Perianth 4—9 lobed or of 4—5 
sepals, stamens opposite to perianth-segments, rarely twice their number. Ovary of 2 
carpels, usually 1-celled, ovule I, pendulous, 

CIV. Moracexz.—Juice usually milky. L. usually alternate, stipules large, often 
amplexicaul. Fl. unisexual, crowded on receptacles, which are globose, cylindric or 
hallow. Perianth of 4 sepals or segments, often fleshy in fr. Ovary 1-celled, ovule 1, 
usually pendulous. 



CY. Urticackm.—U. alternate, stipulate, as a rule dentate, basal n. 3. Fi, 
unisexual, sessible usually in compact heads or clusters, stamens 4 or 5 opposite to 
perianth-segments, filaments inflexed in bud. Ovule erect, orthotropous. 

OVI. Praranace®.—Introduced Trees. lL. alternate, palminerved, lobed, stipules 
large. Fl. moncecious in unisexual globose heads on long axillary peduncles, sepals 
and petals minute, anthers linear, almost sessile, ovaries hairy at base, as many as 
sepals. [In Engler u. Prantl, Naturl. Pflanzen fam. III. 2a. 187, placed near 
Hamamelidacee and Rosacew. | 

CVIL. Casuarinace®.—Introduced Trees. Branchlets slender, deciduous, ribbed, 
joined; L. none, replaced by membranous, dentate sheaths at the Joints, the teeth 
alternating with the ribs of the next joint above. Fl. unisexual, monandrous, in 
small ovoid spikes at the ends of lateral branchlets. Fr. a woody globose cone, 

CVIII. Berutace®.—Introduced Trees. L. alternate, undivided, as a rule serrate, 
stipules deciduous, FI. early in spring, malein drooping catkins, anther-cells as a rule 
distinct, temale in spikes, ovary 2-celled, 1 pendulous ovule in each cell, styles 2, filiform 
perianth, O or adnate to ovary. 

CIX. Fagacrem.—Introduced Trees. UL. alternate, simple, penninerved, stipules 
deciduous, Fl. moncecious, male in drooping catkins or in erect spikes, anther-cells 
not distinct; female in spikes, each fl. or group of fi. enclosed in an involucre of 
numerous bracts, coalescing in fr., perianth adnate to ovary. Ovary 2—6-celled, 2 
pendulous ovules in each cell. 

CX. Sanicacrm#.—L, deciduous, alternate, simple, stipulate. Fl. dicecious, in 
catkins, similar in both sexes, 1 fl. in the axil of each, disk at the base of stamens and 
ovary, perianth O, Ovary 1-ceiled, ovules on 2-4 parieta] placentas, Seeds minute, 
enclosed by long silky, deciduous hairs. 

Note.—Following the arrangement in Hooker’s Flora the Gymnosperm orders have 
next been taken in sequence, though the arrangement of Brandis really appears the 
better; it was not considered worth while altering the whole of the original numbering 
to adopt the sequence of Brandis, 

Second Class. (Gymnosperms). 

F]. unisexual, perianth none or incomplete, Ovules free, not enclosed in an ovary, 
fertilized by the pollen-tube entering the micropyle or a tabe formed by the integu- 
ment. Seeds naked, embryo straight with copious endosperm. 

CX1I. Gnerackm.—Stem and branches jointed at the nodes. lL. opposite, and 
broad. Fl. unisexual, one erect ovule, integument single, prolonged into a tube. 
Ovule enclosed in a perianth, which usually becomes fleshy in fr. 

CXII. Conrrers.—Mostly introduced Trees. Branches often whorled. L. alternate, 
sometimes reduced to scoles, usually small and narrow, sometimes acicular often 
tufted. Fl. unisexual, without perianth, deciduous with antheriferous scales. Seeds 
at the base of carpellary scales, often forming a cone. Hndosperm mostly oily, 
cotyledons 2 or more. 

CXIII. Cycapacr#®.—Trunk cylindric, sometimes branched, with terminal tufts of 
rigid, pinnately compound leaves, pith and bark large. FI. dicecious, at the apex of 
trunk among the leaves, in erect cones with numerous thick scales, bearing on the | 
undersurface globose anther-cells. Female carpophylls densely woolly in crowded 
whorls around the top of trunk, each with 1—5 pairs of ovules on its edge. 

Second Sub-Class. (Monocotyledons). — 

Fibro-vascular bundles scattered in the cellular tissue of the stem, closely packed 
near the circumference and more sparse near the centre. Pith, woed and bark not 
distinct, no continuous cambium layer aud no regular increase in thickness by the 
formation of concentric layers of new wood and bark. (Dracena and Cordyline 
abnormal.) Leaves on sheaths or broad-based petioles, the blade usually with 
longitudinal nerves and undivided transverse veins. Perianth, when present, stamens 
and usually carpels, in threes or multiples of 3. Embryo small, usually in copious 
endosperm, cotyledon one, remaining enclosed in the germinating seed. 

CXIV. Orcurpachm.—Parasites, epiphytes or climbers, often with stems or branches 
thickened to form pseudo-bulbs. iL. often bifarious, usually thick, strap shaped 
sometimes cylindric. Perianth irregular of 3 sepals, free or variously joined; sepal 


more or less alike, the two lateral sometimes united to forma mentum, or sac-or 
spur-like base; petals dissimilar, two lateral alike, the third called the lip, usually 
very differently shaped. Stamen usually 1, united with the style to form a column, 
which is sometimes produced into a rostellum, or beak, in front towards the lip; ovary 
inferior l-celled, usually twisted. Fr. a capsule with minute seeds. 

CXYV. Scraminace2®.—Caudex often woody with reed like stems. IL. usually 
membranous, with sheathing petioles. Fl. irregular usually spicate, calyx of 3 free 
sepals or connate into a toothed or spathelike tube, corolla tubular with a 3-partite 
limb, of which the segments are free or connate; stamens 6, of which 5 form petaloid 
staminodes, or 5 perfect and 1 imperfect; ovary usually 3-celled with many ovules. 
Fr, usually 3-valved capsule, or fleshy or membranous and indehiscent, 

CXVI. AmaryLimpacex%,—lIntroduced Plants. Leaves thick fleshy toothed and spiny 
crowded on the apex ofa short erect succulent stem; scape rising from the centre 
of the leaves, erect, often tall branching at the top into a thyrsiform panicle, flowers 
fascicled on the branches of the panicle, perianth tube short split into @ equal lobes, 
stamens 6 longer than the perianth, ovary 3-celled, ovules 2-seriate and numerous on 
the central angle of each cell; Fr. 3 valved capsule. 

CXVII. DroscorEacex.—Climbers, L. entire, lobed or digitately 3—4 foliolate, 
costate and reticulate, petiole often angular and twisted at the base, Fl. small in 
spikes racemes or panicles, 1 sexual, perianth 6 cleft, stamens 3, or 6 of which 3 some- 
times imperfect, and in a female flowers O. 3, or 6 staminodes; ovary 38-celled 
triquetrous, ovules 2 in each cell; fruit a berry or 3-valved capsule. 

CXVIII. RoxspurcHiacex.—Climbers. L. 3-9 costate, with parallel cross nervules, 
alternate opposite or whorled. Fl. few orsolitary axillary bisexual, perianth 2-seriately 
4-cleft, stamens 4, ovary 1-celled, ovules 2 or more in each cell, Fr. 2 valved capsule. 

CXIX. Littascex.—Perianth in 2 series, imbricate in bud, stamens mostly 6. Ovary 
3-celled, style 1, ovules attached to the inner angle of cells. 

CXX. FracGELLaRIace®.—Climbers, L. many nerved or plaited with sheathing 
petiole and tendrilled tip. Fl. small in terminal panicles, 2-sexual, sepals 6 subpetaloid 
persistent imbricate, stamens 6, ovary 3-celled with 1 ovule inexchcell cell, Fr. a 
drupe with succulent exocarp and bony 1-—2-seeded endo-carp. 

CXXI, Patwz.—Stem solid, usually unbranched, in most genera with a terminal 
crown of pinnately or palmately divided L., petiole broad-based, pinne or segments 
usually folded longitudinally. Inflorescence with large sheathing bracts, fl. unisexual 
or polygamous, calyx and corolla of 3 segments each. Carpels 8, usually united in 
a 3-celled ovary. Endosperm horny or oily. 

CXXII. CrctantHacex.—Introduced shrubs. L. distichous or spirally arranged, 
flabellate, petiolate. Fl. monccious in superposed cycles or spiral, alternately male 
and female, males consisting of distinct stamens, female of ovaries surrounded with 
scales, often grown together, with parietal placenta. Fr. berries often clustered and 
growing together along with the scales that surround them. 

COXXIII. Panpanacrex,—Stem solid, dividing into dickotomous branches, each 
branch with tuft of linear sheathing L. in tristichous spirals, eages and midrib usually 
spinous. Inflorescence clothed with leafy spathes, Fl. dicecious, small, crowded, perianth 
O. Fr. a syncarpium of numerous more or less obconical fruits, endosperm oily. 

CXXIV. Typnacex.—Reeds. L. linear erect spongy. Fl. small in very dense 
superposed cylindric spikes, unisexual with the males at the top, often intermixed 
with capillary bracteoles. Perianth of capillary hairs female 1—2-celled with one 
cvule in each cell. Fr. very minute with membranous epicasp. 

CXXV. ARAce#.—Mostly climbers. L. alternate. Fl. 1—2 sexual sessile on a spadix 
more or lessenclosed ina spathe, perianth O.or of scales, ovary sessile i—2-celled, 
ovules 1 or more in each cell, Fr. a berry. 

CXXVI. Graminex.—(Mostly bamboos). Stems above ground hollow jointed, 
branches usually fascicled at the nodes. L. linear or oblong, on long split sheaths. 
Fl. usually bisexual, in distichous spikelets, each fl. in the axil of a bract (glume) with 
an inner usually 2-nerved bract (palea). Stamens 3 or 6,in a few species many, 
usually supported by thin scales (lodicules). Seed 1, embryo with a large fleshy 
scutellum, and in most genera with a farinaceous endosperm. 

Third Class. “(Pteridophta). 

Plants without flowers, bearing antheridia or archegonia or both on minnte prothall 
in one stage of existence, and bearing small sporangia containing minute spores 
in an alternating stage. 

8-a . 


First Sub-Class. (Filices). 

Stock short or long, erect or creeping, often scaly ; fronds simple or variously, and 
often much, lobed, or cut, in bud usually circinate. Sporangia oue-celled, usually 
membranous and dorsal, surrounded by a complete or incomplete jointed elastic 
ring, the sporangia clustered in Sovi of defined but varied form, with or without a 
covering (indusiwm) ; spores minute, variable in form bat all of one kind. 

CXXVII. GuEIcHENIACE®,—Climbing Ferns; stem often dichotomously divided ; 
sori dorsal with usually 2—4 sporangia that are surrounded by a broad transverse 
complete ring, and open vertically ; indusium absert. 

CXXVIII. Potypopracr®,—Caudex erect or creeping; fronds herbaceous or 
coriaceous; sori dorsal or marginal, with many sporangia, included or not in a 
covering indusium, usually pedicelled, more or less completely surrounded by a jointed 
vertical elastic ring, and usually bursting transversely. 

CXXIX. Scuiz#ceu.—Climbing Ferns; fronds palmate or pinnate, veins free; 
sori lateral with 2-valved sporangia that are crowned by a complete opercular ring, and 
open down the sides. 

CXXX. Marartiacez.—Fronds very large bipinnate with basal fleshy stipulelike 
auricles, and thick texture, veins free or anastomosing ; scri marginal or dorsal; 
sporangia without any ring, opening by a slit down one side or by a pore at the apex, 
usually joined together in concrete synangia, sometimes only contiguous but discrete. 

Second Sub-Class. (Lycopodinae). 

Leaves small in proportion to the stem, not whorled, cften spirally alternate, 
circinate, with sporangia in their axils; spores sometimes all of one kind producing 
prothalli which are 2-sexual, at others cf two different kinds; macrosporangia and 
microsporangia both developing rudimentary prothalli, which remains attached to the 
spore ; those of the macrospores bearing archegonia, those of the microspores bearing 
antheridia with antherozoids. 

CXXXI. Lycopopiacr®.—Epiphytes; rootstock none or trailing, stems produced, 
erect or creeping, alternately dichotomously forked with a central bundle of vascular 
tissue; leaves small simple l-nerved, usually uniform and multifarious; vernation 
circinate. Sporangia axillary along the stem, or aggregated in terminal spikes in the 
axils of specialized bracts, uniform, compressed or turbinate, 1—3 valved, 1—3 celled 
spores uniform, globose, granulate, without eclaters, usually with 3 radiating lines from 
the apex, 







I, Plants bearing flowers with stamens or pistils or both ; pistils bearing 

ovules that may ultimately change into embryonate seeds :— .-- PHANEROGAMIA, 
(i) Pistils with a stigma ; ovules contained in an ovary composed of a carpel 
with cohering edges or of two or more cohering carpels :— ... ANGIOSPERMEX. 

(1) First leaves of embryo two and opposite; framework of leaves 
usually of netted veins; perianth usually 4-merous or, more often, 5-merous; 
wocdy substance of stems usually in rings of bundles round a central pith :— 

(A) Corolla usually and calyx almost always present; flowers gen- 
erally hermaphrodite :-— 
(a) Segments of corolla almost always free, frequently some or all 
of them absent; stamens often indefinite :-— 

(a) Stamens hypogynons arising apart from calyx direct from the 
receptacle or from a disk that crowns the pedicel; seg- 
ments of calyx usually free:— | = THALAMIFLORY, 

(8) Stamans epigynous or perigynous arising from calyx or from 
a disk lining its tube; segments of calyx usually united :-— 

(b) Segments of corolla almost always, and of calyx very often, 
coherent, corolla rarely absent; stamens almost always 
definite, usually adherent to corolla, sometimes hypogynous, 
rarely epigynous ; ovary inferior, or if ee the carpels 

not more than 3 :— ... COROLLIFLOR#, 
(B) Corolla almost always and calyx often absent ; flowers generally 
l-sexual:— ... ae ons vee aes .. INCOMPLETZ. 

(2) First leaves of embryo Peo or alternate ; framework of leaves of 
parallel-longitudinal, or less often parallel-divergent, rarely netted, veins; 
perianth usually 3-merous; woody substance of the stem in isolated 
bundles :— a MONOCOTYLEDONES, 

(ii) Pistils without a stigma ; ovules borne on an ovary composed of an 
open carpel; perianth almost always absent ; first leaves of embryo two and 
opposite or more than two and whorled ; woody substance of stem in rings of 
bundles round a central pith:— _ ... ae soa GYMNOSPERMA. 
If. Plants without flowers, bearing antheridia or : archogonia or both on 
minute prothalli in one stage of existence, and bearing small sporangia con- 

taining minute spores in an alternating stage :— +. PTERIDOPHYTA, 
(i) Leaves large in proportion to stem, the fertile ones “not confined toa 
particular region :— 
(1) Leaves bearing sporangia on their lower surfaces:— _... «. FILices, 
(2) Leaves bearing sporangia on their upper surfaces :— ... RHIZOCARPER, 

> : 



(ii) Leaves small in proportion to stem, the fertile ones almost always 
confined to a particular region :— 
(1) Leaves not in whorls, the fertile ones flat with sporangia in their 
axils :— Lis — as see ae +. LYCOPODINER. 
(2) Leaves in whorls, the fertile ones peltate forming a spike at the apex 
of the stem bearing sporangia on their inner faces :— ... HQUI8ETINER, 


PHANEROGAMIA.—Exceptions mainly teratological; certain flowers may acci- 
dentally (Sterculia, Triumfetta, etc. ) have pistil, less often stamens, or constantly 
(Green Kose of gardens) both these whorls replaced by leafy organs; garden double 
flowers may have no proper stamens, these being replaced by petals; certain fruits 
(Musa, etc. :) may have no pips owing to ovules not developing into seeds. 

ANGIOSPERM A).—Carpels open and young seeds naked from an early stage in 
some species (Sterculia colorata, etc.), but stigma present and carpels closed prior to 
fertilization. Partial orcomplete absence of perianth is noted under the various sub- 

DICOTYLEDONES.—Parallel divergent veins in the leaves of some GUTTIFER®, 
Myrtace®, and Urticace®, but without 3-mery of perianth. The 3-merous Dicoty- 
ledons are met with in MAGNoLIACEm, ANONACE®, MENISPERMACES, distinguished from 
Monocotyledons with reticulate leaves by having 9 perianth lobes instead of 6, or if 
only 6 (ANONACE” sometimes) by having carpels free; also in some HUPHORBIACEX 
which have only 3 perianth lobes instead of 6; in Amoora (MrtiacE), Sonerila (Mr- 
LASTOMACE®), Maba (EBENACE#), and a few other genera which have all characteristics 
which distinguish them from the recticulated leaved monocotyledons (Dioscorea and 

TEA LAMIFLORZE,_Potale more or less united at the base in TERNSTR@MIACED 

CALYCIFUOR Ai.—UCalyx tube very short or sepals free in some LEGUMINOS®, RosA- 
cEm, SaAMyDACEm; Petals absent sometimes in those orders and in CoMBRETACEA, 

COROLLIFLORA).—Coroila may be absent in Olea (OLEACE) ; petals may be free 
in Olea (OLEACEX), 

Azima (SALVADORACE#), STYRACEZ; stamens are indefinite in STYRACE#, and some- 
times HBENACE. 

INCOMPLETA.—Petals occasionally present in: EUPHORBIACEZ; perianth 
similarly 2-seriate in some LavracE®#; calyx and Corolla distinct in Loranthus, 
[ Note.—This sub-divisions eems to be a relic of the artificial system still retained in the 
natural system, Myristicacrm is undoubtedly much nearer to ANoNACER, and 
SANTALACE® and LORANTHACEX® to OLACACE# than to some of their companions in 
INCOMPLETH ; PLATANACE®% approaches HAMAMELIDACEZ; ULMACK# is probably near 
TILIACE® ; and doubtless most other orders could be placed in the other sub-divisions 
in a similar fashion. | 

GY MNOSPERM Ai.—Imperfect perianth occurs in the flowers of Gnetum. 

PTERIDOPHYTA.—In Lycopdium the fertile organs are aggregated in a conical 
mass simulating an inflorescence. In certain Fruices also (e.g., Acrostichum) the 
limitation of sporangia to definite fronds gives rise to a similar appearance. 

Key to orders. 
(Note.—The Synopsis shows the connections, the Key the differences.) 


(I) Sepals usually imbricated in bud; if valvate (RANUNCULACE®) then with 
sepals free, leaves opposite, stamens many, and fruitlets separate; or (SAPIN- 
packm, Nephelium) with leaves compound paripinnate, and seeds arillate :— 

(i) Sepals usually free; if united below (SapinDAcE®, Schleichera, 
Nephelium) with compound alternate paripinnate leaves, or (SAPINDACER, 
Turpinia) with compound opposite imparipinnate ones :— 

(1) Stamens indefinite (more than 12); if definite (CAPPARIDACE#, one 
Capparis 3) then with 4 sepals, 4 petals and a berried fruit on a long gynophore ; 



or (TERNSTRaMIACER, Eurya sometimes) attached to base of petals; (Bixacex, 
Hydnocarpus), then trees with dicecious flowers and broad serrate leaves :— 

(A) Sepals 3 or fewer, deciduous; Petals more or loss resembling 
Sepals in 2-many more or less distinctly ternate whorls ; 
carpels many in 1 or more whorls; trees and shrubs with 
alternate leaves :— or soe tee - ITI—Magnonicer 

(B) Sepals 4 or more; if 2--3 (Gurtirer™, Ochrocarpus) then trees 
with opposite or ternate leathery leaves and resinous juice :— 

(a) Petals few, usually 4 or 5, rarely 8--12 or 10, or 12—16 (Bixacex, 
Asteriastigma) in one (rarely two) whorls; if many (Ranun- 
CULACEM, Navavelia) then like staminodes in terrestrial] 
climbers with opposite cirrhiferous leaves; if in a continuous 
spiral with sepals and bracts (TeRNaTR@MIAcE®, Camellia) 
then in terrestial shrubs :— 

(a) Sepals deciduous :— 
(*) Carpels when ripe usually quitefree:— .,, I—RanunouLacem. 
(**) Carpels coherent into a l-locular ovary with parietal or 
(BrxacE&, sometimes) intruded placentze :— 
(+) Fruit either a 2-valved sessile, or stipitate capsule with 
marginal placentz or a berry separated from the torus 
by a long gynophore ; floral organs 4-merous ; embryo 
small at the base of the albumen:— ... VII—Capparmacrm. 
(++) Fruit either fleshy and sessile, or a capsule with median 
* placentae ; sepals 4-6, petals often O, or 4—6, rarely 
(Asteriastigma) 12—16, embryo considerable near the 
middle of the albumen :— ues see .. X—BIXAcEsx 
(8) Sepals persistent : — 
(*) Leaves alternate :— 
(+) Stamens quite free from petals :— 
(§) Pistil of 1-many carpels more than one ovuled, distinct 
or cohering in the axis of the flowers ; styles quite 
free throughout, terminal or subdorsal; disk none: 
fruit of 1 or more distinct follicles or baccate by the 
accrescence of the enclosing calyx :— ,..  II—Dinueniacem, 
(§§) Pistil deeply lobed, lobes oblique, embedded in an 
acerescent disk, loculi l-ovuled; styles connate 
central ; fruit of 3—10 drupes seated on broad disk, 
each one seeded :— “> .. XXXITI—Ocrnacem. 
(§§§) Pistil of 3, 5, or 10 carpels forming a J-locular ovary, 
crowned by a single style; fruit capsular 5-or 10- 

celled, or imperfectly 3-celled :— .» IX--Cistacum, 
(tt) Stamens attached to the bases of, and deciduous with, 
the petals :— =A ae X VI—TrrnstReMIAce®, 

(**) Leaves opposite :— 
(+) Flowers almost always 1-sexual or polygamous and 4- 
merous, if 5-merous then with resinous juice; leaves 

coriaceous not gland-dotted:— ... se XV—GUTTIFERR, 
(+t) Flowers hermaphrodite, 5-merous; leaves herbaceous 
gland-dotted :— ... af bide -.» KIV—Hypsricaces 

(2) Stamens definite, 10 or fewer :-— 

(A) Flowers usually 3-merous, if 2-merous (some MrnisperMacr#) 
then 1-sexual; carpels free or solitary; stamens 6 free equal 
opposite the petals ; leaves alternate :-— 

(a) Flowers minute, 1-sexual ; scandent (Cocculus, 1 erect) shrubs ; 

carpels 3, seeds usually reniform :— ... .. V—MENISPERMACES. 
(b) Flowers hermaphrodite ; erect shrubs ; carpel solitary; anthers 
dehiscing by two valves :— 4 -. VI—BERBERIDACES, 

(B) Flowers 4-5 merous ; pétals usually 5 (sometimes 4) ; perfect 
stamens as many, or twice as many, as petals oy sepals (except 
all PoLYGALACEm and some SAPINDACE®, where anisomerous) :— 
(a) Ovary 1-celled ; stamens and petals isomerous :— 
(a) Placentas 3 parietal ; sepals usually persistent; stamens as 
many as petals; petals often irregu, r; leaves alternate 
(rarely opposite):— .. oe va ae VII—Vi0Lacex 



(6) Piacentas 2—5 parietal, or intruded to the axis; stamens as 

many as petals; petals regular ; leaves alternate or subverti- 

cillate :— XI—PITTOsPORACEX, 

(vy) Placentas free central ; stamens usually twice as many as 

petals ; petals reguler, slightly connate below, or O ; leaves 

scale-like, minute, alternate :— ... es XITI—TAMARtscacem, 

(6) Placenta basal with 1 erect, or laterally fixed, ovule ; styles 3 ; 

stamens usually twice as many as petals; petals ‘contorted, 

slightly connate below ; leaves terminally ‘tufted, alternate ; 

branches hooked, cirrhose : i— .. X&XIJ—ANciIstTROoc LADACER. 

(b) Ovary 2-or more-celled; or, if 1-celled (PoLYGALAcEA, 

Xanthophyllum), then the flower not isomerous ; seed 1 (iess 
often 2) to each cell of fruit, and either erect or pendulous; if 
more than 2 and attached to inner angle of cells (GERANIACEA, 
Averrhoa, Impatiens), then either with regular flowers and 
alternate pinnate leaves, or with opposite or alternate simple 
leaves and irregular flowers :— 

(a) Seeds pendulous :— 

(*) Flowers usually anisomerous (sepals 5, stamens 8) ; filaments 
cormate in a sheath usually adnate to petals; sepals and 
petals generally irregular; ovary 1—2-locular; leaves 
simple alternate ; Deer iia) sat XII—PoLyGaLaces, 

(**) Flowers isomerous ; disk usually present :— 

(+) Leaves compound opposite ; stamens quite free, 10, or 

(Peganum) 12—15 :-- 20 ... XXIV—ZyYGorHYLLACE”. 

(+t) Leaves simple, or, if compound, alternate ; stamens more 
or less united :— 

(§) Ovules in each carpel 2, collateral; cells of fruit, if 
capsular, 2 chambered, each chamber 1-zeeded ; leaves 
always alternate simple; stamens always 5; petals and 
sepals always regular :— ... 500 ... AMXITI—LInNAcEs, 

(§§) Ovules in each carpel more than 2; stamens either 10 
with regular perianth and compound alternate leaves, 
or 5 with irregular perianth, connate anthers, and 
simple alternate or opposite leaves :— XXV--GERANIACE%, 

(8) Seeds erect; flowers isomerous or anisomerous : ieaves usually 
alternate paripinnate, rarely simple or digitately compound, 

more rarely opposite and odd pinnate ; seed often arillate :-— 

[Note.—Sir D. Brandis separates this into three distinct orders, as below : } 

(*) Leaves opposite, stipulate, 3-foliate or imparipinnate, leaflets 
stipellate ; flowers regular, 2-sexual 5-merous ; stamens 5, 
inserted outside the disk ; ovary 3-celled, ovules 2—-or more 
in each cell, embryo straight in fleshy albumen :— 


(**) Leaves opposite, exstipulate ; flowers regular polygamous ; = 
disk generally annular ; stamens inserted or upon (rarely in 
side) the disk ; filaments free, as a rule glabrous ; ovary of 
2 carpels 2-celled, 2-lobed ; fruiting carpels winged 
albumen O :— af XXXVIII-B—AcErRscex, 

(***) Leaves alternate, simple or pinnate (except Asculus, oppo- 

site digitate) ; flowers regular or zygomorphic, generally 
polygamous ; sepals (or calyx) small, cupshaped, campa- 
nulate or tubular in A/sculus) ; petals usually 4, generally 
with scales or tufts of hair: stamens inserted between 
disk and ovary ; filaments generally hairy ; disk frequently 
unilateral (inconspicuous in Dodonewa); ovary usually of 
3 carpels, 3-celled, often 3-lobed, albumen O, embryo as 
arule curved :— ... aa we XXXVITI-C—Sapinpacem. 

(ii) Sepals more or less united at the base :-— 
(1) Stamens indefinite, (rarely 10}; calyx-lobes 5, often enlazged in 
fruit ; petals 5, contorted; leaves alternate, stipulate, simple, not gland- dotted ; 
trees with resinous sap :— ... aa 335 + ft XVIII—DiprerocarPAaces. 



(2) Stamens definite, 12 or fewer, or if indefinite (Ruraces, Citrus, 
Mle) then the leaves gland-dotted :— 
(A) Leaves pellucidly gland-dotted and aromatic, simple or compound, 
opposite or alternate ; calyx lobes and petals 4—5, latter often 
valvate ; stamens inserted outside prominent disk :— 
(B) Leaves not gland-dotted :— 
(a) Leaves opposite, simple ; calyx-lobes and petals 5 ; stamens 10 ; 
disk obscure ; ovary 3-celled, cells 1-ovuled :— 
(b) Leaves alternate ; if opposite (CeLasTRACE®, severnl species), 
the disk large, or (AQUIFOLIACE®, Curtisia), the flowers 4- 
merous :— 
(a) Carpels syncarpous septate, or apocarpous ; ovules few, pendu- 
lous, erect, or ascending :— 
(*) Stamens alternate with the petals :— 
(¥) Ovules and seeds pendulous :— 
(§) Leaves compound, often bitter; or if simple (SIMARUBACE4, 
Samadera, Suriana), then fruit of 1—5 apocarpous 
drupes, or (MELIAcEx, Turrea, Beddomea), then filaments 
united in a tube :— 
(|) Filaments free; fruit of 1--5 apocarpous samaras or 
drupes ; leaflets opposite :— we XX VII—SIMARUBACE®. 
Cif) Filaments united ina tube, if free (Walsura Cedrela, 
Chlorozylon), then fruit a tomentose berry or cap- 
sule :— Ar a see act we. XX X—MELIACES.- 
(§§) Leaves simple :— 
(||) Petals 2-lobed, imbricate; raphe of seed ventral :— 
(\\\!) Petals entire ; raphe of seed dorsal: fruit a drupe :— 
t) Petals usually valvate ; fruit 1-celled, 1-seeded :— 
(ff) Petals imbricate ; fruit of 3—5 one seeded pyrenes :— 
(+t) Ovules and seeds erect or ascending :— 

(§) Ovary 8—5-locular ; leaves simple :— XXX V-—-CELASTRACEX. 
(§§) Ovary 1-locular with leaves simple cr compound, or 2--5 
locular with leaves compound :— --. XML—ANACARD) ACER. 

(*#*) Stamens opposite the petals :— 
(+) Leaves simple, exstipulate; ovary 1-celled, or-3—5-celled at 
base only ; calyx small or O ; petals valvate :—XXXII— Onacace#. 
(tt) Leaves simple or compound. stipules large caducous ; 
ovary 2--6-celled; calyx small, entire or 4—5-lobed ; petals 
valvate :— see oes ice ... XXXVII—AMPELIDACES. 
(ttt) Leaves simple or compound, exstipulate; ovary 2—3- 
celled; calyx 4—5 partite, imbricate; petals imbri- 
cate :— { ae aaa Jes wee =X XXIX—SABIACES. 
(8) Carpels syncarpous, l-locular, placenta 3-parietal with numerous 
ovules ; disk large lining the calyx tube; flowers irregular; 
calyx segments, petals, stamens, staminodes, each 5 latter 
5—7 ; leaves bi- or tri-pinnate with jointed pinnas and folioles :— 
(11) Sepals valvate in bud; if imbricate, or subimbricate, then always with 
valvate petals, and either (ANONACE#, Polyalthia sometimes) with 3-merous 2- 
sexual flowers, or TILIAceE®, Elwocarpus sometimes) with anthers dehiscing 
transversely, or (BURSERACE, Bursera) with balsaminous sap :-— 

(i) Sepals free ; flowers 3-merous ; stamens free, indefinite; ripe carpels free, 
rarely (Anona) conjoined :— ae sce a eee eS .» ILV—ANONACEZ. 
(ii) Sepals united below; if free (T1L1acEm, Grewia, Triwmfetta), then 

flowers not 3-merous flowers 4—5-merous :— 
(1) Stamens monadelphous :— 
(A) Stamens indefinite (Eriodendron 5—7 only) in a column around the 
style with only short free filaments towards the apex, or dividing 
upwards into phalanges opposite the petals ; ultimate filaments 



with anthers l-locular (2-locular in Eriodendron) and in inner 
series of filamentsin Bombaa, then with compound digitate leaves 
and with petals; staminal column adnate at base to contorted 
corolia lobes ; often an epicalyx of bracts below the calyx; leaves 
simple Bee oasis Eriodendron, Bombaz, all digi- 
tate) :- be <.. STXee ALVACER, 
(B) Seanenel definite, or sub- definite, in a column or cup aropnd the 
style, with mouth of tuhe nanally with 5-sterile projections oppo- 
site the petals, the intervening sinuses bearing 1--5 bilocular 
anthers ; sometimes ( Eriolena ) in a column around the style 
with short free filaments from the middle upwards, then with 
anthers bilocular ; leaves simple, sometimes compound-digitate, 
and then with no petals :— : ce ... X&X--STERCULIACES, 
(2) Stamens free, or (TILIAcz# rarely) filaments slightly connate ina 
ring or shortly 3—5 adelphous at the base; anthers 2-locular :— 
(A) Stamens indefinite, or if subdefinite (Triumfetta, Corchorus) then 
twice as many as petals; leaves always simple; entire or lobed :— 
(B) Stamens always definite :— 

(a) Stamens twice as many, rarely only as many, as petals’; if iso- 
merous, then alternate with petals and quite free ; leaves com- 
peed rates hk or 3-foliate; trees with balsaminous 
sap! Soe ... XXIX—BURSERACEX, 

(b) Ae as many as, ‘and always “opposite, the petals, which are 
usually hooded over the anthers, and are adnate to the fila- 
ments at their insertion ; leaves always simple :— 


(I) Stems woody ; leaves distinct :— 
(i) Ovary apocarpous with 1 or more carpel, or syncarpous with several 
completely closed loculi :— 
(1) Ovules arising from the inner angles or from bases of carpels or 
loculi : — 

(A) Carpels solitary, excentric, style terminal; ovules many or few 
arising from inner angle of carpel ; flowers irregular with 
definite, often diadelphous, stamens, or regular with generally 
indefinite stamens; calyx with odd sepal nearest the axis; 
leaves almost always stipulate :— ia .. XLII—Lerevuminosz, 

(a) Corolla papilionaceons ; petals irregular, imbricated, the upper- 
most (vexillum or standard) outermost, the four others in 
opposite pairs (lateral, ale or wings ; lowest carina or keel) ; 
stamens definite; leaves simple, trifoliate, pele or imparipin- 
nate :— “od LIII-A—PapiLionEz. 
(b) Corolla slightly “irregular ; petals slightly ee imbricate, 
upper innermost in bud; stamens definite ; leaves bipinnate 
or pinnate, if simple (Bauhinia) then deeply bilobed at 

apex :— .. MUIII-B—Cxsatpiniez, 
(c) Corolla regular ; petals valyate generally united above the 
base ; stamens definite or indefinite : — ... XLUITI-C—Minmosex, 

(B) Carpels several ; or if solitary either (RosacE®. sometimes) with 
style not terminal and with odd sepal remote from axis, or 
(ConNNARACEZ, sometimes) with ovules basilar and with exstipu- 
late leaves , flowers hermaphrodite : — 
(a) Carpels free, or if ultimately united, with styles distinct :— 
(a) Stamens indefinite ; leaves stipulate; carpels many free or 
often ultimately united, not seldom carpel 1; ovules 
usually 2 from inner angle of cell; style not terminal ; odd 
sepal remote from axis :— Mer .. XLIV—Rosacez. 
(8) Stamens definite: leaves not stipulate : — 
(*) Carpels quite free; ovules 2 arising from base of the car- 
pels which are often fewer in number than lobes of 
calyx ; fruits follicular :— w+ XLII—CoNNARACER. 
(**) Carpels with free styles, but elsewhere united; fruit cap- 
sular, rarely (R1IBES) a berry :— 



(+) Leaves opposite or if alternate, flowers not in heads; 
seeds many fertile :— “aa ... &LV—SAXIFRAGACE*. 
(tt) Leaves alternate; flowers in heads of 8—20 connate by 
their calyces; seeds 6 in each cell, lowest only 
fertile and winged (Bucklandia) :—KLV1—HAMAMELIDACE® 
(b) Carpels and styles united throughout; leaves exstipulate :— 
(a) Calyx lobes imbricate :— 

(*) Stamens indefinite; petals imbricate; anthers 
opening by slits; leaves usually opposite and 
gland-dotted, but not always:— XLIX—Myrrace#. 

(**) Stamens definite; petals valvate; anthers open- 

ing usually by pores; leaves opposite, not 
dotted, usually 3—5 nerved at base :— 
(B) Calyx lobes valvate: stamens definite, rarely indefinite :— 

(*) Ovary free from calyx-tube, if adnate thereto 

(Punica) then stamens indefinite; petals usually 

corrugated :— = : ... LI—LyTHRACEA. 
(**) Ovary adnate, or semi-adnate, to calyx-tube with 
stamens definite :— At .. LII—OnasGRACE, 

(2) Ovules suspended from apices of carpels or loculi, ard always few ; 
ovaties almost always inferior, usually more than 1-locular :— 

(A) Ovoles more than one in each loculus, the flowers hermaphro- 
dite; or if ovules in each cell solitary, the flowers 1-sexzual 
(ComBRETACES [HeRNANDIACEX, Brandis} Gyrocarpus); styles 
united :— 

(a) Ovary 2—6 locular; leaves opposite; maritime species (except 
Carallia, Wethea and Blepharistemma) :— XLVII—RHIZOPHORACES. 

(b) Ovary 1-locular; leaves opposite or alternate; inland species 
(except Luwmmnitzera):— ... aoa ... SMLVIII—ComBRETACE. 

(B) Ovules 1 in each loculus ; flowers hermaphrodite :— 

(a) Flowers in axillary cymes or fascicles; fruit drupaceous with 
1—2 celled stone; leaves exstipulate, nearly entire :—LK—CoRNACEx. 

(b) Flowers in umbels; leaves stipulate, almost always alternate :— 

(a) Fruit somewhat fleshy ; carpels generally more than 2, never 
separating spontaneously, and without glandular vitte; 
leaves almost always compound, or if simple usually 
deeply lobed :— a. aoc x ... LIX—ARALIACE#. 

(B) Fruit dry ; carpels 2 separating spontaneously, usually with 
glandular vitte containing an essential oil :— 

(ii) Ovary synearpous 1-locular with 3-4 parietal placentas with many 
ovules, usually free from calyx-tube, occasionally half-inferior (SamMyDacE4, 
Homalium) or inferior (DAtiIscace®) ; styles usually distinct, sometimes more or 
less united (SamypacE#, Casearia, and PassiFLoRACEz; lobes of calyx, petals, 
and stamens definite; flowers regular :— 
(1) Flowers hermaphrodite, or if 1-sexual (PassIFLoRACE®, Carica) with 

ovary superior :— 

(A) Flowers with a distinct corona between petals and stamens ; 
tendrilled climbers or (Carica) trees with 1-sexual flowers and 
superior ovary ; styles united at least below :— LVY—PassIFLoRACE®. 

(B) Flowers without distinct corona between petals and stamens :— 

(a) Sepals and petals dissimilar ; styles altogether free ; shrubs :— 
(b) Sepals and petals subsimilar; styles united at base or free ; 
trees:— bad Sa aa iad ... LITl—Samypacez, 
(2) Flowers 1-sexual or polygamous, with ovary inferior; segments of 
perinth minute; styles distinct, often 2 partite; leaves alternate, exstipulate :— 
LV I—Dartiscacez. 
(II) Stems fleshy, often flat and leaf-like, articulate, and leaves minute or 
reduced to spines, or if with woody stems and fleshy leaves (Pereskia), then 
with spines on the stem; flowers hermaphrodite, usually large ; calyx adnate to 
the ovary; lobes of calyx, petals, and stamens numerous; styles radiating at 
tip, united below ; ovary syncarpous, l-locular with parietal placentas :— 



J. Ovary inferior ; stamens equal in number to (rarely fewer than), and 
always alternate with, the lobes of the corolla; flowers regular, or less often 
irregular ; fruit never 2 elongated follicles :— 

(i) Stamens attached to corolla, equal in number with its lobes :— 
(1) Anthers free; ovary 2 many-locular, chambers 1 many-ovuled ; 
leaves opposite ; seeds usually with copious albumen; calyx-limb toothed, lobed 
or partite :— 
(A) Leaves without stipules, or if present lateral:— LXI—CaprirouiacE”®, 
(B) Leaves with stipules, inter-or intra-petiolar, or leaf-like and 
whorled with the leaves ; flowers sometimes in heads without 
involucres:—  ... nda Gor ase .. LXII—-Rupracem, 
(2) Anthers connate, syngenesious; ovary 1 locular, 1 ovuled; seeds 
without albumen ; calyx-limb reduced to a pappus or obsolete; flowers usually 
in heads surrounded by an inyolucre ; leaves usually alternate :— LXIII—Composir#. 
(ii) Stamens free from the corolla which is often split dorsally to the base ; 
ovary 2—10-locular, chambers usually many-ovuled ; stamens 5, as many as the 
equal or unequal corolla lobes, the filaments free from the style :—- 
(1) Ovary with 2—5 (rarely 6—10) placentas or loculi, ovules many; 
juice usually milky :— 06 oe: ses 500 566 
(2) Ovary 1—2 celled, style simple with a cupshaped indusium including 
the stigmas ovules 2 (Scxvola) erect :— ... co0 ifs «© LXIVY—GoopENIACER. 

(II) Ovary superior, or if inferior (ERIcacex Styrace%, sometimes), then 
with stamens more numerous than the corolla lobes, or if inferior and with 
stamens only as many as corolla lobes, then cither (MyRsINACEZ, Mxsa) with 
stamens opposite corolla lobes, »9r (APoCYNACE®, sometimes) with stamens alter- 
nate with corolla lobes and with 2 carpels and a fruit of 2 elongated follicles :—- 

(i) Ovary 1 locular with free central placenta; stamens (except Plumbago) 
epipetalous, equal in number and opposite, to the corolla lobes :— 
(1) Ovary 1-ovuled, styles or style branches 5 :— LX VII—PLUMBAGINACER, 
(2) Ovary 2 many-ovuled, style undivided ; fruit indehiscent :— 
(ii) Ovary 2-many-(rarely 1-) locular, placentas axial, or less often parie- 
tal, never free central :— 
(1) Stamens free from the corolla, and usually more numerous than the 
lobes :— 
(A) Flowers hermaphrodite ; ovary superior, half inferior or inferior ; 
stamens twice as many as corolla lobes; styles simple; ovules 
many in each chamber :— ... ac ae ... LXVI—ERICACEA, 

(B) Flowers dicecious; ovary superior; stamens equal to and opposite, 
or twice as many as corolla lobes, or many; styles 2--8; ovules 
always twice as many as styles, either 2 in each undivided 
loculus, or 1 in each compartment of the sub-divided loculi :— 

(2) Stamens attached to corolla :— 

(A) Ovary 3 or more carpelled, or if 2-carpelied (SapoTace™, some- 
times), then with stamens either equal to and opposite, or more 
numerous than, corolla lobes; flower hermaphrodite; style 
simple :— 

(a) Ovary superior, ovary 1 in each chamber ; jnice milky :— 

(b) Ovary inferior, or } inferior, or at least partially attached to 

the calyx tube, ovules 2 or more in each chamber :— 

(B) Ovary 2-carpelled, or if 3--5 carpelled (PornMontace®, and both 
CoNVOLVULACE® and VERBENACE® sometimes) then with sta- 
mens either equal to and alternate with, or fewer than, the 
corolla lobes :-— 

(a) Corolla regular, (rarely slightly oblique) ; stamens as many as, 
and alternate with, corolla lobes, or if stamens fewer than 
corolla lobes and corolla regular (OLBACEm), then stamens 
alternate with carpels :— 

(a) Leaves opposite, or if alternate (APoCYNACEA; Thevetiu, Cer- 
bera, Plumeria, and AsCLEPIADACE®, Uttleria), then plants 




with milky or coloured juice, and either with a hairy ring 
of scales hiding the stamens (Thevetia, Cerbera, Plumeria), 
or a small ring of scales opposite and close to the stamens 

(*} Stamens 2, alternate with the carpels ; corolla lobes 4—-5 or 
more, imbricate ur valvate ; ovary 2-locular, each cham- 
ber 2-(rarely L-, or 4-) ovaled ; leaves exstipulate :— 


(**) Stamens 4 or more, alternate with the corolla lobes :— 

(+) Corolla lobes or free petals, and stamens, 4, segments of 
corolla imbricate; ovary l-locular and l-ovuled, or 2- 
locular with each chamber 2-ovuled ; rudimentary sti- 
pules (sometimes as thorns) usually present :— 

(+t) Corolla lobes or free petals 5 (rareiy many), or if 4 (LoGanrace#, 
sometimes), then the chambers of the 2-(rarely 1-) locular 
ovary many-ovuled :— 

(§) Carpels free with only the styles united, or if carpels united 
(APOCYNACE®, sometimes), then the corolla with lobes con- 
torted and twisted to the left; style more or less enlarged 
towards the top with the stigmatic surface below the 
tip; stamens and corolla lobes always 5; juice milky or 
coloured :— 

({\) Pollengranular; stigma annular, or interrupted below the 
smooth non-stigmatic, entire or 2-fid, tip of style; fruit 
baccate or drupaceous, or of 2 free (rarely united) folli- 
cles; ovules usually many (sometimes 1—6) in each 
chamber ; stipules O (rarely interpetiolar glands or hori- 
zontal lines):— ... a aE LXXIV—ApocyNnacE®. 

(|||) Pollen aggregated in solitary or paired masses (pollinia) 
in each another cell; apex of style flattened into a 
plane or beaked disk with stigmatic border bearing 5 
glands (corpuscles) to which the pollinia are attached 
in pairs or in fours; stipules always O; fruit usually 
of 2 free’follicles:— ... a ... LXXV—AscLePIADACE®. 

(§§) Carpels as well as the style always united, stigma terminal ; 

corolla lobes imbricate or valvate, or if contorted (Fagrea), 

then twisted to the right and corolla long tubular; corolla- 

lobes and stamens 4—-5; leaves joined at their bases by 

interpetiolar stipules or raisedjhorizontal stipulary lines :— 

(Rf) Leaves alternate or if opposite (PoLEMoNIACEx, sometimes), 

then the pistil 3-merous; carpels never free; stamens never 

hidden by a ring of scales :— 

(*) Carpels 3, and ovary 3-locular; styles simple, shortly 3-fid ; 
corolla lobes contorted ; ovules in each loculus few, attached 
to inner angle of each loculus ; capsule loculicidally dehis- 
cent:— ... — ... ane sae .. LXXVII—PoLemoniacez. 

(**) Carpels 2, or if 3—5 (CoNvOLYULACEX, sometimes) then with 
corolla plicate and ovulesin each loculus 1—4 erect from 
the base of the loculus :— : 

{t) Ovules in each carpel numerons, and ovary 2-locular; corolla 
lobes plicate, or if (rarely) imbricate, then the style 
entire :— “ec aad “rr sae zs LXXX—SoLANACE. 

(++) Ovules in each carpel 2 (less often 1, rarely 4) :— 

(§) Corolla lobes imbricate or contorted ; ovary 2-locular, loculi 
2-ovuled (or spuriously 4-locular with 1 oynle in each 
loculus) ; fruit of two 1—2 seeded pyrenes or four 1-seeded 
nutlets indehiscent) ; embryo with radicle superior :— 


(§§) Corolla lobes plicate, rarely (Cressa, Cuscuta) imbricate, and 
then fruit a valvular or circumscissile capsule; ovary 2- 
(rarely 3—5-) locular; fruit usually dehiscent, (except 



Erycibe, Rivea, Arggreia, Lettsomta, and then with radicle 
inferior ; seeds erect ; juice often, but not copiously, milky: 
rarely (Cuscuta) parasitic :— ... LXXIX—ConvoLvULACE®, 
(b) Corolla irregular or at least somewhat oblique, its lobes overlap- 
ping; uppermost stamen, if present smaller than the others, 
often reduced to an antherless staminode or altogether absent; 
if corolla regular with 1—2 ovules in each ovary and fruit in 
dehiscent (VERBENACEX, sometimes), then with radicle in- 

(a) Carpels 2-or more-, usually many-, ovuled, but if only 2 then the 
ovules superposed, or if ovules 2 and collateral (ACANTHACER, 
Thunbergia only), then the fruit a 2-valyed capsule opening 
elastically from the tip :—- 

(*) Ovary 2-locular, or if 1-loculary (BIGNONIACE%, sometimes), then 
the seeds large and closely packed in the substance of the 
much accrescent parietal placentas :— 

(+) Fruit opening elastically from the apex by 2 loculicidal valves ; 
seeds supported on @ retinaculum (upcurved subacute sup- 

port) : leaves opposite :—... ae .. LXXXITI—AcantTHACER. 
({t) Fruit dehiscent but not opening elastically (rarelly indehis- 
cent) :— 

(§) Seeds large transverse, usually with a broad membranous 
wing, With horizontal embryo and no albumen, radicle 
centrifugal; fruit capsular, or indehiscent and filled with 
fleshy or spongy pulp; leaves opposite or fascicled ; mostly 
corapound : — ec not Bee LXXXII—BIGNONIACER, 

(§§) Seeds small or minute, almost always albuminous; ovary 2- 
locular, placentas attached to middle of septum ; leaves simple 
mostly alternate:— ... oe .. LXXXI—ScRoPHULARIACE®, 

(8) Carpels 1-(rarely 2-) ovaled, if 2-ovuled the ovules coliateral and 
not superposed, and chambers of fruit always 1-seeded aud in- 
dehiscent :— 

(*) Leaves opposite ; radicle inferior :— 

(+) Fruit not 4-lobed, or, if 4-lobed, drupaceous ; if separating into 
nutlets the ovary entire :— ee ... LUXXXV—VERBENACER. 

(tt) Fruit separating into 4 distinct nntlets or (less often) drupes, 
rarely 4-lobed and not separating, then not drupaceons ; 

ovary always 4-lobed :— nec xe .. UXXXVI—LasratTZ. 
(**) Leaves alternate ; fruit drupaceous succulent; radicle 
superior :— at: oes ie ... UXXXIV—MYoPoRACER, 

(I) Flowers hermaphrodite, less often (sometimes in the 3 following 
orders) 1-sexual, then (LAURACE®) the perianth-lobes 2-seriate and anthers 
opening by valves upwards, or (HtaaGNace®) the perianth fleshy and 
partly adherent to the ovary and the stamens either alternate with, or twice as 
many as, its lobes, or (LORANTHACE &, Viscum) the ovule not clearly distin- 
gaishable from the carpellary tissue and the seed without a testa; perianth 
almost always present and usually single, if double (LoRANTHACE®, some- 
times) the outer whorl very small, the seed with no testa, and the stamens 
opposite the lobes of the inner perianth :— 

(i) Ovary inferior ; seeds with copious albumen :— 

(1) Ovary syncarpous, completely or partially 6-(rarely 4-5-) locular, 
ovnles many superposed either 2-seriately in each loculus, or 1-seriately on 
opposite sides of the placeata; seeds with a distinct testa ; petianth 3-lobed 
often irregular ; stamens 6;scandent:—— ... 455 ... XUIT—ARISTOLOCHIACE®, 

(2) Ovary 1-locular, ovules 1—3; seeds with no proper testa; stamens 
as many as, and opposite, the inner or only perianth lobes ; parasitic whether 
by root or epiphytic :— 

(A) Ovules 3, 2, or 1, pendalous from, or below, the tip of a free 
funicular axis ; perianth always simple, calycine or corolline ; 
mostly root parasites :—- en : we CI—SANTALACEA, 



(B) Ovule 1, erect from base of ovary, but at first not clearly distin- 
guishable from the tissues of the inner carpellary wall ; perianth 
simple or double, the inner coloured and large, the outer minute; 
epiphytic :—— nee A ade Ne sas C—LoRANTHACE, 

(ii) Ovary superior, quite free from the perianth or (NyYcTraGINAcE®, 
EL®AGNACE®) withits base adherent to the persistent perianth base, 1- 
locular, 1l-ovuled, or occasionally of several free (PHyTotaccacE®), or of 2 
Syncarpous l-ovuled (THYMEL®ACER, sometimes), carpels, rarely 1-locular with ~ 
2-many ovules on a free central (AMARANTACE#, Deeringia), or 2 collateral 
(or more than 2 biseriately superposed) ovules on a lateral (PRoreaces, 
sometimes), placenta :— 

(i) Seeds without albumen, or if albuminous (THYMEL#ACE#, 
sometimes), then the embryo straight :— 

(A) Perianth tube constricted above the ovary, subcorolline, base 
persistent with upper part deciduous, lobes 2 or 4 short valvate 
or subimbricate ; stamens as many as, and alternate with or 
twice as many as, the perianth lobes, anthers normal ; ovary 1- 
locular, ovnle 1 erect; trees and shrubs with scaly or stellate 

tomentum :—-_... ve ce! ect sce XCIX—EL#AGNACES. 
(B) Perianth tube not constricted above the ovary, lobes rather 
long :-- 

(a) Stamens as many as and opposite, or twice (rarely thrice) as 
many as, the perianth lobes :— 
(a) Perianth lobes 4 valvate, tube short or long ; stamens always 
4 in one s2ries, anthers normal; ovary |-locular, ovules solitary 
or 2 collateral, or several 2 seriately superposed ; perianth 
calycine or corolline ; leaves exceedingly variable :— 

(8) Perianth lcbes imbricate ; stamens often in 2—3 series ; ovules 
pendulous :— 
(*) Perianth tube rather long, lobes 4--5 uniseriate ; stamens 1—2- 
(rarely 3-) times as many as, sometimes fewer than, lobes, 
anthers normal ; ovary 1—2 celled, each cell 1-ovuled ; non- 
aromatic :— ea ys a .. XCOVITI—THYMEL#ACER, 
(#*) Perianth tube very short, lobed either 6 or 4 biseriate; 
stamens 1—2-times as many as, and opposite, the lobes, 
anthers almost always opening by valves ; ovary always 
1-locular ; aromatic, except (Cassytha) which is parasitic :— 
Note.—Brandis separates off HERNANDIACES%, and includes Gryrocarpus therein :— 
Perianth tube very short, lobes or segments 4—10, 1—2 seriate; flowers 
moncecious or polygamous ; stamens 3--7 with 1—-2 glandular staminodes at the 
buse, anthers opening by valves laterally (not upwards as in LAvRACE# except 
Cassytha) ; ovary inferior 1-locular non-aromatic:-—-_ _—.... KCVI-B—HERNANDIACEa, 
This should then come under (II)-(i)-(1)-(A). 
+ (2) Seeds usaally with copious albumen, if albumen scanty (Nycracin- 
ACE®, sometimes) or none'(CHENOPODIACE#, sometimes) than the embryo curved 
and either excentric or peripheric :— 
(A) Leaves exstipulate, or (PHYTOLACCACE®, sometimes) stipules 
minute or redaced to tuberoles :— 

(a) Perianth tubular, base adherent to ovary, tube short or long per- 
sistent and often accrescent in fruit, or deciduous, truncate or 
2-—5-toothed or-lobed, the segments plicately or simply valvate, 
sometimes (Bougainvilla) conspicuous by bracteate ; carpels 
solitary l-ovuled, style simple:-- ... LXXXVII-—-Nycracinacez®. 

(b) Perianth Icbes united only at the base, always, imbricate :-- 

(a) Perianth scariousanddry ; flowers always braciteate and 2- 

bracteolate filaments always connate at the base, hypogynous 

or perigynous ; ovary locular, style simple or 2—-3-fid, ovules 
1—2-3 ; leaves opposite alternate:—- LXNXXVIII—AmaARranTACER. 

(8) Perianth membranous, herbaceous or coriaceous, never 

scarious, stamens always-hypogynous ; leaves alternate :—— 



(*) Flowers glomerulate, axillary or in spikes panicled or cymose 
(very rarely simply spicate, rarely strobilate or sunk in the 
nodes of a jointed rachis), usually ebracteate (very rarely 
both bracteate and bibracteolate) ; perianth membranous 
or herbaceous, occasionally in \-sexual female flowers 
absent ; ovary 1-locular 1-ovuled, style simple or 2—8-lobed 
or 2—5 styles ;-— eee no: ... UXX XT X—CHENOPODIACEA, 

(* *) Flowers racemose, terminal or axillary, usually bracteate 

and bibracteolate ; perianth herbaceous or coriaceous ; 
ovary 1-locular Jl-ovuled, style simple, or carpels - 
several apocarpous each with 1 ovule and 1 style :— 
(B) Leaves stipulate, stipules connate as an ochrea (sheath) embra- 

cing the nodes, persistent or (rarely) deciduous and leaving a 

circular scar of attachment of alternate or horizontal lines 

between the attachment of occasionally opposite leaves ; perianth 
membranous or herbaceous, often coloured ; stamens perigynous ; 

ovary 1l-locular 1-ovuled, style arms, or styles, 2--3 :— 


(II) Flowers 1-sexual, rarely (PIpERACEm, sometimes) hermaphrodite and 

then with no perianth; perianth cften absent or minute, if present simple, 

rarely double (EUPHORBIACE® sometimes) and then the outer whorl conspicuous 

with the stamens either all central or those of the outer series alternate with 

the inner perianth segments, or, if the stamens of the outer series be opposite 

the inner perianth segments, then the seed provided with a testa and the plant 

not parasitic ; ovary superior, very rarely (URTICACE®, sometimes) inferior and 

then the stamens opposite to, and not more numerous than, the perianth 

segments ; anthers never opening by valves :— 

(i) Leafy plants :— 

(1) Leaves simple, or (EUPHORBIACE®, sometimes) digitately (never 
pinnately) compound :— 

(A) Ovary monocarpellary 1-locular, or if syncarpous then 2-more- 

locular ; ovules in each carpel or loculus 1, or 2-collateral, rarely 

(PrIrPERACE®, sometimes) ovary more or less 8—4-locular with 

6—8 ovules in each loculus 2-seriately euperposed on intruded 

placentas and then with 2-sexual flowers :— 

(a) Leaves exstipulate alternate ; aromatic trees ; flowers 1-sexual :— 

(a) Flowers fascicled or umbellate; perianth gamophyllous, 
calycnie, 3-(rarely 2—4-) lobed; stamens monadelphons ; 
ovary 1l-locular l-ovuled in the base of the respective 
perianths; ovule erect, albumen copious fleshy, embryo 
very minute :— See igi cee .. XCV—Myristicacn®. 

(8) Flowers in cylindric bracteate catkinlike spikes, male spikes 
solitary, fascicled, or panicled, with sometimes a female 
flower on top, female spikes axillary, bracts 1--4 flowered ; 
stamens 3—6 on a torus udnate to the bract, filaments short 
free or connate, anthers erect 2-celled ; ovary 1-celled 2—-4,* 
bracteate, style 2-fid stigmatose inwardly, ovule 1 erect ; 
albumen o, embryo straight :— .. CVI—(bis). MyricacEa&. 

(b) Leaves stipulate :— 

(a) Ovary 1-locular 1-ovuled, or if syncarpous (PIPERACE®, some- 
times) then either the carpels only partly united, or if 
completely united the loculi incomplete, and then in either 
case the oyules in each loculus more than 2; flowers 
usually minute; perianth either simple or O :— 

(*) Seeds with copious floury albumen and minute embryo; 
flowers in spikes (very rarely in racemes), and rarely 
l-sexual; perianth almost always O; leaves usually 
alternate, smelling more or less of pepper when crushed :— 


(**) Seeds with little or no albumen, embryo large filling the 
seed coat, or if albumen copious, then fleshy and the 
embryo nearly or quite as long as the albumen :— 



(+) Leaves alternate, palmately many-lobed and-nerved, 
stipules large; inflorescence of long peduncled 
globose 1-sexual axillary heads ; sepals on a chaffy or 
silky receptacle; male flowers ebracteolate, anthers 
many subsessile with a small back scale ; female of 
many (as many as sepals) naked l-celled ovaries 
mixed with slender bracteoles narrowed into a long 
style stigmatose on one side :— ... CVI—PLATANACES, 

(t+) Leaves distichous, undivided, stipulate ; fowers l-or 2- 
sexual, solitary, fascicled, cymose or racemose ; 
° perianth 4—9-lobed or of 4-5 sepals ; stamens 
opposite the perianth segments, (rarely twice the 
number) ; ovary of 2 carpels usually l-ceJled, cvule 1 
endulous :— da: ¢ is ... CIII—ULMACER. 
(ttt) Leaves usually alternate, often with milky juice, 
stipules large often amplexicanl ; flowers 1-sexual, 
crowded on receptacles which are globose, cylindric 
or hollow ; female perianth of 4 sepals or segments, 
which are often fleshy in frvit ; ovary 1-celled, ovule 
usually 1 pendulous:— __... ... CIV—ABRr0cARPACER, 
(tt+t) Leaves alternate, (more rarely opposite), stipulate, 
as arule toothed and basally 3-nerved, sometimes with 
stinging hairs; flowers 1-sexual, sessile, usually in 
. compact heads or clusters, sometimes spicately 
arranged; stamens 4 or 5 opposite the perianth 
segments, filaments inflexed in bud ; ovule erect :-— 
(B) Ovary 2-or more-locular with the loculi perfect and never 
more than 2-ovuled, rarely (EUPHORBIACE®, sometimes) 
l-locular and then the ovules 2, or if the ovary is 1-locular 
and 1l-ovaled then the stamens usually much more 
numerous than the perianth lobes, and those of the outter 
(or only) series alternate with the outer (or only) lobes of 
the perianth :— ; 
(*) Seeds with copious albumen, or if albumen scanty or O the 
fruit either a capsule or, if indehiscent, drupelike or 
berry-like with fleshy or leathery pericarp; inflores- 
cence variable, but male flowers never in catkins; leaves 
various, usually simple, (rarely digitately compounda), 
generally penninerved but sometimes palmately nerved :— 
(#*) Seeds without aloumen; fruit always an indehiscent nut 
with a hard or tough pericarp; male flowers in spikes or 
often in catkins ; female in spikes or at times at the base of 
the male spikes ; leaves always simple penninerved :— 
(+) Male flowers in drooping catkins ; anther cells as a rule dis- 
tinct : female flowers in spikes ; perianth S or adnate to 
ovary; ovary 2-celled, ovule 1 pendulous in each cell, 
styles 2 long filiform: —... ey ... CVILI—BEtTULacEe. 
(++) Male flowers in drooping catkins or erect spikes ; anther 
cells, not distinct ; female flowers in spikes, each flower 
or group of flowers enclosed in an involucre of numerous 
bracts coalescing in fruit; perianth adnate to ovary; 
Ovary 2-celled, ovules 2 pendulous in each celi :— 
(B) Ovary synoarpous, 1-locular, placentas 2 or 4 not intruded, 
ovules on each placentas 4 or more biseriately superposed ; 
flowers 1-sexual, in catkins ; seeds minute with a coma of long 
hairs, albumen O; leaves simple, stipulate :— ... OX-—-SALICACEs. 
(ii) Leafiess trees with slender green jointed branchlets (often mistaken 
for leaves), usually deciduous, and with whorls of small adpressed slightly con- 
nate scales at the nodes, the scales of adjacent nodes alternate; flowers in 
spikes ; perianth segments 1—2 small; stamen 1; ovary l-Iceular 2-ovaled; 
seed 1, albumen O :— ne a ra RA oes ... OVII—CASsUARINACES. 




(1) Leaves or scales undivided, opposite, alternate, or in clusters on the 
branches :— 
(i) Perianth present in flowers of both sexes, of male membranous lobed, of 
female utricular; leaves large opposite on swollen-jointed branches; seed 
drupaceous :-— ots 0 : abe 00 Ae CXI—GNETACER. 

(ii) Perianth absent from flowers of both sexes ; leaves usually alternate 
or foscicled, ana linear or subulate and rigid, sometimes scale-like, rarely 
(Ginkgo, Podocarpus, Agathis, Araucaria) broad; fruit usually a cone, rarely 
(Ginkgo, Taxus, Podocarpus) subdrupaceous :— ive ie ... OXITI—ConmiFrERa&. 

(II) Leaves very large, pinnatisect or bipinnate, clustered (palm-like) at 
the apex of the stem; perianth absent from the flowers of both sexes ; male 
flowers in terminal cones formed of numerous fleshy peltate scales with crowded 
anthers below, females of flat carpellary leaves (carpophylls) crowded round the 
apex of the stem, or cones of peltate scales ; seed large drupaceous :— 


(I) Perianth 2-seriate, segments of both series corolline, or if only the inner 
series corolline then its segments much larger than those of the outer calycine 
series :— : 

(i) Seeds very small, often minute, without albumen; Ovary inferior 1- 
locular with 3 parietal placentas :—— 
(1) Outer segments corolline like the inner :— 

(A) Flowers irregular, usually markedly so, from the modification of a 
segment of the inner series as a lip (labellum) ; stamens and 
pistils confluent as a column bearing a single sessile or subsessile 
anther : epiphytes or climbers :— oe «. CXIV—ORCHIDACER, 

(ii) Seeds conspicuous with copious albumen :— 
(1) Ovary inferior :-- 

(A) Flowers very irregular, outer series of perianth calycine ; perfect 
stamens either 1 with 5 reduced to staminodes, or 5 with one 
staminode ; seeds often with an aril :— 

CX V—SclIraMINAcEm. 

(B) Flowers regular or only slightly irregular, both series of perianth 
segments corolline; stamens 6, very rarely (AMARYLLIDACER, 
sometimes) more numerous, or if 3 only then (AMARYLLIDACEA, 
sometimes) opposite the inner perianth segments, or if only the 
stamens opposite the outer perianth segments perfect (Drosco- 
REACE®M, some times) then the locules of the ovary only 
2-ovuled :— 

(2) Ovary 3-locular, or if 1-locular (AMARYLLIDACE, rarely), then the 
stamens not hooded :— 
(x) Flowers i-sexual very small; stamens 6, or if 3 these opposite 
the outer perianth segments ; Stems scandent :— 
(8) Flowers hermaphrodite, conspicuous or very large ; Stamens 6, 
rarely more, or if 3 these opposite the inner perianth segments ; 
ovary loculi many-(rarely 1—2) ovuled, embryo very small 
embedded in albumen ; stems not scandent :— : 
(3) Ovary superior with embryo completely enclosed within the 
albumen, or if ovary } inferior (ROXBURGHIACE®, sometimes) then the perianth 
9-merous and the ovary l-locular ; flowers regular or only slightly irregular ; both 
riesof perianth present, corolline, isomerous :— 

(A) Perianth segments 2-merous ; stamens 4; ovary 1-locular :— 


(B) Perianth segments 3-merous; stamens 6 or 8; inflorescence 

various, axillary or terminal, but never a 1-leafed scape :— 
(II) Perianth if 2-reriate with the segments of both series calycine, or if those . 
of the inner corolline then not larger than those of the outer series, or perianth 



l-seriate and calycine, or reduced to bristles or wanting; ovary always 
superior :— 
(i) Perianth regularly 2-seriate, segments of each series 3-merons, caly- 
cine, rigid or herbaceous; ovary syncarpous with albuminous seeds; frnit 
indehiacent, embryo not enclosed within the albumen :— 
(1) Leaves long, simple, with numerous parallel veins; embryo Jenti- 
cular applied outside the albumen near the hilum; climbing shrubs :— 
(2) Leaves broadly-flabellate plicate or pinnatisect, rarely (Caryota) 
bipinnate ; embryo situated in a small pit near the periphery of the albumen; 
flowers in panicled or spiked spadices enclosed in 1 or more spathes; trees, or 
erect or climbing shrubs :— : .. CXXI—Patma, 
(3) Leaves flabellate-plicate, deeply cut into 2—5 divisions ; flowers 
disposed in squares arranged very close together in a spiral manner forming 
cylindrical spikes which when young are enclosed witbin 4 spathes, each square 
consisting of 4 males surrounding 1 female; male flowers with a many lobed 
calyx and many stamens; female with 4 sepals, 4 staminodes, a square ovary 
surmounted by a cross-like stigma, ee a square sided berry with many 
seeds :— . ww. CXXII—CyYcrantTHaAces, 
(ii) Raeranth: radnacd to Beraeled or sc sales, or O:— 
(1) Inflorescence of many-or few- flowered spadices or spikes, flowers 
never being solitary and, placed in the axils of modified glumaceous bracts :— 
(A) Aquatic or marsh plants ; flowers in spadices which are not covered 
by a spathe or spathaceous bracts, but are cylindric or globose, 
1-sexual, snperposed, and naked or 1-bracteate at base ; perianth 
of filiform bristles or membranous scales ; leaves elongated, linear, 
parallel-veined, unarmed :— : ae ee CXXIV—Tyruaces. 
(B) Terrestial or epiphytic plants ; flowers in spadices usually subtended 
by a much moditied spathe :— 
(a) Trees or erect or scandent shrubs ; flowers diecious ; perianth O ; 
leaves ensiform, parallel- veined, usually spinulose along the 
edges and midrib beneath ; spadices with spathaceous little 
modified bracts, fascicled or panicled ; seeds a]buminous :— 
(b) Epiphytic scandent plants ; flowers moncecious in the same spadix, 
rarely hermaphrodite, very rarely dicecious ; perianth 0, or of 
imbricating scales; leaves various, reticulately veined ; spadix 
simple, with or without an appendage (usually fusiform) 
projecting beyond the flowering portion, with usually a much 
modified and generally enveloping subtending spathe ; albumen 
present or O :— bs = CXXV—Anacka. 
(2) Inflorescence of hermaphrodite or l- sexual flowers in spikelets with 
imbricating glumes; perianth segments small, scale-like, represented by a 2- 
nerved palea and 2 lodicules, or O; ovary 1- locular, ovule 1 erect or ascending ; 
fruit a caryopsis with the seed- coat adhering to the pericarp, very rarely free 
withir, embryo at the base of the albumen ; stems usnally hollow except at the 
nodes; leaves distichous (very pu spiral), sheaths almost always ligulate 
behind, and split in front :— . ae eae Bec .. CXXVI— GRAMINACES, 


(I) Leaves large in proportion to the stem, the fertile ones, not confined to a 
particular region, bearing sporangia (spore vessels) on their lower surfaces :— 

(i) Sporangia with a ring :-— 
(1) Ring equatorial, encircling the sporangium transversely :— 

(2) Ring equatorial, encircling the spdrangium vertically :— 

(3) Ring opercular, crowning the sporangium:— ... CXXIX—Scuizmacez, 

(ii) Sporangia without a ring, opening down one side, marginal or dorsal :— 

(Ii) Leaves small in proportion to the stem, not whorled, the fertile ones 
with sporangla axillary ; sporangia uniform :— sag +: OXXXI—Lycoropracez. 

= 9-A 


I. Climbers ; leaves opposite ; sepals petaloid ; carpels 1-ovuled, pendulous ; fruit 
a head of apocarpous achenes, often feathery long styled :— 
(i) Petals O :— vs ck ae Lh ae ae see i—Clematis. 
(ii) Petals many linear :— ... fs nae a a fod ii—Naravelia. 


{Anatomical features.—Hairs never glandular, always one celled, sometimes 
stellate, and surface of leaves often rough due frequently to short thick walled hairs, 
or to siliceous concretions inthe epidermis, or to sacs filled with raphides protruding 
above the surface. Medullary rays in the wood are very broad, hence on radial 
section the remarkably mottled appearance of the wood, Wood fibres have always 
bordered pits. | 

| Botanical note.—Genus LXXVI—Sawrauja is sometimes, perhaps more correctly, 
included in this order ; the leaves have the general appearance thereof. | 

I. Stamen filaments thickened upwards, anthers short, cells remote oblique ; 
climbers :— 

(i) Carpel solitary :— to ie nee be ye Ses iii—Delima, 
(ii) Carpels 2—5:— ... see noe “6 ie ee --. iv—Tetracera, 

II. Stamen filaments not thickened upwards, anthers with parallel cells; 
Trees :-— ae aes are He ie ven ne Bae xt v—Dillenia. 


[Anatomical featuwres.—Sacs containing resin in the parenchyma of the leaves, 
often visible as transparent dots; wood fibres with bordered pits (one foreign 
species consisting entirely of such pits) without vessels, resembling the wood of 

I, Stipules conspicuous, convolute and sheathing the young foliage, deci- 
duous; carpels in many whorls on elongate axis :— 
(i) Gynophore sessile, carpels of fruit indehiscent and deciduous :— 

(1) Sepals deflexed ; leaves truncate at apex:— ... ... vi—Liriodendron. » 
(2) Sepals erect ; leaves not truncate at apex:— ... ee viii—Talauma. 
(ii) Gynophore sessile, carpels of fruit dehiscent :— ae ix—Magnolia. 
(iii) Gynophore stalked, carpels of fruit dehiscent :— x—Michelia. 
IT. Stipules O:— 
(i) Carpels in one whorl ; aromatic evergreen tree :— Nae vii—Illicium. 
(ii) Carpels capitate ; climbers :— =e 360 bic eae xi—Kadsura. 


[Anatomical featwres.—Spherical or lenticular cells containing resin in the paren- 
chyma of the leaves, often visible as pellucid dots. On the transverse section the 
timber of all species shows numerous fine transverse bars at right angles to the 
medullary rays, consisting of wood parenchyma; hairs, when present 1-celled or few- 
celled, stellate in some genera. | 

[Bctanical note-—This order is very closely allied to MyrisvicAcEm, which are 
properly speaking merely apetalous ANONACES. | 
I. Ripe carpels distinct, indehiscent, mostly stalked :— 
(i) Quter 3 petals small, similar to sepals :— 
(1) Ovules 6 or more ; inner petals always saccate at the base :— 
(2) Ovules 1—2 ; inner petals mostly thin, flat :— 

(A) Stamens few or many, connective acute:—__... ... | xxiv—Miliusa. 

(B) Stamens always many, connective broad:— ... ... Xix—Pheanthnus, 

(ii) Petals uniform in shape and texture; flowers globose or campanuate :— 
(1) Petals imbricate in bud ; ovules 6—12 :— Bo, .. Xxvili—Sagerzea. 

_(2) Petals valvate in hud ; ovules 1—2:— S83 ws Xvili—Popowia. 
(iii) Petals uniform, erect or spreading ; ripe carpels numerous :— 
(1) Petals valvate in bud ;— 



(A) Ovules 1—2 ; ripe carpels 1-seeded :— w+ xvii--Polyalthia, 
(B) Ovules 2-8; l-seriate; ripe carpels constricted between the 
seeds :— ... 5 vs x ei xvi—Unona. 
(C) Ovules many, 2- seriate ; connective lanceolate : :— ... xv—Canangium. 
(2) Petals imbricate in bud ; ovules many, 2-seriate ; connective 
obtuse :— : xii—U varia. 

(iv) Petals uniform, erect or r spreading : "ripe carpels Ha 6, few seeded :— 
(v) Petals all, or inner only, connivent, closing over stamens and ovaries :— 
(1) Inner petals dissimilar, generally smaller, conniving over stamens and 
ovaries, the blades cohering by their edges :— 
(A) Inner petals narrowed into a linear claw ; stamens 6—12, anther 

cells contiguous:— .. ... Xxviii—Orophea, 
(B) Inner petals not narrowed into a linear claw : stamens many, 
connective broad:— ... ... xxi—Mitrephora. 

(C) Inner petais not narrowed into : a , linear claw : — 
(2) Petals subequal, similar in shape, all, or inner only, with concave 
base :— 
(A) Ovary 1, ovules many ; calyx truncate, cup shaped :— 
(B) Ovaries 2 or more, ovules 2 to many ; er free; petals narrow 

linear from concave base:— ... Xxlii—Xylopia. 
(©) Ovaries 2 or more, ovules 2 ; sepals free : : ‘petals flat from concave 
base ; flowers on hooked woody peduncles :— ... Xiv—Artabotrys. 
IL. Carpels united into a large fleshy fruit:—  ... ea oF xxivy—Anona. 


[Anatomical features.—Th2 wood of all species has broad medullary rays alternats 
ing with broad wedges of wood, and as a rule very large vessels. Many species have 
concentric bands of bast (phloéms in the wood. These bands of bast have been called 
concentric ; frequently, however, they are partial, alternating masses of wood and bast 
occupying portions only of the circumference. | 

(I) Ovaries 3, style scar terminal; sepals 6 :— 
(i) Stameus united into a column with anthers on Hike ; flowers in dichoto- 
mous cymes :— ... XXix—Parabeena. 
(i) Stamens with distinet filaments; { fiowers in racemes or panicles :— 
(Il) Ovaries 3 or more, style scar basal cr ventral; staminal filaments 
distinct ; sepals 6; leaves usually not peltate :— 
(i) Seed globose, albuminous ; petals O ; flowers panicled :— 
(ii) Seed horse-shoe shaped, albuminous : ~ 
(1) Petals 3; ovaries 3—6; flowers in globose heads :— 
(2) Petals 6, minute, cuneate; ovaries 3--12, style subulate; flowers 

panicled :—... ... xxxiii—Tiliacora. 
(3) Petals 6, asually auricled ; “ovaries 3—6, style subulate; flowers 
panicled:— . “ v. -XExv—Coeculus. 
(4) Petals 6; ‘ovaries 3, style 3- -partite with reflexed segments ; flowers 
panicled :— xxxViii—Jateorhiza. 
(5) Petals 5-8 ; ovaries 3, style compressed ; flowers in panicles :— 
(iii) Seed horse-shoe aves exalbuminous ; petals 6 ; Feeis stout hori- 
zontal ; flowers racemed :—  xl—Pachygone. 

(111) Ovary 1, style scar basal ; leaves generally peltate :— — 
(i) Sepals, male 6-10, female 3--5 ; petals 3—d free; flowers in axillary 

cymose umbels :— nes os .- Xxxvi—Stephania. 
(ii) Sepals, male Wteedt emnle 1; petals, male 4 connate, female 1; 
flowers, female in leafy bracteate racemes, male in cymes :— xxxvii—Ciasampelos. 

ii) Sepals, male 4 Rear female 1; petals, male 4 connate, female 1; 
flowers in axillary panicles:—... ... dee sae af, bes cae xxxix—Cyclea, 


(I) Sepals 6 with several rows of scales outside ; petals 6, white, eglan- 

dular :—... eee .. xli-—Nandina. 
(II) Sep als 6 with 2-3 bracts in 2 rows outside ; petals ¢ 6, , yellow, with 2 
basal glands :— 205 os ... xlii—Berberis. 

[ Anatomical features.—In species of Merua and Cadaba, the wood is interrupted 
by concentric bands of bast (phloém). | 
(1) Calyx tube lined by disk, lobes valvate : — 
(i) Leaves 3--5-foliate (digitate) with setaceous aLalG petals O ; berry 

ovoid :— dae ... xliii—Niebubria. 
(ii) Leaves simple ; : petals As berry moniliform : — ... Xliv—Meerue2. 

(II) Sepals 4, epen in bud; stamens many ; berry glohose 0: or ovoid, stalked ; 
leaves 3-foliate :— $e 500 oe xlvy—Crateva. 

(II1) Sepals 4, imbricate (or outer only valvate) : 
(i) Stamens 4-6, inserted ne. on gynophore; berry cylindric; leaves 

simple or 3-foliate:— ... cor ase ... Xlvi—Cadaba. 
(ii) Stamens many, inserted “at base of eynophore ; ; berry globose or 
ovoid; leaves simple, usually with stipulary thorns :— Ze ... Xlvii—Capparis. 

(1) Petals, sepals, stamens 5; capsule 3-valved ; leaves simple with distinct 
parallel tertiary nerves and rigid stipules:— ... He a ... xXlviii—Alsodeia, 

(1) Sepals 5; petals 5; stamens many ; capsule imperfectly 5—10-celled :-— 
(II) Sepals 3--4; petals 5; stamens many ; capsule imperfectly 3-celled :— 
(I) Flowers bisexual; petals 4-—6 :— 
(i) Leaves palmately lobed and costate ; flowers very large, golden :— 
li—Cochlos permum.- 
(ii) Leaves entire ; flowers large, pink ; petals 5, contorted in bud :— 

lii— Bixa. 
(iii) Leaves subcrenate; flowers sma!l, greenish; petals 4—6, sepaloid, 

imbricate in bud:--... oe “fs bc ... lili—Scolopia. 

D Flowers as a rule dioecious, petals Or 

(i) Ovary 2—-6-celled :— 4: ot ste oe ... liv—Flaconrtia. 

(ii) Ovary 1-celled, 2—4- ovuled:— ... a Sa ed ... ly—Xylosma. 

(iii) Ovary 1- celled, 1-ovuled :— ... lvi—Xymalos. 
(111) Flowers dioecious ; ; petals with a scale, or flat downy gland, at base: — 

(i) Sepals connate ; stamina] filaments free, many :— ... lvii—Gynocardia. 

(i1) Sepals free, 5; petals 5; stamens 15 :— lviii— Hydnocarpus. 

(ii) Sepals imbricate, 4; petals 12-16 ; stamens 60-70 :— lix—Asteriastigma. 

(1) Fruit a berry, oblong, with seeds embedded in pulp; petals spreading 
from the base; anthers linear orlonger than the filaments; leaves narrow; 
twining shrubs: ~ ry. ... Ixi—Sollya, 
(II) Fruit a dehiscent capsule ; anthers ovate or - oblong : = 
(i) Shrobs, often prickly ; petals small, spreading from base; capsule 
thin, small, flat, seeds 1--2 in each cell, flat, vertical :— si .. Ix—Bursaria. 
(ii) Trees or erect shrubs, aromatic; petals erect at base ; capsule thick 
or coriaceous, seeds many :— 
(1) Seeds thick, not winged, imbeddedin red pulp; flowers usually 
small :— ... Ilxtii—Pittosporum. 
(2) Seeds flat, horizontal, winged; flowers large, yellow : = 

(I) Sepals 5, two interior larger, and paneless petals 38, keel crested ; 
stamens 8; capsule Joculicidal, 2-valved, 2-seeded :— aoe fed lxiv—Polygala. 

(II) Seals 5, subeyual; petals 4--5, keel not crested; stamens 8; fruit 
indehiscent, Pgeeded = ..: aor 8 eee a uy Ixy—Xanthophyllum, 



(I) Leaves scale-like ; flowers pink or white; petals and sepals 5; stamens 
5 or 10; styles 3; capoule 3-valved, seeds plumed:— ad .. Llxvi—Tamarix, 

(I) Leaves opposite, gland dotted; flowers yellow; petals and sepals 5; 
stamens many, 3-or 5-adalphous ; capsule septicida] :— ... lxvii—Hypericom, 


[Anatomical features.—Resin canals and cavities in the leaves, pith,’and bark. 
Transverse bars of wood parenchyma between the medullary rays. | 

+» (1) Ovary 2—12-celled, stigma peltate, sessile or subsessile ;embryo a homo- 

genous fleshy mass :— ‘ 
(i) Calyx of 45 sepals ; ovary cells l-ovuled :— .. «+ Ixviii—Garcinia, 

(ii) Calyx closed in bud, bursting into 2 valves; ovary cells 2-ovuled :— 

(Il) Ovary 1—2 celled, cells 1—4 ovuled, styles 1—2Z slender; embryo of 2 

fleshy cotyledons, sometimes consolidated :— 

(i) Secondary nerves many, close, conspicuous ; style 1, stigma peltate :— 

(ii) Secondary nerves mfany, joined by transverse veins; styles 2, stigma 

minute :— y - aAe a Wf = ... lxxiii—Poeciloneuron, 
(iii) Secondary nerves many, close, but indistinct ; stigma peltate :—xxii--Mesna. 
(iv) Secondary nerves distant, inconspicuous; stigma 4-fid. :— lxxi—Kayea. 

[Botanical note—SauRavsa is sometimes placed in DILLENIACEAE (q.v.).] 
(I) Peduncles 1-flowered; anthers basifixed; fruit a berry, embryo 
curved :— 
(i) Flowers bisexual; stamens many :— ie .. Ilxxiv—Ternstremia, 
(ii) Flowers dioecious ; stamens 15 or Jess :— or lxxy—Harya. 
(11) Peduncles 1-flowered; anthers versatile; fruit a dehiscent capsule, 
embryo straight :— 
(i) Seeds winged :— Basel ee pave ase “ -»» lxxvii—Gordonia. 
(i) Seeds wingless :— Ep os ie a ixxvili— Camellia. 
(111) Flowers in panicles or fascicled cymes; anthers veisatile; fruit 

baccate, embryo straight in copious albumen :— Ls .. Ixxvi—Sauranuja. 
() Characters of the order (q.v., in the Synopsis):— ... lxxix— Ancistrocladus, 


[Anatomical features.— Resin ducts are found in the pith of the young stem and 
branches, in the pith of all vascular bundles, in the petiole. midrib, nerves and veins of 
leaves, as well as of those bundles which run through the bark. ‘he walls of these 

_ ducts are lined by a stratum of thin-walled secreting cells. In many species similar 
Gacts are also found in the woud. They contain an essential oil, known as Wood 
Oil in the case of Dipterocarpus. Exposed to the air, outside or in cavities of the trunk, 
these essential oils are transformed into resin. Cortical leaf traces—Some distance 
below the node the leaf traces separate from the central cylinder and run through the 
bark before they enter the petiole. There are generally three leaf traces, one apical, 
two lateral, all consisting of a vascular bundle with one or several resin dacts in the pith. 
in some cases these traces run in the bark through an entire internode. Structure of 
petiole—The three vascular bundles, which enter the petiole, forming its central 
cylinder, remain distinct in rare cases. Asa rule they ramify and coalesce forming at 
the base of the petiole an intricate mass of xylem and phloem witha number of 
resin ducts, and in most species the internal structure of the petiole changes in its 
progress from the base to the blade. For systematic purposes it is convenient to 
examine the petiole immediately below the base of the blade. At this point we 
frequently find a semi-circle of yascular bundles, more or less united, each with its 
resin duct, and inside this semicircle one or several vascular bundles with or without 
resin ducts. Structwre of wood——Vessels moderate sized, often in groups, enclosed ina 
narrow white ring consisting of wood parenchyma. Medullary rays fine and moderately 





broad, generally equidistant, the horizontal cells of these in many cases very long 
38 mm. in Dipterocarpus alatuws. The longitudinal cells, as well as the resin ducts 
in the younger wood, are filled with essential oil. Many species have a distinct dark- 
coloured heartwood. Resin ducts, vessels, fissures and other cavities in the old wood 
are filled with resin. Biological features--As a rule large trees, with tall regularly 
shaped trunks. With few exceptions they do not bear flowers and seed until they 
have attained a considerable age. As a rule they seed annually, though the quantity 
of seed produced varies from year to year. ‘Ihe seed germinates soon after ripening, 
in some cases before it falls to the ground. Several species are gregarious and form 
forests of considerable extent, in whi ch they prev ail over their companions. .| [ Botanical 
note.-—Ancistrocladus, shown by Hooker in this order, is now classed in a distinct 
order. Balanocarpus is not entered in Hooker; but, under Hopea, is entered Hopea 
longifolia, which is really Balanocarpus utilis. | 

(1) Calyx tube free, enclosing fruit, 2 lobes expanding into long wings; 
stipules large, amplexicaul ; stamens many ; style filiform :— 
(II) Calyx valvate in bud, with equal spreading segments accrescent, but 
not expanding into wings, in fruit; stipules small, fugacious; stamens 15, 
anthers short, oval, appendix of connective short obtuse ; no stylopodium (fleshy 
prolongation of the ovary) :— nec Ixxxi— Vatica, 
(LIL) Calyx imbricate in bud, 2-3 outer segments accrescent, and 
forming in fruit long wings ; connective usually awned :— 
(i) Wings of calyx 2; stamens 15 (rearely 10), appendix of connective 

long, pointed ; stylopodium as a rule large:—: ... Ses .. Ixxxiii—Hopea. 
(ii) Wings of calyx 8; stamens 15 or many, appendix as a rule long 
pointed :— ee .. Ixxxii—-Shorea. 

(IV) Calyx imbricate i in ‘bud, accrescent but not into lone wings : — 

(i) Lobes of fruiting calyx equal, reflexed, and shorter “than fruit ; stamens 
many, anthers linear- -oblong with 1—2 appendages : _ ee Ixxxiv—Vateria. 
(ii) Lobes of fruiting calyx slightly and evenly enlarged, thick, sometimes 

woody ; stamens 10—15, appendage of connective ie pointed; stylopodium 
generally distinct :— ees “6 sod 46 ‘ ... Ixxxy—Balanocarpus. 

[Botanical note.—Brandis places Kydia in section (IIL) beiow with Cullenia, Hooker 
and Prain place it in section (1) as shown here. | 

(I) Staminal tube truncate, or only slightly divided at the apex ; sepals leafy ; 
leaves simple, entire or lobed :— 

(i) Ripe carpels separating from the axis as dehiscent or indehiscent 
coccl :— 
(1) Styles as many as carpels :— 
(A) Bracteoles 3—6 ; flowers racemose, pale purple red :— ...lxxxvi—Lavyatera. 
(B) Bracteoles O ; carpels 1-seeded ; ovules solitary pendulous ; fore- 
noon-to-noon flowering plants w ‘ith small leaves and flowers :— 
(C) Bracteoles 0; carpels l-or more-seeded ; ovules 2 or more; after- 
noon orevening ficwering plants with rather large leaves and 
medium flowers : — Ixxxix—A butilon. 
(2) Styles twice as many as carpels, which are 1-seeded :— 
(A) Carpels opposite the sepals, dehiscent after separating ; bracteoles 
A «+. xei—Pavonia. 
(B) Carpels opposite the petals, indehiscent after separating ; bracte- 
oles 5, connate :— ws Aa ae .. xc—Urena. 

Gi) Ripe carpels forming a normal capsule : — 

(1) Stigmas spreading ; seeds reniform :— 

(A) Ovary 10-celled, 1 ovule in each cell :— Ms «. xcii—Decaschistaa, 
(B) Ovary 5- (or spuriously i celled, 3-or more ovules in each cell ; 

flowers axillary :— xciii—Hibiscue. 
(C) Ovary 3-celled, 2 ovules in 1 each cell ; flowers panioled : — 

(2) Style club-shaped with radiating stigma; ovary 5-celled :— 

Ixxxvii— Lagunaria. 



(3) Stigmas coherent in a club-shaped mass :— 
(A) Bracteoles 3—5, small; seeds not cottony :— ... ... xciv—Thespesia, 
(B) Bracteoles 3, large ; seeds cottony :— .. xev-—Gossypium, 
({1) Staminal tube short, divided into filaments ; calyx leathery ; ; leaves 
digitately compound :— 
(i) Stamens many ; fruit woody, indehiscent, filled with mealy pulp :— 
(ii) Stamens many ; fruit a 5-valved capsule, filled with silky wool :— 
(iii) Stamens 5 ; fruit a 5-valved capsule, filled with silky wool :— 
(III) Staminal tube divided into 5 antheriferous segments; leayes simple, 
penninerved, scaly backed:— .., “ed ... C—Cullenia, 
(LV) Stamina) tabe divided into numerons antheriferous segments ; ; leaves 
simple, penninerved, scaly backed:— ... noe St eee Aas ... ci--Durio, 

(1) Flowers 1-sexual or polygamous :— 
(i) Anthers 5—25; fruit carpels dehiscent forming 1—5 apocarpous fol- 
licles :— 
(1) Flowers in axillary or terminal panicles ; anthers capitate :— 
(2) Flowers in axillary clusters ; anthers verticillate in a single row :— 

(ii) Anthers 5; fruit carpels woody and indehiscent :— »-» civ—Heritiera,. 
(II) Flowers bisexuzl; fruit capsular, seeds winged; flowers axillary solit- 
ary.2— BLA sis cvii— Pterospermum. 

(111) Flewers bisexual ; seeds not winged, or if (Melochia, 1 species) winged, 
these flowers in umbellate corymbs ; 5 leaves palmately lobed or angled :— 
(i) Capsule very small, hairy :— ... mal os a5: ... cix—Dombeya. 
(ii) Capsule ovoid, woody or coriaceous :— .. CVii—Hriolzna. 
Gii) Capsule cylindric, coriaceous, fay), with twisted ‘carpels : =e 
cvi— Helicteres. 
(iv) Capsule turbinate, membranous:— .. ... exiv-—Abroma. 
(IV) Flowers bisexual ; seeds not winged ; leaves not lobed nor angled :— 
(i) Fruit baceate, indehiscent, subpentagonally ovoid, with subligneous 
rind filled with pulp, 5-celled, 1O—20 seeds in each cell; leaves oblong; flowers 
in clusters on old branches and stems 3 Sepals 5, rosy ; petals 5, creamy, hooded 
with a spathulcid appendage ; stamens 5 with 5 staminodes:— ... cxili—Theobroma. 
(ii) Fruit a capsule ; trees :— 
(1) Capsule membranous, inflated; leaves broad ovate-cordate ; 

flowers pink in lax axillary cymes:— .. --. cv—Kleinhovia. 
(2) Capsule oblong, woody, tubercled ; leaves obliquely ovate-oblong 

flowers yellow in axillary cymes : — ack oxy_—Guaguma: 
(3) Capsule obovoid, verrucose ; leaves elliptic- ‘oblong ; flowers in 

are foscicles :— pee vee ... ¢eXvi—Leptonychia, 

(iii) Fruit a capsule; mostly shrubs :— 

(1) Capsule 5-valved ; flowers solitary axillary :— ... ¢cx—Melhania. 
(2) Capsule 5-valved (seeda i in 1 species winged) ; flowers small clus- 

tered or in umbellate corymbs :— ae “te ... exi—Melochia, 
(3) Capsule 2-valved ; flowers ‘small, clustered : = os cxii—Waltheria, 


[ Anatomical features.—Sacs containing mucilage—wanting in Elzocarpus— 
in pith, bark and leaf parenchyma. | 

(1) Flower pedicels with a foliaceons, partly adnate, bract :— exvii—Tilia, 
(IL) Flower pedicels without foliaceous adnate bract :— 
(i) Sepals connate into a campanulate calyx, irregularly 3—5-lobed :— 
(ii) Sepals free ; petals as a rule with a thickened or glandular claw :— 
(1) Fruit a drupe with several pyrenes :— ee ... cCxix—Grewia, 



(2) Fruit prickly, woody, triquetrous and slightly winged. |-seeded ; 
30 sr awe oc ee 50¢ acc or , cexx—Hrinocarpus, 
(8) Fruit prickly, small, globose, indehiscent or 3-—5-coccous ; shrubs :— 

tree :— 

(iii)—Sepals free ; petals not clawed :— 
(1) Fruit a cylindric capsule ; shrub :— 8 mee exxii—Corchorus, 
(2) Fruita fleshy drupe with 1 stone, 1 or more seeded ; trees :— 
cxxili—Hleeo carpus. 
(1) Stamens 5, staminodes 5;fruit acapsule:— ... ... cxxiv—Reinwardtia, 
(II) Stamens 10 ; fruit a drupe :— 
(1) Drupe globose, yellow, many seeded; branches wich circinate ten- 
dri) s)-)—— eee us asc a ss ok ae its sr cxxy—Hugonia. 
(ii) Drupe elongated, red, 1-seeded ; branches not tendrilled :— 

(1) Petals clawed, unequal :— 
(i) Fruit fleshy, drupaceous, with 3-crested stones; calyx with sume 
segments Z-glandular at base; stamens 1 fertile; styles 3:—- ...  exxvit—Malpighia. 
(ii) Fruit of 1—3 samaras :— 
(1) Stamens 10 fertile, valyx with glands adnate to pedicel below it :— 
(A) Samaras each terminated by 3 long wings; petals 4 white 
and i longer coloured; style 1:— ... aro cexxviili—Hiptage. 
(B) Samaras each simply winged terminally ; petals 5, yellow; 
styles 3, stigma often foliaceous :— cxxix——Heteropteris. 
(2) Stamens 6 tertile, 4 staminodes opposite the calyx glands, calyx 
with 4 outer segments 2-glandular at base ; styles 3, stigmas foliaceous :— 
(11) Petals sessile, equal ; fruit of 3 nuts, each surrounded by an orbicular 
or oblong membranous wing ; stamens10; styles3 with capitate stigmas :— 
[Botanical Note.—Peganum is sometimes placedin Order XXVI—RUTACEs as in 
Hooker, who however recommends its transference to this Order. | 

(1) Leaves paripinnate ; flowers bright blue; capsule 5-angled ; tree:— 
(II) Leaves 1—3 foliate ; flowers mauve or pale rose; capsule 5-angled ; 
thorny shrub :— apc Re 500 ses oh 508 50° exxxili— Fagonia. 
({II) Leaves pinnatifid with narrow linear lobes ; flowers white , capsule 
globose ; unarmed shrup :—- eee . 500 bee oe cxxxiy—Peganum, 


(I) Leaves compound, pinnate, flowers regular , sepals imbricate ; fruit 

SB DeErnyt—— --c | nes ee Soe Bae ae ee ef: cxxxv——A verrhoa. 
(1{) Leaves simple, flowers irregular, sepals usually coloured and the posti- 

cous spurred ; fruit a capsule :— ves is se xe cxxxvi— Impatiens 


[Anatomical featwres.—Cavities containing essential oil in the tissue of leaves, 
flowers and fruit, aS well as in tke bark, are an important characteristic of this 
order, separating 1t from MELIACE® and other allied orders. The ethereal oils, 
secreted in these cavities from the surrounding tissue, cause the aromatic scent of 
the RUTACE®; in most cases they can readily be seen as translucent glands. | 

[ Botanical note.--Genus cxciv—Chlororylon is sometimes placed in this Order. ] 

(I) Leaves opposite, simple or 1-foliate , unarmed :— 
(i) Stamens 5 alternating with 5 petaloid staminodes ; calyx 5-parted, 
petals narrow, spreading ; capsule winged, of 5 follicles each with 2 seeds :— 



(ii) Stamens 8 ; capsule of 4 follicles, each (by abortion) 1 seeded :— 
(1). Leaves downy ; ; calyx cup-shaped, subentire ; corolla of 4 

petals united in a tube: ... exli-—Correa. 
(2) Leaves ginprons:’ calyx 4-lobed.or ‘parted ; petals 4, sessile, spread- 
ing :— see Cxliv—MELICOPE. 

(IT) Leaves opposite, 3- ‘foliate or pinnate ; ‘unarmed :— 
(i) Leaves with 3—5 rigid leaflets; calyx 4-cleft, persistent; petals 4, 
persistent; stamens 4 with 4, staminodes ; capsule 4 celled, seeds few in each 
cell, flattened:—  .. . exxix— Boronia, 
(ii) Leaves 8.folinto: “sepals 5, two outer mich larger ; corolla salver- 
shaped with oblique 5- parted limb ; stamens 2 fertile with 3 staminodes pro- 

jecting from the tube ; capsule of 5-carpels, each 1-seeded :— ... ... exl—kKavenia, 
(iii) Leaves with 3—11 leaflets; sepals 4—5 ; petals 4—5, sessile ; stamens 
4—5 ; capsule of 4 coriaceous l-seeded cocej :— .. a2 a ... ¢@xlii—Evodia, 

(III) Leaves alternate; unarmed :--- 
(i) Leaves. 1—foliate :— 

(1) Stamens 10, baanlt ; capsule of 5 ollicles,-each 1-seeded; petals 5, 
marcescent :- x cxlii—Eriostemon, 
(2) Sianens S; “fruit a dupe ; flowers ‘-merons, polygamous :— 

exlvii— Acronychia. 
(it) Leaves imparipinnate ; fruit a berry :— 
(1) Style short, persistent ; berry white globose :— ..» exlviili— zlycosmis. 
(2) Style deciduous ; ovary 2-celled; berry oblong or ovoid:— __c¢l— Murraya. 
(83) Style deciduous; ovary 4—5 celled ; berry oblong or ovoid ; stamens 
10, filamerts subulate :-— e exlix—Micromelum, 
(4) Style deciduous ; ovary 5 celled ; berry oblong, ovoid, or globose ; 
stumens 8—10, filaments tapering upwards from broadened base : ——Neee “oli—Clausena, 
(IV) Leaves alternate ; usually armed :-— 
(i) Fruit capsular of ‘4—5 coriaceous follicles 3 leaves 3-foliate or imparipin- 
nate, petiole often winged ; flowers often 1 sexual ; stamens 3—8 :— 

(ii) Fruit a berry ; leaves 3-foliate or imparipinnate :— 
(1) Gvules 1—2 in each cell :— 
(A) Leaves digitately trifoliate ; flowers 1-sexual ; 3 sarmentose shrub:— 
(B) Leaves 3-foliate, leaflets crenate, petiole not winged ; flowers 2-sexual, 

3-merous, stamens 6; shrub:— as ... clii—t'riphasia, 
(C) Leaves 3- foliate, petiole not winged ; flowers 2- sexual 4— 5 merous ; 
stamens 8 ; climbers :— .. ¢cliv—Luvunga, 

(D) Leaves 3—7 foliate, petiole winged ; firwers 2-sexual ; trees :— 
(2) Ovales numerous in each cell :— 
(A) Leaves unparipinnate ; petiole winged :— “Ec + Clvili—Feronia. 
(B) Leaves 3-foliate, petiole not winged :—... PEE 5a5 clix—#gle. 
(iii) Frait a berry ; leaves 1-foliate :— 
(1) Ovules 1—z in each cell :~— 

(A) Erect ; flowers in racemes or corymbs :— “e .. Clvi—Atalantia, 
(B) Scandent ; flowers solitary or fascicled :— ns ...cly—Paramignya, 
(2) Ovules many in each celj :— = a see clvii— Citrus. 

[Botanical Note.—-Balanites is sometimes placed in Order XXIV—ZycoPHYLLacE%, | 

(1) Leaves imparipinnate :—- 
(i) Petiole winged and jointed; fruit 5 fleshy drupes ; flowers 2 sexual, 

5-merous, red, in terminal clusters :— aaa clx—Quassia, 
(ii) Petiole not winged ; fruit of 4 fleshy drupes ; flowers polygamous, 
minute, purple, iu racemiform clustars :— .. cClxiii—mBrucea, 
(iii) Petiole not winged ; frnit of 1--5 samaras, “each rh seeded; flowers 
polygamous, small, greenish yellow, panicled :— - ie A ilenitaie 
(1I) Leaves 2-foliate ; spinous ; fruit a large berry with. ‘bony endocarp ; flowers 
2-sexual, greenish, in lateral racemes or fascicles :— ca ... clxyi—Balanites, 

(III) Leaves simple, entire ; littoral species :— 



(i) Leaves long, elliptic-oblong, coriaceous, shining ; fruit of 1—5 large, 
compressed, dry, coriaceous, keeled, l-seeded drupes ; flowers 2-sexual, orange, 
umbelled :— , ... clxii—Samadera, 

(ii) Leaves very short, ‘linear- -sp ithulate, velvetty ; fruit of 1—4 indehiscent 
carpels covered by the persistent calyx ; flowers 2- Sexual, yellow, racemed :— 

(1) Leaves simple serrate ; flowers yellow or orange in umbels or panicles ; 
fruit 3—10 drnpes sessile upon a larye disk :— 
(i) Stamens many :— ,,. see os oe Se a «- clxvii—Ochna. 
(il) Stamens 10 :— an mas an 43 Bae clxviii—Gomphia. 


[Anatomical featwres.—Resin canals in the bast (phlem), in some species also in the 
pith. ] 

i‘ Botantcal Note.—Bolsamodendron includes Protiwm in accordance with Thwaites; 
Engler unites the two genera under the name Commiphora. Filicium is transferred 
by Brandis, following Radlkofer, to Order XXX VIII—SapinpAckE ; its position there 
has been shown in the key. | 

(1) Balsamic; rachis of leaves not winged:— ... be ... Clxix—Boswellia, 

(i) Fruit a dehiscent capsule, 3-valved :- - 
(ii) Fruit an indehiscent drupe :— 
(1) Calyx 4—6-toothed or lobed; drupe globose :—— 
(A) Calyx campanulate 10-ribbed, 5-cleft, lined by thin crenate disk :— 

(B) Calyx 4—6-toothed, disk lining its base:— ..._ elxxi—Balsamodendron. 
(C) Calyx 4—6-lobed, disk annular:— ... fee clxii—Bursera. 
(2) Calyx 3-fid, yalvate ; drupe usually trigonous:- — ... ¢elxxiii—Canarioum, 

(II) Non-balsamic ; rachis of leayes winged between the leaflets :— 
{Botanical Note,—Engler and others place Chloroxylon in Order KXVI— 
Ruracre# chiefly on account of the translucent essential oil glands in the leaves.] 
(1) Ovules 1—2in each cell; seeds not winged : — 
(i) Staminal tube half the length of the stamens or less, or stamens free :— 
(1) Leaflets always entire :— 
(A) Leaves imparipinnate with usually 9 (5—11) leafiets; panicles 
axillary, corymbose, long-pedunculate; staminal tube half 
the length of stamens ; fruit a 2-valved capsule :— clxxxvii—Heynea, 
(B) Leaves imparipinnate, 3-or 1-foliate; panicles terminal or 
axillary ; stamens free or connate; fruit a tomentose berry:— 
clxxxvi— Walsura, 
(2) Leaflets mostly serrate; stamens connate only at bare; frnit a 
small, red, drupe :— tee - as clxxx—Cipadessa. 
‘Gi) Staminal tube ‘complete, inflated above ; ‘leaves digitately 3-foliate, 
leaflets entire or lobea ; flowers large, solitary, axillary ; ; small shrub :— 
(iii) Staminal tube complete, oblong or linear :— 

(1) Leaves simple :— oes ee “6 ees +: ... ¢lxxv—Turrea. 
(2) Leaves 3-foliate oi as oe ...  clxxxii—Sandoricum. 
(3) Leaves pinnate, leaflets entire : — xt ae clxxxi—Dysoxylum, 

(4) Leaves pinnate, leaflets mostly serrate :— 
(A) Flowers 1—1} inch, petals cohering half way ; disk tubular :— 
(B) Flowers 4 inch, petals free ; disk inconspicuous :— 
(5) Leaves bi- (or tri-) pinnate :— see ae “Ee ... Clxxix—Melia, 
(iv) Staminal tube complete, globose :— 
(1) Flowers polygamous :— 
(A) Fetals 5; anthers 5; fruit a dry indehiscent berry :— clxxxiii-——Aglaia. 
(B) Petals 5; anthers 10; fruit a fleshy berry:--  ... clxxxiv-—Lansium. 


(C) Petals 3-4; anthers 3—10; ovary 3-celled; fruit a capsule :-— 

(2) Flowers bisexual :-— 

(A) Littoral trees ; leaves paripinnate, leaflets 2—6; anthers 8 :—- 
(B) Small trees of the hills ; leaves 1 or 3-foliate ; anthers 5—6 :— 

c]xxxvili— Beddomea. 
(II) Ovules numerous ; seeds winged; staminal tube complete :— 

(i) Seeds winged at both ends:— ... ee “/} MS ... ¢exce-——Soymida. 
a Seeds winged at one end only :-- 
(1) Petals }--4 inch ; capsule 3--6 inches :— Abe ... ¢xci-—Swietenia. 
(2) Petals ¢ inch ; capsule 1} inches :— .« excii—Chukrassia. 
(III) Ovules 8-—12 in each celi ; seeds winged ; stamens quite distinct — 
(i) Stamens 4—6; ovary 5-celled:-—.... -.. ¢exciii—Cedrela. 
(ii) Stamens 10; phar sly 3-celled; leaves with translucent aromatic oil 
olands :—- : Jee see =a ... exciv—Chloroxylon. 

(I) Flowers pale green in axillary and extra-axillary cymes; otherwise 
characters of the Order (q.v. in the Synopsis):— __... ve ... exey—Chailletia,. 

[Botanical Note.—Very closely allied to orders C-LoRANTHACE#& and CI-SantTa- 

LACE# which might very appropriately be entered immediately after this order. } 
(1) Stamens and staminodes together more numerous than petals :— 

(i) Petals 4-5, bearded ; stamens 8— 10, staminodesO:— ... cexcvi— Ximenia. 
(ii) Petals 8, not bearded; stamens 5, staminodes 5; calyx enlarged in 
frnit and partially covering its base :— eae ... exeyii-—Olax. 
(Il) Stamens as many as petals ; calyx and corolla both present: a 
(i) Calyx tube adnate to ovary and enlarged in fruit... cxcviii—Erythropalum, 
(ii) Calyx-cup shaped ; petals free and hairy within:—- ... cxcix—Strombosia. 
(iii) Calyx-cup nap 5—7-toothed, petals free, 5—-7, thick and concave at 
base :—— .. ec—Anacolosa, 

(IIT) Stamens as many as , segments . of perianth (petals) 3 calyx O; bracts 
below petals :—— 

(i) Flowers 4-~5-merous; bracts small; perianth campanulate ; hairy :— 
(ii) Flowers 5- merous; bracts large and covering the flowers in bud, 
segments of perianth free:— ___... ae ie ae es ... ecii—Opilia, 
(1) Flowers 2-sexual (rarely polygamous) ; trees and shrubs :— 
(i) Petals combined into a campanulate corolla, lobes prominently ribbed :— 

(ii) Petals free, glabrous ; style lateral :— oe cciv—A podytee. 
(iii) Petals free, ‘hairy above ; style terminal ; “fetid — oes cev—Mappia. 

(11) Flowers dioccious ; climbers .— 

(i) Flowers of male in long, of female in short, peduncled heads; calyx O, 
replaced by an involucre of 4—5 bracts (some distance from perianth in male 
flowers) ; perianth 4—5 lobed ; leaves glabrous toothed:— __.. ... ecevi—Miqtelia. 

(ii) Flowers of male in spikes, of female in small heads, on filiform 
axillary pedancles; calyx O, Pear 4—5-lobed, ebracteate ; leaves harsh 

beneath :—— ... “ee ea cevii -- Pyrenacantha, 
(iii) Flowers, male and female, in clusters on a long pendulous rachis ; 
calyx 4--5-lobed ; petals 5, free ; leaves glabrous entire :— we §=6CCVvili— Sarcostigma. 

(iv) Flowers, male and female, i in sapra-axillary racemes; calyx of 5 free 
sepals ; petals 5; leaves, and young parts, rough with stiff hairs :— 


[Botanical Note--The treasury of botany places Curtisia in Order LX— 
CoRNACE2. | 

cecix— Natsiatum, 

(I) Leaves opposite :-- 

xe ee cos nes ... ¢cex—Cnrtisia. 
(11) Leaves alternate :-- 

oe Ded Ri a Ane ccxi— Ilex, 




[Anatomical features.—In Hippocratea and Salacia, the repeated concentric bands 
of bast (phloem) are frequently interrupted and are often joined by radiai bands, 
so that on the transverse section numerous masses of xylem appear separated by 
tangential and radial bands of bast. With these exceptions, as far as known, the 
wood, even of climbing species, has a normal structure; the medullary rays are broad 
and the vessels large. | 

(I) Fruit a dehiscent capsule cr dehiscent distinct carpels :— 
(i) Leaves opposite ; seeds not winged :— 
(1) Petals free ; disk ; fleshy capsule 8—5-celled :— 
(A) Cymes axillary ; ovules 2 in each cell:--., .. ecxii— Huonymus., 
(B) Cymes mostly supra-axillary ; ovule1 in each cell :— 
(2) Petals free; disk fleshy ; capsule 2-celled, 2-lobed, 1 cell abortive, 
1 seeded :— BD ote ae nee Bo ah 20 cexx—Kurrimia, 
4 (3) Petals connate at the base ; capsule 1-celled, 1-seeded :—. 
(ii) Leaves mostly opposite ; seeds winged :-— 
(1) Capsule 3-valved :-— 
(A) Seeds winged nearly all round; petals crested:— ccxv—Lophopetalum. 
(B) Seeds winged at upper end; petals coriaceous, gland dotted :— 
(2) Capsule with 3 distinct carpels, like flattened pods; seeds winged at 
lower end :— ... nie 505 Be ae. ccxxii— Hippocratea. 
(iii) Leaves alternate :— 

(1) Leaves serrate ; flowers in cymose panicles ; stamens on edge of disk; 
climbers :— Soe 0¢ sia ae se HO bo .  eexyii—Celastrus. 
(2) Leaves mostly serrate; flowers in cymose dichotomous corymbs ; 
stamens under the disk ; erect ; mostly spinous :— = ccxix— Gy mnosporia, 

(11) Fruit indehiscent ; leaves opposite or sub-opposite :— 
(i) Stamens 5, inserted under edge of disk :— 

(1) Fruit a small white drupe; flowers in small subsessile cymes :— 
ecexvii —Pleurostylia. 

(2) Fruita black or brown drupe like a small olive ; flowers in pedunculate 
dichotomous cymes :— 502 < oc ack as ... ccexxi—Eleodendron. 

(ii) Stamens 3, inserted on the disk, or apparently on the ovary; fruit a 
berry ... 500 20 5480 Bas 300 és ... ¢@cexxili—Salacia. 


[Anatomical features.—Structure of wood, even in climbers, normal as far as is 
known. | 

(1) Fruit superior, usually with persistent calyx beneath it :— 

(i) Leaves minute; spines in alternate pairs at right angles to the stem ; 

flowers solitary or fascicled, axillary or below the base of the spines :—cexxy—Colletia. 
(ii) Leaves not minute :— 

(1) Fruit a samara, girt at base or middle by calyx tube; leaves sub- 

bifarious, penninerved :— an ape sé 20t tee .. ecxxvii—-Ventilago. 
(2) Fruit a drupe :— 

(A) Drupe 1-stoned ; 1—4-celled, leaves palmately 3—-5-costate, sub- 
bifarious, stipules spinous, 1-straight 1-hooked :— ecxxviii— Zizyphus. 

(B) Lrupe 2—4-stoned, with small persistent calyx ; leaves sub-bifarius, 

penninerved :— 

(a) Leaves mostly alternate ; branches often arrested and spines- 

cent ; flowers in axillary fascicles or cymes ; disk thin lining 
the calyx tube :— 506 oe 5ue cexxix—Rhamnus, 

(hb) Leaves alternate ; flowers in axillary racemes ; disk nearly to the 

apices of the calyx lobes, ending just below the bifid tip :— 
ceexxiv- -Noltea. 

(c) Leaves mostly opposite ; branches often arrested and subspines- 

cent ; flowers sessile on terminal leafless paniculate branches ; 
| disk fleshy lining the calyx tube :— «» cexxxii—Sageretia. 



(4) Fruit a berry, often nearly dry, 2—4-celled and seeded ; leaves sub- 
bifarious :— 
(A) Leaves palmately 3-costate, membranous, alternate; unarmed ; 
berry on a thickened, fleshy, arching peduncle :— 
(B) Leaves penninerved, coriaceous, sub-opposite ; prickles recurved ; 
berry with persistent calyx tube at base, peduncle not 

thickened :— § « cecxxxi—Scntia. 
(5) Fruit a capsule, supported by the ‘persistent calyx ‘tube ; ; leaves 
penninerved, alternate :— .. Cexxxii—Colubrina. 

({1) Fruit inferior, crowned ‘by persistent calyx limb ; tendrils usually pre- 
sent ; leaves alternate, penninerved :— 
(i) Fruit samaroid, 3-angled, —-keeled or -winged ; flowers racemose :— 
(ii) Fruit a berry, globose, 3-celled and -seeded, me capsular, not winged ; 
flowers umbellate :— ses vb ee “ee “0 eee we cexxxv—Helinns, 


(I) Climbers, (rarely erect); leaves simple and palmately costate, or 3— 

foliate, or digitately or pedately 5—9-foliate ; filaments free ; ovary 2-celled :— 
ccxxxvi— Vitis. 

(11) Erect; leaves (rarely simple) pinnate or bi-or tri-pinnate ; filaments 
united in a tube; ovary 3--6-celled:— ... S3 oes pe «. CCxxxvii—Leea, 


[Botanicai Note.—As explained under the Key to the Orders, Sir D. Brandis follow- 
ing Engler u. Prantl., sub-divides this into 3 orders, and the genus Acer then comes 
into ACERAaCEm, and Turpinia into STaAPUYLEACE®, Filiciwm is transferred from Order 
XX1IX--BuRsERACE®; whilst according to Brandis, Hemigyrosa is included under 
Lepisanthes. Onthe other hand, he divides Sapindus into Supindus and Aphania. ] 

(1) Leaves alternate, exstipulate :— 
(i) Leaves biternate or trifoliate, leaflets serrate :-— 
(1) Slender climbers ; leaves biternate ; eopeule inflated, membranons, 
3-celled and —valved :— es 1 C@exxxvili--Cardiospermum. 
(2) Erect; leaves 3-foliate ; ‘fruit a berry : —— aoe ecxli--Allophylus. 
(ii) Leaves (usually, but not always, pari---) pinnate, leaflets entire ; fruit 
indehiscent, usually a leathery, less commonly a woody or fleshy, berry :-- 
(1) Fruit not deeply lobed :—— 
(A) Common petiole (rachis) deeply winged :— .. Clxxiv--Filicium. 
(B) Common petiole not winged :— 
(a) Sepals 5, erect, concave, 2 outer smaller, petals 4—5; fila- 

ments hairy:--_... 560 oot soe cexxxix—Hemigyrosa. 
(b) Sepals 5, concave, widely imbricated ; pepe 5; filaments 
very short: ae ‘coxliv-—Otophora. 
(c) Calyx 4——6-fid, very, small, lobes valvate ; ; petals O; filaments 
downy or not :— ee ane oe ces ecxlv—Schleicher 
(2) Fruit deeply 1-3 lobed :—— ; 
(A) Fruit not muricste, ripe carpels quite distinct:— ... ccxlvii—Sapindus. 

(B) Fruit not muricate, ripe carpels united at the base :—- 
(a) eh ae dia a disk complete ; petals not clawed, pericarp- 
succulent:— . coe A cexlvii—B,. —Aphania. 
(b) Flowers zyg omorphic ; disk unilateral : — . dost ita ci aaa 
(C) Fruit echinate or tubercled, ripe carpels connate ; cexlviiiNephelium, 
(iii) Leaves (usually, bat not always, pari-) pinnate, leaflets entire; fruit 
a dehiscent capsule :— 
(1) Capsule trigonous, 3-celled, seed 1, arillate, in each cell :— 
- : ; cecexliii—Blighia, 
(2) Capsule flattened, 2-celled, seed 1, winged, in each cell:— 
(3) Capsule inflated, 2-lobed and ~celled, seeds 1—-2, usually arillate, in ; 
each cel! :— Ane ays se +s oye See + cexlix—Harpullia, 



(iv) Leaves simple ; capsule usually 3-(2—6-) sided, winged, ce valved :— 
cecli— Dodonzea, 
(II) Leaves alternate, stipulate, imparipinnate, leaflets toothed and decur- 
rent; capsule papery, deeply 4-lobed and-celled :— oe ... cclii—Melianthus, 
(ii) Leaves opposite :— 

(i) Leaves digitately 7-foliate, exstipulate, leaflets serrate; fruit a globose 
capsule, often echinate, 1— 3-celled and-valved:— _... «»  ccxlii—eesculus. 
(ii) Leaves simple, palmately 3—7-costate, often- lobed, exstipulate ; fruit 
a double samara :— ... ccl—=Acer, 
(iii) Leaves imparipinnate, stipulate, leaflets ser rrulate, 8 atipollates finit a 
subgiobose berry, 8-celled with 1—8 angular seeds in each cell :— ecliii—Turpinia. 

(1) Climbing; petals equal; stamens 4—5, all fertile ; fruitof 2 drupes with 

1—-2 reniform seeds in each :— ... ccliy—Sabia. 
(11) Erect; petals unequal ; stamens 2, ‘and staminodes 35 fruit of 2 drupes 

with 1—2 globose seeds in each:— .., oe dec aes adc cclv—Meliosma, 


[Anatomical features,—Resin canals in thé bark, as a rule in the bast (phloem) ]. 

(I) Leakes imparipinnate or 3-foliate: — 
(i) Ovary 1-celled :— 
(1) Styles 83—4; calyx 4—6-parted or-lobed, presistant; flowers polyga- 
mous or dioecious: 
(A) Branches slender; flowers small in terminal or axillary 
panicles :— 
(a) Leaflets glaucous and balsamic; stamens 10 inserted beneath 
a wavy fleshy disk; drupe succulent, stone traversed on its 
outer surface by 6 longitudinal channels filled with oil :— 
(b) Leaflets not glaucous nor balsamic; stamens 4, 5,6, or 10, 
inserted at the bass of disk; drupe small, dry, c compressed, 
stone coriaceous, crustaceous, or bony :— ... ah cclviii— Rhus. 
(B) Branches thick; flowers in terminal, simple or panicled, racemes, 
fascicled ; stamens 8—1@ inserted within the disk; drupe 
compressed reniform, stone hard :— ; celxiy—Odina, 
(2) Style 1; flowers hermaphrodite; stamens 10 “Inserted at base of 
disk; drupe obliquely oblong, truncate, compressed, pericarp 
full of oil, stone hard :— .. ; celxiii—Solenocarpus. 
(ii) Ovary 4—5- celled ; ; styles 4—5 ; drupe large, fleshy, 1—5-celled, the 
cells opening by canals through the top of the hard thick stone :— 
cclxviii—S pondias. 

(II) Leaves simple, penninerved :— 
(i) Petioles not spurred ; ovary superior :— 
(1) Stamens as many as petals, but only J fertile ; drupe large oblique :— 
(2) Stamens as many as petals, all fertile :— 
(A) Bisexual; stamens 4—6; torus and drupe stipitate, latter dry, 
deformed, tubercled and rid ged :— eclxi— Gluta. 
(B) Polygamous; stamens; drupe sessile, depressed ‘turbinate, 
striate, tipped with the style; leaves sometimes opposite :— 
cclxvii—N othopegia. 
(C) Polygamous: stamens 5—6; drupe on fleshy hypocarp (accres- 
cent disk) :— ve a By oh cc)xv—Semecarpts. 
(8) Stamens twice as many as petals: -- 
(A) Stames 10. but only 5 fertile; drupe club shaped :— 
(B) Stamens S8—10, all or some fertile ; drupe on fleshy hypocarp 

(acei escent disk) :— ade eclx—Anacardium, 
(C) Stamens 8—10, all fertile; ‘drupe. on persistent, not enlarged, 
calyx :— or eee is 534 eclxii—Buchanania, 





(ii) Petioles spurred ; ovary inferior ; patals porsistent:— ... cclxvi-——Holigarna. 
(III) Leaves simple, palmately 5-costate, aromatic ; calyx 3-fid; petals 3; 
stamens 3, exserted ; drupe coriaceous, turbinate, 3-grooved; stone triquetrous, 

3-celled and-seeded : — ae Af de eas +3 eclyvx— Rum phia. 
(IV) Details not to hand :— dj wae one diet eclxix—Harpephyllum. 
(1) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis):— __... ..  eclxxi—Moringa 


(I) Leaves imparipinnate :— 
(i) Follicle solitary, sessile ; peas aie a accrescent, clasping base of 

follicle :— sie 
(ii) Follicle ‘solitary, stipitate ; “calyx. ‘persistent, not accrescent, clasping 

the pedicel of the stipitate follicle :— ... eelxxui—Connarus, 
(II) Leaves 1-foliate; follicle — solitary, stalked, "velvety, carved ; sepals 

valyate, snberect, not accrescent:— ... ae sy ; ceelxxiv—Hllipanthus. 


[Anatomical features.—As far as is known, throughout the whole order the wood 
fibres have always simple, not bordered, pits; bands of wood parenchyma, more or 
less concentric, oft-n interrupted, are 2 common feature in this order. Papilionaceous 
trees show a great variety in the structure of their woods. Distinct heart wood, 
generally hard and dark-coloured, occur among others in Ougeintia, Pterocarpus, most 
Dalbergias. There is no heart wood in Sesbanza, Brythrina, Butea, Dalbergia 
lanceolaria, and Pongamia. Extremely soft and light is the pith-like wood of 
Aischynomene, which mainly consists of thin walled parenchyma. Of climbers, 
Millettia auriculata, Derri sscandens, and Spatholobus Roxburghtt have the usual 
anomalous structure, concentric strata of bast (phloem) alternating with broader 
strata of wood, which is light, soft, and porous because it mainly consists of very wide 
vessels. The stems of other climbers being often flat, fluted, or otherwise irregular, 
-the alternating strata of bast and wood frequentiy do not form complete rings. 
Dalbergia paniculata, though a tree, has a structure resembling that of climbing 
stems, namely, bands of bast (phloem) alternating with broader strata of wood. On 
the other hand some climbing Papilionaceous ‘plants, especially Dalbergias, have 
stems of a normal structure. | 

(1) Stamens free :— 
(i) Leaves simple ; pod more or less turgid, dehiscent :— 
(1) Leaves subverticillate or opposite:—, ... 2 ecexxxvi —Oxylobium. 
(2) Leaves alternate :— 
(A) Calyx remarkably indented on its insertion on the pedicel :— 
cecexxxili~ Podalyria. 

(B) Calyx not remarkabiy indented on its insertion on the pedicel :— 

(ii) Leaves digitately 3-foliate, exstipellate ; pod compressed, dehiscent :- 
contexte Or elnpee 
(iii) Leaves pinnate, leaflets exstipellate :— 
(1) Pod turgid, dehiscent :— 
(A) Pod fleshy, coriaceous, continuous within, seeds 1—2, red, arillate :— 

(B) Pod woody, spongy within, divided into 3 —5 cells, each with a large 

subglobose seed :— te ecexxxvii— Castanospermum. 
(2) Pod indehiscent, or (Sophora) very tardily dehiscent :— 
(A) Pod moniliform, i in one species winged :— ... .. eceexxix—Sophora. 

(B) Pod flat, equal :— 
(a) Keel obtuse, clei incurved ; pod ar hee ahat flowers yel- 
low :— ... CCCxxx—Cal]purnia. 

(b) Keel incuryed into a beak ; pod leathery ; ‘flowers pink :— 
ecexxxii— Virgilia, 



(II) Stamens monadelphous or diadelphous :— 

(i) Plants with hairs fixed by their centres on calyx, leaves and shoots; 
connective of anthers mucronate or gland-tipped ; stamens diade] phous 
(9+1); podslender ; leaves simple, 3-foliate, digitate or pinnate :— 


(ii) Plants either with basifixed (not ey fixed) hairs, or glabrous ; 
anthers neither mucronate nor gland-tipped :— 

(1) Pod dehiscent by both sutures :— 
(A) Leaves reduced to spinous cladodes:— _.. ... eclxxx—Ulex. 
(B) Leaves paripinnate with rachis ending in a tendril or bristle :— 
(C) Leaves neither reduced to spinous cladodes, nor paripinnate with 
rachis ending in tendril or bristle :— 
(a) Leaves simple or digitately (not pinnately) compound :— 
(x) Stamens 10 monadeiphons, sheath split along the back :— 
(*) Flowers axillary or clustered; leaves all simple :— 

(+) Antkers uniform; pod very fat:— ... cclxxvii —Platylobium, 
(¥+) Anthers dimorphons, alternating 5 short and 5 long; pod 
turgid, scarcely longer than broad:— ..._ eclxxvi—Hovea. 

(**) Flowers in terminal or leaf-opposed racemes; leaves 
simple, or digitately 3—7-foliate, not glandular beneath ; 
anthers dimorphons, ajternating 5 short and 5 long :— 

(+) Pod inflated, seeds rattling within when mature :— 

ec] xxix—Crotalaria, 
(++) Pod compressed, subtornlose:— . 

(§) Calyx 2-lipped :— ... ecelxxyv—Argyrolobium, 
(§§) Calyx sub-equally 5-toothed : a 
(||) Racemes mostly erect ; shrubs :— ... eclxsxxi—Cytisns. 
(|||) Racemes drooping : trees — .. ¢eelsxxii—Labornam. 

(f) Stamens diadelphous (9+1); seeds 2; leaves digitately 3-foliate, 
or petioled 1-foliate with large bracts, glandular beneath :— 
ecexxxili—Fleming ia. 
(b) Leaves pinnately compound, 3—or more—foliate :— 

(er) Leaves pinnately 3-foliate, or if 5—7-foliate (Centrosema, some- 
times) then with the standard shortly spurred at the back 
near the base :— 

(*) Pods dehiscing from apex to bose :— 
(+) Leaves glandular beneath ; pod compress: d ; stamens 9+1; 
two upper calyx lobes much connate ; funicle centric :— 
(§) Ovules 1——2 :— 
(||) Calyx lobes accrescent, scaricus-membranons,  lowrst 

lobe the longest :— ... ceexxi—Cyclista, 
(||!]} Calyx lobes not acerescent, or, if accrescent, sub- 
equal and not scarions :— .. cecexxili—R hynchosia. 

(§§) Ovules 4 or more :— 
(||) Climbers mostly ; stigma s:all terminal :— 
ft) t’od oblong obtuse, pean: transversely lineate be- 

tween the seeds :— .. ‘eecxviii—Atylosia 
(tt) Pod linear acuminate, bardly depressed between 
seeds :— . eeexx—Dunbaria. 

(++) Leaves not glandular beneath, “leaflets exstipellate ; pod 
stipitate, flat, thin-valved; ovules 2--4; stamens mona- 
delphonus, anthers dimorphous co ... ¢eelxxviii—Goodia. 

(ttt) Leaves not glandular beneath, leaflets stipellate :— 

(§) Style bearded below the stigma; stamens 9 +1 :— 
(ll) Stigma oblique ; keel spirally twisted :— cccxiii—Phaseolus. 
(|||) Stigma oblique ; keel not spirally twisted :— 
' ecexiv—Vigna. 
(I) Stigma terminal :— ecexvii—Dolichos. 
§§) Style not bearded below the stigma ; nodes of raceme not 
swollen :— 


(|) Pod turgid continnous within, transversely veined :— 
({\||) Pod flat, subseptate between seeds ; flowers showy :-— 
(||| ||) Pod flat, subseptate between seeds; flowers minute 
with scanariose persistent bracts ;— 
(§§§) Style not bearded below the stigma; nodes of raceme 
swollen :— 
(|) Stamens monadelphous (sometimes Pueraria sub- 
diadelphous) :— 
(t) Upper lip of calyx projecting ; flowers purple :— 
cccxi— Canavalia, 
(ff) Upper lip of calyx not projecting ; flowers blue :— 
(|||) "Stamens diadelphous ; petals very unequal :—- 
({) Anthers uniform ; keel and wings both shorter than 
standard ; armed trees :— ... eceevili—Erythrina, 
(tt) Anthers dimorphous ; standard shorter than keel 
and wings; pods with stinging hairs; 
climbers :— .. cecvii—Mucuna, 
(**) Pads dehiscing at seed- bearing apex only, elsewhere seed- 
less and indehiscent :— 

<t) Patals unequ2! ; flowers large :— ... Ur .. eccx—Butea, 
(+1) Petals subequal ; flowers small :— ve cccix—Spatholobus. 
(8) peeks pinnately 5--to many-foliate ; pods dehiscing from apex 
to base :— 

(*) Style bearded below the stigms :— 
(+) Pod flat ; flowers with very unequal obtuse petals; stand- 

ard large :— .. ecexyv—Clitoria. 
(t+) Pod turgid: flowers with acuminate petals; wings 
shorter than keel and standard:—  ... eclxxxvi—Clianthus. 

(**) Style not bearded below the stigma :— 
(+) Standard alone eos wings and keel absent; leaves 
eexcii—Amorpha, ~ 

(tt) Standard not foneer than other petals : -- 

(§) Pod inflated, bladdery : _ .. ¢c]Xxzxvil—Sutherlandia, 
(§§) Pod transversely septate between seeds; stamens 
diadelphous (9 ++ 1) :— gee coxciii—Sesbania, 

(§§§) Pod not inflated, nor septate ; sta mens sub-monadel- 
phous, the vexillary stamen usually united in the 
middle to the edges of the sheath :— 

(||) Leaflets closely parallel-veined; pod thin, early 
dehiscent :— ... eexci—Tephrosia. 
(|||) Leaflets reticulately veined ; hod thick, tardily 
dehiscent :— 
(ft) Standard with 2 calli at the base :— cclxxxviii— Wistaria. 
({t) Standard without calli, sometimes 2-auricled, at 

base; filaments filiform :— A eclxxxix—Millettia. 
' ({it) Standard without calli or auricles; filaments 
dilated :— ... e©@xe—Mundulea. 

(2) Pod inéehiscent, rarley (Desmodium, sometimes) opening along the 
ventral suture :— 
(A) Leaves alternate, pellucidly gland-dotted, Sa pie ; pod-seeded ; 
ovale 1 :— .. ¢celxxxy—Psor' Eee 
(B) Leaves alternate, “not pellueid dotted :— 
(a) Pod of 1 or several indehiscent 1l-seeded segments (rarely 
Desmodium dehiscing along ventral suture only :— 
(cx) Leaflets extipellate :— 
(*) Stamens monadelphous :— 
(+) Anthers uniform ; leaves 1--3-foliate, leaflets roundish ;— 


(tt) Anthers dimorphous; leaves 3-foliate, leaflets lanceo- 
late:— . 506 ... ecexcevi—Stylosanthes. 
(**) Stamens diadelphous, Gi 
(+) Leaves simple, stipules spinescent ; pod 9-jointed, hardly 

separating :— ... ecxey—Alhagi, 
(Tt) Leaves in parpinnate, stipules not spinescent, pod 1—-3- 
jointed :— .. cexevi (bis. —Hedysarum. 

(***) Stamens in 2 bundles of 5 each ; ; leaves pinnate ; joints of 
pod papillose or weakly muricate :— 

(+) Leaves paripinnate, end leaflet replaced by a bristle; pod 
folded up within the calyx :— sc .. cexevii—Smithia, 

(tt) Leaves imparipinnate ; pod straight exserted :— 

(§) Leaflets linear, numerous, 20—50 pairs, stiples and bracts 
decidous ; marsh plants :— ... cexcvii—Aischynomene, 
(§§) Leaflets roundish-oblong, few, 4--8 pairs, stipules and 
bracts persistent and striated ; dry land and hillock 
plants :— ... ¢exeix—Ormocarpum,. 
(8) Leaflets pinpellates stamens diadelphous (9 + 1); ovary 2-or 
moré-ovuled ; joints of pod usually about as long as broad :— 
(*) Pod folded up within calyx :— sles vl we. ceecii—Uraria, 
(**) Pod straight, exserted :— 

(+) Joints of pod wing-like, thin and large; flowers in 
fascicles from the old wood ; anthers dimorphous ; large 
trees :— Lo, ceciii—-Ougeinia, 

(t+) Joints of pod ‘not wing-like ; flowers from the year’s 

shoots ; anthers uniform ; mostly shrabs :— 
(b) Pod not segmented :— 
(a) Shrubs; leaves always 3-foliate; pod flattened, much longer 
than calyx ; stamens diadelphous, anthers uniform : = 
(*) Leaflets toothed ; pod spirally twisted :— cclaxxiti—Medicago. 
(**) Leaflets entire; pod straight :— 3 ... ecci-—Pseudarthria. 
(8) Trees or strong woody climbers ; leaves imparipinnate (rarely 3- 
foliate) ; stamens usually submonadelphous, the vexillary 
stamen ‘united in the middle of the sheath, sometimes diadel- 
phous (9+1) (rarely in Dalhergia in 2 bundles of 5+5) :— 
(*) Leaflets opposite :— 
(+) Pod wingless, w tek flattened, oblong with discurved 

oint :— ... e@cexxvi—Pongamia, 
(7t) Pod winged on upper, or both, “satures ; usually strap- 
shaped :— : 5 mes oc we = CCCXxvii— Derris. 

(**) Leaflets alternate :— 
(+) Flowers small, pinkish ; pods narrow, not winged :— 
cecxxiv—Dalber gia. 
(tt) Flowers small, pinkish; pods suborbicular oblique, winged 
all rotnd :— Sho eee — Pterocarpus, 
(C) Leaves opposite, pinnate ; pod strap-shaped, not winged :— 


[Anatomical featwres.—Most trees of this suborder have distinct dark-coloured heart- 
wood, the chief exceptions being the arborescent Bawhinias (climbing Bauhinias 
have an anomalous structure). Some genera (Hardwickia, Rymenea) have cavities in® 
the wood filled with gum-resin, the walls lined by a str atum of thin walled cells, ] 

[Botanical Note—Hooker places genus ccelxvi— Acrocarpus in the suborder 
MimosE#, Brandis and Prain show it to belong to this suborder. | 

(I) Leaves bipinnate, often with hooked prickles :— 
(i) Calyx 5-cleft to base or nearly so, segments imbricate ; stamens 10:— 
(1) Pod not winged, sometimes echinate; trees, shrubs ‘and climbers :— 
(2) Pod winged on both sutures ; tree :—- ... ccecexxxix—Peltophorum, 




(3) Pod winged on one suture only ; climber :— ... ecexl—Mezoneurum. 
(4) Pod indehiscent, samaroid, 1l-seeded with large terminal oblique 
wing; climber :— _.. eeexli— Pterolobium. 

*(ii) Calyx 5 cleft to base, segments narrow valvate ¢ or r slightly overlapping :— 
(1) Main rachis dwarfed spinescent, pinnas (4—8) simulating a fascicle 
of simply pinnate leaves, each with a broad flat rachis and minute leaflets ; pod 

moniliform :— + me wa ... ccecexliv—Parkinsonia, 
(2) Main rac his distinct and long i— 
(A) Petals orbicular subeqnal, pod flat :—: abe .. ecexlii—Poinciana. 
(B) Petals very unequal; pod turgid :— os .- cccexliii—Colvillea, 
(iii) Calyx campanulate, flowers in dense spikes :— 
(1) Stamens 10, prickly climber :— J ais ... eccexlyi—Wagatea, 
(2) Stamens 5; large tree :— be ceclxvi—Acrocarpus. 

(IT) Teves simply (usually pari) pinnate ; sometimes 2 foliate, but leaflets distinct ; 

and usually penninerved : 
(i) Petals 0, caly x often coloured :-~ 

(1) Perfect stamens 19 ; leaves 2-foliate or with 2-8 pairs of leaflets ; 

pod dehiscent at seed bearing apex :— ... eecl—Herdwickia, 
(2) Perfect stamens 5, leaflets opposite 2--8 pairs; pod indehiscent, pulpy 

within :— ... eccliiimCeratonia. 
(3) Perfect stamens 2—8, long exserted; leaflets opposite 3--6 pairs, pod 

flat, dehiscent, sty ea pulp :— .. ceclii—Saraca. 
(4) Bor fect staméns 2; leafiets alternate, 75 pairs with a terminal one ; 

pod indehiscent, pulpy within :— .» ecexlix—Dialium. 

(iii) Petals 8--5, or 5 with 2 more or “Tess abortive ; ‘stamens 10, of which 1—8 
often reduced to staminodes : -- 
(1) Pod indckiscent :— 
(A) Pod thin, flat, marrow elliptic; leaflets 3--4 pairs obcordate 
flowers racemed :- ..  ecexliiimHamatoxylon. 
(B) Pod oblong, with as epicarp, and pulpy or (later) mealy 
mesocarp ; leaves bifoliate; flowers racemed or panicled:—cccli-H ymenza. 
(C) Pod thick, oblong, with brittle epicarp, and pulpy mesocarp, septate 

within ; leaflets 10--20 pairs ; flowers racemed :— cccly—Tamarindus, 
(D) Pod turgid, suboyoid or subreniform ; leaflets 1--8 pairs ; flowers 
corym bose or racemed :— Stk eceslviii--Cynometrio 

(2) Pod dehiscent, or if indehiscent (Cassia, sometimes) thin long cylindra. 
and septate within :— 
(A) Pod flat, oblong ; leaflets large, 6—8 pairs ; flowers racemed :— 
coclii ( bis.) —Amherstia, 
(B) Pod scimetar shaped, flat ; leaflets 4—12 puirs ; flowers capitate :-— 
(C) Ped ligulate—oblong ; leaflets 2-foliate or 2-—-5 pairs usually withe 
spur-like stipules ; flowers racemed ; stamens long exserted :— 
(D) Pod ligulate, or indehiscent and long cylindric and septate within; 
leaflets 3-20 (1 species 30--50) pairs, often with glands on the 
rachis, flowers racemed or panicled, stamens not exsSerted :— 
(III) Leaves 2-foliate with usually connate leaflets giving the appearance of 
a simple leaf more or less lobed at apex, palmately costate from the base; petals 
and calyx-lobes 5 ; stamens free, 10 (but 1, 3, or more only rey pod ligulate as 
a rule, dehiscent :— BS ei Hee Ay #e .. occlvii— Bauhinia. 


[Anatomical features.-Most trees of this suborder have 2 distinct dark-coloured 
heartwood of the climbing species, Entada scandens has an anomalous structure, while 
the climbing Acactas have a hard normally ‘built wood, | 

[Botanical note.—The transference of Acrocarpus to the last suborder has already 
been explained ; Prain classes Parkia in the section with apioa] glands, ] 
(Tt) Stamens 10, anthers with deciduous apical glands :— 
(i) Unarmed ; leaves bipinnate :— f 
(1) Leaflets opposite :-— 


(A) Flowers in globose heads ; pod faleate, thick, woody ,septate with- 
in, tardily dehiscing ; tall tree :— gu sé ecclyiii— Xylia. 
(B) Flowers in cylindric spikes ; pod very long ligulate, breaking into 
l-seeded joints, seeds very large ; tendrilled cliraber :— ccclix—Entada. 
(2) Leaflets alternate; flowers in racemes; pod torulose, septate within, 
seeds usually red; tree:— ... Oy ag a ee cceclx— Adenanthera. 
(ii) Thorny trees; leaves bipinnate ; flowers in cylindric spikes :— 
(1) Pinnae 2 pairs; leaflets small, 7—-i0 pairs; spikes 1-coloured :— 
2) Pinnae 6—10 pairs; leafiets very small, 12--15 pairs; spikes 2- 
coloured :—— ans Heh BA. Bie see oe ecclxii—Dichrostachys. 
(IL) Stamens 8, 10, or many, anthers without glands :— 
(i) Stamens 10, monadelphous; flowers in large heads; pod large, flat, 

iigulate ; leaves bipinnate, pinnae and leaflets very numerous :— ecelxiii— Parkia. 
(ii) Stamens 8 or 10, free; flowers capitate; pods thin, coriaceous; leaves 
bipinnate :— ' 
(1) Pod continuous ; flowers white; unarmed :— ... ceclxiv—Leucena, 

(2) Pod disarticulating into 1-seeded joints; flowers pink; thorny :— 
ecclxy— Mimosa 
(ii) Stamens many, free; flowers in cylindric spikes or globose heads ; 
leaves bipinnate ; thorny trees and climbers :— ss <a) ceclxvii— Acacia. 
(iv) Stamens many, monadelphous :— 
(1) Pod not septate between the seeds:— 
(A) Pod thin, straight, indehiscent, or if dehiscent the valves not 
opening elastically, sutures thin : leaves bipinnate ; unarmed trees :— 
(B) Pod faleate, revolutely dehiscent, the valves opening elastically 
from apex to base, sutures much thickened ; unarmed :— 
(a) Leaves bipinnate :— es 15: 0 .. ¢ececlxix~—Calliandra. 
(b) Leaves simple pinnate :— ae ast abe cecelxxii—Inga. 
(C) Pod circinate cr twisted ; leaves bipinnate ; armed or unarmed :— 
(2) Pod septate between the seeds, indehiscent, valves spongy or fleshy, 
sutures thickened ; leaves bipinnate ; unarmed: -- ... ¢ecclxxi—Enterolobium. 


[Anatomical features.— Apart from medullary rays, parenchyma does not form an 
important part in the wood of this order, The tribe CorysoBALANEx£ —Chrysobalanus, 
Parinartum,—is exceptional, they have narrow tangential bands of parenchyma in the 
wood. In this respect, as well as in the more or less zygomorphic flowers of the 
majority, this tribe approaches LeGumINos%, In this order the wood fibres have not 
as a rule bordered pits. As far as known, the wood of climbing species has a normal 
structure. | 

(1) Ripe carpels not enclosed within the calyx-tube :— 

(i) Leaves simple, quite entire; carpel 1 :— 

(1) Flowers usually zygomorpbic, calyx tube elongate; stamens 6--30, 
usually 1-lateral; carpel 2-celled :— a8 ay ... ecclxxiii—Parinarium. 
(2) Flowers regular; calyx campanulate; stamens about 20 in a regular 
whorl; nut 1-celled:— .. He i ao ecclxxiv—Chrysobalanus. 

(ii) Leaves simple, serrate ; fruit a drupe :—— : 
(1) Carpel 1 (rarely 2) :-— 
(A) Calyx 5-lobed; petals large :— 

(a) Style terminal; stone of drape hard, bony :—— .. cceclxxy——Prunus, 

(b) Style basal; endocarp of drupe coriaceous :—- ccelxxvii—Prinsepia. 
(B) Calyx 5——10-toothed; petals minute or O; endocarp of drape 

coriaceous : — ... ecelxxvi—Pygeum. 

(2) Carpels usually 5, free or connate below 5 fruit a capsule :— 
(A) Seeds linear, stamens 20—60 :— - 

(a) Flowers corymbose, small, white or pink :— ... eecelxxviii—Spirea. 
(b) Flowers solitary or few, large (usually double), yellow :— 

(B) Seeds winged ; stamens 10 in 2 rows ; flowers white, 1—38 on the 
pedicel :— 36 eee 0 an tt ‘.. ecelxxxii—Quiliaja. 


(iii) Leaves simple and lobed, or compound ; carpels many, forming an 
etaerio in fruit (fleshy compound drupe) ; ovules 2; thorny climbers :— 
(Il) Ripe carpels enclosed within the calyx-tube :— 
(}) Carpels many free, but when ripe enclosed in accrescent calyx-tube :— 
(ii) Carpels connate, forming a 1—5-celled ovary, more or less adnate to the 
cdlyx-tube which is fleshy in fruit and encloses them :— 

(1) Ovary 5-celled, ovules many in each cell:-- ........ ceclxxxiii--Cydonia, 
(2) Ovary 2—5-celled, ovules 2 in each cell :—- 
(A) Flowers panicled :-- ae ae ... @ccolxxxiv—Hriobotrya. 

(B) Flowers corymbose or fascicled :—- 

(a) Fruit a pome or berry :-- a ay ... ccclxxxy—~Pyrus. 

(b) Fruit 2--3-celled with thin endocarp :— ... cceclxxxvi——Photinia, 

(¢) Fruit a drupe with 1-5 bony stones; leaves cut, toothed or 
serrate :— .. ceccelxxxvii--Crategus. 

(d) Fruit a drupe with 2—4 bony stones ; leaves entire :— 

(1) Leaves opposite :— 
(i) Flowers corymbose :— 
(1) Flowers 5-merous ; stamens 10, filaments winged :—— cocexc—Deutzia. 
(2) Flowers 4—§-merous ; petals sometimes falling as in a cap; calyx of 
sterile flowers enlarged and foliaceous in fruit ; stamens S——10, filaments linear or 

subulate :-— Ake We “ns oy Ax bat tee ccclxxxix-— Hydrangea, 
(ii) Flowers axillary or in small terminal cymes, 4-merous, large, fragrant ; 
stamens 20-—40, filaments linear or subulate :-- i S08 ccexci— Philadelphus, 

(II) Leaves alternate :-- 
(i) Petals and stamens attached to cup-like disk, which surmounts the 

ovary ; fruit a capsule ; leaves with resinous dots, not lobed :-—... cccxcii—Escallonia. - 
(ii) Calyx guperior, tube often produced beyond the ovary ; fruita berry ; 
leaves palmately lobed :— 33; oe ioc ves Ase ie cccexcili—Ribes. 


[Anatomical features._- Wood fibres have bordered pits on their walls resembling 
ConiFER®, and thick walls. Medullary rays are narrow, vessels small, and wood paren- 
chyma of no importance. } 

(I) Leaves palmately 5--7-costate, sometimes 3-cuspidate, stipules large enve- 
loping the buds ; flowers polygamous ; calyx 5-lobed ; petals variable in number, 
linear-spathulate in bisexual, rudimentary in female, flowers ; stamens 10—14, 
filaments long :—- uae ae sae soe vee sae ccexciv—-Bucklandia, 


[Anatomical fetures.——The littoral species of this, together with trees and shrubs of 
other orders, form the mangrove forests, which have a strikingly peculiar character, 
In the soft mud in whichthey grow, these species are firmly anchored by means of widely- 
spreading and much branching roots, and in many cases by aerial roots descending frum 
the branches. Thus they are protected against being uprooted by storms and by the waves 
during high water. The leaves have a very thick cuticle, and other arrangements for 
diminishing transpiration, and they are full of water storing tissue. Their structure 
resembles that of plants growing in deserts and very dry localities ; and the probable 
explanation is that transpiration is checked in order to prevent an injurious excess of 
sea water salts in the sap which fills their tissue. Mangrove trees and shrubs have 
other peculiar features, such as knees and other excrescences projecting upwards from 
the roots, believed to Jacilitate the access of air to the roots, which are immersed in 

_mud and water; as well as the fact that their seeds often germinate on the tree, making 
considerable growth before they fall into the mud of the tiaal swamp. } 

(1) Ovary inferior or 4 inferior ; leaves coriaceous :— 
(i) Littoral species ; seed germinates on the tree, sending down 4 long 
radicle, albumen O :— 



(1) Petals 4, entire ; ovary 2-celled, } inferior :— ... ccexcv—Rhizophora. 
(2) Petals 5--6, emarginate ; ovary 3-celled, 3 inferior:—... eccxcvi—Ceriops. 
(3) Petals 5--5, bifid, lobes laciniate; ovary 1-celled, } inferior :-— 
ceexcvii— Kandelia. 
(4) Petals 8--14, bifid, or emarginate ; ovary 2—4-celled, inferior :— 
ccexcvili— Bruguiera. 
(ii) Inland species ; seeds albominous, do not germinate on the tree :— 
cecxcix -Carallia. 
(II) Ovary free ; inland species :— 
(i) Leaves submembranous ; plants quite glabrous ; flowers $ inch long:-- 
(ii) Leaves membranous ; shoots and inflorescence pubescent ; flowers 4 inch 
long :-- La ser. a ig ANS bad oO Jad cdi--Blepharistemma. 


[Anatomical featwres.—The plants of this order have phicem on the inner side of the 
wood cylinder at the circumference of the pith, either forming a continuous ring 
(Terminalia, Combretum, often), or in distinct masses. This interior phloem either 
consists of thin walled elements only (Terminalia, Anogeissus), or is accompanied by 
thick walled bast fibres (Combretum, sometimes), ‘The medullary rays as a rule are 
narrow ; Combretum decandrum, however, bas two classes of rays, broad rays consisting 
of many layers of cells, and narrow rays consisting of one layer only. Apart from 
vessels and rays, the wood mainly consists of wovod-fibres, but a few species (e.g. 
Terminalia belerica) have broad tangential bands of wood parenchyma. Several species, 
climbers as well as trees, have strands of phloem in the wood. As far as known, the 
structure of climbing species is normal, but they demand further study. } 

[Botanical note,—In this, as well as in the allied orders, Rosacka, RuIZoPHORACES 
MYRTACKA, the practice of most English text books is followed in describing the calyx 
as adnate to the ovary, In reality, however, what is here called calyx—seeing that it, 
im some cases, bears bracteoles, and consequently—- should be regarded as an axial organ, 
or the continuation of the axis (pedicel), which is hollow, enclosing the ovary, bearing 
sepals at the apex, here called calyx segments. The Genera of Sub-order II, with 
winged fruit, but entirely different in other respects to the other genera of the order, 
should be included (with Hernandia, usually classed in LAURACKa%, q.v.) under a 
separate order, HERNANDIACEA, | 

(1) Calyx-lobes valvate ; stamens without glands or staminodes at their case, anthers 
dehiscing by a longitudinal slit ; ovules 2-—7, suspended by long funicles :— 
(i) Flowers in spikes cr racemes; fruit drupaceous, with leathery or woody 
epicarp, angled or winged :— 
(1) Calyx limb deciduous : — 
(A) Patels O ; leaves alternate or sub-opposite ; large trees :-— 
(B) Petals 4—5 ; leaves opposite, sometimes whorled ; climbers :— 
(a) Calyx tube less than $ inch above the ovary:—_... edvi--Combretum. 
(b) Calyx tube elongated, more than } inch above the ovary :— 
ed vii—Quisqualis. 
(2) Calyx limb persistent :— 
(A) Inland species; leaves opposite ; rusty downy sarmentose shrub :— 
ediii-—Caly copteris. 
(B) Littoral species of Mangrove swamps; leaves alternate, thick, 
fieshy ; glabrous tree :— i) at coe ... ¢edy—Lumnitzera. 
(ii) Flowers in globose heads, fruit small, flat imbricated:—  cediv—~Anogeissus, 
(IL) Calyx lobes valvate or imbricate ; stamens with glands or staminodes 
at their base, anthers opening by recurved lateral valves; ovule 1 suspended by 
a short funicle; frnit a nut crowned by the elongate spathulate calyx lobes; 
leaves alternate, entire or lobed ; trees :-— bee x6 . ¢edviti--Gyrocarpus. 


[Anatomical features.—This order comprises two distinct groups, treated in Engler u. 
Prantl as separate orders, MyrTacra proper have cavities, containing ethereal oil, lined 
with small thin lined walls, in leaves, branchlets, and, generally, al] the green parts, as 



a rule immediately under the epidermis. In leaves these oil cavities may often be seen 
as translucent points. Further, there are strands of phloem in the circumference of the 
pith, usually without thick walled bast fibres. Apart from the medullary rays, which 
are always narrow, parenchyma does not form an important element in the wood. 
LEcYTHIDACE® have no oil cavities and there is no phloem in the pith, transverse bars 
of parenchyma are not uncommon between the rays. The chief character, however, of 
the last named order is that the leaf traces (vascular bundles), which enter the petiole, 
separate from the central cylinder some distance below the insertion of the leaf. 
Hence the tyansverse section of «a branchlet shows, a8 is the case in Dipterocarps, a 
number of vascular bundles in the bark. In the petiole und midrib these vascular 
bundles do not coalesce, but remain distinct, | 

(1) (fyrraces® proper)-——Leaves opposite, rarely alternate, gland-dotted :— 
(i) Ovary 2—5-celled; fruit capsular, opening by as many valves; leaves 
mostly alternate :— 
(1) Stamens numerous, in a continuous series in a single row, shorter 
than the petals ; leaves small or narrow, alternate ; flowers solitary, or crowded 
buat not in heads :— : ees cdxiv--Leptospormun. 
(2) Stamens numerous, free (or ‘obscurely united at base), shorter than 
the petals, which are attached by a broad base and consolidated -into an oper- 
culuim, and fall off in one piece as the flower opens; calyx truncate, entire or 
with 4 minute teeth ; flowers in heads, cymes, or umbels, rarely sessile on the 
stem ; Jeaves alternate (opposite in 1 spevies and occasionally on young shoots of 
other species), usually large :— AE ay ... ¢dix-—Eucalyptus, 
(8) Stamens exceeding the petals : -- 
(A) Leaves small or narrow (rarely large and many nerve), alternate ; 
flowers closely sessile :— 

(a) Stamens free ; calyx-lobes deciduous ; ovary 8—4-celled; seeds 
ascending ; flowers in spikes, either terminal or crowned by the 
leaves of the year’s shoot:— . .» edxii——Callistemon, 

(b) Stamens in 5 bundles opposite the petals ; flowers in heads or 
spikes, the axis of the spike growing during or after flowering, 
the fruiting spike forming the base of a new branch :— 

(B) Leaves large or myrtle-like, penninerved ; flowers in pedunculate 
heads or cymes :— 
(a) Leaves alternate (in T. neriifolia, opposite) ; stamens united in 

5 bundles ; flowers in axillary cymes ;-- .. ¢cdxvi—Tristania, 
(b) Leaves opposite; stamens free; flowers in globular involucrate 
heads at the base of new shoots :-— 50 ... cdxili—Syncarpia. 

(ii) Ovary 2 or more-celled (Rhodamnia 1-celled with 2 parietal placentas) ; 
fruit a berry or drupe ; leaves mostly opposite (sometimes Eugenia 3-whorled, 
and 1 species alternate) :— 
(1) Leaves 3-costate from base ; peduncles 1-—3-flowered :—- 
(A) Ovary 1-celled, ovules numerous on 2 parietal placentas ; flowers 
smal] :-— .. ¢dxviti—Rhodamnia, 
(B) Ovary 1—3- celled, with double rows of ovules i in each cell separated 
again by spurious septa; flowers_medium, pink; leaves hoary- 
tomentose backed :— cdxix.—Rhodomyrtus. 
(2) Leaves pennineryed :— 
(A) Limb of calyx closed in bud, lobes subimbricate, rather deeply 
valvately separated when in flowers ; seeds numerous :— 
(B) Limb of calyx 4—5-lobed or-partite in bud, not further divided in 
flower ; seeds not numerous :— 
(a) Ovules pendulous from top of the locules; flowers small in 
trichotomous cymes from the upper axils :~— .. Cdxi-—Pimenta. 
(b) Ovules from whole inner angle, or from a somewhat prominent 
septal placenta :-- 
(c) Ovary 4—5-celled ; seeds several though not numerous :-- 
(*) Peduncles 1-flowered : ee = aa .. eds—Myrtus. 


X LIX—MYRTACEAi—cont. bs 
(* *) Flowers paniculate :— ... ¢edxx—Decaspermum, 
(B) Ovary 2-celled ; seeds 1 or fow, embryo with Jarge leaves :— 
(Il) (LecytHiwsacr#)—Leaves alternate, not gland-dotted, but usually 
clustered towards the ends of branchlets; ovary 2-or more-celled ; fruit hard 
and fibrous or fleshy :— 

(i) Stamens all fertile; flowers in spikes or racemes; fruit angular, 
fibrous, l-seeded:—— ... ... cdxxii—Barringtonia. 
(ii) Stamens of exterior and interior cir cle ‘without anthers ; fruit globular 

or ovoid, fleshy,many-seeded ; flowers few (about 3) in cL terminating leafy 

shoots :— ove bey cdzxiili—Careya. 
(ii) Stamens forming : a cup, one side of which i is very short, the other 

prolonged into a petallike hood over lapping the style bearing anthers at the 

top, the stamens atthe base of the cup being minute and barren : flowers in 

clusters from trunk and branches; fruit very large, globular, woody, seeds 

numerous imbedded in pulp :— ae oe ¥e jes ... Caxxiv—Couroupita. 


[ Anatomical features.—Except Memecylon, the genera here described have vascular 
bundles, sometimes consisting of phloem only, in tne pith, and several (Osheckia, 
Melastoma) bave such bundles (leaf traces) in the bark also. Memecylon has strands 
of phloem in the wond.} 

(I) Seeds earl 3; leaves basally 3—7-costate :— 

(i) Stamens twice as many a8 petals, and equal :— 
(1) Calyz tube clothed with stellate hairs or pectinate scates ; flowers 
terminal, solitary, capitate or panicled :— oP “nt cdxxsv—Osbeckia, 
(2) Calyx-tube glabrous; usually epiphytic :— 
(A) Capsule 4—6-valved ; flowers umbelled ; lofty climber radicant like 

ivy :— ... edxxvii— Kendrickia. 
(B) Fruit a berry ; flowers ; terminally panicled or laterally cymed ; 
shrubby :— ay eos cdsxix—Medinilla 

(ii) Stamens the number of the ‘petals, and unequal :— 

(1) Flowers i—5-clustered terminally, mauke purple; fruit a berry :— 
cdxxvi— Melastoma. 

(2) Flowers solitary, or acai aint panicled terminally, violet or 
purple ; fruit a capsule :— “He cdxxxi—Tibouchina. 

(iii) Stamens as many as petals, 33 ‘flowers racemed or in scorpiod spikes :-~ 

(Il) Seed 1 (varely 2); leaves penninerved :— oa a cdxxx—Memecylon, 

(1) Ovary superior; flowers ee calyx 6-toothed with 6 minute 
accessory t2eth :— see 
(i) Flowers secund in short panicled cymes (rarely solitary) searlet ; calyx 
curved ; stamens declinate ; leaves dotted beneath ; oe iienibeesntanae ellip- 
soid, included in marcescent calyx:— ... cdsxxii*-Woodfordia, 
(ii) Flowers solitary or racemed, purple, ‘red, or white ; 3 calyx spurred or 
gibbous at base on upper side, coloured, limb plicate; capsule oblong, usually 
ruptured before the seeds are ripe, leaving placentas with seeds attached exposed:— 
(11) Ovary superior ; flowers symmetrical :— 
(i) Inland trees or shrubs :— 
(1) Calyx segments 4; capsule bursting irregularly :— ... cdxxxvii—Lawsonia. 
(2) Calyx segments 8—10; capsule incompletely 2-valved :—cdxxxiy—-Lafoensia. 
(3) Calyx segments 4—7, erect, with as many longer and spreading horn- 
like processes between them ; ; capsule 38—5-valved:— ... ow cdxxxv—Nesea. 
(4) Calyx segments 6; capsule 8—6-valved:-— .., cdxxxviii--Lagerstreemia. 
(ii) Littoral trees :—— 
(1) Calyx segments 4—; fruit baccate ; stamens many :-—-cdxxxiz—‘* onneratia. 
(2) Calyx segments 6 with 6 intermediate small ones ; 3 fruita cireum- 
scisa capsule ; stamens 12:—— vee edxxxiii— Pemphis. 
(111) Ovary inferior, adnate to ‘calyx patie ; “stamens in several rows ; !ruit 
baccate (balaustium) with a coriaceous pericarp and pulpy sxeeds:— ... cdxl—Punica, 




(1) Calyx tube linear, scarcely produced above the ovary ; teeth 4—6 acute 
persistent; petals 4—6, epigynous: oe 4-celled, 8- ribbed, breaking up 
between the ribs :— sf cedxlii—J ussix a. 

(IL) Calyx funnel-shaped, sometimes very long tubed, “4-parted, deciduous ; 
potals 4, on the mouth of the “ives ied tube ; fruit an oblong, bluntly 4-cornered, 
berry :— ses as Ree x ons ..  edxli--Fuchsia, 


[Botanical note—The two genera here described are iccluded by Warburg in 
Engler u. Prantl. under FLacovrriace® (now included in Brxace2). | 

(1) Petals O; flowers in axillary fascicles:—_... .. ¢edxliii—Casearia. 

(IL) Petals present ; flowers in spikes, racemes, or panicles :-- cedxliv---Homalium. 

(1) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :-- nas ... e@dxly—Turnera, 


(1) Flowers 1-sexual :—- 
(i) Male and female corollas dissimilar; leayes large palmatifid with 
hollow petioles, tafted at the top of the stem, exstipulate ; trees with milky 
juice — - ¢dxlvi—Carica. 
(ii) Male and ‘Eaiamié leprallan similar’: ; aawes small: seattered, palmately 
lobed, or diverse with some’only palmately lobed, usually with largo circular 
glands underneath and also at the top of the petiole, stipulate ; tendrilled 
climbers :— .» ¢dxlvi—Modecca. 
(II) Flowers bisexual ; -tendrilled climbers ; . stipules leafy or filiform :-— 
(i) Calyx tube somewhat short, furnished with a single corona of 1 or 
more rows of filiform threads from the throat :—- pe cedxlix——Passiflora. 
(ii) Calyx tube elongated (somewhat short in T. manicata), furnished 
with ‘2 double corona, one at the throat, the other near the base :— 
. edxlviii-~Tacsonia, 

(1) Characters of the order (q.v- in the Synopsis):— ... -.  cdl—Tetrameles. 

(I) Stems fleshy, various in form, usually much jointed, joints spheroid, 
prismatoid, flat and leaf-like, and other shapes; leaves reduced to spines often 
in fascicles, or leafless :— 
(i) Armed with spines :— 
(1) Stems, or joints, subglobose or conic, with numerous prominent 
ribs armed at regular distances with fascicles of stiff spines ; flowers in hemis- 
pherie or cylindric heads emerging from a mass of bristly wool and sleuder 
spines ; perianth segments mostly petaloid ; style with 5-rayed stigma :— 
(2) Stems, or joints, mostly angular, or cylindric and ribbed or fluted, 
armed with cushion-like tufts of spines at regular intervals along the ridges or 
angles of the stem ; flowers large, arising from spinous fascicles or indentures 
on angles; calyx-tube funnel-shaped, usually spinous; stameas numerous, 
united only at base, nearly as long as petils ; style slender thread-like, exceeding 
stamens :— aaa cdlii—Cereus. 
(3) Stems, or joints, ‘short, round, “woody, with ‘flat leaf-like branches 
armed with tufts of bristles and spines at more or less regular intervals, from 
which the flowers arise ; perianth mostly petaloid :— 
(A) Tubercles on branches mostly armed with spines (except 
O. vulgaris); perianth widely expanded, rose-like; flowers 
mostly yellow or orange ; stamens numerous free, shorter than 
the-corolia ; and almost as ‘ong as the cylindric style :— 
cdlvi— Opuntia. . 



(B) Tubercles on branches mostly unarmed with spines; perianth 
erect and drawn together at the top; flowers crimson; 
stamens longer than the corolla, shorter than the style :-— 
(ii) Unarmed, or armed only at the base of the flowers; stems thin 
cylindric; branches shortly jointed, leaf-like :— 
(1) Flowers solitary arising from extremities of branches; perianth 
segments almoss all petaloid ; stamens numerous, biseriate :— 
(2) Flowers solitary, arising from the rounded sinuses of flattened leaf-like 
branches ; calyx tube with small sepaloid segments scattered on it; petals 
arrangei in a rose-like, funnel, or salver-shaped corolla; stamens attached to 
the orifice of the tube, o1ter ones larger than the inner :— edliv—Phyllocactus, 
(II) Stem woody with axillary fascicles of spines; leaves elliptic, fleshy ; 
flowers 2—4 at the tops of branches, single, rose-like ; calyx divided into leafy 
segments; petals rosy-coloured; stamens many, free; style with a many- 

rayed stigma :— ... a 2 set eee re ae ... cdlvii—Pereskia. 
(I) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :— ... ¢edlviii—Bupleurum. 


[dnatomecal features—Canals in bark and pith filled with resin or gum. In many 
species vascular bundles are found in the pith. The wood is light and soft, and many 
species have a large pith, among others Futsia papyrifera. Young branchlets are 
almost always dotted with white or light coloured lenticels, as are the leaf sheaths 
and petioles, | 

(I) Petals imbricated (lightly) ; pedicels jointed :— 

(i) Styles 2—5, free; leaves pinnately compound :— ae ... ¢dlix---Aralia, 
(ij) Styles 5, connate; leaves digitate:— ... me ... ¢dlxiii—Pentapanax. 
(iii) Styles 2—4, free; leaves digitate:— ... ae 5 cdlxii—Schefflera, 

(II) Petals valvate; albumen uniform :— 
(i) Ovary 2-celled; pedicels jointed; leaves variously pinnately com- 
pound :— 50 ut Sh Ae a ee ee Bee ... cdlxiv—Panax. 
(ii) Jvary 4 —10-celled; pedicels continuous ; leaves not pinnate :— 
(1) Leaves large palmatifid; styles filiform distinct from the base with 
small terminal stizias ; fruit largish, subglobose with fleshy exocarp :— cdlx—Fatsia. 

(2) Leaves digitate :— 
(A) Flowers in umbels, panicles or in compound racemes :—~ 
cdlxvi- Heptapleurom, 
(B) Flowers capitate :-—- ae tn “os cdlxvii—Brassaia, 
(iii) Ovary 4—10-celled ; pedicels jointed ; leaves simply pinnate :— 
(III) Petals valvate; albumen ruminated :-- 
(i) Ovary 2-celled; styles distinct; pedicels continuous; leaves pin- 
nately decompound :— so 5 aes Bee oF: cdlxviii— Heteropanax. 
(ii) Ovary 3 —7-celled ; styles distinct ; leaves simple strap-shaped :— 
(ii) Ovary 4—5-celled ; styles combined; pedicels continuous; leaves 
simple, lobed :— 5. ae Bae o: Be “fy +: .. cdlxix—Hedera, 


(I) Petals Jong, linear; stamens more numerous than petals:— cdlxx-—Alangium. 
(II) Petals short ; stamens isomerous with petals :— 
(i) Ovary 2-celled :— Bas sue as 5 See ... ¢dlxsxi—Cornus. 
(ii) Ovary l-velled:— wae ae ae “A: ove ...cdlxxii— Mastixia, 


[Anatomical features.—In most genera the wood fibres have bordered pits. As tar 
as is known, the wood of the climbing species (Lonicera) has normal structure with 
numerous, and, in some species, large vessels. ] 



(I) Corolla rotate or broadly campanulate ; ovary celis l-ovuled, style short 
or stigma sessile :— 
(i) Leaves pinnate:— ... a ar PF “FP ... Cdlxxiii—Sambucus. 
(ii) Leaves simple :— _... ra ‘is a fs edlxxiv—-Viburnum, 
(II) Corolla tubular or narrowly campanulate ; ovary cells 1- to many-ovuled ; 
style filiform :— 

(i) Stamens 5; calyx 5-lobed; ovary 1- (spuriouxly 4) celled; corolla 
tubular 3 cleft :-— re : ey -; LA ... ¢edlxxyv--Diervilla, 
(ii) Stamens 5; calyx 5-dentate; ovary 2—3-ceNMed corolla ; bilabiate or 
5-lobed :— pie ae tee to she a8 os cdlxxvii— Lonicera. 

(iii) Stamens 4 ; calyx-lobes 5 linear ; ovary 3-celled :— .«» ¢@dixxvi—aAbelia, 

[Anatomical features.-In most genera the wood fibres have bordered pits, 
exceptions are :— Guettarda, Hemiltonia, Paederia, Moringa, Damnacanthus, Psychotria, 

Chasalia. } 

(1) Ovules numerous, or if few atleast more than 1 in each cell; or if only 
one (Pseudizora sub-genus of Webera), then with 5-merous flowers, short pubes- 
cent styles, and stout fusiform grooved stigma :— 

(i) Fruit dry, dehiscent, or, if indehiscent, separating into 2—+4 several 
seeded cocci (rarely nutlike) ; of if succulent (Sarcocephalus) by the confluence 
of many ovaries in a fleshy receptacle, then the flowers in a dense globular 
head :— 

(1) Flewers in dense globular heads; corolla funnel-shaped; stigma 
simple, far exserted ; fruit 2-celled, pericarp thin, more or less fleshy, endocar 
cartilaginous :—{ see also infra (II)—(ii)— Morinda] :— 

(A) Ovaries confluent ; fruit forming thereby a globose fleshy mass:— 
(B) Ovaries free, but common receptacle fleshy in fruit; ovary 4- 
celled in the upper pwrt, ovules numerous :— cdJxxix—Anthocephaius. 
(C) Ovaries free ; common receptacle dry in fruit :—- 
(a) Stigma clavate ; flowers mixed with numerous filiform bracteoles, 
heads ebracteate:— ...° ... 533 : -- e@dlxxx- Adina. 
(b) Stigma mitreform ; heads 2-bracteate ; corolla lobes vaivate :— 
edlzxxi-—Stephec: ne. 
(c) Stigma globose or ovoid; heads bracteate; corolla lobes im- 
bricate:— ... = oa sf cdlxxxii— Nauclea, 

(2) Flowers never in globose heads, but axillary and solitary or fascicled, 

ov in axillary or terminal cymes, racemes or panicles :— 
(A) Ovules numerous ; capsule 2-celled :— 
(a) Corolla lobes valvate ; seeds winged :—— 

(x) Flowers panicled without conspicuous bract; corolla lobes 
fringed :— __... be = ree ... edixsxiii—Cinchona, 

(8) Flowers in panicled spikes, subtended by 1—2 conspicuous 
foliaceous persistent bracts :— --. ¢dlxxxiv—Hymenodictyon, 

(v) Flowers in terminal corymbs ; stigma bilamellate, exserted :— 
edlxxxv (bis).—Bonvardia. 

(b) Corolla lobes imbricate or twisted; seeds not winged, but 

angular :— 
(x) Climbers; flowers solitary, axillary, scarlet, 4—5-merous $ 
corolla hairy at throat ; capsules somewhat cucumber-like : — 

(8) Erect :— 
(*> Flowers white or rosy, 4—5-merons, in terminal 3-chotomous 
panicles :—- ne cdlxxxyi—Wendlandia. 

(**) Flowers flesh-coloured or lilac, 5-merous 
‘ corymbose cymes :— ae S 
‘***) Flowers vermilion, 4—5-merous, in terminal 3-chotomous 
compound corymbs :— f cedlxxxvii— Rondeletia. 
(****) Plowers yellow, small, in axillary peduncled cymes :— 

edxeviii— Hoffmannia. 

in terminal 



(B) Ovules numerous ; capsule obcordate, girt in the middle by calyx 
tube, the crown dehiscing by broad gaping valves :— 
(C) Capsule splitting septicidally into two 1—4-seeded cocci, which 
dehisce ventrally (rarely loculicidal on the crown only ):— 
cdlxxxviii— Hed yotis. 
(ii) Fruit fleshy or leathery, either a berry, or drupe-like with 2 or more 
many-seeded pyrenes :— 
(1) Corolla valvate ; seeds many, small, angled :— 
(A) Inflorescence terminal ; calyx with one of the lobes foliaceous and 
white or light-coloured, very conspicuous:—  ... cdxci—Mussenda. 
(B) Inflorescence axillary ; calyx equally 4—5-lobed : — 
(2) Corolla imbricate or contorted :— 
(A) Stamens inserted at the base of the corolla tube; corolla lobes 
imbricate ; flowers orange-coloured, tubular, cymose, terminal ; 
seeds small, cotyletous minute :— _ ¢dxciii—Hamelia. 
(B) Stamens inserted at, or near, the mouth of the corolla tube; corolla 
lobes contorted ; seeds large, cotyledons often leafy :— 
(a) Inflorescence terminal :— 
(x) Flowers 5-merous in crymbiform compound cymes: 

anthers exserted :— ... edxciv-—Webera. 
(B) Flowers 4-merous, fertile flowers solitary, males in few- 
flowered corymbs ; anthers included:— §cdxey—Byrsophyllum. 

(b) Inflorescence axillary, supra axillary, or leaf-opposed :— 
(~) Stigma fusiform ; ovules numerous in each cell :— 
(*) Corolla lobes 5 or more ; ovary l-celled; buds resinous :=- 

(**) Corolla lobes 5 ; ovary 2-celled :— cdxcvi—Randia. 
(8) Style bifid ; ovules 2--3 in each cell :-— 
(*) Berry 2---3-celled ; inland plants :-— ... d=--Diplospora. 

(**) Drupe cylindric, ribbed ; buds resinous ; littoral plants :— 
(II) Ovules solitary in each cell :— 
(i) Fruit dry, dehiscent, or if indehiscent, separating into two 1-seeded 
winged cocci or pyrenes; plants fetid when crushed :— 
(1) Ovary 5-celled ; capsule 5-yalved and -seeded ; flowers 4—5-merous, 
white or mauve, in terminal 3-chotomous panicles, fragrant ; erect shrubs :— 
dxvii— Hamiltonia. 
(2) Ovary 2-celled; fruit of 2 flattened, winged, 1-seeded pyrenes 
separating from the filiform gynophore ; flowers white or flesh-coloured, with 
a pink-starred limb, in axillary and terminal panicles ; climbers :— 
dxvi (bis)— Peederia. 
(ii) Fruit baccate, syncarpous, formed by the confluence of succulent 
accrescent calyces; flowers in dense sub-globose heads :-— ne ... dx—Morinda. 
(iii) Fruit a drupe or berry ; flowers quite free, not in dense heads:— 
(1) Corolla lobes imbricate; ovary 4—9- celled ; flowers secund on the 
branches of axillary forked cymes:— ... Joe eh ve ... dii—Guettarda. 
(2) Corolla lobes twisted :— 
(A) Inflorescence axillary or supra-axiilary :— 
(a) Flowers in peduncled corymbose este ; frnit ovoid, smooth, 

coriaceous, 1-seeded :— : Be diii—Octotropis. 
(b) Flowers solitary or fascicled ; ‘drupe ‘with 2 plano-convex, or 
ventrally concave pyrenes :—— ie wee ae ... @ix—Coffea, 

(B) Inflorescence terminal :— 
(a) Leaves membranous or chartaceous ; bracts at the lower cyme 
branches membranous and more or less sheathing : style twice 

the length of the corolla tube: — é ..." dviii-—Pavetta. 
(b) Leaves and bracts coriaceous (except iT, elongate) ; Style less 
than twice the leneth of the corolla tube :— ... ... dvii-—Ixora. 

(3) Corolla lobes valvate :— 
(A) Inflorescence axillary :— 


LXII--RU BIACE Ai—-cont. 

(a) Flowers mostly solitary :-— 
(*) Flowers large, pale yellow, pendulous, faonnel-shaped, 
4-parted ; berry large yellow ; leaves usually fascicled, 
with supra-axiNary spines :—- ... ¢edxcix—Catesbea. 
(**) Flowers small white, bell-shaped, fetid: drupe red, berry- 
like, with two }-seedcd pyrenes, usually grooved on the 
inner surface ; leaves small :— fe ... dvi—Coprosma, 
(***) Flowers small white with villous throat; drupe minute 
with 1—+ plano-convex pyrenes: leaves small; spines 
acicular :— pa .. dxi--Damnacanthus. 
(b) Flowers fascicled or in corymbose cymes :—- 
(*) Ovary 2-celled ; stigma large, usually ribbed; drupe with 

1—2 pyrenes or a 2-celled putamen :—- ... div--Canthium, 
(**) Ovary 5-celled; stigma 4—5-lobed; drupe larger, with 
4—5 pyrenes :— .. dv-—-Vaugueria. 

(***) Ovary 3—9-celled : drape with 3-9 triquetrous 1-seeded 
pyrenes ; leaves distichous, often fetid where crushed, 
with arching nerves and close-set veins :— 
(B) Inflorescence terminal in 3-chotomous cymes; ovary 2-celled :-— 
(a) Corolla tube short straight ; seeds plano-convex :—- 
(b) Corolla tube slender, curved; seeds concave, cup-shaped :— 
(¢) Corolla bell-or funnel-shaped ; cymes often few-flowered, rami- 
fications and peduncles slender; drupe small, pyrenes 1—2 
crustaceous, seeds solitary and ellipsoid or two and plano- 
convex ; shrubs fetid when bruised :— __... ... Qdxvi--Saprosma. 


(1) Invvlucral bracts many-seriate, imbricate :— 
(i) Florets all tubular purple ; leaves usually dentate; anther base obtuse 
or minutely sagittate :—— dxvili— Vernonia. 
(ai) Flor eta of the margin ligulate, forming rays ; flowers usually white or 
yellow :-- 
(1) Flowers orange-yellow ; heads very large, solitary, terminal ; leaves 
cordate or usually 3-lobed:— ___... .. dxxiv—Vithonia. 
(2) Flowers yellow with a white ray ; heads large : -~ 
(4) Heads in corymbose panicles; leaves bipinnatifid ; arborescent :-- 
(B) Heads solitary ; leaves-pinnatifid; frutescent :— 
(3) Flowers white ; heads very small, Paare athens ; leaves ovate-lance- 
olate ; scandent :—— ... Q@xix—Microglossa, 
Gii) Florets of the margin ‘filiform ; ; flowers yellow ¢ or white :— 
(1) Pappus present; anthers cleft at base and appendaged at apex :-- 
(A) Bracts not scarious, but herbaceous or dry ; flower heads medium — 
corymbose ; downy glandular shrubs :-— y ... dxx--Pluchea. 
(B) Bracts scarious, usually hyaline, or inner radiating : — 
(a) Heads small, compressed, in solitary or crowded globose clusters 
which are sessile on an oblong or cylindric terminal recep- 
tacle; achenes large, 2--4-angled or many-ribbed, ciliated ; 
pappus hairs many, short and unequal; glabrous shrubs :-— 
dxxi-—Blepharistem ma, 
(b) Heads small, corymbose; achenes very small, oblong; pappus 
bairs slender, scabrid, often thickened at the tips, styles 
undivided or merely notched ; cottony or woolly shrubs :— 
(c) Heads small, corymbose ; achenes small, terete, 5-angled, or 
compressed ; ; pappus hairs dilated and feathery or bearded 
above 5 styles divided ; cottony or woolly shrubs :— 
dxxiii- Helichrysum 



(2) Pappus absent; anthers not appendaged at apex; glandular- 
aromatic shrubs :— 
(A) Flowers corymbose :-~ a Es 06 dxxvii--Tanacetum. 
(B) Flowers not corymbose, but racemed or panicled :-— 
(a) Leaves largish, flaccid, usually (sometimes bi-) pinnatisect, 
ereen or clothed with white or buff :— ... O&xxvili—Artemisia. 
(b) Leaves small, stiff, lobed (scarcely pinnatifid), grey—green :— 
(iv) Florets bilabiate, one lip oblong emarginate villous, the other fili- 
form; flowers rose coloured, solitary; involucre cylindrical; pappus stiff, 
plumose ; spinous shrubs :— ... NAS i tee 130 ... Qxxxii--Barnadesia. 
(11) Involucral bracts 1-seriate, with sometimes an extra but minute row 
outside ; disk, and usually ray, florets yellowish :-— 
(i) Heads homogamons ; style tips ovate ; fleshy shrubs:-— ... dxxx—Notonia. 
(ii) Heads rayed or disciform, homogamous; style tip traneate, short 
or O; usually scandent shrubs: — mide aes fi dxxxi—Senecio, 

(I) Characters of the order (q.v., in the Synopsis) :~-- .. Q&xxxiii-—Sczvola, 


(1) Corolla 2-lipped, cleft dorsally to the, base ; flowers in racemes, white, 
rose, or mauve; anthers connate ; capsule 2-valved at the crown :— 
(I1) Corolla 2-lipped, tube undivided ; flowers solitary or racemed, scarlet 
or yellowish ; anthers not, or but imperfectly, connate ; capsule 2-valyed :— 

{Botanical note.—This includes VaccinIAcr#, as indicated by Brandis ; Rhododendron 
includes Azalea.) 

(1) (VaccrNIACcE®)--Ovary inferior :-— 
(i) Corolla campanulate or ovoid, teeth short ; flowers in axillary racemes :— 
(II) (BRicacr# proper)- -Ovary superior, free :—— 

(i) Fruit a berry, rough with tubercles, 5-celled, many seeded ; flowers in 
panicied racemes, white or reddish ; sepals 5-small; coroila subglobosely cam- 
panulate (urceolate) with a small 5-cleft reflexed border ; stamens 10, filaments —, 
flattened ; buds naked :— et see hat Eee wat . xl (bis).—.A\rbutus. 

(ii) Fruit a capsule 4- or 8-celled, loculicidally 4-(or 8-) valved ; flowers 4- 
merous ; stamens 8; buds naked :— 

(1) Corolla globular or tubular and dilated ; flowers nodding, axillary ur 
terminal, fascicled or racemore ; leaves opposite :— Ea : dxxxvii—Hrica. 
(2) Corolla campanulate ; flowers drooping in terminal racemes ; leaves 
alternate, white backed :—— ae ne a sis ae ... Qxl—-Daboecia. 
(iii) Fruit a capsule, loculicidally 5-valved; flowers 5-merous ; stamens 

10; buds naked :—— 
(1) Calyx succulent, in fruit, enclosing the capsule; anthers with 2 
horns at the back; flowers small, racemose or solitary, axillary; seeds sub- 
globose :—- 2 ake ae af at .. dxxxviii-—-Gaultheria, 
(2) Calyx not altered in fruit ; filaments with 2 horns divaricate from 
the apex ; flowers small, white, in axillary racemes or terminal panicles ; seeds 
linear, oblong :-— SH seb ip Ree me #a Ses ... dxxxix—Pieris. 

(iv) Fruita capsule, septicidally 5-20-valved ; buds scaly, cone-like :— 

(1) Capsule 5-celled, seeds with a wing-like border at each end ; flowers 
white, in terminal umbels :-— vals Ain wa af, ae .. dxliii—Ledum. 
(2) Capsule 5--20-celled, seeds not winged but often crested or tailed ; 

flowers (rarely solitary) fascicled or corymbose, variously coloured :— 
(A) Corolla saucer-shaped ; stamens partly concealed in cavities in 
the upper surface of the corolla:— ... Ras ... dxlii--Kalmia. 
(B) Corolla campanulate, wide funnel-shaped, or cylindric ; stamens 
not concealed in pits of the corolla:-- ... dxli—Rhododendron., 



(I) Styles 5, distinct ; stigmas subcapitate ; stamens very shortly united at 
their base into a tube with the corolla ; small shrubs with obovate leaves :— 
(II) Style 1 filiform divided into 5 stigmatose branches ; stamens tree ; 
calyx glandular ; flowers spicate:--__... i a, is w. dxly—Plambago. 


[Anatomical features.—Resin cavities and resin duets are found in the leaves 
(whence leaves pellucid-punctate), pith, wood, and bark; probably some species have 
resin cavities or special cells filled with resin in the medullary rays analogous to the 
Wood Oil in the rays of Dipterocarpus alatus. | 

(I) Ovary inferior or } superior; berry many seeded, nearly enclosed by the 
calyx :— 
(II) Ovary inferior ; calyx free :— 
(i) Stamens without alternating scales (staminodes) ; fruit 1-seeded :— 
(1) Filaments none, or shorter than the anthers; fruit a globose dry or 
fleshy berry ; inland species :— 

(A) Flowers in dense axillary clusters ; corolla segments imbricate or 
valvate in bud :— i Loe Spr ... dxlviii—Myrsine, 
(B) Flowers in racemes, often panicled; corolla segments imbricate 
or contorted in bud :— ... ot es oe ... dxlix—Embelia, 
(C) Flowers usually umbellate ; corolla segments twisted, the right 
hand edge overlapping ; anthers free ; calyx glabrous:— dl—Ardisia, 
(D) Flowers in sessile umbels ; corolla segments twisted, the left 
hand edge overlapping; anthers tree, calyx persistent, hairy :— 
(2) Filaments long, exserted ; fruit cylindric, curved, dry; shrub of the 
mangrove swamps :— a3 ne sis sa : dlii— Aigiceras. 
(ii) Stamens alternating with 5 scales (staminodes); fruit yellow 1-3- 
seeded, seeds imbedded in a mucilaginous placenta; flowers vermilion in termi- 
nal racemes or umbels :— 52: oth ‘a “he Re »e  dlili— Jacquinia. 


{Anatomical features.—Shoots and young leaves of most genera are clothed with 
fine, often minute, unicellular hairs, which as a rule, are attached in the middle and 
are hence two-armed. Another feature is that of strings of cells filled with milky 
substance, which in some species yield the “ gutta-percha’? of commerce, accompany- 
ing the vascular bundles in the bark and leaves. The wood is recognized by numerous 
narrow, often fine, more or less concentric bands of wood parenchyma, and frequently 
by radial irregular belts of parenchyma surrounding the vessels. The heart-wood is 
generally red. | 

[Botanical note.—Dichopsis is called by Brandis and Bourdillon Palaquium 
(Blanco). | i 
(1) Ovary 4—12-celled :— 
(i) Corolla lobes isomerous with calyx segments :—- 
(1) Stamens isomerous with corolla lobes and calvx-segments :—= 
(A) Calyx segments 5, similar :— 
(a) Staminodes alternating with stamens :-— .., ... dlvi—Sideroxylon. 
(b) Staminodes none :—— es ts aes dliv--Chrysophyllum, 
(B) Calyx segments 6, of which 3 larger form an outer whorl :-- 
(2) Stamens twice (sometimes thrice) the number of corolla lobes and 
calyx segments. 
(A) Calyx segments4:—~ ... a a4 = - lvii--Isonandra, 
(B) Calyx segments6:— —... a te ae .». dlviii—Dichopsis, 
(ii) Corolla lobes twice, or thrice, the number of calyx segments :—— 
(1) Calyx segments imbricate, l1-seriate; staminodes none :-—... dlix—Bassia, 
(2) Calyx segments 2-seriate ; staminodes alternating with stamens ;— 
1l ; : 




[Anatomical featwres.—Like SaPpoTacEs, the Ebonies have concentric bonds of 
wood parenchyma, appearing like transverse bars across the medullary rays ; but 
they are often extremely fine and difficult to see. The wood fibres have minute 
bordered pits. The wood of many species is dark grey, and in the stems of some 
species, when old, irregular masses of jet-black wood are formed, sometimes 
alternating with strata of lighter coloured wood, In this jet-black wood (Ebony) 
the vessels and wood-fibres are filled with a black substance, the nature and origin 
of which are not known. ] 

(I) Flowers mostly 3-merous, ovary 3-or 6-celled:  ... nee .» dlxi— Maba. 
(II) Flowers mostly 4—5-merous ; ovary 4-—5-, or 8--10-celled :— 

[Anatomical featwres.—Stellate hairs and flat round peltate scales are frequent. 
The wood-fibres have bordered pits. | 

(1) Stamens numerous in several series ; ovary inferior, 3-celled :— 
(II) Stamens 10, in one series; ovary free, dissepiments reaching only to 
the middle :— cide Abc soc wh oe dae 500 --. Glxiv—Styrax. 


{ Anatomical featwres.—The climbing species of Jasminum have, as far as 
known, wood cf a normal structure ; but the stems are often spirally twisted, and 
in some cases wedges of bast intrade into the wood. | 

(1) Leaves or leaflets penninerved (rarely-Jasminuwm—s%.costate) ; mostly 
trees and shrubs, or (Jasminum) climbers :—— 
(i) Fruit a 2-lobed (1 lobe sometimes wanting) berry; albumen O; corolla 
tube cylindrical; leaves simple, 3-foliate or pinnate, opposite (rarely alternate) ; 
mostly climbers :—— s une Lyf Hae 505 an dixv—Jasminumn. 
(ii) Fruit a bipartite, orbicular, compressed capsule, separating when 
ripe into two sub-discoid carpels; leaves simple; corolla salver-shaped, wiite 
with a yellow cylindric tube ; shrub or small tree :— Ae dlxvi--Nyctanthes. 
(iii) Fruit a woody capsule, dehiscing loculicidally with septiferous 
valves; albumen O; leaves imparipinnate; corolla salver-shaped, white with 

brown blotches, tube cylindric; trees:--__... ab Lon ... dlxvii—Schrebera. 
(iv) Fruit a samara winged at one end; leaves imparipinnate; petals 
O, 2, or 4, trees:— 5 ats A sah wae ma .. dlxviii-—Fraxinus. 

(v) Fruit a drupe, endocarp bony or crustaceous :— 
(1) Corolla with distinct, or connate in pairs, petals ; trees :—dlxx—Linociera. 
(2) Corolla tubular or O ; inflorescence usually axillary ; trees:— dlxxi—Olea. 
(3) Corolla funnel-shaped ; inflorescence of terminal racemes or panicles ; 

shrubs :— au ade 406 ae 00 ue dlxxii— Ligustrum. 

(4) Corolla thick globular 4-cleft, yellowish ; flowers in axillary clusters ; 
trees :— wit eae Se ae ves ee dlxxiii— Noronhia. 

(II) Leaves prominently 3-costate ; large climber with 4-angular branches ; 

fruit globose, 1-seeded, with crustaceous pericarp; flowers small, yellowish, in 
axillary and terminal trichotomous panicles :— de Ae dixxiv—Myxopyrum. 


{Botanical note-—In HK. 3-619, C. B, Clarke supposes Roxburgh’s Blackburnia 
monadelpha to be the same as his Dobera Roxburghit; the following is Roxburgh’s 
description, and the two hardly seem to tally :—- ‘‘ Calyx 4-toothed ; corol 4-petalled ; 
nectary a staminiferous ring surrounded by the base of the germ ; Berry superior 
1-seeded ; seed arilled ; arboreous ; leaves alternate, lanceolate ; filaments united at base. 
A large erect timber tree, a native ot the mountainous parts of the Circars; flowering 
time, the beginning of the hot season. Trunk erect ; bark thin, firm, yellowish-green 
on the outside, in the inside deep red, tinging the spittle with that colour ; it is a strong 
astringent ; branches numerous, forming a large shady head, leaves alternate, short 
petioled, linear-oblong, smooth, below a little whitish, entire, waved, pointed, five or six 




inches long, and 1} to 2 inches broad ; stipules none. Racemes axillary, small, erect, 
frequently compound; bractes small, subulate ; flowers small, yellow, calyx 4-toothed ; 
petals 4, oblong, expanding, apices revolute; nectary a ring surrounding the base of 
the germ, staminiferous ; filaments 4, shorter than the petals, hairy, inserted on the 
margin of the nectary, anthers oval ; germ superior globular, style short, stigma headed. 
Berry vertically compressed, succulent, the size of a large cherry, when ripe it has a 
deep purple bloom which makes it very inviting to the eye; seed 1, seemingly 2-lobed, 
of a lively purple throughout. } 

Observation :—The wood of the tree is white, close-grained and durable ; the natives 

employ it for a variety of purposes.’ 

(1) Unarmed ; Ovary 1-celled ; trees :— i ba ee see ve 
(i) Corolla gamopetalous :— ‘ a5 ne ia dixzvi—Salvadora. 
(ii) Petals free :— ts dixxv—Dobera, 

(II) Armed ; ovary 2-celled : “petals fred - E darmentose shrab :-- dixxvii—Azima. 


[ Anatomical features.--The vascular bundles are bicollateral, consequently phlceum is 
found on the outer edge of the pith. Most species have milky juice, which is 
contained in non-articulated laticiferous tubes in the pith and bark, and accompanying 
the nerves in the leaves. The milk of several species yield “ Caoutchouc”. The vessels 
in the wood are usually arranged in longer and shorter radial lines. Many of the 
climbing species have wood of formal structure with large vessels ; some, however, are 
abnormal, the wood having furrows filled up with phloum; while in other species the 
stem consists of numerous more or less radial wedges of wood, separated by phlceum. ] 

(I) Anther, cells rounded at base, not conniving in a coue around, and adher- 
ing to, the stigma :— 
(i) Carpels connate, torming a 1|-or 2-celled ovary, seeds without wing or 
hairs :— 
(1) Armed with spines; flowers Jasmine-like; frait a black berry, 
1—4-seeded :— EE es dixxx—Carisea,. 
(2) Unarmed ; climbers or sar rmentose shrubs : =~ 
(A) Wlowers large, yellow or orange, bell-to funnel-shaped, many 
on poantine |i peduncies 3; leaves 3--4-whorled :— dciii—Allamanda, 
(B) Flowers medium, white or yellowish, salver-shaped in terminal 
cymes ; leaves opposite :—— : dxevii—Landolphia, 
(C) Flowers small, yellow, salver- -shaped, in axillary trichotomous 
cymes ; leaves opposite : dc so dixxxviii—Chilocarpus 
(ii) Carpels more or less distinct :— 
(1) Calyx eglandular within; flowers salver-shaped :—— 
(A) Leaves usually whorled ; disk one pane flowers white or pink, 
corymbose, lateral :—— rey dixxxi—Ravwolfla, 
(B) Leaves opposite ; flowers Rahitael lerisille in terminal, subterminal 
or axillary cymes ; fruit of 2 ie or recurved 1—2-seeded 
fleshy berries :—- 3 ae dixxsxii—Hunteria. 
(C) Leaves alternate ; branches thick :— 

(a) Venation of leaves in conspicuous ; flowers white with red tube- 
mouth, large, in terminal cymes; seeds 1—2 compressed, 
peltately attached to placentas:— ... és dlxx1liti—C erbera. 

‘(b) Venation of leaves prominent; flowers, white, yellowish, 
rose-purple, or variegated, in terminal cymes ; fragrant ; seeds 
many, winged :— dlxxxviii—Plameria, 

(2) Calyx glandular within, or if (Tabernemontana) eglandular, then 

the fruit follicular :— 

(A) Leaves alternate ; flowers yellow, funnel-shaped, large, in terminal 
cymes ; fruit turbinate, seeds 2—4: —~ $) dixxxv—Thevetia. 

(B) Leaves whorled (rarely in Ochrosia alternate); flowers salver 

: shaped, usually white (rarely pink) :— 

(a) Flowers in terminal cymes ; corolla lobes overlapping to the right; 
fruit of, usually 2, bright yellow drupes; trees of salt 
marshes :—— .., oe ave one oe ee )xxxiv—Ochrosia, 




(b) Flowers in lateral cymes towards the end of branches; corolla 
lobes overlapping to the left; fruit of 2 slender follicles ; inland ‘ 
trees and shrubs:-—__... a Sis ads _. dxc——Alstonia, 
(C) Leaves opposite, or if (Ellertonia) 2~-4-whorled, then climbing :—— 
a) Climbing or twining shrubs :— 

(x) Flowers white, salver-shaped, in subterminal cymes; fruit 
follicular with many-seriate winged seeds:—- dlxxxix LEllertonia, 

(8) Flowers blue or white, rather large, salver-shaped. axillary, 
solitary ; fruit follicular with 2-seriate seeds, truncate at 
both ends :— ae Ae ro ste ... dlxxxvii— Vinca. 

(b) Erect trees and shrubs :— 

(x) Corolla lobes overlapping to the right; flowers pink, salver- 
shaped, in terminal cymes; fruit of 1-—2 obovoid fleshy or 
coriaceous carpels, 1--2-seeded :-— Sec ... Qlxxxvi-—Kopsia, 

(8) Corolla-lobes overlapping to the left; flowers white, salver- 
shaped, in axillary or terminal cymes; fruit of 2 follicles :—— 

(*) Stamens near base of tube; follicles elongate, incurved ; 
seeds with a coma of hairs:... nee .. dxceili-—Holarrhena, 
(**) Stamens at or above the middle of the tube; follicles ov- 
oid, oblong, or reniform, fleshy or coriaceous; seeds in an 
orange coloured aril :— “fae ... dxciii—Taberneemontana. 
(II) Anthers conniving in a cone around the stigma and adhering to it, each 
cell produced downwards intoa subulate empty spur; ovary of 2 distinct carpels, 
united by the style; fruit of 2 follicles ; seeds hairy at one or both ends :— 
(i) Corolla tube with 5—10 scales or processes in the throat :— 
(1) Leaves 3—4-whorled follicles ; erect ; flowers white, pink, or red, 
(often double), salver-shaped, in racemose cymes ; corolla lobes short, overlapping 
to the right ; shrubs:— __... Ay ais a see aes ... dxevii--Nerium,. 
(2) Leaves opposite :— 
(A) Follicles erect ; flowers galver-shaped, white, yellow, or red, 
in terminal or subaxillary cymes; corolla lobes short, over- 
lapping to the left; trees:——... oe EA ... dxevi-—Wrightia. 
(8) Follicles divaricating ; climbers or sarmentose shrubs: — 
(a) Flowers funnel-shaped with campanulate throat, white or pink, 
in terminal 2-chotomous cymes; corolla lobes broad twisted :— 
(b) Flowers fumnel-shaped with companulate throat, white, pink, 
or yellow, often variegated, interminal cymes; corolla lobes 
produced in twisted tails :—-- wee ... Gxeviii-~Strophanthus, 
Gi) Corolla tube naked, without scales or processes ; climbers (except 
Kicke«ia) :— 
(1) Corolla urceolate or subglobose with short valvate lobes; flowers 
small, greenish, in dense corymbosely panicled cymes :— cee -. dc--Urceola, 
(2) Corolla large funnel-shaped with campanulate throat :— 

(A) Flowers white in terminal cymes :— ... abe «. dci—-Beaumontia. 
(B) Flower white, fragrant, in simple racemes :— ..  dcii--Mandevilla. 
(C) Flowers yellow or greenish, im subumbellate or corymbose 
racemes :—— sae “eh bse ne .. dceiv—Hemadictyon 
(3) Corolla sancer-shaped or rotate, with very short tube; flowers white 
in subaxillary 2-chotomous cymes ; leaves minutely dotted :-- . ... dxcv——Vallaris. 

(4) Corolla salver-shaped, tube or throat long, sometimes ventricose 
or subcampanulate :— 

(A) Flowers very large, white in lax terminal or pseudaxillary cymes ; 
corolla throat subcampantlate and long, tube very short, lobes 
overlapping to the right and sharply twisted to the left :— 

(B) Flowers medium :-- ... Me 2 co ... dev-—Chonemorpha 

(a) Tree ; flowers yellowish in congested cymes ; corolla lobes 
linear :-— ie Bae sg bes dee .. dxci—Kickxia. 
(b) Climbers :— 
(x) Corolla lobes spirally twisted, small, shorter than the tube :—— 
(*) Disk fleshy, 5-lobed, lining the calyx tube, its connivent 
lobes adnate to, and surmounting the ovary ; flowers 
yellowish in axillary and terminal cymes:— devii—-Epigynum. 



(**) Disk cupular hiding the ovary; seeds beaked; flowers 
yellowish-white in slender, wide-spreading cymes :— 
dcix—Anodendron. . 
(***) Disk annular, not hiding the ovary; seeds not beaked ; 
flowers white, fragrant, in loose terminzl and pseud- 
axillary cymes :—— ... as ... devili-—Trachelospermus. 
(8) Coroila lobes straight, overlapping to the right, twisted to 
the left in bud :— 
(*) Filaments spirally twisted ; flowers white, in axillary and 

terminal dichotomous cymes or thyrses :-- .... dciv—Parsonia, 
(**) Filaments not twisted ; flowers white, in terminal tomentose 
cymes :— ... ) devi--Aganosma. 

(C) Flowers small, purplish white in paniculate cymes ; follicles very 
slender, almost filiform ; corolla lobes straight, overlapping te the right, twisted 
to the left but with the tip deflected in bud :— rea wee +. dcx-——Ichnocarpns, 

(Anatomical features —-These are precisely the same as in APOCYNACER, q.v. | 

(1) Filaments usually free ; pollen masses granular :— 
(i) Corolla lobes contorted, overlapping to the right :-- 
(1) Leaves alternate, crowded at the ends of branches ; flowers minute 
in terminal dichotomous cymes ; tree :— i “rc ee ... dexv—Utleria, 
(2) Leaves opposite : climbers :—- 
(A) Flowers large, mauve, in terminal 3-chotomous cymes ; corolla 

funnel shaped with campanulate throat :— .. dcxiii--Cryptostegia. 
(B) Flowers yellow, medium sized, rotate, in slender 2-chotomous 
cymes ; corolla lobes linear twisted :— .. dexii—Cryptolepis. 

(C) Flowers small or minute, hairy, rotate:— 
(a) Coronal scales long filiform ; flowers in 3+chotomous panicled 
cymes :—- ee Ase a ae dexvi-—Streptocaulon. 
(b) Coronal scales, short, broad ; flowers in 2-chotomous cymes, 
purple within, green without :—- 7. dcexiv—Brachylepis. 
Gi) Corolla lobes valvate ; leaves opposite : climbers :— 
(1) Corolla lobes glabrous, purple within ; flowers small in subsessile 
opposite crowded cymes :-— ... ae ck a ahs dexi-- Hemidesmus. 
(2) Corolla lobes densely white bearded; flowers small in avillary 
peduncled cymes :— ___.... Sts iy ne see vA ... dexvii-—Decalepis, 
(II) Filaments connate into a staminal tube ; pollen masses waxy, solitary 
in each cell (in pairs on the pollen carriers), or in a few genera (Secamone, Toxo- 
carpus, Genianthus) in pairs in each cell (¢.e., fours on the pollen carriers) :~— 
(i) Corolla lobes contorted, overlapping usually on the right :— 
(1) Corolla rotate :— 
(A) Flowers large (Linch diameter or more), reddish purple and white, 
in axillary few flowered cymes ; corona low, annular, 10-lobed, 
fleshy :—... ve 5s Lu .. dexxvi-—Holostemma. 
(B) Flowers medium-sized :— 
(a) Leafless climber (somewhat resembling Euphorbia Tirucalli) ; 
flowers white or yellow, in terminal (or at the nodes) umbelli- 
form cymes ; corona cupshaped, membranous, 10-lobed or- 
crenate, adnate to the base of the column :— 
(6) Climbers with ovate-cordate leaves :-— 
(x) Flowers green in umbelliform cymes ; coronal scales fleshy, 
hemispheric, cuspidate, adnate to the column :—- dexxxv--Dregea, 
(8) Flowers greenish speckled with brown in corymbose racemes c 
coronal scales membranous, erect, bifid :-- 
(C) Flowers small or minute (4 inch diameter or less); climbers with 
opposite leaves :—— / 
(a) Flowers in axillary 2-or 3- chotomous cymes ; coronal scales 5, 
laterally compressed, adnate to the staminal tube, tips free :— 



(b) Flowers in umbelliform or racemose cymes ; coronal processes 
fleshy, adnate to the very short column :— ,.. dexxiii--Tylophora. 
(c) Flowers in axillary umbelliform cymes ; corona of 5 laterally 
compressed ecales, adnate vertically to the backs of the 
anthers, with free tipe and spurred bases:-- dcxxiii—Pentatropis. 
(2) Corolla campanulate, funnel-shaped, or salver-shaped ; climbers with 
opposite leaves :— 
(A) Flowers large (1 inch or more in Jength or diameter) :— 
(a) Flowers white, fragrant, salver-shaped with cylindric tube dila- 
ted both at the mouth and at the base, in umbelliform 
cymes ; coronal scales 5, erect, often free at tips :— 
(b) Flowers white or rosy, with purple veins, campanulate or urceo- 
late (rarely rotate), solitary or in racemose or umbelliform 
cymes : corolla ciliate ; corona double, corolline annular at 
base of corolla, staminal of 5 scales, adnate to bases of sta- 
mens, base cordate and 2-keeled within :— ...  decxxi—Oxystelma. 

(B) Flowers medium sized :— 
(a) Flowers pale blue, changing through purple to lilac, campanu- 
late or sub-globular, with oblong spreading lobes and short 
tube, in few flowered umbelliform cymes :— dcexxv—Oxypetalum. 
(b) Flowers greenish white, ciliated, funnel-shaped, with ovate 
spreading lobes and short tube, in racemiform or corymbi- 
form axillary cymes ; corona double, an outer annular 5-lobed 
membrane, and 5-cumpressed scales, adhering to the anthers, 
free tipped and spurred behind ; follicle echinate ; fetid :— 
(c) Flowers yellow (whitish or greenish) or orange, salver-shaped, 
sometimes fragrant, with oblong or linear lobes, tube swol- 
len below, in subumbelliform cymes ; coronal scales membra- 
nous, largish, notched, at the back of the anthers :— 

(C) Flowers small (under 3 inch diameter) :— 
(a) Flowers in axillary dichotomous cymes; corolla glabrous with 
narrow spreading recurved lobes and short tube ; coronal 
scales minute, adnate to column :— ... .. dexix-—Toxocarpus. 
(b) Flowers in crowded umbelliform cymes ; corolla with thick 
twisted lobes and usually a short tube; corona of 5 fleshy 
processes in the throat, or reduced to a double villous ridge 
below the Sinuses:—__... ae bc ... dexxix—Gymnema. 
(c) Flowers in umbelliform cymes ; corolla either minute cylindric 
shortly 5-cleft and mouth closed by a brush of hairs, or small 
subcampanulate with fleshy spreading lobes; coroual scales 
5 erect subulate, adnate dorsally to anthers :— dcxxx——-Marsdenia. 
(ii) Corolla lobes valvate in bud :-- 
(1) Shrubs ; leaves opposite :— 
(A) Flowers medium to large, purple, mauve or white, broadly 
campanulate, in umbelliform or subracemose cymes ; coronal 
scales 5-fleshy, laterally compressed, dorsally spurred, radiating 
from the large staminal column ; Jeayes ovate-cordate :— 
(B) Flowers medium, white, rotate, on many flowered interpetiolar 
peduncles ; corona of 5 conduplicate scales radiating from the 
top of the column ; leaves linear-lanceolate : - 

(2) Climbers ; leaves opposite :— 

(A) Flowers funnel-or flask-shaped with tube dilated, or not, at base 
and mouth, and curved or straight, medium to large sized, white, 
yellow, greenish, purple, or spotted; corolla lobes broad or 
narrow, erect or incurved and cohering at the tips, often 
ultimately recurved or reflexed; inflorescence of umbelliform 



cymes (rarely solitary); corona annular or cupular, adnate to 
column, 5—10-lobed with 5 ligulate processes within :— 
(B) Flowers urceolate or disciform (much depressed urceolate) with 
contracted mouth, medium sized, purple, in small subsessile few 
flowered cymes; corona cupular, fleshy, adnate to column, 
spreading, lobulate or toothed :— Fr .. dexxxvii—-Oianthas. 
(C) Flowers rotate :— 
(a) Flowers large, purple, with long, flat, very narrow seaments, few- 
(about 3-) flowered in sessile umbels ; corona annular, adnate 
to column, with 5-rounded lobes :— ... .. dexl—Brachystelma, 
(b) flowers medium, white or pink, fleshy or waxy, in umbels; 
corolla lobes often convex, spreading or reflexed ; corona large 
stellate:— ... we oe oa Sed ... Qexxxviii—Hoya. 

(c) Flowers small or minute (4 inch diameter or less) :— 
(x) Flowers minute in axillary cymes ; corona of 5 erect scales 
adnate to the colamn :— e mae e- dcxx—Genianthus. 
(8) Flowers small, greenish or purplish, in umbelliform cymes ; 
corona white, cupular, toothed or crenate :— 
z acexxvii—Cynanchum. 
(y) Flowers small, purple, in subsessile umbelliform cymes ; 
corona large, stellate :— as ... dexxxvii—Heterostemma. 
(3) Flowers yellowish, downy, in crowded axillary umbelliform 
cyimes; corona double, corolline of 5 scales between the 
corolla lobes, staminal of a raised undnlate wing at the base 
of the anthers:— __... ig ue .. dcexxxix—Leptadenia, 


[Anatomical features.—Two gyoups may be distiaguished in this order: Buddleia 
and allied (non-Indian) genera have collateral vascular bundles, and the structure 
of the wood is normal. The other genera have bicollateral bundles, «nd consequently 
phloeum is found on the outside of the pith and (in most species of Strychnos) in 
the wood, on a transverse section as islands of softer texture. | 

(I) Ovules in each cell numerous :— 
(i) Corolia imbricate ; flowers in spikes, mostly panicled: fruit a 2-valved 

capsule :—- aoe wee as tae wa ane a dexliii—Buddleia, 
(ii) Corolla contorted; flowers in cymes or corymbs; fruit a berry, 
jJ—2-celled with many seeds in a fleshy pulp :— .. dexliv—Fagrea, 
(iii) Corolla valvate ; flowers in lateral or terminal cymes; fruit a berry 
J—2-celled with many seeds in a fleshy pulp :— ... dexlv—Strychnos, 
(11) Ovule 1 (rarely 2) in each cell; corolla tube short ; anthers large, exserted ; 
cymes axillary :-— “nr ! pe as dexlvi—Gardneria. 


(1) Capsule 3-valved ; seeds winged :— 

(i) Flowers large in terminal corymbs; calyx tubular 5—cleft; corolla 
funnel-shaped, lobes obovate spreading ; stamens 5, at base of tube, more or less 
exserted ; leaves simple :— = Are of 5 ie cedxlvii—Cantna. 

(ii) Flowers bell-shaped, solitary ; calyx foliaceous, 5-parted, persistent ; 
stamens declinate; leaves compound, terminating in a teudril at apex of 
rachis :— ae ais os aka ee aoe phe ae .. ¢cdxlviii—Cobzea. 


[Anatomical featwres.—Stiff 1-celled hairs, erect or slanting, walls often thick and 
granular, base often large and rounded, are common in plarts of this order. Cordia 
and allied genera have also stellate and branched, sometimes glandular, bairs. In 
many cases the rough surface of the leaves is caused by cells of the epidermis contain- 
ing cystoliths, concretions mostly consisting of calcium carbonate. Cystoliths are 
often found in the enlarged base of hairs, and not rarely (species of Cordia) in groups 
of epidermal cells, which appear as white disks, mostly on the upper surfage of the 
leaves. | | 



(1) Style twice forked ; drupe with 1 stone :— .. cdxlix—Cordia. 
(II) Style bifid to the ‘middle or lower down; dru upe with 2—4 pyrenes :— 
(III) Style filiform, stigma 2-lobed; cymes few flowered; drupe with 4 
crustaceous pyrenes :— F cdli—Rhabdia. 
(IV) Style short, undivided ; cymes many- flowered ; drupe scarcely fleshy, of 
two 2-celled 2-seeded pyrenes :— ... cdjii—Tournefortia. 

(V) Style dilated at apex or above the base; ‘cymes terminal, 2-chotomous 
with scorpioid branches ; fruit of 4, more or less free, nutlets :— 

dcliii— Heliotropium. 

| Anatomical featwres.—The vascular bundles are bicollateral, and 
fibres have bordered. pits. The stem of the climbing species has a most varied 
anomalous structure. ‘heir roots abound in acrid milky juice, which is found often, 
but not copiously, in other parts, such as young fruits, leaves, etc. | 

the wood 

| Botanical note-—The following key, which splits up Argyreia, and Ipomaea into 

component genera, a8 now usually adopted, is taken from Sir D. Prain’s “ Bengal 
Plants.” | 

(1) Corolla tube usually uniformly enlarged from base to apex, the 5 bands 
on the lobes rarely clearly defined from the intervening spaces; pollen not 
spinescent :— 

(i) Yellow parasitic twiners without leaves; 
mouth scaly ; embryo spira! without cotyledous :— 
(ii) Non-parasitic, green leafy shrubs, usually twining :— 
(1) Fruit indehiscent, woody or fleshy, rather large; style short or none, 
stigma 4—10-rayed ; corolla lobes bifid, induplicate—contorted :— dcliv—Hrycibe. 
(2) Fruit dehiscent, or, if indehiscent, small with thin fragile walls :— 
(A) Flowers in racemes or panicles; corolla lobes induplicate— 
contorted :— 
(a) Ovary 1-locular, 2-ovuled ; capsule 1-seeded, indehiscent (rarely 
2-valved) ; sepals, outer 3or all, enlarged in fruit; style 
entire or shortly 2-lobed :-— ... ee cae dclxi—Porana. 
(b) Ovary imperfectly 2-locular, 4-ovuled; capsule 4-valved, 
1-seeded ; sepals not enlarged in fruit, but bract supporting 
fruit conspicuously enlarged; styles 2, distinct :—— 
(B) Flowers in cymes, or solitary ; capsule valvate or opercular (rarely 
dehiscing irregularly) :— 
(a) Styles 2,free or partly united below; sepals not (or slightly 
only) enlarged in fruit ; bracts small or wanting :-— 

(cx) Corolla lobes imbricate ; flowers axillary, solitary ; stamens 
exserted ; styles quite free, stigmas globose; capsule 1- 
locular, 4-valved, 1-seeded :— : ... dclxiv—Cressa. 

(8) Corolla lobes induplicate- contorted ; flowers subcapitately 
cymose; stamens not exserted ; styles usually partly united 
below, stigmas 2 capitate; capsule irregularly dehiscent, 
splitting into many vertical segments :— delxii-~ Bonamia 


lebes of corolla imbricate, 

(b) Style entire, stigmas usually 2 :-- 
(x) Ovary l-locular; capsule 4-valved, 3-seeded ; stigmas short, 
oblong ; calyx lobes not enlarged ; bract not enveloping the 

calyx ; pollen polyhedral :— ... dcelx—Hewittia, 
(8) Ovary 2-(sometimes 4-)locular ; outer sepals (3) not larger 

than the 2 inner, nor decurrent on the peduncle :— 

(*) Stigmas elongated, elliptic; ovary 2-locular, 4-ovuled ; 
capsule &-(rarely 4-) valved ; hairs 3-to many-branched :— 

(* *) Stigmas globose :-- 

(7) Capsule 4-valved, ovary 2-(often 4+) locular, fruiting 
sepals not enlarged; bands of corolla usually with 5 
purple lines ; stems not winged :— .. delviii—Merremia 

(Ipomeea 2088, 2044, 2045, 2048). 



(+ +) Capsule with circumscissile dehiscence ; ovary 2-locular ; 
fruiting sepals considerably enlarged; bands of corolla 
without lines ; stems winged :— .. dcelviii—Operculina 

(Ipomza 2046), 
(II) Corolla tube not uniformly enlarged from base to apex, the 5 bands on 
the lobes clearly defined by 2 prominent lines; pollen spinescent :— 
(i) Fruit dehiscent, or, if indehiscent, then with thin fragile walls :— 
(1) Stamens arising directly from the corolla tube :— 
(A) Corolla more or less campanulate; calyx lobes never aristate ; 
inflorescence never scorpioid; stamens not exserted:— 
delviii—-Ipomzea-(Ipomeea 2017, 2019, 2033, 2041, 2043, 2047, 2052). 
(B) Corolla more or less hypocrateriform ; calyx lobes aristate, or, if 
obtuse, the inflorescence scorpioid ; stamens exserted :—— 
(a) Flowers rather small, pink |more commonly scarlet and crimson, 
often orange, yellow, white or variegated |, slightly irregular :— 
Aclviii—Quamoclit (Ipomza 2018, 2019). 
(b) Flowers large, white or purple, never pink, quite regular :-— 
delviii-—Calonyction (Ipomza 2015, 2016). 
(ii) Fruit indehiscent, woody, or mealy, or fleshy :— 
(1) Fruit woody ; stigmas elliptic-oblong ; corolla hypocrateriform :— 
(2) Fruit mealy or fleshy ; stigmas globose ; corolla not (or very rarely) 
hy pocrateriform :-— 
(A) Sepals large, orticular, accrescent, mucilaginous, ultimately com- 
pletely enveloping the fruit :— .. delvi—Stictocardia (Argyreia 
(B) Sepals small, ovate or narrow-oblong, leathery, ultimately dry, not 
enlarging so as to envelope fruit :— 
(a) Ovary 4-celled :— re OCLVi ss ett is gyreia other than 1992.) 
(b) Ovary 2-celled — 12 .. dcelyi—Lettsomia. 


[Anatomical features.—In this order, in the circumference of the pith there isa 
continuous or interrupted ring of phiceum, often with bast fibres. ] 

(1) Fruit indehiscent, a berry with many compressed sukdiscoid seeds ; 
embryo curved or subspiral ; corolla lobes valvate or plaited :— 
(i) Corolla rotate or wide campanulate :— 
(1) Anthers connivent in a cone longer than the filaments, not dehiscing 
throughout their length, but by apical pores or short slits ; flewers in racemose 
or dichotomous cymes, lateral or terminal :— 
(A) Leaves alternate or subopposite in equal pairs ; flowers mostly 
rotate :— aoe .. delxvi—Solanum, 
(B) Leaves in unequal pairs : flowers small campanulate, secund :— 
dclxvii—Cy phomandra. 
(2) Anthers not connivent in a cone, nor longer than filaments, dehiscing 
throughout their length by lateral slits ; flowers Pcie or in pairs ; calyx in 

fruit small :— ark delxviii— Capsicum, 
(ii) Cor olla urceolate ; anthers not connivent in a cone ; calyx in fruit en- 
larged overtopping the berry ; flowers clustered, subsessile:— ... dclxix—Withania. 

(iii) Corolla funnel shaped ; anthers not connivent in a cone, but versatile 
opening lengthwise :— 
(1) Calyx surrounding the fleshy 4-celled fruit ; leaves somewhat fleshy, 
clustered near the ends of branches ; flowers large, yellow, solitary, terminal :— 
(2) Calyx enclosing the dark coloured i—2-celled berry ; leaves alter- 
nate ; flowers medium, white, yellow, orange, red, or purple, usually fragrant, 
in corymbose or panicled cymes or fascicles, axillary and terminal :— 
[Botanical note.—Apart from the Brugmansia section, Hocker, Roxburgh and others 
call the Indian Daturas, ‘‘coarse rank-scented annual herbs”; they are commonly 
found as medium sized woody shrubs, and have been found 20 feet high with a stem 
of 5 inches diameter, a distinct tree. | 



(1) Leaves all alternate ; corolla salver-shaped with long tube slightly 
dilated at top, limb flat, 5-cleft with rounded lobes; flowers white or blue ; 
stamens 4, anthers confluent at tips ; style bent inwards at top where divided 
into 2 stigmatic lobes ; capsule Jeathery or fleshy ; seeds many, yxather large, 
imbedded in pulp:— ... Ys Lee 2 as ie dclxxiv— Brunfelsia. 

(II) Leaves, at least the !ower, opposite or whorled ; fruit a capsule :— 

(i) Corolla distinctly bilabiate :— 

(1) Corolla with very short tube, upper lip shortand truncately rounded, 
entire, lower lip large, concave, slipper-shaped ; flowers yellow, ‘white, or 
purple, solitary or corymbose ; stamens 2:— _ ... .. delxxvi—Calceolaria. 

(2) Corolla ringent, upper lip erect or reflexed, lower 3-lobed ; flowers 
yellow, buff or salmon-coloured, often with darker markings, usually solitary 
axillary, upper sometimes racemed ; stamens 4, didynamous :— delxxviii—Mimulus. 

(ii) Corolla tubular and indistinctly bilabiate, lobes subequal ; flowers 
erimson or scarlet, solitary or in lax dichotomous cymes; stamens 4, didyna- 

mous:— ... ae delxxvii— Russelia. 

(iii) Corolla rotate: — 

(1) Flowers vermilion, axillary, subracemose ; corolla limb 5-cleft ; 
stamens 4, didynamous :— ne ae ae 60 30 dclxxv—Alonsoa. 
(2) Flowers white or bluish, in axillary spikes or racemes ; corolla limb 
4—5-cleft ; stamens 2 :— ah ya asd me ct .. dclxxix—Veronica. 


[Anatomical features —As far as known, the wood of the Indian arborescent 
genera has a normal structure. Numerous climbers of this family are found in 
America with « varied and anomalous structure. | 

[Botanical note—The details distinguishing the genera Amphtlophium, Bignonia, 
Tabebuia, and Tecoma, have not been available for me ; the species have been placed 
sometimes in one genus, sometimes in another. | 

(1) Fruit a 2-valved capsule, septum in fruit enlarged and deciduous with 
the placentas :- - 
(i) Capsule without wings along the margin :— 
(1) Stamens 5 perfect ; capsule very large. flat, septifragal, seeds wing- 
ed all round except at base; calyx large, curiaceous ; corolla wide campanulate ; 
flowers large, white or purple, in terminal racemes ; leaves bi-(or tri-) pinnate ; 
Trees :— is, ot sd. Rue Ae ere zp delxxi—Oroxylum. 
(2) Stamens 4 perfect, with or without 1 staminode ; rarely (Catalpa 
sometimes) 2 stamens and 3 staminodes :— , 
(A) Corolla salver-shaped, tube very long linear; calyx small cup- 
shaped ; flowers white, fragrant, in terminal panicles ; capsule 
flat, septifragal ; seeds many, winged; leaves bi-or tri-pinnate ; 
Trees ae ae Br delxxx—Millingtonia. 

(B) Corolla campanulate or funnel-shaped :— 
(a) Calyx spathaceous :— 
(x) Trees; flowers white, in terminal panicles or racemes; corolla 
tube long or short, cylindric below, campanulate above, lobes 
crisped, cienate, or incised; capsule usually flattened, some- 
times subeylindric; seeds many winged; leaves simply 
pinnate :— sie ae: be delxxxiv—Dolichandrone. 
(8) Trees; flowers orange to scarlet, in terminal racemes; corolla 
campanulate, limb sub-bilabiate with 5 broad lobes; capsule 
flattened, septum at right’ angles to the valves; leaves 
simply pinnate:— ... ep von bs delxxxvi— Spathodea. 
(y) Climbers; flowers usually purple, axillary or in terminal cor- 
ymbs ; capsule flat, smooth, septum parallel to the valves ; 
seeds many winged, 1-seriate ; leaves 3-foliate, or conjugate 
with tendrils at end of rachis :— ... dclxxxv—Macfadyena. 
(b) Calyx not spathaceous, but more or less campanulate and tooth- 
ed or truncate :— 




(x) Capsule elongate and flattened ; 'mostly climbers, sometimes 
shrubs or small trees; flowers usually large, in axillary or 
terminal panicles, white, yellow, orange, scarlet, pink or 

e purple ; corolla irregularly campanulate or funnel-shaped, 
d-lobed, more or less bilabiate; leaves various, simple 
(especially young) ,conjugate with tendrils, 3-foliate, digitate, 

or pinnate :— 

(*) Corolla lobes crisped :— .«» dexciii—Amphilophium. 
(**) Corolla lobes not crisped ; seeds 2-seriate :— 
(***) Corolla lobes not crisped ; seeds 1-seriate :— 

HEX : ... @clxxxiii—Tabebuia, 
(8) Capsule ovoid, not elongated, ‘seeds ‘surrounded by a mem- 
branous wing ; climbers; flowers yellow, orange, or red in 
secund leaf-opposed racemes; corolla funnel-shaped with 
5 equal lobes ; leaves bipinnatisect terminating in branched 
tendrils :— +. cdlxxxix—EHcoremocarpus. 
(y) Capsule eloagated, " subcylindric or subquadrangular, little 
flattened ; trees :— 
(*) Calyx 3—5-toothed,-lobed, or-parted in flower :— 
(+) Leaves abruptly bipinnate with imparipinnate pinne ; 
flowers bluish in terminal panicles; corolla tubular at 
base, dilated at throat, limb unequally 5-lebed ; capsule 
compressed roundish ; seeds many, winged :— 
(tf) Leaves simply pinnate ; flowers white, pale mauve or 
yeilowish, large in terminal panicles; corolla campantu- 
late with 5-rounded crisped lobes; capsule compressed 
roundish, septum flat or 4-cornered; seeds many 
winged :— So cdlxxxvii—Heterophragma. 
(**) Calyx deeply bilabiate ; leaves simple, opposite or 3- 
whorled ; flowers medium, white, in terminal panicles; 
corolla campanalate, tube inflated, limb 5-lobed, spreading, 
undulate, subbilabiate ; capsule long, slender, cylindric, 
septum contrary to valves ; seeds numerous, winged and 
fringed at extremities :— - = .« cdxciv—Catalpa. 
(*5*) Calyx truncate, or subtruncate ; leaves pinnate or bipin- 
nate; flowers medium, yellow, mauve, rose, white, or 
purple in terminal panicles ; coroila funnel or bell shaped, 
lobes 5, rounded, crisped, toothed or laciniate; capsule 
roundish (1 species very long and tubercled); seeds 
many, winged, 1—2-seriate:— ... ¢edxci—Stereospermun. 

{ii) Capsule with double wings along margin at right angles to septum, 
oblong, flat; calyx large, swollen campanulate, 5.fid; flowers purple, Jarge, 
in terminal panicles ; corolla lobes 5, gaanen leaves simply pinnate ; trees :— 

cdaxcvli— Pajanelia. 
(II) Fruit indehiscent, subbaccate, pulpy or spongy within, very large :— 

(i) Leaves simply pinnate; fruit long-sausage-shaped with very long 
stalk, pericarp whitish corky, filled with pulp containing numerous roundish 
seeds ; flowers large, dull yellow or purple with darker markings, in panicles 
from trank or branches; corolla bell shaped subequally 5 lobed; calyx irregu- 
larly lobed :— =f ... edxcii—Kigelia. 

(ii} Leaves simple, Sina faacicle ; ‘fruit subglobose with hard woody shell, 
pulpy within with numerous seeds; flowers large, variegated with green, yellow 
and purple, solitary on trank or branches ; calyx bilabiate ; corolla campanulate, 
lobes 5 unequal, spreading, toothed or crisped : SF see ee ... dexev—Crescentia. 

(iii) Leaves simple or 3-foliate with winged petioles, fascicled; fruit 
elongated and cucumber-or candle-like, or globose, pulpy within, with numerous 
seeds; calyx spathaceous; flowers white or greenish, solitary; corolla campa- 
nulate with subbilabiate limb . ese coe mE .. dexcvi—Parmentiera, 



[Anatomical features.—The leaves of most genera have in the epidermis of the 
upper surface numerous conspicuous cystolith cells, usually single and elongated, 
readily visible as raised lines (in Burlerta in pairs). Exceptions are in Thumbergia 
and Acanthus. Adhatoda vasica has cystolith cells in the tissue of the leaf, but notgn 

the epidermis. | 

I. Climbers ; calyx minute, annular or 10—15-toothed ; bracteoles large, sub- 
connate as a spathaceous epicalyx , flowers of all colours ; corolla salver-shaped, 
tube ventricose curved, lobes 5 rounded, twisted in bud; ovules 2, collateral in 

each cell; capsule beaked, seeds not supported on retinacula (upeurved subacute 

supports) :— ... 566 ALC oe “als on Ane dexcvili—-Thunbergia. 
Il. Erect shrubs (rarely, Blepharis, twiners}; calyx distinct; bracteoles 

not subconnate; seeds supported on hard retinacula; ovules 2, not collateral, 

or if more than 2 (rarely exceeding 8) superposed in 1 row, or else arranged 
alternately in each cell :— 
(i) Corolla without upper lip, lower lip large expanded 3slobed; ovules 2 
in each cell :-~ 
(1) Anterior filaments with an excurrent process; twining shrubs; 
flowers small :—__.. a Mh ihe af Re, decv—Blepharis. 
(2) Anterior filaments without excurrent process; erect shrubs; flowers 
lange). Yee Be sh nc bic okt decvi-—Acanthus, 
(ii) Corolla either with 2 lips or 5 subequal lobes :-- 
(1) Oyules 83-10 in each cell ; capsule normally 6-or more-seeded :— 
(A) Corolla subequally 5-lobed, funnel-shaped ; flowers blue, spicate, 

spikes forming terminal panicles ; stamens 4 didynamous, or 2 :— 

(B) Corolla 2-lipped, large, fannel-shaped ; flowers crimson or white 
in terminal panicles or thyrses; stamens 2, sometimes with 2 
staminodes :— ses e a het dceexi-—Diotacanthus, 
(C) Corolla subequally 5-lobed, cylindric with a small oblique 
revolute limb; flowers yellow, in fascicled or panicled cymes 
emerging from large coloured bracts at the ends of the branches ; 
stamens 2exserted with 2 staminodes ; style exserted, curved and 
bifid atapex:—  ... aa sot N63 deexviili—Sanchezia. 
(2) Ovules 2 (rarely 1) in each cell; capsule normally 4-or fewer- 
seeded :—— 
(A) Corolla subequally 5-lobed (obscurely 2-lipped in Calophanes) :-— 
(a) Sepals 4, two opposite outer larger than the inner two; stamens 
2, with 2—8 staminodes; often, but not always, prickly 
shrubs :—— wee fe cee ier nie ... decvii--Barleria. 

(b) Sepals 5 :— 
(x) Stamens 4 didynamous; of if only 2 (Strobilanthes), then 
limb of corolla widely funnel-shaped :-— 

(*) Anthers 1-celled; outer calyx lobes larger than the others ; 
flowers yellow, orange, or salmon-coloured in 4-sided 
spikiest=— 7 ie. Lt ne as decviii-—Cossandra. 

(**) Anthers 2-celled ; calyx-lobes subequal; corolla tubular- 

ventricose (funnel-shaped). 
(+) Flowers solitary, often crowded on short lateral branches, 
white or pale mauve with yellow and brown markings ; 
bracteoles very large, becoming scarious, with reti- 
culated nerves ; placentas separating elastically from 
valves from base upwards :-— See ... dcec—Petalidium. 
(++) Flowers in axillary clusters or short cymes, blue with 
violet markings; bracts and bracteoles linear; placentas 
not separating elastically from valves :— 
(ttt) Flowers capitate, in strobiliform or interrupted spikes, 
or panicled, blue, purple, yellow or white ; bracts and 

bracteoles large or small, persistent or deciduous ;—- 



(8) Stamens 2; corolla with long slender tube, almost salver- 
shaped :-— 
(*) Bracts usually large (rarely small) and much exceeding the 
calyx ; corolla lobes obovate, and twisted to the left in 
bud ; flowers blue or rosy, in linear spikes, more rarely 
dense and capitate :=— ... ius ... deci—Dedalacanthus. 
(**) Bracts and bracteoles linear, small ; corolla lobes imbricate 
in bud; flowers white, pink, red, lilac, purple, or plue, 
often spotted with purple or brown, in spikes or racemes, 
lax or dense, simple or compound ; leaves often diversely 
variegated in the cultivated species:—— .... decx—Hranthemum. 
(B) Corolla distinctly 2-lipped :— 
(a) Stamens 4 didynamous, anthers 1-celled; flowers red or scarlet 
in 4-sided spikes; corolla lower lip with central lobe much 
larger than lateral; bracts somewhat membranous :—— 
dcecix—A phelandra, 
(b) Stamens 4 didynamous, anthers 2-celled; flowers large purple, 
in hairy terminal spikes; corolla posterior lip shortly bifid, 
anterior of 3 short emarginate lobes; bracts prominent, 
elliptic :-- ~ ms oe ey sh ... decivy-—Calacanthus. 
(c) Stamens 2 :-— 
(x) Anther cells placed 1 higher than the other :— 
(*) Anther cells, at least the lower, with a white basal spur-like 
appendage :—— 

(+) Style shortly bifid; corolla tube short, hardly longer (or 
shorter) than the limb; flowers usually white or pink 
with purple spots, in spikes or panicles:—- _— dexii-—Justicia. 

(tt) Style simple, but stigma sometimes bilobed or bila- 

mellate; corolla tube long; flowers mostly scarlet, 
sometimes fiesh-pink, in terminal thyrses or spikes :— 
(**) Anther cells not spurred :— 

(+) Corolla tube short, upper lip not acuminate ; flowers white 
spotted with rose, or creamy, in terminal spikes, often 
several together, or capitate :—— ... decxiv—Adhatoda, 

(tt) Corolla tube long, upper lip acuminate but sometimes 
also bifid at tip; flowers white, in terminal panicles :— 

(8) Anther cells parallel on the same level :-- 
(*) Corolla salver-shaped, tube long filiform, upper lip narrow 
and shortly bifid, lower 3-lobes pendent ; flowers blue in 
dense somewhat 4-sided terminal spikes; bracts large, 
imbricate, somewhat 4-ranked :— ... decexvi-—Kcbolium. 
(**) Corolla cylindric and curved, tube long but not filiform, 
limb small in comparison, upper lip arched, lower 3-fid ; 
flowers crimson or purple, in terminal racemes; bracts 
and bracteoles very small; leaves variegated :-— 
, decxvii—Graptophyllum. 


(1) Characters of the order (q.v., in the Synopsis); shrubs; flowers small, 
white, in axillary clusters; corolla bearded :— a be decxix—Myoporum, 


[Anatomical featwres,—As far as known, the Indian climbing species, except Congea, 
have normally built wood with large vessels. The stem of Avicennia has an entirely 
abnormal structure. | 

[Botanical note.—According to Hooker and others Stachytarpheta indica is a “herb 
about 1—2 feet high”; it is a common woody shrub 3—8 feet high usually densely 
branched low down, but sometimes with more of a bole 3—4 inches in diameter. There 
seem to be four distinct varieties of Avicennia officinalis: (1) (typica) ; leaves oblong 
obtuse i” — 2)” x 3” — 1”, nerves 6 pairs, not very regular, spreading, then arching and 



finally looping ; branchlefs square ; bark grey, exfoliating in thin papery flakes leaving 
a br ight green inner bark exposed ; (2) (melanophlea ?); leaves orbicular-ovate obtuse 
Ot ae © 23" x 1” — 2”, nerves as in (1), branchlets compressed, bark black smooth; (38) 
(alba 2); leaves lanceolate acute, 24” — 4” x3” — 13, nerves 10 pairs regular ‘sub- 
opposite, obliquely arching and not looping ; Z bianehists compressed, bark brown 
smooth ; and (4) (acuminata *?), differing from the last merely in having finely acuminate 

(sub- caudate) leaves 13” — 33” x 2” — SEua The flowers of the two last are much — 

smaller than the other two, | 
(1) Inflorescence centripetal, the lowest flowers opening first; leaves simple, 

opposite or whorled :— 
(i) Inflorescence of dense spikes of oblique salver-shaped flowers, rarely 
(Lippia, the species here included) in terminal panicles :— 
(1) Spikes capitate, ovoid or cylindric; flowers purple, pink, white, 
yellow, orange, or of these colours mixed ; calyx small ; stamens 4 ; fruit succulent 
or leathery ; leaves aromatic with characteristic odour :— .. .. dcecxx—Lantana. 
(2) Spikes (normally as above, but in the species here included) extended 
into terminal panicles ; flowers very small, whitish, mauve, or lilac ; calyx small ; 
fruit dry, partially dehiscent; leaves (in this species) 3-whorled, scented of 
lemon :— ...  dcecexxi—Lippia. 
(3) Spikes long slender, terminal ; ‘calyx narrowly cylindric, 5-ribbed :— 
(A) Stamens 4 diadelphous ; bracts much shorter than calyx; flowers 
pink-purple :— ... ... decxxii—Bouchea. 
(B) Stamens 2 with 2 staminodes ; “bracts: usually as long as calyx; 
flowers blue, indigo or rosy- -pink : —~ ... dcecxxiii—Stachytarpheta. 
(ii) Inflorescence racemose :— 
(1) Fruit fleshy, a drupe with two 2-seeded pyrenes :— 

(A) Tall trees ; flowers mostly white, small, bracteolate ; corolla sub- 
equally 5-parted; calyx cup- shaped or tubular, persistent and 
surrounding the drupe; stamens 5, sub-eqnal, or 1 shorter, or 
reduced to a staminode:— .. sae decxxviii—Citharexylum. 

(B) Tall shrabs or small trees ; flowers blue or white ; corolla unequally 
5-parted, tube much larger than calyx ; eeamiens 4 didynamous; 
drupe gzolden-coloured :— .  decexxvii—Duranta. 

(2) Fruit a capsule, enveloped in the calyx and covered by its bent- 
down teeth, 2-cells, each cell with 1 large seed ; climbers ; flowers violet, sub- 
tended by a 3-leaved blue persistent epicalyx; corolla tube short, cylindric, 

limb spreading with 5 roundish lobes; stamens 4; ovary on a eub- -cy lindric 

gynophore :— dcecxxxiii— Petra. 

({1) Inflorescence centrifugal, cymose : — 
(i) Cymes lax, panioulate ; mostly trees and shrubs :— 
(1) Fruit indehiscent, containing ]—4 pyrenes. 
(A) Corolla regular ; stamens isomervus, equal; leaves simple :— 
(a) Calyx small, unaltezed in fruit; corolla purple or red, tubular 
with 4. sub- -quadrate oblong ‘patent lobes; drupe very small 
with four 1-seeded pyrenes :— .. ... decxxiv—Callicarpa. 
(b) Calyx accrescent in, and enclosing, the fruit ; corolla white, with 
short tube and a 5—6-equally-lobed spreading limb ; drupe 
large with one 4-celled pyrene :-— ead deexxy—Tectona, 
(B) Corolla 2- -lipped ; stamers 4 didynamous :— 
(a) Drupe with one 4-celled pyrene :— 
(x) Leaves simple, entire or toothed :— 
(*) Flowers large, yellow or brownish, with sub- “Sonepat 
tube :— : ... dcecxxix—Gmelina. 
(**) Flowers small, white, “greenish, yellowish, or purplish, 
somewhat salved-shaped with slender tube :—decxxvi—Premna. 
(8) Leaves digitate ; flowers small, white, mauve, or bluish :— 
(b) Drupe with four 1-celled pyrenes; leaves simple; stamens 4, 
long exserted :— 
(x) Calyx campanulate, tubular, or suburceolate, truncate “to 
deeply 5-fid, often accrescent or coloured {crimson) ; 

flowers mostly white, sometimes blue, pink, or purple :— 





(B) Calyx rotate aud widely patent, entire or obscurely 5— 
lobed, scarlet in fruit ; flowers orange or scarlet or brick- 
red :— ... .»- dccxxxii—Holmskioldia. 
(2) Fruit dehiscent, a capsule with 4 concave valves and incurved margins 
holding the seeds ; leaves simple, minutely punctate with yellow glistening 
glands; corolla with short mint tube and spreading limb of 4 white and 
1 blue lobes :— ; ‘as s .. decxxxiv—Cary opteris 
(ii) Cymes densely capitate : — 
(1) Cymes 3—9-flowered ; bracts of flower head large, forming an 
involucre fruit small, nearly dry ; large climbers :— 
(A) Bracts 6, white :— 
(a) Calyx 8—8-toothed ; corolla lobes 6--16, w ibe: ; stamens 6--16, 

much exserted:— deexxxv--Symphorema. 
(b) Calyx 5-toothed ; corolla lobes 5 5 (rarely 6), white ; stamens 5, 
little, or not, exserted:— ., ah decxxxvi—Sphnodesma. 

(B) Bracts 3—4, white or blue ; corolla distincty 2-lipped, white :— 
decxxxvii— Congea. 
(2) Cymes many-flowered, densely capitate; flowers yellow; bracts 
shorter than the calyx; calyx 5-partite with much imbricated concave segments ; 
fruit rather fleshy, partially dehiscent ; small trees of the mangrose swamps :— 
decxxxviii— Avicennia. 


(I) Stamens declinaie, 4 perfect, anther ceils at length explanate, conflu- 
ent :— 
(i) Corolla 2-lipped, upper 4-lobed, lower hardly longer than upper,some- 
what declinate, nearly flat ; calyx upper lobe always widest, large, ovate, recury- 
ed, margins decurrent on tube, other lobe narrow subulate, whole calyx deflex- 
edin fruit; stigma 2-fid; flowers white or pale-yellow, in spiked or racemed 
whorls of 6—10 flowers :— .. decxxxix - Ocimum. 
(ii) Corolla 2-lipped, npper very ‘short obtusely 34. toothed, lower much 
elongated and boat-shaped : 
(1) Calyx equally 5-toothed or obscurély 2-lipped with upper lip 3-toothed 
and lower 2-toothed, or with upper lobe large rounded and reflexed and the 
others narrow snbulate, filaments free ; flowers blue, laxly panicled :— 
(2) Calyx very oblique, distinctly 2-lipped with the upper lobe large 
entire inflexed and closing the calyx mouth, lower lip truncate or ovscurely 
toothed ; filaments free; flowers small in dense oblong, 4-gonal or cylindric, 
spikes. simple or panicled,!purple or blue; ... Mi deexli—A nisochilns 
(iii) Corolla 2-lipped, upper 2-fid lower 3- fid, lobes all flat spreading ; calyx 
lobes subequal, tube 138-—15-nerved ; stamens included ; flowers bluish-grey, 
in interruptedly spiked whorls of 6—10 flowers :-— ... ... decxlii-- Lavandula. 
(If) Stamens erect, spreading, or ascending, not declinate : — 
(i) Stamens 4, perfect :—— 
(1) Corolla not 2-lipped, but lobes 4 subequal and similar or lowest 
lebe slightly different ; anthers 1-celled, cells short; calyx 5-nerved, teeth equal :— 
(A) Stamens exserted, filaments bearded or naked; calyx 5-toothed ; 
corolla lower lobe subpatent ; flowers white, pink or purple, 
whorled in glomerate, panicled or solitary interrupted spikes :— 
{B) Stamens not (or scarcely) exserted, filaments naked ; calyx 5-partite, 
segments plumose in flower and pappose in fruit ;flowers 
white, whorled in slender cylindric spikes: — decxliv—Colebrookia. 
(2) Corolla 2-lipped, upper lip erect, lower spreading and 3-fid; stamens 
4, didynamous :— 
(A) Corolla upper lip short nearly flat, not woolly ; stamens exgerted ; 
calyx subequally 5-toothed :— 
(a) Flowers purple io axillary whorls or lax flowered panicled cymes ; 
nutlets smooth not winged :— nis decxlviii-- Anisomeles 
(b) Flowers orange or scarlet in axillary whorls or lax flowered spikes 
or racemes; nutlets winged above;:-— ... decxlix (bis,) —Colquhounia 



(B) Corolla upper lip hooded, long, densely woolly; stamens not 
exserted :— 
(a) Calyx 8—10-toothea ; flowers white in axillary whorls :—— 
decxlix—~ Leucas. 
(b) Calyx 5-toothed; flowers yellow in dense flowered axillary 
x whorls :— tee So ae “00 ay decl-—Phlomis, 
(ii) Stamens 2 (with or without 1--2 staminodes), ascending or erect ; 
calyx 2-lipped :-- 
(1) Corolla subequally 4-lobed ; flowers white in terminal spikes of 
globose whorls :-- ss we see 240 58 con .» decxly—Meriandra. 
(2) Corolla bilabiate:-- 
(A) Flowers white or blue inshort axillary few flowered racemes ; 
leaves narrow linear :—- ... ae Ban ..  deexlvii-—-Rosmarinus. 
(B) Flowers white, blue, or purple, in dense flowered whorls forming 
racemes, or scarlet in 2-flowered whorls ; leaves broad :— 


(1) Limb of perianth plicate :—- 

(i) Leaves opposite ; flowers small, pink or white, in umbels; stigma 
capitate ; twining shrubs :-- nis a eee nen ... decli-—Boerhaavia. 
(ii: Leaves alternate; flowersin threes, conspicuous chiefly from large 

coloured (magenta, rose, brick-red), bracts, to the midribsjof which the flowers are 
attached ; stigma lateral; large sarmentose or subscandent shrubs :— 
(I1) Limb of perianth induplicate-valvate ; seeds with straight embryo and 
short radicle ; flowers small greenish-yellow in panicled cymes ; trees and thorny 
climbers:--- ... Nee 500 She 508 oes SBC Pe ... dechii--Pisonia, 


(I) Leaves all alternate ;'ovary 2-many-ovuled; fruit a berry ; flowers green- 
ish-white, minute, in spikes :— ies 500 Bee é decliv—Deeringia, 
(II) Leaves alternate , or alternate and opposite mixed ; ovary with l-ovule 
suspended from basal funicle; flowers perfect, minute in woolly spikes ; stamens 
with interposed staminodes :—— ay, ate me at deelvi~ Aerua. 
(IIL) Leaves all opposite; ovary with 1 ovule suspended from basal funicle ; 
flowers perfect, small, greenish or white in dense clusters ; stamens without inter- 
posed staminodes:— ... 26 S45 Bc ee Aid .. decly—Psilotrichum. 


[Anatomical features.—Nearly all the plants of this order are “« Halophytes,” living 
near the seashore and inland in saline tracts. As far as is known, their roots largely 
take up salts of sodium, whilst most other trees and shrubs mainly take up potassium 
salts, though sodium salts are always present in the soil. Their ashes are rich in | 
sodinm chloride, and many species were formerly, and are still here and there 
employed to make an impure carbonate of soda (Barilla, Sajjz).] 

(I) Stems leafy, not jointed; leaves fleshy semiterete ; flowers minute, 
axillary, usually bisexual; stamens perigynous or subhypogynous ; seed with © 
es ... | declix—Sueeda. 

spiral embryo, albumen none or scanty:— _ ... wie t 
(II) Stems leafy, jointed ; leaves minute, thick or triquetrous; flowers small 
axillary ; stamens 5 or lesson an annular or cupular disk; seeds with spiral 
embryo, albumen O :— ... ee ae ack ee sae declx—Haloxylon. 
(IIT) Stems leafless, jointed ; flowers hermaphrodite :— 
(i) Flowers 2—6 together in the axils of the scales of a sessile cone-like 
spike; perianth ovoid or pyramidal, mouth narrowed, 3--4-fid ; seeds with horse- 
shoe-shaped embryo, albumen fleshy :— ... oe =p ...dcclvii—Arthrocnemum . 
(ii) Flowers 3-nate, sunk in superposed cavities of successive joints ; 
perianth obpyramidal, mouth wide, truncate or with 3—4 minute teeth ; seeds 
with conduplicate embryo, albumen O:— ees nor eve declviii—Salicornia. 


([) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :— uee ... declxi—Rivina, 


(1) Flowers rosy-pink or white, racemed, tendrilled at the apex of the rachis ; 
perianth of 5 segments, 3 outer cordate, 2 inner oblong ; froit a nut, enclosed in 
persistent perianth :— ‘ ide rp e soe : deelxii— Antigonon. 

(II) Flowers white, spicate-racemose, not tendrilled; perianth accrescent, 
becoming purple and fleshy surrounding the ripe fruit.—- oe declxiv-—Coccoloba. 

(IIT) Flowers white, in lateral fascicles, subsessile ; perianth 5-fid; fruit a 
berry, first: bright red, then deep purple :— a ome decliiimMnuehlenbeckia. 

(IV) Flowers white, pink, or purple, capitate; perianth 4-5 cleft; fruit a 
nut:— ... + an nde es x *. see .  declxvy—Polygonum, 


[Anatomical featwres.~-Oil cells in the parenchyma of tke leaves and outer bark 
are common in most species, The wood is very porous, the structure is usnally 
normal with broad medullary rays and large vessels, the wood fibres have bordered 
pits. The radial wedge-shaped masses of wood often appear bifurcated by the forma- 

\ tion of broad secondary medullary rays. The wood of Bragentia is peculiar. } 

(1) Perianth regular, campanulate, 3-lobed :— te “ dceclxvi—Bragantia, 

(I!) Perianth irregolar, tubalar with inflated base, limb zygomorphic :— 



[Anatomical features.—The wood is separated by broad medullary rays into wedge- 
shaped masses. Pith large, with numerous vascular bundles, anda hard undulating 
belt, mostly consisting of sclerotic fibres, on the outside. | 

(I) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :— es ... @celxviii—Piper, 

(1) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :-— ..  declxix—Chloranthus, 


[ Anatomical features.—Hairs peculiar, mostly consisting of one row of superposed, 
generally branching and often horizontal, cells. The branches, or ends, of the cells 
spread ont in 2, or several, directions. often giving the appearance of stellate hairs. 
Medullary rays numerous, very fine. The bark of most species contains long sacs 
filled with brown or red juice. | 

[Botanical note.—Justly placed near [V.—ANoNAcEz in Engler u. Prantl. ] 
(1) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :— .-. declxx—Mpyristica. 


[Anatomical featwres.—Laurels as far as known, have no heart wood, the timber 
is not heavy, not hard, that of many species is handsome, and of some very durable. 
From a forest point of view the order deserves more attention than it has hitherto 
received; and it should be borne in mind that their aromatic essential oil may give to 
some species, not yet known commercially, considerable importance for perfumery 
and in other ways. Medullary rays fine, uniform and equidistant. Vessels smal] or 
moderate sized, uniformly distributed. In the parenchyma of young shoots, of leaves, 
bracts and perianth, as well as in the bark, and often alsoin the wood, large cells 
filled with essential oil, and frequently also cells filled with mucilage. In the bracts 
and perianth, the oil cells are readily seen as transparent dots. Hairs always 
l-cellular. As far as known, Laurels coppice well. | 

[Botanical note.—This order is placed in Engler u. Prantl. in the vicinity of 
(I) Trees and shrubs; inflorescence lax ; leaves not peltate; anther valves 

ening anpwards:— ; L 
% (i) Boars hermaphrodite or polygamous, panicled, exinvolucrate; an- 

thers of 2 outermost rows opening inwards, of third row opening outwards :— 




(1) Anthers all 2-celled, perfect stamens 9, with an inner row of 3 
staminodes :— 

(A) Perianth tube accrescent enclosing the fruit:—... declxxi—Cryptocarya. 
(B) Perianth tube persistent or accrescent, but only supporting the 
fruit at its base :— 
(a) Berry with the 6-cleft hardened perianth at its base :— 
declxxii—A pollonias. 
(b) Berry with the cup of the perianth, without its segments, at 
_ its base :— BCS a8 ae Ay ... declxxiv—Nectandra. 
(c) Perianth deciduous, pedicel not thickened in fruit :— 
(2) Anthers all 4-celled, perfect stamens 9, with an inner row of 
staminodes :— 

(A) Perianth in fruit persistent, both tube and segments; leaves 
alternate, penninerved :— 
(a) Perianth segments reflexed in fruit:— ... ..  dcclxxix—Machilus, 
(b) Perianth segments erect in fruit:— ee declxxxs—Pheebe, 
(B) Perianth tube wholly or partly persistent, segments usually 
deciduous ; but if segments persistent, then leaves opposite and 
8-costate from, or from near, the base:— ... declxxy--Cinnamomum, 
(C) Perianth entirely deciduous, but pedicel thickened in fruit :— 
(a) Perianth downy, pedicel in fruit large, pear-shaped:—dcclxxvi—Pérsea. 
(b) Perianth glabrous, pedicel in fruit swoilen, but comparatively 
smaller :— Bee ace ‘ so ... declxxi—Alseodapbne. 

(ii) Flowers dicecious, collected within an involucre of bracts ; anthers all 
opening inwards : — 
(1) Anthers 6--12 fertile, 4-celled :— 
(A) Fruit seated on the enlarged perianth tube :— 
(a) Flowers clustered, capitate or umbelled, within an involucre of 
densely imbricating bracts; leaves subverticillate or lower 
opposite and 8-costate ; perfect stamens 6—9 :— y 
dceclxxxii—A ctinodaphne, 
(b) Flowers umbelled 4—6 in an involucre of 4—6 bracts; leaves alter- 
nate penninerved, rarely opposite or 3-costate ; perfect stamens 
6, 9, 12, sometimes more :— me 30 .. declxxxiii—Litsea. 
(B) Fruit seated on the enlarged peduncle, perianth tube being decid- 
uous; flowers in short loose racemes in an involucre of small 
narrow bracts; leaves alternate penninerved, sometimes 3-lobed ; 
stamens 9, fertile:—__... Bee ean ... declxxvii—Sassafras. 
(2) Anthers 12 fertile, %-celled; fruit surrounded by the persistent 
perianth with its segments; flowers in umbels of 4—6 in an involucre 
of 4—6 bracts ; leaves alternately penninerved:—,, dcclxxviii—Laurus. 

(Il) Parasitic twiners ; leafless ; inflorescence compact in glomerules ; anthers 
of outermost row opening inwards, of third row opening outwards, by valves, 
all y-celled :— ah ae ie Gad eae eee ... declxxxiv—Cassytha. 

(III) Trees ; flowers moneecious in threes, with the centre flower female and 
2 lateral males, all involucred in 4—5 bracts at the ends of the branches of a 
panicle ; leaves peltate,3--7 costate, alternate ; stamens as many as, and opposite, 
the outer perianth segments which are 3—6in 2 series, anthers. opening 
laterally:— ... ae $5¢ 35 ee pe ... declxxxv—Hernandia. 
{ Botanical note.—Brandis places Hernandia, with Gyrocarpus, in a separate order, 
as follows :—] 


(1) Leaves alternate, exstipulate ; flowers bisexual or moncecious; ovary in- 
ferior, ovule 1 pendulous ; perianth of 4—10 segments; stamens 3——9, anther 
cells 2, opening by valves laterally ; fruit often winged, seed exalbuminous :— 
(i) Leaves peltate ; fruit ovoid, not winged:— _ ... .. declxxxv—Herrandia, 
(ii) Leaves broadly ovate, often lobed; fruit with 2 long wings at the 
apex i— aq vies sa es re vs ..  edviii—Gyrocarpus, 




[Anatomical featuwres.—Tho medullary rays as a rule are very broad and prominent, 
both on the transverse and radial section, the vessels are scattered in narrow bands of 
parenchymatic tissue which run at right angles to the rays alternating with bands 
of hard tissue consisting of wood fibres. | 

(1) Fruit an indehiscent nut ; flowers usually solitary within each bract, but 
forming dense cone-like spikes or heads within imbricate scale-like bracts and 
with outer bracts forming an involucre; anthers all perfect, inserted at thre 
base of the short spreading segments of the perianth ; stigma terminal, ovule 1 
(rarely 2) :-— 
(i) Perianth elongate, unequally 2-parted, broader segment with 3, narrower 
with 1, stamen :— Ses Ap Af ee ba ae dceelxxxvi—Protea, 
(ii) Perianth 4-cleft or parted ; stamen 1 on each segment :— 
declxxxvii— Leucadendron, 
(II) Fruit drupaceous with a thick, woody, indehiscent pericarp or putamen ; 
flowers in racemes, pedicellate in pairs; perianth regular or nearly so, small; 
anthers on short filaments attached below the segments of the perianth ; style 
cylindric or clavate at the end, ovules 2 :— 
(i) Leaves alternate ; ovules ascending :— me ... declxxxviii—Helicia, 
(ii) Leaves verticillate; ovules descending :— ... . declxxxix— Macadamia, 
(I11)—Fruit dehiscent, follicular or capsulir and 2— valved ; flowers in pairs 
with a single bract to each pair, rarely (in Stenocarpus) inflorescence anoma- 
lous :— 

(i)—Ovules 2, collateral ; seeds without intervening laminz or mealy sub- 
stance; flowers in racemes vr clusters with deciduous or akortive bracts or an 
involucre of imbricate bracts; perianth revolute in bud; leaves alternate :— 

(1) Seeds without wings, or the wings very short at both ends or annular 
inflorescence terminal (rarely also axillary) :— ie a decxc—Grevillea. 
(2) Seeds winged, chiefly or entirely at the upper end; inflorescence 
axillary:— ... ae te ae ae +: ... deexci—Hakea, © 
(ii) Ovules 2, collateral; seeds separated by a hard, usually woody, sub- 

stance, or by a membrane ; flowers in dense ovoid or cylindric cones without any 
involucre :— be a ee Loe Ae .. deexcv—Banksia. 

(iii) Ovules several, imbricate in 2 rows seeds ysually separated by thin 
laminzeor mealy substance :— 

(1) Flowers in short compact racemes, surrounded by an involucre of 
coloured bracts :— Si Bac ne ae to aie . dceexcii—Telopea. 
(2) Flowers in loose racemes, bracts small or deciduous :— 
(3) Flowers in umbels without bracts:— ... . deexciv—Stenocarpus. 

[Anatomical features.—Bast fibres areabundant in the bark, and the wood 

fibres have bordered pits. Aninterior phloem, often accompanied by thick walled 
bast fibres, is found on the outside of the pith. | 

(I) Leaves of perianth 4; stamens 8; leaves as a rule opposite; style shurt, 
stigma large giobose :— npc 360 ae deexcvi—Wikstroemia, 
(II) Leaves of perianth 5; leaves mostly opposite ; flowers in dense globose 

heads :— $ decxcvii— Lasidsiphon, 
(I) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :—- .. decexcviii—Elxagnug. 


[ Anatomical featwres—The species here described are really half parasites, taking 
up carbon dioxide through their green leaves and branchlets, but relying upon the 
foster plant, on which they grow, for mineral and nitrogenous substances. When the 
seeds germinate on the bark of a tree, the roots penetrate through the bark into the 
wood. The roots of the parasites thus imbedded decay readily, and hence the wood of 
the foster tree becomes riddled and worthless. Some plants of Loranthus also send 
out aerial roots, which twist round the branches of the foster plant. | 




(I) Flowers bisexual, showy ; petals 4—6, linear, qe more or less con- 
nate ; leaves alternate, or opposite, or both:—  .. ... deexcix—Loranthus. 
(11) Flowers unisexual, inconspicuous ; offen leafless, or leaves opposite :— 


[Botanical note.—This order, and the last, are placed in Engler u. Prantl. near 

(I) Perianth superior, tube adnate to ovary, not produced above it; often root 
parasites :— 
(i) Leaves opposite :— ... oan Be =e oe .. deccii—Santalum. 
(ii) Leaves alternate :— 
(1) Unarmed ; branchlets a inches long) sharply 8-sided ; male flowers 
in pedunculate clusters:— ... --  decciii—Osyris. 
(2) Thorny ; leaves coriaceous ; male flow: ers in 1 catkin- like spikes :— 
(IT) Perianth inferj or, lobes divided to the broad base or dilated summit of 
the peduncle ; flowers minute polygamous, in little spikes er clusters, each sub- 
tended by a scale-like bract which is often very deciduous ; leaves minute and 
scale-like, alternate, deciduous, or O :— oO a a6 ... dcccyv—Exocarpus. 


[Anatomical features.—In species of Croton, Macaranga, Mallotus, and Homonoia, the 
underside of the leaves is densely clothed with minute orbicular, often shining, scales, 
consisting of radially arranged cells or rows of cells. In these cases (as well as in 
Elwaqnus, Heritiera, and other trees}, the closer covering of these minute scales doubt- 
less affects the transpiration of the leaves as well as the interchange of air. This 
action is probably analogous to that of a dense felt of stellate cr other hairs. No sharp 
limit exists between these scales and the flat stellate hairs which clothe the underside 
of leaves in some of the genera mentioned, and in other genera of this order. Many 
species have a copiousacrid milky juice, and some, e.g., Manihot, Hevea, some of the 
best caoutchouc. | 

[ Botanical note.—Baillon and others separate Buaws and Sarcocscca and Engler u. 
Prantl,-these two and afew other genera, from this order to form a separate order 
—-BUXACEAi—. All Indian genera here described belong to the division of Platulobeae 
(broad cotyledons), the genera with the narrow cotyledons (Stenolobeae) are limited to 
Australia and South America. Lindley, quoting Jussieu, Adolphe Brongniart, and 
Auguste de St. Hilaire, considers that the order should be placed in the proximity of 
XIX—-MALVACEZ to which it has special affinity, though it also has affinity with V— 
MENISPERMACE) and XXXVI--RHAMNACEA. The order probably wants split- 
ting up. | ’ 

(1) Flowers united in heads resembling of a single flower, consisting of an involucre 
enclosing several flowers without a perianth, the central one ‘of which isa female con- 
sisting of a pedicelled pistil, with several males each consisting of a pedicelled stamen ; 
plants with white milky juice. 

(i) Involucre calyx like; shrubs, often leafless, or with caducous leaves. 
(ii) Involucre 5-lobed, 5-glandular, campanulate, seated on a plano-convex 
cupule ; leaves fleshy, purple-veined when young . ... deccvii—Synadenium, 
(iii) Involuere slipper-like, red ; leaves fleshy, stem-clasping : —_— 
deceviii— Pedilanthus. 

(II) Flowers not united in heads, each flower witha perianth ; 7vules 2 in each 
cell, as a rule collateral (in a few cases superposed, one pendulous from the apex, the 
other from half way up the axis) ; inflorescence mostly axillary or lateral; petals O or 
minute :— 

(i) Leaves 8-foliate, alternate ; flowers panicled, dicecious :— 
: (ii) Leaves undivided, whorled ; flowers panicled, dicecious :— 
decexxii— Mischodon. 
(iii) Leaves undivided, opposite ; flowers in short spikes, moncecious :— : 



- (iv) Leaves alternate :— 
(1) Male calyx lobes valvate ; petals scale-like ; flowers in axillary clusters :— 
(A) Ovary 2-called ; fruit a drupe :— ae my «. dceccxi—Bridelia, 
(B) Ovary 3-celled; fruit a dehiscent capsule:— ... dcecexii—Cleistanthus. 
(2) Male sepals or calyx imbricate :— 

(A) Petals sac-like ; male disk 5-lobed — __... «» deccxiii—Actephila, 
(B) Petals O; male flowers in axillary (tarely terminal) spikes, racemes or 
panicles :— 
(a) Fruit globose, in bunches mostly from the old wood, seeds em- 
bedded in a fleshy aril:— ... oes ...  decexxvii—Baccaurea. 
(b) Fruit a capsule bursting irregularly, pericarp semetimes fleshy ; 
male flowers in catkins :— 2h wa ...  deccexxiv—Aporosa, 

(c) Fruit indehiscent, drapaceous ; flowers dioecious in spikes or 
racemes :— 
(a4) Petiole short (ander 1 inch) ; ovary 2—3-celled, raphe dorsal :— 
(8) Petiole short (under 1 inch) ; ovary 1-celled, raphe ventral :— 
(y) Petiole long (aver 1 inch) ; drupe 1-seeded :— 
(C) Petals O; male flowers solitary or in fascicles or clusters :— 
(a) Style arms much dilated; frnit an indehiscent drupe; leaves 
often serrulate :— 

(a) Stamens 2—4, central ; drupe l-seeded :— ... deeexix—Putranjiva. 
(8) Stamens few or many, inserted around an orbicular disk :— 
(*) Ovary usually l-celled :— ... we ... dceccxx—Hemicyclia. 
(**) Ovary 2--4-celled:— ... ae .. deecxxi—Cyclostemon. 

(b) Styles and style-arms slender :— 
(a) Disk O in either sex ; stamens 3, filaments united into a col- 
umn :— 
(*) Anthers adnate to the whole length of the column :— 
(**) Anthers sessile on the angles of the short 3-gonous col- 

umn:—  ... ae ae ee ... dcccxvili—Sauropus. 
(8) Disk present in female, often also in male, flowers :--- 
(*) Filaments free around a large pistillode :— deccxvi—F lueggia. 

(**) Filaments free or united ; pistillode O or minute :— 


(c) Styles as a rule connate in a fleshy mass, conical, columnar, or 

spherical; disk O; anthers 8—8, adnate to a central col- 
umn :-— bee ay ee a0 ae ... dceexv—Glochidion, 

(III) Flowers not unitedin heads; or if in heads, then either males only 

(Hura) in dioecious piants, or (Dalechampia) twiners with membranous trilobed 

hairy leaves; each flower with a perianth; ovule 1 in each cell :-— 

(i) Leaves opposite ; flowers in terminalracemes ; calyx of male and female 
5-lobed ; petals of male and female 5, longer than the calyx; stamens many ; — 
ovary 3-celled ; juice blood-red :— __.., “Ac ee ne ... dceccexl—Baloghia. 

(ii) Leaves alternate :— 

(1) Petals present ; inflorescence terminal :— 
(A) Flowers in androgynous compound cymes :— 

(a) Leaves penninerved ; stamens 8 :— ie .. decexxsx—Tritaxis. 
{b) Leaves 3—7-costate :— 
(a) Sepals 5, imbricate ; stamens 8--12 :— ... decexvix—Jatropha. 
(8) Calyx-lobes 2- 3, valvate ; stamens 8-20 :— deccxxxiii—Aienrites. 

(y) Details not to hand ; allied to the last genus :— decexxxii--Joannesia. 
(B) Flowers in emai chars spikes or racemes ; stamens 10—30, fila- 
ments inflexed in bud :— _ af “si ... deceexxxivy—Oroton. 
(2) Petals present ; inflorescence as a rule axillary :— 
(A) Male sepals imbricate ; petals united ; fruit a drupe :— 
(B) Male sepals imbricate ; petals free ; fruit capsular :— 
(a) Female sepals not enlarged in fruit ;— 



(*) Styles short bifid ; flowers in racemes or panicles :— 
(+) Anthers 3, sessile on a cylindric column :— 

(++) Stamens 8—35 :— ... ; deccexxxvili—O stodes. 

(#*) Styles slender recurved, entire :— ... ... decexxxvii— Codizum. 

(b) Female sepals as arule enlarged in fruit :-—- .. dccexxxix—Biachia. 
(C) Male calyx open in bud, female sepals enlarged in fruit; petals 

present in both male and female :— ... decexli—Dimorphocalyx. 

(D) Male sepals valyate ; anther cells distinct, pendulous, glabrous:— 
(3) Petals none :— 
(A) Calyx campanulate or cup-shaped :—- 
(a) Flowers moncecious ; calyx campanulate ; juice white milky, 
producing caoutchoue :-- 
(a) Stamens 10, filaments free :—- ... ae decexxxi—Manihot. 
(8) Stamens 5--10, adnate to a central column :— <dcccxxvili—Hevea. 
(b) Flowers dicecious ; calyx of both male and female cup-shaped ; 
flowers of male in stalked catkin-like heads, with stamens on 
the concave face of 1 or more rows of scales inserted around a 
central column ; of females solitary, stalked, in the axils of 
leaves, with a rounded ovary terminating in a very long style 
which is trumpet-shapea and has a_ reflexed many-toothed 
border :—-... ‘oe Mis ae se pe ... decelxi—Hura 

(B) Sepals of male imbricate :— 
(a) Flowers of male fascicled ; fruit smooth (not echinate), tardily 
dehiscent ; leaves penninerved, stzpules sheathing ; resinous 
trees :— ee ee “or Fic noe ... decely—Gelonium. 
(b} Flowers of male in panicles or racemes ; leaves 3—5 costate :— 
(C) Sepals or calyx segments of male valvate ; trees or shrubs :— 
(a) Filaments free (or united only at the very base) :—- 
(a) Stamens 2--8 ; flowers in androgynous or 1-sexual spikes ; 
juice white, milky, acrid :-— 
(*) Calyx of male 2—3-lobed:— __... BAA ... dccclix—-Sapium. 
(**) Sepals of male free, 3,small:— ... Gccclx—Excecaria. 
(8) Stamens 4, anthers 2-celled :— 
(*) Filaments slender, anther cells parallel, adnate to the thick - 
connective:--__.... An ey ... deecxlv—Adenochlena. 
(**) Filaments short, flat, anther cells divaricate :— 

(7) Stamens 6 to many, anthers 2-celled :— 
- (*) Leaves always alternate :—~ 
(+) Anther cells divaricate ~~ 
(§) Styles short entire, densely plumose :—— 
(§§) Styles filiform with numerous slender branches :— 
dceexliv—Acaly pha. 
(++) Anther cells contiguous and parallel :— 
decexlvii—A Ichornea. 
(**) Leaves alternate or opposite; anther cells globose or 
shortly-oblong, widely separated by a thick connective :— 
(***) Leaves opposite ; anther cells contiguous and parallel :— 
(+) Leaves entire; fruit a drupe:— ... .. decexlviii—Trewia. 
(tt) Leaves dentate or sinuately lobed ; fruit a capsule :— 
; deccxlix—Ccelodiscus. 
(5) Stamens 1 to many, anthers 4-celled :— 
(*) Styles with 2—8 long filiform arms ; leaves not peltate, but 
_ penninerved : 2 ASS ny fi deccli—Cleidion. 
(**) Styles entire ; leaves peltate, 3—5-costate : — 
decclii— Macaranga. 


(b) Filaments connate in bundles, stamens many :— 
(x) Flowers usually dioecious, in axillary spikes; leaves narrow or 


small, penninerved:— .. 5d ... deecliii—Homonoia. 
(8) Flowers monoecious, in terminal androgynous panicles ; leaves 
large, 7—8-costate and lobed :— oy ... deccliv—Ricinus, 

(D) Sepals or calyx-segments of male valvate; twining shrubs; 
racemes androgynous :— 
(a) Stamens 1—3; racemes not capitate ; bracts small; stinging 
plants ; leaves simple or lobed, 3-5-costate:— ... decclvii—Tragia, 
(b) Stamens 20—30; racemes capitate: bracts large involucrate; 
leaves lobed or 3-foliate, 3—7-costate :— 


[Anatomical features.—Cystolith cells: often conspicuous in the epidermis. No 
laticiferous tubes. | 

(1) Fruit a suborbicular winged samara :— aes ... dcecelxii—Holoptelea, 
(IL) Fruit a drupe :— 
(i) Sepals of male imbricate : — 
(1) Leaves aa coriaceous (one species very coriaceous), 3-costate, 
stipules free :— : - : ... decclxiii—Celtis. 
(2) Leaves coriaceous, penninerved, stipules connate conyolute :— 
(ii) Sepals of male in duplicate-valvate ; leaves silvery-downy-backed, 3—7- 
costate, stipulesfree:— ... sf one “= ne ne ..- deeclxyi—Trema, 


[Anatomical features.—Bast fibres strongly developed in the bark, often very long, 
useful for manufacture of paper, cloths aud ropes. Cystolith celis conspicuous in the 
epidermis. Continuous—not articulated—laticiferous tubes in bark and leaves. } 

(I) Fruit the result of one flower :— 
(i) Flowers usually dioecious, male flowers subcapitate, female solitary, 
rarely, (Streblus), 2—4 together :-— 
(1) Spinous; perianth of female 3—4 lanceolate sepals, enlarging and 

enclosing the fruit:— ... ... decelxvii— Phyllochlamys, 
(2) Unarmed ; perianth of female 4 ‘sepals, accrescent, fleshy and clasp- 
ing the truit: — ‘ fa - ve ak ... decclxviii—Streblus., 

(ii) Flowers monoecious :— 
(1) Male flowers crowded on a fleshy disciform receptacle surrounded 
by imbricate bracts, female solitary in a pyriform involucre of many bracts; 
sepais, male 4, female O; stamens 3—8; vvary1:— ... ... decclxxiy—<Antiaris. 
(2) Male and female flowers solitary alternating with one another along 
tke same branch; perianth a hemispherical cup of several united scales; 
stamens many; ovaries many:— .... fas aa esis e. dececlxxyi— Castilloa, 

(11) Fruit a fig (syconiwm), the result of many minute 1-sexual flowers 
. inserted inside a subglobose or turbinate hollow closed receptacle, which be- 
comes fleshy in fruit :— --- decclxxiii—Ficus. 
(IIL) Fruit a sorosis, or syncarpium consisting " of the fleshy perianth of 
many flowers, outside a globose or cylindric receptacle, merging together into a 
single compound fruit :— 
(i) Spinously armed ; leaves penninerved :— 
(1) Stamens exserted; syncarpium few seeded :— 
(2) Stamens included ; syncarpium many seeded:— ... dcecclxxv—Cudrania. | 
(ii) Unarmed trees :-— 
(1) Leaves 3--7-costate, often lobed :— 
(A) Ripe carpels pendulous on long fleshy stalks :— 
(B) Ripe carpels sessile and enclosed in the synearpium :— 


CIY—MORACE Ai—cont. 

(2) Leaves penninerved :— 
(A) Flowers dioecious, males in cylindric spikes, females in subglobose 

heads, inflorescence solitary in axils :— dccelxxi—Chlorophora. 
(B) Flowers moncecions, 1-sexual, densely ‘crowded on subglobose 
receptacles:— ... .« deccelsxvii—Artocarpus 


[Anatomical featwres.—Bast fibres strongly developed in the bark, often very 
long. Cystolith cells conspicuous in the epidermis. No laticiferous tubes. Stinging 
hairs in some genera. | 

(I) Chimbers ; flowers dioecious, males in axillary panicles, female in pairs in 
the axils of the broad bracts of a catkin-like evoid spike; leaves opposite, 3—5- 
costate, upper entire, lower lobed :— as “3 ... decelxxvii (bis)—Humulnus, 
(II) Trees and Shrubs :-— 
(i) Leaves and stems with stinging hairs; leaves alternate, mostly 3- 
costate , flowers cymose, 2—5-merous :— 
‘Q) Female perianth of 4 sepals :— ay ... decclxxviii--Laportea. 
(2) Female perianth tubular, 2—3- couthed : = ... deeclxxix—Girardinia. 
(ii) Leaves and stems without stinging hairs :— 

(1) Inflorescence, cymose in the male, on a fleshy receptacle in the 
female; perianth female 3——&-partite; leaves alternate, 3- costate; 
epiphytic :— ae eae ... decclxxx—Procris. 

(2) Inflorescence ‘spicate, fasicled, ~ racemed, or panicled, clusters ; 
perianth of female tubular, ot male 2—5-merous :— 

(A) Fruitiog heads dry ; stigma filiform :—— 

(a) Stigma persistent ; leaves alternate or opposite, 3-costate :— 
decclxxxi—Be hmeria. 
(b) Stigma deciduous ; leaves alternate, opposite, or 3-whorled, 3- 
costate :— Boe decclxxxii—Pouzolzia. 
(B) Fruiting heads succulent ; “perianth ovoid with minute mouth ; 
leaves alternate, 3--5-costate :— 
(a) Leaves green beneath, tertiary nerves not prominent :— 
decelxxxiii— Villebrunia. 
(b) Leaves white or green beneath, tertiary nerves prominent :—- 

(I) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis)— ... decclxxxv—Platanus, 

(1) Characters of the order (q.y, in the Synopsis)— decclxxxv (bis).— Myrica. 

(I) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) — .. dcecclxxxvi—Casuarina. 


[Anatomical featwres—Most species of Alnus, Carpinus, and Corylus have, 
besides the fine medullary rays, others which may be called compound rays, 
consisting of a number cf fine, sometimes broader, rays alternating with elongated 
parenchyma cells and wood fibres. These compound rays run through the ordinary 
tissue which is traversed by vessels. The wood fibres asa rule have bordered pits. } 

(I) Stamens 4—12 on each bract, more or less distinctly arranged in 3 flowers, 
each with a perianth of 2—4 leaves ; anther cells without tufts of hair; ovary 
without perianth :-— 
(i) Anther cells distinct ; scales of female spike thin, deciduous :-— 
decelxxxvii— Betula, 
(ii) Anther cells distinct cr connate ; scales of female spike persisent, and 
woody in fruit :— .. dcecelxxxviii-—Alnus, 
(II) One 3—6-androus flower on n each bract without perianth in male; 
anther cells with a tuft of hairs ; perianth thin in female, adnate to ovary :— 



(i) Fruit a large nut, enclosed in a thick, cut and lobed, sometimes spines- 
cent involucre :— pe at B AF ete oe ... decelxxxix—Corylns, 
(ii) Fruit small, in drooping spikes, in the axil of large membranous reti- 
culated bracts :— ... 5 aa - at : decoxc—Carpinus, 

(I) Ovary 3-celled :-- 
(i) One female flower in each involucre ; nuts supported by a cup, or 
enclosed in an involucre not clothed with hard spines :— ... dcecexci-—Quercus, 
(ii) 2—4-female flowers (usually) in each inyolucre :— 
(1) Nuts enclosed in the enlarged involucre which is usually spinous :— 
(2) Nuts trigonous, enclosed in a 4-partite inyolucre of imbricating - 
bracts, not clothed with hard spines :—- ae se as decexciv--Fagus. 
(II) Ovary 6-celled ; three female flowers (csually) in each involucre; nuts 
enclosed in the large 2—4-valved spinous inyolucre :— __.. ... dcececxcii—Castanea, 


[Anatomical featwres-—Wood soft, medullary rays rarrow, vessels small, — 
uniformly distribnted, wood parenchyma not much developed, wood fibres wide, walls 
not thick, pits simple. } 

(I) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :— ge . decexcy—Salix, 


[Anatomical features——The general structure of the wood resembles that of 
normally built Dicotyledons. It consists of vessels, wood fibres, wood parenchyma, 
and medullary rays. No resin canals. Gnetum scandens, like many dicotyledonous 
climbers, shows on transverse section concentric bands of wedge-shaped masses 
of xylem and phliem, separated by medullary rays. | 

(1) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :— ... decexcvi—Gnetam, 


| Anatomical features.—The trunk of Coniferous trees shows the same general 
arrangement of tissues which we find in normal Dicotyledons, but the wood is without 
vessels, hence, on the transverse section, without pores. 1t consists of medullary rays 
and of long thick walled tracheides, arranged in radial lines, with large bordered pits, 
usually on their radial walls only. In the earliest formed wood, contignous tc the 
pith, the tracheides have a spiral or annular thickening of their walls. The annual rings 
are distinctly marked by belis of very thick walled tracheides in the onter (autumn) 
wood, and of thinner walled tracheides in the spring wood of the succeeding year. 
Resin canals, lined by small thin walled secreting cells (as in Dipterocarps) are found 
in the leaves, the bark, and the wood; in the wood they are vertical among the 
tracheides, and horizontal in the medullary rays. | 

(1) Cones perfect ; seeds concealed by the scales of the cones :— 
(i) Scales of the cone few ; ovules erect; pollen grains not winged :— 
(1) Scales of cone opposite in several tiers :— 
(A) Scales of cone woody; seeds winged :— 

(a) Cones subglobose or short-oblong, of 6—12 scales, central pairs 
fertile; seeds with an orbicular wing; leaves scale-like, 
opposite (young, needle-like, 3-4-whorled ) :—-decexcvii—C upressus. 

(b) Cones subglobose or oblong of 6 (rarely 8) scales, innermost 
(rarely 2 innermost) pair fertile ; seeas with 2 unequal wings 
on margins; leaves minute, or scale-like, 3—4-whorled (young 
needle-like, short):— ... uae ee dcecx viii—Callitris, 

(c) Cones ovoid or oblong (rarely globose) of 6--12 scales with hook- 
ed tips, outermost pairs only fertile; seeds 2-winged ; leaves 
scale-like, in 4rows:— ... ae ude -. decexcix—Thuya, 

(B) Scales of cone succulent, forming a berry-like fruit; seeds not 
winged ; leaves either all linear and subulate, 3-whorled, or 
dimorphous consisting firstly of imbricate, opposite or decussate, 
scales, and secondly of subulate spreading leaves:— cm—J uniperus, 




(2) Scales of the cone spirally arranged on the axis, the cone-scale and 
the ovule-supporting-scale confluent as one ; seeds winged :— 
(A) Cones globose, scales pectinate and prickly at apex; leaves rigid 
linear-falcate, quadranguler, acute, scattered:— cmii—Cryptomeria. 
(B) Cones ovoid, scales not prickly nor pectinate at apex ; leaves either 
sublanceolate and distichous, or scale-like and imbricated in + 
ranks, or dimorphous of both :— a a cmiii—Sequoia. 
(ii) Scales of cone numerous, spirally arranged in several series; ovules 
reversed ; pollen grains mostly winged :-— 
(1) Scale of cone confluent with ovuliferous scale as one scale :— 

(A) Seeds winged; apex of scales of cone coriaceous without a tran- 
sverse line or pungent point; leaves comparatively long and 
broad, sublanceolate with parallel nerves, subopposite or spirally 
arranged :+— oA fi in ua soe cmyi—Agathis. 

(B) Seeds not winged ; apex of scales of cone woody, with a transverse 
line often produced into a pungent point; leaves acicular or short 
lanceolate, mostly pungent pointed, in close spires :—cmvii—Araucaria, 

(2) Scale of cone and ovuliferous scale quite distinct :— 
(A) Leaves persistent :— 
(a) Leaves narrow-linear or subulate to acicular, in fascicles of 
2, 3, or 5; scales of cone more or less thickened and woody, 
often with a boss at apex, persistent:— .... ... ¢emviii—Pinus. 
(b) Leaves acicular, in fascicles of many or in large tufts at the 
ends of arrested branchlets; scales of cone broad with a thin 
edge, deciduous and leaving a columnar axis:— *... cmix— Cedrus, 
(c) Leaves single :— 
(cx) Leaves not distichous, but all round the branches, subquadran- 
gular, short acicular; cones cylindric, pendulous, scales thin, 
not thickened at apex, persistent:—  ... ae ... ¢@mx—Picea. 
(8) Leaves flat, short, linear, pectinately distichous, silvery 
below :— 
(*) Cones long-ovoid, pendulous, scales broad, rounded, with 
ccnspicuous deeply-toothed bracts:— ... cmxi—Psendotsuga. 
(**) Cones cylindric, erect, scales thin, deciduous leaving a 
long columnar axis:— ... sce bcc ... emxili—Abies 

(B) Leaves deciduous, linear-acicular, soft, in large fascicles at the ends 
of arrested branchlets ; cones oval-cylindric, short, erect, scales 
persistent, with irregular margins:— ... a ..  Cmxiii—Larix, 

(1I.) Cones imperfect, seeds 1 or few not concealed by scales ; female flowers 
usually of a solitary ovule seated on an ovuliferous scale with its bract, that 
becomes accrescent and fleshy :— 

(i) Ovuliferous scale fleshy, cup-shaped, ovule erect and adnate there 
to, the bract forming a peduncle to the scale, the whole developing into a 
stalked drupe with fleshy epicarp and woody kernel (testa of the seed) ; leaves 
fascicled, 3—5 together, fan-shaped, bilobed and irregularly notched, thickened 
at margin, striated each side with numerous parallel nerves; branches 
whorled :— Abe Spe Re ete 3oe as) a3 ite cmi—Ginkgo, 
(ii) Ovuliferous scale thick or membranous, ovule erect adnate thereto, 
bract forming a short peduncle clothed with imbricating scales, the whole 
developing into a seed with thick testa deeply imbedded in a red fleshy cup; 
leaves linear, 1 nerved, lifarious :— aoe xa eee 53 ... Cmiv—Taxus. 
(iii) Ovuliferous scale fleshy, ovule reflexed adnate thereto, bract forming 
a peduncle to the scale, the whole developing into a stalked drupaceous seed 
with a testa fleshy externally and hard within, seated on the fleshy apex of the 
peduncle ; leaves linear lanceolate, thick, leathery, with man parallel nerves or 
simply 1 costate :— J abe ” aa Ess Bee ... emy—-—Podccarpus. 


[ Anatomical features.—In many species (Cycas especially) the alternate bands formed 
by the persistent base of the scales and leaves can be clearly distinguished on the out- 
side of the trunk, the bands formed by the base of the leaf stalks being more prominent, 
having the appearance uf thick annular cushions, The stem of Cycads is remarkable by 
the large size of pith and bark, both consisting of parenchymatous cells, usually filled 

=, ee 

> laa 




with starch, Mucilage canals, often branched and anastomosing, lined by thin-walled 
secreting cells, are frequent in the bark, whence they extend to the leaves, and they are 
also found in the pith. Wood, cambium, bast, and medullary rays, are arranged as in 
Conifers ; the*wood, apart from medullary rays, consists entirely of long tracheides, more 
or less radially arranged, usually with several lines of bordered pits on the radial face, 
the pits oblong, not circular as in Conifers. ‘hese tracheides in some cases have spirally 
and scalariform thickened walls, and they might, save that their ends are not perforated, 
be classed as vessels. The fibro-vascular bundles (leaf traces), which enter the petiole, 
run for a considerable distance through the bark before joining the central cylinder ; 
their course is not straight, they are bent in aremarkable manner, and often anastomose. 
In Cycas the action of the cambium ceases after the first central cylinder (wood and bast) 
has been formed, and then a fresh, more or less concentric, cambium layer appears in the 
bark, which forms a second ring of wood and bast outside the first, and this process 
is repeated several times, the result being, on a transverse section, a number of more or 
less concentric masses of wood, which sometimes anastomose, separated by softer 
layers of bast and parenchymatous tissue. | 
[Botanical note.-~-Originally the plants of this order were supposed to be ferns ; 
then by others, inter alios Linnzus, intermediate between ferns and palms, whence 
they are commonly called Fern-palms; then Lindley pointed out that they are really 
almost firs with a palm-like appearance ; and their more correct name is Palm-jirs, | 
(1) Leaves simply pinnate, pinnee linear ;— 
(i) Pinnz with prominent midrib ; scales of female cones elongated, 
woolly, with two or more erect ovules on each side of the marginal notches :— 
(ii) Pinnz ecostate, but with several longitudinal, scarcely prominent, 
nerves ; scales of female cones with 1 pendulous ovule on each side under the 
thickened acuminate apex :— wen er ae is emxyv — Macrozamia. 
(II) Leaves bipinnate, pinnules obliquely ovate or broadly falcate with 
scarcely prominent veins ; cones of Macrozamia, but apex of the scales trun- 
cate :— cee Ase tae APA ae *... ¢mxvi—Bowenia, 

(1) Epiphytes or climbers ; ovary and fruit 1-celled, seeds minute ; sepals and 
petals very unlike the modified lip; anther single :— 
(i) Pollinia waxy :— 
(1) Pollinia free, or those of each cell held together by a viscid appendage 
only, and not attached by their bases, nor by a cardicle to the rostellum :— 
(A) Pollinia 4:— 
(a) Leaves sessile fleshy, congested on short, or distichous on elong- 
ated, stems with the vaginal portion much shorter than the main 
leaf ; inflorescence terminal; flowers minute, racemose or spicate; 
column very short with no appendage or foot:— cmxvii—Oberonia. 
(b) Leaves membranous, chartaceous or coriaceous, not equitant : — 
(¢) Leaves usually 2, membranous (rarely more, or coriaceous), 
usually sessile ; stem pseudobulbous ; inflorescence terminal in 
spikes or racemes, column long, produced below as a foot, 
with callosities or wings, or both, rostellum sometimes double ; 
lip without basal auricles :— +.  emxyviii—Liparis, 
(8) Leaves chartaceous or coriaceous :—— 
(*) Column more or less prolonged below as a foot :— 

(t) Stems solitary or, more usually, czespitose, or composed of 
discrate pseudobulbs basally attached on a short or long 
rhizome :— 

(§) Flowers terminal from the top of a 1-—2-leaved psendo- 
bulb, or lateral on a leafy or leafless stem, solitary or 
on few flowered peduncles, or in few--or many—-flower- 
ed racemes, usually large and showy :— 

(||) Stems czspitose with leaves chartaceous or coriaceous 
and more than 2, rarely a creeping rhizome with 
distant pseudobulbs and 1—2-apical leaves; pollinia 
all subequal aud always free ; lip rarely mobile :— 


(|||) Rhizome creeping ; pseudobulba 2-(rarely 1-) leaved ; 

leaves coriaceous, or chartaceous and pleated; pollinia 



cohering in pairs by a granular viscus; lip Sessile at 
the base of the column, erect and embracizg it with 
concave or saccate base :— .. cemxxv—Celogyne, 
(§§) Flowers from lateral scapes arising from the base of 
pseudobulbs, or from the rhizome between them, solitary 
or in heads, umbels, or racemes; leaf 1 coriaceous, or 2 
chartaceous, usually from the apices of the pseudobulbs 
on a generally prolonged rhizome; pollinia free, or 
oceasionally attached by their bases to a small sphere of 
translucent tissue, inner pair always the smaller :—- 
(||) Lateral sepals markedly exceeding the dorsal; flowers 
umbelled : : at omxxii—Cirrhopetalum, 
(|||) Lateral seual not. oreatly exceeding the dorsal, along- 
side or under the lip; flowers racemose or spicate :-— 
({£) Lip jointed at foot of column, mobile, usually very 
small and strongly recurved; column very short, 
often 2-aristate at the top :—... emxxi—Bulbophyllum, 
(ff) Lip more or less united by a flesny base to edge of 
column and haying more or less a deep passage at 
its base ; column, elongated, hornless, and winged:— 
(||| |) Lateral sepals spreading; flowers solitary :— 
(tt) Stem jointed, composed of elongated pseudobulbs strung 
on a woody core; leaves 1—2 chartaceous; flowers 
terminal racemose ; column very short, hooded or 
winged ; lip sessile on base of column, erect and 
saccate :- 66 S50 4 emxxvi—Pholidota, 
(**) Foot of column O ; stemless, tufted with very stout root 
fibres, and without psendobulb ; leaves radical, very 
coriaceous; flowers very small, in panicled spikes; 
lateral sepals forming a mentum; column narrowly 
winged :— 400 sid sce ... emxxiv(bes.).-- Josephia, 

(B) Poilinia 8, subequal, all cohering, or cohering by fours toa 
common membrane; stems pseudobulbous or not; leaves 
chartacecus, coriaceous, or fleshy; inflorescence lateral or 
terminal, racemose or capitate, column short or long, pro- 
longed below into a foot:— ... ..  Cmxxiv— Eria. 

(2) Pollinia attached singly, in pairs or in fours, through a caudicle 
(rarely 2) to a stigmatic gland :— 
(A) Anther terminal, pollinia 2 :--- 
(a) Stem pseudobulbous, short; leaves few; flowers racemed or 
panicled ; lateral sepals forming a mentum :— 
(b) Stems not pseudobulbous ; leaves several :- — 
(a) Stems very short or none :— 
(*) Leaves very long, narrow, and coriaceous ; lip not Spurred, 
but sessile at the base of the column, embracing it 
upwards, base concave, side lobes erect; disk with 2 
pubescent median ridges :- : ee cmxxvii—Cymbidium. 
(*#*) Leaves closely clustered, flat, fleshy, and pendulous; lip 
spurred wish “forked appendages on its disk :— 
(***) Leaves none when flowering; lateral sepals inserted by 
broad base to elongate foot of column ; lip with large 
erect side lobes, midlobe a tomentose pulvinus :— 

(8) Stems more or less elongated; leaves coriaceous and flat, 

or fleshy and terete :—- 
(*) Lip not spurred; column short, not winged nor with a 
foot :— 5 
(+) Leaves terete :— Be ie a cmxxix—Luisia, 
(tt) Leaves lorate, recurved : — ie .. Cmxxx—Cottonia, 



(**) Lip spurred, adnate to the colamn or its foot :— 
(t) Column prolonged into a long foot ; lip not jointed to the 
foot, spur with no callus or septum within, ascending or 
recurved :— a fas » ae sy omxxxiv—Aerides. 
(tt) Column with little or no foot :— 
(§) Spur single, with neither calli nor septum within ; 
lip not jointed :-— 
(|) Spur compressed laterally, deep, pubescent at the 
mouth, side-lobes none:— ... cemxxxii—Rhynchostylis, 
(|) Spur not compressed, long, narrow and cylindric, 
or wide funnel shaped, or short and saccaté 
(rarely-one Vanda-reduced to a gibbous swelling, 
and then the leaves flat) :— 
(t) Side-lobes of lip usually large; spur wide funnel- 
shaped, glabrous at the mouth (if side-lobes small, 
® then spur subobsolete); flowers large; caudicle 
of pollinia very broad:— ... ..  nxxxv—Vanda. 
(tt) Side-lobes of lip small or none; spur narrow 
cylindric, or short and wide saccate, mouth 
~ naked or fimbriate; flowers small; caudicle 
very narrow :— “oe ..  emxxxvy—Saccolabium. 
(§§) Spur single, partially or completely occluded by calli 
within ; lip not jointed :— 
(||) Spur partially occluded by ealli within, and divided 
by a vertical antero-posterior septum into 2 
lateral chambers :— sis emxxxvii—Sarcanthus, 
(|||) Spur oceluded by a dorsal scale or by callion the 
anterior and posterior walls, but without a 
septum :— vis oes emxxxviii—Cleisostoma, 
(§§§) Spur double, short; lip jointed to the base of the 
very short 2-auricled column ; flowers’ small, in 
spiciform racemes :— =e .» ¢emxl—Diplocentrum. 
(RB) Anther dorsal (except Teniophyllum) ; pollinia 4:— 
(a2) Stem pseudobulbous, 1-leaved; flowers minute in terminal 
racemes ; sepals and limb erect ; column without a foot :—- 
crxli (bis.).—Thelasis. 
(b) Stem not pseudobulbous :— 

(a) Dwarf, stemless, leafless when flowering ; leaves linear ; roots 
flattened ; flowers minute, spicate; sepals, petals, and lip 
connate at base, latter spurred :— .s  omxxxix—Tniophyllum. 

(8) Stems tufted, fleshy; leaves equitant, laterally compressed, 

distichous ; flowers small interminal racemes; sepals erect ; 
lip jointed to foot of column, clawed, erect, and with a basal 
appendage :— ... ee Bie ae Bae cmxli—Podochilus. 
(ii) Pollinia granular or in small masses, 2—4-cohering by their sides 
without gland or caudicle; anther terminal ; climbers; leaves coriaceous to 5 
fleshy, or none ; flowers large axillary; sepals spreading or broadly concave ; 
lip with claw aduate to, and limb broad: concave and embracing, the column, 
whick is elongate :— es ee Ba at aaa ae ... ¢emxlii—Vanilla. 


(I) Stamens, 1 only perfect, 4 others reduced to staminodes or wanting :— 
(i) Anther 2-celled; calyx tubvlar or spathaceous; style slender, embraced 
below the stigma by the anthers; placentas many-ovuled, embryo central 
straight :— 

(1) Ovary 1-celled, placentas 3 parietal; stigma turbinate ; flowers 
yellow or orange, in terminal panicles ; corolla tube long; stem leafy :— 
. a cmxliii—Globba, 

(2) Ovary 3-celled, placentas axile :— 

(A) Lateral staminodes broad, filament long narrow, connective not 
crested, nor spurred at base; corolla tube long, slender; stigma 
subglobose ; flowers yellowish or white in terminal spikes at top 
of leafy stem:— ... see i: ia .. emxliv—Hedychium, 



(B) Lateral staminodes small or wanting (rarely narrow amd aduate 
to lip); corolla tube cylindric :— 
(a). Flowers in a dense cone-like spike :— 
(x) Anther cells divaricate on a short arcuate filament, with or 
without a petaloid crest; stigma smal! subglobose, or 
' larger and gibbovs at back; spikes almost always produced 
from the rootstock (rarely from top of stem):— cmxlv--Amomum. 
(8) Anther cells parallel :— 

(*) Filaments short, connective produced as a narrow ap- 
pendage as long as the anther ; stigma small subglobose ; 
spikes usually produced from the rootstock, but sometimes 
at the top of leafy stem:— . .. ¢@mxlvi-—Zingiber. 

(**) Filament forming, with the produced ‘connective, an oblong 

petaloid process with contiguous linear anther cells placed 
in its middle; stigma with a semilunar pit, ciliate round 
the margin ; Spikes usually at the top of leafy stem :— 
(b) Flowers in racemes or panicles :-— 
(x) Panicle produced straight from the rootstock, long, flexuous, 
decumbent; filament very short, connective not dilated ; 
stigma small turbinate :— a comxlviii—Blettaria, 
(8) Panicle or raceme at the top of ‘leaty stem; filament 
long, anther cells divergent at apex; stigma subglobose :-— 
(ii) Anther i-celled, laterally aduate to petaloid filament; calyx of free 
sepals :—— 
i 1) Staminal tube with 5 similar, slightly unequal, petaloid segments, 
the l-celled anther aduate to one of the smaller segments; ovary 3-celled, 
placentas wany-ovuled, a flattened, stigma Parra capitate ; embryo 
straight :— emliii—Canna. 
(2) Staminal tube very; irregular, Bune lobed, 1--2- lobes Jateral and, 1 (lip) 
anterior with 3—-2-lobes dorsal, of uhick 2--1 are hood-like and BR bears 
the anther cell; placentas J-ovuled, stigma oblique, dilated or 2-labiate ; 
embryo curved :— 

(A) Ovary apparently 1-celled and l-ovuled, with 2 small rudimentary 
empty cells; stem leafy with a terminal few-flowered inflores- 
cence and convolute sheathing bracts :—— 

(a) Inflorescence panicled, jointed :— cml— Maranta. 
(b) Inflorescence spicate :— ae cmli—Calathea, 

(B) Ovary 3-celled, 3-ovuled ; stems leafy with panicled, scattered, 
flowers, the panicle with convolute, Daa ee deciduous brac ts 
at the forks, emlii—-Clinogyne. 

II. Stamens 5 perfect and free, 1 imperfect or mantiag 3 Stigma more or less 
distinctly 6-lobed :— 
(i) Sepals free ; petals long, narrow, free ; eng loculicidally 3-valved ; 
leaves distichous:— cmlv——Ravenala. 
(ii) Sepals united into a aplit spathaceous tube ; : corolla short, included, 
enveloping the stamens and styles ; leaves spiral :—— 
(1) Fruit fleshy, indehiscent, seeds many :—- 

(2) Fruit a capsule, 8-celled and-valved, each cell with 1 seed :—— 



(1) Leaves large, thick, fleshy, ensiform, densely clustered at the top of a 
rootstock or a short simple stem, spiny at the tip, and usually armed along the 
edge ; scape terminal, simple, or branching towards the apex :-— 

(i) Inflorescence simple spicate, or compound thyrsolid ; stamens longer 
thanthe perianth, filament filiform or flattened at base ; style filiform :--cmlvii--Agave. 
(ii) Inflorescence laxly paniculate ; stamens shorter than the perianth. fila- 
ments thicked at base; style thickened in the middie:— ... emlvii--Furcraea. 

(1) Characters of the order (q. v. in the Synopsis) :-- ... ... Omlix——Dioscorea . 



(I) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :-- -¢ .. omlx--Stemona 


| Anatomical features.—The stems of Draewna and Cordyline have a regular bark, 
and as they grow older they increase in diameter by means of a concentric layer of 
cambium cells, in which additional parenchyma and fibrovascnlar bundles 
formed. | 

(1) ¥ruit a berry :— 

(i) Stems leafless, the leaves being replaced by leaf-like cladodes :— 

(1) Stems slender, climbing or sarmentose ; cladodes acicular, linear or 
falcate in axillary tufts or fascicles, often with spines in the axils; flowers 
solitary, fascicled or racemed : -- cmlxii—Asparagus, 

(2) Stems shrubby ; cladodes oblong or oblong-lanceolate, upper alter- 
nate, lower opposite Or whorled, distinctly costate; flowers umbelled in the 
middle of the upper surface of the cladode :— cemlxiii—Ruscus, 

(ii) Stems leafy :— 

(1) Leaves 3—5-costate and reticulately veined, alternate (rarely 
opposite), persistent, with usually a tendril on the petiole above the base which ' 
is usually expanded into a sheath; stems climbing, often spinous; flowers in 
umbels, simple or compound :— emlxi—S$milax. 

(2) Leaves parallel nerved (closely and numerously), usually clustered 
at the apex of a simple, or sparingly branched, stem; stems erect, unarmed, 
usually slender ; flowers in terminal racemes, panicles, or heads :— 

(A) Each cell of the ovary 1-cvuled:— emlxiv—Draczna, 
(B) Hach cell of the ovary 4- or more-ovuled :— emlxv—Cordyline. 
(II) Fruit a capsule, 3-celled, many-seeded :— 

(i) Climbers with perennial stem, mostly underground, and deciduous 
(annual) branches; leaves costate, parallel-nerved, apex ending in a tendril, 
alternate, opposite, or whorled; flowers large, lily-like, flame red, axillary 
solitary :— emlxis—Gloriosa. 

(ii) Shrubs ; leaves ensiform, in a series of rosettes, or densely clustered, 
at the top of a rootstock or short simple stem :—~ 

(1) Leaves leathery, usually spine-tipped ; flowers large, white, more or 
less campanulate, interminal panicles ; capsule fleshy, spongy, or woody :— 

emlxvi— Yucca, 

(2) Leaves fleshy, usually spine-tipped and-edged; flowers yellow, 

orange, or red, cylindric, interminal racemes; capsule membranous :— cmlxviii—Aloé, 


; (iii) Shrubs; leaves ensiform, distichous, leathery ; flowers yellow, orange, 
or red, curved tubular, large, panicled; capsule triangular, woody :— 


(I) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :— he cemlxx—~Flagellaria. 


[Anatomical featwres.—The base of the petioles as a rule occupies the entire 
circumference of the trunk, and consequently the leaf-traces (fibrovascular bundles) of 
each leaf enter the stem from all siles. If we follow their course downwards, we find 
that in their upper portion they bend towards the centre of the stem, while lower 
down they gradully bend outwards, and (frequently uniting with the traces of the 
earlier ieaves) run down near the circumference of the trunk. [Note-—J hardly think 
this gives a correct idea. If the leaf petiole base occupies the whole cireumference 
of the stem, what is the apex of the stem above that point in the circumference ? The 
apex is a young leaf pure and simple; and as each new leaf developes at the apex, it 
bursts through the sheath of the leaf before, the older leaves taking a lateral position 
abcut one-third way round the circumference in order. In this way the fibrovascular 
bundles at first are apical, and are subsequently only circumferential. I believe it is 
just the same with the roots, but am not so sure about this ; however several seedlings 
of palms that I have examined have just as many (usually, sometimes one more, some- 

times one less) roots as they have leaves. (A.W.L.)}. In this upper portion each leaf 
trace consists of a few vessels, which in Calamus and other scandent palms (as in 
Vitis and other climbers) are very large, over 0°5 mm. diameter, with thin-walled 




CxXxI—? ALM A—cont. 
phloem, tracheides and parenchyma, as wellas a large mass of thick walled wood fibres, 
whereas the lower portion almost entirely consists of thick-walled wood fibres. The 
space between the fibrovascular bundles is occupied by praenchy matous tissue, which as a 
rule predominates in the centre of the trunk. Hence it follows that the hardest portion 
is near the outside of the trunk, consisting mainly of closely packed bundles of wood 
fibres. Near the centre the tissue is softer, and hence in some species old stems are 
often hollow. Preparatory to the production of flowers and seed, the parenchyma in 
the trunk of the Phoenix and other genera (analogous to what we find in the Beech 
before a seed year) is full of starch, which at the time of flowering is transformed into 
sugar. The starch of many species is utilized as sago, while the sugary sap is obtained 
either from the cut spadix or (in the case of Phoenir) from the trunk below the crown 
of leaves. | 

[Note.—In the following, leaves under 3 feet long will be considered “small ’’; 
from 3 to 6 feet, medium ; from 6 to 12 feet long; and over 12 feet, very long. | 

(I) Leaves bipinnatisect. medium to long, leaflets wedge (or fish-tail and 
fin) shaped, obliquely premorse, often caudate on one side, or rounded at apex ; 
fruit a hard berry 1--2 seeded; spathes 8—5, incomplete, tubular; spadices 
interfoliar, much branched, flowers solitary and male, or in threes of 1 female 
with 2 males; stem annulate, usually naked :— cmxci—Caryota, 
(II) Leaves simply pinnate or pinnatisect (rarely, Geonoma, simple :— 
(i) Leaflets wedge-shaped to linear, premorse at apex, or if (Pinanga) 
some leaflets acuminate, then at least others on the same leaf which are pre- 
morse, or a terminal obovate cuneate leaflet with many nerves ending in seta- 
ceous points; (terminal leaflets often conflaent;) side of leaflets reduplicate :— 
(1) Fruit a hard 1—3-celled berry :— 
(A) Spadix androgynous, male flowers at tips of spikes only, infrafoliar 
(or flowering after the fall of the leaf in the axil in which it 
was formed); spathes double; leaflets linear, numerous, upper 
confluent; stem erect, annulate; fruit ovoid or oblong, with ~« 
terminal stigmas; seed with a ruminate albumen; ovule 
erect :— cemlxxi—Avreca, 
(B) Spadix androgynous, flowers in threes with 1 female between 2 
males all along the spike, usually infrafoliar ; seed with ruminate 
albumen :— , 

(a) Leaflets long, narrow, either with red veins and margin (especial- 
ly when young), or else with goldea, or with white tomentose, 
petioles; stem erect, slender, annulate:— cmlxxiv—Dictyosperna, 

(b) Leaflets with variable form and apex, either broad linear pre- 
morse with upper confluent and forked, or a terminal cuneate- 
obovate deeply forked with a few broad uneqzal acaminate 
lateral ones, or the terminal pair premorse and lower pairs 
falcate alternate and acuminate; leaves smal) to medium; 
stem yery slender, erect, annulate; spathe solitary; fruit 
ovoid or ellipsoid ; ovule erect :— eee .. cmixxvii—Pinanga, 

(c) Leaflets short, archivg, linear-oblong, premorse; leaves medium, 
lanceolate in outline, with long sheaths; sputhes 2; fruit 
ovoid or ellipsoid, often beaked; ovale pendulous :— 

omlxxxi— Ptychosperna. 

(ad) Leaves medinm, cinnamon to bronze-coloured, cuneate obovate 
in outline, bifid, oblique at base, deeply laciniated down the 
side with incised segments; stem and sheaths very spiny; 
upper spathes long ciub-shaped, lower shorter; fruit ovoid; 
ovule erect :— emlxxxviii —Stevensonia. 

(C) Spadix usually 1-sexual (or if androgynous, flowers in threes with 
the female above—not between-—-the males), usually interfoliar ; 
seed with equal albumen :— : 

(a) Leaflets unequal, linear, premorse and jagged ; upper confluent ; 
leaves long; stem erect, annulate; spathe 1; frnit ovoid, 
ribbed ; ovule erect :-— bie 280 .. emlxxix—Hydriastele, 

(b) Leaflets long, linear, premorse, often 2 lobed as well, at tip, usually 
1—2 auricled at base, varionsiy fascicled ; leaves very long; 
stem densely clothed above with fibrous remains of leaf 


OXXI--PAM Ai—cont. 

sheaths ; spathes many ; fruit obovoidly globose with terminal 

stigmas, seeds, 1--2—--3:— ... an At emxc—Arenga. 
(c) Leaflets cuneate-linear, premorse, with a large tooth on each 

side about the middle, fascicled, glaucous below ; leaves long, 

erect, distichous; stem erect, annulate; spathes many, 

tubular; fruit ovoid-oblong 1--3-celled and seeded; ovule 

babslar erect :— ae Se Age ... omlxxxix—Wallichia, 

(2) Fruit a drupe with fibrous pericarp, endocarp woody or stony, with 

3 terminal pits of which 2 answer to arrested cells, the other 
immediately over the position of the embryo in the subjavent 
albumen; seed adherent to endocarp by the diffuse ramifications 
of the raphe all over the seed :— 

(A) Leaflets cuneate, premorse and jagged; leaves medium; stem 
(slender), petioles and leaf-backs densely covered with black 
spines; Spathes double; fruit globular, fleshy with a hard, 
smooth, pitted stone:—  ... ut eth .. mxiv— Martinezia, 

(B) Leaflets wedge-shaped, plicate, covered at the back with white 

scurf giving a silvery appearance, being the segments of a wedge- 
shaped leaf; stem, leaves, spathes, fruit.stalks (sometimes fruit too) 
covered with spines ; fruit oval, 1-seeded, sometimes fragrant :— 
(ii) Leaflets with a spilt-acuminate (i.e., bifid or bilobed) tip and redupli- 
cate sides ; fruit a hard berry :— 

(1) Leaflets linear, equally 2-partite at apex; leaves long, lanceolate in 
outline ; stem smooth, annulate, grey ; fruit avoid, pendulous, large (size of a 
largeege):— ... i MS see MS sad at cmlxxv— Actinorhytis, 

(2) Leaflets linear, long, close, with 2 paleaceous keels, triangularly bifid 
at apex;leaves medium; stem very slender, annulate; spathes many; fruit 
small, subglobose :— i de Nee Au We Bs cmlxxxv—Bentinckia, 

(3) Leaflets linear-lanceolate, narrowed to unequally bifid apex, arched ; 
leaves medium, arched, with long sheaths; stems slender, annulate; fruit 
ovoid or oblong-ovoid:— .. an Jee a ... emxcii—Oreodoxa. 

(iii) Leaflets with an acuminate or acute tip, and reduplicate sides :— 

(1) Frvit a 1—3-celled hard berry without scales :— 

(A) Spadix androgynous—male flowers at tips, and, below, male and 
female in pairs in furrows in the spadix,—horizontal from the 
stem below the swelling of the leaf-sheaths; fruit a sloe- 
like, dark purple, 1-seeded berry; leaflets pendent, lanceolate, 
acuminate, close, scaly beneath ; leaves with cylindric sheaths ; 
which fall with the leaves ; stem slender annulate :—cmxciv—Hnuterpe. 

(B) Spadix androgynons, flowersin threes with 1 female between 2 
males all along the spike, usually infrafolier :— 

(a) Leaflets linear-lanceolate, acuminate, sabglaucous beneath ; 
leaves long with long sheaths thickly covered with brownish- 
black spines ; stems slender, erect, annulate ; fruit black, the 
size of an ear of corn :— emlxxvi-—Acanthophcenix. 
(b) Leaflets linear-lanceclate, acuminate, curled eituer upwards 
or downwards; leaves.long; stems erect, annulate, spadix 
simple ; fruit oblong or ellipsoid .— emlxxviii— Howea. 
(c) Leaflets linear-lanceolate, acuminate ; leaves long, very dense ; 
stem erect, annulate ; frnit ellipsoid ; spadix branched :— 
cmlxxx— Hedyscepe. 
(d) Leaflets linear-lanceolate, acuminate (rarely very slightly 
notched at tip) ; leaves long with conspicuously broad rachis ; 
stem erect, annulate :— em)xxxii—Archontopheenix. 
(e) Leaflets very long, very narrowly linear, acuminate; leaves 
few, very long ; stem spinous; fruit globose, purple-black :— 
3 emlxxxiv——Oncosperma, 

(C) Spadix usually i-sexual (or if androgynons, in threes with female 

-  above—not between --the males), usually interfolier :-— 

(a) Leaflets lanceolate acute; leaves very long, arched; stem 
slender, annulate, swollen at base ; fruit subglobose, covered 
with rough tubercles ;— cm)xxii—Chrysalidocarpus. 



CX XI—PALM Ai—cont. 

(b) Leaflets long, linear-lanceolate, acuminate; leaves medium, 
sub-erect and arching, with white midrib ; stem erect, annulate, 
above triangular columnar formed by the sheathing leaves ; 
fruit olive-like :— cmlxxiiimHyophhorbe, 
(c) Leaflets long, broad, lanceolate, acuminate, stiff, ribbed and 
plicate close-set ; leaves long, furfuraceous scaly on rachis, 
costa, and nerves; stem slender, annulate; fruit eilipsoid, 
rather small :— emlxxxili— Kh palostylis. 
(d) Leaflets long, Janceolate, acuminate, silvery white below ; 
leaves few, medium to long, arching, erect at base, with 
ferrcginous petioles; stem subfusiform, covered with a 
coating of white wax ; fruit subglobose :— emlxxxvil—Ceroxylon. 
(ec) Leaflets long, linear, acuminate (or in one species confluent 
into a simple lanceolate leaf, bifurcate at apex and cuneate at 
base), usually palegreen; Jeaves short to medium; stems 
dwarf, very slender, reedlike and polished ; fruit very small, 
oval :—~ cmlxxxvi— Geonoma. 
(2) Fruit a berry clothed with reflexed, shining, imbricating, appressed 
scales; leaves copiously and strongly armed; spadices interfoliar or terminal ; 
spatkes usually many:— 

(A) Stem elongate, mostly climbing ; Jeaf rachis or leaf sheath often 
produced into a long thin whip-like flagellum armed with 
hooked spines, and sheath witn a ligule or ochrea :— 

(a) Spathes tubular, persistent :— mvii— Calamus. 
(b) Spathes cymbiform, open, deciduous :— mvili— Dzemonorops. 
(B) Stem short, or none ; no flagellam ; spathes persistent :— 
(3) Fruit a 1—3-seeded drupe with fibrous pericarp, terminal stigmas, 
and woody or stony endocarp cf which two usually (except Atta/ea\ answer to 
arrested cells and the third being immediately over the position of the embryo 
in the subjacent; albumen ; seed adherent to the endocarp by the diffuse 
reticulations of the raphe which ramifies all over the seed ; spathes 2; spadices 
interfoliar, 1-sexual or androgynous : 

(A) Leaflets horizontal, distivhous, narrow linear, variable according 
to the species, usually plicate; leaves long; stem smooth 
annulate; drupe sometimes very large :— mxi—Cocos. 

(B) Leaflets horizontal, distichous, linear, the lower, reduced to spines ; 
leaves very long; stem jagged with the remains of leaf 
sheaths; fruit bright red, pyramidally angular with a 
mesocarp of oily flesh :-— mxv—Hleis. 

(C) Leaflets horizontal, in fascicles along the rachis, long, narrow, 
linear, acuminate,; pendent; leaves very long, huge; stem 
smooth slender ; spathes very long, woody, tapering tubular, 
at last splitting ou one side :— mxiii— Maximiliana, 

(D) Leaflets springing in pairs from nearly the same spot on the 
rachis, and standing out in all directions ; leaves long, petioles 
very thick at the base and enclosed in a dense mass of rough 
brown fibres; stem tall, straight; fruit roundish or egg- 
shaped :— mxii—J ubzea, 

(E) Leaflets vertical, distichous and at right angles to the rachis ; 
leaves large, suberect at base and arching at tips, with plano- 
convex petioles dark brown below and green above; stem 
tall, straight; fruit pendent in clusters, 3-celled and 3- 
seeded :— mxvili—Attalea. 

(4) Fruit syncarpous, globose, of many obovoid-hexagonal 1-celled and 
seeded carpels, with pyr#midal tips aud infra-apical stigmas, pericarp fleshy 
and fibrous, endocarp spongy and floury ; leafl‘ts exceedingly iong, lanceolate, 
acuminate, plicate, rigid, and glaucous beneath; leaves very long, huge; 
stem prostrate, branched ; spathes many, sheathing ; spadices with moncecious 
flowers, males in catkin-like branches, females in a globose head; estuarine 
palms :— emxciv-—Nipa. — 
(iv) Leaflets with a spinous tip, sides in duplicate, midrib absent, lanceolate 
or ensiform ; spadix dicecious, interfoliar ; fruit an oblong l-seeded berry with 


CXXI—PALM At\—cont. 

fleshy pericarp and membranous endocarp ; leaves short to long ; stems wanting 
to long, when present jagged with the persistent bases of fallen leaves :— 
emxcyv— Phoenix. 
(III) Leaves simple, flabelliform, multicostate with ribs radiating from the 
apex of the petiole, pleated, lobes or segments with induplicate sides ; spadices 
interfoliar ; spathes many :— : 

(i) Flowers usually 2-sexual ; ovary usually of 1—3 smooth carpels forming 
1—-3 apocarpous drupes or berries, or (Copernicia) a solitary elliptical drupe, or 
(Sabal) adeeply 2—3 lobed berry, or (Thrinaz) t-celled and-ovuled with a solitary 
berry :— 
F (1) Petiole armed with recurved prickles or spines :— 
(A) Leaves very large, huge, orbicular or lunate,with 80--100 segments 
which are ensiform and usually bifid ; stemrtall, spirally ridged, 
annulate or with obsolete annulations; spadix very large, 
paniculate, terminal, fruit 1--3 globose, olive-green, drupes :— 
(B) Leaves medium, suborbicular to flabellate ; usually deeply partite 
(9, 18, or 30 segments, which are many lobed with bifid lohes, 
rarely 1 species-simply multifid with short obtusely lobuled 
bifid lobes) ; stems usually short, annulate (rarely-! species-quite 
smooth) ; spadix simple or tranched ; fruit of i—3 orange or red, 
small, globose, ellipsoid or ovcid, drupes :— «-. Cmxcix—Licuala. 
(C) Leaves medium, orbicular tlabellate, cut nearly to the middle into 
numerous segments, the margins being always filiferous with 
long whitish threads; stem tall; spadix elongate, panicled : 
fruit of 1—3 one-seeded drupes :— ... mii (bis).— W-shingtonia. 
(D) Leaves small to medium, orbicular, fan-shaped, or reniform, cut 
to the middle into bifid, narrow, spreading or pendent, lobes, 
margins cecasionally shortly filiferous, petioles sheathed at the 
bases with netted fibres; stem usually tall, annulate; spidix 
loosely panicled; fruit of 1—-3, globose or olive-like 1-seeded 
drupes :— x fe ao Bee er 4 miii—Livistona. 
(E) Leaves medium, fan-shaped, divided to about one-third of their 
length into narrow, sharp-pointed, erect, segments, glaucous on 
both sides (as are the petioles); stem usually short ; spadix 
panicled ; fruit of 1—8 olive-like 1-seeded berries :— 

(2) Petiole unarmed :— 
(A) Leaves medium, fan-shaped, covered with yellowish wax when 
young ; stem erect, covered with leaf-sheaths ; spadix branching ; 
fruit an ellipsoid yellowish drupe:— ... ++» emxcevil—Copernicia. 
(B) Leaves medium, palmatisect, fan-shaped, white-downy when 
young, petiole covered with white-scaly-tomentum with a few 
brown fibres at the base ; stem rather short ; spadix stalked and 
branched ; fruit of 1—3 drupes resembling a black-heart cherry :— 
(C) Leaves medium, saborbicular or reniform, multisect with narrow 
bifid segments half way down, subglaucous beneath, young 
furfuraceously-hairy ; stem erect, partially or wholly covered 
with leaf-sheaths ; spadix stoat, branched ; fruit of 1—3 oblong 
or reniform bluish drupes :— a Ke .. mvi—Trachycarpus, 
(D) Leaves medium, orbicular, fan-shaped, or cordiform, multifid to 
one-third of their length, often filiferous between the segwents, 
sometimes glancous ; stem very short to tall; spadix-long, large, 
decompound ; fruit a single 2—8-lobed dark green berry :— 
(E) Leaves small to medium, orbicular, fan-shaped, or reniform, 
multifid to two-thirds or more of their length into linear bifid 
segments, petiole slender, biconvex ; stems short, covered with 
persistent leaf-sheaths above, annulated below ; spadix elongate, 
paniculate, rachis covered with a tubular sheath; fruit a 
solitary, small, pea-like, 1-seeded berry:— _... ss. mi—Thrizax, 



CxXXI—PALM Ai—cont. 

(F) Leaves small, fan-shaped or semiorbicular, 5—7 partite to the 
rachis, segments indented, erose at apex, ciliate-spinulose along 
the edges and costae, petioles round ancipital, sheaths split into 
a fibrous net-work ; stem short, slender, cane-like, sheathed by 
persistent bases of leaves; spadix branched, sheathed in 
incomplete spathe ; fruit of 1---3 small obovoid berries :— 


(ii) Flowers dicecious, males minute sunk in the cavities, of catkin-like 
branches with glumaceous perianth, females very large sessile on very short 
branches of a very stout spadix, each clothed with large coriaceous rounded 
bracts ; fruit a drupe of 1—-3 pyrenes, secds with testa adhering to the pyrenes :— 

(1) Leaves medium to large, fan-shaped, multifid to two-thirds of their 
length in males with linear flexible segments, to one-third of their length in 
females with ensiform rigid segments, petiole serrate-toothed but scarcely 
spinous ; stem tall, covered with leaf sheaths for a long period, ultimately 
annulate, gouty based, and usually more swollen at apex than in the middle; 
Spadix very large, simply branched ; drupe large, brown to black, subglobose, 
with thinly flesny pericarp and 1— fibrous, cbcordate, pyrenes:— ... mx——Borassus. 

(2) Leaves very large to huge, oblong-fan-shaped, multifid, petiole 
Spinous ; stem erect, columnar, base rounded and fitting into a bowl or socket of 
same consistence as the nuts; fruit a large drupe with fibrous pericarp and 1--3 
hard, black, pyrenes divided half way down :— es Be .-. mxix-—Lodoicea. 

(3) Leaves medium, fan-shaped or sub-orbicular, multifid to one-to two- 
thirds their length, usually glaucous, one species the segments margined with 
chocolate, another species with golden ribs, petiole glaucous, chocolate, or golden, 
unarmed; stems short, annulate; fruit yellowish, subtrigonous-globose, with 
3 rough pyrenes covered with a bony net-work :— ae .. mxi—Latania 


(I) Characters of order (q.v. in the Synopsis); leaves small to medium, 
palm-like, usually 4-(2—5-) partite to apex of petiole, segments lobed, pleated :— 


[Anatomical features.—A transverse section through the stem shows numer- 
ous fibrovascular bundles, each consisting of a great hard horny mass of wood- 
fibres with one or several groups of vessels and sieve tubes. The leaf traces 
bend inwards from the leaf trace and join on to other fibrovascular bundles, but 
they do not show a regular bend outwards as in the case of the Palms. ] 

(I) Characters of the order ( the Synopsis) :--_.. ... mxxi--Pandanus. 
(I) Characters of the order (q.v. in the Synopsis):-- _... .. mxxii—Typha, 


(I) Flowers unisexual, monoecious ; spadix without an appendage :—— 
(i) Stem scandent, mostly epiphytic -—— 

(1) Leaves pedately divided ; spadix wholly covered with flowers, males 
above, consisting of 4—5 two-celled anthers opening by pores, females below, 
consisting of casual ovaries fused together each 1-celled and seeded ; spathe 
greenish yellow encircling spadix :-— : wo oe ... mxxiii—Syngonium. 

(2) Leaves large, often irregularly lobed, articulated to petiole, veins 
very small and densely crowded ; spadix wholly covered with flowers, maies 
above with sessile anthers opening at apex, sterile flowers intermediate, female 
below, consisting of a many celled ovary with many ovules attached to the inner 
angle of each cell by funicles ; spathe short of ihe same size as the spadix, 
opening after fertilization of flowers, diciduous when fruit ripens :— 

(ii) Stem erect or partially procumbeut, fleshy, short, shrubby ; leaves 
usually oblong, green or more usually variegated with white or yellow, penni- 
nerved, nerves first divergent then curving upwards and uniting on the margin, 
petiole fleshy and sheathing at base; spadix wholly covered with flowers, male 
above, female below consisting of an ovary with sessile stigma and 2—4 stamin- 
odes ; spathe green or yellow remaining fresh (not marcescent) until the fruit is 

ta kM ws ws ees ws: EXV—~Dieffenbachia, 

pee see se 


CXXV—ARACE Ai—cont. 

(II) Flowers hermaphrodite (rarely a few 1-sexual); spadix without append- 
age ; leaves distichous, petiole jointed at apex ; epiphytic climbers :— 
(i) Perianth none :-- . 
(1) Flowers wholely bisexual :—- 
(A) Ovary l-celled, ovule; bosal; berries free ; leaves entire, ovate, 
elliptic-ovate or suborbicular, caudate, sometimes cordate :— 
(B) Ovary l-celled, ovules 1—3; berries confluent; leayes entire 
oblong-cordate, or else entire when young and pinnatifid or 
pinnatisect with falcate truncate segments when old, but 
always with large perforations along the region of the 
midrib :—~ & baa i nh mxxviii— E pipremnum. 
(C) Ovary 1--2-celled, ovules many; berries confluent ; leaves when 
young entire ovate and when old perforate or pinnatifid below 
the middle :— he aes wae .. mxxvii-—Rbaphidophora. 
(2) Flowers hermaphrodite above and female only below along the spadix ; 
Ovary l-celled, ovules 1—3; berries confluent; leaves entire or perforated with 
lobes when young and pinnatisect tv more than half way down with acuminate 
faleate lobes when old:— _.... AC ay se v3 tt mxxix——Monstera. 
(ii) Perianth of 4—6-segments ; Ovary 1—3-celled, ovule 1 on the inner 
angle of the cell; leaves entire with either a broad fiat truncate petiole and 
short entire sheath, or a very short petiole with semi-amplexicarel base and no 
sheath :— ia “ Ba tee coe ae sb ee +» mxxx—Pothos, 


(1) Mature spikelets separating entirely from their pedicels or falling with 
them, spikelets similar or differing in sex and structure, perfect spikelets with 2 
heteromorphous spikelets, the upper hermaphrodite, the lower male or barren ; 
rachilla not continued above the upper floret :— 

(i) Spikelets usually in continuous spikes, racemes or panicles; glumes 
herbaceous or membranous, the lower smaller (sometimes very small or sup- 
pressed) ; lower flowering glume generally resembling the outer glumes in struc- 
ture and nervation, the upper firmer and at length rigid, often papery to 
crustacedus, awnless or rarely mucronate :— ~ 

(1) Flowers dicecious ; inflorescence of large terminal globose bracteate 
heads with radiating spikes, males with many, females with one, spikelet in each 
spike ; leaves long, rigid, spine-tipped, glaucous, involute; gregarious, much 
branched, rigid, littoral bashes: -— aes Bol Pe sas ... moxxxii—Spinifex. 

(2) Flowers not divecious :— 

(A) Spikelets 2-flowered, upper bisexual, lower male or neuter, mature 
falling entire and singly from the tips of their pedicels, 
not subtended by bristles; branches of panicle not produced 
beyond the uppermost spikelets; spikelets very numerous and 
small, crowded on the capillary branches of a very large 
panicle; glumes 4, all very minute; leaves broad, flat; stem 
solid; large glabrous grass :-— .. mxzxi—Thysanolena. 

(ii) Spikélets usually in pairs, one cessile, the other pedicelled, or the 
terminal ternate or solitary, on the axis of usually a spike-like raceme ; outer 
glumes more cr less rigid and firmer than the flowering glumes, the lower always 
longer than the florets; flowering glumes membranous (often hyaline), that of 
the upper floret often awned or reduced to an awn :— 

(1) Panicle spiciform, or cylindric thyrsus, silvery silky, 1 flowered, not 
awned; leaves narrow; stem leafy, with solid internodes; erect perennial 
grass:— .., re 2p rest ees Lie ay: iF mxxxlii—I mperata. 
(2) Panicle a nodding fan-shaped corymb, 2-flowered, awned; leaves 
narrow ; stem as thick as a goose-quill; tall perennial grass:— mxxxiv—Miscanthus. 

(3) Panicle much branched, open, silky, with fragile rachis, spikes 
awoless ; leaves narrow, flat; tall perennial grass:— _ _... ... mxxxiv—Saccharum. 

(Il) Mature spikelets breaking up, leaving the persistent (or sub-persistent) 
glumes on the pedicel ; or if falling entire, the not composed of two heteromor- 
phous florets :— 

(i) Leaf blades not transversely veined, and not articulated on to the 
sheath; spikelets not inserted in notches or pits of a simple rachis, panicled, 2- 
or more-flowered :— , 



(1) Rachilla not continued beyond the upper floret ; spikelets 2-flowered, 
minute; glumes membranous, rachilla and keel of flowering glumes ciliate ; 
panicle thyrsiform ; leaves as long as, or longer than, the stem, narrow, coriaceous, 
conyolute ; stems rigid, as thick as a crow-quill, base woody :— .... mxxxvi—Zenkeria, 

(2) Rachilla continued beyond the upper floret, or if not continued 
(Phragmtes), then elongated between the flowering glumes and penicillately 
hairy ; spikelets not awned, or if awned, then the awn nut twisted :-— 

(A) Spikelets conspicuous, not in globose clusters ; flowering glumes 
1—3-nerved :— 
(a) Spikelets penicillate with long silky hairs on the flowering 
glumes or callus, or both, and paniculate :— 
(A) Flowers hermaphrodite ; lowest fluwering glume sometimes 
male or neuter :— 
(*) Rachilla glabrous; flowering glumes dorsally hairy beyond 
the middle ; leaves flat ; tall stout perennial grasses :-— 
(**) Rachilla hirsute ; flowering glumes glabrous; leaves long; 
tall perennial grasses :— zoe ..» mxxxix—Phragmites. 
(6) Flowers dicecinus; spikelets 2-flowered ; panicles large, 
silvery white, feather-like ; leaves very long, linear, 
glaucous green, with rough edges; tall perennial grasses :— 
(b) Spikelets not penicillate with long silky hairs ; many-flowered :— 
(a) Outer glumes longer than the lowest flowering glumes : grain 
broad concave; leaves very long, flat; tall, stout, glabrous, 
perennial grass of marshes:— _ ... ... mxxxix—Myriostachya,. 
(8) Outer glumes shorter than the lowest flowering glume; grain 
ellipsoid, compressed, grooved ; leaves narrow, rigid, con- 
volute ; tall, stout, perennial, glabrous grass, with branching, 
creeping, sheathed rootstock, of the sea-coust :— 
mxli—Halopyrum. , 
(ii) Leaf blades transversely veined (tessellately nerved), flat and arvicu- 
lated to the sheath by the petiole ; spikelets 1—4-flow=red, secund, biseriate on 
the rachis of a simple spike ; tall erect perennial grass :— -. tmxlii—Streptogyna. 
(iii) Leaf blades transversely veined (tessellately nerved), flat and articu- 
lated to the sheath by the petiole; syikelets 1-to many-flowered, in spikes, 
heads, whorls, racemes, or panicles, simple or panicled, but not in secund bise- 
riate spikes :—(BaMBUSE®) :— 

[Anatomical features.—Perennial grasses, as a rule of extremely gregarious habit. 
A woody rootstock or rhizome, consisting, in the case of tufted spacies, of short twisted 
entangled branches, producing a large number of more or less closely packed woody 
stems (culms), or, in the case of single-stemmed species, with long creeping branches 
producing a number of culins from 1 to 3 feet apart. The culms are jointed, hollow 
between joints, rarely climbing, usually erect, the outer culms of the clump often 
overhanging, in Some species the culms almost lyingonthe ground. The young shoots, 
which come up inthe rainy season, either in the midst of dense clumps or, in the single- 
stemmed species, separately from the ground, have the full diameter of the culm, but 
are quite soft. They are enclosed in large, generally coriaceous, sheaths, often hairy 
outside, which arise from the joints or nodes, and as arule terminate in a more or 
less imperfect blade. These sheaths, like those which bear the ordinary green leaves 
of the bambucs, are strictly alternate, there is an angle or interval of 180° beuween the 
axillary buds of two successive sheaths. ‘he general appearance, length, texture, and 
shape of these sheaths and their blade afford good characters for distinguishing the 
different species. The leaves are distichous, and consist of a tubular sheath, split to 
the base, and a linear-oblong or lanceolate blade with a midrib and numerous longi- 
tudinal veins (fibrovascalar bundles), usually of two classes, stout or coarse and thin, 
generally 5-9 thin between two stout nerves. The blade is joined to the sheath by a 
short petiole. Half way between two longitudinal nerves, and parallel to them, is a 
transparent band, due to several lines of large celJs, belonging to the upper epidermis, 
which are frequently (but not iu all.cases) filled with bright colourless masses of silica 
(silicon dioxide). All bamboos have transverse veins, consisting of wood fibres, which 
run across from one longitudinal nerve to the next, straight, oblique, or with a bend in 
middle, In many species thes® transverse veins are conspicuous, particularly on dry 



leaves, but they can usually be distinguished, under the lens or microscope, as bright 
translucent, dots at the point where they cross the silica cells (“‘ translucent glands”, 
Gan.bie). Pieces of drv leaves boiled in water, and examined in glycerine, often show the 
transverse veins: they can be made more conspicuous by bleaching agents or by scrap- 
ing off part of the tissue filled with chlorophyll. On the under side of the leaf the epi- 
dermis has numerous solid protuberances or hairs, which are usnally short and thick- 
walled, in some species long and soft. . . . The tissue of the culm is very firm 
consis‘ing of closed fibrovascular bundles and, ch efly near the surface, large masses 
of sclerenchymatous cells and fibres. ‘The branches of the rhizome are solid, The 
young shoots of bamboos are solid, consisting of exceedingly soft tissue. } 
(1) Pericarp thin, membranons, adnate to the seed :— 
(A) Stamens 3; spikelets 1—to many-flowered, racemed or panicled ; 
empty glumes 1-2; leaves usually with conspicuous transverse 
veins dividing the leaf into rectangles or squares; stems 
slender, seldom 20 ft. high, nodes usually prominent, internodes 
rather short, branches short fascicled :— mxli-—Arundinaria. 
(B) Stamens 6 :— 

(a) Filarnents free; spikelets 3—10, flowered, generally, in large 
leafless panicles of h3ads on spiciform branches, or in leafy 
panicles, or in panicled spikes; pales prominently 2-keeled, 
subentire; leaves not tessellate by nervules, but sometimes 
by pellucid glands ; sheaths variously auricled ; stems usually 
large and caespitose :— mxlivy—Bambusa, 

(b) Filaments connate; spikelets few flowered, capitate or whorled 
on branches in large panicles; pales of upper flowers none, 
or glume like; leavy+-slarge or small: stems arborescent or 
scandent, unarmed, with a stout, usually creeping and 
stoloniferous, rootstock :— mxly—Oxytenanthera. 

(2) Pericarp crustaceous, coriacious, or fleshy :— 
(A) Pales always 2-keeled; transverse veins of leayes not con- 
spicuous : — 

(a)—Spikelets 2-or-more-flowered, only one usually fertile, usually 
capitate on the branches of a panicle; ovary hirsute at top ; 
pericarp crustaceous; leaves with pellucid glands; stems 
arborescent, unarmed, with densely branching rootstocks :— 


(bj Spikelets 1-flowered :— 

(a) Spikelets in long narrow spikes on the branches of a panicle ; 
stems thin, arching, subscandent with pendulous branches 
and papery stem-sheaths :— mxlvii— Teinostachyum, 
(L) Spikelets crowded in globose heads; stems slender, straight, 
shrubby, with auricled stem-sheaths :— 
(B) Pales none, or glume-like ; stamens 6—120; leaves as in Bambusa, 
margins cartilaginous, nerves many, sheaths striate, fringed, 
ligule (except 1 species) short; stems shrubby, reed-like, 
gregarious, often overhanging, internodes rather long ard thin- 
walled, stem-sheaths thin and persistent with small auricles :— 


(I) Characters of the order-(q.v. in the Synopsis) :— m1—Gleichenia. 


(1) Ring surrounding sporangia more or less obliquely vertical, nearly 
complete; sporangia crowded, obliquely laterally compressed (or sub-com- 
pressed), bu:sting horizontally :—- 

(i) Sori without indusium, globose, dorsal on, or at the forking of, a vein ; 
tree-ferns with tall candex ; fronds compoundly pinnate, veins simple, forked or 
pinnate, not anastamcsing :—— re + Li = .-. mli--Alsophila. 

(ii) Sori involucrate, i.¢., with an inferior indusium and elevated 
receptacles :— : 

(1) Involucre membranous, at firat globose and covering the sorus, then 
circumscissile near the apex leaving a cup; tree fern with arborescent caudex ; 
fronds large bipinnate j receptacles close to the costa :— mlii—Cyathea, 



(2) Involucre coriaceous, globose, stalked ; receptacles medial on lower 
anterior venulhes; rhizome large, globose ; fronds tripinate:— mliii—Spheeropteris, 
(3) Involucre half-cup shaped; tree ferns; fronds pinnate, bipinnate, or 
decompound:-—-... a ... mlix—Hemitelia. 
(11) Ring surrounding ‘sporangia ver tical, nearly completo ; sporangia usually 

stalked, gibbous, bursting tranversely :— 
(i) Sori furnished with an indusium ; fronds herbaceous or coriaceous, opaque :— 
(L) Sori marginal or submarginal :— 

(A) Indusium opening apically towards edge of frond, “apical or sub- 
apical on @ vein; sori discrete; shrubby ferns with thick 
creeping caudex ; fronds tripinnate :— ... wailiv—Dayallia, 

(B) Indusium opening "inwardly towards the midrib of the frond ; 
sori on a slender filiform receptacle in the axis of the indusium, 
connecting several veins, linear and continuous; shrubby ferns, 
tufted or with creeping rhizme: fronds various :— ... mly—Pteris. 

(2) Sori remote from the margin of the frond: — 
(A) Indusium linear or oblong :— 

(a) Indusium membranous, parallel and close to, and opening to- 
wards, the midrib; tree ferns with stout sealy caudex ; fronds 
pinnate :— mlvi—Blechnam, 

(b) Indusinia divergent from midrib, single, call opening towards 
midrib, or double and opening both towards midrib and 
towards wargin of frond ; small tree, or shrubly ferns ; fronds 
usually bi(sometimes simply or tri-) pinnate :— mlvii—Asplenium. 

(B) Indaosium reniform :— 
(a) Fronds simple, articulated, veins parallel, forked, soriterous at or 
near the base ; semi- scandent small tree fern:— mlxvili—Oleandra, 
(b) Fronds mostly pinnate, pinnae mostly divided, not articulate, 
nor white dotted above ; shrubby ferns:— mlyiii—N ephrodium, 
(c) Frond spinnate, pinnae always simple, articulate at base and with 
white cretaceous dots above; shrubby ferns:— mlxi—Nephrolepis, 
(ii) Sori without indusium :—~ 
(1) Sori on the back of the lobes confined to the veins, round or very 
slightly oblong ; shrubby ferns with erect or creeping caudex; fronds usually 
pinnatifid atapex, increasing to bi-or-tri-pinnate below :— mlxii-—Polypodium. 
(2) Sori not confined to veins, but occupying the whole, or nearly the 
whole, undersurface of the frond :— 

(A) Margin of frond not revolute to form a false indusium ; shrubby 

or climbing ferns; fronds simply pinnate :-—— mlxiii— Acrostichum. 

(B) Margin of frond revolute to form false indusium ; shrubby fern ; 

fronds pinnatifid :— mlxiv—Lomaria, 


(1) Characters of the Order (q.v. in the Syncpsis) :— 

(1) Sporangia without any ring, opening by a slit down one side, or by a pore 
at the apex, dorsal:— 

(i) Sporangia free, crowded in two opposite linear series ; large shrubby 
ferns ; fronds very large, bipinnate, with 2 fleshy persistent stipuliform append- 

ages :— : mlxvi—Angiopteris. 
(ii) Sporangia coner rete, in two opposite linear series ; lar ge shrubby ferns 
leayes bipinnate, pinnae serrate :— mlxvii—Marattia, 

(II) Sporangia with rudimentary ring, bivalved, on rachiform portions of 
fronds, or separate fronds, forming a panicled inflorscence ; fronds pinnate or 

pipinnate : - ES eee Bes oes 5x8 ml xviii—Osmunda. 

(1) Characters of the Order (q.v. in the Synopsis) :— 






[ Norr.—Ordinary type—name adopted ; Italics—Synonym of 
adopted name. | 


i. Abelia (Br.) 


i. (bis.) Abelmoschus 

floribunda (Dene. ). 

(W. & A.) 
Abies (Juss.) 

Araucaria (Poir.) 
arctica (A. Murr.) 
cerulea (Lodd.) 
californica (Hort. 

Steud,) : 
canadensis (Mill.) . 
cedrus (Poir.) B 
cephalonica ( Link.) 
chlorocarpa (Borkt.) 
columbaria (Desf.) 
curvifiora (Salisb.) 
Dammara (Poir.) 
densa (Griff.) 
Deodara (Lindl.) 
Donglasii (Lindl.) . 
eleguns (Sw.) 
erythrocarpa (Purk. ) 
excelsa {Poir.) 
extrema (Fries.) 
gigantea (Sm.) 
glauca (Roez!.) 
hirtella (Link.) 
hispanica (Vecham.) 
imverta (R. Sm.) 
Khutrow (Loud.) 
leioclada (Stev.) 
Lemoniana {Booth.) 
Lindleyana (Bonl.) 
Luscombeana (J.oud.) 
medioxima (Laws.) 
mineata (Knight.) 
montana (Nym.) 
Morinda (Loud.) 
mucronata (Rauch.) 
mucronata (Rafin.) 

Nordmanniana (Spach.). 

obliqua (Brong.) 
panachaica (Heldr.) 
parvula (Knight.) 
pectinata (Gilib.) ... 
pendula (Lindl.) 
Picea (Mill.) 

~ 238 (bis.) 


cedlxxyi | 


.. CMXii 


no. Abies—cont. 


43. Pindrow (Spach.) .. 2871-6 
44, Pinsapo (Boiss.)_.. 2870 
45.  religiosa (H. B. & K) 2867 
46. Samatiana (Desf.) . 2832 
47. Smithiana (Forbes.) 2865 
48.  spectabilis (Spach.)... 2871 
49.  spinulosa (Griff,) 2865 
50.  taxifolia (Lamb.) 2866 
51.  viminalis (Webb.) .. 2863 
| 52. Webbiana (Lindl.) .. 2871 
| iii. Abroma (Jacg.) Cxiv 
53. angulata (Lamk.) 303 
o4. augusta ( Linn.) 303 
55. fastuosa (Geertn.)  ... 303-b 
56. Whelert ‘ Wheelevi) (Retz) 302 
iv. Abrus (Linn. ) ese cCCV 
57. minor (Desv.) : 810 
58. paucifiorus (Desv.) ... £10 
09.  precatorius (Linn,) ... 810 
60. _pulchellus ( Wall.) 811 
vy. Abutilon (Gzrtn.) oo LREXEX: 
61. albidum (Webb. & Berth.) | 226 
62. asiaticum (4. Don.) 221 
63. asiatiwm (W.& A.) 222 
64. crispam (G. Don.) 225 
65. Darwinii (Hk. f.) ... 218 
66. fruticosum (Guill & Perr.) 226 
67. glaucum (G. Don.) .. 224: 
68. graveolens (W. J A. ) 223 
69. indicum (G. Don.) 222 
70. mirophyllwm (A. Rich.) 226 
71. muticum (G. Don.) 224 
72.  neilgherrense (Munro.) 227 
73. polyandrum an 
G. Don.) o«s | RED 
74, striatum (Dicks.) . 219 
vi. Acacia (Willd.) wae ceclxvii 
75. adenophylla (Spreng.) 1017 
76. alba (Willd.) seat LOSe 
77.  alliacea (Ham.) .. L039-b 
78. amara (Wilid.)  ... ea LODO 
79. amblycarpa (Grah.) ... 1040-6 
80. arabica (Willd.) .-. 1029 
81. arcuata (Sieb.) 016 
82. arcuata (Dene. 5 ifs 033 
83. argyrophylla (Hk.) 1019 
84, armata (R. Br.) as. 1028 
85. Baileyana (Muell.) .. « 1024 


no. Acacia—cont. No. 
86. biceps (De.) . 10109 
87. bombycina (Benth.) 1019 
88.  brachybotrya (Benth.). 1019 
89. brevipes (A.Cunn.) 1016 
90. czsia (Wall.) _.1040- b 
91 Campbelli (Arn.) 1023 
92. Catechu ( Willd.) p-- L035-a) 
93.  Catechw (Brand.) .-.1035-b 
94.  Catechu (W. & A.). - 1084 
95.  catechuoides (Wall.) -2g ITER RE 
96.  chrysocoma(Miq.) ... a A032 
7. Chundra (Willd.) ... .. L035-b 

98. cinerea (Spreng.) 1008 
99. concinna (D C.) e038 
100. concinna (Waill.) .. 1040-b | 
1Ol.  cumanensis (Hbt. & Bp.) 1005 
102. Dalea (Desv.) 2 1008 
103.  dealbata (Link.)  ... 1018 
104. decurrens (Willd.) ... 1017 
105. densa ( Wall.) : .- 1033-6 
106. dictyosperma (Benth.) 1019. | 
107. diptera\ Willd.) x 1005 

108. dumosa (W.&A.)... 1037 
109.  eburnea ( Willd.) a KOBIE 
110.  elata (Grah.) .. 1047-6 
111. emarginata (Wendl. ) 1021 
112. falcata (Sieb.) 1005 
113. falcinella (Meiss.) 1622 
114. Farnesiana ( Willd.) 1027 
115. Farnesiana (Wall.) ... 1628 
116. —ferruginea (D.C.) 1026 
717. flecuosa (Lam.) 1005 
118. jfurcata (Desv.) 1005 
119. glauca (D.C.) -. 1010 
120. homolophylla (A. Cunn.) 1025 | 
121. Hooveriana (Zippel.) 1038 | 
122. implexa (Benth.) ... se LOZ09] 
123. indica {Desv.) . 1027 | 
124. Intsia ( Willd.) 10329 
125. intsioides (D.U.) - 1039-6 
126.  irrorata (Sieb.) +A 1018 
127. Julibrissin (Willd.) 1048 
128. julifiora Cand? oe 1005 
129. levigata(Hbt. & Ep) 1005 
130. latifolia (Desv. ) : 1016 
131. Latronum (Willd, ) 1037 
132.  Lebbek ( Willd.) 1044 
133. leucocephala (DC.) 1010 
134,  leucophloea (Willd.) 1633 
135. lomatocarpa (D.C.) 1046 | 
136. marginata (Ham.) ... 1049 | 
137. megaladeno (Desv.) 1040 
188. melanoxylon (Br.) ... 1016 
139. mollis (Wall.) 1048-6 
140, mollissima (Willd.)... 1017 
141. WNellyrenza (Grah.)... 1050 | 
142. Nemwu (Willd.) 1048 | 
143. mitida (Wiild.) : 200 1053-b 
144.  odoratissima (Willd. ) 1046 
145. paludosa (Miq.) ... -», 1040 | 
146. pennata ( Willd.) 1040 | 
147.  pinnata (Dalz. & Gibs.) 1040 
148.  planifrons (W. & A.) 1028 , 


No. Acacia—cont. No. 
149. polyacantha (Willd.) _ ...1035-a 
150. prensans (Lowe) ... « 1040 
151. procera (Willd.) ... 1047 
152.  Pseudo-intsia ( Miq.) ... 1039-b 
153.  pulchella (R.r.) ... 1026 
164. pyenantha (Benth.) see ORS 
155. rodwsta(Bed. in F.A.R.)... 1016 
156. Rozburghiit (W. & A.) 1028 
157. salinarum (D.C..) 1005 
158,  Siliguastrum (Lag.) 1005 
159. Siriss1(Ham.) ... 1024 
160. speciosa (Wilid,) ... .. 1044 
161.  Smithiana (Wall.) -. 1049 
162.  stipulata (D.C...) ... .. 1049 
J63. stricta (Willd.) ... cost LOZ! 
164.  sulcipes (Sieb.) 1017 
165. Suma (Kurz.) 1034, 
166. Sunda (Waill.) 1034 
167. tamarindijolia ' Griseb,) a6 BOM 
168.  tomentella (Lipp.)... .. 1040-5 
169. tomentosa Willd.) 1032 
170. wmbracuiata (Wall.) 1037 
171, vera (Willd.) eae 1029 
172. Watlichiana (D.C.) .. 1035-4 

| i73. Wightii (Buker.) ... .-- 1030 
| vli, Acalypha (Linn.) deecxliv 
| 174, alnifolia (Klein.) 2663 
175.  amentacea (Roxb.) 2662 
i76. Baroni (Baker.) ... 2666 
177. —betulina (Retz) ... .-. 2662 
178. Brownei (Sphalm.) --. 2666 
179.  capitata (Wall ) .. 2662 
180. capitata(Wall.) ... swe 2060 
181. caudata (Hb. & K.) 2667 
182.  cucullata (Poir.) ««. 26607 
183. densifiora (Blume.) ». 2664-5 
184. fruticosa (Forsk.) . 2663 
185.  Godseffiana (Masters.) 2669 
186. Hamiltoniana (Hort. . 
Bruant.) 2670 
187. hispida (Burm.) ... ... 2664 
188. Macafeeana (Veitch)  ... 2665-6 
189. macrophylla (Hb. 
& Ka ee ve! ...2667-b 
190. macrostachya (Griseb.) ... 2567 
191. marginata ( Spreng.) 2668 
192. musaica (Hort.) ... 2665 
193. rubra (Noronha.)... 2664 
194. Sanderi (Hort.) .. ... 2664 
195.  Sanderiana (Hort.) a. 2664 
196. spiciflora (Linn.) 2664 
197. tomentosa (Bojer.) 2668 
198.  torta (Hort.) be -. 2664-¢ 
199. tristis (Poep. & Endl.) 26:7 
200. triwmphans (L. Lind.) 2665 
201. Acampecongesta (Lindl.)... 2972 
202. dentata (Lindl.) ... 2968 
203. excavata (Lindl.) ... .. 2970 
264.  papitlosa (Lindl.) 2971 
205. Wiaghtiana(Lindl.) 2968, 2969 
viii. Acanthophcenix (H. 
Wendl.) BES ... emlxxyi 



no. Acanthophoenix—cont. NO. 
206. rubra (H. Wendl.) 3131 
ix. Acantbus (Linn.) ... covi 
207. ciliaris(Burm.) ... woe 9221 
208... Doloarius (Blanco) ... 2228 
209. _ilicifolius (Linn.)... «. 2223 
210. mollis (Linn.) ... ... 2324 
211. maderaspatensis (Linn.)... 2221, 
212. latifolius (Hort. Gaeze.)... 2224 
213. repens (Vahl ) : .. 2222 
214. spinosissimus (Hort.) 2224 
x. Acer (Tournef.) .. a cel 
215. Buzimpala (Ham.) .,.. 643 
216. Campbeilii (Hk.f. § T7.)... 648 
217. Hookeri(Mig.) ... oso) G4 
218. levigatum ( Wall.) i= 646 
219. lawrifoliwm(D. Don.) ... 648 
220. oblongum ( Wall.) .. 643 
221. platanoides (Linn.) ua *645 
222. Psendoplatauus (Limmn.)... 644 
<iachras (Lann.)) {5 | a2 dix 
223. jBalata (Aubl.) ... ..- 1692 
224. forruginea (Casar.) 1679 
225. Sapota(Limn.) ... a LES 
226. verrucosa (Stokes.) 1679 
227. Zapota(Linn.) ... ce LG 7O 
228. Zapotilla (Jacq.) ... ro LGTO 
229. Acymus pallens (patens.) 
(Soland.) a cere Fal 
230. Achyranthes alopecuroides 
(Lamk.) re 2374 

281. calceolata (Hb. Russel.) ... 2373 
232.  jalceica (Pers.) .. 2374 
233. glavan (Ib. Heyne) 2373 | 
234. incana(Roxb.) ... wwe BOT4 
235. montana (Klein.) .. SEB Y fr 
236. Achyranthes polygonoides 

(Retz.) diteg 2aig379 
237. scandens (Roxb.)... 2375 
238. Acilepis squarrosa 

(D. Don.) 1593 

239. Acmena parviflora (D.C.) . 1232 
240. xzeylanica (Thwaites.) ... 1232 

xii. Acrocarpus (W. & A.) ecelxvi 
'241.  combretiflorus (Teysm, 
& Binn,) Sh ... 1015 
242. fraxinifolius (Wight) ... 1015 
xiii. Acronychia (Forst.) . exlvyii 
243. anrifolia (Bl.) ... .. 388 
244.  pedunculata (Miq.) 388 
xiv. Acrostichnm (Linn.) m)xiii 
245. aureum (linn.) .. --. 8379 
246. emarginatwm (Roxb.) 3379 
247. inequale (Willd.)... ABBA, 
248, palustre (Bedd.) ... eon Oald 
249, speciosum (Willd.) 3379 
xv. Actephila (Blwme.) ... decexiii 
250. excelsa (Muell.) ... we 2554 
251. neilgherrensis(Thw.)  ... 2554 b 
252. neilgherrensis (Wight.) ... 2554 
253. Thomsoni (Muell.) ... 2554-¢ 
254.  zeylanica (Muell.) .. 2554-0 

No. No. 
xvi. Actinodaphne (Nees.) ... declxxxii 
255. ambigua (Hk, f.) ... --- 2456 
258. campanulata (Hk. f.) ... 2449 
259. canarica ? (Bedd.) « 2457 
261. hirsuta (Hk. f.) ... 2455 
262. Hookeri (Bedd.) ... 2451 
263. WHookeri (Meissn.) .. 2452 
264. lanata (Meissn.) ... --- 2450 
265. madrasprcana (Bedd.) ... 2451 
266. — salicina (Meissn )... ... 2448 
267.  salicina (Bedd.) ... 2449 
268. stenophylla (Thw.) 2453 
269. Thwaitesri (Meissn.) . 2453 
xvii. Actinorhytis (H. Wendl.) cmlxxy 
270. Adambea glabra (Lamk,) 1319 
xvill. Adansonia (Linn.) ess =XOVii 
271. digitata (Linn.) 257 
272. Adelia cuneata (Wall.) 4692 
273.  neriifo:ia (Roth.)... 4691 
274. retusa (Wight) 4692 
xix. \denanthera (Linn.) ecelx 
275.  aculeata (Roxb.) ... 1007 
276. pavonina (Linn... 1004 
xx. Adenocblena (Baill.) Decexly 
277. indica (Bedd.) 2671 
278. Adenoropiwm pandure- 
foliwm (Pohl.) ... 2625 
xxi. Adenosacme { Wail.) . edxcii 
279. Law (lii.) (Hk. f.) 1188 
xxii Adhatoda (Nees.) ... -.. decxiv 
280. Beddomei (Clarke.) 2267 
281. Betonica (Nees.) ... 2257 
282, ramosissima (Nees.) 2257 
283. tranguebariensis (Nees.)... 2258 
284. Vasica (Nees.) "see 226 
285.  wynaadensis (Nees.) 2261 
xxiii. Adina (Sa/isb.) bs cdlxxx 
286. cordifolia (Hk. f.) .. 1439 
xxiv. giceras (Gaertn.) oo2 SRPDITL 
287. corniculatum (Blanc.) 1676 
288. ferreum (B1.) tee 1676 
289. floridum (R.& S.) 1676 
290. fragrans (Keeu.) ... 1676 
291, majus (Gaertn) ... 1676 
292, Malaspinea (A.De.) 1676 
293, minus(A. De.) ... 1676 
294. mniyricans (A. Rich.) 1676 
295. obovatum (Bl.) . 1676 
xxv. Aigle (Corr.) Ue clix 
296. Marmelos (Corr.) 425 
Aerides (Zour.) cmxxxiv 
287. SHorassi(Sm.)  ... 2945 
298.  Brookeii (Lind].) ... 2957 
299. cornutwm (Roxb.) 2960 
500. crispum (Lindl.) ... 2987 
301. cylindricum (Lindl.) ... 2955 
302. guttatwm (Roxb.) .. -.. 2958 
303. Lindleyanwm (Wight) 2957 
304.  lineare (Hk. f.) .., 2956 
305. maculatwm (Sm.) 2962 
306. snaculosum (Lindl.) 2956 
307. odoratum (Lowr.) .-.' 2960 
308. premorsum (Willd.) .., 2953 


no. Aerides—cont. no. { No. Agathis—cont. No. 
309. radicosum (A. Rich.) 2958 363. australis (Stewd.) we $2831 
310. retusum (Sw.} 2953 364. crassifolia (Knight)  .. 28382 
31i. spicatum (D. Don.) 2953 365. loranthifolia (Salisb.) ... 2832 
312. _tessellatum (Wight) 2963 366. robusta (F. M. Bailey.) ... 2832 
813. wundulatum (Sm.) 2970 367. Agati grandiflora (Desv.). 782 
314.  Warneri (Hort.) ... 2957 | xxxli. Agave (Linn.) ek vee CdlVii 
315, Wrghtianwm (Lindl.) 2991 368. altissima (Zumag.) . 3049 
xxvi, Alrua (Forsk.) v ‘declvi | 369. americana (Linn.) ew. 3049 
316. wzgyptiaca (Gmel.) we 2374 370.  augustifolia (Haw.) .. 38051 
317. —inmcana (Mart.) »s 2874 371.  bulbifera (Bonpl.) .. 3050 
318. javanica (Juss.) ... 2374, 372.  Candelabrum (Tod.)  ... 3051 
319, scandens ( Wall.) ... Be By (5 373. Cantula (Roxb.) ... .. 38052 
320. tomentosa (Forsk.) see 2O74 374, fetida (Linn.) ... w 3054 
321. Wallichii (Mog.)... 2374. 375. gigantea (Dietr.) ... we. 3054 
322.  Wightii (Ak. f.) f 2376 376.  “iatli (Karw.) a ve | BODE 
xxvii. Aischynomene (Linn.). ccxeviii 377.  iextlioides (Hk.f.)... «. 3051 
323. aspera (Linn.) 787 378.  Karwinskii (Zuce.) .. 38051 
324. aspera (Wall.) 786 579. Magni (Desf.) 3050 
325. bispinosa (Jacq.) ... 780 380. mexicana (Lamk.) 3050 
326. cannabina (Retz.) 780 381. Miilleri (Haw.) 3049 
327. coccinea (Linn.) 711-b 382. rigida (Mill.) 3051 
328, diffusa (Willd. 786 383. Rumphii (cassk.) ... 38052 
329. grandiflora (uinn.) 781 384. sisalana (Perrine.) ve 3051 
230. indica (Linn.) 786 385. spectabilis (Salisb.) we 38049 
331. indica (Burm.) 779 386,  variegata (Jacobi.) 3053 
332. kashmiriana (Camb.) ... 786 387. variegata (Hort. Steud. y. "3049-0. 
333. paludosa (Roxb.)... 780-b ; 388. virginica (Mill.) . 3049 
334. pumila (Linn.) 786 | 3889.  vivipara (Linn.) 3052 
335.  Roxburghii (Spreng.) 786 390. Ywtli (Karw.) 3051 
336. Sesban (Linn.) 779 391. Aggeranthus marchan- 
337. spinulosa (Roxb.)... 780 tioides (Wight) lapsu 
338.  trachyloba (Miq.) NUNCA S) Aggeranthus recticulatus, 29381 
339.  uligimosa (Roxb.)... 780-b | xxxiii. Aglaia (Lowr.) clxxxiii 
340.- viscidula (Willd.)... ; 786 392. grata (Wall.) 462 
xxviii. Aisculus (Linn.)  ... .. eexlii | 393. lepidota (Miq.) ise nn 462 
341. asplenifolia at ex ’ 394. Maize (Bowrd.)  ... «468 
Loud.) ... 629 395.  midnaporensis (Carey) .. 462 
342. castanea (Gilib.) .. .' »629 396. minutiflora (Bedd.) 464 
343. Wlippocastanum (Linn.) if 629 397. odorata (Lowr.) 461 
344. procera (Salisb.) ... Bea V8) 398.  pentaphylla (Kurz.)  ... 461 
345.  septenata (Stokes.) 629 399.  polyantha (Bedd.) w= 464 
346. Agalma racemosum (Seem.) 1412 400. ? polystachya (Wall.) 467 
347.  rostratwm (Seem.) 1411 401. Roxburghiana (Migq.) 462 
xxxix. Aganosma (G@. Don.) devi 402. Spanoghei(Bl.) ... 462 
348. acwminata (G. Don.) 1859 403, Agricobea fragrans cae 
342. Bluwmei (Wight.) ... 1860 (Schrank. 2323 
349. (bis.) calycina (A.De.) 13 EQ (bis.) 404. Agrostis latifolia (Heyne) .. 3278 
350. caryophyllata (G. Don.)... 1860 405. maxima (Roxb.) 3278 
351. concanensis (Hook.) 1838 406. scoparia (Koen.) . . 8278 
352. cymosa (G. Don.)... 1861 | xxxiv. Agrostistachys (Dalz.) decexlii 
353. Doniana (Wight) ... 1861-c 407. indica (Dalz.) 2655 
354.  Edithe (Hance.) ... 1869 408. longifolia (Benth.) 2656 
355. elegans (G. Don.)... .. 1861-c 409. Agyneia flecuosa (Heyne)... 2577 
356. marginata (G. Don.) 1859 410. <wimpubes (Vent.) . 2574 
356. (bis.) Rowburghii (W.A.1.) 410, (di3.) multilocularis! '(Spreng.) 
1859 (bis.) 2574 (bis.) 
357. Agapetes ?arborea (De.) ... 1639 411.  obligua (Willd.) ... woe. DOU, 
358.  symplocifolia (G. Don.).,, 1639 411.(bis) pubera (Herb. Madr.) 2574 (bis.) 
xxx. Agasta (Miers.) Hs cdxxii 412, ovata (Miq.) see wo. 2095 
359. asiatica (Miers.) ... . 1273 | xxxv. Ailanthus (Desf.) ... oon? SCS 
360. imdica (Miers.) 1273 413. excelsa (Rozb.) ces; ae 
361. splendida (Miers.) 1273 414, malabarica (Dc.) 428 
xxxi. Agathis (Salisb.) vee Cmyi 415. Aiphanes caryotxfolia 
soi alba (Lamk.) «- 2882 (if. Wendl.) ree 3285 



416, Aira benghalensis (Gmel.) ... 


Ajuga fruticosa (Roxb.) 

xxxvi. Akea (Stokes) 
xxxvil. Akeesia (Tussac.) . 
xxxvili, Alangium (Lamk.) 















| 451. 








decapetalum (Lamk,) 
heaapetalum (Lamk.) 
Lamarckii ( Thw.) 
latifoliwm (Miq.) 
sundanum (Kurz.) 
tomentosum Lamk.) 
Albizzia (Durazz.) 
afimis (Fourn.) 
amara (Bovwv,) 
fastigiata (Linn.) 
Julibrissin (Durazz.) 
latifolia (Boiv.) 
Lebbek (Benth.) , 
lebbekioides ( Benth.) 
lophantha (Benth.) 
micrantha (Boiv.) 
moluecana (M1qg.) 
odoratissima (Benth.) 
procera (Benth.) ... 
Saman (F. Muell.) 
stipulata (Boiv.) ... 
Thompsoni (Brand,) 
Wightii (Grah.) ... 
Alchornea (Sw.)  ... 
mollis (Mwell.) 
Aleurites (Forst.) 
ambinua (Pers.) ... 
cordifolia (Steud.) 
laccifera (Willd.) ... 
molucecana ( Willd.) 
triloba ( Forst.) 
Alhagi (Desv.) 23, 
camelorum (Fisch.) 
mannifera (Desv.) 
napaulensiwm (D.C.) 

Allantodia tenella (Wall.) i 

Allemanda (Linn.) 
Aubletii (Pohl.) 
brasiliensis (Schott.) 
cathartica (Linn.) 
grandiflora (Lamk.) 
latifoltwm (Presl.) 
Linnzi (Pohl.) 
neriifolia (Hk.) 
Schottii (Pohl.) 
Schottiz (Linn.) 

Allophylus (Linn.) ... 
Aporetica ... ae 
Cobbe (Bl.) 
distachys ... 
glaber : 
lanatus (Roxb.) 

ornitrophioides (Roxb) Ns 

pinnatus (Roxb.) .. 

racemosus see 
Rheediv ... aoe 
Serratus +. ies 
ternatus (Lour.) ... 


woe ©2858 
eee COXIiil 
.. coxlili 





... 1044 
~... 1044 

on LOA 
507 1049 

, 1050-6 

re 783 
... 628-e 
were 628 
.. 628-f 
. 628-d 
_ 628-c 
... 628-4 
. 638-g 
we. 628-5 
1h OLS 

no. Allophylus—cont, NO. 
470. _—-villosus 628-4 
471. Allosorus aquilina (Pr. ) 3335 
xlv, Alnus (Gaertn.) decelxxxviii 
472. dioica (Roxb.) 2608 
473. glutinosa (Linn, 2785 
474,  integrifolia (Roxb. ) 2608 
xlvis Aloe (Tourn.) em xviii 
475.  barbadensis (Mill. ) 3117 
476. flava (Pers.) ps 3117 
477, indica (Royle ) Peg ely / 
478.  littoralis (Koen.)... 8117-6 
479. officinalis (Forsk.) ... SL17-¢ 
480. perfoliata (Willd.) 3117-¢ 
481. sinwata (\ bunb.) 3118 
482, socecotorina (Schultz.) 3118 
483.  soccdtrina (D.C.).. .., 3118 
484, succotrina (Lamk.) wiv? Olle 
485, vera (Linn.) iF od, OME 
486. vacillans (Forsk.) 3117 
487, vulgaris (Lamk.) ... 3117 
xlvii. Alonsoa (Ruiz. § Pav.). delxxv 
488.  incisifolia (Ruiz. ¥ Pav.). 2111 
489. wrticefolia (Steud.) 2111 
490. Aloysia citriodora (Orteg.), 2282 
xlviii, Alphonsea (Hk. f.§ T.)  ..: xxvi 
491. lutea (Hk. f. §& T.) OG 
492. madraspatana (Bedd.) 69 
493.  zeylanica (Hk. f. & T.) . 68 
xlix. Alpinia (Linn.) co emxlix 
494.  albo-lineata Hort. 
Bull.) ... 3110-16 
495.  ‘Allughas (Rosc.) .. 3006 
496. aquatica (Rosc.) . 3009 
497. bracteata (Rosc.)... Sad 3007 
498.  calcarata (Rosc.) .. 3007 
499, Cardamomum (Roxb. ) 3004 
500:  cernua (Sime.) 3070 
501. cristata (Griff.) 3008 
502. Galanga (Sw.) 3005 
503. malaccensis (Wall,) 3008 
503.  ? Missionis (Wall.) 2986 
505. nutans (Rosc.) ... ... 3008 
506, Rheedii(Wicht) ... ... 3006 
507.  viridijlora (Griff. ye ¥.0) 3005 
508.  vittata (Hort. Bull.) 3010 
1, Alseodaphne (Nees.) declxxxi 
509  semecarpifolia ( Nees.) 2447 
li, Alsodeia (Thouars) ... xlvii 
510, zeylanica (Thw.) ... 123 
lii. Alsophila (R. Br.) .. mili 
511. australis (R. Br.) 3329. 
512. _crinita (Hk.) 3328 
513. gigantea (Hk.) .. 3327 
514. glabra (Hk.) 3327 
515, Jatebrosa (Wall, ie 3326 
516. wmbrosa (Wall) . 3327 
517. ~venulosa (Wall.) . 3327 
hii. Alstonia (Br,) y dxe 
518. _neriifolia (D. Don. ) 1831 
519. scholaris (Br.) 1... ... 1829 
520.  venenatus (Br.) ... ... 1830 
621. Althea arborea (Olaf.) ... 102 


No. NO. 
liv. Altingia (S. Don.) ... . cmvii 

522.  Cunninghamii (G. Don.). 2836 
523.  excelsa (G. Den.) .. 2837 
524. Amanoa collina (Baill) 2550 
525. indica (Wight) 2552 
526.  patula (Thw.) +». ... 2552 
526. (bis.) tomentosa (Baill.) 2548 (bis.) 

527. Amblyanthera suaveolens 
(Muell.) Ne wal B58 

528. Amerimnum pallidum 
(Ham.)  --- he AGH 
529. Amomis acris (Berg.) 1207 
530. oblongata ( Berg.) 1207 
531. Pimento (Berg) ..- 1207 
532.  pimentoides (lierg.) 1207 

532, (bis.) nobilis (Wall. 352 (bis.) 
lv. Amomum (Linn.) ... cmxlV 
533.  cannecarpum (Benth.) ... 2992 
534.  Cardamomum (Linn.) 30° 4 | 
535.  montanum (Keen.) 2998 
536. racemoswm (Lam.) 3004 
537. repens (Willd.) 3004 
538.  rosewm (Roxb.) 2993 
539.  spwriwm (Gmel.) Bon Sef 
539. (bis.) subulatum (Roxb.) 29¥1 (bis.) 
540.  sylvestre (Poir.) ... 5) SN 
541.  Zerumbet (Linn.) 2997 
542.  Zingiber (Linn.) ... Zoo 
lvi. Amoora (Rozxb.) Bee clxxxv 
543. canarana (Benth. Sf 
TEAL IS COR ieee ors 
544. Lawii (Benth. ¥ Hk. f.)... 469 
545. macrophylla (Nimmo.) ... 467 
546. . Rohituka (W. & A.) 467 
Ivii. Amorpha (Linn-) . ecxcll 
547.  fruticosa (Linn.) ... MERCIA 
lviii. Ampelopsis (Mich.) ... CCKXXVi 
548.  hederacea (D.C.) 580 
549.  heptaphylla (Buckl.) 580 
550.  himalayana (Royle.) 602 
551. hirsuta (Don.) 580 
552.  japonrca (Hort.) ... 581 
553.  gquinquefolra (Michr.) 580 
554, 2? ternata (D.C.)... Aa OO 
555, .tricuspidata (Sieb & 
Zuc.) We ms 581 
558.  Veitchs (Hort.) wet OSL 
557. Ampelygonum chinensis 
(Linal.) nya GoBeS 
558, Amphidonax bengalensis 
Nees.) . 3287 
559. be faria (Nees.) 8287 
560.  Heynit (Nees.) .. 3286 
561. tenella (W.& A.) 3286 
lix. Amphilobiwm (Loud.). dexciil 
Ix, Amphilophium (Kunth.).  dexciti 
562. Mutisii (A.B. & K.) 2153 
563. Amphiraphis zeylanica 
CDEC) i ae oe 606 

liv. (bis.) Amherstia ( Wall.) ccclii (bis.) 


564. Amyqdalus collinus ( Wall.). 
565. commumie (Linn.) 
566. persica (Linn.) ... ee 
567. Amyris acuminata (Roxb,). 

568.  ? Agallocha.(Koxb.) odi6 
569. Commephora (Roxb.) 

570.  dentata (Willd.) ... 

571.  gileadensis (Roxb.) in 
572.  heptaphylla (Roxb.) bo: 
573. nana (Roxb.) me 

lxi. Anacardium (Rottb.) 

574.  latifoliwm (Lamk,) 
575. occidentale (Linn.) iia 
576. — officinarwm (Geertn.) 

lxii. Anacolosa (Bl.) 3 
577. densiflora (Bedd.) 
Ixiii, Anamirta (Colebr.) 

578. . )|Cocculus (We oA) eeees 
579.  flavescens ( Miers.) ; 
589. paniculata (Colebr.) 

581.  towifera (Miers.) ... dr 
lxiv. Anaphalis .D.7.) ... 50 
582. aristata (D.C)... Hee 
583. linearis (D.C. P) ... 

584. marcescens (Clarke.) : 
585.  neelgerriana (De.) sat 
586. Wightiana (De.) ... es 











587. Anarthrosyne cordata (Klotzsch.)806 

lxv, Ancistrocladus ( Wall.) Ixxix 
588, Heyneanus ( Wail.) sos, ROD 
583. Anda brasiliensis (Raddi.)... 2632 
590. Gomesit (A. Juss.) -. 2682 
591. Jomezit (Mart.) ... wo. 2682 
592.  Pisonis (Mart) ... wo. 2682 
lxvi. Andersonia (Ham.)... ...  ediv 
593. acuminata (Herb. Rottl.) 1115-a 
594,  allissima (1b. Madr.) 1154 
595. lanceolata (Hb. Rottl.} ...1155-b 

Ixvii. Andersonia (Roxb.) .-. CIXXXV 
596.  Rohitoca (Griff.) ... 467 
597.  Rohituka (Roxb.) 467 
598. Andicus pentaphyllus (Vell.f 2682 
594. Andrachne apetala (Roxb.) 2607 
600. Cadishan (Roxb.) ves 2560 
601. Doonkyboisca (Heyne) ... 2546 
602.  fruticosa (Jleyne) : 2556 
603.  orbiculata (Rottl.) $e eaDO 
604.  trifoliata (Roxb.)... oo) eOOR, 
605. Andromeda ellaptic 

(Siek. & Zuce.) .. = 1643 
606.  jflewwosa (Moon ) ... 1642 
607. katugherensis (Hook.) 1642 
608.  ovalifolia (Wall.) .. 1643 

_ 609. — symplocifolia (Wall.) 1639 

| xviii, Angiopteris ( 4offm.) .. ralxvi 
610.  crassipes (Wall)... 8386 
611.  evecta (Hoffmy.) ... so. 8880 
612. Anictoclea Grahamiana 

(Nimmo.).... 1368 
613. Aniseia barlerioides (Chois.) 2032 
614.  calycina (Chois.),., .. 2081 


No. NO, 
lxix. Anisochilus ( Wall.)... + declxi 
615. albidus (Wight) ... A 4 eck 
616 dysophylloides (Benth.) .... 2341 
617. paniculatus ( Benth.) 234.0 
618. purpureus (Wight) 2341 
619. robustus (Hk. f.)... 2343 
620.  scaber (Benth,) ... 2338 
621.  suffruticosus ( Wight) 2342 
622, Wighiii (Ak. f.) ... 2339 
623. Anisogoniwm esculentum 

(Presl.) 3346 
Ixx. Anisomeles (Br.) deexlvili 
624. intermedia (Wight) ... 2358 
625. malabarica (Br.) ... 2353 
626. Anisonema dubium (B1.) 2557 
627.  eglanduloswm (Dene.) 2557 
628. wntermedium (Dene.) 2557 
629. multiflorwm (Wight)  .2. 2557 
630. reticulatum (A. Juss.) 2557 
631.  Zollingeri (Miq.) ... 2557 

lxxi. Anodendron (A.Dc.) deix 
632.  paniculatum (A.Dc.) 1864 

ixxli. Anogeissus ( Wall.) ... ediv 
633. acuminata (Wall,) 1155 
634, hirta (Wall.) 1155 
635. latifolia (Wall.) . Baye glia! 
636. Anomosanthes deficiens (Bl.) 625 
637. Anomospermum excelsum 

(Dalz)... oo 2554 
lxxiii, Anona ([ inn.) soo. | 2 oat 
638. Cherimolia (Linn. ) Sat 60 
639. muricata (Linn.) .. Be 59 
640. reticulata (Linn.) eee 58 
641.  squamosa (Linn.) sky 57 
‘642. Anstrutheria zeylanica 
(Gard.) . .. 1141 

lxxiv. Anthocephalus (A. Rich.). cdlxxix 
643. Cadamba (MWiq.) ... 1438 
644. chinensis (H aask.) 1442 
645. indicus (Rich.) ... we. «1442 
646,  mormdefolius (Korth.) ... 14388 

lxxy. Antiaris (Leschen.) ... decelxxiv 
647. dubia (Spanog.) ... 2759 
648. innozia (BI.) a 2759 
649. — saccidora (Dalz.) 2759 
650. toxicaria (Leschen.) 5 20S) 
651. Antichorus Ss ee 
(Linn.) . = B34 

Ixxvi. Antidesma (Linn)... deccexxvi 
652.  acidum (Retz.) Soo) VLoRIE: 
653. Alexiteria (Linn ) 2614, 2615 
654. ? Alewiteria (Gertn.) ... 2617 
655.  Bunius (Spreng.).. sy ZONA 
656. Bunius (Migq.) 2617 
657.  ciliatwm (Presl.) ... 2614 
658. comptum (Tulasne.) , 2618 
659. diandrum (tioth.)... 2616 
660. floribundum (T ulasne. ) .. 2614 
661. Ghesembilla (Gertn.) 2613 
662. glabrum (Tulasne.) ... 2614 
668. Jlanceolutum (Dalz. & 

Gals: iene wee ange 20d 

no. Antidesma—cont, No. 
664. lanceolatuwm (Hk. f. & T. ) 2616 
665. Menasu (Miq.) 2617 
666. paniculatwm (Roxbr) 2613 
667. parviflorwm (Hana.) 7.) WV ZOLG 
668. “pubescens (Roxb.) .. 2613, 2617 
669. — sylvestre (Lamk.) 2613, 2614. 
670. —sylvestre (Wall.) 2616 
671. Lhwaitesianum (Muell. py 2614 
672.  Wallichianum (Presl.) 2616 
673. zeylanicam (Lamk.) 2615 

Ixxvii. Antigonon (Endi.) ... ». dcelxii 
674. amabile (Uort.) .. 2385-b 
675.  leptopus (Hk. & Arn.). ... 2385 

Ixxviii. Antistrophe (A.Dc.) ee dli 
675.  serratifolia (Hk. f.» vee GAs 
677. Apama siliquosa (Lamk.) ... 2889 
678. Aphananthe cuspidata 

(Planch.) ef 2h 

Ixxix. Aphelandra (R. Br.) decix 
679. cristata (R. Br.) e245 

680. Apocynum frutescens (Linn.) 1865 
681.  reticulatum (Herb. Madr.) 1874 
682. tiliefoliwm (Lamk.) 1918 

Ixax. Apodytes (H. Mey.) ... cciv 
683. Beddomei (Mast.) 499 
684,  Benthamiana (Wiyht) 498 
Ixxxi. Apollonias (Nees.) .., deelxxii 
_§85. Arwottii (Nees.) ... ; 2429 
686. Aporetica ternata (Forest. 628 

lxxxii. Aporosa (Bi.) decexxiv 
687. acuminata (Thw.) 2609 
688.  affinis (Baill.) $ 2510 
689.  Bourdilloni (Stapf.) meee y eal 
689. (bis.) fusiformis (Thw.) 2610 (bis.) 
690. Lindleyana (Baili ) 2410 
691. Roxburyhii (Baill.) 2698 
692.  spherocarpa (Muell.) . 2610 
692. (2és.) Thwaiteti (Baill.) 2610 (bis.) 









eas XXXIV 
Aquilicia Ottilis (Gzertn.) .. 617 
sambucina (Linn.) 617 
ott ... CXXV 
Arachis fruticosa (Retz.) 784 
Aralia (Linn.) ”.. edlix 
Chabrierr eat ex 
Carriere.) 545 
cochleata (Lamk. Ni 1403 
diyitata (Roxb.) . 14 3 
elegantissima (Veitch. ye 1388 
filicifolia, (C. Moore.) 1389 
fragrans (G. Don.) ... 1418 
Guilfoylei (Cogn. § Mar.) 1390 
japonica. ('Thunb.) 1326 
leptophylia (Hort. Drug) 1391 
maculata (Hort. Trufs) 13892 
malabarica (Bedd.) . 1386 
monstrosa (Hort. Truff.}. 1398 
papyrifera (Hk.) Sey IBSEN, 
reticulata (fort. Hemel. ) 1397 
rotunda (Hort. Truff.) ... 1394 
Schefleri (Spreng. ) Bn RBIs! 
Sieboldii ( Hort, Koch.) .. 1396 



no. Aralia—cont, No. 
713. spectabilis (Hort, Bull.) 1389 
714,  Veitchi(Hort. T. Moore.) 1387 
Ixxxiy. Araucaria (Juss.) ... y emvii 
715.  Araucaria (C. Koch.) 2838 
416.  Bidwilli (Hk.) 2834 
717.  columnaris (Hk.) 2835 
718.  Cookii (R. Br.) .. 2835 
719. Cunninghamii ith ye 2836 
720.  Dombeyi (Rich.} .. 2838 
721.  excelsa (R. Br.) 2837 
722. glauca (Antoine) ... 2838 
723. imbricata (Pav.} ... se eeab 
Ixxxiv. (dis.) Arbutus (Linn.) — dxl (dis.) 

723. (bis.) Andrachne (Linn.) 

1644. (dis.) 
723. (tris.) Unedo (Linn.) 1644 (tris.) 
Ixxxv. Archontophzenix ... cmixxxi 
724. Cunninghamii (Z. oe 3140 
Ixxxvi. Ardisia (Sw.) , dl 
725.  amplexicanlis (Bedd.) 1668 
726.  arborescens (Wall.) .. 1673-6 
727. ? Basaal (R. & §S.) 1663 
728.  courtallensis ( Wight.) 1667 
729. crenata (Rowb.) 1669 
730.  crenulata (Ledd.) «.- 1669 
730. (bis.) crenulata (Vent.). 1668 (bis.) 
731. crispa(A.De.) 1669 
732.  densa”(Miq.) ip pelGgo 
733.  elliptica (Bedd.) .. 1673 
734. glabrata (Bl.) 1670 
735.  Hasseltii (Bl.) 1666 
736. humilis (Vahl.)° . 1673 
737. lanceolata (Rozb.) 1666 
738.  Leschenaultri (A.De.) 1666 
"39,  littoralis (Andr.) 1673 

739. (bts.) . missionis 
(Walle)... 1667 
740. mollis (Bl.) 1670 
741. mucronata (Bl. Nie 1666 
WA2.  obovata (Bl)... 1673 
743. paniculata ( Bed.) 1667 
744,  pauciflora (Heyne) ae ANSI 
745.  polycephala (Wight) .. 1673 
746.  olysticta (Miq.) - we 1669 
747. purpurea (Reinw.) .. 1666 
748. rhomboidea (Wight) 1672 
749. rostrata (Hassk.) 1673 
750.  salicifolia (A. De.) 1673 
751.  serratifolia (Bedd.) 1674 
752. eolanacsa (Roxb.) 1673 
752 (bis.)- - . sonchifola (Mez. ) 1670 
753. tavoyona (A.De.) 1670 
754, Tsjeriam-Cottam (R, & S. ) 1663 
755.  wmbellata (Roth.) 1673 
756.  veatita (Wall.) ee L670 
757. villosa (Rowb.) eee 
758. Wightiana (Wall.) 1673 
759. Arduina bispinosa (Limn.)... 1895 
lxxxvii. Areca (Linn.) ... cml xxi 
760. alba (Bory.) : 3129 
716 aurata (Griff.) ... 3133 
762. aurea (Hort-fi-Serres.) ... 3128 

No, Areca—cont. No. 
763.  Banksit (A. Cunn.) von Vad 
764,  Baweri (Hk.) ee 3141 
765. borbonica (Hort. Kunth. i 3129 
766.  Calapparia (Blame.) 3130 
767.  Catechu (Linn.) ... Aeencr al 
768. cocoides (Griff.) .. '8180 
769. concinna (Thw.) ... 3122 
770. curvata (Griff.) . 3133 
771.  Dicksonit (Roxb.)... 3132 
772.  disticha (Roxb.) ... 3133 
773.  Faufel (Gertn.) 3121 
774. gracilis (Roxb.) 3134 
775.  horrida (Griff.) 3142 
776. hortensis (Lour.)... 3121 
777.  hwmilis (Roxhb.) ... 3133 
778.  latea (Hort. Bog,) 3129 
779. — lutescens (Bory.) .. 3125 
780. madagascariensis (Mart. 5: 3124 
781, Nibung (Mart.) .. 3142 
782. oleracea (Jacq.) . 3157 
783. propria (Hort. Bojar.) . 3129 
784. rubra (Hort. Wendl.) 3127 
785. rubra (Bory.) ayy auleal 
786.  triandra (Rozb.) .. 31238 
787.  Verschaffeltw (Hort. Lem. y: 3126 
Ixxxviii. Arenga (Labill.) .. .. CMXG 
788. Griffithii (Seem.)... a OLAO 
789,  obtusifolia (Mart.) 3150 
790.  saccharifera (Labill.) 3149 
791.  Westerhoutis (Griff.) 3150 
792.  Wightii (Grif) 3151 
| Ixxxix. Argyreia (Lour.) delvi 
793.  aggregata (Chois.) 2010 
794, alulata (Miq.) 2046 
795. Bona-nox (Sweet.) te OO! 
796. bracteata (Chois.) we 1897 
797. carnea (Hort.) .. 2030 
798.  Choisyana (Wight) .-- 2006 
799.  cuneata (Ker.)  ... ... 2008 
800. cymosa (Sweet.) .. 2007 
801. eldiptica (Chois.) ... ... 2013 
802. fulgens (Chois.) ... .. 2009 
803. hirsuta ( Arn.) ..- 2003 
804.  involucrata ( Clarke.) 1996 
805.  Lawii (Clarke.) 2005 
806. Leschenaultii (Chois.) ... 2000 
807.  Leschenauitii (Thw.)  ... 1998-b 
808. malabarica (Chois.) «. 2002 
809. nellygherya fae? ) see eOOL 
810.  ornata (Sweet.) . ... 1980 
811. pilosa (Ayn.) .-. 2004 
812. pomacea (Chois.)... woe 1 1008 
813. populifolia (Chozs.) ve. 1995 
814. sericea (Dalz. § Gibs.)... 1999 
815, —setosa (Chois.) .. 2014 
816. speciosa (Siweet.) .. ce SOS 
817. splendens (Sweet. )y 1994, 
818.  tilizsefolia (Wight) 1992 
819. wniflora (Sweet.) ... ‘oo | ee 
820.  zeylanica (Kurz.)... .. 1995 
xc. Argyrolobium (Hcekl. & 
Zeyh. ve» CCLXKV 
821. Teena (Wilk. | vss, oa 

no. Argyrolobium—-cont. NO. 
822. alycinwm (Ball.) .. 697 
823. fallax (Ball.) 697 
824. Linnewanum ( Walp.) 697 
825. Ariseia (vide caine Afzelia 
(G. Don.) 2056 
826. bracteata (Hassk, a 2056 
xoi. Aristolochia (Linn. deelxvii 
827. acwminata (Roxb.) 2391 
828. Bonplandi (Tenore.) . 2396 
829. brasiliensis {Mart. Zuc.)... 2393 
830. ciliata (Hk.) 2396 
331.  ciliosa (Benth.) 2396 
832. cymbifera (Mart. Zuc. AeA 2398 
833. elegans ( Mast.) .. 2394 
884. elegans: brasiliensis 
(Hort.) . 2395 
835. fimbriata (Cham. +i 2396 
836.  frutescens (Marsh.} 2401 
887. gigas (Lindl.) 2387 
838. grandiflora (Arn,) 2397 
839. indica (Linn.) 2391 
840. labiata (Willd.) 2393 
841.  labiosa (K. Gawl.) 2398 
842. lanceolata (Wight) 239) 
843. ieuconeura (Linden.) 2399 
844. macrophylla (Lazik.) 2401 
845.  maysorensis (Fisch.) 2391 
846. ornithocephala (Hk.) 2493 
847. pandwrata ( Wall.) 2391 
848. ridicdla (N. E. Br.) . 2400 
849. ingens (LE. and Otto.) ... 2393 
850. Roxburghiana (Klotz.) 2392 
851. Sipho(L’Herit.) ...  ... 2401 
xcil. Artabotrys (Br.) xiv 
852. hamatue (Bl.) 32 
858.  odoratissimus (Br.) 33 
854.  zeylanicus (Hk. f & qT.) 34 
xeiii. Artemisia (Linn.) dxxviii 
855. Abrotanum (Linn.) 221620 
856. abrotanifolium (Salish. ee 1620 
857.  affmis (Hassk.) ; se L621 
858. dubia (Wall.) _... “ 1621 
859. humilis (Mill.) 1620 
860. indica (Willd.) 1621 
861. lavandulaefolia (D.0.) 1621 
862.  leptostachya (D.C.) sah SSA 
863,  myriantha (Wall.) wo eG 
864. paniculata (Roxb.) ..-. 1621 
865, parviflora (Wight) SE EGaE 
866. sinensis (Vahl.) . 1622 
867. vulgaris (Linm.) ... 1621 
868. Arthrobotrys avara (Wall. Va 3363 
869 macrocsarpa ( Wall.) . 38363 
xciv. Arthrocnemum (Mog.) declvii 
870. fruticoswm (Moq.) 2378 | 
871 ? claucum (Uny.) .. 2378 
872. indicum (Mog.) 2377 
873.  indicwm (Thw.) sauewolo 
874. Arthromisehus armatus 
Ew.) © 22 Be ... 408 
875. Arthrosprion stipulatum 
(Hassk.)... : e049 



No. NO, 
xcv. Artocarpus (Forst.) decelxxvii 
876. Cannoni (Hort. Bull.) 2758 
77. Chaplasha (Rozb.) 2764 
878. echinocalyx ( Hort.) ... 2765-b 
879. nirsuta (Lamk.) - 2762 
£80. _incisa (Lina, f.) 2765 
681. integrifolia (Linn. f.) 2763 
882 Lakoocha (2ozb.) 2766 
883. mollis (Wall.) : 2766 
884. pubescens ( Willd.) 2762 
xevi. Arundinaria (M:chz.) . mxlili 
885. Brandisis (Sphalm.) 3315 
886. densifolia (Munro.) 3298 
887.  glaucescens (Beauv.) "S202 
888. hispida (Steud.) .. 3297-6 
889. Hookeriana (Munro.) 3299 
690. japonica (Séeb §- Zuc.) 3295 
891.  molintformis (Hochst. ye .. 3297-6 
892. Walkeriana (Munro.) 3296 
893. Wightiana (Nees.) 3297 
xevii. Arundo (Linn.) MxXxxyil 
894. Bambos (Linn.) 3804 
895. — bengalensis (Retz.) 3287 
896. bifaria (Retz.) 3287 
97. conspicua (Forst.) 3288 
898. corea (Roffi.) 3291 
899. Donax (Linn.) 3287 
900. Donaz (Ham.) 3291 
901 Karka (Retz.)  . 3291 
902. longifolia (Salisb. i 3287 
903.  mawuritanica (Poir.) 3289 
904. montana (Ham.) 3278 
905, Pliniana (Griseh.) 3289 
906. Plinsi(Tyrra.) ... 3289 
907. Ro«burghiana (Kunth. yee 3291 
908. Roxburghit (Kunth.) 3291 
209, sata (Lamk.) 3287 
910.  Selloana (Schalt.) --- 3290 
911. semifarcta (Hort. Ticin. ‘a 3289 
912. tibialis (Roxb.) 3291 
918. — triflora (Roxb.) 3287 
914. versicolor (Mill.) . - 8287- b 
915, Asearicida indica (Coss. Sz 1599 
916. Ascurina serrata (B1.) 2419 
917.  Asclepias acida (Roxb.)... 1891 
918.  annularis (Roxb.)... 1887 
919. aphyltla (Roxb.) ... 1891 
920. asthmatica (Willd.) 1916 
921. dichotoma (Rottl.) 1913 
922. echinata (Herb. Madr.) 1901 (is) 
923.  echingta (Roxb.) . 1885 
924, geminata (Roxb. yey 1885 
925. gigantea (Willd.) ... 1882 
926. laurifolia (Roxb.).. 1880 
927.  longistigma (Roxb. 1876 
928. microphylla (Roxb.) 1884 
929. ?montana (Roxb.) 1898 
930. odoratissima (Roxb.) 1805 
931. pallida (Roxb.) 194 
932. parasitica (Roxb. ) 1923 
933. pendula (Roxb.) .. 1927 









procera (Bot. Reg.) 
Pseudo-sarsa (Roxb.) 
racemosa (Roxb.) -. 
rosea (Roxb.) _... 
Sussuela (Roxb.) .. 
(bis.) Tenacissima 
tenuis (Heyne.) 
tenwissima (Roxb.) 
tinctoria (Roxb.)... 
tingens (Roxb.) 



.. 1901-4 

tomentosa (Herb. Madr. )1901(zis.) 

tuberosa (Roxb.) . 

tunicata (Hort. Calc.) 

tunicata (Roxb.) ... 

volubilis (Herb. Madr.)... 1929 

volubilis (Linn. f.) 
vomitoria (Keen.) 

Aspalathus indica (Linn.) ... 

Brownei (Kunth. ‘eo 
Decaisnei (Kunth.) 
densiflora (Kunth.) 
foribunda (Kunth.) 

Hohenackeri (Kunth.) 

javanica (Mig.) 
lancea (Kunth.) ... 
sarmentosa (Dalz. & 

Gibs.) “ve 

i. Asparagus (Linn.) 

acerosus (Wall.) ... 
asiaticus (Linn.) ... 
asiatieus (Wight) 
capitatas (Baker.) 
Curillus (Wall.) 
dubius (Dene.) .. 
faseiculatus (Br.)... 
Jloribundus (Rottl.) 
gonoclados (Baker.) 

Jacquemontii (Baker.) 

leevissimus (Steud.) 
medioloides (Thunb.) 
plumosus (Baker.) 
racemosus (Wiild.) 
Rottleri (Baker.) ... 
sarmentosus (Heyne) 
sarmentosus (Lizn.) 
Sprengeri (Regel.) 
subulatus ( Steud.) 
sylvaticus (Burch,) 

tomentosus (Sphalm.) 

virgatus beer) i 
volubilis (Ham.) . 
volubilis (Wall.) .. 

aridum (Don.) 
articulatum (Sw.) 
calloswm ( Blume.) 
canariense (Brown.) 

catophoron ( Kuntze.) 

cicutarium (Hk.) 
coadunatum (Wall.) 

3085, 3090 





522) USS 
-- 3088 
“ce, . SAU: 
--. 38088 
. 3088 

.. 3088-5 

... 3088-5 
.. anixii 

vey 3095 
... 3088 

. Aspidium acutwm (Schk. )-. 3371 


, 3864- b 
se. 3060 
eee 3349 
cee «049 

xo. Aspidiwm—cont. NO, 
992. cucullatwm (Blume) 3353 
998. decurrens(Sm.) -.. 3350 
994. densum (Wall.) ... 33860 
995. depgastum (Schk.) .»» 3364-5 
996. diviswm (Wail.) ... .. 8057 
997. Donranwm (Spr.)... .. 3364-4 
998.  eroswm (Schk.) - BIB4D 
999 fuscipes (Waill.) . 38359 
1000. gigantewm (Blume) 3348 
1001. gongyloides (Schk.) 3354 
1002. «wtermediwm (Sm.) 3348 
1063.  lanuginosum (Bory) 3353 
1004. Ludovicianum (Kunze.)... 3364 
1005. macrophyllwm (Blume) ... 3350 
1006. multifugwm (Wall.) 3351 
1007. nertiforme (Sw.) ... we. §=8368 
1008. nitidulwm (Wall. ... 3360 
1009. obtusatwm ( Willd.) vee 2354 
1010. paleacewm (Sm.).. .- 3864-8 
1011. paludosum (Raddi, ) 3371 
1012. patentissimum (Wall) ... 3364-a 
1013. pendulwm (Raddi.) 3370 
1014. pennigerwm (Plume) 3352 
1015. pilosulum (Wall.) 3354 
1016. pilosulwm (Lange.) we 3372 
1017. platynotwm (Kuntze.) 3350 
1018.  Pohlianwm (Pr. & Kee.)... 3354 
1019. polymorphum (Wall.) .. 3366 
1020. prionophyllum (Wall.) 3352 
1021. pteroides (Blume) 3598 
1022. purpurascens (Blume) 3360 
1023. repandum (Willd.) 3366 
1024. rostratwm ( Wall.) 3366 
1025. sagenoides (Mett.) 3359 
1026.  Sehimperianwm Casey & 

Br.) 1 CD 

1027. Schkuhrii (Blume) . » 3372 
1028.  sparsum (Spreng.) 3360 
1029.  spectabile (Blume) 3362 
1030.  eplendens ( Willd.) 3371 
1031. subdiaphanwm (Wall.) ... 3305 
1032. sublanulosum (Wall.) ... 3370 
1033.% tavoyanum (Wall.) .. 3370 
1034.  tenericaule (Thw.) 3358 
1035.  truacatum (Gand.) ... , 3352 
1036.  venuloswm (Wall.) we 3303 
1037.  Wallichianwm (Spreng) 3364-2 
1038. Wallichianwm (Bory) 3368 
1039.  Wightianwm (Kuntze.) ... 3360 
xcix. Aspidopterys (Juss.) cxxxi 
1040. cunarensis (Dalz.) 360 
1041. cordata (Juss.) .. ESOL 
1042. glomerata (Wight) ose 
1043.  oxyphylla (Juss.) ww. . Bnd 
1044.  Roxburghiana (Juss,) 354 
e. Asplenium (Linn.) ... eee =Molvii 
1045. ambiguwm (HE.) ... . 3345 
1046. ambiguum (S8w,)... w. ©8346 
1047. bipinnatum (Roxb.) ws. ©3346 
1048. dilatatwm (Hk.) ... we 3844 
1049. esculentum | Presi.) ww. 3346 
1050.  Fieldingiana (Kuntze.).., 3345 
1051. Filix-foemina (Berut.) ... 3343 




No. Asplenium—cont. NO. No. Azalea—cont. No. 
1052. latifolium (Hk.) . vee §=6d 44 1102. crispiflora (I1k.) ... 1646 
1053. Moritzii (Mett.) .. 3346 1108. decwmbens (D.C.) 1646 
1054.  polypodioides (Mett.) 3345 1104. = indica (Linn. 1646 
1055. = sylvaticum (Presl.) 3347 | 1105. obtusa (Lind].) 1646 
ci, Asteriostigma (Bedd.)... hx 1106. molle (Sieb.) 1647 
1056 macrocarpum (Bedd.) 144. 1107. = sinense (Linn,) ... 1647 
cii. Astrapxa (Lind],) cix 1108, =Azanza acuwmineta (Alif.) 252 
1057. = tiliwfolia (Sweet.) 294, 1109. (Lampas (Alif.) 251 
1058. Wallichii (Lindl.) : 295 exi. Azima (Lamk). d)xxvii 
ciii, Astrocaryum (G.F.W. Mey.). mxvii 1110. tetracantha (Lamk,) 1800 
1059. Borsignanwm (C. Koch.) 3147 
1060. argenteum (Hort. Bull.).., 3237 
1061. -Astylus venusta (Wight) 2598 B 
civ. Atalantia (Corr) ... elvi 
1062.  capitellata (Lindl.) 4.05 exii. Baccaurea (Lour.) decexxvii 
1063.  carissoides (Wall.) 404 1111. —courtallensis (Muell.) 2619 
1064.  ceylanica (Oliv.) ..» 4086 1112. sapida (Bedd.) 2619 
1065. floribunda (Wight.) - 404 1118. Badamia Commersoni 
1066. missionis (Oliv.)... eon (Geertn.) 1144 
1067. monoghytla (Corr.) 404 1114. Bzeobotrys acwminata 
1068. platystigma (Wight) 404, (Spreng.,) 1657 
1069. racemosa (W. & A.) 405 | 1115. acuminata (Wall. wt 513 
1070. Athyriun FPilix-femina 1116. dubia (Wall) : 1659 

(Bernh.) 3343 | 1117. fragrans (Wall.) ... 1657 
1071. tenwifrons (Wall. ) 3343 1118. glabra (Roxb.) 1657 
1072. Atragene zeylanica (Linn.) 10 1119. indica (Roxb.) 1658 
cy.  Atrategia (Bedd.) xx | 1120. * ? missionis (Wall.) 1657 
10738. Thomsoni (Bedd.) 53 1121.  nemoralis (Roxb.) 1658 
evi. Attalea (H. B. § K.) .. MXyiii 1122. ramentacea (Roxb,) 1657 
1074. Cobhune (Mart.) ... 3238 exiii. Balanites (Del.) : elxvi 
 cvii. Atylosia (W. 5 A.) CCCXxViii 1123. exgyptiaca (Wall.) 433 
1075. albicans (Benth.) 850 1124. Roxburghii (Planch.) 433 
1076. barbata (Baker) ... 853 | ecxiy. Balanocarpus (Bedd.) a Lexy, 
1077. Candollei (W. § A.) 845 1125. erosa (Bedd.) a 209 
1078.  geminifiora (Dalz.) 846 | 1126. utilis (Bedd.) : 208 
1079. glandulosa (Dalz.) 849 1127. Balanopteris Tothila 
1080.  goensis (Dalz.) 853 (Gertn.) 3c RZ 
1081. Lawii(Wight.)  ... 847 | cxv. Baliospermum (Bl. ‘a decelvi 
1082. lineata (W. & A.) 847 | 1128. anuulare (Dene.) 2696 
1083. major (W.& A.) ... 845 1129. axillare (Bl.) 2696 
1084. mollis (Benth.) 849 1130. indicum (Dene,) ... 2696 
1085. rostrata (Baker.) 852 1131.  montanwm (Mnuell.) 2696 
1086. rugosa (W. / A.) 851 1332.  Moritzianum (Baill.) 2696 
1087. sericea (Benth.) 848 1133.  polyandrum (Wight) 2696 
1088. Awbletia caseolaris exvi. Baloghia (Endl. ) "..dcecxl. 
(Geertn.) po. Uspal 1124. indica (Endl.) .. 2652 
eviii. Averrhoa (Linn.) exxxv | cxvii. Balsamodendron (Kunth.) cl xxi. 
1089.  Bilimbi (Linn.) 366 | 1135. Berryi (Arn.) 442 
1090. Carambola (Linn.) 365 | 1136.  candsatum (March.) 443 
cix. Avicennia (Linn.) deexxxviii 1157. pubescens(W. fA.) ... 444 
1091. alba (Bl.) see 2334-5 1138. Roxburghii (Arn.) 8441 
1092. intermedia (Griff. ) .. 2384-5 1139. Bambos stricta (Roxb.) 3310 
1093. officinalis (Linn.) .. 2334 | exviii, Bambusa (Schreb.) . mnxliv 
1094. officinalis (Kurz.) . 2334-0 | 1140. arundinacea (Willd.) ... 3304 
1095.  resinifera (Forsk.) .. 2334 1141. arundinacea (Ait.) we) 18308 
1096.  resinifera (Griff.) . 2334-b | 1142, Arundo (Klien.) 3304. 
1097. tomentosa (Jacq)... 2334, 148.  ? Bitung (Hassk.) 3305 
1098. Awenfeldia intermedia | 1144.  Rrandisii (Munro) 3315 
(Baill.) ... tes 2689 7 1145. cwsia (Sieb. & Zuce.) 3302 
ex. Azadirachta (Juss.) elxxviili | 1146. Faleoneri (Munro) ae BOS 
1099. indica (Juss.)... 452 1147. Fortunei (Van Hoste) oo. 3500 
1100. Azalea calycina (Lem.) 1646 1148. gigantea (Wall,) bee SOLS 
1101. chinensis (Steud.) +. 1647 ! 1149. glauca (Lodd.) ae, BRIE 

no. Bambusa—cont. No. 
1150.  glaucescens (Sieb.) 302 
1151. humilis (Rehbb.) ... ww. 3303 
1152. longispatha (Kurz.) Fe) ao Ls 
i158. Macala(Ham.) 3301 
1154. mazima (Ham). 1312 
1155. monogyna (Griff.) 3312 
1156. nana (Rozb.) 3302 
1157.  Neesiana (Arn.) 3304 
1158.  nigrociliata (Buse.) 3305 
1159. orrentalis (Nees.) 3304 
1160. pungens (Blanco.) 3804 
1161. Ritcheyi (Monro.) 3307 
1162. seriptoria (Dennst.) 3318 
1163. Siebert (Griseb.) ... 3303 
1164. spinosa (Roxb.) .. - 3304-b 
1165. ~—sterilis (Kurz.) 3302 
1166. striata (Lodd.) 3303 
1147. stricta (Roxb.) 3310 
1168.  stridula (Moon.) ... 3319 
1169. surinamensia (Rupr.) $303 
1170. Thouarsis (Kunth.) 3303 
1171. trigyna (Roxb.) $301 
1172. Tulda (Rozb.) 2: 8301 
1178.  verticillata (Benth.) 3310 
1174. —-vtridi-glaucescens (Carr.) 3302 
1175. vulgaris (Schrad.) 3303 
1176. Wightii (Munro.)... 3322 
1177. Banisteria bengolensis 
(Linn,) .. 355 
1178. = laurifolia (Linn. Me 357 
1179. tetraptera (Sonn.) 355 
1180. wnicapsularis (Lamk.) 355 
exix. Banksia (Linn.) ... deexev 
1181. australis (R. Br.)... 24.90 
1182. depressa (R. Br.) ... 2490 
1183. ferrea (Vent.) 2490 
1184.  Gumnii (Meiss.) 2490 
1185.  hypoleuca (Hoffng.) 24.90 
1186. imsularis (R. Br.) 2490 
1187. sntegrifolia (Labill.) 2490 
1188. marcescens (Bompl.) 2490 
1189. marginata (R. Br.) 2490 
1190. mterorhiza (Cav.) 2490 
1191. oblongifolia (Lodd.) 24.90 
1192.  patlula (R. Br.) 2490 
1198. premorsa (Hort. Dum. 
Cours,) ... 2490 
1194,  tenutfolia (Salish. ) . 2485 
exx. Banksia (Ken). emXlyii 
1195. speciosa (Ken.) 3000 
exxi. Barleria (Linn.) ; see GCCVAl | 
1196. acuminata (Wight) .». 2831-5 
1197.  Beddomei (T. Anders.) 2234 
1198. bracteata (Heyne) 2243 
1199.  buxifolia (1 inn.) 2227 
1290. ciliata (Roxb.) 2289 
1201.  cerulea (Roxb.) 2242 
1202.  ccerulea ( Wall.) 2243 
1208.  courtallica (Nees.) 2240 
1204. cristata(Linn.) . .. 2239 
1205. cristata (Lamk.) . -. 2229 
1206. cuspidata (Heyne) sve 2226 
1207. dichotoma (Roxb.) eae er ey) 


No. Barleria—cont NO, 
1208.  elata (Dalz.) a .. 2282 
1209.  Gibsoni (Dalz.) ... ». 2236 
1210. . grandiflora (Dalz.) 2238 
1211. Aystri« (Linn.) 2225 
1212. imequalis (Benth.) 2230 
1213.  involucrata (Vees.) 2242 
1214. lacimata (Wall.) ... 2239 
1215, lLawii (7. Anders.) 2234 
1216. longiflora (Linn. f.) 2230 
1217. longiflolia (7. Anders.) . 2230 
1218. macrophylla (Heyne.) 2242 
1219, montana (Nees.) .. 2235 
1220. montana (Wight & Nees. i 2236 
1221. mysorensis (Roth.) 2228 
1222. mnapalansis (Nees.) .. 2229 
1223. - nitida (Nees.) ... v0 ©3243 
1224, noctiflora (Linn. f.) 2229 
1225. - »uda (Nees.) , 3239 
1226. ganitculata (Wall. ‘j 2231 
1227. pentandra (Arn.) 2232 
1228. pilosa ( Wall.) «. 2233 
1229. ygolystachya ( Nees.) .. 2242-5 
1230. Prionitis (Zimn.) ... .. 2225 
1231. | pubiflors (Benth.) 2225 
1232. purpurea (Lodd,) 2235 
1333. racemosa (Heyne.) -. 22G1e0 
1234.  sepalosa (Clarke.) 2237 
1235.  Spmna-ceylanica (Noes.) .. we =2228 
1236.  Stocksii (T. Anders.) 22473 
1237. strigosa (Willd.) ... 2242 
1238. terminalis (Nees ) sor 2242-€ 
1239. tomentosa (Roth.) . 22381 
1240. tomentosa (Wall.) oo. 2231-6 
1241. Barleriacanthus noctifiora 

(Oerst.) ... 3s .:: 2229 
1242. Barleriosiphon longifiorws 
(Oerst.) ’ .. 2280 

cxxil, Barnadesia (Mutis.) .. dXXxXii 
1243, arborea (Sch.) 1631 
1244. dsanthifiora (Mart.) 1631 
1245. grandiflora (R. Br.) 1631 
1246. laxa (D. Don.) 1631 

| 1247. rosea (Lindl.) ves, “LOBL 
| exxiii. Barringtonia (Forst.) vos COXXM 
| 1248. acutangula (Gertn.) 1275 

1249. alba (Miq.) ye veo ee 
1250, aswtica(Kurz.) . 1273 
1251. ©? macrophylla (Miq.) 12738 
1252. pubescens (Miers.) ... 1275-6 
1253. racemosa (Bl.) 1274 
1254. rubra (Miq.) 1274 
1255. speciosa (Forst.) ... 1278 
1256. speciosa (Wall.) 1274 
1257. Barrotia diodor (Gand.) 3243 
exxiv. Bassia (Linn.) oe ve) GLEE 
1257. (bis.) fulva (Bedd.) Do. 1688 (bts.) 
1258. latifolia (Rozb.) . ws L686 
1259. longifolia (Linn.) 1687 
1260. malabarica (Bedd.) 1688 
1261. villosa (Wall.) ... «. 1686 
1262. Batatas choisyana 

(Wight) At 2006 
1263. edulis (Chois.) 20838 


No, Batalas—cont. NO, NO, Berberis—cont. NO- 
1264.  Lowreirii (G. Don.) ... 2050 | 1818.  coriaria (Royle.) ... + 98-6 
1265. maritima (Bojer.) «ee 2047 1319. floribunda (Wall.) --. 98-6 
1266. paniculata (Chois.) wn 2088 1320. Leschenaultis (Wall.) ... 97 
1267. Batis awrantiaca (Wall.) ... 2719 1321. Miccia(Ham.) ., Ay 97 
1268. fruticosa (Roxb.) ... ieee 1822. micrantha (Wall.) s+. 98-5 
1269. spinosa (Roxb.) ... tga le 1828. nepalensis (Spreng.) 5 97 
1270, Batschia lawrifolia (Vahl.)... 983 1324, petiolaris (Wall.)... vee 19820 
exxy. Bauhinia (Linn.) ., eoclvil 1325. __tinctoria (Lesch.)... .. =—98-a 
1271. acuminata (Linn) ve 989 | 1326. wmbellata (Lindl.) ss 98-0 
1272. anguina (Rowb.) ... RO beets, 1327. Berchemia hamosa (Wall.)... 573 
1273.  Benthami (Bedd.) Peer title: 1828.  oppositifolia (Wall.) oo 
1274. Buchanani (Desv.) vee ego2 1329. parvifora (Wall.) sss OTA 
1275. candida (Ait.)  ... sn Peooe 1330. Bergera integerrima 
1276. candida (Roxb.) ... sue te OER (Roxb.) ... say » 891-4 
1277. coromandeliana (0.C.) ... 996 1381. Kenigti (Linn.) ... PA cote), 
1278. diphylla (Ham.) ... SZ 1332. nitida (Thw.) is Con ets, 
1279. Hookeri (F'. Mvell.) LOG 1333. villosa (Wall.)  ... ... 39-la 
1280. malabarica (Rozb.) < 991 | cxxxii. Berrya (Rozb.) iy, eee CXViI 
1281. monandra (Kurz.) : 999 1334. Ammonilla (Rowb.) ‘OU 
1282. parviflora (Vabl.) ‘ved ReoO 1335. mollis (Wall.) |... -. 307-6 
1283. phvcenicea ( Heyne) aioS 1336. Bessera inermis ‘(Spr eng.) 2591 
1284. purpurea (Linn.) ‘ 996 | cxxxiii. Betula (Tourn.) .... decelxxxvii 
1285. purpurea (Wall.) 989, 997 1337. alba (Linn.) se .. 2784 
1286. racemosa (Lam.) ... So EO, XV. BETULACH 4 is Soerer, (GATT 
1287. racemosa (Vahl.)... Yad OF A 1338. Beurreria aspera (G. Don.) 1980-a 
1288. retusa (Ham.) ode 1339. glabra (G. Don.) ... Foo), listers, 
1289. Richardiana (D.C.) Se OO 1340. levis (G. Don.) ... ... 1980 
1290.  ruficarpa | Desv.) ; 995 1341.  punctata (G. Don.) -7 11980 
1291. scandens (Liun.) ... .. 998 | cxxxiv. Bhesa (lapsu Khesa). Arn. coxx 
1292. speciosa (Roxb.) ... wee | SE 1342, paniculata (Arn.) ooo di 
1293, spicata (Koon.) ... bs 990 | 1348. Biancea mimosoides (Tod- 

1294. tomentosa (Linn.) Pet sterem nl BEO.) 12 nes, NOB 
1295. tomentosa (Wall.)... POO 1344. Sappan (Todaro. o so O29 
1296.  triandra (Roxb.) .. 996 |.1845: scandens (Todaro.) Bea areal 
1297. Vahlii(W. & A.) .. 994 | 1346, Bidaria elegans (Dene.) ... 1899 
1298. variegata (Linn.) .. . 997 | 1847. elegans (Dalz. & Gibs.} ... 1898 
exxvi. Keaumontia ( Wall.) ee dcl 1349.  tingens (Dene.) ... ioe) MAEBOZ 
1299. = grandiflora ( Wall.) Pe tsi) I 1898 
j 1300. Jerdoniana ( Wight) ... 1852 | exxxv. Bignonia (Linn.) ... Oclxxxvili 
1301. ¢ longiflora (Lodd.) sO LS OL 1350.  adenophylla ( Wall.) .. 2139 
exxvii. Beddomea (Hk. f.) .. elx xxviii 1351. | argyreia (Andr.)... wv. | 2142 
1302. indica(Hk.f.)  ... eh She 1352. atrovirens (Roth.) - 2133 
1303. simplicifolia (Bedd.) se ATS 1353,  dzedarachta (Keen.) a eS 
1304. Beesha Rheedii (Kunth.) ... 3318 1354. capensis (Thunb.) sane SLD S 
_ 1305. — stridula (Munro) Beater Goals) 1355.  cundata (Miq.) ... 2145 
* 1306.  travancorica (Bedd.) ee Sora! 1356. Chamberlaynei (Sims. we 2144 
exxviii. Beilschmiedia (Nees.) deelx xiii 1357. chelonoides (Linn. ) ... 2149 
1307. Bourdilloni (Brand.) .... 2482 | 1858. — chimensis (Lamk.) 1. 2120 
1308. fagifolia (Nees. ... .... 2430 | 1859. — coccinea (Stund.) +. 2129 
1309. Wightii (Benth)... ... 2431 | 1960. crispa(Ham.) ...  ..._ 2182 
exxix, Benthamia (Lindl.) . odlzxi | 1361. florida (Balisb.) ... | 2123 
1310. fragifera (Lindl.) Posi 1362, fi utescens (Mill.)... .. 2121 
Bao Te E RBS 1363. lauca (Dene,) ... se 5 BLZO 

exxx. Bentinckia (Berry.) ) OMIXXXV 64 9 ‘lis (D 
1311. Condapanna (Berry.) ... 3148 ie 4. gracilis ( aoe, oi 0 - BG 
365. grandifiora (Thunb.)  ... 2125 
XIV. BERBERIDACH ~ ... ma vi 1366.  incisa (Hb. D.C.) vavatag 
__-exxxi. Berberis (Linn.) _.. .. «li | 1867. “indica (Linn.) ... 2119, 2158 
, 1312, acanthifolia (Wall, ) at 97 | 1368, jasmimoides {A. Cunn.) ... 2126 
— =-1313. afimis (D. Don.) . .. 986 | 1369. longifolia (Willd.) pei east) 
1314. angustifolia (Roxb.) .. 98-4 1370. longissima (Lour.) 2 WALOL 
! T3l5.~ aristata|(D.C.) .... sa 98 1371. magnifica (Bull) vee «2142 
: 1316. ceratophylla(D. Yon.) ... 96-6 1872. megapotamics (Bareng. ) 2143 

1317. Chitria(Ham.) ... a» =98-a 1373. _ meonantha (Link. ) ve, 218g 


no. Bignonia—cont. NO. 
1374. multijuga (Wall.) Sah az alate) 
1375. Paganelia (I{am.) we. 2158 
1376. Pandorarana (Andr.) ... 2129 
1377. Pandorea (Vent.) a. 2129 
1378.  pentaudra (Lour.) 2119 
1379. quadrilecularis (Roxb. ‘ec 2138 
1380. radicans (Linn.) . . 21238 
1381. — salicifolia (Buch. Ham. i 2120 
1382.  serratifolia (Vahl.) 2127 
1383. sorbifolia (Salisb.) 2121 
1384.  spathacea (Linn.) 2131 
1885.  spathacea (Roxb.) 2133 
1386.  stans (Linn.) 2121 
1387. stuaveolens (Rexb.) 2150 
1388.  suberosa (Roxb.) .. 2118 
1389.  tecomoides (D.C.) 2122 
1390. tomentosa (Rich.) 2122 
1391. Tropzolwm (Jacqmt.) 2120 
1392. Tweediana (Rici.) 21465 
1393, wnease (Andr.) ... 2136 
1394.  wneinata (G. F. Mey.) 2136 | 
1395. wndulata (Sm.) 2120 
1396.  wunguis (Linn.) 2146 
1397.  wunguis-cati (Linn.) 2146 
1398. unguiculata (St. Lag.) 2146 
1399.  venusta (K. Gowl.) 2144 
1400. «ylocarpa (Roxb.) 2151 
1401. Billardiera fusiformis (la- 
bill.) 146 
1402. Biota gracilifolia 
(Knight.) 2817 
1403. japonica (Sieb.) 2817 
1404.  nepalensis (Endl.) 2817 
1405. orientalis (Kndl.)... 2817 
1406. pendula (Endl.) ... 2817 
1407. pyramidalis (Carr.) 2817 
1408. stricta (Lindl.) 2817 
1409.  tatarvica (Lindl.) .. 2817 
1410. Zuccarini (Sieb.).. 2817 
1411. Birchea teretifolia (A. ’ Rich.) 2950 
exxxvi. Bischofia ( Bl.) decexxiii 
1412. Cumingiana (Dene.) 2607 
1413. javanica (Bl.) 2607 
1414, oblongifolia (Dene.) 2607 
1415. Roeperiana wee) 2607 
1416. Tou (Vene.) 2607 
1417. trifoltata (Hook ) 2607 
exxxvii. Bixa (Linn.) lii 
1418. Orellana (Linn.) .. 130 
1419. Blaberopus neriifolius (A. 
De.) 1881 
1420. Sebusu (Van fuerck, & 
Moell.) . 1831 
1421. venenatus (A.De.) 1830 
exxxviii. Blachia (Bail/.) deeoxxxix 
1422.  calycina (Benth ) 2650 
1428. danudata( Benth.) 2651 
1424. reflexa (Benth.) .. 2649 
1425. umbellata (Baill ) 2648 
1426. Blackburnia monadelpha 
(Roxb.) ... toe ve 1798 


No. Blackburnia—cont, No. 
1427. oppositifolia (Planch.) 1798 
1428. Blackwellia acuminata 
(Wall.} : ».- 1338 
1429. spiralis (Wall.) . 13389 
1430. = tetrandra (Wight) 1340 
1481. tomentosa (Vent.) 1339 
1432.  zeylanica (Gardn.) 1340 
1433. Bladhia crispa (Thunb.) 1666 
exxxix, Blechnum (Linn.)... mlvi 
1434. brasiliensis (Raddi.)} 3339 
1435. _cartilagineus (Sw.) 3340 
1436. glanduloswm (7) 3341 
1437. occidentale (Raddi.) 3541 
1438. orientale (Linn.) .. 3342 
cxl. Blepharis (Juss.) ccv 
1439. boerhaavizefolia (Pers. a 2221 
1440, maderaspatensis (Roth. Ve 2221 
se moliuginifolia ( Pers.) 2222 
1442 repens (Roth.) 2222 
cull. Blepharispermum (Wight) .. dxxi 
1443. petiolare (D.C.) 1608 
1444. subsessile (D.C.) 1609 
exli, Blepharistemma ( Wall.) edi 
1445. corymbosum (Wall.) 1142 
exliii. Blighia ‘Kon.) = .. ecexlii 
1446. sapida (C. Kon.)... 630 
1447. Blitum  frutescens 
(Ramph.) tee 2371 
1448. Bobue laurina (D.C. ) 1725 
cxiiv. Bocagea (St. Hil.) .. <~ OREVAL 
1449, Dalzelilai (Ak. & ST.) . 75, 76 
exlv. Boehmeria (Jacq.) decelxxxi 
1450.  angustata (Wassk.) 2778 
1451. candicams (Hassk.) .. 277 1L-a 
1452. caudigera (Wedd.) .. 2772-0 
1458. dichotoma ( Hassk.) ae Livks: 
1454.  macrostachya (Wedd.) .. 2772-a 
1455. malabarica (Wedd.) -« 2H 
1456. mauritiona(Wedd.) . 2772-4 
1457.  nivea (Hook. § Arn.) ... 2771 
1458.  owrantha (Miq.) ... .-. 2772-b 
1459. platyphylla (D. Don.) ... 2772 
1460. rotundifolia (D. Don.) ... 2772-d 
1461. —scabrella (Gaud.) .. 2772-b 
1462. sylwaticu (Hassk.) ... 2776-9 
1463.  tenacissima (Gand.) .. 2771-b 
1464. — travancoricu (Bedd.) . 2770 
exlvi. Boerhaavia (Linn.) decli 
1465. repanda Sere |) 2365 
1466. scandens (Gils.) . 2366 
1467. stellata (Wight) . 2366 
1468. wmbellata (W ight) ... 2365 
1469. —_‘-verticillata (Poir.) «. 2366 
exlvii. Bombax (Linn.) .. XCVili 
1470. Ceiba (Linn.) ‘oe | ae 
1471i.. Ceiba (Burm.) .. °259 
1472, Gossypiwm (Linn.) van 4 wee 
1473. heptaphyllum (Cav.) ... 289 
1474. imsigne(Wali.) ... 260 
1475. malabaricum (Dc.) 4. ~ 2p9 
1476. orientale (Spreng ) ost) BEE 
1477. pentandrum (Linn.) .. 261 
cxlviii. Bonamnia (Rafin.) .. vee ‘COXIili 




NO. NO. no, Bradleia—cont. No. 
XVIII. BORAGINACEA, LXXVIII 1516. obtusa (Wall.) ... +. 2574 
exlix. Borassus (Linn.) mx 1517. ovata (Wall.) .. 2588 
1478. exthiopwm (Mant.) 8224 1517 (bis.) philippinensis 
1479,  dichotomus (White.) 3224 (Ham.) ... 2574 (bis.) 
1480. _flabellifer (Linn.)... 3224 | 1517 (tris.) pubera (Roxb.) 2574 (bis.) 
1481. jflabelliformis (Murr.) 3224 | 1518. Wightiana (Wall.) ... 2587-5 
1482. Gomutus (Lour.) ... . 3149 1519. zeylanica (Geertn.) 2577 
cl. Boronia (Swm.) . exxxix | elviii. Kragantia ane a ie 
1483. megastigma (Jees.) 372 1521.  siliquosa (Miq.) ... 
1484. _ tristis (‘Turez.) 372 1522. Wallichii (Br.) 2389 
1485. Bosea trinervia (Roxb,)  . 2712 | clix. Brassaia (Endl.) : ... cdl xvii 
1486. Bossiva rhombifolia (Nich. ) 702 1523. actinophylla (F. Muell.)... ret 
cli. Boswellia (Zozb.) . ¢lxix 1524.  capitata {Clarke.) 1416 
1487. glabra (Roxb.) 439-6 elx. Breweria (R. Br.) . delxii 
1488 seriata (Rozb.) 439 1525.  cordata (Bl.) 2061 
1489. thurifera ( Roxb.)... 2 439 1526.  evolvuloides (Chois.) 2062 
1490. Botryosicyos pentaphyllus 627. Roaburghit (Chois.) coe 2OGE 
(Hochst. ) 3057 elxi. Breynia (Forst.) ... decexvii 
clii. Eouchea (Cham.) decxxii | 1528. itp il (Mnuell.) 2594 
1491, hyderabadensis( Wi alp. Me . 2283 1529. patens(Benth.) ... 2593 
clii. Bougainvillea (Linn.) . declii 1530. rhamnoides (Muell.) 2594. 
1492. bracteata (Pers.) 2370 | elxii. Bridelia (Willd.) .. decexi 
1493, brasiliensis (Ralasch.) 2370 1531.  amena (Kurz.) 2546 
1494.. glabra ((’hoisy ) “nie 1532.  Berryana (Wall.) 2570 
1495. lateritia (Hort.) .. 2370-6 1533.  collina (Hk. & Arn. . 2550 
1496. rubicunda (Schott.) 236-b } as cr vaca (Roxb. ) ) , 2546-c 
1497. speciosa (Schuize.) 2379 153: Hamiltoniana ( Wall) 2549 
1498. _ spectabilis ( Willd.) 2370 | 1595 ‘(bis.) lancezefolia 
cliii (dis). Bouvardia i (Roxb.) ¢: 2648 (dis.) 
ee ee: clxxxy (bis.) | 1535 (tris.). lancifolia (Hanf.)-2548 (dis.) 
ee corumibyfora 1535 (tetr.). Loureirit (Hk. 
: (S.C. 1873.) 1459 (bis.)=6 & Arn.) 2548 (bis.) 
1498 (tris.) a co peste aes 1536. montana (Willd.) 2547 
mao Ct H ) Fh a Shes (bis.)-@ | 3537 patula (Hk. & Arn.) 2552 
eee) Heraboldkit A 1538. retusa (Spreng.) 2546 
(Salisb.) . 1459 (bis.) 1539 tian (Ne dace ae 25.48 
1198 (pent). jasminiflora Fe eS ge as ars 
P alias ‘ $ 1539 (dts.) rhamnoides (Griff, ) 2548 See. 
(G.O, 1872.) 1459 (bts.)-c 1540 a Willd.) 3548 
cliv. Bowenia (Hk.) .. CMXVi RoR ee ee (Wi oa 
: : 1541. spinosa (Roxb.) .. 25416 
1499. serrulata (Hort) . 2884-5 13490" Cotanalisetal 30) 2548 
1500. spectabilis (Hk.)... 2884. “f Pe ie re (Hk. & 7 yo. 9553 
1501. Boymia glabrifolia res tnate Snes soy: S75 A 
g7g | 1543 (dis,). tomentosa (Bl.) 2548 (dés.) 
hee) Muel - | 1544. Zollingeri (Miq.) ... .. 2548 
ely. Brachychiton ( uell. ) ore | 1545. Brindonia indica (Thouars.) AlAl 
1502. acerifolium (Muell.) a0 : 1546, Brisopyrum Wecenen 
elvi. Brachylepis: (W. / A.) . dexiv (Nees) 3293 
1508. nervosa (W. & A.) a) ASAE | A mes tes ‘ 
robustum (Dalz. & Boe)! 901 | clxiii. Broussonetia (Vent.) decclxix 
1506. scandens (Dalz. & Gibs.) . 900 1947. papyrifera (Vent.) “ 2718 
clviil. Brachystelma (Br.) dexl clxiv. Brownea (Jacq.) . eccliv 
1507. Beddomei (Hk. f.) 1931 | 1548. Ariza (Benth.) | ee 
1508. volubile (Hk. f.) ... 1930 | 1549, Ariza (Lindl. & P.) we = 981 
1509. Bradleia dioica (Vahl.) 2591 || 1550... cocaine (Jacq) ... .. 980 
1510. lanceolaria (Wall.) 2575 | 1551. F ee ait ia he 
2579 | clxv. Brucea (Mill. ... ¢lxiv 
1511. littorea (Steud.) ... 2574 | 1652. sumatrana (Rozb.) ds ales aed 
1512. mollis (Wall.) 2577 | 1553. Brugmansia arborea (Steud.) 2100 
1512 (bis.) multilocularis , | 1554, — beeolor (Pers.) aie SLOS 
( Willd.) 2574 (bis.) 7 1555. candida (Pers.) 2100 
1513. nitida (Roxb.) ... ... 2577-b | 1656. Kmnightii (Hort Don.) ... 2101 
1513 (bis.) mitida (Wall.) 2574 (bis.) | 1557. sanguinea(D. Don.) .,. 2102 
1514,  obliqua (Spreng.)... .. 2577 | 1558. suaveolens (Burch & 
1515, oblique (Wight.) «.. 2568 | Pregl cos) Hb ics. 2A0S 
















Bruguiera (Lam.) cecxcvili 
caryophylloides (Bl) 1137 | 
cylindrica (Bed.) 1136 | 
eriopetala (W. & A.) 1136 | 
gymnorhiza (Lamk.) 1135 | 
maagascariensis (D.C.). 1156 | 
malabarica (Arn.) 1138 
parietosa (Griff.) 1136 
parviflora (W. & A.) 1139 
Rheedii (Miq.) 1185 | 
Rumphii (31.) 1136 
Brunfelsia (Plumer&Linn.).delxxiv | 
americana (Linn.) 2108 | 
australis (Benth.) EAT OE 
cubensis {Hort.) ... .., 2L08-b | 
erecta (Hort.) .. 2108-2 
Hopeana ( Benth.) 2110 
latifolia (Hort Steud.) 2108 
terminalis (Saixt.) 2108 | 
undulata (Sw.) .. 2169 | 
uniflora (D. Don.) 2110 | 
Brumsfelsia (Linn.) dcixxiv | 
1578 Bubroma (Buboma.) tomen- 
tosa (Spreng.) 304 
elxix. Buchanania (Rozb.) .-. CClxii | 
acuminata (Wall.) 670 | 
angustifolia (Rozb.) 668 | 
intermedia (Wight) 669 
lanceolata ‘ Wight) 670 
latifolia ve ae 667 
lucida ( Bl.) 669 
palembanica (Bl. ‘b 669 
spicata (Roxb.) 467 
subobovata (Griff. ) 669 
Bucklandia (Br.) : CCcxciv 
populifolia (Hk. f.& T.)... 1129 
populnea (Br.) 1129 
Buddleia (Linn.) sen .. dexliti 
acuminatissima (B1.) 1951 
asiatica (Lowr.) 1951 | 
discolor (Roth.) . 1951 
heterophylla (Lindl.) 1953 
insignis (Hort. Dippel.)... 1952 
Lindleyana (Fort.) J LAG 2, 
madagascariensis (Lamk.) 1953 
Neemda (Ham.) . 1951 
salicifolia (Hort. Dippel. ) 1952 
salicina (Larok.) .. 1951 
serrulata (Roth.) .. 1954 
subserrata (D. Don.) 1951 
variabilis (Hems.) 1954. 
virgata (Blanco.) . Bale 
Bulbophyllum (Thouars.) . .. emazxi 
albidum (Hk. f.) .. 2920 
fimbriatwm (Rehb. £) 2924 
fuscopurpureum ee 2921 
kaitiense (Rchb. f.) 2926 
nilgherense (Wight) 2922 
tremulum (Wight ) 2923 
elxxiii. Bupleurum (Linn.) ~.., edlviii 
plantaginifolium< Wight) 1385 | 



NO. NO. 
clxxiy. Bursaria (Cav.) lx 
1611. = imeana (Lind.) 145-b 
1612. spinosa (Cav.)  ... 146 
Clxxy. Bursera (Linn.} elxxii 
1613. serrata ( Wall.) Pee 15° 

1614. Bursinopetalum arboreum 
| (Wight.) .. 1422 
clxxvi. Butea | (Rozb.} Bac «ss CCCK 
1615.  frcondosa (Rozb.) . . 1628 
1616.  frondosa (Wall.) . 829 
1617. parviflora (Roxb.) 827 
1618.  sericophylla (Wall.) 827 
1619. superba (Rozb.) 829 
clxxvii. Butonica (Juss.) . edxxii 
1620. alba (Miers.) 1274 
1621. inelyta (Miers.) 1274 
1622. racemosa (Miers.).. 1274 
1623. rubra (Miers.) 1274 
cixxviii. Buxas (Linn.) deccex 
1624.  coriacea (preng:)... 2544 
1625.  emarginata (Royle.) 2545 
1626. longifolia (Jacquem.) 2545 
1627,  saligna (D. Jon.) 2544. 
1628, sempervirens (Linn.) 2545 
1629, Wallichiana (Baill.) . 2545 
elxxix. Byrsophyllum (Hk. f.) ... CdxCV 
1630. tetrandrum (Hk. f.) 1496 


1631. Cacalia grandiflora (Wall.)... 1628 
1632. Kleinia (Grah.) : ise, LEZ 
1633 Klemia (Hb. Madr.) 1623 
1634.  sarmentosa (Lesch.) 1629 
1635. % volubilis (B1.) 1627 
elxxx. Cacao ‘Gaertn. WA: exili 
1636. gwianensis (Aubl. ‘) 302 
1637. minor (Geertn.) 302 
1688. sativa (Aubl.) 302 
1639. Theobroma (Tuss.) 302 
clxxxi. Cadaba (Forsk.) xlvi 
1640, indica (Lamk.) .. 103 
1641.  trifoliata (W. & A.) 102 
1642. triphylla (Wight) “102 

1643. Cadamba jasminifiora (Son- 
ser.) 1517 
clxxxil. Ceesalpinia (Linn ) cecxxxviil 
1644. arborea (Miq.) 937 
1645.  armata (Grak.) 932 
1646. —bijuga (Wall.) 928 
1647. Bonduc (Rozb.) 927 
1648. Bonducella (Fleming.) 926 
1649.  coriacea (Poit.) 936 
1650. coriaria ( Willd.) ... =. | Ooo 
1651. Crista (Thunb.) ... vs, (Oak 
1652- cucullata (Roxb.) ws | 988 
1653: digyna (Rottl.) ) ie 
1654- — elata (Schwartz.) wesu | eee 
1655: ferox (Hassk.) one) 


No. Cwsalpinia—cont. No. 
1656. ferow (Hohen.) 945 
1657. = ferruginea (Miq.)... 937 
1658. flavicans (Grah.)... 933 
1659: Gilliesii (Wall.) 934 
1660. Glenieii (Thw.) 937 
1661. gracilis (Miq.) 933 
1662.  horrida (Wall.) 932 
1663. japonica (Sieb. & Zucc.)... 931 
1664, Jlacerans (Roxb.) . 939 
1665. mimosoides (Lam.) 932 
1666. mimosoides (Heyne) 945 
1667. Nuga (Ait) 928 
1668. oleo. sperma (Roxb. ) 933 
1669. paniculate (Roxb.) 928 
1670. pectinata (Cay.) ... 935 
1671. pucherrima (Sw.) 930 
1672. Sappan (Linn.) <7! 929 
1678. scandens (Keen.) ... eee 928 
1674.  sepiaria (Rozb.) . 931 
1675. Simora (Ham.) 932 

(1676.  swmatrana (Wall) 928 
1677. Thomza (Spreng.) 936 
1678. tinctoria (Domb.) 935 
1679. Cainito pomiferum (Tuss. ) 1677 

elxxxiii, Cajanus (D.C.) se» CCCXIX 
1680. albicans (Grah.) 850 
1681. bicolor (D.C.) 8546 
1682. flavus (D.C.) aus etm eteliy:: 
16838. glandulosus (Daz. & 
Gibs.)_.. ae 849 
1684, goensis (Dalz.) 858 
1685. indicus (Spreng.) .. 854 
3686. lineatus(Grah.) ... S47 
1687. suaveolens (Grah.) 861 | 
1688. Woightianus (Grah.) Pr exo th) 

elxxxiy. alacanthus (T. Anders.)... lxx 
1689. Dalzelliana (T. Anders.) 2230 
1690. Calamagrostis Lagurus 

(Kel). 3280 
1691. Calampelis scaber (D. Don.) 2147 

elxxxv. Calamns (Linn.) } iiivii 
1692.  accedens (Migq.) 3219 
1693.  Brandisii (Becc.) ... 3210 
1694.  borneensis (Miq.).. 3206 
1695. ciliaris (Blwme.) .. 3216 
1696 dealbatus (Hort. H. Wendl.) 3131 
1697. Draco (Willd.) ... 3219 
1697 (é%s.) erectus (Rozb.) 3203 (bis.) 
1698. extensus (Mart.) 3207 
1699. fasciculatus (Roxb.) 3207 
1700. fissus (Miq.) 3218 
1701. Gamblei (Becc.) . 3214 
1702. Huegelianus (Mart.) 3213 | 
1703. javensis (Bl.) ... 3206 | 
1704. Jenkinsianus (Griff.) 3207 / 
1705. Jenkinsoni (Sphalm.) 3207 | 
1706. leptospadix (Grif) .. 3204 | 
1707. melanolepis(H. Wendl.) 38213 | 
1708.  Metzianus (Schlecht.) 3205" 
1709. micranthus ( Blume.) 3215 | 
1710. monoicus (Roxb.) 3209 | 
171). palembanicus (Miq:) ... 3220 | 
1712. ¢penicillatus (Roxb.) ... 3206 

| elxxxix. Callicarpa (Linn.) 


‘No. Calamus-—cont. NO. 
1713. Pseudo-Rotamg (Mart.) ... 3207 
i714, Pseudo-tenuis (Becc.) 3208 
1715. Kkheedei (Griff.) .. 3212 
1716. vivalis (Thw.) 3205 
1717 Calamus Rotang (Linn.) 3209 
1718. Rowxburghit (Griff.) 3209 
1719. ruber (Reinw.) 3219 
1720. rudentwm (Mart) 3205 
| 1721. scipionam (Lour.) 3215 
| 1722 — scipionwm (Lam.) 3209 
1722 (bis.) Schizospathus 
(Griff.) 3203 (dis.) 
| 1723. tenuis (Thn.) 3208 
1724, travancoricus (Bedd.) 3211 
| 1725. ~viminalis shel 3207 
| 172€. Wightsi (Griff.) . 3213 
| 1727.  Zalacca (Roxb.) 3222 
clxxxvi. Calathea (a. F.W. Mey. ie cmili, 
| 1728. albo-lincata (Hort.) 3016 
1729.  leweonewra (Hort. Nich.)... 3013 
i730. leopardina (Rogel.) 3018 
| 1731. Lindeni (Wallis.) ... 3019 
1732. Lindeniana (Wallis.) 3019 
1733. Makoyana (C. Morr.) 3020 
1734. medio-picta (Makoy.) 3021 
| 1735. ornata (Kewn.) 3016 
| 1736. rosea-picta (Rr gel.) 3022 
1737. Vanden Heckei (Regel. yo 3023 
738. variegata (Ken.) 3015 
1739.  Veitchiana ( Veitch.) 3024 
1740.  zebrina (Lindi.) <1  SOLF 
elxxxvi. Calcoolaria {Linn.) delxxvi 
1741. angustifolia (Sweet.) - _ 2112 
_ 1742. ferrwyinea (Colla.) 2112 
1743. — ferruginosa (Kunize.) 2112 
1744. integritolia (Murray.) 2112 
1745. mollissima (Walp.) oc LE 
1746. rugosa (Ruiz. & Pav.) ... 2112 
1747.  salviefoiia (Pers.) 2112 
1748. _thyrsiflora (R. Grah.) 2113 
1749. Calisaya javaraica (Hort, : 
S How,)) 2.2 +A .. 1446 
1750. Calispermwm scandens 
(Lour.) “4: 1661 
1751. Calla ovata (Ham.) 3269 
clxxxviil. Calliandra (Benth.) jp oeabaee 
1752. brevipes (Benth.) 1051 
1753. cynometroides (BedaG.) 1058 
1753 (4s.) hemats caphala 
(? BM. 5181; 
cag.) 1051 (dis.) 

1754. arborea (Rozb.) 
1755. arborea (Miq.) 

cana (Dalz and Gibs. ) 
1756 (/is.) cana (Gilib.) ... 
1757. farinosa (Roxb.) .. 


2288 (dis.) 

1757j( dis.) incuna (Roxb. ) 2288 (dis.) 
1758. Janata (Linn.) 2288 
1758 (vs.) macrocarpa 

(Vahl.) --- 2288 (d%s.) 
1758 (bis.) Sinensis (Gibs.) 2288 (4s.) 
1759. tectonefolia (Wall.) 2287 




















1811. Calosanthes indica (B1.) 


CaJlicarpa—cont. NOs 
Tomex (Poir.) 2288 
villosa (Roxb.) — .- 2287 | 
Wallichiana (Walp.) . 2288 

Callipteris ambigua (Moore). 3346 

esculenta (Houlst. & 

Moore.) . 5 .. 33846 
malabarica (8m.) wo. §=3346 
serampurense (Fel.) 8346 
Wallichti (Sm.) .. 3346 

Callistemon (R. Br.)... edii 
lanceolatus (D.C.) --. 1209 
leptostachyus (Sweet.) ... 1210 
linearis (D.C.) _... Apo 1) LEI | 
lophanthus (Sweet.) 1210 
marginatus (D.C.) 1207 
pallidus (D.C.)_... 1210 
paludcsus (F. Muell.) 1210 

rigidus (R. Br.) ... ton) AOI 
salignus (Sweet,) . 1210 

seaber (Lodd.) 1209 
Siebert (D.C.) 1210 
viridiflorus (Swee t. ) son LEO) 
Cailitris (Endl.) decexeviii 
australis (Sw.) . . 2815-c 
columellaris (FE. Mull)... 2814 
cupressiformis (Vent.)  .. “2815-b 
Gunnii (Hk.) 2815 
inequalis (D.C.) 2&15 
macrocarpa (Benth.) 2814. 
rhomboidea (R. Br.) 2815 
robusta (R. Br.) 2814 
Whytei (Vent.) 2816 

Calochlamys capitata (Pr esl. ) 2333 
Calodendron (Thunb.) GXXXVili 
Calodendrum (Thunb.) CXXXxViil 
capense (Thunb.) . Soci saya! 
Calonyction (Chois.) .. .. delviii 
asperum (Chois,) ... 2017 
comerense (Bojer.) 2017 
comospermum (Bojer.) 2017 
grandifiorum (Chois.) 2017 
longiflorwm (Hassk.) 2017 
muricatum (G. Don.\ 2016 
muticum @enea ‘i 2017 

Pseudomuricatum (G. Don. ) 2017 

Roaburghit (G. Don.) .. 2015-6 
speciosum (Chois.) .. 2015-b 
Calophanes (D. Don.) ... dexcix 
littoralis (T. Anders.) 2169 
Calophyllum (17nn.) eee kex 
Bintagor (Roxb) ... rao) Keil 
chinese (Walp.) oie elSO 
decipiens (Wight) nao) AIS) 
elatum (Bedd.) 184. 

inophyllum (Linz.) rao |) Sil 
longifolium ( Wall.) ae SY) 
spuriwm (Chois.)... Lo Se 
tomentosum ( Wight) 182 

(bis.) trapezifolium (Thw.) 188 (bis.) 

Wightianum ( Wall.) Ci else 

NO, No. 

_ excvii. Calotropis (Br.) . dexxii 
2812. gigantea (Br.) ... wos, eee 
1813.  Hamiltoni (Wall.) 1883 
1814. heterophylla (Waill.) 1883 
1815. procera (Br.) 1883 
1816 Wallichir (Wight) 1883 
1817. Calpicarpiwm Roaburghii 

(G. Don.) ant 1821 
excvill. Calpurnia (H. “ey.) on COCXKEX 
1818. aurea (Baker.)  ... 917 
1819. capensis \Steud.) ... coe) LD) 
excix. Calycopteris (Lamk.) cdiii 
1820. floribunda (Lamk.) 1153 
1821. mutans (Kurr.) .. 1153-a 
1822. Calyptranthes capitellata 
(Ham.) . a wae LS 
1823. caryophyllata (Pers, 1246 
1824. cordifolia (Moon.) 1251 
1825. costata (Ham.) 1256 
1826. Danea (Ham.) 1259 
1827. grandis(Ham.) ... 1256 
1828.  Jambolana (Willd.) 1258 
1829. mangiferifolia (Hance.) ... 1256 
1830.  Tatna (Ham.) .. 1256 
1831. Calysaccion longifoluwm 
(Wight) 180 
1882. Calysphyrum floridum 
(Bunge.) soe 1430 
1833. pauciflorum (Bunge.) ... 1480 
1834, Calustegia Keriana (Sweet.). 2056 
cc, Camellia {Zmn.\__... .. lxxyili 
1835. florida (Salisb.) ... see os 
1836, japonica (Linn.) ... ote pepe 
1837. mutabilis (Paxt.) .. ca) WSS 
*858.  planipetala (Lamk.) a 193 
1839.  ? Scottiana ike) 194 
1840.  theifera (Griff.)* . 194 
1841. Tsubaki (Crantz.) 193 
1842. Cameraria zeylanica (Retz.). 1817 
1848.  zeylanica? (Wight) 1847 
1844, Camirium cordifoliwm 
(Geertn.) .. 2633 
1845. Camphora officinalis (Steud, ) 2440 
1846.  officinarum (Nees.) 2440 
1847. vera (Rafin.) 5 2440 
1848. Campsis Curtisis (Seem.) . 2123 
1849.  radicans (Seem.) .. 2123 
1850. Campteria biaurita (Linn, he 3336 
1861.  Rottleriana (Presl.) . 3336 
1852. anamallayensis (Bed.) 3337 
1858, Campylobotrys Ghiesbreghtti 
(inn,) 4;.. se Lowe 
1854. Camuniwm chinense (Roxb.) 461 
1855. simense (Rumpbh.) wee BAGH 
eci. Cananga(Rumph.) ... ant xv 
1856. odorata(Hk.f JT.) ... 35 
ccii, Canangium (Bazll.) BAC xv 
1857. odoratum (Baill.) a 35 
eciii. Canarium (Linn.) .. elxxili 
1858. commune (Linn.)... . 446 

* ©, Thea (Link) ... 

194 is the earliest name, 



No, Canarium—cont. NO, No. 
1859. Sajiga (Ham.) 651 1917, 
1860. — strictum (Roxb.) 4.47 1918. 
cciv.*Canavalia (D.C.) cocxi 1919. 
1861. —ensiformis (D.C.)... 830 | 1+20. 
1862. gladiata (D.C.) 830 1921, 
1868. —incurva (D.C.) 830 | Ceviii. 
1864. lineata (D.C.)_... 831 | 1922. 
1865. Lowreirii (G. Don.) 830 1923. 
1866. mollis (Wall.) 830-c 1924. 
1867.  obtusifolia (D.C.) 831 xXx 
1868. rosea (D.C.) 831 : 
1869 rutilans (D.C.) ... aoe 831 ccix, 
1870. Stocksit (Dalz. & Gibs.) ... 880-b 1925. 
1871. —turgida (Grah.) we. 830-0 | 1926. 
1872. virosa(W.& A.) ... sve 830-4 | 1927. 
cev. Canna (Linn.) we. Cmlili 1928. 
1873. Achiras (Gill.) ... . 38028 1929. 
1874. Anni (Hort. Par.) ., 3026-f | 1980. 
1875.  atro-nigricans (Hort.) ... 83026-b 1981, 
1876.  aurantiaca (Rosc.) .. 8027-b 1932. 
1877. Bihorelli (Hort.)... . 3026-c 1933. 
1878. chinensis (Willd.) 3026 1934, 
1879. discolor (Lindl.) ... 3035 1935. 
1880. edulis (K. Gawl.) ... 3034 1936. 
1881.5 esculenta (Lodd.) .. 3034 | 1937. 
1882. flaccida (Rosc.) 3031 1938. 
1883.  flavescens (Link.) ... 8026-6 1939. 
188+. gigantea (Desf.) ... 8029 | 1940. 
1885. glauca (Linn.) . 8026-c | 1941. 
1886. indica (Linn.) 3026 1942. 
1887.  ividiflora (Rwiz.) ... 3030 19438. 
1888. latifolia (Rose.) ... 3029 1944, 
1889. _ liliiflora (Warse.) ... 30382 1945, 
1890.  latea (Mill.) ae 3027, | 1946. 
1891. magnifica (Hort.) ...8026-d | 1947. 
1892. .«usefolia (Hort.) 3032 1948, 
1893. peruviana ( Hort.) 3030 | 1949. 
1894. sanguinea (Hort.) . 3027-c 1950. 
1895. speciosa (Rosc.) ... .. 8026-d 1951. 
1896. tricolor (Hort.) ...8028-b 1952. 
1897.  variegata (Hort.) ... ...8028-b | 1958. 
1898. Warscewiczii (Hort. Otto.) 3038 1954, 
1899. _zebrina (Hort.) .. 8027-c 1955. 
ecvi. Cansjera (Juss.) coi 1956. 
1900. malabarica (Lamk.) 494 | 1957, 
1901. martabanica (Wall.) 4.94 1958, 
1902. Rheedii (Gmelin.) .. 494 | 1959. 
1903. scandens (Roxb.) .. 494 | 1960. 
1904. xzizyphifolia (Griff.) 404 | 1961 
1905. Cantharospermum albicans 1962, 
(W. & A.) .. 850 | 1963. 
ecvil. Canthium (Lam.) ... div | 1964, 
1906. angustifolium (Rozb.) 1526 | 1965. 
1907. corymbosum (Pers.) .. 1491 | 1966. 
1908. didymum (Rozb.) eo - 1519 | 1967. 
190y. — ficiforme (Hk, f.) .» 1622 | 1968. 
1910. Leschenaultit (W.& A.)... 1526 1969. 
1s1l lucidum (Schlecht.) aoe W520 1970, 
1912. neilgherrense (Wight.) ... 1521 1971. 
1918. | parviflorum (Lamk.) .. 1528 1972. 
1914. parviflorwm (Schl.) .. 1499 |} 1978. 
1915. parvifolium (Rozb.) veo LOZ 1974, 
1916. pergracile (Bourd.) Pernt 5328) 1975. 


Rheedii (D.C.) .., 
scandens (Bl. ) 
thyrsoidewm (Roem.) 
travancoricum (Bedd.) 
umbellatum ce 

Cantua (Juss.) 

buxifolia (Lamk, as 
dependens (Pers.) 
tomentosum (Cav.) 

Capparis (Linn.) 

acuminata ( Willd.) 
acuminata (Roxb.) 
acuminata (Willd. ) 
acuminata (Wall.) 
apetala (Roth.) 
aphylla (Roth.) 
bisperma (Roxb.) 
bisperma (Wight) 
brevispina (DIC). 
cerulea (Heyne) ... 
corymbosa (Roxb.) 
divaricata (Lamk.) 
divaricata ( Wall.) 
diversifolia (W. & A.) 
erythrodasys (Miq.) 
floribunda (Wight) 
formosa (Dalz.) 
formosa (Wall.) ... 
grandiflora ( Wall.) 
grandis ( Linn.) 
ieteroclita (Roxb.) 
Heyneana ( Wall.) 
horrida (Lunn. f.) 
imcanescens (D.C.) 
linifolia (Roxb,) .. 
longispina (Hk. & T.) 
malabarica (Wall.) 
maximus (Roth.)... 
Moonii (Wight) 
Murrayana (Grah.) 
obovata (Ham.) 
obovata (Royle.) .. 
olacifolia (Hk. f. 
oxyphylla ( Wall.} 
parviflora (Hk.f. & 
pedunculosa ( Wall.) 
pyrifolia (W. & A.) 
qguadréfiora (D.C.) 
racemifera (D.C.) 
reticulata (Klein) 
Rheedit (Roxb.) ... 
rotundifolia (Roxb.) 
Roxburghii (D.C.) 
sepiaria (Linn.) 
sepiaria (Wall.) . 
Sodada (Br.) 
spinosa {Lamk.) . 
stylosa (D.C.) 
tenera (Dalz.) 
tenuiflora (D.C.) 
tetrasperma (‘Thw.) 



. 1463 
din) S24 


aay dex! vii 
+. 1966 
ea L966 




















oo» 122-0 


xo. Capparis—eont. NO. 
1976. trifoliata (Roxb.) 101 
1977. wuncinata (Wall.) .. . 122-4 
1978.  Wallichiana (W. & ‘A) 106 
1979.  zeylanica (Linn.)... 106 
1980,  zeylanica (Roxb.) 119 
1981. xzeylaniea (W. & A.) 120 
1982.  Caprifoliwm japonicum 
(Watts. ex Steud.) 1343 
1983. flecwoswm (Hort. Haas). 1433 
1984.  rosewm (Lamk. Die 1433 
1985. sempervirens (Moench. ye 1430 
ecx. Capsicum (Linn.) dolxviii 
oe (quint) grossum (Willd.) 2094-( tris.) 
1986, (sext) minimum (Roxb.) 2094 (bis,) 
1986. (sept) nepanilense (Linn.) 2094-c 
1986, (quat) frutescens (Linn.) 2994 
1986, annwwm (Linn.) ... 2004-5 
1986 (bis.) baccatum (Wall.)  2094-(bis.) 

1986 (tris.) fastagiatum (Bl.) 2094 (bis.)-b 

1987. Caquepiria Bergkia Senne 1508 
cexi. Carallia (Rozb.) ..CCCXC1X 
1988.  ceylanica (Arn.) .. 1140 
1989. corymbosa (Arn.)... vos L140 
1990.  integerrima (D.C.) 1140 
1991. lucida (Kurz.) .. 1140 
1992.  octopetala (F. Muell.) 1140 
1993. simensis (Arn.) 1140 
1994. symmetria (B1.) .. 1140 
1995. timorensis (Bl.) 1140 
ecxii. Carapa (Aubi.) ... CIXxxix 
1996. guianensis (Aubl.) 475 
1997. indica (Juss.) 476 
1998.  moluccensis (Lamk.) 476 
1999.  obovata (Bl.) 476 
2000. Cardamomum officinale 


Cardiospermum (Limm.) ecxxxvili 

2001. canescens (!Wall.) 624. 
2002.  Halicacabum (Linn.) 623 
2003.  microcarpwm (H.B.K.) 623 
2004. ?” ovatum (Wall,) ... 624 
2005. pubescens (Griff.) 624, 
ccxiv. Careya (Rozb.) .. CAxsili 
2006. arborea (Rozxb.) 1276 
eoxy, Carica (Linn ) . cdxlvi 
2007. candamavrcensis (Hk. f.)... 1845 
2008, candinamarcensis (J. Lind.) 1845 
2009. Papaya (Iimn.)  .. 1344 
2010.  hermaphrodita ( Blanco.) 1344 
cexvi. Carissa (Linn.) . dixxx 
2011. Arduina {Lamk )... 1805 
2012.  bispinosa (Desf.) .. 1806 
2013.  Carandas (Linn)... 1505 
2014.  congesta (Wight) ... 1806-b 
2015. Dalzellii (Bedi.)... 1809 
2016. diffusa (i#oxb.) 1807 
2017. diffusa (Wall.) 1808 
3018.  hirswta (Roth.) ‘1807 
2019.  inermis (Vahl.) 1809 
2020.  lancolata (Dalz.) ... ... 1809 
2021. macrophylla (Wall.)  ... ©1809 
2022. mitis(Heyne) - 1809 =! 



No. Carissa—cont. NO. 
2023.  paucinervia (A.De.) -. 1808 
2024.  spinarum (A.De.) .. 1807-6 
2025. suavissima (Bedd.) «a. 1810 
2026. villosa (Roxb.) 1807 
cexvii. Carludovica (Ruiz. & Pav.) mxx 
2027. palmata (Ruiz &§ Pav.) 3240 
2028. Carmona heterophylla (Cay.) 1983 
2029. Caroxyion indicum(Wight) 2382 
2030. recwrvwm (Moq,) ... .. 2382 

ecxvili. Carpinus (Tourn.) ... .., decexe 
2031.  Betulus (Limn.) ... 2787 
203%. Carpopogon mal 
(Roxb.) 813 
2033. atropurpureum (Roxb. ia 814. 
2084,  gigantewm (Royle.) Bae tellias 
2035.  monospermum (Roxb.) 813 
2036 pruriens (Roxb,) .. 816 
2037. Carumbium insigne (Kurz.) 2704. 
2038.  sebiferwm (Kurz.) 2 T2hO2 
2039. Caryophyllus aromaticus 
(Linn.) 1271 
2040.  Pimenta ( Mill.) ov L208 
2041. racemosus (Mill.)... 1207 
ccxix. Carropteris(Bunge.)... decxxxiy 
2042, Wallichiana (Schaw.) 2329 
cecxx. Caryota (Linn.) ea MCHURCT 
2043. Cumingii (Lodd.) ... 3155 
2044. Cunninghami (Sphalm, Ne -» 3155 
2046. furfuracea (Bl.) ... oe =O154 
2046.  Griffithii (Bece.) ... 3154 
2047.  mitis (Lowe.) 3154 
2048. mana ( Wall.) 3154 
2049. obtusa (Grif.) 32 3153 
2050. obtusrdentata (Griff.) 3153 
4051.  obtusifolia (Sphalm.) ., BLSs 
2052. ? ochlandra (Hance)  ... 3158-b 
2053.  propingua (Bl.) ... 3154 
2054. —sobolifera (Wall.)... 3154 
2055.  urens (Linn.) 3152 
2056. wrens (Jacq,) be ve Old 
ccxxi. Casearia (Jacg.)  ... .. cdxliii 
2057. Anavinga (Dalz. & Gibs.) 1336 
2058. Canziala (Ham,) .. 1336 
2059.  Championii (Thw.) 1384 
2060. Dallachii (F. Muell.) ... 1336 
2061.  elliptica (Willd.) ... .. 18336 
2062. esculenta (Rozb.)... w. §=1334 
2063. glabra (Hort Calo.) .. 1336 
2064.  graveolens (Dalz.) .. 1333 
2065, Hamiltoni ( Wall.) 15383 
2066.  levigata (Dalz.) 1334 
2367.  macrogyna (Turcz.) 1333 
2068. ovata (Roxb.) 1336 
2059,  rubescens (Dalz.) 1335 
2070. tomentosa (Roxb.) 1336 
2071. varians (Thw.) ... 1334 
2072. . wynadensis (Bedd.) 1337 
2073.  zeylanica (Thw.)... 1334 
cexxii. Cassia (Linn.)  cocxlvii 
2074.  acutifolia (Delile) 955 
2075. alata (Linn.) eee by 
2076. amena(Ham.) ... seu 906 
2077. angustifolia (Vahl.) ww. | 986 





‘ 2117. 



4 AK 


angustissima (Lam.) 
arborescens ( Vahl.) 
awricoma (Srah.)... 
auriculata (Linn.) 
bicapsularis (Linn.) 
bracteata (Linn. f.) 
Burmanni (Wight) 
chinensis (Jacq.) ... 

coromandeliana (Jacy.) ... 

dimidiata (Klein.) 
dimidiata (Roxb.) 
esculenta (Roxb.) 
fastigiata (Vahl.)... 
Fistula (Linn.) 
florida (Vahl.) 
fietida (Pers.) 
fetida (Salisb.) 
fruteseens (Mill.).., 
gallinaria (Collad.) 
glauca (Lam) 
herpetrea (Jacq.) ... 
hirsuta (J 4nn.) 
hwmilis (Collad.)... 
Kleinii (W. & A.) 
laevigata ( Willd.) 
lancelata (Wall,) 
Leschenaultii (Wall.) 
lenitiva (Bisch.) ... 
lonyisiliqua (Blanco) 
marginata (Rozb.) 
medica (Forsk.) ... 
mimosoides (Linn.) 
mentana (Heyne) 
myriophylla ( Wall.) 
obovata (Collad.)... 
obtwsa (Roxb. ) 
obtusifolia (Linn.) 
occidentalis ( Linn.) 
orientalis (Pers.)... 
palmata (VWall.) ... 
prostata (Roxb.)... 
pubigena (Lag.) .. 
pumila (Lam.) 
purpurea (Roxb ) 
rhombifolia ( Roxb.) 
Rozburghiana (Grah.) 
- Roxburghu (D.C.) 
Senna (Linn.) 
sensitiva (Roxh.) 
setigera (D.C.) 
siamea (Lam.) 
Sophera (Linn.) ... 
Sophera (Wall.) ... 
sulcata (Blume) ... 
swmatrana (Roxb,) 
surattensis (Burm.) 
Telfasriana (Wall.) 
tenetla (Roxb.) 
timoriensis (D.C.) 
tomentosa (Linn.) 
tomentosa (Wall.)... 
Tora (Linn.) a 
toroides (Roxb.) ... 




; 948 
. 2” 950 



INDEX. 221 
No. Cassia—cont. No. 
2141. venenifera (Radsch.) 951 
2142. Watcichiana (D.U.) 966-b 
2143. Wightiana (Grah.) . . 953 
cexxiii. Cassytha (Linn.) declxxxiy 
2144. americana (Meissn.) £2472 
2145. _—_‘filifermis (Linn.) 2472 
2146. guineensis (Meissn.) 2472 
ecxxiv. Castanea (Tourn.)... decexeii 
2147. chinensis (Sprevg.) 2794 
2148. microcarpa (Linal.) 2795 
2149. sativa (Mill,) 2794 
2150. stricta (Sieb. & Zuc.) 2794 
2151. = tribuloides ( Wall.) 2795 
2152. vesea (Geor.) : 2794 
4163. vulgaris (Lanib.).. 2794 
215%. Castanocarpus australis 
(Sweet.) .. 925 
ecxxy. Castanopsis (pach. ). decexciii 
2155.  armata (D. Don.).. 2795 
2156. _tribuloides (A.De.) 2795 
coxxvi. Castanospermum (A, 
Cunn.) ... ecexxxvii 
2157. australe (A. Cunmn. 1.) 925 
ecxxvii. Castilloa (Varv.) decelxxv 
2158. —elastica (Carv-) 2760 
cexxviil. Casuarina (Forst.). decexxxvi 
2159. distyla (V ent.) 782 
2160.  equisetifolia (Forst.) 2780 
2161. eptoclada (Miq.) 2783 
2162. murtcata (Roxb.)... 2780 
2163. paludosa(Sicb-) ... 2782 
2164. gquadrivavis (Labill.) 2718 
2165. stricta (Cast.) 2781 
2166. suberosa (Otto. ¢ Diet. ey 2783 
2166 (é$s.) torulosa (Ait) ... 2783 (dis.) 
2167. Catakidozasia Hopes (T. 
Hale 2882 
2168.  Maeleays (Hort. Mia. ) 2882 
ecxxix Catalpa (8eap.) dexciy 
2169. speciosa (Warde) -. 2154 
2270. Catappa Benzoin (Geertn.) 1143 
2171. domestica (Rumph.) 1144 
2172. %wtorea (Rumph.) . 1144 
2°73. sylvestris (Rumph.) 1144 
74. Catas parvifiora (Juss.) 2488 
<xx. Cateshea (Linn.) _ ose COXCUX 
175.  longifiora (Sw.) 1513 
2176. spinosa ( Linn.) co) thence 
2177. Catha emarginata (G. Don.) 540 
2178.  Heyneana (Walp.) «. 536 
2179. montana (G, Don.) isce) eres 
2180. ovata_(Walp.) w. ,bB4 
2181.  Rothiana ( Walp.) 535 
2182. rufa(G. Don.) : Dod, 
2183. Wallichis (G. Don.) tet (ODS 
2184. zeylanica (G. Don.) SR 7 
2285. Cethartocarpus Fistula 
(Pers.) .. 946 
2186. Cantonia ei liptica (Vahl. ) ... 1989-6 
2187. Catwrus spiciflorus (Roxb.) 2554 
2188. Caulotretuscordifolia(Rich.) 1062 


No. No. | No. Celtis—cont. No. 
2189. Cavalliwm urens (Schott. | 2244. tetrandra (Rozb.) .. Dat 
& indi.) ae ... 267 | 2245.  tetrandra (Wall.) i. (76 
cexxxi. Ceanothus (Linn.) ... pe CGXMIX. | 2246.  trindra (Sphalm.) 3. | Bat 
2190. asiaticus (Lamk.) ve 575 | 2247, trimervia (Roxb.) in Vora 
2191. capsularis (Forst.) ». 575 | 2248. Wightii (Planch.) seo BTM 
2192. circumscissa (Geertn. Vis 572 | cexxxvi. Centrosema (Benth.) .. CCCXVi 
2198. paniculatus (Roth. ») Kea) ae 2249. grandiflora (Benth.) ag | oO) 
2194. Wughtiana( Wall.) sda EV AD, 2250. Plumieri (Benth.) sxe SAT 
2195.  zeylanica (Heyne.) Pe GY 2251, Cephalanthus chinensis 
cexxxii. Cedrela (Linn.) ... .. e@xciii | (Lamk.) ... . 1442 
2196.  microcarpa (C. Dc.) io fee 2252. pilwlifer (Lamk.)... ... 1440 
2197.  ? odorata (Hort. Kew.) . 481 | 2253. Cephalocroton indicus 
2198. odorata (Linn.) ... .. = 484 (Bedd.) ... Hae ic. BOSH 
2199. ‘Toona (Rozb.)  .. ... 482 | cexxxvil. Cephalostachyum 
2200. ?velutina (D.C.).. bdo wee ast (Munro.).. mxlyili 
2201. ?villosa(Roxb.) ... w. = 481 2254.  pergracile (Munro. ) wos) Toole 
cexxxiii. Cedrus (Loud,) ... Sa (rab 2255. Cerasus Laurocerasus (Nic.) 1070 
2202.  argentea (Hort. Carr,) .. 2862 2256.  Phoshia (Ham.) ... .- 1068 
2203.  atlantica (Mcench.) 1. 2862 2257. Puddwm (Wall.) ... 2-0)  SOGS 
2204.  Deodara (Loud.) ... ... 2862 | 2258. tomentosa (Wall.) #1 AOGT 
2205. elegans (Knight.) ss. 12862 2259. vulgaris (Nic.) ... ... 1066-6 
2206. indica (Chambu. ) .. 2862 | ccxxxvili. Ceratia (Adams.) .-- Ccelii 
2207. lLibani(Barre.) ... .. 2862 22€0. Ceratogynum rhamnoides 
2208.  patula (C. Koch.). 505. | els (Wight.) ae .. 2596 
2209. Ceiba pentandra (Geertn.) ne 261 ccexxxix. Ceratonia (Linn.) .- Cecchi 
XXIII. CELASTRACE AB veo KK V 2261.  coriacea (Salisb.)... oe ons 
ecxxxiv. Celastrus (Zinn.) ... . cexviii | 2262.  inermis (Stokes.)... eS we 
2210. acuminata (Wall,) 486 | 2263. Siliqua (Linn.) ... ee 
2211. alnifolia (D. Don.) eee ny: ecxl. Cerbera(Linn.)  ... dlxxxiii 
2212.  buaifolia {Roxb.) ... 539 | 2264.  dichotoma (Lodd.) 1834. 
2218. crenata (Roth.) ... vis 164d 2265.  fruticosa (Ker.) ... pee es: 
2214.  dependens (Wall.) ¥ 532 | 2266.  lactaria (Ham.) ... ose 1 LETS 
2215. emarginata(W.& A.) ... 540 + 2267. lawrifolia (Lodd.) w. STS 
2216. glauca (Vahl.) ... see 544 2268.  Mangilias (Linn.) ... v2 See 
2217.  Heyneana (Roth.) she 5386 | 2269. Manghu (Linn.) ... .-. 49818 
2218. Metziana(Turcz.) oe 5382 | 2270. mneriifolia (Red.) ... « 820 
2219. montana (W & A.) = «OAL 2271. Odollam (Gertn.) .. 1818 
2220.  muitiflora (Roxb.) .. 5382 | 2272. parviflora (Wall.) \.. “SShe 
2221. mutans (Roxb,) ... .. , 582) | 2278.  saluteris (ours). ... +18T9 
2222. opposita (Wall.) ... ve 581 | ecxli, Cereus ( Mill.) hae ee eral 
2223. pallida (Wall.) ... .. o41 | 2274. gyrandifloras (Miil.) woo + LOTO 
2224, paniculata (Willd. ) <a 532 | 2275. hexagonus (Jiil.) ... el Siam 
2225. rigida (Wall)... Soo ee) 2PI7/ fe triangularis (Mill.) Ret Sy /2 
2226. Rothtana(R. & §.) ... 532 | cexlii. Ceriops(Arn.) % cecexevi 
2227. rufa (Brand. F. H.) weet ood: 2278. Candolleana (Arn.) oes LSZ 
2228. ? senegalensis (Lamk.) ... 541 2279. Koxburghiana (Arn.) ... 11838 
2229.  serrulata (Roth.)... 535, 536 2280. Ceriscus malabaricus 
2230. spinosa (Royle.) . p 5388 (Geertn } . 1498 
2231. Wallichiana (Spr eng. Vioeea eos 2281. Cerocarpus agqueus' ‘(Hassk. Me 1230 
2232.  Wallichiana (Wall.) ... 585 | cexliii. Ceropegia oa) 8 . ©exli 
2238.  Wallichiana (W. & A.) ... 539 2282. acuminata (Aozb.)... . 1989 
2234.  ? Wightiana (Wall.) DSL 2283. acuminata (Dalz, & Gibs. ). 1963 
2235.  zeylanica (Roth.) ... ee Gy 2 2284. albiflora (Hk.f.) . .. 1948 
2236, Celosia baccata (Retz.) ... 2371 2285. Beddomei (Hk. fy -. 1949 
2237.  lanata(Linn.) ... wv. «6.2874 2286. brevicollis (Hk. f.) «as? MOM 
cexxxy. Celtis (Linn.) : decelxiii 2287.  brevitubulata (Bedd.) ... 1931 
2287 (bis.) cinnamomea (Lin dl.) 2711 (bis.) 2288.  bulbosa (Rowb.) . we §=1982 
2238. elongata (Wall.) . Ae 2289. Candelabrum (Linn.) ... 1937 
2289. glabra (Planch.) Saal 2290. Candelabrum (Roxb.) ... 19386 
9240. orientalis (Linn.) 2713 2291. Candelabrum(Thw.) ... 1940 
9241. reticulata (Hk. f. & T.).. 2714 2292. ciliata (Waght) ... . 1948 
2242. Rowburghit (Planch.) ... 2711 2293.  Decaisneana (Wight) ... 1944 

2243.  serotina (Planch.) Yk SDL 2294.  Decaisncana (Miq.) wes AES 

no. Ceropegia— cont. NO. 
2295. elegans (Wall.) ... 1934 
2296.  Elliottii (Hk. f.) ... 1938 
2297. ensifolia oe 1947 
2298. hirsuta(W. § 4.) 1942 
2299. hirsuta (Wight) .. 1942 
2800. intermedia (W ight) 1940 
2301. ?Jacquemointiana (Dene.)1942-d 
2302. juncea (Rozb.) 1933 
2303. mucronata (Roxb.) 1936 
2304. mysorensis (l\ight) 1935 
2305. ophiocephala ( Dalz.) .. 1942-¢ 
2306. ?sphenanantha (W.& A.) 1984: 
2307. sphenantha (Dene.) 1934 
2308. Stocksii (Hk. f.) . 1946 
2209.  thwaitesii (Hook.) 1941 
2310. tnberosa (Rozb.)... Pen WETS) 
2311. vincefolia (Hook.) .. 1942-6 
eexliv. Ceroxylon (Hbt. & Bpl.) cm)xxvii 
2812. «andicolum (Hbt. § Bpl.) 3146 
e2313. alpinum (Steud.) 3146 
exly. Cestrum (Linn.) delxxiii 
2314. aurantiacum (Lindl.) 2107 
2315. elegans (Schlecht.) 2108 
2316. fasciculatum {Miers.) 2106 
2316. (bis) Parqui (Schlecht) ... 2107 
ecxlvi. Chailletia (D.C.) .., excey 
2317. gelonioides ( Hk. f) 486 
2318. swmatrana (Miq.) 486 
2319. Chalcas intermedia (Roem.) 392 
2320. paniculata (Linn.) 392-b 
2321. paniculata (Roem.) 592 
2322. swmatrana (Roem.) 392-b 
eexlvii. Chamzbuzus (Tourn.) xiv 
2323.  arillata (Hassk.) 160 
2324. paniculata (Hassk.) 160 
2325, virgata (Hassk.)... 159 
2326. Chamecyparis breviramea 
(Maxim.) 2813 
2327.  decussata (Hort. Carr.) . 2817 
2328. glauca (Hort. Carr.) 2817 
2329. Lawsonmana (Parl.) 2812 
2330. obtusa (Sieb. & Zuc.) 2813 
2331. pendula (Maxim.) 2813 
2332. Chamecytisus dalmaticus 
(Vis.) : eo 8GOY 
2333. Chamezpeuce obtusa (Zuce, ) 2813 
cexlviii. Chamzrops (/ inn.) Iniv 
2334.  acaulis (Michx.) .. 3182 
2335. arborescens (Steud.) 3199 
2336. Biroo (Sieb.) se 3191 
2337.  conduplicata (Kickx.) 3189 
2388,  excelsa (Thunb.) 3202, 3203 
2339. Fortwnei (Hook.)... 3202, 3208 
2340. glabra (Mill.) 3182 
2341. gracilis (Lodd.) 3200 
2342. Griffithii (Lodd.)... 3202 | 
2343. humilis (Linn) ... 3199° | 
. 2344. khasyana (Griff.)... 3202 
2345. Kwanwortsik (Sieb.) 3201 
2346, macrocarpa (Tin.) 3199 
2347.  Martiana (Wall.),.. sas” 8202 













. a 


8 2ape. 
|} 2354. 








| 2390. 

nepalensis (Lodd.) : 
Richardiana (sphalm,) RA OMY) 
Ritchieana (Griff.) deme OL G 


Perrottetiana (Baill.) 2528 
Chasalia (Comm.)... dxiv 
curviflora (Thw.) 1575 
lurida (Miq.) im LOE 
Sangiana (Mig.) ... ee eT 
tetrandra (Miq.)... . 1575 
Chasmone argenteum (ii 
Mey.) : 697 
Chavannesia esculenta (a. 
Da Opi 1850 
Chavica Arnottiana (Miq. y 24.07 
Betle (Miq.) 2409 
chuvya (Miq.) 2406 
Guigual (Miq.) 2408 
Mullesua (Miq.) ... 2408 
Roxburghii (Migq.) 2404 
sarmentosa (Miq.) 2404 
Siriboa (Miq.) 2409 
spherostachya (Miq.) 2408 
Cheilccocca (Salisb) cexevil 

(bis.) Chenopodina indica 

(Wt.) 2381 (bis.) 
(tris.) Maritima ( (Mog. ‘i 2381 (bis.) 

(Linn.) 2381 (bis) 

(bis) prostratum (Roxb. ) 2381 
Chickrassia (Sphalm W. P.) 

Hiern in F.B.1. excell 
WNimmonii (Grah.) 481 
tabularis (Juss.)... 481 
trilocularis (Roem.) 481 
velutina (Roem.) 481 

Chilmoria dodecandra (Ham. ) 141 
Chilocalyz ellrpticus 
(Turez.) ... :=)) og 
Chilocarpus (B/.) dlxxviii 
atroviridis (Bi,) .. 1891 
Chiloschista usnéoides 
(Wight.) ae oo. 2954 
Chiococea (R. Br.)... dvi. 
Jloridane (Rafin.) 1530 
latifolia (Rafin.)... 1530 
parvifolia (Wull sch] ee 1530 
racemosa (Linn.) .. 1530 
Chionanthus courtallensis 
(Bedd.) ae ... 1784-65 
intermedia (Bedd.) 1785 
leprocarpa (Bedd.) 1784 
malabarica (Bedd.) 1781 
? smilacifolia (Wall.) 1797 
zeylanica (Linn.)... 1783 

Chionotria monogyna (Walp. ) 389 
? rigida (Jack.) ... 289 
Chirocalyz moliissimus 
( Meissn.) 3 821 
tomentosus (H ook :) 821 
Chlamydia ténacissima 
(Geert.) ... ty, -. 3116 



NO. No. 
ecliv. Chloranthus (Sw.) declxia 

2394. brachystachyus (Bl.) 2419 

2395.  ceylanicus (Miq.) 2413 

2396.  denticulatws (Cord.) 2419 

2397. monander(Br.) .. 2419 
ecly. Chlorophora (Gaud.) deeclyxi 

2398.  tinctoria (Gaud.) 272 
eclvi. Chloroxyion (D.C.)... CXCiVv 

2399. Dupada (buch)... 439 

2400. Swietenia (D.C.) 485 

2401. Chondrospermum coriacewm 

(Wall.) . 1797 

2402. amilaeifoliwm (Wall.) 1797 
eclvii. Chonemorpha (G. Don.) dev 

2403. % antidysentérica (G 

Don.) . 1833 

2404. ? cristata (a. Don. } 1859 

2405. dichotoma (G. Dou.) ... 1860 

2406. ’grandtifiora (G. Don.) ... 1858 

2407. macrophylla (G. Don.) ... 1858 

2408, mollis (Miq.) 1858 
celviii. Choripetalum (A.Dc.) dxlix 

2409. aurantiacwm (A.Dc.) 1664 

2410. viridiflorum (A.De.) 1664 

2411. Chorizandra Eiaeies 

(Wight) ... ; 71 
eclix. Chorizema (Labill. ) COCEXXY 

2412. angustifolinin (Benth) .. 922 

2413. cordifolwm (F. Muell.) .. 924 

2414, denticulatum (Turcz.) ... 922 

2415.  diversifolium(A.Des.) ... 923 

2416. rhomboidewm (Lodd.) 923 

2417. spectabsle (Lindl.) se 923 
eclx. Chrysalidocarpus ( Wend.) emlsxii 

2418. lutescens ( Wendl.) 
eclxi. Chrysanthemum (Lina.) pi 

2419. floridum (Salisb.)... 1618 

2420. frutescens (Lixn.) 1618 

2421. frutteoswm (Buch.) 1618 
eclxii. Chrysobalanus (Limn.) ecclxxiv 

2422. Icaco (Limn.) 1062 

2423.  lutens (Sabine.) 1062 

2424. orbicularis (Schum.) 1063 

2425.  pollocarpus (Meyer.) 1662 

2426. purpureus (Mill.) 1062 
celxiii. Chrysophyllum (Linn.) dliv 

2427. acwmnimatum (Roxb.) ... 1678 

2428.  Bonplandii (Klotzsch.)... 1677 

2429. cxerulewm (Jacq.) af GAs 

2430,  Cainito (Lina.) 1677 

2431. jamaicense (Jacq ) 1677 

2432. maliforme (Lian.) Pe BLOT, 

2433. monopyrewm (Spreng.)... 1677 

2434,  olsviforme (Linn.) 1677 

2485. Roxburghii (G. Don.) 1678 

2486. séricews (Salisb.) .. 1677 

2437. sumatranum (Mig.) 1678 

clxivy. Chukrassie (A. Juss.) excii 

2438,  tabularis (A. Juss.) 481 

2439, Cicea anomala (Baill.) 2570 

2440, decandra (Blanco) 2557 

2441, distieha (Linn.) ... 2569 

NO. (%cca—cont. No, 
2442. Emblica (Kurz.)... ... 2508 
2443. Leucopyrus (Kurz.) 2592 
2444, | microcarpa (Benth.) 2557 
2445.  obovata (Kurz.) 2591 
2446.  pentandra (Blanco) ice 
2447. reticulata (Kurz.) 2557 

celxv. Cicca (Roem.) ‘edxlvii 
eclxvi. Cinchona (Lnn.) edlxxxiii 
2448.  Calisaya (Wedd.) 1446 
2449, Chakagnera (Pav.) . 1444, 
2450,  carthagena (Commer.) ... 1456 
2451.  colorata (Laub.) .. 1444, 
2452. Condaminea (Hot. & Bp.) 1444 
2453. corymbosa (Laub.) i-s ADO 
2454,  cerispa (Taf.) 1444 
2455.  eacelsa (Roxb.) ... 1457 
2456 javanica (Laws.)... ... 1452 
2456 (bis.) lancifolia (Mutbis.) 1456 
2457. lanceolata (Ruiz. & Pav.) 1444 
2458. lLedgeriana (Mens.) .. 1447 
2459. micrantha (Ruiz. § Pav.) 1451 
2460. Morado (Ruiz.) 1448 
2460 (bis,) nitida (Ruiz. & Pav.) 1453 
2461. officinalis (Linn.) . 1444. 
2462.  Pahudiana ( Howard.) 1449 
2463. parvifiora (Poir.) 1451 
2463 (bis.) peruviana (Pav.) 1454 
2464. pttayersis ( Wedd.) 1444 
2465. purpurea (Ruiz. & Pay.) 1448 
2466.  Richeliana (Soward.) 1451 
2467.  Samntafe (Commer.) 1446-6 
2468  succirubra ( Pav.) 1445 
2469  thyrsiflora (Roxb.) 1457 
2470, Triang (Karst.) 1450 
2471. writusinga (Pary.) 1444 
2472. Verdi (Commer.) .1446-d 
2473. Zambamsrada (Laws.) 1446-c 
2474, Cimeraria chinensis 
(Spreag.) 1628 
2475.  repanda (Lour.) ... 1628 
eclxvii Ciunamomum (Bi.) eclxy 
2476.  aromaticwm (Grab.) 2434 
2477.  Bazania (Nees.) ... 2436 
2478. Camphcra(F. Nees.) ... 2440 
2479. gracile (Hk. f.) ... 24388 
2480. <éners (Wight) 2434, 2437 
2481. “mers (Bed.) 2436, 2437 
2482. macrocarpum (Hk. f.) 2437 
2483.  Perrottetii (Meissn.) 2439 
2484 sulphuratum (Nees.) 2435 
2485,  Wightii (Meissn.)... 2436 
2486.  zeylanicum (Breyn.) 2434 
2487. xzeylanicwn var Wightii 
(Bed.) ... ... 2436 
eclxviii. Cipadessa (Bl.) . Clxxx 
2483.  baccifera (Miq.) 455 
2489,  fruticosa (Bl.) ©... cos. | AIDES 
2490.  subscandens (Mig:} 455 
celxix.,Cirrhopetalum (Lindl.) emxxii 
2491.  acutiflorum( Hk. j.) 2928 
2492.  albidwm (Wight) 2920 
2493. aureum (Hk. f.) woe, 2925 
2474,  fimbriatum (Lind.) 2924 


no. Cirrhopetalum—cont. NO, 
2495. Gamblei (Hk. f.) 2927 
2496. — nilgherrense (Wight) 2926 
2497. Thomsoni (Hk. f.) 2927 
2498.  Wallichii (Grab.) ve 2924, 

2499. Oissampelopsis volubilis 
(Mig.)) ... 1626 
cclxx. Cissampelos (Jinn. yc, XXVii 
2500. Caapeba (Linn.) . 91 
2501.  convolvulacea (Willd. 91 
2502. ' delicatula (Miers.) 91 
2503. discolor (Buch.) 91 
2504, discolor (D.C.) 89 
2505. discolor (Wall.) 94 
2506. diversa (Miers.) ... 91 
2507.  elata (Miers.) 91 
2508. eriantha (Miers.) .. 91 
2509. glabra ‘Roxb.) 90 
2610. grallatoria (Miers.) 91 
2511. hernandifoia (Wall.) 91 
2512. hernandifolia , Willd.) 89 
2613. hexandra (Roxb.)... 89 
2514. hirsuta (Buch.) 91 
2515. — officinarwm (Pluk.) 95 
2516. oleracea (Wall.) We 
2517. orbiculata ( Buch.) 91 
2518. ovata (Poir.) 95 
9519. + Pareira (Limn.) 91 
2520.  Plukenetii (D.C.) 95 
2521. sagittata (Ham.) ... Gh 
2522. subpeltata (Thw.)... i 
2523. Wightianus (Wall.) 95 
eclxxi. Cissws (Linn.) COXxXxyi 
2524, acide (Wall.) 598 
2525.  acida (Roxb.) 599 
2526. acuminata (Thw.) 589 
2527. admata (Roxb.) 590 
2528. angulata (Lamk.) 591 
2529. aguosa(Wall.)  ... sa) Gels, 
2530. arborea (Forsk.) ... eco ALR: 
2531. - awriculata (Roxb.) : 599 
2532. auriculata (D.C.) 607 
2532.  carnosa (Roxb.) 599 
2534. cinerea (Lamk.) ... bo ee, 
2535. cordata (Roxb.) 588, 587 
2536. cordata (Wall.) 590 
2537. crenata (Wall.) 599 
2538.  cymosa (Wall.) 608 
2539. discolor (B1.) 584 
2540. edulis (Dalz.) ; 582 
2541. elongata (Roxb.) ... 606 
2542, feminea (Roxb.) ... 609 
2543. glauca (Koxb.) ... 587 
2544. heptaphylla (Retz.) 611 
2545.  himalayana (Wall.) 602 
2546. japonica (Willd.) 608 
2547.  Kleinii (Wall.) 590 
2548.  lanceolaria (D.C.) 609 
2549. latifolia({Vahl.) . 509 
2559. muricata (Dalz. & Gibs.)... 609 
2551. obtusifolia (Lamk.) 599 
2552. pedata(Lamk.) ... 611 
2553, purpurea (Roxb.) : 587 

2554. gquandrangularis (Linn.)... 



INDEX 225 
No. Ctssus—cont. NO. 
2555. ~repanda (Vahl.) ... . 589 
2556. repens (Lamk.) ... oss OOo 
2557. repens (Thw.) 089 
2358. riparia (Wall.) 589 
2559. rotundiata (Heyne) 585 
2560. —serratifolia (Rottl.) 611 
2561,  setosa (Roxb.) . 598 
2562.  tenwifolia (Heyne) 608 
2563. + trilobata (Lamk.) 597 
2564, truncata (Wall.) . 608 
2565. vitiginea (Linn.) .. 589 
2566. vitiginea (Roxb.) 593 
celxxii. Cistus (Linn.) xlix 
2567.  albidus (Linn.) 124 
2568. canescens (Sweet.) 125 
2569. _-collinus (Salisb.) ... 127 
2570, — creticws (Linn.) 125 
2571. Dunalianus (Steud.) 125 
2572. —_florentinus (Lamk.) 127 
2573. heterophyllus (Vesf.) 125 
2574.  mcanus (Linn.) 125 
2575.  iadaniferus (Linn.) 126 
2576.  ladaniferus (Stokes.) 125 
2577. ldadanosma (Hoffme.) 126 
2578. mouspeliensis (Linn.) 127 
2579. ocymoides (Lamk.) 125 
2580.  olhensis (Huet. & Han.) .. 127 
2581. polymorphus ( Willd.) 125 
2582.  porquerollensis (Hnst & 
Han.) ... 127 
2583. Pouzolzia (Delile. ) 124 
258-4. pulverulentus (Burr.) 124 
2485.  salvifolius (Pall.) 125 
' 2586. tomentosus (Lam.) 125 
2587. undulatus (Mcench.) 125 
2588. -viscosus (Stokes.).., 126 
2589.  vulgoris (Spach.)... 125 
celxxiii. Citharexylum (M7ll.) aeexxviii 
2590.  subserratum (Sw.) 2304 
eclxxiii, Citrus ki elvii 
2591. acida (Roxb.) 413 
2592.  Aurantium ( Linn.) 417 
2593.  Aurantium-Bigaradia 
(Lisel.) sd 415 
2594.  Aurantinm-bergamie 
(Zafin.) ... : -. | f416 
2595. Aurantium-aurantium 
(Linn.)... Bere 1!7/ 
2596.’ Aurantium- chry:ocarpa 
( Hassk.} . 418 
2597. Aurantium- -crenatifolia 
(Bonav.) .. 419 
2598.  buaxifolia (Poir. vi 415 
2599. decumana (Linn. i : 422 
2600. decumana-megaloxycar pa 
(Boarv.) a 422 
2601. Hystrix (D.C.) 414 
2602.  inermis (Roxb.) Bre weal 
2603. japonica (Thunb.) cern wae 
2604, latipes (Hk.1.&T.).. 414 
2605. Limetta (Kisso.) ... 412 
2606. Limonwm (Wall.),.. ». 410 



NO. NO. 
2607. Lumia ‘Risso.) 411 
2608. medica (Linn.) net AOD 
2699.  medica-medica (Linn.) ... 409 
2610.  medica-limonnm (Risso.). 410 
2611. medica-Lumia (Risso.) 411 
2612. medica-Limetta (Risso.) AY2 
2613. medica-acida (Risso.) 413 
2614. nobilis (Lour.) 420 
2615. Papeda (Miq.) 414 
2616.  trifoliata (Limn.) .. 4C8 | 
2617. vulgaris (Risso.) . 415 
2618. Cladostachys | frutescens (D. 
Don.) » Zeal | 
eelxxiy. Claoxylon (A. Juss.) decexlii | 
2618 (bis.) anomalum 
(Ak. f.) . 2661 
2619. Beddomei (Hk. ft) 2658 
2620. hirsutum (Hk. f.) 2660 
2621. indicum (Hassk.) 2657 
2622. macrophylluwm (Hassk. ae 2657 
2623. muricatwm (Wight) 2679 | 
2624. parviflorwm eee & 
Arn.) ss 2607, 
2624 (bis.) sp. (1) (Hk. f.) .. 2661 
2625. sprciflorwm (Baill.) vee ©2657 
2626.  Wightii (Hk. f.) 2658 
2627. sp. (Hk.j. § T.) -. 2659 
cclxxy. Clansena (Burm.) . cli. 
2628. heptaphylla (W. § A. we 396 
2629 ~— indica (Oliv.) 396 
2630. mnana(W.& A.) ... 3976 
2631. pubescens (W. & A.) 36-74. 
2632.  simplicifolia (Dalz.) 388 
26383. Wampi (Oliv.)  ... 395 
2634.  Willdenovii (W. & A.) 397 
2635. Clavulium pedunculosum 
(Desv.) ... 737 
ceclxxvi. Cleidion ( Bl.) . dcecli 
‘ 2636. javanicum (Bl.) .. 2688 
celxxvii. Cleiscstoma (Bl.) ... Cmxxvili 
2637. tenerum(Hk.f.) ... 2976 
celxxili. Cleistanthus (Hk. f.) »» lecexii 
2638. collinus (Benth.) ... 2550 
2639. malabaricus (Muell.) 2551 
2640. patulus (Mwell.) .. 2552 
2641. stipularis (Muell.) 2553 
celxxix. Clematis (Linn.) 
2642. cana (Wall) 4 
2643. Flammula (Linn.) if 
2644. Gouriana {Rozb.) 6 
2645. grandiflora (D.C.) 2 
2646. hedysarifolia (D.C.) 7 
2647. javana (D.C.) va 4 
2648. Mumroana (Wight) 4, 
2649. nutans (Royle.) 9 
2650.  patens (Mor. 4 Dec.) 3 
2650 (bis.) cerulea (Hort.) 3 
2651. swilacifolia ( Wall.) + 
2652. emilacina (B).) ... os 4 
2653.  triloba(Heyne.) ... sae 5 
2654.  Wightiana ( Wall.) 8 
2655. Cleome fruticosa (Linn.) 108 


No. NO 
2656. Cleophora dendriformis 
(Lodd.) 3226 
2657. lotaroides (Geertn.) 3227 . 
eclxxx, Clerodendron (Linn.) Se COKE 
2058.  Balfouri (Hort.) ... 23256 
2659. Balfowrianuo (Hort.) . 23256 
2650. calycinwm (Turcz.) .. 2326 
2661. castaneefoliwm (Klotz.) 4. 2321 
2662. cordtwm (D. Don.) 2321 
2663. coromandelianum 
(Spreng.) : 2320 © 
2664. cuneatum (Turcz. ) 2318 
2665. dentatum ( Wall.) 2319 
2666. faetidwm (Hort. Pax.) 2323 
2667. fragrans (Vent. ... 2323 
2668.  herbacewm ( Wall.) 2318 
2669. inerme (Gertn.) cone cemiey 
2670. infurtunatum (Gerin.) ... 2321 
2671. Kaempferi (Wisch.) 2319 
2672.  macrophyllum (Sims.) 2318 
2678. myricoides (R. Br.) 2326 
2674. nutans (Wali) 2317 
2675. odoratwm (Don.)... 2329 
2676.  ornatwm (Wall.) ... 2318 
2677.  ovatum (Puir.) 2320 
2678. pklomoides (Linn.) 2316 
2679. roseum (Poit.) 2324 
2680. serratum (Spreng.) 2318 
268i.  Siphonanthus (B7.) 2322 
2682,  squamatum (JWall.) 2319 
2683. — ternifoliwm (D. Don.) © 2318 
2684. Thompson (Baill.) 2325 
2685.  vertilatwm :D. Don.) 2322 
2686. viscosum (Vent.)... 2321 © 
eclxxxi. Cleyeri (D.C.) ... . Lxxiv. 
2687. grandiflora (Wali.) 1886 
2688. gymnanthrea (W. & A.) 1886 
2689. japonica (Thunb.) 188 
eclxxvii Clianthus (Bks. § Sol.)  elxxxvi 
2690. puniceus (Bks. §° Sol.) 761 
2691. Climactandra littorahs 
(Kurz.) a 1673 
2692 multifiora (Miq.) . 1673 
2693.  obovata (Miq.) 1673 
eclxxxiii. Clinogyne (Salisb.) ewlii 
2694. virgata (Benth.) .. 3025 
eclxxxiy. Olitoria (Linn.) .. ccexyv 
2695. biflora (Datlz.) 839 
2696.  calcarata (L’Herit.) 84] 
2697. jfiuminensis (Vell.) 841 
2698. pilosula (Wall.) 8384 
2699. Plumieri (Turp.) 841 
2700. Ternatea (Linzn.) - 838 
2701. Cluytia androgyna (Linn.) 2595 
2702.  collina (Roxb.) 2550 
2703. montana (Roxb.) 2647 
2704.  patula (Roxb.) 2552 
2705. retusa (Linn.) 2541 
2706. scandens (Roxb.)... .. 2548 
2707. spinosa (Willd.)... we $2546 
2708.  stipularis (Linn.) ve. 2548 


2709. Clupea Burmanni (W. & A.) 93, 

2710. hernandifolia (W. & A,). &9 
2712. Wightii (Arn ) 90 
eclxxxv. Cobea (Cav.) dexl viii 
2712. seandens (Cav.) 1967 
Celxxxvi. Coccoloba (Linn.) deelxiv 
2712. ~—cristatwm ( Koxb.) 2388 
2714. platyclada (Meissn.) 2386 
2715. ~—uvifera /! inn.) 2387 
Celxxxvii. Cocculnus (D.C.) XXXV 
2716. acuwminatus fa.8) §3 
2717. aristolochiz (D.C.) 87 
2718. Blumeanus ( Wall.) 82 
2719. Burmanni(D.C.) ... : 93 
2720. omnvolvulaceus(D.C.) .... 80 
2721.  cordifolins (D.C.) 80 
2722. cuspidatus (Wall.) fo 84 
2723. Finlaysonianus (Wall.) ... 90 
2724. glaber (W.& A.) ... 88 
2725.  hastatus(D.C.) 87 
2726. lacunosus (D.C.) 81 
2727. levis (Wall.) ss 
2728. laurifolius (D.C.) 86 
2729.  Lezba (D.C.) ‘: ie 88 
2730. macrocarpus(W.§ A)... 85 
2731. malabaricus (DC,) 79 
2732. membranaceus (Wall.) 91 
2733.  orbiculatus (D.C.) 91 
2734. palmatus (D.0.) ... 92 
2735. peltatus (D.C.) 94. 
2736. polycarpus (Wall.) 83 
2737. populifolius (D.C.) 81 
2738. radiatus (D.C.) 83 
2739. recisue(Miers.) .. 88 
2740. Rozxburghians (Wall.) 90 
2741.  suberosus (D.C.) ... . 81 
2442.  tomentosus (Colebr.} 78 
2743. verrucosus (Wall.) aes 80 
2744. —-villosus (D.C.) 87 
2745. —villosws (Wall.) 91 
eclxxxviil. Cochlospermam (Kunth. ) li 
2746. Gossypium (D.C.) 129 
celxxxix. Cocos (Linn.) mx1i 
2747. australis (Mart.) 3232 
2748. chilensis (Molina.) 2038 
2749. — elegantissima (Tort. : 
Wendi.) : we 3201 
2750. = flexuosa (Mart.) .. 322 
2751. Glaziova (Hort. Wendl. ve 3231 
2752. maldivica (Mart .) .- 8239 
2753.  Martiana (Glazeb.) 3231 
2754. nana (Griff.) 3228 
2755. . nucifera (Linn.) ... 3228 
2756. plumosa(Hr.) ... . 3230 
2757. Weddelliana (Hort. Wend! ¥: 3231 
2758. Codariocalyx gyrans 
(Hassk.) 809 
eexc. Codizum (Juss.) decexxxvii | 
2759. ~— pictwm (Hook.,) ... 2646 
2760. wmbellatwm (Muell.) 2648 
2761. variegatum (BI.)... 2646 



No. NO. 
cexci. Ccelodepas (i/assk.) decexlyi 
2762. calycinnm (Bedd.) 2672 
eexcii. Coelodiscus (Baill.) deeexlix 
2763. speciosus (Muell.) 2697 
cexclii. Coelogyne (iimdl.) +. CIUKXV 
2764. angustifolia (A. Rich.)... 2941 
2765 angustifolia (Wight) ... 2940 

276.  breviscapa ( Lindl.) --. 2940 

2767.  corrugata (Wight) 2942 
2768. glandulosa (/ idl.) 2943 
2769 imbricata (Rehb. f.) 2942 
2770. mervosa (A. Rich. 2942 
2771. nervosa (Wight) ... 2948 
2772.  odoratissima ( Lindl.) 2941 
2773. pallida (Rchb. f.)... 2944. 
2774.  trifida (Rchb. f.)... 2941 
ceexciv. Coffea (Linn.) § sae dix 
2775.  alpestris (Wight) ... 1493-b 
2776 arabica (Linn ) 1548 
2777. benghalensis (Bed.) o» 1552 
: 1553 
2778.  grumelioides (Wight) ... 1493-c 
2779 laurifolia (Salisb.) 1548 
2780. liberica (Hiern.) ... 1549 
2781. m~rogogipe (—) ... 1548-6 
2782. Moka (Hort. Heyne.) 1549 
2783.  stenophylla (G.Don.) ... 1550 
784. travancorensis (W. § A.) | 1383 
2785. _ triflora { Moon.) ... 1558 
2786. Wightiana (W. J A.) 1552 
2787 vulgaris (Moench.) 1548 
2788. Coiladena hyemalis (Rafin). 2021 
excv. Cola (Schott and Endl.) ... cili 
2789. acuminata eae S 
Endl.) ... rf sce eNO 
cexevi. Coitentan (Salisb.) . “oe v 
2790. augusta (Salsb ' 4 15 
2791. coromandeliana (D.C.) ar 15 
cexeyii. Colebrookea (Sm.) deexliv 
2792.  oppositifolia « Sm.) 2348 
2793.  ternifolia (Roxb.) 2347 
°2794, Coleus. fruticosus (Benth.) 2337 
2795. Collewa cinerascens (Grah.) 849 
2796,  gibba (Grah.) 855, 856 
2797. mollis (Grah.) 849 
2798.  trinervia (D.C.) ... 845 
2799.  venosa (Grah.) 855 
ecxeviii. Collettia (Comm.) .. COXXV 
2800.  ferox (Gill ¢ Hk.) 57 
2801. horrida (Brongn.) s0ai |, GOED 
eexcix. Colubrina (Rich.) Cexxxiii 
2802.. asiatica (Brongn.) 57d 
2803. javanica (Miq.) 575 
2804. travancorica (Bedd.) 576 
2805. Coluwmbea angustifolia 
(Rertol.) 2837 
2806. Bidwl: (Carr.) 2834 
2807. excel (Spreng.) ... .. 2873 
2808. imbricata (Carr.) ... 28388 
2209.  quadri‘aria(Salisb.) ... 2°38 
ecc. Colvillea(Boj.) | ... we. CCOXIV 
2810. racemosa (Boj.) 944 XC 




occi. Combretum (Linn.)... edvi 
2811. acuminatum (Rozb.) 1161 
2812. albidwm(G. Don.) 1162 
2812. coccineum (Lam. 1158 
2814. comosum (G. Don.) 1160 
2815. costatwm (Roxb.) 1161 
2816. decandrum (Rozb.) 1157 
2817. densiflorum (&. Von.) 1159 
2818.  extensum (Rozb.) 1163 
2819.  formosum (Griff.) fe | UNG 
2820. grandiflorum(G. Don.)... 1159 
2821. Heyneanwm (Wall.) 1162 
9822.  Horsfieldii (Mia.) . 1163 
2823. leucanthwm (Heurck. & 
Muell.) 1163 
2824, macrostachywm (Ww all. see 1163 
2825.  neurophyllwm? (Miq.) ... 1161 
2826.  ovalifolinm (Rozb.) 1162 
2827. platyphyllwm (Heurck. & 
Muell.) ... 1163 
2828. purpurewm (Vahl. ) 1158 
2829.  rotundifoliwm (Roxb.) 1163 
2830.  Rowburghii (G. Don.) 1162 
2831. Roxburghit (Spreng.) 1157 
2832.  sarcopterwm (Thw.) 1161 
2833.  sericewm (Wall,) ... -1153- a 
2834. stenopetalwm (Heur ae 
& Muell.) . 1161 
2835. Thwaitesianum (Heurck. 
& Muell.) a 1162 | 
2836, Waghtianwm (Thw. ) 1162 
2837.  Waightianwm (Wall.) Fe LGs 
2838. Conchium aciculare (Sm). 2485 
2839.  compressum (Sm.) 2485 
2840. salicifoliwm (Geert.) 2484 
2841. salignwm ‘Don.) . 2484 | 
2842. Condylocarpus semper DvUrens 
(Salisb.) .. 2827 
cccii. Congea (Rozb.) decxxxvii 
2843.  azurea(Wall.) ... 333b 
2844. paniculata (Wall.) eo 
2845. tomentosa (Rozb.) 2333 
2846 Conghas zeylonensis (Hb. 
Madr.) ROSe 
ecciii. Connarus (Linn.) celxxili 
2847.  asiaticus (Willd.) 692 
2848.  ferrugineus (Jack.) 695 
2849. monocarpus (Linn.) 692 
2850.  monocarpus (W. & A.) 691 
2851. pinnatus (Lamk.) 692 
2852, Ritchiei (Hk.f.) 694. 
2853.  santaloides (Vahl.) 691 
2854. unifoliatus (Thw.) 7096 
2855. Wightii (7k. f.) or) 08} 
2856. Conocarpus acuminata 
(Roxb.) ... 1165 
2857. latifolia (Dc.) 1154 
2858. Conocephalus niveus 
(Wight) Pe see) Sedo 



XXXII. ConvoLvULachaE.. 
2859. Convolvuloides palm 
triloba (Moench. ) 
Convovulus anceps 



2862. angularis (Linn.) 
2868.  barlerioides (Wall.) 
2864. bellus (Spreng). 

2865. bicolor (Vahl.)  . 
2865. bilobatus toe 
2867.  blandus (Roxb.) . 

2868.  bracteatus (Vahl . 
2869.  bryoniefolius (Salisb.) . 
2870.  cairicus (Linn.) 

2871.  calycinus (Roxb.) 
2872.  campanulatus (Spreng.). 
28738.  candicans (Rottl.) 
2874.  candicans ( Wall.) 
2875.  capitellatus (Wall.) 

Choisyanus ( Wall.) 
2877. chryseides (Spreng.) 

2878. coccineus (Spreng.) 
2879. coeruleus (Spreng.) 
2880. crispatulus ( Wall.) 
2881. cuneatus (Willd.) 
2882. cymosus (Lamk.) : 
2883. dasyspermus (Spreng.) . 
2884,  dentatus (Vahl.) ... 
2885.  digitatus (Roxb.) 
2886.  digatatus (Spreng.) 
2887. Dilleni (Lamk.) ... 
2888.  dissectws (Linn.) . 
2889.  cllipticus (Spreng ) 
2890. ertocarpus (Spreng.) 
2891. festivus (Wall.) 
2892. formosws (Roxb.) 
2893. fulgens (Wall.) 
2894.  gangeticus (Roxb.) 
2895.  gangeticws (Wall,) 
2896.  gemellus (Wall.) ... 
2897.  glomeratus (Wall.) 
2898. gossypinus ( Wall.) 
2899.  grandiflorus (Jinn. £.) 
2906.  grandijlorus (Wall.) 
2901. Hardwickii (Spreng.) 
2902.  hederaceus (Linn.) 
3908.  hepaticifolius (Spreng.).. 
2304. heptaphyllus (Rottl.) 
2905, hispidus (Vahl.) 
2906. hypocrateriformis 
(uamik) pean nee 
2907. | wmbricatus (Spreng.) 
2908.  inerassatus ( Wall.) 
2909. “imsiynis (Spreng.) 
2910. <involucratus (Ker.) 
2911. kentrocaulos (Stend.) 
2912. kleinii (Spreng.) 
2913. Kleinii (Wall.) 
2914. laurifolius (Roxb.) 
2915. lupulrfolius (Griff.> 
2916.  luteolus (Spreng.) 
2917. major (Hort.) 




.. 2036-e 




.. 2039-b 


. 2015-6 

2081 | 

. 2036-6 




No. Oonvovulus—cont. 

’ -eciy. Copernicia (Mart.)  .. emxvcii 

2918. malabaricus (Linn. ) 2002 
2919. malabaricus (Roxb.) 2042 
2920. marginatus (Lamk.) 2091 
2921. maritimus (Lamk. | 2041 
2922. maaimnus(Vahl.) 204.1 
2923. melunostictws (Schldl.) 1992 
2924. muwricatus (Linn.) 2016 | 
2925. mnervosus (Kurm.) 1993 
2926. Nil (Linn.) 2020 
2927.  obovatus (Wall. 1. . 2014-¢ 
2928.  obscwrus (Linn.) . 2039 
2929. orixensis GRottl.) 2016 
2230. ornatus (Wall.) ... 1990 | 
2931. paniculatus (Linn.) 2083 
2932. paniculatus ( Wall.) 2049 
2933.  pedatus (Koxb.) 2053 
2934. pennatus (Lamk.) 2019 
9935.  pentagonus (Roxb.) 2044 
2936. Pes-Caprx (Linn.) 204.7 
2937. Pes-tigridis (Spreng.) 2036 
2938. pheniceus (Spreny.) 2018 
2939,  platensis (Spreng.) 2033 
2940. platypeltis (Spreng.) 2043 
2941.  polyanthus (Wall.) 2042 
2942. pomaceus (Wall.) 1997, 1598 
and 2001 
2948. purpwreus (Linn. ) 2029 
2944. Quamoclit (Spreng.) 2019 
2945, racemosus (Rh. & S ) 2042 
2946. Rampania (Wall.) 2037 
2947. roseus (Kunth.) 2033 
2948. Rothii (Sprerg.) ... 2044. 
2949. Kottleri (Spreng.) 2002 
2950. semidigynus (Roxb.) 2067 
2951. sepiarius (\Vall.) 2041 
2952. —sessiliflorus (Spreng. } 2031 
2958. — setosws (Wall.) 2014: 
2954. speciosus (Linn. f.) 1993 | 
2955. apherocephalus(Koxb.) ... 2037 | 
2956.  stipulaceus | Roxb.) .. 2041 -a 
2957. striatus (Vahl.) ... 2041 
2958. strigosus Spreng.) 2014. 
2959. Tarita (Ham.) ; 1990 | 
2960.  tiliwfolius (Lamk.) 1992 | 
2961. triqueter (Vahl.) . 2046 | 
2962. Tuba (Schlecht.) ... 2017 
2963. twherculatus (Lamk.) 2062 
2964.  Turpethwm (Linn. ) 2046 | 
2965. wmbellatus (Wall.) 2044 
2966. vitifolius(Linn.) . 2048 | 
2967. Wightii (Wall.) 2034. 
2968. Conyza acuminata (Wall.) 1604. 
2969. anthelmitica (Linn.) 1599 
2970. arborea (Wall.) 16004. 
2971. divergens (Wall)... 1596 
2972. lanceolata (Wall.) 1596 | 
2973. multiflora (Wall.) 1596 
2974.  saligna (Wall.) 1597 
2975. tomentosa (Wall.) 1607 
2976.  Wightiana (Wall.) . T604- b 
_ 2977. ookia dulcis (Bedd.) .. 397-c 
2978. Cpunetata (Sonn.) ... ee Ce py 


No. Copernicia—cont, NO. 
2979. cerifera (Mart.) +. 3176 
ecev. Coprosma (Forst.) ... ws Axil 
2980. lucida (Forst.) tre BYE: 
ecevi, Corchorus (Linn.) . CXxil 
2981. Antichorus (Rewsch.) 334 
2982. humilis (Munro.) 334 
ecevil. Cordia (Ltnn.) * ve ACXlix 
2983. africana (Lark.) 1968 
2984. angustifolia (Roxb.) ay ale: 
2985.  campanulata (Roxb.) .,. 1978 
2986, Clarke (Brand.) pr el Cur 
2987. cordifolia (Wall.) soa saw 
2988. coromandeliana at 
& Retz.) te . 198s 
2989. . diversa (‘l'hw.) 1970 
2990. domestica (Roth.) , 1968- b 
2991. fulvosa(Waght.) ... »» L976 
2992. grandis (Rozb.) ... 1971 
2993.  hexzandra (RK. & §.) 1978 
2994, indica (Lamk.) 1968 
2995. latifolia (Roxb.) 1696 
2996.  Maclceodii es and m.) 1975 
2997. monoica (Rozb.) . 1970 
2998.  Myxa (Limn.) Pe eLoGs 
2999. Iya«a (Thw.) mp lela, 
3000, obliqua (Willd.) . 1969 
3001. obviqua (Wight) ... "1969-6 
30U2. octandra (A.D.c.) Ae a he/4i 
3003. officinalis (Lamk.) = LOGS 
8004, panrculata (Roth.) ee llslats: 
3005.  Perrottettii { Wight) .. 1974 
2006. polygama (Roxb. ) .. 1970 
3U07.  polygama (Wall) oe a 
3008. reticulata (Rottl.) oon RS 
3009. retusa (Vahl.) ... .. 1983 
3010. Rothii (R. & 8S.) 1977 
3011. Rumphii (B1.) 1978 
3012. Sebestena (Linn.) 1979 
3013. serrata (ioxb.) 1977 
3014.  subcordata (Lamk,) 1978 
3015.  subopposita (D.C.) 1973 
3016. tomentosa ( Wall.) *, 1969- b 
3017. Wallichti (G. Don.) .. 1968-6 
83018. Cordiochleno alata 
(Fee.) 3 ... 38850 
ecevui. Cordyline (Commers.) . emlxv 
3019. alba (Hort.) ... 3107-4 
3020. albicans (Hort.) .. 3107-65 
3021. amabilis (Cogn, & 
WOE) cee axe LOS 
3022. australis (Hk. f. Ke «- oLO9 
3023.  Baptistii (Cogn. 
Mar.). aa .- 93110 
3024, Bauser\Hort.) ... .-. 3LO7*b 
3025,  congesta Endl.) ... vv. S111-d 
3026.  Eckhalltei (Hort.) .-. 8107.8 
3027. ensifolia (Wall.) ... «. 3098 
3028.  ensiformis (R, Br.) wes 309-9 
3029. Gayti (Hort.) ve ve. SLOT-F 
3030. Gloriosa (Linden.) .». 3107-€ 
3031. Hendersoni { (Cop gs 
Mary 22, moe eke 
3032,  Hoskinsz (Hort.). ae ...BLO7=0 


no. Cordyline—cont. NO. No, Coscinium—cont, No. 
3033.  imperialis (Hort.) 107-j 3085. Wightianuwm (Miers.)  ... 82 
334.  Tmperator (Hort.) ».. 2107-. | cecxv. Cosmostigma(Br.)  ... dexxxiv 
3035. Jacquininii (Kunth.)  ... 3107-e 3086. acuminatum (Wight) 1917 
3036. Jemesii (Hort. Gaudich ) 3107-k | 3087. racemosum (Wght) 1917 
3037. metallica (Hort. Dall.) ...8107-b | ccexvi. Costus (linn ) emxlvii 
3038. nigricans (Hort.)... ...B107-m | 3088.  arabicws (Jacq.) 3000 
3039. Regine ( Veitch.) .. 8107-n | 3089. arabicus (Linn.) ... 3005 
3040. Robinsoniana (Hort.) . 3107-0 | 3090. discolor (Rose.) ... ... 8001 
3041. stricta (Endl.) 3111 3091, Malortieanus(H. Wendl.) 3002 
3042, terminalis (Kunth.) 3107 3092. mosaicus (Bull) ... 3003 
3048. Turnere (i: rt.) ... ... 3107-p 3093. speciosus (Sm.) st 

XXXITi. Cornacer ... LXTX. | cceexvii. Cotoneaster (Linn.) ... ceclxxxviii 
eccix, Cornus (Linn.) .. colxxi | 3094. — affinis (D.C.) am i21 
3044. ecapitata ( Wull. ol ... 1421 | 3095.  ? affmis (Hohen.)... 1120 
3045, Cornutia corymbosa (Burm. }, 2294 3096. buxifolia (Wall.) ... 1121 
3046. corymbosa (Lamk.) .. 2288 | 3097. frigida ( Wall.) 1120 
2296 3098.  lanata ( Hort.) : 1721 
3047. Coronilla aculeata (Willd). 780 3099. mnepalensis (Hort.) 1120 
3048.  cannahina ( Willd.) 780 | ccexviii. Cottonia (Wight) ... cmxXx 
3049. grandifiora (Willd.) 751 3100. macrostachva (Wight) ... 2951 
3050. Sesan (Willd.) 779 3101.  Coulteria chilensis (De.) 935 
cecx. Correa (Ander.) exli 3102. tinctoria (Eb. & K.) 935 
3051. alba (Ander.) ... 375. | ccexix. Couroupita (Audl.) ... Cdxxiv 
3052. Backhousiana (Hk.) 376 | 3108. guianensis (4ubl.) 1267 
3053. bicolor (Paxt.) ... 376 | 3104. Covelliaassamica (Miq.) ... 2750 
3054.  cardinalis (F. Muell.) 3/6 | 3105.  conglomerata (Miq.) 2751 
3085. cordifolia (Salish ) 376 3106.  cowrtallensis (Miq.) 2750 
3056. glabra (Lind].) 376 | 3107. Cumia (Mig.) 2751. 
3057.  leuroclada (Lind. 376 3108. daemonum (Miq.) .. 2750 
3058.  pulchella (Mackey.) 376 | 3109. dasucarpa (Migq.) ... 2750 
3059.  reflexa ( Vent.) 3876 | 31lu. glomerata (Miq.) ... 2757 
3060.  revoluta ( Vent.) 376 3111. Griffithai (Miq.) .. 2747 
3061. rotundifolia lanai) 375 | 8112. ineguiloba (Mig.)... 2751 
3062 rubra (Sm.) “4 376 | 3118. macrophylla (Mig. ) 2756 
3063. rufa (Vent.) 376 3114. mollis (Migq.) = 2757 
3064. — speciosa (Art.) 376 3115.  oppositifolia (Gasp.) 2750 
3065. —_virens (Sm.) ‘ 376 3116. — setulosa (Miq.) f Be zie 
3066. — viridifiora (Andr.) 376 3117. Wightiana (Migq.)... ~ 2750 
3066 (bis.)  Cortaderia  argentea ecexx. Crateegus (Jinn.) ... coclxxxvii 
(Sand.), 3290 3118. crenulata (Roxb.) 1119 

3066 (tris.) conspiewa ‘Sand.) 3288 3119. Puracantha (Brand.) They 
ecexi. Corylus (Limn.) decclxxxix | eccxxi. Crateeva (Linn.) xlv 
3067.  avellana (Linn.) ... 2786 3120. apetala (Spreng.) $e 
ccexii, Corynocarpus ‘Fors!.} eclvil 3121... Marmelos (Linn.) 425 
3U68. levigata(Forst) .. 657 3122.  Nurvala (Ham.) ... 101-a 
ecexili. Corypha (Linn.) cMxCvi 3123. odora (Ham.) 101-6 
3069. alata (sphalm ) 3178 3124.  religiusa (Forst.) ; 101 
3070. australis (l.B.) 3197 3125. —_religiosa ( Ainslie.) ee 425 
3071.  cerifera (Arr.) 3176 3126. religiosa (Ham.) 101-b 
3072.  elata (Rozb.) 3173 5127.  Roxburghia (Br.) 101-b 
3073.  Gevangu (Kurz.) .. 3173 3128.  wunilocularis (Ham.) 101-6 
3074.  glaucescens (Lodd. ) 3185 3129. Vallanga (Koen.) 424 
3075. minor (Jacq.) 3182 | ccexxii. Crescentia (Linn,) . dexev 
3076.  palmacea (Steud e 3187 3130, acuminata (Hb. & K.) 2155 
3077.  Palmettc (Wall.) ... 5184 3131, ‘alata (Hb. & Ko) «» 2156 
3078. pumila (Walt.) ... 3182 $182, angustifolium (Willd.) ... 2155 
3079. rotundifolia (Lamk.) 3191 3133. arborea (Rafin.) we 2155 
3080.  Taliera (Rozb.) 3175 3134. Cujete (Lim) .. 2135 
3081. wumbraculifera (Jaceq.) 3183 3135. _trifolia (Blanco.) ... 2156 
3082.  umbraculifera (Linn.) 3174 ceexxiii. Cressa (Linn.) vee ACLXIV 
eecxiy. Coscinium (Colebr.) xxxii 3136. australis (Br.) vee «206% 
3083,  fenestratum (Colebr.) 82 3127. cretica (Limn.) ... w. 2064 
8084,  Wallichianwm (Miers.) 82 3188. indica (Retz.)  ... «. 2064 




Cristaria coccinea 

cecxxiy. Crossandra (Salisb.) 


avillaris (Nees.) .. 

coccinea (Dalz. & Gibs. yi 
infundibuliformis (Nees.) 2244 

oppositifolia (Nees.) 
undulefolia (Salisd.) 

ccexxy. Crossostephium (Less. ) 










artemisioides (Less.) 
Crotalaria (Linn.) 
afinis (D.S.) 

alata (Ham.) 

albida (Heyne.) 
dlrnottiana (Benth.) 
barbata (Grah.) 
benyalensis (Lamb.) 
bialata (Roxb.) ... 
Brownei (Rehb.) ... 
Campbellii (Arun.) 
candicans (W. & A.) 

Cephalotes (Herb. Madr.). 

chinensis (Lamk.) 
clavata (W. § A.) 
cuneifolia (Schrank.) 
eytisoules (Roxb.) 
digitata (Hook.) .. 
digitata (Wight) 
elegans (Bedd.) 
epunctata (Dalz.) 
fenestrata (Sims.) 
formosa ((rah.) 
fulva (Rozb.) a 
Grahamiana (W. & A.) 
grandifiora (Zoll.) 
grandis (tHort.) 
herbacea (Schweig-) 
Heyneana (Grah.) 
Hookeri (Arn.) 
incana (Linn.) 
juncea (Linn.) ; 
Jabuirifolia (Linn.) 
laburnoides ( Klotz.) 
levigata (Lamk.) 
lanata (Beid.) ... 
latifolia (Hort. Calc.) 
leptostachya (Henth.) 
Leschenaultti (De.) 
longipes (W. & A.) 
lunulata (Heyne.) 
lupinifiora (Grah. ) 
macrophylla (Weinm.) . 
macrophylla (Wiild.) 
madurensis ( Wight) 
montana (Roxb.) 

? nervosa (Grah.) 
Notonii (W. ¢ oe 
cbtecta (Grah.) . 
ovalifolia (Wall.) .. =e 
pallida (Klotz,) ... 
paniculata ( Willd.) 
parva (Grah.) ... 
peduncularis (Grah.) 




.. decviii 



2 OEE 




704 | 




peduneulosa (Desv.) 
pellita (Bert.) 
pendula (Bert.) . 

pisiformis (Guill. ‘& Perr). 

porrecta ( Wall.) 
priestleyoides (Benth.) 
pulcherrima (Rozb ) 
pulchra at H 
pulchra (D.C. a 
punctata (Grab. ) ek 
ramosissima (Rozb.) 
retusa (Linn.) 

rigida (Heyne.) ... 
rostrata (W. & A.) 
rubiginosa ( Willd.) 
sagitticaulis (Wall.) 
Saltiana (Andr.) 
Schimperi (4. Rich.) 
scoparia (Wall.) ... 
semperflorens (Vent.) 
sericea (Retz.) 
sericea (Willd.) 
speciosa {Heyne) 
spectabilis (Roth.) 
stipitata (Grah.) ... 
striata (D.C.) 
subperfoliata (Wight). 
tecta (Roth.) 
tenuifolia ( Roxb.) 
tenuis (Wall.) 
tetragona (Rozb.) 
tetrgona (Wall.) 
tomentosa (Rottl.) 
trifoliastrum (Wall.) 
viminea ( Wall.) 
Wightiana (Wall.) 

ccexxvii. Croton (Linn.) 


argutus (Heyne) 
aromaticus (Lin.) 

atrovirens (Hb. Madr.) ... 

beciferus (Wall.) 
Boragateh (Roxb.) 
bractiferus (Roxb.) 

cascarilloides (Rausch). 

caudatus (Geisel.) 
caudatus (Mnuell,) 
coccineus (Vahl.) 
coccineus (Waill.) 
denticulatus (B1.) 
distans (Wall.) 
drupaceus (Roxb.) 
Dudia \Ham.)... 
eleocarpifolius (Wall.) 
Gibsonianus (Nimmo.) 
glabellus (Heyne) 
hastatus (Linn.) 
hypoleucus (Dalr.) 
Jamalgota (Ham.) 
Jouffra (Miq.) 

Klotzschianos (Wight) a 

lacciferus (Muell.) 
lacciferus (Linn.) 
lacciferus (Wall.)... 



107, 722 

decexx xiv 



No. Croton—cont. No. 
3260. levigatus (Wall ) 2554-2637 
3261. Lawianus (Nimmo.) 2643 
3262. malabaricus (Bedd.) 2635 
3263.  montanus (Willd.) 2687 
3264.  muricatus (Heyne) E2679 
3265. mnervosus (Rottl. & Willd, 

lapsu, A.) 2683 | 
3266.  oblongifolius (Rozb.) 2637 
3267. Parana (Ham.) ... 2642 
3268. pedunculatus (Wall.) 2585 
3269. philippensis (Lamk. ) 2687 
3270. pictus (Wall.) 2646 
3271. polyandrus (Roxb.) 2696 
3272. punctatus (Retz.) ... 2687 
38273. vepandus (Willd.) .. 2686 
3274. —reticulatius (Heyne) 2634 
3275. reticulatus ( Willd.) 2683 
3276.  rhammnifolius (Willd.) 2688 
3277.  rhombifoliws ( Willd.) 2686 
3278, scabiosus (Bedd.) 2636 
3279.  sebiferws (Linn.) ... 2702 
3280.  solanifoliws (Geisel.) 2696 
3281.  spinosus (Linn.) ... ... 2693 
3282. Thwarttesianws (Muell.) 2641 
3283. Tiglium (/inn.) 2642 
3284. tiliefolius (Lam.)... ...__ 2638 
3285.  wmbellatus (Dalz. & Gibs.) 2651 
3286,  wmbellatus (Heyne.) 2641 
3287.  wmbellatus ( Willd.) 2648 
3288.  wmbellatus (Wight) 2650 
3259. wrens (Linn.) ...2697-d 
3290° variegatus (Linn.) 2646 
3291. zeylanicws (Muell.) 2634 
3292,  Cruminium giganteum 
(Desv.) ; soo) teeslll 
ceexXvill. Cryptocarya (Br.) decelxxi 
3293. capensis (P not in Ind. 
iKie10»)) 24.28 
3294, floribunda (Miq. ye 2444, 
3299. floribunda (Wight) 24:26 
3296.  nerlgherriensis (Meissn.) 2427 
3297,  Stocksii (Meissn.) 2427 
3298. Wightiana (Thu.) 2426 
3299. Cryptochilus reticulata 
(Rehb, f.) 2931 
eccxxix, Oryptolepis (Br.) ... dexii 
3300. Buchanani (R. § 8.) 1867 
3301. elegans ( Wall.) 1869 
3302. grandiflora (Wight) 1868 
3303. laxiflora (Bl.) Boy 1869 
3304, pauciflora (Wight) 13864 
3305. reticulata (Wall.)... 1867 
3306.  Wightiana ( Wall.) wee L868 
ccexxx, Cryptomeria (D. Don.) emii 
3307. Fortunei (Ot. & Deit.) 2825 
3308, japonica (D. Don.) 2825 
3309. Lobb (Billain.) 2825 
3310. nigricans (Carr.) .. vo ~=6©2885 

ceexxxi, Cryptostegia (Br.) 


. dexili 

8311. grandiflora (Br.) .. 1870 
ecexxxul, Cudrania (Trecul. yi decelxxvi 
3312.  amboinensis (Kurz.) Be moll 











javanensis (Treeul.) 2761 
Cudranus ambowmensis 
(Mig.) 2761 
Rumphit (1 hw. ) 2761 
Cullenia (Wight) Ao Cc. 
excelsa (Wight) 262 
Cupania canescens (Pers.) 526 
Cuphea (P. Br.) ... CaAxXxxvi 
barligera (Hk. & Arn.) 1313 
floribunda (Hk. & Arn.) ‘1811 
fulgens (Fenzl.) : 1311 
fulgida (Fenzl.) ... 1311 
Hookeriana ( Walp.) 1311 
ignea (A. De.) 1312 
Llavea (Sez.) : 1313 
Llaveana (Hemsley.) 1318 
micropetala (Baill.) 1313 
miniata (Brongn.) Ree, LBS? 
Neuberti (Hort. Koch.) ... 1318 
platycentra (Lem.) 1312 
Roezlia (Carr.) : paces Ueitls’ 
speciosa (Hort, Koch.) ... 18138 
tubiflora (Hort. Lim.) . Seas 
Cupideria myrtifolia (Haw. Ze 
Cupressus (12nn.) decexeyi! 
attenuata (Gord.) .. 2812 
australis (Pers.) ... .. 2815-¢ 
australis (Low.) . 2809 
cashmeriana (Bed.) 2810 
columnaris (Korst.) .. 2837 
conoidea (Spad.) ... ... 2809 
Doniana ( Hort.) ... 2809 
elongata (Salisb.) 2809 
expansa (‘Targ.) 2809 
fastigiata (De.) 2809 
fragrans (Kell)... 2812 
funebris (Hndl.) ... 2806 
globulifera (Port.) 2809 
glauca (Lamb.) 2807 
Hartwegit (Carr.) 2808 
horizontalis ( Mill.) 2809 
japonica (Linn.) . 2825 
Karwinskiana (Regel. pitt 23811 
Knightiana (Perry.) 2811 
Lawsoniana (Andr.) 2812 
Lindleyi (Klotzsch.) 2811 
lugubris (Salisb.)... 2809 
lusitanica (Lindl.) 2811 
lusitanica ( Mill.) .. 2807 
macrocarpa (Hartw.) 2808 
majestica (Knight.) 2810 
nepaulensis (Loud.) .. 2810 
nutkana (Torr.) oo BSS 
obtusa (C. Koch.).. 2818 
pendens (EF. Muell.) 28138 
pendula (Staunton.) 2806 
pendula (L’ Herit.) 2807 
pendula (Grif,) i. 12810 
pendula (Thunb.) coy 
pyramidalis (Targ.) .. 2809 
Roylet (Carr.) ... 2809 
meepervirens (Linn,) 2809 


No, Cupressus— cont. NO. No. Cycas—cont. NO. 
3371. sinensis (Lea.) 2807 3425. uniulata (Desf.) ... 2876 
3372. stricta (Mill. 2809 3426.  Wallichts (Miq.) . 2874: 
3378. Thuia (Jarg.) ~e 2817 XXXV.C YCLANTHACE CXXII 
3374. thujefolia (Knight. ) 2809 ecbxlii Cyclea (Arn.) - Xxxix 
3375.  thwxformis ( Parkin.) 2809 3427 Arnottii (Miers.) ... 94 
3876. thuwjxoides (Lodd.) 2809 3428. barbata (Miers.) 94 
3377. thurifera (Lindl.).. 2811 3429. Burmanni (Miers.) 93 
3378.  torulosa (D. Don.) 2810 3430. debilifiora (Miers.) 94 
3379. Whitleyana (Carr.) ..». 2809 3431. laxiflora (Miers.) ... 94 
3380. Curcuma longifolia (Wall.) 2996 3432.  peltata (Hk. f. § T.) 94 
ccexxxvi. Curtisia (Ait.) ccx $433. versicolor (Miers.) 95 
$381.  faginea (Ait.) 505 ecexliii. Cyclopia (Vent.) CCOxxxiV 
ecexxxvii. Cuscuta (/.inn.) . delxv 3434.  genistoides (Sieber.) 921 
3382. arabica (Wight) ... ««. 2066 cecxliv. Cyclostemon (Bl.)... acccxxi 
3383. Boissreri (Stocks.) oo. 2066 3435.  cuspidatus(Bl.) . 2714 
3384.  capillaris (Wall.) ... 2067 3436, macrophyllus (Bl. ) .. 2634 
3385.  carinata (Br.) wt OOF 3437. | macrophyllus (Bedd.). 2604-0 
3386. chinensis (/ amk.) 2 2067 3488. malabaricus (Bedd.) 2605 
3387. ciliaris (Hohen.) ... 2067 ecexly. Cydonia (Tourn.) .. ecelxvxi'l 
3388.  elaticr (Chois.) 2065 3439. Sumboshia (Ham.) 1111 
3389, grandiflora { Wall.) 2065 3440. vulgaris (Fers.) ... ioc) EERE 
3390. Hookeri (Sweet.) ... 2065 ecexlvi. Cylicodaphne (Nees.) dcclxxxili 
3391. hyalina (Roth.) 2066 | 3441. floribunda (BI.) . 2468 
3392. hyalina (Wight.) . 2067 3442. n.yristicefoia (Meisen.) .. 2467 
3393. macrantha (G. Don.) 2056 3443 Wightiana (Nees.) 2469 
3394. o«ypetala ( Boiss.) ... 2066 ccexlvii. Cylista (Ait.) ... -- CCCXX1 
3395 refiexa (Rozb.) vore20G5 3444. albiflora (Sims.) ... 864 
3396 — sulcata (Roxb.) 2067 3445. reticulata (Heyne) 852 
3397 — sulcata (Wall.) 2066 3446.  scariosa (Ait.) >» VRE 
3398. verrucosa (Sweet.) ... 2064 3447. swaveolens (Grah.) se. | 00G 
3399. Cussambiwm glabrum 3448. tomentosa (Roxb.) 864 

(tHam.) 632 ceexlviii. Cymbidium (Swartz.) cmxxvil 
3400. pubescens (Ham. an 632 3449. Alagnata (Ham.) 2963 
3401, sprmnoswm (Ham.)... 632 3450. aloifolinm (W.) ... 2945 
3402. Guanaaper mum javanicum 3451.  aloifoliwm (Heyne) 2978 
‘Miy 858 3452. aphyllum (Sw.) 2916 
3403. ae (W. & A By 864 3453 bicolor (Zinol.) ... 2946 
ceexxxvilil. Cyanothamnus (Lindl. a CXXXi1x 2454. erassifoliwm (Wall.) 2946 
ecexxbix. Cyathea (Smith.) miii 3455.  ? erectuwm (Wight) 2946 
3404. spinulosa (Wall.) ... 3230 3456. wmbricatum (Roxb.) 2944 
eeexl. Cyathocalyx (Champ.) xiii 3457. lineare (Heyne.) «. 2959 
3465.  zeylanicus (Champ.) 32 3458. Manni (Rchb.) ... 2045 
XXXIV. CYCADACEA . CXITII 3459.  ovatwm (Willd.) »..- 2909 
eceli. Cyeas (Linn.) i cmxiv 3460. pendulum (Sw.) .. «©2945 
3406. Bedoomei (Dyer. i Sa 2800 3461. premorsum (Sw.) -«. 2070 
3407. Boddami (Aort.) .. .. 2873-b 3462. tenuwifoliwm (Linal.) 2950 
3408.  circinalis( Limn.) ... va 2978 34€3. _ tessellatwm (Wight) ve =-2949 
8409.  eircinalis (Roxb.)... 2874 3464.  tessellatum (Su.)... ... 2868 
3410. glauca (Miq.) : 2874 | 3465.  tesselloides (Roxb.) ... 2963 
3411. imermis (Ondem.) .. 2878 3466. triste (Roxbe.) . 2949 
3412. macrocarpa (Griff.) 2874 3467. triste (Wight)... 2950 
3413. madagascariensis eas 28738 3468. Cyminosma Ankenda 
3414. media(R. Br.) ... 2875 (Gertn.) .. .. 888 
3415.  Plwma (Bull.) af ». 2873-5 3469. pedunculata (D. C). se) 388 
3416. revoluta (Bedd.) ... ia) Oe ceexlix. Cynanchum (Linn,) dcxxvii 
3417, revoluta (Thunb.)... 2 E2898 3470. acuminatum(Thorb.) .. 1884 
3418, Riedlei (Gaud.) .. 2879 | 3471. alatum ( W. § A.) bY 1888 
3419. Rumphii(Mig.) ... ... 2874 | 3472.  angustifoliwm (W. & A.)... 1890 
3420. speciosa (LD). Don.) .. 2874 | 3473. asthmaticwm (Ham.) ... 1929 
3421. spherica (Roxb.)... 2873 3474, auriculatum(Ham.) .. 1890 
3422,  squamosa (Lodd.)... ... 2803-b | 3475.  bracteatwm (‘thunb.) ... 1911 
3423,  squarrosa (Steud.) .. 2873-b 3476. Callialata (Ham.) ... 1890 
3424, Thouarsii (Br.) sa. w. 2873 | 3477, cordifolium (Petz.)  .... 1885 



na. Cynanchum-——cont, No. 
- 3478 = echinatwm (Thunb.) 1885 
3479.  extenswm (Ait.) 1885 
3480. flavens (Thunb.) 1911 
3481. flavwm (Thunb.) 1916 
3482.  inconspicuum (Griff.) 1889 
8423. indicum (Herb. Burm.)... 1916 
3484. ILIpecacuanha ( Willd.) 1916 
3485. micranthum (Thonb.) 1912 
3486.  ? ovatwm (Thunb.) 1929 
3487.  paucifiorum (Br.) 1889 
3488.  reticulatwm (Retz.) Bap PE) 
8489 (bis.)  tingens (Herb. 
Ham.) ee OO 
3490. viridifiorum (Sima. ) 1916 
3491.  vomitoriwm (Lank.) 1916 
3492. Cynoctonum alatum (Dene.) 1888 
3493.  angustifoliwm (Dene.) 1890 
3494. Callialata (Dene.) 1890 
3495. pauciflorwm (Dene.) 1889 
eccl. Cynometra (Linn.) ... cecxlviii 
3496. Beddomei (Prain.) 970 
3498,  cauliflora (Limn.) » 969 
3499.  caulifiora (Wall.) 967 
3500.  ramifiora (Limn.) 967 
3501. _travancorica (Bedd.) 968 
cecli. Cyphomandra (Mart.) delxyii 
3502.  betavea (Pendt.) ... 2093 
3503. Cyrtanthera magnifica 
(Nees.) ... . 2262 
3504. Pohliana (Nees.) 2262 
3505. Cystopteris odorata (Pr.) 3355 
eclii, Cytisus (Linn.) eclxxxi 
3506. albus (Link.) 6 rn bALE 
3507. alpinus (Lamk.) .. 744. 
3508.  argenteus (Limon.) 697 
3509.  Cajan (Linn.) 854 
3510. canariensis (Steud.) 741 
3511. Laburnwm (Linn.) 744, 
3512. penduliforus (Stokes. ie 744 
3518. pendulus (Salisb.) 744 
3514.  Pseudo-cajan (Jacq.) 85t 
3515. scoparius (Link.) 742 
3516. —serweus (Willd.) 768 
3517. sprnosus (Steud.) 742 
3518.  Zanoni(Treus.) ... 697 
ecciiii. Daboecia (D. Don.) aoa) | esl 
3519.  cantabrica (C. Koch.) ... 1644 
3520. _polifolia (D. Don.) 1644. 
eccliy. Deedalacanthus (7. Anders. deci. 
3521. montanus (7. Anders.) ... 2173 
3542. nervosus (T. Anders.) ,.. 2171 
3523. roseus (I. Anders.) a 212 
ecely. Deemia (Br.) dexxix 
3524.  extensa (Br.) 1885 
ccclvi. Demonorops (Bl.) mviii 
3525.  accedens (Blume) 3219 
3526. Draco (Blume) + 3219 
3527. _—fissus (Blume) .. 38218 
_ $528. Jenkinsianus (Mart.) ... 3217, 

_ —— 

No. Demonorops—cont. NO. 
3529. melanolepis (Mart.) 3213 
3530, nutantifiorus ( Mart.) 3217 
3531.  palembanicus (Blume.) ... 3220 
3532,  plemosus (Hort, Bull.) ... 3221 
3533,  Rheedei (Mart.) 3212 
3534, ruber (Mara.) 3219 
ecelyii, Dalbergia (Linn. f) “coexxiv 
3535, arborea (Heyne.) 889 
3536. arborea ( Willd.) oo. | OER 
3537,  Blwmei (Hassk.) 886 
3538, Championi (Thw.) 882 
3539-a congesta (Grah.) 885 
3539 (bis.) ° coromandetiana 

(Prain.) ... 884 (bis.) 

3540, Crowe {D.C.) ... aoe) OO 
3541, emargmmata (Roxb.) soe, ORO 
3542.  ferrugineéa (Hohen.) 887 
3543,  frondosa (Roxb.) ve. 89 
3544.  Gardneriana (Benth.) ... 886 
3545. heterophylla ( Willd.) 92 
3046,  hircina {Wall.) Pop aststs. 
3547 horrida (Grah.) ... Borie ic 12/3: 
3548. javanica (Miq.) 881 
3549, Krowee (Roxb,) ... 901 
3090,  lanceolaria (i ik.) 889 
3501. latifolia (Roxb.) ... $82 
3552. ~— livida (Wall.) 886 
_ 3553.  melanoxylon (Perr.) 886 
3504. moncsperma (Dalz.) 892 
3555, multiju ga (Grah.) 886 
3556. ougewnensis (Koxb.) 798 
3557. paniculata (Rozb.) 891 
3598. paniculata ( Wail.) $92 
3559-a pendula (‘lenore) 880 
3560 Pseudo-sissoo (Miq.) 883 
3551. robusta (Roxb.) 901 
3562. robusta ( Wall.) 889 
3563, rostrata (Grah.) 883 
$564,  rubiginosa (Rozb.) &84, 
3565. scandens (Roxb.) 900 
3506. — sissoides (Grah.) S81 
3567.  Sissoo (Rozb.) 880 
3568. spinosa (Rowb,) 893 
8569.  Stocksiz (Benth.) ... dea SS 

3570. sympathe:ica (Nimmo)... 887 
3571.  tamarindifolia (Rozb.) ... 888 
3572, — timoriensis (D.C.) a.) JOU 
3578,  torta (Gr2h.) 429 sxe ees 
3574,  volubilis (Zozb.) ... a oe 
3575. zeylanica (Roxb.) 3 889 
ceelviii. Dalechampia (Linn) ‘dcceliii. 
3576.  bidentata (‘Thw.)... ... . 2699 
3577.  coromandeliana (Heyne, ) 2699 
3578. indica (Wight) aoe A699 
8579. scandens (Kuvz.) 2700 
3580. ternata (Muell.) .. 2699 
368L. velutina ( Wight) 2700 
3582. Dalrympelia pomifera “(Roxb.) 
3588. Dammara alba (Rumph.) 2832 
3584. australis (Lamb.) s-. SOG 
3585.  loranthifolia (Link) «. 2882 
3586. orientalis (Lamb.) w. 2832 
3587. robusta (C. Moore) a. 2882 


3593-a (bis.) Dasyaulus Jsubrius 

No, Dammaru-—-cont. No, 
3588. § ruberrcanlis (Carr.) 2832 
3589. Kwmphii (Pers,) . 2832 
ecclix. Damnacanthus (Gerrtm.) dxi. 

3590. indicus (Gwrtn. f.) 1557 
3591. Daphne eriocephala \W ali.) 2492 
eccelx. Daphniphy!lum {Bl.) de cexxv 
3592. glaucescens ( Bl.) 2612 
8593. Rowxburghii (Baill) 2612 

(Shist) are .. 1688 (bas) 

ccelxi. Datura ( Linn.) delxxj 
3594. alba (Nees.) 2098 
3545. arborea (Linn.) 2100 
3496, candida (Sasq. ) ... 2100 
3597, cornigera ( Hk.) 2101 
3598, dubia (G. Von.) _2098-c 
3599. dastuosa (Linn.) ... 2098 
3000. ferox (Nees.) aA 2097 
3601. Hummatu (Bernh.) 2098 
3602. Metel (Linn.) 20,9 
3603. Metel (Roxb.) ws 2098 
3604. Nilhwmmatu (Dunal) 2098-a 
3605. sanguinea (Auiz. § Pav.) 2102 
3606. speciosa (Salisb.) 2100 
3607. Stramonium (Lim.) 2097 
3608. suaveolens(Hbt. \ Bp-) .. 2103 | 
3609. Tatula ( Willd.) 2097-b 
3610. = Wallichii (Dunal) 2097 
3611. Daubretonia pumicea (D.C .) 778 
ecelxili. Davallia (Smith) mliv 
3612. platy phylla (Don.) 3332 
3613. polypodioides (7) 3333 
3614. spelunez (Bak.)... 3333, 
3615. __trichostica (?) 3332 
ecelxiii. Debregeasia (Gaud.) dorcleeziv 
3616. longifolia (Wedd.) 2768 
3617. —-velutina (Gaud.) 2778 
ecelxiv. Decalepis (W. & A.) dexvii 
3618. Hamiltonii(W.5 A:) ... 1874 
3619. Decaloba biflora (Roem.) ... 1354 
3620.  dentata (Roem.) .. 1359 
3621. holosericea (Roem.) 1352 
3622.  kermesina (Roem,) 1359 
3623.  lunata (Roem.) 1354 
3624. obscwra (Roem.) . 1351 
3625. Decanewron dendligutense 

(DiC) : =, L601 
3626.  davergens (D.C. a .-. 1596 
eeelxv. Decaschistia (W.§¢ A.)...  xcii 
3627.  crotonifolia (W. § A.) 235 
3628. _trilubata (Wight) 234 
eccixvi. Decaspermum (Forst.) .... cdxx 
3629, paniculatum (Kurz.) 1226 
ecclxvii. Deeringia (Br.)... . decliv 
3630. baccata (Miq-) ... 2371 
3631. celosivides (Br.) 2371 
3632. indica (Retz.) 2371 
ceelxyiii. Delima (Limn.) ... “tin 
8633.  hebecarpa (D.C.) 11 
3634. intermedia (Bl.) val 
3635. sarmentosa (Limn.) 11 
3686. Delonix regia (Kafin.) 941 


NO, NO. 
ccelxix. Dendrobium (Sw.) .. CMxix 
3637.  albwm (Wight) 2917 
2638,  vqueam (Lindl.) 2917 
3689.  aurewm (lindl.) 2216 
3640,  barbatulum (Limdl.) 2910 
3641.  barbatulwm (Wight) 2909 
3642. chlorops (Lindl.) 2909 
8643.  crepidatum (Lindl.) 2918 
3644. crispwm (Dalz.) 2905 
3645. cucullatum (Br.) <<) 01S 
3646. jfiliforme (Wight) 2934, 2935 
3647. fimbriatum (Lindl.) 2904 
3648, Flabellwm (Kchb. f.) . 2904 
3649, graminifolinm (Wight)... 2908 
3650. hemoglossum (TLhw.) 2912 
8651. herbaceum (Lindl.) 2911 
3652.  heterocarpum ( Wall.) 2915 
3653. Heyneanum (Limdl.) 2907 
3654, hwmale (Wight) 2905 
3655. Jerdoniannm (Wight) 2913 
3656.  Lawanum (Linal.) 2918 
3657. Macraei (Lindl.) 2904 
3658.  imacrostachyum (Lindl,) 2914 
3659.  microbulbon (A. Rich.)... 2908 
3660. -microchilos (Valz.) 2934. 
3661. nanum (Hk. /.) 2906 
3662. nodosum (Dalz.) 2904 
3663,  Pierardi (Rozb.) 2916 
3664. = Rabane (Lindl.) 2902 
3665. ramosissimum (Wight. yi 2911 
3666.  rhombeum (Lindl1.) 2915 
ccclxx. Dendrocalamus (Nees.) .... mxlvi 
3667.  Brandisii (Kurz.) 3315 
3668. giganteus (Mwnro.) 3313 
3669.  tamiltonii (Nees. §. Arn,) 3312 
3676. longispathus (Kuwurz,) 3314 
3671. monadelphus (Thw.) ... 3306 
3672. sikkimensis (Gamble.) ... 33)1 
3673. strictus (Nees.) 3316 
3674.  Tulda (Voigt.) ... 3301 
3675. Dendrochilum  roseum 

(Dalz.) ... a 2918 
3676. Dendrocnide  crenulata 

(Miq.) ... <9 PATOL 
8677. Dendrolobium Cephalotes 

(Benth.) ae : 797 
3678. wmbellatum (Benth.) 796 
ecelxxi. Derris (Lour.) CCCXXVIi 
3679. brevipes (Baker) 904. 
3680, canarensis (Baker) 908 
3681. eualata (Bedd.)... 905 
3682. Heyneana (Benth..) : 906 
3683. oblonga (Benth.) «se IMGOS 
3684,  ovalifolia ( Benth.) 909 
3685. pinnata (Lenr.) 886 
3686.  platyptera (Baker.) 907 
3687. robusta (Benth.) hy OO 
3688. scandens ( Benth.) i 900 
3689. uliginosa ( Benth.) + wi aOZ 
3690. Wightii (Baker.) ac. SOLO 
3691. Desmanthus  cimereus 

( Willd.) vad 1008 

3692, Desmazeria uniooides (Defl :) 3293 



3693. Desmocarpus 








(Walla? (ie hay eeaing 
eeelxxii. Desmodium (Des».) . eCCly. 
abyssinicum {).C.) .. 804 
alatum (D.C.) Be 801 
angulatum { Wall.) Pn GOS 
auriculatum (D,C.) con ehh 
australe (Hassk.) ee LOE 
biarticulatum (Benth. yr, 800 
Buergeri (Miq.) Se oUS 
caffrum (BE. & Z.) oat Ok 
cephalotes ‘Wall.) 797 
collimum (Waili.) a PSO 
congestwm ( Wall.) ee lanl 0 
dasyphyllum (Miq.) a0 794. 
diffusum (D.C.) 808 
distans ( Royle.) 808-6 
ferrugineum (Wall.) ob AOS 
gangeticum (D.C.) Foe OOD: 
gyrans (D.C.) ... =. 9809 
gyroides (Hassk.) OOS 
heterocarpum (D.C.)  ... 808 
hirsutum (Mart. & Gal.) 796b 
Horsfieldii (Miq.) 794 
lasiocarpum (D.C.) Pe 806 
latifotium (D.C.) a: 806 
latifoliwm (Wight) noe tshU}5) 
laxiflorum (D.C.) sho) fsX0B) 
leptostachyum (Wall.) ... 808 
Leschenaultii (D.C.) ... 790 
lineatwm (Span. ) son SIE 
nervosum (Vogel.) 2 808 
ormocarpoides (D.C.) . 802 
ovalifolium (Wall.) ess 
patens (Wight) i 808 
polycarpum (D.C.) 808 
Pseudo-triquetrum (D.C. “j 801 
pulchellum (Benth.) ... 799 
punctatum (D.C.) seo | KG) 
recurvatum (Grah.)  ... 808 
repandum (D.C.) ma » 804 
retusum (G, Don,) 608 
Rottleri (G. Don.) os 
rufescens (D C.) ton SD 
Scalpe (D.C.) ... 804 
Schimperi (Hochst.) ... 804 
sericatum (Pres].) wee AAC 
serpens (Wall. ) . 2808-6 
siliquosum (D.C.) .. 808 
strangulatum (W. & A. ee 804 
sulcatwm (Wall.) se Ort 
trichocaulon (D.C.) 808-b 

3748. Desmostemon 

3749. Desmotrichum 

ceelxxiij. Deutzia (Thunb.) z: 

trichocaulon(Hassk.) ... 804 
triquetrom (D.C.) ana!» tet UI 
umbellatum (D.(C.) so) ef S10 
virgatum (Zolling.) CUO 

viscidum (1).0.) ae OO 
(Thw.) Ass we ©2647 
-. 2904 

see COCEG 

camescens (Koch.) Ay halla bey! 

No. Deutzia— cont, No. 
3751. crenata (Sieb.) ... ve 1124 
3752. dentata (Koch.) .. 1124 
3753. Fortunei (Carr.) saat 
3754,  scabra (Thumb.) veep CLA 
ecelxxiv. Dialium (Linn.) . ‘cccxlix 
3755.  coromandelianum 

(van Hout.) ... Aer ia 
3756. coromandelianum 

(Gamble. ee 973 
3757. travancoricum (Bourd, Sa; 973 
3758. Dicerma  biarticulatum 

(D.C.) eo OOO 

3758 (bis.) pulchellum (D. cs )2) eae 
3759. Dichasiwm patentissimum 

( Braun.) : .. dob4-a 
3760. Dichelactina (Dichelas- 

tina) nodicaulis 

(Hance.) we *.. 2558 
ecelxxv. Dichopsis (Thw.) dl viii 
3761. Bourdilloni (Bowrd.) ... 1685 
3762. elliptica (Benth.) . 1684 
3763. Dichorezia gigantea 

(Presl.) : .. 3028 
seclxxvi. Dichrostachys (D. C.) ... cceelxii 
3764. cinerea (W. § A.) ... 1008 

3765. Dicksonia flaccida (R. Br ia 3333 
3766. Diclisodon depariordes 
(Moore) '... i. ooo 
3767. Dicranacanthus ac 
(Cerst ) 22.27 
3768.  Spina-ceylanica (Oerst.) 2228 

3769. Dictyocarpus truncatus 
(Wignt) he vee ails 
seclxxvil. Dictyosperma cmlxxiy 
(H. WendL ) 
3770. album (H. Wendl.) ae olZ9 
3771. aureum (H. Wendl.) ... 3128 

3772. yvubrum(H. Wendl.) ... 3127 

ecelxxviii. Lieffenbachia (Sch.) ... mxxv 
3773. Baraguiniana (Versch.)... 3264-b 
3774.  Bausei (Regel.) ... 3265-b 
3775. Bowmanni ( Veitch.) .. 8264-9 
3775. eburnea (Hort.) .. 8285-¢ 

777.  Jenmanni (Veitch,) St Neo 
3778. lineata (C. Koch.) ... 8264-¢ 
3779. magnifica (Linden.) .- 208 
3780. marmorata (Hort.) ... 9265-a 
378i. nobilis (Hort. Bull.) .. 8264-4 
3782.  picta (Schott.) ... ». 98265 

3783.  princeps (Hort.)... ... 0224-0 
3784. Regina ( Hort.) vee B264-F 
3785. ex (Hort.) ee ... 3264-e 
3786. Seguine (Schott.) .. 8264 
3787.  Shuttleworthiana 

(Regel) . 3265-e 
8788. Shuttleworthii 

(Sphalm.) -- 32650 
3789. spectabilis .. 3264-9 
cecelxxix. Diervilla (Linn.) ... COxxv 
3790. amabilis (Carr.) .. 14380 
3791. florida (Sveb. § Zuc.) ... 1430 
3792. pauciflora (Carr,) 1430 

3793. versicolor (Sieb. & Zuc.) 1430 


NO. No. | NO. Dioscorea—cont. No 
3794. Digrammaria esculenta | 3846. inere2sata (Ham.) ... 8006 
(Fee.) we -- 8346 | 3847, Jacquemontii (Hk.f.) ... 3058 
3795. Dilivaria ilicifolia 3848. japonica (Hb. Madr.) ... 3068 
(Nees.) ... ae .. 2228 3849. Kleiniana ( Kunth.) aeeOODy 
ceclxxx. Dillenia (Linn.) ... ee Vv 3850. lanata (Balf.) - 3052 
3796. augusta (Roxb.) “ 15 3851. lanceolata (Heyne) .. 8062 
3797. bracteata (Wight) a3 14 3502, lunata Roth.) Be PA iby / 
3798. elliptica (Thunb.) : 13 38538. 2 nummularia (Willd.) ... 3065 
3799. indica (Linn.) _... i 13 3854. octangularis (Ham.) .. 38068 
3800. pentagyna (Rozb.) sie 15 3555. oppositifolia (Linn.) 3062 
3801. pilosa (Roxb,) 1 aa 15 3856. ovata (Ham.) mie ... 38066 
3802. repanda (Roxb.) an 14 3357.  pentaphylla (1 inn.) -2: sh OODY. 
3803. speciosa (Thunb.) “3 13 3858. pulchella (Roxb.) --- 8067 
XXXVII. DILLENIACE. BA Il 3059. purpurea (Rozb.) ooo! (S074 
ecelxxxi. Dimocarpus (Lour.) cexlviii 3860. sagittata (Ro yle.) .. 8064 
3804.  crimita (Lour.) ... 5) oes 3861. sativa (Linn)... ».24 S067. 
3805.  Lichi (Lour.) _... ssi OOo 5562. sativa (Hb. Madr.) -. 3065 
8806. Longan (Lour.) ... 2250 OAM 3803. spicata ‘Roth. ... sc: 1SOGE 
3807. pupilla (Moon.) ... ... 640 3864, spinosa (Kozb.) ... w- 83059 
3808. wndulatus (Wight) 640 | 2865, spinosa (Wall.) ... ... 3064 
eeclxxxii. Dimorphocalyx (Thw.) decexli , 3866. — tilsefolia (Kunth.) -. 38059 
3809.  glabellas (Thw.) ... 2653 3867. tomentosa (Heyne) ... 8056 
3810. glabellus (Bedd.) ... 2604 3868. trinervia ( Roxb.) 3055, 3062 
381). Lawianus (Hk, 7.) ee cuom 3509. triphylla (Ham.) pn ORD 
8812. Dinebra verticillata 3870, triphylla (Linn.) BoA ei [57 
( Wight.) sh oe BYE 3871. triphylla (Russ.) ... :s0),| SQ56 
3813. Dinetus paniculatus 3572. Tunga(Ham.) ... 2. S067 
(Sweet.) A ... 2057 3073 versicolor (Ham.) o. eOGs 
3&13-1. racemosus (Sweet.) ... 2059 3874. Wallichii (Hk. f.) e065 
3814. Dicecia pentandra (Wall.) 496 3875. Wightii (Hk. f.5 ... .22, 8060 
ecelxxxiii. Dioscorea (Linn.) ... emlix | XXXVIII. DIOSCOREACEZA CXVII 
3815. aculeata (Linn.) 3069 ecclxxxiv. Diospyros (Linn.) .. Alxii 
3816. aculeata (Roxb.) ... 8059 3876. affinis (Thw.) 4749 
3817.  aculeaa (Wight) ... 8065 |. 3877.  Arnottiana (Miq.) Pers 7/7 
3818. ucutangula (Ham.) ... 8068 3875. assimilis (Bedd.) =25. OS: 
3819, alaa (Linn.) ... 8068 3879. braceata (Roxb.) GaGa 
3820. alata (Griseb.) ... 8066 358U. — Bourdilloni (Brad.) sos LP 
3821. altissima (Roxb.) ... 8055 | 3881.  buxifolia (Hiern) * — 1710 
3822. amena (Roxb.) ... 38055 3882. caarica (Bedd.) vn RT 
3823. anguina (Rozb.) ... 3068 3883. Candolleana (Wight) ..: 1717 
3824. atropurpurea (Rozb.) ... 3070 3854. apituaa (Wight) vou FSR 
3825.  Bisantaca (Ham.) ... 3068 3885. chinensis ‘Bl.) 225 TOU 
3826.  bulbifera ( Linn.) Neca ella! 3886. Chloroxylon (Rozb.).\. 2) ela 
3827.  bulbifera (Br.)  ... ee woes 3887. corifolia (Roxb.) .-. 1699-6 
3828.  Cerubuliwm (Ham.) MUS 3888. costata (Carr.) wae LOL 
3829. Cliffortiana (Lam.) ... 3067 3389. crumenata (Thiv.) sony ee 
8830. coriacea (Wight) ... 38062 3890, dubia (Wall.) ict NEES 
3831. crepitans (Ham.) ... 3064 8891. Ebenaster (Roxb.) te TEGO 
3831 (bi3.) crispata (Roxb.) 3066 (bis.) 3892. Ebenum (Kenig.) a (TOE 
3832. cymosula (Hemsl.) ... 3059 3893. Ebenwm (Hiern.) io as 
3833. dzmona (Rozb.) ... 3055 3894. Embryopteris (Pers.; ... 1702 
3834,  decemanjularis (Ham.)... 3067 3895. — exsculpta (Bedd.) =. Liao 
3835. Devipata (Ham.) ... 8068.) 38590)  execulpta (Dalz. & Gibs.) 1713 
3236. digitata (Mill.) ... a RODE 3897. exsculpta (Ham.) Satna Eg 
3837.  echinata (Ham.) ... ... 8059 3898. — foliolosa (Wall.) - 1705 
3838. fasciculata (Rozb.) EARL rb 3899.  glutinosa (Koen.) woo ZOD, 
3839. glabra (Rozb.). ... 8064 3900.  Goindu (Dalz.) .-. 1699 
3840. glabra (Wall)... ... 3062 3901. heterophylla (Wall.) ... 1699 
3841.  globosa (Rozb.) ... soe. SORE 3902. hirsuta (Hiern.) pay | aha 
3842. Hamiltoni (Hk. f.) ... 8066 3903.  imsculpta (Ham.) SPD ya! 
3843. heterophylla (Roxb.) ‘... 3067 3904. insignis (Thw.) se>, LG 
3844. hirsuta (Dennst.) soe) (OUD 3905. Kaki (Linn.) os Det 
3845. Hurchusia (Ham.) -» 38068 3906. Kanjilali (Duthi) 

« 1700 


No. Diospyros——cont, No. 
3907.  anceolata (Wall.) 1704 
3908. melanoxylon (fozb.) 1715 
3909, melanoxylon (Hiernt ... 1713 
3910. microphylla (Bedd.y 1710 
3911. montana (Rozb.) so) SES) 
3912. (Neyarum.) (Sm. 

Brand.) Pemlogs 
3918. nigricans (Dalz.) 1708 
3914.  nilagirica (Bedd.) 1718 
3915.  oligandra (Bedd.) 1717 
3916, ,oocarpa (Thw.) 1712 
3917. orixensis (Wight) 1723 
3918.  ovalifolia (Wight) sha i dels 
3919. paniculata (Dalz.) 1722 
3920. _pruriens (Dailz.) 1697 
3921. racemosa (Roxb.) 704 
3922. ramiflora (Bed.) a5 A been 
3923.  Roxburghii (Carr.) “op, dkzAUnL 
3924. Royler (Wall.) 1714 
3925.  rubiginosa (Roth.) 1713 
3£26. ruwgosula (Br.) 1699 

3926 (bts.) Sapota (Roxb.) 

1708 (bis?) 

3927.  Schi-Tse (Bunge) 1701 
3928. stricta (Roxb.) 1723 
3929.  sulcata (Bourd.) 1708 
3930. sylvatica (Roxb.) 1704 
3931. sylvatica (Wall.) 1699 
3932. tomentosa (Rozb.) 1714 
3933. tomentosa (Lamk.) 1711 
3934. Toposia (Ham.) 1704, 
3935,  ? travancorica (Brand. Qnd, 

Trees No. 41.) . L724 
39260, Luprul( Ham.) 2 1713 
3937.  accinioides (Wall.) 1715 
3938.  Waldemarii (Klotz.) 1699 
3939. Wightiana (Wall.) 1715 
ecelxxxv. Diotacanthus (Benth.) decxi 
3940. albiflorus (Benth.) 2258 
3941, erantis (Benth.) .. 2254, 
3942. Dipetalum biloculare (Dalz.) 387 
3943. Diplacus arachnoideus 

(Groenl.) 2116 
3944.  auwrantiacus (G. Don. ) 2126 
3945.  glutinosus (Mett.) 2116 
3946.  grandiflorws (Groenl.) 2116 
3947.  longiflorus (Mett.) se AIG 
3948. puniceus (Mett.) .- 2116-b 
3949, splendidus (Vusch.) 2116 
3950. Diplayium acuminatum 

((Siata)) ake 3344 
3951. asperum (Mett. & BL) 3345 
3952. dilatatwm (Blume. ) 3344. 
3953.  elatum (Mett.) we 8844 
3954. —latrfoliwm (Moore) ve 3344, 
3955. maladaricum (Spreng.) 3346 
3956.  nigro-paleaceum (Kuntze.) 3345 
3957. polyprdioides (Mett.) 3345 
3958.  sylvaticwm (Presl.) 3347 
ecclxxxvi. Diplosentrum (Lindl.). cmxl 
3959.  coagestum (Wight) 2279 
3960. longifoliwm (Wight) 2978 
3961.  recurvyum (Lindl.) 2978 
3962. Diploctisia inclyta (Miers) 85 


Diploctisia inclyta—cont- 

NO. NO. 
3963.  lepida (Miers.) 85 
3964. macrocarpa (Miers) 85 
3965. pictinerivs (Miers) 85 
3966.  Diplomorpha © viridi- 2941 

Jiora (C.A. Mev.) 

ceelxxxvii. Diplospora (D.C,) Il 
| 3967. apiocarpa (Hk. f.) 1514 
3968.  spheerocarpa (Hk. f.) 1515 
ecclxxxvili. Dipterocarpus (Gertn.) Ixxx 
3969. alatus (Rozb.) 197 
3970. Bourdilloni (Brand.) 198 
3971. —costatus (Roxb.) 197 
3972. gonopterus (Turez.) 197 
3973. indicus (Bedd.) 196 

3974. Discospermum apiocarpum 
(Bedd.) f 1514 
3975, spherocarpum (Dalz. ) 1515 

3976. Diwroglosswm 7Ufescens 
(Turez.) ... 304. 
ecclxxxix. Dobera (Juss. Sie dixxx 
3977 coriacea (A.Dec.) 1798 
3978 glabra (A.De.) 1798 
3979 Roxburghii (Planch.)... 1798 
cecxc. Dodonza (Linn) CCLI 
3980, angustifolia (Linn.f.) ... 4018 
3981. arabica (Hochst. & Steud.) 649 
3982. Burmanwiana (D.C.) 649 
3983. dioica (Roxb.) ... see) (O20 
3984. heterophylla (Hort.) 649 
3985. microcarpa (D.C.) 649 
3986. pallida (Miq.) 649 
3987.  pentandra (Griff.) 649 
3988. spathulata (Sm.) 649 
3989, viscosa (Linn.) 649 
39¢0. Wightiane (B1.) .. 649 

38991, Dolichandra Kohoutiana 
(Presl.) we 2040 
ceexci. Dolichandrone (Seem.) delxxxiv 
3992.  arcuata (Clarke.)... 2135 
3998. — crispa (Seem.) 2132 
3994. falcata (Seem.) 2133 
3995.  Lawii (Seem.) 2134 
3996. Rheedi (Seem.) 2131 
3997. serrulata (Seem.) da) polos 
ecexcii. Dolichos (Linn.) eCexvil 
3998. barbatus (Wall.) 853 
8999.  blandus (Grah.) 849 
4000. | bracteatus (Baker) 842 
4001,  ciliatus (Klein.) _ 843 
4002.  crassus (Grah.) 849 
4003, ensiformis (Linn.) . 883 
* 4004.  falcatus (Klein.) .. 844 
4005.  gigantews ( Willd.) sox) 1 SAD 
4006.  gladiatus (Jaeq.) ma) OBO 
4007. ylutinosus (Roxb.) 866 
4008. macrodon (Grah.) 886 
4009, obcordatws (Roxb.) ws) |) Bow 
4010,  ornatus (Wall.) Say eel 
4011.  pilosus (Roxh.) <0) ROO 
4012.  prostratus (Kcoen.) w- «=: 84 
4018. pruriens (Linn.) 816 
4014,  reticulatus (Ham.) 846 



No. Dolichos—cont. NO, 
4015,  rotundifolius (Roxb.) 831 
4016. tomentosus (RKoth.) 867 
4017. —trilobatus (Wall.) 844. 
4018. vivosus (Roxb.) 830-a 
ecexcili. Dombeya (Cav. } cix. 
40)9. acutangula (Cav.) 294: 
4020, angulata (Cav, ) 294 
4021. cordifolia (Cav.) 294. 
4022. natalensis ( Sond.) 293 
4023. palmata (Cav.) 294. 
4024 —tilicefolia (Cav.) 204 | 
4025. Wallichii (Btt.) 295 
ceexciv. Dombeya (Lamb.) em vii 
4026. araucaria (Raeusch.) 28388 
4027.  chilensis (Lamb.) ... 2838 
4028. excelsa (Lamb.) 2838 | 
4029. Donaz acummatus (Pre |.) -3289 
4030. mauritanicus (Beauy.) 3289 
4031.  Plinii (C. Koch.) 3289 
4032. versicolor (Beauy.) 3287 
4033. Dondisia Leschenaultit (V. C. ) 1526 
4034. Denia punicea(G.Don.)... 761 
4035.  Doodia crinita (Roxb.) 792 
4036. hamosa (Roxb.) .. 794 
4037. lugopodiordes (Roxb,) 793 
4038. picta (Roxb.) 791 
ecexcy, Doritis (Lindl.) CMxxxi 
4039. Wightii (Bentt.) 2952 
4040. Doronicum Cando olleanum 

(W. & A.) 1626 
4041.  rupestre (Wight) .. 1626 
4042, Doxandra adunca (Miers) 2141 
4043.  cheliphora (Miers) 214] 
4044.  mezicana (Miers) ... 2141 
4045. radicans (Miers) ... 2141 
4046. wnguiculata (Miers) 2141 
4047, umguis (Miers) s+ 204) 
ecexcvi. Dracsena (Linn.) cmlxiy 
4048. alba (Hort.) »» 3107-4 
4049, albicans (Hort.) ..3107-b 
4050, amabilis (Hort.) 3108 
4051. angustifolia (Rozb.) 3098 
4052. australis (Hort.) 3109 
4053.  Baptistii (Hort.) ... 3110 
4054. Bauwsei (Hort.) 3107-c 
4055, Dracc (Linn.) toe DED) 
4056.  Eckhalltei (Hort)... ...3107-d 
4057.  ensifolia (Wall.) . ... 3098 
4058. ferrea(Linn.) .. ..BLOT~e 
4059.  fragrans (K. Gaul.) 3100 
4060. Gayii (Hort.) ES ... 3107-F 
£061.  Godseffiana (Hort. 1 re 

Hort.) ... 3101 
4062.  Goldieana (Hort. ll. 

Hort.) 3102 
4063. Hendersonu (Hort. ) se LOUD 
4064. Heyneana (Wall.) .. 3097-6 
465. Hookeriana (C. Koch.) 3108 
4066. Hoskinse (Hort.)... .. 3107-h 
4067. . imperialis (Hort.) 2-. B107- -j 
4068. Imperator (Hort.) . 8105-7 
4069. Jamesii (Hort.) ... ... 3107-k 
4070. latifolia (Regel!) .. 3108-5 



No, Draco—cont. No. 

4071. marginata (Lamk.) 3194, 
4072. metallica (Hort.) .. 8107-1 
4073. nigricans (Hort.) ... 3107-m 
4074. Regine (Hort.) . 3107-n 
4075. Robinsoniana (Hort.) 3107-0 
4076.  Sanderiana (Hort Sand.) 3105 
4077. Shepherds (Hort.) ».3107-g 
4078. stricta (Uort.) 3111 
4079. terminalis (Willd.) 3107 
4080. terminalis (Jacq.) .. 3107-e 
4081. terminalis (Wight) ..8097-b 
4082. terniflora (Wall.) 3097 
4083. _ ternifolia (Kurz.) ... ws O0ad 
4084. Turnere (Hort.) ... . 3107-f 
4085.  umbracolifera (Jacq.) 3106 
ecexcyu. Dregea (HE. Mey.) dexxxv 
4086, -volubilis (Benth.) 1918 
4087. Drynaria vitida (Sm.} 3377 

4087 (bis.) quercifolia (Linn.) 3372 (bis. ) 

4088. Drypetes bengalensis 
(Spreng.) 259 

4089. Dryptopetluixr membra- 
neaceum (Migq.) .. 1142 

4090. Duchassaingia caffra 
(Walp.) Re aia TS OA 
4091. glauca (Walp.) 825 
4092, Ducondrea capensis (Bur.) 2124 
4993. Duhamelia patens ( Pers.) 1489 
4094 spherocarpa (Pers.) 1490 
ecexevill. Denbaria (W.f-A.) ccexx 
4095. barbata (Benth.) 853 
4096.  calycona (Miq.) 853 
4097. ferruzinea (W.4A.) $55 
' 4098. Heynei (W § 4.) 545 
4099.  Horsfleldii (Mig.) 889 
4100. latifolia (W. & A.) ix 855 
4101. oblonga (Arn.) .. 856 
ecexcix. Duranta (Linn.) deexxvii 
4102. angustifolia (Salisb.) 2303 
4103. dentata (Sieb.) 2302 
4104.  Ellisiei (Jacq.) 2303 
4105.  inermis (Linn.) 2302 
4106. latifolia (Salisb.) ... #303 
4°07. microphylla (Willd.) we 2808 
4108. Plumieri (Jacq.) 2303 
ed. Durio (Linn.) : so ci 
4109. zeylanicus (Gardn. ») 262 
4110. zibethinus (D.C.) | 263 
edi. Duvana (Kunth.) ... eclvi 
4111. Dyschoriste litto-alis (Nees.’ ) 2169 

4112. Dysodidendron ceylanicum 
(Gardn.) . : 1590 
4113.  glomeratum ee ) 1588 
4114 Wiyhtti (Gardn.) . 1590 
cedii. Dysosonia (Roem) cdxI vii 
ediii. Dysoxylum (Bl. elxxxi 
4115. Beddomei (Hiern.) 45y 
4116.  binectariferum (Hk. f.) 456 
4117. glandulosum (Talb.) 458 
4118.  macrocarpum (Thw.) .. 456 
4119. malabaricum(Bedd.) ... 453 
4120. purpureum (Bourd.) we «457 


NO, E No. 
XL. EBENACE Aes ee ep -O-4 
ediv. Ecbolium ( Kurz.) .. Cexvid 

412]. Linneanum (Kurz.) ... 2269 
edv. Eccremocarpnus (Ruiz. § Pav.) 


4122, scaber ‘Ruiz § Pav.) ... 2147 

4123. sepium (Bert.) ... .» 2147 

4124. Echitesacuminaia (Roxb.) 1859 

4125. amtidysenterica (Roxb). ... 1833 

4126.  apozrys {Voigt.) ... pag abst) 

4127. bracteata (Heyne) .- 1861-¢ 
4128. caryophyllata (Wall.) ... 1860 

4129. conferta(Wall) ... .. 1861-b 

4130.  coriacea \ Heyne) EL SGSn| 
4131. coriacea(Wall) ... ... 2864 | 
4132.  ? cristata (Roth.) ..- 1859 
4133. cuspidata (Heyne) “tn ilielaly) 
4134. cymosa(Wall.) ... .. 1861-a 
4135.  dichotoma (Roth.) =») 1860 
4136. dichotoma (Roxb.) « 1839 
4137. elegans(Wall.)  ... ... 1861-e 
4138. ? esculenta (Wall.) .. 1850 | 
4139. fruteseens (Wall.) ... 1865 
4140, grandiflora (Roxb.) —...._«*1851 
4141. grandis (Wall.) ... ... 1858 
4142, Heynei (Spreng.) ... 1860 
4143.  hircosa (Roxb.) ... ... 1840 
4144, ? lucida (D-. Don.) po) eno) 
4145. ? macrantha (Spreng.) .., 1858 
4146. macrocarpa (Wa!l.) 7. 1859 
4147, macrophylla (Roxb.) Son tsa! 
4148. manwbriata (Wall.) .. 1864 

4149, marginata (Roxb.) .. 1859 

4150. Pala (Ham.) eelS29 

4151. paniculata (Roxb.) ... 1864 

4152. parviflora (Roxb.) ae GS62Z 

4153. parviflora ; Rott.) poe S69 

4154.  polyantha (Wall.) beet) ELBG5 

4155. reticulata (Boj.) Se EE) 

4156. reticulata (Roth.) ... 1867 

4157. scholaris (Linn.) soo e448) 
4158.  suberectwm (Jacq.) a6. aksa7/ 
4159.  venenata (Roxk.) vo. 1830 

4160, Edwardsia madras- 

patana ( Wight.) $13, 915 
edyi. Ehretia (Zimn.) #5 dell 

4161. affimis (Wall.) aos i. L980 

4162. aspera (Roxb.) ... = 198-d 

4363. buxifolia (Rozb.) ... so e983 

4164.  canarensis (Miq.) ...1980-c 

4165. Champions (Wight. 

& Gardn.) 36 ... 1980-e 

4166,  cuneata (Wight) Ze eelLOS4 

4167. dichotoma (Rottl.) oe LOSO 

4168. glabra(Roth.) ... 2. 1968 

4169, heterophylla (Spreng.) 1983 
4170. Heynit (R. & 8.) ...1982-d 

4171. levis (Rozb.) ae .. =1986 
4172. lanceolata (Hey ne.) seal S22 
4173. microphylla (Lamk.) Syl OS3 
4174. ovalifolia (Wight) (eh OST 

4175. pubescens‘ Benth.) -.. 1980-6 
4176. punctata (Roxb,) .. 1980 




} edvii. 





tomentosa ( Roth.) 
viminea (Wall.) ... 
Wightiana ( Wail.) 

Ekebergia indica (Roxb.) 

? integerrima (Wall.) 

Eleagnus (Linn.) 
angustifolia (Limn,} 
arborea (Roxb.) 
armata (Ham.) 
conferta (Roxb.) 
elliptica (Heyne.) 
Serruginea (A. Rich.) 
hortensis (M. Bieb.) 
Kologa (Schl.) 
latifolia (Linn.) ... 
Moorcroftii (Wall.) 
orientalis (Linn,) 
Simoni (Hort.) 
Thwaitesi (Schl.3 
Wallichiana (Schl 
Eleis (Jacq.) 
euineensis (Jacq. ) 
Elzocarpus (Linn.) 
adenophyllus (Wall) 
amoenus (Thw.) ... 
? angustifolius (Wight). 
aristatus (Rozb,) 
cuneatus (Wight) 
ferrngineus (Steud.) 
Ganitrus (Rozb.) 
glandulosus (Wall.) 
integrifolius (Lamk.) 
? lacunosus ( Wall.) 
lancezefolius (Rozb.) 
Munroii (Mast.) 
oblongus (Gertn.) 
Perimkara (D.C.\ 
Pirvncara (Wall.) 
rugosus (Rozb.) 
rugosus (Wall.) 
serratus (Linn.) ... 
serratus (Heyne) 
serratus (Roxb.) ... 
serrulatus (Roxb.) 
tuberculatus (Rozb.) 
venustus { edd.) 

cdx. Eleodendron (Jacq. f.) 





glaucnm (Peérs,) 
indicum (Gertn.) 
nilghirense et 
orientale (Jacqg.) . 
oryodon|(Turez.) .. 
paniculatum (W. & A, ie 
pyramidale (Salisb.) 
Ltoxburghti (W. & A.) 


. 1980-d 

.. 93236 
-. CxXXlil 


. 336-5 






mad 345 

-. «=—6 BAD 
240, 341 


Elate sylvsetris ((inn) 3163, 3164 + 

Elatostema— levigatum 
(Hassk.) . Bs 
Wightianwm (Wedd. ) 

Elettaria( Maton) 
cannzcarpa (Wight) 
cardamomum (Maton) . 




NO, No. 
edxii. Ellertonia (Wight ) dlxxxix 
4233,  Rheedii (Wight) . 1828 
edxiii. Ellipanthus ( Hk. fa cclxxiv 
4234. Thwaitesii (Hk. f.) . 696 
4235. Elsholtzia oppositeifolia (Poir.) 2348 
edxiy. Embelia (Burm.) ». Oxlix 
4236. adnata (Bed/.) 1662 
4237.  Basaal (A. De.) ... 1663 
4238.  garciniwfolia (Wall.) 1661 
4239. Gardneriana (Wight) 1665 
4240, glandulifera (Wight) 1661 
4241, Grossularia (Petr.) 1769 
4242, reticulata (Wall.) ... 1663 
4243. Ribes (Burm.) 1661 
4244, robusta (Rozb.) 1663 
4245.  Tsjeriam-cottam (A.Dc.) 1663 
4246. villosa (Wall.) 1663 
4247. viridiflora (Scheff.) 1664 
4248. Emblica officinalis (Geertn.) 2558 
4249, Palasis(Ham.) «. 2550 
edxv. Embothrium (/orst,) dceexciii 
4250.  coccineum (forst.) -. 2488 
4251.  cytisoides (Cav.) ... wo §=62.483 
4252.  liniarizfoliwm (Cav.) 2483 
4253. lineare (Andr.) . 2483 
4254. rubricaule (Giord.) ze. 2489 
4255. — salicifolvwm (Vent.) se 2484 
4256, salignum (Andr.) 2484. 
4257.  speculatum (UCav.) 2487 
4258. Embryogonia arborea 4288 
(Teysm. & Binn.) ... 1146 
4259. Embruopteris gelatinifera 

(G. Don.) rb set Z02 
4260.  glutenifera (Roxb.) 1702 
4261. Kaki (G. Don.) 1701 
4262. lanceolata (Don.)... 1704 

4263. Emericia Pergularia (R. & 
SHI 1840 
4264. Empusa paradoxa Lindl. )... 2804 
4265, Endecaria coccinea (Rafin. ys 1313 

4266. Endopogon Amomum (Nees.) 2184-b 


4267.  capitatus (Wight) 2179 
4268.  consanguineus (Nees.) 2184 
4269. cuspidatus (Benth.) 2183 
4270.  foliosus (Wight.) ... can cAbrKS 
4271.  hypoleucus (Nees.) .. 2184-¢ 
4272.  Strobilanthes (Wight) 2192 
_ 4273. versicolor (Wight) 2183 
4274, viscosus (Nees.) (humilis). 2184-c 
cdxvi. Entada (Adems.) +. Ccclix 
4275.  monostachya (De.) aos LODE 
4276. Parrana (Spreng.) p oes HLOOS 
4277.  Pursetha (De.) ... Pe OOS 
~ 4278.  Rheedei (Spreng.) ..» LOOZ 
4279, Rumphii (Scheff.) ... 1003 
4280. scandens (Benth.) --- 1003 
edxvii. Enterolobium (Mart.) ecclxxi 
4281. Saman (Prair.) we LOD 
4282. Epicarpurus asper (Steud.) 2717 
4283. orientalis (M.). ... sot 2 Ad 
4284,  spinosus (Wight) <5.) ( 2OL6 
4285.  timorensis (Dene.) pone 7: 

No, NO, 
4286, Epicharis exarillata (Arn.).. 456 
4287. Epichysianthus macrophytlus 

(Voigt.) ... .- 1858 
cdxviii, Epidendrum (Linn) cmxx 
4288, aloifoliwm (Linn.) oe 2945 
4289. ciliare(Wall.)  ... ». 2919 
4290. Hippiwm (Ham.) ... - 29538 
4291, premorswm (Roxb.)} we 2970 
4292.  pusillwm (Kcen.) we. 2954 
4293.  retuwswm ‘Linn.) ... a2 | Mao 
4294, spathulatwm (Keen.) «eo. 2962 
4295.  subulatum (Keen.) -. 2955 
4296. _ tessellatwm \Koxb.) ... 2968 
4297. Epigyniwm Lesc hsnaultii 
(Klotz)... ee UBS, 
4298.  mneilgherrense (Klotz. ) es, 1688 
edxix, Epigynum (Wight) oo. Cdvii 

4299.  Pparviflorum (Hk. f.) ... 1862 
4300. Epilobiwm fruticosum (Lour.) 1332 
cdxx. Epiphyllum Cates) ve Cdliii 
4301. elegans (Cels.)_... .. 1374 
4303.  Jenkinsonii (G. Don.)/iys-.8 Leas 
4304. phyllantoides (Sw.) - 1374 
4305. Ruckeri (Part.) ... 1374 
4306.  Ruckerianwm (Hor:. Lem. 4) 1374 
4307. Smithianuwm (Mlarn.) .. 1874 

4308.  specivswm ( Haw.) pe yts 
4309. truncatum (Haw) ooo Need 
4310.  violaceum (Cels.) ... « 13874 
cdxxi, Epipremnum (Schott) mxXXvili 
4311.  giganteum (Schott) 3271 
4312. mirabile (Schott) . 3272 

4313. Epistylium  phyllanthoides 
Baill.) zs ... 2566 

4314, Epithinia malayana (Jack 
8.p. Griff.) .. oP so LGII6 

4316. Eragrostis mucronata 

(Trim.) . s- 3293 
4317. Waightiana (Benth. ) ... 8292 
edxxii. Kranthemnm (Linn.) aso (OCGX 
4318. | Andersoni ( Masters.) tee) eee 
4319. asperwm (Hk.) ... 2247 
4320.  atropurpureiwm (Hort. ie 2253 
4321. bicolor (Schrank.) ve 2247 
4522. crenulatwm ( Wall.) .. 2246 

4323. Ecboliwm(T. Anders.) .,. 2266 
4324. Edgeworthianum (Nees.) 2171 
4325. fasciculatum (Blume.) ... 2247 
4326. fastiyiatwm (Spreng.) ... 2173 
4327.  grandifiorwm (Zipp.) ... 2247 
4328. malabaricum (Clarke) ... 2246 
4329. pratense (Plunde.) .. 2201 
4330.  mnervoswm (Br.) A yal 
4331. micranthwm (Hort. Berol.) 2251 
4332.  pulchellwm (Andr.) eral 
4333.  pulchellwm (Host.) cas) DOAG, 
4334, racemosum (Kozb.) tas ADORE 
4334. (bis.) reticulatum (Schomb.) 

2249 (bis.) 

4335. rosewm (Br.) ie Ra) 75 
4336. tricolor (Nichols.) ... 2249 
4337. variabile (R, Br.) ... woe 12255 



No. Eranthemum--cont. No. 
4338. versrcolor (Hort.)... Sq) 2} 
4339.  Wightianwm ( Wall.) ..2173-b 

edxili. Eria (Lindl.) ot  omxxiv 
4340. braccata (Dalz. & Gibs.) .... 2932 
4341. ° Dalzellii (Lindl) . 2934: 
4342, exilis (Hk. f.) 2933 
4343.  filiformis (R. chb. £. ) 2934 
4344, -- microchilos (Lindl.) . 2934 
4345. --mysorensis (Lindl.) ... 2937-b 
4346. nana (A. Rich.) 1 ABE 
4347. pauciflora (Wight) 2939 
4348. — polystachya (A. Rich.) 2936 
4349, - pubescens (Wight) 2987 
4350. reticosa(Wzght) ... 2932 
4351. reticulata (Benth.) 2931 
cdxxiv. Erica (Linn.) AXxxvii 
4352. — Daboci (Linn.) 1644. 
4355. arborea (Linn.) 1641 
edxxy. Hrinocarpus (Nimmo) Cxx 
4356. Nimmoanus (Grah.) 328 
cdxxvi, Hriobotrya (Zindl.) ceclxsxiv 
4357.  “imntegrifolia (Kurz.) 1118 
4358. japonica (Lindl,)... 1:12 
4359. Eriochysis attenuata (Nees.\ 3285 
4360. fusca (Nees.' 3285 
4361. fusca (Trin.) . 8285 
cdxxvii, Eriodendron (De. ne xcix 
4362.  anfractuosum (De.) 261 
4363. orientale (Steud.) 261 
edxxviii. Hrioglossum (Bl.) ccexi 
4364. edule (BI.)/ 627 
4305.  rubigineswm (Brand,) 627 
edxxix, Eriolena (De.) ... eviii 
4366. Candollei { Wail.). 291 
4367. Hookeriana (W. by A.) 290 
4368.  quinquelocularis (WwW: yt). 292 
4369. Stocksii (Hk. f. & T.; 289 
cdxxx, Se (Sm.) exlii 
4370. — cuspidatus (A. Cunn.) 377 
4371.  lancifoliws (F. Muell.: 377 
4372. mryoporoides (De.) 377 
4373. - neriifolius (Sieb.) S00) HLTA 
4374. Erodendrum cynarefoliwm 
(Knight.)... 2475 
cdxxxi. Hrycibe (Rozb.) ... deliv 
4375. paniculata (Rozb.) 1989 
4376.  Rheedii (Bl.) 1989 
4377. Wightiana (Grah.) | 1989- b 
cdxxxii. Erythrina (Linn.) .. CCCVili 
4378. alba ‘Roxb.) 819 
4379.  Blackei (Cam.) 826 
4380.  Blakei (A N. R. Br.) 826 
4381. caffra (UThunb.) 824 
4382. caffra(K.& G) 823 
4383. compacta (Bull.) ... 822 
4384. corallodendron (Linn.) 817 
4385.  cristagalli (Linn.) 822 
4386. cumeata (Grah.) SER Gat 
4387. fasciculata (Benth.) BoD oats) 
4388. glauex (Willd.) rn =) 
4389, hastifoia (Bertol) Pe 823 


No. Erythrina—cont. No, 
4390. Humeana(Spreng.) .. 828 
4391.  Humei (E. Mey.) ie 82 
4392. indica (Lam.) oo §©=— OL 
4393. lancifolia (Jacq.) 822 
4394,  latissima (E. Mey.) 821 
4395. lithosperma (Bl.) 820 
4396. mazima (Roxb.) 819-b 
4397. monosperma (Lamk.) ... 828 
4398  Nahasuta (Ham.) 819 
4399. pelligera (Feuzl.) Se 2 
4400. picta (Linn.) se Slee 
4401, Raja (Meissn.) we O2p 
4402.  Sendersonii (Haw-) . 821 
4403. Secundiflora (Harsk.) .. 820 
4404,  Spathacea ( Wall.) 817 
4405. Speciosa (Tod.) io eel 
4406. stricta (Rozb.) Sos Sn 
4407. suberosa (Rozb.) ous a 
4408. tomentosa (Ham.) ... 819-b 
4409. tomentosa (2, Br.) 821 
4410, Erythrochilus indicus 

(Reinw.) 2657 
cdxxxiii. Erythropalum (Bi.). excviii 
4411, scandens (Bl.) 491 
4412. Erythrostemon Gillest 
(Klotzsch.) 934 
edxxxiv. Erythroxylon (Linn.), Cxxvi 
4413, Coca (Lamk.) 350 
4414.  indicwm (Bedd.) 345 
4415. lanceolatum (H.L. f.). 349 
4.4.16, monogynum (Rozb.) 348 
edxxxv. Erythrozylum (R. Br.) exxvi 
cdxxxvi. Escallonia (Mutis.) .. CCCXCII 
4417. dwplicatoserrata 
; (Remy.) 1126 
4418, floribunda (H.B, - K)... 1126 
4419, macrantha (/1k.) 1127 
4429, panicut (Roem.) 1126 
4421. punctata (Hk. & Arn oe 1127 
4422. sanguinea (Hort. 
Veitch ) ee sou, 
4423, Ethesia carnea (Rafin.) 2264 
edxxxvii. Eucalyptus (L’ Herit.) cdxxi 
4424,  acervula (Hk.) 1187 
4425. acwminata (Hk.) 1187 
4426.  ambigua (De.) ree ville. 
4427,  amygdaiina (Labill.) 1192 
4428. angulosa (Sehan.) i) 205 
4429,  Baileyana (F. Muell.) ... i182 
4430, Buaeriana (Schan.) 1181 
4431. Baweriana (Miq.) iy) 
4432. bicolor (A*Cunn.) 1185 
4433, botryoides (Sm.) 1175 
4434, brachypoda (Turez.) 1169 
4435, bredor (Sphalm FA. 
edie Ae wos eb 
4436. brevifolia (F. Muell.) 1169: 
4437. calophylla (R. Br.) 1171 
4438,  citriodora (Hk.) i168 
4439. cordata (Lodd.) 1187 
4440, coriacea(A.Cunu.) ... 1183 
444%. corymbosa (Sm.) ‘ase a 



costata (F. Muell.) 
crebra (F. Muell.) 


Cunningham (Sweet.) .. 

diversifolia (Bonpl.) 

eleophora (F. Muell.) ... 

elata (Debud.) 
eugenioides (Sieb.) 

fabrorum fa BSA 

falcifolia (Miq.) 
fasciculosa (¥ 
Jibrosa (i. Muell.) 
Jissilens (Bed.) 

Jloribunda (Hueg.) 

gigantea (Hk.) 
globulosis (Hort.) 
globulosus (St. Lag.) 
Globulus (Labill.) 

Muell. ye 

gomphocephalus (De.) ... 

gonocalyx (F. Muell.) 
gracilis (Sieb.) 
granularis (Sieb.) 
Gunnii ( Hk.) 

Gunnii (Nug.) 
Gunnii (F. Muell.) 
hzemastoma (Sm.) 
hzemastoma (Miq.) 

hemilamfra (EF, Muell.) vi 
hemiphloia (F. Muell.) ... 

heterophylla (Miq.) 
hypericifolia (R. Br. ) 
incrassuta (Labill.) 
imerassata (Sieb.) 
largifiorus (EF. Muell.) 

lencoxylon (F. Mueil.).. * 

ligustrina (De.) 
ligustrina (Miq.) 
Lindleyana (De.) 
longifolia (Link.) 
longifolia (Lind).) 

longirostris (EF. Muell.) . 

mahagoni (F. Muell.) 

mannifera (A. Cunn.) ... 

marginata (Sm.) 
micrantha (De.) 
microcorys (F Muell.) .. 
microphya (A.Cunn.) . 

Muelleri (Migq.) 
multifiora (Poiv.) 
rervosa (F. Muell.) 

nitida (Hk.) 

obliqua (L’ Herit.) 
ornata (Sieb.) 
ovata (Iabill.) 
paniculata (Sm.) 

parvifiora (F. Muell. ya 
patentifiora (FE. ee : 

pancitlora (Sieb.) 
pendula (Page) 
penicillata (Host) 
persicifolia (De.) 
persicifolia (Lodd.) 


microtheca (FE. Muell.) .. a 




No. Eucalyptus—cont. No. 
4504, persicifolia (Miq.) 1197 
4505. persicifolia (De.) 1202 
4506. phlebopylla (F. Muell. ) 1183 
4507. _piluiaris (Sm.) 1202 
4508. pilularis (De.) 1186 
4509. piperata (Stokes) 1193 
4510. piperita (Sm.) 1193 
4511. piperita ( Hort.) 1186 
4512.  Planchoniana (F. Muell. ) 1196 
4513. platipodos (Cav.) 1175 
4514.  polyantheros (Schan. Ne 1181 
4515. pulverulenta (Sims.) 1167 
4516.  pulvigera (A. Cunn.) 1167 
4517. radiata (Sieb-) ret LOZ 
4518.  regnans (Sphalm 

F.A.R.) : p04 Bee 
4519. resinifera (Sm.) 1178 
4520. robusta (Sm.) 1174 
4521. rostrata (Schlact.) 1187 
4522. rostrata (Cav.) 1174 
4523. rubida (Drake. & Maid.) 1204. 
4524, saligna (Smur.) 1172 
4525.  seabra (Dum. Curs.) 1192 
4526. semicordata (F. Muell.)... 2202 
4527. siderophloia (Benth.) 1173 

4528,  siderorylon (A.Cunn.).. 1195 
4529.  signata (F. Mueil.) 1191 
4530.  splachnicarpa (Hk.) 1171 
4531. stricta (Sieb.) 1201 
4532. Stuartiana (fF. Mwell. ee 1197 
4533.  submultinervis (Miq.) ... 1198 
4534.  suwbulata(A.Cunn.) ... 1188 
4535.  sylvicultria (F. (Muell.). 1193 
4536.  tenwiramis (Miq.) 1192 
4537, tereticornis (Sm.) 1188 
4538. terminalis (Sieb.) 1200 
4539, viminalis (Lwbill.) 1186 
4540. Woollsti (EF. Muell.) . 1180 

cdxxxviii. Hugenia (Linn.) cdxxi 
4541. acris (W. & A.) 1197 
4542, alba (Roxb.) 1232 
4543. alternifolia (Wight) 1255 
4544 aquea (Burm.) 1230 
4545. argentea (Bedd.) .. 1266 
4546, Arnottiana (Wight) * 1240 
4547. aromatica ( Soil.) 1261 
4548. Beddomei (Duthie) 1233 
4549. Benthamiana 
(Wight.) ...1240-6 
4550. bracteata (Rozb.) 1264 
4551.  caleadensis (Bedd.) ... 1263 
4552.  calophyllifolia (Wight)... 1262 
4553. calyptrata (Roxb.) 1258-6 
4554,  caryophyllea (Wight)... 1246 
4555. caryophyllata (Willd,)... 1271 
4556.  caryophyllifolia (Lam.). 125~-b 
4557. cerasoides (Roxb.) ea eats 
4558.  codyensis (Munro)  ... 1252 
4559. comosa (Wall.) . 1250 
4560. corymbosa (Lam.) 1246 
4561. cuneata (Heyne) 1260 
4562.  cuspidata (Wall.) 1226 


No. Eugenia—-cont- o. Hugenia—cont. No. 
4562. (bis.) cyclophylla (Thw.) ... 1244 4624.  Willdenowii (Wight) ...1264-b 
4563. cylindriea (Wight) 1237 4625. wynaadensis (Bedd.) 1272 
4564. cymosa (Lam.) es 1238 4626,  zeylanica (Wight) 1242 
4565. fasciculata (Wall.) | 1264-¢ 4627. zeylanica (Roxb.) .. 1264-6 
4566.  floccosa (Bedd.) 1261 4628. — zeylanica ( Willd.) 1298 © 
4507.  frondosa ( Wall.) son | eat 4629. Eugona superba (Salisb.) 3119 
4568. Gardneii (Bedd.) 1246 4630. Eulalia nepalensis (Trin.). 3281 
4569. glandulifera (Roxb.) 1292 | cdxxxix, Enonymus (Linn,) cexil 
4570. gracilis (Bedd.) -. 1267-b 4631. acutangulus (Wight) 520 
4571. hemispherica (W ight) . 1234 4632. angulatus (Wight) 520 
4572.  Heyneana (Duthie) 1259 4633.  crenulatus (Wall.) 516 
4573. Jambolana (Lam.) 1258 4634.  glaucus (Turcz.) 520 
4574. Janbos (Linn.) 1231 4635.  Goughit (Wight) Pile 
4575. javanica (Lamk.) 1222 4636, grossa (Wall.) 544. 
4576. javanica (Ram.) 1230 4637. indicus (Heyne.) 515 
4577.  Jossinia (Duthie) 1250 4638. japonicus (Linn.) 514 
4578. kanarensis (Talb.) 1285 4639. panicnlatus (Wight) 519 
4579. Jeeta (Ham.) on 1236 4640.  radicans (Sieb.) 513 
4580. lanceolata (Ram.) 1241 4641, serratifolius (Bedd.) 518 
4581.  lawrina (Willd.) . 1725 4642, Tina (Ham) 544. 
4582. linearis (Wall.) 1. 1242-€ 4643, Ewpatorium asperum 
4583.  lissophylla (Bedd.) 1253 ( Roxb.) “es 1595 
4584. macrophylla (Lam.) 1228 4644.  celebicwm (D.C.). 1604 
4585. malabarica (Bedd.) ... 1254 4645. divergens (Roxb.) 1596 
4536.  malaccensis (Linn.) 1228 4616. javanicwm (D.C.) 1604 
4587. microphylla (Bedd.) 1269 4647. longicaule (Wall.) 1597 
4588. Mooniana (Wight) 1267 4648.  polyanthum (Wall.) 1596 
4589.  Moorei(F. Muell.) 1258 4649,  pyramidale (D. Don.) 1595 
4590. montana (Wight) 1243 4650. — rigidwm (Wall.) 1593 
45¢1. Munronii (Wight) 1229 4651,  tithymaloides (Linn.) 2543 
4592. Myhendre (Bedd.) 1249 4652. versicolor (Wall.) 1596 
4593.  myrtifolia (Rozb.) 1239 4653 (bis.) Ewphora costipulatis 
4594. WNeesiana (Wight) 1251 (Griff,) 2 4.64. 
4595. nervosa (Bedd.) 1256 edxl. Euphorbia (Linn) .. decevi 
4596.  oblata (Rozb.) eel zo0 4654. antiquorum (Linn.) 2536 
4597. obtusifolia (Roxb.) .. 1258-c 4655. antiquorws. (Wall.) 2535 
4598. occidentalis (Bowrd.) 1235 4656.  arborescens (Roxb.) 2653 
4599.  oleina (Wight.) 1239 4657. articulata (Dennst.) 2531 
4600. operculata (Rozb.) 1256 4658. Atoto (Forst.) 2531 
4601.  pacuiflora (Wight) ...1236-b 4659. bifida (Thw.) 2531 
4602.  pelygama (Roxb.) 1226 4660.  Bojeri (H.M.) ww. 2089 
4603. purpurea (Roxb.) 1228-b 4661. Breont (Ann. Fl & 

4604. racemosa (\inn.) 1274 Pom.) Boe 2539 
4605. Rama Varma (Bourd. ne 1217 4662.  cattimandoo (W. Elliot). 2538 
4606.  vrevoluta (Wight) 1248 4663. diversifolia (Willd.) 2540 
4607. rostrata (Bedd.) 1238 4664.  fulgens (Karn.) 2541 
4608. Rottleriana (W. & A.) .. 1265 4665.  halophila (Miq.) 2531 
4609,  Rozxburghii (D.C.) 12640 4666. jacquinifiora (Hk.). 2541 
4610. rubicunda (Wight) 12538 4667.  levigata (Wall.) . 20981 
4611.  salicifolia (Grah.) 1259 4668. levis (Poir.) : « 2581 
4612.  salicifolia (Wall.) 12538 4669. ligularia (Roxb.) .. 2534 
4613. — salicifolia (Wight) Stich aD 4670. _linearifolia (Roxb.) 2532 
4614.  singumpattiana (Bedd.). 1270 4671. linearis (Heyne) . 2582 
4615. spicata (Lam.) vee 1249 4672. nereifolia (Roxb.) wf 2535 
4616. Stocksii (Duthie.) 1257 4673. neriifolia (Linn.) 2534 
4617. Sabasco (C. Don.) 124+ 4674, Nivulia (Ham.) 2535 
4618. travencorica (Bowrd. ye 1250 4675. pallens (Dillw.) 2531 
4619.  trinervia (D.C.) vee 1224. 4676, pulcherrima (Willd) 2540 
4620, uniflora (Linn.) 1268 4677.  rhipsaloides (Lemm.) 2533 
4621. utilis (Talb.) 1247 4678.  Tirucalli (Zinn.) 2533 
4622. Wightiana ( Wight) 1231 4679.  tortilis (Rottl.) 2537 
4623.  Willdenowii (D.C.) 1268 4680. trigona (How,) 2538 


No. N 





47 26. 


Kuphorbia--cont. No. 
varians ( How.) 2535 
viminalis (Mill.) 2533 
Wightiana (Hk. f.) 2530 

Euphoria Litchi 

(Juss. ) 639 
Longana (Lamb. | 640 
Nephelium (D.C) 638 
punicea (Lamb,) 639 
pupillum (Sterd.) 640 
undulata (Heyne.) 640 
Eupteron Sp. (Kurz.) 1410 
Kurya (Thunb.) Ixxv 
angustifolia (Miq.) 194 
coneocarpa (Korth.) 189-6 
elliptica (Gard.) . 189-6 
fasciculata (\iam.) 189-c 
japonica (Zhunb.) 189 
japonica (Bedd.) 189-b 
nitida ( Korth.) 189-¢ 
phyllanthoides ( Bl.) 18+ | 
Roaburghii (Wall.) 189-c 
Thunbergit (Thu.) 189-b 
triatyla (W. & A.) 189-b 
Wightiana ‘ Wight) 189-b 
Wightiana ( Wall.) 189-c 

Eutacta Cookii (Carr.) 2835 

Cunningham (Link) ... 2886 
excelsa (Link.) snd) ) 21ST 
humilis (Carr.) 2835 
minor (Carr.) 2835 
Pancherii (Carr.) 2835 
subulata (Carr.) 2835 
Eutassa Cunninghami 
(G. Don.) * 2836 
heterophylla (Salisb.) 2837 
Euterpe (Ge#rin.) cmxCciii 
acuminata (H. Wendl.) ... 3158 
edulis (Mar.) 3160 
globosa (Geertn. ) 3160 
Evia amara (Comm.). 685 
Evodia (Forst.) exliti 
glauca (Miq.) 379 
Marambony ( Miq.) soo e's) 
melizfolia (Benth.) .,. 379 
Roxburghiana (Benth.) 378 
triphylla (Bedd.) 378 
Exceecaria (Linn.) ... ACcecix , 
afinis (Grift.) fe Es: 
Agallocha (Linn.) 2100 
bicolor (Hassk.) 2706 
Camettia (Willd.) 2706 
cochinchinensis (Muell.) 2707 
crenula (Wight) 2707 
discolor (Muell.) oe ZO 
indica (Muell.) Beg. VEAALES 
insignis (Bedd.) 2703 
oppositifolia (Muell.) 2707, 
robusta (Hk. f.) mee 2008 
sebifera (Muell.) 2702 
Exocarpus (Labill.) «+. ACCcy 



47 36. 




' 4756. 






Exocarpus-—cont, NO. 
cupressiformis (Labill.) 2529 
Exogonium Purga 
(Lindl) 2023 
dumosum (Benth. :) 2028 
Fabricia coriaced 
(Muell.) oe AIM: 
incana (Dum, © ours.) Be Aly 
levigata (Gouf.) 1216 
myrtifolia (Sieb.) 1216 
sericea (Sweet.) 1217 
Fragara Bude ga 
(Roxb.) : 000984,385 
Lunur-ankenda (Geertn.)., 378 
Rhetsa (Roxb.) 384, 
triphylla (Roxb.) 38 378 
Fagonia (Linn.) os CXXXI1 
arabica (Linn.) 363 
cretica (Linn.) 363 
montana (Miq.) 1800 
mysorensis (Roth.) 363 
Fagraea (Thunb.) .. dexliv 
Blumei (Steud.) 1956 
celebica (Bl.) 1956 
(Wight,) 1956 
crassifolia (BI. | 1956 
globosa (Wall.) 1956 
malabarica (Bl.) 1986 
obovata ( Wall.) 1956 
obovato-javana (Bl.) 1956 
zeylauica (Thunb.) 1955 
Fagus (Tourn). decexciv 
castanea (Linn.) 2794 
procera (Salisb.) 2794 
sylvatica (Linn,) 2796 
sylvestris (Geertu. ) 2796 
Falconeria insignis (Royle.) 2704 
malabarica (Wight) ... 2704-b 
Wallichiana (Roy le.) 2704 
Farnesia odora (isaspar.) 1027 
Fatioa nepaulensi 
Wall nine 1316 
Fatsia (Dene o” Pl.) soln OGL 
japonica (Dene § Pl.). 1896 
papyritera (Benth Y Hk. Ke): 1398 
Feronia (Gerin.) clviii 
elephantum (Correa.) . 424 
pellucida (Roth.) 425 
Fereola buaxifolia nee 
(Roxb.) Aci .. 1694 
Festuca natans (Ham.) 3292 
Ficus (Linn.) decelxxii 
acutiloba (Miq.) meet TAT, 
offinior (Griff.) .. 2739 
Altimeraloo (Roxb.) ... 2724 
altissima (Bl.) . 2732 
Ampelos (Kcen.) ver 27 240g 



4825. - 





Ficus—cont. No, 
amplissima (Sm.) 2742 
anaztomosans (Wall.).... 2748 
angulata (Miq.) .o. 2424-5 
aquatica (Kcen.) 2747 
Arnottiana (Miq.) 2740 
artocarpifolia (Roxb.) 2744. 
asinina (Ham.) Sx CAL PAS) 
asperrima (Rozb.) 2749 
assamica (Miq.) ... 2747 
Beddomei (King.) 2729 
bengalensis (Lumn.) 2726 
Benjamina (Linn.) 2733 
Benjamina (Wall.) 2742 
Benjamina (Willd.) 2736 
biglandula (Bl.)... 2748 
biglandulose (Miq.) 2748 
callosa (Willd.) ... 2744. 
Canoni (N.K. Br.) 2758 
Cannoni (Sphalm.) 2758 
Carica(Lmn.)  . 2752 
caricoides (Koxb.) 2753 
caulocarpa (Miq.) 2741 
chittagonga (Miq.) he AHS 
cinerascens (Thw.) vee 2744 
citrifolia (Willd.) 2727 
comosa (Roxb.) ... 2733 
conglomerala (Roxb.) 2751. 
cordifolia ( Roxb.) 2738 
cotonizfolia (Vahl.) 2727 
cumeata (B1.) 2724 
Cunia (Ham.) ... tee fold 
Cunninghamii (Miq.) ... 2746 
Dzemonwm (Keen.) Bote eA, 
Dalhousiz (Miq.) ... 2725 
denticulata (Vahl.) 2747 
dictyophylla (Wall.) 2733 
dilatata (Miq.) 2736 

elastica (Roxb.) ... ....- 2734 

elongata (Miq.) ... 2747 
eacelsa (Vahl.) sae v2 
Fraseri (Muell.) ... .» 2746 
gibbosa (B1.) sc: vee «2724 
glomerata (Rozb.) . 2757 
Gonia (Ham.) ... ie 2720 
Goolereea (R.oxb.) S287, 
grossularioides (Burm.)... 2747 
hematocarpa (B1.) 2733 
heterophylla (Linn.) 2747 
hispida (Linn.) 2750 
hispidissima (Wight) 2749 
humilis (Roxb.) ... .. 2748-6 
inconstans (Miq.) 2748 
wmdica (linn.) ... 2726 
infectoria (Rozb.) 2743 
infectoria ( Willd.) 2741 
laccifera (Roxb.) 2732 
Lacor (Ham.) 2743 
littoralis (Bl.) ... 2736 
lutescens (Bl.) 2743 

macrocarpa (Wight) as 2754 
macrophylla (Desf.) ... 27465 
macrophylla (Roxb.). .,, 2755 






No. Ficus—cont. No. 
magnoliaefolia (Bl.) 2737 
microcarpa (Linn. f.) 2736 
modesta (Miq.) 2737 
mollis (Miq.) 2757 
mollis (Vahl.) 2728 
mollis (Willd.) 2750 
? montana (Burm.) 2748 | 
montana (Wall.) .. 2737 
mysorensis (Heyne) 2727 
neglecta (Bl.) 2733 
nervosa (Roth.) 2737 
nitida (Thunb.) ... . 2736-b 
oppositifolia (Willd.) ... 27350 
palmata (Forst.) 2758 
papyrifera (Grift.) 2733, 
paradoza (Bl.) 2724 
pendula (Link.) ... 2733 
politoria (Moon) ... 2749 
populifolia (Wall.) 2740 
prominens (Wall.) 2750 
Pseudo-sycamorus (Dene.) 2753 
psychotrizfolius (Miq.) 2746 
(é4s.).... pamila (Linn,) 2747-4 
punctata (Heyne.) ---2743-b 
quercifolia (Rozb.) 2748 
racemosa (Wall.) 2757 
Rama-Varmz (Bounh 2729 
regia (Miq.) 2755 
religiosa (Linn.) sos 2D 
repens (Ham.) . . 2747-b 
repens ( Willd.) wo. 2747-6 
retusa (Linn.) . 2736 
rigida (B1.) is 2724 
Roxburghii (Wall. ) 2755 
s ubifolia (Griff.) .. 2747 
rubra (Roth.) se 2736 
rufescens (Ham.)... 2747 
rufescens (Vahl.) 2747 
Rum phii (B1.) 2738 
scabra (Jacq.) .. 2750 
scabrella (Roxb. a .-. 2747-c 
sclerophylla (Roxb.) _... 2724-a 
scleroptera (Griff.) 2756 
scleraptera (Miq.) 2744 
sinuosa (Miq) ... .. 2748 
striata (Roth.) ... Pee Es). 
subobliqua (Miq.) 2724 
subpandureformis (Miq.). 2747 
(bis.) Talboti (King) ... 2735 (dis.) 
termina lioides (Gri. aN 2743 
Tjakela (Burm.) .. 2741 
Tjela (Wall.) 2743 
tomentosa (Rozb.) 2728 

tomentosa (Herb. Madr.). 2727-b 
travancorica (King) 2731 
Trimeni (King) ... 2735 
truncata (Ham.)... 2747 
truncata (Vahl.)... vo ee 
Tsiela (Rozb.) ... ».. 2742 
tuberculata (Roxb.) .. 2724-b 
venosa (Wall.) ... we. 2748 
virgata (Roxb.) ... 2758 


No. Ficus—cont. No. 
4901. Wightiana (Wall.) ... 2748-¢ 
edli. Filicium (Thw.) ... CIXXiV 
4902. decipiens (Thw.) ... 448 
cedliii. Firmiana (Marsil.) cil 
4908,  colorata (Br.) 272 
edliv. Flacourtia (Comm.) liv 
4904. Cataphracta (Rozb.) 135 
4905. crenata (Wall.) 131 
4906, inermis (Rozb.) 133 
4907.  inermis (Miq.) 134 
4908. Jangomas (Miq.)... 135 
4909. montana (Grah.) 134 
4910.  Perrottetiana (Chois.) 136-c 
4911. quintuplinervis (Turcz.). 133 
4912,  amontchi (L’ Her.) 136 
4913. Ramontchi (Wall.) . 136-4 
4914. rotundifolia (Roxb.) 137 
4915. sapida (Roxb.) 136-6 
4916.  sazida (Wall.) 131 
4917. — sepiaria (Rozb.) ... 137 
edly. Flagellaria (Linn.) . cmixx 
4918. angustifolia (Wall.) .. 3120-5 
4919. indica (Linn.) Pe an WAL, 
4920. minor (B}.) .. 8120-5 
cdlvi. Flemingia (Rozb. ex-Ait.) cccxxiii 
4921, abrupta(Wall.) ... 870 
4922. angustifolia (Roxb.) 875 
4923. bracteata (Wight) 870-a 
4924, Chappar (Ham.) 871 
492%, chlorostachys (Wall.) 870-a 
4926. congesta (Lozb.) 875 
4527.  ferruginea (Wall.) 877 
4928. fruticulosa (Wall.) 870-b 
4929. Grahamana(W. Jf A.)... 874 
4930. involucrata (Benth.) 879 
4931. lineata (Rozb.) - ... One 
4932. nana (Wall.) we art) tiffs: 
4933.  prostrata (Roxb.) 876 
4934, pycnantha (Benth.) 874 
4935.  Rothiana (D.C.) ... 858 
4936.  semialata (Rozb.) S76 
4937. sericans (Kurz.) 8728 
4938. stricta (Rozb.) 873 
4939. stricta (Wall.) 876 
4940,  strobilifera(R. Br.) ... 87 
4941. Wallichii(W. § A.) ... 878 
4942, Wightiana (Grah.) fel Tif 

cdlvii. Flueggea (IVilld.) ... dcecoxvi 
4943.  amgulata (Baill.)... 2591 
4944.  elliptica (Ham.) .. 2591 
4945.  leucophylla (Wail.) 2591 
4946.  leucopyrus ( Willd.) -.. 2592 
4947, leucopyrur (Dalz. & Gibs.) 2591 
4948. major (Baill.) .. 2570 
4949, melanthesoides (F. Muell. ) 2591 
4950. microcarpa (Bl. df -- 2591 
4951. obovata (Ham.) . 2591 
4952, virosa(Baill.) ... 2591 
4953. -virosa (Dalz. & Gibs.) ... 2592 
4954.  Wallichiana (Baill.) 2592 
4955. «erocarpa (A, Juss.) 2592 


No, NO, 
edlix. Fourcroya (Spreng-) cmlviii 
4956. Franciscea australis (Miers.) 2111 
4957. Hopeana (Hk.)... 2110 
4958. uniflora (Pohl.) 2110 
cdlv. Fraxinus (Linn.) .. AL xviii 
4959. argentea (Loisel.) 1779 
4960. floribunda (Wall.) 1778 
4961. montana (Salisb.) 1779 
4962. Ornus (Linn.) 1779 
4963. paniculata (Will.) 1772 
4964. rotundifolia (Lamk.) 1779 
4965.  wurophylla (Wall.) 1798 
4966, Frenela australis (Endl.). 2815-¢ 
4967. colwmellaris (F. Muell). 2814 
4968.  crasaivalvis (Miq.) 2814 
4969. glauca {Mirb.) 2814 
4970.  Gulielmi (Parl.) 2814 
4971.  imtratropica (F. Muell.)..: 2814 
4972.  microcarpa (A. Cunn.)... 3814 
4973. Moore (Parl.) 2814 
4974.  propinqua (A. Cunn.) 2814 
4975. rhomboidea (Endl,) 2815 
4976. robusta (A. Cunn.) 2814 
4977.  triquetra (Spach.) 2815 
4978.  tuberculata (Mich.) wwe 2814 
4979. _variabilis (Carr.) te 2BLS 
4980. Ventenatii (Mirb.) oo, DOLE 
4981.  verrucosus (A. Cunn.) 2814 
4982. Frisquetia macrocarpa 
(Gand.) ... 3241 

cdlvi. Fuchsia (Pluwm.)... ae 
4982 (dis.) albo coccinea (Hort. 838 (dis.) 










amezna (Hort. D.C.) 1323 
arborescens (Sims.) 1323 
boliviana (Britt.) 1324 
coccinea (Curt.) ... 1330 
congestiflora (Hort.) 1325 
conica (Linol.) ... 223) deol 
corymbifiora bidet, & 

Pav.) Ules --- 1325 
corymbosa (Prittz. OT 1325 
decussata (R. Grah.) 1330 
discolor (Lindl.) 1330 
Dominii (Hort.) . 1331 
Dominiana (Hort. ae des 

Serres.) .. 1331 
folgens (Moc. § Sess.) 1326 
gracilis (Moc.) 1327 
gracilis (Lindl.) ... 1330 
Kirkvi (Hk.£.) —... .-. 1328 
macrostemma (Ruiz. ¢ 

Par.) lose 
magellanica (Lamb. ) 1330 
microphylla (Hb. § K.) 1327 
multifiora (Murray.) 1330 
paniculata (Lirol ) 1323 

- pendula (Salisb.) 1330 
procumbens (R. Cumn.). 1328 
recurvata (Niyin.) 1330 
splendens (Hort. Pippel. 1327 
rplendens (Zucc.) .. 1329 
syringe flora (Carr.) 1323 






cdl xiii. 




Fuchsia—cont. No. 
tenella (Hort. G. Don). 1830 
Funium piliferum 
(Willem. ) 3054 
Funtumia africana 
(Benth.) 1832 
Farcraea (Vent.) emlviii 
Cantula (Haw-) 3052 
fetida (Haw.) 3054 
gigantea (Vent.) ... 3054 
rigida (Haw.) 3051 
viridis (Hemsley) 3054 
Gaertnera laurifolia cH 
Meade PW) he Ln Vase) BBB 
racemosa <Roxb.)... 355 
Galedupa arborea (Roxb. de 899 
indica (Lam.) ... oo hy 
uliginosa (Roxb.)... see, O02 
Galega argentea (Lank.) 776 
Barba jovis(Burm.) ... 776 
Colonila (Ham.) ... Be TB! 
Colutea (Willd.) ... --. (46-D 
diffusa (Roxb.) ... w- (14ec 
glandifiora ( Vahl.) Soa) Chee) 
Heyneana (Roxb.) 5 LY 
hirta (Ham.) oe SAS TUE: 
imcana (Roxb.) ... «. (76-6 
lanceefolia (Roxb.) 774: 
maczima (Linn.) ... .. 114d 
pentaphylla (Roxb.) 773 
procumbens (Ham.) -- Ike 
purpurea ( Linn.) son Ufa 
rosea (Lam.) ses se FOO 
senticosa (Linn.) ... 778 
sericea (Ham.) 774 
spinosa (Linn.) 772 

tinctoria (Lamk.) ide 

villosa (Linn.) ... 776 
Galumpita cuspidata (BI. ) 2714 
Ganitrus spherica (Gertn.) 335 
Garcinia (Linn.) . lxviii 

acuminata (Pl. & Tr.) 174 

affmis (W. & A.) ... 172 

Cambogia (Desr.) 172 

cambogioides (Royle) 174 

celebica (Desr.) .. 171 

conicarpa (Wight) 172-b 

echinocarpa Ce ) 173 

elliptica (Wall.) . 172, 174 

Gutta (Wight) 174 

Inberti (Bowrd.) 176 

indica (Chois.) 4o5 17 / 

lobulosa (Wall.) . ee WE: 

Livingstonei (Andr.) 169 

malabarica (Desr.) mo We 

Mangostana (Linn.) ... 170 

Morella (Desr.) .., 174 

ovalifolia (Hk. f.) ; 179 


Papilla (Wight) .. 

No, Garcinia——cont. No. 
5064, pictoria(Koxb.) .. sea, Paes 
5065. purpwrea (Roxb.) eeerri | ee 
5966. spicata (Hk. f.) ... 2 ¢ AG 
5067.  travancorica (Bedd.) 177 
5068.  Wightii (T. Anders.) 175 
5069. Xanthochymus (Hk. f) 178 
5070. zeylanica (Roxb.) su nes 

edlviv. Gardenia (Linn.) “edxeviii 
5071. appendiculata (Stokes.)... 1508 
5072. cumeata(Br.)  . 1507 
5073. Donia (Ham.) 1507 
5074. dumetorum (Retz.) 1498 
5075.  enneandra (Keen.) .. 1506-b 
5076. floribunda (Roxb.)... 1498 
5077. florida (Linn.) ... ao WI 
5079. Fortune (Hort.) -.--1610-b 
5080. fragrans (Keen.) ... 1499 
5081. grandifiore (Sieb.) 1510 
5082.  gummifera (Linn.) 1505 
5088.  wmermis (Dietr.) ... 1505 
5084.  jasminoides (Ellis) 1510 
5085. latifolia (Ait.) ... +. 1506 
5086.  longispina (Roxb.) 1498 
5087. lucida (Rozb.) 1504 
5088. macrocarpa (Carey) 1508 
5089. Maruwba (Sieb.) 1510 
5090.  medicinalis ( Vahl.) 1508 
5091. montana (D.C.) 1507-b 
5092. mutans (Roxb.) 1498 
5098.  pictorwm (Hassk.) xe 15t0 
5094.  pomifera (Wall.)... ss 1497 
5095.  radicans (Thunb.) 1510 
5096. résimifera (Roth.) 1504 
5097.  rigida (Wall.) 1527 
5098. speciosa (Salisb.) 15u8 
5099  spimosa (Linn.) ... «. 1498 
5100.  ternifolia (Schum.) ose LOS 
5101.  tetrandra (Bedd.) « 1496 
5102. Thumbergia (Linn.) ... 1508 
5103. Tinnezx (Kotschy.) .. 1508 
5104.  triacantha (D.C.) -e. 1508 
5105.  turgida (Rozb.) ... 1507 
5106.  wliginosa (Retz.) oo. 1407 
5107. verticillata (Lamk.) 1508 
edlxvy. Gardneria ( Wail.) .. Acxlvi 
5108. ovata (Wail.) 1965 
5109. Wallichii (Wight) 1965 
cdixvi. Garuga (Rozb.) clxx 
5110, % madagascariensis (D.C.). 440 
5111. pinnata(Rozb.) ... soo Ad) 

6112. Gastonia Nalugu Capen 

Gustonia,) oe sa oie 

cdlxvii.Gaultheria (Zinn.) dxxxviii 
5113.  fragrans (D. Don.) . 1642 
5114. fragrentissima (Wall.) ... 1642 
5115. Leschenaultii (D.C.) soa, BAD, 
5116.  ovalifolia (Wall.) 1 (pasate 
5117.  punctata (B1.) _ .. 1642 
5118. Gela lanceolata (Lour.) 388 

cdlxviii. Gelonium (Rozb.) decelv 
5119. angustifolium (Muell.) ... 2695 
5120.  bifariwm (Wight) 2695 

No, Geloninn.— cont. No. 
5121, fasciculatwm (Roxb.) 2694 
5122. lanceolatum ( Willd.) 2695 
5123. wmultiflorum (A. Juss.) ... 2694 
5124. Gemella trifolia (Lour.) ... 628° 

5125. Gendarussa tranquebariensis 
(Nees.) ... 4e 2258 
5126, vuigaris (Nees.) east 12200 
5127. wynaadensis (Nees.) 2261 
edlxix. Genianthus (Hk. f.) dexx 
5128.  crassifolius (Dalz. & Gib.) 1880 
512Y. laurifolius (Hk. f.) 1880 
5130. Genista argentea (Noulat.) 697 
51381. hirsuta (Mcench.) pete Sie 
5132.  scoparius (Lam.) as 742 
edixx, Geonoma ( Willd.) omlxxxvi 
5138. gracilis (H. Wendl.) 3144 
5134. Spixiana (H. Wendl.) 3145 
5135. Getonia floribunda (Roxb.) 1153 
5136,  nitidat(Roth.) . 1153-b 
5137. nutans (Roxb.) ... . 1158-4 
5138. Gigantabies taxifolia 
(Nelson.) 2827 
5139. Wellingtonia (N elson) 2826 
5140. Gigantochloa andamanica 
(Kurz.) . 3305 
5141, nigro-ciliata (Kurz. Ne) eps , SBOE 
5142. Gilibertia Nalugu (D c,) 
(H. Wenadl.) ... 617 
ed]xxii, Ginkgo (Iinn.) __... emi 
51438. biloba (Linn.) ... 2824, 
5144. macrophylla (Hort, Koch. ) 2824. 
ced1xxii. Girardinia (Gawd.) dcecclx xix 
5145. heterophylla (Dene.) 2768 
5146. —_hibiscifolia (Miq.) ... 2768-¢ 
5147. Leschenaultiane (Dene.). 2768-b 
5148. Palmata (Gaud.) ... 2768-6 
5149. Zeyianica (Dere.) ... 2768-c 
cdixxiii. Gironniera (Gaud.) ‘decelxv 

5150. cuspidita (Kurz.) ». 2714 
5151. reticulata (Thw.) 2714 
cdlxxiy. Givotia (Grijf.) decexxXv 
5152. rottleriforms (Grif.) ... 2544 
5158. Glabraria litoralis (Miq.)  2459-b 
5154. —_ tersa (Linn.) 2459-b 
5155. Glaphyria sericea (Jack.) 1217 
5156.  itida(Jack.) ... 1217 
cedlvvv. Gleichenia (Smith) sie ml: 
5157. dichotoma ( Willd.) 3325 
5158.  Hermanni (Br.) ... 3325 
5159.  lanigera (Don.) 3325 
5160. rigida(Sm.) ... ... 3325 
cdlxxvi. Globba (Linn.) emxliii 
5161. bracteata (Heyne) .. 2987 
5162. bracteosa (Horan.) 2987 
5163.  bulbifera(Rozb.) ... ba, 2087 
5164. canarensis (Baker) 1 ©2989 
5165. erecta (Red.) eS OOZ 
5166. marantina (Wall.) .. 2987 
5167.  marantinoides (Wight)... 2987 
5168. nutans (Linn.) ~~ .. ... 3008 
5169. ophioglossa (Wight) .. 2986 



no, Globba—cont. No. 
5170. orixensis (Rozh.) . «» 2985 
5171. — orixensis (Wall.) ... 2986 
5172. —platystachya (Baker) 2989 
5173. — strobilifera (Roll. & Morit.) 2987 

cd1xxvii.Glochidion (Forst.) ... decexv 

5174.  arboreum (Wight .. 2082 
5175.  aspervm ? cucan 2590 
5176. canaranum (Miq.) . 2577-b 
5178. diversifoliwm (Bedd.) ... 2587 
517%. ~—ellipticum (Wight) 2587 
5180.  fagifolium (Miq.) 2578 
5181. Heyneanum (Wight) 2589 
5182. Hohenackeri (Bedd.) 2579 
5183. Jobnstonei (Hk.f.)... ... 2581 
5184. Jussiewtanwm (Thu.) ... 2586 
5185.  lanceolarium (Daiz.) 2575 
5186. _ littorale (Bl.) te 2574 
5187. malabaricum (Bedd.) 2584 

5187 (dts.) Multiocularis (Kuell.) 
2574 (bis.) 

5188.  neilgherrense (Wight) 2583 
5189,  obliguum (Dene.) .. 2577 
5190, = Perrottetianum (Beda. Nae 2583 
5191, Ralphii(Hk.f.) ... 2580 
5192. rigidum (Mwell.) ... 2536 
5193. —stellatwm (Bedd.) 2586 
5194. Thwaitesii (Muell.) 2586 
5195.  tomentosum (Dalz.) 2576 
5196,  velutinum (Wight) 2588 
5197, zeylanicum (A. Juss.) 2577 
5198. Glochisandra acuminata 
(Wight) . . 2575 
edlxxyiii. Gloriosa (Linn.) “‘emlxix 
_5199. Doniana (Schultes, f.) 3119 
5200. simplex (D. Don.) 3119 
5291. superba ( Linn.) 3119 
cdixxix. Gluta (Linn.) i feo) eel ba 
5202.  travancorica (Bedd.) ... 666 
5204,  Glycins densiflora (Roth.) 869 
5205. pondicheriensis (Spr ore 858 
5206. rufescens (Willd.)... 858 
5207.  simensis (Rid.) ... in Des 
5208. suaveolens (Linn.) ivy OOR 
5209. tomentosa (McL.) sal A Som 
5210. vestita (Grah.) .., cathy yee 
5211. viscida( Willd.) } Res 790 
cdixxx. Glycosmis (Correa.) ... Cxlvili 
5212. angustifolia (Lindl.) ... 889-6. 
5418. arborea (D.C.)... Bou eis) 
5215.  chylocarpa (W.&A.) PPA, Mister) 
5216. macrocarpa (Wight) .:. 389-c 
5217. macrophylla (Lindl.) ... 389-b 
5218. nitida (W.WA.) 389-6 

5219. pentaprylla Coreen) on naee 
5220. Retzii(Rem.) .. es t3 14) 

5221. triphylla (Wight) .. 889-b 
5222. Glycycarpus TACeIOSUS 

(Dalz) |... Ad Kafsith 

“ edixxxi.Glyptopetalum (Thy. ) ccxiii 

5223. grandifferum (Bedd.) ... 522 
cdixxxii.Gmelina (Linm.) dccoxxix 
5224. arborea (Linn.) 2305 
5225. asiatica (Linn.) ,,. .. 2806 

no. Gmelina—cont. No. No- No. 
5226.  coromandeliana (Burm.) 2306 | cdlxxxix. Gordonia (Ellis) . Ixsvii 
5227. Finlaysomana (Wall.) 2307 5279. obtusa(Wall.)  . 192 
5228. Hystrix (Kurz.) 2307 5280. Gossampinus rubra (Ham.) 259 
5229.  wimermis (Blanco) 2306 cdxc. Gossypium (Linn.) - Sey 
5239.  lobata (Gertn.) 2306 5281. acuminatum Cm ) vee 254-5 
5231. parviflora (Roxb.) 2306 5282. album (W.& A.) .. 253 
5232. parviflora (Roxb.) 2306 5283.  arboream (Linn.) 255 
5233. Rheedi (Hook.) . 2805 5284. barbadense (Linn.) 254 
52384. Gnaphalium cinnamomeum 5285.  harbaccum (Linn.) s 253 
(Sohiye't b: 16.2 5286.  hirsutwm (Linn.) oa. Zoot 
5232.  cynoglossoides (Sch. ) 1614-a 5287.  imdicwm (Lamk.) .. 253 
5226.  Hookeriannum (Shw.) .. 1614-b 5288.  micranthwm (D.C.) PP 5733 
5237. Gnaphaliwm marcescens 5289. neglectum (Tod.) .. 255-b 
(Wight.) -.. 1612 5290.  obtusifoliwm (Roxb.) 253-b 
5238 er m (D. C. ) 1613 52951. peruvianum (Cay.) 254-b 
5235 nilagiricum (Sch.) 1613 5292, religioswm (Parl.) .. 254-6 
5240 Vightsanwm (V.C.) cea GT 5293. —_religioswm (Roxb.) ... 253-d 
5241 Wightianwm (Thu.) ... 1614-5 5294. vitifoliwm (Lamk.) . 254-5 
XLVII. GNETACE A CXI 5295.  vitifoliwm (Roxb.) 253-e 
edlxxxiil, Gnetum (Linn.) decexevi | cdxci. Gouania (Linn.) CCxxXXiV 
5242. edule (Bl.) 2805 5246.  imtegrifolia (Kurz.) 577 
5243.  fumiculare (Wight) see 2805 5297. lanceolata (Wall.) 579 
5244.  gnemonoides (Brongn.) ... 2805 5298.  leptostachya (D.C.) 578 
5245.  latifoliwm (Parlat.) 2805 5299. microcarpa (D.C.) 577 
5246. pyrifolium (Miq.) ».- 2805 5300.  tiliefolia (Heyne.) a i /7/ 
5247. scandens (Zozb.) «. 2005 5301. Goughia neilgherrensis 
5248. Ula(Bronegn.) . 2835 (Wight) ... yee) eB 
5249. Gnidia eriocephala (Meissn. ai 2497 5302. Govania nivea (Wall. y .. 2644 
5250. «wsularis (Gardn.) 2492 |} L. GRAMINACHA. ac ... CAXVI 
5251.  monticola (Miq.) 2492 5302. Grammica aphylla (Lour.) 2067 
5252. sisparensis (Gardn.) .. 2492 5304. Granadilla cwrulea Me ) 1349 
5253. Goldfussia decurrens (Wight) 2196 5805.  fetida (Geertn.) 1351 
5254. Leschenaultiana (Nees. pea aon 5306.  laurifolia (Medic.) 1353 
5255, — tristis (Wight) 2158 5307.  luetea (Medic.) 1355 
5256. Zenkeriana (Nees.) 2192 5308. gquadriangularis (Medic. ¥ 1358 
5257.  Zenkeriana (Wicht) 2194. 5809. _ serratifolia (Medic.) . 1360 
cdixxxiv. Gomphandra ( Wall.) ecili 5310.  suberosa (Gertn.) ...* 1361 
5258. axillaris (Wail) 496 5311. Granatwm littorewm (Rumpb.) 416 
5259. coriacea (Wight) .. 497 | cdxcii. Graptophyllum (Nees.) decxvii 
5260. polymorpha (Wight) 497 5312. hortense (Nees.) ... ion) 2 
5261. polymorpha (Wicht) 4.96 5313. pictum (Griff.) soe 22/0 
edlxxxy. Gomphia (Schreb.) ..clxviii | cdxciii. Grevillea (R. Br.) . decxe 
6262. angustifolia (Vahl.) 438 | 5314. Banksii(#. Br.) . 2482 
5263. malabarica (D.C.).. a TASS 5815.  Forsteri (Host.) 2482 
5264. zeylanica (D.C.) .. ... 488 5316. Hilliana (F. Muwell.) 2481 
cdixxxvi. Gomphocarpus (R. Br.) ... dexlii 5317. linearis (R. Br.) 2483 
0265.  fruticosus (R. Br.) . 1950 5318. robusta, (R. Br.) ... 2480 - 
52€6,  Schimperi (Presl.) = L950 5319. sepiaria (R. Br.) ... 2483 
5267. setosus (Hochst.) 1950 5320. stricta (R. Br.) 2483 
5268. simaicus (Boiss.) 1950 5321.  umbratica (A. Cunn.) 2480 
5269. Gomutus obtusifolia (BL Nt 3150 5322.  venusta (A. Cunn.) 2480 
5270.  saccharifer (Spreng.) ... 3149 | edxciv. Grewia (Linn.) ... exix 
cedlxxxvii. Goniothalamus (B/.) xx 5323. abutilifolia (/uss.) 324 
5271. cardiopetalus (Hk. f. & 1 53 5324 affimis(Lindl.) ... 327 
5272.  Thwaitesii (Hk. f. & T.) .. Bal 5325. angustifolia (Wall.) 326 
5273. Wightii (Hk. f. ¥ T.) 54 5326. araria (Wall.) 314 
5274. wynadensis (Bedd.) u 52 5827. arborea (Roth.) 316 
XLIX. GOODENIACEA . LXIV 5328. asiatica (Linn.) ... 317 
edixxxviii. Goodia (Salisb.) celxxviii 5329.  asiatica (Wall.) ... 324 
5275.  lotifolia (Salisb.) .. 703 5330. aspera (Roxb.) 324 
5276.  medicaginea (F. Muell. yrs 703 5331.  begonifolia (Wall.) aie, Ee 
5277. retusa (Sweet.) ... a S703 5382.  betulefolia (Juss.) 312 
5278.  subpubescens (Sweet.) ... 703 5838. bicolor (Juss.) a. vec) hoa 



No. Grewia—cont, No, No. Grewia—cont. NOs 
5334. bicolor (Roth.) ... joss ee 5395. scabrophylla (Roab.) 318 
585. biloba (Wall.)... awe 326 5396. sclerophylla(Wall.) ... 318 
5336. bipartita (Wall.)... oe 5897. subinequalis (Wall.) 316, 317 
5837. bracteata Roth.) oe | 5398. slcata(Wall.) ... «. 318 
5338. bracteata (Miq.) ... .. 3808 | 5399. Sulcoria (Ham.)° pe aD 
5339.  carpinifolia (Roxb.) seaaly bee 5400. . tilizefolia (Vahl.)... 316 
5340.  carpinifolia (Wall.) «. 3808 5401.  wulmifolia (Roxb.) wa Bee 
53841. Carrea(Ham.) ... .. 318 | 5402. umbellifera (Bedd.’ .- «= B 2 
5342.  columnaris (Sm.) seer OOE 5403. variabilis (Wall.) 315, 316 
5343. commutata (D.C.) 319 | 5404. vestita (Wall.) ...  BIT-b 
5344. Getia(Geil. & Pere.) 320 5405. villosa (Willd.) ... BP 3. 
5345. didyma (Roxb.) ... 321 5406.  viminea (Wall.) ... iso) | Meee 
5346.  disperma (Rottl.)... Sask pea 5407. Griffithia fragrams (W.&A.). 1499 
5347. elastica (Royle.) ... .. 817-b | 5408. Gardmeri (Thu.) ... zs, See 
5348. emarginata(W.§ A.) ... 309 | 5409. speciosa (Bedd.) ... ... 1502-6 
5349.  excelsa (Vahil.) 315 | 5410. Grisebachia Belmoreana 
5350. flavescens (Juss.) a ape (H. Wendl.) _... 3135 
5351. glabra (Jack.)... : 327 | 5411. Forsteriana (H. Wendl.). 3136 
5352. —helicterifolia (Wall.) 325, 326 5412. Gristez punctata (Ham.). 1307 
5358.  heterotricha (Mast.) ... 311 5413. tomentosa (Roxb.) soe LOM 
5354. hirsuta (Vail.)... =. 325 5414. uniflora (Rich.) 1307 
5355. hirsuta (Wall.) ... .. 826 | 5415. Grumilea elongata (Wight) 1564 
5356  involucrata (Wall.) .. 809 | 5416.  Junghuhniana (Mig.) ... 1565 
5357.  imvolucrata (Wight) ey Bike 5417. longifolia (Bedd.) eee iS 715, 
5358, levigata (Vahl.) ... SREY | 418.  % nigra (Geertn.) ... 1558 
5359. Lalpeta(Ham.) ... Per ee 5419. nudiflora (Thu.) 55. eel DOS 
5360. lancewfolia (Roxb.) Fh WoO 5420. paters (Schlecht.) Bo pe aya}2) 
5360 (bis.) dancifolia (Grah.) .. 326 5421. subintegra (W.&A.)  ... 1561 
5861. lanceolata (Hb. Heyne)... 326 | cdxcy. Guaiacum (Plm.) vee CXXX1I 
53862. leptopetala (Brand.) ... 316-c 6422. bijugum (Stokes.) win BSOe 
5363. longifolia (Ham.) ; 32d 5423. officinale (Linn.) meee 8 3 
5364. macrophylla (G. Don.) . 324 | cdxevi. Guajacum (Plum.) ~ .v> CXXXI 
5365. Microcos (Linn.) ... 327 5424. Guagnebina ignita (Vell.) ... 1459 
5366, mollococca (Ham.) .. $821.| 5425. Guarea? Amaris(Ham.)... 456 
5367. obliqgua (Roxb.) ... re AS 5426.  bimectarifera (Roxb.) ... 456 
5368.  obtecta (Wali.) ... ... 317-b 5427.  Gotadhora(Ham.) °... 456 
5369, obtusa (Wall.) ... 308, 310,323 5428. oblongifolia (Griif.) os 476 
5370. orbicularis(G. Don.) ... 315 5429. Guatteria acutifiora (Wall. >. 45 
5371.  orbiculata {Rottl.) 2 3S 5430. acutifolia (Wall.) es 68 
5372. orbiculata (G. Don.) .. 320 5431. cerasoides (Dun.) ee i4 
5373. orientalis (Linn.) LO 5432.  coffeoides (Thu.) - 41 
5374, orientalis (Geertn.) Belo 5433. fasciculata (Wall.) see 43 
5375. orientalis(Vahl.)...  ... 308 } 5434.  fragrams (Dalz.) Nh ee 
5376. orientalis (Wall.) fod RESO 5485. Korinti (Dun.) sb 45 
5377.  ovalifolia (Juss.) 321 5436. lawrijolia (Grob.) Are (eile 
5878.  ovalifolia (Wight) oe 310 5437. longifolia ( Wall.) — 40 
5379. pilosa (Lamk.) ... 319 5438. malabarica (Dun.) ae 31 
5380, pilosa (Roxb.) ... 2 225 5439. montana (D.C.) ... 31 
5381, pilosa (Wall.) ... 308, 310;318 5440. persicefolia (Hk. f. & T. :) 48 
5382.  polygama (Rozb.) ive tous 5441. simiarwm (Ham.) 268 43 
5383.  populifolia (Vahl.) mrt Oke 5442. suberosa(D.C.) .. ae 46 
5384,  rhamnifolia (Roth.) see ol 5443. velutina (A. D.C. ) me 64 
5385.  rigida(Ham.) ... .. 812 . 5444. virgata(Dunal.) . aS 74 
5386.  Ritchier (Mast.) ... _ 822 | edxevii.Guazuma (Plwm.) Se naar 
5387. Rothit D.C.) nee .. 813 | 5445. tomentosa (Kunth.). ... 304 
5388. rotundifolia (Juss.) ... 815-b | 5446. wulmifolia (Wall.) sont |} eS 
5389. _Roxburghit (G. Don.) ... 325 | 5447. Gwersentia oliveformis 
5390. salvifolia (Heyne) Paget (Kafin.) ... isi san AGE, 
5391. — salvifolia (Roxb.) .. 818 | céxcviii. Guettarda (Linn.) = dii 
5392. - salvifolia (Wall.) bo ab 5448. speciosa (Linn.) .. aie 
5393.  sazatilis (Ham.)... sis), aes 5449. Guilandina Bonaduce (Linn.) 927 

5394.  scabrida (Wall.) ... aay) 5450. Bonduc (W.&A.) .. 926 
| «5451.  Bodnucela(Linn.) ... 926 


No, Guilandina-—covt. No. 
5452. glabra (Mill.)... on Ses 
5458.  macrocarpa (Grah.). ... 938 
5454, Moringa (Linn.) soy. (teh9) 
5455. Nuga (Linn.) ate 928 
cdxcix. Gustonia, vide Gastonia. ...cxxxvii 
5458. 2? Gymnanthemum acumt- 
natum (Steetz.) .. 1604 
5459. Metzianum (Schultz.). 1596 
d. Gymnema (Br.) sno ClOxesbe 
5460. aurantiacum (Wall.) ... 1929 
5461.  Decaisneanwm (Wight.). 1896 
0462. elegans (W. ff A.) so SY) 
5463. hirsutum (W. fA.) ... 1896 
5465. melicida (Kdgew.) Beelsgo 
5465. montanum (Hk. f.) Soe lic (Sis) 
5467.  mnepalense ? (Grab ) wy 1804: 
5468, sylvestre (Br.) .. 1895 
o469.  tenactssima (Spreng.). 1901 (bis.) 
5470. tingens(W. i A.) eee BOF 
5471. Gymnosphera gigantea 
(Blume) «> 93328 
di. Gymnosporia (W. sy A. Dee OGKIx 
5472. acuminata (Hk. f.) Boo) BS 
5473. emarginata (Thw.) .. 9540 
o174,  Heyneana (Laws.) ww. = 536 
5475. montana (Benth.) seo woul: 
o476. ovata (Laws.) ... a. 084 
5476 (b2s.) oxyphylla (Gbl.) ... = 538 
0477. Rothiana (Laws.) .. 535 
0478. Royleana (Laws.) TBs. Iiatsy 
5479. rufa (Laws.) : bod) a eb 
5480.  Wallichiana (Laws.) Ho 539 
dil. Gynerium (Hbdt. § Bol.) y 
5481. argenteum (Nees.) .. 93290 
5482.  zeelandicwm (Steud.) ... 3289 
diii. Gynocardia (Br.) s lvii 
5483. odorata (Br.) .. ceo A 
5484. Gynoon Heyneanum (W. 
eA he .. 2589 
5485. Jussiewianwm (w ight.). ). #586 
5486. rigidum (A. Juss.) ... 2586 

5487. triandrum(W.& A.) ... 2586 

5488. Gynopachis axillifiora 
(Migs). hee ee foo! ihSy0.0) 
- 6489. oblongata (Miq.) ... 1500 
5490. Gynopogon lanceolatum 
(Kurz.) 1817 

5491. Gynura Walkeri (Wight.). 1625 

div. Gyrocarpus (Jacq.) . edviii 
5492. acwminatus(Meissn.) ... 1166 
5493. americanus (Jacq.) ELGG 
5494,  asiaticus < Willd.) Pane 66 
5495.  Jacquini (Rozb.) so LI66 
5496,  rugosus (R. Br.) 1166 
5497. sphenopterus (RK. Br.). 1166 


5498. Haasia Wighttt (Nees.) ... 24381 
5499, Habrothamnus aurantiacus 

_ (Seem.) ea echo? 
5500. elegans (Brongn.) ... 

2105 | 

No. Habrothumnus—coné. NO. 

5501. elegans (Scheider.) -. 2106 
5002. Huegetii (Regel.) +. 2105 
6503. purpureus (Lindl.). ... 2106 

dv. Hemadictyon (Lindl.)  ...  deiv 
5504.  suberectum (@. Don.) ... 1857 

5505. Hematospermum cunea- 

tum (Wall.) ... .. 2692 
5506. mneriifoliwm (Wall.) o. 2692 
5507. = ripariwm (Wall.) pos (0121 
5508. —salicinwm (Baill.) we 20UE 

dvi { Hrematoxylon (Liat) \ iran 

Hematoxylum (Linn.) 

5509. campechianum (Linn). 942 

dvii. Hakea (Schrad.) ... deexci 

5510. —_acicularis (Knight.) --. 2485 
5511.  brachyrrhynca (F. 

Muell.) ves) eee 

6512.  decuwrrens (R. Br.) .. 2485 

56138. eucalyptoides (Meiss.) .. 2486 

5514. flulerta (Meiss.) .. ...8442-m 
5515. Hakea laurina (R. Br.)  ... 2486 
5516.  mimosoides (A. Cunn.). 2484 
5517. —oblequa (Lodd.) oo. §=2485 
5518. — salicifolia (Sw.) Boa) PESTS) 
5519. —saligna (Knight.) ... 2484 
5520. —sericca (Schrad.) . 2485 
5521. Hallia trifoliata (Roth. a 858 
5522. Halodendron Thouarsit 
 ((CRee8:) ws 23384 
dyiii. Halopyrum (Stapf.) Boe fetch 
5528. mucronatum (Stapf.)... 3298 

dix. Haloxylon (Bunge) <--) celx 
5524. Ammodendron (Bunge. a 2383 

5525. persicum (Bunge) ot 2888 
5526,  recurvum (Bunge) «es 1 2OGE 
5527.  Stocksit (Hk. aoe -. 2882 
5528. Hamatris tr ipl (Sa- 
Heb!) ees «» 8057 
dx. Hamelia (Jacq.) . ...Cdxciil, 
5529. chrysantha (Sieb. iN soe P EEBY. 
5530. coccinea (S.W.) v. ©1489 
5531. erecta (Jacq.) ... .. 1489 
5532. latifolia (Reichb.) .. 1489 
5533.  patens (Jacq.) ... . 1489 
5534, spherocarpa (Ruiz & 
RUDE) 350 ads ... 1490 
5535. verticillata (Moc. & 
Sesse.) ... 1489 
dxi. Hamiltonia (Rozb. y dxvit 

5536.  mysorensis(W.&A.) —..., 1592 

5537. propingua (Dene.) vee Loge 
5538. suaveolens (Roab. , ons BES 
5539.  swaveolens(D. Don.) ... 1592 
dxii. Hardwickia (Rozb.) Bo tererel| 
5540.  binata (Rozb.)... Oe ee! 
5541.  pinnata (Rozb.) wool TD 
dxiii. Harpephyllum (Bernd.) cclxix 
5542. cafirum (Bernd.) cua > letshy/ 

dxiv. Harpullia (Zozb.) oe. CCxlix 
5548. cupanioides (Rozb.) eas, Oda 
5544. «imbricata (Thw.) ee §=1642 
5545. Harrachia speciosa (Jacq.), 224 


NO. No. 
dxy. Harrisonia (Br.) ... elxiii 
5546.  Benmetii (Hk. f.) 430 
5547. = paucijuga (Oliv.) 430 
5548. Hasskarlia leucacantha 
(Walp.) .. e 3244 
£549, Hastingia coccinea (Sm.).... 2827 
£550. scandens (Koxb,) 2. Lo2s 
£551. Hebradendron  cambogi- 

oides (Greh.) at LTS 

5552, Heckeria subpeltata 
(Kunth.) 2417 
dxvi. Hedera (Linn.) .. cdl xix 
5558. acwminata (Wight) 1410 
5554. ewaltata (Thw.) ... we L4E5 
5555. Helix (Linn.) 1419 
5556. Leschnaultie (W. & my eos 1939 
5557. obovata(Wight) . vee «14:14 
5558. racemosa (Wight) 1412 
5559. = rostrata (Wight) 1411 
5560. terebinthacea (\ abl.) 1414 
5561. —terebinthacea (Wall.) 1413 
5562. ~—itrifoliata (W.&A.) 1399 
5563. Vahlit (Thw.) 1414 
5564.  venosu ( Wall.) .. 1413 

5565, Wallichiana (Dalz. & 
Gibs.) 1415 
dxvii. Hedychium (Ken.) ...claxliv 
5566. album (Ham.) 2990 
5567. cernuum (Wight.) 2891 
5568, chryseteucwm (Hook.) ... 2990-a 
5569. eoronarium (Ken.) 2990 
5570. flavescens (Carey) ... 2990-¢ 
5571. flavum (Roxb.) .. 2990-e 
5572. Gandusuliwm (Ham.) 2990 
5573. = muximwm (Rosc.) .-- 2920-b 
5574. Prophete (Ham.) ... 2990 
5575.  spicatwm (Lodd.) .. Sos ZEB 
5576. sulphurewm ( Wall.) ..2990-¢ 
5577. = wrophyllum (Lodd.) 2990-d 
5578. venustum (Wight) seen ee 
dxviii. Hedyotis (Linn.) edI]xxx viii 
5579.  articularis (Br.) 1470 
5580. Beddomevi (Hk. f.) 1473 
5581. buxifolia (Bedd.) 1474 
5582. capitate (Bedd.) ... 1473 
5583.  corymbusa (Wall.) 1471 
5084, fruticosa (Linn.) ... w. 1467 
5585.  hirsutissima (Bedd.) ,.. 1476 
5586,  lentiginesa (Redd.) gi eval 
5587. ? Leschenaultiana (D.C.)... 1469 
5588. pruinesa (W. & A.) roe VAL 
5589. purpurascens (Bedd.) ... 1468 
5590.  stylosa (Br.) m 1469 
5591. swertioides (Hk. f.) woot LA 
5592.  travancorica (Bedd.) ... 1475 
5593. viscida (Bedd.) 1477 
5594, Hedysarum eee (? oir. ) 802 
5595. alatwm (Roxb.) 801 
5596.  Alhagi (Linn.) Be a (KSB: 
5597. arborewm (Roxb.) nee AOU 
5598.  bracteatwm (Roxb.) «. 870-0 
5599. Cephalotes (Roxb.) von (Sen 
5600. —collinum (Roxb.) vw. 805 
5601. crinitwm (Linn.)... se MS 

No. Hedysarum—cont. 


5602.  diffuswm (Roxb.) sea) POO 
5603. gangeticwm (Linn.) se = 805 
5694.  Gibsoni (Grah.) Sa he: 
5605. = gyrans (Linn.) 809 
5606. hamatwm (Burm.) 784 
5607. hamoswm (Roxb.) 794 
5608.  heterocarpwm (Linn.) 808 
5609. — lagenariwm (Roxb.) 737 
5610. lagopoides (Burm.) 793 
5611. — latifoliwm (Roxb.) 806 
5612.  lineatwm (Linn.) 872 
5613. Neli-Tali (Roxb.) 786 
5614. ormocarpoides (Desv.) 802 
5615.  patens (Roxb.) 808 
5616. pictwm (Jacq.) 791 
5617.  polycarpum ( Linn.) 808 
5018.  punctatwm (Rottl.) 869 
5619. purpurewm (Roxb.) 808 
5620. recurvatwm (Roxb.) 803 
5621.  retuswm (D. Don.) .. 808 
5622.  Rottert (Spreng.) ... ze) 1 SUS 
5623. Roxburghii (Spreng.) ; 803 
5624.  sennoides (Willd.) 788 
5625. — siltguoswm (Burm.) 808 
5626.  strobiliferum (Linn.) ... 870 
5627. triquetrwm (Linn.) 801 
5528.  tuberoswm (Roxb.) os. 802 
5629. wmbellatum (Linn.) 796 
5630. wmbellatwm (Roxb.) cee AO 
dxix. Hedyscepe (H. Wendl.) emlxxx 
5631. Canterburyana (H. Wendl.) 3138 
5632. Heinia myrtifolia (Hort. 
: Bero.) : 1310 
“dxx. Helianthemum (Tourn, ) L 
5633. barbatum (Noub.) -< NEZS 
5634. crocewm (Tenore.) : 128 
5635.  grandifiorum (D.C.) « | 128 
5636. yeeum (Boiss.) . 128 
5637. heterophyllum (Schor. ys 128 
5638.  levigatwm (Schar.) « 128 
5639.  macranthwm (Schur.) ... 128 
5640. mutabile (Wilk.) ... o- - 28 
5641. nummulariwm (Mill) 128 
5642. ovatwm (Dun.) Be 128 
5643.  rosewm (D.C.) wae =A 128 
5644.  serpifoiiwm (Mill.) Re 128 
5645.  tomentoswm (Gray.) 128 
5646. vulgare (Gzrtn.) ree hires: 
dxxi. Helichrysum (Gzrtn.) dxxiii 
5647. buddlioides (D.C.) asf LOLS 
5648. Hookeriaunwm (Dc.) ... 1614-5 
5649.  Wightii (Clarke) 1615 
dxxii. Helicia (Lowr.) declxxxviii 
5650. nilagirica (Bedd.) woe + DAT 
5651. robusta (Bedd.) . w. 2478 
5652, travancorica (Bedd.) .. 2478 
dxxiii. Heliconia (Schreb) . ~.. emlvi 
5653. angustifolia (Hk) ww. §=3044 
5654, aurantiaca (Hk.) ... 3045 
5655. aureo-striata (Bull.) 3046 
5656. bicolor (Benth.) ... 3044 
5657. brevispatha (Benth.) 3045 
5658. discolor (Sphalm.) .. 8046 
5659. humilis (Bull.) ... +. 8047 


no. Heliconia—cont. No- 
5660. metallica (Planch.) 3048 
5661.  rubro-striata ( Hort.) 3042- 
dxxiv. Helicteres (Linn.) evi 
5662.  chrysocalyx (Miq.) Et yr B0 
5663.  glabrescens(W. & A.) . 280-65 
5664. Isora (Linn. ) : 28-a 
5665. Roxburgiti (G. Don.) aa 28 
5666. tomentosa (W. & A.) 280 
5667. Heligme javanica (A. De.) 1838 
5668.  Rheedei (Wight) 1838 
5669. spiralis (‘Thw.) 1838 
dxxv. Helinus (E. Mey.) CCXXXV 
5670  lanceolatus (Brandis.) 579 
dxxvi. Heliotropium (Linn.) deliii 
5671. arborescens (Linn.) 1988 
5672. odoratwm (Meench.) 198 
5673.  odorwm (Salisb.) ... 1988 
5674.  peruvianum (Linn. ) 1988 
5675. Hellenia Allughas (Willa). 3006 
5676. grandiflora (Retz.) 3000 
5677. Helmia bulbifera (Kunth.) ... 3067 
5678. © 2 demona (Kunth.) 3055 
5679. 7 tomentosa (Kunth.) 3056 
5680, Helminthospermum  glabre- 
seems (Thw.) 2714 
5681. Helygia javanica (BL. +) 1838 
5682. Hemichariste montan z (Nees. 28.) 2256 
dxxvii. Hemicyclia (W.d7A.) deccxx 
5683.  Bowrdillont (Brand.) 2599 
5684.  ela-a (Bedd.) bs 2602 
5685.  lanceolzta (Gamble.) 2599 
5686.  Porteri (Gamble:) 2600 
5687.  Sepiaria (W.5-A.) 2598 
5687 (bis.) travancorica (Bonard, yy 2592 
5688. venusta (Thw.) 2601 
5689. Wizhtii (Ak. f.) 2603 
dxXviii. Hemidesmus (Br.) dexi 
5690. indicus (Br.) 1866 
5691. pubescens (W.&A.) , 1866- b 
5692. Wallichii (Miq.) ... 1866 
5693. Hemigymnia Macleodat 
(Griff.) 1975 
dxxix. Hemigyrosa (Bl.) CCXXXix 
5694. canescens (Zhw.) ... 626 
5695.  deficiens (Betdd.) ... 625 
5696. __trichocarpa (Thw.) 626 
5697. Hemionitis esculenta (Koen.) 3346 
5698. Hemimeris incisifolia (Pers.) 2111 
5699. urticefolia (Willd.) 21i1 
dxxx. Hemitelia (f. Rr.) mix 
5700. Brunoniana (I. Br.) 3367 
5701. Hemitomus urticefolius 
(L’ Herit.) 2111 
dxxx!. Heptaplenrum (Gaertn. ) edyvi 
5702.  capitatwm (Seem.)... 1416 
5703.  digitatwm (R. Br.) 1413 
5704. ellipticwm (Seem.) 1413 
5705. racemosum (Bedd.) 1412 
5706.  rostratum (Bedd.) 1411 
5707. _— stellatum (Gzrtn.) son | LAL: 
5708. venulosum (Seem.) 1413 
5709. Wallichianum (Clarke) 1415 | 
dxxxii. Heritiera (Ait.) civ | 


No. Heritiera — cont. 

5710.  Fomes(Wall.) .. se 377 
5711. _littoralis (Dryand.) a oe 
5712. Papilio (Bedd.) 378 
dxxxili. Heritiera (Retz.) cmxlix 
5713. Allughas (Ketz.) 3006 
5714. aquatica (Retz.) 3009 
5715. Hermannia alnifolia 
; (Wall.) so eas 
dees He eae (Hoftmg, a deckeeae 
5716. Riese (Benth.) 2473 
5717. Sonora (Linn.) 2474 
5718. Arcee acidissvma 
(Foem.) : 399 
5712. ambigua (Roem. ) 399 
5720. crenulata (Rem.) .. . 899 
dxxxy. Heteropanax (Seem.) ed) xviii 
5721. tragrans (Seem.) 1418 
dxxxvi. Heterophragma (D..) delxxxvii 
5722. adenophyllum(Seem.) .. 2139 
5723. chenoloides (Dalz. & Gibs.) 2149 
5724. Roxburghii (D.C.) ... - 2138 
5725.  suaveolene (Dalz. & Gibs.) 2150 
dxxxvii. Heteropteris (H.E.& 
LG) ieee re : . CXXix 
5726. laurifolia (4. Juss.) ae B57 
dxxxviii. Heterostemma (W.4A.) 
5727.  tanjorense (W.fA.) LOTS 
dxxxix. Hevea (Awbl.) decexxvii 
5728. brasiliensis (Muell.) 2620 
5729. Spruceana (M/uell.) 2621 
dxl. Hewittia (W.5-A.) delx 
5730. bicolor (Wight) 2156 
5731. Hexacentris acummnta 
(Nees.) .. j 2466 
5732. coccinea (Nees.) 2166 
5733.  dentata (Nees.) 2166 
5734.  mysorensis (Wight) at PLO, 
5735. Heradena naa ee a 
fin. ) Sic 2572 
dxli. Heynea (Roxb. ) “elxxxvii 
5736.  affimis (Juss.) by 472 
5737. connaroides (Wight) joes eae, 
5738. quinguejuga (Roxb.) 472 
5739.  trifoliata (Juss.) .. 471 
5740. _trijuga (Rozb.) 472 
dxlii. Hibiscus (Medik.) : Xciil 
5741.  acertfolius (D.C.)... 240 
5742. aculeatus (Roxb.) 236 
5743.  cstuans (Rottl.) 245 
5744.  csiwans (Wail.) 240 
5745 asperatus (Wail.) 240 
5746. bifurcatus (Roxb.) 236 
5747.  borbonicus (Wight) 239 
5748. canescens (Heyne.) 239 

5748 (bis.) cannabinus (Linn.) 240 (bis.) 

5749.  clandestinus (Cav.) 238 
5750. cocciueus ( Walt.) 248 
5751. _collinus (Rozb.) 240 

5752.  coriaceus (Heyne) = 235 
5753.  crotonifolius (Wall.) 235 

5753 (bis.) cuspidatus (Ed gew.) "239 (bia. 


No. Hibiscus—cont, No. 
5754. Hiatus (Sw.) 242 
5755. eriocarpus(Db.) ... met oa) 
5755 (bis.) ficulneus (Linn.) 238 (bis.) 
5756. furcatus (Rozb.) ... 236 

5757.  gangeticus (Roxb.) 25! 
5758. heterophyllus (Vent.) 250 
5759. hirtus (Linmn.) ... 237 
5760.  hispidisimus (Griff.) 236 
5761. Lampas. (Cav.) 251 
5762. _ liliiflorus (Linn.) 249 
5763. micranthus (Linn.) 238 
5764.  mutabilis (Linn.) 245 
5764 (bis.) obtwsifolius (Willd.) 239 (bis.) 
5765.  ovalifoliws (Vahl.) 235 
5766.  Patersonii (Ait.). ... 211 
5767.  Patersonius (Andr.) 211 
5768.  populneoides (Roxb.) 252 
5769, populneus (Liun.) mat MAtAD 2 
5769 (bis.) prostratus(Roxb.) 288 (bis. ) 
5770, ptercspermoides (Wight). 235 
5771. rhombifolius (Cav.) 24.7 
5772. rigidus (Linn. f.) 238 
5773. Rosa-malabarica (Ber.)ic. 237 
5774. Rosa-sinensis (Linn). 244, 
5775.  schizopetalus (Hk. f.) 24:7 
5776.  septemnervosus (Wight). 239 
5776 (bis.) serretus ( Wall.) 239 (bis.) 
5777. simplex (Roxb.) ... 240 
sr (bis.) sinuatus (Cav.) 238 (bis.) 
5778.  suborbiculatus (Wall.) ... 288 
5779. syriacus (Linn.) 246 
5780. —tetralocularis (Roxb.) 251 
5781. _ tiliaceus (Linn.) 241 
5782. tortwosus (Roxb.) 242 
5783.  tricuspis (Banks.) 243 
5783 (bis.) truncacus (Roxb.) 239 (bis.) 
5783 (tris.) vitifolins (Linn,) 239 (bis.) 
5783 (tetr.) wightianus(Wall.) 240 (bis.) 
5784.  zeylanicus (Linn.) zy zoe 
5785.  Higginsia Ghiesbreghtii ... 1511 

5786. Hildegardia Ropes 

(Br.) a3 nes 
dxliii. Hippocratea (Linn). ecxxii 
5787. Arnottiana (Wight) 547 
5788.  barbata (F. Muell.) 546 
5789.  ? disperma (Wall.) 549 
5790. enonymoides (Vahl.) 549 
5791. Grahami (Wight) 548 
5792.  ? grandiflora (Wall.) 546 
5793. indica (Willd.) 549 
5794.  lanceoleatla (Wall.) 548 
5795.  obtusifolia (Rozb.) 546 
5726. obtusifolia (Roxb.) 549 
5797.  rigida (Hamp,) Sach lik 00 
5798. tortuosa (Wall.) -» 546 
5799.  volwbilis (Heyne) . 546 
xliv. Hiptage (Gerin.) eXxviii 
5800. Madablota (Gertn.) 355 
5801. parvifolia (W.¢A.) 356 
dxlv. Hirea (Jacq.) Cxxxi. 
5802,  cordata (Heyne) 361 
5803. indica (Roxb.) 359 
5804. mnutans(Wall.) .., 361 

No. Hirewa—cont. No. 
5805.  oxyphylla (Wall.) 359 
dxlvi, Hoffmannia (Sw.) cdxeviii 
5806. Ghiesbreghtii (Hemsl.) .... 1511 
dxlvii. Hclarrhena (Br.) dxcii 
5809, antidysenterica (Wall.) ... 1833 
5810. malaccensis (Wight) 1833 
5811. pubescens (Wall,) 1833 
5812. villosa (Ait.) 1833 
dxlviii. Holigarna (Ham.) celxvi 
5818. Arnottina (Hk. f.) 677 
5814, Beddomei (Hk. f ) 680 
5815. ferruginea (March.) 678 
5816. Grahamii (Hk. f.) 579 
5817. longifolia (W.&A.) 677 
5818. nigra (Bowrd.) 676 
dxlix. Holmskioldia (Retz.) bee 
5819. rubra (Pers.) . 2327 
5820. Sangninea (Retz.) 2327 
5821. Holopeira auriculata 
(Miers) : i 87 
5822. australis (Miers) £6 
5823.  fusiformis (Miers) 86 
5824, leviuscula (Miers) 87 
5825. lawrifolia (Miers) 86 
5826. villosa (Miers) a 87 
dl. Holoptelea (Planch.) decelxii 
5827. integrifolia (Planch.) 2710 
dli. Holostemma (Br.) dexxyi 
5828.  Adakodien (R.&S.) 1887 
5829.  Brunonianwm (Royle) 1887 
5830.  fragrans (Wall.) 1887 
5831. Rheedei (Wall.) 1887 
dil. Homalium (Jacq.) cdxliv 
5832. nepajense (Benth.) 1339 
5833. tomentosum (Benth.) 1339 
5834, travancoricum (Bedd.) ... 1341 
5835. Zeylanicum (Benth.) 1340 
dliii. Homeaoia (Lowr.) deccliii 
583€. riparia (Lour.) 2691 
5886 (bis.) retusa'(Muell.)... 2692 
dliv. Hopea (Rozb.) lxxxili 
5837. glabra (W.5-A.) 205 
5838. longifolia (Dyer.) 208 
5839. malabarica (Bedd.) 206 
5840. parviflora (Bedd.) Sih | eA0Rs 
5841.  racemdsa (Dalz. & Gibs.) 1739 
5842.  racophloea (Dyer.) 206 
5843. spicata (Dalz. & Gibs.).... 1725 
5844. Wightiana ( Wall.) 204 
dlvy. Hovea (Ait.) celxxvii 
5845.  apiculata (Alumm.) 700 
5846.  Celsi (Boub.) 699 
5847. chorizemefolia (D. C. » 698 
5848. elliptica (Meis.) en 1 (OSE) 
5849. ilicifolia(A.Conn.) ... 698 
5850. lanceolata (Sims.) geen 11400 
5851. —lanigera (Lodd.) den 000 
5852. latifolia (Lodd.) sac) | GOD 
5858. mucronata (A. Cunn.) . 790 
5854, pannosa (A. Cunn.) bap £00 
5855.  pungens (Benth.) ont FOR 
5856. purpurea (Sweet.) 700 
5857. racemulosa (Benth.) 700 


No. Hovea—cont. No. no. Hydnocarpus—cont. 
5858.  ramulosa(A.Cunn.) .. 700 | 5910, — Wightiana (BL) se 142 
5859. rosmarinifolia (A. Cunn.) 700 dixv. Ilydrangea (Linn.) ecelxxxix 
5860. ulicina (Meis.) oe -- 701 591i. acuminata (Sieb.) --» 1122 
5861. _villosa(Lind.) ...  .... 701 | 5912. Hortensia (Sieb.) --. 1122 
divi. Hovenia (Thunb.) Ccxxx | 5913. hortensis (Sm.) -. 1122 
5862. acerba (Lindl)... -- S71 } 5914. japonica (Sieb.) --- 1122-b 
5863. dulcis ( Thunb.) + +» S71 | 5915. mutabilis (Steud.) - 11232 
5864.  imequalis (Dle.) ... teoh. afi 5916. opuloides (Steud.) --- 1122 
divii. Howea (Becc.) emlxxviii 5917. Otaksa (Sieb.) -+. 
5865, Belmoreana (Becc.) ... 3135 5918. _ paniculata (Sieb.) ee 
5856,  Forsteriana (Becc.) 525, SSIES dixvi. Hydriastele (H. Wendl.) cmlxxix 
dlviii. Hoya (Br.) dexxxviil 5919. Wendlandiana (H. 
5867. carnosa (Br.)  ... --» 1928 Wendl.) 5 3187 
5868. chinensis (Truil.) 2. 1928 5920. Hylogyne sven 
5869. crassifolia (Haw.) eo oZS (Salisb.) A .-. 2487 
5870.  Hookeriana (Wight) ... 1923 dixvii. Hymenza (Zinn.) eect 
5871.  imperialis (Lindl.) Me. AGB: 5921.  amnimifera (Stokes.) ce POG 
5872.  ovalifolia (W. dA.) -- 1926 5922. Courbaril (Linn.) se 
5873. pallida (Dalz. & Gibs) ... 1925 5923. —resimifera (Salisb.) seo) (9a 
5874. pallida (Lindl.) ... we 1923 dlxviii. Hymenodictyon (Wall.) cdlxxxiy 
5875. parasitica (Wall.)... ... 19238 5924.  excelsum (Wall.) .. 1457 
5876.  panciflora (Wight) wee 1922 5925.  Horsfieldianwm (Miq.) ... 1457 
5877. pendula (Wight) -- 1927 5926. obovatum (WWall.) ... 1458 
5878. pendula (W.& 3.) -- 1925 | 5927. obovatwm (Wight) .. 1457 
5879. picta(Hort.)  .. cs 1928 5928. thyrsiflorum (Wall.) ... 1457 
5880. planiflora (Wall.) - 1916 | 5929, utile (Wight) ... ... 1457 
5881. retusa (Dalz.)  ... -» 1921 | dixix. Hyophorbe (Gertn,) cml xxiii 
5882. speciosa (Dene.) ... + 1924 5930. Commersoniana (Mart.) 3125 
5883.  veriagata (Sieb.) + 1928 | 5931. Verschaffelti (H. Wendl,) 3126 
5884. viridiflora (Br.) ... - 1918 5932. Hyperanthera decandra 
5885. Wightiana (Thu.) .. 1922 (Willd.) Fe ««~ » O80 
5886.  Wightii (Hk. f.) .» 1925 | 5933. Moringa (Vabl.) 689 
dlix. Hugonia (Linn.) exxv | LIII. HYPHRICACEE soa SN 
8887. Mystax (Linn.) we B47 5934. Hypericinea angustata 
5888. obovata (Ham.) ... se | «(AY (Wall.) ... is) Lo GS 
dix. Humbeldtia ( Vahl.) eeelvi | dixx. Hypericum (Linn.) lxvii 
5889. alata ( Laws.) : 987 5935. attenutum OR Poh iste! 
5889 (bis.) Bourdilloni (Wa ain.) 986 ee ) 5936. owreum (Lour.) ... - ... 166 
5890. Brunonis (Wall.) vee 985 5937. chinensis (Linn. yi 5 ellos 
5891. decurrens (Bed.) eee) sii 5938, Hookerianum (W.§A.) 167 
5892.  lanrifolia (Vahl.)s.. fa OSS 5939. myrtifolium (Spacb.) ... 166 
5893. unijuga (Bedd.) -. 994 | 5946. mysorense (Heyne.) ... 166 
aede 7 Vablianal(Weght.) + 986 | 5941.  oblongifolium (Hook.) ... 167 
dlxi. Humulus (Linn.) decclxxvii (Zis.) 5942.  oblongifoliwm (Wall.) ... 168 
5895. aculeatus (Nutt.) 2766 (%s.) 1 xo45, patulum ( Thunb.) 273. LOS 
5896. japonicus (Sieb. & Zuc.). oa | 5944.  sinense (Gmel.) ... i ie 
o2a y7e, | 5945. Uralwm (Hom.) .. /» ee 
5897. Lupulus (Thunh.) 2736 (%s.) | 5946, Hypodematium > eae 
5898.  lutescens (Ho t.s 2715-6 | (Kuntze.) : . S855 
dixii. Hunteria (Roxb.) dixxxiti | 5947, Ruppellianum (Kuntze.) 3355 
5899.  atroviridis (Wall.) --- 1841 | 594g. Hypserpa cuspidata (Miers.) 84 
5900. corymbosa (Roab.) -- 1817 | 5949, ‘pauciflora (Miers) ae 
5901. — eugenifolia (Wall.) --» 1842 5950.  prevaricata (Miers)... 84 
5902.  Rozburghiana (Wight) ... 1817 5951. uniflora (Miers) Lae 84 
5903. zeylanica (Gard ) cee Sikes Ly/ I 
dixiii Hura (Linn.) decclxi 
5904. brasiliensis (Will1.) ben ark) LIV. ICACINACE. ae XXXIII 
5905. crepitans (Linn.) ... 2709 | dixxi. Ichnecarpus (Br.) dex 
5906. senegalensis (Baill.) :.. 2709 5952. dasycalyz (Miq.) .-. -. 1865 | 
5907. strepens (Willd.) ase Zoe 5953.  frutescens (Br.) .. ... 1865 
dixiv. Hydnocarpus (Gertn.) ]viii 5954.  leptodictyws (Muell.) _... 1865. 
5908. alpina (Wight.) sso) 148 5955.  radicams (Wall.) ... ... 1865 
5909.  imebrians (Wall.) ec, plow 5956 Icica dentata (D. C.) vs | JaOe 
5909 (L) venenata (Geest.) oe 142-0 5957. indica (W.&A.) = 445 


no. | No, Indigofera—cont. No. 
dlxcii, Tlex (Linn.) ‘cexi | 6015, fleruosa (Grah.) a | 
5958. Bonplandiana (Muect. y 507 | 6016.  foliolosa (Grah.) ... eS A Teo 
5959. cornuta (Lindl.) .» 606 | 6017.  galegoides (D.C.) ait soo 
5960. curilibensis (Miers) ... 507 | 6018. Gibsonii (Grah.) .. EY 
5961. denticulata (Wall.) + 610 | 6019. glaucescens (Grah.) ae 


5962. emarginella (Turez.) ..- 509 6920. Hamiltonii(Grah.) ... 757 
5963. Gardneriana (Wight) ... 511 6021. hedysaroides(Lamk.) ... 749 

5964.  malabarica (Bedd.) ... 508 | 6022, heterophylla (Roxb.) ... 752 
5965. Mate (A.St. Hil.) .. 507 | 6023. inamena (Thu.) oe 
5966. ntigirica (Mig. ) . 1 DLO 6024. imdica (Lamk.) ... Jas ue 
5967. paraguariensis (D. Don.) 507 6025. Jirahulia (Ham.) soo 
5968  paraguensis (A.St. pth 507 6026. Leschenaultii(D.C.) ... 749 
5969.  sorbitis (Reiss.) .. rae iy! 6027. marginulata(Grah.) ... 751 
0970. theazans (BKonpl. ig ee OOL 6028. moluccana (D.C.) ain, A) 
5971.  vestita (Reiss. ee 507 6029. mucronata (Spreng.) ... 750 
5972.  Walkeri(Wt. # - Gard. yi 509° 6030. multicaulis(D.C.) aus ee 
5973. Walkeri (T urcz. ) ... 509 6031. mysorensis (Rottl.) 2, Shaoe 
5974.  Wightiana (Wal.) ; 512 6032. orizensis (Roxb.) ee */ 
5975. Wightiana (Dalz. § Gibs.) j08 6033. paucifolia (Delile.) are 
5476. Illecebrum javanicum 6034. peregrina (D.C.) Peay 7) 
(Ait.) a . 2374 6035. polyphylla(Heyne.) ... 759 

dixxiii. Mlicium (Linn. } yee ia vii 6336.  polyphylla (Rottl.) 2. koe 
5977. anisatum (Linn.) 2 17 6037. pulchella (Rozb.) ae 8 
dixxiv. [mpotiens (Linz.) CXXXVi 6038. purpurascens (Roxb.) ... 758 
5978.  biglandulosa(Moon) ... 368 6039. retusa (Grah.) ... as UM OP 
5979.  fruticosa (D.C.) ... eet SOL 6040. rigida (Willd.) ... wa, Ate 
5989. grandis (Heyne.) Pr i, 6041, scabra (Roth.) ... cent 1 AO 
5681. Hookeriana (Arn.) ... 868 6042. subulata (Vahl.) Pra 1. 
dixxv. Imperata (Cyrill.) ... mxxxiii 6043. sumatrana(Gertn.) ... 754 
5982. Allang (Jungh.) ... .-- 3280 6044. ternata (Roxb.) .. veal AS 
5983. arundinacea (Cyrill.) ... 3280 6045. Thonningii (Sch. & Th .) 750 
5984.  condensata(Steud.) ... 3280 6046. timoriensis (Willd.) ... 749 
5985, cylindrica (Beauyv.) ... 3280 6047. —tinctoria (Linn.) rope Veli: 
5986. jfilifolia (Nees.) .-- 38280 6048. tinctoria (Forsk.) & * 1658 
5987. Kenigii (Beauy.) ... 8280 | 6049. trifoliata (Linn.) in 
5988.  pedicellata(Steud.) ... 3280 6050. trita (Linn. f.) ... <<a), tae 
5989. Siebert (Opiz.) ... 3280 6051. verrucosa (Grah.) ons) OS 
5990. Sisca(Beauv.) .. ... 328C 6052.  vestita (Baker.) ... wee SLES 
5091.  spontanea (Beanv.) «. 38283 6053. violacea (Roxb.) sone, aoe 
5992. Thunbergii (Nees.) -- 38280 6054. virgata (D.C.) ... , & 749 
dixxvi. Indigofera (Linn.) eclxxxiv 6055.  Wightii (@rah.) mee doe 
5993.  adenophylla(Srah.) ... 747 | ° 6056.  Zollingeriana (Miq.) ... 756 
5994. arborea (Roxb.) ... .. 7058 | dixvii. Inga ( Willd.) ee ccexxxil 
5995. areuata (Wiild.) w. G42 6057. annularis (Grah.) ... 1055 
5996.  argentea (Linn.) hae 6058. bigemina ( Willd.) S22 Se ROSp 
5997. argentea (Roxb.) sea, ae 6059.  corcondiana (D.C.) 1054 
5998.  argentea (Wall.) 2a: ae 6U60. cynometroides (Bedd. a 1058 
5999.  armata (Wall.) . 749 | -6061. dolabriformis(Grah.) ... 1002 
6000. articulata(Gowan.) ... 753 6062. duleis (Willd.) . ... 1052 
6001. aspalathifolia (Roxb.) ... 746 6063.  fastigiata (Willd.) ... 1041 
6002. aspalathoides (Vahl.) ... 746 6064. flexuosa (Grah.) .. 1053 
6003. atropurpurea (Hom.) ... 757 6065. gemimata(W.& A.) ... 1053 
6004. brachycarpa (Grah.) ... 753 6065.(bis.) hematoxrylon ne ) 1051 (bis ) 
6005. czrulea (Roxb.) ... Yer | ifde 6066. Kenigii (W.& A ) 1053 
6006. canescens (Grah.) pie PULL 6067.  liynosa (Grah.) . >. | 2002 
6007. canezcens (Lamk.) sa. | £49 606¢. lucida (Wall.) ... .. 1055 
6008.  cassioides ( Rott.) Mee, ate 6069. saman (Willd.) ... Be Ey 
6009. cinerea (Willd.) ... eo ESS 6070. sassa (Stend.) ... 5. UOLO4L 
6010, congesta (Grah.) EL 6071. wmbeliata (Willd.) - 10&4 
6011. desmodioides(Benth.) ... 789 6072. ventricosa (Grah.) ... 1050 
6012.  elliptica (Roxb.) 758 6073. Wightiana (Grab.) Pe )AO5S 

6013. Fimlaysoniana (Wali.) . 756 6074. ° zylocarpa (D.C,) 1002 
6014. fiaccida (Keen.) 5S £50 io st Temes (Linn) ». delviii 












Tpomzea— cont. NO. 
aculeata (BL). 039), AUN 
acuminata (Rem. y Sch.) 2026 
anceps (R. & 8.) . .-. 2046 
angularis (Chois. yi ... 2048 
atrosanguinea (Hook.) ... 2008 
barbata (Roth.) ... ... 2020 
Larlerioides (Benth.) ... 2032 
bicolor (Sweet.) ... ... 2056 
bifida (Roth.) 204.4. 
biloba (Forsk.) ... 2047 
blanda (lapsu. Olanda.) 

(Sweet.) : . 2044: 
Bona-nox (Linn. y ~ 2015 
Bona-now (Bl.) ... 2015 
bracteata (Wight) 2035 
bracteata (Bl.) ... 2056 
bracteata (Grah.) 1999 
caliginosa (Chois.) 2044 
calycina (Benth.} 2031 
campanulata (Linn.) 2043 - 
canescens (G. Don.) 2055 
capitellata (Chois.) .. 2036-¢ 
cariosepala (Klotz.) 2031 
carnea (Jacq.) 2030 
chryseides (Ker.) 2088 
coccinea (Linn.) 2018 
cymosa (kK. & 8.) 2044 
dasysperma (Jacq.) 2053 
dentata (Wilid.) 2038 
digitata (Linn.) 2033 
Dillenii (R. & 8. y 2020 
dissecta (Chois.) .. 2051 
elliptica (Roth.) 2013 
eriocarpa (Br.) 2037 
eriosperma (Beauv.) 2033 
gangetica (Sweet.) 1992 
glaberrima (Bojer.) 2017 
gossypifolia (Willd.) 2033 
grandiflora (Lamb.) 2017 
grandiflora (Roxb.) 2015 
hederacea (Jacq.) 2020 
hepaticifolia (Linn.) 2036-6 
peune (R. & S.) 20-44. 

Heynet (Wall.) . 2041 
hispida (R. & 8.) 2037 
Horsfallize (Hk.) 2021 
Hookeri (G. Don.) 2023 
Horsfieldiara (Miq.) 2087 
imbricata (Roth.) 2010 
imperialis ( Hort.) 2027 
insignis (Andr.) 2033 
insuavis (Bl)... 2089 
Jalapa (Sch. & Dep.) 2028 
jucunda (Thu.) . 2017 
kentrocaulis ( Clarke) 2049 
Kleiniana (R. & §.) 1997 - 
laurifolia (Sweet.) 2013 
Leari (Pazt.) 2022 
ligulata ( Bojer.) 20387 
longiflora (Br.) ..- 2017 
macrantha (RK. & 8.) 5 edo e/ 
malabarica (R. & 8.) ... ° 2002 
maritima (Br.) ... ve 2047 | 

no. Ipomzea—cont. No. 
6138. mauritiana (Jacq.) 2033 
6139.  melanosticta (G. Don.) ... 1992 
6140.  muricata (Jacq.) ¥. 2016 
§141. mutabilis (K. Gawl.) .. 2026 
6142. Nil (Koth.) 580 2020 
6143.  noctijlora ‘Griff.) .. ». 2015-b 
6144,  moctiluca {Herb.) .. 2015-b 
6145. obscura (Ker.) . ©2089 
6146.  ochroleuca (Spanog.) ... 2039 
6147.  ocularis (Bartl.) ... 2039 
6148. palmata (Forsk.) ... 2052 
6149. paniculata (Br. 2038 
6140. pendula (Br.) oa 2052 
6151.  Pes-Capre (Roth.)} 2047 
6152. Pes-tigridis (Linz,) 20386 
6158. petaloidea (Chois.) v- 2045 
6154.  phenicea (Roxb.) 2018 
6155.  platensis (Ker.)... 2033 
6156.  pulchella (Roth.) 2052 
6157.  punctata (Pers.) .. +. 2020 
6158.  Purga (Heyne.) 2028 
6159. purpurea (Lamk.) 2029 
6160.  Quamoclit (Lnn,) 2019 
6161. racemosa (Roth.) 2042 
6162. Rothi(R. & S.) ... 204.4 
6163.  Roxburghit (Steud) -2015-b 
6164. rabrocaerulea (Hk.) 2023 
6165. sagittata (Roxb.) ... 2031 
6166, senegalensis (Lamk.) 2052 
6167. sepiaria (Ken.) ... 2041 
6168. sessi ora (Roth.) 0387 
6169.  sinuata (Orteg.) . 2051 
6170. speciosa (B1.) 1993 
6171.  sphewrocephala (& weet.) .. 2037 
6172.  splendens (Sims.) 1994, 
6173,  staphylina (R. & 8.) 2042 
6174.  stipulacea (Jacgq.)... 2052 
6175.  stepulacea (Sweet.) 2041- b 
6176.  Stocksii (Clarke.)... 2040 
6177. striata (Roth.) 2041 
6178.  strigosa(Roth,) 2014. 
6179. subtriflora (Zoll.) --- 2038 
6180,  subtrilobens (Migq.) 204i-b 
6181. tamnifolia (Burm.) 2036-¢ 
6182. tiliefolia (R.&S) ... 1992 
6183.  timorensis(B1.) ... o. 2056 
6184, triguetra (R, & S.) . 2046 
6185. Tuba(G. Don.) . 2017 
6186.  twherculata (Ker.) .. =2058 
6187. tuberculata (R.& 8.) ... 2052 
6188,  tuberosa (Linn) ... 2050 
6189.  tuberosa (G. Mey.) ... 20383 
6190, tubervsa (A, Rich.) ... 2049 
6191. Turpetham (#r,) .. 2046 
6192. tyrianthiana (Jindl.) .,. ? 
6193. versicolor (Meiss.) ? 
6194  vitifolia (Sweet.) ... 2048 
6195.  Weimmanni (R. & §.) 2056 
6196.  Wightii (Chois.) . 2034 
6197. «wanthantha (Kurz.) 2045 
6198. zeylanica (Gwertn.) L956 
6199, I-esine javanica (Burm.) ... 2374 
6200. Isawra allicia(Comm.) ,,. 1906 


No. NO, 
6201, Ischwrochloa on 
(Buse.) ... ... 98302 
djxxix. [sonandra (Wight) dlvii 
620%. acuminata (Drury.) ... L684 
6203. Candolflana (Wight) ...1682-d 
6204. diplostemon (Clarke) 1683 
6205. Janceolata (Weight) 1682 
6206.  Perrottetiana (Wight) ...1682-e 
6207.  Perrottetiana (A.De.)  ...1652-d 
6208. villosa (Wight) .. 1682-¢ 
6209. Itea spinosa (Andr ) 145 
dixxx. Ixora (Linn.) a dvii 
6210. afinis (Wall)... an 1542 
6211. alba (Linn.) 1541 
6212. alba (Roxb.) .. 1539-e 
6213. arborea (Roxb.) .,. 1537 
6214.  Arnottiana (Miq.).. 1536 
6215. attenuata (Wall.)... 1575 
6216. Bandhuca (Roxb.) ... 1538-0 
6217. tarbata ‘Bed.) ... fe a lip 
6218. blania(Ker.)  ... we «1009 
6219.  brachiata (Rozb.)... 1536 
6220, chinensis (Lamk.) 1540 
6221. coccinea (Linn.) ... ... 1538 
6222. coccinea (Curt.) .. 1539-c 
6223. eorymbosa (Heyne) -. 1534 
6224,  crocatu (Lindl.) 1539 
6225. decupiens (1).C.) ... 1537 
6226.  ? densa (Br.) 1542 
6227. dubia (Schult.) 1539 
6228. elonyata (Heyne) 1535 
6229. grandifiora (Br.) ... 1538 
6230. grandiflora (Schlecht.) 1532 
6231. grandis (Miq.) 1534 
6232. incarnata(D.C.) ... 1538 
6233.  incarnata (Roxb.) 1539 
6234. Johnsoni (Hk. f.) ... 1533 
6235. jiucuzda (Thw-) (part) ... 1537-b 
6286. lanceclaria (Colebr.) 1531 
6237. leucantha (Heyne) 1531 
6238. montana (Miq.) 1463 
239. nigricans (Br.) .. 1542 
6240. Notoniana (Walk) 1532 
6241. obovata (Heyne) . 1538 
6242. obtusztz (Miq.) ... 1536 
6243. paniculata (Lamk.) 1542-4 
§244. parviflora (Vak/.) 1537 
6245, . Pavetta (Andr.) ... Pca BY / 
6246. Pavetta (Roxb.) .. 1543 -a 
6247. pedunculata (Dab.) 1535 
6248. polyantha ( Wight.) 1534 
6249. propinqua (Br.) ... 1538 
6250. rosea (Wall.) 1539 
6251. rosea (Sims.) 1539 
6252. stricta (Rozb.) ... 1539 
6253. Thozetia (i. Muell.) 1500 
6254. tomentosa ‘Roxb.) ,. 1543-¢ 
6255. Wallichit (Wight) soo (LOGE 
6256. Wightiana (Wall.) .. 1532 
dixxxii. Jacaranda (Juss.) .., «. dexc 
6257. ovalifolia (R. Br.) ve 2148 




No, Jacaranda—cont. No, 
6258. méinosfolia (D. Don.) 2148 
dixxxxii, Jacobinia (Morie.) dcexiii 
6259.  carnea (Benth. §& Hk.) 2262 
6260. coccinea ( Heirn.). «» 2268 
6261. pauciflora (Benth. s Hk.). 2265 
6262. Pohliana (Benth. ¥ Hk.). 2264 
| dlxxxiii. Jacquemontia (Chovs.) delix 
6263. | cerulea (Chois.) ... 2054 
6264. violacea (Chois.) ... 2055 
dlxxxiv. Jacquinia (Linn.) dliii 
6265. ruscifolia (Limn.) .» +L6Z6 
6266. Jambolifera pedunculata 
(Gertn.) .. 1258-¢ 
6267.  pedunculata ( Vahl.) 388 
6268. Jaméosa alba (Rumph.) 4232 
6269. acqguea (D.C.) Oy. 1230 
6270. bracteata (Miq.) 1242 
6271. cylindrica (Thn.) ... - 1237 
6272. domestica ape net: 1228 
6273. tea (BI.) 1236 
6274. macrophylla (D.C. ‘ 1232 
6275. madagscariensis (Bi.) 1280 
6276. malaccensis (V.C.) 1228 
6277. nigra (Rumpli.} -.1228- b 
6278. paucifiora (Dalz. ‘& 
Gibs.)... .. 1236-b 
6279. pulchella (Miq.) 1260 
6280. purpurascens (D.C.) 1228 
6281. purpurea (Wall.) .-- 1229-6 
6222. Samarangensis (D.C.). 1229, 1232 
62838. vulgaris (D.C.) ... 1231 
6284. Janipha Manihot 1B. 
GK) ye 2631 
dixxxy. Jasminum (Linn. ye dixv 
6285.  acuminatum (Heyne) 1768 
6286 affine (Wight) coat RB 
6287. anastomosans (Wall.) ... 1758 
6288. angostifolium (Wahl.) 1760 
6289. angustifoliwm (Wall.> 1759 
6299,  arboreseens (Rozb.) 1755 
6291. arboreum (R. &§.) 1755 
6292. aureum(D. Don.) 1775 
6293.  auricnlatum (Vahl.) 1769 
6294. azoricum (Linn)... 1770 
6295.  azoricum (Heyne) 1768 
6296.  bignoniaceum ( Wall.) + \HFG2 
6297, bracteatum (Heyne) ... 1753 
6298. bracteatum (Wight) 1752 
6299. _brevilobum (A.Dc.) oa) LSC 
6300.  calophyllum (Wall.) 1771 
6301. ohrysanthemum (Kexb.)... 1772 
6302. — congestum (Wall.) 1752 
6303. cordifolium (Waill.) 1757 
6304.  cowrtullense (Wight) one REE 
6305.  cuspidatum (Rottl.) . 1764! 
6306. crectiforwm (A. De.) 1757 
6397. _ flexile (Vahl.)  ... 1768 
6308.  fragrans (Salisb.) $5) S75E 
6309.  gladellum (Wall)... 1754-55 c 
6310.  glaneum (Aiz#.) ... 1761 
6311.  grandiflorum ( Zinn.) 1775 
6312.  heterophyllum (Rozb,) ... 1.69 


No. Jasminum—cont. No. 
6313. hirsutum (Miq.) -- e. aWoS 
6314. hirsutwm (Wall.) ... 1753 
6815. hirsutum (Willd.).... 1517, 1752 
6316. humile (Zinn) ... eo a 
6317. inodorum (Jacq.) 1772 
6318, latifolia (Roxb.) 1755-b 
6319. laurifoliwm (Wall.) 1758 
6320. ligustrifoliwm (Wall.) .. 1764 
6321. ligastrifolium (Lamk.) 1761 
6322. maelabaricum (Wight) 1754 
6323.  montanum (Roth.) ... 1755-c 
6324. multiflorum (Roth.) 1252 
6325. myrtifolium (D.C.) 1761 
6326. murtophylluin (Zenk.) 1744 
6327. nilagiricwm (Hohen.) 1767 
6328.  oderatissimum ( Linn.) 1773 
6329. odorum (Salisb.) ... Boon elgr763 
6330. officinale (Linn.) ... oes 
6331. ovalifolium (Wight) ... 1766 
6382. Perrottetianwm (D.C.)_ ...1764-b 
6333. pubescens ( Willd.) 1753 
6334. pubescens (Miq.) 1753 
6335. pubescens ( Wall.) 1751 
6336.  punctatwm (Waili.) ... 1755-¢ 
6337.  purpurewm (Heyne) ... 1762-6 
6338.  quinqueflorum (Heyne.)... 1751 
6339.  revolwtwm (Sims.) 1772 
6340. rigidum (Zenk.) 1764 
6841. rigidum (Thw.) .. ... 1753-¢ 
6342. Ritchiei (Clarke) ... 1762 
6843. —rivulare (Saliab.) 1761 
6344. Rottlerianum ( Wall.) 1753 
6345. Roxburghianum (Wall.)... i756 
6846. Sambac (Att.)  ... 1751 
6347. Sessiliflorum (Vahl.) 1759 
6348. stenopetulwm (Lindl.) 1758 
6349. suaveolens (Salisb.) 1770 
6350.  travancorense (Heyne) ... 1768 
6351. trichotomum (Heyne) 1765 
6352. —_ triflorwm (Heyne) 1764 
6353.  triflorwm (Pers.) ... 1760 
6354.  trifloliatwm (Mcench.) 1770 
6355.  trimerve (Roxb.) ... po alate: 
6356.  wndulatwm (Heyne) .. 1751-6 
6357. undulatwm (Willd.) 1751 
6358.  viminewm (Willd.) 1760 
6359.  Wallichianwm (Lindl.) 1772 
6360. Wightii (Clarke.) oo eLa63 
6361. Zambac (Roxb.) ... Pa uhol 
6362. Zeylanicum (Burm.) 1836 

dlxxxvi. Jateorhiza (D.C.) ... XXX7ill 
6363. Calumba (D.C.) .. 92 

dlxxxvii. Jatropha (Linn.) ... decexxix 
6364 acuminata (Jacq.) 2625 
6365. Curcas (Linn.) 2628 
6366.  Curcas (Wall.) 2627 
6367. glandulifera (Rozb.) 2622 
6868. glavea (Vabl.) -. 2626 
6369. gcssypifolia (Linn.) --. 2623 
6370. hastata(Andr.) ... Ban 2OZo 
6371. Manihot (Linn.) ... 2631 
6372.  moluccana (Linn.) ww. 2638 
6378.  moluccana (Hb. Russ.) ... 2628 

No. Jatropha—cont. NO. 
6374. montana (Willd.) ... .- 2696 
6375. miultifida (Linn.) ... we. 2624 
6376. pandurefolia (Desr.) .. 2625 
6377. peltata (Wight) 2627 
6378. podagrica (Hk.)§... se. 2626 
6379.  stipulata (Vell.) ... 2631 
6380. Wightiana (Muell.) . 2627 
dixxxviii. Joannesia ( Vell.) dleccxxxii 
6381. princeps (Vell.) ... 2632 
dixxxix. Johnia (Ruxb.) ... CCX xiii 
6382. coromndeliana (Roxb.) 550 
6383. Jonesia Asoca (Roxb.) 977 
6384. pinnata (Willd.) .. 977 
6385. Josepha augusta (Vell.) 2370 

dlxxxix. (bis.) Josephia (Wt.) emxxiv (dis.) 
6385 (bzs.) lanceolata (Wt.) 2939 (bis.) 

6385 (bis ) latifolia (Wt.) 2939 ( bis.) 
6386. Jossinia indica (Wight) 1260 
dxc. Jubwa (H. B. & K.) mxiii 

6387. spectabilis (H.B. & K.). .. 3238 

6388. Juglans Catappa (Lour.) ...- 1144 
dxci. Juniperus (Linn.) cm 
6389. alba (Knight) 2822 
6390. andina (Nutt.) 2822 
6391. arboreseens (Manch.) 2822 
6392. australis (Endl.) ... 2822 
6393. barbadensis (Linn.) 2820 
6394, barbadensis (Ybunb.) 2821 
6395.  bermudiana (Linn.) 2820 
6396. canadensis (Lodd.) ase LOLS 
6397. carolimana (Mill.) 2822 
63898.  caucasica (Mill.) ... 2818 
6399. cernua (Roxb.) ... 2821 
6400. Chamberlaynet (Carr.) 2822 
6491. chinensis (Limn.) 2821 
6402. communis (Linn.) 2818 
64038. dealbata (Loud.) ... 2818 
6104.  difformis (Gilib.) ... 2818 
6405. dimorpha (Roxb.) 2821 
6406.  eacelsa (Webb.) 2821 
6407.  eacelsa ( Griff.) 2814. 
6408. fragrans (Knight.) 2822 
6409. glauca (Willd.) 2822 
6410. gracilis ( Endl.) « 2Oee 
6411.  hemispherica (Pressl.) .., 2818 
6412. Hermanni (Pers.) «. 2822 
6413. hispanica (Benth.) .. 2818 
6414. intermedia ( Schur.) .. 2818 
6415.  interrupta (Wendl.) 2818 
6416. macropoda ( Boiss.) 2819 
6417. nana (Willd.) 2818 
6418. oblonga (Bieb.)  ... 2818 
6419. oppositefolia (Marsh.) 2820 
6420. prostrata (Risso.) 2823 
6421. pygmea (Koch.) 2818 
6422.  pyramidalis (Salisb.) 2820 
6423.  quaternata (Miq.) 2~06 
6424. sinensis (Gniel.) =. 20a 
6425. struthiacea(Knight.) ... 2821 
6426.  uhdeanus (Gord.) ses 2ORE 
6427. virginiana (Linn.) ... 2822 
6428. virginiana (Endl.) .. 282 

6429. virginica (Thunb.) if 282? 



No. No. 
dxcii. Jussiwa (Linn.) . cdxlii 
6430. angustifolia (Lak. NIMS sca PLOGS 
6431. Burmanni (D.C.) .. ea Loe 
6432. decwmbens (Wall.) 1332 
6433. exaltata (Roxb, 1332 
6434.  fruticosa (D.U.) 1332 
6435.  octofila (octophila. ) (D. C. : 1332 
6436,  scabra (Willd.) ... 1332 
6437. suffruticosa (Linn.) 1332 
6438. villosa (Lamk.) 1332 
dxciii. Jasticia (Linn.) .. dcexii 
6439. Adhatoda (Linn.) 2266 
6440. Betonica (Linn.) 2259 
6441. bicolor (Sims.) 2248 
6442. carnea (Hk.) 2262 
6443.  coceinea (Aubl.) 2263 
6444.  dentata (Klein.) .-.2269-d 
6445. Ecbolium (Linn.) » | 2269 
64146. emarginata (Nees.) 2269 
6447.  fastigiata (Lamk.) 2173 
6448. Gendarussa (Linn.) 2260 
6449.  infundibuliformis (Linn. ) 2244, 
6450.  latevirens (Vabl.) 69-c 
6451. latifolia (Vahl.) .. 2246 
6452.  ligustrina (Vabl.) 2269 
6453. lineata (Wall.) 2261 
6454. livida (Nees.) ...2269-d 
6455. longifolia (Wall.) 1. 2256 
6456. madurensis (Burm.) 2169 
6457. montana ( Wall.) 2256 
6458. montana (Roxb.) 2173 
6459. nasuta (Linn.) 2268 
6460.  ochroleuca (B].) 2257 
6461. picta (Linn.) : 2270 
6462. Pseudo-Betonica (Roth. we 2257-6 
6463. quadrigona (Vahl.) 2245 
6464. ramosissime. (Roxb.) «. 2257-c 
6465. rosea (Yabl.) ae re br? 
6466. Rottleriana (Wall.) 2268 
6467. rotundifolia (Nees.) ...2269 b 
6468.  salsoloides (T. Anders.) .. 2259 
6469. tranquebariensis (Roxb.)... 2258 
6470. wynaadensis ( Wall.) 2261 
dxciv. Kalsura (Kempfer.) ... xi 
6471. japonica (Wall.) . 27 
6472. Wightiana,(Arm. es 27 
dxcy. Kalmia {Linn.) dxlii 
6473. latafglie (Zinn.) . 1643 
6474. myrtifolia (Andr. ie 1643 
6475.  nitida (Forbes ) 1643 
6476. serotina (Hofimg.) 1643 
6477. Kamptzia albens (Nees.) 1213 
dxcvi. Kandelia (W. & A.) cecexevii 
- 6478. Rheedei (W. 4 A.) . 1°34 
6479. Kanilia caryophylloides(Bl.) 1137 
6480. parvifiora(Bl.) ... --. 1139 
dxcvii. Kayea ( Wall.) 5. lxxi 
6481. cuspidata (Rl. & Tn.) asa 1 24s 



No. Kayea—cont. NO, 
6482. stylosa (Thw.) ... . 184. 
dxeviii. Kendrickia (Hk. f,) » Cdxxvii 
6483. Walkeri (Hk. f.) 1289 

Kentia Belmoreana (F. Muell.) 3135 

648&. Canterburyana(F. Muell.). 3138 
6486.  Forsteriona (F. Muell.) .,. 3136 
6487. Mac-Arthwrii (Hort.) 3139 
6488. Wendlandi (Sphalm.) 3137 
6489. Wendlandiana (F. Meell.). 3137 
dxcix. Kerria (D.C.) ceccelxxxi 
6490 japonica (D.C.) 1109 
de. Kickxia (Blwme.) dxcei 
6491 africana (Benth.) 1832 
dei. Kigelia (D.C.) .. dexcii 
6492. pinnata (D.C.) _... 2152 
6493. Kirganelia dubia (Baill.) ... 2557 
6494. eglandulosa ( Baill.) 2557 
6495. intermedia (Baill.) 2557 
6496. multiflora (Baill.) 2557 
6497. multiflora (Thw.) 2557 
6498.  Priewriana (Baill.) 2557 
6499. puberula (Baill.) 2557 
6500. reticulata (Baill.) 2557 
6501. sinensis (Baill.) 2557 
6502. Wightiana ( Baill.) 2557 
6503. Kittleocharis trigyna (Alef) 346 
dcii. Kleinhovia (Limn.) cv 
6504 Hospita (Linn.) 279 
6505. Knoxia Wightiana (Schl. Nie 1469 
dciii. Kokoona (Thw.) iF ase) CORVE 
6506 zeylanica (Thw.) 530 
6507. Koon zeylanicus (Gertn.) ... 95 

. Kopsia (Bl.) re ore 
fruticosa (A.Dc.) aes) HOE 

dey. Kurrimia ( Wall.) ccxx 
6509. _bipartita (Laws.) 543 
6519. paniculata (Wall.) 543 
devi. Kydia (Roxb.) : x¢evi 
6511 calycina (Roxb.) ... 256 
6512. fraterna(Roxb.) ... 256 
6513. pulverulenta (Ham.) 256 
6514. Roxburghiana (Wight) 256 

devii. Laburnum (Linn.) eclxxxii 
6515. anagyroides (Medic.) 744. 
6516. pendulum (Rafin.) 744 
6517. precoz (Fuss.) 744 
6518. tardiflorus (Hort.) 744 

6519. Lachnoa eriocephala (Heyne) 2492 
deviii Lafcensia (Vend.) cdxxxIv 

6520. illustris (Vell.) . .. 1309 
_ 6521. kielmeyerzfolia (M. Hil,) 1309 
6522.  mierophylla (Pobl.) 1309 
6523. Vandelliana (Cham.) 1309 
deix. Lagerstreemia (Linn.) cdxxxviii 
6524, orymbosa (Griff.) . 1316-5 
6525. elegans (Wall.) 1315 
6526,  Fatioa (Bl.) 1316 


'wo. Lagerstrcemia-—cont. No. 

6527. Flos-regine (Retz.) See LOLO 
6528. hirsuta (Rofft.) pa ole 
6529. indica (Linv.) 1315 
6530. lanceolata ( Wall.) ieee alealy 
6531. lanceolata (Bedd.) .. 1316-6 
6532. macrocarpa ( Wall.) 1319 
6533.  macrocarpa (Wight) 1317 
6534. parviflora (Rozb.) 1316 
6535. Regine (Roxb.) . 1319 
6536.  Rottleri (Clarke. y 13818 

6536 (bis.) Thomsoni (Kehne.) 1317 (bis.) 

dex. Lagunza (Bot. Mag.)... Ixxxvii 
6536 (bis.) aculeata (Cav.) 238 (bis.) 
6537.  Patersonia (Bot. Mag.) ... 211 
65388. Squamga (Vent.) .. 211 
dexi. Lagunarea (G.Don.)... lxxxvii 
6539 Patersonii (G. Don.) 211 

6510. Lagurus cylindricus (Linn.) 3280 

6541. Lampetia racemosa (Reem.) 405 
dexii. Landolphia (Beawv.) .. dixxix 
6542. florida (Benth.) 1802 
6543.  Kirkii (Dyer.) : 1803 
6544. Watsoniana (Vogth.) 1804 
6545.  Watsonii (Vogth.) 1804 

6546. Languas aquaticum (Keen.) 3009 

6547. —sylvestre (Koen.) ... 3009 
dexiii. Lansium (Rumph.) ... elxxxiv 
6548. anamalayanam (Bedd.)... 465 
6549. domesticem (Jack.) 456 
dexiv. Lantana (Linn.) accxx 
6550. aculeata (Linn.) ... .- 2274 
6551. alba (Schance.) ... ... 2273-b 
6552. alba ( Mill.) 2281 
6553.  amethystina (Otto.) 2278 
€554. annua (Hort. Cale.) . 2275 
6555. antillana (Refin.) .. 2274 
6556.  asperata (Hort. Pax.) 2278 
6557. Camara (Linz.) ... 2274 
6558.  collina (Dene.) ... 2273 
6559. crenulata (Otto. & Dietr.) 2275 | 
6560. decumbens (Sellow.) 2279 
6561. dubia (BR ye ) Se soe 
6562. dubia (Wall.) _... 227 
6663. Gogchana (Bach. Ham. vi eel 
6564. indica (Rozb.) .. 2208 
6565. indica (Wall.) 2280 
6566.  involucrata (Linz.) 2277 
6567.  lanuginosa (Mill.) 2277 
6568. latifolia (Tausch.) 2273 
6569. melissefolia (Ait.) | 2272- b 
6570. mista (Linn.) 2276 
6571. mixta (Medie.) Fe wee 
6572. mutabilis (Salisb.) .. 2274-5 
6573. mutabilis (Otto.) 2G 
6574. nivea (Vent.} 2278 
6575. odorata (Lin».) 2277 
6576. parviflora (Salisb.) 2277 
6577.  polyantha (Scha:.) 2274. 
6578.  reeta (Soland.) 2277 
6579. reticulata (Pers.) 2279 
6580.  scabuda (Soland.) 2274 
6581.  Selloviana (Link. & Otto. o) 2279 
6582.  Sellowi (Steud.) 2279 


no. Lantana—cont. NO. 
6583. suaveolens (Desp.) 2297 
6584,  trifolia (Linn.) 2284 
6585.  viburnoides (Blanco) 2274 
6586.  Wightiana (Wall.) .. 2278-b 
dexy. Laportea (Gaud.)... decelxxviii 
6587.  crenulata (Gaud.) 2767 
6588. gigantea (Gaud.) ... 2767 
6589. latifolia (Gaud.) 2767 
dexvi. Larix (Miller.) Ms .. cmxili 
6520.  caducifolia (Gilib.) 2872 
6591. decidua (Mill.) 2872 
6592. europea (D.C.) 2872 
65938. repens (Laws.) 2872 
6594. rossica (Sabine.) ... 2872 
6595. vulgaris (Fisch.) ... 23 | 32872 
6596. Lasiandra semidecandrume- 
(Schrank.) =e .« 1806 
6597. Lasianthera tetrandra 
(Wall.) 496 
dexyii. Lasianthus (Jack.) dxy 
6598. acuminatus (Wight) 1581 
6599. acwminatus (Wight) 1580 
6600. Blumeanus (Wight) 1578 
6601.  capitulatus ( Wight) 1586 
6602. ciliatus (Wight) 1579 
6603.  dichotomnus (Wight) 1587 
6604. fatens (Wight) 1590 
6605. Jackianus (Wight) 1576 
6606.  oblongifolius (Bedd.) 1577 
6607. obovatns (Bedd.) 1588 
6608.  parvifolius (Wight) 1582 
6609.  serigillosus (Hk. f.) 1530 
6610. truncatus (Bedd.) 1584 
6611. twbiflorus (B1l.) ... 2592 
6612. venulosus (Wight) 1585 
6613. Lasiobema anguina (Miq.)... 998 
6614.  Horsfieldit (Miq.) 928 
dexviii. Lasiolepis (Boeck.) . elxiii 
6615.  Bennettii (Planch.) 430 
6616. mutijuga (Benn.) 430 
6617.  paucijuga (Benn.) 430 
dexix. Lasiosiphon (Fres.)... dcexevli 
6618. eriocephalus (Dene.) 2392 
6619.  Hugelii ? (Meissn.) 2492 
6620.  insularis (Meissn.) 24.92 
6621. Metzianus (Migq.’ 2492 
6622.  sisparensis (Meissn.) 2492 
6623.  speciosus (Done.) 2492 
6624. Lasiostyles salicifolia 
(@res;:) ii 2688 
6625. Lastrea cochleata (Moore. ‘. 3363 
6626.  deparioides (Hk.) 3361 
6627. divisa (Wall.) ... 8357 
6628. elongata (Sw.) ... 8364-65 
6629. elongata ( Moore.) .. 3864-5 
6630. eriocarpa (Dene.) 3355 
6631. flaccida (Hk.}... 3358 
6632.  hirtipes (Moore.) ..- 88056 
6633. intermedia (Bed.) ... 33864-¢ 
6634. marginata (Moore.) ... 3364-5 
6335. membranifolia (Presl.) ... 3359 
6636. odontoloma (Moore) .. 83864-d 
6637. paradoza (Moore) 3359 © 


no. Lastrea—cont. NO, 
6638.  patentissima (Pres!}.) . 8364 a 
6639. sparsa (Moore) 3360 
6640. spectabivis | Sm.) 3362 
dexx. Latania (Comm.) mxi 
6641. aurea (Dunce.) 3225 
6642, borbonica (Lamk.) 3227 
6643. chinensis (Jacq.) 3227 
6644. Commersonii (J. F. Gmel.) 3227 
6645. glaucophya (Hort. Baker) 3226 
6646. Loddiesii (Mart.) 3226 
6647. rubra (Jacq.) a 3227 
6648. Verschaffeltit (Lem. ) 3225 
dexxi. Laurus (Linn.) dcecixxvii 
6649. albida (Loud.) 2442 
6559. Camphora (Linn.) 2440 
6651. ?camphorata (Hem.) 2445 
6652. camphorifera (Salisb.) 2441 
6658. Cassia (Burm.) 2434 
6654, Cassia (Linn.) - 2471 
6655. Cinnamomum (Roxb. ae we 2434 
6656. indica (Leur.) 24.4) 
6657.  involucrata (Keen.) 2459 
6658.  involucrata (Vahl.) 2471 
6659.  mnceolaria (Roxb.) 2345 
6660. lanceolata (Wall.) 2445 
6661. maerantha (Wall.) 244.4 
6662. malabathrum ( Wall.) 2435 
6663.  witida (Wall.) 24.34 
6664. nobilis (Linn.) 24.43 
6665. Persea (Linn.) ... 2441 
6666. pubescens (Wall.) 2446 
6667. —salicifolia (Ham.) 2445 
6668. salicifolia ? (Wight) 2464 
6669. Sassafras (Linn.) 2442 
6670.  swmatrensis (Gmel.) 2440 
6671.  tenuifolia (Mill.) 2443 
6672. undulata ( Mill.) 2443 
6673.  Zeylanica (Herm.) 2471 
dexxii. Lavallea (Baill.) excix 
6674.  ceylamica (Baill.) a 
dexxiil. Lavandula (Linn.)... dccxliz 
6675. angustifolia (Mill.) 2344 
6676. officinalis (Chois.) 2344 
6677. pyrenaica (D.C.) ... 2344. 
6678. Spica (Loisel.) 2344 
6679. vera (D.C) a 2344, 
6680. vulgaris (Lamk. ) . 2344 
dcexxiy. Lavatera (Linn.) . . xxxvi 
6681. arborea (Linn.) 210 
6682. eriocalyz (Stend.) cae LO 
6683. Lawia acwminata (Wight.) 1488 
dexxy. Lawsonia (Linn.) cdxxxvii 
6684, alba \Lamk.) : 1314 
6685. inermis (Roxb.) ... 1314 
6686, purpurea (Lamk.) 1314 
6687. spinosa (Linn.) gon) ol as 
6688. Lebidiera malabarica 
(Maell.) 2551 
6689. patula ( Muell.) 2552 
6680. stipuaris (Mnuell.) . 2558 
6691. Lebidieropsis collina 
(Muell.) 2550 
orbicvlaris (Muell. ) se 2000 




NO. NO. 
6693. Lebretonia flava (W all.) 231 
6694. procumbens (Wall.) 231 

dexxvi. Ledum (Limn.) __... pee) OXI 
6695. canadense (Load.) 1650 
6646. glandnlosum (Nutt.) 1649 
6697.  graveoens (Silit.) 1651 
6698.  latifolium (J/acq.) 1650 
6699. palustre (Linn.) 1651 
6700. palustre (Michx.) 165u 
6701. tomentosum (Stokes.) 1651 
dexxvii. Leea (Linn.) CCOXxxVil 
8702. acuminata (Wall, i Pest 
6708.  e#quata (D.C.) vol eed 
6704. aspera (TVall.) oo) ACLS 
67C5. cinerea (Laws.) ... . 613 
6706. compactifiora (Kurz.) 620 
6707.  coriacea (Laws.) ... 614 
6708. crispa (Wilid.) 615 
6709. gigantea (Griff.) . 617 
67.0.  ? herbacea (Wall.) 616 
6711. _hirta (Rozb.) ns 622 
6712.  integrifolia (Rozb.) 619 
6714. leta (Wall.) 637 
6715, levis (Heyne.) 472 
6716. latifolia ( Wall.) 612 
6717. macrophylla (Rozb.) 612 
6718.  ? macrophylla (D.C.) 613 
6719.  ottilis (D.C.) 617 
6720. pinnata (Andrews) 615 
6721. robusta (Rozb.) 620 
6722. sambucina ('V21/d.) 617 
6723.  ? sanguinea (Wall.) 617 
6724.  scabra (Steud.) ... Ja 622 
6725.  simplicifolia (Griff.) .., 612 
6726.  staphylea (Roxb.) AK iY 
6727.  wumbraecnlifera seeks 621 
6728.  Wightii (Clarke) . 618 
dexxviii. Lemonia (Lindl.) ... cxl 
6729. spectabilis (Lindl.) 373 

6730. Leontoglossum scabrum 
(Hance) 11 

6731. Lepidocoma trifoliatum 
(Jungh.) 879 

6732. Lepsdopelma podocarfolia 
(Klotz.) 2254 

6733. Lepidostachys Roazburg hit 
Wail.) | 2608 

6735 (bis.) grandiflora (Planch. ) 

26'0 (dis.) 

6734. Lepidozomia Denisonis 
(Regel) 2882 
6735. Hopes (Regel) 2882 
6736. minor (iq.) o 2882 
6737.  Peroffskyana (Regel. ) 2882 

6738. Lepistemon muricatum 
(Spanog.) 2038 

6739. Leptacanthus alatus 
(Wight) 2211 
6740. rubicundus (Nees.) 2217 
6741. Walkeri (Wight) ... 2218 
dexxix. Leptadenia (Br.) .. dexxxix 
_ 6742. appendiculata (Dene.) ... 1929 
6743.  brevepes (Wight) ... 1929 

no. Leptadenia—cont. NO. no. Leucas—cont. No. ] 
6744,  imberbe (Wight) . 1929 | 6809. lanata (Benth.) ... we. =2355 
6745. reticulata(W. f A.) -... 1929 6801.  laucezfolia (Desf.) 2361 
6746. Leptochloa Wightiana (Nees.) 3292 6802.  lanciformis ( Wall.) .. 2861 
6747. Leptonema  melathesioides 6803. montana (Spreng.) w. 2357 
(Muell.) 2591 6804. nepetefolia (Benth.) ... 2354 | 
dexxx. Leptonychia (Turez.) pes ICXVA 6805. rosmarinifolia (Benth.) ... 2359 
6748. moacurroides (Bedd.) BU5 6806.  suffruticosa (Benth.) ... 2358 
dexxxi. Leptospermum (Forst.) ... cdxiv 6807. ternifolia (Desf.) ... --. 2360 
6749. amboimense (Bl.) ... eee fez 6808. Leucoblepharis susessilis 
6750. attenuatam (Sm.) one, LAL (Arn.) 1609 
6751. austraie (Salisb.) .. .. 1217 | dexxxv. Leucadendron (Linn.) declxxxvil 
6752.  Blumei (Steud.) ... . 1215 | dexxxvi, Lencadendram (Linn.) 
6753.  busxifoliwm (Wendl.) reo, PLIES declxxxyvii 
8764, Candollei (Schan.) ae ely 6809.  argenteum (Linn.) .. 2476 
6755  cumeatum (Hfmy.) pase ee: 6810.  cianroides (Linn.) ose 2A 
6756. Cunninghamii (Schau.) .... 1217 6811. Leucothe ? katagherensis 
6757.  cuspidatum (Hfmg.) Sanh VL (D.C.) 1644 
6758. emarginatum (Wendl.) ... 1215 6812. Leucozylwm buczifolium (Bl.) 1710 
6759. flavescens (Sm.) ... ---, 1215 6813. Libanotus asiaticus(Stackh.) 439 
6760. glaucescens(Schau.) .-. 1217 6814, Lébanus thurifera (Colebr.) 439 
6761. gnidizfolium(D.C.) ... 1214 6815. Libidibia coriaria (Schlet.) 936 
6762. grandiforwm{Lodd.) ... 1235 6816. Liboniafloribunda (C. Koch.) 2265 
6763. levigatum (Muell.) ... 1216 | dexxxvii. Licuala (Lhunb.) ... cemxcix 
6764, lanigerum (Sm.) .. 1217 | 6817. grandis(H. Wendl.) ... 3180 
6765.  microphyllum (Afme.) | 1217 6818. horrida (RL) oa a LIS 
6766. myr‘ifolium (Sb.) peel LOLS 6819.  Ozleyi (11. Wendl.) soe LTD, 
6767. multicaule (A.Cnnn.) ... 1218 6820. palmata (Sphalm.) 3181 ? 3243 
6768. mtidwm (Hk.) ... bee LZ. 6821. paludosa (Griff.) «ae Slag, 
6769. mobile (Muell.) ... 5.7) (L2LS 5822.  paludosa (Kurz.) on COLTS | 
6779. ovalifoliwm (Sweet.)  .... 1217 6823. palustris (Sphalm.) --- ela 
6771. pendulum (Sieb.)... ... 1214 6824,  peltata (Rozb.) ... ee | 6 OLOE 
6772.  piloswm (Schau.) .. se 27, 6825. ramosa (B].) ... 8178 
6773. pubescens (Lamb. ) see 2 6826. spinosa (Wurmb By 3178 
6774. thymifolivm (A. Cunn.)... 1217 | dexxxviii. Ligustrum (Linmn.) | dixxix 
6775. virgetum (Willd.) eee Libs} 6827.  Tandolleanum (Dene. Nes ee fs); 
6776. Lepurandra saccidora 6828. ceylanicum (Dene.) 3 eae 
(Nimm.) 759 6829. compactwm (Dene.) wae, Doe 
6777. Lespedeza involucrata (Wall.) 879 $830, Decaisnei (Clarke.) 503 Oe 
6778. juncea (Wall.) ... Pea hoe 6831.  lawrifolium (Roxb.) 1796 
6779. lagopoides (Pers.) .- 794: 6832. laucidum (Buch- Hees 1797 
6780. lineata (Pers.) ... be ere 6833.  microphyllum (Wight) "1794-6 
dexxxili. Lettsomia (Rozb.) ... .- delvii 6834. ueilgherrense (Wight) ... 1792 
6781. aggregata (Rozb.) ... 2010 6835.  neilgherrense(Dene.) .. 1794 
6782. bella (Clarke.) ...  ... 2012 | 6836. Perrottetii(4. Dc.) ... 1793 
67838. Bona-noz (Roxb.) £6 ViSen 6837. pubescens (Wall.) se 1795 . 
6784. cuneata (Roxb.) ... ... 2008 6838. punctatwm (Griff.) Bre 7 AS): [ 
6785. cymosa (Roxb.) ... 8 2007, 6839. robustum (Bl.) ... Pere yA 
6786. _elliptica (Wéght) ... ... 2013 6840.  sobustwm (Bedd.) ... ws aoe 
6787. mysorensis (Clarke) ... 2011 6841.  robustum (Thw.) ... a. - AT90 
6788. nervosa (Roxb,) ..- pe G93 6842. Roxburghii (Clarke) .. 1791 . 
6789. ornata(Roxb.) ... a Ug) 6843. Walkeri (Dene.) ... +e) SO 
6796. pomacea (Roxb.) ... ... 1998 | LVIII. LILIACEA ae ... CXIX 
6791.  setosa(Rozb.) .. .. 2014 | dexxxix. Limacia (Louwr.) ... ooo EEELY 
6792. speciosa (Roxd.) ... Se B95 6844.  cuspidata (Hk.f. & T.) ... 84 
6793.  wniflora (Roxb.) ... ... 1991 6845.  tmodorum aphyliwm (Roxb.).2916 
dexxxii. Leuczena (Benth.) .. ecclxiv 6846. —_ pusillum ( Willd.) -. 2954 
6794. glauca (Benth.) ... 1010 | 6847. retusum(Sw.)  ... .. 2953 
dexxxiv,. Leucas (Br.) eke dcexlix | 6848. spathulatum (Willd.) ... 2962 
6795. chinensis (Br.) ... .- 2856 | 6849. Limodorum subulatum 
6796. collina(Dalz.) ... —.... 2855 (Willd.) 2955 
6797. ° Humiltoniana (Benth.) 2357 dexl. Limonia(Linn.) ... soa (ROLE 
6798. helianthemifolia (Desf.),.. 2360 6850.  acidissima (Linn.) oda, eee 
@799, lamifolia (Desf.) ... ... 2362 6851. alata(W. 5 A.) ... «en 



No. Limonia—cont, . No. No.  Litsa#a—cont. NO. 
6852. ? angustifolia (Wall.) 689.-b 62908.  foliosa (Nees.) 2471, 
6853 arborea (Roxb.) 389 6909. furfwracea (Nees.) 2471 
6864.  crenulata (Roxb.)... 399 6911. glabraria (Juss.) ... 2459 
6855.  diacantha (D.C.) ... 368 6912. glabrata (Hk. f.) ... 2464 
6856,  leptostachya (Jack.) 381 6913. lzvie (Juss.) -..2459-b 
6857.  missionis (Wall.)... 405, 407 | 6914. _ ligustrina (Trim.) .. 2460 
6858.  muss‘onis (Wight) 407 6915. monopetala (Pers.) 2462 
6859. monophylla (iLinn.) 4044 6916. oblonga (Nees.) ... 2471 
6860. oligan Ira (Dalz.)... 385 6917. olenides ‘Hk. f.) ... 2166 
6861. pentagyna (Roxb.) 445 6918.  orbicularis ( Bed.) 2456 
6862. pentaphy/la (Retz.) 389 6919. Panamonjsa (Hk. f.) 2465 
6863. pusilla (Gert) 132 6920. Panamonja (Wt.} 2465 
6864. _trifoliata (Linn.) ... 398 6921. platyphylla (Pers.) | 2459-b 

LIX. LINACEA : tee XXIT 6922. polyantha (Juss.) 2462 
dexli. Linociera (Swarts.) ... dixx 6923.  scrobiculata (Meissn.) 2471 
6865. dichotoma (Wall.) 1783 6924. sebifera (Pers.) 2459 
6866. intermedia (Wight) 1785 6925. stocksii (Hk. f.) 2467 
6867. leprocarpa (Clarke.) 1784 6926. -strioiata (B1.) ss 2471 
6868. malabarica (Wal’.) 178i 6927.  Tetranthera (Pers.) 2459 
6869. pnrpnrea (Vahl.) ... 1783 6928. tomentosa (Heyne) 2458 
6870. Wight (Clarke.) ... 1782 6929. trinervia(Juss.) ... 2471 
dexlii, Linum (Linn.) cxxly 6930. venulosa (Hk. f.) . 2461 
6871, cicanobwn (D. Don. ) 346-5 6931. Wightiana (Benth. oa Hk. 7.) 2469 
6872. repens (D. Don.) 346 | ~6932. zeylanica (C. § T. Nees.) 2471 
6873. tetrayynum (Coleb. ae 346-b | dexlvii. Livistona (Br.) .. Mili 
6874. trigynum (Roxb.) 346 6933.  altissima (Zoll.) 3193 
dexliii. Liparis (Rich.) : emxviii 6934. australis (Mert.) ... 3197 
6875. alata (A. Rich,) ... 2903 6935. chilensis (Sphalm.) 3195 
6376, atropurpurez (Lindl.) 2897 6936.  chimensis (Br.) ... 3195 
6877.  atropurpurea (Wight) 2892 6937. Hoogendorpii (Hort. Bog. ). 3198 
6878. avriculata (Rchb. f.) 2899 6938.  Jenkinsii (Griff.) .. . 3196 
6879. Beddomei (Ridl.)... --- 2892-b 6939. Jenkinsiana (Griff) 3196 
6880. biloba(Wight) ... 2898 6940. mauritiana (Wall. ) 3195 
6881.  ?” Booth (Regel) ... 2900 6941. oliveeformis (Mart.) 3194 
6882. Dalzellii (Hk. f.) ... 2895 6942. rotundifoli® (Mart.) 3191 
6883.  elliptica (Wight) ... 2901 6943. sinensis (Mart.) ..: 3195 
6884.  Hookeri (Ridil.) ... 2901 6944.  spectabilis (Griff.) 3191 
6885. Jlongipes (Lindl.)... 2400 | dexlviii. Lobelia (Linn.) mdcxxxiv 
6886. ? nesophila (Rchb. f.) 2900 6945. aromatica (Moon) 1635 
6887. odorata (J.indl.) 2894. 6946.  excelsa (Leschen.) 1635 
6888.  olivacea (Wight) ... 2897 6947.  giganteus (Cav.) ... 1636 
6889. paradoxa (Rchb. f.) 2894 6948. nicotianzfolia (Heyne) 1€34 
6890. pendula (Lindl.) ... 2200 6949. Lobocarpus Candolleanus 
6891. _prsilla (Ridl.) 32 2899 (W. & A.).. 2583 
6892. resupiuata (Ridl.) 2902 | dexlix. Lodoicea (LabilL) . . mxix. 
6893. spathulata (Lindl.) 2900 6950. Teychellarum (Labitl. ye . 
6894. viridiflora (Lindl.) 2801 LX. LOGANIACEZ LXXVI 
6895. Walkeriae (Grob.) 2296 del. Lomaria ( Willd.) ... mixiv 
6896. Walkeriae (Wight) 2897 6951. gibba (Hk.) . 38380 
6897. Wightiana (Thw.) 2892 6952. scandens (Willd. ) 3378 
6898. Wightit (Rchb. f.) 2901 deli. Lonicera (Linn.) edlxxvii 
dexliv. Lippia (Linn.) : » deexxi 6953.  aureoreticulata (Hort.) ... 14345 
6899. _citriodora (Hb. ge 2282 6954. brechypoda (Sw.) < Glass 
> 6955. caroliniana (March.) 1435 
6900. motevidiensis. (Spreng.)... 2279 6956. chinensis (Wats.) 1435 
6901. Liquidambar tricuspis 6957. coccinea (Pers.) . 1435 
( Mig.) ... 1129 6958.  cochinchinensiz (G. Don.) 1433 
dexly. Liriodendron (Linn.) vi 6959.  confusa (Miq.) 1433 
6902. grandiflorum (Roxb.) 21- 6860. cennata (Meerb). 1435 
6903.  tulipiferum (Linn.) 16 6961. fammea (Salisb.) 1435 
dexlyi. Litse#a (Lamk.) «. decclxxxiii 6962. fleruosa (Thunb.) 1433 
6905. Beddomei (Hk. f) 2468 6963. japonica (Thunb.) ... 1433 
6906. chinensis (Lamk.) 2459 6964. Leschenaultii(Wall.) ... 1422 
6907. coriacea (Hk. f.) ... 2463 6965. _ ligustrina (Wall.} -» 1436 

no. Lonicera—cont. No. 
6966. mollis(Wight) .. ... 1432 
6967. nigra (Lhunb.) 1433 
6968. reticulata (Champ.) 1434 
6969.  specrosa (Wender.) we ©1485 
6970. virginiana (Mark.) 1435 
6971.  Wightiana (Wall.) 1436 
6972. Lontanus domestica (Rumph. ) 3224 
delii. Lophopetalum (Wight.) ccoxy | 
6973. Wehitianum (Arn.) 529 
6974. Lophostemon arborescens 
(Schoff.) a nea 220 
delii. Loranthus (Linn.) . decxcix 
6975. amplexicaulis (Wall.) 2506-c 
6976.  amplexifolius (D.C.) ... 2506-c 
6977.  ampullaceus (Wall.) .. 2513-6 
6978.  <Arnottianus(Wight)  ... 2499 
6979. bicolor (Roxsb.) ... ~-. 2506 
6980. Blwmeanus (Wight) 2496, 2497 
6981.  bracteatus (Heyne) Phy 7 EOB) 
6982. bracteatus(D.C.) ... 2502 
6983. buddleioides (Desr.) 2500 
6984.  buddleioides (Thw.) 2501 
6985. Candolleanus (Hoh.) 2502 ° 
6986.  Candolleanus (W.& A.) .. 2504 
6987.  capitellatus (W. & A.) ... 2513-b 
6988. carnosus (Wight) 2510 
6989. cimnamomeus (Wall.) 2500 
6990. cordifolius ( Wall.) 2501 
6991.  cuneatus (Heyne.) 2505 
6992.  elasticus (Desr.) ... 2507 
6993. Ewphorbie (Wight) .. 2507 
6994.  falcatus \Linn. f.) - 2506-b 
6995. Heyneanus (Schult.) 2503 
6996.  Heynii (D.C... ... 2500 
6997.  Hookerianus (W.§ A:) ... 2498 
6998.  imbricatus (Edgew.) | 2506 
6999. intermedius (Wight) 2496 
7000.  Kenigianus (Agardh.) 2506 
7001. lageniferus (Wight) 2511 
7002.  lineatus (Edgew.) 2506 
7008. lbeliaeflorus (D.C.) 2508 
7004. longiflorus (Desr.) 2506 
7005. lonicereides (Linn.) 2513 
7006.  macrophyllus (Zenk.) ... 2613 
7007.  memecylifolius (W. §. A.) 2509 
7008.  montanus (Wight) 2508, 2505 
7009. neelgherrensis (W. §. A.) 2508 
7010.  obtusatus ( Wall.) 2497 
7011. polystochyus (Wall.) 24.95 
7012. pyrifolius (Wall.)... 2500 
7013. recurus ( Wall.) 2504 
7014.  sarcoplyllus ( Wall.) 2510 
7015.  scurrula (Linn.) 2500 
7016. terrestris (Heyne) 24.95 
7017. tetrandrus (Heyne) 2495 
7018. tomentosus ‘ Heyne) 2502 
7019.  tomentosus (Wigk t) 2503 
7020. — trigonus (W. ¢ A.) 2512 
7021.  wmbellatus (Heyne) 2513 
7022.  Wallichianus (Schultz.) ... 2495 
7028. Wightianus (Wall.) 2506 
7024.  Wightii (Hk. f.) ... we. 2499 


No NO. 
7025. Lotus argenteus (Brot.) “.5 687 
7026. Ludolfia glaucescens (Willd.) 3302 

) deliv. Luisia (Gawd.) comxxix 
7027.  Burchea (B1.) ats os (2058 
7028.  burmanica (Lindl.) w. 2949 
7029.  platyglossa (Rehbe. f.) 2949 
7030.  tenuifolia (Bl.) 2950 
7031.  teretifolia (Gaud.) .. 2949 
aclv. Lumnitzera ( Willd.) 7 
7032. racemosa (Willd.) 1156 
7083. Lupinus cochinchinensis 

(Lour.) 711 
delvi. Luvunga (Ham.) ; clvi. 
7034.  eleutherandra (Dalz.) 401 
7035.  scandens(Vhw.) ... set 40M 
delvii. Lycopodium ( Linz.) oe. MIxix 
7036.  Wookeri (Bak.) 3389 
7037.  Phleginaria ( Linn.) 8390 
delviii. Lygodium (Swz.) . mixv 
7038. circinatum (Swz.) Rei BieyL 
7039. dichotemwm (>wz.) Se ssa: 
7040. dexucsum (Swz.)... .. 38382 
7041. japonicum (Swz.)... 3383 
7042.  microphyllum (Swz.) 1. 8884 
7043. — salicifoliwm (Presl.) we. 8884 
7044. scandens (Swz.) 3584 
7045. Lysanthe limavizefolia 
(Knight) Z 2483 
7046. riparia (Knight) .. . 2483 
7047. Lysistemma dendigulense 
(Steetz.) ... 1601 
7048. divergens (Steetz. yi 1596 
7049. multifiorwm (Steetz.) 1596 
7050.  pectiniforme (Steetz.) 1063 
7051. Lythrum fruticoswm (Linn.) 1307 
7052. Pemphis (Linn. f.) .. 1808 
dclix. Maba (J. &. G. Forst.) dlxi 
7058.  buxifolia Pers.) ... 1694 
7054. Cwmingiana (A.De.) 1694 
7055. Ebenus (Wight) 4961 
7056.  giwimeensis (A.Dc.) 1964 
7057. _—littorea (Br.) 1694. 
7058. LN ie LO (A. De) 1094 
7059. micrantha (Hiern) ... 1694 
7060. neilgherrensis (Wight) ... 1694 
7061. nigrescenes (Dalz.) 1695 
7062.  Smeathmanni(A.De.) 1694, 
delx. Macadamia (F. Muell.) decomlxxix 

7063.  terniflora (F. Muell.) 3. 2479 
delxi. Macaranga (Thouars.) decelii 
7064. jflecuosa (Wicht) ... we. 2689 
7065. indica (Wight) 2689 
7066. Koxburghi (Wight) .-- 2690 
7067. tomentosa ( Wight) 2690 
7068.  Wightiana (Baill.) 2690 
delxii. Macfadyena (D.C.) ... delxxxv 
7069.  Tweediana (Griseb.) 2145 

, . 

No. Macfadyena—cont, No. 
7070. uncenata (D.C.) 2163 
delxiii. Machilus (Nees.)  ... declxxix 
7071. glaucescens (Wight) 2444 
7072. macrantha (Nees.) 24.44 

7073. Macklottia amboinensis 
(Korth.) 1215 

7074, Maclellandia Grifithiana 
(Wft.) .. 1308 
7075. Maclura affinis (Miq.) 2720 
7076. amboinensis (B1.)... 2761 
7077. chlorocarpa (Lish.) 720 
7078. javanica‘Bl.) .. 2761 
7079. javanica (Miq.) 2761 
7080. Plwmieri (D. Don.) 2720 
7081. polyneura (Miu.)... 2720 
7082. sempervirens (Tenore) 2720 
7083. Siebert (Bturce.) ... 2720 
7084.  subintegerrima ( Miq.) 2720 
7085.  timorensis {HI.) ... 2761 
7086. tinctoria (D. Don.) 2720 
7087. velutina (Blume.) 2720 
7088.  zanthoxylon (Endl.) --- 2720 
7089. Macraea Rheedit (Wight) 2562 

7090. Macrolinum trigynum 
(Rehb.) a reas GG 

7091. Macrophthalma elastica 
(Gasp.) ... _ 2784 
delxiv.Macrozamia ( Mig.) cMmxv 
7092. corallipes (Hk. f.) 2883 
7093. cylindrica (LZ. Moore) 2881 
7094, cylindrica (Andr.) 2883 
7095.  Denisoii (F. Muell.) 2882 
7096.  eriolopis (Brongn.) 2882 
7097. Fraseri (Miq.) 2879. 
7098. gigas (Hort Miq.) ... 2882 
7099. MacDonelli(F. Muell.) ... 2879 
7100.  Mackenzti (Hort. Muell.)... 2880 
7101. Macleayi (Miq.) 2883 
7102.  Miquela (A.De.) 2880 
7108. Oldfield (Miq.) 2879 
7104. Perofiskyana (Mig.) 2882 
7105. Perowskiana (Miq-) 2882 
7106.  Preissu (Lehen.) 2879 
7107. spirals ( Mig.) 2883 
7108 = spiralis (Miq.) 2879 
7103. tridentata (Regu.) 2880 
7110. Madaractis pinnatifida (D. C. ) 1626 

dcix?. Meerna (forsk.) : xliv - 

711i. arenaria (Ak. f. g T.) * 100 
7112.  ovalifolia (Camb.) 100 b 
7113.  seabra (Camb.) 100-6 
aclxvi Mesa (Forsk.) . dxlvii 
7114. acwmmata (A.Dc) 1657 
7115. canarana (Mig.) ... 1659 
7116. dubia (Wall.) 1659 
7117. indica(Wall.) . 1658 
7118. lanceolata (G. Don.) 1657 
7119. missionis (A.De.) 1657 
7120. ramentacea (4.Dc.) 1657 
7121. - swmatrana (Scheff.) 1857 
delxvii. Magnolia (Linn.) _ ix 
7122.  excelsa (Wall.) 25 
71238. fuscata 23 


No. Magnolia—cont, No- 
7124. grandiflora (Zinn.) “ee 20 
7125. mutabilis ape 18 
7126. odorata (discolor.) 
(Thunb.) 5p fea 22 
7127. pumila(Andr.) ... ta 19 
7128. purpurea . yee 22 
7129. sphenocarpa (Rozb. NT eee 21 
7130. Mahonia nepalensis (D.C.)... 97 
7131. Jialaspinea laurifolia (Presi.) 1676 
7132. Malazis Brunoniana 
(Behb.) ... 2888 
7133.  iridifolia (Rchb. f. ) ... 2385 
7134. lancifolia(Sm.) ... ... 2894 

7135.  Lindleyana (Kchb.f.) ... 2889 
7136. odorata (Willd.) ... ... 2894 
7137. platycaulon (Rchb.f.) ... 2590 

7188.  vertwcillata (Rchb.f.) ... 286 
7139.  viridifiora (Bl.) ... .. 2901 
7140. wightiana (Rchb. f.) ... 2891 
7141. Mallea integerrima (Wall. 9 455 
7142. Roth (Juss.)  ... i atom 
7143.  subseandens epexems 
Binn.) pea ie = 
| delxviii. Mallotus (Lour.) -. decel 
7144. albus(Mueill.) ... fae Atv ks. 
7145. atrovirens (i/well.) ... 2684 
7146. aureo-punctatus (Muell.)... 2661 
7147. barbatus (DMuell.) ren 7i7/ 
7148. Beddomei (Hk. f.) ... 2682 
7149. distans(Muell.) .. ... 2685 
7150. Lawi(Muell.) ... ... 2681 
7151. micranthus (Muell.)  ... 2683 
7152.  muricatus (Bedd.) .-. +2679 
7153. philippinensis (Muell.) ... 2687 
7154. repandus (Muell.) ... 2686 

7155. rhamnifolius (Muell.) ... 2683 
7156. stenanthus (Muell.) ... 2680 

7157. tetracoccus (Kurz.) .+5 (2678 
delxix. Malpighia (Plum.) --. CZXVI 
4158.  befora (Poms) | pec: soit thexegs 
7159, — coccifera (7) # ses) eee 
7160. coecigera (Linn.) sf. eSb2 
7161. dubia (“av.) ‘53 io MAG eee i 
7162. glabra(Linn.) ... eogl Ook 
7163.  heterantha ( Wt.) . =854 
7164. nitida (Mill.) ae soe Wl helene 
7165.  punicifolia (Linn.) <2) WES 
. 7166. uniflora (Tuss.) ... 353 

7167. Malus communis (Desv.) 5.0 HUIS 
7168. «alva arborea(Webb.)  ... 211 

7109.  fustuosa (Salisb.) Peta 9) 
7170.  wmbellata (Kert.) Be 
LXV. MALVACE Ai bee 1%) (REX 
7171. Malvaviscus populneus 
(Geertn.) .. 202 
7172. Mammea asiatica (Linn)... 1273 
7173. longifolia(Planch& Tr.) ... 180 
delxx. Mandevilla (Lindl.) |) égem 
7174. suaveolens ( Lindl.) ... 1853 
delxxi. Manettia (Mutis.) edlxxxv 

7175.  asperula (Benth.) o. 1459 


No. Manettia—cont, 

7176. attenuta (Nees.) . se2 L459 
7177.  confertiflora (Benth, \I Weed 459 
7178. cordifolia (Mart.) ... 1459 
7179. glabra (Cham & Schl.) 1459 
7180. leianthiflora (Griseb.) ... 1459 
7181. micans (Popp) ... . 1459 
7182. miniata (Lam.) ... 1459 
delxxii. Mangifera (Linn.) ... eclix 
7183. axillaris (Lamk.) 668 
7184, domestica (Geertn.) 663 
7185.  glanca (Rottb.) 544 
7186. indica (Linn.) : 663 
7187. indica (Wall.) ... 664 
7188. pinnata (Keen.) ... 685 
7189. sylvatica (Rozb.) 664 
delxxiii. Manihot ( Tourn.) decexxix 
7190 edule (A. Rich.) ... 2631 
7191. esculenta (Crantz.) 2631 
7192, Glaziovii (Mvell.) .. 2630 
7193.  utilissima (Pohl.) ... 26381 
7194, Manna = nepalensis (D. 
Don.) ha ee Oo 
7195. Manungala pendula 
(Planch.) cco | aA) 
7196. Mappa ? peltata (Wight) . 2690 
delxxiv. Mappia (Jacq.) cev 
7197. Championiana (Miers.) . . 500-d 
7198.  fcetida (Miers.) 500 
7199. fetida (Bedd.) 500-a 
7201. Gardneriana (Miers.) 500-c 
7202. oblonga (Miers.) . 500-d 
7203.  cvata (Miers.) ... ».- 900-¢ 
7204. tomentosa (Miers.) +e. 900-6 
7205. Wightiana (Miers.) 500-c 
delxxv, Maranta ( Plum.) cml 
7206.  albolincata (Hort. 
Regel.) tas .. 3106-6 
7207. arundinacea (Linn.) 3011 
7208. bicolor (Vell.) .. 3017 
7209. coneinna (Hort Bull. ) 3018 
7210.  Galanga (Linn.) . ... 8005 
7211.  illustris (sade .. 93012 
7212. Kerchoviana (HE. Morr.) ... 3013 
7213. leuconeura (E. Morr.) 3013 
7214.  leopardina (Ucrt.) .. 98018 
7215.  Lindeni (Hort E. el 3019 
7216. majestica (Hort. Angl.) ... 3016 
7217. Makoyana (Hort.) ... 3020 
7218. Massangeanal (EH. Morr.)... 3014 
7218 (bis.) mediopicta (EK. Morr.) 3021 
7219. rosea-picta (Hort.) --. °3022 
7220.  Sanderiana (Hort. L’ 
Lind.) ehu\iics VSG 
7221. Vanden Heckei Soin 
Versch.) . 8023 
7222. variegata (Hort. Koen.) ... 3015 
7223. Veitchii (Hort.) Seo oOo 
4294. virgata (Wall.) te 3025 
7225. Marara caryotefolia 
(Karst.) se 3225 
dclxxvi. Marattia (Sm.) .. mixvi 
7226.  fraxinea (Sm.) 3386 



No. No. 
7227.  Marrubiwm mollissimwm 

(D. Don.) ww. 2355 
deixxvii. Marsdenia (R. Br.) va5 (OC CXGXG 
7228 (bise) Monosachya (Wall.) 1901 
7228. Brunoniana (W, ¢ A.) 1992 
7229, tenacissim (W. § A.) 1901 
7230. tinctoria (R. Br.) oe LOOM 
7230.  Martia opifera (Lacerd) ... 2110 
delxxviii. Martinezia (Ruiz § Pav.) mxv 
7231.  caryotefoha (Hb. § K.)... 32385 
dclxxix. Mastixia (Z/.) .. ed) xxii 
7232.  arborea(Clarke) ... -s 1422 
7233.  cuspidata (BL) ... we 1423 
7234.  pentandra (Pl) ,.. 1423 
dclxxx. Maxiwiliana (Mart.) wos; | TIEKLY) 
7235. attalioides (Barh. Rode.) 3238 
7236. Martiana (Karst.) woe 3234 
7237. regia (Mart.) : ... 38234 
7288. Medica arborea (Mill. ) -- «745 
delxxxi. Medicago (Linz.) .. eclxxviii 
7239. arborea (Linn.) 745 
7240. arborescens (Presl.) 745 
delxxxii. Medinilla (@aud.) bes CORI 
7241. Beddomei (Clarke) oo. 1293 
7242. malabarica (Bedd.) wee E294 
7243.  radicans (Bedd.) . 1293 
7244. ? Walkeri (Wight) 1289 
7245. Messia serrata (Gertn.) 438 
7246. Megabotrya meliefolia 
(Hance) 378 
| delxxxiii. Melaleuca (Linn.) cdxy 
7247.  Cajuputi { Roxb.) 1219-6 
7248, conferta (Steud.) 1220 
7249. Cwumingiana (Turcz.) 1219-b 
7250. Juwmmi fera (Steud.) 1178 
7251. lancifolia (Turcz.) ? 
7252. Lescadendron (Linn.) 1219. 
7253. Leucadendron (Lamk.) ... 1219-b 
7254. minor (Sm.) ... «1219-6 
7255.  paludosus (Schlect.) 1210 
7256. pithyoides (F. Muell.) 1210 
7257. saligna (BL)... 1. Ao 
7258.  viridiflora (Gertn.) PAG 
7259. Melanium fruticosum 
(Spreng.) 1308 
7260. Melanthesa obligua (Wight) 2593 
7261. rhamnoides (Wight) 2594, 
7262. turbinata (Wight; 2593 
7263. Meanthesopsis patens (Muell. ) 2583 
7264. variailbis (Mauell.) 2593 
delxxxiv. Melastoma (Linn.) cdxxvi 
7265. auopalauthwm (Naud.) 1287-b 
7266.  asperwm (Linn.) ... scot Le 
7267. malabathricum (Linn.)... 1287 
7268. ? obvolutum (Jack.) 1987 
delxxxy. Melhania (Forsk.) cx 
7269. abuwtiloides (Arn.) 298 
7270. cannabina‘( Wight) 297 
7271. Hamiltoniana (Wall.) ... 298 
7272. incana (Heyne) ven”, ee 


No. NO. 
deixxxvi. Melia { Zinn.) ‘ --- OlxxIx 
7273.  argentea (Hb. Ham.) _» M55 
7274. australasica (Juss.; : 454 
7275. - Azadirachta (Linn.) 452 
7276. Azedarach (Linn.) 453 
7277.  baccifera (Rothb.) 455 
7278. Bombolo (Welw.) 454 
7279. Bukayun (Royle) 453 
7280. composita Cena 454 
7281. dubia (Uav.) 454 
7282. indica (Brandis.) . 452 
7283. Koetjape (Burm.) ... 460-5 
7284. montana (Hb. Madr.) 455 
7285.  parirfiora (Moon.) 452 
7286. robusta (Roxb.) 454 
7287. sempervirens (Sw.) _ 453 
7288.  swperba (Koxb.) 454 
7289. + tomentosa (Kurz.) . 481 
7290. Meliacea Singapureana (Wali.) 462 
7291.  wightiana (Wall,) 467 
delxxxvii. Melianthus (Tourn.) eclii 
7292.  himalayanus (Waill.) 650 
7293. major (Linn.) ‘ 650 
7294. Melica latifolia (Roxb.) .. 3278 
7295. Melicocca palleseens (D.C.)... 632 
7296. trijuga (Juss.) ; 632 
delxxxviii. Melicope (Hossk.) exliv 
7297. indica (Wight) ... 380 
delxxxix. Meliosma (Bl.) .. cely 
7298.  Arnottiana (Weif.) 655 
7299. integrifolia (Wall.) 654 
7300. pungens (Wt. § Arn.) 653 
7301. simplicifolia ( Walp.) 644 
7302. Wightii (Planch.) .- 653 
dexe. Melocactus (Link § Otto.) ... cdli 
7303. communis (Link & Otto.) ... 1369 
7504. melocaetus (Karst.) ... 1369 
7305. Melocanna Rheedui (Steud.) 3318 

dexci. Melochia (Linn.)  . gee cxi 
7306. afinis (Wall.) i -». 299 
7307. concatenata (Wall.) yrs 
7308. corchorifolia (Linn.) ee eG) 
7309. corchorifolia (Wall.) 301 
7310. pauciflora (Wall)... ... 299 
7311. supine (Linn.) er .-, 209 
7312. truncata (Wall.) ae | AS 
7313. | truncata (Willd.) ... «+299 
7314. velutina (Bedd.) 300 
dexcii. Memecylon (Linn.) cdxxx 
7315. amabile (Bedd.) ... -- 1296 
7316. amplezicaule (Roxb.) (part) 1299 
7317. angustifolium (Wight) 1304 
7318. capitellatum (iejne) .. 1803-6 
7319.  capitellatom (Linn. ) 1303 
7320.  cordatwm (Wall.) ... L299-b 
7321. deccanense (Clarke) 1300 
7322. edule (Rozb.) .. 1305 
7323. edule (Lamk.) .. 1305-5 
7324. edule (Roxb.) PES ... 1395-a 
7325.  globiferwm (Wall.) ».. 1305-4 
7326. gracile (Bedd.) _ ... bas Sele 
7327. grande(Wall.) .,. 

i 18C5-¢ 


no. Memecylon—cont. NO. 

7328. Heyneanum (Benth.) ee 1302 
7329. jambosoides (Wight) 1302 
7330. lucidum (Presl.) .. 1305-c 
7331. malabaricum (Kostel.) 1299 
7231.  Molestam (Wt.) 1297 (bis.) 
7332. ovatum (Sm.) us . 1805-c 
7333. prasinum (Naud.) ... .. 1305-c 
7334. pyrifoliwm (Nanud.) . 1305-c 
7335. pyrifoliwm (Presl.) .. 1305-¢ 
7336. —seasile (Wall.) me ... 1305-b 
7337.  Talbotianum (brand.) 1301 
7338.  terminale (Daiz.) ... ... 1298 
7339.  tinctoriwm (Keen.) .. ... 1805-0 
7340. wmbellatam (Burm) . 1305-a 
7341.  wmbel’atum (Heyne) (Bed.) 1305-c 
7342. Wightianum (Triana.) . 1300 
7343. Wightw# (Thw.) 1295 
7344. Memorialis Dalzellii (Wedd. +3 2778 

7345.  imtegrifolia (Wedd.) 2775 
7346.  nilghirensis (Wedd.) .. 2074 
7347. Menispermum acuminatum 

(Lamk.) 83 
7348. Columba (Roxb.) ... rE 92 
7349. cordifoliwm (Willd.) : 80 
7350.  fenestratum (Gertn.) eer 82 
7251. hirsutum (Linn.) ... ae 87 
7352. laurifolium (Roxb.) vee 86 
7353. malabaricwm (Lamk.) af 79 
7354. | myosotoides (Lina.) ae 87 
7355. orbiculatwm (Linn.) se 91 
7356.  peltatwm (Lamk.) ... ae 4 
7357.  polycarpwm (Roxb.) Pes 83 
7358. radiatwm (Lamk.) ... sce &3 
7359. tomentoswm (Roxb.) nas 78 
7360. villoswm (Lamk.) . = 87 
7361. Mentha ? fruticosa (Roxb. \ 2345 
7362. secunda (Roxb.) 2345 
dexciii. Meriandra (Benth.) dceexlv 
7363. bengalensis ( Benth.) 2349 

doxciv. Mertensia (Willd.) st) aul 

7364. dichotoma (Willd.) 3325 
7365. discolor (Schrad.) we 8325 
7366. flexwosa (Marh.) ... ..» B3825 
7367. Hockeri (Sm.) ind .-. 3325 
7368. pusilla (Mart.) a 3325 
7369. Mespilus crenulata ee Don. ) llly 
7370. japonica (Barks.) . 1112 
dexcy. Mesua (Linn.) Ixxii 
7371. coromandeliana (Wight) . 185-a 
7372.  ferrea (Linn.) : ono epee 
7373. pedunculata (Wight) 185 
7374. oaleneiit (PI. & Tr.) 185 
7375.  Roxburghis (Wight) 185-b 
7376.  salicina (Pl. and ‘ir.) 185 
7377. — sclerophulla (Thw.) 185 
7378.  spectosa (Chois.) 185-c 
7379. Walkeriana (Pl. and Tr. i. 185 
7389. Methonica Doniana (Kunth. y 3119 
7381. superba (Lamk.) ... 3119 
7382. Metrosideros citrina (Curt. a 1209 
7383.  lanceolatus (Sm.) > 12 
7384. lophantha (Vent.) cen 2ES 



No. Metrosideros—- cont. No. 
7385. marginata (Cav.) -. 1209 
7386. pallida (Bonp .) 1210 
7387,  rugulosa (Sieb.) 1209 
7328.  saligna (Boupl.) i 1200 
7389. semperflorens (Lod.) 1209 
7390. Meyenia erecta (Bonpl.) 2163 
7391. fasciculata (SchJeeht.)  .... 2105 
7392.  longiflora (Benth.) .. 2159-5 
7393. purpurea (Heyne.) 2106 
dexcvi. Mezoneurum (Desf.) eccxl 
7394. cucullatum (W. & A.) 938 
73909. macrophyllwm (Bl.) 938 
dexevii. Michelia (Linn.) x 
7396.  aurantiaca (Wall.) 24-b 
7397. Champaca (Linn.) 24 
73898.  Doltsopa (Ham.) 24 
7399.  excelsa (Bl.) 25 
7400. fuscata (Bluwme.) ... 23 
7401. macrophylla (D. Don.) 21 
7402. — nilagirica (Zenk.) 26 
7403.  ovatifolia (Wight) 26 
7404.  pulneyensis (Wight) 26 
7405.  Rheedii (Wight) .. 24, 
7406.  rufimervis (1D).C.)_... 24 
7407. Walkeri (Wight.) ... 26 
7408. Wightii (Hk.) 200 26 
7409. Michelia spinosa (Amman. ye 2306 
7410. Micrococos chilensis ( Phil.) 3233 
7410 (bis.) Microchleana flavescens 
(Garcke.) 292 

7410. (tris.) quinquelocularis (Whe & 
Arn.) 292 
WALL. Microcos Mala (Ham. viii 327 
7412. paniculata (Linn.) .. 227 

7413.  Stawntoniana (G. Don.) 506, 1 BSAC 

7414. Micrelus Roeperianws (W. & A.) 3607 
dexeviii. Microglossa (D.C.)... dxlx 

74)5.  zeylanica (Benth.) .. 1606 
7417. Microlepia platyphylla (Don. ) 3332 
7418. Trichostica (?) 3333 
dexcix. Micromelum (Bl.) exlix 
7419. pubescens (Bl.) 319 
7420. Micropera maculata (Dalz. Me 297 4: 
7421. virediflora (Dalz.) 2973 
7422. Micropterya stricta ee ee 818 
7423.  cristagalli (Walp.) .. $22 
7424, fasciculata (Walp.) ... $22 
7425.  lancifolia (Walp.) ... 822 
7426.  suberosa ( Walp.) 819 
7427.  sublobata (Walp.) . 819-c 
7428. Microstegia an higna (Pres! i 3345 
7429. esculenta (Presl.) . 3346 
7430, pubescens (Presl.) ... 34.46 
dec. Microtrepis ( Watl.) CCXiv 
7431, dens*flora ( Wight) 626 
7432. latifolia (Wight) ... 524 
7438.  ? longifolia (Wall.) 524 
7434. microcarpa (Wight) 527 
7435.  ovalifolia (Wight) ... 528 
7436. yramiflora (Wight) 525 
7437. Wallichiana ( Wight) 523 
deci. Miliusa (Leschen.) ... pane ECLY, 
7438. indica (Leschen.) ee oe 62 





montana (Gardn.) ... 

nilagirica (Bedd.) 

velutina (Hk. f.¢ T.) 
Wightiana (Hk. f. § T.) 
Millettia (W. & A.) v 

anriculata (Baker) 
chinensis (Benth.) 
pallida (Dalz.) 
racemosa (Benth.) ... 

rubiginosa (W. & A.) 

splendens (W. & A.) 

deciii, Millingtonia (Linn. f) 








hortensis (Linn. f.). 
Millingtonia (Roxb.) 
Arnottiana (Wight) . 
integrifolia (Wall.) 
pungens (Wall.) 
simplicifolia (Roxb.) 
simplicifolia (Wall.) 
(W. & A.) 
Roaburghit (Wight) 
Mimosa ( Zinn.) : 
abstergens (Spreng. \\ 
alba (Rottl.) ase 
albida (Roxb.) 
Algarroba (Azur.) 
amara (Roxb.) 
arabica (.am.) 
arborea (Thunb.) 
armata (Rottl.) 
bigemina (Linn.) 
cesia (Linn.) 
catechu (Roxb.) : 
catechuoides (Roxb.) 
cinerea (Linn.) 
concinna (Willd.) 
concordiana (Roxb.) 
cornigera (Linn.) ... 
Cumana (Poir.) 
dealbata (Page.) . 
decurrens (Wendl.). 
diptera(Poir.) ... 
distachys (Vent.)... 
dulcis (Roxb.) 
eburnea (Linn. f.) 
eburnea (Roxb.) 
elata (Roxb.) eae 
elegans(Aadr.) ... 
frondosa (Heyne) 
Farnesiana (Linn.) 
ferruginea { Kottl.) 
ferruginea (Roxb.) 
furcata (Des€.) 
hamata (Willd.) .. 
horrida (Sm.) ... 
Intsia (Linn.) 
juliflora (Su.) fs 
Kalkora (Roxb.) . 
Kleinia (Poir.) 
levigata (Poir.) ... 
latronum (inn.) ... 
leucophlewa (Roxb.) 




/ aoaeen 



1005 . 















lophantha (Pers.) 
lucida (Roxb.) 
marginata (uam.) 
mollissema (Poir.) 
monadelpha (Roxb.) 
mutabilis (Roxb.) 
mitida (Vahl.) ... 
octandra (Roxb.) 
odoratissima (Linn.) 
pallida (Poir.) 
pedunculata (Roxb.) 
pennata (Linn.) ... 
pilifiora (Sw.) ... 
polyancistra (Benth.) 
procera (Roxb.) ... 
pubifera (Poir.) ... 
pudica (Linn.) 

‘ pulchella (Roxb.) ___.. 
pulcher (Dum. Cours.) ... 

rubicaulis (Lam.) 
Rottleri (Spreng.) 
rugata (Lam.) 
salinarwm (Vahl.) 
Saman (Jacq.) 
scandens (Linn.) 
Sirisea (Roxb.) 
Smithiana (Roxb.) 
speciosa (Jacq.) ... 
stipulacea (Roxb.) 
stricta (Andr.) ... 
stricta (Dum. rae 
Suma (Roxb.) . 
Sundra (Roxb.) ... 
tamariscina (Heyne) 
tenurfolia (Roxb.) 
tomentosa (Roxb.) 
torta (Roxb.) 
umbellata (Vahl. ) 
virgata (Linn.) . 

decvi. Mimulus (Linn.) 


aurantiacus (Curt.) 
glutinosus (Wendl.) 
linearis (Benth.) 
puniceus (Hort.) 
viscosus (Manch.) 
Wilsoni (). Don.) 

dccvii. Mimusops (Linn.) ... 


Balota (Bl.) ce 
Balata (Griseb.)... 
bidentata (A. De.) 
Rrowniana (Benth.) 
dissecta (Br.) 
Elengi (Linn.) 
globosa (Gert.) ... 
hexandra (Rozb.) 
hexandra (Wall.) 
Hookeri (A. De.)... 
indica (A. De.) ... 
Kauki (Linn.) 
Kaukr (Wall.) 

Roxburghiana (Wight) a 

Mina lobata (Cew.) 



No. No. NO, 
1042 | deeviii. Miquelia (Meissn.) cevi 
1055 7557.  dentata (Bedd.) ... 501 
1046 | decix. Miscanthus (Anders.) Mmxxxiv 
1017 7558.  fuscus (Benth.) ... 3285 
1055 7559.  nepalensis (Hack.) 3281 
1012 | deex. Mischodon (Thw.) . dccexxii 
1053-0 | 7560. zeylanicus (Thw. ) 2606 
1012 7561. Missiessya velutina (Wedd. ) 2778 
1046 | deexi. Mitrephora (Bl.) ... Xxi 
1005 7562. grandiflora (Bedd.) 56 
1009 7563. Heyneana (Thw.) 55 
1040 7564. Moacurra gelonioides 
1005 (Roxb.) . 486 
1014 | deexii. Modecca (Lam.): cdxlix 
PeeLOaty 7564, — diversifolia (Wall.) 25 | LS66 
ee LOoY 7566. integrifolia (am.) nce, LROZ 
S alauhi! 7567. palwata (Lam.) ... 1367 
1050 7568. tuberosa (Roxb.) 1267 
1017 7569.  Wightiana ( Wall.) permed stots) 
1012 7570. Modesta mutabilis (Rafin.) 2026 
1012 7571. Mogoriwm angustifoliwm 
1088 (Lamk.) 1761 
1005 7572. pubescens (Lamk. ) 1751 
1057 7578. Sambac (Lamk.) 75h 
1003 7574.  trifiorum {Lamk.) 1760 
1044 7575.  viminewm (Lamk.) 1 Jeo 
1049 7576. Molina racemosa (Lamk.)... 355 
1044 7577. Molinza canescens (Roxb.) 626 
1049 7578. Molinza micrococos (Bert.) 3233 
1021 | dcexiii. Molle (Adans.) eelvi 
1042 | decxiv. Monactinewma (Borv) cdxlvii 
1034: 7579. Monelia barlerioides gine 
. 1035-5 iHiemns) eae. 1800 
1034; decxv. Monocera (Jack.) ... . xxiii 
.. 108¢-b 7580.  ferruginea (Wight) 344 
1032 | 7581. Mumroii (Wight) 345 
1040 7582.  Roaburghit (Wight) 341 
1054 7583.  Subintergerrima (Miq.)... 340 
ee LOOZ 7584.  tuberculata (W.& A.) ... 3840 
XL'‘II-C 7585. Monoxora spectabilis 
delxxviii (Wight.) ... boc ve ©1214 
2116 | dcecxvi. Monstera (Adans.) . MxXxix 
2116 | 7586.  deliciosa (Liebm.) 2973 
2116 7587. gigantea (Schott.) 3271 
...2116-b 7588.  pinnatafida (Schott.) 3272 
2116 | deexvii. Montanoa (Carr.) .. AXxy. 
2116 7589. bipinnatifida (C. Koch.) 1617 
dix | LXXI. MORACEZ : woe oh GaIM 
1692 | deexviii. Morinda (Linn.) : dx 
1693 7590. angustifolia (Roth.)  .., 1555-b 
1693 7591. aspera (W.& A.) ... 1555-u 
1692 | 7592. bracteata (Roxb.) we. 1554¢b 
1692 7593. Chacuca (Ham.) ..- L855-b 
1689 7594. citrifolia (Linn.) ». 1554 
1693 | 7595.  crtrifolia (Bedd.) we. Lb5D-a 
1691 | 7596. Coreia{Ham.) ..  ... 1555-a 
1679 | 7597.. leiantha (Kurz.)... _... 1855-a 
... 1692 | 7598. multiffora (Roxb.) w. 1555-¢ 
a * TEU 7599. Naudia (flam.) ... ... 156d-b 
saa, EB 7600. mnodosa(Ham.) ... .. 1555-4 
g. 1691 7601. Padavara (Juss.) .. 1556 
1690 7602. scandens (Roxb.) .. 1556 
w. 2024 7603.  stenophylla (Spreng.) ... 1655-5 


no. Morinda—cont. No. | No, Munronia—cont. No. 
7604.  tetrandra (Jack.) .. 1556 | 7656, Wallichii (Wight) 2 Mee 
7605.  Teysmanniana (Miq.) ... 1555-a | 7657. Murucujo lwnata (Medic.) 1354 
7606.  tinctoria (Fozb.) 1555 | 7658. ocellata(Pers.) ... Pr 3 | 
7607. tomentosa (Heyne) ... 1555-b | decxxvi. Murraya (Linn.) ... oa cl 

7608, umbellata (Linn.) ne pay 7059.  brevifolia (Thw.) ... ... 392-4 
7609.  Zollingeriana (Mig.) ... 1555-a | 7660. exotica (Limn.) ... sen eu ege 

decxix. Moringa (Lank.) .. eclxxi | 7661. exotica (Reinw.) ... boo aoe 
7610, concanensis (Nimm.) . 690 | 7662. ezxotica(Thw.) .. we BIZ 
7611.  oleifera (Lamk.) Ae 689 | 7663. Glenieii(Thw.) ... ... 392-€ 
7612.  polygona (D.C.)... , 689 | 7664. Keenigii (Spreng.) -o ad eu 
7613. pterygosperma 7665. paniculata (Jack.) -. B92—b 
(Garin) Bs 689 7666.  swmatrana (Roxb.) .-- 392-5 
7614. zeylanica (Pers.) .. 689 | decxxviil. Musa (Zimn.) ... .. emiliv 
LKXII. MORINGACE AS .. SLI | 7667. Champa (Hort.) ... ... 8042-4 
7615. Morocarpus ang ustatus | 7668. chinensis (Swt.) ... ... 3040 
(angulatus) (B1.) Bee, ilies) 7669.  Cliffortiana (Iann.) .. 8041 | 
7616.  longifoliws (Bl.) soe NEG 7670. Dacca (Horan.) ... ... 3042-5 
7617. microcepkhalwe (Benth.) .. 2777 7671. Ensete (J. F, Gmel.)  ... g8039 
decxx. Morus (Linn.) the decelxxii 7672.  martabonia (Planch.) ... 3042-c 
7618. ?acidosa (Griff.)... ooh POL 7673.  paradisiaca (Linn.) .. 8041 
7619. alba (Limn.) of .. 2423 7674. rubra (Planch.) ... .. BO42-d 
7620. atropurpurea (Roxb. Nae 1. 2723-b 7675.  sapientum (Linn.) ... 8042 - 
7621. brasiliensis (Pohl.) Pr era 7676. sumatrana(Bece.) . ... 3038 
7622. cretica(Rafin.) ... Be Py ee 7677. superba (Rozb.) ... ..- 8036 
7623.  Cudranus (Ham.) an. S2ifuil 7678.  textilis ( Nee.) ef ora vLBOB 
7624.  cuspidata (Wall.) pe eee 7679.  textilis(Grah.) ... .-- 3036 
7625. dioica (Crautz.)... .. 2720 | 7680. troglodytarum (Linn.) ... 3041-6 
7626. indica (Linn.) ... roa | Pilea 7681. vittata (W. Ackm.) ... 3042-f 
7627.  laciniata (Mill.) ... seo | DIO 7682.  zebrina (Van Hontte.) ... 3042-e 
7628. migra (Linn.) ... ..» 2722 | decxxvili. Musszenda (Linn.) joc! (CORE 
7629. parvifolia (Royle) ... 2721 | 7683. frondosa (Limn.) ... woe » AEB, 
7630.  Plumiera (Steud.) ... 2/20 7684.  frondosa (Wall.) ... .. 1487<e 
7631.  scabra (Willd.) ... oe, | PAPA! 7685. imgrata (Wall.?) .. .. 1487-b 
7632. serrata (Wall.) ... see LD 7686. tomentosa (Wizht) ... 1486 
7633.  siciliana ( Mill.) ... ... 2722 | 7687. tomentosa (Wight) .»- 1487-e 
7634.  tatarica (Linn.) ... .. 2723 | 7688. villosa (Schlecht.) ... 1487-¢ 
7635.  tinctoria (Linn.)... Ba WY) LXXIIL MYOPORACEAD LXXXIV 
7636. «anthoxylon (Linn.) ... 2720 | dcecxxix, Myoporum (Bhs. 
7637. Moulinsia ea | scl.) decxix 
(Camb.) ... : «» 627 | 7689. adscendens (R. Br.) we 2272 
7638.  rubiginosa (G. Don.) ... 627 | 7690. apiculatus (D.C.) in 2HIZ 
decxxi. Mrioperis (Rafin.) -»-Cdxlvil 7691.  caprarioides (Benth.) ... 2272 
decxxii. Mucuna (Adans.) . - CCCVIi 7692.  glandulosus (D.C.) --. 2272 
7639. angwina (Wall.) ... 818 | 7698. gracile (Benth.) ... t.. | 22I2 
7640. atropurpurea(D.C.) ... 814 7694. wesulare (R. Br.) ... ona, CED 
7641. corymbosa (Grah.) fe pSIS. 7695.  serratum (R. Br.) Pe 
7642. cristata (Ham.) .. ecu) oe 7696.  tasmanicwm (A.Dc.) wee (2272, 
7643. gigantea (D.C.) - 815 | 7697. tuberculatum (R. Br.) ... 2272 
7644. monosperma (D.0.) Cae) 7698.  viscoswm (R. Br.) 2272 
7645. previens (D.C.) .. 816 ; 7699. Myrcia pimentoides (D.C yi 1207 
7646.  prurita (Hook.) ... .. 816 | 7700. Myriacheta arundincea 
7647. utilis (Wall.) ... 816-b (Zoll. and Mor.) .. no Beas 
decxxiii. Muehlenbeckia (Meiss.). declxiii | 7701. glauca (Mor.) oe ... 38278 
7648. platyclada(Meissn.) ... 23°86 | 7702. canarensis (Miq.) ... a 2554, 
7649. Muldera galeata (Miq.) ... 2402 | 7703.  triplinervia (Miq.) 2544 
7650. multinervis (Miq.) .. 2411 | deexxix. (bis.) Myrica decclzxxv (bis,) 
7651. trichostachya (Miq.) .... 2403 | (Linn). 

7852.  Wightiana (Miq.) .. 2411 ) 7708.  (bis.) Nagi(Thunb.) 2779 (bis.) 

7653. Wigbtna (Wight) .. 2402 LXXIII (bis.) MYRICACE A, CVI (bis.) 
decxxiv. Mundulea (D.C.) ws ccoxe | decxxx. Myricaria (Desv.) ee ff 

7654,  suberosa (Benth) yey ios 770+.  vaginaia (Desy.) ws) ECS 

decexxv. Munronia (Wight) elxxvii decxxxi, Myriostachya (Hk. f.) ... mxl 

7655. neilgherrict (Wight) ... 451 7705.  Wightiana (Hk. f.) sce, SOD | 



No. NO, 
docxxii, Myristica (Linn.) .. declxx 
7706, amygdalena (Grah.) 2425 
7707, aromatica (Lamk. ) 2420 
7708. attenuata ( Wall.) 2425 
7709,  canarica (Bed.) 24.23 
7710, corticosa (Bedd.) 24.25 
7711.  dactyloites (Wall.) 24.22 
7712,  diospyrifoli (A.De.) 2421 
7718,  fragrans (Houtt.) 24.20 
7714,  glaucesens ( Wall.) . 2461 
7715.  laurifolia (Hk. f. & 7.) ... 2421 
7716, magnifica (Bedd.) . 2428 
7717.  malabarica (Lmk.) 24:22 
7718,  moschata (Thunb.) 2420 
7719. mnotha (Wall.) 2422 
7720, officinalis (Linn. f. ) 24.20 
7721. ? tmentos (Grah.) 2422 
. 9729. tomentosa (Thw.) 2421 
7723. Myrobalanus hellirica, 
beleric ((xeertn.) +. 1145-4 
7724.  chebula (Gertn.) ... 1146 
7725.  citrina (Geortn.) .. 1148 
7726. Myrbroma frorns 
(Salisb.) =, 2983 
deexxxiii. Myrsine (Linn.) ... dxlviii 
7727.  capitellata (Wail.) 1660 
7728. eacelsa (D. Doin.) 1660 
7729.  lepidoarpon (Wight) . 1660-e 
7730. lucid (Wall.) 3; 1660 
7731, Wightiana (Wall.) ... 1660-6 
decxxxiv. Myrtus (Linn.) cdx 
7782.  acris (Sw.) 1207 
7733. angustifolia (Rafin. ) 1206 
7734. aromatica (Poir.) 1208 
7735. bracteata (Willd.) 1264 
7736. brazlin (Linn.) ... « 1268 
77387.  bueifoliu (Rafin.).,. 1206 
7738. canescens (Lour.) 1225 
7739. caryophyllata (Linn.) 1276 
7740.  caryophyllata (Jacq.) 1207 
7741.  citrifolia (Poir.) ... 1208 
7742. communis (Linn.) ee 1206 
7743. coromandeliana (Koen.) ... 1264 
7744, Cumini (Linn.) .. 1258-b 
7745.  cyrtifolia (Poir.) ... way 208 
7746. Heynei (Spreng.) 1264 
7747.  Jambos (Kunth,) ... 1231 
7748. javanica(Bl.)  . 1230 
7749, lanceolata ( Rafin.) 1206 
7750. . latvfolia (Heyne) 1264, 
_ 7751. latifolia (Rafin.) ... 1206 
7752. laurina (Retz.) 1725 
7753. UGeucadeniron (Linn.) .., , 1219-4 
7754. ittoralis (Roxb.) _ 1264-5 
755. macrophylla (Spreng.) . 1228 
7756.  macrophyllal Cord.) 1206 
7757.  malaccensis (Spreng.) 1228 
7758. minima (Mill.) . 1206 
7759. mucronata ( Pass.) ps 1206 


no. Myrtus—cont. NO 
7760.  Pimenta (Linn.) ... « 1208 
7761. = ruscifolia (Willd.) 1282-e, 1264 
7762. Saligna \Gmel.) 1219 
7763.  Soneratii (Spreng.) 1241 
7764. spicata(Ham.) . .. 1254-5 
7765, sponsalis (Hort. Steud.)... 1206 
7766. tomentosa ( Ait.) 1225 
7767. —trinervia (Sm.) 1224 
7768. zeylamica ( Linn.) 1242 
deexxxy. Myxopyrum (Bl.) .. Olxxiv 
7769.  smilacifolium (Bl) 1796 

7770. Myxospermum chylocarpum 
(RKoem.) He 389 


7771. Nageia elongata (F. Muell, hi 2830 
7772. latifolia (Gord.) . 2829 
7773.  Putranjiva (Roxb. ) 2597 
decxxxvi, Nandina (Thunb.) xl 
7774 domestica (7hunb.) 96 

deexxxvii Nannorhops (H. Wal.) omxeviii 
7775.  Ritchieana (A. Wd.) 3177 
deexxxviii, Naravelia (D.C.) sa ii 

7776.  zeylanica (D.C.) . 
decxxxix, Naregamia (W. y Ay, " elxxvi 
7777. alata (W. & A.) 450 
7778. dentata (Miq.) : vas | Ga0 
7779.  Nastws Thonarsii (Spreng.). 3303 
decxl. Natsiatum (Ham.) .. ecix 
7780. herpeticum ( Ham.) 504 
decxli. Nauclea (Linn.) edlxxxii 
7781. Cadamba (Roxb.) i438 
7782. coadunata (RKoxb.) 1437 
7783. cordata (Roxb.) 1437 
7784. cordifolia (Willd.) 1439 
7785. —elliptica (Dalz. & 

Gibs.) 1437 (bis,) 

7786. lance: lato (BI. sth L442 
7787. missions (Wall. viet 1437 (bis,) 
7788, oblongata (Miq. 1437 (his.) 
7789. orientalis (Hb. Madr. :). 1437 Ce ) 
7790. parviflora (Pers.) 1440 
7791. parvifolia (Wall.) 1437 
7792. parvifolia (Willd.) 1440 
7793. purpurea (Rvzb.) .. 1442 
7794.  Roxburghii (G. Don. ) 1437 
7795. tubulosa (Arn.) 1441 
_ 7796.  Wallichiana (Br. ) -. 1437 
deexlii. Nectandra (Rol.) .. ‘dcolx xiv 
7797. Rodiei (Hk.) aes . 2433 
7798. Rodimb: (Schomb.) vo. 2488 
7799. Neerija dichotoma (Roxb. Y: 544, 
7800. Nelitris pallescens (Miq.) ... 1226 
7801. paniculata ( Lindl.) 1226 
7802.  polugama (Spreng.) so 1226 
7803, Nemedra Nimmonii (Dalz.). 469 
7804. Nenga gracilis (Bece.) 3134 
7805. Nepeta malabarica (Linn.)... 2353 
decxliii. Nephelium (Linn,) cexl viii 
7806. bengalense (G. Don.) 640 
7807. —bifoliolatwm (Thw.) Mee) 050 
7808, dimocarpus (Hk. f. & T.) 639 


no. Nephelium-—cont. 
7509. duriocarpus (T. And.) .. 
7810. echinatwm (Noronh.) 
7811. erectum (‘Thw.) ...- nce 
7812.  hypoleucum (Kurz.) 
7813. lappaceum (Linn.) 
7814. Lit-ohi (Cabs)... 
7815. Longana (Camb.) .. eae 
7816. mora (Gardn.) ws 
7817. pupitlum (Wight) 
7818.  tipulaceum (Bedd.) 
deexliv. Nephrodium (Rich.) 
7819.  abruptum (Presl.) 
7820. Boryanum (Bak,)... 
7821. canescens (Sm.) ... ce 
7822.  caudiculatum (Sieb.)  ... 
7823.  cicutarium (Hk.) 
7824, cochleatum (Don.) 
7825.  cuspidatum (Bak.) 
7826. decurrens (Sm.) ... 
7827.  delicatulum (Dene.) oon 
7828. deparioides (Hk.)... 
7829,  dissectum (Bak.) ... 
7830,  diviswm (lik.) 
7831.  extensum (Blwme.) 
7832.  Wilixemas(Hk.) ... 
7833,  flaccidwm (Hk.) ... 
7834, floridanum (Hk.) 
7835. gigantea (Blume.) 
7836. hirsutum (Don.) ... is 
7837. hirtipes (Hk.) a 
78388. membranifolium (Hk. Neo 
7839. mucronatum (Sm.) 
7840.  odoratum (Bak.) . 
7811.  paludoswm (Liebwm.) 
7842. polymorpham (Bak.) 
7843.  propinguum (By.) 
7844, purpurascens (Blume) 
7845. setigeram (Bak.) 
7846.  Smithianwm (Presl.) 
7847.  sparsum (Bak.) 
7848. spectabilis (Bak.) 
7849.  tenericaule (Hk.) 
7850. truncatam (Gauwd.) 
7851. unitum (Sieb.) ... tee 
7352.  uniium (Br ) 
decxly. Nephrolepis (Schott) 
7853. acuta {Presl.) 
7254, biserrata (Sm.) ... 
7855. cordifolia (Presl.) ies 
7855.  davallioides (Schott)  ... 
7857.  exaltata (Schott) 
7858. furcans ( Hort.) 
7859,  hirsutula (Pres}.) 
decxlvi. Nerium (Linn.) 
7860. caudatwm (Roxhb.) fe 
7861. chinensis (Hunter) 
7362. coccineum (Koxb.) 
7868. Coraia (Haww.) 
7264.  coronariwm (Jacq.) 
7865.  divaricatum (Linn.)  ... 
7866. floridwm (Salisb.) bh 
7867. grandiflorwm (Roxb.) ... 

no. Nerium—cont. Not 
78658. grandiflorwm (Desf.) - 1845 
7869. . indicum (Mill.) . - 1844 
7870. latifoliwm (Mill.) .. 1844 
7871.  lawriforme (Lamk.) 1845 
7872.  oaoratwm (Lamk.) 1846 
7873. odorum (Soland.) 1844. 
7874. Oleander (Linn.) 1845 
7875. pauciflorum (Koxb.)  ... 1869 
7876.  Piscidiwm (Hort. Cale.) ... 1917 
7877.  reticulatum (Roxb.) 3 HUSEZ 
7878.  splendens (Hort. Paxt.) ... 1845-a 
7879.  ? tenctoriwm (Ham.) 1842 
7880. _timctoriwm (Koxb.) 1841 
7881. tomentoswm ( Roxb.) 1842 
deexivii. Neseea (Comm.) cdxxxy 
7882.  myrtifvlia (Lindl.) so (LOO 
7883. Neurocarpexa lanceolata 
(R. Br.) 1478 
decxlviii. Neuropeltis ( Wall.) -. Aelxiii » 
7884. bracteata (Griff.) ... 2063 
7885.  «wntermedia (Griff.) 2063 
7886. ovata (Wall.) 2063 
7887. racemosa (Wall.) 2063 
dcecxlix. Nicotiana (Linn ) . delxxii 
7888. wigandioides (C. Koch.)... 2194 
decl. Niebuhria (D.C.) + xiii 
7889.  arenaria (D.C.) 10U-a 
7890. linerris(D.0.)_ ... 99 
7891.  obl ngifolia (D.C.) 100-4 
7892. oblongifolia (Royle.) 100-6 
7893. Nimmonia Lawii (Wight) 469 

7894, Nintona japanica (Sw.) 1433 
7895. Niota Lamarckiana (Bl.) .. 429 
7896.  pentapetala (Poir.) 429 
7897.  tetrapetala (Lamk.) 429 
decli. Nipa (Wwmb.) cmxciv 
7898.  fruticans (Wurmb.) .. 38161 
declii. Noltea (Reich.) : +. CCXXIV 
7899. africana (Reid.) ... fen) WOOO 
decliii. Noltia (Bth. & Hk.) res CCXXIV 
decliy. Nopalea (Salm-Dyck.) edly 
7900. coccinellifera (S.-Dyck.)... 1877 
7901.  cochinelifera (Mill.) i377 
7902. Norisca mysorensis (Wight) 166 
decly. Noronnia (Stadm.) .. OIxxili 
7903.  Binia ( Roem.) 1796 
7904,  chartacea (Stadm.) 1796 
7905.  emarginata (Thon.) 1796 
7906. Nothopanax  fruticosum 
(Miq.) 1400 
declvi. Nothopegia (Bl.) ... CClXvii 
7907.  aureo-fulva (Bedd.) AB ges 
7908. colebrookiana (B?.) 681 
7909.  travancorica (Bedd.) 682 
declvii. Notonia (D.C.) xxx 
7910. balsamica (Dalz. Sy Gibs.) 1624 
7911. corymbosa (D.C.) .. ... 1628 
7912. crassissima (Schuléz.) 1623 
7918. grandiflora (D.C.) 1623 
7914. Walkeri (( larke) 1625 

dcelviii. Nyctanthes (Linn.)  ...  dlxvi 




no. Nyctanthes—cont. No. 
7915. angustifolia (Linn.) 1760 
7916. Arbor-tristis (Linn.) 1776 
7917. hirsuta (Linn.) 1517 
7918. multiflora (Burm.) 1752 
7919. pubescens (Retz.) 1752 
7920. Sambac (Linn.) 1751 
7921. triflora(Burm.) ... 1760 
7922. undulata (Linn.)... 1751 
7923.  viminea (Retz.) ... 1760 
declix., Oberonia (Linil.)... emxvili 
7924,  Arnottiana (Wight) 2891 
7925.  Brunoniana (Wight) 2888 
7926. denticulata (Wight) . 2885 
7927.  Falconeri (Hk. f.) 2887 
7928.  iridifolia (Lindl.) 2885 
7929. iridifolia ( Wall.) 2887 
7930.  Lindleyana (Wight) 2889 
7931.  platycaulon ( Wight) 2890 
7932.  stachyoides (A. Rich.) 2891 
7988. verticillata (Wight) 2886 
7934. Wightiana (Lindl.) 2891 
declx. Ochlandra (Thw.) . . mxilix 
7935. Beddomei (Gamble) 3320 
7936. Brandisii (Gamble) 3322 
7937. Rheedii (Benth.) ... 3318 
7938.  setigera (Gamble) 3323 
7939. — stridula (Thw.) 3319 
7940.  Talboti (Brand.) ... 3324 
7941.  travancorica 
(Benth.) ... w- So2l . 
deelxi. Ochna ( Linn.) as .. clXvii 
7942.  collina (Hdgew.).. 437 
7943 = fruticulosa (Kurz. ) 437 
7944, Ochra Gamblei (King) . 435 
7945. glauca (Gamble) .. 435 
7946.  Heyneana (W. & A.) 436 
7947. humilis (Wall.) ... 437 
7948. lucida (Lamk.) 434, 
7949. Moonvi (Thw.) 436 
7959. mana (Ham.) 437 
7951. mnitida (Thunb. iN 43.4, 
7952. obtusata (De.) . 434 
7953. parvifolia (Vahl. 2) 436 
7954. pumila (Ham.) ... 427 
7955.  rufescens (Thunb.?) 434, 
7956.  syuarrosa (Linn.) 434, 
7957.  Walkerzt (Planch.) 436 
7958. Wightiana ( Wall.) 436 
7959.  Zeylanica (Lamk.) 438 
declxii. Ochrocarpus (Thowars.) lxix 
7960.  longifclius ee “iN 
Hae Ye 180 
declxiii. Ochrosia (Juss.) dlxxxiv 
7961. borbonica (@mel.) 1819 
7962. _salubris (Bl.) 1819 
decixiv. Ocimam (Linn.) decxxxix 
79638.  citronatum (Ham.) « 2335 


No. Ocimum—cont, 

7964, gratissimam (Zinn.) 2335 
7965. wmodorwm (Burm.) 2336 
7966. monachorwm (Linn.) 2336 
7967. robustwm (Heyne) 2335 
7968. sanctum (Linn.) 2336 
7969.  subserratwm (Heyne) 2336-b 
7970. tenuiflorum ( Linn.) 2336 
7971.  villosum (Roxb.) 2336-b 
7972. Ocotea lanceolata (Nees.) 2445 
7973. paniculata (Nees.) 24.46 
7974. pubescens (Nees.) 24.46 

dcelxv. Octotropis (Bedd.) BPA Mesh ia 
7975. travancorica (Bedd.) 1518 

deelxvi. Odina (#ozb.) celxiv 
7976.  Wodier (Rowb.) 672 
7977. Odoria trinervia (Spreng. ..) 845 
7978.  (iceocclades tenera (Lindl.) 2976 
7979. (Conia? alata(A. Rich.) 2976 

deelxvii. Oianthus (Benth.) docx xxvii 
7980. Beddomei (Hk. f.) 1920 


declxviii. Olax (Linn.) ... +». CXCVil 
7981. acumioata (Wall.) 490 
7982. Bador(Ham.) .. w. 488 
7983. Heyneana (Wall.) 490, 496 
7984. longifolia (Wall.) 490, 496 
7985. lucida (Heyne.) ... .. 489 
7986.  psittacorum (Vahl.) 488, 489 
7987. scandens (Rozé.) ... 488 
7988. ? swmatrana (Miq.) 494 
7989. Wightiana (Wall.) 489 
7990. zeylanica (Wall.) 489 

declxix. Olea (Linn.) sa) Olea 
7991. alba (Lamk.) ... 1786 
7992. commumis (Steud.) 1786 
7998. dioica (Rozb.) 1788 
7994, Hu-opexa (Linn.) 1786 
7945. fragrans (Thunb.) 1780 
7996. gallica (Mill.) 1786 
7997. Gardneri (Thw.) ... 1789 
7998. glandulifera ( Wall.) 1787 
7959.  Heyneana ( Wall.) 1788 
8000.  hispanica (Mill.) 1768 
8001. linocieroides (Wight) ... 1782 
8002. paniculata (Roxb.) .. 1785-6 
8003. polygama (Wight) ie BSD, 
8004. robusta (Wall.) woo 1795 
8005.  Roaburghiana (R. & 8.) ... 1785-b 
8006. Roxburghii(Spreng.)  ...1785-b 
8007. sativa (Hoffing.) 1768 
8008. sylvestris (Mill.) .. 1768 
8009. Wightiana (Wall.) 1788 


Oleander vulgaris (stedie. ) 1845 


declxx. Oleandra (Can.) Sea emnibse 
8011. hirtella (Miq.) ese =638308 
8012. mollis (Presl.) 3368 
8013. neriiformis (Can.) 3368 
8014. Oleoxylan balsamiferum 
(Wall.) 197 


No, No. 
declxxi. Oncosperma (Bl.) em) xxxiv 
8015.  horrida (Scheff) ... 3142 
8016. Onobrychis diffusa (Camb.) 782 
8017. Ononis glutinosa (Mart.) 730 
8018. Operculina r tuberosa 
-  (Meissn.) o. 2050 
8019. Turpetham (Mans.) ». 2046 
deelxxii. Ophiorrhiza (Linn.) cdxc. 
8020. argentea (Wall.)... ... 1480-b 
8021. Brunoni (W. & A.) 1481 
8022. eriantha (Wiyht) w- 1484 
8023. grandiflora ( Wight) we ©1482 
8024. Har isiana (Heyne) eae LOO 
8025.  hirsutula (Waght) 1485 
8026. Mungos(Linn.) ... 1479 
8027. “oxburghidna (Wight) 1483 
8028. Ophiorylon ceylanicum 
(Wight) 1812 
8029. densifforwm (Thw. ) 1812 
8030.  macrocarpwm (Wight) 1812 
8031. micranthum (Wight) 1814 
8032.  neilgherrense (Wight) 1812 
8033.  obversum (Miq.) ... 1811 
8034.  serpentinwm (Linn.) 1811 
8035.  trifoliatwm (Geertn.) 1811 
declxxiii. Opitia (Rozb.) ceili 
8036. amentacea (Rozb.) 495 
8037. javanica (Miq.) 495 
8038. odorata (Spreng.) 461 
declxxiy. Opuntia (Journ. ex Mill.) edlvi 
8039.  cocinellifera (Steud.) 1377 
8040. cruciata (Hort. Pfeif.) 1379 
8010 (bés.) cylindrica (cristata) 
(Mill.) . 1388 (bis.) 
8041. Dillenii (Haw.) 1378 
8042.  hwmifusa (Rafin.) 1382 
8043.  imermis (Moris. & Denst.) 1382 
8044. intermedia (Salm-Dyck. " 1382 
8045. italica SEEN .. 1382 
8043.  leuc tricha (D. > Pe dock 
8047. magnifica ea 1377 
8048. maritima (Rafin.) 13&2 
8049.  mecicana (Hort. Pfeif.) 1377 
8650. monocantha (Haw.) 1880 
- 8051. nana (D.C.) 1882 
8052.  uvigricans (Haw.) 1383 
8053.  opuntia (Kaist.) 1382 
8054.  Roxburghiana (Voigt aye 1378 
8055. speciosa (Steud.) .. 1375 
8056. spinosa (Cavanagh) 1383 
8057. spinosissima (Mil.) 1379 
8058. Tuma (Linn.) 1380 
8059. vulgaris (Mill.) . ED 
8060. Oraoma canarana (Turcz. ) 468 
8061. Oralia grandiflora (Aub).) 1854-b 

8062. Oreocnide sylvatica 

(Mig. 2776-b & 2776 

declxxv. Oreodoxa (W illd emxcii 
8063, acuminata ( Willd.) 3159 

8064. oleracea (Mart.) 3157 

8065, _ regia (Hb. § K.) + 3156 

eS SS —E ee ee 

—__————— — 


no. Oreodoxa—cont, No, 
8066. Sancona (Hb. & K,) 3158 
8067.  Sarcona (Sn.) .. 8158 
declxxvi. Oreopanax (Dene § Pl.) cdlzi. 
8068. _reticulatum (Dene § Pl.) 1497 
8069. Origanum ? benghalanse 
(Burm.) : .. 2345 
8070.  % indicum (Roth. ) w. «= - 2845 
deelxxvii. Ormocarpum (Beawy.) ecxcix 
8071.- coronilloides (G. Don.) 788 
8072. sennoides (D.) Sieh Sp 
dcelxxviii. Ormosia (Jacks ) CCCXXXi 
8073. travancorica (Bedd.) 918 
declxxix. Ornanthes He dlxviii 
8074.  Ornithidiwm imbricatum 
(Wall.) 2944 
£075. Ornitrophe aparetica 
(Roxb.) 628-f 
8076.  asiatica (Hort.) ... 628 
8077. Cobbe (Willd.) 628 
8078. glabra (Roxb.) ... . 628-d 
8079.  Malabarica (Hb. Madr.) 628-b 
8080. Schmiedelia (Pers.) .. 628 
8081. serrata (Roxb.) 628-b 
8082. villosa (Roxb.) 628-c 
8083. Ornus americana ( Rose.) 1779 
8084. cappadocica (Dietr.) 1779 
8085.  ewropea (Pes ) 1779 
8086. floribunda (Dietr.) 1778 
8087. rotundifolia (Pers.) 779 
8088. wrophylla (G. Don.) 1778 
declxxx. Orophea (Bl.) se XX Vii 
8089. erytbrocarpa (Bedd.) 73 
8090. Heyneana (Hk. f. & T.) ... 55 
8091. Thomsoni (Bedd.) ae 72 
8092. uniflora(Hk.f. fT.) ... 70 
8093.  zeylanica (Hk. jf. & T.) ... 71 
declxxxi. Oroxylum (Vent.) .. delxxxi 
8094. indicum (Vent.) . 2119 
8095. Orthostemma roseum (Wall. ) 1478 
decixxxii. Osbeckia (Linn.) “a ) Cox 
8096.  alveolata (Bedd.) xo ane 
8097. aspera (41) soe 1270 
8098.  Chulesis (D. Don.) 1277 
8099. Gardneriana (Wight) 1273 
8100. glauca (Benth.) 2. eae 
8101. gracilis (Bedd.) ... so. 'I268 
8102.  hispidissima (Wight) ... 1268 
8103. Kleinii (Ara.) .. 1280-6 
8104. Leschenaultiana (D C.)... 1273 
8105. nepalensis (Hook.) 1277 
8106. octandra (D.C) .. 1275 
8107. polycephala (Naud.) 1275 
8108. reticulata (Bedd.) 1274 
2109. speciosa (D. Don.) 1277 
8110. virgata (W.& A.) 1285 
8lll. virgata ( Wight.) » 1285-8 
8112. Wightiana (Benth.) ... 1282 
8113. Wightiana (Benth.) wee ©4288 
8114. wynaadensis (Clarke) ... 1286 
deolxxxiii. Osmanthus (Lowr.) dixix 
$115. acuminata (Wall.) By Sb go 


No. Osmanthus—cont. No. No. No- 
8116, fragrans (Lowr.) ... -» 1780 | decxciv (bis.) Palaquiwm (Blanco) — dlviii 
doelxxxiv. Osmunda (Linn.) mlxviii | decxcy. Pallasia (Hutt.) OXXXviii 
8117. japanica (‘Thonb.) we | 8887" |) DREXIIL: PALM A i omy 
8118. javanica (Blwme) .. 3288 8155. Palmia bicolor (Endl) ... 2056 
8119. regalis (Linn) ... ... 3387 | deexev (/is.) Panax (Linn ) « Cdlxiv 
8120. Vachellti(Hk.) ... ... 3388 8156. Balfouri (Hort. Sand.) ... 1201 
deolxxxy. Ostodes (Bl.) ... deccxxxviii 8157. cochleatum (D C.) - 1408 
8121. minor (Muell.) ... ... 2647-6 8158.  crispatnm (Hort. Bull.)... 1402 
8122. zeylanica (Muell.) ion LORE 8159. diffuswm (Hort.) ... ...1400-a 
dece]xxxvi. Osyris (Linn.) ... .-. decciii 8160. dissectwm (Hort.) ... 1400-6 
8123. arborea (Wall.) ... ae 2027 8161. dumosum ( Hort.) ... 1400-e 
$124.  ? peltata (Koxb.) .. 2090 8162. elegans (F. Muell.) coe MG 
8125. Wightiana (Wall.) a. 2027 8163. _filicifolia ( Hort.) ... 1389 
8126. Otonychiwm imbricatwm (Bl. ) 642 8164. jisswm (Hort.)  ... ... 1400-d 
deelxxxvii. Otophora (Bl.) we. CLX)IiV 8165. fragrans (Roxb.) ... ... 1418 
8127. fruticosa (Bl.) .. cog Ge 8166. fruticosum (Linn.) --- 1400 
8128. Otosema macrophylla 8167. Guilfoylei (Cogn & Mar.) 1390 
(Benth.) PY a PRY Gy) 8168. ? Heyneanum (Wall.) ... 1410 
8129. Ottilis zeylanica ( Jeertn. ) 617 81659.  laciniatum (Hort.) ... 1400-e 
deelxxxviii. Ougeinia (Beuth.) ... ccenii 8170. lepidum (Hort, Bull.) ... 1405 
8130.  dalbergioides (Benth.) ... 795 8171.  Leschenaultis (De.) ... 1399 
8131. Oviedia milis (Burm.) eit apee 8172.  micranthum (Wall.) ... 1399 
8132. Ozandra virgata (A. Rich.) 74 8173.  multifidum (Hort.) .-- L400-f 
8133. Oxyanthe japonica (Steud.) 3291 8174. Murrayi (¥. Muell.) ... 1406 
dec]xxxix. Oxylobfum (Andr.)  cccxxxvi 8175. nitidum (Hort. Bull.) .. 1407 
3134. cordifolinm ( Andr.) ... Q24 8176. Panaz obtusum (Blume) 1408 
decxe. Oxypetalum (R. Br.) +.» ACXXV 8177. plumatum (Hort.) ... 1400 h 
$135. caeruleum (Dene.) oe 1886 8178. rotundwm (Hort.) ... L394 
deexci. Oxystelma (Br.). . ACxxi 8179. serratifoliwm (Hort.) _... 1400-g 
8136. esculentum (Br.) ., =. ASSL 8180.  sessi/tflorwm (Planch.) ... 1406 
8137. Wallichii (Wight) pe LOSl 8181. sessilifulium(Koch.) ... 1406 
decxcii. Oxytenanthera (Mumro)... mxlv 8182.  Shepherdii Hort.) ... 1398 
8138.  Bourdilloni (Gamble) ... 3309 8183. Veitchi(Hort.) ... sa | LOGS 
8139. monvostigma (Kedd.) .. 38307 8184. Victoriz (Andre.) 1409 
8140. nigrociliata (Mumro.) ... 3305 | LXXXIV. PANDANCEAS “CXX LI 
8141. Stocksii (Munro) .. 8308 decxevi. Pandanus (Linn.) mxxi 
8142. Thwaicesii (Munro) ... 3806 8185.  canaranua (Warb.) wee 8242 
8143. Pachycentria walkert 8186. Candelabrum (Beduy.) ... 3246 
(Thw.) ... Je --. 1289 8187. Candelabrum (Kurz.) ... 3244 
8188. caricosus (Miq.) ... ... 8243 
8189.  crassipes (Wall.) ... w. 3243 
8190. fascicularis (Lam.) ve B244 
P 8131. foetidus(Rozb.) ... ... 3241 
8192. furcatus (Rozb.) ... .. 38243 
8193. levis(Rwmph.) ... we S247 
decxciii. Pachygone (Miers) iss xl 8194. lewcacanthus (Hassk.) ... 3244 
8144.  adversa (Miers) ... ae 95 8195. moschatus (Miq.) ... .. 8247 
#145. concinna (Miers) ot 95 8196.  odoratissimus (Rozb.) ... 3244 
8146. odorifera (Miers) sP- 95 | 8197.  odoratus (Salisb.) ..  O24d 
8147. ovata (Mies) a BS 95 8195. spinifructus (Dennst.) ... 3243 
8148.  Plukenetii (Miers) od 95 8199. utilis (Bory) des 3245 

8149. Puchysandra coriacea 8200. Pandorea spectabilia 
(Hook.) ... ie ... 2544 (Spach.) 2129 

8150. Pachustachy asperula 8201. Panicum acariferum 
(Noes.) . asa .-. 2263 €Txins)/ >. oa ... 3278 
8151. coccinea (Nees. yas ... 2263 8202. Amlisa(Ham.) ... --. 3278 
8152. latior(Nees.)  ... 2263. | 8203.  arborescens (Lamk.) 2. 3302 

deexciii (bis.) Pederia (Linn.) exvi (bis.) 8204. Panozis salicifolium 
8152 (bis.). fatida (Linn.) 1591 (bis.) (Rafin.) ... jee LI 
deexcig. Pajanelia (D.C.) ... dexevii. 8205. Papaya carica (Geert.) «» 1344 
8153. multijuga (Kurz.) sie + SLES ©206. commume (Noronha) ... 1344 

8154. Rhecdii(D.C.) ... ... 2158 8207. cucwmerina (Noronha) .,. 1344 



8210. Papeda 


sativa (Tuss.) mee 
vulgaris (D.C.) .. 
Rumphiu (Cat. 
Hort. Bog.) 

dcexcvii. Parabzona (Miers.) 


dcexcvili. Paramignya. (Wight) .. 


8216. Paratropia 


8222. Parechites 


8224, Pariliwm 

ferruginea ( Miers.) 

oleracea (Miers. .. 
sagittata (Miers.) 

armata (Oter.) .. 
monophylla ( Wight) 

(W. & A.) 
elliptica (Miq.) .. 
macrantha (Mig.) ... 
terebinthacea (Arn.) 
venulosa (W. & A.) 
Wallichiana (W. & A.) 

Thumbergri (A. Gray.) 


deexcix. Parinarium (Juss.) 



brachystachyum ( Benth.) 

excelsum (G. Don.) 
indicum (Bedd.) ... 
? Jackianum (Benth.) 

travancoricum (Bedd.) ... 

82380. Paritium gangeticum 


(G. Don.) 

tiliacewm (W. & A.) 
tricuspe (G. Don.) 

dece. Parkia (R. Br.) 

biglandulosa (W. § ‘A,) a 
decci. Parkinsonia ( Linn.) 



aculeata (Linn.) ... 

deccii. Parmentiera (De.) ... 






alata (Miers.) 
cereifera (Seem.) ... 

Parsonsia (Br.) 

acuminata (W all.) 
paucifiora (Wall.) 
spiralis ( Wall.) 

Passiflora (Linn.) ... 

acuminata (D.C.)... 
alata (Ait.) 

angulata (Hort. Mart.) ay 

angustifolia (Sw. 
antioguiensis (Karst.) 
Baraquiniana (Lan.) 
biflora (Lamk.) 
brasiliana ( Desf.) 
brasiliensis (Vand.) 
Buonapartea (Pazt.) 
cerulea (Linn.) 
celtifolia (Salisb.)... 
chinensis (Hort, Mart.) «. 
ciliata ( Ait.) 
citrifolia (Salish, ya 





Goclanii iii 



eccl xii 


.e, ACXCV1 



No. Pasgsiflora—-cont. 

8255.  dentata (Vell.) 1359 
8256.  diaden ( Vell.) 1350 
8257. edulis (Sims.) 1350 
8258. elata (Fisch.) 1347 
8259. flexuosa (Gard.) 1361 
8260. ‘fcetida (Linn.) 1351 
8261. fragrans (Regel.) 1356 
$262.  globosa (Vell.) ! 1361 
8268. grandiflora (salisb.) .. 1858 
8264.  Hartwiesiana Sa Mart.) 1341 
8265.  hastata (Bertol.) .. aos ) LODE 
8266. hederacea (Cav.) ... 1361 
8267. hederophylla (Ait.) 1361 
8268.  hibiscrfolia (Lamk.) 1351 
8269.  hircina (Sw.) 1351 
8270. hirsuta (Lodd.) 1351 
8271. hirsuta (Linn.) ... 1361 
8272.  hispidula (Knowles ) 1361 
8273. helosericea (Linn.) 1352 
8274.  imcarnata (K. Gawl.) 1350 
8275. Kegeliana (Garcke.) 136i 
8276.  Kerii (Spreng.) ... 1350 
8277. Kermesina (Link. & Otto. ) 1359 
8278. Nhohautiana (Presl.) 1361 
8279. latifolia (De.) 1347 
8230.  laurifolia (Zinn.)... 1353 
8281. Leschenaultii (D.C.) 1346 
8282. limbata (Tenore) 1361 
8283.  lineariloba (Hk.) ... 1361 
8284. littoralis (Hb & K.) 1361 
8285. longifolia (Lamk.) 1361 
8286. lunata (Juss.) 1354 
8287.  luter (Linn.) a 1355 
8288.  maliformis (Vell. yin 1347 
8289  manicata (Pers.) . 1365 
8290.  mascarensis (Presl.) 1347 
8291. mauritiana ‘Thou 1349 
8292.  Mayana (Veitch.) 1349 
8298. Middletoniana (Paxt.) 1356 
8294. minima (Linn.) 1361 
8295. Murucuja (Linn.) 1357 
8296. Murucuja (Bill.) ... 1354 
8297. nigellifora (Hk.) ... 1351 
8298. nigra (Jacq.) 1361 
8299.  obscwra (Roem.) ... 1351 
2300. oliveeformis (Mill.) 1361 
8301.  orbiculata (Cav.) «+. 1357 
8302.  oviformis (Roem.) 1347 
8803. pallida (Linn.) ... 1361 
8304.  pallidiflora (Bertol.) 1350 
8305. parviflora (Sw.) .. 13861 
8806. pedunculata (Hort. Mart). 1347 
8307. peltata(Cav.) | 1361 
8308.  phenicea (Link.) 1847 
8309. polyaden (Vell.) 13851 
8310.  pomifera (Reem.) 1350 
8310 (dis) prince: ps (1.B.C.) 1358 (dis.) 
8311. pseudosuberosa (Gertn.)... 1861 
8312. puberula (Hk. f.) v5) L86H 
8313. quadrangularis (Linn.) 1358 

8313 (di3,) racemosa (Linn.) 1368 (di8.) 

No. Passiflora—cont. 

83i4. Raddiana(D.C.) ... 
8315. rubicaulis (Jacq.) 
8316. serratifola (Linn.) 
8317. stenophylla (Hoffmg.) 
8318.  suberosa (Linn)... 
8319.  tetradena ( Vand.) 
8320. tetragona (Roem.) 
8321.  tridactylis (Hk. f.) 
8522.  trifasciata (Lam ) 
oe twbibora (Hfi & K.) 
8324. Van-Volxemi (Triana.) 
8325.  variegata (Mill.) ... 
8327. villosa (Masf.) 

8328.  Walkeriez (Wt.) 


8329 Patonia parazifolia 
(Wight) . 

8330. Paullinia asiatica (Linn. ve 
deccv. Pavetta (Linn.) 

8331. alba (Vahl.) a3 
8332. Bandhuca (Migq.) ... 
8333. breviflora (D.C.) ... 
8334. Brunonis ( Wall.) ... 
8335. Brunonis (Wight) 
8336.  ¢canarica (Bedd.) 
8337. canescens (Wall.)... 
8338. coccinea (B1].) He 
8339. Finlaysoniana (Wall. ) 
8340.  graciliflora (Wall.) 
8341. hispidula {W. & A.) 
8342.  «mcarnata (Bl.) 

8343. indica (Linn.) 

8344, indica (Wall.) 

8345.  %lucens (Br.) 

8346. mollis (Wall.) 

8347.  mnilagirica (Bedd.} 
8348. petrolaris (Wall.) 
8349. Rothiana (D.C.)... 
8350. Siphonantha (Dalz.) 
8851. velutina (Wall.) ... 
8352. villosa (Heyne.) ... 
83538. Wightiana wet 
8354. Wightii (Hk. f.) . 
decevi. Pavonia (Cav)... 
8355. acerifolia (L. & Otto. ) 

8356. glechomifolia (A. Rich.)... 

8357. — odorata ( Willd.) 
8358. procwmbens (Boiss.) 
8359.  repanda(Spr.) ... 
8360. Romborua (Wall.)... 
8361. \ rosea ( Wall.) 

8362.  sidoides (Horn.) ... 
8363. zeylanica (Cav.) .. 
decevii, Payanelia (D.C.) ... 
deccviii. Pedilanthus (Neck.) 
8364.  myrtifolius (Link.) 
8365.  tithymaloides (Poit.) 

deccix. Peganum (Linn. ) 
8366. Harmaia (Linn.)... 
$367. Pegia ? Colebrookiana 
(Wight)j ... 







... 1538-6 

soot LBS 
.. 1543-c 

.. 1548-e 
Mea WG SE 
... 1548-a 
.. 1548-a 

.. 1543-b 
... 1493 
... 1543-c 
... 1495 
... 1548-a 
.. 1543-6 

% 1544-c 

.. 1548-c 
.. 1548-6 


2543 _ 




8368. Pelalphia lawrifolia (Bks. 

& Sol.) ... Tr w. 174 
8369. Peliandra  longipes 
(Wight) ... is .. 2655 
8370. Peltanthera solanacea 
(Roth.) ... ... 1839 
decex. Peltophorum (Vogel. ) eccxxxix 
8371. ferrugineum (Benth.) ... 987 
decexi. Pemphis (Forst.) cdxxxili 
8372.  acidula (Forst.) ... .-. 1308 
8373. angustifolia (Roxb ) ... 13808 
8374. Pentaglottis suberifolia 
CWall)i 3 ai jag. 4 (CE 
8375. Pentalinon subercctum 
(Voigt.) . ; «LOO 
8376. Pentaloba zeylanica ( ‘Arn.)... 128 
decexii. Pentapanax | Seem.) cd) xiii 

8377. Leschena 1ltii (Seem.) .... 1399 
decexiii. Pentapetes (Linn.) (lapsu 

Pentaglottis) ... s<3)) CVA 
8378.  acerrfolia (Cav.) ... -. 204 
8379.  suberifolia (Linn.) 31500 23k 
8280. Pentaptera angustifolia 
(Roxb.) Bs ... 1149-b 
8381. Arjuna (Roxb.) ... << LIQ 
8382. coriacea (Roxb.) ... --. 1150-¢ 
8383. crenulata (Roxb.)... ... 1150-b 
8384. glabra (Roxb.) ... ... 1149-a 
8385. macrocarpa (Wall.) ... 1150-b 
8386. paniculata (Roxb.) ae ese 
8387. Roxburghii (Tal.) ye Se 
$3888. tomentosa (Roxb.) «- 1150-a 
‘decexiv. Pentaria (Roem.) ... edxlvii 
decexv. Pentas (Benth.) ... . cdlxxxi 
8389. carnea (Benth.) ... ... 1478 
8390.  Klotzschii (Vatke.) . 1478 
8391. Quartiniana (Oliv.) .. 1478 
decexvi. Pentatropis (Br.) ... dexxiii. 

8392. microphylla(W.& A.) ... 1884 
8393. Peranema cyatheoides(Pon.). 3331 

8394. Pereiria medica (Lindl.) ... 82 
deccxvii. Peremis (Kafin.) ... cdxlvii 
decexvili. Pereskia (Plwmex Linn.)  cdlvii 

8395. Bleo:DC.) ie ... 1884 

8396. cruenta (Hort ex Pfeif.). 1384 
decexix. Pergularia (Linn.) dexxxi 

8397. coromandeliana (Dene.)... 1904 

8398.  divaricata (Lour.) ... 1848 

8399. glabra (Linn.) ... ... 1840 
8400. limbata (Wall.) ... .-. 1903 

8401. montana (Dene.) ... ere Pe 
8402,  odoratissima (Sm.) «oie 1908 
8403.  odoratissima (Wight) ... 1905 
8404, pallida (W. § A.) 1904 

8404 \bis.) Farviflora (Bl.) 1901 (bis,) 
8404 (bis.) tinctoria Spreng.) 1901 (brs.) 

8405. viridis (Buch.) ... 1203 

8406, Periclymenwm sempervirens 
(Milly)... a 1435 

8407. Periplezis rigida (Wall.) ... 2598 

8408. Periploca emetica (Retz.) ... 1875 


no. Periploca—cont. 

8409. esculenta (Linn. f.) 1881 
8410. indica (Willd.) 1886 
8411. sylvestris (Willd.) 1895 
8412, tunicata (Herb. Madr.) ... 1890 
8413. tunicata (Ketz.) 1889 
dccexx. Persea (Flwm.) “declxxvi 
8414. edulis (Rafin.) wee 2441 
8415. gratissma (Geertn.) 2441 
8416. Sassafras (Spreng.) 2442 
8417. Persica ? saligna (Royle) . 1064 
8418. vulgaris (Mill.) 1064 
8419. Pervinea major (Scop.) 1822 
8420. ménor (Scop.) 1823 
8421.  procwmbens (Gilib. ) 1823 
decexxi. Petalidium (Nees.) dec 
8422. barlerioides Nees.) 2170 

8423. Reelome alternifolia 
{Xoxb.) 1156 

decexxii. Petra (Houstex Linn. ? decxxxiii 

decexxiii. Petrea (Linn.) ..dcXXXiv 
8424.  volubilis(limn.) .. 2328 
8425 Fetrocarya excelsa (Jack.) ... 1059 
dcccexxiv Pheauthus (Hk. f. & T.) xix 
8426. malabaricus (Bedd.) : 50 
8427. Phaolenopsis Wightts 
(Rchb. f.) 2952 
8428. Phanera diphylla (Benth.)... 992 
8429. phoenrcea (Benth.) 995 
8430. purpurea (Benth.) 996 
8431. retusa (Benth.) 993 
8432. Vahliz (Benth.) 994 
8433. variegata (Benth ) ; 997 
8431. Pharbitis barbata (G. Yon. ¥ 20290 
8435.  diversifolia (Lind.) 2020 
8436. hederacea (Chois.) 2920 
8437.  Learii (Linol.) ... 2022 
8438. Wil (Chois.) “3s 2020 
8439. punctata (G. Don.) 2020 
8440. Purshii (G. Don.)... 2020 
$441.  tyrianthina (Hk,)... 2045 
8442.  variifolia (Dene.)... 2020 
deerxxv.Fhascolns (Linn.) .., ecexili 
18443.  difformis (Wall.) 837 
8444.  farinosws ( Linn.) 835 
8445. Grahamianus(W. fA. )- 838 
8446. psoraleoides (W. § A.) ... 884 
8447. ‘semierectus (linn.) : 834 
$448. trinerviuy (Heyne) 835 
8445, Phenanthus sempervirens 
(Rafin,) ... 1435 
deccxxvi. Philadelphus (Linn.) os» CCCXCI 
8450.  ccronarius (Linn,) 1125 
8451. xepalensis (Loud.) 1125 
8452. tomentosus (Wail.) 1125 
8453. triflorws ( Wall.) 1125 
8454. Phillyrea paniculata (Wt. ) 1791 
8455. robusta (Roxb. 1795 
8456. tern inalis (Roxb.) } soy vol 
@ccexxvii. Philodendron (Schott) . .. MOXxiV 
8457. Andreanum (DeVans) ... 3258 
8458, asperatum (C, Koch.) 3258 
8459, bipinnatifidum (Schot?) 3254 

No. { 



No. Philodendron—cont. 
8460. bipinnatifoliwm (Sphalm,) 3254 
8461. Corsinianum (Hort. 

Bull.) ©... | Jee 
8462. giganteum (Schott) 3256 

8462 (bis.). gloricsum (Andr.) 3260 (bis ) 

8463.  grandifolium (Schott) ... 3257 
8464.  inperiale (Schott) 3258 
8465. nobile ( Hort.) 3261 
8466. pertusum (Hort.) 3273 
8467. quercifolium (Engl.) 3259 
8468. radiitum (Schott) #260 
8469.  sagittifolium (Zisb.) 8263 
8470. Selioum (C. Koch.) .. 3262 
8471. Phlebophyllum angustifoli- 
um (Bevth.) ... 2180 
8472. Kunthianuwm (Nees.) ... 2180 
8473. Phlogazanthus mabe 
(Bedd.) . wes 2255 
8474. grandis (Beda. ) we 2254 
decexxviil. Phlomis (Linn.) deel 
8475. chinensis (Ketz.) 2356 
8476.  fruticosa (Linn.) 2364 
8477. glandulosa (Schrank.) 2363 
8478. latifolia (Will.) ... 2364 
8479. montana (Roth,) ... ova OBE 
8480. Portae (Kern.) .. . 2864 
8481. Russellicna (Lag.) «- 2368 
8482.  salvifolia (Stokes.) 2364 
&483.  virens (D.C.) 2363 
8484, viscosa (Poir.) 2363 . 
8485. Phoberos pena ‘(Thw.) 131 
8486, Arnotiianus (Thw.) . 2) SE 
8487. crenatus (W. & A.) 181 
8488. Hookertanus (Thw,} 131 
8489,  lanceolatus (W. & A.) 131 
8490.  Wightianus(W.& A.) ... 181 
deccxxix. Phoebe (Nees ) declxxx 
8491, lanceolata (Nees.) 2445 
8492, paniculata (Nees.) -. 2446 
8493. pubescens (Nees.) 2446 
8494,  Wightis (Meissn.) 2446 
8495. Phenicophorium sechella- 
rum (H. Wendl.) me sik) 
decexxx. Phoenix (Linn.) . cmxcv 
8496. acanlis(Ham.) ... 3166 
8497. acaulis (Miq.)  ... 3168 
8498, <Andersoni (Hort. Cale.)... 3165 
8499.  canariensis ee Cha- 
baud.) ... be 3172 
8500. compacta (Jaft.) ores sit (| 
8501.  cycadtfolia (Regel.) o SlO 
8502. dactylifera (Linn.) --. 3162 
8503. farinifera (Rozb.) oo SLE 
8504. humilis (Royle.) ... 3168 
8505. humilis (Royle.) ... 3168-4 
8506.  Ouseleyana (Griff.) .. 93168 
8507.  paludosa (Rozb.) 3169 
8508. pedunculata (Griff.) . 8168 
8509. pusilla (Geertn.) 3164 
8510. =P pusilla (Trim.) «» Oltn 
8511. robusta (Hk. f.) ie ae 
8512.\  rupicola (T. Anders.) ... 3165 

NO. Phoonix-—cont, No. 
8513. —siamensis (Miq.) 3169 
8514. sylvestris (Roxb.) 3163 
8515. sylvestris (‘Thu.) 3164 
8516.  zeylanica (Trim.) . 3164 

decexxxi. Pholidota (Lindl.) cmxxvi 

8517. imbricata (Lindl.) 2944 
8518. pallida (Linodl.) 294.4 

decexxxii. Phormium (Forst.) cmlxvii 
8519. ramosam (Billb.) 3116 
8520 tenax (Forst.) . ; 3116 
@gocx: xxxiii. Photinia (Lindl) y ecelxxxvi 
8521. Blwmei (Dene.) 1118 
8522. Lindleyana (W. & A.) vy 
8523. Notomana (W. & A.) 1118 
8524. Notoniana (Wall.) 1117 
8525.  Serrulata (Lindl.) aol iniv 
deccexxxiv. Phragmites ( Trin.) mxxxix 

8526.  bifaria (Wight) 3291 
8527. Karka (Trim). 3291 
8528. Rozaburghit (Steud.) 3291 
8529. Phrynium ornatum  (C. 

Koch.) 3016 

8530. variegatum (C. Koch.) 3035 
8531. virgatwm (Roxb.) 3025 

decexxxy. Phyllanthus (Linn.) = decexiv 

8532. albicans (Wall.) 2592 
$538. angustifolius (Sw.) 4572 
8534.  anomalus (Muell.) 2570 
8535.  arboreus (Muell.) 2582 
85386.  asperus (Muell.) 2590 
8537.  canaranus (Muell.) .. 2577-b 
8538. cernuus (Ham.) 2593 
8539,  Chamissonis (Klotz.) 2557. 
8540. Chorizandra (Barb.) 2571. 
8541.  Cicca (Muel)l.) 2569 
8542.  cinerascens (Wall.) 2594 
8543. dalbergisides (Wall.) 2557 
8545.  distichus (Muell.) 2569 
8546. diversifolius (Miq.) 2587 
8547. Emblica (Linn.) 2558 
8548. emblicoides (Muell.) 2559 
8549. fagifoliws (Muell.) 2578 
8550. fimbriatus (Muell.) 2567 
8551.  glaucifolius (Wall.) £593 
8552, glaucus (Wall.) 2591 
8553.  glomeratus (Roxb.) ... 2558 
8554. griseus (Wall.) 2557, 2591 
8555. % gymnanthus (Baill.) 2607 
8556. Heyneanus(Muell.) 2566, 25x89 
8557. Hohenackert (Muell.) ... 2579 
8558.  hysteranthus (Muell.) 2570 
8559. indicus (Muell.) 2570 
8560.  juniperinoides (Muell.)... 2560 
8561. Jussiewianus (Muell.) 2586 
8562. Kirganelia (Ham & Roxb). 2557 
8563. lanceolarius (Muell.) 2575 
8564, Lawii (Grah.) ... 2060 
8565.  lLeschenaultii § (Muell.) i 

2568, 2596 
8566. leucophyllus(*tr. & Wint.) 2591 
8567.  leucopyrus (Koen.) oo. 2592, 










86) 1. 





Phyllanthus—cont. NO, 
littoralis (Muell.) 2574 
longiflorus (Heyne) 2566 
longifolius (Jacq.) 2569 
longipes (Muwell.) 2555 
Lucena (Heyne) 2592 
lucidus ( Host.) 2591 
Macraei (Muell.) 2562 
Macrocalyx (Muell.) 2565 
malabaricus (Muell.) 2584 
microcarpus (Muell.) 2557 
Missionis (Hk. f.) 2564 
multifiorus ( Will.) 2557 

multifo cularis 

(Muell.) . 2074 (Cis.) 
myrtifolius (Wall,) 2557 
Myrtillus (Ham.) 2596 
Naviruli (Miq.) 2593 
neilghorensis (Muell.) 2583 
nemorum (Russell) 2561 
nepalensis (Muell.) 2588 
nephradenius (Muell.) 2566 
mitidus (Muell.) 201 d= 
nivosus (Bull.) ... «. 2573 
obliquus (Muell.) 2577 
obliquus (Wall.) . 2568 
oblongifolius (Dennst.) .,. 2694 
obtusus (Schrank.) 2591 
patens (Roxb.) Ani ee) 
per tandrus (Roxb.) Pree ee Y/ 
Perrottetianus (Muell.) ... 2583 
polyphyllus (Willd.) 2559 
? polyphyllus i & 

Gibas)y), cs 2560 
pomaceus (Moon) 2593 
Priewrianus (Muell.) 2557 
pulerulus (Miq.) ... ... 2557 
quadrangularis (Willd.) ... 2596 
racemosus (Heyne) 2559 
reticulatus (Poir.) 2557 
retusus (Dennst.) 2593 

' retusus (Roxb.) 2591 
rhamnifolius (Heyne) 2593 
rhamnoides (Roxb.) 2596 
rhamnoides ( Willd.) 2594: 
rotundatus (Wight) 2591 
sepiarius (Roxb.) 2594 
smmensis (Muell.) ... 2557 
spimescens (Wall.)... 2557 
spinulosus (Heyne) 2560 
? stellatus (Retz.)... 2586 
Stocksii (Muell.) ... 2570 
strictus (Roxb.) . 2595 
suberosus (Wight) 2556 
suffultus (Wall.) 2593 
? taxifolius(D. Don.) ... 2558 
tenellus (Wall.) 2564, 2596 
tetrandrus (Wall.) .. 2669 
tinctorius (Vahl.) 2594 
tomentosus (Muell.) 2576 
tristis (A. Juss.) .. .. 2094 
turbinatus (Koen.) oo. 2093 


no. Phyllanthus—cont. No. 
8626. relutinus (Muell.) 2528 
£627. virosus (RKoxb.) 2591 
8628. virosus (Wall.)... 2557 
8629.  virosus (Wight) 2593, 2594. 
8630.  Vitis-idea (Roxb.) we. 2594. 
8631. Wightianus (Muell.) ... 2568 
8632.  Wightianus (Mnell.). 2587-b, 2591 
8633. Wightianus (Wall.) 2557 
8634.  zeylanicus (Muell.) 2577 
dcecexxxvi. Phy]locactus (Link) edliv. 
8635. Hookeri (Walp.) ... 1376 
8636.  Jénkinsoni (Hort.) 1375 
8637. phyllanthoides (Link) 1375 
dcocxxxvii. Phyllochlamys 
(Bureau.) decelxvii 
8638. spinosa (Bureau.) ZAG 
8639. Phyllodiwm pulchellum 
. Desv.) Ay wes S790 
8640. Physalis arborescens 
(Thunb.) 2095 
8641. flexuosa (Lipn.) 2095 
8642.  somnifera (Link) 2095 
8643. tomentosa (Thunb.) 2095 
decexxxyiii. Picea (Link) cmx 
8644. alba (Link) 2864 
8645.  eaerales (Link) ... 2864 
8646. cephalonica hood: ) 2868 
8647. Douglas (Link) . 2866 
8648.  excelsa (Link) 2863 
8649.  glaucescens (Gordon) 2866 
8650.  Herbertiana (Madd.) .. 2871-b 
8651. _—_hirtella (Loud.) 2867 
8652. Khutrow (Carr.) ... 2865 
8653. montana (Schur.) 2863 
8654. Morinda (Link.) ... 2665 
8655. mucronata (Carr.) . 2866 
8656. Naphta (Knight.) .. 2871-5 
8657. Nordmanniana (Loud.) ... 2869 
8458.  panachaica (Heldr.) 2868 
8659. Pindrow (Loud.) ... 2871-6 
8660. Pinsapo (Loud.) .. 2870 
8661.  religiosa (Loud.) ... 2867 
8662. Smithiana (Boiss.) 2865 
8663.  subarctica erat) 2863 
8664. vulgaris (Link.) . 2863 
8665. Webbiana (Loud. ) aa AeA Syfll 
8666. Pierardia courtallensis 
— (Wight.)... oa 2619 
-decexxxix. Piercia (Rafin.)... ... declxi 
decexl. Pieris (D. Don.) __... dxxxix 
8-67. ovalifolia (D. Don.) 1643 
8668. Pileostigma malabarica 
(Benth.) , 991 
8669. racemosa (Benth. ) 990 
derexli. Pimenta (Lindl) cdxi 
8670. —acris (Kostel.) 1207 
8671.  citrifolia (Kostel.) 1207 
8672. communis (Benth. & Hk ) 1208 
8673. — officinalis (Zindl.) 1208 
8674. vulgaris (Lindl.) 1208 




87 04 


Pinanga (Bl.) _ emlxxvii 
bicolor (Bl.) vide bifida... 3133 
bifida ( BI.) 3133 
Calapparia (H. Wendl.) 3130 
Dicksoaii (Bl.) .. 3132 
disticha (Bl.) 3133 
gracilis (Bl.) +. 3134 
Pinus (Linn) .. emviii 
abies (Linn) a « 2863 
adunca {Rosc.) .. 2846-b 
alba (Ait.) .. 2864 
alepense (Poir.) «. 2544 
altissima (Hort. Can.) ... 2848-6 
altissima (Ledeb.) .. 2857 
Araucaria (Molina) 2838 
Armana (C. Koch.) 2857 
atlantica \ Endl.) 23862 
attenuata (Lindl.) 2859 
Aucklandii (Lodd.) 2843 
australis (Michx.) 2839 
austriaca (Link.) ... *, 2848-¢ 
Banksiana (Lind1.) 2861 
Benthamiana (Hartw.) ... 2853 
Bolandet (Carr.) ... 2861 
borealis (Salisb.) .. 2857 
Boursiert (Carr.} ... 2861 
brachyptera (Englem.) .. 2853 
bruttea (Tenore) 2854 
Bungeana (Zucc.) 2840 
cerulea (Lodd.) 2864 
calirica (D. Dons). . 2844 
californica (1.oisd.) 2846 
conadesnis (Duroi.) - 2864 
Caramanica (Rosce.) -.2848-d 
Carica (D. Den.)... -. 2854 
caucasica (Fisch.) 2857 
Cedrus (Linn.) 2862 
cephalonica (Endl.) 2868 
chilghoza (Eleph.) 2843 
chinensis ( Knight.) 2852 
Chylla (Lodd.) 2842 
cinerea (Roche.) . 2863 
clanbrasiliensis (Forbes). 2863 
colchica (Booth.) .. 2844. 
coutorta (Dougl.> 2861 
dalmatica ( Vis.) 2848 
Damarra (Steud.) 2832 
Dammara (Lamb.) 2832 
densiflora (Sieb & Bal) 2841 
Deodara {Roxb.) .. -. 2862 
devoniana (Lind. y 2850 
Edgariana (Hartw.) 2851 
effusa (Salisb.) 2862 
escarena (Risso.) ... 2852 
excelsa ( Wall.) 2842 
eacelsa (Lamk.) . 2863 
excorticata (Hort. ‘Lindl. ) 2840 
Finlaysoniana ( Wall.) 2860 
georgica (Hort. Gord.) 2839 
Gerardi (Forbes) ... 2843 
Gerardiana ( Wall.) 2843 
germanica (Bed.)... eos | 28D7 

4, nal 














Grenvillea (Gord.) 2850 
Griffithit (M’Clell.) 2842 
halepensis (Mill.) 2844 
halepensis (Bieb.) 2848 
Hamiltonii (Tenore) 2852 | 
hirtella (Hb. & K.) 2867 
hispanica (Cork.) we 2854 | 
horizontalas (Roezl.) .. 2850-e | 
inops (Ait.)... 2845 | 
inops (Bong.) ... 2861 | 
insignis (Dougl.) ... 2846 | 
japonica (Forbes) 2841 
karamana (Masters)... 2848-a 
Kasya (Kurz.) - 2847 | 
Keseya (Royle) 2847 
Khasya (Royle) 2847 
Khasyona (Griff.) .. 2847 
Khutrow (Royle) ... 2865 
laeta (Salisb.) 2872 
Laricis (Poir.) 2848 
Lariz (Linn.) = 2872 
Latteri (Madd.) ... 2852 
Latteri (Mason.) . 2861 | 
laza (Ebrh.) = 2860 
Lazifolia (LambD.)... vee ©2866 
Lemoniana (Benth.) ... 2852 
Lindlepana (Loud.) 2850 
Loisleeuriana (Carr.) 2854 
longifolia (Rozé.) 2843 
longifolia (Salisb.) 2839 
lophosperma (Lindl.) 2858 
lutea (Walter) 2839 
macrophylla oe)  2850- b 
maritima (Mill.) .. 2844 
maritima (R. Br.) oo. 2848 
Massoniana (Hort. Mart.) 2841 
Massoniana (Gord.) 2852 
Merkiana (Gord.) 2860 
Merkusii (Ju & Dev.) 2860 
minor (Hort. Lond.) ee. 2844 
minor (Loud.) o. 2848 
montana Schur.) wo. 2842 
montana (Hofimg) 2857 
montereyensis (Rauch. ie 2846 
Montezume (Lamb.) 2850 
Morinda (Loud.) 2865 
muricata (D. Don.) 2851 
muricata (Roland.) 2861 
Murrayana (Ralf.) ... 2861 
WNaphtah (Antoine) -..2871-b 
neglecta (Loud.) ... 2852 
nepalensis (Chambr.) 2842 
nepalensis (Royle) see ©=-2852 
noot katensis (Manetti.)... 2853 
Nordmanniana (Stev.) 2869 
nora-hollandica (Lodd.)... 2852 
nova-zelandica (Lodd.) ... 2852 
orientalis (Falk.) 2383 
Pallasiana (Lamk.) +» 2848-2 
Palmieri (Manetti.) se 2839 
palustris ( Mill.) _ os. 2839 
Parryana (Gord.) w. 2853 


No Pinus—cont. No. 
8797. pendula (Griff.) 2842 
8798. pendula (Lindl.) .. 2856 
8799.  Penicillus (Lapeyr. :) 2854 
8800. Picea (Duroi.) 2863 
8801. Pinaster (Ait.) 2852 
8802. Pinaster (Bon.) 2844 
8803, Pinea (Gord.) ... 2841 
8804, Pindrow (Royle) /. 2871-b 
8805. ponderosa (Dow,l.) . 2853 
8806. pyramidalis (Salisb.) 2863 
8807. pytanaica (J apeyr.) 2854 
8808. radiata (D. Don.) 2846 
8809. religiosa (Hb. & K.) 2867 
8810. _resinosa (Loisel.) 2854 
8811. resimosa (Sw.) . 2857 
8812. rigida (Hk. & Ar. ) 2845 
8813. rubra (Sieb.) 2841 
8814. rubra (Mill.) : - 2857, 
8815. Russelliana (Reezl. ) .-. 2850-a 
8816. ruthenica (Hort. Carr.) ... 2845 
8817. Sabiniana (Dovgl.) ... 2855 
8818.  sameta-helerica (Loud.) ... 2882 
8819.  saskatchawensis (Hk.) 2861 
8820.  scariosa (Lodd.) ... 2857 
8821.  scopifera (Miq.) 2841 
8822.  scotica (Uilld.) ... 2857 
8823.  serenoquensis (Madden. ya 2849 
8824. Sinclairiana (Carr.) 2853 
8825. sinensis (Endl.) ... 2847 
8826. Smithiana (Ramb.) 2865 
8827.  spectabilis (Lamb.) 2871 
8828. spinulosa (Griff.} 2865 
8829. striata (Buch. Ham.) 2871 
8830. Strobus (Linn.) ... 2856 
8831. Strobus (Buch. Ham.) 2842 
8832. swmatruna (Jungh.) Z8€0 
8832. sylvestris (Lumn.) 2857 
8834. tetragonus (Mcench.) 2864 
8835. _ tinctoria (Wall.) 2871 
8836. ‘Vorreyana (Parry) 2858 
$837.  tuberculata ( Gord.) 2859 
8838.  tuberculata (D. Don.) 2846 
8839.  turbinatus (Kosc.) 2845 
8840. variabilis (Lamb.) 2845 
8841. vwiminalis (Alstr.) 2863 
“#842. virginiana ( Mill.) ; 2845 
8843. Webbiana ( Wall.) 2871 
8844. Pionandra betacea \ Miers. ) 2093 
decexliv. Piper (Linn.) deelxviii 
8845. arborescens (Mig.) 2410 
8846.  argyropyllum ( Mig.) 2415 
8847. argyrophyllwm (Thw.) 2145-0 
8849. attenuatum (Ham.) 2412 
8850. baecatum(Cas.D.C.) ... 2411 
8851. Betle (Linn.) 2406 
8852.  brachystachyum (Wall). 2408 
8853.  Chauya(Ham.) . 52406 
8854. Cubeba (Linn. f. ) <t40F 
8855. galeatum (Cas.D.C.) ... 24g 
8857. Gangual (D. Don.) . 2408 
8858. Hampnium (Ham.) ass Ag 
8859. Hookeri(Mig.) 2409 



no. Piper—cont. No. 
8860. Hymenophyllum (Mig.)... 2414 
8861. lanawm(Wight) .. 2414 
8862. latifoliwm ({innter) 2404: 
8863, longum (Linn.) 2404 
8865.  malabarense (Cas. D.C.). 2411 
8866. Malamiris ( Roxb.) . 2412 
8867.  Malamiris ( Wall.). 2414, 2415 
8869.  Mullesua (D. Don.) ... 2408 
8870. nepalense (Wight) vee 2415-€ 
8871. nigrum (Linn.) ... 2411 
8872. mnilghirianum (Cas. D. Cc). 2414 
8874.  ornatum (N.#. Br.) 2418 
8875.  peepuloides ( Wall.) 2406 
8876. sarmentoswm ( Wall.) 2404 
8877. Schmidtii (4k. f.) 2410 
8878. Siriboa (Heyne) . 24.07 
8879.  Sirtboa (Linn.) _ .. 24.06 
8880.  ? Seriwm (Cas. D.C.) 2412 
8881,  subpeltatum (Wiild.) 2417 
8882. sylvestre (Lamk.) 2413 
8883. trichostachyon (Cas. D. C. ) 2403 
8854.  trioicwm (Roxb.) .. 2411 
8885.  vasculosum (Wall. | 2408 
8886. Wightii (Miq.) «. 2416 
8887.  Wightii (Miq.) 2414, 2415 
8888. Piptostylis indica (Dalz.) ...  39€ 
decexlv. Pisonia (Linn.) dechii 
8859. aculeata (Lina.) ... 2367 
8890. alba (Spanoghe.) ... 2368 
8891. Georgina (Wall.) ... 2367 
8892.  ? malabarica (Poir.) 2368 
8893. ?mitis (Linn.) 2368 
8894.  morindefolia (Br.) 2368 
8895. villosa (Poir.) 2367 
8896. Pistacia Vitex (Linn.) 2312 
decexlvi. Pithecolobium (Mart.) ... ecclxx 
8897. anamallayaxwm (Bedd.) 1056 
8898.  bigeminum (Benth.) 1055 
82899. dulce (Benth.) 1058 
8900. geminatum (Benth.) 1053 
8900. (dis) hematorylon 
(? Cag.) 2051 (d%s.) 
8901. nitidwm (Benth.) ... 1053-6 
8902. Saman(Benth.) ... 1057 
8903.  subcoriacenm (Thw.) ... 1056 
3904.  umbellatum (Benth.) 1054: 
decexlvii. Pittosporum (Banks) lxili 
8905. bicolor (Hk.) a 152 
8906. Buchanani (Hk. f.) 153 
8907. crassifolinm (Sol.) 154 
8908. dasycaulon (Miq.) ¥ 151 
8909. ? densiforum (Putterl.) .. 150 
8910. flavum \Hk.) 4) 147 
ggil. floribundum (W. § A. ne 150 
goigF Kirkii (Hk. jf.) i ws 158 
sou. nilghirense(W.j A.) ... 149 
R914- tenuifolium (Gertn.).. 156 
4915. tetras permum (W. Sf A. ) 148 
8916,  andulatum ( Vent.) any lon 
8917. viridiflorum (Sims.) eee 158 

NO. NO. 
decexlviii. Plagislobium (Sweet.) ccelxxvi 
8918. Plagiotaxis Chickrassia 
(Wallies: ae ie | 48 
8919.  velutina (Wall.) ... 481 
8920. Platanocarpwm cordatum 
(Korth.) . 1437 
decexlix. Platanvs (Linn.) i decclxxxv 
8921. orientalis (Linn.) 2779 
8922. vulgaris (Spach.)... 2779 
8923. Platea axillaris (Thw.) 4.96 
8924. Waghtiana (Miers.) 497 
8925. Platunwm rubrum (Juss.) ... 2327 
deccl. Platychium (Delaun.) eclxxyi 
8926. Platycladus stricta (Spach.) 2817 
deccli. Platylobium eclxxvii 
8927. Murrayanwm (Hk. ) 702 
8928. triungulare (R. Br.) 702 
decclii. Platymischium (Vog.) cCCCxxviil 
8929. platystachyum (Prisch.)... 911 
8930.  poltystachyum (Benth,)... 911 

deccliii. Plecospermum (Tracul.) decelxx 

8931.  cuneifoliwm (Thw.) 2761 
8932. spinosum (Trecul.) 2719 
deecliv. Plectranthus (L’Herit) ... decxl 
8938.  fruticosus (Wight) 2337 
decelv. Plectronia (Linn.) ach, Chis 
8984. drdyma (Brand.) 1520 
8935.  didyma (Kurz.) ... 1519 
8936. Pleopeltis leiorhiza (Wall. et 3376 
8937.  longissima (Blume) " 3377 

8938. Pleroma semidecandrum 
(Triana. ) A 1. 1806 

8939. Pleuradenia coccinea 
(Rafin.) ... ... 2540 
decclvi. Pleurostylia (Wight. ) . CCXVIX 
8940.  Heynei (W. & A.) 531 
g941.  Wightii (W. y A.) 531 

8942. Plinia pedunculata (Linn. 
fi) “he bias soe 2 L268 

8943. rubra (Linn.) 1268 
decclvii. Pluchea (Cass.) : dxx 
8944. tomentosa (D.C.) ... eset EO 
decelviii. Plumbago (Linn.) dxlv 
8945.  auriculata (Bl) . 1658 
8946. Capensis (Thunb.) -» 1655 
8947. coccinea (Boiss.) ... .. 1654-6 
8948. rosea (Linn ) : ssn AGH 
8949. Zeylanica (Linn.) 1653 
decclix. Plumeria (Linn.) dlxxxviii 
8950. acuminata (Roxb.) 1825 
8951. acutifolia (Poir.) Be alts 55 
8952. alba (Linn.) - 1824 
8958. arborea \Noronha) 1825 
8954.  aurantia (Lodd.) 1826 
8955. hypoleuca (Gasf.) 1824 
8956. obtusa (Lour.) wet LBZ 
8957. retusa (Bout.) .. 1825 
8958. rubra (Linn.) 1826 
8959. tricolor (Rutz. & Paw.) .. i | 1527 
decelx. Podalyria (Lam.) ccexxXxiii 


no. Podalyria—cont. NO. 
8960. argentea (Salisb.) oe =. 9280 
8961. capensis (Andr.) . see Oe 
8462. genistoides (Willd.) 921 
decelxi, Podocarpus (L’Herit.) ... cmv 
8963.  agathifolia (B1.) 2829 
8964. elongata tai 2830 
8965. latifolia (Wall.) . 2829 
8966.  latifolivs (R. Br ) | ; 2830 
8967. linearis (Van Houtte. yo 2830 
decelxii. Podochilus (Bl ) sepeb dis 
8968. malabaricus ( Wight.) 2980 
decelsiii. Poeciloneuron (Bedd.) ... lxxiii 
8969. indicum (Bedd.) ... 186 
8970.  panciflorum (Bedd.) 187 
8971. Pogonotrophe macrocarpa 
(Miq.) . 2754 
decelxiv. Pogostemon (Desf.) dcexliii 
8972.  atropurpureus (Benth.) ... 2347 
8973. plectranthoides (Desf.) ... 2345 
8974.  vestitus (Benth.) .. 2346 
decelxy. Poinciana ( Linn.) .. eeexlii 
8975. coriaria (Poit.) 936 
8976. elata (Linn.) 940 
8977. Gillesiti (Hk)... 934 
8978.  pulcherrima (Linn.) 930 
8979. regia (Bojer) iS 941 
8980. Rozxburghti (G. Don.) 937 
8981.  sprnosa (Molina) 935 
8982. Tara (Ruiz. & Pav.) 935 
8983. Poinsettia pulcherrima 
(R. Grah.) 2546 
decelxvi, Poiretia (Sm.) ccixxvi 
decelxvii. Poivrea (D.C.) edvi 
8984. coecinea (D.C.) 1158 
8985. comosa (Sweet.) ... 1160 
8986. grandiflora (Walp.) 1159 
8987. intermedia (Walp.) 1160 
8988. Roxburghii (D.C.) 1157 
8989. Pollinia nepalensis(Benth.) 321 
decelxyviii. Polyalthia (Bl.) Xvii 
8990.  cardiopetala ( Dalz.) 53 
8991. cerasoides (Benth. § Hk, 
8992. coffecides (Benth. x Hk. 
: ae are et 41 
8993. fragrans (Benth. & Hk. 
te p: 42 
8994. Korinti (Benth. & Hk. f) 45 
8995. longifolia (Benth, §& Hk. 
8996. persicfolia Benth, $ Hk. 
8997. rufescens (Hk. ra iv 47 
8998. simiarum (Benth. g "ae 
f. 43 
8999.  suberosa (Benth. $ Hk. 

é & 45 
decclxix, Polygala (Linn. Ixiv ~ 
9000. arillata (Ham.) oe 
9001. speciosa (Thunb. yin 159 
9002. virgata (speciosa) (Thumb. :) 159 


NO. «NO 
decelxx. Polygonum (! inn.) deelxvy 

9003. adenotrichwm (Wall) 2388 
2004.  auriculatwm (Meissn.) 2388 
9005. brachiatwm (Poir.) 2388 
9006. chinense (J inn.) ... 2388 
9007. corymboswm (Willd.) 2388 
9008. cymoswm , Roxb.)... 2388 
9009.  ovatuwm (Heyne) .. 2388 
8010. pandurojorme (Ham, ) 2388 
9011.  patens (D. Von.)... 2388 
9012. polycephalum (Wall.) 2388 

2013. Polymnia grandis (Hort. 
Berol.) . 1617 

9014. Polyozus P ‘madraspatana 
(D.0,) 443 . 1491 
9015. Polyphema Jaca (Lour. }a cast 2962 
decclxxi. Polypodium (Linn.) --. Mixil 
9016. adnatwm (Wall.) ... 3373 
9017. altiseimum (Wall.) 3328 
9018.  brunneum (Wall. 3373 
9019. dichotomum (lVhunb.) 3325 
9020.  gigantewm (Wall. ) 3328 
9021. leiorhiza (Wall.) .. 3376 
9022.  longipes (Wall.) .. 3373 
9023. longissimum (Mett.) 3377 
9024. nigre-carpum (Bed.) 3374 
9025. ornatum (Wall.) . 3375 
9026.  paludosam (Blume) 3373 
9027.  scabridum (Wall.) 3375 
9028. secundum (Wall.)... 3354 
_ 9029. sexpedale (Ruch.) . 8328 
decelxxii. Polyscias (Forst.) cdlxy 
9030. acuminata (Seem.) 1410 
dece:xxiii. Polystachya aa )  emxxviii 
9031.  luteola (Wight.) . 2947 
9032. purpurea (Wight. \ .. 2948 
903% (Bis.) raméa (Grasd.) 2939 (dis,) 
9038. Wightii (Rchk. f.) 2947 

9034. Pomaderris capsularis 

(G. Den. re 575 
9035.  Pometia ternata (Forst. ) <.%4, 628 
decelxxiv. Pongamia ( Vent.) ccexxvi 
9037.  Corcor (Grah.) 766 
9038.  coriacea (Grah.) . 200 
9039. elongata (Grah.) .. 909 
9040. glabra (V ent.) 899 
9041. Heyneana (Grah. ‘ 906 
9042.  Heyneana (W. & A.) 906-4 
9043. macrophylla (Grah.) 767 
9044.  ovalifolia (W.& A.) 909 
9045. paniculata (Wight. ) 906 
9046.  reliyiosa (Wight.) 902 
$047. triphylla (Wight.) 902 
£048.  wliginosa (D.C.) ... 902 
9049.  Pootia cereopsijolia (Mig. re 1140 
decelxxvi. Popowia (Endl.) xviii 

9050. Beddomeana (Hk. jf. & 
T.) 49 
9051.  ramosissima ‘(Bedd. PA icons, 8 


No. NO. 
decelxxvi. Porana (Burm.) --. Gelxi, 
9052.  Malabarica (Clarke) 2060 
9053. paniculata (Rozb.) 2057 
9054, racemosa (Rozb.)... se 2059 
9055. racemosa (Valz. & Gibs.). 2060 
9056. volubilis (Burm.)... . 2458 
9037.  Porpaa reticulata (Lindl.) 2931 
9058.  Posoqueria dumetorum 
(Roxb.) .-. sre 1498 
9059. floribunda (Roxb. 1498 
9060. fragrans (Keen.) ... 1499 
9061.  longispina (Roxb.) 1498 
9062. nutans (Roxb.) 1498 
9063.  wuliginosa (Roxb.) .. ... 1497 
9064.  Pothomorphe  subpeltata 
(Miq.)  .. ae ... 2417 
decclxxvi (dis.) Pothos (Linn.) ... nxxx 
9065.  Pothos aureus (Linden) 3275 
9066.  caudatus (Roxb.) Mae Bare 
9067. celatocauls (N.E. Br.) 3276 
9068.  cognatus (Schott) 2347 
9069. decipiens (Schott) 3272 
9070.  decurrens ( Wall.) 3272 
9071.  decursiva ( Wall.) 3272 
9072.  exigviflorus (Schott) 3274 
9073. fallax (Schott) 3274 
9074.  giganteus ( Roxb.) 3271 
9075. officinalis (Roxb.) 3269 
9075.  pertusus (Ruxb.) --. 93128 
9077.  pinnatifidus (Roxb.)  .. 3272 
9078.  reticulatus ( Hort.) ce Ost 
9079.  Roaburghii (de Vriese.)... 3274 
9080. Scandens (Linn.) wee 3274 
decelxxvii, Pouzolaia (Gaud.). decclxxxii 
9081.  integrifolia (Dalf.) ie C20 TO 
9082.  vesicaria (Wight.) 2773 
9033. , Wallichiana (Wight) 2777 
9084. | Wightii(Benn) ... 2744 
decelxxviii. Premna (Linn.) decxxvi 
9085. arborea (Roth.) 2305 
9086. barbata {Wall.) -.  ... 2301 
9087. cana (Wall.) 2301 
9088. cordifolia (Grah.) 2292 
9089.  coriacea (Clarke ) .. 2292 
9090. corymbosa (Rottl & 
Willd.) ae 2291 
9091.  dnsiflora (Wall) .. 2291 
9092. flavescens (Juss.) 2296 
9093. glaberrima (Bed.) 2297 
9094. herbacea (Rozb.) 2302 
9095. _ lintegerriwa (Wight) 2297 
9096.  integrifolia (Linn.) 2295 
9097. latifolia (Roxb.) ... 2298 
9098. latifoha (Wight) ... 2298-c 
9099.  mollissima (Roth ) ... 2298-b 
9100.  ovalifolia ( Wall.) 2295 
9101. purpurascens (Thw.) 2294. 
9102. pygmza (Wall) ... 2302 
9103. sambucina (Wall.) ... 2295 
9104.  scandens(Dalz. &Gibs.). 2292 
9105. spinosa (Koxb.) ... . 2295 



i OU 

NO. NO. 
9206.  subcordata (Turcz.) 2295 
9107. thyrsiflora (Heyne) -- 2299 - 
9108  thyrsoidea ( Wight.) sce’ (23000- 
9109. tomentosa ( Witld.) .. 2296 
9110. tomentosa (Migq.) ... 2305 
9111. truncata (Turcz.)... 2291 
9112, viburnoides (Wall.) 2295 

9118. villosa (Clarke) 2293 
9114. Wightiana (Schan.) 2299 
9115. Wightiana (Bedi.) 2300 
decelxxix. Prinsepia (Royle.) ccclxxxvil 
9116. utilis (Royle) .. 1073 
9117. Prionitis Hystria (Miq.)... 2225 
9118.  pubiflora (Miq.) ... 2255 
decelxxx. Pritchardia (Seem. & H. 
Wendl.) mii 
9119. chinensis (Hort.).. 3195 
9120,  filifera (Linden) ... 3199 
9121. grandis (Hort. Bull.) 3180 
9122. pacifica (Seem 
Went.) Babe 
decclxyxi. Procris (Juss.) decclxxx 
9123. levigata (Bl) ... 2769 
9124. mnivea (Gaud. ore 2771 
9125.  Wightiana ( Wall.) 2769 
decelxxxii. Prosopis (Linn.) ceclxi 
9126. bracteata (D.C.) ... - ‘1005 
9127. cwmanensis (H. Bak.) 1005 
9128. domingensis (D.C.) 1005 
9129. fleruosa (DC.) .- 1003 
9130. glam ulosa (Torr.) 1005 
9131. horrida (Kunth.)... 1005 
9132. juliflora (DC. 1005 
9133. ~ odorata hee 1005 
9134. pallida (Hb. & K.) 1005 
9135. pubescens (Benth.) 1006 
9136.  Siliguastrum (D.C.) 1005 
9137.  Siliquosa (St. Lag.) 1005 
9138.  Spicata (Baorm.) .. 1007 
9139. Spicigera (Linn.) .. 1007 
9140. Prosorus indica (Dalz). ... 2570 
deceixxxiii. Protea ( Linn.) deux xxvi 
9141.  argentea (Linn.) .. 2476 
9142, cynaroides (Linn.) 2475 
9143.  petiolata (Buck.) 2475 
decclxxxiv. Protiuwm (W. & A.) . C1Xxi 
9144. cavdatum (W. & A.) 443 
9145. - gileadense (W. & A.) 442 
9146. pubescens (W. & A.). . 444 
9147.  Roxburghiana (W.& A.) .. 443-5 

decelxxxv. Prunus (Linn.) cecclxxv 
9148. Aloocha (Royle.) .. ... L069a 
9149.  Amygdalus (Baill.) 1063 
9150.  armeniaca (Linn.) 1065 
9151. viwm (Linn.) ... 106.6 
9152.  bokhariensis(Royle)  ... 1063-a 
9153. caproniana {D.C.) 1066 
9154.  cerasoides (D. Don.) 1068 


No, Pranus—cont. NO. 
9155.  cerasus (Linn.) ... 1066 
9156. commnnis ( Huds.) 1069 
9157. domestica (Nic.)... .. 1069-d 
9158. insititia (Linn.) . .+. 1069-6 
9.59. Laurocerasus (Linn. y eee 
9160. persica (Benth. & Hk. f) 1064 
9161. Puddum (Rozb.).. 1068 
9162. Sylvatica (Roxb. )- 1068 
9163. tomentosa (Thunb.) 1067 
914. trichocarpa (Bunge) a L067 
descixxxvi Pseudaarthria id J A. ) ecei 

9165. gyrans (Hassk.) . 809 

9166. viscida (W. & Ay 709 
9167. Pseudo! bar/eria cerulea 

(Gerst.) oes w. 2242 
9168. Pseudocapsicwm undulatum 
( Moench.) : 2070 
decclxxxviii. Pseudotsuga (Carr. ee emxi 
9169. Douglasii (Carr. ee 2866 
9170. Lindleyana (Carr.) .. 2866 
deeclxxxviii. Psidiam (Linn.) edxvii 
9171. aromaticwm (Linn,) .- 1222-d 
9172. Cattleianum (Sabire.) 1223 
9:73. Guyava (Linn.) 1222 
9174. indicum (Boj.) 1223 
9175.  obovatum (sont. ex. 1223 

9176. pwmilwm (Linn.) .. 1222-c 
9177. pyriferwm (Linn.) ... 1212-a 
9178.  pomiferwm (Linn.) .. 1212-6 
9179. variabile ( Berg.) 1223 
decelxxxix. Psilanthus (Roem.) edxlvii 
decexce. Psilotrichum (Bl.) decly 
9150.  calceolatum (Mog.) 2373 
9181. nudum (Mog.) 2374 
9182. nudum ( WVight.) 2373 
decexci. Psoralea ( Linn.) eclxxxy. 
9183.  affinis (Eck. & Z.)... 760 
9184. arborea (Duns.) .. 760 
9185. levigata (Eck. & Z.) 760 
9186. pirnata (Linn) _... 760 | 
9187.  tenuifolius (Eck. & Z.) 760 
deecexcii. Psychotria (Linn.) axii. 
9188. ambigua (W.& A.).. 1575 
9189. anamallayana (Bedd.) 1570 | 
9190. _ bisulcata (W. & A.) 1568 
9191. bracteata (W. & ey 1563 
9192.  canarensis (Talb.) 1571 
9193.  congesta (W. & A). 1589 
9194. connata (Wail.) 1569 
9195.  curviflora (Wall.) 1574 
9196 (bis.) Dalzellii (Hk. f.) . 1563 
9196. divergens(Kurz.) ... 1566 (is.) 
9197. Dodda-Jervam Schlecht.) 1568 
9198. elongata (Hk.f.) .. 1564 
9199.  ? elongata (Bedd.)... 1559 
9200.  Heyneana (Wall.) ... 1558, 1562 
9201, Johnsoni (#k.f.) 1522 
9202. laevigata (W. & A.) 1569 
9203. muacrocarpa (Hk. f.) 1560 
9204. madraspatana (Hk. 7.) 1566 
9205, nudifiora (W. & A.) eos | Lode 


no. Psychotria—cont. No. 
9206. obovata (Wall.)  ... os» §=1565 
9207. ophiowy loides (Wall.) 1575 
9208.  sarmentosa ( Bl.) 1565 
9209. scandens Moon) 1565 
9210. sulcata ( Wall.) 1547 
9211. subintegra (Hk. f.) 15861 
9212.  tetrandra (131.) 1575 
9213. ‘Thwaitesii (Hk. f.) 1558 
9214. truncata ( Wall.) .. 1562 
9215. Psydrax dicoccos (Gertn)..., 1519 
decexciil. Pteroxylon at fo 
Zeh.) .. CeXlvi 
9216. utile (Fekl & Zeh. ‘. 633 
9217. Pteridophyllum decipiens 
(Lhw.) 448 
decexciv. Pteris (Zinn.) mly 
9218. aquilina (Linn.) 3335 
9219. biaarita (Linn.) 3336 
9220.  biawrita (Sw.) 3334 
9221.  calcarata (Bory) 3334 
9222. candata (Schkur.) 3335 
9223. decomposita (Gaud.) see «3390 
9224, decussata (Sm.) 3335 
9225.  eacelsa (Blume) 3338 
9226.  eaxcelsa (Sm.) SS .. 983388 
9227. jflrona (Wall ) oe we» 3335 
9228. Jeminata(Wall.) ... +. 3337 
9229,  Klemiana (Prsel.) 3337 
9230. lanuginoza (Bory) . 3335- b 
9231. latewseula (Desv.) 3335 
9232. patens (Hk.) 3338 
9233. quadriaurita (Linn.) 3334 
decexcy. Pterocarpus (Linn.) CCCXXV 
9234.  bilobus (Roxb)... 897 
9235.  dalberygioides (Roxb.) 898 
9236. indicus ( Willd.) 894 
9237. macrocarpus (Kurz.) 895 
9238. Marsnpium (Rozb.) 897 
9239.  santalinus (Linn. f.) .-- 896 
decexcvi. Pterolobium (R. Br.) .... cecxli 
9240. indicum (A. Rich.) a dee 
9241. lacerams (Wall.) 933, 939 
9242.  Pteroloma triguetrwm(Benth.). 801 
9243.  Pterophyllus Ginkgo (C. 
Koch.) ; 2824 
9244. salisburiensis (Helson. ) 2824 

decexcvii. Pterospermum (Schreb.)... evil 
9245. acerifolium (Willd.) ; 284 
9246. acerifolium (Zoll. & 
Moritz.) eer Ba» Aen 
9247.  aceroides (Wall.) zee) 
9248. canescens (Roxb.) ... | ee 
9249.  diversifolium (B1.) ... ... 2829 
9250.  glabrescens (W. & A.) 287 
9251. Heyneanum (Wail.) 286 
9252. Lawianum (Nimmo) 286 
9253.  obtasifolium (Wight) 288 
9254, reticuiatum (V7. & A.) 285 
9255. rubigonosum (Heyne) .,. 283 
9256. suberifulium (Lamk.) 281 
decexcviii. Pterorylon (Haw.) ccxlvi 
decexcix. Pterygota (Endl.) cil 




no. Pterospermum—cont. No. | NO. Quamoclit—cont. 
4257. alata (Br.) Bis .. 278 | 9301. vulgaris (Chois.) ... 
9258. Roxburghii (Schott & emix. Quassia (Linn.) 
Endl.) swe: 278 | 9802, latifolia (Stokes.) 
3259. Ptilocnema bracteatwm 9303. amara (Linn.) 
(D. Don.) 2 wee 2944 | 9304. crocea (Vahl.) 
2260. Ptilotus ovatus (Moq.) 2373 | 9305. guianensis (I). Dietr.) 
9261. ‘Sa A Mic Arthur emx. Quercus (Linn.) 
(Hor ..» 3139 9306. acuta (Ham.) 
cn. BEAR re ( Labill.) emlxxxi | 9307. sculus (Boiss.) 
9262. album (Scheff.) 3120 | 9308. appenina (Lamk,)... 
9253. Calapparia (Miq.) .. 3139 | 9309. asperata (Pers.) ... 
9264.  Cuninghamis (H. Wend.) .. 3140 9310. asplenifolia (Hort. Di.) 
9265.  disticha (Miq.) ay ... 3133 | 9311.  austriaca ( Willd.) ... 
9266. elegans (Hort.) 3140 | 9312. azillaris(Schur.) ... 
9267. gracilis(Mart.) ... 3134 | 9313.  Cerris (Linn.) 
9268. MacArthurii (H. Wendl.) 31349 ; 3314,  collina (Schleich.)... 
9269. Seaforthii (Miq.) 3140 | 9315. erinita (Lamk.) 
9270. _simplicifrons ( Miq.) 3133 | 9316. cwpulatus (Gilib.) ... 
cmi. Pueraria (D.C.) Be .. cccxii ‘| 9317. dealbata (Wall.) 
9271. tuberosa (D.C.) 832 | 9318.  dentata ( Wats.) 
emii. Punica (Linn.) edxl § 9319. echinata (Salisb.) 
9272. Granatum (Linn) .. 1322 | 9320. extensa (Schor.) 
9273. mana (Linn ) 1322 | 9321. frondosa (Steud.) ... 
emiii. Potranjiva (Wall.) .. decexix | 9322. Griffithii (Hk. f. & .T.) 
9274. amblyocarpa (Muels.) 2597 | 9323.  hispanica (Willk.) 
9275. Roxburghii ( Wall.) 2597 | 9323. Ilex (Linn.) 
9276.  sphe@rocarpa (Muell.) 2597 | 9324. incana (Rozb.) 
emiy. Pycnospora (R. Br.) cece. 9325. ? kamroopw (D. Don.) 
9277. hedysaroides (R. Br.) 789 | 9326. lanata (Son.) BH 
9278. mervosa (W. & A.) 789 | 9327. lineata (Bl.) He 
cmy. Pygeum (Gertn.) ceclxxv | 9328, longifolia(Koch.) ... 
9279. ? acuminatum (Wight) ... 1072 | 9329. mannifera (Linol.) 
9280.  ceylanicum (Bedd.) 1071 | 9330. ? obongata (D. Don.) 
9281.  Gardneri (Hk. f.) -. 1072 | 9331. ozyrhyncha (Miq.) 
9282,  Wightianum (Bl.) xo | Ort 9332.  pedunculata (Khrh.) 
9283. zeylanicum (Dalz. & 9933.  petiolata (Schur.) 
Gibs.) ree ... 1072 | 9334.  polyantha (liinol.) 
9254. Pyracantha crenulata 9335.  polyneura ( Miq.) 
(Rem.) . .. 1119 | 9336,\ psewdo-cerrie (Boiss.) 
emvyi. Pyrenacantha (Wh) ee. CCVii | 9337. pubescens (Willd.) ... 
9285. volubiles ( Wt.) .. 902 | 9338. racemosa (Lamk.) ... 
9286. Pyrospermum calophyllum 9339.  Robur (Linn.) oy: 
(Miq-) .- 542 | 9340. Roxburghir (Endl.) 
9287, Pyrostegia venusta (Miers.) 2144 9341. serrata (Thunb.) 
9288. Pyrostria ? spinosa (Miq.) 1529 | 9342. sessiliflora (Salisb.) 
9289. Pyrranthus albus ( Wall.) 1156 | 9343. — sessilis (Ehrh.) 
929). Pyrularia ceylanica (A.Dc.) 2528 | 9344, tomentusa (Ehrh.) 
9291. Wallichiana (A.Dc.) .. 2528 | 9345. tribuloides (Sm.) ... 
emvli. Pyrus (Linn, ) ceeclxxxv | 9346. variegata (Lodd.) ... 
9292. ‘communis (Linn.) 1114 | emxi, Quillaja (Mol.) 
9293. Cydonia (Linn.) J111 | 9347. moline (De.) 
3294. Kumaoni (Dene.) ... 1116 | 9348.  saponaria ( Mol.) 
9295. Malus (Linn.) ... 1113 | 9849. Quinio cocculoides 
9296,  pranifolia ( Willd.) 1115 (Schlecht.) 
emxii, Quisqualis (Linn.) 
9350.  ebracteata (Beany.) 
9297. Qudrifaria imbricata 9351. glabra (Burm.) 
(Manstt.) i 2888 | 9352. indica (Linn.) ure 
emvili. Quamoclit (Chois.) ... .. cGlviii | 9353.  longifiora (Presl.) 
9298. coccinea (Mcench.) 2018 | 9354. Lowreiri (G. Don.) 
9299. lcngiflora (G. Von.) .-. 2015-b | 9355. malabarica (Bedd.) 
9300. phenicea (Chois.) »» 2018 | 9356. pubescens (Burm-.) 

vee 2019 
it elx 
ses || 426 
aa | 2/2408 
.« 2789 
Pree Wis) 
. 2788 
.. 2788 
woe §=62788 
ve Le 
oe | DIE 
sont Ce 
wo ©6227 92 
, 21s 

vee LU 
 2788- a. 
3 218s 

sty, IRS 
wo. 2489 

., 2788- b 

vee 85 

... 1164 

. 1164 






No. Quisqualis—cont. 


9357. sinensis (Lindl.) ... 1164 
9358, villosa (Roxb.) 1164 

omxiii. Haneis (Linn.) edxevii 
9359. Candolleana (W. y 7.19 a ea 50333 
9360.  deccanensis (Bedd.) . 1503 
9361. densiflora (Benth.) . 1500 
9362. dumetorum (Lamk.) - 1498 
9368, floribunda (D.C.) ... . 1498 
9364 Gardneri (Thw.) ... 1501 
9365. laurifolia (Hk. f.) 1501 
9366.  longispina (D.C.) ... . 1498 
9367. malabarica (Lamk.) . 1499 
9368. malabarica (Wall.) 1498 
9369. nutans (D.C.) ee 1498 
9370.  Rottleri (W. & A.) 1498 
9371. rugulosa (Hk. f.) -. 1502 
9372. spinosa (B1.) «. 1498 
9373.  stipulosa (Miq.) ... we 1498 
9374.  uliginosa (D.C.) . .. 1497 

9375. Raphistemma ciliatwi 
(Hk. f.) .. 1885 

9376. ae enee Leschenaultia- 

num (Presl.) ... 1635 
9377.  nicotianefolium (Pres, ) 1634 
cmxiv. Rauwolfia (Linn.) . dixxxi 
9378. Beddomei (Hk. f.) 1815 
9379. canescens (Linn.) 1816 
9381. densiflora (Benth.) 1812 
9382. micrantha (Hk. f.) 1814 
9383. serpentina (Benth.) 1811 
emxy. Ravenala (Sonn.) cmlyv 
9384. madagascariensis (Soon.) 3043 
cmxvi. Ravenia (Vell.) 2 exl 
9385. rosea { Lebas.) 374 
9386. spectabilis (Engl.) 373 
9387. Reichardia decapetala (Roth. ) 931 
9388.  hexapetala (Koth.) : 939 
9389. Reidia jimbriata (Wight) ... 2567 
9390. floribunda (Wight) 2568 
9591. latifolia (Wight) ... . 2565 
9392. ? ovalifolia (Wight) 2566 
cmxvii. Reinwardtia (Dumort.) CXXiV 
9393. indica (Dumort.)... - 346 
9394. repens (Planch.) ... . 346 
9395. tetragyna (Planch.) 346-b 
9396.  trigyna (Planch.) . 846 
9397.  trigyna (Dalz. & Gibs.) ... 346-6 

9398. Renealmia calcarata 
(Ham.) . he 3007 
9399. Heer (Anite ) ee: 3008 
9400. Retinospora jiligera (Forbes) 2812 
9401.  juniperoides (Carr.) . 2817 
9402. obtusa (Sieb. & Zuc.) 2812 
9403.  rigida (Carr.) = ee VDOET 
$404.  tetragona (Barton.) .., 2812 
cmxviii. Rhabdia (Mart.) deli 
9405,  crebrifolia (Miers) vee 61984 

i 19 


No. Rhabdia—cont, No. 
9406. fiuvialis (Edgem.) 1984 
9407. —lycioides (Mart.) .. 198% 
9408, viminea (Dalz. & Gibs. ). 198* 

cmxix. Rhamus (Linn.) : : CORES 
9409. acuminatus (Colebr.) 579 
9410. circwmscissus (Linn. f.) ... #72 

9411.  dahuricus (Pali.) «.. 569 
9412. filiformis (Roth.) 574 
9413,  ? glabratus (Heyne) 568-5 
9414. hirsutus (W. & A.) 569-€ 
9415.  jujuba (Linn.) 561 
9416.  lucidus (Roxb.) 572 
9417. myrtinus (Burm.) 572 
9418. Neerija (Spreng.) 544 
9419. Nummularia (Burm.) 563 
9420. Cnoplia (Linn.) soa) BO 
9421. parviflorus (Klein.) saan! OBE 
9421 (bis.) parvifolius (Turcz.). 569 
9422. polymorphus (Turcz.) 569 
9423.  trigynus (D. Don.) 574 
9424.  virgatus (Roab.) .. 569 
9425.  Wightii (W. 5 A.) 570 
9426. «ylopyrus (Retz.) 5695 
9427. zeylanicus (Burm.) 2557 

emxx. Rhaphidophora (Schott) mxxvii 

9428.  cavdata (Schott) .. 3272 
9429. Cumninghamii (Schott)... 3272 
9430.  lacera (Hassk.) meet rece 
9431.  pertusa (Schott) oo. 3270 
9432.  pinnata (Schott) 3272 
9433. pinnatifida (Schott) 3272 
9434. Wallichis (Schott) 3272 

emxxi. Rhapis (Linn.) mv 

9435.  acaulis ( Willd.) .. 3182 
9436.  flabelliformis (L’Herit.)... 3201 
9437. Kwanwartsek (H. Wend. i 3201 
9438. Rhaptomeris Burmannt 

(Miers.) .. 9394 
cmxxii. Rhesa (vide Bhesa. ) CCsx 
emxxiii. Rhinacanthus (Nees.) decxv 

9439. communis (Nees.) 2268 
9440.  Rottlerianus (Nees.) +. 2268 

emxxiy. Rhizophora (Linn.) cccxcy 

9441. Agiceras (Linn.) 1676 
9442.  apiculata (Bl.) 113] 
9443. Candel (Linn.) .. 1134 
9444.  candelaria (D.C.)... sages 
9445. .candelaria (W.& A.) ... 1130 
9446. caryophylloides (Jack.) ... 1137 
9447.  caseolaris (Linn.)... io sen 
9448.  conjugata (Linn.) 1131 
9449.  corniculata (Linn.) ess tore 
9450. cylindrica (Linn.) 1137, 1138 
9451.  decandra (Roxb.)... Pee, LSB 
9452. gynmorrhiza (Roxb.) 1135 
9453. macrorrhiza (Griff.) i130 
9454.  Mangle (Linn.) ... 1130 
9455. mucronata (Lam.) appt B81, 
£456. parviflora (Roxb.) ie 2 LIS8 
9457. timorensis (D.C.) .. ong hee 




emxxy. Rhodamnia (Jack.) 


Mulleri (B1.) 
Nageli (Migq.) 
spectabilis (Bl.) 
subtriflora (Bl.) 
trinervia (B1.) 

emxxvi. Rhododendron (Linn.) 




amenum (Planch.) 
arboreum (Sm.) ... 
Campbellie (Hk. f.) 
cinnamomeum (Wall.) 
crispiflorum <Planch.) 
indicum (Sw.) ; 
macranthum (G. Don.) . 
nilagiricum ( Zenk.) 
nobile (Wall.) 
punicewm (Roxb.) 
sinense (Sw.) 
speciosum (Sw.) ... 
Windsorii (Nutt.) .. 
Rhodomyrtus (D.C.) 
tomentosa ( Wight.) 

(A. Wendl.) 
Baveri (H. Wen1‘1.) 

emxxix. Rhus (Linn.) 


acuminata (D.C.) .. 
Cobbe (Linn.) une 
decvpiens (W. & A.) 
frazinifolia (Salisb.) 
Kempferi (Sweet.) 
lucida (Linn. : 
mysorensis (Heyne) 
parviflora (Rozb.) 
succedanea (Linn.) 
vernicifera (D.C.)... 
vernicifiea (Stokes. ) 
Vernix (Linn.) 

omxxx. Rhynchosia (Lowr.) 


9511. Rhynchospermum jasminoides 

comxxxi, Rhychostylis (Bl,) 

acutissima (Thw.) 
Beddomei (Baker.) 
coodoorensis (Bedd.) 
crotalarioides (D.C.) 
cyanosperma (Benth.) 
densiflora (D.C.) ... 
filipes (Benth.) 
Heynei (W. § A.) 
incana (Royle.) 
Pseudo-cajan (Camb.) 
rufescens (D.C.) 
sericea (Spanoghe) 
stipulosa (A. Rich.) 
suaveolens (D.C.) .. 
velutina (Grah.) 
villosula (Thw.) 
virgata (Grah.) ... 
viscida (D.C.) 
viscosa (D.C.) ... 
Wightiana (Grah.) 




No. | No. 
cmxvil | 9512. 
1224 | 9513. 
w. 1224 | 9514. 
ws 1224 | 9515. 
1224 | 9516. 
dxli. | 9517. 
.. 1646 | 9518. 
. 1645 | 9519. 
1645 | 9520. 
1645 9521. 
1646 | cemxxxiil. 
1646 | 9522 
1646 | 9523. 
1645 | 9524. 
1645 | 9525. 
1645 | 9526. 
1647 | 9527. 
1646 | 9528. 
1645 9529. 
cedxix | emxxxiv, 
1225 9530. 
cmlxxxili 9532. 
3141 | 9533. 
eclvili 9534. 
628 9535. 
442 | 9536. 
668 9537. 
Se 9538. 
658 9539. 
661 9540. 
660 9541. 
662 9542. 
ae | G09 6543. 
659 9544. 
: 659 cmxxxvi. 
“dee 9545. 
868 9546. 
868 9547. 
859 9548. 
875 9549. 
864 9550. 
869 9551. 
860 9552. 
859 9553. 
865 9554. 
865 9555. 
858 9556. 
867 9557. 
866 9558 
861 9559. 
851 9560. 
866 9561. 
853 9562. 
790 CMxXxxvVii. 
866 9563. 
845 9564. 
<2. ALBEB 9566. 
emxxxli 9567. 


garwalica (Rebh. f.) 
guttata (Rebh. f.)... 

premorsa (Bl.) 

retusa (B/.) 

cmxxxii. Ribes (ZLinn.) 

albidum (Paxt.) 
alceoefolium (Kunze.) 
augustum (Dougl.) 
sanguincum (Pursh.) 
trilobum (Meyer) 
Wolfii (Rothr.) 
Ricinus (Linn.) 
communis (Linn.) 
inermis (Jacq.) 
lividus (Jacq.) 
montanus (Wall.) 
salicinus (Hassk.) 
speciosus (Burm.) 
spectabilis (Bl.) 
viridis ( Willd.) 
Riedlea (Vent.) 
concatenata ( D.C.) 
corchorifolia (D.C.) 
supina {D.C.)_... 
tilioefolia (D.C.) ... 
truncata (W. & A.) 

| cmxxxv. Rivea (Chois.) 

Bona-noz (Roxb.)... 
cumeata (Wight) ... 
fragrans (Nimmo) 

hirsuta (Wight) 










hy Boer eraior mis (Chois. :) 

ornata ‘Chois. ) 
ornata (Aitch.) 
pomacea (Wight) .. 
tilizefola (Chois.) 
zeylanica (Thu.) ... 
Rivina (Plwm.) 
canescens (D. Don.) 
glabrata (Hb & K.) 
humilis (Linn.) ... 
levis (Linn.) 
lanceolata (Willd. ) 
Latbenia (Ham.)... 
or‘aentalis (Moq.) 
pallida (Satisb.) .. 










plumbaginifolia (Willd. ve 

portulaccoides (Nutt.) 
pubercila (Hb. & K.) 

Robinia Heynei (Wall.) 

macrophylla (Roxb.) 
mitis (Linu.) a 
racemosa (Roxb,)... 
sennoides (Roxb.) 
suberosa (Roxb.) ... 
uliginosa (Willd.) 
Rondeletia re 
asiatica (Linn.) . 
cinerea (Wall.) 



coccinea (Moc, & Sesse. ke 

exserta (Roxb,) 
odarata (Jacq.) 





No. Rondeletia—cont, NO. | No. Rosmarinus—cont, No. 
9568. — ortasensis (Roth.) 14.60 9624, officinalis (Linn.) 2352 
9569. prowima (D. Don.) «. 1461 9625. Rottleru afinis (Hassk. , 2687 
9570. speciosa (Lodd.,) ... 1466 9626. alba (Roxb.) it .. 2678 
9571. —_ thyrsiflora (Roh.)... 1460 9627. awreo-punctata (Dalz.) 2681 
9572. tinctoria(Bl.)  .. 1462 9628.  barbata (Wall.) 2677 
9578. _ tinctoria (Roxb.) ... .. 1461 9629.  congesta (Ham.) ... 2694 

cmxxxviii. Rosa (Linn.) coclxxx 9630. ? cordifolia (Benth.) 2686 
9574. alba (Linn.) 1102 9631. dioica (Baill.) 2686 
9575. , Banksiw (Br.) ... 1089 9632, fasciculata (Ham.) 2694. 
9576. bicolor (Jacq.) ... men LOO’ 9633. indica (Willd.) ... 2674 
9677. _ borbonica (Hort.) oes | LLOG 9634. mappoides (Dalz.) 2678 
9578. bracteata ( Wendl.) ee) L095 9635. mollis (Wall.) 2687 
9579.  Brumonii (Lindl.) 1086 9636. mollissima ( Wall.) 2873 
9580. cenifolia (Linn.) 1099 9637, montana (Wall.) ... 2687 
9581. chinensis (Jacq.) ‘; 1103- a 9638,  oppositifolia (Thu.) .. 2683 
9582. damascena (Mill.) . 1098 | 9639. paniculata (Wall.) 2678, 2686 
9583. Eglanteria (Linn.) see L097 9640, peltata (Wight.) ... .. 2678 
9584. Fortaneana (Linn.) ree LOOK 9641.  rhombifolia (Thu.) 2686 
9585.  fragraus (Redoute.) LOS 9642,  scabrifolia (A. Juss.) 2686 
9586. gallica (Linn.) ... 1100 9643,  suffruticosa (Wall.) . 2696 
9587. glandulifera (Roxb.) 1102 9644.  tetracocca (Roxb.) 2678 
9587 (bis.) hy brida-semperflorens 9645,  tinctoria (Roxb.) ... 2687 

( Hort.) 1107 9646.  tricocca (Roxb.) 2686 

9588. indica (Linn.) 1103 9647. _ trinervis (Zipp.) ... 2686 
9589,  inermis (Roxb.) 1089 9648. wrandra (Dalz.) ... 2688 
9590.  involucrata (Rozb.) 1094 9649.  viscida (B1.) AS 2686 
9591. levigata (Micbz.) 1082 9650. Rotula aquatica (Lour.) 1984 
9592, Leschenaultiana (W. & A, ) 1088 9651. Rowmea Jangomas (Spreng.) 135 
9593.  Lindleyana (Tratin.) ... 1094 | cmali. Roupellia (Wall. & ak.) dxcix. 
9594,  Lindleyi (Wall.) ... . 1086 | 9652. grata(Wall. § Hk.) ... 1849 
9595. longicuspis (Bertol) 1087 | emxlii Rourea (Aubi.) .. celxxii 
9596. Lucie (Fr. & Ro.) 1093 | 9653.  santaloides (W. 5 A.) 691 
9597. lutea (Mull.) ..1097-a { 9654.  ?selrocarpa (W. ¥ A.) 693 
9598. yells (Lindl.) + 1094 | cmxliii. Roxburghia (Keen.) exevil 
9599.  microcarpa (Lindl.) 1090 9655. _ baccata (Koen.) 488 
9600. microphylla (Lindl.) 1096 | cmxliv. Roxburghia (Banks) emlx 
9601 moschata (Mill.) . 1086 9656. Gloriosa (Pers.) 3075 
9602. multiflora (Hb. Ham.) ... 1094 9657.  glortosoides (Jones.) 3075 
9603. multiflora (Thunb.) 1085 9658.  gloriosoides (Wight) 3076 
9604, muscosa (Nic.) 1089-c 9659.  Stemona (Stevd.) ... 3075 
9605.  noisettirana (Hort.) 1108 9660. viridiflora (Sm.) .. age 
9606. odorata ( Hort.) .. 1105 CI. ROXBURGHIACE _... exyiii 
9607.  polyantha (Nic.) ... 1085 CII. RUBIACEZ Bah alors 17 
9608.  pomponia (Nic.) ... 1099-b | cmxly. Rubus (Zinn.) eclxxix 
9609. pubescens (Roxb.) 1086 9661. affinis (Medden. ve 1080 
9610. ? recurva (Roxb.)... 1086 9662. albscens (Roxb.) .. --. 1082 
9611. remontans (Hort.) 1107 9663. alceefolius (Poir.) vos LOTD 
9612. rubiginosa (Linn.) 1101 9664.  bijugus (Kocke.) .. ». 1082 
9613. sempervirens (Hk. f & 7. i 1088 9665.  cordifoliws (D. Don.) 1079 
9614. sempervirens (Linn.) 1087 9666.  Ldistans (D. Don.) 1082 
9615. —simica (Ait.) 1092 9667.  ellipticus (Sm.) ... --- 1080 
9616. sinica (Linn.) 1104 9668. ellipticus (Wall) ... ”” 1080- b 
9617. sulphwrea (Ait.) . 1097-c 9669. Fairholmianus (Gard.) . .. LO79-c 
9618. Wallichii (Sabine.) 1088 9670. furfuraceus (Wall.) 1082 
9619.  Wichwriana (Eort.) 1092 9671. Gowreephul (Roxb.) 1080 
C. ROSACEA Vs XLIV 9672. Hamiltonianus (Ker.) 1079 

emxxxix. Roscoea (Roxb.) deexxxvii 96738.  hirtus(Roxb.) ... 1080 
9620. tomentosa (Roxb.) 2333°| 9674.  Horsfieldit (Miq.)... 1082 

emxl, Rosmarinus (Linn.) deexivii 9675. Ideus (Linn.)  ... 1084 
9621.  angustifolius (Mill) vo. 2352 9676. indicus (Heyne.) 1082 
9622, commumis (Noronha) ... 2352 9677. lasiocarpus (Sm.) 1082 
9623.  latifoliws (Mill.) r+» 2352 9678,  lasiocarpus (Sm.).,, »- 1083 





emli. Sabal (Adans.) 23 
9727.  Adansoni (Guerns. ) 


se m 
we 3182 

No No. no. Sabal—cont. No. 
9679.  macrocarpus (Gard.) ...1079-d | 9728. Blackburnianum (Glazeb.) 3183 
9680.  micropetalus (Gard.) ... 1079-b 9729.  carolinianwm (Hort. Peri.) 3182 
9981. moluccanus (Linn.) .. LOW 9730, glauca (Hart.) : 3185 
9682.  mysorensis (Heyne) 1082 9731. glavcescens (Lodd. ) 3185 
9683. paniculatus (Moon) 1080 9732.  minimug (Nutt.) .. 3182 
9684.  parvifoliws (Moon) 1082 9733. minus (Reis.) 3182 
9685. purpureus (Bunge) 1081 9734.  palmato (Sphalm » 3184 
9686. racemosus (Rozb.) 1083 973&. Palmetto (Lodd.)... 3184 
9687.  reaus (Ker.) 1079 | 9736. wmbraculiferum (Mart.)... 3183 
9688.  roseflorus (Roxb.) _ 1082 | emlii. Sabia (Coleb.) ccliv 
9689.  rotundifolius aik ) 1082 | 9737. malabarica (Bedd. 652 
9690.  rugosus (Sm.) 2 oe LOTS | CIV. SABIACEZA . xXxXxXIxX 
9691.  sessilifolius (Miq.- ‘ .- 1080 9738. Sabina aloa (Antoine) 2822 © 
9692. Wallichianus (W.&A.).. " 1080- b 9739.  bermudiana (Ant.) 2820 

emxlvi, Rudolphia (Medic.) . CXXVil 9740.  Cabiance (Ant.) ... 2821 
9693, Ruellia arcuata (Wall.) 2177 9741. californica (Ant.)... 2822 
9693 (bis.) auriculata (Wall) ...2218 (bts.) 9742. chinensis (Ant.) ... 2821. 
9694. barleriodes (Roth.) 2170 9743.  dealbata (Ant.) 2818 
9695. bracteata (Heyne) 2201 9744. dimorpha (Ant.) ... 2824 
9696. bracteata (Roxb.) 2170 9745.  fragrans (Ant.) 2822 
9197. canescens (Heyne) 4177 9746.  pilgrimeana (Ant.) 2822 
9698. ciliata (Heyne) 2186 9747.  struthiacea (Ant.) 2821 
9699. ciliata (Wall.)_.. .. 2894 | emliii, Saccharum (Linn.) ... MXXxXV 
9700. cordifolia (Vahl.) ... 2177-6 9748. zxgyptiacum(Willd.) 3283 
9701. infundibuliformis (Roxb.) 2244 9749. arundinaceum (Retz.) 3284 
9702. Kumnthiana (Wall.) 2180 9750.  benzalense (Ham.) 3283 
9703.  littoralis(Linn.f.) ... 2169 9751. % benghalense (Retz.) 3284 
9704.  lwpulina (Wall.).... 2200, 2202-6 9752.  biflorum (Forsk.)... 3283 
9705. montana (Wall.) 2235 9753. Boga (Ham.) 3288 
9706.  ?” punctata (Nees.) 2217 9754.  caducum (Tansch.) 3288 
9707.  rubicund (Heyne) 2217 9755.  canalioulatum (Roxb.) 3283 
9708.  Russelliana (Wall.) 2177 9756. Casi (Ham.) ; 3283 
9709.  scabra (Wall.) ... eA y/ 9757.  chinense (Nees.) ... 3283 
9710.  sesamoides (Wall.) ... 2177-b 9758.  ciliare (Anders.) ... 5285 

2184-b-c 9759.  cylndricum (Lamk.) 3280 
9711. spicata (Roth.) 2184 9760. dtandrum (Keen.) 3280 
9712. varians (Vent.) 2171 9761.  europeum (Pers.)... 3280 

emxlyii. Rumphia (Linn.) ... oclxx 9762. exaltatwm (Roxb.) 3284 
9713. amboimensis (Linn.) 638 9763. fuscum (Rozb.) 3285 
9714,  tilizfolia (Lamk.) 688 9764.  Glaza (Reinw.) 3283 

emxlviii. Ruscus (Towrn.) emlxiii 9765. %imdum (Pers.) 3280 
9715. hypophyllum (Linn.) 3096 9766.  imsulare (Brongn.) 3283 
9716.  lugubris (Salisb.) 3096 9767.  Klaga (Jungh.) 3283 

9717.  volubilis (Thanb.) seo) 309] 9768. Kenigi (Retz.) ... 3280 

emxlix. Russelia (Jacg.) dclxxvii 9769.  lagwroides (Pourr.) ».. 3288 
9718. floribunda (Hb. & K) : 2113 9770. Lola (Ham.) ae 3288 
9719. juucea (Zucc.) .. 2112 9771. Modhara (Ham.).. 3285 
9720. rotundifolia (Cav.) 2113 9772. Moonja (Royle.) ... 3284 

eml. Ruta (Linn.) CXXXVii 9773. Munja (Roxb.) 3284 
9721. angustifolia (Pers. N 370 9774.  officinarum (Linn.) 3282 
9722.  chalepensis (Wall.) 370 9775. Palisotit (Tausch.) 3283 
9723.  graveolens (Linn.) 370 9776.  procerum (Roxb.) .. 3284 

ClIl. RUTACKA XXVI 9777.  propinguum (Steud.) 3283 
9724. Ruteria africana ( Medic. Yes 760 9778. punctatum (Schum.) 3283 
9725. pinnata (Mcench.) ys OO 9779, Ravennoe (Murr.)... 3280 
9726. Ryckia furcata (De Vriese) 3243 9780. Sara (Roxb.) Se 3284 

9781. semidecwmbens (Roxb.) .. 3283 
9782. — simense (Roxb.) 3282 
9783 speciosissimum (Tausch, yi 3283 
9784.  spicatwm (Burm.),,. 3280 
9785. spontaneum (Linn, 3283 
9786,  Surpata (Ham.) .., pee 3284 






No. Saccharum—cont. No. 
9787.  tenuius (Ham.) 3283 
emliv. Saccolabium (Bi.) cmxxxyl 
9788. acwminatum (Thw.) 2975 
9789" Blume (Lind.) 2953 
9790. carinatum (Griff.) .. 2971 
9791. cougestum (Hk. f.) 2972 
9792.  filiforme (Jindl.) 2965 
9793. garwalicwm (Lindl.) 2953 
9794. guttatwm (Lindl.) 2953 
9725. Heathu (Hart.) ... 2953 
9796, jerdonianum (Rehb. f). 2266 
9797. lineare (Lindl) 2959 
9798. maculatum (Hk. f.) 2974 
9799. —nilagiricum (Hk. f.) 2967 
9800, ochraceum (Lindl.) 2368 
9801. paniculatum Cet) 2959 
9802. papillosum (Lindl.) 2971 
9803. papilloswm (Dalz. & Gibs.) 2969 
9804. papillosum (Wight) 2972 
9805. praemorsum (Hk. f.) 2970 
9806. premorsum (Lirdl.) 2943 
9807. retusum (Hort.) 2953 
9808. Rheedii (Wight) 2953 
9809.  ringens (Lindl.) 2958 
9810. rubrum (Wight) 2958 
9811. speciosum (Wight) 2953 
9812. ? tenerwm (Lindl.) 2973 
9813 viridiflorum (Lindl.) 2978 
9814.  Wightianum (Hk. f.) 2966 
9815 Wightianum (Lindl.) 2958 
emly. Saccopetalum (Benn.) : XXV 
9816. tomentosum (Hk. f. & T.). 66 
9817. Szlahnthus quadragonus 
(Forsk.) 582 
9818. Sagenia coadunuta (Moore. ) 3348 
9819. gigantea (Blume.) + 3349 
9820. pteropus (Moore. ) 3380 
emlvi. Sagerza (Dalz.) xxviii 
9821. Dslzeliii (Bedd.) .. 76 
9822.  laurina (Dalz.) 75 
9823. virgata (King.) 74 
emlvii. Sagereiia (Brongn.) cCxxxii 
9824. affinis (Bed.) Bi! 574 
9825. jfiliformis (G. Don. ) 574 
9826. hamosa (Brongn.)... 573 
9827. oppositifolia (Brongn.) 574 
9828. Saguerus Lwngkab (B1.) 3150 © 
9829. Rumphii (Roxb.) ... 3149 
9830. saccharifer (Wurmb.) 3149 
emlviii. Salacia (Linn.) : . cexxiii 
9831. Brunoniaua (W. ¥ x ) 550 
9832. froticosa (Heyne) .. 555 
£833. levigata (Wight) 546 
9834. macrosperma (Wight) ... 553 
9835. oblonga (Wall) ... 554 
9836. oppositifolia (Roittl.) 554 
9837. paniculata (Wall.) 548 
9838. podopetala (Turcz.) 550 
9839. pomifera (Wall.) .. 554 
9840. prinoides (Dc )... 550 
9841. reticulata ( Wight) 552 
9842. terminalis (Thw.) we «= O47 

No. Salacia—cont. ; 
9843. Wightiana (Wall.) 550 
CV. SALICACEZ ... ts Cx 
emlix. Salicornia (Linn.) ... ” deolviii 
9844.  brachiata (Rozb.) 2379 
9845. indica ( Willd.) 2377 

9846, Salisburia adiantifolia (Sm.) 2824 

9847. biloba (Hofftmg.) .. 
9548. Ginkgo (Rich.) 2824 
9849. macrophylla (Bese? 2824 
cmlx. Salix (Linn.) .. deccxey 
9850. alba (Linn. ss vias 2799 
9851. babylonica (Linn.) 2800 
9852.  disperma (D. Don.) 2797 
9853. fragilis (Linn.) 2801 
9854. glabrata (Heyne) 2708 
9855.  Horsfieldiana (Miq.) 2797 
9856. ichnostachya (Zindl.) 2798 
9857.  lenta (Fries.) 2797-6 
9858.  milagirica (Miq.) . 2797 
9859. purpurea (Linn.)... 2802 
9860. pyrvna (Lindl.) 2797-6 
9861.  tetrasperma (fozb.) 2797 
9862. triandra (Lizn.) ... 2803 
9863.  viminalis (Linn.) .. 2804 
9864.  viridifolia (Wt.) ... 2797-c 
9865. Wallichit (Winim.) 2797-b 
9866. Salmalia malabarica (Schott) 259 
9867: Salsola elata (Wight) 2381 
9868. 7” fruticosa ( Wall.) --. 2381 
9868 (bis.) indica (Willd.) 2381 (bis.) 
9869. Lana (Stocks) --- 2382 
9870. nudiflora (Willd.) 2381 
_ 9870 (bis.) nudijiora (Wall.) 2881. (bis.) 
9871. recurva(Wall.) . .- 2382 
9871 (bis.) Salsa (Jacq.) 2381 (bis.) 

9871 ‘tris.) Sativa’ (Wt.) 2381 (bis.) 

9872.  Stocksii ( Boiss.) ... 2382 
emlxi. Salvadora (Linn.) .. dixxvi 
9873. indica (Wight) 1799 
9874. persica (Linn.) ... 1799 
9875. Wightiana (Planch.) 1799 
emlxii salvia (Linn.) decxlvi 
9876. abyssinica (Br.) ... . 2349 
9877. bengalensis (Roxb.) 2359 
9878. dianthera (Roth.) 2349 
9879.  officmalis (Zinn.)... 2350 
9880.  Schimperiana (Hochst. Ja 2349 
9881.  splendens (K. Gawl.) ... 2351 
emlxiii. Samadera (Gertr.) elxii 
9882. - indica (Gertr.) ... 429 
9883. Samara floribunda (Kurz, )- 1661 
9884. ?picta(Wall.) .. - 1663 . 
9885.  Rheedit (Wight) . «. 1664 
9886. Ribes (Kurz.) .... -- 1661 
9887. robusta (Kurz.) ... ome Gites, F 
9888. viridiflora (Thw.) «. 1664 
cmlxiv. Sambucus (Linn.) .. cdl xxiii 
9889. arborescens (Gilib. ) 1424 
9890. florida (Salish) . 1424 
9891.  Jlacimiata (Mill) ~... 1424 
9892. medullosa (Gilib.) vee 1424 


No. Sambucus—cont, No. 
9893. nigra (Linn.) | we 1424 
9894. virescens (Desf.) ee 1424 
9895. vulgaris (Neck.) vee L424 
9896. Samyda Piscidia (Ham.) 1336 

CVIIl. SAMYDACE A es poe uted 
emlxv. Sanchezia (Ruiz. § Pav.) ...dcexvili 

9897. nobilis (Hk.)  ... Per eeu 
emlxvi. Sandoricum (Cav.) elxxxil 
9898.  glaberrimum (Hassk.) «-. 4.60 
9999. Indicum (Cav.) ... 460 
9900. nervosum (Bl.) ... .» 460 
9901.  serratwm (G. Von.) .. 460-c 
9902.  ternatwm (Blanco) 460 
9903. Sansevieria fruticosa (Bl.) 3098 
emlxvii. Santalum (Linn.) . deccii 
9904. album (Zimn.) ©... we. 2026 
9905. myrtifolium (Roxb.) .. 2526-b 
9906. veruwm (Linn.) . .. 2526 
9907, Santia venulosa (W. GA. - 1585 
cmixviii. Sapindus (Plum) .. ecxlyvii 
9908.  abstergens (Roxb.) 634 
9909.  acutus (Roxb.) 634 
9910. alternifoliws (Ham.) 627 
9911.  benghalensis (Roxb.) 640 
9912.  bifoliolatus (Hiern) 636 
9913.  bijugus (Wall.) 639 
9914,  deficiens (W. & A.) 625 
9918, edulis (Ait.) 639 
9916. edulis (Bl.) 627 
9917. emarginata (Vahl. ; 634 
9918. erectus (Hiern) 6385 
9919. fraxinifolius (D.C.) 627 
9920.  fruticosus Speen 631 
9921. indica (Poir.) . 635 
9922. lawrifolia (Vahl. ‘NG 634 
9923. — longifolius (Ham.) 627 
9924, microcarpus (W.& A.) . 655 
9925. monogyna (Herb. Heyne) 640 
9926. pinnatus (Roxb.) 627 
9927. rubiginosa (Roxb.) po 47/ 
9928.  tetraphylla (Vahl.) 626 
9929.  travancorensis ( Wall.) 446 
9930. trifoliatus (Linn.) : 634 
cmlxix. Sapium (P. Br.) ‘dceclix 
9931.  Bingiriwm (Roxb.) 2703 
9932.  cordifoliwm (Roxb.) 2673 
9938. discolor (Mwell.) ... 2701 
9934.  Hurmais (Ham.) ... poe ra(AOB} 
9935. indicum ( Willd.) . - 2703 
9936, insigne (Bentle.) 2704 
9937.  sebiferuam (Rozb.) 2702 
9938. Sapota Achras (Mill.) 1679 
9939.  armata (A. De.) 1681 
9940.  elengoides (A. De.) 1681 
9941.  ferruginea (Walp.) 1679 
9942. tomentosa (A. De.) va 7 168 
cmlxx. Saprosma (Bl.) che yee Xvi 
9948. ceylanicum (Bedd.) .. 1590 
9944, corymbosum (Bedd.) 1591 
9945.  fragrans (Bedd.) 1589 


‘no. Saprosma—cont. NO. 
9946.  glomeratwm (Bedd.) 1588 
9947. indicum (Dalz.) .. 1588 
9948.  Wightii (Bedd.) ... +. L690 

emlxxi. Saraca (Linn.) ft vee COCLE 
9949,  arborescens (Burm.) os WOW 
9950. indica (Linn.) she) <i 
9951. minor (Miq.) w ee ai! 
9952.  Zollingeriana (Miq.) ... 977 
9953. Sarcandra chloranthordes 

(Gardn.) .. 5 woe «2419 

cmlxsii. Sarcanthus (Lindl. ) Cmxxxvil 
9954. —_filiformis (Wight) bee) 2000 
9955.  guttatus (Lindl.) ... 2953 
9956. pauciflorus (Wight) toa ZOU 
9957. peninsularis (Dalz.) 2975 
9958.  rosews (Wight) ... 2965 
emlxxili. Sarcocephalus (Afzel.) edlxxviit 
9959, Cadamba (Kurz.) . (1438 
9960. cordatus (Miq.) w. 1437 
9961.  Horsfieldii (Miq.) a LAE 
9961 (bis.) missionis (Haviland), 1437(is.) 
cralxxiy. Sarcochilus (Br.) cmxxxil 
9962. maculatus (Benth.) vo» 2074 
9963. premorsus (Spreng.) ... 2970 
9964.  Wightii (He. f.) 2954 
9965. Saroclinium longifoliwm 2656 


emlxxy. Sarcococca (Lindl.) .. deccix 
9966.  pruniformis (Lindl.) .. 2544 
9967. — salicifolia (Baill.) vee ©2044 
9968.  saligna (Muell.) ... wee 2544 
9969. swmatrana (B}.) woe «2044 
9970.  trinervia (Wight) w. §=2044 

cmixxvi. Sarcostemma (Br.) dexxviil 
997].  annulare (Rath.) 1887 
9972. brachystigma (Hook.) 1894 
9973.  brevistigma(W.& A.) ... 1891 
9974. Brunonianum (W.&A.)... 1892 
9975.  intermedium (Dene.) ... 1892 
9976.  Stocksii (Hk. f.) ... . 1894 
9977. viminale(W.& A.) _..._ 1893 
cmlxxvii. Sarcostigma (W. § A.)... ceviii 
9978. Kleinii (W. & A.) ose) Oe 
cmlxxviii. Sarcotheca (Turez.) ... eclvi 
9979.  chenensis (Blume) w. $3195 
9980. oliveformis (Hassk.) 3194 
9981. ~rotundifolius(Blume) ... 3191 
9982.  Suwbglobosu ( Hasek.) 3192 
emlxxix. Sassafras (Linn.) dcolxxvii 
9983.  albidiwm (Nees.) ... .. 2442 
9984, officinale (Nees. & Ebem.) 2442 
9985. officinarwm (Presl.) wee 2442 
9986. rubrum (Rafin.) .., wee 2442 

emlxxx, Saurauja ( Willd.) lxxvi 
9987. crenulata (Wight) Soe) log 
9988.  fasciulata ( Wall.) io aloe 
9989.  napatleusis (De,)... Bel 
9990. paniculata (Wall.) ics 

cemlxxxi. Sauropus (Bl.) decexviii 
9991. albicans(Bl.) . 2595 
9992, Ceratogynum (Baill. ) , 2596 
9998.  Gardnerianus (Wight) ... 2595 
9994, indicus (Wight) ... wee =2595 


No. Sauropus—cont. No. 
9995.  quadrangularis (Mwell.)... 2596 
9996,  zeylanicus (Wight) 2595 
9997. Savia zeylanica (Baill.) .. 2554-6 

9998.  Scabrita scabra (Linn.) ... 1776 
9999, — triflora (Linn.) 1776 

L0000. Scaplhum W Tallichis | (Br.). 275 

10001. Scepa Lindleyana (Wight) 2610 
emlxxxii. Schefflera (Forst.) odlxii 
10002. digitata (Forst.) 1398 
em)xxxiii, Schinus (Linn.) cclvii 
10008, Areira (Linn.) ... weet) (GGG: 
10004.  bitwminosus (Salisb.) ... 656 
10005. Molle (Linn.) ..  ... 656 
10006.  schizostachywm hindosta- 3307 
nicum (Kurz.) 
emlxxxiv. Schleichera ( Willd.) cexlv 
10607. pubescens (Roth.) Sao) (oe 
10008. trijuga (Willd.)...  ... 632 
10009. Schmidelia adeno- 628 
phylla ( Wall.) 
10010. Aporetica (Wall.) 628-e 
100i1. Cobbe(D.C.) |... 628 
10012. cochinchineusis (D.C.)... 628 
10013. dentata (Wall.) ... Koh a GU3Y-(s, 
10014. distachya (D.C.) 628-f 
10015. Gemella (Camb.) yee, ote. 
10016. glabra (Wall.) . 628-d 
10017. integerrima (Wall.) ... 378 
10018. Kobbe (Lamk.) ... bea) ) GRE 
10019. orientalis (Sw.) . 628 
10020. racemosa (Linn.) .. 628-4 
10021. serrata (DC.) 628-b 
10022. ternata (Camb.) . wee) O28 
10023. _ timorensis (D.C.) >| 628 
10024.  vestita (Wa'l.) ... tae G28 
10025. villosa (Wight) ... 628-e 

10025 (bis.) Schoberia 
(C.A. Mey). 


.. 2381 (bis.) 

10026. Schoenorchis junci- 
folia (lhw.) 2965 
10027. Schellia carnosa 
(Schrank.) ... a L928 
10028. chinensis (Jacq.) 1928 
10029. crassifolia (Jacq.) 1928 
emlxxxv. Schrebera(Rozb.) ‘* ... dixvii 
10030. pbesuens (Kurz.) .. 1777-b 
10031. swietenioides (Roxb.) .... 1777 
emlxxxvi. Schrebera (Retz.) 5) COXX1 
10032. albens(Willd.) ... cae, Wg OaeM 
10033. Sciadophyilum ellip- 
ticwm (Bl.) ... 1413 
10034. Scindapsus (Schott.) 1026 
1u035.  caudatus (Engl.)... 3272 
10036.  caudatus (Schott) 3272 
10037. _gigantews (Schott) 3271 
10088. officinalis (Schott) 3269 
10039! Peepla(Thw.) ... 3270 
10040. pertusus (Schott) 3270 
emlxxxyii. Scleropyrum (Arn.) ~ deeeiv 
10041.  Wallichianum (Arn.) ... 2528 | 


NO. No. 
10042. Sclerostylis Arnot- 
tiana (Wight) oe § 406 
19043.  atalantioides (Wight) . 405 
10044.  ovalifolia (Wight) .. 405 
10045. parvifolia (Wight) ... 405 
10046. racemosa (Wight) | 405 
10047. zeylanica (Wight) ..- 406 
10048. Scolochloa arundina- 3287 
cea (Mart. & Koch.) 
emlxxxviii. Scolopia (Schreb.) ... iii © 
10049. acuminata (Clos.) wot bed 
10050. chinensis (Clos.) eso) PLOL 
10051.  crassipes (Clos.) cooly pea 
10052. crenata (Clos.) ... Peon gus a 
10053.  Gertneri (Thw.) en Leg 
10054. lanceolata (Vlos.) ‘ 131 
10055.  Pseudo--crenata (OHA a 131 
10056. pusilla (Moon) . seat SZ 
10057. - sea (Hance) .+. Re isa! 
10057. Schresberi (Gme/)... . 132-b 
emlxxxix. Scopolia (Sm.) ... seo CML WE 

10058. aculeata (“m,) «.. Feet cise 
cemxe, Scutia (Comm.) y ccXXxi 

10059.  Commersoni (Brongn.).. 572 

10060. indica (Brongn.) sia Rode 

10061. lucida (G. Don.) we |) «OES 

10062. paniculata (G. Don.) ... 532 

10068. Rheediana (Wight) ... 572 
emxci. Seypharia (Miers) ccxXV 

emxcii. Scyphiphora (Gertn.)  ... di 
10064. hydrophyllacea (Gerin.) 1516 
10065.  scytalia bengalensis 

(Roxb.) 640 
10066. chinennsis (Gertn. Ji eth Ge 
10067.  Litchi (Roxb.) .. Prete 8 (eGty 
10068. Longan (Roxb.) ... was) LAO 
10069. Ramboutan (Roxb.) ... 638 
10070. _—‘trijuga (Roxb.) ... vay 63H 
10071. Seaforthia Caer 
(Mart.) . a S1S08 
10072. Dicksonii (Mart. y 3132 
10073.  disticha (Mart.)... 3133 
10074. elegans (Hk.) 3140 
10075. gracilis (Mart.) .. 3134 
10076. robusta (Hort. H. Wendl. :) 3141 
10077. Sebestena officinalis 
(Geertu.) 1998 
10078. Sebifera glutinosa (Lour. V3 2459 
cmxciii. Secamone (Br.) dexviii 
10079. canescens (Sm.) ... 1929 
10080. emtica (Br.).. ... we «1875 
10081. Securinegn hysterantha 
(Bopsye .. 2570 
10082. Leucopyrus (Brand. ) 2591 
10088. Lencopyrus(Muell.) ... 2592 
10084.  obovata (Muell.) .. 2591 
10085.  virosa (Baill) 2592 
10086. Seddera evolvuloides 
( Wight.) 2062 
10087. Selas lanceolatum (Spreng. ) 388 
cmxciv. Semecarpus (Linn. f.) ecelxv 
10088,  Anuacardium (Linn fj.) ... 678 


No. Semecarpus—cont. No. 
10089. auriculata(Bedd.) .. 675 | 
10090.  cwneifolia (Roxb.) . 673-b 
30091. Grabamit (Wight) 679 
10092. latifolia (Pers.)... 673 
10093. travancorica (Bedd. eS 674 

emxcy. Senecio (Linn.) | AXxxi 
10094.  arachnoideus (Wall.) . . 1626 
10095. araneosus (D.C.) 1627 
10096. campylodes (D.C.) 1628, 1629 
10097.  candicans (D.C. : ee l629 
10098. chinensis (D.C 1628 
20099. corymbosus (aut, ) 1627 
10100. flexicaulis (Edgew.) 1628 
10101. Hindsii (13enth.) see L628 
10102. Hohenackeri (Hk. f.) 1626 
10103. intermedius (Wight) 1628 
10104.  nilagerensis (Schultz.) 1625 
40105. pimnatifidus (Clarke) 1626 
10106. scandens (D. Don.) 1628 
10107.  stipulatus (D.C.) 1628 
10108. Walkeri (Arn.) ... 1626 
10109. Walkeri (Thw.) ... \ 1625 
10110.  Wightianus (D.C.) 1628 
10111. Senna acutifolia (Link) — 955 
10112. alata (Roxb.) ...* 957 
10113. angustifolia (Batk.) 256 
10124, arborescens (Roxbo) 961 

£0115. awriculata (Roxb..) 954 
10116. bicapsularis (Roxb.) 952 
10117. dimidiata (Buch.) 966-a 
10118. esculenta (Roxb.) 950 
10119. obtusa (Roxb.) 963 
10120, occidentalis (Roxb.) 949 
10121. officinalis (Roxb.) 956 
10122. rostrata (Roxb.) 964 
10128. purpurea (Roxb.) . 950-b 
10124.  sensitiva (Roxb.) 966 
10125. Sophora (Roxb.) 950 
10126. swmatrana (Roxb.) 958 
10127. tenella (Roxb.) 966 

emxcvi. Sequoia (Endl.) ... cmiii 
10128, gigantea (Lindl.) 2826 
10129. gigantea (Hndl.) vee 2027 
10130.  _religiosa (Presl.) 2827 
10131. Sempervisens (Endl.) ... 2827 
10182. Sericandra lophantha 
(Rafin.) 1042 
10133. Sericura japonica (Steud. ) 3291 
10134. Serissa ceylanica (Thw.) 1590 
10135. corymbosa (Bedd.) 1591 
10136. fragrans (Bedd.) 1589 
10137, Serratula anthelmintica 
(Roxb.) 1599 
emxcvii. Sesbania (Pers.) .. e» CCXClii 
10138.  aculeata (Pers.) not. ashU 
10139.  «gyptiaca (Pers.) ee iso 
10140.  affinis (Schrad.) A 80m 
10141.  cannabina (Pers.) ree As 
10142. grandiflora (Pers.) ... 781 
10143. punicea (Benth.) sae OS 
10144. sericea (1).C.) 780 
emxcviii. Sethia (Hk.) oe wee CXXVI 
10145, erythrowyloides (Wight) 349 



indica (D.C.) ... 
lanceolata (Thw.) 

cmxcix. Shorea (Rozb.) 




» 10157. 








laccifera (Heyne) 
penicillata (A.De.) 
robusta (Gertn.) 
robusta (Roth.) .. 

Rozburghii (G. Don.) . ie. 

Talura (Rozb.) . 
Tuombuggaia (Rozb.) 
Shuteria (W. § A.) 
glabrata (W. & A.) 
vestita (W. & A.) 

Shuteria bicolor (Chois.) 
10158. Sicyos pentandrus ( Wall.) 

Sida (Limn.) 
acuta (Burm.) 
alba (Linn.) 
alnifolia (Liinn.) . 
althxifolia (Sw.).... 
? amena (Wall.)... 
asiatica (Linn.) 
asiatica (Wall.) 
Boriara (Wall.) 
canariensis (Willd.) 
carpinifolia (Linn.) 
chinensis (Retz.) .. 
compressa ( Wall.) 
cordifolia (Linn.) 
corynocarpa (Wall.) 
crispa (Linn.)  ... 
cuneifolia (Roxb.) 
glandulosa (Roxb.) 
glauca (Cavy.) 
glutinosa (Roxb.) 
graveolens (Roxb.) 
herbacea (Cay.) 
hirta (Wall.) 
hirta (Lamk.) 
indica (Linn.) 
indica (Cavy.) See 
lanceolata (Roxb.} 
macrophylla (Wall.) 
micams (Cav.) 
microphylla (Cav.) 
montana (Roxb.) 
mutica (Delile.) ... 

mysorensis (W, 5 A.) 

mervosa ( Wall.) 
obovata ( Wall.) 
olens (Ham.) 
orientalis (Cav.) ... 
oxyphylla (Wall.)... 
persica Nei 
philippica (D.C.)... 
polyandra (Roxb.) 
radicans (Wall.) ... 
retusa (Wight.) ... 
rhombifolia (Linn.) 
rhombifolia (Wall.) 
rhomboidea (Roxb.) 
rotundifolia (Cav.) 
scabrida (W. & A.) 



.. 214-a 







Ber ele 


5 22 
“213, 299 




dace weil 
ee es 





8 ©6216 





no, Sida—cont. No. No. Smithia—cont. No. 
10206. Schimperiana (Hochst.)... 213 | 10262. hirsuta (Dalz.) ... ice CBD 
10207. scoparia (Lour.) ... .. 215 | 10268. racemosa (Heyne) ose oe 
10208. spinosa (Linn.) ... ww. 214 | 10264. Sodada decidua (Forsk.) 109 
10209. Stawntoniana (D.C. Mt .. 215 | CXVI. SOLANACEAS “aR +e UX XX 
10210. stipulata (Cav.) . .. 215 | mvi. Solandra (Sw.)  .. see delxx 
10211, tenax (Ham.) .. 212 | 10265. grandiflora (Swz.) ... 2096 
10212. tomentosa (Roxb. ) ... 224 | 10266. nitida(Zuce.) ... 2096 
10213. wrticefolia(W.& A.) ... 212 | 10267. scandens (Willd.) ... east ZOO 
10214, villosa (Wall.)  ... ... 224 | mvii. Solanoides (Mcench.) .. dcelxi 
mii. Sideroxylon (Linn.) .. divi | mviii, Solanum (Linn.) ... we Aelxvi 
10215. armatum (Xoth.) ... 1681 | 10268. abyssinicwm (Jacq.) -- 2080 
10216. incrme (Forsk.) ... .. 1680 | 10269.  acetosefoliwm (Jamk.) ... 2092 
10217. -apota (Jacq.) ... ... 1679 | 10270. agrestae (Roth.) . 2083 
10218. spinosum (Willd.) .. 187 | 10271. alatum (Seem. & Schm.) 2088 
10219, tomentosum ‘Rozb.) ... 1681 | 10272. Anguivi (Bojer.) .. ... 2083 
10220. Wrghtianum (Wall.)  ... 1682 | 10273. angulosum (Heyne) we ead 
OXV. SIMARUBACEZ. XXVII | 10274. arboreum (Hit. & Bf) ... 2072 
miii, Siphocampylus (Pohl.) ... dxxxv | 10275. argentewm (Heyne) ... 2080 
10221. giganteus (G. Don.) ... 1636 | 10276. armatum (Br.) ... ses | DOL 
10222. hamatus (H. Wendl.) ... 1687 | 10277.  aviculare (Forst). 5 SORE 
10223. Siphonanthus angustifolia 10278.  betacea(Cav.) ... we 2093 
(Willd.)... eh ... 2322 | 10279. bigeminatum (Nees) ... 2077 
10224. indica (Willd.) ... ... 23822 | 10280.  byrsinum (Voigt.) soe eZ 
10225. Siphonta brasiliensis 10281.  cabiltense (Hort. Vitm,) - 2087 
(Hb. & K.) e .» 2620 | 10282.  calycinu:n (Nees.).. ... 2076 
10226. Kunthiana (Baill. ) ... 2620 10283. canaranwm (Miq.) ee ©2092 
10227.  spruceana ( Benth.) Ape 7! 10284, canescens (Bl.) ... ... 20838 
10228. Siriwm myrtifolium 10285. compactum (Hort.) oss \2OTO 
(Boxb.) ae «+» 2526 | 10286. conanthwm (Duaal) 2. 2076 
10229.  Sitodiwm cautijlorum 10287.  coriacewm (Hk.) soe ff ZUR 
(Gerin.) £ .- 2762 | 10288. crassipetalum (Wight) ... 2079 
miv. Smilax (Linn.) —- ... emlxi | 10289. Cumingii (Dunal)... ... 2084 
10230. aspera (Linn.) ... .. 3077 | 10290. cuneatum (Mcench.)  ... 2083 
10232. fulgens(Wall.) ... .. 8077 | 10291. cupulatwm (Migq.) ww. 2077 
10238. grandifolia (V oigt.) ... 8080 10292. denticulatum (B.) ... 2079 
10284, grandis (Wall.) ... ... 38080 , 10293. diffuswm (Roxb.) ... .. 2091 
10235, Hohenackeri (Kunth.) ... 3079 | 10294. erianthwm(D.Don.) ... 2075 

10236. indica (Vitm.) ... .. 8079 | 10295. eroswm (Van Hevrck. & 

10237. laurifolia (Hohen,) ea54_GONON | Moell.) .. ... 2083-6 
10238.  laurifolia (Roxb.) .. 8082 | 10296, esulentum (Dunal) ... 2084 
10239. laurina (Kunth.)... wee 3082 10297- — farimosunt (Wall.) ... 2080 
10240. macrophylla (Rozb.) ... 38080 | 10298.  ferox (Linn.) i. ... 2081 

10241. /” macrophylla iat & 10299. ferrugineum (Jacq.) ... 2082 

Gibs:)}i e:- .. 8082 ; 10300. flexuoswm (Heyne.) son, SLOT 
10242. maculata (Roxb.)... «. 3077 | 10301. giganteum (Jacqg.) ... 2080 
10243. ? narcotica (Ham. ) .. 8055 | 10302.  glaberrimwm {Dun.) =) 2058 
10244.  nilayarensts (Steud.) ... 3077 } 10303. Gouakai (Dunal) ... ... 2079-6 
10246.  ovalifolia (A. De.) .. 3082 | 10304. havanense (Jacg.) 0 6 
10247. ovalifolia (Hk.f.% 7.) ... 3086 | 10305. _ heteracanthwm (Dunal) ... 2084 
10248. ovalifolia (Roxb.) .. 3080 | 10306. hezandrum (Vell.) ... 2087 
10249, prolifera (Rozb.) ... -- 8082 | 10307. himalense (Dunal) ... 2083 

10250. prolifera (Hk.f.&T.) ... 3080 | 10308. hirsutum (Roxb.)... --- 2081 
10251. Pseudo-china (Hb, Madr.) 3079 | 10309. Hookerianum (Spreng.)... 2072 

10253. Roxburghtt(Kunth.) ... 3080 ' 10310. hyemale (Salisb.)... .. 2070 
10254. wmbellata (Hb. Madr.) .., 3079 | 10311. “imcanum (Linn.) ... - ... 2084 
10255. wumbellata (Heyne) --« 8082 | 10312. indicum (Limm.) ... * ... 2083 
10256.  virosa (Ham.) Ze ws 8055 | 10313. imsanwm (Linn.) ... ... 2084 
10257. | Wightii (A.Dc.) ... 8081 | 10314. Jaguini (Willd.) . ww. 2091 
10258. zeylanica (Linn.) ... 3079 |° 10315. jasminoides (Pact. ) .. 2068 
1025Y¥. zeylanica (Wight) ... 38081 | 10316. Junghuhnii (Migq,)- ... 2083 

my. Smithia (Ait.) ... ...cexevii | 10317. leve (Dumal.) ... we. 2078 
10260. aspera(Roxb.) ... .. 786 | 10318.  lasiocarpwm (B1.)... zen OSE 
10261. blanda(Wall.) .., ... 785 | 10319. longum (Roxb.), ... we. 208% 


no. Solanum—cont. No 
10321. marginatum (Linn.) ... 2086 
10322. marionense (Poit.) 2087 
10323. Melongena (Linn.) 2084. 
10324, melanocarpwm(Dunal) ... 2084 
10325. membranacewm (Wall.) ... 2078 
10326. membranaceum (Might.)... 2C79 
10327. multifiorum (Roth.) 2083-6 
10328. Neesianwn (Dalz. 
& Gibs.) ... 2 er NPE 
10329. nivewm (Vahl.) ... 2080 
1033C, nivewm (all.) oe 2086 
10331.  obliquwm (Bert.) ... 2093 
10332. ovigerum(Bl.) .. 2084 
10333. ~pinnatifidum (Roth. ) 2083 
10334. pinnatifoliwm (Lamk.) ... 2071 
10335. pinnatifoliwm (Salisb.) ... 2071 
10336. presswm (Dunal) .. .. 2084 
10337. Pseudo-capsicum (Linn. ). 2070 
10838.  Pseudosaponacewm (Bl.)... 2082 
10339.  Pseudo-undatum(Bl.) ... 2084 
10340. pubescens ( Willd.) oo 4UKe 
10341. pubescens (Roxb.)... 2075 
10342.  reclinatwm (L’ Herit.) 2071 
10348.  robustum (H. Wendl.) ... 2088 
10344. sativum (Dunal) ... ... 2084 
10345.  Seaforthianum (Andr.) ... 2069 
10346.  stramonifoliwm (Dunal) ... 2081 
10347.  stramonifoliwm (Roxb.) ... 2082 
10348. ~ torvum (Sw.) ee ... 2082 
10349.  trilobatum (Linn.) EeZ092 
10350. Tronguwm(Lamk.) .. . 2084 
10351.  tubsforwm (Dun.) ee 2087, 
10352. wundatwm (Lamk.) 2084 
10353. vacinifoliwm (Dun.) 2072 
10354  yvagum (Heyne) ... woe 2074 
10355.  venustwm (Kunze) .. 2069 
10356.  verbascifolium (Linn.) ... 2075 
10357.  violaceum (Jacq.)... ... 2083 
10358. — virgimianum (Jaeq.) sco ZAULEBE 
10359. viscosum (F. Muell.) emg 
10360. Warscowiczii Mave 
Lamb.) ... 2089 
10361. Wendlandii (Hk.)... 2090 
10362. Wightii (Miq.) ... See ZOSe 
10368.  xanthocarpum (Schrad, 
§ Wendl.) : .. 2091 
10364.  zeilanicwm (Scop.) . 2084 
mix. Solenocarpus(W. f A.) . cclxiii 
10365. indica (W. & A.)... 671 
10366. Solenostigma consimile 
(B1.) 2712 
10367. Wight (Mig. ) ee CA 
10368. Solidago zeylanicus (Arn.) 1606 
mx. Sollya (Lindl.) sa aes lxi 
10369. heterophylla (Lindl.) 146 
mxi. Sonerila (Rozb.) cdxs Vili 
10370.  awillaris (Wight) 1292 
10371. elegans (Wight) ... 1291 
10372. grandiflora (Wall. L.) 1290 
10373. versicolor (Wight) 1282 
mxii. Sonneratia (Linn. f.) cedxxxix 
10374.  acida (Linn f.) 1321 
10875, apetala(Ham.) ... ro SPY 






















Sophora (Linn.) ... COCXXix 
Bakeri (Clarke) ... one LEDS 
glauca (Lesch.) .) LS 
glabra (Hassk.) os eee 
heptaphylla (Wight) , 914 
interrupta (Bedd.) coe LD 
madraspatana (Bed.) ... 915 
tomentosa (Linn.) OL2 
velutima (Lindl.) ... 913 
Wightii (Baker.) Be 
Sotor : zthiopiwm (Fenzl.). 2152 
Souhwellia nobilis 
(Salisb.) .. 270 
Soymida (Fuss. ) exe 
febrifuga (Juss.) .. a: 477 
Spathiostemon “javense 
(B1.) 1. 2691 
salicinum (Hassk. ) 2691 
Spathodea (Beawv.) delxxxvi 
udenophylla (A.De.) 2139 
atrovirens (Spreng.) 2133 
companulata (Beawv.) 2137 
crispa (Bureau.) ... 2134 
crispa (Dalz. & Gibs.) 2135 
crispa (Wall)... ios aes 
Diepenhorsti (Mig.) va, 2s 
falcata (Brand.) ... ... wlse 
falcata (Wall.) 2134 
indica ( Pers.) 2119 
lengifiora (Vent.)... 2131 
Louwreiriana (D.C.) .. 2181 
Rheedi (Wall.) ... Pa iiil 
Rozburghii (Spreng.) 2138 
uncinat (&preng.) 2136 
aylocarpa (Brand.) 2151 
Spatholobus (Hassk.) eccix 
Roxburghii (Benth.) 8am 
Spermacoce hedyotidea 
(D.C.) wee ore eee 1467 
Spermadictyon azurewm 
(Wall.) ... 1592 
suaveolens (Roxb.) .. 1592 
Spherocarya ike 
(Dalz.)  --. 492 
Wallichiana (W. G Aye 2528 
Spheropteris ( Wall.) miiii 
barbata ( Wall.) 3331 
Spherosacme ‘polystachya 
(Walls <- 2. BOG 
spicata (Wall) ... - 467 
S phenodesma (Jack.) deexxxvi 
paniculata (Clarke. ) 2332 
Spina spinarwm (Rumph.). 135 
Spinifex (Linn.) mxxxii. 
dioicus (Ham.) .. 3279 
squarrosas (Linn.) 3279 
Spirzea (Linn.) Nic ccelxxviii 
lella (Sims.) wee os. | LOga 
betulezfolia (Wats.) . 1075 
callosa ( Wall.) 1074 
ceanothifolia (Horn.) ... 1075 
corymbosa (Rajin.) wo OSD 
expansa (Wall.) ... oss, BOTS 




















10461. © 








3, 0475. 


Spirzea—cont. NO. 
fastigiata (Wall.) ... 1074 
glauca ( Wall.) 1074 
japonica (Linn.) ... 1076 
japonica (Camp.)... 1109 
media (Schmidt) ... 1077 
peruviana ? E 1078 
stellata (Wall.) .. 1074 

Spiranthera Turpethwm 

(Bojer) ive «2046 

Spirostemon spiralis 

(Griff.) ,) ... 1838 
Splitgerbera et 
(Wight.)... .. ree 2T7EC 

scabrella (Dalz. & Gibs.) 277 2-a 

Spondias (Linn.) . eelviii 
acida (Blume) ~ 684 
acuminata (Rozb.) 686 
amara (Lamk.) 6854 
cytharea (Sonner.) 52) 684 
duleis (Wilid.) 684 
ellyptica (Rottl.) ... 667 
falcata (Meissn.) ... 687 
fragrans (Pav.) 684 
lutea (Royen.) ° 6844 
macrocarpa (Engler.) 684 
mangifera ( Willd.) 685 
sumplicifolia (Rottl.) 668 
therebenthoides (Royen.)... 684 

Sponia orientalis (Planch.)... 2713 
subserrata ( Kurz.) 2714 
Wightii (Planch.) 2713 

Stachytarpheta (Vahl.). deexxiii 
cajanensis (Cham.) 2285 
dichotoma (Vahl.) 2285 ° 
elegans (Welw.)- ... 2284 
indica (Vahl.) 2284 
jamaicensis (Vahl.) 2284; 
jumaicensis (Gardn.) 2285 
mutabilis (Vahi.)... 2284 
urticifolia (Sims.) . 2285 
urticrfolia (Daz & 

Gibs. ) Be 2284 
villosa (Turcz.) 2284 
Stadmannia Lecce 
(Spreng.) 631 
trijuga (Spreng.) .. 631 
Stalagmites ovali foliws 
(G. Don.) see 179 

Stapelia involucrata (Herb. 

Madr.) ... 1919 

Staphylea indica (Burm. }y'.- 617 

Statice (Linn.) dxliv 
arborea (Brouss.)... wen, LGSD 
arborescens (Brouss.) 1652 
frutescens (Hort. Berol.)... 1652 
frutescens ( Webb.) 1652 

Stemona (Lour.) ... cemlx 
gloriosoides ( Voigt.) . 3075 
minor (Hk.f.) ... .. 3076 
‘tuberosa (Lour.) .. 3075 

Stemonurus (Blume. ) ceili 
azillaris (Miers) ... ve «= 496 
ceylanicus (Miers) .. - 496 


no. Stemonurus—cont. NO. 
10476. coriaceus (Miers.) 496 
10477.  foetidus ( Wight.) . 500-b 
10478. Heyneanus ( Miers.) 496 
104.79.  longrfolius (Miers.) : 496 
10480. polymorphus (Miers.) 496, 497 
10481. Walkeri (Miers.) 497 
mxxvi. Stenocarpus (R. Br.) decxciv 
10482.  acacioides (F. Muell.) ... 2489 
10483. concolor (F. Muell.) 2489 
10484, Moores (F. Muell.) 2489 
10485.  salignus (B. Br.) ... 2489 
10486. Stenochlena scandens (Inn, ) 3378 
10487. Stenoloiwm molle (Seem.)... 2122 
10488. sambucifolium (Seem.)... 2121 
10489.  stans (Seew.) ses hee 
| mxxvii. Stenosiphoniom (Nees.) ...  decii 
10496.  confertum (Nees.) ...2174-b 
10491.  confertum (T. Anders.) ...2174-b 
10492.  diandrum (Wight.) 2174 
10493.  parviflorum ('T. Anders.) 2174-c 
10494, Russellianwm (Wight.) ... 2174-6 
10494 (bis.) Russellianum (Nees.),..2174-d 
10495.  Setoswm (T. Anders.) ... 2174-c 
10496.  subscriceum (Nees.) .. 2177-b 
mxxviii. Stephania (Lour.) 7 XEEVE 
10497. glabra (Miers.) 90 
10498. glandulifera (Miers.) 90 
10499. hernandifolia (Walp.) ... 89 
10500. hypoglauca (Miers.) 89 
10501. imtertexta (Miers.) 89 
10502. japonica (Miers.) 90 
10508. lutifolia (Miers.)... spt 89 
10504. longa (Miers.) ... ne 90 
10505. rotunda (Lour.).. * 90 
10506. Roxburghiana (Miers. Vee 90 
mxxix. Stephanotis (Thowars.) “dexxxii 
10507. floribunda (Bronga.) 1906 
mxxx. Stephegyne (Korth.) cd] Xxxi 
10508. parvifolia (Korth.) 1440 
10509.  tubulosa (Hk. f.) 1441 
10510. Stephensonia  grandifolia 
(Hort. Van Hontte.) ... 3147 
mxxxi. Sterculia (Linn.) ... aon cii 
10511. acerifolia (Hemsl.) 266 
10512, alata (Rozd.) 273 
10513. alata (Wall.) 269 
10514, angustefolia (Roxb.) ... 271 
10515. Balanghas (Linn.) «coer 
10516. Balanghas(Roxb.). ... 270 
10517. coccinea (Wall.) 273 
10518. colorata (Rozb.),.. _ 272 
10519. cuneata (Heyne.) rp ct, 
10520. fetida (Linn.) ... .- «= 26-4 
10521. gutta (Rozd.) ... oe oe 
10522. Haynei (Bedd.) ... set, Bale 
13523. mollis(Wall.) .. .. 271 
10524. nobilis (Br.) J rt 270 
10525. _plutanifolia (Linn, Tee 265 
10526. populifolia (Rozxb.) vee «= 0 
10527, = rubicunda (Wall.) ea yf o- 
10528. scaphigera ( Wall.) 275 
10529. urens (Rozd.) . vos) we 
10530. villoa(Rozb.) .., .. 268 


No. No. 
mxxxii, stereospexmum (Cham.) dexci 

10531. chelonoides (D.C.} 2149 

10532. suaveolens (D.C.) ZL 50 

10583. xylocarpum (Wisht) ... 2151 

10534.  Stereoxylon paniculatum 

(Buiz.) Sop Lea" LOB 
MXXxXiii. Steyensonia (J. Dunc.) cml xxxviii 

105385 grandifolia (J. Dunc.) 3147 
10536. grandifolia (J. Dune.) ... 3147 
10537. Sticherus laniger (Presl.)... 3325 
mxxxiv. Stigmaphyllon (A Juss.) ... cxxx 
10588.  aristatum (Lindl.) 358 
mxxxv. Stigmatophyllon (Meiss.) ... cxvx 
“mxxxvi. Stigmatophyllum (Spach.)  exxx 
10539. Stigmarota (Stigmarosa) 
Jangomas (Lour.) 135 
10540. Stilago Bunias (Linn.) ... 2614 
10541.  diandra(Roxb,)... .. 2616 
10542.  Jlaneeolaria (Roxb.)  ... 2616 
10543. Stillingflestia sebifera (Boj.) 2702 
10544. Stillingia Agallocha (Baill.) 2705 
10515.  bingyrica (Baill.) v. -2708 
10546. discolor (Champ.) xo BehUl 
10547. himalayensis (Klotz.) ... 2703 
10548. indica (Baill) 2703 
10549.  sebifera (Michx.) 2702 
10550. sinensis (Baill.) .. eee Oz 
10551. Stipa littoree (Burm.)... 8279 
10552. Spinifex. (Linn.) . 38279 
10553. Stipellaria mollis 
(Benth.) ap AIS) | 
mxxxvil. Stravadium (Juss. ) " cdxxii 
10554,  acutangulam (Miers) 1275 
10555. album (D.C.) 1274. 
10556.  demisswm (Miers) 1275 
10557.  globoswm (Miers) 1275 
10558.  obtwsangulum (Miers)... 1275 
10599. Rveedii (Miers) 1275 
10560. rubrum (D.C.) ... 1275 
10561. rubrum (Wall.) ... Pan LZ 
mxxxvili. Stzeblus (Lowr.) decelxviii 
10562. asper (Lour.) 2717 
10563.  taxoides (Kurz.) 2716 
10564. Streptia crinita (Rich. ve 3294 
10565.  secunda (Rich.-) 8295 
mxxxix. Streptocaulon (W. & A. Nee dexvi 
10566. Hamiltonsi (Wight) 1874 
10567. Kleinii (W. & A.) 1873 
mxl, Streptogyna (Beauv.) mxlii 
10568.  crinita (Beawv.)... 3294 
10569. guianensis (Rich.) 3294 
10576. Streptostiuma i shi 
(Dhwe)iea.e- Srey Odie 
mxli, Strobilanthes (Pl.) . deciii 
10571. adenophorns (Bedd. ) 2195 
10572. amabilis (Olarke) 2218 

10572 (bis) amplectens (Nees.) 2218 (bis.) 
10573. anceps (Nees.) . see US) 
10574, Andersonii (Bedd.) ... ©2205 
10575. asper (Wight.) .. ... 2208 
10576. asperrimus (Dalz) & Giks.)2201-d 
10576 (dis.) auriculatus (Nees,) 2218 (dis,) 









barbatus (lVees.)... vee Lee 
Beddomet (T. Anders.)... 2216 
bolamputtensis (Bedd.)... 2207 

(bis.) callosus (Nees.) 2212 (dis.) 

canaricus (Bedd.) .. 2182 
caudatus (7. Anders.) ... 2197 
ciliatus (Nees.) ... .» 2194 
ciliatus(T. Anders.) ... 2193 
consanguineus (Clarke) 2184, 
cuspidatus (Z. Anders.) 2183 
Dalzellit (T. Anders.) 2200 
? decurrents (Wees.) ... 2196 
Dupeni (Bedd.) ... ... 2210 
ericophalus (T. Anders.) 2202 
eaxtensus (Bedd.)... . 2212 
foliosus (7. Anders.) 2179 
glutinosus (Grah.) .. 2202 
gossypinus (T. Anders.) 2181 
gracilis (Bedd.) . .. 2216 
heteromallus (T. Anders. ) 2187 
Heyneanus ( Nees.) we 2201 
homotropus (Nees.) 2214 
inturruptus (Benth.) 2215 
involucratus ( Bl.) .. 2291-5 
ixiocephalus (Benth.) 2202 
jeyporensis (Bedd.) 2185 

Kunthianus (7. Anders.) 2180 

lupulinus (Nees.) vee 2200 
lupulinus (T. Anders.) ...2201-6 
lupulinus (Benth.) .. 2201-c 
inridus (Wight.)... -. 2206 
mieranthus (Wight) 2203 
microstachya (Benth.) ... 2199 
neilgherrensis (Bedd.) ..._ 2190 
Newii (Bedd.) ... 2212 
pallidus (T. Anders.) 2196 
papillosus (T. Anders.)... 2204, 
parviflorus (Bedd.) so) AIS: 
perfoliatus (Zi Anders.)... 2211 
Perrottetianus (Nees.) ... 2191 
pulneyensis (Clarke) 2189 
punctatus (Bedd.) 2189 
Tubicundus (7. Anders.) 2217 
rugosus (Wight) . 2201 
scaber (U'. Anders.) see) BEL SY, 
sessilis (Wees.) . 2209 

sessiloides (Dalz. & Gibs *) 2209-c 
sessilodies (Wight) . 2209-b 

sexennis (Nees.) -. 2213 
sexennis (Bedd.)... e =2214 
tetrapterus (Dalz.) . ... 2186 
trists (1. Anders.) vot 218 
violancus (Bedd.) 2215 
warreensis (Dalz.) wo. 2193 
wightianus (Nees.) 2188 
Zenkerianus (7. Anders.) 2192 
Stremeria trifoliata 
(Roxb.) ... 102 
Strombocarpa pubescens (A. 
Gray.) «-- 1006 
Simoeboai (Bl. Die oe) | CROMR 
ceylanica (Gard. yi oe «492 
javanica (Thw.)... oe 492 


10637. Strongylocalye hemispheri- 

cus (BL) .. 1234. 
mxliii. Strophanthus (D. 0.) .. dxoviii 
10638,  caudatus (Kurz.) 1846 
10639, chinensis (G. Don.) 1848 
10640. dichotomus (Wall.) 1846 
10641. divergens (R. Grah.) 1848 
10642. Wallichii (A. De.) .. 1846 
10643,  Wightianus (Wall.)  ... 1847 
10644. Struthtola scandens (Wall.) 494 
mxliv. Strychonos (Linn.) w+. ACxiv 
10645 awillaris (Dalz. & Gibs.) 1958 
10646. Reddomei (Clarke) 1960 
10647. = bicirrhosa (Lasch.) 1957 
10648. Bourdilloni (Brand.) 1964 
10648,  cinnamomifolia (Thw.)... 196% 
10650. colubrina (Linn.) ay 1957 
10651. colwbrina (Bl.) ... ~ | 1959 
10652.  colubrina (Wall.) 1960, 196i 
10653.  Dalzelli (Clarke) 1958 
10654, lucida (Wall.) 1962 
10655, minor (B1.) f 1957 
10656. Nux-vomica (Linn.) 1962 
10647.  potatorum (Linn, f.) 1963 
10658. Rheedei (Clarke) 1959 
10859.  Tetankotta (Retz.) 1963 
10660, Stylocoryne brevi fora 
(Schlecht.) 1493 
10661, densiflora (Wall.) 1500 
10662. dimorphophylla (Teysm 
Re Bice Yd) heli << ALGOO 
10668. malabarica (D.C.) 1499 
10664. monosperma (W.& A.) ... 1492 
10668. Pandaki (D.C.) ... 1499 
10666, Webera (A. Rich.) 1491 
10667. Stylodiscus peta 
(Benn.) . 2607 
mxly. Stylosanthes (Gn. ine .. CCXCY1 
10668. mucronata ( Willd.) 784 
mxlvi. Styrax (Linn.) dixiv 
10669. Benzoin (D7 yand. ) 1750 
mxlvii. Suwda (Forsk.) . declix 
10670. — imdia (Moq,) sco | 7atstl! 
10670 (bis.) maritima (Dumort. ). 2381 (bis.) 
10671. monoica (Forsk.) 2381 
10672. nudiflora (Mog.) 2380 
10673. nudiflora ('‘Thw.) 2380 

16673 (bis.) nudiflora (Moq.) 2381 (bis.) 
10674. Sublimia palmicaulis (Comm.)3129 
10675. Suregada angustifolia (Baill.) 2695 

10676. bilocularis (Wall.) 2694 
10677. glabra (Roxb.) .. 2694 
10678. multiflora (Baill.) 2694. 
mxlviii. Suriana (Linn.) ... clxv 
10679. maritima (Linn.) 432, 

mxlix. Sutherlandia (R. B,) eclxxxvii 
10680. frutescens (R. Br.) 762 
10681. grandiflora (Rid.) 762 
10682. imeana (EK. Meyer) 762 
10683. microphylla (Burch.) 762 
10684. tomentosa (Spreng.) 

be 762 
10685. Swartzea grandiflora (Gmel) 2096 
ml, Swietenia (Jacq.) exci 

INDEX. 301 
NO. Swietenia—cont, NO, 
10686.  Chickrassia (Roxb.) 481 
10687. Chloroxylon (Roxb.) 485 
10688.  febrifuga (Roxb.) 477 
10689. humilis (Zuce.) ... 479 
10690. macrophylla (King) 480 
10691. Mahagoni (.Jacq.) So ths 
10692. pumila (F.A.R. Kistna)... 479 
10693. | rubra (Wall.) seh ae 
10694. Soymida (Dunce.) ... 477 
10695, Sotrophola (Ham.) 481 
10696. _— trilocularis Say 481 
10697. velutina (Wall.) . 481 
10698. villosa (Wall.) ... 481 
10699. Sycomorphe Roxburghii (Miq. ) 2750 
mli. Symphorema (Rozb.) decexxxv 
10700.  involucratum (Rozh,) 2330 
10701. —involucratum ( Wall.) 
lapsu (C.) .. Zool 
10702. polyandrum (Wight) we ©2831 
10703. Symphyllia mallotiformis 
(Muell.). ... 2671 
mlii. Sympleos (Linn.)  . di xiii 
10704. acuminata (Bedd.) 1744: 
10705. anamallayana (Bedd.) 1730 
10706. Beddomei (Clarke) 1739 
10707. complanata (Brand.) 1743 
10708. flavida (Miq.) 1725 
10709. “foliosa (Wight)... 1741 
10710, Gardneriana (Wight) 1737 
10711, Hamiltoniana (Wall.) 1729 
10714. kanarana (Tald.) ... 1736 
10715, kurgensis ere) 1727 
10716. Looha(D. Don.) . 1725 
10717. Loha (Miq.) 2 1725 
10718. macrocarpa (Wight) 1735 
10719. microphylla (Wight) 1734 
| 10720. monantha (Wight) 1732 
10721. nervosa (A.Dce.) 1729 
10722. nervosa (Wight) ... 1741 
10723. obtusa (Wall.) .. 1746 
10724.  oligandra (Bedd.)... 1726 
10725. pendula (Wight.)... 1748 
10726.  polycarpa (Wall.) 1725 
10727. propinqua (Hance) 1729 
10728. pulchra (Wight) ... 1745 
10729. racemosa (Rozb.)... 1729 
10730. racemosa (Wall.) ... 1725 
10731. racemosa (Wight) .. 1742. b 
10732. reticulata (Grah.) A BLISS 
10733.  rigida (Wall) 1729 
10734. rosea (Bedd.) oo, | LAD 
10735. sessilis (Clarke) . so. 1749 
10736. spicata (Rozb.) ... 1725 
10737.  spicatae affinis (Bedd. ¥o 1727 
10739.  subglabra (Brand.) 1780 
10740. uniflora (Bedd,) ... 1733 
10741. villosa (Brand,) ... 1731 
10742. Warburgii (Brand.) 1728 
miiii. Synachla (Rafin.) .. céxlvii 
mliv, Synadenium (Bozss.) decevii 
10743 Grantii (Hk. f.) 2542 
mlv. Syncarpia (Tenore) .. 2. Gdn 
10744. lawrifolia (Lenore) ew. | L213 
mivi. Syngonium (Schott) vos XXII 


no. Syngonium—cont. NO» 
10745. albo-lineatum (Bull.) ... 3252 
10746. podophyllum (Schott) !... 3251 
10748. Syzygium alternans (Miq.) 1259-h 
10749.  angkolanwm (Miq.) .. 1256 
10750. Belluta (D.C.)  ... «. 1242 

10751. calophyllifoliwm (Thw.)... 1252 
10752. caryophyllewm (Gertn.)... 1246 
10758.  caryophyllifoliwm (D.C.). 1258-b 

10754. corticatwm (Wall.) w. 1242 
40755. — costatwm (Miq.) ... see l2D6 
10756. densiflorum (Wall.) .- 1240 
10757. Jambolanum (1).C.) --- L268 
10758.  lateriflorwm (Royle) ... 1258-6 
10759. - Michelii (Lam.) .. <a 1268 
10760. myrtifolium (D.C.) .. 1239 
10761. Neesianwm (Arn.) seen | ah 
10762. nervosum (D.C.) ... .. 1256 
10763. nodosum(Migq.) ... -. 1206 
10764. oblatwm(Wall.) ... ses el2ne 
10765. politum (Wall) ...  .... 1242 
10766. revolutwm (Thw.) .. vent L248 
107867. rubicundum (W.& AS ... 1253 
10768. _—salicifoliwm ( Wall.) ».. 1258 
10769. wightianwm (Wall.) Te el 2a 
10770. zeylanicwm (D.C.) ee L242 

mlvii. ‘Fabebuia (Gomez.) ... delxrxii 
10771. rosea (D.C.) x seer 
10772.  serratifolia (Hort. :) ay tole 
milvii. Tabernzemontana (Linn.) ... dxciii 
10773. coronaria (Br.) ... se. 11836 
10774.  cylindracea (Wall.) ooo) LOUD 
10775. densiflora (Wall.) ee ksi 4 
10776. dichotoma (Rozb.) . 1884 
10777. divaricata (B1.) ... == 11836 
10778. Heyneana (Wail.) .. 1835 
10779. intercedens (Van Heurck. 

& Muell.), MD ea 
10780. parviflora (Heyne) 1812, 1817 
10781. parviflora (Pers.) epee best 
10782. puncifiora (Wt.) ... Bates Biri 
10783. reevrua (Hohen.) .-- L835 
10784. salictfolia (Wall.) peat Ska, 

10785. _verticillata (Bedd.) Seed bss 
10786. Wallichiana (Steud.) .,. 1837 

mlix, Tacsonia (Juss. a cdxlviii 
10787. grandis (Hort. Mast.) ... 1864 
10788. ignea (Hort. Mast.) ... 1365 
10789. manicfta (Juss.) .. waa val SBD 
10789 (bis.) mollissima (Paset.) 1363 (2zs.) 
10791. Van-Volxemii(Hb)  ... 1364 
16792. viridiflora (Hb. & K.) ... 1368 
mlx. Tzeniophyllum (B/.) ... cmxxxix 
10793. Jerdonianum (Wight.) ... 2966 
10794. scaberulum (Hk. f.) -. 2997 
mlxi. Talauma (Juss.) abt sei icvarn 
10795. mutabilis (Bl) ... yc 18 
10796, pumila (Andr.) ... bee 19 
10797. Taliera bengalensis Wea ). 3175 
10798, Tali (Mart.) we 8175 


mlxii. Tamarindus (Linn.) eae 
10799. indica (Linn.)  ... ae 
10800. occidentalis (Gertn.) ... 
10801. officinalis (Hook.) st 
mlxiii. Tamarix (Linn.) 


10802. articulata (Wall.) ‘162, 168 

10803. dioica (Rozb.) ... oe §=6: 168 
10804. ericoides (Rottle.) ~ | eg 
10805. = gallica (Linn.) sot) IbZ 
10806. mucronata (Sm.) ace |) GH 
10807.  tenactssima (Ham.) soo S162 
mlxiy. Tanacetum (Inn.) .. dXxvii 
10808. crispuwm (Stend.)... sae) LGHO 
10809. — officinarum (Crantz.) . 1619 
10810, officinale (Gueld.) wee LOND 
10811. = sibricum (Falk.) ... -) bts 
10812.  siculwm (Strobl.) .. 1619 
10813. wmbellatwm (Gilib.) .. 1619 
. 10814. vulgare (Linn.) ... are aleile) 
10815. Tanghinia dichotoma 
(G. Don.) : ow. 1834 
10816,  lactaria (G. Don. 1 ose LSLS 
10817.  Jlaurifolia (G. Don.) ows) See 
10818. Odollam (G. Don.) so elSis 
roalxy. Taverniera(D.C.) ... .. CCXCiy 
10819.  cuneifolia (Arm.) 782 
10820. ephedroides (Jaub. & Sp. ) 782 
10821. gonoclada (Jauv. & Sp.)... 782 
10822. Nummularia(D.C.) ... 782 
10123. spartea (D.C.) ... 782 
10824. Tazxotrophis Soca (BI. ) 2716 
mixyi. Taxus (Tow.) cmiy 
10825.  baceata (Linn. ie ... 2828 
10826. | capensis (Lamk. yf 2830 
10827. contorta (Griff.) ... 2828 
10828. elongata (Ait.) .. 2830 
10829. nepalensis (Jacq.) ... 2828 
10830. ucifera (Wall.) eee 2828 
10831. orientalis (Bertol) . 2828 
10832. virgata (Wall) ... ... 2828 
10833. Wallichiana (Zucc.) 2828 
mlxvii. Tecoma (Juss.) ... delxxxii 
10834. australis (R. Br.) 2129 
10885. capensis (Lindl.) 2124 
10836. chinensis (C. Koch.) 2125 
10837.  diversifolia (G. Don.) 2129 
10838. floribunda (A Cumn.) ... 2129 
10839. glaveea(D.C.) ...  ... 2120 
10840. grandiflora (Loisel.) _... 2125 
10841. <mcisa (Sweet.) ... so) ae 
10842. jasminoides (Lindl.) 2126 
10843. monantha (Sweet.) 2129 
10814. mollis (Hb. J K.) 2122 
10845. Oszleyi (A. Cunn.) i. 2129 
10846. Pandorea Sanat op +. 2129 
10847.  redicans (Juss.) . .. 2128 
10848. rosea (Bertol) ... 2130 
10849. sambucifolia (Hb. & K. ys 2121 
10850. _serratifolia (@. Don.) ... 2127 
10851. sinensis (Spach.) .. vee) SL 
10852... sorbifolia (Hb. & K.) ... 2122 
10853.  spetabilis ( Planch.) ve §=2128 


xo. Tecoma—cont. NO. 

10854. stans (./uss.) vi eee «2121 
10855. = suaveolens (G. Don ) 2150 
10856. undulata (G@. Don.) 2120 
10857.  velutina (Lindl.) 2122 
10858. venusta (Lem.) 2144, 
10859. = «ylocarpa (G,. Don.) 2151 
10860. Tecomaria capencis 

(Spach.) 2124 
10861. Krebsis ( Klotzsch.) 2124. 
10862. Petersii (Klotzsch.) ... 2124 
10863. Tecomella undulata (Seem. ) 2120 
mlxviii. 'Tectona (Linn. f.) decvxx 
10864. grandis (Linn. f.) 2289 
10865.  Hamiltoniana (Wall.) 2290 
mlxix. Teinostachyvum (Munro) mxlvil 
10866. maculatwm (Trim.) 3319 
10867. Wightii (Bedd.) ... «3316 
mlxx. l'elopea (R, Br.) decxcli 
10868.  speciosissima (R. Br.) 2487 
mlxxi. Tephrosia (Pers.) .. ccx¢l 
10869. amzna (Hort. Calc.) 776 
10870.  argentea (Pers.) ... 776 
10871.  argentea (Wight) 771 
10872. coccinea ( Wall.) 770-c 
10873. Colutea (Wight) . 775 
10874. difusa(W.& A) ... 774-0 
10875. Ehrenbergiana (Schweinf. ) 776-b 
10876. elegans (Wall.) 773 
10877. fusca (W. § A.) 771 
10878.  galegoides (Grah.) 774 
10879. grandiflora ( Pers.) 769 
10880. Heyneana (Wall.) 770 
10881. Hookeriana (W. ¢ A.) 778 
10882. hypargyrea (D.C.) 770 
10883.  icthynica (Bertol) axe 008 
10884. incana(Grah.) ... . 776-b 
10885.  %mdigofera (Bertol) SAL Ue: 
10886. imtermedia (Grah.) 770-d 
10887. lancezfolia (Link) Boy) SCE: 
10888. lanceolata (Grah.) sont tl: aa 
10889.  leptostachya (D.C.) Py ad AK 
10890, tobata (Grah.)... “te ee 
10891. maaima (Pers.) ... . 774-b 
10892.  Mitchelleis (Grah.) vee TIARD 
10893. nervosa (Pers.) . ane WA 
10894. parvifiora (Wight) 7'74-b 
10895.  pentaphylla (Grah.) mer ii. 
10896. Petersiana (Klotz.) ixal (oS 
10897. pulcherrima (Wight) ... 770-a 
10898. pumila (Pers.) 774-c 
10899. purpurea (Pers.) ... 774 
10900. racemasa (W. & A.) Hao 
10901. senticosa (Pers.) ... shy. TOE 
10902. sericea (D.C.) 4 768 
10903. spinosa (Pers.) ... ee UIE: 
10904. stricta (Grah.)... sn lt 
10905. suberosa (D.C.) ... Aba TAGE 
10906. Taylorit (Grah.) 774 
10907. _tinetoria ( Pers.) oO 
10908. _tinctoria (Grah.) .. 773 
10909. timoriensis (D.C. yr T74-c 
10910, _ villosa ( Pers.) a, UY WE: 
10911,  Wallichii (Grah.) Pre Be 


No. No. 

mxxii. Terminalia (Linn.) .. Cdlxii. 
10912. alata (Roxb.) ... + 1150-4 
10913. angustifolia (Roxb.) Lee 
10914. angustifolia (Jacq.) 1143 
10915. Arjuna (W. & 4.) 1146 
10916. Aruta (Ham.) 1144. 
10917. Badamia (Tulasne.) 1145 
10918. belerica (fkozh.)... 1145 
10919.  belerica (Bedd.) .. wl 
10920. _belerica (W. & A.) .. 1145-a 
10921. Bena in (Linn.)... . 1243 
10922. Berrys (W. & A.) 1149 
10923. Catappa (Linn.)... 1144 
10924. Catappa (Tulasne.) 1144 
10925. Chebula (Retr. ) 1146 
10926.  citrina (Rowb.) .. ee. 1148 
10927. eglandulosa (Roxb. )  ... 1145-a 
10928. gangetica (Roxb.) ve. 1146-5 
10929. ella (Dalz.) .. 1146-4 
10930. intermedia (Spreng. nie 1144 
10931. moluccana (Lamk.) 1144 
10932. moluccana (Roxb.) .. 1145-0 
10933. monaptera (Roth.) 1152 
10934. Myrobalana (Roth.) ... 1144 
10935.  ovalifolia (Rottl.) eee WATS 
10936, ovata (Ierb. Rott.) .-. 1150-a 
10937. pallida (Brand.) .. 1151 
10988. paniculata (Roth.) .... 1152 
10939. punctata (Roth.) ... 1145-0 
10940. reticulata (Roth.) 1146 
10941. tomentosa (Bedd.) 1150 
10942. tomentosa (W.& A.) ... 1150-a 
10943.  travancorensis (W. § A.). 1147 

mI) xxiii. Terminalia (Rumph.) cmlxiv 

mIlxxiv. Terminalis (Rumph.) cemlxiv 
10944. alba (Rumpb.) . 3107 
10945. angustifolia (Rumph. a 3098 
10946. rubra (Rumph.) '. 3107-e 

mlxxy. Ternstroemia (Linn.) lxxiv 
10947. ameura (Miq.) .. 188-6 
10948. japonica (Thunb. ) 188 
10949, racemosa(D. Don.) oan LLOG 
10950.  Wightis (Chois.) .-. 188-6 


mlxxvi. Tetracera(Linn.) iv 
10951. levis (Vahl. ‘ 12 
10952. Rheda (D.C.)_.. 12 
10953. sarmentosa (Willd. ) 11 
10954. sericea (BI.) Fo 12 
10955. trigyna (Roxb.) ... Be 12 

mlxxvii. Tetradenia (Nees.) declxxxiii 
10956. ceylanica ( Nees.) . "2471 
10957. = foliosa (Nees.) .. 2471 
10958, furfuracea (Nees. ) 2471 
10959. Tetragastris ossea 2674 


mixxvili, Tetrameles (R. Br.) ... cdl 
10960, Grahamiana ere 1368 
10961, nudiflora (R. Br.) 1368 
10962, rufinervis (Miq.) -». 1868 
10963. Tetranthera alnoides See SGD 
10965. apetala (Dalz. & Gibs. ) 2458 
10966, apetala (Roxb,) we 2459 

No. Tetranthera—cont. No. no. Thrinax—cont. No. 
10967.  apetala (Wall.) ++ 2459-c, 11028. altissima (Hort.) wet 198 
10969. celastroides (Miq.) ve. 2460 11029, argentea (Lodd.) «os LEG 
10970. citrifolia (Spreng.) . 2459-b 11030.  aurata (Hort. Kunth.) 3188 
10971. coriacea (Heyne) 2463 11031. elegans (Hort. Schult.) 3188 
10972,  fagifolia (Wall.) 2430 11032. glauca (Hort.) ... 3185 
10973.  foliosa (Wail.) 2471 11033. gracilis (Hort. Schult. is 3188 
10974.  fruticosa (Ham.) 2462 11034. Marti (Griseb.) ies | eg 
10975.  furfuracea (Wall.) 2441 11035. — parviflora (Sw.) “os OLBB 
10976. geminata (Nees.) 2459 11036. radiata (Lodd.) 3188 

10977.  glabraria (Nees.) | 2459- b 11087. Thwecarpus juniperinus 
10978, glabrata ( Wall.) .. 2464 (Trautv.) ves | 2RIR 
10979, ¢ hevantha (Seib.) .- 2462 | mlxxxv. Thuja (Linn.) ... decexcix 
10980. japonica (Wight.) .. 2458 | mlxxxvi. Thunbergia (Linn. f.)  dexeviii 
10981.  lanceefolia (Grah.) 2467 11038. alata (Bojer.) ... ee «2161 
10982.  lanciefolia (Roxb.) 2467 11039. angustéfolia (Ham) ... 2159 
10988.  Jlauwrifolia ? (B1.)... 2459 11040. arnhemica (F. Mueil.) ... 2159 
10984.  lawrifolia ? (Jacq.) 2459 11041. coccinea ( Wall.) 2166 
10985.  laurifolia ¢ (Nees.) ". 2459-c 11042. cordifolia (Nees.) 2164. 
10986. lawrifolia (Roxb.) 2459 11043. erecta (7. Ander.) 2163 
10987. ¢ lawrifolia (Wall.)  .., 2469-c 11044. fragrans (Zoxb.) ... 2159 
10988.  lgustrina ( Nees.) .. 2460 11045. — fragans (Wall.) sot pe 
10989. litorails (Bl). .. 2459-6 11046. grandiflora (Roab.) 
10990. macrophylla ( Wall.) 2462 11047. grundiflora (Wall.) 2165 
10991. micrantha (Meissn.) 2463 11048. Harrisi (Hook.) 2165 
10992. monopetala (Roxh.) 2462 11049. Hawtayneana (Wall.) .. ose eLGe 
10993. multiflora (Bl.) 2459 11050. Hawlaynii(T. Anders.) 2162 
10994.  oleoides (Meissn.) 2466 11051. javanica (Gertn. f.) 2159 
10995. Panamanja (Nees.) 2465 11052. levis (Nees.) ,. 2159-b 
10996. Panamonja (Ham.) 2465 11053.  laurifolia (Lindl.* 2165 
10997.  platyphylla (Nees.) . 2459-¢ 11054.  longiflora (Benth.) .. 2159-b 
10998,  polycephala ( Wall.) . 2459-¢ 11055. mysorensis (T. Anders.). 2161 
10999.  pulcherrima ( Wall.) 2471 11056. pendula (Hassk.) -- 2166 
11000,  racemoso-wmbellata (Bl.) 2459 11057. Roxburghia (Nees.) ... 2159 
11001. Roxbwrghit (Nees.) 2459 11058. scandens ( Pers.) 2159 
11002. ¢ semecarpifolia (Wall.) 2462 11059. subsagittata (Blanco) ... 2159 
11003.  terea (Spreng.) .. 2459-5 11060. tomentosa (Wall.) 2160 
11004, tomentosa (Nees.) .. 24.59-c¢ 11061.  volubilis (Pers.) 2159 
11005. tomentosa (Rozb.) 2458 11062. Wightiana (7. Anders.). 2168 
11006. venulosa (Meissn.) 2461 } mixxxvii Thaya (Linn.) deccxcix 
11007. _-verticillata (Ham.) 2462 11068. acuta (Moench)... . 2817 
11008. Wightiana (Bedd.) 24.69 11064. australis ( Kose.) .. 2815-c 
mixxix. Thea (Linn.) Ixxviii1 11065. curviramea (Miq.) one GLO 
11009.  assamica (Mast.) 194 11066. dzmona (Salisb.) 2817 
11010. camellia (Hoffmg.) 193 11067.  decora (Salisb.) 2817 
11011. chinensis (Linn.) 2290 11068. expansa (Loud.) ae ZBL, 
11012. japonica (Baik.) 193 11069. filiformis (Lodd.) vos) eo iae 
11018. Theka termifolia (Ham. ) 2290 11070. gracilifolia ( Knight.) 2817 
11014. Thela alba (Gour.) 1653 11071. mnepalensis (Lodd.) 2817 
11015. coceinea (Lour.) .. 1654 11074. orientalis (Linn.) cco SRIF 
mixxx. Theobroma (Linn.) exiii 11073. pendula (Lamb.) won 2B 
11016. Cacao (Linn.) 302 |, 11074.  pyramidalis (Tenore) .-. 2817 
11017.  caribea (Sweet.)... 302 11075,  tatarica (Lodd.) ooo Ola 
11018. guianensis (Gmel. ) 302 11076,  variegdta ( Marsh.) 2817 
11019.  integerrima (Stokes.) 302 | CXXI. THYMELASACH A XOVIII 
mlxxxii. Thespesia (Corr.) Xciv 11077. Thyrsacanthus coccinea 
11022. Lampas (Dalz § Gibs.) 251 (T. Anders.) ee 2268 
11028. populnea (Corr.) . 252 | mixxxyiii.Thysanolena (Nees.) ... mxxxi 
mlxxxii. Thevetia (Linn.) dixxxv 11078.  acarifera (Arn. & Nees.). 3278 
11024. linearis (Rafin.) 1820 11079. Agrostis (Nees.) 3278 
11025. _neriifolia (Juss.) 1820 11080. maawma (Kuntze.) 3278 
11026. Thoa edulis (Willd.) . 2805 | mlxxxix. Tibouchina (Endi.). cdxxxix 
11027. Thouinia nutans (L.) .. 1783 11081. semidecandrum (Cogn.). 1806 
we = mi | 11282, Tiglium hispidum (Klotz.), 26386 

mlxxxiv. Thri nax (Linn.);.. 


No.  Tiglium—cont. No. 
11083. officinale (Klotz.) 2642 
11084, punctulatum ari ) 2641 

mxc, Tilia (Linn.) oxvii 
11085. cordata (Mill.) . 306 
11086. europea (Linn, ye 306 
mxci. Tiliacora (Colebr.) . xxxili 
11087. sabnormalis (Miers) 83 
11088. acwminata (Miers) 83 
1108, cuspidiformis (Miers) 83 
11090, —fraternaria (Miers) 83 
11091. racemusa (Colebr.) . 88 
mxcii. Tinospora (Miers) ee ©=XXX 
11092. cordifolia (Miers) sy: 80 
110938. malabarica (Miers) 79 
11094, palminervis (Miers) ... 80 
11095. tomentosa (Miers) ft 78 
mxciii. Tithonia (Desf.) dxxiv 
11096.  tagetiflora (Desf.) 1616 
11697. wniffora (Gmel.) 1616 
_mxeciv. Toddalia (Juss.) exlvi 
11098,  aculeata (Pers.) 386 
11099. angustifolia (Miq.) 386 
11100. asiatica (Lamk.) 386 
11101. bilocnlaris (W. § A.) 387 
11102. floribunda (Wall.) 386 
11103. =mitis (Miq.) oe t33./ 1 38k 
11104, nitida (Lamk.) ... 356 
11105, r- bicaulis (Willd.) 386 
mxey. T mez (Linn.) dcexxiv 
11106. tomentosa (Linn.) ... 2285 
mxcvi. Tomex (Lhunb.). declxxxili 
11107. pubescens (Willd.) 2462 
11108, sebijera (Willd.) 2459 
11109. tetranthera (Willd.) 2459 
11110. Tonsella disperma 
(Poir. 549 
11111. = prinoides (Willd.) 550 
11112. Toona ” velutina (Rem.). 481 
11113. villosa (Roem.) es, BASE 
mxeyii. Tournefortia (Linn.) -. delii 
11114. argentea (Linn.f.)  ... 1985 
11215. cymosa (Heyne) 1986 
11116. Heyneana (Wall.) 1986 
11117. = reticosa (Wight) 1987 
11118. Wightii (Clarke) 1985 

11119. Toxicodendrum Cobbe(Gaertn.) 628 

mxcvili. Toxocarpus (W. & A.) dexix 
11120. concanensis (Hk. f.) 1878 
11121. eriocarpus (Hk. f.) 1879 
11122. Kleinii(W.5- A.) ...-:1877 
11123. Roxburghii (W. § A.)... 1876 
mxcix. Trachelospermum 
(Lemaire.) oy . deviii 
11124, jasminoides (Lem.) 1863 
mc. Trachycarpus (H. Wdl.) ... mvi 
11125. ~—excelsa (H. W41.) 3208 
11126. Fortwnei (H. Wal.) 3203 
11127. = Khasiana (lI. Wal.) 3202 
11128.  Martiana (H. Wal.) 3202 
mci. Tragia (Linn.) decelvii 
11129 bicolor (Mig.)_... .-. 2698 
21130. cannabina (Linn.) ws 2697-b | 


No. Tragia—cont. No. 
11131. cordata (Heyne) -- 2697-b 
11132, glabrata (Heyne) ... 2556 
11133. hispida Menai ... 2697-d 
11134. hispida ( Willd.) . 2697-a 
11135. involucrata (Linn.) 2697 
111386.  Miqueliana (Muell.) .. 2698 
11187. montana (Muell.) . 2697-b 
111388. Tragularia horrida 

(Kcen.) 2367 
meii. Trema (Louwr.) decelxiv 
11139. orientalis (Bl) . 2713 
11140, Trembleya rhinanthera 
(Griff.) J287 
meiii. Trewia (Linn.) deexlviii 
1il41, hernandifolia (Roth.). 2689 
11142, macrophylla (Ruth.) ... 2674 
11143,  macrostchaya (Klotz.) ... 2674 
11144. nudiflora (Linn) 2674 
11145. nudiflora (Wight) 2675 
11146. polycarpa Dae 2675 
meiy. Trias (Lindl.) ; cemxxili 
11147.  Stocksii (Benth, ¥ 2929 
11148. Tricera nepalensis (Wall.) 2544 
11149. Trichawrus ericoides (W. & A.) 164 
11150. Trichilia coriaeca (Wall.). 471 
11151. nervosa (Vabl.) ... 460 
11152. spinosa ( Willd.) 404 
11158. = trifoliata (Wall.) AT) 
11154.  venosa (Spreng.) 46G 
11155. Tricholena|? fusca 
(Schult.) 4 3285 
11156. Trichoon Karka (Roth ) 3291 
mcy. ‘Trigonostemon (Rl.) decexxxvi 
11157. Lawianus (Muell.) 2643 
11158, longifolius (Baill.) 2654 
11155. nemoralis (Thw.) 2645 
11160.  zeylanicus (Muell.) ...2647-b 
11161. Trimeriza piperina 
(Lindl.) 2389 
mevi. ‘Triphasia (Lour.) ... clii 
11162  awrantiola (Lour.) 398 
11163.  ?% Sarmentosa (B1.) 401 
11164. _ trifoliata (D.C.)... 398 
11165. Triplectrwm radicans 
(W.. & iyo) DCA apne 
mecvii. Tripsiliwm (Rafin.) cdx i vii 
meviii. Tristania (R. Br.) cdxvi 
11166. albens (Hort. Berol.) 1213 
11167.  conferta (R. Br.) 1220 
11168. longifolia (Bed.) 1220 
11169. macrophylla (A. Conn.) 1220 
11170. _ neriifolia (R. Br.) 1221 
“11171. —salicina (A. Conn. : 1221 
11172. subvaticillata 
(4H. Wendl.) .. 1220 
mcix. Tritaxis (Baill.) descnes 
11173. / Beddomei (Benth.) 2629 
ALITA. zeylanica (Muell.) .- 2647-b 
11175. Triticum repens 
(Kunth,) e.) S208 
mex. Triumfetta (Linn.)... exxi 
11176. angulata (Lamk, BELA 539 
11177. = Bartramia (Roxb.) 332 


no. ‘lriumfetta—cont. No. 
11178. bilocularis (Wall.) 333 
11179. glabra (Hb. Miss.) ww. «= B33 
11180. glandulosa (Heyne) ... 330 
11181. «indica (Ham.) ... 329 
11182. oblonga (Wall.) ... * 329 
11188. oblongata (Link.) 330 
11184,  orbiculata (Keen.) . 333 
11185. ovata (1).C.) re 1829 
11186. pilosa (Roth.) ee ead 
11187. pilosa (Wall.) ... 329 
11188. polycarpa (Wall.) 330 
11189. rhomboidea(Jacguem.) .. 332 
11190. rotundifolia (Lum.) 333 
11191.  suborbiculata (V.0.) 333 
11192, tomentosa (Bojer) 3829 
11193. tomentosa ( Wall.) 330 
11194. trilocularis (Koxb.) .. 332 | 
11195. —-vestita (Wall) 329, 332 
11196. Trochisandra indica | 
(Bedd.) 543 
11197. Trophis aculvata (Roth.) ... 2717, 
11198. aspera (Retz.) ... 2717 
11199. cochinchinensis (Poir.) . 2717 
11200. ? Heyneana ( Wall.) 2716 
11201. spinosa (Heyne) 2719 
11202. spinosa (Roxb.) 2715 
11203. taztformis (Sprevg.) 2716 
11204, taxoides (Heyne) 2716 
mexi. Turnera (Linn.) .. ¢cdxly 
11205. acuta (Spreng.) ... .. 1843-6 
11206. caerulea (Mog.) 1343 
11207. — cistoides ( Baill.) 1342 | 
11208.  cumeifolia (Juss.) 1342 | 
11209. cumeiformis (Juss.) 1342 
11210. elegans (Nees.) . 1342 
11211. — frutescens ( Mill.) 1343 
11212. ‘odorata (Vell.) ... 1313 
11213. opifera (Tenth.) 1343 
112.4. = peruviana (Benth.) 1348 
11215. —trioniflora (Linn.) 1342 
11216. ulmifolia (/inn.) 1343 
11217. = virgata ( Willi.) 1343 
mexii. Turpinia (Vent.) ecliii 
11218. latifolia (Wsl!.) 651 
11219. = martabanica (Wall.) 651 
11220. microcarpa (W.& A.) ... 651 
11221. nepalensis (Wall.) 651 
11222. pomifera (D.C.) 651 
mexill. Turreea (Linn.) elxxv 
11223. alata (Wight) 450 
11224. yinnata (Wall.) 451 
11225. villosa (Benn.) 449 
11226.  virens (Hellen.) .. . 404. 
11227. Tweedia caerulea (D. Don.) 1886 
11228. versicolor (Hk.) .. 1886 
mexiy. Tylophora (Br.)  .., dexxxili 
11229. asthmatica (W. & A.) 1916 
11230.  capparidifolia Sis & A.). 1910 
11231. — carnosa (Wall.) .. 1913 
11232. Dalzelli (Hk. f.) 1915 
11237. micrantha (Thw.) 1912 


No. Tylophora—cont. No. 
11238.  mollissima (Wight) 1914 
11239. panciflora (W. g A.) ... 911 
11240. panciflora ? (Hk. f. & TN) 1915 
11241, pubescens (Wall.) soe) SOLE 
11242, tenuis (Bl.) con OID 
11243.  tenuissima (W. & A) «LOLS 
11244,  zeylanica (Dene.) soe LE 
Mcxv. Typha (Linn.) . MXXII 
11245. angustata (Chaub. sy Borgy.)3249 
11246. angustifolia (Linn.) 3250 
11247. angustifolia ( Kurz.) 3249 
11248.  elephantans (Rozb.) 3248 
11249. latifolia (Edgew.) 3248 
11250. Maresii (Balland.) 3248 

1251. Ugena dichotoma (Cav.) 3138 
mexvi. Ulex (Linn.) eclxxx 

11252, compactus (Moench. ) 740 
11253. europeus (Linn. ) 740 
11254, Floridus (Salisb.) 740 
11255, hibernicus (G. Don.) 740 
11256. major (Thore.) 746 
11257. opistolepis (Webb.) 740 
11258, Ulmus intergrifolia (Roxb.) 2710 
11259. Uniola mucronata (Linn.) . 3298 
mcxvii. Unona (linn.) .. XVi 
11260. chinensis (D.C.)... 37-b 
11261. cordifolia (Roxb.> 37 
11262. discolor (Vahl.) .. 37 
112638. Dunalwu (Hk. f. & fiby 37 
11264. hamata ( Dun.) 33 
11265. Lawii (Hk. f. sy ie) 38 
11266. leptopetala (Dun.) 35 
11267. Narwm (Dun.) 28 
11268 odorata (\)un.) ... 35 
11269. pannosa (Dalz.) 36 
11270. undulata (Wall.) 37-6 
11271. viridiflora (Bedd.) 39 
11272. Urania madagascariensis 

(Reausch.) 3043 
11278. speciosa (Wall.) 3043 
mexviil. Uraria (Desv.) cccii 
11274. comosa (D.6.) 792 
41275. crinita (Desv.) ... 792 

11276. desmodioides (ae ) 794 
11277. hamosa ( Wall.) .. 794 
11278. hamosa (Wall.) . 793 
11272. lagopoides (D. C.) 793 
11280, lanceolata (Grah.) 794 
1128]. leptostachva (Wall.) 794 
11282. linearis (Ha sk.) 791 
11283 picta (Desv.) + i EOL 
11284. picta{Wight) ..  .. 792 
11285. retusa (Wall.) 798 
mexix. Urceola (Rozb.,) de 
11286. esculenta (Benth.) 1850 
mexx. Urena (Linn.) A xe 
11287. cana (Wall.) «. «228 







Urena—cont. No. 

cordata (Hb. Heyne) .. 231 
Hamiltoniana (Wall.) ... 2380 
heterophylla (Sm.) coe ©«=.: 2.289 

Lappago (D.C.)... de 229 
lobata (Linn.) ... ‘a. eae 
morifolia (D.C.) ... -. 229 
muricata (D.C.) .. ve «=. 2 
palmata (Kozb.) ... Ls, 
repanda (Rozd.) .. 230 
rigida (Wall.: ... 230 
sinuuta (Linn.) . pe ead 
speciosa (Wall.) ... me zee 
tomentosa (\V all.) Annee 
Urera Commersoniana 

(iVedd.) ReaD: (57, 
crenulata (Weidd.) sae) GEO 
gigantea {Gaud.) ae SALON 
javensis (Gaud.) not HAA 

Urophyllum coriaceum 
(Miq.) eA ma 5110 
Urostigma  cegeirophyllum 

(Miq.) oes 2743-b 
affine (Miq.) ae 8 EBS! 
altissimum (Miq. .-. 8732 
Ampelos (Dalz. & Gibs.) 2724-a 
Arnottianwm (Miq.) ... 2740 
bengalense (Gasp.) sot C26 
Benjamina (Miq.) ee ROVER: 
caulobotrywm (Mig.) ... 274) 
ceylonense , Mit.) ssn GEL 
ircumscissum (Miq.) ... 2754 
connivens ( Miq.) st, (228 
cordifoliwm (Dals. & 

Gibs.) 2740 
ordifoliun (Miq.) eh os 
cunninghamts (Mig.) ... 2746 
dasycarpum (Miq.) .. 2727-b 
elastcwm (Miq.) . 2734 
eunewron ( Miq.) se Dhow 
Fraseri (Miq.) ... 2746 
infectorium (Miq.) 27 41, 2743 
Karet (Miq.)_... . 2734 
lacciferum (Miq.) .. 2732 
Lambertianwm (Miq.) ... 2743-b 
leucocarpum (Miq.’ .. 2748 
macrophylla (Miq.) we «2745 
microcarpum (Miq.) ... 2736 
modestum (Miq.) soe ESE, 
modestum (‘Thw.) ... 2737-b 
mysorense (Miq.) aco 2O2T 
nervosum (Miq.) Ee PB 
nitidwm (Miq.) ... ... 2736-5 
nudum (Mig.) ... .. =2733 
obversum (Miq.)... <> 2628 
odoratum (iiq.) oe = 2734 
ovoidewm ( Miq.) Be elise 
pisiferwm (Miq.) .. 2736 
Pseudo-Benjamina (Miq. ) 2742 
Pseudo-Tjiela (Miq.) ... 2742 
psychotrizfolia (Miq.) ... 2746 

religiosum (Gasp.) .. 2739 
retuswm (Miq.) ... soo 2150 
Rum phii (Miq.) ... .. 2738 



palsy Ale 


/ 11404. 

Urostigina—cont, No. 
timorense (Miq.)... oe | 2149 
Tjakela (Mig.) ... sie Ua 
Tjtela (Thw.) ... soo 2406 
tomentoswm (Miq.) eset, 2129 
volubile (Dalz.) .. 2724-4 

wightianum (Miq.) ... 2743-¢ 
Urtica acerifolia (AZenk.) 2768-6 
angustata (B1.) 2778 
appendiculata (Wall.) ... 2776 
aquatica (Moon) Joy ROT 
bicolor (Roxb.) . 2778 
blanda (Wall.) 2772-d 
candicans ( Burm.) . 2771-a 
candbgera (Wall.) .. 2772-4 
Churta (Ham.) 3 Zhe 
crenulata (Roxb.) ied 257) 
diversifolia (Link) «=- 2168 
frutescens (Koxb.) 2777 
gigantea (Poir.) 532) hOn 
heterophylla (Vahl.) ... 2768 
heterophylla (Wight) ... 2768-c 
horrida (Link) ee 2768 
longifolia (Burm.) eel WAM dss 
malabarica (Wall.) PE eeTHEAL 
muricata (Heyne) a Bok aS 
palmata (Forsk.) sao) 2 OS 
palmata (Leschen.)  ... 2748-b 
platyphyalla (Ham.) ... aus 
scabrella (Roxb.) --. 2772-b 
sinuata (Bl1.)  ... sea hah 
tenacissima (Roxb.) ... 2771-5 
wragera (Stend.) ... 2772-6 
utilis (Hort.) ... 2771 
verrucosa (Moon) popes Tis 
vesicaria (Roxb.) -- 2s 
zeylanica (Burm.) -_ ... 2768-c 
Usubis triphylla (Burm. Ve f28 
Utleria (edd.) ... 2<- GOxy: 
salicifolia (Bedd. y Sn glee 
Uvaria (Linn.) oes xii 
axillaris (ioxb. s a 35 
cerasoides (Roxb.) ses 43 
coriacea (Vahl.) ... Bee 31 
farcta (Wall.) ... . 35 
hamata (Roxb.)...  ... 33 
heteroclita (Rexb.) ~ 27 
Heyneana ( Wali.) : 55 
Heyneana (W.&A.) ... BL 
Hookeri (King.) = 29 
longifolia (Lamx.) Be 40 
lurida (Ak. f.& 7.) ... 30 
lutea (Roxb.)... eee 67 
lutea (Wall.)... vas 31 
lutea (W. & A.) ... © ... 55, 68 
mollis (Wall.) ... + 36 

Narum (Wail.) ... ens 28 

Narum (macrophylla) 

(Ak. f. & T.) ee lc see 
obovata (Heyne) Ess 53 
odorata (Lamk.) + 35 

odoratissima (Roxb.) sss. 33 

No. Uvari No. 
11405. Russellwu (Wall.) hen 67 
11406. suberosa ( Roxb.) 46 
11407. tomentosa (Roxb.) 66 
11408. velutina (Dun.) 64 
11409. villosa (Roxb.) 64. 
11410. zeylanica (Linn.) 31 

mcxxiii. Vaccinium (Linn.) Axxxvi 
11411. Bourdiiloni (Laws.) 1604. 
11412. Leschenaultii (Wight) ... 1639 
11413. nilgherrens¢ (i%ight} ... 1858 
11414. — rotundifoliwm (Wight) .. 1639-b 
11415. Vachellia Farnesvana 

(W. & A.) 1027 
11416. ? Vahea “florida (F. 

Muell.) Seas ibs{oy 
11417. Valeriana chinensis 

(Purm.) 2365 
mexxiy. Vallaris (Burm.) dxev 
11418. dichotoma ( Wall.) 1839 
11419. Heynei (Spreng.) 1839 
11420. ovalis (Miq.) 1840 
11421. Pergulana Suse 1840 
mcexxy. Vanda (Br.) % CMXXXy 
11422. congesta (Lindl. ) 2972 
11423. fasciata (Grdn.) 2969 
11424, arviflora (Lindl.) 2961 
11425. peduncularis (Lindl.) 2951 
11426. pulchella (Wight) 2967 
11427. Roxburghii (Br.) 2963 
11428. spathulata (Spreng.) 296% 
11429, tesselloides (chb. f.) 2963 
11430. Wightiana (Lindl.) 2963 
11431.  Wiehtii (Rebb.f.).  .. 2964 
11432. Vanessa cordifolia (Kafin,). 1459 
mexxvi. Vangueria (Juss.) a 
11433. edulis (Miq.)  ... “7 529 
11434. edulis (Vahl.) eee 
11435. — lucidula (Miq.) 1519 
11436. mollis (Wall.) 1529 
11437. pubescens ( Kurz.) 1529-c 
11488. spinosa (Kozb.) ... 1529 
11439 spirostylis (Miq. ) 1529 
mexxvii. Vanilla (Sw.) : emxlii 
11440. anaromatica (Griseb. ). +... 2984 
11441. aphylla (Lindl.) .. 2982 
11442. aromatica (Willa.) 2983 
11443. Epidendrum (Misb.) 2984. 
11444. imodora (Schiede.) --. 2984 
11445.  mewicana (Mill.) 2983, 2984 
11446. ovalis (Blanco) ... --. 2984 
11447. planifolia (Andr.) Saas ZAG} 
11448.  Walkeriw (Wight) 2981 
11449. Wightiana (Z2ndl.) 2982 
mexxviii. Vateria (Linn.) lexxiv 
11450. — indica (Linn.) 207 
11451, malabarica (M.) ... re y20R 
11452. Roxburghiana (Wight) ... 199 
mcxxix. Vatica (Linn.) ae pee xxor 
11458. chinensis (Linn.)... By mR) 
11454. laccifera (W.& A. ) Seep aoe 
11455. robusta (Steud.) ... 201 


No. Vatica—cont. No. 
11456. Roxburghiana (Bl.) ... 199 
11457. Thumbuggaia (W. & A.) 202 
11458. Velaga globosa (Gzertn.) 1315 
11459. aylocarpa (Geertn.) 286 
mcxxx. Ventilago (Guertn.) ccxxyii 
11460. bombaiensis (Dalz.) ° 560 
15461, bracteata (Wall.) 558 
11462, calyculata (Tulasne.) 559 
11468. denticulata (Willd.) 559 
11464. macrantha (‘Tulasne.) 559 
11465. madraspatana (Gaertn.) 558 
11466. madraspatana (ikoxb.) 559 
11467. silhetiana (Tulasne.) 559 
i1468. smithiana (Tulasne). .. 559 
11469. sulphurea (Tulasne.) 559 
11470. YVeralarus adpressa (Carr.) 2828 
11471. Verbenacitriodora (Cav.) .. 2282 
11472. dichotoma (Kaiz, & Pav.) 2385 
11478. diffusa (Poir.) ... «oe 2285 
11474, —frayrans (Salisb.) soe 2282 
11475. hyd2rabadensis (Heyne) 2283 
11476. indica (Linn.) ... 2284 
11477. jamaicensis (Linn.) 2284, 
11478. mutabilis (Jacq.) 2286 
11479. - triphylla (L’Herit.) 2282 
mcxxxi. Vernonia (Schreb.) dxviii 
11450, anthelmintica (Willd.)... 1599 
11481, arborea (Ham.) 1604 
11482. Arnottiana (Thoms.) 1600 
11483. aspera (D.C.) 1595 
11484. aspera (Ham.) 1596 
11485. Bhimeane (D.C.) 1604 
11486. Candolleana (W. & A. Jo 1598 
W487. celebica (D.C.) ... 1604 
11488. conyzoides (Wight) 1598 
11489. divergens (Benth. ) 1596 
1) 4.90. indica (Clarke) ... 1601 
11491.  janamica (D.G.) »:. 1604 
11492, longicaulis (D.U.) soe eLOOM 
11493. malabarica (Hkf.) 1594 
11494. Metziana (Schultz.) 1596 
11495. monosis (D.C.) 1604-5 
11496. multiflora (D.C.) eo 1596 
11497. neilgheryensis (Thw.) 15496 

* 11498. pectinifermis (D.C.) ... 1602 

11499. = puncticulata (D.C.) —.., ~=—«1608 
11500. rigiophylla (D.!!.) - 2. 888 
11501. Roxburghu (Less.) 1595 
11502. — saligna (D.C) ~ ... 1597 
11508. salvizefolia (Wight) 1600 
11504. squarrosa (Less.) . 1593 
11505. teres (Wall.)  ... w. 1593 
11506. travancorica (Hk.f.) ... 1605 
11507. volkamerizfolia (Bedd.) 1605 
mexxxii. Veronica (Linn ) cdlxxix 
11508. Lindleyana (Paxt.) 2117 
11510. salicifolia (Forst.) 2117 
mexxxiii, Viburnum (Linn.) cdlxxiv 
11511. acumiratum (D.C.) w= 1425 
11512. capitellatum (Wight) ... 1426 
11513. coriaceum (Bl.) ... . 1426 
11514. 1426 

cylindricum (Ham.) eee 


No. Viburnum—cont. NO. 
11515. erubescens ( Wall.) 1429 
11516. hebanthum (W. 4A.) .. 1427 
11517. lucidum (Mill.) . 1428 
11518. publgerwm ( W. y A. a, 1429 
11519. punctatum ( Ham.) 1425 
11520. serratum (Thunb.) 1122 
11521. _—_strictwm (Sw.) 1428 
11522. ‘linus {Linn.) ... 1425 
11523. Wightianwm (Hb. Hohen. ) 1425 
11524. Wightianwm (Wall.) 1429 
11525. Vieillardia grandifiora 

(Monbr.) Ee 125 
mexxxiy. Vigra (Savi.) cccexiv 
11526. pilosa (Baker.) .. $37 
11527. Wightiri (Benth.) . 836 
11528. Vignaldia Quartiniana 

GAs Raph Yi yell tea TES 
mexxxv. Villebrunea (Gaud.) decclxxxiii 

11529. appendiculata (Wedd.)... 2776 
1153). frutescens (Bl.) ... 2777 
11531. integrifolia (Gaud.) 2776 
11532. sylvatica (Bl.) 2776-b 
mcxxXxvii. Vinca ( Linn.) dlxxxvii 
11533. acatifiora (Bertol ) . 1823 
11534, elliptt-tfolta (Stokes.) ... 1823 
11535. grandiflora (Salisb.) 1823 
11536 humilis (Salisb.) 1823 
11537. intermedia (Tausch.) 1823 
11538. major (Linn.) 1822 
11539, minor (Zinn.) 1823 
11540. evatifolia (Stokes.} . 1822 
11541, pubescens (Urv.)... ... - 1822 
mexxxvii. Virgilia (Zam.) ... cocxxxii 
11542. aurea (Lam.) 917 
11543. capensis (Lam.) . 919 
11544. genistoides (Poir.) 921 
mexxxviii. Viscum (Linn.) ... dece 
11545, album (Linn.) 2515 
11546. angulatam (Heyne) 2522 
11547. aphyllum (Griff.) 2523 
11548, articulatum (Burn.) 2523 
11549. articulatum (Miq.) . 2524 
11550. attenuatum (D,C.) sue 2028 
11551.  Lenghalense (Roxb.) 2416 
11552. capitellatum (Sm.) 2520 
11543. compressum (Poir.) 2528 
11554, confertum (Roxb.) 2516 
11555. dichotomum (D. Don.) "25233-b 
11556. elongatum (Wall,) 2523 
11557. falcatum (Wall.) 2516 
11558. fragile (Wall.) ... 2523 
11539. Heyneanum (D.C.) 2518 
11560. — indiewm (Roxb.)... 2518 
11561. japonicam (Thwnb.) 2524 
11562. mangifers (Wight) .. 252U 
11563. moniliforme (B1.) 2523- 
11564. moniliforme (Wight) — 2524 
11565. =monoicum (Rozb.} one | SOLG 
11566. monoium (Wight) .- 2617 
11567,  nepalense (Spreng.) _ .,, 2523-b 
11568. opuntioides (Roxb.) _.,, 2523-b 


no. Viscum—cont. NO. 
11569. orbiculatum (Wight) 2519 
11570. orientalis ( Willd.) 2518 
11571. ramosissimum (Wall.) ... 2521 
11572. ramossimum (Wight) 2622 
11573. stellatwm (D. Don.) 2515 
11574. tenioides (Comu.) 2524 
11575: verruculosum (W. & 7 ) 2517 
11576. verticillatum (Rottl.) . 2520 
11577. verticillatum (Boxb.) ... .. 2°18 
11578. Wightinnum (Wall.) 2524 
11579. Visenia concatenata (Spreng.) 299 
11580. corchorijolia (Spreng.)... 299 
11581, Supina (Spreng.) 299 
11582. tomentosa (Miq.) 300 
11583. umbellata ( Night) 300 
11584. Vistania robusta (D.C.) 1745 
11585, robusta (Wight) 1791 
11586. swmatrana (Miq.) 1795 
11587. Visiania elastica (G asp. ") 2734 
mexxxix. Vitex (Linn.) . dexxx 
11588> Agruscastas (aurz.) 2308 
11589. alta (Heyne) 2311 
11490. altissima (Linn. f.) ... 2310 
11591. appendirulata Ore $i 2311 
11592. arborea (Desf.) .. ... 2309 
11593. arborea (Roxb.) 2312 
11594. bicolor (Willd.) ... 2309 
11598, inequfolia (Turez.) .. 2812 
11596. incisa (Lamb.) ... | 2309-6 
11597. meisa (Wall.) .. .. 2380 
116.98. leucoxylor (Linn. f.) ... 2304 
11599, Negundo (Linn.). 2391 
11600. ovata (Thunb.) ... 2368 
11601. paniculata (Lamk,) 2309 
11602. peduncularis (Wall.) 2313 
11603. pubescens (Vahl.) 2312 
11604. repens (Blanco) 2308 
11605. saligna (Roxb.) ... 2314 
116v6. trifolia (Linn.) . ... 2308 
mexl, Vitis (Linn.) . CCXXVi 
11607. adnata (Wall.) .. 509 
11608. anamallayana (Bedd.) - 603 
11609. araneosa (Dalz. & Gibs.) 605 
11610 anriculata (Laws.) 607 
11611. canarensis (Jalz.) 600 
‘11612. carnosa (Wail,)... 597 
11413. cinnamo.nea ( Wall.) 592 
11614. cordifolsa (Roth.-) 593 
i615, costata (Wall.) .., 584 
11616. crenata (Wall.) ... avo) | Oeeed 
11617. discolor ( Dalz.) . we |= ODS 
11618. divaricata ( Wall.) 604 
11619. diversifolia (Wall.) 584 
11620. elongata ( Wail.) 606 
11621. gigantea (Bedd.) 588 
11622. glabrata (Heyne) 594 
11623. glauca (W. & A.) 587 
11624. glauca (Wall.) 583 
11625. hederacea (Ehrh,) 580 
11626. heterophylla (Wall.) .., 597 
11627. Heyneana (Wall.) ey Ge 
11628. Heyneana (D.C.) eas E 
11629. himalayana (Brand.) ... 602 


No. Vitis—cont. No. 
11630. inaequalis (Wall.) 584 
11631. ineonstans (Mig.) 581 | 
11632. indica (Laws.) 596 | 
11633. indica (Ham.) 593 
11634.  «wdrca (Wall.) 594 
11635. Kleinti (Wall.) 587 
11636. Labrusca (Linn.) 593 | 
11637. Jlaeta (Wall; 589 
11638. lanata (Rozb ) 593 
11639.  Jlanata (Wall.) 592 
11640. lanceolaria (Laws.) 609 
11641. lanceolaria (Wight) 610 
11642. latifolia (Rozb.) 594 
11648. Linnei ( Wall.) 591 
11644. muricata (W. & A.) 609 
11645. neilgherrensis (Wignt) ... 602 
11646. pallida (W.& A.) 586 
11647. paniculata (Heyne) 608 
11648. pedata (Vahl.) 611 
11649. pentagona (Ham.) 593 
11650. quadrangularis (Wall) .. 582 
11651. = quinquefolia (Lamk.) 580 
11652. repanda(W. & A.) 589 
11653, repens (W & A.) 583 
11654. repens (Wall.) 590 
11655. Rheedei(W. & A.) 597 
11656. rosea (Royle.) ... 589 
11657. Roxburghii (W. § A.) 601 
11658. rugosa ( Wail.) 593 
11659. —semicordata ( Wall.) 602 
11660.  serratifolia (W. & A. 609 
11661.  setosa { Wall.) 598 
11662. = snicata ‘(Laws ives 610 
11663. tenuifolia (W.§ A ) 608 
11664.  ternata (Heyne) ... 592 
11665. tomentosa (Heyne) 592 
11666. = tricuspidata ( Lynch.) 581 
11667. _trifolia (Linn.) 599 
11668. _triloba (Heyne: Sous goOe 
11669. Veitchi (Lynch.) ... ‘ga aed 
11670. vinifera (Linn.) 595 
11671. Wallichit (Kurz.)... 5886 
11672.  zeylanica (Russ.) ... 594 
mexli. Vitmannia (Vahl. cil 
11678. elliptica (Vahl.) ... 429 
mexlii, Vitmannia (W. & A.) .. CCXXiV 
11674. africana (W. & A.) 556 
11677. Volkameria dentata (Roxb. ) 2319 
11678. fragruns( Vent.) 23238 
11679.  herbacea (Roxb.) sate 2318 
1168U.  imfortwnata (Roxb.) 2321 
11681. japonica (Thunb.) 2323 
11682. Kaempferi (Jacquem.) 2319 
11683. multiflora (Burm.) 2316 
11684. odorata (Roxb.) 2329 
11685. serrata (Linn.) ... 2318 
11686. Volkmannia japonica (Jacq.) 2323 

mexliv. Wagatea (Dalz.) ccexlvi 
11687. spicata (Dalz.) ... iad) OAS 
11688. Walkera serrata (Willd.) ... 438 


No. No. 
mexly. Wallichia (Rozb.) ..,... cmlxxxix 
1169.  disticha (7. Anders.) 3148 
11690. Yomae (Kurz.) .. wee 3148 
mexlvi. Wallichia (U.C.) evili 

11692. Wallrothia articulata (Roth.) 2312 

11693. leucorylon (Roth.) 2314 
mexlvii, Walsura (Rozb.) elxxxvi 
11694.  ? lanceolata (Wall.) 462 
11695. Piscidia (Rozb.) ... 471 
11696.  pwbescens (Kurz.)... 47% 
11697.  ternata (Rozb.) 470 
mexlyiii.Waltheria (Linn.) exii 
11698. americana (linn.) so, Ol 
11699.  elliptica (Cav.) 301 
11700. indica (Linn.)  ... 301 
mcxlix. Washingtenia (Gord. ) emi ii (bis.) 
11701. americana (Hort. Gord.)... 2826 
11702. gigantea (Windl.) ... 2826 
11703. Wattakaka viridiflora 

(Hassk.) 1918 
mel. Webera (Schreb.) edxciy 
11704.  asiatica (Bedd.) 1491 
11705.  canarica (Hk. f.) ..: 1494 
11706. certfera (Moon.) ... 1491 
11707. corymbosa (Willd.) 1491 
11708. densiflora ( Wall.) 1500 
11769.  glomerifiora (Kurz.) ee 1491 
11710. lanceolata (Moon) .. 151$-b 
11711. lucens (Hk. f.) .. 1493 
11712. monosperma (Hk, f.) 1492 
11713. ?nilagirica (Hk. f.) 1495 
11714.  oppositifora (Roxh.) 1500 
11715. —teirandra (Wall.)... 15 25 
11716 teliandra (Willd.) 1528 
11717.  thyrsoidea (Roth.) 1463 
11718. Weigela alba (Carr.) 1430 
11719. amabilis (Hort Carr.) 41430 
11720. fiortdu (A.De.) 1430 
11721. pauciflora (A.De.) 2430 
11722. rosea (Lindi.) 1436 
meli. We'hea (Spreng.) ca 
11723. zeylanica (Baill. yi 1141 
melii. Wellingtonia Seem.) emili 
11724. californica (Sarg.) 2826 
11725. gigantea (Lindl.) ... 2826 
mocliii. Wendiandia (Bartl.) edlxxxvi 
11726. angustifolia (Wight) 1465 
11727. biscuspidata (W.& A.) 1468-6 
11728. cinerea (Wall.) 1460 
11729.  exserta (D.C.) 1460 
11730. glabrata (D.C.) ... 1462 
117381. Heyneana (Wall.) 1462 
11732. laevigata( Mig.) ... «cat Lag 
11733. Lawii(Hk.f.)  . .. 1464 
11734. Notoniana (Wall. if 1463 
11735. prozima(D.C.) . 1461 
11736. Sumatrana (Miq.) .. 1462 
11737.  tinctoria (D.C.) ... 1461 
11738. Widdringtonia glauca (Carr. ) 2817 
11739. Whyter \ Kendle.) 2816 
meliy. Wikstroeemia (Endl.) “deexevi 
1174°. indica (0. A. Mey.) ... 2491 
11741. viridifiora (Meissn.) ... 2491 


No. NO. 
meliv (bis,) Willemetia'(Brongn.) ... ecxxiv 
11742. Willoughbeia cordata . 

(Klotsch.) 1802 

11743, Willoughbeia obovata (Spreng.) 1956 

11744. Winchia atroviridis (Kurz.) 1801 
mcly. Wistaria ( Nutt.) cclxxxvli 
11745. chinensis (D.C.) 763 
11746,  consequina ‘ Loud.) 763 
11747. floribunda (D.C.) 763 
11748. = multijusa (Van ‘Moutte.) 763 
11749. sinensis (Sweei.) 763 
molvi. Wisteria (Nutt.) eclxxxviii 
11750. pallida (Dalz. & Gibs.) ... 766 
11751. = rcecemosa (Dalz. & Gibs.)... 766 
melvii. Withania { Pawg.) .. delxiv 
11752. somnifera (Dunal) 2095 
mwolviii.Woodfordia (Saib.) cdxxxii 
11758. ~— floribunda ( Salisb.) 1307 
11754. = *ruticosa (Kurz.) ... 1307 
11755. tomentosa (Bedd.) 1307 
melix. Wrightia (Br.) . axevi 
11756. — wntidysenterica (Grah. ) ... 1833 
11757. coccinea ( Sims.) 1843 
11758.  Coraia (Wall.) 1842 
11759, Hamiltovtana (Wall.) 1842 
11760. mollissima (Wall.) 1842 
11761. Rothit (G. Don.) ... .. 1841-6 
11762. tinctoria(Br.) ... ... 1841 
11763.  tinctoria (Roth.) ... . 18416 
11764.  tomentos: (KR. 5 S.} 1842 
11765. Wallichit (A.Dc.) 1842 
mcix, Xanthochymus ( Roxb.) . lxviii 
11766. ovalifoliws ? (Bedd.) 179-c 
11767.  ovalifoliws (Roxb.) 179-b 
11768. = pietorws (Roxb.) bce alls} 
11769, — tinctoriws (D.C.) i78 
11770. spicatws (W. & A.) 179 
melxi, Xanthophy llam (Rozb.) lxv 
Wls71. = angusifcliwm (Wight) . 161-b 
11772.  Arnottinwm (Wight) 161 
11773. flavescens (kozb.) Fe 161 
11774. fiavescens (Roxb.) . 161-c 
11775. =paniculatum (Miq.) See SOL 
11776. Roxburghtanwm (Wight) 161 
11777. = wndulatum (Wight) 16k 
11778. viens (Roxb. : . 161-6 

melxii. Xanthozylon, see Zanthoxylum. exly 

mcxiii, Ximenia (Linn.) . ¢excvi 
11779. wxgyptiaca (Roxb.) 4.33 
11780. ame:icana ( Willd.) 487 
11771. = lanceolta (D.U.) 388 
11782. folacoides (W. & A.) 495 
11783. Russelianu (Willd.) er aS 
1:784, Xipholepis aspera (Steetz.) 1595 

melxiy. Xylia (Benth.) eas ecclviii 
11785.  dolabrifoi mis (Benth.) 1002 
melxy Xylocarpws (* chub.) clxxxix 
11786.  Granatum (Keoen.) 476 
11787. =molucensis (Roem.) +76 
11788, obovatus (A, Juss.) oe aS 




11789. Xylophylla angustifolia or) 2572 

11790, elongatn (Jacq. 
11791. Lucena (Roth.) 
11792. montana (Sims) ... 
11798. obovata (Willd.) ... 

mclxvi. Xylopia (Linn. Nan 
1179+, parvifolia (Hk. f. § T.) .. 
melxvii. Xylosma (Forst.) .. 
11795. latifolium (Hk. f & T.) .. 

11796. —longifolium (Clos.) 
11797. — monospora (Haw.) 
melxviii. Xymulos ( Baill.) 
11728. monospora (Basl!.) 


melxix. Yucca (Dill.) 

11799.  aloifolia (Linn.) . 

113800. arcuata (Haw.) 

11801.  armata (Seud.) 

11802. cowcave (Haw.) 

11803.  conspicua (Haw.,) ... 

11804.  crenulata (Haw ) ... 

11805. Draconis (Linn.) .. 

11806.  Hllacombri (Hort. Balm. yy 

11807. — ensifolia (Baker) ‘ 

11808. — ewigua (Baker) 

118u9, _ filamentosa (Linn.) 

11810. flaccida (Haw.) 

11811. glauca (Nois.) 

11812.  glaucescens (Haw.) 

11813.  gloriosa (Linn.) ... 

11814, — inteyerrima (Stokes.) 

11815. japonica (Hort. Carr.) 

11816.  obliqua (Haw.) 

118)7. orchtoides (Carr.)... 

11818. patens (Ang.) 

11819. pendula (Sieb.) 

11821, pruinosa (Baker) 

11821. puberula (Haw.) .. 

11822. quadricolor (Hort- -Baker) 

melxx. Zalacca (Reinw.) 

11823. Beccarii (Hk. j.) 

11824, edulis (Wal) 

11525. macrostachya (Griff.) 

11826.  Rumphii (Griff.) 

11827. Wallichiana ( Mart.) 

mclxxi, Zamia (Linn.) 

11828. corullapes (J. Ver sch. ) 
11%29. Corsaniana (G. lion.) 
11880. — cgcudtfolia (Brunn.) a 
11831. cylindrica (kegel) 

11832. Denisons ied) 

11833. Fraseri (kegel) . ae 
11834. Miquelii (Kegel) .. 

11835. spiralis (R. Br.) 

nelxxii. Zanthoxylum (Linn.) 

11836. alatum (Rozb.) 
11837. Budrunga ( Wall.) 
11838.  ? connarailes (W. & A.) .. 



No. Zanthoxylum-—condt. No, NO, Zizyphus—cont. No. 
11839.  crenatum (Wall.) .. 385 | 11880. celtidéfolia (D.C.) oo | ee 
11840.  floribundwm (Wall.) 386 | 11881. cumeata (Wall.) .., 565 
11841.  hotile (Wall.) 392 | 11882. ellaptica (Roxb.) . 565 
11842. lucidum (Wall.) 381 |. 11888. ferruginea (Heyne) 564 
11843. Marambong (Miq.) 378 | 11884. glabra (Roxb.) . 568-c 
11814, nila tricum (Miq.) 378 | 11885. glabrata (Heyne) 562 
11845.  nitidwm (Wall.) ... 366 | 11886. hamosa (Wall.) 573 
11846.  oblongum (Wail.)... 384 | 11887. borrida (Roth.) ut) EBB 
11847. ovaifulium (Wight) 381 | 11888. incurva (Rozb.) «. 1686 
11848.  ovalifolimm (Wight) ... 38l-a | 11889. Jujuba (Lamk.) cae, OO 
11849. Rhetsa (D.C.) 384 | 11890. latifolia (Roxb.) » "e685 
11850. Rowur shianum (Ch: vin, ye) 378 11891. Lotus (Lamk.) oe 563 
11851. — sepiariwm (Wight.) 88i-b | 11892. mauritiana (Ham.) 561 
11852. Serra (Turez.)  . 190 | 11893. microphylla (Roxb.) ~ 563 
11853.  tetraspermum (Ww. yA, yi) 383 | 11894. Napeca (Roxb.) 564 
11854. — triphyllum (Wight) 378 | 11895. nummularia (W. a. A. Ne 563 
11855.  zeylanicum (D.C ) 378 | i1896.  obliqua (Heyne.) .. 568 
11856. Zapania citriodsra me ) 2282 | 11897. Cinoplia (Mill.) ... woe §©=— 04 
11857. jamaicensis (Lamk.) 2285 | 11898.  oppositifolia ( Wall.) : 574 
11858. mutailis (Lamk.) 2256 | 113899.  orbicularis (Schult.) 065 
11859. = urticifolia (Poir.) 2285 | 11900. pallens (Wall.) 564 
mclxxiii. Zenkeria ( Trin.) mxxXxvi | 11901. paniculata (Roth.) 568 
11860. elegans (Trin.) 3286 | 11902. pedicellata (Wall.) 564 
11861. Zerwmbet ane sum 11908. racemosa (Wall.) ... 2548 | 

(Jacq.) 3008 | 11904. rotundifolia (Lamk.) ... 563 
11862.  Zingiber (Lest. aa 2997 | 11905. rotundifolia (Roth.) 565 
nclxXiv. Zingiber (Adum. yh cmxlvi | 11906. rufula (Migq.) 564 
11863, Casummunar (Rozb.) 2998 | 11907. rugosa (Lamk.) 568 
11864.  Cliffordiz (Andr.) 2998 | 11908. ruminata (Ham.)... 565 
11865. ligalatum (Rozb.)... 2995 | 11909. scandens (Roxh.)... 564 
11866. Missionis (Wall.)... 2996 | 11910. Sororia (Schult.) ... 561 
11867. montanwm (Limk.) 2998 | 11911. ? tementosa (Roxb.) + G8 
11868. nigrum (Gertn.) ... 3006 | 11912. — trinervia (Koth.) 561-562 
11869. officinale (Rosc.) 2996 11913. trinervia (Rozb.) ... 563 
11870.  purpurewm (Rosc.) 2998 | 11914.  wynadensis (Bedd.) 560 
11871. roseum (Rosc.) 2993 | 11915. xylopyrus ( Willd.) 565 
11872.  spurirwm (Keen.) 2997 | 11916. Yornia pulchella ( Pers.) 799 
11873.  squaroswm (Wight) 294 | 11917.  Strobilifera (Pers.) 870 
11874.  striclatum (Dials.) 2999 | 11918. Zwardekramia lwrida 
11875. Wightianum (Thw.) 2992 (Korth.) .. Pere (59/5) 
i1876. zerumbet (Sm.) : 2997 | 11919. Zygia fastigiata (Benth.) 1042 
melxxv. Zizyphus (Juss.) ... eexxvili | 11920.  sassa (Hi. Mey.) » Toa 
11877. albens (Roxb.) 564 |) CXXIX. ZYGOPHYLLAH A oxox 
11878. Burea(Ham.) ... 568 11921. Zygophyllum % connaroides 
11879. Caracutta (Roxb.) 565 (W. & A.) aA 





2785 Alnus glutinosa. 
(8.209). lxxvii. Hyperi- 

Aar (8.11). 

Aaron’s beard 
cum (genus). 

Aaron’s Rud (Bdn/L). 
pheta indica. 

Abb Bremerel Rose (itu/O/18) (Mu. 52) 
(Hod), 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflo- 

Abel Carriére Kose (Nic. 3/324)(Ru/O/18). 
1107-1 Rosa hy brida-semperflorens 

Abode (Devil's) (McL. 928). 1145 Ter- 
minalia belerica. 

Abricote Rose (Cag. 600) (Po). 1105-m. 
Rosa odorata (armeuiaca-intus-rosea). 

284 Stachytar- 

Abrony (Mch. 4, 9938). 327 Grewia 

Absinth (McL. 4), dxxvili. Artemisia 

Absinth (Indian) (McL. 4, 366, 997). 
1621 Artemisia vulgaris. 

Abutilon (Boule-de-neige) (Ooty. 201). 
218-e. Abutilon Darwini (niveum), 

Abutilon (Golden Fleece) (Ooty. 203). 
218-d. Abutilon Darwini (aureum). 

Abutilon (Red and Pink) (Ooty. 205). 
218-e. 4 butilon Darwini (roszfiorum). 

Abutilon (Scllowianum) (Ooty. 204). 
218-b. Abutilon Darwini (Selloviancm 

Abnutilon (Tomentose) (Br. 
Abutilon muticum. 

Abyssinia (Cura! Tree of Nubia and) (0. 
2/84, adpd). 821 Erythrina tomen- 
Abyssinia (Azamara of) (Oi. 
ecxli, Allophylus (genus). 
Abyssinia (Hezanty of) (Ol. 2/253). 917 
Calpurnia aurea. 
Abyssinia (Souaria of) (Ol. 1/421). cexli. 
Allophylus (genus). 

Abyssinian Banana (§.2) 
3u39 Musa Ensete. 

Abyssinian purple-eyed white-flowered 
Brinjal (Nic. 3/454, adpd). 2086 Sola- 
num marginatum. 

Acacia (Angular stalked).(McL. 226). 
1039 4 cacia Intsia. 

Acacia (Arrack) (Mc. 936). 1033 Acacia 

19), 224 


(Cag. 377). 

Acacia (Black) (Mel. 63). 102) Acacia 

Acacia (Cutch) (Mch. 138). 1035 Acacia 

Acacia (Egyptian) (McL. 840). 1044 Al- 

bizzia Lebbek. 

Acacia (Fine leaved) (McL. 97). 1040 
Acacia ponnata. 

Acacia (Fragrant) (Pfl.156), 1027 Aca- 
cia Farnesiana, 

Acacia (Fragrant) (McL. 840). 1046 

Albizzia odoratissima. 

Acacia (Kath) (McL. 138). 

Acacia (Medicinal) (McL. 
Acacia Catechu. 

Acacia (Panicled) (McL. 936) (Br. 66) 
(Ell.11) (Pf. 358). 1033 Acacia len- 

Acacia (Silver thorned) (McL. 
1037 Acacia latronum. 
Acacia (Siris) (McL. 840). 


Acacia (Small) (MeL. 936). 

Acacia (Soap) (McL. 844) (Br. 60) (Pf. 
447). 1038 Acacia concinna. 

Acacia (Stinking) (McL. 936). 
cia Farnesiana. 

1035 Acacia 

138). 1035 

1044 Albizzia 
1027 Acacia 

1027 Aca-- 

Acacia (Stipulated) (McL. 849). 1049 
Albizzia stipulata. 

Acacia (Tamarisk) (McL. 936). 1037 
Acacia latronum, 

Acacia (Tamarisk leaf) (McL. 844), 1038 
AcaCia Concinna. 

Acacia (Tomentose) (McL. 985). 1082 
Acacia tomentosa. 

Acacia (White bark) (McL. 936). 1033 
Acacia leucophloea. 

Acalypha (Birch leaved) (McL. 173). 

(Ell. 18) (Pfl. 226). 4662 Acalypha 

Acanthads (Br. 274). 
tkacez (order). ; 

Acauthus (Holly leaved) (Pfl. 523), 2228 
Acanthus ilicifolius. 

Accra (Kirk’s) Kubber (FAR. 43/SAC, 
SLM, 43 to 45/MBR), 1803 Landol- 
phia Kirkii, 

Accra (Watson’s) Rubber (Cat. 190, 254, 
adpd). 1804 Landolphia Watsoniana. 

Accra Rubber (Gbl.473) dlxxix. Landol- 
phia (genus). 

Accra Rubber (FAR. 24 to 29, 31, 33, 
36, 37, 42 to 47/MBR, 42/NLGS). ‘1802. 
Landholphia florida. 

Accrescent-sepalled Garden Croton (Hk. 
5/242, adpd). decexxxix. Blachia 





Accrescent-sepalled (Apetalous) Garden 

Croton (Hk. 5/243, adpd). decexli. 
Dimorphoealyx (genus). ie eet 
Ach root (McL. 867, 473). 1554 Morin- 

da eitrifolia. 

Ach (Small) Roct (McL. 3867). 1656 
Morinda umbellata. 

Ach (Wild) ttoot (MeL. 867). 1555 
Morinda tinctoria. 

Achanthe of the Greeks (McL. 188). 

1085 Acacia Catechu. 
Acicular spined Heart leaved Capershrub 

(Hk. 1/176, adpd). 115  Capparis 

Acidalie Rose (Nic. 5/644) (Cag. 597) 
(Hod). 1106-e Rosa borbonica (carnea- 

Acid cherry (Bs/'l'/220) (Gbl. 811). 1066 
Prunus Cerasus. 

Acid Cucumber Tree (McL. 98, adpd). 

866 Averrhoa Bilimbi. 

Acid Jack (McL. 299). 174 Garcinia 

Acid leaf Tree (McL. 299). 172 Garcinia 

Acid leaved Marool (McL. 82). 240 (bis.). 
Hibiscus cannabinus. 
Acid Lime (Mch. 484) (Bdn/F.T) (Ell. 

178). 413 Citrus medica-acida. 
Acid Naralay (Mch. 564, 994), £99 Vitis 

Acid (Large) Naralay (McL. 564, 994). 
609 Vitis lauceolaria. 

Acid (Smali) Naralay (Mech. 564, 94). 
591 Vitis Linnzei. 

Acid (Carbolic) Plant (McL. 182). 1639 
Vaccinium Leschenan!til. 

Aconite (Country) (McL. 63). 3119 

Gloriosa superba. 

Acorn (Medium-10-nerved Lance-acute 
leaved) Dammer (Bed. 1/2387, adpd). 
208 Balanocarpus utilis. 

Acorn (Medium -8-to-10-nerved oplong- 
lance-obtuse leaved) Dammer (Bed. 
1/237, adpi!). 209 Balanocarpus erosa. 

Acorn-fruited Dammer (Bed. 1/287, 

adpd). lxxxy. Balanocarpus (genus). 

Acorn (Sweet) Oak (McL. 82). 2789 
(bis.). Quercus Llex. 

Acuminate-base (Lanceolate) leaved 
Tree Bilberry (Hk. 2/560, adpd). 
1301 Memecylon Heyneanum. 

Acumin:te-elliptic- leaved Coroman- 

del Ebony (Bed. 2/66). 

1713 Diospyros 

Acuminate (Flagelliferous) Cane Feather 
Palm (Hk. 6/486, adpd). mvii. Calamus 

Acuminate (Flagelliferous) Cane Feather 
Palm (Hk. 6/462, adpd). mviii. Deemo- 
norops (g aN 


Weather Palm 
mix. Zalacca 

Acuminate (Prickly) Can ; 
(Hk. 6/473, adpd). 

Acuminate Hchites (Rid. 122). 1859 Aga- 

nosma marginata. 

Acuminate Mlliptic leaved Silverweed 
(Hk. 4/186, adpd), 1994 Argyreia 

3144 Geonoma 

Acuminate (Unarmed) Cane 
Palm (Cag. 340, adpd’. 

Acuminate (Broad Rachis) Feather Palm 
(Cag. 337, adpd). 38140 Archonto- 
phoenix Cunninghamii. 

Acuminate (\*hevaux-de-frise) Feather 

Palm (Red. 265, 266, adpd). m-xiii, 
Jubeos (genus). 
Acuminate (Cluster pinnate) Feather 

Palm (Rid. 267, adpd). 
liana (genus). 

Acuminate ‘curled) Feather Paim (Cag. 
341, adpd). cmlxxviii. Howea (genus). 

Acuminate (Curled-downwards) Feather 
Palm (Cag. 341, adpd). 3186 Howea 

Acuminate (Curled-upwards) 
Palm (Cag 341, 

Acuminate (Dense leaved) Feather Palm 

mxiv. Maximi- 

adpd). 81385 Howea 

(Rid. 266, adpd), cmlxxx. Hedyscepe 
Acuminate (Equally bifid) Feather Palm 
(Cooke. 2/809). 3180 Actinorhytis 

Acuminate (Keeled bifid) Feather Palm, 
(Hk. 6/418, adpd). 8143 Bentinckia 

Acuminate (Long Plaited) Feather Palm 
(Cag. 837, 340, adpd). 8125 Chrysali- 
docarpus lutescens. 

Acuminate (Nibbie-tipped and) Feather 
Palm (Rid, 264, add). 8134 Pinanga 

Acuminate (Obcordate and) Feather Palm 
(Rid. 264,adpd). 3183 Pinanga disti- 

Acuminate (Plaited) Feather Palm (Cag. 
339, adpd). mxii. Cocos (genus). 

Acuminate (Prostrate Plaited) Feather 
Palm (Rox. 3/650, adpd). #6161 Nipa 

Acuminate (Scurfy leaved) Feather Palm 
(Cag. 340, adpd). 3160 LHuterpe 

Acuminate (Scurfy flaited) Feather Palm 
(Cag. 344, adpd). cmlxxxiii. Rhopalo- 
stylis (2 onus). 

Acuminate (Silvery) Feather Palm (Cag. 
339, adpd). 38146 Ceroxylum andi- 

Acuminate (Spine petioled) Feather Palm 
(Nic. 1/506, adpd). mxvi. Hileis 


stemmed) Feather 
3142 Oncos- 

Acuminate (Spiny 
Palm (Cag. 3887, adpd). 
perma horrida, 

Acuminate (Unequally bifid) Feather 
Paim (Vag, 3842, adpd), emxcii. Oreo- 
doxa (genus). 

Acuminate (Verticil leaved) Feather 
Palm (Nic. 1/144, adpd). 3238 Attalca 

Acuminate (Small) Heart leaved Ordure 
Tree (Hk. 1/361, adpd). 274 Sterculia 

Acuminate (Brown-woolly-bac ked 
Ovate) leaved Caper shrub (Hk. 1/178, 
adpd). 120 Capparis acuminata. 

Acuminate (Obovate) lesved climbing 
caper (Hk. 1/179, aiipd). 122-b. Cap- 
paris tenera (latifolia), 

Acumina'e-leaved (Small-flowered) 
Honey-suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/220, 
adpd), 2613-b, Loranthus loniceroides 

Acuminate ( !void berried) leaved Lingam 
Tree (Hk. 1/172, adpd). 101-a. Cratze- 
va reliviosa (Nurvala). 

Acuminate (Ovate) leaved Parroquet Burr 
(Hk. 1/394, adpd). 3829 Triumfetta 

Acuminate oblong leaved Spear Flower 
(Hk. 2/521, adpd). 1668 Ardisia amp- 

Acuminafe obovare leaved Spear Flower 
(Hk. 3/519,adpd). 1665 Ardisia lan- 

Acuminate Ovate leaved Digitate Ivy 
(Hk. 2/729, adpd). 1413 Heptap- 

leurum venulosum, 

Aecuminate (Villous) Ovate leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk. 4/188, adpd). 2000 Argy- 
reiw Leschenaultii. 

Acuminate (Oblong) 
Arrowroot (Nic. 2/238), 

ed False Plantain (Nic. 2/129). 
Heliconia aurantiaca. 

Acuminate (Elliptic) small leaved Gam- 
boge (Bdn. in Bo. N.H.8. dated 7-12 
1898, adpd). 176 Garcinia Imberti. 

Acuminate (White-costate Plaited) Fea- 
ther Palm (Cag. 340, adpd). 3126 
Hyophorbe Verschaffeltii, 

Acute (Lanceolate) Bluish—flowered 
unarmed Nightshade (Nic. 3/428, adpd). 
2071 Solanum aviculare. 

' Acute Elliptic leaved Fig (McL. 73, adpd), 
2735 Ficus Trimeni. 

Acute Heart leaved Ordure Tree (Hk. 

1/360, adpd). 273 Sterculia alata. 

Acute (Brown-downy-backed Ovate) 
leaved Caper shrub (Hk. 1/174, adpd). 
105 Capparis grandiflora. 

Purple backed 
3016 Calathea 



Acute (Ovate) leaved Caper shrub (Hk. 
1/174, adpd). 106 Capparis zeylanica. 
Acute (Oblong) leaved Chinese Pagoda 
Tree (Hk, 2/249, adpd), 913 Sophora 

Acute leayed eglandular Senua (McL. 804, 
adpd). 955 Cassia acutifolia. 

Acute (Lance-oblong) leaved Litchi- 
fruited Gamboge (Hk, 1/264, adpd). 

173-a. Garcinia echinocarpa (acuti- 
Acuminate leaved Mangrove (KSN) 

(GDV) (GTR). 2334-c, Avicennia offi- 
cinalis (acuminata ?) 

Acute (Brown barked) leavec Mangrove 
(KSN) GDV) (GTR). 2334-b. Avicen- 
nia officinalis (alba). 

Acute leaved Senna (McL. 800). 
Cassia acutifolia. 

Acute (Long—petioled) 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/191, adpd). 
Argyreia fulgens. 

Acute oblong Trifoliate Tick Trefoil (McL. 
813, adpd). 797 Desmodium Cepha- 

Acute oblong Unifoliate Tick  'T'refoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 805 Desmodium 

Acute ovate leaved St. John’s—wort of 
Japan (Nic. 2/169). 168 Hypericum 

Acute (Pilose) ovate leaved Silver-weed 


leaved shrubby 

(Hk. 4/189, adpd). 2004 Argyreia 

Acute rounded leaved Xanthochymus 
(Hk. 1/269, adpd). “179-d. Garcinia 

spicata (acutifolia). 

Acutely-oblong leaved False Plantain 
(Nie. 2/129). 2047 Heliconia humilis. 
Adamant Creeper (McL. 685), 582 Vitis 


Adambo (Mch. 5,357, 478, 995). 
Lagerstreemia flos-Regings. 

Adambo (Rea) (McL. 5, 998). 
ma biloba. 

Adambo Creeper (MclL. 6). 
mea bileba. 

Adam Rose (Nic. 3/3824) (Mu. 51). 
1105-k,. Rosa odorata (ernbescens- 

Adam’s Apple (McL. 5, 484, 802). [412 
Sphalm] 411 Citrus medica-Lumia. 
Adam’s Apple (Bon. 296). 422-e. Citrus 

decomana-—typica (Palestina). 

2047 Ipo- 

2047 Ipo- 

Adam’s Apple (McL. 351). [1689 
Sphalm! 1692 Mimusops Kauki. 

Adam’s Apple (McL. 5, 473, 484, £02, 869, 
997) (3. 8, 442). 1°36 Tabernzmon- 
tana coronaria, 

Adam’s Apple of the Goanese (Gbl. 449). 
1692 Mimusops Kauki, 

Adam’s Fig (McL. 5, 687). 

2041 Musa 


Adam’s Needle (Nic. 4/227) (8S. 462) 
(Cag. 358). cmlxvi. Yucca (genus). 
Adam’s Needle (McL. 5, 1001). 31138 
Yucca aloifolia. 

Adam’s Needle (Muell. §,P). 3114 
Yucca filamentosa. 

Adaw’s Needle (S.8, 61, 468). 3115 

Yucca gloriosa. 

Adam’s (Aloe leaved) Needle (Nic. 4/228). 
3118 Yucca aloifolia. 

Adam/’s (Narrow leaved) Needle (Br 322). 
3114 Yucca filamentosa. 

Adam’s (Splendid) Needle (Br. 322), 
3115 Yucea gloriosa. 

Adder Spit (Nic. 3/840). 3335 Pteris 

Adeira of Peru (Muell. S.P). 8034 Canna 

Adsatoda (Tranquebar) (McL. 305). 

2258 Justicia tranquebariensis. 

Adhatoday (McL. 6, 999). 2266 Adhatoda | 


Adjutant’s Hedge (McL. 7, 665, 1003). 
(Cag. 414). 2548 Pedilanthus tithy- 

Adrienne Marx Rose (Mu, 52) (Hod). 
1107-m. Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens 

Adul oil Plant (McL. 55, 743), 
Jatropha glandulifera, 

Airua (Javanese) (McL. 702) (Br. 180). 
2374 Arua javanica, 

Aischynomene (Indian) (Br. 51). 786 
Afischynomene indica. 

Africa (India Rubber Tree of Tropical) 
(Nic. 5/468). 1802 Landolphia fiorida. 
Africa (Nitta Tree of) (Mcl. 481, 593, 

995). 100$ Parkia biglandulosa. 

' Africa (Silver Tree of South) (Nic. 2/255) 
(S. 76, 287) (Bed. 1/177) (Gbl. 575) 
(nell. S.P) (LE, xi/10). 2476 
Leucadendron argenteum. 

Africa (Small-feather-nerved Oblong- 
lance-serrate-obtuse-leaved Buckthorn 
ef South) (Nic. 4/209, 5/559, adpd). 
556 Noltea africana. 

Atrica (Wild Medlar of South) (Ol. 3/148). 
dy. Vangueria (genus). 

African Calabash (MeL. 73). 
sonia digitata, 

African Calabash Tree (Treas. 
2152 Kigelia pinnata. 

African (Tropical) -lasmine (Ol. 3/101). 
1508 Gardenia 'Thunbergia. 


257 Adan- 

African (South) Climbing Asparagus 
(McL. 516, adpd). 3093 Asparagus 

African Cypress (Nic. 4/208) (S. 11, 452). 
2316 Callitris Whytei. 

African Cypress Pine (Nic. 4/208), 
Callitvis Whytei. 




African Dwarf blue flowered Glory Tree 
(S. 101, Nic. 1/341, adpd). 2326 Clere- 
dendron myricoides, 

African (Sonth) erect Asparagus (N. 
2/121). 3025 Asparagus virgabus. 

African (South) Feather Asparagus 
(Cag. 357), 8092 Asparagus plumosus. 

African (Mrs. Thompson's) Glory Tree 
(S. 101, Nic. 1/841, adpd). 2825 Clero- 
dendron Thompsone. 

African Hair Palm (S. 90). 
zerops humilis. 

African Milk Bush (Nic, 3/530) (Cag. 417). 
2542 Synadenium Grantii. 

African (Richard’s) Mountain Ebony (Br. 
64, adpd). 1601 Bauhinia Richardiana, 

African Oil Palm (Gbl. 739) (Bdu/F.T) 
(Cat. 831) (Rid. 266) (taf. 181) (PA. 
329). 5236 Eleis guineensis. 

African Rubber (Cat. 190). dixxix, Land- 
olghia (genus). 

Afvican Rubber (Cat. 
Landolphia Kirkii. 

African Rubber (Cat 190, 254), 
Landolphia Watsoniana. 

African (White) Sitin Bush (Nic. 3/172). 
920 Podalyria argentea. 

African-Satin-Bush Tribe (Nic. 3/172), 
XLIII-A-i. Leguminose (order-Papi- 
lioneze suborder-Podalyriezw Tribe). 

African Senna (MchL. 805). 955 Cassia 

African (South) Sneeze Wood (FAK, 27, 
28/NLGS) (1.F. xi/4). 633 Pteeroxylon 

African (Kirk’s 
Rainbow shrub (Nic. 4/32). 

Yhumbergia Kirkii. 

African ( South) yellow Wood (Bs/'T/696) 
(FAR. 27 to 30,35 to 37, 48/NLGS). 
2830 Podocarpvs elongata. 

Agallochum Family (L/N/S/B). 
Thymeleaacexw (Order), 

Agaroo (McL. 9, 1U00). decelx. Execzecaria 

Agaroogandham (Mech. 9). 
carpus saptalinus. 

Agastya’s Plant (McL. 806). 
bania grandiflora. 

Agatty (McL. 10, 806). 

Agatty (Foreign) (McL. 10, 588, 847, 995). 
957 Cassia alata. 

Agatty (Great flowered) (MeL. 806). 
781 Sesbania grandiflora, 

Agglomera*e flowered Eared Jasmine 

3199 Cham- 

190, 254). 1808 

East) Violet-flowered 
2168 (bis). 


896 Ptero- 
781 Ses- 

781 Sesbania 

(MeL. 384, adpd). 1767 Jasminum 
Agil Wood (Gbl. 606). 2600 Hemicyclia 

Agnos of the Greeks (McL. 594). 2308 
Vitex trifolia, 


Ahoo (Mech, 367). 1554 Morinda citri- 

Ailanto (Coromandel) (MeL. 14, 742, 993). 
427 Ailanthus excelsa. 
Ailanto (Malabar) (McL. 14, 742, 998). 
428 Ailanthus malabarica, 
Ailanto (Water) (McL. 14). 
Dolichandrone (gezus). 
Aimée Vibert Rose (Nic, 8/825) (Cac. 
G02) (Ru/N/92, 0/18) (Mu. 56) (Hod). 
1108-a. Rosa Noisettiana (nivea). 
Air creeper (McL. 230). 2472 Cassytha 

(McL. 14), clxi. Ailanthus 



Air Plant (8.9). cmxxxiv. <Aerides 
(genus). s 

Aie Plant (McL. 804). 2065 Cuscuta 

Air Plant (McL. 230). 2472 Cassytha 

Aitcheson’s White China Rose (Nic. 
3/323). 1092 Rosa lewvigata. 

Ajauntry (MchL. 14). delvi. Argyreia 

Akee (Savoury) (Nic. 1/409). 630 Blighia 

Akee Fruit Tree (Gbl. 191) (Cag. 264) 
(Br. 33) (Rid. 102). 630 Blighia Sapida. 

Akulmookt (McL., 101). 926 Ceasalpinia 

Alangium (Sage leaved). (McL. 16) (Br. 
76) (Ell. 32) Pf. 1). 1420 Alanginm 

Alanjy (McL. 16, 996). 

Alba-carnea Rose (Mu. 52) (Hod). 1107-d. 
Rosa  hybrida-remperflorens (albida- 

Albaca (McL. 17, 54, 995). 
communis. © 

Albany (Duchess of) Rose (Mu. 58), 
1107-2. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Albany (Duke of) Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/ 
0/20) (Mu. 53) 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-velutina), 

Albert Lablotais Rose (Mu. 52). 1107-i. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea).. 

Alder (H/EF) (Nic. 1/49) (8.17). 
decelxxxviii. Alnus (genus). 

Alder ‘Common) (Muell. 8.P) (H/EF) 
(Nic. 1/49). 2785 Alnus glutinosa. 

Alder (European) (Gbl. 668) (FAR. 10/ 
NLGS). 2785 Alnus glutinosa. 

Alder leaved Copper Leaf (McL. 465, 
adpd). 2668 Acalypha alnifolia. 

Alder leaved Morning Mallow (Rox. 3/174, 
adpd). 214-b. Sida spinosa (alnifolia). 
Alder leaved Sida (McL. 68), 214-b. 

Sida spinosa (alnifolia). 

Alecost (Nic. 4/8) (S. 423). dxxvii. Tana- 

cetum (genus). 

1420 Alangium 

1069 Prunus 



Aleppo Pine (Muell. /8.P} (Gbl. 703) 
(Nic. 3/142). 2844 Pinnrs halepensis, 
Aleppo Senna (McL. 804, 847,995). 963 

Cassia obovata. 

Alexandra-like (Broad-leaved) Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646- 3q. 
Codizeum variegatum (Cameronii). 

Alexandrian Laurel (Bed. 1/21) (Bs/'T/54) 
(Gbl, 57) (Bdn/F.T) (Ell, 88) (Pr. 
1/254) (Pfl. 39). 181 Calophyllum ino- 

Alexandrian Senna (Mc, 804, 805). 963 
Cassia obovata, 

Alfred Colomb Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/91, 0/18) (Mu. 52) (Hod) 
(Po). 1107-i. Rosa hy brida-semper- 
florens (coccinea-rutilans), 

Alfred de Rougemont Rose (Ru/O/18). 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Alfred K. Williams Rose (Nic. 8/824) (Ru/ 
N/91) (Mu. 52). 1107-k, Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (kermisina-velutina), 

Algaroba (McL. 131) (Rox. 2/872) (Cat. 
130). 978 Ceratonia Siliqua, 

Algaroba (Texas) (McL. 501) (Muell. /S.P). 
1005 Prosopis juliflora, 

Algaroba Bean (Nic. 1/297). 978 Gera- 
tonia Siliqua, 

Algum (Mcl,. 

Aline Sisley Rose (Nic. 3/824) (RujO/18) 
(Mu. 54), 1105-p. Rosa odorata (pur- 

Allamand’s (Dr.) Dog-bane (Nic. 1/47). 
dciii, Allamanda (venus), 

Alligator Pear (Nic. 3/82) (S.15, 317) 
(Cag. 218) (Cat. 231) (Br. 168) (Rid, 
100, 184) (McL. 19, 999) (Bed. 1/184) 
(WAT) (Ru/N/69) (Mu/45), 2441 Per- 
Sea, gratissima. 

Alligator Yam (McL. 718). 2033 Ipomea 

Allspice (S. 830) (Br. 79) (Rid. 320). 
1208 Pimonta officinalis, 

782). 2526 Santalumn 

Allspice (Cag. 571), {1207 Sphalm? 
1208 Pimenta officinalis, c 
Allspice (McL. 171). [1207 Sphalm] 

1208 Piment: officinalis, 

Allspice (Indian) (McL, 171). (? 1208) 
1207 Pimenta acris (?). 

Allspice (Jamaica) (S. 220), 1208 Pimenta 
officinalis. . 

Allspice (West Indian) (Gbl. 356) (Bdn/F. 
(T). 1208 Pimenta officinalis. 

Allspice Tree (Nic, 3/129), cdxi. Pimenta 

Almond Family (L/N/S/B). XLIV. Rosa- 
ce (Order). 

Almond (McL. 76, 281) (Hk. 2/313) 
(S. 351) (Bed. 1/97) (GbI. 311) (Bs/'T/78) 
(Bdu/F.T) (Cag. 252) (Ru/N/69). 

-10638 Prunus Amygdalus. 

318 © 

Almond (Cag. 574). 1144 ‘Terminalia 


Almond (Bitter) (McL. 76) (Nic. 1/67) 
(S. 51, 351). 1063-b. Prunus Amygdalus 

Almond (Common) 
Prunus Amygdalus. 

Almond (Country) (McL. 188, 357, 460) 
(Pr. 1/481) (Br. 74) (Ru/N/20, 0/18) 
(Pf. 432). 1144 Terminalia Catappa. 

Almond (Country) (Cat. 32). 264 Ster- 
culia foetida. 

Almond (Cuddapah) (McL. 
Buchanauia latifolia. 

(Nic. 1/67). 1068 

177). 687 

Almond (Foreign) (Mel. 135). 665 
Anacardium occidentale. 

Almond (Grevish-green leaved Red 
flowered) (Nic. 1/67). 1063-c. Prunus 

Amyegdalus (dulcis). 

Almond (Horse) (Mc. 704) (Bed. 1/31). 
264 Sterculia foetida. 

Almond (Indian) (Mcl.. 138, 357) (Bed. 
2/20) (Ell. 547) (Bs/T/307) (Gbl. 337) 
(Ban/F.T) (Cag. 241) (Cat. 132) (Rid. 
101) (Mu). 1144 Terminalia Catappa. 

Almond (Java) (MeL. 283) (Bed. 1/52) 
(Gbl. 141) (BI. 133) (PA. 459). 446 
Canarium commune. 

Almond (Jungle) (Mch.* 474). 
Hydrocarpus Wightiana (*venenata). 

Almond (Jungle) (McL. 283). 446 Cana- 
rium commune. 

Almond (Jungle) (McL. 138). 1144 Termi- 
nelia Catappa. 

Almond (Large  Pink-based White 
flowered) (Nic. 1/67). !063-b. Pronus 
Amyedalus (amera). 

Almond (Malabar) (Mc. 138, 463) (Nic. 
4/17). 1144 Terminalia Catappa. 

Almond (Malacca) (Ru/N/69). 264 Ster- 
culia foetida. 

Almond (Malay) (McL. 188, 463). 
Terminalia Catappa. 

Almond (Persian) (Mch. 76) (Rid. 101). 
1063 Prunus Amygdalus. 



Almond (Sweet) (McL. 76) (Nic. 1/67) 
(S. 351). 10638 Pranus Amygdalus 

Almond (White or Rosy flowered) (Nic. 
1/67). 1063 Prunus Amygdalus. 

Almond (Wild) ‘Bed.1/31). 264 Sterculia 

Almond leaved Willow (Nic. 3/346). 
Salix triandra. 

Almond (Wild) Myrobalan (McL. 929). 
1144 Terminalia Catappa. 


Almond Willow (Muell. S.P). 2803 
Salix triandra. 

Almng (McL. 782). 2526 Santalum 

Aloe (McL. 20, 1001). cmlxviii, Aloé 



Aloe (American) {(McL. 20, 1001) (S. 21) 
(Gbl. 724) (Cag. 371) (Ru/N/112, 0/33) 

(Br. 218) (W. 12). 8049 Agave 

Aloe (American) (8.12) (Gbl. 723) (Pfl. 38). 
emlvii. Agave (genus). 

Aloe (Barbadoes). McL * 20, 74, 1001) 
(Ell. 88). 3117-a. Aloé vera (typica) 
(* vulgaris). 

Aloe (Bastard) (MeL. 21, 1001) (Ell. 29) 
(Br. 218). 3052 Agave vivipara., 

Aloe (Bombay) (McL. 21, 504, 932, 1001). 
3118 Aloé succotrina. 

Aloe (Brown spotted leaved American) 
(Nic. 1/41). 3053 Agave variegata. 

Aloe (Caballine) (McL. 21). 3118 Aloé 

Aloe (Cantala) (McL. 21) 3052 Agave 

Aloe (Cape) (McL. 21). 3118 Aloé succo- 

Aloe (Common) (Rid. 101). 31l7-a, 

Aloé vera (typica). 
Aloe (Common Hedge) (Br, 221). 3117-a. 
Aloé vera (typica). 
Aloe (Common indian) (McL, 21), 3117-a 
Aloé vera (typica) (indica). 
Aloe (Coromandel) (MeL. 21, 1001). 2117- 
b. Aloé vera (littoralis). 
Aloe (Vemon) (McL. 20). 


3049 Agave 

Aloe (Dull-red flowered) (MeL. * 21). 
3117-a. Aloé vera (vypica) (* indica). 
Aloe (East Indian; (McL. 21). 38118 Aloé 

Aloe (Elephant) (McL. <0). 3049 Agave 
americana. . 

Aloe (fetid) (McL. 21). 3054 Furerea 

Aloe (Foreign) (McL. 21, 801, 1C01). 
3054 Furcrea giyantea. 

Aloe (Ghe®) (McL.* 21). 3117-a. Aloé 
vera (typica) (* indica). 

Aloe (Great) (McL. 21). 

Aloe (Hedge) (Pf. 81). 
Aloé vera (vfficinalis) (?), 

Aloe (Hill) (McL. 20). 

Aloe (Indian) (Mcb. * 21) (Br. * 221). 
3117-a. Aloé vera (tvpica) (* indica). 

3054 Furcrea 
(?-a) 3117-c. 
3049 Agave 

Aloe (Mexican) (Nic. 5/28). 38050 Agave 
mexicana. : 

Aloe (Mocha) (McL. 21). 3118 Aloé 
succotrina. 5 

Aloe (Palmyra) (McL_ 20). 38049 Agave 

Aloe (Scarlet flowered) (McL. 21). 
Alocé succotrina. 

Aloe (Seaside) (McL., 21). 
vera (littoralis). 

Aloe (Small) (Pfi. 431). 
vera (littoralis). 

3117-b. Aloé 

3117-b. Aloé 


Aloe (Smaii Indian) (McL, 21), 3117-b. 
Aloé vera (littoralis). 
Aloe (Secotrine) (McL, 21). 


3118 Aloé 

Aloe (Spiked) (MeL. 21). 3118 Aloé 
Aloe (Turkey) (McL. 21). 3118 Aloé 


Aloe (Variegated American) (AicL, 20). 
(Pr. 218). 3049-b. Agave americana 

Aloe (Variegated American) (Ru/N/112, 
0/38) (? 3049). 3953 Agave variegata. 

Aloe (Variegated Texas) (S.13). 38053 
Agave variecata. 

Aloe (Wild) (McL. 20). 394¢ Agave 
america. t 
Aloe (Yamanuny) (McL. 21). 3118 Aloé 


Aloe (Yellow edged leaved American) 
(Nic. 1/38) (S. 12). 3049-b. Agave 
americana (variegata). 

Aloe (Yellow flowered) (McL. * 21). 3117-a 
Aloé vera (typica) (* vulgaris). 
Aloe (Zanzibar) (Mc. 21, 1042). 

Aloé succotrina. 

Aloe leaved Adam’s Needle 
3113 Yucca aloifolia- 

Aloe leaved Cymbidium (Br. 211). 
Cymbidium aloifolium. 

Aloes (Curacoa) (McL. 20). 3117-c. Alce 
yera (officinalis). 

(Nic, 4/228). 


Aloes (Genuine Hepatic) (McL. 2%). 3118 
Aloé succotrina. 
Aloes (Hepatic) (McL. 20) 3117-c. - 

Aloé vera (officinalis). 
Aloes (Medicina!) (S. 18). 

emlxviii. Aloe 

Aloes Wood Family (L/N/S/B). XCVIII. 
Thymelzacee (Order). 

Aloocha (Cag. 245) (Ru/N/65). 1069-b. 
Prunus communis (insititia). ‘ 

Alpam Root (Treas. Bot. 1/164). deelxvi. 

Bragantia (genus). 

Alpam-root (Long-velvetty-backed Broad- 
obovate-oblong-leaved) (Hk. 5/73, adpd) 
2389-b. Bragantia Wallichii (latifolia). 

Alpam-roo* (3iediu : -downy-backed Ovate- 
oblong-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 5/73, 

adpd), 23859-a. Bragantia Wallichii 
Alpam-root (Very-long-slightly-downy- | 

backed oblong-lance-acuminate-leaved) 
(Bk. 5/73, adpd). 2390 Bragantia 

Alpes (Coquette des) Rose (Ru/N/92,C/19) | 

(Mu. 52) (Hod) (Po). 
roseo kermesina). 


Rosa | 
(albida-intus- | 

Alphonse Soupert Rose (Nic. 5/645) (Ru/ | 

N/94, O/18). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea). 


INDEX. 319 
Alpine Eranthemum (Lr. 178). 21738 

Deedalacanthus montanus. 
Alpine Rose (S. 367). dxli. Rhododendron 


Alpinia (Large flowered) (McL. 298), 
3005 Alpinia Galanya. 

Alpinia (Loose flowered) (McL. 298), 
3005 Alpinia Galanga. 

Alpinia (Nodding) (Br. 213). 3008 

Alpinia nutans. 

leathery elliptic-oblong-to-round-obtuse- 
leaved Honey-suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 
5/217, adpd). 2510 Loranthus sarco-— 

Broad-ovate-elliptic- obt use-leaved : 
Honey-suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/205, 
adpd). 2496 Loranthus intermedius. 

Honey-suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/216, 
adpd). 2508-a. Loranthus neelgheren- 
sis (typica). 

linear-or-falcate-leaved Honey-suckle 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/215, adpd). 2506-b. 
Loranthus longiflcrus (falcata). 

Roundish-heart-obtnse-leaved H. ney- 
suckle ' Mistletoe (Hk. 5/218, adpd). 
2511 Loranthus lageniflorns. 

Alternate-and-op posite-medium-to-large- 
leathery -sessile oblong-to-round-heart- 
leaved Honey-suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 
5/215, adpd). 2506-c. Loranthns longi- 
florus (amplesicaulis). 

leathery oblong-eliptic-obtuse-leaved 
Honey-suckle \istletoe (Hk. 2/2135, 
adpd). 2506-a. Loranthus longiflorus 

elliptic-obtuse-leaved Honey-suckle 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/204, adpd). , 2495 
Loranthus Wallichianus. 

Narrowly-elliptic-oblong-obtuse leaved 
Honey-suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/217, 
adpd). 2509 Loranthus memecvlifolius. 

Gloss-wort (Hk. 5/12, adpd). 2377 
Arthrocnemum indicum. 

leathery mealy-downy-glabrate elliptic- 
obtuse-leaved Houney-suckle Mistletoe 
(Hk. 5/207, adpd). 2499 Loranthus 

Alternate-broad-leaved (Axil-flowered) 
Myrtle (Hk. 2/464, adpd).  edxvi. 
Tristania (genus). 

Alternate leaflet Sugar Palm (Hk. 6/422 
Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3151 Ar-nga Wightii’ 


Alternate-leaved Berried Box (Treas. Bot. 
2/1020, Hk. 5/240, adpd).  dcecix. 
Sarcococea (gewas). 

Alternate leaved Black Plum (McL. 379, 
522, adpd). 1255 Hugenia alternifolia. 
Alternate leaved Oimnamon of the Nilgiris 

(MeL. 188, adpd), 2439 Cinnamomun 


Alternate-leaved Queensland Nut (Bth. Bf | 
317, adpd). dcelxxxviii. Helicia 

Alternate-leaved tetramerous panicled 
Purple-bloom Cherry (Rox. 1/413, 
adpd). dixxv. Dobera (genus). 

Alternate !eayed umbelled Australian 
Rose (Bth. 1/302, adpd). exlii. EHrios- 

temon (genus). 

Myrtle (Hk. 2/462, 

Ley tospermum (genus). 
Alternate-narrow-leaved (Spicate-flower- 

adpd).  edxiv. 

ed) Myrtle (Hk. 2/462, adpd). cdxv. 
Melaleuca (genus). 
Alternate-pinnate-leaved (Crimson- 

midribbed Linear-lancefolioled) 
Spindle Tree (Nic. 1/104, 5/79, adpd). 
545 Eizeodendron orientale. 
Alternate-subterminal-leaved Willow 
Swallowwort Tree (Hk. 4/7, adpd). 
dexv. Uttleria (genus). 
Alternate-trinerved-very-small-ashy - 
downy-glabrate obovate-cuneate-obtuse 
leaved Honey-suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 
5/213, adpd). 2504 Loranthus recurvus. 
Alternate trinerved-Very-small obovate 
cuneate-obtuse-or-retuse-leaved Honey- 
wsuckle Mistletoe (Hk, 5/214, adpd). 
2505 Loranthus cuneatns. 
Honey-suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/213, 
adpd). 2503-b. Loranthus bracteatus 
Roundish-obtuse-leaved Honey- -suckle 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/213, adpd). 2503-a. 
Loranthus bracteatus (typica). 
backed ocbovate-cblong-obtuse-leaved 
Honey-suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/212, 

adpd). 2502 Loranthus tomentosus. 
Alternately  fascicled-pinnate Dwarf 
Rattan (Hk. 6/473, adpd). 8222 
Zalacea edulis. 
Alternately fascicled-pinnate Rattan 
(Hk. 6/448, adpd). 3210 Calamus 

Alternately ternate-pinnate Rattan (Hk. 
6/452, adpd). 3212 Calamus Kheedii. 
Alucha (Bs/T/279) (Gbl 313). 1069-b. 

Prunus communis (insititia). 
Amaltas (McL. 208) (Pr. 1/487). 
Cassia Fistula. 




Amaranth Family (Br. 177) (L/N/S/B). 
LXXXVIII. Amarantaceze (Order). 
Amaranths (McL. 1003). UXXXVIII. 

Amarantaceze (Order), 
Amaryllids (MeL. 1003) (Br. 217). CXVIz 
Amaryllidaceze (Order). 

Amaryllis Lily Family (Br. 217), CXVI, 
Amaryllidaceze (Order). 

Amba (McL. 467). 663 Mangifera 

| Ambauree (McL. 82). 240 (bis.). Hibiscus 

| Amboyna Dammer (Mech. 258). 


Ambilla Tree (McL. 308). 2613 Antidesma 

Agathis loranthifolia. 

Amboyna Dammer Pine (Nic. 1/439) 
(Cag. 407). 28382 Agathis loranthifolia. 

Amboyna Kino (McL 418, 977). (? 894) 
897 Pterocarpus Marsupium, 
Amboyna Pomelo (Bon. 296). 422-a. 

Citrus decumana-typica (typica). 

Amboyna Sponia (Mch. 361). 2713 Trema 
orientalis (?). 

Amboyna Wood (MclL. 
Pterospermum (genus). 

America (Bass Wood of) (Kew. Bull. 5/ 
1912). 16 Liriodendron tulipiferum. 

America (Cabbage Palm of) (Nic. 2/521). 
emxcii. Oreodoxa (genus). 

America (Canary White Wood of) (Kew. 
Bull. 5/1912). 16 Liriodendron tulipi- 

America (Ceiba Cotton of South) (MeL, 
235, corr). 258 Bombax Ceiba. 

America (Copper flowered Coral Tree of 

510). —evii. 

South) (Nic. 1/531, adpd). 825 Hryth- 
tina glauca. 
America (Dumb-cane of - Brazil and 

Tropical) (Nic. 1/472 to 474). 
Dieffenbachia picta. 

America (Five leaved Ampelopsis of 
North) (Nic. 1/65). 580 Vitis hederacea. 

America (Indian Bean of) (S. 81, 213). 
2154 Catalpa speciosa. 

America (Large white Laurel Tulip Tree 
of) (Nic. 3/316). 20 Magnolia grandi- 

America (Long leaved Pine of) (H/EF). 
2839 Pinus palustris. 

America (Many-(3-7)-free-styled Ivy of) 
(Treas. Bot. 2/1323). cdixi. Oreopanax 

America (Southern Yellow Pine of) (H/E. 
F). 2889 Pious palustris. 

America (Tulip Tree of North) (Muell 
S.P.) (H/E#) (Kew. Bull 5/1-10) (Nic. 
5/511) (8. 246, 411) (Rid. 185). 16 
Liriodendron tulipiferum. 

America (Wax Paim of South) (Rid. 265) 
(Jaf. 129). 3146 Ceroxylum andicolum. 

America (White Poplar of) (Kew. Bull 
5/1912). 16 Liriodendron tulipiferum, 



America (Yellow Poplar of) (Kew. Bull, 
5/1912). 16 Liriodendron tulipiferum, 
America (Yellow-racemed-flowered Rose- 
wood of South) (Treas. Bot. 
ecexxviii. Platymischium (genus). 

America (Western) Yellow Pine (H/HF) 

(Muell. 8.P). 2853 Pinus ponderosa. 

American Aloe (8.12) (Gbl, 728) (Pf. 33). | 

emlvii. Agave (genus). 

American Aloe (McL. 20, 1001) (S. 21) 
(Gbl. 724) (Cag. 871) (Ru/N/112, 0/33) 
(Br. 218) (W. 12). 38049 Agave 

American (Brown spotted leaved) Aloe | 

(Nic. 1/41). 8053 Agave variegata. 

American (Variegated) Aloe (8u/N/112, 
0/38). (2 8049-b.) 8053 Agave 

American (Variegated) Aloe (Mchl. 20) | 
3049-b. Agave americana | 

(Br. 218). 

American (Yellow edged leaved) Aloe. | 

3049-b. Agave americana (variegata). 
American Beauty Rose (Mu, 52). 1107-j. 

Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 


American Bell-bine (S. 215). 
Tpomza (genus). 

American Bell Flower (Mol. 362). 2019 
Tpomeea Quamoclit, : 

American Bindweed (McL. 120). 
Ipomeea (genns). 

American Bitter Wood (Ol. 1/312). 
Quassia amara. 

American Bully (McL. 506). 

American (Brown stalked) Cabbage Palm 
(Nic. 2/521, adpd). 3158 

American (Flagelliferous) Cabbage Palm 
(Cooke. 2/810). 3156 Oreodoxa regia. 
American (Longer leafletted) Cabbage 
Palm (Nis. 2/521, adpd), 3157 Oreo- 

doxa oleracea. 

American (Shorter leafletted) Cabbage 



1679 Achras 

Palm (Nic. 2/521, adpd) 3156 Oreo- 
doxa regia. 
American Calaba (McL. 704). Ixx. Calo- 

phyllum (genus). ‘ 

American (South) Coca Bush (McL. 191). 
350 Erythroxylon Coca. 

American (King Maximilian’s South) 
Cocoanut (Nic, 2/839), 3234 Maximi- 
liana ragia. 

American (Weddel’s South) Cocoanut 
(Nic. 1/349). 3231 Cocos Weddeliana. 
American Cotton (McL. 133, 233, 993) 
(Pfl. 100). 254 Gossypium barbadense. 

American (Rosy South) Daisy Thistle 
shrub (Nic. 1/159, 5/128, adpd), 1631 
Barnadesia rosea. 

American Divy-divy (McL. 278). 
Cessalpinia coriaria. 



1/902). | 

Oreodoxa | 

936 | 


American (South) Dwarf Cane Palm (3. 
177, Nic. 2/63, apd). cmlxxxvi, Geo- 
noma (genus). 

American Hackberry Tree (Muell. S. P.) 
decelxiii. Celtis (genus). 

American Hairy Senna (McL. 847), 951 
Cassia hirsuta. 

American (North) Hoary Pea (Nic. 4/17). 
eexci, Tephrosia (genns). 

American Ivy (McL, 1003). 

cdlix, Aralia 

| American (Spanish)’Jasmine (McL. 644), 

(Cag. 497, corr). 

American Laurel (S, 224). 

American Log-Wood (Cat. 130). 942 
Heematoxylon campechianum, 

American Moon creeper (Mc. 512, adpd). 
2015 lpomeea bona-nox, 

American Moon Flower (McL. 512, 998, 
adpd), 2015 Ipomea bona-nox, 
American Mountain Rose (MRS). 

Antigonon leptopus. 
American (Tropical) Night-blooming Jas- 

1825 Plumeria acuti- 

dxlii. Kalmia 


mine (S. 89, corr), declxxiii. Cestrum 
American Night Jasmine (S. 89 corr), 

delxxiii, Cestrum (genus). 
American (North) Pencil Cedar (Muell 8. 
P.). 2822 Juniperus virginiana. 
American Rosy Trumpet creeper (Ooty. 
476). 2130 Tabebuia resea. 
American (Central) Rubber (Cat. 204, 
300). 2761 Castilloa elastica., 
American Rubber Tree (Cag. 414). 
Castilloa elastica, 

American (South) Spadie Bush (McL. 
191) (Br, 31) (Gbl. 116). 350 Ery- 
throxylon Coea. 


_ American Sumach (Mch. 278) (Gbl. 268) 

(Bdn/F.T.) (Cag. 620) (Cat. 101) (KIL. 
129) (Pfl. 434) (Ru/N/51, 0/8). 936 
Czesalpinia, coriaria, 

American Sycamore (H/H.F). decelxxxv. 
Platanus (genus). 

American White Pine (Muell. S.P.) 
(Ho/E.F.) (Gbl. 704), 2856 Pinus 

Americans (Aralia of the) (McL, 1003). 
edlix, Aralia (genus). 

_ Amilbed (Bon. 41) (Ru/N/68). 423 Citrus 


| Amlashaucam (McL. 26,1000). dcecexxvi. | 

Antidesma (genus). 

Amlee (McL. 874). 982 Tamarindug in- 

Amlicah (McL. 26), 982 Tamarindug in- 

| Amlicah (MeL. 26). 2558 Phyllanthus 

Ammayaurcoondal (McL. 
Hemidesmus indicus, 

26) ? 1866 


Ammonia Bark Tree (Bed. 2/23) (McL. 
281). 41 Polyalthia coffeocides. 
Amookra (McL. 44). 2095 Withania 
Amoora Bark ‘Tree 
Amoora Robituka. 
Ampelopsis (Ivy leaved) (Nic. 1/65, 5/7388). 
580 Vittis hederacea, 
Ampelopsis (Three pointed) of Japan 
(Nic. 1/66). 581 Vitis inconstans. 
Ampelopsis (Five leaved) of north Ame- 
rica (Nic. 1/65). 580 Vitis hederacea. 
Ampelos-oinophoros of the Greeks (MeL. 
31). 595 Vitis vinifera. 
Amplexicaul-pinnatisect-glaucous leaved 
Honey shrub (Nic. 2/346), 650 Melian- 
thus major. 
Amrautam (McL. 
Spondias (gerus). 
Amritavally (McL. 319). 

(McL. 762). 467 

26, 994).  celxviai. 

80 Tincspora 

Amrood (McL. 27,802, 995). 1114 Pyrus 

Amulet (Child’s) Tree (Rox. 3/776, adpa), 
decexix. Putranjiva (genus). 

Amulet (Children’s) Tree (McL. 711). 
2597 Putranjiva Roxburghii. 

Anacards (MeL. 1003), XL. Anacardia- 
cee (Order). 

Anaimalai Calaminder Wood (Gbl. 460) 
(McL. 366, adpd). 1716 Diospyros insi- 


Anaimalai-Hills (Langsat 
Coimbatore (McL. 481, corr). 
sium anamallayanum. 

Anaimalai Rosy flowering Ivy (Hk. 2/526, 
adpd). 1289 Kendrickia Walkeri. 

Anaimalai square branched Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/564, adpd), 1297 (bis.) Memecy- 
lon molestum. 

Anaimalais (Ovate leaved Firebrand Teak 
of the MclL. 473, 512, 884, 997, adpd). 
2299 Premna Wightiana. 

Anasandra Bark Tree (McL. 29, 472, 935, 
995). 1036 Acacie ferruginea, 

Anastomosing—oblique-fine-nerved Very- 
nearly-straight-leaved Fibrous-persis- 
tent-barked Hucalypt (Bth, 3/207,adpd). 
1193 Hucalyptus piperita. 

Anastomosing-oblique - indistinct - nerved 
small Broad-lance- to-linear-or-falcate- 
acuminate-leaved Fibrous-persistent-or 
decidnous-in-large-flakes-barked Huc- 

of the) in 
465 Lan- 

alypt (Bth. 3/207, adpd). 1192 
Eucalyptus amygdalina. 
Anastomosing-oblique-nerved medium- 

Long (mature)- alternate - ovate - lance 
lance-or-faleate acuminate-leaved Outer 
fibrous-deciduous-inner-smooth barked 
Eucalypt (Bth. 3/225, adpd). 1189 
Eucalyptus Globulus. 


Anastomosing-oblique-nerved §medium- 
thick oblique-lance-or-faleate-leaved 
and-variegated-barked Eucalypt (Bth, 
3/217, adpd). 1191 Eucalyptus haemas- 

Arastomosing - oblique- nerved medium- 
thick oblique-ovate-lance-falcate-acute- 
to-acuminate-leaved §Rugged-fibrous- 
very-tenacious-barked Hucalypt (Bth. 
3/204) adpd), 1190 Hucalyptus obliqua. 

Anastomosing-oblique - nerved medinm- 
thick rigid ovate-lance-or-lance-or- 
faleate leaved Eucalypt (Bth. 3/214, 
‘adpd). 1203 Hucalyptus hemiphloia. 

Anastomosing - subtransverse - nerved 
small (young)-to-medium (old) Roun- 
dish-to-ovate-lance-obtuse-leaved Ashy- 
erey-furrowed-rough-persistent- barked 
HKucalypt (Bth. 3/218, adpd). 1181 
Eucalyptus polyanthomos. 

Anatto (McL. 776) (Cag. 663) Pr. 1/280). 
150 Bixa Orellana. 
Anaur (Mch. 29, 995). 


Anaur (Wild) (McL. 30, 996). 
Hymenodictyon excelsum. 

Anavinga (Mc. 20, 996). 1336 Casearia 

1322 Punica gra- 



Anchor Piant (S. 105). cexxv. Colletia 

Anchor (Spinous  very-smail-opposite 

elliptic-entire leaved) Plant (Nic. 1/361 
adpd). 657 Colletia ferox. 

Anchor Plant of Chili and Peru (Nic. 
1/361, adpd). 557 Colletia ferox. 

Ancient Spurge (McbL. 502). 2536 
Euphorbia antiquorum. 

Ancients (Warrior’s Laurel of the) 
(Muell. S.P.) (MeL. 1041), 2443 Lau- 
rus nebilis. 
neola Fruit Plant (McL. 16,473). 1420 
Alangium Lamarckii. 

Anda of Brazil (L/N/S/B, 114). 2632 

Joannesia princeps. 

Andaman Date Palm (Rid. 267) (Jaf. 132) 
3169 Phoenix paludosa, 

Andaman Indian Oak (McL. 367, 995), 
1273 Barringtonia speciosa. 

Andaman Padouk (McL. 418, 642, 749, 
995). 898 Pterocarpus dalbergioldes. 
Andaman Red Wood (Rox. 3/236) (W. A.I) 
(Bs/T/239) (Gbl. 257) (Pr. 1/412), 898 

Pterocarpus dalbergioides. 

Andaman Red wood (McL. 478, 642, 756) 
(Bed. 2/23), {894 Sphalm} 898 Ptero- 
carpus dalbergioides. 

Andaman Satin Wood. (Gbl. 126)(McL,210, 
413, 489 798). 392 Murraya exotica. 
Andaman Trrtle Net tree (Cat. 37). 300 

Melochia velutina. 

Andamanese (Yototepingada of the) (Cat. 

37). 300 Melochia velutina, 


Andamans (Sago Palm of the) (Gbl. 729). 
3154 Caryota mitis. 

André’s climbing Arum. (Nic. 5/595). 
3253 Philodendron Andreanum. 
Andromeda (S$/238, 329). dxxxix. Pieris 


Andry (Doctor) | use (Nic, 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/O/20) (Hod). 1107-i. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflurens (coccinea-puni- 

Anemone (Crimson) flowered China Rose 
(Cag. 598). 1103-d. Rosa _ indica 

(punicea minor). 

Angelee (Rox), 3/521). 

Angelica Tree (S. 31). 

Angle leaved Burr Mallow (McL. 234, 
adpd). 228 Urena lobata. 

Angel’s Trumpet (S. 25) (Ru/N/79, 0/30) 
2103 Datura suaveolens. 

Angled or-lobed mountain Currant ‘'oma- 
to (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 2079-b. Solanum 
denticulatum (Gouakai), 

Angled-or-winged-stemmed (Sim ple- 
palmati-(5-7)-nerved-mostl y-opposite 

2762 Artocarpus 

edlix. Aralia (ge- 

Large tc-very large-membranous- win- | 

ged-petioled Ronndish heart-to-ovate- 
hastate-leaved Yam (Hk. 6/296 adpd). 
3068 Dioscorea alata. 

Angled-or-winged.stemmed (Simple-pal- 
mati-(7-9)-nerved - opposite-and alter- 
nate medium to-large - subglaucous- 
baked ovate - lance heart-or-hastate- 
caudate-leaved) Yam (Hk. 6/296, 
adpd.) 3066 Dioscorea Hamiltonii. 

Angled (Five) Spurge (McL. 502) (Br. 
190) (Rid. 125). 2584 Euphorbia uerii- 

Angola (Entada of) (Ol. 2/326). 
Entada scandens. 

Angola Pea (McL. 274). 

Angoor (McL. 31, 994). 

Angoor (Country) (McL. 32, 994). 596 
Vitis indica. 

Angoor (Jungle) (McL. 32, 994). 
Vitis latifolia. 

Angostura (False) bark (McL. 690). 
Strychnos nux-vomica. 

Angular branched Leafless Mistletoe 
(McL. 683, adpd). 2522 Viscum angu- 

Angular branched Mistletoe (McL. 683, 
adpd). 2519 Viscum orbiculatum. 

Angular-branched objong Long leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/269, adpd.) 178 
Garcinia Xanthochymus. 

Angular branched racemed Phyllode 
Wattle (Bth. 2/314, 388, adpd). 1016 
Acacia melanoxylon. 


854 Cajanus in- 

595 Vitis vini- 



INDEX. 823 

Angular leaved Dombeya (Br. 14). 294 
Dombeya acutangula. 

Angular leaved Physic Nut (Br. 193) 
(Ell. 388) (Pfl. 30). 2628 Jatropha 

Angular (Downy) leaved Shoe Flower 
(Hk. 1/344, adpd), 245 Hibiscus muta- 

Angular leaved Urena (McL. 234) (Br. 
16). 228 Urena lobata, 

Angular stalked Acaciu (McL, 226). 
Acacia Intsia. 

Angular-stemmed smaller-and-twin flow- 
ered Mussell-shell creeper (Hk. 2/208, 


adpd). 839 Chiltoria biflora. 

Animé (Indian Gum) McL. 684). 207 
Vateria indica. 

Animé Resin (Nic. 3/164). 976 Hymen- 

zea Courbaril. 

Animi (Gum) (McL. 258). 207 Vateria 

Atise (Cathay) (McL. 33). 17 Illicium 

Anise (Chinese) (McL. 33). 17 Illicium 

Anise (Star) (McL. 38) (Rid. 202) (Muell. 
S.P.). 17 Wlicmm anisatum. 

Anise Seed Tree (N. 2/177) (S. 212). vii. 
Tllicium (genus). 

Anise (Star) Seed Tree (S. 414). 
cium anisatum. 

Aniseed Lemon shrub (Hk. 1/504, Rox. 
9/249) 394 Clausena heptaphylla. 

Aniseed (Yellow fiowered) Plant (MeL. 
°3). J7 Ilicium anisatam. 

Anjan (McL, 1026). 974 Hardwickia bi- 

Anjanam (McL. 157). 24 Michelia Cham- 

Anjeer (McL. 

Apjely (Mc. 34, 377, 472). 
carpus hirsuta. 

Ankados (McL. 751). 617 Leea sambn- 

Ankle-bell (McL. 101). 

Anna Olivier Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/18) 
(Mu. 54), 1105-j. Rosa odorata (carnea- 
intus rosea). 

Annatto (Pfi. 381). 130 Bixa Oreilana. 

Année’s Indian Shot (Kid. 50) (Nic. 1/262). 
3027-e. Canna lutea ( Annzi). 

Année’s striped Tricolor morning Glory 
(Nic. 5/444) (Rid. 54}. 2029-4. 
Ipomza purpurea (tricolor), 

Annie Wood Rose (Nic. 5/645) (Mu. 53) 
(Hod). 1107-1. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (coccinea-pnnicec-suffus2). 

Anona (Common) (McL. 35, 857). 
Anona squamosa. 

Anona (Netted) (McL. 35). 58 Anona 

17 Hhi- 

34. 1000). 2752 Ficus. 

2762 Arto- 

926 Czsalpinia 



Anona (Prickly) (McL. 35). 59 Anona 

Anotta (McL. 777). 1380 Bixa Orellana. 

_Amsphul (Ru/N/69). 640 Nephelinm 
Antidesma (Downy) (Br. 20]). 2618 

Antidesma Gheesembilla, 

Antoine Ducher Rose (Cag. 596) (Ru/O/18) 
(Mu. 52) (Hod) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorers (punicea). 

Antoine Rivoire Rose (Ru/N/94) (Mu. 54). 
1105-j. Rosa odorata (carnea). 

Antyaparny (McL. 36, 998).  cdii. 
Terminalia (genus). 

Aoonla Plum (Rid. 104, 147), 2558 
Phyllanthus Hmblica, 

Ape Flower (McL. 351, adpd). dix. 

' Mimusops (genus). 

Ape Face Flower (McL. 351, adpd), dix. 

Mimusops (genus). 
Ape Face Flower (McL. 356) (Br. 114). 
1689 Mimusops Elengi. 
Ape Face Plant (Br. 
Mimusops Elengi. 

Ape (Obtuse leaved) Flower (McL. 351, 
664, adpd). 

114). 1689 

Ape (Pointed leaved) Flower (McL. 351, | 

adpd). 1689 Mimusops EHlengi. 

Ape (Silvery leaved) Flower (McL. 664, 
adpd). 1692 Mimusops Kauki. 

Ape (Wedge leaved) Flower (McL. 351, 
664, adpd). 1691 Mimusops hexandra. 

Apetalous accrescent-sepalled Garden 
Croton (Hk. 5/243, adpd), dececcxli. 
Dimorphocalyx (genus). 

Apetalcus (Calycine) Virgin’s Bower 
(Hk. 1/1, adpd). i. Clematis (genus). 
Aphelandra (Dense spiked) (Br. 172). 

2245 Aphelandra cristata. 

Aphrodisiac creeper (Mch. 718), 
Ipomea digitata, 

Apically bilobed croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-L. Codixum varie- 
gatum (cornutum), 

Apple (H/E F) (Nic. 3/258). 
Pyrus (genus). 

Apple (McL. 27, 484, 802, 995) (Bed. 
1/97) (Bs/T/280) (Gbl. 321) (Bdn/E.T) 
(Cag. 247) (Cat. 132) (Rid. 151) (Ru/N/ 



60, O/9) (Mu) (Hod) (Loud). 1113 
Pyrus Malus. 
Apple (Adam’s) (McL. 351). | [1689 

Sphalm ] 1692 Minusops Kauki. 

Apple (Adam’s) (McL. 5, 473, 484, 802, 
869, 997) (S. 8, 442). 1836 Taberne- 
montana coronaria. 

Apple (Adam’s) (Mc. 5, 434, 802). 
Sphalm] 411 Citrus medica Lumia. 

Apple (Adam's) (Bon. 296). 422-e. Citrus 

_ decumana-typica (Palestinz). 

Apple (Argyle) (Bth. 3/225). 
Eucalyptus pulverolenta. 



1690 Mimusops Roxburgh- | 


Apple (Aremenian) (McL. 
Prunus armeniaca. 

Apple (Asiatic Thorn) (McL. 262, adpd). 
2098 Datura fastnosa. 
Apple (Beddome’s Tinnevelly Rose) (MeL. 
379, adpd). 1233 Eugenia Beddomei. 
Apple (Bourdillon’s Travancore Rose) 
(McL. 379, adpd). 1235 Eugenia 

Apple (Carambola) (McL. 229). 
Averrhoa Carambola. 

Apple (Carthaginian) (McL. 30, 802). 
1322 Punica granatum. 

504). 1065 

Apple (Cashew) (Mech. 185). 665 
Anacardium occidentale. 

Apple (Common Thorn) (McL. 261). 
2097 Datura Stramonium, 

Apple (Cretan) (Mech. 79, 802). 1111 
Cydonia vulgaris. 

Appie (Custard) (McL. 35) (Nic. 1/22) 

(S. 421). -xxii, Anona (genus). 

Apple (Custard) (Bed. 1/9) (Rox. 2/658) 
(Pr. 1/206) (Gbl. 20) (Bs/T/22) (Hk. 1/ 
76) (Ell. 60) (MeL. 35, 802) (Cag. 291) 
(Br. 8) (Rid. 103) (Ooty. 7) (W.D) (W. 
8, 68, 82) (Cat.'5) (PA. 474). 57 Anona 

Apple (Custard) Family (Br. 3). 
Anonaceve (Order). 

Apple (Cylindrical-tubed Rose) (McL, 379, 
adpd). 1237 Eugenia cylindrica. 

Apple (Dark Wood) (McL. 1025). (?). 
663 Mangifera indica (?). 

Apple (og Wood) (Mc. 435, 1025). [404 
Sphalm | 399 Limonia acidissima. 

Apple (Downy Thorn) (McL. 261). 
Datura Metel. 

Apple (East Indian Rose) (McL. 802). 
1231 Eugenia Jambos. ; 

Apple (Hast Indian Star) (Gbl. 443) (MeL. 
802, Rid. 115, 157, adpd), 1678 
Chrysophyllum Roxburghii. 

Apple (Elephant) (Bs/T/117) (Rox. 2/411) 
(Pr. 1/305) (Cat. 54) (PA. 373) (EN. 
276) (McL. 802, 1024) (Nic. 2/8) (Br. 
28) (Cag. 375) (Rid. 125). 

Apple (European Thorn) (McL. 261, adpd). 
2097 Datura Stramonium. 

Apple (Eve’s) (MeL. 473, 484, 802, 869, 
997) (? 1346). 1834 Tabernzemontana 

Apple (Hive’s) (McL. 296). 422-e. Citrus. 
decumana-ty pica (Paiestine). 

Apple Family (L/N/S/B). xliv. Rosacew 

Apple (Fox Rose) (Mcb. 154). 
Hlacourtia Ramontchi (sapida). 

Apple (Golaen) (McL. 65), 425 Aigle 

Apple (Golden) (McL. 79, 802), 
Cydonia vulgaris, 






424 Feronia 



Apple (Ground Rose) (McL. 386). (?). 
2302 Premna herbacea. 

Apple (Hemispheric-tubed Rose) (McL. 
379, adpd). 1234 Eugenia hemis- 

Apple (Indian Thorn) (McL, 262). 
Datura fastuosa. 


Apple (Jew’s) (McL. 107) (Nic. 3/454) | . 
| Apple (Star) (Cag. 222) (Cat. 170) (Ru/ 

(S. 447). 2084 Solanum Melongena. 
Apple (Kangaroo) (Nic, 3/432). 2071 
polanum aviculare, 
Apple (Large Kose) (Muell, S.P). 1228 

Kugenia malaccensis. 

Apple (Large Wood) (McL. 1025). (? 
Son’s Lingam). 1777. ~—- Schrebera 

Wood) (McL. 1025)* (? 
10i Crateva 

Apple (Large 
Sacred Lingam mark). 
religiosa (?), 

Apple (Large Wood) (McbL. 1025) (? 
Greatly divided Leaf). 2008 Dichro- 
stachys cinerea (?). 

Apple (Larger Wovud) (McL. 65). 425 
Aigle Marmelos. 

Apple (Lowly Wood) (MeL. 1025). (?). 
212 Sida mysorensis (?). 

Apple (Mad) (McL. 107) (Nic. 3/454). 
2U84 Solanum Melongena. 

Apple (Malay Rose) (McL. 386, 764, 802}. 
1228 Eugenia malaccensis. 

Apple (Malay) (McL. 385, 463, 802) (S. 
159) (Cag. 240) (Bs/T/319) (Bdn/¥.T). 
1228 Eugenia malaccensis. 

Apple (Manilla Custard) (McL, 35). 
Anona reticulata. 

Apple (Munro’s Wax Rose) (McL. 379, 
386, adpd). 1229 Eugenia Munronii. 
Apple (Otaheite) (Nic. 3/479). ccelxviii. 

Spondias (genus). 

Apple (Otaheite) (McL. 27, 626, 802, 994) 
Gbl. 223) (Cag. 26i) (Rid. 136). 684 

pondias dulcis. 

Apple (Paradise) (McL, 653,725). 422-e. 
Citrus decumana-typica (Palestine). 
Apple (Pink Wax Rose) (McL. 379, 386, 

adpd). 1230 Eugenia aquea, 

Apple (Prickly Custard) (McL. 35). 
Anona muricata. 

Apple (Purple European Thorn) (McL. 
261). 2097-b. Datura Stramonium 

Apple (Purple Thorn) (McbL. 262) (Br. 
153) (Cag. 472) (PA. 256). 2098 
Datura fastuosa. 

Apple (Rage) (McL. 107). 2084 Solanum 


Apple (Robust Wood) (McL. 1025). (? 
400). 399 Limonia alata. 

_ Apple (Rose) (McL. 379). cdxxi Eugenia 



INDEX, 325 

Apple (Rose) (McL. 379, 764. 995)'(8,159) 
(Bs/'T/318) (Gbl. 357) (Bdn/F.1) (Bed. 
1/110) (Br. 80) (Bll. 346) (Cag. 239, 
572) (Cat. 142) (Rid. 124, 153) (Ru/N/ 
52, 159) (Pf. 231) (V.D) (FAR, 25). 
1231 Eugenia Jambos. 

| Apple (Star) (N. 3/325), ‘dliv. Chryso- 

phylium (genus), 

N/69). 1677 Chrysophyllum Cainito. 

Apple (Star) (McL. 802) (Rid. i115, 157). 
1878 Chrysophylium Roxbarghii. 

Apple (Soft fruited Custard) (McL. 35). 
60 Anona Cherimolia. 

Apple (Stune) (McbL. 65). 425 Adgle 

Apple (Sugar) (McL. 35). 57 Anona 

Apple (Swamp Pine) (Bed. 1/228). 
Pandanus (genus). 

Apple (Sweet Otaheite) (Nic. 3/479). 
684 Spondias dulcis. 

Apple (horn) (McL. 261, 802) (8/131) 
(Cag. 472) (MAHS). delxxi. Datura 

Apple (Thorn) (8/131, 428) (Cat. 203) 
2097 Datura Stramoniam. 

Apple (Thorny Wood) (McL. 65). 
Higle Marmelos. 

Apple (Water Wood) (McL. 580) (Trione 
Leaf Tree). 101 Cratzeva religiosa (?). 

Apple (Wax Rose) (McL. 279, 386, adpd). 
1232 Eugenia javanica. 



Apple (West Indian Custard) (S. 27, 122) 

(Pr. 1/256) (MeL. 35) (Cat. 6). 58 
Anora reticulata. 

Apple (West Indian Star) (Gbl. 443) (Cat. 
170). 1677 Chrysophylium Cainito, 

Apple (White Asiatic Thorn) (MeL. 262) 
(Br. 152). 2098-b. Datura fastuosa 

Apple (White flowered Thorn) (Ell. 229). 
2097 Datura Stramonium. 

Apple (White Thorn) (Pil. 258). 2097 
Datura Stramonium., 

Apple (White Wood) (McL. 884, 1025) 
(?). 1317 Lagerstrcemia lanceolata (?). 

Apple (Wild) (Nic. 3/260). 1113 Pyrus 

Apple (Wood) (Bed. 1/40, 2/121) (Rox, 2/ 
411) (Bs/T/119) (Gbl. 131) (Bdn/t.T) 
(Pr. 1/305) (Cag. 275) (Cat. 54) (Pf. 
372) (El. 276) (Br. 21) (Ru/N/73) (Nie. 
2/8) (Rid. 125) (McL, 473, 484, 508, 993, 
1024) (U.D) (W. 68, 82). 424 Feronia 

Apple (Maultifoliate--3—9 ovate-oblong- 
acuminate-leaved) Bladder-Nut (Hk. 
1/699, adp@). 651 Turpinia pomifera, 

Apple-fiavoured-strawberry-like fraited 
(Orange-scented-flowered) Cadamba 
(Ol. 3/88). 1437 Sarcocephalus corda- 


Apple-fruited Bladder-Nut (8.414, Hk. 
1/698, adpd). cclili. Turpinia (genus), 
Apple (Bourdillon’s) fruited Ebony (Bdn/ 
F.T.) (McL. 366, adpd). 1721 Diospyros 

Apple (Hve’s) of Ceylon (Bs/T/460). 
1836 Tabernzemontana coronaria. 

Apple of Peru (McL. 261). 2097 Datura 

Apple (Adam’s) of the Goanese (Gbl. 449). 
1692 Mimusops Kauki. 

Apple of the Bible (McL. 504), 1065 
Prunus armeniaca. 

Apple (Rose) of the Maharajah of 
Travancore (Mcl. 3879, adpd). 1227 

Eugenia Rama-Varmie. 

Apple of the Song of Solomon (McL. 79). 
Lill Cydonia vulgaris. 

Apple (Rose) of the Western Ghauts (Mch. 
379, adpd). 1236 Eugenia lata. 

Apple scented Eucalypt (Bs/1T/328). 
Kucalyptus Stuartiana, 

Apple-shaped Guava (Br. 76) (Cag. 236). 
1222-b. Psidium Guyava (pomiferum), 

Apple Tree of Victoria (Bth. 3/244), 
1197 Hucalyptus Stuartiana. 


Apples (Custard) (McL. 1003). IV. 
Anonaceze (Order). 

Apples (Star) (McL. 1007). LXIX. 
Sapotacez (Order). 

Apple-sbaped Pomelo (Bon. 298). 422-c. 

Citrus decumana-typica (pomifera). 

Apricot (McL. 504) (Hk. 3/316) (S. 351) 
(Bed. 1/97) (Bs/T/279) (Gbl. 312) (Bdn/ 
F.T) (Cag. 245) (Rid. 140) (Ru/N/64, 
O/9 (Mu) (Hod), 1065 Prunus arme- 

Apricot (Common) (Nic. 
Prunus armeniaca. 

Apricot-coloured Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Mu. 58). 1100-h. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (armeniaca), 

1/118). 1065 

Apricot-coloured Noisette Rose (Nic, 5/ 
646) (Mu. 56 ?). 1108-g. Rosa Noiset 
tiana (armeniaca). 

Apricot-coloured Lily Shoe Flower (Br. 
17, adpd). 249-d. Hibiscus liliiflorus 

Apricot-coloured (Buff-yellow-shaded@) 
Tea Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Zu/0/21) (Mu 
58) (Hod) (Po). 1105-m. Rosa odorata 

Apricot-coloured (Deep-Orange-shaded) 
Tea Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/96, 0/22) 
(Mu. 56) (Ooty. 487). 1105-m. Rosa 
odorata (armeniaca-aurantio rubescente 

Apricot-coloured —_ (Pale-Orange-shaped) 
,Tea Rose (Ru/N/95). 1105-m. Rosa 
odrata (armeniaca-aurantioflavescente 


yp te 


Apricot-coloured (Rosy-centred) Tea Rose 
(Cag. 600) (Po). 1105-m. Rosa odorata 

Apricot-coloured (Tawny changing to 
Orange) Tea Rose (Nic, 3/3824) (Cag. 
660) (Ku/N/91, 0/22). 1105-m. Rosa 
ouorata (armeniaca-fulvo-dein aurantio 

Apricot-shaded yellow Tea Rose (Ru/N/91, 
0/22) (Mu. 55) (Hod). 1105-f. Rosa 
odorata (lutea-armeniaco-sutfusa). 

Apricot-yellow (Pink-margined) China 
Rose (Nic, 5/648) (Mu. 57). 1103-h. 
Rosa Indica (armeniaca-roseo-mar- 

Arabian Coffee shrub (McL. 37, 199). 
1548 Coffea arabica. 

Arabian Costum (Mech. 37, 484, 911, 932, 
994, 1001). 8000 Costus speciosus. 

Arabian Date (Mch. 413, 484, 1001). 
3162 Phoénix dactylifera. 

Arabian Date Palm (Cat. 330), 
Phoenix dactylifera, 

Arabian Indien (McL. 369, 576, 994). 
753 Indigofera argentea (czerulea). 

Arabian Jasmine (McL. 87, 882, 997) 
(Gbl. 467) (Cag, 503) (Br. 115) (8. 31). 
1751 Jasminum Sambac. 

Arabian (Double flowered) Jasmine (Rox. 
1/88). 1751-c. Jasminum Sambac (flore 

Arabian (Great Double flowered) Jasmine 


(Rox. 1/88) (Cag. 506).,  1751-d. 
Jasminum Sambac (flore Manoree 

Arabian (Long tubed) Jasmine (Hk. 3/592, 
adpd). 1751-b. Jasminum Sambac 

Arabian (Short tubed) Jasmine (Hk. 3/ 
592. adpd). 1751-a. Jasminum Sambac 


Arabian (Single flowered) Jasmine (Rox, 
1/88). 175l-b. Jasmine Sambac 

Arabian Manna (Mclh. 37, 911, 994). 783 

Aihagi camelorum., 

Arabian Senna Plant (McL. 37, 805). 956° 
Cassia angustifolia. 

Arabic (Gum) (Nic. 1/5). 

Arabic (Indian Gum) (McL. 63) (Bed. 
2/6). 1029 Acacia arabica. 

Aralia Family (Br. 94) (L/N/S/B). 
Araliace (Order), 

Aralia - (Bipinnate - (numerous) - ciliate 

1029 Acacia 


Leafy rachis-noded-Heart-or-ovate 
serrate - acuminate - (5-9) - folioled 
Prickly) (Hk. 2/723, adpd). 1386 

Aralia malabavica, 

Aralia (Chabrier’s) (Nic. 5/79) (Cag. 547) 
(Ru/N/101). 545 Elzodendron 


Aralia (Connate-styled) (Hk. 2/720, adpd). 
edlxiii. Pentapanax Leschenaultii, 

Aralia (Digitate-(about 11) dark-red- 
backed Filiform-undulate-glossy- 
leaved) (Nic. 1/105, adpd). 1387 

Aralia Veitchii. 

Aralia (Digitate-3-5)  elliptic-bristle- 
serrate-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 2/724, 
adpd). 13899 Pentapanax Leschenaultii. 

Aralia (Degitate-(5) lance-serrulate 
acuminate-leaved (Nic. 1/105, adpd). 
1398 Schefflera digitata. 


Aralia. (Digitate-(7-10)-pendulous White- | 

mottled-stalked Filiform-leaved) (Nic. 
1/104, adpd). 

Aralia (Digitate-(7-or more)-subpendent 
Dark-green-leaved) (Nic. 1/104, adpd). 
i391 Aralia Jeptophylla. 

Aralia (Imparipinnate-(about 9) Green 
dotted-dark. purple-stalked oblong light- 
green acuminate-folioled) (Nic. 1/104, 
adpd). 1392 Aralia maculata. 

Aralia (Ima paripinnate-(3-7)-pendent 
Creamy-white-margined Grey-blotched 
oblong - elliptic - irregularly - serrate- 
folioled) (Nic. 1/104, adpd). 1393 
Aralia monstrosa. 

Aralia (Imparipinnate-(3-7)-prickly 
Creamy-white-margined oblong-elliptic- 
serrate-folioled) (Nic. 1/104, adpd). 
1320 Aralia Guilfoylei. 

Aralia (Imparipinnate white-spotted- 
purple-stalked pinnatifid-folioled) (Nie. 
1/104, adpd). 1889 Aralia filicifolia. 

Aralia (Japanese) (S. 164, 
Fatsia japonica. 

Aralia (Siebold’s) (S. 164). 

Aralia (Trifoliate-(l-young to 3-old) 
(Nic. 1/104, adpd). 1394 Aralia 

Aralia of the Americans (McL. 1003). 
edlix. Aralia (genus). 

Arasoo (Mch, 673). 2739 Ficus religiosa. 

Araucaria (Cunningham’s) (Br. 204). 
2836 Arancaria Cunninghamii. 

Arbor-de-rais (McL. 72). 2726 Ficus 

Arbor-generationis of Mahratta-Kumbis 
(Cat. 156). 1488  Anthocephalus 

Arbor (False) Vine (Cooke. 2/251, adpd). 
2049 Ipomza kentrocaulos. 

Arbor (Spanish) Vine (Cooke. 2/251): 
2050 Tpomza tuberosa. 

Arbor-Vitz (H/E.F) (Nic. 4/33) (S. 429) 
(Gbl. 195) (Cag. 408). decexcix. Thuya 

Arbor-Vitz (Cag. 408) (Cat. 320) (Ba/N/ 
127, 0/13). 2817 Thuya orientalis, 

220). 1396 

1396 Fatsia 

1388 Aralia elegantis- | 

| Argelleia (McL. 40). 

INDEX, 327 

Arbor-Vita (Chinese) (Nic, 3/34) (8. 420) 
(Gbl. 695) (Br. 202) (Mu. 42). 2817 
Thuya orientalis. 

Arbor-Vitz (Jointed) (MeL. 783). 
decexeyiii, Catlitris (genus). 

Arboreous (Beddome'’s larger-berried 
Axil-flowered) Wampee (Bed. 1/45, 
adpd). 397-c. Clausena Willdenovii 
(dulcis) . 

Archduke-Charles Rose (Nic. 5/647) (Cag. 
598) (Ooty 413) (Ra/N/89, 0/19) (Mn. 
56) (Hod) (Po). 1193-c, Rosa indica 

Arching Bengal Dragon Tree (Hk. 6/331, 
adpd). 3107-d. Cordyline terminalis 

Archipelago (Coral Tree of the Indian) 
(Hk. 2/190, adpd). 820 Erythrina 

Archipelago (Pine of the Malay) (Gbl. 
710). 2860 Pinus Merknsii. 

Arenate Trumpet Flower (McbL. 664). 
2135 Dolichendrone arcuata. 

Ardisiads (MeL. 1005). LXVIII. Myrsi- 
nacez (Order). 

Areca (Lowly) (McL. 675). 3123 Areca 

Areca (Rama’s) (McL. 387). 2423 Myris- 
tica magnifica. 

Areca Nut Climbing Arum (McL. 288, 
corr). 3274 Pothos scandens. 
Areca Nut Creeper (MeL. 288). 

Pothos scandens. 

Areca Nut Palm (Bed. 1/228) (Gbl. 726) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Ell. 65) (Cat. 820) (W. 46, 
49). 3121 Areca Catechu. 

Areca (Hill) Nut Palm of Travancore 
(Bdn/F.T). 3143 Bentinckia codda- 

areca Palm (McL. 40, 472, 484, 1001) 
(Bs/T/642). 3121 Areca Catechu. 

Argel in Syria (Br. 121). 1950 Gompho- 
carpus fruticosus. 

Argel (McL. 195). 


3228 Cocos nucifera. 
3228 Cocos nuci- 
fera. . 

Argyle Apple (Bth. 3/225). 
lyptus pulverulenta. 

Arhar (McL. 274). 844 Cajanus indicus. 

Aril (False) (McL 387). 2420 Myris. 
tica fragrans. 

Arjoon (McL. 473, 531). 1149 Termina- 
lia Arjuna. 

Arjuna Myrobalan (Pfl. 290). 
Terminalia Arjuna. 

Arjuna’s Penance Tree (UBT) (McL. 41). 
1007 Prosopis spicigera. 

1167 Enuca- 


Arjana’s Penance-Tree-like Sundra 
(McL. 985, corr). 1036 Acacia ferru- 

Ark (Gopher Wood of the) of the Bible 
(McL. 787). 2809 Cupressus semper- 


Armenian Apple (McL. 504). 1065 Pru- 
nus armeniaca. 

Arnah (McL. 14). 427 Ailanthus excel- 

Aromatic Croton (McL. 428, adpd). 2638 
Croton aromaticus. 

Arnotta Cich, 777) (Bdn/L). 

Arnatto (McL. 777) (8/35) (Cat. 10). 
Bixa Orellana. 

Arnotto (McL. 777) (Br.11) (Nic. 1/193) 
(Bed. 2/79) (Bs/T/39) (Gbl. 38) (Ell. 

180 Bixa 


104). 180 Bixa Orellana. 

Arnotto (Heart leaved) (Mc. 777). 1380 
Bixa Orellana, 

Arnotto Family (Br. 11) (L/N/S/B). X. 

Bixaceze (Order). 
Arnottoes (McL. 
Arnott’s Black Varnish (McL. 344, adpd). 
677 Holigarna Arnottii. 

Arnott’s Jointed Heart leaved Fig (Mch, 
673, adpd). 2740 Ficus Arnottiana. 
Arnott’s mountain Black Plum (McL. 

379, 386, adpd). 1240 Eugenia Arnot- 

1003). X. Bixacez 


Aromatic Pepper (McL. 676). 2411 Piper 

Aromatic Winter-Green (Nic. 2/55) 

dxxxvili. Gaultheria (genus). 

Arracan (Iron Wood of Pegu and) (Gbl. 
265). 1002 Xylia dolabriformis. 

Arrack Acacia (McL. 936). 1033 Acacia 

Arrow (Cupid’s) (Mch. 375). 

Arrow (Krishna’s) (McL. 690). 
Strychnos nux-vomica. 

Arrow and Heart leaved Flat Pea (Nic. 3/ 
159), 702 Platylobium triangolare. 

Arrow leaf (McL. 4). 1621 Artemisia 

Arrow (Harsh) leaved Moon-seed (McL. 
1005, Hk. 1/96, adpd). 77 Parabzena 

Arrow (Maiay) Poison Tree (Mch. 774). 
2759 Antiaris toxicaria. 

Arrow (Carolina) Root (Muell. 8.P). 
3031 Canna flaccida. 

Arrow (Mendoza) root 
8028 Canna Achiras. ~ 

Arrow (West Indian) Root (Muell, 8.P) 
(? 8011). 38027-b. Canna indica (glau- 

Arum (Nic. 3/97). 

Arum (Nic. 3/97). 

1588 Ixora 


(Muell. S.P). 

leaved Climbing 
3257 Philodendron 

leaved Climbing 
3263 Philodendron 


Arrowroot Family (Br. 213) (L/N/s/B). 
CXYV. Scitaminaceze (Order). 

Arrowroot (Nic. 2/326) (S. 261). cml. 
Maranta (genus). 

Arrowroot (8, 35) (Pr. 2/1048) (Gbl. 723) 
(Cag. 141) (Ooty, 48) (MAHS/21). 3011 
Maranta arundinacea, 

Arrowroot (Brazilian) (MeL. 461, 464). 
2631 Manihot utilissima, ’ 

Arrowroot (Butterfly-wing) of Brazil 
(Nic. 5/520). 3014 Maranta Massange- 

Arrowroot (Cordate oblong Purple back- 
ed) (Nic. 5/520). 3013 Maranta lenco- 

Arrowroot (Cream and Green Crescent- 
blotched) (Nic. 1/238), 3024 Calathea 

Arrowroot (Creamy yellow and Green 
banded (Nic. 5/520). 3011-b. Maranta 
arundinacea (variegata). 

Arrowroot (Dark-green Purple backed) 
(Nic. 1/2388). 3028 Calathea Vanden- 

Arrowroot (Deep-green striped yellowish) 
(Nic. 1/237). 8018 Calathea leopardi- 

Arrowroot (Elephant) (McL. 37, 288). 
3000 Costus speciosus 

Arrowroot (Garden) (Nic. 1/286). 
Calathea (genus). 

Arrowroot (Green margined and blotched 
Creamy) (Nic. 1/287). 38020 Calathea 



Arrowroot (Green margined white 
feathered (Nic. 1/287). 3021 Calathea 

| Arrowroot (Hill Ginger) (McL. 461). 

Arrow sepallei Bindweed (McL. 

adpd). 2031 Ipomeea calycina. 

3006 Alpinia Allughas. 

Arrowroot (Large oblong Purple backed) 
(Nie. 2/238). 3017 Calathea zebrina. 
Arrowroot (Malabar Wild) (Rox. 1/4). 

3025 Clinogyne virgata. 

Arrowroot (Oblong acuminate Purple 
backed) (Nic. 2/288). 38016 Calathea 

Arrowroot (Oblong Purple backed)’ (Nic. 
1/287). 3019 Calathea Lindeniana. 

Arrowroot (Ovate-elliptic Parple backed) 
(Nic. 1/238). 38024 Calathea Veitchi- 

| Arrowroot (Obovate Purple backed) (Nic. 

1/287). 3012 Maranta illustris. 
Arrowroot (Olive handed white blotched) 
(Nic. 1/287). 3012 Maranta illustris. 
Arrowroot (Olive banded yellow-green 
(Nic. 2/238), 3016 Calathea ornata. 
Arrowroot (Orbicular Green margined 
Rosy) (Nic. 1/238). 3022 Calathea 

Arrowroot (Parple barred Light-Green) 
(Nic. 2/238), 3170 Calathea zebrina. 

Y ica 


Arrowroot (Silver striped Light banded) 
(Nic. 1/238). 3023 Calathea Vanden- 

Arrowroot (True) (McL. 819) (Muell. S. 
P). 3011 Maranta arundinacea. 

Arrowroot (Violent) (McL. 461). 
Costus speciosus. 

Arrowroot (West Indian) (McL. 819, 
1022) (Rid. 261) (Br. 214) (Nic. 2/326). 
3011 Maranta arundinacea. 

Arrowroot (White nerved) (Nic. 4/520). 
3013 Maranta leuconenra, 

Arrowroot (White nerved Bronze and 


Silver) (Nic. 5/520). 3014 Maranta 

Arrowroot (Wild) (Nic. 1/236, 2/326, 
adpd). cemlii. Clinogyne (genus). ~ 

Arrowroot (Yellow blotched Deep-green) 

| Arum (Gideon 

(Nic. 1/237). 3019 Calathea Lindeni- 
Arrowroots (McL. 1005). CXV. Scitami- | 

nace (Order). 

Arrow-shaped (Shining) buckler leaved 
Moon-seed (McL. 1005, Hk. 1/104, 
adpd). 93 Cyclea Burmanni. 

Arrow Thorn Tree (McbL. 472, 935). 1028 
Acacia planifrons. 

Artichoke Honey Flower (Nic. 
adpd). 2475 Protea cynaroides. 

Artichoke-like (Globe) Cape Honey Flow- 
er (Nic. 3/228). 2475 Protea cynar- 

Arum Family (Br. 231) (L/N/S/B). 
CXXYV. Aracez (Order). 

Arum (André’s climbing) (Nic. 5/595). 
3253 Philodendron Andreanum, 

Arum (Areca nut climbing) (McL. 288, 
corr). 3274 Pothos scandens. 

Arum (Arrow-barbed Heart leaved climb- 
ing (Nic. 3/97). 3257 Philodendron 

Arum  (Arrow-barbed 
climbing) (Nic. 3/97). 
dron sagittifolium. 

Arum (Auricular-lobed Heart 
climbing) (Nic. 3/97). 
dron giganteum, 


oblong leaved 

3256 Philoden- 

Arum (Bipinnatifid Bright-green climb- 
ing) (Nic. 3/96). 3254 Philodendron 

Arum (Bipinnatifid-lower-lobed Bipin- | 
natifid Deep-green climbing) (Nic. 
3/97). 5262 Philodendron Selloum, 

Arum (Corsini’s Hybrid climbing) (Nie. 

5/595). . 3255 Philodendron Corsini- 
Arum (Creamy-and-yellow-variegated 

Heart leaved climbing) (Nic. 3/213). 
3275 Pothos aureus. 

Arum (Eared climbing) (Nic. 3/538). 3253 
Syngonium auritum. 

> Arum (Heart 

3263 Philoden- | 

| Arum 

_ Arum (Ovate entire 


INDEX. 329 

Arum (Elephant Pepper climbing) (McL. 
677, corr). 3269 Scindapsus officina- 

Arum (Elliptic-cuneate Tail-tipped leaved 
climbing) (Hk. 6/555, adpd). 3277 
Pothos Thomsonianus. 

Arum (Elongated Heart leavyed climbing) 
(Nic. 5/595). 32538 Philodendrou An- 

Arum (Few-bread-falcate-lobed Pinnati- 
fid Perforate climbing) (Hk. 6/546, 
adpd). 38270 Rhapidophora pertusa. 

Arum (Five-(3-é)-unequal-segmented 
leaved climbing) (Nic. 3/538). 3252 
Syngonium auritum. 

Arum (Foot-leaf climbing) (Nic. 3/533). 
3251 Syngonium podophyllam. 

Thomson’s_ climbing) 

(Hk. 6/555). 3277 Pothos Thomsoni- 
Arum (Glorious climbing) (Nic. 3/97). 

3260 (bis ). Philodendron gloriosum. 

leaved climbing) (Nic. 
5/595). 3258 Philodendron asperatum. 

Arum (Long Obovate-lance leaved) (Nic. 
5/596). 3261 Philodendron nobile. 

Arum (Many-ensiform-lobed Pinnatifid 
Perforate climbing) (Hk. 6/549, adpd). 
3272 Epipremnum mirabile. 

Arum (Many oblanceolate-lobed Pinnati- 
fid Perforate climbing) (Nic. 2/380). 
3273 Monstera deliciosa. 

Arum (Oak leaved climbing) (Nic. 3/97, 
5/596). 3259 Philodendron guercifoli- 

Arum (Obliquely-elliptic-obtuse Heart 
leaved climbing). 3276 Pothos celato- 

Arum (Oblong obtuse Heart leaved clim- 
bing) (Hk. 6/549, adpd). 3271 Epi- 
premnum giganteum. 

Arum (Ovate entire leaved climbing) 
ieyeen young) (Hk. 6/549, adpd). 
3272 Epipremnum mirabile. 

(Ovate entire leaved climbing) 

(when young) (Hk. 6/546, adpd). 

3270 Rhaphidophora pertusa. 

leaved climbing) 
(when young) (Nic. 2/380). 3273 
Monsitera deliciosa. 

Arum (Pine-apple-fruited climbing) (Nic. 
2/380). 3273 Monstera deliciosa, 

Arum (Pink-and-white-variegatea Heart 
leaved climbing) (Nic. 3/97). 3260 
(bis). Philodendron gloriosum. 

Arum (Pink-margined snow-white-mid- 
ribbed-and-secondary-veined Deep- 
rich-green climbing) (Nic. 3/97). 3260 
Maa: Philodendron gloriosum, 

(Radiate climbing) (Cag. 327) 
ay /117). 3260 Philodendron radi- 

Arum (Roundish Tail-tipped leaved 
climbing) (Hk. 6/544, adpd). 3269 

Scindapsus officinalis. 

Arum (Sagittate-when-young and seven- 
(5-7)-lanceolate-segmented leaved 
climbing) (Nic. 3/538). 3251 Syngoni- 
am podorhyllum. 

Arum (Sello’s climbing) (Nic. 
3262 Philodendron Selloum. 

3/97). | 

Arum (Short obovate-lance leaved clim- | 

bing) (Hk. 6/552, adpd). 38274 Pothos 

Arum (Tripartite membranous leaved 
climbing) (Nic. 3/97, 5/596). 3259 
Philodendron quercifolium. 

Arum (White-midribbed-and-veined Foot- 

leaf climbing) (Nic. 3/533). 3251-b. 
Syngonium podophyllum  (albolinea- 
Arums (MchL. 1003) CXXYV. Araceze 

Asafoetida (Wild) (McL. 300). cdxeyvii. 
Gardenia (genus). 

Ascending-branched (Minnte membranous 
Hiliptic-acute-leaved) Featherfoil (Hk. 
5/297, adpd). 2564 Phyllanthus mis- 

Asclepiads (Br. 267). 

Asgand (McL. 44, 998). 2095 Withania 

Ash (Mouell. SP) (H/EF.) (8/169). 
dixviii. Fraxinus (genus). 

Ash (Ceylon) (McL. 922). 

LXXY. Asclepia- 

307 Berrya 

Ash (Flowering) (McL. 471) (S. 167,170). 

1779 Fraxinus Ornus. 

Ash (Himalayan) (FAR. 11, MRA, 
NLGS). 1778 Ornus floribunda. 
Ash (Indian Prickly)* (Bdn/F.T). 3884 

Zanthoxylum Rhetsa. 

Ash (Manna) (Muell.S.P) (McL. 471) 
(N. 2/24) (S. 170, 261). 1779 Fraxinus 

Ash (Mountain) (Maid. ©.T). 
Eucalyptus obliqua (montana). 

Ash (Nepal) (Muell./S.P.). 1778 Fraxi- 
nus floribunda. 

Ash (Prickly) (Nic. 4/237). 
thoxylum (genus). 

Ash leaf Fero Family (S. 261, adpd). 
CXXX. Marattiacez (Order). 

Ash leaf Fern (8S. 26]). milsvii. Marattia 

Ash leaf Fern (S. 37). 

Ash-leaf (Bipinnate-(6-15 ft.) Lance-(4”"- 
6’’)-serrate-acuminate-pinnuled) Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 8386 Marattia fraxi- 

Ash leaved Bead Tree (McL. 576). 
Azadirachta indica. 


exly. Zan- 

3386 Marattia 


* Ash 


Ash leaved Tecoma (Br. 182). 2123 Te- 
coma radicans. 

Ash (Mountain) of New-South-Wales 
(Bth. 3/212), 1191 Eucalyptus heemas- 

Ash (Black mountain) of Twofold-Bay 
(Bth, 3/210). 1195 Eucalyptus len- 

Ash (Maultifoliate-(9-15)-puberulous- 
glabrate-mall oblong-lance-acuminate- 
leaved) Sumach (Hk. 2/27, adpd). 671 
Solenocarpus indica. 

glabrate-medium -oblong-ovate-caudate- 
leaved) Sumach (Hk. 2/29, a@pd). 672 
Odina Wodier. 

Ash (Small draped) Sumach (Hk. 2/27, 
adpd). cclxiii, Sclenocarpns (genus). 
Ash-(Indian) Tree (McL, 478, 994, 1028, 

adpd). 672 Odina Wodier. 

Ash-like Sumach (McL. 1022, adpd). 672 
Odina Wodier. 

Ashanam (McL. 580). 

Ashes (Australian mountain) (Maid./C./ 

1150 Terminalia 

T). cdix. Eucalyptus (genus). 
Ashocam (Mch. 44, 484). 40 Polyalthia 

Asbocam (Bengal) (Mch. 44, 478, 484, 
995). 977 Saraca indica. 

Ashocam (Wing leaved) (McL. 44). 977 
Saraca indica. 

Ashphul (Cag. 260). 640 Nephelium 
Longana. d 

Ashwattam (McL. 473). 2739 Ficus 

Ashy Babool (McL. 63, 473, 995). 1008 — 
Dichrostachys cinerea. 

barked (Anastomosing-subtransverse- 
nerved small-(young)-to medium-(old) 
Eucalynt (Bth. 3/213, adpd\. 1181 
Eucalyptus polyanthemos. 

Ashy-grey large Bamboo (Gbl. 753). 3315 
Dendrocalamus Brandisii. 

ers-barked (Parallel-oblique-coarse re- 
eular-nerved Long-and-medium Lance- 
and-falcate-acuminate-leaved) Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/241, adpd). 1188 Eucalyptus 

Asia-minor (Karamana Pine of) (Nic. 
3/142). 2848-d, Pinus Laricio (Karama- 


ree Datura (McL. 262). 2098 Datura 

Asiatic Red Wood (Br. 44). 575 Cola- 
brina asiatica. 

Asiatic Rondeletiawort (Nic. 4/205). 

cdlxxxvi. Wendlandia (genus). 
Asiatic Thorn apple (McL. 262, adpd). 
2098 Datura fastnosa, 


Asiatic (White) Thorn apple (McL. 262) 

(Br. 182). 2098-b. Datura fastuosa 

Asoca (McL. 44). 40 Polyalthia longi- 

Asoca (Flowering) (Treas. 
ecclvi. Humboldtia (genus), 

small-spurless- stipuled - lance - acumi 
vate-leaved Flowering) (Bdn/F.T. 
adpd). 986 (bis). Hnmboldtia Bourdil- 

Asoca (Paripinnate-(8-10)-medium lance- 
spurred-stipuled oblong-cuspidate-leav- 
ed Flowering) (Hk 2/274, adpd). 983 
Humboldtia laurifolia. 

Asoca (Paripinnate-(6—-8)-medium-léath- 
ery Round-spurred-oblong-lance-acumi- 
nate-leaved Flowering) (Hk. 2/274, 
adpd). 986 Humboldtia Vahliana, 

Asoca (Paripinnate-(2—4)-medium leath- 
ery spurless-stipuled oblique-oblong- 
lance-cuspidate-leaved Flowering) (Hk. 
2/274, adpd). ¥84 Humboldtia uni- 

Asoca (Paripinnate-(2-4)-medium Round- 
spurred-stipuled oblong-cuspidate-leay- 
ed Flowering) (Hk. 2/274, adpd). 985 
Humboldtia Brunonis. 

Asoca (Paripinnate (10-12)-winged-rachi- 
sed-long Long-spsrred-stipuled-lance 
acuminate leaved Flowering) (Bdn/F.T, 
adpd). 987 Humboldtia decurrens. 

Asoca Tree (Gbl. 278) (Br. 60) (Ru/N/77, 
0/31) (Mu). 977 Saraca indica. 

Asoka Tree (Bdn/F.T) (Pfl. 28). 
Saraca indica. 

Aspalathus (Small flowered) (McL. 578). 
746 Indigofera aspalathoides. 

Aspalathus-like Indigo (McL. 371, adpd). 
746 Indigofera aspalathoides. 

Asparagus (McL. 516). cmlxii. Aspara- 
gus (genus). 

Asparagus (Bracted racemose) (McL. 516, 
812, adpd). 3089 Asparagus laevissi- 

~ mus. 

Asparagus (Climbing) (McL. 516) (Br. 
222). 3088 Asparagus racemesa. 

Asparagus (Cluster flowered) (McL. 516, 
adpd). 3083 Asparagus capitatus. 

Asparagus (Common Racemose) (MeL. 
516, 812, adpd). 3088 Asparagus 

Asparagus (Conkan short needle sparsi- 
fasciculate) (McL. 516, adpd), 3086 
Asparagus Jacquemontil. 


Asparagus (Deccan short needle densi- 
fasciculate) (McL. 516, adpd). 3087 
Asparagus asiaticus. 

Asparagus (Densely umbelled) (MeL. 
516, adpd). 3034 Asparagus Rottleri. 

Bot. 1/601). | 

(Paripinnate-(6)-flat-rachised- | 

INDEX. 331 

Asparagus (Dichotomously-branched 
short-ternate-needle) (Nic. 1/123). 
3095 Asparagus virgatus. 

Asparagus (Dwarf Feather) (Cag. 357). 
3092-b, Asparagus plumosus (nana). 
Asparagus (Flat sickle sparsifasciculate) 
(MeL. 516, adpd). #2090 Asparagus 


Asparagus (Large Axil flowered) (MeL. 
516, adpd). 3086 Asparagus Jacqnue- 

Asparagus (Long Blunt sparsifasciculate ) 
(McL. 516, adpd). 8084 Asparagus 

Asparagus (Long Pungent sparsifascicu- 
late (McL. 516, 812, adpd). 3088 
Asparagus racemosus. 

Asparagus (Long-sickle-or-flat-needle) 
Nic. 5.90). 3094 Asparagus Spren- 

Asparagus (Malabar short needle sparsi- 
fasciculate) (Mcl. 516, adpd). 308% 
Asparagus lzvissimus. 

Asparagus (Natal) (S. 39). 3094 Asparagus 

Asparagus (Nilgiri short needle densifas- 
ciculate) (McL. 516, adpd). 3085 As- 
paragus subulatus. 

Asparagus (Racemose) (MchL, 812). 3088 
Asparagus racemosus. 

Asparagus (Short Bristle leaved) (McL. 

516, adpd). 3083 Asparagus capita- 
Asparagus (Slender Terminally-needle 

tufted-racemed) (Hk. 6/317, adpd). 
3088-b. Asparagus racemosus (javani- 

Asparagus (Small axil flowered) (McL. 
516, adpd). 3085 Asparagus subula- 

Asparagus (Smilax) (MAHS. 12). 
Asparagus medeoloides. 


' Asparagus (South African Climbing) 
(McL. 516, adpd). 3093 Asparagus 

Asparagus (South African Erect) (N.. 
2/121). 3095 Asparagus virgatus. 

Asparagus (South African Feather) (Cag. 
357). 3092 Asparagus plumosns. 

Asparagus (Sparsely umbelled) (Mch, 
516, adpa). 3087 Asparagus asiaticns, 

Asparagus Fern (V4ZM, MRS). 3092-b, 
Asparagus plumosus (nana). 

Aspen (Indian) (McL. 673). 2739 Ficus 

Aspen leaved Indian Linden (Hk. 1/885, 
adpd). 312 Grewia populifolia. 

Aspotah (McL. 384). 1760 Jasminum 

Assa-dulcis (McL. 84). 1750 Styrax Ben- 

Assa-odorata (McL. 84). 1780 Styrax 


Asgai Palm of Para (Cag. 340). 
Euterpe edulis. 

Assam Bean (Rid. 257). 
pruriens (utilis). 

Assam Devil Rattan (Hk. 6/462, adpd). 
3217 Dzmonorops Jenkinsianus, 

816-b. Mucuna 

Assam Jack (Mch. 376, adpd). 2764 

Artocarpus Chaplasha., 

Assam Rubber (Muell, 8.P) (Ooty. 37). 
2754 Ficus elastica. 

Assam Rubber leaved Stafi Tree (Bed. 
2/120, adpd). 5438 Kurrimia bipar- 

Assam Sago Palm (Nic. 5/200, adpd). 
3153 Caryota obtusa. 

Assam Tea (8. 370). 
Thea (assamica). 

Assamese Palm Lily (Hk. 6/3829, adpd). 
3098 Draczna angustifolia. 

Assamese Rattan (Hk, 6/441, 
3204 Calamos leptospadix. 

Assegai Tree of the Cape of Good-Hope 
(Nic. 1/412) (FAR. 7, 29, 30, 36) (1. 
I, xi/2). 505 Curtisia faginea. 

Assembly Tree (McL, 759) (8s/T/118). 884 
Zanthoxylum Rhetsa. 

Assembly (Nubian) Tree (Treas. Bot.) 
2152 Kigelia pinnata. 

Assyrian Plum (McL. 362, 802) 1968 
Cordia Myxa. 

Aster (White) (Mu). 
mum frutescens. 

Asthmatic Swallowwort (McL. 360). 1916 
Tylophora asthmatica. 

Astringent Wrightia (Br. 137). 
Holarrhena antidysenerica. 

Atah (Mc. 35). 57 Anona squamosa. 

Atanni Orange (Bon. 20,33, 110, 361) 
(Ru/N/66) 418-C. Citrus Aurantium- 
nobilis (decumana),. 

Atchah (McL. 1026). 974 Hardwickia 

Athwart - warted - squarish - branched 
(Small, glabrous-sessile Five-(5-6 prs)- 
nerved oblong  elliptic-denticnlats 
acuminate-leaved)Conehead (Hk. 4/474, 
adpd). 2214Strobilanthes homotropus. 

Athwart - Paeoti - squarish - branched 
(Small - subglabroust-sessile Five - (5-6 
prs)- nerved elliptic-denticulate-acumi- 
nate-leaved) Conshead (Hk. 4/474, 
adpd). 2218 Strobilanthes sexennis. 

Atlee gall (McL.* 891). i62 Tamarix 
gallica (articulata™). 

Attack (McL. 473, 864). 

Attap (Mch, 48). 3161 Nipa fruticans. 

Atty (McL. 491,1000). decelxxviii. Ficus 

Aubergine (McL. 107) (Cag 156) (8. 42, 
407) (Pf. 341). 2084 Solanum “Melon- 

194-b. Camellia 


1618 Chrysanthe- 


134 Flacourtia 


Auguste Vacher Rose (Ru/O/8). 
Rosa odorata (cuprea). 
Aul (McL. 367). 1554 Morinda citrifolia. 
Aul (Mch. 52). 2726 Ficus kengalensis. 
Aul (Dyeing) (McL, 367). 1554 Morinda 
Auloo (McL. 
Auloo (McL. 64). ceclxxv, Prunus (genus). 
Auloochah (Mch. 54). 1069-c. Prunus 
communis (insititia). 
Aumanac (McL. 54, 1000). 


53). cmlix. Dioscorea 

2693 Ricinus 


Aumanac (MchL. 55). 2022 Jatropha 

Aumanac (Foregin) (McL. 65), 1344 
Carica Papaya. 

Aumanac (Rat) McL. 55, 1000). 2622 

Jatropha glandulifera, 
Aumanac (Smali wild) (McL. 55, 1000). 
2624 Jatropha multifida. 

Aumanac (Wild) McL. 55, 1000). 2628 
Jatropha Curcas, 
Aumlacam (McL. 26,1000). decexiv. 

Phyllanthus (genus). 

Aumlicah (McL. 874). 

Aunacauray (McL. 1028). 

Aunaytipplee (MchL. 677). 
sus Officinalis. 
Aunynaur (McL. 


Auragvadham (McL. 57, 
Pithecolobium (genus), 

Aurdracam (McL. 58). 

Auricle (Scabrid) leaved cluster Fig (Moly. 
37,adpd).. 2751 Ficus Cunia. 

Auricle leaved Ragweed climber (Hk. 
§/352, adpd). 1629 Senecio scandens. 

Auricle (Woolly) leaved Ragweed climber 
(Hk. 3/352, adpd). 1630 Senecio 

Auricled leaved Glabrous Marking nat 
(MeL. 476, adpd). 675 Semecarpus 

Auricled (Downy and) leaved Pepper 
(Mc. 676, adpd). 2407 Piper Hapnium. 

Auricled (Bristly decurrent) siender 
Keed Bamboo (Hk. 7/419, adpd). 3820 
Ochlandra Beddomei. ~ 

Auricled (Bristly-decurrent) slender Kead 
Bamboo (? 8320, see note) (HK. 7/420, 
adpd). 38322 Ochlandra setigera,  . 

Auricled (Vibrating) Tick Trefoil (McL. 
818, adpd). 809 Desmodium gyrans. 

Auricula-like (Scarlet) Rondeletiawort of 
Cuba (Nic. 3/318) (Cag. 540). 1466 
Rondeletia odorata, 

Auricular-lobed Heart lJeaved climbing 
Arum (Nic, 3/97). 3256 Philodendron 

982 Tamarindus 
672. Odina 
3269 Scindap- 
€05). 268 Sterculia 
900). ccclxx. 

cmxlvi. Zingiber 


Australia (Bastard Pencil Cedar wood of) 
(B, 1/382). clxxxi. Dysoxlum (ge- 

Australia (Bastard Mahogany of Western) 
(Bth. 8/209). 

Australia (Beef Wood of) (Gbl. 665) 
(MAHS) (N. 1/276). 2780 Casuarina 

Australia (Clustered white flowered 
Resin-seed of Nic. 3/154, adpd). 157 
Pittosporum undulatum. 

Australia (Golaille of West) (Bth. 3/228), 
1169 Eucalyptus brachypoda, 

Australia (Fan Palm of East) Muell, S.P). 
8197 Livistona australis. 

Australia (Native Ivy of) (S. 

declxiii. Muehlenbeckia (genus). 

Australia (Nut tree of East) (Muell, 8.P.). | 

2479 Macadamia ternifolia. 

Australia (Panicled Orange-centred yellow 
flowered Resin-seed of) (Nic. 5/437, 
adpd). 147 Hymenosporum flavum. 

Australia (She Oak of) (Cat. 801) (McL. 
185). (2780 Sphalm) 2781 Casuarina 

Australia (She Oak of) (Gb1. 667). 2781 
Casuarina stricta. 

Australia (Swamp Vak of) (Maid. C.T) 
(Bth 6/198 (Gb1. 667) 2783 Casuarina 

Australia (Swamp Oak of Western) (Bth. 
6/199). 2782 Casuarina distyla (palu- 

Australia(Water-spring Palm of Tropical) 

(Nic. 2/163). cmlxxix. Hydriastele 
Australia (White Gum _ of South) 

(Bs/T/327) (Bdn/F.T) (? 1200). 1195 
Eucalyptus leucoxylon (?) 

Australia (White Gum of South) (Bth. 
3/241). 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 

Australia (Wonga Vine of) (Nic. 4/12). 

2129 'Tecoma australis. 

Australian Banyan (Nic. 2/12). 2745 
Ficus macrophylla. 
Australian Beef Wood (W.Os). 2783 

Casuarina suberosa. 

Australian Bell Creeper (Nic. 3/458). 
(S. 42, 407). 146 Sollya heterophylla. 

Australian (West) Bipinnate Wattle (bth. 
2/819, 416, adpd). 1026 Acacia pul- 
chella. : 

Australian Black Wood:(McL.* 58, 98, 472 
995) (Maid./C.T.) (Bth. 2/389) (H/E.F) 
(Bs/1'/269) (@bl. 301) (Bed. 1/95, 2/254), 
(W. Oa *). 1015 Acacia melanoxylon 
(robusta *). 

Australian Blue Gum (Bs/I 327) (Gb1.- 
352) (Bdn/F. T) (Pf. 257) W.Oa), 1189 
Eucalyptus Globulus. 

Australian Bolly Gum _ (Maid. C.T), 
declxxxiii. Litszoa (genus). 


1179 Eucalyptus margi- | 



Australian Bottle-brush 
5/185) (Cag. 571). 

Australian (Crest-flowered) Bottle-brush 
(Nic. 1/248). 1210 Callistemon calignus. 

Australian (Lance-shaped) Bottle-brush 
(Nic. 5/185). 1209 Callistemon linearis. 

Australian (Linear leaved) Bottle-brush 
(Nic. 1/203). 1212 Callistemon linearis. 

Australian (Rigid leayed) Bottle Brush 
(Bth. 3/121, adpd). 1211 Callistemon 

Australian (Rough) Bottle-brosb (Nic. 
3/185. 1209 Callistemon linear‘s. 

Australian ee igen Bottle-brush 
(Nie. 1/243), 1210 Callistemon salig- 

Australian (North) Box Tree (Bth. 3/228). 
1169 Eucalyptus brachypoda. 

(Nic. 1/243, 
edxii. Callistemon 

Australian Boxes (Maid. C.T).  cdix, 
Eucalyptus (genus). 

Australian Cranberry (McL. 506). 1679 
Achras Sapota. 

Australian Dammer (McL, 58,258). 2833 
Agathis robusta. 

Australian Fan Palm (Cat. 331). 3197 

Livistona australis. 

Australian Feather Palm (S, 352) (Nic. 
3/247). cmlxxxi, Ptychosperma (genns). 

Australian (North) Fern Palm (Bth. 6/251), 
2875 Cycas media. 

Australian Fir (McL. 
Casuarina equisetifola. 

Australian Flame Tree (Muell. S.P). 266 
Sterculia acerifolia. 

Australian Fuchsia 

_ Correa (genus). 

Australian (Scarlet) Fachsia (8. 111), 
376 Correa speciosa. 

Australian (White) Fuchsia Itt): 
375 Correa alba, 

Avstralian He Oak (McL. 185). (? 2781) 
2780 Casuarina equisetifolia (?). 

Australian Honeysuckle (Maid. C.T) 
(S.42, 45). ccxcv. Banksia (genus). 

Australian (Very-small-to-white-velvetty 
backed -oblong-lance--entire-or-gerate 
recurved-margined-obtuse leaved 
Honey suckle (Bth. 3/552, adpd), 2490 
Banksia marginata. 

Australian Gum Tree (MeL. 58,995) (8.157) 
(Maid./C.T). cdix. Eucalyptus (genua). 

Australian Iron Barks (Maid, ©.T).  edix, 
Eucalyptus (genus). 

Australian Light wood (Bth. 2/889) (Mel. 
58). 1016 Acacia melanoxylon. 

Australian long-leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Td. Codizum 
variegaium (longifolinm australiense). 

Australian (Smaller) long leaved Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-To, 
Codizum variegatum (Washingtonii), 

185). 2780 

(8. 42,111). 




Australian Mountain Ashes (Maid. C.T). 
cdix. Eucalyptus (genus). 

Australian (Hooker’s) Mountain Ebony 
(McL. 472,520, 995, adpd). 1000 Bauhi- 
nia Hookeri. 

Australian (Western) Mahogany (Bth. 
3/209) (Gbl. 353). 1179 Eucalyptus 

Australian Native Hop (McL, 313). 649 
Dodonza viscosa. 

Australian (Leafless-or-sparsely mem- 

Native Ivy (Nic. 2/390, adpd). 2386 
Muehlenbeckia platyclada. 
Australian Native Rose (8.56). cxxxix. 

Boronia (genus). 

Australian Nonda Tree (Muell. S.P) (Bth. 
2/426). ceclxxiii. Parinarium (yenus). 
Australian Pepper Tree (Nic. 3/881) (Cag. 

631). 656 Schinus molle. 
Australian (West) Red Gum (Bth. 3/256). 
1171 Eucalyptus calophylla. 

Australian (Alternate leaved Umbelled) 

Rose (Bth. 1/302, adpd), 
temon (genus), 
Australian (Black-puarple-backed yellow 
flowered) Rose (Bth. 1/315, adpd). 372 
Boronia megastigma. 
Australian (Small--narrow--obovate--to- 

exlii. Hrios- 



Austrian Briar Rose (Nic. 3/322, 5/648) 
(S. 48,875) (Cag. 592). 1097-a, Rosa 
Eglaateria (lutea). 

Austrian Copper Rose (Nic. 3/825) 
(Hod) (Ru/N/#0,0/18) (Mu. 57). 1097-b. 
Rosa Eglanteria (cuprea)- 

Austrian Pine (Nic. 8/141) (Gbl. 703) 
2848-c. Pinus Laricio (austriaca). 

Autty (McL. 520) 990 Bauhinia racemosa. 

Auvauray (Mch. 932). 954 Cassia auricu- 

Awla Tree (Br. 195) (Cag. 217) (PA. 305) 
(McL. 928). 2558 Phyllanthus fimblica, 

Avellana-indica cf old writers (Mcl. 40). 
3121 Areca Catechu. 

Avicennia (Downy leaved) (Mch. 470). 
2334 Avicennia officinalis. 

Aviry (McL. 369). 754 Indigofera tinc- 

Avocado Pear {(Mch. 19) (Mueil. S.P) Bed 
1/184) (Nic. 3/82) (S.43, 317) (Gb. 557 
(Br. 186) (Cag. 218) (Cat. 231)(Ru/N/69) 
(Ooty. 65). 2441 Persea gratissima. 

Axil-flowered alternate-narrow-leaved 
Myrtle (Hk. 2/462, adpd). cdxiv. 
Leptospermum (genus), 

| Axil flowered alternate subverticillate-or 

ronce-leayed Pink-or-white) Rose (Bth. | 

333. adpd). 

Australian Rosy Trumpet Creeper (Br. 
132, Cag. 455. adpd). 2126 Tecoma 

Australian Sandstay (Muell. S.P). 
Leptospermum Jevigatum. 

Australian scrub Blood Wvod (Cat. 262). 
2652 Baloghia lucida. 

Australian (Variable leaved) Shoe Flower 
(Nic. 5/425). 250 Hibiscu sheterophyl- 

Australian Stringy Barks 
cdix. Eucalyptus (genus). 

Australian Swamp Oak (McL. 58,185), 


(Maid. C.T), 

[2780 Sphalm } 2783 Casuarina subervsa. | 

Austra ian (South-East) Tea (!'roas. Bot. 
2/674). 1217 Leptospermum pubescens, 

Australian (White) Tea Tree (McL, 114) 
1219 Melaleuca Leucadendron. 

377 Hriostemon myopo- | 

Australian. Tulip wood (Maid. C.T). | 
ecxlix. Harpullia (genus). 

Australian Turpentine (Maid. C.T) 
(Mueil. 8.P). 1213 Synearpia lauri- 

Australian Turpentine Tree (Nic. 4/93) 
(? 1218). 1220 Tristania conferta (?): 
Australian Wattle (W.63). 1016 Acacia 

Australian Wattle (Bs/S. 256. NLGS) (W. 

63). 1018 Acacia dealbata. 
Australian (Sonth) White Gum (Bth, 
3/212). 1200 Kucalyptus paniculata, 

opposite broad leaved Myrtle (Hk. 2/ 
464, adpd). cdxvi. Tristania (genus). 
Axil (Large) flowered Asparagus (McL. 
516, adpd). 086 Aspargus Jacque- 


| Axil (Small) flowered Asparagus (McL, 

516 adpd). 3085 Asparagus subulatus. 
Axil flowered (Beddome’s larger berried) 
Arboreous Wampee (Bed. 1/45, adpd). 
397-c, Clauseua Willdenovii (dulcis). 
Axil-flowered Crossandra (Br. 172). 2244-b. 
Crossandra undulaefolia (axillaris). 
Axil-flowered Inlana Mangrove (McL. 470, 
adpd). 1141 Weihea zeylanica, 

Axil-flowered shrubby Indian Wampee 
(Kk. 1/506, adpd). 397-a. Clausena 

Axil-flowered (common-elabrous) shrubby 
Wampee (Hk. 1506, adpd). 3897«a. 
Clausena Willdenovii (nana). 

Axil-flowered (Downy) shrubby Wampee 
(Hk. 1/506, adpd). 9397-b. Clausena 
Willdenovii (pubescens), 

Axil-spined (Penninerved small leathery- 
downy-glabrate-obovate- oblong-obtuse 
to-acuminate-leaved) Jack (Hk. 5/538, 
adpd). 2760 Cudrania javensis. 

Axil-spined Paripinnate-leaved Brasiletto 
of Chili (Nic. 1/390, adad). 955 Czesal- 
pinia tinctoria. 

Axil-spined Paripinnate-(6-8)-obcordate- 
cuneate-leaved Brasiletto of Yucatan 
(Treas. Bot. 1/565, adpd). 943 Heema- 
toxylon campechianum. 

i ae a 


Axil-spined (Penninerved-small-leathery 
leaved) Mulberry (Hk, 5/491, adpd). 
2719 Plecospermum spinosum. 

Axillary Bipinnate Wattle (Bth. 2/819, 116 
adpd). 1026 Avacia pulchella. 

Axillary cymed False Holly (Hk. 1/586, 
adpd). 496 Gomphandra axillaris. 

Axillary cymed-or-corymbed 
tipped-branched Ottal smelling Ipeca- 
cuanha (Hk. 3/21, adpd). dxvi. Sap- 
rosma (genus). 

Axillary Phyllode Wattle (Bth. 2/318, 
883, adpd). 1025 Acacia homalophy!la. 

Axillary (Downy shrobby) Phy!lode 
Wattle (Bth. 2/307, 847, adpd). 1023 
Acacia armata, : 

Axillary (Shrabby) Phyllode Wattle (Bth. 
2/309, 358, adpd). 1021 Acacia stricta. 

Axillary-single-headed (Bipinnate (18—20) 
glandular linear-oblong-(80--50)-foliol- 
ed.) Sirissa (Bed. 1/96, adpd). 1050-b. 
Albizzia amara (Wightii). 

Axillary spike flowered White cedar (Hk. 
1/548, adpd). 459 Dysoxylum Bed- 

Axillary-spined Jack (Hk. 5/478, adpd). 
decelxxvi. Cudrania (genus). 

Axillary-spined Mulberry (Hk. 5/478, 
adpd). decclxx. Plecospermum (genus). 

Axillary (Elliptic-oblong-leaved) Yellow 
(Nic. 2/261, adpd). 2265 Jacobinia 

Azalea (Nic. 1/150). 

Azalea (Chinese) (Nic. 1/150). 
Rhododendron indicum. 

_ Azalea (Indian) (Nic, 1/150) (S. 218, 366). 

1646 Rhododendron indicum. 

dxli, Rhododendron 


Azalea (Japanese) (Nic, 1/150). 1647 
Rhododendron sinense. 

Azalea (Soft leaved) (S. 404). 1647 
Rhododendron sinense. 

Azamara of Abyssinia (O1.1/421), cexli. 

Allophylus (gents). 

Azores (Shrubby Downy Jasmine of the) 
(McL. 383, adpd). 1770 Jasminum 

Azorian Jasmine (Br. 114). 
num azoricum. 

Azure-blue (Pure-white-ringed) Passion 

1770 Jasmi- 

Flower (Cag. 559) (? 1348). 1356 
Passiflora Middletoniana (?). 
Azure Rainbow Creeper (McL. 371). 2164 

Thunbergia grandiflora. 

Azure (Narrow leaved) Rainbow creeper. 
(McL. 371, adpd). 2165 Thunbergia 
laurina. © 

Bristle- | 

INDEX, 385 


Babool (McL, 63, 911). 
Babool (McL. 63, 472, 925, 995) (Br. 65, 

ecelxvii. Acacia 

(Cat. 17). 1029 Acacia arabica. 

Babool (Ashy) (McL. 68, 473, 995). 1008 
Dichrostachys cinerea. , 

Babool (Black) (McL. 9385, adpd). 1029 
Aracia arabica. 

Labool (Creeping) (McL. 801). 1003 
Entada scandens. 

Babool (Custoory) (McL., 936). 1027 
Acacia Farnesiana. 

Babool (Deccany) (McL. 63). 1052 
Pithecolobium dulce. 

Babcol (Green) (McL. 936). 948 Parkin- 
sonia aculeata. 

Babool (Kateerah) (McL. 406, 935). 1033 

Acacia leucophlcea. 

Babool (Musk scented) (McL. 985, adpd). 
1027 Acacia Farnesiana. 

Babool (Panicled) (McL. 936, adpd). 
Acacia lencophleea. 

Babool (Pea podded Black) (Hk. 2/293, 
adpd). 1031 Acacia eburnéa. 

Babool (Pulpy podded Black) (McL. 936, 
adpa). 1027 Acacia Farnesiana. 

Babool (Purple fiowered Umbrella 
Thorn) (McL. 473, 934, 935, adpd). 
1032 Acacia tomentosa. 

Babool (Sweet) (McL. 226). 
colobium dulce. 


1052 Pithe- 

Babool (Sweet scented) (Cag. 628). 1027 
‘Acacia Franesiana. 
Babool (White) (McL. 63) (W.{1). 1033 

Acacia leucophlea. 
Babool (White flowered Umbrella Thorn) 

(McL. 473, 934, 935, adpd). 1028 
Acacia planifrons, 
Babool (Wight’s glabrous Black) (Hk. 

2/298, adpd). 1030 Acacia Wightii. 
Babul (Bed. 2/47) (Bdn/L.F.T) (Bs/S.157/ 
CDP. (200/SAC), 224/CBY) (W. 8, 12, 
16, 52, 54, 58). 1029 Acacia arabica. 
Babul (Black) (W. 1). 1029 Acacia 
Bacca-orientalis (McL. 357). 81 Anamirta 

Bachnaug (Wild) (McL. 68, 484, 1001). 
3119 Gloriosa superba. 

Backed (Cordate oblong Purple) Arrowroot 
(Nic. 5/520). 3013 Maranta leuconeura. 

Backed (Dark-green Purple) Arrowroot 
(Nic. 1/238). 3023 Calathea Vanden- 

Backed (Large oblong Purple) Arrowroot ~ 

- (Nic. 2/238). 3017 Calathea zebrina, 

Backed (Oblong acuminate Purple) 
Arrowroot (Nic. 2/238). 3016 Calathea 


Backed (Ovate elliptic Purple) Arrowroot | 

(Nic. 1/238). 3024 Calathea Veitchiana. 

Backed (Obovate Purple) Arrowroot (Nic. | 

1/237. 3012 Maranta illustris. 

Backed (Oblong Purple) Arrowroot (Nic. 
1/237). 3019 Calathea Lindeniana. 

Backwater Tree (McL. 303). 1702 Dios- 
pyros Embryopteris. 

Bad fruited Emetic nut (McL. 291). 
Randia malabarica. 

Badary (McL. 65, 993). 

Bael (McL. 65, 472, 484, 993) (Bs/T/119) 
(Gbl. 131) (Bdn/F.T/L) (Pr. 1/305) 
(Cat. 54) (PA. 379) (Bll. 24) (Br. 28) 
(Cag. 273). 425 Aigle Marmelos, 

Bael (Barber’s) (McL. 435). 399 Limonia 


eexxvii. Zizyphus 

Bael (Dietetic) (Mch. 65). 425 Aigle 

Bael (Indian) (McL. 65). 425 Adgle 

Baer (Cag. 273). 561 Zizyphus Jujuba. 

Bahama Braziletto (McL. 588). 931 
Ceesalpinia sepiaria. 

Bahama Sappan (McL. 538). 931 Czsal- 
pinia sepiaria. 

Bailey’s Gum (Nic. 1/585, adpd). 1182 

Eucalyptus Baileyana. 

Bailey’s Wattle (Nic. &/4). 

Bair (McL. 66, 473, 994). 

Bair (Black) (McL. 66, 840) 
Albizzia amara. 

1024 Acacia 
561 Zizyphus 

(?). 1050 

Bair (False Forest) (McL. 66, corr). 137 
Fjacourtia sepiaria. 

Bair (Female) (McL. 66, 993). 310 Grewia 

Rair (Forest) (McL. 66, 474, 994). 563 
Zizyphus noummularia. 

Bair (Forest) (McL. 66, 864). 137 Fla- 
courtia sepiaria. 

Bair (Jackal) (McL. 66, 473,999). 564 | 
Zizyphus Ginoplia. 

Bair (Nulty) (McL. 66, 473, 999). 565 
Zizyphus xylopyra. 

Bair (Small) (Mch. 66. 994). 572 Scutia 

Bajovri (Bon. 67, 69). 410-b. Citrns 

medica-Limonum (limonimedica). 
Belah (McbL. 67, 942). Ixxxviii. Sida 


Balah (Common) (Mcl. 67, 942), 216 Sida 

Balah (Lance leaved) (Mch. 67, 992, 215 
Sida acuta. 

Balah (Large) (Mcl. 67). 216 Sida 

Balah (Mysore) (McL. 67,992,1925). 212 
Sida mysorensis. 

Balah (Prickly) (McL. 68, 992). 214 Sida 

= Spinosa. 



Balah (Shrubby) (McL. 68, 793). 217 Sid 

Balanghas (Mc. 68, 995). 271 Sterenlia 

Balanos of the Greeks (McL, 518). 689 
Moringa pterygosperma, 

Balaustiam of the Romans (Mcb, 30). 
1822 Punica granatum. 

Balbiji Seed Plant (McL. 914). 322 

Abutilon indicum, 
Baldan (McL. 928). 


1145 Terminalia bel- 

Bald Mango (McL. 468). 2750 Ficus 

Bald Sundra (McL. 859) (?). ccelxv. 
Mimosa (genus) (?). 

Ball (Poison) Plant (Mch. 295). 483 

Balanites Roxburghii. 

Ball (Lilac Chinese Orange) Tree (Nic. 
5/165). 1954 Buddleia curviflora, 

Ball (Orange) Tree (S. 64). dexliii. Bndd- 
leia (genus). 

Ball (Purple Chinese Orange) Tree (Nic. 
1/221): 1952 Buddleia Lindleyana, 

Ball {White Indian Orange) Tree (Nic. 
1/221). 1951 Buddleia asiatica, 

Ball (Yellow Madagascar Orange) Tree » 

(Nic. 5/165). 1953 Buddleia madagas- 

Ballarat Box (Bth. 3/202). 
tus amygdalina, 

Balloon Vine (McL. 484, 611) (Rid. 112) 
(Cag. 682). 623 Cardiospermnm Hali- 

Balioon (Lesser) Vine (McL. 611, adpd). 
624 Cardiospermum canescens. 

Balm leaved Lantana (Br. 163), 2277-b. 
Lantana involucrata (melisszfolia). 

Balm (Indian) of Gilead (McL. 416). 442 
Balsamodendron Berryi. 

Balong of the Portuguese (McL. 1024). 
424 Feronia elephantum, 

Balsam Family (Br. 28) (L/N/8/B). XXV. 
Geraniacezx (Order). 

Balsam (Berry’s Madras) (McL. 69, 416, 
adpd). 442 Balsamodendron Berryi. 
Balsam (Garden) (McL, 69).  oxxxvi. 

Impatiens (genus). 

Balsam Flower (McL. 69, 504) (Nie. 2/178) 
(Br. 388) (Loud) (S. 44, 212). oxxxvi. 
Impatiens (genus). 

Balsam (Great) Flower (McL. 504, adpd). 
369 Impatiens grandis. 

Balsam (Hooker’s) Flower (McbL. 504, 

1192 Kucalyp- 

adpd). 3868 Impatiens Hookeriana. 
Balsam (Shrubby) Flower (MeL. 504, 
adpd). 3867 !mpatiens fruticosa. 

Balsam ef Tolu podded Brasiletto (Treas. 
Bot, 2/1336, adpd). cccxli. Pterolobium 

Balsam Poon (McL. 705). 181 fCalophyl 
lum inophyllum. 



Balsam Tree (McL. 63). clxxi, Balsamo- 
‘dendron (genus). 

Balsam (Canudate leaved Hill) Tree (Hk. 
1/580, adpd). 443-a. Balsamodendron 
caudatum (typica). 

Balsam (Cuspidate leaved Hill) Tree (Hk. 
1/530, adpd). 44%3-b. Balsamodendron 
caudatum (Roxburghii). 

Balsam (Downy Hill) Tree (McL. €9, 416, 
adpd), 444 Balsamodendron pubescens. 

Balsam (Gooseberry) ‘I'ree (McbL. 303, Hk. 
1/529, adpd). clxx. Garuga (genus). 

Balsam (Grey-Jowny) Tree (Hk. 1/525, 
adpd). clxx. Garuga (genus). 

Balsam (Hill) Tree (McL. 69, 416, ad pd). 
443 Balsamodendron candatum. . 

Balsam (Multifoliate—(7-9) Elliptic-oblong- 
serrate-cuspidate-leaved Rusty downy) 
Tree (Bs/T/137, adpd). 445 SBorsera 

Balsam (Multifoliate-(15-19) obliquely- 
ovate-to-oblong-crenate-cuspidate leaved 
Grey-downy) Tree (Hk. 1/525, adpd). 
440 Garuga pinnata. 

132,adpd). clxxii. Bursera (genus). 

INDEX. 337 

Bamboo (Brown-hairy-node-ringed hollow 
smedium) (Hk, 1/392, adpd). 33038 
Bambusa vulgaris. 

Bamboo (Capitate beaked Free-grained) 
(Hk. 7/10, adpd). wxlviii. Cephalos- 
tachyum (genus). 

Bamboo (Chinese Dwarf) (McL. 70). 3302 
Jambusa nana, 

Bamboo (Chinese Glaucous 
shrubby) (Nic. 1/155, Gbl. 757). 
Banibusa nana. 

Bamboo (Common) (Bdn/F T/L) (Br. 
229), (Ell. 86) (Ku/N/51/0/19) (Mu. 42) 
(McL. 69, 472, 1002). 3304 Bambusa 

Bamboo (Common Prickly) (Pf. 351) (Cat. 


334). 3304 Bambusa arundinacea. 
Bamboo (Creeper) (MeL. 751). 3208 
Calamus Rotang. 
TRamboo (Crow) (McL. 70, 569). 3283 

Saccharum spontaneum. 
Bamboo (Dark) (McL. 70). 3310 Dendro- 
calamus strictns. 

| Bamboo (Dark green large) (Gol. 752). 
Balsam (Red Gooseberry) Tree (Bs/T/ | 
| Bambov (Dark green, sometimes Yellow- 

Balsam (Rusty-downy) Trée (8s/T/132, _ 

adpd). clzxii. Bursera (genus). 
Baltic (Red Deal of the) (Gbl. 703). 
Pinus sylvestris. 
Bamboo (McL. 69, 1000) (5S. 44). mexliv. 
Bambusa (genus), 

2857 | 

Bamboo (8. 36, 44). mxliii. Arandinaria | 


Bamboo (Ashy-grey large) (GbIl, 
3315 Dendrocalamnus Brandisii. 
Bamboo (Bengal) (McL. 69, 84, 473, 

10002). 3301 Bambusa Taida. 
Bamboo (Berry) (McL. 69, 1002). mzlix. 
Ochlandra (genus). 


Bamboo (Berry-bearing) (McL. 69). 
mxlix. Ochlandra (genus). 
Bamboo (Boar spear) (Pfi. 189). 3310 

Dendrocalamus strictus. 

Bamboo (Brandis’ Giant) (FAR. 20 to 48, 
MBR, 25 to 37, CAN : 26, CBT. 35, 
NLGS). 3315 Dendrocalamus Brandi- 

Bamboo (Bright-green small hollow) (Gl. 

747). 3303-2. Bambusa vulgaris 

Bamboo = (Bristly-decurrent auricled 
slender Reed) (HE. 7/419, adpd). 3320 
Ochlandra Beddomei. 

Samboo (Bristly-decurrent  auricled 

slender Reed) (? 3320, see note) (Hk. 
7/421, adpd). 3222 Ochlandra seti- 

Bamboo (Bristly stemmed slender Reed) 

(Hk. 7/419, adpd). 3319 Ochlandra 



3311 Dendrocalamus sikkimensis. 

striped, Tufted) (Gbl. 3305 
Oxytenanthera nigrociliata. 

Bamboo (Dog) (McL. 70, 569). 3283 
Saccharum spontaneum. 
Bamboo (Dog) (McL. 569). 

mites Karka. 

Bamboo (Downy  node-ringed 
shrubby) (Hk. 7/403, adpd). 
Oxytenanthera Stocksii. 

Bamboo (Dwart) (McL. 70) (Cag. 324). 
3302 Bamobusa nana. 

Bamboo (Dwarf gregarious Thorny) 
(Hk. 6/396). 3304-b. Bambusa arundi- 
nacea (spinosa). 

Bamboo (Fascicled branched shrubby) 


3291 Phrag- 


(Hk. 7/376, adpd). mxliii. Arondina- 
ria (genus). 
Bamboo (Female) (McL. 69). 3304 

Bambus2 arundinacea. 
Bamboo (Fortune’s) (Ru/0/33) (Ooty 
220) (S. 168). 3300 Bambusa Fortunei. 
Bamboo (Free-grained) (Hk. 7/9, adpd). 
mxlyi. Dendrocalamus (genus). 
Bamboo (Giant) (FAR. 18, 23, 24, MBR ; 
22 to 34, CAN; 18, CBT). 33i3 
Dendrocalamus giganteus. 
Bamboo (Giant) (FAR. 20 to 48, MBR ; 25 

to 37, CAN, 36, CBT ;35, NLGS. 32335 
Dendrocalamus Brangisii. 
Bamboo (Gigantic) (Br. 239). 3313 

Vendrocalamus gigantets, 

Bamboo (Glabrous-culm-sheathed hollow 
largey (Hk. 7/405, adpd). 3312 
Dendrocalamus Hamiltonii. 

Bamboo (Glabrous leaved slender Reed) 
(Bs/'T/684, adpd). 3324 Ochlandra 


Bamboo (Glaucous-green becoming 
grey-green, largest) (Gbl. 752), 3918 
Dendrocalamus giganteus. 

Bamboo (Glaucous-green becoming jyel- 
low, Solid) (Gbl. 751). 3810 Dendro- 
calamus strictus. 

Bamboo (Glaucous green smal] hollow) 
(Gbl. 754). 8317 Cephalostachyum 

Bamboo (Glaucous stemmed and leaved 
shrubby) (Hk. 7/382, adpd). 38299 
Arundinaria Hookeriana, 

Bamboo (Golden) (Cat. 384) (Ru/O/12) 
(Mu. 42). 3308-b. Bambusa vulgaris 

Bamboo (Golden Burmah) (FAR. 28 to 

48, MBR). 3303-b. Bambusa vulgaris 
Bamboo (Golden-felted culm-sheathed 

hollow large) (Hk. 7/405, adpd). 3311 
Dendrocalamus sikkimensis. 

Bamboo (Gelden stemmed) (Gbl. 747). 
8303-b. Bambusa vulgaris (aurea). 

Bamboo (Hairy node-ringed hollow large) 
(Hk. 7/406, adpd). 3313 Dendrocala- 
mus giganteus. 

Bamboo (Hairy swollen 
shrubby) (Hk. 7/377, adpd). 
Ayundinaria Wightii. 

Bamboo (Hamilton’s) (FAR. 31 to 42, 
NLGS). 3312 Dendrocalamus 

Bamboo (Hard) (McL, 70). 
calamus strictus. 

Bamboo (Heavenly) (S. 288). xli. Nandina 

Bamboo (Hog) (McL. 70). 
calamus strictus. 

Bamboo (Hollow) (MchL. 69). 
Bambusa arundinacea. 

Bamboo (Hooker’s) (FAR. 46, KEN ; 48, 


3310 Dendro- 

3310 Dendro- 


VSZ). 3299 Arundinaria Hookeriana. 
Bamboo (Japanese) (FAK. 34 to 38, 
NLGS). 3295 Arundinaria japonica. 
Bamboo ‘Japanese Downy  leaved 

shrudby) (Nic. 1/156). 

Bamboo (Japanese Pungent-tip leaved 
shrubby) (Nic. 1/118, 5/27). 3295 
Arundinaria japonica. 

Bamboo (Large) (Bs/S/1384, CDP) (W. 2, 
8154) 16,07, (d0,°91.0019, 88), 025," 137). 
3304 Bambusa arundinacea, 

Bamboo (Leathery sheathed hollow 
medium) (Hk. 7/408, adpd). 3309 
Oxytenanthera Bourdilloni. 

Bamboo (Larger internoded stout Reed) 
(Hk. 7/419, adpd). 8321 Ochlendra 

Bamboo (Long internoded Reedy) (Hk. 
7/418, adpd). maxlix, Ochlandra 

3300 Bambusa 

node-ringed | 


Bamboo (Long liguled stout Reed) (Hk 
7/420, Bs/T/684, adpd). 3323 Ochlandra 

Bamboo (Long spathed) (FAR. 26 to 48, 
MBE; 31 to 48, CAN; 83 to 35, OBT; 
33, NLGS). 3314 Dendrocalamus ion- 
gispathus. e 

Bamboo (Mahableshwar) (McL. 70, 1002). 

334-c. Bambusa arundinacea (orien- 

Bamboo (Male) (Bed. 1/229, 285) (6s/T/ 
675) (Bs/S/173, SLM) (Gbl. 752) (MeL. 
70, 472, 1002) (Ell. 280) (Cag. 882) 
(Cat. 334) (Ru/O/18) (Mu. 42) (PA. 189). 
3310 Dendrocalamus stricius. 

Bamboo (Metake) (Nic. 1/118, 5/27.) 
3295 Arundinaria japonica. 

Bamboo (Monadelphous rice-grained) 
(Hk. 7/9, adpd’. mxlyv. Oxytenanthera 

Bamboo (Nilgiri shrubby) (Gbl. 
3297 Arundinaria Wightiana. 
Bamboo (Pendulous-branched Green- 
stemmed shrubby) (Hk. 7/410, adpd). 

8816 Teinostachysm Wightii. 

Bamboo (Persistent culm-sheathed 
hollow medium) (Hk. 7/407, adpd). 
3314 Dendrocalamus longispathus. 


Bamboo (Polyandrous Berry-bearing) 
(Hk. 7/10, adpd). mxlix. Ochlandra 

Bamboo (Pungent-tipped thick ieaved 

shrubby) (Hk. 7/877, adpd). 8296 
Arundinaria Walkeriana. 
Bamboo (Quill) (Cag. 321). 93318 
Ochlandra Rheedii. 
| Bainboo (Rheede’s Berry) (Mech. 69, 

8818 Ochlandra Rheedii. 

1002, corr). 
(McL, 69). 3318 

Bamboo (Rheede’s) 
Ochlandra Rheedii. 

Bamboo (Rice-grained) (Hk. 7/9, adpd). 
mxliv. Bambusa (genus). 

Bamboo (Scabrous stemmed hollow 
medium) (Hk. 7/401, adpd). 3305 
Oxy tenanthera nigrociliata. 

Bamboo (Shorter internoded stout Reed) 
(Hk. 7/418, adpd). 3318 Ochlandra 

Bamboo (Sikkim) (FAR. 31 
NLGS), 38311 Dendrocalamus 
mensis. ; 

Bamboo (Solid) (Cag. 321). 38314 Den- 
drocalamus strictus, 

Bamboo (Small) (McL. 70) (Br. 329). 
3302 Bambusa nana. 

Bamboo (Small) (Bs/38/126, NEL, 1384, 
CDP; 160, BEL: 178, SLM) (W. 2, 3, 
4, 6,7, 10,11, 88, 10%, 125, 12%). 33810 
Dendrocalamus strictus. 

Bamboo (Small Hill) (Bed. 1/229), 3297 
Arundinaria Wightii. 

to 42, 

i - vy —— 


Bambovo (Spicate beaked Free-grained) 
(Hk. 7/10, adpd). mxlvii. Teinostach- 
yum (genus). 

Bamboo (Stone) (Mel. 70). 
calamus strictus. 

Bamnboo (Striped) (MeL. 70, 472, 1002). 
3303 Bambusa vulgaris (striata). 

Bamboo (Swollen-ringed semisolid 
medium) (Hk. 7/404, adpd). 33810 
Dendrocalamus strictus. 

Bamboe (Thick dwarf leaved shrubby) 
(Hk 7/879, adpd). 3298 Arundinaria 

Bamboo (Thorny) (Bs/S/i26, NEL. 134, 

CDP: 173, SLM) (McL. 70, 1002) 
(Gbl, 748), 3204 Bambusa arundi- 

Bamboo (Thorny branched hollow large) 
(Hk. 7/395, adpd). 3304 © Bambusa 

Bamboo (Triandrous rice-grained) (Hk 
7/9,  adpd). mxliii. Arundinaria 

3310 Dendro- 

Bamboo (Whip-branched rough stemmed | 

shrubby) (Hk. 7/402). 
anthera Vhwaitesil. 

3300 OXyten- | 

Bamboo (W hite-downy-culm-sheathed 
hollow large) (Hk. 7/407, adpd). 3315 
Dendrocalamus Brandisii. 

Bamboo (White wuode-ringed hollow | 
medium (tik. 7/4138, adpd). 3317 | 
Cephalostachyum pergracile. 

Bamboo (White node-ringed semisolid | 
medinm) (Hk. 7/387, adpd). 3801 | 

Bambusa Tulda. 
Bamboo (White-pubescent-becoming grey- 
green, large) (Gbl. 752). 
Dendrocalamus Hamiltoni. 
Bamboo (White ringed greyish-green 
solid) (Gbl. 746). 33801 Bambusa 
Bamboo (Yellow) (FAR 23 to 48, MBR). 
3303-b. Bambusa vulgaris (aurea). 
Bamboo (Yellow  velvetty 

nanthera monostigma. 

Bamboo Cane (Mch. 69). 

Bamboo (Sacred) of China (Cag. 674). 
96 Nandina domestica. 

Bamboo (Golden) of Java (Cag. 321) 
(Cat. 234). 3303-b. Bambusa vulgaris 

Bamboo (Semiscandent) of the Nallamalais 
and Western Ghauts (Gbl. 750). 3306 
Oxytenanthera Thwaitesii, 

Famboo (Semiscandent bright-green) of 
the Western Ghauts (Gbl, 753). 8316 
Teinostachyum Wigitii. 

3304 Bambusa 

Bamboo (Open-clumped Few-thorned) of | 

the Javadi-Hills (Bs/T/671). 3304-d, 
Bambuea arundinacea (javadiensis), 


stemmed | 

shrubby) ,(Gbl. 750). 3807 Oxyte- | 

3312 | 



Bamboo (Thornless) of Travancore (Bdn/ 

B.T), 3309 Oxytenanthera Bourdil- 
Bamboo Reed (Mech. 76). 3304-c. 

Bambusa arundinacea (orientalis), 

Bamboo (European) Reed (Muell. S.P). 
#287 Arundo Donax. 

Bamboos (Hk. 7/3865). GXXVI. Grami- 
nacez (Order-Baimbuseae sub-order). 

Bamia Cotton of Egypt (Muell. S.P). 
254-c. Gossypium barbadense (hybri- 
dum). f 

Bunana (Family (Br. 214) (L/N/S/B). 
CXV Scitaminacez (Order). 

Banana (McL. 687) (8S. 279). 
Musa (genus). 

Banana (McL. 70) (Gbl. 725) (S. 44, 
279) (Pr. 2/1050) (Cag. 206) (Jat. 322) 
(Pal. 349). 3042 Musa sapientnm. 

Banana (Abyssinian) (S. 2) (Gag. 377). 
3039 Musa Ensete. 

Banana  (Bruce’s) 
Musa Enseie, 

Banana (Cheeneechumpa) (Cag. 207). 
3042-a. Musa sapientum (Champa). 

Banana (Chinese) (Muell. S.P) (Cooke. 


(Muell. S.P). 3039 

2/742}. 3040 Musa Chinensis. 

Banana (Chocolate blotched leaved) 
(Cooke. 2/741, adpd). 3°38 Mus» 

Banana (Chumpa) (Cag. 207). 3042-a. 

Musa sapientum (Champa). 

Banana (Crimson-costate huge leaved) 
(Cooke. 2/741, adpd). 3039 Musa 

Banana (acca) (Cag. 
Musa sapientum (Dacci). 

Banana (Dessert) (Cag. 206) (Cat. 322), 
3042-b. Musa sapientum (martahanica), 

Banana (Dwarf) (Cooke 2/742) (Ovtv 55) 
(Cag. 206) (Ru/N/70, 0/9) (Muell. S. 
P). 3040 Musa chinensis. 

Banana (Glaucous-backed small leaved) 
(Cooke. 2/741, adpd). 3037 Musa texti- 

Banana (Glaucous leaved) (Cag. 207). 
3042-c. Musa sapientum (Dacca), 

Banana (Green) (Cag. 206). 3041-b. 
Musa paradisiaca (troglodytarum). 

207). 3042-c, 

Banana (Green-costate leayed) (Cag. 
207). 3042 b. Musa sapientum (marta- 

‘Banana (Lerge Butter) (Cag, 206) (Cat. 
322). 3042-c. Musa  sapientum — 

Bauana (Large fruited) (Cag. 207) (Cat. 
322). 3042-a. Musa Sapientum 

| Banana (Madagascar) Palm (Treas, Rot, 
2/961). cmv, Ravenala (genus). 

| Banana (Martaban) (Cag. 207). 3042-b, 
Musa sapientura (martabanica), 


Banana (Rajah) (Cag. 
Musa sapientum (rubra). 

Banana (Rajkela) (Cooke. 2/742). 3042-d. 
Musa sapientum (rubra). 

Banana (Ramkela) (Cooke, 2/742). 3042-d. 
Musa sapientum (rubra), 

Banana (Red) (Cag. 206) (Ooty. 10). 
3042-d. Musa sapientum (rubra). 

Banana (Red-costate leaved) (Cag. 207), 
3042-a. Musa sapientum (Champa). 

Banana (Red-streaked-leaved) (Cag. 379, 

206). &043-d. 

adpd). 3042-e. Musa sapientum (zeb- 

Banana (Royal) (Cat. 322). 3042-d. 
Musa sapientum (rubra). ~ 

Banana (Small Butter) (Cag. 206) (Cat. 
322).  3042-c. Musa sapientum. 

Banana (Small elegant) (Cag. 206) (Cat 
322). 3042-b, Musa _ = sapientum 

Banana (Small fruited) (Cag, 207) (Cat. 
322). 3042-a. Musa  sapientum 

Banana (Snake) (Cag. 206) (Cat. 322). 
3041] Musa paradisiaca. 

Banana (Sumatra) (Cag, 378). 3038 Musa 

Banana (True) (Nic. 2/392). 

Banana (White-striped-leaved) (Cooke. 
743, adpd). 3042-f£ Musa sapientum 

Bananas (Mch. 1005). CXV. Scitamina- 
ces (Order). 

Banapoo (McL. 530). 1150-c. Terminalia 
tomentosa (coriacea). 

3042 Musa 

Band Plant (Nic. 4/160). 1822 Vinca 
Banda Pomelo (Bon. 297). 422-b. 

Citrus decumana-ty pica (pyrifera). 

Banded (Creamy yellow and Green) 
Arrowroot (Nic. 5/520).  3011-b. 
Maranta arundinacea (variegata). 

Banded (Silver striped Light) Arrowroot 
(Nic. 1/238). 3023 Calathea Vanden- 

Banded (Cream and yellow) Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/491). 3100-b, Draceena 
fragrans (Lindeni). 

Randed (White) Dragon Tree (Nic. 5/331, 
adpd). $105 Draczna Sanderiana. 

Banded (Olive) white blotched Arrowroot 
(Nic. 1/237). 3012 Maranta illustris. 

Banded (Olive) yellow-green arrowroot 
(Nic. 2/238). 3016 Calathea ornata). 

Banded (Green and silver) yellowish 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/491). 8102 
Dracena Goldieana. 

Bandir Orange of Tanjore (Bon. 20, 24, 

258, 270). ‘417-b, Citrus Aurantium 
Aurantiam (citrina), 

a ee il 


Bane (Dog) Family (Br.123). LXXIV. 
Apocynacez (Order). 

Bane (Dog’s) (MchL. 282). 1885 Dzeemia 

Banes (Dog) (McL. 10038), LXXIV. 
Apocynacez (Order). 

Banian (Bed. 1/222). © 2726 Ficus 

Banisteria (Laurel leaved) (Br. 30), 357 
Heteropteris iaurifolia. 

Banks’ (Lady) Rose (Nic. 3/319), 
Rosa Banksie. 

Banksian Rose (Nic. 3/328) (S. 245, 875) 
(Cag. 592). 1082 Rosa Banksie. 

Banksian (White) Rose (Nic. 3/119, 323) 
(Cag, 592) (Ru/O/18) (Ooty. 416),.1089-a. 
Rosa Banksize (typica). 

Banksian (Yellow) Rose (Nic. 3/319, 323) 
(Cag. 598) (S. 375) (Ooty. 417). 1089-b. 
Rosa Banksize (lutea). 

Bans (Mch. 69). 33804 Bambusa arundi- 

Banyan (Australian) (Nic. 2/12). 
(McL. 73, 1000)., 


Ficus macrophylla. 

Bany$n (Brahma’s) 
2749 Ficus asperrima. 

Banyan (Chinese) (McL. 78, 1000). 2736 
Hicus retusa. 

Banyan (Common) (Ell. 277). 

ee (Foreign) (McL. 78, 358), (?) 

2734 FWicus elastica (?). 
Banyan (Golden fSigged) (MeL. 78, atipd). 
2727 Ficus mysoressis, 

Banyan (Grey Woolly) (Mech. 73, 473, 
1090, adpd). 2728 Ficus tomentosa, 
Ranyan (Hairy stalk figged) (McL. 72, 

adpd). 2725 Ficus Dalhougiz. 

Banyan (Hill) (MeL. 78, 473, 1000). . 2728 
Ficus tomentosa, 

Banyan (Large Brahma’s) (McL. 73, 1000). 
2751 Ficus Cunia. 

Banyan (Rough) (MclL. 78). 

Banyan (Rusty woolly 
(McL. 738, adpd). 
mysorensis (pubescens). 

Banyan (Stone) (McL. 73, 473, 1000). 
2743 Ficus infectoria. 

Banyan (Short) (McL. 73, 982). 
Ficus Tsiela. 

Banyan (Wild) (MeL. 73, roe) 2727 
Ficus mysorensis. 

Banyan Tree (Rox. 3/589) (Bdn/E.T./L) 
(3.45) (Cat, 271) (McL. 52, 78, 473, 
1000) (Hk, 5/499) (PA, 34) (W.1, 12, 
49). 2726 Ficus bengalensis, 

Baobab (Bed, 1/29) (Bs/T/78) (Hbl. 86) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Ell. 20) (Pr. 1/270) (Pfi. 
380) (Mel. 73, 472, 484, 874, 993) (Nic. 
1/23) (Br 20) (Ol. 1/213) (Cat. 28). 
257 Adansonia digitata. 

2726 Ficug 

2749 Ficus 

Golden figged) 
2727-b. Ficus 



Baptist’s Hybrid Palm Lily (Nic. 1/373), 
3110 Cordyline Baptistii, 

Baraquin’s Oumb-cane (Nic. 1/472). 
3265-0, Dieffenbachia picta (Baraquin- 

Barbodoes Aloe (McL. * 20, 74, 
(Bll, * 38). 3117-a. 
(vulgaris *). 

Barbadoes Cedar (Nic. 2/211). 
perus ,bermudiana. 

Barbadoes Sweet William (MeL. 74, 362) 
(Cag. 496). 2019 Ipomeea Quamoclit, 

Barbary Oak (McL. 82). 2789 (bis.) 
Quercus Ilex. 

Barberry Family Sakae 
Berberidacez (Order), 

Barberry (Nic, 1/181) (Cag. 674) (Loud) 
(S. 45,49) (Bed. 1/12). x1ii. Berberis 

Barberry (Bipinnate myrtle leaved) (Cag. 

_ 674, adpd). 96 Nandina domestica. 
Barberry (Fascicled leaved spinous) (Hk. 

1/110, adrd). 98 Berberis aristata. 

' Barberry (Holly leaved) (Cag. 674). 
Berberis nepaulensis (Leschenaultii.) 

Barberry (Nepaul)(Bdn/L). 97 Berberis 

Barberry (Nepaul) (McL. 591). 
Sphalm] 97 Berberis nepalensis. 
Barber’s Bae! (McL. 435), [899 Sphalm] 

408 Limonia alata. 

Barbodoes (Pencil cedar of Bermuda and) 
{Muell, SP). 2820 Juniperus bermu- 

Barbadoes Cherry Family (Br. 30) (L/N/S/ 
B). XXIII. Malpighiaces (Order). 
Barbadoes Cherry (Br. 30) (Ru/O/41). 

353 Maipighia punicifolia. 

Barbadoes Cherry (McL. 74, 3879, 587). 
1268 Eugenia uniflora. 

Barbadoes Cherry (Mch. 164) (Nic. 2/319) 
(Ru/N/82). 351 Malpighia glabra. 

Rarbadoes Cherry (Cag. 644). cxxvil. 
Malpighia (genus). 

Barbadoes (Box leaved) Cherry (Nic. 

Aloé vera (typica) 

2820 Juni- 

1/181). VI. 



2/319). 352 Malpighia coccigera. 
Barbadoes (Common ~ ovate leaved) 
Cherry (Nic. 2/319), 851 Malpighia 
glabra. ; 
Barbadoes (Diverse flowered) Cherry 
(Nic. 2/31¥, adpd). 354 Malpighia 

Barbadoes (Holly leaved) Cherry (Nic. 
2/319, adpd), 354 Malpighia heteran- 

Barbadoes (Moon’s) Cherry (McL, 74, 379, 
587, adpd), 1267 Eugenia Mooniava. 
Barbadoes (Pomegranate leaved) Cherry 
(Nic, 2/319). 


> Barbadoes Cherries (McL. 1005). XXIII. 

Malpighiacez (Order), 

353 Malpighia punici- 



Barbadoes Cotton (MeL, 74, 233) (Br. 1/9) 
(Hk, 1/347), 254 Gossypium barba- 

Bubadoes Flower (McL. 74, 316). 930 
Cesalpinia pulcherrima, 

Barbadoes Flower Fence (Ell, 484) (Rid. 
260). 930 Cesalpinia pulcherrima. 

Barbadoes Flower Fence (McL. 74, 986). 
943 Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Barbadoes Gooseberry (Cag. 553) (Ru/O/ 
81). 1884 Pereskia Bleo. 

Barbadoes Gooseberry (8. 316) (Nic. 3/70). 
cdivii. Pereskia (genus). 

Barbadoes Pride (McL. 316) (Cag. 619) 
(S 344). £80 Ceesalpinia pulcherrima. 

Barbadoes Pride (MeL. 74, 756) (S. 8, 45). 
1004 Adenanthera pavonina. 

Barbary Pig (8.300) cdlvi. Opuntia 
Bark (Bolivian) (Mech. 420). 1446-2, 

Cinchona Calissya (typica). 

Bark (Broad leaved Iron) (Maid. C, T), 
1173 Eucalyptus siderophloia, 
Bark (Bushy Stringy) (Bth. 3/217). 

Encalyptus stricta, 
Bark (Calisaya) (Mech. 420) (Nie. 1/327). 


1446-a, Cinchona Calisaya (typica). 
Bark (Carthugena) (McL. 420), 1456 
Cinchona, lancifolia. 
Bark (Carthagena) (Hne. Brit.). 1450 

Cinchona pitayensis. 
Bark (Cassia) (McL. 137) (Pfl. 262). 
declxxv. Cinnamomum (genus). 

Bark (Columbian) (McL. 420). 1456 
Cinchona lancifolia. 
Bark (Common Iron) (Bth, 3/222). 1170 

Eucalyptus crebra. 

Bark (Common stringy) (Bth. 3/204) (Nic. 
1/535), 1190 Eucalyptus obliqua. 

Bark (Condaminea) (Cat. 167),  1444-c. 
Ciachona officinalis (condaminea), 

Bark (Conessi) (MeL. 871) (Rox. 2/4) (Cat, 

185). 1833 Holarrhena antidysentirica. 

Bark (Coorchy) (McL. 871). 1833 
Holarrhena antidysenterica. 

Bark (Coquetta) (McL. 420). 1456 
Cinchona lancifolia. 

Bark (Coquetta) (McL. 420). 1456 

Cinvhona lancifolia, 

Bark (Crown) (Mclu., 420) (Muell. 8. P) 
(Gbl. 406) (Ell. 173) (Cat. 167). 1444-a. 
Cinchona officinalis (typica). 

Rark (False Angostura) (McL. 690), 1962 
Strychnos nux-vyomica. 

Bark (Fever) (McL. 419) 
Cinchona (genus). 

Bark (Fine Crown) (McL. 420) (Ell. 178). 
1444-d. Cinchona officinalis (crispa). 
Bark (Finest Grey) (McL, 420) (Ell. 173). 

1454 Cinchona peruviana. 

Bark (Genuine Grey) (McL, 420) (Muell. 

S. P)(El.173). 1453 Cinchona nitida, 



Bark (Grey) (McL. 420) (BM. 173), 1451 
Cinchona micrantha. 

Bark (Grey Iron) (Maid. C.T). 1200 
Eucalyptus paniculata. 

Bark (Huanoca) (MchL. 420). 1451 
Cinchona micrantha. 

Bark (Huanoco) (Mch. 420). 1454. 
Cinchona peruviana. 

Bark (Huanoco) (Mech. 420) (Muell. S.P). 
1453 Cinchona nitida. 

Bark (Iron) (Bs/T/327) (Bdn/F. T). 195 

Eucalyptus leucoxylon. 

Bark (Iron) (Bth. 3/220). 
tus siderophloia. 

Bark (Java) (Ene. Brit), 

Bark (Java) (Mech. 420). 
Cinchona calisaya (javanica). 

Bark (Java) (Ene. Brit), 1452 Cinchena 

Bark (Ledger) (McL. 420). 1447 Cinchona 

Bark (Ledger Hybrid) (McL, 420). 1446-c. 
Cinchona Calisaya (Ledgeriana). 

Bark (Lima) (MeL. 420). 1451 Cinchona 

1173 Eucalyp- 
1449 Cinchona 



Bark (Lima) (Mch. 420). 1454 Cinchona 

Bark (Lima) (MeL. 420). 1453 Ciachona 

Bark (Lotur) (McL, 486), 1729 
cos racemosa. 

Bark (Loxa) (McL. 420) (Muell. 
(Cat. 167). 1444-a. Cinchona 
nalis (typica). 

Bark (Manly-Beech stringy) (Bth. 3/208). 
1202 Eucalyptus pilularis. 


S. P) 

Bark (Marootham) (Mch. 477). 2779 | 
(bis). Myrica Nagi. 
Bark (Morado) (Ene. Brit). 1448 | 

Cinchona purpurea. 

Bark (Nallancolam) (McL. 16). 1420 
Alangium Lamayrckii. 

Bark (Narrow leaved Iron) (Maid. C. T). 
1170 Eucalyptus crebra. 

Bark (New Granada) (McL. 420). 1445 

Cinchona succirubra. 

Bark (New-South-Wales Stringy) (Bth. 
3/292) 1192 Hucalyptus amygdalina. 
Bark (Niepa) (Mc. 473, 591, 781). 429 

Samadera indica. 

Rark (Original Loza) (MeL. 420) (Gbl. 
406) (Ell. 173). 1444-b. Cinchona 
officinalis (Urntusinga). 

Bark (Pale) (McL, 420) (Cat. 167). 1444-a, 
Cinchona officinalis (typica). 

Bark (Parchment) (Nic. 2/152) (S. 308 
334). 154 Pittosporum crassifolium. 

Bark (Pitaya) (McL. 420) (Muell. S. P) 
(Ell, 173). 1450 Cirtchona pitayensis. 

Bark (Pitayo) (Ene. : rit), 1450 Cinchona 


Bark (Quillaia) (Ooty. 73). 

| Bark (She Iron) (Bth. 3/220). 

| Bark (Tanner's) (Cat. 105). 


Bark (Pitayo) (Ell. 173). 1456 Cinchona 


1110 Quillaja 

Bark (Red) (McL. 420) (Muell. S. P) (Gbl. 
406) (Bll. 173) (Cat. 167). 1445 
Cinchona succirubra. 

| Bark (Select crown) (McL. 420) (Ell. 178). 


Cinchona officinalis (condami- 

Eucalyptus siderophloia. 

Bark (Silver) (Nel 420). 

1451 Cinchona 

| Bark (Stringy) (Maid. C.T) (Bth, 3/204) 

(Bad. 1/98) (Bs/T/327) (Gh. 3538) (Bdn/ 
¥. T) (W. 04). 1190 Eucalyptus 

Bark (Sweet) (McL, 188). 
momum zeylanicum, 

2434 Cinna- 

954 Cassia 

Bark (Tellicherry) (McL. 473, 668, 871, 
997). 1833  Holarrhena antidy- 


Bark (Twotold-Bay Stringy) (Bth, 2/207). 
1193 Eucalyptus piperita. 

Bark (Vasse-River Iron) (Bth. 3/2381). 
1195 Eucalyptus gomphocephala. 

Bark (White Iron) ‘(Maid. C.T). 1200 
Eucalyptus paniculta, 
Bark (White Stringy) Maid. C.T). 1184 

Eucalyptus eugenioides. 

Bark (Yellow) (McL. 420) (Muell. S. P) 
(Gbl. 406) (Ell. 173) (Cat. 167). 1446-a. 
Cinchona Calisaya (typica). 

Bark (White) Acacia (McL. 936). 
Acacia leucophloea. 

Bark (Vembaudam) Creeper (McL. 651). 
558 Ventilago madraspatana. 

Bark (tarchment) Cutch (McL. 472, 
859, 995, adpd). 1034 Acacia Suma. 
Bark (Winter ’s) Family (L/N/S/B), III. 

Magnoliaceze (Order). 

Bark (Silk) Oak (S.156, 401). 
Greyillea robusta. 

Bark (Narrow leaved Iren) of New South 
Wales (Bth. 2/312). 1200-b. Eucalyp- 
tus puniculata (angustifolia). 

Bark (Red Iron) of New South Wales. 
(Bth. 3/216). 1195 Eucalyptus leucoxy- 

Bark (Stringy) of New South Wales (Bth. 
3/208). 1184: Eucalyptus eugenici- 

Bark (She Iron) of Port-Jackson (Maid. 
C.T) (Btb. 2/211). 1200 Hucalyptus 

Bark (Lace) Pine (Nic. 3/1141) (S. 227, 
331). 2840 Pinus Bungeana. 

Bark (Peruvian) Plant (Nie. 1/329) 
(McL. 419) (Bed. 1/115} (Pfl. 348). 
cdlxxxiii. Cinchona (panels 

. 1033 




Bark Tree (McL. 74, 774), 2759 Antiuris 

Bark (Ammonia) Tree (Bed. 2/23) (McL. 
281). 41 Polyalthia coffeoides, 
Bark (Amoora) Tree (McL. 762). 

Amoora Rohituka. 
Bark (Anasandra) Tree (McL. 29, 472, 


935, 995). 13806 Acacia ferruginea. 

Bark (Kunro) Tree (McL. 470). 11380 
Rhizophora mucronata, 

Bark (Olive) Tree (Nic. 4/17). 1144 
Terminalia Catappa. 

Bark (Soap) Tree (McL. 798). 10389 

Acacia Intsia. 

Bark (Venezuela soap) Tree (McL. 208). 
1055 Pithecolobium bigeminum. 

Bark (Soap) Tree of Chili (Nic. 3/266) 

(Muell. S.P). 1110 Quillaja sapo- | 

Barked (Brown) aczte leaved Mangrove 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR). 23834-b, 

Avicennia officinalis (alba). 

Barked (Corky) Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/65, adpd). 46 Polyalthia suberosa. 
Barked (Corky) Ffeatherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2556 Phyllanthus suberosus. 
Barked (Yellow) Fig (McL. 932, adpd). 

2742 Ficus Tsiela. 

Barked (Grey) Nageia (Mch. 711). 2597 
Putranjiva Roxburghil. 

Barked (Black) obtuse leaved Mangrove 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR), 2334-d. 
Avicennia officinalis (melanophloa ?). 

Barked (Papery) obtuse leaved Mangrove 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR). 

' Avicennia officinalis (typica). 

Barked (Warty’) Quinquefoil Vine (McL. 
564, adpd). 609 Vitis lanceolaria. 

Barked (Speckle) Rafter Wood (McL 587, 
adpd). 2550 Cleistanthus collinus. 

Barked (Green) Sirissa (Gbl. 305, BDN/ 
".T, adpd), 1047 Albizzia procera. 

Barked (Cork) ‘Tephrosia (McL. 81, corr). 
768 Mundulea suberosa. 

Barked (Cork) Wild Indigo (McL. 81, 
845, corr), 768 Mundulea suberosa. 
Barks (Australian Iron) Maid. 9.1). cdix. 

Hucalvptus (genus). 

Barks (Australian Stringy) (Maid. C.T). 
edix. Eucalyptus (genus) 

Barleria (Crested) (McL. 559) (Br. 171). 
2239 Barleria cristata. 

Barleria (Purple) (MclIi. 559). 2239 
Barleria cristata. 
Barleria (Sky Blue) (McL. 558), 2242 | 

Barleria strigosa, 

Barnadesia (Large flowering) (Br. 109). 
1631 Rarnadesia rosea. i 

Baroness Rothschild Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/O/18) (Mu. 52) (Hod), 1107-g. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (rosea- 
albosuffusa-sericenitens minor), 

2384-2. ° 


Baron A. de Rothschild Rose (Ru/N/92) 
(Mu. 52). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (coccinea-rutilans). 

Baroo (McL. 569). 38291 

Barred (Purple) Light-green Arrowroot 
(Nic. 2/238). 3017 Calathea zebrina. 


Barrren wild Date (MclL. 777). 2873 
Cycas circinalis. 

Barricary seed Plant (MeL. 757). 1004 
Adenanthera pavonina. 

Barringtonia (Splendid) (Br. 80). 1273 
Barringtonia speciosa. 

Basal-bi-tri-partite (Pedatipinnate- 

subglabrous) membranous-long-oblong 
(8 “ -16 ’’)-pinnatipartite-acuminate 
pinnated Brake Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
33838 Pteris patens. 

Basa)-bifid-bifoliate-pinnated (Pinnate-(4— 
4 ft.) Leathery-oblong-(5 ”” -8” terminal 
double-size)-acuminate) Buckler Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3366 Nephrodium 

Basal-bipartite (Pedatipinnate (4 to-many- 
prs) glabrous) Papery-larce-pinnati- 
partite-acuminate-pinnated Brake Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 38334 Pteris quadri- 

Basal-(1-2-prs)-bipinnate (Pedatipinnate- 
(8-10 prs)-subelabrous) Papery-linear- 
Brake Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3336 
Pteris biaurita. 



folioled Sirissa (Bs/T/27],adpd). 1047 
Albizzia procera. 
Basal-(1)-infra-(O-1)-grandular (Bipin- 

nate-(4-6)-sabglabrous) oblong-(12—16)- 
folioled Sirissa (Hk. 2/298,adpd). 1044 
Albizzia Lebbek. 
Basal-(1)-supra-(1)-glandular (Bipinnate- 
(8-24.)-crey-velvetty-minute) Broad- 
lance-dimitiate-(20-50)-folioled Sirissa 

(Hk. 2/300, adpd). 1048-b. 
Abbizzia Julibrissin (mollis), 
Basal-(1)-supra-(J )-glandular (Bipin- 

Lance-dimidiate-(20-50)-folioled Sirissa 
(Hk. 2/300, adpd). 1048 Albizzia 
Rasal-(1)-supra-(1-2)-glandular (Bipin- 
nate-(6-16)-downy-glabrate) oblong-(20- 
50)-folioled Sirissa (s/T/271, adpd). 
1046 Albizzia odoratissima: 
Basal-(1)-supra-(1)-glandular (Bipinnate- 
(16-24)-tawny-velvetty-glabrate) obli- 
que subfalcate-(80-40)-folioled Sirissa 

(Bs/T/271,  adpd). 1045 = Albizzia 
Basal-(1)-supra-(1)-glandular (Bipin- 


oblong trapezoid-(16-3 0) -folioled 
Sirissa (Ol. 2/861, adpd). 104! 

-Albizzia fastigiata. 

Basal-tripinnate (Pedatipinnate-subglab- 
rous) Papery-ovate-pinnatipartite- 
acuminate-pinnated Brake Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 33837 Pteris geminata. 

Based (Crimson) Buff Shoe Flower (Nic. 

1/142). 244-n. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 

Bashful Tree (McL. 210). 2868 Pisonia 

Basil (McL. 484, 908) (5.46). dccxxxix. 
Ocimum (genus). 

Basil (Rid. 182, 213) (Mu. 25) (Ru. 0/15). 
2336 Ocimum sanctum. 

Basil (Hcly) (McL. 484, 909) (Ell. 415). 
2336 Ocimum sanctum. 

Basil (Large) (MeL. 910). 2335 Ocimum 


Basil (Lemon) (McL. 910). 2345 Ocimum 

Basil (Monk’s) (McL. 909). 2336 Ocimum 

Basil (Purple stalked) (McL. 909). 2336 | 

Ocimum sanctum. 
Basil (Rough) (McL. 910). 
Ocimum sanctum (hirsuta). 
Basil (Sacred) (McL. 909). 2336 Ocimum 

Basil (fhrubby) (MeL. 910). 2335 Ocimum 

Baskee Casondy (Mc. 136). 950 Cassia 


Basket Fern (8S. 46). 3364 Nephrodium 

Basket Fuchsia (S.16). 1328 Fuchsia 

Bass Wood (3.431). exvii, Tilia (genns). 
Bass Wood of America (Kew. Bull. 
5/1912). 16 Liriodendron tulipifera. 
Bassia (Broad leaved) (MeL. 506). 1686 

Bassia latifolia. 
Bassia (Long leaved) (Mch. 506). 1687 

Bassia Icngifolia. 
Bast (Cuba) (Cat. 26). 
Bast (Cuba) Tree (MeL. 82). 
Hibiscus tiliaceus (?) 
Bastard aloe (McL. 21, 1001) (Ell. 29) 
(Br. 218). 3052 Agave vivipara. 
Bastard Bead Tree MeL. 578). 453 
Melia Azedarach. 

242 Hibiscus 

(2 242) 241 


Bastard (Port-Jackson) Box (Bth. 3/242). | 

1188 Eucalyptus tereticornis. 

Bastard Box of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
3/214). 1181 Eucalyptus polyan- 

Bastard Box of Victoria and New-South- 
Wales (Bth. 3/215). 1185 Eucalyptus 
bicolor. ‘ 

Bastard Cape Jasmine (Treas. Bot. 
1/487, 636). dcxliv. Fagreea (genus). 


Bastard (Port Jackson) Box of News 
South-Wales (Bth. 3/227). (? 1188* 1180 
Eucalyptus longifolia. 

Bastard (Long-leathery obovate-oblong 

to-elliptic-cuspidate-leaved) Cape 
Jasmine (Hk. 4/83, adpd). 1956 
Fagrea obovata. 

Bastard (Long-leathery-subsessile obo- 
yvate-oblong-subobtuse-leaved) Cape 
Jasmine (Hk. 4/88, adpd). 1955 

Fagrea zeylanica (brevituba). 

Bastard Cedar (Nic. 1/285) (S. 83). exciii. 
Cedrela (genus). 

Bastard Cedar (McL. 168). 
sia tabularis. 

Bastard Cedar (Bed. 2/14) (Gbl. 144) 
(McL. 578), 453 Melia Azedarach. 

Bastard Cedar (McL. 80). 1457 Hymeno- 
dictyon excelsum. 

Bastard Cedar (McL. 9i1) (Rid. 108). 
482 Cedrela Toona, 

Bastard Cedar (Bed. 1/31, 2/107) (Bdn/F. 
T). (HU. 307) (McL. 764) Br. 23). 304 
Gauzuma tomentosa. 

Bastard Cedar (McL. 862). 477 Soymida 

Bastard (Common) Cedar (Nic. 1/285). 
482 Cedreia, Toona. 

Bastard (Flesh-coloured 
flowered) Cedar (Nie. 
Cedrela odorata. 

Bastard (Small capsuled) Cedar (Nic. 
1/285, Bs/T/146, adpd). 483 Cedrela 

Bastard (West Indian) Cedar (Cat. 138). 
304 Guazuma tomentvusa. 

Bastard Cedar of California (Muell. 8. P). 
2827 Sequoia sempervirens. 

Bastard Cedar of Mexico (Nic. 2/101). 
3U4 Guazuma tomentosa. 

Bastard Cedar of Palghant (Bed. 1/30) 
(W.A.1). 1457 Hymenodictyon excel- 

Bastard (Fragrant) Cedar of the Carib- 

481 Chukras- 

1/285). 484 

bee-Islands (Nic. 1/285). 484 Cedrela 

Bastard Cedar Pencil Wood of Australia 
(Bth. 1/382).  clxxxi. Dysoxylum 

Bastard Chittagong Wood (Bed. 1/53, 

2/10). 482 Cedrela Toona. 

Bastard Cypress (McL.- 391). 163 
Tamarix dioica. 

Bastard (Lawson’s) Cypress (S. 122). 

2812 Cupressus Lawsoniana. 

Bastard Flower Fence (McL. 757). 1004 
Adenanthera pavonina. 

Bastard Hog Plom (Bed. 2/235). 671 
Solenocarpus indica, 

Bastard Indigo (McL. 349) (8. 22, 46). 
777 Amorpha fruticosa. 

Bastard Ipecacuanha (L/N/S/B). dxii. 
Psychotria (genus). 

Bastard (Long-flowered) Ipecacuanha 
(Hk. 3/21, adpa). dxiv. Chasalia 

Bastard (lLong-leathery Cuneate-obovate- 
or-round-apliculate-leaved) Ipecacuan- 
ha (Hk. 3/163, adpd). 


(Long-leathery obovate- 

ebtuse leaved) Ipecacuanha (Hk. 
3/163, adpd). 1563 Psychotria Dal- 

Bastard (Long-membrancus elliptic- 
lance-obtuse-or-cuspidate-leaved) ! pe- 
cacuanha (Hk. 3/162, adpd). 1561 

Psychotria subintegra. 

Bastard (Long-membranous long-petioled 
oblance-acute-or-cuspidate-leaved) Fpe- 
eacuanha (Hk, 3/171, adpd), 1570 
Psychotria anamallayana. 

Bastard (Long-papery linear-lance-acu- 
minate-leaved) Ipecacuanha (Hk. 
3/168, adpd). | 1566-(bis.) Paychotria 

Bastard (Long-papery 
Tpecacuanha (Hk. 3/162, adpd). 
Psychotria macrocarpa. 

Bastard (Long-rusty-velvetty-backed 
elliptic-obovate-obtuse-leaved) Ipe- 
cacuanha (Hk. 3/167, adpd). 1566 
Psychotria madraspatna. 

Bastard (Medium-leathery obovate- 
obtuse-to-acuminate-leaved) Ipecacuan- 
ha (Hk. 3/171, add). 1568 
Psychotria bisuleata. 

Bastard (Medinm-leathery-subses sile 
leaved) Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/171, 
adpd). 1569 Psychotria connata, 

Bastard (Medium-membtranous Diverse- 
leaved) Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/176, 
adpd). 1575 Chasalia curviflora. 

Bastard (Medium-papery elliptic-obovyate- 
obtuse-or-cuspidate-leaved) Ipecacuan- 
ha (Hk. 3/163, adpd). 1564 Psychotria 

Bastard (Medium-papery lance-to-obovate- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved Flat- 
branched) Ipecacuanha (Hk. 31, 163, 
adpd). 1558 Psychotria Thwaitesii. 

Bastard (Medium-papery oblance-acute- 

or-cuspidate-leaved) Ipecacuanha (Hk. 
3/175, adpd). 1572 Psychotria John- 

Flat- branched) 


Bastard (Medium-papery obovate-cuspi- 
date-leaved) Ipecacuanha (Hk. 
3/175, adpd). 15,3 Psychotria nudi- 
flora. - 

Bastard (Medium-papery obovate- 

subavute leayed) Ipecacuanha (Hk. 
3/162, adpd). 1559 Psychotria con- 

1562 Psychotria | 

INDEX. 845 
Bastard (Medium-papery-subsessile 
lanice-to-obovate-acute-leaved) Ipe- 


cacuanha (Talbot. Bo, N.H.S., adpd). 
1571 Psychotria canarensis, 

Bastard (Medium-to-long-membranous 
lance-to-oblance-acuminate-leayed) Ipe- 
cacuanha (Hk. 3/168, adpd). 1567 
Psychotria sulcata. 

Bastard (Small-papery  elliptic-obovate- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved climbing) 
Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/165, adpd). 1565 
Psychotria sarmentoga. 

Bastard Jasmine Family (S. 89, L/N/S/B, 
adpd). LXXX. Solanaces (Order). 

Bastard Jamine (S. 89). delxxiii. Cestram 

Bastard (Creamy) Jasmine (Nic. 1/802). 
2107 (bis.) Cestrum Parqui. 

Rastard (Involucrate Purple) Jasmine 
(Nic. 1/301). Cestrum fasciculatum, 
Bastard (Orange) Jasmine (Nic. 1/361). 

2107 Cestrum aurantiacum. 

Bastard (Purple) Jasmine (Nic. 1/301), 
2105 Cestrum elegans 

Bastard Jute (McL, 82). 
cus cannabinus. 


240 (bis.) Hibis- 

Bastard Kino 
Bastard Lavendar (L/N/S/B, Cag. 432, 
Br. 157, adpd). decxli. Anisochilus 


Bastard (Medium-woolly-thick 
(Hk. 6/629, adpd) 

Bastard (Small-woolly ovate-entire sub- 
acute-leaved) Lavender (Hk., 4/628, 
adpd). 2342 Anisochilus suffruticosvs. 

Bastard (Small-woolly-subsessile-thick 
obovate-oblong- subentire-obtuse-leaved) 
Lavender (Hk. 4/628. adpd). 2341 
Anisochilus dysophylloidis. 

Bastard (Very-small-woolly- cilliate- 
Roundish-obovate-obtuse leaved) Laven- 
der (Hk. 4/628, adpd). 2840 Aniso- 
chilus paniculatas. 

Bastard (Very-small-woolly-ovate-oblong- 
crenate-obtuse-leaved), Lavender 
(Hk. 4/628, adpd). 2339 Anisochilus 

Bastard (Very-small-wovlly-thick oblong. 
crenulate-obtuse-leaved) Lavender 
(Hk. 4/627, adpd). 2338 Anisochilus 

Bastard Lotus (McL, 366). dlxii. Diospy- 
ros (genus), 

Bastard Mahogany of Victoria (Bth. 
3/229) (Bs/T/328). 1175 Eucalyptus 

Bastard Mahogany of Western Australia 
(Bth. 3/209) (Gbl. 353). 1179 Eucalyp- 
tus marginata. 

91). 828 Butea 

2343 Anisochilus 


Bastard Oleaster (Cat. 235). 2494 Hlaeas— 
nus latifolia. 

Bastard Pepper Tree (Ru/N/122, 0/18) 
(Cat. 86). 656 Schinus molle. 

Bastard Poon (McL. 231, 473, 704, 943). 
264 Sterculia foetida. 

Bastard (Large) Poon (McL. 14). clxi. 
Ailanthus (genus), 

Bastard Privet (Treas. Bot. 1/520). dexlvi. 
Gardneria (genus). 

Bastard (Sma!'!l  elliptic-acute-leaved) 
Privet (Hk. 4/93 adpd), 1965 Gard- 
neria ovata. 

Bastard Red Cedar 
Soymida februfoga. 

Bastard Rosewood (Hk. 2/235, Treas. 
Bot. 2/991, adpd). cecxsiv. Dalbergia 
(genus-Dalbergaria section). 

Bastard (Multifoliate-(i1-17)-bright | 
green ovyate-or-obovate-o btuse-leaved) 
Rosewood (Bs/T/237, adpd). 
bergia lanceolaria. 

Bastard (Multifoliate-(9-13)-dull-green 
downy-midribbed oblong-obtuse-or- 
retuse leaved) Rosewood ,(Bs/T/236, 
adpd). 891i Dalbergia paniculata. 

Elliptic-obovate-obtuse-leaved) ose- 
wood climber (Bs/T/237, adpda). 830 | 
Dalbergia volubilis. 

Rastard Sago Palm (Bed. 1/328, Rdu/F. 
T,/L, MeL. 1003, 146, adpd). emxci. 
Caryota (genns). 

Bastard Sago Palm (Bed. 1/328) (Bdn/F. 
T./L) (Cat. 326) (Mch. 418, 473, 484, 
777, 844, 1001) (Ell. 146) (PA. 376). 
3152 Caryota urens. 

Bastard Sandal (Bed. 2/81) (Gbl. 117) | 
(Bdn/F.T) (Cat. 44) (MeL. 733) (PA. 
268). 348 Erythroxylon monogynum. 

Bastard (Glaucous backed obovate-leaved 
Sandal (Hk. 1/414, adpd’. 348 Hry- 
throxylon monogynum 

(Cat. 66). 477 

889 Dal- | 

Bastard (Lanceolate leaved) Sandal 
(Hk. 1/415, adpd). 849 Erytbroxylon 

Satinwood | 

Bastard (Velvetty-leaved) 
(McL. 845, adpd). 768 Mundulea sa- | 

Bastard Saul (McL. 799). 200 Shorea 

Bastard (Rough stemmed) Sensitive 
Plant (McL. 844). 787 Aischynomene 

Bastard Sensitive Plant (McL. 505). 779 
Sesbania wegyptiaca. 

Bastard Staff Family (Hk. 1/570, adpd). 
XXXI, Chailletiaceze (Order). 

Bastard (Tail leaved) Staff Tree (Hk. 
1/570, adpd). 486 Chailletia gelonioides. _ 

Bastard Teak (McL. 226). 817 Erythrina | 
indica. | 

Bastard Teak (McL. 645) (Bdn/L) (Ell. 
117) (Pf. 409), 828 Butea frondosa. 
Bastard Vervein (Treas. Bot. 2/1212). 

decxxiii. Stachytarpheta (genus). 

Bastard Vervein (Hk. 4/561, Treas. Bot. 
2/1212, adpd). decxxiii. Bouchea 

Bastard (Downy-backed-seabrous Oyate- 
leaved crimson-to-rosy-flowered) Ver- 
vein (Nic. 2/483, adpd). 2286 Stachy- 
tarpheta mutabilis. 

Bastard (Medium-downy-glabrate-ovate- 
oblong-serrate-leaved Pink-purple 
flowered) Vervein (Hk. 4/564, adpd). 
2285 Bouchea hyderabadensis. 

Bastard (Ovate-oblong-serrate-acute-or- 
acuminate-leaved Indigo-blue- 
flowered) Vervein (Nic. 2/483, adpd). 
2285 Stachytarpheta dichotoma. 

Bastard (Small-subglabrous elliptic-ser- 
rate-subobtuse-'eaved Deep-blue 
flowered) Vervein (Hk. 4/564, adpd). 
2284 Stachytarpheta indica. 

Bat Willow (S. 46, 382). 2799-b. Salix 
alba (ceerulea). 

Batatas (Panicied) (Br. 142). 
mzea digitata. 

Batavian Lemon (Mech. 725) (?). 422 
Citrus decumana-typica (?). 

Batavian Orange (Bon. 258). 417-b Citrus. 
Aurantium-Aurantium (citrina). 

Batavian Orange (McL. 725). [422 Sphalm } 
4i7-a. Citrus Aurantinm-Aurantium 
(ty pica). 

Batavian Orange of the Northern Cirears 
(Bon. 258). 417-b. Citrus Aurantium- 
Aurantium (citrina). 

Batavian (Rosy-flowered Violet-scent 
leaved) Teak (Treas. Bot. Ver. 179, 
adpd). 2729 Kleinhovia Hospita. 

Bath (White) Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 591) 
(Ru/N/94). 1099-d. Rosa  centifolia 
(muscosa alba), 

Bathurst-Downs Blue Gum (Bth. 3/240). 
1186 Eucalyptus viminalis. 

Batoko Plum (Mech. 492). 136 Flacourtia 

Battle of Plassey climber (McL, 645, 
adpd). 829 Butea superba. 

Battle (Panicled-small flowered) of 
Plassey climber (Hk. 2/59, adpd). 
eecix. Spatholobns (genus). 

Battle ( Papery-glabrate-leaved) of 
Plassey climber (Hk. 2/193, adpd). 
827 Spatholobus Roxburghii. 

Battle of Plassey Tree (McL. 645). 828 
Butea frondosa. 

Baudam (MclL. 76, 995). 

Baudam (Bengalee) (McL. 138). 1144 
Terminalia Catappa. 

Bauer’s Lieut.-Colonel Kent’s Palm (Nic. 
2/218). 3141 Rhopalostylis Banueri, 

2033 Tpo- 

1063 Prunus 


Bauhinia (Milky) (McL. 644). (?) 

Plumeria acutifolia (?). 
Bauhinia (Purple) (Pfl. 170). [997 
Sphalm ] 996 Bauhinia purporia. 
Bauhinia (Richard’s) (Br. 64). 1001 

Bauhinia Richardiana. 

Baumann (Marie) Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/91, 0/21) (Br. 69). 1107-i. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea- 

Bause’s broad Bronze leaved Dragon tree 
(Nic. 1/372, adpd). 3107-c Cordyline 
terminalis ( Bausei). 

Bause’s Hybrid Dumb Cane (Nie. 1/472). 
2265-b. Dieffenbachia picta (Bansei), 
Bay (McL. 1041) (Gbl. 557) (S. 45, 233) 

(Nie. 2/239). 2443 Laurus nobilis. 

Bay (Portugal) 1041). 
Laurus nobilis. 

Bay (Rose) (Nic. 3/291). 
dron (genus). 

Bay (Sweet) (Mc. 1041) (Bdn/F.T) (Nie. 
2/239) (S. 253, 420). 2443 Laurus 

Bayberry (McL. 171) (Nic. 3/129). 1207 
Pimenta acris. 

Bayberry (West Indian) Tree 
1022). 1207 Pimenta acris. 

Bay Laurel (Nic. 2/239) (S. 253) (GbL 

(MeL. 24453 

dxli. Rhododen- 


57). 2443 Laurus nobilis. 

Bayonet (Spanish) (S. 409, 462). 3113 
Yucea aloifolia. 

Bayonet (Spanish) (Cag. 354). [8115 

Sphalm] 3113 Yucca aloifolia, 

Bde!lium (MeL. 78). clxxi. Balsamoden- 
dron (genus). 

Bdellium (Indian) (Mech. 78, 357, 588, 
993). 441  Balsamodendron Roxbur- 

Bead (Coral) (McL. 79, 360) (S. 109). 
810 Abrus precatorius. 

Bead (Indian) (McL. 79, 307, 362). 
Canna indica. 

Bead Poongam (McL. 848). 

Bead Root (McL. 860). 

Bead Tree Family (Br. 33) (L/N/S/B). 
XXX. Meliacez (Order), 

Bead Tree (Nic. 2/345), 

Bead Tree (Gbl. 144) (Br. 34) Cat. 68) 

634 Sapindus 

810 Abrus pre- 

clxxix. Melia 

Pfl, 249) (MeL. 79) (S. 46, 266) (Br. 34). 
453 Melia Azedarach. 
Bead (Ash leaved) Tree (McL. 576). 452 

Azadirachta indica. 

Bead (Bastard) Tree (McL. 
Melia Azedarach. 

578). 458 

Bead (Common) Tree (Gbl. 145). 454 
Melia composita. 
Bead (Common) Tree (Ell. 381). 453 

Melia. Azedarach. 


/ Beak druped Nilgivi 


Bead (Hvergreen) Tree (McL. 578). 453 
Melia Azedarach. 

Bead (Syrian) Tree (MeL. 578). 453 
Melia Azedarach.| 
Read (Utrasum) Tree (Cat. 48). 340 

BHleocarpus tuberculatus 

Bead (West Indian) Tree (McL. 155), 
1010 Leuczena glauca. 

Read Trees (McL. 1005). XXX. Melia- 
cee (Order). 

Bead (Red) Vine (MeL, 3860). 

Beak (Crow’s) (McL. 249). 

Beak (Parrot’s) (Nic. 1/343) (Cag. 618). 
761 Clianthus puniceus. 

Elm (Bed. 1/218, 

2711 (bés.) Celtis cinnamomea, 

Milk Hedge 

1893 Sarcos- 

810 Abrus 

838 Clitoria 


Beak flowered Creeping 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd} 
temma intermedium. 

Beak Fruited common Seesten (Hk. 
4/137, adpd). 1968-b. Cordia Myxa 

Beaked (Capitate) Free-grained Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/10, adpd). mxlviii. Cephalo- 
stachyuin (genus). 

Beaked (Spicate) free-grained Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/10, adpd). mxlvii. Teinostach- 
yum (yenus). 

Beaked fruit Poon (MclL. 473, 684, 705, 
adpd). 184 Kayea stylosa. 

Beam (Weaver’s) (McL. 473, 997, 1022) 
(Bll. 524) (Pfl. 387). 1777 Schrevera 

Bean Family (L/N/3/33). XUILI. Lezumi- 
nosee (Order). 

Bean (Mcl. 504). cceyiii. Phaseolus 
Bean (Algaroba) (Nie 1/297). 978 

Ceratonia Siliqua. 

Bean (Assam) (Rid. 287), 

Bean (Black) (Maid. C.T) (Gbl. 266), 925 
Castanospermum australe, 

Bean (Bracteoled Red flowered Hya- 
cinth) (McL. 286, adpd). 842 Dolichos 

Bean (Carob) (Br. 60) (Cat. 130) (Ru/N/51 
0/38) (S. 87). 978 Ceratonia siliqua. 
Bean (Cat) (McL 228). 816 Mueuna 


Bean (Chinese Kidney) (S. 460) (Nic. 
4/213). 763 Wistaria chinensis. 

Bean (Chowlee) (Treas. Bot. 2/1215). 
ecexiy. Vigna (geaus). 

Bean (Corkscrew-centred 
(Hk. 2/59, adpda). 

Bean (Curl Brush) (Mech. 57) (Nie. 3/152). 
ecelxx. Pithecolobium (genus). 

Bean (Fowl’s) (McL. 875). €30 Canavaila 

816 Mucuna 

cccxili. Phaseolus 


Bean (Graham’s) (McL. 236). 833 Phaseo- 
lus Grahamiana,. 

Bean (Horse-eye) (McL.’ 236). 816 
Mucuna pruriens. 
Bean (fussar) (McL. 484, 821, 874). 

839 Canavalia ensiformis. 

Bean (Hyacinth) (McL. 286) (8S. 142). 
ecexvii. Dolichus (genus). 

Bean (Jamaica Horse) (MeL. 379, 874). 
830 Canavalia ensiformis. 

Bean (Kidney) (8. 328) (Nic. 3/94). 
ccexiii. Phaseolus (genus). 
Bean (Lucust) (McL. 1381. 286). 978 

Ceratonia Siliqua. 
Bean (Malacca Kidney) (McL. 476) (Nic. 

3/413). 673 Semecarpus Anacardium. 
Bean (Marble) (Br. 258). 927 Czesalpinia 

Bean (Match-box) (Mch. 236, 801). 
Entada scandens. - 
Bean (Mesquit) (Cat, 

114) (Ru/N/51, 

G/38), 1005 Prosopis julifiora. 

Bean (Molucea) (McL. 101) (Pf. 191). 
926 Ceesalpinia Bonducella. 

Bean (Negro) (McL. 236). 813 Mucuna 


Bean (Sabre) (Rid. 

Bean (Sabre podded) (Br, 55). 
valia ensiformis. 

Bean (Sabre podded Horse-eye) (Mc. 
875). 8380 Canavalia ensiformis. 

Bean (St. John’s) (McL. 181). 978 Cera- 
tonia Silliqua. 

219). 8380 Canavalia 

830 Cana- 

Bean (Screw) (McL. 236,501, 801). 1LOU6 
Prosopis puhescens, 
Bean (Shrubby) (McL. 504, adpd). 884 

Phaseolus semierectus. 

Bean (Small-papery-obovate-obtuse  or- 
retuse leaved Sword) (Ik. 2/196, adpd). 
831 Canavaiia obtusifolia. 

Bean (Sword) (Ell. 1385, Mech. 236, 821, 
874, adpd). cccxi. Canavalia (genus). 
Bean (Sword) (McL. 286. 821, 874) (HIL. 
135) (PA. 443) (MAS). 830 Canavalia 


Bean (Texas Mesquit) (McL. 2386, 501). 
1005 Prosopis juliflora. 

Bean (Tiger) (Mc. 849). 940 Poinciana 


Bean (Tornillo) (McL. 501). 1006 Prosopis 

Bean (Tree) (Mch. 806). 781 Sesbania 

Bean (True Mesquit) (McL. 501). 
Prosopis pubescens, 

Bean (Velvet) (Ru/Mu). 
pruriens (utilis). 

Bean (West Indian Seaside) (McL. 1022). 
831 Canavalia obtusifolia. 

Bean (Wild Sword) (Br. 55). 
valia ensiformis (virosa). 


816-b. Mucuna 

8380-a, Cana- 


Bean Caper family (Br. 40, (L/S/N/B) 
XXIV. Zygophyllasez (Order). 

Bean Caper (McL. 295) (?). 433 Balanites 
Roxburghii (?). 

Bean (Camel Thorn) Caper (McL. 618, 
adpd). 3868 Fagonia arabica. 

Bean Capers (MchL. 1007). 
Zygophilaceze (Order). 

Bean (Bracteate Soy) Climber (Hk. 2/59, 
Treas. Bot. 1/1068, 1075, adpd). ceevi. 
Shuteria (genus). 


| Bean (Feather-leaved) climber (Hk. 2/57, 

8.460, adpd). cclxxxix. Milletia (genus). 

Bean (Medium-membranous ovate-acumi- 
nate-leaved Chowlee) climber (Hk. 
2/207, adpd). _ 837 Vigna pilosa. 

| Bean (Small-papery ovate-obtuse-leaved 

Chowlee) climber (Hk. 
836 Vigna Wightii. 

Bean (Negro) Cowitch (McL. 2388, 994). 
818 Mucuna monosperma. 

Bean (Californian Screw) Mesquit (McL. 
501). 1006 Prosopis pubescens. 

Bean (Indian) of America (8. 81, 218). 
2154 Catalpa speciosa. 

Bean of Malacca (Mc. 135, 236, 463, 476). 
665 Anacardium occidentale. 

Bean (Mesquit) of Texas (Gbl. 288) (?) 
(1005). 1006 Prosopis pubescens. 

Bean (Towcok) of the Chinese (Treas. Bot. 
2/1215). ccexiv. Vigna (genus). 

Bean (Feather-leaved) shrub (Hk. 2/57, 
S. 460, adpd). celxe. Mundulea (genus). 

2/206, adpd). 

Bean (Kidney) Tree (8.46). cclxxxviii. 
Wistaria (genus). 
Bean (Red) Tree (McL. 226). 817 Ery- 

thrina indica. 

Beans (McL. 1004). 

Beard (Aaron’s) (8S. 209). lxvii. Hypericum 

Bear’s Breech Family (Br. 168) (Nic. 1/8). 
LXXXIII. Acanthacez (Order). 

Bear's-breech (Nic. 1/8) (S. 3). 
Acanthus (genus). 

Bear’s breech (S. 46). 

Bear’s-breech (Holly leaved) (Pfl. 528). 
2223 Acanthus ilicifolius. 

Beavr’s-breech (Small-puberulous-glabrate- 

XLITI. Leguminoses 


2224 Acanthus 

Twining) (Hk. 4/478, adpd). 2221 

Blepharis beerhaavicefolia. , 
Bear’s-breech (Soft leaved) (Nic. 1/9, 

adpd), 2224 Acanthus mollis, 
Bear’s-breech (Twining  whorled-(4)- 
|  leaved) (Hk. 4/889, adpd). dccey. 

Blepharis (genus). 

Bear’s-breech (Very-small-roughly-hairy- 
subsessile oblong-obtuse-leaved Twining) 
(Hk. 4/479, adpd). 2222 Blepharis 

Beav’s-foot (8. 3). deevi. Acanthus (genus). 




Bear’s-Foot Fern (S. 182). mliy. Davallia 


Bear’s-foot (‘Trifoliate-downy membra- 
partite-obtuse-pinnuled) Fern (Bed/PF, 
adpd). 3333 Davallia spelunce. 

Bear’s-foot (‘Tripinnate-glabrous Papery 
uled) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3832 Vaval- 
lia platyphylla. 

Bear’s Grass (Nic. 4/227). 

Beauharnais (Eugéne) Rose 
(Br. 70) (Mu. 57). 

Beaumontia (Large flowered) (Br. 127). 
1851 Beaumontia grandiflora. . 

Beaumont’s (Mrs.) Rosebay (Nic. 1/164). 
dei. Beaumontia (genns). 

Beauté-de-!’Europe Rose (Ru/N/94, 0/9). 
1105-g. Rosa odorata (aurea). 

cmlxvi, Yucea 

(Cag. 598) 

1108-d. Rosa indica | 

Beaute Lyonnaise Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Br. | 

75). 1105-q. Rosa cdorata (hybrida- 

Beautiful leaved Black Plum (McL, 379, 
adpd) 1252 Eugenia calophyliifolia. 
Beauty (Downy many leaved Tree of 
(Hk. 1/557, adpd). 


Beauty (Glossy many lJeaved Tree of) 
(Gbl1. 150, adpd). 463 Aglaia Maiz. 
Beauty (Lax flowered Tree of) (Hk. 1/554, 

adpd). 461 Aglaia odorata. 
Beauty (Roxburgh’s Five leaved Tree of) 
(Hk. 1/555, adpd). 462 Aglaia Rox- 

Beauty (Tree of) (Nic. 1/42, McL. 916, 
adpd). clxxxiii. Aglaia (genus). 

464 Aglaia minuti- | 

Beauty (Five leaved ‘l'ree of) of the Straits | 

(Hk. 1/554, adpd). 461 Aglaia odorata. 
Beauty of Waltham Rose (Nic. 38/324) 

(Cag. 596) (Ru/N/92, 0/18) (Mu. 52) | 

(Hod) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-roseosulfusa). 
Beccari’s Burmese Dwarf Rattan (Hk. 
6/474, adpd). 3223 Zalacca Beccarii. 
Bedaly (McL. 291). 1499 Randia mala- 

Bedaly Emetic nut (McL. 291, 996). 1499 
Randia malabarica. 

Bedauna (McL. 79, 995). 

Bedda (McL. 928). 

Bedders (Queen of) Rose (Nic. 5/644) (Ru/ 
Q/22). 1106-e, Rosa borbonica (punicea). 

Beddome’s Betel-nut Laurel (McL. 500, 
adpd). 2468 Litszwa Beddomei. 

Beddome’s Black Varnish (MclL. 344, 
adpd). 680 Holigarna Beddomei, 

Beddome’s Downy backed oblance-candate- 

1111 Cydonia 

1145 Terminalia 

leaved Pavetta (McL. 900, adpd). 1495 
_ Webera nilagirica. 


Beddome’s larger-berried Axil-flowered 
Arboreous Wampee (Bed. 1/46, adpd). 
397-c. Clausena Willdenovii (dulcis). 

Beddome’s square branched Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/555, adpd). 1296 Mimecylon 

Beddome’s Tinnevelly Rose Apple (McL. 
379, adpd). 1233 Eugenia Beddomei. 
Bedford (Duchess of) Rose (Nic. 3/824) 
(Ru/O/20)(Mu. 53). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-velutina). 

Beech Family (L/N/S/B, adpd). 
Fagacew (Order). 

Beech (Nic. 2/2) (S.47, 162) (Gbl. 667). 
decexciv. Fagus (genus). 

Beech (Common) (Nic. 2/2) (S. 162) (FAR, 
10, NLGS). 2796 Fagus sy!vatica. 

Beech (Copper) (Nic. 2/2). 2796-c. Fagus 
sylvatica (cuprea). 

Beech Fern (8.340). mlxii. Polypodium 

Beech (Golden) (Nic. 2/2). 2793-f. Fagus 
sylvatica (aureo-variegatis). 

Beech (Indian) (Bdn/F.T) (Cag. 631) 
(Cat. 99) (Ell. 459) (McL. 404, 475) (PA, 
529) (Mu) (Ru/Q/13). 899 Pongamia 

Beech (Purple) (Nic. 2/2). 
sylvatica (purpurea). 
Beech (Silver) (Nic. 2/2). 2796-e. Fagus 

sylvatica (argenteovariegatis). 

Beech (Weeping)(Nic. 2/2). 2796-b. Fagus 
sylvatica (pendula). 

Beech (Copper) Fig (Cag. 414). 2758 
Ficus Canoni. 

Beech leaved Flemingia (Br. 54). 
Flemingia strobilif+ra. 

Beech-leaved Hop Dholl (Br, 54, adpd). 
870 Flemingia strobilifera. 

Beech-leaved (Few-(4-6 prs)-nerved) Hop 
Dholl (Bs/T/231, adpd). 870-b. Flemin- 
gia strobilifera (bracteata). 

Beech-leaved (Many-(8-]0 prs)-nerved) 
Hop Dholl (Bs/T/231, adpd). 870-a. 
Flemingia strobilifera (typica). 

Beech leaved Melon Featherfoil (McL. 587 
adpd). 2578 Glochidion fagifolinm. 
Beech of Britain (Mnueill. 8.P). 2796 

Fagus sylvatica. 

Beech of Europe (H/E.F). 

Beech (White) of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
2/66). dccxxix. Gmelina (genus). 

Beef Wood Family (Br. 202). 
Casuarinacez (Order). 

Beef Wood (Nic. 3/497). 
pus salignus. 

Beef Wood (McL. 185) (Cat. 301) (Pr. 
2/985). 2780 Casuarina equisetifolia. 

Beef (Australian) Wood (W.Oa). 2783 
Casuarina suberosa, 


2796-d. Fagus 


2796 Fagus 


2489 Stenocar- 



Beef Wood of Australia (Gbl. 665) (MAHS. 
21) (N. 1/276). 2780 Casuarina equiseti- 

Beef Woods (Mc. 1003). 
nacez (Order). 

Beesha (McL. 69), 

Beetle (Black) Mango, (MchL. 468). 6738 
Semecarpus Anacardium. 

Beetle’s Foe (Mech. 157). 

Beetle-Killer (McL. 95). 
ron serraturs. 

Reetle’s love (Mch. 388). 
thes arbor-tristis. 

Beety (McL. 461). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Bel (McL. 65) (Bed. 1/40, 2/161) (HH. 24). 
425 Aigie Marmelos. 

Beleric Myrobalan (Pr. 1/481) (Cat. 1338) 
(Pfl. 243) (Br. 74) (W. 1,107). 1145 
Terminalia belerica. 

Belgaum Walnut (bed. 2/276) (Gbl. 618) 
(Bdn/F.T) (McL. 488) (Ell. 37) (Cat. 
255) (W. 84). 2633 Aleurites moleccana. 

Bell (Small blue) Biadweed (Treas. Bot. 

CVIT. Casuari- 

3318 Ochlandra 

24 Michelia 
2318 Clerodend- 

1776 Nyctan- 

1/6384, adpd). dclix. Jacquemcntia 
Bell (Small oblong-heart-acute-leaved) 

Bindweed (Nic. 2/206, adpd). 
Jacquemontia cerulea. 

Bell (Small oblong-heart-repand-acumi- 
nate-leaved) Bindweed (Nic. 2/206, 
adpd). 2055 Jacquemontia violacea. 

Beli-bine (American) S. 215’. delviii. 
Tpomva (genus). 

Bell-calyxed (Great) Glory climber (Rox. 
3/65, adpd). decxxxii. Holmskioldia 

Bell-calyxed (Decandrous) Pea (Treas. 
Bot. 2/822, 908, 1219, Hk. 2/60, acpd). 
XLILI-A. Leguminose (Order-Papili- 
one suborder-Sophorez Tribe). 

Bell (Australian) Creeper (Nic. 3/458) (S. 
42, 497). 146 Sollya heteropbylla. 

Bell (Large flowered) Dog-bane (Br. 127, 
adpd). 1851 Beiumontia vrandiflora. 
Bell (Western Ghaut) Dog-bane (Br. 127, 
adpd), 1852 Beaumontia Jerdoniana. 
Bell (White) Dog-bane (Nic. 1/64, adpd). 

dci. Beaumontia (genus). 

Bell Flower Family (Mch. i003, adpd). 
LXV. Campanulacew (Order). 


Bell (American) Flower (McL. 862). 2019 | 
Tpomeea Quamocht. 

Bell Flower Bindweed (Meu. 120). 2043 
Tpomeea campanulata. 

Bell-flowered echinate-fruited Stinking 

Swallow-wort (Treas. Bct. 2/8382, adpd). 
dexxy, Oxypetalum (genus). 

Bell-tlowered Nut-mey (Bs/7/10, adpd). 
xvill. Popowia (genus). 


| Bell 

Bell-flowered (Small-membranous-woolly- 
backed-lance-acuminate-leaved) Nut- 
meg (Hk. 1/68, adpd). 49 Popowia 

Bell-flowered (Winzed-styled) one-seeded 
Leather-berry (Hk. 3/20 adpd).  diii. 
Octotropis (genns). 

Bell-flowered Vervein (Treas. Bot, 1/525, 
adpd). decxxix. Gmelina (genus). 

Bell (Creamy) flowered Virgin’s Bower 
(Hk. 1/5, adpd). 9 Clematis nutans. — 

Bell (Scarlet) Glory climber (Rox. 3/65, 
adpd). 2327 Holmskioldia sangninea. 

Bell (Multifoliate-(15-19)-orey-obovate- 
obtuse-leaved) Pea (Hk. 2/249, adpd). 
912 Sophora tomentosa. 

Bell (Multifoliate-(21-25)-grey-silk y- 
backed oblong acute-leaved) Pea (Hk. 
2/249, udpd). 918 Sophora glauca. 

Bell (Multifoliate-(7-9)-leathery-glabrous- 
grey-green-backed oblong-cuspidate- 
.leaved) Pea (Hk. 2/258, adpd}. 918 
Ormosia travancorica. 

Bell (Multifoliate-(13-21)-membranous- 
elabrous-oblong-obtuse-leaved) Pea 
(Hk. 2/252, adpd). 917 Calpurnia 

Bell (Multifoliate-(13-21)-silkky-glabres- 

cent Linear-oblong-mucronate-leaved) 
Pea (Nic. 1/184, adpd). 919 Virgilia 


Bell (Multitoliate-(19-25)-subglabrous 
oval-emarginate-leaved) Pea (Hk. 2/251, 
adpd). 915 Sophora interrupta. 

Bell (Maultifoliate-(11-15)-thinly-downy- 
backed oblong-acuminate-leaved) Pea 

(Hk. 2/250, adpd). 914 Sophora 
Bell (Multifoliate-(18-15)-thinly-€owny- 

backed oblong-obtuse leaved) Pea (Hk. 
2/251, adpd), 916 Sophora Bakeri. 

Bell (Trifoliate-digitate-glabrous-revolute- 
marginal Narrow-linear-leaved Broom 
like) Pea (Nic. 2/171, 5/277, Treas. Bot. 
1/3869, adpa). 921 Cyclopia galegoides, 

Bell (Unifoliate-glabrous  elliptic-lance 
obuvate-or-cuneate-mucronate-lea ved 
Orange-red) Pea (Nic. 1/818, adpd). 
923 Chorizema diversifolium. 

Bell (Unifoliate-clabrous-revolute-war- 
eined lJance-linear-leaved Orange-red) 

Pea (Nic. 1/818, adpd). 


eval-acute-leaved) Pea (Nic. 3/172, 
adpd). 920 Podslyria argenta. 

Bell (Unifoliate-subverticillate-minute- 
Heart-leaved Orange-red) Pea (Nic. 
2/541, adpd). 924 Oxylokium  cordi- 

Bell Pepper (McL. 170) (Ell. 140). 2094 
(tris,) Capsicum grossum, 

922 Chorizema 



Bell (Glaucous-backed Heart-leaved) 
Vervein (Hk. 4/582, adpd). 2305-b, 
Gmelina arborea (glaucescens). 

Bell (TLawny-velvetty-backed-Heart- 
Jeaved) Vervein (Hk. 4/581, adpd). 
2305-a, Gmelina arborea (typica). 

Bell (Thorny — elliptic-rhomboid-leaved 
climbing) Vervein (Hk. 4/582, adpd). 
2307 Gmelina Hystrix. 

Bell (Thorny ovate-to-obovate-leaved) 
Vervein (Hk. 4/582, adpd). 2306 

Gmelina asiatica. 
Belle Lyonnaise Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/ 
94, 0/18) (Po). 1105-e. Rosa odorata 

Belleric myrobalan (McL. 2381, 473, 506, 
558, 928, 995) (Bll. 546), 1145 

Terminalia belerica. 

Belleric (Biglandular leaved) myrobalan 
(McL. 928), 1145-b. Terminalia belerica 

Belleric (Glandless ‘eaved) myrobalan 
(McL. 928), 1145-a. Terminalia belerica 

Bellows (Leaf) Tree (McL. 282). 

’ Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Bellworts (McL, 1008). LXV. Campanu- 
laceze (Order). 

Belmore’s Lieut.-Colonel Kent’s Palm 
(Nic, 2/218). 3135 Howea Belmoreana. 

Belote’ (McL. 81). dccexci. Quercus 

Benares (Gulgul of) and Saheranpur 
(Bon). 4i0-d. Citrus medica-Limonum 


Ben Nut (McL. 518). 689 Moringa 
Ben oil (McL. 84, 518). 689 Moringa 

Ben (Indian) oil (Gbl. 124) (Bdn/F.T). 
689 Moringa pterygosperma. 

Bendy (Syrian) (McL. 83, 867, 993). 

Bencoolen nut (McL. 438) (Cag. 217). | 

2633 Aleurites moluccana. 
Bendy (McL. 82, 993).  xclii, Hibiscus 
Bendy (China Rose) (McL. 82, 484, 827, 
943). 244 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. 
Bendy (Corkwood) (Mch. 88, 478, 484, 
493). 241 Hibiscas tiliaceus, 
Bendy (Downy) (McL. 701). (2) 2557 
Phylanthus reticulatus. 

Bendy (Hemp) (McL. 82, 784, 913). 240 
(bis.) Hibiscus cannabina 

Bendy (Hill) (McL. 88, 993). 240 | 
ilibiscus collinus. 

Bendy (Jasmine) (McL. 83, 949). 237 

Hibiscus hirtus. 

Bendy (Jungle) (Rid. 125), 
carpus Nimmoanus. 

Bendy (Lotus) (McL. 83, 484, 990). 
hibiscus mutabilis. 

Bendy (Round) (McL.914), 222 Abutilon 

328 Hrino- 



Bendy (Spreading) (McL. 83, 943), 238 
(bis.) Hibiscus ficulneus. 

Hibiscus syriacus. 

Bendy (Thorny Hemp) (McL. 484), (246 
Sphalm| 236 Hibiscns (furcavus). 

| Bendy (Vine leafed) (McL. 84, 943). 239 

(bis). Hibiscus vitifolius. 

Bendy Tree (McL. 712). 

Bengal (Calobcheeny of) (McL. 677). 
2405 Piper Cubeba, 

Bengal (Stal cherry of) (McL. 171). 
Pimenta acris 

Bengal (Toposi Ebony of) (Gbl. 454, McL. 
366, adpd). 1704 Diospyrus Toposia. 

252 Thespesia 


| Benga (Kamala Orange of) and South 

India (Son. 45). 418-a. Citrus 
Aurantium-nobilis (chrysocarpa). 

Bengal ashocam (McL. 44, 473, 484, 995). 
977 Saraca indica, 

Bengal Bamboo (Mch, 69, 84, 474, 1002). 
3301 Bambusa Tulda. 

Bengal Dragon Tree (Hk. 6/331, adpd). 
3107 Cordyline terminalis. 

Bengal Fig (McL. 72). 2726 Ficus 
Bengat Cotton (McL. 282). 255-b. 

Gossypium arboreum (neglectum). 

Bengal crescent leaved alipot Palm 
(Rox. 2/176, adpd). 3173 Corypha 

Bengal Currant (McL. 84, 132, adpd). 

dixxx. Carissa (genus). 

Bengal Currant (McL. 84, 132). 
Carissa Carandas. 

Bengal Currant (Common) (McL. 84, 132, 


corr). 1806-a. Carissa Carandas 
(ty pica). 

Bengal (Downy) Currant (Hk. (3/631, 
adpd). 1807-b. Carissa spinarum 

Bengal-currant (Small Broad-ovate- 

acuminate-leaved curved-spined climb- 
ing) (Hk- 3/631, adpd). 1810 Carissa 

Boengal-currant (Small-papery Oblong- 
ovate-round-or-o bovate-obtuse-leaved 
straight-spined) (Hk. 3/630, adpd). 
1806 Carissa Carandas. 

Bengal-currant (Small-to-medium-papery 
curyed-spined) (Hk. 3/63!, adpd). 
1809 Carissa macrophylla. 

Bengal-currant (Two-seeded common) 
(Hk. 3/631, adpd). 1806-b. Carissa 
Carandas (congesta). 

Bengal-currant (Very-small Heart-leaved- 
straizht-forked-spined) of the Cape 
(Nic. 1/104, adpd). 1805 Carissa 

_ Arduina, 


3/631, adpd). 

straight-spined) (Hk. 
1808 Carissa paucinervia. 

Bengal-currant (Very-small-papery 

Straight-spined) (Hk. 3/681, adpd). 
1807 Carissa spinarum. 

Bengal (Arching) Dragon Tree (Hk. 
6/331, adpd). 3107-d. Cordyline 

terminalis (Kckhaiitei). 

Bengal (#lackish-green) Dragon ‘Tree 
(Hk. 6/331, adpd). 3i07-m. Cordyline 
terminalis (nigricans). 

Bengal (Bronze striped) Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/374, adpd). 3107-0. Cordyline 
terminalis (Robinsoniana). 

Bengal (White variegated) Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/372, adpd). 3107-a. Cordyline 
termivalis (alba). 

Bengal (Forest) Gram (McL. 330, 995). 
(?) 1289 Osbeckia aspera (?). 
Bengal Hemp (McL. 84, 866). 

Crotalaria juncea. 

Bengal Kino (McL. 84, 418, 473, 484, 645). 
$28 Butea frondosa. 

Bengal Palm Lily (Hk. 6/831, adpd). 
3107 Cordyline terminalis. 

Bengal Quince (McL. 65) (Nic. 1/81) (Br. 
28) (Cag. 278). 425 Aigle Marmelos. 
Bengal (Thorny) Quince (Mch. 65). 425 

' Agle Marmelos. 

Bengal ‘Rose (McL. 322) (Hk. 2/634) (S. 
49). 1103 Rosa indica (lutea). 

Bengal (Canary-yellow) Rose (Ru/0/18) 
(Mu/57). 1103-i. Rosa indica (bengal- 

Rengal Root (McL. 84, 
Ziagiber Cassumunar. 
Bengal Round leaved Talipot Palm (Rox. 
2/174,‘adpd). 3175 Corypha Tailiera. 
Bengal Sage (McL. 84) (Cag. 153). 2349 
Meriandra bengaiensis. ; 
Bengal Walnut (McL. 84, 430) (Br. 192) 

(Rid. 100) (Cag. 217) (Ru/O/9). 
Aleurites moluccana. 
Bengal Wampee shrub (Nic. 1/371, Hk. 


137). 2998 

1/504, adpd). 394 Clausena hepta- 
Benzalee Baudam (Mc. 138). 1144 

Verminalia Catappa. 
Bengun (MchL. 107). 
Benjamin (Gum) (McL. 84) (Rox. 2/415) 
Gbl. 456). 1750 Styrax Benzoin. 
Benjamin Fig (Nic. 2/11). 27383 
Benteak (Mch, 884) (W 34, 46) (FAR. 4, 

2084 Solanum 


9,16). 1317 Lagerstremia lanceolata. 
Benthamia (%trawberry-bearing) (Nic. 
1/165). 1421 Cornus capitata. 

~Benzoin (McL, 84, 998) (Rox. 2/415) (@bl. 
466), 1750 Styrax Benzoin, 


2633 | 


Benzoin (Malacca) (McL. 84). 1750 
Styrax Benzoin. 

Benzoin Terminalia (Br. 74). 11438 

Terminalia benzoin. 

Ber (Bed. 1/68, 2/149) (Ru/N/70). 561 
Zizyphus Jujuba. 

Berar Cotton (Rox. 3/185). 253 Gossy piam 

Berberids (McL. 1003). VI. Berberidacez 

Berberry Family (L/N/8/B). Vi. Berberi- 
daceze (Order). 

Berberry (Lond). xlii. Berberis (genus). 

Berberry (McL. 84) Rid. 108). 98 
Berberis aristata. 

Berberry (Dyer’s) (McL. 84) (Ell. 101). 
98 Berberis aristata. 

Berberry (Indian) (McL. 84). 98 Berberis 

Bere (Wild) Fruit (Jaf. 69). 561 Zizyphus 

Bergamot (Lemon) (McL. 668). (?). 416 
Citrus Aurantium (Bergamia) ?. 

Bergamot Lemon (Nie. 1/835). [412 
Sphaim] 411 Citrus medica Lumia. 

Bergamot Orange (McL. 379, 457, 628, 
993) (Hk. 1/515) (Nic. 5/248). 416 
Citrus Aurantium-Bergamia. 

Bergamotte Orange (Nic. 5/243) (Hk. 
1/515) (Nie. 5/248) (Ell. 178). 416 
Citras Aurantium-Bergamia. 

Bermuda (Pencil Cedar of) and Barbadoes 
(Mueli. 8.P). 2820 Juniperus bermudi- 

Bermuda Cedar (Nic. 2/211) (S.228). 2820 
Juniperus bermudiana. 

Bermrda Pencil Cedar (Gbi. 697). 2820 
Juniperas bermudiana. 

Bermuda Red Cedar (Gbl. 697), 2820 
Juniperus bermudiana. 1 

Bermudas (Fan Palm of the) (Nic. 3/338) 
(3.379). 3183 Sebal Blackburmiana. 

Bermudas (Thxtch Palm of the) (Nic. 
3/338). 3183 Sabal Blackburmiana. 

Berried (Ovoid) acuminate leaved Lingam 
Tree (Hk. 1/172. adpd). 10l-a. 
Cratzva religiosa (Nurvala). 

Berried (Medium-rusty-woolly-giabrate 
leaved) Bindweed (Hk. 4/181, adpd). 
1989-b. Erycibe paniculata (Wightiana). 

Berried (Medium-rusty-woolly-g!abrate- 
obovate-cuspidate-leaved) Bind weed 

(Hk. 4/151, adpd). 1989 Erycibe 

Perried (Wart) Biunt leaved Mistletoe 
(McL.’ 688, adpd). 2517 Viscum 

Berried (Glabrous) Blush Rose (Nic. 3/319, 

322) (Cag. 604). 1096 Rosa micro- 



ise. (Hk. 




Berried (Alternate-leaved) Box (Treas. 
Bot, 2/1020, Hk. 5/240, adpd). deccix. 
Sarcococca (genus). 

Berried (Small leathery-triple-nerved 
Lance-caudate-leaved) Box (Hk. 5/267, 
adpd). 2544 Sarcococca pruniformis. 

Berried (Opposite-leaved Panicled Black) 
Buckthorn (Hk. 1/630, adpd). coxxxiii, 
Sageretia (genus). 

Berried (Upposite-leaved Umbelled Blue) 
Buckthorn (Hk. 1/630, adpd). ccxxxii. 
Scutia (genus). 

Berried (Red) Camphorated Typhus Root 
(L/N/S/B, adpd). 2419 Chloranthus 

| Berried (Large Warty) Spindle climber 


Berried (Small) China Rose (Nic. 3/322). — 

1090 Rosa microcarpa. 
Berried (Necklace) climbing Caper (Hk. 
1/171, adpd). 100 Mzrua arenaria. 
‘Berried (Large) climbing Poison nut (McL. 
690, adpd). 1959 Strychnos Rheedii. 
Berried (Climbing scarlet) Cluster Rose 
(Hk. 2/364). 1090 Rosa microcarpa. 

Berried (Large leaved and) Coffee (Trop. | 

Agr. xx/11). 

1548-b. Coffea arabica 


Berried (Small leaved and) Coffee(Trop. ~ 
Agr. xx/ll). 1548-a. Coffea arabica 

Berried (Round) cuspidate leaved Lingam 

Tree (Hk. 1/172,adpd). 101-b. Crateva | 

religiosa (Roxburgnii), 
Berried diccious wild Tea shrub (Hk. 
1/284, adpd), Ixxv. Eurya (genus). 
Berried Dog-bane (Rox. 1/695, adpd). 
dixxxii. Hunteria (genus). 

(Bk. 1/627, 552 = Salacia 

reticulata. ~ 

tic-entire-cuspidate-leaved) Spindle 
climber (Hk. 1/628, adpd). 5538 
Salacia macrosperma. 

Berried (Medium-papery elliptic-lance 
serrate-acute-leaved) Spindle climber 
(Hk. 1/628, adpd). 555 Salacia 

Berried (Medium-papery oblong-elliptic- 
serrate-subobtuse-leaved) Spindle shrub 
(Hk. 1/628, adpd). 554 Salacia 

Berried (Small-leathery oblong-elliptic- 
subentire cuspidate-leaved) Spindle 
climber (Hk. 1/627, adpd). 551 
Salacia Brunoniana. 

Berried (Small-leathery 
subentire-subobtuse leayed) Spindle 
climber (Hk. 1/627, adpd). 552 
Salacia reticulata. 

Berried {Small-leathery oblong-serrate- 



Beuspidate-leayed} Spindle climber 
(Hk. 1/626, adpd). 550 Salacia 
Berried (Triandrous) Spindle climber 
(Hk. 1/625, adnd). ccxxiii. Salacia 

Berried (Yellow) Tree Bilberry (Bs/T/334, 
adpd). 1301 Memecylon Talbotvianum. 

Berried (Woolly) White Rose (Nic. 3/319, 
322). 1095 Rosa bracteata. 

_ Berried (Dry) Wild Tea Tree (Hk. 1/280, 

Berried (Oblique compressed) False Holly | 

(Hk. 1/587, Bth. 1/390, adpa). 
Apodytes (genus). 

cciv. | 

Berried (Black) Featherfoil (McL. 587, | 
| Berry (Ritter) (McL. 357). 81 Anamirta 

adpd). 2557 Phyllanthus reticulatns. 
Berried (White) French mulberry (S./70, 

HK, 4/568, adpd). 2288 (bis,) Callicarpa. | 


Berried Kambala Tree of Salt-swamps 
(Treas. Hot. 2/1013). cdxxxix, Sonne- 
ratia (genus). 

Berried long-petalled Cornel (Hk. 2/741, 
adpd). cdlxx. Alangium (genus). 

Berried (Yellow) Nightshade (MeL. 107), 

2091 Solanum xanthocarpum. 

Berried (Large) Opal Urange (Hk. 1/500, 
adpd). 389-c. 

Beriied (Purple-pear) Partridge Pea Tree 
(Hk. 1/579, adpd). 492 Strombosia 

Berried (Round) Partridge Pea Tree 
(Bdn/F.T, adpd). 493 Anacolosa 

Berried (Holly leaved) Spindle ¢limber 

ik. 1/626, adpd). 850  Salacia 
prinoides. : ; 


Glycosmis pentaphylla © 
| Berry 

adpd), Ixxiv. Ternstreemia (genus). 
Berried (Mealy) Wild Tea Tree (Hk. 
1/286, adpd). Ixxvi. Sauranja (genus). 
Berry (Bay) (McL. 171). 1207 Pimenta 


Berry (Black) (S. 376) (Lond). ccclxxix. 
Kobus (genus). 

Berry (Slea) (McL. 132). dxxxvi. Vacci- 
nium (genus). 

Berry (Blood) (Nic. 3/309) (S. 54, 370). 
2384 Rivina levis. 

Berry (Btnch) (8.110). cdlxxi. Cornus 

Berry (Comestible Indian Linden) (McL. 
293, adpd). 317 Grewia asiatica. 

Berry (Common Wind) (McL. 111, corr). 
1661 Embelia Ribes. 

(Soromandel Goose) (Mech. 229, 
472, 874, 993) (Kid. 106). 365 Aver- 

- rhoa Caramtola. 

Berry (Cow) (McL. 32). 592 Vitis vini- 

. fera. 

Berry (Country Goose) (McL. 229). 365 
Averrhoa Carambola. 

Berry (Crow) (McL, 357). 81 Anamirta 


Berry (Dew) (S. 876) (Lond). ccelxxix. 
Rubus (genus). 

Berry (Dog) (S. 110). 

Berry (Downy leaved Soap) (McL. 848). 
634 Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Berry (Elder) (&. 148). 1424 Sambucus 

Berry (Emarginated Soap) (McL. 848). 
634 Sapindus trifoliatns. 

Berry (Farkle) (McL. 132). 
niom Leschanauitii. 

Berry (Goose) (Muell. S.P) (Nic. 3/302) 
(Loud) (8. 368). ecexciii. Ribes (genus). 

Berry (Grecian Honey) (McL. 361). 2711 
Celtis tetrandra. 

Berry (Hack) (McL. 361) (Muell. 8.F) 

edlxxi. Cornus 

(H/E.F) (S. 85). decelxiii. Celtis 
g- nus). 
Berry (Hill Goose) (McL. 388) (Nic. 

3/298) (+ 8/T/326) (Ell. 479) (Cag. 288) 
(Ru/O/9). 1225 Rhodomyrtus tomen- 

Berry (Huckle) (8. 444). 
nium (genus). 

dxxxvi. Vacci- 

Berry (Indian) (McL. 357, 690). 81 Ana- | 

mirta Cocculus. 

Berry (Indian Black) (Mcl. 328). 1082 
Rubus lasiocarpus. 
Berry (Indian Black) (McL. 328). 

ecclxxix. !(ubus (¢enus). 

Berry (Indian Dew) (Mch. 328, adpa). 
1082 Rubus lasiocarpus. 

Berry (Indian Snow) (Cag. 416, corr). 
2592 Flueggia leucopyrns. 

Berry (Ink) (McL. 380). 87 Cocculus 

Berry (Jaundice) (S. 49). xlii. Berberis 

_ (genus). 

Berry (Large flowered Blacix) (McL. 828, 
adpd). 1083 Rubus racemosus. 

Berry (Logan) (S. 376). 

Berry (Louse) (McL. 357). 

Berry (Nilgiri Goose) (Bs/S/248, NLGS). 
1225 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 

Berry (Partridge) (S. 176, 309). dxxxviii. 
Gaultheria (genus). 

Berry (Poison) (McL. 357). 

Berry (Rasp) (S. 876) (Loud). 
Rubus (genus). 

Berry (Rouge) (S. 370). 

Berry (Small Indian Snow) (Cag. 416, 
adpd). 2591 Flueggia microcarpa. 

Berry (Snow) (Nic. 1/315) (Br. 102) (Cag. 
538). 1530 Chiococca racemosa. 

Berry (Soap) (McL. 848). 634 Sapindus 

Berry (Stinking Opal) (McL. 300). 159] 
(bis.) Pesderia fotida, 

81 Anamirta 

81 Anamirta 

2384 Rivina 

1639 Vacci- | 



Berry (Sweet) (McL. 32). 595 Vitis vini- 

Rerry (Truffle) (Nic. 2/161, adpd). 
Hydnocarpus (genus). 

Berry (West Indian ‘lurkey) (McL. 1022). 
2082 Solanum torvum. 

Berry (Whortle) (McL. 182) (8. 444) (Gbl. 
429) (Bdn/F.T), dxxxvi. Vaccinium 

Berry (Wind) (McL, 111, corr), dxlix. 
Embelia (genus). 

Berry (Wind) (McL. 111). 

Berry (Wine) (8S. 376). 

Berry Bamboo (McL. 69, 1002). maxlix. 
Ochlandra (genus). 

Berry (Rheede’s) Bamboo (McL. 69, 1002, 
corr). 3318 Ochlandra Rheedii. 

Berry-bearing Bamboo (McL. 
mxlix. Ochlandra (genus). 

Berry-bearing (Polyandrous) 
(Hk. 7/10, adpd). mxlix. 

Berry (Coral) Featherfoil (McL. 227, 517, 
580, 701, 1000, adpd). dcccxviii. Brey- 
nia (genus). 

Berry (Snow) Featherfoil (Cag. 416, corr). 
decexvi. Flueggia (genus). 


1661 Embelia 

eeclxxix. Rubus 



| Berry (Hill Goose) of the Nilgiris (Gbl. 

555). 1225 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 
Berry (Tyle) Plant (McL. 5&5), 2624 
Jatropha multifida. 
Berry (Mistletoe) Thorn (McL. 809, adpd). 
1806 Azima tetracantha. 

| Berry (Candl ) Tree (Nic. 1/46) (Cat. 255). 

2633 Aleurites moluccana. 

Beiry (Coral) Tree (McL. 227, 518, 701, 
1000, adpd). 2594 Breynia rhamnoi- 

| Berry (Cupped Coral) Tree (McL. 227, 

ecclxxix. Rubus | 

| Berry (Gin) Tree (Muell. 8.P). 

517, 580, 701, 1000, adpd). 
bia patens. 

2593 Brey- | 

Juniperus communis. 

Berry (Straw) Tree (Nic. 1/108) (8. 32, 
417) (Cag. 512). 164% (b:s.) Arbutus: 

Berry (Lime) Tree of Manilla (Nic. 4/91). 
398 Triphasia trifoliata. 

Berry’s Madras Balsam Tree (McL. 69, 
416, adpd). 442 Balsamodendron Ber- 


Betaio Brown Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/94). 
1105-q. Kosa odorata (hybriia-burnea). 

Betel (Collam) Leaf (Mc. 558) (?). 2225 
Barleria Prionitis (?) 

Betel Leaf Pepper (Br. 242) (KIl. 168) 
(PA. 441). 2406 Piper Betle. ; 
Betel leaf Vine (McL. 676). 2406 Piper 

Betle. ; 
Betelenut Laurel (McL. 550, adpd). 
declzzziii. Litsssa (genus). 


Betel-nut (Reddome’s\ Laurel (McbL, 500, 
adpd), 2468 Litsaa Beddomei. 

Betel-nut (Leather leaved) Laurel (McL. 
500. edpd). 2463 Litseea coriacea, 

Betel-nut (Olive-like) Laurel (McL, 500, 
adpd), 2466 Litsaa oleoides. 

Betel-nut (Stock’s) Laurel (McL, 590 
adpd), 2467 Litsea Stocksii, 

Betelnut (Tinnevelly) Laurel (McL. 500, 
adpd), 2165 Litsea Paenamonja 

Betel-nut (Wight’s) Laurel (McL. 500, | 

apd). 2469 Litseaa Wightiana. 

Betel-nut (Willow leaved) Laurel (MchL, 
500, adpd), 2464 Litsea glabrata. 

Betel Nut Palm (McL. 40, 231) (Hk. 
6/406) (Cat. 824) (Cag. 337) (S. 33, 51) 
(Jaf. 128) Rid. 264) (N.1/109) (Bdn/F. 
T) (Ell, 65) (Pr. 1069) (PA. 9). 3121 
Areca Uatechu, 

Betel Palm (MeL. 40) (Cat. 324) (Gbl. 
726), 3121 Areca Catechu. 
Betel (Cane) (MeL. 675, adpd). 

Pinanga (genus). 
Betel (Ceylon) Palm (MclL, 40, 231, Hk. 


6/406, adpd), 312% Areca concinna, 

Betel (Cocoanut leaved) Palm (Cag. 337, 
340, adpd), 3125 Chrysalidocarpus 

Betel (False) nut Palm (Cooke. 2/809, 
adpd), 3130 Actinorhytis Calapparia. 
Betel (Golden Petioled) Palm (Cay. 337, 
339, adpd). 3128 Dictyosperma aurea, 

Betel (Himalayan Cane) Palm (McL. 675, 

adpd). 2134 Pinanga gracilis, 
Betel (Madagascar) Palm (McL. 40, 231, 
Hk, 6/405, adpd). 3124 Areca mada- 


Betel (Malay) Palm (Mch. 40, 231, 975, 
Hk, 6/406, adpd). 3123 Areca 

Betel (Red nerved) Palm (Cag. 337, 339. 
adpd), 3127 Dictyosperna rubrum. 
Betel (Straits Cane) Palm (McL. 675, 

adpq). 3133 Pinanga aisticha, 

Betel (Varieguted) Palm (Cag. 337, 339, 
adpd). cemlxxiv. Dictyosperma (genus). 

Betel (Western Ghauts Cane) Palm (McL, 
675, adpd), 3182 Pinanga Dicksonii, 

Betel (Wnite woclly petioled) Palm (Cag. 

-337, 339, alpd). 8129 Dictyosperma 

Betel Pepper (McL. 86, 676, 1000) (Nic. 
3/147) (5,331) (Gbl. 554) (Cag. 454) 
(Rid. 219). 2406 Piper Betle. 

Betel Vine (McL. 86, 676) (Bs/T/528). 
2406 Piper Betle, 

 Betel Yam (McL. 58, 1000). 
corea oppositifolia, ‘ 

Bezoar Nut (McL. 87, 101, 281). 927 
Cesalpinia Bondue. 

Bhaunt (McL. 785). 2321 Clergdendron 


38062 Dios- 

INDEX, 355 

Bhaurgam (McL. 92, 999), docxxxi. 
Clerodendron (genus), 

Bhere Fruit (Br. 43) (Cat. 72) (Rid, 199) 
(Pfl, 874) (Mu). 661 Zizyphus Jujuba, 

Bhilawaun (Mch. 476). 673 Semecarpus 

Bhirda (MeL. 928), 

Bhootan Cypress (McL, 787) (Cag 409). 
2810 Cupressus torulosa. 

Bhotan Pine (Nic. 3/142) (S. 51, 331). 
2842 Pinus excelsa, 

Bhraungy (McL. 95, 999). 2822 Cleroden- 
dron siphonanthus, 

Bhraungy (Knotted) (McL. 95, 884, 199). 
2318 Clerodendron serratum, 

Biauricled-sheathing-petioled (Palmati 
(3-7)-nerved medium-to-large) 
oblong-ovate-to-roundish-cuspidate - or 
acuminate leaved Sarsaparilla (lk. 
6/312, adpd). 3082 Smilax prolifera. 

Bibisi (Nic. 2/429). 2483 Nectandra 

Bible (Apple of the) (McL. 504). 
Prunus armeniaca, 

Bible (Gopher wood of the Ark of the) 
(McL, 787). 2809 Cupressus semper- 

Bible (Mustard seed of the) (McL. 913). 
1799 Salvadora persica. 

Bible (Peplar of the) (McL. 856). 
Styrax (genus). 

Bible (Shittim Wood of the) (McL, 63). 
1029 Acacia arabica, 

Bicoloured (White-margined sinuate) 
Prickly Nightshade (Nic. 3/454, adpd), 
2086 Solanam marginatum. 

Bindwill’s Hybrid Coral Tree (Nic. 5/352), 
822-b. Erythrina crista-galli (herbacea- 

Bifarious green leaved Date (Gbl. 780, 
adpd), 3165 Phoenix rupicola, 

Bifarious Lance leaved Morning Mallow 
(Rox, 3/171, adpd). 215 Sida acuta. 

Bifariously fascicled leaflet Sugar Palm 
(Hk. 6/421, Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3150 
Arenga obtusifolia, 

Bifid (Equally) Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Cooke 2/809, adpd). #8180 Actinorhy- 
tis Calapparia, 

Bifid Acuminate (Keeled) Feather Palm 
(Hk. 6/418, adpd), 3143 Bentinckia 

Bifid (Unequally) Acuminate Feather 
Palm (Cag. 342, adpd). emxcii. Oreo- 
doxa (genus). 

Bifid-styled Garden Croton (Hk. 5/242, 
adpd). dceccxxxviii. Ostodes (genus). 
Bifoliate Elongated-jointed-joint-sheatb- 
ed-claviform-but-hasall y-pseudobulbous 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/799, W.A.IJ, 

adpd). 2939 Eria paucifiora. 

1145 Terminalia 




Bifoliate-infra-(1)-glendular - medium El- 
liptic-acute-leaved Spinous (young)- 

Sirissa (Bed. 2/317, adpd). 1058 Inga 
Bifoliate (Mediam-linear-oblong-obtuse) 

Jointed-club-bulbed-Orchid (Hk. 5/799, 
W.A.I, edpd). 2939 Eria pauciflora. 
Bifoliate (Large-oblanceolate-acute (but 
variable) Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 

5/708 W.A.I, adpd). 2900 Liparis 
Bifoliate (Medium-elliptic-acuminate) 

Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk, 5/835, W.A.1I, 
adpd). 2942 Coelogyne corrugata. 

Bifoliate (Medium-elliptic-or-oblanceo- 
late-acuminate) Pseudobulb Orchid 
(Hk. 5/704, W.A.I, adpa). 2901 Lipa- 
ris viridiflora, 

Bifoliate ;(Medium-elliptic-ovate-acute) 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/698, adpd). 
2895 Liparis Dalzellil. 

Bifoliate (Medium-linear-oblong-suba- 
cute) Pseudobulb orchid (fk. 5/833, 

W.A.I, adpd). 2940 Cclogyne brevis- 
Bifoliate (Medium-obiong-lanceolate- 

acute) Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/835, 
W.A.I, adpd). 294% Coelogyne glandu- 

Bifoliate (Medium-ovate-acute) Pseudo- 
bulb Orchid (Hk. 5/695, adpd). 2892 
Liparis platyphylla. 

Bifoliate (Medium ?-ovate-acute) Pseudo- 
bulb Orchid (Hk. 5/707, adpd). 2903 
Liparis (?) alata. 

Bifoliate (Small-elliptic-lanceolate-acute) 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/789, W.A.I, 

adpd). 2935 Eria nana. 

Bifoliate (Small _ elliptic-lanceolate- 
obtuse) Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/717, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2906 #Dendrobium 

Bifoliate (Small-lanceolate-acuminate) 

Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/833, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2941 Coelogyne odoratissima. 
Bifoliate (Small-linear-oblong-acute) 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/716, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2905 Dendrobium microbulbon. 

Bifoliate (Small-!inear-to-oblanceolate- 
apiculate) Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 
5/789, W.A.1,adpa). 2934 Evia Dalzellii. 

Bifoliate (Small-ovate-linceo!ate-acumi- 
nate) Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/895, 
W.AI,adpd). 2893 Liparis Wightiana. 

Bifoliate (Small-ovate-orbicular-acute) 
Psendobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/6¥8, adpd). 
2896 Liparis Walkerie. 

Bifoliate (Very-small elliptic-acuminate) 
Pseudobulb Orchid (W.A.I). 2981 Hria 

Bifoliate (Very small-elliptic-lanceolate- 
acute) Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/787, 
W.A.I, adpd), 2932 Eria reticosa. 


Bifoliate (Very-small-oblanceolate-apicu- 
late) Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/788, 
adpd). 2933 EHria exilis. 

Bifoliate (Very-small-orbicular-ovate- 
ciliate-cuspidate) Pseudobulb Orchid 
(Hk. 5/787, W.A.1, adpd). 2981 (bés.) 
Eria Lichenora. 

Bifoliate (Very-small-ovate-undulate- 
acute) Purplish Pseudobulb Orchid 
(Hk. 5/695, W.A.I, adpd). 2898 Lipa- 
ris biloba. 

Bifoliate (Fringed §Dragon’s-mouth) 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Br. 210, adpd). 
2919 Hpidendrum ciliare. 

Bifoliate (West Indian) Pseudobulb Or- 
chid (Nic, 5/342). 2919 Epidendrum 

Bifoliate (Petioled-coriaceous) Pseudobul- 
bous stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/828). 
emxxv. Coelovyne (genus). 

Bifoliate (Petioled-coriaccous) Pseudobul- 
bous stemmed Orchid (Hk, 5/701, 708). 
2900 Liparis longipes. 

Bifoliate-(rarely-more) (Sessile-membra- 
nous) Pseudobulbous stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 5/692). cmxviii, Liparis (genus- 

Bifoliate-(rarely-more) (Sessile-membra- 
nous) Pseudobulbous stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 5/715). cmxix. Dendrobium (ge- 
nus-Stachyobium section, part). 

Bifoliate-(rarely-more) (Sessile-membra- 
nous) Pseudobulbous stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 5/785). cmxxiv, Hria (genus Por- 
pax, Conchidium, and Bryobium sec- 

Bifoliate snap-valved podded Sirissa (Hk. 
2/306,adpd). ccclxxii. Inga (genus). 
Bifoliate-very-small (Spiny) obovate- 
elliptic-obtuse leaved Firework Flant 
(Hk. 1/523, adpd). 483 Balanites Rox- 


Bifoliate (Tendrilled) leaved Virgin’s 
Bower (Hk. 1/6, adpd). 10 Naravelia 
zey lanica. 

Bigarade Orange (McL. 623). 415 Citrus 

Bigaradier (Risso’s) 4 feuille de myrte 
(Bon. 58). 420-a. Citrus nobilis (major). 

Bigaradier (Risso’s) chinois (Bon. 58). 
421-b. Citrus juponica (Hazara). 

Biglandular-long Elliptic-lance-leaved 

Guinea Plum (Hk. 2/311, adpd). 1060 
Parinarium indicum. 
Biglandular-medium-leathery Roundish- 

leaved Kidney Plum (Hk. 2/319, adpa). 
1071 Pygeum Wightianum. 

Biglsndular-medium-wavy Lance-leaved 
Guinea Plum (Hk. 2/811, adpd). 1061 
Parinarlum travancoricum. 

Biglandular leaved Belleric myrobalan 
(McL, 928), 1145-b. Terminalia belerica 


Bignonia (Lovely) (Br. 131). 2144 Big- 
nonia venusta, 
Bignonia (Slender) (Br. 131). 2146 Big- 

nonia gracilis. 

Bignonia (Walking-stick) (McL. 982). 
2151 Stereospermum xylocarpum. 

Bihorell’s Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262).3026-e. 
Canna indica (Bihoreili). 

Bijora (Ru/N/66). 
Limonum (limoni medica). 

Bijugate (1-2 prs)-medium-obliquely-ob- 
long-subacute-leaved Dog’s- Matrix 
(Hk. 2/267, adpd). 967-a. Cynometra 

obtuse thicker-leaved 
(Hk. 2/267, adpd). 967-b. Cynometra 
ramiflora (mimosoides). 

lance-(4’’-13’’) - cordate - or - hastate- 
sinuate-(fertile-toothed) - subacute-pin- 
3384-a. Lygodium scandens (typica). 

Bijugately-bipinnate (Short-broad-pinnal- 
ed) Chmbing Fern (Nic. 2/303, adpd) 


Bikky (McL. 768). 338 Hleocarpus ob- 

Bikky (Stone) (MchL. 768). 
carpus Munronii. 

345 Elzo- 

adpd), deciv. Calacanthus (genus). 

Bilabiate (Four-(3-4)-bracted capitate) 
Vervein climber (Hk. 4/561, adpd). 
deexxxvii. Congea (genus). 

Bilba (McL. 65). 425 gle Marmelos. 

Bilberry Family (L/N/S/B). 
cacez (Order). 

Bilberry (8. 444) (Gbl. 429), dxxxvi, Vac- 
cininm (genus). 

Bilberry (Anaimalai square branched 
Tree) (Hk. 2/564, adpd). 1297 (bés.) 
Memecylon molestum, 

Bilberry (Common ovate leaved) Tree 
(Hk. 2/563, adpd). 

Bilberry (Canara square branched Tree) 
(Hk. 2/555, adpd). 1296 Memecylon 

Bilberry (Capitate ovate leaved Tree) 

(Bs/T/334, adpd). 1803 Memecylon 
Bilberry (Lanceolate acuminate-base 

leaved Tree) (Hk. 2/560, adpd). 1301 
Memecyion Heyneanum. 

Bilberry (Lanceolate cordate leaved Tree) 
(Hk. 2/558, adpd). 

Bilberry (Membranous cordate leaved 
Tree) (Bs/T/335, adpd). 1300 Meme- 
cylon deccannense. 

D ’ -M VF i | 
Cynometra | Bilberry (Tree) (Nic. 2/851, see note on 

Climbirg F Bed/F, adpd). | 
eee been. (Beds aded)._ | Bilberry (Yellow berried Tree) (Bs/T/ 

LXVI. Eri- | 

1298 Memecylon ~ 


| Bilberry (Narrow obiong leaved Tree) 

410-b, Citrus medica- | 

(Hk, 2/562, adpd). 1804 Memecylon 
ang ustifolium, 

_ Bilberry (Oblong cordate leaved Tree) 

Hk, 2/559, adpd). 
Bilberry (Square-branched oblong-cor - 
date-leaved Tree) (Hk. 2/559. adpd). 
1299-b Memecylon malabaricum (cor- 
Bilberry (Talbot’s ovate leaved Tree) 

1299 Memecylon 

(Bs/T/334, adpd). 1801 Memecylon 
| Bilberry (Tinnevelly square-branched 

ovate-to-oblong- | 

3384-b. Lygodium scandens (micropliyl- | 
) Bile Orange (McL. 628). 

Tree) (Hk. 2/555, adpd). 
cylon gracile. 

1297 Meme- 

‘* Pronunciation ”’), 

Bilberry (Wight’s square branched Tree) 
(Hk. 2/554, adpd), 1295 Memecylon 

cedxxx, Memecylon 

334, adpd). 1301 Memecylon Talbotia- 

Bile Killer (McL. 319). 80 Tinospora 

450 Naregamia 


| Bile Tree (McL. 469). 685 Spondias 


ROMER Barnis Conchead (Hk. 4/asey || pumet Civic. T/1%8)” (Cee. Be) Ce 

(PA. 352) (Ooty 10). 366 Averrhoa 


Bilimby (Mc. 98). 866 Averrhoa Bi- 

| Bill (Parrot’s) of New-Zealand (Nie. 

1305 Memecylon 


1/843) (S. 102, 319). 761 Clianthus 

Bilobed (Orange) capsuled Soapnut (Bed. 
2/158, adpd). ccxlix, Harpullia (ge- 

Bilobed (Apically) Croton (RKu/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-L. Codiaeum 

variegstum (cornutum),. 

Bilobed (Truncate) leaved Passion Flow- 
er (Nic. 3/31). 1857 Passiflora Mura- 

Bilocular-fruited Opal Orange (Hk. 1/500, 
adpd). 390 Glycosmis bilocularis. 

Bindweed Family (Br. 136) (L/N/S/B). 
LXXIX. Convolvulacew (Order). 

Bindweeds (McL. 1003) (Lr. 272). LKXIX,. 
Convolvyulacezs (Order). 

Bindweed (American) (McL. 120). 
delviii. Tpomeea (genus). 

Bindweed (Arrow sepaled) (McL. 120, 
adpd). 2031 Ipomza calycina. 

Bindweed (Bell Flower) (McL. 
2043 Ipomzea campanulata. 

Bindweed (Broad leaved) (McL. 665). 
1998 Argyreia speciosa. 



Bindweed (Common creamy white) 
(McL. 120, adpd). 2039 Ipomea ob- 

Bindweed (Cotton leaved) (Mc. 718). 
2033 Lpomza digitata 

Bindweed (Digitate leaved Lilac) (McL. 
120, adpd). 2052 Ipomza palmata. 

Bindweed (Hntire-heart-leaved Tiger’s 
foot) (Hk. 4/204, adpd). 2086-c. Ipo- 
ma pes-tigridis (capitellata). 

Bindweed (few-(1-4)-seeded Tawny- 

_Jeather-herried) (Hk. 4/188, adpd). 
delv. Rivea (genus). 

Bindweed (Five-rayed-cushion-stigmatic 
Rusty-panicled flowered) (Rox. 1/585, 
adpd). deliv. Erycibe (genus). 

Bindweed (Hairy-leaved creamy-white) 
(Hk. 4/207, adpd). 2087-b. Ipomeza 
obscura (gemella), 

Bindweed (Hed ze) (Mcl.. 120, 432, adpd). 
2041 lpomeea se; iaria. 

Bindweed (Large Golden) (Mch. 120, 
adpd). 2048 Ipomeea vitifolia. 
Bindweed (Many flowered) (Mcls. 120, 

adpd). 2042 Ipomea staphylina. 

Bindweed (Medium-greyish-silky-backed 
Roundish-heart-leaved Leather-ber- 
ried) (Hk. 4/183, adpd). 1991 Rivea 

Bindweed (Medium-rusty-shaggy-glab- 
rate elliptic-oblong-acute-or-acuminate 
-leaved Shaggy-belled) (Hk. 4/225, 
adpd). 2063 Neuropeltis racemosa. 

Bindweed (Medium-rusty-villcus Heart 
acute-leaved yellow) (Hk. 4/223, adpd). 
2061 Breweria cordata. 

Bindweed (Medinm-rusty-woolly-glab- 
rate elliptic-to-lance -cuneate - acumin- 
ate. Berried) (Hk. 4/181, adpd). 
1989-b. Erycibe paniculata (Wightiana). 

Bindweed (Medium-rusty-woolly-glab- 
rate-obovate-cuspidate-leaved berried) 
(Hk. 4/181, adpd). 1989 Erycibe 

Bindweed (Medium-villous Round-heart- 
acuminate-leaved Dark-parple flower- 
ed) (Nic. 2/192, adpd). 2025 Ipomea 

Bindweed (Medium-white-velvetty-back- 
ed Roundish-heart-leaved Leather- 
berried) (Hk. 4/168, adpd). 1990 
Rivea ornata. 

Bindwe-d (Mcrtar Flower) (McL, 120). 
2035 [pomeea bracteata. 

Bindweed (Nail dye) (McL. 120, adpd). 
2032 Ipomeea barlerioides. 

Bindweed (One-seeded Black-berried) 
(Treas. Bot. 1/467, adpd). deliv. Ery- 
cibe (genus), 

Bindweed (Panicled) (McL. 718). 2038 
Ipomea digitata, 

Bindweed (Pedate leaved yellow) (McL. 
120, adpd). 2053 Ipomea dasysperma. 


Bindweed (Pedate-(5~-9)-lobed-leaved 
‘Viger’s foot) (Hk. 4/204, adpd), 208£-a, 
Ipomeea pes-tizridis (ty pica). 

Bindweed (Pink shrubby) (McL, 120, 
adpd). 2030 Ipomea carnea. 
Bindweed (Primrose yellow (McL. 120, 

adpd). 2045 Ipomea petaloidea. 

Bindweed (Quinquetoliate-digitate Lance- 
wavy-folioled Deep-rosy-flowered) 
(Nic. 2/191, adpd). 2021 Ipomza 

Bindweed (Rough) (Mech. 171). 
Smilax (genus). 

Bindweed (Scarlet Flowered) (McL. 150) 
(S. 389). 2018 Ipomea coccinea. 

Bindweed (Sinuate leaved) (McL. 120, 
adpd). 205) Ipomea sinuata. 

Bindweed (Sky |slue) (McL. 403, adpd). 
2020 Ipomeea hederacea. 

Bindweed (Small Flue Bell) (Treas, Rot. 
1/634, adpd). dclix, Jacqaemontia (ge- 

Bindweed (Small-downy 
yellow) (Hk. 
Hewittia bicolor. 

Bindweed (Small Golden) (MeL. 120, 
adpd). 2038 Ipomeea ciryseides. 

Bindweed (Small oblong-heart-acute-leay- 
ed Bell) (Nic. 2/206, adpd). 2054 
Jacquemcentia cerulea. 

Bindweed (Small oblong-heart-repand- 
acuminate-leaved Bell) (Nic. 2/206, 
adpd). 2055 Jacquemontia violacea. 

Bindweed (Square stalked) (McL. 928). 
2046 Ipomeea Turpethum. 

Bindweed (Stock’s Creamy-white) (Mech. 
120, adpd). 2040 Ipomea Stocksii. 

Bindweed (Tiger’s Foot) (McL. 892, 998, 
adpd). 2036 Ipomea pes-tigridis, 

Bindweed (Trilobed-or-angular-'eaved 
Tiger’s foot) (Hk. 4/204, adpd), 2086-b. 
Ipomeea pes-tigridis (hepaticifolia), 

Bindweed (White cymed) (Mch. 120. 
adpd). 2044 Ipoma cymona. 

Bindweed (Wigh'’s m»untain) (McL. 120, 
-adpd). 2C34 Ipomea Wightii. 

Bindweed (Woclly capsuled) (MeL, 120, 
adpd), 20387 Ipomea eriocarpa. 

Bindweed (Mrs. Horsfall’s) of the West 


leaved Pnrple-eyed- 
4/216, adpd). 2056 

Indies (Nic. 2/191). 2021 Ipomea 
Bindweed (Minute-grey-downy-sessile 

Elliptic-acute-leaved Littoral) shrub 
(Hk, 4/225, adpd), 2064 Cressa cre- 

Bindweed (Minute-harsh oblong-elliptic- 
leaved  smal!-pinkish-white-flowered) 
shrub (Hk. 4/224, adpd). 2062 Brew- 
eria evolvuloides. 

Bintagor (McL, 705). 

181 Calophyllum 


Bipinnate - (40-60) - biglandular - petioled 
linear-(150-200)-rigid-folioled White- 
ball-flowered Nitta Tree (Hk, 2/289, 
adpd), 1009 Parkia biglandulosa. 

Bipinnate-black-prickle-rachised Leathe- 
ry-hairy narrow-lance-pinnuled-partite- 
acuminate-pinnuled Grove Fern 
(Bed/¥, adpd), 3327 Alsophila crinita., 

Bipinnate-(8~-16)-black - punctate - backed 
minute Narrow-oblong-obtuse-(16-24)- 
folioled-Unarm+d Brasiletto (TLreas. 
Bot, 1/188, adpd). 986 Cwsalpinia 

Bipinnate - (2 ft.) - brown - scaly - stiped 
membranous-oblique rhomboovate-laci- 
niste-acuminate-pinnated Buckler Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3361 Nephrodium de- 

Bipinnate-(numerous)-ciliate Leafy-ra- 
chis-noded Heart-or-ovate-serrate-acu- 
minate-(5-9)-folioled Prickly Aralia 
fk, 2/723, adpd), 1386 Aralia mala- 

Bipinnate - (2-6) - congested-fiat-rachised 
minute oblance - obtuse - (numerous) - 
folioled Spinous Brasiletto (Hk. 2/260, 
adpd). 943 Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Bipinnate-(4—-1 ft.)-densely-scaly-rachised 
ovate-oblong-toothed-obtuse - pinnuled 
Buckler Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3364-d. 
Nephrodium Filix-mas (odontoloma). 

Bipinnate-(3—4)-digitate - bristly - minute 
Linear-oblong - acute -(24—40) - folioled 
Prostrate Sensitive shrub (Hx. 2/291, 
adpd). 1011 Mimosa pudica. 

Bipinnate diverse-incurved-spiny-tooth- 
ed-folioled Panax (Nic. 3/14, adpd). 
1400-c. Panax fruticcsum (dumosum), 

Bipinnate-(8-20) downy-backed-minute- 
Infra-(1)-glandular linear-(30-60)- 
folioled Sirissa (Hk. 2/306, adpd). 
1050 Albizzia amara. 

Bipinnate-(6-8) | downy-glabrate-basal- 
(1)-supra-(1-2)-glandular oblong-(2U- 
5U)-folioled Sirisea (Hk. 2/299, adpd). 
1046 Albizzia odoratissima. 

Ripinnate - (8 — 24) downy - glabrate 
minute - basal- (1)-supra (1) - glandular 
lance-dimidiate-{20-50)-folicled Sirissa 
(Hk. 2/300, adpd). 1048 Albizzia juli- 

Bipinnate-(12-40) downy-glancous-backed 
minute leafy-stipnled multiglandular 
lance-dimidiate-(40-n0)-folioled Sirissa 
(Hk. 2/300, adpd). 1049 Albizzia 

_ stipulata. 

Bipinnate-(8-20) downy-minute oblong ; 


1012 Mimosa 

Tree (Hk. 2/291, adpd). 
Bipinnate Fern Palm (Muell. §.P. 

cmxvi, Bowenia (genus), 


Bipinnate (Queensland) Fern Palm (Bth. 
6/254). 2884 Bowenia spectabilis. 
Bipinnate Fish-tail Feather Palm (Cag, 
338. adpd). emxci. Caryota (genus), 
Bipinnate elliptic-oblong-folicled Panax 
(Nic. 3/14, adpd), 1404 Panax elegans, 
Bipinnate - (4-10) glabrous - glaucous 
backed Ovate-acute- (8-10)-folioled 
Prickly Brasiletto Climber (Hk. 2/258, 
adpd). 938 Mezoneurum cucullatum. 
Bipinnate-(4-6) glabrous-glessy Ovate- 
(4-6) folioled Prickly Brasiletto climber 
(Hk. 2/255 adpd). 928 Cesaipinia Nuga. 
Bipinnate-(8-12) glabrous-btuge-(12-14) 

folioleé Prickly Brasiletto Climber 
(Hk. 2/261, adpd). 945 Wagatea 

Bipinnate-(8-10) glaucous-downy-minute 
linear-acute-(20-30)-folioled Sensitive 
Tree (Hk. 2/290, adpd). 1010 Leuczena 

Bipinnate-(1-3 ft. or more)-glancous- 
stiped hirsute-membranous-lance (2) 
pinnati-fid-acuminate-pinnuled Buckler 
Fern (Bed. F, adpd), 3358 Nephrodium 

Bipinnate (1-2 ft. or more)-glossy-stiped 
membranous- broad-lance- pinnatipartite 
acuminate-pinnuled Buckler Fern 
(Bed./F. adpd). 3348 Nephrodium 

Bipinnate (8-24) grey-velvetty-minute 
ce-dimidiate - (20-50)-fvlioled Sirissa 
(Hk, 2/300, adpd). 1048 b. Albizzia Juli- 
brissin (mollis). 

Bipinnate hairy rachised Papery-oblon 
(4-6)-serrate-or-entire-acuminate - pin- 
nuled +pleenwort Fern (Bed,/F, adpd), 
3346 Asplenium esculentum. 

Bipinnate-(2-4)-iufra-(1-2)-glandular li- 
gulate- oblong- obtuse- (6-20)- folioled 
Spinous Curl-Brush-Bean (Hk. 2/308, 
adpd). 1054 Pithecolobium umbella- 

Bipinnate-(2)-infra-(1)-glandular oblique- 
obovate-obtuse-(6-10)-folioled Spinous 
Curl-Brush-Bean (Hk. 2/808, adpd). 
1053 Pithecolobium geminatum. 

Bipinnate- (6-15 ft.) Lance (4’-6”)-serrate 
acuminate-pinnuled Ash-leat Fern (Bed. 
3/F, adpd). 3386 Marattia fraxinea. 

Bipinnate leaved Fragrant Trumpet Tree 
(Hk. 4/883, adpd). 2151 Stereosper- 
mum xylocarpum. 

Bipinnate-(20-30) - Linear-(20-80) - foliol- 
ed Scarlet-racemed flowered Brasiletto 
(Treas. Bot. 1/316,adpd), 944 Colvillea 

Bipinate-(12-15 ft.) Linear-oblong-(3’-8”) 
crenate serrate-acuminate-pinnuled Tur- 
nip Fern (Bed/l. adpd). 8885 Angiop- 
teris evecta. 


Bipinnate-pale linear-oblong-erect-spiny- 
toothed-folioled Panax (Nic.3/14, adpd). 
1400-a. Panax fruticosum (d:ffusum). 

Bipinnate-(12-16) | membranous-downy- 
backed=stipulated Ovate-oblong-mucro-~ 
nate-(16)-folioled Prickly Brasiletto 
climber (Hk, 2/254, alpd). 926 Czesal- 
pinia Bonducella. 

Bipinnate-(12-18) membranous-glabrous 
oblique-oblong-obtuse (20-24)-folicled 
Few-prickled Brasiletto (Hk. 2/255, 
adpd), 980 Czesalpinia pulcberrima. 

Bipinnate (12-20) membranous-glaucous- 
downy-backed oblong-obtuse-(16—-24)- 
folioled Prickly Brasiletto climber (Hk- 
2/256, adpd). 931 Czsalpinia sepiaria. 

Bipinnate-(16-20) membzanous-minute- 
glabrate-zrey--backed—obture -(16-.20)- 
folioled Prickly Brasiletto climber (Hk. 
2/256, adpd). 933 Czesalpinia digyna. 

Bipinnate (8-16) membranous-minute- 
oblong-obtuse-(12—-16)folioled Prickly 
Brasiletto climber (Hk. 2/259, adpd). 
939 Pterolobium indicum. 

Bipinnate-(20-60) membranous minute- 
oblong-obtuse-(20-40)-folioled Prickly 
Brasiletto climber (Hk. 2/256, adpd). 
932 Ceesalpinia mimosoides. 

BRipinnate membranous-oblong-pinnatifid 

acuminate-pinnuled Buckler Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3359 Nephrocium 

Bipinnate-(12-16) membranous-small-gla- 
brous-exstipuiate oblong-mucronate- 
(16)-folioled Prickly Brasiletto climber 
(Hk. 2/255, adpd). 927 Czsalpinia 

Bipinnate (16-20) minute-downy ligulate- 
(24-40)-folioled Sensitive Tree (Hk. 

2/288, adpd). 1008 Dichrostachys cinerea, 

Bipinnate-(2) minute-nemerous-folioled 
Pink Bottle-brush Sirissa (Nic. 5/184, 
adpd). 1051 Calliandra brevipes. 

Bipinnate: (8-14) minute rusty. downy 
backed Basal-(1)-supra-(1)-glandular 
oblong-trapezoid-(16-80)-folioled Sirissa. 
(102/861, adpd). 1041 Albizzia fasti- 

Bipinnate-(16-20) minute-silky-backed | 

linear-dimidiate-(40-60)-folioled  Spi- 

cate Sirissa (Bth. 2/421, adpd). 1042 | 

Albizzia lophantha, 

Bipinnate-(2-4) multiglandular-medium 
obovate-oblong-acute-(4-6)-folioled Un- 
armed Curl-Brush-Bean (Hk. 2/804, 
adpd). 1055 Pithecolobium bigeminum. 

Bipinnate- (6-12)multiglandular- minute 
brown-velvetty-backed oblong-trapezoid 

(80-40)-folioled Unarmed Curl-Brush- ; 

Bean (Hk. 2/305, adpd). 1056 Pithe- 
colobinm subcoriaceum. 
Bipimnate-muricate-rachised Papery-nar- 

rowlance - pinnatipartite - acuminate - 


pinnuled Grove Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3326 Alsophila iatebrosa. 

Bipinnate-muricate-rachised - shaggy-cos- 
tate oblong-subglandular-backed: pinna- 
tipartite-acuminate-pinnuled Gruve 
Fern (Nic.1/55, adpd). 3829 Alsophila 

Bipinnate myrtle leaved Barberry (Cag. 
674, adpd). 96 Nandina domestica. 
Bipinnate Neem: (Hk. 
claxix. Melia (genus). 
Bipinnate (Multifoliate-(7-19)-Ovate-en- 
tire-or-serrulate-leaved) Neem (Bs/T/ 
140, Rox.2/3896, 397, adpd). 454 Melia 


Bipinnate (Multifoliate-(3-12)-Ovate-lance 
serrate leaved) Neem (Bs/T/140, Rox. 
2/395, adpd), 453 Melia Azedarach, 

Bipinnate obovate-cuneate-long-toothed- 
folioled Panax (Nic.3/14, adpd), 1400- 
b, Panax fruticosum (dissectum). 

Bipinnate-(2)- obovate oblong- obtuse (2) 
folioled Spinous Curl-Brush-Bean (Hk. 
2/308, adpd). 1052 Pithecolobium 

Bipinnate Olive-brown-tinted-and-clouded 
diverse-folioled Panax (Nic 3/14, adpd). 
1400-e. Panax fruticosnm (laciniatum). 

Bipinnate (1;-3 ft.) Papery oblong-(25“-1”) 
Pinnatipartite cuspidate pinnuled Poly- 
pody Fern (Sed/f, adpd). 338738 Poly- 
podium paludosum. 

Bipinuate (6-8) prickly- backed-minute 
ligulate-oblong-(12-20)-folioled Seasi- 
tive Tree (Hk. 2/291, adpd). 1013 
Mimosa hamata. 

small Rounded—(few)-folioled Sensitive 
Tree (Gbl. 290, adpd). 1014 Mimosa 

Bipinnate-prickly-rachised-membranous - 
Cup Fern (Bed/F,adpd). 383830 Cyathea 

Bipinnate-prickly-stiped-papery - oblong- 
lauce-(3"-5") pinnatifid-acuminate- - 
pinnuled spleenwort Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3345 Asplenium polypodioides. 

Bipinnate-(16-20)-rusty-velvetty - backed 
folioled Unarmed Brasiletto (Hk.2/257, 
adpd). 987 Peltophorum ferrugineum. 

Bipinnate-(3 ft or more)-scaly-and-hairy 
stiped membranous-broad-oblong- 
(1’-4") pinnatifid-acuminate-pinnuled 
Buckler Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 383857 
Nephrodium Boryanum. 

Bipinnate-(1}-3 ft.)-scaly-rachised Sterile 
lance pinnatipartite-acuminate Fertile 
ovate-ovlong-serrated-sori. covered-notch 
tipped-pinnated Buckler Fern (Bs/F, 
adpd), 338638 Nephrodium cochleatum. 

1/544, adpd). 


Bipinnate-(6-10) silky-glabrate-basal-(1)- 

glandalar -oblong-ovate-(12-20)- folioled | 

Sirissa (Bs/1/271, adpd). 1047 Albizzia 
Bipinnate - (1}-3 ft.) - spiculed - rachised 

membranous-oblong - (4”-3”) - pinnati- | 

partite-subobtuse-pinnuled Spleenwort 
Fern (8ed./F, acpd), 343 Asplenium 

Bipinnate Sterile oblique-ovate-pinnatifid- 
lobed-serrulate-subobtuse Fertile lance- 
obtuse - entirely - soriferous - pinnuled 
climbing Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3383 
Lygodium japonicum, 

Bipinnate-(1-2 ft.) Sterile-oblong-lance- 
(17-2”)-sinuate-obtuse Fertile-linear- 
(3”-1’’)-crenate-obtuse pinnuled Royal 
Fern (Bed/F, sdpd). 3387 Osmunda 

Bipinnate-(4-6)-scbglabrous Basal-(1)- 
infra-(0-1)-glandular - (12-16) - folioled 
Sirissa (Hk.2/298, adpd). 

INDEX. 361 

Bipinnatifid-lower-lobed Bipinnatifid 
Deep-green climbing Arum (Nic. 3/97). 
3262 Philodendron Selloum. 

Birch Family (L/N/S/B). CVIII. Betula- 
cere (Order), 

Birch (H/E.F) (Nic.1/185) (8. 51). 
decelxxxvii, Betula (genus), 

Birch (Common) (Muell S.P) (Nic.1/186) 

(S 51) (FAR. 10, NLGS). 2784 Betula 

Birch (Enropean) (Gbl. 668), 2784 Betula 

Birch (Flowering) (Nic. 3/354, adpd). 

edxliv Homalium (genns). 

Birch (Medium-downy-backed obovate- 
repand-crenate-leaved Flowering) (Hk. 
2/596, adpd). 1339 Homalium tomen- 

| Birch (Medium elliptic-crenate-cuspidate- 

1044 Albizzia 

Bipinrate-(1 8-20)-subglabron s-minute In- | 

fra—(1)-Supra-(1)-glandular linear ob- 
long-(30-50)-folioled § Axillary-single 

| Birch 

headed Sirissa (Bed.1/96, adpd). 1050-b. | 

Albizzia amara (Wightii). 

Bipinnate (2-024)-subg-labrous obliquely Birch (Silver) (Nic 1/186) 


Brasiletto (Hk, 2/255, 

Czesalpinia Sappan. 


adpd). 929 | 

tawny-velvetty- | 

glabrate - Basal-(1)-supra-(1)-glandular | 
oblique - subfalcate - (30-40) - folioled | 

Sirissa (Bs/T/271, adpd). 1045 Albizzia 

_Bipinnate - unarmed - strigose - rachised 
ovate-lance - pinnatilobate - acuminate- 
pinnated Grove Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3328 Alsophila gigantea. 

Bipinnate-(2) very-small oblong-acute 
(14-20)-folioled Scarlet Boittle-brush 
Sirissa (Nic.5/184, adpd). 1051 (bis.) 
Calliandra hematocephala. 

Bipinnate (Axillary) Wattle (Bth. 2/319, 
416, adpd). 1026 Acacia pulchella. 

Bipinnate (Glabrous racemed) Wattle 
(Bth. 2/318,414, adpd). 1017 Acacia 

Bipinnate (Silvery racemed) Wattle (Bth. 
2/818,415, adpd). 1018 Acacia dealbata. 

Bipimnate (West Anstralian) Wattle (Bth. 
2/319, 416, adpd). 1026 Acacia pulchella. 

Bipmnate (Racemed) Wattle of Queens- 
land (Nic.5/4, adpd). 1024 Acacia 

Bipinoatifid Bright-green climbing Arum 
(Nie. 3/96). 3254 Fhilodendron bipin- 

Bipinnatifid  (Bipinnatifid-lower-lobed) 
Deep-green climbing Arum (Nic. 3/97). 
3262 Philodendron Selloam, 

leaved Flowering) (Hk. 2/597, adpd). 
1340 Homalium zeylanicum. 

Birch (Medium Ovate-elliptic-crenate- 
acute-leaved Flowering) (Hk. 2/596, 
adpd). 13888 Homalium nepalense. 

(Medium-short-petioled elliptic 

crenate-cbtuse - to - acuminate - leaved 

Flowering) (Hk. 2/548, adpd). 1341 

Homalium travancoricum. 

2784 Betula 

Birch (White) (Nic.1/186) (8,51). 2784 
Betula alba. 

Birch leaved Acalypha (McL. 178) (Ell. 
13) (PA. 226). 2662 Acalypha fruticosa, 

Birch leayed Copper Leaf McL. 173, 465, 
adpd). 2662 Acalypha fruticosa. 

Birch leaved Indian Linden (Hk. 1/385, 
adpd). 312 Grewia populifolia. 

Birch leaved Meadow-sweet (Nic. 3/474). 
1075 Spirzea corymbosa. 

Bird Pepper (McL.170). 2094 (bis.) Capsi- 
cum minimum. 

Bird Solanum (Nic.3/452), 2071 Solanum 

Bird Tadda (McL. 868, 993). 

Bird-eye chilli (Pr. 2/749). 2094 (bis.) 
Capsicum minimum. 

Bird’s-eye chilly (McL. 170, 484, 992). 
2094 (bis.) Capsicum minimum. 

Bird’s-eye Pepper (Ell. 140). 2094 (bis.) 
Capsicum minimum. 

Bird’s-foot (Laburnum) Trefoil (Treas. 
Bot.1/543, Nic. 2/81). 703 Goadia loti— 
folia. ; 

Bird’s-foot-trefoil Tribe  (Nic.2/299). 
XLIII-A-iy. Leguminose (order-Papi- 
lionez suborder-Lotez Tribe). 

Bird’s-head Birthwort (Nic.5/85). 2393 
Aristolochia brasiliensis. 

Birthwort Family (Br.188) (L/N/S/B). 
XCII. Aristolochiacez (Order). 

324 Grewia 


Birthwort (Nic. 1/112) (S.34) (Mc, 286). 
acelxvii. Aristolochia (genus), 

Birthwort (Bird’s head) (Nic. 5/85). 2393 
Aristolochia brasiliensis. 

Birthwort (Bonpland’s) (Nic. 5/84). 
Aristolochia fimbriata. 

Birthwort (Donkey’s-ears) (Nic. 5/85). 
2400 Aristolochia radicula. 

Birthwort (utchman’s Pipe) (8. 34, 52, 
146) (Po). 2401 Aristolochia Sipho. 
Birthwort (Fringed) (Nic.1/1i8, 5/84). 

2396 Aristolochia frimbriata. 


Birthwort (Giant) (Nie. 1/112). 23897 
Aristolochia gzranditiora, 
Birthwort (Great Hybrid) (Nic. 5/84). 

2395 Aristolochia brasiliensis-elegans. 

Birthwo:t (Heart leaved Indian) (Hk. 
5/75, Rox. 3/489, adpd). 2392 Aristolo- 
chia Ruxburghiana, 

Birthwort (Indian) (McL. 374) (Br. 189) 
(Ell. 71) (Pf. 46). 2891 Aristolochia 

(Br, 188). 

Birthwort (Pelican Flower) (Nic. 5/84). 
9397 Aristolochia grandiflora, 

Bithwort (Sac-basal tubular-flowered) 
(Hk.5/72,adpd). declxvii. Aristolochia 

Birthwort (Shori-regular-flowered) (Hk. 

(Long lipped) (Nie.1/118). 

2398 Aristolochia cymbifera. 



Biseriate-seeded sausage-podded Senna 
(ik. 2/268, adpd). 952 Cassia 

Biseriate seeded Senna (McL. 847). 952 
Cassia bicapsularis. 

Biseriate spiked Melic Grass (Treas. Bot, 

1/549, Hk. 7/8, adpd). mexlii. Strep- 
togyne (genus). 
| Bisfayaj (McL.97). mlxii. Polypodiur 
Bishop’s Pine (Muell. §.P). 2851 Pinus 

5/72, adpd). declxvi. Bragrantia (genus). | 

Birthwort( White-blotched Purple cupped) 
(Nic. 5/84). 2394 Aristolochia. elegans. 

Birtiwort (White veined) (Nic. 1/118). 
2399 Aristolochia leuconeura. 

Birthworts (MeL. 1003), XCII. Aristolo- 
chiacee (order), 

Biseriate seeded-berried Imbricately Star- 
flowered climbing Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, 
adpd). xii. Uvaria (genus). 

Biseriate-seeded-berried Star-flowered 
Tree Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, adpd). xv. 
Canangium (genus). 

Biseriate-seeded Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, adpa). 
xv. Canangium (genus). 

Biseriate seeded (Climbing) Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xii. Uvaria (genus). 

Biseriate-seeded (Long-lance-leaved 
climbing) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/80, adpd). 
29 Uvaria Hookeri. 

Biseriate seeded (Long-puberulous-backed 
ovate-oblong-acnminate-leaved) Nut- 
meg (Hk. 1/56, adpd). 35 Canangium 

Biseriate seeded 
leaved climbing) Nutmeg 
adpd). 28 Uvaria Narum. 

Biseriate-seeded (Medium-prominent- 
nervyed oblong-leaved climbing) Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/51, adpd). 50 Uvaria lurida. 

Biseriate-seeded (Small-glaucous-(or-red )- 
backed oblong-lance-leaved climbing) 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/51, adpd). 31 Uvaria 

(Hk. 1/50, 

| Bispinous (Bristle-ciliate-leaved) rachis 

Rattan (Hk. 6/445, 3208 
Calamus pseudotennis, 
Biswool (McbL. 97, 995). 

Bite (Dog) shrub (McL, 369). 754 Indigo- 
fera tinctoria. 

Biternate leaved Virgin’s Bower (Hk. 1/4, 
adpd). 6 Clematis Gouriana. 

Biternate oblique-obovate-irregularly- 
incised-spine-toothed-folioled Panax 
(Nic. 5/629, adpd) 1405 Panax lepi- 
dum, : 

Bi-tri-pinnate-(1-2  ft.)-scaly-glabrate- 
rachised ovate-pinnatifid-obtuse-piunul- 
ed Buckler Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3364-b. 
Nephrodium Filix-mas (elongata). 

Bitter (Wild) (McL. 871). 1833 Holar- 
rhena antidysenterica. 

Bitter Almond (McL. 76) (Nic. 1/67) (8. 
51, 351). 1063-b. Prunus Amygdalus 


1040 Acacia 

| Bitter Berry (McL. 857). 81 Anamirta 


Bitter Cassava Plant (Mnell, §.P) (El. 
347) (Pf. 78). 2631 Manihot utilissima. 

Bitter Inderjow (McL. 871). 18338 
Holarrhena antidysenterica. 

Bitter neem (McL. 577). 393 Murraya 


Bitter Oak (Nic. 3/263). 2789 Quercus 

Bitter Oleander (McL. 871). 1833 

Holarrhena antidysenterica. 

Ritter Orange (Bon. 8, 5,6,7) (McL. 379, 
688, 973) (Hk. 1/515) (Nic. 1/335, 5/238) 
(Ban./F. T) (Ooty. 20). 415 Citrus 

Bitter Orange (McL. 435), [404 Sphalm] 
415 Citrns Aurantium-Bigaradia. 

Bitter (Medium-palmati-nerved-aromatic 

rough Heart-toothed leaved) Plum 
(Hk. 2/44, adpd). 688 Rumphia tilia- 

Bitter (Trimerons  triquetrous-stoned) 
Plum (Hk. 2/44, adpd).  cclxx. 
Rumpbhia (genus), 

Bitter Sparrow Tongue (McL, 871). 1883 
Holarrhena anticusenterica. 

Bittersweet (Climbing) (S. 84), 582 

Ce tastrus panicu latus. 


Bitter ‘Tamarind (Mech, 
Atalantia monophylla. 

Bitter Willow (Muell. S.P). 

2802 Salix 

Bitter Wood (Nic, 4/225). xxiii. Xylopia 
Bitter (American) Wood (Ol. 1/812). | 

26 Quassia amara, 
Bitter (Racemed-purple flowered Brucine ) 
Wood (Nic. 1/215). elxiy. Brucea 


Bitter (Small-lance-acuminate-shining 
leayed) Wood (Nic. 4/225, Hk. 1/#4, 
adpd), 61 Xylopia parvifolia. 

Bivalved (Brazilian) capsuled Loosestrife 
(Treas. Bot. 2/656, Nic. 2/230, adpd). 
edxxxiy, lLafoénsia (genus). 

Bivalved (Spurred-cal; xed) capsuled 
Loose-strife (Treas. Bot. 1/3861, adpd). 
edxxxvi. Cuphea (genus), 

Black Acacia (McL. 68). 

1029 Acacia, 

Black Babool (McL. 638, adpd), 1029 
Acacia arabica, 
Black (Pea podded) Babool (Hk, 2/298, 

adpd). 1031 Acacia eburnea. 

Black (Pulpy podded). Babool (McL. 986, 
adpd), 1027 Acacia Farnesiana, 

Black (Wight’s glabrous) Habool (Hk. 
2/298, adpd). 10380 Acacia Wightii. 

Black Babul (W.1). 1029 Acacia 

Black Bair (MchL. 66, 840) (?). 
Albizzia amara. 

Black barked obtuse leaved Mangrove 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR). 2334-d. 
Avicennia officinalis (melanophloa ?), 

Black Bean (Maid. C.T) (Gbl. 266), 925 
Castanospermum australe, 

Black Bean (Multifoliate-(11- 15)-medium 
glabrous Ovate-elli; tic-acuminute- 
leaved yellow-to-deep-orange) (Bth. 
2/275. adpd), 925 Castanospermum 

Black Beetle mango (McL. 468). 673 
Semecarpus Anacardium, 

Black-berried (One-seeded) Bindweed 
(Treas. Bot. 1/467, adpd).  dcliv. 
Erycibe (genus). 

Black (Opposite-leaved Panicled) berried 
Buckthorn (Hk. 1/6380, adpd). cexxxiii. 
Sageretia (genus). 

Blackberry (S.376) (Loud). 
Rubus (genus). 

eccl xxix, 

Black (Indian) Berry (McL, 328). 
ecelxxix. Rubus (genus), 
Black (Indian) Berry (McL. 328). 1082 

Rubus lasiocarpus. 
Black (Large flowered) Berry (McL. 328, 
adpd), 1083 Rubus racemosus, 
Black-herried Featherfoil (McL. 587, 701, 
adpd), 2557 Phyllanthus reticulatas, 

874). 404 | 

| Black Cauray 

1050 - 


Blackhoard (Schoclroom) Whorled Dog- 
bane (McL, 278, adpd), 1829 Alstonia 

Black Bondue (McbL, 533). 931 Ceesalpinia 

Black Bullace (Nic, 3/286), 
Prunus communis (insicitia), 


Blackbutt (Maid. C.T) (Bth. 38/208) 
(Bs/T/327), 1202 Eucalyptus pilularis. 
Blackbutt (Illawarra) (Bth, 3/212), 1191 
E calyptus hemastoma, 
| Black Cassia (McL, 208), 946 Cassia 
Black Catechu (Mc. 138), 1035 Acacia 
Black Cionamom (Nic. 3/129), 1207 

Pimenta acris. 
Black Coral Tree (MchL. 226), 384. 
Zanthoxylum Rhetsa. 

Plack (Wild) Carandas (Rid, 118), 1806 
Carissa Carandas. 
Black Caunjory (McL. 144), 2697-d. 

Tragia involucrata (cannaoina). 

(McL. 148, 478, 996). ° 
1519 Canthium didymum. 

Black Crow Poison Nut (MeL. 
1709 Diospyros sylvatica. 


Black-currant Grape Lime (Bed. 1/45). 

397-c, Clausena Willdenovii (dulcis). 

Black Dammer (MeL. 799) (2447), 201 
Shorea robusta (?), 

Black Dammer (mcL, oe) (? 447). 202 
Shorea Tambaggaia (?). 

Black Dammer (Bed. 1/51, 2/128) (Bs/'T/ 
131). (Gbl. 141) (Bdn/F, T/L) (MeL, 
258, 472, 993) (Cat. 60) (Ell. 134). 447 
Canarium strictum. 

Black Dholl (McL. 274, 994). 
Rhynchosia (genus). 

Black Doodooga (McL. 281, 473). 64 
Miliusa velutina. 

Black druped climbing Holly (Hk. 1/595, 
adpd), ccix. Natsiatum (genus). 

Black Ebony (McL, 866), 1715 Diospy- 
ros melanoxylon, 

Black fibre-netted stemmed Cocoanut 
(Nic. 1/842). 3231 Coces Weddeliana. 

Black fruit (McL, 132). 1806 Carissa 


Black Gaub (McbL. 461), [881 Sphalm] 
1714 Diospyros tomentosa. 
Black Goomchy (McL. 274).  ecexxii. 

Rhynchosia (genus), 

Black gram (McL, 504), 
lus (genus). 

Black (Climbing) Gram (Mc. 504, adpd). 
835 Phaseolus trinervius. 

Black Hollander Osier (Kew. Bull/96) 
(FAR, 35, 36/NLGS), 2803 Salix 

cccxiii. Phaseo- 

| Black Honey shrub (MclL. 701). 2557 

Phyllanthus reticulatns. 


Black Honey Thorn (McbL. 148, adpd), 
1519 Canthium didymum. 

Black Jack (McL. 98). 866 Averrhoa 

Black-Jujube (McL. 840) (7). 
Albizzia amara. 

Black Jujube (McL. 148). 

Black Kongu (I. F. xxix/10, xxx/1). lxxxv. 
Baianocarpus (genus). 

Black Lance Wood of Guiana (Nic. 4/485) 


1519 Canthinm 

(Enc. Brit. 14/259). 74 Sagerea 
Black Liquorica (Mch. 611). 623 

Cardiospermum Halicacabum. 

Black Marootham (McL. 530). 
Terminalia tomentosa. 

Black Mauls Osier (Kew. Bull/96) (FAR. 
35, 36/NLGS). 2803 Salix triandra. 
Black Mooshty (McL., 388). 2607 Bischo- 

fia javanica. 

Black Mountain Ash of 
(Bth. 3/210). 1195 

Black muddy (McL. 799), [201 Sphalm] 
1150 Terminalia tomentosa. 

Black (Common) Mulberry (Nic. 3/385). 
2722 Morus nigra. 

Black Mulberry Tree (Muell. 8. P) (H/E. 
F) (8. 278) (Br. 198) (Rid. 141). 2722 
Morus nigra, 

Black Murdah (McL. #73, 580, 995). 1150 
Terminalia tomentosa. 

Black Myrobalan (McL. 928) (Cat. 135) 
(Pr. 1/481). 1146 Terminalia Chebula. 

Black Nail Dye (MchL. 576). 2269 
Ecbolium Linnzanum. 

Black Neem (McL. 303, 577). 440 Garuga 



Black Neem (McL. 255,577). 393 Murraya | 

k conigii. 

Black Nelumbo (McL. 588). 3026 Canna 

Black Notchy (Mel, 305). 2260 Justicia 

Black Oak (McL. 81) (Nic. 3/265). 2788-b. 
Quercus Robur (sessiliflora). 

Black Oil Tree (McL. 459), 532 Celastrus 

Black (Old) Osier (Kew. Bull/96) (FAR. 
35, 36/NLGS). 2803 Salix triandra. 

Black Palaus (McL. 645). 795 Ougenia 

Black Palaus (McL. 759). 
lum Rhetsa. 

Black Palmyra (McL. 366) (?). 
Diospyros Ebenurm. 

Black Pepper (Bs/T/523) (Gbl. 584) (Pfl. 
64) (El. 447) (McL. 472, 676, 1000) 
(8. 831). 2411 Piper nigrum. 

Black (Wild) Pepper (McL. 676, adpd). 
2413 Piper sylvestre. 

384 Zanthoxy- 



Black Pine (Nic. 3/141) (S. 58, 331). 2848-c. 
Pinus Laricio (austriaca). 

Black (Shoe) Plant (S. 399). 244 Hibiscus 

Black Plum (MclL. 3879). 

Black Plum (McL. 385) (Pf. 306) (Cag. 
143). 1258 Eugenia Jambolana, 

cdxxi. Eugenia 

| Black (Alternate leaved) Plum (McL. 379, 

522,adpd). 1255 Eugenia alternifolia. 

Black (Arnott’s mountain) Plum (MeL. 
379, 386, adpd). 12406 Engenia Arnot- 

Black (Beautiful leaved) Pluin (McL., 379, 
adpd). 1252 Eugenia calophyllifolia. 
Black (Cherry) Plum (MeL. 379, 385, 

adpd). 1256 Eugenia operculata. 

Black (Cleve leaved) Plum (Meu. 379, 
385,adpd), 1258 b. Engenia Jambo- 
lana (caryophyllifolia). 

Black (Clove-like) Plum (McL. 379, adpd). 
1246 Eugenia caryophyllea. 

Black (Cummon) Plum (McL, 385). 
Eugenia Jambolana. 

Black (Gardner’s) Plum (McbL, 379, adpd). 
1245 Eugenia Gardnevi. 

Black (Ground) Plum (McL. 379, 386, 
adpd). 2302 Premna herbacea. 

Black (Heyne’s Willow leaved) Plum 
(McL. 379, adpd). 1259 Eugenia 

Black (Malabar) Plum (McL. 379, 386, 
adpd). 1254 Eugenia malabarica, 

Black (Myrtle leaved} Plum (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1239 Eugenia myrtifolia, 

Black (Nilgiri mountain) Plum (MeL, 379, 
adpd). 1243 Hucalyptus montana. 

Black (Obtuse leaved) Plum (McL, 3879, 
885, adpd). 1258-c Eugenia Jambo- 
lana (obtusifolia). 

Black (Revolute leaved) Plum (McL. 379, 


adpd). 1248 Eugenia revoluta. 
Black (Round leaved) Plum (Mel. 379, 
adpd). 1244 Eugenia cyclophy la. 

Black (Ruddy) Plum (McL. 379, adpd). 
1253 Eugenia rubicunda., | 

Black (Stocks’ Cherry) Plum (MeL. 379, 
385, adpd). 1257 Eugenia Stocksii. 

Black (Tailed leaved) Plum (MclL. 379, 
adpd), 1238 Eugenia rostrata. 

Black (Talbot’s Canara) Plum (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1247 Eugenia utilis. 

Black Plum of Ceylon (MeL. 379, 385, 
adpd). 1242 Eugenia zeylanica. 

Black Plum of the Ceded Districts (McL. 
379, 522, adpd). 1255 Eugenia 

Black Plum of the Myhendra-Hills of 
Tinnevelly (McL. 379, adpd), 1249 
Eugenia myhendre. 

Black (Nees’) Plum of the Southern 
Ghauts (McL. 897, adpd). 1251 
Eugenia Neesiana. 


Black (Wight’s) Plum of the Western 
Ghauts (McL. 879, adpd), 1241 
Eugenia Wightiana. 

Black (Oblate fraited) Plum of Travan- 
core (McL. 379, adpd). 1250 Eugenia 
oblata (travancorica). 

Black (Small leaved) Plam of Travancore 
(McL. 379, adpd). 1269 Engenia 

Tree (Hk. 2/189, adpd). 

Black Prince Rose (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/92, 

leaved Coral 
817 Erythrina 

O/18) (Mu. 52) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 
Black Purification Plant (MchL. 305, 
adpd). 2260 Justicia Gendarussa. 
Black-purple-backed-yellow flowered 

Australian Rose (Bth. 1/815, adpd)- 
372 Boronia megastigma. 

Black purple-shaded Crimson Hybrid- 
perpetual” Rose (Cag. 576) (Mu. 52) 

(Ru/N/93, 0/18) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperfliorens (punicea- 

Black Raspberry (Muell.8.P). 1082 
Rubus lasiocarpus. 

Black Satin Wood (McL. 366). 1707 
Diospyros Ebenum. 

Black Seed creeper (McL. 403). 2020 

Tpomea hederacea. 

Black Sirissa (McL. 840). 

Black (Spike-flowered) Sirissa (Hk. 
2/298, adpd). 1042 Albizzia lopban- 

Black Solah (McL. 
Cassia pumila. 

Black spined Bourbon Palm (Nic, 2/287, 
adpd). 3193 Livistona altissima, 

Black (Flat) spined Devil Rattan (Nic, 
1/235). 3219 Demonorops Draco. 

Black (White-based) spined Devil 
Rattan (Nic, 21/430). 3221 Demonorops 
plumosus, ; 

Black (Circular) stalked Bourbon Palm 
(Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3198 Livistona 

Black-stemmed (Medium-leathery ellip- 
tic-oblong-acuminate-leaved) Ebony of 
Travancore (Rs/T/486, adpd). 1724 
Diospyros travancorica (Nov. sp). 

Black Thorn (Loud). ceclxxy. Prunus 

Black (Quick) Thorn (S. 113). 
Crategus (genus). 

Black-thorn (Short-to-medium obovate- 
or-lance-subserrate-leaved Spiaous) 
(Hk. 2/323, adpd). 1073 Prinsepia 

1050 Albizzia 

155, 884). 964 






| Black Varnish (McL. 476). 


Black-thorn (Twisted purple druped) 
(Treas. Bot. 2/928, Hk. 2/307, adpd). 
ecclxxvii. Prinsepia (genus). 

Black Tinnevelly Dammer (lI. F. xxix/10, 
xxx/1, adpd). Ixxxy. Balanocarpus 

Rlack (West Indian) Thorn (McL. 936). 
1027 Acacia Farnesiana. 
Black Toombay (McL. 
Anisomeles malabarica. 
Black Vail (McL. 935). 


461). 2353 
1029 Acacia 

673 Seme- 
carpus Anacardium, 

' Black (Arnott’s) Varnish (McL. 344, adpd). 

677 Holigirna Arnottii. 
Black (Beddome’s) Varnish (MchL. 344, 
adpd). 680 Holigarna Beddomei. 
Black (Bourdillon’s) Varnish (McL. 344, 

adpd). 676 Holigarna nigra. 

Black (Downy-backed-leayed) Varnish 
(Hk. 2/37, adpd). 679 MHoligarna 

Black (Graham’s) Varrish (MchL. 344, 
adpd). 679 Holigarna Grahamii. 

Black (Malabar) Varnish (McL. 344, 
adpd). celxvi. Holigarna (genus). 

Black (Malabar) Varnish (McL. 344). 
677 Holigarna Arnottiana. 

Black (Red-velvetty-backed-leaved) Var- 
nish (Hk, 2/38, adpd). 680 Holigarna 

Black (Rusty) Varnish (McL. 344, adpd). 
678 Holigarna ferruginea. 

Black (Smaller-leaved High-level) Var- 

nish (1.F. xxx/3, Mar. 04). 676 Holi- 
garna nigra. 

Black Wattle (Bth. 2/415) (Muell. 
S.P) (H/E.F). 1017 Acacia decur- 

Black Wattle of the Nilgiris (Gbl. 301). 
1016 Acasia melanoxylon. 

Black Winged -Myrobalan 
580, 995, adpd). 

Black Wood (McL. 98). 
gia (genus). 

Black Wood (Bed. 1/88, 2/24) (Rox. 3/222) 
(Bs/S. 190, SAC ; 239, CBT) (Bdn/L) 
(W. 1, 21, 38, 82, 96, 97, 103, 122) (Il. 
225). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Black Wood (Cag. 629) (Cat. 122). 1016 
Acacia melanoxylon. 

Black (Australian) Wood (McL. 58, 98, 
472, 995) (Maid./C.T) (Bth. 2/389) (H/ 
E.F) (Bs/T/269) (Gbl. 305) (W. Oa) 
(Bed. 1/95, 2/254). 1016 Acacia 
melanoxylon (robusta). E 

Black (Bombay) Wood (McL. 461). 881 
Dalbergia latifolia, 

Black (Chinese) Wood (Cooke. 1/397) 
(FAR. 26, MBR). S:6 Dalbergia 
melznoxylon, _ 

(MeL. 473, 
1150 Terminalia 

eccxxiy. Dalber- 


Black (Dark) Wood (I.F. xxxi/3). 881 
Dalberyia latifolia, 

Black (Indian) Wood (McL. 461). 881 
Dalbergia latifolia. 

Black (Light) Wood (I.F, xxxi/3). 882 
Dalbergia sissoides, 

Black (Malabar) Wood (Mch. 461, 473, 
977, 995). 88i Dalbergia latifolia. 

Black (Malabar) Wood (Bdn/F.T) 
(1.F, xxxi/3), 882 Dalbergia sisso- 

Black (Oojen) Wood (W. 82). 795 

Ougenia dalbergioides. 

Black (Oojein) Wood (Mch 575). 795 
Ougenia dalbergioides. 

Black Wood of the Inner Hills (1.F, 
xxxi/3). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Black Wood of the Outer Hills (1.F. | 

xxxi/3). 882 Dalbergia sissoides. 
Black Wood of Southern India (Cag. 93). 
881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Black Yercum (McL. 997, 1033). 1883 
Calotropis procera. 
Blacking Plant (S. 53, 200). 244 Hibiscus 


Blackish and few spined Prickly Pear 
(Cavanagh. Mad. Mail. 31/3/05). 1382 
Opuntia nigricans. 

Blackish-Bronze (Crimson-midribbed-and- 
veined coppery-red-margined-and 
blotched) Oroton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bm. Codizum 
variegatum (Superbiens). 

Blackish-green Bengal Dragon Tree 
(Hk. 6/831, adpd), 3107-m. Cordyline 
terminalis (uigricans). 

Blackish-hard - rough - persistent - barked 
(Parellel-subtransverse-nerved medium 

glaucous oblong-lance-linear-or-falcate | 

obtuse-to-acuminate-leaved) Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/221, adpd). 1176 Eucalyptus 

Blackish-violet Hybrid-perpetual 
(Nic. 5/616) (Mu. 53) (Ra/N/92, 0/20). 
1107-n. Rosa 

Blatty (Mc. 98. 473, 995). 
Sonneratia (genus). 

Bladder Fruit (McL. 611). 
permum Halicacabum. 

Bladder (Giobose) Fruit (McL. 611, adpd). 
624 Cardiospermum canescens. 


628 Cardios- 

Bladder (Ovate leaved) fruit Tree 
(Hk. 1/864, adpd). 279 Kleinhovia 

Bladder Nut Family  (L/N/S/B). 

XXXVITI. Sapindacez (order). 

Bladder-nut (Apple-fruited) (S. 414, 
Hk. 1/698, adpd). coli. Turpinia 

Bladder-not (Multifoliate-(3-9)-Ovate- 
oblong-acuminate-leaved Apple (Hk. 
1/699, adpd). 651 ‘Turpinia pomifera. 

Rose | 

hybrida-semperflorens | 

' Blood (Rhinoceros) (McL. 282). 



Bladder Senna of the Cape (Nic. 3/527) 

(S. 71, 419). 762 Sutherlandia frutes- 

Blake’s Deep-crimson flowered Coral 
shrub (Br. 57, adpd). 826 Erythrina 

Blake’s Hrythrina (Br. 57). 826 

Erythrina Blakei. 

Blanche (Rose) (Br. 
599) (? 1105). 
(alba) (?). 

Blanches (Coquette des) Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Cag. 596) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Hod) (Po). 
1108-a, Rosa Noisettiana (nivea). 

Bleaberry (McL. 182). dxxxvi, Vacci- 
nium (genus). 

68) (2? See Cag. 
1100 Rosa _ gallica 

Bleo Gooseberry (Br. 92). 1384 
Pereskia Bleo. 

Blimbing (McL. 98, 472, 993). 366 
Averrhoa Bilimbi, 

Blimbing (Sweet) (McL. 229). 365 

Averrhoa Carambola. = 

Blimbing (Wild) (McL. 14), 428 Ailan- 
thus malabarica, 

Blippo of Guinea (Ol. 
Randia (genus). 
Blister Creeper (MclL. 611). 
permum Halicacabum, 
Blister Root (Mch. 178). dxly. Plumbago 

Blood (Brother’s) (MeL. 
Draceena Draco. 

Blood (Brother’s) (McL. 282). 
Lzmonorops Draco, 

Blood (Cyrus’) (MeL. 282). 38099 Drac- 
gena Draco. 

Blood (Cyrus’) (Meh. 
Deemonorops Draco. 

Blood (Dragon’s) (McL. 282) (S. 144). 
8099 Draceena Draco. 

Blood (indian Dragon’s) (Mech, 282, 977). 
897 Pterocarpus Marsupium. 

Blood (Madeira (Dragon’s) (McL, 282). 
3099 Dracaena Draco. 

Blood (Malabar Dragon’s) (Bed. 2/21) 

3/98), cdxevi. 

628 Cardios- 

282). 3099 


282), 3219 

(Bdn/¥.T). 897 Pterocarpus Marsu- 
Blood (Monkey’s) (McL. 843). 634 

Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Dracawna Draco, 

Blood (Rhinocergs) 
Deemonorops Draco. 

Blood (Sumatra Dragon’s (McL. 282). 
8219 Damonorops Draco. 

Blood Berry (Nic. 8/809) (S. 54, 870). 
2384 Rivina levis). 

Blood (Dragon’s) Cane (McL. 282) (Rid, 
111). 3219 Demonorops Draco, 

(McL. 282). 8219 


Blood - red - and - purple - streaked-leaved 
Red Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262), 3035 
Canna discolor. 

Blood-red (itacdi’s) Passion Flower (Nic. 
8/32). 1359 Passiflora Raddiana. 

Blood-shedding Tree (McL. 282). 3099 
Draczena Draco, 

Blood-shedding Tree (McL. 282). 
Deemonorops Draco. 

Blood-streaked Orange Brazilian Evening 
Mallow (Nic. 1/4, adpd). 219 Abutilon 



Bloodsucker Root (MchL. 210). 389 
Glycosmis pentaphylla. 

Blood (Dragon’s) Tree (S. 144). cmlxiv. 

Draczena (genus), 

Blood (Australian scrub) Wood (Cat. 262). 
2652 Baloghia lucida, 

Blood (Indian) Wood (McL. 5, 99, 357). 
1319 Lagerstremia flos-Regineg. 

Blood (Jamaica) Wood (Trees. 
Ixxvii. Gordonia (genus). 

Blood (New-South-Wales) Wood (Bth. 
3/256) (Maid. C.Y). 1176 Eucalyptus 

Blood (Norfolk-Island) Wood (McL. £9). 
2652 Balogia lucida. 

Blood (Victoria) Wood (McL. 99) (Maid. 
C.T) (Bs/T/327), 1176 Encalyptus 

Bloody Drop Ordure Tree (McL. 473, 687, 
adpd). 269 Sterculia guttata. 

Bloody-headed Bottle-brusk. Sirissa (Nic. 
5/184). 1051 (bis.) Calliandra hemato- 


Bloody leaved Iudian shot (Rid. 50). | 

8035 Canna discvlor. 
Bloom (Carey’s Myrtle) (McL. 214, adpd). 
1276 Careya arborea. 

Bloom (Linden) (McL. 763).  cxziii. 
Elzocarpus (genus). 

Bloom (Myrtle) (Mch. 385). 1258 | 
Eugenia Jambolana, 

Bloom (Myrtle) (McL. 214). 1276 

Careya arborea. 

Blooming (Night) Tree of Sadness (Cag. 
506). 1776 Nyctanthes arb-r-tristis. 
Blooms (Myrtle) (McL. 1005). XLIX. 

Myrtacez (Order). 

Blossom (Large) Shce Flower (Nic. 5/425) 
(Ru/N/77). 250 Hibiscus neterophyllus. 

Blossomed (Double) common Wax-flower 
Dcg-bane (Hk. 3/647, Rox. 2/23, adpd). 
1836-c. Tabernz montana coronaria 
(flore pleno). 

Blossomed (Golden) Pear Family (Nic. 
2/446, adpd). XXVIII. Ochnacee 

Blossumed (Corymbose Golden) Pear 
Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd), 485 Ochna 

Blossomed (Dwarf Umbelled Golden) 
Pear Tree (Nic. 2/466, seu): 437 
Ochna pumila. 

SYS Ses 


Blossomed (Glancous leayed Golden) 

Pear Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 435 
Ochna Gumblei. 
Blossomed (Golden) Pear Tree (Nic, 

2/466, adpd). clxvii. Ochna (genus). 

Blossomed (Panicled (Golden) Pear Tree 
(Nic. 2/466,  adpd). 434 Ochna 

Blossomed (Small leaved Golden) Pear 
Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 436 Ochna 

Blossomed (Solitary flowered Golden) 
Pear Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 436 
Ochna Wightiana. 

Blossomed (Copious) Robust Wax-flower 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/644, adpd). 1835 
Tabernzemontana Heyneana. 

Blossomed (Scanty) Robust Wasxs-flower 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/648, adpd). 1834 
Tabernzemontana dichotoma. 

Blossomed (Large) slender Wax-flower 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/647, adpd). 1836 
Tabernemontana coronaria, 

Blossomed (Small) slender Wax-flower 
Dog-bane (Hk, 3/644, Rox. 2/26, adpd). 
1837 Taberne montana Wallichiana. 

Blotched (Olive banded white) Arrowroot 
(Nic. 1/237). 3012 Maranta illustris. 

Blotched (Green margined and) Creamy 
Arrowroot (Nic. 1/237). 3020 Calathea 

Blotched (Yellow) Deep-green Arrow- 
root (Nio. 1/237). 3029 Calathea Lin- 

Blotched (Crimson) Red Copper Leaf 
(McL. 465, RKu/N/112, adpd). 2665-b. 
Acalypha Wilkesiana (Macafeeana). 
lotchy-primary-veined Broad leaved 
Domb Cane (Nic. 1/474, adpd). 3264 
Dieffenbachia Seguine. 

Blotchy-primary-veined Long-narrow 
leaved Dumb Cane (Nic. 5/322). 3267 
Dieffenbachia Jenmani. 

Blotchy-secondary-veined Dumb Cane of 
Venezuela (Nic. 1/474). 3268 Dieffen- 
bachia magnifica. 

Blue (Fragrant sky) (McL. 946). 
Deedalacanthus nervosus. 

Blue (Thorny sky) (McL. 946). 2171 
Dedalacanthus nervosus. 

Blue (Very-small-linear-lance-pungent- 
leavyed) Bubble Pea (Nic. 1/155, adpd). 
701 Hovea pungens. 

Blue (Sky) Barleria (McL. 558). 
Barleria strigosa. 

Blue (Small) Bell Bindweed (Treas. Bot. 
1/634, adpd). delix. Jacquemontia 

Blue-bell (Downy Heart-leaved) Stinking 
Swallow-wort (Treas. Bot. 2/832, adpd). 
1886 Oxypetalum czruleum. 

Blue (Opposite-leayed Umbelled) berried 
Buckthorn (Hk. 1/630, adpd). ccxxxii. 
Scutia (genus). 




Blue (Sky) Bindweed (Mcb, 403, adpd). 
2020 Ipomeea hederacea. 

Blue (Long-lincolate Ovate-subentire- 
acuminate-leaved) Bracted Vernal- 
flower (Hk, 4/418, adpd). 2171 Deeda- 
lacanthus nervosus. 

Blue (Medium-subglandular-lineolate 
Elliptic- acuminate-lea ved) Bracted 
Vernal-flower (Hk. 4/421, adpd). 
2178 Deedalacanthus montanus. 

Blue (Sky) Bracted Vernal Flower (tcL. 
946, Br. 173, Hk, 4/417, 418, adpd). 
2171 Deedalacanthus nervosus. 

Blue druped Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). deccoxi. Bridelia (genus). 

Blue (Climbing) druped Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2548 Bridelia sti- 

Blue (Conkan) druped Featkerfoil (Mch. 
587, adpd). 2519 Brideiia Hamiltonii. 

Blue (Glaucous leaved) driuped Feather- 
foil (McL. 587, adpd). 2548 (bis.) Bri- 
delia tomentosa, 

Blue (Shrubby Hillock) druped Feather- 
foil (McL. 587, adpd). 2547 Bridelia 

Blue (Thorny) druped Featherfoil Tree 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2546 Bridelia re- 

Blue dyeing Rosebay (McL, 870). 1841 
Weightia tinctoria. 

Blue-dyeing (Puberulous-backed-leaved) 
Rosebay (Hk. 3/6538, adpd). 1841-b, 
Wrightia tinctoria (Rothii). 

Blue (Neilgherry) Flower (McL. 584). (?) 
1916 Tylophora asthmatica (?). 

Blue flowered Congea (Br. 166). 
Congea tomentosa (azurea). 

Blue (African Dwarf) flowered Glory 


Tree (S. 101, Nic. 1/841, adpd). 2326 | 

Clerodendron myricoides. 

Blue flowered Leadwort (McL. 178) (Br. 

175) (Rid. 82). 1655 Plumbago capen- 

Blue flowered saw leaved Glory Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 2818 Clerodendron 

Blue Fox tail Nail Dye (McL. 576, adpd). 
2269 Ecbolinm Linnewanum. 

Blue (Trailing yellow and) Fachsia of 
New-Zealand (Nic. 2/33). 13828 Fuchsia 


Blue Golden-druped Vervain (Cag. 489, 
adpd).  2303-a. Duranta Piumiera 
(ty pica). 

Blue Gum (McL, 99, 248, 995) (Nie. 1/585) 
(Cag. 589) (Ooty. 273, T.S./15) (Bed. 
1/105) (Bs/8/251, NLGS) (Cat. 140) 
(S. 54, 107, 358). 1189 Hucalyptus 

Blue (Australian) Gum (Bs/T/827) (Gbl. 
352) (S3dn/F.T.) (PA. 257) (W. Oa). 
1189 Eucalyptus Globulus, 


Blue (Bathurst- Downs) Gum (Bth, 3/240), 
1186 Encalyptus viminalis. 

Blue (Port-Jackson) Gum (Bth. 3/212). 
1191 Kucalyptus hemastoma. 

Blue (Rockingham-Bay ) Gum (Bth, 3/242), 
1188 Encalyptus tereticornis. 

Blue (Sydney) Gum (Maid C.T.). 1172 
Hucalyptus saligna. 

Blue Gum of Queensland and New-South- 
Wales (8th. 3/229). 1175 Kucalyptus 

Blue Gum of Tasmania (Bth. 3/225). 
1189 Hucalyptus Globulus. 

Blue (Pale) Ipomea (McL. 403). 
Ipomzea hederacea. 
Bhie Mahoe (Cat, 26), 


Blue Mahoe vf the West Indies (Kew. 
Bull. 5/1912). 242 Hibiscus elatus, 

Blue (True) Mexican Convolvulus (Rid. 
54). 2026 Ipomea acuminata. 

Blue (Dickson’s) Morning Glory (Nic. 
5/444) (Rid./54). 2029-b. Ipomea pur- 
purea (Dicksoni). 

Blue Mouse-ear (McL. 240). 
ria Ternatea, 

Blue (White and) Mussell-shell Creeper 
(Hk. 2/208, adpd). 888-b. Clitoria 
Ternatea (pilosula). 

Blue Nail Dye (McL. 558, 576, 998), 
2242 Barleria strigosa, 

Blue (Dense spiked) Nail Dye (McL. 558, 
576, 998, adpd). 2242 Barleria stri- 

Blue (Gibson’s) Nail Dye (Mc. 558, 
adpd). 2236 Barleria Gibsoni. 

Blue (Hairy) Nail Dye (McL. 558, adpd). 
2233 Barleria pilosa. 

Blue (Law’s) Nail Dye (Mch. 558, adpd),. 
2234 Barleria Lawii. 

Blue (Racemose) Nail Dye (McL. 548, 
adpd). 2232 Barleria involucrata. 

Blue (Shining sepalled) Nail Dye (McL. 
558, adpd), 2243 Barleria nitida. 

Blue (Western ghauts) Nail Dye (McL. 
558, adpd). 22385 Barleria montana. 
Blue Neem (Rid. 134) (?) 453. 452, 

Azadirachta indica (?). 

Blue Passion Flower (Nic. 3/30) (Br. 86). 
1349 Passiflora coerulea, 

Blue (Buonaparte’s) Passion Flower (Br. 
68). 1348 Passiflora Buondpartea. 

Blue-purple rayed Pale-green Passion 
Flower (Nic. 3/30) (Br. 86). 1849 
Passiflora ccerulea, 

Blue Pine (Gbl. 704), 2842 Pinus ex- 

Blue Potato creeper (Mu. 37). 2069 
Solanum Seaforthianum. 

Blue (Purple bracted) Rainbow creeper 
(Mch. 371, adpd).. 2168 Thunbergia 


242 Hibiscus ela- 

838 Clito- 


Blue-rayed Parple Passion Flower (Nic. | 

3/32). 1360 Passiflora serratifolia. 

Blue-rayed scarlet Tubular Passion Flower 
(S. 423) (Nic. 4/3). 1365 Tacsonia 

Blue seeded Featherfoil (McL, 587, adpd). 
2570 Phyllanthus indicus. 

Blue Syrian Rose Mallow (Nic. 1/143) 
246-G. Hibiscus syriacus (cewrulea). 

Blue Tea of Heaven (Muell. S.P. Nic. 
5/432, adpd). 1122-c. Hydrangea Hor- 
tensia (acuminata). 

Blue Tweedia (S. 305, 443) (Cag. 489) 
(Rid. 33). 1886 Oxypetalum ceeruleum, 

Bluish-centred White Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Ru/N/95, 0/21) (Hod). 1107-b. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (lactea). 

Bluish-flowered (Dwarf Sinuate) Prickly | 

Nightshade (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 2091 
Solanum Xanthocarpum. 

Blaish-flowered (Ovate-lobed) Prickly 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/454, adpd). 2087 
Solanum maroniense. 

Bluish-flowered (Sinuate) climbing Prick- 
ly Nightshade (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 
2092 Solanum trilobatum. 

Bluish-flowered (Woolly oblong) Prickly © 

Nightshade (Hk. 4/233. adpd). 2080 
Solanum giganteum. 

Bluish-flowered (Woolly pinnatifid) Prick- 
ly Nightshade (Hk. 4/284, adpd). 
2083 Solanum indicum. 

Bluish-flowered (Woolly Sinuate) Prickly 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/235, adpd). 
Solanum Melongena. 

Bluish-flowered Unarmed climbing Night- 
shade (Nic. 3/455). 2069 Solanum 

‘Bluish flowered (Elliptic obtuse) Un- 
armed Nightshade (Nic. 3/452, 5/672, 
_  adpd). 2072 Solanum havanense. 
Bluish-flowered (Lanceolate Acute) Un- 
armed Nightshade (Nic. 3/453, adpd). 
2071 Solanum aviculare. 
Blnish-flowered (Ovate) Unarmed Night- 
shade (Nic. 3/452 adpd). 2073 Sola- 
num arboreum (crispum). 
Bluish-flowered (Ovate Downy) Unarmed 

Nightshade (Hk. 4/200, adpd). 2076 | 

Solanum pubescens. 

Blunt leaved Buckthorn (McL. 65). 
Zizyphus Jujuba. 

Blunt leaved Hogweed (Hk. 4/710, adpd). 
2366 Boerhaavia verticillata. 


2084 | 

Blunt leayed Mistletoe (McL. 683, adpd). — 

2518 Viscum orientale. 

Blunt (Wart berried) leaved Mistletoe 
(McL. 683, adpd). 2517 Viscum verru- 
culosum. 3 

Blunt leaved Soap Nut (McL, 843, adpd). 
636 Sapindus bifoliatus. 


‘Boat Orchid (Br. 211). 


Blunt (Long) sparsifasciculate Asparagus 
(McL. 516, adpd). 38084 Asparagus 

Blunt Trapezoid leaved Moon-seed (MchL. 
1005, Hk. 1/102, adpd). 88 Cocculus 

Blunt (Shaggy) Triangular leaved Moon- 
seed (Mcl. 1006, Hk. 1/101, Rox. 3/814, 
adpd). 87 Cocculus villosus. 

Blush (Flesh-pink changing to) Bourbon 
Rose (Nic. 3/644) (Ru/N/96, /22) O(Ma. 
54) (Hod). 1106-c. Rosa borbonica 

Blush China Rose (Br. 72). 
indica (carnea-semiplena), 

Blush (Old) Monthly Rose (Nic. 3/321, 
5/648) (Hod). 1103-b. Rosa indica 

Blush (Glabrous berried) Rose (Nic. 3/319, 
322) (Cag. 604). 1096 Rosa micro- 

Blash (Lyell’s Double) Rose (Cag. 604) 
(Hk. 2/364). 1094-b, Rosa involucrata 

Blush (Maiden’s) Rose (Nic.'5/647) (Mu. 
54). 1099-b, Rosa centifolia (provin- 

Blnsh-pink (Crimson-bordered) Vea Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 601) (Ru/N/90, 0/20 ) 
(Mu. 55). 1105-k. Rosa odorata (eru- 

Blusk-pink (Peach-centred) ‘Tea Rose 
(Cag. 599) (Ru/N/89) (Br. 69) (Hod). 
1105-k. Rosa odorata (erubescens- 
intus albocarnea). 

Blush-pink (Salmon-shaded) Tea Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 54). 1105-k. Rosa 
odorata (erubescens-cinnabarino suffu- 

1103-a. Rosa 

| Bo Tree of the Buddhists (McL. 100, 678). 

2739 Ficus religiosa. 

Boat-calyxed Two-seeded Dholl (Hk. 2/60, 
alpd). cecxxi. Cylista (genus). 

Boat (Foliaceous) fruited Ordure Tree 
(Hk. 1/361, adpd). 275 Sterculia 

Boat (Downy) leaved Olive Linden (McL. 
763, adpd). 344 Elwocarpus ferrugi- 

cmxxvii. Cymbi- 
dium (genus). 

Boat Orchid (Br. 211). 2945 Cymbidium 

Boat (Succnlent-erect-leaved) Orchid (Br. 
211, W.A.I, adpd). 2946 Cymbidium 

Boat-shaped (Deciduous) spathed Rattan 
(Hk. 6/404, adpd). myviii, Daemmo- 
rops (genus). 

Boar Spear Bamboo (Pfil. 189). 3310 
Dendrocalamus strictus. 

Bodhy (McL, 100), 2739 Ficus religioga. 


Boz Myrtle (8. 55). decclxxxv. (bés.) 
Myrica (genus). 

Bog (False) Myrtle (McL. 318, 478, 484, 
503). 649 Dodonza viscosa. 

Bois-de-colophane of the Isle-de-France 
(L/N/S/B). elxxii. Bursera (genus). 

Bois-de-Sureau of the French (Mch. 751). 
617 Leea Sambucina. 

Bojer’s Euphorbia (Br. 191). 2589 Eu- 
phorbia Bojeri. 

Bojer’s Madagascar Spurge 
adpd.) 2539 Euphorbia Bojeri. 

Bokhara Plum(Mch. 17, 1,363) (Bs/T/279) 
(Cag. 245) (Ru/N/69). 1069 g. Prunrs 
Communis (divaricata). 
Bolivia (Crimson long-tubed Fuchsia of) 
(Nic. 2/31). 1324 Fuchsia boliviana. 
Bolivian Bark (McL. 420), 1446-a. Cin- 
chona Calisaya (typica). 

Bollas (McL. 17). 1069-b. Prunus com- 
munis (insititia). 

Bolly (Australian) Gum (Maid C.T). 
declxxxiii. Litseea (genus). 

Bombay Aloe (McL. 21, 504, 932, 100]). 
8118 Aloe seccotrina. 

(Br. 191, 

Bombay Black Wood (McL. 461). 881 
Dalbergia latifolia. 

Bombay Hemp (McL 860). 722 Crota- 
laria juncea. 

Bombay Hemp (McL. 82). 240 (b¢s.) | 
Hibiscus cannabinus. 

Bombay Mace Tree (Mch. 387). 2422 
Myristica malabarica. 

Bombay Rose Wood (Bdn/F.T) (LF. 

xxx1/3). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 
Bombay Senna (Mcb. +05). 956 Cassia 
Bonduc (McL. 87, 101, 478, 507, 995). 
926 Czesalpinia Bonducella, 

Bondue (Black) (McL. 538). 931 Czsal- 
pinia sepiaria. 
Bonduc (Grey) (McL. 101). 926 Cesal- 

pinia Bonducella. 

Bondue (Tall) (McL. 1€1, 774) (?). 2759 
Antjaria toxicaria (?). 
Bonduc indorum (McL. 101). 926 Czsal- 

pinia Bonducella. 

Bonduc Nut (Br. 258). 927 Cwsalpinia 


Bone-setter (McL. 685). 582 Vitis quad- 

Boodha’s Foot (McL. 364). 3026 Canna 

Boomayza (McL. 840). 1049 Albizzia 

Bootan Pine (Muell. 8.P). 2842 Pinus 


Booth’s Rose (Cag. 599) (Ru/N/89) (Mu. 
54) (Br. 69) (Hod). 1105-k. Kosa 
odorata (erubescensintus albocarnea). 

Boon Tree (Nic. 3/354). 1424 Sambucus 


Bonpland’s Birthwort (Nic. 5/84). 2396 
Aristolochia fimbriata, 

Borage Family (Br. 145) (L/N/8/B). 
LXXVIXI Boraginacew (Order). 

Borage (Sweet) (Rid. 182, 217). 2336 
Ocimum sanctum. 

Borageworts (McL. 10038). 
Boraginacew (Order). 

Bordered (Green and Orange) and striped 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/873). 3107-g. Cor- 
dyline terminalis (gloriosa). 

Bordered (Yellow and Pink) and striped 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/378). 3110 Cor- 
dyline Bapftistii. 

Bordered (White) Rroad leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/374, adpd). 8107-n, Cor- 
dyline terminalis (Regine). 

Bordered (Crimson) Bronze leaved Dra- 
gon Tree (Nic. 1/3872, adpd). 3107-c. 
Cordyline terminalis (Bausei). 

Bordered (Orange) Dark leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/374, adpd). 38107-f. Cor- 
dyline terminalis (Gayii), 

Bordered (Orange) Erect leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/874, adpd). 3112 Cardy- 
line Hendersonii. 

Bordered (Red) Narrow leaved Dragon 
Tree (Hk. 6/331, adpd). 3107-e. Cor- 
dyline terminalis (ferrea). 

Bordered (White) Narrow leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/372). 3107-b. Cordyline 
terminalis (albicans). 

Bordered sepalled Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2564 Phylanthus missionis. 

Bordered (Red) Sessile leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic, 1/491). 3104 Draczena mar- 

Bordered (White) Sessile leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 5/330). 3103 Draczena 

Borneo (Cleft Devil Rattan of) (Nic. 1/235, 
5/180, 5/296). 3218 Demonorops 

Borneo Vegetable Tallow (McL. 336). 
196 Dipterocarpus indicus. 

Bosanquet (Mrs.) Rose (Nic. 5/648). 
1103-b. Rosa indica (carnea-albocerea), 

Bostcn Ivy Vine (Po). 581 Vitis incon- 


Bottle Brush (Bed.1/105). 1219 Mela- 
leuca Leucadendron, 
Bottle-brush (Anstralian) (Nic. 1/243, 

5/185) (Cag. 571) (S. 71). cdxii. Callis- 
temon (genns). 

Bottle-brush (Crest-flowered Australiar ) 
(Nic. 1/248). 1210 Callistemon salig- 

Bottle-brush (Lance-shaped Australian) 
(Nic. 5/185). 1209 Callistemon line- 

Bottle-brush (Livear leaved Australian) 
(Nic. 3/243). 1212 Callistemon line- 


Bottle-brush (Rigid leaved Anstralian) 
(Bth. 3/121, adpd). 1211 Callistemon 

Bottle-brush (Rough Australian) (Nic, 
5/185). 1209 Callistemon linearis. 

Bettle-brush (Willow-like Australian) 
(Nic. 1/243). 1210 Callistemon salig- 

Bottle-brush Sirissa (Cag. 630, adpd). 
ecelxix. Calliandra (genus). 

Bottle-brush (Bipinnate-(2)-minute rv- 
merous-folicled Pink) Sirissa (Nic. 
5/184, adpd). 1051 Calliandra brevi- 


Bottle-brush (Bipinnate-(2)-very small 
oblong-acute-(14~—20)-folioled Scarlet) 
Sirissa (Nic. 5/184, «dpd). 1051 (bis.) 
Calliandra hematocephala. 

Bottle-brush (Bloody-headed) 
(Nic. 5/184). 

Bottle-brush (Short stalked) Sirissa (Nic. 
5/184). 1051 Calliandra brevipes. 

Bottle (South-Sea-Island) Brush Tree 
(McL. 367). 

1051 (bis) Calliandra 


| Bourbon 

1273 Barringtonia specio- | 

Bottle Flower (MeL. 900, adpd). cdxciv. | 

Webera (genus). 

Bottle Flower (McL. 900). 

Bottle (Canara) Flower (McL. 900, adpd). 
1494 Webera canarica. 

Bottle (Common) Flower (McL. 909, 

14981 Webera © 

adpd). 1491 Webera corymbosa. 
Bottle (Dicecious) Flower (Hk. 3/19, | 
adpd). cdxev. Byrsophyllum (gens). 

Bottle (Leathery-shining 
date-leaved) Flower (W.A.1). 
Webera corymbosa (rigida). 




Bourbon Cotton (McL. 282) (Hk. 1/347) 
(Rox. 3/187). 254 Gossypium barba- 

Bourbon Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 
Livistona (genus). 

Bourbon Palm (Nic. 2/237) (S. 280). [mxi. 
Sphalm] miii. Livistona (genus). 

Bourbon Palm (Nic. 2/287) (S. 56). 
Livistons chinensis. 

Bourbon (Black spined) Palm (Nic. 2/287, 
alpd). 3193 Livistona altissima. 

Bourbon (Circular Black stalked) Palm 
(Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3198 Livistona 

Bourbon (Common) Palm (Nic. 2/287, 
adpd). 3195 Livistona chinensis. 

(fan-shaped Broad-fringed) 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3196 Livis- 
tona Jenkinsiana. 

Bourbon (Fan-shaped Pendulous fringed) 
Palm (Nic, 2/287, adpd). 3195 Livis- 
tona chinensis. 

Bourbou (Fan-shaped Short fringed) Palm 



(Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3193 Livistona 
Bourbon (Kidney-shaped Pendulous 

fringed) Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 
Livistona oliveformis. 

Boarbon (Scanty red spined) Palm (Nic. 
2/287, adpd). 3194 Livistona olivzfor- 

Bourbon (Subcircular Brown 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 

_ tona australis. 

Bourbon (Suborbicular Green 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 
tona rotundifolia. 


3197 Livis- 

3191 Livis- 

/ Bourbon Rose (Nic. 3/375, 5/644) (S. 56, 

Bottle (Neilgherry) Flower (McL. 900, | 

adpd). 1495 Webera nilagirica. 

Bottle (Shiny leaved) Flower (McL. 900, 
adpd). 1493. Webera lucens. 

Bottle (Southern Ghauts) Flower (McL. 
900, adpd). 1492 Wabera monosper- 


Boule-de-ueige Abutilon (Ooty 201). 
21§-c. Abutilon Darwini (niveum). 

Boule-de-neige Darwin’s Mallow (Nie. 1/4, 
Ooty. 201). 21S-c. 

0/18) (Mu. 52). 
semperflorens (nivea), 

Bouquet d’or Rose (Nic, 5/646) (Ru/0/18) 
(Ma. 56). 1108-f. Rosa 

Bouquet de Flora Rose (Ru/O/18). 1107-k. 
Rosa hybrida-semyerflorens (kerme- 

Bourbon (Hybrid of French with Damask) 
and China Rose (Cag. 590). 1107 Rosa 
hybrida semperfiorens. 


Abutilon Darwini | 

375) (Cag. 596) (Br. €8) (Bu/N/97, 
0/23) (Mu. 46). 110€ Rosa borbonica. 

Bourbon (Crimson) Rose (Nic. 5/644) 
(Bu/O/22). 1106-e. Rosa borbonica 

Bourbon (Flesh-pink changing to Blush) 
Rose (Nic. 3/644) (Ru/N/96, 0/22) (Mu. 
54) (Hod). 1106-c. Rosa borbonica (car- 

Bourbon (Hybiid Carmine) Rose (Nic. 
3/825) (Ru/O/21). 1)06-f. Rosa borbo- 
nica (bybrida-kermesina). 

| Bou bon (Pale Waxy Flesh-piak) Rose 
Boule-de-n~ige Kose (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/94, | 

1107-a Resa hybrida- | 

Noisettiaua | 

(Nic. 5/644) (Cag. 597) (Hod). 1106-¢, 
Rosa borbonica (carnea-albocerea). 

Bourbon (Pure white) Rose (Ru/N/89) 
(Mu. 56). 1106-a. Rosa —borbonica 

_ Bourbon (Rosy-coppery shaded Golden) 

yellow) Rose (Bu/N/96, 0/22). 
(? 1105-g). 1106-b. Rosa borbonica 
(anrea-eneo-suffusa) (?). 

Bourbon (Rosy-pink) Rose (Bu/N/91, 
0/21) (Mu 656) (? Cag. 596, 597, Br. 69). 
1106-d. Rosa borbonica (rosea). 


Bourbon (Whitish-bordered Flesh-pins) 
Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 598) (Ru/O/22) 
(Hod). 1106-c. Rosa borbenica (carneo- 
margine albescente). 

Bourbonia Rose (Nic. 3/644). 1106 Rosa 
Bourbonina Rose (8. 56). 1106 Rosa bor- 


Bourdillon’s apple fruited Ebony (Bdn/F. 
T, McL, 366, adpd). 1721 Diospyros 

Bourdillon’s Black Varnish (McL. 344, 
adpd). 676 Holigarna nigra. 

Bourdilion’s Guttapercha (McL. 473, 663, 
adpd). 1685 Dichopsis Bourdilloni. 

Bourdillon’s Neyarum Ebony (Bdn/F.T, 
McL, 366, adpd). 1698 Diospyros sp.n. 

Bourdillon’s Rama-Varma Fig (Bs/T/600). 
2729 Ficus Beddomei. 

Bouurdillon’s Travancore Rose Apple (McL. 
379, adpd). 

Ficus Carica. 

Bouvard’s Quininewort (L/N/S/B, Nic. 
1/205, adpd). cdlxxxv. (is,) Bouvardia 

Bouvard’s (Corymb flowered) Quinine- 
wort (Nic. 1/207). 1459 (bis.)-a. Bon- 
vardia Humboldtii (corymbiflora). 

Bouvard’s (Drooping yellow flowered) 
Quininewort (Nic. 1/207). 1459 (cis.)-c. 
Bouvyardia Humboldtii (flava). 

Bouvard’s (Jasmine flowered) Quinine 
wort (Nic, 1/207). 1459 (dis.)-b. Bou- 
vardia Humboldtii (jasminiflora). 

Bow-string Hemp (McL. 1082) (?). 
Calotropis gigantea (?). 

Bower (Biternate leaved Virgin’s) (Hk. 
1/4, adpd). 6 Clematis Gouriana. 

Bower (Calycine Apetalous Virgin’s) 
(Hk. 1/1, adpd). i. Clematis (genus). 

Bower (Common European Virgin’s) (Cag. 
677). 1 Clematis Flammula. 

Bower (Common Indian Virgin’s) (Cag. 
677, adpd). 6 Clematis Gouriana. 

Bower (Creamy Bell flowered Virgin’s) 
(Hk. 1/5, adpd). 9 Clematis nutans. 

Bower (Decompound leayed Virgin’s) 
(Hk. 1/5,adpd). 9 Clematis nutans. 

Bower (Large flowered Virgin’s) of 
Sierra-Leone (Nic. 1/839). 2 Clematis 

Bower (Lizear petalled Virgin’s) (Hk. 
1/1, adpd). ii. Naravelia (genus). 

Bower (Pinnate leaved Virgin’s). (HE. 
1/4, adpd). 7 Clematis hedysarifolia. 

Bower (Silky Pinnate leaved Virgin’s) 
(Hk. 1/5, adpd). 8 Clematis Wighti- 

Bower (Simple Heart leaved Virgin’s) 
(Hk. 1/8, adpd), 4 Clematis smilaci- 

Fig (Nic. 2/14). 2752 


1235 Eugenia occidentalis.. 


Bower (Simple Trilobate leaved Virgin’s) 
(Hk. 1/3, adpd). 5 Clematis triloba. 

Bower (Sky-blue Virgin’s) of Japan 
(N er 1/338). 3 Clematis patens (czru- 

Bower (Tendrilled Bifoliate leaved Vir- 
gin’s) (fk. 1/6, adpd). 10 Naravelia 

Bower (Virgin’s) (Nic. 1/3387) (Cag. 677) 

(Loud) (8. 453). i. Clematis (genus). 

Bowmann’s Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/472). 
8265-g. Dieffenbachia picta (Bow- 

Box (Alternate-Jeaved Berried) (Treas. 

Bot. 2/1020, Hk, 5/240, adpd). deceix. 
Sarcococca (genus). 
Box (Ballarat) (Bth, 8/202). 1192 Euca- 

lyptus amygdalina. 

Box (Brush) (Maid. C.T) (Gbl. 354). 
1220 Tristania conferta. 

Box (Chilian Gum) (8.157) (Nic. 1/533). 
1127 Escallonia macrantha. 

Box (China) (McL. 210) (Br. 27) (Rid. 
148) (Cag. 683) (Cat. 47) (Bdn/F.T). 
392 Murraya exotica. 

Box (Common) (Nic. 1/226), 
Buxus sempervirens (typica). 

Box (Common edging) (S. 67) (Cag, 421). 
2545-e. Buxus sempervirens (suffruti- 

Box (Creeping Rose) (8.118). 
neaster buxifolia. 

Box (Crimson large flowered Gum) (Nic, 
1/583). 1127 Escallonia mucrantha. 
Box (Drooping) (Maid. C.T), 1185 Huca- 

lyptus bicolor. 

Box (Dwarf) (S. 67). 2545-e. Buxns sem- 
pervirens (suffruticosa). 

Box (Golden leaved) (S. 67). 
Buxus sempervirens (aurea). 
Box (Grey) (Maid.C.T). 1208 Eucalyp- 
tus hemiphloia. 
Box (Gum) (8. 187). 


Box (Many-flowered China) (Hk. 1/502, 
adpd). 392-a. Murraya exotica (exo- 

Box (Medium-woolly-backed oblong-acute- 


1121 Coto- 


ecexciil. Escallonia 

leaved Rose) (Hk. 2/285, adpd). 1120 
Cotoneaster frigida. 
Box leaved Ivory Wood (Hk. 4/144, 

adpd). 1983 Ehretia buxifolia. 

Box (Minute-woolly-vecurved-margined 
Elliptic-ovate-acute-leaved Rose) (Hk. 
2/887, adpd). 1121 Cotoneaster buxi- 

Box (Montevideo Gum) (Nic. 1/533), 
1126 Escallonia floribunda, 
Box (Myrtle leaved) (S. 67). 2545-d. 

Buxus sempervirens (myrtifolia). 
Box (Port-Jackson Bastard) (Bth, 3/242), 
1188 Eucalyptus tereticornis, 


Box (Port Jackson Bastard) (Bth. 3/227). 
(? 1158) 1180 Eacalyptus longifolia. 

Box (Queensland) (Cat, 140), 1220 Tris- 
tania conferta. 

Box (Queensland Brush) (Maid. C.T, Gbl. 
354, Cat. 140, adpd), 

Box (Red) (Maid. 0.T). 

Box (River) (Maid. C.T). 
tus bicolor, 

Box (Rose) (8.118, 375) (Nic. 1/87). 
ecelxxxvili. Cotoneaster (genus). 

1181 HKucalyptus 

Box (Silver leaved) (S.67). 2545-c. Buxus | 

sempervirens (argentea), 

Box (Small-leathery-triple-nerved Lance- 
caudate-leaved Berried) (Hk. 5/267, 
adpd), 2544 Sarcococca pruniformis, 

Box (Subsolitary-flowered China) (Hk. | 
297-b. Murraya exotica | 

1/508, adpd). 

Box (White bundle flowered Gum) (Nic. 

1/533). 1126 Escallonia floribunda. 

1220 Tristania | 
| Brab (McL, 103, 648) (Rid. 10, 169), 3224 

1185 Hucalyp- | 

Box leaved Barbodoes cherry (Nic. 2/319). | 

352 Malpighia coccigera. 

Box leaved Coorvitchy (McL. 222). 
Ehretia buxifolia. 
Box leaved Ehretia (Br. 146), 1988 Ehre- | 

tia buxifolia. 

Box leaved Eugene Myrtle (Mc. 879, | 

adpd). 1262 Eugenia codyensis. 

Box leaved Orange (McL. 623). 415 Citrus 

Box leaved Satin Ebony (McL, 789, adpd). 
1694 Muba buxifolia. 

Box leaved Staff Tree (Mch. 459, adpd). 
539 Gymnosporia Wallichiana. 

Box Myrtle (McL. 477). 2779 (bts.) 
Myrica Nagi. 

Box (Bastard) of New-South-Wales 
(Bth. 3/214). 1181 Eucalyptus poly- 

Box (Bastard) of Victoria and New- 
South Wales (Bth. 3/215). 1185 Euca- 
lyptus bicolor. ‘ 

Box (False) Thorn (Nic, 2/306, adpd). 
1984 Rhabdia lycioides. 

Box ‘Tree (Nic. 1/226) (8. 57, 66) (Gbl. | 

592) (Bs/'T/559) (Cag, 543) (Cat. 261). 
2545 Buxus sempervirens. 

Box (North Australian) Tree (Bth. 
3/223). 1169 Eucalyptus brachypoda. 
Box (Sand) Tree (Nic. 2/158) (Br. 191) 
(Rid. 131) (Cat. 262) (Ru/O/13) (Mu. 

43). 2709 Hura crepitans. 

Box (Turkey) Tree (Muell. S.P). 2545 
Buxus sempervirens, 

Box (Victoria) Tree (Bth. 3/200), 1186 
Eucalyptus viminalis. 

Box Tree of Queensland and New-Soxzth- 
Wales (Bth. 3/217). 1203 Eucalyptus 


Box Wood (Bdn/F.T). 2545 Buaxus sem- 


Boxes (Australian) (Maid. C.T),  cdix. 
Eucalyptus (genus), 

Boy’s Love (8.57). 1620 Artemisia 

Boragssus flabellifer, 
Bracelet ‘Tree (MeL. 
EKleocarpus (genus), 
Bracelet (Prickly leaved) Wood (Br. 115, 

763).  exxiii, 

adpd). 1676 Jacquinia ruscifolia, 

Bracelet (West Indian) Wood (Nic, 
2/206), dliii. Jacquinia (genus), 

Brachypterum (Climbing) (Br. 58), 200 
Derris scandens, 

Bracken (Common) (Nic. 3/3840). 3835 
Pteris aquilina. 

Bracken Fern (Nic. 3/840) (8.352). mly. 
Pteris (genus). 

Bracken Fern (W. 68) (S. 352). 33385 
Pteris aquilina. 

Bracteate Dyeing Mulberry (McL. 367). 

1554-b. Morinda citrifolia (bracteata). 

| Bracteate Indian Groundsel (Hk. 3/222, 

1983 | 
| Bracteate (Kidney leaved) Moon-seed 

260). dxx. Pluchea (genus). 

(McL. 1005, Hk. 1/103. Rox 3/842, 
adpd). 91 Cissampelos Pareira, 

Bracteate (Trifoliate-small-glabraie 
Round-or-obovate-obtuse-leaved) Soy 
Bean (Hk. 2/181, adpd). 812 Shuteria 

Bracteate Soy Bean Climber (Hk. 2/59, 
Treas. Bot. 1/1068, 1075, adpd). cccvi. 
Shuteria (genus). 

Bracteate (Winged) spiked Pepper (McL, 
676, adpd). 2416 Piper Wightii. 

Bracteate (Hrect) Twin prickled Bose 
(Hk. 2/364). 1095 Rosa bracteata. 

Bracteate (Sarmentose) Twin prickled 
Rose (Hk. 2/864). 1094 Rosa involu- 

Bracted-blue-flowered (Medium-downy 
nerved Rhomboid-lance-acute-leaved) 
Justicewort (Hk. 4/544, adpd). 2269 
Ecbolium Linneanum. 

Bracted (Purple) Blue Rainbow Creeper 
(McL. 371, adpd). 2168 Thunbergia 

Bracted (Broad) Indian Linden (Hk. 
1/389, adpd). 323 Grewia bracteata. 
Bracted (White) Jasmine (McL. 383, 
adpd). 1753 Jasminum Rottlerianam. 
Bracted (Scarlet) Poinsettia (Br. 191, 
$.160, adpd).  2540-a. Huphorbia 

pulcherrima (coccinea). 

Bracted (White) Poinsettia (Br. 191, 
8.160, adpd). 2540-b. Euphorbia 
pulcherrima (albida), 

Bracted (Cream) Poivrea (McL. 995, 1023, 
Br. 76, adpd). 1157 Combretum 


Bracted Racemosa Asparagus (McL, 516, 
812, adpd). 38089 Asparagus leavis- 

Bracted (Round) Tick Trefoil (McL. 813, 

adpd). 799 Desmodium julchellun. 
Bracted Tree Vine (Mch. 751, adpd). 620 | 
Leea robusta. 
Bracted Vernal Flower (Br. 173, Hk, 

4/417, deci. 

Bracted (Sky Blue) Vernal Flower (Mech. 
946, Br. 173, Hk. 4/417, 418, adpd). 
2171 Dedalacanthus nervosus, 

Bracted (Long-lineolate elliptic-acumin- 
ate-leaved Rosy) Vernal-flower (Hk. 
4/419, adpd). 2172 ‘Dedalacanthus 

Bracted (Long-lineolate-Ovate-subentire- 
acuminate Blue) Vernal-flower (Hk. 
4/418, adpd). 2171 Dedalacanthus 

Rracted (Medium-subglabrous-lineolate 
E liptic-acuminate-leaved Blue) Vernal 
flower (Hk. 4/421, adpd). 2173 Deda- 
lacanthus montanus. 


Dedalacanthnus | 


Bracteoled (Fork Prickly Rose Mallow) | 

(Rox. 3/205, adpd). 2386 Hibisens fur- 

Bracteoled Red flowered Hyacinth Bean 
(McL. 236, adpd). 842 Dolichos brac- 

Bractwort Family (Nic. 1/7, MeL. 1002, 
adpd), LXXXIII. Acanthacez (Order). 

Brahma’s Banyan (McL. 73, 1000). 2749 
Ficus asperrima. 

Brahma’s (Large) Banyan (McL. 73, 
1000). 2751 Ficus Cunia. 

Brahma’s Fig (McL. 49). 2750 Ficus 

Brahma’s Pavetta (McL. 670, 900). 1491 
Webera corymbosa. 

Brahinin Cocoanut (Cag. 198). 3228-c, 
Cocosnucifera (coromandelina). 

Brahmin mooly (McL. 361). 2088 
Solanum indicum. 

Brahmin Poison Nut (McL. 690). 488 

Olax scandens. 

Bramble (Indian) (McL. 328). 

Brahmin Kite Paulay (MclL. 284, 664). | 

1870 Cryptostegia grandflora. 

Brake Fern (Nic, 3/340) (S. 352). 
Pteris (yenus), 

Brake (Carmine-veined Fourwinged) Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3334-c. Pteris quadri- 
aurita (rubronervia). 

Brake (Comb-leaved) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3338 Pteris patens. 

Brake (Common) Fern (Nic, 3/840) (S. 
352). 33385 Pteris aquilina. 

Brake (Four-winged) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3334-a. Pteris quadriaurita (typica). 

Brake (Pedatipinnate-(4 to-many-prs) 
glabrous Basal-bipartite Papery-lance- 



Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3334 Pteris 
Brake (Pedatipinnate-(8-10prs)-subgla- 

brous Basal-(1-2 prs)-bipinnate Papery 
pinnated) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3836 
Pteris biaurita. 

Brake (Pedatipinnate-subglabrous Basal- 
bi-tri-partite membranous-long-obiong 
nated) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 33388 
Pteris patens. 

Brake (Pedatipinnate-subglabrous Basal 
tripinnate - Papery-ovate-pinnatipartite 

acuminate-pinnated) Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3337 Pteris geminata. 
Brake (Tripinnate-glabrous Leathery- 

led) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3835-a. 
Pteris aquilina (typica). 

Brake (Twin-leaved) Fer: (Bed/F, adpd). 
3337 Pteris geminata. 

Brake (White-mottled-fronded Four- 
wingee) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3334-b. 
Pteris quadriaurita (argentea). 

Brake (Winged) Fern (Bed/#, adpd). 
3336 Pteris biaurita. 

Bracken (Downy leaved) (Bed/F, adpd). 
3335-b. Pteris aquilina (lanuginosa). 

Rubus (genus). 

Bramble (Bs/S. 244, NLGS) (Lond). 
ccclxxix. Rubus (genus). 

Bramble (Molucea) (MeL, 507). 
Rubns moluccana. 

Bramble Rose (S. 58). 

Bramin Tamarind (MeL, 73, 874). 
Adansonia digitata. 

Braminy Kite Caper (McL. 240). 838 
Clitoria Ternatea. 

Braniiny Kite Creeper (McL. 374), 23291 
Aristolochia indica. 

Bran Plant (Mcl. 105, 993). 325 Grewia 

Bran (Dog) Plant (MeL. 105, 473, 993). 
319 Grewia pilosa. 

Branch (Twisted) Pine (H/E. F) (Nic. 
3/141). 2861 Pinus contorta, 

Branched (Slender) Buck Thorn (MeL. 
762). 569 Rhamnus virgatus. 

Branched (Quadrangular) 
Indian Linden (Gbl.111, adpd). 
Grewia pilosa. 

Branched (Slender) Cinnamon (McL. 188, 
adpd). 2488 Cinnamomum gracile. 

Branched (Lance-shaped) Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd), 2572 Phyllanthns 

Branched (Long) Fleshy Ragweed (Hk. 
3/337, adpd). 1625 Notonia Walkeri. 


1085 Rosa multi- 



Branched (Thorny) hollow large Bambvo 
(Hk. 7/395, adpd). 3304 Bambusa 

Branched (Angular) Leafless Mistletoe 
(McL. 688, adpd). 2522 Viscum angu- 

Branched (Flattened) Leafiess Mistletoe 
(McL. 683, adpd), 2523 Viscum articu- 

Branched (Rigid) Melon Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2586 Glochidion 

Branched (Angular) Mistletoe (Mcl.. 683, 
adpd). 2519 Viscum orbiculatum. 
Branched (Slender) Mistletoe (McL, 683, 
adpd). 2521 Visoim ramosissimum, 
Branched (Tufted short) Mistletoe (McL. 
683, adpd). 2520 Viscum capitella- 
Branched (Wight’s Flat) Pellet shrub | 
(McL. 670, adpd). 1547  Pavetta | 
Branched (Flat) Pepper (McL. 676, aipd). | 
2412 Piper attennatum. 
Branched (Flat) Qninquefoil Vine (McL. 
564, adpd). 606 Vitis elongata. 
Branched (Groove) Quinquefoil 
(McL, 564, adpd). 610 Vitis sulcata. 
Branched (Angular) racemed Phsliode | 
Wattle (Bth. 2/314, 388, adpd). 1016 | 
Acacia melanoxylon, 
Branched (Downy) Shepherdess’ Crozier | 
(Hk. 2/535, adpd). 1292 Sonerila | 
Branched (Fascicled) Shrubby Bamboo | 
(Hk. 7/376, adpd). mexliii. Arundi- | 
naria (genus). 


Branched (Glaucous) silky Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/519, 1281 
Osbeckia glauca. 

Branched (Few-(l-4)-seeded Square) 
Spindle Tree (Bed. 1/64, adpd). 
Gly ptopetalum (genus). 

Branched (Square) Spindle Tree (Hk, 
1/610, adpd). 520 Euonymus angulatus. 

Branched (Anaimalai Square) Tree Hil- 

1297 (bia.) 



berry (Hk. 2/564, adpd). 
Memecylon molestum. 

Branched (Canara Square) Tree Bilberry. 
(Hk. 2/555, adpd). 1296 Memecylon 

Branched (Tinnevelly Square) Tree Bil-_ 
berry (Hk. 2/555, adpd). 1297 Meme- | 
eylon gracile. 

Branched (“ight’s Square) Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/554, adpd). 1295 Memecylon 

Branched (Round) Umbelled Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 796 Desmodium 

Branched (Triangular) Umbelled Tick 
Trefoil (McL. 813, adpd). 797 Des- 
modiam Cephalotes. 

- podded) (\ireas. Bot. 


Branched (Triangolar) Unifoliate Tick 
Trefoil (McL. 818, adpd). 801 Des- 
modium triquetrum. 

Branchletted (Downy) Trifoliate Vine 
(Hk. 1/654, adpd). 599 Vitis carnosa. 

Brandis’ Giant Bamboo (FAR, 20 to 48, 
MBR. 25 to 37, CAN. 26, CBY. 35, 
NLGS). 8315 Dendrocalamus Bran- 

Brandis’ Tinnevelly Rattan (Hk. 6/448, 
adpd). 3210 Calamus Brandisii. 

Brankursine decoration of Corinthian 
Columns (Enc. Brit. 1/79). 2224 
Acanthus mollis, 

Brasiletto (Nic. 1/252). 
Czesalpinia (genus). 

Brasiletto (McL. 783). 


929 Czsalpinia 

Brasiletto (Balsam-of-Tolu podded) 
(Treas. Bot. 2/1336, adpd). cccxli. 

Pterolobium (genus) 

Brasiletto (Bipinnate-(8-16)-black punc- 
tate-hacked-minute Narrow-oblong 
obtuse-(16-20)-folioled Unarmed) 
(Treas. Bot. 1/188, adpd). 936 Czesal- 
pinis. coriaria. 

Brasiletto (Bipinnate-(2-6)-congested 
flat-rachised-minute oblance-obtuse 
(nomerous)-folioled Spinous) (Hk, 
2/260,adpd). 943 Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Brasiletto (Bipinnate-20-30) linear (20- 
30)-folioled Scarlet-racemed flowered) 
(Treas. Bot. 1/316, adpd). 944 Colvillea 

Brasiletto (Bipinnate-(12-18)-membra- 
nous-glabrous oblique-oblong-obtuse 
(20-24) folioled Few-prickled) (Hk. 
2/255, adpd). 930 Czsalpinia pulcher- 

Brasiletto (d3ipinnate-(16—20)-rusty-vel- 
vetty-backed obliquely-ligulate-oblong- 
obtase (20-30)-folioled Unarmed) (Hk. 
2/257, adpd). 937 Peltophorum ferru- 

Brasiletto} (Bipinnate-(20-24)-subglabrous 
obliquely-oblong-(20-30) folicled Few 
prickled) (Hk. 2/256, adpd). 929 
Czsalpinia Sappan. 

Brasiletto (Double-marginal-winged Flat 
podded) (Hk. 2/457, adpd). cecxxxix. 
Peltophorum (genus). 

Brasiletto (Elliptic-oblong Flat podded) 

(Treas. Bot. 1/565, adpd).  ccexliii. 
Hezematoxylon (genus). 
Brasiletto (Flat podded) (Hk. 2/255, 

Brasiletto (Long-straight 

930 Cesalpinia pulcherrima. 

1/316). cecxlv. 
Colvillea (genus). 

Brasiletto (Moniliform podded) (Hk, 
2/260, adpd). ceccxlivy. Parkinsonia 


Brasiletto (Narrow leafed) (Rid. 111, 
216). 929 Ceesalpinia Sappan. 

Brasiletto (Oblique-terminal-winged Plat 
podded) (Hk. 2/259, adpd). cccxli. 
Pterolobinm (genus). 

Brasiletto (Single-marginal-winged Flat 
podded) (Hk. 2/258, adpd).  ccexl. 
Mezoneurum (genus). 

Brasiletto (Woody Fea podded) (Hk. 

2/254, adpd), ccexxxviii. Cesalpinia 
Brasiletto (Bipinnat e-(4-10) -glabrous- 

glaucous-backed Ovate-acute-(8-10)- 
folioled Prickly) Climber (Hk. 2/258, 
adpd). 988 Mezoneurum cucallatum. 

Brasiletto (Bipinnate-(4 6)-glabrous- 
glossy ovate-(4-6)-folioled Prickly) 
Climber (Hk. 2/255, adpd). 928 
Ceesalpinia Nuga. 

Brasiletto (Bipinnate-(8-12)-glabrous 
oblong-obtuse-(12-14)-folioled Prickly) 
climber (Hk. 2/261, adpd). 945 
Wagatea spicata, 

Brasiletto (Bipinnate-(12-16)-membra- 
nous downy-backed-stipulead § Ovate- 
oblong-mucronate-(16)-folioled Prickly) 
climber (Hk. 2/254, adpd) 926 Czesal- 
pinia Bonducella. 

Brasiletto (Bipinnate-(12-20)-membra- 
nous-glaucous-downy-backed — oblong- 
obtuse-(16-24)-folioled Prickly) climber 
(Hk. 2/256, adpd). 931 Cvzsalpinia 

Brasiletto (Bipinnate-(16-20)-membra- 
nous minute-glabrate-yr-y-backed 

oblong-obtuge-(16-20)-folioled Prickly) 
climber (Hk. 2/256, adpd). 9338 Ceosal- 
pinia digyna. 

Brasiletto (Bipinnate-(8—16)-membra. 
nous minute oblong-obtuse-(12-16)- 
folioled Prickly) climber (Hk. 2/259, 
adpd). 939 Pterolobium indicum. 

Brasiletto (Bipinnate-(20-60)-membra- 

nous-minute - oblong - obtuse - (20-40) - | 

folioled Prickly) climber (Hk. 2/256, 
adpd). 982 Czsalpinia mimosoides. 
Brasiletto (Bipinnate-(12-16)-membra- 
nous-small-elabrous-exstipulate oblong- 
mucronate-(16)-folioled Prickly) climb- 
er (Hk. 2/255, adpd). 927 Cvesgal- 

pinia Bondue. 

Brasiletto (Larger prickly podded) climb- 
er (Hk. 2/255, adpd). 927 Czsal- 
pinia Bonduc. 

Brasiletto (Medium-folioled Red-streaked 

yellow) climber (Hk. 2/258, adpd). 
938-b. Mezoneurum cucullatum 

Brasiletto (Orange cup-calyxed) climber 
(Hk. 2/261, adpd). 945 Wagatea | 


Brasiletto (Red-streaked yellow) climber | 

(Hk. 2/258, adpd). 9388 Mezoneurum 



Brasiletto (Rosy-flushed white) climber 
(Rox. 2/368, adpd). 939 Pterolobium 

Brasiletto (Smaller prickly podded) climb- 

er (Hk. 2/254, adpd). 926 Czsal- 
pinia Bunducella. 
Brasiletto (Axil-spined _—- Paripinnate 

leaved) of Chili (Nic. 1/390, adpd). 
935 Cesalpinia tinctoria. 

Brasiletto (Axil-spined Paripinnate-(6-8) 
obcordate-cuneate-leaved) of Yucatan 
(Treas. Bot. 1/565, adpd). 942 Hzma- 
toxylon campechianum. 

Brava (Pareira) Root (Nic. 1/331). 91 
Cisampelos Pareira. 

Brazil (Anda of) (L/N/S/B, 114). 
Joannesia princeps. 

Brazil (Butterfly-wing Arrowroot of) 
(Nic. 5/520). 3014 Maranta Massan- 

Brazil (Cabbage Palm of) (Rid. 266) 
(Jaf. 131) (?). 3160 Kuterpe edulis (?). 

Brazil (Cabbage Palm of) (Rid. 366) 
(Jaf. 181). 3158 Oreodoxa Sancona. 

Braail (Carnauba Wax Palm of) (N. 
1/371). 8176 Copernicia cerifera. 

Brazil (Coral Tree of) (S. 109,157). 
Erythrina crista-galli. 

Brazil (Feathery Cocoanut of) (Nic. 1/349). 
3230 Cocos plumoga. 

Brazil (Flexuous rough stemmed Cocoa- 
nut of) (Nic. 5/250). 3299 Cocos 

Brazil (Scarlet Sage of) (Nic. 3/358). 
2351 Salvia splendens. 

Brazil (White Brinjal of) (Nic. 3/455). 
2088 Solanum robustum. 

Brazil (Dumb Cane of) 
America (Nic. 1/472 to 474). 
Dieffenbachia picta, 



and ‘Tropical 

Brazil Cherry (MeL. 105, 164, 478, 587, ~ 

626, 1000). 
chus (?). 
Brazil Cotton (McL. 234) (Br. 19) (Hk. 

2569 Phyllanthus disti- 

1/347). 254-b. Gossypium barbadense 
Brazil Wood (Treas, Bot. 1/168, 188). 

ccexxxviii, Ceesalpinia (genus). 

Brazil Wood (McL. 105, 783). 929 Czsal- 
pinia Sappan. 

Brazil Wood of Jamaica (Treas. Bot. 
2/858) (Nic. 1/282, 5/179). cccxxxix. 
Peltophorum (genus). 

Braziletto (Treas, Bot, 1/168). ccexxxviii. 
Cesalpinia (genus). 

Braziletto (Bahama) (McL. 588). 9381 
Cesalpinia sepiaria. 

Braziletto of Jamaica (Treas. Bot. 2/858). 
ccexxxix. Peltophorum (genus). 

Brazilian Arrowroot (McL. 461 . 464). 
2631 Manihot utilissima, 

Brazilian Bivalved capsuled Loose-strife 
(Treas. Bot. 2/656, Nic. 2/280, adpd). 
cdxxxiv. Lafoénsia (genus), 


Brazilian Cotton (Muell. S.P), [258-d. 
Sphalm} 254-b, Gossypium barbadense 

Brazilian (Blood-streaked Orange) Even- 
ing Mallow (Nic, 1/4, adpd), 219 
Abutilon striatum. 

Brazilian (Dark-veined orange) Evening 
Mallow (Nic. 1/4, adpd), 218 Abutilon 

Brazilian Five-(3-5)-valved capsuled 
Loose-strife (Treas, Bot. 2/786, adpd). 
cedxxxv Neszea (genus). 

Brazilian (Large) Golden Funnel Dogs 
bane (Nic. 1/48, adpd). 1855 Alla- 
manda Schottii. 

Brazilian Hogweed (Nic. 1/206, adpd). 
decliii, Bougainvilla (genus), 

Brazilian (Bright-green-leavea Rusy 
bracted) Hogweed (Nic, 1/206, adpd). 
2369 Bouguinvilla glabra. 

Brazilian (Downy-dark-green  Ovate- 
ieaved magenta-bracted) Hogweed 
(Nic. 1/206, adpd). 2370-a. Bougain- 
villa. spectabilis (speciosa). 

Brazilian (Scarlet-shaded Brick-red- 
bracted) Hogweed (Nic. 1/206, adpa). 
2370-b. Bougainvilla spectabilis (late- 

Brazilian Hydrophobia Plant (L/N/S/B). 
1459 Manettia cordifolia. 

Brazilian (Elliptic-leathery-leaved Red- 
dish-brown-showy-flowered) Loose- 
strife (Nic, 2/230, adpd). 1309 Lafoén- 
sia Vandelliana. : 

Brazilian (Myrtle-leaved yellow-flowered) 

Loose-strife (Br, 73, adpd). 1310 
Neszea myrtifolia. 
Brazilian Nutmeg (Treas. Bot. 1/854), 

declxxi. Cryptocarya (genus), 

Brazilian (Long-glaucous-backed leathery 
Elliptic-oblong-acuminate-leaved) Nut- 
meg (Hk, 5120, adpd). 2426 Crypto- 
carya Wightiana. 

Brazilian (Small-to-medium-glaucous- | 
backed-leathery oblong-obtuse-leaved) 
Nutmeg (Hk. 5/120, adpd). 2427 

Cryptocarya Stocksii. 

Brazilian Orange Trumpet creeper (Br. | 

130, 8S. 52, 2144 Bignonia 

Brazilian Spider Flower shrub (S, 4381). 
edxxxi. Tibouchina (genus). 

Brazilian (Great Violet) Spider Flower 
shrub (Nic. 3/162, 5/608) (S. 431), 
1506 Tibouchina semidecandrum. 


Brazilian Tea (Nic. 2/175). 507 Tiex 
Brazilian Tree Fern (8/53), 3339 Ble- 

chnum brasiliense. 

Bread (Monkey) (Bed. 1/29) (Bs/T/78) 
(Pfl. 8366) (McL. 73) (Br. 20) (Kid. 141) 
(Ell, 30). 257 Adansonia digitata, 


Bread (St. John’s) (McL. 131). 978 Cera- 
tonia Siliqua. 

Bread Fruit Family (Br, 197). 
Moravew (Order), 

Bread Fruit (McL, 876, 489) (Nic. 1/117) 
(8. 36). decelxxvii, Artocarpus (genus). 

Bread Fruit (McL, 281, 876, 972). 2768 
Artocarpus integrifolia. 

Bread Fruit (Rox. 3/528) (Bed. 1/220) 
(Gbl. 652) (S. 36,61) (Pf, 263) (Cag. 
216, 414) (Cat. 295) (Br. 197) (Rid. 
105, 110) (Ru/N/70, 0/8) (Mu. 45) (Ooty. 
8). 2765 Artocarpus incisa. 


. Bread (Moreton-Bay) Fruit (Mcl., 80°). 

3244 Pandanus odoratissimus. 

Bread (Nicobar) Fruit (MeL, 591, 801) 
(Rox. 3/738). 3244 Pandanus odoratis- 

Bread (Tahiti) Fruit (Muell. S.P). 2765 
Artocarpus incisa. 

Bread (True) Fruit (Nic. 
Artocarpus incisa. 

Bread Fruits (McL. 1008). CIV, Moraceze 

Bread Nut (Cag. 216, 4:4) (Ru/N/70, 0/8) 
(Mu, 45). 2765-b. Artocarpus incisa 

Bread Nut (McL. 376), 

1/12). 2765 

(2763 Sphalm } 

2765-b, Artocarpus incisa (echino- 

Bread Tree (MchL. 181) 978 Ceratonia 

Breech (Bear’s) Family (Br. 168) (Nic. 
1/3). LXXXIII, Acanthacex (Order), 

Brémerel (Abbé) Rose (Ru/O/18) (Mu. 
58) (Hod). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
sem perflorens (punicea-purpure- 

Brennus Rose (Mu. 56) (Hod). 1103-£. 
Rosa indica (atrosanguineaplena). 

Briar (Sweet) (Nic. 3/328) (S. 375, 420) 
(Cag. 592) (Br. 71) (Ru/N/94, 0/27) 
(Mu. 57). 1101 Rosa rubiginosa. 

Briar (Austrian) Rose (Nic. 3/322, 5/643) 
(S. 43, 375) (Cag. 592). 1097-a. Rosa 
Helanteria (lutea). 

Brick-red-bracted (Scariet-shaded) Brazi- 
lian Hogweed (Nic. 1/206, adpd). 
2370-b, Bougainvilla spectabilis (later- 

Bridal-couch Plant (McL. 30). 1457 
Hy menodictyon excelsum. 
Bridal-couch (Obovate-leaved) Plant 

(Mc. 30). 

Bridal creeper (Pr. 1/724) (Cag. 475) 
(Ru/N/56). 2057 Porana paniculata. 

Bridal (Malayan Giabrous) Ureeper (Hk. 
4/222, adpd), 2058 Porana volubilis. 

Bride (The) Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/94, 
0/22) (Mu. 55). 1105-b. Rosa odorata 

1458 Hymenodietyon obo- 


Bridesmaid Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 54). 
1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea). c 

Bridewort (Lond) ceclxxviii. Spirza 

Bright-blue-flowered (Broad-ovate-wrink- 
led dark-green-leavyed) Vernal Flower 
(Nic. 1/518, adpd). 

Bright-blue (Pinnate-leaved) Scurfy Pea 
(Nic, 3/239). 760 Psoralea pinnata. 

Bright-crimson (Golden-midribbed-and- 
veined) Trilobed Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 
gatum (trilobum Lord Cairns). 

Bright-dark-Orange (Green-leaved) 
Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3035 (bis.) 
Canna orchidiflora (Parthenope). 

Bright-green-and-black-spotted rich-crim- 
son Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ef. Codizum varie- 
gatum (pictum). 

Bright-green (Semiscandent) Bamboo of 
the Western ghauts (Gbl. 753). 3316 
Teinostachyum Wightii. 

Bright-green (Bipinnatifid) climbing 
Arum (Nic. 3/96). 3254 Philodendron 

Bright-green-branched (Minute-trique- 
trous-leayed) Salt-wood (Bs/T/514, 
adpd). 2383 Haloxylon Ammodendron, 

Bright-green Croton (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/ 
O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Va. Codi- 
um variegatum (appendiculatum). 

Bright-green (Chrome-yellow-spotted) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Db. Codizeum variegatum (chro- 

Bright-green (Creamy-centred-and vein- | 

ed) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Bc. 

2248 Eranthemum | 

264S-K]. Codizum varie- 



| Bright-green 

Codieum variegatum (Maharajah of | 


Brignt-green (Creamy ~-centred-and vein- 
ed) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Aa. Codizum variegatum 

Bright-green Creamy-irregularly-blotch- 

ed) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Fa. Codizum variegatum (Mac- 
Arthurii No. 37). 

Bright-green (Creamy-irregularly-blotchs _ 
ed) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). | 

2646-Bd. Codizum vyariegatum (Mac- 

Bright-green (Crimson-blotched) Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Af. 
Codizum yariegatum (Baron James de 

Bright-green Crimson-midribbed-and 
veined) OCrston (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Bdn, Codizum  varie- 
gatum (magnoliefolium), 

Bright-green (Gamboge-yellow-marbled) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 



2646-Ea, Codisum variegatum (ob- 
longifolium proper). 
veined Shining) Croton (Nic. 1/351) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Mb. 
Codizeum variegatum (Crown Prince). 
Bright-green (Golden-yellow-blotched) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Bf. Codizum variegatum (Kingi- 


Bright-green (Golden-yellow-centred- 
and-veined) Croton (Nic. 1/3855) 
(Bu/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bg. 

Codizum variegatum (maximum). 

veined) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf).  2646-Ba. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Bergmanpi). 

Bright-green (Lemon-to-crimson-spotted- 
and-blotched) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nk. Codizeum varie- 
gatum (Foxii), 

Bright-green (Licht-yellow-blotehed) 
Croton (when young) (Nic. 1/353) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ua. 
Codizum variegatum (Lowii, or Han- 

Bright-green (Orange-crimson-blotched) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2645-Ae, Codizum variegatum (Bap- 

Bright-green (Orange-and-red-blotched) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ed. Codizum variegatum (Maha- 
rajah of Durbanga), 

Bright-green (Pale-y ellow-to-crimson- 
spotted) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Wa. Codizeum variegatum 

Bright-green (Rich-gold-centred) Croton 
(Nic. 1/352) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Rd. Codizum variegatum (Dodg- 

Bright-green (Rich-yellow-midribbed- 
and-irregularly-suffused) Croton (Nic. 
1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Sb. Codizum variegatum (Wil- 

Bright-green (Yellow-blotched) Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mao). 2646-Ma. Codieum 
variegatum (Prince of orange). 

Bright-green (Yellow-blotched) Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Ric) (Jaf). 264€-Ga. 
Codizum variegatum (rotundifolium 

Bright-green (Yellow-maturing-to-Pink- 
veined) Croton (Nic. 1/3853) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bk. Codieum 
variegatum (grande). 

Bright-green (Y-llow-spotted-and-dott- 
ed) Croton (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/\)) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Oa. Codizeum varie- 
gatum (aureopunctatum). 


Bright-green-leaved Rosy-bracted Brazi- 
lian Hogweed (Nic. 1/206, adpd). 
2369 Bougainvilla glabra. 

Bright-green-margined Creamy-yellow 
Croton (Nic. 1/853) (Ra/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 

(Jaf), 2646-Nb. Codieum variegatum 

Bright-green small hollow Bamboo (Gbl. 
747). 3303-a. Bambusa  vuigaris 

Bright-green (Crimson-flushed Deep- 

yellow-copiously mottled) Trilobe Cro- 
ton (Nic, 5/251) (Rua/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Kh. Codiedum variegatum 
(trilobum heroicum). 

Bright-red leayed Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Si. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Miss McLeod). 


Yellow False 


Peacock Flower (Nic. 5/179, adpd). | 

934 Czsalpinia (Gilliesii). 

Bright-salmon-to crimson Croton (Nic. 
1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ti. Codizum variegatum (Chel- 

Bright-yellow-margined-and-centred shin - 
ing-green Croton (Nic. 1/853) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (vaf.) 2646-Rh. Codizenm 
variegatum (Johannis), 

Bright-yellow (Saffron-shaded) Tea-Roge 
(Ru/N/99, 0/20) (Mu. 55) (Hod), 1105-f. 
Rosa odorata (lutea-croceo-suffusa), 

Bright-yellow (Straw-shaded) Tea Rose 

(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/91,0/21) (Mu. 55). , 

1105-f. Rosa odorata (lutea-stramineo 

Brightness of Cheshunt Rose (Ru/O 19) 
(Mu. 52.) 1107-1. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (atrogsanguinea). 

Brilliant-crimson (Green-leaved) Indian 
Shot (Cag. 384). 3035 (bés.)-r. Canna 
orchidiflora (Rhea). 

Brillian (Broad) Red leaved Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/374, adpd). 3107-p. Cordyline 
terminalis (Turnere). 

Brindones (Mch. 469). 171 Garcinia 

Bringall (Nic. 3/454). 2084 Solanwin 
Brinjal (S. 404). delxvi. Solanum 

Brinjal (Hk. 4/235) (Pr. 1/746) (Bs/T/ 
490) (PA. 241) (Nic. 3/459) (Cag. 156) 
(Rid. 155, 187, 218) (Jaf. 49, 67) (Po. 
19) (Ru/N/12, 13, 0/4) (Mu. 24) 
(MAHS. 15) (Ooty. 28) (Br. 149) (Ell. 
57%). 2084 Solanum Melongena. 

Brinjal (Abyssinian Purple-eyed white | 

flowered) (Nic. 3/454, adpd). 2086 
Solanum marginatum, : 
Brinjal (Chinese) (Nic. 3/454). 2084-b. | 

Solanum Melongena (longum). 


Brinjal (Climbing) (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 
2092 Solanum trilobatum. 

Brinjal (Dwarf wild) (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 
2001 Solanum xanthocarpum. 

Brinjal (Long) (Rox. 1/567) (Rnu*/0/32) 
(Pr, 2/746). 2084-b. Solanum Melong- 
ena (longum) (*macrocarpum),. 

Brinjal (Maroni-River) (Nic. 3/454). 
2087 Solanum maroniense. 

Brinjal (Mountain Giant) (Hk. 4/238, 
adpd). 2080 Solanum giganteum. 

Brinjal (New-York Purple) (Nic. 1/144) 
(MAHS). 2084-c. Solannm Melongena 

Brinjal (Spineless leaved White) (Hk. 
4/234, adpd). 2082 Solanum torvum. 
Brinjal (Warscewicz’s Red-prickled 
White) (Nic. 3/456). 2089 Solanum 


Brinjal (Wendland’s Costa-Rica climbing) 
(Nic. 3/456, adpd). 2090 Solanum 

Brinjal (White wild) (McL. 829, adpd), 
2031 Solanum ferox. 
Brinjal (Wild) (W. 25), 


Brinjal (Wild Indian) (MeL. 361, adpd), 
2083 Solanum indicum. 

Brinjal (White) of Brazil (Nic. 3/455). 
2053 Solanum robustum. 

Brinjaul (McL. 107, 484, 998). 
Solanum Melongena. 

2076 Solanum 


Brinjanl (Pandaul) (McbL. 512), [2015 
Sphalm 2017 Ipomea glaberrima. 

Brinjaul (Prickly) (MeL. 107,998). 2091 
Solanum xanthocarpum. 

Brinjaul (Wild) (MeL. 829). 2081 

Solanum ferox. 

Bristly-ciliate-leaved Bispinous Rachis 
Rattan (Hk. 6/445, adpd). 3208 
Calamus pseudotennis, 

Bristly-ciliate-leaved Unispinous Rachis 
Rattan (Hk. 6/441, adpd). 3205 
Calamus rivalis. 

Bristle (Short) leaved Asparagus (McL. 
516, adpd). 3083 Asparagus capitatus. 

Bristle-tipped-branched (Axillary-cymed- 

or-corymbed) Offal-smelling Ipecacu- 
anha (Hk; 3/21, adpd). 

dxvi. Saprosma 

| Bristle-tipped- oblong leaved Eglandular 

Senna (McL. 864, adpd). 

Bristle-toothed gland-dotted Olive Linden 
(McL. 763, adpd’. 339 Eleocarpus | 

Bristle-toothed Woolly Heart Vine (McL. 
564, adpd). 590 Vitis adnata. 

Bristled (Hookless) Parroquet| Burr (Hk. 
1/394, adpd). 329 Triumfetta tomen- 

959 Cassia 


Bristly-decurrent auricled slender Reed 
Bamboo (? 8320, see note) (Hk. 7/421, 
adpd). 3322 Ochlandra setigera. 

Bristly-decurrent auricled slender Reed 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/419, adpd). 3320 
Ochlandra Beddomei. 

Bristly (Softly) Erect Rattan (Nic. 1/235, 
adpd). 3216 Calamus ciliaris. 

Bristly Heart leaved Silver-weed (Hk. | 

2014 Lettsomia setosa. 

Bristly Melon Featherfoil (MeL. 
adpd). 2590 Glochidion asperum. 

Bristly Piranday (McL. 685, 994). 598 
Vitis setosa. 

Bristly stemmed slender Reed Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/419, adpd), 
stridula. p 

Bristly Tailed 'Tick Trefoil (Br. 52, adpd). 
792 Uraria crinita. 

Bristly Trifoliate Vine (McL. 685, 994, 
adpd). 598 Vitis setosa. 

Britain (Beech of) (Muell. S.P). 
Fagus sylvatica, 

Britain (Small Bulrush of). 

British (Douglas Fir of) Columbia (H/E.F) 
(Gbi. 703) (FAR. 10, 38, 39, NLGS). 
2866 Pseudotsaga Douglasii. 

British (Bullet Tree of) Guiana (Treas. 
Bot. 2/746). 1693 Mimusops globosa. 
British (Dumb Cane of) Guiana (Nic. 
5/322). 3267 Dieffenbachia Jenmani. 
British Oak (Bs/S/260, NLGS) (Gbl. 671) 
(FAR. 10, NLGS, MRA) (McL. 81) 

(Muell. S.P). 2788 Quercus Robar., 

4/194, adpd), 


3250 Typha 

Broad bracted Indian Linden (Hk. 1/389, | 

adpd). 323 Grewia bracteata. 

Broad brilliant Red leaved Dragon Tree | 

(Nic. 1/374, adpd). 8107-P. Cordyline 
terminalis (‘Turnerz). 

Broad (Bause’s) Bronze leaved Dragon | 

Tree (Nic. 1/372, adpd). 
Cordyline terminalis (Bausei). 


Broad Egyptian Privet (Ell. 367). 1314 

Lawsonia alba, 

Broad-elliptic-acuminate-leaved (Long- 
glabrous eleven (10-12 prs)-nerved) 
conehead (Hk. 4/476, adpd). 2218 
Strobilanthes amabilis. 

paripinnate-(5-7)-long-downy) Tawny 

Flat-septate Trumpet Tree (Hk. 
4/381, adpd). 2139 Heterophragma 

(Long-lineolate seven-(7—-8-prs)-nerved 
Wing-stemmed Conehead (Hk. 4/437, 
adpd). 2186 Strobilanthes baroatus. 

Broad-elliptic-cuspidate-leaved (Medium 

leathery) Scammony Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/16, adpd). 1880 Genianthus 

3319 Ochlandra | 


Broad-elliptic-cuspidate-leaved (Small- 
Scammony Swallowwort (Hk. 4/14, 
adpd). 1876 Toxocarpus Roxburghii. 

Broad-elliptic-leaved (Medium creamy- 
variegated) Caricature Plant (Hk. 

4/545, adpd). 2270 Graptophyllum 

Broad-elliptic-leaved Stemless Orchid 
(Hk. 5/823, W.A.I, adpd). 2989 (tris.) 
Josephia latifolia. 

' Broad-elliptic-oblong-entire or-repand- 

obtuse-or-retuse leaved (Small-leathery 
hard) Child’s Amulet shrub (Hk. 5/337, 
adpd). 25%8 Hemicyclia sepiaria. 

Broad-elliptic-oblong-leaved (Very-small- 
papery) Featherfoil (Hk. 5/296, adpd). 
2562 Phyllanthus Macraei. 

Broad-elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Small-glab- 
rous) Gutta-percha (Hk. 5/538, adpd). 
1682-c. Isonandra lanceolata (villosa). 

Broad-elliptic-obtuse leaved Opposite-or- 
(3)-whorled-medium-leathery) Triquet- 
rous-branched Honeysuckle Mistletoe 
(Hk. 5/219, adpd), 2512 Loranthus 

Broad-elliptic- serrate - acuminate -leaved 
(Medium-sparsely hairy-seven-(7-prs)- 
nerved) Conehead (Hk. 4/444, adpd). 
2201-c. Strobilanthes Heyneanus 

Broad - elliptic - serrulate - obtuse - leaved 
(Small-papery) Sweet leaf (Hk. 3/581, 
adpd). 1783 Symplocos anamallayana. 

Broad-elliptic-to-round - cuspidate - leaved 
(Palmate-(5-7)-nerved medium leathery 
Broad-sheathing-petioled) Sarsaparilla 
(Hk. 6/310, adpd). 3081 Smilax 

Broad-(} in.) flat-branched leafless Mis- 
tletoe (Hk. 5/226, adpd). 2528-b. Vis- 
cum articulatum (cichotomum). 

Broad (Fan-shaped) fringed Bourbon 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3196 Livis- 
tona Jenkinsiana. 

Broad-green-leaved Yellow-spotted-rosy 
Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 8030 Canna 

Broad-green (Crimson-midribbed-and- 
veined yellow-centred) Voluted Croton 
(Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646.Jc. Codizum variegatum (recurvi- 
folium). 4 

Broad-heart-acuminate-leaved  (Simple-. 
palmati-(7-9)-nerved-opposite and alter- 
nate Large-to-very-large membranous 
dark-green), Slender-often-purple 
stemmed Yam (Hk. 6/295, adpd). 8067 
Dioscorea sativa. 

Broad - Heart - acute - to-caudate - leaved 
(Medinm-membranous) Tpecacuanha 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/31, adpd). 1897 
Gymnema tingens, 


Broad-heart-leaved (Simple-palmati- 
(7-11)-nerved-alternate curled-winged 
petioled) curled-(10—-15)winged-round 
stemmed Yam (Hk. 6/296,adpd). 8066 
(bis.\ Dioscorea crispata 

Broad-lance-crenate-acuminate (Mediuni- | 

seven-(7-prs)-nerved) Glab- 


(Hk. | 

4/440, adpd). 2194 Strobilanthes ciliatus, | 

(Medinm-lineolate seven-(7-prs)-nerved 
Hairy-oblong-spiked Conehead (Hk. 
4/439, adpd). 2193 Strobilanthes War- 

Broad-lance-(Trifoliate-su bglabrous- 
papery-medium) digitate-leaved wing- 
petioled Dholl shrub (Rox. 8/3841, adpd). 
876 Flemingia semialata, 

Broad-lance-dimidiate-(20-50)-f olioled 
(Bipinnate-(8-24)-erey -velvetty-minute 
basel-(1)-supra-(1)-glandular) Sirissa 
(Hk. 2/300, adpd). 1048-b. Albizzia 
Julibrissin (mollis). 

Broad-lance-leaved (Small-leathery) 
climbing Spurge Laurel (Hk. 1/582, 
adpd), 494 Cansjera Rheedii, 

Broad-lance-to-linear-or-faleate-a cu mi - 
nate-leaved (Anastomosing-oblique-in- 
distinct-nerved small) Fibrous-persis- 
Eucalypt (Bth. 3/207, adpd). 1192 
Eucalyptus amygdalina, 

Broad-lance-wavy-acute-leaved (Medium- 
leathery) Jungle Geranium (Rox, 1/380, 
adpd). 1541 Ixora alba. 

Broad leaf Wattle (H/E.F) (Gbl. 291). 
1022 Acacia pycnantha. 

Broad-leaved Alexandra-like Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bq, 
Codizum yariegatum (Cameronii). 

Broad leaved Bassia (Mch. 506). 1686 
Bassia latifolia. 
Broad leaved Bindweed (McL. 665). 1993 

Argyreia speciosa. 

Broad leaved Cape Jasmine (McL. 291, 
adpd). 1506 Gardenia latifolia. 
Broad leayed Cassia (McL. 10), 

Cassia alata. 

Broad (Long-pointed) leaved Ceylon Iron- 
wood (Bed, 1/28, adpd). 185-a. Mesua 
ferrea (typica), 

Broad (Short-pointed) leaved Ceylon Ivon- 
wood (Bed, 1/28, adpd), 185-b. Mesua 
ferrea (Roxburghii). 

Broad leavyed Cup Dog-bane (Ak. 3/651, 

adpd). 1840 Vallaris Pergulana. 

Broad leaved Cycas (McL. 777). 2873 
Cycas circinalis. 

Broad leaved Desmodium (Br. 52). 806 

Desmodium latifolium. 

Broad (Nervose) leaved Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/372, adpd). 3109 Cordyline 



Broad (White bordered) leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/874, adpd).  3107-n., 
Cordyline terminalis (Regina). 

Broad (Blotchy-primary-veined) leaved 
Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474, adpd). 8264 
Dieffenbachia Seguine, 

Broad leaved Gardenia (McL. 291) (Br. 
98). 1506 Gardenia latifotia. 

Broad leaved Ginger (McL. 311). 2997 
Zingibar Zerumbet. 

Broad leaved Iron Bark (Maid. C,.T). 
1173 Eucalyptus siderophloia. 

Broad leaved Jasmine (McL. 388) (Br. 
116) 1755-b. Jasminum arborescens 

Broad leaved Mohwah (Mclh. 506, adpd). 
1686 Bassia latifolia, 

Broad leaved Morinda (McL. 367), 1554 
Morinda citrifolia. 

Broad leaved Premna(MclL, 512) (Br. 165). 
2298 Premna latifclia. 

Broad leaved Rosebay (Mech. &69). 
Tabernzemontana coronaria. 

Broad leaved Sebesten (McL. 803) (br. 
144). 1969 Cordia obliqua. 

Broad leaved Terminalia (Mch. 
1144 Terminalia Catappa. 





cottony-backed scabrid-sessile) Pearly 
Everlasting (Hk. 8/286, adpd). 1611 
Anaphalis Wightiana. 

Broad (Close-regular-nerved) medium 

leaved Gamboge (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 
173 Garcinia echinocarpa. 

Broad (Indistinct-nerved) medium leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/265, adpd). 174 
Garcinia Morella. 

Braod (Oblique-nerved) medium leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/202, adpd). 172 
Garcinia Cambogia. 

Broad (Slender nerved) medium leaved 

Gamboge (Hk. 1/269, adpd). 179 
Garcinia spicata. 
Broad-oblong-acute-leaved (Medium- 

leathery) Wind-berry Climber (Hk. 
3/514, adpd). 1662 Embelia adnata. 

Broad-oblong-obtuse (Long-leathery 
downy-glabrate-backed) leaved Bucha- 
nan’s Mango (Hk. 2/28, adpd). 667 
Buchanania latifolia, 

Broad-oblong-to - round-cuspidate - leaved 
(Palmati-(5-7)-nerved Large-to-very- 
large-glossy Narrow-sheathing-petioled) 
Sarsaparilla (Hk. 6/310, adpd). 3080 
Smilax macrophylla. 

Broad-obovate - coarse - toothed - auricled- 
acute-or obtuse-leaved (Small-woolly- 
glandulur-sessile Indian Groundsel (Hk. 
3/272, adpd). 1607 Pluchea indica. 

Broad-obovate-cuneate - obtuse-leaved 


Cinnamon (Hk. 5/144 adpd). 2447-d. 
Alseodaphone semecarpifolia (rnfa). 

Broad-obovate-oblong-leaved (Long- 
velvetty-backed) Alpam-root (Hk. 
5/73, adpd). 2389-b. Bragantia 

Wallichii (latifolia). 

ate-leaved (Irregular-[often-indis- 
tinct|-nerved Long or medium thick 
shining Dark-iron-grey-smcoth-or- 
rough-persistent barked Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/231, adpd). 1199 Eucalyptus gom- 

Broad-oval-acute (Medium) leaved Neck- 
lace Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 37-d. 
Unona discolor (latifolia). 

Broad-ovate-acuminate-leaved (Small) 
curved-spined climbing Bengal-currant 

(Hk. 3/631, adpd). 1810 Carissa 

Broad-ovate-acuminate (Membranous- 
medium) leaved False Holly (Hk. 

1/587, adpd). 499 Apodytes Beddomei. 

Broad-ovate-elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Alter- 
nate - and - opposite-medium - leathery) 
Honeysuckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/2085, 
adpd). 2496 Loranthus intermedius, 

Broad ovate stipnled Lotus Croton (McL. 
473, 502, adpd). 2689 Macaranga 

Broad - ovate - to - lance - coarse-toothed - 
acute-leaved (Medium- AA 
alternate) Queensland Nut (Bth. 5/190, 
adpd). 2477 Helicia nilagirica. 

ved (IrreguJar-| of ten-indistir ct '-nery- 
ed medium-thick smooth-deciduous 
Eucalypt (Bth, 3/243, adpd). 1197 
Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Broad-ovate-toothed (Shining-rusty- 
backed) opposite-leaved Holly (Nic. 
1/412, adpd), 505 Curtisia faginea. 

Broad-ovate-wrinkled-dark-green leaved 
Bright-blue-owered Vernal Flower 
(Nie. 1/518, adpd). 2248 Eranthemom 

Broad podded Pluorinervose Phyllode 

Wattle (Bth. 2/314, 388, adpd). 1016 
Acacia melanoxylon. 
Rroad-Rachis Acuminate Feather Palm 

(Cag. 3387, adpd). 3140 Archonto- 

phoen‘x Cunninghamii. 

Broad-scaled  prtalled  interstamine] 
glandular Sarsaparilla Swallow wort 
(Hk. 4/11, adpd). dcexvii. Decslepis 

Brvad-scaled shaggy petalled Sarsaparilla 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/7, adpd). dexiy. 
Brachylepis (genus). 

Broad-sheathing-petivled (Palmati-(4-7)- 
nerved medium-leathery) Broad elliptic- 
to-round-cuspidate-leaved Sarsaparilla 



(Hk. 6/310, adpd). 3081 Smilax 
Broad-strap-podded (Opposite-lea ved) 

Rose-wood (Treas. Bot. 1/902, adpd). 
cecxxvili. Platymischium (genus). 

Brown streaked-creamy net-veined- 
bracteoled Nail-Dye (Ik. 4/388, adpd). 
dec. Petalidium (genus). 

Brown striped Golden Funnel Dog-bane 
(Nic. 1/48. adpd). 1855 Allamanda 

Broad-yellow-bordered-a n d-c ar mine 
tinged-very-large crimson (Green- 
leaved Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3035 
(bis. s. Canna orchidiflora (Britannia). 

Broad-y cllow-bordered-very-large Scarlet 
(Green-leaved) Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 
3085 (bis.)-n. Canna orchidifiora (Alle- 

Broder (Golden-suffused-mottled-some- 
times-banded Dark-green) Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2¢46-Ma. 
Codiezum. variegatum (Henryanum, or 
MacArthurii No. 46). 

Broadly-lance-acuminate-leaved (Triple 
nerved-alternate-small) Harmless Net- 
tle (Hk. 5/582, adpd). 2778 Pouzolzia 

Broadly-oblong leaved Ivory Wood (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 1980c. Hhretia levis 

Bronze (White nerved) and Silver Arrow- 
root: (Nic. 5/520), 3014 Maranta Mas- 

Bronze (Bause’s broad) leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/872, adpd). 8107-c. 
Cordy line terminalis (Bausei), 

| Bronze (Crimson bordered) leaved Dragon 

Tree (Nic. 1/372, adpd). 
Cordyline terminalis (Bausei). 

Brorze leaved Physic nut (McL. 56, 473, 
591, adpd). 2623 Jatropha gossypi- 


Bronze-leaved Purple-calyxed Brilliant 

Scarlet Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3033 
Canna Warscewiczil. 

Bronze (Copper and) metallic green 
Dragon Tree (Nic,1/373). 3107-1, 

Cordyline terminalis (metallica). 

Bronze-shaded golden Tea Rose (Cag. 601) 
(Ru/N. 91,0/22) (Mu 55) (Hod) (Po). 
1105-g. Rosa odorata (aurea-wneo- 

Bronze stalked American Cabbage Palm 
(Nic. 2/521, adpd). 3158 Oreodora 

Bronze striped Bengal 
(Nic. 1/374, adpd). 3107-0. 
line terminalis (Robineoniana). 

Bronze (Spotted) Wedge leaf Palm (Cag. 
pee adpd). 3147 Stevensonia grandi- 

Dragon Tree 


and-petioled drooping -broad-lance 
leaved False Plantain (Nic. 2/129). 
3048 Heliconia metallica. 

Bronzy-centred-satiny-yellow (Green- 
leaved) Indian Shot (Cag. 38+). 3035 
(bis.)-b. Canna orchidiflora (Suevia) 

Bronzy-crimson-blotched (Purple-midrib- 
bed) Croton (Nic. 1/835) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bo. Codizum 
variegatum (undulatum), 

Bronzy-crimson (Scarlet-midribbled- 
veined-and spotted) Trilobe Croton 
(Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2616-Kj, Codieum variegatum (trilobum 

Bronzy False Plantain (Nic. 
3048 Heliconia metallica, 

Bronzy-green (Deep-crimson-midribbed) 
Croton (Nic. 1/365) (Ru N/©) (Mn) 


(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Tb.-Codizeum varie- | 
gatnm (spirale). 
Bronzy-leaved Orange-bordered-and- 

spotted-fiery-red Indian Shct (Cag. 
384). 3035 (bis.)-v. Canna orchidiflora 
(Edouard André) 

Bronzy (Orange and) Purple Dwarf Tree 
(Nic. 1/373). 3107-h. Cordyline termi- 
nalis (Hoskinses). 

Bronzy-purple-leaved Red-flamed-scarlet- 
purple Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3035 
(bis.)-w Canna orchidiflora (Plato). 

Bronzy-purple -leaved yellow-flamed - 

reddish-purple Indian Shot (Cag. 384).. | 

3035 = ( bis.)-x. Canna _ _ orchidiflora 

Bronzy-yellow (Rosy-crimson-veined - 
blotched-and-marbled) Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qe. 
Codiwum variegatum (miratile). 
Broom (S. 62, 127), cclxxxi. Cytisus 

Broom (bl. 228) (Ooty. 259). 742 

Cytisus scoparius, 
Broom (Butcher’s) (S. 378) (Nie. 3/3835. 
cmlxiii. Ruscus (genus). 
Broom (Canary-Islands yellow) (Nic. 
1/430). 741 Cytisus canariensis. _ 
Broom (Common) (Nic. 1/430) (S. 127) 
(Cag. 610) 742 Cytisus scoparius, 

Broom (Portugal) (8. 842). 743 Cytisus 

Broom (Silver) (Rid. 55). 
bium [innzanum. 

Broom (West Indian Prickly) (McL). 936, 
1022). 943 Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Broom (White flowered) (Ooty. 258). 
743 Cytisus albus. 

Broom (White Spanish) (Nic. 
(S. 127). 748 Cytisus albus, 

Broom Creeper (McL. 380). 87 Cocculus 
villosus, : é 

697 Argyrolo- 



Broom-like (Trifoliate-digitate-glabrous- 
rvevolute-margined Narrow-linear- 
leaved) Bell Pea (Nic. 1/171, 5/277, 
Treas, Bot, 1/369), 921 Cyclopia gale- 

Broom Palm (Nic. 4/29) (S. 428), 3186 
Thrinax argentea, 

Brother’s Blood (McL. 282).. 3099 
Draczena Draco, 
Brother’s Blood (Mech. 282). 3219 

Deemonorops Draco. 

Brown-backed yellow 
Thistle (Nic. 1/299). 

Brown barked acute lJeaved Mangrove 
(KSN) (GDV)(GTR). 2334-b, Avicen- 
nia officinalis (alba), 

Brown branched (Minute-semiterete-or- 
subtrigonous leaved) Saltwood (Bs/T/ 
519, adpd). 2382 Haloxylon recurvom. 

Brown cordate Copper Leaf (McL. 465, 
(Ru/N/112, adpd). 2667 Acalypha 
macrostachya (macrophylla). 

Brown Cotton (Rox. 3/185). 253-d. 
Gossypium herbaceum (religiosum). 

Brown-downy-backed ovate acute leaved 
Caper Shrub (Hk, 1/174, adpd). 105 
Capparis grandiflora. 

Brown-haired wild Indigo (Mch. 371, 
adpd). 775 Tephrosia Hookeriana, 

Brown-hairy node-ringed hollow medium 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/392. adpd). 3303 
Bambusa vulgaris. 

Brown-hairy (Ovate leaved) White Dead- 
nettle shrub (Hk. 4/686, adpd). 2362 
Leucas lamiifolia, 

Brown-hard felted-backed-leaved Winged 
Myrobalan (ik. 2/448, adpd). 1150-c. 
Terminalia tomentosa (coriacea). 

Brown Hemp (MclL. 860). 722 Crotalaria 

Brown Hemp (Mel. 
Hibiscus cannabinus. 

Brown (Indian) Hemp (McL. 82). 
(bis.) Hibiscus cannabinus, 

Brown Pine (Maid. C.T). emv. Podo- 
carpus (genus), 

Brown (Bessie) Rose (Nic, 5/646) (Ru/N/ 

sepalled Torch 
1370 Cereus 

82). 240 (bis,) 


94). 1105-q. Rosa odorata (hyhrida- 

Brown spotted leaved America Aloe 
(Nic. 1/41). 3053 Agave variegata. 

Brown (Subcireuwlar) stalked Bourbon 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3197 Livis- 
tona australis. 

Brown-Woolly-backed ovate-acuminate 
leayed Caper shrub (Hk. 1/178, adpd). 
120 Capparis acuminata. 

Brown-Wooily-backed pungent leaved 
climbing Caper (Hk. 1/178, adpd), 
119 Capparis borrida. 

Brownish-red-blotched-d ar k-y ellow 
(Green-leaved) Indian Shot (Cag. 


384). 3035 (bis.)-i. 


Bruce’s Banana (Muell. SP). 3039 
Musa Ensete. 

Brucine (Racemed-purple flowered) 
Bitter Wood (Nic. 1/215).  elxiv. 

Brucea (genus). 

Bracine (Multifoliate-(13)-yellow-downy 
Ovate-lance- peace acuminate- 
leaved) Wood (Bth. 1/377, adpd). 431 
Brucea sumatrana. 

Brugmansia (S. 68). 

Brugmansia (Downy leaved White) (Nic. 


1/444). 2100 Datura arborea. 

Brugmansia (Glabrous leaved White) 
(Nic. 1/444). 2103 Datura suaveolens. 

Brugmansia (Orange flowered) (Nie. 
1/444) (S. 131), 2102 Datura san- 

Brugmansia (Sweet scented) (Br. 158). 
2103 Datura suaveolens. 

Brngmansia (Tree) (Rid. 47). 2100 
Datura arborea. 

Brugmansia (White) (Jaf. 23), 2100 

Datura arborea. 
Brunner (Cécile) Rose (Nic. 5/647) (Cag. 
593). 1085-a. Rosa multiflora (typica), 
Brunner (Ulrich) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
N/96) (Mu. 54). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 

Brunswick Fig (Nic. 2/15). 2752 Ficus | 

Brush (Bottle) (Bed. 1/105). 1219 Mela- 
leuca Leucadendron. 
Brush (Curl) Bean (McL. 57) (Nic. 3/152). 

ecclxx, Pithecolobium (genus). 

Brush Box (Maid. C.T) (Gbl. 254). 1220 
Tristania conferta. 

Brush (Queensland) Box (Maid. C.T, 
Gbl. 354, Cat. 140, adpd). 1220 Tris- | 

tania conferta. 
Brush (Mahommedan Tootb) Tree (McL. 
913). 1799 Salvadora persica. 

Brush(South-Sea-Island Bottle)Tree(McL, | 

367). 1273 Barringtonia speciosa. 
Brush (Tooth) Tree (Mcl. 473, 997). 
1799 Salvadora persica. 
Bubble Pea (Treas. Bot. 
eclxxvi. Hovea (genus). 
Bubble (Holly leaved) Pea (Treas. Bot. 
1/599). 698 Hovea chorizemefolia. 

1/599, adpd). 

(Nic. 2/154, adpa), 
- Bubble 

adpd). 699 Hovea Celsi. 

Bubble (Very-smaill-linear- "B/IBS aaa), | 

leaved Blue) Pea (Nic. 2/155, wee 
701 Hovea pungens. 

Canna orchidiflora 

| Buchanan’s 

| Buchanan’s 

Datura | 


toothed-pungent leaved Purple) Pea 
698 Hovea chori- 

(Rhomboid-lance- obtuse-mucro- 
nate-leaved Deep-blue) Pea (Nic. 2/154, 


Bubble (Very-small-linear-to-oblong- 
lance-obtuse leaved Purple) Pea (Nic. 
2/155, adpd). 700 Hovea longifolia. 

Buchanan’s Decandrous Mango (Hk. 
2/8, adpd). celxii. Bachanania (genus). 


glabrate-hacked Proad-oblong-obtuse 

leaved) Mango (Hk. 2/23, adpd). 667 

Buchanania latifolia. 

(Medium-leathery  elliptic- 
lance-acute-to-cuspidate leaved Mango 
(Hk. 2/24, adpd). 670 Buchanania 

Buchanan’s (Medium-leathery linear- 
oblong-*o-eliiptic-lance-obtuse leayed) 
Mango (Hk. 2/23, adpd). 668 Bucha- 
nania angustifolia. 

Buchanan’s (Medium-membranous obo- 
vate-spathulate-cbtuse leaved) Mango 
(Hk. 2/24, adpd). 669 Buchanania 
lucida (intermedia). 

| Buchanan’s Resin-seed (Ooty. 337, adpd). 

153 Pittosporum Buchanani. 

Buckeye (H/E.F) (8.10). cexlii. 
lus (genus). 

Buckler Fern (Nic. 5/547) (S. 64, 287). 
mlviii. Nephrodium (genus). 

Buckler (Pinnate-(1}-3 ft. ) membranous 
linear-oblong-(8"-12") pinna ti fid- 
acuminate-pinnated) Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3351 Nephrodium extensum. 

Buckler (Bipinnate-(2 ft.)-brown-scaly- 
stiped membranous-oblique-rhomb 
ovate-Iaciniate-acuminate) Fern (Bed/ 
F, adpd). 33861 Nephrodium depari- 

Buckler (Bipinnate-(3—lft.) densely-scaly- 
rachised ovate-oblorg-toothed-obtuse- 
pinpuled) Fern (Bed/F, adpd), 3364-d. 
Nephrodium Filix-mas (odontoloma). 

Buckler (Bipinnate-(1-3 ft. or more)- 
elaucous-striped-hirsute membranous 
lan c e-(2”)-pinnatifid-acuminate-pin- 


nuled) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3358 
Nephrodium setigerum. 
Buckler (Bipinnate-(1-2 ft. or more) 

glossy-striped membranous-broad- 
lance e-pinnatipartite-acuminate-pin- 
nuled) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3348 
Nephrodium giganteur. 

Buckler (Bipinnate membranous-oblong- 
pinnatifid-acummate-pinnuled) fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3359 Nephrodium 

Buckler (Bipinnate-(3 ft. or more) scaly 
and-hairy-stiped membranous-broad- 
o blong-(l-"4”)-pinnatifid-acuminate- 
pinnuled) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3857 
Nephrodium Boryanum. 

Buckler (Bipinnate-(1{-3  ft.)-sealy- 
rachised _ steriie-lance-pinnatipartite- 
acuminate-Fertile-o ya te-oblong- 


pinnated) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3363 
Nephrodium cochleatum. 

Buckler (Bi-tri-pinnate-(1-2 ft.)-scaly 
glabrate-rachised ovate-pinnatifid- 
obtuse-pinnuled) Fern (Bed/, adpd), 
3364-b. Nephrodium Fi!ix-mas (elong- 

Buckler (Pinnate-(2-3 ft)-black-scaly- 
acuminate-pinnated) Fern (Bed/F, 

adpd). 3356 Nephrodium hirtipes. 
Buckler (Pinnate-(4-4 ft.) Leathery- 
oblong (5’-8’, terminal-double-size) 

acuminate Basal-bifid-to-bifoliate-pin- 
nated) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 33866 
Nephrodium polymorphum, 

Buckler (Pinnate-(2-3 ft.) Leathery- 
oblong (6’-12")-lobed-caudate-pinnated) 
Fern (Bed/F,adpd), 3352 Nephrodium 

Buckler (Pinnate-(1}-3 ft.) membranous- 
oblong-pinnatipartite-acuminate Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3862 Nephrodium 

Buckler (Pinnate 1-2 ft.)-resinous-downy 
glabrate Papery-linear-lance-(3’—5")- 
serrate-acute-pinnated) Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3354 Nephrodium propinquum. 

Buckler (Pinnate-(1/3-3 ft.) scaly-stiped 
membranous-oblong-lobed-(basal _pin- 
nati-partite)-obtuse-to-acuminate pin- 
nated) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3849 
Nephrodium cicutarium. h 

Buckler (Pinnate-(3—] ft.)-scalv-stiped 
Ovate pinnatipartite acute pinnated) 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3364c. Nephro- 
dium Filix-mas (intermedia). 

Buckler (Pinnate-(2-3 ft.)-subglabrous 
pinnated) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3365 
Nephrodium cuspidatum. 

Buckler (Pinnate-(2-8 ft.)-tawny-scaly- 
rachised Leathery lance-pinnatipartite 
acuminate pinnated) Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3364-a. Nephrodium Filixmas 

Buckler (Pinnate-(1-2 ft.)-white-velvetty- 
backed Leathery rigid-linear-oblong 
(4°-6”) -pinnatifid-acuminate-pinnated) 
Fern (Bed/F,adpd). 3353 Nephrodiam 

Buckler (Pinnatipartite papery oblong 

Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3350 Nephrodium | 


Buckler (Tripinnate-(1—]} ft.)-scaly-stiped 


- Buck-thorn 

pinnuled) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3360 | 

Nephrodiam sparsum. 

Buckler (‘Tripinnate-(3-14  ft.)-white- 
pilose Papery-oblong-ovate-(4’—1”)-pin- 
natipartite-obtuse-pinnuled) Fern (Bed/ 
F.adpi). 3355 Nephrodium odoratum, 



Buckler (Round red-centred) leaved Jack Tree (Nic. 2/138, adpd). 2474 
Hernandia sonora, 

Buckler (Downy-backed 
leaved Moon-seed (McL, 1005, 
1/105, adpd). 94 Wyclea peltata. 

Buskler (Glaucous-backed Triangular) 
leaved Moon-seed (McL. 1005, Hx. 
1/108, Rox. 3/841, adpd). 89 Stephania 

Buckler (Round) leaved Moon-seed (MeL. 
10U5, Hk. 1/103, Rox. 3/840, adpd’. 
90 Stephania rotunda. 

Buckler (Shining arrow-shaped) leaved 
Moon-seed (McL. 1005, Hk. 1/104, 
adpd). 93 Cyclea Burmanni., 

Buckler (Woolly round) leayed Moon- 
seed (McL, 1005, Hk.4/99, adpd), 82 
Coscinium fenestratum. 

Buckum (McL. 782), 929 Czsalpinia 

Buck thorn Family (Br. 43) (N/L/S/B). 
XXXVI. Rhamnacez (Order), 

Buck horn (Nic. 3/286). (H/E.F) (S. 362). 
cexxix. Rhamnus (genus). 

Buckthorn (Blunt leaved) (McL. 65). 
561 Zizyphus Jujuba. 

Buck (Chinese) Thorn (Cag. 633). 569 
Rhamnus virgatus. 

Buck (Common Snake Woed) Thorn 
(McL. 515, 842, adpd). 575 Colubrina 

Buck (Dzhurian) Thorn (MeL. 762). 
Rhamuus virgatus. 

(Fascicled minute leaved 
Dwarf-procumbent Spiny) (Hk. 1/639, 
adpd). 569-b. Rhamnus  virgatus 
(aprica). : 

Buck-thorn (Fascicled small hairy-back- 
ed-leaved Spiny) (Bed. 1/70, adpd). 
569-c. Rhamnus virgatus (hirsuta). 

Buck-thorn (Fascicled very small obo- 
vate-acuminate-leaved spiny) (Hk. 
1/639, adpd). 569-a. Rhamnus virgatus 

Buck (Indian) Thorn (McL. 762). 570 
Khamnus Wightii. 

Buckthorn (Medium elliptic-oblong-ser- 
rate-cuspidate leaved Spinous (Hk 
1/641, adpd). 573 Sageretia hamosa. 

Buckthorn (Opposite-lerved panicled 
Black berried) (Hk. 1/630, adpd). 
cecxxxiil. Sageretia (genus). 

Buckthorn (Opposite-leaved 
Blue berried) (Hk. 1/680, 
cexxsli. Scutia (genus). 

Buckthorn (Pyriform-swollen-flesh y- 
peduncled cymose) (Hk. 1/630, adpd). 
exxx. Hovenia (genus). 

Buck-thorn (Rusty-downy-branched 
Ssake Wood) (Hk. 1/648, adpd). 576 
Colubrina travancorica. 





Back (Siberian) Thorn (MeL, 762). 569 
Rhamnus virgatus. 

Buck (Slender branched) Thorn (Mch. 
762). 569 Rhamnus virgatus. 

Buckthorn (Small-woolly- backed-glab- 
rate ovate-lance-acute-leaved Spinous 
(Ak. 1/641, adpd). 574 Sageretia 

Buck (Snake Wood) 
842, adpd). 

Bock (Spineless Five petalled) Thorn 

Thorn (MeL. 515, 
ecxxxiii. Colubrina (ge- 

(McL, 762, adpd). 570 Rhamnus 

Buck (Spiny Four petalled) Thorn 
(MeL. 762, adpd). 569 Rhamnus bir- 

Buck (Tendrilled*climbing) Thorn (Bs/?/ 
175). 579 Helinus lanceolatus. 

Buckthorn (Three-winged-dry-berried- 
climbing) (Hk. 1/648, adpd). cexxxiy. 
Govania (genus). 

Buck (Travancore Snake Wood) Thorn | 

(Mch, 515, 242, adpd). 

Buckthorn (Very-small-shining Round- 
dentate-leaved Prickly) (Hk. 1/641, 
adpd). 572 Scutia indica. 

Buckthorn (Common Winged-nut) Climb- 
er (Hk. 1/631, adpd). 558 Ventilago 

Buckthorn (Grey-downy Winged-nut) 
Climber (Hk. 1/681, adpd). 559 Ven- 
tilago calyculata. 

Buckthorn (‘Tawny-woolly Winged-nut) 
Climber (Hk. 1/631, adpd). 560 Ven- 
tilago bombaiensis. 

Buckthorn (Winged-nut) Climber (Hk. 

576 Colubrina 

1/630, adpd). ccxxvii. Ventilago (ge- 
Buckthorn (Small-feather-nerved ob- 

long-lance-serrate-obtuse-leaved) of 
South- Africa (Nic. 4/209, 5/554, adpd). 
556 Noltea africana. 
Buockthorns (McL. 
Rhamnacez (order). 
Buck Wheat Family (Br. 183) (L/N/S/B),. 
XCI. Polygonacez (order). 

1006). XXXVI. 

Buckool (McL. 108, 350, 351). 1689 
Mimusops Elengi. 

Buekool Sapota (MchL. 351). 1681 Side- 
roxylon tomentosum. 

Buck Wheats (McL. 1006). XCI. Poly- 

gonaceze (order), 
Buddachinee Orange (Bon. 258), 417-b. 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (citrina). 
Buddha’s Flower (Treas. Bot. 1/51), 
cecclii. (bts.) Amherstia (genus), 
Buddha’s (Paripinnate-(12-16)-¢labrous 
long-oblong-acuminate-leaved Scarlet- 
racemed) Flower (Treas. Bot. 1/51, 
Hk. 2/272, adpd). 977 (bis.) Amhers- 
tia nobilis, 


Buddhists (Bo Tree of the) (McL. 100). 

2739 Ficus religiosa. 

Buds (Cassia) (MeL. 137). 
namomum (genus). 

Buff Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/142) (Br. 
(Jaf), 244-1. 

Buff (Crimson based) Shoe Flower (Nic. 
1/142), 244-n. Hibiscus rosa-simensis 

Buff (Double) Shoe Vlower (Nic. 1/142) 
(Br. 16) (Ru/N/77). 244-m. Hibiscus 
rosa-simensis (flava-plena). 

Buff-yellow-shaded apricot-coloured 'Tea 
Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Ru/O/21) (Mu, 55) 
(Hod) (Po), 1105-m. Rosa odorata 

Buffalo Cowitch (McL. 287, 994). 
Mucura atropnrpurea. 

Buffalo Googal (Mech. 78). 
dendron Roxburghii. 

Buffalo Lime (McL. 424), [413 Sphalm] 
418-d, Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (Jam- 

Buffalo Moonnay (McL. 478, 512, 999). 
2298 Premna latifolia. 

Buffalo Myrrh (MeL. 78), 
dendron Roxburghii. 

Buffalo (Wallich’s) Nut (Nic. 3/258). 
2528 Scleropyrum Wallichianum, 

Buffalo Reed (McL. 109). 3283 Saccha- 
rum spontaneum, 

Buffalo Thorn (Mch, 936). 

Buffalo Thorn Cutch (Mech. 935, adpd). 
1037 Acacia latronum. 

Buko (McL. 806). 781 Sesbania grandi- 

Bulbed (Chain-like) Orchid (Hk. 5/788). 
2933 Hria exilis. 

Bulbed (Lichen-like-flat) Orchid (W.A.I): 
2981 (bis.) Hria Lichenora. 

Bulbed (Liverwort-like-flat) Orchid (W. 
A.J). 2981 Hria reticulata. 

Bulbed (Net-like-sac-covered) Orchid 
(W.A.1). 2932 Eria reticosa. 

Bulbed (Netted-surface-depressed) Orchid 
(W.A.L). 2984 Eria Dalzellii. s 

Bulbed (Netted-surface-depressed) Orchid 
(W.A.I). 2935 Hria nana. 

Bulbous rooted yam (McL. 463). 
Dioscorea sativa. 

Bulbous stemmed glaucous Dwarf Date 
(Gbl. 731, adpd). 38166 Phoenix acau- 

Bullace (S. 65, 355). 
communis (insititia). 

Bullace (Black) (Nic. 3/236). 
Prunus communis (insititia). 

Bullace (loud). ccclxxv. Prunus (ge- 

Bullace Plum (Nio. 3/236). 
Prunus communis (insititia). 

dcclxxv. Cin- 


Hibiscus rosa-simensis 


441 Balsamo- 

441 Balsamo- 

1087 Acacia 


1069-b. Prunus 



Bulls Foot 

_ Burdock 


Bullas (McL. 17). 1069-b. Prunus com- 
munis (insititia). 
Bullet Tree of British Guiana (Treas. Bot. 
2/746). 1693 Mimusops globosa. 
Bullock’s-Heart (Bed. 1/9) (Bs/'T/22) 
(Gbl. 30) (Pr. 1/206) (Cat. 6) (Pfl. 425) 
(MoL, 35, 474, 484) (Cag. 292) (Br. 4) 
(Rid. 108). 58 Anona reticulata, 
(McL, 240). 838 Clitoria 
Bully (MeL. 506) (Nic. 3/359) (Br. 
1679 Achras Sapota. 
Bully (American) (McL. 506). 
ras Sapota. 
Bully Tree (Mc. 351). 
lon tomentosum. 
Bully (Indian) Tree (MchL. 351, adpd). 
1681 Sideroxylon tomentosum. 
Bulrush Family (Br. 231) (U/N/S/B). 
CXXIV. Typhacez (Order). 
Bulrush (Nic. 4/118) (8.65) (Pr. 2/1302). 
mxxii, Typha (genus). 
Bulrnsh (Mch. 288). 3248 Typha ele- 
Bulrush (Small) (MeL. 288). 3249 Typha 
Bulrush (Small) of Britain (Nic. 4/118), 
3250 Typha angustifolia 
Bulrushes (McL. 1007), CXXIYV. Vypha- 
cee (Order). 
Bunch Berry (S. 110). 
Bundle (White) flowered Gum Box (Nic. 
1/588). 1126 Escallonia floribunda. 
Bundle-flowered Libonia (Nic. 2/261). 
2265 Jacobinia pauciflora. 
Bunya-Bunya of Queensland (Muell. S.P) 
2834 Araucaria Bidwilli. 
Bunya-bunya-Pine (Nic. 1/106) (S. 32, 65) 
. (Gbl. 703) (Cat. 316). 2834 Araucaria 
Buonaparte’s Blue Passion Flower (Br. 

1679 Ach- 

1681 Sideroxy- 

cdlxxi. Cornus 

68). 1348 Passiflora Buonapartea. 
Bur Tree (Nic. 2/354). 1424 Sambucus 

Burdock Soapnut (Nic. 2/439, 
cexlviii. Nephelium (genus). 
backed oblong-lance-acuminate-leaved) 
Soapnut (Hk. 1/687, adpd). 6389 Ne- 

phelium Litchi, 

Burdock (Multifoliate-(2-12)-obiong-or- 
oboyate-obtuse leaved) Soapnut (Hk. 
1/687, adpd), 638 Nephelium lappa- 

Burdock (Multifoliate-(4-6)-stipuled- 
elaucous-backed elliptic-obtuse leaved) 
Soapnut (Hk. 1/690, adpd). 641 Ne- 
phelium stipulaceum. 

Burdock (Multifoliate-(4-10)-wavy-sub- 
eglaucous-backed Ovate-lance-to-oblong 
subobtuse-leaved) Soapnut (Hk. 1/689, 
adpd), 640 Nephelium Longana. 



‘Burmese Rock Dammer 


Burgundy Fig (Nic, 2/14), 2752 Ficus 

Bargundy Pitch Tree (Nie. 3/182), 2863 
Picex excelsa, 

Burma (Pyingado of) (Gbl. 286). 1002 
Xylia dolabriformis. 

Burma (Thoca Tree of) (Treas. Bot. 1/51). 
977 (bis.) Amherstia nobilis. 

Burma (White Laurel Tulip Tree of) and 
the Straits (Hk, 1/40, adpd). 18 Ta- 
lauma mutabilis. 

Burma Giant Kose (Nic. 5/645) (S. 875) 
(Cag. 593). 1094-c, Rosa involucrata 

Burmah (Distinct carpelled Screw Pine 
of) (Bs/T/658, adpd). 3241 Pandanus 

Burmah (Golden) Bamboo (FAR. 23 to 
48, MBR). 3308-b. Bambusa vulgaris 

Burmah Iron Wood (MclL, 473, 935) (Bs/ 
T/262). 1002 Xylia dolabrifo:mis. 

Burmah White Cedar (Cat. 68). 482 
Cedrela Toona. 

Burmann’s Mussenda (Br. 97). 1487 
Musszeenda frondosa. 

Burmese (Beccari’s) Dwarf Rattan (Hk, 
6/474, adpd). 3223 Zalacca Beccarii. 
Burmese Kino (Mch, 642), [894 Sphalm] 
895 Pterocarpus macrocarpus. 
Burmese Padouk (McL. 418, 642, 749, 
995) (Gbl. 259). 895 Pterocarpus mac- 


(MeL. 259, 
adpd)., 202 (bts.) Hopea odorata, 

Burmese Rose Wood (Nic. 3/246) (McL. 
642). [894 Sphalm] 895 Pterocarpus 

Burmese Rubber (FAR 26, MBR). 
Urceola esculenta. 

Burr (Glabrous tricuspidate leaved Par- 
roquet) (Hk, 1/315, adpd). 331 Trium- 
fetta glabra, 

Barr (dookless bristled Parroquet) (Hk. 
1/394, adpd). 329 Triumfetta tomen- 

Burr (Irregularly-toothed various-leaved 
Parroquet) (Hk. 1/294, adpd). 330 
Triumfetta pilosa. 

Burr (Large fraited Parroque:) (Hk. 
1/394, adpd). 330 Triumfetta pilosa. 
Burr (Ovate acuminate leaved Parroquet) 
(Hk. 1/394, adpd). 329 ‘riumfetta 


Burr (Parroquet) (McL, 169). 
umfetta (genus). 

Burr(Serrate irregularly-rhomboid leaved 
Parroquet) (Hk. 1/395, adpd). 332 
Triamfetta rhomboidea, 

Burr (Shrubby Indian) (McL. 358, 508, 
628, 678, 999, adpd). declv. Psilotri- 
chum (genus). 


exxi, Tri- 


Burr (Small-glabrate-subsessile Ovate- 
elliptic-acute-leaved Indian) (Hk. 
4/725, adpd). 2373-a. Psilotrichum cal- 
ceolatum (typica). 

Borr (Small Ovate-lance-acnte-leaved 
Indian) (Hk. 4/725, adpd). 2372 Psilo- 
trichum nudum. 

Burr (Small-velvetty-sessile Ovate-ellip- 
tic-acute-leaved Indian) (Hk. 4/725, 
adpd), 2373-b. Psilotrichum calceola- 
tum (tomentosa), 

Barr (Unequally-serrate round leaved 

Parroguet) (Hk. 1/395, adpd). 332 
Trinmfetta rotundifolia. 

Burr Mallow (Mch. 234, adpd). xc. Ure- 
na lobata. 

Burr (Angle leaved) Mallow (Mch. 234, 
adpd). 228 Urena lobata. 

Burr (Lobe leaved) Mallow (McL. 234, 
adpd). 229 Urena sinuata. 

Burr (Round leaved) Mallow (MchL. 234, 

adpd). 230 Urena repanda. 
Burr podded Tick Trefoil (Rox. 3/354, 
adpd). ceci. Pseudarthria (genus), 

Burr Wood (MchL. 44). 2095 Withania 

Burratagar (McL. 869). 1836 Taberne- 
montana coronaria (florepleno). 

Burremoy (McL. 391). 162 Tamarix 

Burridge’s Crimson Morning Glory (Nic. 
5/444) (Rid. 54). 2029-c. Ipomza pur- 
purea (Burridgei). 

Burry ‘failed Tick Trefoil (Br. 52, adpd). 
794 Uraria hamosa. 

Burweed (West Indian) (McL. 169, 1022). 
exxi. Triumfetta (genus). 

Bush (Huropean Caper) 
104 Capparis spinosa. 

Bush (Jew) (McL. 7). 

Bush Honeysuckle (8. 139), 
villa florida. 

Bush (Yellow) Tea of the Cape (Treas. 
Bot, 1/369), 921 Cyclopia galegoides. 
Bushy (Monsieur Noisette’s) Cluster Rose 

(Cag. 601). 1108 Rosa Noisettiana. 

Bushy Firebrand Teak (McL. 473, 512, 
884, 997, adpd). 22802 Premna herbacea. 

Bushy Gardenia (McL. 291). 1498 Randia 

Bushy (Yellow-leaved) Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/576, adpd). 

Bushy Roundish leaved Sweet Thorn (Hk, 
1/194, adpd). 137 Flacourtia sepiaria. 
Bushy Smooth Jasmine (McL. 384, adpd). 

1764 Jasminum rigidum, 

Bushy Smooth leaved Homzecanthus Rose 
(Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 8/314) (Cag. 598). 
11038 Rosa inica. 

Bushy Stringy Bark (Bth. 3/217). 
Eucalyptus stricta. 

(Muell. S.P). 
2543 Pedilanthus 

1480 Dier- 


490 Olax acumin- 


Bussorah (Red) Rose (Cag. 591). 1098-a, 
Rosa damascena (typica). 

Bussorah Rose (MchL. 3822) (Cag. 591). 
1098 Rosa damascena. 

Bussorah (\White) Rose (Cag. 591). 
1098-b. Rosa damascena (alba). 
But-but (Ba/T/358). 1197 Hucalyptus 

Butcher’s Broom (§S. 328) (Nic. 3/335), 
emlxiii, Ruscus (genus). 

Butea Gum Tree (McL. 645). 

Butter (Midshipman’s) (Mch. 619). 
Persea gratissima. 

Butter (Kokam) (Gbl. 54). 

Butter (Subaltern’s) (MeL. 19) (Br. 186) 
(Cag. 218) (Rid. 100,134), 2441 Persea 

Butter (Large) Banana (Cag. 206) (Cat. 
322). 3042-c. Musa sapientum (Dacca). 

Butter (Small) Banana (Cag. 206) (Cat: 

828 Butea 

171 Garcinia 

222), 3042-c. Musa sapientum (Dacca). 

Butter Fruit (Mu. 45), 2441 Persea 

Butter-milk Jeaf Plant (McL. 4). 327 
Grewia microcos. 

Butter-milk Root (McL. 812). 3088 
Asparagus racemosus, 

Butter Seed Tree (McL. 777). 1380 Bixa 

Butter (Caffre) Shrub (S. 106). cdvi. 

Combretum (genus). 

Butter (Cokum) Tree (Mch, 469), 171 
Garcinia indica. 

Butterfly Pea (S. 66, 102). 

Butterfly Soapnut (Bed. 2/158, adpd). 
cexjix. Harpullia (genus). 

Butterfly (Multifoliate-(6-12)-chartaceous- 
ovate-elliptic-acuminate-leave) Soapnut 
(Hk. 1/692, adpd), 642 Harpuilia 

Butterfiy-wing Arrowroot of Brazil (Nico. 
1/237). 3014 Maranta Massangeana, 

Button Flower (Nic. 2/78). 
Gomphia (genus). 

Button (Narrow leaved) Flower (Nic. 
2/78, Ilk. 1/525, adpd). 488 Gomphia 
augustifolia, ; 

Button Tree (Treas. Bot. 1/184, 323). 
cdiv. Anogeissus (genus). 

Button (Small-downy-backed Jance-acute- 
leaved) Tree (Hk. 2/451, adpd). 1155 
Anogeissus acuminata, 

Button (Small-rusty-villous elliptic: obtuse- 
leaved) Tree (Hk. 2/450, adpd). 1154-b. 
Anogeissus latifolia (villosa). 

Button (Small-to-medium-glabrous ellip- 

tic-obtuse-leaved) Tree (Hk. 2/450, 
adpd). 1154-a. Anogeissus latifolia 

ecexy. Clitoria 



Button (Very-small-silky-downy elliptic- 
obtuse-leaved) Tree (Hk. 2/450, adpd). 
1154-c, Anogeissus latifolia (parvifolia). 

Button Wood (H/E.F). decclxxxy. Plat- 
anus (genua), 

Buttons (Nice. 

Byebarang (McL. 111, 997, 1025). 
Embelia Ribes. 

Bynee (McL. 777). 

4/8). 1619 Tanacetum 

3152 Caryota urens. 


Caa-Cuys (Nic. 2/175). 507 Ilex para- | 

Caa-mini (Nic. 2/175). 507 Ilex para- 

Caa-quaza (Nic. 2/175). 507 Ilex para- 

Caballine Aloe (McL. 21), 3118 Aloé 

Cabbage Palm (8.379). m. Sabal (genus). 

Cabbage Palm (Cag. 342) (Ru.(//18). 
3157 Oreodoxa oleracea. 

Cabbage (Bronze stalked American) Palm 
(Nic. 2/521, adpd). 3158 Oreodoxa 

Cabbage (Flagelliferous American) Palm 
(Cooke. 2/810). 3156 Oreodoxa regia. 
Cabbage (Longer leafietted American) 
Palm (Nic. 2/521, adpd). 3157 Ureo- 

doxa oleracea. 

Cabbage (Shorter leafletted American) 
Palm (Nic. 
doxa regia. 

Cabbage Palmetto 
S8apal Palmetto. 

Cabbage Palm of America (Nic. 2/521). 
emxcii. Oreodoxa (genus). 

Cabbage Palm of Brazil (Rid. 366) (Jaf. 
131). 3158 Oreodoxa Sancona. 

Cabbage Palm of Brazil (Rid. 266) (Jaf. 
131). (?) 3160 Euterpe edulis (?). 

Cabbage Palm of India (Nic. 1/109) (S. 33). 
emlxxi. Areca (genus). 

Cabbage Palm of the Southern United- 
states (S. 379). 3184 Sabal Palmetto. 
Cabbage Palm of the West Indies (Nic. 
2/521) (Br. 326) 3157 Oreodoxa 


Cabbage Rose (McL. 321, 995) (Mu. 57) 
(Br. 70) (Hod) (Hk. 2/346) (Nic. 2/321) 

(Nic. 3/338). 3184 

(S. 61, 375). Cag. 590) (Ru/N/89, 0/19). 

1099 Rosa centifolia (ty pica). 
Cabbage Tree (McL. 40). 3121 
Cabbage (Medicinal) Tree (McL. 40). 
3121 Areca Catechu. 
Cabbage Wood (McL. 111, 
Eriodendron anfractuosum. 
Cabinet Rose Wood (Pfi. 137). (?) 889 
Dalbergia lanceolaria (?). 


235). 261 

2/521, adpd). 3156 Oreo-: 


Cabobcheeny of Bengal (McJ.. 677). 2405 
Piper Cubeba. 

Cabobcheeny of Madras (McL. 11). 1207 
Pimenta acris. 
Cabob Pepper (McL. 677). 2405 Piper 


Cabool Prune (McL. 17). 
communis (domestica). 
Cabool Rice (MeL. 111). 

Cacao (MchL. 195) (Nic. 4/26) (Ell. 5655). 
302 Theobroma Cacao, 

1069-d. Prunus 
1661 Embelia 

Cactus (Nic. 1/230). LVII. Cactacex 
Cactus (Cochineal) (Muell. S.P) (Nic. 

2/454) (Cavanagh Mad. Mail 31/3/05). 
1377 Nopalea coccinellifera. 

Cactus (Cochineal) (S. 300) edlvi, [Sphalm] 
1377 Nopalea coccinellifera. 

Cactus (Exsert styled and stamened) (Nic. 

2/454), cdlv. Nopalea (genus). 
Cactus (Hooker’s Leaf) (Nic. 
1376 Phyllocact us Hookeri. 

Cactus (Hooker’s Leaf) (Br. 92) [1875 
Sphalm] 13876 Phyllocactus Hookeri. 

Cactus (Indian Fig) (8. 213). 1383 Opun- 
tia vulgaris. ; 


| Cactus (Leaf) (Nic. 1/575) Br. 92). edliii. 

Epiphyllum (genus). 

Cactus (Leaf) (Nic. 3/112) (Br. 92), edliv. 
Phyllocactus (genus). 
Cactus (Leaf flowering) (S. 151). cdliii. 

Epiphyllum (genus). 

Cactus (Leaf-sinus flowering (Nic. 3/112). 
edliv, Phyllocactus (genus). 

Cactus (Leaf-tip flowering) (Nic. 1/515). 
edliii. Epiphyllum (genus). 

Cactus (Melon) (Nic. 3/348) (S. 267). 1369 
Melocactus communis. 

Cactus (Melon-shaped) (Cag. 549). 1369 
Melocactus communis. 
Cactus (Night-flowering) (8.291). cdlii. 

Cereus (genus). 
Cactus (Old-man) (Cavanagh, Mad. Mail 
34/3/05). 1881 Opuntia leucotricha. 

Cactus (Pink flowered Leafy) (Br. 92)’ 
1384 Pereskia Bleo. 

Cactus (Prickly) 
Opuntia (genus). 

Cactus (Purple-centred Orauge Leaf) 
(Nic. 1/515). 13874g. Epiphyllum 
truncatum (elegans). 

Cactus (Purple-edged White Leaf) (Nic. 
1/575). 1874-d. Epiphyllum truncatum 

Cactus (Rosy-edged-White Leaf) (Nic. 
1/515). 1374-b, Epiphyllum truncataum 

Cactus (Rosy Leaf) (Nic. 1/515). 1374a. 
Epiphyllam truncatum (rosenm). 

(Cag. 552). cdlvi. 


Cactus (Rosy-tipped Large White Leaf 
(Nic. 1/515). 1374-c. Epipbyllum trun- 
catum (magnificum). 

Cactus (Salmon-coloured Leaf) (Nic. 
1/515). 1374-f. Epiphyllum truncatum 

Cactus (Scarlet Leaf) (Nic. 1/515). 
1374-h. Epiphyllum truncatum (cocci- 


Cactus (Turk’s Cap) (Nic. 3/848) (8. 267, | 

441) (Cag. 
Cactus (Violet-centred Purple Leaf) (Nic. 
1/515). 1874-1. Epiphyllum truncatum 


Cactus (Violet-edged White Leaf) (Nic. 

Cactus (White-and-rosy streaked Leaf) 
(Nic. 3/113). 1375 Phyllocactus phyllan- 

Cactus (White Leaf) (Nic. 2/118). 
Pnyllocactus Hookevi. 
Cadalcandel (MeL. 470). 

zera racemosa. 

549). 1869 Meiocactus 


1156 Lumuit- 

Cadalay (McL. 112, 995). cdxxxviii. 
Lagerstrcemia (genus). 

Cadamba (McL. 112). cdlxxx. Adina 

Cadamba (McL. 112). cdlxxi. Stephegyne 

Cadamba (McL, 112). 
phalus (genus). 

cdlxxix, Anthoce- 

Cadamba (Common) (McL, 112, 478, 996). | 

1988 Anthocephalus Cadamba. 

Cadamba (Female) (McL. 112), 
Stephegyne parvifolia 

Cadamba (Fleshy-frnited) (Bdn/F.P,adpd). 
delxxviii. Sarcocephalus (genus). 

Cadamba (Fleshy-receptacled capsular- 
ball) (Bdn/F.P, adpd). delxxix. 
Anthocephalus (genus). 

Cadamba (Imbricate-petalled capsular- 
ball) (Hk. 3/18, adpd). delxxxii. 
Naucles (genus). 

Cadamba (Jasmine) (McL. 366). 1517 
Guettarda speciosa. 

Cadamba (Large-or-medium-downy- 
backed Round-heart-cuspidate-leaved) 
(Hk. 3/24, adpd). 1439 Adinez cordi- 

Cadamba (Lobed-calyxed Capsular-Ball) 
(Bdn/F.P, adpd). delxxx. Adina 

Cadamba (Long-leathery-down-backed- 
oyate-or-elliptic-acute leaved) (Hk. 
3/23, adpd). 1438 Amnthocephalus 

Cadamba (Medium-downy -backed-gla- 
brate Heart-or-ovate-obtuse leayed) 
(Bs/T/367, adpd). 1487 Sarcocephalus 


| Cadamba 
1374-e. Epiphyllum truncatum | 


Cadamba (Medium-glabrate  ovate- 
obovate-round-to-oblong-obtuse leaved) 
(Hk. 2/25, adpd). 1440 Stephegyne 

Cadamba (Medium-membranous-downy- 
backed: elliptic-obovate-cuspidate leay- 
ed) (Bs/T/370, adpd). 1441 Stephegyne 

Cadamba (Medium-membranons-elliptic- 
lance-acuminate leaved) (Bs/T/266, 
adpd). 1437 (dis.) Sarcocephalus mis- 

Cadamba (Medium-membranous elliptic- 
subacute-leaved) (Hk. 3/26, adpd). 
1442 Nauclea purpurea. 

(Cb-3/88). 1487 Sarcocephalus corda- 

Cadamba (Sea) (Mech. 112). 
ring tonia racemosa. 

Cadamba (Truncate-calyxed COapsnular- 
Ball) (Bdn/F.T.M adpd). delxxxi. 
Stephegyne (genus). 

Cadamba (Water) (McL. 112, 473, 996). 
1440 Stephegyne parvifolia. 

Cadamba (Yellow) (McL. 112, 777, 884, 
982, 996). 1439 Adina cordifolia. 

Cadamba Tree (Pfl. 77). 1438 Anthoce- 
phalus Cadamba. 

Caditchay (McL. 30). 

1274 Bar- 

13386 Casearia 


Cadookkay (Mc. 118). 946 Cassia Fis- 

Cadookye (Meu. 113). 1146 Terminalia 

Cafire Butter Shrub (S. 106). 
bretum (genus). 

Caffree chilly (McL. 170, 484, 677, 998). 
2094 (tris.) Capsicum grossum. 

Caffre Lime of Ceylon (Bon. 82, 

cedvyi. Com- 


414-a. Citrus Hystrix (typica). 
Cahata (McL. 214). 1276 Careya arbo- 

Cahoun-nut Palm (Treas: Bot). 
Attalea Cohune. 

Caillat (Madame) Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod). 


1107-¢. Rosa hy brida-semperflorens 

Cajan (Nic. 1/282). cecxix. Cajanus 

Cajan Pea (McL. 274). 854 Cajanus 

Cajeput (Mcl. 114, 995) (Muell. §.P). 
1219 Melaleuca Leucadendron. 

Cajeput Oil Tree (Gbl. 311) (Bdn/F. T) 
(Br. 77) (Cag. 568). 1219 Melaleuca 

Cajuput Oil Tree (Bs/T/329), 
leuca Leucadendron. 

Cajuputi (Nic, 2/343). 

1219 Mela- 

1219 Melaleuca 


Cake Mallow (McL. 914), 222 Abutilon 

Calaba (Awerican) (McL. 70+), 
Calophyllum (genus). 
Calaba Tree (McL. 705). 

lum Wightianum. 
Calabash (African) (McL. 73). 
sonia digitata. 

Ixx. | 

183 Calophyl- 
257 Adan- 

Calabash (African) Tree (Treas. Bot). 
2152 Kigelia pinnata. 
Calabash Tree Family (Br. 188). 

LXXXII. Bignomiacew (order). 

Calabash Tree (Nic. 1/395) (Cag. 451). 
2155 Crescentia Cujete. 

Calabash (Mexican) Tree (Br. 134). 
Parmentiera alata. 

Calabash (West Indian) Tree (Cat. 213). 
[2155  Sphalm} 2155 Crescentia Cujete. 

Calabash (West Indian) Tree (Cat. 213) 
(Br. 134). 2155 Crescentia Cujete. 

Calabash (Wing-petioled) (Treas. Bot). 
2157 Parmentiera alata. 

Calabrian Manna (cL, 471). 
Fraxinus Ornus. 

Calah(McL. 132). 

Calah (Large) (McL. 132). 

Calamby (McL. 120, 998). 
meea (genus). 

Calaminder (Anaimalai) Wood (Gbl. 460, 
MchL. 366, adpd). 1716 Diospyros 

Calarvah (Small) (McL, 913). 
vadora persica. 

Calcad-Hills (Eugene Myrtle of the) of 
Tinnevelly (McL. 379, adpd). 1263 
Eugenia calcadensis. 

Caldera Bush (Mc. 801) (Br. 230) (Ell. 
425), 3244 Pandanus odoratissimus. 
Caledonian Pine (Cat. 316). 2835 Arau- 

caria Cookil. 

Caledonia (New) Pine (Nic. i/106 (S. 289). 
2835 Araucaria Cookii. 

Calico Bush (Nic. 2/216) (S. 224). 
Kalmnia latifolia. 

California (Bastard Cedar of) (Muell. 8. 
P). 2827 Sequoia sempervirens, 

California (Giant Tree of) (FAR. 2, 
NLGS). 2826 Sequoia gigantea. 

California (Mammoth Pine of) (S. 393). 
2826 Sequoia gigantea, 

California (Mammoth Tree of) (Nic. 3/422) 
(S. 260, 398) (Cag. 240). 2826 Sequoia 

California (Red Wood of) (Muell. 8.P.) 
(H/E.F) (Gbl. 750) (8. 898). 2827 
Sequoia sempervirens. 

California (Tubercled Pine of) (H/E.F) 
(Nic. 3/146). 2859 Pinus tuberculata. - 

California (Torrey’s Pine of) (H/E.®) (Nic. 
5/605). 2858 Pinus Torreyana. 

Californian Cinchona (McL. 436). 1729 
Symplocos racemosa. | 



1806 Carissa Carandas, 
1806 Carissa 

dclviii, Ipo- 

1799 Sal- 



Californian (North) Cypress (Mueil. §.P) 
2812 Curpressus Lawsoniana. 

Cahfornian (South) Cypress (Muell. §.P) 
(Bs/S/260, NLGS) (Poty. 251). 2808 
Cupressus macrocarpa. 
Californian Evergreen Red Wood (Nic. 
3/420), 2827 Sequoia sempervirens, 
Californian Giant Trees (H/E.F). cmiii, 
Sequoia (venus). 

Californian May Bush (S. 325). ccclxxxvi. 
Photinia (genus). 

Californian Nut Pine (Muell. S.P). 
Pinus Sabiniana. 

Californian Pepper Tree (Nic. 3/881) (Cag. 
631). 656 Schinus molle. 

Californian Quinine (McL. 486, adpd). 
alxiii. Symplocos (genus). 

Californian Screw Bean Mesquit (McL. 
501). 1006 Prosopis pubescens. 

Calisaya Bark (Mch. 420) (Nic. 1/327). 
1445-a. Chinchona Calisaya (typica). 

Caller’s Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/142) (Cag. 


653). 244-n. Hibiscus rosa-simensis 
Callicarpa (Dewny) (McL. 908). 2288 
Callicarpa lanata. 
Callicarpa (Wolly) (McL. 908). 2288 

Callicarpa lanata. 
Callimato Tree (Cag, 241), 
balanus Icaco. 
Callous-tipped oblong leaved Climbing 
Caper (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 111 Cappa- 
ris Moonu. 
Callous-toothed Woolly Heart Vine (McL, 
32, adpd). 596 Vitis indica, 

1062 Chryso- 

Calophony Wood (L/N/S/B). cixxii. Bur- 
sera (genus). 

Calophyllum (Sweet-scented) (MeL. 705). 
181 Calophyllum inophyllum, 

Calosanthes (Indian) (McL. 732). 2119 
Oroxylum indicum. 

Caltrops fruited Linden (Hk. 1/894, 

exxx. Erinocarpus (genus). 
leaved) Linden (Hk. 
328 Hrinocarpus Nim- 

Caltrops (Round 
1/394, adpd). 
Calumba (McL. 120) (Ol, 1/43) (Gbl. 24). 
92 Jateorrhiza Calumba. 
Calumba (False) (McL. 120). 
nium fenestratum. 
Caly’s Foe (McL. 101). 
Calycine Apetalous Virgin’s Bower (Hk. 
1/1, adpd). i, Clematis (genus), 
Calycine (Medium-membranous  ovate- 
lance- elliptic-or-oblong- obtuse-to-acu- 
minate leaved) Croton (Hk. 5/403, 
adpd). 2651 Blachia denudata. 
Calycine (Medium-membranous-subsessile 
elliptic-rhombic-cuspidate leaved) Cro- 
to (Hk. 5/402, adpd). 2648 Blachia 

82 Cosci- 

926 Cesalpinia 


Calycine (Medium-to-long-membranous 
date leaved) Croton (Hk. 5/400, adpd). 
2654 Dimorphocalyx Lawianus. 

Calycine (small-leathery elliptic-ovate-to- 
oblong-acute-to-obtuse leaved) Croton 
(Hk, 5/463, adpd). 2658 Dimorphoealyx 


Calycine (Small-membranous _ elliptic- 
rhombic-obtuse-or-cuspidate leaved) 
Croton (Hk. 5/402, adpd). 2649 Bla- 

chia reflexa. 

Calycine (Very-small-membranous sub- 
sessible elliptic-rhombic-or-lance- 
obtuse-or-cuspidate leayed) Croton 
(Hk. 5/402, aapd). 2650 Blachia caly- 

Calycine Mangrove (Mch. 470, adpd). 
ecexeviil. Bruguiera (genus). 

Calycine Tragia (Mch. 144). 2697 Tragia 

Calysaccion (Long leaved) (Br. 30). 180 
Ochrocarpus longifolius. 

Calyxed (White) Crimson flowered Glory 
Tree (S. 101, Nic. 1/341, adpd). 2325 
Clerodendron Thompsonee. 

Calyxed (Large) Justicewort (Trees. Bot). 
deexiii. Jacobinia (genus). 

Calyxed (Tubular) Mangrove (McL. 470, 
adpd). ceexcvili. Bruguiera (genus). 
Calyxed (Tube) Passion Flower (Nic. 

4/3). cdxlviii. Tacsonia (genus). 

Calyxed (Cup) White Cedar (Hk. 1/546, 
adpd). 456 Dysoxylum binectariferum. 

Cambay (McL. 291). 1506 Gardenia 

Cemel Thorn (McL. 38) (Bs/T/235) (Gbi. 
237). 783 Alhagi camelorum. 

Camel Thorn (McL. 618). 363 Fagonia 

Camel Thorn Bean Caper (McL. 618, 
adpd). 3863 Fagonia arabica. 

Camel’s Foot (Cag. 625). ceclvii. Bauhi- 
nia (genus). 

Camel’s-foot (Gigantic) (Mn). 
hinia Vahlii. 

Camel’s-foot (Enormous) Climber (Cat. 

994 Bau- 

118). 994 Bauhinia Vahlii. 

Camel’s Foot Tree (Cat.112). 997 Bau- 
hinia variegata, 

Camellia (Garden) (Gbl. 68). 193 Camel- 

lia Japonica. 

Cametty Hagle Wood (McL. 892). 2706 
Excecaria Agallocha, 

Camille (Madame) Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/O/21) (Po). 1105-n. Rosa odorata 

Campeachy Wood (Nic. 2/108). 942 
Hzematoxylon campechianum. 

Camphire (McL. 508). 1814 Lawsonia 

Camphire (Sweet smelling) (McL. 503). 
1314 Lawsonia alba. 


Camphor (McL. 121) (Bdn/F.T) (Cag. 

433) (Rid. 134) (Ooty 18). 2440 Cinna- 
momum Camphora. 
Camphor (China) (Moh. 188). 2440, 

Cinnamomum camphora. 
Camphor (Common) (McL. 188, 998). 
2440 Cinnamomum Camphora. 

Camphor (Dutch) (Mch. 188). 2440 
Cinnamomum Camphora. 
Camphor (Formosa) (McL. 188). 2440 

Cinnamomum Camphora. 

Camphor (Japan) (McL. 188) (Bs/T/534) 
(Gbl. 560, 564). 2440 Cionamomum 

Camphor (Officinal) (Mch. 188). 2440 
Cinnamomum Camphora. 
Camphor (True) (Bed. 1/184). 2440 

Cinnamomum Camphora. 

Camphor Cinnamon (McL. 188, 999). 
2440 Cinnamomum Camphora. 
Camphor Cutchrah (McL. 1042). 

Hedychium coronarium. 
Camphor (Sumatra) Family (L/N/S/B). 
XVIII. Dipterocarpacese (order). 


Camphor Laurel (McL. 188, 999). 2440 
Cinnamomum Camphora. 
Camphor Leaf (Mchl. 368). dccxlvi. 

Salvia (genus). 

Camphor Tree (McL. 188). 
momum Camphora. 

Camphor Tree of China and Japan 
(Muell. S.P). 2440 Cinnamomum Cam- 

Camphor Tendoory (Mcl. 1042). 
Hedychium coronarium. 

Camphorated Typhus 
(L/N/S/B). XCIV. 

Camphorated Typhus Rcot (L/N/S/B). 
deelxix. Chloranthus (genus). 

Camphorated (Red berried) Typhus Root 
(I/N/S/B, adpd). 2419 Chloranthus 

Canada (False Savin of) (Nic. 2/218). 
2823 Juniperus prostrata. 

Canada (Sassafras Tree of) (Muell. S.P) 
(H/E.F) (Nic. 8/867) (Gbl. 559) (FAR. 
25,GJM). 2442 Sassafras officinale. 

Canada Tea (Nic. 2/56) (S. 176). dxxxviili, 
Gaultheria (gens). 

Canadian Juniper (Nic. 
Juniperus prostrata. : 

Cananga Flower Tree (MchL. 3850). 35 
Canangium odoratum. 

Canapa (McL. 367). 1274 Barringtonia 

Canara (Distinct carpelled Screw Pine of) 
(Bs/T/659, adpd). (? 3241) 3242 Panda. 
nus canaranus (?). — 

Canara (Red Ebony of) (Gbl. 462, McL. 
366, adpd). 1720 Diospyros crumenata. 

Canara (Talbot’s) Black Plum (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1247 Eugenia utilis. 

2440 Cinna- 


Root Family 

2/213). 2823 




Canara Bottle Flower (McL. 900, adpd). 
1494 Webora canarica, 

Canara Cocoanut (Cag. 198). 
Cocos nucifera (casarana), 

Canary-Islands (Dragon Tree of the) 
(Mnuell S.P) (Nic. 1/490) (S. 144, 145) 
(Gbl. 714). ane Dracwna Draco. 

Canary-Islands Yellow Broom (Nic, 1/430), 
741 Cytisus canariensis. 

Canary-Isles Date Palm (Ooty. 322) (Nic. 
3/104). 3172 Phoenix canariensis. 

Qanary Oil Plant (Mc. 287). 446 Cana- 
rium commune. 

Canary White Wood of America (Kew. 
Bull. 5/1912), 16 Liriodendron tulipi- 



Canary-yellow Bengal Rose (Ru/O/18) 
(Mu. 57). 1108-i. Rosa indica (benga- 

Canary-yellow Tea Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 

N/91, O/21). 1105-f. Rosa odorata 
Cancerwort (Nic. 4/147). delxxix. 

Veronica (genus). 
Candahar Tree (McL. 135). 2305 Gmelina 

Candel (McL. 122). 1184 Kandelia 
Candel (Demon) (McL. 470). 1130 

Rhizophora mucronata. 

Candel mangrove (McL. 470, 995). 
Kandelia Rheedii. 

Candel (White) Mangrove (McL. 470, 704, 


995). 1180 Rhizophora mucronata. 
Candelabra Tree (Nic. 3/16). 3246 ° | 
Pandanus candelabrum. 
Candelaria Mangrove (McL. 470). [1130 

Sphalm} 1131 Rhizophora conjugata. 
Candleberry Myrtle (8. 75, 281). 
decelxxxv. (bés.) Mvrica (genus). 

Candle Berry Tree (Nic. 1/46) (Cat. 255). 
2633 Aleurites ee 

Candle Nut (Mc. 438) (Gbl. 613) (Cag. 
217). 2633 Aleurites molaccana. 

CandJe Tree (Nic. 3/24) (Cag. 456) (Ru/O/ 
13), 2156 Parmentiera cerifera. 

Candy Plant (McL. 274). 854 Cajanus 

Cane (Bamboo) (McL. 59). 

Cane (Baraquin’s Dumb) (Nic. 1/472). 
3265-e. Dieffenbachia picta (Baraqui- 

Care (Bause’s Hybrid Dumb) (Nic. 1/472). 
3265-b. Dieffenbachia picta (Bausei). 

3304 Bambusa 

Cane (Blotchy-primary-veined Broad- 
leaved Dumb) (Nic. 1/474, adpd). 3264 
Dieffenbachia Seguine. } 

Cane (Blotchy-primary-veined Long- 
narrow-leaved Dumb) (Nic. 5/322). 

3267 Dieffenbachia Jenmani. 


Cane (Bowmann’s Dumb) (Nic. 1/472) 

3265-g. Dieffenbachia picta 

Cane (Chair-bottom) (McL. 751). 3209 
Calamus Kotang. 

Cane (Common Dumb) (Nic. 1/474). 

3264-a. Dieffenbachia Seguine (typica). 

Cane (Common Sugar) (Bll. 482) (Pr. 84). 
3282 Saccharum officinarum. 

Cane (Dark-green-margined-and-irregu- 
larly-blotched White-spotted-yellowish- 
green Dumb) (Nic. 1/472). 3265-b. 
Dieffenbachia picta (Bausei), 

Cane (Deep-green-margined-and-streaked 
Pale-green-blotchy-veined Whitish- 
green Dumb) (Nic. 1/474). 3264-d. 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (Regina). 

Cane  (Deep-green-margined copiously- 
wuite-blotchy-veined-and-spotted Rich- 
deep-green Dumb) (Nic. 1/474). 3264-£. 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (nobilis). 

Cane (Devil Sugar) (McL. 858). 
Saccharum arundinaceum. 

Cane (Dragon’s Blood) (McL. 282) (Rid. 
111). 3219 Demonorops Draco. 

Cane (Dumb) (S. 1389). mxxv. Dieffen- 
bachia (genus). 


Cane (Dusky Sugsr) (McL. 811, adpd). 
3285 Saccharam fuscum. 
Cane (Ground Rattan) (N. 3/287) (S. 

364) (Cat. 331). 

Cane (Ivory Dumb) (Nic. 1/472). 
Dieffenbachia picta (eburnea), 

Cane (Ivory-white-midribbed-and-petioled 
Irregularly-white-spotted Bright-light- 
green Dumb) (Nic. 1/472). 3265-e. 
Dieffenbachia picta (Baraquiniana), 

Cane (Tvory-white-spotted-and-dotted 
Delicate-light-green Dumb) (Nie. 
1/472). $265-c. Dieffenbachia vieny 

Cane (Java) (Rid. 865) (Jaf. 199). 
Calamus javensis. 

Cane (King’s Dumb) (Ru/N/111, 0/33) 
(Mu. 49). 3264-c. Dieffenbachia 
Segnine (Rex). 

Cane (Long-blotch-veined-and-irregularly- 
short-blotched Pea-green Dumb) (Nic. 
4/822), 3267 Dieffenbachia Jenmani. 

Cane (Malacca) (McL. 463) (Rid. 265) 
(Jaf. 129). 3215 Calamus scipionum. 
Cane (Marbled Dumb) (Cag. 327) (Ru/N/ 
111). 8265-d. ‘Dieffenbachia picta 


Cane (Noble Dumb) (Nic. 1/474). 3264-f. 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (nobilis), 

Cane (Pale-green-margined White-blotchy- 
veined very-deep-green Dumb) (Nic. 
1/474). 3264-c. Dieffenbachia Seguine 

3201 Rhapis flabelii- 




Cane (Pea-green-irregularly-blotched-and- 
spotted Rich-deep-green Dumb) (Nie. 

1/472).  3265-g. Dieffenbachia picta 
Cane (Pellucid-white-blotchy-veined 

deep-green Dumb (Nic. 1/474). 3264-a. 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (typica). 

Cane (Prince’s Dumb) (Nic. 1/474). 
3265-f. Dieffenbachia picta (Princeps). 

Cane (Queen’s Dumb) (Nic. 1/474). 
3264-d. Dieffenbachia Seguine 

Cane (Rattan) (McL. 751) (HI. 128). 
3207 Calamus viminalis. 

Cane (Rattan) (Rid. 111, 265) (Br. 226) 
(W. 36, 49, 51, 78) (Ell. 124). 3209 
Calamus Rotang. 

Cane (Reedy sugar) (Mc, 484, 811, 856, 
1002, adpd), 38284 Saccharum arundi- 

Cane (Silvery green-centred yellow- 
spotted Dark-green Dumb) (Nic. 1/474). 
3265-f. Dieffenbachia (Princeps). 

Cane (Sour) (MeL. 751). 3207 Calamus 

Cane (Splendid Dumb) (Nic. 1/474) (Mu. 
50). 8264-e. Dieffenbachia Seguine 
(splendens) (spectabilis ?). 

Cane (Spotted Dumb) (Nic. 1/474). 
Dieffenbachia picta. 

Cane (Streaked Dumb) (Ru/N/111, 0/33) 
(Mu. 49). 3264-b. Dieffenbachia 
Seguine (lineata). 

Cane (Sugar) (Mch. 484) (8. 379). mxxxy. 
Saccharum (genus). 

Cane (Sugar) (McL. 306, 857, 1002) (Pr. 
2/1189) (Nic. 3/849) (8. 200, 949). 3282 
Saccharum officinarum. 

Cane (Water) (McL. 751). 

Cane (White-blotched-and-spotted shin- 
ing sombre-green Dumb) (Nic. 1/474). 
3268 Dieffenbachia magnifica. 

Cane (White-central-feathered Dumb) 
(Nic. 1/474).  3264-g. Dieffenbachia 
Seguine (Shuttleworthii). 


3207 Calamus 

Cane (White-spotted Dumb) (Nic. 1/474). 

3265-a. Dieffenbachia picta (typica). 

Cane (Whitish-striated-and-blotehy-veined 
Rich-velvetty-deep-bottle-green Dumb) 
(Nic. 1/474).  3264-e. Dieffenbachia 
Seguine (splendens). 

Cane (Wild Sugar) (McL. 484, 856, 1002). 
3284 Saccharum arundinaceum., 
Cane (Wild sugar) (Mch. 569, 850). 

Saccharum spontaneum. 

Cane Betel Palm (Mch. 675, adpd), 
emlxxvii. Pinanga (genus). 

Cane (Himalayan) Betel Palm (Mch. 675, 
adpd). 3134 Pinanga gracilis. 

Cane (Straits) Betel Palm (McL. 675, 
adpd). 3133 Pinanga disticha. 



Cane (Western Ghauts) Betel Palm (Meu, 
675, adpd). 3132 Pinanga Dicksonii. 
Cane (Flagelliferous Acuminate) Feather ~ 
Palm (Hk. 6/436, adpd). myii. 

Calamus (genus). 

Cane (Flagelliferous Acuminate) Feather 
Palm (Hk. 6/464, adpd). mviii. 
Deemonorops (genus). 

Cane (Prickly Acuminate) Feather Palm 
(Hk. 6/473, adpd). mix. Zalacca 

Cane (Unarmed Acuminate) Feather Palm 
(Cae. 890, adpd). 3144 Geonoma 

Cane (Dumb) of Brazil and Tropical 
America (Nic. 1/472 to 474). 3265 
Dieffenbachia picta. 

Cane (Dumb) of British Guiana (Nic. 
5/322). 3267 Dieffenbachia Jenmani. 
Cane (Native) of Ceylon (Rid. 111, 263) 

(Jaf.129). 3205 Calamus rivalis. 

Cane (Shuttleworth’s Demb) of Columbia 
(Nie 1/474). 8264.¢. Dieffenbachia 
Seeuine (Shuttleworthii). ’ 

Cane (South American Dwarf) Palm (8. 
177, Nic. 2/68, adpd). cmlxxxvi. 
Geonoma (genus). 

Cane (Travancore) Palm (Rox. 3/621, 
adpd). 8143 Bentinckia coddapanna. 
Cane (Dumb) of the West Indies (Nic. 
1/474). 3264 Dieffenbachia Seguine. 
Cane (Blotchy-secondary-veined Dumb) 

uf Venezuela (Nic. 1/474). 3268 
Dieffenbachia magnifica, 

Cane Osier (Kew Bull-/96) (FAR. 35, 
36/NLGS). 2804 Salix viminalis. 

Canes (McL. 937). mvii. Calamus 

Cannona-hball Tree (Nic. 1/890) (Cag. 570) 
(Cat. 146). 1277 Couroupita guia- 

Cannon-ball Tree (Bdn/F.T). [476 

Sphalm} 1277 Couroupita guianensis, 
Cannon-balit Tree of the Southern Hills 

(Bed, 2/266, Cat. 12, adpd). 144 

Asteriastigma mazrocarpum. 

Canoe (Travancore) Wood (Ghl. 382, 

adpd). 1368 Tetrameles nudiflora. 

Cantala Aloe (McL. 21). 3052 Agave 

Cantalam (Mch. 124, 911). — ceclxvii. 
Acacia (genus), 

Canton Pomelo (Bon. 299). 422-d, 

Citrus decumana-typica (pragnans). 

Caoutchoue (Indian) (McL. 78, 353, 473, 
1000) (Il. 280) (Bs/T/608) (Gbl. 641), 
2784 Ficus elastica, 

Caoutehoue (Malabar) (McL, 663), 1684 
Dichopsis elliptica. 
Gaontchouc (Para) (Gbl. 639). 2620 

Hevsa brasiliensis. 
Caouchoue (Tenasserim) (Bs/T/460) (Gbl. 
466). 1850 Urceola esculenta. 


Caoutchouc Plant (Mol. 257). 25388 
Kuphorbia trigona. 

Cap (Turk’s) Cactus (Nie. 3/348) (S. 267, 
441) (Cag. 549). 1869 melocactus 

Cape (Bladder Senna of the) (Nic. 3/527 
(S. 71, 419). 762 Sutherlandia frutes- 

Cape (Iron wood of the) (Cat. 170) (Ru/ 
0/13). 1680 Sideroxylon inerme. 

Cape (Panicled Yellow-green-flowered 
Resin-seed of the) (Nic. 3/154, adpd). 
158 Pittosporum viridiflorum, Pp 

Cape (Rosy Keurboom of the) (Treas. Bot, 
2/1219). 919 Virgilia capensis. 

Cape (Upright Yellow Wood of the) 
(I.F., xi/2). 2880 Podocarpus elongata. 

Cape (Very-small Heart-leaved straight- 
forked-spined Bengal-currant of the) 
(Nic. 1/104, adpd). 1805 Carissa 

Cape (White Club-fraited Swallow-wort- 
shrub of the) (Br. 121, Nic. 2/79, adpd). 
1950 Gom phocarpus fruticosus. 

Cape (Wild Indigo of the) (McL. 371, 
adpd). 769 Tephrosia grandiflora. 

Cape (Yellow Bush Tea of the) (Treas. 
Bot, 1/869). 921 Cyclopia galegoides. 

Cape Aloe (McL. 21). 3118 Aloé guccot- 

Cape Chestnut (S. 72, 76). 371 Calodend- 
rum capense, 

Cape Honey-flower Family (Br. 187, Nic. 

3/228, adpd). XCVII. Proteacez 
Cape Honey-flower (Nic. 3/228). 

declxxxvi. Protea (genus). 
Cape Honey-flower (S. 76, 266). 
Melianthus major. 
Cape (Globe-artichoke-like) Honey Flower 
(Nic, 3/228). 2475 Protea cynaroides. 
Cape Eoneysuckle (S. 76). 2124 Tecoma 

Cape Jasmine (McL. 300). 
Gardenia (genus). 

Cape Jasmine (Mch. 124, 300, 484, 996) 



(8. 76, 176) (Cag. 542) (Rid. 68) (Jaf. | 

27). 1510 Gardenia jasminoides. 
Cape (Bastard) Jasmine (Treas. Bot. 
1/487, 636). dexliv. Fagraa (genus). 

Cape (Broad leaved) Jasmine (MeL. 291, 
adpd). 1506 Gardenia latifolia. 

Cape (Gummy) Jasmine (MeL, 124, 263, 
291, 300, 996, adpd). 1505 Gardenia 

Cape (Large Round-eiliptic-obtuse-leaved 
Resin-tipped) Jasmine (Hk. 3/118, 
adpd). 1506 Gardenia latifolia. 2 

Cape (Long-leathery obovate-obleng-to- 
elliptic-cuspidate leaved Bastard) 
Jasmine (Hk, 4/83, adpd). 1956 
Fagrea obovata. 


Cape (Long-leathery-subsessile-obovate- 
oblong-sub-obtuse-leaved-Vastard) Jas- 
mine (Hk. 4/83, adpd). 1955 
Fagriea zeylanica (brevituba). 

Cape (Medium-to-lone-elliptic-obtuse- 
leaved Resin-tipped) Jasmine (Hk. 
3/116, adpd). 1604 Gardenia Incida, 

Cape (Resinous) Jasmine (McL, 124, 263, 
291, 300, 996, adpd). 1504 Gardenia 

Cape (Jmall-leathery-downy-backed- 
roundish-obtuse-leaved Spinous) 
Jasmine (Hk. 3/118, adpd). 1507-b. 
Gardenia turgida (montana). 

Cape (Small-leathery-obovate-acute-or- 
obtuse-leaved-Resin-tipped) Jasmine 
(Hk. 3/116, adpd). 1505 Gardenia 

Cape  (Small-leathery-obovate-or-acute- 
leaved Spinous) Jasmine (Hk. 3/48, 
adpd).  1507-a. Gardenia turgida 
(ty pica). 

Cape (Superior-berried) Jasmine (Treas. 
Bot. 1/487, 686). dexliv, Fagrea 

Cape (Tropical African) Jasmine (Ol. 
3/101). 1508 Gardenia Thunbergia, 
Cape Jessamine (Nic. 2/12). 1510 

Gardenia jasminoides. 

Cape Leadwort (McL. 178) (S, 76, 336). 
1655 Plumbago capensis. 

Cape-of-Good Hope (Assegai Tree of the) 
(Nic. 1/412) (FAR. 27, 29, 80, 36) (I.F. 
xi/2). 505 Curtisia faginea. 

| Cape-of-Good-H ope Milkwort (Nic. 3/183). 

159 Polygala virgata (speciosa). 
Cape-of Good-Hope Orange-Trumpet 
Creepers (Br. 182, =. 426). 2124 Tecoma 
Cape Tecoma (Br. 132). 

Caper Family (Br. 8) (Nic. 1/268) (L/N/ 
8/B). VII. Capparidacez (order). 
Caper (Bean) Family (Br. 40). XXIV. 

Ly gophyllacez (order). 

2124. Tecoma 

| Caper (Mch. 124) (Br. 10) (8.76). xlvii. 
Capparis (genus). 
Caper (Bean) (McL. 295) (?). 433 

Balanites Roxburghii (?). 

Caper (Braminy Kite) (McL. 240). 838 
Clitoria Ternatea., 

Caper (Brown-woolly-backed-Pungent. 
leaved Climbing) (Hk 1/178, adpd). 
119 Capparis horrida. 

Caper (Callous-tipped-oblong-leaved- 
Climbing) (lk. 1/175, adpd). 111 
Capparis Moonii. 

Caper (Camel) Thorn Bean) (McL. 618, 
adpd). 363 Fagonia arabica. 

Caper (Ceylon) (McL, 125), 106 Capparis 

Caper (Chilli fruited (Hk. 1/172, adpd), 
xlvi. Cadaba (geuzs). 


Caper (Commor) (McL.125). 109 Cap- 
paris aphylla. 

Caper (Hoary-branched obovate-leaved 
climbing) (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 112 Cap. 
paris Roxburghii. Ay 

Caper (Membranous Ovate leaved climb- 
ing) (Hk. 1/179, adpd). 122-a. Cap- 
paris tanera (Dalzellii). 

Caper (Obovate acuminate-leaved climb- 

ing) (Hk. 1/179, adpd) 122-b. Cap- 
paris tenera (latifolia). 
Caper (Oblong leaved climbing} (Hk. 

1/171, adpd). 118 Capparis floribunda. 

Caper (Necklace berried climbing) (Hk. 
1/171, adpd). 100 Merua arenaria. 

Caper (Reghota) (McL. 125). 113 Cap- 
paris grandis. 

Caper (Silky-backed round-leaved Tree) 
(Hk. 1/176, adpd). 1138 Capparis 

Caper (Thorny) (McL. 125) (Br. 10) 2 yt 
Capparis horrida. 

Caper (Three leaved) (McL. 580). 101 
Crateeva religiosa. 

Caper (Trifoliate Chilli fruited) (Hk. 
1/172, adpd). 102 Cadaba trifoliata. 
Caper (Unifoliate Chilli fruited) (Hk. 

1/172, adpd). 103 Cadaba indica. 

Caper (European) Bush (Muell. S.P). 
104. Capparis spinosa. 

Caper leaved Indian Ipecacuanha (McL. 
360, adpd). 1910 Tylophora capparidi- 

Caper Plant (S. 76) (Bs/T/23) (Gbl. 38), 
104 Capparis spinosa. 

Caper (Acicular-spined 
Shrub (Hk. 1/176, adpd). 

Caper (Brown-downy-backed Ovate- 
acute leaved Shrub (Hk. 1/174, adpd). 
105 Capparis grandiflora. 

Caper (Brown-woolly-backed — ovate- 
acuminate leaved) Shrub (Hk. 1/178, 
adpd). 120 Capparis acuminata. 

Caper (Floccose-branched ovate-leaved 
Thornless) Shrub (Hk. 1/174, adpd). 
107 Capparis Heyneana. 

Caper (Grey-downy-backed obtuse-leaved ) 
Shrub ‘Hk. 1/177, adpd). 117 Capparis 
sepiarian. i 

Caper (Hedge) Shrub (Hk. 1/177, adpd). 
117 Capparis sepiaria. 

Caper (Hoary-branched oblong-leaved 
Hedge) Shrub (Hk. . 1/177, adpd). 
117-b. Capparis sepiaria (incanescens). 

Caper (Leafless) Shrub (Hk. 1/175, 
adpd). 109 Capparis aphylla. 

“Caper (Long-lance-leaved Thornless) 
Shrub (Hk. 1/176, adpd). 116 Cap- 
paris parviflora. 

Caper (Orbicular leaved) Shrub (Hk. 
1/176, adpd). 114 Capparis peduncu- 

115 Capparis 


Caper (Ovate acute leaved) Shrub (Hk. 
1/174, adpd). 106 Capparis zeylanica. 
Caper (Pungent-linear-leaved) Shrub 
(Hk. 1/175, adpd). (On young shoots), 

109 Capparis aphylla. 

Caper (Recurved-thorned linear-(vari- 
able)-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 
110 Capparis diversifolia. 

Caper (Straight-thorned linear (variable) 
leavyed) Shrub (Hk. 1/174, adpd). 108 
Capparis divaricata. 

Caper (Laper-pointed-lance-leaved) Shrub 

* (Hk. 1/178, adpd). 121 Capparis olaci- 

Caper (Woolly-branched  ovate-leaved 
Hedge) Shrub (Hk. 1/177, adpd). 
117-a. Capparis sepiaria (vulgaris). 

Caper Spurge (8.16). deccvi. Euphorbia 

Caper Tree (Cag. 647). 

101 Cratzeva 

Capers (Bean) (McL. 1007) (L/S/N/B). 

XXIV. Zygophyllacez (order). 

Capilapody (McL. 404). 2687 Mallotus 

Capitate beaked free-grained Bamboe 
(Hk. 7/10, adpd). mxlviii. Cephalosta- 
chyum (genus). 

Capitate (Four-(3-4)- bracted) Bilabiate 
Vervein Climber (Hk. 4/56, adpd). 
decxxxviii. Congea (genus). 

Capitate cymed Mangrove (McL. 470, 
adpd). 1183 Ceriops Roxburghiana. 

Capitate Digitate Ivy (Hk. 2/720, adpd). 

cdlxviii Brassaia (genus). 

Capitate elliptic leaved Digitate-(6-8) Ivy 
(Hk. 2/734, adpd). 1416 Brassaia 

Capitate (Six-bracted) Few-lobed-flowered 
Veryein-climber (Hk. 4/561,  adpd). 
deexxxvi. Sphenodesma (genus). 

Capitate _ (Six-bracted) Many-lobed- 
flowered Vervein Climber (Hk. 4/561, 
adpd). dccexsxv. Symphorema (genus), 

Capitate cbovate-oblong-cuspidate-leaved 
Digitate-(7-16)- Ivy (Bth. (3/385, adpd). 
1417 Brassaia actinophylla. 

Capitate ovate leaved Tree Bilberry 
(Bs/T/334, adpd). 1303 Memecylon 

Capitate scaly-flowered _ opposite-and- 
alternate-leaved Spurge-Laurel (Hk. 
5/192, Treas. Bot. 2/663, adpd). 
deexcvii. Lasiosiphon (genus). 

Capook (McL. 285). 261 Eriodendron 

Capoor Cutchrah (MclL. 
Hedychium coronarium. 

Capparids (McL. 1003), VII. Cappari- 
dacez (order). 

Capsicum (McL. 170). delxviii. Capsicum 

1042). 2990 



Capsicum (Ciliated Indian Star) (Hk. 

4/231, Nic, 3/453, S. 407, adpd), 2077 
Solanum bigeminatum, 
Capsicum (Deccany Star) (Hk. 4/230, 

Nic. 3/453 S. 407, adpd). 2074 Solanum 

Capsicum (Giant) (MeL. 170). 2094 (tris.) 
Capsicum grossum. 

Capsicum (Indian Mountain Star) 
4/231, Nic. 3/458, S. 407, adpda). 
Solanum lave. 

Capsicum (Large podded) (Mch. 170). 
2094-b. Capsicumfru tescens (annuum), 

Capsicum (Small podded) (McL. 170. 
2094 (bis.) Capsicum minimum. 

Capsicum (Star) (Nic. 3/453) (8. 407). 
2070 Solanum pseudocapsicum, 

Capsicum (Star) Nightshade 
2070 Solanum pseudocapsicum., 

Capsular-Ball (Fleshy receptacled) 
Cadamba (Bdn/F.T, adpd). delxxix. 
Anthocephalus (genus). 

Ca)sular-Ball (Imbricate-petalled) 
Cadamba (Hk. 3/18, adpd). dclxxxii, 
Nauclea (genus). 

Capsular-ball (Lobed-calyxed) Cadamba 


(S. 414). 

(Bdn/FT, adpd). declxxx. Adina 

Capsnalar-Ball (Truncate-calyxed) 
Cadamba (Bdn/F.T, adpd).  delxxxi. 
Stephegyne (genus). 

Capsular Neem (Hk. 1/540, adpd). 

elxxvii. Munronia (genus). 

Capsular (Multifoliate-(5-9) ovate-lance- 
toothed-acnte leaved) Neem (Hk. 
1/543, adpd). 451 Munronia Wallichii. 

Capsular ( Medium-palmatilobed-(3-5)- 
glandular lance-acuminate-lobed- 
leaved) Passion Flower (Hk. 2/603, 
adpd). 13867 Modecca palmata. 

Capsular (Small Heart-acute-or trilobed- 
leaved) Passion Flower (Hk. 2/601, 
adpd). 1366 Modecca Wightiana. 

Capsular (Five winged) Rose Mallow 
(Hk, 1/338, adpd). 239 (bzs.) Hibis- 
cus vitifolius. 

Capsuled (Orange bilobed) Soapnut (Bed. 
2/158, adpd). ccexlix. Harpullia 

Capsuled (Small) Bastard Cedar (Nic. 
1/285, Bs/T/146, adpd). 488 Cedrela 

Capsuled (Woolly) Bindweed (McL. 120, 
adpd), 2037 Ipomza eriocarpa. 

Capsuled (Long 14-nerved oblong-obtuse- 
leaved) Dammer (Hk. 1/813, adpd). 
207 Vateria indica. 

Capsuled (Star-based) Dammer 
1/313, (McL. 258, 259, adpd). 
Vateria (genus). 

Capsuled (Melon-shape) Feather-foil 
(McL. 587, adpd). deccxy. Glochidion 


'Capsuled (Large flowered and) 


Capsuled (Cylindrical) French-chiretta 
(Mol. 177, 577, 998) (Hk. 4/389, adpd). 
decxi, Diotacanthus (genus), 

Capsuled (Circumsciss) Kambala Tree of 
Salt-swamps) (Hk. 42/572, adpd). 
cdxxxiii, Pemphis (genus), 

Capsuled (Huge) Lance Wood (McL, 510, 
adpd). 282 Pterospermum  diversi- 

Capsuled (Large) Lance Wood (McL. 510, 
adpd). 287 Pterospermum glabrescens, 

Capsuled (Warty) Lance Wood (MclL. 510, 
adpd). 288 Pterospermum obtusi- 

Capsuled (Brazilian Bivalved) Loose- 
strife (Treas. Bot. 2/656, Nic. 2/230, 
adpd), cdxxxiv. Lafoénsia (genus). 

Capsuled (Brazilian Five-(3-5)-valved) 
Loose-strife (Treas. Bot. 2/786, adpd). 
cdxxxv. Nesza (genus). 

Capsuled (Spurred-calyxed Bivalved) 
Loose-strife (Treas. Bot. 1/861, adpd). 
cdxxxvi. (‘uphea (genus), 

Capsuled (Hoary) Melon Feather-foil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2575 Glochidion 

Capsuled (Five-(4-5)-celled) Panax (Hk. 
2/720, adpd). cdlxv. Polyscias (genus). 

Capsuled (Two-celled) Panax (Hk, 2/720, 
adpd). cdlxiv. Panax (genus), 

Capsuled (Unisexual Trivalved) Passion 
Flower (Hk. 2/601, adpd). cdxlix. 
Modecea (genus), 


Cotton (Bs/T/178, adpd). 260 Bombax 


Capsuled (Warty) Spurious Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/379, adpd). 305 Leptonychia 

Capsuled (Long-leathery-shining oblong- 
elliptic-obtuse-leaved TFish-tail) Staff 
Tree (Bed, 2/120, adpd), 543 Kurrimia 

Capsuled (Unilocular) Velvet Cinquefoil 

(Hk. 1/354, 374, adpd).  cxii. 
Waltheria (genus), 

Capsy (McL. 126, 1000), 2778 Debre- 
geasia velutina, 

Captain Christy Rose (Nic. 3/324) 

(Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Mu. 52) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-f. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 
Captain Hayward Rose (Nic. 5/645) 
(Rn/O/19). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida- 
semper florens (kermesina-purpurea), 

Caqueta Bark (McL.420). 1456 Cinchona 
Caraga (McL. 928). 1146 Terminalia 
Cnebula, . 
Caramba (McL. 229). 865 Averrhoa 
Carambola Apple (McL. 229). 365 

Averrhoa Carambola, 


Carambola (McL. 229) (Nic. 1/148) (Br. 

28) (Bed. 1/39) (Pf. 261) (IL. 80). 365 
Averrhoa Carambola. 

Caranda (McL. 132). 1806 Carissa 

Carandas (Wild Black) (Rid. 118). 1806 
Carissa carandas. 

Carany (Red) (McL. 473). 666 Gluta 


Carata (McL. 20). 3049 Agave ameri- 

Carausa (ifcL. 73). 2749 Ficus asper- 

Carausa (Large) (McL. 73), 2751 Ficus 
Caravonica Cotton (Hybrid of 254 & 
255). 255-c. Gossypium ~-arboreum 

Carbolic Acid Plant (McL. 132). 1639 
Vaccinium Leschanultil. 

Cardamom (McL. 135, 1001, 1039) (Rox. 

1/71) (Bs/S/218, TVY) (Ell 250). 
(Rid. 127) (Cag. 380) (W. 51). 3004 
Elettaria Cardamomum. 

Cardamom (Rid. 101, 112). [3008 

Sphalm |. 3004 Hlettaria Cardamomum. 
Cardamom (Cluster) (Mech. 135). 3004 
Elettaria Cardamomum. 
Cardamom (Ethiopizn) (McL. 135). 2991 
(dis.) Amomum sabulatum. 
Cardamom (Galangal) (McL. 
Alpinia Galanga. 
Cardamom (Greater) (McL. 
(bis.) Amomum subulatum. 
Cardamom (Indian-shot-fruited Greater) 
(Hk, 6/240, adpd). 2992 Amomum 

Cardamom (Jungle) (Mc. 185) (?). 2991 
(bis.) Amomum subulatum (?). 
Cardamom (Lesser) (Mc. 135). 

Hlettaria cardamomum. 
Cardamom (Long Malabar) (McL. 135, 
461). 3004 Elettaria cardamomum. 
Cordamom (Officiaal) (McL. 135). 3004 

Hlettaria cardamomum. 
Cardamom (Raven) (McL. 135). 2991 
(bis,) Amomum subulatum. 

298), 3005 

185). 2991 


Cardamom (Round) (Mch. 135). 3004 
Biettaria cardamomum. 

Cardamom (Siberian) (McL. 38). 17 
Tllicium anisatam. 

Cardamom (Small) (McL. 185). 3064 
Elettaria cariamomum. 

Cardamom (True) (McL. 135). 3004 
Elettaria cardamomum. 

Cardamom (White) (McL. 135). 3004 

Elettaria cardamomum. 

Cardamom (Wild) (Met. 185, 1001) (?). 
29991 (bés.) Amomum subulatum (?). 
Cardinal Flower (S. 247). dxxxiv. Lobe- 

lia (genus). 
Cardinal Osier (Kew Bull:/96) (FAR, 35, 
36/NLGS). 2799 Salix alba, 



Cardinal (Shepherd’s Horn) Plant (Treas, 
Bot. 2/1082, adpd). dxxxv. Siphocam- 
phylus (genus). 
Cardole (Oil Tree) (Mech. 135). 
Anacardium occidentale. 
Cardomum (Greater) (McL. 130, adpd). 
cmxcy. Amomum (genus). 
Carepauk (Tree) (McL. 255), 
raya Koenigii. 

Carey’s Myrtle Bloom (Mch. 214, adpd). 
1276 Careya arborea. 

Carey’s Tree (Mchl. 214) (Br. 80). 1276 
Careya arborea. , 

Caribbee-Islands (Fragrant 
Cedar of the) (Nic. 1/285). 

Caricature Plant (McL. 293) (Cag, 448), 
2270 Graptophyllum hortense. 

Caricature (Crimson) Plant (Hk. 4/545, 
adpd). dcexvii. Graptophyllum (genus). 

Caricature (Long creamy-or-white-nerved- 
glaucous-green oblong-lance-to-ovate- 


393 Mur- 

484 Cedrela 

leaved) Plant (Nic. 3/355, adpd). 
2271-b. Sanchezia nobilis (glauco- 
* phylla). 
Caricature (Long oblong-lance-tv-obovate- 
leaved) Plant (Nic. 3/855, adpd). 

2271-a. Sanchezia nobilis (typica). 
Caricature (Medium Creamy-variegated 

Broad-elliptic-leaved) Plant (Hk, 4/545, 

adpd). 2270 Graptophyllum hortense. 
Caricature (Yellow) Plant (Nic. 3/355, 

adpd). dcexviii. Sanchezia (genus). 
Caringhote (McL. 781). 429 Samadera 

Carissa (Jasmine flowered) (Mcl. 132). 
1806. Carissa carandas. 

Carissa (Spineless) (Rox. 1/695). 1817 
Hunteria corymbosa. 

Carissa (Thorny) (McL, 84). (?) 98 
Berberis aristata. 

Carissa (Thorny) (McL. 132). 1806 

Carissa carandas. 
Carissa Bush (Br. 123). 
dark-green Croton ( ¢. 1/355) (Ru/N/ 
O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf).  2646-Ue. 
Codieum variegatun Youngil). 
Carmine-centred (Rosy-to) White Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Mu. 52) 
(Hod) (Po). 1107-d. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (albida-intus-roseo- 
Carmine Hybrid Bourbon 

1806 Carissa 

Rose (Nie. 

3/325) (Ru/O/21). 1106-f. Rosa 
borbonica (hy brida-kermesina). 5 
Carmine Uyobrid-perpetual Rose (Nice. 

3/324) (Br. 68-2) (Ru/N/90,0/18, 20) 
(Hod). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (kermesina). 

Carmine (Purple-shaded) Hybrid-perpe- 
tual Rose (Nic. 3/324, 5/645) (Hod) 



(Cag. 596) (Ru/0/19). 
hy brida-semperflorens 

Carmine (Rosy-shaded) Hybrid perpetual 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 53) (Po) (Ru/N/ 
90, 98, 0/21, 22). 1107-k. Rosa hybri- 
da-semperflorens (kermesina-roseo- 
suffusa). : 

Carmine (Velvetty) Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 5) (Ru/N/91). 
1107-k. Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens 

Carmine (Orange and) Lily Shoe Flower 
(Br. 17, adpd). 249-d. Hibiseus lilii- 
florus (armeniaca). 

Carmine-margined-to-rosy-centred Cro- 
ton (Ru/N/O) (Mn). 2646-Ni, Codizum 
variegatum (Sunrise). 


1107-k. Rosa 



| Caroline Kuster Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag: 

tual Rose (Nic. 3/324, 5/646) (Cag. 596) | 

(Ru/N/90, 91, 94, 0/19, 20, 21) 
53, 57) (Br. 69) (Hod) (Po). 1107-j. 
Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens (punicea- 

(Ma. 52, | 

Carmine-shaded (Velvetty) Crimson 
Hybrid-perpetnal Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Mu. 58) (Ru/N/94, 0/20). 1107-j. | 

Rosa semperfilorens-(punicea-kermesino- | 


Carmine shoe fiower (Nic. 1/142) (Jaf). 
244-c. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (kerme- 

Carmine (Crimson and) Syrian Rose 
Mallow (Nic. 1/143) (Cag. 633) (Ru/N/ 
77). 246-2, Hibiscus syriacus (cruenta). 

Carmine-tinted Rosy-pink Hybrid-perpe- | 

tual Rose (Nic, 3/324) (Ru/N/95, 96) 
(Mu. 53, 54) (Hod). 1107-g. Rosa 
hybrida-semperfiorens (rosea-kerme- 
sino suffusa). 

Carmine-veined Four-winged Brake Kern 
(Bed./F, adpd). 3334. Pteris quadri- 
aurita (rubronervia). 

Carnation (Spanish) (McL. 316). 930 
Cesalpinia pulcherrima. 

Carnauba Wax Fan Palm (Muell.S.P). 
3176 Copernicia cerifera. 

Carnauba Wax Paim of Brazil (N. 1/371), 
3176 Copefnicia cerifera. 

Uarnot (Souvenir-de-Président) Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/96, 0/22). 1105-q. 
Rosa odorata (hybrida-rosea albo- 

Carob (McL. 131, 473, 867) (Muell. S.P) 
(Gbl. 277). 978 Ceratonia Siliqua. 

Carob Bean (Br. 60) (Cat. 136) (Ru/N/51, 
0/38) (S.$7). 978 Ceratonia Siliqua. 
Carolina Arrow Root (Muell. S.P), 
3081 Canna flaccida. 

Caroline de Sansal Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod) 
(Po). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (carnea-rubescens). 


602) (Hod). J108-e. Rosa Noisettiana 

Caroline Testout Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/ 
93, O/19). 1105-q. Kosa odorata 
(hy brida-rosea-cinnabarinosuffusa). 
Carondah (McL. 132, 997). (?) 1639 
Vaccinium Leschenaultii. e 
Carondah (McL. 1382, 473, 997). 1806 
Carissa Carandas. 
Carondah (False) (McL. 66), 137 

Flacourtia sepiaria, 
Carondah (Hill) (McL. 132, 997). dxxxyi. 
Vaccinium (genus). 
Carondah (Large) (McL. 
Carissa Carandas. 
Carookvauly (McL. 132, 473, 664, 994). 
562 Zizyphus trinervia. 
Caroongauly (McL. 859). 
Catechu (Sundra). 

132). 1806 

1035-b. Acacia 

Caroovail (MchL, 935). 1029 Acacia 
Carpa (McL. 367). 1274 Barringtonia 

Carpang (Devil) Tree (McL. 704). 264 
Sterculia foetida. 

Carpausy (McL. 133, 993). 
pium (genus). 

Carpelled (Five) Evening Mallow (Hk. 
1/325, adpd). 220 Abntilon polyan- 

Carpelled (Kidney) Evening Mallow (Hk. 
1/327, adpd}. 224 Abutilon muticum. 

xcy. Gossy- 

- Carpelled (Membranous) Evening Mallow 

(Hk. 1/328, 225 

Carpelled (Mountain Ten) Evening Mallow 

adpd). Abnutilon 

(Hk. 1/328, adpd). 227 Abutilon 
Carpelled (Rounded) Evening Mallow 
(Hk. 1/3827, adpd). 223 Abutilon 

Carpelled (Ten) Evening Mallow (Hk. 
1/328, adpd). 226 Abutilon fruticosum. 

Carpelled (Malabar many) Melon Feather- 
foil (McL. 587, adpd). 2574 Glochidion 

Carpelled (Northern Many) Melon 
Featherfoil (McL. 587, adpd). 2574 
(bis.) Glochidion multiloculape. 

Carpelled (Umbelled) petaliferons Nut- 
megs(L/N/S/B). IV. Anonacez (order). 

Carpelled (Distinct) Screw Pine of 
Burmah (Bs/T/658, adpd). 3241 
Pandanus fetidus. 

Carpelled (Distinet) Screw Pine of Canara 
(Bs/T/659, adpd). (73241) 3242 
Pandanus canaranus (?). 

Carpenter’s Tamarind (McL. 874, 1000). 
2616 Antidesma diandrom 

Carriére (Abel) Rose (Nic. 3/324), 
1107-1. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 


Carritre (Madame Alired) Rose (Nic. 
5/646) (Mu. 56?). 1108-c. Rosa 
Noisettiana (eburnea). 

Carcot (Wild) (McL. 812). 3088 Aspara- | 

gus racemosus. 
Carrots (McL. 1007). LVIII. Umbelli- 
»ferz (order). 
Carthagena Bark (Mch. 420). 1456 
Cinchona lancifolia. 
Carthagena bark (Mcb. Bil). 1450 
Cinchona pitayensis. 
Carthaginian Apple (McL. 30, 802). 1822 
Punica grunatum. 
Caryota (Four leaved) (MeL. 777). 32152 
Caryota urens. 
Caryota (Torn leaved) (Mel. 777). 3152 
Caryota urens. 
Casandy (McL. 136). 
Cashaw of 
Prosopis juliflora. 
Cashew Family (Br. 44) (L/N/S/B). XL. 
Anacardiaceze (order). 
Cashew (Mch. 185, 472, 484, 994). 665 
Anacardium occidentale. 

Cashew (Creeper) (McL. 32) (?). 595 
Vitis vinifera (?). 

Cashew (Otaheite) (McL. 386, 624) (Cag. 
240), 1228 Eugenia malaccensis. 

Cashew Apple (McL. 185, 802). 665 
Anacardium accidentale. 

Cashew Nut (MchL. 135) (Cag. 268) (Cat. 
81) (Rid. 104, 113) (Ru/O/8) (Mu) (PA. 
208) (W. 12, 49, 86, 106, 124) (Nic. 1/68) 
(Bed. 1/78, 2/163) (Bs/S/193, S\C) (Br. 
44) (Ell, 47). 665 Anacardium occiden- 

Cashmere Cherry 
Prunus tomentosus. 

Cashmere Pear (Hk. 2/374, adpd). 1116 
Pyrus kumaoni. 

Cashmere Pistachio (MeL. 504). 1065 
Prunus armeniaca. 

Cashmere Rose (Rua/O/19) (Mu. 57). 
1103-a. Rosa indica (carnea-Semiplena). 

Cashmere Tree (Mch. 135, 473, 884, 999). 
2305 Gmelina arborea. 

Cashmere (Small) Tree (McL. 136, 999). 
2306 Gmelina asiatica. 

Casisiri (Hne. Brit. 14/259). 74 Sagerxa 

Casondy (McL. 136). 950 Cassia Sophera. 

Casondy (McL. 136, 847, 995). 949 Cassia 

Casondy (Baskee) (Mch. 156). 950 Cassia 


949 Cassia 

Texas (MuelJ. S.P). 1005 

(FAR. 10). 1067 

Casondy (Stinking) (McL. 136, 847, 995). ! 

950 Cassia Sophera. 

Casparea Mountain Ebony (Mch. 472, 520, 
995, adpd). 999 Bauhinia monandra. 

Cassa (McL. 186, 473, 995). 1305 
Memecylon edule. 

Cassa (Wild) (McL. 470). 1140 Carallia 

Cassareep (McL. 464). 263. Manihot 

Cassava (McL. 147, 464) (Bs/T/582) (Bs/ 
7/589) (Pr. 2/940) (Nic. 1/3822) (Cag. 
147) (Cat. 265). 2631 Manihot 

Cassava (Bitter) Plant (Muell. §8:P) 
(Ell. 347) (PA. 78). 2631 Manihot 

Cassia (Black) (McL. 208). 946 Cassia 

Cassia (Broad leaved) (McL. 10). 957 
Cassia alata, 

Cassia (Vommon) (Mech. 208). 946 Cassia 

Cassia (Hared) (McL. 932). 954 Cassia 

Cassia (Fetid) (McL. 186). 949 Cassia 

Cassia (Fetid) (McL. 136). 950 Cassia 

Cassia (Fetid) (McL. 155) (Br. 68) (PA. 
240), 948 Cassia Tora. 

Cassia (Horse) (McL. 208). 947 Cassia 

Cassia (Occidental) (McL. 136). 949 
Cassia occidentalis. 

Cassia (Oval leaved) (McL. 155) (Br. 63). 
948 Cassia Tora. 

Cassia (Poet’s) (Nic. 
Osyris (genus). 

Cassia (Purging) (McL. 208) (Br. 61). 
946 Cassia Fistula. 

Cassia (Round podded) (McL. 136). 949 
Cassia occidentalis. 
Cassia (Round Podded) (MeL. 136), 950 

Cassia Sophera. 

Cassia (Rubbish) (McL. 186). %49 Cassia 

Cassia (Roxburgh’s) (McL. 208) (Br. 60). 
947 Cassia marginata. 

Cassia (Six leaved) (Br. 63). 952 Cassia 

Cassia (Sulphur flowered) (MeL. 208) 
(Br. 62). 961 Cassia glauca. 

3/432). decciii. 

| Cassia (Syrian) (McL. 131, 867). 978 

Ceratonia Siliqua. 

Cassia (I'anner’s) (McJ.. 932) (Pf. 37) 
(Br. 68). 954 Cassia auriculata. 

Cassia (Wild) (McL. 1386), 949 Cassia 

Cassia Burk (McL. 187) (Pfl. 262). 
declxxv. Cinnamomum (genus). 

Cassia Buds (Mcl. 187). declxxv. 
Ginnamomum (genus). 

Cassia Cinnamon (McL.* 188, 872,999). (?) 
2437 Cinnamomum macrocarpum (?) 

-— | = 


Oassia Oil (McL, 187), declxxv, Cinna- 
momum (genus). 

Oassio Oil (McL. 472, 935) (Gbl. 292) 
(Cat. 107), 1027 Acacia Farnesiana. 
Cassumunar (MclL. 187, 1001), 2998 
Zingiber Cassumunar. 
Castanet Plant (McL. 
Crotalaria (genus). 
Castor (Chinese) (McL. 379), 2642 Croton 

806). cclxxix, 


Oastor (Foreign) (McL. 380). 2696 
Baliospermum axillare. 

Castor (Foreign) (McL. 650), (?) 1344 
Carica Papaya (?). 

Castor (Nepaul) (Mcl. 3880). 2696 
Baliospermum axillare. 

Castor (Wild) (McL. 380). 2696 

Baliospermum axillare. 

Castor Oil Plant (Mch, 64, 473, 484) 
(Br. 144) (Ell. 480) (Cag. 418) (Cat. 
255) (Pf. 423) (W. 12, 49) (Bed. 1/189) 
(Bs/T/598) (Gb. 622) (Nic. 3/808) (8. 81, 
370). 2693 Ricinus communis. 

Oastor (Moghul) Oil Plant (Mch. 56), 
2628 Jatropha Curcas, 


Catamaran Wood Tree (MoL. 875). 1166 
Gyrocarpus Jacquini. 

Catapang (McL, 138, 929, 995). 1144 Ter- 
minalia Catappa. 

Catechu (Mc. 138, 475, 995) (Bed. 2/49) 
(Br. 65). 1085 Acacia Catechu. 

Catechu (Black) (McL, 1035), 138 Acacia 


Catechu Palm (McL. 40) (Br, 225), 3121 
Areca Catechu, 
| Caterpillar Tree (McL. 367). 2721 Morus 
Catesbewa (Spiny) (Br.91). 1513 Cates- 

Castor (Sea) Oil Plant (McL. 56). 2628 | 

Jatropha Curcas. 

Castor (Turkey) Oil Plant (Mcl. 66). 
2628 Jatropha Curcas. 

Castus of the Romans (McL. 596), 2308 
Vitex trifolia. 

Casuarina (McL. 185) (Ell. 157) (Bdn/F. 
T) (PA. 218). 2780 Casuarina equiseti- 

Casuarina (Horse-tail) (McL. 185) (Br. 
202). 2780 Cusuarina equisetifolia, 

Casuarina Pine (McL. 185) 2780 
Casuarina equisetifolia. 

Cat Bean (McL. 238). 816 Mucuna 

Cat Oreeper (McL. 812). 3088 Asparagus 

Cat (Civet) Fruit Tree (McL. 285) (Cag. 
287), 263 Durio zibethinus. 

Cat’s Claw Trumpet Creeper (Nic. 1/187). 
2146 Bignonia gracilis. 

Cat’s Foot Fern (McL. 97). [emlxii. 
Sphalm]. mlxiv. Davallia (genus). 

Cat’s Greens (Mch. 892). 

Cat’s Tail (Nic, 4/118). mexxii. Typha 

Cat’s Tail (McL. 288). 

Cat’s (Lesser) Tail (McL. 288). 
Typha angustata. 

Catalonian Jasmine (MchL. 383) (Rox. 
1/100) (Cag, 534). 1775 Jasminum 

Catamaran (White) Tree (McL. 473, 875, 
1000, adpd). 2644 Givotia rottleri- 


3248 Typha ele- 

2036 Ipomza 7 

beea spinosa, 

Cathay Anise (McL. 38). 

Cathérine Guillot Rose (Ru/N/89) (Mu, 
56) (Cag. 598), 1106-a, Rosa barbonica 

, (candida), 

Cathérine Mermet Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ku/ 
N/89, 0/19) (Mu. 54) (Cag. 601) (Hod) 
(Po). 1105-j. Rosa odorata (carnes). 

Catjang (McL. 274), 854 Cajanus indi- 

Catkined (Woolly) Indian Willow (Hk. 
5/628, adpd). 2798 Salix ichnostachya. 

Catmint leaved White ! ead-nettle Shrub 
(Hk. 4/681, adpd). 2354 Leucas nepe- 

17 Llliciom 

|  teefulia, 
| Catmint (McL. 700). deexlviii, Ani- 
| someles (genus). 
| Catmint (Indian) (McL. 790, corr), 
dcexlviii. Anisomeles (genus). 
Catmint (Malabar) (McL. 991). 2353 
Anisomeles malabarica, 
Cattle-pen Plant (McL. 125). 119 Cap- 

paris horrida. 
Caucasus Raspberry (Hk. 2/388, adpd). 
1081 Rubus purpureus. 

Caucasus White Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1102 
Rosa alba. 
Caudate-awl-tipped-leaved (Quadriju- 

gate-half-rounded-half-taper -leaved) 
Toon (Re. Bot. Surv. Ind, Vol. III/4- 
1908). 482-g, Cedrela Toona (Talboti). 

Caudate leayed Hill Balsam Tree (Hk, 
1/530, adpd). 443-a. Balsamodendron 
caudatum (typica). 

Caudate-thin-folioled Venezuela Soap-Bark 
(Ba/T/274, adpd). 1055-b. Pithecolo- 
bium bigeminum (gracile). 

Caudate-type-leaved Toon (Rec Bot. 
curvy. Ind. Vol. III/4-1908). 482-e. 
Cedrela Toona (deccana). 

Caukmaury (MchL. 357), 81 Anamirta 

Caulamesara (McL: 30). 1336 Casearia 

- tomentosa. ¥ 
Caulymirch (McL. 472). 2411 Piper 

nigrum. ; : 
Caumabaunam (Mcl. 143). 24 Micheli® 



Caumabaunam (MoL. 148). 
fera indica. 

Caumabaunam (McL, 148). 

663 Mangi- 

977 Saraca 

Caumabannam (McL. 148). 1751 Jasmi- 
num Sambac. 
Caumabaunam (McbL. 143). 2171 Dzeda- 

lacanthus nervosus. 
Caunaraig (Mech. 66). 
Caunchy (McL. 144, 712, 1000). 
Trewia nudifiora. 
Caung (McL. 144, 799). 

137 Flacourtia 

lxxxili. Hopea 

Caung (Common) (Mch. 144, 473). 204 
Hopea Wightiana. 

Caung (Water) (Mch, 144, 473). 203 
Hopea parviflora. 

Caunjiray (MchL. 690). 1962 Strychnos 

Caunjory (McL. 144, 1000), 
Caunjory (Black) (McL. 144), 
Tragia involucrata (cannabina). 
Caunjory (Small) (McL. 144, 1000), 2697-d. 
Tragia involucrata (cannabina). 
Caunjory (White) (McL. 144). 2697 Tra- 
gia involucrata. 
Caunooga (McL. 145, 473, 995). 
Sphalm} 899 Pongamia glabra. 
Cannooga (McL. 404). 899 Pongamia 

Caunooga (Creeper) (Mc. 145,995). 900 
Derris scandens. 

Caurally Mangrove (Mch, 470, 473, 975). 
1140 Carallia integerrima. 

Cauray (Mech, 148, 996). 1528 Canthium 

Cauray (Black) (MoL. 148, 478, 996). 1519 
Canthium didymum. 

2697 Tragia 



Cauray (Honey) (McL. 148). 1528 Can- 
thium parviflorum. 

Cauray (Manilla) (McL. 664). 1692 
Mimusops Kauki, 

Cauray (Sweet) (MchL. 291). 1498 Ran- 

dia dumetorum, 

Caurtigay Plant (Mcl. 68).- 3119 Glo- 
riosa superba, 

Caushyratnam (McL. 
Tpomea coccinea. 

Caustic Varnish Trees Family (Nic. 
3/301, Muell. 8.P., Bs/T/195, McL. 344, 
476, 684, 859, adpd). XL. Anacar- 
diacez (order). 

150, 998). 2018 

Cautteen] (McL. 414). 8163 Phoenix 

Cauvalam (MchL. 150, 943). cii. Sterculia 

Cayenne Pepper (8. 74, 88) (Ell. 140). 
2094 (bés.)-b. Capsicum minimum 

Cazes (Vicontesse de) Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Cag. 601) (Hod). 1105-f£. Rosa 
odorata (luteta-intus-cuprea). 


Ceara Rubber (McL. 368) (PA.248) (Mu. 
35) (Bs/T/582) (Gbl. 589) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Cag. 416) (Cat. 258) (Ru/N/52, 0/8, 38) 
(FAR) (W. 34,96). 2630 Manihot Gla- 

Cécile-Brunner Rose (Nic. 5/647) (Cag. 
593). 1085-a. Rosa multifiora (typica). 

Cedar (Indian) Family (Mc. 168, 578, 
839, 862, 911, adpd). XXX. Meliacem 


Cedar (Nic. 1/285) (S. 88). comix. Cedrus 

Cedar (McL. 764). 304 Guazuma tomen- 

Cedar (Axillary spike flowered White) 
(Hk. 1/548, adpd). 459 Dysoxylon 

Cedar (Bermuda) (Nic. 2/211) (8, 228). 
2820 Juniperus bermudiana. 

Cedar (Bermuda Pencil) (Gbl. 697). 2820 
Juniperus bermudiana. 

Cedar (Bermuda Red) (Gbl. 697). 2820 
Juniperus bermudiana. 

Cedar (Barbados) (Nic. 2/211), 2820 
Juniperus bermudiana. 

Cedar (Bastard) (McL. 764) (Br. 28) (Ell. 
307) (Bed. 31, 2/167) (Bdn. F.T). 304 
Guazuma tomentosa. 

Cedar (Bastard) (McL. 30). 1457 Hyme- 
nodictyen excelsum. 
Cedar (Bastard) (McL. 168). 481 Chu- 

krassia tabularis. 

Cedar (Bastard) (Nic. 1/285) (S. 88). 
excili. Cedrela (genus). 

Cedar (Bastard) (McL. 911) (Rid. 108). 
482 Cedrela Toona. 

Cedar (Bastard) (McL. 862). 477 Soymida 

Cedar (Bastard) (McL. 578) (Bed. 2/14) 
(Gbl1. 144). 453 Melia Azedarach. 

Cedar (Bastard Red) (Cat. 66). 477 
Soymida febrifuga. 

Cedar (Burmah White) (Cat. 68). 482 
Cedrela Toona. 

Cedar (Common Bastard) (Nic. 1/285). 
482 Cedrela Toona. 

Cedar (Cup calyxed White) (Hk. 1/546, — 
adpd). 456 Dysoxylum binectariferum. 

Cedar (Darjiling Red) (Cat. 116). 1015 
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius. 

Cedar (Dark glossy leaved White) (Gbl. 
148, adpd), 457 Dysoxylum = pur- 

Cedar (Deodar) (Muell. S.P) (MeL. 264) 
(8.84). 2862 Cedrus Libani (Deodara). 

Cedar (Fish Poison) Mech. 1020, adpd). 
elxxxvi. Walsura (genus). 

Cedar (Flesh-coloured Hyacinth-flower- 
ed Bastard) (Nic. 1/285). 484 Cedrela 

Cedar (Himalayan) (Mech. 264) (Bs/T/ 
691 (Gbl. 710), 2862 Cedrus Libani 


Cedar (Himalayan Pencil) (Bs. T/694) 
(Gbl. 698) (FAR. 10, NLGS). 2819 
Juniperus macropoda. 

Cedar (Indian) (McL. 911). 482 Cedrela 

Cedar (Indian) (McL. 264) (Nic. 1/286) (S. 
84, 386). 

Cedar (Jamaica) (McL. 168). 481 Chn- 
krassia tabularis. 

Cedar (Japanese) (S. 220). (Cag. 408). 
2325 Cryptomeria japonica, 

Cedar (Japanese) (H/E.F) (Nic. 1/403) 
(8. 119). cmii. Cryptomeria (genus), 

Cedar (Java) (McL. 387, 473,515, 1000). 
2607 Bischofia javanica. 

Cedar (Lawson’s White) (Nic. 1/303). 
2812 Cupressus Lawsoniana. 

Cedar (Long-leaved Fish-Poison) (McL. 
1020, adpd). 470 Walsura ternata. 

2862 Cedrus Libani (Deo- | 

Cedar (Moulmein) (McL. 911) (Cat. 681). | 

482 Cedrela Toona. 

Cedar (Multifoliate-(5-9)  alternate- 
mediom elliptic-acuminate-leaved 
White) (Hk. 1/546, adpd). 456 Dy- 
soxylum binectariferum. 

Cedar (Multifoliate-(7-9) alternate-sub- 
membranous-medium ovate-elliptic- 
cuneate-cuspidate-Jeaved White) (Hk. 
1/548, adpd). 459 Dysoxylum Beddomei. 

Cedar (Maultifoliate-(5-11) opposite- 
medium downy-or-pale-backed lance- 
acuminate-leaved White) (Hk. 1/565, 
adpd). 472 Heynca trijuga. 

Cedar (Multifoliate (9-15) opposite- 
medium-to-long Tawny-downy-glab- 
rate oyate-elliptic-acuminate-leaved 
White) (Hk. 1/559, adpd). 467 Amoora 

Cedar (Maultifoliate-(7-9) 
medium ovate-elliptic-cuneate-leaved 
White (Hk. 
soxylum malabaricum. 


sabopposite- | 
1/548, adpd). 458 Dy- | 

(Multifoliate-(7-S) subopposite- | 
narrow-elliptic- | 

acuminate-leaved White) (Ghl. 149, | 

iidn/®.T, adpd). 457 Dysoxylum pur- 

Cedar (North American Pencil) (Muell. 
S.P). 2822 Juniperus virginiana. 

Cedar (Ochre-flowered Fish-Poison) (McL. 
1020, adpd). 471 Walsura piscidia. 

Cedar (Oregon White) (8.301). 2812 
Cupressus Lawsoniana. 

Cedar (Pallid-leaved Common White) 
(Hk. 1/548, adpd). 458 Dysoxylum 

Cedar (Pencil) (Muell. S.P). 
perus (genus). 

Cedar (Pink) (McL. 823) (Bed. 2/44) 
(Cat. 116) (Ell. 19). 1015 Acrocarpus 

Cedar (Quinquefoliate-(4-6) alternate- 
medium-scurfy-glabrate Narrow-elliptic 


em. Juni- 


acuminate-leaved White (Hk. 
adpd). 468 Amoora canarana. 

Oedar (Quinquefoliate-(3-5) subupposite- 
medium-scurfy-glabrate elliptic-cuspi- 
date-leaved White) (Hk. 1/561, adpd), 
469 Amoora Lawii. 

Cedar (Red) (McL. 756, 823) (Bed. 2/44) 
(Ell. 18). 1016 Acrocarpus fraxini- 

Cedar (Red) (Bth, 1/387) (Gbl. 157) 
(Bdn/F.T/L) (W. 51). 482 Cedrela 

Cedar (Red) (McL. 862) (Bed. 1/52, 2/8) 
(Cat. 66.) 477 Soymida febrifuga. 

Cedar (Red) (Gbl. 157). cexciii. Cedrela 

Cedar (Red) (Ell. 509). 
lon monogynum. 

Cedar (Red) (W. 52). 

Cedar (Red) (Muell. S.P) (H/E.F) (Nic. 
2/213) (S. 223, 362). 2822 Juniperus 

Cedar (Short-leaved Fish-Poison) (Mch. 
1020). 471 Walsura piscidia. 

Cedar (Singapore) (McL. 839, 211). 
Cedrela Toona. 


348 Erythroxy- 
2607 Bischofia 


Cedar (Small-capsuled Bastard) (Nic. 
1/285, Bs/T/146, adpd). 433 Cedrela 

Cedar (Trifoliate Red) (McL. 388, adpd). 
2607 Bischofia javanica. 

Cedar (Trifoliate small-scurfy-glabrate 
elliptic-obtuse-leaved White) (Hk. 
1/566, adpd). 474 Beddomea indica. 

Cedar (Unifoliate medium-scurfy-glab- 

rate elliptic-cuspidate-leaved white) 
(Hk. 1/566, adpd). 474 Beddomea 
sim plicifolia. 

Cedar (Virginia Pencil) (Gbl. 697). 2822 
Juniperus virginiana. 

Cedar (Virginia Red) (Gbl. 697). 2822 

Juniperus virginiana. 

Cedar (West Indian Bastard) (Cat. 138). 
304 Guazuma tomentosa, 

Cedar (White) (Bed. 2/10) (Ell. 60) (Cat. 
68) (Ru/N/50) (PA. 344). 482 Cedrela 

Cedar (White) (McL. 911)(Ru/N/S0). [482 
Sphalm] clxxxi. Dysoxylum (genus). 
Cedar (White) (Cat. 68). [481 Sphalm] 

celxxxi. Dysoxylum (genus). 

Cedar (White) (McI.. 578). (?)453 Melia 

Cedar (White) (H/E.F). 

Thuya (genus). 

Cedar (White flowered Fish Poison) 
(McL. 1020, adpd). 470 Walsura 

Cedar (Widdringtonia) (Kew. Bull. 95), 
2816 Callitris Whytei. 

Cedar (Pencil) of Bermuda and Barbadoes 
(Muell. 8.P). 2820 Juniperous bermu- 



Cedar (Bastard) of California (Muell. 8. 
P). 2827 Sequoia sempervirens. 

Cedar (Pencil) of China and Japan 
(Muell. S.P). 2821 Juniperus chinensis. 

Cedar of Goa (Nic. 1/410) (Cag. 409). 
2807 Cupressus glauca. 

Cedar of Lebanon (Muell. S.P) (H/E.F). 
cmix. Cedrus (genus). 

Gedar (Bastard) of Mexico (Nic. 2/100). 
304 Guazoma tomentosa. 

Cedar (Red) of New-Sonth-Wales (Bth. 
1/387). 482 Cedrela Toona. 

Cedar (Bastard of Palghaut) (Bed. 1/30) 
(W.A.1). 1457 Hymenodictyon 

Cedar (Yellow) of Santa-cruz (Nic. 4/13). 
2128 Tecoma spectabilis. 

Cedar (Fragrant Bastard) of the Carib- 
bee-Islands (Nic. 1/285). 484 Cedrela 

Cedar (Red) of the Nilgherry Planters 
(MeL. 388) (Gbl. 608) (Cat. 357). 2607 
Bischofia javanica. 

Cedar (White) of Travancore (Gbl. 148) 
(Bdn/F.'1/2). 458 Dysoxylum mala- 

Cedar (Bastard) Pencil Wood of Australia 
(Bth. 1/382).  clxxxi, Dysoxylum 

Cedar (West Indian) Wood (Bs/T/145) 
(Cat, 69). 484 Cedrela odorata. 

Ceded (Black Plum of the) Districts 
(MeL. 522). ‘1255 Eugenia alternifolia. 

Cedrat (McL. 434) (Nic. 1/335). 409 
Citrus medica-medica. 

Ceiba Cotton (McL. £35). 
258 Bombax Ceiba. 

Ceiba Cotton of South America (McL. 
235, corr). 258 Bombax Ceiba. 

Celebes (Ornamental Pepper of the) (Nic. 
5/605). 2418 Piper ornatum. 

Céline Forestier Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 
602) (Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Mu. 56) (Hod) 
(Po). 1108-e. Rosa WNoisettiana 

Cement Plant (Mcl.. 257, 473). 2538 
Euphorbia trigona. 

Centifoil (Mimosa leaved Uniglandular) 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 966 Cassia 

Central American Rubber (Cat. 204, 300). 
2760 Castilloa elastica. 

Central (Mahwa of) India (Cat. 171). 
1686 Bassia latifolia. 

Central (Mowa of) India(Cat 171). 1686 
Bassia latifolia. 

Centrally-scarlet-dotted  Golden-yellow 
(Green-ieaved) Indian Shot (Cag. 
384). 3035 (bis.)-e. Canna orchidi- 
flora (Asia). 

Centred (Purple) White Shoe flower (Nic. 
5/425). 250 Hibiscus heterophyllus. 
Centred (Creamy) White Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/324). 1105-d. Rosa odorata! (albi- 


{261 Sphalm ] 


Century Plant (McL, 20) (8. 12), 3049 
Agave americana. 

Cephalonian Silver Fir (Nic. 1/2). 2868 
Abies cephalonica. 

Ceraunia of the Romans (Mel. 181). 
978 Ceratonia Siliqua. 

Cerbera (Linear leaved) (McL. 302). 
1820 Thevetia neriifolia. 

Cerbera (Mango-like) (McL. 869). 1834 

| Tabernzmontana dichotoma. 
Cereals (McL. 278). cxxxi. Graminacezs 


Cereus (Night-flowering) (S.388) (Br. 92) 
(Rid. 51) (Cag. 551). 1370 Cereus 

Cereus (Six cornered) (Br. 92). 1371 
Cereus hexagonus. 
Cereus (‘Three cornered) (Br. 92). 1372 

Cereus triangularis. 

Ceylon (Black Plum of) (Mech, 379, 385, 
adpd). 1242 Hugenia zeylanica. 

Ceylon (Caffre Lime of) (Bon. 82, 399). 
414-a, Citrus Hystrix (typica). 

Ceylon (Hve’s Apple of) (Bs/T/460). 
1836 Tabernzemontan coronaria. 

Ceylon (Forbidden Fruit of) (Bs/1'/460). 
1836 Tabernzmontana coronaria. 

Ceylon (Iron Wood Tree of) (Bed, 1/20). 
185 Mesua ferrea. 

Ceylon (Lear’s Sky-blue Morning Glory 
of) (Nic. 2/192). 2022 Tpomea Leari. 
Ceylon (Leech Lime of) (Bon. 82, 309). 

414-a. Citrns Hystrix (typica) . 

Ceylon (Lima of) (Bon, 82, 309). 414-a. 
Citrus Hystrix (typica),. 

Ceylon (Lovilovi of) (MeL. 907). 
Flacourtia inermis. 

Ceylon (Mandarin Orange of India and) 
(Bon. 53, 858), 418-a. Citrus Aurantium- 
nobilis (chrysocarpa). 

Ceylon (Moossanda of) (MeL. 516, 996). 
1487 Musszenda frondosa. 

Ceylon (Native Cane of) (Rid. 111, 263) 
(Jaf. 129). 8205 Calamus rivalis. 

Ceylon (Potato Plum of) (Hk. 1/191, 
adpd). 182 Scolopia Geertneri. 

Ceylon (Tamana Tree of) (Bed. 2/290). 
decexxii. Mischodon (genus). 

Ceylon (Wild Guava of) (Gbl. 355). 
1225 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 

Ceylon (Wiue Palm of) (Cag. 838) (Cat. 


826), 3152 Caryota urens. 
Ceylon Ash (Mcl. 922). 307 Berrya 

Ceylon Betel Palm (McL, 40, 231) (Hk. 
6/406, adpd). 3122 Areca concinna, 

Ceylon Caper (McL, 125). 106 Capparis 

Ceylon Cinnamon (McL. 154, 188, 473, 
999) (Cat. 228), 2434 Cinnamomum 

Ceylon Cocoanut (Cag. 198), 3228-f. 
Cocos nucifera (zeylanica). 


Ceylon Coffee (Trop. Agr., Xx/11). 1548-0. 
Coffea arabica (Nalknad). 

Ceylon Date Palm (Ru/O/85) (Nic. 3/105). 
3164 Phoenix zeylanica, 

Ceylon Ebony (Mc. 154, 366, #73, 798) 
(Bdn/F.T). 1707 Diospyros Ebenum. 
Ceylon Fan Palm (McL. 882). 

Corypha umbraculifera. 

Ceylon Gamboge (McL. 154, 298, 478, 
749, 874). 174 Garcinia Vorella. 

Ceylon Green Orange (Bon. 45, 356). 
418-b, Citrus Aurantium-nobilis 

Ceylon Heart’s Joy (Mch. 440, adpd). 
Artabotrys zeylanicus. 
Ceylon Indigo. (Pr. 1/452). 

fera tinctoria. 

Ceylon Inland '[rue Mangrove (McL. 470, 
adpd). 1141 Weihea zeylanica, 

Ceylon Iron Wood (Bs/S. 240, CBT). 
1691 Mimusops hexandra. 

Ceylon (Long-leaved-large-flowered) 
Tron-wood (Bed. 1/23, adpd). 185-c. 
Mesua ferrea (speciosa). 

Ceylon (Long-pointed-broad-leaved) Iron- 
wood (Bed. 1/23, adpd). 185-a. 
Mesua ferrea (typica). 

Ceylon (Narrow leaved) Iron-wood (Bed. 

754 Indigo- 

1/23, adpd). 185-d. Mesua _  fervea 

Ceylon (Short-pointed-broad-leaved) 
Tron-wood) (Bed. 1/28, adpd). 185-b. 
Mesua ferrea (Roxburghii). 

Ceylon Jasmine (McL. 9869). 1836 

Tabernemontana corenaria. 

Ceylon Jaumoon (McL. 379, 385, 995). 
1242 Eugenia zeylanica. 

Ceylon Laurel (McL 550, adpd). 
declxxxiii. Litszea (genus). 

Ceylon (Common) Laurel (McL. 500, 
adpd). 3471 Litsza zeylanica. 

Ceylon (Dusky) Laurel (McL. 509, adpd). 
2470 Litsza fuscata. 

Ceylon Leadwort (McL. 154, 178). 
Plumbago zeylanica. 




Ceylon ‘lea (Mob. 154, 883) (Br. 44). 
544 Elesdendron glancum, 

| Chabrier’s Aralia (Nic. 5/79) (Cag. 547) 

3174 | 

34 | 


| Chaltah (MeL. 474). 

Ceylon Leafy Violetwort (Nic. 1/54, McL. | 

1007, adpd), 123 Alsodeia zeylanica, 

Ceylon Mast Tree (Cat.4). 40 Polyalthia, | 
Ceylon Oak (McL. 81, 154, 473, 994) 

(Bdn/L) (Cat. 75). 632 Schleichera 

Ceylon Pavonia (Mc. 517). 
Pavonia zeylanica. 
Ceylon Plum (McL. 154, 478,864). 136-b. 

Flacourtia Ramontchi (sapida). 

Ceylon Sticky Mallow (McL. 517, adpd). 
232 Pavonia zeylanica. 

Ceylon Stink Wood (Hk. 5/483, adpd). 
2711 (bis.) Celtis cinnamomea., ° 

Ceylon Sugar Palm (Cag. 337) (Cat. 326) 
(Rid. 264) (Jaf. 129). 3149 Arenga 

232 | 

eld 545 Elseodendron orien- 


Chaff (Rough) (McL. 506), 1679 Achras 

Chain (Golden) (Nic, 2/224) (3. 229). 
744 Laburnum anagyroides. 

Chain-like buibed Orchid (Hk. 5/788). 
2933 Hria exilis, 
Chain seed cotton (Mch. 234). 254-b. 
Gossypium barbadense (acuminatum). 
Chair-bottom Cane (McL. 751). 3209 
Calamus Rotang. 
Chakkela (MeL. 73). 

Chakondah (McL. 155, 473, 847, 869, 995). 
948 Uassia Tora. 

Chakondah (Large) (Mch. 
1010 Leuczena glauca. 

Chakondah (Lowly) (McL, 155, 844, 994), 
964 Cassia pumila. 

Chakondah (Needle) (McL. 155, 504, 994). 
834 Phaseolus semierectus, 

Chaltah (Mech. 155, 473, 484, 628) (Bu/ 
N/70). 18 Dillenia incica, 

2743 Ficus in- 



v. Dillenia (genus). 

Chaltah (Small) (Mcl. 155, 473, 623, 384) 
15 Dillenia pentagyna. 

Chamerops (Fortune’s) (8.97). 8208-b, 
Trachycarpus excelsa (Fortunei). 

Chambalee (McL. 383), 1775 Jasminum 

Champaca (Pfl. 407). 24 Michelia 
Champak Family (MchL. 1005). III. 

Champak (McL. 157, 473, 484) (Bdn/L). 
24, Michelia Champaca, 
Champak (Creeper) (McL. 156, 804, 997). 
1905 Pergularia minor. 
Champak (Foreign) (MeL, 440, 489). 33 
Artabotrys odoratissimus. 
Champak (Fruited) (McL. 440). 33 
Artabotrys odoratissimas. 
Champak (Golden) (Mch. 
Ochna squarrosa, 
Champak (Golden flowered) (McL. 157) 
(Rid. 139). 24 Michelia Champaca. 
Champak (Iron Wood) (Mech. 157). 185 
Mesua ferrea. 
Champak (Nauga) (McL. 157). 185 Mesua 
Champak (Neilgherry) (Mcl. 157). 26 
Michelia nilagirica, 
_Champak (Serpent) (MeL. 157). 185 
Mesua ferrea. 
Champak (Sultan) (MeL. 705). 
Calophyllum inophylium, 
Champak (White) (Bdn/L). 26 Michelia 

822), 434. 



Champak (White) (McL. 157). 185 
. Mesua ferrea. 
Champak (Wild) (McL. 521). 988 

Bauhinia tomentosa. 
Chandanam (McL. 732). 
Chandanam (Red) (MclL. 
Pterocarpus santalinus. 
Chandelier Tree of Guinea (Nic. 3/16). 
3246 Pandanus candelabrum. 

Chandnee (McbL. 869). 1836 Tabernz- 
montana coronaria. 

Changeable Rose (McL. 83) (Cag. 680) 

2526 Santslum 

756). 896 

(Br. 17) (Pfil. 483) (Ru/N/77). 245 
Hibiscus mutabilis. 

Chaplet (Madagascar) Flower (Nic. 
3/499) (8. 416). 1905 Stephanotis fori- 

Chaqui (McL. 376). 2768 Artocarpus 

Char (McL. 883). 194 Camellia Thea. 
Charcoal Tree (McL. 361) (Cat. 267) 

(Cat. 267) (Ru/O/25) (Pf. 155) (Bed. 

2/311) (Bs/'T/597) (Gbl. 630) (Bdn/F.T 
597) (Gbl. 680) (Bdn/E.T 1/L) (W. 43). 
2713 Trema orientalis. 

Char Palm (McL. 158, 648). 
Borassus flabellifer. 

Chariot Tree (McL, 575). 

Charles Lamb Rose (Mu. 58). 1107-i. 
Rosa hybrida-8emperflorens (coccinea). 
Charles Lefébvre Rose (Nic. 5/645) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/O/19) (Mu. 52). 1107-j. Rosa 
hy brida-semperflorens (punicea- 


Charles Turner Rose (Ru/O/19) (Hod). 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Charm (Snake) (McL. 521). 998 Bauhinia 

Charmaghas (Mch. 844). 

Charelee Oil Tree (Mclh. 
Buchanania latifolia. 


795 Ougeinia 

1038 Acacia 

177). 667 

Chaste Plant (McL. 310, 596, 864) (S. 453), 

dcexxx, Vitex (genus). 

Chaste (Peacock) Plant (McL. 310, adpd). 
2811 Vitex alata. 

Chaste Tree (Br. 168) (Cag. 440) (Cat. 
228) (Ru/O/10), 2309 Vitex Negundo. 

Chaste (Common) Tree (McL, 596). 2308 
Vitex trifolia. 
Chaste (Five leaved) (McL. 596) (Hl. 
837) (Pf. 34). 2809 Vitex Negundo. 
Chaste (Quadrangular) Tree (McL. 596). 
2209 Vitex Negundo. 

Chaste (Sessile leaflet) Tree (McL. 596, 
adpd). 2308 Vitex trifolia. 

Chaste (Staiked leaflet) Tree (McL. 596, 
adpd). 2309 Vitex Negundo. 

Chaste (Tall) Tree (McL. 310). 23810 
Vitex altissima. 


Chaste (Three leaved) Tree (McL. 596) 
(Ell. 582) (Pf. 288). 2308 Vitex trifo- 

Chaste (White leaved Panicled) Tree 
(McL. 596). 2308 Vitex trifolia. 

Chastity (Tree of) (Mc. 596) (S. 453). 
2308 Vitex trifolia. 

Chaulmoogra (McL. 159). 
cardia odorata. 

Chaulmugra Oil Tree (Bs/T/41) (Bdn/ 
F.T). 141 Gynocardia odorata. 

Chaw-stick (Downy-branchletted) (Nic. 
2/85, Hk. 1/648, adpd). 577 Gouania 

Chaw-stick (Glabrous branchletted) (Nic. 
2/85, Hk. 1/643, adpd). 578 Gounania 

Chaw-stick (Medium-leaved) (Hk. 1/644, 
adpd). 578 Gouania leptostachya. 

Chaw-stick (Small leaved) (Hk. 1/643, 
adpd). 577 Gouania microcarpa. 

Chaw-stick (Square-branched very-small- 
leaved) (Hk. 1/644, adpd). 579 Heli- 
nus Janceolatus. 

Chaw-stick of Jamaica (Nic, 
cexxxiv. Gouania (genus). 

Chay Root (Treas. Bot. 1/673). cdlxxxviii. 
Hedyotis (genus). 

Chay-root (Medium-membranoussyiscid- 
stipuled ovate-acuminate-leayed) Shrub 
or Climber (Hk. 2/57, adpd). 1477 
Hedyotis viscida. 

Chay-root (Minute-leathery-nerveless- 
recurved-margined Heart-or-ovate- 
acute-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 3/52, adpd). 
1474 Hedyotis buxifolia. 

Chay-root (Small-lance-acuminate-leaved ) 
Shrub of Salteswamps (Hk. 3/51, 
adpd), 1471 Hedyotis pruinosa. 

scabrid elliptic-lance acuminate-leaved) 
Shrub (Hk, 3/55,adpd). 1476 Hedyotis 

Chay-root (Small-leathery-lance-acumin- 
ate-leaved square-branched) Shrub 
(Hk. 3/49, adpd). 1467 “Hedyotis 

Chay-root (Small-leathery ovate-acute- 
leaved) Shrub (Hk. 3/51, adpd). 1469 
Hedyoatis stylosa. 

Chay-root (Small-leathery ovate-obtuse- 
or-cuspidate-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 3/50, 
adpd), 1468 Hedyotis purpurascens. 

Chay-root (Small-leathery-sessile elliptic- 
wavy-acute-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 3/51, 
adpd). 1472 Hedyotis swertioides. 

Chay-root (Small-leathery-sessile 
recurved-margined lance-subacute- 
leaved) Shrub (Hk. 3/51, adpd). 1470 
Hedyotis articularis. 

Chay-root (Very-small elliptic-acute- 
leaved square-branched) Shrub (Hk. 

141 Gyno- 



3/55, adpd), 1475 Hedyotis travan- 

Chay-root (Very-small  elliptic-ovate- 
subacnte-leaved) Shrab (Hk. 3/52, 
adpd). 1473 Hedyotis Beddomei. 

Chebulic Myrobalan (Mc. 118, 231, 286, 
473, 588, 928, 995) (Cat. 135) (W. 1, 57, 
82, 106). 1146 Terminalia Chebule. 

Chebulic (Densely-silky) Myrobalan (Bs/ | 

T/309). 1146-b. ‘Terminalia chebula 

Chebulic (Silky-glabrate) Myrobalan 
(Bs/T/309). 1146-a. Terminalia chebula 

Cheekaty (MchL. 469). 178 Garcinia 
Xanthochy mus. 

Cheeneekamrunga (Cag. 285). 365 
Averrhoa Carambola. 

Cheeneechumpa Banana (Cag. 207). 

3042-a. Musa sapientum (Champa). 
Cheer Pine (Mnuell. 8S.P) (McL. 162). 
2849 Pinus longifolia. 


INDEX. 407 

Cherry (Acid) (Bs/T/280) (Gbl. 
1066 Prunus cerasus, 

Cherry (Alternate-leaved Tetramerous- 
panicled Purple-bloom) (Rox. 1/415, 
adpd). dlxxy. Dobera (genus), 

Cherry (Brazil) (McL. 105, 164, 473, 587, 
626, 1000) (?). 2569 Phyllanthus 
distichus (?). 

Chetry (Barbadoes) (McL. 74, 379, 587). 
1268 Eugenia uniflora. 

Cherry (Barbadoes) (Cag. 644). 
Malpighia (genus). 

Cherry (Barbadoes) (McL. 164) (Nic. 2/ 
319) (Ru/N/82). 351 Malpighia glabra, 



_ Cherry (Barbadoes) (Br. 30) (Ru/O/41). 

3538 Malpighia punicifolia. 

| Cherry (Box leaved Barbadves) (Nic. 


Cheese Dye Tree (McL. 777). 130 Bixa 

Cheese Tree (McL. 44). 2095 Withania 

Chehoor (McL. 520). 994 Bauhinia 

Chelem of the Mexicans (Muell. 8.P). 

(? 3052) 3051 Agave rigida. 
Cheloopay (McL. 590). 544 Elzeodendron 
Chelsea Croton (Nic. 1/351). 2646-Ti. 
Codizeum variegatum (Chelsoni). 
Chemists (Lignum-santali of) (McL. 782). 
2526 Santalum album. 
Chemists (Lignum-santalinum-album-vel- 
citrinum of) (McL. 782). 2526 Santa- 

lum album. 
Chempay (McL. 805). 779 Sesbania 
Chennangy (Mc. 163, 995). 13816 

Lagerstreemia parviflora. 

Chenopods (Br. 277). LXXXIX. Cheno- 

Chepoora (Mch. 520). 

Cheramella (Rox. 3/673). 
thus distichus, 

Cherimoyer (McL. 35) (Muell. S.P). 
Anona Cherimolia. 

Cherokee Rose (Nic. 3/323) (S. 92, 375). 
1092 Rosa levigata. 

Cherries (Barbadoes) (MclL. 
XXIII. Malpighiacez (order). 

Cherry (Barbadoes) Family (Br. 30) (L/ | 
N/S/B). XXIII. Malpighiacezx (order). 

Cherry (McL. 54) (H/E.F) (Lond). 
ecelxxx, Prunus (genus). 

Cherry (Nic. 1/295) (8.351) (Bed. 1/97) | 
(Bdn/F.T) (Cag. 246) (Rid. 115, 150) | 
(McL, 58, 164, 495). 1066 Prunus 

991 Bauhinia 
2569 Phyllan- 



2/319), 352 Malpighia coccigera. 
Cherry (Cashmere) (FAR. 10). 1067 
Prunus tomentasus. 
Cherry (Common) (Nic. 1/296). 1066 

Prunus cerasus. 

Cherry (Common ovate leaved Barbadoes) 
(Nic. 2/319). 351 Malpighia glabra. 

Cherry (Cornelian) (S. 110). cdlxxi. 
Cornus (genus). 

Cherry (Diverse 
(Nic. 2/319, 

Cherry (Himalayan) (Hk. 2/315, adpd). 
1068 Prunus Puddum. 

Cherry (Holly leaved Barbadoes) (Nic. 2/ 
319, adpd). 3854 Malpighia heterantha. 

. Cherry (Hop)i(Hk. 1/584, Rox. 2/87, adpd). 
ccii, Opilia (ganna): 

Cherry (Jerusalem) (Nic. 3/453) (S. 407). 
2070 Solanum pseudocapsicum. 

Cherry (Medium-glaucous-backed linear- 
oblong-waved-acuminate-leaved Purple- 
bloom) (Rox. 1/415, adpd). 1798 
Dobera Roxburghii. 

Cherry (Moon’s Barbadoes) (McL. 74, 379, 
587, adpd), 1267 Eugenia Mooniana. 
Cherry (Pomegranate leaved Barbadoes) 

(Nic. 2/319). 353 Malpighia punicifolia, 

Cherry (Small-leathery-distichous ovate- 
lance-leaved Hop) (Hk. 1/584, Rox. 
2/87, adpd). 495 Opilia amentacea, 

Cherry (Sweet) (Bs/T/280) (Gbl. 311). 
1066-b. Prunus cerasus (avium). 

Cherry (Wild) (Hk. 3/313). 1066 Prunus 

| Cherry (Winter) (McL. 44), 
Withania somnifera (?). 

Cherry (Winter) (McL. 6). (?) 2266 
Adhatoda Vasica (?). 

| Cherry (Winter) (S. 414). 
Solanum pseudocapsicum (?). 

| Cherry-berried Star-flowered 
(Bs/T/10,  adpd). = xvii. 

flowered Barbadoes) 
adpd). 3854 Malpighia 

(?) 2098 

(?) 2070 


_ Cherry Black Plum (McL. 379, 385, adpd). 

1256 Eugenia operculata. 


Cherry (Stock’s) Black Plum (Mch. 379. | 

385, adpd). 1257 Eugenia Stocksii. 
herry-carmine (Climbing) Hybrid Tea 
Rose (Nic, 3/325) (Mu. 54) (Ru/N/92, 
0/19) (Hod). 1105-g, Rosa odorata 
(hy brida-kermesina-scandens). 

Cherry -Crimson Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/O/20). 1107-j. Rosa 
hy brida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Cherry (Leafless) Cypress (Bth. 6/229, 
adpd). 2529 Exocarpus cupressiformis. 

Cherry Jaumoon (MclL. 879, 385, 478, 
995). 1256 Hugenia operculata. 

Cherry Laurel (8. 98, 851). 1070 Prunus 

Cherry Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, adpd). xvii. 
Polyalthia (genus). 

Cherry (Corky barked) Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/65, adpd). 46 Polyalthia suberosa. 

Cherry (Long-membranons-shining 
elliptic-leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/68, 
adpd). 42 Polyalthia fragrans. 

Cherry (Long-membranous-shining lance- 
acuminate-waved-leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/62, adpd). 40 Polyalthia longifolia. 

Cherry (Medium-leathery-puberulous- 
backed lance-acuminate-leaved) 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/66, adpd), 48 Polyal- 
thia persiceefolia. 

Cherry (Medium-membranous-downy- 
backed lance-acuminate-leaved) Nut- 
meg (Hk. 1/64, adpd), 44 Polyalthia 

Cherry (Medium-membranous  ovate- 
oblong-leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/63, 

adpd). 43 Polyalthia simiarum. 

Cherry (Medium-n1embranons-shining 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/62, adpd). 41 Polyal- 
thia coffeoides. 

Cherry (Medium-papery-pberulous- 
backed oblong-obtuse-leaved) Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/63, adpd). 46 Polyalthia 

Cherry (\ledium-woolly-midribbed Nar- 
row-oblong-cordate-acute-leaved) Nut- 
meg (Hk, 1/66, adpd). 47 Polyalthia 

Cherry (Small-leathery-shining ovate- 
acute-leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/65, adpd). 
45 Polyalthia Korinti. 

Cherry (Common) Nutmeg Tree (McL. 
280, 478, adpd). 44 Polyalthia cerasoi- 

Cherry (East Coast) Nutmeg Tree (McL. 
281, adpd). 45 Polyalthia Korinti. 

Cherry (Fragrant) Nutmeg Tree (McL, 
281, adpd). 42 Polyalthia fragrans, 

Cherry (Peach leaved) Nutmeg Tree 
(McL. 281, adpd). 48 Polyalthia 


Cherry (Reddening) Nutmeg Tree (McL, 
281, adpd). 47 Polyalthia rufescens. 
Cherry (Wynaad Coffee) Nutmeg Tree 
(MchL, 281). 41 Polyalthia coffeoides. 
Cherry (Stal) of Bengal (McL. 171). 

1207 Pimenta acris. 

Cherry Pepper (McL.170). 2094 (tria.)-b. 
Capsicum grossum (cerasiformis). 

Cherry Pie (Nic. 2/131). 1988 Heliotro- 
pium peruvianum. 

Cherry-tinted-Rosy-pink Hybrid-perpe- 
tual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) (Ru/ 
N/93, 0/20, 22) (Mu. 58, 54) (Hod). 
1107-g. Rora hybrida-semperflorens 

Cherry Tree of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
6/229). 2529 Exocarpus  cupressi- 

Cherry-tubed White and Rosy Fuchsia 
(Nie. 2/83), 1831 (bés.) Fuchsia albo- 

Cheshunt Hybrid Rose (Nic. 3/825) (Ru/ 
N/92, 0/19) (Mu. 54) (Hod), 1105-q. 
Rosa odorata (hybrida-kermesina- 

Cheshunt (Brightness of) Rose (Ru/O/19) 
(Mu. 52). 1107-1, Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (atrosanguinea), 

Cheshunt (Grandeur of) Rose (Mu. 58). 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Chestnut (Horse) Family (L/N/8/B). 
XXXVIII. Sapindacez (order). 

Chestnut (Nic, 1/277). decexcii. 
Castanea (genus). 

Chestnut (Cape) (8S. 72, 76). 371 Caloden- 
drum capensis. 


Chestnut (China) (Cag. 
Sterculia Balanghas. 

Chestnut (Chinese) (Cag. 210). 2795 
Castanopsis tribuloides. 

Chestnut (Common Horse) (Nic. 1/84). 
629 Aisculus Hippocastanum. 

Chestnut (Golden leaved) (8. 81), 
dccexciii. Castanopsis (genus). 

Chestnut (Horse) (H/E.F) (Nic. 1/84) (S. 
10). ccxlii. Asculus (genus). 

Chestnut (Horse) Tree (Muell. .S,.P) 
(H/E.F) (8. 208) (Bed. 1/71) (Gbl. 193) 
(FAR. 10, NUGS), 629 Aiscolus 

Cherry (Indian) (McL. 65, 164,358). 561 
Zizyphus Jujuba, 

Chestnut (Moreton-Bay) (Maid: C.T) (Br. 
59) (Bll. 156) (Nic. 1/279) (@bl. 266) 
(Cag. 629) (Cat. 129) (Ru/N/47, 128, 
0/8) (Mu). 925 Castanospermum 

Chestnut (Oak) (Muell. 8.P). decexciii. 
Oastanopsis (genus). 

Chestnut (Spanish) (Nic. 1/277)(8. 81, 409) 
(Cat. 210) (Ooty. 236) (Gbl. 667), 2794 
Castanea sativa. 



Chestnut (Sweet) Tree (Muell. S.P) 
H/E.F) (Gbl. 667) (Nic. 1/277) (S. 81) 
FAR. 10, NUGS). 2794 Castanea 


Acuainate Feather 

Palm (Rid. 265, 266, adpd). wmxiii. | 
Jubsea (genus), 
Chick Coffee (‘Trop. Agr. xx/11). 1548-d. 

Coffea arabica (chick), 
Chickrainy (McL. 840). 
Chickrassy (McL. 168, 472, 484, 993). 
481 Chukrassia tabularis. 
Chikty (McL. 169, 943). 
fetta (genus). 
Child’s-A mulet 

exxi, Trium- 


one-seeded-druped) (Hk. 3/241, adpd). | 

dccexx. Hemicyclia (genus). 
Child’s-Amvlet (Smaill-leathery shining 
elliptic-oblong-cuneate- obtuse-to acu- 

minate leaved) (Hk. 5/339, adpd). 2601 | 

Hemicyclia venusta. 

Child’s-Amulet (Small-leathery-hard 
broad-elliptic-oblong-entire-or- repand- 
obtuse-or-retuse leaved) Sbkrub (Hk. 
5/337, adpd). 2598 Hemicyclia sepi- 

Child’s Amulet Tree (Rox. 2/776, adpd). 
decexix. Putranjiva (genus). 

Child’s Amulet (Few-(2-4)-seeded- 
druped) Tree (Hk. 5/241, adpd). 
decexxi. Cyclostemon (genus). 

Child’s Amulet (Few-(2-4)-stamened 

one-seeded-druped) ‘Tree (Hk. 5/241, - 

adpd). deccxix. Putranjiva (genus). 
Child’s Amulet (Larger-flowered) Tree 
(Bs/T/S66,- adpd). 2600 Heémicyclia 
Child’s Amulet (Long-leathery oblong- 

leaved) Tree (Hk. 5/340, adpd). 2604 
Cyclostemon macrophyllus (penin- 

Child’s Amulet (Long-membranous-vel- 
vetty-glabrate oblong-cuspidate leaved) 
Tree (Hk. 6/341, adpd), 2605 Cyclos- 
temon malabaricus. 

Child’s Amulet (Medium-leathery-shin- 
ing lance-acuminate leaved) Tree (Hk. 
5/339, adpd), 2602 Hemicyclia elata. 

Child’s Amulet (Medium-papery-shining 
Narrow-oblong-!ance cuspidate leaved) 
Tree (Hk, 5/339, adpd). 2603 Hemicy- 
clia Wightii. 

Child’s Amulet (Small-downy-glabrate- 

- leathery oblique-ovate-lance-serrulate- 
obtuse-to-acuminate leaved) Tree (Hk. 
5/336, adpd). 2597 Putranjiva Rox: 

Childs Amulet (Small-leathery downy- 
glabrate ovate-lance-dentate-acuminate 
leaved) Tree (Bdn/F.T, Bs/F,T, 567, 
adpd). 2599 Hemicyclia travancorica. 

1050 Albizzia | 

INDEX. 409 

Childrens’ Amulet Tree (McL. 711), 
Putranjiva Roxburgii. 

Chili (Axil-spined Paripinuate-leaved 
Brasiletto of) (Nic. 1/890, adpd). 935 
Cesalpinia tinctoria, 

Chili (Cirnelillo of) (Muell, $.P). 2488 
Embothrium coccineum, 

Chili (Coquito Palm of) (Muell, 8.P) 
(Nic, 2/209). 3233 Jubsa spectabilis. 

Chili (Linear-serrate leaved Slipperwort 
of) (Nic. 1/240), 2118 Calceolaria thyr- 

Chili (Notra of) (Muell. 8.P). 
bothrium coccineum, 

Chili (Scarlet and Purple Fuchsia of) (Nic. 
2/33), 1330 Fuchsia macrostemma. 

Chili (Soap Bark Tree of) (Nic. 3/266) 
(Muell. S.P), 1110 Quillaja saponaria. 

Chili (Tree Potato of) (Cat. 202) (Nic. 
3/4538) (S. 407). 2073 Solanum arboreum 

Chili (Wrinkled-entire leaved Slipperwort 
of) (Nic, 1/240), 2112 Calceolaria inte- 

Chili (Anchor Plant of) and Peru) Nic, 
1/361, adpd). 557 Colletia ferox, 

Chili Jasmine (8, 92, 260). 1853 Mande- 
villa suaveolens, 

Chilian Glory Flower (8.92, 146, 182). 
2147 Eccremocarpus scaber. 

Chilian Gum Box (S. 157) (Nic. 1/538). 
1127 Escallonia macrantha, 

Chilian Pine (8. 82,92). 2838 Araucaria 

Chilli (8. 74, 92) (Pfl. 330). 
sicum (genus). 


2488 Em- 

delxviii, Cap- 

Chilly (McL. 170). delxviii. Capsicum 
Chilli (Bird’s eye) (Pr. 2/749). 2094 (bis.) 

Capsicum minimum, 
Chilli-fruited Caper (Hk. 1/172, adpd). 
xlvi. Cadaba (genus). 
Chilli (Trifoliate) fruited Caper (Hk. 
1/172, adpd). 102 Cadaba trifoliata. 
Chilli (Unifoliate) fruited Caper (Hk. 
1/172, adpd). 108 Cadaba indica. 

Chilli Pepper (S. 92). 2094-a. Capsicum 
frutesces (typica). 

Chilly (Bird’s-eye) (McL. 170, 484, 992). 
2094 (bis.) Capsicum minimum, 

Chilly (Caffree) (MeL, 170, 484, 677, 998). 
2094 (tris.) Capsicum grossum, 

Chilly (Common) (McL.170, 998). 2094-b, 
Capsicum frutescens (annuum), 

Chilly (Goleendah) (McL, 170). 2094-a. 
Capsicum frutescens (typica). 

Chilly (Needle) (McL. 170). 2094 (dis.) 
Capsicum minimum, 

Chilly (Nepaul) (McL. 170, 591). 2094c. 
Capsicum frutescens (nepalense). 

Chilly (Shrubby) (MeL. 170, 484, 998). 
2094-a, Capsicum frutescens (typica), 


Chilly Pepper (Hll. 140). 2094-a. Capsi- 
cum frutescens (typica). 

China (Fingered Citron of) (Bon. 71, 346). 
409-b. Citrus medica-medica (digitata). 

China (Horned Holly of North) (Nic. 
2/174). 506 Ilex cornuta. 

China (Obtuse-elliptic-leaved St. John’s- 
wort of) (Nic. 1/437). 165 Hypericum 

China (Purple stalked-fruited Tulip Tree 
of (Nic. 8/315). 28 Michelia fuscata. 
China (Pride of) (McL. 578). 458 Melia 


China (Sacred Bamboo of). 96 Nandina 

China (Small-leathery elliptic-acute-leaved 
Red-spotted-yellow Corkscrew Dog- 
bane of) (Nic. 3/520, adpd). 1848 
Strophanthus divergens. 

China (White Ixora of) (Br. 100). 1541 
Ixora alba. 

China (Camphor Tree 
(Muell. 8.P). 

China (Date Plum of) and Japan (Muell. 
S.P) (8.141). 1701 Diospyros Kaki. 

China (Fan Palm of South) and Japan 
(Muell. $.P). 3195 Livistona chinensis. 

China (Ginkgo Tree of) and Japan (Muell. 
SP) (H/E.F) (Nic. 2/68) (S. 179, 208, 
408). 2824 Gingko biloba, 

China (Pencil Cedar of) and Japan ( Muell. 
8.P). 2821 Juniperus chinensis. 

China (Tallow Tree of) and Japan (Muell. 
S.P). 2702 Sapium sebiferum. 

China(Wichuray’s Snow-white Rose of) and 
Japan (Nic. 5/646). 1093 Rosa Lucie. 

China (Hybrid of) and Musk Rose (Cag. 
601). 1108 Rosa Noisettiana. 

China Box (McL, 210) (Br. 27) (Rid. 148) 
(Cag. 683) (Cat. 47). 892 Murraya 

China (Many-flowered) Box (Hk. 1/502, 
adpd), 897-a, Murraya exotica (exotica), 

China (Subsolitary-flowered) Box. (Hk. 
1/508, adpd). 392-b, Murraya exotica 

China Camphor (MchL. 188). 
momum Camphora. 

China Chestnut (Cag. 287). 270 Stercu- 
lia nobilis, 

China Cotton (Hk. 1/847) (Rox. 3/185). 
253-b. Gossypium herbaceum (obtusi- 

China Creeper (McL. 362) (8. 92). 2019 
Tpomea Quamoclit. 

China (South) Fan Palm (Muell. S.P). 
3208-a. Trachycarpus excelsa. 

China Fern Palm (8. 128, 164), 2878 
Cycas revoluta. 

China Grass (MchL. 171, 745, 1,00U) (Cag. 
413) (Bs/T/617) (Gbl. 657) (EI, 196), 
2771-a. Boehmeria nivea (candicans). — 

of) and Japan 
2440 Cinnamomum Cam- 

2440 Cinna- 


China Limboo (Mch. 4385). 398 Tripbasia 

China Mangrove (McL. 470). 2631 Mani- 
hot utilissima. 

China Mindie (McL. 503, 995) (Rid, 133). 
1315 Lagerstroemia indica, 

China (White) Mindie (Rid. 138). 
Lagerstroemia indica (albiflora), 

China Nora (McL. 436). 1729 Symplocos 

China Orange (Mcl. 623, 624) (?). 418-a, 
Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (chrysocarpa) 



China Orange (McL. 435) (Br. 27). [898 
Sphalm] 408 Citrus trifoliata. 

China Orange of Saharanpur (Bon. 54), 
419-c. Citrus Aurantium-crenatifolia 


China Pepper (McU. 171, 857, 995). 1207 
Pimenta acris. 

China Privet (McL. 484). 1315 Lager- 

stroemia indica. 
China (White) Privet (Rid. 1383, adpd). 

1315-b. Lagerstroemia indica (albi- — 
China Root (McL. 171, 1000). cmlxi. 

Smilax (genus). 

China Root (MeL. 120). 

China (Oval leaved) Root (McL. 171, 588, 
1000), 3080 Smilax macrophylla. 

China Rose (McL. 822) (Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 
2/321) (Cag. 598). 1103 Rosa indica, 

China Rose (Pfl. 263), 244 Hibiscus rosa- 

China (Aitchison’s White) Rose(Nic. 3/328) 
1092 Rosa levigata. 

China (Blusb) Rose (Br. 72). 1103-a. 
Kosa indica (carnea-semiplena). 

China (Common) Rose (Cag, 598) (Ru/N/ 
90, O/19 (Hod). 1103-a. Rosa indica 

China (Crimson) Rose (8. 375) (Ru/O/19) 
(Mu. 56) (Hod). 1103-e. Rosa indica 

China (Crimson Anemone. flowered) Rose 
(Cag. 598). 1108-d. Rosa indica (pun- 

China (Dwarf Double-Daisy-flowered) 
Rose (Cag. 599). 1103-m. Rosa indica 

China (Green) Rose (Ru/N/92, 0/20) (Mu. 
57) (Nic. 5/648). 1108-k. Rosa indica 

China (Half-double Flesh-pink) Rose 
(Cag. 598) (Ru/N/90, 1/19). 1103-a. 
Rosa indica (carnea-semiplena). 

China (Hybrid) Rose (Nic. 3/325 (Ru/O/ 
20). 1103-a. Rosa indica(carnea-semi- 

China (Hybrid of French or Damask 
Bourbon, and) Rose (Cag. 590). 1107 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens. 

92 Jateorrhiza 


China (Large Crimson) Rose (Hod). 
1103-e. Rose indica (sanguinea-major), 
China (Large full deep-carmine) Rose 
(Mu. 56) (Hod). 1103-f. Rosa indica 


China (Orange-shaded Pink) Rose (Nic. 
5/648) (Mu. 57). 1108-g. Rosea indica 

China (Pink-margined Apricot-Yellow) 
Rose (Nic, 5/648) (Mu. 57). 1108-h. Rosa 
indica (armeniaca-roseo-marginata). 

China (Pure-white) Rose (Vag. 598) (Ru/ 
0/19). 1108-1, Rosa indica (candida). 

China (Rosy-Pink changing to Crimson) 
Rose (Nic. 5/647) (Cag. 598). 1103-c. 
Rosa indica (rosea-dein-punicea). 

China (Small berried) Rose (Nic. 3/322). | 

1090 Rosa microcarpa. 

China (Velvetty Crimson Large) Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Cag. 598). 1103-d. Rosa 
indica (punicea-major), 

China (Waxy-pale Flesh-coloured) Rose 
(Nic. 5/648) (Br. 70). 1103-b, Rosa 
indica (carnea-albocerea). 

China Rose Bendy (McL. 82, 484, 827, 943), 
244 Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis. 

China Tea (McL. 883) (S. 370). 
Camellia Thea. 

China (Fortune’s) Yellow Rose (Nic. 3/320) 
(Cag. 593) (Br. 72). 1091 Rosa Fortu- 

Chirch (McL. 

Chinch (Gorak’s) (MeL. 78). 
sonia digitata. 

Chindooga (Mcl.. 840). 

Chinee Orange (Bon. 258). 417-b. Citrus 
Aurantium-Aurantium (citrina). 

Chinese (Towcok Bean of the) (Treas. Bot. 
2/1215). cccxiv. Vigna (genus). 

Chinese Anise (McL.33). 17 Ilicium ani- 

Chinese Arbor Vite (Nic. 4/34) (S. 420) 
(Gbi. 695) (Br. 204) (Mu. 42). 2817 
Thuya orientalis. 

Chinese Azalea (Nic.1/150), 1646 Rhodo- 
dendron indicum. : 

Chinese Banana (Muell. 8.P) 
2/742). 3040 Musa chinensis. 

Chinese Banyan (McL, 73, 1000). 
Ficus retusa. 

Chinese Black Wood (Cooke. 1/397) (FAR 
26, MBR), 886 Dalbergia melanoxylon. 
Chinese Brinjal (Nic. 3/454). 2084-b. 

Solanum Melongena (longum). 

Chinese Buck Thorn (Cag. 633). 
Rhamnuus virgatus. 

Chinese Castor (McL. 379). 2642 Croton 

Chinesé Chestnut (Cag. 210), 2795 Cas- 
tanopsis tribuloides. 


874). 982 Tamarindus 

1049 Albizzia sti- 



257 Adan-— 


Chinese Date Plum (Mech, 304). 1701 
Diospyros Kaki, 

Chinese Date 'Tvee (McL. 65). 561 Zizy- 
phus Jujuba. 

Chinese Dwarf Bamboo (MchL. 70). 3802 
Bambusa nana, 

Chinese Fennel (McL. 33). 17 Ilicium 


Chinese Fever Plant (McL. 300) (Nic. 3/4). 
1591 Peederia foetida. 

Chinese Fragrant flowered Glory Tree (S. 
101, Nic. 1/341, adpd). 2323 Cleroden- 
dron fragrans. 

Chinese Gaub (McL. 303, 977), 
Diospyros Kaki. 

Chinese Glaucous leaved Shrubby Bamboo 
(Nic. 1/155) (Gbl. 747). 38302 Bambusa 

Chinese Golden Orange (McL. 251). 
Citrus japonica. 

Chinese Guava (Br. 78) (Cag. 236) (Ooty. 
68) (FAR. 34, 36, 37). 1223 Psidium 

Chinese Haw Thorn (S, 325). 
Photinia (genus). 

Chinese (Medium-leathery lance-to-oblong 
acuminate-leaved smaller-flowered) 
Hawthorn (Hk. 2/380, adpd). 1118 
Photinia Notoniana. 

Chinese (Medium-leathery lance-to-oblong 
acute-leaved larger-flowered). Haw- 
thorn (Hk, 2/880, adpd). 1117 Photi- 
nia Lindleyana. 

Chinese Hibiscus (McL. 83), 245 Hibis- 
cus mutabilis. 

Chinese Holly (Cag. 624) (Ku/O/31). 
Ilex cornuta. 



cece] xxxvi. 


| Chinese Honeysuckle (McL. 749) (Br. 75). 

1164 Quisqualis indica. 

Chinese Ivy (5. 484). 1863 Trachelosper- 
mum jasminoides. 

Chihese Jasmine (8. 434), 
lospermum jasminoides, 

Chinese Juniper (S. 93) (Br. 204). 
Juviperus chinensis. 

Chinese Kidney Bean (S, 460) (Nic. 4/213), 
763 Wistaria chinensis. 

Chinese Laurel (McL, 474). decexxyi. 
Antidesma (genus). 

Chinese Laurel (MchL, 472, 594). 2614 
Antidesma Bunius. 

Chinese (Heart-stipuled Larger) Laurel 
(McL. 474, 590, adpd). 2614 Antides- 
ma Bunius, 

Chinese (Lance-stipuled Larger) Laurel 
(meL. 474, 594, adpd). 2617 Antides- 
ma Menasu. 

Chinese (Many-stamened oblong-druped) ~ 
Laurel (Hk. 5/241, adpd). decexxy. 
Daphniphyllum (genus). 

Chinese (Medium - leathery - glaucous- 
backed oblong ~ obtuse-obovate-leayed) 

1863 Trache- 


Laurel (Hk. 5/353, adpd), 2612 Dapb- | 

niphyllum glaucescens. 

Chinese (Rounded leaved) Laurel (McL. 
474, 594, adpd). 

Chinese (Thick leaved Smaller) Laurel 
(McL. 474, 594, adpd). 2615 Antides- 
ma zylanicum. 

Chinese (Thin leaved Smaller) Laurel 
(McL. 474, 594,adpd), 2616 Antidesma 

Chinese Lavender (Br. 108), 
sostephium artemisioides. 

1622 Cros- 

Chinese Medlar (8. 93, 154). 1112 Eriobo- | 

trya japonica. 

Chinese Moon Creeper (Mch. 300, 512, 
adpdj. 1591 (bis.) Pederia fetida. 

Chinese Olive 
Canarium commune. 

Chinese (Lilac) Orange Ball Tree (Nic. 
5/165). 1954 Buddleia curviflora. 

Chinese (Purple) Orange Ball Tree (Nic. 
1/221). 1952 Buddleia Lindleyana, 

Chinese Pagoda Tree (Nic. 3.459) (S. 408). 
ecexxix. Sophora (genus). 

Chinese (Emarginate leaved Yellow) 
Pagoda. Tree (Hk, 2/251, adpd). 915 
Sophora interrupta. 

Chinese (Four-winged podded) Pagoda 
Tree (Hk. 2/251, adpd), 915 Sophora 

Chinese (Oblong acute leaved) Pagoda 
Tree (Hk, 2/249, adpd). 918 Sophora 

Chinese (Obovate leaved Yellow) Pagoda 
Tree (Hk. 2/249, adpd). 912 Sophora 

2613 Antidesma | 

(McL. 287, 1044). 446 | 

| Chintoo (McL. 174, 993). 

Chinese (Obtuse leaved Yellow) Pagoda | 

Tree (Hk. 2/251, adpd). 916 Sophora 

Chinese (Pointed leaved Yellow) Pagoda 
Tree (Hk. 2/250, adpd). 914 Sophora 

Chinese (Purple flowered) Pagoda Tree 
(Hk. 2/249, adpd). 913 Sophora 

Chinese Parasol Tree (Nic. 3/500). 265 
Sterculia platanifolia. 

Chinese Pear (Hk. 1/640, L/N/S/B, | 
adpd), ccxxx. Hovenia (genus). 
Chinese (Medium-membranous  ovate- | 

crenate-acuminate-leaved) Pear (Hk. 
1/640, adpd). 571 Hovenia dulcis. 

Chinese Pepper (McL. 677). 2405 Piper 

Chinese Persimmon (Cat. 678) (Cag. 221). 
1701 Diospyros Kaki. 


adpd). 421 Citrus japonica. 

Chinese Reclining Sago Palm (Nic, 1/274). 

3154 Caryota mitis. 

Chinese Rice Paper Plant (8.164) (Gbl. | 

384). 1895 Fatsia papyrifera, 


Chinese Rose Mallow (S, 93). 244 Hibis- 
cus rosa-simensis. y 

Chinese Shoe Plant (McL. 82). 244 Hibis- 
cus rosa-simensis. 

Chinese Soap Pod (Treas. Bot.) cccxxx- 
viii. Czesalpinia (genms). 

Chinese Tallow (McL. 9, 171, 1000) (Rid. 
154, 158) (Rao/O/8) (Bs/T/584) (Gbl. 
624) (Bdn./i.T) (Br. 192) (Ell. 275) 
(Cat. 261) (FAR. 28, CDP). 2702 Sapium 

Chinese Tea Scenter (Nic. 1/817). 
deelxix, Chloranthus (genus). 

Chinese Trifoliate Orange (Bon. 86), 408 
Citrus trifoliata, 

Chinese Tulip Tree (S, 93). 

Chinese Wampee Tree (Nic. 1/371, Hk. 
1/505, Bed. 1/45). 395 Clausena Wampi. 

Chinese Weeping Cypress (Cat. 314). 
2806 Cupressus funebris. 

Chinese Yam (Muell. S.P). 3064 Dios- 
corea vlabra. 

Chinese Yam (Pr. 
corea aculeata. 

Chinny (McL. 178, 465, 1000). 
Acalypha fruticoss. 

Chinois (Risso’s Bigaradier) (Bon. 58). 
421-b, Citrus japonica (Hazara). 

Chinta (McL. 874), 982 Tamarindus 

23 Michelia 

2/1087). 3069 Dios- 


ccxiz. Gymnos- 
povia (genus). 

Chiptoo (Large) (McL. 174, 4738, 993). 
541 Gymnosporia montana. 

Chintoo (Small) (McL. 174, 473, 993). 540 
Gymnosporia emarginata. 

Cirangy (Gummy) (McL., 314). (?) 1807 
Woodfordia fioribunda. 

Chirimaun (McL, 968). 

Chironjee (McL. 177, 231, 522, 743, 994). 
667 Buchanania latifolia. 

Chitrak (McL. 178). dsxlvy. Plumbago 

Chitrak (McL. 84). 98 Berberis aristata. 

Chitramoolam (McL. 178, 997). dxlv. 
Plumbago (genas). 

1154 Anogeissus 

Chittagong (Bastard) Wood (Bed. 1/53, 
2/10). 482 Cedrela Toona. 
| Chittagong Wood (Mc. . 911). [482 

Sphalm ] Chukrassia tabularis. 

Chittagong Wood (McL. 168) (Cag. 635) 
(Br. 35) (Ell. 167) (Bed. 1/53, 2/9) (Bs./T/ 
144) (Gbl. 156) (Bdn./F/T/1:) (Pr. 1/820) 
(W. 82). 481 Chukrassia tabularis. 

Preserve Orange (McL, 451,  Chittibenda (McL. 517), 233 Pavonia 


Chobcheeny (McL. 171). cmlxi. Smilax 

Chocolate-blotched leaved Banana (Cooke. 
2/741, adpd). 3038 Musa sumatrana. 


Chocolate Family (Br. 22). XX. Ster- 
culiacese (order). 

Chocolate Dye Olimber (McL. 651, adpd). | 
ecxxvii, Ventilago (genus). 

Chocolate-margined-and-stalked Mauritius 
Palm (Nic. 2/237). 3227 Latania Com- | 

Chocolate Tree (McL. 195) (Ru/N/51) | 
(S. 95, 428) (Ell. 555) (Gat. 39). 302 | 
Theobroma Cacao. 

Cholam (Wild) (McL. 182, 999) (? Forest 

obstruction). 2273 Lantana indica (?). 
Chook (McL. 178, 999). 2379 Salicornia | 

Choondakye (McL. 829). 

Choopah Tree of Sumatra (Treas. Bot. 
1/275, 2/883). dccexxvii. Baccaurea 

Chotimoy (McL.* 391). 
lica (*articulata). 

Chotra (McL. 84). 98 Berberis arietata. 

Chowk (McL. 184, 1000). 2780 Casuarina 

2075 Solanum 

152 Tamarix gal- 


Chowlee Bean (Treas. Bot. 2/1215). 
eeexiy. Vigna (genus), 

Chowlee (Medium-membranous-ovate- | 

acuminate-leaved) Bean Climber (Hk. | 
2/207, adpd). 837 Vigna pilosa. 

Chowlee (Small-papery ovate-obtuse- 
leaved) Bean Climber (Hk. 2/206, adpd). 
836 Vigna Wightii. 

Christ's Thorn (3. 115). ccelxxxvii. Ora: | 

tegus (genus). | 

Christians(Palma-Christi of the early) (Nic. 
3/308) (S. 306) (Gbl. 622) (McL. 54). 
2693 Ricinus communis. 

Christian’s Mengo (McL. 1351). 
cardium occidentale. 

Christmas (Diandrous 
spiked Panicled) Pride (Hk. 4/428, 
adpd). 2174c. Stenosiphonium dian- 
drum (setosum), 

Christmas (Diandrous Small-flowered 
Panicled) Pride (Hk. 4/428, adpd). 
2174. Stenosiphonium diandrum (parvi- 

Christmas (Diandrons Viscous-spiked 
Panicled) Pride (Hk. 4/426, adpd). 
2174-a. Stenosiphonium diandrom 


665 Ana- 

Christmas (Panicled straight-throated) 
Pride (S. 378, Treas. Bot. 2/1096, adpd). 
deci. Stenosiphonium (genus ). 
Christmas (Small-scabrid-giabrate ovate- 
rhomboid-elliptic-acumiuate-leaved - 
Panicled) Pride (Hk. 4/427, adpd). 
2174 Stenosiphoninm diandrum, 
Christmas (Tetrandrous Much-interrupied- 
subglabrous-spiked Panicled) Pride 

Densely hairy- 


(Ak, 4/428, adpd). 2174-d. Stenosipho- 
nium diandrom (Russellianum). 

Ohristmas (Tetrandrous Viscous-spiked 
Panicled) Pride (Hk. 4/427, adpd). 
2174-4, Stenosiphonium  diandrum 

Christy (Captain) Rose 
(Pa) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/92, O/19). 
1107-f. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Chrome-yellow-spotted Bright-green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid.) (Jaf). 
2646-Db. Codizum vyariegatum (chro- 

Chumpa (White) (Rid. 149). 
meria alba, 

Chumpa Banana (Cag. 207). 
Musa sapientum (Champa). 
Chusan Palm (Muell. 8.P) (8. 97). 3203-b. 

Trachycarpus excelsa (Fortunei). 

Cider Tree of Tasmania (Bth. 3/247) (Nic. 
1/533). 1198 Eucalyptus Gunnii. 

er (Nic. 1/409). 1312 Cuphea ignea, 

Cigar (Hooker’s Vermilion-and-orange) 
Flower (Nic. 1/409). 1311 Caphea 

Cigar (Mexican) Flower (S.121, 270) (Cag. 
564). cdxxxyi. Cuphea (genus). 

Cigar (Purple) Flower (Nic. 5/278). 
Cuphea Llavea. 

Ciliate-elliptic White-flowered Unarmed 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 2077 
Solanum bigeminatum, 

Ciliate-leaved Yellow Horse Gram (McL. 
336, adpd). 843 Dolichos ciliatus. 

Ciliated Indian Star Capsicum (Hk. 4/233, 
Nic. 3/453, 3.407, adpd). 2077 Solanum 

Cinararia (Nic. 3/420) (8.397). dxxxi. 
Senecio (genus). 

Cinchona Family (Br. 96). LXII. Ru- 
biacez (order). 

Cinchona (Californian) (McL. 436). 1729 
Symplocos racemosa. 

Cinchona (Wild) of Mysore Planters (Cat. 
156). 1438 Anthocephalus Cadamba. 
Cinnamon Family (L/N/S/B). XCVI. 

Lauracez (order). 

Cinnamon (McL. 188, 999) (Nic. 1/330). 

declxxyv. Cinnamomum (genus). 

Cinnamon (Bs/T/533) (Gbl. 563) (Bdn/F- 
T) (Cag. 248) (Cat. 228) (Ru/N/51, 
0/38) (Kid. 115, 134, 215) a 582) 
(Ooty. 19) (W. 97). 2434 Cinnamomum 

Cinnamon (Black) (Nic. 3/129). 1207 - 
Pimenta acris. 

Cinnamon (Cassia) (MeL.* 188, 872, 999). 
(?) 2437 Ciunamomum macrocarpum 
(?) (*Tamala). 

(Mu. 52) (Hod) 

1824 Plo- 



Cinnamon (Ceylon) (Mcl. 154, 188, 473, 
999) (Cat. 828). 2423 Cinnamomum 

Cinnamon (Common) (McL. 188, 999). 
2434, Cinnamomum zeylanicum. 

Cinnamon (Country) (McL.* 188, 999). 
2436 Cinnamomum Wightii (?) (iners*). 

Cinnamon (Penninerved-alternate-and- 
oppesite medinum-tc-long-leathery-shin- 
ing oblong-lance-cuspidate-leaved (Hk. 
5/122, adpd). 2430 Beilschmiedia fagi- 
folia (Dalzellii). 

Cinnamon (Penninerved-alternate long- 
papery _elliptic-lance-caudate-leaved) 
(Hk. 5/141, adpd). 2445 Phosbe 

Cinnamon (Penninerved-alternate long- 
papery -rusty-downy elliptic-lance- 
acuminate-leaved (Hk. 5/142, adpd). 
2446 Phoebe paniculata. 

Cinnamon (Penninerved-alternate 
medium-papery lance-acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk. 5/126, adpd). 2429 Apul- 
lonias Arnottii. 

Cinnamon (Penninerved-alternate medi- 
um-to-long-glaucous-backed ellip- 
leaved) (Hk. 5/140, adpd). 2444 
Machilus macrantha. 

Cinnamon (Penninerved-opposite medium- 
papery-shining elliptic-lance-cuspidate- 
leaved (Hk. 5/124, adpd). 2432 Beil- 
schmiedia Wightii. 

Cinnamon (Pennineryed-opposite 
medium-papery-shining oblong-iance- 
ootuse-leaved (Hk. 5/124, adpd), 2431 
Beilschmiedia oppositifolia. 

Cinnamon (Penninerved-subverticellate- 
alternate medium-glaucous-backed- 
leathery elliptic-obolong-obtuse leaved) 
(Hk. 5/144, adpd). 2447-b. Alseoda- 
phne semecarpifolia (angustifolia). 

Cinnamon (Penninerved-subverticellate- 
alternate medium-g¢glaucsus-backed- 
papery obovate-oblong-obtuse-leaved) 
(Hk. 5/144, adpd). 2447-a. Alseoda- 
phne semecarpifolia (typica). 

Cinnamon (Penninerved-subverticellate- 
alternate medium-red hairy-glabrate- 
leathery Broad-obovate-cuneate-obtuse- 
leaved) (Hk, 5/144, adpd). 2447-d. 
Alseodaphne semecarpifolia (rufa). 

Cinnamon (Penninerved-subverticellate- 
alternate medium-to-long-glancous- 
backed-leathery elliptic-oblong-obtuse- 
leaved (Hk. 5/144, adpd). 2447-c, 
Alseodaphne semecarpifolia (macro- 

Cinnamon (Penninerved-subverticellate- 
alternate small-glaucous-backed- 
leathery obovate-obtuse-leaved (Hk. 
5/144, adpd). 2447-e. Alseodaphne 
semecarpifolia (parvifolia). 


/ Cinnamon (Wild) (McL.* 


Cinnamon (Perrottet’s Tawny haired) 
(McL. 188, adpd). 2439 Cinnamomum 

Cinnamon (Slender Branched) (McL. 188, 

adpd). 2438 Cinnamomum gracile. 
Cinnamon (Tawny haired) (McL. 188, 
adpd). 2435 Cinnamomum  sulphu- 
Cinnamon (Triplenerved-opposite Long- 
papery oblong-lance-leaved) (Hk. 5/132, 

adpd). 2487 Cinnamomum macro- 
Cinnamon (Triple-nerved-opposite 

medium-glaucous-backed-leathery ellip- 
(Hk, 5/133, adpd). 2436 Cinnamomum 

Cinnamon (Triple-nerved-opposite 
medium-papery elliptic-ovate-or-lance- 
subcaudate-leaved (Hk. 5/134, adpd). 
2438 Cinnamomum gracilis. 

Cinnamon (Triple-nerved-opposite- 
medium-to-long-leathery ovate-lance- 
obtuse-leaved) (Tk. 5/131, adpd). 2434 
Cinnamomum zeylanicum. 

Cinnamon (Triple-nerved-subalternate 
ovate-oblong-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 5/134, 
adpd). 2439 Cinnamomum Perrottetii. 

Cinnamon (True) (McL. 188) (Brd. 1/184). 
2434 Cinnamomum zeylanicum. 

188) (EIL# 
174) (PA.* 128). (2?) 2436 Cinnamo- 
mum Wightii (?) (iners*), 

Cinnamon (Wild) (McL. 171). 1207 
Pimenta acris. 

Cinnamon (Camphor) (McL. 188, 999). 
2440 Cinnamomum campbora. 

Cinnamon (Alternate leaved) of the 

Nilgiris (McL. 188, adpd). 2439 Cin- 
namomum Perroittetii. 
Cinguefolil (Crenulate oblong-leaved 

Velvet) (Hk. 1/375, adpd). 297 Melkania 

Cinquefoil (Minute flowered Velvet) (Hk. 
1/374, adpd). cxxi. Waltheria (genus). 

Cinquefoil (Serrulate _linear-oblong- 
leaved Velvet) (Hk. 1372, adpd). 296 
Melhania incana. 

Cinqnefoil (Toothed pleated-heart-leaved 
Velvet (Hk. 1/375, adpd). 301 Wal- 
theria indica. 

Cinguefoi] (Unequally-toothed Roundish- 
leaved Velvet) (Hk. 1/372, adpd). 
298 Melhania Hamiltoniana. 

Cinqnefoii (Unilocular-capsuled Velvet) 
(Hk. 1/#54, 374, adpd). xii. Waltheria 

Ciuquefoil (Velvet) (Nic. 2/344, 3/70, 
adpd). cx. Melhania (genus). 

Cipipa (McL. 464). 2631 Manihot utilis- 


Oircars (Northern) Ginger (McL. 310, 
adpd). 2993 Zingiber roseum. 

Circars (Batavian Orange of the North- 
ern) (Bon. 258). +417-b. Citrus Auran- 
tium-Aurantium (citrina), 

Circars (Common Rattan of the Northern) 
(Hk. 6/447, adpd) 38207 Calamus 

Cirears (Downy-leaved Wild-Ginger of 
the Northern (Hk, 6/244, adpd). 2993 
Cingiber roseum. 

Cirears (Downy Melon Featherfoil of the 
Northern) (McL. 587, adpd). 2589 
Glochidion Heyneanum. 

Circars (French-Mulberry of the Northern) 
(8. 70, Bed. 1/173, adpd). 2287 Calli- 
carpa arborea, 

Cirears (Sandal of the Rajahmundry) 
(Rox. 1/444). 2526-b. Santalum album 

Circular Black-stalked Bourbon Palm 
(Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3198 Livistona 
Hoogendorpit. © 

Circumsciss-cipsuled Kambala Tree of 

Salt-swamps (Hk. 2/565, adpd). 
edxxxiii. Pemphis (genus). 
Cirnelillo of Chili (Muell. S.P). 2488 

Embothrium coccineum., 

Cistus (Nic. 2/245) (Rid. 72). dxliii, 
Ledum (genus). ’ 

Cistus (Glandular) (Nic. 2/246). 1649 
Ledum glandulosum. 

Cistus (Gum) (Nic. 1/322) (S. 187). 126 . 
Cistus polymorphus. 

Cistus (Gum) (Nic. 1/331) (S. 99). xlix, 

Cistus (genus). 
Cistus (Marsh) (S. 262) (Nic. 2/247), 
1651 Ledum palustre. 

Citrine Myrobalan (MchL. 339). 
Terminalia citrina. 

Citron (8.99). clvii. Citrus (genus). 

Citron (MeL. 299, 379, 434, 912, 993) 
(Hk. 1/514) (Nic. 1/385) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Ell. 180) (Bed. 1/47) (8S. 99). 409 
Citrus medica-medica. 

Citron (Lemon) (Bon). 410-b. Citrus 
medica-Limonum limonimedica, 
Citron (Bon. 67) (Lour). 410-c. Citrus 
medica-~Limonum (medicolimonum). 
Citron Lemon (Bon. 67). 410-c. Citrus 
medica-Limonum (medicolimonum). 
Citron (Fingared) of China (Bon. 71, 346). 

409-b. Citrus medica-medica (digitata), 

Citron-scented Gum (Bth. 3/257), 1168 
Eucalyptus citriodora. 
Citronwort (McL. 255). 

Citrus Wood (MchL. 783). 
Callitris (genus). 
Civet-cat Fruit Tree (McL. 285) (Cag. 
287). 263 Durio zibethinus, 


393 Murraya 



Clammy Syrian Sage (Nic. 8/100). 
Phlomis visoosa. 

Clara Sylvain Rose (Cag. 598) (Ru/O/19) 
(Mu. 56). 1103-1. Rosa indica (candida). 

Claret-bacted-crimson-midribbed Croton 
(Ku/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nn. 
Codizeum variegatum (splendidum). 

Claret-backed Pink-margined-midribbed- 
and-veined, Shining-dark-greer. Croton 
(Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Mg. Codisum variegatum (Veit- 

Claret-backed-undulate-margined Croton 
(Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf), 


2846-Bo. Codizwum variegatum (un- 

Claw (Crab’s) (McL, 859). 662 Rhus 

Claw (Kite’s) (McL. 66), 572 Scutia in- 

Claw (Tiger’s) (McJ.. 892). 2036 Ipomza 

Claw-flowered Laurel (Nic. 1/18, adpd), 
exlvi. Acronychia (genus), 

Claw-flowered (Medium-membranous 

elliptic-leaved) Laurel (Hk. 1/498, 
adpd). 388-b. Acronychia laurifolia 

Claw-flowered (Medium-membranous 

oblong-leaved) Laurel (Hk, 1/498, 
adpd). 388-a. Acronychia laurifolia 

Claw-flowered (Small-membranous 
Narrow-elliptic-lance-leaved) Laurel 
(Hk. 1/498, adpd). 388-c, Acronychia 
laurifolia (microphylla). 

Claw-shaped (Cummin scented) Flowered 
Laurel (Nic. 1/18, 5/279, adpd), exlvii. 
Acronychia (genus). 

Claw (Cat’s) Trumpet Creeper (Nic. 
1/187). 2146 Bignonia gracilis, 

Clear-green (Yellow-blotched) Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ra/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Be. Codizum variegatum (Good- 

Clearing Nut (Mcl. 189, 443, 515, 997) 
(Br. 270) (Bll. 537) (Rid. 177) (Cag, 488) 
(Cat. 196) (Pf. 219) (W. 68)(Rox. 1/576) 
(Bed. 1/163) (Bs/T/474)(@bl, 496) (Bdn. 
F.T/L). 1963 Strychnos potatorum. 

Cleft Devil Rattan of Borneo (Nic./235, 
5/180, 5/296). 3218 Deemonorops fissus. 

Clerodendron (Double-flowering Fragrant 
(Br. 167).  2323-b. Clerodendron 

fragrans (flore pleno). 

Clerodendron (Long tubed) (Br. 166). 
2322 Clerodendron Siphonanthus, 

Clerodendron (Smooth) (Br. 166). 2315 
Clerodendron inerme. 

Climber (Anricle-leaved Ragweed (Hk, 
3/852, adpd). 1629 Senecio scandens, 

Climber (Battle of Plassey) (McL. 645, 
adpd), 829 Butea superba. 


Climber (Bipinnate-(4-6)-glabrous-glossy 
Ovate-(4-6) folioled Prickly Brasiletto 
(Hk. 2/255, adpd). 928 Cesalpinia 

Climber (Bipinnate-(4-10)-glabrous-glau- 

cous-backed Ovate-acute-(8-10) folioled | 
| Climber 

Prickly Brasiletto) (Hk. 2/258, adpd). 
938 Mezoneurum cucullatum. 

Climber (Bipinnate-(8-12)-glabrous 
oblong-obtuse-(12-14)-folioled Prickly 
Brasiletto) (Hk. 2/261, adpd). 945 
Wagatea spicata. 

Climber (Bipinvate-(12-16)-membranous- 

downy-backed ovate-oblong-mucronate- | 

(16)-folioled Prickly Brasiletto) (Hk. 
2/254, adpd). 926 Czsalpinia Bondu- 

Climber (Bipinnate-(12-20)-membranous- 
glaucous-downy-backed oblong-obtuse- 
(16-24)-folioled Prickly Brasiletto) 
(Hk, 2/256, adpd). 931 

Climber (Bipinnate-(16-20)-membranous- | 

minute-glabrate-grev-backed _ oblong- 

obtuse(16-2u)-folioled Prickly Brasiletto | 

(Hk. 2/256, adpd). 933 Ceesalpinia 

Climber (Bipinnate-(8-16)-membranous- 
minute oblong-obtuse (12-16)-folioled 
Prickly Brasiletto (Hk. 2/259, adpd). 
939 Pterolobium indicum. 

Climber (Bipinnate-(20-60)-membranous- 
minute oblong-obtuse-(20-40)-folioled 
Prickly Brasiletto (Hk. 2/252, adpd). 
932 Ceesalpinia mimosoides. 

Climber (Bipinnate-(12-16 )-membranous- 
small-glabrous-exstipulate oblong- 
mucronate-(16)-folioled Prickly Brasi- 

letto) (Hk. 2/255, adpd). 927 Cwsal- | 

pinia Bonduc. 

Climber (Chocolate Dye) (McL. 651, adpd). 
coxxvil. Ventilago (genus). 

Climber (Enormous Camel’s foot) (Oat. 
113). 994 Bauhinia Vahlii. 

Climber (Four-(3-4)-bracted capitate 
Bilabiate-Vervein) (Hk. 4/561, adpd). 
deexxxvii. Congea (genus). 

Climber (Great-Bell-calyxed Glory) 

(Rox. 3/65, adpd). dceexxxii. Holmskiol- | 

dia (genus). 
Dalbergia monosperma. 

(Bs/T/288, adpd). 892 

Climber (Larger-prickly-podded Brasi- | 
letto) (Hk. 2/255, adpd). 927 Czsal- | 

pinia Bonduce. 
Climber (Lord Petre’s) (Br. 164). 2828 
Petrza volubilis. 

Climber (Medium-folioled Red-streaked- | 

yellow Brasiletto) (Hk. 2/258, adpd). 
938-b. Mozoneurum cucullatum 



| Climber 

| Climber 

Cesalpinia | 

(Hook-branched Salt-swamp 


Climber (Medium-leathery Broad-oblong- 
acute-leaved Wind-berry) (Hk. 3/514, 
adpd), 1662 Embelia adnata. 

(Medium-leathery obovate- 

cuneate-leaved Wind-berry) (Hk. 3/516, 

adpd). 1664 Embelia viridiflora. 

(Medium-membranous ovate- 

acuminate-leaved Chowlee Bean) (Hk. 

2/207, adpd). 837 Vigna pilosa. 

Star-Vervein) (Hk. 4/610, adpd). 2382 
Sphenodesma paniculata. 

Climber (Medium-to-large-shaggy round- 
ovate-toothed-subacute-leaved Star- 
Vervein) (Hk. 4/600, adpd), 2381 
Symphorema polyandrum, 

Climber (Multifoliate-(9-18) Bright-green 
elliptic-obovate-obtase-leaved Bastard 
Rose-wood (Bs/T/237, adpd). 890 
Dalbergia volubilis. 

Climber (Multifoliate-(7-11) Brown- 
downy-backed oblong-retuse-leaved 

Rose-wood) (2/2383, adpd). 885 Dal- 
bergia congesta. 
Climber (Multifoliate-(7-11) densely 

brown-velvetty | oblong-obtuse-leaved 
Rose-wood) (Bs/T'/234, adpd). 885 
(bis.) Dalbergia Gardneriana. 

Climber (Maultifoliate-(25-41) glancous- 
brown-downy-backed Trapezoid-oblong 
leaved Rose-wood) (Hk. 2/284, adpd). 
888 Dalbergia tamarindifolia, 

Climber (Multifoliate-(11-15) grey-silky 
Spinous Rose-wood) (Hk. 2/233, adpd). 
887 Dalbergia sympathetica. 

Climber (Multifoliate-(5-7)-leathery 
obovate-oblong-subacute-leaved Winged 
Rose-wood) (Hk. 2/244, adpd), 904 
Derris brevipes. 

| Climber-(Multifoliate-(7-18)-leathery 

shining-hoary-backed elliptic-lance- 
’ leaved Winged Rose-wood) (Bs/T/241) 
(Rox. 3/232, adpd). 900 Derris scandens. 

Climber (MnItifoliate-(5-7)-leathery very- 
small oblong-cuspidate-leayed Winged 
Rose-wood) (Hk. 2/247, adpd), 910 
Derris Wightii. 

Climber  (Maultifoliate-(9)-membranous 
oblong-retuse-leaved Winged  Rose- 
wood) (Hk. 2/247, adpd). 909 Derris 

Climber (Multifoliate-(7-11) obovate- 
cblong-obtuse-leaved Kidney-podded 

Rose-wood) (Bs/T/288, adpd). 893 
Dalbergia spinosa. 
Climber (Maultifoliate-(7-9) obovate- 

oblong-obtuse-or-retuse-leaved Spinous 
Rose-wood) (Hk. 2/234, adpd). 884 
(bis.) Dalbergia coromandelina. 


Climber (Multifoliate-(5-7) obovate- 
obtuse-or-retuse-leaved Kidney-podded 
Rose-wovd) (Bs/T/238, adpd), 892 
Dalbergia monosperma. 

Climber (Multifoliate-(7-9)-papery oblong 
cuspidate-leaved Winged Rose-wood) 
(Hk, 2/244, adpd). 905 Derris eualata. 

Climber (Multifoliate-(9-18)-papery 
leaved Winged Rose-wood) (Bs/T/242, 

adpd). 903 Derris oblonga. 
Climber (Multifoliate-(5-7}-subglaucous- 
backed oblong-obtuse-leaved Rose- 

wood) (Hk. 3/232, Rox. 3/281, adpd). 
884 Dalbergia rubiginosa, 

Climber (Orange cup-calyxed Brasiletto) 
(Hk. 2/261, adpd). 945 Wagatea 

Climber (Panicled small-flowered Battle- 
of-Plassey) (Hk. 2/59, adpd). cccix. 
Spatholobus (genus). 

Climber (Papery-glabrate-leaved Lattle- 
of-Plassey) (Hk. 2/193, adpd). 827 
Spatholobus Roxburghii. 

Climber (Quinquefoliate-(5-7)-leathery- 
medium oblong-cuspidate-leayed 
Winged Rose-wood) (Hk. 2/245, adpd). 
907 Derris platyptera. 

Climber ( Quinquefoliate-leathery obovate 
oblong-cuspidate-leaved Winged Rose- 
wood) (Hk. 2/244, adpd). 906 Derris 

Climber (Quinquefoliate-(3-5)-papery- 
polished ovate-acuminate-leaved 
Winged Rose-wood) (Bs/T/241, adpd). 
902 Derris uliginosa, 

Climber (Rasp leaved Fish-bone) (Hk. 1/ 
3l,adpd), 11 Delima sarmentosa. 

Climber (Red-streaked-yellow Brasiletto) 
(Hk. 2/258, adpd). 938 Mezoneurum 

Climber (Rosy-flushed-white Brasiletto) 
(Rox. 2/668, adpd). 939 Pterolebium 

Climber (Salt-swamp Winged Rose-wood) 
(Bs/T/241, adpd). 902 Derris uliginosa, 

Climber (Scarlet Bell Glory) (Rox. 3/65, 
adpd), 2327 Hcelmskioldia sanguinea. . 

Climber (Six-bracted capitate Few-lobed- 
flowered Vervein) (Hk. 4/561, adpd). 
dcexxxvi. Sphenodesma (genus). 

Climber (Six-bracted capitate many-lobed 
flowered Veryein) (Hk. 4/561, adpd). 
decxxxv. Symphorema (genns), 

Climber (Small-downy backed-elliptic- 
entire-acute-leaved Star-Vervein 
(Hk. 4/604, adpd), 28383-b. Congea 
tomentosa (azurea), 

Climber (Small-downy  ovyate-elliptic- 
toothed-subacute-leaved Star-Vervein) 
(Hiv. 4/599, adpd), 2330 Symphorema 




Wind-berry) (@k. 3/513, adpd). 
Embelia Ribes. 

Climber (Small-leathery-rusty-pilose- 
acute-leaved-Wind-berry) (Hk. 3/517, 
adpd). 1665 Embelia Gardneriana. 

Climber (Small-papery  ovate-obtuse- 
leaved Chowlee Bean (Hk. 2/206, adpd 
836 Vigna Wightii. 

Climber (Small-shagg y-backed-bristly 
ovate-entire-acate-leaved Star-Vervein) 
(Hk. 4/603, adpd). 23833-a. Congea 
tomentosa (typica). 

Climber (Smaller-prickly-podded Brasi- 
letto) (Hk. 2/254, adpd), 926 Czsal- 
pinia Bonducella, 

Climber (Smooth-leaved Fish-bone) (Hk. 
1/81, adpd). 12 Tetracera levis. 

Climber (Snake) (McL. 521). 998 
Bauhinia anguina. 

Climber (Spinous Salt-swamp Rose-wood) 
Bs/T/288,  adpd). 893 Dalbergia 

Climber (Tailed Heart-leaved Ragweed) 


(Hk. 3/351, adpd). 1627 Senecio 
Climber (Trifoliate-downy-backed- 

leathery-small | Round-deltoid-leaved 

Dholl) (Hk. 2/217, adpd). 855 Dun- 
baria ferruginea. 
Climber (Trifoliate-(1-5)-green _ oblong- 

acute-leaved iioSe-wood) 

Climber (Trifoliate softly-pilose-papery- 
medium ovate-cuspidate-leaved Dholl) 
(Hk. 2/223, adpd). 864 Rhynchosia 

Climber (Trifoliate softly-velvetty-mem- 
branous-small Round-rhomboid-obtuse- 
leaved Dholl) (Hk. 2/225, adpd). 867 
Rhynchosia sericea. 

Climber (Trifoliate . subglabrous-mem- 
branous-medium  obovate-oblong-cus- 
pidate-leaved Dholl) (Hk. 2/216, adpd). 
856 Dunbaria Heynei. ; 

Climber (Trifoliate subglabrous-papery- 
medium Roundish-acute-leaved Dhol!) 
(Hk. 2/216, adpd). 852 Atylosia 

Climber (Trifoliate thinly-downy-papery- 
medium Roundish-cuspidate-leaved 
Dholl) (Hk. 2/2%6,adpd). 853 Atylosia 

Climber (Trifoliate Tooth-ache) (Nic. 4/ 
237, adpd), 381 Zanthoxylum oyvali- 

(Hk. 2/232, 
883 Dalbergia rostrata. 

Climber (Velvetty seven-leaved Tooth- 

ache) (Nic. 4/237, adpd). 
thoxylum tetraspermum. 

3¢3 Zane 


Climber (Western Ghaut) (MchL. 127). 
1852 Beaumontia Jerdoniana. 
Climber (Woolly Auricle-leaved Ragweed) 

Hk. 3/352, adpd). 16380 Senecio 
Climber (Woolly Heart-leaved Rag-weed) 
(Hk. 3/351, adpd). 1628 Senecio 

Climber (Honey-sweet) of the Western 
Ghauts (Hk. 2/2, adpd). 652 Sabia 

Climbing (André’s) Arum (Nic. 5/596). 
3253 Philodendron Andreanum, 

Climbing (Areca Nut) Arum (Mch. 238, 
corr). 8274 Pothos scandens. 

Climbing (Arrow-barbed Heart-leaved) 
Arum (Nic. 3/97). 3257 Philodendron 

Climbing (Arrow-barbed oblong-leaved) 
Arum (Nic. 3/97). 3263 Philodendron 

Climbing (Auricular-lobed Heart-leaved) 
Arum (Nic. 3/97). 3256 Philodendron 


Climbing (Bipinnatifid Bright-green) 
Arum (Nic. 3/96). 8254. Philodendron 

Climbing (Bipinnatifid-lower-lobed Ripin- 
natifid Deep-green) Arum (Nic. 3/97). 
3262 Philodendron Selloum. 

Climbing (Corsini’s Hybrid) Arum (Nic. 

5/595). 3255 Philodendron Corsinianum. 

Climbing (Creamy-and-yellow-variegated 
Heart-leaved) Arum (Nic. 3/213). 3275 
Pothos aureus. 

Climbing (Eared) Arum (Nic. 3/533). 
3252 Syngonium auritum. 

Climbing (Elephant Pepper) Arum (McL. 
677, corr). 3269 Scindapsus officinalis, 

Climbing (Elliptic-cuneate-Tail-tipped 
leaved) Arum (Hk. 6/555, adpd). 3277 
Pothos Thomsonianus. 

Climbing (Elongated Heart-leaved) Arum 
(Nic. 6/595). 8253 Philodendron An- 

Climbing (Few-b1oad-faleate-lobed Pin- 

_natifid Perforate) Arum (Hk. 3/546, 
adpd), 3270 Rhaphidophora pertusa. 

Climbing (Five-(3-5)-nnequal-segmented- 
leaved) Arum (Nic. 38/533), 3252 
Syngoniun) auritum, 

Climbing (Foot-leaf) Arum (Nic. 3/538). 
3251 Syngonium podophyllum. 

Climbing (Gideon Thomson’s) Arum 
(Hk. 6/555). 3277 Pothos Thomseni- 

Climbing (Glorious) Arum (Nic. 3/97). 
3260 (bis.) Philodendron gloriosum, 
Climbing (Heart-leaved) Arum (Nic. 5/ 
595), 3258 Philodendren asperatum. 
Climbing (Long-obovate-lance-leaved) 
Arum (Nic. 5/596). 3261 Philodendron 


Climbing (Many-ensiform-lobed Pinnati- 
fid Perforate) Arum (Hk. 6/549, adpd). 
3272 Epipremnum wirabile. 

Climbing (Many-oblenceolate-lobed Pin- 
natifid Perforate) Arum (Nic. 2/380). 
3273 Monstera deliciosa, 

Climbing (Oak-leaved) Arum (Nic. 3/97, 
5/596). 3259 Philodendron querci- 

Climbing (Obliquely-elliptic-obtuse- 

Heart-leaved) Arum (Nic. 3/218). 
3276 Pothos celatocaulis. 
Climbing (Ovate-entire-leaved) Arum 

[when young] (Hk. 6/546, adpd). 3270 
Rhaphidophora pertusga. 

Climbing (Ovate-entire-leaved) Arum 
[when young] (Hk. 6/549, adpd). 3272 
Epipremnum mirabile. 

Climbing (Ovate-entire-leaved) Arum 
[when young] (Nic. 2/880). 3273 

Monstera deliciosa. 

Climbing (Oblong-obtuse-Heart-leaved) 
Arum (Hk. 6/549, adpd). 3271 Epiprem- 
num giganteum, 

Climbing (Pine-apple-fruited) Arum 
(Nic. 3/380). 32728 Monstera deliciosa. 
Climbing: (Pink-and-white-variegated 

Heart-leaved) Arun (Nic. 3/97), 3260 
(bis), Philodendron gloriosum, 

Climbing (Pink-margined Snow-white- 
midribbed-and-secondary-veined Deep- 
rich-green) Arum (Nic. 3/97). 38260 
(bis), Philodendron gloriosum, 

Climbing (Radiate) Arum (Cag. 327) (Ru.) 
N/117). 38260 Philodendron radiatum, 

Climbing (Roundish-Tail-tipped-leaved) 
Arum (Hk. 6/544, adpd). 3269 Scind- 
apsus officinalis. 

Climbing (Sagittate-when-young-and- 
leaved) Arum (Nio. 3/533). 3251 Syn- 
gonium podophyllum. 

Climbing (Sello’s) Aram (Nic. 3/97). 
3262 Philodendron Selloum, 

Climbing (Short-obovate-lance-leaved 
Arum (Hk. 6/552, adpd). 3274 Pothos 

Climbing (Tripartite membranous-leayed) 
Arum (Nic. 3/97, 5/596). 3259 Philo- 
dendron quercifolium. 

Climbing (White-midribbed-and-veined 
Foot-leaf) Arum (Nic, 3/533). 3251-b. 
Syngonium podophyilum (albolinea- 

Climbing Asparagus (McL. 516) (Br. 322). 
8088 Asparagus racemosa. 

Climbing (South African) Asparagus 
(McL. 516, adpd). 3093 Asparagus 

Climbing (Small-yapery elliptic-obovate- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved) Bastard 
Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/166, edpd), 1865 
Psychotria sarmentosa, 


Climbing (Thorny — elliptic-rhomboid- 
leaved) Kell Vervein (Hk, 4/582, adpd), 
2307 Gmelina hystrix. 

Climbing (Small Broad-ovate-acuminate- 
leaved Curved-spined) Bengal-Currant 
(Hk. 3/631, adpd). 1810 Carissa 

Climbing Biseriate-seeded Nutmeg (Bs/ 
T/L, adpd). xii. Uvaria (genus). 
Climbing (Long lance-leaved) Biseriate- 
seeded Nutmeg (Hk. 1/50, adpd), 29 

Uvaria Hookeri. 

Climbing (Medium oblon. -lance-leaved) 
Biseriate-seeded Nntmeg (Hk. 1/50, 
adpd). 28 Uvaria Narum, 

Climbing (Medinm-prominent-nerved 
oblong-leaved) Biseriate-seeded Nut- 
meg (Hk. 1/51,adpd), 30 Uvaria lurida, 

Climbing (Small-glaucous-(or-red)-backed 
oblong-lance-leaved) Biseriate-seeded- 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/51, adpd). 31 Uvaria 

Climbing Bittersweet (S. 84). 
trus paniculatus. 

Climbing Black Gram (McL. 504, adpd). 
835 Phasevlus trinervius. 

Climbing Blue Druped Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2548 Bridelia stipularis. 

582 Celas- 

Climbing Krachypterum (Br. 58). 900 
Deiris scandens, 
Climbing Brinjal (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 

2092 Solanum trilobatum. 

Climbing (Wendland’s Costa-Rica) Brinjal 
(Nic, 3/456, adpd). 20490 Solanum 

Climbing (Tendrilled) Buck Thorn (Bs/T/ 
175, adpd). 579 Helinus lanceolatus. 
Climbing (Three-winged-dry-berried) 
Buckthorn (Hk. 1/643, adpd), cexxxiv. 

Gouania (genus), 

Climbing (Brown-woolly-backed Pungent- 
leaved) Caper (Hk. 1/178, adpd). 119 
Capparis horrida. 

Climbing (Callous-tipped oblong-leaved) 
Caper (Hk.1/175, adpd). 111 Cappa- 
ris Moonii. 

Climbing (Hoary-branched — obovate- 
leaved) Caper (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 112 
Capparis Roxburghii. : 

Climbing (Membranous ovate-leaved) 
Caper (Hk. 1/179, adpd). 122-a. Cap- 
paris tenera (Dalzellii). 

Climbing Necklace berried Caper (Hk. 
1/171, adpd). 100 Merua arenaria. 

Climbing (Oblong leaved) Caper (Hk. 
1/177, adpd). 118 Capparis floribunda. 

Climbing  (Obovate-acuminate-leaved) 

Caper (Ak. 1/179, adpd). 122-b. Cap— 

paris tenera (latifolia). 

Climbing Cherry-carmine Hybrid Tea 
Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/0/29) (Mu. 64) 
(Hod). 1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-- 



Climbing Cluster Fig (McL. 49, adpd). 
2755 Ficus guttata. 

Climbing (Downy) Cluster Fig (McL. 49) 
adpd), 2754 Ficus macrophylla, 

Climbing (Prickly) Cock’s Spnr (Br. 
177, adpd). 2367 Pisonia aculeata,. 

Climbing Comb Fern (Treas, Bot. 1/534). 
ml, Gleichenia (genus). 

Climbing (Dichotomously-pinnate-glau- 
cous-backed-papery lance-pinnatipar- 
tite-acuminate-leaved) Comb Fern 
(Bed./F., adpd). 3325  Gleichenia 

Climbing Creamy musk-scented Cluster- 
Rose (Cag. 603). 1086 Rosa moscha- 

Climbing Creamy Tea Rose (Nic, 3/824) 
(Mu. 54). 1105-c. Rosa odorata 


Climbing Devoniensis Rose (Nic. 3/824) 
(Bs/54), 1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea- 

Climbing (Medium-leathery-glaucous- 
backed elliptic-obovate-cuspidate- 
leaved) Whorled-(3-4) Dog-bane (Hk. 
3/641, adpd). 1828 Hllertonia Rheedii. 

Climbing  (Qvate-or-subcordate-leaved) 
Downy Jasmine (Hk. 3/394, adpd). 
1755-b. Jasminum arborescens (lati- 

Climbing Dyeing Rose-bay (Hk. 3/650, 

_adpd). dxciv. Parsonsia (genus). 

Climbing (Large-white) Dog Rose (Nic. 

5/645) (8. 875) (Cag. 598).  1094-c, 
Rosa involucrata (gigantea), 

Climbing (Medium-leathery ovate-to- 
oblong-lance-acute-leaved) Dyeing 

Rose-bay (Hk. 
Parsonsia spiralis. 

Climbing (Pinnate-(1-4 ft.) lance- (5’- 
10” )-pungent-serrate-acuminate-(fer- 
tile-much-contracted)-pinnate) Ele- 
phant’s-ear Fern (Rid/F, adpd). 3378 
Acrostichum palustre, 

Climbing (Medium-leathery 
Nut (Hk. 3/113, adpd). 

Climbing Fern (8/102, 255). 
dinm (genus). 

Climbing (Bijugately-bipinnate ovate- 
to-oblong - lance-(3”-1}”) - cordate - or- 
hastate-sinuate- (Fertile - toothed) - su- 
bacute-pinnuled) Fern (Bdn/F., adpd). 
388 1-a. Lygodinm scandens (typica). 

Climbing (Bipinnate Sterile-oblique-ovate- 
pinnatifid-lobed-serrulate-subacute Fer- 
tile-lance-obtuse-e n tir el y-soriferous- 
pinnuled) Fern (Bed./F., adpd). pps 
iy sodium japonicum. 

3/650, adpd). 1838 

1502 Randia 

mixv, Lygo- 


Climbing (Common) Fern (8. 102), 3384 
Lygodium scandens. 

Climbing (Dichotomously-pinnate Digi- 
tately-pinnatipartite-pinnuled Seven 
(3’-12”)-entire-(fertile-narrower - tooth- 

' ed)-acuminate-segmented) Fern (Bed./ 
F.,adpd). 3381 Lygodium circinatum. 

Climbing (Japanese) Fern (8.220). 3383 
Lygodium japonicum. 

Climbing (Lobed) Fern (Pr.2/1261, 
adpd). mlxv. Lygodium (genus). 

Climbing (Mysore) Fern (Cag. 306) [3384 
Sphalm]. 38382 Lygodium flexuosum. 

Climbing (Pinnate linear-lance- (3”-12”)- 

basally - auricled - serrulate - (fertile - | 
toothed) -acute-to-acuminate-pinnuled) | 

Fern (Bed./F, adpd). 

Climbing (Short-broad-pinnuled Bijugate- 
ly-bipinnate) Fern (Nic. 2/309, adpd). 
3384-b. Lygodium scandens (micro- 

Climbing Five-to-six-angled Torch-This- 
tle (Nic. 1/299). 1870 Cereus grandi- 

Climbing Flax (McL. 293, adpd). 
Hugonia Mystax. 

Climbing (False and) Holly Family (Bth. 
1/890, adpd). XXXIII. Icacinaceze 

Climbing (Black druped) Holly (Hk. 
1/595, adpd). ccix. Natsiatum (genus). 

Climbing (Lony-leathery-pallid oblong- 
lance-acuminate-leaved) Holly (Hk 
1/594, adpd). 508 Sarcostizma Xleinii. 

Climbing (Long-membranous oblong- 
coarse-toothed-acuminate-leaved) Holly 
(Hk. 1/593, adpd). 501 Miquelia den- 

Climbing (Medium-hispid-backed lance- 
leaved Milky-juiced) Holly (Bs/T/158, 
adpd). 502 Pyrenacantha volubilis. 

Climbing (Medium-membranous-strigose 
Palmatinerved-repand Heart-leaved) 
Holly (Hk. 1/595, adpd). 504 Natsia- 
tum herpeticum. . 

Climbing (Orange druped) Holly (Hk. 
1/594, adpd). ccviii. Sarcostigma 

Climbing (Red druped) Holly (Bs/T/158, 
adpd). cevii. Pyrenacantha (genus). 
Climbing (Yellow druped) Holly (Hk. 
1/593, adpd). ccvi. Miquelia (genus). 
Climbing Hook Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, adpd), 

xiv. Artabotrys (genus). 

Climbing (Medium - leathery - shining 
oblong-lance-leaved) Hook Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/54, adpd), 34 Artabotrys zey- 

Climbing (Medium-(short-to-long)-papery 
oblong -lance-leaved) Hook-Nutineg 

(Hk. 1/54, adpd). 33 Artabotrys odo- 

3382 Lygodium 



Climbing Hop _ (Ps/49). 
Humulus japonicus. 

Climbing (Common Yellow) Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/388, adpd). 319 Grewia 

Climbing (Fleshy druped) Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/889, adpd). 322 Grewia umbel- 

Clinbing (Quadrangular branched) 
Indian Linden (Gbl. 111, adpd). 319 
Grewia pilosa. 

Climbing (Ritchie’s) Indian Linden (Ak. 
1/389, adpd). 3822 Grewia umbellifera. 
Climbing (Thomson’s triflorous) Indian 
Linden (Hk. 1/385, adpd). 311 Grewia 


Climbing (Umbellate White) Indian Lin- 
den (Hk. 1/384, adpd). 310 Grewia 

Climbing Koochlah (McL, 842). 1957 
Strychnos colubcina. 

Climbing (Medium-leathery-distinctly- 
nerved elliptic-oblong-acute Unifoliate) 
Lime (Hk. 1/510, adpd). 402 Paramig- 
nya monopbylia. 

Climbing (Medium-leathery obovate-eilip- 
tic-cuspidate Trifoliate) Lime (Hk, 
1/539, adpd). 401 Luvunga eleutheran- 

2766 = (bis). 

Climbing (Small-papery-indistinetly- 
nerved elliptic-lance-caudate Unifoliate) 
Lime (Hk. 1/511, adpd). 403 Paramignya 



(Trifoliate) Lime (Hk. 1/508, 

cliv. Luvunga (genus). 

(Unifoliate) Lime (Hk. 1/509, 

cly. Paramignya (genus). 

Climbing Mercury (Treas. Bot. 2/736, 
(Hk. 5/244, adpd). decelviii. Dale- 
champia (genus). 

Climbing (Small-downy-backed elliptic- — 
ovate-serrate-folioled Trifoliate) Mer- 
cury (Hk. 5/467, adpd). 2699 Dale- 
champia indica. 

Climbirg (Small-velvetty-backed Trilobed 
ovate-oblong-serrate-lobed-leaved) : 
Mercury (Hk. 5/467, adpd). 2700 © 
Dalechampia velutina. 

Climbing (Common) Mountain Ebony 
(MeL. 472, 520, 995, adpd). 994 Bau- 
hinia Vahlii. 

Climbing (Crimson) Mountain Ebony 
(McL. 472, 520, 995, adpd). 995 Bau- 
hinia phzenicea. 

Climbing (Minute-flowered) Mountain 
Ebony (Hk. 2/284, adpd). 998 Rauhi- 
nia anguina. 

Climbing naked-stemmed Ground Orchid 
(Hk. 6/90, W.A.I.adpd). cmaxlii. Vanil- 
la (genus). 

Climbing (Rusty woolly) Navelwort (Hk. 
2/57, Bed. 1/82, adpd). 895 Connarus 


Climbing (Sausage follicled) Navelwort 
Bs/T/212, adpd). 694 Connarus Rit- 

Climbing (Semicircular follicled) Navel- 
wort (Bs/T/212, adpd). 693 Connarus 

Climbing-naked (Multifoliate-scattered- 
fleshy) Stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/73. 
W.A.I,adpd). cmxxxviii. Cleisostoma 

Climbing (Medium-downy-backed oblong- 
lanceolate-acute-leaved) Necklace Nut- 
meg (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 38 Unona 

Climbing (Medium-silky ovate-lanceolate- 
acuminate-leaved) Necklace Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/6,adpd). 39 Unona viridiflora. 

Climbing Nettle (McL. 144, adpd). 2697 
Tragia involucrata. 

Climbing (Small) nettle (MeL. 144, adpd) 
2697-d. Tragia involucrata (cannabina). 

Climbing Nettle Mercury (Treas. Bot. 
2/736, Hk. 3/244, adpd).  decelvii. 
Tragia (genus). 

Climbing (Swmall-to-medium-membran- 
Ous-nispid Heart-serrate-cuspidate- 
leaved) Nettle Mercury (Hk. 5/465, 
adpd). 2697-b. Tragia involucrata 

Climbing (SmalJl-to-medium-membran- 
ous-hispid Narrow-linear-lance-heart- 
leaved) Nettle Mercury (Hk. 5/465, 

adpd). 2697-c. Tragia involucrata 
Climbing (Small-to-medium-membran- 

ous-hispid ovate-to-lance-toothed-acu- 
minate-leaved) Nettle Mercury (Hk. 
5/465, adpd). 2697-a. Tragia involu- 
crata (typic.). 

Climbing (Small-to-medium-membranous- 
hispid Palmately-(3)-partite-narrow- 
toothed - or-pinnatifid - lobed - leaved) 
Nettle Mercury (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 

2697-d. Tragia involucrata (canna- 
Climbing (Small-to-medium-membran- 

ous-shaggy heart-serrate-acuminate- 
leaved) Nettle Mercury (Ik. 5/465, 

adpd). 2698. Tragia bicolor. 

Climbing (Bluish-flowered Unarmed) 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/455). 2069 Sola- 
num Seaforthianum. 

Climbing (White-flowered Unarmed) 

Nightshade (Nic. 3/453, adpd). 
Solanum jasminoides. 

Climbing — (Biseriate-seeded-berried Im- 
bricately-star-flowered) Natmeg (Bs/ 
T/10,adpd). xii. Uvaria (geaus). 

Climbing (Hooked-peduncled) Flat-petal- 
led Hooded-flowered) Nutmeg (Bs/l'/ 
10, adpd). xiv. Artabotrys (genus). 

Climbing Nux-vo nica (McL. 842). 1957 
Strychnos colubrina. 


INDEX. 421 

Climbing (Long-leathery Heart-to-oblonge 
serrate-to-entire-leaved Square- 
branched) Olive (Hk, 3/618, adpd). 
1797 Myxopyrum smilacifolinm, 

Climbing (Trinerved leaved) Olive (Hk. 

3/618, adpd). dlxxiv. Myxopyrum 

Climbing (Medium-distichous  ovate- 
oblong-acuminate-leaved) Partridge 
Pea (Hk. 1/576, adpd). 489 Olax 

Climbing (Shining-green-leaved) Par- 

tridge Pea (Hk. 

1/576, adpd). 489 
Olax Wightiana. 

Climbing (Small-distichous ovate-to- 
oblong-lance-acute-leaved) Partridge 
Pea (Hk. 1/575, adpd). 488 Olax 

Climbing (Yellow-leaved). Partridge 
Pea (Hk. 1/575, adpd). 488 Olax 

Climbing Pink Cluster Rose (Cag. 593) 
1085 Rosa multiflora. 

Climbing Poison Nut (McL. 690, adpd). 

1957 Strychros colubrina, 

Climbing (Downy ¢ymed) Poison Nut 
(McL. 690,adpd). 1960 Strychnos Bed- 

Climbing (Large berried) Poison Nut 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1959 Strychnos 

Climbing (Long flowered) Poison Nut 
(McL, 690, adpd). 1961 Strychnos 

Climbing (Ovate-leayed) Poison 
(McL. 690, adpd). 

Climbing (lerminal cymed) Poison Nut 

1958 Strychnos 

(McL. 690, adpd). 1964 Strychnos 
Climbing  (Sinuate Bluish-flowe: ed) 

Prickly Nightshade (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 
2092 Solanum trilobatum. 

Climbing (Various leaved) Prickly Night- 
shade (Nic. 3/455, adpd). 2090 Sola- 
num Wendlandii. 

Climbing (Scarlet Cucumber-podded) 
Quininewort (Cag, 541, adpd), 1459 
Manettia cordifolia. 

Climbing scanty-prickled Solitary Rose 
(Hk. 2/364). 1091 Rosa Fortuneana. 
Climbing Scarlet berried Cluster Rose 
(Hk. 2/364). 1090 Rosa microcarpa. 
Climbing Scarlet Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Ru/N/95). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-sem- 

perflorens (coccinea-scandens), 

Climbing Snake’s-tongue Fern (S. 102) 
mixv. Lygodium (genus), 

Climbing Spurge Laure! (Hk. 1/582, Nic. 
1/441, adpd). cci. Cansjera (genus). 
Climbing (Small-leathery-Broad-lance- 
leaved) Spurge Jiaurel (Hk. 1/582, 

adpd). 494 Cansjera Rheedii. 


Climbing Staff Plant (MeL. 459, adpd). 
532 Celastrus paniculatus. 

Climbing Stontly-prickled Solitary Rose 
(Hk, 2/364). 1092 Rosa laevigata. 

Climbing Tea-scented-Noisette Rose (Cag- 

Climbing (Spathe-calyxed) 
Flower (Treas. Bot. 2/705, 
delxxxv. Macfadyena (genus). 

Climbing Trumpet Flower Nightshade 
§. 404, Nic. 3/452, adpd). delxx. Solan- 
dra (genus). 

Climbing Unarmed nodding Cluster Rose 
(Hk. 2/364, Nic. 3/819). 1089 Rosa 

Climbing White fragrant Cluster Rose 
(Nic. 3/823). 1087 Rosa sempervirens. 

Climbing White Leaf Plant (Mech. 516, 
adpd). 1487-e. Mussaenda frondosa 

Climbing Whorled Dog-bane (Mch. 784, 
adpd). dixxxix. Ellertonia (genus). 
Climbing Winged Myrobalan (Treas. Bot. 

L/817). cdvi. Combretum (genus). 

Climbing Wool Plant (Mch. 702, adpd). 
2375 Airua scandens. 

Clitoria (Plumier’s) (Br. 50). 
trosema Plumieri. 

Clitoria (Wing leaved) (McL. 240) (Br. 
50). 838 Clitoria Ternatea. 

Close-nerved (Medium-rusty-silky- 
glabrate) Elliptic-obtuse-leaved Gutta- 
percha (Hk. 3/539, adpd). 1682-e. 
Tsonandra lanceolata (Perrottetiana). 

Close-regular-nerved Broad-medium- 
leaved Gamboge (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 
173 Garcinia echinocarpa. 

Close-set-narrow-leafletted Rattan (Hk. 
6/441, adpd). 3204 Calamus leptospa- 


841 Cen- 


Cloth of Gold Rose (Nic. 3/825) (Cag. 603) 
(Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Mu, 56) (Hod) (Po), 
1108-], Rosa Noisettiana (odorata-lotea- 

Cloth (New) of Gold Rose (Mu. 56). 
1108-]. Rosa Noisettiana (odorata-cit- 

Cloth (Grass) Plunt (McL. 171). 
Beehmeria nivea (candicans). 
Clotilde Rolande Rose (Ru/N/94, 0/19) 
(Hod). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida-semper- 

florens (carnea-roseosuffusa),. 

gined-and-blotched light-to-deep-green 
Cotton [when young] (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu.) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bn. Co- 
dizum variegatum (superbiens). 

Clove (Garden) (McL. 960). 2335 Oci- 
mum gratissimum. 

Clove (Wild) (McL. 483). 


13382 Juss wa 


1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odo- | 


Clove (Wild) (McL. 171) (8.330) (Nie, 
3/129). 1207 Pimenta acris. 

Clove Jeaved Black Plum (McL. 379, 385, 
adpd). 1258-b. Eagenia Jambolana 

Clove leaved Jaumoon (McL. 379, 385, 
473,995). 1258-b. Hugenia Jambolana 

Clove-like Black Plum (McL. 879. adpd). 
1246 Eugenia caryophyllza, 

Clove Myrtle (Mch. 503). 1271 Eugenia 

Clove scented Creeper (Rox, 1/494) (Gbl. 
506) (Br. 143), 1991 Rivea hypocra- 

Clove scented Echites (Cag. 499). 
Aganosma caryophyllata. 

Clove scented Viper Dog-bane (Cag. 499, 
adpd). 1860 Aganosma caryophyllata. 

Clove Tree (ol. 2/488) (McL. 379, 432) 
(Bed. 1/110) (Gbl. 3857) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Rox. 2/495). 1271 Eugenia caryophyl- 

Clover Tribe (Nic. 4/88). XLIII-A-iii. 
Leguminose (order-Papilionez subor- 
der-Trifoliez Tribe). 

Club (White) fruited Swallowwort Shrub 
of the Cape (Br. 121, Nic. 2/79, adpd). 
1950 Gomphocarpus fruticosus. 

Club Moss Family (L/N/S/B). 
Lycopodiacez (order). 

Club Moss (Muell. S.P.) (H/E.F) (Nie. 
3/307) (S. 256) (Cag. 279). milxix. 
Lycopodium (genus). 

Club (Fir) Moss (S. 256). 
dium (genus). 



mlxix, Lycopo- 

Club (Hooker’s) Moss (Nic. 3/308). 3389 
Lycopodium Hookeri. 
Club (Indian) Moss (Br. 244), 3890 Ly- 

copodium Phlegmaria. 

Club (Robuster Indian) Moss (Nic. 2/307). 
3889 Lycopodinm Hookeri. 
Club Mosses McL. 655, 005). 
Ly copodiacez (order). 
Club Palm (Nic. 1/373). 

line (genus). 

Club Rush (Nic. 4/118). 

Cluster Cardamom (Mch. 135), 3004 
Elettaria Cardamomum. 

Cluster (Medium-leathery-shining oblong- 
lance - entire - or - subserrate-obtuse-to- 
acuminate-leaved) Croton (Hk. 5/459, 
adpd). 2694 Gelonium multiflorum., 

Cluster (Small-to-medium-leathery-poli- 
shed _ elliptic-lance-to-obovate-oblong- 
entire-or- subserrate - obtuse-to - acumi- 
nate-leaved) Croton (Hk. 5/459, adpd). 
2695 Gelonium !anceolatum. 

Cluster Dog-bane (McL. 302, 947, adpd). 
1821 Kopsia fruticosa. 

Cluster (Climbing) Fig. (MeL, 491, adpd). 
2755 Ficus guttata. 

cmlxy. Cordy- 

mxxii, Typha 


Cluster Fig (McL. 49, 478, 1000), 
Ficus glomerata, 

Cluster (Downy Climbing) Fig (Mc. 491, 
adpd), 2754 Ficus macrophylla. 

Cluster (Large leaved) Fig (Mol. 49, 
adpd), 2756 Ficus Roxburghii. 

Cluster (Opposite leaved) Fig (MoL. 73, 
adpd), 2750 Ficus hispida. 

Cluster (Scabrid Auricle-leaved) Fig 
(McL. 37, adpd). 2751 Ficus Cunia. 
Cluster flowered Asparagus (McL. 516, 

adpd). 38083 Asparagus capitatus, 
Cluster-flowered Croton (Hk. 5/244, 

adpd). deccly. Gelonium (genus). 
Cluster flowered Hill Olive (Mch. 394, 

adpd). 1781 Linociera malabarica, 

Cluster (Wight’s) flowered Hill Olive 

~ (McL. 394, adpd). 1782 Linociera 

Cluster flowered Scarlet Fuchsia of Peru- 
(Nie. 2/32). 1325 Fuchsia corymbi- 

Cluster fruited White Fig (McL. 73, adpd). 
2741 Ficus Tjkela 

Cluster. Gannair (Mech. 302, 947). 
Kopsia fruticosa. 

Cluster-pinnate Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Rid. 267, adpd). mxiv. Maximiliana 

Cluster (Green-and-glaucous) pinnate 
Cocoanut (Nic. 1/349). 3230 Cocos 



Cluster (Linear green) pinnate Cocoanut 
(Nic. 2/339), 3234 Maximiliana regia. 
Cluster Pine (Muell. 8.P) (Nic. 3/144) 

(8. 103, 331) (Gbl. 703). 2852 Pinus 
Cluster (Climbing Creamy Musk-scented) 
Rose (Cag. 603). 1086 Rosa moschata. 
Cluster (Climbing Pink) Rose (Cag. 593). 
1085 Rosa multiflora. 

Claster (Climbing Scarlet berried) Rese 
(Hk. 2/364). 1090 Rosa microcarpa. 
Cluster (Climbing Unarmed Nodding) 
Rose (Hk. 2/364, Nic. 3/319). 1089 

Rosa Banksiz. 

Cluster (Climbing White Fragrant) Rose 
(Nic. 3/323). 1087 Rosa sempervirens. 

Cluster (Monsieur Neisette’s Bushy) Rose 
(Cag. 601}. 1108 Rosa Noisettiana. 

Cluster (New) Rose (Mu. 57) (Hod). 

1108-d, Rosa Noisettiana (albida-car- | 


Cluster (Nilgiri) Rose (Ooty. 438) (Mu. 
21) (Hod). 1088 Rosa Leschenaultii. 
Cluster (Pink) Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Br. 
70) (Mu. 57) (Hod). 1108-i. 

Noisettiana (carnea). 

Cluster (Pink-tinted-white) Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Ru/0/21) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-d. Rosa hybrida:semperflorens 


Cluster (Scarlet) Rose (Ru/N/90, O/19) 
(Po) (Mu. 57) (Hod). 1108-k. Rosa 
Noisottiana (coccinea). 

Cluster (Thornless) Rose (Ooty. 495). 
(Hod), 1108-j. Rosa Noisettiana (rosea- 

Cluster (White) Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 
(Mu. 57) (Ifod) (Po). 1108-b. Rosa 
Noisettiana (alba). 

Clustered Gaertnera (McL. 
Hiptage Madablota. 

Clustered Red tubulose-flowered Quassia 
(Nic. 3/262). 426 Quassia amara. 

Clustered Wax flower (Nic. 3/499) (S. 
416). 1906 Stephanotis floribunda. 

Clustered White flowered Resin-seed of 
Australia (Nic. 3/154, adpd). 157 
Pittosporum tndulatum. 

Coapinole Resin Tree (Muell. 
Hymenza Courbaril. 

Coarse-toothed Heart Vine (McL. 283, 
adpd). 586 Vitis pallida. 

Coast (Glabrous-leaved Wild-Ginger of 
the Coromandel) (Hk. 6/245, adpd). 
2995 Zingiber ligulatum. 

Coast (Glabrous Mohwah of the Malabar) 
(MchL. 472, 505, 997, adpd). 1688 
Bassia malabarica. 

Coast (Karna of the West) (Bon. 7). 415 
Citrus Aurantium-Bigaradia. 

Coast (Looking-glass Plant of the) (Mch. 
473, 846, (Cag. 648, Br. 21). 277 Heri- 
tiera littoralis. 

Coast (Mauling of the West) (Bon. 67), 
410-c. Citrus medica-Limonum (medi- 

Coast (Nast) Cherry Nutmeg Tree (MchL. 
281, adpd). 45 Polyalthea Kurinti. 

Coast (Coromandel) Cocoanut (Cag. 198). 
3822é-c, Cocos nucifera (coromandelina). 

Coast (West) Creeper (McL. 156) (Rox. 2 
47) (Bs/I'/470) (Gbl. 498). 1905 
Pergularia minor. 

Coast (West) Creeper (Bs/T/470) (Nic. 
3/76) (Cag. 489). [1903. sphalm] 1905 
Pergularia minor. 

Coast (Coromandel) Date (McL. 4138, 
adpd). 3167 Phoenix farinifera. 

Coast (\alabar) Fan Palm (Mech. 294, 
adpd). 38174 Corypha umbraculifera. 
Coastal (Indian) Fan Palm (McL. 294, 

adpd). 8224 Borassus flabellefer. 

Coastal Round leaved Melon Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2574 Glochidion 

Cob Nut (Nic. 1/384) (S. 
decelxxxix, Corylus (genus). 

Cobbe (Lance-subentire-leaved Simple- 
racemed) (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 628-d. 
Allopkylus Cubbe (glaber). 

Cobbe (Lance-serrate-leaved Simple- 
racemed) (HK. 1/674, adpd). 628-e, 
Allophylus Cobbe (aporetica), 

440), 855 

S.P). 976 

103, 112) 


Cobbe (Ovate-crenate-glabrate-leaved 
Simple-racemed) (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 
628-a. Allophylus Cobbe (racemosus). 

Cobbe (Ovate-hairy-leaved Simple-race- 
med) (Hk. 1/674, adpd) & 628-c. Allo- 
phylas Cobbe (villosus). 

Cobbe (Ovate-serrate-glabrate-leaved 
Simple-racemed) (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 
698-b. Allophylus Cobbe (serratus). 

Cobbe (Panicled) (Hk. 
628-f. Allophylus Cobbe (Rheedii). 

Cobbe (Twin-racemed) (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 
628-f. Allophylus Cobbe (distachys). 

Gobbe of the Singhalese (Bed. 1/72). 
628 Alloplhylus Cobbe. 

Cobra Jasmine (Br. 276). 
canthus communis. 

2268 Rhina- 

Cobwebby Trifoliate Vine (Mc. 564, | 

adpd). 665 Vitis araneosus. 
Coca (South American) Bush (Mc. 191). 
350 Erythrozylon Coca. 

Coca Plant (Muell. S.P) (McL. 29) (Ru/ 
0/88) (Gbl. 116) (Bdn/F.T) (Poty. 34). 
350 Erythroxylon Coca. 

Cocaine Plant (Cat. 45) (Bdn/F.T). 350 
Erythroxylon Coca. a 
Gocenlus Family (Br. 6) (L/N/S/B). 

V. Menispermacez (order). 

Cocculus-indicus (McL. 357). 81 Ana- 
mirta Cocculus. 

Cochet (Madame Pierre) Rose (Nic. 5/ 
646) (Mu. 562). 1108-g. Rosa (Noi- 
settiana (armeniaca). 

Cochet (Maman) Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ra/ 
N/95). 1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea- 

Cochet (White Maman) Rose (Ru/N/95). 
1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea-luteosuf- 

Cochin China Ebony (McL. 798). 
Maba buxifolia. 

Cochin-China Mulberry (Mnuell. S.P)- 
2723-b. Morus alba (atropurpurea). 

Cochineal Cactus (8.300). [edlvi sphalm] 
1377 Nopalea coccinellifera. 

Cochineal Cactus (Muell. S.P) (Nic. 2/ 
454) (Cavanagh Mad. Mail. 31/3/05). 
1377 Nopalea coccinellifera. 

Cochineal Fig (McL. 720) [1378 sphalm. | 
1377 Nopalea coccineliifera, 


Cochineal Plant (Br. 91) (Ru/0/38). 1877 
Nopalea coccinellifera. 
Cock+pur (Feathery sepalled) Flower 

(Nic. 3/160, adpd). 

Cockspur (Shrubby) Flower (Nic. 3/160) 
2387 Plectranthns fruticusus. 

Cock’s-cowb Prickly Pear (S, 300) (Nic. 5/ 
569). 1383 (bis.) Opuntia cylindrica 

Cock’s comb Silk Cotton (Mel].. 234), 259 
Bombax malabaricum. 

2348 Colebrookia 

1/674, adpd). | 




Cock’s-spur (Mch. 210). declii. Pisonia 

Cock’s-spur (Prickly Climbing) (Br. 177, 
adpd). 2367 Piscnia aculeata. 

Cock’s-spur (West Indian) (McL. 210) 
[2368. sphalm]. 2367 Pisonia aculeata. 

Cock’s-spur (West Indian) (McL. 1022). 
2367 Pisonia aculeata. 

Cockspur Flower (Nic. 3/160). 
Plectranthus (genus), 

Cackspur Patchouli (McL. 484, 732, 999, 
adpd). 2845 Pogostemon plectran- 

Coco-de-mer (MchL. 198) 
3239 Lodicea seychellarum. 

Cocoa (McL. 195) (Nie. 4/26) (S. 104, 428) 
(Ooty. 79) (Bed. 1/31) (Bs/T/79) (Gbl. 
98) (Bdn/F.T.) (Cat. 139). 302 Theo- 
broma Cacao. 

Coconut (Pr. 2/1095). 3228 Cocos nuci- 

Cocoanut (Bed. 1/228) (Bs/5648) (Gbl. 
737) (Bdn/F.T./L) (Cag. 292) (Cat. 232) 
(Br. 829) (Ell. 188) (Rid. 10, 265) (Jaf. 
59,180) (Pfi. 251) (W. 12, 46, 49, 93) 
3228 Cocos nucifera. 

Cocoa (Double) Nut (Nic. 2/292) Gbl. 
757) (Bdn/F.T) (McL. 198). 3239 
Lodoicea seychellarum. 

Cocoa (Maldive) Nut (McL. 198). 3239 
Lodoicea seychellarum. 



Cocoanut Jeaved Betel Palm (Cag. 327 
340, adpd). 38125 Chrysalidocarpus 

Cocoa Nut Palm (Nic. 1/348) (8, 104) 
(Cat. 332). mxii.Cocos (genus). 
Cocoa (Wild) Nut of Travancore (Bdn/ 

F.T). 3151 Arenga Wightii. 
Cocoa Nut Palm (McL. 40,195, 478, 484, 
1001) (Nic. 1/848) (S. 164) 38228 

Cocos nucifera. 

Cocoa (Sea) Nut Palm (MeL, 65, 198, 
1001). 3239 Lodoicea seychellarum. 
Cocoa Plum Family (L/N/S/B). XLIV. 

Rosacez (order), 

Cocoa (False) Plum Family (Nic. 1/324, 
2/172, adpd). XXXIII. Icacinacece 

Cocoa Plum of the West Indies (012/ 
366) (Nic. 342) (id. 115) (Cag. 241). 
1062 Chrysobalanus Ieaco. 

Cocoanut (Black fibre-netted stemmed) 
(Nic. 1/349). 8231 Cocos Weddeliana. 

Cocoanut (Brahmin) (Cag. 128). 3228-c. 
Cocos nucifera (coromandelina), 

Cocoanut (Canara) (Cag. 198). 3228-d. 
Cccos nucifera (canarana), 
| Cocoanut (Ceylon) (Cag. 198). 3228-£. 
Cocos nucifera (zeylanica). 
Cocoanut (Common) (Rid. 117, 265). 

3228 Cocos nucifera. 

Cocoanut (Coromandel Coast) (Cag. 198). 
3228-c. Cocos nucifera (coromandlina). 


Cocoanut (Curly-leaved linear-pinnate) 
(Nic. 5/250). 3229 Cocos flexuosa. 

Cocoanut (Dwarf) (Cag. 198), 3228-g. 
Cocos nucifera (nana). 

Cocoanut (Green and glaucous cluster- 
pinnate) (Nic. 1/349). 3230 Cocos 

Cocoanut (King) (Cag. 198, 339) (Ru/N/ 
125) (Mu. 51). 8228-b. Cocos nucifera 

Cocoanut (King Maximilian’s 
American) (Nic, 2/339). 
miliana regia. 

Cocoanut (Linear green Cluster pinnate) 
(Nic. 2/329). 3284 Maximiliana regia. 

Cocoanut (Malabar) (Cag. 198). 3228-e. 
Cocos nucifera (malabarica). 

Cocoanut (Narrow green and glaucous- 
pinnate) (Nic. 1/849). 3231 Cocos 

Cocoanut (Weddel’s South American) 
(Nic. 1/349). 3231 Cocos Weddeliana. 

Cocoanut (Feathery) of Brazil (Nic. 1/ 

3234 Maxi- 

349). 3230 Cocos plumosa, 
Cocoanut (Flexuous Rough-stemmed) of | 
Brazil (Nic. 5/250). 3229 Cocos 


Cocoannt (Linear glaucous pinnate) of 
Paraguay (Nic. 1/349). 3232 Cocos 

Cocoon (West Indian) (McL. 801, 1022). 
1003 Entada scandens. 

Cactus (Scarlet erect petatled) (Nic. 4/ 
454). cdlv. Nopalea (genus). 

Codaga Plant (McL. 87L). 1838 Holar- 
rhena antidysenterica. 

Codapanay (McL. 882). 

Codayvail (McL. 

Coffee Family (L/N/S/B). 
cezw (order). 

3174 Corypha 
935). 1032 Acacia 

LXIT. Rubia- 

Coffee (Nic. 1/378) (3/105). dix. Coffea 
Coffee (McL. 199, 331, 473, 484, 996) 

(Muell. S.P) (W. 51) (Rox. 1/589) (Bed 

1/125) (8.105) (Pr. 1/572). 1548 Coffea. 
Coffee (Ceylon) (Trop. Agr. xx/II). 

1548-c. Coftea arabica (Nalknad). 

Coffee (Chick) (Trop. Agr. xx-1l). 1548- 
d. Coffea arabica (Chick). 

Coffee (Inferior) (Trop. Agr. xx/11). 
1548-d. Coffea arabica (Chick). 

Coffee (Java) (Trop. Agr. xx/11). 1548- 

c. Coffea arabica (Nalknad). 

Coffee (Large leaved and berried) (Trop. 
Afr. xx/11). 1548-b. Coffea arabica_ 

Coffee (Liberian) (McL. 200) (Muell. 8.P) 
(Bu/N/51, 0/38) (Mu) (Nic. 1/358) (Gol. 
422) (Cat. 166) (Ooty 27). 1549 
Coffea liberica. 

| Ccffee (Negro) (MchL, 136). 
South | 


Coffee (Maragogipe) (Ooty 28) (Trop. 
Agr. xx/1L). 1548-b. Coffea arabica 

Coffee (Mocha) (Trop. Agr. 
1648-a. Coffea arabica (Mocha). 

Coffee (Mountain) (McL. 900, W.A.I, 
adpd). 1493 Webera luccus. 

Coffee (Narrow leaved) (Nic. 
1556 Coffea stenophylla. 



949 Cassia 

Coffee (Obovate-leaved (Mountain) 
(W.A.I., adpd) 1498-b. Webera 

lacens (grumelioides). 

Coffee (Linear-lance-leaved Mountain) 
(W.A.L, adpd). 1493-a. Webera lucens 

Coffee (Small-leaved-and-berried) (Trop. 
Agr. xx/1l). 1548-a. Coffea arabica 

Coffee (‘Iravancoro) (Nic. 1/358). 1558 
Coffea travancorensis 

Coffee (Upward-branched) (Trop. Agr. 
xx/11). 1548-d. Coffea arabica 

Coffee (Wight’s Dwarf leaved Spinescent) 
(Hk. 3/159, adpd). 1552 Coffea 

Coffee (Wynaad) Cherry Nutmes Tree 
(McL. 281). 41 Polyalthia coffeoides. 

Cottee (Wynard) Doodooga (MeL. 281). 
41 Polyalthea coffeoides. 

| Coffee (Highland) of Sierra-leone-(O].-3/ 

182). 1550 Coffea stenophylla. 

Coffee-shade Sirissa (Gbl. 302). 1043 
Albizzia moluccana, 

Coffee (Arabian) shrub (McL. 37, 199) 
(Nic, 1/858) (S/105) (Ru/N/51, 0/38) 
(Mu) (Cat. 165). 1548 Coffea arabica, 

Coimbatore (Langsat of the Anaimalai- 
Hills in) (McL. 431. corr). 465 Lan- 
sium anamallayanum. 

Coir Fibre Palm (Gbl. 740) (Bdn/F.T). 
3228 Cocos nucifera. 

Cokerzut (McL, 

Cokum Butter Tree (McL. 469). 171 
Garcinia indica, 

Cola Nut (Ol. 1/221) (Gb1. 98) (Bdn/F.T). 
276 Cola acuminata. 

Colaille of West Australia (Bth. 3/228). 

1169 Eucalyptus brachypoda. 

Colchican Laurel (S/351). 170-b. Prunus- 
laurocerasus (colchiea). 

Collam Betel Leaf (McL. 558). (?) 
2225 Barlesia Prionitis (?) 

Collared Tubular Passion Flower (Nic. 4/ 
3), 1885 Tacsonia manicata, 

Colomb (Alfred) Rose (Nic. 3/324). 
(Cag. 596) (Ru/N/91, O/18) (Mu. 52) 
(Hod) (Po). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida- 
semper florens (coccinea-rutilans). 

195). 82388 Cocos 


Colonial Pine (Maid./C.5). 28386 Aran; 
caria Cunninghamii, 

Coloured (Two) Dholl (MeL. 274). 854- 
b. Cajantis indicus (bicolor), 

Coloured (Three) Frangipani (Nic. 3/ 
170). 1827 Plumeria tricolor. 

Coloured (Double) Grewia (Mcl. 3886). 
314 Grewia salvifolia. 

Coloured (Flesh) Pentas (Br.103). 1478 
Pentas carnea. 

Coloured (Double) Solanam (McL. 829). 
2075 Solanum verbascifolium. 

Columbia (Douglas Fir of British) 
(FrE.F) (Gbl. 703) FAR. 10, 38, 92, 
NLGS). 286¢ Psevdotsuga Dougiasii. 

Columbia (Shuttleworth’s Dumb Cane of) 

(Nic. 1/474). 3264¢. Dieffenbachia 
Seguine (Shuttleworthii). 
Columbian Bark (MeL. 420). 1456 

Cinchona lancifolia. 

Columbian Tobacco shrub (Nic. 2/461). 
2104 Nicotiana wigandioides. 

Columbo Root (McL. 120) (Rox. 3/807, 
810) 92 Jateorrhiza Calumba, 

Columnar Cypress (Cat. 314). 2809 
Cupressus sempervirens. 

Columns (Brankursine decoration of 
Corinthian) (Enc. Brit. 1/79). 2224 
Acanthus mollis. 

Comb (Demon’s) (Mch. 914). 222 Abu- 

tilon indicum. 

Comb (Climbing) Fern (Treas. Bot. 1/ 
534). ml. Gleichenia (genus). 

Comb (Dichotomously-pinnate-glaucous- 
backed-papery lance-pimnatipartite- 
acuminate-leaved Climbing) Fern 
(Bdn/F., adpd). #325 Gleichenia 

Comb-leaved Brake Fern (Bed./F, adpd). 
3338 Pteris patens. ~ 

Comb Tree (Mcli. 914). 222 Abutilon 

Combretum (Comose) (Br. 76). 1160 
Combretum comosum. 

Combretum (Large flowering) (Br. 76). 
1159 Combretum grandiflorum. 

Comestible Indisn Linden Berry (McL. 

293, adpd). 317 Grewia asiatica. 

Common Alder (Muell. §.P). 2785 
Alnus glutinosa., 

Common Almond (Nic. 1/67). 1063 
Pranus Amygdalus. 

Common Aloe (Rid. 101). 3117-a, Aloé 
vera (ty pica). 

Common Anona (McL. 35, 887). 57 

Anona squamosa. 

Common Apricot (Nic. 1/113), 1065 
Prunts armeniaca. 

Common Balah (Mch, 67, 942). 

Common Bamboo (Mech. 69, 472, 1002), 
3304 Bambusa arundinacea. 

216 sida 


Common Banyan (Ell. 277.) 2726 Ficus 
Common Bastard Cedar (Nic. 1/285). 

482 Cedrela Toona, 

Common Bead Tree (Ell. 381). 453 
Melia Azedarach. 
Common Bead Tree (Gbl. 145). 404 

Melia composita. 

Common Beech (Nic. 2/2) (S. 162) (FAR 
10, NLGS). 2790 Fagus sylvatica. 

Common Bengal-cirrant (Mch. 84, 1382. 
Corr). 1806-a. Carissa carandas 

Common (‘Two-seeded) Bengal-currant 
(Hk. 3/931, adpd). 1806-b. Carissa 
carandas (congesta). 

Common Birch (Muell. S.P) (Nic. 1/186) 
(S/51) (FAR. 10, NLGS). 2784 Betula 

Common Black Mulberry (Nic. 2/38)5. 
2722 Morus nigra. 

Common Black Plum (McL. 385). 
Eugenia Jambolana. 

Common Bottle Flower (Mch. 900, adpd). 
1491 Webera corymbosa. 

Common Bourbon Palm (Nic. 2/287, 


adpd). 3195 Livistona chinensis. - 
Common Box (Nic. 1/226). 2545-a, 
Buxus sempervirens (typica). 
Common Bracken (Nic. 3/340). 3335 

Pteris aquilina. 

Common Brake Fern (Nic. 3/340) (3.352). 
3335 Pteris aquilina. 

Common Broom (Nic. ]/430) (8.127) (Cag. 
610). 742 Cytisus scoparius. 

Common Cadamba (McL. 112, 478, 996). 
1438 Anthocephalus Cadamba. 
Common Camphor (McL. 188), 

Cinnamomum camphora. 
Common Caper (McL. 125), 109 Capparis 
Common Cassia (Mch. 208). 

Common Caung (McL, 144, 473). 
Hopea Wightiana. 

Common Ceylon Laurel (Mc. 500, adpd). 
2471 Litsea zeylanica. 

Common Chaste Tree (McL. 596). 2808 
Vitex trifolia. 

Common Cherry (Nic. 1/296). 1066 Pru- 
nus cerasus. 

Common Cherry Nutmeg Tree (McL. 280, 
473, adpd). 44 Polyalthia cerasoides. 
Common Chilly (MeL. 170, 998). 2094-b. 

Capsicum frutescens (annuum). 
Common China Rose (Cag. 598) (Ru/N/90, 

0/19) (Hod). 1103-a. Rosa indica 


Common Cinnamon (MchL. 288, 999). 
2434 Cinnamomum zeylanicum. ; 
Common Climbing Fern (S, 102), 38384 

Lygodium scandens. 


946 Cassia 



Common Climbing Mountain Ebony (Mes. | 
472, 520, 995, adpd). 994 Bauhinia 

Common Cocoanut (Rid. 117, 265). 
Cocos nucifera. 

Common Condray (McbL. 207, 847, 995). 
946 Cassia Fistula. 

Common Coral Tree (McL. 226, 473, 514, 
884, 994) (Rid. 118). 817 Erytbrina 

Common Cotton (McL. 232) (W. 12). 
253 Gossypium herbaceum, 

Common Country Orange (McL. 624), 
418-a, Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (chry- 
socar pa). 

Common Cowitch (McL. 237, 994). 
Mucuna pruriens. 

Common Creamy-white Bindweed (McL. 
120, adpd). 2039 Ipomaea obscura, 

Common Cultivated Fig (Br.195). 2752 
Ficus Carica. 

Common Cypress of Europe (Muell. 8.P.) 

3222 | 


(McL. 484). 2809 Cupressus semper- 

Common Date (McL. 413). 3162 Phoenix + 

Common Delight of the Woods (McL. 440). 
335 Hiptage Madablota. 

Common Dholl (MchL. 274, 912, 994), 
854 Cajanus indicus. 

Comimon Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264-a. 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (typica), 

Common Edging Box (8/67) (Cag. 421). 
2545-e. Buxus sempervirens (suffruti- 
Common Elder (Nic. 3/354) (S/148, 384) 
(Muell. 8.P.) 1424 Sambucus nigra. 
Common Emetic Nut (McL. 291, 473, 691, 
996) (Pfi. 383). 1498 Randia dumeto- 

Common European Oak (H/E.F.) 2788-b. 
Quercus Robur (sessiliflora). 

Common European Virgin’s Bower (Cag. 
677). 1 Clematis Flammula. 
Common Fig ‘T'ree (Nic. 2/12). 

Ficus Carica, 
Common Fleshy Kagweed (Hk. 3/387, 
adpd), 1623 Notonia grandiflora, 
Common French Heneysuckle (Nic. 2/128) 
(Cag. 683) (Ru/0/16). 783 (bis). Hedy- 
sarum coronarium, 
Common Ginger (Ell. 600) (Br. 212) 
(Pfl. 452). 2993 Zingiber officinale. 
Common Grey Mango Laurel (McL. 468, 
500, Corr). 2462 Litszea polyantha. 
Common Gendarussa (Mech. 305, 999) (Br. 
173, 275). 2260 Justicia Gendarussa. 
Common Glabrous Goglet Flower (McL. 
466, adpd), 1936 Ceropegia tuberosa. 
Common Granadilla (Cag. 232, 559). 1358 
Passiflora quadrangularis. 
Common-glabrous Axil-flowered Shrubby 
Wampee (Hk. 1/506, adpd). 397-a. 
Clausena Willdenovyii (nana). 


INDEX. 427 

Cowmon Grape Vine (Nic, 4/188). 
Vitis vinifera, 

Common Guava (Nic, 3/39) (S/252), 
1222-a. Psidium Guyava (Pyriferum), 

Common Hazel (Nic. 1/886), 2786 Cory-. 
lus Avellana, 

Commen Heart-leaved Silver-weed (Hk. 
4/185, adpd), 1993 Argyreia speciosa. 

Common Hedge Aloe (Br. 221), 3117-a, 
Aloé vera (typica), 

Common Heliotrope (Nic, 2/131). 
Heliotropium peruvianum, 



Common Bill Dwarf Date (Gbl. 731, 
adpd). #8168 Phoenix humilis (pedun- 

Common Hill Olive (McL. 394, adpd). 
1785 Linociera intermedia, 

Common Honey Thorn (MclL, 148, adpd). 
1528 Canthium parviflorum. 

Common Hornbeam (Nic. 1/271) (8/78). 
2787 Carpinus Betulus. 

Common Horse Chestnut (Nic. 
629 Aisculus Hippocastanum, 

Common Humming-bird Tree (Cag. 539). 
1489 Hamelia patens, 

Common Hydrangea (Nic, 2/162) (Rid. 
69). 1122 Hydrangea Hortensia. 

Common Indian Aloe (McL.* 21), 3117-a. 
Aloé vera (typica). (*indica). 

Common Indian Evening Mallow (MeL. 
461,914, adpd). 222 Abutilon indicum. 

Common Indian Fern Palm (Muell:/S.P, 
adpd). 2873 Cycas circinalis. 


* Common Indian Ipecacuanba (McL. 860, 

997, adpd). 1916 Tylophora asthmatica. 

Common [ndian Linden (McL. 473, €68, 
943, adpd). 3816 Grewia tilizfolia. 

Common Indian Loose Jacket (Bon. 8, 
49). 418-a, Citrus Aurantium-nobilis 

Common Indian Mangrove (Mcl.. 470). 
2334 Avicennia officinalis, 

Common Indian Oak (MeL. 367, 472, 995), 
1274 Barringtonia racemosa. 

Common Indian Pellet Shrub (McL. 670, 
adpd). 1543-a, Pavetta indica (typica), 

Common Indian Saltwort (McL. 364, 999, 
adpd). 2381 Suzda nudiflora, 

Common Indian Virgin’s Rower (Cag. 
677, adpd). 6 Clematis Gouriana, 

Common Indigo (McL. 369, 576, 994) 
(Ell, 358) (Br. 50). 754 Indigofera 

Common Inland True Mangrove (McL. 
470, adpd). 1140 Carallia integerrima, 

Common Iron Bark (Bth, 3/222). i170 
Eucalyptus crebra. 

Common Ivy (Nic, 2/120) (Cag, 546) (Br. 
95). 1419 Hedera Helix. 

Common Jack (McL. 376, 688, 1000). 
27638 Artocarpus integrifolia, 

Common Javkin-a-box Tree (Treas. Bot) 
(Nic, 2/188), 2474 Hernandia sonora. 


Common Jasmine (Br. 116). 
num officinale. 

Common Jasmine (Pfl. 103). 
minum pubescens. 

Common Jasminum (Mech, 883, 997) [1775 
sphalm]. 1774 Jasminum officinale. 

Common Jaumoon (McL. 379, 385, 478, 
484, 589, 995) (Pf. 306) (Gr. 79) (Rid. 
112,132). 12583 Eugenia Jambolana. 

Common Jujabe (McL. 65). 561 Zizyphus 

Common Juniper (Nic. 2/212) (8/222) 
(Gbl. 697 (Muell.S.P). 2818 Juniperus 

Common Laburnum (Nic. 2/224). 
Laburnum angyroides. 

Common Larch (Muell. $.P) (Nic. 2/226) 
(9/231, 232) (FAR. 10, 25, NLGS). 
2872 Larix europea. 

Common large laceolate leayed Dragon 
Tree (Hk. 6/331, adpd). 3107 Cordy- 
line terminalis. 

Commen Laurel (Nic. 2/239). 
rus nobilis. 

Common Laurel (Nic. 1/295) (3/351). 
1070 Prunus laurocerasus. 

Common Lavender (Nic. 2/239). 
Lavandula vera. 

Common Lime of Europa (Muell. 3.P.) 
(Nic. 4/39) (Loud) (Gbl. 105) (FAR. 10, 
NLGS). 306 Tilia cordata. 

Common Long tailed Peepul (McL. 673, 
adpd). 2739 Ficus religiosa. 

Common Mango (McL. 467). 663 Mangi- 
fera indica, 

1752 Jas- 


2443 Lau- 


Common Mangosteen (Mch. 469). 170 
Garcinia Mangostana. 
Common Marking Nut (Mcl. 476). 673 

Semecarpus Anacardium. 

Common Melon Thistle (Br. 92) (S/267). 
1369 Melocactus communis. 

Common Mistletoe of Europe (Nic. 4/184). 
2515 Viscum album. 

Common Mock Orange (Nic. 3/94). 
Philadelphus coronaria 

Common Mohwah (McL. 472, 506). ‘1687 
sphalm] 1686 Bassia latifolia. 

Common Moss Kose (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/ 
93). 1099-d. Rosa centifolia (muscosa- 

Common Mountain Ebony (McL. 472, 520, 
995, adpd). 990 Bauhinia racemosa. 
Common Mulberry of Europe (Mch. 367) 

(8/278). 2722 Morus nigra. 

Common Myrobalan (McL. 928). 
Terminalia Chebula, 

Common Myrtle (MeL. 484, 593) (Nic. 2/ 



1774 Jasmi- | 


406) (3/282) :Br.71) (Rid. 143) (Jaf. 39) | 

(Cag. 571) (Bu/N/83, 0/15, 31). 
Myrius communis. 

Common Nail Dye (McL. 558, 998). 2225 
Barleria Prionitis. 




Common New-Zealand Flax (Nic. 3/106). 
3116 Phormium tenax. 

Common Nicker (McL. 101) (Pf. 191). 
926 Cesalpinia Bonducella. 

Common Nutmeg (MclL. 387, 999). 2420 
Myristica fragrans. 

Common Oak (McbL. 81) (Nic. 3/265) 
($/358) (Gbl. 671). 2788 Quercus Ro- 

Common obovate leaved rachis-glandular 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 948 Cassia 

Common Oleander (Nic. 2/447). 
Nerium Oleander. 

Common Osier of Europe (Muell. 8.P). 
2804 Salix viminalis. 

Common ovate leaved Barbadoes Cherry 
(Nic. 2/819). 351 Malpighia glabra, 

Common ovate leaved Tree Bilberry 


(Hk. 2/568, adpd). 1305 Memecylon 
Common Papaw (Nic. 3/257). 1344 Ca- 

rica Papaya. 

Common Para Rubber (Bs/T/532, Gbl. 
539, etc.adpd). 2620 Hevea brasilien- 

Common Pepper (Nic. 3/148). 2411 Piper 

Common Physic Nut (McL. 46, 473, adpd). 
2628 Jatropha Curcas. 

Common Plane Tree (Nic. 3/156) (Gbl. 
661) (Ooty. 338). 2779 Platanus orien- 

Common Plantain (Gbl. 273) (Br. 215) 
(Ell. 396) (Jaf. 65). 3041 Musa paradi- 

Common Plum (McL, 54) (Nic. 8/126). 
1069-d. Prunus communis (domestica). 

Common Pomagranate (Nic. 3/252). 1322 
Punica granatum. 

| Common Poon (MeL. 276, 473, 484, 615, 

684, 704). 

Common Prickly Bamboo (PA. 35!) (Cat. 
334). 3304 Bambusa arundinacea. 

Common Prickly Pear (Cag. 553) (Cave- 
nagh, Mad. Mail. 31/3/05). 1378 Opun- 
tia Dillenii. 

Common Purple Fig (Nic. 2/14). 
Ficus Carica. 

Common Quince (Nic. 1/419). 1111 Cy- 
donia vulgaris. 

Common Racemose Asparagus (McL. 516, 
812,adpd). 3088 Asparagus recemosus. 

Common Raspberry of Europe (Muell. 
$.P). 1084 Rubas Ideus. 

Common Rattan of South India (Hk. 6/ 
447,.adpd). 3209 Calamus Rotang. 

Common Rattan of the Northern Circars 
(Hk. 6/447, adpd). 3207 Calamus 

Common Reed (Nic. 5/597). 
mites Karka, 

181 Calophyllum inophyl- 


3291 Phrag- 


Common Rhinacanthus (Br. 276). 
Rhinacanthus communis. 
Common Khododendron (Gbl. 434). 1645 

Rhododendron arboreum (nilagirica). 

Common Roodrauck (McL. 763). 335 
Elwocarpus Ganitrus. 
Commcn Rosemary (Nic. 2/828). 2352 

Rosmarinas officinalis. 
Common Rue (Nic. 3/337) (Br. 41) (Pf. 

478). 370 Ruta graveolers (angusti- 

Common rugose leayed heteracanthous 
Rose (Nic. 3/314). 1098 Rosa damas- 

Common Sage (Nic. 3/351). 2350 Salvia 

Common Sago Palm (Mech. 777). 3149 
Arenga saccharifera. 

Common Satin Ebony (McL. 789). 1694 
Maba buxifslia. 

Common Saul (McL. 473, 799). 201 Sho- 

rea robusta. 

Common Screw Pine of India (McL. 801, 
Cag. 335,adpd). 3244 Pandanns odora- 

Common Sesban (McL. 473, 587, 805, 994). 
779 Sesbania egyptiaca. 

Common Sebesten (Hk. 4/136, McL. 478, 
803, 990, adpd). 1968 Cordia Myxa. 
Common Beak frnited Sebesten (Hk. 4/ 
137, adpd). 1968-b. Cordia Myxa (do- 


Common (Felted) Sebesten (Hk. 4/137, 
adpd). 1968-b. Cordia Myxa (domes- 

Common (Large flowered-and-frnited) 
Sebesten (Hk. 4/137, adpd). 1969 Cor- 
dia obliqua. 

Common Sirissa (McL. 478, 484, 839, 858, 

995), 1044 Albizzia Lebbek. 
Common small leaved Spider Flower 
shrab (HE. 2/521, adpd). i285 Os- 

teckia octandra. 

Common Snake Dog-bane (McL. 842, 
adpd). 1811 Ranwolfia serpentina. 

Common Snake Wood Buck Thorn (McL. 
015, 842, adpd). 575 Colubrina asia- 

Common Spruce (Gbl. 716). 

Common Stephanotis (Nic. 3/499). 
Stephanotis floribunda. 

Common Stringy Bark (Bth. 3/204) (Nic. 
1/535). 1190 Eucalyptus obliqua. 

Common Straw Berry Tree (Nic. 1/108) 
(S/32, 417) (Cag 512). 1644 (bis) 
Arbutus Unedo. 

Common Sugar Cane (Ell. 487) (Pr. 84). 
3282 Saccharum officinarom. 


Common Tallow Laurel (McL.. 500, adpd). 

2459 Litsza sebifera. 
Cowmon Tamarisk (Nic. 4/7). 162 Tama- 
rix gallica. 

2268 | 

2863 Picer | 

INDEX. y 429 

Common Tansy (Nie. 4/8). 
tum vulgare. 

Common Thorn Apple (McL, 261). 
Datura Str:imoniom. 

Common T: a of Heaven (Muell. S8.P, Nic. 
2/162, Rid. 69,adpd). 1122 Hydrangea 
Hortensia. : 

Common Toolsy (McL. 909, 999). 2336 
Ocimum sanctum. 

Common Tooth-ache Tree (Nic. 4/237, 
adpd). 384 Zanthoxylum Rhetsa. 

Common Tree Fern (Bed/F) (Cag. 305) 
Mu. 59). 3326 Alsopbila latebrosa. 

Common Two-seeded Dholl (Hk. 2/60, 
adpd). ccexxii. Rhynchosia (genus). 

Common Tree Spurge (McL. 502). 2533 
Euphorbia Tirucalli. 

Common Vengay (McbL. 418, 474, 977, 
995). 897 Pterocarpus Marsupium. 
Common Wattle (GbI. 301). 1017 Acacia 


Common Wax-flower Dog-bane (McL. 869, 
Br. 125, Rid. 158, adpd). 1836 Taber- 
nemontana coronaria. 

Common (Double blossomed) Wax-flower 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/647, Rox. 2/23, adpd). 
1836-c. Tabernemontana coronaria 

Common Wellingtonia (FAR. 31, 32, 
NLGS). 2827 Sequoia sempervirens. 

Common (Pallid leaved) White Cedar 

(Hk. 1/548, adpd). 458 Dysoxylum 

1619 Tanace- 


. Common White Garden Jasmine (Gbl. 

467). 1774 Jasminum officinale. 
Common White Jasmine (Nic. 2/206) 
(Rid. 71). 1774 Jasminum officinale. 
Common Whiite-leaf Plant (McL. 516, 

adpd). 1487 Mussznda frondosa. 

Common White Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
371). 2159-c. Thunbergia fragrans 

Common Willow of India (Muell. §.P.). 
2797 Salix tetrasperma. 

Common Wind Berry (MeL. 111, corr). 
1661 Embelia Ribes. 

Common Winged-nut Buckthorn Climber 
(Hk. 1/631, adpd). 558 Ventilago 

Common Woodland Ebony (McL. 366, 
adpd). 1709 Diospyros sylvatica. 

Common Yam (MeL. 53, 10/0) (Nic. LL 
478) (8/467) (Pfl. 207). 30 7 Dioscorea 

Common Yellew Climbing Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/388, adpd). 319 Grewia pilosa. 

Common Yellow Nail Dye (McL. 5538,'998, 
adpd). 2225 Barleria Prinoitis. 

Common Yellow Sun Rose (Nie. 9/125). 
128 Helianthemum vulgare. 

Common Yellow Trumpet Flower Tree 
(S. 425, adpd). 2121 Tecoma stans. 


Common Yew (Nic. 4111) (8. 425). 2828 
Taxus baccata. 

Commonest Wild Nutmeg (Bed. 2/267). 
2421 Myristica laurifolia. 

Commy (McL.961). 1491 Webera corym- 



Conehead (Long-hairy Fourteen-(14-prs)- 
nerved ovate-crenulate-acuminate- 
leaved Square-hairy-branched) (Hk. 

4/474, adpd). 2215 Strobilanthes 
_ Conehead (Long-lineolate Seven-(7-8- 

Comose Combretum (Br. 76). 1160 Com- 
bretum comosum. 
Composite Family (Br. 103). LXIII. | 

Compositae (order). 

Compound corymbed Yellow flowered 
Resin-seed (Hk. 1/199, adpd). 150 
Pittosporum floribundum. 

Compound Cymed Mangrove (Mch. 470, © 

adpd). 11382 Ceriops Candolleana. 

Compressed-distichous sori-forming-teeth | 

-on-fertile-fronds (Hooded-imbricate-in 
-dusiate) Wern (Bdn/F., adpd). 
Lygodiam (genus), 

Comte-de Paris Rose (Cag, 600) (Mu. 54). 
1105-j. Rosa odorata (carnea). 

Conean (Satin Ebony of the) McL. 789, 
adpd). 1696 Maba micrantha. 

Concany Hemp (Mc. 860), 722 Crotala- 
ria juncea. 

Concany Resin (Mch. 259}. 
wellia serrata (glabra). 
Conch Flower (McL. 240). 


Condaminea Bark (Cat. :67). 1444-c. 
Cinchona officinalis (condaminea). 

Condray (McL. 207). ccexlvii. Cassia 

Condray (Common) (Meh. 207, 847, 995). 
946 Cassia Fistula. 

Condray (Peacock) (McL. 316). 
Czesalpinia pulcherrima. 

Condray (Ked) (McL. 208, 847, 995) 
947 Cassia marginata. 

Gondray (Surat) (McL. 208). 

Condray (Tree) (McL. 208, 847,995) 961 
Cassia glauca. 

Condray (Wild) (McL. 208). 


Condray (Wild) (Mch. 208, 995). 
Pithecolobinm bigeminum. 

Condray (Yellow) (McL. 208, 847, 995). 
958 Cassia siamea. 

Coned (Prickly) Pine (Nic. 3/143). 
Pinus muricata. 

Cone Head (S./107, 418). deciii. Stro- 
bilauthes (genus). 

Conehead (Bilabiate Purple) (Hk. 4/388, 
adpd). deciv. Calacanthus (genus). 
Conehead (Long-glabrous-Eleven-(10-12- 
prs)-nerved Broad elliptic-acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk. 4/476, adpd). 2218 

Strobilanthes amabilis. 

Conehead (Long-glabrous-sessile ‘T'en- 
(10-prs)-nerved lance-serrulate-acumi- 
nata-leaved) (Hk. 4/474, adpd). 2216 
Strobilanthes gracilis. 

429-b. Bos- 

888 Clitoria 


961 Cassia 

961 Cassia 



mixy. | 

prs)-nerved  Broad-elliptic-crenulate- 
acuminate-leaved Wing-stemmed) 
(Hk, 4/437, adpd). 2186 Strobilanthes 

Conehead (Long-lineolate-subglabrous © 
Six-(6-7-prs)-nerved _ elliptic-crenate- 
acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 4/441, adpd). 
2198 Strobilauthes tristis. 

Conehead (Long-lineololate Ten-(10-prs)- 
nerved  elliptic-subentire-acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk. 4/440, adpd). 2196 Stro- 
bilanthes decurrens, 

Conehead (Long-shagey Seven-(7-prs)- 
nerved Rkomboid-elliptic-crenulate- 
acuminite-leaved) (Hk. 4/450, adpd). 
2205 Strobilanthes Andersonii. . 

Conehead (Long-subglabrous-lineolate 
Eleven-(1l-prs)-nerved elliptic-entire- 
acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 4/478, adpd). 
2220 Calacanthus Dalzellii. 

Conehead (Long-subglabrous-lineolate 

Twelve-(8-16-prs)-nerved elliptic- 
crenate-acuminate-ieaved Warty- 
branched) (Hk. 4/451, adpd). 2212 

(bis.) Strobilanthes callosus. 

Coneheaded (Long-thinly-puberulous- 
backed Eleven-(1ll-prs)-nerved ovate- 
crenulate-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
4/436, adpd),. 2185 Strobilanthes 

Conehead (Long-to-very-long-glabrous- 
sessile Nine-(6-12-prs)-nerved lance- 
acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 4/458, adpd). 
2211 Strobilanthes perfoliatus, 

Conehead (Medium-bristly Nine-(9-prs)- 
nerved ovate-crenate-acuminate-leaved) 
(Hk. 4/453, adpd). 2210 Strobilanthes 

Conehead (Medium-brown-downy-backed — 
Eleven-(10-12-prs)-nerved lance-sub- 
entire-caudate-leaved) (Hk. 4/441, 

adpd). 2197 Strobilanthes caudatus, 
Conehead (Medinm-dense-white-silky- 
backed FHight-(8-prs)-nerved ovate- 

subentire-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 4/435 
adpd). 2183 Strobilanthes cuspidatus. 
Conehbead (Medium-downy Nine-(9-prs)- 
nerved ovate-crenulate-acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk.4/450, adpd). 2206 Stro- 

bilanthes luridus. 

Conehead (Medium-glabrate-nerved- 
backed Six-(6-7-prs)-merved lance- 
(Hk. 4/474, adpd). 2217 Strobilanthes 


Conehead (Medium-glabrous Seven- 
(7-prs)-nerved ovate-distinctly- 
toothed-acuminate-leaved) (Hk, 4/436, 
adpd). 2184-b. Strobilanthes consan- 
guineus (Amomum), 

Conehead (Medium-glabrous 
(7-prs)-nerved ovate-vbscurely-tvothed- 
acuminate-leaved) (Hk, 4/436, adpd). 
2184-a. Strobilanthes consanguineus 

Conehead (Medium-hairy Seven-(7-prs)- 
neryed ovate-serrate-subacute-leaved) 
(Hk, 4/444, adpd), 2201-b. Strobilan- 
thes Heyneanus (campanulata). 

Conehead (Medium-hispid Eight-(8-prs)- 
nerved ovate-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
4/438, adpd). 2190 Strobilanthes ne]l- 

Conehead (Medium-lineolate 


spiked) (Hk. 4/440, adpd). 2194 
Strobilanthes ciliatus. 
Conehead (Medium-lineolate Seven-(7- 

prs)-neryed Broad--lance-crenate- 
acuminate-leaved Hairy-oblong-spiked) 
(Hk. 4/439, adpd). 2193 Strobilanthes 

Conehead (Medium-lineolate Six (6-prs)- 

nerved lance-subentire-acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk. 4/440, adpd). 2195 
Strobilanthes adenophorus. 

Conehead (Medium-papery-yellow- | 

woolly-backed Thirteen-(13 prs)-nerved 
ovate-entire-acute-leayed) (Hk. 4/474, 
adpd). 2181 Strobilanthes gossypinus. 

Conehead (Medium-rufous-hirsute Seven 
(7-prs)-nerved ovate-crenate-acumi- 
nate-leaved) (Hk. 4/434, adpd). 2191 
Strobilanthes Perrottetianus. 

Conehead (Medium-shaggy-backed- 
hispid Seven-(7-8-prs)-nerved ovate- 
subentire-acute-leayed) (Hk. 4/487, 
adpd).. 2187 Strobilanthes hetero- 

Conehead (Mecium-shaggy Eight-(8-prs)- 
nerved (elliptic-denticulate-acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk, 4/444. adpd). 2200 Stro- 
bilanthes lupulinus. 

Conehead (Medium-slightly-downy- 
lineolate Seven-(7-prs)-nerved elliptic. 
lance-crenate-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
4/444, adpd). 2202 

Conehead (Medium-soft-hairy-backed- 
warted-Seven-(7-prs)-nerved _ elliptic- 
serrate-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 4/443, 
adpd). 220l-a. Strobilanthes Heyne- 
anus (typica). 

Conehead (Medium-sparcely-bristly Six- 
(6-7-prs)-nerved ovate-crenulate- 
acuminate-leaved) (Hk, 4/451, adpd). 
2207 Strobilanthes bolamputtiensis, 

Seven- | 




Conehead (Medium-sparsely-downy 
Eleven-(1l-prs)-nerved ovate-serrate- 
acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 4/444, adpd). 
2203 Strobilanthes micranthus. 

Conehead {Medium-sparsely-hairy Seven- 
(7-prs)-nerved Broad-elliptic-serrate- 
acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 4/444, adpd), 
2201-c. Strobilanthes Heyneanus 

Conehead (Medinm-thinly-downy Seven- 
(7-prs)-nerved ovat e-crenate-cuspidate- 
leaved) (Hk. 4/452, adpd). 2208 Stro- 
bilantiies asper. 

Conehead (Medium-white-backed-glab- 
rous Seyen-(7-prs)-nerved ovate-dis- 
(Hk. 4/436, adpd). 2184-c. Strobilan- 
thes consanguineus (hypoleuca). 

Conehead (Small-bristly-rugose-sesile 
ovate-crenate-acute-leaved) (Hk. 4/452, 
adpd). 2209-b. Strobilanthes sessilis 

Conehead (Small-downy-backed-scabrous 
ovate-serrate-acute-leaved Glandalar- 
tipped-branched) (Hk. 4/464, adpd). 
212 Strobilanthes Newii. 

Conehead (Small-downy-nerved-backed 
Terminally-crowded Nine-(9-prs)- 
nerved ovate-subentire-acuminate- 

leaved (Hk. 4/435, adpd). 
lanthes canaricus. 

Conehead (Small-glabrous-sessile [ive- 
(5-6-prs)-nerved oblong-elliptie-denti- 
culate-acuminate-leayed Athwert- 
warted-squarish-branched) (Hk. 4/474, 
adpd). 2214 Strobilanthes homotro- 

Conehead (Small-lineolate Five-(5-6-prs)- 
nerved ovate-serrulate-cuspidate- 
leaved) (Hk. 4/484, adpd). 2179 Stro- 
bilanthes foliosus. 

Conehead (Small-lineolate Seven-(7-prs)- 
nerved ovate-serrulate-cuspidate-ieaved) 
(Hk 4/439, adpd). 2192 Strobilanthes 

Conehead (Small-rigid-scabrid  elliptic- 
crenate - serrate - subobtuse - leaved 
Square-branched) (Hk. 4/434 adpd), 
2180 Strobilanthes Kunthianus. 

Conehead (Small-scabrous-bispid Six- 
(6-prs'-nerved ovate-cullous-dentate- 
acute-leaved) (Hk. 4/445, adpd). 2204 
Strobilanthes papillosus,. 

Conehead (Small-scabrous Seven-(7-prs)- 
nerved elliptic-serrate-acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk. 4/444, adpd). 220%-d. 
Strobilanthes Heyneanus (viridis). 

2182 Strobi- 

Conehead (Small-sparsely-red-gland_ 
backed-scabrous-hairy Six-(6-prs)- 
nerved ovate-subentire-acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk. 4/441, .adpd) 2199 anceps (microstachys’. 


Conehead (Small-subglabrous-sessile 
Five-(5-6-prs)-nerved  elliptic-denticu- 
late-acuminate-leaved Athwart-warted- 
squarish-branched) (Hk. 4/474, adpd). 
2213 Strobilanthes sexennis. 

Conehead  (Small-thick-hirsute-backed- 
warty Seven-(7-¥-prs)-nerved ovate- 
crenate-acute-leaved) (Hk. 43/438, 
adpd). 2189 Strobilanthes pulneyen- 

Conehead (Small-thick-rugore-shagg 
Seven-(7-8-prs)-nerved ovate-subentire- 
obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 4/438, adpd). 
2188 Strobilanthes Wightianus, 

Conehead (Very-swall-bristly-nerved- 
backed fessile ovate-crenate-acute- 
leaved) (Hk. 4/452, adpd). 2209-c. 
Strobilanthes sessilis (Ritchiei). 

Conehead (Very-small-shaggy sessile 
ovate-crenate-acute-leaved) (Hk. 4/452, 
adpd). 2209-a. Strobilathes — sessilis 

Conehead (Unequally-paired-long-and- 
small-downy Sessile-auriculate Eleven- 
(10-13-prs-in-long)-nerved ovate- 
oblong serrulate accminate leaved 
Square-branched) (Hk. 4/453, adpd). 
9219 Strobilanthes auriculata, 

Conessi Bark (Mc. 871) (Rox. 2/4) (Cat.. 

185). 1883 Holarrhena  antidysen- 
Congea (Blue flowered) (Br. 166). 

2333-b. Congea tomentosa (azurea). 

Congo Pea (MchL. 274). 854 Cajanus 

Conical-disk  (Polyandrous) Mercury 
(Treas. Bot. 2/736, Hk. 5/248, adpd). 
deccli, Cleidion (genus). 

Coniferous Family (By. 
Conifer (order). 

Conjee-moonnay (Mc, 572, 994). 2291 
Premna corymbosa. 

Conjy (McL. 210, 993). 889 Glycosmis 

Conjy (Foreign) (Mech. 210, 798, 993). 
392 Murraya exotica, 

Conkyn Blue druped Featherfoil (Mch. 
587, adpd). 2549 Bridelia Hamil- 

Conkan Lance Wood (Bs/T/13, adpd). 
Sagereea laurina. 

Conkan (Hohenacker’s) Melon Feather- 
foil (McL. 587, adpd). 2579 Glochidion 

203). 5 KONI: 



Gonkan (Ralph’s) Meloy Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2580 Glochidion 


Gonkan Short-needle 
Asparagus (McL. 576, adpd). 
Asparagus Jacquemontii. 

Conky (McL. 210, 999), 2368 Pisonia 


Connate-styled Aralia (Hk. 2/720, adpd). 
cdlxiii. Pentapanax (genus). 

Connaught (Duchess of) Rose (Nic. 
3/824) (R«/O/20) (Mu. 53), 1107-}. 
Rosa hybrida-semper florens (punicea- 
porphy reo-suffusa). 

Connaught (Dnke of) Rese (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/N/94) (Mu. 58). 1107-j. Rosa 
hy brida-semper-flcrens (punicea- 

Connay (McL. 208). 946 Cassia Fistula. 

Constance Elliott Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/30) (Ooty. 465) (8.310). 1349-b. 
Passiflora exrulea (albiflora). 

Contesse-de Murinais kose (Nic. 3/825) 

(Mu, 57). 1099-d. Rosa  centifolia 
Conteese-de Panisse Rose (Mu. 54), 

1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea-pallida). 

Contracted-middle oblong-leaved Croton 
(Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ib. Codizum variegatum 

Contracted-middle obovate-leaved Croton 
(Nic. 1/353) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ic, Codizum variegatum (multi- 

Convolvulus Family (L/N/S/B). LXXIX. 
Convolvulacez (order). 
Convolyulus (Goat’s-foot) 

2047 Ipomeea biloba. 

(McL. 6), 

Convolvulus (Japanese) (MAHS). 2027 
Tpomza imperialis. 
Convolvulus (Malabar) (Mch. 461). 2002 

Argyreia malabariza. 
Convolvulus (Mexican True Blue) (Rid. 

54). 2026 Ipomea acuminata. 

Convolvulus (Mikado) (MAHS). 2027 
Tpomea imperialis. 

Convolyulus (Princess) (MAHS8). 2027 
Ipomzea imperialis. 

Convolvulus (Purple) (Rid. 104). 2008 
Argyreia cuneata, 

Conyolvulus (White) (Rid, 104), 1994-b. 
Argyreia splendens (acuta). 

Convolvulus (White) (Rid. 104), 1994 
Argyreia splendens. 

Convolvulus (Wing leaved) (McL. 263). 
2019 (pomeea Quamoclit. 

Convolvulus-major (S. 215) (Cag. 476) 
(Br. 142) (Rid. 54) (MAHS). 2029 
Ipomeea purpurea. 

Coobairaucshy (MeL. 210, 995). 
occexxxvili. Casalpinia (genus). 

Coochlah (McL. 690). 1962 Strychnos 


Cooking Plantain (Cag. 206) (Cat. 322). 
3041 Musa paradisiaca. 
Cool Pepper (MchL. 677). 

Cool Pot (McL. 

2405 Piper 

701). 2592 Flueggea 


Cooling Mat Plant (McL. 819). cmlii. 
Clinogyne (genus). 

Cooly (McL, 21%, 998). delxvi, Solanum 

Coomby (McL. 214, 995). 1276 Careya 
Cooml (McL. 185). 2805 Gmelina | 
Cooml (Lowly) (Mch. 186), 2306 

Gmelina asiatica, 

Cooml Teak (McL. 135). 

Coondalpanny (Mcb. 777). 8152 Caryota 

Coondrimany (MeL. 3860). 

Cooppamanjal 777). 

Cooranelly (Mcl.* 513). 
latifolia (*esculenta). 

Coorchy Bark (McL. 871). 
rhena antidysenterica. 

810 Abrus 
(MeL. 180 Bixa 
2298 Premna 

1833 Holar- 

Coorg Milk Plant (McL. 871). 1883 
Holarrhena antidysenterica. 
Coorg Orange (Cag. 276)  (Ru/N/66). 

413-a, Citrus Aurantium-nobilis 
Coorg Paulay (McL. 663). 

rhena antidysenterica. 

1833 Holar- 

Coorg (Large-flowered Half-(25)- 
stamened) Sweet-leaf (Bs/'T'/441, 
adpd). 1728 Symplocos Warbnurgi. 

Coorinjah (McL. 360). 1916 Tylophora 

Coorinjah (small) (McL. 1895 
Gymnema sylvestre. 

Coorinjy (McL. 977). 

Ovorvitchy (McL, 222, 998). del. Ehretia 



897 Pterocarpus 

Coorvitchy (Box leaved) (McL. 222), 
1983 Ehretia buxifolia. 
Coorvitchy (Rough) (McL. 222, 998), 

1983 Ehretia buxifolia. 

Coorvitchy (Smooth) (McL. 222, 473, 

998). 1980 Ehretia levis. 

Cootipilah (McL, 376). 2717 Streblus 

Copaiba (False) (McL. 1026, Treas. Bot. 
1/569,  adpd). eco]. Hardwickia: 

Copaiba (Pinnate leaved False) (Mch. 
1026, adpd), 975 Hardwickia pinnata, 

Copaiba (Twin leaved False) (McL. 1026; 
adpd). 974 Hardwickia binata. 

Copal (Indian) (McL. 258, 358, 689) (Rid. 
161) (Gbl. 85) (Bdn/F.T) (Ell. 579) 
(Pfl. 275). 207 Vateria indica. 

Copal (Vateria) (McL. 684). 207 Vateria 

Copal (West India} (Muell. S.P). 976 
Hymenza Courbaril. 


2305 Gmelina | 



Copal Tree (Bed, 2/84). 207 Vatoria 

Copious-blossomed Robust 
Dog-bane (Hk. 8/644, adpd). 
Tabernzmontana Heyneana. 

Copious narrow leaved Soap Pod (Mch, 
97, adpd). 1040 Acacia pennata. 

Copper and Bronze Metallic-green Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/873). 3107-], Cordyline 
terminalis (metallica). 

Copper Beech (Nic. 2/2). 
sylvatica (cuprea). 

Copper Beecn Fig (Cag. 
Ficus Oanoni, 

Copper flowered Coral 
America (Nic. 1/531, 
Hrythrina glauca. 

Copper Leaf (Mech, 465} (S. 3). 
Acalypha (genus). 

Copper (Alder leaved) Leaf (MclL. 465, 
adpd). 2663 Acalypha alnifolia. 

Copper (Birch leaved) Leaf (MeL, 173, 
465, adpd). 2662 Acalypha fruticosa. 

Copper (Brown cordate) leaf (McL, 465, 
(Ru/N/112, adpd). 2667-b. Acalypha 
macrostachya (macrophylla). 

Copper (Crimson blotched Red) Leaf 
(McL. 465, Ru/N/112, adpd). 2665-b. 
Acalypha Wilkesiana (Macafeeana). 

Copper (Crimson Spiked) Leaf (McL. 
465, adpd). 2664 Acalypha hispida. 

Copper (Fiji) Leaf (McL. 465, adpd). 
2665 Acalypha Wilkesiana. 

Copper (Fimbriate-styled) Leaf (8.3, 

MchL. 465, Hk. 5/248, adpd). dcexliv. 
Acalypha (genus). 

Copper (Indian Shrubby) Leaf (MeL. 178, 
465, adpd). 2662 Acalypha fruticosa. 
Copper-leaf (Long-downy Round-ovate- 
to-elliptic-sinuate-leaved) (Hk. 5/410, 


2796-c, Fagus 
414). 2758 

Tree of South 
adpd). 825 


adpd), 2€57 Claoxylon indicum. 

Copper (Long leaved) Leaf (McL. 465, 
Iu/N/112,  adpd). 2670 Acalypha 

Copper (Love-lies-bleeding) Leaf (Cag. 
417). 2664-b. Acalypha hispida (den- 

Copper-leaf (Medium-membranous ellip- 
leaved) (Hk. 65/418, adpd), 2659 
Claoxylon Beddomei. 

Copper-leaf (Medium-membranous 
Triple-nerved-bigland ular-based oblong- 
lance-subserrate-acuminate: ‘eaved) 
(Hk. 5/412, 412, adpd). 2661 Claoxy- 
lon anomalum. 

Copper-leaf (Medium-tawny-shaggy 
lance-subcrenate-acute-leaved ) (Hk. 
5/413, adpd). 2660 Claoxylon hirsu- 

Copper (Olive {wisted) Leaf (McL. 465, 
Ru/N/112, adpd).- 2664-c. Acalypha 
hispida (torta). 


Copper (Orange variegated) Leaf (McL. 
465, Ru/N/112, adpd). 2665-c. 
Acalypha Wilkesiana (musaica). 

Copper (Red) Leaf (McL. 465, Ru/N/112, 
adpd). 2666 Acalypha Baroni. 

Copper (Rose margined) Leaf (McL. 465, 
Ru/N/112, adpd). 2668 Acalypha 

Copper (Sanders’) Leaf (McL. 465, Ru/ N/ 
112, adpd). 2664 Acalypha hispida. 
Copper (Simple-styled) Leaf (S.8, Mch. 
465, Hk. 5/248, adpd). dccexliii. 

Claoxylon (genus). 

Copper-leaf (Small-membranous-tawny- 
hispid-glabrate ovate-oblong-lance- 
subcrenate-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 5/413, 
adpd). 2658 Claoxylon Wightii. 

Copper (White margined) Leaf (McL. 465, 
Ru/N/112, adpd). 2669 Acalypha 

Copper (Austrian) Rose (Nic. 
(Hod) (Rn/N/90, 0/18) (Mu. 
1097-b. Rosa Eglanteria (cuprea). 

Copper (Ooty) Rose (Cag. 600) (Ooty. 
437). 1105-m. Rosa odorata (armeniaca- 

Copper Tea Rose (Mu. 54) (Hod), 1105-d. 
Rosa odorata (albida-intus-rosea), 

Coppery-centred Deep-yellow WNoisette 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/O/18) (Mu. 56). 
1108-f. Rosa Noisettiana (lutea intus- 

Coppery-centred Yellow Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Cag. 601) (Hoa). 1105-f. Rosa 
odorata (lutea-intus-cuprea). 

Coppery Noisette Rose (Mu. 56). 
Rosa Noisettiana (cuprea). 

Soppery - red - margined - and - blotched 
(Crimson-midribbed-and-veined) Black- 
ish-bronze Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Bm, Codizenm 
variegatum (superbiens). 

Coppery-red (Yellow-centred) Tea Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/92, O/20). 1105-i. 
Rosa odorata ‘cuprea-intus-lutea), 

Coppery Tea Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325) 
(Cag. 603) (Br. 70) (Po). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (cuprea). 

Coppery-yellow Tea Rose (Ru/0/18). 
1105-i. Rosa odorata (cuprea). 
Copra Palm (Gbl, 740) (Bdn/F.T). 
Cocos nucifera. 
Coquer nut (McL. 


Coques-du-Levant (McL. 357), 81 Ana- 
mirta Cocculus, 

Coquetta Bark (McL. 420). 
chona lancifolia. 

Coquette-des Alpes Rose (Ru/N/92, 0/19) 
(Mu. 52) (Hod) (Po). 1107-d. Rosa 

hybrida-semperflorens (albida-intus- 
roseo kermesina). 




195). 3228 Cocos 

1456 Cin- 


Coquette des Blanches Rose (Nic. 6/646) 
(Cag. 596) (Br. 70) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 
(Hod) (Po). 1108-a. Rosa Noisettiana 

Coquito Palm of Chili (Muell. 8.P) (Nic. 
2/209). 3233 Jubeea spectabilis. 

Coral (Bidwill’s Hybrid) 'free (Nic. 5/352). 
822-b. Erythrina crista-galli (herbacea 

Coral (Variegated leaved Indian) (Nic. 

5/252). 817-c.  Erythrina indica 
Coral (Unarmed  green-membranous 

round-acute-leaved) (Hk. 2/190, adpd), 
820 Krythrina lithosperma. 

Coral Bead (Mch. 79, 360) (S. 109), 
Abrus precatorius. 

Coral Berry Featherfoil (McL. 227, 517, 
580, 701, 1000, adpd). dcecexvii, 
Breynia (genus). 

Coral Berry Tree (McL. 227, 518, 701, 
1000, adpd). 2594 Breynia rham- 

Coral (Cupped) Berry Tree (Mch. 227, 
517, 580, 701, 1000, adpd). 2593 Brey- 
nia patens. 

Coral Creeper (Gbl. 552). 2885 Antigonon 

Coral flowered Ordure Tree (McL. 473, 
651, adpd). 272 Sterculia colorata. 

Coral Jasmine (MchL. 50, 388, 484, 997, 
1030). 1776 Nyctanthes arbortristis. 

Coral Pea Tree (McL. 757). 1004 Aden- 
anthera pavonina, 

Coral Plant (McL. 55) (Gbl. 612) (Br. 1938) 
(Rid. 118, 182) (Cag. 417) (Cat. 258) 
(Ru/N/81, 0/31) (PA. 485). 2624 
Jatropha multifida. 

Coral Plant (McL. 178). 

Coral Plant (Ru/N/83, 
Russelia juncea. 

Coral Rush Plant (Nic. 3/325) (Br. 156). 
2114 Rusgelia juncea. 

Coral (Round leaved) Rush Plant (Nic. 
3/325) (Br 156). 2115 Russelia rotun- 


2379 Salicornia 

0/32). 2114 


Coral (Blake’s Deep-crimson-flowered) 
Shrub (Br. 57, adpd). 826 Erythrina 

Coral Tree (McL. 226, 994) (Nic. 1/531). 
cceviii. Erythrina (genus). 

Coral (Black) Tree (McL. 226). 
Zanthoxylum Khetsa. 

Coral (Black-prickly-branched green- 
membranous round-cuspidate-leaved) 
Tree (Hk. 2/189, adpd). 817 Erytbrina 

Coral (Common) Tree (Mch. 226, 473, 
514, 884, 994) (Rid. 118), 817 Hry- 
thrina indica. 

384 © 


Coral (Copper flowered) ree of South 
America (Nic. 1/531, adpd). 825 Ery- 
thrina glauca, 

Coral (Cotton) Tree (McL. 227, 234), 
259 Bombax malabaricum. 

Coral (East Indian) Tree (S. 146). 817 
Erythrina indica. 

Coral (Indian) Tree (Bs/T/226) (Gbl. 242) 
(Bll, 260) (Cat. 89) (PA. 613) (W. L) 
(Br. 57) Pra iNy/80). 817 Hrythrina 

Coral (Indian) Tree (Bdn/F. 'I'/L). 818 
Erythrina stricta. 

Coral (Poolah) Tree (McL. 227, 518, 701, 
1000), 2594 Breynia rhamnoides, 

Coral (Prickly-branched Glaucescent- 
ovate-obtuse-leathery-leaved) Tree 
(Nic. 1/581, adpd). 822 Erythrina 

Coral (Prickly-branched grey-woolly 
roundish-obtuse-leaved) Tree (Ol. 2/84, 
adpd). 821 Erythrina tomentosa. 

Coral (Prickly Quinquefoliate Rhomboid- 
or-bastate-leaved) Tree (Ol, 2/182, 
adpd), 823 Krythrina Humeana, 

Coral (Thorny) ‘ree (McL. 227, 470, 645, 
994). 818 Krythrina stricta. 

Coral (Unarmed Glaucous-ovate-leaved) 
Tree (Nic. 1/531, adpd). 825 Erythrina 

Coral (West Indian) Tree (* McL, 1022). 
[817 Sphalm] (§ not cultivated in 
Madras.) Erythrina (* indica) coral- 
lodendron §. 

Coral (White) Tree (McL. 227, 473, 994). 
819 Krythrina suberosa, 

Coral (White flowered 
(Hk. 2/189, Br. 57, adpd). 
Erythrina indica (albiflora). 

Coral (White-prickly-branched green- 
membranous round-cuspidate-leaved) 
Tree (Hk. 2/189, adpd). 818 Erythrina 

Coral (Yellow-prickly-branched  grey- 
dowuy-backed oblate-acute-leaved) 
Tree (Hk. 2/190, adpd). 819 Erythrina 

Coral (Yellow-prickly-branched  grey- 
downy-backed sinuate-leaved) ‘Tree 
(Hk, 2/190, adpd). 819-b. Erythrina 
suberosa (lobata). 

Coral Tree of Brazil (8.109, 157). 822 
Erythrina crista-galli, 

Coral Tree of Japan (Nic. 5/352, Ol. 
2/182, adpd). 824 Hrythrina caffra, 

Coral ‘Tree of Mozambique (Ol. 2/182, 
adpd). 823 Erythrina Humeana. 

Coral Tree of Nubia and Abyssinia (Ul. 
2/84, adpd). 821 Hrythrina tomen- 

Coral Tree of the Eastern Ghauts (Bdn/ 
F.T/L, adpd). 819 Erythrina sube- 

Indian) Tree 

28-a | 


Coral Tree of the Indian Archipelago 
(Hk. 2/190, adpd). 820 Erythrina 

Coral Tree of the Western Ghauts (Bdn/ 
F.'1/L, adpd), 818 Erythrina stricta. 
Corallina Rose (Ra/N/94). 1105-0. Rosa 

odorata (punicea). 

Corallita (Red-shoot) (Nic. 1/88). 
Antigonon leptopus (amabilis), 


Corallita (West Indian) (MRS), 2385 
Antigonon leptopus. 
Corallita (White) (Nic. 5/58). 2385-b. 

Antigonon leptopus (albiflora). 

Coramaddy (MchL. 977). 2546 Bridelia 

Coramurdah (McL. 977). 

Coreapilly (McL. 63, 226, 4738, 874, 995). 
1052 Pithecolobium dulce. 

Cordate (Brown) Copper Leaf (McL. 465, 
Ru/N/112, adpd). 2667-b. Acalypha 
macrostachya (macrophylla). 

Cordate-disc-scabrid felted-leaved Sebes~ 
ten (Hk. 4/189, adpd). 1975 Cordia 

Cordate (Lanceolate) leaved Tree Bilberry 

2546 Bridelia 

(Hk. 2/558, adpd). 1298 Memecylon 

Cordate (Membranous) leaved ‘Tree 
Bilberry (Bs/T/385, adpd). 1800 

Memecylon deccanense. 

Cordate (Oblong) leaved Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/559, adpd). 1299 Memecylon 

_Cordate oblong purple-backed Arrowroot 

(Nic. 5/520). 30138 Maranta leuco- 

Cordia (Smooth leaved) (McL. 808) (Br. 
145) (Rid. 118). 1968 Cordia Myxa, 
Corindah (McL. 132). 1806 Carissa 
Corindah (McL. 226, 472, 798, 995). 
Acacia Intsia. 
Corinthian (Brankursine decoration of) 


Columns (Hne. Brit. 1/79). 2224 
Acanthus mollis, 
Cority (McL. 226, 4738, 1000). 2719 

Plecospermum spinosum. 

Cork (Indian) (McL. 358, 478, 484, 995) 
(Cat. 204) (Bed. 2/249) (Gbl. 509) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Pr. 1/788) (Ell. 103). 2118 
Millingtonia hortensis, 

Cork (Indian) (McL. 758). 257 Adansonia 

Cork (River) (McL, 844), 787 Alschyno- 
mene aspera. 

Cork barked Tephrosia (McL. 81, corr). 
768 Mundulea suberosa. 

Corky barked Wild Indigo (McL. 81, 845 
corr). 768 Mundulea suberosa. 

Cork leaved* Tephrosia (McL. 81) 
(?* barked), 768 Mundulea suberosa,; 


Cork-screw Flower (Hk. 4/655, adpd), 
dxeviii. Strophanthus (genus). 

Cork-screw petalled Dog-bane (Hk. 
3/655, adpd). dxcviii. Strophanthus 

Cork-screw petalled Sarsaparilla Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/5, adpd). dexii. Crytolepis 

Cork (Small-leathery-hoary-g labrate- 
backed ovate-heart-or-elliptic-acate- 
leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/63, adpd), 
1929 Leptadenia reticulata. 

Cork Tree (McL. 81). 2118 Millingtonia 

Cork (Jungle) Tree (McL. 358). 
Holoptelea integrifolia. 

Cork Wood (McL. 81). 

Cork Wood Bendy (McL. 82, 473, 484, 
493). 241 Hibiscus tiliaceus. 

Corkapuli (Pfl. 215). 1052 Pithecolobium 

Corkserew-centred flowered Bean (Hk. 
2/59, adpd). cecxiii. Phaseolus (genus). 

Corkscrew (Small-papery elliptic-obi use- 
leaved) Dog-bane (Hk. 3/656, adpd). 
1847 Strophanthus Wightianus. 

Corkscrew (Small-papery obovate-to- 
elliptic-oblong-wavy-cuspidate- leaved) 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/655, adpd). 1846 
Strophanthus Wallichii. 

Corkscrew (Small-leathery elliptic-acute- 
leayed Red-spotied-yelluw) Dog-bane 
of China (Nic. 3/520, adpd). 1848 
Strophanthus divergens. 

Corkscrew (Medium-leathery-glaucous- 
backed elliptic-cuspidate-o1-apiculat>- 
leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/5, adpd). 
1867 Cryptolepis Buchanani. 

Corkscrew (Medium-leathery-pale-backed 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/5, adpd). 1868 
Cryptolepis grandiflora. 

Corkscrew (Small-papery-glaucous- 
backed oblong-apiculate-leaved) Swal- 
low-wort (Hk. 4/5, adpd). 1869 
Cry ptolepis elegans. 

Corky barked Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 1/65, 
adpd). 46 Polyalthia suberosa. 

Corky barked Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2556 Phyllanthus suberosns. 
Corky-barked Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/63, 
adpd). dexxxix. Leptadenia (genus). 
Corky-barked (Splitting-podded) Wild 
Indigo (Hk. 2/114, adpd). 771 Teph- 

rosia fusca. 

Cornel Family (Treas. Bot. 1/832). LX. 
Cornacez (order). 

Cornel (Nic. 1/878). 

Cornel (Berried 
2/741, adpd). 


241 Hibiscus 

edlxxi. Cornus 




Cornel (Medium-downy opposite elliptic- 
oblong-acute-leaved) (Hk. 2/745, adpd). 
1421 Cornus capitata. 

Cornel (Medium-hairy-gland-axilled-and- 
backed elliptic-oblong-acute-leayed) 
(Hk. 2/741, adpd). 1420 Alangium 

Cornel (Medium-puberulous-glabrate 
elliptic-acute-leaved) (Hk. 2/746, adpd). 
1423 Mastixia pentandra 

Corne] (One-celled-druped) (Hk. 2/745, 
adpd). cdixxii. Mastixia (genus). 

Cornel (Small oboyate-oblong-cuspidate- 

leaved) (Hk. 2/746, adpd). 1422 
Mastixia arborea. 
Cornel (Strawberry) (Nic. 5/259). 1421 

Cornus capitata, 
Cornel (Two-celled-druped) (Hk. 2/744, 
adpd). cdlxxi. Cornus (genus). 
Cornelian Cherry (8. 110). 

cdlxxi. Cornus 

Cornelian Tree (MeL. 364). (2) 2026 
Canna indica. 

Cornered (Six) Oereus (Lr. 92). 1871 
Cereus hexagonus. 

Cornered (Three) Cereus (Br. 92). 1872 

Cereus triangularis. 

Corolline-coronetted Ipecacuanha swal- 
low-wort (McL. 360, Hk. 4/38, adpd). 
dexxix. Gymnema (genus). 

Coromandel Ailanto (McL. 14, 742, 993). 
427 Ailanthus excelsa, 

Coromandel Aloe (McL. 21, 1000). 3117-b. 
Aloé vera (littoralis>. 

Coromandel (Glabrous-leaved Wild 
Ginger of the) Coast (Hk. 6/245, adpd). 
2995 Zingiber ligulatum. 

Coromandel Coast Cocoanut (Cag. 198). 
3228-c. Cocos nucifera (coromandelina). 

Coromandel Coast Date (McL. 4138, adpd). 
3167 Phoenix farinifera. 

Coromande] Ebony (Pfl. 97). [1718 
Sphalm] 1715 Diospyros melanoxylon. 

Coromandel Ebony (McL. 798). [1694 
Sphalm} 1715 Diospyros melanoxylon. 

Coromandel Ebony (McL. 366) (Rox. 

2/581) (Ell. 258). 1715 Diospyros 

Coromandel (Acuminate-elliptic_leaved) 
Ebony (Bed. 2/66). 1713 Diospyros 

Coromandel (Subobtuse-elliptic-wedge- 

leaved) Ebony (Hk. 3/564, 
1715 Diospyros melanoxylon. 
Coromandel (Subobtuse-ovate-leaved) 

Ebony (Hk. 3/564, adpd). 1714 
Diospyros tomentosa. 
Coromandel Ebony of Mysore (McL. 366, 
adpd), 1713 Diospyros Tupru. 
Coromandel Eugene Myrtle (McL. 379, 
386, adpd). 1264 Eugenia bracteata. 



Coromandel Goose Berry (Mcbh. 229, 472, 
874, 993) (Rid. 106). 365 Averrhoa 

Coromandel Gregarious Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2571 Phyllanthus chori- 

Ooromundel Jaumoon (McL. 379, 386, 
995). 1264 Hugenia bracteata. 

Coromandel Red Wood (Mech. 229, 756, 
862). 477 Soymida febrifuga, 

Corsican Pine (Muell. 8.P.) (Nic. 3/143) 

(8/41, 331) (Gbl. 703). 2848 Pinus 


Corsini’s Hybrid Climbing Arum (Nic. 

5/595). 3255 Philodeadron Corsinia- 

Cortaderia (S. 11,806). 3290 Gynerium 

Cortaderia (S, 111, 401). 38288 Arundo 

Corte-de-pala (McL. 871). 
rhena wntidysenterica. 

Corunga Nnt (McL. 101). 

Corymb-flowered Bouvard’s Quinine-wort 
(Nic. 1/207). 1459 (bis.)-a. Bouvardia 
Humbolatii (corymbiflora). 

Corymbose (Shaggy-flowered) False Holly 

1833 Holar- 

926 Czesalpinia 

(Hk. 1/588, adpd). ccv. Mappia 

Corymbose Golden-blossomed Pear Tree 
(Nic. 2/466, adpd). 435 Ochna 

Corymbose (Oblong-leaved) Indian 
Linden (Jik. 1/384, adpd). 308 Grewia 

Corymbose (Round-leaved) Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/381, adpd), 309 Grewia 

Corymbose Inland True Mangrove (McL. 

470, adpd). 1142 Blepharistemma 

Corymbose Notonia (Br. 108). 1623 
Notonia grandiflora. 

Corymbose (White) Tea of Heavon 

(Muell. 8.P, Nic. 2/162, adpd). 1122-a. 
Hydrangea Hortensia (typica). 

Corymbose (Woolly-branched) White- 
flowered Resin-seed (Hk. 1/199, adpd). 
151 Pittosporum dasycaulon. 

Corymbed (Compound) Yellow-flowered 
Resin-seed (Hk. 1/199, adpd), 150 
Pittosporum floribundum. 

Corymbed (Simple)  Yellow-flowered 
Resin-seed (Hk. 1/198, adpd). 149 
Pittosporum nilghirense. 

Cosmibuena (McL. 419). 
Cinchona (genus). 

Costa-Rica (Wendland’s) Climbing Brin- 
jal (Nic. 3/456, adpd). 2090 Solanum 

Costate Pinnate Fern Palm (Muell. 8.P, 
adpd). cmxio. Cycas (genus). 

cdl xxxiii. 

Cotton (Berar) (Rox. 3/185). 


Costmary (8.423). dxxvii, Tanacetum 

Costum (Arabian) (McL, 37, 484, 911, 932, 
994, 1001). 3000 Costus speciosus, 

Costus (Showy) (McL. 37) (Br. 213). 3000 
Costus speciosus, 

Costus (Sweet) (Mcb. 37). 

Costus Root (Treas. Bot. 1/340). 
Costus (genus). 

Costus (Dark-green-centred Silvery-grey- 
tessellated leaved) Root (Nic, 5/262, 
adpd). 3003 Costus mosaicus, 

Costus (Malortie’s Orange-banded-golden- 
flowered) Root (Nic. 1/387, adpd). 
3002 Costus Malortiecanus. 

Costus (Purple-backed-yellow-ciliated- 
leaved Purple-stamened-and-calyxed 

3000 Costus 


Yellow-centred-white-flowered) Root 
(Nic. 5/262, adpd). 3001 Costus 

Cottaun (McL, 230, 804,999). 2472 Cas- 
sytha filiformis, 

Cotton (Silk) Family (Br. 20). [XX. 

Sphalm} XIX. Malvacez (Order). 

Cotton (MeL. 183) (Nic. 1/26) (Gbl. 86) 
(8.185). xcv. Gossypium (genus). 

Cotton (American) (McL. 133, 232, 993) 
(Pfl. 100). 254 Gossypium barbadense. 

Cotton (Barbadoes) (McL. 74, 232) (Br. 
29) (Hk, 1/347). 254 Gossypium bar- 

Cotton (Bengal) (McL. 232), 255-b. Gos- 
sypium arboreum (neglectum). 

2538 Gossy- 
pium herbaceum. 

Cotton (Bourbon) (McL, 232) (Hk, 1/347) 
(Rox. 3/187). 254 Gossypium barba- 

Cotton (Brazil) (McL. 284) (Br. 19) (Hk. 
1/347), 254-b. Gossypium barbadense 

Cotton (Brazilian) {Muell. 8.P). [253-d. 
Sphalm] 254-b. Gossypiam barbadense, 

Cotton (Brown) (Rox. 3/185). 253-d. 
Gossypium herbaceum (religiosum), 

Cotton (Caravonica) (Hybris of 254 and 
255). 255-c. Gossypium  arboreum 
(hy bridum). 

Cotton (Ceiba) (McL. 235). 
258 Bombax Ceiba. 

Cotton (China) (Hk. 1/347) (Rox, 3/185). 
253-b. Gossypium herbaceum (obtusi- 

Cotton (Chain Seed) (McL. 234). 254-b 
Gossypium barbadense (acuminatum). 
Cotton (Cock’s-comb Silk) (McL. 284), 

259 Bombax malabaricum. 

Cotton (Common) (McL, 232) (W. 12). 253 
Gossypium herbaceum. 

Cotton (Vountry) (McL. 232)(Br. 19)., 
253 Gossypium herbaceum, 

[261 Sphalm ]} 


Cotton (Dacca) (Rox. 3/184). 258 Gossy- 
pium herbaceum. 

Cotton (Devil’s) (Ru/N/78). 803 Abroma 

Cotton (Egyptian) (McI.- 232) (8.185). 
254-c. Gossypium barbadense (hybrida). 
Cotton (Hlephant Silk) (Mch. 73). 257 
Adansonia digitata. 
Cotton (Flowering) (McL. 234,712). 252 
Thespesia populnea, 
Cotton (Foreign) (Mch. 232). 
pium barbadense. 

254 Gossy- 

Cotton (French) (McL. 232, 1082). 1882 
Calotropis gigantea. 
Cotton (Georgian) (McL. 232). 254 Gos- 

sypium barbadense. 

Cotton (Golden Silk) (McL, 232, 478). 
129 Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Cotton (Hedge) (McL, 232, 473, 987). 
1885 Damia extensa. 

Cotton (Herbaceous) (McL. 2382). 2538 
Gossypium herbaceum. 

Cotton (Hill) (McL. 712). 

Cotton (Indian) (McL. 138, 232, 993) (Pf. 
491) (S. 118). 253 Gossypium herba- 

251 Thespesia 

Cotton (Jungle) (Mcl. 234, 993), 228° 

Urena lobata. 

Cotton (Kidney) (McL. 284) (Hk. 1/847), 
254-b. Gossy pium barbadense (acumina- 

Cotton (Kidney) (Muell. S.P), [253-d. 
Sphalm] 254-b. Gossypium barbadense 

Cotton (Large flowered and capsuled 
Silk) (Bs/T/78, adpd). 260 Bombax 

Cotton (Long-stapled) (McL. 228). 254 
Gossypium barbadense. 

Cotton (Madaur Silk) (Mech. 1032). 1882 
Calotropis gigantea, 
Cotton (Maranham) (Mchl. 234), 254-b. 

Gossypium barbadense (acuminatum). 

Cotton (Mexican) (McL. 228). 254 Gossy- 
pium barbadense. 

Cotton (Monster Silk) (McL. 73). 257 
Adansonia digitata. 

Cotton (Nakchiknee Silk) (Mech. 234, 668 
997), 1918 Dregea volubilis. 

Cotton (Nankin) (Br. 19) (Hk. 1/347) 
(Rid. 129) (Rox. 3/185). 263-d. Gossy- 
pium herbaceum (religiosum). 

Cotton (Native) (McL. 282). 253 Gossy- 
pium herbaceum. 
Cotton (New Orleans) (Muell. S.P). 

[255-c. Sphalm] 254 Gossypium bar- 

Cotton (New-Orleans) (McL. 428) (Hk. 
1/347). 254 Gossypium barbadense. 
Cotton (Paulay Silk) (McL. 234, 484, 997). 

1870 Cryptostegia gradiflora. 


Cotton (Pernambuco) (Mch. 2384). 254-b. 
Gossypium barbadense (acuminatom). 
Cotton (Peruvian) (Mch. 234,473, 993) 
(Hk. 1/347), 254-b. Gossypium barba- 

dense (acuminatum). 

Cotton (Peruvian) (Muell, 8.P.). [258-d, 
Sphalm] 254b. Gossypium  barba- 
dense (acuminatum), 

Cotton (Red-flowered Silk) (Bed. 1/28) 
(Pfl. 16). 259 Bombax malabaricum, 
Cotton (Red Silk) (McL. 2384) (Cat. 29). 

259 Bombax malabaricum. 

Cotton (Rubber Silk) (Mc. 234, 484, 997, 
adpd). 1870 Cryptostegia grandiflora. 
Cotton (Sea-Island) (Muell. S.P) (MeL. 
232) (Hk. 1/847), 254 Gossypiam bar- 


Cotton (Seven-leaved Silk) (Mch. 234). 
259 Bombax malabaricum. 

Cotton (Short-stapled) (Muell. §.P) 
(Mch. 232). 253-c. Gossypium herba- 
ceum (hirsutum), 

Cotton (Silk) (Mcb. 235, 473, 484, 703, 
813, 943) (Bdn/F.T). 261 Eriodendron 

Cotton (Silk) (McL. 1007). [XX. Sphalm ] 
XIX. Malvaceae (order). 

Cotton (Silk) (Nic. 1/200). 
bax (genus). 

Cotton (Silk) (W. 1). 259 Bombax mala- 

Cotton (Sneezing Silk) (McL. 234, 663, 
997, adpd). 1918 Dregea volubilis. 

Cotton (Spence) [Hybrid mostly of 255]. 
255-c. Gossypium arboreum (hybridum). 

Cotton (Thorny Silk) (Mc. 284). 259 
Bombax malabaricum. 

Cotton (Thread) (Mclu. 282). 
pium herbaceum. 

Cotton (Tree) (Muell. S.P) (Mech. 133, 

xevili. Bom- 

253 Gossy- 

235, 473, 993) (Cag. 653). 255 Gossy- 
pium arboreum. 
Cotton (True silk) (Cat. 29). 261 Erio- 

dendron anfractuosum, 

Cotton (Upland) (Muell. 8.P). 253-c. 
Gossypium herbaceum (hirsutum), 

Cotton (Upland Georgian) (Hk. 1/847), 
253-c. Gossypium herbaceum (hirsu- 

Cotton (West Indian) (McL, 223, 1022). 
254 Gossypium barbadense, 

Cotton (White) (McL, 235) (Br. 21). 261 
Eriodendron anfractuosum. 

Cotton (White-flowered Silk) (Bed. 2/29) 
(Pfl. 160). 261 Eriodendron anfractuo- 

Cotton (White Silk) (McL. 235). 261 
Eriodendron anfractuosum, 

Cotton (Yama’s Silk) (McL. 284). 259 
Bombax malabaricum. 

Cotton (Yellow-flowered) (McL. 
129 Cochlospermum Gossypium. 



Cotton (Yellow-flowered Silk) (Cag. 664) 
(Cat. 29). 129 Cochlospermum Gossy- 

Cotton Coral (McL, 227, 234), 
bax malabaricum, 

259 Bom- 

Cotton leaved Bindweed (McL. 713). 
2033 Ipomea digitata. 

Cotton leaved Notchy (McL, 596). 23814 
Vitex leucoxylon. 

Cotton Milk Plant (McL. 281). 1918 
Dregea volubilis. 

Cotton Milk Plant (McL. 281). 1881 

Oxystelma esculentum. 

Cotton (Bamia) of Egypt (Mnell. S.P). 
254-c. (tossypium barbadense (hybrida), 

Cotton (Ceiba) of South America (McL. 
286. corr). 258 Bombax Ceiba. 

Cotton Paulay (McL. 663). 1918 Dregea 

Cotton-Rose (Large-fringed-ribbed-ache- 
ned (Hk. 3/222, Treas. Bot. 1/341, 
adpd). dxxi. Blepharispermum (genus). 

Cotton-Rose (Medium-membranons Stalk- 

ed ovate-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
3/276, adpd). 1608 Blepharispermum 

Cotton-Rose (Small-to-medium-leathery 
Subsessile ovate-elliptic-obtuse-leaved) 
(Hk. 3/276, adpd). 1609 Blepharisper- 
mum subsessile. 

Cotton Tree (Bed. 2/82) (Gbl. 90) (Bs/T/ 
77) (Bdn/F.T./L). 259 Bombax mala- 

Cotton (Red) Tree (Mch. 234, 473, 484, 
704, 813, 940) (Br. 20) (Pr. 1/270) 
(Pgl. 58). 259 Bombax malabaricum, 

Cotton (White) Tree (Gbl. 91) (Pr. 1/270) 
(Br, 20) (McL. 285). 261 Eriodendron 

Cotton (Yellow) Tree (Pr. 1/229). 129 
Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Council (Great) Tree (Muell. S.P). 2732 
Ficus altissima, 
Countess of Oxford Rose (Nic. 3/324) 

(Ru/G/19). 1107-k. Rosa-hybrida-Sem- 
perflorens (kermesina-purpureo- 

Country Aconite (McL. 63). 3119 Gloriosa 

Country Angoor (McL. 32, 994). 
Vitis indica. 

Country Almond (Cat. 32). 

Country Almond (McL. 188, 857, 460) 
(Pr. 1/481) (Br. 74) (Ra/jN/20, 0/13) 
(Pfl. 432). 1144 Terminalia Catappa. 

Country Ci:namon (McL. *18%, 999). (?) 
2436 Cinnamomum Wightii (?) (* iners). 

Country Cotton (McL. 282) (Br. 19). 253 
Gossypium herbaceum, 

Country Fig (McL. 49, 473) (Ell. 283) 
(Rid. 126) (Cat. 289) (Pfl. 14), 2757 
Ficus glomerata, 


264 Sterculia 


Country Gall Nut (McL. 236, 928). 1146 
Terminalia Chebula. 
Oountry Goose Berry (McL. 229). 365 

Averrhoa Carambola. 

Country Gooseberry (McL. 105, 276) (EIL. 
170) (Rid. 115, 148) (Cat, 246) (Pfl. 75). 
2569 Phyllanthus distichus, 

Country Horse Radish (McL, 236, 518). 
689 Moringa pterygosperma, 

Country Ipecacuanha (McL. 360) (Pf. 
154). 1916 Tylophora asthmatica. 

Country Liquorice (McL, 914). (?) 222 
Abutilon indicum. 

Country Liquorice (McL. 360) (HIll. 4). 
810 Abrus precatorius. 
Country Mallow (W.A.1). 


Country Mallow (McL. 914) (Br. 251) 

221 Abutilon 

(Ell.5) (W.A.I) (Pf. 156). 222 Abu- 
tilon indicum. 
Country Ooshbah (McL. 364). 1866 

Hemidesmus indicus. 

Country (Common) Orange (McL, 624). 
418-a, Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (chryso- 

Country Rattan (McL. 473, 694, 751, 

1001). 8209 Calamus Rotang. 

Country Resin (McL. 259). 4389-b. Bos- 
wellia serrata (glabra). 

Country (Monkey) Saffron (McL. 508, 
776, 818). 180 Bixa Orellana. 

Country Sarsaparilla (McL. 364) (Br. 269) 

(Bll, 315) (PA. 477). 1866 Hemidesmus 

' indicus, 

Country Screw Tree (Cat. 
Helicteres Isora. 

Country Senna (McL. 805). 

Country Star Gooseberry (Mcb. 105) (Br. 

35). 280 

956 Cassia 

195). 2569 Phyllanthus distichus. 

Country Tragacanth (McL. 406). 267 
Sterculia urens. 

Country Walnut (MchL. 237, 488). 2633 
Aleurites moluccana. 

Country Weeping Willow (Mu. 43). 2797 

Salix tetrasperma. 

Country Willow (Cag. 411) (Cat. 313) 
(Ru/N/129, 0/13). 2797 Salix tetra- 

Countryman’s Treacle (Nic. 3/337), 370 
Ruta graveolens (angustifolia). 

Covay (Sour) (McL. 520). 99! Bauhinia 

Cow Berry (McL. 32). 595 Vitis vinifera, 

Cow Gall (McL. 65). 425 4igle Marmelos, 

Cow Protector (McL. 319). 80 Tinospora 

Cow’s ear (McL. 240). 

Cow’s eye (McL. 240), 

838 Clitoria Ter- 
838 Clitoria Ter- 

Cowage (Cag,617). 816 Mucuna pruri- 


Cowdee Dammer (McL. 258). cmvi. 
Agathis (genus). 
Cowhage (McL. 238) (Nic. 3/889) (Gbl. 
240) (Ell. 397) (Pf. 278). 816 Mucuna 
Cowitch (MeL. 237, 994). 
Cowiich (Nic. 3/389) (Br. 56) (Gbl. 240) 

eccyli. Mucuna 

(Pfi. 278). 816 Mucuna pruriens. 
Cowitch (Buffalo) (McL. 237, 994). 814 
Mucuna atropurpurea, 
Cowitch (Common) (McL. 287,994). 816 

Mucuna pruriens. 

Cowitch (Elephant) (McL. 238, 994). 815 
Mucuna gigantea. 

Cowitch (Negro Bean) (McL. 238, 994). 
813 Mucuna monosperma. 

Cowitch Ebony (McL. 366, adpd). 
Diospyros pruriens. 

Cowsliv Creeper (McL. 156) (Bs/T/470) 
(Ru/N/56) (Mu), 1905 Pergularia 

Cowslip Creeper (Bs/T/470) (Cag. 489) 
(Ru/O/16) (Mu) (Br. 1/121). [1903 
Sphalm] 1905 Pergularia minor. 

Cowslip (Indian) Creeper (Ru/N/56) (Mu), 
1905 Pergularia minor, 

Cowslip Orchid (S. 445). 

Cowslip (Lidded-spurred) Orchid (S. 445, 
Hk. 5/673, 6/73, adpd). cmxxxvilii. 
Cleisostoma (genus). 

Cowslip (Septate-spurred) Orchid (S, 445, 
Hk. 5/678, 6/66, adpd). cmxxsvii. 
Sarcanthus (genus). 

Cowslip (Smaller flowered) Orchid (8, 445, 
Hk. 5/672, adpd;. cmxxxvi. (Saccola- 
bium (genus). 

Cowslip scented Orchid (S.114, 445). 
emxxxy. Vanda (genus). 

Crab (Nic. 3/260). 1113 Pyrns Malus. 

Crab (Siberian) (Nic. 3/260) (Ooty. 72). 
1115 Pyrus prunifolia. 

Crab’s Claw (McL. 859). 


emxxxy. Vanda 

662 Rhus suc- 


Crab’s eyes (S. 2, 114), 810 Abrus pre- 

Crab Grass (McL. 178). 2379 Satlicornia 

Crab Oil Plant (McL. 238, 472, 993). 
Carapa obovata. 

Crab (Multifoliate-(16-20)-leathery-shin- 
ing  elliptic-oblong-acuminate-leaved) 
Oil Tree (Nic. 1/265, adpd). 475 Cara- 
pa guianensis. 

Crab (Quadrifoliate-(2-6)-medium-lea- 
thery ovate-to-obovate-obtuse-leaved) 


Oil Tree (Hk. 1/567, adpd). 476 Carapa | 


adpd). 475 Carapa guianensis. 
Crack Willow (Muell. S.P) (Nic. 3/345) 
(S. 382) (Gbl. 686). 2801 Salix fragilis, 




Cramoisie-supérieure Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Cag. 598) (Ooty. 412). 1103-d. Rosa 
indica (punicea-major). 

Cranberry (Gbl. 429) (Bdn/F.T). 
Vaccinium (genns). 


Cranberry (Australian) (McL. 506). 1679 
Achras Sapota. 

Cranberry (Indian) (Muell. 8.P). 1639 
Vaccinium Leschenaultii. 

Cranberries (Mc. 1007). LXVIi. Eri- 
caceze (Order). 

Crane’s-bills (McL. 1004}. XXV. Ger- 
aniaceze (Order). 

Crane’s Feather (McL. 521). 989 Bauhi- 

nia acuminata. 

Crape Myrtle (McL. 222, 995) (S. 115). 
cdxxxviii. Lagerstroemia (genus). 

Crape (Long oblong-leaved) Myrtle (Hk. 
2/577, adpd): 1319 Lagerstrcemia flos- 

Crape (Medium-subglaucous oblong-lance- 
acute-leaved) Myrtle (Hk. 2/575, adpd). 
1316-b. Lagerstremia parviflora (ma- 

Crape ‘Medium-velvetty-backed-nervose 
elliptic-acute-leaved) Myrtle (Bs/T/3é8 
adpd). 1817 (bis.) Lagerstroemia 

Crape (Small-downy-backed oblong-acute- 
leaved) Myrtle (Hk. 2/576, adpd). 
1316-c. Lagerstreemia parviflora (ben- 

Crape (Small-glaucous-nervose elliptic- 
acute-Jeaved) Myrtle (Hk. 2/576, adpd), 
1317 Lagerstrcemia lanceolata. 

Crape (Small-subglaucous oblong-acute- 
leaved) Myrtle (Hk. 2/575, adpd). 
1316-a. Lagerstcemia parviflora (typica). 

Crape (Small-tawny-velvetty-backed 
lance-acute-leaved) Myrtle (Hk. 2/576, 
adpd). 13818 Lagerstreemia Rottleri. 

Crape (Small-oval-acute-leaved) Myrtle 
(Hk. 2/575, adpd). 1815 Lagerst Semia 

Crawford (Mrs. Sharman) Rose (Nic. 
5/646) (Mu. 54). 1107-g. Nosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea intus-albescens). 

Cream-and-green OCrescent-blotched Ar- 
rowroot (Nic. 1/238). .3024 Calathea 

Cream-and-yellow-banded Dragon 
(Nic. 1/491). 

Cream-bracted Poivrea (Mch. 995, 1023, 
Br. 75, adpd). 1157 Combretum 
decandram. ; 

Tree — 
3100 Draczena fragrans 

| Cream-flowered Jaw-lipped Orchid (Hk. 
Crab oil Tree of Guiana (Nic, 1/265, | 

6/37, W.A.I, adpd). 

Cream Fruit Tree (Nic. 3/329) (Cag. 500). 
1849 Roupellia grata. 

2954 Sarecochilius 


Cream (Crimson and) leaved Shoe Flower 
(Nic. 1/143, adpd). 244-f. Hibiscus 
rosa-sinensis (Conperi). 

Cream-midribbed Hog Palm (Cag. 340, 
adpd). 8126 Hyophorbe Verschaffelti. 

Oream-spotted Dragon Tree (Nic. 5/530), 
3101 Dracena Godseftiana. 

Cream (Scarlet and) striped She Flower 
(Nice. 1/142). 244-g. Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (zebrina). 

pale-green (Long) elliptic-oblong-leaved 
Galangal (Nic. 1/54, adpd). 3010 
Alpinia vittata. 

Creamy--and—yellcw--variegated Heart- 
leaved Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/2138). 
3275 Pothos aureus. 

Creamy (Green—margined—and-biotched) 
Arrowroot (Nic. 1/237). 3020 Calathea 

Creamy—banded—and—blotched. Green 
Creton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ab. Codizum variegatum (Glad- 

Creamy Bastard Jasmine (Nic. 1/802). 
2107 (bis.) Cestrum Parqui. 

Creamy Bell flowered Virgin’s Bower 
(Hk. 1/5, adpd). 9 Clematis nutans. 
Creamy-blotched leaved Periwinkle (Nic. 

4/160, 5/736). 1822-b. Vinca major 

Creamy-centred-and-veined Bright-green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu), 2646-Be. 

Codizum vyariegatum (Maharajah of 

Creamy-centred-and-veined Bright-green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Aa. Codizeum variegatum (Mortii). 

Creamy-centred White Tea Rose (Nic. 3/ 
324). 1105-d. Rosa odorata (albida- 

Green Croton (Nic, 1/353) (Ku/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ta. Codizeum 

variegatum (gloriosum or Princess of | 

Creamy (Green-blotched) Croton (Ru/N/ 
0) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Vh, 

Codizum variegatum (Duke of Edin- 

Creamy (Green-coloured-and-blotched- 
undulated) Croton (Nic.i/353) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ta. Codizum 
variegatum gloriosum, or Princess of 

Creamy Hybrid Tea Rose (Ru/N/64) (Nic. 
5/646). 1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida- 

Creamy-irregularly-blotched Bright-green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Fa. Codizum variegatum (Mac 
Arthurii No, 37). 

INDEX. 441 

Oreamy-irregularly-blotched Bright-green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Bd. Codizum variegatum (Mac- 

Creamy (Dwarf) Laurel Tulip Tree of 
Japan (Nic. 4/5). 19 Magnolia pumila. 
Creamy (Suffused Pink and) leaved 
Dragon 'l'ree (Nic, 1/272). 3108 Cordy- 

line amabilis. 

Creamy leaved Lance Wood (McL, 974, 
adpd), 281 Pterospermum — suaberi- 

Creamy-margined-and-midribbed Green- 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Pa. Codizum variegatum (ama- 
bile No. 1). . 

Creamy—maturing—magenta— copiously 
blotched Light-green Croton (Nie. 1/354) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Tf. 
Codizum variegatum (Imperator or 
Challenger I). 

and-veined Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Ca. Codieum variegatum 

Creamy -maturing- to- Pink-centred-and- 
veined Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bj. Codiaum 
variegatum (crnatum), 

Creamy-midribbed—-and-veined Green 
Croton (Ro/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Pb. Codizum variegatum (umabile 
No. 2). 

Creamy (Climbing) Musk-scented Cluster 
Rose (Cag. 603). 1086 Rosa moschata. 

Creamy-or-white-nerved (Long) oblong- 
lance—to—oboyate—leaved Caricature 
Plant (Nic. 38/355, adpd). 2271I-b. 
Sanchezia nobilis (glaucophylla). 

Creamy Peacock Flower Tree (McL. 933, 
adpd). 940 Poinciana elata. 

Creamy-pencilled-scarlet (Green-leaved) 
Indian thot (Cag. 384). 3085 (bés.)-d, 
Canna orchidiflora (Perseus). 

Creamy-Pink-and-dark-rosy-leaved Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Br. 
Codizum variegatum (Readii). 

Creamy (Purple eyed) Sage Rose (Nic. 
4/110, Br. 88, adpd). 1342 Turnera 

Creamy Stalked-frnited Tulip Tree (Hk. 
1/39, 43,adpd). 24 Michelia Champaca. 

Creamy Tea Rose (Nic. 33/24) (Cag. 600) 
(Ru/N/90,0/19), 1105-c. Rosa odorata 

Creamy (Climbing) Tea Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Mu. 54). 1105-c. Cosa odorata (ebur- 

Creamy (Peach-margined) Tea Rose (Ru/ 
N/94, 0720) (Mu. 55), 1105-c. Rosa 
odorata (eburnea-carneo-marginata). 


Creamy (Rosy-flushed) Tea Rose (Nic. 

5/646). 1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea- 
Creamy (Salmon-margined) Tea Rose 

(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/96, 0/22) (Mu. 55). 
1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea-cinna- 

Creamy (Salmon-shaded) Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/324). 1105-c, Rosa odorata (eburnea- 

Creamy (Whitish) Tea Rose (Ru/N/90, 
O/19) (Mu. 54), 1105-c. Rosa odorata 

Creamy (Obovate-elliptic-acuminate-leayv- 
ed) Trumpet Figwort (Nic. 1/214,adpd). 
2108 Bruufelsia americana. 

Creamy-variegated (Medium)  Broad- 
elliptic-leaved Oaricature Plant (Hk. 
4/545, adpd). 2270 Graptophyllum 

Creamy-veined dark-green Croton [when 
young] (Nic. 1/851) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(tid) (Jaf). 2646-Sf. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Cooperi). 

Creamy-veined (Yellow-red-petioled Red- 
midribbed) Green Croton (Nic. 5/252) 
(RKu/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Bl. 
Codizum variegatum (vittatum). 

Creamy-white (Common) Bindweed (McL, 
120, adpd). 2039 Ipomea obscura, 

Creamy-white (Hairy-leaved) Bindweed 
(Hk. 4/207, adpd). 2039-b. TIpomea 
obscura (gemella). 

Creamy-white (Stocks’) Biandweed (McL. 
120, adpd). 2040 Ipomea Stocksii. 

Creamy - white - blotched - and - margined 
(‘Trifoliate-(1-5) Round-green-serrate- 
leaved Panax (Nic. 5/579, adpd). 1401 
Panax Balfouri. 

Creamy-white-flowered (Oval-apex-serrate 
leaved) Meadow-sweet (Nic. 3/474, 
adpd). 1075 Spirzea corymbosa. 

Creamy white-margined (Imparipinnate- 
(8-7)-pendent) Grey-blotched oblong- 
elliptic-irregularly-serrate-folioled Ara- 
lia (Nic. 1/104, adpd). 1898 Aralia 

Creamy-white margined (Imparipinnate- 
(3-7)-prickly) Oblong-elliptic-serrate- 
folioled Aralia (Nic. 1/104, adpd). 
1890 Aralia Guilfoylei. 

Creamy-yellow and Green banded Arrow- 
root (Nic. 5/520). 3011-b. Maranta 
arundinacea (variegata),. 

Creamy-yellow (Bright-green-margined) 
Croton (Nic 1/853) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid). 2646-Nb. Codizum variegatum 

Creamy-yellow (Green-veined) 
(Bu/N/O) (Mu), 2646-Na, 
variegatum (White Shade). 



Creamy-yellow-spotted Pale-green Tri- 
lobe Croton (Nic, 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 

(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ka. Codizum 
variegatum (trilobum maculatum 

Creek (Salt) Dog-bane (McL. 622, adpd), 
1818 Cerbera Odollam. 

Creeper (Adamant) (McL. 685). 582 
Vitis quadrangularis. 
Creeper (Adambo) (Mcu. 6). 2047 

Ipomezea biloba. 
Creeper (Air) (McL, 230). 
Creeper (American Moon) (MchL. 512, 
adpd). 2015 lpomzea bona-nox, 
Creeper (American Rosy Trumpet) (Ooty. 
476). 2130 Tabebuia rosea. 
Creeper (Angular-stemmed Smaller-and- 

2472 Cassytha 

twin-flowered Mussell-shell) (Hk. 
2/208, adpd). 889 Clitoria biflora. 
Creeper (Aphrodisiac) (McL. 713), 2033 
Ipomea digitata. 
Creeper (Areca Nut) (McL. 288). 3274 

Pothos scandens, 

Creeper (Australian Bell) (Nic. 3/458). 
(S. 42, 407). 146 Sollya heterophylla, 

Creeper (Australian Rosy Trumpet) (Br. 
132, Cag. 455, adpd). 2126 Tecoma 

Creeper (Azure Rainbow) (MeL. 371). 
2664 Thunbergia grandiflora, 

Creeper (Black Seed) (McL. 403). 2020 
Ipomea hederacea. 

Creeper (Blister) (MchL. 611). 6238 
Cardiospermum Halicacabum. 

Creeper (Blue Potato) (Mu. 387). 2069 

Solanum Seaforthianum. 

Creeper (Braminy Kite) (McL. 874). 2891 
Aristclochia indica. 

Creeper (Brazilian Orange Trumpet) (Br. 
30, 3/52, adpd). 2144 Bignonia venusta, 

Creeper (Bridal) (Pr. 1/724) (Cag. 475) 
(Ru/N/56). 2057 Porana paniculata, 

Creeper (Broom) (McL. 380). 87 Cocculus 

Trumpet) (Br. 
Tecoma capensis. 

Creeper (Cat) (McL. 812). 
gus racemosus. 

(Cape-of-Good-H ope 
132, S. 436). 


3088 Aspara- 

Creeper (Cat’s Claw Trumpet) (Nic. 
1/187). 2146 Bignonia gracilis. 
Creeper (China) (McL. 362) (8,92). 

2019 [pomeea Quamoclit. 
Creeper (Chinese Moon) (MeL 300, 512, 

adpd). 1591(bis.) Pzedaria foetida. 
Creeper (Clove scented) (Rox. 1/494) 
(Gbl. 506) (Br. 148). 1991 Rivea 
hy pocrateriformis. 
Creeper (Common White Rainbow) (McL. 
871). 2159-c. Thunbergia fragrans 


Oreeper (Coral) (Gbl. 552). 2385 Aunti- 
gonon leptopus. 

Oreeper (Cowslip) (Mel. 166) (Bs/T/470) 
(Ru/N/56) (Ma). 1905  Pergularia 

Oreeper (Cowslip) (Ba/T/470) (Cag. 489) 

(Ru/O/16) (Mu) (Br. 161). [1903 
Sphalm] 1905 Pergularia minor, 
Creeper (Crow) (McL. 240, 994). 838 
Citoria Ternatea. 
Creeper (Dark-blue} (McL. 887). 1865 

Ichnocarpus frutescens. 

Creeper (Downy Wheel)(McL. 1028, adpd.) 
1161 Combretum acuminatum. 

Creeper (Eagle-stone) (McL. 101, 286). 
926 Cesalpinia Bonduacella, 

Creeper (Elephant) (MeL. 665) (Cag. 479) 

(Cat. 200) (PA. 468) (Bs/T/455) (Gbl. 
536) (Br. 145) (El. 69). 1913 Argy- 
reia speciosa, 

Creeper (Elephant) (McL. 288, 1001). (?) 
3274 Pothos scandens. 

Creeper (Elliptic-leaved Wheel) (McL. 
1023, adpd). 1163 Combretum exten- 

Creeper (Fareed’s) 
Cocculus villosus. 

Creeper (Fire) (McL. 95). 
dron serraium. 

(McL. 380). 87 


2318 Cleroden- | 



Creeper (Hawtayne’s Voilet Rainbow) 
(McL. 9871). 2162-a, Thunbergia 
Hawtayneana (typica). 

Creeper (Hawtayne’s White Rainbow) 
(McL. 371). 2162-b. Thunbergia 
Hawtayneana (alba). 

Creeper (Heart-leaved Red Trumpet) 
(Cag. 454). 2136 Macfadyena uncinata. 

Creeper (Hog) (McL. 145). 900 Derris 

Creeper (Hog) (Mcl.. 677). 3269 Scindap- 
sus officinalis. 

Creeper (Horse-tail) (McL. 284). 
Porana malabarica, 

Creeper (Indian Cowslip) (Ru/N/56) (Mu). 
1905 Pergularia minor. 

Creeper (Indian Moon) (McL. 512, adpd). 
2017 Ipomea glaberrima. 

Creeper (Indra’s) (McL. 371, 998). 2159 
Thunbergia fragrans. 

Creeper (Ink) (McL. 380). 87 Cocculus 

Creeper (Itching) (McL. 564). (? 598) 599 
Vitis carnosa (?). 

Creeper (Jujube) (McL. 66). 

Creeper (Large-flowered Rainbow) (MeL. 
371). 2164 Thunbergia grandiflora, 
Creeper (Leafless) (McL. 230). 2472 

Cassytha filiformis, 
Creeper (I.ilac Mussell-shell) (Nic. 5/213, 


572 Scutia 

Mcbh. 240, Cag. 614, adpd). 840 
Centrosema grandiflora. 
Creeper (Maddur) (Ru/N/53, O/16). 
2030 Ipomeea carnea. 
| Creeper (Malabar) (McL. 461, 998). 2002 

Creeper (Fire-brand) (McL. 611). 623 
Cardiospermum Halicacabum. 

Creeper (Forest Moon) (McL. 752). 3120 | 
Flagellaria indica. 

Creeper (Fragrant) (McL. 380). 
Cocculus villosus. 

Creeper (Fragrant White Rainbow) 
(Mch, 371). 2159-a, Thunbergia fra- 

grans (typica). 

Creeper (Frog) (McL. 515). 

Creeper ((thorapadey) (McL. 564. 611 
Vitis pedata. 

Creeper (Goat's-foot) (McL. 6) (Cag. 477) 
(Cat. 20]) (Bs/T/488) (Gbl. 507) (Br. 
139) (Bll. 342) (Pf. 10). 2047 
Tpomea biloba. 

Creeper (Golden Mysore Rainbow) (Mech. 
371). 2167-a. Thunbergia mysorensis 
(typica). | 

Creeper (Great Scarlet Trumpet) (S. 426). 
2125 Tecoma grandiflora. 

Creeper (Green Thread) (Hk. 5/187, McL. 
230, adpd). 2472 Cassytha filiformis. 
Creeper (Green Thread-like Leafless) 
(Hk. 5/871, Mcl. 230, adpd). 2472 

Cassytha filiformis. 

Creeper (Hair) (McL, 362). 91 Cissam- 
pelos Pareira. 

Creeper (Hair) (McL. 240). 

Creeper (Hardy Trumpet) (Po. 59). 
Bignonia Tweediana. 

83 Tiliacora 

838 Clitoria 

Argyreia malabarica. 

Creeper (Malabar) (Rid. 29, 132, 136). (?) 
2050 Ipomeza tuberosa (?). 

Creeper (Malayan Glabrous Bridal) (Bk. 
4./222,adpd). 2058 Porana volubilis. 

Creeper (Mauve ‘lrumpet) (Cag. 453). 

2142 Bignonia magnifica. 
Creeper (Medicinal) (MeL. 
Vitis carnosa. 

584). 599 

| Creeper (Midnapore) (Rox. 1/494) (Br. 

143). 1991 Rivea hypocrateriformis. 

Creeper (Midnapur) (Bs/T/484) (Gb1. 506). 
1991 Rivea hypocrateriformis. 

Creeper (Monkey) (McL. 677). 3269 
Scindapsus cfficinalis. 

Creeper (Moon) (McL. 319). 80 Tinos- 
pora cordifolia. 

Creeper (Moon) (McL. 775). (?) 370 Ruta 
graveolens (angustifolia) (?). 

Creeper (Moon) (McL. 300, 512). 
(bis.) Peederi foetida. 

Creeper (Moon) (Mc. 847) (Pfl. 487) 
1891 Sarcostemma brevistigma. 

Creeper (Moon) (McL. 512) (S. 2, 2157), 
2015 Ipomzea bona-nox. 



Creeper (Moss) (McL. 280). 
tha filiformis. 

Creeper (Munzerabad) (Cag. 442), 2167 
Thunbergia mysorensis, 

Creeper (Mussel-shell) (McL. 240) (Cag. 
614). 838 Clitoria Ternatea. 

Creeper (Narrow-leaved Azure Rainbow) 
(McL. 371, adpd). 2165 Thunbergia 

Creeper (Nilgiri White Rainbow) (McL. 

2472 Cassy- 

371, adpd). 2160 Thunbergia tomen- 

Creeper (Orange Winged Rainbow) (McL. 
371). 216l-a.  Thunbergia alata 

Creeper (Oval-leaved Wheel) (Mch. 1023, 

adpd). 1162 Combretum ovalifoliim. 

Creeper (Poison Nut Srakebite) (McL. 
515, adpd). 838 Tiliacora racemosa. 

Creeper (Primrose) (Cag. 489). 
Pergularia odoratissima. 

Creeper (Primrose) (McL. 156) (Gol. 493). 
£1905 Sphalm] 1903 Pergularia odora- 

Creeper (Primrose Trempet) (Br. 131). 
2140 Bignonia Chamberlaynii. 

Creeper (Purple Bracted Blue Rainbow) 
(McL. 3871, adpd), 2168 Thunbergia 

Creeper (Purple Trumpet) (Br. 151, Cag. 
454), 2153 Amphilophium Mutisii. 

Creeper (Railway) (Cag, 478) (Pr. 2/737). 
2052 Ipomeza palmata. 

Greeper (Rainbow) (McL. 371, adpd). 
dcxeviii. Thunbergia (genus). 

Creeper (Rangoon) (8. 358). 
Quisqualis (genus). 3 

Creeper (Rangoon) (Mch. 384, 749, 995). 
(Rid. 154) (Ru/N/51) (Nic. 3/268) (8. 
358, 359) (Cag. 573) (Br. 75) (Bl. 475). 
1164 Quisqualis indica. 

Creeper (Rattan) (McL. 752). 
Flagellaria indica ( 

Creeper (Red) (Mch. 651). 558 Ventilago 
madras patana. 

Creeper (Red Mysore Rainbow) (MeL. 
371). 2167-c. Thunbergia mysorensis 

Creeper (Sandwich-Island) (Cag. 427). 
2385 Antigonon leptopus. 

Creeper (Scarlet) (McL. 150). 
Tpomea coccinea. 

Creeper (Scarlet Rainbow) (McL. 371). 
2166 Thunbergia coccinea. 

Creeper (Scentless Creamy-flowered 
Primrose) (Hk. 4/38, adpd). 
Pergularia pallida. 

Creeper (Scentless White Rainbow) 
(McG. 371).  (2159-b. Thunbergia 
fragrans (levis). 

Creeper (Sectarian) (McL. 364). 
Hemidesmus indicus. 






1904 | 

| Creeper 


Creeper (Shrubby Violet Rainbow) (MoL. 
371, adpd). 2163-a. Thunbergia 
erecta (typica). 

Creeper (Shrubby White Rainbow) (McL. 

371,  adpd). 2163-b. Thunbergia 
erecta (alba). 
Creeper (Silvery Trumpet) (Ru/N/54, 

adpd). 2141 Bignonia argyrea- 

Creeper (Sky) (Mc. 804). 2065 Cascuta 

Creeper (Slender Yellow Trumpet) (Br. 
131). 2146 Bignonia gracilis, 

Creeper (Snow) (Hk. 4/223) (Nic. 3/201) 
(Cag. 475) (Ru/N/56). 2059 Porana 

Creeper (Snow) (Gbl. 507). [2057 Sphalm | 
2059 Porana racemosa. 

Creeper (Sour) (McL. 564). (? 598) 599 
Vitis carnosa (?). 

Creeper (Sour) (McL. 
Sarcostemma brevistigma. 

Creeper (Spinous Pink-flowered Rangoon) 
(Hk. 2/460, adpd), 1165 Quisqualis 

Creeper (Spring) (McL. 440). 355 Hiptage 

Creeper (Star) (McL. 263). 2019 Ipomza 

(Thread) (McL. 280). 
Cassytha filiformis, 

Creeper (Trifoliate brown-short-velvetty- 
papery-medium oblong-rhomboid- 
acuminate-leaved Dholl (Ik. 2/226, 

847). 1891 


adpd). 868 Rhynchosia acutissima. 
Creeper (Trifoliate grey-downy-paper 
medium ovate-rhomboid-acute-leaved 

Dholl) (Hk. 2/219, adpd). 
Creeper (Trifoliate grey-downy-papery- 

857 Cylista 

small ovate-rhomboid-leaved Dboll) 
(Hk. 2/226, adpd). 869 Rhynchosia 

Creeper (Trifoliate grey-hoary-leathery- 
small obovate-obtuse-rugose-leaved 
Dholl). 851 Atylosia rugosa. 

Creeper (Trifoliate  velvetty-backed- 
leathery-medium round-obovate-leaved 
Dholl) (Ak. 2/218, adpd). 849 Atylosia 

Creeper (Trifoliate white-hoary-leathery- 
small obovate-subobtuse-leaved Dhol!) 
(Hk. 2/215, adpd). 850 Atylosia 

Creeper (Trifoliate white-velvetty-backed- 


leaved Dholl) (Hk. 2/221, adpd). 
Ehynchosia filipes. 

Creeper (Trinity Dipterocarp) (Hk. 1/419, 
adpd) 856 Hiptage parvifolia. 

Creeper (Trinity Shield-fruited) (Hk. 
1/419, adpd). cxxxi. Aspidopterys 


Oreeper (Trinity Tripterocarp) (Hk. 1/418, 
adpd). 355 Hiptage Madablota. 

Creeper (Trumpet) (Nic. 4/12). cclxxxviii. 
Bignonia (genus). 

Creeper (Trumpet) (Nic. 4/12). dclxxxii. 
Tecoma (genus). 

Creeper (Tweedie’s Yellow Trumpet) 
(S, 52). 2145 Bignonia Tweediana. 

Creeper (Veitch’s Virginia) (S. 456). 
Vitis inconstans. 

Creeper (Vembandam Bark) (McL. 651). 
558 Ventilago madraspatana. 

Creeper (Virginia) (Nic. 1/65) (Cay. 688) 
(S. 453, 456). 580 Vitis hederacea. 

Creeper (West Coast) (Mcl. 156) (Bs/T/ 
470) (Gbl. 493) (Rox. 2/47). 1905 
Pergularia minor. 

Creeper (West Coast) (Bs/T/470) (Nic. 
2/76) (Cag. 489). [1903 Sphalm] 1905 
Pergularia minor. 

Creeper (Wheel) (McL. 1028). 
Combretum (genus). 

Creeper (White ana Blue Mussell-shell) 
(Hk. 2/208, adpd). 838-b. Clitoria 
Ternatea (piloswa). 

Creeper (White and Crimson Maussell- 
shell) (Br. 50, McL. 240, Cag. 614, 
adpd). 841 Centrosema Plumieri. 

Creeper (White-flowered Mussell-shell) 
(Br, 50). 8388-c, Clitoria Ternatea 

Creeper (White)-(night)-changing-to- 
Crimson-(day)-flowered Rangoon) 
(Hk. 2/459, adpd). 1164 Quisqualis 

Creeper (White Potato) (Mu. 37). 
Solanum jasminvides. 

Creeper (Wight’s Rainbow) (McL. 371, 




adpd). 2168 Thunbergia Wightiana. 
Creeper (White Wheel) (McL. 473, 995, 
1023, adpd). 1153 ~—-Calycopteris 
Creeper (White Winged Rainbow) (cL. 
371).  2161-b. Thunbergia alata 

Creeper (Yellow Thread) (Hk. 4/225, 
McL. 230, adpd). delxv. CGuscuta 

Creeper (Yellow Thread-like Leafless) 
(Hk. 4/225, McL. 230, adpd). delxv. 
Cuscuta (genus). 

Creeper (Yellow Winged Rainbow) (McL. 
371). 2161 Thunbergia alata. 
Creeper Bamboo (McL. 751). 32069 

Calamus Rotang. 

Creeper Cashew (McL. 32) (?). 595 
Vitis vinifera (?). 

Creeper Caunooga (McL. 
900 Derris scandens. 

Creeper Champak (McL, 156, 804, 997). 
1905 Pergularia minor, 

143, 995) 



Creeper (Orange Mysore Rainbow) 
Creeper (McL. 871), 2167-b. Thun- 
bergia mysorensis (aurantiaca), 

Creeper Fig (McL. 49, 100), 
Ficus heterophylla (repens). 


| Creeper (Scabrid Lobed) Fig (McL. 49, 

| Creeper 

1000, adpd). 2747-c. Ficus heterophylla 

Creamy-flowered (Scentless) Primrose 
Creeper (Hk. 4/38, adpd). 1904 Pergu- 
laria pallida. 

Jasmine (McL, 
Jasminum grandiflorum, 

Creeper Lime (MeL, 434) 410-b, Citrus 
medica~Limonum (limonimedica). 

Creeper Lime (MeL. 434). [409 Sphalm] 

410-b. Citrus medica-medica-Limonum 

383). 1775 

Creeper Mooskty (McL. 515, 997). 83 
Tiliacora racemosa, 

Creeper Nelly (Mcl.. 587). 787 Aischy- 
nomena aspera. 

Creeper Palaus (McL. 645). 829 Butea 

Creeper Poison Nut (McL. 690). 83 
Tiliacora racemosa. 

Creeper Poison Nnt (McL. 690). 1957 
Strychnos colubrina 

Creeper Vail (McL. 985) (2?) 936 
Caesalpitia coriaria (?). 

Creeping Rabool (McL. 8901). 1003 
Entada scandens. 

Creeping Falsah (McL. 293, 913). 847 

Hugonia Mystax. 

Creeping (Dichotomously pinnate) Fern 
(Pr. 2/1238, adpd). 3325 Gleichenia 

Creeping Fig (S. 116). 
heterophylla (repens). 

Creeping Indiean Shot (MeL. 516) (?). 
1487 Musszenda frondosa. 

2747-c. Ficus 

Creeping Milk Hedge (McL. 508, 847, 
adpd). dexxlviii. Sarcostemma 

Creeping Milk Hedge (McL. 502, 847). 
1891 Sarcostemma brevistigma. 

Creeping (Beak-flowered) Milk Hedge 
(MeL. 502, 847, adpd). 1893 Sarcos- 
temma intermedium. 

Creeping (Squat flowered) Milk Hedge 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1891 Sarcos- 
temma brevistigma, 

Creeping (Woody podded) Milk Hedge 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1894 Sarcos- 
temma Stocksii. 

Creeping (Yellow-flowered) Milk Hedge 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1892 Sarcos- 
temma Brunonianum. 

Creeping Mimosa (McL. 801). 1003 
Entada scandens. 
Creeping Rose Boz (8.113). 1:21 

Cotoneaster buxifolia, 


Creeping Screw Pine (McL. 802) (?). 
2316 Glerodendron phlomoides ?. 
Creeping Three-angled Torch Thistle 

(Nic. 1/300. 13872 Cereus triangularis. 
Creeping Tootty (Mch. 914). 225 
Abutilon crispum. 
Creeping Tuberose (Cag. 490). 1906 

Stephanotis floribunda. 

Creeping Winter-Green (Nic. 2/56) (8. 176) 
dxxxviii. Gaultheria (genus). 

Crenate - dentate - grey - downy - backed 

Heart-leaved Woolly-Jacket (Hk. 
1/370, adpd). 291 Eriolena Candol- 

Crenate-downy-backed Heart-leaved 
Woolly Jacket (Hk. 1/370, adpd). 289 
Eriolena Stocksii. 

Crenate Heart Vine (McL. 283, adpd). 
587-b. Vitis glauca (courtallica). 

Crenate (Longer) leaved  Trifoliate 
Sumach (Hk. 22/9, adpd). 660 Rhus 

Crenate oblong leaved White Deadnettle 
Shrub (Hk. 4/681, adpd). 2355 Leucas 

Crenate (Gland) Toothache Tree (Nic. 

4/237, adpd). 385 Zanthoxylum 
Crenulate-gland-dotted Olive Linden 
(MeL. 763, adpd). 345 Elwocarpus 

Creaulate (Winged-petioled) leaved Opal 
Orange Tree (Rox. 2/381,adpd). 389-d. 
Glycosmis pentaphylla (arborea). 

Crenulate leaved Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/608, 
adpd). 516 Euonymus crenulatus. 

Crenulate (Membranous) Jeaved Spindle 
Tree (Hk. 1/609, adpd). 6519 Euony- 
mus panicnlatus. 

Crenulate oblong leaved Velvet Cinque- 
foil) Hk. 1/872, adpd). 297 Melhania 

Crescent-blotched (Cream and Green) 
Arrowroot (Nic. 1/238). 3024 Calathea 

Crescent leaved Passion Flower (Br, 87). 
1354 Passifiora lunata. 

Crescent (Bengal) leaved Talipot Palm 
(Rox 2/176, adpd). 3173 Corypha 

Cress (Indian) Family (Br. 29). XXV. 
Geraniacez (order). 

Crest-flowered Australian Bottle-brush 
(Nic. 1/2487). 1210 Callistemon 

Crested Barleria (McL. 559) (Br. 171). 

2439 Barleria cristata. 
Crested-petalled Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/615, 
Lophopetalum (genus). 

adpd). ccxy. 
Crested-petalled (Long elliptic-oblong- 
obtuse-leaved) Spindle ‘Tree (Bed. 

2/114, adpd). 529 Lophopetalum 



SS ee 


Crested Purple Nail Dye (McL. 558, 
adpd), 2239 Barleria cristata. 
Crested-stamened Ginger (Hk. 6/299, 

adpd). cmxly. Amomum (genns). 
Creswick Red Gum (J3th. 3/202). 1192 
Eucalyptus amygdalina. 
Cretan Apple (McL. 79, 802). 1111 

Cydonia vulgaris. 

Cretan Rock Rose (Nic. 1/382) (S. 99). 
125 Cistus polymorphus. 

Crimea (Pallas’ Pine of the) (Nic. 3/148). 
2848-e. Pinus Laricio (Pallasiana). 
Crimean Silver Flir (Muell. S.P) (Gbl. 

708). 2869 Abies Nordmanniana,. 

Crimson and Carmine Syrian Rose 
Mallow (Nic. 1/143) (Cag. 653). (Ru/ 
N/77). 246-¢. Hibiscus  syriacus 

Crimson and Cream leayed Shoe Flower 
(Nic. 1/142, adpd). 244-f. Hibiscus 
rosa-sinensis (Cooperii). 

Crimson (White changing to) and 
Purplish-blue Morning Glory (Nic. 
2/192). 2023 Ipomzea rubrocerulea. 

Crimson-and-yellow-spotted (Voluted- 
tipped) Dark-green Trilobe Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ki. 
Codizeum variegatum  (trilobum 

Crimson Anemone flowered China Rose 
(Cag. 598). 1103-d. Rosa indica 

Spurge (Cag. 416, 
Excecaria bicolor. 

Crimson-bscked mayenta-margined-and- 
midribbed Green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Tl. Codizum 
variegatum (Sir Ashley Eden). 



Crimson-backed rich-green Undulated 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ah. Codizeum 

variegatum (Williamsi). 
Crimson based Butf Shoe Flower (Nic. 

1/142), 244-n. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 

Crimson-blotched bright-green Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Af. 

Codizum variegatum (Baron James de 

Crimson-blotched Red Copper Leaf (MeL. 
465, Ru/N/112, adpd). 2665-b. Acalypha 
Wilkesiana (Macafeeana).° 

Crimson-bordered Blush-pink Tea Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 601) (Ru/N/90, 0/20) 
(Mu. 55). 1105-k. Rosa odorata 

Crimson-bordered Bronze-leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/372, adpd). 3107-0. 
Cordyline terminalis (Bausei). 

Crimson Bourbon Rose (Nic. 5/644) (Ru/ 
0/22). 1106-e, Rosa _ borbonica 


Crimson-bordered-centred Green Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Ud. Codiwum 
variegutum (Trnffantianum). 

Crimson Caricature Plant (Hk. 2/545, 
adpd). deexvii. Graptophyllum 

Crimson-centred-and-veined Dark-green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ag. Codiwum variegatum (New 

Orimson-centred-and-veined Deep-bronze- 
green Croton (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) 

(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Nm. Codieum | 

variegatum (Beauty). 

Crimson-centred-and-yeined Deep-olive- | 

green Croton (Nic. 1/353) (Ku/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ub. Codizum 
variegatum (majesticum No. 1). 
Crimson - centred - orange-midribbed-yel- 
low-blotched Shining-creen Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Sg. 
Codizum variegatum (Lady Zetland). 
Crimson-centred-yellow-margined Green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 

2646-Pe. Codieum vyariegatum 
(crispum). : 
Crimson changing-to-orange-and-yellow 

Morning Glory (Nic. 2/192). 
Tpomzea versicolor. 

Crimson (Scarlet) changing-to-violet- 
purple Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Cag. 
595) (Mu. 53) (Ru/N/92, 0/21) (Hod) 
(Po). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (punic ea-coccineo-suffusa- 

Crimson China Rose (S. 3875) (Ru/O/19) 

(Mu. 56) (Hod). 1103-e. Rosa indica 

Crimson (Large) China Rose (Hod). 
1103-e. Rosa indica (sanguinea- 

Crimson (Rosy-pink changing to) China 
Rose (Nic. 5/647) (Cag. 598). 1103-c. 
Rosa indica (rosea-dein-punicea). 

Crimson Climbing Mountain Ebony (McL. 
472, 520, 995, adpd). 995 Bauhinia 

(Cooke 2/741, 

Crimson (Red-veined) Croton (Nic. 1/351) 
(Ru/N/O) (Ma) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Sf. 
Codiwum variegatum (Cooperi). 

Crimson Cypress Vine (McL. 362) (Cat. 
476). 2019 Ipomea Quamoclit. 

Crimson-druped (Medium-to-long-papery- 
downy-glabrate obovate-or-oblance- 
cuspidate-leaved) Kin-Ramboutan 
(Bed. 2/280, adpd). 2619 Baccaurea 

huge leaved Banana 
adpd), 3039 Musa 

202+ | 

INDEX. 447 

Crimson-flowered (Long Twelve-(12-prs)- 
verved Jance-or-oblance-wavy-acumin- 
ate-leaved) French-chiretta (Hk. 4/515, 
adpd). 2254 Diotacanthus grandis. 

Crimson (White calyxed) flowered Glory 
Tree (8.101, Nic. i/841, adpd). 2325 
Clerodendron Thompsone. 

Crimson (Yellow and) flowered Prickly 
Pear (Br. 91, adpd). 1380 Opuntia 

Crimson Four petalled Spider Flower 
Shrob (Hk. 2/516, adpd). 1278 Os- 
beckia hispidissima. 

Crimson - flushed - deep-yellow-copiously- 
mottled Bright-green Trilobe Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kh. Codisum variegatum (trilo- 
bum heroicam), 

Crimson Globe Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Cag. 
591) (Ru. 0/19). 1099-d. Rosa centi- 
folia (muscosa-kermesina). 

Crimson-gold-and-white Mountain Ebony 
(Cat 112). 999 Bauhinia monandra. 

‘Crimson Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/90, 91, 0/18, 20, 22) (Mu. 52, 
58, &4) (Hod) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa hy- 
brida-semperflorens (punicea). 

Crimson (Black-purple-shaded) Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Cag. 5296) (Mu. 52) 
(Ru/N/93, 0/18) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-atro- 

Crimson (Carmine-shaded) Hybrid-per- 
petaal Rose (Nic. 3/324, 5/646) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/¥0, 91, 94, 0/19, 20, 21) (Mn. 
52, 53, 57) (Br. 69) (Hod) (Po). 1107-j. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Crimson (Cherry) Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/O/20). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperfiorens (punicea-cerasi- 

Crimson (Lilac-backed-Rosy) Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Mu. 53) (Hod). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 

semperflorens (pnnicea-roseo-suffusa- 
Crimson (Purple-shaded) Hybrid per- 

petual Rose (Cag. 594, 596) (Mu. 54) 
(Br. 70) (Ru/N/90, 94, 0/19, 20, 21) 

(Hod) (Po). 1207-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-purpureo- 

Crimson (Rosy) Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 52, 54) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/18) (Hod) (Po). 1107-j. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Crimson (Ruddy-brown-shaded) Hybrid- 
perpetual-Rose (Mu. 53) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/O/20). 2107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-porphy reo- 


Crimson (Velvetty) Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Nic. 3/324, 5/645, 646) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/94, P/19, 20, 21) (Mu. 52, 
53) (Po). 
florens (punicea-velutina). 

Crimson (Velvetty Carmine-shaded) 
Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Mu. 58) (Ru/N/94, 0/20). 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Crimson (Velvetty-purple-shaded) Hy- 
brid-perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) _(Ru/N/95, 0/18, 20) (Mu. 53) 
(Hod). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (punicea-purpureo-suffusa-velu- 

Crimson (Velvetty) Large China Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Cag. 598). 1103-d. Rosa 
indica {(punicea-major). 

Crimson Large flowered Gum Box (Nic. 

{ punicea- 

1/538). 1127 Escallonia macrantha. 
Crimson Long-curvitubular-flowered- 
Justicewort, (Hk. 4/545, adpd). 

deexvii. Graptophyllum (genus). 

Crimson long-tubed-Fuchsia of Bolivia 
(Nic. 2/81). 1324 Fuchsia boliviana. 

Crimson-margined-and-centred Olive- 
green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Vg. Codizum variegatum 
(majesticum No. 2). 

Crimson - margined -magenta-to-carmine- 
veined-green-midribbed Golden Croton 
(Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-MK. Codizeum variegatum (Queen 

ed-(Cup-tipped-often) Dark-bronze 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/®) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Wb. Codizum 
variegatum (Princeps, or mutabile), 

Crimson-midribbed-and-veined __ bright- 
green Croton (RKu/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Bn. Codizum variegatum 

Crimson - midribbed-and-veined-coppery- 
red-margined-and-blotched Blackish- 
bronze Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/‘/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bm. Codizeum 
variegatum (superbiens). 

Crimson-midribbed-and-veined Golden or 
Olive-green Croton (Nic. 5/257) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nj. 
Codiwum variegatum (rubro-lineatum). 

Crimson - midribbed - and-v: ined- yellow- 
centred Broad Green Voluted Croton 
(Nic. 1/354) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Jc. Codizum variegatum (recurvi- 

Crimson-midribbed (Claret-backed) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Nn. Codizeum variegatum 

1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- | 


Crimson-midribbed (Purple-backed) 
Dark-purplish-green Croton (Nie. 
1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Vh, Codizum variegatum (inter- 

| Crimson-midribbed Deep-green-maturing- 

(Nic. 5/646) | 

to-bronzy Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Bid) (Jaf). 2646-Bj. Codizum 
variegatum (ornatum). 

Narrow Green Voluted Croton (Nic. 
1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mn). 2646-Jb. 
Codizum variegatum (yvolutum). 

Crimson-midribbed Jinear-lance-folioled 
Alternate-pinnate-leaved Spindle Tree 
(Nic. 1/104, 5/79, adpd). 545 Elzeoden- 
dron orientale. 

Crimson-midribbed-yellow-centred Rich- 
green Oroton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Uc. Codizum-variegatum 

Crimson-midribbed-yellow-spotted Deep- 
olive-green Croton (Nic. 1/350) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Sd. 
Codizum variagatum (Brageanum), 

Crimson-midribbed-yellow-veined Croton 
(Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/‘)) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ie. Codiaum variegatum (maulti- 

Crimson (Burridge’s) 
(Nic, 5/444) (Rid. 54). 
purpurea (Burridgei). 

Crimson-mcttled (Green-margined) 
Yellow Horned Croton (Nic. 1/351) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-La. 
Codizum variegatum (cornutum pro- 

Crimson (White and) Mussell-shell Creep- 
er (Br. 50, McL. 240, Cag. 614, adpd). 
841 Centrosema Plumieri. 

Crimson Passion Flower (Br. 87), 
Passiflora Raddiana. 

Crimson (Tricolor-rayed) Passion Flower 
(Nic. 3/29). 1847 Passiflora alata. 

Crimson Peacock Flower Tree (McL. 933, 
adpd). 941-b. Puinciana regia (sem- 

Crimson-petioled-Golden-and-c hrome- 
yellow-blotched Green Croton (Ru/N/V) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qd. Codizeum 
variegatum (elegantissimum. Wis 

Crimson Quamoclit (Mch. 

Morning Glory 
2029-c. [pomea 


150) (Br. 

141). 2018 Lpomga coccinea. 

Crimson (Quamoclit (Rid. 69). 2019 
Ipomm#a Quamoclit. 

Crimson Kambler Rose (Nic. 5/647) 
(Ooty. 441). 1085-b, Rosa multiflora 

Crimson-rayed Metallic-green Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/873). 8107-j. Cordyline 
terminalis (imperialis). 


Bronze-green-medium irregular-lance- 
leaved Vernal Flower (Nic. 1/518, 

adpd), 2251-a. Hranthemum variabile 
Crimson secund-compound-panicled 

Poivrea of Sierra-Leone (Br. 76, adpd). 
1160 Combretum comosum. 

Crimson Spiked Copper Leaf (MeL. 465, 
adpd). 2664 Acalypha hispida, 
Crimson Tea Rose (Ru/N/94, 
1105-0. Rosa odorata (punicea). 

Crimson-tinted-scarlet Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/94, 
0/20) (Mu. 53) (Hod) (Po). 1107-i. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea- 

Crimson-to-yellow-midribbed - pink - mar- 
gined Dark-green Croton (Nic. 1/352) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Oc., 
Codizum variegatum (elegans). 

Crimson Tubular Passion Flower (S. 423) 
(Nic. 4/4). 1364 Tacsonia Van- 

Crimson - spotted - lower - lipped - white- 
flowered (Ovate-oblong-leaved) Vernal 


Flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2252 
Eranthemum Andersonii. 

Crimson-tinted (Violet-edged) Scarlet 
Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Cag. 591) 

(%u/O/21) (Po). 1107-i, Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (coccinea-puniceo- 

Crimson-to-rosy-flowered (Downy-back- 
ed-scabrous ovate-leaved) Bastard 
Vervein (Nic. 2/483. adpd). 2286 
Stachytarpheta mutabilis. 

Crimson-veined-shining Purplish-green 
Croton (Nic, 1/854) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-De. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Hil ianum). 

Crispate Trumpet Flower (MchL. 669). 
2132 Dolichandrone crispa. 

Crispate (Woolly) Trumpet tlower (McL. | 

669, adpd). 2135 Dolichandrone © 

Crisped-crenate  elliptic-leaved Spear 
Flower (Hk 3/524, adpd). 1669 
Ardicia crenata. 

Crook-brancher (Shuttlecock) Family 
(Bs/T/73, Hk. 1/299, adpd). XVII. 
Ancistrocladacez (order). 

Crook-brancher (Heyne’s Shuttlecock) 
(Bs/f/73, Hk. 1/299, adpd). 195 
Ancistrocladus Heynei., 

Crossandra (Axil flowered) (Br. 172). 
2244-b. Crossandra undulzefolia 

Crossandra (Orange-scarlet) (Cag. 447). 
2244-b. Crossandra undulefolia (axil- 




Orossandra (Ovange-yellow) (Cag. 447). 
2244 Crossandra undulzfolia, 

Oross Vine (8.51). delxxxviii. Bignonia 
Crotalaria ‘Laburnum leaved) (McL, 309) 
(Br, 48). 737 Crotalaria laburnifolia. 
Crotalaria (Rushy) (McL. 860). 722 
Crotalaria j uncea. 

Crotalaria (Striated-stalked) (McL. 860), 
722 Crotalaria juncea, 

Crotalaria (Wedge leaved) (MeL. 309) 

(Br. 48), 711 Crotalaria retusa, 
Croton (McL. 306). deccxxxiy, Croton 

Croton (S. 104, 118) (Cag. 468) (Pr. 
2/944), 2646 Codisum variegatum. 
Croton (Accrescent-seapalled Garden) 
(Hk. 5/242, adyd). deccxxxix. Blachia 


Croton (Apetalous Accrescent-sepailed 
Garden) (Hk. * 5/248, adpd). decexli. 
Dimorphocalyx (genus). 

Croton (Apically bilobed) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf}, 2646-L. Codizsum varie- 
gatum (cornutum). 

Croton (Aromatic) (McL. 428, 
2638 Croton aromaticus. 

Croton (Australian long-leaved) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-T'd. Codizeain 
variegatum (longifolium australiense). 

Croton (Bifid-styled Garden) (Hk, 5/242, 
adpd). decexxxviii. Ostodes (genus). 

Croton (Bright-green) (Nic. 5/520) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Va. 
Codiwum variegatum (appendicula- 

Croton (Bright-green-and-black-spotted 
Rich-crimson) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ef. Codizum 
variegatum (pictum). 

Croton (Bright-green-margined Creimy- 
yellow) (Nic. 1/353) (Bu/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nb. Codissum varie- 
gatum (Hawkeri). 

Croton /‘Bright-red-leaved) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf).  2646-Si. 
variegatum (Miss McLeod). 

Croton (Bright-salmon-to-crimson) (Nic. 
1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ti. Codizum variegatum (Chel- 



Croton (Bright-yellow-margined-and- 
centred Shining-green) (Nic, 1/353) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Rb. 

Codiwum variegatum (Johannis). 
Croton (Bruad-leaved Alexandra-like) 
(Bu/N/0) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2645-Be. 
Codizum variegatum (Cameronii). 
Croton (Broad-ovate-stipnrled Lotus) 
(McL. 478, 502, adpd), 2689 Macaranga 
indica, : 


Croton (Carmine-! acke1-yellow-and- 
rosy-blotched Dark-green) (Nic. 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O’ (Mu) (Rid) — (Jaf). 
2646-Ue. Codizum variegatum (Young- 

Croton (Carmine-margined-to-Rosy- 
centred) (Ru/N/9) (Mu). 2646-Ni. 

Codizum variegatum (Sunrise). 

Croton (Chelsea) (Nic. 1/851). 2646-Ti. 
Codizum variegatum (Chelsoni). 

Croton (Chrome-yellow-spotted Bright- 
green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Db. Codizum variegatum (chro- 

Croton (Claret-backed crimson-midribbed) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nn, 
Codizum variegatum (splendidum). 

Croton (Claret-backed Pink-margined- 
miéribbed-and-veined Shining-dark- 
green) (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid} (Jaf). 2646-Mg. Codizeum varie- 
gatum (Veitchii). 

Croton (Cilaret-backed Unduiate-mar- 
gined) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bo. Codizeum varie- 
gatum (undulatun:). 

Croton (Clouded-to-bright-yellow-veined- 
margined-and-blotched Light-to-deep- 
green) [when young] (Nic. 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bm. 
Codizum variegatum (superbiens). 

Croton Cluster-flowered) (Hk. 5/244, 
adpd), dcccly. Gelonium (genus). 

Croton (Contracted-middle oblong-leaved) 
(Nie. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ib..Codizum variegatum 

Croton (Contracted-middle obovate-leav- 
ed) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 

(Jaf). 2646-Ic. Codizum variegatum 
(multicolor). ; 
Croton (Cree my-banded-and-blotched 

Green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ab. Codizeum variegatum (Glad- 

Croton (Crearay-centred-and-veined 
Bright-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Bc. 

Codisum variegatum (Maharajah-of- 
Croton (Creamy-centred-and-veined 

Bright-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Aa. Codizum variegatum 

Croton (Creamy -clouded-and - blotched 
(Undulated Green) (Nic. 1/353) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ta. Codizeum 
variegatum (gloriosum or Princess of 

Croton (Creamy-irrezularly-blotched 
Bright-green) (Rn/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Bd. Codizum variegatum 

| Croton 

(irre- | 


Bright-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf), 2646-Fa. Codizum variegatum 
(MacArtburii No. 37). 

Croton (Zreamy-margined-and-midribhed 
Green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Pa, Codiznm variegutum (amabile 
No. 1). 

Croton (Creamy-maturing-magenta-copi- 
ously-blotched Light-green) (Nic. 1/355) 
(Ru,;N/O) (Mu) ( id) (Jaf). 2646-TE. 
Codizum variegatum (Imperator or 
Challenger 1). 

Croton (Cream y-maturing-to-crimson- 
midribbed-and-veined) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ca. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Andreanum), 

Croton (Creamy-maturing-to-Pink-cen- 
tred-and-veined) (Nic. 2/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bj. Codiaum 
variegatum (ornatum). 

Croton (Creamy-midribbed-ard-veined 
Green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
<646-Pb. Codizum variegatum (ama- 
bile No. 2). 

Croton Creamy-pink-and-dark-rosy-leay- 
ed) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Br. Codizum variegatum (Readii). 

Croton (Creamy-veined Dark-green) [when 
young] (Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Sf. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Cooperi). 

Croton (Creamy-yellow-spotted Pale~ 
green Trilobe (Nic. 1/365) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jat). 2646-Ka. Codiaum 
variegatom (trilobum macalatum 

Croton (Crimson-hacked Magenta-mar- 
gined-and-midribbed Green) (Ru/N/V) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-T]. Codizum 
variegatum (Sir Ashley Eden), 

Crotou (Crimson-backed Rich-green Un- 
dulated) (Nic. 1/355 (Ru/'/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ah Codizum varie- 
gatum (Williamsi). 

Croton (Crimson-blotched Bright-green 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Af. 
Codizum variegatum (Baron James de 

Croton (Crimson-broad-centred Green) 
(Rn/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Ud. Codizeum 
varicgatum (Truffantianum). 

Croton (Crimson-centred-and-veined 
Dark-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Av. Codiznm variegatum (New 

Croton (Crimson-centred-and-veined 
Deep-bronze-green) (Nie. 5/200) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Nm. 
Codizum variegatum (Beauty). 


Croton (Crimson-centred-and-veined 
Deep-olive-green) (Nic. 1/353) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ub. Codizum 
variegatum (majesticum No. 1). 

Croton (Crimson-centred Orange-mid- 
ribbed-yellow-blotched Shining-green) 
(Ru /N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-~g. 
Codiwum variegatum (Lady-Ze: land). 

Croton (Crimson-centred-yellow-margined 
Green) (Ru/N/O: (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf) 
2646-Pe. Codiwum variegatum (cris- 

Croton (Crimson-flushed Deep-yellow 
copiously-mottled Bright-green Trilobe) 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Kh. Codieum variegatum 
(trilobum heroicum). 

Croton (Crimson-margined-and--entred 
Olive-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Vg. Codizum variegatum 

(majesticum No. 2). 

Croton (Crimson-margined-magentu-to- 
carmine-veined Green-midribbed Gold- 
en) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Mk. Codizeum variegatum 
(Queen Victoria). 

Creton (Crimson-midribbed-and-veined 
Brigkt-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Jaf). 2646-Bn. Codizum variegatum 

Croton (Crimson-midribbed-and-veined 
Coppery-red-margined-snd-b lotched 
Blackish-bronze) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bm. Codizeum 
variegatum (superbiens). 

Croton (Crimson-midribbed-and- veined 
Golden or Olive-green) (Nic. 5/251) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nj. 
Codizum variegatam (rubrolineatum). 

Croton (Crimson-midribbed-and-veined 
Yellow-centred Broad-green YVoluted) 
(Nie. 1/355) (Ra/N/O) (Mu) (Bid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Jc. Codieum variegatum 

Croton (Crimson-midribbed Deep-green 
maturing-to-bronzy) (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Bid) (Jaf). 
Codizeum variegatum (ornatum). 

Croton (Crimson-midribbed Golden- 
veined Narrow-green Voluted) (Nic. 
1/355) (Bu/N/O) (Mn). 2646-Jb. 

Codizum variegatam (volutum), 

Croton (Crimson-midribbed Yellow- 
centred Rich-green) (Rn/N/O) (Mn) 
(Bid) (Jaf). 2646-Uc. Codizum 
variegatum (nobilis-Jacksoni). 

Croton (Crimson-midribbed Yellow-spot- 
ted Deep-olive-green) (Nic. 1/359) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Sd. 
Cocizum variegatum (Bragzeanum). 


2646- Bj. 

(Rid) | 

- (Rid) 


Croton (Crimson-midribbed Yellow-vein- 
ed) (Nic. 1/855) (Rn/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 

(Jaf). 2646-Ic. Codizum variegatum 
Croton (Crimson-petioled Golden-and 

chrome-yellow-blotched Green) (Ru/N/ 
O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qd. Codi- 
w#um variegatum (elegantissimum W. 

Croton (Crimson-to-yellow-midribbed 
Pink-margined Dark-green) (Nic. 1/350) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Oc, 
Codizum variegatum (elegans). 

Croton (Crimson-veined Shining-pur- 
plish- green) (Nie. 1/354) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-De. Codizum 
variegatum (Hillianum). 

Croton (Cup-tipped-often Crimson-mar- 
gined-midribbed-and-blotched Dark- 
bronze) (Nic. 1/355)  (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Wb. Codizum 
variegatum (princeps, or mutabile). 

Croton (Cup-tipped-often Yellow-margin- 
ed-midribbed-and-veined Green) [when 
young] (Nie. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Wh. Codizum varie- 
gatum (princeps, or mutabile), 

Croton (Dark-bronze-green) (Ro/N y/O) 
(Mu). 2646-Nf. Codizum variegatum 
(Black Prince). 

Croton (Dark-bronzy-green) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu). 2646-Sj. Codizum variegatum 
(Prince of War) 

Croton (Dark-Crimson-leayed) (Ru/N/O) 

(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Eg. Codizeum 
variegatum (The Tsar). 
Croton (Dark-green-blotched Yellow) 

(Nie. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ob. Codizum variegatum (lineare’. 

Croton (Dark-green Horned) (Ru/*/O ) 
(Mu). 2646-Le. Codizum variegatum 

Croton (Deep-crimsen-midribbed Bronzy- 
green) (Nic. 1/365) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid’ (Jaf). 2646-Th. Codizum 
variegatum (spirale). 

Croton (Deep-yellow-margined-and- 
centred Shining-deep-green) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Re. Codizum 
variegatum (salicifolium, or longi- 
folium spirale). 

Cr:ton (Drooping _ long-linear-leaved) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-S. 
Codieum variegatum (longifolium 

Croton (Dull-purple-backed Sinuous- 
-margined) (Nic. 1/354) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 

(Jaf). 2645-De. Codizum 

variegatum (Hillianum), 

Croton (Erect long-leaved) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Q. ee 
variegatum (longifolium). 


Croton (Gamboge-yellow-marbled Bright- | 

green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ea. Codizum variegatum (oblou- 
gifolium proper). 

Croton (Garden) (Nic. 1/492) (Gbl. 614). | 

2646 Codizum variegatum. 
Croton (Gibson’s) (McL. 306, adpd). 
2640 Croton Gibsonianus. 

Croton(Gold-and-crimson-blotched Olive- | 

green) (Nic. 1/353) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ua. Codizum 
variegatum (Lowii, or Hanburyanum). 

Croton (Gold-centred Dark-zreen) 
[when young] (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Th. Codizum 
variegatum (spirale). 

Croton (Golden-centred-feathered-veined- 
and-spotted Olive-green Trilobe) (Nic. 
1/3851) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kj. Codizsum variegatum (trilo- 
bam Evansianum). 

Croton (Golden-centred-irregular-feather- 
ed-and-petioled Shining-dark-green) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
Codizenm variegatum (Lord Ripon). 

Croton (Golden-central-irregular-feather- 
ed-and-petioled Shining-dark-green) 
(Nic. 1/354) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Nd, Codisum variegatum 

Croton (Golden-ceutred-and-veined 
Green) | when young | (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nw. 
Codizum variegatum (Beauty). 

Croton (Golden-centred Pink-veined 
Shining-dark-green) (Ru/N/O) ‘Mu) 
(Rid) (Jat). 
gatum (splendidum). 

Croton (Golden-marked-and-banded 
Shining dark-green (Nic. 1/851) (Ru/N/ 
O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Mc. 
(Codizum variegatum (Burtonii). 

Croton (Golden-margined-midribbed-and- 
veined Tong-panduriform Green 
Trilobe) (Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Kg. Codizum 
variegatum (trilobum Goldiei). 

Croton (Golden-margined-midribbed- 
veined-and-spotted Dark-green) (Nic. 
1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Ric) (Jaf). 
2646-Ne. Codizum variegatum (muacu- 

Croton (Golden-maturing-fiery-crimson- 
centred-margined-and-veined Green 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Mi. Codizum variegatum (Jubi- 

Croton (Golden-midribbed-and-veined 
Bright-crimson Trilobe) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Kl. Codizum 
yariegatum (trilobum Lord Cairns). 

2646-Me. | 

2646-Nn. Codizum yarie- | 


Croton (Golden-midribbed-and-veined 

Shining-bright-green) (Nic. 1/3851) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Mb. 

Codizeum variegatum (Crown Prince). 

Croton (Golden-midribbed-veined-and- 
mottled Scarlet-suffused-green Trilobe) 
(Nic. 1/350) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Kk. Ccdieum variegatum 
(trilobum Earl-of-Derby). 

Creton (Golden-suffused-mottled-some- 
times-banded Dark-green Broader) 
(Ru/N/O) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Md. 
Codizum variegatum (Henryanum, or 
MacArthurii No, 46). 

Croton (Golden-veined Long-narrow 
Green Trilobe) (Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) 
(\ia) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Kf. Codizum 
variegatum (trilobum Disraeli). 

Croton (Golden-yellow-blotched-and-mid- 
ribbed Dark-green) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/ 
O} (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ib, 
Codizum variegatum (irregulare). 

Croton (Golden-yellow-blotched Bright- 
green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Bf. Codizum variegatum Kingia- 

Croton (Golden-yellow-blotched-pink- 
suffused Pale-green) (Nic. 1/325) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ha. 
Codizum variegatum {Pilgrimii). 

Croton (Golden-yellow-centred-and- 
margined Green) (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bh. Codizeum 
varieguytum (aureolineatum). 

Croton (Golden-yellow-centred-and- 
veined Bright-green) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bg. 
Codizum varievatum (maximum). 

Croton (Golden-yellow-centred Revolute- 
margined) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Sa. Codizeum variezatam (Moorea- 

Croton (Golden-yellow-centred Shining- 
dark-green) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Da. Codizeum 
variegataum (tricolor). 

Croton (Golden-yellow-marbled Olive- 
green) (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf).  2646-Bi. Codizum 
variegatum (aureomarmoratum), 

Croton (Golden-yellow-midribbed-and- 
margined Dark-green) (Nic. 1/350) 
(Ku/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Se. 
Codizum variegatum (angustifolium, 
or angustissimmum). 

Croton (Golden-yellow-midribbed-and- 
margined Shining-dark-green) (Nic. 
1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2616-Qb. Codizum variegatum 


Oroton (Golden-yellow-veined-and-mar- 
gined Rich-green) (Nio. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Eb. Codizum 
variegatum (medium variegatum). 

Croton (Green-and-yellow-spottedt Yellow- 
and-green) (when young) (Nic. 1/350) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-8d. 
Codixwum variegatum (Bragzanum), 

Croton (Green-blotched Creamy) (Ru/N/ 

O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Vb. 
Codiwum variegatum (Duke-of-Edin- 

Croton (Green-blotened Yellow) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Ria) (Jaf). 2646-Pd. 
variegatum (campto phyllum). 

Croton (Grees-blstched Yellow) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646 Rg. Codizum 
variegatum (angustifolium-giganteum). 

‘Croton (Green-vlonded-and-blotched 
Undulated Creamy) (Nic. 1/853) (Ru/N/ 
O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Ta. 
Codiswum variegatum (gloriosum, or 

Croton (Green irregularly-blotched 
Lemon-yellow) (Ku/N/O) (Mu) (kid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Qa. Codizum variegatum 

Croton (Green-margined Crimson-mottled 
Yellow Horned) (Nic. 1/851) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-La. Codisum 
variegatum (cornutum proper). 

Croton (Green-maturing-fierr-crimson- 
blotched Rich-yellow) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Sc. 
Codizeum variegatum (Macfarlanei). 

Croton (Green-veined Creamy-yellow) 
(Ru/N/U) (Mu). 2646-Na. Cudizeum 
variegatum (White-Shade). 

Croton (Green-yellow-crim7on-white-and 
grey Patchwork (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf), 2646-I'f. Codiwura variegatum 

Croton (Horned) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-L. Codivum variegatum 

Croton (Indian Lotus) (McL. 473, 502, 
1000, adpd). 2689 Macarangs indica. 
Croton (Interrupted * long-linear) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf) [* Sometimes, 
by abortion, with merely excurrent 
midrib]. 2646-V. Codizum  variega- 

tum (longifolium interruptum). 

Croton (Irregular-in-width droopixg long) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-U. 
Codizum variegatum (longifolium 
dependens ineequilatum). 

Croton (Irregular-segmented Interrupted) 
(Ku/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-W. 
Codieum variegatum  (longifolium 
interruptum irregulare), 


Croton (Irregularly-shaped-leaved) (Ru/ 

N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-I. 
Codieum  variegatum (irregulari- 

 Oroton ([vory-white-and-creamy-centred- 

Codizum | 

and-veined) (Nic. 1/350) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bf. Codiaum 
variegatum (Baron Franck Selliére). 

Croton (Ivory-white-and-yellow-marbled 
Dark sage-green) (Nio. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Hb. Codizum 
variegatum (Jamesii). 

Croton (Ivory-white-centred Red) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu). 2646-04. Codiwum 
variegatutm (Her Majesty). 

Croton (Ivory-white-centred-and-veined 
Bright-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 

(Jat). 2646-Ba, Codiwum vyariegatum 
Croton (Ivory-white-or-cream-centre- 

feathered Deep-green) (Nic. 1/352) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ne, 
Codizum variegatum (eburneum). 

Croton (Klotzsch’s) (McL. 306, adpd), 
2641 Croton Klotzschianus. 

Croton (Lady Dorothy Nevill’s) (Nic, 
1/355). 2646-Mj. Codicum yariegatum 

Croton (Large (8” or more) oblong leaved) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-B. 
Codizum variegatum (grandifolium- 

Croton (Large (8” or more) obovate leaved) 
Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-A. 
Codizum variegatum (grandifolium- 

Croton (Large (8” or more) Oval leaved) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-0. 
Codizum variegatum (grandifolium- 

Croton (Law’s) (McL. 306, adpd), 2643 
Croton Lawianus. 

Croton (Lemon-margined-midribbed-and- 
veined Light-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(when young).  2646-Ni. Codizwum 
variegatum (Sunrise). 

Croton (Lemon-midribbed-and-veined 
Green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Kid) (Jaf). 
2646-Pc, Codizum variegatum (micro- 

Croton (Lemon-to-crimson-spotted-and- 
blotched Bright-green) (Ru/N/0) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nk. Codieum 
variegatum (Foxii). 

Crotcn (Lemon-yellow-veined-and-blotch- 
ed Rich-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Ac. Codizum variegatum 

Croton (Light-yellow-and-rosy-blotched 
Rich-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Fb. Codizum variegatum (roseo- 


Croton (Light-yellow-blotched Bright- 
green) [when young} (Nic. 1/353) (Ru/ 

N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ua. 
Cedieum variegatum (Lowii, or 

Croton (Long (8” or more) lanceolate 
leaved) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-M. Codizum variegatum (longi- 

Croton (Leng-leathery-scurfy downy-gla- 
brate elliptic-oblong-lance-crenate- 
glar.d-sinused-acute-or-acuminate- leay- 
ed) (Hk. 5/400, adpd). 2647-a. 
Ostodes zeylanica (typicz). 

Croton (Lotus) (McL. 473, 502, 1000, 

adpd). decclii. Macaranga (genus). 
Croton (Magenta-centred-and-veined | 

Yellow-banded) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf}. 2646-Ah. Codizeum 
variezatum (Williamsi). 

Croton (Magenta-midribbed-and-petioled) | 

(Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Dd. Codieum variegatum 

Croton (Magenta-midribbed-and-peticied 
Yellow-to-orange-margined Undulated 
Green) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O)} (Mu) 

(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Tk. Codizum 
variegatum (Prince of Wales, or 

Croton (Magenta-very-long-petioled-and- 
midribbed) (Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 

(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Sf. Codixsum 
variegatum (Cooperi). 
Croton (Malabar) (McL. 306, adpd. 

2635 Croton malabaricus, 

Crot n (Medium lanceolate-leaved 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
Codizum variegatum (lanceolatum). 

Croton (Medium-leathe: y-scurfy-downy- 
glabrate Narrow-lance-crenate-serrate- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
5/400, adpd). 2647-b. Ostodes 
zvylanica (minor). 

Groton (Medium-leathery-shining oblong 
lance-entire-or subserrate-obtuse-to- 
acuminate-leaved Cluster) (Hk. 5/459, 
adpd). 2694 Gelonium multiflorum. 

Croton (Medium-membranous-subsessile 
elliptic-rhombic-cuspidate-leaved Caly- 
cine) (Hk, 5/492, adpd). 2648 Blachia 

Croton (Medium-membranous ovate- 
lance-elliptic-or-oblong - obtuse-to - acu- 
minate-leaved Calycine) (Hk. 5/403, 
adpd). 2651 Blachia denudata. 

Croton (Medium Narrow linear-leaved) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-0. 
Codizum variegatum (angustifolium). 

Groton (Medium oblong leaved) (Ra/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jat). 2646-E. Codizum 
yariegatum (oblongifolium). 

2616-N. | 


Croton (Medium obovate leaved) (Ru/N/ 
O) (Mu) (Bid) (Jaf). 2646-D. Codizum 
variegatum (vbovatum). 

Croton (Medium oval leaved) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-F. Codizum 
variegatum (ovalifolium). 

Sroton (Medium ovate leaved) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-H. Codizum 
variegatum (ovatifolium). 

Croton (Medium-papery-silky-glabrate 
terminally-crowded elliptic-oblong- 
lance-sinuste-obtuse-leaved (Hk. 5/398, 
adpd). 2645 Trigonostemon nemoralis. 

Croton (Medium Round leaved) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-G. Codizum _ 
variegatum (rotundifolia). 

Croton (Medium-to-long-membranous 
date-leaved Calycine) (Hk. 5/404; 
adpd). 2664 Dimorphocalyx Laianus. 

Croton (Moss-green-backcd  Sinuous- 
margined) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf).  2646-Bg. Codizeum 
variegatum (maximum). 

Croton (Moss-green-backed Sinuous- 
margined) (Nic. 1/855) (Ra/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Eb. Codizum 
variegatum (medium-variegatum). 

Croton ‘Mrs. DVodgson’s) (Nice 1/882). 

2646-Kd. Codizum variegatum 
Croton (Maultifurm-segmented-and- 

leaved) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2645-Wa. Codizeum variegatum 

Croton (Narrow-woolly-stipuled Lotus) 
(McL. 473, 502, adpd). 2690 Macaranga 

Croton (Oblong-leaved) (McL. 269, 306, 
473, 10 0,adpd). 2637 Croton oblongi- 

Croton (Oblong-round Yellow-and-green- 
leaved) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-la. Codizum variegatum (Mac 
Arthurii No. 11). 

Croton (Orange-and-crimson-blotched 
Bright-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Ae. Codixum variegatum 

Ci oton (Orange-and-crimson-blotched 
Dark-green) (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). +646-1c. Codizum 
variegatum (multicolor). 

Crovon (Orange-and-crimson-bl otched 
Qlive-green) (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mo) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ee. Codieum 
variegatum (Regine). 

Croton (Orange-and-c ‘imson-irregularly- 
mottled Dark-green-maturing-crimson 
(Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) Jaf). 
2646-T]j. Codizum variegutum 


Croton (O range-and-red-blotched Bright- 

green) (Ku/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ed. Codieum variegatum 


Croton (Orarge-and-Red-leayed) (Ru N/ 
O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bs. 
Codizum yariegatum (Baron Compte). 

Croton (Orange-banded Shining-dark- 
green Horned) (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu). 2646-Lb. Codiwum variegatum 

Croton (Oranve-crimson-veined Green) 
(Ru/N/O, (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qh. 
Codizum variegatum (concinnum). 

Croton (Oranye-irregularly-bauded-and- 
margined Olive-green) (Nic. 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Dd. 
Codizeum variegatum (Stewartii). 

Croton (Orange-to-scarlet-centred Green) 
(Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf), 2646-Sh. Ccdizum variegatum 
(Mrs. Dorman). 

Croton (Pale-yelluw-blotched Olive-green) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Tb. Codizum 
variegatum (Indian-Prince). 

Croton (Pale-yellow-centred Green) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ra. 
Codieum vvariegatum  (irregulare- 

Croton (Pale-yellow- maturing-rosy- 
margined-midribbed and-veined Dark- 
green) (Nic. 1/355) (Bu/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf) 2646-Mf. Codizum varie- 
gatum (lancifolium). 

Croton (Pale-yellow or Pale-green) [when 
young} (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(tid) (Jaf). 2646-Nj. Codizum varie- 
gatum (rubrolineatum). 

Croton (Pale-yellow-to-crimsoa-spotted 
Bright-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Wa Codizum variegatum 

Cr..ton (Pink-backed curved-tipped) (Nic. 
1/350) (Ru/N/U) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Bb. Codizum variegatum (Baron 
Franck Selliére). 

Dark-green) (Nic. 1/355) (Bu/N/) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Tg. Codizum varie- 
gatum (iwperiale), 

Croton (Pink-spotted-and-blotched Olive- 
green) (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Ma) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ef. Codizum varie- 
gatum (pictum). 

Croton (Pink-spotted Green) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Vc. Codizum 
variegatum (Duchess of Edinburgh), 

Croton (Poplar leaved) (McL. 171). 2702 
Sapium sebiferum, 

Oroton (Purging) (McL. 379) (Gbl. 614). 
2642 Croton ‘liglium, 




Croton (Purple-backed-and midribbed 
Light-to-blackish-bronze-green) [when 
young] (Ru/N/O) (Mo) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Td. Codizum variegatum (longi- 
folinm australiense-Washingtonii). 

Croton (Purp!le-backed-crimson-mid. 
ribbed Dark-purplish-green) (Nic. 
1/355) (Rce/N/O) (Mu) (Riu) (Jaf). 
2646-Vh. Codizum variegatum (inter- 

Croton (Purple-brown-backed-and-mid- 
ribbed Olive-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Eh. Cudizum varie- 
gatum (metallicum), 

| Croton (Purple-midribbed Bronzy- 
crimson-blotched) (Nic. 1/335) 
(Ru/N/@) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bo. 

| Croton 

Codizum variezatum (undulatum), 

Croton (Purple-petioled ‘T'wisted-lobed 
Trilobe) (Nic. 1/354) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Kc. Codizum varie- 
gatum (trilobum-illustre). 

Croton (Purplish-crimson-spotted- 
margine 1-centred-petio'ed-and - veined © 
Green) (Nic. 3/251) (Bu/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Nl. Codizum vuarie- 
gatum (formosum). 

(Recurved-tipped leaved) 

(Ru/N/O) (3f{u) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-J. 

Codizum variegatom (volutifolium). 

Croton (Red-backed Green-margined 
Translucent-yellow) (Nic. 5/251) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Bid) (Jaf). 2646-Ng. 

Codizuim variegatum (Dayspring). 

Croton (Red-midribbed-yellow-centred- 
margined-and-blotched Dark-green) 
(Nie 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Kid) (Jaf). 
2646-Qf. Codizum variegatum (Broom- 

Croton (Ked-petioled Golden-and-chrome- 
blotched Green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Rf. Codizum variegatem 

Croton (Red-veined Crimson) (Nic. 1/351) 

(Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Sf, 
Codizum variegatum (Cooperi), 

Croton (Rich-guld-centred Bright-green) 
(Nic. 1/352) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) ( Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Rd. Codizum variegatum (Dodg- 

Croten (Rich-yellow-midribbed-and-irre- 
gularly-suffused Bright-green) (Nic. 
1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Bid) (Jaf). 
2646-Sb. Codizum variegatum 

Croton (Rosy-backed Ivory-white-blot- 
ched Shining-dark-green) (Nic. 1/850) 
(Ru/N/OC) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Mh. 
Codizum variegatum (albicans). 

Croton (Rosy-crimson-margined Golden- 
midribbed-ard-veined Deep-green- 
maturing-crimson) (Nic, 1/355) 
(Ra/N/O) (Mu) (Bid) (Jaf), 2646-Qz. 
Codizum variegatum (insigne), 


Croton (Rosy-crimson-veined-blotched- 
and-marbled Bronzy-yellow) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qe. Codizum 
yariegatum (mirabile). 

Croton (Rosy-petioled yellow-irregularly- 
blotched) (Nic. 1/352) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ad. Codizeum varie- 
gatum (fucatum). 

Croton (Rcsy-tinged-lemon-yellow-veined 

Green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). | 

2646-Fce. Codizum variegatum (Royal- 

Croton (Rosy-to-carmine-backed) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nh. 
Codizum variegatum (Sunset). 

Croton (Roxburgh’s Lotus) (McL. 473, 

502, 1C€00, adpd). 2690 Macaranga 
Croton (Ruddy-green-backed Sinuous- 

margined) (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Da. Codizum varie- 
gatum (tricolor). 

Croton (Scarlet) (McL. 
Mallotus philippinensis. 
Croton (Sarlet-midribbed-veined-and- 
spotted Bronzy-crimson Trilobe) (Nic. 
1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kj. Codizum variegatum (trilo- 

bum Fivansianum). 

Croton (Shka:p-tipped Light-golden-blot- 
ched Glossy-deep-green) (Nic. 5/251) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Re. 
Codizeum variegatum (Constadtii). 

Crot n (Silver leaved) (MchL. 306). 
Croton scabiosus. 

Croton (Small-leathery elliptic-ovate-to- 
oblong-acute-or-obtuse-leaved Calycine) 
(Ak, 5/408, adpd). 2653 Dimorpho- 
calyx glabellus. 

304). 2687 


Croton (Small-to-medium-leathery-polish- | 

ed bifarious elliptic-lance-to-obovate- 
oblong - entire - or - subserrate - obtuse- 
acaminate-leaved Cluster) (Hk. 5/459, 
adpd). 2695 Gelonium lanceol: tum. 

Croton (Smaller Australian long-leaved) 
(Ro/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Te, 
Codizum variegatum (Washingtonii). 

Croton (Sulphur-margined-and-veined 
Olive-green Large Voluted) (Nic 5/251) 
(Ru/N/O) (Niu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646Ja. 
Codizum yvariegatum (contortum). 

Croton (ail leaved) (McL. 306, adpd). 
2639 Croton candatus. 

Croton (Translucent-lemon-midribbed- 
and-veined Light-green) (Bu/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Nh Codizum 
variegatum ‘Sunset), 

Croton (Triandrous Garden) (Hk. 5/242, 
adpd). deccxxxvi. Trigonostemon 

Croton (Trilobe) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Bid) 
(Jaf). 2646-K. Codiznm vyariegatum 


Croton (Twisted Drooping Jong-lineat= 
leaved) [not necessarily all leaves} 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-7. 

Codizum variegatum (longifolium- 
Croton (Twisted erect long-leaved) 

(Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-R. 
Codiwumw variegatuin (longifolium- 

Croton (I'wisted medium Narrow linear- 
leaved) (lku/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-P. Codicum yariegatum (angusti- 

Croton (Very-small-membranous-subses- 
sile elliptic-rhombic-or-lance-obtuse-or- 
cuspidate-leaved Calycine) (Hk. 6/402, 
adpd). 2650 Blachia calycina. 

Croton (Voluted) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-J. Codizum variegatum 

Cioton (Voluted-tipped Crimson-and- 
yellow-spotted Dark-green  Trilobe) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ki. 

Codizum variegatum (trilobum Dorma- 

Croton (Wedge leaved Water) (McL. 
302,adpd). 2692 Homonvia retusa. 

Croton (Western moist forests) (McL. 
506). 2634 Croton reticulatus. 

Croton (Wild) (McL. 880). 
permum axillare. 

Croton (Willow leaved Water) (McL. £02). 
2691 Homonoia riparia, 

Croton ( Yellow-and-pink-blotched Green) 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/J) (Mu) (Bid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ve. Codizum variegatum (pictu- 

Croton (Yellow-and-red-petioled Red- 
widribbed-creamy-veined Green) (Nic. 

2696 Balios- 

5/252’ (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Bl. Codizum variegatum (vitta- 

Croton (Yellow-blotched Bright-green) 

(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ga. 
Codieum vyariegatum (rotundifolium- 

Croton (Yellow-blotched Bright-green) 
(Ru/N/O) (Ma). 2646-Ma. Codiewum 
variegatum (Prince-of-Orange). 

Croton (Yellow-blotched Clear-green) 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Be. Codieum variegatum 

Croton (Yellow-blotched Light-green) 
(when young) (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ic. Codizum 
variegatum (multicolor). 

Croton (Yellow-centred-blotched-and- 
spotted Green Trilobe) (Nic. 1/354) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ke, 
Codizum variegatum (tritobum- 


Groton (Yellow-centred Green-based 
Trilobe) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kb. Codiaum variegatum (trilo- 

Croton  (Yellow-centred-margined-and- 
blotched Light-green) [when young} 
(Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 

(Jaf), 2646-Tg. Codizum variegatum 
(im periale). 
Croton (Yellow-irregularly-mottled 

Shining-dark-green Horned) [when 
young] (Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-La. Codizum varie- 
gatum (cornutum-proper). 

Croton (Yellow-lobed-and-midribbed 
Green Trilobe) (Bu/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Ke. Codiwum variegatum 
(trilobum-MacArtburii No. 85). 

Croton (Yellow-lobed Narrow Green Tri- 
lobe) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kd. Codizum variegatum (tri- 
lobum New-Guinea) 

Croton (Yellow-margined-and-spotted 
Dark-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf), 2646-Tc. Codizom variegatam 

(Prince Albert Victor). 

Croton (Yellow-maturirg-to-Pink-veined 
Bright-green) (Nic. 1/358) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bk. Codizum 
variegatum (grande). 

Croton (Yellow-midribbed-and-blotched 
Dark-green) (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ob. Codiaum 
variegatum (lineare). 

Croton (Yellow-orange-and-carmine- 
spotted) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Bp. Codizum variegatum (Alex- 

Croton (Yellow-orange-and-crimson- 
centred-and-nerved Olive-and-metallic- 
green) (Nic. 1/355) (Bu/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Mj. Codizeum varie- 
gatum (Nevilliz). 

Bright-green) (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
variegatum (aureopunctatum). 

Croton (Yellow-spotted-margined-cen- 
tred-and-veined Green) [when young 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-N1. Codizeum variegatum (formo- 

Croton (Yellow-spotted Rosy-flushed 
dark-green) (Nic. 1/350) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ee. Codizum varie- 
gatum (aucubefolium). 

Croton (Yellow-to-crimson-blotched 
Deep-green) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 

(Jaf). 2646-Vf. Codizum variegatum 
Croton (Yellow-to-red-spotted Deep- 

green) (Nio, 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 

(Yellow-spotted-and-dotted | 
2646-Oa. Codizum — 



(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Vd. Codizum varie 
gatum (torquatum), 

Croton (Yellow-veined-and-blotched 
Deep-green) (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qce, Codizum 
variegatam (bismarcki). 

Croton ( Yellow-veined-and-blotched 
Rosy-flushed Green) (Nic. 5/251) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-De. 
Codixwum variegatum (heroicum). 

| Croton (Yellow-veined Deep-green) { when 

young | (Nic. 1/358) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). (2646-Ub. Codizwum 
variegatum (majesticum No. 1). 

Croton (Yellow-veined Deep-green) 
{when young] (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Vg, Codizwum variegatum 
(majesticum No. 2). 

Croton (Small-membranous elliptic-rhom- 
bic-obtnse-or-cuspidate-leaved Caly- 
cine) (Hk. 5/402, adpd), 2649 Blachia 

Croton (Long-or-medium-Jeathery ellip- 
tic - oblong - lance -spinulosely - serrate- 
acute-leaved) Indigo (Hk. 5/406, adpd). 
2655 Agrostiotachys indica. 

Croton (Medium-leathery-subsessile 
tuse-or-cuspidate-leaved) Indigs (Hk. 
5/407, adpd). 2656 Agrostistachys 

Croton (Petaliferous) Indigo shrub (Mch. 
370, 678, Hk. 5/248, adpd). decexli. 
Agrostistachys (genus). 

Croton Lac Tree (MchL. 306, 428, 1000). 
2638 Croton aromaticus. 

Croton (False) Oil Plant (Gbl. 613). 
2628 Jatropha Curcas. 

Croton (True) Oil Plant (Gbl. 614). 
Croton Tigtium. 

Croton Vil Tree (McL. 379) (Nic. 1/492) 


(Ell. 207) (Pf. 285). 2642 Croton 
Crow Bamboo (McL. 70, 569). 3283 

Saccharum spontaneum. 

Crow Berry (McL. 357). 

Crow Creeper (MchL. 24), 
Clitoria Ternatea. 

Crow Ebony (McL. 366). 

Crow Fig (McL. 49}. 2750 Ficus hispida. 

Crow Killer (McL. 357), 81 Anamirta 

Crow Paulay (McL. 664). 

Crow (Black) Poison Nut (McL, 690). 
1709 Diospyros sylvatica. 

Crow Tamarind (McL. 874). 810 Abrus 

Crow’s Beak (McL. 240), 888 Clitoria 

81 Anamirta 
994). 838 

1715 Diospyros 

562 Zizyphus 


Crowded leaved Shepherdess’ Crozier 
(Hk. 2/535, adpd). 1290 Sonerila 

Crowded spiked Flemingia (Br. 54). 875 
Flemingia congesta. 

Crowfoot Family (Br. 1). 
lacees (Order). 

Crowfoots (McL. 1006). 

T. Ranuncu- 

1. Ranunculacez 

Crown Bark (McL. 420) (Mueil. S.P) 
(Gbl. 406) (Ell. 173) (Cat. 167) 

1444-a. Cinchona officinalis {typica). 
Crown Prince Rose (Ru/N/94, 0/19) (Mu. 

54). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 

florens (punicea-purpureo-suftusa). 

Crown (Fine) Bark (MchL. 426) (KIL. 173). 
1444-d. Cinchona officinalis (crispa). 
Crown (Select) Bark (McbL. 420) (Ell. 
173). 1444-c. Cinchona officinalis 


Grozier (Downy branched Shepherdess’) 

(Hk. 2/5385, adpd). 1292 Sonerila 
Crozier (Downy racewed Shepherdess’) 
(Hk. 2/535, adpd). 1291 Soneriia 

Crozier (Crowded leaved Shepherdess’) 
Plant (Hk. 2/525, adpd). 1290 Sone- 
rila grandiflora. 

Crozier (Shepherdess’) Plant (Rox. 1/177) 
adpd). cdxxviii. Sonerila (genus). 

Crustaceous druped Roughish 
Linden (Hk. 1/887, adpd). 

Cryptostegia (Large flowered) (Br. 119). 
1870 Cryptostegia grandiflora. 

Osheericay (McL. 240, 997). dix. Mimu- 
Sops (genus). 

Cuba (Royat Palm of) (Nic. 
(Ru/N/121, 0/13, 35) (Cat. 331). 
Oreodoxa regia. 

Cuba (Scarlet Auricula-like Rondeletia- 
wort of) (Nic. 3/813, Cag. 540), 1466 
Rondeletia odorata. 

Cuba Bast (Cat. 26). 

Cuba Bast Tree (Mch. 82). 
tiliaceus (?). 
Cubalmara (Mch. 


318 Grewia 


242 Hibiscus 
241 Hibiscus 

849). 1049 Albizzia 

Cuba Sebesten (Mch. 802, 998). 1979 
Cordia Sebestena. 
Cubeb Pepper (MchL. 677, 1000). 2405 

Piper cubeba. 
Cubebs (Pf, 192). 2405 Piper cubeba. 
Cuckoo’s Joy (McL. 467), 663 Mangifera 


Cucumber-podded (Scarlet) climbing 
Quininewort (Cag. 541, adpd). 1459 
Manettia cordifolia. 

Cucumber Tree (S. 257). ix. Magnolia 



Cucumber Tree (Mch. 98). 

Cucumber (Acid) Tree (McL, 98, adpd). 
366 Averrhoa Bilimbi. 

366 Averrhoa 

Cnddapah (White  Myrobalan of) 
(Bs/T/308, adpd). 1151 Terminalia 

Cuddapah Almond (McL. 177). 667 
Buchanania latifolia, 

Cuddapah Fern Palm (Muell. S.P, adpd) . 

2877 Cycas Beddomei. 

Culm-skeathed (Glabrous) hollow large 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/405, adpd). 3312 Den- 
drocalamus Hamiltonii. 

Culm-sheathed (Golden-felted) 
larze Bamboo (Hk. 7/405, adpd.) 
Dendrocalamus sikkimensis. 

Culm-sheathed (Persistent), hollow medi- 
um Bamboo (Hk. 7/407, adpd). 3314 
Dendrocalamus longispatbus. 

Culm-sheathed (White-downy) hollow 


large Bamboo (Hk. 7/407, adpd). 3315 
Dendrocalamus Brandisii. 
Cultivated Date Palm (Gbl. 730). 3162 

Phoenix dactylifera. 

Cultivated (Common) Fig (Br. 198). 
2752 Ficus Carica. 

Cultivated Plum (Mch. 54). 
Prunus communis (domestiva). 

Cultivated Yam (McbL. 53) (Nic. 1/478). 
3067 Dioscorea sativa. 

Cumby Resin Tree (McL. 263). [1504 
Sphalm] 1505 Gardenia gummifera, 

Cumin (Wild) (McL. 388). 1599 Vernonia 

Cummin-scented claw-shaped flowered 
Laurel (Nice. 1/18, 5/279, adpd). cxlyii. 
Acronychia (venus). 

Cummin yam (MeL. 463). 3067 Dioscorea 


Cumquot (Mech. 251, 379, 998). 421 
Citrus Japonica. 
Cuneate-obovate-heart-leaved (Small- 

leathery-woolly-backed-downy) Sarsa- 
parilla Swallowwort (Hk. 4/9, adpd). 
1873 Streptocaulon Kleinii. 

Cuneate-obovate-obtuse (Small-winged 
petioled) leaved Trifoliate Neem (Uk. 
1/542, adpd). 450 Naregamia alata. 

ed (Long-leathery) Bastard Ipecacuanha 
(ik. 3/163, adpd). 1562 Psychotria 

Cunringham’s Araucaria (Br. 204), 
Araucaria Cunninghamii, 

Cup (Sweet) (Gbl. 381). 1350 Passiflora 

Cup-bearer Tree (Treas. 
dci. Scyphiphora (genus). 

Cup-bearer (Smail-leathery-obovate- 
obtuse Resin-tipped) Tree of Salt- 
swamps (Hk, 3/125, adpd). 1516 
Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea. 


Bot. 2/1042). 


Gup-calyxed (Orange) Brasiletto climber 

(Hk. 2/261, adpd). 945 Wagatea 
‘Cup-calyxed White Cedar (Bk. 1/546, 

udpd). 456 Dyscxylum binectariferum, 

Cup Dog-bane (Cag. 499, Br. 126, adpd). 
dxcy. Vallaris (genus). 

Cup (Oblong leaved) Dog-bane (Hk. 
3/65(, adpd). 1839 Vallaris Heynei. 
Cup (Round leaved) Dog-bane (Hk. 3/651, 

adpd). 1840 Vallaris Pergulana. 

Cup _— (Bipinnate-prickly-rachis: d-mem- 
branous Jance-pinnatipartite acuminate- 
pinnuled) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3330 
Cyathea spinulosa. 

Cup flowered Pepper (McL. 676, adpd). 
2403 Piper trichostachyon. 

Cup-tipped-often Crimson-margined- 
midribbed-and-blotched Dark-brorze 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Wb. Codiwum varie- 
gatum (princeps, or mutabile). 

Cup-tipped-often Yellow-margined - mid- 
ribbed-and-blotched Green Croton 
[when young! (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Ma) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Wb. Codivum 
variegatum (princeps, or mutabile). 

Cup (Leaf) Tree (Nic. 3/186). 1617 
Montafioa bipinnatifida. 

Cu)» Tree Fern (Nic. 1/415) (S. 121, 122). 
mlii. Cyathea (genus). 

Cupid’s Arrow (McL. 375), 1538-b. 
Ixora coccinea (Bandhuca). 
Cupid’s Favourite (McL, 467). 663. 

Mangifera indica. 

Cupid’s Flower (McL. 362) (8.121). 
Ipomza Quamoclit. 

Cupid’s Plant (McL. 440). 

Cuppeld (White-blotched Purple) Birth- 
wort (Nic. 5/84). 2394 Aristolochia 

Cupped-calyxed Hooded-flowered Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xiii. Cyathocalyx 

Cupped Coral Berry Tree (McL. 227, 417, 
58U, 701, 1000, adpd). 2593 Breynia 

Cupped Flowering Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, 
adpd). xiii. Cyathocalyx (genus). 

Cupped (Long  oblong-lance-leaved) 
Flowering Nutmeg (Hk. 1/53, adpd). 
32 Cyathocalyx zeylanicus. 

Cupped follicle Nayvelwort (Bs/T/210, Nic. 
1/367, 4/359, adpd). celxxii. Rourea 

Cupp-d (Sandal-like) follicle Navelwort 
(Bs/T/210, Nic. 1/367, 4/859, adpd). 
691 Roarea santaloides. 

Cups-and-saucers Plant (S. 103, 
(MAHS8). 1967 Cobza scandens. 

Curagoa Aloes (McL. 20), 3117-c, Aloe 
vera (officinalis), 

33 Artabotrys 


Jurd Fruit \McL. 1024), 424 Feronia 


Curl Brush Bean (Mel. 57) (Nic. 3/152). 

ecclxx. Pithecolobium (genus). 
Curl-Brush-Bean (Bipinnate-(2-4)-infra- 
(\-2)-glandular ligulute-oblong-obtuse 

(6-20)-folioled Spinous) (Hk. 2/808, 
adpd). 1054 Pithecolobium umbella- 

Curl-Brush-Bean (Bipinnate-(2)-infra-(1)- 
glandular oblique-obovate-obtuse-(6-10)- 
folioled Spinous) (Hk. 2303, adpd). 
1053 Pithecolobium geminatum. 

Curl-Brush-Bean (Bipinuate-(6-12)-multi- 
glandular - medium obovate - oblong - 
acute-(2-4)-foliate Unarmed) (Hk 2/302, 
adpd). 1055 Pithecolobium bigeminum. 

Curl-Brush-Bean (Bipinnate-(6-12)-multi- 
ed  oblong-trapezoid-(30-40)-folioled) 
(Hk. 2/305, adpd). 1056 Pith: colo- 
bium subcoriaceum. 

oblong-obtuse-(2)-folioled spinous) 
(Hk. 2/303, adpd). 1052 Pithecolobium 

Curled Acuminate Feather Palm (Cag, 
341, adpd). cmlxxviii. Howea (genus). 

Curled-coloured-(4 -7) - winged - branched 
(Simple—palmati-(5-7)-nerved winged- 
am plexicaul-petioled Heart-leaved) 

Yam (Hk. 6/296, adpd). 3070 Dios- 
corea atropurpurea. 
Curled-downwards Acuminate Feather 

Palm (Cag. 341, adpd). 

Curled flowered Swallowwort (Mc. 1082), 
1882 Calotr pis gigantea. 

Curled Tansy (Nic. 4/8) (Jaf. 49). 1619-b. 
Tanacetum vulgare (crispum). 

Curled-upwards-Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Cag. 341, adpd). 3135 Howea Belmore- 

Curled-winged-petioled (Simple-palmati- 
(7-11)-nerved-alternate) Broad-heart- 
leaved _—_curled-(!0-15)-winged-round- 
stemmed Yam (Hk. 6/296, adpd). 3066 
(bis.) Dioscorea crispata. 

Curled-(10-15)- winged - round - stemmed 
(Sim ple-palmati-(7-11)- nerved - alter- 
nate curled-winged-petioled Broad- 
heart-leaved) Yam (Hk. 6/296, adpd). 
3066 (bis.) Dioscorea crispata. 

Curly leaved linear pinnate Cocoanut 
(Nic, 5/250). 3229 Cocos flexuosa. 

Curly narrow sessile leayed Diagon Tree 
(Hk. 6/329, adpd). 3098 Draczna 

Curly Palm of Lord-Howe’s-Island 
(Muell. SP) (Bth. 7/138) (N. 2/155). 
3135 Howea Belmoreana, 

Curly winged Tree Vine (McbL. 751, 
adpd), 615 Leea crispa, 

8136 Howea 


Curmrung (McL. 229). 865 Averrkoa 

Currant Family (L/N/S/8). 
fragacez (Order). 

Currant (Muell. S.P) (Nic. 3/302) (Loud) 
(S. 122, 368). ccexciii. Ribes (genus). 

Crrrant (Bengal) (Mcb. 84,132, adpd). 
dlxxx. Carissa (genns). 

Currant (Bengal) (McL. 84, 182). 
Carissa Carandas. 

Currant (Downy Bengal) (Hk. 38/631, 
adpd). 1S07-b. Carissa spinarum 
(hirsuta). ; 

Currant (Flowering) (Nic. 3/306) (S. 167, 
369). 1128 Ribes sanguinea. 

Currant (New-Holland Red) (Treas. Bot. 
1/389). 2371 eeringia celosioides. 

Currant (Native) of Tasmania (Bth. 
3/430) (S.108). 1574 Coprosma lucida. 

Currant Tomato (Rid. 90) (8. 407). 2070 
Solanum pseudocapsicum. 

Currant (Angled-or-lobed leaved Mount- 
ain) Tomato (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 2079-b. 
Solanum denticnlatem (Gouakai). 

Currant (Indian) Tomato (Hk. 4/230, 
Rid. 90, adpd). 2075 Solanum verbas- 

Currant (Mountain) Tomato (Hk. 
Rid. 90, adpd). 

Curry Leaf Tree (McI.. 255, 473, 998) 
(Br. 27) (Cat. 48) (PA. 96) (Ell. 102) 

XLV. Saxi- 


2079 Solanum denti- 

(W. 68). 893 Murraya Keenigii. 
Curry Moonnay (Mch.* 518). 2298 
Premna latifolia (*esculenta). 

Curry Pepper (Mch. 170). 2094-b. 
Capsicum frutescens (annuum), 

Curry Turmeric (McL. 187). 2998 

Zingiber Cassumunar, 
Curved (Spotted) Goglet Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1934 Ceropegia elegans. 

Curved (Yellow) Goglet Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1935 Ceropegia mysoren- 

Curved Pcdded Five leaved Indigo (McbL. 
371, adpd). 752 Indigofera paucifolia. 

Curved-spined (Small-to-medium-papery 
ed) Bengal currant (Hk. 3/631, adpd). 
1809 Carissa macrophylla. 

Carved-spined (Small Broad-ovate-acumin- 
ate-leaved) Climbing Bengal-currant 
(Hk, 3/631, adpd). 1810 Carissa sua- 

Curved-tipped (Pink-backed) Croton 
(Nie, 1/350) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Bb. Codizwum variegatum (Baron 
Franck Selliére), 

Curved wedge-leaflet Fish-tail Palm 
(Nic. 1/274, adpd). 8155 Caryota 


Cusped elliptic leaved Fig (MeL. 73, adpd), 
2732 Ficus altissima. 

Cuspidate Grey-frosted Heart-leaved 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2007 
Argyvreia cymosa, 

Cuspidate leaved Hill Balsam Tree (Hk. 
1/530, adpd). 443-b. Balsamodendron 
caudatum (Rexburghii). 

Cuspidate (Rcund  berried)  leaved 
lingam Tree (Hk, 1/172,adpd). 101-b. 
Cratzva religiosa (Roxburghii). 

Custard Apple Family (Br. 3), IV. Ano- 

naceze (Order). 
Custard Apple (MeL. 35) (Nic. 1/22) 
(S 421), xxii, Anona (genus), 
Custard Apple (Bed. 1/9) (Rox. 2/658) 
(Pr. 1/206) (Gbi. 20) (Bs/T/22) (Hk. 
1/76) (Ell. 60) (Mech. 35, 802) (Cag. 
291) (Br. 3) (Rid, 108) (Ooty, 7) (U.D.) 

(W. 8, 68, &2) (Cat. 5) (PA. 474), 57 
Anona squamosa, 

Custard (Manilla) Apple (MeL. 35). 58 
Anona reticulata. 

Custard (Prickly) Apple (Mel. 85). 59 

Ancona muricata. 

Custard (Soft-fruited) Apple (McL. 35). 
60 Anona Cherimolia. 

Custard (West Indian) Apple (S. 27, 122) 

(Pr. 1/206) (Cat. 6) (Mch, 35), 58 
Anona reticulata, 

Custard Apples (McL. 1003). IV. Anona- 
cezx (Order). 

Custard Jack (Mch. 35). 57 Anona 


Custoory Babool (McL. 936). 

Cutch (Buffalo Thorn) (McL. 35, adpd). 
1057 Acacia latronum., 

1027 Acacia 

Cutchiah (Camphor) (MeL. 1042). 2990 
Hedy chium corcnarium. 

Cutchrah (Capoor) (McL. 1042). 2990 
MWedychium coronarium, 

Cuteh (McL. 255). ceclxvii. Acacia 

‘utch (Gbl. 296) (Bdn/B.T) (Cat. 120). 
1085 Acacia Catechu. 

Cutch (Downy-foliaged) (Hk, 2/295, 
adpd). 1086-a. Acacia Catechu 

Gutch (Glabrous foliaged) (Hk. 2/295, 
adpd). 1084-b. Acacia Catechu 

Cutch (Parchment Hark) (MeL. 472, 859, 
995, adpd) 1034 Acacia Suma, 

Cutch (Tamarind-like) (McL, 28, 472, 859, 
935, 995, adpd), 10386 Acacia ferrugi- 

Cutch (White) (Yel. 472, 
adpd), 1034 Acacia Suma. 

Cutch acacia (McL. 188). 1035 Acacia 

Cut-finger (Nic. 4/160) (S. 451), 1822 
Vinca major. 

859, 995, 


Cuttimandoo (McL. 257, 1000). 2538 
Euphorbia trigona. 
Cycas (Broad leaved) (McL. 777). 2878 

Cycas circinalis. 

Cycas (Japan) (Br, 205). 

Cy linder-septate-capsuled 
Flower (Uk. 4/376, 
Stereospermum (genus). 

Cylindrical-capsuled French-chiretta 
(McL. 177, 577, 998, Hk. 4/889, adpd). 
decxi. Diotacanthus (genus). 

Cylindrical-tubed Rose Apple (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1237 Eugenia cylindrica. 

Cymbidium (Aloe-leaved) (Br. 211). 2945 
Cymbidium aloifolium. 

Cymed (White) Bindweed (McL. 120, 
adpd). 2044 Ipomea cymosa. 

Cymed (Downy) Climbing Poison nut 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1960 Strychnos 

Cymed (Terminal). Climbing Poison Nut 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1964 Strychnos 

Cymed (Densely) Echites (Rox. 2/16). 
1861 Aganusma cymo-a, 

Cymed (Axillary) Faise Holly (Hk. 1/586 
adpd). 496 Gomphandra axillaris. 

Cymed (Extra-axillary) False Holly (Hk. 
1/586, adpd), 497 Gomphandra poly- 

Cymed (Long) French mulberry (Hk. 
4/567, adpd). 2287 Callicarpa arborea, 

2878 Cycas 


adpd). dexci. 

Cymed (Short) French Mulberry (Hk ° 

4/567, adpd). 2288 Callicarpa lanata. 

Cymed (Long-flowered Terminal) [peca- 
cuanha (Hk. 3/21, adpd). dxiv. 
Chasalia (genus), 

Cymed (Short-flowered Terminal) Ipeca- 
cuanha (Hk. 3/21, adpd), dxii. Psy- 
chotria (genus). 

Cymed (Capitate) Mangrove (Mcl. 470, 
adpd). 1133 Ceriops Roxburghiana. 

Cymed (Compound) Mangrove (McL. 470, 
adpd). 1132 Ceriops Candolleana. 

Cymed (Dichtomovs) Mangrove (McL. 
470, adpd). 1134 Kandelia Kheedii. 

Cymed (Simple) Mangrove (McL. 470, 
adpd). 1130 Rhizophorz mucronata. 

Cymed (Tricbotomous) Mangrove (McL. 
470,aapd). 1140 Carallia integerrima. 

Cymed-or-corymbed (Axillary) Bristle- 
tipped-branched Offal-smelling Ipeca- 
cuanha (Hk. 3/2], adpd).  dxvi. 
Saprosma (genus). 

Cymed (Round) Snake Root (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1481 Opbiorrhiza Brunonis. 

Cymed (Densely) Viper Dogbane (Rox. 
2/16, adpd). 1861 Agunosma cymosa. 

Cymose  (Pyriform-swollen-fieshy-ped- 
uncled) Buckthorn (Hk, 1/630, adpd), 
cxxx, Hovenia (genus), 



Cyperus-babylonicus of Pliny (McL. 298). 
8005 Alpinia Galanga. 

Cypress (H/E.F) (McL. 484) (Nic. 1/409) 
(S. 121, 126) (Gbl: 695) (W. 68). 
deccxevii. Cupressus (genus), 

Cypress (McbL. 787) (Ghbl. 697). 
Cupressus sempervirens. 

Cypress (African) (Nic. 4/208) (S. 11, 452). 
2816 Callitris Whytei. 


Cypress (Bastard) (McL. 391). 1638 
Tamarix dioica. 

Cypress (Bhovtan) (McL. 787) (Cag. 409). 
2810 Cupressus torulosa. 

Cypress (Chinese Weeping) (Cat. 314). 
2806 Cupressus funebris. 

Cypress (Columnar) (Cat. 314). 2809 
Cupressus sempervirens. 

Cypress (Dwarf) (Cag. 411). 2812 
Cupressus Lawsoniana. 

Cypress (rvergreen) (S. 161). 2809 

Cupressus sempervirens. 
Uypress (Funereal) (S. 122, 172) (bl. 

697). 2806 Cupressus fnnebris. 
Cypress (Goa) (Gbl. 696) (Cat. 314). 
2807 Cupressus glauca, 
Cypress (Ground) (Cag. 411). 2812 

Cupressus Lawsoniana. 

Cypress (Himalayan) (McL. 787) (Bs/T/ 
693) (Bs/S/260, NLGS) (Gbl. 696). 
2810 Cupressus torulosa, 

Cspress (Italian) (8S. 218) (Cag. 
2509 Cupressus sempervirens. 

Hee (Lawson's) (Gbl. 696, 


(5. 122, 
2812 Cupressus Lawsoniana. 

(Lawson’s Bastard) (S. 122). 
2812 Cupressus Lawsoniana. 

| Cypress (Lawson’s Dwarf) (Nic. 1/308). 

| Cypress (Leafless Cherry) (Bth. 

2812 Cupressus Lawsoniana. . 


adpd). cupressi- 

Cypress (Mexican) (Muell. 8.P) (Nic. 
1/410). 2811 Cupressus Lindleyi. 

Cypress (Milanji) (8.452). 2816 Callitris 

Cypress (Monterey) (H/E.F) (Muell. S.P) 
(Nic. 1/410) (S. 122, 276) (Cag. 409). 
2808 Cupressus macrocarpa. 

2529 Exocarpus 

| Cypress (Mosque) (Cag. 409). 2809 
Cupressus sempervirens. 
Cypress (Nepal) (Muell. SP). 2810 

Cupressus torulosa, 

Cypress (North Californian) (Muell. S.P). 
2812 Cupressus Lawsoniana. 

Cypress (Oregon) (S. 301). 2812 Cupres- 
sus Lawsoniana. 

Cypress (Portugal) (Cag. 2807 
Cupressus glauca. 

Cypress (South Californian) (Muell. S.P) 
(Bs/S/260, NLGS) (Ooty. 251). 2808 
Cupressus macrocarpa. 

Cypress (Upright) (Cat. 
Cupressus sempervirens, 


314). 2806 


Cypress (Weeping) (Bs/T/694) (Gbl. 697) 
(Cag. 409) (Cag. 314). 2806 Cupressus 


Cypress (Wild) (McL. 185). 2780 
Casuarina equisetifolia. 

Cypress Jhow (Mch. 391, 992). 163 

Tamarix doica. 
Cypress Vak (S. 126). 
Robur (pedunculata). 
Cypress (Common) of Europe (Muell. /S P) 
(McL. 484). 2809 Cupressus semper- 
Cypress (Hinoki) of Japan (Muell. S.P). 
2813 Cupressus obtusa. 

27>8-a. Quercus 

Cypress Pine (Maid. C.1') (Gbl. 695). 
decexevili. Callitris (genus). 

Cypress (African) Pine (Nic. 4/208). 
2816 Callitris Whytei. 

Cypress Tamarisk (McL. 391). 1638 

Tamarix dioiea. 

Cypress Vine (McL. 362) (S.127) (Rid. 
69). 2019 Ipomeea Quamoclit. 

Cypress (Crimson) Vine (McL. 862) (Cat. 
476). 2019 Ipomea Qaamociit. 

Cypress (Ivy leaved) Vine (8. 218). 
2020-g. Ipomza hederacea (coccinea) 

Cyrenian Lotus (McL. 487). 561 Zizyphus 

Cyrus’ Blood (McL. 282). 

Cyrus’ Blood (MeL. 282). 
rops Draco. 

8099 Draczena 

3219 Dzemono- 


Dacca Banana (Cag. 207). 
sapientum (Dacca). 

Dacca Cotton (Rox. 3/184). 
pium herbaceum. 

Dadap (Gbl. 242). 

Demia (Smooth leaved) (Br. 129, 2€9). 
1885 Dzemia extensa. 

Dagger leaved stemless Orchid (Hk. 
5/675, W.A.I, adpd). cmxvii. Oberonia 

Dagger Orchid (Hk. 5/675, W.A.1, adpd). 
cmxvii. Oberonia (genus). 

Dagger (Long-coriaceous-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 5/682, W.A.I,adpd). 2820 Obero- 
nia platycaulon. 

Dagger (Long-succulent-leaved) (rchid 
(Hk. 5/681, W.4.1, adpd). 2888 Obero- 
nia Brunoniana. 

Dagger (Medium-fleshy-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 5/676, W.A.I,adpd). 2885 Obero- 
nia iridifolia (denticulata). 

Dagger (Medium-very-succnulent- subfal- 
cate-leaved) Orchid (Hk. 5/682, W.4.1, 
adpd). 2889 Oberonia Lindleyana. 

Dagger (Short-straight-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 5/683, W.A.I, adpd). 2891 Obero- 
nia Wightigna. 

3042-c. Musa 
253 Gossy- 

820 Erythrina litho- 


Dagger (Short-subfalcate-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 5/678, W.A.I, adpd), 2886 Obero- 
nia verticillata. 

Dagger  (Very-short-coriaceous-leaved) 
Orchid (Hk. °5/678, adpd). 2887 
Oberonia Falconeri. 

Dahurian Buckthorn (McL. 762), 5€9 
Rhamuus virgatus. 

Daisy (Paris) (Nic. 1/323) (S. 97) (Cag. 
527) (Mu). 1618 Chrysanthemum 

Daisy (Rosy South American) Thistle 
Shrnb (Nic. 1/159, 5/128, adpd). 1621 
Barnadesia rosea. 

Daisy (Tree) (Ooty. 317). 

Daisy Tree (Mu. 41). 

Dal (Pr. 1/383), 854 Cajanus indicus. 

Dalbergia (Woody) (MchL. 404). 
Pongamia glabra. 

Dalhousie’s (Lady) Fig (McL 72, adpd). 
2725 Ficus Dalhousie. 

Dalimba (McL, 30). 1822 Punica grana- 

Dalzell’s Fleshy leaved Indian Ipeca- 
cuanha (MeL. 360, adpd). 1915 Tylo- 
phora Dalzellii. 

Damascus Rose (McL. 322) (Nic. 3/320). 
1098 Rosa damascena. 

Damask Rose (McL. 322, 995) (Nic. 3/320, 
325) (8.129, 375) (Cag. 591) (Ell. 481)., 
1098 Rosa damascena. 

Damask (Red) Rose (Nic. 3/325, 320) 
1098-a. Rosa damascena (typica). 

Damask (White) Rose (Nie. 3/320). 
1098-b. Rosa damascena (alba). 

Damask (Hybrid French or) with Bourbon 
and China Rose (Cag. 590). 1107 Rosa 
hy brida-semperfiorens. 

Dammer (Indian) Family (Mch. 258, 269, 

1617 Montafioa 

1617 Montafioa 


799, adpd). XVIII. Dipterocarpaceze 
Dammer (McL. 258). cmvi. Agathis 
Dammer (Rox. 2/604) (W. 51). 207 

Vateria indica. 
Dammer (Acorn fruited) (Bed. 1/237, 
adpd). Ixxxv. Balanocarpus (genus). 

Dammer (Amboyna) (McL. 258). 2832 
Agathis lorauthifolia. 

Dammer (Australian) (McL, 582, 258). 
2833 Agathis robusta. 

Dammer (Black) (McL. 799). (? 447) 201 
Shorea robusta (?). 

Dammer (Black) (McL. 799). (? 447) 
202 Shorea Tumbaggaia (?). 

Dammer (Black) (McL. 258, 472, 9938) 
(Cat. 60) (Ell. 134) (Bed. 1/51, 2/128) 
(Bs/5/131) (Gb. 141) (Bdn/F.T/L). 
447 Canarium strictum, 


Dammer (Black Tinnevelly) (I.F. xxxix/ 
13, xxx/l, adpd). Ixxxv. Balanocarpus 

Dammer (Burmese Rock) (Mch. 259, 

adpd). 202 (bis.) Hopea oderata. 

Dammer (Cowdee) (MclL. 258). cmvi. 
Agathis (genus). 

Dammer (Nhoona) (McL. 258). 201 
Shorea robusta. 

Dammer (Green) (McL. 258). 202 
Shorea Thumbaggaia. 

Dammer (Indian) (McL. 799). 201 
Shorea robusta. 

Dammer (Kauri) (McL. 258). emyi. 

Agathis (genus. 

Dammer (Large-stipuled Dipterocarp) 
(Hk. 1/295, MchL. 258, 259, adpd). 
lxxx. Dipterocarpnus (genus). 

Dammer (Long-10-nerved-downy-midrib- 
bed oblong-lance-acute-leaved Diptero- 
carp) (Hk. 1/309, Bed. 2/97, adpd), 204 
Hopea Wightiana. 

Dammer (Long-12-nerved Heart-cuspi- 
date-leaved Tripterocarp) (Hk. 1/306, 
adpd). 201 Shorea robnsta. 

Dammer (Long-14-nerved oblong-obtuse- 
leaved Capsuled) (Hk. 1/318, adpd). 
207 Vateria indica. 

Dammer (Long-12-to-18-nerved-velvetty- 
backed elliptic-cuspidate-leaved 
Dipterocarp) (Bs/T/66, adpd). 198 
Dipterocarpus Bourdilloni. 

Dammer (Medium-15-nerved-downy- 
backed elliptic-ovate-acute-lea ved 
Dipterocarp) (Hk. 8/298, adpd). 
Dipterocarpus alatus. 

Dammer (Medium-10-to-15-nerved 
elliptic-cordate-acute-leaved Triptero- 
carp) (Hk. 1/305, adpd). 200 Shorea 

Dammer (Medium-10mnerved glandular- 
axilled oblon g-ovate-acute-leaved 
Dipterocarp) (Hk. 1/308, Bed. 1/27, 2/7, 
adpd). 203 Hopea parviflora. 

Dammer (Medium-l0-nerved Lance- 
acute-leayed Acorn) (Bed. 1/2387, adpd). 
208 Balanocarpus utilis. 

Damwmer (Medium-12-nerved 
oblong-leaved Dipterocarp) (Hk. 1/308 
adpd). 202 (bés.) Hopea odorata. 

Dammer Medium-8-nerved [ance-obtuse- 


Lance- | 

leaved Dipterocarp) (Hk. 1/809, adpd). | 

205 Hopea glabra. 

Dammer (Medium-8-to-10-nerved oblong- | 
lance-obtuse-leaved Acorn) (Bed. 1/237, | 

adpd). 209 Balanocarpus erosa. 

Dammer (Medium-10-to-15-nerved ovate- 
caspidate-leavel Dipterocarp) (Bed. 
2/94, Bs/5/65, adpd). 196 Diptero- 
carpus indicus. i 

Dammer (Medium-4-nerved 
elliptic-caudate-leaved § Dipterocarp) 
(Hk, 1/360, Bed, 1/29, adpd). 206 
Hopea racophlea,. 

ovate- | 


Dammer (Medium-(short-to-long)-8- 
nerved-scurfy-backed oblong-heart- 
cuspidate-leaved Tripterocarp) (Hk. 

1/306, Bed. 1/26, adpd), 202 Shorea 
Dammer (Medium-to-large-10-scurfy - 

nerved Lance-acute-leaved Diptero- 
carp) (Hk. 1/302, adpd). 199 Vatica 

Dammer (New Zealand) (McL. 258.) 2831 
A gathis australis. 

Dammer (Piney) (McL. 258). 207 Vateria 

Dammer (Raul) (McL. 259). 201 Shorea 

Dammer (Rock) (McL. 259).  Ixxxiii. 
Hopea (gens). 

Dammer (Rock) (McL. 259). 202 (bis.) 
Hopea odorata. 

Dammer (Saul) (McL. 259). 201 Shorea 

Dammer (Small-scurfy-stipuled Diptero- 
carp) (Hk. 1/301, 302, MeL. 258, 259, 

adpd). Ixxxi. Vatica (genus), 

Dammer (Small-stipuled Dipterocarp 
(Hk. 1/308, McL. 258, 259, adpd). 
Ixxxiii Hopea (genus). 

Dammer (Star-based-capsuled) (Bk 
1/318, McL. 258, 259, adpd). Ixxxiv. 

Vateria (genus). 

Dammer (Tambaga) (Mch. 259). 
Shorea Thumbaggaia. 

Dammer (Tripterocarp) (Hk. 1/303, MeL. 
258. 259, adpd). Ixxxii. Shorea (genus). 

Dammer (White) (Mc. 258) (Bed. 1/25, 
2/84) (Bdr/L) (Ell. 519) (PA. 275). 
207 Vateria indica. 

Dammer (White) (McL. 472). (?) 489-b. 
Boswellia serrata (glabra) (?). 

Dammer (White Tinnevelly) (I.F. xxix/10, 
xxx/l,adpd). Ixxxiii. Hopea (genus). 
Dammer (Yellow) (McL. 259, 472, 434, 
993). 439-b. Boswellia serrata (gla- 

Dammer Pine (Nic. 1/439) (Cag. 407). 
emvi Agathis (genus). 
Dammer Fine (Gbl. 708). 

Dammer (Amboyna (Pine (Nic. 1/439) 
(Cag. 407). 2832 Agathis loranthifolia. 

Dammer Pine of the Eastern-Isles (Rid. 
99). 2832 Agathis loranthifolia. 

Dammer Tree (McL. 799). 202 Shorea 

Damson (Bs/T/279) (Bdn/F.T) (S. 355). 
1069-e. Prunus communis (damascena). 

Dawson (Wild) (McL. 17). 1069-a. Pru- 
nus tommunis (typica). 


2832 Agathis 

Danchi (Muell. S.P). 780 Sesbania 

Danchy (McL. 805). 779 Sesbania egyp- 

Danewort (8. 384). 

cdlxxiii. Sambucus 


Danmark Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/94). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-rosea- 

Dantzic Fir (Gbl. 703). 

Daphne (Indian) (MeL 
Clitoria Ternatea ?. 

Daphne of the Greeks (McL. 1041). 
Laurus nobilis. 

Darjeeling (Thomson's) Oak (Gbl. 677) 
(FAR. 28, 29, NLGS). 2793 Quercus 

Darjiling Red Cedar (Cat. 116). 
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius. 

Dark Bamboo (McL. 70). 
calamus strictus. 

2857 Pinus 
240). (P) 838 



3310 Dendro- 

Dark Black Wood (I.E. xxxi/3). 881 
Dalbergia latifolia. 
Dark-blue Creeper (MeL. 887). 1865 

Ichnocarpus frutescens. 

Dark-bronze (Cup-tipped-often Crimson- 
margined-midribbed-and-blutched) Cro- 
ton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Wb. Codizum variegatum 
(princeps, or mutabile). 

Dark-bronze-green Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu). 2646-Nf. Codizum variegatum 
(Black Prince). 

Dark-bronzy-green Croton 
(Mu). 2646-S}.Codizeum 
(Prince of War). 

Dark-bronzy-leaved Scarlet-spotted- 
golden-yellow Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 
3935(bis.)-t. Canna orchidiflora (Bur- 

Dark-crimson-leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) .Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Eg. Codizum 
variegatum (The Tsar). 

Dark glossy leaved White Cedar (Gbl. 
148, adpd). 457 Dysoxylum _ pur- 

Dark-green-blotched Yellow Croton (Nic, 

6/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ob. Codi~jum variegatum (line- 

Dark-green (Golden-suffused-mottled- 
sometimes-banded) Broader Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Md. 
Codiznm variegatum (Henryanem, or 
MacArthurii No. 46). 

ted-leaved Costus Root (Nic. 5/262). 
3003 Costus mosaicus. 


Dark-green (Carmine-backed Yellow-and- | 

rosy-blotched) Croton (Nic. 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ue. 
Codizum variegatum (Youngii), 

Dark-vreen (Claret-backed Pink-margined- 
midribbed-and-veined shining) Croton 
(Nic. 1/855) (Rua/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) Jaf). 
2646-Me,  Codirum variegatum 



.Dark-green (Creamy-veined) Croton 
[when young] (Nic. 1/3851) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Sf. Codizum 
variegatum (Cooperi). 

Dark-green (Crimson-centred-and-veined) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ag. Codizum variegatum (New 

Dark-green (Crimson-tv-yellow-midrib- 
bed Pink-margined) Croton (Nic. 1/350) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Oc. 
Codizum variegatum (elegans). 

Dark-green (Gold-centred) Croton [when 
young] (Nic. 1/365) (Itn/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Th. Codizum varie- 
gatum. (Spirale). 

ODark-green (Golden-central-irregular- 
feathered-and-petioled shining) Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Me. 
Codizum variegatum (Lord Ripon). 

Dark-green (Golden-central-irregular- 
feathered-and-petioled shining) Croton 
(Nic. 1/354) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Nd. Codizeum variegatum (Hooker- 

Dark-green (Golden-centred Pink-veined 
shining) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Nn. Codizum variegatum 

Dark-green (Golden-marbled-and-banded 
shining) Croton (Nic. 1/851) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Mc. Codizum) 
variegatum (Burtonii). 

Dark-green (Golden-margined-midribbed- 
veined-and-spotted) Croton (Nic 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ne. 
Codizum variegatum (maculatum). 

Dark-green (Golden-yellow-blotched-and- 
midritbed) Croton (Nic. 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jat). 264(-Ib. 
Codiwum variegatum (irregulare). 

Dark-green (Golden-yellow-centred shin- 
ing) Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Da. Couizeum 
variegatum (tricolor). 

Dark-green (Golden-yellow-midribbed- 

and-margined) Croton (Nic. 1/3850) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Sc. 
Codiwum variegatum (angustifolium, 

or angustissimam); 

Dark-green (Golden-yello w-midribbed- 
and-margined shining) Croton (Nic.1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 264¢-Qb 
Codizeum variegatum (Weissmanni). 

Dark-green. (Orange-and-crimson-blotch- 
ed) Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Ic. Codizwum varie- 
gatum multicolor). 

Dark-green (Pale-yellow-maturing-rosy- 
margined-midribbed-and-veined) Cro- 
ton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Mf, Codizum variegatum 


Dark-green (Pink-margined-and-midrib- 
bed) Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Tg. Codisum) 
variegatum (imperiale). 

Dark-green (Red-midribbed Yellow-cen- | 

tred-margined-and-blotched) Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf) 
2646-Qf. Codizum variegatum (Broom- 

Dark-green (Rosy-backed Ivory-white- 
blotched shining) Croton (Nic. 1/3850) 
(Ra/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Mh. 
Codizum variegatum (albicans). 

Dark-green (Yellow-margined-and-spot- 
ted) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Tc. Codizom variegatum (Prince 
Albert Victor). 

Dark-green (Yellow-midribbed-and- 
blotched) Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ob. Codizum 
variegatum (lineare). 

Dark-green (Yellow-spotted Rosy-flushed) 
Croton (Nic 1/350) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ec. Codizum varie- 
gataum (aucubzfolium). 

Dark-green (Silvery-grey-centred-yellow- 
spotted) Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474), 
3265-f. Dieffenbachia picta /princeps). 

Dark-green Horned Croton (Ru/N/O)- 
(Mu). 2646-Le. Codienum variegatum 

Dark-green (Orange-banded shining) 

Horned Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu). 2646-Lb. Codiaeum variegatum 

shining) Horned Croton {when young} 
(Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-La. Codizum variegatum (cornu- 
tum proper). 

Dark-green large Bamboo (Gbl. 
3311 Dendrocalamus sikkimensis. 

Dark-green-leaved (Digitate- (7 or more). 
subpendent) Aralia (Nic. 1/104, adpd). 
1391 Avralia Jeptophylla. 

Dark-green-maturing-crimson (Orange 
and-crimson-irregularly-mottled) Cro- 
ton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/9) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Tj. Codieum variegatum 

Dark-green - margined - and - irregularly - 
blotched White-spotted Yellowish-green 
Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/472). 3265-b. Dieff- 
enbachia picta (Bausei). 

Dark-green Purple-backed Arrowroot 
(Nic. 1/238). 3022 Calathea Vanden— 
heckei. | 

Dark-green - sometimes - yellow - striped 
tufted Bamboo (Gbl. 750), 3805 
Oxytenanthera nigrociliata. 



( Yellow-irregularly-mottled | 

SSS .___>»°. °.——_) 

INDEX. 465 

Dark-green (Voluted-tipped Crimson-and- 
yellow-spotted) Trilobe Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ki, 
Codiwum variegatum (trilobum-Dor- 

Dark Guava (McL. 385). 

-barked (Irregular- (often-indistinct)- 
nerved Long-or-medium-thick-shining 

1258 Engenia 

nate-leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 3/281, 
adpd). 1199 Encalyptus gomphoce- 

Dark-iron-grey-smooth -or-rough - persis- 
tent barked (Lrreznlar|(often-indistinct)- 
nerved medium-smooth-thick-lance- 
falcate-acuminate-leaved) Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/21!, adpd). 1200 Encalyptus 

Dark (Orange-bordered) leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/374, adpd). 3107-f. Cordy- 
line terminalis (Gayii). 

Dark-purple-flowered (Medium-villous 
Round-heart-acuminate-leaved) Bind- 
weed (Nic. 2/192, adpd). 2025 Ipomea 

Dark-purple-leaved-and-stemmed Vernal 
Flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2253 Eran- 
themum atropurpureum. 

Dark purple Molberry (Rid. 141) (Br. 
198). 2723-b. Morus alba (atropur- 

, Dark-purple-to-green (Very-small-mem- 

branonus) Ovate-obtuse-leaved Feather- 
foil (Nic. 3/100, adpd). 2573-c. Phyllan- 
thus nivosus (atropurpurea). 

Dark-purplish-green (Parple-backed 
crimson-midribbed) Croton (Nic. 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf): 2646-Vh. 
Codizum variegatum (interruptum). 

Dark-red-and-purple-tinted Gréen-leayed 
Red Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3026-d. 
Canna indica (atronigricans) 

Dark-red-and-violet-rayed Deep-green- 
leaved Orange Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262), 
3027-f. Canna lutea (zebrina). 

Dark-red (Green-leayed) Indian Shot 
(Cag. 384). 3028 Canna Achiras. 
Dark-red (White-and-yellow-striped 

green-leaved) Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 
3028-b. Canna Achiras (variegata). 

Dark-rough-rather-furrowed - persistent—- 
barked (Parallel-oblique-fine-indistinet- 
nerved medinm-thick-lance-falcate- 
acum inate-leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 3/208, 
adpd). 1202 Eucalyptus pilularis. 

Dark-sage-green (Ivory-white-and-yellow- 
marbled) Croton (Nic, 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Eb. Codizeum 
variegatum (Jamesii). 

Dark-shining-scarlet, Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-i. Rosa 

hybrida-semperflorens (cocinea-pur- 

Dark Sirissa (McL. 66, 472, 605, 840, 912, 
995). 1050 Albizzia amara. 

Dark (Stout) Spined Devil Rattan (Nic. 
1/480). 8218 Dzemonorops fissus. 

Dark Vail (McL. 935, 995) (?). 
Xylia dolabriformis ? 

Dark-veined-orange Brazilian Hvening 
Mallow (Nic. 1/4, adpd). 218 Abutilon 

Dark-velvetty-green-purple-backed (Very 
long-perfoliate-slightly-downy) oblong- 
lance-acuminate-leaved Peruvian Eme- 
tic-nut (Nic. 2/146, adpd). 1511 Hoff- 
mannia Ghiesbreg htii. 


Dark wood Apple (McL. 1025) (?). 668 
Mangifera indica (?). 
Dark-yellow Tea Noisette Rose (Nic. 

3/325) (Cag. 608, 603) (Hod) (Ru/N/91, 
96, 0/21) (Mu. 56) (18). 1108-1. Rosea 
Noisettiana (odorata-)utea). 

Dark-yellow (Sulphur-edged) ‘Tea Noisette 
Roee (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/90, 0/19). 
1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odorata-lutea- 

Darker-centred Lemon-yellow Tea Rose 
(Mu. 55). 1105-e. Rosa odorata (citrina- 

Darling (Grace) Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/20) 
(Mu. 55). 1105-c. Rosa odorata 

Darwin’s Mallow (Nic. 1/4). 218 Abutilon 

Darwin’s (Boule-de-neise) Mallow (Nic. 
1/41, Ooty, 201). 218¢. Abutilon 

Darwini (niveum). 

Darwin’s (Golden Fleece) Mallow (Nic. 
1/4, Ooty, 203), 218-d. Abutilon Dar- 
wini (aureum),. 

Darwin’s (Pure white) Mallow (Nic. 1/4, 
adpd). 218-c. Abutilon Darwini (nive- 

Darwin’s (Red and Pink) Mallow (Nic. 
1/5, Ooty, 204). 218-e. Abutilon Dar- 
wini (roseflorum). 

Darwin’s (Yellow-mottled-Maple leaved) 
Mallow (Nic. 1/4, adpd). 218-b. 
Abutilon Darwini (Sellovianum-marmo- 

Date (Arabian) (McL. 413, 484, 1001), 
3162 Phcenix dactylifera. 

Date (Barren Wild) (McL. 777). 
Cycas circinalis. 

Date (Bifarious-green-leaved) (Gbl. 731, 
adpd). #8165 Pheenix rupicola 

Date (Bulbous-steammed Glaucous Dwarf) 
(Gbl. 781, adpa). 3166 Phoenix acaulis 

Date (Common) (McL. 418), 3162 Phenix 


| Date (Small) (McL, 418, 1001), 

| Date (Coromandel 


Date (Common Hill Dwarf) (Gbl. 781, 
adpd). 3168 Phoenix humilis (pedun- 

Coast) (McL 4138, 

adpd). 3167 Phoenix farinifera. 
Date (Drunken) (McL. 40). 8121 Areca 
Date (Dwarf wild) (Pf. 461). 3167 

Phoenix farinifera. 

Date (Edible) (McL. 413), 

Date (Hybrid) (Jaf. 132) (Rid, 267). 

171 Phoenix compacta. 

Date (Himalayan) (Cag. 642) (Nic. 3/104). 
(Gbl. 730, Bs/'T/646, adpd). 3165 
Phoenix rupicola. 

Date (Indian) (S. 213, 423) (Ell. 542). 
982 Tamarindus indica. 

Date (Large) (Mch. 418). 

Date (Littoral Sand) (McL. 414). 
Pheenix farinifera 

Date (Long peduncled Dwarf) (Gbl. 731, 
adpd). 8168 Phoenix humilis (pedun- 

Date (Marsh) (McL. 428, 1001). 
Phoenix paludosa. 

Date (Persian) (W. 34). 

Date (Quadrifarious Green-leaved) (Gbl. 
730, adpd). 3164 Phoenix zeylanica 
Date (Shiny-leaved Dwarf) (McL. 414, 

adpd). 8167 Phoenix farinifera. 

Date (Short-peduncled Dwarf) (Gb1. 731, 
adpd). 3166 Phoenix acaulis. 

3162 Phoenix 

3162 Phoenix 



3162 Phoenix 


Phoenix farinifera. 

| Date (Spiral-leaved) (Bs/T/646, adpd). 

3165 Phoenix rupicola. 

| Date (Stemless) (McL. 414, 484, 1001) 

(FAR. 1. 25, 
Yhoenix acaulis. 
Date (Straigbt-stemmed Glaucous Dwarf) 
(Gbl. 731, adpd). 3168 Phoenix humilis 
(pedunculata), : 

Date (Tessellate-stemmed) (Gbl, 731, Bs/ 
T/645, adpd). 3170 Phoenix robusta. 
Date (True) (MeL. 418). 3162 Phoenix 


Date (Wild) McbL, 414, 473, 1001) (Cag. 
342) (Br. 228) (Ell. 443) (PA. 45) (Cat. 
328). 8168 Phoenix sylvestris. 

Date (Wild) (McL. 414). 3166 Phoenix 

Date Palm (Mc. 413) (Bed. 1/228) 
(S, 325) (Nic. 3/108). cmxev. Phoenix 

GJM, VZM). 3166 

Date Palm (S. 180, 315) (Bs/T/645) 
(Bdn/F.1). 3162 Phcenix dactylifera. 

Date (Andaman) Palm (Rid. 267) (Jaf. 
132). 3169 Phoenix paludosa. 

Date (Arabian) Palm (Cat. 330). 3162 
Phoenix dactylifera. 


Date (Canary-Isles) Palm (Poty. 322) 
(Nic. 3/104). 3172 Phoenix canariensis. 

Date (Ceylon) Palm (Ru/0/35) (Nic. 
8/105). 3164 Phoenix zeylanica. 

Date (Cultivated) Palm (Gbl. 730). 3162 
Pheenix dactylifera. 

Date (Hill Dwarf) Palm (FAR. 25, GJM, 
mhgi). 3168 Phenix humilis (pedun- 

Date (Prickly) Palm (S. 3,344). cmlxxvi. 
Acanthophcenix (genus). - 

Date (Sago) Palm (Rid. 147, 154). 3167 
Phoenix farinifera. 

Date (Wild) Palm (Bs/T/645) (Gbl. 721). 

. 8163 Phoenix sylvestris. 

Date Plum (McL. 366) (Nie. 1/479). dlxii. 
Diospyros (genus). 
Date Plum (McL. 363). 


1699 Diospyros 

Date (Chinese) Plum (McL. 304). 1701 
Diospyros Kaki. 
Date (Japan) Plum (McL. 304). 1701 

Diospyros Kaki. 
Date Plum of China and Japan (Muell. 
S.P) (8. 141). 1701 Diospyros Kaki. 
Date (Sapota) Plum of Mauritius (Br. 
112). 1708 (bis ) Diospyros Sapota. 
Date Sugar Palm (Cat. 328). 3163 
Phoenix sylvestris. 

Date Tree (Cag. 200, 302) (Cat. 330) 
(Rid. 147, 267) (Jaf. 132) (W. 12, 18, 
15,123). 3162 Pheenix dactylifera. 

Date (Chinese) Tree (McL. 65). 561 
Zizyphus Jujuba. 

Datura (McL. 261, 998). dclxxi. Datura 

Datura (Asiatic) (McL. 262). 2098 

Datura fastuosa. ; 
Datura (Downy) (McL. 261, 998). 2099 
Datura Metel. 




Dead-nettle (Entire-lance-leaved White) 
Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2361 Leucas 

Dead-nettle (Entire-linear-leaved White) 

Shrab (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2358 Leucas 

_ Dead-nettle (Entire-oblong-leayed White) 

Shrub (Hk. 4685, adpd). 2360 Leucas 

Dead-nettle (Fascicled-minnute-leaved 
White) Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2359 
Leucas rosmarinifolia. 

Dead-nettle (Few-flowered Round-leaved 
White) Shrub (Hk. 4/681, adpd). 2354 
Leucas nepetzefolia. 

Dead-nettle (Hoary-ovate-leaved White) 
Shrub (Hk. 4/681, adpd). 2356 Leucas 

Dead-netile (ovate-leayed Brown-hairy 
White) Shrub (Hk. 4/686, adpd). 2362 
Leucas lam)i-folia. 

Dead-nettle (Rosemary-leayed 
Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 

Dead-nettle (Sun-Rose-leaved White) 
Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2360 Leucas 

Dead-nettle (Velvetty Roundish leaved 
White) Shrub (Hk. 4/682, adpd). 2357 
Leucas montana. 

2359 Leucas 

| Dead-netile (Woolly White) Shrub (Hk. 

Datura (European) (McL. 261, 998). 2097 | 

Datura Stramonium. 

4/681, adpd). 2355 Lencas lanata. 

Deadly Poison Plant (Cag. 509). 
Hzemadictyon suberectum. 


Deal (8.1). cmsxii. Abies (genus). 
| Deal (White) (Gbl. 716). 2863 Picea 
| Deal (Red) of the Baltie (Gbl. 793). 
2857 Pinus sylvestris. 
_ Deal Tree (Nic. 3/136) (S. 331). cmviii 
Pinus (genus). 
Deal Wood (Nic. 3/145). 2857 Pinus 


| Decamallee (McL. 263, 473, 484, 996). 

Datura (Indian) (McL. 262). 2098 
Datura fastuosa. 

Datura (Purple) (McL. 261, 998). 2028 | 
Datura fastuosa. 

Datura (White) (McL. 262). 2098-b. 
Daturz fastuosa (alba). 

Daurygoommady (McL. 888). 

Pueraria tuberosa. 

832. | 

Davata (McL. 470). 1140 Carallia inte- | 


Dead-nettle Family (Br. 157). LXXXVI. | 

Labiate (Order). 

Dead-nettle (White) (McL. £10, adpd). 
decxlix. Leucas (genus). 

Dead-nettle (Catmint-leaved White) 
shrub (Hk. 4681, adpd). 2354 Leucas 

Dead-nettle (Crenate-oblong-leaved 
White) Shrub (Hk. 4/681, adpd). 2355 
Leucas lanata. 


[1504 Sphalm]. 1505 Gardenia gummi- 

Decandrous Bell-calyxed Pea (Treas. Bot. 
2/822, 908, 1219, Hk. 2/60, adpd). 
XLITI-A. Leguminose (order-Papi- 
lionez suborder-Sophorez Tribe). 

Decandrous (Buchanan’s) Mango (Hk. 
2/2, adpd). cclxiii. Bachanania (genus). 

_Decandrous Mimosa-leaved Uniglandular 

Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 965 Cassia 

Deccan Short-needle  densifasciculate 
Asparagos (McL. 516, adpd). 3087 
Asparagus asiaticus. 

Deccany Babool (McL. 68). 1052 Pithe- 
colobium dulce. 

Deceany Deodar (McL. 478, 756, 783, 
943). 348 Erythroxylon monogynnum, 


Deccany Hemp (Mech. 82). 
Hibiscus cannabinus. 

Deccany Olive Wood (Mch. 589, 606, 
adpd). 544 Eleodendron glaucum. 

Deccany (Small-oblong-elliptic-leaved 
Small-pulpy-druped) Olive Wood (Hk. 
1/628, adpd). 644b. Eleodendron 
glaucum (canarensis). 

Deccany Senna (Mch. 847). 959 Cassia 

Deccany Star Capsicum (Hk. 4/230, Nic. 
3/453, 5/407. adpd). 2074 Solanum 

barked (Irregular-(often-indistinct)- 
leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 3/289, 
1194 Kucalyptus goniocalyx. 

“Deciduous Boat-shaped-spathed Rattan 

240 (bis.) 


(Hk. 6/404, adpd). mviii. Demonorops | 


Deciduous-linear-leaved Stemless Flat- 
rooted-Orchid (Hk. 6/76, adpd). 
emxxxix. lzeniophyllum (genus). 

Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1089 Rosa Banksie. 

Deciduous-stipuled Five-(3-5)-leaved 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1090 Rosa micro- 

Deciduous stipuled Five-(3-5)-leaved Rose 
(Hk. 2/264). 1094 Rosa levigata. 

Deciduous-stipuled Three-(3-5)-leaved 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1091 Rosa Fortu- 

Decompound lJeaved Virgin’s Bower (Hk. 
1/5,adpd). 9 Clematis nutans. 

Deep-blue (Roundish-lance-obtuse- 
mucronate-leaved) Bubble Pea (Nic. 
2/154, adpd). 699 Hovea Celsi. 

Deep-blue-flowered (Small-subglabrous- 

Long-or-medium-pellucid- | 



elliptic-serrate-subobtuse-leaved) Bast- | 

ard Vervein (Hk. 4/564, adpd). 2284 
Stachytarpheta indica. 

Deep bronze-green (Crimson-centred-and- 
veined) Croton (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nm. Codizeum 
variegatam (Beauty). 

Deep-carmine (Large-foll) China Rose 
(Mu. 56) (Hod). 1103-f. Rosa indica 

Deep-crimson (Blake’s) flowered Coral | 

Shrub (Br. 57, adpd). 

Deep-crimson (Red-to-bronzy-leaved) 
Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262), 3026-e. 

Canna indica (Bihorelli). 

Deep-crimson-midribbed _Bronzy-green 
Croton (Nic. 1/353) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 

826 Erythrina | 

| Deep-green-margined 

(Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Th. Codizum varie- | 

gatum (spirals). 


De»p-green (Yellow-blotched) Arrowroot 

(Nic. 1/237). 3019 Calathea Lin- 
Deep-green (Bipinnatitid-lower-lobed- 

Bipinnatifid) Climbing Arum (Nic. 
3/97). 3262 Philodendron Selloum. 

Deep-green (Deep-yellow-margined-and- 
centred shining) Crotoa (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Re. Codizum varie- 
gatum (salicifolium, or longifolinm- 

Deep-green (Ivory-white-or-cream-centre- 
feathered) Croton (Nic. 1/352) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) QWaf). 2646-Ne. Codizeum 
varievatum (eburneum). 

Deep-green (Sharp-tipped Light-golden- 
blotched yvlossy) Croton (Nic. 5/251) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu.) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Re. 
Codizeum variegatum (Cronstadtii). 

Deep-green (Yellow-to-crimson-blotched) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Ve. Codizum variegatum excel- 

Deep-green (Yellow-to-red-spotted) 
Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ku/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Vd. Codizum varie- 
gatum (torquatum), 

Deep-green (Yellow-veined) Croton [when 
young] (Nic. 1/3883) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ub. Codizeum yarie- 
gabum (majesticum No. 1). 

Deep-green (Yellow-veined) Croton [when 
young] (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Vg. Codizam varieyatum (majes- 
ticum No. 2). 

Deep-green (Yellow-veined-and-blotched) 
Croton (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O} (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qe. Codizeum varie- 
gatum (Bismarcki). 

Deep-green (Deep-green- margined 
copiously-white-blotched-veined-a n d - 
spotted Rich) Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 
3264-f. Dieffenbachia Seguine (nobilis). 

Deep-green (Pale-green-margined White- 
blotchy veined very) Dumb Cane (Nic. 

1/474). 3264-c. Dieffenbachia Seguine 
Deep-green (Pea-green-irregularly;-blot- 

ched-and-spotted Rich) Dumb Cane 
(Nic. 1/472).  3265-g. Dieffenbachia 
picta. (Bowmanni). 

Deep-green (Pellucid-white-blotchy- 
veined) Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 
$264-a. Dieffenbachia Seguine (typica). 

Deep green-margined-and-streaked Pale- 
ereen-bl tchy-veired Whitish-green 
Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264d. 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (Regina). 


blotched-veined-and-spotted Rich-deep- 

green Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264-f. 

Diffenbachia Seguine (nobilis). 


Deep-green-maturing-crimson (Rosy- 
crimson-margined Golden-midribbed- 
and-yeined) Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf)  2646-Q¢. 
Codizwum vuriegacum (insigne). 

Deep-green (Crimson-midribbed} matu- 
ring-to-bronzy Croton (Nic. 5/251) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-B). 
Codizum variegatum (ornatum). 

Deep-green-striped Yellowish Arrowroot | 

(Nic. 1/237). 

Deep-olive-green (Crimson-centred-and- 
veined) Croton (Nic. 1/353) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf}. 2646-Ub. Codizum 
variegatum (majesticum No. 1). 

Deep-olive-green (Crimson-midribbed 
Yellow-spotted) Croton (Nic. 1/250) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Sd. Codizeum 
variegatum (Bragzauum). 

Deep-orange-shaded aA pricot-coloured Tea 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 56) (Ru/N/96, 
O/11) (Ooty. 4339). 1105-m. Rosa 
odorata (armeniac a-aurantio-rubescente- 

Deep-purple Indigo of the Himalayas 
(Hk. 2/101, adpd). 757 Indigofera 

Deep-red (Small-leaved 
Fuchsia (Nic. 2/33). 

Deep-red Passion Flower (Nic. 
1357 Passiflora Murucuja, 

Deep-rich-green (Pink-margined Snow- 
Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/97). 3260 (b¢s.) 
Philodendron gloriosum. 

Deep-rosy-flowered (Quinquefoliate-digi- 
tate-lance-wavy-folioled) Bindweed 
(Nic. 2/191, adpd). 2021 Ipomea Hors- 

Deep-rosy-shaded Salmon-coloured Tea 
Rose (Nic. 3/321) (Cag. 599) (Ru/N/93, 
0/22) (Mu. 56) (Hod). 

3018 Calathea leopar- 

1327 Fuchsia 


1105-n, Rosa | 

odorata (cinnabarina-roseopuniceo- 
Deep yellow-shaded Salmon-coloured | 

Tea Rose (Cag. 601) (Hod). 1105-n. 

Rosa odorata (cinnabarina-rubescens- 


Deep-yellow-centred Light yellow Noisette 
Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 602) (Ru/N/92, 
0/19) (Hod) (Mu. 56) (Po). 1108-e. 
Rosa Noisettiana (citrina-intusutea). 

Deep-yellow-copiously-mottled (Crimson- 
flushed) Bright-green Trilobe Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (Bu/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kh. Codizum variegatum (trilo- 

Deep-yellow-margined-and-centred Shin- 
ing-deep-green Croton (Ru/N/0O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Re. Codizum 

_ variegatum (salicifolium, or longifolium- | 



Deep-yellow (Coppery-centred) Noisette 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (RKu/O/18) (Mu. 56). 
1108-f. Rosa Noisettiana (lutea-intus- 

Deeply-incised-slightly -toothed - folioled- 
(Imparipinnate-(numerous) Panax (Nic. 
5/579, adpd). 1042 Panax crispatum. 

Deer Fern (8. 248). mlxiy. Lomaria 

Deer (Pinnatipartite-(2-3 ft.)-scaly-stiped 
Oblong. (4’’-6”)-subentire-obtuse-seg- 

mented) Fern (Nic, 2/199, adpd). 33880 
Lomaria gibba. 
Deer (Musk) Plant (McL, 435, 5632). 399 

Limonia acidissima. 

Deer’s-horn (McL. 802), 

Defective petalled Soapnut (McL. 468, 
adpd). 625 Hemigyrosa deficiens. 

Deflexed-rigid (Semilanceolate-stipuled) 
Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 2/364) 
(Nic. 8/321). 1100 Rosa gallica, 

Defiexed (Star) Spined Devil Kattan (Nic. 
1/480). 3220 Dzmonorops palem- 

Delhi (Kokni Orange of Saharanpur and) 
(Bon, 54). 419-c. Citrus Aurantium- 
crenatifolia (kokni), 

Delicate Flesh-pink Hybrid Tea Rose 
(Nic. 3/325) (Mu. 55). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hybrida carnea). 

Delicate pink-veined Salmon-coloured Tea 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Po) (Ru/0/21). 

- 1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina- 

280 Helicteres 

Delight (Traveller’s) (McL. 469). 685 
Spondias mangifera. 
Delight of the Woods (McL. 449). exxviii. 

Hiptage (genus). 

Delight of the Woods (McL. 440). 355 
Hiptage Madablota. 

Delight (Common) of the Woods (McL. 
440) (Br. 40), 355 Hiptage Madablota. 

Delight (Medinm-oblong-ovate-leaved) of 
the Woods (Hk. 1/418, adpd). 355 
Hiptage Madablota. 

Delight (Mountain) of the Woods (Mch. 
440,adpd). 356 Hiptage parvifolia. 

Delight (Small  elliptic-leaved) of the 

Woods (Hk. 1/419, adpd). 356 Hiptage 
Demarara Mahoe (McL. 712). [252 

Sphalm] 242 Hibiscus elatus. 
Des-Meaux Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Br. 69) 

(Ru/O/20). 1099-c. Rosa  centifolia 


Demon Aloe (McL. 20). 3049 Agave 
Demon Candel (McL. 470). 1130 Rhizo- 

phora mucronata. 
Demon Fig (McL. 73). 
Demon leaf (McL. 20), 

2727 Ficus 

cmlxyiii. Aloé 


Demon Plantain (McL. 470, 484, 688, 
1001), 3037 Musa textilis. 

Demon Poolah (McL. 701, 762). 
Rhamnus Wightil. 

Demon Tree (MchL. 376). 

Demon’s Comb (McL. 914). 

Dense spiked Aphelandra (Br. 172). 2245 
Aphelandra cristata. 

Dense flowered Indian Pellet Shrub (McL. 
670, adpd). 1543-b. Pavetta indica 

Dense flowered Pine (Nic. 3/141). 
Pinus densiflora. 

Dense leaved Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Rid. 266, adpd). 

Dense spiked Blue Nail Dye (McL. 558, 
576, 998, adpd). 

Densely cymed Echites (Rox. 2/16). 
Aganosma Cymosa. 

Densely cymed Viper Dog-bane (Rox. 2/16, 
adpd). 1861 Aganosma cymosa. 

Densely-hairy-spiked (Diandrous) Pani- 
cled Christmas Pride (Hk. 4/428, adpd). 
2174-c, Stenosiphonium  diandrum 

Densely-silky Chebulic Myrobalan (Bs/T/ 
309). 1146-5. Terminalia Chebula 

Densely-slender-branched Glosswort (Hk, 
5/12, adpd). 2378 Arthrocnemum 

2717 Streblus 

222 Abutilon 



Densely Umbelled Asparagus (MeL. 576, 

Asparagus (McL. 516, adpd). 
Asparagus asiaticus. 
Densifasciculate (Nilgiri 
Asparagus (McL. 516, adpd). 
Asparagus subulatus. 
Deodar (McL. 264) (FAR. 28, NLGS) 

3084 Asparagus Rottleri. 
(Deccan short-needle) 


Nic. 1/286) (8.84, 134) (Bs/S/260, 
NLGS) (Gbl. 710). 2862 Cedrus Libani 

Deodar (Deecany) (McL. 473, 756, 783, 

043). 348 Erythroxylon monogynum. 

Deodar (English) (Mcl. 162). 2849 
Pinus longifolia. 

Deodar (Jambool) (McL. 4), 40 Polyal- 
thia longifolia. 

Deodar (Neeroory) (McL. 65). 2598 

Breynia patens. 

Deodar Cedar (Muell. S.P) (McL. 264) 
(8S. 84). 2862 Cedrus Libani (Deodara), 

Deodar of Western India (McL. 704). 264 
Sterculia feetida, 

Deodar Pine (MeL. 264). 
Libani (Deodara). 

Descending Tree (McL, 72). 

Desmodium (Broad leaved) (Br. 52). 
Desmodium latifolinm. 

2862 Cedrus 
2726 Ficus 

3138 Hedyscepe | 

2242 Barleria strigosa. | 


Desmodium (Many seeded) (Br. 62). 808 
Desmodium polycarpum. 

Desmodium (Triangular stalked) (Br. 52). 
801 Desmodium triquetrum. 

Dessert Banana (Cag. 206) (Cat. 322). 
3042-b. Musa sapientum (martabanica). 

Devadauram (McL. 264). 2862 Cedrus 
Libani (Deodara). 

Devil (Tame) (McL. 868). 

Devil Carpang Tree (McL. 704). 
Sterculia foetida, 

Devil Fig (McL. 49, 468, 819, 1000). 2750 
Ficus hispida. 

316 Grewia 

Devil Frightener (Mch. 461). 2253 
Anisomeles malabarica. 
Devil Moonnay (McL. 518). 2713 Trema 


Devil Rattan (Nic. 1/430, adpd). mviii. 
Deemonorops (genus). 

Devil (Assam) Rattan (Hk. 6/462, adpd). 
3217 Deemonorops Jenkinsianus. 

Devil (Flat-black-spined) Rattan (Nie 

1/235). 38219 Deemonorops Draco. 

Devil (Jenkins’s) Rattan (Nic. 1/235, 
5/180, 5/296). 3217 Dzemonorops 

Devil (Plumed) Rattan (Nic. 1/480). 3221 
Dzmonorops plumosus. 

Devil (Stout-spined) Rattan (Nic. 1/430). 
3218 Dzemonorops fissus. 

Devil (Stout-deflexed-spined) Rattan (Nie. 

1/430). 3220 Deemonorops palembani- 

Devil (White-based-black-spined) Rattan 
(Nic. 1/430). 3221 Dzeemonorops 

Devil (Cleft) Rattan of Borneo (Nic. 

1/234, 5/180, 5/296). 3218 Damonorops 

Devil (Palembang) Rattan of Sumatra 
(Nic. 1/480). 3220 Dzemonorops palem- 

Devil Sugar Cane (MchL. 858). 
Saccharum arundinaceum. 


| Devil Tamer (MchL. 293). 317 Grewia — 


Devil’s Abode (Mch. 928). 
nalia belerica. 

Devil’s Cotton (Ru/N/78). 803 Abroma 

Devil’s Entrails (McL. 802). 280 Helic- 
teres Isora. 

Devil’s Goad (McL. 269, 306, 473, 1000). 
2637 Croton oblongi'olius. 

Devil’s Milk (MchL. 501), 
Euphorbia (genus). 

Devil’s Nettle (Mc. 171, 361, 816) (Bed. 
2/2C6). 2767 Laportea crenulata. 

1145 Termi- 


Devil’s Tree (McL. 278, 819). 1829 
Alstonia scholaris. ' 
Devil’s Tree (McL. 808). 1968 Cordia 



Devil’s Trumpet’ (MchL. 261, 81). 
Datura Stramonium, 

Devoniensis No. 1 Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Cag. 
600) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 
1105-e. Rosa odorata (eburnea). 

Devoniensis No. 2 Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 
(Mu. 54) (Hod). 1105-c, Rosa odorata 

Devoniensis (White) Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 
(Mu. 54) (Hod). 1105-c. Rosa odorata 

Devoniensis (Climbing) Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ma. 56). 1105-c. Rosa odorata (ebur- 

Devoniensis (Victoria) Rose (Cag. 600) 

92079 | 

Mu. 56). 1105-c. Rosa odorata | 
Dewberry (8S. 376) (Loud.).  ccclxxix. 

Kubus (genus). 

Dew (Indian) Berry (McL. 328, adpd). 
1082 Rubus lasiocarpus. 

Dew-berry (Multifoliate-(5-9) -pleated- 
white-velvetty-backed ovate biserrate- 
leaved Glaucous-branched) (Hk. 2/389, 
adpd). 1082 Rubus lasiocarpus. 

white-velvetty-backed ovate-biserrate- 
leayed Glandular-bristly-branched (Hk. 
2/240, adpd). 1083 Rubus racemosus. 

Dew Flower (Mch. 366). 1517 Guettarda | 


Dew of the Sea (Rid. 195) (Jaf. 47). 
Rosmarinus officinalis. 

Dewtry (McL. 261). 

Dhak Tree (McL. 645) (Cag. 615) (Cat. 
91). 828 Butea frondosa. 

Dhal (Large) (Rid. 214). 


854 Cajanus 

Dharmanam (Mol. 271, 943). cxix. Grewia | 

Dhavam (McL. 278, 995). 
Dholl (Br. 56) (Pfl. 254). 854 Cajanus 

Dholl (Beech-leaved Hop) (Br. 54, adpd). 
870 Flemingia strobilifera. 
Dholl (Black) (McL. 274, 994). 

Rhynchosia (genus). 

Dholl (Boat calyxed Two-seeded) (Hk. 
2/60, adpd). cccxxi. Cylista (genus). 
Dholl (Common) (McL. 274, 912, 994). 

854 Cajanus indicus. 

Dholl (Common Two-seeded) (Hk. 2/60, 
adpd). cccxxii. Rhynchosia (genus). 
Dholl (Few-(4-6 prs)-nerved Beech- 

leaved Hop) (Bs/T/231, adpd). 870-b, 
Flemingia strobilifera (bracteata). 
Dholl (Galle) (McL. 274). ccecxxii. Rhyn- 

chosia (genus). 
Dholl (Gum) (McL. 274). 282 Pavyonia 

cdiv. Anogussus 


2097 Datura Stra-. | 

(Multifoliate-(5-7)-pleated- | 

| Dholl 


Dholl (Hill) (Mech, 274). 854-b. Cajanus 
indicus (bicolor), 

Dholl (Jungle) (McL. 274, 994). 
Atylosia Candollei. 

Dholl (Linden-leaved Hop) (Br. 54, adpd), 
871 Flemingia Chappar. 
Dholl (Many-arillate-seeded 
grooved-podded) (Hk. 2/60, 

cecxviii. Atylosia (genus). 

Dholl (Many-(8~-]0-prs)-nerved 
leaved Hop) (Bs/T/231, adpd). 
Flemingia strobilifera (typica). 

Dholl (Many-sgeded obliquely-grooved- 
podded) (Hk. 2/60, adpd)  cccxix, 
Cajanus (genus). 

Dholl (Many-seeded Ungrooved-podded) 
(Hk. 2/69, adpd). ccoxx. Dunbaria 

Dholl (Red) (MeL. 275). 
indicus (bicolor). 

Dholl (Two coloured) (McL. 274). 854-b. 
Cajanus indicus (bicolor). 

Dholl (Unifoliate-or-digitately-(i.e. epatio- 
late)-trifoliate Two-seeded) (Hk. 2/60, 
adpd). ccexxiii. Flemingia (genus). 

Dholl (Trifoliate downy-backed-leathery- 
small round-deltoid leaved) Climber 
(Hk. 2/217, adpd). 853 Dunbaria 

Dholl (Trifoliate softly-pilose-papery- 
medium ovate-cuspidate-leaved) Climber 
(Hk. 2/223, adpd). 864 Rhynchosia 

Dholl (Trifoliate softly-velvetty-membra- 
nous small Round-rhomboid-obtuse 
leaved) Climber (Hk. 2/225, adpd). 867 
Rhynchosia sericea. 

(Trifoliate subglabrous-membra« 
nous medium obovate: oblong-cuspidate- 
leaved) Climber (Hk. 2/218, adpd). 856 
Dunbaria Heynei. 

Dholl (Trifoliate sabglabrous-papery- 
medium Roundish-acute-leayed) 
Climber (Hk. 2/216, adpd). 852 Atylosia 

Dholl (Trifoliate thinly-downy-papery- 
medium Roundish-cuspidate-leaved) 
Climber (Hk. 2/216, adpd). 858 Atylosia 


obliquely - 


854-b. Cajanus 

Dholl (Trifoliate brown-short-velvetty- 




papery medium oblong-rhomboid-acu- 
minate leaved) Creeper (Hk. 2/226, 
adpd). 868 Rhynchosia acutissima. 

Dholl (Trifoliate grey-downy-papery- 
medium ovate-rhomboid-acute-leaved) 
Creeper (Hk. 2/219, adpd). 857 Cylista 

Dholl (Trifoliate grey-downy-papery-small 
ovate-rkomboid-leaved) Creeper (Hk. 
2/226,  adpd). 869 Rhynchosia 


Dholl (Trifoliate grey-hoary-small obovate- 
obtuse-rugose-leaved) Creeper (Hk. 
2/215, adpd). 851 Atylosia rugosa. 

Dholl (Trifoliate velvetty-backed-leathery- 
medium-round-obovate-leaved) Creeper 
(Hk. 2/218, adpd). 849 Atylosia mollis. 

Dholl (‘Trifoliate white-hoary-leathery- 
sinall obovate-subobtuse-leaved) Creep- 
er (Iik, 2/215, adpd). 850 Atylosia 

Dholl (Trifoliate white-velvetty-backed- 
leathery-ver y-smali obovate-obtuse- 
leaved) Creeper (Hk. 2/221, adpd). 860 
Rhynchosia filipes, 

Dholl (Trifoliate densely-silky-leathery- 
small oblong-acuminate-digitate-leaved) 
Shrub (Hk. 2/229, adpd), 877 Flemin- 
gia Wightiana. 

Shrub (Hk. 2/280, adpd). 
gia involucrata. 

small obovate: obtuse-digitate-leaved 
Marginate-petioled) Shrub (Hk, 2/229, 
adpd). 878 Flemingia Wallichii. 

Dholl (Trifoliate grey-hoary papery-small 
oblance-pleated-obtuse-leaved) Shrab 
(Hk. 2/228, adpd). 872 Flemingia 

Dholl (‘lrifoliate grey-hoary-papery-small 
(Hk. 2/228, adpd). 865 Rhynchosia 

Dholl (Trifoliate grey-silky-backed- 
papery-small ocbovate-obtuse-digitate 
leaved) Shrub (Hk. 2/228, adpd). 874 
Flemingia Grahamiana. 

Dholl (‘Lrifoliate hispid-membranous- 
smali round-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 2/213, 
adpd). 846 Atylosia geminiflora. 

Dholl (Trifoliate minutely-downy-mem- 
branous-small Roundish-cuspidate- 
leaved) Shrub (Hk. 2/222, adpd). 861 
Rhynchosia suaveolens. 

Dholl (Trifoliate minutely-downy-papery- 
small oblong-acute-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 
(2/220, adpd). 859 Rbynchosia 

Dholl (Trifoliate minutely-downy-papery- 
small ovate-acute-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 
2/220, adpd). 859 Rhynchosia rufes- 

Dholl (Trifoliate velvetty-leathery-small 
oblance-obtuse-leaved) Shrub (Hk, 
2/212, adpd). 845 Atylosia Candollei. 

Dholl (Trifcliate viscous-downy-glabrate- 
membranous-small ovate-acate-leaved) 
Shrub (Hk. 2/225, adpd). 866 Rhyn- 
chosia viscosa. 

Dholl (Trifoliate pilose-papery-very-small 
obovate-oblong-obtuse-leuved) | Shrub 
(Hk. 2/218, adpd). 847 Atylosia 


879 Flemin- | 

(Trifoliate downy-backed-papery- | 

| Dichotomously-branched 

| Dhoona Dammer (McL. 258). 
Shrub | 


Dholl (Trifoliate silky-papery-medium 
obleng-lance-acute-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 
2/217, adpd). 854 Cajanus indicus. 

Dboll (Trifoliate Silky-papery-small 
oblance-subacute-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 
2/213, adpd). 848 Atylosia sericea. 

Dholl (Trifoliate silvery-hoary-papery- 
medium oblong-lance-acute-leaved) 
Shrab (Hk. 2/222, adpd). 863 Rhyn- 
chosia Beddomei. 

Dholl (Trifoliate subglabrous-papery-long 
oblong-acuminate-digitate-leaved  Tri- 
quetous branched) Shrub (Hk. 2/228, 
adpd), 873 Flemingia stricta. 

Dholl (Trifoliate subglabrous-papery- 
medium Broad-lance-digitate-leaved 
wing-petioled) Shrub (Rox. 3/341, 
adpd). 876 Flemingia semialata. 

(Trifoliate downy-backed-papery- | Dholl (Trifoliate thinly-grey-silky-backed- 

papery medium ovlong-acuminate-digi- 
tate-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 2/229, adpd). 
875 Flemingia congesta. 

Dholl (Unifoliate minutely-downy-back- 
ed-papery-medium Roundish-heart- 
cuspidate-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 2/227, 
adpd). 871 Flemingia Chappar. 

Dholl (Unifoliate thinly-silky-backed- 
papery-medium-to-long oblong-sub- 
acute-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 2/227, adpd). 
870 Flemingia strobilifera. 

201 Shorea 

Dhoopam (McL. 275, 997). 

Dicecious Bottle Flower (Hk. 3/19, adpd). 
edxey. Byrsophyliam (genus). 

Diandrous densely-hairy-spiked Panicled 
Christmas Pride (Hk. 4/427, adpd). 
2174-c. Stenosiphonium diandrum 

Diandrous small-flowered Panicled Christ- 
mas Pride (Hk. 4/428, adpd). 2174-e, 
Stenosiphonium diandrum  (parvi- 

Diandrous viscous-spiked Paniclea Christ- 
mas Pride (Hk. 4/426, adpd). 2174-a. 
Stenosiphonium diandrum (typicum). 

dlxiv. Stvrax 

Dibidibi (Hll. 119). 986 Cvesalpinia 
Diby-diby (McL. 278). 9386 Czsalpinia 

Dichotomous cymed Mangrove (MeL. 470, 
adpd). 1134 Kandelia Rbeedii. 

Dichotomous flowered Hill Olive (MeL. 
394, adpd). 1788 Linociera purpurea 

Dichotomous Wax-flower Dog-bane (Hk. 
3/648, adpd). 1834 Tabernemontana 


needle Asparagus (Nic. 1/123). 8095 

Asparagus virgatus. 


Dichotomously Pinnate Creeping Fern 
(Pr, 2/1288, adpd). 33825 Gleichenia 

Dichotomously-pinnate Digitately-pinna- 
tipartite-pinnuled-linear- (3—12)-entire- 
(fertile-nar:ower- toothed) - acuminate- 
segmented Climbing Fern (Sdn/F, 
adpd). 3381 Lygodium circinatum. 

Dichotomously-pinnate glaucous-backed- 
leaved Climbing Comb Fern (Bdn/F, 
adpd). 8325 Gleichenia dichotoma. 

Dickson (Margaret) Rose (Ru/N/95, 0/21). 
1107-d. Rosa 

Dickson’s Blue Morning Glory (Nic. 5/444) 

hybrida-semper-florens | 

(Rid. 54). 2020-b. Ipomza purpurea 
Dietetic Bael (McL. 65). 425 Adgle 

Diffuse Hogweed (Br. 176). 2365 | 

Berhaavia repanda. 
Digger Fine (H/E.P). 

2655 Pinus Sabi- 

Digitate - (7-16) (Obovate-oblong-cuspi- 

date-leaved (Capitate) 

3/385, adpd). 1417 

Digitate-(abont 11) Dark-red-backed fili- 

Ivy (Benth. 
Brassaia actino- 

form-undulated-glossy-leaved Aralia 
(Nic. 1/105, adpd). 1387 Aralia 

Digitate-dwarf-spineless Fan Palm (Cag. 
343, adpd). my. Rhapis (genus). 

acuminate-leaved Aralia (Hk. 2/724, 
adpd). 1399 

Digitate Ivy (Br. 95, adpd). 
Heptapleurum (genus). 

Digitate (Acuminate Ovate leaved) Ivy 
(Hk. 2/729, adpd). 1413 Heptaplerum 

Digitate (Capitate) Ivy (Hk. 2/720, adpd). 
edlxyii, Brassaia (genus). 

Digitate (6-8) (Elliptic-leaved-Capitate) 
Ivy (Hk. 2/734, adpd). 1416 Brassaia 

Digitate (Elliptic leaved) Ivy (Hk. 2/780) 
1415 Heptapleurum Wallichianum. 

Digitate (Obtuse Obovate leaved) Ivy 
(Hk. 2/730, adpd). 1414 Heptapleram 


Digitate (Racemed Lance Leaved) Ivy 
(Hk./729, adpd). 1412 Heptaplerum 

Digitate (Umbelled Lance leaved) Ivy 

elliptic-bristle-serrate- Mt 

Pentapanax Leschen- | 

(Ik. 2/729, adpd). 1411 Heptaplerum ~ 

leaved Aralia (Nic. 2/105, adpd). 

Schefflera digitata. 

Lance-serrulate-acuminate- | 


Digitate (Trifoliate densely-silky-leathery - 
small oblong-acuminate-leaved) Dholl 
Shrub (Hk. 2/229, adpd). 877 Flemin- 
gia Wightiana. 

Digitate (Trifoliate downy-backed-papery- 
small oblong-lance-leavyed) Dholl Shrub 
(Hk. 2/230, adpd). 879 Flemingia 

Digitate (Trifoliate yrey-hoary-papery- 
small oblance-pleated-obtuse-leaved) 
Dholl Shrub (Hk. 2/228, adpd). 872 
Flemingia lineata. F 

Digitate (Trifoliate grey-silky-backed 
papery-small obovate-obtuse-leaved) 
Dholl Shrub (Hk. 2/228, adpd). 874 
Flemingia Grahamiana, 

Digitate (Trifoliate thinly-grey-silky- 
backed-papery-medium oblong-acumin- 
ate-leaved) Dholl Shrub (Hk. 2/229, 
adpd). 875 Flemingia congesta. 

Digitate leaved Lilac Bindweed (McL. 
120, adpd). 2052 Ipomza palmata. 

Digitate (Trifoliate downy-backed-papery- 
small obovate-obtuse-leaved) Margin- 
ate-petioled Dhoil Shrub (Hk. 2/229, 
adpd). 878 Flemingia Wallichii. 

Digitate-opposite-leaved Vervein (HE. 
4/583, adpd). dccxxx. Vitex (genus). 

Digitate leavyed Ordure Tree (Mch. 704, 
adpd). 264 Sterculia feetida. 

Digitate leaved Paratropia (Br. 95). 
Heptaplerum venulosum. 

Digitate (Trifoliate subglabrous-papery- 
long oblong-acuminate-leaved) Trique- 
trous-branched Dhol! Shrub (Hk. 2/228, 
adpd). 873 Flemingia stricta. 

Digitate (Trifoliate subglabrous-papery- 
medium Broad-lance-leaved) Wing- 
petioled Dholl Shrub (Rox. 3/841, 
adpd). 876 Flemingia semialata. 

Digitate (7-10)-pendulous White mottled- 
stalked filiform leaved Aralia (Nie. 
1/104, adpd). 1388 Aralia elegantis- 

Digitate-(7 or more)-subpendent dark- 
green-leaved” Aralia (Nic. 1/104, adpd). 
1391 Aralia leptophylla,. 

Digitately-pinnatipartite-pinnuled (Dicho- 
tomously-pinnate) Linear-(3°-12")- 
nate-segmented Climbing Fern (Bdn/F, 
adpd). 3381 Lygodium circinatum. 

Digitately (i.e. epetiolate) (Unifoliate 
or) ‘Irifoliate Two-seeded Dholl (Hk. 
2/60, adpd). cccxxiii. Flemingia 

Dijon (Gloire de) Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Cag. 600) (Mu. 55) (Ru/N/94, 0/20) 
(Hod) (Po). 1105-h. Rosa odorata 

Dikmali Gum Plant (Cat, 
Gardenia gummifera. 

Dillenia Family (Br. 2). II. Dilleneacez 


162). 1505 


Dillenia (Hairy) (McL. 155). 15 Dillenia 

Dillenia (Large flowered) (MeL. 155). 
Dillenia indica. 

Dillenia (Toothed) (Pfi. 407). 

Dillenius’ Indian Fig (Cavanagh Mad. 
Mail. 31/3/05). 1378 Opuntia Dillenia. 


Dilo Oil Trea (McL. 276, 705). 181 
Calophyllum inophyllum. 
Dingy Wild Indigo (McL. 371). 77i 

Tephrosia fusca. 
Dino (McL. 751). 617 Leea sambucina. 
Dicecious (Berried) Wild Tea Shrub (Hk. 

1/284, adpd). lxxv. Hurya (genus), 
Dioscorides (Kerateia of) (Nic. 1/297). 

978 Ceratonia Siliqua. 
Dipterads (McL, 1007). 

carpacez (order). 

Dipterocarp (Indian) (Mch. 336). 
Dipterocarpus indicus. 

Dipterocarp (Trinity) Creeper (Hk. 1/419, 
adpd). 3856 Hiptage parvifolia. 

Dipterooarp (Large-stipuled) Dammer 
(Hk. 1/295, McL. 258, 259, adpd).  Ixxx. 
Dipterocarpus (genus). 

Dipterocarp (Long-10-nerved-downy- 
midribbed oblong-lance-acute-leaved) 
Dammer (Hk. 1/809, Bed. 2/97, adpd). 

~ 204 Hopea Wightiana. 

Dipterocarp (ong-12-to-18-nerved, vel- 
vetty-backed elliptic-cuspidate-leaved) 
Dammer (Bs/T/66,adpd) 198 Diptero- 
carpus Bourdilloni. 

Dipterocarp (Medium-15-nerved-downy- 
backed elliptic-ovate-acute- leaved) 
Dammer (Hk. 1/298, adpd). 197 Dipte- 
rocarpus alatus. 

Dipterocarp (Medium-!0-nerved glandu- 
lar-axilled oblong-ovate-acate-leaved) 
Dammer (Hk. 1/308, Bed. 1/27, 2/71, 
adpd). 203 Hopea parviflora. 

XVIII. Diptero- 


Dipterocarp (Medium-12-nerved lance- 
oblong-leaved) Dammer (Hk. 1/308, 
adpd). 202 (bis.) Hopea odorata. 

Dipterocarp (Medium-8-nerved lance- 
obtuse-leaved) Dammer (Hk. 1/3809, 

adpd). 205 Hopea glabra. 

Dipterocarp (Medium-10-to-15-nerved 
ovate-cuspidate-leaved) Dammer (Bed. 
2/94, Bs/T/65, adpd). 196 Diptero- 
carpus indicus. 

Dipterocarp (Medium-4-nerved  ovate- 
elliptic-caudate-leaved) Dammer (Hk. 
1/818, Bed. 1/27, adpd). 206 Hopea 

Dipterocarp (Medium-to-long-10-seurfy- 
neryed lance-acute-leaved) Dammer 
(Hk. 1/3802, adpd). 199 Vatica Rox- 

Dipterocarp (Small - scurfy-stipuled) 
Dammer (Hk, 1/301, 302, Mcl. 258, 259, 
adpd). Ixxxi. Vatica (genus). 


| Dipterocarp (Small-stipuled) Damme - 
(Hk 1/308, McL. 258, 259, adpd). 

15 Dillenia | 

| Discous featherfoil 


Ixxxlii. Hopea (genus). 
Dipterocarps (McL. 1004). 
Dipterocarpacese (order), 
Disc-flowered Swallow-wort (Hk. 3/48, 
adpd). dexxxvii. Oianthus (genus). 
Disc (Small-glabrate Heart-acuminate- 
leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/49, adpd). 
1920 Oianthus Beddomei. 
Disc-secabrid (Cordate) 
Sebesten (Hk. 4/1389, 
Cordia Macleodii. 
Dise-scabrid (Elliptic) 
Sebesten (Bs/T/479, 
Cordia Clarkii. 


adpd). 1975 

adpd). 1972 

| Disc-scabrid (Ovate) felted-leaved Sebes- 

ten (Hk. 4/140, adpd). 1476 Cordia 

Disc-scabrid (Larger) leaved Sebesten 
(Hk. 4/138, adpd). 1971 Cordia grandis, 

Disc-scabrid (Smaller) leaved Sebesten 

(Hk. 4/138, adpd). 1970 Cordia 
Disc-seeded Honey-thorn (Bed, 2/228, 
Hk. 3/128, adpd). 4d. Diplospora 

Disc-seeded (Medium-leathery-hairy- 
gland-axilled elliptic - lance - cuspidate- 
leaved) Honey-thorn (Hk. 2/128, adpd). 
1514 Diplospora apiocarpa. 

Disc-seeded (Medium-leathery-hairy 
gland-axilled _ elliptic-lance-subobtuse- 
leaved) Honey-thorn (Hk. 3/128, adpd). 
1515 Diplospora spherocarpa. 

(McL. 587, adpd). 
decexii. Cleistanthus (genus). 

Discous (Lance leaved) Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2552 Cleistanthus patulus., 

Discous (Round leaved) Featherfoil (Mech. 
587, adpd). 2550 Cleistanthus collinus. 

Discous (Shaggy) Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2551 Oleistanthus malabarica. 

Dita (McL. 278, 473, 665, 705, 784, 997) 
(Cat. 184). 1829 Alstonia scholaris. 

(Leafless) Featherfoil (Nic. 3/110, adpd), 
2572 Phyllanthus aneustifolius. 

Distichous-leaved (Terminally-fascicled- 
or-capitate) Offal-smelling Ipecacuanha 

(Hk. 3/21, adpd). dxv. Lasianthus 
(genus). : 

Distinct carpelled Screw Pine of Canara 
(Bs/T/659, adpd). 3242 Pandanus 

Districts (Black Plum of the Ceded) (McL. 
§22). 1255 Eugenia alternifolia. 

Diverse flowered Barbadoes Cherry (Nic. 
2/319, adpd) . 354 Malpighia punicifolia. 

Diverse-folioled (Bipinnate Olive-brown- 
tinted-and-clouded) Panax (Nic. 3/14, 
adpd). 1400-e. Panax  fruticosum 


Diverse-incurved-spiny-toothed —folioled 
(Bipinnate) Pamax (Nic. 3/14, adpd) 
1400-c. Panax fruticosum (dumosum) 

Diverse-leaved (Medium-membranous) 
Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/176, adpd). 
1575 Chasalia curviflora. 

Diverse-leaved Trifoliate Vine (McL. 564, 
adpd). 597 Vitis Rheedii. 

Diverse Trifohate Sumach-Soapnut (Hk. 
1/673, adpd). 628 Allophylus Cobbe. 

Divideri (Treas. Bot. 2/1290). 935 
Ceesalpinia tinctoria. 

Dividivi (Gbl. 968) (Bdn/F.T) (Cag. 620) 
(Cat. 101) (Ell. 119) (PA. 430) (Ru/N/ 
51, 0/8) (MAHS) (W. 86) 
pinia coriaria. 

Divine Jasmine (McL. £91). 

Divy-divy (McL. 278, 473, 859, 935, 995) 
936 Czesalpinia coriaria. 

1497 Randia 

Divy-divy (American) (McL. 278). 936 
Ceesalpinia coriaria. 
Dr. Allamand’s Dog-bane (Nic. 1/47). 

dcii. Allamanda (genus). 
Doctor Andry Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/O/20) (Hod). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (coccinea-pnniceo-suffusa) 

Dr. Berry’s Terminalia (Br. 75). 
Terminalia Arjuna. 

Doctor-Greville’s Tree (Br. 187). 2480 
Greyillea robusta. 

Doctor Hogg Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/92, 
0/20) (Mu. 53). 1107-n. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfiorens (violacea-nigricans). 

Dodder Family (Br. 143). LXXXIX. Con- 
volyulavez (order). 

Dodder (N. 1/412) (Gbl. 
Cuscuta (genus). 

505). delxy. 

Dodder (McL. 804) (Br. 144.) (Cat. 202), 

2065 Cuscata refiexa. 

Dodder (Ovate-petalled 
(McL. 804, adpd). 

Dodder (Pea-fruited)(McL. 804, adpd). 
2065 Cuscuta refiexa. 

Dodder (Tail-petalled small-fruited) (McL. 
804, adpd). 2066 Cuscuta hyalina. 

Dodgson’s (Mrs) Croton (Nic. 1/850). 
2646-Rd. Codizum variegatam (Dodg- 


Doekoe (GbjJ. 150). 466 Lansium 

Dog Bamboo (McL. 569). 3291 Phragmites 

Dog Bamboo (MclL. 70, 569). 
charum spontaneum. 

Dog Bane Family (Br. 123). LXXXIY. 
Apocynacesz (order). 

Dog-bane (McL. 690). 

Dog-bane (Mch. 302). 

3283 Sac- 

1962 Strychnos 
1830 Alstonia 


2067 Cuseuta chin- | 

936 Cesal- | 


Dog-bane (Alternately-unequal-leaved 
Wax-flower) (Hk. 3/648, Rox. 2/25, 
adpd). 1836-). Tabernemontana coro- 

naria (crispa). 

Dog-bane (Berried) (Rox. 
dixxxii. Hunteria (genus). 

Dog-bane (Brown-striped Golden Funnel) 
(Nic. 1/48, adpd). 1855 Allamanda 

Dog-bane (Climbing Dyeing) (Hk. 3/650, 
adpd). dxciv. Pursonsia (genus). 

Dog-bane (Climbing Whorled) (MeL. 784, 
adpd). dixxxix, Ellertonia (genus). 

Dog-bane (Clove-scented Viper) (Cag. 499, 
adpd). 1860 Aganosma caryophyllata. 

Dog-bane (Cluster) (McL. 302, 947, adpd). 
1821 Kopsia fruticosa. 

Dog-bane (Common Wax-flower) (McL. 
869, Br. 125, Rid. 158, adpd). 1836 
Tabernzmontana coronaria. 

Dog-bane (Copiovs-blossomed Robust Wax- 
flower) (Hk. 3/644, adpd). 1835 Taber- 
nemontana Heyneana. 

1/695, adpd). 

Dog-bane (Corkscrew petalled) (Hk. 
3,655, adpd). dxeviii. Strophanthus 

Dog-bane (Cup) (Cag. 499, Br. 126, adpd). 
dxecy. Vallaris (genus). 

Dog-bane (Dichotomous Wax-flower) (Hk. 
3/643, adpd). 1834 Tabernzemontana 

Dog-bane (Dr. Allamand’s) (Nic. 1/47, 
adpd). deciii. Allamanda (genus). 

Dog-bane (Double-blossomed Common 
Wax-flower) (Hk. 3/647, Rox. 2/23, 
adpd). 1836-c. Tabernzmontana coro- 
naria (florepleno). 

Dog-bane (Drupaceous Whorled) (Mch. 
843, adpd). dlxxxi. Rauwolfia (genus). 
Dog-bane (Golden Funnel) (Nic. 1/47, 

adpd). dciii. Allamarda (genus). 

Dog-bane (Guiana Golden Funnel) (Nic. 
1/47, adpd). 1854 Allamanda cathartica. 

Dog-bsane (Heyne’s Wax-flower) (Hk. 
3/644, adpd). 1835 Tabernzemontana 

Dog-baue (Hoary Snake) (Br. 123, adpd). 
1816 Rauwolfia canescens. 

Dog-bane (Large-blossomed Slender Wax- 
flower) (Hk. 3/647, adpd). 1836 Taber- 
nzmontana coronaria. 

Dog-bane (Large Brazilian Golden Funnel) 
(Nic. 1/48, adpd). 1855 Allamanda 

Dog-bane (Large-flowered Bell) (Br. 127, 
adpd). 1851 Beaumontia grandiflora. 
Dog-bane (Large Golden Funnel) (Nic. 
1/47, adpd). 1854-b. Allamanda cathar- 

tica (grandiflora). 

Dog-bane (Large-leaved Viper) (Rid. 115, 
adpd). 1858 Chonemorpha macrophylla, 

Dog-bane (Lip-berry) (Hk. 3/626, adpd). 
dlxxviii. .Chilocarpus (genus). 


Dog-bane (Long-leathery-polished obovate- 
cuneate-obtuse Whorled-(3-4)-leaved 
Salt-creek) (Hk. 3/638, adpd). 
Ochrosia borbonica. 

Dog-bane (Many-flowered Snake) (McL. 
842, adpd). !612 Rauwolfia densiflora. 

Dog-bane (Medium-leathery-glaucous 

18i9 | 

backed elliptic-obovate-cuspidate-leaved | 

Climbing Whorled-(3-4) (Hk. 3/641, 
adpd). 1828 Ellertonia Rheedii. 
Dog-bane (Medinm-leathery ovate-to- 
oblong-lance-acute-leaved Climbing 
Dyeing) (Hk. 3/650, adpd). 1838 Par 

sonsia spiralis 

Dog-bane (Medium-papery-punctate 
oblong-caudate-leaved Lip-berry) (Hk. 
3/626, adpd). 1801 Chilocarpus 

Rosebay (Mrs. Beaumont’s). 
montia (genus). 

Dog-bane (Oblong-leaved Cap) (Hk. 3/659, 
adpd). 1839 Vallaris Heynei. 

Dog-bane (Oleander-leaved Golden Funte!) 
(Nic. 1/470, adpd). 1856 Allamanda 

Dog-bane (Oleander-leaved Whorled) (McL. 
784, adpd). 1831 Alstonia neriifolia. 

Dog-bane (Orange-streaked Golden 
Funnel) (Nic. 1/47, adpd). 1856 Alla- 
manda neriifolia. 

Dog-bane (Poisonous Whorled) (McL. 302, 
adpd). 1830 Alstonia venenata. 

Dog-bane (Racemed Snake) (\-cL. 842, 
adpd). 1815 Rauwolfia Beddomei. 

Doz-bane (Red-nerved-leaved ovate-petal- 
led Viper) (Hk. 3/664, adpd). 1859 (bis.) 
Aganosma calycina. 

Dog-bane (Round-leaved Cup) (Hk. 3/651, 
adpd). 1840 Vallaris Pergulana. 

Dog-bane (Salt-creek) McL. 622, adpd). 
1818 Cerbera Odollam. 

Dog-bane (Scanty-blossomed Robust Wax- 

deci. Beau- 

flower) (Hk. 3/643, adpd). 1834 
Tabernzemontana dichvtoma. 
Dog-bane (Schoolroom __ Black-board 

Whorled) (McL. 278, 1829 
Alstonia scholaris. 

Dog-bane (Smali-blossomed Slender Wax- 
flower) (Hk. 3/649, Rox. 2/26, adpd). 
1837 Tabernzemontana Wallichiana. 

Dog-bane (Small-flowered Snake) (McL. 
842, adpd). 1814 Rauwolfia micrantha. 

Dog-bane (Small-papery  elliptic-obtuse- 
leaved Corkscrew) (Hk. 3/656, adpd). 
1847 Strophanthus Wigntianus. 

Dog-bane (Small. papery obovate-to-elliptic 


ob]. ng-wavy-cuspidate-leaved Cork- 
screw) (Hk. 3/655, adpd). 1846 Stro- 
phanthus Wallichii. 

Dog-bane (Snake) (McL. 842, adpd). 

dixxxi. Rauwolfia (genus), 
Dog-bane (Tasl-leaved Viper) (Rid. 122, 
adpd) 1859 Aganosma marginata. 


Dog-bane (Wax-flower) (McL. 362, Br. 125, 
Rid. bd58, adpd). dxcii, Tabernzmon- 
tana (genus) 

Dog-bane (Western Ghaut Bell) (Br. 127, 
adpd) 1852 Beaumontia Jerdoniana. 
Dog-bane (White Bell) (Nic. 1/164, adpd). 

dei, Beaumontia (genus). 

Dog-bane (Whorled) (McL. 784, apd). 
dxe. Alstonia (genus). 

Dog-bane (Whorled-leaved Salt-creek) (Hk. 
3/638, adpd). dixxxiv. Ochrosia (genus). 

Dog-bane (Small-leathery elliptic-acute- 
leaved Red-spotted-yellow Corkscrew) 

of Chima (Nic. 3/520, adpd). 1848 
StropLanthus divergens. 

Dog Banes (McL, 1003). LXXXIV. Apo-_ 
cynacez (Order). 

Dog Berry (S. 110). cdlxxii. Cornus 

Dog-bite shrub(McL. 369). 754 Indige- 
fera tinctoria. 

Dog-bran plant (McL. 105, 473, 993). 313 

Grewia pilosa. 

Dog Paulay (McL. 664). 

Dog (indian White) Rose (McL. 322). 
(? 1094) 1102 Rosa alba (?). 

Dog (Indian White) Rose (Cag. 598) (Br. 
72). 1094 Rosa involucrata. 

Dog (Large White Climbing) Rose (Nic. 
5/645) (S. 375) (Cag. 593). 1094-c. Rosa 
involucrata (gigantea). 

Dog Teak (McL. 155). 

Dog Wood Family (L/N/S/B). 
nacee (order). 

Dog Wood (Nic. 1/378) (8.110, 142). 
edlxxi. Cornus (genas). 

Dog (Headed) Wood (Nic. 5/259). 
Cornus capitata. 

Dog Wood Apple (McL. 435, 1025). [404 

1916 Tylophora 

15 Dillenia 

LX. Cor- 


Sphalm} 399 Limonia acidissima. 

Dog Woods (McL. 1003). LX. Cornaceze 
(order). . 

Dog’s bane (McL. 232). 1885 Demia 

Dog’s Matrix (Bijugate-(1—2-prs)-medium 
obliquely-oblong-subacute-leaved) (Hk. 
2/267, adpd). 967-a. Cynometra 
ramiflora (typica). ; 

Dog’s Matrix (Bijugate-short snbobliquely- 
oblong-subobtuse-thicker-leaved) (Hk. 
2/267, adpd), 967-b. Cynometra 
ramiflora (mimosoides). 

Dog’s (Flat Podded) Matrix (McL. 1010, 
adpd). 968 Cynometra travancorica. 
Dog’s (Kidney Podded) Matrix (McL. 1010, 
adpd). 971 Cynometra Bourdilloni. 
Dog’s (Malabar Wrinkled) Matrix (McL, 
1010, adpd.) 967 Cynometra ramiflora 
Dog’s (Malacca Wrinkled) Matrix (McL. 
1010, adpd.) 969 Cynometra cauliflora. 


Dog’s (Small-leaved) Matrix (McL. 1010, 
adpd). 971 Cynometra Bourdilloni. 
Dog’s Matrix (Trijugate-(2—3-prs. )-small- 
papery-leaved (Bs/T/ 255, adpd). 970 

Cynometra Beddomei. 

Dog’s Matrix (Trijugate-very-small-ob- 
liquely-obcordate-glaucous-back ed-leay- 
ed) (Bs/N.H.8). 971 Cynometra Bour- 

Dogs’s Matrix (Unijugate-wedium-ob- 
liquely-obovate-su bobtuse-leathery-glos- 
sy-leaved) Hk. 2/268, adpd). 969 Cyno- 
metra cauliflora. 

Dog’s Matrix (Unijugate-short obliquely- 
lance-subacute-leaved) (Hk 2/267, 
adpd). 968 Cynometra travancorica. 

Dog’s (Woody podded) Matrix (McL. 1010, 

adpd). 970 Cynometra Beddomei., 

Dog’s Matrix Plant (McL. 1010). ceexlviii. | 

Cynometra (genus). 
Dog’s Teat (Mch. 808). 


Dog’s tongue (McL. 502), 2534 Nuphorbia 

Domba Oil Nut Tree (Mch. 276, 705), 
Calophyllum inophyllum. 

Dombeya (Angular-leaved) (Br. 24). 2¢4 
Dombeya acutangula, 

Dombeya (Palmati-leaved) (Br. 24). 294 

Dombeya acutangula. 

Dombrain (Marguérite) Kose (Cag. 596) 
(Hod). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (rosea-sericenitens). 

Dominica Orange (Ooty. 22), 
Citrus Aurantium-Auraniium (typica), 

Dominy’s Fuchsia (Nic. 2/32). 1831 
Fuchsia Dominiana. 

Dona (Mch. 4). 1621 Artemisia indica. 

Donkey’s-ears Birthwort (Nic. 5/85). 
2400 Aristolochia ridicula, 

Donkey’s eye (McL. 238). 

Doodooga (Mch. 280). 

Doodooga (McL, 280, 478). 44 Polyalthia 

816 Mucuna 

xvii. Polyalthia 

Doodooga (Black) (McL. 281,478). 64 
Miliusa velutina, 
Doodcoga (Fragrant) (McL. 281). .42 

Polyalthia fragrans. 

Doodooga (Malabar Parrot) (McL. 281). 
42 Polyalthia fragrans. 

Doodooga (Wynaad coffee) (McL. 281). 
41 Polyalthia coffevides, 

Doodypaula (McL. 281). 

_ volubilis. 

Doodypaula (Mch. 281, 664). 
telma esculentum. 

Doon (Kose of the) (Cag. 604) (Hk 
2/364). 1094-h, Rosa 

Doon Sirios Tree (McL 840). 
Albizzia procera (elata). 

1918 Dregea 
1881 Oxys- 


involucrata | 

1968 Cordia | 

417-a. || 

INDEX. 477 

Doopada (McL, 259). 439-b. Boswellia 
serrata (glabra). 

Doopada 'l'ree (McL. 684). 

Doorian (Bs/T'/78). 263 Durio zibethinus. 

Dorian (Bed. 1/28). 263 Durio zibethiaus. 

Dotted-petalled Winged-seeded Spindle 

207 Vateria 

Tree (Hk. 1/616, adpd). cexvi. Ko- 
koona (genus). 
Double-blossomed Common Wax-tlower 

Dog-! ane (Hk. 3/647, Rox. 2/231, adpa). 
1856-c. ‘labernzemontana coronaria 

Double (Lyell’s) Blush Rose (Cag. 604) 
(Hk. 2/364). 1094-b. Rosa involucrata 
(Ly ellii). 

Double Buff Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/142). 
244-m. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (flava- 

Double Cocoanut (McL. 198) (Nic. 2/298) 
(Gbl. 757) (Bdn/F.T). 3289 Lodoicea 

Double coloured Grewia (McL. 886). 
Grewia salvifolia. 

Double coloured Solanum (McbL. 829). 
2075 Solanum verbascifolium. 

Double-daisy (Dwarf) flowered China 
Rose (Cag. 599). 1103-m. Rosa indica 

Double Flesh-coloured Shoe Flower (Nic. 
1/142) (Br. 36) (Ru/N/77) (Jaf). 244-i. 
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (carnea-plena). 

Donbtie Flesh-coloured Syrian iose Mallow 
(Nic. 1/143} (Ru/N/77). 246-e. Hibiscus 
syriacus (carnea-plena). 

Double flowered Arabian Jasmine (Rox. 
1/88). 1751-c. Jasminum Sambac 

Double (Great) flowered Arabian Jasmine 
(Rox. 1/88) (Cag. 506). 1751-d. Jas- 
minum sambac (flore.Manorz-pleno). 

Double flowered Jasmine (McL. 888). 
1751-c. Jasminum Sambac  (flore- 

Double flowerad Pomegranate (Cag. 568). 
1322-b. Puanica granatum (florepleno). 

Double flowering Fragrant Clerodendron 
(Br. 167). 2823-b. Clerodendron frag- 
rans (florepleno), 

ouble Jasmine (Cag. 506) (Pfl. 400). 
1751-c. Jasminum Sambac (flore- 

Double La-France-like Hybrid Tea Rese 
(Nic. 5/646). 1105-q. Rosa odorata 
(hy brida-rosea-intus-argentea). 

Double Mauve Syrian Rose Mallow (Nic. 
1/143) (Ru/N/77). 24¢-b. Hibiscus 
syriacus (plena). ¢ 

Double-marginal-winged-flat-podded Bra- 
siletto (Hk. 2/257, adpd). cccxxxix. 
Peltophorum (genus). 



Glory (Nic. 5/444) 
Ipomea purpurea 

Double Morning 
(Po. 50). 2029-e. 

Double Pink Syrian Rose Mallow (Nic. 
1/143) (Ru/N/77). 246-d. Hibiscus 
syriacus (roseha-plena). 

Double Red Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/142) (Br. 
16) (Ru/N/77) (af). 244-b. Hibiscus 
rosa-sinensis (rubra-plena). 

Double (Half) Scarlet Shoe Flower (Nic. 
1/142) (Jaf).  244-e, Hibiscus-rosa 
sinensis (miniata-semiplena). 

Double-spur-lipped Orchid (Hk. 6/78, 
adpd). cmxl. Diplocentrum (genus). 

Double Syrian Hibiscus (Br. 17). 246-b. 
Hibiscus syriacus (plena). 

Double Tongue (Nic. 3/335). 38096 Ruscus 

Double White Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/142). 
344-k. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (alba- 

Double White Syrian Rose Mallow (Nic. 
1/143) (Ru/N/77). =46-f. Hibiscus 
syriacus (alba-plena). 

Double (Persian) Yellow Rose (Nic. 3/325) 
(Cag. 593) (Mu. 57) (Ooty. 431). 1087-c. 
Rosa Hglanteria (sulphurea). 

Douglas Fir (H/ E.F). emxi. Pseudotsuga 

Douglas Fir of British Columbia (H/E.F) 
(Gbl. 703) (FAR. 10,38, 389, NGS). 
2366 Psendotsuga Donglasii. 

Downy and auricled leaved Pepper (MeL, 
676,adpd). 2407 Piper Hapnium. 

Downy angular leaved Shoe Flower (Hk. 
1/344, adpd.) 2'5 Hibiscus mutabilis. 

Downy Antidesma (Br. 201). 2613 Anti- 
desma Ghesembilla, 

Downy Axil-flowered Shrubby Wampee 
(Hk. 1/506, adpd). 397-b. Clausena- 
Willdenovii (pubescens). 

Downy-backed (Crenate) Heart-leaved 
Woolly-jacket (Hk. 1/370, adpd). 289 
Exioleena Stocksii. 

Downy-backed-leaved Black Varnish (Hk. 
2/37, adpd). 679-Holigarna Grahamil. 

Downy-backed Oblong-ovate leaved Or- 
dure Tree (Hk. 1/358, adpd). 271 
Sterculia Balanghas. 

Downy-backed-scabrous ovate-leaved 
crimson-to-rosy-flowered Bastard Ver- 
vein (Nic. 2/483, adpd). 2286 Stachy- 
tarpheta mutabilis. 

Downy-backed (Semiovate-dentate-sti- 
puled seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 
2/364) (Nic. 2/123). 1101 Rosa rubi- 

Downy-backed Triangolar- buckler-leav- | 

ed Moon-seed (Hk. 1/105, (McL. 1005, 
adpd). 4 Cyclea peltata. 

Downy-backed leaved Tubular Passion 
flower (Nic. 4/3). 1865 Tacsonia 


Downy Bendy (McL. 701). 2557 Phyl- 

lanthus reticulatus. 

Downy Bengal-currant (Hk. 3/681, adpd). 
1807-b. Carissa spinarum (hirsuta). 
Downy Boat-leaved Olive Linden (McL, 
763, adpd). 344 Eleocarpus ferrugi- 


Downy-branched (Very-small spathulate- 
oblong-obtuse-leaved) Justice-wort (Hk. 
4/530, adpd). 2259 Justicia salsolcides, 

Downy-branchletted Chaw-stick (Nic. 
2/85, Hk, 1/643, adpd). 577 Gouania 

Downy-branched Shepherdess’ Crozier 
(Hk. 2/535, adpd). 1292 Sonerila versi- 

Downy-branchletted Trifoliate Vine (Hk. 
1/654, adpd). 599 Vitis carnosa, 

Downy Callicarpa (McL. 908). 
Callicarpa lanata. 

Downy-cymed Climbing Poisonnut (MeL, 
690, adpd). 1960 Strychnos Beadomei. 

Downy-dark-green-ovate-leaved Magenta- 
bracted Brazilian Hogweed (Nic, 1/206, 
adpd). 2370-a. Bougainvilla specta- 
bilis (speciosa). 

Downy Datura (McL. 261, 998). 
Datura Metel. 

Downy (Small) LElliptic-leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk, 4/188, adpd). 1998 Argyreia 




Downy-faced Heart-leaved _Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/192, adpd). 2012 Lettsomia 

Downy-flowered Mountain Ipecacuanha 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/32, adpd). 1898-c. 
Gymnema montanuim ‘pubiflora), 

Downy-foliaged Cutch (Hk, 2/295, adpd). 
1035-a. Acacia catechu (typica). 

Downy Grislea (McL. 314). 13807 Wood- 
fordia floribunda. 

| Downy Heart-leaved Blue-bell Stinking 

Swallow-wort (Treas. Bot. 2/832, adpd). 
1886 Oxypetalum ceeruleum. 

Downy Heart leaved Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/177, adpd). 217 Sida cordifolia, 

Downy Hill Balsam Tree (McL. 69, 416, 
adpd), 444 Balsamodendron pubescens, 

Downy Jasmine (MchL. 384). 1752 Jas- 
minus pubescens. 

Downy (Elliptic leaved) Jasmine (McL. 
383, adpd). 1753 Jasminum Rottle- 

Downy (Elliptic-wedged-leaved Shrubby) 
Jasmine (Hk. 3/594, adpd). 1755. 
Jasminum arborescens (montana). 

Downy (Ovate-or-subcordate-leaved Climb- 

ing) Jasmine (Hk. 3/594, adpa). 
1755-b. Jasminvm arborescens (lati- 

Downy (Ovate-or-subcordate-leaved 

Shrubby) Jasmine (Hk. 3/594, adpd). 
1755-a, Jasminus arborescens (typica), 


Downy (Shrubby) Jasmine (MclI., 384, 997, 
adpd), 1755 Jasminum arborescens. 
Downy (Spoon-leaved) Jasmine (MclL. 
388, adpd). 1756 Jasminum lRox- 


Downy (Shrubby) Jasmine of the Azores 
(McL. 888, adpd). 1770 Jasminum 

Downy lance leayed Pellet Shrub (McL. 
670, adpd). 1544-b, Pavetta hispidula 

Downy lanceolate White-flowered Un- 
armed Nightshade (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 
2079 Solanum denticulatum. 

Downy Large-flowered Snake Root (McL. 
507, adpd), 1483 Ophiorrhiza Rox- 

Downy leaved Avicennia (McL. 470), 
2334 Avicennia officinalis. 

Downy-leaved Bracken (Bed/F, adpd). 
3335-b. Pteris aquilina (lanuginosa). 

Downy leaved False Kamelu (MchL, 30, 
adpd). 1336 Casearia tomentosa. 

Downy leaved False Wampee Tree (Hk. 
1/501, adpd). 391 Micromelnm pubes- 

Downy (Japanese) leaved Shrubby Bam- 
boo (Nic. 1/156). 8300 Bambusa 

Downy leaved Soap Berry (Mch. 848), 
634 Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Downy leaved Sophora (Br. 
Sophora tomentosa. 

Downy-leaved Sword Bean (Hk. 2/196, 
adpd). 880-c. Canavalia ensiformis 

Downy leaved White Brugmansia (Nic. 

47). 912 

1/444). 2100 Datura arborea 

Downy leaved Ginger (McL. 137). 2998 
Zingiber Cassumunar. 

Downy-leaved Wild Ginger of the 

Northern Circars (Hk. 6/244, udpd). 
2993 Zingiber roseum. 
owny leaved Wild Ginger of the West- 

ern Ghauts (Hk. 6/244, adpd). 2994 
Zingiber Wightianum. 
Downy-linear-leaved Indian Linden 

(Hk. 1/39), adpd). 326 Grewia poly- 

Downy (Smal!) Lobed Vine (McL. 564, 
994, adpd). 591 Vitis Linnei. 

Downy long leaved Sweet ‘Thorn (Hk. 
1/192, adpd). 134 Flacourtia montana. 

Downy many-leaved Tree of Beauty 
(Hk. 1/557, adpd). 464 Agiaia minu- 

Downy Melon Featherfvil of the Nortk- 
ern Circars (McL. 587, adpd). 2589 
Glochidion Heyneanum. 

Downy Melon Featherfoil of the South- 
ern Ghauts (McL. 587, adpd). 2582 
Glochidion arboreum, 


INDEX, 479 

Downy Mountain Ebony 
988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 
Downy nerved Olive Linden (McL. 763, 
adpd). 840 Nlxocarpus tuberculatus. 
Downy-node-ringed Solid Shrubby Bam- 
boo (Hk. 7/403, adpd), 3808 Oxyte- 

nanthera Stocksii. 

Downy-notched-leaved Trijugate Soap- 
nut (Hk, 1/683, adpd). 634-b, Sapin- 
dus trifoliatus (emarginata). 

Downy Oleander (MchL. 664). 
Wrightia tomentosa. 

Downy-or-pale-backed (Multifoliate- (5- 
11)-opposite-medium) lance-acuminate 
leaved White Cedar (Hk. 1/565, adpd). 
472 Heynea trijuga. 

Downy-ovate-acutely-crenate ~ acuminate- 
leaved White-flowered Lantana (Bs. 
164, adpd). 2281 Lantana alba. 

Downy ovate Blnuish - flowered Unarmed 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/230, adpd). 2076 
Solanum pubescens. 

Downy-ovate-crenate+ serrate-acuminate- 
leaved Purple-centred-rosy-flowered 
Lantana (Nic. 2/234, adpd). 2279 
Lantana Sellowiana. 

Downy ovate leaved Ivory Wood (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 1980-b. Ehretia levis 

Downy Peacock’s Foot Tree (Mch. 310, 
adpd). 2312 Vitex pubescens. 

Downy Quinquefoil Vine (Mch. 590, 
adpd). 607 Vitis auriculata. 

Downy-racemed Large-flowered Honey- 
suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/215, adpd). 
2506-d. Loranthus longiflorus (pubes- 

Downy-racemed Shepherdess’ 
(Hk. 2/535, adpd). 

Downy (Large-stipuled) rachis-glandular 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 954 Cassia 

Downy (Small-stipuled) rachis-glandular 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 953 Cassia 


(McL. 521), 


1291 Sonerila ele- 

Spathe Trumpet 

Tree (McL. 14, 478, 998, adpd). 2133 
Dolichandrone falcata. 

Downy Rugose-leaved Jlomecanthous 
Rose (Hk. 2/364, Nic. 3/314). 1102 

Rosa alba, 

Downy (Mountain) Senna (Mech. 847 
adpd). 953 Cassia tomentosa. 
Downy-sepalled Nail Dye (McL. 
adpd). 2240 Barleria courtallica, 
Downy Shrubby Axillary Phyllode 
tle (Bth. 2/307, 347, adpd), 

Acacia armata, 

Downy small ovate leaved Glory Tree 
(S. 101, adpd), 2816 Clerodendron 




Downy sword leaved Goglet Flower (Mch. 
466, adpd). 1948 Ceropegia albiflora. 
Downy Thorn Apple (Mch. 261). 2099 

Datura Metal. 

Downy Trefoil Indigo (McL. 871, adpd). 
748 Indigofera vestita. 

Downy Trifoliate Vine (MchL, 564, adpd). 
600 Vitis canarensis. 

Downy trilobate leaved Shoe Flower 
(Hk. 1/344, adpd). 248 Hibiscus tri- 

Downy Wheel Creeper (Mch, 1023, adpd). 
1161 Combretum acuminatum. 

Downy (Grey) Winged-nut Buckthorn 
Climber (Hk. 1/631, adpd). 559 Venti- 
lago calyculata. 

ovate-lance-leaved White-flowered 
Lantana (Hk. 4/662, adpd). 2273-b. 
Lantand indica (albiflora), 

ovate-lance-leaved Yellow-centred- 
pink-flowered Lantana (Hk. 4/562, 
adpd). 2273-a. Lantana indica (typi- 

Downed (Stiff) Fleshy Ragweed (Hk. 
3/337, adpd). 1624 Notcnia balsa- 

Dracena (Garden) (Nic. 1/489 to 491). 
cmlxy. Cordyline (genus). 

Dracena (Garden) (Pr. 2/1072). 
Cordyline terminalis. 

Drzacna (Many ovuled) (Hk. 6/300, 331) 
(Nic. 1/489 to 491). cmlxy. Cordyline 

Draceena (Terminal) (Br. 
Cordyline terminalis. 

Dragon (New-Zealand) 
8109 Cordyline australis. 

Dragon (Arching Bengal) Tree (Hk. 
6/331, adpd). 3107-d. Cordyline termi- 
nalis (Hckhalltei). 

Dragon (Bause’s broad Bronze leaved) 
Tree (Nic. 1/872, adpd). 3107-c. Cordy- 
line terminalis (Bausei). 

Dragon (Bengal) Tree (Hk. 6/331, adpd). 
3107 Cordyline terminalis. 

Dragou (Blackisn-green Bengal) Tres 
(Hk. 6/3831, adpd). 3107-m. Cordyline 
terminalis (nigricans). 

Dragon (Broad brilliant-red leaved) Tre2 
(Nic 1/374, adpd). 3107-p. Cordyline 
terminalis (Turnere). 

Dragon (Bronze striped Bengal) Tree 
(Nic. 1/374, adpd). 3107-0. Cordyline 
terminalis (Robinsoniana). 

Dragon (Common large lanceolate leaved) 
Tree (Hk. 6/3831, adpd), 
line terminalis. 

Dragon (Copper-and-Bronze 
green) Tree (Nic. 1/378). 
Cordyline terminalis (metallica). 


223). 3107 

Plant (S. 290). 


3107 Cordy- | 


Dragon (Cream-and-yellow-banded) Tree 
(Ni>. 1/491). 3100-b. Dracwna frag- 
rans {(Lindeni). 

Dragon (roam spotted) TreefNic, 5/380), 
8101 Draczena Godseffiana. 

Dragon (Crimson-bordered Bronze-leaved) 
Tree (Nic. 1/372, adpd). 3107-c. 
Cordyline ter minalis (Bausei). 

Dragon (Crimson-rayed metallic - green) 
Tree (Nic. 1/373). 3107-j. Cordyline 
terminalis (imperialis). 

Dragon (Curly - narrow - sessile) Tree 
(Hk. 6/329, adpd). 3998 Dracsena 

Dragon (Glaucous-sessile-leaved) (Nic. 
1/490). 3399). 3099 Draczena Draco. 
Dragon Tree (8. 14%) (Gbl. 724). emlxiv. 

Draceena (genus). 

Dragon Tree (Nic, 1/489 to 491). 
Cordyline (genus), 

Dragon (Green-and-Orange-bordered-and 
striped) Tree (Nic. 1/370). 3107-g. 
Cordyline terminalis (gloriosa). 

Dragon(Green-and-Silver-banded yellow- 
Wish) Tree (Nic. 1/491). 31 Dra- 
cena Goldieana. 

Dragon (Narrow reddish-crimson leaved) 
‘ree (Nic. 1/374, adpd). 3107-k. Cor- 
dyline terminalis (Jamesii). 

Dragon (Narrow sessile leaved) Tree 
(Nic, 1/374). 3111 Cordyline stricts. 

Dragon (Nervose Broad leaved) Tree 


(Nic. 1/372, adpd). 3109 Cordyline 
Dragon (Orange and Brouzy-purple 

liwarf) Tree (Nic. 1/373). 8107-h, 
Cordyline terminalis (Hoskinsz). 

Dragon (Orange-bordered Dark leaved) 
Tree (Nic. 1/374, adpd). 3107-f. Cor- 
dyline terminalis (Gayii) 

Dragon (Orange-bordered Erect leaved) 
Tree (Nic. 1/374, adpd), 3112 Cordy- 
line HWendersonii. 

Dragon (Parallel-striated oblong-lance- 
leaved) Tree (Nic. 1/372). 3109 Cordy- 
line australis. 

Dragon (ted-bordered Narrow leayed) 
Tren (Hk. 6/331, adpd). 8107-e. Cor- 
dy line terminalis (ferrea). 

Dragon (Red-bordered sessile 
Tree (Nic. 1/491). 

Dragon (Short and narrow leaved) Tree 
(Hk. 6/329, adpd). 3097 Dracena 

3104 Dracena 

Dragon (Suffased-piok-and- creamy leay- 
ed) Tree (Nic. 1/372). 3108 Cordyline 

Dragon (Umbrella like narrow sessile 
leaved) Tree (Nic, 1/491), 3106 Dra- 

czna umbraculifera. 


Dragon (White-banded) Tree (Nic. 5/331, 
adpd). 3105 Draczena Sanderiana. 
Dragon (White-bordered Broad leaved) 
Tree (Nic. 1/374, adpd). 3107-n. Cor- 

dyline terminalis (Reginz), 

Dragon (White-bordered Narrow leaved) 
Tree (Nic. 1/872). 3107-b. Cordyline 
terminalis (albicans). 

Dragon (White-bordered sessile leaved) 
Tree (Nic. 5/830). 38103 Dracena 

Dragon (White-variegated Bengal) Tree 
(Nic. 1/372, adpd). 3107-a. Cordyline 
terminalis (alba). 

Dragon (Yellow-and-pink-bordered-and- 
striped) Tree (Nic. 1/373). 3110 Cor- 
dyline Baptistii. ; 

Dragon’s Blood (McL. 282) (S. 144). 
3099 Draczena Draco. 

Dragon’s (Indian) Blood (McL. 282, 977). 
897 Pterocarpus Marsupium. 

Dragon’s (Madeira) Blood (McL. 282), 
3099 Draczena Draco. 

Dragon’s (Malabar) Blood (Bed. 2/21) 
(Bdn/E.F). 997 Fterocarpus Marsu- 

Dragon’s (Sumatra) Blood (McL, 282), 
3219 Demonorops Draco. 

Dragon’s Blood Cane (Mch, 282) (Rid. 
111). 8219 Demonorops Draco. 

Dragon’s Blood Tree (S. 144). 
Draczena (genus). 

Dragon’s Eye (Mch. 436). 640 Nephelium 

Dragon’s Mouth Orchild (S. 145, 150). 
emxx. Epidendrum (genus). 

Dragon’s-mouth (Fringed) Bifoliate- 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Br. 210, adpd). 
2919 Epidendrun ciliare. 

Dranucshay (McL. 283, 994). 
Vitis (genns). 

Draueshay (McL. 82). 595 Vitis vinifera, 

Drop (Bluody) Ordure Tree (Mch. 473, 



687, adpd). 269 Sterculia guttata. 
Dropwort (Loud.), ccclxxviii. Spirea 

Drooping Box (Maid. C.T). 1185 Eucalyp- 
tus bicolor. i 
Drooping-broad-lance (Bronze-backed- 

margined-costate-veined-and -petioled) 

leaved False Plantain (Nic. 2/129). 
3048 Heliconia metallica. 
Drooping Galangal (McL. 928). 3008 

Alpinia nutans. 

Drooping Gum of New-South-Wales (Bth, 
3/240). 1186 Eucalyptus viminalis. 

Drooping  (Irregular-in-width) Long 
Croton (Rua/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-U. Codizum variecatum (longi- 

Drooping-long-lance-leayed False Plan- 
tain (Nic. 2/129). 3044 Heliconia 




Drooping lon:x-linear-leaved Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-3. Codi- 
um variegatum (longifolium-depen- 

Drooping (Twisted) long-linear-leaved 
Croton [Not necessarily all leaves] 
(Rn/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-T. 
Codienm variegatum (longifolium- 
dependens tortile). 

Drooping Yellow-flowered Bouvard’s 
Qnininewort (N‘o, 1/207). 1459 (bis.) 
Bouvardia Humboldtii (flava). 

Dropping (Flower) Tree (Mch. 506). 
1687 Bassia longifolia, 

Drowpady’s Hair (McL. 284, 998). 2059 
Porana racemosa. 

Drowpady’s Hair (McL. 284, 998). 2060 
Porana malabarica. 

Drug (King’s) (McL. 208). 

Drumstick Tree (McL. 518) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Pfl. 300) (Caz. 180) (Cat. 86) (Ru/N/ 
84, 0/13). 689 Moringa pterygos- 

Drumstick (Larger-leaved Trigonous- 
podded) Tree (Hk. 2/45, adpd). 690 
Moringa concanensis. 

Drunken Date (McL. 40). 

Drupaceous Whorled Dog-bane (Mch, 
842, adpd). dlxxxi. Rauwolfia (genus). 

Drnped (Small) Ash Sumach (Hk. 2/27, 
adpd). cclxiii. Solenocarpus (genus). 

Draped (Twisted purple) Blackthorn 
(Treas. Bot. 2/928, Hk. 2/307, adpa). 
ecclxxvii. Prinsepia (genus). 

Druped (Black) Climbing Holly (Hk. 
1/595, adpd). ccix. Natsiatum (genns). 

Druped (Orange-red) Climbing Holly 
(Hk. 1/594, adpd). ccviii, Sarcos- 
tigma (genus), 

Druped (Red) Climbing Holly (Bs/T/153, 
adpd). ccvii. Pyrenacantha (genus). 
Druped (Yellow) Climbing Holly (Hk. 
1/593, adpd). cevi, Miquelia (genus). 
Druped (Fleshy) Climbing Indian Linden 
(Hk, 1/389, adpd). 322 Grewia umbelli- 


Druped (One-celled) Cornel (Hk. 2/745, 
adpd). cdlxxii. Mastixia (genus). 

Druped (Two-celled) Cornel (Hk. 2/744, 
adpd), cdlxxi. Cornus (genus). 

Drnped (Fascicle) Elliptic leaved Holly 
(Hk. 1/600, adpd). 508 Ilex malae 

Druped (Umbel) Elliptic leaved Holy 
(Hk. 1/603, adpd), 512 Ilex Wightiana. 

Druped (Hard leaved Scarlet) Elm (Bed. 
1/218, adpd). 2712 Celtis Wightii. 

Druped (Blue) Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). dcecexi. Bridelia (genus). 

8005 Alpinia 

3121 Areca 


Druped (Climbing Blne) Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2548 Bridelia 

Druped (Conkan Blue) Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2549 Bridelia Hamiltonii. 
Druped (Glaucous leaved Blue) Feather- 
foil (Mcl. 587, adpd), 2548 (dis,) 

Bridelia tomentosa, 

Druped (Shrubby Hil’ock Blue) Feather- 
foil (McL. 587, adpd). 2547 Bridelia 

Druped (Thorny Blue) Featherfoil Tree 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2546 Bridelia retusa, 

Druped (Fleshy) Harsh Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/890, adpd). 324 Grewia abutili- 

Druped (Erect) Mango (W.A.1). 
Nothopegia (genus). 

Druped (Beak) Nilgiri Elm (Bed. 1/218, 


adpd). 2711 (bis.) Celtis cinnamomea, 
Druped (Kidney) Plum (Treas. Bot. 
2/943, Hk. 2/818, adpd). ccclxxvi. | 

Pygeum (genus). 

Druped (Crustaceous) Roughish Indian 
Linden (Hk. 1/887, adpd). 318 Grewia 

Druped (White) Spindle Tree (Bed. 1/66, 
adpd). cexvii. Pleurostylia (genus), 

Dry berried Wild Tea Tree (Hk. 1/280, | 

adpd). Ixxiv. Ternstrcemia (genus), 

Dry-Oak-leaved Polypody Fern (Prain. | 


Ducher (Antoine) Rose (Cag. 596) (Ru/O/ 
18) (Mu. 52) (Hod) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (pnnicea). 

Ducher (Jean) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/92, 
0/20) (Mu. 55). 1105-n. Rosa odorata 

Ducher (Marie) Rose {Nic. 3/3824) (Ru/N/ 
98) (Mu. 55). 1105-n. Rosa odorata 
(cinnabarina-roseo-suffusa pellucida). 

Duchess of Albany Rose (Mu. 58). 
oe. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (rosea). 

Duchess of Bedford Rose (Nic. 3/824) 
(Ru/O/20) (Mu. 53). 1107-j. Rosa 
hylrida-semyerflorens §(punicea-velu- 

Duchess of Connaught Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/O/20) (Mu. 58). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (puuicea-por- 

Duchess of Edinburgh Rose (Ru/0/20) 
(Mu. 58). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (carnea). 

Duchess of Fife Rose (Ru/O/20). 1107-e. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (argenteo- 

Duchess of Mecklenberg Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru */N/90, 0/19) (Mu.* 52) (Hod) 
(*Countess). 1108-d. Rosa Noisettiana 

3372 (bis.) Polypodium querci- 

1107- | 


Duchess of Sutherland Rose (Ru/0O/20). 
1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Duchesse de Morny Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Rx/0/20) (Po). 1107-¢. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-extus-argentea). 

Dufferin (Karl of) Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/20) (Mu. 53), 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Dufferin (Marchioness of) Rose (Nic. 
5/946) (Mu. 54). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea). 

Duke of Albany Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/O/ 
20) (Mu. 53). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-velutina). 

Duke of Connaught Rose (Nic. 5/646) 

(Ru/N/94) (Mu. 58). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-velu- 

Duke of Edinburgh Rose (Nic. 3/824) 
(Cag. 596) (Ru/O/20) (Mu. 53). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea- 

Duke of Wellington Rose (Nic. 3/824) 
(Cag. 596) (Ru/N/94,; 0/20) (Mu. 53). 
1107-j.. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Dull leaved Dyeing Mulberry (MeL. 367). 
1555 Morinda tinctoria. 

Dull-purple-backed Sinuous-margined 
Croton (Nic. 1/354) (Rn/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-De. Codiaum varie- 
gatum (Hillianum). 

| Dull-red flowered Aloe (McL*, 21). 3117c. 

Aloé vera (officinalis) (* indica). 
Dumb Cane (8. 139). mxxv. 
bachia (genns). 


| Dumb (Baraquin’s) Cane (Nic. 1/472). 

3265-e. Dieffenbachia picta (Baraqui- 

Dumb (Bause’s Hybrid) Cane (Nie. 
1/472). 3265-b. Dieffenbachia picta 

Dumb (Blotchy-primary-veined Broad 
leaved) Cane (Nic. 1/474, adpd). 3264 
Dieffenbachia Segnine. 

Dumb (Blotchy-primary-veined Long- 
narrow leaved) Cane (Nic. 5/322). 3267 
Dieffenbachia Jenmani. 

Dumb (Bowmann’s) Cane (Nic. 1/472). 

3265-g. Dieffenbachia’ picta (Bow- 
Dumb (Common) Cane (Nic. 1/474) 

3264-a. Dieffenbachia Seguine (typica). 
Dumb (Dark-green-margined-and-irregu- 
larly-blotched White-spotted Yellow- 
ish-ereen) Cane (Nic. 11472). 3265-b. 
Diffenbachia picta (Bausei). 

Dumb (Deep-green-margined-and-streak- 
ed Pale-green-blotchy-veined Whitish- 
green) Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264-d. 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (Regina), 


Dumb (Deep-green-margined copionsly- 
white-blotch-veined-and-spotted Rich- 
deep-green) Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264-f. 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (nobilis). 

Dumb (Ivory) Cane (Nic. 1/472). 3265-c. 
Dieffenbachia picta (eburnea). 

Dumb (Ivory-white-midribbed-and- 
petioled Trregularly-white-spotted 
Bright-light-green) Cane (Nic. 1/472). 
3265-e. Dieffenbachia picta (Baraqui- 

Dumb = (Tvory-white-spotted-and-dotted 
Delicate-light-green) Cane (Nic. 1/472). 
3265-c. Dieffenbachia picta (eburnea). 

Dumb (King’s) Cane (Ru/N/111, 0/33) 
(Mu. 49). 3264-c. 
Seguine (Rex), 

Dumb - = (Long-blotch-veined-and-irregu- 
larly-short-blotched Pea-green) Cane 

(Nic. 5/322). 3267 Dieffenbachia 

Dumb (Marbled) Cane (Cag. 327) (Ru/N/ 
111). 3265-d. Dieffenbachia _picta 

Dumb (Noble) Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264-f. 
Dieffenbachia Segnuine (nobilis). 

Dumb (Pale-green-margined White-blot- 
chy-veined Very-deep-green) Cane 
(Nic. 1/474). 3264-c. Dieffenbachia 
Seguine (Rex). 

Dumb  (Pea-green-irregularly-blotched- 
and-spotted Rich-deep-green) Cane 
(Nic. 1/472). 3265-g. Dieffenbachia 
picta (Bownanni). 

Dumb (Pelucid-white-blotchy-veined 
Deep-green) Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264-a. 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (typica). 

Domb (Prince’s) Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3265-f. 

Dieffenbachia picta (Princeps). 
Dumb (Queen’s) Cane (Nic. 
= a Dieffenbachia Segnine (Reyi- 
Dumb (Silvery-grey-centred Yellow- 
spotted Dark-green) Cane (Nic. 1/474). 
3265-f. Dieffenbachia picta (Princeps). 

Dieffenbachia | 

| Dumb 

1/474). | 

Dumb (Splendid) Cane (Nic. 1/474) (Mu*. | 

50). 3264. Dieffenbachia 
(splendens) (spectabilis * ?) 
Dumb (Spotted) Cane (Nic. 

3265 Dieffenbachia pict. 

Dumb (Streaked) Cane (Ru/N/1i1, 0/83) 
(Mu. 49). 3264-b, Dieffenbachia 
Seguine (lincata), 

Dumb (White-blotched-and-spotted 
Shining-sombre-green) Cane (Nic. 
1/474). 3268 Dieffenbachia magnifica. 

Dumb (White-central-feathered) Cane 
(Nic. 1/474). 3264-2. Dieffenbachia 
Seguine (Shuttleworthii). 

Dumb (White-spotted) Cane (Nic. 1/474). 
3265-a. Dieffenbachia picta (typica). 


Seguine. | 


veined Rich-velvetty-deep-bottle-creen) 
Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264-e. Dieffen- 
bachia Seguine (splendens). 

Dumb Cane of Brazil and Tropical 
America (Nie. 1/472 to 474), 3265 
Dieffenbachia picta. 

Dumb Cane of British Guiana (Nic. 
5/322). 3267 Dieffenbachia Jenmani. 
Dumb (Shuttleworth’s) Cane of Columbia 
(Nic. 1/474). 3264-g. Dieffenbachia 

Segeuine (Shuttleworthii). 

Dumb Cune of the West Indies (Nic. 
1/474). 8264 Dieffenbachia Secuine. 
Dumb (Blotchy-secondary-veined) Cane 
of Venezuela (Nic. 1/474). 3268 Dieff. 

enbachia magnifica. 

Dung Tree (McL. 473, 687). 269 Ster- 
culia guttata. 

Dung Vail (McL. 935). 

Dupuy Jamain Rose (Nic. 3/324). (Ru/ 
0/20). 1107-¢. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (rosea-cerasi rubro-suffusa), 

Duranta (Ellis?) (Br. 164). 2303 Duranta 

Dnranta (Plumier’s) (Br. 164). 
Duranta Plumieri. 

Durian (McL, 285, 948) (Cag. 287) (Rid. 
122) (Bdn/F.T) (FAR. 41 to 46) (Gbl. 
92) (Cat. 31). 263 Durio zibethinus. 

Dorian (Wild) (Gbl. 92). 262 Cullenia 

1027 Acacia 


Dssky (Greener ovate-leaved) Firebrand 
Teak (Hk. 4/578, adpd). 2298.-c, 

Premna latifolia (viburnoides), 

Dusky (Heart-leaved) Firebrand Teak 
(Hk. 4/578, adpd). 2298-a. Premna 
latifolia (ty pica). 

Dusky (Smaller downv-leaved) Firebrand 
Teak (Hk. 4/578, adpd). 2298-b. 
Premna latifolia (mollissima). 

Dusky leaved Firebrand Teak (McL. 473, 
512, 844, 997, adpd). 2298 Premna 

Dusky Sugar Cane (MchL. 811, adpd). 
2285 Saccharum fuscum. 

| Dutch Camphor (Mcl. 188). 2440 Cinna- 

1/474). | 

momnm Camphora, 

Dutch (Groot-rijf-blad of the) (McL. 908), 
2288 Callicarpa lanata. 

Dutch (Pensbout of the) (McL. 938), 
1917 Cosmostigma racemosum. 

Dutch (Pompelmces of the) (Hk. 1/516) 
(Cag. 280). 422 Citrus decnumana 

Dutchmen’s Pipe Birthwort (S. 341, 521, 
146) (Po), 2401 Aristolochia Sipho. 

Dwarf Bambvo (McbL. 70) (Cag. 324). 
3302 Bambusa nana. 

Dwarf (Chinese) Bamboo (Mcl. 70) 
3302 Bambusa nana. 


Dwarf Banana (Cooke. 2/742) (Ooty. 
(Bag. 206) (Ru/N/70, 0/9) (Muell. 8.P). 
3040 Musa chinensis, 

Dwarf (African) Blue-flowered Glory 
Tree (S. 101, Nic. 1/341, adpd). 2326 
Clerodendrou myricoides. 

Dwarf Box (8.67). 2545-e, Buxu8 8em- 
pervirens (suffruticosa). 

Dwarf (South American) Cane Palm (S: 

1777, Nic. 2/68, adpd). omlxxxvi. 
Geonoma (genus). 
Dwarf Cocoanut (Cag. 198). 8228-2. 

Cocos nucifera (nana), 

Dwarf Creamy Laurel Tulip Tree of 
Java (Nic. 4/5). 19 Magnolia pumila. 
Dwarf Cypress (Cag. 411). 2812 Cupres- 

sus Lawsoniana. 

Dwart (Lawson’s) Cypress (Nic. 1/308). 
2812 Cupressus Lawsoniana, 

Dwarf (Bulbous stemmed Glancous) Date 
(Gbl. 721, adpd). 3166 Phoenix acanlis. 

Dwarf (Common Hill) Date (Gbl. 731, 
adpd). 3168 Phcenix humilis (pedun- 

Dwarf (Long peduncled) Date (Gbl. 731, 
adpd). 3168 Phcenix humilis (pedun, 

Dwarf (Shiny leaved) Date (Mch. 414, 
adpd), 3167 Phenix farinifera. 

Dwarf (Short Peduncled) Date (Gbl. 731, 
adpa). 3166 Phosnix acaanlis. 

Dwarf (Straight stemmed Glaucons) Date 
(Gbl. 731, adpd). 3168 Phoenix humilis 

Dwarf (Hill) Date Palm (FAR. 25, GJM/ 
Mhgi). (? 8170). 3168 Phoenix humilis 

Dwarf Donble-Daisy 
Rose (Cag. 599). 

Dwarf (Orange-and-Bronzy-Purple) Dra- 
gon Tree (Nic. 1/373). 3167-h. Cordy- 
line terminalis (Hoskinsz). 

Dwarf Fan Palm of Europe (Muell. S.P). 
3199 Chameerops humilis. 

Dwart Feather Asparagus (Cag. 257) 
3092-b. Asparagus plumosus (nana). 
Dwarf gregarious Thorny Bamboo (Hk. 
6/396). 3304-b. Bambusa arundinacea 


Dwarf Guava (Cag. 236). 1222-c. 

dium Guyava (pumilum). 

Dwarf(Thick) leaved Shrubby Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/379, adpd). 3298 Arundinaria 

Dwarf (Wight’s) leaved Spinescent Coffee 
(Hk. 3/152, adpd). 1552 Coffea Wight- 

Dwarf Mahogany 
Swietenia humilis. 

Dwarf Multisect Spineless Fan Palm (Cag. 
344, adpd). mi. Thrinax (genus), 

Flowered China 
1103-m. Rosa indica 


(Nic. 3/529). 479 



5B) | 


Dwarf Musk Rose (Cag. 603). 1086-b. 
Rosa moschata (nana). 

Dwarf Palmetto Fan Palm (Muell, 8.P) 
(Nic. 3/338) (Ru/N/122, 0/18, 36). 3182. 
Sabal Adansoni. 

Dwarf Palmetto of the Southern United 
States (Nic. 3/338, Ru/N/122, 0/13, 38). 
3182 Sabal Adansoni. 

| Dwarf Palmyra (McL. 418). 3169 Phoenix 

Dwarf-procnmbent (Fascicled-minnte 
leaved) Spiny Buck-thorn (Hk. 1/639, 

adpd). 569-b. Rhananus  virgatus 
Nwarf (Alternatelv-fascicled Pinnate) 

Rattan (Hk. 6/473, adpd). 3222 Zalac- 
ca edulis. 

Dwarf Rattan (Nic, 4/235, adpd). mix. 
Zalacea (genus). 

Dwarf (Beceari’*s Burmese) Rattan (Hk. 
6/474, adpd). 3223 Zalacca Beccarii. 
Dwarf (Equidistantiy pinnate) Rattan 
(Hk. 6/474, adpd) '3228 Zalacca*Recearii. 
Dwarf (Wallich’s Edible) Rattan (Nic. 

4/225, adpd). 3222 Zalacca edulis. 
Dwarf Rosebav (Mch. 584). (?) 1645 
Rhododendron arhoreum (nilagirica) (?). 
Dwarf Senna (Mcl. 155, adpd). 964 
Cassia pumila. 
Dwarf (Klein’s) Senna (McL. 155, adpd). 
965 Cassia Kleinii. 
Dwarf (Manv leaved) Senna (Mech, 155, 

adpd). 966 Cassia mimosoides. 

Dwarf sinuate Bluish-flowered Prickly 
Nichtshade (Hk 4/236, adpd). 2091 
Solanum xanthocarpum. 

Dwarf Spineless Fan Palm (Cag. 344, 
adpd). mm. Sahal (events), 

Dwarf (Digitate) Spineless Fan Palm 

(Cag. 348, adpd). mv. Rhanis (genns). 
Dwarf tufted Leafless Mistletoe (Mech. 683, 

adpd). 2524 Viseum japonicum. 
Dvrarf Umbelled Golden-hlossomed Pear 

Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 437 Ochna 


Dwarf Wild Brinjal (Hk 4/236, adpd). 
2091 Solanum xanthoecarpum. 
Dwarf Wild Date (Pfl. 461), 3167 Phe- 

nix farinifera. 

Dye (Black Nail) (Mc. 576), 2269 Echo- 
lium Linnzeanum, : 

Dye'(Blue Fox-tail Nail) (McL. 576, adpd). 
2269 Ecbolium Linnzwannm, 

Dye (Blue Wail) (Mch. 558, 576, 998). 
2242 Barleria strigosa. 

Dye (Common Nail) (Mech, 558, 998). 
2225 Barleria Prionitis. 

Dye (Sommon Yellow Nail) (Mel. 558, 
998, adpd), 2225 Barleria Prionitis 

Dye (Crested Purple Nail) (Mch, 558, 
adpd). 2239 Barleria cristata. 

Dye (Dense-spiked Blue Nail) (Mc. 558, 
576, 998,adpd), 2242 Barleria strigoa. 


Dye (Downy-sepalled Nail) (McL. 558, 
adpd), 2240 Barleria courtallica, 

Dye (Fragrant Nail) (McL, 508), 
Lawsonia alba. 

Dye (Fringe-sepalled Nail) (McL. 558, 
adpd). 2241 Barleria Stocksii. 

Dye (Gibson’s Blue Nail) (McL. 558, adpd). 
2236 Barleria Gibsoni, 

Dye (Hairy Blue Nail) (Mch, 558, adpd), 
2233 Barleria pilosa. 

Dye (Kamela) (Bs/'1'/590) (Gbl. 620) (McL, 
408, 473, 1000) (W.57). 2687 Mallotus 
philip pinensis. 

Dye (Large Nail) (McL, 559, 998). 
Barleria cristata. 

Dye (Large Pink Nail) (MeL, 558, adpd). 
2231 Barleria tomentosa. 

Dye (Large-sepalled Nail) (McL, 558, 
adpd). 2237 Barleria sepalosa. 

Dye (Large White Nail) (McL, 558, adpd), 
2238 Barleria grandiflora. 

Dye (Law’s Blue Nail) (McL. 558, adpd). 
2234 Barleria Lawii. 

Dye (Lesser Yellow Nail) (Mch. 558, 
adpd), 2226 Barleria cuspidata. 
Dye (Malda) (McL. 464,470, 1000). 2631 

Manihot utilissima, 

Dye (Mysore Prickly Purple Nail) (McL. 
558, adpd), 2228 Barleria mysorensis. 
Dye (Nail) (McL. 558, 998). decvii. Bar- 

leria (genus). 

Dye (Nilgiri Prickly White Nail) (McL. 
558, adpd). 2229 Barleria noctiflora, 
Dye (Prickly Purple Nail) (McL. 558, 
adpd). 2227-b. Barleria buxifolia 


Dye (Prickly White Nail)(McL. 558,adpd), 
2227-a, Barleria buxifolia (albiflora). 
Dye (kacemose Blue Nail) (McL. 558, 

adpd). 2232 Barleria involucrate. 

Dye (Shining-sepalled Blue Nail) (McL. 
558, adpd). 2243 Barleria nitida. 

Dye (Square-spiked Scarlet Nail) (Treas. 
Bot). 2245 Aphelandra cristata, 

Dye (Thorny Nail) (McL. 55s). 
Barleria Prionitis. 

Dye (Unarmed Orange Nail) (Cag. 447, 
Mech. 558, adpd). 224+ Crossandra 
unduilzfolia. : 

Dye (White Long-flowered Nail) (McL. 558, 
adpd). 2230 Barleria longiflora. 

Dye (Western-Ghauts Blue Nail) (McL, 
558, adpd). 2235 Barleria montana. 

Dye (Nail) Bindweed (McL. 120, adpd). 
2032 Ipoma barleriocides. 

Dye (Chocoiate) Climber (MeL, 651, 
adpd). cexxvii. Ventilago (genus,) 





Dye (Cheese) l'ree (McL, 777). 180 Kixa,. 

Dyeing Aul (McL. 367). 1554 Morinda 

Dyeing (Bracteate) Mulberry (McL, 367), 
16554-b, Morinda citrifolia (bracteata). 


Dyeing (Dull leaved) Dying Mulberry 
(McL, 867), 1555 Morinda tinctoria. 
Dyeing Mulberry (Mch. 367, 595, 907, 
996). [1554 Sphalm] dx. Morinda 


Dyeing (Elliptic leaved) Mulberry (McL. 
367). 1554-c. Morinda citrifolia (ellip- 

Dyeing (Panicled) Mulberry (McL. 367), 
1555-c, Morinda tinctoria (Multiflora,) 
Dyeing (Polished leaved) Mulberry (McL. 
ahi 1554-c. Morinda vitrifolia (ellip- 


Dyeing (Scabrid) Mulberry (McL. 367), 
1555-d. Morinda tinctoria (aspera). 

Dyeing (Shining leaved) Mulberry (MeL. 
867). 1554 Morinda citrifolia. 

Dyeing (Small) Mulberry (MeL. 367, 996). 
1556 Morinda umbellata. 

Dyeing (Wild) Mulberry (McL, 367), 1535 
Morinda tiuctoria, 

Dyeing (Woolly leaved) Mulberry (McL. 
367). 1855-b. Morinda tinctoria (tom- 

Dyeing Kosebay (McL, 370, adpd). 
Wrightia (genus). 

Dyeing (Blue) Rosebay (McL. 370). 
Wrightia tinctoria. 

Dyeing (Climbing) Rose-bay (Hk. 3/650, 
adpd). dxciv. Parsonsia (genus). 

Dyeing(Medium-leathery ovate-to oblong- 
lance-acute-leayed Climbing) Rosebay 
(Hk. 3/650, adpd), 1838 Parsonsia 



Dyeing (Red Flowered) Rosebay (McL. 

370, adpd). 1843 Wrightia coccinea, 
Dyeing (Woolly) Rosebay (McL. 3870, 
adpd). 1842 Wrightia tomentosa, 
Dyer’s Berberry (McL, 84) (Ell, 101), 98 
Berberis aristata, 

Dyer’s Indigo (McL. 269) (Br. 50). 754 
Indigofera tinctoria. 
Dyers Oleander (McL. 370). 1841 

Wright-ia tinctoria. 
Dyer’s Rottlera (McL, 404). 
tus philippinensis. 

Dyers Wrightia 
Wright-ia tinctoria, 

Dysentery Rosebay (McL. 871,adpd). 1833 
Holarrhena antidysenteria, 

2687 Mallo- 

(McL. 370), 1841 


Eagle Stone Creeper (McbL. 11, 286). 
926 besalpinia Bonducella. 

Eagle (Cametty) Wood (McL. 892). 2706 
Excecaria Agallocha, 

Hagle Wood Scent (McL. 9). 
carpus santalinus, 

Ear (Blue Mouse) (McL, 240). 
ria Ternatea, 

Kar (Cow’s) (McL. 240). 

896 Ptero- 
888 Clito- 

838 Clitoria 


Ear (Mouse) (Mc. 240). 838 Clitoria 

Ternatea. , 
Ear-ache Plant (McL. 860). 722 Crotalaria 
juncea. ! ‘ 
Ear-drops (S.146, 172). cdxli. Fuchsia 

(genus). : 

Har-drops (Lady’s) (8.172). «dxli. Fuchsia 

Har-ring (Monkey’s) (Nic. 3/462). 
Pithecolobium (genus). 

Eared Cassia (McL. 932). 954 Cassia 

Eared Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/583). 8252 
Syngonium auritum. 

Hared Jasmine (McbL. 384). 
num auriculatum. 

Eared (Agglomerate-flowered) 
(Mc. 384, adpd). 

Eared Senna (Mch. 932, adpd). 
Cassia auriculata. 

Earl of Dufferin Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/ 
$4, G/20) (Mu. 53). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
sempertiorens (punicea-kermesino- 

Earl of Pembroke Rose (Ru/O/20). 1107-}. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Earth (Malayan) Gall (McL, 507). 1479 
Ophiorrhiza Mungos. 

Earth Pumpkin (McL. 713). 2533 [pomexa 


1766 Jasmi- 



Earthquake Tree (McL. 803), 1968 Cordia | 


Hast (Kirk’s) African Violet-flowered Rain- 
bow Shrub (Nic. 4/82). 
Thunbergia Kirkii. 

East (Fan Palm of) Australia (Muell. S.P). 
3197 Livistonia australis. 

East (Nut Tree of) Australia (Muell. S.P). 
2479 Macadamia ternifolia. 

East Coast Cherry Nutmeg Tree (McL 281, 
adpd). 45 Polyalthia Korinti. 

East (True) Indian Tacamahac Resin Tree 
(McL. 705). 151 Calophyllum Wightia- 


‘Bast Indian Aloe (McL. 21). 3118 Aloé 

Hast Indian Coral Tree (S. 146). 817 
Erythrina indica. 

East Indian Flax (S. 146, 363), 346 Rein- 
wardtia trigyna. 

East Indian Kino (Bs/T/240), 897 Ptero- 

carpus Marsupium. 

East Indian Moneywort (Nic. 4/10). 782 
Taverniera nummuwaria. 

East Indian Plum (MclL. 862). 135 Fla- 
courtia cataphracta. 

East Indian Rose Apple (McL. 802). 1231 
Hugenia Jambos. 

East Indian Rosebay (S. 146,442). 1836 

Tabernzmontana coronaria, 

1767 Jasminum bre- | 

2168 (bis.) | 


East Indian Rosewood (Mc. $8). ccexxiv: 
Dalbergia (genus). 

East Indian Satin Wood (Rox. 2/400). 485 
Chloroxylon Swietenia. 

East Indian Screw Tree (Br. 21). 280 
Helicteres Isora. 

East Indian Senna (McL. 805). 959 Cassia 

East Indian Star Apple (Gbl. 443) (McL. 
8U2, Rid. 115, 157, adpd), 1678 Chry- 
sophyllum Roxburghii. 

East Indian Wine Palm (S. 80) (McL. 777). 
cemxci. Caryota (genus). 

Easter Flower (S. 146) (? Lobster flower). 
2540 Euphorbia pulcherrima. 

Eastern (Coral Tree of the) Ghauts (Bdn/ 
F.T, adpd). 819 Erythrina suberosa. 
Eastern-Isles (Dammer Pine of the) (Rid. 

49). 2832 Agathis loranthifolia. 

“bony Family (Br. 1/2) (L/N/S/B). 
Ebenacez (Order). 

Ebony (Muell.S.P). dixi. Maba (genus). 

Ebony (Bed. 2/66) (Bs/S/126, NEL, 132, 
CDP) (Cag. 507) (Cat. 177) (Rid. 127). 
1707 Diospyros Ebenum. 

Ebony (Bs/8/265, GDY). 

Ebony (Acuminate-elliptie-leaved Coro- 
mandel) (Bed. 2/66). 1713 wWiospyros 

Ebony (Black) (McL. 366). 1715 Diospyros 

Ebony (Bourdillon’s Apple-fruited) (Bdn/ 
FE.T, McL, 366, adpd). 1721 Diospyros 

Ebony (Bourdillon’s Neyarum) (Bdn/F.T, 
MclL. 366, adpd). 1698 Diospyros Spn, 

Ebony (Box leaved Satin) (Mc. 789, adpd), 
1694 Maba buxifolia, 

Ebouy (Ceylon) (McL. 154, 266, 473, 798) 
(Bdn/F.T). 1707 Diospyros Ebenum. 
Ebony (Cochinchina) (McL. 798). 1694 

Maba buxifolia. 

Ebony(Common Climbing Mountain) (MeL. 
472, 520, 995, adpd). 994 Euauhinia 

Ebony (Common Mountain) (McL. 472, 
520, 995, adpd). 990 Bauhinia race- 

Ebony (Common Satin) (McL. 789). 1694 
Maba buxifolia. 

Ebony (Common Woodland)| (MeL. 366, 


1715 Diospyros 

adpd). 1709 Diospyros sylvatica. 
Ebony (Coromandel) (Mch. 366). 1715 
Diospyros melanoxylon. 
Ebony (Coromandel) (Pfl. 97). [1713 

Sphalm] 1715 Diospyros melanoxylon. 
Ebony (Coromandel) (McL. 798). [1694 
Sphalm] 1715 Diospyros melanoxylon. 
Ebony (Casparea Mountain) (MeL. 472, 
520, 995, adpd). 999 Bauhinia monan- 


Ebony (Cowitch) (McL. 366, adpd). 
Diospyros pruriens. 

Ebony (Crimson Climbing Mountain) 
(McL. 472, 520, 995, adpd). 995 
Bauhinia phcenicea. 

Ebony (Crimson-gold-and-white Moun- 
tain) (Cat. 112). 999 Bauhinia monan- 



Ebony (Crow) (McL. 366). 1715 Diospy- 
ros melanoxylon. 

Ebony (Downy Mountain) (McL. 
988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Ebony (Egg fruited) (McL. 366, adpd). 
1712 Diospyros oocarpa. 

Ebony (Fluted fruit) (Bdn/F.T, McL. 366, 
adpd). 1703 Diospyros sulcata. 

Ebony (Fragrant-owered) (Bdn/F.T, 
McL. 366, adpd). 1698 Diospyros n.sp. 

Ebony (Great-leaved Mountain) (McL. 
52u). [990 Sphalm] 

Ebony (Heart leaved Mottled) (McL. 304, 
adpd). 1699-b. Diospyros montana 

Ebony (Holy Mountain) (Mcl. 621). 
Bauhinia tomentosa. 

-Ebony (Hooker’s Australian Mountain) 



(McL. 472, 520, 995, adpd). 1000 
Bauhinia Hookeri. 
Ebony (Indian) (McL. 461). (881 

Sphalm] 1714 Diospyros temontosa. 
Ebony (Indian) (McL. 366, 977). dixii. 
Diospyros (genus). 

Ebony (Kanjilal’s Motiled) (McL. 304, - 

adpd). 1700 Diospyros Kanjilali. 

Ebony (Large Mountain) (MeL. 472, 520, 
995). 994 Bauhinia Vahlii. 

Ebony (Large Mountain) (McL. 520). 
996 Beuhinia purpurea. 

Ebony (Large Oolinda) (McL. 
1711 Diospyros chloroxylon. 

Ebony (Leafy Fruited) (McL. 266, adpd). 
1705 Diospyrcs foliosa, 

Ebony (Malabar Mountain) (McL. 472, 
520, 874, 995). 991 Bauhinia mala- 

Ebony (Minute-flowered Climbing Moun- 
tain) (Hk. 2/284, adpd). 998 Bauhinia 

Ebony (Motiled) (McL. 304). 
Diospyros montana. 

Ebony (Mountain) (McL. 474, 920, 995) 



(Nic. 1/161) (Cag. 625).  cceelvii. 
Bauhinia (genus). 

Ebony (Mountain) (Pf. 118). 988 
Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Ebony (Mountain) (Ru/N/75, 159). (?) 

1699 Diospyros montana (?). ag 
Ebony (Neilgherry Satin) (McL, 473, 798, 
997, corr). 1695 Maba nigrescens. 
Ebony (Nilgiri) (McL, 366, adpd). 
Diospyros nilagirica, 


994 Bauhinia | 

INDEX. 487 

Ebony (Nirpa Mountain) (MeL. 472, 520, 
874, 994). 993 Bauhinia retusa, 

Ebony (Oval leaved) (McL. 366, adpd). 
1706 Diospyros ovalifolia. 

Ebony (Panicle flowered) (McL. 366, 
adpd). 1722 Diospyros paniculata. 

Ebony (Pink-and-yellow Mountain) (Hk. 
2/284, adpd). 997-a. Bauhinia variegata 

Ebony (Purple Mountain) Mc. 472, 520, 
806, 995) (Br. 64). 996 Bauhinia pur- 

Ebony (Purple Variegated Mountain) 
(McL. 521). 997-a. Bauhinia variegata 

Ebony (Retuse leaved Mountain) (Mcb. 
472,520, adpd). 993 Bauhinia retusa. 

Ebony (Richard’s African Mountain) (Br. 
64, adpd). 1001 Bauhinia Richardiana. 

Ebony (River) (McL. 303, adpd). 1702 
Diospyros Embryopteris. 

Ebony (Saffron Mountain) (McL. 521). 
988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Ebony (Satin) (McL. 789). dixi. Maba 

Ebony (Satin) (McL, 798). 1694 Maba 

Ebony (Senaar) (Cooke 
Dalbergia melanoxylon. 

Ebony (Shrubby White Mountain) (McL. 
472, 520, 995, adpd). 989 Bauhinia 

Ebony (Small-owered Mountain) (McL. 
231, 472, 520, 806, 995). 990 Bauhinia 

Ebony (Small-leaved) (McL. 366, adpd) 
1710 Diospyros microphylla, 

Ebony (Snake-like Mountain) (McL. 472, 
21, 995). 995 Bauhinia angnina. 

Ehony (Sour Mountain) (McL. 520). 991 
Bauhinia malabarica. 

Ebony (Southern-Ghauts) (McL. 366, 
adpd). 1705 Diospyros foliolosa. 

Ebony (Spreading Variegated Mountain) 
(Cat. 112). 999 Banhiaia monandra. 

Ebony (Stinging Fruit) (McL. 366, adpd). 
1697 Diospyros pruriens. 

Ebony (Subobtuse-Hliiptic-wedge-leaved 
Coromandel) (Hk. 3/564, adpd). 1715 
Diospyros melanoxylon. 

Ebony (Subobtuse-ovate leaved Coroman- 
del) (Hk. 3/564,adpd). 1714 Diospyros 

Ebony (Taper-pointed Mountain) (MeL. 
521) (Br. 63). 989 Bauhinia acumi- 

Ebony (Tinrevelly) (Bdn/F.T, MeL. 366, 
adpd). 171Y Diospyros affinis. 

Ebony (Tomentose Mountain) (Mc. 521) 
(Br. 164). 988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Ebony (Twin-leaved Mountain) (McL, 
472, 520, 995, adpd), (Br. 64). 992 
Bauhinia diphylla, 

1/397). 886 


Ebony (Variegated Mountain) (McL. 472, 
484, 521, 995) (Br. 63). 997 Bauhinia 

Ebony (Western-Ghauts) (McL. 266). 
1708 Diospyros assimilis. 

Ebony (White Mountain) (McL. 521, 995). 

_ 989 Bauhinia acumizata. 

Ebony (White Variegated Mountain) 
(McL. 520) (Br. 63). 997-b. Bauhinia 
variegata (candida). 

Ebony (Wight’s Mottled) (Mech. 304, 
adpd). 1723 Diospyros orixensis. 

Ebony (Wild Mountain) (McL. 472, 521, 
995). 988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Ebony (Yellow Mountain) (McL. 521). 
988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Ebony (Yellow Mountain) (McL. 473, 521, 
995). [891 Sphalm] 938 Bauhinia 

Ebony (Yellow-wood) (Mc. 366, adpd). 
1713 Diospyros chloroxylon. 

Ebony (Toposi) of Bengal (Gbl. 454, Mch. 
3866, adpd). 1704 Diospyros Toposia. 
Ebony (Red) of Canara (bl. 462, McL. 

366, adpd). 1720 Diospyros crumenata. 

Ebony (Coromandel) of Mysore (McL. 
366, adpd). 1713 Diospyros Tupxu. 

Ebony of Northern India (Bs/T/430) 
(Gbl. 461). 1714 Diospyros tomentosa. 

Ebony (Red) of South India (Gbl. 462, 
McL. 366, adpd). 1717 Diospyros 

Ebony (Satin) of the Coucan (McL. 789, 
adpd). 1696 Maba micrantha. 

Ebony (Medium-leathery Elliptic-oblong- 
acuminate-leaved Black-stemmed) of 

Travancore (8s/T/436, adpd). 1724 , 

Diospyros travancorica. 

Ebony (Green) Tree 
Jacaranda (genus). 

Ebony (Malabar) Tree (Bdn/F.T). 1708 
Diospyros assimilis. 

Ebony (Mimosa Jeaved) Tree (S. 219). 
dexe, Jacaranda (genus). 

Echinate-fruited (Bell-flowered) Stinking 
Swallow-wort (Treas. Bot. 2/832, adpd). 
dcexxv. Oxypetalum (genus). 

Echinate-fruited (Funnel-flowered) Stink- 
ing Swallowwort (Hk. 4/2, adpd). 
dexxiv. Demia (genus). 

Echites (Acuminate) (Rid. 122). 1859 
Aganosma marginata. 

Echites (Clove-scented) (Cag. 499). 
1860 Aganosma caryophyllata. 

Echites (Densely-cymed) (Rox. 
1861 Aganosma Cymosa. 

Echites (Medicinal) (McL. 871). 1833 
Holarrhena antidysenterica. 

Echites (Panicled) (Rid. 122) (Br. 128). 
1864 Anodendron paniculatum, 

Ecostate (Narrow leaved) Fern Palm 
(Bth. 6/252, adpd). 2881 Macrozamia 

? (Nov. 8.). 
(Ss. 219). dexe. 


Ecostate Pinnate Fern Palm (Muell. 8.P, 
adpd). cmxy. Macrozamia (genus). 

Edged (Yellow) leaved American Aloe 
(Nic. 1/38) (S. 12). 3049-b. Agave 
americana (variegata). 

Edged (Smooth) leaved Nilgiri Rattan 
(Hk. 6/452, adpd). 3213 Calamus 

Edging (Common) Box (S, 67) (Cag. 421). 
2545-e. Buxus sempervirens (suffruti- 

Edible Date (McL. 413). 3162 Phoenix 

Edible (Wallich’s) Dwarf Kattan (Nic. 
4/235, adpd). 3222 Zalacea edulis. 

Edible Fig (Bdn/l'.T) (Gbl. 637) (Cat. 292) 
(Ooty. 86). 2752 Ficus Carica. 

Edible (Indian) Fig (Hk. 5/530). 2753 
Ficus palmata. 

Edible (European) Fig (McL. 34, adpd). 
2752 bicus Carica. 

Edible (Woolly) Fig (Hk. 5/580). 2753 _ 

Ficus palmata. 

Edible (Madagascar) Olive (Br. 118). 
1796 Noronhia emarginata. 

Edible Passion Flower (Nic. 3/80), 1350 
Passiflora edulis. 

Edible Paulay (McL. 478, 664, 997). 
1692 Mimusops Kauki. 

Edible (Himalaya) Pine (Gbl. 709). 28438 
Pinus Gerardiana. 

Edible Pith (McL. 512). 3284 Saccharum. 

Edible (Maltese) Prickly Pear (FAR. 28 
to 30, 34 to 37 NEL) (Cat, 154). 1388 
Opuntia vulgaris. 

Edible Prosopis (McL. 09). 1007 
Prosopis spicigera. 

.Edible Sterculia (McL. 68, 478). 271 

Stercnlia Balanghas. 

Edinburgh (Dutchess of) Rose (Ru/O/20) 
(Mu. 58). 1107-f. Rosa  hybrida- 
semperflorens (carnea). 

Edinburgh (Duke of) Rose (Nic. 3/324. 
Cag. 596) (Ru/O/20) (Mu, 53). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-sempertiorens (coccinia- 

, mIiniato-suffusa). 

Edouard Morren Rose (Nic. 2/324) (Hod) 
(Cag. 596) (Ru/N/90, 0/20, Mu. 28, Br. 
72, Hod). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfiorens (rosea), 

Edouard Rose (Cag. 596) (? Edouard 
Morren, 1107-g). 1106-d. Rosa borbo- 
nica (rosea) ?. 

Edward Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/20) (Mu. 53) 
(Br. 72) (Hod) (? Cag. 596) ? Edoward 
Morren). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida 
semperfiorens (rosea). 

Enjoo (McL. 413). 3167 Phcenix farini- 

Eeshwaram (McL. 286, 1000). 
Aristolochia (genus), 



Keshwaramooly (McL. 862). 
teres lsora. 

280 Helic- 

Eeshwara’s Mango (McL. 468, 469). 178 
Garcinia Xanthocaymus. 
Eeshwaram’s Root (McL. 374). 2391 

Aristolochia indica. 

Eetchamaram (McL. 413), 

Eety (McL. 861). 881 Dalbergia latifolia 

Egg iruited Ebony (McL. 366, adpd). 
1712 Diospyros oocarpa. 

Egg Plant (S. 404). aclxvi. 

Egg Plant (McL. 107) (Nic. 3/454) (8.407, 
148) (Cag. 156) (Rid. 155, 187, 213) 
(Hk. 4/235) (Pr. 1/746) (Kl. 519) (Pf. 
341) (Jaf. 49, 67) (Br. 149) (Ru/N/12, 
18, 0/4) (Bo. 19) (Siu. 24) (MDHS. 15). 
2084 Solanum Melongena. 

Egg (New-York Purple) Plant (Nic. 
1/144) (MDHS. 15). 2084-c. Solanum 
Melongena (americana). 

Egg Plum (McL. 65). (?) 561 Zizyphus 
Jujuba (?). 

Eglandular (Acute leaved) senna (McL. 
804, adpd). 955 Cassia acutifolia. 

Eglandular (Bristle-tipped Oblong leaved) 
Senna (Mch. 804, adpd). 959 Cassia 

Eglandular (Emarginate Oblong leaved) 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 958 Cassia 

Eglandular (Foliaceous stipuled) Senna 
(Mc. 804, adpd). 

Eglandular (Large leafietted) Senna 
(Mech. 804, adpd). 957 Cassia alata. 

Eglandular (Narrow leaved) Senra (McL. 
804, adpd). 956 Cassia angustifolia. 
Eglandular (Obtuse leaved) Senna (McL. 
804, adpd). 963 Cassia obovata. 

Eglantine (Nie. 3,323) (S. 143) (Cag. 592) 
(Br.7]). 1101 Rosa rubiginoga. 

Egypt (Bamia Coston of) (Muell. §.P). 
254 Gossypium barbadense. 

Egyptian Acacia (McL. 840). 
Albizzia Lebbek. 

Egyptian Cotton (McL. 232) (S. 185). 254-c. 
Gossypium barbadense (hybrida). 

Egyptian Inaigo (McL. 869). 7538 Indigo- 
tera argentea (cerulea). 

Egyptian Privet (McL. 342, 503). 
Lawsonia alba. 

Egyptian (Broad) Privet (Ell. 367). 1314 
Lawsonia alba. 

Egyptian Sesbania (Br.51). 779 Sesbania 

Ehretia (Box leaved) (Br. 146). 1983 
Ehretia buxifolia. 

Ehretia (Rough) (Br. 
Ebretia levis (aspera). 

Ehretia (Smooth) (Br. 146). 1980 Ehretia 

3167 Phoenix 




146). 1980-d. 

Y60 Cassia timori-_ 


Hight-(8-prs)-nerved (Medium-shaygy) 
elliptic - denticalate - acuminate -leaved 
Coneheal (Hk. 4/444, adpd). 2200 
Strobilanthes lupulinus. 

Hight-(8-prs) nerved (Medium hispid) 
ovate-acuminate-leaved Conehead (Hk. 

4/488, adpd). 2190 Strobilanthes 

Hight-(8-prs) nerved (Medium-dense- 
white-silky-backed) | Ovate-subentire- 

acuminate-leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/435, 
adpd). 21838 Strobilanthes cuspidatus. 
Eight pinnate toap Pod (McL. 226, 798, 
adpd). 1089-b. Acacia Intsia (czsia). 
Highteen - (16-20) -nerved-longer-narrow- 

lobed Palmyra (GDV) [Male Plant}. 
3224 Borassus flabellifer. 
Eighteen (Malay) Parted Penang Lawyer 

(McL. 675, adpd). 3178 Licuaia 

Highteen segment Prickly Fan Palm 
(Hk. 6/481, adpd). 3178 Licuala 

Ejoo Palm (McL. 316). 3149 Arenga 

Elzocarpus (Saw leaved) (McL. 763). 
[exxiii. Sphalm) 386 Elzocarpus 

Elaia of the Greeks (McL. 1044). 
Olea europea. 

Elastic Fig (Mc. 358). 

Elastic (False) Fig (Bth. 6/170). 
Ficus macrophylla. 

Elaté of the Greeks (Meu. 413) [Male 
flowers}. 3162 Phoenix dactylifera. 
Elder (Nic. 38/353) (S. 884). cdlxxiii. 

Sambucus (genus). 
Eider (Common) (Nic. 3/854) (S. 148, 384) 
MuelJ. S.P). 1424 Sambucus nigra. 
Elder (Golden) (Nic. 3/354) (S.384) 

2734 Ficus elas- 


(Ooty. 351). 1424-b, Sambucus nigra 

Elder (Yeliow) (MDS). 2121 Tecoma 

Elder Berry (8.148). 1424 Sambucus 

Elder Wood Tree Vine (McL, 651, adpd). — 
617 Leea sambucina. 

Elegant (Small) Banana (Cag. 206) (Cat. 

322). 3042-b. Musa sapientum (marta- 

Elemi (McL. 287, 993). 446 Canarium 

Elemi (Manilla) Plant (McL. 287). 446 
Canarium commune. 

Elemi (Mauritius) Resin Plant (McL, 287, 
492), 446 Oanarium commune, 

Elengi (McL. 350) (McL. 356). 1689 
Mimusops Elengi. 
Elephant Aloe (McL. 20), 3049 Agave 



Elephant Apple (McL. 802, 1024) (Nic. 2/8) 
(Br. 23) (Cag. 875) (Rid. 125) (Bs/T/117) 

(Rox. 2/411) (Pr. 1/305) (Cat. 54) 
(Pfl. 373) (HIll. 276). 424 Feronia ele- 

Elephant Arrowroot (McL. 37, 288). 3000 
Costus speciosus. 

Elephant Cowitch (McL. 238, 994). 815 
Mucunsa gigantea. 

Elephant Creeper (McL. 288,1001), 3274 

Pothos scandans. 

Elephant Creeper (McL. 665) (Cag. 479) 
(Cat. 200) (Pf. 468). 1993 Argyreia 

Elephant Goomchy (MclL. 
1004, Adenanthera pavonina. 

Elephant Grass (Bed. 1/229) (Bs/T/685 

814, 757). 

(Gbl. 756). 321 Ochlandra travan- 

Elephant Grass (McL. 288, 1001) 
(Rox. 3/566) (Br. 281) (HIl. 573) 

(Cag. 334). 3248 Typha elephantina. 

Elephant (Lesser) Grass (McL. 288, 1001). | 

3249 Typha angustata. 

Elephant Lemon (McL. 238, 434, adpd), 
410-d, Citrus medica-limonum (decu- 

Elephant Lime (McL. 288, 434). [413 
Spbalm] 410-d. Citrus medica-limonum 

Elephant Long Pepper (McL. 677, 1001). 
3269 Scindapsus officinalis, 

Elephant Pepper (McL. 678). 

Elephant Pepper Climbing Arum (MclhL, 
677, corr). 8269 Scindapsus officinalis. 

Elephant Beed (Bed. 1/229). 3316 
Yeinostachyum Wightii. 

Elephant Rope Tree (McL. 605) (Bdn/F.'T). 
268 Sterculia villosa. 

Elephant Shoonday (McL. 829, 998). 
2081 Solanum ferox. 

2404 Piper 

Elephant Silk Cotton (McL. 73). 257 
Adansonia digitata. 
Elephant Tamarind (McL. 73, 874). 257 

Adansonia digitata. 
Elephant Thorn (McL. 935). 

1032 Acacia 

Elephant Webera (McL. 1028)(?). 672 
Odina Wodier (?). 
Elephant’s-ear Fern (S. 6).  milxiii. 

Acrostichum (genus). 

Elephant’s-ear (Pinnate-(1-4 ft.) lance- 
(5’’-10’’)-pungent - serrate - acuminate - 
(fertile - much - contracted) - pinnated 
Jilmbing) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3378 
Acrosticlum palustre, 

Elephant’s ear (Pinnate-(1-4 ft.)-leathery 
linear - oblong-(4’’-8"’) - obtuse - fertile - 
smaller-narrower-pinnated) Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 38379 «acrostichum aureum. 

Elephant’s Pali (McL. 777). 3152 Caryota 



Elephant’s Scratchwort (Rox. 
813 Mucuna monosperma. 
Eleven:(9-15)-leaved Rose (Hk. 2/3864). 

1096 Kosa microphylla. 

Eleven-(10-12-prs)-neryed (Long-glabrous) 
Brosd-elliptic-acuminate-leaved Cone- 
head (Hk. 4/476, adpd). 2218 Strobi- 
lanthes amabilis. 

Eleven-(11-prs)-nerved (Long-subglab- 
rous-lineolate) El]liptic-entire-acumin- 
ate leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/478, adpd). 
2220 Calacantbus Dalzellii. 

Eleven-(10-12-prs)-nerved (Medium- 
brown-downy-backed) Lance-subentire- 
caudate-leaved Conehead (Hk 4/441, 
adpd). 2197 Strobilanthes caudatus. 

Eleven-(11-prs)-nerved (Long-thinls - 
puberulous-backed) ovate-crenulate- 
acuminate-leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/436, 
adpd). 2185 Strobilanthes jeyporensis. 

Eleven-(10-13-prs-in-long)-nerved (Un- 
equally - paired -long-and-small -downy- 
sessile-auriculate) Ovate-oblong-serru- 
late-acuminate-leaved Square-branched 
Conehead (Hk. 4/458, adpd). 2219 
Strobilanthes auriculata, 

Eleven-(11-prs)-nerved (Medium-sparsely- 
downy) Ovate-serrate-acuminate- 
leaved Conehea (Hk. 4/444, adpd). 

, 2203 Strobilanthes micranthus. 

Elie Morel Rose (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/9C@). 
1107-g. Rosa hybrida semperflorens 
(rosea - lilacino- suffusa - margine-albes- 

Ella Gordon Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/G/20). 
1107-}. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Elliott (Constance) Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/30) (8. 310) (Ooty. 465). 1849-b. Passi- 
flora czerulea (albiflora). 

Elliott’s Glabrous Goglet Flower (McL, 
466, adpd). 19388 Ceropegia Hlliottii. 
Elliptic-acumirate-leaved (Medium-sub- 
glabrous-lineolate) Blue Bracted Vernal 


Flower (Hk. 4/421, adpd). 2173 
Dedalacanthus montanus. 
Elliptic-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 

2261 Justicia 

(Hk. 4/533, adpd). 

Elliptic-acuminate-leaved (Mediom- 

papery) Privet (Hk. 3614,adpd). 1790 
Ligustrum Walkeri. 
Elliptic-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 

downy-backed opposite) Rondeletiawort 
(Hk. 3/38, adpd). 1461 Wendlandia 
tinctoria (normalis). 

Elliptic-acuminate-leaved (Medium-glab- 
rate-long-petioled Ternately-whorled) 
Rondeletiawort (Hk 3/40, adpd). 
1463-b. Wendlandia Notoniaaa (bicus- 



Elliptic-acuminate-leaved (Mediam-vel- 
vetty-backedTernately-whorled) Rondel- 
etiawort (Hk. 3/40, adpd). 1463-a. 
Wendlandia Wotonians (typica), 

Elliptic--acuminate-leaved (Long-lineo- 
late) Rosy Bracted Vernal-flower 
(Hk. 4/44, adpd). 2172 Deedalacan- 
thus roseus, 

(Hk. 1/546, adpd). 

Eliiptic-acuminate-small-leaved Gamboge 
(Bdn. in bo. N. Hs, dated 7-12-98, adpd). 
176 Garcinia Imberti. 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Minate-membra- 
nous-) Ascending-branched Featherfoil 
(Hk. 5/297, adpd). 2564 Phyllanthus 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Small) Bastard 
Privet (Hk. 4/98, adpd). 1965 Garden- 
eria ovata. 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Medium-puberu- 
lous-glabrate) Cornel (Hk. 2/746, adpd). 
1423 Mastixia pentandra. 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Medium-velvetty- 
backed-nervose)Crape Myrtle (Bs/T/338, 
adpd). 1317 (bis.) Lagerstrcemia 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Small-glaucous- 
nervose) Crape Myrtle (Hk. 2/576, 
adpd). 1317 Lagerstreemis lanceolata. 

Elliptic-acute-leayed (Small-membranous- 

White Cedar 
456 Dysoxylum 

subhgoline) Flexous-branched Feather- 

foil (Hk. 5/287, adpd). 
lanthus suberosus. 

Elliptic-acate-leaved (Long-papery) Jun- 
gle Geranium (Hk. 3/139, adpd). 1533 
Ixora Johnsoni. 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Long-minutely- 
downy) Justicewort (Hk. 4/546, adpd). 
2266 Adhatoda vasica. 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Long-punctulate) 
Joastice-wort (Hk. 4/525, adpd). 2256 
Justicia montana. 

Klliptic-acute-leaved-(Minute- grey-downy 
-sessile) Littoral Bindweed Shrub (fik, 
4/225,adpd). 2064 Cressa cretica,: 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Small-leathery)- 
Non-lenticallate-branched Privet (Bk, 
3/615, adpd). 1793 Lignstrum Per- 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Smoll-leathery- 
shining) Offal Shrub (Hk. 3/186, adpd). 
1582 Lasianthus parvifolius, 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Small-leathery) 
Privet (Hk. 3/616, adpd), 1794-a. 
Ligustrom Decaisnei (typica). 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Small-leathery ) 
Red-spotted-yellow Corkscrew Jog- 
bane of China (Nic. 3/520, adpd). 
1848 Strophanthus divergens. 

2556 Phyl- 

INDEX. 491 

Elliptic-acute-leaved §(Medium-to-long- 
membranous) Spinous Honey-thorn 
(Ol. 3/148, adpd). 1529-c. Vangueria 
spinosa (edulis). 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Bifoliate-infra 
(1)-glandular-medium) Spinous-(young) 
Sirissa (Bed. 2/317, adpd). 1058 Inga 

Elliptic-acute-leaved (Very-small) Squar- 
ish-brauched Chay-root Shrub (Hk. 
3/55, adpd). 1475 Hedyotis travan- 

Elliptic-acute-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 
opposite) Square-branched Offal Shrub 
(Hk. 3/194, adpd). 1591 Saprosma 

Elliptic-acate-or-acuminate-leaved (Small- 
glaucous-backed) Tiger’s Milk Spurge 
(Hk. 5/470, adpd). 2701 Sapiam dis- 

Elliptic-opiculate-leaved (Very-small- 
papery) Featherfoil (W.A.1., Bs/T/571, 
adpd). 2571 Phyllanthus chorizandra. 

Elliptic-bristle-serrate - acuminate - leaved 
Digitate-(3-5) Aralia (Hk. 2/724, 
adpd). 1399 Pentapanax Leschenauitii. 

Elliptic-cordate-acute (Medium-10-to-15- 
nerved) leaved Tripterocarp Dammer 
(Hk. 1/805, adpd). 200 Shorea Talura. 

Elliptic-cunea*e-acuminate-leaved (Long- 
linevlate-subglabrous Six-(6-7  prs)- 
nervyed) Conehead (ik. 4/441, adpd). 
2.98 Strobilanthes tristis. 

Elliptic-cuneate-acuminate-leaved (Long- 
subglabrous-lincolate Twelve-(8- 16 prs)- 
nerved) Warty branched  Cone- 
head (Hk. 4/451, adpd). 2212 (bis.) 
Strobilanthes callosus. 

Hlliptic-crenate-cuspidate-leaved (Medi- 
um) Flowering ‘irch (Hk. 2/597, adpd). 
1840 Homalium zeylanicum. 

ed (Medium-short-petioled) Flowermg 
Birch (Hk. 2/598, adpd). 1341 
Homalium trayancoricum, 

(Penninerved-biglandular-based Medi- 
um-papery-scurfy-downy-glabrate) Mer- 
cury (Hk. 5/419, adpd). 2672 Celode- 
pas calycinum. 

(Small-rigid-scabrid} Square-branched 
Conchead (Hk. 4/434, adpd). 2180 
Strobilanthes Kunthianus. 

ed (Medium-leathery-rusty-shaggy- 
backed) Sweet-leaf (Hk. 3/582, adpd). 
1737 Symplocos Gardneriana. 

Elliptic-cuneate-tail-tipped-leaved Climb- 
ing Arum (Hk. 6/555, adpd). 3277 
Pothos Thomsonianns. 


Elliptic Acuneate-toothed-acuminate-leav- 
ed (Medium-ashy-dowuy) Monstache 
Plant (Hk. 4/597, adpd). 23829 Caryop- 
teris Wallichiana. 

Hlliptic-cuspidate-leaved (Leathery- 
shining) Bottle Flower (W.A.1). 
1491-b, Webera corymbosa (rigida). 

Elliptic-cuspidate (Long-! 2-to-18-nerved- 
velvetty-backed) leaved Dipterocarp 
Dammer (Bs/T/66, adpd). 198 Diptero- 
carpus Bourdilloni. 

Elliptic-cuspidate-leaved (Medium- 
leathery-very-stout-petioled) | Honey- 
thorn (Hk. 3/133, adpd). 1522 

Canthium ficiforme. 

Hlliptic-cuspidate (Multifoliate-(7-9)) 
leaved Kino Rose-wood (Bs/T/239, 
adpd). 894 Pterocarpus indicus. 
Hlliptic-cuspidate-leaved (Medium-mem- 
branous) Offal Shrub (Hk. 3/198, 

adpd). 1589 Saprosma fragrans. 
Elliptic-cuspidate-leaved (Imvaripinnate- 

(7-9) -medium-woolly-giabrate) | Rosy 

Ridge-septate Trampet Tree (Hk. 

4/881, adpd). 
Hlliptic-cuspidate-leaved {Quinquefoliate- 
(38-5)-subopposite Medium-scurfy-glab- 
rate) White Cedar (Hk. 1/561, adpd). 

469 Amoora Lawii. 

Hlliptic-cuspidate-leaved (Unifoliate 
Medium-scurfy-glabrate) White Cedar 
(Hk. 1/566, adpd). 474 Beddomea 

Elliptic-cuspidate-leaved (Small) Wind- 
berry Climber (Hk. 3/513,adpd). 1661 
Embelia Ribes. 

Hlliptic — cuspidate — or-apiculate —leaved 
(Medium — leathery — glaucous — backed) 
Corkscrew Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/5, 
adpd). 1867 Cryptolepis Buchanani. 

Elliptic — denticulate — acuminate —Jeaved 
(Small - subglabrous - sessile-Five -(5-6) 
prs)-nerved) Athwart-warted-squarish- 
branched Conehead (Hk. 4/474, adpd). 
2213 Strobilanthes sexennis. 

2138 Heterophragma 

Elliptic - denticulate - acuminate - Jeaved 
(Medium-shaggy Eight-(8-prs)-nerved) 
Conehead (Hk, 4/448, adpd). 2200 
Strobilanthes Jupulinus. 

Hlliptic-disc-scabrid-felted leaved Sebes- 
ten (8s/T/479, adpd). 1972 Cordia 

Elliptic-entire-acuminate-leaved § (Long- 
subglabrous-lineolate Eleven-(11-prs)- 
nerved) Conehead (Hk. 4/478, adpd). 
2220 Calacanthus Dalzellii. 

Elliptic-entire-acute-leaved (Small- 
downy-backed) Star Vervein Climber 
(Hk. 4/604, adpd). 2333-b, 
tomentosa (azurea), 

Congea | 


Elliptic-entire-cuspidate-folioled (Tripin- 
nate Leafy-rachis-noded) Panax (Hk. 

2/784, adpd), 1418 Heteropanax 
Elliptic-entire (Spinous Very-small- 

opposite) leaved Anchor Plant (Nic. 
1/361,adpd). 557 Colletia ferox. 
Elliptic-entire (Medium) leayed Holly 
(Hk, 1/600, adpd). 508 Ilex 
Hlliptic-entire (Small) leaved Holly (Hk. 
1/603, adpd). 512 Ilex Wightiana. 
Elliptic-lance-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 

membranous) Cadamba (s/T/266, 
adpd). 1487 (bis.) Sarcocephalus 

Elliptic-lance-acuminate-leaved (Siall- 
leathery-hirsute-backed-scabrid) Chay- 
root Shrub (Hk. 3/55, adpd). 1476 
Hedyotis hirsutissima. 

E)liptic-lance-acuminate-leayed (Penni- 
neryed-alternate | Long-papery-rusty- 
downy) Cinnamon (Hk. 5/142, adpd). 
2446 Phoebe paniculata. 

branous-dowuy-midribbed) leaved 
Erect-Druped Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 
682 Nothopegia travancorica, 

Eliptic-lance-acuminate (Small) leaved 
Half-star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/87, 
adpd). 65 Miliusa nilagirica, 

Elliptic-lance-acuminate-leaved (ong- 
membranous-puberulous-backed) Hum- 
ming-bird Shrub (Hk. 3/96, adpd), 
1488 Adenosacme Lawii. 

Elliptic-lance-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 
membranous) Offal Shrub (Hk. 3/93, 
adpd). 1590 Saprosma zeylanicam, 

Hlliptic-lance-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 
siulky-nerved-backed) Offal Shrub (Hk. 
3/185, adpd). 158i Lasianthus acumin- 

Elliptic-lance-acuminate-leaved (Penni- 
nerved subverticiliate-(4—8) -ulternate 
Medium. leathery -glaucous-backed - rus- 
ty-velvetty-glabrate) Ray-Laurel (Hk. 
5/149, adpd), 2450 Actinodaphne 

Elliptic-lance-acuminate-leaved (Penni- 
nerved-subyverticillate-(8)-alternate Me- 
dium - papery - brown - velyetty-backed- 
shining) Ray-Laurel (Hk. 5/152, adpd). 
2455 Actinodaphne hirsuta. 

Elliptic-lance - acute - subserrate - downy- 
backed-leaved White-flowered Meadow- 
Sweet (Nic. 3/477, adpd), 1077 
Spireea media. 

Elliptic-lance -acute-leaved (Small-downy- 
subsessile) Villous-branched Ironweed 
(Hk. 4/286, adpd). 1598 Vernonia 


Elliptic-lance-acute-cuspidate (Medium- 
leathery) leaved Buchanan’s Mango 
(Hk. 2/24, adpd). 670 Buchanania 

Elliptic-lance-caudate-leaved (Penni- 
nerved-alternate Long-papery)Cinnamon 

(Hk. 5/144, adpd). 2445 Phoebe 
Elliptic-lance-candate-l¢aved (Small- 

membranous) Kokra-Laurel (Hk. 5/349, 
adpd). 2609 Aporosa acuminata. 

Elliptic-lance-candate-leaved (Medium- 
papery) Offal Shrnb (Hk. 3/184, adpd). 
1578 Lasianthus Blumianus. 

Elliptic-lance-caudate (Small-paperv- 
indistinctly-nerved) Unifoliate Climbing 

Lime (Hk. 1/511, adpd). 408 Para- 
mignya armata. 
Flliptic -lance-caudate-leaved (Medium- 

membranons) Winged-style Shrub (Hk. 
3/131, adpd). 1518 Octotropis travan- 

Elliptic-lance- crenate - acuminate - leaved™ 
(Medium - slightly - downy - lineolate 
Seven-(7-prs)-nerved) Conehead (Hk. 
4/444,  adpd). 2202 Strobilanthes 

leaved (Penninerved Medinm-to-long- 
leathery) Mercury (Hk. 5/444, adpd). 
2688 Cleidion javanicum. 

Elliptie-lance-cuneate-acate-leaved (Very- 

small-leathery) Straight-spined Bengal | 

Currant (Hk. 3/631, adpd). 1808 
Carissa paucinervia. 
Elliptic-lance-cuspidate-leaved §(Penni- 

nerved-opposite Medium-papery- 
shining) Cinnamon (Hk. 5/124, adpd). 
2432 Beilschmiedia Wightii. 

Elliptic-lance-cuspidate-leaved (Medium- 
leathery-hairy-gland-axilled) Dise- 
seeded Honey-Thorn (Hk. 3/123, adpd). 
1514 Diplospora apiocarpa. - 

f£lliptic - lance - entire - acuminate - leaved 
(Medium-papery) Wind-berry (Hk, 
3/508, adpd). 1657 Mesa ramentacea. 

Elliptic-lance-leaved (Biglandular-long) 
Guinea Plom (Hk. 2/34, adpd). 1060 
Parinarium indicum. 

Elliptic-lance-leaved (Long-papery) Wind- 
berry (Hk. 8/512, adpd). 1660-b. 
Myrsine capitellata (lepidocarpa). 

Elliptic-lance-leaved (Maltifoliate-(7-18)- 
leathery-shining-hoary-backed) Winged 
Rose-wood Climber (Bs/T/241) (Rox, 
3/232, adpd). 900 Derris scandens, 

Elliptic - lance-obovate-or-cuneate-mucro- 
nate-leaved (Unifoliate - glabrous) 
Orangered Bell Pea (Nic. 1/818, adpd). 
923 Chorizema diversifolium, 


INDEX. 4.938 

Elliptic-lance-obtuse-leaved (Penninerved 

subverticillate-(4-8)-alternate  Long- 
glaucous-golden-silky-glabrate) Ray- 
Laurel (Hk. 5/149, adpd). 2451 

Actinodaphre madraspatana, 

Elliptic-lance-obtuse-or-cuspidate - leaved 
(Long-membranous) Bastard Ipeca- 
cuanha (Hk. 3/162, adpd). 1561 
Psychotria subintegra. 

Elliptic-lance-obtuse-or- cuspidate - leaved 
(Medium-opposite) Rondeletiawort (Hk. 
3/39, adpd). 1462 Wendlandia 

Elliptic-lance- serrate - acuminate - leaved 
(Medium - rigid -downy-backed-scabrid- 
glabrate) Ironweed (Hk. 3/289, adpd). 
1603 Vernonia pectiniformis. 

Elliptic-lance -serrate - acuminate - leayed 
(Medium-scabrid-subsessile) Ironweed 
(Hk, 3/232, adpd). 1595 Vernonia 

Ellivtic -lance-serrate - acuminate - leaved 
(Medium-papery-opposite) Tiger’s 
Milk Spurge (Hk. 5/473, adpd). 2707 
Excecaria crenulata. 

Elliptic-lance-serrulate-acuminate - leaved 
(Small-velvetty-backed) Woolly- 
branched Ironweed (Hk. 3/240, adpd). 
1594 Vernonia malabarica. 

Elliptic - lance - serrate - acute-(Medium- 
papery) leaved Berried Spindle Climber 
(Hk. 1/628, adpd). 555 Salacia 

Elliptic-lance - serrate - cuspidate - leaved 
(Medium-papery) Tiger’s Milk Spurge 
(Hk. 5/471, adpd), 2703 Sapium 

leaved (Medium-membranous) Copper- 
leaf (Hk. 5/413, adpd). 2659 Claoxylon 

Elliptic-lance-subobtuse-leaved (Medium- 
leathery-hairy-gland-axilled) Disc- 
seeded Horey-thorn (Hk. 3/123, adpd), 
1515 Diplospora sphcerocarpa. 

ed (Penninerved-opposite Medium- 
Mercury (Hk. 5/438, adpd). 2681 
Mallotus Lawii. 

Hlliptic-lance-to-oblong -acute-to-obtuse- 
leaved (Penninerved-alternate Medium- 
to-long-glaucous-backed) Cinnamon 
(Hk. 5/140, adpd). 2444 Machilus 

(Long-leathery-subsessile) Jungle 
Geranium (Hk. 3/140, adpd). 1534 
Ixora polyantha. 

Elliptic-lance-to-obovate-oblong-entire- or 
subserrate - obtuse-to-acuminate—leaved 
(Small - to - medium - leathery - polished 
bifarious) Cluster Croton (Hk, 5/459, 
adpd). 2695 Gelonium lanceolatum, 


Elliptic-lance-to-roundish-leaved (Single- 
palmati-(3-5)-nerved - mostly - opposite 
Medium - Jeathery - cartilage-margined) 
Yam (Hk. 6/292, adpd). 3062 
Dioscorea oppositifolia. ; 

leaved (Medium-papery) Wind-berry 
(Hk. 3/509, adpd). 1658-a. Mesa 
indica (typica). 

Elliptic-leathery-leaved Reddish-brown- 
showy-flowered _Brazilian-Loosestrife 
(Nic. 2/230, adpd). 1809 Lafoénsia 

Elliptic (Long-membranous shining ) 
leaved Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 1/63, adpd). 
42 Polyalthia fragrans. 

Elliptic (Medium-membranous) leaved 
Claw-flowered Laurel (Hk. 1/498, adpd). 
388-b. Acronychia laurifolia (micro- 

Elliptic-leaved Digitate Ivy (Hk. 2/730, 
adpd). 1415 Heptapleurum Wallichi- 

Elliptic (Capitate) leaved Digitate (6-8) 
Ivy (Hk. 2/734, adpd). 1416 Brassaia 

Elliptic (Crisped-crenate) leaved Spear 
Flower (Hk. 3/524, adpd). 1669 

Ardisia crenata. 

Elliptic (Small) leaved Delight of the 
Woods (Hk. 1/419, adpd). 3856 Hiptage 

Elliptic leaved Downy Jasmine (McL, 

383, adpd). 1753 Jasminum Rottleri- 

Elliptic leaved Dyeing Mulberry (McL. 
367). 1554-e. Morinda  citrifolia 

Elliptic leaved Epiphytic Spider Flower 
Shrub (Bs/T/335, adpd). 1294. 

Medinilla malabarica. 

Hlliptic leaved Everlasting Shrub (Hk. 8. 
290, adpd). 1614 Helichrysum buddle- 

Elliptic leaved Few seeded Sweet Thorn 
(Hk. 1/194, adpd). 139 Xylosma 

Elliptic (Acute) leaved Fig (Mch. 73, 
adpd). 2735 Ficus Trimeni. 
Elliptic (Cusped) leaved Fig (MeL. 73, 

adpd). 2732 Ficus altissima. 

Elliptic (Fascicle-druped) leaved Holly 
(Hk. 1/600, adpd). 508 Ilex mala- 

Elliptic (Serrate) leaved HolJy (Hk. 1/600, 
adpd). 510 Hex denticulata. 

Elliptic (Umbel-druped) leaved Holly 
(Hk. 1/608, adpd). 512 Ilex Wightiana. 

Elliptic (Small) leaved Morning Vallow 
(Hk. 1/824, adpd). 216-e. Sida 
rhombifolia (microphylla). 

Elliptic (Obtuse) leaved St. John’s-wort 
of China (Nic. 5/487). 165 Hypericum 


Elliptic (Acuminate) leaved Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/186, adpd). 1994 Argyreia 

Elliptic (Large Villous) leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk. 4/189, adpd). 2001 Argyreia 

Elliptic (Medium-glabrescent) 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/192, adpd). 
Lettsomia elliptica. 

Elliptic (Medium-strigose) leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2005 
Argyreia Lawil. 

Elliptic (Mucronate) leaved Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/192, adpd). 2011 Lettsomia 
my sorensis. 

Elliptic (Small Downy) leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk. 4/188, adpd). 1998 
Argyreia pomacea. 

Elliptic (Small-silky) leaved Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2006 Argyreia 

Elliptic leaved Spathe 
(McL. 473, 669, 998, 
Dolichandrone crispa. 

Elliptic leaved Spear Flower (Hk. 3/529 
adpd). 1673 Ardisia humilis. 

Elliptic-leaved Spicate Scarlet-flowered 
Justice-wort (Nic. 2/206, adpd). 2263 
Jacohinia coccinea. 

Elliptic (Heyne’s) leaved Staff Tree (McL. 
459, adpd), 536 Gymnosporia Heyne- 

Elliptic (Roth’s) leaved Staff Tree (Mch. 
495, adpd). 535 Gymnosporia Rothii. 
Elliptic leaved Stemless Orchid (Hk. 
5/823, W. A.I, adpd). cmxxiv. (bis.) 

Josephia (genus). 

Elliptic leaved Wheel creeper (McL. 1028, 
adpd). 1163 Combretum extensum. 
Elliptic (Small) leaved Wild Tea (Hk. 
1/291, adpd). 192 Gordonia obtusa. 
Elliptic-leaved (Very-small) Yellow- 


Trumpet Tree 
adpd). 2132 

throated-blue Trumpet-Figwort (Nic. 
5/164, adpda). 2110 + Brunfelsia 

Hlliptic-long-acuminate-leaved (Quinque- 
foliate-(8-5) (Medium-eglabrous) Yam 
(Hk. 6/290, adpd). 38058 Dioscorea 

Elliptic (Horizontal-nerved) Long leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/260, adpd). 170 
Garcinia Mangostana). 

Elliptic-oblong-acuminate-leaved (Medi- 
um-leathery) Black-stemmed Ebony 
of Travancore (Bs/T/436, adpd). 1724 
Diospyros travancorica ? (Noy. sp.). 

Elliptic-oblong-acuminate-leaved (Long- 
elaucous-backed-leathery) Brazilian 
Nutmeg (Hk. 5/120, adpd), 2426 

Cryptocarya Wightiana. 

Elliptic oblong-acuminate-leaved (Multi- 
foliate-(16-20)-leathery-shining) Crab 
Oil Tree (Nic. 1/265, adpd). 475 
Carapa guianensis. 


Elliptic-oblong-acuminate (Medium- 
leathery-whitish backed) leaved Erect- 
druped Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd), 681-a. 
Nothopegia Calebrookiana (typica). 

Elliptic-oblong-acuminate-leaved (Medi- 
uni-membranous-sessile) Offal Shrub 
(Hk. 3/192, adpd). 1588 Saprosma 

downy-opposite) Cornel (Hk, 2/745, 
adpd). 1421 Cornus capitata. 




hairy-gland-axilled-and-backed) Cornel | 

(Hk. 2/744, adpd). 
(Hk, 5/301, adpd). 
(Long-leathery-brown-shaggy) Offal 
Shrub (Hk. 3/184, adpd). 1579 
Lasiantbus ciliatus, 
(Medium rusty-shaggy-glabrate) Shag- 
gy-belled Bind-weed (Hk. 4/225, adpd). 
2063 Neuropeltis race osa, 
Elliptic-cblong-acute (Medium-leathery- 
distinctly-nerved) Unifoliate Climbing 

1420 Alangium 

2565 Phyllanthus 

Lime (Hk. 1/510, adpd). 402 
Paramignya monophylla. 
Elliptic-oblong-caudate-leaved (Penni- 

nerved-alternate | (Long-membranons- 

downy-backed) Harmless Nettle (Hk. | 

6/589, adpd). 2776-a. 
integrifolia (typica). 

Elliptic - oblong - crenate- obtuse-to-cuspi- 
date (Medium-leathery) leaved Trinity- 
podded Spindle Climber (Hk. 1/624, 
adpd). 546 Hippocratea obtusifolia. 

Elliptic-oblong-cuneate-obtuse-to -acumin- 
ate-leaved (Small-leathery-shinirg) 
Child’s Amulet Tree (Hk. 5/339, adpd). 
2601 Hemicyclia venusta. 

(Treas. Bot. 1/565, adpd). 
Hematoxylon (genus). 

Elliptic-oblong-folioled (Bipinnate) Panax 
(Nic, 3/14, adpd). 1404 Panax elegans, 

ed (Medium—papery) Sweet-leaf 
(Hk. 3/582, adpd). 1739 Symplocos 

Elliptic-oblong-lance-acute (Small) ieaved 
white-druped Snindle Tree (Bed. 1/66, 
adpd). 531 Pleurostylia Wightii. 

leaved (Long) Tiger’s Milk Spurge (Hk. 
5/471, adpd). 2704 Sapium insigne. 

Elliptic-oblong- lance - crenate - gland-sin- 



used-acute-or-acuminate-leaved (Long- 

leathery-scurfy-downy-glabrate) Cro- 
ton (Hk, 5/400, adpd). 2647-a, Ostodes 
zeylanica (typica). 

Featherfoil | 

INDEX. 495 

leaved (Medinm-hoary-glabrate Triple- 
(3-5)-nerved) Needlewort (Bth. 5/518, 
adpd), 2486 Hakea lauring. 

ea (Medium-papery-silky-glabrate ter- 
minally-crowded) Croton (Hk. 5/398, 
adpd). 2645 Trigonostemon nemoralis. 

Elliptic-oblong-lance-spinnlosely- serrate- 
acute-leaved (Long-or-medinm-leathery 
Croton Indigo. (Hk. 5/406, adpd). 
2655 Azcrostistachys indica, 

Elliptic-oblong-leayed Axillary Yellow- 
tipped-scarlet-flowered Justice-wort 
(Nic. 2/261, adpd). 2265 Jacobinia 
pauciflora. ; 

Elliptic-oblong-leaved (Very-small-mem- 
branous-glaucous-backed) Feather-foil 
(Hk. 5/296, adpd). 2563 Phyllanthus 

Elliptic-oblong-leayed (Long-Creamy- 
and-dark-green-obliquely-striped Pale- 
green) Galangal (Nic. 1/54,adpd). 3010 
Alpinia vittata. 

Elliptic-obiong-leaved (Medinm-to-long- 
leathery) Square-unarmed-branched 
Emetic Nut (Hk. 3/112, adpd). 1500 
Randia densiflora. 

Elliptic-oblong-narrow ed-but-obtuse-leay- 

% ed (Penninerved Medinm-papery-shin- 
ing) Mercury (Hk. 5/418, adpd). 2671 
Adenochlena indica. 

Elliptic-oblong-obtuse-leaved (Penninerv- 
ed-subverticellate-alternate | Medinm- 
to - long - glaucous - backed - leathery) 
Cinnamon (Hk. 5/144, adpd). 2447-c. 
Alseodaphne semecarpifolia (macro- 

Hlliptic-oblong-obtuse (Long) leaved 
Crested-petalled Spindle Tree (Bed. 
2/114, adpd). 529  Lophopetalam 

Elliptic-oblong-obtuse (Small-leathery- 
whitish-backed) leaved Erect-druped 
Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 681-b. 
Nothopegia Colebrookiana (Heyneana). 

Elliptic-oblong-obtuse-leaved (Small- 
papery-downy-glabrate) Featherfoil 
(Hk. 5/288, adpd). 2557 Phyllanthus 

Elliptic-oblong-obtuse-leaved (Long- 
leathery) Jungle Geranium (Hk. 3/139, 
adpd). 1532 Ixora Notoniana. 

dium-glaucous-backed-leathery)  Cin- 
namon (Hk. 3/144, adpd). 2447-b. 
Alseodaphne semecarpifolia (angusti- 

ate-leaved (Medium-sessile) Gland- 
downy-branched Ironweed (Hk. 3/235, 
adpd.) 1597 Vernonia saligna (nilgher- 



Elliptic-oblong-serrate-cuspidate (Multi- 
foliate-(7-9)) leaved Rusty-downy 
Balsam Tree (Bs/T/132, adpd). 445 
Bursera serrata. 

Elliptic-oblong-serrate-cuspidate (Me- 
dium) leaved Spinous Buckthorn (Hk, 
2/641, adpd). 573 Sageretia hamosa. 

(Medium-hairy-backed) Sweet-leaf 
(Hk, 3/582, adpd). 1741 Symplocos 

Hlliptic-oblong-subacute-leaved (Multi- 
foliate-(11-41)- papery - hoary - backed) 
Winged Rose-wood (Bs/T/241, Rox. 
3/229, adpd). 901 Derris robusta. 

Elliptic-oblong-to-round-obtuse-leaved (Al- 
ternate-and-opposite-large - very - thick- 
leathery) Honeysuckle Mistletoe (Hk. 
5/217, adpd). 2510 Loranthus sarco- 

Elliptic-oblong- to - round - obtuse - leaved 
(Alternate-and -opposite - medium - lea- 
thery) Honeysuckle Mistletoe (Hk, 
5/216, adpd). 2508-a. Loranthus 
neelgherrensis (typica). 

Elliptic-oblong - to - round - obtuse - leaved 

(Opposite-tri-(3-5)-nerved Small-to- 
medium-leathery Honeysuckle- 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/216, adpd). 2507 

Loranthus elastiens. 

Elliptic-oblong-to-roundish-obtuse -leaved 
(Triplenerved-opposite Medium- 
elaucous-backed-leathery) | Cinnamon 
(Hk. 5/138, adpd). 2436 Cinnamomum 

Elliptic-oblong-waved-obtuse (Medium- 
opaquely-leathery) leayed Wild Lime 

(Hk. 1/518, adpd). 407 Atalantia 

Elliptic-obovate-acnte-leaved (Small- 
papery-downy-glabrate) Ipecacuanha 

Swallowwort (Hk. 4/29, adpd). 
Gymnema sylvestre. 


Elliptic-obovats-acute - or - obtuse - leaved 
(Triple-nerved-alternate Medinm) 
Mercury (Hk. 5/441, adpd). 2684 
Mallotus atrovirens. 

ed (Small-papery) Climbing Bastard 

Tpecacuanha (Hk. 3/165, adpd). 1565 
Psychotria sarmentosa. 
Elliptic-obovate-cnspidate-leaved (Me- 

diam-membranous-downy-backed) Ca- 
damba (Bs/T/370, adpd). 1441 
Stephegyne tubnlosa. 

Elliptic-obovate-cuspidate-leaved (Me- 
dium-leathery-glancons-backed) Climb- 
ing Whorled-(3-4) Dog-bane (Hk, 
3/641, adpd). 1828 Ellertonia Rheedii. 

Elliptic-obovate (Small) leaved Winter 
Flax {Hk. 1/412. adpd). 346-a. Rein- 
wardtia trigyna (typica). 


Eijiptic-obovate-obtuse-leaved (Long- 
rusty-velvetty-backed) Bastard Tpeca- 

cuanha (Hk. 3/167, adpd), 1566 

Psychotria Madraspatana. 
Elliptic-obovate-obtuse-leaved (Multi- 

foliate-(9-13)-bright-green) _ Bastard 

Rose-wood Climber (Bs/T/237, adpd). 
899 Dalbergia volubilis. 
Elliptic-obovate-obtuse-leaved (Medium- 
glabrous) Gnttapercha (Hk. 3/540, 
adpd). 1683 Tsonandra diplostemon. 
E)liptic-ohovate-obtuse-or - cuspidate-leay- 
ed (Medium-papery) Bastard Tpeca- 
cnanha (Hk. 3/163, adpd). 1564 
Psychotria elongata. 
Elliptic-obtuse-acid- or - apiculate - leaved 
(Small-leathery-rigid) Tpecacuanha 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/41, adpd.) 1910 
Tylophora capparidifolia. 
Elliptic-obtuse Bluish-flowered Unarmed 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/452, 5/672, adpd). 
2072 Solanum havanense. 
Elliptic-obtuse (Multifoliate-(4-6)- 
stipuled-subglaucous-backed) leaved 
Burdock Soapnut (Hk. 1/693, adpd). 
641 Nephelium stinulaceum. 
Elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Small-rusty- 
villous) Button Tree (Hk. 2/450, adpd). 
1154-b. Anogeissus latifolia (villosa). 
Elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Small-to-medium- 

glabrous) Button Tree (Hk. 2/450, 
adpd). 1154-a. Anogeissus latifolia 

Rlliptic-obtuse-leaved (Very-small-silkv- 
downy) Button Tree (Hk. 2/450, adpd). 
1154-c. Anogeissus latifolia (parvifolia). 

Elliptic-cbtuse-leaved (Small-papery) 
Corkscrew Dog-bane (Hk. 3/656, adpd). 
1847 Strophanthus Wightianus. 

Elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Small-silky- 
elabrate-fleshy) Fan-Flower (Hk. 3/421, 
adpd). 1633 Sezvola Lohelia., 

Elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Medium-rusty- 
silky-clabrate) Guttapercha (Hk. 3/539, 
adpd). 1682-d. Isonandra lanceolata 

Elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Medium-rusty- 
silky-glabrate-close-nerved) Gutta- 
percha (Hk. 3/539. adpd). 1682-e. 
Tsonandra lanceolata (Perrottetiana). 

Elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Alternate-and- 
opposite Small-leathery) Honeysnckle 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/204, adpd). 2495 
Loranthus Wallichianus. 

Elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Alternate-and- 
opposite Very-small-leathery-mealy- 
downy-glabrate) Honeysuckle Mistletoe 
(Hk. 5/207, adpd). 2499 Loranthus 

Elliptic-obtuse-lenved (Medinm-leathery- 
polished) Honey-thorn (Hk. 3/132, 
adpd), 1520 Canthium umbellatum. 


Elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Medium-membra- 
nous) Privet (Hk. 3/614, adpd). 1795 
Ligustrum robustum. 

Elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Penninerved-sub- 
verticellate-(4-8) -alternate Small- 
papery) Ray-Laurel (Hk. 5/148, adpd). 
2449 Actinodaphne campanulata. 

Elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Medium-to-long) 
Resin-tipped Cape Jasmine (Hk, 3/116, 
adpd). 1504 Gardenia lucida. 

Elliptic-obtuse-leayed (Trifoliate Small- 
scurfy-glabrate) White Cedar (Hk, 
1/566, adpd). 473 Beddomea indica. 

Elliptic-ob:use-or-acute-leaved (Medium- 
leathery) Climbing Emetic Nut (Hk. 
3/163, adpd). 1502 Randia rugulosa, 

Elliptic-obtuse-or-retuse (Quinquefoliate- 
(5-7)-glabrate) leaved Kino Rose-wood 
(Bs/T/240, adpd). 897 Pterocarpus 

Elliptic-lance-acute (Small) leaved Holly- 
flowered Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/613, 
adpd). 527 Microtropis microcarpa. 

leaved §(Medium-leathery-subsessile) 
Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/171, adpd). 
1569 Psychotria connata. 

Elliptic-or- o!ovate-obtuse-or-mucronate- 
leaved (Medium-leathery-pale-backed) 
Corkscrew Swallowwort (Hk. 4/5, 
adpd). i868 Cryptolepis grandiflora. 

Elliptic-ovate-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 
leathery-downy-backed)  Sarsaparilla 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/7, adpd). 
Brachylepis nervosa. 

Elliptic-ovate-acuminate (Small-downy) 
Unifoliate Neem (Hk. 1/542, adpd). 
449 Turrea villosa, 

Elliptic-ovate-acute (Medium-15-nerved- 

downy-backed) leaved Dipterocarp 
Dammer (Hk. 1/298, adpd). 197 
Dipterocarpus alatus. 

Elliptic-ovate-acute-leaved (Minute- 
woolly-recurved-margined) lose Box 

(Hk. 2/387, adpd). 1121 Cotoneaster 

Elliptic-ovate-acute-to -acuminate- leaved 
(Smajil-to-medium-papery) Curved- 
spined Bengal Currant (Hk. 3/631, 
adpd). 1809 Uarissa macrophylla. 

Elliptic-ovate - entire - acuminate - leaved 
(Long-woolly-backed) JIronweed (Hk. 
3/239, adpd). 1604-b. Vernonia arborea 

Elliptic- ovate - entire - acuminate - leaved 
(Long-glabrous-or-downy- backed) Iron- 
weed (Hk. 3/239, adpd). 1604-a. 
Vernonia arborea (ty pica). 

Elliptic -.ovate - lance - acuminate - leaved 
(Penninerved-oppcosite Medium-papery) 

., Resinous-branched Mercory (Hk. 5/4387, 
adpd)}. 2680 Mellotus stenanthus. 




Elliptic-ovate-lance-to-lance- crenate - ob - 
tuse-to-acute-leaved (Irregular-(often- 

(young) smooth-barked KHucaly pt 
(Bth. 3/246, adpd). 1198 Eucalyptus 

(Triple-nerved-opposite Medium- 
papery) Cinnamon (Hk, 5/134, adpd), 
2438 Cinnamomum gracilis. 

Elliptic-ovate-serrate-folioled (Small- 
downy-backed) Trifoliate Climbing 
Mercury (Hk, 5/467, adpd). 2699 
Dalechampia indica. 

E} liptic-ovate-subacute-leaved (Very- 

small) Chay-root Shrub (Hk. 3/52, 
adpd). 1473 Hedyotis Beddomei. 
Klliptic-ovate-to-oblony-acute-or - obtuse- 
leaved (Small-leathery) Calycine Croton 
(Hk. 6/468, adpd). 2653 Dimorpho- 
calyx glabellus. 
Elliptic-ovate-to-oblong-obtuse-or - cuspi- 
date-leaved (Medium-to-long-membra- 
nous) Calycine Croton (Hk. 5/404, adpd). 
2654 Dimorphocalyx Lawianas, 
leayed (Medium-lineslate Six-(6—7-prs)- 

nerved) Vernal Flower (Hk: 4/497, 
adpd). 2246 Eranthemum  malaba- 

Elliptic- repand - toothed - acute - leaved 

(Small-puberulous-glabrate) Twining 
Bear’s-breech (Hk. 4/478, adpd). 2221 
Blepharis boerhaaviefolia. 
Elliptic-rhombic-cuspidate-leaved (Me- 
dium-membranous-subsessile) Caly- 
cine Croton (Kk. 5/402, adpd). 2648 

Blachia umbellata. 

E}liptic-rhombic - obtuse - or - cuspidate - 
(Small-membranous) Calycine Croton 
(Hk. 5/401, adpd). 2649 Blachia 

E)liptic-rhombic-or-lance-obtuse-or cuspi- 
date-leaved (Very-small-membranons- 
subsessile) Calycine Croton (Hk. 5/402, 

adpd). 2650 Blachia calycina. 

Elliptie-rhombic-leaved (Thorny) 
Climbing Bell Vervein (Hk. 4/582, 
adpd). 2307 Gmeliva Hystrix. 

Elliptic-serrate-acuminate-leaved (Me- 
dium-soft-hairy-backed-warted (Seven- 
(7 prs)-nerved) Conehead (Hk. 4/444, 
adpd). 2201-a. Strobilanthes Heynea- 
nus (typica). 

Elliptic-serrate-acuminate-leaved (Small- — 
scabrous Seven-(7-prs)-nerved) Cone- 
head (Hk. 4/444, adpd). 2201-d, 
Strobilanthes Heyneanus (viridis). 

Elli ptic-serrate-acuminate-leaved (Me- 
dium-leathery) Rosy Sweet-leaf (Bs/ 
T/i40, adpd). 1743 Symplocos com- 

Elliptie-serrate-obtuse (Small) leaved 
Jujube (Hk. 1/633, adpd). 562 Zizy- 

phus trinervia. 

Elliptic-serrate-subobtuse-leaved (Small- 
subglabrous) Deep-blne-flowered 
Rastard Vervein (Hk. 4/564, adpd). 
2284 Stachytarpheta indica. 

Eliptic-serrate-obtuse (Medium-tawny- 
downy-backed) leaved Jujube (Hk. 
1/636, adpd). 568 Zizyphus rugosa. 

Elliptic-serrulate-obtuse-leaved (Small- 
leathery-red-shaggy-glabrate) | Sweet- 
leaf (Hk. 3/581,adpd). 1734 Symplocos 

Elliptic-(Laciniate-stipuled) Seven-(5—9)- 
leaved Rose (Hk. 2/864, Nic. 3/322). 
1094 Rosa inyolucrata. 

Elliptic-subacute-leaved (Medium-mem- 
branous) Cadamba {Hk. 3/26, adpd). 
1442 Nanclea purpurea. 

Elliptic - subentire - acuminate - leaved 
(Long-lineolate Ten-(10-prs)-nerved) 
Conehead (Hk. 4/440, adpd). 2196 
Strobilanthes decurrens. 

Elliptic-subentire-acute-leaved (Medium 
Seven-(7-prs)-nerved) White-flowered 
French-Chiretta (Hk. 4/515, adpd), 
2255 Diotacanthus albiflorus. 

thery) leaved Trinity-podded Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/624, adpd). 547 Hippo- 
cratea Arnottiana. 

Elliptic-subentire-obtuse-leaved (Small- 

leathery) Single-flowered Sweet-leaf 
(Hk. 3/587, adpd). 1748 Symplocos 

Elliptic-lance-cuneate - acuminate - leaved 
(Medium-rusty-woolly-glabrate)  Ber- 
ried Bindweed (Hk. 4/181, adpd). 
1989-b. Erycibe paniculata (Wightiana). 

Elliptic-to-oblance-acute-leaved  (Long- 
membranous) Jungle Geranium (Hk, 
3/141, adpd). 1535 Ixora elongata. 

(Palmate-(3-5)-nerved Medium) 
Souare-branched Sarsaparilla (Hk. 
6/309, adpd). 3079 Smilax zeylanica. 

dium-white-velvetty - backed - scaberu- 
lous-sabsessile) Ironweed (Hk. 3/238, 
adpd). 1601 Vernonia indica. 

Elliptic-toothed-acute-leaved (Long- 
shaggy) Wind-berry (Hk. 3/510, adpd). 
1659 Mesa dubia. 

Elliptic-wavy-acute-leaved (Small- 
leathery-sessile) Chay-root Shrub (Hx. 
3/51, adpd). 1472 Hedyotis swer- 
tioides. : ‘ 

Elliptic-wedge-leaved Shrubby Downy 
Jasmine (Hk. 3/594, adpd). 1755-c. 
Jasminum arborescens (montana). 



Elliptic White-flowered Unarmed Night- 

shade (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 2078 
Solanum Jeve. 
Elliptic (Ciliate) White-flowered Un- 

armed Nightshade (Hk. 4/231, adpd), 
2077 Solanum bigeminatum. 

Elliptic (Woolly) White-flowered Un- 
armed Nightshade (Hk. 4/230, adpd). 
2075 Solanum verbacifolium, 

Ellis’ Duranta (Br. 164), 2803 Duranta 

Elm (Keak druped Nilgiri) (Bed. 1/218, 
adpd). 2711 (bis.) Celtis cinnamomea. 

Elm Family (L/N/S/B), CIII, Ulmaceze 

Elm (Entire leaved) (Cat. 265). 2710 
Holopteles integrifolia. 

Elm (Hard-leaved Scarlet-druped) (Bed. 
1/218, adpd), 2712 Celtis Wightii, 

Elm (Indian) (McL, 358,473, 1006) (El, 

575). 2710 Holoptelea integrifolia, 
Elm (Nilgiri) (Bed. 1/218). 2711 Celtis 

Elm (South Incian) (MeL, 358, 474, 1000, 
adtd). 2710 Holoptelea integrifolia. 
Elm (Tawny-downy-leaved Nilgiri) (Hk. 
5/487, adpd). 2711-b. Celtis tetrandra 

Elm (West Indian) (McL. 764). 304 
Guazama tomentosa. 

Elm leaved Indian Linden (Rox. 2/591, 
adpd). 327 Grewia Microcos. 

Elm leaved Turnera (Br. 87). 13438 

Turnera ulmifolia. 
Elmwortse (McL. 1007). CIII. Ulmacez 

Elongate-heart (Yellow-veined) False 
Plantain (Nic. 2/29). 8046 Heliconia 

Elongated-and-thick (Multifoliate) but- 
basally-pseudobulbous-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 5/293, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxiy. 
Eria (genus-Hymeneria section, part). 

Elongated (Multifoliate-distichous) but- 
basally-slightly-pseudobulbonus- stemm- 
ed Orchid (Hk. 5/710, 711, W.ALI, 
adpd), cmxix, Dendrobium (genus). 

Elongated Heartleaved Climbing Arum 
(Nic. 5/595). 3253 Philodendron 

Elongated - jointed - jointsheathed - clavi- 
form (Bifoliate) but-basally-pseudobul- 
bous-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/799, W. 
A.I,adpd). 2939 Eria pauciflora. 

Elongated - jointed - j xintsheathed - clavi- 
form (Maultifoliate) but-basally-pseu- 
dobulbous-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/710, 
720, 734, 73€, W.A.I, adpd). cmxix. 
Dendrobium (genus-Stachyobiwm and 
Eudendrobium part eections). 

Elongated (Medium-ovate-elliptic-acumin- 
ate-leaved) Irinity-shield Plant (Hk. 
1/420, adpd), 359 Aspidopterys Rex- 


Emarginate leaved Noronhia (Br. 118). 
1796 Noronbia amarginata. 

Emarginate leaved Yellow Chinese Pagoda 
Tree (Hk, 2/251, adpd). 915 Sophora 

Emarginate oblong leaved Eglandular 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 958 Cassia 
siamea, : 

Emarginated Soap Berry (McL. 843). 
634 Sapindus trifoliatus, 

Emblic Myrobalan (McL. 473, 533, 928, 

1000) (Bs./1'/571) (Cat. 215). 2558 
Phylanthus Emblica. 
Emetic Nut (McL. 231,290, 996). cdxcvi. 

Randia (genus). 

Emetic (Bad fruited) Nut (McL. 291). 
1499 Randis malabarica. 

Emetic (Bedaly) Nut (McL. 296, $96). 
1499 Randia malabarica. 

Emetic (Common) Nut (McL. 291, 473, 
691, 996) (PA. 383). 1498 Randia 

Emetic (Grey) Nut (McL. 291, 473, 996). 
1497 Randia uliginosa, 

Emetic (Hill) Nut (McL, 291, 477, 996). 
[1506 Sphalm] 1503 Rancaia Candol- 

Emetic (Medium-leathery Elliptic-obtuse- 

or-cuspidate-leaved Climbing) 
(Hk. 3/113, adpd). 

Emetic (Medinm-to-long-leathery elliptic- 
oblung-leaved Square-unarmed-branch- 
ed) Nut (Hk. 3/112, adpd). 1500 
Kandia densiflora. 

Emetic (Medium-to-long-leathery lance- 

1502 Randia regu- 

branched) Nut (Hk. 3/112, adpd). 
1501 Randia Gardneri. 

Emetic-not (Peruvian  tetramerous) 
(Treas. Bot. 1/589, adpd). cdxceviii. 

Hoffmannia (genus). 

Emetic-nut (Very-long-perfoliate-slightly 
downy Dark-velvetty-green- purple- 
backed oblong-lance-acuminate-leaved 
Peravian) (Nic. 2/146, adpd). 1511 
Hotimannia Ghiesbreghtii. 

Emetic (White) Not (McL. 263). 1504 
Gardenia lucida, 

Emetic Swallowwort (Br. 269). 1916 
Tylophora asthmatica. 

Emma ose (Ku/N/90, 0/20) (Mu. 57) (Br. 
€9) (Hed), 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfiorens (punicea-kermesino- 

Emodi Pine (*uell. 
2849 Pinus longifolia. 

Emperor Palm Lily (Ru/N/110, adpa). 
3107-i. Cordyline terminalis (Imper- 
ator), _ 

Emperor Rose (Mu. 33). 
_hybrida-sem per florens 
kormesino suffusa). 


S.P) (McL. 162). 

1107-j. Bosa 

Square-unarmed- | 


Empress Charlotte Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/20) 
(Mu. 63). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (rosea) 

Euchantress Rose (Mu. 58). 1107-d. 
Kosa hybrida semperflorens (albida- 

Enervose Phyllode Wattle (Bth,. 2/313, 

883, adpd). 1025 Acacia homalophylla. 
English Deodar (McL. 162), 2849 Pinus 
English Polyantha Rose (Cag. 593). 
1085-a. Rosa multiflora (typica). 
English Sea Grape (McL. 178). 2379 
Salicornua brachiata. 
Enormous Camel’s-foot Climber (Cat. 
113). 994 Bauhinia Vahlii. 

Ensiform - waved-sagittate - heart-leaved 
(Simple - palmati-(5-7)-nerved-oppvsite- 
and-alternate Winged-(5)-petioled) 
Winged - (6) - prickly - based -stemmed 
Yam (Hk. 6/296, adpd). 3073 Dioscorea 

Entada of Angola (Ol. 2/326). 1003 
Entada scandens. 
Entire-heart-leaved Tiger’s-foot Bind- 

weed (Hk. 4/204, adpd). 2036-c. 
Ipomea pes-tigridis (capitallata). 

Entire (Tricuspidate-dentate or) lance- 
leaved Rainbow Shrub (Nic. 4/32). 
2168 (bis.). Thunbergia Kirkii. 

Entire lance leayed White-Dead-nettle 
Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 23861 Leucas 

Entire leathery leaved Shoe Flower (Br. 
17, adpd). 24% Hibiscus liliiflorus. 

Entire (Ovate) leaved Climbing Arum 
{when young] (Hk. 6/546, adpd). 3270 
Rhaphidophora pertusa. 

Entire (Ovate) leaved Climbmg Arum 

[when young} (Hk. 6/449, adpd), 3272 
Epipramnum mirabl>. 

Entire (Ovate) leaved Climbing Arum 
[when young] (Nic. 2/830). 3273 
Monstera deliciosa. 

Entire leaved Elm (Cat. 265). 2710 
Holoptelea integrifolia. 

Entire (Round) leaved Holly (Hk. 1/600, 

adpd). 509 Ilex Walkeri. 

Entire (Tailed Ovate) leaved Holly (Hk. 
1/603, adpd). 511 Iiex Gardneriana. 
Entire leaved Premna (McL. 512) Br. 

165). 2295 Premni integrifolia. 

Entire (Wrinkled) leaved Slipper-wort of 
Chili (Nic. 1/240). 2112 Calaceolaria 

Entire leaved Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/608, 
adpd). 515 Enonymus indious. 

Entire leaved Staff Tree (McL. 459, adpd). 
540 Gymnosporea emarginata. 

Entire ieaved Tree of Heaven (Hk. 1/518, 
Nic. 1/44, adpd). 428 Ailanthus mala- 
barica. r 



Entire Linear leaved White Dead-nettle 
Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2358 Leucas 

Entire obcordate leaved Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/171, adpd). 213 Sida Schim- 

Entire oblong-ieaved White Dead-netile 
Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2360 Leucas 

Entrails (Devil’s) (McL. 802), 280 
Helicteres Isora. 

Entrails (Goat's) (McL. 665). i993 
Argyreia speciosa. 

Epidendrom (Fringed) (Br. 210). 2919 
Epidendrum ciliare. 

Epiphyllum (Truncate) (Br. 92). 1374 

Epipbyllom truncatum. 

Epiphytic (Ovate-rigid-leathery-(2-3 ft.)- 
pinnatipartite-sterile-cordiform - (4-1- 
ft.)-(lobed-leaved) Polypody Fern. 3372 
(bis.) Polypodium quercifoliam. 

Epiphytic (Elliptic leaved) Spider Flower 
Shrub (8s/1'/228, adpd). 1294 Medi- 
nilla malabavica. 

Epiphytic (Round leaved) Spider-Flower 
Shrub (®s/T/335, adpd). i293 Medi- 
nilla Beddomei. 

Equally bifid Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Cooke 2/809, adpd). 3130 Actinorhytis 

Equidistantly pinnate Dwarf Rattan (Hk. 
6/474, adpd). 3223 Zalacca Beccarii. 
Eracah (McL, 288). 3249 Typha angus- 


Eranthemum (Alpine) (Br. 173). 2173 
Dedalacanthus montanus, 
Eranthemum (Fair) (Br. 173). 2171 

Deedalacanthus nervosus. 
Erect (South African) Asparagus (N. 
2/121). 3095 Asparagus virgatus. 
Erect bracteate Twin-prickled Rose (Hk. 
2/364). 1095 Rosa bracteata. 
Erect druped Mango (W.A.I). 
Nothopegia (genus). 
Erect-druped (Long-opposite-membra- 
nous-rufous-villous-midribbed __ linear- 
obtuse-leavea) Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 
683 Nuthopegia aureofulva. 
Erect-druped (Long-submembranous- 
downy-midribbed Elliptic-lance-acumin- 
ate-leaved) Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 
682 Nothopegia travancorica. 
Erect-druped (Medium-leathery-whitish- 
backed  elliptic-oblong-acuminate-leav- 
ed) Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 681-a. 
Nothopegia Colebrookiana (typica). 
Erect-druped (Medium-leathery whitish- 
baeked obovate-oblong-cuspidate-leav- 
ed) Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 68l-c. 
Nothopegia Colebrookiana (macro- 




Erect-druped (Sma!l-leathery-whitish- 
backed _ elliptic-oblong-obtuse-leaved) 
Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 681-b. 
Nothopegia Colebrookiana (Heyneana). 

Erect (Orarge-bordered) leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic, 1/374, adpd). 3112 Cordyline 

Erect (Glaucous) leaved Screw Pine 
(Nic. 3/18). 8245 Padanus ednlis. 

Erect long-leaved Croton (Ru/N/O/) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Q. Codizum variega- 
tum (longifolium). 

Erect (Twisted) long-leaved Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-B. Codi. 
zum yvariegatum (longifolium-tortile). 

Hrect (Medium-linear-lanceolate-acnte 
Maltifoliate-distichous Pseudobulb) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/715, W.A.I, adpd). 2907 
Dendrobium Heyneanum. 

Erect (Medium-linear-lanceolate-bifid- 
tipped Mulvifoli:te-distichous Pseudo- 
bulb) Orchid (Hk. 5/727, W.A.I, adpa). 
2912 Dendrobium, hemoglossum. 

Erect (Small-tinesar-acute Multifoliate- 
distichous Pseudobulb) Orchid (Hk. 
5/718, W.A.I,adpd). 2307 Dendrobium 

Erect (Small-linear-lanceolate-acute 
Multifoliate-distichons Pseudobulb) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/740, adpd). 2918 Den- 
dvobium crepidatum. 

recet (Smail-oblong-lanceolate-cadocous 
Maltifoliate-distichous Pseudobulb) 

Orchid (Hk. 5/719, W.A.L, adpd). 2909 
Dendrobinm chlorops. 

Erect (Scarlet) petalled Cactus (Nic. 
2/454). edlv. Nopalea (genus). 

Erect petalled Giant Swallowwort (Hk. 
4/18, adpd). 18838 Calotropis procera. 
Erect (Softly bristly) Kattan (Nic. 1/2385, 

adpd). 3216 Calamus ciliaris. 

Erect (Unicostate) Rattan (Hk. 6/438, 
adpd). 3205 (his.) Calamus erectus. 
Erect six-angled Torch ‘Thistle (Nic. 

1/299). 13871 Cereus hexagonus. 
Erineos of the Greeks (Mch, 34). 2752 
Ficus Carica. - 
Ercol ‘Tree (Cat. 
Erythrina (Blake’s) (Br. 57), 826 Ery- 
thrins Blakei. 
Escuient Flacourtia (McL. 154). 186-b. 
Flacourtia Ramontchi (sapida). 
Esculent leaved False Kamela (McL, 30, 
adpd). 1334 Casearia esculenta. 
Ethiopian Cardamom (MeL. 132). 
(bs.) Amomum subulatum. 
Ethiopian Sour Gourd (McL. 73). 287 
Acansonia digitata. 
Etienne Levet Kose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/ 
90, 0/20) (Hod). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida 
semperfiorens (kermesina). 

113). 1002 Xylia 



Etoile-de Lyon Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/ 
90, 0/20) (Mu 55) (Hod). 1105-f. Rosa 
_ odorata (luteacroceo-suffasa). 
Etoile-d’or (Ooty. 107) (Nic. 322). 
Chrysanthemum frutescens. 
Envcalypt (Gbl. 362). cdix. Eucalyptus 



nerved Very-small-thick oblique-lance- | 

to-lance-nearly-straight-leaved Fibrous- 
persistent-barked) (Bth. 3/207, adpd). 
1193 Eucalyptus piperita. 

Eucalypt (Anastomosing-oblique-in-dis- 
tinct-nerved Small Broad-lance-to- 
linear-or-falcate-acuminate leaved Fi- 
broas-persistent-or-decidaous -in-large- 
flakes-barked) (Bth 3/207,adpd). 1192 
Eucalyptus amygdalina. 

Eucalypt (Anastomosing-oblique-nerved 
Medium  /[ Young]-opposite-glaucous- 
heart-sessile-long [Muarture |-alternate- 
ovate-lance-lance-or-falcate -acuminate- 
leaved Onter-fibrous - deciduous - inner 
smooth-barked) (Bth, 3/225, adpd). 
1189 Eucslyptus Globulus. 

Eucalypt (Anastomosing-objique-nerved 
Medium-thick — obliqne-ovate-lance-fal- 
cate-acute-to-acuminate-leaved Rugged- 
fibrons-very-tenacious-barked ) (Bth. 
3/204, adpd). 1190 Eucalyptus obliqua. 

Eucalypt (Anastomosing-oblique-nerved 
Mediam-thick cblique-lance-or falcate- 
leaved Smoota-deciduous-leaving-inner- 
spotted-and-variegated-barked) ( Bth. 
8/217, adpd). 1)%1 Eucalyptus hema- 

Eucalypt (Anastomosing-obliqne-nerved 
Medium-thick-rigid ovate-lance-or- 
lance-or-faleate-leaved (Bth. 3/2/14, 
adpd). 1203 Eucalyptus hemiphioia. 

Eucalyptus (Anastomosing-subtransverse- 
nerved Small-[ Young j-ta-medium [old} 
Ronndish- to-ovate-lonce - obtnse-leaved 
Ashy -grey-furrowed-rongh - persistent- 
barked) (Bth. 3/213, adpd). 1181 
Eucalyptus polyanthemos. 

Eucalypt (Apple scented) (Bs/T/328). 
1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Enucalypt (Giant) (Bs/T/327). 
Eucalyptus amygdalina. 

Eucalypt  (Irregular-(often-indistinct)- 
nerved Long-or-medium-pellacid- 
dotted-pale ovate-lance-or-falcase-leav- 
ed Deciduous-above-rough-persistent- 
below-barked) (Bth, 3/289, adpd). 1194 
Eucalyptus goniocalyx. 

Eucalypt (Irregular-(often-indistinct)- 
nerved Long-or-medium-thick-shining 
Broad-or-narrow-lance-or- falcate - acu- 
minate-leaved Dark-iron-grey-smooth- 
or-rough-persistent-backed) (Bth. 3/231, 
adpd). 1199 Eucalyptus gomphoce- 


Enucalypt (Irregular-(often-indistinct)- 
nerved Medium-thick Broad-ovate-to- 
narrow-lance-cuneate-leaved Smooth- 
decidnous- on - branches - rough - rigid- 
stringy-barked) (bth. 3/243, adpd). 
1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Eucalypt (Irregular-(often-indistinct)- 
nerved Medium-thick lance-or-falcate- 
acuminate-leaved White-soft-on-branch- 
(Bth. 3/209, adpd). 1195 Eucalyptus 

Eucalypt (Irregular-(often-indistinct)- 
nerved Small-thick-[glancoas-young] 

elliptic-ovate-lance- to - lance - cuneate- 
obtuse to-acute-leaved Smooth-barked) 
(Bth. 3/246, adpd). 1198 Eucalyptus 

Eccalypt (irregular-(often-indistinct)- 
nerved Small- thick - ovate - to - lance- 
obtuse -leaved Smooth - persistent - or= 
deciduous - in - large - patcnes - barked) 
(Bth. 3/235, adpd). 1205 Eucalyptus 
incrassata (angulosa). 

Eucaly pt (Irregular-(often-indistinct)- 
nerved Small-thick-shining Linear- 
lance - falcate- obtuse - or- acuminate - 
leaved Stringy-barked) (Bth. 3/217, 
adpd). 1201 Eucalyptus stricta. 

Eucalypt (Irregular-(often-indistinct)- 
nerved Medium-smooth-thick lance- 
faleate-acuminate - leaved Dark - iron- 
grey-3smooth-or-rongh -persistent - bark- 
ed) (Bth. 3/211, adpd). 1200 Zucalyp- 
tus paniculata. : 

Eucalypt (Opposite-(even-mature) Glau- 
cous - nearly - white - sessile Poundish « 
heart-obtuse-leaved (Bth. 3/224, adpd). 
1167 Eucalyptus pulverulenta. 

Eucalypt (Parallel-oblique-coarse-regular- 
nerved Long-and-medium lance-and- 
falca‘e-acuminate-leaved Ashy-white- 
smooth-deciduous-in-thin - layers - bark- 
ed) (Bth. 3/241, adpd). 1188 Eucalyp- 
tus tereticornis. 

Eucalypt (Parallel-oblique-fine-indistincé- 
nerved Medium-thick lance-falcate-acu- 
minate-leaved Dark-rough-rather-fur- 
rowed-persistent-barked) (Bth, 3/208, 
adpd). 1202 Eucalyptus pilularis. 

Eucalypt (Parallel-oblique-fine-regular> 
nerved Medium lance-and-falcate-acu- 
miuate-leaved Greyish-white-smooth- 
deciduous-in-Jayers-barked) (Bth. 2/295, 
adpd). 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 

Eucalypt (Parallel-oblique-fire-regalar- 
nerved Medium  lance-and-fa!lcate- 
acuminate-leaved Rough-persistent 
[except-small-branches-barked) (Bth. 
3/239, adpd). 1186 Eucalyptus vimi- 


Encalypt (Parallel-oblique-fine-regular- 
nerved Medium-subglaucous Lance- 
leaved Whitish-ashy-grey-or-blackish- | 

persistent-barked) (Bth. 3/214, adpd). 
1185 Eucalyptus bicolor. 
Eucalypt (Parallel-oblique-fine-regular- 



nerved Very-small-thick-cblique-ovate- | 

lance-te-lance - nearly - straight - leaved 

Fibrous-persistent-barked (Bth. 3/208, , 

adpd). 1184 Eucalyptus eugenioides. 
Enuealypt (Paraliel-sublongitudinal-nerv- 
ed--ub-(3-7)-ribbed Medium-to-long- 
thick-shining ovate-lance-and-falcate- 
acuminate-leaved Outer deciduous- 
inner-white-smooth-barked) (Bth. 3/201, 
adpd). 1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora. 

Eucalypt (Parallel-subtransverse-indis- 
tinct-nerved Medium-thick ovate-lance- 

to-lance - or -falcate -acuminate -leaved | 

Rough-persistent - not - furrowed - but- 
branches-deciduous-barked) (Bth. 3/245, 
adpd). 1178 Eucalyptas resinifera. 

Eucalypt (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved | 

Long lance-and-falcate-acuminate- 
leaved Smooth-rough-fibrous-or-wrink- 
led-not-furrowed-persistent - or - partly- 
deciduous ([according-to-age] (Bth. 
3/226, adpd). 1180 Eucalyptus longi- 

Eucalypt (Parailel-subtransverse-nerved | 

Medium-glaucous oblong-lance-linear- 
or-falcate-obtuse-or - acuminate - leaved 

. ‘Blackish-hard-rough-persistent—barked) 
(Bth. 3/221, adpd). 

Encalypt (Parallel-sabtransverse-nerved 
Medium - lemon - scented - gland - hairy 
oblong-lance-leaved Smooth-barked) 
(Bth. 3/257, adpd). 1168 Eucalyptus 

Eucalypt (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved 
Medium oblique-ovate-lance-acuminate- 
leavedF urrowed-and-fibrous-but-persist- 
ent-barked) (Bth. 3/212, appd), 1177 
Eucalyptus microcorys. 

Eucalypt (Parallel-subtransverseenerved 
Medium ovate-lance-obtuse-or-mucron- 
ate-leaved Rough-corky-barked) (Bth. 
3/258, adpd). 1171 Eucalyptus calo- 

ucalypt (Parallel.subtransverse-nerved 
Medium ovate-lance-to-lance acuminate- 
leaved Hard-rough-furrowed-persistent- 
barked) (Bth. 3/256, adpd). 1176 Euca- 
lyptus corymbosa. 

Eucalypt (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved 
Medium ovate-lance-to-lance-mostly- 
falcate-much-acuminate-leaved Hard- 
rough - furrowed - persistent - barked) 
(Bth. 8/270, adpd). 1173 Eucalyptus 

1170 HKucalyptus | 


Kucalypt (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved 
Medium  ovate-lance-to-lance-straight- 
acuminate-leaved Hard-rough-furrowed- 
persistent-barked) (Bth. 3/229, adpd). 
1175 Eucalyptus botryoides. 

Eucalypt (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved 
Medium to-long-lance-acuminate-leaved 
Smooth-silver-grey -long-strip-shedding- 
barked) (Bth. 3/245, adpd). 1172 
Hucalyptus saligna, 

Eucalypt (Parallel-subtraneverse-nerved 
Medium ovate-lance-to-lance-upper- 
falcate-acuminate-leaved Hard-roagh- 
furrowed-persistent-barkea) (Bth. 3/228, 
adpd). 1174 Eucalyptus robusta. 

Eucalypt (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved 
Medium-whitish-backed ovate-lance- 
to-lance-or - faleate - acuminate - leayed 
Rough-persistent-not-furrowed - [ bran- 
ches-smooth |-barked) (Bth. 3/209, 
adpd). 1179 Eucalyptus marginata. 

Kucalypt (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved 
$mall-to-long-heteromorphous - subglan- 
cous ovate-to-long-lance-obtuse-to-acu- 
minate-leaved White-smooth-| branch- 
es |-to dark-rugged-barked) (Bth. 3/228, 
adpdjy. 1169 KHucalyptus brachypoda. 

Eugene Beauharnais Rose (Cag. 598) 
(Br 70) (Mu. 57). 1103-d. Rosa indica 

Eugene Myrtle (McL. 379). 
genia (genus). 

Eugene (Box leaved) Myrtle (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1262 Eugenia ccdyensis. 

Engene (Coromandel) Myrtle (McL. 379, 
386, adpd). 1264 Eugenia bracteata. 

Eugene (Rottler’s) Myrtle (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1265 Eugenia Rottleriana. 

Eugene (Silver) Myrtle (McL. 379, adpd). 
1266 Eugenia argentea,. 

Eugene (Wool-tufted) Myrtle (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1261 Eugenia floccosa. 

Eugene Myrtle of the Calcad-Hills of 
Tinnevelly (McL. 379, adpd). 1263 
Eugenia calcadensis. 

Eugene Myrtle of the Singampatty-Hills 
of Tinnevelly (McL. 879, adpd). 1270 
Eugenia singampattiana, 

Eugene Myrtle of the Wynaad in Malabar 
(McL. 379, adpd). 1272 Kugenia wyna- 

Eugene (Wedge leaved) Myrtle of Tinne- 
velly (McL. 379, adpd). 1260 Eugenia 

FKuagéne Oppert Rose (Ru/O/20). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea- 

Eulalia (Nic. 5/535) (S. 159, 273). mxxxiv. 
Miscanthus (genus). 

cdxxi. Eu- 

Ezphorbia (Bojer’s) (Br. 191). 2539 
Euphorbia Bojeri. 
Euphorbium Family (L/N/S/B/). CII. 

Euphorbiacez (Order}. 



Euphorbium Plant (McL. 502). 2536 
Euphorbia antiquorum. 
Europe (Beech of) (H/E.F). 

Europe (Common Lime of) (Muell. S.P) 
(Nic. 4/39) (Lond) (Gbl. 103) (FAR.) 10, 

2796 Fagus 

NLGS). 306 Tilia cordata. 

Europe (Common Cypress of) (Muell. 
S.P) (McL. 484). 2809 Cupressus 

Europe (Cummon Mistlete of) (Nic. 
4/184). 2515 Viscum album. 

Europe (Common Mnlberry of) (McL. 
367). 2722 Morus nigra. 

Europe (Common Osier of) (Muell. 8.P). 
2804 Salix viminalis. 

Europe (Common Raspberry of) (Muell. 
S.P). 1084 Rubus Ideus. 

Europe (Dwarf Palm of) (Muell. S.P). 
3199 Chamerops humilis. 

Europe (Mimosa Tree of) (S. 272). 
Acacia dealbata. 

Europe (Plane Tree of) (Muell. S.P). 
2779 Platanus orientalis. 

Europe (Silky Willow of) (Muell. S.P). 
2799 Salix alba. 

Europe (Spruce Fir of) (W.A.I) (FAR. 
25, 31, to 33, NLGS). 2863 Picea 

Europe (Tree Mallow of) (Muell. S.P) 
(Wag. 650) (Nic. 2/289) ¢. 234, 435). 
210 Lavatera arborea. 

Europe Datura (McL. 261, 998). 2097 
Datara Stramoniom. 

Europe Pepper (McL. 170). 
Capsicum frutescens (annuum). 

Europe (Beauté do 1’) Rose (Ru/N/ 
94, 0/9). 1105-g. Rosa odorata (aurea). 

European Alder (Gbl. 668). 2785 Alnus 

European Bamboo Reed 
3287 Arundo Donax. 

European Birch (Gbl. 668). 

European Caper Bush (Muell. S.P). 
Capparis spinosa 

European Edible Fig (McL. 34, adpd). 
2752 Ficus Carica. 

European Fan Palm (S. 90). 
zerops humilis. 

European (Slender) Fan Palm (8. 90, 
adpd). 3200 Chamerops gracilis. 

European Fig Tree (McL. 34). 
ficus Caria. 

European Hazel (Gbl. 684). 

European Hornbeam 
Carpinus Betulus. 
European Larch (H/E.F) (Gbl. 720). 2872 

Larix europa. 

European Lotus ‘Tree 
decelxiii, Celtis (genus). 


(Muell. S.P). 
2784 Betula 


3199 Cham- 

2786 Corylus 

(Muell. S.P), 


2752 | 

(H/E.F). 2787 | 



Enropean Mistleta (Bs/T/552) (Gbl, 583). 
2515 Viscum album. 

European Nettle Family (Br. 196) (L/N/ 
8/B). CV. Urticaces (Order). 

European Olive (H/E.F) (McL. 1044). 
(Cat. 180). 1786 Olea europza. 

European (Common) Oak (H/E.F). 
2788-b. Quercus Robur (sessiliflora). 

Eoropean Thorn Apple (McL, 261, adpd). 
2097 Datura stramonium, 

European (Purple) Thorn Apple (MeL. 

261). 2097-b. Datura Stramoninm 
European (Common) Virgin’s Bower 

(Cag. 677). 1 Clamatis Flammula. 

European White Oak (H/E.F). 2788-a. 
Quercus Robur (pedunculata). 

Eve’s Apple (McL.473, 484, 802, 869, 997). 
(21846) 1834 Tabernzmontana dicho- 

Eve’s apple (McL. 296). 422-e. Citrus 
decumana-typica (Palestinz). 

Eve’s Apple of Ceylon (Bs/T/460). 1836 
Tabernzemontana coronaria. 
Evening Flower (MchL. 366). 1517 

Guettarda speciosa. 

Evening Mallow (Pr. 1/255, Hk. 1/325, 
adpd). lxxxix. Abutilon (genus). 

Evening (Blood-streaked Orange Brazi- 
lian) Mallow (Nic. 1/4, adpd). 219 
Abutilon striatum. 

Eyeuing (Common Indian) Mallow (McL. 
361, 914, adpd). 222 Abutilon indicum. 

Evening (Dark-veined Orange Brazilian) 
Mallow (Nic. 1/4, adpd). 218 Abutilon 

Evening (Five carpelled) Mallow (Hk, 
1/325, adpd). 220 Abutilon polyandrum. 

Evening (Kidney carpelled) Mallow (Hk. 
1/527, adpd). 224 Abutilon muticum. 

Evening (Membranous carpelled) Mallow 

Hk. 1/328, adpd). 225 Abutilon 

Evening (Mountain Ten carpelled) Mallow 
(Hk. 1/828, adpd). 227 Abutilon 

Evening (Peepul leaved) Mallow (MeL. 
914, adpd). 220 Abutilon poiyandrum. 

Evening (Peltate leaved) Mallow (Hk. 
1/823, adpd). 227 Abutilon neilgier- 

Evening (Rounded carpelled) Mallow (Hk. 
1/327, adpd). 223 Abutilon graveolens. 

Evening (Small leaved) Mallow (Hx, 
1/328, adpd). 226 Abutilon fruticosum. 

Evening (Strong scented) Mallow (McL. 
914, adpd). 228 Abutilon graveolens. 

Evening (Ten carpelled) Mallow (Hk. 
1/328, adpd). 226 Abutilon frutico- 

Evening (Wrinkled leaved) Mallow (Hk. 
1/326, adpd). 221 Abutilon asiaticum. 

Evening Primrose Family (Br. 259) 
(N/L/S/B). LIL. Onagravez (Order), 


Hvyening Primroses (McL. 1006). LII. 
Onagraceze (Order). 

Evergreen Bead Tree (McL, 578). 453 
Melia Azedarach, 

Evergreen Cypress (8.161). 2809 Cu- 
pressus sempervirens, 
Evergreen ¥ire Thorn (§8, 115). 

ecclxxxvii. Crateegus (genus). 

Everzreen Honeysuckle (Nic. 2/297) 
(S. 209). 1485 Lonicera sempervirens. 

Evergreen Mountain Featherfoil (MclL. 
587, adpd). 2554 Actephila excelsa. 

Evergreen Oak (MeL. 82). 2789 (bzs.) 
Quercus Ilex. 

Evergreen (Californian) Red Wood (Nic. 
3/420). 2827 Sequoia sempervirens. 
Evergreen (Large) Rhododendron of 
India (8S. 367). 1645 Rhododendron 


Evergreen Rose (Nic. 5/647) (S161, 375). 
1687 Rosa sempervirens. 

Evergreen (Gland-bristly stalked) Rose 
(Nic. 3/823). 1088 Rosa Leschenanitii, 

Evergreen Royal Peacock Flower Tree 
(McL. 938, adpd). 94l-b. Poinciana 
regia (sempervirens). 

Everlasting (Pearly) (S. 28). 
Anaphalis (genus), 

Kverlasting (Minute-white-cottony-wool- 
ly Recurved-mnargined narrow - linear- 
acute-leaved Pearly (Hk. 8/286, aépd). 
1613 Anaphalis neelgeriana, 

Everlasting (Small-woolly-backed-hoary- 
sessile Linear-auricled-acuminate-leav- 
ed Pearly (Hk. 3/285, adpd). 1610 
Anaphalis aristata. 

Everlasting (Very-small-cottony-backed- 
scabrid - sessile Broad - linear - obtuse- 
leaved Pearly) (Hk. 3/286, adpd). 1611 
Anaphalis Wightiana. 

Everlasting (Ver y-small-tawny-cottony- 
backed Recurved-margined Narrow- 
linear-leaved Pearly) (Hk. 3/286, 
adpd). 1612 Anaphalis marcescens. 

Everlasting Flower (S. 194) (Ooty/F.S. 30) 
(Po 47). dxxiii. Helichrysum (genus), 

Everlasting (Elliptic leaved) Shrub (Hk. 
3/290, adpd). 1614 Helichrysum bud- 



Everlasting (Linear leaved) Shrub (Hk. 
3/291, adpd). 1615 Helichrysum 

Everlastings (Cag. 520) (Nic. 2/127) (Mu). 
dxxili. Helichrysum (genus). 

Exile Oil ‘I'ree (Nic, 4/28), 1820 Thevetia 

Exile Oleander (Mch. 
Thevetia neriifolia. 

Exile Tree (McL. 302) (Br. 124) (Ell. 557) 
(Rid. 114, 125, 160) (Cat. 189) 
(Bu/O/13). 1820 Thovetia neriifolia. 

Exsert styled andstamened Cactus (Nic. 
2/454). edlv. Nopalea (genus). 

302). 1820 


Exstipulate (Pellucid-punctate) Laurel 
Tulip (Nic, 2/214, adpd). xi. Kadsura 

Extra-axillary-cymed False Holly (Nic. 
1/586, adpd). 497 Gomphandra poly- 

Eye (Cow’s) (McL. 240). 888 Clitoria 

Eye (Donkey’s) (McL. 238). 816 Mucuna 
Eye (Dragon’s) (McL. 486). 640 

Nephelium Longana, 
Hye (Suake) (McL. 507). 
rhiza mungos. 
Kye Flower (Cag. 495). (Cag. 495) Cat. 

1479 Ophior- 

186). 1886 Tabernemontana  coro- 

Eye (No) Pea (McL. 274). 854 Cajanus 

Hye (Sore) Plant (Mch. 68). 1008 
Dichrostachys cinerea, 

Eye-ball Tree (Bdn/F.1). 640 Nephelium 


Eyed (Purple) Creamy Sage Rose (Nic. 
4/110, Br. 88, adpd). 142 ‘lurnera 

Faba-marina (McL. 801, 1022). 10038 
Entada scandens. 
Face (Ape) Flower (McL. 351, adpd). 

dix. Mimusops (genus). 

Face (Ape) Flower (McL. 851) (Br. 114). 
1689 Mimnsops Hlengi. 

Face (Indian Ape) Flower (Mch. 664). 
1691 Mimusops hexandra, 

Face (Monkey) Flower (McL. 851). 
Mimusops Elengi. 

Face (Monkey) Paulay (McL. 478, 664, 
J97). 1691 Mimusops hexandra. 
Face (Monkey) Plant (MeL. 240). 

Mimusops (genus), 

Face Plant (McL. 293, 484, 801, 999). 
2270 Graptophyllum hortense. 

Face (Monkey’s) Rouge Tree (McL. 804, 
Bdn/¥.T, corr), 2687 Mallotus philip- 

Face (Monkey’s} Tree (McL. 304) (Bdn/ 
F.T). 2587 Mallotus philippinensis. 

Faintly-yellow-tinted White-Hybrid Tea 
Rose (Nic. 5/646). 1105 q. Rosa odorata 
(hy brida-ochroleuca). 

Fairy (Pink) Queen Rose (Cag. 599). 
1103-m. Rosa indica (minima). 

Fairy Rose (Nic. 3/821) (Br. €9) (Ooty. 
425) (S. 68, 875). 1108-m. Rosa indica 

Fairy (White) Rose (Mu. 57). 
Rosa indica (minima-alba). 
Faithful (Moon of the) (McL. 504). 

Prunus armeniaca, 





Fair Eranthemum (Br. 1738). 2171 
Deedalacanthus nervosus. 

Falcate Trumpet Flower (McL. 1024). 
2133 Dolichandrone falcata. 

Faleot (Madame) Rose (Nic. 38/824) 
(Ru/O/21) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 1105-M. 
Rosa odorata (armeniaca-ochraceo- 

Falsah (McL. 298, 473, 484, 948) (Rid. 
12U). 317 Grewia asiatica. 

Falsah (Creeping) (McL. 298, 9438). 347 
Hugonia Mystax. 

Falsah (Sweet) (McL. 293). 3817 Grewia 


False and Climbing Holly Family (Bth. 
1/390, adpd). XXXIII, Icacinacez 

False Angostura bark (McL. 690), 
Strychnos pux-vomica. 

False Arbor Vine (Cooke. 2/251, adpd). 
2049 Ipomza kentrocaulos. 

False Aril (McL. 357). 2420 Myristica 

False Bog myrtle (McL. 318, 473, 484, 
503). 649 Dodonza viscosa. 

False Box Thorn (Nic. 2/306, adpd). 
Rhabdia lycicides. 
False Betel Nut Palm (Cooke. 2/809, 
adpd). 3130 Actinorhytis Calapparia. 
False Calumba (McL.120). 82 Coscinium 

False Carondah (McbL. 66). 1387 Flac- 
ourtia sepiaria. 

False Cocoa Plum Family (Nic, 1/324, 



2/172, adpd). XXXIII. Icacinacez 

Palse Copaiba (MchL. 1026, Treas. Bot. 
1/569,  adpd).  ccel. Hardwickia 

False (Pinnate leaved) Copaiba {McL. 
1026, adpd). 975 Hardwickia pinnata. 
False (‘Twin leaved) Copaiba (McL. 1026, 

adpd). 974 Hardwickia binata 

False Croton oil Plant (Gbl. 613). 2628 
Jatropha Cureas. 

False Elastic Fig (Bth. 6/170). 2745 

Ficus macrophylla. 

False (Multilobed Paucisect) Fan Palm 
(Nic. 1/268, adpd). mxx. Carludovica 

False Fern Tree (McL. 674, adpd). 448 
Filicium decipiens. 

False Forest Bair (McL. 66, corr). 137 
Flacourtia sepiaria. 

False Frankincense (McL. 1026). 974 
Hardwickia binata. 

False Ginger (McL. 58, 1001). 2997 
Zingiber zerumbet. 

False Grape (S.168). 580 Vitis 

False Hemp Family (S. 131, adpd). LVI. 
Datiscacez (Order). 

False Hemp (McL. 860). 

False (Simple leaved) Hemp (8.181, Hk. 
2/656, adpd). 1868 Tetrameles nudi- 

False Hard Fern (Nic. 5/152). 
Blechnum (genus). 

False Hemp Tree (8S. 131, Hk. 2/656, 

722 Crotalaria 


adpd). ‘letrameles nudiflora. 
False Holly (Hk. 1/573, Bth. 1/390, 
adpd). cciii, Gomphandra (genus). 

False (Axillary cymed) Holly (Hk. 1/586, 
adpd). 496 Gomphandra axillaris, 

False (Extra-axillary cymed) Holly (Hk. 
1/586, adpd). 497 Gomphandra poly- 

False (Leathery-medium Revolute-mar- 
gined oblong-obtuse leaved) Holly (Ek. 
1/587, adpd). 498 Apodytes Bentha- 

False (Membranous - distinctly - nerved 
leaved) Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 496 
Gomphandra axillaris, 

False (Membranous-medium Broad-ovate- 
acuminate-leaved) Holly (Hk. 1/587, 
adpd). 499 Apodytes Beddomei. 

False (Membranous-medium Narrow-to- 
broad-lance-acuminate-leaved) Holly 
(Hk. 1/586, adpd). 496 Gomphandra 

False (Oblique-compressed berried) 
Holly (Hk. 1/587, Bth. 1/390, adpd). 
eciv. Apodytes (genus). 

False (Papery-long-and-medium _linear- 
acuminate-leaved) Holly (Hk. 1/586, 
adpd). 497-d. Gomphandra polymorpha 

False (Papery-long-and-medium Narrow- 

_ linear-lance-acuminate-leaved) Holly 
(Hk, 1/586,adpd). 497-c. Gomphandra 
polymorpha (angustifolia). 

False (Papery-medium  Linear-oblong- 
cuspidate leaved) Holly (Hk. 1/586, 
adpd), 497-b. Gomphandra polymor- 
pha (oblongifolia). 

False (Papery-medium Oval-acuminate- 
leaved) Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 497-a 
Gomphandra polymorpha (acumin- 

False (Papery-opaque-indistinctly-nerved 
leaved) Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd), 497 
Gomphandra polymorpha. 

False (Papery-short Oval-obtuse-or-cuspi- 
date leaved) Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 
497-e. Gomphandra polymorpha (ovali- 

False (Shaggy-flowered Corymbose) Holly 
(Hk. 1/588, adpda). ccv. Mappia 

False Kaladanah (McL. 403, 998). 2016 
Ipomea muricata. 

False Kamela Family (McL. 30, 518, 
adpd). LILI. Caseariacez (Order). 


False Kamela (McL. 30, 518).  cdxllii. 
Casearia (genus), 

False (Downy ieaved) Kamela (McL. 30, 
adpd). i836 Casearia tomentosa. 

False (Esculent leaved) Kamela (McL. 
(30, adpd). 1334 Casearia esculenta. 

False (Fetid) Kamela (McL. 30, adpd). 
1333 Casearia graveolens. 
False (Pointed leaved) Kamela (McL. 30, 
adpd). 1337 Casearia wynaadensis. 
False (Ruddy leaved) Kamela (McL. 30, 
adpd). 1335 Casearia rubescens. 

False Kateerah (McL, 406, 943). 267 
Sterculia urens. 

False Mangosteen (MchL. 464, 469). 460 
Sandoricum indicum. 

False Mangosteen (McL. 303, adpd). 1702 
Diospyros Embryopteris. 

False Myrrh (McL. 78). 441 Balsamoden- 
dron Roxburg hii. 

False Nutmeg (Bs/T/524). 
tica malabarica. 

False Pareira-brava plant (Mchl. 362). 
91 Cissampelos Pareira. 

False Peacock Flower (8. 311, McL. 316, 

2422 Myris- 

Cag. 619,. adpd). 930 Cvesalpinia 
False (Bright- red-stamened Yellow) 

Peacock Flower (Nic. 5/179, adpd). 
93u-b. Czsalpinia pulcherrima (Gil- 

False (Orange) Peacock Flower (Nic. 
3/176, Br. 60, adpd). 930-b. Czsal- 
pinia pulcherrima (concolor). 

False (Orange and Red) Peacock Flower 
(Nic. 176, adpd). 930-c. Czesalpinia 
pulcherrima (discolor). 

False (Yellow) Peacock Flower (Cag. 620, 
adpd). 930-a, Cesalpinia pulcherrima 

False Peacock’s Foot Tree (McL. 310, 
adpd). 99 Niebuhria linearis. 

False Plantain (8.163, 194). 
Heliconia (genus). 

False (Acuminate-round-based-oblong- 
leaved) Plantain (Nic. 2/129). 3045 
Heiiconia aurantiaca, 

False (Acutely-oblong leaved) Plantain 
(Nic. 2/129). 3047 Heliconia humilis. 
False {Bronzy) Plantain (Nic. 2/129). 

3048 Heliconia metallica. 

False (Bronzy-backed-margined-costate- 
veined-and-petioled Drooping-broad- 
lance-leaved) Plantain (Nic. 2/129). 
3048 Heliconia metallica, 

False (Drooping-long-lance leaved) Plan- 
tain) (Nic. 2/129). 3044 Heliconia 

False (Green-and-yellow-stemmed) Plan- 
tain (Nic. 2/129). 3046 Heliconia 

False (Short-spathed) Plantain (Nic, 
2/129). 3045 Heliconia aurantiaca. 



3044 Heliconia angustifolia. 


False (Two-coloured) Plantain 

False (Yellow-veined 
leaved) Plantain (Nic, 2/129). 
Heliconia aureostriata. 

False Poon (McL. 705). 
lum Wightianum, 

False Red Sandal (BicL. 757). 
Adenanthera pavonina, 

False Red Sanders (McL. 472, 756, 995). 
1004 Adenanthera pavonina, 

False Sandal (McL. 783) (Nic. 4/225), 487 
Ximenia americana. 

False Sandal Family (Nic. 4/225) (McL. 

183 Calophyl- 

783, adpd). XXXII, Olacacez 

False Sarsaparilla (McL. 364), 1866 
Hemidesmus indicus. 

false Savin of Canada (Nic. 2/213). 2823 

Juniperus prostrata. 

False Sweet Lime (McL. 484, $93, 1029, 
adpd). 411 Citrus medica-Lumia. 

False Sycamore (McL. 578) (?). 453 
Melia Azedarach ( ? }. 

False Tamarind (MclL. 874). 
nia Morella, 

False Tragacanth (Mch. 231, 406, 473). 
267 Sterculia urens, 

False Tragacanth (McL. 
Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

False (Downy leaved) Wampee (Hk, 
1/501, adpd), 391 Micromelum pubes- 

False (Multifoliate-(9-15) Small-downy 
Ovate-waved-acuminate-leaved) Wam- 
pee (Hk. 1/502) (Bed. 1/43, adpd). 391-b, 
Micromelum pubescens (angustifolia). 

False (Quinguefoliate Medium-downy 
Ovate-waved-acaminate-leaved) Wam- 
pee (Hk. 1/502) (Bed. 1/48, adpd). 
39l-a. Micromelum pubescens (inte- 

False White Teak (McL. 144, adpd). 2674 
Trewia nudiflora. 

False Wild Jujube (McL. 66, corr), 137 
Flacourtia sepiaria. 

Family (Agallochum) (L/N/S/B). 
XCVIII. Thymelzacez (Order). 

Family (Almond) (L/N/S/B). XLIV. 
Rosaceze (Order). 

Family (Aloes wood) (L/N/S/B). 
XCVIII. Thymelzaceze (Order), 

Family (Amaranth) (Br. 177) (L/B/S/N). 
LXXXVIII. Amaranthacez (Order). 

Family (Amaryllis Lily) (Br. 217). 
CXVI. Amaryllidaceze (Order), 

Family (Apple) (U/N/S/B). XLIV. 
Rosacez (Order). 

Family (Aralia) (Br. 94) (L/N/3/B). LIX, 
Araliacez (Order). 

Family (Arnotto) (Br. 11) (L/N/3/B) 
X. Bixacez (Order). 

174 Garci- 

232), 129 



Family (Arrowroot) (Br. 218) (L/N/S/B). | Family (Cape Honey Flower) (Br. 189) 

CXV. Scitaminacew (Order). 

Family (Arum) (Br. 231) (L/N/S/B). 
CXXYV. Aracew (Order), 

Family (Ash leaf Fern) (S. 261, adpd) 
CXXX. Marattiacew (Order). 

Family (Balsam) (Br. 28). 
Geraniacezw (Orler). 

Family (Banana) (Br. 214) (U/N/S/B/). 
CXV. Scitaminacew (Order). 

Family (Barbadoes Cherry) (Br. 30) 


(L/N/S/B). XXIII. Malpighiacez 
Family (Barberry) (Nic. 1/181). VI. 

Berberidacez (Order). 
Family (Bastard Jasmine) (5/89, L/N/S8/B). 
LXXX. Solanacece (Order). 

Family (Sastard Spindle) (Hk. 1/570, 
adpd). XXXI. Chailletiacez (Order), 
Fawily (Bead Tree) (Br. 38) (L/N/S/B). 
XXX. Meliacez (Order). 
Family (Bean) (L/N/S/B). 

Leguminose (Order). 
Family (Bean Caper) (Br. 40) (L/S/N/B). 

XXIV. Zygophyllacez Order). 
Family (Bear’s Breech) (Br. 168) (Nic. 


1/8). LXXXIII. Acanthacez (Order) 
Family (Beech) (L/N/S/B, adpd). CIX 
Fagacez (Order). 
Family (Beef wood) (Br. 202). 

Casuarinacee (Order). 
Family (Bell Flower) (McL. 10%3, adpd) 
LXV. Campanulacez (Order). 


Family (Berberry) (L/N/S/B). VI. Ber- 
beridacez (Order). 
Family (Bilberry) (L/N/S/B). LXVI. 

Ericacez (Order). 

Family (Bindweed) (Br. 136) (L/N/S/B). 
LXXIX. Convolvulacez (Order). 

Family (Birch) (i/N/S/B). CVILIL. 
Betulaces (Order). 

Family (Birthwort) (Br. 188) (L/N/S/B). 
XCII. Aristolochiacez (Order). 

Family (Bladder Nut) (L/N/S/B). 
XXXVII!. Sapindacez (Order). 

Family (Borage) (Br. 145) (L/N/S/B). 
LXXVIII, Boraginaceze (Order). 

Family (Bractwort) (Nic. 1/7, McL. 1002, 

Family (Bread Fruit) (Br. 197). 
Moracez (Order). 
amily (Buck Thorn) (Br. 43) (L/N/S/B) 
XXXVI. Rhamnacez (Order), 

Family (Buckwheat) (Br. 183) (L/N/S/B). 
XCI. Polygonacez (Order). 

Family (Bulrush) (Br. 231) (L/N/S/B). 
CXXIV. Typhacez (Order). 


Family (Calabash Tree) (Br. 183). 
LXXXII. Bignoniacez (Order). 
Family (Camphorated Typlus Root). 

XCIV. Chloranthacez (Order). 

LXXXIII. Acanthacee (Or- | Fimily (Dog Wood) (L/N/S/B). 



(Nic, 3/228, adpd). XCVII. Proteacew 

Family (Caper) (Br. 8) (Nic. 1/263) 
(L/N/S/B). VUi. Capparidacew (Order). 

Family (Cashew) (Br. 44) (L/N/S/B). 
XL, Anacardiacexw (Order). 

Family (Caustic Varnish Trees) (Nic. 
3/301, Muell, S.P, B3s/T/125) (McL. 344, 
476, 689, 859, adpd). XL. Anacardi- 
acez (Order). 

Family (Champak) (McL. 1005). III. 
Magnoliacez (Order), 

Family (Chocolate) (Br. 22). XX. Ster- 
culiacez (Order). 

Family (Cinchona) (Br. 96). LXII. 
Rubiacez (Order). 

Family (Cinnamon) (L/N/S/B). XCVI. 
Lauracez (Urder). 

Family (Club moss) (L/N/S/B). CXXXTI. 

Lycopodiacez (Order). 

Family (Cocculus) (Br. 6) (L/N/S/B). 
Menispermacez (Order). 

Family (Cocoa Plum) (L/N/S/B), XLIV. 
Rosacez (Order). 


Family (Composite) (Pr. 108). LXIII. 
Compositz (Order). 
Family (Coniferous) (Br. 208). CXII. 

Coniferz (Order), 

Family (Convolvulus) (L/N/S/B). LXXIX. 
Convolvulacez (Order), 

Family (Cornel (‘l'reas. Bot. 1/332). LX. 
Cornacez (Order). 

Family (Crowfoot) (Br. 1) (L/N/S/B). I. 
Ranunculacez (Order). 

Family (Currant) (L/N/S/B). XLY. 
Saxifragacez (Order). 
Family (Custard Apple) (Br. 3). IV. 

Anonacez (Order). 

Family (Dead nettle) (Br, 157). LXXXYVI, 
Labiatz (Order). 

Family (Dillenia) (Br. 2), II. Dilleniacez 

Family (Dodder) (Br. 143). LXXIX, 
Convolvulacez (Order). 
Family (Dog Bane) (Br. 143). LXXIy. 

Apocynacez (Order). 

Cornacez (Order). 

Family (Ebony) (Br. 112) (L/N/S/B). 
LXX. Ebenacez (Order). 

Family (Elm) (L/N/S/B). 
macez (Order). 

Family (Euphorbium) (L/N/S/B). CII. 
Euphorbiacez (Order). 

Family (Evening Primrose) (Br. 259) 
(L/N/s/B). LII. Onagraceze (Order). 

Family (False and Climbing Holly) (Bth. 
1/390, adpd). XXXIII. Icacinacez 



Family (False Cocoa Plum) (Nic. 1/324, 
2/172, adpd). XXXIII. Icacinace 

Family (False Hemp) (S. 181, adpd). 
LVI. Datiscacez (Order). 

Family (False Kamela) (McL. 30, 518, 
adpd). LIII. Caseariaceze (Order). 
Family (False Sandal) (Nic. 4/225, McL. 
783, adpd), XXXII. Olacacez (Order), 
Family (Fern Palm) (L/N/S/B). CXiIL. 
Cycadacez (Order). 
Family (Fiz) (Br. 197). 


Family (Figwort) (Br. 154) (L/N/8/B). 
LXXXI. Scropharlariacez (Order;. 

Family (Fir) (L/N/S/B). CXIL. Coni- 
ferze (Order). 

Family (Fish-bone Tree) {McL. 155, adpd). 
IL. Dilleniacez (Order). 

Family (Flax) (L/N/S/B). 
acez (Order). 

Family (Flowering Nutmeg) (L/N/S/B). 
IV. Anonacez (Order). 

CIV. Moracez 

XXII. Lin- 

Family (Gale) (L/N/S/B). CVI. (bis.) 
Myricacez (Order). 
Family (Gamboge) (Br. 29). XV. Gutti- 

ferze (Order). 

Family (Geranium) (Br. 37) (L/N/S/B). 
XXV. Geraniscez (Order). 

Family (Ginger) (Br. 211) (L/N/S/B). 
CXYV. Scitaminacez (Order). 

Family (Golden blossomed Pear) (Nic. 
2/446, adpd). XXVIII. Ochnacez 
(Order). 5 

Family (Goose-foot) (Br. 181) (L/N/8/B). 
LXXXIX. Chenopodiac 2 (Order). 

Family (Grass) (Br. 286) (L/N/3/B). 
CXXVI. Graminacez (Order). 

Family (Greek Valerian) (L/N/S/B). 
LXXVII. Polemoniacez (Order). 

Family (Heath) (L/N/S/B). LXVI. Eri- 
caceae (Order). 

Family (Holly) (N. 2/177) (L/N/S/B). 
XXXIV. Aquifoliacez (Order). 

Family (Honeysuckle) (Br 96) (L/N/S/B). 
LXI. Capifoliacez (Order). 

Family (Honeysweet) (Hk. 2/2, 4, 5, 7, 
adpd). XXXIX. Sabiacez (Order). 
Family (ilorse Chestnut) (L/N/S/B). 

XXXVIII. Sapindacez (Order). 

Family (Horse Radiah Tree) (Br. 67). 
XLI. Moringacez (Order). 

Family (Indian Cedar) (McL. 168, 578, 
839, 862, 911, adpd). XXX. Meliacez 

Family (Indian Cress) (Br. 29) (L/N/S/B). 
XXV. Geraniacez (Order). 

Family (Indian Dammer) (MeL. 258, 259, 
799, adpd). XVIII. Dipterocarpace 

Family (Indian Fig) (Br. 91) (L/N/S/B). 
LVII. Cactaceze (Order), 


Family (Indian Nasturtium) (Br. 29) 
nee Tee XXV. Geraniacee (Or- 

Family (Jasmine) (Br. 115) (L/N/S/B). 
LXXI!. Oleacez (Order). 
Family (Joint Fir) (McL. 1002, adpd). 
CXI. Gnetacec (Order). 
Farnily (Justicia) (L/N/S/B). 
Acanthacez (Order). 
Family (Labiate) (Bs. 157). 
Labiate (Order). 
Family (Laurel) 
Lauracez (Order), 

Family (Leadwort) (Br. 174) (L/N/S/B). 
LXVII. Plumbaginacez (Order). 

Family (Left Hand Flower) (Nic. 3/0377, 
adpd). LXIV. Goodeniacez (Order). 

Family (Leguminous) (MeL, 1004) (Br. 
46). XLIU. Legaminosce (Order). 

Family (Lily) (Br. 220) (L/N/S/B). 
CXIX. Liliacez (Order). 

Family (Linden) (Br. 25) (L/N/S/B). 
XXI. Tiliaceze (Order). 

Family (Loosestrife) (Br. 72) (L/N/S/B). 
LI. Lythracez (Order). 


185). XCVI. 

Family (Madder) (L/N/S/B). LXIL 
Rubiacez (Order). 
Family (Magnolia) (L/N/S/B). III. 

Magnoliacez (Order), 
Family (Mallow) (Br. 14) (L/N/S/B). 
XIX. Malvacez (Frder). 

Family (Mangosteen) (L/N/S/B). XV. 
Guttiferze (Order), 

Family (Mangrove) (L/N/S/B). XLVII. 
Rhizophoracez (Order). 

Family (Marvel of Peru) (Br. 176) 
(L/N/S/8). LXXXVII. Nyctaginacee 

Family (Mezereum) (L/N/S/B). XCViII. 
Thy melzaceze (Order). 

Family (Milkweed) (Br. 119). LXXY. 

Asctlepiadacez (Order). 
Family (Milkwort) (Nic, 3/183)(L/N/S/B). 
XII. Polygalacez (Order). 

Family (Mint) (L/N/S/B). LXXXVI. 
Labiate (Urder). 
Family (Mistletoe) (L/N/S/B). C. Loran- 

thacez (Order). 
Family (Moakurra Wood) (Rox. 2/69, 
adpd). XXXI. Chailleteacew (Order). 
Family (Meon-seed) (Nic. 2/3522). V. 
Menispermacez (Order). 
Family (“ulberry) (Br. 
Moracew (Order). 
Family (Mustard Tree) (McL. 913, adpd). 
LXXIII. Salvadoracez (Order). 
Family (Myrrh) (McL. 1008, 
XX1X. Burseracez (Urder). 
Family (Myrobalan) (Br. 74) (L/N/S/B). 
ALVILI. Combretacez fOrder). 
Family (Myrtle) (Br.77) (L/N/S/B). 
XLIX. Myrtacez (Order). 

197). CIV. 



Family (Narcissus) (L/N/S/B). CXVI. 
Annaryllidacez (Order). 

Family (Net Fern) (S. 181, 289, adpd). 
CXXVIL. Gleicheniacew (Order). 

Family (Nattle) (Br. 196) (L/N/S/B). 
CY. Urticacezxe (Order). 

Family (Nightshade) (Br. 147) (L/N/3/B). 
LXXX. Solanacew (Order). 

Family (Nut) (L/N/8/B). CVIII. Betu- 
lace (Order). 

Family (Nutmeg) (Br. 186) (L/N/83/B). 
XCV,. Myristicacez (Order), 

Famiiy (Oak) (L/N/S/B, adpd). 
Fagaceew (Order). 

Family (Ochna) (Br. 41). 
nacez (Order). 


Femi'y (Oleaster) (L/N/S/B). XCIX. 
Elzagnacez (Order). 
Family (Olive) (Br. 115). (L/N/S/B). 

LXXII. Oleacez (Order). 
Family (Orange) (Br. 20) (L/N/S/B). 
XXVI. Rutacez (Order). 
Fumily (Orchis) (Br. 209) (L/N/S/B). 
CXIYV. Orchidacez (Order). 
Family (Palm) (Br. 225) (L/N/S/B). 
CXXI. Palme (Order). 

Family (Palm Fir) (L/N/S/B). 
Cycadacez (Order). 

Family (Panama Hat Plant) (Muell. S.P 
Cag. 335, 391, adpd). CXXIJ. Cyclan- 
thacez (Order). 

Family (?apaw) (Be. 84) (L/N/S/B) LV. 
Passifloraceze (Order). 

Family (Partridge Pea) (Nic. 2/124, 480) 
KX XII. Olacaceze (Order). 

Family (Passion Flower) (Br. 85) (L/N/S/ 
B). LV. Passifioraceze (Order). 
Family (Pepper) (Br. 201) (L/N 

XCLII. Piperacez (Order). 

Family (Phlox) (Br. 135). LXXVII. Pole- 
moniacee (Order). 

Family (Pine) (Br. 203). 
ferz (Order). 

Family (Plane) (L/N/S/B). 
ancez (Order), 

Family (Pod-bearing) (McL. 
XLILI. Leguminosz (Order). 

Family (Poison Nut) (McL. 474, 690, Br. 
128, adpd). LxXXVI. 

Family (Pokeweed) (Br. 183), 
tolaccacez (Order). 

Family (Polypody Fern) (Nic. 3/186, adpd) 
CXXVIIIL. Polypodiacez (Order). 

Family (Punctate White Mangrove) (Nic. 
(2/402, L/N/S/B, adpd). LXXXIV. 
Myoporacee (Order). 

Family (Quassia) (Br. 42) (L/N/S/B). 
XXVII. Simarubacez (Order). 

Family (Quinine) (L/N/S/B). LXIT 
Ruciacez (Order). 

Family (Rattan Lily) (McL. 752, adpd). 
OXX. Flagellariacez (Order). 



CXII. Coni- 
CVI. Plat- 


XC. Phy- 


Family (Resin Seed) (McL. 1006). XI 
Pittosporacew (Order). 

Family (Rock Rose) (Nic. 1/331) (L/N/S/B). 
IX. Cistacew (Order). 

Family (Rose) (Br. 67) (L/N/S/B). XLIV. 
Rousacew (Order). 
Family (Rorebay) (Nic. 4/495). LXXIV. 

Apncynarez (Order). 

Family (Roxburgh’s Lily) (Br. 208, adpd). 
CXVIII. Roxburghiacez (Order), 

Family (Royal Fern) (Nic. 2/530, adpd). 
CXXX. Marattiacez (Order). 

Family (Rue) (Br. 40) (L/N/S/B). XXVI. 
Rutacez (Order). 

Family (Sage Rose) (Nic. 4/109). 
Turneracee (Order). 

Family (Salt Bush) (McL. 1005, adpd). 
LXXXIX. Chenopodiacezw (Order). 


Family (Sandal Wood) (Br. 187). CT. 
Santalaceze (Order). 
Family (Sanders Wood) (L/N/S/B). CL. 

Santalacez (Order). 

Family (Sapodilla) (Br. 112) (L/N/S/B). 
LXIX. Ssapotacez (Order). 

Family (Saxifrage) (Br. 262, adpd). 
XLV. Saxifragacewe (Order). 

Family (Screw Pine) (Br. 230) (L/N/3/B). 
CXXIII. Pandanacez (Order). 

Family (Sebesten) (Br. 104). LXXVIII. 
Boraginacez (Order). 

Family (Snake’s tongus Fern) (S. 403, 
adpd). CXXIX Schizzeacee (Order). 

Family (Shrubby Navelwort) (Nic. 1/367, 
4/359, adpd). XLII. Connaraceze 

Family (Shuttlecock Crook-brancher) 
(Bs/T/73, Hk. 1/299, adpd). XVII. 
Ancistrocladacez (Order). 

Family (Silk Cotton) (Br. 20). 
Sphalm] XIX. Malvacez (Order). 

Family (Soap Tree) (lr. 32) (L/N/S/B). 
XXXVIII. Sapindacez (Order). 

Family (Spear Flower) (8.33, adpd). 
LXVIII. Myrsinacez (Order). 

Family (Spider Flower shrub) (S. 43), 
adpd). L. Melastoracez (Order). 

Fawily (Spindle Tree) (Br.42). XXXY. 
Celastraceze (Order). 

Family (Spurge Laurel) (L/N/S/B, adpd), 
XCVIII. Thymelwaceze (Order). 

Family (Spurge-wort) (Br. 189). 
Euphorbiacee (Order). 

Family (St. John’s-wort) (Nic. 2/169). 
XIV. Hypericacee (Order). 

Family (Sterculia) (Br. 20). 
culacez (Order). 

Family (Stink Tree) (McL. 150, adpd). 
KX. Sterculiacez (Urder). 

Family (Storax) (McL. 1001, adpd). 
LXXI. Styraceze (Crder). 

Family (Sumatra Camphor) (L/N/S/B). 

XVIII. Dipterocarpacez (Order). 



XX. Ster- 


Family (Swallowwort) (Nic, 4/500, Mech. 
234, 360, adpd). LXXV. Asclepia- 
dacez (Order). 

Family (Sycamore) (L/N/S/B}. XXXVIII. 
Sapindacee (Order). 

Family (Syringa) ({L/N/S/B). 
Saxifragaces (Order) 

Family (Tamarisk) (Nic. 4/7) (Br. 12). 
XIII. Tamariscaceew (Order). | 


Family (Tea) (Mel. 1007, adpd). XVI. 
Ternstrmmiaceee (Order ). 

Family (Toon Tree) (Br. 34). XXX. 
Meliaceze (Order). 

Family (Trumpet Flower) (Br. 180) 
(U/N/S/B). LUXXXIT. Bignoniacew 

Family (Tulip Tree) (Nic, 5/511). ILI. 
Magnoliacez (Order). 

Family (Tutsan) (L/N/S/B). 
pericacezs (Order). 

Family(Umbelliferous) (Br. $2) (L/N/S/B). 
LVIIL. Umbelliferze (Order). 

Family (Vervain) (Br. 161) (L/N/S/B). 
LXAXXYV. Verbenacez (Order). 

Family (Vine) (Br. 35) (U/N/S/B). 
XXXVII. Ampelidacez (Order). 

Family (Violet) (Nic. 4/183) (Br. 12) 
(L/N/S8/B). VIII. Violacez (Order). 

Family (Virginian Poke) (L/N/S/B). XC. 
Phytolaccaceze (Order). 

Family (Willow) (L/N/S/B). CX. Sali- 
cacez (Order). 

Family (Winter’s Bark) (L/N/S/B). III. 
Magnoliacew (Order). 

XIV. Hy- 

Family (Witch Hazel) (Nic. 2/110) 
(L/N/S/B). XLVI. Hamamelidaceze 

Family (Wood Sorrel) (Br. 27) (L/N/S/B). 
XXV. Geraniacex (Order). 

Family (Yam) (Br. 206) (L/N/S/B). 
OXVII. Dioscoreacez (Order). 

Wan Flower (Treas. Bot. 2/1295). dxxxiii. 
Scavola (genus). 

Fan Flower (Medium-silky-glabrate-mem- 
branous obovate-oblonyg-obtuse-leaved 
(Hk. 3/421, adpd). 1682 Scwvola 

Fan-Flower (Small-silky-glabrate-Aeshy 
elliptic-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 3/421, 
adpd). 1633 Scavola Lobelia. 

Fan nerved leaved Pepper (Mch. 676, 
adpd)., 2417 Piper subpeltatum. 

Fan Palm (S. 379). m. Sabal (genus). 

Fan Palm (McL. 294, 648). 3224 Boras- 
sus flabellifer. 

Fan Palm (Mc).. 294, 882) (Br. 228) (Ell 
200) (PA. 454). 3174 Corypha umbra- 

Fan -Australian Palm (Cat. 381). 

Livistona Australis. d 


Fan (Carnauba Wax) Palm (Muell. 8.P). 
3176 Copernicia cerifera, 

Fan (Ceylon) Palm (Mch, 882). 3174 
Corypha umbraculifera. 

Fan (Digitate Dwarf Spineless) Palm 
(Cag. 343, adpd). mv. Rhapis (genus). 

Fan (Dwarf Multisect Spineless) Palm 
(Cag. 344, adpd). mi. Thrinax (genus). 

Fan (Dwarf Palmetto) Palm (Muell. 8.P) 
(Nic. 3/338) (Ru/N/122, 0/13, 36), 3182 
sabal Adansoni. 

Fan (Dwart Spineless) Palm (Cag. 344, 
adpd). m. Sabal (genus). 

Fan (Highteen segment Prickly) Palm 

(Hk. 6/431, adpd), 3178 Licuala spinosa. 

Fan (European) Palm (S. 90), 3199 
Chameerops humilis. 

Fan (Filiferous Prickly) (Cag. 343, adpd). 
3190 Washintonia filifera. 

Fan (Glaucous Prickly) Palm (Cag. 338, 

5.90, adpd). miv. Chamzrops (genus). 
Fan (Great) Palm (McL. 648). #224 
Borassus flabellifer., 
Fan (Great) Palm (McL. 882), &174 

Corypha umbraculifera. 

Fan (Huge oblate Prickly) Palm (Cag. 
339, adpd). cmxcvi. Corypha (genus). 

Fan (Muge oblong Prickly) Palm (Nie. 
2/292, adpd). mxix. Lodoicea (genns). 

Fan (Indian coastal) Palm (McL, 294, 
adpd). 3224 Borassus fla bellifer. 

Fan (Java) Palm (McL. 882). 3174 Cory- 
pha umbraculifera, 

Fan (Long lobed Spineless) Palm (Cag. 
338, adpd). mvi. Trachycarpus (genus). 

Fan (Malabar coast) Palm (McL. 294, 
adpd). 3174 Corypha umbraculifera. 

Fan (Mauritius) Palm (Cat. 381). 3195 
Livistona chinensis. 

Fan (Multilobed Paucisect False) Palm 
(Nic. 1/268, adpd). mxx. Carludovica 

Fan (Nepal) Palm (Leda). 
carpus Martiana, 

Fan (Nine segment Prickly) Palm (Hk. 
6/430, adpd). 38179 Licuala paludosa. 
Fan (Notched Prickly) Palm (Cag. 341, 

adpd). 3180 Licuala grandis. 

Fan (Palmatisect Prickly) Palm (Hk. 
6/480. adpd). cmxcix. Licuala (genus). 

Fan (Palmetto) Palm (Muell. 5.P). 3184 
Sabal Palmetto. 

Fan (Prickly) Palm (8. 247, 338, adpd). 
miii. Livistona (genus). 

Fen (Prostrate Forking Spineless) Palm 
(Hk. 6/429). 3177 Nannorhops Rit- 

Fan (Short lobed Spineless) Palm (Hk. 
6/482, adpd). mx. Borassus (genus). 
Fan (Slender European) Palm (S. 90, 
adpd). 3200 Chamasrops gracilis. - 

8202 Trachy- 


Fan (South China) Palm (Muell. 8.P), 
8203-a. Trachycarpus excelsa (typica). 
Fan (Talipot) Palm (Cag, 339) (Br. 228). 

3174 Corypha umbraculifera. 

Fan (Talipot) Palm (Cag. 339, Br, 228, 
adpd). emxcvi. Corypha (genus). 

Fan (Thirty segment Prickly) Palm (Hk. 
6/480, adpd). 3181 Licuata peltata. 

Fan (Variegated Glaucous Spineless) 
Palm (Nio, 2/237, adpd). mxi, Latania 

Fan (Wax-coated Spineless) Palm (Nie. 
1/371, adpd). 3176 Copernicia cerifera 

Fan (White-woolly Spineless) Palm (Cag 
348, adpd). 3189 Pritchardia pacifica. 

Fan Palm of the Bermudas (Nic. 3/338) 
(S. 879). 3183 Sabal Blackburniana. 

Fan (Dwarf) Palm of Europe (Muell. 8.P). 
3199 Chameerops humilis, 

Fan Palm of East Australia (Muell. 8.P). 
3197 Livistona australis. 

Fan Palm of South China and Japan 
(Mnuell. S.P). 8195 Livistona chinensis. 

Fan-shaped Broad-fringed-Bourbon Palm 
(Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3196 Livistona 

Fan-shaped Pendulous-fringed Bourbon 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3195 Livis- 
tona chinensis. 

Fan-skaped Short-fringed Bourbon Palm 
(Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3193 Livistona 

Fareed’s Creeper (MeL. 380). 87 Cocculus 

Farkleberry (McL, 132). 

Fascicle- druped 
(Hk. 1/600, adpa). 

(Hk. 7/376, adpd). 

elliptic-leaved Holiy 
508 [lex malaba- 

Shrubby Bamboo 
wmxliii, Arundinaria 


Fascicled-flowered Scaly-woolly Wild Tea 
(Hk. 1/287, adpd)j. 191 Saurauja 

Fascicle-flowered (Small Ovate-elliptic- 
notch-tipped-leaved) Wild Lime (Hk. 
1/512, adpd). 404 Atalantia monophylla. 

Fascicled (Bifariously) leaflet Sugar Palm 
(Hk. 6/421, Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3150 
Arecga obtusifolia, 

Ffascicled (Quadrifariously) leaflet Sugar 
Palm (Hk. 6/421, Nic 5/82, adpd). 
3149 Arenga saccharifera. 

Fascicled leaved Spinous Barberry (Hk. 
1/110, adpd). 98 Berberis aristata. 

Fascicled-minute-leaved Dwarf-procum- 
bent Spiny Buck-thom (Hk. 1/639, 
adpd). 569-b. Rhamnus_ virgatus 

‘Fascicled minute leaved White Deadnettle 
shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2859 Leucas 

1639 Vaccinium ° 


Fascicled-or-capitate (Terminally) disti- 
chous leaved Offal-smelling Ipecacuanha 
(Hk. 8/21, adpd). dxv. Lasianthus 

Fascicled (Alternately) pinnate Dwarf 
Rattan (Hk. 6/473, adpd). 8222 
Zalacca edulis. 

Fascicled (Alternately) pinnate Rattan 
(Hk. 6/448, adpd). 3210 Calamus 

Fascicled (Irregularly) pinnate Rattan 
(Hk. 6/444, adpd). 8207 Calamus 

Fascicled (Oppositely) pinnate Rattan 
(Hk. 6/452, adpd). 3211 Calamus 

Fascicled - small-hairy - backed - leaved 
Spiny Buck-thorn (Bed. 1/70, adpd). 
569-c. Rhamnus virgatus (hirsuta). 

Fascicled-very-small-obovate - acuminate- 

leaved Spiny Buckthorn (Hk. 1/639, 
adpd). 569-a. Rkamnus _ virgatus 

Fascicled Wind-berry (Hk. 3/507, adpd). 
dx]viii. Myrsine (genus). 

Fat-podded Sword-Bean (Hk. 2/196, 
adpd). 830-b. Canavalia ensiformis 

Favourite (Cupid’s) (MchL. 467). 
Mangifera indica. 

Fawn (Rosy- backed Yellow-centred) Tea 
Rose (Ru/O/22) (Mu. 56). 1105-h. Rosa 
odorata (fulva-intus-lutea-extusroses). 

Fawn (Rosy-shaded) Tea Rose (Cag. 601) 
(Hod). 110é-h. Rosa odo:ata (fulva- 

Fawn-tinted White Tea Rose (Cag. 599) 
(Br. 68?). 1105-d. Rose odorata 

Feather (Crane’s) (McL. 521). 989 
Bauhinia acuminata. 

Feather (Dwarf) Asparagus (Cag. 857). 
3092-b. Asparagus plumosus (j1ana), 
Feather (Scuth African) Asparagus 
(Cag. 357). 3072 Asparagus plumosus 
Feathered (Green-margined White) 
Arrowroot (Nic 1/287). 3021 Calathea 


Featherfoil (McL. 587, adpd). deccxiv. 
Phyllanthus (genus). 

Featherfoil (Beech leaved Melon) -(McL. 
587, adpd). 2578 Glochidion fagifo- 

Featherfoil (Black berried) (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2557 Phyllanthus reticulatus. 
Featherfoil (Blue druped) (MeL. 587, 

adpd). decexi, Bridelia (genus). 

Featherfoil (Blue seeded) (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2570 Phyllanthus indicus. 

Featherfoi] (Bordered sepalled). (McL: 
587,  adpd). 2564  #Phylauthus 

’ missionis. ; : 



Featherfoil (Bristly Melon) (Mcb. 587, | 

adpdy. 2590 Glochidion asperum. 
Featherfoil (Climbing Blue druped) 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2548 Bridelia 

Featherfoil (Coastal Round leaved Melon) 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2574 Glochidion 

Featherfoil (Conkan Blue druped) (McL. | 

587, adpd). 2549 Bridelia Hamiltonii. 
Featherfoil (Coral berry) (McL. 227, 517, 

580, 701, 1600, adpd). decexvii. 
Breynia (genus?. 
Featherfoil (Corky barked) (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2556 Phyllanthus suberosus. 
Featherfoil (Coromandel gregarious) | 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2571 Phyllanthus | 

Featherfoil (Disecous) (Mch. 587, adpd). 
deecxii. Cleistanthus (genus). 

Featherfoil (Evergreen Mountain) (McL. 
587, adpd). 2554 Actephila excelsa. 

Featherfoil (Forest small leaved) (McL. 
587,  adpd), 2559 Phyllanthus 

Featherfoil (Fringed sepalled) (Mch. 587, 
adpd), 2557 Phyllanthus fimbriatus. 
Featherfoil (Glaucous leaved Blue druped) 

(MeL. 587,adpd). 2548 (bis.) Bridelia 

Featherfoil (Glaucous lJeaved Melon) 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2574 (bfs.) Glo- 

chidion multiloculare. 

Featherfoil (Grove small leaved) (McL. 
587, adpd). 2561 Phyllanthus 

Feather oil (Hoary capsuled Melon) (McL. | 

587, adpd). 
Featherfoil (Hohenacker’s Conkan Melon) 
(McL. 587, adpd). 
Featherfoil (Lance leaved Discous) (McL. 
587, adpd). 2552 Cleistanthus patulus. 

2575 Glochidion lanceo- 

Featherfoil (Lance-shaped branched) 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2572 Phyllanthus 

Featherfoil (Large flowered) (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2565 Phyllanthus macrocalyx. 
Featherfoil (Large flowered Melon) (McL. 
587, adpd). 2583 Glochidion neil- 


Featherfoil (Larger leaved Gooseberry 
frnited) (McbL. 105, 276, adpd). 2569 
Phyllanthus disticha, 

Featherfoil (Larger 
(McL. 587, adpd). 

Featherfoil (Leafiess distichons-'ance- 
serrolate-phylloded) (Nic. 3/110, adpd). 
2572 Phyllantuus angustifolius. 

Malabar Melon) 
2587 Glochidion 

2579 Glochidion | 



Featherfoil (Leschenault’s Nilgiri) (MeL 
587, adpd). 2563 Phyllanthus 

Featherfoil (Long sepalled) (Mch. 587, 

adpd). 2566 Phyllanthus longifiorus. 
Featherfoil (Long stalked) (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2555 Phyllanthus longipes. 

Featherfoil (Macrae’s) Pulney-Hills) (MeL. 
587, adpd). 2562 Phyllanthus Macraei. 

Featherfoil (Malabar many carpelled 
Melon) (McL. 587, adpd). 2574 
Glochidion littorale. 

Featherfoil (Melon) (MeL. 587, adpd). 
decexy. Glochidion (genus). 

Featherfoil (Melon-shape-capsnled) (McL. 

587, adpd). decexv. Glochidion 
Featherfoil (Medium-membranous-glau- 

cous-backed Ovate-lance-wavy-leaved) 
(Hk. 5/287, adpd). 2555 Phyllanthus 

Featherfoil (Medium membranous oblong- 
elliptic - obtuse - to - acuminate - leaved 
White-spotted-branched) (Hk. 5/305, 

adpd}. 2570 Phyllanthus indicus. 
Featherfoil ( Minute-downy-glabrate- 
sessile Linear-oblong-obtuse-leaved) 

(Hk. 5/289, adpd). 2558 Phyllanthus 

Featherfoil (Minute-leathery-sessile 
Linear-oblong-apiculate-leaved §_ Hori- 
zontal-branchletted) (Hk. 5/291, adpd). 
2561 Phyllanthus neworum. 

Featherfoil (Minute-membranous elliptic- 
acute-leaved Ascending-branched) (Hk. 
0/297, adpd). 2064 Phyllanthus 

Yeatherfoil (Minute-short-petioled Linear- 
oblong obtuse-or-apiculate-leaved) (Hk. 
5/290, adpd). 2560 Phyllanthus Lawii. 

Featherfoil (Mountain) (McL. 587, adpd). 
decexiii. Actephila (genus). 

Featherfoil (Northern many carpelled 
Melon) (McL. 587, adpd). 2574 (bis.) 
Glochidion multiloculare. 

¥eatherfoil (Ralph’s Conkan Melon) 
(Mc. 587, adpd). 2580 Glochidion 

Featherfoil (Rigid branched Melon) (MeL. 
587, adpd). 2586 Glochidion rigidum. 
Featherfoil (River small leaved) (McL. 
587, adpd). 2560 Phyllanthas Lawii. 
Featherfoil (Round leaved Disconus’ (Mech. 
587, adpd). 2550 Cleistanthus collinns. 
Featherfoil (Shaggy Discous) (Mch. 587, 
adpd). 2551 Cleistanthus malabarica. 
Featherfoil (Shining oblong leaved Melon) 
(MeL. 587, adpd). 2577 Glochidion 

Featherfoil (Shrubby Hillock Blue 
druped) (McL. 587, adpd). 2547 Bri- 
delia montana. 3 


Featherfoil (Smaller leaved Gooseberry 
frnited) (McL. 928, adpd). 2558 
Phyllanthus Emblica. 

Featherfoil (Smaller Malabar Melon) 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2584 Glochidion 

Featherfoil (Small-membranous oblique- 

| Featherfoil 

ovate-acute-leaved) (Hk. 5/304, adpd). | 

2569 Phyllanthus distichns. 

Featherfoil (3mall-membranous-subhya- 
line Elliptic-acate-leaved) Flexuous 
branched (Hk. 5/287, adpd). 2556 
Phyllanthus suberosus. 

Featherfoil (Small-papery-dowuy-glabrate 
elliptic-oblong-obtuse-leaved ) (Hk, 
5/288, adpd). 2557 Phyllanthus reti- 


Featherfoil (Small-papery-glaucous 
backed elliptic-oblong-acute-leaved ) 
(Hk. 5/301, adpd). 2565 Phyllanthus 

Featherfoil (Snow Berry) (Cag. 416, 

corr). decexvi. Flueggia (genus). 

Featherfoil (Tail leaved Melon) (Mch. 
587, adpd). 2587-b. Glochidion 
ellipticum (Wightii). ; 

- Featherfoil (Thin oblong leaved Melon) 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2581 Glochidion 

Featherfoil (Thorny Blue druped) (McL. 
587,adpd), 2546 Bridelia retusa. 
Weatherfoil (Variegated) (McL. 
adpd). 2573 Phyllanthus nivosus. 
Featherfoil (Velvetty Melon) (McL. 587, 
__adpd), 2588 Glochidion velutinum. 
Zz, Featherfoil (Very-small-glaucous-backed 
ose _oblique-obovate-oblong-gabacute-leaved) 
_ ~ (Hk. 5/302, adpd). 2566 Phyllanthus 



Featherfoil (Very-small-membranous- 
velvetty-backed-drooping oblique- 
oblong-acute-leaved) (Hk, 5/308, 

adpd). 2568 Phyllanthus Wightianus. 
Featherfoil (Very-small-membranous 
Dark-purple-to-green Ovate-obtuse 
leaved) (Nic. 3/110, adpd). 2573-c. 
Phyllanthus nivosus (atropurpurea). 
Featherfoil (Very-small-membranous- 

. glaucous-backed elliptic-oblong-leaved)_ 

(Hk. 5/296, adpd). 2563 Phyllanthus 

Featherfoil (Very-small-membranous 
Rosy-purple-mottled-green Ovate- 
obtuse-leaved) (Nic. 3/110, adpd). 

2578-b. Phyllanthus nivosus (roseo- 
Featherfoil (Very-small-membranous 

White-or-white-mottled-green Ovate- 
obtuse leaved) (Nic. 3/110, adpd). 
2573-a. Phyllanthus nivosus (typica). 
Featherfoil (Very-small-papery Broad- 
elliptic-oblong-leaved) (Hk. 5/296, 
adpd). 2562 Phyllanthus Macraei. 


INDEX. 518 

Featherfoil (Very-small-papery elliptic- 
apiculate-leaved) (W.A.T, Bs/T/571, 
adpd)., 2571 Phyllanthus chorizandra. 

Featherfoil (Very-small-pellucid-punctate 
ovate-acuminate-leaved) (Hk, 5/302, 
adpd), 2567 Phyllanthus fimbriatus. 

(Very-small-sessile Linear- 
oblong-obtuse-or-apiculate-leaved Strict 
branched) (Hk. 5/290, adpd). 2559 
Phyllanthus polyphyllus. 

Featherfoil (Wheat shock styled) (McL. 
587, adpd). decexy. Glochidion (genus). 

Featherfoil (Woolly Melon) (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2576 Glochidion tomentosum. 

Featherfoil (Downy Melon) of the North- 
ern Circars (McL. 587, adpd). 2589 
Glochidion Heyneunum. 

Featherfoil (Downy Melon) of the South- 
ern Ghauts (MchL. 587, adpd). 2582 
Glochidion arboreum. 

Featherfoil leaved Bean Climber (Hk. 
2/57, 8. 460, adpd). cclxxxix. Millettia 

Feather leaved Bean shrub (Hk, 2/57, 
S. 460, adpd). ecxc. Mundaulea (genus). 

Feather (Oblong) nerved Sebesten (McL. 
473, 803, 998, adpd). 1973 Cordia 

Feather (Small-obovate) neryed Sebesten 
(McL. 803, adpd). 1974 Cordia Perrot- 

Feather (Australian) Palm (8. 352) (Nic. 
3/247). cmlxxzi. Ptychosperma (genus). 

Feather (Bipinnate Fish-tail) Palm (Cag. 

’ 338, adpd). cmxci. Caryota (genus). 

Feather (Broad Rachis acumiuate) Palm 
(Cag. 337, adpd). 3140 Archontophe- 
nix Cunninghamii. 

Feather (Chevaux-de-frise Acuminate) 

Palm (Rid. 265, 266, adpd). wmxiii. 
Jubza (genus). 
Feather (Cluster-pinnate Acuminate) 

Palm (Rid. 267, adpd). 
liana (genus). 

Feather (Curled Acuminate) Palm (Caz. 
341, adpd). cmlxxviii. Howea (genus). 

Feather (Curled-downwards Acuminate) 
Palm (Cag. 341, adpd). 3186 Howea 

Feather (Curled upwards Acuminate) 
Palm (Cag. 841, adpd). 3135 Howea 

Feather (Dense leaved Acuminate) Palm 
(Rid. 266, adpd). 3138 Hedyscepe 

Feather (Equally Bifid Acuminate) Palm 
(Cooke 2/889, adpd). 3180 Actinorhy- 
tis Calapparia. : 

Feather (Flageiliferous Acuminate Cane) 
Palm (Hk. 6/436, adpd). myvii. Cala- 
mus (genus). 

mxiy. Maximi- 


Feather (Flagelliferous Acuminate Cane) 
Palm (Hk. 6/464,adpd). mviii. Demo- 
norops (genus). 

Feather (Jagged-stemmed Spine-tipped) 
Palm (Cag. 342, adpd). ecmxcv. 
Phoenix (genus). 

Feather (Keeled Bifid Acuminate) Palm 
(Hk. 6/418, adpd). 3143 Bentinckia 

Feather (Long Plaited Acuminate) Palm 
(Cag. 337, 340, adpd). 3125 Chrysali- 
docarpus lutescens. 

Feather (Long-leayed Nibbled-tipped) 
Plam (Bth. 7/138, adpd). 3137 Hydria- 
stele Wendlandiana. 

Feather (Mixed-tip) Palm (hid. 264, 
adpd). cmlxxvii. Pinanga (genus). 

Feather (Narrow-wedge Nibble-tipped) 

Palm (Hk. 6/419, adpd). 3148 
Wallichia disticha. 

Feather (Nibble-tipped) Palm (Cag. 
387, adpd). cmlxxi. Areca (genus), 

Feather (Nibble tipped and Acuminate) 
Palm (Rid. 264, adpd), 31384 Pinanga 


Feather (Obcordate and Acuminate) Palm 
(Rid. 264, adpd). 3133 Pinanga 

Feather (Plaited Acuminate) Palm (Cag. 
339, adpd). mxii. Cocos (genus). 

Feather (Prickly Acuminate Cane) Palm 
(Hk. 6/473, adpd). mix. Zalacca 

Feather (Prostrate Plaited Acuminate) 
Palm (Rox. 3/650, adpd). 3161 Nipa 

Feather (Ribbed Nibble-tipped) Palm 
(Rox, 3/623, adpd). 3132 Pinanga 

Feather (Scurfy leaved Acuminate) Palm 
(Cag. 340, adpd). 3160 Enterpe edulis. 

Feather (Scurfy Plaited Acuminate) 
Palm (Cag. 344, adpd). cmlxxxiii. 
Rhopalostylis (genus). 

Feather (Sheath-stemmed Nibble-tipped) 
Palm (Oag. 337, adpd). cmxc. Arenga 

Feather (Short pinnate 
Palm (Cag. 341, adpd). 
perma MacArthurii. 

Feather (Silvery Acuminate) Palm (Cag. 
339, adpd). 3146 Ceroxylum andico- 

Feather (Spine-petioled Acuminate) Palm 
(Nic. 1/506, adpd). mxvi. EHlezis 

Feather (Spiny) stemmed 

Nib ble-tipped) 
313d Ptychos- 


Palm (Cag. 387, adpd). 3142 Oncos- | 

perma horrida. 

Feather (Spiny-stemmed 
Palm (Nic. 3/504, adpd). 
sonia grandifolia. 

3147 Steven- 


Feather (Spiny-stemmed Nibbled -tipped) 
Palm (Nic. 2/880, adpd). 3235 Marti- 
nezia cary otoides. 

Feather (Spiny-stemmed Ringed) Palm 
(Muell. S.P, Nic. 1/8, adpd). 3131 
Acanthophcenix rubra. 

Feather (Spiny-stemmed Silvery) Palm 
(Nic. 1/142, adpd). mxvii, Astrocarynm 

Feather (Stemless Fish-tail) Palm (Rid. 
264, adpd). 3148 Wallichia disticha. 
Feather (Swallow-tailed Nibble-tipped) 
Palm (Rid. 264, adpd), 3132 Pinanga 


Feather (Unarmed Acuminate Cane) 
Palm (Cag. 340, adpd). 3144 Geonoma 

Feather (Unequally Bifid Acuminate) 

Palm (Cag. 342, adpd). cmxcii. Oreo- 
doxa (genus). 

Feather (Variegated Nibble-tipped) Palm 
(Cag. 337, 339, adpd). cmlxxiv. Dicty- 
osperma (genus). 

Feather (Vertical-leaved) § Acuminate 
Palm (Nic. 1/144, adpd). 8288 Attalea 

Feather (White-costate Plaited Acumin- 
ate) Palm (Cag. 340, adpd). 8126 
Hyophorbe Verschaffeltii. 

Feathery Cocoanut of Brazil (Nic. 1/849), 
3280 Cocos plumosa. 

Feathery sepalled Cockspur Flower (Nic. 
3/160, adpd). 2348 Colebrookia opposi- 

Febrifuge Mahogany (McL. 862). 477 
Soymida febrifuga. 

Fellon Herb (McL. 4). 1621 Artemisia 

Felt leaved Hill Rose Mallow (Hk. 1/387, 

adpd). 289 Hibiscus canescens, 

Felted Common Sebesten (Hk. 4/137, 
adpd). 1968-b. Cordia Myxa (domes- 

Felted lance leaved Indian Linden (Hk. 
1/391, adpd). 325 Grewia hirsuta. 
Felted Large Sebesten (Hk, 4/137, MeL. 

473, 802, 998, Bs/T/479, adpd). 1969-b. 
Cordia obliqua (Wallichii). 

Felted (Cordate disc-scabrid) leaved 
Sebesten (Hk. 4/139, adpd). 1975 
Cordia Macleodii, 

Felted (Elliptic dise-scabrid) leaved 
Sebesten (Bs/T/479, adpd). 1972 Cor- 

dia Clarkei. 

Felted (Ovate disc-scabrid) leaved Sebes- 
ten (Hk. 4/140, adpd), 1976 Cordia 

Female Bair (McL. 66, 998). 

Female Bamboo (Mclh. 69). 3304 Bam- 
busa arundinacea. 

310 Grewia 

Female Cadamba (McL, 112). 1440 Ste- 

phegyne parvifolia. 


Female Oak (8.164). 2788-a, Quercus 
Robur (pedunculata), 

Fence (Flower) (McL. 3816) (Cag. 619). 
930 Ceesalpinia pulcherrima. 

Fence (Flower) (Nic. 3/176). {ccexlii. 
Sphalm]| 930 Casalpinia pulcherrima. 

Fence (Barbadoes Flower) (HIl. 484) (Rid. 
160). 9380 Ceosalpinia pulcherrima. 

Fence (Barbadoes Flower) (McL. 74, 936). 
948 Parkinsonia aculeata, 

Wence (Bastard Flower) (MeL. 757). 
1004 Adenanthera pavonina, 

Fence (Peacock Flower) (McL. 672, 756). 
(Nic. 1/24). 1004 Adenanthera payonina. 

Fennel (Chinese) (McL. 33). 17 Ilicium 

Fenugreek (Wild) (MclL. 67). 

Fern (Ash leaf) (S. 261). 

Fern (Ash leaf) (S. 37). 

Fern (Asparagus) (VZM, MRS). 
Asparagus plumosus (nana), 
Fern (Basket) (8.46). 3364 Nephrodium 


Fern (Beavr’s Foot) (S. 132). 
lia (genus). 

Fern (Beech) (S. 340), mlxii. Polypodium 

Fern (Bijugately-bipinnate Ovate-to- 
oblong - lance-((4’’-14”)-cordate-or-has- 
tate-sinuate- (fertile-toothed) -subacutie- 
pinnuled Climbing) (Bed/F, adpd). 
3384-a. Lygodium scandens (typica). 

Fern (Sipinnate-black-prickle-rachised 

216 Sida 
mixyii. Marattia 

3386 Marattia 

mliv. Daval- 

Leathery-hairy narrow - lance - pinnati- | 

partite-acuminate-pinnuled Grove) 

(Bed/F, adpd). 3327 Alsophila crinita. 

- Fern (Bipinnate-(2 ft.)-brown-scaly-stiped 
Membranous obligue-rhomb ovate-laci- 
niate-acuminate Buckler) (Bed/F’, adpd). 
3361 Nephrodium deparioides. 

Fern (Bipinnate-(j-1 ft.)-densely-scaly- 
rachised orate: oblong - toothed-obtuse- 
pinnuled Buckler) (Bdn/F, adpd). 

3364-d. Nephrodium Filix-mas (odonto- 


Fern (Bipinnate-(1-3 ft. or more)-glau- 
cous-stiped-hirsute Meimbranous lance- 
(2”)- pinnatifid - acuminate - pinnuled 
Buckler) (Bdn/F,adpd). 3358 Nephro- 
dium setigerum. 

Fern (Bipinnate-(1-2 ft. or more)-glossy- 
stiped Membranous broad-lance-pinnati- 
partite-acuminate-pinnuled Buckler) 

(Bed/F, adpd). 3343 Nephrodium 
Fern (Bipinnate-hairy-rachised Papery 

ate-pinnuled Spleenwort) (Bed/F, 
adpd). 33846 Asplenium esculentum. 



Fern (Bipinnate-(6-15 ft.) Lance-(4’-6”)- 
serrate-acuminate-pinnuled Ash-leaf) 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3386 Marattia fraxinea. 

Fern (Bipinnate-(12-15 ft.) Linear- 
oblong-(3’-8”)-crenate-serrate - acnmin- 

ate-pinnuled Turnip) (Bed/F, adpd). 
3385 Angiopteris evecta. 
ern (Bipinnate-membranous  oblong- 

pinnuled-acuminate Buckler) (Bed/F, 
adpd), 8359 Nephrodium dissectum, 

Fern (Bipinnate-muricate-rachised Papery 
narrow - lance-pinnatipartite-acuminate 
pinnuled Grove) (Bed/F, adpd). 3826 
Alsophila latebrosa. 

Fern (Bipinnate - muricate - rachised- 
shaggy -costate oblong - subglaucous- 
backed - pinnatipartite - acuminate-pin- 
nuled Grove) (Nic. 1/55, adpd). 3329 
Alsophila australis. 

Fern (Bipinnate-(1}-3 ft.) Papery oblong- 
(3"-1") - pianatipartite - cuspidate-pin- 
nuled Polypody) (Bed/F, adpd). 33873 
Polypodium paludosum, 

Fer (Bipiunate-prickly-rachised Mem- 
branous lance-pinnatipartite-acuminate- 
pinnuled Cup) (Bed/I’, adpd). 8830 
Cyathea spinulosa, 

Fern (Bipinnate-prickly-stiped Papery 
oblong -lance-(3’—5”)-pinnatifid-acumin- 
ate-pinnuled Spleenwort)  (Bed/F, 
adpd). 33845 Asplenium polypodioides. 

Fern (Bipinnate-(3 ft. or more)-scaly- 
and-hairy-stiped Membranous broad- 
oblong -(1’-4”) - pinnatifid - acuminate- 
pinnuled Buckler) (Bed/F, adpd). 38357 
Nephrodium Boryanum. 

Fern (Bipinnate-(1}-3 ft.)-scaly-vachised 
Sterile-lance-pinnatipartite - acuminate 
Fertile - ovate - oblong - serrated - sori- 
covered-notch-tipped-pinnated Buckler) 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3363 Nephrodium 

Fern (Bipinnate-(1}-3 ft)-spiculed-rachis- 
ed Membranous oblong-pinnatipartite- 
subobtuse-pinnuled Spleenwort) (Bed/F, 
adpd). 33843 Asplenium Filix-fcemina. 

Fern (Bipinnate Sterile-oblique-ovate- 
pinnatifid-lobed-serrulate-subacute Fer- 
tile-lance-obtuse - entirely - soriferous- 
pinmnuled Climbing) (Bed/F, adpd), 
3383 Lygodium japonicum, 

Fern (Bipinnate-(1-2 ft.) Sterile-oblong- 
lance-(1”-2”)-sinuate-obtuse  Fertile- 
linear-(4’-1” )-crenate-obtuse - pinnuled 
Royal) (Bed/F,adpd). 3387 Osmunda 

Fern (Bipinnate - unarmed - strigose- 
rachised Ovate-lance-pinnatilobate- 

acuminate-pinnuled Grove) (Bed/f, 
adpd). 3328 Alsophila gigantea, 


Fern (Bi-tri-pinnate-(1-2 ft.)-scaly-glab- 
rate-rachised Ovate-pinnatifid-obtuse- 
pinnuled Buckler) (Bed/F, adpd). 
3864-b, Nephrodium filix-mas (elon- 

Fern (Bracken) (Nic. 3/340) 
mly. Pteris (genus). 

(S. 352). 

| Fern 


(Fork-tipped Pinnatifid-folioled 
Ladder) (Nic. 2/445, adpd). 3369-b. 
Nephrolepis davallioides (furcans). 

Fern (Four-winged Brake) (Bed/F, adpd). 
3334-a. Pteris quadriaurita (typica). 

| Fern (Fringed Snake’s tongue) (Br, 245), 
3384-b,. Lygodium scandens (micro-~ 

Fern (Globe) (Nic. 3/470). 

miliii. Sphz- 
Topteris (genus). 


Fern (Bracken) (W.63) (S. 352). 33835 | 
Pieris aquilina. 

Fern (Brake) (Nic. 3/340) (S .352). mlv. 
Pteris (genus). 

Fern (Brazilian Tree) (8.53). 3339 

Blechnum brasiliense. 
Fern (Buckler) (Nic. 5/547) (S. 64, 287). | 
milviii, Nephrodium (genus), 
Fern (Carmine-veined Four-winged | 
Brake) (Bed/F,adpd). 3334-c. Pteris 
quadriaurita (rubronervia). 
Fern (Cat’s foot) (McL. 97). 
Sphalm] mlxiv, Davallia (genus) (?). 

[mlxii. | 

Fern (Climbing) (8.102, 255). mlxy. 
Lygodium (genus). 

Fern (Climbing Comb) (Treas. Bot. | 
1/534). ml. Gleichenia (genus). 

Fern (Climbing Snake’s Tongue) (S. 102). 
mlxv. Lygodium (genus). 

Fern (Comb leaved Brake) (Bed/F, adpd). 
3338 Pteris patens. 

Fern (Common Brake) (Nic. 3/340) 
(S. 352). 3335 Pteris aquilina. 
Fern (Common Climbing) (S.102). 383884 

Lygodium scandens. 

Fern (Common Tree) (Bed/F) (Cag. 805). 
3326 Alsophila latebrosa. 

Fern (Cup Tree) (Nic. 1/415) (S$. 121, 122). 
mli. Cyathea (genus). 

Fern (Deer) (S. 243). 

Fern (Dichotomously pinnate Creeping) 
(Pr. 2/1288, adpd). 3325 Gleichenia 

Fern (Dichotomously-pinnate-digitately- 
pinnatipartite-pinnuled Linear-(3’—12” 
entire- (fertile-narrower-toothed)-acu- 

minate-segmented Climbing) (Bed/F, | 

backed Papery 
(Bed/F, adpd). 
Fern (Dry-oak-leaved Polypody) (Prain. 

3381 Lygodium circinatum. 

Climbing Comb) 
3325 Gleichenia dicho- 

1256). 3372 (bis.) Polypodium querci- 
Fern (Elephant’s-ear) (8.6). mlxiii. 

Acrostichum (genus). 
Fern (False Hard) (Nic. 5/152). 
Blechnum (genus). 
Fern (Flowering) (8.303) (Cag. 308), 
mlxviii. Osmunda (genus). 
Fern (Foot) (8. 183) miliv. 



mixivy. Lomaria | 

(Dichotomonusly-pinnate-glaucous- | 
lance-pinnatipartite- | 

| Fern (Grove) (Nic. 1/54) (8.115). mili. 
Alsophila (genus). 

Fern (Half-cup-like-indusiate Round- 
sori-submarginal - terminating - pinnule 
venules) (Ked/F, adpd). mliy. Davallia 

Fern (Hard) (8,191) (Nic. 2/112). mlxiy. 
Lomaria (genus). 

Fern (Hare’s Foot) (S.132). miliv. 
Davallia (genus). 

| Fern (Herring-bone) (S. 198). m)lxiv. 

Lomaria (genus). 

Fern (Hooded-imbricate-indusiate com- 
pressed-distichous-sori - forming - teeth- 
on-fertile fronds) (Bed/F,adpd). mlxv, 
Lygodium (genus), 

Fern (Japanese Climbing) (8.220). 33883 
Lygodium japonicum, 

Fern (Kidney-shape-indusiate Round- 
sori-close-and-parallel-to-costa) (Bed/F, 
adpd). mlx. Oleandra (genus), 

Fern (Kidney-shape-indusiate Round- 
sori-Submargina] - at-ends - of - pinnule- 
venules) (Bed/f, adpd). mlxi, Nephro- 
lepis (genus). 

Fern (Kidney-shape-indusiate Round 
sori - submedial - on - piunule - venules) 
(Bed/F, adpd.) mlyiii. Nephrodium 

Fern (King) (Cag. 308) (8.226). 3387 
Osmunda regalis. 

Fern (Ladder) (Nic. 5/551) (§. 228, 288). 
mlxi. Nephrolepis (genus). 

Fern .(Lady) (Nic. 1/130) (8. 40, 228). 
3343 Asplenium filix-foemina. 

Fern (Linear-fimbriate-indusiate Linear- 
oblong-sori - (of - biseriate-sporangia)- 
submarginal) (Bed/F, adpd). mlxvi. 
Angiopteris (genus). 

Fern (Linear-indusiate Linear-sori-con- 
tinuous-along-costa) (Bed/F, adpd). 
mlvi. Blechnum (genus). 

Fern (Lobed Climbing) (Pr, 2/1261, adpd), 
mlxv. Lygodium (genus). 

Fern (Male) (8. 259, 287). 3364 Nephro- 
dium filix-mas. 

Fern (Marginal-indusiate Linear-sori- 
subcontinuous-marginal) (Bed/f, adpd). 

| amily. Pteris (genus). 

Fern (Marginally-indusiate sori-covering- 
subentirely - undersurface - of - fertile - 
fronds) (Bed/F, adpd). mixiv, Lomaria 




Fern (Mysore Climbing) (Cag. 306). [3384 
Sphalm]} 3382 Lygodium flexuosum. 
Fern (Net) (S. 181, 289). mi. Gleichenia 


Fern (New Zealand Supple-jack) (Treas. 
Bot, 1344). mixv, Lygodium (genus). 
Fern (Non-indusiate Globose-sori-(single)- 
medial-on-pinnule-venules) (Bed/F, 

adpd). mlxii. Polypodium (genus). 

Fern (Non-indusiate Globosebsori-(seve- 
ral)-on-pinrule-venules) (Bed/F, adpa), 
mli, Alsophila (genus). 

Fern (Non-indusiate sori-covering-entire- 
undersurface-of-furtile-folioles) (Bed/F, 
adpd), mlxiii, Acrostichum (genus). 

Fern (Norfolk-Island) (8. 115). 33829 
Alsophila australis. 

Fern (Oak) (S. 340). 

Fern (Oleander) (Nic. 2/481) (S. 294). 
mix. Oleandra (genus). 

Fern (Ovate-rigid-leathery-(2-3 ft)-pin- 
natipartite-sterile - cordiform-(4-1 ft)- 
lobed leaved Epiphytic Polypody). 
3372 (bis.) Polypodium quercifolium. 

Fern (Pedatipinnate-(4-to-many-prs)- 
glabrous Basal-bipartite Papery lance- 
pinnatipartite - acuminate - pinnated 

mlxii. Polypodinm 

Brake) (Bed/F, adpd). 3334 Pteris 
Fern (Pedatipinnate-(8-10 prs)-subgla- 

brous Basal-(1-2 prs)-bipinnate Papery 
linear-lance - pinnatipartite-acuminate- 
pinnate Brake) (Bed/F, adpd). 3336 
Pteris biaurita. 

Fern (Pedatipinnate-subglabrous Basal- 
bi-tri-partite Membranous long-oblong- 
(8”-16”) - pinnatipartite-acuminate-pin- 
nated Brake) (Bed/F, adpd). 3338 
Pteris patens. 

Fern (Pedatipinnate-subglabrous Basal- 
tripinnate Papery ovate-pinnatipartite 
acuminate-pinnated Brake) (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3387 Pteris geminata. 

Fern (Pinnate-(2-3ft.)-black-scaly-stiped 
Papery oblong-(3”-8”)-pinnatifid-acu- 
minate-pinnated Buckler) (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3356 Nephrodium hirtipes. 

Fern (Pinnate-crisped-downy-custate 
Smith’s Tree) (Nic. 5/421, adpd). 3367 
Hemitelia Brunoniana. 

Fern (Pinnate-(1-4ft) Lance-(57-10")-pun- 
gent-serrate-acuminute - (fertile - much- 
contracted)-pinnated Climbing Ele- 
phant’s-ear) (Bed/F, adpd). 3378 
Acrostichum palustre. 

Fern (Pinnate-($-1ft) Leathery linear-(2"- 
4’)-cordate-acuminate-pinnated Hard) 
(Nic. 1/195, adpd). 3341 Blechnum 

INDEX. 571 

Fern (Pinnate-(1-4ft) Leathery linear- 
oblong- (4-8") -entire-obtuse Fertile- 
smaller-narrower-pinnated Elephant’s- 
ear) (Bed/I’, adpd). 83879 Arostichum 

Fern (Vinnate-(4-4ft) Leathery oblong- 
Basal-bifid-to-bifoliate-pinnated Buck- 
ler) (Bed/F, adpd). 33866 Nephrodium 

Fern (Pinnate-(2-3ft) Leathery oblong- 
(6”-12”)-lobed-caudate-pinnated Buck- 
ler) (Bed/F, adpd). 3352 Nephrodium 

Feru (Pinnate Linear-lance-(8’—-12”)-ba- 
acute-to-acuminate-pinnuled Climb- 
ing) (Bed/F, adpd). 8382 Lygodium 

Fern (Pinnate-(1-2ft) Linear-lance-(3”-6")- 
crenate - serrate-(fertile-linear-pinnati- 
fid)-subacute-pinnuled Royal) (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3388 Osmunda javanica. 

Fern (Pinnate-(14-3ft) Membranons linear- 
oblong - (8”-12")-pinnatifid - acuminate- 
pinnated Buckler) (Bed/F, adpd). 3351 
Nephrodium extensum. 

Fern (Pinnate-(14-3ft) Membranous ob- 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3362 Nephrodium 

Fern (Pinnate-(2-4ft) oblong-lance (4/’- 

8’’)-subentire-acute-pinnated Ladder) 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3372 Nephrodium 

Fern (Pinnate-(2-3ft) Papery oblong- 
Polypody) (Bed/F, adpd). 3876 Poly- 
podium leiorhiza. 

Fern (Pinnate-(1—2ft)-resinous-downy- 
glabrate Papery linear-lance-(3’—5’’)- 
serrate-acute-pinnated Buckler) (Bed/ 
F, adpd). 8354 Nephrodium propin- 

Fern (Pinnate-(1-8ft)-scaly-stiped Lea- 
thery linear-lance-(6”—12”) -oblique- 
Hard) (Bed/F, adpd). 3342 Blechnum 

Fern (Pinnate-(1/3-3ft)-scaly-stiped Mem- 
branous oblong-lobed-(basal-pinaatipar- 
tite) - obtuse - to -acuminate - pinnated 
Buckler) (Bed/i?, adpd). 3349 Nephro- 
dium cicutarium. 

Fern (Pinnate-(}-1ft)-scaly-stiped Ovate- 
pinnatipartite-acute-pinnated Buckler) 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3364-c. Nephrodiam 
Filix-mas (intermedia). 

Fern (Pinnate-(1}-2ft)-shagey-scaly-glab- 
rate-stiped  oblong-(1’’-3’’)-subentire- 
acute-pinnated Ladder (Bed/F, adpd). ~ 
3371 Nephrolepis exaltata, 


Fern(Pinnate-(2-38ft) Sterile-lance-(4’-8")- 
crenate-acuminate Fertile - narrower- 
pinnatifid-pinnated Ladder) (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3369 Nephrolepis davallioides. 

Fern (Pinnate-(1-3ft) Sterile-oblong (3”— 
1’’) -subentire - obtuse Fertile-longer- 
crenate-pinnated Ladder (Bed/¥, adpd). 
3570 Nephrolepis cordifolia. 

Fern (Pinnate-(2-3ft)-subglabrous Lance- 
(4’’-6”) -inciso-serrate-acuminate-pinna~ 
ted Buckler) (Bed/F, adpd). 3365 
Nephrodium cuspidatum. 

Fern (Pinnate-(13-2ft)-subglabrous Mem- 
branous oblong-lance-crenate-subsinuate- 

acuminate-pinnated Spleenwort) (Bed/ | 

F,adpd). 2347 Asplenium sylvaticum. 
Fern (Pinnate-(2-3ft)-tawny-scaly-rachis- 
ed Leathery lance-pinnatipartite-acu- 
minate-pinnated Buckler) (Bed/F,adpd). 
3364-a- Nephrodium Filix-mas (paten- 
Fern (Pinnate-(1—2ft)-white-velvetty-back- 

ed Leathery-rigid linear-oblong-(4"—6”)- | 

pinnatifid-acuminate-pinnated Buckler) 
(Bed/F, adpd), 3358 Nephrodium uni- 

Fern (Pinnatifid-folioled ladder) (Nic. 
2/445, adpd). 3369-a. Nephrolepis 

davallioides (typica). 

Fern (Pinnatifid-(2-3 ft)-muricate-stiped 
Leathery linear-(4”—6"-toothed-acumin- 
ate-segmented Hard) (Nic. 1/194, 
adpd). 3340 Blechnum cartilagineum. 

Fern (Pinnatifid-(2—4ft)-scaly-stiped Lea- 
thery linear-(4’’-8’’)-toothed-wavy-acu- 
minate-segmented Hard) (Nic. 1/194, 
adpd). 3339 Blechnum brasiliense. 

Fern (Pinnatipartite-(1}-4ft) Papery long- 
oblong: (4’’-10’’)-subsinuate - acute - or- 
cuspidate-segmented Polypody) (Bed/F, 
adpd). 8377 Polypodium longissimum. 

Fern (Pinnatipartite Papery oblong-lance- 
sinuate-acuminate-segmented Buckler) 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3350 Nephrodium 

Fern (Pinnatipartite-(2-3ft)-scaly-stiped 
oblong-(4’—-6’’)-subentire - obtuse - seg- 
mented Deer) (Nic. 2/299, adpd). 3380 
Lomaria gibba. 

Fern (Polypody) (McL. 97) (S. 340) (Nic. 
3/186). mixii. Polypodium (genus). 
Fern (Quadripinnate-(1-6ft) muricate- ra- 
chised-white-silky-nerved obJong-(4’’- 
7’’)-acuminate-pinnuled membranous- 
firm-broad-lance - pinnatipartite-acute- 
pinouletted Polypody) (Bed/F, adpd). 

2875 Polypodium ornatum. 

Fern (Roundish-bivalyed-fimbriate-indu- 
siate Linear-oblong-sori-(of-biseriate- 
sporangia)-submarginal (Bed/F, adpd). 
mlxvii. Marattia (genus). 

Fern (Roval) (S. 303). mlxviii. Osmunda 


Fern (Royal) (Nic. 2/530) (S. 303) (Bed/ 
F,206) (Cag. 308) (Ru/N/126, 0/36) 
(Ooty. 409). 3387 Osmunda regalis. 

Fern (Sessile-cxplike-indusiate Globose- 
sori-axillary-along-pinnule-costa) (Bed/ 
F,adpd). mlii. Cyathea (genus). 

Fern (Sessile-cuplike-indusiate Globose- 
sori-on-pinnute-venules) (Nic. 2/135, 
adpd). mlix. Hemitelia (genus). 

Fern (Simple-(3-13ft)-glossy-ciliate-hairy- 
glabrate-backed Leathery lance-repand- 
acuminate-leaved subscandent Cleand- 

er (Bed/F, adpd). 3368 Oleander 

Fern (Smith’s Tree) (8.197). mlix. 
Hemi'elia (genus). 

Fern (Snake’s tongue) (3.408). 3383 

Lygodium japonicum. 

Fern (Short-broad-pinnuled Bijugately- 
bipinnate Climbing) (Nic. 2/809, adpd). 
3384-b. Lygodium scandens (micro- 

Fern (Sori-of-bivalved-sporangia)-form- 
ing-panicled-spike- on-separate-folioles- 
or-fronds) (Bed/F, adpd). mlxviii. 
Osmunda (genus). 

Fern (Spider) (S. 1352). 

Fern (Spleenwort) (Nic. 1/187) (S.40). 
mlvii. Asplenium (genus). 

Fern (Squirrel’s Foot) (8.132). 
Davallia (genus). 

Fern (Stalked-cuplike-irdusiate Globose- 
sori-close-to-pinnule-costa) (Bed/F, 
adpd). wmiliii. Spheropteris (genus). 

Fern (Sublunate-indusiate Linear-sori- 
along-pinnule-venules) (Bed/F, adpd). 
milvii. Asplenium (genus). 

Fern (Tripinnate-densely-scaly-scabrous- 
ftiped Membranous-translucent oblong- 
ovate-pinnatifid-obtnse-pinnuled Poly- 
pody) (Bed/F,adpd). 3374 Polypodium 

Fern (Tripinnate-downy Membranous 
oblong-to-rhomb-lance - pinnatipartite- 
obtuse-pinnuled Bear’s foot) (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3333 Davallia spelance. 

Fern (Tripinnate-glabrous Leathery linear 
pinnatipartite - acuminate - pinnuled 
Brake) (Bed/F, adpd). 388385-a. Pteris 
aquilina (typica) 

Fern (Tripinnate-glabrous Papery ovate- 
led Bear’s-foot) (Bed/F, adpd). 3332 
Davallia platyphylla. 

Fern  (Tripinate-(2-83ft)-scaly-rachised 
Membranous oval-oblong-decurrent-ob- 
tuse pinnuled Globe) (Bed/F, adpd). 
3331 Spheropteris barbata. 

Fern (Tripinnate- caly-stiped Papery 
ate-pennuled Spleenwort (Bed/F, adpd). 
3344 Asplenium latifolinm, 

mly. Pteris 



Fern (Tripinnate-(1-14 ft.)-scaly-stiped 
Papery ovate -oblong-pinnatifid-obtuse- 
pinnuled Buckler) (Bed/F,adpd). 3360 
Nephrodium sparsum. 

Fern (Tripinnate-(}-1} ft.)-white-pilose 
Papery oblong-ovate-(4’’—1” )-pinnati- 
partite-obtuse-pinnuled Buckler) (Bed/ 
F,adpd). 3355 Nephrodium odoratum. 

Fern (Twin leaved Brake) (Bed/F, adpd). 
3337 Pteris geminata. 

Fern (Umbrella) (S. 181, 445). 
chenia (genus). 

Fern (Water) (Mu. 58). 3379 Acrostichum 

Fern (White-mottled-fronded Four-winged 
Brake) (Bed/F, adpd). 3334-b. Pteris 
quadriaurita (argentea). 

ml. Glei- 

Fern (Zonal-ringed-sporangia Round-sori- | 

medial-on-venules) (Bed/F, adpd). 
Gleichenia (genus). 
Fern (Winged) Brake 
3336 Pteris biaurita. 
Fern (Ash leaf) Family (S. 261, adpd), 
CXXX, Marattiacez (Order). 
Fern (Net) Family (S. 181, 289, adpd). 
CXXVII. Gleicheniacez (Order). 


(Bed/F, adpd). 

Fern (Polypody) Family (Nic. 3/186, 
adpd). CXXVIII. Polypodiacee (Or- 

Fern (Royal) Family (Nic. 2/530, adpd). 
CXXX. Marattiacez (Order). 

Fern (Snake’s tongue) Family (S. 403, 
adpd). CXXIX. Schizeacez (Order). 

Fern leaved Thespesia (McL. 674) (?). 
448 Filicium dicipiens (?). 

Fern Palm Family (L/N/8/B). CXIII. 
Fern Palm (Muell. S.P) (S. 257). cmzxiii. 

Cyeas (genus). 

Fern (Bipinnate) Palm (Muel!. 8.P, adpd). 
emxvi. Bowenia (genus). 

Fern (China) Palm (S, 123, 164). 
Cycas revoluta. 

Fern (Common Indian) Palm (Muell. 8.P, 
adpd). 2873 Cycas circinalis. 

Fern (Costate Pinnate) Palm (Muell. S.P, 
adpd). cmsxiv. Cycas (genus). 

Fern (Cuddapah) Palm (Muell. S.P, adpd). 
2877 Cycas Beddomei. 

Fern (Ecostate Pinnate) Palm {(Muell. §.P, 
adpd). cmxv. Macrozamia (genus), 
Fera (False) Tree (McL. 674, adpd), 448 

Filicium decipiens. 
Fern (Giant) Palm (S. 257) (Bth. 6/253). 
2882 Macrozamia Peroffsky ana. 
Fern (Japan) Palm (Muell. S.P). 
Cycas revolata. 

Fern (Malayan) Palm (Muell. S.P, adpd). 
2874 Cycas Rumphii. 

Fern (Moreton-Bay) Palm (Bth. 6/253). 
2880 Macrozamia Miquelii. 

Fern (Narrow leved Ecostate) Palm (Bth. 
6/252, adpd). 2881 Macrozamia cylind- 




Fern (New-Sonth-Wales) Palm (Bth. 
6/252). 2883 Macrozamia spiralis. 

Fern (North Australian) Palm (Bth. 
6/251). 2875 Cycas media. 

Fern (Queensland Bipinnate) Palm (Bth. 
6/254), 2884 Bowenia spectabilis. 

Fern (Sago) Palm (McL. 593, 777, 905, 
1000, S. 281, corr). 2873 Cycas circin- 

Fern (Swan-River) Palm (S. 257) (Bth. 
6/252). 2879 Macrozamia Fraseri. 

Fern (Turnip) (S. 25, 442). 38385 Angi- 
opteris evecta. 

Fern (Wavy leaved) Palm (Nic. 5/276). 
2876 Cycas undulata. 

Ferns (Mcb. 655, 1004). IIL. class. 
Pteridophyta (class-Filices subclass). 
Fertile-lance-obtuse - entirely - soriferous- 
pinnuled -(Bipinnate Sterile - oblique- 
ovate - pinnatifid - lobed - serrulate-sub- 
acute) Climbing Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 

3383 Lygodium japonicum. 

nuled(Bipinnate-(1-2 ft.) Sterile-cblong- 
lance-(1’’-2”)-sinuate-obtuse) Royal 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 8387 Osmunda 

Fertile-longer-crenate-pinnated (Pinnate- 
(1-2 ft) Sterile-oblong-(3’’-1” }-subentire- 
obtuse) Ladder Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3370 Nephrolepis cordifolia. 

Fertile-narrower-pinnatifid-pinnated (Pin- 
nate-(2-3 ft) Sterile-lance-(4’’-8 ’)-cre- 
nate-acuminate) Ladder Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3369 Nephrolepis davallioides, 

notch-tipped-pinnated (Bipinnate-(4- 
3 ft)-scaly-rachised Sterile-laace-pinnati- 
partite-acuminate) Buckler Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 38363 Nephrodium 

Fertile-smaller-narrower-pinnated (Pin- 
nate-(1-4 ft) Leathery linear-oblong- 
(4”-8"’)-obtuse) Elephant’s-ear Fern 
(Bad/F, adpd). 3379 Acrostichum 

Fetid Aloe (McL. 21). 

Fetid (Small-hairy-nerved Ovate-acute- 
leaved Square-branched) Holly (Hk. 
1/589, adpd). 500-e. Mappia fostida 

Fetid Cassia (McL. 136). 950 Cassia 

Fetid Cassia (McL. 136), 949 Cassia 

Fetic Cassia (McL. 155) (Br. 63) (Pfl. 240). 
948 Cassia Tora. 

Fetid False-Kamela (MeL, 30, adpd) 
1333 Casearia graveolens, 

Fetid Holly (Hk. 1/589, Bed. 2/141, 
Bs/T/151, Gbi. 166 adpd). ccv. Mappia 

3054 Furerzea 


Fetid (Long-shining-glaucous-backed-axil- 
tufted Ovate-oblong-cuspidate-leaved 
Square-branched) Holly. (Hk. 1/589, 
adpd). 500-c. Mappia fcetida (ovata). 

Fetid (Medium-hairy-nerved oblong-acute 
leaved) Holly (Hk.1/589, adpd). 500-d, 
Mappia foetida (oblonga). 

Fetid (Medium-thinly-downy-glabrate 
Ovate-acuminate-leaved) Holly (Hk. 
1/589, adpd), 500-a. Mappia foetida 

Fetid (Medium-velvetty-backed Ovate- 
oblong-acute-to-acuminate-leaved) Holly 
(Hk. 1/589, adpd). 500-b. Mappia 
foetida (tomentosa), 

Fetid Mimosa (McL. 986). 

Fetid Passion Flower (Nic, 8/31) (Br. 87), 
1351 Passiflora foetida. 

Fever Bark (McL. 419). 
chona (genus). 

Fever Gum (McL. 99). 

Fever Nettle (McL. 171, 361) (Bed. 2/206), 
2767 Laportea crenulata, 

Fever Nut (McL. 101) (Bs/T/246). 
Ceesalpinia Bonducella, 

Fever Nut (Cat. 99). 

Fever (Chinese) Plant (McL. 800) (Nic. 
3/4). 1591 (bés.) Paederia foetida. 

Fever Rohitacam (Mch. 762, 862). 
Amoora Rohituka. 

Fever Tree (S. 165). 

Few -broad-falcate-lobed 
forate Climbing Arum (Hk. 6/546, 
adpd). 38270 Rhaphidophora pertusa. 

Few-flowered Indian Ipecacuanha (MeL. 

1027 Acacia 

cdlxxxiil. Cin- 

1189 Eucalyptus 


927 Ceesalpinia 


1189 Hucalyptus 

360, adpd), 1911 Tylophora pauci- 
Few-flowered Milled-leaf Tree (Hk. 

1/278, adpd). 

Few-flowered Round leaved White Dead- 
nettle shrub (Hk. 4/681, adpd). 2354 
Leucas nepetefolia. 

Few-lobed-flowered (Six-bracted Capitate) 
Vervein Climber) (Hk. 4/561 adpd). 
deexxxvi, Sphenodesma (genus). 

Few: (4-6-prs)-nerved Beech-leaved Hop 
Dholl (Bs/T/231, adpdj. 870-b. Fle- 
mingia strobilifera (bracteata). 

Few-prickled (Bipinnate-(12-18)-mem- 
branous-glabrous oblique-oblong- 
obtuse-(20-24)-folioled) Brasiletto (Hk. 
2/255, adpd), 930 Casalpinia pulcher- 

Few-prickled (Bipinnate-(20-24) -sub- 
glabrous obliquely-oblong- (20-30) - 
folioled) Brasiletto (Hk. 2/255, adpd), 
929 Ceesalpinia Sappan. 

187 Peeciloneuron pauci- 

Pinnatifid Per- | 


Few-(2-4)-seeded-druped Child’s Amulet 
Tree (Hk. 5/241, adpd). dccexxi, 
Cyclostemon (genus). 

| Few seeded Lance Wood (Mch. 510, 

adpd), 285 Pterospermum reticulatum, 

Few-(1-4)-seeded Square-branched Spin- 
dle Tree (Bed. 1/64, adpd), cexiii. 
Glyptopetalum (genus). 

Few-seeded Sweet Thorn (Hk. 1/194, 
adpd). lv. Xylosma (genus), 

Few-seeded (Elliptic leaved) Sweet Thorn 
(Hk, 1/194, adpd). 189 Xylosma, Jlati- 

Few-seeded (Long leaved) Sweet Thorn 
(Hk, 1/149, adpd), 188 XyJosma longi- 

Few-(1-4)-seeded Tawny-leather-berried 
Bindweed (Hk. 4/188, adpd). dely. 
Rivea (genus). 

Few (Blackish and) spined Prickly Pear 
(Cavanagh, Mad. Mail. 31-38-05), 13882 
Opuntia nigricans, 

Few-(2-4)-stamened One-seeded-druped 
Child’s Amulet Tree (Hk. 5/241, adpd). 
decexix. Putranjiva (genus), 

F'ew-stamened Racemose Lodh (Bs/T/438, 

adpd). 1730 Symplocos subglabra. 
Few-thorned (Open-clumped) 8amboo 
of the Javadi-Hills (Bs/T/671). 3304-d. 

Bambusa arundinacea (javadiensis). 
Tibre (Pat) (McL. 399). exxii. Corchorus 


Fibre (Ramee) (Muell. S.P). 2771-b. 
Boohmeria nivea (tenacissima). 

Fire (Rheea) (Muell. S.P). 2771-a. 
Beehmeria nivea (candicans). 

Fibre (Sisal) (Muell. 8.P), 3051 Agave 


Fibre Mango (McL. 468, 500). (?) 2462 
Litsea polyantha (7). 

Fibre (Coir) Palm (Gbl. 740) (Bdn/F.T), 
8228 Cocos nucifera. 

Fibre (Kitul) Palm (Gbl. 729) (Bdn/F.T). 
3152 Caryota urens. 

Fibre (Pitah) Plant (McL, 20). 3049 
Agave americana, 

Fibre-netted (Black) stemmed Cocoanut — 
(Nic. 1/849), 3231 Cocos Weddeliana, 
Fibre (Kapok) Tree (Mch, 234). (? 261) 

259 Bombax malabaricam (?) 

Fibrous-persistent-barked (Anastomos- 
ing-oblique-fine-nerved | Very-small- 
thick oblique-ovate-lance-to-lance- 
nearly-etraight-leaved) Kucalypt (Bth. 
3/207, adpd), 1193 Hucalyptus piper- 

Fibrous-persistent-barked (Parallel-ob- 
lique-fine-regular-nerved Very-small- 
thick oblique-ovate-lance-to-lunce 
nearly-straight-leaved) Euoalypt (Bth. 
3/208, adpd). 1184 Eucalyptus euge- 


Fibrous-persistent- or -deciduous-in-large- 
flakes-barked (Anastomosing-oblique-in- 
distinct-nerved Small  Broad-lance- 
to-linear-or-falcate acuminate-leaved) 

Eucalypt (Bth. 3/207, adpd). 1192 
Eucalyptus amygdalina. 

Fichte of the Germans (Muell. 8.P). 
2863 Picea excelsa. 

Fiddle leaved Jatropha (Br. 193). 2625 

Jatropha hastata. 

Fiddle leaved Physic Nut (Br. 193, adpd), 
2625 Jatropha hastata. 

Fiddle Wood (Nic. 1/333) «(Cag. 437) 
(Cat. 225) (Ra/N/79). 2304 Citharexy- 
lum subserratum, 

Field notchy (Mch, 373, 594, 864, 999). 
2314 Vitex leucoxylon. 

Fiery-red-blotched-yellow (Green-leaved) 
Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3035 (bis.)-h. 
Canna orchidiflora (Borussia), 

Flower (Nic. 1/409). 

Fiery-scarlet Hy brid-perpetua] Rose (Nic. 
3/329) (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/91, 0/18, 21) 
(Mu. 52) (Br. 69) (Hod) (Fo). 1107-i. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea- 

Fife (Duchess of) 

1812 Cuphea 

Rose (Bu/0/20), 

1107-e. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Fig Family (Br. 197). CIV. Moracez 

Fig (McL. 49) (Nic. 2/i1) 
decelxxiii. H'icus (genus). 
Fig (Acute elliptic leaved) (McL. 73, 
adpa). 2735 Ficus Trimeni. 

Fig (Bourdillon’s Rama-Varma) (Bs/T/ 
600). 2729 Ficus Beddomei, : 

Fig (Adam’s) McL. 5,687). 3041 Musa 

Fig (Arnott’s Jointed Heart leaved) (McL. 

673, adpd). 2799 Ficus Arnottiana. 

Fig (Barbary) (S. 300). cdlvi. Opuntia 

Fig (Bengal) (McL. 72). 2726 Ficus 

Fig (Benjamin) (Nic. 2/11}. 2733 Ficus 

Fig (Bourjassotie) (Nic. 2/14). 2752 
Ficus Carica. 

Fig (Brahma’s) (McL. 49). 2750 Ficus | 
Fig (Brunswick) (Nic. 2/15). 2752 Ficus | 
Fig (Burgundy) (Nic. 2/14), 2752 Ficus 

Fig (Climbing Cluster) (McL. 49, adpd). 
2755 Ficus guttata, 

Ficus glomerata. 
Fig (Cluster fruited White) (McL. 73, 
adpd). 2741 Ficus Tjakela. 

(S. 165). 


Fig (Cochineal) (McL, 720). [1378 
Sphalm] 1377 Nopalea coccinellifera. 

Fig (Coummom cultivated) (Br. 198) 
2752 Ficus Carica. 
Fig (Common Purple) (Nic. 2/14), 2752 

Ficus Carica. 

Fig (Copper Beech) (Cag. 414). 2758 

Ficus Canoni. 

Fig (Country) (McL. 49, 473) (Ell. 288) 
(Rid. 126) (Cat. 289) (Pfl. 14). 2757 
Ficus glomerata. 

Fig (Creeper) (McL. 49, 1000). 2747-c. 
Ficus heterophylla (repens). 
Fig (Creeping) (S. 116). 2747-c. Ficus 

heterophylla (repens). 
Fig (Crow) (McL. 49). 2750 Ficus his- 
Fig (Cusped elliptic leaved) (McL. 73, 
adpd), 2732 Ficus altissima. 
Fig (Demon) (McL. 78). 2727 

Fig (Devil) (McL. 49, 468, 819, 1000). 
2759 Ficus hispida. 

Fig (Dillenius’ Indian) (Cavanazh, Mad. 
Mail, 31-3-05). 1378 Opuntia Dillenii. 

Fig (Downy Climbing Cluster) (McL. 49, 
adpd). 2754 Ficus macrocarpa. 
Fig (Edible) (Gbl. 637) (Bdn/F.T) (Cat. 
292) (Ooty. 86). 2752 Ficus Carica. 
Fig (Elastic) (McL. 358). 2734 Ficus 

Fig (European Edible) (McL. 34, adpd). 
2752 Ficus Carica, 

Fig (False Elastic) (Bth. 6/170). 
Ficus macrophylla. 

Fig (Flowering) (McL, 155). 
chera trijuga. 

Fig (Glossy Long Waved leaved) (McL. 
73, adpd). 2741 Ficus Tjakela. 

Fig (Gum) (McL. 49). 2757 Ficus glome- 

Fig (Holy) (MeL. 673). 2739 Ficus reli- 

Fig (India Rubber) (Gbl. 641) (Bdn/F.T). 
2734 Ficus elastica. 

Fig (Indian) (McL. 72), 2726 Ficus ben- 

Fig (Indian) (Nic. 



632 Schlei- 

2/501) (Cag. 552) 

(S. 300) (Pf. 411). cdlvi. Opuntia 

Fig (Indian) (Vic. 2/503). 1383 Opuntia 

Fig (Indian) (McL. 720). [1378 Sphalm] 

1383 Opuntia vulgaris. 

Fig (Indian Edible) (Hk. 5/530). 2753 
Ficus palmata. 

Fig (Indian Ivy) (Cag. 413). [Sphalmec. ] 
2747-d, Ficus heterophylla (pumila), 

Fig (Cluster) (McL. 49, 473, 1000). 2757 Fig (Insect) (McL. 4%). 2757 Ficus 

Fig (Ischia) (Nic. 2/14), 2752 Ficus 


Fig (Italian) (Nic. 2/14). 2752 Ficus 

Fig (Ivy) (Pr. 1/982). 
rophylla (pumila). 

Fig (Japan Keg) (McL. 304). 1701 Dios- 
pyros Kaki. 

Fiz (Java) (Cag. 414) (Ru/N/128, 0/12) 
(Mu. 43) (Cat. 275). 2733 Ficus Benja- 

Fig (Jointed ovate leaved) (McL. 982, 
adpd). 2742 Ficus Tsiela. 

Fig (Jointed Poplar leaved) (McL. 673, 
adpd). 2739 Ficus religiosa. 

Fig (Jointed Waved leaved) (McL. 73, 
adpd). 2743 Ficus infectoria. 

Fig (Lady Dalhousie’s) (McL. 72, adpd). 
2725 Ficus Dalhonsiz. 

Fig (Lance leaved) (McL. 738, adpd). 
2731 Ficus travancorica. 

Fig (Large leaved Cluster) (McL. 49, 
adpd). 2756 Ficus Roxburghii. 

Fig (Large leaved Yellow) (McL. 73, 
adpd). 2744 Ficus callosa. 

Fig (Lipari) (Nic. 2/15). 

Fig (Mad) (McL. 49). 2750 Ficus hispida. 

Fig (Marseilles) (Nic. 2/15), 2752 Ficus 

Fig (Moreton-Bay) (Cug. 414) (Nic. 2/12) 
(Cat. 290). 2745 Ficus macrophylla. 

Fig (Mysore) (Mcl. 73, adpd) (Cag. 414) 

2747.d, Ficus hete- 

2752 Ficus 

(Mu 43), 2727 Ficus mysoresis. 
Fig (Naples) (Nic. 2/14). 2752 Hicus 

Fig (Narrow leaved) (Mch. 73, adpd). 
2737 Ficus nervosa. 
Fig (Oblong Indian) (“cL. 720). [1878 
Sphalm]. 1880 Opuntia monocantha. 
Fig (Opposite leaved) (Mch. 49) (Br. 200). 
2750 Ficus hispida. 

Fig (Opposite leaved Cluster) (McL. 
73, adpd). Ficus hispida. 

Fig (Oval leaved) (Br, 201) (Ell. 278). 
2733 Ficus Benjamina. 

Fig (Oval leaved) (McL. 78). 

Fig (Oval leaved) (McL. 72) (? Ovate). 
2726 Ficus bengalensis. 

Fig (Ovate leaved) (Mech. 72, corr). 2726 
Kicus bengalensis. 

Fig (Parasitic Rhomboid le«ved) (McL. 
49,1000, adpd). 2724-a. Ficus gibbosa 

Fig (Poplar leaved) (McL. 673) (Br. 198) 
(KIL 284). 2739 Ficus religiosa. 

Fig (Red) (McL. 49, 1000). 2747 Ficus 

Fig (Rhombsid leaved) (McL. 49, 472, 
1000, adpd). 2724 Ficus gibbosa. 

Fig (Rough Leaf) (McL. 78). 2751 Ficus 

Fig (Round leaved) (McL. 78, adpd). 
2729 Ficus Beddomei. 

2736 Ficus 


Fig (Roxburgh’s Jointed Heart leaved) 
(MeL. 673, adpd). 2738 Ficus Rumphii, 

Fig (Sacred) (McL. 678). 2789 Ficus 

Fig (Sacrificial) (McL. 49). 

Fig (Sand paper) (McL. 78). 2749 Ficus 

Fig (Scabrid Auricle-leaved Cluster) 
(McL. 37, adpd). 2751 Ficus Cunia. 
Fiz (Scabrid Lobed Creeper) (McL. 49, 
1000, adpda). 2747-c. Ficus hete- 

rophylla (repens). 

Fig (Scabrid Narrow-leaved) (Br. 201, 
adpd). 2747-d. Ficus heterophylla 

Fig (Scabrid Oak-leaved) (McL. 49, adpd). 
2748 Ficus quercifolia. 

Fig (Scabrid Small-leaved Yellow) (Meh. 
73, adpd), 2749 Ficus asperrima. 

Fig (Scabrid Various-leaved) (Br. 201, 
adpd). 2747 Ficus heterophylla. 

Fig (Shining leaved) (McL. 78) (Br. 200). 
2736-b. Ficus retusa (nitida). 

2757 Ficus 

Fig (Sierra-leone) (Ol. 3/39). cdlxxviii. 
Sarcocephalus (genus), 
Fig (Snake Hood) (McL. 720). 1878 

Opuntia Dillenii, 
Fig (Stone) (McL.* 49, 1000), 2724-a, 
Ficus gibbosa (parasitioa) (scandens*), 
Fig (Subserrate Rhomboid leaved) (McL. 
49,1000, adpd). 2724-b. Ficus gibbosa 

Fig (Tailed Oval leaved) (McL. 78, adpd). 
2735 (bis.) Ficus Talboti. 

Fig (Tall) (McL. 49, 473, 1000). 
Ficus gibbosa (cuspidifera). 

Fig (Tall Rhomboid leaved) (MeL. 49, 
473, 1000, adpd), 2724-c, Ficus gibbosa 

Fig (Tarkey) (Nic. 2/14), 2752 Ficus 

Fig (Various leaved) 
Ficus heterophylla. 
Fig (Waved leaved) (McL. 73). 27438 

Ficus infectoria. 
Fig (Wave leaved) (Pf. 347). 
Sphalm] 2743 Ficus infectoria. 
Fig (Weeping pointed Oval leaved) (Br. 
201, adpd). 2733 Ficus Benjamina. 

Fiz (White-haired Indian) (Cavanagh, 
Mad. Mail. 31-3-04). 1881 Opuntia 

Fig (Wild) (McL. 49). 2757 Ficus glo- 

Fig (Wild) (MoL. 42). 2750 Ficus hispida. 

Fig (Willow) (McL. 73). [27386 Sphalm] 
2733 Ficus Benjamina. 

Fig (Woolly Kdible) (Hk. 5/580). 2753 
Ficus palmata. 

Fig (Yellow-barked) (McL. 932, adpd). 
2742 Ficus Tsiela. 

Fig (Indian) Cactus (8. 213). 1383 Opun- 
tia vulgaris. 


(Br. 201). 2747 



Fig (Indian) Family (Br. 91) (L/N/S/B). 
LVII, Cactaces (Order). 

Fig leaf Palm (S. 164), 1896 Fatsia japo- 

Fig Mango (McL. 468, 473, 994). 
Hemigyrosa canescens-(?). 

Fig of India (McL. 687). 

Fig of Paradise (MeL. 687), 3041 Musa 

Fig (Waved leaved) of Queensland (Bth. 
6/165). 2746 Ficus Cunningham mii. 

Fig Tree (Bs/1/607) (S. 166) (Cag. 28) 


3041 Musa 

(Ru/N/78, 0/9) (Mu, 46). 2752 Ficus 

Fig (Common) Tree (Nic. 2/12). 2752 
Ficus Carica. 

Fig (European) Tree (Mclh. 84), 2752 

Ficus Carica. 

Fig (Red wooded) Tree (Br. 200) (HEIL. 
283). 2757 Ficus glomerata, 

Fig (Willow) Tree (McL. 982). 2783 Ficus 

Figged (Golden) Banyan (MeL. 73, adpd). 
2727 Ficus mysorensis. 

Figged (Hairy stalk) Banyan (McL. 72, 
adpd). 2725 Ficus Dalhousie. 

Figged (Rusty-woolly Golden) Banyan 
(McL, 78, adpd). 2727-b. Ficus myso- 
rensis (pubescens). 

Figwort Family (Br. 154) (L/N/S/B). 
LXXX. Scrophulariacezs (Order), 

Figwort (Medium-membranous Lance- 
oblong-cuspidate-leaved Yellow ‘Trum- 
pet) (Nic. 5/164, adpd). 
sia undulata. 

Figwort (Obovate - elliptic - acuminate- 
leaved Creamy Trnmpet) (Nie. 1/214, 
adpd). 2108 Brunfelsia americana. 

Figwort (Trampet Flower) (Treas. Bot. 
1/174, adpd). delxxiv. Brunfelsia 

Figwort (Very-small elliptic-leaved Yel- 
low-throated-blue Trumpet) (Nic. 5/164, 
adpd). 2110 Brunfelsia Hopeana. 

Figworts (McL. 1007), LXXXI. 
phulariaceze (Order). 

Fiji Copper Leaf (Mch. 465, adpd). 2665 
Acalypha Wilkesiana. 

Filbert (S. 112, 166) (Nic. 1/386) (Cag. 
209). 2786 Corylus Avellana. 

Filbert (Indian) (McL. 101). 926 Cesal- 
pinia Bonducella. 

Filbert (West Indian) (McL. 801). 
Entada scandens. 

Filiferous Prickly Fan Palm (Cag. 343, 
adpd). 38190 Washingtonia filifera. 

Filiform-leaved (Digitate-(7-10)-pendu- 
lous White-mottled-stalked) Aralia (Nic. 
1/104, adpd). 1388 Aralia elegantis- 



2109 Brunfel-— 


Filiform-undulated-glossy-leaved (Digi- 
tate-(about 11) Dark-red-backed) Aralia 
(Nic. 1/105, adpd). 1857 Aralia Veit- 

Filter (Water) Nut (McL. 189). 
Stychnos potatorum. 

Fimbriate-styled Copper Leaf (8. 8, McL. 
465, Hk. 5/243, adpd). decexliv. 
Acalypha (genus). 

Fine Crown Bark (McL. 420) (Ell. 178). 
1444-d. Cinchona officinalis (crispa). 
Fine leaved Acacia (MeL. 97). 1040 

Acacia pennata, 

Finest Grey Bark (McL, 420) (Ell. 178). 
1454 Cinchona peruviana, 

Finger (Five) leaved Shoe Flower (Nic. 
1/142, adpd). 248 Hibiscus coccineus, 
Fingered Citron of China (Bon. 71, 346), 
409-b, Citrus medica-medica (digitata). 
Fingers (Five) (Nic. 3/532), 3252 Syn- 
gonium auritum. 
Fir Family (L/N/8/B). 


Fir (S. 166, 331). cmviii. Pinus (genus). 

Fir (H/E.F). cmxii. Abies (genus), 

Fir (Australian) (McL, 185). 2780 Casu- 
arina equisetifolia, 

Fir (Cephalonian Silver) (Nic. 1/2), 2868 
Abies cephalonica. 

Fir (Crimean Silver) (Muell. S.P) (Gbl. 
708). 2869 Abies Nordmanniana. 

Fir (Dantzic) (Gbl. 708), 2857 Pinus 

Fir (Douglas) (H/E.F). 
tsuga (genus), 

Fir (Grecian Silver) (Muell. §.P) (Nice. 


CXII. Conifers 

cmxi, Pseudo- 

1/2). 2868 Abies cephalonica. 

Fir (Himalayan Silver) (McL. 342) 
(W.A.1) (Gbl. 108) (FAR. 10, 25, 31, 
NLGS). 2871 Abies Webbiana. 

Fir (Indian) (McL. 44), 40 Polyalthia 

Fir (Mexican Silver) (S. 14). 2867 Abies 

Fir;(Nootka) (8. 291). 

Fir (Nerdmann’s) (Nic. 1/2) (S.14, 292). 
2869 Abies Nordmanniana. 

Fir (Oyamel) (Muell. 8.P). 

Fir (Sacred Indian) (McL. 264). 
Cedrus Libani (Deodara). 

Fir (Seotch) (Muell. 8.P) (S. 381). 2857 
Pinus sylvastris. 

Fir (Silver) (Muell. 8.P) (H/E.F) (Nice. 
8/181, corr) (S.1) (Gbl. 708). cmxii. 
Abies (genus). 

Fir (Silver) (Nic. 3/181). 
emxii. Abies (genus), 

Fir (Smith’s Spruce) (Nic. 3/133). 
Picea Morinda. 

2866 Pseudotsuga 

2867 Abies 

[emx Sphalm]| 



Fir (Spanish Silver) (Muell. S.P) (Nie. 
1/2) (S. 407) (Gbl. 708). 2870 Abies | 

Fir (Spruce) (Nic. 
Picea (genus)._ 

Fir Club Mogs (S. 256). lxix. Lycopodium 

Fir (Joint) Family (McL. 1002, adpd). 
CXI. Gnetacez (Order). 
Fir (Palm) Family (L/N/S/B). 

Cycadaceze (Order). 

Fir (Douglas) of British Columbia (H/E. 

F) (Gbl. 703) (FAR. 10, 38, 39, NLGS). 

1/1, corr). cmx. 


2866 Pseudotsuga Douglasii. ' 

Fir (Sprace) of Europe (W.A.I) (FAR. 
25, 31 to 338, NLGS). 2863 Picea 

Fir Tree (Nic. 3/145). 
sylvestris (?). 

Fir Tree (Rid. 114, 126). 

Firs (Joint) (Mch. 1004). CXI. Gnetacese 

(2?) 2857 Pinus 

2780 Casuarina 


Firebrand (Spinous) Teak (Mch. 473, 572, 
884, 997, adpd). 2295 Premna integri- 

Firebrand (Woolly leaved) Teak (MeL. 
473, 572, 884,997,adpd). 2296 Premna 

Firebrand (Ovate leaved) Teak of the 
Anaimalais (MchL. 473, 512, 884, 997, 
adpd). 2299 Premna Wightiana. 

Firebrand (Ovate leaved) Teak of the 
Deccan (McL 472, 512, 854, 997, adpd). 
2291 Premna corymbosa. 

Fire Creeper (McL. 95). 2818 Cleroden- 
dron serratum. 

Vire-face;Tree (MclJ.. 476). 673 Seme- 
carpus Anacardium. 

Fire Flame Bush (MclL. 
Woodfordia floribunda. 

Fire Plant (McL. 178). 

Fire (Hvergreen) Thorn (S. i15). 
ecelxxxvii. Cratzegus (genus). 

Firework Plant (McL. 295, 472, 690, 993). 
483 Balanites Roxburghii. 

314). 1307 
1654 Plumbago 

Firebrand Creeper (McL. 611). 623 | 
Cardiospermum Halicacabum. 
Firebrand Paulay (McL. 664). 1537 | 

Txora parviflora. 

Firebrand Teak (McL. 473, 884, 997, 
adpd). deexxvi. Premna (genus). 
Firebrand Teak (McL. 473, 884, 999). 

2296 Premna tomentosa. 
Firebrand (Bushy) Teak (McL. 473, 512, | 

Firework (Spiny Bifoliate Very-small 
obovate-elliptic-obtuse-leaved) Plant 
(Hk. 1/528, adpd)., 433 Balanites Rox- 

Fish-bone (Rasp leaved) Climber (Hk. 
1/31, adpd). 11 Delima sarmentosa. 
Fish-bone (Smooth leayed) Climber (Hk. 

1/31, adpd). 12 Tetracera levis. 

884, 997, adpd). 2302 Premna barbata. 

Firebrand (Dueky leaved) Teak (McL. 473, 
512, 884, 997, adpd). 2298 Premna 

Firebrand (Himalayan serrate) Teak 
(Mch. 473, 512, 884, 997, adpd). 2301 
Premna barbata. 

Firebrand ((Greener-ovate-leaved Dusky) 
Teak (Hk. 4/578, adpd). 2298-c. 
Premna latifolia (viburnoides). 

Firebrand (Heart-leaved Dusky) Teak 
(Hk. 4/578, adpd). 2298-a. Premna | 
latifolia (ty pica). 

Firebrand (Oblong leaved) Teak (McL. | 
473, 572, 884,997, adpd). 2297 Premna | 

Firebrand (Purple) Teak (Mch. 473, 572, | 

884, 997, adpd). 
Firebrand (Round leaved) Teak (McL. 

2294 Premna purpura- 

Fish-bone leaved Tree (McL. 155, adpd). 
v. Dillenia (genus). 

Fish-bone Tree (McL. 155, adpd). 
Dillenia (genus). 

Fish-bone (Racemed) Tree (Mech. 155, 
623, adpd). 14 Dillenia bracteata 

Fish-bone (Single flowered) Tree (McL. 
155, 478, 484, 623, adpd). 13 - Dillenia 

Figsh-bone (Umbelled) Tree (Mch. 155, 
473, 623, 884, adpd). 15 Dillenia 

Fish-bone Tree Family (Mch. 155, adpd). 
II. Dilleneacez (order). 

| Fish Killer (MeL. 357). 81 Anamirta 

| Coceulus. 

Fish-line Hemp (MclL. 

|  Calotropis gigantea, 
Fish Poison (McL. 371). 774 Tephrosia 


1023). 1882 

472, 512, 884, 997,adpd). 2292 Premna 

Firebrand (Serrate) Teak (McL. 478, 512, 
884 998, adpd). 2300 Premna thyrsoi- 

Firebrand (Shaggy leaved) Teak (McL. 
472, 572, 884, 997,adpd). 2293 Premna 

Firebrand (Smaller-downy leaved Dusky) 
Teak (Hk. 4/578, adpd). 

Premuna latifolia (mollissima). 


Fish Poison (McL. 357). 

Fish Poison Cedar (McL. 1020, adpd). 
clxxxvi. Walsura (genus). 

_ Fish (Long leaved) Poison Cedar (Mch, 

1020, adpd). 470 Walsura ternata. 

| Fish (Ochre flowered) Poison Cedar (McL. 
1020, adpd). 471 Walsura piscidia. 

81 Anamirta 

2228-b. | Fish (Short leaved) Poison Cedar (MeL, 

1020, adpd). 471 Walsura piscidia. 

a a 



Fish (White flowered) Poison Cedar (McL. 
1020, adpd). 470 Walsura ternata. 

Fish Poison Tree (*McL. 473, 474). 142 
Hydnocarpus Wightiana (*venenata). 

Fish Poison Tree (McL. 1020). clxxxvi. 
Walsura (genus). 

elliptic-obtuse-leaved) Capsuled Staff 
Tree (Bed. 2/120, adpd). 543 Kurrimia 

Fish-tail (Bipinnate) Feather Palm (Cag. 
338, adpd). cmxci. Caryota (genus). 

Fish-tail (Stemless) Feather Palm (Rid. 

264, adpd). 3148 Wallichia disticha. 
Fish-tail Palm (Bdn/L). 3152 Caryota 
Fish-tail Palm (Cag. 337). 3154 Caryota 

Fish-tail (Curved wedged leaflet) Palm 
(Nic. 1/274, adpd). 3155 Caryota 

Fish-tail (Rounded leaflet) Palm (Nic. 
5/200, adpd). 3153 Caryota obtusa. 
Fisher Holmes Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/6/20). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfiorens (ceccinea-puniceo-sufi- 


Fishing-Line Palm (McL. 
Curyota urens. 

Fistula of the Romans (McL, 208). 
Cassia Fistuta. 

FitzWilliam eed Mary) Rose (Nic. 
3/325) (Mu. 5 1107-q- Rosa odorata 
(bybrida- ical 

Five angled Spurge (McL. 502) (Br. 190) 
(Rid. 128). 2534 Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Five carpelled Evening Mallow (Hk. 
1/325, adpd). 220 Abzctilon polyan- 

Five-(4-5)-celled Capsuled Panax (Hk. 
2/720, adpd), cdlxy. Polyscias (genus). 

Five Fingers (Nic. 3/532). 3252 Syngo- 
nium auritum. 

Five-finger-leaved Shoe Flower (Nic. 
1/142, adpd). 248 Hibiscus coccineus, 

Five-leaved Ampelopsis of North America 
(Nic. 1/65. 580 Vitis hederacea. 

Five leaved Caste Tree (McL. 596) (Ell. 
837) (Pfi. 361). 2309 Vitex Neguhdo. 
Five (Curved Podded) leaved Indigo 
(McL. 371, adpd). 752 Indigofera 


Five (Lorg podded) leaved Indigo (McL. 
371, adpd). 750 Indigofera subulata. 

Five (Short podded) leaved Indigo QfcL, 

977). 3152 

371, adpd). 751 Indigofera margi- 

Five-(3-5)-leaved (Narrow-stipuled) 
Rose (Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/321). 1103 
Rosa indica. 

Five-(3-5)-leaved gio abi et 
a xine 2/364). 1092 Rosa lavi- 

(Long-leathery-shining oblong- | 



Rose (Hk. 2/364). 

Five(3-5)-leaved (Deciduous-stipuled) 
Rose (Hk, 2364). 1090 Rosa micro- 

Five-(3- 5)-leaved (Deciduous-stipuled) 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1089 Rosa Bank- 

Five (Roxburgh’s) leaved Tree of Beauty 
(Hk. 1/555, adyd). 462 Aglaia Rox- 

Five leaved Tree of Beauty of the Straits 
(Hk. 1/454, adpd). 461 Aglaia odorats. 

Five leaved Velvet Tamarind (I/F /xxx/6). 
$72 Dialium coromandelianura. 

Five leaved Wild Indigo (McL. 371, 
adpd). 773 Tepbrosia senticosa. 

Five leaved Yam (McL, 53). 3057 Dio- 
scorea pentaphylla. 

Five (Pointed-tipped) leaved Yam (McL. 
53, adpd). 3058 Dioscorea Jacque- 

Five (Velvetty) leaved Yam (McL. 53, 
adpd). 3056 Dioscorea tomentosa. 

Five-(5—7)-lobed Himalayan Maple 
(Hk. 1/696, adpd) (FAR. 26 to 30, 37 
to 42, NLGS). 648 Acer Campbellii. 

Five lobed leaved Moon-seed (McL, 120, 
1005, Rox. 3/807, adpd). 92 Jateorhiza 

1091 Rosa Fortu- 

| Five-lobed leaved Passion Flower (Nic. 

3/30). 1849 Passifiora cerulea, 

Five-(5—6-prs)-nerved (Small-subgla- 
brous-sessile) elliptic_denticulate- 
acuminate leaved Athwart-warted- 
squarish-branched Conehead {Hk.4/474, 
adpd), 22138 Strobilanthes sexennis. 

Five-(5-6-prs)merved (Small-glabrous- 
sessile) oblong-elliptic-_denticulate 
ecuminate-leaved Athwarted-warted- 
squarish-branched Conehead (Hk. 
4/474, adpd), 2214 Strobilanthes homo- 

Five-(5—6)-nerved(Small-lineolate) ovate- 
serrulate-cuspidate-leaved Conehead 
(HE. 4/434, adpd). 2179 Strobilanthes 

Five (Spineless) petalled Buck Thorn 
(MeL. 762, adpd). 570 Kkhamnus 

Five (Lilac) petalled Jungle Geranium 
(Nic. 3/70). 1478 Pentas carnea. 

Five - rayed - cushion - stigmatic Rusty- 
panicled-fiowered Bindweed (Kox. 
1/585, adpd). dcliv. Erycibe (genus). 

Fiye seeded Olive Linden (McbL. 763, 
adpd). 335 Eleocarpus Ganitrus, 

Five spined Prickly Pear (Br. 91, adpd). 
1378 Opuntia Dillenia. 

Five (Climbing) to six-angled Torch 
Thistle (Nic. 1/299). 1870 Cereus 


Five tubercled Spurge (McL. 502, Br. 
190, adpd). 2534 Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Five (Spiral) tubercled Spurge (Mch. 
502, Br. 190, adpd). 2535 Huphorbia 

Five-(3-5)-unequal-segmented leaved 
Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/583). 3252 
Syngonium auritum. 

Five-(8-5)-valved (Brazilian) capsuled 

Loose-strife (Treas. Bot. 2/786, adpd). 
cdxxxv. Nesza (genus). 
Five winged capsuled Rose Mallow (Hk. 

1/838, adpd). 289 (bis.) Hibiscus 
Flaccid (Semiovate-dentate-stipuled) 

seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk, 2/364) 
(Nic. 3/320). 1099 Rosa centifolia. 

Flacourtia (Essulent) (McL. 154). 136-b. 
Flacourtia Ramontchi (sapida). 

Flacourtia (Many spined) (MchL. 362). 
135 Flacourtia cataphracta. 

Flacourtia (Shining Jeaved) (McL. 492). 
[136 Sphalm ] 187 Flacourtia sepiaria. 
Flag (Mountain Sweet) (McL. 37). 3000 

Costus speciosus. 

Flagelliferous Acuminate Cane Feather 
Palm (Hk. 6/462). mviii. Dzemono- 
rops (genus). 

Flagelliferous Acuminate Cane Feather 
Palm (Hk, 6/436, adpd). mvii. Cala- 
mus (genus). 

Elagelliferous American Cabbage Palm 
(Cooke. 2/810). 3156 Oreodoxa regia. 

Flamboyant (McL. 473, 329) (Ghl. 270) 
(Bdn/#.T). 941 Poinciana regia. 

Flamboyant-leaved Snow-white Sirissa 
(Trop-Agr,./x/7-Jan. 91). 1043 Albizzia 

Flame (Fire) Bush (McL. 314). 
W oodfordia floribunda. 

Flame Flower (McL. 68). 

Flame of the Forest (Cag. 624). 
Poinciana regia. 

Flame (Madagascar) of the Forest (Cag. 
624, corr). 941 Poinciana regia. 

Flame (Australian) Tree (Muell 8 P) 
(Bth. 1/228). 266 Sterculia ucerifolia. 

Plame of the Forest (Br. 100) (Cat. 164). 
1538 Ixora coccinea, 

Flame of the Woods (McL. 375, 4%4). 
1538 Ixora coccinea, 

Flat-almond-podded (Opposite-leafletted) 
Rose-wood (Hk. 2/60, Rox./3/239, 
Treas. Bot. 2/991, adpd). cccxxvi., 
Pongamia (genus). 

Flat Black spined Devil Rattan (Nic. 
1/235). 3219 Desmonorops Draco. 

Flat-branched (Long—papery oblanve- 
obtuse-or-cuspidate-leaved) Bastard 
Ipecacuanha (Hk, 3/162, adpd), 1860 
Psychotria macrocarpa. 

3119 Gloriosa 



Flat-branched (Medium-papery lance- 
Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/162, adpd). 
1558 Psychotria Thwaitesii. 

Flat-branched (Broad-(3-in), Leafless 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/226, adpd).  2523-b. 
Viscum articulatum (dichotemum). 

Flat (Wight’s) branched Pellet shrub 
(MeL, 670, adpd). 1547 Pavetta 

Flat branched Pepper (McL. 676, adpd). 
2412 Piper attenuatum. 

Flat branched Quinquefoil Vine (Mch, 
564, adpd). 606 Vitis elongata. 

Flat Leaf Palm of New-South-Wales 
(Bth. 7/138). 3136 Howea Forft- 

Flat - or - (4) -ridged - septate - capsuled 
(Lobed-calyxed) Trumpet Flower (Hk. 
4/376, adpd). delxxxvii. Hetero- 
phragma (genus). 

Flat Pea (Nic. 3/169) (S. 167, 
cclxxvii. Platylobinm (genus). 
Flat (Arrow Heart leaved) Pea (Nic. 
3/159). 702 Platylobium triargulare. 
Flat-petalled (Hooked-peduncled) 

Hooded-flowered Climbing Nutmeg 


(Bs/T/10, adpd). xiv. Artabotrys 

Flat-epodded Braziletto (Hk. 2/255, 
adpd). 9380 Cesalpinia pulcherrima. 

Flat (Double-margined-winged) podded 
Brasiletto (Hk. 2/257, adpd). ccexxxix. 
Peltophorum (genus). 

Flat (Hlliptic-oblong) podded Brasiletto 
(Treas. Bot. 1/565, adpd).  ccexliii. 
Heematoxylon (genus). 

Flat (Oblique-terminal-winged) podded 
Brasiletto (Hk, 2/259, adpd). ccexli. 
Pterolobium (genus). 

Flat (Single-margined-winged) podded 
Brasiletto (Hk. 2/258, adpd). ccexl. 
Mezoneurum (genus). 

FJat podded Dog’s Matrix (McL. 1010, 
adpd). 968 Cynometra travancoriaca. 

Fliat-rooted (Deciduous-linear-leaved 
Stemless) Orchid (Hk. 6/76, adpd). 
cemxxxix, Teeniopbyllum (genus). 

Flat-rooted (Leafless Stemless) Orchid 
(Hk. 6/87, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxiii. 
Sarcochilus (genus). 

Flat-septate (Imparipinnate-(5—7)-long- 
downy Broad-elliptic-acute-or-obtuse 
leaved Tawny) Trumpet Tree (Hk. 
4/381, adpd). 2139 Heterophragma 

Flat sickle sparsifasciculate Asparagus 
(Mech. 516, adpd). 38090 Asparagus 

Flat-tutt-rooted (Medium-obovate- 
obtuse Strap-leaved) Short-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/32,  W.A.I, adpd). 
2952 Doritis Wightii. 


Flattened branched Leafless 
(McL. 633, adpd). 

Flattish-stemmed (Simple-palmati-(7-9)- 
neryed-opposite Medium-to-larye- 
sub-glaucous-backed ovate-oblong- 
(cuneate, yonng)-roundish - heart - or 

2528 Viscum arti- 

hastate leaved) Yam (lk. 6/294, 
adpd). 38064 Dioscorea glabra. 
Flax Family (L/N/S/B). XXII. Lina- 

cez (Order). 

Flax (Climbing) (McL. 293, adpd). 347 
Hugonia Mystax. 
Flax (Common New-Zealand) (Nic. 

3/106) (S. 325). 3116 Phormium tenax, 

Flax (Kast Indian) (8.146, 363). 346 
Reinwardtia trigyna. 

Flax (Larger lance leaved Winter) (Hk. 
1/412, adpd), 346-b. Reinwardtia 
trigyna (tetragyna), 

Flax (New Zealand) (Nic. 8/105) (S, 325). 
emlxvii. Phormium (genus), 

Flax (New-Zealand) (Cag. 348) (Ru/ 
0/28) (Ooty. 66). 3116 Phormium 

Flax (Small _ elliptic-obovate 
Winter) (Hk. 1/412, adpd). 
Reinwardtia trigyna (typica). 


Flax (Travancore) (McL. 860), 722 
Crotalaria juncea. 

Plax (Winter) (S$. 363, 460). 346 Rein- 
wardtia trigyna. 

Flax Lily (Nic. 3/105) (S. 325). omlsxvii. 
Phormium (genus). 

Flaxworts (McL. 1005). XXII, Lina- 
cee (Order). 

Fleabane (Mch. 4). 1621 Artemisia 

Fleabane (Mcl. 388, adpd).  dxviii. 

Vernonia (genus). 
Fleabane (McL. 388). 
Fleabane (Purple) (McL. 388) (Ell. 580) 
(Pfl. 117). 1599 Vernonia anthelmin- 
Fleabane (Worm seed) (McL. 388, adpl). 
1599 Vernonia anthelmintica, 
Flea Plant (McL. 2388). 816 Mucnnoa 
pruriens. , 
Fleece (Golden) Abutilon (Ooty. 203), 
218-d, Abutilon Darwini (aureum). 

Fleece (Golden) Darwin’s Mallow (Nic. 
\/4, Ooty, 208). 218-d. Abutilon Dar. 
wini (aurenm), 

1599 Verno.ia 

Flemingia (Beech leaved) (Br. 54). 870° 
Flemingia strobilifera. 
Flemingia (Crowed spiked) (Br. 54), 

875 Flemingia congesta. 

Flesh-centred White Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Ru/N/95, 0/21). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (albida-intus- 



Flesh-coloured (Waxy pale) China Rose 
(Nic. 5/648) (Br. 70). 1008-b. Rosa 
indica (carnea-albocerea), 

leaved Thyrsiform) Justicewort (Nic. 
2/206, adpd). 2262 Jacobiwia-carnea. 

Flesh-coloured Hyacinth flowered Bas- 
tard Cedar (Nic, 1/285). 484 Cedrela 

Flesh-coloured Pentas (Br. 108), 
Pentas carnea. 

Flesh-coloured Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/142) 
(Br. 16) (Ru/N/77) (Jaf). 244.h. Hibis- 
cus rosa-sinensis (carnea). 

Flesh coloured (Double) Shoe Flower 
(Nic. 1/142) (Br. 16) (Ru/N/77) (Jaf), 
244-1. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (carnea- 



Flesh-coloured (Double) Syrian 
Mallow (Nic. 1/143) (Ru/N/77). 
Hibiscus syriacus (carnea-plena). 

Flesh-coloured Wax Flower (Br, 122). 
1928 Hoya carnosa, 

Flesh-pink changing to Blush Bourbon 
Rose (Nic. 3/644) (Ru/N/96, 0/22) 
(Mu. 54) (Hod).- 1106-c. Rosa bur- 
bonica (carnea-rubescens). 

Flesh-pink (Half-double) China -kose 


(Cag. 598) (RujN/90, 0/19) (Br. 72). 
1103-a, Rosa indica (carnea-semiplena). 
Flesh pink (Pale Waxy) Bourbon Rose 

(Nic. 5/644) (Cag. 597)(Hod). 1106-c. 
Rosa borbonica (carnea albocerea). 

Flesh pink (Whitish bordered) Bourbon 
Rose (Nic. 8/325) (Cag. 598) (Ru/O/22) 
(Hod). 1106-c. Rosa borbonica (car- 

Flesh pink Hybrid perpetual Kose 
(Ru/O/20) (Mn. 53). 1107-1. Rosa 
hybrida semperflorens (carnea), 

Flesh pink (Flush edged) Hybrid-per- 
petual Rosere (Cag. 596) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-f. Rosa hy brida-semperflorens 

Flesh-pink (Kosy-flushed Silvery) Hy- 
brid-perpetual Rose (Nic.) 5/644) 
(Ru/N/93, 0/21, 22) (Mu. 53). 1107-e, 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (argenteo- 

Flesh-pink (Glossy) Hybrid perpetual 
Rose (Nic, 3/324) (Cag. 596) (Hod). 
1107-f. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Flesh-pink (Rosy-centred Salmon-tinted 
Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Nic, 8/324) 
(Ku/N/94, 0/19) (Mu. 54) (Hod) 
(Po). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida-semper- 

florens (carnea-cinnabarino-suffusa- 
Flesh-pink (Rosytinted) Hybrid-jer- 

petual Rose (Ru/N/94, 96, 0/19, 22) 
(Mu. 54) (Hod). 1107-£. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (carnea-roseo-suffusa), 


Flesh-pink (Silvery) Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Ru/O/20) (idu. 53). 
1107-e. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Flesh-pink (Delicate) Hybrid Tea Rose 

(Nic. 3/825) (Mu. 55). 1105-q. Rosa | 

odorata (hybrida-carnea). 

Flesh-pink Noisette Rose (Ru/N/90, 
0/19) (Br. 70) (Mu. 57) (Hod). 1108/i. 
Rosa Noisettiana (carnea). 

Flesh-pink Tea Rose (Nic. 8/324) (Cag. 
600, GOL) (Ru/N/89, 94, 0/19) (Mu. 54) 

(Hod) (Po), 1105-j. Rosa odorata 
Flesh-pink (Rosy-centred) Tea lose 

(Ru/O/13) (Mu. 54), 1105-j]. Rosa odo- 
rata (carnea-intusrosea)- 

Flesh-pink (Rosy shaded) Tea Rose 
(Ru/N/94) (Mu. 54).  1105-}. 
odorata (carnea-roseo-suttusa). 

Fleshy draped Climbing Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/889, adpd). 322 Grewia umbel- 

Fleshy druped Harsh Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/890, adpd). 824 Grewia abuti- 

lifolia. : 

Fleshy-fruited Cadamba (Bdn/F.T, 
adpd). de]xxviii. Sarcocephalus 

Fleshy (Dalzell’s) leaved Indian Ipeca- 
cuanha (McL. 360, adpd). 1915 Tylo- 
phora Dalzelli. 

Fleshy (Large) leaved Indian 
cuanha (McL. 360, adpd). 
phora zeylanica. 

Fleshy (Small) leaved Indian Ipecacuan- 
ha (McL. 860, adpd). 1918 lylophora 

Fleshy-leaved small Goglet Flower (McL. 
466). 1932 Ceropegia bulbosa. 

Fleshy-leaved Star-coronetted Wheel- 
flowered Swallow-wort (Hk. 
adpd). dcexxxviii. Hoya (genus). 

Fleshy-leaved (Mecium-ovate-oblong- 
acute) Vanilla Orchid (Nie. 4/1387, 
adpd). 2963 Vanilla planifolia. 


Fleshy (Common) Ragweed (Hk. 3/337, | 

adpd). 1623 Notania grandiflora. 

Fleshy (Long branched) Ragweed (Hk. 
3/337, adpd). 1625 Notonia Walkeri. 

Fleshy (Stiff downed) Ragweed (Hk. 
3/837, adpd). 1624 Notonia balsamica. 

Fleshy Ragweed shrub (Nic. 3/420, 8.240, 
§/897, Hk. 3224, adpd). dxsx. Neto- 
nia (genus). 

Fleshy-receptacled Capsular-Ball Cadam- 
ba (Bdn/I.T, adpd). delxxix. Autho- 
cephalus (genus). 

Fleshy-stemmed (Very-small ensiform- 
obtuse Maultifoliate-equitant) Orchid 
(Hk. 6/80, W.A.I, adpd). 2980 Podo- 
chilus malabaricas. 

4/3, | 


1912 Tylo- | 


Fleshy-thick (Trifoliate Small-subglab- 
rous) obovate-obtuse leaved Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/83, adpd). 735 Crotalaria 

Fleshy Trifoliate Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 
599 Vitis carnosa. 

Fleshy-tufted-short (Multifoliate-disti- 
chons - equitant - laterally- compressed) 
Stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/80, W.A,I, 
adpd). cmlxi. Podochilus (genus). 

Pleshy Vine (McL, 564). 599 Vitis car- 

Fleshy Wild Vine (Br. 36). 

Fleur-de-Paradis (McL. 316). 9380 Czesal- 
pinia pulcherrima. 

FJexuous-branched (Small-membranous- 
subhyaline elliptic-acute-leaved) Fea- 

599 Vitis car- 

therfoil (Hk. 5/287, adpd). 2556 
Phyllanthus suberosus. 
Flexuous Honeysuckle (Nic. 2/297). 1434 

Lonicera reticulata. 

Flexuous rough stemmed Cocoanut of 
Brazil (Nic. 5/250). 3229 Cocos 

Flint Wood (Bth, 3/208). 
tus pilularis. 

®loccose-brauched Ovate leaved Thorn- 
less Caper shrub (Hk. 1/174, adpd). 
107 Capparis Heyneana. 

Flooded Gum of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
3/241). 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 

Flooded Gum of Victoria (Bth. 3/201). 
1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora, 

florence Oil Plant (S. 167). 

Florida (Scariet) Shoe Flower (Nic. 
2/142). 248 Hibiscus coccineus, 

Floss (Kapok) (McL. 285) (Pr. 1/271) 
(Cat. 29). 261 Eriodendron andractuo- 

Flower (Acuminate oblong leaved Spear) 
(fk. 8/521, adpd). 1668 Ardisia 
am plexicaulis. 

Flower (Acuminate obovate leaved Spear) 
(Hk. 3/519, adpd). 1666 Ardisia 

Flower (American Bell) (McL. 862). 2019 
Ipomxa Quamoclit. 

Flower (American Moon) (McL, 512, 998, 
adpd). 2015 Ipomzea bona-nox. 

Flower (Ape Face) (McL. 351, adpd). 
dix. Mimusops (genus). 

Flower (Ape Face) (McL. 856) (Br. 114). 
1689 Mimusops Elengi. 

Flower (Apricot-coloured Lily Shoe) 
(Br. 17, adpd). 249-d. Hibiscus lilii- 
florus (armeniaca). 

Flower (Arcuate ‘'rumpet) (McL. 664). 
2135 Dolichandrone arcuata. . 

Flower (Artichoke Honey) (Nic. 3/228, 
adpd). 2475 Protea cynaroides. 

1202 Eucalyp- 

1786 Olea 


Flower (Balsam) (Mcb. 69, 504) (Nic. 
2/178) (Br. 38) (loud.) (S. 44, 212). 
exxxvi. Impatiens (genus). 

Flower (Barbadoes) (McL. 74, 316). 930 
Ceosalpinia pulcherrima, 

Flower (Blue Passion) (Nic, 3/30) (Br. 86), 
1349 Passiflora cewrulsa. 

Flower (Blue-purple-rayed Pale-green 
Passion) (Nic. 3/30) (Br. 86). 1349 
Passiflora czrulea. 

Flower (Blue-rayed Purple Passion) (Nic. 
3/32). 1360 Passiflora serratifolia. 

Flower (Blue-rayed Scarlet Tubular 
Passion) (S. 423) (Nic. 4/3). 1365 Tac- 
sonia manicata, 

Flower (Bottle) (McL. 
cdxciv. Webera (genus). 

Flower (Bottle) (McL. 900). 
bera corymbosa. 

Flower (Bracted Vernal) (Br. 173, Hk. 

900, adpd). 

1491 We- 

4/417, adpd). deci, Dzdalacanthus 
Flower (Bright-red-stamened Yellow 

False Peacock) (Nic. 5/179, adpd). 
930-d. Czsalpinia pulcherrima (Gilli- 

Flower (Broad-ovate-wrinkled  Dark- 
green-leaved Bright-blue-flowered Ver- 
nal) (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2248 Eranthe- 
mum bicolor. 

Flower (Buddha’s) (Treas. Bot. 1/51). 
ecclii. (bis.) Amberstia (genus). 

Flower (Buff Shoe) (Nic. 1/142) (Br. 16) 
(Jaf). 244-1. Hibiscus rosa-sinenusis 

Flower (Buonaparte’s Blue Passion) (Br. 
68). 1848 Passiflora Buonapartea. 

Flower (Button) (Nic. 2/28).  clxviii. 
Gompbia (genus). 

- Flower (Caller’s Shoe) (Nic. 1/142) (Cag. 

653). 244-n. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 
Flower (Canara Bottle) (MeL. 900). 

1494, Webera canarica. 
Flower (Cape Honey) (S. 76, 266). 650 
Melianthus major. 

Flower (Cape Honey) (Nic. 3/228). 
deelxxxvi. Protea (genus). 

Flower (Cardinal) (S. 247). dxxxiv. 
Lobelia (genus). 

Flower (Carmine Shoe) (Nic. 1/142). 
(Jaf). 244-c. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 

Flower (Chilian Glory) (S. 92, 146, 182). 
2147 Eccremocarpus scaber. 
Flower (Clustered Wax) (Nic. 3/499) 
(S. 416). 1996 Stephanotis floribunda. 
Flower (Cockspur) (Nic. 3/160). dcexl. 
Plectranthus (genus). 

Flower (Collared Tubular Passion) (Nic. 
4/3). 1365 Tacsonia manicata, 

Flower (Common Bottle) (McL. 900, 
adpd). 1491 Webera corymbosa, 


INDEX. 529 

Flower (Common Glabrous Goglet) (McL. 
466, adpd). 1936 Ceropegia tuberosa. 
Flower (Conch) {McL. 240). 838 Clitoria 


Flower (Constance Elliott Passion) (Nie. 
3/30) (S. 810) (Ooty. 465), 1849-b. 
Passiflora czerulea (albiflora). 

Flower (Corkscrew) (Hk. 4/655, adpd). 
dxevili, Strophanthus (genus). 

Flower (Crescent leaved Passion) (Br. 
87). 1854 Passiflora lunata. 

Flower (Crimson and Cream leayed Shoe) 
(Nic, 1/148, adpd). 244-f. Hibiscus 
rosa-sinensis (Cooperi.) 

Flower (Crimson based Buff Shoe) (Nic, 
1/142), 244-n. Hibiscus rosa-sinersis 

Flower (Crimson Passion) (Br. 87). 
Passiflora Raddiana. 

Flower (Crimson-rosy-and-creamy-varie- 
gated Bronze-green-medium irregular- 
lance-leaved Vernal) (Nic. 1/518, adpd), 
225l-a. Eranthemum variable (typica). 

Flower (Crimson Tubular Passion) 
(S. 428) (Nic. 4/4). 1864 Tacscnia 

Flower (Crispate Trumpet) (McL. 669). 
21382 Dolichandrone crispa. 

Flower (Crisped-crenate Elliptic leaved 
Spear) (Hk. 3/524, adpd). 1669 Ardi- 
sia crenata. 

Flower (Cupid’s) (MeL. 362) (S. 121). 
2019 Ipomxa Quamoclit, 

Flower (Cylinder-septate-capsuled Trum- 
pet) (Hk. 4/376, adpd), dexci, 
Stereospermum (genus). 

Flower (Dark-purple-stemmed-and-leaved 
Vernal) (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2253 
Eranthemum atropurpureum. 

Flower (Deep-red Passion) (Nic. 3/31). 
1357 Passiflora Murneuja. 

Flawer (Dew) (McL. 366). 
tarda speciosa. 

Flower (Diccious Bottle) (Hk. 3/19, 
adpd). edxev. Byrsophyllum (genus). 

Flower (Double Buff Shoe) (Nic. 1/142) 
(Br. 16) (Ru/N/77). 244-m. Hibis- 
cus rosa-sinensis (flava-plena). 

Flower (Double Flesh-coloured Shoe) 
(Nic. 1/142) (Br. 16) (Ru/N/77) (Jaf). 
244-i, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (carnea- 

Flower (Double Red Shoe) (Nic. 1/142) 
(Br. 16) (Ru/N/77) (Jaf). 244-b. 
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (rubra-plena). 

Flower (Double White Shoe) (Nic. 1/142). 
244-k. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (alba- 

Flower (Downy Angular Jeaved Shoe) 
(Hk. 1/844, adpd). 245 Hibiscus 


1517 Guet- 


Flower (Downy-backed leaved Tubular 
Passion) (Nic. 4/3), 1865 Tacsonia 

Flower (Downy Sword leaved Goglet) 
(McL. 466, adpd). 1948 Ceropegia 

Flower (Downy Trilobate leaved Shoe) 
(Hk. 1/344, adpd). 248 Hibiscus tri- 

Flower (Easter) (8. 146) (? Lobster 
Flower). 2540 Euplorbia pulcherrima. 

Flower (Edible Passion) (Nic. 
1350 Passiflora edulis. 

Flower (Elliott’s Glabrous Goglet) (McL. 
466, adpd.) 1988 Ceropegia Hilliottii. 
Flower (Elliptic leaved Spear) (Hk. 
3/529, adpd). 1673 Ardisia humilis. 
Flower (Entire Leathery leaved Shoe) 

(Br. 17, adpd). 249 Hibiscus liliiflorns. 

Flower (Evening) (McL. 366). 1517 
Guettarda speciosa, 

Flowers (Everlasting) (S.194) (Ooty. /F.S, 
30) (Po, 47). dxxiii. Helichrysum 
(genus). - 

Flower (Eye) (Cag. 495} (Cat. 186). 
1836, Tabernamontana. coronaria. 

Flower (Falcate Trumpet) (Mcl.. 1024). 
2133 Dolichandrone falcata. 

Flower (False Peacock) (S. 811.) (McL. 
316) (Cag. 619, adpd). 980 Czsalpinia 



Flower (Fan) (Treas. Bot. 2/1295). 
dxxxiii. Sczevola (genus). 

Flower (Feathery-sepalled Cockspur) 

(Nic. 3/160, adpd). 

Flower (Fetid Passion) (Nic. 3/31) (Br- 
87). 1351 Passiflora foetida. 

2348 Colebrookia 

Flower (Wiery-scarlet-black-and-white 
Cigar) (Nic, 1/409). 1312 Cuphea 

Flower (Five-finger leaved Shoe) (Nic. 
1/142, adpd). 248 Hibiscus coccinea, 
Flower (Five-lobed leaved Passion) (Nic. 

3/30), 1849 Passiflora ezernlea. 

Flower (Flame) (McL. 68). 3119 Glo. 
riosa superba. 

Flower (Flesh-coloured Shoe) (Nic, 1/142) 
(Br. 16) (Ru/N/77) (Jaf). 244-h. Hibis- 
cus rosa-sinensis (carnea). 

Flower (Flesh-colonred Wax) (Br. 122). 
1928 Hoya carnosa. 

Flower (Fragrant Garland) (S. 167, 192). 
2990 Hedychium coronarium. 

Flower (Fragrant Trumpet) (McL. 669, 
982,998, adpd). dexci. Stereospermum 

Flower (Garland) (Cag. 380) (Rid. 68, 68). 
2990 Hedycbium coronarium. 

Flower (Glabrous leaved Tubular Passion) 
(Nic. 4/4). 1864 Tacsonia Van- 


Flower (Globe-Artichoke-like 
Honey) (Nic. 3/228). 

Flower (Goglet) (McL. 466). 
Ceropegia (genus). 

Flower (Gold Mohur) (McL. 316, 982, 
995). 930 Cesalpinia pulcherrima. 

Flower (Golden) (McL 521). 988 Bauhi- 
nia tomentosa. 

Flower (Golden-netted-green Ovate-lance- 
leaved Vernal) (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 
2249 (bia.) Hranthemum reticulatum, 

Flower (Good-night) (Bs/T/487). (Gbl, 
507) (Br. 138) (Pf, 214) (Po. 51) (Mc. 
512) (Cag. 478). 2015 Ipomza bona- 

Flower (Graveyard) (Cag. 496), dlxxxvii. 
Vinca (genus). 

Flower (Great Balsam) (Mch, 504, adpd), 
369 Impatiens grandis, 

Flower (Great flowered Goglet) (Mel. 
466, adpd). 1949 Ceropegia Beddomei. 

Flower (Green Wax) (Br. 122. Mu, adpd). 
1918 Dregea volubilis 

Flower (Greenish-yellow Passion) (Nic. 
3/32). 1861 Passiflora suberoga. 

Flo wer (Greyish-purple-and-salmony-blot- 
ched Olive-green Oblong-ovate-leaved ~ 
Vernal) (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2249 
Kranthemum tricolor, 

Flower (Ground Trumpet) (McL. 578). 
delxxx. Bignonia (genus), 

Flower (Half-double Scarlet Shoe) (Nic. 
1/142) (Jaf). 2id-e. Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (miniata-semiplena). 

Flower (Haro-Gouri Shoe) (Ru/N/77). 
244-0, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (zebrina). 

Flower (Heart leaved Passion) (Nic. 3/29). 
1347 Passiflora alata. 

Flower (Honey) (Nic. 2/346). 
Melianthus (genus). 

Flower (Hooker’s Balsam) (Mech. 504, 
adpd), 368 Impatiens Hookeriana. 

Flower (Hooker’s Vermilion-and-Orange 
Cigar) (Nic, 1/409). 1811 Cuphea 

Flower (Imperial Wax) (Br. 122). 
Hoya carnosa. 

"lower (Indian Ape-face) (McL. 664). 
1691 Mimusops hexandra. 

Flower (Indian Gariand) (Nic. 2/122). 
emxliv. Hedychium (genus). 

Flower (Indian Moon) (McL. 512, 998, 
adpd). 2017 Ipomea glaberrima. 

Flower (Indian Shell) (8.18). cmxlix. 
Alpinia (genus). 

Flower (Indian Shell) (McL. 298) (8. 218). 
3008 Alpinia mutans. 

Flower (Indian Trumpet) (McL. 3865, 732). 
2119 Oroxylum indicum. 

Flower (Japanese Shoe) (Nic. 1/148, 
adpd), 247 Hibiscus schizopetalus. 

2475 Protea 



1924 | 


Flower (Japanese Snow) (S. 184). 
Deutzia (genus). 

Flower (Jasmine Trumpet) (Hk. 4/876, 
adpd), delxxx. Millingtonia (genns), 
Flower (Lontern) (Ru/N/78), 219 Abn- 

tilon striatum. 

Flower (Large-blossom Shoe) (Nic. 5/425) 
(Ru/N/77). 250 Hibiscus  hetero- 

Flower (Large Wax) (Br. 98). 
Gardenia jasminoides. 

Flower (Laurel leaved Passion) (Br. 86). 
1353 Passiflora laurifolia. 

Flower (Leafless Goglet) (McbL. 466, 
adpd). 1933 Ceropegia juncea. 

Flower (Leatbery-shinine elliptic-cuspi- 
date-leaved Bottle) (W.A.1I). 1491-b. 
Webera corymbosa, (rigida). 

Flower (Left Hand) (Nic. 3/377). dxxxiii. 
Scavola (genus). 

Flower (Leschenault’s Mountain Passion) 
(McL. 393, adpd). 1846 Passifiora 

Flower (Lily Shoe) (Br. 11, adpd). 249 
Hibiscus liliiflorus. 

Flower (Lobed-calyxed Flat-or-(4)-ridged- 
septate-capsuled Trumpet) (Hk. 4/376, 
adpd).  delxxxvii. Heterophragma 

Flower (Lobster) (S. 248). 
bia pulcherrima. 

Flower (Long-lance leaved Spear (Hk, 
3/529, adpd). 1671 Ardisia pauciflora. 

Flower (Long leaved Trumpet) (Mc. 
1024). 2131 Dolichandrone Rheedii. 

Flower (Long - rusty - shaggy - nerved- 
backed Lance - serrate - acute - leaved 
Spear) (Hk. 3/532, adpd). 1674 Antis- 
trophe serratifolia, 

Flower (Long-stalked Oval-leaved Wax) 
(Hk 4/59, adpd). 1925 Hoya Wightii. 

Flower (Loose Spiked Garland) (Nic. 
2/122, adpd). 2991 Hedychium venus- 

Flower (Madagascar Chaplet) (Nic. 3/499) 
(S. 416). 1906 Stephenotis floribunda. 

Flower (Mask) (8. 18, 263) (Rid. 75) (Cag. 



2540 Euphor- 

463), 2111 Alonsoa incisfolia. 
Flower (Medium-lineolate Six-(6-7prs)-. 
nerved  elliptic-ovate-wavy-crenulate- 

acuminate-leaved Vernal) (Hk. 4/497, 
adpd). 2246 Hranthemum malabaricum. 

Flower (Medium-palmatilobed- (3-5)- 
glandular Jance-acuminate-lobed-leaved 
Passion) (Hk. 2/603, adpd). 1367 
Modecca palmata. 

Flower (Mexican Cigar) (S. 12 1270) (Cag. 
564). cdxxxvi. Cuphea (genus). 

Flower (Middleton’s Passion) (Br. 87). 
1356 Passiflora Middletoniana. 

Flower (Monkey) (Nic. 2/370) (S. 272, 275) 
(Rid. 75) (Ru/N/37). delxxviii, Mimu- 
lus (genus). 



Flower (Monkey) (Rid. 75). 2116 Mimn- 

lus ¢lutinosus, 

Flower (Monkey Face) (McL. 851). 1689 
Mimusops Hlengi. 

Flower (Moon) (Mech. 512, 998). 2015 
Tpomeea bona-nox, 

Flower (Mountaiv Glabrous Goglet) 
(MeL. 466, adpd). 1944 Ceropegia 

Flower (Mountain Hairy Goglet) (McL. 
466, adpd). 1948 Ceropegia ciliata. 

Flower (Narrow lance leaved Wax) (Hk. 
4/56, adpd), 1922 Hoya pauciflora. 

Flower (Narrow leaved Button) (Nic. 
2/28, Hk. 1/525, adpd). 4388 Gomphia 

Flower (Narrow obcordate leayed Wax) 
(Hk. 4/56, adpd). 1921 Hoya retusa. 
Flower (Neilgherry Blue) (Mch. 584). (?) 

1916 Tylophora asthmatica (?). 

Flower (Neilgherry Bottle) (McL. 909, 
adpd). 1495 Webera nila girica. 

Flower (Nepanl Trumpet) (S. 47, 286). 
1851 Beaumontia grandiflora, 

Flower (Notch leaved Passion) (Br. 87). 
1360 Passiflora serratifolia. 

Flower (Oblong-entire-leaved Pink-flower- 
ed Vernal) (Rox. 1/118, adpd). 2247 
Eranthemum racemosum. 

Flower (Oblong leaved Passion) (Nic. 
3/31). 1853 Passiflora laurifolia. 

Flower (Obtuse leaved Ape) (McL. 351, 
664, adpd). 1690 Mimusops Roxbur- 

Flower (Obtuse obovate leaved Spear) 
(Hk. 3/520, adpd). 1667 Ardisia court- 

Flower (Orange Carmine Lily Shoe) (Br. 
17, adpd). 249-d. Hibiscus  liliiflorus 

Flower (Orange and Red False Peacock) 
(Nic. 3/176, adpd). 980-c. Czesalpinia 
pulcherrima (discolor). 

Flower (Orange False Peacock) (Nic. 
3/176, Br. 60, adpd). 980-b. Czsalpi- 
nia pulcherrima (concolor). 

Flower (Orange Monkey) (8. 300). 2116 
Mimulus glutinosus. 

Flower (Orissa) (McL. 82). 

Flower (Ovate-oblong-leaved Crimson 
spotted-lower-lipped White-flowered 
Vernal) (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2252 Hran- 
themum Andersonii. 

Flower (Parasitic Wax) (Br. 122), 
Hoya parasitica. 

Flower (Paripianate-(12-16)-glabrous- 
long oblong-acuminate-leaved Scarlet- 
racemed Buddha’s) (Treas. Bot. 1/51, 
Hk. 2/272, adpd). 977 (bis.) Amherstia, 

244 Hibiscus 



Flower (Passion) (Nic. 3'28)(S. 309) (Cag. 
557) (Rid. 80) (Jaf. 31). cdxlvii. Passi- 
flora (genus). 

Flower (Passion) (MeL. 393). [1346 
Sphalm] cdxlvii. Passiflora (genus). 

Flower (Passion) (Nic. 4/3) (S. 422). 
dexlviii. Tacsonia (genus). 

Flower (Peach-coloured Trumpet) (S. 404) 
(Nic. 3/452). 2096 Solandra grandi- 

Flower (Peacock) (Mch. 316) (S. 311) 
(Cag. 619). 930 Ceesalpinia pulcherrima. 
ower (Pelican) (S. 34) (Cag. 425). 
declxvii. Aristolochia (genus). 

Flower (Pencil) (Nic. 3/522). ccxevi. 
Stylosanthes (genus). 

Flower (Pendulous laciniate petalled 
Shoe) (Nic. 1/143, adpd). 247 Hibiscus 

Flower (Pendulous Wax) (Br. 122). 1927 
Hoya pendula. 

Flower (Pentandrous 
4/376,  adpd). dcelxxxi. 
(genus). : 

Flower (Peruvian Trumpet) (8. 318). 
2103 Datura suaveolens. 

Flower (Pink Lily Shoe) (Br. 17, adpd) 
249-b. Hibiscus liliiflorus (rosea). 

Flower (Pipe) (Mch. 95). 2822 Cleroden- 
dron siphonnanthus, 

Flower (Pointed Heart leaved Passion) 
(Nic. 3/32). 1358 Passiflora quadrangu- 

Flower (Pointed leaved Ape) (McL. 351, 

Trumpet) (Hk. 

adpd). 1689 Mimusops Elengi. 
Flower (Pure-white-ringed Azure-blue 
Passion) (Cag. 559). (? 1348) 1356 

Passiflora Middletoniana (?). 
Flower (Purple-centred White Shoe) (Nic. 
5/425). 250 Hibiscus heterophyllus. 
Flower (Purple Cigar) (Nic. 5/273). 1818 
Cuphea Lliavea. 

Flower (Purple Moon) (Mech, 403, 512, 
adpd). 2016 Ipoma muricata. 

Flower (Purple Passion) (Ooty. 464). 
1849 Passiflora czrulea (albiflora). 

Flower (Purple-tinged White Passion) 
(Nic. 3/30). 1350 Passiflora ednlis. 

Flower (Quadrangular-stemmed Passion) 
(Nic. 3/32). 1858 Passiflora quadrangu- 

Flower (Queen’s) (McL. 5) (8. 229, 357). 
1319 Lagerstroemia flos-Regine. 

Flower (Racemose Scarlet Passion) (Nic. 
3/82) (Cag. 559). 1358 (bts.) Passiflora 

Flower (Kaddi’s Blood-red Passion) (Nic. 
3/32), 1859 Passiflora Raddiana. 

Flower (Redand Violet Passion) (Nic. 
3/31). 1353 Passiflora laurifolia. 

Flower (Red Lily Shoe) (Br. 17, adpd), 
249-a. Hibiscus liliiflorus (typica). 


Flower (Red margined Pagoda) (Nic. 
3/170, adpd). 1827 Plumeria tricolor. 
Flower (Red Shoe) (Nic. 1/142) (Br. 16) 
(Ru/N/77) (Jaf). 244-a. Hibiscus rosa- 

sinensis (typica). 

Flower (Red-spotted White Passion) (Nic. 
3/81). 1352 Passiflora holosericea. 

Flower (Repandly-crenate-hirsute Lance- 
ovate-obtuse leaved Spear) (Nic, 1/109, 
a@pd), 1669 (b¢s.) Ardisia crenulata. 

Flower (Reversed-budded Spear) (Hk. 
3/512, adpd). dli. Antistrophe (genus). 

Flower (Roodra’s) (McL. 82), 244 Hibis- 
cus rosa-Sinensis. 

Flower (Roxburgh’s Glabrous 
(MeL. 466, adpd). 

Flower (Royal Peacock) (McL. 933) (Nic. 
1/176). 941 Poinciana regia. 

Flower (Rusty-villous lance leaved Spear) 
(Hk. 3/525, adpd). 1670 Ardisia vil- 
losa (obtusa). 

Flower (Savannah) (Cag. 
Heemadictyon suberectum. 

Flower :(Saw-edge leaved Passion) (Nic. 
3/32). 1360 Passiflora serratifolia, 

Flower (Sea) (Mch. 5). 1819 Luager- 
stroemia flos-Regine. 

Flower (Serrate Ovate leaved Shoe) (Hk. 
1/344, adpd), 244 Hibiscus rosa-sinen- 

Fiower (Scabrid 

1939 Ceropegia 

500). 1857 

acute-leaved Japanese Snow) (Nic. 
1/460, adpd). 1124 Deutzia scabra. 

Flower ‘Scarlet and Cream-striped Shoe) 
(Nic. 1/142). 244-2. Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (zebrina). 

Flower (Scarlet Florida Shoe (Nic, 2/142), 
248 Hibiscus coccineus. 

Flower (Scarlet Shoe) (Nic. 1/142) (Jaf). 
244.-d, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (miniata). 

Flower (Scarlet Spathe Trumpet) (Cag. 
454,  adpd). doelxxxvi. Spathodea 

Flower (Shiny leaved Bottle) (McL. 900, 
adpd). 1493 Webera lucens. 

Flower (Shoe) (McL. 82, 827) (Br. 16) . 
(Ell. 218) (Rox. 3/194) (Bdn/F.T) (Cag. 
651) (Cat. 26) (Pf. 263). 244 Hibiscus 

Flower (Short necked 
(McL. 466, adpd). 

Flower (Short-stalked Oval leaved Wax) 
(Hk. 4/60, adpd). 1926 Hoya ovalifolia. 

Flower (Shrubby Balsam) (Mch. 604, 
adpd). 867 Impatiens fruticosa. 

Flower (Shrubby Cockspur) (Nic. 3/160). 
2337 Plectranthus fruticosus. 

Flower (Silky leaved Passion) (Nic. 3/81) 
(Br. 87). 1852 Passiflora holosericea. 
Flower (Silvery leaved ‘Ape) (McL. 664, 

adpd). 1692 Mimusops Kauki, 

Hairy Goglet) 
1945 Ceropegia 


Flower (Sky Blue Bracted Vernal) (MclL. 
946, Br. 178, Hk. 4/417, 418, adpd). 
2171 Dedalacanthus nervosus, 

Flower (Small Goglet) (McL., 466). 
Ceropegia bulbosa. 

Flower (Small Heart-acute-or-trilobed- 
leaved Capsular Passion) (Hk. 2/601, 
adpd). 13866 Modeeca Wightiana. 

Flower (Small Passion) (Br. 87). 
Passiflora suberosa, 

Flower (Softly-downy Pink Tubular Pas- 
sion) (Nic, 4/8). 1863 Tacsonia mollis- 

Flower (Southern Ghants Bottle) (McL. 
900, adpd). 149% Webera monosperma. 

Flower (Southern Ghauts Glabrous Gog- 
let) (McL. 466, adpd), 1940 Ceropegia 

Flower (Spathe-calyxed Climbing Trum- 
pet) (Treas. Bot. 2/705, adpd). 
dcelxxxv. Macfadyena (genus). 

Flower (Spathe-calyxed Scarlet Trumpet) 
(Treas. Bot. 2/1077, adpd). delxxxvi. 
Spathodea (genus). 

Flower (Spathe-calyxed White Trumpet) 
(Hk. 4/276, adpd). delxxxiv. Dolichan- 
drone (genus), 



Flower (Spathulate-rhomboid  leaved 
Spear) (Hk. 3/529, adpd). 1672 Ardisia 

Flower (Spear) (8. 33). dl. Ardisia 

Flower (Spiked Garland) (McL. 1042). 
2990 Hedychium coronarium. 

Flower (Spotted Curved Goglet) (McL. 
466,adpd). 1934 Ceropegia elegans. 

Flower (Stag’s-horn Trumpet) (McL, 669, 
982, adpd). 2151 Stereospermum 

Flower (Stock’s Hairy Goglet) (McL. 466, 
adpd). 1946 Ceropegia Stocksii. 

Flower (Sword leaved Goglet) (McL. 466, 
adpd), 1947 Ceropegia ensiformis. 

Flower (Tasse]) (McL. 316). 930d. 
Cvesalpinia pulcherrima (Gilliesii). 

Flower (Three-banded leaved White Pas- 
sion) (Nic. 3/83), 13862 Passiflora 

Flower (Thwaites’ Glabrous Goglet) (McL. 

466, adpd). 1941 Ceropegia Thawaitesii. 

Flower (Tisso) (Mei. 645). 828 Butea 

Flower (Torye) (MeL. 316). 
pinia pulcherrima, 

Flower (Tricolor-rayed Crimson Passion) 
(Nic. 3/29). 1847 Passiflora alata. 

Flower (Trifoliate Very - small - ciliate 
Ovate-acuminate-leaved) Pencil (Rox. 
3/282, adjd). 784 Stylosanthes mucro- 
nata. e 

Flower (Trilobate leaved Shoe) (Hk. 1/344, 
adpd), 246 Hibiscus syriacus, 

930 Ceesal- 


| Flower (Trumpet) (8.181), delxxi. Datura 


Flower (Trumpet) (Mu, 41). 

Flower (Trumpet) (McL. 669) (Pfl. 317). 
2149 Stereospermum chelonoides. 

Flower (Trumpet) (8.425) (Nic. 4/12). 
delxxxii. ‘Tecoma (genus). 

Flower (Trumpet) (Br. 180) (s, 51). 
delxxxviii. Bignonia (genus). 

Flowers (Trumpet) (Mc),. 1008), LXXXII,. 
Bignoniaceze (Order). 

Flower (Iruncate bilobed leaved Passion) 
(Nic. 3/31). 1857 Passiflora Murucuja. 

Flower (Tube) (MeL. 95). 2822 Oleroden- 
dron siphonanthus. 

Flower (‘lube calyxed Passion) (Nic. 4/8). 
cdxlviii. Tacsonia (genus), 

Flower (Tubular Passion) (Nic. 
cdxlviii. Tacsonia (genus). 

Flower (Unisexual Trivalved Capsuled 
Passion) (Hk. 2/601, adpd).  cdxlix. 
Modecea (genus). 

Flower (Van-Volxem’s Tubular Passion) 
(Nic. 4/4) (S. 422). 18€4 'Tacsonia Van 

Flower (Variable leaved Australian Shoe) 
(Nic. 5/425). 250 Hibiscus heterophyl- 

Flower (Variegated leaved Scarlet Shoe) 
(Nic. 1/142), 244.f. Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (Cooperi). 

2108 Datura 


| Flower (Variegated-rayed Rosy Passion) 

- (Br. 87). 1856 Passiflora Middletoniana. 

Flower (Vernal) (Br. 173). decx. Hran- 
themum (genus). 

Flower (Versicoloured Vernal) (Cag. 449, 
Ru/N/111, adpd). 2249 Hranthemum 

Flower (Wax) (McL, 124). 

Flower (Wax) (McL. 869) (Br. 125) (Rid. 
158). 1836 Tabernzemontana coronaria. 

Flower (Wax) (Nic. 2/155) (S. 204) (Cag. 
495). dexxxviii. Hoya (genus). 

Flower (Wax) (Nic. 2/165) (S. 204, 458) 
(Ra/N/55, O/16) (Mu). 1928 Hoya 

Flower (Wedge leaved Ape) (McL. 351, 
664, adpd). 1691 Mimusops hexandra, 
Flower (Western Ghauts Hairy Goglet) 
(McL. 466, adpd). 1942 Ceropegia 


Flower (White-backed Red Passion) (Nic, 
3/32). 13858 Passiflora quadrangularis. 
Flower (White-margined-grey-suffused 
Medium-oblong-elliptic-leaved Vernai) 
(Nic. 1/518, adpd), 2251-c. Hranthemum 

variable (albomarginatum), 

Flower (White Shoe) (Nic. 1/142) (Ru/N/ 
77). 244-j, Hibiscus rogsa-sinensis 
' (alba). 

1510 Gardenia 


Flower (White Spathe Trumpet) (McL. 
664, adpd). dclxxxiv. Dolichandrone 

Flower (Whitish Passion) (Nic.- 3/31). 
1351 Passiflora fcetida. 

Flower (Whorled Glabrous Goglet) (McL. 
466,adpd). 1937 Ceropegia Candelabra. 

Flower (Wing-podded Trumpet) (Hk. 
4/376, adpd). dexcvii. Pajanelia 

Flower (Winged-and-quadrangular-stem- 
med Hybrid Passion) (Nic. 3/29, 5/582). 

1348 Passiflora Buonapartea. 
Flower (Winged stemmed Passion) (Nic, 
3/29). 1347 Passiflora alata. 
Flowering Plantain (McL. 354). 
Canna indica. 
Flowering Reed (McL. 364). 


3026 Canna 


Flower (Woolly Crispate Trumpet) (McL. 
669, adpd). 2135 Dolichardrone 

Flower (Yellow Curved Goglet) (McL. 466, 
atpd). 1935 Ceropegia mysorensis. 

Flower (Yellow False Peacock) (Cag. 620, 
adpd). 930-a, Czsalpinia pulcherrima 

Flower (Yellow flowered Passion) (Nic. 
3/31) (Br. 87). 1855 Passiflora lutea. 
Flower (Yellow Lily Shoe) (Br. 17, adp4). 

249-c, Hibiscus liliiflorus (lutea), 

Flower (Yellow-rayed White Passion) 
(Nic. 3/31), 1854 Passiflora lunata. 

Flower (Bell) Bindweed (McL, 120). 
Ipomza campanulata. 

Flower (Mortar) Bindweed (McL. 120). 
2035 L[pomzea bracteata. 

Flower (Pelican) Birthwort (Nic. 5/84). 
2397 Aristolochia grandiflora. 

Flower dropping Tree (Mc. 506), 
Bassia longifolia, 

Flower (Bell) Family {McL. 1008, adpd). 
LXV. Campanulaceze (Order). 

Flower (Cape Honey) Family (Br. 189, 
Nic, 3/228, adpd). XCVIIl. Proteacez 

Flower (Left Hand) Family (Nic. 3/377, 
adpd). LXIV. Goodeniacew (Order). 

Flower (Passion) Family (Br. 85) (L/N/ 
S/B). LV. Passifloracez (Order). 

Fiower (Spear) Family (S. 33,~ adpd). 


LXVIII. Myrsinacez (Order), 

Flower (Trumpet) Family (Br. 130) 
(L/N/S/B). LXXXII.  Bignoniacez 

Flower Fence (McL. 316) (Cag. 619). 930 
Czesalpinia pulcherrima. 

Flower Fence (Nic. 3/176). [cccxlii. 
Sphalm]. 930 Czsalpinia pulcherrima. 

Flower (Barbadoes) Fence (Ell. 484) (Rid. 
160). 930 Czsalpinia pulcherrima. 

Flower (Barbodoes) Fence (McL. 74, 936). | 
948 Parkinsonia aculeata. 



Flower (Bastard) Fence (McL.757). 1004 
Adenanthera pavonina. 

Flower (Peacock) Fence (McL. 672, 756) 
(Nic. 1/24).1004 A denanthera pavonina, 

Flow:r (Trumpet) Figwort (Treas. Bot. 
1/174, adpd). delxxiv. brunfelsia 

FJower (Trumpet) Nightshade (S 404, Nic. 
3/452, adpd). dcelxx. Solandra (genus).. 

Flower (Trumpet) Nightshade (S. 318, 
adpd). delxxi. Datura (genus). 

Flower (Siik) of Peru (Treas. Bot. 
cceclxix. Calliandra (genus). 

Flower (November) Plant (cL. 63). 
3119 Gloriosa superba. 

Flower (Oil) Plant (Mcl. 698). 
Sarcostigma Kleinii. 

Flower (Scarlet Wedding) Flant (Nic. 
1/142, adpd). 295 Dombeya Wallichii. 
Flower (Wedding) Plant (u/N/80).  cix. 

Dombeya (genus). 

Flower (Pink Wedding) Plant of Mauritius 
(Nic. 1/487, adpd). 274 Dombeya 

Flower (White Wedding) Plant of Natal 
(Ru/N/80, adpd). 293 Dombeya nata- 

Flower (Brazilian Spider) shrub (S. 431). 
cdxxxi. Tibouchina (genus), 



Flower (Common small leaved Spider) 
shrub (tk. 2/020, adpd). 1285 
Osbeckia octandra. 

| Flower (Crimson Four petalled Spider) 

shrub (Hk. 2/516, 
Osbeckia hispidiasima. 
Flower (Elliptic leaved Epipytic Spider) 

adpd). 1278 

shrub (Bs/ 1/385, adpd). 1294 Medinilia 

Flower (Glaucous branched Silky Spider) 
shrub (Hk. 2/519, adpd). 1281 

Osbeckia glauca. 

Flower (Great Violet Brazilian Spider) 
shrub (Nic. 3/162, 5/608) (w. 281). 1306 
Tibouchina semicecandrum, ; 

Flower (Mouth staining Spider) shrub 
(Nic. 2/528, adpd). 1288 Melastoma 

Flower (Netted-back leaved Spider) 

shrub (Hk. 2/520, adpd). i284 Osbeckia 

Flower (Ked-hairy small leaved Spider)- 
shrub (Hk. 2/520, adpd). 1288 
Osbeckia Leschenaultii. 

_ Flower (Rosy-purple our petalled S; ider) 

shrub (Hk. 2/518, 
Osbeckia gracilis. 

Flower (Rough small leaved Spider) shrub 
(Hk. 2/519, adpd). 1280 Usbeckia 

adpd). lz7y 


Flower (Round leaved Epiphytic Spider) 
shrub (Bs/'l/835, adpd). 1293 Medinilla 

Flower (Scarlet Trumpet) shrub (S. 426). 
2123 Tectona radicans. 

Flower (Spider) shrub (S. 481, adpd). 
edxxy. Osbeckia (genus). 

Flower (Stalked Lance leaved Spider) 
shrub (Hk. 2/521, adpd). 1286 Osbeckia 

Flower (Subsessilo Lance leaved Spider) 
shrub (Hk. 2/521, adpd). 1286 
Osbeckia nepaulensis. 

Flower (Wight’s Silky Spider) shrub (Hk. 
2/519, adpd). 1282 Osbeckia Wightiana. 

Flower (Spider) shrub Family (S. 481, 
adpd). L. Melastomacez (Order). 

Flower (Pea) Sub-family (Br. 47, adpd). 
XLIII-A. Leguminose  (Order-Papi- 
lioneze suborder). 

’ Flower (Senna) Sub-family (Br. 59, adpa), 
XLIU-B. Leguminose (Order-Cesgal- 
pinez suborder). 

Flower (Sensitive Plant) Sub-family (Br. 
64, adpd). XLIII-C. Leguminose 
Order-Mimos suborder). 

Flower (Creamy Peacock) Tree (McL. 983, 
adpd). 940 Poinciana elata. 

Flower (Crimson Peacock’ Tree (Mclh. 
933, adpd). 941-b. Poinciana regia 

Flower (Common Yellow Trumpet) Tree 
(S. 425, adpd). 2121 Tecoma staus, 

Flower (Cananga) Tree (Mel. 350). 25 | 

Canangium odoratum., 

Flower (Evergreen Royal Peacock) Tree 
(McL. 933, adpd). 
regia (sempervirens). 

Flower (Gold) Tree (MchL. 208). 946 
Cassia Fistula. 

Flower (Golden Trumpet) Tree (Cag. 455). 
2122 Tecoma mollis. 

Flower (Mauve Trumpet) Tree (Cag, 453). 
2143 Bignonia megapotamica. 

Flower (Peacock) Tree (McL. 933, adpd). 
cecxlii. Poinciana (genus). 

Flower (Rio-Grande Trumpet) Tree (Cag. 
453). 2143 Bignonia megapotamica. 

Flower (Scarlet Peacock) Tree (McL. 933, 
adpd). 94]-a. Poinciana regia (typica). 

Flower (Unifoliate Golden ‘Trumpet) 
Tree (S. 425) (Cag. 455). 2120 Tecoma 

Flower (West Indian 
(S. 426, adpd). 

Flower (Yellow) Tree (McL. 383, 10380). 
1776 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 

Flowered (Cumin-scented Claw-shaped- 
flowered Laurel) (Nic. 1/18, 5/279, adpd). 
exlvii. Acronychia (genus). 

Flowered (Scarlet) Aloe (McL. 21), 3118 
Aloé succotrina, 

Trumpet) Tree 
2127 Tecoma serrati- 

941-b. Poinciana | 


Flowered (Great) Agatty (McL. 806). 781 
Sesbania grandiflora. 

Flowered (Greyish-green leaved Red) 
Almond (Nic, 1/67), 1063-c, Prunus 
Amygdalus (dulcis). 

Flowered (Uarge Pink-based White) 

Almond (Nic, 1/67), 1063-b, Prunus 
Amygdalus (amara), 

Flowered (White or Rosy) Almond (Nie. 
1/67). 1063 Prunus Amygdalus, 

Flowered (Dull-red) Aloe (McL.* 21). 
3117-a. Aloé vera (typica) (*indica), 

Flowered (Yellow) Aloe (McL.*21). 3117-a. 
Aloé vera (typica) (*vulgaris). 

Flowered (Large) Alpinia (McL. 298). 
3005 Alpinia Galanga. 

Flowered (Loose) Alpinia (McL. 298), 
3005 Alpinia Galanga, 

Flowered (Large) and 
Cotton (Bs/T/78, adpd). 

Flowered (Larger) and fruited Common 
Sebesten (Hk. 4/187, adpd). 1969 
Cordia obliqnua. 

Flowered (Yellow) Aniseed Plant (Mcl.. 
33). 17 Illicium anisatum. 

Flowered (Double) Arabian Jasmine (Rox. 
1/88). 175l-c. Jasminum Sambac 

Flowered (Great Double) Arabian Jasmine 
(Rox. 1/88) (Cag. 506), 1751-d. Jasmi- 
num Sambac (flora-Manorzpleno). 

Flowered (Single) Arabian Jasmine (Rox. 
1/82). 1751l-b. Jasminum Sambac 

Flowered (Small) Aspalathus (McL, 578). 
746 Indigofera aspalathoides. 

“lowered (Cluster) Asparagus (McL. 516, ° 
adpd). 3083 Asparagus capitatus. 

Flowered (Large axil) Asparagus (McL. 
516, adpd). 3086 Asparagus Jacque- 

Flowered (Small axil) Asparagus (McL. 
517, adpd). 38085 Asparagus subnulatus. 

Flowered (Black-purple-backed Yellow) 
Australian Rose (Bth. 1/315, adpd). 
372 Boronia megastigma. 

Flowered (Diverse) Barbadoes 
(Nic. 2/319, adpd). 

Flowered (Flesh-coloured 
Bastard Cedar (Nic. /285). 

capsuled Silk 
260 Bombax 

354 Malpighia 

484 Cedrela 

Flowered (Panicled-sm2ll) Battle of 
‘Plassey Climber (Hk. 2/59, adpd). 

eccix. Spathalobus (genus). 

Flowered (Corkscrew-centred) Bean (Hk, 
2/59, adpd). ccexiii. Phaseolus (genus). 

Flowered (Large) Beanmontia (Br. 127), 
1851 Beaumontia grandiflora. 

Flowered (Large) Bell Dog-bane (Br. 127, 
adpd), 1851 Beaumontia grandiflora, 


Flowered (Many) Bindweed (McL. 120, 
adpd). 2042 Ipomea staphylina. 
Flowered (Scarlet) Bindweed (McL. 150). 
(S. 889). 2018 Ipomea coccinea. 
Flowered (Large) Blackberry (Mech. 328, 
adpd). 1083 Rubus racemosus. 
Flowered (Corymb) Bouvard’s Quinine- 
wort (Nic. 1/207). 1459(bes.)-a. Bou- 
vardia Humboldtii (corymbiflora). 
Flowered (Drooping Yellow) Bouvard’s 
Quininewort (Nic. 1/207). 145 (bis.)-c. 
Bouvardia Humboldtii (flava). 
Flowered (Jasmine) Bouvard’s Quinine- 
wort (Nic. 1/207). 1459(bis.)-b. Bour- 
vardia Humboldtii (jasminiflora). 
Flowered (Bipinnate-(20-30) linear (20- 
39) folioled Scarlet-racemed) Brasilet- 
to (Treas. Bot. 1/816, adpd). 944 
Colvillea racemosa. 

Flowered (White) Broom (Qoty. 258). 
743 Cytisus albus. 

Flowered (Racemed-purple) — Brucine 
Bitter Wood (Nic, 1/215). clxiv. 

Brucea (genus). 
Flowered (Orange) Brugmansia (Nic. 
1/444) (S. 131). 2102 Datura sanguinea, 

Flowered (Malabar Three) Calycine 
Mangrove (McL. 3870, adpd). 1188 
Bruguiera malabarica. 

Flowered (Single) Calycine Mangrove 
(McL. 470, adpd). 1135 Bruguiera 

Flowered (Single Hairy)  Calycine 
Mangrove (MchL, 470, adpad). 11386 

Brnguiera eriopetala. 

Flowered (Three) Calycine Mangrove 
(McL. 470, adpd). 1187 Bruguiera 
caryophy lloides. 

Flowered (Trichotomous) Calycine Man- 
grove (Mch. 470, adpd). 1189 Bru- 
guiera parviflora, 

Flowered (Jasmine) Carissa (Mch. 182). 
1806 Carissa Carandas. 

Flowered (Sulphur) Cassia (McL. 208) 
(Br. 67). 961 Cassia glauca. 

Flowered (Golden) Champak (Mcl. 157) 
(Rid. 189). 24 Michelia Champaca. 

Flowered (Crimson Anemone) China Rose 
(Cag. 598). 1103-d. Rosa _ indica 

Flowered (Dwarf Donble-Daisy) China 
Rose (Cag. 599). 1103-m. Rosa indica 

Flowered (Purple) Pagoda ‘ree (Hk. 
2/249, adpd), 913 Sophora glauca. 

Flowered (Long) Climbing Poison Nut 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1961 Strychnos 

Flowered (Blue) Congea (Br. 166). 2333-b. 
Congea tomentosa (azurea). 

Flowered (Blake’s Deep-crimson) Coral 
shrub (Br. 57, adpd). 826 Erythrina 


Flowered (Copper) Coral Tree of South 
America {Nic. 1/531, adpd). 825 
Erythrina glauca. 

Flowered (Shaggy) Corymbose 
Holly (Hk. 1/588, adpd). 

Flowered (Yellow) Cotton (McL. 282) 
(Cat. 29). 122 Cochlospermum Gossy- 

Flowered (Beak) Creeping Milk Hedge 
(MeL. 502, 847, adpd). 1893 Sarco- 
stemina intermedium, 

Flowered (Squat) Creeping Milk Hedge 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1891 Sareo- 
stemma brevistigma. 

Flowered (Yellow) Creeping Milk Hedge 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1892 Sarco- 
stemma Brunonianum, 

Flowered (Axil) Crossandra (Br. 172). 
2244-b. Crossandra undulzefolia (axil- 

Flowered (Large) Cryptostecia (Br. 119). 
1870 Cryptostegia grandiflora. 

Flowered (Large) Dillenia (McL. 155), 
13 Dillenia indica. 

Flowered (Red) Dyeing Rosebay (McL. 
370, adpd), 1843 Wrightia coccinea, 
Flowered (Agglomerate) Hared Jasmine 
(McL. 384, adpd). 1767 Jasminum 


Flowered (Fragrant) Ebony (Bdn/F.T, 
McL. 866 adpd). 1698 Diospyros 

Flowered (Panicle) Ebony (Mch. 366, 
adpd). 1722 Diospyros paniculata. 

Flowered (Large) Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2565 Phyllanthus macrocalyx. 

Flowered (Single) Fish-bone Tree (McL. 
155, 4738, 484, 623, adpd), 13 Dillenia 

cev. Mappia 


Flowered (Ochre) Fish Poison Cedar 
(McL. 1020, adpd). 471 Walsura 

Flowered (White) Fish Poison Cedar 
(McL. 1020, adpd). 470 Walsura ter- 

Flowered (Purple) Fragrant Trumpet Tree 
(McL. 669, 998, adpd). 2150 Stereo- 
spermum suaveolens. 

Flowered (White) Fragrant Trumpet Trie 
(McL. 669, 982, adpd). 2151 ¢ tereo- 
spermum xylocarpum, 

Flowered (Yellow) Fragrant Trumpet 
Tree (Mcl. 669, 998, adpd). 2149 
Stereospermum chelonoides. 

Flowered (Pink) Ginger (McL. 310, adpd). 
2993 Zingiber roseum. 

Flowered (African Dwarf Blue) Glory 
Tree (8.101, Nic. 1/841, adpd). 2826 
Clerodendron myricoides. 

Flowered (Chinese Fragrant) Glory Tree 
(S. 101, Nic. 1/341, adpd). 2828 
Clerodendron fragrans. 


Flowered (Rosy) Glory Tree (S. 101, 
Br. 167, adpd). 2324 Clerodendron 

Flowered (White calyxed Crimson) Glory 
Tree (S.101, Nic. 1/341, adpd). 2325 
Clerodendron Thompson. 

Flowered (Great) Goglet Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1949 Ceropegia Beddomei. 

Flowered (Solitary) Golden Blossomed 
Pear Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd), 436 
Ochna Wightiana. 

Flowered (Great) Guettarda (Br. 100). 
1517 Guettarda speciosa. 

Flowered (Crimson large) Gum Box (Nic. 
1/533). 1127 Escallonia macrantha. 

Flowered (White bundle) Gum Box (Nic. 
1/538). 1126 Escallonia floribunda. 

Flowered (Scarlet) Heart leaved Glory 
Tree (8.101, adpd). 2219 Cleroden- 
dron squamatum, 

Flowered (White) heart leaved Glory 
Tree (S.101, adpd). 2320 Cleroden- 
dron coromandelianun). 

Flowered (Larger) Heart Pea (McL. 611, 
adpd). 624 Cardiospermum canescens. 

Flowered (Purple) Hibiscus (McL. 33). 
237 Hibiscus hirtus. 

Flowered (Cluster) Hill Olive (McL. 394, 
adpd). 1781 Linociera malabarica. 

Flowered (Dichotomous) Hill 
(McL. 394, adpd). 1783 Linociera pur- 
purea (dichotoma). 

Flowered (Wight’s Cluster) Hill Olive 
(McL. 394, adpd). 1782 Linociera 

Flowered (Green) Hoya (Br. 122). 1918 | 
Dregea volubilis, 

Flowered (Bracteoled Red) Hyacinth 
Bean (MclL. 236, adpd). 812 Dolichos 

Flowered (Veitch’s Scarlet) Hybrid 
Fachsia (Nic. 2/32). 1331 Fuchsia 

Flowered (White) Indian Coral Tree (Hk. 
2/189, Br.57, adpd). 817->. Erythrina 
indica (albiflora). 

Flowered (Few) Indian Ipecacuanha (McL. 
360, adpd). 1911 Tylophora panci- 

Flowered (Dense) Indian Pellet shrub 
(McL. 670, adpd). 1543-b. Pavetta 
indica (densiflora). 

Flowered (Tea-scented) Indian Rose (Nic. 
5/664) (Cag. 599). 1105 Kosa odorata. 
Flowered (Orchid) Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 

8035 (bis.) Canna orchidiflora. 

Flowered (Yellew) Indian Shot (Br. 214). 
3027 Canna lutea. 

Flowered (Axil} Inland Mangrove (McL. 
470, adpd). 1141 Weihea zeylanica. 
Flowered (Double) Jasmine (McL. 383). 
1751-c. Jasminum Sambac (flore- 


Olive | 


Flowered (Large) Jasmine (McL. 383): 
1775 Jasminum grandiflorum. 
Flewered (White) Justicia (McL. 334). 

2268 Khinacanthus communis, 

Flowered (Many) Kizheneily (McL. 
2557 Phyllanthus reticulatus. 

Flowered (Long) Lance leaved Glory 
Tree (8.101, adpd). 2328 Cleroden- 
dron siphonanthus. 

Flowered (Pendulous) Lance leaved Glory 
Tree (3.101, adpd), 23817 Oleroden- 
dron nutans. 

Flowered (Larger Golden) Lance Wood 
(Bs/T/13, adpd). 76 Sagerwa Dal- 

Flowered (Smaller White) Lance Wood 
(Bs/T/18, adpd). 75 Sagersea Jaurina. 
Flowered (White) Lantana (Br. 164). 

2281 Lantana alba. 


Flowered (Hairy Yellow) Laurustinus 
(McL. 566, adpd). 1427 Vibornum 

Flowered (Blue) Leadwort 
(Br. 175) (Rid. 82). 

Flowered (Rosy) Leadwort (MeL. 178) 
(Br. 175) (Rid. 82), 1654 Plumbago 

Flowered (White) Leadwort (McL. 178) 
(Br. 175) (Rid. 82), 1653  Plumbago 

(MeL. 178) 
1655 Plumbago 

| Flowered (Pink) Leafy Coctus (Br, 92). 

. Flowered (Large) Magnolia (H/E.F). 

1884 Pereskia Bleo. 

Magnolia grandiflora. 

Flowered (Twin) Mangrove (Mch. 470, 
adpd). 1131 Rhizophora conjugata. 
Flowered (Large) Melon Featherfoil 
(MeL. 587, adpd). 2483 Glochidion 


Flowered (Few) Milled-leaf Tree (Hk. 
1/278, adpd). 187 Peeciloneuron 

Flowered (Panicled) Milled-leaf Tree 
(Hk. 1/278, adpd). 186 Pociloneuron 

Flowered (Small) Mountain Ebony (Mcl. 
231, 432, 520, 806, 495). 990 Bauhinia 

Flowered (Angular-stemmed Smaller-and- 
twin) Mussell-shell Creeper (Hk, 2/208, 

adpd). 838% Clitoria biflora. 

Flowered (White) Mussell-shell Creeper 
(Br. 50). 888-c. Clitoria Ternatea 
{albiflora ). 

Flowered (White-and-blue) Mussell-shell 
Creeper (Hk. 2/208, adpd). 838-b. 
Clitoria Ternatea (pilosula). 

Flowered (White long) Nail Dye (McL. 
558, adpd). 2230 Barleria longiflora. 
Flowered (Yellow) Ochna (McL. 822). 

434 Ochna squarrosa, 


Flowered (Coral) Ordure Tree (McL. 473, 
65l,adpd). 272 Sterculia colorata. 

Flowered (Yellow) Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/31) (Br. 87). 1855 Passiflora lutea. 

Flowered (Scarlet) Pea Tree of Texas 
(Nic. 3/425, adpd). 778 Sesbania 

Flowered (Long) Pellet shrub (Mch. 670, 
adpd). 1544-c. Pavetta  hispidula 

Flowered (Short) Pellet shrub (Mcl. 679, 
adpd). 1545 Pavetta breviflora. 

Flowered (Woolly small) Pellet. shrub 
(McL, 670, adpd). 1546 Pavetta Bru- 

Flowered (Cup) Pepper (McL. 676, adpd). 
2408 Piper trichostachyon. 

Flowered (Hooded) Pepper (Mech. 676, 
adpd). 2402 Piper galeatum. 

Flowered (Dense) Pine (Nic. 3/141), 2841 
Pinus densiflora. 

Fiowered (Large) Pleroma (Nic. 3/162, 
5/608, adpd). 1306 Tibouchina semede- 

Flowered (Double) Pomegranate (Cag. 
568). 1322-b Funica granatum (flore- 

Flowered (Orange) Prickly Pear (Br. 91, 
adpd). 1379 Opentia spinosissima. 

Flowered (Pirk) Prickly Pear (Nic. 2/503). 
1382 Opuntia nigricans. 

Flowered (Salphur) Prickly Pear (Br. 91, 
adpd). 1378 Opuntia Dillenia. 

Flowered (Various) Prickly Pear (Nic. 
5/570). 1881 Opuntia leucotricha. 

Flowered (Yellow) Prickly Pear (Nic. 
2/503) (S. 300). 1888 Opuntia vul- 

Flowered (Yellow and crimson) Prickly 
Pear (Br. 91, adpd). 1380 Opuntia 

Flowered (Clustered Red-tubulose) Quassia 
(Nic. 3/262). 426 Quassia amara. 

Flowered Terminally-fascicled Yellow) 

Quassia (Bth. 1/3138, adpd).  clxv. 
Suriana (genus). 

Flowered (Large) Rainbow Creeper 
(McL. 371). 2164 Thunbergia grandi- 

Flowered (Compound corymbed Yellow) 
Resin-seed (Hk. 1/199, adpd). 150 
Pittosporum floribundum. 

Flowered (Simple corymbed Yellow) 
Resin-seed (Hk. 1/198, adpd). 149 
Pittosporum nilghirense. 

Flowered (Umbelled Yellow) Resin-seed 
(Hk. 1/198, adpd). 148 Pittosporam 
tetraspermum. | 

Flowered (Woolly-oranched Corymbose | 
White) Resin-seed (Hk. 1/199, adpd). 
151 Pittosporum dasycaulon. 


Flowered (Clustered White) Resin-seed 
of Australia (Nic. 3/154, adpd). 157 
Pittosporum undulatum. 

Flowered (Panicled Orange-centred- 
yellow) Resin-seed of Australia (Nic. 
5/437, adpd). 147 Hymenosporum 

Flowered (Panicled Yellow-green) Resin- 
seed of the Cape (Nic. 3/154, adpd). 
158 Pittosporam viridiflorum. 

Flowered (Umbelled Purple) Resin-seed 
of New-Zealand (Nic. 3/153, adpd). 154 
Pittosporum cassifolium. 

Flowered (Purple-and-yellow) Resin-seed 
of Tasmania (Bth. 1/113). 152 Pittos- 
porum bicolor. 

Flowered (Many) Rose (Br. 72). 
Rosa multiflora. 

Flowered (White small) Rose Mallow (Hk. 
1/386, adpd). 238 Hibiscus micran- 

Flowered (Yellow-racemed) Rose-wood of 
South America (Treas. Bot. 1/902). 
ceexxviii, Platymischium (genus). 

Flowered (Blue) Saw-leaved Glory Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 2318 Clerodendron 

Flowered (Fascicled) Scaly-woolly Wild 
‘Tea (Hk. 1/287, adpd). 191 Sauranja 

Flowered (Panicled) Scaly-woolly Wild 
Tea (Hk. 1/286, adpd). 190 Sanrauja 


Flowered (Cluster) Scarlet Fuchsia of 
Peru (Nic. 2/32). 1325 Fuchsia 

Flowered (Orange Long) Sebesten (Hk. 
4/140, adpd). 1978 Cordia subcor- 

Flowered (Scarlet Long) Sebestern (Mch. 
802, adpd). 1979 Cordia Sebestena. 

Flowered (White Longish) Sebesten (Hk. 
4/140, adpd). 1977 Cordia octandra. 

Flowered (Sulphnr) Senna (McL. 847). 
961 Cassia glauca. 

Flowered (Spinous Scarlet) Shrubby 
Spurge (Br. 191, adpd), 2539 Euphor- 
bia Bojeri. 

Flowered (Red) Silk cotton (Bed. 1/28) 
(Pf. 16). 259 Bombax malabaricum, 

Flowered (Yellow) Silk cotton (Cag. 664), 
129 Cochlospermum Gossypinm. 

Flowered (White) Silk cotton (Bed. 2/29) 
(PA. 160). 261 Eriodendron anfractuo- 

Flowered (White) Sirissa (Mch. 840). 
1044 Albizzia Lebbek. 

Flowered (Many) Snake Dog-bane (McL, 
842, adpd). 1812 Rauwolfia densiflora. 
Flowered (Small) Snake Dog-bane (MeL, 

842, adpd). 1814 Kauwolfia micrantha. 


Flowered (Downy large) Snake Root 
(McL. 507, adpd), 1483 Ophiorrhiza 

Flowered (Large) Snake Root (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1482 Ophiorrhiza grandiflora. 
Flowered (Woolly Large) Snake Root 
(McL. 507, adpd). 1484 Ophiorrhiza 


Flowered (Red) Snake Wood (McL. 842), 
1811 Rauwolfia serpentini. 

Flowered (Large) Solandra (Br. 154). 
2096 Solandra grandiflora. 

Flowered (Long) S;athe Trumpet Tree 
(McL, 14, 473, 998, 1024, adpd). 2131 
Dolichandrone Rheedii, 

Flowered (Jacquinia) Spurge (Cag, 415). 
2541 Euphorbia fulgens. 

Flowered (Scarlet) Sterculia (McL. 651). 
272 Sterculia colorata. 

Flowered (Curled) Swallowwort (MclL. 
1032). 1882 Calotropis gigantea, 

Flowered (Large) Tecoma (Br. 
2125 Tecoma grandiflora, 

Flowered (White) Thorz Apple (Ell. 229). 
2097 Datura Stramonium. 

Flowered (Large) Thunbergia (Rid, 93, 


169). 2164 Thunbergia grandiflora. 
Flowered (Large) Torch ‘Thistle (Nic. 
1/299). 1370 Cereus grandiflora. 

Flowered (Rosy) ‘ree Fuchsia of Mexico 
(Nic. 2/21). 1323 Fuchsia arborescens. 

Flowered (Lax) Tree of Beauty (Hk. 1/554, 
adpd). 461 Aglaia odorata. 

Flowered (Purple) Umbrella Thorn (McL. 

473, 934, 935, adpd) 1082 Acacia 

Flowered (White) Umbrella Thorn (McL. 
473, 934, 935, adpd). 1028 Acacia 

Flowered (Minute) Velvet 
(Hk. 1/274, adpd). — exii. 

Flowered (Small) Viper Dog-bane (Rox. 
2/20, adpd), 1862 Epigynum parvi- 

Flowered (Creamy Bell) Virgin’s Bower 
(Hk. 1/5, adpd). 9 Clematis nutans. 
Flowered (Large) Virgin’s Bower- of 
Sierra-Leone (Nic. 1/339). 2 Clematis 


Flowered (Axillary spike) White Cedar 
(Hk. 1/548, adpd). 453 Dysoxylum 

Flowered (Sessile) Wild Jasmine (McL. 
384, adpd). 1759 Jasminum. sessili- 

Flowering Ash (McL. 471) (S. 167, 170). 
1779 Fraxinus Ornus. 

Flowering Asoca (Treas. Bot. 
ecclyi. Humboltia (genus). 

Flowering (Paripianate-(6)-flat-rachised- 
small spurless-stipuled lance-acumiinate 
leaved) Asoca (Bdn/E.F,  adpd). 
986 (b1s.) Humboldtia Bourdilloni, 




Flowering (Paripinnate-(8-10)-medium 
lunce-spurred-stipuled oblong-cuspidate- 
leaved). Asoca (Hk. 2/274, adpd). 983 
Humboldtia laurifolia. 

Flowering (Paripinnate-(6-8)-medium- 
leathery Round-spurred-stipuled ob- 
long-lance-acuminate-leaved) Asoca 
(Hk. 2/274, adpd). 986 Humboldtia 


Flowering (Paripinnate-(2-4)-~medium- 
leathery = spurless-stipuled _oblique- 
oblong-lance-cuspidate-leaved) Asoca 

(Hk. 2/274, adpd). 

Flowering (Puripinnate- (2-4)- medium 
Round- spurred- stipuled oblong- cus- 
pidate-leaved) Asoca(Hk. 2/274, adpd). 
985 Humboldtia Brunonis. 

Flowering (Paripinnate-(10-12)-winged- 
rachised-loug Long-sparred- stipuled 
lance-acuminate-leaved) Asoca (Bdu/E. 
F,adpd). 987 Humboldtia decurrens. 

Flowering (Large) Barnadesia, (Br. 10), 
1681 Barnadesia rosea. 

Flowering Birch (Nic, 3/354, 
edxliv. Homalium (genus). 

Flowering (Medium-downy-backed obo- 
vate-repand-crenate-leaved) Birch (Hk. 
2/596, adpd). 13889 Homalium tomen- 

Flowering (Medium  elliptic-crenate- 
cuspidate-leaved) Birch (Hk. 2/597, 
adpd). 1340 Homalium zeylanicum. 

Flowering (Medinm Ovate elliptic-cre- 
nate-acute-leaved) Birch (Hk. 2/596, 
adpd). 13838 Homalium nepalense. 

Flowering (Medium-short-petioled Ellip- 
Birch (Hk. 2/598, adpd). 1341 Homa- 
linm trayancoricum. 

984 Humboldtia 


Flowering (Leaf) Uactus (8.151). cdliii, 
Epiphylium (genus). 
Flowering (Leaf Sinus) Cactus (Nic. 

3/112). cdliv. Phyllocactus (genus). 

Flowering (Leaf tip) Cactus (Nic. 1/5:5). 
edliii. Kpiphyllum (genus). 

Flowering (Large) Combretum (Br. 76). 
1159 Combretum grandiflorum. 
Flowering Cotton (McL. 234, 712). 

Thespesia populnéa, 

Flowering Currant (Nic. 3/306) (S. 167, 
369) (Ooty. 182), 1128 Ribes sangui- 

Flowering Fern (S. 308) (Cag. 
mlxviii. Osmunda (genus.) 

Flowering Fig (McL, 155). 
chera trijuga (?), 

Flowering (Double) Fragrant Cieroden- 
dron (Br. 167). 2%323-b. Clerodendron 
fragrans (flore-pleno). 

Flowering (Anaimalai Rosy) Ivy (Hk. 
2/526, adpd). 1283  Kendrickia 



632 Schlei- 


Flowering (Night) Jasmine (Br. 117) 
(Cat. 179). 1776 Nyctanthes arbor- 

Flowering Murdah (McL. 473, 530, 995). 
1152 Terminalia paniculata. 

Flowering Nutmeg Family (L/N/S/B). 
IV. Anonaceze (Order), 

Flowering (Cupped) Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, 
adpc). xiii. Cyathocalyx (genus.) 


Flowering (Half-boat petalled) Natmeg | 

(Bs/T/10, Hk. xix. 
Phzeanthus (genus.) 

Flowering (Half-bagg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). 

1/72, aapd). 

petalled) Nutmeg 
xxy. Saccopetalum 

| Foliage Lavender (Mu). 

Flowering (Half-star petalled) Nutmeg | 

‘Bs/T/10, adpd). xxiv. Miliusa (genus). 
Flowering (Long-oblong lance 

Cupped) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/53, adpd). 
32 Cyathocalyx zeylanica. 

Flowering (Medium-acuminate leaved 
Velvet) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/89 adpd). 
68 Alphonsea zeylanica. 

Flowering (Medium cuspidate leaved 
Velvet Nutmeg (Hk. 1/89, adpd). 

67 Alphonsea lutea. 

Flowering (Medium obtuse leaved Velvet) 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/90, adpd). 69 
Alphonsea madraspatana. 

Flowering (Velvet) Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, Hk. 
1/89, adpd). xxvi. Alphonsea (genus). 
Flowering Pauthiry (McL. 473, 669, 998). 

2132 Dclichandrone crispa. 

Flowering Peepul (Mcl. 678, 712). 252 
Thespesia populnea, 

Flowering (White) Plumeria (Br. 126). 
1824 Plumeria alba. 

Flowering Sage (MAHS). 23851 Salvia 

Flowering (Trichotomous) Smooth Jas- 
mine (Mc. 884,adpd). 1765 Jasminum 

Flowering (Scarlet long wreathed) Spurge 
(Nic. 1 541). 2541 Euphorbia fulgens. 

Flush-edged Flesh-pink Hybrid perpetual 
Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod) (Po). 1107-4, 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (carnea- 
rubescens. ) 

Fluted Frait Hbony (Bdn/F.T, McL. 366, 
adpd). 1703 Diospyros sulcata. 

Fochre (Muell. 8. P). 2857 Pinus syl- 

Foe (Beetle’s) (MeL. 157). 

Foe (Caly’s) (McL. 101). 926 Czesalpinia 

Fuetid Sterculia (McL. 704) (Br. 22). 
264 Sterculia foetida. 
Foetid Tree (Mc, 704). 


Folded-up Joint-podded Sensitive Pea 
(McL, 844, Hk. 2/148, adpd). cecxvii. 
Smithia (genus). 

24 Michelia 

264 Sterculia 

leaved | 


Folded-up podded Tick Trefoil (Hk. 2/155, 
adpd). cccii, Uraria (genus). 

Folhas-raspa-macho of the Portuguese 
(McL. 908). 2288 Callicarpa lanata, 

Foliaceous boat fruited Ordure Tree (Hk. 
1/361, adpd). 275 Sterculia scaphi- 

Foliaceous stipuled Eglandular senna 
(McL. 804, adpd). 960 Cassia timo- 

1622 Crossoste- 
phium artemisioides. 

Follicle (Cupped) Navelwort (Bs/T/210, 
Nic,1/367, 4/359, adpd). cclxxii. Rourea 

Follicie (Sandal-like Cupped) Navelwort 
(Bs/T/210, Nic. 1/367, 4/359, adpd). 
691 Rourea santaloides. 

Follicled (Sausage) Climbing Navelwort 
(Bs/T/212, adpd). 694 Connarus Rit- 

Follicled (Semicircular) Climbing Navel- 
wort (Bs/T/212, adpd). 693 Connarus 

Follicled (Spindle) Shrubby Navelwort 
(Bs/T/211, adpd). 692 Connarns mono- 

Foolish Plant (McL, 262). 2098 Datura 

Foot (Boodha’s) (McL, 364). 3026 Canna 

Foot (Bull’s) (McL. 240). 838 Clitoria 

Foot (Camel’s) (Cag. 625). ccclvii- Bau- 
hinia (genus). 

Foot (Camel’s) Cat. 112). 997 Bauhinia 


Foot (Iguana’s) (McL. 564). 611 Vitis 

Foot (Lizard) (McL, 587, adpd). 

dccexviii, Sauropus (genus). 

Foot (Peacock) (McL. 101). 926 Czsal- 
pinia Bondacella. 

Foot (Penninerved Lizard) (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2595 Sauropus albicans. 

Foot (Tiger’s) (McL. 892, 998). 
[pomea pes-tigridis. 

Foot (Yriplinerved Lizard) (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2596 Sauropas quadrangularis. 

Foot (Tiger's) Bindweed (MeL, 892, 998, 


adpd). 2039 Ipomza pes-tigridis. 
Foot Fern (8.1382), mliy. Davallia 

Foot (Bear’s) Fern (S. 132). mliv. Daval- 
lia (genus). 

Foot (Cat’s) Fern (McL. 97). [mlxii. 
Sphaim] mlv. Davallia (genus) (?). 

}'cot (Hare’s) Fern (S.132). mliv. Daval- 
lia (genus). 

Foot (Squirrel’s) Fern (3. 182), 
Davallia (genus), 

Foot-leaf Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/588). 
3251 Syngonium podophyllum, 



Foot-leaf (White midribbed-and-veined) 
Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/538), 3251-b. 
Syngonium podophyllum (albolinea- 

Foot (Peacock’s) Leaf Plant (McL. 310, 
473, 864, 999, adpd). dccxxx. Vitex 

Foot (Peacock’s) Notchy (McL. 596). 
2312 Vitex pubescens. 

Foot (Downy Peacock’s) Tree (McL. 310, 
adpd), 2812 Vitex pubescens. 

Foot (False Peacock’s) Tree (McL. 310 
adpd). 99 Neibuhria linearis. 

Foot (Glandular Peacock’s) Tree (McL. 
310, adpd), 2313 Vitex peduncularis. 
Foot (Peacock) Tree (Mc. 310, 473, 864, 

999, adpd). 2811 Vitex alata. 

Foot (Tall Peacock’s) Tree {McL, 310, 
473, 364,°99, adpd). 2310 Vitex altis- 

Foot (Water Peacock’s) Tree (McL. 810, 
adpd). 2814 Vitex leucoxylon. 

Foot (iguana’s) Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 
611 Vitis pedata. 

Ferbidden Fruit (McL. 687). 

Forbidden Fruit (McL. 869). 
nzmontana dichotoma, 

Forbidden Fruit (McL. 296, 725) (Cag. 
280) (Bon. 296). 422-e, Citrus decumana- 
typica (Palestine). 

Forbidden Fruit of Ceylon (Bs/T/460). 
1836 Tabernemontana coronaria. 

3041 Musa 

Foreign Agatty (McL. 10, 588, 847, 995). 

957 Cassia alata. 

Foreign Almond (McL. 135). 665 4Ana- 
cardium occidentale. 

Foreign Aloe (McL. 21, 801, 1001). 
Furcrea gigantea. 

Foreign Aumanac (MchL. 55). 1844 Carica 
Papaya (?). 

Foreign Banyan (McL. 73, 358). (?) 2734 
Ficus elastica (?). 

Foreign Castor (McL, 650). 
Carica Papaya (?). 

Foreign Castor (McL, 380). 
spermum axillare. 

Foreign Champak (McL. 440, 489). 23 
Artabotrys odoratissimus. 


(?) 1344 
2696 Balio- 

Foreign Conjy (McL. 210, 798, 993), 392 
Murraya exotica. 
Foreign Cotton (McL. 231). 254 Gossy- 

pium barbadense. 
Foreign Elanjy (McL. 351, 473, 997). 
[1681 Sphalm ] 1680 Sideroxylon inerme. 
Foreign Henna (McL. 340). 364 Peganum 

Foreign Jack (Mch. 376, 1000). 2765 
Artocarpus incisa. 
Foreign Jack (Mch. 35). 58 Anona 


Foreign Marking Nut (Mc. 135). 665 
Anacardium occidentale, 

1834 Taber- 

| Forest Bair (McL. 66, 864). 



Foreign Mindie (McL. 503, 995). 1206 
Myrtus commonis. 
Foreign Mohwah (McL. 508, 997). 1679 

Achras Sapota. 

Foreign Neem (McL. 577). 453 Melia 

Foreign Nelly (Mc. 587), 1268 Eugenia 

Foreign Oleander (McL. 302). 1820 
Thevetia neriifolia. 

Foreign (Large) Pepper (McL. 170). 

209+4-b. Capsicum frutescens (annuum), 

Foreign Plumbago (McL. 7). 2543 Pedi- 
lanthus tithymaloides, 

Foreign Pomegranate (McL. 79). 
Cydonia vulgaris. 

Foreign Senna (McL. 805). 955 Cassia 

Foreign Sesban (McL. 805). 943 Parkin- 
sonia aculeata. 


Foreign Solah (MchL. 835, 936). 943 
Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Foreign Tamarind (McL. £26). 1052 
Pithecolobiam dulce. 

Foreign Tamarind (McL. 299, 874). 172 
Garcinia Cam bogia. 

Foreign Tamarind (McL. 78, 874). 257 

Adansonia digitata. 
Foreign Tungaid (McL. 742, 938, 995). 
941 Poinciana regia. 
Foreign Tungaid (McL. 208). 

958 Caxsia 

Foreign White Sundra (McL,859). 1036 
Acacia ferruginea. 
Foreign White Vail (McL. $35) (2). 1036 

Acacia ferrnginea. 

Forest (Flame of the) (Cag. 624). 941 
Poinciana regia, 

Forest (Flame of the) (Br. 109) (Cat. 164). 
1538 Ixora coccinea. 

Forest (Madagascar Flame of the) (Cag. 
624, corr). 941 Poinciana regia. 

137 Fla- 
courtia seviaria. 

Forest Bair (McL. 66, 473, 994). 563 
Zizyphus nummolaria. 

Forest (False) Bair (McL. 66, corr). 187 
Flacourtia sepiaria. 

Forest Bengal Gram (McL, 330, 995) (?). 
1280 Osbeckia aspera (?). 

Forest Gaub (Mc. 304, 473,997). 1699 
Diospyros montana. 

Forest (Hill) Indigo (McL. 871, adpd). 
758 Indigofera pulchella. 

Forest Mahogany (Maid. C.T), 
Eucalyptus resinifera. 

Forest Mango (McL, 469). 

Forest Mango (McL. 469). 
nia latifolia. 

Forest Moon creeper (Mch. 752). 3120 
Flagellaria indica, 

1818 Cerbera 

667 Buchana- 


Forest Nelly (McL. 473, 587, 1000). 2559 
Phyllanthus polyphyllus. 

Forest Oak (Mc. 185). [2780 Sphalm] 
2788 (bis.) Casuarina torulosa. 

Forest Pepper (Mc. 677). 

Forest Red Gum (Maid/C.T). 
Eucalyptus tereticornis. 

Forest Small leaved Featherfoil (McL. 587, | 

adpd). 2559 Phyllanthus polyphyllus. 

Forest Sundra (Mcl. 28, 472, 935, 995, 
adpd). 1036 Acacia ferruginea. 

Forest Vaugay (Mcl. 840). 1044 Alb‘z- 
zia Lebbek. 

Forestier (Céline) Rose (Nic. 3/825) (Cag. 
602) (Mu. 65) (Ru/N/92, O/19) (Hod) 
(Po). 1108-e. Rosa Noisettiana (citrina- 

Forests (Western moist) Croton (McL. 
306). 2634 Croton reticulatus 

Forest Oak of New-South-Wales (Maid. 
C.T). 2788 (bis.) Casuarina torulosa. 

Forget-me-not (Indian) (McL. 362) 
(S 213) (Br. 141) (Rid. 152) (PA. 141). 
2019 Ipomea Quamoclit. 

Fork bracteoled Prickly Kose Mallow 
(Rox. 3/205, adpd). 236 Hibiscus 

Fork spined Rattan (Hk. 6/462, adpd). 
3217 Dzemonorops Jenkinsianus. 

Fork-tipped Pinnatifid-folioled Ladder 
Fern (Nic. 2/445, adpd), 3369-b. 
Nephrolepis davallioides (fureans). 

Fork-tipped simple Lanceolate leaved 
Palm (Rid. 266, adpd). 3145 Geonoma 

Forked Phrynium (McL. 
Clinogyne virgata. 

Forked spine fruited Screw Pine (Nic. 
3/16). 3243 Pandanus furcatus. 

Forking (Prostrate) Spineless Fan Palm 
(Hk. 6/429, adpd). 3177 Nannorhops 

819). 8025 

Formosa Camphor (McL. 188). 2440 
Cinnamomum Camphora. 
Formosan Paper ‘Tree (Cag. 414). 2718 

Broussonetia papyrifera. 
Forster's Lieut.-Colonel Kent’s Palm (Nic. 
2/218). 3136 Howea Forsteriana. 
Fortune’s Chamerops (8.97). 3203-b. 
Trachycarpus excelsa (Fortunei). 
Fortune’s Bamboo (Ru/0/33) (Ooty. 220) 
S. 168). 3300’ Rambusa Fortunei. 
Fortune’s China Yellow Rose (Nic. 3/320) 
(Cay. 593) (Br. 72). 1091 Rosa Fortu- 


Fountain Tree (McL. 264) (S. 168). 2862 
Cedrus Libani (Deodar). 
Four-(3-4)-bracted Capitate Bilabiate 

Vervein Climber (Hk. 4/561, adpd). 
deexxxvii. Congea (genus). 

Four ieaved Caryota (McL. 777). 
Caryota urens. 


386 Toddalia | 
1188 | 


Four leaved Soap Nut (McL.468). 626 
Hemigyrosa, canescens. 

Four leaved Sugar Palm (Hk. 6/421, Nie. 
5/82, adpd), 3149 Arenga saccharifera. 

Four (Spiny) petalled Buck Thorn (MeL. 
762, adpd). 569 Rhamnus virgatus. | 

Four-petalled Gutiapercha (Hk. 2/585, 
adpd). dlvii. Tsonandra (genus). 

Four (Crimson) petalled Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/516, adpd). 1278 Osbeck- 
ia hispidissima, 

Four (Rosy-purple) petalled Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/318, adpd). 1279 Osbeck- 
ia gracilis. 

Four seeded Willow (McL. 945), 2797 
Salix tetrasperma. 

Four spined Monetia (Mch. 809). 
Azima tetracantba. 

Four-winged Brake Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3334-a, Pteris quadriaurita (typica). 
Four- winged (Carmine veined) Brake Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3334-c. Pteris quadria- 

urita (rubronervia). 

Four winged (White-mottled-fronded) 
Brake Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3334-b. 
Pteris quadriaurita (argentea). 

Four-winged poddea Chinese 
Tree (Hk. 2/251, adpd). 

Fourteen-(14 prs)-nerved (Long-hairy) 
ovate - crenulate - acuminate - leaved 
Square-hairy-branched Conehead (Hk, 
4/474, adpd). 2215 Strobilanthes vic- 


915 Sophora 


Fowl’s Bean (McL, 875). 830 Canavalia 

Fox Grape (MchL. 564). 599 Vitis 

Fox Jaumoon (MchL. 587). (?) 186-b. 

Flacourtia Ramontchi (sapida). 
Fox Rose Apple (McL. 154). 
Flacourtia Ramontchi (sapida)? 
Fox-tail (McL. 576). 2269 Ecbolium 
Fox-tail (Blue) Nail Dve (McL. 576, adpd). 
2269 Ecbolium Linzanum, 
Fragrant Acacia (Mch. 840). 
Albizzia odoratissima. 
Fragrant Acacia (Pfl. 150). 


1027 Acacia 


Fragrant Bastard Cedar cf the Caribbee 
Islands {Nic. 1/285). 484 Cedrela 

Fragrant Cherry Nutmeg Tree (McL. 281, 
adpd), 42 Polyalthia fragrans. 

Fragrant (Double flowering) Clerodendron 
(Br. 167). 2823-b. Clerodendron 
fragrans (florepleno), 

Fracrant (Climbing White) Cluster Rose 
(Nic. 3/823), 1087 Rosa sempervirens. 

Fragrant Creeper (McL. 380), 87 
Cocculus villosus. (?) 


Fragrant Doodooga (McL. 281). 42 | 
Polyalthia fragrans. | 
Fragrant flowered Ebony (Bdn/E.F, | 

McL. 366, adpd). 
Fragrant (Chinese) flowered Glory Tree 

1698 Diospyros sp. n. 

(S./101, Nic. 1/341, adpd). 23823 
Clerodendron fragrans. 
Fragrant Ganvair (McL. 302). 1825 

Plumeria acutifolia. 

Fragrant Garland Flower (S. 167, 192). 
2990 Hedychium coronarium. 

Fragrant (Plantain-leaved) Greenish- 
white Indian Snot (Nic, 1/262). 3032 
Canna liliiflora. 

Fragrant Heart’s Joy (McL. 440, adpd). 
33 Artabotrys odoratissimus. 

Fragrant Marotty (McL. 159), 141 
Gynocardia odorata. 
Fragrant Nail Dye (McL. 503). 1314 

Lawsonia alba. 

Fragrant Neem (McL. 255, 577). 393 
Maurraya Keenigii. 

Fragrant net-seeded Madder shrub (Nic. 
2/111, adpd). 1592 

Fragrant Nut ‘free (McL. 387). 
Myristica fragrans. 
Fragrant Olive (S. 302). 

thus (genus). 

dixix. Osman- 

Hawmiltonia | 


Fragrant (Linden’s) Palm Lily (Nic. 
1/491). 3100-b. Dracena fragrans | 

Fragrant Paulay (McL. 364, 664). 
Hemidesmus indicus. 

Fragrant Pavonia (McL. 517) (Br. 250). 
233 Pavonia odorata. 

Fragrant Pepper (McL. 
Piper Cubeba. 

Fragrant Pergola Plant (Hk, 3/651, adpd). 
1839 Vallaris Heynei. 

Pragrant Poon (Mch. 705). 
carpus longifolius. 

Fragrant Quaternion Tree (Nic, 4/19, 
5/358). exliii. Evodia (genus). 

Fragrant (Neem leaved) Quarternion 
Tree (Hk. 1/490, Nic. 4/19, adpd). 879 
Evodia meélizfolia. 

Fragrant (Octandrous) Qnarternion Tree 
(Hk. 1/484, Nic. 4/19, 5/858, adpd). 
cxliv. Melicope (genus). : 

Fragrant (Roxburgh’s) Quaternion Tree 
(Hk. 1/488, Nic 4/19, adpd). 378 
Evodia Roxburghiana. 

Fragrant (Unifoliate) Quaternion Tree 
(Hk. 1/492, Nic. 4/19, adpd). 380 
Melicope indica. 

Fragrant Root (McL 
Hemidesmus indicus. 

Fragrant Screw Pine (Br. 230) (McL. 
502, 801, 807),(Ell. 425). 3244 Pandanus) 

677). 2405 

180 Cchro- 

364). 1866 

INDEX. 543 

Fragrant Sirissa (McL. 472, 484, 84u, 874, 
995). 1046 Albizzia odoratissima. 

Fragrant Sky Blue (Mc. 946). 
Deecalacanthus nervosus, 

Fragrant Sticky Mallow (Mcl., 577, adpd). 
233 Pavonia odorata. 

Fragrant Trumpet Flower (McL. 669, 982, 
998, adpd). dexci. Stereospermum 

Fragrant (Bipinnate leaved) Trumpet 
Tree (Hk. 4/383, adpd)}. 2151 Stereo- 
spermum xylocarpum. 

Fragrant (Purple tlowered) Trumpet Tree 
(McL, 669, 998, adpd). 2150 Stereo- 
Spermum suaveolens. 

Fragrant (White flowered) Trumpet Tree 
(McL. 669, 982, adpd). 2151 Stereo. 
spermum xylocarpum. 

Fragrant (Yellow flowered) Trumpet Tree 
(MeL 669, 998, adpd). 2149 Stereo- 
spermom cheloncides. 

Fravrant Vallaris (Br. 
Vallaris Heynei. 

Fragrant White Rainbow creeper (McL. 
271). 2159-a. Thumbergia fragrans 

France (La) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/20) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 


126). 1839 

1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 
Francesca Kruger Rose (Nic. 5/646) 

(Ru/N/92, 0/20). 1105-i. 
Frangois Michelon Rose (Nic. */324) 
(Mu. 53) (Hod). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfiorens (rosea-extus-argentea). 

Frangois Tiéyve Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod). 
1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens 

Frangipani (8. 326) (Nic. 8/170). 
dixxxviii. Plumeria (genus). , 

Frangipani (Three coloured) (Nic. 3/170). 
1827 Plumeria tricolor. 

Frangipani (True) (Nic. 3/170) 8. 337) 
(Gbl. 482) (Cag. 497). 1826 Plumeria 

Frangipani (White) (Nic. 3/170). 
Plumeria alba. 

Frank Musk (McL. 910). 

Rosa odorata 


2335 Ocimum 

Frankincense (McL. 605). clxix. Bos- 
wellia (genus). 

Frankincense (Rox. 2/384) (Pfi. 436). 
439 Boswellia serrata. 

Frankincense (False) (McL 1026). 974 

Hardwickia binata. 
Frankincense (Indian) (McL. 605). 43:'-b. 
Boswellia serrata (glabra). 
Frankincense (White) (McL. 259). 439-b. 
Boswellia serrata (glabra), 
Free-grained Bamboo (Hk. 7/9, adpd). 
mxlyi. Dendrocalamus (genus). 


French (Bois-de-sureau of the) (McL. 
751). 617 Leea sambucina. 

I'rench (Hybrides-rémontantes of the) 
(Cag. 590), 1107 Rosa hybrida-semper- 

French (Orélie of the) (Treas. Bot. 
2/821). deiii. Allamanda (genus). 
French (Hybrid of) and Indian Rose (Nic. 

5/644). 1106 Rosa borbonica. 

French-chiretta (Cylindrical capsuled) 
(MeL. 177, 577, 998) (Hk. 4/389, adpd). 
decxi. Diotacanthus (genus). 

French-chiretta (Long Twleve- (12-prs)- 
nerved Lance-or-oblance-wavy-acumin- 
ate-leaved Crimson flowered) (Hk. 
4/515, adpd). 2254  Diotacanthus 

French chiretta (Medium Seven-(7-prs)- 
nerved Hlliptic-subentire-acute-leaved 
White-flowered) (Hk. 4/515, adpd). 
2255 Diotacanthus albiflorus. 

French Cotton (Mech. 282, 1032). 1882 
Calotropis gigantea. 

Free-grained (Oapitate beaked) Bamboo 
(Hk, 2/10, adpd). mxlviii, Cephalo- 
stachyum (genus), 

Free-grained (Spicate bheaked) Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/10, adpd). mxlvii. Teinosta- 
chyum (genus). 

French Honeysuckle (Mc. 813). [ecciv. 
Sphalm] cexcv. (bis.) Hedysarum 

French (Senna leaved) Honeysuckle (McL. 
518). 788 Ormocarpum sennoides. 

French (Tuberous) Honeysuckle (McL, 
838). 822 Pueraria tuberosa. 

French Honeysuckle Tribe (Nic. 2/123). 
XLII1-A-vi Leguminose (Order-Papi- 
lines suborder-Hedysarez Tribe). 

French Jasmine (McL. 1032). 1882 
Calotropis gigantea. 

French Mulberry (S. 70, 71). dcexxiv. 
Callicarpa (genus). 

French (Long cymed) Mulberry (Hk. 
4/567, adpd), 2287 Callicarpa arborea, 

French (Short cymed) Mulberry (Hk. 
4/567, adpd). 2288 Callicarpa lanata. 

French (White berried) Mulberry (S. 70, 
Hk. 4/568, adpd). 2288 (bis.) Calli- 
carpa macrophylla. 

French Malberry of the Northern Circars 
(S. 70, Bed. 1/173, adpd). 2287 Calli- 
carpa arborea. 

French Mulberry of the Western Ghauts 
(S. 70, McL 908, adpd). 2288 Calli- 
carpa lanata, 

French (Hybrid of) oy Damask with 
Rourbon and China Rose (Cag. 590). 
1107 Rosa hybrida-semperflorens. 

French Osier (Kew Bull. 96) (Far. 35, 
36/NLGS). 2803 Salix triandra. 

French Physic Nut (Mch, 55). 2624 
Jatropha multifida, 

French Rose (MeL. 322, 995) (Nic. 3/821) 
(S. 170) (Cag. 591). 1100 Rosa gallica. 

French (White) Rose (Br. 68) (? See Cag. 
599). (1108) ? 1100 Rosa gallica (alba) ? 

French White Rose of Indian Gardens 
(Cag. 599) (Br. 68?). 1105-d. Rosa 
odorata (albida-fulvo-suffusa), 

French Willow (Nic. 3/346). 2803 Salix - 


Frenela (FAR. 10, NLGS). 
Callitris (genus). 

Fringe Grass (Treas. Bot, 2/1150, adpd). 
mxxxi. Thysanolena (genus), 

Frightener (Devil) (McL. 461). 2358 
Anisomeles malabarica, 

Fringe sepalled Nail Dye (Mech. 558, 
adpd). 2241 Barleria Stocksii. 

Fringed (Fan-shape Broad) Bourbon Palm 
(Nic. 2/287, adpd). 8196 Livistona 

Fringed (Fan-shaped Pendulous) Bourbon 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 38195 Livi- 
stona chinensis. 

Fringed (Fan-shaped Short) Bourbon 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 38193 Livi- 
stona altissima. 

Fringed (Kidney-shaped Pendulous) 
Bourbon Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3194 
Livistona oliveeformis. 

Fringed Hpidendrum (Br. 210). 2919 
Epidendrum ciliare. 


Fringed (Pritchard’s Grand Lace) 
Palm (Cae. 841, 348). 3180 Licuala 

Fringed Birthwort (Nic. 1/118, 5/84), 
2396 Aristolochia fimbriata. 

Fringed Dragon’s-mouth Bifoliate 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Br. 210, adpd). 
2919 Epidendrum ciliare. 

Fringed Kattan (Nic. 1/2385), 3216 
Calamus ciliaris. 

Fringed sepalled Featherfoil (MeL. 587, 
adpd). 2567 Phyllanthus fimbriatus. 
Fringed Snake’s-tongre Fern (Br, 243). 
8384-b. Lygodium scandens (micro- 


Frog Creeper (Mch. 515). 88 Tiliacora 

Frog Grass (Mch. 178). 2379 Salicornia 

Fruit (Bhere) (Br. 48) (Cat. 72) (Rid. 109) 
(Pf. 379) (Mu). 561 Zizyphus Jujuba. 

Fruit (Black) (McL. 182). 1806 Carissa 

Fruit (Bladder) (McL. 611), 628 Cardio- 
spermum Halicacabum. 

Fruit (Bread) (McL. 376, 489) (Nic. 1/117) 
(S. 86) (MeL. 376, 489).  decelxxvii. 
Artocarpus (genus). 

Fruit (Bread) (MeL. 281, 376, 972), 2763 
Artocarpus integrifolia. 

at hy 


Fruit (Bread) (Rox. 8/528) (Bed. 1/220) | 
(Gbl. 652) (S, 36, 61) (Pfl. 263) (Cag. 216, 

414) (Cat. 295) (Br. 197) (Rid, 105, 110) 


(Ru/N/70, 0/8) (Mu. 45) (Ooty. 8). 2765 | 

Artocarpus incisa. 

Fruits (Bread) (McL. 1003). 
ceze (Order). 

Fruit (Butter) (Mu. 45). 

Fruit (Curd) (McL. 1024). 

Fruit (Forbidden) (McL. 296, 725) (Cag. 
280) (Bon, 296). 422-e. Citrus decu- 
mana-typica (Palestine). 

CIV. Mora- 

424 Feronia 

Fruit (Forbidden) (McL. 869). 1884 
Tabernzmontana dichotoma, 

Fruit (Forbidden) (McL. 687). 3041 Musa 

Fruit (Gingo) (Hk. 1/385). 312 Grewia 

Fruit (Globose Bladder) (McL. 611, adpd). 
624 Cardiospermum canescens, 

Fruit (Gowry’s) (McL. 328,995). ccelxxix. 
Rubus (genus). 

Fruit (Gowry’s) (Mc. 328, 995). 
Rubus ellipticus. 

Fruit (Holy) (McL. 65). 425 Algle Mar- 

Fruit (Monkey) (McL. 508, 1024). 
Feronia elephantum. 

Fruit (Moreton-Bay Bread) (McL. 801) 
3244 Pandanus odoratissimus. 

Fruit (Nicobar Bread) (MclL. 591, 801) 
(Rox. 3/738). 3244 Pandanus odoratis- 


Fruit (Nectar) (McL. 35). 57 Anona 

Fruit (Oogah) (McL. 9138). 
dora parsica. 

1799 Salva- 

Fruit (Passion) (Gbl. 381). 1850 Passi- 
flora edulis. 
Fruit (Pimple) (McL. 35). 57 Anona 


Fruit (Poison) (MchL. 291, 690). 1498 
Randia dumetorum 

Fruit (Rama’s) (McL. 35). 58 Anona 

Fruit (Seeta’s) (McL. 35). 57 Anona 
squamosa, ; 

Froit (Snake) (Rid. 128, 155). 2494 

Eleagnus latifolia, 

Fruit (Sour) (McL. 98). 

Fruit (Tahiti Bread). 
2765 Artocarpus incisa, . 

Fruit (True Bread) (Nic. 2/12). 
Artocarpus incisa, 

Fruit (Trunk) (McL, 376). 2763 Artocar- 
pus integrifolia. 

Fruit (Water) (McL. 79). 1111 Cydonia 

Fruit (Wild Bere) (Jaf. 69). 
phus Jujuba, 


566 Averrhoa 
(Muell. S.P). 

561 Zizy- 

1080 | 

2441 Persea | 



. Hrnit (Sappan) Tree (McL. 226). 


Fruit (Fluted) Ebony (Bdn/F.T, Mcl. 
366, adpd). 1703 Diospyros sulcata. 
Fruit (Stinging) Ebony (McL. 366, adpd). 
1697 Diospyros pruriens. 

Fruit (Bread) Family (Br. 197). 
Moracez (Order), 

Fruit (Forbidden) of Ceylon (Bs/T/46°). 
1836 Tabernzemontana coronaria. 

Fruit (Golden) of the Hesperides (McL. 
79). 1111 Cydonia vulgaris. 

Fruit (Salt-swamp Jack) Palm (Hk. 
6/424, adpd). 3161 Nipa fruticans. 

Fruit (Ancola) Plant (McL, 16, 478). 
Alangium Lamarckii, : 

Fruit (Beaked) Poon (Mch. 473, 684, 705, 
adpd). 184 Kayea stylosa. 

Fruit (Akee) Tree (Gbl. 191) (Cag. 264) 
(Br. 33) (Rid. 102). 630 Blighia sapida. 

Fruit (Civet Cat) Tree (McL. 285) (Cag. 
287). 263 Durio zibethinus. 

Fruit (Cream) Tree (Nic. 3/329) (Cag. 500). 
1849 Roupellia grata. 

Fruit (Gold) Tree (Mc. 777). 
Fruit (Honey) Tree (McL. 764). 304 
Guazuma tomentosa. 
Fruit (Jack) Tree (3. 36). 
pus integrifolia, 

Fruit (Marking) Tree (Mc. 476). 
Semecarpus Anacardium. 

Fruit (Ovate leaved Bladder) Tree (Hk. 
1/364, adpd). 279 Kleinhovia Hospita. 




130 Bixa 

2763 Artocar- 


Pithecolobium dulce. 

Fruit (Shawl) Tree (Mcl. 777, 818). 130 
Bixa Orellana. 

Fruited (Large) Banana (Cag. 207) (Cat. 
322). ?042-a. Musa sapientum 

Frnited (Small) Banana (Cag. 207) (Cat. 
st 3042-a. Musa sapientum (Cham- 

Fruited (Oblate) Black Plum of Travan- 
core (McL. 379, adpd). 1250 Eugenia 
oblata (travancorica). 

Fruited (Chilli) Caper (Hk. 1/172, adpd). 
xlvi. Cadaba (genus). 

Fruited (Trifoliate Chilli) Caper (Hk. 
1/172, adpd). 102 Cadaba trifoliata. 
Fruited (Unifoliate Chilli) Caper (Hk. 

1/172, adpd). 103 Cadaba indica. 

Fruited Champak (McL. 440). 33 Arta- 
botrys odoratissimus. 

Fruited (Beak) Common Sebesten (Hk. 
4/137, adpd). 1968-b. Cordia Myxa 

Fruited (Larger flowered and) Common 
Sebkesten (Hk, 4/137, adpd). 1969 
Cordia obliqua. 

Fruited (Soft) Custard Apple (MeL. 35). 
60 Anona cherimolia, 


Fruited (Ovate petalled small) Dodder 
(McL. 804, adpd). 2067 Cuscuta chinen- 

Fruited (Pea) Dodder (MchL. 804, adpd). 
2065 Cuscuta reflexa. 

Fruited (Tail petalled small) Dodder (McL. 
804, adpd). 2066 Cuscuta hyalina. 

Fruited (Bourdillon’s Apple) Ebony (Bdn/ 
E.T, McL. 366, adpd). 1721 Diospyros 

‘ Bourdilloni. 

Fruited (Egg) Ebony (McbL. 366, adpd). 
1712 Diospyros oocarpa, 

Fruited (Leafy) Mbony (McL. 366, adpd). 
175 Diospyros foliolosa. 

Fruited (Bad) Emetic Nut (MchL. 291). 
1499 Randia malabarica. 

Fruited (Larger leaved 
Featherfoil (McL. 105, 276, adpd), 
Phyllanthus disticha. 

Fruited (Smaller leaved Gooseberry) 


Featherfoil (McL. 928, adpd). 2558 
Phyllanthus Emblica. 
Fruited (Purple) Granadilla (Cag. 282, 

358). i350 Passiflora edulis. 
Fruited (Yellow) Granadilla (Nic. 3/32). 
1358 Passiflora quadrangularis. 

Fruited (Purple) Guava (Cag. 236). 1223 
Psidium Cattleyanum. 
Fruited (Round) Hamelia (Br. 103). 1490 

Hamelia spheerocarpa. 

Fruited (Rough) Hill Olive (McL. 394, 
adpd). 1784 Linociera leprocarpa 

Fruited (Sweet) Inga (McL, 226) (Br. 60), 
1052 Pithecolobium dulce. 

Fruited (Large) Jaumoon (McL. 764). 
123! Kugenia Jambos. 

Fruited (Woody) Jujube (McL. 66, corr). 
565 Zizyphus xylopyra. 

Fruited (Caltrops) Linden (Hk, 1/394, 
adpd). cxx, Echinocarpus (genus). 

Fraited (Olive) Linden (Mch. 768, adpd). 
exxili. Eleocarpus (genus). 

Fruited (Foliaceous boat) Ordure Tree 
(Hk. 1/361, adpd). 275 Sterculia 

Fruited (Stinging) Ordure Tree (McL. 150, 
406, adpd). 267 Sterculia urens. 

Fruited (Large) Parroqueet Burr (Hk. 
1/394, adpd). 330 Triumfetta pilosa, 

Fruited (Forked spine) Screw Pine (Nic. 
8/16). 3243 Pandanus furcatus. 

Fruited (Olive) Spindle Tree (Nic. 1/104, 
McL, 589,606, Hk. 1/623, adpd). ccxxi, 
Eleodendron (genus). 

Fruited (White club) Swallowwort shrub 
of the Cape (Br. 121, Nic. 2/79, adpd), 
1950 Gomphocarpus fruticosus. 

Fruited (Slender) Viper Dog-bane (Nic. 
1/503, 2/173, adpd). 1865 Ichnocarpus 

Fruited (Cluster) White Fig (McL. 73, 
adpd). 2741 Ficus Tjakela, 


Fruiting Myrtle (8.158). 

Fry Tree 

Fuchsia (Australian) (S, 42, 111). 
Correa (genus). 

Fuchsia (Basket) (S.16). 

Fuchsia (Cherry-tubed White and Rosy) 
(Nic. 2/33). 3331 (bis.) Fnehsia alba- 

cdxxi. Eugenia 
(Bdn/F.T). 1044 Albizzia 

1328 Fuchsia 

Fuchsia (Dominy's) (Nic. 2/32). 13381 
Fuchsia Dominiana, 
Fuchsia (Garden) (Nic. 2/81).  cdxli. 

Fuchsia (genus). 

Fuchsia (Scarlet Australian) (3. 1.1). 376 
Correa speciosa. 

Fuchsia (Small leaved Scarlet and Deep- 
red) (Nic, 2/33). 1327 Fuchsia micro- 

Fuchsia (Trailing) (S. 435). 13828 Fuchsia 

Fuchsia ( Veitch’s Scarlet flowered Hybrid) 
(Nic. 2/32). 1831 Fuchsia Dominiana. 
Fuchsia (White Australian) (S.111). 375 

Correa alba, 

Fnchsia (Crimson long-tubed) of Bolivia 
(Nic. 2/31). 1824 Fuchsia boliviana. 
Fuchsia (Scartet and Purple) of Chili (Nic. 

2/33). 1830 Fuchsia macrostemma. 

Fuchsia (Glowing Scarlet) of Mexico (Nic. 
2/32), 1826 Fuchsia fulgens. 

Fuchsia (Rosy flowered Tree) of Mexico 
(Nic. 2/81). 1823 Fuchsia arborescens. 

Fuchsia (Scarlet and Green) of Mexico 
(Nic. 2/33), 1329 Fuchsia splendens. 

Fuchsia (Trailing Yellow and Blue) of 
New-Zealand (Nic. 2/33), 13828 Fuchsia 

Fuchsia (Cluster flowered Scarlet) of Peru 
(Nic. 2/82). 1325 Fuchsia corymbiflora. 

Fuchsia (Native) of Victoria (Bth. 1/344). 
376 Correa speciosa. 

Fuji of Japan (Muell. S.P). 
taria chinensis. 

Full (Large) Deep-carmine China Rose 
(Mu. 56) (Hod). 1108-f. Rosa indica 

Funereal Cypress (S. 122, 172) (Gbl. 697). 
2806 Cupressus funebris, 

Funnel (Brown-striped Golden) Dog-bane 
(Nic. 1/48, adpd), .1855 Allamanda 

Funnel (Golden) Dog-bane (Nic. 1/47, 
adpd). dciii, Allamanda (genus). 

Funnel (Guiana Golden) Dog-bane (Nie, 
1/47, adpd). 1854 Allamanda cathar- 

Funnel (Large Brazilian Golden) Dog-bane 
(Nic. 1/48, adpd). 1855 Allamanda 

763 Wis- 


Funnel (Large Golden) Dog-bane (Nie, 
1/47,adpd), 1854-b, Allamanda cathar- 
tica (grandiflora), 

Funnel (Oleander-leaved Golden) Dog- 
bane (Nic, 1/47,adpd). 1856 Allamanda 

Funnel (Orange-streaked Golden) Dog- 
bane (Nic. 1/47,adpd), 1856 Allamanda, 

Fonnel-flowered Echinate-frnited Stinking 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/2, adpd). dexxiv, 
Deemia (genus), 

Funnel (Large Lilac) Swallow-wort (Nic, 
1/404, Br. 119, adpd), 1870 Crypto- 
stegia grandiflora, 

Furrowed - and- fibrous - but - persistent- 
barked (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved 
medium oblique-ovate-lance-acuminate- 
leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 3/212, adpd). 
1177 Eucalyptus microcorys. 

Furrowed-branched (Unifoliate-small- 
thinly-silky linear-oblong-subobtuse 
leaved) Rattlewort (Hk. 2/79, adpd). 
722 Crotalaria juncea. 

Furze (Muell. ©.P) (Nic. 4/119) (S. 178, 
442) (Gbl. 228) (Cag. 610). 740 Ulex 

Fustic (Nic. 5/227) (Rid. 136) (FAR. 29, 
MRA). 2720 Chlorophora tinctoria. 

Fusticwood (Muell. 8.P). 2720 Chloro- 
phara tinctoria. 

Futu (Tahiti) Tree (McL. 367). 
Barringtonia speciosa. 



Gab (Br, 112). 

1702 Diospyros Embryop- 

Gaertnera (Clustored) (McL. 440). 355 
Hiptage Madablota. 

Galangal (McL. 298, 1001). cm*xlix. 
Alpinia (genus). 

Galangal (Drooping) (McL. 928). 38008 

Alpinia nutans. 
Galangal (Greater) (McL. 298, 507) (Pf. 

427). 3005 Alpinia Galanga. 
Galangal (Java) (McL. 298). 3005 Alpinia 
Galangal (Light) (McL. 298). 3008 

Alpinia nutang, 

Galanga) (Long-creamy-and-dark-green- 
obliquely-striped pale-green Elliptic- 
oblong-leaved) (Nic, 1/54, adpd). 3010 
Alpinia vittata. 

Galangal (Long-glossy Lance-leaved Red- 
ish-white-flowered) (Hk. 6/256, adpd). 
8007 Alpinia calcarata. 

Galangal (Nodding) (McL. 928, 10U1). 
3008 Alpinia nutans. 

Galangal! (Tree) (McL. 298). 


3005 Alpinia 


Galangal (Very-long-denticulate oblong- 
leaved White-lipped Whitish-flowered 
(Hk, 6/256, adpd). 3009 Alpinia aqua- 

Galangal (Very-long-downy-backed ob- 
long-lance-leaved Red-and-yellow-strip- 
ed-lipped Pink-tipped-white-flowered) 
(Hk, 6/256, adpd). 3008 Alpinia 

Galangal (Very-long-glossy oblong-lance- 
leaved Pink-lipped Greenish-white- 
flowered) (Hk. 6/254, adpd). 8006 
Alpinia Allughas. 

Galangal (Very-long-glossy oblong-lance- 
leaved) Lilac-veined-white-lipped Green- 
ish-white-flowered Galangal (Hk. 6/258, 

adpd). 8005 Alpivia Galanga, 

Galangal (White-striped-leaved) (Nie. 
1/54, adpd), 3010-b, Alpinia vittata 

Galangal Cardamom (McL. 298). 3005 
Alpinia Galanga, 

Gale Family (L/N/S/B). CVI (bis,) 

Myricaceze (Order), 

Galega (McL. 371). 
purpurea (?). 

Galega (Purple) (Br. 255) (McL. 371). 
774 Tephrosia purpurea. 

Galgal (Sweet) (Ru/N/66). 417-d. Citrus 
Aurantium-Aurantium (decumana). 

Gall (Atlee) (McL.* 391). 1162 Tamarix 
gallica (*articulata). 

Gali (Cow) (McL. 65). 

_ melos. 

Gall (Malayan Earth) (McL. 507). 
Ophiorrhiza Mungos. 

Gall Nut (Bs/S/126, NEL. 202,SAC. 218, 
TVY) (Bdn/E.T) (W. 51, 107, 109). 
1146 Terminalia Chebula. 

Gall Nut (Mch. 231), 1148 Terminalia 

Gall (Country) Nut (McL. 286, 928). 
1146 Terminalia Chebula. 

(?) 774 Tephrosia 

425 Aigle Mar- 

Galle Dholl (McL. 274). ccexxii. Rhyn- 
chosia (genus). 
Galled Myrobalan (MchL. 928). 1146 

Terminalia Ohebula, 

Gambhauree (McL. 135). 2305 Gmelina 

Gamble’s Nilgiri Rattan (Hk. 6/453, 
adpd). 8214 Calamus Gamblei. 
Gamboge Family (Br. 29). XV. Gutti- 

ferze (Order). 

Gamboge (McL, 298, 749) (S. 174) (Bed, 
1/20) (Gbl. 50) (Bdn/F.T). Ixviii, 
Garcinia (genus). 

Gamboge (Indian) (McL. 299). [174 
Sphalm] 171 Garcinia indica, 
Gamboge (Nic. 2/48) (Bdn/L). 172 Gar- 

cinia Cambogia. 

Gamboge (Angular-branched oblong long 
leaved) (Hk. 1/269, adpd). 178 Garci- 
nia Xanthochymus. 


Gamboge (Ceylon) (McL. 154, 298, 473, 
749, 874). 174 Garcinia Mcrella. 

Gamboge (Close-regular-nerved Broad- 
medium-leaved) (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 1738 
Garcinia echinocarpa. 

Gamboge (Elliptic-acuminate small- 
leaved) (Bdn, in. Bo. N. H.S., dated 7- 
12-98, adpd). 176 Garcinia Imberti. 

Gamboge (Horizontal-nerved Elliptic- 
long-leaved) (Hk. 1/260, adpd). 170 
Garcinia Mangostana. 

Gam boge (Indistinct-nerved 
medium-leaved) (dk. 1/265, 
174 Garcinia Morella. 

Gamwboge (Lance-oblong Acute-leaved 
Litehi fruited) (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 173-a. 
Garcinia echinocarpa (acutifolia). 

Gamboge (Linear-oblong-obtuse-small- 
leaved) (Hk, 1/268, adpd). 177 Gar- 
cinia travancorica. 

Gamboge (Litchi fruited) (Hk. 1/264, 
adpd). 178 Garcinia echinocarpa. 

Gamboge (Long leaved Two-sepalled) (Br. 
30, Hk. 1/259, adpd). 180 Ochrocar- 
pus longifolins. 

Gamboge (Malabar) (McL. 299, 473, 749, 
874). 172 Garcinia Cambogia. 

Gamboge (Membranons Lance-to-obovate- 
short-leaved) (Hk. 1/202, adpd). 171 
Garcinia indica. 

Gamboge (Mysore) (McL. 299) (Pfi. 237). 
(? 178) 174 Garcinia Morella (?). 

Gamboge (Mysore) (Ell. 292). 178 Garci- 
nia Xanthochymus. 

Gamboge (Oblique-nerved Broad-medium- 
leaved) (Ek. 1/262, adpd). 172 Garci- 
nia Cambogia. 

Gamboge (Ubovate-obtnse-leaved Litchi- 
fruited) (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 173-b. 
Garcinia echinocarpa (obtusifolia). 

Gamboge (Painter's) (Mc. 469, adpd). 
178 Garcinia Xanthocbymnus. 

Gamboge (Siam) (McL. 299, 749). 174 
Garcinia Morella. 

Gamboge (Slender-nerved Broad-medium- 
leaved) (Hk.1/269,adpd). 179 Garcinia 

Gamboge (Slender-nerved 
medium-leavyed) (Hk. 1/265, 
175 Garcinia Wightii. 

Gamboge (Travancore) (Muell.S.P). 177 
Garcinia travancorica, 

Gamboge (True) (Bed. 2/86). 
nia Morella. 

Gamboge Tree (Gbl. 
174 Garcinia Morella. 

Gamboge-yellow-marbled Bricht-green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 



174 Garci- 

55) (Bdn/E.'T). 

Codizum variegatum 
(oblongifolium proper), 
Gamboges (McL. 1004). XV. Guttifera 



Ganapaty Tree (McL. 500). 2458 Litsza 

Ganapaty’s Lime (McL. 299, 434). [409 
Sphalm ] 410-c. Citrus medica- 
medica Limonum (medicolimonum). 

Gandafiroza Tree (McL. 162). 2849 Pinus 

Gandkarajah (McL. 300, 996). 
Gardenia (genus). 

Gandharee (Mch. 135). 


2305 Gmelina 

Gandhaulee (McL. 206, 512, 996). 1591 
(bis.) Pzederia foetida. 
Gandharva’s Hand (Mech. 54). 2693 

Ricinus communis. 

Gannah (McL. 857). 

Gannair (McL. 302, 997), 

Gannair (Cluster) (MeL. 302, 947). 1821 
Kopsia frnticosa. 

Gannair (Fragrant) (McL. 302). 
Plumeria acutifolia. 

Gannair (Wild) (McL, 155). (?) 138 
Dillevia indica (?). 

Gannair (Wild) (McL. 302,784, 997). 
1830 Alstonia venenata. 

Gannair (Wild) (McL. 302, 473, 1000). 
2691 Homonoia riparia. 

Gannair (Yellow) (MeL. 802, 997). 
Thevetia neriifolia. 

Garcinia (Malabar) (McL. 303). 1702 
Diospyros Embryopteris, 

3282 Saccharum 

1844 Nerium 



Garden Arrowroot (Nic. 1/286).  emli. 
Calathea (genus). 
Garden Balsam (MchL. 69). cdxxvi. 

Impatiens (genus). 

Garden Camellia (PA. 68). 

Garden Clove (McL. 960). 2335 Ocimum 

Garden Croton (Nic. 1/492) (Gbl. 614). 
2646 Codizum variegatum. 

Garden (Accrescent-sepalled) Croton (Hk. 
5/242, adpd). dccexxxix. Blachia 
(genus). : 

Garden (Apetalous Accrescent-sepalled) 
Croton (Hk. 5/248, adpd). deccxli. 
Dimorphocalyx (genus). 

Garden (Bifid-styled) Croton (Hk, 5/242, 
adpd). deccxxxviii. Ostodes (genus). 

Garden (Triandrous) Croton (Hk. 5/242, 
adpa), decexxxvi. Trignostemon 

Garden Dracezna (Nic. 1/489, 491). cmlxy. 
Cordyline (genus). 

193 Camellia 

Garden Dracewna (Pr. 2/1072). 38107 
Cordyline terminalis. 
Garden Fuchsia (Nic. 2/81).  edsli. 

Fuchsia (genus). 
Garden Gardenia (Gbl. 414). 1510 Gar- 
denia jasminvides, 


Garden Ginger (Mc. 170). 
Capsicum (genus). 

Garden Gooseberry (McL. 928). 
Phyllanthus Enblica, 

Garden (Common White) Jasmine (Gol. 


467). 1774 Jasminum officinale. 
Garden Jhow (McbL. 391, 992). 164 
Tamarix ericoides. 
Garden Rock Rose (Nic. 2/125). 128 

Helianthemum vulgare. 
Garden Sage (Muell. S.P) (McL. 368). 
2350 Salvia officinalis. 
Garden Tamarisk (McL, 391). 
rix ericoides. 
Gardener’s Garters (Cag. 321), 
Arundo Donax (versicolor). 
Gardenia (Broad leaved) (McL. 291) (Br. 

164 Tama- 

98). 1506 Gardenia latifolia. 

Gardenia (Bushy) (McL. 291). 1498 
Randia dametorom. 

Gardenia (Garden) (Gbl. 414). 1510 | 
Gardenia jasminoides. 

Gardenia (Gum-yielding) (Br. 98). 1505 
Gardenia gummifera, . 

Gardenia (Gum-yielding) (Mc. 263) 

[1504 Sphalm]} 1505 Gardenia gummi- 

Gardens (French White Rose of Indian) 
(Cag. 599) (Br. 68 ?). 1105-d. Rosa 
odorata (albida-fulvo-suffusa). 

Gardner’s Black Plum (McL. 379, adpd). 
1245 Engenia Gardneri. 

Garland Flower (Cag. 380) (Rid. 63, 68). 
2990 Hedychium coronarium. 

Garland (Fragrant) Flower (8.167, 192). | 

2980 Hedychium coronarium. 

Garland (Indian) Flower (Nic. 2/122). 
emxliy. Hedychium (genus). 

Garland (Loose-Spiked) Flower (Nic. 
2/122, adpd). 2991 Hedychium venus- 

Garland (Spiked) Flower (McL. 1042). 
2990 Hedychium corouarium. 

Garlic Pear (McL. 478, 580) (Nic. 1/894). 
101 Crateva religiosa. 

Garlic (Holy) Pear (McL. 580). 
Cratewva religiosa. 

Garooga (McL. 303, 478, 484, 993). 440 
Garoga pinnata. 

Garooga (Wing leaved) (McL, 303). 440 
Garuga pinnata. 

Garrar (McL. 303, 473, 664, 1000). 2550 
Cleistanthus collinus. 

Garret (Mrs. Robert) Rose (Mu. 55). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina). 
Garters (Gardener’s) (Cag. 321). 3287-b. 

Arundo Donax (versicolor). 

Gasambilla (McL, 303, 472, 1000), 2613 
Antidesma Ghesambilla, 

Gaub (McL. 308, 469, 473, 997) (Rid, 121) 
(Pi. 338). 


3287-b. | 

1702 Divspyros Embry- 

‘Geranium (Jungle) (McL, 375, 996). 


delxviii. | Ganb (Black) (McL. 461). [881 Sphalm] 

1714 Diospyros tomentosa. 

Gaub (Chinese) (MeL, 303, 977). 
Diospyros Kaki. 

Gaub (forest) (McL. 304, 473, 997). 
1699 Diospyros montana. 

Gaub (Small) (McL. 304). 1714 Diospyros 

Gaub (Sweet) (MeL. 304, 473, 997). 
Diospyros tomentusa. 

Gava (McL. 892). 2706 Excecaria Agal- 

Gaybine (McL. 403) (Cag. 480), 
Ipomea hederacea (limbata). 
Géant des batailles Rose (Cag. 594) (Br. 
70) (Ra/N/90, 0/20) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-j. tosa hybrida-semperfiorens 


Gem (Little) Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 591) 
(Ru/O/21). 1099-d. Rosa centifolia 

Gendarussa (McL. 305, 99¥). 
Justicia (genus). 

Gendarussa (Common) (Mch. 305, 999) 
(Br. 178, 275). 2260 Justicia Genda- 

(;endarussa (Tranquebar) (McL. 305, 999). 
2258 Justicia trauquebariensis. 

Général Jacqueminot Rose (Nic. 2/324) 
(Cag. 594) (Ru/N/92, 0/20) (Mu. 53) 





(Hod) (Po), 1107-i. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (coccinea-puniceo-sut- 

Genisaro Tree (McL. 1042). 1057 Entero- 
lobium Saman, 

Genuine Grey Bark (McL. 420) (Muell. 

S.P) (El. 173). 1453 Cinchona 

Genuine Hepatic Aloes (McL, 20). 3118 
Aloé succotrina. 

Georgian Cotton (McL. 282). (? 258-c.) 

254 Gossypium barbadense ?. 

Georgina (Upland) Cotton (Hk. 1/347). 
2538-c. Gossypium herbacevin (hirsu- 

Geranium Family (Br. 37) (L/N/5/B). 
XXV. Geraniacez (Order). 

Geranium (Pink Jungle) (McL. 375, 996). 
1539 Ixora stricta. 

Ixora (genus). 

Geraninm (Jungle) (McL. 375, 996) (Br. 
101) (Rid, 71) (Cat. 164). 18388-b, 
Ixora coccinea (Bandhuca). 

Geranium (Large Jungle) (MeL. 374, 478, 
664, 916, 996), 1537 Ixora parvifloia. 

Geranium (Lilac five petalled Jungle) 
(Nic. 3/70). 1478 Pentas carnea. 

Geranium (Long-leathery elliptic-cblong- 

obtuse-leaved Jungle) (Hk. 3/139, adpa). 
1532 Ixora Notoniana, 


Geranium (Long-leathery-subsessile ellip- 
tic-lance-to-obovate - acuminate - leaved 
Jungle) (Hk. 3/140, adpd). 1534 Ixora 

Geranium (Long-membranous elliptic-to- 
oblance-acute-leaved Jungle) (Hk. 8/141, 
adpd). 1535 Ixora elongata. 

Geranium (Long-papery linear-lance-wavy- 
acuminate-leaved Jungle) (Hk. 3/147, 

adpd). 1540 Ixora undulata. 
Geranium (Long-papery elliptic-acute- 
leaved Jungle) (Hk. 3/139, adpd). 

1533 Ixora Johnsoni. 

Geranium (Medium-leathery Broad-lance- 
wavy-acute-leaved Jungle) (Rox, 1/389, 
adpd). 1541 Ixora alba. 

Geranium  (Medium-leathery-subsessile 
oblong-elliptic-obtuse-leaved Jungle) 
(Ik. 3/142, adpd), 1537-a, Ixora 
parviflura (ty pica). 

Geraniam (Medium-membranons lance-to- 
oboyvate-acuminate-or- cuspidate - leaved 
Jungle) (Hk, 3/148, adpd). 1542 Ixora 

Geranium (Medium-papery oblong-ellip- 
tic-obtuse-leaved Jungle) (Hk. 3/142, 
adpd). 1586 Ixora brachiata. 

Geranium (Medium-papery obovate-cune- 
ate-acute-or-acuminate-leaved Jungle) 

(Hk. 3/148, adpd). 1i587-b.  Ixora 
parviflora (zeylanica). 
Geranium (Medium-to-long  lance-sub- 

acute-leaved Pendulous-branched Jun- 
gle (Hk. 3/38, adpd). 1581 Ixora 

Geranium (Scarlet Jungle) (McL. 375, Br. 
100, adpd). 15388 !xora coccinea. 

Geranium (Small to medium-leathery- 
amplexicaul oval-obtuse-leaved Jungle) 
(Rox. 1/877, adpd). 165388-b. Ixora 
coccinea (Bandhuca). 

Geranium (Small-to-medium-leathery 
subsessile oblong-acute-leaved Jungle) 
(Rox. 1/876, adpd). 15388-a. Ixora 
coccinea (typica). 

Geranium (Small-to-medium-leathery- 
subsessile obovate-cuneate obtuse-leayed 
Jungle) (Hk, 8/146, adpd), 1539-a. 
Ixora stricta (Roxbarghiana). 

Geranium (Small-te-medium-leathery- 
stalked obovate-cuneate-obtuse-leaved 
Jungle) (Hk. 3/146, adpd). 1539-b. 
Ixora stricta (Blumeana). 

Geranium (White Jungle) (McL. 875, 986). 
1540 Ixora undulata. 

Gerard’s Pine (Nic. 3/141). 

Germans (Fichte of the) (Muell.8.P). 
2863 Abies excelsa, 

Ghantabeejam (McL. 306, 
decexxxiv. Croton (genus). 

Ghantaravam (McL. 806, 994). cclxxix. 
Orotolaria (genus), 

2843 Pinus 



Ghauts (Coral Tree of the Eastern) 
(Bdn/F.T/L, adpd). 819 Erythrina 

Ghants (Coral Tree of the Western) 
(Bdn/F.T/L, adpd). 18 Erythrina 

Ghauts (Downy-leaved Wild Ginger of 
the Western) (Hk. 6/244, adpd), 2994 
Zingiber Wightianum. 

Ghauts (Downy Melon Featherfoil of the 
Southern) (McL. 587, adpd). 2582 
Glochidion arboreum. 

Ghauts (French Mulberry of the Western) 
(8S. 79, MeL. 90, adpd), 2288 Callicarpa 

Ghauts (Honey-sweet Climber of the 
Western) (Hk. 2/2, adpd). 65% Sabia 

Ghanta (Kadsura of the Western) (Hk, 
1/45, adpd). 27 Kadsura Wichtiana. 
Ghauts (Lopez Root Tree of the Western) 
(Mc. 473, 905, Nic. 4/49, adpd). 387 

Toddalia bilocularis. 

Ghants (Looking-glass Plant of the 
Southern) (McL, 478, 846, adpd). 278 
Heritiera Papilio. 

Ghaats (Nees’ Black Pium of the Southern) 
(McL. 379, adpd). 1251 Eugenia Nee- 

Ghauts (Rose Apple of the Western) (McL. 
379, adpd). 1236 Hugenia leta. 

Ghauts (Semisecandent Bamboo of the 
Nallamalais and Western) (Gbl. 750). 
3306 Oxytenanthera Thwaitesil. 

Ghauts (Semiscandent bright-green Bam- 
boo of the Western) (Gbl. 753). 3316 
Teinostachyum Wightii. : 

Ghauts (Wight’s Black Plum of the 
Western) (McL. 379, adpd). i241 
Eugenia Wightiana. 

Ghauts (Western) Bell Dog-bane (Br. 127, 
adp@). 1852 Beaumontia Jerdoniana. 

Ghauts (Western) Blue Nail Dye (MeL. 
558, adpd). 2285 Barleria montana. 

Ghants (Southern) Bottle Flower (MeL. - 
900, adpd). 1492 Webera monosperma. 

Ghauts (Western) Cane Betel Palm 
(MeL 675, adpd). 3132 Pinanga Dick- 

Ghauts (Western) Climber (Br. 127). 
1852 Beaumontia Jerdoniana. 

Ghauts (Southern) Ebony (McL. 366, 
adpd). 1705 Diospyros foliolosa, 

Ghauts (Western) Ebony (McL. 366). 
1708 Diospyros assimilis, 

Ghauts (Southern) glabrous 
Flower (McL. 466, adpd). 
pegia intermedia. 

Ghauts (Western) Hairy Goglet Flower 
(McL. 466, adpd). 1942 Ceropegia 

i940 Cero- 


Ghauts (Western) Hill Olive (McL. 394, 
adpd). 1781 Linociera malabarica. 

Ghauts (Western) Inland Mangrove 
(McL. 470, adpd). 1142 Blephari- 
stemma corymbosum. 

Ghaut Palm (McL. 777). 

Ghauts (Western) Rattan (Hk. 6/445, 
adpd). 3208 Calamus pseudotenuis. 

Ghauts (Southern) Tree Vine (McL. 751, 
adpd). 618 Leea Wightii. 

Ghee Aloe (McL.* 21). 3117-a. Aloé vera 
(typica) (*indica). 

3152 Caryota 

Gheria (McL. 892). 2706 Excecaria 

Gholsaree (McL. 351). 1689 Mimusops 

Ghorapadey Creeper (McL. 564). 611 
Vitis pedata. 

Ghotagamha (McL. 299). 

Giant Bamboo (lar, 20 to 48, MBR. 25 
to 37, CAN. 36, CBT. 35, NLGS). 3315 
Dendrocalamus Brandisii. 

Giant Bamboo (FAR. 18, 23, 23, MBR., 22 
to 34, CAN. 18, CBT). 33138 Dendro- 
calamus giganteus, 

Giant (Brandis’) Bamboo (FAR. 20 to 48, 
MBR. 25 to 37, CAN. 26, CBT. 35, 
NLGS). 3315 Dendrocalamus Brandisii. 

Giant Birthwort (Nic. 1/112). 2397 
Aristolochia grandiflora, 

Giant (Mountain) brinjal (Hk. 4/233, 
adpd). 2080 Solanum giganteum, 

Giant Capsicum (McL.170). 2094 (tris.) 
Capsicum grossum. 

Giant Eucalypt (Bs/T/327). 
calyptus amygdalina. 

Giant Fern Palm (S. 257) (Bth. 6/253). 
2882 Macrozamia Peroffskyana. 

Giant Hair Grass (Treas. Bot. 1/549, Hk. 
7/6 adpd). mxxxvi. Zenkeria (genus), 

Giant Lemon (McL, 434, adpd). 410-d, 
Citrus medica-Limonum (decumana). 

Giant Lime (McL. 434). [409 Sphalm|] 
410-d. Citrus medica Limonum (decu- 

Giant Littoral Love Grass 
Bot. 1/549, Hk. 7/8, adpd). 
Halopyrum (genus). 

Giant Marsh Love Grass (Treas. Bot. 1/549, 
Hk. 7/8, adpd). mxl. Myriostachya 

Giant Mexican Lily (McL. 21, 368) (S, 172 

174 Garcinia 

1192 Eu- 


270). 3054 Furcriea gigantea. 

Giant Neem (Cat. 64). 454 Melia com- 

Giant Potato (McL. 718, 998). 2033 
Ipomea digitata. 

Giant (Burma) Rose (Nic. 5/645) 
(S. 875) (Cag. 593). 1094-c. Rosa 

indica (gigantea). 



Giant Swallowwort (McL. 1032, adpd)- 
dexxii. Calotropis (genus): 

Giant (Erect petalled) Swallowwort (JIk. 
4/18, adpd). 1883 Calotropis procera. 
Giant (Reflexed petalled) Swallowwort 
(Hk. 4/17, adpd). 1882 Calotropis 


Giant (Californian) Trees (H/E.F). 
Sequoia (genus). 

Giant Tree of California (FAR. 2, NLGS). 
2826 Sequoia gigantea. 

Giant Wellingtonia (FAR. 2, NLGS). 
2826 Sequoia gigantea. 

Giant woolly Heart Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 
588 Vitis gigantea. 

Giant’s Rattle (Gbl. 
Entada scandens. 

Gibson's Blue Nail Dye (McL. 558, adpd). 
2236 Barleria Gibsoni. 

Gibson’s Croton (McL. 306, adpd). 
Croton Gibsonianus, 

Gideon Thomson’s Climbing Arum (Hk, 
6/555). 3277 Pothos Thomsonianus. 
Gigantic Bamboo (Br. 239). 3313 Dendro- 

calamus gigantea. 

Gigantic Camel’s foot (Mu). 954 Bauhinia 

Gigantic Nettlewort (MeL. 1032). (?) 
1882 Calotropis gigantea (?), 

Gigantic Swallow-wort (McL. 1032) (Ell. 
130) (Cat. 192) (PA. 56) (Br. 120). 
1882 Calotropis gigantea. 

Gilead (Indian Balm of) (McL. 416). 
Balasamodendron Berryi. 

Giligitcha (McL. 309). cclxxix. Crotajaria 

Giligitcha (Hill) (McL. 306, 994), 
Crotalaria albida. 

Giligitcha (Large) (McL. 306, 309, 994). 
737 Crotalaria laburnifolia. 

Giligitcha (Short) (McL. 306, 309, 994). 
711 Crotalaria retusa. 

Giligitcha (Silky) (McL. 306, 309, 994). 
712 Crotalaria sericea, 

Gillamége (Madame) Rose (Mu. 538). 
1107-h. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Gin Berry Tree (Muell. S.P). 
perus communis. 

Gindi Plantain (Br. 215). 3042-a. Musa- 
sapientum (Champa). 

Ging (McL. 1023). 672 Odina Wodier. 

Gingelly (Peacock) (McL. 319, 478, 864, 
999). 2311 Vitex alata (?). 

Gingelly (Wild Peacock) (McL. 310, 473, 
864, 999). 2310 Vitex altissima, (?) 
Ginger Family (Br. 211) (L/N/s5/B). CXV. 

Scitaminaces (Order). 

Ginger (McL. 58, 310, 484, 845, 1001) 
(Rid, 188, 212) (Cag. 142) (MAHS) 
(S. 179) (Nic. 4/241). 2996 Zingiber 


287, adpd). 1003 


* 442 


2818 Juni- 


Ginger (McL. 58) (S. 465). 
ber (genus). 

Ginger (Broad leaved) (McL. 811). 2997 
Zingiber Zerumbet. 

Ginger (Common) (Ell. 600) (Br. 212) 
(Pfi. 452). 2996 Zingiber officinale. 

Ginger (Crested stamened) (Hk. 6/199, 

emxlvi, Zingi- 

adpd). cmxly. Amomum (genus). 
Ginger (Downy leaved) (McL. 137). 2998 
Zingiber cassumunar. 
Ginger (Downy-leaved Wild) of the 

Northern Circars (Hk. 6/244, adpd). | 

2993 Zingiber roseum. 

Ginger (Downy-leaved Wild) of the 
Western Ghauts (Hk. 6/244, adpd). 
2994: Zingiber Wightianum. 

Ginger (False) (McL. 58, 810, 1001). 
2997 Zingiber Zerumbet, 

Ginger (Garden) (McL, 170), 
Capsicum (genus), 

Ginger (Glabrous-leaved Wild) of the 
Coromandel Coast (Hk. 6/245, adpd), 
2995 Zingiber ligulatum. 

Ginger (Glabrous-leaved Wild) of the 
Nilgiris (Hk. 6/240, adpd). 2992 
Amomum cannecarpum. 

Ginger (Jamaica) (McL. 379). 2996 Zin- 
giber officinale. 


Ginger (Jungle) (McL.* 58, 310, 1001). | 

2995 Gingiber ligulatum (*capitatum.) 

Ginger (Long-downy-backed oblong-lance- 
Panicled) (Hk. 6/202, 
Globba ophioglossa. 

Ginger (Long-oblong-lance-subcaudate- 
leaved Orange-flowered Panicled) (Hk. 
6/201, adpd). 2985 Globba orixensis. 

Ginger (Medium-oblong-acuminate-leaved 
Winged-stamened Yellow-flowered 
Panicled) (Hk. 6/206, adpd). 2988 
Globba marantina. 

Ginger (Northera Circar) (McL. 310, 
adpd). 2993 Zingiber roseum. 

Ginger (Petaloid-staminoded Unilocular- 
capsuled Panicled) (Treas. Bot. 1/584, 
Hk. 6/199, adpd). cmsliii. Globba 

Ginger (Pink flowered) (McL, 310, adpd). 
2998 Gingiber roseum, 

Ginger (Small oblong-acuminate-leaved 
Winged-stamened Yellow-flowered 
Panicled) (Hk. 6/206, adpd). 2987 
Globba bulbifera. 

Ginger (Small  oblong-caudate-leaved 
Green-flowered Panicled) (Hk. 6/206, 
adpd). 2989 Globba canarensis. 

Ginger (Striped) (Ru/N/118). 
ZAingiber striolatum. 

Ginger (Wild) (McL. 311), 2997 Zingiber 

Ginger (Hill) Arrowroot (MeL, 461). 3006 
Alpinia Allughas, 



Pale-yellow-flowered | 
2986 | 


Gingerworts (McL. 1007). CXYV. Scitami- 
nacez (Order), 

Gingo Fruit (Hk. 1/385), 

Ginkgo Tree of China and Japan (Muell. 
S.P) (H/E. F) (Nic. 2/68) (S. 179, 209, 

312 Grewia 

409). 2824 Gingko biloba. 

Gippsland (Wangara of) (Bs/T/327). 1192 
Enealyptus amygdalina, 

Girdle Grass (McL. 311, 512). 38284 

Saccharum arundinaceum. 
Glabrate-sinuate White-flowered Unarmed- 

Nightshade (Hk. 4/230, adpd). 2074 
Solanum vagum, 
Glabrate-subcuneate-leaved Winged 

Myrobalan (MeL, 4738, 530, 995, adpd). 
1150-b. Terminalia tomentosa (crenn- 

Glabrate White Leaf Plant (Mcl. 516, 
adpd). 1487-d. Mussenda  frondosa 

Glabrate Winged Myrobalan (Mel. 478, 
530, 995, adpd). 1150-b. Terminalia 
tomentosa (crenulata). 

Glabrescent (Medium)  elliptic-leaved 
Silver-weed (Hk, 4/192, adpd), 2013 
Lettsomia elliptica. 

Glabrous-berried Blush Rose (Nic. 3/319, 
3822), (Cag. 604). 1096 Rosa microphylla. 

Glabrous (Wight’s) Black Babool (Hk. 
2/298, adpdj. 1080 Acacia Wightii, 

Glabrous (Malayan) Bridal Creeper (Hk. 

4/222, adpd). 2058 Porana volubilis, 

Glabrous Chaw-stick (Nic. 2/85, Hk. 1/643, 
adpd). 578 Gouania leptostachya. 

Glabrous-culm-sheathed Hollow Large 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/405, udpd). 38812 
Dendrocalamus Hamiltonii. 

Glabrous-foliaged Cutch (Hk. 2/295, adpd). 
1035-b. Acacia Catechu (sundra). 

Glabrous (Common) Goglet Flower 
(McL. 466, adpd). 1936 Ceropegia 

Glabrous (Klliott’s) Goglet Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1938 Ceropegia Hlliottii. 
Glabrous (Mountain) Goglet Flower (Mch. 

466, adpd), 1944 Ceropegia Decais- 
Glabrous (Roxburgh’s) Goglet Flower 

(McL. 466, adpd). 1939 Ceropegia 
Glabrons (Southern Ghauts) Goglet 
Flower (Mcl. 466, adpd). i940 

Ceropegia intermedia. 
Glabrous (Thwaites ’) Goglet Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1941 Ceropegia Thwaitesii. 
Glabrous (Whoried) Goglet Flower (McL, 
466, adpd). 19387 Ceropegia Candelabra. 

Glabrous Grey Mango Laurel (McL. 500, 
adpd), 246] Litszea venulosa. 

Glabrous leaved Hill Rose Mallow (Hk. 
1/338, adpd). 240 Hibiscus collinus. 


Glabrous leaved Slender Reed Bamboo 

(Bs/T/684, adpd). 8324 Ochlandra 
Glabrons leaved Tubular Passion flower 
(Nic. 4/4). 13864 Tacsonia Van- 

Glabrons leaved White Brugmantia (Nic. 
1/444). 2103 Datura suaveolens, 

Glabrcus-leaved Wild Ginger of the 
Coromandel Coast (Hk. 6/245, adpd), 
2995 Zingiber ligulatum. 

Glabrous-leaved Wild Ginger of 
Nilgiris (Hk. 6/240, adpd). 
Amomum cannecarpum, 

Glabrous Lobed Vine (McL. 382, adpd). 
594 Vitis latifolia. 

Glabrous long leaved Sweet Thorn (Hk. 


1/193, adpd). 185 Flacourtia cata- 
Glabrous Loose Spiked Pepper (McL. 

676, adpd). 2410 Piper Schmidtii. 
Glabrous Marking Nut (McL. 476, adpd). 
674 Semecarpus travancorica. 

Glabrous (Auricled-leaved) Marking Nut | 

(McL. 476, adpd). 

Glabrous Mohwah of the Malabar Coast 
(McL. 472, 505, 997, adpd). 1688 Bassia 

Glabrous-pointed-leaved Trijugate Soap- 
nut (Hk, 1/683, adpd). 684-a. Sapindus 
trifoliatus (laurina). 

Glabrous Racemed Bipinnate 
(Bth. 2/318, 414, adpd). 

Glabrous-shooted Long-linear-oblong-16- 
(12-20 prs)-nerved Nutmeg (Hk. 5/103, 

675 Semecarpus 


2992 | 

1017 Acacia || 

adpd). 2421-a, Myristica  laurifolia | 
(ty pica). | 
GJabrous-shooted Medium-lance-16 | 

(12-20 prs)-nerved-Jeaved Nutmeg (Hk. 
5/103, adpd). 2421-b. Kiyristica Jauri- 
folia (Beddomei). 

Glabrous-shooted Eleven-(8-14-prs.)— 
nerved-leaved Nutmeg (Hk. 5/103, 

_adpd). 2422 Myristica malabarica. 

Glabrous-shooted 8-(about 8-prs)-nerved- 
leaved Nutmeg (Hk. 5/102, adpd). 2420 
Myristica fragrans. 

Glabrous-slender-spiked (Medium-lineolate 
Seven-(7-prs)-nerved Broad-lance- 
crenate-acuminate-leaved Conehead 
(Hk. 4/440, adpd). 2194 Strobilanthes 

Glabrous-Tricuspidate-leaved Parroqueet 
Burr (Hk. 1/395, adpd), 331 Triumfetta 

Glabrous (Prostrate) Twin prickled Rose 

(Nic. 5/645). 1093 Rosa Luci. 
Glabrous-yellowish-leaved Indian Willow 
(Hk. 5/627, adpd). 2797-c. Salix- 

tetrasperma (viridifolia). 


Gland-axilled Elliptic-leaved Olive Linden 

(McL. 768, adpd). 343 Elwocarpus 
Gland-bristly-stalked Evergreen Rose 

(Nic. 3/328). 1088 Rosa Leschenaul- 

Glaud-crenate Tooth-ache Tree (Nic. 
4/237,  adpd), 385 Zauthoxylum 

Gland-dotted(Bristle-toothed) Olive Linden 

(McL. 768, adpd). 3889 Elxocarpus 
Gland-dotted (Crenulate) Olive Linden 
(McL. 763, adpd), 345 Elwocarpus 

Gland-dotted Wedge-leaved Indigo (Rox. 
3/378). 747 Indigofera trifoliata. 

Gland-downy-branched  (Medium-sessile 
nate-leaved) Ironweed (Hk. 3/235, adpd). 
1597 Vernonia saligna (nilgherrensis). 

Gland-downy-branched (Medium-to-long- 
membranous Lance-serrate-acnte- 
leaved) Ironweed (Hk. 3/236, adpd). 
1599 Verronia anthelmintica. 

Glandless leaved Belleric Myrobalan (McL. 
928). 1145-a. Terminalia  belerica 
(ty pica). 

Gland-petioied Saw-leaved Olive Linden 
(McL. 7638, adpd). 338 Elzocarpus 

Gland-petioled (Semiovate-dentate- 
stipuled) Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 
1/364, Nic. 3/822). 1097 Rosa Eglan- 

Glandular-aromatic-leaved Homecantho us 
Rose (Nic, 8/314), 1101 Rosa rubigi- 

Glaudular-backed-leaved (Polyandrous) 
Mercury (Treas, Bot. 2/726, Hk. 5/243, 
adpd). dececcl, Mallotus (genus). 

Glandular-branched Oblong-lance-serrate- 
leaved Strawberry Tree (Nic. 1/108, 
adpd). 1644 (bés.) Arbutus Vnedo. 

Glandular-bristly-branched (Multifcli- 
ate-(5-6) -pleated-white-velvetty-backed 
Ovate-biserrate-leaved) Dew-berry (Hk. 
2/340, adgd). 1083 Rubus racemosus. 

Glandular Cistus (Nic. 2/246). 1649 
Ledum glandulosum. 

Glandular Jeaf-based Swalluw-wort (Mch. 
938, adpd). 19i7 Cosmostigma 

Glandular-leaved Olive (McL. 394, adpd). 
1787 Olea glandulifera. 

Glandular Peacock’s Foot Tree (McL. 810, 
adpd). 238138 Vitex peduncularis. 

Glandular (Narrow-stipuled) Seven-(5-9)- 
leaved Rose (Hk. 2/368). 1088 Rosa 

Glandular stipuled Seven-(5-9)-leaved 
Rose (Hk, 2/364). 1086 Rosa moschata. 


Glandular-tipped-branched (Small-downy- 
backed-scabrous Ovate-serrate-acute- 
leaved) Conehead (Hk, 4/464, adpd). 
2214 Strobilanthes Newii. 

Glans-unguentaria (McL. 518). 689 
Moringa pterygosperma. 
lasswort (indian) (MchL. 364), 2381 

Suseda nudiflora. 
Glaucescent-green-leaved Large-golden- 
yellow Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3027-c. 
Canna lutea (Prémices-de- Nice). 
Glaucescent-green-leaved Salmony-Red 
Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262), 3027-e. Canna 
lutea (Annzi). 
Glaucescent-ovate-obtuse-leathery (Prick- 
ly-branched) leaved Coral Tree (Nic. 
1/581, adpd). 822 Erythrina crista-galli. 
Glaucous-backed Heart-leaved Bell- 
Vervein (Hk. 4/582, adpd). 2305-b. 
Gmelina arborea (glaucescens). 

Glancous-backed (Semiovate-dentate- 
stipuled) Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 
2/844, Nic. 3/319). 1102 Rosa alba. 

Glaucous-backed obovate-leaved Bastard 
Sandal (Hk. 1/414, adpd). 348 
Krythroxylon monogynum, — 

Glaucous-backed Round leaved Moonseed 
(Hk. 1/101, McL. 1005, adpd). 85 
Cocculus macrocarpus. 

Glaucous-backed small-leaved Banana 
(Cooke. 2/741, adpd). 3037 Musa 

leaved Moon seed (Hk. 
1005, Rox 3/841, adpd). 

Glaucous-branched  (Multifoliate-(5-9)- 
pleated-white-velvetty-backed Ovate- 
biserrate-leaved) Dew-berry (Hk. 2/389, 
adpd). 1082 Rubus lasiocarpus. 

Glaucous-branched Silky Spider Flower 
Shrub (Hk 2/519,adpd). 1281 Osbeckia 

1/108, McL. 
89 Stephania 


Glaucous (Green and) Cluster pinnate 
Cocoanut (Nic. 1/849). 38230 Cocos 

Glaucous (Bulbous Stemmed) Dwarf Date 
(Gbl. 781, adpd). 3166 Phoenix acaulis. 

Glaucous (Straight-stemmed) Dwarf Date 
(Gbl. 731, adpd), 38168 Phoenix humilis 

Glaucous Erect leaved Screw Pine (Nic. 
3/18). 3245 Pandanus utilis. 

Glaucous-green-becoming-grey-green lar- 
gest Bamboo (Gbl. 752), 83813 Dendro- 
calamus gigantea. 

Glaucous-green-becoming-yellow Solid 
Bamboo (Gbl. 751). 3310 Dendrocalamus 

Glaucous-green-leavea Lemon-yellow 
Indian Shot (Rid. 50),(Cag. 384). 8027-b. 
Canna lutea (glauca), 


Glaucous-green Small hollow Bamboo (Gbl 

754). 3317  Cephalostachyum _ per- 

Glaucous-leaved-and stalked Manritius 
Palm (Nic. 2/237). 3226 Latania 

Glaucous leaved Banana (Cag. 207). 

3042-c. Musa sapientum (Dacca). 

Glaucous-leaved Blue-druped Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2548 (bis.) Bridelia 

Glaucous leaved Golden Blossomed Pear 
Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 435 Ochna 

Glaucous leaved Indian Willow (Hk. 5/627, 
adpd). 2797-a. Salix tetrasperma 
(ty pica). 

Glaucous leaved Melon Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2574 (bis.) Glochidion 

Glaucous leaved Physic Nut (McL. 56, 
adpd). 2622 Jatropha glandulifera. 
Glaucous leaved Senna (McL. 847). 961 

Cassia glauca. 

Glaucous (Chinese) leaved Shrubby 

Bamboo (Nic. 1/155, Gbl. 747). 3302 
Bambusa nana. 
Glaucous leaved Uniglandular Senna 

(McL. 804, adpd), 96) Cassia glauca. 

Glaucous-ovate (Unarmed) leaved Coral 
Tree (Nic. 1/531, adpd). 825 Erythrina 

Glaucous Palmetto (Nic. 3/838, adpd). 
3185 Sabal glaucescens, 

Glaucous (Narrow green and) Pinnate 
Cocoanut (Nic. 1/3849). 3281 Cocos 

Glaucous (Linear) Pinnate Cocoanut of 
Paraguay (Nic. 1/349). 32382 Cocos 

Glaucous Prickly Fan Palm (Cag, 338, 
S. 90,adpd). miv. Chameerops (genus). 

Glaucous sessile leaved Dragon 'l'ree (Nic. 
1/490), 38099 Draczena Draco. 

Glaucous (Variegated) Spineless Fan Palm 
(Nic. 2/237, adpd). mxi. Latania 

Bamboo (Hk. 7/382, 
Arundinaria Hookeriana. | 

Glaucous-Stemmed Heart Vine (McL. 283, 
adpd). 587 Vitis glauca. 

Glibskins Osier (Kew. Bull. 96) (FAR. 35, 
86, NLGS). 2808 Salix triandra. 

Globe-Artichoke-like Cape Honey Flower 
(Nic. 3/288). 2475 Protea cynaroides. 

Globe-carpelled Smooth Jasmine (MchL, 
384, adpd). 1762 Jasminum Ritchiei. 

Globe Fern (Nic, 3/476). 
teris (genus). 

adpd), 3299 

mliii. Sphzerop- 


Globe (Tripinnate-(2-3  ft)-scaly-rachised 
membranous-oval-oblong -decurrent-ob- 
tuse-pinnuled) Fern (Bdn/F,  adpd). 
3331 Spheropteris barbata. 

Globe-flowered Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, adpd). 
xxviii, Sagerea (genus). 

Globe-flowered (Long-shining-lea ved ) 
Nutmeg (Bs/T/13, adpd). 76 Sagerwa 

Globe-flowered (Medium-shining-leaved) 
Nutmeg (Bs/T/13, adpd). 75 Sagerzea 

Globe (Crimson) Rose (Nie, 5/646) (Cag. 
591) (Ru. O/19). _1099-d. Rosa-centi- 
folia (muscosa-kermesina). 

Globose Bladder Fruit (McD. 611, adpd). 
624 Cardiospermum canescens. 

(Sessile-cuplike-indusiate) Fern (Bdn. 
F, adpd). mlii. Cyathea (genus). 

Globose-sori-close-to-pinnule-costa (Stalk- 
ed-cuplike-indusiate) Fern (Bdn/F, 
adpd). mliii. Sphzropteris (genus). 

Globose-sori (single)-medial-on-pinnule- 
venules (Non-indusiate) Fern (Bdn/F, 
adpd). mlxii. Polypsdium (genus). 

Globose-sori (several)-pinnule-on-venules 
(Non-indusiate) Fern (Bdn/F, adpd). 
mli. Alsophila (genus). 

Globose-sori-on-pinnule-venules (Sessile- 
cuplike-indusiate) Fern (Nic. 2/185, 
adpd), mlix. Hemitelia (genus). 

Globular-flowered Neem (Hk. 
adpd). clxxx. Cipadessa (genus). 

Globular-flowered (Multifoliate (7-11)- 
downy-nerved Ovate-elliptic-serrate- 
leaved) Neem (Hk. 1/545, adpd). 455 
Cipadessa fruticosa, 

Gloire-de Dijon Kose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
600) (Ru/N/94, 0/20) (Mu. 55) (Hod) 
(Po). 1105-h. Rosa odorata (fulva- 

Gloire de Margottin Rose (Ru/N/95). 
1107-i. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Gloire de Rosomine Rose (Cag. 596). 
1107-j Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Glory (Année’s striped Tricolor Morning) 
(Nic, 5/444) (Rid. 54). 2029-d. Ipomea 
purpurea (tricolor). 

Glory (Burridge’s Crimson Morning) (Nic. 
5/444) (Rid. 54). 2029-c. Ipomea 
purpurea (Burridgei). 

Glory (Chilian) Flower (S. 97, 146, 182). 
2147 Eccremocarpus scaber, 

Glory (Crimson-changing-to-Orange-and- 
Yellow Morning) (Nic, 2/192). 2024 
Ipomeea versicolor. 

Glory (Dickson’s Blue Morning) (Nic. 
5/444) (Rid. 54), 2029-b. Ipomea 
purpurea (Dicksoni), 



Glory (Double Morning) (Nic. 5/444) (Po. 
50). 2029-e. Ipomea purpurea (flore 

Glory (Morning) (McL. 120). 
Ipomeea (genus), 

Glory (Morning) (McL. 403) (Br. 142). 
2020 Ipomwa hederacea, 


| Glory (Morning) (Ru/N/58). 2022 Ipo- 

mea Leari. 

| Glory (Morning) (Cag. 476), 2023 
Tpomea rubro-cerulea, 
Glory (Purple Morning) (Nic. 2/192) 

" = ————E 

(S. 215, 277) (MAHS). 

Glory (Smaller Morning) (McL. 403), 
2020 lpomza hederacea. 

Glory (Star) (MeL. 150) (8S. 389). 
Tpomzea coccine:, 

2029 Ipomea 


| Glory (White-changing-to-Crimson-and- 

Purplish-blue Morning) (Nic. 2/192). 
2023 Ipomea rubrocerulea. 

Glory (Great Kell Calyxed) Climber (Rox. 
3/65, adpd). dexxxii. Holmskioldia 

Glory (Scarlet Bell) Climber (Rox. 3/65, 
adpd). 2327 Holmskioldia sanguinea. 
Glory (Malabar) Lily (McL. 63) (8. 182, 

258). 3119 Gloriosa superba, 

Glory (Roxburgh’s) Lily (Br. 200, adpd). 
8075 Stemona tuberosa. 

Glory Pea (Nic. 1/848) (S. 102) (Cag. 618). 
ee]xxxvi. Clianthus (genus). 
Glory Tree (McL, 92) (S. 101). 

Clerodendron (genus). 

Glory Tree (S. 182). 2323 Clerodendron 

Glory (African Dwarf Blue flowered) 
Tree (S. 10], Nic. 1/341, adpd). 2326 
Clerodendron myricoides. 

Glory (Blue flowered Saw lJeaved) Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 2318 Clerodendron 

Glory (Chinese Fragrant flowered) Tree 
(S. 101, Nic. 1/841, adpd). 2323 Clero- 
dendron fragrans. 

Glory (Downy-small-ovate-leaved) Tree 
(S. 101, adpdj, 2316 Clerodendron 

Glory (Litoral small leaved) Tree (S. 101, 
adpd). 23815 Clerodendron inerme. 

Glory (Long flowered lance leaved) Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 2322 Clerodendron 

Glory (Mrs, Thompson’s African) Tree 
($,101, Nic. 1/341, adpd). 2325 Clero- 
dendron ‘Thompson. 


Glory (Pendulous-flowered Lance-leaved) 
Tree (S. 101, adpd), 2317 Clerodendron 

Glory (Pink-tinted Heart-leaved) Tree 

(S. 101, adpd). 2321. Cleredendron 


Glory (Rosy-flowered) Tree (8. 101, Br. 

167, adpd). 2824. Clerodendron 
Glory (Scarlet-flowered Heart-leayed) 

Tree (S. 101, adpd). 2319 Clerodendron 

Glory (White-calyxed Crimson flowered) 
Tree (S. 101, Nic. 1/341, adpd). 2825 
Clerodendrcn Thompsone. 

Glory (White-flowered Heart leaved) Tree 
(S. 101, adpdj. 2320 Clerodendron 

Glory Vine (Nic. 
Clianthus (genus). 

1/343). eclxxxvi, 

Glory (Lear’s Sky-blue Morning) of 
Ceylon (Nic. 2/192). 2022 Ipomaa 

Glory of Stuttgart Sage (Ooty. 187). 
2351 Salvia splendens. 

Glorious Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/97). 
3260 (bis.) Philodendron gloriosum. 

Glosswort (McL. 178). 2879 Salicornia 

Gloss-wort (Alternate-and-opposite Thick- | 

branched) (Hk. 5/12, 2377 
Arthrocnemum indicum. 
Glosswoit (Deusely slender-branched) 

(Hk, 5/12, adpd), 2378 Arthrocnemum 


Glosswort (Opposite-slender-branched) 
(Hk. 5/12, adpd). 2879 Salicornia 

Glossy Flesh-pink Hybrid perpetual Rose | 

(Nic, 3/324) (Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-f. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 


Glossy (Dark) leaved White Cedar (Gbl. | 

148, adpd). 457 

Glossy Long Waved leaved Fig (Mcl.. 78, 
adpd).. 2741 Ficus Tjakela. 

Glossy many leaved Tree of Beauty 
150, adpd). 463 Aglaia Maiz. 

Glossy Pale-flesh-tinted White Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Ru/N/90, O/21) (Mu. 
53) (Hod) (Ooty. 428). 1107-d. Rosa 
hy brida-semper florens (albida-albo- 

Glossy Trifoliate Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 
601 Vitis Roxburghii. 

Glowing Scarlet Fuchsia of Mexico (Nic. 
2/32). 1326 Fuchsia fulgens. 

Glue Tree (McL. 303). 1702 Diospyros 

Glukokalamon of tne Greeks (McL. 208). 
945 Cassia Fistula. 

Dysoxylum  par- 


Gmelina (Heart leaved) (McL. 135). 
2305 Gmelina arborea. 
Gmelina (Oval leaved) (Mch. 136), 2306 

Gmelina asiatica. 
Gmelina (Tree) (Br. 167). 2305 Gmelina 

(carnea- | 


Goa (Cedar of) (Nic. 1/410) (Cag. 409). 
2807 Cupressus glauca. 
Goa Cypress (Gbl. 696) (Cat, 314). 2807 

Cupressus glauca. 

Goad (Devil’s) (McL. 269, 306, 473, 1000). 
2637 Croton oblongifolius. 

Goanese (Adam’s Apple of the) (Gbl. 449). 
1692 Mimusops Kaki. 

Goa Potato (McL. 53) (Br. 207) (Jaf. 61). 
8069 Dioscorea acnleata. 

Goa Vanga (Cag.* 225) (* Sphalm Voa- 
Vanga). 1529-b. Vangueria spinosa 

Goa Yam (McL. 53, 718, 1000). 3069 
Dicscorea aculeata. 

Goat-smell Pergola Plant (Hk. 3/651, 
adpd). 1840 Vallaris Pergulana. 

Goat Pepper (McL. 170). 2094-a, Capsi- 
cum frutescens (typica). 
Goat’s Hntrails (McL. 665). 

reia speciosa. 

1993 Argy- 

| Goat’s-foot Convolvulus (Mcb. 6). 2047 

Ipomeea biloba. 

Goat’s-foot Creeper (McL. 6) (Cag. 477) 
s//488) (Gol. 507) (Br. 

139) (Ell. 342) (PA. 10), 2047 Ipomea 

Goat’s-horn Mangrove (Nic. 1/80, Treas, 
Bot. 1/22,adpd). dlii. Agiceras (genus). 

Goat’s-horn (Small-leathery obovate- 
cnneate-obtuse-leaved) Mangrove (Hk. 
3/5388, adpd). 1675 Algiceras majus. 

Goat’s Knee (McL, 665). 1993 Argyreia 

Goat’s Rue (McL. 371). 
sia purpurea (?). 

Goat’s Rue Indigo (McL. 371, adpd), 
Indigofera galegoides. 

Goat’s Rue Tribe (Nic. 2/42). XLIII-A-V. 

Leguminos (Order-Papilionece 
Suborder-Galegez Tribe), 

(?) 774 Tephro- 

Godaury (McL. 314, 473, 883, 995). 1307 
Weoodfordia floribunda. 
Godaveri Sebesten (McL. 802). 1978 

Cordia Macleodii. 

Goddess (Tree of Mari) of Smallpox (Cat. 
41). 315 Grewia ovbiculata. 

Gods (Tree of the) (S. 13) (Mcl.. 14). 
clxi, Ailanthus (genus). 

God Tree (McL. 235). 261 Hriodendron 

Goglet (Common Glabrous) (McL. 466, 
adpd). 1936 Ceropegia tuberosa, 

Goglet Flower (MchL. 465). dexli. Cero- 
pegia (genus). 

Goglet (Downy Sword Jeaved) Flower 
(McL. 466, adpd). 1948 Ceropegia 

Goglet (Hlliott’s Glabrous) Flower (McL, 
466,adpd). 1938 Ceropegia Elliottii, 
Goglet (Great Flowered) Flower (McL, 

466, adpd). 1949 Ceropegia Beddomei, 


Goglet (Leafless) Flower (McL. 466, 
adpd). 1933 Ceropegia juncea. 

Goglet (Mountain Hairy) Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1943 Ceropegia ciliata. 

Goglet (Mountain glabrous) Flower (McL. 

466, adpd), 1944 Ceropegia Decais- 

Goglet (Koxburgh’s Glabrous) Flower 
(McL. 466, adpd). 1939 Ceropegia | 

Goglet (Short-necked Hairy) Flower 

(McL. 4686, 
Goglet (Small) Flower (McL. 466). 

Ceropegia bulbosa. 

Goglet (Spotted Curved) Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1934 Ceropegia elegans. 
Goglet (Southern Ghauts glabrous) Flower 
(McL. 466, adpd), 1940 Ceropegia 
intermedia. ; 

Goglet (Stock’s Hsiry) Flower (McL. 466, 
adpd). 1946 Ceropegia Stocksii. 

Goglet (Sword leaved) Flower (McL. 466, 
adpd). 1947 Ceropegia ensiformis. 

Goglet (Thwaites’ Glabrous) Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1941 Ceropegia Thwaitesii. 

Goglet (Western Ghauts Hairy) Flower 
(McL. 466, adpd). 1942 Ceropegia 

Goglet (Whorled Glabrous) Flower (Mc. 
466, adpd). 1937 Ceropegia Cande- 
labra. > 

Goglet (Yellow-curved) Flower (McL. 466, 
adpd). 1935 Ceropegia mysorensis. . 

Gogoo (McL. 82). 240 (bis.) Hibiscus 

Goindoo (McL. 304). 

Golcondah Chilly (Mci. 170). 
Capsicum frntescens (typica). 

Goid-and-crimson-blotched Olive-green 
Croton (Nic. 1/353) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ua. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Lowii, or Hamburyanum). 

Gold-centred Dark-green Croton (When 
young) (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Th, Codizum varie- 
gatum (spirale). 

Gold Flower Tree (McL. 208). 946 
Cassia Fistula. 

Gold Fruit Tree (McL. 777). 130 Bixa 

Goldfussia (S. 184, 418). deciii. Strobi- 
lanthes (genus). 

adpd). 1945 Ceropegia 


1629 Diospyros 


Gold Mobur (Gbl. 270) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Pr. 1/446) (Cag. 642) (Cat. 103) 
(Ru/O/8, 13) (Mn). 941  Poinciana 


Gold (Royal) Mohur (McL. 993), 941 
Poinciana regia. 

Gold Mohur Flower (McL. 316, 932, 995). 
930 Cesalpinia pulcherrima. 


Gold-netted Honeysuckle (8. 184). 
1434-b. Lonicera reticulata (aureoreti- 

Gold (Cloth of) Rose 
(Cag. 603) (Hod) 
(Mu. 56) (Po). 

Gold (New Cloth of) Rose (Mu. 56). 
1108-1. Ros« Noisettiana (odorata- 

Golden-and-chrome-pblotched (Red- 
petioled) Green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Rf. Codizum varie- 
gatum (elegantissimum). 

Golden - and - chrome - yellow - blotched 
(Crimson-petioled) Green Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qd. 
Codizum variegatum (elegantissimum 
W. Bulli). 

(Nic. 3/825) 
(Ru/N/90, 0/21) 
1108-1, Rosa N oiset- 

Golden Apple (McL. 79, 802). 1111 
Cydonia vulgaris. 

Golden Apple (McL. 65). 425 Aigle 

Golden Bamboo (Cat. 334) (Ru/0/12) 
(Mu. 42). 3303-b. Bambusa vnigaris 

Golden Bamboo of Java (Cag. 3821) 
(Cat. 234). 3303-b. Bambusa vulgaris 

Golden Beech (Nic. 2/2). 2796-f. Fagus 
sylvatica (aureo-variegatis). 

Golden (Large) Bindweed (McL. 120, 
adpd). 2048 Ipemea vitifolia. 
Golden (Small) Bindweed (MeL. 
adpd). 2038 Ipomza chrysojdes. 
Golden blossomed Pear Family (Vice. 
2/446, adpd). XXVIII. Ochnaceze 

Golden blossomed Pear Tree (Nic. 2/466, 


adpd). clxvii. Ochna (genus). 

Golden (Corymbose) blossomed Pear Tree 
(Nic. 2/466, adpd). 435  Ockna 

Golden (Dwarf Umbelled) blcssomed 
Pear Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 4387 
Cchna pumila. 

Golden (Glaucons leaved) blossomed Pear 
Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 425. Ochna 

Golden (Panicled) blossomed Pear Tree 
(Nic. 2/466, adpd). 434. Ochna 

Golden (Small leaved) blossomed Pear 

Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 436 Ochna 

_ Golden (Solitary flowered) blosscmed 
Pear Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 436 

Ochna Wightiana, 

_ Golden Burmah Bamboo (FAR. 28 to 48, 


3303-b. Bambusa vulgaris 


ted Olive-green Trilobe Croton 
(When young) (Nic. 1/352) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Kj. Codiaum 
variegatum (trilobum Evansianum). 

Golden-central- irregular - feathered - and- 
petioled Shining-dark-green Croton 
(Nic. 1/854) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Nd. Codizom yariegatum 
( Hookerianum). 

Golden-central-irregular - feathered - and- 
petioled Shining-dark-green Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Mc. 
Codizum variegatum (Lord Ripon). 

Golden-centred-and-veined Green Croton- 
(When Young) (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nm. Codizeum 
variegatum (Beauty). 


Golden (Larger) flowered Lance Wood 
(Bs/T/13, adpd). 76Sagerea Dalzellii. 

Golden fruit of the Hesperides (McL. 79). 
1111 Cydonia vulgaris. 

Golden Funnel] Dog-bane (Nic. 1/47, adpd). 
dciii. Allamanda (genus). 

Golden (Brown Striped) Funnel Dog-bane 
(Nic. 1/48, adpd). 1855 Allamanda 

Golden (Guiana) Funnel Dog-bane (Nic. 
1/47, adpd), 1854. Allamanda cathar- 

Golden (Large) Funnel Dog-bane (Nic. 
1/47, adpd,) 1854-b. Allamanda 
cathartica (grandiflora). 

Golden (Large Brazilian) Funnel Dog-bane 

Golden-centred Pink-veined Shining- | 
dark-green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mn) | 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nn. Codiwum | 

variegatum (splendidum). 

Golden (Crimson-margined - magenta- to- 
carmine-veined Green-midribbed) 
Croton (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jat). 2646-Mk. Codizeum 
variegatum (Queen Victoria). 

Golden Champak (McL. 822). 484, Ochna 

Golden Chain (Nic. 2/224) (3. 229). 
Laburnum anagyroides. 





(20-26. prs)-nerved-leaved Nutmeg 
(Hk. 5/104, adpd), 2423 Myristica 

Golden-druped Tree Vervein (Cag. 439, 

adpd). dceexxvii. Duranta (genus). 

Golden-druped (Blue) Vervein (Cag. 489, | 
adpd), 2393-a. Duranta  Plumieri 

Golden-druped (White) Vervein (Cag. 439, 
adpd). 2303-b. Duranta  Plumieri 

Golden Elder (Nic. 3/354) (S. 384) 
(Ooty. 351). 1424-b, Sambucus nigra 

Golden-feltsd-culm-sheathed Hollow 
Large Bamboo (Hk. 7/405, adpd), 

3311 Dendrocalamus sikkimensis. 

Golden figged Banyan (McL. 78, adpd). 
2727 Ficus mysorensis. 

Golden (Rusty Woolly) figged Banyan 
(McL. 78, adpd). 2727-b. Ficus 
mysorensis (pubescens). 

Golden Eleece Abutilon (Ooty. 203). 
218-d. Abutilon Darwini (aureum). 

Golden Fleece Darwin’s Majlow (Nic. 1/4, 

Ooty. 2/03). 218-d. Abutilon Darwini 

Golden Flower (McL. 521), 988 Bauhinia 

Golden flowered Champak (iicL. 157) 
(Rid, 139). 124 Michelia Champaca. 

(Nic. 1/48, adpd). 1855 Allamanda 

Golden (Oleander leaved) Funnel 
Dog-bane (Nic. 1/47, adpd). 1856 

Allamanda neriifolia, 

Golden (Orange-streaked) Funne] Dog- 
bane (Nic. 1/47, adpd), 1856 Allamanda 

Golden Jasmine (McL, 383, 478, 997). 
1772 Jasminum humile. 

Golden Juniper (Cag. 408). 2821-b. 
Juniperus chinensis (aurea). 
Golden leaved Box (S.67). 2545-b. 

Buxus sempervirens (aurea). 
Golden leaved Chestnut (S. 81). decexciii. 
Castanopsis (genus). 

Golden-marbled-and-banded Shining- 
dark-green Croton (Nic. 1/851) 
(Rr/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Me. 

Codizum variegatum (Burtonii), 

Golden-margined- midribbed - and - veined 
Long-panduriform Green Trilobe Croton 
(Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) — 
(Jaf). 2646-Kg. Codizum variegatum 

Golder-margined-midribhed- veined - and- 
spotted Dark-green Croton (Nic. 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ne. 
Codizum variegatum (maculatum). 

Golden-maturing-fiery - crimson - centred - 
margined-and-vyeined Green Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Mi. Codizum variegatum 

Golden-midribbed-and-veined —_ Bright- 
crimson Trilobed Ovroton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Kl. Codiznm 
variegatum (trilobum-Lord-Cairns). 

Golden-midribbed-and-veined (Rosy- 
crimson-margined) Deep-green- 
maturing-Crimson Croton (Nic. 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qe. 

Codizum variegatum (insigne). 

| Golden-midribbed-and-veined  Shining- 
bright-green Croton (Nic. 1/451) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Mb. 

Codizeum variegatum (Crown Prince). 


Golden - midribbed - veined - and- mottled 
Scarlet-suffused Green Trilobe-Croton 
un 1/352) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
Jaf), 2646-Kk. Codixum variegatum 

Golden Mysore Rainbow 
(McL. 371). 2167-a. 
mysorensis (typica). 

Golden-netted-green Ovate-lance-leaved 
Vernal flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 
2249 (bis.) Eranthemum reticulatum. 

Golden Natal Laburnum (Nic. 5/187, 
adpd), 917 Calpurnia aurea. 

Golden (Chinese) Orange (McL. 251). 
421 Citrus japonica. 

Golden (Crimson-midribbed-and-veined) 
or Olive-green Croton (Nic. 5/251) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Nj. 
Codizum variegatum (rubrolineatum). 

Golden Osier (Keu. Bull. 96) (FAR. 35, 
36,NLGS). 2804 Salix viminalis. 

Golden Pareira (MeL, 380). 
Baliospermum axillare, 

Golden petioled Betel Palm (Cag. 387, 



339, adpd). 3128  Dictyosperma 

Golden Rain (S.183). 744 Laburnum 

Golden-reticulated Honeysuckle (Nic. 
2/287). 1434-b. Lonicera reticulata 
(aureore ticulata). 

Golden-reticulated leaved Periwinkle 

(Nic. 5/786.) 1822-c, 

Golden - ribbed- and - stalked - Mauritius 
Palm (Nic. 2/237). 3225 Latania aurea, 

Golden Rooting Spindle Tree (Nic. 5/357). 
513-b, Huonymus radicans (aurea). 

Golden Sage Rose (Nic. 4/109, Br. 87, 
adpd). 1348 Turnera ulmifolia. 

Golden Sebesten (McL. 802, 998). 
Cordia Sebestena (speciosa). 

Golden Silk Cotton (McL. 232, 473), 129 
Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Golden Stemmed Bamboo (Gbl. 747). 
3303-b, Bambusa vulgaris (aures). 

ed Dark-green Broader Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Md. 
Codizum variegatum (Henryanum, or 
MacArthnrii No, 46). 

Golden (Bronze-shaded) Tea Rose 
(Cag. 601) (Ru/N/91, O/22) (Mu, 55) 
(Hod) (Po), 1105-g. Rosa odorata 
(aurea- eeneo-suffusa). 

Golden Trumpet flower Tree (Cag. 455). 
2122 Tecoma mollis. 

Vinca major 


Golden (Unifoliate) Trumpet flower Tree 

(S. 425) (Cag. 455). 2120 lecoma 
Golden Tungaid (McL. 316). 930 

Cesalpinia pulcherrima, 

Golden Tungaid (McL. 186), 

Golden-veined Long-narrow Green Trilobe 
Oroton (Nic. 1/35) (Rn/N/O} (Mn) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Kf, Codiwum variegatum 

Golden-veined ( Crimson-midribbed) 
Narrow Green Voluted Croton (Nic. 
1/355)  (Ru/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Jb. 
Codizum variegatum (volutum). 

Golden Vine (Nic. 3/503) (8. 416). 
Stigmaphyllon (genus). 

Golden (Spear leaved) Vine (Nic. 3/508). 
358 Stigmaphyllon aristatum. 

Golden Wattle (Muell.S.P) (H/E.F) 
(Ghl. 291). 1022 Acacia pyenantha. 
Golden-yellow- blotched - and - midribhed 
Dark-green Croton (Nie. 1/855) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Ib. 

Codizum variegatum (irregulare). 

950 Cassia 


Golden-yellow-blotched Bright-green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Bf, Codizeum variegatum 

Golden-yellow-blotched Pink-suffused 
Pale-green Croton (Nic. 1/855) 

(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ha. 
Codiwum variegatum (Pilgrimii). 

Golden-yellow (Rosy-coppery-shaded) 
Bourbon Rose (Ru/N/96, 0/22). 
(? 1105-g) 1106-b. Rosa borbonica 
(aurea-zeneo-suffusa (?). ) 

Golden - yellow - centred - and - margined 
Green Croton (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bh. Codizeum 
variegatum (aureolineatum), 

green Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Be. Codizeum 
variegatum (maximum). 

Golden-yellow-centred Revolute-margined 
Croton (Rc/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Sa. Codizeum variegatum 

green Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). £646-Da. Codizum 
variegatum (tricolor). 

Golden-yellow-midribbed - and - margined 
Dark-green Croton (Nic. 1/855) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Se, 
Codizum variegatum (angustifolium, 
or angustissimum), 

Shining-dark-green Croten (Nic. 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Qb. 
Codizum variegatum (Weissmanpi). 

Golden-yellow-marbled Olive-green 
Croton (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf).  2646-Bi. Codizeum 
variegatum (aureomarmoratum), 

Shining. dark- 


Golden-yellow Tea Noisette Rose (Nic: 
3/325) (Cag. 603) (Hod). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-aurea). 

Golden-yellow Tea Rose (Ru/N/94, 0/9). 
1105-g. Rosa odorata (aurea). 

Golden-yellow-veined-and-margined Rich- 
green Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Eb. Codizeum 
variegatum (medium-variegatum). 

Goldie’s Ovate leaved Palm Lily (Nic. 
1/491). 8102 Draczena Goldieana. 

Goldsmith’s Lime (Bon-320). 414-b. 
Citrus Hystrix (aurarius). 

Golla’s Plate (McL. 313, 994). 649 
Dodonza viscosa. 

Goomchy (White) (Mch, 701). 2592 
Flueggea leucopyrus. 

Gomphocarpus (Shrabby) (Br. 121). 

1950 Gomphocarpus fruticosus. 
Gomooty (McL. 316, 777, 858, 1001). 
8149 Arenga saccharifera. 
Good-night-Flower (McL. 512) (Cag. 
478). 2015 Ipomza bona-nox. 
Googal (McL. 259). 439-b. Boswellia 
serrata (glabra). 
Googal (Buffalo) (McL. 78). 441 Bal- 
samodendron Roxburghii. 

Googal (Roxburgh’s) (McL. 78). 441 
Balsomodendron Roxburghii. 

Gool (MeL. 821, 995). ceclxxx. Rosa 

Goolancha (McL. 318). 80 Tinospora 

Goolbel (McL. 819). 80 Tinospora cordi- 

Goolcheen (McL. 644). 1825 Plumeria 

Goolmohur (Royal) (Pf. 274). 941 
Pomciana rigia. 

Goolmindie (McL. 493, 508). cxxxvi. 

Impatiens (genus), 

Goolmohur (Pf, 274). 941 Poinciana 

Goolnur (McL. 30). 13822 Punica gra- 

Goomchy (McL. 323, 360). 810 Abrus 

Goomchy (Black) (McL. 274). 
Rhynchosia (genus). 

Goomchy (Elephant) (McL. 3141, 757). 
1004. Adenenthera pavonina, 


Goomchy (Large) (McL. 757). 1004 
Aderanthera pavonina. 

Goomchy (Wheel) (McL. 303, 757). 1004 
Adenaathera pavonina. 

Goomidy (Large) (McL. 135). 2805 
Gmelina arborea. 

Goomidy (Small) (McL. 186). 2306 
Gmelina asiatica. 

Goompany (McL, 1023). 672 Odina 

Gooroo’s Tres (McL. 295). 433 Balanites 


Goose (Coromandel) Berry (MchL. 229 
472, 874, 993) (Rid. 106). 365 Averrhoa 
Carambola. : 

Goose (Country) Berry (McL. 229). 365 
Avyerrhoa Carambola. 

Goose (Hill) Berry (McL. 338) (Nie. 
3/298) (Bs/T/326) (Ell. 479) (Cag. 288) 
(Ru/O/9) (Bed. 1/106) (BdnjL). 1225 
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 

Goose (Nilgiri) Berry (Bs/S/243, NLGS). 
1225 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 

Goose (Hill) Berry of the Nilgiris (Gbl. 
355). 1225 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 
Goose Berry (Muell. S.P) (Nic. 3/306) 
(Loud) (S. 368).  ccexliii. Ribes 


Gooseberry (Barbadoes) (Nic. 3/70) (S. 
316). cdlvii. Pereskia (genus). 

Gooseberry (Barbadoes) (Cag. 553) (Ru/ 
0/31). 1384 Pereskia Bleo. 

Gooseberry (Bleo) (Br. 92). 
kia Bleo. 

Gooseberry (Country) (McL. 105, 276) 
(Ell. 170) (Rid. 115, 148) (Cat. 246) 
(Pfl 75). 2569 Phyllanthus distichus. 

Gooseberry (Country Star) (McL. 105) 
(Br. 195). 2569 Phyllanthua distichns. 

Gooseberry (Garden) (McL. 928). 2558 
Phyllanthus Embiica. 

Gooseberry (Hill) (Mc. 105) (?). 
Phyllanthus distichus (?). 

Gooseberry (Otaheite) (McL. 105) (Cag. 
217). 2569 Phyllanthus distichus. 

Gooseberry (Star) (Cag. 217) (Cat. 246) 
(Ro/N/73, O/9) (Mu. 46). 2569 Phyl- 
lanthus distichus. 

Gooseberry Balsam Tree (McL, 303, Hk. 
1/519, adpd). clax. Garuga (genus). 

13884 Peres- 


| Gooseberry (Red) Balsam Tree (Bs/T/ 

132, adpd). clxxii. Bursera (genus). 
Gooseberry (Larger leaved) fruited 
Featherfoil (McL. 105, 276, adpd). 

2569 Phyllanthus distichus. 

Gooseberry (Smaller leaved) fruited 
Featherfoil (McL. 928, adpd). 2558 
Phyllanthus Emblica. 

Gooseberry Tree (Pfi. 305). 2558 Phyl- 
lanthus Emblica, 

Goose-foot family (Br. 181) (L/N/S/B). 
LXXXIX. Chenopodiacez (Order). 

Goovauk (MchL. 40). 3121 Areca Gatechu, 

Gopher Wood of the Ark of the Bible 
(McL. 787). 2809 Cupressus semper- 

Gorakh’s Chinch (McL. 78). 257 Adan- 
sonia digitata. 

Gorakh’s Tamarind (McL. 73, 74). 257 
Adansonia digitata. 

Gordon (Ella) Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/O/ 
20). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
floréns (punicea-cerasi rubro-suffusa). 

Gorga (McL. 299). 172 Garcinia Cam- 


Gorse (Muell. 8.P) (Nic, 4/119) (S. 185, | 

442) (Gbl, 228) (Cag. 610). 740 Ulox | 
Goujon (Jean) Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/29) 

(Mn. 53) (Hod). 1197-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea). 

Goulburn White Mahogany (Maid. C.T). 
1202-b. Nucalyptus pilolaris (Muelleri- 

Gourd (Ethiopian Sour) (McL. 78), 257 
Adansonia digitata. . 

Gourd (Jonah’s) (McL. 54), 2693 Rici 
nus communis, 

Gouty stemmed Physic Nut (Cag. 418), 
2626 Jatropha podagrica. | 

Gowry’s Fruit (McL. 328, 995). ccclxxix, 
Rubus (genus). 

Gowry’s Fruit (McL. 828, 995). 1080 
Rubus ellipticus. 

Gowry’s Neem (McL. 328). 4538 Melia 

Gowry’s Tree (McL. 295, 328), 433 | 
Balanites Roxburghii. ° 

Grace (Herb of) (Nic. 3/337). cxxxvil, | 

Ruta (genus), 

Grace (Herb of) (MchL. 775) (Nic. 3/837) 
(8.198), 370 Ruta graveolens (angusti- | 

Grace Darling Rose (Ru/N/940/20) (Mu. 
55). 1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea- 

Grahame (Muriel) Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 
55). 1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea- 

Graham’s Bean (McL. 238). 
lus Grahamianus. 

Graham’s Black Varnish (Mch. 344, 
adpd). 679 Holigarna Grahamii. 

Grain (Rice) Jasmine (Mch, 159). 
Gynocardia odorata. 

Grains (Molucca) Tree (McL. 379, 507), 
2642 Croton Tiglium, 
Gram (Black) (MeL. 
Phaseolus (genus). 
Gram (Ciliate leaved Yellow Horse) 
(McL. 331, adpd). 843 Dolichos 


Gram (Climbing Black) (MeL. 504, adp),. 
835 Phaseolus trinervius. 

Gram (orest Bengal) (McL. 330, 995) 
(?). 1280 Osbeckia aspera (?). 

833 Phaseo- 




Gram (Jungle) (McL. 371) (?). 774 
Tephrosia purpurea (?). | 

Gram (Madras Horse) (McL. 
ceexvii, Dolichos (genus). 

Gram (Red) (McL. 274). 

Gram (Tufted Green) (McL. 331, 554, 
994). 835 Phaseolus trinervius. 

Gram (Wild Horse) (McL, 274). cccxxii. 
Rhynchosia (genus). 

Gram (Wild Horse) (McL. 331, 821, 994), 
844 Dolichos falcatus. 



854 Cajanus | 

Grant’s Leafy Spurge (Nic. 3/5380). 

INDEX, 561 

Gram Vailay (McL. 987). 774 Tephrosia 

Granada (Wax Palm 
S.P) (Cag. 389). 

of New) (Muell. 
3146 Ceroxylum 

Granada (New) Bark (Mch, 420). 1445 
Cinchona suecirubra. 
Granada Yam (McbL. 463), 3067 Dios- 

corea sativa. 
Granadilla (MeL. 898), [1346 Sphalm } 
cdxlvii. Passiflora (genus). 

Granadilla (Nic. 3/82). 1858 Passiflora 
Granadilla (8. 310). 

Granadilla (Common) (Cag. 232, 559). 
1358 Passiflora quadrangularis. 
Granadilla (Purple fraited) (Cag. 282, 
358). 1850 Passiflora edalis 

1350 ~=Passiflora 

| Granadilla (Yellow fruited) (Nic. 3/32) 

1358 Passiflora quadrangularis, 

Granadilla Vine (Br. 89). 1350 Passi 
flora quadrangularis. 

Grand (Prichard’s) Lace fringed Palm 
(Cag. 341, 343), 3180 Licnala grandis 

Grand Mogul Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/ 
94, O/20) (Mu. 58). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-kerme- 

Grandeur of Cheshunt Rose (Mu. 53). 
1107-j. Rose  hybrida-semperflorens 

Synadenium Grantii. 

Grape (MeL. 288) (Nic. 4/184) (S. 453) 
ecexxxvi. Vitis (genns), 

Grape (Englisi Sea) (McL. 178). 
Salicornia brachiata., 

Grape (False) (S. 163). 


580 Vitis hede- 


Grape (Fox) (McL. 664), 599 Vitis 

| Grape (Leathery-glossy Rouud-heart 

| Jeaved Seaside (Nic. 1/346, adpd). 
2387 Coccoloba unifera. 

Grape (Monkey) (McL. 1011). elxxxiv. 

Lansium (genus). 

Grape (Seaside) (N. 1/346) (Cag. 426). 
declxiv, Coccoloba (genus). 

Grape (Square Stalked Wild) (McL. 685). 
582 Vitis quidrangularis 

Grape-flower Vine (S. 460) (Nic. 4/213). 
ceelxxxviii. Wistaria (genus). 

Grape-flower (Indian) Vine (Bk. 2/57, 
104, S. 460, adpd). cclxxxix. Millettia 

Grape-tlower (Maultifoliate-(7-9) Long- 
leathery-velvetty-backed oblance-cuspi- 
date-leaved) Vine (Hk, 2/194, adpd). 
765 Millettia splendens, 


Grape-flower (Multifoliate-(7-9) Long- 
membranous--thinly-silky Obovate- 
or-cuspidate leaved) Vine (Hk. 2/108, 
adpd). 767 Millettia avriculata, 

Grape-fower (Multifoliate (6-7) Medium- 
to-long-leathery-velvetty-backed obo- 
vate-cuspidate leaved) Vine (Hk, 2/104, 
adpd). 764 Millettia rnbiginosa. 

Grape-flower (Multifoliate-(13-21) Small- 
leathery-silky-backed acuminate-or-ob- 
tuse-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 2/110, adpd). 
768 Mundulea suberosa. 

Grape-flower (Multifoliate-(13-15) Small. 
submembranous-glabrate Obovate-acute 
leaved) Vine (Hk. 2/105 adpd). 766 
Millettia racemosa. 

Grape-flower (Shrubby) Vine (Hk. 2/57, 
110, 8.460, adpd). cclxc. Mundulea 

Grape-fruit Orange (Ooty. 25). 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (typica). 

Grape (Black-currant) Lime (Bed. 1/45). 
397-c. Clausena Willdenovii (dulcis). 

Al7-a, | 

Grape Vine (McL. 82, 484) (S. 186, 456) | 

(Br. 36) (Cat. 74) (Ruj/N/52, 71, O/9). 
595 Vitis vinifera. 

Grape (Common) Vine (Nic. 4/188). 
Vitis vinifera. 

Grape (Indian) Vine (Mch. 82). 596 
Vitis indica. 

Grape (Jungle) Vine (McL. 32). 594 
Vitis latifolia. 

Grass Family (Br. 236) (L/N/S/B). 
CXXV1. Graminacez (order). 

Grass (Bear’s) (Nic. 4/227). cmlxvi. 

Yucca (genus). 

Grass (Biseriate Spiked Melic) (Treas. 
Bot. 1/549, Hk. 17/8, adpd). mxlii. 
Streptogyna (genus). 

Grass (China) (McL. 171, 745, 1000) (Cag. 
413) (Bs/T/617) (Gbl. 651) (Ell. 196). 
277\-a. Boeshmeria nivea (candicans). 

Grass (Crab) (McL. 178). 2379 Salicor- 
nia brachiata. 

Grass (Elephant) (McL. 288, 1001) (Rox. 
3/566) (Br. 231) (Ell. 578) (Cag. 334). 
3248 Typha elephantina. 

Grass (Elephant) (Bed. 1/229) (Bs/T/685) 
(Gbl.756). 3321 Ochlandra travancorica. 

Grasa (Fringe) (Treas. Bot. 2/1150, 
adpd). mxxxi. Thysanolena (genus). 

Grass (Frog) (McL.178). 2379 Salicornia 

Grass (Giant Hair) (Treas. Bot. 1/549, Hk. 
7/6,adpd). mxxxvi. Zenkeria (genus). 

Grass (Giant Littoral Love) (Treas. Bot. 
1/549, Hk. 7/8, adpd), mxli. Halopy- 
rum (genus). 

Grass (Giant Marsh Love) (Treas. Bot. 
3/549) (Hk. 7/8, adpd). mxl. Myrios- 
tachya (genus). 

Grass (Girdle) (Mc. 311, 512). 
Saccharum arundinaceum, 




Grass (Hare’s-tail) (Treas. Bot. 1/549). 
mxxxiii. Imperata (genus), 

Grass (Indian) (Nic. 5/88). 
Arundo (genus). 

Grass (Lalong) (Muell. §.P) (McL. 482, 
1002). 3280 Imperata arundinacea. 
Grass (Lesser Elephant) (McL. 288, 1001). 

3249 Typha angustata, 

Grass (Mauritius) (Ru/N/49). 
Arundo Pliniana (?). 

Grass (Moonshee) (McL, 513, 779, 1002). 
3284 Saccharum arundinacenm, 

Grass (Munj) (Gbl. 742) (Pr. 2/1189). 
8284 Saccharum arundinaceum. 

Grass (Nal) (Gbl. 742). 3291 Phragmites 

Grass (Nanal) (W.R). 3288 Saccharum 

Grass (Naunal) (McL. 70, 306, 569. 1002). 
8283 Saccharum spontaneum. 

Grass (New-Zealand Silvery Reed) (S. 37, 
111, 401). 3288 Arundo conspicua. 

Grass (Painted) (Nic. 5/88). mxxxvii, 
Arundo (genus). 

Grass (Pampas) (Nic. 2/106) (8. 111, 188, 
306) (Cag. 321) (Po. 50). 3290 Gyner- 
Jum argenteum, 

Grass (Pen) (McL. 513). 
rum arundinaceum, 

Grass (Pen Reed) (HI. 
Saccharum arundinaceum. 

Grass (Pith) (Cag. 3385). 

Grass (Ramee) (McL. 170). 2771-b. 
Boehmeria nivea (tenacissima). 

Grass (Reed) (S. 36, 362). mxxxvii. 
Arundo (genus). 

Grass (Reed) (Gbl. 742). 

Grass (Ribbon) (Cag. 321) (Ru/N/113) 


(2) 3289 

32°4 Saccha- 
487). 3284 

3250 Typha 

3287 Arundo 

(Mu. 50). 38287-b, Arundo Donax 
Grass (Silk) (N. 4/231). 3114 Yucea 

Grass (Spiked Quaking) (Treas. Bot. 
1/549). mxli. Halopyrum (genus), 
Grass (Thatch) (Br. 239) (Ell. 488) (MeL, ~ 
569). 3283 Saccharum spontaneum. 
Grass (Thorn) (McL. 69). 3304 Bambusa 

Grass-cloth Plant (Mch. 171). 
Beehmeria nivea (candicans). 
Grass (Robuster Green-leaved) Nettle 
(Hk. 5/577). 2771-b. Boehmeria nivea 



Grass-wort (MeL. 178). 2379 Salicornia 

Grasses (McL. 273, 1004). CXXVI. 

Graminaceze (Order). 
Grasses (King of) (MclL. 
Cocos nucifera. 
Grasses (King of) (MclL. 69). 3304 
Bambusa arundinacea. 

195). 3228 


Grateful Roupellia (Br. 126). 1846 
Ronpellia grata. 

Gravel Root (McL. 362). 
los Pareira. 

Graveyard Flower (Cag. 496). 
Vinca (genus), 
Graveyard Plant (Muell. 8.P). 372 

Boronia megastigma. 
Grey Plum of Sierra-leone (Ol. 2/367) 

91 Cissampe- 


(Nic. 3/325). 1059 Parinarium excel- 

Great Aloe (MchL. 21). 3054 Furcrea 

Great Baisam Flower (McL 504, adpd). 
869 Impatiens grandis. 

Great Bell-calyxed Glory climber (Rox. 
3/65, adpd). decxxxii. Homskioldia 

Great Council tree (Muell. S.P), 
Ficus altissima. 

Great Double flowered Arabian Jasmine 
(Rox 1/88) (Cag. 506). 1751-d. Jas- 
minum Sambae (flore-Manorzepleno). 


Great Fan Palm (Mch. 882). 3174 
Corypha umbraculifera. 
Great Fan Palm (Mch. 628), 3224 

Borassus flabellifer. 

Great flowered Agatty (McL. 806). 781 
Sesbania grandiflora. 

Great flowered Gogiet flower (Mch. 466, 
adpd). 1940 Ceropegia Beddomei. 

Great flowered Gnuettarda (Br. 100). 
1517 Guettarda speciosa. 
Great Hybrid Birthwort (Nic. 5/84). 
2395 Aristolochia brasiliensis-elegans. 
Great leaved mountain Ebony (McL. 520). 
[990 Sphalm] 994 Bauhnia Vahlii. 

Great Medicine (McL, 374), 2391 Aristo- 
lochia indica, 

Great Reed (Nic. 1/118). 

Great Reed (Nic. 5/597). 3291 Phragmites 

Great Scarlet Trumpet Creeper (8. 426). 
2125 Tecoma grandiflora. 

Great Violet Brazilian Spider Flower 
Shrub (Nic. 8/162, 5/608) (S, 431). 1306 
Tibouchina semidecandrum, 

8287 Arundo 

Greater Cardamom (MchL. 130, adpd). | 

cmxly. Amomum (genus). 
Greater Cardamom (McL. 185). 
(bis.) Amomum subulatum. 
Greater (Indian Shot-fruited) Cardamom 
(Hk, 0/240, adpd). 2992 Amomum 


Greater Galangal (McL. 298, 507) (PA. | 

427), 3005 Alpinia Galanga. 
Greater Indian Saltwort (McL. 364, 999, 
_adpd), 2380 Suzeda monoica. 
Grecian Honey Berry (McL. 383). 
Celtis tetrandra. 
Grecian Silver Fin (Muell.S.P) (Nic. 
1/2). 2868 Abies cephalonica, 



INDEX. 563 

Greek Strawberry Tree (Nic, 1/196) 
1644 (tris.) Arbutus Andrachne, 

Greek Valerian Family! (L/N/S8/18). 
LXXVII. Polemoniacez (order). 

Greeks (Achanthé of the) (McL. 188), 
10385 Acacia Catechu, 

Greeks (Agnos of the) (McL. 596), 23808 
Vitex trifolia. 

Greeks (Ampelos-oinophoros of the) 
(McL. 31). 595 Vitis vinefera. 

Greeks (Balanos of the) (McL. 518). 
689 Moringa pterygosperma, 

Greeks (Daphné of the) (McL, 1041). 
2443 Laurus nobilis. 

Greeks (Mlaia of the) (McL, 1044), 1786 
Olea europea. 

Greeks (Elaté of the) (McL. 413) [Male 
flowers]. 3162 Phcenix dactylifera, 
Greeks (Erineos of the) (MeL, 34). 2752 

Ficus Carica. 

Greeks (Glukokalamon of the) (Mch, 
208). 946 Cassia Fistula. 

Greeks (Hémeris of the) (McL. 82), 
(bis.) Quercus Ilex. 

Greeks (Hé-phoinix-balanophoros of the) 
(MeL. 413) [Female Treej. 3162 
Phoenix doctylifera. 

Greeks (Ho-phoinix-ersén of the) (MeL, 
413) [Male Tree]. 3162 Phoenix 

Greeks (Indikon-baphikon of the) (McL, 
369). celxxxiv. Indigofera (genus), 
Greeks (Kaphoura of the) (McL. 121). 

2440 Cinnamomum Camphora. 

Greeks (Kardamomon of the) (McL. 135). 
3004 Hlettaria Cardamomum., 

Greeks (Karuophullon of the) (McL. 432). 
127\ Eugenia caryophyllata. 

Greeks (Keratonia of the) (McL. 131), 
978 Ceratonia Siliqua. 

Greeks (Kiki of the) (Meh. 54). 
Ricinus communis. 

Greeks (Kinnabiari-indikon of the) (McL, 
282). 38099 Draczena Draco. 

Greeks (Kinnabari-indikon of the) (McL. 
282). 3219 Deemonoropo Draco. 

Greeks (Kokkones of the) (McI. 30) 
[Seeds]. 1322 Punica granatum. 

Greeks (Kommi of the) (McL. 63). 
Acacia arabica. 

Greeks (Korchoros of the) (McL. 399). 
exxii, Corchorus (genus). 

Greeks (Kroton of the) (McL. 54). 
Ricinus communis. 

Greeks (Kudonion of the) (MeL. 79), 1111 
Cydonia vulgaris. 

Greeks (Kuparittos-euddes of the) 
(McL. 787). 2809 Cupressus semper- 

Greeks (Kupros of the) (MeL. 503). 1314 
Lawsonia alba, 

Greeks (Libanos of the) (McL. 605), 
clxix. Boswellia (genus). 






Greeks (Lukion-indikon of the) (McL. 84). 
98 Berberis aristata, 

Greeks (Melaina-kassia of the) (McL. 
208). 946 Cassia Fistula. 

Greeks (Mélea-persiké of the) (McL. 54). 
1064 Prunus persica. : 

Greeks (Mélon-médikon of the) (McL. 
434). 409 Citrus medica-medica. 

Greeks (Muriké of the) (MeL. 391). 
Tamarix gallica. 

Greeks (Murobalanos-emblika 
(McL. 928). 2558 Phyllanthus Emblica. 

Greeks (Murotalanos-empletz of the) 
(McL. 928). 2558 Phyllanthus Emblica. 

Greeks (Mursiné of the) (McL. 503). 1206 
Myrtus communis. 

Greeks (Murtidanon of the) (McL. 677). 
2405 Piper Cubeba. 

Greeks (Okimon of the) (McL. 909). 
dexxxix. Ocimum (genus). 

Greeks (Oxuphoiniké of the) (McL. 874). 
982 Tamarindus indica. 

Greeks (Péganon of the) (McL. 775). 
Ruta graveolens (angustifolia). 
Greeks (Peperi-makron of the) (McL. 

678). 2404 Piper longum. 


of the) 


Greeks (Peperi-melan of the) (McL. 676). | 

2411 Piper nigrum. 
Greeks (Peperi of the) 
declxvil. Piper (genus). 
Greeks (Peperi-strongulon of the) (MeL. 
676). 2411 Piper nigrum. 

Greeks (Phoinikobalanos of the) [Fruit] 
(McL. 413). 3162 Phoenix dactylifera. 
Greeks (Phoinix of the) (McL. 413). 

Phoenix dactylifera. 
Greeks (Phullon-malabathron 
(McL, 676). 2406 Piper Betle. 
Greeks (Pitus of the) (McL. 155). 
Pinus (venus), 

Greeks (Rhododaphné of the) (McL. 302). 
[1844 Sphalm] 1845 Nerinm Oleander. 
Greeks (Rhododendron of the) (MeL. 302). 
[1844 Sphalm] 1845 Nerium Oleander. 
Greeks (Rhodon-hekatontaphullon of the) 

(McL. 676). 

of the) 


(McL. 821), 1099 Rosa centifolia. 
Greeks (Rhous of the) (McL. 854). 
eclviii. Rhus (genus). 

Greeks (Sandan of the) (McL. 782). 2526 
Santalom album. 

Greeks (Sandaraké of the) (McL. 258). 
207 Vateria indica. 

Greeks (Santalon of the) (McL. 782). 
2526 Santalum album. 

Greeks (Sideion of the) (MeL. 
[The ring) 13822 Punica granatum. 

Greeks (Spathé of the) (McL. 413) 
{Male flower]. 


Greeks (Struchnos-hupnotikos of the) 
(McL. 44). 2095 Withania somnifera. 

Greeks (Struchnos-manikes of the) (McL. 
262). 2098 Datura fastuosa. 

3162 Phcenix dactyli- | 

3162 | 


Greeks (Struchnos of the) (McL. 690). 
1962 Strycknos nux-vomica. 

Greeks (Struchnos of the) (McL. 107), 
2084 Solanum Melongena. 

Greeks (Sturax of the) (McL. 856). 
dlixy. Styrax (genus). 

Greeks (Sukaminos of the) (McL. 367). 
2721 morus indica. 

Greeks (Suké of the later) (MeL. 34). 
2752 Ficus Carica. 

Greeks (Surinx of the) (McL. 208). 946 
Cassia Fistula. 

Greeks (Xanthobalanon of the) (McL. 
476). 673 Semecarpus Anacardium. 

Greeks (Xula-sagalina of the later) (McL. 

782). 2526 Santalum album. 

Green (Hill) (McL. 469). 178 Garcinia 

Green (Sea) (McL. 6635). 1993 Argyreia 

Green and Glaucous cluster Pinnate 
Cocoanut (Nic. 1/34-). 3280 Cocos 

Green (Narrow) and Glaucous pinnate 
Cocoanut (Nic. 1/349), 3231 Cocos 


Green-and - Crange-bordered - and-striped 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/373). 3107-g. 
Cordyline terminalis (gloriosa). 

Green-and-Silver-banded Yellowish 
Dragon Tree (Nic. /491), 3102 
Draczena Goldicana. 

Green-and-yellow-spotted Yellow-and- 
green Croton [when yonng] (Nic. 1/250) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu.) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Sd. 
Codizum variegatum (Bragzeanum). 

Green-and-yellow-stemmed False Plant- 
ain (Nic. 2/129). 3016 Heliconia 

Green Babool (McL. 936). 
sonia aculeata. 

Green Banana (Cag. 206). 3041-b. Musa 
paradisiaca (troglodytarum). 

Green (Creamy-yellow and) banded 
Arrowroot (Nic. 5/510). 3011-b. 
Maranta arundinacea (variegata). 

Green barked Sirissa (Gbl. 305, 
Bdn/f.B,adpd), 1047 Albizzia procera. 

Green-based (Yellow-centred) Trilobe 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kb. Codizum variegatam (tri- 

Green-blotched Creamy Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 26465-Vb. Codizum 
variegatum (Duke-of-Edinburgh). 

Green-blotched Yellow Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Pd. Codizeum) 
variegatum (camptophyllum). 

Green-blotched Yellow Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Rg. Cedieum 
variegatam (angastifolium giganteum). 

943 Parkin- 


Green China Rose (Ru/N/92, 0/20) (Mu. 
57) (Nic. 5/643). 1103-k. Rosa indica 

Green-clouded-and-blotched Undulated 
Creamy Croton (Nic. 1/353) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ta. Codizam 
variegatum (gloriosum, or Princess-of- 

Green (Linear) Cluster pinnate Cocoanut 
(Nic. 2/339). 3234 Maximiliana regia. 
Green-costate leaved Banana (Cag. 207). 

8J42-b. Musa sapientum (martabanica). 

Green (Cream and) Crescent-blotched 

Arrowroot (Nic. 1/238). 3024 Calathea 
Green (Bright-yellow-margined-and- 

centred Shining) Croton (Nic. 1/353) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jat). 2646-Rb. 
Codizeum variegatum (Johannis), 

Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2636-Ab. Codizum variegatum (Glad- 

Green (Creamy-clouded-and- blotched 
Undulated) Croton (Nic. 1/353) (Ru! 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ta. 
Codieum variegatum (gloriosum, or 

Green (Creamy-margined-and-midribbed) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Pa. Codieum variegatum (ama- 
bile No. 1). 

Green (Creamy-midribbed-and-yeined) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) 
2646-Pb. Codizum variegatum (amabile 
No. 2). 

Green (Crimson-backed-Magenta-margin- 
ed-and-midribbed) Croton (Kn/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Tl. Codizeum 
variegatum (Sir-Ashley Eden). 

Green (Crimson-broad-centred) Croton 
(Rn/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Td. Codieum 
variegatum (Truffantianum). 

Green (Crimson-centred-Orange-midrib- 
bed-Yellow-blotched Shining)-Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Bid) (Jaf). 2646-S¢g- 
Codizum variezatum (Lady-Zetland). 

Green (Crimson-centred-Yellow-margin- 
ed) Croton (Ru/N/J) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Pe. Codizum variegatum (cris- 

Green (Crimson-petioled 
chrome-yellow-blotched) Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (tin) (Rid) Jaf). 2646-Qd. Codi- 
zum variegatum  (elegantissimum 
W. Bulli). 3 

Green (Cup-tipped-often Yellow-margin- 
ed-midribbed-and-veined) Crotor | wnen 
young] (Nic. 1/355) (u/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Wb. Codizeum varie- 
gatum (Princeps, or mutabile). 

Green (Dark-bronzy) Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu). 2646-Sj. Codizum variegatum 

(Creamy-banded-and-blotched) | 

Golden-and- | 

(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). | 



Green ((Go'der-centred-and-veined) Cro” 
ton | when young] (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nm. Codizeum 
variegatum (Beauty). 

Green (Golden-maturing-fiery-crimson- 
centred-margined-and-veined) Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/v) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2616-Mi. Codizum variegatum (Jubilee), 

Green (Golden-yellow-centred-and-mar- 
gined) Crozon (Nic. 5/259) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bl. Codizum 
variegatum (aurolineatum). 

Green (Lemon-midribbed-and-veined) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Pc. Codizum vaeriegatum (micro- 

Green (Magenta-midribbed-and-petioled 
Yellow-to-Orange-margined Undalat- 
ed) Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/9) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Tk. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Prince-of-Wales, or Schomburg- 

Green (Orange-to-scarlet-centred) Crotun 
(Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Ma) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Sh. Codieum variegatum (Mrs. 

Green (Pale-yellow-centred) Croton (Ru/ 
N/O)} (Ma) (Bid) (Jaf), 2646-Ra. Codi- 
zum variegatum (irregulare-Tonghii). - 

Green (Pink-spotted) Uroton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Ve. Cudizum 
variegatum (Dutchess-of-Edinburgh). 

Green (Purplish-crimson spotted-margin- 
ed centred petioled-and-veined) Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Bid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Nl. Codieum variegatum 

Green (Red-petioled Golden-and-Chrome- 
blotched) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (kid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Rf. Ccedieum variegatum 

Green (Rosy-tinged Lemon-yellow- 
veined) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Bid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Fce. Codizum variegatum 

Green (Yellow-and-Pink-blotched) Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (u/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ve. Codizum variegatum (pictu- 

Green (Yellow-and-red-petioled Red- 
midribbed Creamy-veined) Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bl. 
Codizum varieyatum (vittatum), 

Green (Yellow-spotted-margined-centred- 
and-veined) Croton [when-young] (Nic. 
5/251) (Ku/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Nl. Codizum variegatum (formo- 

Green Dammer (McL. 258). 202 Shorea 
Thum baggaia. 

Green-dotted-dark-purple-st alked (Im pari- 
pinnate-(about ¥) oblong-light-green 
acuminate-folioled Aralia (Nic. 1104, 
adpd). 1392 Aralia maculata, 

Green (Copper and Bronze metallic 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/378). 3107-1. 

Cordyline terminalis (metallica). 

Green (Crimson rayed metallic) Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/378). 3197-j. Cordyline 
terminalis (imperialis). 

Green Ebony Tree (8. 219). dexevi. 
Jacaranda (genus). 
Green flowered Hoya (Br. 122). 1918 

Dregea volubilis. 

Greeniflowered (Small oblong-caudate- 
leaved) Panicled Ginger (Hk. 6/296, 
adpd). 2989 Globba canarensis. 

Green (Scarlet and) Fuchsia of Mexica | 

(Nic. 2/33). 1329 Fuchsia splendens. 
Greenhouse Smilax (S. 89, 408), 3091 
Asparagus medeoloides. 
Green (Tufted) Gram (McL. 831, 584, 

994). 835 Phaseolus trinervius. 
Green Hoya (Mu). 1918 Dregea volu- 

Green-irregularly-blotched Lemon-yellow- 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Qa. Codizum variegatum (Goldie- 

Green (Dark) Large Bamboo (Gbl. 752). 
3311 Dendrocalamus sikkimensis. 

Green-leaved Bright-dark-Orange Indian 
Shot (Cag. 384), 30385(bis.)-k. Canna 
orchidiflora (Parthenope). 

Green-leaved Brilliant-crimson 
Shot (Cag. 384). 
orchidiflora (Rhea). 

Green-leaved Broad-yellow-bordered-and- 
carmine-tinged very-large Crimson 
Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3085(dis.)-s. 
Canna orchidiflora (Britannia). 

Green-leaved Broad-yellow-bordered very- 
large Scarlet Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 
3035(bis.)-n. Canna orchidiflora (Alle- 

Green-leaved Bronzy-centred  Satiny- 
yellow Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3085 
(bis.)-b. Canna orchidiflora (Suevia). 

Green-leaved Brownish-red-blotched 
Dark-yellow Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 
3035 (bis)-ii Canna 

Green-leaved Centrally-scarlet-dotted 
Golden Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3085 
(bis,)-e. Canna orchidiflora (Asia). 

3035(bis.)-r. Canna 

Green-leaved Creamy-pencilled Scarlet | 

Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3035 (bis.)-d, 
Canna orchidiflora (Perseus). 

Green-leaved Dark-Red Indian Shot (Cag. 
324). 3028 Canna Achiras, 

Green (Bifarious) leaved Date (Gbl. 730, 
adpd). 3165 Phoonix rupicola. 

Green (Quadrifarious) leaved Date (Gbl. 
730, adpd). 3164 Phoenix seylanica. 
Green-leaved Fiery-red-blotched Yellow 
Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3085 (bés,)-h, 

Canna orchidiflora (Borussia). 

SES ACHES | Green-leaved Yellow Indian Shot (Br. 



Green leaved (Robuster) Grass-Nettle 
(Hk. 5/577). 2771-b. Beehmeria nivea 

Green-leaved large Bright-yellow Indian 
Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3031 Canna flaccida, 

Green-leaved Purple-centred Orauge 
Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262), 3029 Canna 

Green-leaved Purple-spotted Yellow- 
bordered Deep-fiery-red Indian Shot 
(Cag, 884). 3035(bts.)-q. Canna orchidi- 
flora (Heinrich Siedel). 

Green-leaved Red-spotted Sulphur-yellow 
Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 8C85(bts.)-g. 
Canna orchidiflora (Kronos). 

Green-leaved Red-bordered Golden-yellow 
Indian Shot (Cag. 884). 3035(bis.)-j. 
Canna orchidiflora (Iberia). 

Green-leaved Scarlet-crimson Indian Shot 

(Nic.. 1/262). 3026-a, Canna indica 
(ty pica). 

Green-leaved Salmon-striped Scarlet 
Indian Shot.  38035(bis.)-o. Canna 

orchidiflora (Professor Treub). 

Green-leaved Salmony-flamed Yellow 
Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3085(bis,)-c. 
Canna orchidiflora (Roma). 

Green-leaved Scarlet-margined Yellow- 
centred Orange Indian Shot (Cag. 384), 
8085 (bis.)-1. Canna orchidiflora 

Green-leaved slightly-Red-or-Brown- 
spotted Canary-yellow Indian Shot 
(Cag. 384). 3085 (bis.)-f. Cannaorchidi 
flora (Austria). 

Green-leaved Sulphury-yellow-to-White 
Indian Shot (Cag. 384), 80385(bis.)-a. 
Canna orchidiflora (Phebe). 

Green-leaved Yellow-bordered Deep-fiery- 
red Indian Shot (Cag. 3884), 3085 
(bis.)-p. Canna orchidiflora (Princess 

Green-leaved Yellow-bordered Fiery- 
Scarlet Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 38035 
(bis,)-m. Canna orchidiflora (H. Wend- 

214, adpd). 38027-a. 
Green-leaved Yellow-stamened Scarlet 

Canna lutea 

Indian Shot (Hk. 6/262, adpd). 3026-b. 
Canna indica (flava). 
Green-margined-and-blotched Creamy 

Arrowroot (Nic. 1/287). 38020 Calathea 

Green-margined Crimson-mottled Yellow 
Horned Wroton (Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-La. Codizum 
variegatum (cornutum proper). 

Green margined (Orbicular) Rosy Arrow- 
root (Nic. 1/288). 8022 Oalathea 


Green-margined (Red-backed) Tranelu- 
cent-yellow Croton (Nic. 5/251) 
(Ru/N/O)(Mu) (Rid) (Jat). 2646-Ng. 
Codimum variegatum (Dayspring). 

Green-maryined White-feathered Arrow- 
root (Nic. 1/237). 302. Calathea 

Green - maturing-fiery - crimson - blotched 
Rich-yellow-Croton (Nic, 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Se. 
Codiwm variegatum (Macfarlanei), 

Green-membranous-round-acate (Unarm- 
ed) leaved Coral Tree (Hk, 2/190, 
adpd). 820 Erythrina lithosporma, 

Green - membranous - round ~ cuspida‘e 
(Black-prickly-branched) leayed Coral 
Tree (Hk. 2/169, adpd). 817 Erythrina 

Green - membranous - round - cuspidate 
(White-prickly-branched) leaved Coral 
Tree (Hk. 2/189, adpd). 818 Bry- 
thrina stricta. 

Green-midribbed (Crimson-margined 
Magenta-t)-carmine-veined) Golden 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/OQ) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Mk. Codizum 
varieyatum (Queen-Victoria), 

Green-heart (Nic. 2/429) (Gbl. 559) (FAR. 
13, CDP). 2433 Nectandra Rodizi. 

Green (Ceylon) Orange (Bon, 45, 356). 
418 -b. Citrus Aurantiam-nobilis 

Green (Suborbicular) Stalked Bourbon 
Palm (Nic. 2/287,adpd), 3191 Livistona 

Green-spined Serew-Pine (McL. 801). 
3244 Pandanus odoratissimus. 

Green (Pendulous branched) stemmed 
shrubby Bamboo (Hk. 7/410, adpd). 
3316 Teinostachyum Wightii. 

Green Sncklings Osier (Kew. Bull. 96) 

(FAR. 35, 36,/NLGS). 2803 Salix 

Green-veined Creamy-yellow Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Na. Codisnum 

variegatum (White shade). 

‘Green-yellow - crimson - white-and - grey- 
patchwork Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf).  2646-Uf. 
variegatum (variabile). 

Green Thread Creeper (Hk. 5/187, McL. 
239,adpa). 2472 Cassytha filiformis. 

Green-thread-like leafless Creeper (Hk. 
5/187, McL. 289, adpd), 2472 Cassytha 

Green (Golden-margined-midribbed-and- 
veined long-panduri form) Trilobe 
Croton (Nic. 1/851) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Kg. Codizwum varie- 

_ gatum (trilobum-Goldiei), 

Green (Golden-veined long-narrow) 
‘frilobe Croton (Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Kf. Codisum 
variegatum (trilobum-Disreli), 


- Greenish-white 

INDEX. 567 

Green (Yellow-centred-blotched-and-spot- 
ted) Trilobe Croton (Nic. 1/354) (Ru/N/ 
O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Ke. Codizeum 
variegatum (trilobum-illustre). 

Green (Yellow-lobed-and-midribbed) 
Trilobe Croton (Bu/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Ke. Codiswum variegatum 
(trilobum-MacArthurii No. &5). 

Green (Yellow-lobed narrow)  Trilobe 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kd. Codiwum vyariegatum (tri- 

Green  triplinerved 
(Hk. 1/693, adpd). 

Himalayan maple 
(FAR. 26 to 30, 

NLGS). 646 Acer levigatum. 
Green-tubed Reddish-backed White- 
sepalled Torch Thistle (Nic. 1/299). 

1371 Cereus hexagonus. 

Green Vail (McL. 935). 

Green Wattle (Muell. 
1922 Acacia pycnantha. 

Green Wattle (Bth, 2/415). 

Green Wax flower (Br, 122, Mu, adpd). 
1918 Dregea volubilis, 

Greener-ovate-leaved Dusky 
Teak (Hk. 4/578, adpd). 
Premna latifolia (viburnoides), 

Greengage (Nic. 3/166) (Bed. 1/97) (Mu). 
1069-c Prunus communis (insititia- 

Greenish-white-flowered (Long-glossy- 
lance-leaved Red-and-yellow-striped- 
spurred-lipped) Galangal (Hk, 6/256, 
adpd), 3997 Alpinia calcarata. 

Greenish-white-flowered (Very-long-glos- 
sy-obleng-lance leayed Lilac-veined- 
white-lipped Galangal (Hk. 6/253, 
adpd), 3995 Alpinia Galangal. 

Greenish-white-flowered (Very-long- 
glossy-oblong-lance-leaved Pink-lipped) 
Galangal (Hk. 6/256, adpd). 3006 
Alpinia Allughas. 

(Plantain-leaved Fra- 
grant) Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3032 
Canna liliiflora. 

Greenish-yellow Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/3w). 361 Passiflora suberosa. 

Green (Cat’s) (McL. 892). 2036 Ipomxa 

Green Mango (McL. 469). 685 Spondias 

Greenweed Tribe (Nic. 2/58), XLIII-Aii. 
Leguminoss (order Papileonez sub- 
order-Genistez Tribe), 

Gregarious (Coromandel) Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2571 Phyllanthus 

Gregarious (Dwarf) Thorny Bamboo (Hk, 
6/396). 3304-b. Bambusa arundinacea 
(spinosa). : 

Grenada (New) Tea (Treas. Bot, 2/1115), 
dlii. Symplocos (genus), 

943 Parkinsonia 
S.P) (H/E.F). 

1917 Acacia 



Greville’s (Doctor) Tree (Br. 187). 2480 | 
Grevillea robusta. 

Grewia (Double coloured) (McL. 386). 314 
Grewia salvifolia. 

Grewia (Lime-tree leaved) (McL. 868). 
316 Grewia tilizfolia. 

(trewia (Panicled) (McL. 4). 

Grewia (Soft leaved) (MeL. 
Grewia hirsuta.» 

Grey Bark (McL. 420) (Ell. 178). 
Cinchona micrantha, 

Grey (Finest) Bark (McL. 420) (HIl, 173), 
1454 Cinchona peruviana, 

Grey (Genuine) Bark (MeL. 420) (Muell. | 
S.P) (Ell. 173) 14638 Cinchona nitida. 
Grey barked Nageia(MchL. 711). 2597 

Putranjiva Roxburghii. 

Grey-blotched (lmparipinnate-(3-7)-pen- 
dent Creamy-white-margined) oblong- 
elliptic - irregularly - serrate - folioled 
Aralia (Nic. 1/104, adpd). 13938 Aralia 

Grey Bonduc (McL. 101). 926 Czsalpinia 

Grey Box (Maid. C.1). 1203 Eucalyptus 

prickly-branched) leayed Coral Tree 
(Hk. 2/190, adpd). 819 KErythrina 

Grey-downy*backed (Crenate-dentate) 
Heart leaved Woolly-Jacket (Hk. 1/379, 
adpd). 291 Eriolena Candollei, 

Grey-downy-backed-obtuse-leaved paper 
shrub (Hk. 1/177, adpd). 117 Capparis 

327 Grewia 

105). 325 


Grey -downy-backed-sinuate (Yellow- 
prickly-branched) leaved Coral Tree 
(Hk. 2/190, adpd). S19-b. Erythrina 
scberosa (lobata). 

Grey-downy Balsam Tree (Hk. 1/525, 
adpd). clxx..Garuga (genus). 

Grey-downy-(Muitifoliate-(15-19) obli- 

leaved) Balsam Tree (Hk. 1/525, adpd). 
440 Garuga pinnata. 

Grey-cowny-shooted Fourteen-(8—20 prs)- | 
nerved-leaved Nutmeg (Hk. 5/108, 
adpd). 2424 Myristica canarica. 

Grey-downy Winged-nut Buackthorn 
climber (Hk. 1/631, adpd), 55 
Ventilago calyculata. 

Grey Hmetic Nut (McL. 291, 473, 996). 
1497 Randia uliginosa, 

Grey-frosted (Cuspidate) Heart leaved 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2007 
Argyreia cymosa. 

Grey-green (White-pabescent-becoming) 
Large Bamboo (Gbl. 752). 3812 Den- 
drocalamus Hamiltoni. 

Grey-green (Glaucous-green-becoming) | 
largest Bamboo (Gbl. 752). 3313 Den- 
drocalainus giganteus, 


| Ground Rattan (Mech. 755). 


Grey (New-South-Wales) Gum. (Bth. 
3/245). 1178 Eucalyptus resinifera. 
Grey-Gum of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
3/244). 1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 
Grey-Gum of New-South-Wales (sth. 
3/256). 1172 Eucalyptus saligna. 

Grey Iron Bark (Maid. C.T). 1200 Euca- 
lyptus paniculata. 

Grey Mango Laurel (McL. 500, 
declxxxiii. Litseea (genus). 

Grey (Common) Mango Laurel (McL. 468, 
500, corr.) 2462 Litsea polyantha. 

ener (Glabrous) Mango Laurel (McL. 500, 
adpd). 2461 Litsza venulosa. 

Grey Woolly Banyan (McL. 73, 473, 100, 
adpd). 2728 Ficus tomentosa. 

Grey-Woolly-roundish-obtuse (Prickly-. 
branched) leaved Coral Tree (PJ. 2/841, 
adpd), 821 Erythrina tomentosa. 

Greyish-green-leaved Red-flowered 
Almond (Nie. 1/67). 1063-c, Prunus- 
Amygdalus (dulcis). 

Greyish- -green (White ringed) Solid Bam- 
boo (Gbl. 746). 3301 Bambusa Tulda, 
Greyish-pnrple-and - salmony ~ blotched 

Olive-green oblong-ovate-leaved Vernal- 
flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2249 Eranth- 
emum tricolor. 
barked-(Parallel-oblique - fine - regular- 
neryed medium-lance and-falcate-acu- 
minate-leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 2/2965, 
adpd), 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 
Grittithia (Sweet scented) (McL. 291) 
(Br. 99). 1499 Randia malabarica, 
Griffith’s Khasia Oak (Hk. 5/603) (FAR, 
27, 28, 29, NLGS) (Ooty. 345). 2791 
Quercus Griffithii. 
Giislea (Downy) (McL. 314). 1807 Wood- 
fordia floribunda. 


| Groot-rijf-blad of the Dutch (MeL. 908). 

2288 Callicarpa lanata. 

| Groove branched Quingnetoil Vine (McL. 

564, adpd). 610 Vitis sulcata. 

Ground Mallow (MchL. 68). 217 Side 

_ corditolia. 

Ground (Climbing-naked-stemmed) Orchid — 
(Hk. 6/90, W.A.I,  adpd). cmsxtlii. 
Vanilla (genus). 

_ Ground Paulay (McL. 664). 2550 Cleis- 

tantbus collinus. 

| Ground Paulay (McL. 478, 644, 997), 

1842 Wrightia tomentosa. 

(73201) 3279 
Spinifex squarrosus, 

Ground Rose Apple (McL. 386) (?). 2302 
Premna herbacea. 

Ground Black Plam (McL. 379, 386, adpd). 
2302 Premna herbacea. 

Ground-Ivy-scented Lantana (Nic. 2/234, 
adpd). 2278 Lantana nivea. 

Ground Trumpet Flower (MoL. 578). 
delxxxviii, Bignonia (genus), 


Ground Tungaid (MoL. 805). 955 Cassia | 

Ground Tungaid (McL. 805, 932). 
Cassia angustifolia. 


Ground Tungaid (McL. 804). 963 Cassia | 


Groundsel (Bracteate Indian) (Hk. 3/222, 
260). dxx. Plachea (genus). 

Groundse! (Small-woolly-glandular-sessile 
acute-or-ohtase-leaved Indian (HK. 
8/272, adpd). 1607 Pluchea indica. 

Grove Fern (Nic. 1/54) (S. 115). mili. 
Alsophila (genus). 

Grove-(Bipinnate-black - prickle-rachised- 
leathery-hairy narrow-lance-pinnati- 
partite-acuminate-pinnuled) Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3327 Alsophila crinita. 

INDEX, 569 

Guava (Indian Hill) (Nic. 3/298°. 1225 
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 

Guava (Malacca) (McL. 386). 1228 Enge- 
nia malaccensis, 

Guava (Pear-shaped) (McL. 383) (Cag. 
236) (Br. 78). 1222~-a. Psidiam Guyava 

| Guava (Purple) (Mnuell. S.P). 1223 
Psidium Cattleyanum. 
Goava (Purple fruited) (Cag. 2364). 1223 

Grove - (Bipinnate - niaricate - rachised- - 

papery narrow-lance-pinnatifid-acumin- 
ate-pinnoled) Fern (Bea/F, adpd). 
3326 Alsophila latebrosa. 

Grove (Bipinnate-muricate-rachised -shag- 
gy-costate oblong - subglaucous - back- 
ed pinnatipartite-acaminate - pinnuled) 
Fern (Nic. 1/55, adpd). 3329 Alsophila 

Grove (Bipinnate-unarmed-strigose-rachis- 
ed ovate - lance - pinnatilobate -acumin- 
ate-pinnuled) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3328 
Alsophila gigantea. 

Grove small-leaved Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2561 Phyllanthus nemorum. 
Grove Tree (McL. 72). 


Ground Cypress (Cag. 411). 2812 Cupres- 
sus Lawsoniana. 

Ground Rattan cane (N. 3/287) (S. 364) 
(Cat. 331). 3201. Rhapis fiabelliformis. 

Groandsel (Nic. 3/420) (Gbl. 428). dxxxi. 
Senecio (genus). 

Guaiac Tree (Br. 41). 

Guava (Nic. 3/38) (S. 351). edxvii. Psidi- 
um (genus). 

362 Guaiacum 

(Cag. 235) (Bed. 1/105) (Bs/T/326) 
(Gbl. 355) (Bdn/F/T) (Pr. 1/487) (Ru/ 
N/65). 1222 Psidium Guyava. - 

Guava (Apple-shaped)(Br. 76) (Cag. 236) 
1222-b. Psidium Guyava (pomiferam) 

Guava (Chinese) (Br. 78) (Cag. 236) 
Ooty. 68) (FAR. 34, 36, 37). 1223 
Psidium Cattleyanum. 

Guava (Common) (Nic. 3/39) (S. 252). 
1222-a. Psidium Guyava (pyriferum). 

Guava (Dark)(McL. 358). 1258 Eugenia 

Guava (Dwarf) (Cag. 236). 1222-c. 
Psidinm Guyava (pamilum). 

Guava (Hill) (McL. 333, 995). (Cag. 228). 
1225 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, 

Psidium Cattleyanum. 
Guava (Red) (McL. 333) (S. 252) (Cag. 
236) (Br. 76) (Ooty. 62) (£11. 465) (Pa. 

212). 1222-b. Psidium Guyava (pomi- 
Guava (Round) (McL. 333). 1222-b. 

Psidium Guyava (pomiferum). 

Guava (Small) (FAR. 3). 1222-c, Psidium 
Guyava (pamilum). 

Guava (Strawberry) (Cag. 236). 1222-d. 
Psidium Guyava (aromaticum)- 

Guava (White) (MeL. 333, 473) (El). 466). 
1222-a. Psidium Guyava (pyriferur). 
Guava (Wiid) of Ceylon (Gbl. 355). 1225 

Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 
Gueldres Rose (McL. 566) (S. 449) (Bed. 

1/123). cdixxiv. Viburnum (genus). 

Gueldres (Mountain) Rose (McL. 566, 
adpd). 1425 Viburnum punctatum 

: Guettarda (Great flowered) (Br. 100). 

2726 Ficus ben- | 

1517 Guettarda speciosa. 

Guiana (Black Lance Wood of) (Nic. 
4/485) (Ene. Brit. 14/259}. 74 Sagerza 

Guiana (Bullet Tree of British) (Treas. 
Bot. 2/746). 1693 Mimusops globosa. 
Guiana (Crab Oil Tree of) (Nic. 1/265, 

adpd). 475 Carapa guianensis. 

Guiana (Dumb Cane of British) (Nic. 
5/322). 3267 Dieffenbachia Jenmani. 
Guiana Golden Funnel Dog-bane (Nic. 
1/47, adpd). 1454 Allamanda cathar- 


| Gnilandina (McL. 101). 926 Czsalpinia 
Guava (McL. 333, 473, 484, 995,) (S. 187) | 

Guillot (Madame) de Montfavet Rose 
(Ru/N/90, 0/21) (Mu. 53) (Hod) (Ooty. 

28). 1107-a. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (albida-albocarneo-suffusa- 

Guillot (Cathérine) Rose (Ru/N/89) (Mu. 
56) (Cag. 598). 1106-a. Rosa borbonica 

Guillot (Marie) Rose (Ru/N/81, 0/21) 
(Me. 55). 1105-d. Rosa odorata 

Guillot (Souvenir de Cathérine) Rose 
(Mu. 56). 1108-h. Rosa Noisettiana 

Guinea (Blippo of) (Ol. 3/98). cdxeyi. 
Randia (genus). 


Guinea CS 3/16). 
es pee MeNie! 3/360). 1437 Sarco- 
peer ee ater 170,338). delxviii. 
a 170) (8. 187). 

2094-b. Capsicum frutescens (annuum). 

Guinea Plum any 3/325). ccclxxil. 
Parinarium (genus). 
Guinea Plum (Nic. 3/325). 1059 Pari- 

narium excelsum. ; Have aaate 
Guinea (Biglandular-long ellptlcnaee 
; Jeaved) Plum (Hk. 2/311, adpd). 1060 
Parinarium indicum. z ree 
Guinea Biglandular-mec ium wavy-lance- 
ce Plum (Hk. 2/311, adpd). 1061 
Parinarium travencorium. = 
Guinea Yam (McL. 463). 3067 Dioscorea 

sativa. : . 
Guler (Mcl. 49). 2757 Ficus glomerata. 
Gulgul (Lahore) (Bon, 15). 417 -d. 

Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (decu- 

mana). : 
Gulgul y Benares and Saharanpur (Bon). 

410-d, Citrus medica-Limonum (decu- 

mana). iy 
eee (Gbl. 270). 941 Poinciana 

ae 327) (Gbl 

Gum (Austrajian Blue) (Bs/T/ \ 
aay (Bdn/F.T) (PA. 287) (W. Oa). 
1189 Eucalyptus Globulus. 

Gum (Australian Bolly) (Maid. C.T). | 

Litseea (genus). 

deelxxxil). AED) 

Gum (Bailey’s) vue 1/535, 
Eucalyptus Baileyana. 
Giret (Bathurst-Downs zie) (Bth. 3/240), 
1186 Eucalyptus viminalis, = 
Gum (Blue) (MeL. 99, 243, 995) (Nic. 
1/585) (Cag. 589) (Ooty. 278, T. 8. 15) 
(Bed. 1/105) (Bs/8/251, NLGS) (Cat. 
140) (S. 54, 107, 358). 1189 Eucalyptus 

Gum (Citron scented) (Bth. 3/257). 1168 
Eucalyptus citriodora. 

Gum (Creswick Red) (Bth. 3/202). 1192 
Bucalyptus amygdalina. a 

Gum (aves) (MeL. 99). 1189 Eucalyptus 


Gum (Forest Red) (Maid. C.T), 1188 

Eucalyptus tereticornis. 
Gum Soren Scented) (S. 158, 235) (Cat. 
1168 Euca- 

140) (Ru/N/83, 128, U/8). 
lyptus citriodora. f 
Gon. (Manna) (Bth. 3/240) (Nie. 5/354) 
(Ooty. 281). 1186 Eucalyptus vimi- 
Gum (Mountain) (Maid. C.'T). 

Eucalyptus goniocalyx. — 
Gum (Murray Red) (Maid. C.T) (Bth. 
3/241). 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 
Gum (New-South-Wales Grey) (Bth. 
3/245), 1178 Eucalyptus resinifera. 



Gum Animi (MchL. 258). 

Gum (New-South-Wales Red) (Bth. 
3/245) (McL. 756, 995). 1178 Euca- 

lyptus resinifera. 

Gum (FPlanckon’s) (Nic. 1/535, adpd). 
1196 Eucalyptus Planchoniana. 

Gum (Port-Jackson Blue) (Bth, 3/212). 
1191 Eucalyptus heemastoma. 

Gum (Port-Jackson White) (Bth. 3/212). 
1191 Eucalyptus hemastoma. 

Gum (Red) (Bs/T/329) (Ru/N/83, 128, 

O/8) (Cat. 140). 1187 Eucalyptus 
Gum (Kockingham-Bay Blue) (Bth. 

3/242), 1188 Eucalyptus tereticornis. 
Gum (Rockingham-Bay Red) (Bth, 3/242). 
1188 Eucalyptus tereticornis. 

Gum (Ruddy) (Nic. 1/585, adpd). 1204 
Eucalyptus rubida. 
Gum (Slaty) (Maid, C.T), 1181 Euca- 

lyptus polyanthemos, 
Gum (South Australian White) (Bth, 
3/212). 1200 Eucalyptus paniculata. 

Gum (Sydney Blue) (Maid. C.T). 1172 
Kucalyptus saligna, 

Gum (Jlaindoo) (McL. 366). 
pyros melanoxylon. 

Gum (Twofold-Bay White) (Bth, 3/230). 
1194 Eucalyptus goniocalyx, 

Gum (Victoria Peppermint) (Bth. 3/240). 
1186 Eucalyptus viminalis. 

Gum (Victoria Weeping) (Bth. 3/240). 
1186 Kucalyptus vimiralis. 

Gum (West Australian Red) (Bth. 3/256). 
1171 Eucalyptus calophylla. 

Gum (White) (Nic. 5/354) (?). 
Eucalyptus viminalis (?), 

Gum (White) (Ooty. 276, T. 8.17). 1191 
Kucalyptus hemastoma. 

Gum (indian) Animé (McL, 684). 
Vateria indica. 

1715 Dios- 



207 Vateria 

Gum Arabic (Nic. 1/5). 

Gum (Indian) Arabic (McL. 63) (Bed. 
2/6), 1029 Acacia arabica. 

Gum Benjamin (MchL. 84) (Rox, 2/415) 
(Gbl. 466). 1750 Styrax Benzoin. 

Gum box (8.187). ccexcii. Hscallonia 

Gum (Chilian) Box (8. 157) (Nic, 1/538). 
1127 Escallonia macrantha, 

Gum (Crimson Jarge flowered) Box (Nic. 
1/533). 1127 Kscallonia macrantha. 
Gum (Montevideo) Box (Nic. 1/538, 534), 

1126 Escallonia floribunda. 
Gum (White bundle flowered) Box (Nic. 
1/533). 1126 Escallonia floribunda. 

1029 Acacia 

| Gum Cistus (Nic. 1/382) (8.187). 126 



Cistus polymorphus. 
Gum Cistus (Nic, 331) (S. 99), 
tus (genus). 

xlix, Cis- 


Gum Dholl (McL. 274). 

Gum Fig. (McL. 49). 2757 Ficus glome- 

Gum Lac Tree (McL. 645). 

Gum Lac Tree (McL. 155, 428). 
Schleichera trijuge. 

Gum (Drooping) of New-South-Waies 
(Bth. 3/240). 

Gum (Flooded) 
(Bth. 3/241). 1187 Eucaly ptus rostrata. 

Gum (Grey) of New-south-Wales (Bth. 
3/256). 1172 Eucalyptus saligna. 

Gum (Grey) of New-South- Wales (Bth. 
3/244). 1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Gum (White) of New-South-Wales (Bth 
3/201). 1183 Eucalyptus paucifiora. 

Gum (Yellow) of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
3/244). 1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Gam (White) of Paramatta (Bth. 3/256). 
1172 Hucalyptus saligna. 

Gum (Blue) of Queensland and New- 
South-Wales (Bth. 3/229). 1175 Euca- 
lyptus botryoides. 

Gum (Spotted) of Queensland and New- 
South-Wales (Bth. 3/212). 1191 Euca- 
lyptus hemastoma. 

Gum (White) of South Australia (Btb. 
3/241). 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 

Gum (White) of South Australia 
(Bs/T/327) (Bdn/F.T). 1195 Euca- 
lyptus leucoxylon. 

(?) 232 Pavonia 

828 Butea 

Gum (Blue) of Tasmania (Bth. 3/225). 

1189 Eucalyptus Globulus. 

Gum (Red) of Tasmania (Bth. 3,244). 
1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Gum (Weeping) of Tasmania (Bth. 3 201). 
1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora. 

Gum (Red) ot the Nilgiris (Bs,T/327). 
1192 Eucalyptus amygdalina. 
Gum (Turpentine) of Twofold Bay (bth. 
3/244). 1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 
Guin (Spotted) of Twofold-Bay and Vic- 
toria (Bth. 3/280). 

Gum (Flooded) of Victoria (Bth. 3/201). 
1183 Eucalyptus pancifiora. 

Gum (Mountain White) of Victoria (Bth. 
3/201). 1183 Eucalyptus paucifiora. 

Gum (White) of Victoria (Bth. 3/244). 
1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Gum Piney (McL. 684). 207 Vateria 

Gum Plant (Br. 190). 2538 Euphorbia 

Gum (Dikmali) Plant (Cat. 162). 
Gaidenia guwmifera. 

Gum Thistle (McL. 501). decvi. Euphor- 
bia (genus). 

Gum _ Tree (8. 2). 



cecclxvii. Acacia 

1186 Eucalyptus vimi- | 

of New-South-Wales 

1194 Eucalyptus 


Gum Tree (Nic. 1/535). 

edix. Eucalyptus 

Gum (Australian) Tree (McL. 58, 995) 
(S. 157) (Maid. O.T). edix. Eucaly ptus 

Gum (Butea) Tree (McL. 645). 828 
Butea frondosa. 

Gum (Kateerah) Tree (McL. 232). 129 
Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Gum (Katira) Tree (Pr. 1/229). 129 
Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Gum (Mocharas) Tree (McL. 2384). 259 
Bombax malabaricum. 

Gum (Semla) Tree (McL. 520). 993 

Bauhinia retusa. 
Gum (Sandarach) Tree (McL. 783) (Nic. 

5/185). decexcyiii. Callitris (genus). 

Gum (Water) Tree (Nic. 4/93). 1221 
Tristania neriifolia. 

Gum (Woodalee) Tree (McL.138). 1035 
Acacia Catechu. 

Gum-yielding Gardenia (Br. 98). 1505 
Gardenia gummifera. 

Gum-yielding Gardenia (McL. 263). 

{1604 Sphalm] 1505 Gardenia gummi- 

Gummy Cape Jasmine (McL. 124, 263, 
291, 300, 996, adpd). 1505 Gurdenia 

Gummy Chiranjy (McL. 314). 
Woodfordia floribunda. 
Gummy Mango (McL. 469). 
dium occidentale. 
(McL. 860). 

665 Anacar- 
Gunny 722 Crotalaria 
Gunny-bag Plant 
Corchorus (genus). 
Gurjan (McL. 336), 
pus indicus (?) 
Gurjun Oil (Rox. 2/614). 
carpus (genus). 
Gutta-percha (Four-petalled) (Bth. 
3/535, adpd). dlvii. lsonandra (genus). 
Gutta-percha (Medium-glabrous elliptic- 
obovate-obtuse-leavyed) (Hk. 3/540, 
adpd). 1683 lsonandra diplostemon. 

Gutta-percha (Medium-rusty-silky-glab- 
rate-close-nerved elliptic-obtuse-leaved) 
(Hk. 3/539, adpd). 1682-e. Isonandra 
lanceolata (Perrottetiana). 

Gutta-percha (Medium-rusty-silky-glab- 
rate elliptic-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 3/529, 
adpd). 1682-d. Isonandra lanceolata 

Gutta-percha (Medium-rusty-silky-glab- 
rate lance-cuspidate-leayed) (Hk. 
3/539, adpd). 1682-a. lsonandra 
lanceolata (typica). 

Gutta-percha (Medium-rnsty-silky-glab- 
rate obovate-elliptic-cuspidate-leaved) 
(HE. 3/5389, adpd). 1682-b. Isonandra 
lanceolata (anfractuosa). 

(McL. 399). cxxil. 
(?) 196 Dipterocar- 

Ixxx. Diptero- 


Gutta-percha (Six-petalled) (Hk. 3/535, 

adpd). dlviii. Dichopsis (genus). 
Gutta-percha (Small-glabrous broad- 
elliptic-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 8/588, 

adpd). 1682-c. Isonandra lanceolata 

Gutta-percha Tree (Treas. Bot. 1/680). 
dlvii. Isonandra (genus). 

Gutta-percha (Gbl. 445, 446) (Bs/T/474, 
475), dlviii. Dichopsis (genus). 

Gutta-percha (Bourdillon’s) (MeL. 478, 
663, adpd). 

Gutta-percha (Indian) (McL. 478, 668) 
(Bed. 2/43) (HIl. 844) (Cat. 170). 
1684 Dichopsis elliptica. 


Habrotbamnus (Ru/O/20) (Mu. 41)(S. 189). 

delxxiii. Cestrum (genus). 

Hackberry (Muell. S.P) 
(McL. 361) (8.85).  decclxiii, 

(H: E.F) 

Hair (Drowpady’s) (Mc. 284, 998), 2059 
Porana racemosa. 

Hair (Drowpady’s) (McL. 284, 998). 2060 
Porana malabarica. 

Hair (Princess’s) (McL. 230). 2472 Cas 
sytha filiformis. 

Hair Creeper (McL. 3862). 91 Cissam- 

pelos Pareira. 
Hair Creeper (McL. 240). 

Hair (Giant) Grass (Treas. Bot. 1/549, 

Hk. 7/6, adpd), mxxxvi. Zenkeria 
Hair-Knot Plant (McL. 282). 1885 

Deemia extensa, 

Hair (African) Palm (S. 90). 38199 Cham- 
zerops humilis. : : 

Hair (Woman’s) Palm (Mch. 777). 3152 
Caryota urens. 

Hair (Matted) Plant (McL, 868). 316 
Grewia tilizfolia. 

Hair spined Prickly Pear (Nic. 5/570). 

1381 Opuntia leucotricha. 

Haired (Perrottet’s Tawny) Cinnamon 
(McL. 188, adpd). 2439 Cinnamomum 

Haired (Tawny) Cinnamon (Mch. 188, 
adpd). 2435 Cinnamomum szlphur- 

Haired (White) Indian Fig (Cavanagh, 
Mad. Mail. 31-3-05). 1381 Opuntia 

Hairy-backed-scabrous-(3) -whorled Ovate- 
lance-leaved Purple flowered Lantana 
(Hk.. 4/568, adpd), 2280 Lantana 

Hairy Blue Nail Dye (McL, 558, adpd). 
2233 Barleria pilosa. 

Hairy Dillenia (MeL, 155), 

1685 Dichopsis Bourdil- | 

838 Clitoria 

15 Dillenia | 


Hairy (Single) flowered Calycine Man- 
grove (MchL. 470, adpd). 1136 Bru- 
guiera eriopetala. 

Hairy (Mountain) Goglet Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1948 Ceropegia ciliata. 
Hairy (Short necked) Goglet Flower (MeL. 

466, adpd). 1945 Ceropegia brevicollis. 

Hairy (Stock’s) Goglet Flower (McL. 466, 
adpd). 1946 Coropegia Stocksii. 

Hairy (Western Ghauts) Goglet Flower 
(McL. 466, aipd). 1942 Ceropegia 

Hairy-leaved Creamy=»=white 
(Hk. 4/207, adpd). 
obscura (gemella). 

Hairy leaved Unigiandular senna (McL. 
804, adpd). 951 Cassia hirsuta. 

Hairy Loose spiked Pepper (Mch. 676, 
adpd). 2409 Piper Hookeri. 

Hairy Nightshade (McL. 879, 998). 
Solanum ferox, 

Hairy Node-ringed Hollow Large Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/406, adpd). 3313 Dendrocala- 
mus giganteus. 

Hairy-oblong-spiked (Medium-lineolate 
Seven-(7-prs)-nerved Broad-lance-cre- 
nate-acuminate-leaved) Conehead (Hk. 
4/439, adpd). 2193 Strobilanthes war- 

Hairy (American) Senna (McL. 847). 951 
Cassia hirsuta. 

Hairy-stalk figged Banyan (McL. 72, 
adpd). 2725 Ficus Dalhousia. 

Hairy Summer Heliotrope (Hk. 4/146, 
adpd). 1987 Tournefortia Wightii. 

Hairy Swollen Node-ringed Shrubhy 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/877, adpd), 3297 
Arundinaria Wightiana. 

Hairy (Rough) Tree Vine (McL. 751, 
adpd). 622 Leea hirta. 

Hairy Wild Vine (McL. 685) (Br. 386), 
598 Vitis setosa. 

Hairy Yellow-flowered Laurustinus (McL. 
566, adpd). 1427 Viburnum heban- 

Haj (McL, 88). 783 Alhagi camelorum. 

Half-baggy petalled Flowering Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xxv. Saccopetalum 

Half-boat-flowered Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, Hk. 
1/72, adpd). xix. Pheeanthus (genus). 

Half-boat-flowered (Medium-rusty-downy- 

2039-b. Ipomcea 


midribbed  lance-acuminate leaved) 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/72, adpd). 50 Pheean- 

thus malabaricus. 

Half-boat petalled Flowering Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, Hk. 1/72, adpd). xix. Phe- 
anthus (genus). 

Half-cuplike-indusiate Round-sori-sub- 
marginal-terminating - pinnule - venules 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). mliv. Davallia 


Half-donble Flesh-pink China Rose (Cag. 
598) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Br. 72), 1103-a. 
Rosa indica (carnea-semi-plena). 

Half double Scarlet Shoe Flower (Nic. 
1/142) (Jaf). 244-e. Hibiscus rosa-sin- 
ensis (miniata-semi-plena). 

Half Jack (McL., 34, 774). 2759 Antiaris 

Half-hooded-flowered Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, 
adpd). xx. Goniothalumus (genus). 

Half-hooded flowered (Long-chartaceous 
Obovate-cuspidate leaved) Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/75, adpd). 58 Goniothalamus 

Half-hooded-flowered (Long-membra- 
nous Narrow-obovate-cuspidate leaved) 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/74, adpd). 52 Gonio- 
thalamus wynaadensis. 

Half-hooded-flowered (Medium-char- 
taceous lance-acute leaved) Nutmeg (Hk, 
1/76, adpd). 54 Goniothalamus 

(Hk. 1/73, adpd). 

Half-spur-flowered Nutmeg (Bs/T/L0, 
adpd). xxv. Saccopetalum (genus), 

Half-spur-flowerei (Woolly-backed Me- 
dium-ovate-acute leaved) Nutmee (Hk. 
1/88, adpd). 66 Saccopetalum tomen- 

leaved) Nutmeg 
51 Goniothalamus 

Half-star-flowered Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, 
adpd). xxiv. Miliusa (genus). , 

Half-star-flowered (Medium Woolly-ovate- 
oblong leaved) Nuatmee (Hk. 1/87, 
adpd). 64 Miliusa velutina. 

Half-star-flowered (Small elliptic-lancea- | 

cuminate leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/87, 
adpd). 65 Miliusa nilagirica. 
Half-star-flowered (Small oblong-lance- 
cuspidate leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/87, 
adpd). 63 Miliusa Wightiana. 
Half-star-flowered (Small Strigose-back- 
ed-lance leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/86, 

adpd.) 62-b. Miliusa indica (strigosa), | 

Half-star-flowered (Small Weolly-backed- 
lance leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/86, adpd). 
62-a, Miliusa indica (tomentosa). 

Half-star-flowered (Very-small Ovate 
leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/86,adpd). 62-c, 
Miliusa indica (montana). 

Half-star petalled Flowering Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xxiv. Miliusa (genns). 

Half-(25)-stamened (Large-flowered) 
Coorg Sweet-leaf (Bs/T/441, adpd) 
1728 Symplocos Warburgi. 

Hamelia (Round frnited) (Br. 103). 1490 
Hamelia sphzrocarpa. 
Hamelia (Spreading) (Br. 1038). 1489 

Hamelia patens. 
Hamiltonia (Sweet scented) (Nic. 2/111) 

_ (Br, 103), (1592 Hamiltonia suaveolens. » 

INDEX. 578 

Hamilton’s Bamboo (FAR. 81 to 42, 

NLGS). 38312 Dendrocalamus Hamil- 
Hanes (MchL. 376). 2763 Artocarpus 


Hand (Gandharva’s) (McL. 54). 
Ricinus communis. 

Hand (Left) Flower Family (Nic. 3/377, 
adpd). LXIV. Goodeniacew (Order). 


Hand (Left) flower (Nic. 3/377), dxxxiii. 
Sezevola (genus). 

Handsome Poinsettia (Br. 191). 2540 
Euphorbia pulcherrima. 

Happy ‘Tree (McL. 911). 482 Cedrela 


Harbinger of Spring (McbL. 467). 
Mangifera indica. 

Hard Bamboo (McL. 70), 
calamus strictus. 


3310 Dendro- 

Hard Fern (S. 192) (Nic, 2/112). mlxiv. 
Lomaria (genus). 
Hard (False) Fern (Nic. 5/152), mlvi. 

Blechnum (genus). 

Hard (Pinnate ($-1}. ft) Leathery-linear- 
(2’—-4'’) - cordate -acuminate - pinnated) 
Fern (Nic. 1/195, adpd). 3341 Blechnum 

Hard (Pinnate-(1-8 ft)-scaly-stiped Lea- 
thery - linear - lance-(6”-12")-obliquely - 
truncate - based -acuminate - pinnated) 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3342 Blechnum 

Hard (Pinnatifid-(2-3-{t)-muricate-stiped 
ate-segmented) Fern (Nic. 1/194, 
adpd), 3340 Blechnum cartilagineum. 

Hard (Pinnatifid-(2—4 ft)-scaly-stiped Lea- 
thery - linear - (4’-8”)- toothed - wavy - 
acuminate-sezgmented) Fern (Nic. 1/194, 
adpd). 3339 Blechnum brasiliense. 

Hard leaved Scarlet-diuped Ela (Bed, 
1/218, adpd). 2712 Celtis Wightii. 

Hard Nut Pine (Ho/E.F). 2855 Pinus 

Hard-rongh-furrowed - persistent - barked 
(Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium 
Ovate - lance - to-lance - mostly - falcate- 
much-acuminate-leaved Eucalypt (Rth). 
3/270, adpd). 1173 Eucalyptus sidero- 

Hard - rough- furrowed- persistent- barked 
(Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium 
minate-leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 3/228, 
adpd). 1174 Eucalyptus robusta. 

Hard-rough-furrowed persistent - barked- 
(Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium 
Ovate - lance - to - lance - straight - acu- 
minate-leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 3/229, 
adpd). 1175 Eucalyptus botryoides, 

Hard - rough - furrowed-persistent-barked 
(Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium 
Ovate-lance-to-lance (Bth. 3/256, adpd). 
1176 Eucalyptus corymbosa, 


Hardy Trumpet Creeper (Po. 59). 2149 
Bignonia Tweediana. 

Hare-foot (Sweet-smelling) (McL. 623). 
798 Uraria lagopoides. 

Hare-foot Tailed Tick Trefoil (McL, 628, 
Br. 52, adpd). 793 Uraria lagopoides. 
Hare leaf (MeL. 6). 2047 Ipomcea biloba. 
Hare’s-ear (S. 65), cdlviii. Bupleurum 

Hare’s-ear (Ribwort) (Hk. 2/674, adpd). | 
1385 Bupleurum plantagineum, 
Flare’s-ear (Small-to-medium  sub-pal- 
mately-(10-30)-nerved oblong-obtuse = 
mucronate-leaved (Hk. 2/674, adpd). 
1385 Bupleurum plantagineum. 
Hare’s Foot Fern (S. 132). mliv, Davallia 

ae 1/549). 


Hare’s-tail Grass (Treas. Bot, 

mxxxiij. Imperata (genus). 

Haritakee (McL. 928). 1146 Terminalia | 


Harlot Jasmine (McL. 384). 1766 Jas- 
minum auriculatum. 
Harmal (McL. 340, 867, 993). 364 Pega- 

num Harmala. 

Harmless (Penninerved-alternate Long- 
membranous-downy-backed elliptic- 
oblong-candate-leaved) Nettle (Jik. 
5/589, adpd). 2776-a. Villebrunia in- 
tearifolia (typica). 

Harmless (Penninerved-alternate Medium- 
membranous-subglabrous oblong-lance- 
caudate-leaved) Nettle (Hk. 5/590, 
adpd). 2776-b, Villebrunia integrifolia 

lfarmless (Triple-nerved-alternate Long 
oblique - oblance - entire-or-apically-ser- 
rate-acuminate-leaved) Nettle (Hk. 
5/575, adpd). 2769 Procris lxvigata. 

Harmless (Triple-nerved-alternate Me- 
ed Lance-oblong-or-roundish-serrate- 
acuminate-leaved) Nettle (Hk. 5/590, 
adpd). 2777 Villebrunia frutescens. 

Harmless (Triple-nerved-opposite Me- 
dium-to-long-downy-glabrate-Roundish- | 
coarse-toothed-caudate-leaved) Nettle 

(Hk. 5/576, adpd). 2772 Boshmeria | 
Harmless (Triple-nerved-alternate Me- 

dium-downy-backed ovate-oblong-cre- | 
nulate-caudate-leaved) Nettle (Hk. 
5/575, adpd). 2770 Boohmeria mala- 

Harmless (Triple-nerved-alternate Me- | 
dium-white-velvetty- backed - wrinkled- | 
downy-or-scabrid oblong-lance-serrate- | 
acuminate-leaved) Nettle (Hk. 5/590, 
adpd). 2778 Debregeasia velutina. 

Harmless (Triple-nerved-alternate 
Medium- white-downy - backed - scabrid 
Roundish - serrate - acuminate - leaved) 
Nettle (Hk. 5/576, adpd), 2771 Beeh- 
meria niyea, 


Harmless (Triple-nerved-alternate Small 
Broadly-lance-acuminate-leaved) Nettle 
(Hk. 5/582, adpd). 2773 Pouzolzia 

Harmless (Triple-nerved-opposite-and-(3)- 
whorled Medium-membranous-sessile 
ciliate Lance-heart-acuminate-leaved) 
Nettle (Hk. 5/587, adpd), 2775 Pouzol- 
zia integrifolia. 

Harmless (Triple-nerved-opposite-and-(3)- 
whorled Small-scabrid Lance-leaved) 
Nettle (Hk. 5/584, adpd). 2774 Ponzol- 
zia Wightii (Wallichiana). 

Haro-Gouri Shoe Flower (Ru/N/77). 
244, 2, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (zebrina). 

Harra (McL. 389). 1148 Terminalia 

Harsh Arrow leaved Moon-seed (Mch. 
1005, Hk. 1/96, adpd). 77 Parabzena 

Harsh (Fleshy druped) Indian Linden 
(Hk, 1/390, adpd). 324 Grewia abntili- 

Harsh Rhomb leaved Morning Mallow 
(Hk. 1/824, adpd). 216-a, Sida rhom- 
bifolia (scabrida). 

Harsh Round leaved Indian Linden (Hk. 
1/390, adpd). 824 Grewia abutilifolia. 

Harsh Summer Heliotrope (Hk. 4/145, 
adpd), 1985 Tournefortia Heyneana. 

Harsingar (McL, 383). 1776 Nyctanthes 

Hary’s Plant (McL. 63). 

Hatchet Tree (McL. 148). 1519 Canthium 

Hat (Panama) Plant Family (Muell. S,P 
Cag. 885, 842, adpd). CXXII. Cyclan- 
thacez (Order). 

Hat (Panama) Plant (Muell. 8.P) (Cag. 
335, 841). 3240 Carludovica palmata. 

Hat (Singapore) Plant (Mc. 839, 911). 
787 Aischynomene aspera. 

Hawtayne’s Meyenia (Pr. 
Thunbergia Hawtayneana. 

3119 Gloriosa 

169). 2162 

Hawtayne’s Violet Rainbow Creeper 
(McL. 871). 2162-a. Thunbergia Haw- 
tayneana (typica). 

Hawtayne’s White Rainbow creeper 

(McL, 371). 2162-b. Thunbergia Maw. ° 
tayueana (alba). 

Haw Thorn (S. 115) (Nic. 1/392) (Loud). 
eccelxxxvili. Crateegus (genus). 

Haw (Chinese) Thorn (8.325). ecclxxxvi. 
Photinia (genus). 

|) Haw (Indian) Thorn (Br. 72, Nic. 1/392. 

adpd). 1119 Crategus crenulata. 

Hawthorn (Medium-leathery lance-to- 
oblong-acuminate-leaved Smaller-flow- 
ered Chinese) (Ik. 2/380, adpd), 1118 
Photinia Notoniana. 


(Medium-leathery lance-to- 
Larger: flowered 
1117 Pho- 

Chinese) (K. 3/380, adpd), 
tinia Lindleyana. © 

Hayward (Captain) Rose (Nic. 5/645) 

(Ru/O/19).  1107-k. Rosa hybrida- | 
semperflorens (kermesina-purpureo- 
Hazara Orange (Bon. 45, 46). 421-b. 
Citrus japonica (Hazara), 
Hazel (Witch) Family (Nic. 2/110) 
(L/N/S/B/). XLVI. Hamamelidacee | 

Hazel (Nic. 1/384) (S. 112, 99). deeclxxxix. 
Corylus (genus). 

Hazel (Common) (Nic. 1/886). 2786 
Corylus Avellana, 

Hazel (European) (Gbl. 684). 2786 
Corylus Avellana. 

Hazel leaved Screw tree (McL. 802). 280 

Helicteres Isora. 
Head (Cone) (S. 107, 418). 
lanthes (genus), 
Head (Pope’s) (8. 267, 341). 
cactus communis. 
Head (Turk’s) (S. 267). 

deciii. Strobi- 
1369 Melo- 

1869 Melocactus 


Headache (Indian) Tree (McL. 512). 
2295 Premna integrifolia. 

Headed Dogwood (Nic. 6/259). 1421 

Cornus capitata. 

Heart (Indian Purple) (Treas. Bot. 1/569, 
2/942). cccl. Hardwickia (genus). 

Heart-acuminate-leaved (Small-glabrate)’ 
Dise Swallow-wort (itk. 4/49, adpd). 
1920 Cianthus Beddomei. 

Heart-acuminate-leaved (Simple-palmati- 
(7)-nerved Large-to-medium-membra- 
nous) Yam (Hk. 6/291, adpd). 3060 
Dioscorea Wightii. 

Heart-acuminate-or-(young)-tricuspidate - 
leaved (Medium-to-large-silky-glabrate) 
Himalayan Liquidambar (Hk. 2/429, 
adpd). 1129 Bucklandia populnea. 

villous) Yellow Bindweed (Hk. 4/223, 
adpd). 2061 Breweria cordata. 

Heart-acute-or-acuminate-leaved (Small- 
membranous) Ipecacuanha Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/32, adpd). 1899 Gymnema 

Heart-acute-or-trilobed-leaved § (Small) 

INDEX. 575 

Heart - entire - angled - or- lobed - leaved 
(Small-downy) Purple-eyed-yellow 

Bindweed (Hk. 4/216, adpd). 2056 
Hewittia bicolor. 

Heart leaved Arnotto (McL. 777). 130 
Bixa Orellana. 

Heart-leaved (Glaucons-backed) Bell 
Vervein (Hk. 4/582, adpd). 2805-b. 

Gmelina arborea (glaucescens). 

Heart-leaved (Tawny-velvetty-backed) 
Bell Vervein (Hk. 4/58, adpd). 2305-a. 
Gimelina arborea (typica). 

Heart-leaved (Downy) Blue-bell Stinking 
Swallow-wort (Treas, Bot. 2/832, adpd). 
1886 Oxypetalum czruleum. 

Heart (Acicular spined) leaved Caper 
Shrub(Hk. 1/176, adpd). 115 Capparis 

Heart leaved Climbing Arum (Nic. 
5/595). 8258 Philodendron asperatum. 

Heart (Arrow-barbed) leaved Climbing 
Arum (Nic. 3/97). 8257 Philodendron 

| Heart (Auricular-lobed) leaved Climbing 

(Medium-rusty- | 

Aram (Nic. 3/97). 

Heart (Creamy-and-yellow-variegated) 
leaved Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/213). 
3275 Pothos aureus, 

Heart (Elongated) leaved Climbing Arum 
(Nic. 5/595). 3253 Philodendron 

Heart (Obliquely -elliptic-obtuse) leaved 
Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/213). 3276 
Pothos celatocaulis. 

Heart (Oblong-obtuse) leaved Climbing 
Arum (Hk. 6/549, adpd). 3271 Epi- 
premnum giganteum. 

Heart (Pink-and-white-variegated) leaved 
Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/97), 3260 (bis.) 
Philodendron gloriosum. 

Heart-leaved (Medium - membranous- 
strigose Palmatinerved-repand) Climb- 
ing Holly (Hk. 1/596, adpd). 504 
Natsiatum herpeticum. 

Heart-leaved (Simple-palmati-(5—7)-nery- 
ed Winged-amplexicaul-petioled) Curl- 
ed-coloured-winged-branched Yam (Hk. 
6/296, adpd). 3070 Dioscorea atropur- 

3256 Philodendron 

_ Heart-leaved Dusky Firebrand Teak (Hk. 

Capsular Passion Flower (Hk. 2/601, | 

adpd), 1366 Modecca Wightiana. 

Heart-cuspidate  (Long-white-velvetty- 
backed) leaved Trinity-shield Plant 
(Hk. 1/421, adpd). 361 Aspidopterys 

Heart-cuspidate (Long-12-nerved) leaved 
Tripterocarp Dammer (Hk. 1/306, 
-adpd). 201 Shorea robusta. 


4/578, adpd). 
(ty pica). 
Heart (Arnott’s Jointed) leaved Fig (McL. 
673, adpd). 2740 Ficus Arnottiana. 
Heart (Roxburgh’s Jointed) leaved Fig 
(McL. 673,adpd). 2738 Ficus Kumphii. 
Heart (Arrow and) leaved Flat Péa (Nic. 
3/159), 702 Platylobium triangulare, 

Heart (Pink-tinted) leaved Glory Tree 
_(8. 101, adpd). 2321 Clerodendron in- 

2298-a. Premna Jatifolia 


Heart (Scarlet flowered) leaved Glory 
Tree (S. 101, adpd). 2319 Clerodendron 

Heart (White flowered) leaved Glory Tree 
(S.101, adpd). 2320 Clerodendron 

Heart leaved Gmelina (McL. 135). 
Gmelina arborea. 

Heart leaved Indian Birthwort (Hk. 5/75, 
Rox. 3/489, adpd). 23892 Aristolochia 


Heart leaved Manettia (Br. 93). 1459 
Manettia cordifolia. 
Heart leaved Moon-seed (McL. 319) 

(Pf. 3). 80 Tinospora cordifolia. 

Heart (Shining) leaved Moon-seed (Rox. 
3/817, McL. 515, 1005, adpd). 
Tiliacora racemosa. 

Heart (Tuft-hairy-backed) leaved Moon. | 

seed (McL. 357, 1005, Rox. 3/816, adpd). 
81 Anamirta Cocculus. 

Heart (Woolly) leaved Moon-seed (McL. 
317, 1005, Hk. 1/96, adpd). 78 Tino- 
spora malabarica. 

Heart (Downy) leaved Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/177, adpd). 

Heart (Sticky) leaved Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/172, adpd). 212 Sida mysor- 

Heart (Triglandular) leaved Morning 
Mallow (Rox. 38/174, adpd). 214-a. 

Sida spinosa (alba). 

Heart leaved Mottled Ebony (McL. 304, 
adpd). 1699-b. Diospyros montana 


217 Sida cordifolia, | 

Heart-leaved Unifoliate-subverti cillate- | 

minute) Orange-red Bell-Pea (Nic. 
2/542, adpd). 924 Oxylobium cordi- 

Heart (Acute) Ordure Tree (Hk. 1/360, | 

adpd). 273 Sterculia alata. 

Heart (Small Acuminate) leaved Ordure 
Tree (Hk. 1/3861, adpd). 

Heart leaved Passion Flower (Nic. 3/29). 
1347 Passiflora alata. 

Heart (Pointed) leaved Passion Flower 
(Nic. 3/32). 1858 Passiflora quadran- 

Heart (Tailed) leaved Ragweed Climber 
(Hk. 38/351, adpd). 1627 Senecio 

Heart (Woolly) leaved Ragweed Climber 
(Hk. 3/351, adpd). 1628 Senecio corym- 

Heart leaved Red Trumpet Greeper (Cag. 
454). 2136 Macfadyena uncinata. 

Heart leaved Sida (McL, 68). 217 Sida 

Heart (Bristly) leaved Silver-weed (Hk. 
4/194, adpd). 2014 Lettsomia setosa. 
Heart (Common) leaved Silver-weed (Hk. 

4/185, adpd). 1993 Avz7 reia speciosa. 

274 Sterculia | 


Heart (Cuspidate Grey-frosted) leaved 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2097 
Argyreia cymosa, 

Heart (Downy-faced) leaved Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/192, adpd). 2012 Lettsomia 

Deart (Hispid) leaved Silver-weed (Hk. 
4/189, adpd). 20602 Argyreia mala- 

Heart (Silky-backed Hispid) 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/188, adpd). 
Argyreia sericea. 

Heart (Villous) leaved Silver-weed (Hk. 
4/189, adpd). 2003 Argyreia hirsuta, 
Heart (Wrinkled) leaved Silver-weed (Hk. 
4/191, adpd). 2010 Lettsomia agere- 


Heart leaved Smooth Jasmine (McL., 384, 
adpd). 1757 Jasminum cordifolium, 
Heart (Himalayan) leaved Smooth 
Jasmine (McL. 384, adpd). 1758 

Jasminum anastamosans. 

Heart-leaved (Medium-membranous- 
hispid) Stinking Swallow-wort (Hk. 
4/20, adpd). 1885 Deemia extensa. 

Heart-leaved (Very-small) Straight- 
forked-spined Bengal-currant of the 
Cape (Nic. 1/104, adpd). 1805 Varissa 

Heart leaved Trifoliate Vine (McL. 564, 
adpd). 602 Vitis semicordata. 
Heart-leaved (Woolly) jTrifoliate 

(Hk. 1/657, adpd). 

Heart leaved Vine (McL. 564). 

Heart (Simple) leaved Virgin’s Bower 
(Hk. 1/38, adpd). 4 Clematis smilaci- 

Heart-leaved (Simple-palmati-(5-7)-nerv- 
ed-opposite-and-alternate Winged-am- 
plexicaul-petioled) Winged-(6, or-more)- — 
prickly-stemmed Yam (Hk. 6/297, 
adpd). 8074 Dioscorea purpurea. 

Heart leaved Woolly-jacket (Hk. 1/870, 


604 Vitis divaricata. 
593 Vitis 

adpd). cviii, Eriolena (genus). 
Heart (Crenate-dentate Grey-downy- 
backed) leaved Woolly-jacket (Hk. 

1/870, adpd), 299 Eriolena Candollei. 

Heart (Crenate-downy-backed) leaved 
Woolly-jacket (Hk. 1/370, adpd). 289 
Eriolena Stocksii. 

Heart (Serrute Rusty-felt-backed) leaved 
Woolly-jacket (Hk. 1/370, adpd). 290 
Erioleana Hookeriana. 

Heart (Toothed White-downy-backed) 
leaved Woolly-jacket (Hk, 1/371, adpd). 
292 Eriolena quirquelocularis. 

Heart-or-ovate-serrate-acuminate-( 5-9 ) — 
folioled (Bipinnate-(numerous) ciliate 
Leafy-rachis-noded Prickly Aralia (Hk. 
2/728, adpd). 1386 Aralia malabarica,. 



(Miante- | 

leathery-nerveless Recurved-margined) | 

Chay-root Shrub (Hk. 3/52, adpd). | 
1474 Hedyotis buxifolia, 
Heart.or-oyate-obtuse-leaved (Medium- 

downy-back-glabrate) Cadamba (Bs/T/ 
867, adpd). 1437 Sarcocephalus corda- 

Heart-or-rounded-based-downy leaved 
Marking-nut (Uk. 2/31, adpd). 673-a, 
Semecarpus Anacardium (typica). 

(Triple-(8-5)-ner ved-opposite Medium- 
membranous-woolly-glabrate) Mercury 
(Hk. 5/428, adpd). 2674 ‘Trewia 


(Triple-(38-5)-nerved-subopposite Medi- | 

um-membranous ‘slightly-downy-back- 
ed) Mercury ‘Hk. 5/424, adpd). 
Trewia polycarpa, 

Heart Pea (McL. 274, 611) (Nic. 5/194) 
(Br. 32) (Rid. 112). 628 Cardiosper- 
mum Halicacabum. 

Heart (Larger flowered) Pea (MchL. 611, 
adpd). 624 Cardiospermum canescens. 

Heart (Smooth leaved) Fea (Ell. 142). 
628 Cardiospermum Halicacabum. 

Heart Seed (MeL. 611) (Nic. 5/194) (Cag. 
632) (Pfl. 60). 623 Cardiospermom 

Heart-serrate-acuminate-leaved (Small- 
to-medium-membranous-shagey) Climb- 

ing Nettle Mercury (Hk. 5/465, adpd). - 

2698 Tragia bicolor. 

Heart-serrate-cuspidate-leaved (Small-to- 
medium-membranous-hispid) Climbing 
Nettle Mercury (Hk. 5/465, adpd), 
2697-b. Tragia involucrata (cordats). 

Heart-serrulate-obtnse (Medium) leaved 
Jujube (Rox. 1/614, adpda). 
Zizyphus rugosa (glabrescens). 

Heart stipuled Larger Chinese Laure] 
(McL. 472, 594, adpd). 2614 Antidesma 

Heart-to oblong-serrate-to-entire-acute- 
leaved (Long-leathery) Square-branched 
Climbing Olive (Hk. 3/618, adpd). 1797 
Myxopyrum smilacifolium. 

Heart-toothed (Medium-palmatinerved- 
aromatic-rough) leaved Bitter Plum (Hk, 
2/44, adpd). 688 Rumphia tilizefolia. 

Heart (Bristle-toothed Woolly) Vine 
(McL. 569, adpd). 590 Vitis adnata. 

Heart (Callous-toothed Woolly) Vine 
(McL. 32, adpd). 596 Vitis indica. 

Heart (Coarse-toothed) Vine (Mcl. 283, 
adpd). 586 Vitis pallida. 

Heart (Crenate) Vine (McL. 283, adpa). 
587-b. Vitis glauca (courtallica), 

Heart (Giant Woolly) Vine (MchL. 664, 
adpd). 588 Vitis gigantea. 


568-b. | 

2675 | 


Heart (Glaucous stemmed) Vine (McL. 
283, adpd). 687 Vitis glauca. 

Heart (Ivy-like) Vine (McL. 283, adpd). 
583 Vitis repens. 

Heart (Leathery) Vine (McL, 283, adpd). 
585 Vitis Heyneana. 

Heart (Repand Woolly) Vine (MeL. 569, 
adpd). 589 Vitis repanda. 

Heart (Variegated) Vine (McL. 283, adpd). 
584 Vitis discolor. 

Heart (Woolly) Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 
593 Vitis lanata. 

Heart’s-ease of the Mahabharata (Gbl. 
278). 977 Saraca indica. 

Heart’s Joy (McL. 440). xiv. Artabotrys 

Heart’s Joy (McL. 440). 

Heart’s (Ceylon) Joy (MeL. 440, adpd). 
34 Artabotrys zeylanicus. 

Heart’s (Fragrant) Joy (MchL. 440, adpd). 
33 Artabotrys odoratissimus. 

Heart’s (Seeta’s) Joy (McL. 156, 804), 
1905 Pergularia minor. 
Heath Family (L/N/S/B). 

cee (Order). 

Heath (S. 158) (Nic. 1/519) (Cag. 511). 
dxxxvii. Erica (genus). 

Heath (St. Dabeoc’s) (Nic. 1/430) (S. 128, 
381). 1644 Daboécia polifera. 

Heath (Irish) (S. 128, 217). 1644 Daboécia 

Heath (Tree) (Nic. 1/520), 

Heath-like Tamarisk (McL. 391). 
Tamarix ericoides. 

Heath-like Trichorus (McL. 391) (Br. 13). 
164 Tamarix ericoides. 
Heathworts (McL. 1004). 

cece (Order). 

Heaven (Blue Tea of) (Muell. S.P, Nic. 

5/432, adpd). 1122-c. Hydrangea Hort- 
ensia (acuminata). 

Heaven (Common Tea of) (Muell. S.P, 
Nic. 2/162, Rid. 69, adpd). 1122 Hy- 
drangea Hortensia. 

Heaven (Entire leaved Tree of) (Hk. 
1/518, Nic. 1/44, adpd). 428 Ailanthus 

Heaven (Japanese Tea of) (MuelJ. S.P). 
ceclxxxix. Hydrangea (genus). 

Heaven (Rosy Tea of) (Muell. S.P, Nic. 
5/433, adpd). 1122-d. Hydrangea 
Hortensia (rosea). 

Heaven (Toothed leaved Tree of) (Hk. 
1/518, Nic. 1/44, adpd). 427 Ailanthus 

Heaven (Tree of) (Nic. 1/44) (McL. 14) 
($.13). clxi. Ailanthus (genus). 

Heaven (Tree of) (Cag. 636). 427 Ailan- 
thus excelsa. 

33 Artabotrys 

LXVI. Erica- 

1641 Erica 


LXVI. Ericae 


Heaven (Variegated Tea of) (Muell. 8.P, 
Nic. 2/162, Rid. 69, adpd). 1122-b. 
Hydrangea Hortensia (japonica-varie- 

Ueaven (White corvmbose Tea of) 
(Mnell., /8S.P, Nic. 2/162 adpd). 1122-a. 
Hydranvea Hortensia (trpica). 

Heaven (White panicled Tea of) (Mnuell. 
S.P. Nic. 1/163, adpd). 1123 Hy- 
drangea paniculata. 

Heavenlv Bamboo (S. 288). xli. Nandina 

Heavy Poon (FAR. 5). 
lum Wightiannm. 

Heavy-Wooded Pine (Nic. 3/144). 2853 
Pinus ponderosa. 

Hebrew manna (McL, 38). 783 Alhagi 

Hebrews (Libneh of the) (McL. 856). 
elxiv. Sty rax (genus). 

Hebrews (Oreb of the) (McL. 945). 2800 
Salix habvlonica. 

Hebrews (Tamar of the) (MeL, 418), 
38162 Phceenix dactylifera. 

Hebrews (Teenah of the) (McL. 84). 
2752 Ficus Carica. 

Hedge (Adjntant’s) (McL. 17, 665, 1008) 
(Cag. 414). 2543 Pedilanthus tithy- 

Hedges (Beak flowered Creeping Milk) 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1893 Sar- 
costemma intermedium. 

Hedge (Creeping Milk) (McL. 502, &47, 
adpd). dexxviii Sarccstemma (genns). 

Hedge (Creeping Milk) (McL. 502, 847). 
1891 Sarcostemma brevistigma. 

Hedge (Holy Milk) (Mch. 502). 2584 
Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Hedge (Leafy Milk) (McL. 473, 502, 
1000). 2534 Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Hedge (Milk) (McL. 474, 501, 1000). 
decevi, Kuphorbia (genus), 

Hedge (Plate leaf Milk) (Mch. 720). 
1878 Opuntia Dillenii. 

Hedge (Round Milk) (McL, 865, 478, 502, 
1000). 2533 Euphorbia Tirucalli. 

Hedge (Slipper Milk) (McL, 720). 1878 
Opuntia Dillenii. 

Hedge (Snake Milk) (McL. 502). cdlvi. 
Opuntia (genus). 

1€3 Calophyl- 

Hedge (Spiral Leafy Milk) (McL. 502, _| 

adpd). 2535 Euphorbia Nivulia, 

Hedge (Squat flowered Creeping Milk) 
(Mech. 502, 847, adpd). 1891 Sarco- 
stemma brevistigma, 
Hedge (Square Milk) (MeL. 478, 502, 
adpd), 2536 Euphorbia antiquorum. 
Hedge (Twisting Milk) (McL. 508). 2537 
Euphorbia tortilis. 

Hedge (Woody podded Creeping Milk) 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1804 Sarco- 
stemma Stocksii. , 

Hedve (Yellow flowered Creeping Milk) 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1892 Sarco- 
stemma Brunonianam. 

Hedge Aloe (Pfl. 81). (?-a) 3117-c. Aloé 
vera (officinalis) (?). 

Hedge (Common) Aloe (Br. 221), 3117-a. 
Aloé vera (typica). 

Hedge Bindweed (Mch. 120, 432, adpd). 
2041 Ipomeea sepiaria, 

Hedge Osper shrub (Hk. 1/177, adpd). 
117 Capparis sepiaria. 

Hedge (Hoary-branched obvlong-leaved) 
C.iper shrub (Hk. 1/177, adpd), 117-b, 
Capparis sepiaria (incanescens). 

Hedge (Woolly-branched QOvate-leaved) 
Caper shrub (Iik. 1/177, adpd). 117-a, 
Cappar s sepiaria (vulgaris). 

Hedge Cotton (Mch. 232, 473, 987). 
1885 Deeimia extensa. 
Hedge Nopaul (Br. 91). 


Hedge Prickly Pear (Br. 91). 1378 Opun- 
tia Dillenii. 

Hedge Sumach (Muell. 8.P). 658 Rhus 

Hedychium (Sweet-scented) (Br. 218). 
2990 Hedychium coronarium, 

Heliotrope (McL. 359, 807, 998) (Nic, 
2/131) (S. 195). deliii, Heliotropium 

Heliorrope (Cag. 481) (MAHS) (Jaf. 27) 
(Rid. 68) (Po, 49) (Mu). 1988 Helio- 
tropium peruviannm, 

Heliotrope (Common) (Nic, 2/181). 1988 
Heliotropium peruvianum, 

Heliotrope (Hairy Summer) (Hk. 4/146). 
1987 ‘l'onrnefortia Wightii 

Heliptrope (Harsh Summer) (Hk. 4/145, 
adpd). 1985 Tournefortia Heyneana. 

Heliotrope (Net-veined Summer) (Hk, 
4/146). 1986 Tournetortia reticosa, 

Heliotrove (Peruvian) (S. 318) (Br, 147), 
1988 Heliotropium peruvianum, 

Heliotrope (Queen of the Violets) (Ooty, 
295). 1988 Heliotropium peruvianum, 

Heliotrope (Summer) (8.419, 434). delii, 
Tournefourtia (genus), 

Hell-hound Tree (Mch. 473, 622, 997, 
adpd). 1818 Cerbera Odollam. 

Hell’s Incenss (Cat, 267), 2714 Giron- 
niera reticulata, 

Hémeris of the Greeks (McL. 82). 2789 
(bis.) Quercus Ilex, 

Hewisphierica Rose (Nic. 3/321). 1097-e., 
Rosa Eglanteria (sulphurea), 

Hemispheric-tubed Rose Apple (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1234 Eugenia hemispherica, 

Hemp (Eengal) (Mcl. 84, 866), 722 
Crotalaria juncea. 

Hemp (Bombay) (McL. 82), 240 (bis.) 
Hibiscus cannabinus, 

Hemp (Bombay) (McL, 860). 
Jaria Juucea. 

1378 Opuntia 

722 Crota- 

i i 


Hemp (Bowstring) (Meh. 1032), (?) 1882 | 

Calotropis gigantea, 

Hemp (Brown) (McL, 82), 240 (bis.) 
Hibiscus cannabinus, 
Herp (srown) (MchL, 860), 722 Crota- 

laria juncea, 

Hewp (Concany) (McL. 860), 722 Crota- 
laria juncea, 

Hemp (Deccany) (McL, 82), 240 (bis.) 
Hibiscus cannabinus. 

Hemp (False) Family (8.131, adpd). 
LVI. Datiscacesw (Order), 

Hemp (False) (McL, 860). 722 Crota- 
laria juncea, 
Hemp (Fish-line) (McL. 1083), 1882 

Caloéropis jigantea, 
Hemp (Hili) (Mech, 2382), 
permum Gossypium, 
Hemp (Indian) (MeL, 860), 722 Crota- 

laria juncea, 

Hemp (Indian Brown) (McL, 82), 
(0is.) Hibiscus canabinus. 

Hemp (Janab) (McL, 860), 722 Crota- 
laria juncea, 

Hemp (Jubbulpore) 
Crotalaria juncea, 

Hemp (Madras) {Mch. 860), 
laria juncea, 

Hemp (Manilla) (Gbl, 728) (Br. 215) (Cag. 
378) (Cat: 323) (Ru/O/35) (Mcu, 470, 
688). 3037 Musa textilis. 

Hemp (Mauritivs) (Cag, 871). 
crea gigantea. 

129 Cochlos- 


(MchL, 860). 722 

722 Crota- 

3054 Fur- 

Hemp (Rajmahal) (McL. 867), dexxx, 
Marsdenia (genus), 

Hemp (Roselle) (McL, 82). 240 (bis.) 
Hibiscus cannabinaus, 

Hemp (Salsette) (Mcl.. 860). 722 Crota- | 

laria juncea. 

Hemp (Saval) (McL. 860). 
laria juncea, 

Hemp (Simple leaved False) (S. 131, Hk. 
2/556, adpd). 1363 Tetrameles nudi- 

Hemp (Sisal) (Ru/0/33) (Ooty. 1). 
Agave rigida, 

Hemp (Sunn) (McL,) 860 (Bth. 2/180) 

722 Crota- 

30 1 

(Br. 47) (Bll. 296) (PA. 460) (Ru/O/38). 

722 Crotalaria juncea. 
Hemp (Tag) (‘icL. 860). 
laria jancea. 
Hemp (True Rajmahal) (McL. 367). 
19U1 (bis.) Marsdenia tenacissima. 

722 Crota- 

Hemp Bendy (McL. $2, 784, 943). 240 
(bis.) Hibiscus cannabinus, 

Hemp (Thorny) Bendy (McL, 484), [246 
Sphalm] 236 Hibiscus furcatus. 

Hemp leaved Hibiscus (McL. 82). 240 

(bis.) Hibiscus cannabinus. 
Hemp levaed Rose Mallow (McL, 82, 
adpd). 40) (bis.) Hibiscus caunabinus . 
Hemp leaved Tragia (McL. 144). 2697-d. 
Tiagia involucrata (cannabina). 


| Herring-bone 

INDEX. 579 

Hemp Mallow (McL. 82) (S. 199), 
(bis ) Hibiscus cannabinus, 

Hemp (Rajmahal) of Madras (McL, 367, 
adpd). 1902 Marsdenia Brunoniana. 
Hemp Tree (Mch. 596) (?), 2808 Vitex 


Hemp (False) Tree ‘8. 131, Hk, 2/656, 
adpd). 13868 Tetramales nudiflora. 

Henderson’s Hybrid Palm lily (Nic. 
1/374). 3112 Cordyline Hendersonii, 

Henequen of the Mexicans (Muell. 8.P). 
3051 Agave rigida. 

Honey Fruit Sree (McL., 764, 
zuma tomentosa, 

Henna (Bed. 1/118) (Bs/T/340) (Gbl. 370) 
(Bdn/B.T) (Br. 93) (All. 262) (Ol, 2/428) 
(MeL, 473, 684, 603) (Nie. 2/242) (Pr. 
1/502) (Cag. 585' (Cat. 147) (PH. 391). 
1314 Lawsonia alba. 

Hennu (Foreign) (McL. 340), 
nom Harmala. 

Henne (th. 3/801), 1314 Lawsonia alba. 
He (Australian) Oak (McL. 185). (? 
781) 2780 Casuarina equisetifolia (?', 
Hepatic Aloes (McL. 20). 3117-c. Aloé 

vera (officinalis). 

Hepatic (Genuine) Aloes (McL. 20), 3118 
Aloé suceotiina. 

Hé-phoinix-balanophorus of the Greeks 
(McL, 418) |Female tree]. 3162 Phie- 
nix dactylifera. 


804 Gua- 

364 Pega- 

Herbaceous Cotton (McL. 232). 2538 
Gossypium herbaceum. 
. Herbert (Lord) Rose (Mu. 53). 1117-k. 

Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (kermesina- 

Herb Louisa (S. 198, 245), 2282 Lippia 

| Herb of Grace (Nic. 3/837). exxxvii. 

Ruta (genus), _ 

Herb of Grace (Mcli. 775) (Nic. 3/337) 
(Br. 41) (S. 198). 370 Ruta graveolens 

flerb of Repentance (S. 198). 
graveolens (angustifolia). 

Her Majesty Rise (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/95, 
0/20) (Mu. 53). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-albo-suffusa- 

Hermits’ Tree (McL. 177). 667 Buchan- 
ania latifolia. 

370 Ruta 

Fern (8. 198), misziv. 
Lomaria (genus). 

Hes,erides (Golden fruit of the) (MeL. 
79). 1111 Cydonia vulgaris. 

Heteracanthous (Commcen Rugose leaved) 
Rose (Nic, 3/314). 1098 Kosa damas- 

Heteracanthovs (Nodding-flowered Ru- 
gose leaved) Rose (Nic. 3/314), 1099 
Hora centifolia. 

Heterabanthons (Rugoseleaved slenderly) 
Rose (Nic, 3/314). 1100 Rosa gallica. 


Heteracanthous (Smooth leaved Yellow) 
Rose (Nic. 3/314). 1097 Rosa Kglan- 

Hexacentris (S. 199) dexevii. Thunber- 
gia. (genus). 

Hexacentris (Scarlet) (Br. 170). 2166 
Thunbergia coccinia. 

Hexapetaloid Hybrid Indian Shot (Cag. 
384), 3085 (bis.) Canna orchidiflora. 
Heyne’s elliptic leaved Staff Tree (McL. 
459. adpd). 536 Gymnosporia Hey- 


Heyne’s Shuttlecock Crook-brancher 
(Bs/T/73, Hk. 1/299, adpd). 295 Ancis- 
trocladus Heynei. 

Yeyne’s Wax-flower Dog-bane (Hk. 3/544, 
adpd). 1835 Tabernemontana Hey- 

Heyne’s Willow leaved Black Flum 
(McL. 379, adpd). 1269 Eugenia 

Hezautz of Abyssinia (O]. 2/253). 917 
Calpurnia aurea. 

Hisibiscus (Chinese) (McL. 83), 245 Hi- 
biscus mutabilis. 

Hibiscus (Double Syrian) (Br. 17). 246-b. 
Hibiscus syriacus (plena). 

Hibiscus (Hemp leaved) (Mch. 82). 240 
‘bis.y Hibiscus cannabinus. 

Hibiscus (Poplar leaved) (McL. 712). 
252 Thespesia populnea. 

Hibiscus (Purple flowered) (Mcb. 83). 
237 Hibiscus hirtus. 

Hibisens (Syrian) (McL. 867) (Br- 17). 
246 Hibiscus syriacvs. | 

Hibiscus (Three pointed) (McL. 712). 
251 Thespesia Lampas. 

Hiceory of Twofold-Bay Bth. 3/244). 
1197 Eucalpytus Stuartiana. 

Hickory (New-Soath-Wales.) (Bth. 3245) 
1178 Eucalyptus resinifera. 

High ground Nelumbo (McL. 588). (?) 
957 Cassia alata. 

Highland Coffee of Sierraleone (Ol. 

3/182). 1550 Coffea stenophylla. 

High-level (nraller-leaved) Black 
Varnish ( 8, Mar. 04). 676 
Holigarna nigra. 

Hijjal ‘Tree (McL. 368). 1275 Barring- 
tonia acutangula. 

Hijleebaudam (Mch. 185). 665 Anacar- 
dium occidentale. 

Hill Aloe (McL. 20). 3049 Agave ameri- 

Hill Areca Nut Palm of Travancore 
(Bdn./E.T). 31438 Bentinckia Codda- 

Hill Balsam Tree (McL. 69, 436, adpd). 
443 Balsamodendron caudatum. 

Hill (Caudate leaved) Balsam Tree (Hk. 
1/530, adpd). 443-a. Balsamodendron | 
candatum (typica). 

Hill (Cuspidate leaved) Balsam Tree 
Hk. 1/530, adpd). 443-b. Balsamo- | 
dendron caudatum (Roxburghii). 


Hill (Downy) Balsam Tree (McL, €9, 416, 
adpd). 444 Balsamodendron pubes- 

Hill (SmalJ) Bamboo (Bed. 1/229). 3297 
Arundinaria Wightiaza. 

Hill Banyan (McL. 73, 473, 1000). 2728 
Ficus tomentosa. 

Hill Bendy (McL. 88, 993). 240 Hibiscus 

Hill Forest Indigo (Mc. 371, adpd). 
758 Indigofera pulchella. 

Hill Carondah (McL. 132, 997). dxxxvi. 
Vaccinium (genus). 

Hill Carondah (McL. 132, 997). 1639 
Vaccinium Leschenaultii, 

Hill Cotton (McL. 712). 251 Thespesia 

Hill Dholl (McL, 274). 854-b. Cajanus 
indicus (bicolor). 

Hill (Common) Dwarf Date (Gbl. 731, 
adpd). 8168 Phoenix humilis (pendun. 

Hill Dwarf Date Palm (FAR. 25. GJM! 
Mhgi). (? 8170) 3168 Phenix humilis 

Hill Fmetic Nut (McL. 291, 477, 996) (?). 
[1506 Sphalm] 1503 Randia Candol- 

Hill Giligitcha (McL. 306, 994). 706 
Crotalaria albida. 

Hill Ginger Arrowroot (McL. 461). 3006 
Alpinia Allughas. 

Hill Gooseberry (McL. 105) (?). 2569 
Phyllanthus distichus (?). 

Hill Gooseberry (Mch. 883) (Nic. 3/29s) 
(Bs/ £/326) (E11. 479) (Cag. 238) (Ru/O/9) 
(Bed. 1/106) (Bdn/L). 1225 Rhodomyr- 
tus tomentosa. 

Hill Goose Berry of the Nilgiris (Gbl. 
355). 1225 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 
Hill Green (McL. 469). 178 Garcinia 


Hill Guava (McL. 333, 995) (Cag. 228). 
1225 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 

Hill (Indian) Guava (Nic. 3/295). 1225 
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 

Hill Hemp (McL- 282). 129 Cochlosper~ 
mum Gossypium. 

Hill Jujube (McL. 416), 443 Balsamoden- 
dron candatum. 

Hill Kiloovay (McL. 416,473, 993). 443 
Balsamodendron candatum. 

Hill Lime (McL. 435). 404 Atlantia 

Hill Lotus (McL. 171). 3080 Smilax 

Hill Mango (McL. 416, 469), 448 Balsa- 
modendron caudatum. 

Hill Mango of the Nilgiris (Gbl. 296) 
(Bed. 1/77). 653 Meliosma Wightii. 
Hill Mohwah (McL. 214). 1276 Careya 


Hill Neem (MeL. 473 577), 454 Melia 


Hill Nelumbo (Mch. 588) (?). 38080 Smi- 
lax macrophylla. 

Hill Neraly (McL. 763). 

Hill Olive (McL. 
Linociera (genus). 

Hill (Cluster flowered) Olive (McL. 394, 
adpd). 1781 Linociera malabarica. 

Hill (Common) Olive (McL. 394, adpd). 
1785 Linociera intermedia. 

Hill (Dichotomous flowered) Olive (Mel. 
394 adpd). 1783 Linociera purpurea 

Hill (Rough fruited) Olive (McL. 394, 
adpd). 1784 Linociera leprocarpu (cour- 

Hill (Tailed Jeaved) Olive (McL. 394, 
adpd). 1782 Linociera Wightii. 

Hill (Western Ghauts) Olive (McbL. 394, 
adpd). 1781 Linociera malabarica. 

Hill (Wight’s Cluster flowered) Olive 

337 Eleocarpus 

394, adpd)j. dixx. 

(McL. 3894, adpd). 1782 Linociera 

Hill Papaya (Ooty. 14/T.S. 30). 1345 
Carica candamarcensis. 

Hill Papaw (Ooty. 14/T.S. 380, adpd). 

1845 Carica candamarcensis. 

Hill Pavetta (McL, 670). 1548-c, Pavetta 
indica (tomentosa). 

Hill Plantain (Cag. 377) (Cat. 320). 
Musa superba. 

Hill Raspberry (Mch. 
Rubus (genus). 


328). coulxxix. 

Hill Rattlewort (McL. 806, 994, adpd).- 

706 Crotalaria albida, 

Hill Reed (Bed. 1/229). 
ria Wightiana. 

Hili Red Kaspberry (McL. 328). 
Rubus moluccanus. 

Hill (Sir Roland) Rose (Ra/O/22). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (atrosan- 

Hill Rose Mallow (McL. 838, corr). 
Hibiscus collinus. 

Hill (Felt leaved) Rose Mallow (Hk. 
1/337, adpd). 239 Hibiscus canescens. 
Hill (Glabrous leaved) Rose Mallow (Hk. 
1/338, adpd). 240 Hibiscus collinus. 
Hill Sack Tree (McL.16). 1420 Alangium 


3297 Arundina- 



Hill Shoonday (McL. 830, 998). 2082 
Solanum torvum. 
Hill Sirissa (MeL. 472, 840, 995). 1047-b. 

Albizzia procera (elata). 
Hill Solah (MeL. 844) (?). 

3152 Caryota 

Hill Tamarind (McL. 469, 374). 178 
Garcinia Xanthochymus. 

Hill Toddy Palm (Cat. 326). 3152 Car- 
yota urens. 

Hill Tsiela (McL. 932, 1000). (?) 2724-b. 
Ficus gibbosa (tuberculata), 

Hill Tungaid (McL. 933, 995). 913 
Sophora glauca. 

Hill Tungaid (McL. 847, 932, 995). 953 
Cassia tomentosa. 



Hill Tungaid (McL., 208). 958 Cassia 

Hill Tangaid (MeL. 983, 935). 

Hill Vengay (McL. 977). 

Hillock (Shrubby) Blue druped Feather- 
foil (MeL. 587, adpd). 2547 Bridelia 

Hiils (Black Wood of the Inner) (1.F, 
xxxi/3). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Hilis (Black Wood of the Outer) (L.F, 
xxxi/3). 882 Dalbergia sissvides. 

Hills (Cannon-ball Tree of the Southern) 
(Bed. 2/266, Cat.12,adpd). 144 Aste- 
riastigma Macrocarpum. 

Himalayan Ash (FAR. 11, 
1778 Ornus floribunda 

Himalayan Cane Betel Palm (McL. 675, 
adpd), 3124 Pimanga gracilis. 

1002 Xylia 

2546 Bridelia 


| Himalayan Cedar (Bs/T/691) (Gbl. 710) 

(McL. 264). 

Himalayan Cherry (Hk. 2/315, adpd). 
1068 Prunus Puddam. 

Himalayan Cypress (McL. 787) (Bs/T/693) 
(Bs/S$/260._ NLGS) (Gbl. 696), 2810 
Cupressus torulosa. 

Himalayan Date (Cag. 642) (Nic. 3/104) 

2862 Cedrus Libani (Deo- 

(Gbl. 730, Bs/T/646, adpd). 3165 
Phoenix rupicola. 
Himalaya Edible Pine (Gbl. 709). 2843 

Pinus Gerardiana. 

Himalayan Heart Jeaved Smooth Jasmine 
(McL. 384, adpd). 1758 Jasminum 

Himalayan Liquidambar (Treas. Bot. 1/46, 
Hk. 2/429, adpd). ccexciv. Bucklandia 

Himalayan (Medium-to-large-silky- 
glabrate Heart-acuminate-or-(young)- 

tricuspidate-] aved) 

(Hk, 2/429, adpda). 

1129 Bucklandia 


Himalayan Many-parted Penang Lawyer 
(McL. 675, adpd). 3181 Licuala 

Himalayan Maple (Bed.1/70). 643 Acer 

Himalayan (Five-(5-7)-lobed) Maple 

(Hk. 1/696, adpd) (FAR. 26 to 30, 37 
to 47, NLGS). 648 Acer Campbellii. 
Himalayan (Green Triplinerved) Maple 
(Hk. 1/693, adpd) (FAR. 26 to 20, 

NLGS). 646 Acer levigatum. 
Himalayan (Quintuplinerved) Maple 
(Hk. 1/694, alpd) (FAR. 27 to 30, 
NLGS). 647 Acer Hookeri, 
Himalayan (Silvery Triplinerved) Maple 
Hk. 1/693, adpd} (FAR. 28, 29, NLGS). 
643 Acer oblongum. 

Himalayan Pencil Cedar (Bs/S/694) (Gbl. 
698) (FAR. 10, NLGS). 2819 Janipe- 
rus macropoda, 


Himvlayan Parple Indigo (Mol, 871, 
alpi). 757 Intigofeta atropars 

Himalayan Raspherry (Mch. 328). 1073 
Rubus moluccanus, 

Himalayan Serrate Firebrand Teak (McL, 
473, 512, 884, 997, adpd), 231 
Premna barbata. 

Himalayan Silver Fir (McL. 342) (W.A.1) 
(Gbl. 708) (FAR. 10, 25, 31, NLGS), 
25871 Abies Webbiana. 

Himalayan Spruce (W.A.[) (Gbl. 716). 
2865 Picea Morinda. 

Himalayan White Oak (FAR. 19, NLGS. 
MRA) (Gbl, 675). 2792 Quercus 

Himalayas (Deep purple Indigo of the) 
(Hk. 2/101, uadpd). 757 Indigofera 

Himalayas (White Ixora of the) (McL. 
875). 1540 Ixora undulata. 

Himalayas (White Laurel Tulip Tree 
of the) (Hk. 1/41, adpd). 21 Magnolia 

Himalayas (White Stalked fruited Tulip 
‘ree of the) (Hk. 1/89, 48, adpd). 
25 Michelia excels», 


Slow-match (McL. 214) 
(Nic. 1/267). 1276 Careya arborea, 
Hinvam (McL, 295). 433 Balanites 


Hinoki Cypress of Japan (Muell. S.P). 
2813 Cupressus obtusa. 

Hintanl (Mch. 413). 

Hiplee (MchL. 678). 2404 Piper longum. 

Hispid Heart leaved Silver-weed (Hk. 
4/189, adpd). 2002 Argyreia mala- 

Hispid (Silvery-backed) Heart 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/188, adpd). 
Argyreia sericea. 

Hoary branched oblong leaved Hedge 
Caper Shrub (Hk. 1/i77, adpd). 
117-b. Capparis sepiaria (incanes- 

Hoary branched obovate leaved Climbing 
Caper (Hk. 1/175, adpd), 112 Cap- 
paris Roxburzhii, 

Hoary capsuled Melon Featherfoil (MeL. 
®87, adpd). 2575 Glochidion lanceo- 

Hoary Ovate leaved White Dead-nettle 

3169 Phoenix 


Hoary (North American) Pea (Nic. 4/17). 
ecxci. Tephrosia (genus). 
Hoary Rauwolfia (Br. 128), 
wolfia canescens. 

Hoary Snake Dog-bane (Br. 128, adpd). 
1816 Kauwolfia canescens. 

Hoary spiked Pepper (McL, 676, adpd). 
2403 Piper trichostachyon. 

Hog Bamboo (MclL. 70). 8319 Dendro- 
calamus stréctus, 

1816 Rau- 


Hog Creeper (Mch, 677). 3269 Scindap« 
sus offisinalis. 

Hog Creeper (McL. 145). 

Hogg (Doctor) Rose (Nic. 5/646 Ru/N/ 

900 Dorris 

$2, O/22) (Mu. 53). 1007-n. Rosa 
hybrida semperflorens (violucea 

Hog Palm (Cag. 340, adpd). cmlxxiii, 

Hyophorbe (genus). 
Hog (Cream midribbed) Valm (Cag. 340, 
adpd), 3126 Hyophorbe Verscheftelti. 
Hog Plum (Mch. 626), 634 Spondias 
dulcis. “ 

Hog Plum (Bed. 2/169) (Bs/T/201) (Gbl. 
223) (Bdn/F.T.L) (?McL. 368, 469, 478) 
(Cat. 86) (H.l. 529). 685 Spondias 

Hog Pluin (MeL. 783) (?). 
americana (?). 

Hog Plum (Bth. 1/491) (Ol. 1/448) (Nic. 
3/47). Cclxviiil. Spovdias (genus). 

Hog (Bastard) Plum (Bed. 2)233). 
Solenocarpus indica. 

Hog (Indian) Plum (McL. 363, 469, 473, 
adpd). 655 Spondias mangifera. 

Hog (South Sea Islands) Plum 
626). 684 Spondias dulcis. 

Hog (Wild) Plum (McL. 469, adpd). 686 
Spendias acuminata. 

Hog Tragacanth (Mcb, 76) (Nic. 4/181) 
(Cag. 664). 1068 Prunus Amygdalus. 
Hogweed (McL, 83). cecli, Berhaavia 


487 Ximenia 



(Blunt leaved) (Hk, 4/710, 
2366 Boorhaavia verticillata. 

' Hogweed (Brazilian) (Nic. 1/206, adpd). 

decliii. Bougainvilla (genus), ; 
Hogweed(Bright-green-leaved Rosy-bract- 
ed Brazilian) (Nic. 1/206, adpd). 23869 
Boogainvilla glabra. 
Hogweed (Diffuse) 
Borhaavia repanda. 
Ho;weed (Downy-dark-green Ovate- 
leaved Majenta-bracted Brazilian (Nic. 
1/206, adpd). 23870-a. Bougainvilla 
spectabilis (speciosa). 
Hogweed (Pointed leaved) (Hk. 2/709, 
adpd). 2365 Boerhaavia repanda. 
Hozweed (Scarler-shaded Britk-red-bract- 
ed Brazilian) (Nic. 1/206, adpd). 
2370-b. Bougainvilla spectabilis (late- 

(Br. 176). 2365 

: | Hohenacker’s Conkaxn Melon Featherfoil 
shrub (ilk. 4/681, adpd). 2856 Leucas | 

(McL. 587, 


2579 Glochidion 

Hohenacker’s Vinnatifid leaved Ragweed 


shrub (Hk. 3/345, adpa). 

Holigarna .McL. 344, 361, 478, 476, 994). 
677 Holigarua Arnottiana. 

Hollander (Black) Osier (Kew Bull. 96) 
(FAR. 35, 36, NLGS). 2303 Salix 

Hollies (Cag. 634), XXXIV. Aquifoliacese 

1626 Senecio 


Hollow Bamboo (MoL, 69), 38304 Bam- 
busa arundinacea. 

Hollow (Bright-green Smal!) Bamboo 
(Gbl, 747). 38303-a. Bambusa vulgaris 

Holl »w (Glaucous-Greeen-Small) Bamboo 
(Gbl. 75+). 8317 Cephalustachyum 

Hollow (Glabrous-culm-sheathed). Large 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/405, adpd). 3312 
Dendrocalamus Hamiltonii, 

Hollow (Golden-felted culm-sheathed) 
Large Bamboo (Hk. 7/405, adpd). 
3811 Dendrocalamus sikkimensis, 

Hollow (Hairy Node-ringed) 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/406, adpd). 
Dendrocalamus giganteus. 

Hollow (Thorny branched) Large Bamboo 


(Hk. 7/395, adpd). 3304 Bambusa 
Hollow (White-downy culm-sheathed) 

Large Bamboo (Hk. 7/497, 
3315 Dendrocalamus brundisii. 

Hollow (Brown-hairy Node-ringed) 
Medium Bamboo (tik, 1/392, adpu). 
8303 Bambusa vulgaris, 

Hollow (Leathery sheathed) Medium 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/407, adpd). 33809 
Oxytenanthera Bourdilloni, 

Hollow (Versistent culm-sheathed) 
Medium bamboo (Hk. 1/407, adpd). 
3314 Dendrocalamus longispathus. 

Hollow (Scabrous stemmed) Medium 
Bamboo (Uk. 7/411, adpd), 2805 
Oxytenanthera nigrociliata, 

Holi.w (White Node-ringed) Mediom 
Bamboo (Hk, 7/438, adpd). 3317 
Cephalostachum pergracile, 

Holly family (N. 2/177) (L/N/S/B). 
XXXIV. Aquifol:aceze (Order). 

Holly (Mnell. S.P) (H/E.F) (O1. 1/359) 
(Nic, 2/173) (8.211, 212), ccxi, Lex 

Holly (Axillary cymed False) (Hk. 1/536, 
adpd). 496 Gomphandra axillaris, 

Holly (Black druped Climbing) (Hk. 
1/595, adpd). ccix, Natsiatum (genus), 

Holly (Chinese) (Cag, 624) (Ru/O/31). 
5U6 Llex cornuta, : 

Holly (Extra axillary cymed False) (Hk. 
1/586, adpd). 497 Gomphandra poly- 

Holly (False) (Hk. 1/573, Bth. 1/390, 
adpd), cciii. Gomphandra (genus). 

Holly (Fascicle druped eliptic leaved) 
(Hk. 1/600, adpd). 6508 Ilex mala- 

Holly (Fatid) (Hk. 1/589, Bed. 2/141, Bs/ 
T/ 151, Gbl. 166, adpd). ccv. Mappia 

Holly (Knee) (8.372) (Nic. 
Culxiii. Ruscus (genus). 




Holly (Leathery-medium-revolute-margin- 
ed oblong-obtuse leaved False (Hk. 
1/587, adpd), 498 Apodytes Bentha- 

Holly (Long-leathery-pallid oblong-lance- 
acuwinate leaved Climbing) (Hk, 1/494, 
adpd). 608 Sarcostiguia Kleinii, 

Ho:ly (Long-membranous Oblong coarse- 
touthed-acaminate leaved Climbing) 
(Hk. 1/593, adpd). 501 Miquelia den- 

Holly (Long-shining-glaucous-backed-azil- 
tufted Ovate-oblong-cuspidate-leaved 
Square-branched Fetid) (Hk, 1/589, 
adpd). 600-c, Mappia fcetida (ovana), 

Holly (Medium elliptic-entire leaved) 
(Hk. 1/600, adpd). 508 llex malaba- 

Holly (Medium-hairy-nerved Oblong-acute 
leaved Fetid) (Hk. 1/589, adpd). 5u0-d. 
Mappia fotida (oblonga). 

Holly (Medium-hispid-backed Lance- 
leaved Milky-juiced Climbing) (Bs/T/ 
153, adpd). 602 Pyrenacantha volu- 

Holly (Medium-thinly-downy-glabrate 
Ovate-acuminate leaved Fetid) (Hk, 
1/589, adpd). 500-a, Mappia foetida 
{ty pica). 

Holly’ (Medium-velvetty-backed Ovate- 
oblong-acute-acuminate leaved Fetid) 
(Hk. 1/589, adpd). 6500-b. Mappia 
foetida (tomentosa). 

Holly (Membranous-distinctly-neryed 
leaved False) Hk. 1/586, adpd), 496 
Gomphandra axillaris. 

Holiy (Membranous-medium Broad-ovate- 
acuminate leaved False) (Uk. 1/507, 
adpd). 499 Apodytes Keddomei. 

Holly (Membranous-medium Narrow-to- 
broad-lance-acuminate leaved False) 
(Hk, 1/686, adpd). 496 Gomphandra 

Holly (Medium-membranous-strigese Pal- 
matinerved-repand Heart-leaved Climb- 
ing (Hk. 1/595, adpd). 604 Natsiatum 

Holly (Oblique-compressed berried False) 

(Hk. 1/587, Bth. 1/390, adpd). cciv. 
Apodytes (genus), 

Holly (Opposite leaved) (Nic. 1/412, 
adpd). ccx. Curtisia (genus). 

Holly (Orange-red druped Climbing) (Hk. 
1/594, adpd).  ecyiii. Sarcostigma 

Holly (Papery-long-and-medium Narrow- 
linear-lance-ac .minate leaved False) 
(Hk. 1/586, adpd). 497-c. Gomphandra 
polymorpha (angustifolia), 

Holly (Papery-long-and-medium lincar- 
acuminate leaved False) (Hk, 1/586, 
aip!). 497-d. Gumphandra poly 
morpha (longifolia), 


Holly (Papery-medium _linear-oblong- 
cuspidate leaved False) (Hk. 1/586, 
adpd). 497-b. Gomphandra  poly- 

morphu (oblongifolia), 

Holly (Papery-medium Oval-acuminate 
Jeaved False) (Hk. 1/586,adpd). 497-a. 
Gomphandra polymorpha (acuminata). 

Holly (Papery-short Oval-obtuse-or- 
cuspidate leaved False) (Hk. 1/586, 
adpd). 497-e. Gomphandra  poly- 
morpha (ovalifolia). 

Holly (Papery-opaque-indistinctly-nerved 

leaved False) (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 497 
Gomphandra polymorpha. 
Holly (Paraguay) (Nic. 2/175). 507 Ilex 


Holly (Red d@ruped Climbing) (Bs/'T/153, 
adpd), ccvii. Pyrenacantha (genus), 
Holly (Round entire leaved) (Hk. 1/600, 

adpd). 509 Ilex Walkeri, 

Holly (Sea) (GDV) (KSN). 
Acanthus ilicifolius. 

Holly (Serrate Elliptic leaved) (Hk. 
1/600, adpd). 510 Ilex denticulata. 

Holly (Shaggy flowered Corymbose False) 
(Hk. 1/588, adpd). ccev. Mappia 

Holly (Shining-rusty-backed Broad-ovate- 
toothed Opposite-leaved, Nic. 1/412, 
adpd), 505 Curtisia faginea. 

Holly (Small elliptic-entire leaved) (Hk. 
1/603, adpd). 512 Ilex Wightiana. 

Holly (Smali-hairy-nerved Ovate-acate- 
leaved Square-branched Fetid) (Hk. 
1/589, adpd). 500-e. Mappia footida 

Holly (‘Tailed Ovate entire leaved) (Hk. 
1/608, adpd). 511 Ilex Gardneriana. 
Holly (Umbel druped elliptic leaved) 
(Hk. 1/603, adpd). 512 Ilex Wightiana. 
Holly (West Indian) (Nic. 4/109). 1348 

Turnera ulmifolia. 

Holly (Yellow druped Climbing) (Hk. 
1/593, adpd). cevi. Miquelia (genus). 
lolly (False and Climbing) Family (Bth. 
1/890, adpd). XXXIII. Icacinacez 

O der). 

Holly-flowered Spindle Tree (Bed. 1/65) 
cexiy. Microtropis (genus), 

Holly-flowered (Medium-cblong-elliptic- 
acute leaved) Spindle Tree (Ak. 1/613, 
adpd), 523 Microtropis Wallichiana. 

Holly-flowered (Medium Oblong-lance- 
acuminate leaved) Spindle Tree (Hk. 
1/618, adpd). 524 Microtropis lati- 

Holly-flowered (Small elliptic-or-lance- 
acute leaved) Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/613, 
adpd). 527 Microtropis microcarpa. 

Holly-flowered (Small Oval-obtuse leaved) 
Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/613, adpd). 526 
Microtropis deusiflora. 




Holly-flowered (Small Ovate-actite leaved) 
Spindle [ree (Hk. 1/613, adpd). 528 
Microtropis ovalifolia. 

Holly-flowered (Small Obovate-or-broad- 
elliptic-retuse leaved) Spindle Tree 
(Hk. 1/613, adpd). 525 Microtropis 

Holly leaved Acanthns (Pfi, 523). 
Acanthus ilicifolins. 

Holly leaved Barbadoes Cherry (Nic. 
2/319, adpd). 354 Malpighia heteran. 

Holly leaved Barberry (Cag. 674). 97 
Berveris nepaulensis (Leschenaultii). 
Holly leaved Bear’s breech (Pfl. 623). 

2223 Acanthus ilicifolins. 

Holly leaved Berried Spindle Tree (Hk. 
1/626, adpd). 550 Salacia prinoides. 
Holly leaved Bubble Pea (Treas. Bot. 
1/599), 698 Hovea chorizemefolia. 
Holly leaved Oak (McL. 82).° 2789 (bis.) 

Quercus Ilex. 

Holly Oak (McL. 82) (Muell. S.P). 
(bés.) Quercus Tiex. 

Holly (Horned) of North China (Nic. 
2/174). 506 Ilex cornuta. 

Holmes (Fisher) Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Cag. 



596) (Ru/O/20). 1107-i, Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (coccinea-puniceo- 

Holm Oak (McL, 82). 2789 (bis.) 

Quercus !lex. 

Holy Basil (MchL, 484, 909) (HII. 415). 
2336 Ocimum sanctum. 

Holy Fig (McL. 673). 2739 Ficus reli- 


Holy Fruit (McL. 65). 425 izle 

Holy Garlic Pear (McL. 580). 101 
Cratzeva religiosa. 

Holy Milk Hedge (Mch. 502), 2534 
Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Holy Mountain Ebony (Mch. 521). 988 

Bauhinia tomentosa. 
Holy Palm (McL, 882). 
Holy Tree (McL. 
Homer Rose (Nic. 3/824} (Cag. 601) (Ru/ 
N/90, 0/20) (Mu, 55) (Hod) (Po) (Ooty. 
426). 1105-k. Rosa odorata (erubescens- 


Homer’s (Lotus of the Lotophagi in the) 
Odyssey (McL. 65,437). 561 Zizyphus 

Homecanthous (Downy Rugose leaved) 
Rose (Hk. 2/3864, Nic. 3/814). 1102 
Rosa alba. 

leaved) Kose (Nic. 3/314). 

Homecanthous (Bushy Smooth leaved) 
Rose (Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/314) (Cag. 
598). 1108 Rosa indica. 

3174 Corypha 

578). 453 Melia 

1101 Rosa 


Hom of Zendavesta (Mch. 847). 1891 
Sarcostemma brevistigma. 

Honey Flower (Amplexicanl-prin- 
natisect-ylaucous-leaved) (Nic, 2/3-16), 
650 Melianthus major. 

Honey (Java) (McL. 84). 

Honey (Grecian) Berry (Mc, 361). 
Celtis tetrandra. 

Honey Bush (McL. 2)0). 

1750 Styrax 

392 Murraya 


Honey Cauray (McL, 148). 1528 Canthium 

Honey Flower (Nic. 2. 346). cclii. 

Melianthus (genus). 

Honey (Artichoke) Flower (Nic. 3/228, - 

adpd). 2475 Protea cynaroides. 

Honey (Cape) Flower Family (Br. 189, 
Nic. 3/228, adpd). XCVII. Proteacez 

Honey (Cape) Flower (S 76, 266). 650 
Melianthus major. 

Honey (Globe-Artichoke-like Cape) (Nie. 

3/228). 2475 Protea cynaroides. 

Honey Jack (McL. 376). 2763 Artocarpus 

Honey Plant (Nic. 2/155) (S. 204). 
doxxxviii. Hoya (genus). 

Honey Plant (8. 202, 204). 1928 Hoya 

Honey Shrub (Cag. 361). 650 Melianthus 

Honey (Black) shrub (Mch. 701). 2557 
Phyilanthus reticulatus. 

Honey (Spineless White) shrub (McL. 
473, 901, adpd). 2591 Flueggia 

Honey (White) shrub (MchL. 473, 701, 
901). 2592 Flueggia leucopyrus. 

Honeysuckle Family (Br. 96) (L/N/S8/B). 
LXI. Caprifoliaceze (Order). 

Honeysuckle (Nic. 2/296) (S. 202, 249). 

edlxxvii. Lonicera (genus). 
Honeysuckle (Australian) (Maid. C.T). 

dceexev. Banksia (genus). 
Honeysuckle (8ush) (S. 139). 1430 

Diervilla florida. 

Honeysuckle (Cape) (S. 76), 2124 Tecoma 
Honeysuckle (Chinese) (McL. 749) (Br. 

75). 1164 Quisqualis indica. 

Honeysuckle (Evergreen) (Nic. 2/297). 
(S. 209). 1485 Lonicera sempervirens. 

Honeysuckle (Flexuous) (Nie. 2/297). 
1434 Lonicera reticulata. 

Honeysuckle (French) (MeL, 818). [ecciv. 
Sphalm] cexcy. (bis.) Hedysarum 

Honeysuckle (French) (Nic. 2/123) (Cag. 
688) (Ra/O/16). 783 (6¢s.) Hedysarum 

Honeysuckle (Gold netted) (S. 134). 
1434-b. Lonicera reticulata (anreo- 




Houeysuckle (Golden reticulated) (Nic. 
2/227). 1434-b. Loniceara reticulata 

Honeysuckle (Jamaica) (Nic. 3/31). 
Passiflora laurifolia. 

Honeysuckle (Japanese) (Nic. 2/296) (8. 

221) (Rid. 112) (Gag. 545) (Ru/N/355). 
1433 Louicera japonica. 

Honeysuckle (Leschenault’s) (Br. 96). 
1482 Lonicera Leschenaultii. 

Honeysuckle (Long-calyxed) (Treas. Bot. 
1/1). cdixxvi. Abelia (genus). 

Honeysuckle Mistletoe (L/N/8/B). 
deexcix. Lornathus (genus). 

Honeysuckle (Nilghiri) (Bed. 
1432 Lonicera Leschenaultil. 

Honeysuckle (Ovate-crenate- obtuse- 
leaved Long-calyxed) of Mexico (Treas, 
Bot. 1/1, adpd), 1431 Abelia flori- 

Honeysuckle (Senna leaved French) (Mech. 
518). 758 Ormocarpum sennoides. 

Honeysuckle (Small-ciliate lance-cuspid- 
ate-leaved Shrubby) (Hk. 3/12, adpa). 
1436 Lonicera ligustrina. 

Honeysuckle (Swamp) (S. 867). 
Khododendron (genus). 

Honeysuckle(Trumpet) (S. 440) (Rid, 112) 

(Jaf. 28) (Cag. 546). 14385 Lonicera 

Honeysuckle (Tuberous French) (Mch, 
838). 832 Pueraria tuberosa. 

Honeysuckle (Variegated) (Ru/O/16), 
1434 Lonicera reticulata. 

Honeysuckle (West Indian) (Mch. 813). 
ecciv. Desmodium (genus). 

Honeysuckle (Very-small-to-small-white- 
velvetty-backed oblong-lance-entire-or- 
ed Australian) (bth. 5/552, adpd), 
2490 Banksia marginata. 

Honeysuckle (Alternate-and-opposite 
Large-very-thick-leathery elliptic- 
oblong-to-round-obtuse-leaved) Mistle- 
toe (Hk. 5/217, adpd). 2510 Loranthus 

Honeysuckle (Alternate-and-opposite 
Medium-—leathery Broad—ovate—elliptic- 
lenved) Mistletoe (Hk. 5/205, adpd). 
2496 Loranthus intermedius. 

Honeysuckie (Alternate-and-opposite 
Medium-leathery Linear-or-falcate- 
leaved) Mistletoe (Hk. 5/215, adpd). 
2506-b, Loranthus longiflorus (falcata). 

(Alternate-and- opposite 
Medium-leathery elliptic-oblong-to- 
round-obtuse-leaved) Mistletoe (Hk. 
5/215, adpd). 2508-a. Loranthus 
neelgherrensis (typica). 

Honeysuckle (Alternate-and-opposite 
Medium-papery Roundish-heart-obtuse- 
leaved) Mistletoe (Hk. 5/218, adpd). 
2511 Loranthus lageniflorus, 






Honeysuckle (Alternate-and-opposite Ma- 
dium-to-larze-leathery-sszile - oblong- 
to-round-heart-leaved) Mistletos (Hk, 
5/215, adpd). 2506-c. Loranthusilong 
florus (amplexicanlis). 

Honeysuckle (Alternate-and-op posite 
Medium to-long-leathery oblong- 
elliptic-obtuse-leaved) Mistletoe (Hk. 
5/215, adpd). 2806-a. Loranthus 
longiflorus (typica). 

Small leathery 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/24, 
Loranthus Wallichianus, 

Honeysuckle (Alternate-aud-opposite 
Small-leathery Narrowly-elliptic-oblong- 
obtuse-leived! Mistletoe (Hk. 5/207, 

elliptic-ubtuse-leaved ) 
adpd). 2495 

adpd). 2509 Loranthas memecyli- 
Honeysuckle (Alternate-and-opposite 


rate  elliptac-ubtuse-leaved) Mistletoe 
(Hk. 5/207, adpd). 2439 Loranthus 

Honeysuckle (Alternate-trinerved Very- 
small obovate-cuneate-obtuse-or-retuse 
leaved) Mistletoe (Hk. 5/214, adpd). 
2505 Loranthus Cuneatus. 

Honeysuckle (Alternate-trinerved Very- 
small-ashy-downy-glabrate obovate-ob- 
tuse-leaved) Mistletoe (Hk. 5/213, 
adpd). 2504 Loranthus recurvus. 

Honeysuckle (Alternate Very-small-grey- 
duwny-backed Narrow-obovate-cune- 
ate-obtuse-leaved) Mistletoe (Uk. 
5/213, adpd). 2503-b. Loranthus brac- 
teatus (angustifolia). 

Honeysuckle (Alternae Very-small-grey- 
downy-backed Roundish-obtuse-leaved) 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/213, adpu). 2503-a, 
Loranthus bracteatus (typica). 

Honeysuckle (Alternate Very-small- 
rusty-velvetts-backed Obovate-oblony- 
obtuse-leaved) Mistletoe (Hk. 5/212, 
adpd). 2502 Loranthus tomentosus. 

Honeysackle (Downy-racemed Large- 
flowered) Mistletoe (Hk. 5/215, adpd). 
2506-d. Loranthus longiflorus (pubes- 


Honeysuckle (Opposite Medium-leathery 
Lance-to-oblong-ovate-acuminate- leav- 
ed) Mistletoe (ik. 5/220, adpd). 
2513-a, Loranthus loniceroides (ty- 

Honeysuckle (Opposite Medium-leathery- 
white-velvetty Roundish-heart-obtuse- 
leaved) Mistletoe (Hk. 5/209, adpd). 
259). Loranthus cordifolius, 

Honeysuckle (Opposite-or-(3)-whorled 
Medium-leathery Broad-ell.ptic-ob- 
tuse-leaved Triquetrous- branched) 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/219, adpd). 2612 
Loranthus triquetrus. 

(Alternate-and-opposite | 


Honevsackle (Opposite Smill-leathery 
baff-velyetty oblonz-roundish-obovate 
or-heart-obtuse-leaved) Mistletoe (Hk- 
5/209, adpd), 2500 Loranthus scurrula 

Honeysuckle (Opposite-tri-(38-5)-nerved 
Small-to-medium-leathery elliptic-ob- 
long-to-round-obtuse-leaved) Mistletoe 
(Hk. 5/216, adpd). 2507 Loranthus 

Honeysuckle (Small-flowered Acuminate- 
leaved) Mistletoe (tlk. 5/220, adpé@). 
2513-b. Loranthus loniceroides (capitel- 

Honeysuckle (Small-flowered Nilghiri) 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/2:6, adpd). 2589-b. 
Loranthus neelzherrensis (Clarkei). 

Honeysuckle (Subopposite Medium- 
leathery ovate-or-elliptic-obtuse- 
leaved) Mistletoe (Hk. 5/205, adpd). 
2497 Loranthus obtusatus, 

Honeysuckle (Subop posite Small- 
leathery-rusty-mealy- downy - glabrate 
Lance-to-oblony-ovate-obtuse-or - (sub- 
acute-leavea) Mistletue (Hk. 5/207, 
adpd). 2498 Loranthus Hookerianus, 

Honey-sweet Family (Hk. 2/2, 4, 5, 6, 
adpd), XXXiX. Sabiacew (Order), 

Honey-sweet i:Climber of the Western 
Ghauts (Hk. 2/2, adpd). 652 Subia 

Honey-sweet (Leathery Simple leaved) 
Tree (dk. 2/4, adpd). 653 Meliosma 

Honey-sweet (Membranous Simple 
leaved) Tree (Hk. 2/5, adpd). 654 

Meliosma simplicif: lia. 

Honey-sweet (Pianate leaved) Tree (Hk, 
2/6, adpd). 655 Meliosma Arnottiana. 
Honey Thorn (MchL. 148, Treas. Bot. 
1/215, adpd). div. Canthium (genu-). 
Houey (Black) Thorn (McL, 148, adpd), 

1519 Canthium didymum. 

Honey (Common) Thorn (McL. 148, 
adpd). 1528 Canthirm parvifiorum. 

Huoney-thorn (Disc seeded) (Bed. 2/223, 
Hk, 3/128, adpd). d. JDiplospora 

Honey-thorn (Many-(4-5)-seeded Larger- 
druped) Uk. 3/136, adpd). dy. Van- 
gueria (genus). 

Honey-thorn (Medium-downy Ovate- 
oblong-acute-or-acuminate-leaved Spi- 
nou-) (Hk. 3/136, adpd), 1529-b. 
Vangueria spinosa (mollis). 

Honey-thorn (Medium-Leathery-hairy- 
glaud-axilled _ elliptic-lauce-svbobtuse 
leaved Disc-seeded) (Hk. 3/128, adpd). 
1515 Diplospora sphwrocarpa. 

Honey-thorn (Medium.-leathery-hairy- 
gland-axilled elliptic lance-cu~pidate- 
leaved Disc-seeded, (Hk. 3/123, adpd). 
1514 Diplospora apiocarpa. 


Honey-thorn (Medium-leathery-polished 
elliptic-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 3/132, 
adpd), 1520 Canthium umbellatum. 

Honey-thorn (Medium-leathery-pvlish- 
ed Lance-to-roundish-cuspidate-leaved) 

(Hk. 3/182, adpd). 1519 Canthium 
Honey-thorn (Medium-leathery Very- 

stout-petioled elliptic-cuspidate-leaved) 
(Hk. 3/133, adpd). 1522 Canthium 

Honey-thorn (Medium-membranous- 
scabrid-backed Ovate-cuspidate-leaved) 
(dk. 3/183, adpd), 1521-p, Canthium 
neilgherrense (hirsuta). 

Honey-thorn (Medium Ovate-oblong- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved Spinous) 
(Hk. 3/136, adpd). 1529-a, Vangueria 

spinosa (typica). 

Honey-thorn (Medirm-papery Ovate- 
obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 3/133, adpd). 
152!-a, Canthium neilgheirense (ty- 

Honey-thorn (Medium-to-long-membra- 
nous elliptic-acute-leaved Spinous) 
(Ol. 3/148, adpd). 1529-c. Vangueria 
spinosa (edalis). 

Houey-thorn (Small-glossy Narrow-ellip- 
tic-acuminate-leaved) (Bdn/!.T, adpd). 
1523 Canthium gracile. 

Honey-thorn (Small oblong-acuminate- 
leaved Spinous) (Bed. 1/134-6, adpd). 
1526 Canthinm angustifolium. 

Honey-thorn (Small-subfascicled Ovate- — 
cuspidate leaved.) (Hk. 3/134, adpd). 
1524 Canthium travancoricumn. 

Honey-thorn (Small-to-medium-hirsute- 
glabrate Ovate-cuspid:te-leaved Spi- 
nous) (Hk. 3/134, adpd). 1525 Can- 
thium Kheedii. 

Houey-thorn (Very-small-hirsute-glabrate 
linear-lance-acuminate-leaved Spinous) 
(Bed, 1/134-5, adpd). 1525-b. Can- 
thium Rheedii (linearis), 

Honey-thorn (Very-small-downy Ovate- 
elliptic-acute-leaved Spinous) (Hk. 
3/135, adpd). 1527 Canthium parvi- 
folium. : 

Honey-thorn (Very-small-subfascicled 
Roundish-oltuse-leaved Spinous) (Hk. 
2/136, adpd.) 1528 Canthium parvi- 

Honey Tree (McL. 159). 

Honey Tree (McL. 506). 1687 

Hood (snake) Fig (McL. 720). 
Opuntia Dil'enii. 

Hooded-flowered (Hooked-peduncled Flat- 
petalled) Climbing Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, 
adpd). xiv. Artabotrys (gen.s). 

Hooded-flowered (Cupped-calyxed) 
Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, adpd) xiii, Oya- 
_thocalyx (genus). 

632 Schleichera 


INDEX, 587 

Hooded-flowered (linear-petalled) Nut- 
meg (Bs/T/10, adpd). xxiii. Xylopia 

Hooded-flowered Pepper (McL. 676, adpd), 
2402 Piper galeatum, 

Hooded-imbricute-indusiate Compresseda- 

fronds Fern (Bed/F, adpd). mikxv. 
Lygodium (genus). 
Hook-branched Salt-swamp Rose-wood 

climber (Bs/T/2388, adpd). 892 Dalber- 
gia mouosperma, 

Hook (Climbing) Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, 
adpd). xiv. Artabotrys (genus). 

Hook (Mediom-leathery-shining oblong- 
lance-leavod Climbing) Nutmeg (HE. 
1/54, adpi). 384 Artabotrys z-ylamcus. 

Hook (Mediuim-(short-to-lony)-papery 
oblong-liace-ieaved Climbing) Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/54, adpd). 33 Artabotrys 

Hook 'l'ree (McL. 578). 

Hooked-peduncled Fiat-petalled Hooded- 
flowered Climbing Nutmeg (1s/T/LO, 
adpd). xiv, Artabotrys (genus). 

Hooker’s Australian Mountain Ebony 

453 Melia Aze- 

(McL, 472, 520, 995, adpd). 1000 
Bauhinia Hookeri. 

Hooker’s Kalsam Flower (Mech. 504, 
adpd). 368 Impatiens Hook+riana, 

Hovker’s Bamboo (FAR. 46, KSN, 48, 
VZ\1). 3299 Arundinsria Hookeriina. 

Hooker’s Club Moss (Nic. 3/308), 3389 
Lycopodium Hookeri. 

Hooker's Leaf Cactus (Nic. 3/913), 1376 
Phyllocactus Hookeri, 

Hooker’s Cactus (Br, 92). [1375 Sphalm] 
1376 Phyllocactus H okeri. 

Hooker’s Mexicau Potato Tree (Nic. 

3/403). 2072 Solanum havanense. 
Hooker’s Vermilion-and-Orange Cizar 
Flower (Nic. 1/409). 1311 Cuphea 

Hookless-bristled Parroquet Burr (dk. 
1/394, adpd). 329 Triumfetta tomen- 

Hoop-withy (Nic. 3/309). 

Hop (Nic. 2/157) (8. 203, 205). 
decelxxvii. (bis.) Humulus (genus). 

Hop (Australian Native) (McL. 318). 
649 Dodonzea viscosa. 

Hop (Climbing) (Po. /49). 2766 (bis.) 
Humults japonicar. 

Hop (Japanese) (Nic. 2/157) (8. 205, 
220). 2766 (bis.) Humolus japonicus. 

Hop Cherry (Hk. 1/584, Rox, 2/87, adpd). 
ccii, Opilia (genus), 

Hop (Smali-leathery-distichous Ovate- 
lance-leaved) Cherry (Hk. 1/584, Rox. 
2/87, adpd). 495 Opilia amentacea. 

Hop (Beech-leaved) Dholl (br. 54, adpd), 
870 Flemingia strobilifera, 

2384 Rivina 


Hop (Few (4-6 prs)-nerved Beech leaved) 
Dholl (Bs/T/231,  adpi). 870-b. 
Flemingia strobilifera (bracteata. ) 

Hop (Linden-lesved) Dholl (Br. 
adpd). 871 Flemingia chappar. 

Hop (Many- (8-10 prs)-nerved Beech- 
leaved) Dholl (Bs/T/231, adpd). 870-a. 
Flemingia strobilifera (typica). 

Ho-phoinix-ersen of the Greeks (MclL. 
413) , male Tree]. 38162 Phoenix dacty- 

Hopper (John) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Mu. 53) (Hod). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (puniceo-roseo- 

Horace Vernet Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ro/N/95, O/2C). 1107-j. Rosa 
hy brida-semperflorens 


(punicea-pw- | 

Horn (Deer’s) (ML, 802), 280 Helicteres | 

Horn (Twisted) (McL. 802). 
teres Isora. 

280 Helic- 

Hornbeam (H/E.F) (Nie. 1/271) (S. 78). | 

decexc. Carpinus (genus). 

Hornbeam (8.78, 203) (GbI. 684). (FAR. 
10, NLGS). 2787 Carpinus Betulus. 
Hornbeam (Common) (Nic. 1/271) (S. 78). 

2787 Carpinus Betulus. 

Hornbean (European) 
Carpinus Betulus. 

Hornbeam leaved Sida (McL. 67). 
Sida acuta. 

Horn (Shepherd’s) Cardina! Plant (Treas. 
Bot. 2/1002, adpd). dxxxy. Sipho- 
campylus (genus). 

Horn-Cardinaj (Medium-downy Oblong- 
Violet-flowered) shrub (Nic. 3/438, 
adpd). 1637 Siphocampylus hamatus. 

Horn-Cardinal (Long-hairy-backed I.ance 
crenulate wrinkled cuspidate leayed 

(H/EF). 2787 


Orange-flowered) shrub (Nic. 3/438, 
adpd). 1636 Siphocampylus gigan- 

Horn (Stag’s) Moss (S. 256). mlxix. 

Lycopodium (genus). 

Hom of Plenty (S. 1381). 

Horned Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-L. Codizum variegatum 

Horned (Dark-green) Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu). 2646-Le. Codizum  variega- 
tum (karengrianum), 

Horned (Green-margined Crimson-mot- 
tled Yellow) Croton (Nic. 1/351) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-La. 
Codizum variezatum(cornutum-proper). 

Horned (Orange-banded Shining -dark- 
green) Croton (Nic, 5/251) (Ru/N/O). 
2646 Lb. Codizum variegatum (cor- 

2101 Datura 


Horned (Yellow-irregularly-msttled Shin- 
ing dark-green) Croton (Nic. 1/351) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf) (when 
young). 2646-La. Codizeum variega- 
tum (corautum-proper). 

Horned Holly of Norta China (Nie. 
2/174). 506 Ilex cornuta. 

Horizontal-branchletted (Minute-leath- 
ery-seasile Linear-oblong-apicula te- 
leaved) Featherfoil (Hk. 5/291, adpd). 
2561 Phyllauthus nemornm., 

Horizontil-nerved elliptic Long leaved 
Gamboge (Hk, 1/260, adpd). 170 Gar- 
cinia Mangostana. 

| Horn (Stag’s) Trumpet Flower (MeL. 

669, 982, adpd). 
Horse Chestnut (H/E.F) (Nie. 

(8. 10). cclii, Aisculus (genus), 
Horse Almond (McL. 704) (Bed. 1/81). 
264 Sterculia foetida. 
Horse (Jamaica) Bean (McL. 379, 874). 
830 Canavalia ensiformis. 
Horse Cassia (McL. 208). 
Horse Chestnut 

2151 Stereospermum 


947 Cassia 

Family (L/N/S/B). 
Sapindaceve (Order). 

_ Horse (Common) Chestnut (Nic. 1/34). 

629 Aisculus Hippocastanum. 

Horse Chestnut Tree (Bed. 1/71) (Gbl. 
193) (FAR, 10, NLGS) (Muell. §.P) 
(H/E.F) (8. 203), 629 Atsculus Hip- 


Horse-ear (Mech. 799). 201 Shorea 

Horse-eye Bean (Mch. 286). 816 Mu- 

cuna pruriens. 

Horse-eye (Sabre podded) Bean (Mech. 
875). 880 Canavalia ensiformis. 

Horse (Ciliate leaved Yellow) Gram 
(McL, 331, adpd). 843 Dolichos 

Horse (Madras) Gram (McL. 
cecxvii. Dolichos (genus), 

Horse (Wild) Gram (McL, 881, 821, 994). 
844 Dolichos falcatus, 

Horse (Wild) Gram (McL. 274). 
Rhynchosia (genus), 

llorse-in-hose (Indian) (McL. 
(Cag. 472). 2098 Datura fastuosa, 

Horse Killer (McL. 302). 1844 Nerium 
odorum, ‘ 

Horse (Country) Radish (McL. 236, 518). 
689 Moringa pterygosperma. 

Horse (Indian) Radish (MeL. 478, 518). 
689 Moringa pterygosperma. 

Horse (Smooth) Radish (Mech, 518). 689 
Moringa pterygosperma, 

Horse (Wild Indian) Radish (McL. 478, 
518, adpd). 690 Moringa concanensis. 
Horse Radish Tree Family (Br. 67). 

XLI. Moringacez (Order), 





Horse Radish Tree (Bed, 2/86) (Bs/T/310) 
(Gbl. 824) (Bdn/#.T) (McL. 84) (Br. 
67) (Ell, 895) (PA. 294) (Nic, 2/348) 
(Cag. 180) (Cat, 86) (Rid. 131, 141). 
689 Moringa pterygosperma. 

Horse Radishes (MeL. 1005). 
Moringacew (Order). 

Horse Root (McL. 44). 2095 Withania 


Uorse-tail Casuarina (McL, 185) (Br. 203). 
2780 Casuarina equisetifolia. 

Horse-tail Creeper (Mch, 284), 
Porana malabarica, 

Horse Testicle (McL. 704). 
lia foetida, 

Horsefall’s (Mrs.) Bindweed of the West 
Indies (Nic. 2/191). 2021 Ipomea 

Hoskin’s (Mrs.) Palm Lily (Nic. 1/374). 
3107-h. Cordyline terminalis (Hos. 

Howe’s-Island Paim (Nic. 2/155, adpd). 


(Cat. 202). 2065 Cuscuta 

264 Stercu- 

emlxxviii. Howea (genus). 

Hoya (Green) (Mu). 1918 Dregea 

Hoya (Green flowered) (Br. 122), 1918 
Dregea volubilis. 

Huanoco Bark (Mch. 420). 1451 Cin- 

chona micrantha. 

Huanoco Bark (McL. 420) (Muell.S.P), 
1453 Ciuchona nitida, 
Huanoco Bark (McL, 420}. 
chona peruviana. 
Huckle berry (S. 444). 

nium (genus). 

Huge capsuled Lance Wood (Mch. 510, 
adpd). 282 Pterospermum  diversi- 

Huge (Crimson-costate) lJeayed Banana 
(Cooke 2/741, adpd). 3039 Musa 

Huge oblate Prickly Fan Palm (Cag. 
339, adpd). cmxevi Corypha (genus), 

Huge oblong Prickly Fan Palm (Nic. 
2/292,adpd). mxix. Lodoicea (genus). 

Huldee (Monkey) (McL. 777). 180 Bixa 
Orellana, : 

Humbert (Prince) Rose (Ru/O/22) (Hod). 
1107-m. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Humble Plant (Nic. 2/370) (S. 205, 272) 
(Pfi. 281). 1011 Mimosa pudica. 

Humming-bird (Long-membranous-pube- 
rulous-backed elliptic-lance-acuminate- 
leaved) shrub (Hk. 3/96, adpd). 1488 
Adenosacme Lawii. 

Humming-bird (Wight’s) shrub (W.A.I, 
adpd),. edxcii. Adenosacme (genus). 
Humming-bird Tree (Cag. 539), 

Hamelia (genus). 

dxxxvi. Vacci- 

Humming-bird (Common) Tree (Cag. 

539). 1489 Hamelia patens, 

1454 Cine . 

c Ixcili. 

INDEX, 589 

Humming-bird (Robust) Tree (Cag, 539), 
1490 Hamelia spherocarpa. 

Humped Yam (Mch. 58, 1000). 38073 
Dioscorea globosa. 

Hundred leaved Rose (McL. 321). 1099 

Rosa centifolia. 

Huntingdon Willow(Muell. S.P) (1H/H.F) 
(S. 206, 382). 2799 Salix alba. 

Hussar Bean (McL. 484, 821, 874). 880 
Canavalia ensiformis. 

Hyacinth Bean (McL. 286) (8. 142). 
ecexviil, Dolichos (genus). 

Hyacinth (Bracteoled Red flowered) Bean 

(McL. 286, udpd). 842 Dolichos 

Hyacinth (Flesh coloured) flowered 
Bastard Cedar (Nic. 1/285). 484 Ced- 
rela odorata. 

Hybrid (Ledger) Bark (McL. 420). 

1446-c. Cinchona Calisaya (Ledgeriana). 
Hybrid (Great) Birthwort (Nic. 5/84). 
2395 Aristolochia brasiliensis-elegans. 
Hybrid (Carmine) Bourbon Rose (Nie. 
3/323) (Ru,O/21). 1106-f.Rosa_borbo- 

nica (hybrida-kermesina). 
Hybrid China Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/O/20). 
11038-a. Rosa indica (carnea-semiplena).- 
Hybrid (Corsini’s) Climbing Aram (Nic. 

5/595). 8255 Philodendron Corsini- 
Rybrid (Bidwill’s) Coral Tree (Nic. 

5/3852). 822-b. Erythrina 
(herLacea Bidwilli). 

Hybrid Date (Jaf. 132, Rid. 267). 
Pheenix compacta. 

Hybrid (Bause’s) Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/472). 
8265-b. Dieffenbachia picta (Bausei). 

Hybrid (Veitch’s Searlet flowered) Fuch- 
sia (Nic. 2/82). 1831 Fuchsia Domi- 

Hybrid (Hexapetaloid) Indian Shot (Cag. 
384). 8035 (bis-) Canna orchidiflora. 

Hybrid of China, and Musk, Rose (Cag. 



601). 1108 Rosa Noisettiana. 

Hybrid of French and Indian Rose (Nic. 
5/644). 1106 Rosa borbonica. 

Hybrid of French, or Damask, with 
Bourbon and China Rose (Cag. 590). 
1107 Rosa hybrida-sem perflorens, 

Hybrid of Noisette with Tea Rose (Cag. 
602). 1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odo- 

Hybrid of Tea and, usually, Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Cag. 590). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hybrida). 

Hybrid (Baptist’s) Palm Lily (Nic. 1/578), 
3110 Cordyline Baptistii. 

Hybrid (Henderson’s) Palm Lily (Nic. 
1/374). 3112 Cordyline Hendersonii, 
Hybrid (Winged-and quadrangular-stem- 
med) Passion Flower (Nic. 3/29, 5/582). 

1348 Passiflora buonapartea, 



Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Nic, 3/324, 5/645) 
(Cag, 590) (Hk. 2/364) (Ru/N/97, 0/22) 
(Mu. 52 to 54), 1107 Rosa hybrida- 

Hybrid-perpetnal (Apricot-col ured) Rose 
(Mu, 538). 1107-h. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
porflorens (armeniaca). 

Hybrid perpetual (Black-parple-shaded 
Crimson) Rose (Cag. 546) (Mu. 52, (Ru/ 
N/93, 0/18) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa hy brida- 
semperflorens (punicea-atropurpureo- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Blackish-violet) Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 53) (Ru/N/92, 0/20). 
1107-n. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Hybrii-perpetnal (Bluish-contred White) 
Rese (Ra/N/95, 0/21) (Hod). 1107-b, 
Rosa hybrida semperflorens (lactea). 

Hybrid-perpetual (Carmine) Rose (Nic. 
3/824) (Br. 68 ?) (Ru/N/90, O/18, 20) 
(Hod). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (kermesina). 

Hybrid-perpetual (Carmine-shaded Crim. 
son) Rose (Nic. 3/324, 5/646) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/90, 91, 94, 0/19, 20.21) (Mu 52, 
58, 57) (Br. 69) (Hod) (Po). 1107-}. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Hybrid perpetual (Carmine-t'nted Rosy- 
pink) Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Ru/N/95, 96) 
(Mn. 58, 54) Hod). 1107-2. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens = (rosea-kerme- 

Hybrid-pernetual (Cherry Crimson) Rose 
(Nic, 5/646) (Ru/O/20), 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperfiorens (punicea-cerasi- 

Hybrid-perpetnal (Cherry-tinted Rosy- 
pink) Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Cag. 596) (Ru/ 
N/93) (Bu/O/20, 22) (Mu. 53, 54) (Hoa). 
1107-g. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 
(rosea-cerasi rubro-suffusa). 

Hy brid-perpetual (Climbing Scarlet) Rose 
(Ru/N/95). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perfiorens (coccinea-scandens). 

Hybrid-nerpetual (Crimson) Rose (Cag. 
596) (Ba/N/9), 91, 0/18, 20, 22) (Mu. 52, 
53, 54) (Hod) (Po), 11.7-j. Rosa hy- 
brida-semperfiorens (punicea), 

Hybrid-perpetual (Crimson-tinted Scarlet) 
Rose (Nic 8/3824) (Cag. 596) (Ra/N/94, 
0/20) (Mu, 63) (Hod) (Po), 1107-i. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea-puni- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Dark shining Scarlet) 
Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod). 11lu7-i. Rosa 
hybrija-semperflorens = (coccinea-pur- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Fiery Scarlot) Rose 
(Nic. 8/824) (Cag. 596) (Ku/N/91, 0/18, 
21) (Mu. 52) (Br. 69) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-b. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens | 
(coccinea-rutilang). ! 


Hybrid-perpetual (Fiesh-centred White) 
Rose (Ru/N/95, 0/21). 1107-d. Rosa 
hy brida-semperflorens (albida-intus-car- 

Hybrid-perpetnal (Flesh-pink) Rose 
(Ru/O/20) (Mu. 53). 1107-", Rosa hy- 
brida-sem perflorens (carnea), 

Hybrid perpetual (i*lush-edged Fleshpink) 
Rose (Cag, 5 6) (Hod) (Po), 1107-f. 
Rosi hybrida-semperfiorens (carnea- 

Hybrid-per;etual (Glossy Flesh-pink) Rose 
(Nic. 3/824). (Cag. 596) (Hod), 1107-£ 

Rosa hybrida-semperilorens (carnea- 
Hybrid-perpetual (Glossy  Pale-flesh- 

tinted White) Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/31) 
(Mu. 58) (Hod) (Voty. 428), 1107-d. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (albida- 
Hybrid-perpetual (Hybrid of Tea and, 

usually) Rose (Cag. 590).  1105-q. 
Rosa odorata (hy brida), 
Hybrid-perpetual (Larger Pinktinted 

White) Rose (Ru/O/20) (Br. 71) (Hod). 
1107-d. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (al- 
bida-carneo-suffusa-major. ) 

Hybrid-perpetual (Lilac-backed Rosy 
Crimson) Rose (Nic. 3/3824) (Cag. 596) 
(Mu. 53) (Hed). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens  (punicea-roseo-suffusa- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Lilac-shaded Rosy- 
pink) Rose (Mu. 58) (Hod), 1107-g¢. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (rosea-lila- 

Hy brid-perpetual (Maroon) Rose (Ru/0/19, 
20) (Mu. 52). 1107-1. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (atrosanguinea), 

Hy brid-perpetual (Pale-fleshtinted White) 
Rose (Mu. 538), 1107-d. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (albida-albocarneo- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Paler-backed Rosy- 
pink) Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 54), 
1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Hybrid-perpetual (Piuk-tinted White 
Cluster) Rose (2u/O/21) (Hod) (Po), 
llu7-d. Rosa hy brida-semperflorens 
(albida-carneo-suffusa corymbosa). 

Hybrid-perpetual (Purple) Rose (Ru/O/22) 
(Mu. 52) (Hod). 1107-m. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfiorens (purpurea). 

Hybrid-perpetaa!(Purple-shaded Carmine) 
Rose (Nie. 3/324, 5/615) (Hod) (Cag. 
56) (Ru/O/19). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida- 
semperforens (kermesina-purpureo- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Purple-shaded Crim- 
son) Rose (Cag. 594, 596) (Mu. 54) 
(Br. 70) (Ru/N/90, 94, O/19, 20, 21) 

(Hod) (Po). 1107-j7. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfiorens (panicea-purpureo-suft- 


Hybrid- perpetual (Purple-shaded Maroon) 
Rose (Nic, 3/324) (Gag. 596) (Ru/N/93, 
(0/22) (Mu. 54), 1107-1, Rosa hybrida- 
semperforens (atrosanguinea-parpureo- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Pare White) Rose (Cag. 
59') (Ra/N/24, 0/18) (Mu. 52) (Hod) 
(Po). 1107-a, 
florens (nivea). _ 

Hybrid-perpetual (Rosy centred Salmon- 
tinted Flesh-pink) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/ 
94, 0/19) (Mn. 54) (Hod) (Po). 1107-f. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (carnea- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Rosy Crimson) Rose 
(Nic. 3/824) (Mu. 52, 54) (Cag. 596) 
(Ra/N/92, 0/18) (Hod) (Po). 1107-}. 
Kosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Rosy-finshed Silvery 

Rosa bybrida-semper- | 

Flesh-pink) Rose (Nic. 5/644) (Ru/N/93, | 

0/21, 22) (Mu. 53). 

llu7-e. Rosa hy- | 
(argenteocarnea- | 

Hybrid-perpetual (Rcesy-pink) Rose (Nic. | 

5/645, 646) (Rn/N/90, 24, 0/18, 20) 
(Cav. 596) (Mu. 53,54) (Hod). 1107-g. 
Rosa hy|.rida-semperfiorens (rosea). 
Hybrid-perpetual (Rosy-shaded Carmine) 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 53) (Po) (Ru/N/ 
90, 93, O/21, 22). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (kermesina-roseo-suffusa),. 
Hybrid-perpetual (Rosy-tinted Flesh- 
pink) Rose (Ru/N/94, %6, 0/19, 22) (Mu. 
54) (Hod). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (carnea-roseo-suffusa). 

Hybrid-perpetual (Kosy-tinted White) 
Rose (Mu. 52) (Hod). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-sewperflorens (albida-roseo- 

Hybrid-perretual (Rosy to Carmine-cent- 
red White) Rose (Ku/N/92, 0/19) (Mu. 
52) (Hod) (Po). 1107 d. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfiurens (albida-intus-roseo-suf- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Ruddy-brown-shaded 
Crimson) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ku/O/20) 
(Ma. 53). 1107-j. Rosa hy brida-sem- 
perflorens (puniceo-p.rphyreo-suffusa), 

| Hybrid-perpetnal 

' Hy brid-perpetual 

INDEX. 591 

1107-j. Rosw hybrida-semperflorens 
(punicea-coccineo-suffusa violaceo-pur- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Scarlet-shaded Maroon) 
Rose (Nic 3/324) (Ru/O/18). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-sex perflorens (atrosangni- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Silver-backed Rosy- 
pink) Rose (Nic. 8/324, 5/646) (Mu. 53) 
(Ru/O/20) (Hod) (Po). 1107-g. Rosa 
hybrida-sempertiorens (rosea-extus-ar- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Silvery-centred Rosy- 
pink) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/92, 0/20) 
(Mu. 55) (Cag. 596) (Hod) (Po). 1107-g. 
Rosa hybrida-semperfierens (rosea- 
intus-argentes ). 

Hybrid-perpetnal (Silvery Flesh-pink) 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/20) (Mu. 53), 
1107-e. Rosa  hybrida-semperfilorens 

Hybrid-perpetual (Smaller 
White) Rose (Br. 71). 

1107-d. Rosa 

(Velvetty Carmine) 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 52) (Ru/N/91), 
1107-K. Kosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Hybrid-perpetnal (Velvetiy Carmine- 
shaded (rimson) Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Mn. 
53) (Rr/N/94, 0/20). i107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-kerme- 
sino-suffusa-velutiue ). : 

(Velvetty Carmine- 
shaded Maroon) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/?4, 0/22) (Hed) (Mu. 54). 
1107-1. Kosa  hybrida-semperfiorens 
(atrosanguinea—kermesino-sufiusa - velu- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Velvetty Crimson) 
Rose (Nic. 3/324, 5/645, €46) (Cag. 5£6) 
(Ra /N/94, 0/19, 20, 21) (Mu. 52, 53) 
(Po). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (punicea-velutina). 

| Hybr'd-perpetual (Violet-edged Crimson- 

Hybrid-perpetual (Satiny Rosy-pink) Rose 

(Nic. 3/3:4, 5/646) (Ru/N/96) (Mu. 54) 
(Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-g. Rosa 
hy brida-sempeiflorens 

Hybrid-perpetual (Satiny Rosy-tinted 
white) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/95) 
(Mu. 54). 1167-d. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perdorens (albida-rosea-sericenitens). 

Hybrid-perpetual (Scarlet) Rose (Mu. 
52,53). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (coccinea). 

Hybrid-per petual (Scarlet Crimson chang- 
ing to Violet-purple) Rose (Cag. 595) 
(Mu. 63) (Ro/N/92, 0/21) (Hod) (Po) 

tinted Scarlet) Rose (Cag. 5£4) (Ru/O/ 
21) (Po). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (coccinea-puniceo-suffus4-mar- 

| Hybrid perpetual (Velvetty Purple-shaded 

(rosea-sericeni- | 

Crimson) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/95, O/18, 2G) (Mu. 53) (Hod). 
1107-j. Rosa  hybrida-semperficrens 
Hybrid-perpetual (Vermilion-tinted Scar- 
let) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) (Ru/O/ 
20) (Mu. 58). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida- 
sem perflorens (cocciaca-miniato-suffusa) 
Hybrid-perpetual (Violet Purple) Rose 
(Ru/N/98, 0/22) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 
(1107-m. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 


Hybrid-perpetual (White-edged  Lilac- 
tinted Rosy-pink) Rose (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/90). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (rosea-lilacino-suffusa-mar- 

Hybrid-perpetual (White-shaded Satiny 
Rosy-pink) Rose (Nic. 3/825) (Ru/N/95, 
0/18, 20) (Mu. 52, 58) (Hod), 1107-g. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (rosea- 

H ydrid-perpetual (Yellowish-tinted White) 
Rose (Ru/O/22}. 1107-c. Rosa hybrida- 
semverflorens (ochroleuca). 

Hybrid (Cheshunt) Rose (Nic. 8/3825) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 1105-q. 
Rosa odorata 

Hybrid Tea Rose (Nic. 
(Ru/N/97). 1105-q. 

ee (Climbing Cherry-Carmine) Tea 
Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Mu. 
54) (Hod) 1105-q. Rosa odorata (by- 

Hybrid (Creamy) Tea Rose (Nic. 
‘(Ru/N/94).  1105-q. Rosa 
(hy brida-eburnea). 

Hybrid (Delicate Flesh-pink) Tea Rose 
(Nic. 3/825) (Mu. 55). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hybrida-carnea). 

Hybrid (Oouble La-France- like) Tea Rose 
(Nic. 5/646). 1105-q. Rosa odorata 
(hybrida-rosea-intus- -argentea). 

Hybrid (Faintly-yellow-tinted White) Tea 
Rose (Nic, 5/646). 1105-q. Rosa odorata 
(hy brida-ochroleuca). 

Hybrid (Lemon-centred White) Tea Rose 

3/325, 5/646) 
Rosa odorata 


(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/95) (Mu. 55). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-alba- 


Hybrid (Silvery-centred Rosy) Tea Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru /N/94). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hybrida-rosea-intus-argentea). 

Hybrid (Salmon-shaded Rosy-pink) Tea 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/93, 0/19). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida (rosea- 

Hybrid (White-soffused Rosy-pink) Tea 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/96, (/22). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-rosea 

Hybrides-rémontantes of the French 
(Cag. 590). 1107 Rosa hybrida-semper- 

Hyder’s Tree (McL, 588). 
Pinia sepiaria. 

Hydragogue Nut (MeL. 380}. 
spermum axillare. 

931 Cesal- 

2696 Balio- 

Hydrangea (Common) (Nic. 2/162). (Rid. 
69). 1122 Hydrangea Hortensia. 

Hydrangea (Variegated) (Nic. 2/162) 
(Rid. 69). 1122-b. Hydrangea Hert- 

ensia (japonica-varierata). 


| Teaco (Nic. 

(hybrida-kermesine-scan- | 


Hydrophobia (Brazilian) Plant (L/N/S/B8). 
1459 Manettia cordifolia. 

1/342) (Cag. 
Chrysobalanus Icaco. 

Ice Vine (McL. ‘ 362). 

241). 1062 

91 Cissampelos 

Ichnevmon Plant (McL. 750). 29638 
Vanda Roxburghii. 

Ignana’s Foot (Mch. 564). 611 Vitis 

Iguana’s Foot Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 
611 Vitis pedata. 

Tlanjy (McL. 350, 473, 484, 997). 
Mimusops Elengi. 

Tlanjy (Foreign) (McL. 351, 4738, 997). 
[1681 Sphalm] 1680 Siderexylon 

llavam (McL. 235), 

llooppay (McL. 506). 

Ilpa (McL. 506). 


261 Eriodendron 
1687 Bassia longi- 

1687 Bassia longifolia. 

Illawarra Blackbutt (Bth. 3/212). 11yi 
Eucalyptus heemastema, 

Illawarra Palm (Nic. 3/247). 3140 
Archontophcenix Cunninghamii. 

Imbricate-petalled Capsular- Ball 
Cadamba (Hk. 3/18, adpd). cd]xxxii. 
Nauclea (genas). 

Imbricately -star-flowered (Biseriate- 
seeded-berried) Climbing Nutmeg 

(Bs/T/10, adpd), xii. Uvaria (genus). 
Immortelles (8S. 194). dxxiii. Helichrysum 
Impari-pinnate-(numerous) Deeply-incis- 
ed-slightly-toothed-folioled Panax (Nic. 
5/579, adpd). 1402 Panax crispatum. 
Imparipinnate-(about-9) Green-dotted- 
black-purple-stalked Oblong-light- 
green-acnminate-folioled Aralia (Nic. 

1/104). 1392 Aralia maculata, 

Imparipinnate-(5-7)-long-downy Broad- 
elliptic-acute-or-obtuse-leaved Tawny 
Flat-septate Trumpet Tree (Hk. 4/881, 
adpd). 21389 Heterophragma adeno- 
phy lium. 

rate _elliptic-cuspidate-leaved Rosy 
Ridge-septate Trumpet Tree (Hk. 4/381, 
adpd). 2138 Heterophragma Roxbur- 

TImparipinnate-(5-15) Oblong-caudate- 
folioled Panax (Hk. 2/727, adpd). 1410 
Polyscias acuminata. 

Imparipinnate — oblique-lance-entire-or- 
variously-toothed-folioled Panax (Nic. 
3/14, adpd). 1496 Panax Murrayi. 

(S. 23). dxxii. Anaphalis 


Imparipinnate-(3-7)-pendent Creamy- 
white-margined Grey-bloiched oblong- 
elliptic-irregularly-serrate-folioled Ara- 
lia (Nic, 1/104, adpd). 1898 Aralia 

Imparipinnate-(3~7)-prickly Creamy- 
white-margined Ublong-elliptic-serrate- 
folioled Aralia (Nic. 1/104, adpd). 
1390 Aratia Guilfoylei. 

Imparipinnate-(3-11)-rusty-silky - backed 
linear-lance-entire-obtuse - or - mucron- 
ate-leaved Silk Oak (Bth. 5/489, adpd). 
2482 Grevillea Banksii. 

[m paripinnate-(11-21)-silky-backed lance- 
deeply-pinnatifid-leaved Silk Oak (Bth. 
5/459, adpd). 2480 Grevillea robusta. 

[mparipinnate-(3-9) White-margined 
Ovate - lobed - spine - toothed - folioled 
Panax (Nic. 3/141, adpd). 1409 
Panax Victoriz. 

Imparipinnate White-spotted-purple- 
stalked pinnatified folioled Aralia (Nic. 
1/104, adpd). 1889 Aralia filicifolia. 

Imparipinnate-(38-9) Yellow-margined 
Ovate - lobed - spine - toothed - folioled 
Panax (Nic. 3/14, adpd). 1409-b. Panax 
Victorie (aureum). 

Imperial Wax Flower (Br. 122), 1924 
Hoya carnosa. 

Incense (Hell’s) (Cat. 267). 2714 
Gironniera reticulata. 

Incense (Mauritius) (Br. 74). 1143 

Terminalia Benzoin. 

Indehiscent-podded Rosewood (Hk. 2/60, | 

Treas. Bot. 2/991, adpd). XLIII-A. 
Leguminosze (Order-Papilionew Sub- 
order-Dalbergiew Tribe). 

Inderjow (Bitter) (McL. 871). 18383 
Holarrhena antidysenterica. 
Inderjow (Sweet) (MchL. 370). 1841 

Wrightia tinctoria. 

India (Black Wood of Southern) (Cag. 
93). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

India (Cabbage Palm of) (Nic. 1/109) 
(S. 38). cmlxxi. Areca (genus). 

India (Common Rattan of South) (Hk. 
6/447, adpd), 3209 Calamus Rotang. 
India (Common Screw Pine of) (Mch. 
801, Cag, 335, adpd), 3244 Pandanus 


India (Common Willow of) (Muell. S.P). 
2797 Salix tetrasperma. 

India (Deodar of Western) (McL. 704), 
264 Sterculia feetida. 

India (Ebony of Northern) (Bs/T/431) 
(Gbl. 461). 1714 Diospyros tomentosa. 

India (Fig of) (McL. 687). 3041 Musa 

India (Kamala Orange of Bengal and 
South) (Bon. 45, 418-a, Citrus 
Aurantiom-nobilis (chrysccarpa). 



India (Keonla Orange of Upper) (Bon. 53, 
54). 419-a, Citrus Aurantiom-crensti- 
folia (ty pica). 

India (Kharna Orange of North) (Bon. 10, 
18), 417-c, Citrus Aurantium-Auran- 
tium (dimorphocarpa), 

India (Large Evergreen Rhododendron 
of) (S. 367). 1645 Rhododendron ar- 

India (Mahwa of Central) (Cat, 171). 1686 
Bassia latifolia. 

India (Mahwa of Southern) (Cat. 171). 
1687 Bassia longifolia. 

India (Mandarin Orange ot) and Ceylon 
(Bon. 53, 358), 418-a. Citrus Auran- 
tium-nobilis (chrysocarpa). 

India (Mhar Palm of Western) (Gbl. 729), 
8152 Caryota urens. 

India (Mowa of Central) (Cat. 171). 
1686 Bassia latifolia, 

India (Mowa of Southern) (Cat. 171). 
1687 Bassia longifolia. 

India (Pride of) (Muell. 8.P) (H/E,F) 
(McL. 518). 463 Melia Azedarach, 

India (Pride of) (Cag. 565) (Cat. 149) 
(Pf. 400) (Ru/N/50), 1819 Lager- 
stroemia flos-Reginz. 

India (Red Ebony of South) (Gbl. 462, 
McL. 866, adpd). 171% Diospyros 

India (Sacred Peepul of) (Cag. 288) (PA. 
125). 2739 Ficus religiosa. 

India (Soap Nut Tree of Southern) (Cat, 
76). 634 Sapindus trifoliatus, 

India (Tulip Tree of) (Kew Bull. 5/1912) 
(Mch. 712) (Bed. 1/28) (Bs/'T/75) (Gbl. 
88). 252 Thespesia populnea. 

India (Wood oil of) (Rox. 2/613). 196 
Dipterncarpus indicus. 

India (West) Copal (Muell. S.P). 976 
Hymenzea Courbaril. 

India Rubber Fig (Gbl. 641) (Bdn/F.T). 
2734 Ficus elastica. , 

India Rubber of Mexico (Gbl. 626). 2760 
Castilloa elastica. 

India Rubber Paulay (McL, 234). 1870 
Cryptystegia grandiflora. 

India Rubber Tree of Tropical Africa 
(Nic. 5/468), 1802 Landolphia florida, 

India Rubber Vine (McL. 863), 1870 
Cryptostegia grandiflora, 

India (True East) Tacawahaca Resin Tree 
(McL, 705). 183 Calophyllum Wightia- 

{Indian Absinth (McL. 4, 366, 997). 1621 
Artemisia vulgaris. 
Indian Alschynomene (Br. 51). 786 

Eschynomene indica. 
Indian Almond (McL. 138, 3857), 1144 
Terminalia Catappa. 

Tudian Aloe (McL*, 21) (Br.# 221). 
3117-a. Aloé vera (typica) (* indica). 


Indian (Common) Aloe (McL.* 21). 
3117-a. Aloé vera (typica) (* indica). 
Indian (East) Aloe (McL, 21). 3118 Atoé 


Indian (Small) Aloe (McL, 21). 3117-b. 
Aloé vera (littoralis). 

Indian Allspice (Mel. 
3207 Pimenta acris (?). 

Indian (West) Allspice (Gbl. 
(Bdn/F.1). 1208 Pimenta officinalis, 

Indian Ave face Flower (McL. 664). 1691 
Mimusops hexandra, 

Indian (Coral Tree of the) Archipelago 
(Hk. 2/190, adpd). 820 Erythrina 

Indian (Westy Arrow Root (Muell. S.P). 
3027-b. Canna indica (glauca). 

Indian (West) Arrowroot (MeL. 819, 
1022) ‘Rid, 261) (Br, 214) (Nic. 2/326). 
3011 Maranta arundinacea. 

Indian .Ash Tree (McbL. 4738, 9°24, 1028, 
adpd). 672 Odina Wodier. 

Indian Aspen (Mcl. 673). 

Indian Azalea (Nic. 1/150) (S. 213, 356), 
1646 Rhododendron indicum. 

Indian Bael (McL. 65). 425 Algle Mar- 

Indian Balm of Gilead (McL. 416). 442 
Balasamodendron Berrvi. 

Indian (West) Bastard Cedar (Cat, 138). 
304 Guaznma tomentosa. 

Indian (West) Bayberry Tree 
1022) 1207 Pimenta acris, 

Indian Bdelliam (McL. 78, 857, 538, 993) 

171). (? 1208) 

2739 Ficus 


(Cat. 59). 441 Balsamodendron Rox- 

Indian Bead (Mc. 79, 307, 364). 3026 
Canna indica. 

Indian (West) Bead Tree (McL. 155). 
1016 Leuczena glauca. 

Indiin Rean of America (S. 81, 213). 

2154 Catalpa speciosa. 
Indian Beech (Bdn/F.T) (Cag. 681) (Cat. 
69) (Bll. 459) (McL. 404, 275) (PA, 

524) (Mu) (Ru/O0/13). 899 Pongamia | 


Indian Ben Oil (Gbl. 124) (Bdn/F.T). 
68+ Moringa ptervgosperma. 

Indian Rerry (McL. 84). 98 Berberis 

Indian Berry (McL. 
Anamirta Cocculus. 

Indian (West) Bifoliate 
Orchid (Nic. 5/342). 2919 Epidendrum 

Indian Birthwort (McL. 374) (Br. 189) 
(Ell. 71) (Pf, 46), 2891 Aristolochia 

Indian (Heart leaved) Birthwort (Hk. 
5/75, Rox. 3/489, adpd). 2392 Aris. 
tolochia Roxburghiana, 

357, 690). 81 

Psendobulb | 



Indian Black berry (McL. 328). ecclxxix. 
Rubus (genus). 

Indian Black Berry (McL. 328). 
Rubus lasiocarpns. 

Indian (West) Black Thorn (McL. 936). 
1027 Acacie, Farnesiana. 

Indian Black Wood (McL. 461) (Red. 
1/83) (Cat. 93). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Indian Blood Wood (MeL, 5, 99, 357). 
1319 Lagerstroemia flos-Regina. 

Indian (West) Bracelet Wood (Nic. 2/206. 
dliii. Jacquinia (genus), 

Indian Bramble (McL, 828). ccelxxix. 
Rubus (genus), 

Indian (Wild) Brinjal (McL. 361, adpd). 
2083 Solanum indicum. i 


Indian Brown Hemp (Mch. 82). 240 
biz.) Hibisens cannabinus. 
Indian Buck Thorn (McL. 762). 570 

Khamnus Wizhtii, 

Indian Bolly Tree (Mch. 351, adpd). 
168 Sideroxylon tomentosum, 

Indian (Shrubby) Burr (McL. 358, 508, 
628, 678, $99, adpd). declv. Psilotri- 
chum (genus). 

Indian (Sma!l-glabrate-subsessile Ovate- 
elliptic-acute-leaved) Burr (Hk. 4/725, 
adpd). 2373-a. Psilotrichum calceola- 
tum (typica). 

Indian (Small Ovate-lance-acute-leaved) 
Barr (Hk. 4/725, adpd). 2372 Psilotri- 
chum nudum. 

Indian (Small-velvetty-sessile Ovate. 
elliptic-acute leaved) Burr (Hk. 4/725, 
adpd), 2373 b. Psiletrichum calceo- 
Jatum (tomentosa). 

Indian (West) Burweed (McL. 169, 1022). 
cxxi. Triumfetta (genus). 

Indian (West) Calabash Tree (Cat, 213) 
(Br. 134). 2155 Crescentia Cujete. 

Indian (West) Calabash Tree (Cat, 218). 
(2157 Sphalm] 2155 Crescentia Cujete. 

Indian Calozanthes (McL. 732). 2119 
Oroxylum indicum. 

Indian Caoutchouc (Mc. 78, 358, 473, 
1000) (Ell. 280) (Bs/T/603) (Gbl. 641). 
2734 Ficus elastica. 

Indian Catmint (McL. 700, 
deexlviii. Anisomeles (genus). 
Indian Cedar Family (McL. 168, 578, 839, 
862, 911, adpd) XXX. Meliaces 



| Indian Cedar (McL. 911), 482 Cedrela 


Indian Cedar (McL. 264) (Nic. 1/286) 
(S. 84, 246). 2862 Cedrus Libani 

Indian (West) Cedar Wood (Bs/T/145) 
(Cat. 69). 484 Cedrela cdorata. 

Indiau Cherry (McL. 65, 164, 358). 561 
| Zizyphus Jujuba, 
Indian Club Moss (Br. 244). 3330 

Lycopodium phlegmaria, 


Indian (Robuster) Club Moss (Nic. 2/307). 
3389 Lycopodium Hookeri. 

Indian Constal Fan Palm (McL. 294, 
adpd). 3224 Rorassns flabellifer, 

Indian (West) Cock’s-spur (McL. 1022, 
adpd). 2367 Pi-onia »culeata. 

Indian (West) Cock’s-spur (McL. 210). 
[2363 Sphalm] 2367 Pisonia aculeata. 

Indian (West) Cocoon (McL. 801, 1022) 
1003 Entada scandens. 

Indian Copal (Gbl. &5) (Bdn/F.T) (Ell. 
579) (Pf. 275) (Mc. 258, 358, 689) 
(Rid. 161). 207 Vateria indica. 

Indian (West) Corallita (MRS). 
Antigonon leptopus, 

Indian Coral Tree (6s/T/226) (Gbl. 242) 
(Ell. 26:') (Cat. $9) (Pf. 513) (E.T) (Br. 
#7) (Rn/N/80) 817 Erythrina indica. 


Indian Coral Tree (Bdn/F.T./L). 818 
Erythrina stricta, 
Indian (East) Coral Tree (8.146). 817 

Erythrina indica. 

Indian (Variegated leaved) Coral Tree 
(Nic. 5/252). 817-e. Erythrina indica 

{Indian {West) Coral Tree (McL. 1022). 
[817 Sphalm) (Erythiina coralloden- 
dron) (Not cultivated in Madras). 

Indian (White flowered) Coral Tree (Hk, 
2/189, Br. 57, adpd). 817-b. Erythrina 
indica (albiflora). 

Indian Cork (McL. 73). 257 Adansonia 

Indian Cork (Bed. 2/249) (Gbl. 509) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Pr. 1/788) (Ell. 102) (McL. 
358, 473, 484, 995) (Cat, 204), 2118 
Millingtonia hortensis. 

Indian (West) Cotton (McL. 223, 1022). 
254 Gossypiam barbadense, 

Indian Cowslip Creeper (Ru/N/56) (Mua). 
1905 Pe: galaria minor. 

Indian Cotton (McL. 133, 282, 993) 

(S./113) (Pfl. 491). 253 Gossypium 

Indian Cranberry (Muell. S.P). 16389 
Vaccinium Leschenaoltii. 

Indian Cress Family (Br. 29), XXV. | 

Geraniacez (Order). 

Indian Currant Tomato (Hk. 4/230, Rid. | 

90, adpd). 2075 Solanum _ verbasci- 

Indian (West) Custard Appls (S. 27, 122) 

(Pr. 1/206) (McL. 35) (Cat. 6). 58 

Anona reticulata. 

Indian Dammer Family (McL. 258, 259, 
799, adpd). XVIII. Dipterocarpacez 

Indian Dammer (McL, 799). 201 Shorea 

Indian Date(S. 213, 423) (Ell. 542). 982 
Vamarindus indica. 

Indian Datura (McL, 262). 


20°8 Datura 


INDEX, 595 

_ indian Dew Berry (McL. 828,adpd). 1082 

Rubus lasiocarpus. 

Indian Dipterocarp (McL. 386), 196 
Dipterocarpus indicns, 
Indian Daphne (McL. 240), (?) 888 

Clitoria Ternatea (?). 
Indian Dragon’s Blood (McL. 282, 977). 
897 Pterocarpus Marsopium. 
Indian Ebony (MeL. 366, 977). 
Diospyros (genus). 
Indian Ebony (McL. 461) (811 Sphalm] 
1714 Diospyros tomentosa. 
Indian Edible Fig (Hk. 5/580). 
Ficus palmata. 
Indian Elm (McL, 358, 473, 10u0) (Ell. 
575). 2710 Holoptelea integrifolia. 
Indian (South) Elm (Mch. 358, 473, 1000, 
adpd). 2710 Holoptelea integrifolia. 
Indian (West) Elm (McL. 164). 304 
Gnazuma tomentosa. 

Indian (Common) Evening Mallow (Mch. 
861,914, adpd). 222 Abutilon indicum. 

Indian (Common) Fern Palm (Mnell. 
3.P, adpd). 2873 Cycas circinalis. 

Indian Fig Family (Br. 91) (L/N/S/B). 
LVII. Cactacez (Order). 

Indian Fig (Nic. 2/503). 

Indian Fig (McL. 720). 
1383 Opuntia vulgaris. 

Indian Fig (Nic. 2/501) (Cag. 652) (3. 300) 



1383 Opuntia 
(13878 Sohalm] 

(Pf. 411). cdlvi. Opuntia /‘ genus). 
Indian Fig (McL. 72). 2726 Ficus 

Indian (Dillenius’) Fig (Cavanagh, Mad. 

Mail, 31-3-05). 1378 Opuntia Dillenii. 
Indian (Oblong) Fig (McL. 720). [1878 
Sphalm] 1380 Opuntia monocantha. 
Indian (White haired) Fig (Cavanagh, 
Mad. Mail, 31-3-05). 1381 Opuntia 

Indian Fig Cactus (S. 213). 1383 Opuntia 

Indian Filbert (McL. 101). 
pinia Bonducella, 

Indian (West) Filbert (McL. 891, 1022). 
1003 Entada scandens. 

Indian Fir (McL.. 44), 40 Polyalthia 

926 Czesal- 

| Indian (Saered) Fir (McL. 264). 2362 
Cedrus Libani (Deodara). 
Indian (East) Flax (S. 146, 363). 346 

Reinwardtia trigyna. 
Indian Forget-me-not (McL, 362) (S. 213) 

(Br 141) (Kid. 142) (Pf. 141). 2019 
Ipomea Quamoclit. 
Indian Frankincense (McL. 605). 489 

Boawellia serrata. 

Indian Gamboge (Mc, 299). [174 Sphalm] 
171 Garcinia indica. 

Indian (French White Rose of) Gardens 
(Cag. 599) (Br. 68 ?). 1105-d. Rosa 
odorata (albida-fulvo-suffusa), 


Indian Garland Flower (Nic, 2/122). 
emxliv. Hedychium (genus). — 
Indian Glasswort (McL. 364). 2381 

Suda nudiflora. 
Indian Grape-flower Vine (Hk. 2/57, 104, 

$.460, adpd). cclxxxix. Millettia 

Indian Grape Vine (McL. 32). 596 Vitis 

Indian Grass (Nic. 5/88). mxxxvii. 

Arundo (genus). 

Indian (Bracteate) Grourdsel (Hk. 3/222, 
260). dxx. Pluchea (genus). 

Indian (Small-woolly glandular-sessile 
Broad - obovate-coarse-toothed-auricled- 
acute-or-obtuse leaved) Groundsel (Hk, 
3/272, adpd). 1607 Pluchea indica. 

Indian Gum Animé (McL. 684). 
Vateria indica. 

Indian Gum Arabic (McL. 63) (Bed. 2/6). 
1029 Acacia arabica. 

Indian Guttapercba (Bed. 2/43) (Ell. 344) 
(Cat. 170) (MeL. 478, 663). 1684 
Dichopsis elliptica, 

Indian Haw Thorn (Br. 72, Nic. 1/392, 
adpd). 1119 Cratzgus crenulata. 

Indian Headache Tree (McL. 512). 
Premna integrifolia. 

Indian Hemp (McL. 860). 

Indian Hill Guava (Nic. 3/298). 
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 

Indian Hog Plum (MclL. 363, 469, 473, 
adpd). 685 Spondias mangifera. 

Indian (West) Holly (Nic, 4/109). 138438 
Turnera ulmifolia. 

Indian (West) Honeysuckle (McL. 813), 
ecciv. Desmodium (genus). 

Indian Horse Radish (McL. 473, 578, 
689 Moringa pterygosperma. 

Indian (Wild) Horse Radish (McL. 473, 
518,adpd). 690 Moringa concanensis. 


722 Crotalaria 



Indian (West) Jasmine (S, 219, 459). 1538 
Txora coccinea. 

Indian Kateerah Tree (McL. 407). 
Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Indian Kino (McL. 977) (Cat. 97). 897 
Pterocarpus Marsupium. 

Indian (East) Kino (Bs/240). 
carpus Marsupium. 

Indian Kumquat (Bon. 45, 46,51). 421-b. 
Citrus japonica (Hazaia). 

Indian (Larger) Kumquat (Bon. 45, 46, 
51). 421-c. Citrus japonica (lakkano- 
vensis). ° 

Indian Laburnum (Bs/'T/258) (Gbl. 271) 
(Bdn/F.T) (PA. 70) (McL. 208) (Pr. 
1/437) (Cat. 148), 946 Cassia Fistula. 

Indian (Red) Laburnum (McL. 208, 847, 
995, adpd). 947 Cassia marginata. 

Indian Lagerstrwmia (Br. 78). 
Lazerstroemia indica. 

Indian (White) Lagerstremia (Br. 73). 
1815-b. Lagerstreemia indica (albi- 

Indian Lantana (Br. 163). 2273 Lantana 

Indian Laurel (Rid. 119). 

Indian Lilac (MchL. 860,578) (Bid. 139) 
(S. 2€6). 453 Melia Azedarach. 

Indian Lilace (MeL. 112), cdxxxviii. 
Lagerstroemia (genus). 


897 Ptero- 


2646 Godizum 

| Indian Lilac (S.280). 1815 Lagerstrcemia 

Indian Hose-in-hose (MclL. 262) (Cag. 472). | 

2098 Datura fastuosa. 
Indian Indigo (MeL, 369). 
Indian Tpecacuanha (McL, 360, 997) (Nie. 
4/118), 1916 Tylophora asthmatica. 
Indian (Small) Ipecacuanha (Mch. 360). 
1895 Gymnema sylvestre. 
Indian Ivy (Mch. 677). 
dophora pertusa. 
Indian Ivy (8.213). 
Rhaphidophora pertusa. 
Indian Ivy Fig (Cag. 413). [Sphalm-c] 
2747-d. Ficus heterophylla (pumila). 
Indian Jack (McL. 376) (Ell. 74) (Pfl. 495), 
2763 Artocarpus integrifolia. 

Indian Jak Tree (Br. 197). 2763 Artocar- 
pus integrifolia. 

Indian Jalap (MchL. 360, 928) (Cat. 200) 
(Ell. 343) (Pfl. 246). 2046 Ipumea 

754 Indigofera 


Indian (White) Lilac (Br. 73, adpd). 
1315-b. Lagerstroemia indica (albiflora). 

Indian (West) Lime (Nic, 1/885) (Bon. 81), 
413 Citrus medica-acida. 

Indian Linden (McL. 271, adpd). 
Grewia (genus). 

Indian (Aspen leaved) Linden (Hk. 1/888, 
adpd). 312 Grewia populifolia. 

Indian (Birch leaved) Linden (Hk. 1/388, 
adpd), 312 Grewia populifolia. 

Indian (Broad bracted) Linden (Hk. 1/589, 
adpd). 3823 Grewia bracteata. 


| Indian (Comestible) Linden Berry (Mech. 

3270 Rhaphi- | 

(3273 Sphalm] 3270 | 


293, adpd). 317 Grewia asiatica. 

Indian (Com:aon) Linden (McL, 473, 868, 
948, adpd). 316 Grewia tilizfolia. 

Indian (Common Yellow Climbing) Lin- 
den (Hk, 1/388, adpd). 319 Grewia 
pilosa. : : 

Indian (Crustaceous druped Rongkish) 
Linden (Hk. 1/387, adpd), 318 Grewia 

| Indian (Downy linear leaved) Linden (Hk. 

1/391, adpd). 326 Grewia polygama. 
Indian (Elm. leaved) Linden (Rox, 2/591, 
adpd). 327 Grewia Microcos. 
Indian (Felted lance leaved) Linden 
(Hk. 1/391, adpd). 325 Grewia hirsuta. 
Indian (Fleshy druped Climbing) Linden 
(Hk, 1/389, adpd), 822, Grewia umbelli- 
fera. ‘ 


Indian (Fleshy druped Harsh) Linden 
(Hk. 1/390, adpd), 3824 Grewia abutili- 

Indian (Harsh Round leaved) Linden 
(Hk. 1/890, adpd), 324 Grewia abutili- 

Indian (Oblong leaved Corymbose) Linden 
(Hk. 1/884, adpd). 3808 Grewia colum- 

Indian (Ovate Sage leaved) Linden 
(Hk. 1/3885, adpd). 313 Grewia excelsa. 

Indian (Panicled) Linden (Hk. 1/392, 
adpd). 3827 Grewia Microccs. 

Indian (Quadrangular-brenched Climbing) 
Linden (Ghl. 111, adpd). 319 Grewia 

Indian (Ritchie’s Climbing) Linden (Hk, 
1/389, adpd), 322 Grewia umbellifera. 

Indian (Ronghish Round leayed) Linden 
(Hk. 1/387, adpd). 

Indian (Rough Jance leaved) Linden (Hk. 
1/389, adpd). 323 Grewia bracteata, 
Indian (Round leaved Corymbose) Linden 
(Hk. 1/384, adpd). 


Indian (Round Sage leaved) Linden 
(McL, 473, 868, 293, adpa). 

Indian (Roxburgh’s Sage leaved) Linden 
(Rox. 2/587, adpd). 313 Grewia excelsa, 

Indian (Sage leaved) Linden (MclL. 386, 
adpd). 314 Grewia{salvifolia. 

Indian (Shaggy Round leayed) Linden 
(Hk. 1/388, adpd). 320 Grewia villosa, 

Indian (Smooth lance Jeaved) Linden 
(Hk. 1/889, adpd). 321 Grewia 

Indian (Thin Sage leaved) Linden (Hk. 
1/385, adpd). 313 Grewia excelsa, 

Indian (Thomson’s triflorous Climbing) 
Linden (Hk. 1/385, adpd), 311 Grewia 

Indian (Umbellate White Climbing) 
Linden (Hk, 1/384, adpd). 310 Grewia 

Indian (Warty Capsuled 
Linden (Hk. 1/379, adpd). 

*® tonychia moacntrroides, 

Indian (Wrinkled Round leayed) Linden 
(Hk. 1/388, adpd). 320 Grewia villosa. 

Indian Lint (McL. 232). 

Indian Liquorice (McL. 323, 360, 874, 994) 
(W.A.1). 810 Abrus precatorius. 

Iudian (Common) Loose Jacket (Bon. 3. 
49), 418-a. Citras Aurantium-nobilis 

Indian (West) Loosestrife (McL. 433, 
1032), 1332 Jussiza suffruticoga. 

Indian Lotus Croton (McL, 4738, 502, 1000 
adpd). 2689 Macaranga indica. 


258 Gossypium 


305 Lep-. 

318 Grewia scabro- 

309 Grewia emar- | 

315 Grewia | 



Indian Magnolia (McL, 157). 24 Michelia 


Indian Mahogany (McL. 862). 477 
Soymida febrifuga, 

Indian Mahogany (McL. 168), 481 

Chukrassia tabulsris, 
Indian Mahogany (MchL, 361, 
160). 482 Cedrela Toona. 
Indien Mallow (Nic, 4/124). 

911) (Ell. 

xe. Urena 

Indian Mallow (McL. 67) (Nic, 4/4380), ° 
Ixxxviii. Sida (genus). 

Indian Mallow (3, 218), Ixxxix. 
Abutilon (genus), 

Indian Mallow (McL. 361, 914). 222 

Abutilon indicum. 
Indian (Commoa) Mangrove (McL. 470). 
2334 Avicennia officinalis. 
Indian Marjoram (McL, 782). 
Pogostemon (genns). 


Indian Marsh Mallow (McL. 914). 222 
Abnutilon indicum. 
Indian Mast Tree (McL. 44). 40 Polyal- 

thia longifolia, 

Indian (West) Aedlar (McL. 350, 1022). 
1682 Mimusops Elengi. 

Indian Mesquit (McL. 473, 474, 501, 825, 
995, adpd). 1007 Prosopis spicigera, 

Indian Mimusops (McL. 664). 1691 
Mimusops hexandra, 
Indian Mistletoe (Cat. 23+). deexcix, 

Loranthus (genus). 
Indian Mistletoe (Pfl. 146), 
* thus lonicervides. 

Indian (South) Mohwah (McL. 472, 595, 

997, adpd). 1687 Bassia longifolia. 
Indian (East) Moneywort (Nic, 4/10). 

782 Taverniera nummularia, 

Indian Moon Creeper (McL. 512, adpd). 

2017 Ipomea glaberrima. 

Indian Moon Flower (McbL. 512, 9938, 
adpd.) 2017 Ipomea glaberrima, 

2513 Loran- 

Indian Mountain star Capsicum (Hk. 
4/231, Nic. 3/453, S. 407, adpd). 2078 
Solanum lve. 

Indian Mourner (McL. 361, 383). 1776 
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 

Indian Myrcbalan (McL. 928). 1146 
Terminalia Chebula. 

Indian (West) Myrtle (McL, 379). cdxxi. 
Eugenia (genus): 

Indian Mulberry (Bdn/F.T) (Br. 99). 

1554 Morinda citrifolia. 

Indian Mulberry (McL. 366, 1000) (Cat. 
289) (Cag. 211) (Br. 198) (Rid. 141). 
2721 Morus indica. : 

Indian Nasturtium Family (Br. 29). 
(L/N/$/B). XXV. Geraniaceze (Order). 

Indian Nettle (McL. 361) (Gbl. 680) (Ell. 
163). 2713 Trema orieutalis. 

Indian (Net-veined) Nettle (McL. 361, 
adpd.) 2714 Gironniera reticalata. 


Indian (White\ Nettle (McL: 361, 4738, 
1090). 2712 Celtis Wightii. 

Indian Nightshade (McL. 361, 839, 997) 
(KI. 517) (Pf. 149), 2083 Solanum 

Indian Nut 

Indian Oak (McL. 367, 985). 
Barringtonia (genus). 

Indian Oak (McL. 81) (Bdn/L). 
Barringtonia acutangula. 

Indian Oak (Meu. 81, 883). 

Indian ‘Andaman) Oak (McL. 369, 995). 
1273 Barringtonia speciosa. 

Indian (Common) Oak (McL. 367, 472, 
995), 1274 Barringtonia racemosa. 
Indian (Seaside) Oak (MeL. 367). 1274 

Barringtonia racemosa. 

Indian (Small) Oak (MeL, 367, 472, 995). 

1275 Borringtonia acutangula, 

(McL. 195). 3228 Cocos 

2289 Tectona 

Indian (White) Oak (Mch. 367). 1274 
Barringtonia racemosa. 

Indian Oleander (MchL. 302). 1844 
Nerium odorum. 

Thdian Olibanum (McbL. 605). 439 Bos- 

wellia serrata. 

Indian Olive (McL. 862, 473, 997) (Ell. 
417). 1788 Olea dioica. 

Indian (Small leaved) Olive (McL. 394, 
adpd), 1789 Olea polygama. 

Indian Ooshbah (McL. 618), 1866 Hemi- 
desmus indicus, 

Indian (White) Orange Ball Tree (Nic. 

1/221). 1951 Buddleia asiatica, 

Indian Oroxyinm (McL, 7382). 2119 
Oroxylam indicum. 

Indian Pareira (McL. 362). 91 Cissam- 

pelos Pareira. 

Indian Pavetta (Mc. 670) (Br. 101). 
1543 Pavetta indica. 

Indian (West) Pea Tree (McL. 
1033). 781 Sesbania grandiflora. 

Indian (Common) Pellet Shrab (McL. 
670, adpd). 1543-a. Pavetta indica 
(ty pica). 

Indian (Dense flowered) Pellet Shrub 
(McL. 670, adpd). 1543-b. Pavetta 
indica (densiflora). 

Indian (Smaller) Pellet Shrub (MeL. 670, 
adpd). 1543-d. Pavetta indica (minor). 

Indian (Woolly) Pellet Shrub (McL. 670, 
adpd). 1543-c. Pavetta indica (tomen- 

Indiau (South) Pine (Gbl. 702). 
Podocarpus latifolia. 

Indian Pink (Mech. 362, 484, 738, 998), 
2019 Ipomxa Quamoclit, 

Indian Plum (McL. 362, 864). 
Flacourtia cataphracta, 

Indian Plum (McL. 65). 




561 Zizyphu 



Indian (Kast) Plan (MeL, 8653). 133 
Flacourtia cat»phracta. 
Indian Powmciana (McL. 473, 849). 940 

Poinciana elata. 

Indian Poison Nut (McL. 473, 515, 690, 
997, adpd). 1932 Strychnos nux- 

Indian Poplar (McL. 673). 2739 Ficus 

Iadian Prickly Ash (Bdn/F.T). 384 
Zanthoxylum Rhetsa. 

Indian (West) Prickly Broom (McL. 936, 

1022), 943 Parkinsonia acule ita. 

Indian Privet (Mcl.. 595). 2808 Vitex 
trifolia (?). 

Indian Pri-et (Pr. 1/502) (?). 13814 
La-vsonia alba (?). 

Indian Privet (Cag. 502) (Cat. 189). 

1795 Ligustrum robustum, 

| Indian Purple Heart (Treas. Bot. 1/569.) 

eccl, Hardwickia (genus). 

Indian Pyrenacantha (Br. 72), 1119 
Cratzgens crenulata, 

Indian Quince (Mcu. 65), 425 Algle 
Ma: melos. 

Indian Raspherry (Mcl. 328). ccelxxix. 
Rubus (genus), 

Indian tkaspherry (Cat. 132). 1082 

Kubus laSiocarpus. 

Indian Rattan Lily (McL. 752, adpd). 
3.20 Flagellaria indica, 

Indian Reed (S. 218). 

Indian (West) Red Mulberry Tree (MeL. 
1022). 2723-b. Morus alba (atropur- 

Indian Red Wood (McL. 756). 896 
Pterocarpus santalinus. 

Indian Red Wood (McL. 368, 756, 862) 
(Gbl. 1551). 477 Soymida febrifuga. 

3026 Canna 

Indian Reree plant (McL. 288), 3249 
Typha angustata. 
Indian Kesin (McL, 259). 439-b. Bos- 

wellia serrata (glabra). 

| Indian Rhododendron (Cag. 597) (BI. 

367) (Pf. 270). 
Indian Rhubarb (McL. 928). 2045 Ipo- 

mea Turpethum, 

Indian Rose (McL. 322, 995) (Ek. 2/864) 
(Nic. 3/361) (Cag. 598). 1103 Rosa 
indica. , 

Indian (East) Rose Apple (McL. 802) 
1231 Eugenia Jambos. 

Indian (Hybrid of French and) Rose 
(Nic. 5/644). 1106 Rosa borbonica. 

Indian (Tea-scented flowered) Rose (Nic. 
5/664) (Cag. 599). 1105 Rosa odorata. 

indian Rosebay (McL. 869). 1836 Taber- 
nemontana coro1aria, 

Indian (Kast) Rosebay (S. 146, 422). 
1836 Tabernamontana coronaria, 

1288 Melastoma 


Indian Ross Wood (MchL. 461). 881 
Dalbergia latifolia. 

Indian (East) Rese Wood (McL. 93). 

ecoxxiv. Dalbergia (genus), 

India Rubber Tree (Mob. 353) (Nic. 
3/2) (S. 166, 213) (Cag. 414) (Cat. 278) 
(Rid. 124) (#r. 198) (Ra/N/128, 0/12, 
28). 2734 Ficus elastica. 

Indian Sage (McL. 363, 999), doeslvi. 
Salvia (venus). 

Indian Sago Palm (McbL. 598, 777, 905, 
1000). 287% Cycas circinalis, 

Indian Sago Palm (Rid, 113, 265, Jaf. 
129, Ru/N/120, 0/35, adpd). 3152 
Caryot: urens. 

Indian Salsola (McL. 363). 

2381 Suda 

Indian Saltwort (McL. 364, 999, adpd). | 

declix. Suzeda (genus). 

Indian Saltwort (McL. 364, 999). 2381 
Sneela nudiflora, 

Indian (C»mmon) Saltwort (McL. 364, 

— 999 adpA). 2351 Suda nudiflora, 

Indian (Greater) Saltwort (McL. 364, 
993, adpd). 23880 Suzeda monoica. 

Indian (Seaside) Saltwort (McL. 363). 
{2381 Sphalm] 238) 

Indian (West) Sand-box Tree (McL. 1022). 
2709 Hura crepit:ns. 

Indian Sanobar (Mch. 264). 
dras Libani (Deo jara), 

Indian Sarsa (McL. 36). 
mus indicus. 

Indian Sarsaparilla (Mc. 364, 597, 999) 
(tr. 269) (Ell. 315) (Cat. 190) (Pf. 
477). 1866 Hemidesmus indicus. 

Indian Sassafras (McL. 364) (?). 
Hemidesmus indicus. ? 

Indian Satinwood (Pr, 1/321) (Cat. 69). 
485 Chloroxylon Swietenia. 

Indian (East) Sutinwood (Rox. 2/400). 
485 Chloroxylon Swietenia. 

Indian Screw Tree (Pfl. 382), 
teres Isora. 

Indian (East) Screw Tree (Br. 21). 
Helicteres [sora. 

Indian Scotia (Br. 43). 

Indian (Wess) Seaside Bean (McL. 1022). 
831 Canavalia obtusifolia. 

Indian (West) Seaside Plum (McL, 783) 
(Nic. 4/225). 487 Ximenia americana, 

Indian Senna (MeL. 504, 803) (Ell. 151). 
956 Cassia angustifolia. 

Indian (East) Senua (McL. 805). 956 
Cassia angnstifolia. 

Indian Serpent wood (McL. 842). 1311 
Rauwolfia serpentina, 

Indian (West) Sesban (McL. 473, 484, 
506, 994). 781 Sesbania grandificra. 
Indian Sethia (Br. 31). 348 Erythroxy- 

lon monogynum, 

2862 Ce. 

1:66 Hemides- 


280 Helic- 

572 Scutia 


(bis.) Sueeda | 

Indian (Biborell’s) Shot (Nic. 


Indian Shell Flowor (S. 18). 
Alpinia (genus). 

Indian Shell Flower (MoL. 298) (S. 218). 
3008 Alpinia nutans. 

/Indian Shot (Treas. Bot. 1/218). omliii., 
Canna (genus). 

Indian Shot (Nic. 1/261) (8.76, 218) (Br. 
214) (EIL 136) (Pfl. 177) (MeL. 307, 
304, 583) (Ru/N/28, 85). 2026 Canna 

Indian (Année’s) Shot (Rid. 50) (Nic. 
1/262). 3027-e. Canna lutea (Annzi). 

eom<x lix, 

3026-e. Canna indica (Bihorelli), 

Indian (Blood-red,-and-purple-streaked,- 
leaved Red) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3035 
Canna discolor. 

Indian (Bloody leayed) Shot (Rid. 50). 
3035 Canna discolor. 

Indian (Broad-green-leaved Yellow- 
spotted Rosy) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3030 
Canna iridiflora. 

Indian (Bronzy-leaved Orange-bordered- 
and spotted Fiery-red) Shot (Cag. 354). 
3035(b s)-v. Canna orchidiflora (Edonu- 
ard André). 

Indian ((ronze-leaved Purple-calyxed 

Brilliant-scarlet) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 
3033 Canna Warscewiczii. 
Indian (Bronzy-purple-leayed Red- 

flamed Scarlet-purple) Shot (Cag. 384), 
30-35 (bis)-w. Canna orchidiflora (Plato), 

Indian (Bronzy-purple-leaved Yellow- 
flimed Reddish-purple) Shot (Cag. 
384). 3035 (bis.)-x. Canna orchidiflora 

Indian (Creeping) Shot (McL. 
Mussenda frondosa (?), 

516). 1487 

Indian (Dark-bronzy-leaved Scarlet. 
spotted Golden-yellow) Shot (Cag. 
3-4). 3035. bts.)-t. Canna orchidiflora 


Indian (Dark-red, - and-purple - tinte4- 
green-leaved Red) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 
3026-d. Canna indica (atronigricans), 

Indian (Dark-red,-and-violet, rayed 
Deep-golden-leaved Orange) Shot (Nic. 
1/262). 3027-f. Cinna lutea (zebrina), 

Indian (Glaucescent-green-leaved large. 
golden-yellow) Shot (Nic. 1/1262), 
3027-c. Canna lutea (Premices-de 

Indian (Glaucescent-green-leayed Sal. 
mony-rei) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3027-e. 
Canna lutea (Annzi). 

Indian (Glaucous-zreen-leaved Lemon- 
yellow) Shot (Rid. 50) (Cag. 484). 
3027-b. Canna lutea (glauca). 

Indian (Green-leaved Bright-dark- 
Orange) Snot (Cag. 384). 3035(béss.)-k, 
Canna orchidiflora (Parthenope), 


Indian (Green-leaved Brilliant-crimson) 
Shot (Cag. 384). 3035(bis.)-r. Canna 
orchidifiora (Rhea). 

Indian (Gre2n-leaved Broad-yellow-bor- 
dered,-and-carmine-tinged Very-large 
Crimson)|Shot (Cag. 34). 3035(bis.)-s. 
Canna orchidiflora ( Britannia). 

Indian (Green-leaved Broad  yellow- 
bordered, Yery-large 
(Cag. 384). 3035(bés.)-n. Canna orchi- 
difiora (Allemannia). 

Indian (Green-leaved Bronzy-centred 
Satiny-yellow) Shot (Cag. 384). 3035 
(bis.)-b. Canna orchidiflora (Suevia). 

Indian (Green-leaved ~Brownish-red- 
blotched Dark-yellow) Shct (Cag. 384). 
3033(bis.)*i. Canna orchidiflora (Italia). 

Indian (Green-leaved Centrally-scarlet- 
dotted Golden-yellow) Shot (Cag. 384). 
3035(bis.)-e. Canna orchidiflora (Asia). 

Indian (Green-leaved Creamy-pencilled 
Scarlet) Shot (Cag. 384). 3035-(bis.)-d. 
Canna orchidiflora (Perseus). 

Indian (Green-leaved Dark-red) Shot 
(Cag.384). 3028 Canna Achiras. 

Indian (Green-leaved Fiery-red-blotched 
Yellow) Shot (Cag. 384). 
Canna orchidiflora (Borussia). 

Indian (Green-leaved Large-bright-yel- 

low) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 303] Canna 
Indian (Green-leayed Purple-centred 

Orange) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 8629 Canna 

Indian (Green-leaved Purple-spotted Yel- 
low-bordered Deep-fiery-red) Shot (Cag. 
384). 3035(bis.)-q. Canna orchidiflora 
(Heinrich Siedel). 

Indian (Green-leaved Red-bordered Gol- 
den-yellow) Shot (Cag. 384). 3035 
(bis.)-j. Canna orchidifiora (Tberia), 

Indian (Green-leaved Red-spotted Snl- 
phur-yellow) Shot (Cag. 384). 30385 
(b4s)-g. Canna orchidiflora (Kronos). 

Indian (Green-leaved Salmony-flamed 
Yellow) Shot (Cag. 384). 3035(bis.)-o0, 
Canna orchidiflora (Roma). 

Indian (Green-leaved Salmon-striped 
Scarlet) Shot (Cag. 384). 3085(bés.)-c. 
Canna orchidifiora (Professor Treub). 

Indian (Green-leaved Scarlet-crimson) 
thot (Nic.1/162). 3026-a, Canna indica 
(ty pica). 

Indian (Green-leaved Scarlet-margined 
Yellew-centred Orange) Shot (Cag. 

384). 3035(bis )-b. Cunna orchidiflora 
Indian (Green-leaved Slightly-red-or- 

brown-spotted Canary-yellow) Shot 
(Cag. 384). 3085(bis.)-f, Canna orchi- 
diflora (Austria), 

Indian (Green-leaved Sulphury-yellow-to- 
white) Shot (Cag. 384). 3035(bis.)-a 
Canna orchidiflora (Phobe). 


Searlet) Shot | 

' Indian 
| Yellow) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3034 Canna 

_ Indian Snaxe Root (McL. 507). 


Indian (Green-leaved” Yellow) Shot (Br. 
214, adpd) 3027-a, Canna lutea 

Indian (Green-leaved Yellow-bordered 
Deep fiery-red) Shot (Cag. 384). 8035 
(bis.)-p. Canna orchidifolia (Princess 

Indian (Green-leayed Yellow-bordered 
Fiery-scarlet) Shot (Cag. 384). 3035 
(bis.)-m. Canna orchidiflora (H. Wend- 

Indian (Green-leaved Yellow-stamened 
Scarlet) Shot (Hk. 2/262, adpd). 3026-b. 
Canna indica (flava). 

Indian (Hexapetaloid ilybrid) Shot (Cag. 
384), 3035 (bis.) Canna orchidiflora. 
Indian (Large-green-leaved _ Yellow- 
spotted Bright-red) Shot (Hk. 6/261, 
ara 3026-c. Canna indica (speci- 


Indian (Magnificent) Shot (Rid. 
3026-c. Canna indica (speciosa). 

(Maroon-leayed Purple-calyxed 



| Indian (Orchid flowered) Shot (Cag, 384), 
3035 (bis.) Canna orchidiflora. 

| Indian (Peruvian) Shot (Rid. 50), 
Canna iridifiora. 

| Indian (Plantain-leaved Fragrant Green- 

| ish-white) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3032 
Canna liliifiora. 

Indian (Pale-green-leaved Rosy-backed 

Orange-yellow) Snot (Nic. 1/262, 5/192). 
3027-d. Canna lutea (aurantiaca). 

_ Indian (Prémices-de-Nice) Shot (Rid 50). 
3027-c. Canna lutea (Prémices-de- Nice). 


Indian (Red-to-bronzy-leaved Deep- 
crimson) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3026-e. 

Canna indica (Bihorelli). 

Indian (Shining-purple-leaved Yellow- 
tinted Scarlet) Shot (Cag. 384). 3035 
(bis.)-u. Canna orchidiflora (La France). 

Indian (Tricolor) Shot (Rid 50). 3028-b. 
Canna Achiras (variezata). 

Indian (White-and-yellow-striped green- 
leaved Dark-red) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 
3028 b. Canna Achiras (variegata). 

Indian (Yellow-Flag) Shot (Nic. 1/262). 
3031 Canna flaccida, 

Indian (Yellow flowered) Shot (Br. 214). 
3027 Canna lutea. 

Indian-shot-fruitea Greater Cardamom 
(Hk. 6/240, adpd). 2992 Amomum 

Indian Shrubby Copper Leaf (McL, 1738, 
465, adpd). 2662 Acalypha fruticosa. 

Ophiorrhiza Mungos. 

Indian (Smaller) Snake Root (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1480 Ophiorrhiza Harrisiana. 
Indian Snow-berry (Cag. 416). 2594 
[Sphalm] 2592 Flueggia leucophyrus. 

Je. ed 


Indian (Small) Snow-berry (Cag. 416, 
adpd). 2591 Flueggia microcarpa. 

Indian Spurge (Br. 191) (Cat. 242), 2533 
Euphorbia Tirucalli. 

Indian (East) Star Apple (Gbl. 443) 
(McL. 802, Rid. 115, 157, adpd), 1675 

Chrysophyllum Roxburghii. 

Indian (West) Star Apple (Gbl. 443) (Cat. 
170). 1677 Chrysophyllum Cain:to. 
Indian (Ciliated) Star Capsicum (Hk. 
4/280, Nic. 3/453, S.407, adpd). 2077 

Solanum bigeminatum., 

Indian (South) Talipot Palm (Cag. 339, 
Br. 228, adpd). 3174 UCorypha 

Indian Tamarisk (McL. 391) (Ell. 543). 
162 Tamarix gallica, © 

Indian (Red) Tamarisk (MecL.* 391). 
162 Tamarix gallica (*articulata). 

Indian Tea (S. 370). 194-b. Camellia 
Thea (assamica). 

Indian Thorn apple (McL. 262). 2098 
Datura fastuosa, 

Indian Tobacco (‘I'reas. Bot. 2/611). 
dxxxiy. Lobelia (genus). 

Indian Tooth-ache Tree (McL. 886). 

382 Zanthoxylum alatum. 

Indian Tree Potato (Hk. 4/230, Nic. 
3/452, adpd). 2076Solanum pubescens, 

Indian Tree Spurge (McL. 36.) (Ell. 270) 
(Pfi. 418). 2533 Euphorbia Tiracalli. 

Indian Trumpet Flower (McbL. 365, 732). 
2119 Oroxylum indicum. 

Indian (West) Trumpet Flower Tree (S. 
426, adpd). 2127 Tecoma serratifolia. 
Indian (West) Turkey Berry (Mcl. 1022), 
2082 Solanum torvum. 
Indian Varnish (McL. 476). 

carpus Anacardium. 

Indian (Common) Virgin’s Bower (Cag. 
677, adpd). 6 Clematis Gouriana. 

Indian Walnut (McL. 438) (Bs/T/576) 
(Cat. 255) (Cag. 217). 2633 Aleurites 

Indian (Axil-flowered Shrubby) Wampee 
(Hk. 1/506, adpd). 397 Clausena 

{Indian Wampee Tree (Hk. 1/505, adpd). 
396 Clausena indica. : 
Indian Weeping Willow (Cag. 631) (?). 

656 Schinus molle(?). 

Indian White Dog Rose (McL. 3822). 
(2 1094) 1102 Rosa alba (?). 

Indian White Dog Rose (Cag. 4938) (Br. 

673 Seme- 

72). 1094 Rosa involucrata. 

Indian White Rose (McL. 322). (?) 1102 
Rosa alba(?). 

Indian Wiid Lime (McL. 485). 404 

Atalantia monophy!la. 
Inbian (South) Wild Palm Lily (Hk. 
6/329, adpd). 3097 Dracawna terniflora. 
Indian Wild Pepper (McL. 596). 2308 
Vitex trifolia. 


Indian Wild Olive (McL. 362, 1014 
1788 Olea dioica. 
Indian Wild Vine (McL, 32). 596 Vitis 


Indian Willow (McL. 473, 664, 945, 1000) 
(Bed. 1/181). 2797 Salix tetrasperma, 
Indian (Giabrous Yellowish leaved) 
Willow (Hk, §/627, adpd). 2797-c. 

Salix tetrasperma (viridifolia). 

Indian (Glaucous leaved) Willow (HE. 
5/627,adpd). 2797-a. Salix tetrasperma 

Indian (Silky leaved) Willow (lik. 5/267, 
adpd). 2797-b. Salix tetrasperma 

Indian (South) Willow (Cat. 313). 
Salix tetrasperma. 

Indian (Woolly catkined) Willow (Hk. 
5/628, adpd), 2798 Salix ichnostachya. 


Indian Wine Palm (McL. 414). 3163 
Pk cecix sylvestris. 
Indian Wine Palm (McL. 648). 3224 

Borassus flabellifer. 
Indian (East) Wine Palm (S. 80) (McL. 
777). emxci. Caryota (genus), 
Indian Winter-green (WHIl. 50). 
Vaccinium Leschenaultii. : 

Tndian Wooden Pomegranate (Mech, 259). 
476 Carapa obovata. 

Indian Worm Wood (McL. 4, 366) (Br. 
1€8). 1621 Artemisia vulgaris. 

Indian Zebra Wood (McL. 3866, 473, 994). 
1517 Guetrarda speciosa. 

Indico of the Portuguese (McL. 369). 
eclzxxiv. Indigotera (genus). 


| Indies (Blne Mahoe of the West) (Kew 

Bull. 5/1912). 242 Hibiscus elatus. 

Indies (Cabbage Palm of the West) (Nic. 
2/521) (Cag. 312) (Br. 326) (Ra/O/13). 
3157 Oreodoxa oleracea. 

Indies (Cocoa Plum of the West) (Ol. 
2/366) (Nic. 1/342) (Rid. 115) (Cag. 
241). 1062 Chrysobalanus Icaco. 

Indies (Dumb Cane of the West) (Nie. 
1/474). 3264 Dieffenbachia Seguine. 

| Indies (Mahogany Tree of the West) 

(Mnell S.P) (H/E.F). 478 Swietenia 

Indies (Mrs. Horsfall’s Bindweed of the 
West) (Nic. 2/191). 2021 Ipomza 

Indies (Sweet Sop of the West) (S. 27, 
421) (Hk. 1/76) (Pr. 1/206) (Cat. 5). 
57 Anona squamosa. 

Indies (Tulip Tree of the West) (Kew 
Bull, 5/1912), 242 Hibiscus elatus. 

Indies (Wild Jasmine of the West) (McL. 
375). dvii. Ixora (genus). 

| Indigo (McL. 369) (Nie. 2/181) (S. 213). 

ccixxxiv. Indigofera (genus). 

"Indigo (8. 218) (PA. 361) (W. 12). 754 

Indigofera tinctoria. 


Indigo (Arabian) (McL. 369, 575, 994), 
753 Indigofera argentea (cx@-1lea). 

Indigo (Aspalathus-like) (Mc. 371, 
adpd). 746 [ndigofera aspalathoides. 

Indigo (Bastard) (McL. 363) (S. 22, 46). 
777 Amorpha fruticosa. 

Indigo (Brown-haired Wild) (McL. 371, 
adpd). 775 Tephrosia Hookeriana. 

Indigo (Ceylon) (Pr. 1/452) 754 Indigo- 
fera tinctoria. 

Indigo (Common) (Mch. 369, 576, 984) 
(Ell, 338) (Br. 50), 754 Indigofera 

Indivo (Cork barked Wild) (McL. 
815, corr). 768 Muntulea suberosa. 

Indigo (Curved podded Five leaved) 
(McL. 3871, adpd). 752 Indigofera 

Indigo (Dingy Wild) (McL. 371). 771 
Tephrosia fusca. 

Indigo (Downy Trefoil) (McL. 371, adp4). 
748 Indigofera vestita. 

Indigo (Dyer’s) (MeL. 369) (Br. 50). 
75% Indigofera tinctoria. 

Indigo (Egyptian) (McL. 369). 
Indigofera argentea (czerulea). 
Indigo (Five leaved Wild) (Mch. 371, 

adpd). 773 Tephrosia senticosa. 

Indigo (Gland-lotted Wedge-leaved) 
(Rox. 3/373). 747 Indigofera trifoliata. 

Indigo (Goat's Rue) (McL. 371, adpd). 
756 Indigofera galegoides. 

Indigo (Hill Forest) (McL. 371, ad pd). 
758 Indigofera pulchella. 

Indigo (Himalayan Purple) (McL. 371, 
adpd). 757 Indigofera atropurpurea. 
Indigo (Indian) (McL, 369). 754 Indigo- 

fera tinctoria. 

Indigo (Long-leafletted) (Hk. 2/100, 
adpd). 956 Indigofera galegoides. 

Indigo (Long-or-medinm-leathery Ellip- 
tic-oblong-lance-spinulosely serrate- 
acute-leaved Croton) (Hk. 5/406, 
adpd). 2635 Agrostistachys indica. 

Indigo (Long podded Five leaved) (McL. 
371, adp1). 750 Indigofera subulata. 

Indigo (Manilla) (McL. 870). 58 Anona 

Indigo (Medium-leathery-subsessile Nar- 
or-cuspidate-leaved Croton) (Hk. 5/107, 
adpd). 2656 Agrostistachys longifolia. 

Indigo (Mysore Panicled) (McbL. 371, 
adpd). 759 Indigofe:a mysorensis. 

Indigo (Oval leaved) (Br. 50). 749 
Indigofera trita. 

Tndizo (Pala) (Cat. 187). 1841 Wrightia 

Indigo (Paula) (McL. 370, 473, 665, 997). 
1841 Wrightia tinctoria. 

Indigo (Purple Wild) (McL. 3713, adpd). 
774 Tephrosia purpurea. 




Indigo (Shaggy Wild) (Mob. 371, a1 pd). 
776 Tephrosia villosa. 

Indigo (Short podded Five leaved) (MeL. 
ee adpd). 751 Indigofera marginu- 

Indizo (Silvery leaved) (McL. 369). 753 
Indigofera argentea (czrulea). 

Indivo (Small leaflet) (MeL. 371, adpd). 
775 Indigofera Wightii. 

Indigo (Spinous Wild) (McL 871, adpd). 
772 Tephrosia spinosa. 

Indigo (Splitting podded Corky-barked 
Wild (Hk. 2/114, adpdj. 771 Tephrosia 

Indigo (Sylhet) (McL. 370). 
denia tinctoria. 

Indigo (Three leaved) (McL. 371, adpd). 
749 Indigofera trita. 

Indigo (Trefoil) (McL. 871, adpd). 747 
Indigofera trifoliata. 

Indigu (Velvetty Wild) (McU. 371, adpd). 
770 Tephrosia tinctoria. 

Indigo (Wight’s) (McL. 371, adpd). 755 
Indigofera Wightii. 

Indigo (Wild) (MeL. 371, adpd). 
Tephrosia (genus). 

Indigo (Wild) (McL. 371) (Br. 255). 774 
Tephrosia purpurea. 

Indigo (Wild) (McL. 369). 
fera argentea (cerulea). 

Indigo (Wiry) (cL. 371, adpd). 
Indigofera aspaiathoides, 

Indigo (Zanzibar) (McL. 371, 937, 994, 
1042). 774 Tephrosia purpurea, 

Tndigo-blue-flowered (Ovate-oblong-ser- 
rate-acute-or-acuminate-leaved) Bas- 
tard Vervein (Nic. 2/488, adpda). 2285 
Stachytarpheta dichotoma., 

Indigo (Wild) of the Cape (Mch. 371, 
adpd). 769 Tephrosia grandiflora, 

Indigo (Deep-purple) of the Himalayas 
(Hk. 2/101, adpd). 757 Indigofera 

Indigo (Petaliferous Croton) Shreb (MeL. 
370, 678, Hk. 5/243, adpd). decexlii. 
Agrostistachys (genus). 

Indikon-baphikon of the Greeks (McL. 
369). cclxxxiv. Indigofera (genus). 

1901 Mars- 


753 Indigo- 

| Indikon-melan of the Periplus (McL. 369). 

eclxxxiv. Indigofera (genus). 

Indorum (Bondec) (MeL. 
Czesalpinia Bonducella. . 

Indra’s Creeper (McL. 371, 998). 2159 
TVhunbergia fragrans. 

Indistinct-nerved Broad Medium leaved 
Gambozge (Hk. 1/265, adpd). 174 
Garcinia Morella. 

Inebriate’s Root Plant (Gbl. 256, adpd). 
893 Dalbergia spinosa. 

Ineqvidistantly pinnate Rattan (Hk. 
6/442, adpd). 3206 Calamus javensis. 
Inferior Coffee (Trop. Agr., xx/11). 

1548-d. Coffea arabica (chick). 

101). 926 


Inferior Mango (McL, 458). 664 Mangi- 
fera sylvatica. 

folioled Sirissa (Hk. 
1050 Albizzia amara., 
Infra-(1)-supra (1) glandular (Bipinnate- 
(18-20)-subg] :brous-minute) linear- 
oblong (30-50)-folioled Axillary-single- 
headed Sirissa (Bed. 1/96, adpd). 
1050 b. Albizzia amara (Wightii). 
Inga (Sweet fruited) (‘icL. 226) (Br. 60). 
1052 Pithecolobium dulce. 
Inga (Wight’s) (McL, 208). 
colobium bigeminum, 
Ingadulcis (W. 56). 1052 

(Bipinnate-(S-20) - 
2/391, adpd). 

1055 Pithe- 


dulce, eis 
Ingram (Miss) Rose (Ru/N/95, 0/21) 
(Hod), 1107-b. Rosa hybrids-semper- 

florens (lactea). 

Ink Berry (Mch. 380). 

Ink Ureeper (McL. 880). 

Ink Not Tree (McL. 928) (I’fl. 12), 
Terminalia Chebula. 

Inland (Axil flowered) Mangrove (MclL. 
470, adpd). 1141 Weihea zeylanica, 
Inland (Western ghauts) Mangrove (McL. 
470, adpd). 1142 Blepbaristemina 


Inland (Ceylon) True mangrove (Mclh. 
470, adpd). 1141 Weihea zeylanica. 
Inland (Common) True Mangrove (McL. 

470, adpd). 1140 Carallia integerrima, 

Inland (Corymbose) True Mangrove 
(McL. 470, adpd). 1142 Blepharistem- 
rma corymbosam. 

Inner (Black Wood of the) Hills (1,F., 
xxxi/3). 8<1 Dalbergia latifolia, 

Insane Plant (McL. 262). 2098 Datura 

Insect Fig (McL. 49) 

Insipid Littoral Simple 
(Hk. 1/522, Ol. 3/308), 

Intellect Tree (McL. 459). 

Intellect Nut (MeL. 476). 
pus Anacardium. 

Tnternoded (Long) Reedy Bamboo (Hk. 
7/418,  adpd). mxlix. Ochlandra 

Internoded (Longer) Stout; Reed Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/419, adpd). 38321 Ochlandra 

Internoded (Shorter) Stout Reed Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/418, adpd). 3318 Ochlandra 

Interrupted (Irregular-segmented) Croton 
(Rn/N/O) (Mu) (Jaf), 2646-W. Codiz- 
um variegatum (longifolium-interrup— 




2757 Ficus glome- 

leaved Quassia 
elxy, Suriana 

532 Celastrus 

673 Semecar- 

87 Cocculus yil- | 

iNDEX, 603 

Interrupted * long-linear Croton (Ru/ 
N/)) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2644 Codizum 
variegatum (longifolium -interruptum) 

* Sometimes, by abortioned, with werely 
excnrrent {midrib}, 

Interstaminal-glandular (Broad-scaled 
petalled) Sarsaparilla Swallowwort 
(Hk.4/11,adpd). dexvii. Decalepis (ge- 

Interstaminal-glandalar (Narrow-secaled 
petalled) Sarsaparilla Swallowwort 
(Hk. 4/9, adpd). dexvi. Streptocaulon 

Involucrate Purple Bastard Jasmine (Nic. 
1/301). 2106 Cestrum fasciculatum. 

Ipecacuanha (Axillary cymed-or-corym- 

bose bBristle-tipped-branched Offal- 
smelling) (Hk. 38/21, adpd). dxvi. 
Saprosma (venus). 

Ipecacuanha (Bastard) (L/N/S/B).  dxii. 

Psychotria (genus). 

Tpecacuanha (Corolline-coronetted) Swal- 
lowwort (McL. 860, Hk. 4/3, adpd). 
dexxix. Gymnema /genus). 

Ipecacnanha (Country) (McL, 360) (PA. 
154). 1916 Tylophora asthmatica. 

Ipecacuanha (Downy-flowered Mountain 
Swallowwort) (Hk. 4/82, adpd) 
1898-c, Gymnema montanum (pubi 

Ipecacuanha (Indian) (MeL. 360, 997) 
(Nic. 4/118). 1916 Tylophora asthma- 

Tpecucuanha (Long-flowered Bastard) (Hk. 
3/21, adpd), dxiv. Chasalia (genus). 

Tpecacuanha (Long-flowered 
cymed) (Hk. 3/21, adp4). 
lia (genus). 

Ipecacuanha (Long-leathery Cuneate- 
obovate-or-round-apiculate-leayed Bas- 
tard) (Hk. 3/168, adpd), 1562 Psycho- 
tria truncata, 

Ipecacuanha (Long-leathery Obovate- 
obtuse-leaved Bastard) (Hk, 3/163, 
adpd). 1563 Psaychotria Dalzellii. 

Tpecacuanha (Long-membranous elliptic. 
lance-obtuse-or-cuspidate-leayed Bas- 
tard) (Hk. 3/62, adpd). 1561 Psycho- 
tria subintegra. 

Ipecacuanha (Long-membranous-long- 
petioled oblance-acute-or cuspidate, 
leaved Bastard) (Hk. 3/171, adpd@), 
1570 Psychotria anamallayana. 

Ipecacuanha (Long-papery lmear-lance- 
acuminate-leaved Kastard) (Hk. 3/168, 
adpd). 1566 (b#s.) Psycnotria divergens. 

Tpecacunnha (Long-papery Oblance- 
oottse-or-cuspidate-leaved Flat-branch- 
ed Bastard) (Hk. 3/162, adpo). 1560 
Psychotria macrocarpa. 

Ipecacuanha (Long-rusty-velvetty-backed 
Elliptic-obovate-obtuse-leaved Bastard) 
(Hk. 3/47, adpd). 1566 Psychotria 

dxiv. Chasa- 


Ipecacuanha (Medium-fleshy Ovate-to- 
roundish - elliptic -acute-to-acuminate - 
leaved) Swallowwort (Hk. 4/42, adpd). 
1912 Tylophora zeylanica. 

Ipecacuanha (Medium-leathery Oblong- 
lance-obtuse-to-acuminate leaved) 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/32, adpd). 1898-b. 
Gymnema montanum (Beddomei). 

Ipecacuanha (Medium-leathery Obovate- 
obtuse-to-acuminate-leaved Bastard) 
(Hk. 3/171, adpd), 1568 Psyckotria 

Ipecacuanha (Medium-leathery Ovate- 
obtuse-to-acuminate-leaved) Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/32, adpd). 1898-a. Gym- 
nema moutanum (oyalifolia). 

Ipecacuanha (Medium-leathery-subses- 
sile eJliptic-or-oblance-obtuse-or-cuspi- 
date leaved Bastard) (Hk. 3/171, adpd). 
1569 Psychotria connata. 

Tpecacuanha (Medium-membranous 
Broad - Heart -acute-to-caudate-leaved) 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/31, adpd). 1897 
Gymnema tingens. 

Tpecacuanha (Medium-membranous 
Diverse-leaved Bastard) (Hk. 3/176, 
adpd). 1575 Chasalia curviflora. 

Tpecacuanha (Medium-papery Elliptic- 
obovate - obtuse - or - cuspidate - leaved 
Bastard) (Hk. 38/1638, adpd). 1564 
Psychotria elongata, 

Ipecacuanha (Medium-papery Jance to- 
obovate-acute-or-acuminate-leaved Flat- 
branched Bastard) (Hk 3/162, adpd). 
1558 Psychotria Thwaitesii, 

Ipecacuanha (Medium-papery Oblance- 
acute-or-Cuspidate-leaved Bastard) (Hk. 
3/175, adpd). 1572 Psychotria John- 

Ipecacuanha (Medium-papery (bovate- 
cuspidate leaved Bastard) (Hk. 3/175, 
adpd). 1573 Psychotria nudiflora. 

Ipecacuanha (Medium-papery Qbovate- 
subacute-leaved Bastard) (Hk. 3/162, 
adpd). 1559 Psychotria congesta. 

Ipecacuanha (Medium-papery-subsessile 
lance-to-obovate-acute-leaved Bastard) 
(Talbot Bo.N.H.S, adpd). 1571 Psycho- 
tria canarensis, 

Ipecacuanha (Medium-to-long-membra- 
nous lance-to-oblance-acuminate-leaved 
Bastard) (Hk, 3/168, adpd), 1567 
Psy chotria sulcata, 

Ipecacuanha (Medium-woolly Linear- 
oblong - acute - or - acuminate - leaved) 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/43, adpd), 1914 
Tylophora mollissima. 

Tpecacuanha (Short-fowered Terminal 
eymed) (Hk. 38/21, adpd). dxii. 
Psychotria (genus), 

Ipecacuanha-(Small-densely-downy Ovate- 
or- Heavt-acute - or - acuminate - leaved) 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/29, adpd). 1896 
Gymnema hirsutum. 


Ipecacuanha (Small Indian) (Mob. 360). 

| 1895 Gymnema sylvestre. 

| Ipecacuauha (Small-leathery-downy- 

| glabrate Ovate-round-to-oblong-acute- 
to-acuminate-leaved) Swallowwort 
(Hk. 4/44, adpd). 1916 Tylophora 

|Ipecacuanha (Small-leathery-rigid Ellip- 
tic-obtuse-acute - or - apiculate - leaved) 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/41, adpd). 1910 
Tylophora capparidifolia. 

| Ipecacuanha (Small-leathery-to-fleshy 

| Ovate-oblong-or-Heart-acute or acumin- 

| ate leaved) Swallowwort (Hk. 4/44, 
adpd) 1915 lylophora Dalzellii. 

lj) ecacuanha (Small-membranous Heart- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved) Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/32, adpd). 1899 Gymnema 

Ipecacaanha (Small-papery-downy-glab- 
rate Elli ptic-obovate-acute-leaved) 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/29, adpd)., 1895 

| Gymnema sylvestre. 

| Ipecacuanha (Small-papery  Elliptic- 

obovate-acute-or-acuminate leaved 

| Climbing Bastard) (Hk, 3/165, adpd), 

, 1565 Psychotria sarmentosa. 

| Ipecucuanha (Small-papery Ovate-lance- 
or-heart-acuminate-leaved) Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/41, adpd). 1911 Tylophora 

| Tpecacuanha (Staminal-coronetted) Swal- 

lowwort (MchL. 360, Hk. 4/3, adpd). 

dexxsiii. l'ylophora (genus). 

| Ipecacnanha (‘Lerminally tascicled-or- 

| capitate distichous-leaved Uffal-smell- 

| ing) (Hk. 3/21, adpd), dxv. Lasianthus 
| (genus). 

|Tpecacuanha (Very-small-fieshy Ovate- 

| Swallowwort (Hk. 4/42, adpd), 1913 
| Tylophora tenuis, 
| Ipomea (Pale Blac) (McL, 403). 2020 

Ippa (McL. 506). 1687 Bassia longifolia. 

fripa (McL. 378, 473, 995). 967 Cyno- 
metra ramiflora. 

Trish Heath (8. 128, 217). 

Trish Juniper (Nic. 2/212) (S, 222). 2818-b. 
Juniperus communis (fastigiata). 

Irish Yew (S. 217). 2818-b. Taxus bac- 
cata (fastigiata). 

Tron Bark (Bs/T/327) (Bdn/F.T). 1195 
Eucalyptus leucoxylon. 

| Iron Bark (Bth, 3/220). 1373 Eucalyptus 

| Iron (Broad leaved) Bark (Maid. C.T). 

| 1178 Eucalyptus side:ophloia. 

| Iron (Common) Bark (Bth. 3/222), 

Eacalyptus crebra. . 

|Iron (Grey) Bark (Maid, C,.T), 1200 

| Eucalyptus paniculata, 

| Ipomea hederacea, 

1644 Daboécia 




Iron (Narrow leaved) Bark (Maid. O.T). 
1170 Eucalyptus crebra, 

Iron (She) Bark (Bth. 3/220). 
Eucalyptus siderophloia, 

Tron (Vasse-Kiver) Bark (Bth. 3/231), 
1199 Eucalyptus gomphocepbala. 

Tron (White) Bark (Maid. C.T), 
Eucalyptus paniculata, 

Tron (Anstralian) Barks 
edix. Eucalyptus (genus). 

Iron (Narrow leaved) Bark of New-South- 
Wales (Bth. 2/312), 1200-b, Eucalyp- 
tus paniculata (angustifolia), 



(Maid. O,'). 

fvon (Red) Fark of New-South-Wales 
(Bth. 3/210), 1195 Hucalyptus leu- 
coxvion, : 

Iron (She) Bark of Port-Jackson (Maid. C, 

YT) (Bth. 3/211), 1200 Eucalyptus 

Jronweed (S. 217, 448). dxviii. Vernonia 

Ironweed (Long-glabrous Obovate-sinu- 

ate-topped-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 3/3380, | 

adpd). 1(¢05 Vernonia travancorica, 
lronweed (Long -glabrous-or-downy - 
backed Elliptic-ovate-entire-acuminate 

leaved) (Hk. 3/289, adpd). 1604-a. 
Vernonia arborea (typica). 

Tronweed (Long-woolly-backed  elliptic- 
ovate-entire-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
3/239, adpd). 1604-b. Vernonia arborea 

Ironweed (Medium-rigid-downy-backed- 
scabrid-glabrate — elliptic-lance-serrate- 

acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 8/289, adpd) 

1603 Vernonia pectiniformis. 
Ironweed (Medium-scabrid-subsessile 

(Hk. 3/239, adpd). 1595 Vernonia 
Tronweed (Medium-scabrid-subsessile 

Obovate-subserrate-acute-leaved) (Hk. 
3/239, adpd), 1593 Vernonia teres. 
Tronweed (Medium-sessile Elliptic-oblong- 
or - oblance - serrate-acuminate - Jeaved 
Gland-downy-branched) (Hk. 3/255, 

adpd). 1597 Vernonia saligna (nilgher- 
Tronweed (Medium-thick-white-woolly- 

backed-sessile Linear-lance-crenuiate- 
ragose-obtuse-leaved) (Hk, 3/236, adpd). 
LG00 Vernonia salvizefolia, 

Tronweed (Medium-to-long-w embranous 
Lance-serrate-acute-leaved Giand- 
downy-branched) (Hk. 3/236, adpd). 
1599 Vernonia anthelmintica. 

lronweed (M edium-white-velvetty-backed- 
scaberulous-subsessile Elliptic-round- 
serrate-acute-leaved) (Hk. 3/238, adpd). 
1601 Vernonia indica. 

Ironweed (Small-downy-subsessile Ellip- 
tic-laroe-acute-leaved Villous-branched) 

INDEX, 605 
(Hk. 8/286, adpd). 1598 Vernonia 

Ironweed (Small-to-medium-woolly-sea- 
brescent Lance-serrate-acute-leaved ) 
(Hk. 3/284, adpd). 1596 Vernonia 

lrouweed (Small-velvetty-backed Hl liptic- 
Jance-senulate-acuminate Woolly- 
branched) (Hk, 3/240, adpd), 1594 
Vernonia malabarica. 

Iron Wood (MclL, 851, 985). 

oxylon tomentosum, 

1681 Sider- 

Iron Wood (Mc. 851, 985, adpd), dlvi. 
Sideroxylon (genus). 
Iron Wood (McL. 985) (Pfi. 247). 1002 

Xylia dolabriformis. 

Iron Wood (Mech, 208). (?) 958 Cassia 
siamea(?).  — 

Tron Wood (McL, 461). 

Iron (Burmah) Wood (McL. 473, 935) 
(Bs/T/262). 1002 Xylia dolabriformis, 

Iron (Ceylon) Wood (Bs/S/240, CT). 
1691 Mimusops hexandra, 

Tron-wood (Long-leaved large-flowered 
Ceylon) (Bed. 1/28, adpd), 188-c. 
Mesua ferrea (speciosa), 

(?) 881 Dalbergia 

Iron-wood (Long-pointed-broad-leaved 
Ceylon) (Bed. 1/23, adpd), 185-a, 

Mesua ferrea (typica). 

fron-wood (Narrow leaved Ceylon) (Bed. 
1/28,adpd), 185-d. Mesua terrea (coro- 

Tron-wood (Short-pointed-broad-leayed 
Ceylon) (Bed. 1/23, adpd), 185-b. Mesua 
ferrea (Roxburghii). 

Iron (Strong) Wood (MchL. 66). 187 
Flacourtia sepiaria (7). 
Iron (Thorny) Wood (McL, 66). 187 

Flaccurtia sepiaria (?). 
Iron (Woolly) Wood (MeL. 351, 938, 

adpd). 1681 Sideroxylon tomentosum. 
{ron Wood Champak (McL. 157). 185 
Mesua ferrea. 
Iron Wood of Malabar (Bs/T/67), 203 

Hopea parviflora. 
Iron Wood of Pegu and Arracan (Gbl. 

265). 1002 Xylia dolabriformis. 
Iron Wood of the Cape (Cat, 170) 
(Ru/9/13), 1680 Sideroxylon inerme, 

Iron Wood Tree (McL, 185), 
arina equisetifolia. 

Iron Wood Tree (McL. 186) 
cylon edule. 

Iren Wood Tree (McL. 157) (Bed. 1/23) 
(Wca) (Bdn/F.T) (Cag. 657). 185 
Mesua ferrea. 

Iron Wood Tree of Ceylon (Bed. 1/20), 
185 Mesua ferrea. 

[rool (McL. 935). 

Irocmbilly (McL. 798). 1694 Maba buxi- 
folia, ; 

2780 Casu- 

1305 Meme- 

1002. Xylia dolabri- 


Irregular-(often-indistinct)-nerved Long- 
or-medium-pellucid-dotted-pale Ovate- 
lance-or-lance-faleate-leaved Deciduous- 
above-rough-persistent - below - barked 
Encalypt (Bth. 3/229, adpd). 1194 
Eucalyptus goniocalyx. 

Irregular-(often-indistinct)-nerved Long 
or-medinm-thick-shining Broad-cr-nar- 
row-lance-or-falcate- acuminate - leaved 

ent-barked Encalypt (Bth. 3/281, 
adpd). 1199 Eucalyptus gomphoce- 

Trregul:r - (often - indistinct) - nerved 
Medinm-smooth-thick lince-faleate-acu- 
minate-leavedDark-iron- grey - smooth- 
or-rough-persistent-barked Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/211, adpd). 1200 Eucalpytos 

Irregular - (often - indistinct) - nerved 
Medinm-thick Broad-ovate-to-narrow- 
lance-crneate-leaved Smooth-decidu- 
ous-on branches - roagh-rigid-stringy- 
barked Eucalypt (Brh. 3/243, adpd). 
1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Irregular - (often - indistinct) - nerved 
Medium-thick lance-or-falcate-acumin- 
ate-leaved White-soft-on-branches- 
dark-iron-grey-rough - spongy - barked 
Eucalypt (Bth. 3/209, adpd). 1195 
Enealy ptus leucexylon. 

Irregular - (often - indistinct) - nerved 
Small-thick-(elaucour-young) — elliptic- 
ovate-lance-to-lance-cuneate obtuse-to - 
aeute-leaved Smooth-barked Eucaly pt 
(Bth. 3/246, adpd). 1198 Eucalyptus 

Irregular (often-indistinct)-nerved Small- 
thick ovate-to-lance-obtuse-leaved 
Smooth - persistent-or - deciduous - in- 
large-patches-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 
2/235, adpd). 1205 Eucalyptus iccras- 
sata (angulosa). 

Irregniar (often-indistinct)-nerved Small- 
thick-shining lLinear-lance-or- falcate- 
obtnse-or - acuminate - leaved Stringy- 
barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/217, adpd). 
120! Eucalyptus stricta, 

Irregular-segmented Interrupted Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) Gaf). 2646-W. 
Codieum variegatum  (long!folium- 

Irregular-width Drooping Long Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-U. 
Codizum variegatum (longifolinm- 

Irregularly fascicled pinnate Rattan (Hk. 
6/414. adpd). 3207 Calamus viminalis. 

Irregularly-rhomboid (Serrate) leaved 
Parrognet Burr (Hk. 1/395, adpd). 
332 T;iumfetta rhomboidea, 

Irregularly-shaped-leaved Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646.1. Codiaum 
variegatum (irregulariforme). 



Irregularly-toothed various leaved Parro- 
quet Burr (Hk. 1/394, adpd). 38380 
Triumfetta pilosa, 

Isbund (McL. 340). 364 Peganum Har- 

Ischia Fig (Nic. 2/14), 2752 Ficus 
Isharmeol (MclL. 3874, 1000). 2891 

Aristolochia indica. 

Isle-de-France (Bois-de-Colophane of the) 
(L/N/S/B).  clxxii. Burrera (genue), 
Tesora (McL. 802). 280 Helicteres Isora. 
Isvari’s Fluwer (Mech. 875). dvii. Ixora 


Italian Cypress (S. 218) (Cag. 409), 2809 
Cupressus sempervirens. 

Italian Fig (Nic. 2/14). 2752 

Itulian Jasmine (McL. 383). 
minum humile, 

Italian Lemon (Bon). 410-a. 
Medica-Limonum (ty pica). 

Italian Senna (McL. 804). 963 Cassia 

Italian Stone Pine (S. 218) (? P. pinea). 
2848-e. Pinus Laricio (Pal'asiana) (?). 
Italian Yellow Jasmine (3.208). 1772 

Jasminnm humile. 

Itch (Monkey’s) (MeL. 238). 

Itching Creeper (McL. 564). (? 598) 599 
Vitis carnosa (?). 

Itching Plant (McL., 584). 
nia heterophvila. 

Itchy (McL. 932). 

Ivory Dumb Cane (Vic. 1/472). 
Dieffenbachia picta (eburnea). 

Ivory Seed (McL. 375, 379). 2642 Creton 
Tiglinm, 4 

Ivory Seed (McL. 380). 
mum axillare. 

Ivory-white-and - creamy - centred - and- 
veined Croton (Nic. 1/350) (%u/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf), 2616-Bb. Codizeum 
variegatum (Baron Franck Selliére). 

Ivory-white-and-yellow-marbled Dark- 
sage-green Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Hb. Codizsum 
variegatum (Jamesii). 

Ivory-white-blotched (Rosy-backed) Shin- 
ing-dark-green Croton (Nic. 1/350) 
(Ra/N/G) (Mv) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Mh. 
Codizeum variegatum (albicans). 

Ivory-white-centred-and-veined Bright- 
green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf), 2646-Ba. Codizum variegatum 

Ivory-white-ceatved Red Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu). 2645-Od. Codizum variegatum 
(Her Majesty). 

Ivory-white-midribbed-and-petioled Irre- 
gularly-white-spotted Bright-light- 
green Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/472). 8265-e. 
Dieffenbachia picta (Baraquiniana), 

1772 Jase 


816 Mucuna 

2768 Girardi- 

2712 Ficus Tsiela. 

2696 Baliosper- 


Ivory-white Noisette Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Mu, 56). 1108-c. Rosa Noisettiana 

Ivyury-white-or-cream - centre - feathered 
Deep-green Croton (Nic. 1/852) 
(Rn/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Ne. 
Codizwum variegatum (eburneum). 

Ivorv-white-spotted-and-dotted Delicate- 
light-green Dimb Cane (Nie. 1/472). 
32653-c. Dieffenb+chia picta (eburnea). 

Ivory Word (Mci. 222, udpd). del. 
Ehretia (genus). a8 

Ivory Wood (Pfi. 496). 
del. Ehretia (genvs). 

Ivory (Box leaved) Wood (Hk. 4/144, 
adpd). 1983 Ehretia bux:folia. 

Ivory (Broadly-oblong leaved) Wood (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 1980-c. Ehretia levis 

Ivory (Vowny Ovate leaved) Wood (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 1980-b. Ehretia Jevis 

Ivory (Lance leaved) Wood (Hk. 4/143, 
adcd), 1982 Ehretia Wightiaaa. 

Ivory (Nilgiri) Wood (Hk. 4/142). 
Ehretia levis (c:narensis), 

Ivory (Ova: leaved) Wood (Hk. 4/143, 
adpd). 1981 Ehretia ovalifolia. 

Ivory (Ovate leaved) Wood (Hk. 4/141, 
adpd). 1980 Ebretia levis. 

Ivery (Rough Ovate leaved) Wood (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 1980-d. Ebretia levis 

Ivory (Saw leaved) Wood (Hk. 2/141, 

[841 Sphalm] 


adpd). 198v (bis.) Ebretia acuminata. 
Ivy (Nic. 2/120) (S. 191). cdlxix. dedera 

Ivy (S. 191, 218). 1419 Hedera Helix. 

Ivy (Acuminate Ovate leaved Digitate) 
(Hk, 2/7-9, adpd). 1413 Heptaplen- 
rum venulosum. 

Ivy (American) 
Aralia (genus). 

Ivy (Anaimalai Rosy flowering) (Hk. 
2/526, adpd). 1289 Kendrickia Walk- 

Ivy (Capitate Digitate) (Hk. 2/720, adpd). 
ed!xviii. Brassaia (genus). 

Ivy (Capitate Elliptic leaved Digitate- 
(6-8)) (Hk. 2/734, adpd). 1416 Biassaia 

Ivy (Capitate) obovate-oblong-cuspidate- 
leaved VDigitate-(7-16)) (Bth. 3/85, 
adpd). 1417 Bras:aia actinopby'la. 

Ivy (Chinese) (S. 424). 1863 Trachelo- 
spermaum jasminoides. 

Ivy (Common) (Nic. 2/120) (Cag. 546) 
(Br. 295). 1419 Hedera Helix, 

Ivy (Digitate) (Br. 95, adpd), 
Heptapleurum (genus). 

Ivy (Elliptic leaved Digitate) (Hk. 2/730), 

' 14/5 Heptapleurum Wallichianum. 

(McL. 1003).  cdlix. 



Ivy (Indian) (McL, 677). 3270 Rhaphido- 
phora yertusa, 

Ivy (Indian) (5. 213). [8273 Sphalm] 
3270 Rhaphidophora pertusca, 

Ivy (Leatless-or-sparsely Mem branons- 
oblong-lance-to-hastate leaved Austra- 
lian Native) (Nic, 2/890, adpd). 2386 
Mure hlenbeckia platyclada. 

Ivy (Mexican) (8. 103, 270) (MAHS). 1267 
Col za scandens, 

Ivy (Obtnuse Obovate leaved Digitate) 
(Hk. 2/730, adpd). 1414 Heptapleurum 
stellatum. - 

Ivy (Prickiy) (S. 403). 

Ivy (Prickly) (Nic. 3/444). 3077 Smilax 

Ivy (Racemed Lance leaved Digitate) 
(Hk. 3/729, adpd). 1412 Heptaplen- 
rum racemosum, 

Ivy (Simp'e light-green-reticulated liga- 
late-dark-green-leaved) (Nic. 1/104, 
adpd). 1397 Oreopanax reticulata. : 

Ivy (Umbelled lance leaved Digitate) 
(Hk. 2/729, adpd). 1411 Heptapleu- 
rom rostratum. 

Ivy Fig (?r. 1/982). 
heterophylla (pumila). 

Ivy (Indian) Fig (Cag. 413) [Sphalm-c.] 
2747-d. Ficas heterophylia (pumila). 

Ivy leaved Ampelopsis (Nic. 1/65, 5/733) 
580 Vitis hederacea, 

crm)lxi. Smilax 

2747-d. Ficus 

Ivy leaved Cypress Vine (S.218). 2020-¢. 
lpomeea hederacea (corcinea). 
Ivy like Heart Vine (McL. 383, adpd). 

583 Vitis »epens. 

Ivy (Many-(3-7)-free-styled) of America 
(freas. Bot. 2/1323). cdlxi. Oreopanax 

Ivy (Native) of Anstralia (S. 279). 
deelxiii. Muehlenbeckia (genus). 

Ivy (Boston) Vine (Po). 581 Vitis 

Ivy (Japan) (Vine) (Po). 581 Vitis 

Ivyworts (McL. 1003). LIX. Araliacess 

Ixora (McL, 375). dvii. Ixora (genus). 
Ixora (Large) (McL. 584) (?) 1645 Rho- 
dodendron arboretum (nilagirica) (?), 
Ixora (Pink) (McL. 375). 1539 Ixora 

Ixora (Scarlet) (MeL. 375) (Br. 100), 
1538 Ixora coccinea. 

Ixora (Upright) (Br. 10i). 

Ixora (Water) (McL. 44). 977 Saraca 
indica (?). 

Ixora (White) of China (Br. 101), 
Ixora alba. 

Txora (White) of the Himalayas (McL. 
375). 1540 Ixora undulata, 

1539 Ixora 



Jaca (McL. 376) (8. 36). 2763 Artocarpus 

Jack (McL. 376, 1000) (S. 35). deceulxxvii. 
Artocarpus (zenus). 

Jack (Bed. 1/219) (Bs/T/601) (Gbl. 653) 
(Ban/F.T) (Cag. 218, 414) (Cat. 296) 
(Nie. 5/58) (Br. 197) (Rid. 105) (Jaf. 57) 
(S. 36, 219) (Pr. 2/971) (W. 12, 26, 34, 

36, 46, 68) (The usual way of spelling 

it). 2763 Artocarpus integrifolia. 

Jack (Acid) (McL. 299). 174 Garcinia 

Jack (Assam) (McL. 376, adpd). 2764 
Artocarpas Chaplasha. 

Jack (Axillary-spined) (Hk. —/478, adpd). 
decclxxv. Cadrania (genus). 

Jack (Black) (McL. 98). 366 Averrhoa 

Jack (Common) (Mch. 876, 683, 1900). 
2763 Artocarpus integrifolia. 

Jack (Castard) (McL. 35), 57 Anona 

Jack (Foreign) (Mc. 35). 

Jack (Foreign) (McL. 376, 1000). 2765 
Artocarpus incisa. 

Jack (Halt) (McL. 84, 77%). 

Jack (Honey) (MeL. 876). 
pus integrifolia. 

Jack-in-a-box (Common) 'l'ree (Treas. Bot) 
(Nie, 2/138). 2474 Hernandia sonora. 

Jack-in-a-box (Ovate leaved) Tree (Bth, 
5/314, adpd). 2473 Hernandia bivalvis. 

Jack-in a-box Tree (Nic. 2/138). declxxxv. 
Hernandia (genus). 

Jack-in.a-box(Round Red-centred Buckler- 
leaved) Tree (Nic. 2/138, adpd). 2474 
Hernandia sonora, 

Jack (Indian) (MeL. 376) (Hil. 74) (Pa. 
495). 2763 Artocarpus integrifolia, 

Jack (Jungle) (Mch. 3876) (Pf. 516). 
2762 Artocarpus hirsuta. 

Jack (Large) (MeL. 376). 
pus hirsuta. 

Jack (Monkey) (Mel.. 376, 1000) (Cag. 
216). 2766 Artocarpos Lakoocha. 

Jack (Penninerved small-leathery-downy- 
glabrate Obovate-oblong-obtuse-to-acu- 
minate-leaved Axil-spined) (Hk. 5/538, 
adpd), 2760 Cadrania javensis. 

Jack (Root) (McL, 876). 2768 Artocarpus 

Jack (Salt Swamp) fruit Palm 
6/424, adpd). 3161 Nipa fruticans, 

Jack (Sea) (McL. 367). 1554 Morinda 

Jack (Small) (McL. 376), 2766 Artocar- 
pus Lakoocha. 

Jack (Soft) (McL. 34), 


58 Anona 

2759 Antiaris 

2763 Artocar- 

2762 Artocar- 


2119 Oroxylum 


Jack (Sour) (McL. 35). 59 Anona muri- 

Jack (South-Sea) 
Artocarpus incisa. 

Jack (Stunted) (McL. 376, 473, 683, 1000). 
2717 Streblus asper. 

Jack (Tender Wild) (McL. 732). 
Pajanelia Rheedii. 

Jack (Wild) (McL. 112). 
Stephegyne parviflora, (?). 

Jack (Wild) (Mc. 34, 377, 1000) (Cag. 
416) (Cat. 29) (W. 46, 97). 2762 
Artocarpus hirsuta. 

Jack Fruit Tree (S. 36). 

Jackal Bair (McL, 66, 473, 999). 564 
Zizyphus Ginoplia. 

Jackal Jujube (MchL. 66). 

Jacket (Common Indian Loose) (Bon. 8, 
49), 418a. Citrus Aurautium-nobilis 

Jacket (Lemon scented Loose) (Bon. 53, 
54). 419-a. Citrus Aurantium-crenati- 
folia (typica). 

(McL. 876). 2765 


(21438) 1440 

2763 Artocarpus 

564 Zizyphus 

Jacket (Lime Loose) (Bon. 60, 61). 
418-d. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis 

Jacket (New-South-Wales Leather) (Bth. 
3/245). 1178 Eucalyptus resinifera. 

Jacket (Pomelo Loose) (Bon. 33, 110, 361). 
418-c. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis 

Jacobzea (8.397). dxxxi. Senecio (genus). 

Jacquinia flowered Spurge (Cag. 415). 
2541 Euphorbia fulgens. 

Jacquinia (Prickly) (Br. 115). 1676 
Jacquinia ruscifolia. 
Jacqueminot (General) Rose (Nic. 3/224) 

(Cag. 596) (Ru/N/92, 0/20) (Mu. 53) 

(Hod) (Po). 1107-). Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (coccinea-puniceo- 

Jacquin’s Nightshade (MeL. 107). 2091 
Solanum xanthocarpum. 
Jacquin’s Solanum (Br. 150). 2091 
Solanum xanthocarpum. 
Jagged Moon feed (McL. 857). 81 

Anamirta Cocculus. 

Jagged Jujabe (McL. 132). 562 Zizyphus 
trinervia. ‘ 

Jagged Stemmed Spine-tipped Feather 
Palm (Cag. 342, adpd). cmxey, 
Phoenix (genus). 

Jaggery Palm (McL, 777). 3152 Caryota 


Jahauzinaurel (MeL. 198). 3289 Lodoicea 

Jak (Rox. 2/522). 2768 Artocarpus 

Jak (Indian) ‘Tree (Br. 197). 2768 

Artocarpus integrifolia. 


Jalap (McL. 878, 998) (Ooty, 42). 2028 
Tpomea Purga. 

Jalap (Indian) (McL. 360, 923) (Cat. 200) 
(Ell. 343) (Pfl. 246). 2046 [pomeza 

Jalap (True) (Mnell. S.P) (MeL. 378) 
(N. 2/192). 2028 [pomea Parga. 

Jamaica Alispice (S$. 220), 1208 Pimenta | 

Jamaica (Brazil Wood of) (Treas. Pot. 
2/858) (Nic. 1/232, 5/179). cvcxxxix. 

Peltophorum (genus). 
Jamaica (Braziletto of) (Treas. Bot. 2/858) 
ecexxxix. Peitophoram (genus). 

Jamaica Blood-wood (reas. Bot). Ixxvii. 
Gordonia (genus). 
Jamaica Cedar (McL. 168). 481 

Chukrassia tabularis. 

Jamain ‘Dupuy) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/ 
20). 1107-g. Rusa hybrida-semper- 
florens (rosea-cera-irabro-suffusa). 

Jamaica Ginger (McL. - 379). 2998 
Zingiber officinale. 

Jamaica Honeysuckle (Nic. 3/31). 1353 
Passiflora laurifolia. 

Jamaica Horse Bean (Mch. 379, 874). 
830 Canavalia ensiformis. 

Jamaica Mignonette (McL. 379, 45038). 
1314 Lawsonia aiba. 

Jamaica Mountain Sage (S. 230, 278). 

decxx, Lantana (genus). 

Jamaica Overlook (McL. 
Canavalia ensiformis. 

Jamaica Pepper (Br. 79). 

Jamaica Pepper (McL. 171). 
Sphalm]} 1200 Pimenta acris. 

Jamaica South-Sea Rose (McL. 373). 
1844 Nerium odorum. 

Jamaica Switch Sorrel (McL. 83, 313, 
379, (Bdn/F.T). 649 Dodonza viscosa. 

Jamalgota (Wild) (McL. 380, 358, LUQ0). 
2696 Ralicspermum axillare. 

Jamaica Wild Liquorice (McL. 360, 379). 
810 Abros precatorius. 

875). 839 
1208 Pimenta 


| Jamrosade (Cag. 289). 

_ Janal Hemp (McL. 860). 

' Japan (Fan Palm 


Jambu (Bdn/F.T). 1268 Eugenia. 

Jamestown Weed (Mech. 261), 2097 
Datura Stramonium., 

Jammoo (MeL. 288). 3248 ‘Typha 

1231 Eugenia 

Jamtee (McL. 880). 87 Cocculus villosus. 
Jamun (Cag. 238). 1258 Enogenia 


722 Crotalaria 

Japan (Acute Ovate leaved St-John’s- 
wort of) (Nic. 2/169). 168 Hypericum 

Japan (Camphor Tree of China and) 
(Muell. S.P). 2449 Cirnamomum 

Japan (Coral Tree of) (Nic. 5/352, Ol. 
2/182, adpd). 824 Erythrina Caffra. 
Japan (Date Plum of China and) (Muell, 
S.P) (S. 141L). 1701 Diospyros Kaki. 
Japan (Dwarf Creamy Laurel Tulip Tree 
of) (Nie. 4/5). 19 Magnolia pumila. 
of S. China and) 

(Msell. S.P). 3195 Livistona  chi- 
Japan (Foji of) (Muell. S.P). 763 

Wistaria chinensis. 

Japan (Ginkgo 'I'ree of China and) (Nic, 
2/68) (S. 179, 209, 409) (Muell. S.P) 
(H/F.T). 2824 Ginkgo biloba. 

|.Japan (Hinoki Cypress of) (Muell. 3.P). 

Jambeeram (Mcb. 379, 993). (?)  celvii. 
Citras (gencs) (?). 
Jamberi (Ru/N/65). 418-d. Citrus 

Aurantiom-nobilis (Jambhiri). 

Jambhiri ‘’range (Bon. 60, 61) (Ru/N/66). 
418-d. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis 

Jamboa of the Portuguese (Bon. 299). . 

422-d. Citrus 
Jambolin (McL. 
Jamboo (MclL. 879, 995). 

Jamboo (Parrot) (McL. ae 379). 
Cesalpinia Bonducella ? 

Jambool Deodar (McL. 44). 40 Polyalthia 
> as 


385). 1258 Eugenia 
cdxxi. Eugenia 


2813 Cupressus obtusa. 

Japan (Kadsura of) (Nic. 2/214). 
Kadsura (genus). 

Japn (Kumquat of) (Muell. S.P) (Bon. | 
58). 421-a. Citrus japonica (typica). 

Japan (Pencil Cedar of China and) _ 
(Muell.S.P), 2821 Juniperus chinensis. 

Japen (Paorple and White Laurel Tulip 
Tree of) (Nic. 3/316). 22 Magnolia 
obovata (discolor). 

Japan (Sky-blue-Virgin’s Bower of) (Nic. 


1/338). 3 Clematis patens (ccerulea). 
Japan (Sugi Pine of) (Muell. S.P). 2825 
Cryptomeria japonica. 
Japan (Tallow ‘Tree of China and) 

(Muell. SP), 2702 Sapium sebiferuin. 

Japan (Three pointed Ampelopsis of) 
(Nic. 1/66). 581 Vitis inconstans. 

Japan (Wichuray’s Snow-white Rose of 
China and) (Nic. 5/646). 1093 Rosa 

Japan Camphor (Bs/T/534) (Gbl. 560, 564) 
(McL. 18>). 2449 Cinnamomum Cam- 

Japan Cycas 

Japan Date Plum (MeL, ark 
Diospyros Kaki. 

(Br. 205). 2878 Cycaa 

1701 —~ 


Japan Fern Palm (Muell. 8.P), 2878 
Cycas revoluta. 

Japan Ivy Vine (Po). 581 Vitis incon- 

Japan Keg Fig (McL. 304). 1701 
Diospyros Kaki. 
Japan Lacquer Tree (Nic. 3/301). 659 

Rhas vernicifera. 

Japan Medlar (McL. 487) (Nic. 3/108) 
(Cag. 250), 1112 Eriobotrya japonica. 

Japan Qnince (Nic. 3/108). 1112 Erio- 
botrya japonica. 

Japan Varnish (Muell. %.P) (Nic. 3/301) 
(MeL. 684, 859, corr). 659 Rhas 

Japan Wax tree (Muell. §.P). 662 Rhuas 


Japanese Aralia (S. 164,320). 1396 Fatsia 

Japanese Azalea (Nic. 1/150). 1647 
Rhododendron sinense. 

Japanese Bamboo (FAR. 34 to 38, NLGS). 
3295 Arundinaria japonica. 

Japanese Cedar (S. 220) (Cag. 408). 2825 
Cryptomeria japonica. 

Japanese Cedar (H/E.F) (Nic. 1/403) 

(S.119). emii. Cryptomeria (genus). 
Japanese Climbing Fern (S. 220). 3383 
Lygodium japonicum. 
Japanese Convolvulus (MAHS). 2027 

Ipomea imperialis. 

Japanese Downy leaved Shrubby Bamboo 
(Nic. 1/156), 3300 Bambusa Fortunei. 

Japanese Honeysuckle (Nic. 2/296) (S. 
221) (Rid. 112) (Cag. 545) (Ru/N/55) 
1438 Lonicera japonica. 

Japanese Hop (Nic. 2/157) (S. 205, 220) 

(Po. 49). 2766 (bvs.) Humulus japo- 
Japanese Pagoda ‘Tree (Nic. 3/459). 

cccxxix. Sophora (genus). 
Japanese Polyantha Rose (Cag. 593). 
1085-e. Rosa multiflora (japonica). 
Japanese Pomelo (Bon. 298). 422-c. 
Citrus decnmana-typica (pomifera). 
Japanese Pungent-tip leaved Shrubby 

bamboo (Nic. 1/118, 5/29), 3298 
Arundinaria japonica. 
Japanese Rose (Nic. 1/256) (S. 70). 193 

Camellia japonica. 

Japanese Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/143, adpd). 
247 Hibiscus schizopetalus. 

Japanese wilk-worm (ak (Nic. 3/265) 
(Muell. S.P) (Rid. 152). 2790 Quercus 

Japanese Snow Flower (S. 134). 
Deutzia (genus). 

Japanese (Scabrid Ovate-lance-serrulate- 
acute-leaved) Snow Flower (Nic. 1/460, 
adpd). 1124 Deutzia scabra. 

Japanese Spindle Tree (S. 159, 200) (Nic. 
1/540). 514 Euonymus japonicus. 



Japanese Tallow Somach (MeL. 859). 
662 Rhus succedanea. 

Japanese Tea of Heaven (Mnuell. §.P). 
ecelxxxix. Hydrangea (genus). 
Japanese Varnish (McL. 684, 859). 
Sphalm} 659 Rbuas vernicifera.. 
Jarallea (McL. 382, 799). 200 Shorea 


Jarrah (Bs/T/327) (Gbl. 358) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Beuth. 3/2°9) (Cag. 589) (Cat. 140). 
1179 Eucalyptus marginata. 

Jasmine Family (Br. 115) (L/N/S/B). 
LXXII. (leacez (Order). 

Jasmine (McL. 382, 997) (S. 221) (Nic. 
2/206) (Cag. 503) (Jaf. 21).  dlxv. 
Jasminum (genus). 

Jasmine (S. 221). 1774 Jasminum offici- 

Jasmine (Agglomerate flowered Hared) 
(McL. 384, adpd). 1767 Jasminum 

Jasmine (American Night) (S. 89, corr). 
delxxiii. Cestrum (genus). 


| Jasmine (Arabian) (McL. 37, 382, 997) 

(Gbl. 467) (Cag. 503) (Br. 115) (S. 31). 
1751 Jasminum Sambac. 
Jasmine (Azorian) (Br.115). 1770 Jas- 

minum azoricum. 

( Jasmine (Bastard) Family (S. 89, L/N/S/B, 

adpd). LXXX. Solanacez (Order). 

Jasmine (Bastard) (S. 89). dclxxiii. Ces- 
trum (genus). 

Jasmine (Bastard Cape) (Treas. Bot. 1/487, 
636). dexliv. Fagraa (genus). 

Jasmine (Broad Jeaved) (McL 383) (Br. 
116). 1755-b. Jasminum arborescens 

Jasmise (Broad leaved Cape) (McL. 291, 
adpd). 3506 Gardenia. latifolia. 

Jasmine (Bushy smooth) (McL. 284, adpd), 
1764 Jasminum rigidum. 

Jasmine (Cape) (McL. 3800). 
Gardenia (genus). 

Jasmine (Cape) (McL. 124, 300, 494, 996) 
(S. 76, 176) (Cag. 542) (Rid. 63) (Jaf. 
27). 1510 Gardenia jasminoides. 

Jasmine (Catalonian) (McL, 389%) ‘Rox. 
1/100) (Cag. 584). 1775 Jasminum 


Jasmine (Ceylon) (MeL. 869). 1836 
Labernezmontana coronaria. 
Jasmine (Chili) (S. 92, 260). 1853 Man- 

devilla suaveolens. 
Jasmine (Chinese) (S. 434). 1863 Trache- 
lospermum jasminoides. 

Jaemine (Cobra) (Br. 276). 
canthus communis. 

Jasmine (Common) (Br. 116). 
minum officinale. 

Jasmine (Common) (McL. 383, 997). [1775 
Sphalm] 1774 Jasminum officinale. 

2268 Rhina- 
1774 Jas- 


Jasmine (Common) (Pf. 103), 1752 Jas- 
minum pubescens. 

Jasmine (Common White) (Nic. 2/216) 
(Rid. 71). 1774 Jasminum ofticinale. 
Jasmine (Common White Garden) (Gbl. 

467). 1774 Jasminum officinale. 
Jasmine (Coral) (McL. 508, 383, 484, 997, 
1030). 1776 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 
Jasmine (Creamy Bastard) (Nic, 1/302). 

2107 (bis.) Cestrum Pargqni. 

Jasmine (Creeper) (McL. 383). 1775 
Jasminum grandiflornm, 
Jasmine (Divine) (McL. 291). 1497 

Randia uliginosa. 

Jasmine (Double) (Cag. 506) (Pfl. 400). 

Jasmine (Double flowered) (McL. 388). 
175l-c. Jasminum Sambae (flore Mano- 


Jasmine (Double flowered Arabian) (Rox. 
1/88). 175l-c. Jasminum Sambac 

Jasmine (Downy) (McL. 384). 
minum pubescens. 

Jasmine (Hared) (McL. 384). 
minum auricalatum. 

Jasmine (Elliptic Jleaved Downy) (McL. 
383, adpd). 1753 Jasminum Roéttleria- 

Jasmine (Elliptic-wedge-leaved Shrubby 
Downy) (Hk. 3/594, adpd). 1755-c. 
Jasminum arborescens (montana). 

1752 Jas- 

1766 Jas- 

Jasmine flowered Carissa (McL. 152). 
L806 Carissa Carandas. 
Jasmine (French) (McL. 1032). 1882 

Calotropis gigantea. : 
Jasmine (Globe-carpelled Smooth) (McL. 
384, adpd). 1762 Jasminum Ritchiei. 
Jasmine (J3olden) (McL. 383, 473, 997). 

1772 Jasminum humile, 

Jasmine (Great Double flowered Arabian) 
(Rox. 1/88) (Cag. 506). 1751-d. Jas- 
minum Sambac (flore-Manorz-pleno). 

Jasmine (Gummy Cape) (McL. 124, 263, 
291, 300, 996, adpd). 1505 Gardenia 

Jasmine (Harlot) (McL. 384). 1766 Jas- 
minum auriculatum. 

Jasmine (Heart leaved Smooth) (Mch. 
384, adpd). 1757 Jasminum cordifoli- 

Jasmine (Himalayan Heart leaved Smooth) 
(McL. 354, adpd). 1758 Jasminum 

Jasmine (Italian) (McL. 383). 1772 
Jasminum humile. 
Jasmine (Italian Yellow) (S. 208). 1772 
Jasminum humile. 
Jasmine (Involucrate Purple Bastard) 

(Nic. 1/301). 2106 Cestrum fasciculat- 



Jasminum Sambac (flore-Mano- | 

| Jasmine (Lily) (MeL, 388). 


| Jasmine (Large) (Mol. 888, 907). 1755-b 

Jasminum arborescens (laifolia). 

Jasmine (Large Round-elliptic-obtuse 
leaved Resin-tipped Cape) (Hk. 3/118, 
adpd). 1506 Gardenia latifolia, 

Jasmine (Large Flowered) (McL. 383). 
1775 Jasminum grandiflorum. 

1751 Jasmi- 
num Sambac. 

Jasmine (Long-leathery Obovate-oblong- 
to-elliptic-cuspidate-leaved Bastard 
Cape) (Hk. 4/83, adpd). 1956 Fagrea 

Jasmine (Long-leathery-subsessile Ob- 
ovate-cblong-subobtuse-leaved Bastard 
Cape) (Hk. 4/§3, adpd). 1955 Fagrea 
zeylanica (brevituba). 

Jasmine (Long tubed Arabian) (Hx. 3/592, 

adpd). 1751-b. Jasminum Sambac 
Jasmine (Lowly) (McL. 383). 1772 Jas- 

minum humile. 
Jasmine (Madagascar) ‘Nic. 3/499) (S. 257, 
416). 1906 Stephanotis floribunda. 

Jasmine (Malabar) (McL. 384, adpd). 
1754 Jasminum malabaricum. 
Jasmine (Mango) (MchL. 3888). 

Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 
Jasmine (Many flowered) (McL. 384). 
1752 Jasminum pubescens. 
Jasmine (Medium-to-long Elliptic-obtuse- 
leaved Resin-tipped Cape) (Hk. 3/116, 


adpd). 1504 Gardenia lucida. 
| Jasmine (Milky) (McL. 383, 869). 1836 
Tabernzemontana coronaria. 
Jasmine (Mogara) (McL. 383). 1751 Jas- 

minum Sambac. 

Jasmine {Moreton-Bay Trumpet) (S. 277, 
425). 2126 Tecoma jasminoides. 

Jasmine (Musk) (McL. 3838, 997). 
Jasminum pubescens. 

Jasmine (Narrow leaved) (McL. 384) (Br. 
116). 1760 Jasminum angustifolium. 
Jasmine (Needle) (McL. 384, 997). 1766 

Jasminum auriculatum. 

Jasmine (Nepaul) (McL. 383). 
minum humile. 

Jasmine (Nerve leaved Wild) (McL. 384, 
adpd). 17454 Jasminum malabaricum. 
Jasmine (Night) (McL. 383). 1776 
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 
Jasmine (Night-blooming) (S. 89). 

delxsiii. Cestram (genus). 

Jasmine (Night flowering) (Br. 117) (Cat. 
179). 1776 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 
Jasmine (Orange Bastard) (Nic. 1/301). 

2107 Cestrum aurantiacum. 

Jasmine (Ovate-or-subcordate-leaved 
Shrubby Downy) (Hk. 3/594, adpd). 
1755-a. Jasminum arborescens (typ- 
ica). ; 


1772 Jas- 


Climbing Downy) (Hk. 3/594, adpd). 

Jasmine (Pointed leaved Wild) (Mch. 384, 
adpd). 1754Jasminam malabaricum. 

Jasmine (Privet lesved) (Br. 116) (Ru/N/ 
76). 1764 Jasminnm rigidum, 

Jasmine (Pubescent) (cL. 384). 
Jasminum pubescens. 

Jasmine (Purple Bastard) (Nic. 1/30i). 
2105 Cestrum elegans 

Jasmine (Ravgoon) (McL. 384, 749). 1164 
Quisqualis indica. 

Jasmine (Red) (McL. #84) (Pfl. 141). 
2019 Ipomea Quamoclit. 

Jasmine (Red) (McL. 644). 
Plumeria acutifolia. 

Jasmine (Resinous Cape) (MeL. 124, 2638, 
291, 996, adpd). 1504 Gardenia lucida, 


(2) 1825 

Jasmine (Rice Grain) (Mch. 159). 141 
Gynocardia odorata. 
Jasmine (Sambac) (Mc. 3883). 1751 

Jasminum Sambac. 

Jasmine (Sessile flowered Wild) (McL. 
884, adpd). 1759 Jasminum sessiliflorum. 

Jasmine (Shanghai) (S.399). 1868 Tra- 
chelospermum jasminoides. 

Jasmine (Shining leaved) (Br. 116). 
Jasminum glaucom. 

Jasmine (Shining Trifoliolate) (McL. 384, 
adpd). 1771 Jasminum cilephylium. 
Jasmine (Short tubed Arabian) (Hk. 3/52, 
adpd). 175l-a. Jasminum Sambac 


Jasmine (Shrubby Downy) (McL. 384, 
957, adpd). 1755 Jasminum arbores- 

Jasmine (Single flowered Arabian) (Rox. 
1/88). 1751-b. Jasminum Sambac 

Jasmine (Smali-leathery-downy-backed 
Roundish-obtuse-leaved Spinous Cape) 
(Hk. 3/118, adpd), 1407-b. Gardenia 
turgida (montana). ~ 

Jasmine (Smali-leathery Obovate-acute-or- 
obtuse-leaved Resin-tipped Cape) (Hk. 
8/116, adp«). 1505 Gardenia gammi- 

Jasmine (Small-leathery Obovate-obtuse- 
or-acute-leaved Spinous Cape) (Hk. 
3/118, adpd). 1507-a. Gardenia turgida 
(ty pica). 

Jasmine (Snake) (McL. 384, 999). 2268 

Rhinacanthus communis. 


Jasmine (Spanish) (McL. 644). (?) 1825 

Plumeria acutifolia (?). 

Jasmine (Spanish) (McL. 383) (Hox. 
1/100) (=. 409) (Gbl. 467) (Cag. 5384). 
1775 Jasminum grandifiorum. 

Jasmine (Spanish American) (McL. 644, 
Cag. 497, corr), 1825 Plumeria acuti- 

(Ovate-or-subcordate-leaved — 

Sasminum arborescens (lati- | 



Jasmine (Spindle leaved Smooth) (MeL. 
384, adpd). 1763 Jasminum Wightii. 
Jasmine (Spoon leaved Downy) (McL. 
388, adpd). 1756 Jasminum RKoxburghi- 

Jasmine (Supericr-berried Cape) (Treas. 
Boz. 1/487, 686). dexlv. Fagrea 

Jasmine (Three nerve) (Br. 116). 
Jasminum anastomosans 

Jasmine (Tree) (Mcl. 384, 997). 1755 
Jasminum arborescens. 

Jasmine (Tree) (Mc. 366). 
tarda speciosa. 

Jasmine (Tree) (McL. 358). 2118 Milling- 
tonia hortensis. 

Jasmine (Trichotomous flowering Smooth) 
(MeL. 384, adpd). 1765 Jasminum 

Jasmine (Trifoliolate) (MeL. 884, adpd). 
1768 Jasminum flexile. 

Jasmine (Tropical African Cape) 


1517 Guet- 


3/101). 1508 Gardenia Thunbergia. 
Jasmine (Tropical American Nizht- 
blooming) (8S. 89, corr). delxxiii. 

Cestrom (genus). 

Jasmine (Tuscan) ( Rox. 1/88) (Cag. 506). 
1751-d. Jasminum Sambac_ (flore- 

Jasmine (Velvetty-ovate-leaved Snake) 
(Hk. 4/541, adpd). 2268-b. Rhinacan- 
thas communis (montana). 

Jasmine (Various leaved Yellow) (Br. 
119). 1769 Jasminum heterophyllum. 
Jasmine (Very-small-downy-glabrate 
ovate-leaved) (Hk. 3/598, adpd). 1760 

Jasminum angustifolium. 

Jasmine (West Indian) (8.219, 459). 1538 

Ixora coccinea. 

Jasmine (‘White bracted) (McL. 383, 
edpd). 1753 Jasminum Rottleriannm, 

Jasmine (Wild) (McL. 364) (?). 1866 
Hemidecmns indicus (?). 

Jasmine (Wild) (McL. 384, 997), 1760 
Jasminum angustifolium. 

Jasmine (Wild) (S 300). dviii. Pavetta 

jasmine -(Yellow) (McL. 3883). 1772 

Jasmine humile. 

Jasmine Bendy (McL. 88, 949). 237 
Hibiscus hirtus. 

Jasmine Cadamba (MeL. 366). 
Guettarda speciosa. 

Jasmine flowered Bouvard’s Qninewort 
(Nic. 1/207). 1459-(bis.)-b, Bouvardia 
Humboldtii (jasminiflora), 

Jasmine-like Tecoma (Br. 
Tecoma jasminoides. 

Jasmine Nightshade (S. 407) (Nic. 453) 
(Mu. 37). 2068 Solanum jasminoides. 

Jasmine (Shrubby Downy) of the Azores 
(MeL. 883, adpd). 1770 Jasminum 


132). 2126 


Jasmine (Yellow) of Madeira (Br. 116). 
1773 Jasminum odoratissimum. 

Jasmine (Wild) of the West Indies (McL 
375). dvii. Ixora (genus), 

Jasmine scented Resin-seed (Nic. 3/154, 
adpd). 158 Pittosporuim viridistoromw. 
Jasmine Spurge (McL. 644). 1825 Plu- 

mera acutifolia, 

Jasmine Vrumpet Flower (Hk. 4/376, 
adpd). delxxx. Millingtonia (genus), 
Jasoon (McL. 82). 

Jatropha (Bronze leaved) (Br. 193). 2623 
Jatropha gossy pifolia. 

Jaujy McL. 383). 1775 Jasminum 
Jaujy (Small) (McL. 384). 1766 Jasmi- 

num auriculatum. 

Jaujy Tree (McL. 387). 2420 Myristica 

INDEX. 618 

Jaumoon (Red) (McbL, 879, 886, 995). 
1230 Engenia aquea. 

| Javmoon (Small) (McL. 3879, 886, 985). 

244 Hibiscus rosa- | 

1240 Euge: ia Arnottiana, 
Jaumoon (Smalier) (McL. 

Kagenia Jambeos. 
Jaumoon (Water) (McL. 

1229 E venia Monrenii- 

764). 1231 

379, 386, 915). 

Jaumoon (White) (McL. 385). 1242 
Eugenia zeylanica. 
Javmeon (Wild) (McL. 386) 12380 

Eogenia aquea, 
Jaunah (McL_ 868). 
Jaunah (Small) (McL. 868, 993). 313 

Grewia excelsa. 

815 Grewia orbi- 

| Jaundice Berry (S. 49). xlii. Berberis 
| Jaundice Tree (S. 49). xlii. Berberis 


Jaune Desprez Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 
693) (Br. 69). 1108-1. Rosa Noisetti- 
ana (odorata-fulva). 

Jaurah (McL. 386, 473, 943). 314 Grewia 
8s] vifolia. 

Jaural (McL. 5). 1819 Lagerstremia 

| Jautikye Tree (McI.. 387). 2420 Myristica 

| Janty (McL. 382). 1775 

| Janty (McL. 387, 999). 


Jaulary (McL. 521). 881 Dalbergia | 
Jaum (McL. 379). 1222 Psidium 
Gu -yava. 

Jaum \McL. 379). 1258 Eugenia Jambo- 

Jaumba (McL. 379). 1231 Eugenia 

Jaumba (McL. 379). 1228 Eugenia 

Jaumba (McL.379). 1258 Eugenia Jam- 

Jaumba (McL. 379). 1002 Xylia dolabri- 
formis, 7 

Jauwoon (McL. 385). cdxxi. Eugenia 

Jaumvon (Ceylon) (McL. 27%, 385, 995). 

1242 Eugenia zeylanica. 

Jaumoon (Cherry) (McL. 379, 285, 478, 
995). 1256 Eagenia operculata. 

Jaumoon (Clove leaved) (McL. 379, 385, 
473, 93a). 1253-b. Eugenia Jambolana, 

Jaumvuon (Common) (McL. 379, 385, 473, 
429, 58), 995) (PH. 505) (Br. 79) (Rid. 
112, 132). 1258 Eugenia Jambolana. 

Jaumoon (Coromandel) (McL. 379, 386, 
995). 1264 Eugenia bracteata. — 

Jaumoon (Fox) (McL. 587). (?) 136-b. 
Flacourtia Rumontchi (sapida). 

Jaumoon (dava) (McL. 386). 
Eugenia javanica. 

Javmoon (Large Fruited) (McL. 764). 
1231 Eugenia Jambos, 

Jaumoon (Lowly) (McL. 385, 589, 939). 
2302 Premna herbacea. 

Jaumoon (Malabar) (McL. 379,385, 935). 
1254 Eugenia malabarica, 

Jaumoon (Malacca) (McL. 379, 386, 463, 
626 995). 1228 Eugenia malaccensis, 



Jasminum gran- 

declxx. Myristica 

Java (Golden Bamboo of) (Cag. 321) 

(Cat. 234), 43U3-b. Bambusa vulgaris 

(aurea). nore 
Java Almond (Mc. 283) (Bed. 1/52) 

(Gbl. 141) (Ell. 188) (PA. 459). 446 

' Canarium commune. 

Java Bark (Enc. Brit). 1452 Cinchena 


Java Bark (Enc. Brit). 1449 Cinchena 

Java Bark (McL. 420). 1452 Cinchona 

Java Cane (Rid. 265) (Jaf. 129). 3206 
Calamus javensis. 

Java Cedar (McL, 387, 473, 515, 1000). 
2607 Bischefia javanica. 

Java Coffee (Trop. Agr., xx/11). 1548-c. 
Coffea arabica (Nalknad). 

Java Fan Palm (McL. $82). 3174Ccrypha 
umbraculifera. 5 
Java Fig (Cag. 414) (Ru/N/128, 0/12) 

(Mu. 43). 2735 Ficus Benjamina. 

Java Galangal (McL. 298). 3005 Alpinia 

Javadi-Hills (Open-claumped Few-thorned 
Bamboo of th-) (Bs/T/671). 2e204-d. 
Bambasa arundinacea (javadiensis). 

Javah (McL. 82). 244 Hibiscus rosa- 


Java honey (McL. 84). 

Java Jaumoon (McL. 388). 

Java Mango (Treas. Bot. 1/536). celxi, 
Gluta (genus). 

Java (Medium-leathery Obovate-elliptic- 
acute-leavyed) Mango (Bed. 2/60, adpd). 
666 Glata ‘ravancorica. 

Java Pepper (McL. 388, 677). 

Java Plum (McL. 363, 385). [1258 Sphalm ] 
1232 Eugenia javanica. 
Java Thatch (McL. 48). 


Javanese (Zamang of the) (McL. 462, 736, 
995, 1042). 1057 Enterolobium Saman. 

Javanese Airna (McL. 702) (Br. 180). 
2374 Airua javanica. 

1750 Styrax Ben- | 

1232 Eugenia 

2405 Piper 

3161 Nipa | 

Javanese Wool Plant (McL. 702, Br. 180, | 

adpd). 2374 Arua javanica. 

Javausah (McL. 38.) 783 Alhagi camelo- 

Jaw-lipped (Cream-flowered) 
(Hk. 6/37, W.A.I, adpd). 
cochilus Wightii. 

Jayah (McL. 393, 999). 

Jayanty (MeL. 

Jean Ducher Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/92, 
0/20) (Mu. 55). 1105-n. Rosa odvrata 

Jean Goujon Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/20) (Mu. 

2954 Sar- 

deexxyvi, Premna 

805). 779 Sesbania 

53) (Hod). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea), 

Jeedy (McL. 476). 673 Semecarpus 

Jeerah (Wild) (MclL. 388, 996). i899 

Vernonia anthelmintica. 
Jelstivar Osier (Kew Bull. 196) (FAR. 35, 
36, NLGS). 2803 Salix triandra. 

Jenkins’ Devil Rattan (Nic. 1/235, 5/180, 


Jersey (Spruce Pine of New) (H/E.F). 
2845 Pinus inops. , 

Jersey Pine (H/E.F) (Nic. 5/648). 
Pinus inops. 

Jerusalem Cherry (Nic. 3/454) (S. 407). 
2070 Solanum pseudocapsicum. 

Jerusalem Pine (S. 3381). 2844 Pinus 

Jerusalem Sage (S. 323, 324,329) (Rid. 81) 
(Nic. 3/39). 2364 Phlumis fruticosa, 
Jerusalem Thorn (McL. 936) (Cag. 619) 

(Br. 6U) (Ru/N/82, 0/81). 943 Parkin- 
sonia aculeata. 
Jessamine (S. 221). 1774 Jasminum offici- 


(S. 221). dixv. Jasminum 

5/296). 3217 Demonorops Jenkinsia- 

| Joint-stemmed 


Jessamine (Cape) (Nic. 1510 
Gardenia jasminoides. 

Jessamine (Spanish) (Cag. 497). 1825 
Plumeria acutifolia. ; 

Jew’s Apple (McL. 107) (Nic. 3/454). (8. 
447) 2084 Solanum Melengena. 

Jew Bush (Mcl.. 7) (S. 222, 311) (Br. 189). 
2543 Pedilanthus tithymaloides, 

Jew’s Mallow (8. 221, 285). 1109 Kerria 

Jew’s Mallows (McL. 399). 
rus (genus). 

Jew’s Slipper (Cag. 414). 
thus tithymaloides. 


oxxii. Corcho- 

2543 Pedilan- 

Jew’s Thorn (Bdn/F.F) (Cat. 103). 9438 
Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Jhow (MchL. 39], 992). Ixvi. Tamarix 

Jhow (Cypress) (Mcl.. 891, 992). 163 
Tamarix dioica. 

Jhow (Garden) (McL. 391, 992). 164 
Tamarix ericoides, 

Jhow (Manna) (McL. 391, 522, 992). 162 
Tamarix gallica. 

Jhow (Red) (McL*. 391, 522, .992). 162 

Tamarix gallica (*articulata),. 

Jimiky (McL. 893, 996). 1346 Passiflora 

Jingam (McL. 1028). 

Jita (McL. 894, 997). 

Jittaigy (McL. 461). 

John Hopper Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Mu, 53) (Hod). 1107-j. Kosa hybrida 
semperflorens (punicea-roseo-sufiusa- 

John Keynes Rose (Mu. 58). 1107-f. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (carnea). 
Joigneaux (Madame Clémence de) Rose 
(Mu. 53) (Hod). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 

semperfiorens (rosea-lilacino-suffusa). 

Joint-stemmed  ({Medinom-oblong-lanceo- 
late-obtuse Multifoliate) Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/737, W.AI, adpd). 
2915 Dendrobium heterocarpum. 

Joint-stemmed Medium-ovate-lanceolate- 
acuminate Maultifoliate) Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/739, W.A.I, adpd). 2917 
Dendrobinm aqueum. 

Joint-stemmed (Multifoliate) Pseudobulb 
Orchid . (Hk. 5/710, 720, 739, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxix. Dendrobium (genus- 
Stachyobium and Eudendrobium part 

Joint-stemmed (Medium-narrow-lanceo- 
late-acuminate Multifoliate) Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/710, W.A.I, adpd). 210 
Dendrobium barbatulum. 


acuminate Multifoliate) Pseudobulb 

Orchid (Hk. 5/720, W.A.I, adpd). 2911 

Dendrobium herbaceum. 

672 Odina Wodier. 

dixxi. Olea (genus). 
881 Dalbergia lati- 


Joint-stemmed (Very-small-linear-oblong- 
cleft-tipped Multifoliate) Pseudobulb 

Orchid (Hk, 5/734, W.A.I, adpd), 2913 
Dendrobium Jerdoniannm, 
Jointed Arbor-vite (McL. 783). | 

decexcviii. Callitris (genus). 

Jointed (Arnott’s) Heart 
(MeL. 678, adpd). 

Jointed-club-bulbed (Mediu m-linear- 
oblong-obtuse Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 
5/799, W.A.I, adpd). 2939 Eria pauci- 

Jeaved Fig 
2740 Ficus Arnot- 

Joint Fir Family (McL. 1002, adpd). | 

CXI. Gnetacew (Order). 

Joint-Fir (Medium-to-long-opposite 
oblong-ovate-cuspidate-leaved) (Hk, 
5/648, adpd). 2805 Gnetum scandens. 

Joint Firs (McL. 1004). CXI. Gnetacex 

Jointed-flexuous-pendulous (Multifoliate- 
scattered-rigid) Stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/68, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxvii. 
Sarcanthus (genus). 

Joint (Folded-up) podded Sensitive Pea | 

(McL, 844, Hk. 2/148, adpd). 
Smithia (genus). 

Jointed Ovate leaved Fig (McL. 932, 
adpd). 2742 Ficus Tsiela. 

Jointed Popiar leaved Fig (McL. 673, 
adpd). 2739 Ficus religiosa, 

Jointed Paulay (McL, 664, 997). 
Mimusops Koxburgbhiana. 

Jointed-pendulou8-siemmed (Long-linear- 
acuminate Multifoliate-svatter:d) 
Orchid (Hk. 6/68, W.A.I, adpd), 2974 
Sarcanthus peninsularis. 

Jointed podded Prickly Sensitive Plant 
(Hk. 2/291, adpd).  ccclxv. Mimosa 

Joint-podded Sensitive Pea (McL. 844, 
Hk. 2/51, adpd). 
mene (genus). 

Jointed (Roxburgh’s) Heart leaved Fig 
(McL, 673, adpd). 

Jointed Waved leaved Fig (McL. 73, 
adpd). 2743 Ficus infectoria. 

Jonah’s Gourd (McL. 54). 2693 Ricinus 

Joty (McL. 611). 



623 Cardiospermum 

Journey Mango (McL. 383, 469). 1222 
Psidium Guyava. 

Jovy (McL. 395, 932). 2742 Ficus 

Jovy (Red) (McL. 395, §22). 484 Ochna 

Joy (Ceylon Heart’s) (McL. 440, adpd). 
34 Artabotrys Zeyianicus. 

Joy (Cuckoo’s) (McbL. 467). 663 Mangi- 
fera indica. 

eexevili. Alschyno- 

2738 Ficus Rum- | 

Juicy Mango (McL. 469). 

INDEX. 615 

Joy (Fragrant Heart’s) (McL. 440, adpd). 
33 Artabotrys odoratissimus. 

Joy (Heart’s) (McL. 440), xiv. Artabotrys 

Joy (Heart’s) (McL. 440), 

Joy (Labillardiére’s Water-spring) (Nic. 
1/317, Treas. Bot. 1/277). cccxxxv. 
Chorizema (genus). 

Joy (Seeta’s Heart’s). 
1905 Pergularia minor. 

33 Artabotrys 

(McL. 156, 804). 

Joy (Traveller’s) (Loud). i. Clematis 
Jubbulpore Hemp (McL. 860). 722 

Crotalaria juucea, 

667 Buchana- 
nia latifolia (?), 

Juicy Reed (McL. 857). 8282 Saccharum 

Juice (Rhubarb) Tree (McL. 299). 
Garcinia Morella. 

Jujube (McL. 65). 


eexxclii. Zizyphus 

Jujube (Black) (McL. 840). (?) 1050 
Albizzia amara, 

Jujube (Black) (McL. 148). 1519 Can- 
thium didymum. 

Jujube (Common) (McL. 65). 561 Zi- 
zyphus Jujuba. 

Jujube (False Wild) (McL. 66, corr). 137 

Flacourtia sepiaria. 

Jujube (Hill) (McL. 416). 443 Balsamo- 
d+ndron caudatum. 

Jujube (Jackal). 564 Zizyphus Cuoplia. 

Jujube (Jagg-d) (McL i382). 862 Zi- 
zyphus trinervia. 

Jujube (Medium Heart-serrulate-obtuse- 
leaved) (Rox. 1/614, adpd). 568-b. 
Zizy phus rugosa (glabrescens),. 

Jujube (Medium-tawny-downy-backed 
Elliptic-serrulate-obtuse leaved) (Hk, 
1/636, adpd.) 568 Zizyphus rugosa. 

Jujube (Oblique leaved) (McL. 66). 564 
Zizyphus Wnoplia. 

Jujube (Seed) (McL. 66). 

Jujube (Small  Elliptic-serrate-obtuse 
leaved) (Hk. 1/633, adpd). 562 Zi- 
zyphus trinervia, 

Jujube (Small-grey-downy-backed Round- 
ish-elliptic-or-obovate gerrulate-obtuse 
leaved) (Hk. 1/634, adpd). 565 Zi- 
zy phus xylopyrus. 

Jujube (Small-membranous Ovate-oblong- 
crenate-acute-or-cuspidate leaved) (Hk. 
1/635, adpd). 566 Zizyphus incurva, 

Jujube (Smalltawny-downy Oblique- 
ovate-lance-crenate-acute leaved) (Hk. 
1/634, adpd). 564 Zizyphus noplia. 

Jujube (Very-smal] Round-serrate-obtuse 
leaved) (Hk. 1/636, adpd). 567 Zi- 
zy phus horrida, 

565 Zizyphus 


Jujube (Very-small-woolly-backed Round- 
ish-elliptic-ovate-serrate-obtuse leaved) 
(Hk. 1/632, adpd). 561 

Jujube (Very-small-woolly Round-ovate- 

serrate-;btuse leaved) (Hk. 1/685, 
adpd). 563 Zizyphus nummularia. 
Jujube (Wild) (MeL, 164). 186-b. 

Flacourtia Ramontchi (sapida). 

Jujube (Wild) (McL. 66). 137 Flacourtia 
se piaria ? 

Jujube (Wild) (McL. 66). 563 Zizyphus 


| Jungle (Long-leathery-subsessile Elliptie- 

Zizyphus | 

Jujube (Woody fruited) (\cL. 66, corr). | 

565 Zizyptius xylopyra. 

Jujube Creeper (Mch. 66). 

Jujube Tree (Nic. 4/252) (Gbl. 181) (Bdn, 
E.#/L) (#1. 631) (PH. 379). 561 Zi- 
zyphus Jujuba, 

Jujube (Small) 
Scutia indica, 

Jules Margottin Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
5¥6) (Mu. 53). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 

572 Scutia 

Tree (McL. 66). 572 

semperfiorens (rosea-cerasirubro-suifu- | 


Jumalgota (McL. 306, 379, 597, 1000). | 

2642 Croton Tiglium. 

Jumrool (McL. 385). 

Jumrool (Red) (McL. 386). 

Jungle Almond (McL.* 474). 142 Hydno- 
carpus Wightiana (*veneuata). 

Jungie Almond (McL. 283). 446 Cana- 
rlum commune. 

Jungle Almond(McL.188). 1144 Termin- 
alia Catappa. 

Jungle Angoor (MeL. 32, 994). 

Jungle Bendy (Rid. 125). 
pus Nimmoanus. 

1230 Eugenia 

594 Vitis 

328 Hrinocar- 

Jungle Cardamom (McL. 185). (?) 2991 
(bis.) Amomum subulatum (?). 
Jungle Cork Tree (McL. 388). 2710 

Holoptelea integrifolia, 

Jungle Cotton (McL. 234, 993). 
Urena lobata. : 

Jungle Dhoil (McL, 274, 994). 845 Atylo- 
sia Candollei. 

Jungle Geranium (McL. 375, 996). 
Ixcra (genus). 

Jungle Geranium (McL. 375, 996) (Br. 101) 
(Kid. 71) (Cat, 162). 1588-b. Lxora coc- 
cinea (Bandhuca), 

Jungle (La:ge) Geranium (McL. 375, 478, 
664, ¥16, 990). 1537 Lxora parvitlura. 
Jungle (Lilac Five petalled} Geranium 

(Nic. 3/70). 1478 Pentas carnea, 

obtuse-leaved) Geraniam (Hk. 3/139, 
adpd). 1532 Ixora Notoniana, 



1258 Eugenia Jam- | 

(Long-leathery Llliptic-oblong- | 

lance-to-obovate-acuminate-leaved) Ge- 

ranium (Hk. 3/140, adpd). 1534 Ixora 
Jungle (Long-membranous  Elliptic-to- 

oblance-acute-leaved) Geranium (Hk, 
8/141, adpd). 1535 !xora elongata. 

Jungle (Long-papery  HElliptic-acute- 
leaved) Geranium (Hk. 3/139, adpd). 
1533 Lxora Johnsoni. 

Jungle ( linear-wavy-acumin- 
ate-leaved) Geranium (Hk. 3/147, 
adpd). 1540 lxora undulata. , 

Jungle (Mediom-leathery Broad-lance- 
wavy-acute-leaved) Geranium (Hk. 
1/380, adpd). 1541 Ixora alba. 

Jungle ( Medium-leathery-subsessile 
oblong-elliptic-ohtuse-leaved) Ger ninm 
(Hk. 3/142, adpd). 1537-a. Ixora parvi- 
flora (ty pica). : 

Juugle (Mejium-membranous Lance-to- 
obovate-acuminate-or-cuspidate- ieaved) 
Geranium (Hk. 3/148, adpd). 1542 
Ixora nigricans. 

Jungle (Medium-papery oblong-elliptic- 
oktuse-leaved) Geranium (Hk. 3/142, 
adpd), 1536 Izora brachiata. 

Jungle (Medium-papery obovate-cuneate- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved) Geranium 
(Hk. 8/143,adpd). 1537-b, Ixora parvi- 
flora (zeylanica). 

Jungle (Medium-to-long Lance-subacute- 
leaved Pendulous-branched) Geranium 
(Hk. 3/188, adpd). 1531 Ixora lanceo- 

Jungle (Pink) Geranium (MeL. 374, 996). 
1539 Lxora stricta. 

Jungle (Pink Shola) Geranium (Hk. 
8/141). 15385 Ixcra elongata. 
Jungle (Scarlet) Geranium (MeL. 375, Br. 

102, adpd). 15858 Ixora coccinea. 

Jungle (Sinall-to-medium-leathery- 
amplexicaul Oval-obtuse-leaved) Gera- 
nium (Rox. 1/877, adpd). 15388-b. Ixora 
coccinea (Banudhuca). 

Jungle (Sma!l-to-medium-leathery-subses- 
sile Oblong-acute-leaved) Geranium 
(Rox. 1/376, adp2). 1585-a. Ixora coc- 
cinea (ty pica). 

Jungle (Small-to-mediuni-leathery-subses- 
sile Ubovate-cuneate-obtuse-leaved) Ge- 
ranium (Hk. 3/146, adpd). 1539-a. 
Ixora stricta (Roxburghianz). 

Jungle (Small-io-medi.m-leathery-stalked 
Obovate-cuneate-obtuse-leaved) Gera- 
nium (Hk. 3/146, adpa). 1539-b. Ixora 
stricta (blumeiana). 

Jungle (White) Geranium (McL. 375, 996). 
1540 ixcra undulata, 

Jungle Ginger (McL.* 58, 310, 1001). 
2945 Zingiber liguiatum, (*capitatum), 

Jungle Gram (McL. 371). (?) 774 Teph- 
rosia purpurea (?). 


Jungle Grape Vine (McL. 82). 594 Vitis 

Jungle Jack (McL. 876) (Pfl. 516). 
Artocarpus hirsuta. 

Jungle Lime (McL. 435). 


404 Atalantia 

Jungle Lavangam (McL.* 433). 2436 | 
Cinnamomum Wightii (* iners). 

Jungle Mango (McL. 177). 667 Bucha- 
pania latifolia, 

Jungle Mango (McL. 469, 622). 1818 Cer- 
-bera Odollam. 

Jungle Marking Nut (Mcbl. 344). 677 

Holigarna Arnottiana. 

Jungle Mohwah (McL. 506, 928) (?). 1145 
Terminalia belerica (7). 
Jungle Moringa (McL. 518, 994). 

’  Ormocarpum sennoides. 

Jungle Nail (McL. 935), 

Jangle Nutmeg (McL. 387, 1000) 
Myristica lauritolia. 

Jungle Portia (McL. 712) (?) 448 Filicium 
decipiens (?). 

Juniper (Nic. 2/211) (S. 222) (Gbl. 697) 

1032 Acacia 


(Cag. 407) (Jaf. 20) (H/E.F). cm. 
Juuiperus (genus). 

Juniper (Canadian) (Nie. 2/213). 2828 
Juniperus prostrata. 

Juniper (Chinese) (S. 93) (Br. 204), 2821 

Juniperus chinensis. 

Juniper (Common) (Nic. 2/212) (8. 222) 
(Gol. 697) (Muell. S.P). 2518 Jun- 
perus communis, 

Juniper (Golden) (Cag. 408). 2821-b. 
Juniperus chinensis (aurea). 

Juniper (risk) (Nic. 2/212) (S. 222). 
2818-b. J uniperus communis (fastigiata), 

Juniper (Virginian) (Br. 209). 2822 Juni- 
perus virginiana, 

Juniper (Common) of Europe (Muell, 
S.bP). 2818 Juniperus communis. 

Justicewort (L/N/S/B) dceckii. Justicia 

Justicewort (Crimson Long-curvitubular- 
flowered) (Hk. 4/545, adpd). dcecexvii. 
Giaptophyilum (genus), 

Justicewort (Elliptic-leaved Spicate Scar- 
let-flowered) (Nic. 2/206, adpd). 2263 
Jacobinea coccinea. 

Justicewort (Elliptic-oblong-leaved Avxil- 
lary Yellow-tipped Scarlet-flowered) 
(Nic. 2/261, adpd). 2265 Jacobinia 

Justicewort (Large calyxed) (Treas. Bot). 
deexiii. Jacobinia (genus). 

Justicewort (Long-minutely-downy E!lip- 
tic-acate-leaved) (Hk. 4/540, adpd). 
2266 Adhatoda Vasica, 

Justicewort (Long-punctolate Elliptic. 
acute-leaved) (Hk. 4/525, adpd). 2256 
Josticia montana, 


Justicewort (Medium-downy-backed-gla))- 
rate LElliptic-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
4/533, adpd), 2261 Justicia wynaadensis. 

Justicewort (Medium-downy-backed 
Ovate-lance-leaved  falmou-fluwered) 
(Hk. 4/525. adpd). 2257-b. Justicia 
bet onica (villosa). 

Justicew rt (Medium-dcowny-glabrate 
Ovate oblong-wavy - acuminate - leaved 
Long-tubed White-flowered) (tik. 4/451, 
adpa). 22€8 Rhinacanthus communis. 

Justicewort (Medium-downy-nerved 
RLomboid-lance-acute-leaved Bracted- 
blue-fli wered) (fk. 4/544, adpd), 2269 
Ecbolinm Linnzeanum, 

Justicewort (Meainm-minutely-downy 
Obloug-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 4/540, 
adpd). 2267 Adbatoda Beddomei. 

Justicewort (Medium-punctulate Ovate- 
lance-leaved Rose-spotted-white- 
flowered) (Hk. 4/525, adpd). 2257-a. 
Justicia betonica (typica). 

Justicewort (Medium-purple-veined Lance- 
obtuse-leaved Purple-brachea) (Rox. 
1/128, adpd). 2260 Justicia Gendharussa. 

Justicewort (Minute-downy Roundish- 
obovate-leaved) (Hk. 4/530, adpd). 
2258 Justicia tranquebariensis, 

Justicewort (Ovate-acuminate-leaved 
Thyrsiform Flesh-coloured-flowered) 
(Nic. 2/206, adpd). 2262 Jacobinia carnea, 

Justicewoit (Ovate-oblong-leaved Thyrsi- 
form Scarlet-flewered) (Nic. 5/452, 

adpd). 2264 Jacobinia Pohliana. 

Justicewort (Very-small _spathulate- 
oblong-obtuse-leaved Downy-brauched) 
(Hk. 4/030, adpd). 2259 Justicia salso- 

Justicewort (Yellow Long-curvitubular- 

flowered) (Nic, 3/355, adpd). dcexviii. 
Sanchezia (genus). 

Justiceworts (L/N/S/B). LXXXIII. 
Acanthacez (Order), 

Justicia Family (L/N/S/B). LXXXIII. 

Acanthacesw (Oider). 

Justicia (Painted) (McL. 293) (Br. 172). 
2270 Gra; tophy lum hortense. 

Justicias(Scarlet) (Br. 173). 2268 Jacobi- 
nia coccinea. 

Justicia (Tranquebar), 2258 

Justicia (White flowered) (McL. 384), 
2268 Khinacanthus communis. 

Justicia (Willow leaved) (McL. 305). 
2260 Justicia Gendarussa. 


Jute (McL. 399). exxii. Corchorus 
Jute (Bastard) (McL, 82). 240 (bis.) 

Hibiscus cannabinus, : 
Jute (Shrubby) (McL. 399, adpd). 334 
Corchorus Autichorus. 
Jute leaved Taortle Net Plant (Cat. 37, 
adpd). 299 Melochia corchorifolia, 


Kaawi Yam (MclL. 53). 38069 Dioscorea 

Kaawi Yam of the South-Sea Islands 
(Muell. S.P). 3069 Dioscorea aculeata, 

Kachapee (Hk. 1/558). 460-b, Sandori- 
cum indicum (pyriformis). 

Kadalai (McL. 800, Rox. 2/405, Rh, corr). 
1288 Malastoma malabathricum. 
Kadsura of Japan (Nic. 2/214). 

Kadsura (genus). 

Kadsura of the Western Ghauts (Hk. 
1/45, adpd). 27 Kadsura Wightiana. 
Kempfer’s Volkameria (Br. 166). 2319 

Clerodendron squamatum, 
Kaffir Plum (FAR. 48, NLGS, MRA, {TVY, 


CBT) (I.F.X1/4). 687 Harpephyllum 
Kaghzinimboo (Bon). 418 Citrus medica- | 
Kaisaram (Mclu. 351). 1689 Mimusops 

Kaiserin-Augusta-Victoria Rose (Nie. 
5/646) (Ru/N/95) (Mn. 55). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hybrida-albida-intus-citrina). 

Kajo (McL. 135). 665 Anacardium occi- 


Kaladanah (Mch. 403, 998). 2020 Ipomaa 

Kaladanah (False) (McL. 408, 998). 2016 
Tpomes muricata. 

Kaladanah Resin Plant (McL. 403). 2020 

Tpomea h ederacea. 
Kalankagnzi(Bon). 410-a, Citrus medica- 
Limonum (typica). 
Kalipauk Tree (McL. 40). 

3121 Areca 

Kalpoon (FAR. 6). 183 Calophyllum 
Kamala (Bs/T/590) (Cat. 255). 2687 

Mallotus philippinensis. 

Kamala Orange of Bengal and South 
India (Bon. 45), 418-a, Citrus 
Aurantium-nobilis (chrysocarpa). 

Kambala Tree (Nic. 3/459) (Treas. Bot, 
2/1013). 1820 Sonneratia apetala. 

Kambala (Medium-leathery-subsessile 
Narrow-obovate-leaved) Tree (Hk. 
2/580, adpd). 1321 Sonneratia acida. 

Kambala (Medium-leathery Narrow- 
oblong-leaved Pendulous-branched) 
Tree (Hk. 2/579, adpd). 13820 Sonneratia 

Kambala (Red petalled) Tree (Nic. 3/459). 
1321 Sonneratia acida. 

Kamba'a (Very-small-fleshy-grey-hairy- 
glabrate oblong-leaved) Tree (Hk. 
2/572, adpd). 1308 Pemphis acidula. 

Kambala Tree of Peru (Treas. Bot. 
2/1018). cdxxxix. Sonneratia (genus). 

Kambala (Cireumciss Capsuled) Tree of 
Salt-Swamps (Hk, 2/565, adpd). 
edxxxiii, Pemphis (genus), 


Kambala (Berried) Tree of Salt-Swamps 
(Treas. Bot. 2/1013). cdxxxix, Sonnera- 
tia (genus). 

Kamela (Downy leaved False) (McL. 80, 
adpd). 1336 (‘asearia tomentosa. 

Kamela (Hsculent leaved False) (Mcl.. 80, 
adpd). 1834 Casearia esculenta. 

Kamela (False) (McL. 30, 518). 
Casearia (genus). 

Kamela (Fetid False) (Mcl. 30, adpd). 
1333 Casearia graveolens. 

Kamela (Ruddy leaved False) (McL. 80, 
adpd). 1335 Casearia rubescens, * 

Kamela (Pointed leaved False) (McL. 80, 
adpd). 1337 Casecaria wynaadensis. 

Kamela Dye (Bs/T'/590) (Gbl, 620) (McL. 
403, 473, 1000) (W. 57). 2687 Mallotua 

Kamela (False) Family (Mech. 30, 518, 
adpd). LIII. Caseariacezs (‘ rder). 
Kanchikai of Mysore (Bon. 7). 417 Citrus 



Kangaroo Apple (Nic. 3/452). 2071 
Solanum aviculare. 
Kangaroo Thorn (Muell. S.P). 10238 

Acacia armata 
Kaniyaur (McL. 405, 945). 284 Pterosper- 
mum acerifolinm. 

Kanjilal’s Mottled Ebony (McL. 304, 

adpd). 1700 Diospyros Kanjilali. 
Kaphoura of the Greeks (McL. 121). 2440 
Cinnamomum Camphora. 
Kupok Fibre Tree (McL. 284), (? 261)3259 

Bombax malabaricum (?). 

Kapok Floss (Mch. 235) (Pr. 1/271) (Cat. 
29), 261 Eriodendron anfractuosum. 
Karaka of New Zealand (Muell. 8,F). 

657 Corynocarpus levigata. 
Karamana Fine of Asia-Minor (Nic. 3/142). 

2848-d. Pinus Laricio (Karamana). 

Karanj (McL. 404, 694, 995), 899 
Pongamia glabra. 

Karapa (Malay) (McL. 238). 476 Carapa 

Karaveeram (Mcl. 302). 1844 Nerium 

Kardamomon of the Greeks (Mch. 185). 
3004 Elettaria Cardamomum. 

Karna of the West Coast (Bon. 7). 
Citrus Aurantium-Bigaradia. 

Karuophullon of the Greeks (Mcl. 482). 
1271 Eugenia caryophyllata, 


Kateerah (False) (McL. 406, 943), 267 
Sterculia urens. 

Kateerah Babool (McL. 406, 935). 1033 
Acacia leucophlea. 

Kateerah Gum ‘Tree (McL, 232). 129 
Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Kateerah (Indian) Tree (McL, 407). 129 

Cochlospermum Gossypiam. 

Kath Acacia (McL. 138), 1035 Acacia 

Kathaireenimboo (Bon. 15). 417-d. Citrus 
Aurantium-Aurantium (decumana), 


Katira Gum Tree (Pr. 
Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Kauri Dammer (McL., 258). 
this “epg 

Kauri Pine (Muell. S.P). 

Kauri Pine of New Zealand (Nic 1/439) 
(Gbl. 703) (Bdn/F T) (Cag. 407) (Cat. 
315) (Muell. S.P) (Bth, 6/244). 2881 
Agathis ausralis. 

Kauri Pine of Queensland (Muell. 8.P). 
(Bth. 6/244) (Cag. 407) (Cat. 315), 2833 
Agathis robusta. 

Kavika (MeL. 386). 

Keeled Bifid Acuminate Feather Palm (Hk. 
6/418, adpd). 3143 Bentinckia Codda- 

Keena Nut (McL. 231, 705). 
lum Wightianum. 

1/229), 129 

emvi, Aga- 

emvi. Agathis 

1228 Eugenia malac- 

183 Galophyl- 

Keg (Japan) Fig (Mch. 304). 1701 
Diospyros Kaki, 

Keifier Pear (Ooty. 71). 1114 Pyrus 

Kekui Oil Plant (McL. 438). 2633 
Aleurites moluccana. 

Kekune Oil Plant (McL. 488), 2633 

Aleurites moluccana, 

Kent’s (Bauer’s Lieut-Cclonel) Falm (Nic, 
2/218). 5141 Rhopalostylis Baueri., 

Kent’s (Belmore’s Lieut.-Colone!) Palm 
(Nic. 2/218). 3135 Howea Belmoreana, 

Kent’s (Forster’s Lieut-Colone!) Palm (Nic. 
2/218). 3136 Howea Forsteriana. 

Kent’s (MacArinur’s Lieut, Colonel) Palm 
(Nic. 2/218), 3139 Ptychosperma 

Kent’s (Viscount-Canterbury’s 
Colonel) Palm (Nic. 2/218). 
scepe Canterburyana. 

Kent’s (Wendland’s Lieut.-Colonel) Palm 
(Nic. 2/218). 3137 Hydriastele Wend- 

Keonla Orange cf Upper India (Bon. 58, 
54). 419-a. Citrus Aurantium-crena- 
tifolia (typica). 

Keora Oil Plant «MeL. 801), (Bdn/F.T). 
$244, Pandanus odoratissimaus. 

Kerateia of Dioscorides (Nic, 1/297). 
Ceratonia Siliqua. 

Keratonia of the Greeks (McL. 131). 
Ceratonia Siliqua, 

Keronia of Theophrastus (Nic, 1/297). 978 
Ceratonia Siliqua. 
Ketaky  (Mcl. 801). 
Ketinia (McL, 82), 

3188 Hedy- 


3244 Pandanus 

244 Hibiscus rosa- 

Keurboom (Rosy) of the Cape (Treas. 
Bot, 2/1219). 919 Virgilia capensis. 
Keynes (John) Rose (Mu. 58). 1107-f, 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (carnea). 
Khajoor (McL, 414), 3163 Phenix 


Kharjoorim (MoL, 413, 
Phoenix (genus), 

Kharna Orange of North India (Bon, 10, 
18). 417-c. Citrus Aurantium-Ayran- 
tium (dimorphocarpa). 

Kharnoob (McL. 181), 

Khasia (Griftith’s) Oak (Hk. 5/603) (FAR. 

1001). omxcv. 

978 Ccratonia 

27, 28, 29, NLGS, Ooty. 345). 2791 
Quercus Griffithii. 

Khasia Pine (Gbl. 708). 2847 Pinus 

Khatian (McL. 235), 261 Eriodendron 

Khatta Orange (Bon. 10, 18), 417-c. 

Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (dimor- 

Khatzum Oil Plant (McL 
Vernonia anthelmintica. 
Khirny (McL. 664). 1692 Mimusops 


Khorassan Tamarind (McL. 712) (?). 
Thespesia populnea. (? 

Kidney Bean (8. 328) (Nic. 3/94). 
Phaseolus (genus), 

Kidney (Chinese) Bean (S. 460) (Nic. 
4/213). 763 Wistaria chinensis, 

Kidney (Malacca) Bean (McL, 476) (Nic. 
3/418). 673 Semecarpus Anacardium, 
Kidney Bean Tree (S. 460). celxxxviii. 

Wistaria (genus). 

Kidney. Bean Tribe (Nic. 2/94). XLIIIA- 
viii. Leguminose  (order-Papilionez 
Suborder-Phaseodleaw Tribe). 

Kidney carpelled Evening Mallow (Hk. 
1/327, adpd), 224 Abutilon muticum. 
Kidney Cotton (Muel].S.P), [253-d. 
Sphalm] 254-b. Gossypium barbadense 


Kidney Cotton (McL, 284) (Hk. 1/347). 
254-b. Gossypium barbadense (acumin 

Kidney druped Plum (Treas. Bot. 2/943, 
Hk, 2/318, adpd). ceclxxvi. Pygeum- 

Kidney leaved Bracteate Moon-seed (MeL, 
1005) (Hk. 1/103, Rox. 3/842, adpd). 91 
Cissampelos Pareira. 

Kidney (Biglandular-medium-leathery 
(Roundish-leaved) Plum (Hk. 2/819, 
adpd). 1071 Pygeum Wightianum. 

Kidney (Medium-leathery Ovate-acumin- 
ate-leaved) Plum (Hk. 2/821, adpd). 
1072 Pygeum Gardneri. 

Kidney Podded |)og’s Matrix (McL. 1010, 
adpd). 971 Cynometra Bourdilloni. 

388). 1599 



Kidney-podded Rose-wood (Hk, 2/237, 
Treas, Bot. 2/991, adpd). cccxxiv. 
Dalbergia (genus-Selenolobium section), 

Kidney-podded (Multifoliate-(7-11) 

Obovate-oblong-obtuse-leaved) Rose- 
wood Climber (Bs/T/288, adpd). 898: 
Dalbergia spinosa. 


Kidney-podded (Multifoliate-(5-7) obovate- | 
obtuse-or-retuse-leaved) Rosewood 
Climher (Bs/T/238, adpd). 892 Dalber- 
gia monosperma. 

Kidney shape-indusiate Roand-sori-sub- 
mirg'nal-at-ends-of pinnule-venules Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). mixi. Nephrolepis 

Kidney-shape-indusiate Rouni-sori-close- 
and-subparallel to-costa Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). mlx. Oleandra (genus). 

Kilney-snap2-indusiate Rou: d-sori sub- 

medial-on-pinnule-venules F.rn (Bed/F, | 

adpd). milvili. Nephrodium (genus). 

Kicney-shaped Pendulous fringed Bourbon 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3149 Livistona 

Kiki of the Greeks (McL. 54). 2693 
Ricinus communis, 
Kikuel Oi] Plant (McL. 913). 1799 

Salvadora persica. 

Kikue] Oil Tree (McL. 255). 

Kildar (Bed. 1/228). 

Killarney Rose (Ru/N/94) (Mu. 55). 1105-j. 
Rosa odorata (carnea-roseo-suffusa). 

Killer (Bile) (McL. 319). 80 Tinospora 

Killer (Crow) 

Killer (Fish) (McL. 357). 81 Anamirta 

Killer (Horse) (MeL. 302). 

Killer (Worm) (McL. 111). 
R. bes. 

Kiloovay (Mc&. 416, 998). 
dendron Berryi. 

Kiloovay (Hill) (MeL. 416, 473, 993). 
Balsamodendron caudatum, 

Kin Ramboutan (Hk, 5/374, Treas. Bot. 
2/883). deccxxvii. Baccaurea (genus). 
Kin-Ramboutan (Medium-to-long-papery- 
downy-glabrate obovate-or-oblance- 
ce. spidate-leaved Crimson draped) (Ned. 
2/20U, adpd). 2619 Baccaurea courtall- 


Kinah (McL. 419). 

King Cocoanut (Cag. 195, 339) (Ru/N/125) 
(Mu, 51). 3228-b. Cocos nucifera (aurea). 

393 Murraya 

mxxi. Pandanus 

(McL. 857). 

1844 Nerium 
1661 Embelia 
443 Balsamo- 


edlxxxili. Cinchona 

81 Anamirta | 

King Fern (Cag. 808) (8. 226). 3387 
Osmunda regalis. 
King Maximuilian’s South American | 

Cocoanut (ic. 2/339). 
liana regia, 

32384 Maximi- 

King of Grasses (McL. 195). 3228 Cocos 

King of Grasses (McL. 69), 3304 Bambusa 

King of the mountains (McL. 828). 1015 
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius, 


King Rogue (McL. 262), 2098 Datura 


King’s Drug (MeL. 298) 3005 Alpinia 

King’s Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 38264-c. 

Dieffenbachia Seguine (Rex). 
King’s Oak (Mc. 82), 2789 (418.) Quercus 


King’s Seed (McL. 379). 2642 Croton 

King’s Tonic (McL. 67). 1591 (big.) 

Peederia foetida. 

King’s Tree (McL. 208). 

Kinka Oil Plant (McL. 
Vernonia anthelmintica. 
Kinkin (McL. 419). cdlxxxiii. Cinchona 


Kinnabari-indikon of the Greeks (McL. 
282). 3219 Demonorops Draco. 

Kinnabari indikon of the Greeks (MeL. 
282). 3099 Draceena Draco. 

Kivo (Bed. 2/21) (Gbl. 261) (Br. 58) (PA. 
492) (W. 46). 897 Pterocarpus Marsu- 

Kino (Amboyna) (McL. 418, 977) .(? 894) 
897 Pterocarpus Marsupium., 

Kino (Bastard) (Cat. 91). 828 Butea 

Kino (Bengal) (McL. 84, 418, 473, 434, 
645). 828 Butea froudosa. 

Kiro (Burmese) (McL: 642). [894 Sphalm 
895 Pterocarpus Macrocarpus, 
Kino (Hast Indian) (Bs/1/240). 

Pterocarpus maisupium, 

Kino (Glaucous-bscsed-leaved Spinons) 
!ree (Hk. 5/268, adpd), 2546 d. 
Bridelia retusa (glauca). 

Kino (indian) (McL. 977) (Cat. 97). 
897 Pterccearpus Cairsupium. 

Kino (Long-spiked Spinous) Tree (Hk. 
5/268, adpd). 2546-a, Bridelia retusa 

Kino (Malabar) (McL, 418, 461, 478, 977) 
(Bdn/f.!). 697 Pterocarpus Mar- 

Kino (Kangoon) (McL. 418, 642,749). 895 
Pterocarpus Macrocarpus, 

Kino Rose-wood (Bed, 2/21, Gbl. 261, Br. 
58, McL. 418, 642, 749, 977, Treas. Bot, 
46, 47, 2/991, adpd). ccexsv. Ptero- 
carpus (genus), 

Kino (Multifoliate-(7-9) Elliptic-cuspid- 
ate-leaved) Rosewood (Bs/i/239, adpc). 
894 Pterocarpus indicus. 

Kino (Multitoliate (11-15) Ovate-lance- 
acuminate 1 aved) Rose-wood (Bs/T/ 
239, Pr. 1/412, adpd). 898 Pterocarpas 

Kino (Multifoliate-(7-%)-silky-backed 
Ovate oblong-mucronate leayed) Rose- 
wood (Bs/T/239, adpa). 895 Ptero- 
carpus macrocarpus, 

946 Cassia 

388). 1599 



Kino (Quinquefoliate-(5-7)-glabrate ellip- | 

tic-obtuse-or-retuse leaved) Rosewood 
(''s8/T/2'0, adpd). 897-a. Pterocarpus 
Mars: pium (typicus) 

Kino (Quinguefoliate- (5-7)-gla brate Ovate 
acute-or-acuminite Jeaved) Ko-ewood 
(Pr. 1/412, adpd). 897-b. Pterocar, us 
Marsupium (*cuminstue). 

Kino (Trifoliate-(3-5)-silky-back- 
ed Roundish Elliptic-obtuse-o1 -retuse 
leaved) Kosewood (Bs/T/240 adpd). 
86 Ptercearpns sant: linus. 

Kino (Newmy) (McL, 416). 795 Ougenia 

Kino (Palaus) (Br. 51). 

Kino (Puias) (Cat. 91) (Pfl. 409). 828 
Butea frondosa. 

Kino (Punjaub) (McL. 416, adpd). 
Ougenia daibergicides. 

Kino (Sh-rt-spiked Spinons) Tree (Hk. 
5/268, adpd). 2546-b. Bridelia retusa 

Kino (Spinous) Tree (McL. 478, 977, 1000, 
adpa). 2546 Bridelia retusa. 

Kino (Woolly-backed-leaved Spinous) 
Tree (Hk. 5/268, adpd). 2546-c. 
Bridelia retusa (Roxburghianga). 

Kirk’s Accra Rubber (FAR. 43, SAC, 
SLM, 48 to 45, MBR). 1803 Landolphia 

Kirk’s East 
Rainbow Shrub (Nic. 
(bis.) Thunbergia Kirkii. 

828 Butea 


4/32). 2168 

INDEX. 621 

Kaife mending Plant (McL. 257). 
Euphorbia trigona. 

Knotted Bhraungy (McL. $5, 884, 939). 

2318 Clerodendron serratum 
Knotweed (3. 340). 


deelxy. Polygonum 

Knot-weed ( Medinm-hispid-winged- 
pe*ioled Ovate-oblong-acnt+ leaved) 

(Hk, 5/45 adpd). 
chinense (hispida). 

2283-e. Pulygouum 

Knot-weed (Medium-winged-petiol-d Ob- 

African Violet-flowered | 


Kirk’s Resin seed (Coty. 334, adpd), 155 | 
Pittosporum Kirkii. 
Kite (Braminy) Caper (McL. 240). 638 | 

Clitoria Ternuatea. 

Kite (Braminy) Creeper (MvL. 374). 
2391 Aristolochia indica. 

Kite (Brahminy) Paulay (MchL. 234, 664), 
1870 Cr: ptostegia grandifl-ra. 

Kite’s Claw (McL. 66). 572 Scutia 
Kittal (MeL. 418, 777). 3152 Caryota 


Kitul Fibre Palm (Bdn/F.T) (Gbl. 729). | 

3152 Caryota urens. 

Kizhanelly (Many flowered) (McL. 701). 

2557 Phyllanthas reticulatus. 
Kizhanelly (Wild) (McL. 587). 2592 
Flieggea leucopyrus. 
Klein’s Dwarf S-nna (McL. 155, adpd). 
965 Cassia Kleinii. 

Kling Saffron (Mcl. 777). 130 Bixa 

Klotzsch’s Croton (McL. 306, adpd), 
2641 Croton Klotzschianus. 

Knee (‘joat's) (McL. 665), 1993 Argyreia 

Knee (Pigeon’s) (McL. 611). 623 
Cardiospermum Halicacabum, 

Knee Holly (8.378) (Nic. 3/338), cmlxii. 

Ruscus (genus). ; 

long-lance-8ubacuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
5/45, adpd). 2388-d. Polygonum chi- 
nese (corymbosa). 

Knot-weed (Medium - winged - petioled 
Oblong-lance-subhastate-leaved) (Hk. 
5/45, edpd), 23888-c. Polygonum 

. Chinense (subbastata), ~ 

Knot weed (Medium - winged - petioled 
Ovate-oblong-acute-leaved) (Hk. 5/45, 

adpd). 2888-b. Polygonum chinense 
Knot-weed (Medium-winged-petioled 

Subdeltoid-leaved) (tk. 5/45, adpd). 
2388-a. Polygonum chinense (ty:ica). 
Koinah (Mel. 419, 996).  cdlxxxiii. 

Cinchona (genus). 

Kokam Butter (Gbl. 54). 171 Garcinia 

Kokkoénes of the Greeks (MchL. 30} 
{seeds}. 1322 Pnnica granatum. 

Kokni Orange of Sahara_pur and Delbi 
(Bon. 54). 419-c. Citrus Aurantium- 
crenatifolia (Kokui). 

Kokoon Oil Plant of the Singhalese 
(Treas. Bot). 530 Kokoona zeylanica. 
Kokra Laurel (lreas. Bot. 2/1029). 

decexxiv. Aporosa (genus). 

Kokra (Medium-leathery oblong-eiliptic- 
wavy-cispidate-leaved) Laurel (Bdn/F 
T,adpd). 2611 Aporosa Bourdi loni. 

Kokra (Medium-leathery Rountish- 
obovate-retuse - to - cuspidate - leaved) 
Laurel (Hk. 5/351, adpd). 2610 (bis ) 
Aporosa fusiformis. 

Kokra (Medium-papery oblong-lance- 
acuminate-leaved) Laurel (Hk. 4/348, 
adpd). 2608 Aporosa Roxburghii. 

Kokra (Medium-papery Ovate-oblong- 
acute-leaved) Laurel (Hk. 5/349, adpd). 
2610 Aporosa Lind'eyana, 

Kokra (3 nall-membranous E}liptic-lance- 
caudate-ieaved) Lanrel (Hx. 5/349, 
adpa). 2609 Aporosa acnminata. 

Kola Nut Tree (Nic. 5/254) (Cat. 89). 
276 Cola acuminata. 

Kolah (Ol. 1/221). 276 Cola acuminata. 

Komwi of the Greeks (McL. 63). 1029 
Acacia arabica. . 

Kongu (Black) (IF. XXIX/10, XXX/1). 
Ixxxv. Balanocarpus (genus). 

Kongu (White) (I.F. XXIX/10, XXX/1). 
lxxxiii. Hopea (genus). 


Koochlah (Climbing) (McL. 842). 1957 
Strychnos colubrina. 

Korchoros of the Greeks (McL. 399). 
exxii. Corchorus (genus), 

Kordofan Senna (Mch. 805). 955 Cassia 

Korkapuli (MAHS). 1052 Pithecolobium 

Krishnachooran (McL. 316). 980 Ovsal- 
pinia pulcherrima. 

Krishna’s Arrow (McL. 690). 
Strychnos nux-vomica. 

Kroton of the Greeks (McL. 54), 2693 
Ricinus communis. 

Kruger (Francesca) Rose (Nic. 6/646) 
(Ru/N/92, G/20). 1105-i. Rosa odorata 

Kudam Tree (Br. 97). 
cephalus Cadamba. 

Kudonion of the Greeks (McL. 79). 111 
Cydonia vulgaris. 

Kumaon Lemon (Bon). 410-d, Citrus 
medica-Limonum (decumana), 

Kumguat (Indian) (Bon. 45, 46, 51). 
421-b. Citrus japonica (Hazara). 

Kumquat (Larger Indian) (Bon, 45, 46, 


1488 Antho- 

5L). 421-c. Citrus japonica (lakka- 

Kumquat of Japan (Muell. 8. P) (Bon. 58) 
(Cag. 281). 42l-a, Citrus japonica 

Kumrnuc (Rid. 106). 3865 Averrhoa 

Knmrunga (Cag, 284). 365 Averrhoa 

Kunro Bark Tree (McL. 470). 1130 
Rhizophora mucronata. 

Kuntela Plantain (Cat. 207). 38041-b. 

Muga paradisiaca (troglodytarum.) 
Kuparittos-euddes of the Greeks (McL. 
787). 2809 Cupressus sempervirens. 
Kupros of the Greeks (McL. 503), 1314 

Lawsonia alba. 

Kurmul (Rid. 106). 365 Averrhoa 

Kurrung (Nic. 3/198). 899 Pongamia 

Kuster (Caroline) Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 

602) (Hod). 1108-e. Rosa Noisettiana 

Kutchkela Plantain (Cag. 207). 3041 
Musa paradisiaca. 

Kuthbala (Ru/N/73). 424 Feronia 

Kyaboca Wood (McL. 510).  evii. Ptero- 
spermum (geaus). 

Lubiate Family (Br. 157). Ixxxvi. 

Labiatz (Order). 

Labillardiére’s Water-spring Joy (Nic. 
1/317, Treas. Bot. 1/277). cccxxxv. 
Chorizema (genus). 


Lablotais (Albert) Rose (Mu. 652). 
1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Labrador Tea (Nic. 2/245, 246) (S. 227, 
235). 1650 Ledum latifolium. 
Laburnum (Gbl. 228). 
Laburnum (Common) (Nic, 2/224). 744 
Laburnum auagyroides. 
Laburnum (Golden Natal) (Nic. 5/187, 
adpd). 917 Calpurnia aurea. 
Laburnum (Indian) (Bs/T/253) (Gbl. 271) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Pf. 70) (McL. 208) (Pr. 
1/487) (Cat. 108). 946 Cassia Fistula. 
Laburnum (Lilac Silky) (McL. 845). 768 
Mundulea suberosa. 
Laburnum (Natal) (Nic. 5/187). ccexxx. 
Calpurnia (genus). 
Laburnum (New Zealand) 
ccexxix. Sophora (genus). 
Laburnum (Red Indian) (MeL. 208, 847, 
995, adpd). 947 Cassia marginata. 
Laburnum Bird’s-foot Trefoil (‘Treas. Bot. 
1/543, Nic. 2/81). 703 Goodia latifolia, 
Laburnum leaved Crotalaria (McL. 309) 
(Br. 48). 737 Crotalaria laburnifolia. 
Laburnum leaved Rattlewort (MeL. 309, 
adpd). 737 Crotalaria laburnifolia. 
Lac (Red) Sumach (McL. 859, 999) (Nic. 
3/300). 662 Rhus succedanea. 
Lac Tree (McL. 799) (Pfi. 362). 200 
Shorea Talura. 

744 Laburnum 

(S. 408). 

Lac Tree (McL. 645). 828 Butea 
Lac Tree (McL. 155, 428). 682 

Schleichera trijuza. 
Lac (Croton) Tree (McL. 306, 428, 1000). 
2638 Croton aromaticus. 

Lac (Gum) Tree (McL. 645). 828 Butea 
Lac (Gum) Tree (Mc. 155). 632 

Schleichera trijuga. 

Lac (Taloora) Tree (McL. 428). 200 
Shorea Talura. 

Lace Bark Pine (Nic. 3/141) (S. 227, 381). 
2840 Pinus Bungeana. 

Lace (Pritchard’s Grand) fringed Palm 
(Cag. 341, 343). 3180 Licuala grandis. 

Lacerated (Spiny stemmed) Fish-tail 
Palm (Nic. 3/502, adpd). 3147 
Stevensonia grandifolia. 

Laces (Lady’s) (Nic. 5/88).  mxxxvii. 

Arundo (genus). 

Laciniate (Pendulous) petalled Shoe 
Flower (Nic. 1/148, adpd). 247 
Hibiscus schizopetalus. 

Laciniate-stipuled elliptic Seven-(5-9)- 
leaved Rose (Hk. 2/864) (Nic. 3/322). 
1094 Rosa involucrata, 

Laciniate stipuled obovate Seven (5-9)- 
leaved Rose (Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/321). 
1095 Rosa bracteata. 

Lacquer (Japan) Tree (Nic. 3/801). 659 
Rhus vernicifera. 


Ladanam Resin shrub (Muell. 8.P). 125 
Cistus polymorphus. 

Lad’s Love (8.35). dxxviii. Artemisia 

Lad’s Love (S. 35, 238). 


1620 Artemisia 

Ladder (Pinnate-(2-3ft) Sterilelance- 
(4”-8”)-crenate-acuminate Fertile- 
narrower-pinnatifid-pinnated) Fern 

(Bed/F, adpd). 
Ladder Fern (Nic. 5/551) (S. 228, 289). 

mlxi. Nephrolepis (genus). 

Ladder (Fork-tipped Pinnatifid-folioled) 
Fern (Nic. 2/445, adpd). 3369-b. 
Nephrolepis davallioides (furcans). 

Ladder (Pinnate-(2-4 ft.) Oblong-lance- 
(4’'-8”)-subentire-acute-pinnated) Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3872 Nephrolepis 

Ladder (Pinnate-(1}-2 ft,)-shaggy-scaly- 
glabrate-stiped oblong-(1’’-3”’)-suben- 
tire-acute-pinnat) Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3371 Nephrolepis exaltata. 

Ladder (Pinnate-(1-3 ft.) Sterile-oblong- 
(4"-1”)-sabentire-obtuse Fertile-longer- 
crenate pinnated) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3370 Nephrolepis cordifolia. 

Ladder (Pinnatifid-folioled) Fern (Nic. 
2/445, _adpd). 3369-a. Nephrolepis 
davallidides (typica). 

Lady (White) (McL. 516) (Cat. 159) 
1487 Mnsszenda frondosa. 

Lady Banks’ Rose (Nic. 
Rosa Banksiz. 

Lady Dalhousie’s Fig (McL. 72, adpd). 
2725 Ficus Dalhousie. 

Lady Dorothy Nevill’s Croton (Nic. 
1/355). 2646-Mj. Codizum variegatum 

Lady Fern (Nic. 1/130) (S. 40, 228). 
3348 Asplenium filix-foemina. 

Lady-Mary FitzWilliam Rose (Nic. 3/325) 

3369 Nephrolepis 

3/319). 1089 

(Mu. 55). 1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida- 


Lady Montgomery Rose (Run/0/20). 

1107-1. Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens 
Lady Nut (McL. 281, 891). 1003 Entada 

Lady Rob rts’ Rose (Ru/N/95) 1105-m. 
Rosa odorata (armeniaca-aurantioflaves- 

Lady's Har-drops (8S. 172). 

Lady’s Laces (Nic. 5/88). 

Arundo (genus). 

La-France-like (Doubls) Hybrid Tea Rose 
(Nic. 5/646). 1105-q. Rosa odorata 
(hybrida rosea-intus-argentea). 

La France Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/20) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

cdxli. Fuchsia 



Lagerstreemia (Indian) (Br. 78). 
Lagerstroemia indica. 

Lagerstremia (Oblong leaved) (McL. 5) 
(Br. 74). 1819 Lagerstrcoemia flos- 

Lagos (Malayan) Rubber (FAR. 42 to 48, 
MBR. 42. NLGS) (Kew Bull, £5). 1882 
Kickxia africana. 

Lahore Gulgul (Bon. 15), 417-d. Citrus 
Aurantium Aurantinm (decnmana), 

Lahore Seed (McL, 849). 364 Peganum 

Laing (Mrs. John) Rose (Vic. 5/646) (Ru/ 
N/96). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (rosea-sericenitens). 

Lakoocha (McL. 376). 2766 Artocarpus 

Laldanah (McL. 432, 998). 2041 Ipomexa 

Lalo (Br. 20) (Cat. 28). 

Lalong Grass (Muell. S.P) (McL. 481, 
1002). 3280 Imperata arundinacea. 

Lamarque Rose (Nic. 3/825) (Cag. 603) 
(Ooty. 427) (Br. 69) (Ru/N/90, 0/21) 
(Mu. 56) (Hod) (Po) 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-lactea-intus- 

Lamb (Charles) Rose (Mu. 53). 1107-i, 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea). 

Lamp Oil Plant (McL. 54). 2693 Ricinus 

Lagersircemia (White Indian) (Br. 78). 
1315-b. Lagerstroemia indica (albiflora), 

.Lance-acuminate (Small-membranous- 
woolly-backed) leaved  Bell-flowered 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/68, adpd). 49 Popowia 

Lance-acuminate-leaved (Small) Chay-root 
shrub of Salt-swamps (Hk 3/51, adpd). 
1471 Hedyotis pruinosa. 

Lance-acuminate (Medium-leathery-pub- 
erulous-backed) leaved Cherry Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/66, adpd). 48 Polyalthia 

Lance-acuminate (Medinm-membranous- 
downy-backed) leaved Cherry Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/64, adpd). 44 Polyalthia cera- 

ery-shining) Child’s 
(Hk. 5/389, adpd). 

Lance-acurinate-leaved (Penninerved- 
alternate Medium-papery) Cinnamon 
(Hk. 5/121, adpd), 2429 Apollonias 

Lance-acuminate-leaved (Paripinnate-(6)- 
flat-rachised-small_ Spurless_ stipuled) 
Flowering Asoka (Bdn/F.T, adpd). 986 
(bés.) Humboldtia Bourdilloni. 


257 Adansonia 

Amulet Tree 
2602 Hemicyclia 


(10-12)-winged-rachised-long Spurred- 
stipnled) Flowering Asoka (Bin/F.T, 
adpd). 987 Humboldtia decurrens, 

Lance-acuminate (Medinm-rusty-downy- 
midribbed) leaved H-lf-boat-flowered 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/72, adpd). 50 Phzanthus 

Lance-acu winate-leaved(Medium-leathery- 
strizose-gabrate) Offi] shrub (Hk.3/191, 
adpd). 1586 Lasianthus capitulatus. 

Lance-acuminate-leaved (Small-papery) 
Scammony SwaJlowwort (Hk. 4/141, 
adpd). 1877-b. Toxocarpus Kleinii 

Lance-acuminate-leaved (Parallel-sub- 
transverse-nerved Medium-to-long) 
Eucalypt (Bth. 3/245, adpd). 1172 
Evcalyptus saligna 

Lance-acuminate-leaved (Small-leathery) 
Sqvare-branched Chay-root shrub (ik. 
8/49, adpd). 1467 Hedyotis fruticosa. 

Lance-acuminate (Unifoliate Medium- 
thinly-silky-membranous)leaved S ,uare- 
branched Rattlewort (Hk. 2/78, adpd). 
720 Crotalaria leptostachya. 


(Paripinnate- | 

Lance-acuminate leaved ( Medium-to-long- | 



Emetic Nut (Hk. 3/112, adpd). 
Randia Gardneri. 

Lance-acuminate-leaved ( Multifoliate- 
(5-11)-opposite-medium Downy-or-pale- 
backed) White Cedar (Hk. 1/565, adpd). 
472 Heynea trijuga. 

Lance-acuminate-lobed-leaved (Medium- 
palmatilobed- (3-5)-glandular) Capsular 
Passion Flower (Hk. 2/603, adpd). 13867 
Modecca palmata. 

Lance-acuminate-or-obtuse - (Multifoliate- 
(13-21)-small - leathery - silky - backed) 
leaved Grape-flower shrub (Ik. 2/110, 
adod). 763 Mundulea suberosa. 

Lance-acuminate-shining (Small) leaved 
Bitter Wood (Nic. 4/225, Hk. 1/84, adpd). 
61 Xylopia parvifolia. 

Lance-acuminate-waved (Long-membra- 
nons-shiaing) leaved Cherry Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/62, adpd). 40 Pelyalthia longi- 

Lance-acute (Medium-10-nerved) leaved 
Acorn Dammer (Bed. 1/i37,adpd). 208 
Balanocarpus utilis. 

Lance-acute (Medium-to-long-i0-scurfy- 
nerved) leaved Dipterocarp Dammer 
(Hk. 1/302, adpd). 199 Vatica Rox- 

Lance-acute (Medinm-chartaceous) leaved 
Half-hooded-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/76, 
adpd). 54 Goniothalamus Wightii. 

Lance-acute-leaved (Small-leathery) Privet 
(Hk. 3/616, adpd). 1794-b. Ligustrum 
Decaisnei (Microphylla). 


Lance-acute-leaved (Small-downy-backed) 
Button Tree (Hk. 2/451, adpd). 1155 
Anogeissus acuminata. 

Lance-acute-leaved (Small-tawny- 
velvetty-backed) Crape Myrtle (Hk. 
2/576, adpd). 1318 Lagerstroemia 
Rottleri, : 

Lance-acute-serrate-glabrate-leaved Rosy- 
flowered Meadow-sweet (Nic. 3/476, 
adpd). 1076 Spirzea j1ponica. 

Lancr-acute leaved Medinm-leathery) 
Wind-terry (Hk. 3/512. adpd). 1660-a. 
Myrsine capicellata (lanceolata). _ 

Lance-and-falcate-acuminate-leaved (Pa- 
rallel - oblique - coarse - regular - nerved 
Long-and medium) Ashy-white-smooth- 
deciduous in-thin-layers-barked Huca- 
lypt (Bth. 3/241, adpd), 1188 Eucalyp- 
tus tereticornis, 

Lance - and - falcate - acuminate - leaved 
(Parallel-oblique - fina - regular - nerved 
Medium) Grey-white-smooth deciduous- 
in-layers-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/295, 

adpd). 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 
Lance-and-faleate-acuminate-leaved ( Pa- 
rallel-oblique-fine-regular-nerved Me- 

dium) Rough-persistent-(except- 
small-branches)-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/239, adpd). 1186 Eucalyptus vimin- 
alis. " 

Lance-and-falcate-acuminate-leaved (Pa- 
rallel-subtransverse-nerved Long) 
smooth-rough-fibrous-or-wrinkled - not- 
(according to age)-barked Eucalypt 
Bth. 3/226, adpd). 1180 Eucalyptas 

Lance-bristle-serrate-folioled (Tripinnate) 
Panax (Hk, 2/725, adpd). 1400 Panax 

Lance-bris’le-serrate-folioled (Tripinnate 
White-variegated) Panax (Nic. 5/479, 
adpd). 1400-i. Panax fruticosum 

Lance-bristle-serrate-folioled (Tripinnate 
Yellow-variegated) Panax (Nic. 5/579, 
adpd). 1400-j. Panax fruticosum 

Lance-caudate-leaved (Small-leathery- 
triple-nerved) Berried Box (Hk. 5/267, 
adpd). 2544 Sarcococea pruniformis. 

Lance-crenate-acute-leaved (Small) 
Whortleberry (Hk. 3/444, adpd). 1638 
Vaccinium nilgherrense. 

Lance - crenulate - wrinkled - cuspidate- 
leaved (Long-hairy-backed) Orange- 
flowered Horn-cardinal shrub (Nic. 
3/438, adpd), 1636 Siphocampylus 

Lance-cuspidate-leaved (Medium-rvsty- 
sikly-glabrate) Gutta-percha (Hk. 3/509, 
adpd). 1682-a. Isonandra lanceolata 



Lance-cuspidate-leaved (Small-ciliate) 
shrubby Honeysuckle (Hk, 3/12, adpd). 
1436 Lonicera ligustrina. 

Lance-deeply-pinnatifid-leaved (Impari- 
pinnate-(11-21)-silky-backed) Silk Oak 
(Bth. 5/459, adpd). 2480 Grevillea 

Lance-dentate-acute-leaved (Small- 
shaggy-backed-midribbed) Sweet-leaf 
(Bs/T/437, adpd). 1731 Symplocos 

Lance-dimidiate-(20-50)-folioled (Bipin- 

nate- (8-24) - downy - glabrate - minute- 
basal (!)-sunra (1)-glandular) Sirissa 
(Hk. 2/300, adpd), 1048 Albizzia Juli- 

Lance-dimidate-(49-80)-folioled (Bipin- 
nate-(12-40)-downy - glaucous-backed- 
minute Leafy-stipuled-multi-glandular) 
Sirissa (Hk. 2/300, adpd). 1049 Albiz- 
zia stipulata, 

Lance-falcate-acuminate-leaved (Parallel- 
oblique-fine-indistinct-nerved Medium- 
thiek) Dark-rouyh-rather-furrowed- 
persistent-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/208, 
adpd). 1202 Eucalyptus pilularis. 

Lance-fal-ate-acuminate-leaved (Irregular 
(ofcen-indistinct)-nerved Medium- 

smooth-thick) Dark-iron-grey-smooth- | 

or-rouzh-persistent-barked EKucalypt 
(Bth. 3/21), adpd). 1200 Eucalyptus 

Lance-lieart-acuminate-leaved § (Triple- 
nerved-op gosite-and-(3)-whorled) Medi- 
um-membranous-sessile-ciliate Harm- 
less Nettle (Hk. 5/587, adpd). 2775 
Pouzolozia integrifolia. 

Lance - (4’-6”) - incisoserrate-acuminate- 
pinnated (Pinnate (2-3ft.)-suo-glabrous) 


; Lance (Pendulous flowered) leaved Glory 

Tree (8.101, adpd), 2817 Ulerodendron 

Lance-leaved ( Biglandular-medium-wavy) 
Guinea Plum (Hk. 2/311, adpd). 101 
Parinarium travancoricum. 

Lance-leaved (Triple-nerved-opposite-and- 
(3)-whorled Small-scabrid) Harmless 
Nettle (Hk. 5/584, adpd). 2774 Pouzol- 
zia Wightii (Walli china), 

Lance (felted) leaved Indian Linden (Hk, 
1/391, adpd). 325 Grewia hirsuta. 

| Lance (Rough) leaved Indian Linden (Hk, 

Backler Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3363 
Nephrodium cuspidatum. 
Lance leaved Balah (McL. 67, 992). 215 

Sida acuta. ; 

Lance (laper-pointed) leaved Caper shrub 
(Hk. 1/178, adpd). 121 Capparis 

Lance-leaved (Lony) Climbing Biseriate- 
seeded Nutmeg (Hk. 1/50, adpd). 29 
Uvaria Hookeri. 

Lance (Racemed) leaved Digitate Ivy 
(Hk. 2/729, adpd). 1412 Heptapleurum 


Lance (Umbelled) leaved Digitate Ivy (Hk. 
2/729, adpd). 1411 Heptapleurum 

Lance leaved Discous Featherfoil (Mch. 
587, adpd). 2552 Cleistanthus patulus. 

Lance leaved Fig (Mcl. 73, adpd). 2731 
Ficus travancorica. 

Lance (Long fiowered) !eaved Glory Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 2322 .Clerodendron 


1/389, adpd). 323 Grewia bracteata. 

Lance (Smooth) leaved Indian Linden (Hk. 
1/389, adpd). 321 Grewia levigata. 

Lance leaved Ivory Wood (Hk. 4/143, 
adpd). 1982 Khretia Wightiana. 

Lance-leaved (Medium hispid-backed) 
Milky-juiced Climbing Holly (Bs/'T/153, 
adpd). 502 Pyrenacantha volubilis. 

Lance (Shining) leaved Moon-seed (McL. 
1005, Hk, 1/100, adpd). 84 Limacia 

Lance (Bifarious) leaved Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/171, adpd). 215 Sida acuta. 

Lance leaved Oleander (Nic. 2/447). 1845 
Nerium OJeander. 

Lance (Large) leaved Olive Linden (Mel. 
763, adpd). 3837 Elzocarpus lancexs- 

Lance (Small) leaved Olive Linden (McL. 
763. adpd). 339 Eleocarpus amcenas. 
Lance leaved Pellet shrub (McL. 670, 
adpd). 1544-a. Pavetta  hispidula 


Lance (Downy) leaved Pellet shrub (McL. 
670, adpd)j. 1544-b. Pavetta hispidula 

Lance (Pointed) leaved rachis-glandular 
Senna (Nic. 1/276, adpd), 962 Cassia 

Lance (lTricuspidate-dentate or entire) 
leaved Rainbow shrub (Nic. 4/32), 
2168 (bis.) Thunbergia Kirkii. 

Lance-leaved (Long-glossy) Red-and- 
yellow-striped-spurred-lipped Greenish- 
white-flowered Galangal (Hk. 6/256, 
adpd). 3007 Alpinia calcarata. 

Lance (Long) leaved St. John’s-wort (Hk. 
1/253, adpd). 166 Hypericum mysor- 

Lance (Rusty-villous) leaved Spear Flower 
(Hk. 3/525, adpd). 1670 Ardisia villosa 

Lance (Stalked) leaved Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/521, adpd), 1286 Osbeckia 

Lance (Subsessile) leaved Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/52], adpd). 1286 Osveckia 

Lance leaved Tree Bilberry (B3/T/335, 
adpd). 1300 Memecylon deccanense. 


Lance (Shining) leaved Tree Moon-seed 
(McL: 1005, Hk. 1/101, Rox. 3/815, adpd). 
86 Coceulus Javrifolia. 

Lance leaved Uniglandular Senna (McL. 
804, adpd). 950 Cassia Sophora. 

Lance (Narrow) leaved Wax Fiower (Hk. 
4/56, adpd). 1922 Hoya paucifiora. 

Lance (Entire) leaved White Dead-nettle 
shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2861 Leucas 

Lance (Larger) leaved Winter Flax (Hk. 
1/412 adpd). 346-b. Reinwardvia 

trigyna (tetragyna). 

nerved Medium-sub-glaucous) Whitish- 
Eucalypt (Bth. 3/214, adpd). 1185 
Eucalyptus bicolor. 

Lance-linear-lesved (Unifoliate-glabrous- 
reyolute-margined) Orange-red Bell Pea 
(Nic. 1/318, adpd). 922 Chorizema 

Lance-oblong acute leaved Litchi«frnited 

Gamboge (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 173-a. 
Garcinia echinocarpa (acutifolia). 
Lance-oblong-cuspidate-leaved (Medium- 

membranous) Yellow Trumpet Fikwort 
(Nic. 5/164, adpd). 2109 Brunfelsia 

Lance-oblong (Medium-12-nerved) leaved 
Dipterorarp Dammer (Hk, 1/308, adpd). 
202 (bis.) Hopea odorata. 

Lance-oblong-or - roundish-serrate-acuMin- 
ate-leaved (Triple-nerved-alternate 
Medium - to - long-mewbranons - woolly- 
backea) Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/540, 
adpd). 2777 Villebrunia frutescens. 

Lance-to-obovate-acuminate - or - cuspidate 
leaved (Medium-membranous) Jungle 
Geranium (Hk. 8/148, adpd). 1542 Ixura 

Lance-obtuse (Medium-8-nerved) leaved 
Dipterocarp Dammer (Hk. 1/309, adpd). 
205 Hopea glabia. 

Lauce-obtuse-leaved i(Small-sub-nervose) 
Needle-wood (Bth. 5/514, adpd). 
Hakea saligna. 

Lance-obtuse-leaved (Medium-purple- 

veined) Purple branched Justicewort 
(Rox. 1/128, adpd). 2260 Justicia 

2484 | 

Lance-obtuse-leaved (Medium-downy-nery- 
ed backed Ternately-whorled) Ronde- | 

letiawort (Hk. 
Wendlandia Lawii. 

Lance-r-falcate-acuminate-leaved (Irregu- 
Jar-(often-indistinct)-nerved Mediuza- 
thick) White-soft-on-branc hes-dark-iron- 
grey-rough-sponzy-bar ked Bucaly pt 
(3th. 3/209, adpd). 1195 Eucalyptus 

3/40, adpd), 1464 


Lance-or-oblance-;wavy- acuminate-leaved 
(Long ‘lwelve-(12-prs)-nerved) Crim- 

son-flowered  French-chiretta (Hk. 
4/515, adpd). 2254  Diotacanthus 

Lance-ovate-crenate-acnte-leaved (Small) 
Trigonous-branched Winter-green (Hk. 
3/457,adpd). 1642 Gaultheria fragran- 

Lance-ovate-obtuse (Repandly-crennlate- 
hirsute) leaved Spear flower (Nic. 1/109, 
adpd). 1€68 (bis.) Ardisia crenulata. 

Lance-to-oblong-ovate-acuminate - leaved 
(Opposite-medium-leathery) | _Honey- 
suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/220, adpd). 
2513-a, Lorantbus loniceroides (typica). 

leaved (Subopposite-small-leathery- 
rusty-mealy-downy-glabrate) Honey- 
suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/207, adpd). 
2498 Loranthus Hookerianus. 

Lance-(5”—} 0” )-pungent-serrate-acumin- 
ate-(fertile-much - contracted - pinnat- 
ed) Pinnate (1-4 ft) Climbing Ele- 
phant’s-ear Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 38378 
Acrostichum palustre, 

Lance-serrate-leaved Simple-racemed 
Cobbe (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 628-e. Alle- 
phylus Cobbe (A poretica). 

(Bipmnate-(6-15%t.)) | Ash-leaf-Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3386 Marattia fraxinea. 

Lance-serrate-acute-leaved ~ (Mediuiu-to- 
Jong - membranous) Gland - downy- 
branched Ironweed (Hk. 3/236, adpd). 
1599 Vernonia anthelmintica. 

Lance-serrate-acute-leaved (Long-rusty- 
shaggy-nerved-backed) Spear Flower 
(Hk. 3/532, adpd). 1674 Antistrophe 

Lance-serrulate-acute-leaved (Medium- 
leathery) Sweet-leaf (Hk.3/573, adpd). 
1725 S) mplocos spicata (laurina). 

Lance-serrate-acute-leaved (S:nall-to- 
medium-woolly-scabrescent) lron-weed 
(Hk, 38/234, adpd). 1596 Vernonia 

Lance-serrate-folicled (Tripinnate) Panax 
(Nic. 6/579, adpd). 1400-g. Panax 

fruticosum (serratifolinm). 
Lance-serrulate-acuminate-leaved (Digi- 
tate-(5))+ Aralia (Nic. 1/105, adpd). 
1398 Schefflera digitata. 
Lance-serrulate-acurinate-leaved (Long- 
glabrous-sessile Ten-(10-prs) nerved) 
Conehead (lik. 4/474, adpd). 2216 
Strobilanthes gracilis. 
Lance-shaped Anstrslian 
(Nic. 5/185). 
Lance-shaped-branched Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2572 Phyllanthus 

1209 Callistemon lanceo- 


Lance-sparsely- toothed - auricled - based- 
long-acumirate-leaved (Lony-to-very- | 
long-glabrous-sessile Nine-(6-12-prs)- | 
nerved) Conehead (Hk. 4/458, adpd). 
2211 Strobilanthes perfoliatus. 

Lance-spurred-stipuled (Paripinnate- 
(8-10)-medium) oblong-cuspidate- 
leaved Flowering Asoka (Hk. 2/274, 
adpd). 983 Humboldtia laurifolia. 

Lance-stipuled Larger Chinese Laurel 
(McL. 472,594, adpd). 2617 Antidesma 

Lance-subacute-leaved (Small-leathery- 
sessile Recurved-margined) Cbay-root 
shrub (Hk. 3/51, adpd). 1470 Hedyo- 
tis articularis, 

Lance-subacute-leaved (Medium-to-long) 
Pendnulous-branched Jungle Geranium 
(Hk. 3/138, adpd). 1531 Ixora lanceo- 

Lance-subacute-leaved (Small-subglau- 
cous-hacked) Scammony Swallow. 
wort (Hk.4/13,adpd). 1875 Secamone 

Lance-subcrenate-acute-leaved (Medium- 
tawny-shagzy) Copper-leaf (Hk. 5/413, 
adpd). 266U Claoxylon hirsutum, 

Lance - subentire - acuminate - leaved 
(Medium-lineolate Six-(6-prs)-nerved) 
Conehead (Hk. 4/440, adpd). 2195 
Strobilanthes adenophorns. 

Lance-subentire-caudate-leaved (Medium- 
downy-backed Eleven-(10-12-prs)-nerv- 
ed) Conehead (Hk 4/441, adpd). 
2197 Strobilanthes caudatus. 

Lance - subertire - cuneate - acuminate - 
leaved (Small-leathery) Sweet-leaf 
(Hk. 3/581, adpd).- 1732 Symplocos 

Lance-suhentire-leaved Simple-racemed 
Cobbe (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 628-d. Allo- 
phylus cobbe (glaber). 

Lance - to - oblance - acuminate - leaved 
(Mledium-{o-long-membranous) Bastard 
Ipecacnanha (Hk. 3/168, adpd). 1567 
Psychotria sulcata. 


Lance - to - oblong - acuminate - leaved | 
(Medium-leathery) Smalier-flowered 
Chinese Hawthorn (Hk. 2/380, adpd). 
1118 Photinia Notoniana. 

Lance-oblong-acute-leaved (Medium- 
leathery) Larger flowered Chinese 
Hawthorn (Hk. 3/380, adpd). 1117 
Photinia Lindleyana. 

Lance-to-obovate-acute-leaved (Medium- | 
papery-subsess'le) Bastard Ipecacu- | 
anha (Talbot Bo. N.H.S, adpd). 
Psychotria canarensis. 

Lance - to - obovate - acute - or-acuminate- 
leaved (Medium-papery) Flat-branched 
Bastard Ipecacuanha (tlk. 3/162, adpd). 
[558 Psychotria Thwaitesii. ey 




Lance Wood (McL, 510). 


(Membranous) Short 
leaved Gamboge (Hk. 1/261, adpd), 
171 Garcinia indica. 

Lance - to - roundish - cuspidate - leayed 
(Medium-leathery-polished) Honey- 
thorn (Hk? 3/132, adpd), 1519 Can- 
thium didymum, 

Lance-wavy-folioled (Quinquefoliate- 
digitate) Deep-rosy-flowered Bind- 
weed (Nic. 2/191, adpd). 292i Tpomea 

Lance-wavy-subentire-acuminaté - leaved 
(Medium-glabrate-nerved-hacked Six- 
(6-7-prs)-nerved) Conehead (Hk. 4/474, 
adpd). 2217 Strobilanthes rubicundus, 

Lanceolate cuneate-base leaved Tree 
Bilberry (Hk. 2/560, adpd). 1302 
Memecylon Heyneanum, 

Lanceolate acute Bluish-flowered Un- 
armed Nightshade (Nic, 3/453, adpd), 
2071 Solanum aviculare. 

Lancevlate cordate leaved Tree Bilberry 
(Hk, 2/558, adpd). 1298 Memecylon 


Lanceolate leaved Bastard Sandal (Hk, 
1/415, adpd). 849 Erythroxylon 

Lanceolate-leaved (Long (8 or more) 
Croten (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 

2646-M. Codizum variegatum (longi- 
Lanceolate-leaved (Medium) Croton 

(ku/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-N. 
Codizum variegatum (lanceolatum), 
Lanceolate (Common large) leaved Dragon 
Tree (Hk. 6/831, adpd). 3107 Cordy- 

line terminalis. 

Lanceolate (Fork-tipped Simple) leaved 
Palm (Rid. 266, adpd). 3145 Geonoma 

Lanceolate Pointed leaved Staff Tree 
(McL. 459, adpd). 537 Gymnosporia 

Lanceolate Uninervose Phyllode Wattle 
(Bth. 2/307, 347, adpd). 1023 Acacia 

| Lanceslate (Downy) White-flowered Un- 

armed Nighshade (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 
2079 Solanum denticu'atum. 

Lance Tree (McL. 264). 2862 Cedrus 
Libani (Deodara). 

evii. Ptero- 
spermum (genus). 

Lance (Conkan) Wood (Bs/T/13, 2dpd). 
75 Sagerza laurina. 

Lance (Creamy leaved) Wood (McL. 974, 
adpd), 281 Pterospermum  suberi- 

Lance (Few seeded) Wood (McL. 510, 
adpd), 285 Pterospermum reticula- 


Lance (Huge capsuled) Wood (McL. 510, 
adpd). 282 Pterospermum diversi- 

Lance (Large capsuled) Wood (Mch. 510, 
adpd). 287 Pterospermum glahrescens, 

Lance (Larger Golden flowered) Wood 
(Bs/T/13, adpd). 76 Sagerza Dalzeilii, 

Lance (Maple leaved) Wood (McL., 405, 
adpd). 284 Pterospermum acerifolium, 

Lance (Medium seeded) Wood (McL. 510, 
adpd). 285 Pterospermum MHeyne- 

Lance (Rusty leaved) Wood (MclL. 510, 
adpd). 2838 Pterospermum  rubigi- 

Lance (Smaller White flowered) Wood 
(Bs/T/13, adpd). 75 Sagerza laurina, 
Lance (Travancore) Wood (Bs/T/13, 
adpd). 76 Sagerza Dalzellii. 
Lanoe (True) Wood (Nic. 4/485). 

Sagerzea (genus). 

Lance (Wartz capsuled) Wood (McL. 510, 
adjpd). 288 Pterospermum 

Lance (Black) Wood of Guiana (Nic. 
4/4185) (Hnc. Brit. 14/259). 74 Sagerza 

Langsat (McL. 481). 

Langeat (Ooty. 44). 456 Lansium domes- 

Langsat (McL. 431). [465 Sphalm] 466 
Lansium domesticum, 

Langsat of the Anaimalai-Hills in Coim- 
batore (Mc. 481, corr). 465 Lansium 

Langseh (McL. 431, 993). 
466 Lansium domesticum, 

Lantana (Br. 163) (Pfil. 282). 
Lactana (genus). 

Lantana (McL. 182). 

Lantana (Balm leaved) (Br. 163). 2277-b, 
Lantana involucrata (melisszfolia), 

Lantana (Downy Ovate-acutely-crenate- 
acuminate-'eaved White-flowered) (Br, 
164, adpd). 2281 Lantana alba, 

Lanatana (Downy Ovate-crenate-serrate- 
acuminate-leaved Purple-centred Rosy- 
flowered (Nic. 2/234, adpd). 
Lantana Sellowiana. 

Lanatana (Downy-wrinkled opposite- 
and-(3)-whorled Ovate-lance leaved 
White-flowered) (Hk. 4/562, 
22738-b, Lanatana indica (albiflora). 


elxxxiv. Lansium 

[465 Sphalm] 

2273 Lantana 

obtusi- | 
| Lantana 

2279 | 



Lantana (Hairy-backed-scabrous-(3)- 
whorled Ovate-lance-leaved Purple- 
flowered) (Hk. 4/568, adpd). 2280 
Lantana trifolia. 

Lantana (Indian) (Br, 163), 2273 Lan- 
tana indica. 

Lantana (Nettle leaved) (Br. 163), 2276 
Lantana mista. 

Lantana (Ovute-lance-acuminate-leaved 
White-flowered) (Nic. 2/234, adpd). 
2278 Lantana nivea. 

Lantana (Ovate-oblong-pointed-leaved 
Orange-to-red-flowered) (Nic, 2/2384, 
adpd). 2274-a, Lantana Camara 

Lantana (Ovate-oblong-pointed-leaved 

Lemon - yellow - changing - to - Rose 

flowered) (Nic. 2/234, adpd). 2274-b. 

Lantana Camara (mutabilis). 
Lantana~ (Roundish-ovate-oblong-leaved 

opposite-and-(3)-whorled Yellow- 

throated Lilac-flowered) (Nic. 6/480, 

adpd), 2277 Lantana involucrata, 
(Scabrous Ovate-acute-leaved 
Reddish-vellow tiowered) (Br. 163, 
adpd), 2276 Lantana mista, 

Lantana (Scabrous Ovate-lance-crenated- 
leaved Yellow-to-Orange-flowered) (Hk. 
4/563, adpd), 2275 Lantana crenulata. 

Lantana (Sweet scented) (Br, 163). 
2277 c. Lantana involucrata (odorata). 

Lantana (White flowered) (Br. 164), 
2281 Lantana alba. 

Lantern Flower (Ru/N/78). 219 Abatilon 

Larch (H/E.F) (Nic. 2/235) (S. 231) (Gbl. 
720). cmsxiii. Larix (genus). 
Larch (Common) (Muell, S.P) (Nie. 
2/236) (3. 231, 232) (FAR. 10, 2%, 

NLGS). 2872 Larix europea. 

Large acid Naralay (McL. 564, 994). 
609 Vitis lanceolaria. 

Large Axil flowered Asparagus (MeL. 

516). 3086 Asparagus Jacquemnntii. 
Large FBalah (McL. 67). 216 Sida 

_ Large Bamboo (Bs/S/134, CDP) (W. 2, 8, 

adpd). | 

Lanatana (Downy-wriukled opposite-and- | 

(3)-whorled ovate-lance-leaved Yellow- 
centred Pink-flowered) (Hk. 4/562, 
adpd). 2273-a. Lantana indica (typica). 

Lantana (Ground Ivy-scented) (Nic. 
2/234), 2273 Lantana nivea. 

4, 6,7, 10, 11, 12, 38,125, 127). 3304 
Bambusa arundinacea. 

Large (Ashy-grey) Bamboo (Gbl. 753). 
3315 Dendrocalamus Brandisii. 

Largs (Dark-green) Bamboo (Gbl. 752). 
3311 Dendrocalamus sikkimensis, 

Large (3labrous Culm-sheathed Hollow) 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/495, adpd). 3312 Den- 
drocalamus Hamiltonii. 

Large (Golden felted  Culm-sheathed 
Hollow) Bamboo (Hk. 7/405, adpd). 
3311 Dendrocalamus sikkimensis. 

Large (Hairy Node-ringed Hollow) 
Bamboo (Hk. 2/406, adpd). 3313 
Dendrocalamus giganteus. 


branched Hollow) 

Large (Thorny 
adpd), 3304 

Bamboo (Hk. 7/895, 
Bam busa arundinacea. 

Large (White-downy OCulm-sheathed 
hollow) Bamboo (Hk. 7/407, adpd). 
3315 Vendrocalamus Brandisii. 

Large (White-pubescent-becoming-Grey- 
green) Bamboo (Gbl. 752). 3312 
Dendrocalamus Hamiltoni. 

Large Basil (McL. 910). 2335 Ocimum 

Large Bastard Poon (McL. 14). 
Ailanthnus (genns),. 

Large berried Climbing Poison Nut 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1959 Strychnos 

Large hberried Opal Orange (Hk. 1/500, 
adpd). 339-c. Glycosmis pentaphylla 

Large blossom Shoe Flower (Nic. 5/425) 
(Ru/N/77). 250 Hibiscus heterephyllus. 

Large blossomed Slender Wax Flower 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/647, adpd). 1836 
Tabernzemontana Coronaria. 

Large Brahma’s Banyan (McL. 73, 10CC). 
2751 Ficus Cunia. 

Large Brazilian Golden Funnel Dog-bane 


(Nic. 1/48, adpd). 1855 Allamanda 
Large Bright-yellow (Green-leaved) 

Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3031 Canna 

Large Butter Banana (Cag. 205) (Cat. 
322). 3042-c. Musa sepientum (Dacca). 

Large Calah (McL. 132). 1506 Carissa 

Large calyxed Justicewort (Treas Bot). 
deexiii. Jacobinia (genus). 

Large Capsuled Lance Wood (McL. 510, 
adpd). 287 Peterospermum glabres- 

Laree Carausa (McL. 73). 2751 Ficus 

Large Carondah (McL. 132). 1806 Carissa 

Large Chakondah (McL, 155, 995). 
Leuczena glanca. 

Large (Velvetty Crimson) China Rose 
(Nic. 5/645) (Cag. 598). 1103-d. Rosa 
indica (punicea-major). 

Large Chintoo (McL. 174, 473, 9938). 
641 Gymnosporia montana. 
Large Crimson China Rose 

1103-e. Rosa indica (sanguinea-major). 

' Large-elliptic-plicate-acute Unifoliate 

Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/846, W.A.I, 

adpd). 2944 Pholidota imbricata. 
Large Date (McL, 413). 3162 Phonix 
dacty lifera. 

Large Dhal (Rid. 214). 854 Cajanus 

Large evergreen Rhododendron of Tudia 
(S. 367). 1645 Rhododendron arboreum. 

(Hod). | 

1010 | 


Large Fleshy leaved Indian Ipecacuanha 
(McL. 360, adpd). 1912 Tylophora 

Large flowered Alpinia (McL. 298). 
Alnvinia Galanga. 

Larze flowered and capsuled Silk Cotton 
(Bs/T/78, adpd), 260 Bombax insigne., 

Larger flowered and fruited Common 
Sebesten (Hk. 4/137, adpd). 
Cordia obliqua. 

Large fruited Banana (Cag. 207) (Cat. 
322). 3042-2. Musa  sapientam 

Large flowered Beaumontia (Br. 127). 
1851 Beanmontia grandiflora. 

Large flowered Bell Dog-bane (Br. 127, 
adpd). 1851 Beanmontia grandiflora. 

Large flowered Black Berry (McL. 328, 



adpd). 1083 Rubus racemosus. 
Large-flowered (Long-leaved) Ceylon 
Iron-wood (Bed, 1/23, adpd). 185-c, 

Mesua ferrea (speciosa), 

Large flowered Cryptostegia (Br. 119). 
1870 Cryptostegia grandiflora, 

Large Flowered Diilenia (McL. 155). 
Dillenia indica. 

Large Flowered Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2564 Phyllanthus macrocalyx. 
Large (Crimson) flowered Gum Box (Nic. 

1/533). 1127 Escallonia macrantha. 

Large-flowered Half-(25)-stamened Coorg 
Sweetleaf (Bs/I'/441, adpd). 1728 
Symplocos Warburgi. 

Larve-flowered (Downy-racemed) Honey- 
suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/215, adpd). 
25C6-d. Loranthus longiflorus 

Large Flowered Jasmine (McL. 388). 
1775 Jasminum grandiflorum. 


Large flowered Magnolia (H/E.F). 20 
Magoolia grandiflora. 
Large flowered Melon  Featherfoil 

(McL. 587, adpd), 2583 Glochidion 
neilgherrense. j 
Large flowered Pleroma (Nic. 3/162, 5/608) 

(S. 431). 1806 Tibouchina semidec- 
Large flowered Rainbow Creeper 

(McL. 371), 2164 Thunbergia grandi- 

Large flowered Snake Root (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1482 Ophiorrhiza grandiflora. 
Large (Downy) flowered Snake Root 
(McL. 507, adpd). 1488 Ophiorrhiza 


Large (Woolly) flowered Snake Root 
(McL. 5C7, adpd). 1484 Ophiorrhiza 

Large flowered Solandra (Br, 154). 2096 
Solandra grandiflora. 

Large flowered Tecoma (Bon. 132). 2125 
Tecoma grandiflora, 


Large flowered Thunbergia (Rid. 93, 169). 
2164 Thunbereia grandiflora. 

Large flowered Torch Thistle (Nic. 1/299). 
1370 Cereus grandiflora. 

Large flowered Virgin’s Bower of Sierra- 
Laone (Nic. 1/389). 2 Clematia grandi- 

Large flowering Barnadesia (Br. 109). 
1631 Barnadesia rosea. 

Large Flowering Combretum (Br. 76). 
1159 Combretum grandiflorum. 
Large Foreign Pepper ‘McL. 170). 

209-t-b. Capsicum frutescens (annuum). 

Large-fringed-ribbed-achened Cottons 
Rose (Hk. 3/222, Treas. Bot. 1/841, 
adpd), dxxi. Blepharispermum (genus). 

Large Fruited Jaumoon (Mch. 764). 
1231 Eugenia Jambos. 

Large fruited Parroquet Burr (Hk, 1/394, 
adpd). 330 Triumfetta pilosa. 

Large full Deep-carmine China Rose 
(Mu. 56) (Hod). 1103-f. Rosa indica 

Large Gilizitcha (McL. 806, 809, 994). 
787 Crotalaria laburnifolia. 

Large Golden Bindweed (McL. 120, adpd). 
2048 [pomea vitifolia. 

Larger Golden flowered Lance Wood 
(Bs/T/13, adpd). 76 Sagerzea Daizellii. 

Large Golden Funnel Dog-bane (Nic. 
1/47,  adpd). 1854-b. Allamanda 
cathartica (grandiflora). 

Large. golden-yellow (Giaucescent-green- 
leaved) Indian Shot (Nic. 1/762). 
3/27-c. Canna lutea (Prémices de-Nice). 

Large Goomchy (McL. 757). 1004 
Adenanthera pavonina. 
Large Goomiay (McL, 185). 2805 

Gmelina arborea. 

Large-green-leaved Yellow-spotted, 
Bright-red Indian Shot (Hk. 6/261, 
adpd). 3026-c. Canna indica (specicsa). 

Large Ixora (MchL. 584. (?) 1645 
Rhododendron arboreum (nilagirica) (?). 

Large Jack (McL. 376). 2762 Artocarpus 

Large Jasmine (McL. 388, 997). 1755-b. 
Jasminum arborescens (latifolia). 

Large Jungle Geranium (McL. 375, 478, 
664, 916, 996). 1537 Ixora parviflora, 

Large lance leaved Olive Linden 
(MchL. 763, adpd). 887 Elocarpus 

Large (Common) lanceolate leaved 
Dragon Tree (Hk. 6/331, adpd). 3107 
Cordyline terminalis. 

Large leafletted eglandular Senna 

(acl. 804, adpd). 957 Cassia alata. 

Large leaved and berried Coffee (Trop. 
Agr. xx/ll). 1548-b. Coffea arabica 


Large leaved Cluster Fig (McL, 49, adpd’. 
2756 Ficus Roxburghii, 

Large leaved Mahogany (Cat. 70) (W. 84). 
480 Swietenia macrophylla. 

Large leaved Viper Dog-bane (Rid, 115, 
adpd). 1858 Chonemorpha  wmacro- 

Larze leaved Yellow Fig (Mc. 78, adpd). 
2744 Ficus callosa. 

Large Lemon (McL. 434). [409 Sphalm] 
419-d. Citrus medica-Limonum (decu- 

Large Lilac Fannel Swallowwort (Nic. 
1/404, Br. 119, adpd). 1870 Cryptos- 
tegia grandiflora, 

Large Line (Mch. 434). 410 Citrus 
medica-Limcnum (?), 

Large Mountain Ebony (McL. 472, 520, 

995), 994 Bauhinia Vahlii. 

Large Mountain Ebony (McL. 520). 996 
Bauhinia purpurea, 

Large Nail Dye (MchL. 559, 998), 2289 

Barleria cristata. 

Large Naunal (Mchl. 569, 1002), 8291 
Phragmites Karka. 

Large Naralay (McL. 564, 994), 593 
Vitis lanata. 

Large Neem (McL. 14). 

Large Neem (McL. 828, 360, 475, 484, 
577, 993). 453 Melia Azedarach. 

Large Neerovry (McL. 265, 478, 1000). 
2593 Breynia patens, 

Large Nirvala (McL. 680). 
Cratzeva neligiosa (Nurvala). 
Large-oblanceolate-acute (but variable) 
Bifoliate Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/703, 
W.AJI,adpd), 2900 Liparis longipes. 
Large (8”, or more) oblong leaved Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-B. 
Codizum variegatum (grandifolium- 


Large oblong Purple backed Arrowroot 
(Nic. 2/238). 3017 Calathea zebrina, 
Large (8”, or more) obovate leaved 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-A. Codizum vyariegatum (grandi- 


Large Oolinda Ebony (McL. 366), 1711 
Diospyros chloroxylon, 

Large-or-medium-downy-backed Round 
Heart-cuspidate-leaved Cadamba (Hk. 
3/24, adpd). 1433 Adina cordifolia. 

Large (8", or more} Oval leaved Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646 C. 
Codizum variegatum (grandifolium- 

Large Parpatacam (Mc. 32), 594 Vitis 

Large Periwinkle (S. 451). 1822 Vinca 

clxi. Ailanthus 



Large Pink-based White flowered Almond 
(Nic, 1/67), 1063-b, Prunus Amygdalus 

Large Pink Nail Dye (McL. 558, adpd). 
2231 Rarleria tomentosa. 

Large Pink-tinted White Hvbrid- 
perpetual Rose (Ru/O0/20) (Br. 71) (Hod). 
1107-d. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Largs podded Capsicum (McL. 170). 
2094-b, Capsicum frutescens (annuum), 

Large Poolay (McL.. 702, 999). 2374 
Afrua javanica. 

Large Purest White Tea Rose (Niz. 3/324). 
1105-a, Rosa ocorata (nivea), 

Large Purple-flowered Riny-coronet 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/3, adpd). dexxvi. 
Holostemma (genus). 

Large Rattlewort (McL. 306, 309, 994, 
adpd). 737 Crotalaria laburnifolia. 

Large Rose Ajple (Muell. S.P). 1228 
Euvenia malaccensis. 

Large Kound-elliptic-obtuse-leaved Resin- 
tipped ape Jasmine (Hk. 3/116, adpd). 
1506 Gardenia latifolia. 

Large Sand-binder (McL. 665). 
Aryvyreia speciosa. 

Large Scarlet Secund-short-spiked Poivrea 


of Sierra-Leone (Br. 76, adpd). 1189 | 
Combretam grandiflorum. 
Large Screw Pine (McL. 802) (?). 3054 

Furcrea gigantea (?). 

Large Ssbesten (McL. 473, 802, 998). 
1069 Cordia obliqua. 

Large (Felted) Sebesten (Hk. 4/137, 
McL, 473, 802, 998, Bs/T/479, adpd). 
1969-b. Cordia obdliqua ( Wallichii). 

Large sepalled Nail Dye (McL. 558, adpd), 
2237 Barleria sepalosa. 

Large-serrate (Scaly-woolly) leaved Wild 
Tea Tree (Hk. 1/286, adpd). Ixxvi. 
Saurauja (genus). 

Largo-stipuled Dipterocarp Dammer 
(Meu, 258, 259, Hk. 1/295, adpd). lxxx. 
Dipterocarpus (genus), 

Large-stipuled Downy rachis-glandalaur 
Senna (McL, 804, adpd), 954 Cassia 

Large Tagaray (McL. 1386). 

Large-ternately-(2-4)-whorled -white- vel- 
vatty-backed-scabrid Ovate-leaved 
Teak (Hk. 2/571, adpd). 2290 Tectona 
Hamiltoniana. ~ 

Large-to-medium-membranous (Simple- 
paltnati- (7) -nerved tHeart-acuminate- 
leaved Yam (Hk. 6/291, adpd). 3060 
Dioscorea Wightii. 

Large - to-medium - membranous - woolly- 
glabrate (Simple-palmati-(5-7)-nerved) 
Round - tv - Kidney - cuspidate - leaved 
spiny-filbred Yam (Hk. 6/291, adpd). 
3059 Dioscorea spinosa. 

950 Cassia 



Large ‘Toombay (McL. 2353 
Anisomeles mulabarica, 

Large-very -to-large-glossy (Palmati-(5-7)- 
nerved) Narrow-sheathing-petioled 
Sarsparilla (Hk. 6/310, adpd). 3080 
Smilax macrophylla, 

Large-to-very - Jargy - membranous- dark- 
green (Simple-palmati - (7-9)-nerved- 
opposite-and-alternate) Broad-heart- 
acuminate lcaved Slander-often-purple- 
stemmed Yam (Hk, 6/295, adpd), 3007 
Dioscorea sativa. 

Large-tu-very-large -membrancus- winged- 
petioled (Simple-palmati-(5-7)- nerved- 
mostly-opposite) Roundish-heart-to- 
ovate-sagittate-leaved Anyied-or-wing- 
ed stemmed Yam (Hk, 6/296, adpd). 
3068 Dioscorea alata. 

Large Vaugay (McL, 840), 

Large Villous Elliptic leaved Silver-weed 


1044 Albizzia 

(ffk. 4/189, adpd). 2001 Argyreia 
Large (Sulphur-margined-and-veined 

Olive-green) Volated Croton (Nic. 5/257) 
(Ru/N,O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Ja. 
Codizum variegatum (contortum). 
Large warty Berricd Spindle Climber 
(Hk. 1/627, adpd). 552 Salacia reti- 


Large Wax Flower (Br. 98). 1510 
Gardenia jasminoides, 

Large White Laurel Tulip Tree of 
America (Nic. 3/816). 20 Magnolia 


Large (ltosy-tipped) White Leaf Cactus 
(Nic. 1/515). 1874-c.  Epiphyllum 
truncatum (magnificum), 

Large White Nail Dye (McL, 538, adpd). 
2238 Barleria grandiflora. 

Large-white-woolly (Palmati-(9-11)- 
nerved-peltate) Roundish-tricuspidate- 
leaved Mercury (Hk, 5/428, «adpd), 
2677 Mallotus barbatus. 

Large Wood Apple (McL. 1025) (Son’s 
P Liagam), 1777 Schrebera swieteuioi- 

Large Wood Apple (MeL.1025) (? greatly 
divided leaf), 1008  Dichrostachys 

cinerea (F 

Large - Wood Apple (McL. 1025) (? Sacred 
Lingam mark). 101 Cratzva religivsa(?). 

Large Woolly Lobed Vine (Mch. 564, 
adpd). 692 Vitis tomentosa, 

Large Yaipy (McL. 14) (?). 
Ailanthus (zenus) (?). 

Large Yam (McL. 53, 1000), 
corea alata, 

Larger Bell-Vervein leaved Mercury (Bed, 
2/231, adpd). dccexlviii. Trewia 


3068 Dios- 


Larger-berried (Beddome’s) Axil-flowered 
Arboreous Wampee (Bed. 1/45, adpd), 
397-c. Clausena Willdenovii (dulcis). 

Larger-bulbed (Small-oblung Unifoliate) 
Pseudobulb orchid (Hk. 5/779, adpd). 
2929 Cirrhopetalum acutiflorum. 

Larger (Heart-stipuled) Chinese Laurel 
(McL. 474,594, udpd). 2164 Antidesma 

Larger (Lance-stipuled) Chinese Laurel 
(McL.474,594,adpd). 2617 Antidesma 
Menasu. .- 

Larger Disc-scabrid 
(Hk. 4/138,adpd). 1971 Cordia grandis. 

Larger-druped (Many-(4-5)-seeded) 
Honey-thorn (Hk. 3/186, adpd), dv. 
Vangueria (genus). 

Larger-flowered Child’s-Amulet Tree 
(Bs/T/566, adpd). 2600 Hemicyclia 

Larzer-flowered (Medium-leathery lance- 
to-oblong-acute-leaved) Chinese Haw- 
thorn (Hk. 2/380, adpd), 1117 Pho- 
tinia Lindieyana. 

Larger flowered Heart Pea (Mch. 611, 
adpd), 624 Cardiospermum canescens. 

Larger Indian Kumquat (Bon. 45, 46, 51). 
424)-c, Citrus japonica (lakkanovensis). 

Larger lance leaved Winter Flax (Hk. 
1/412, adpd), 346-b. Reinwardtia 
trigyna (tetragyna). 

Larger Leafless Vanilla Orchid (Hk. 6/90, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2981 Vanilla Walkeriz. 

Larger leaved Gooseberry  fruited 
Featherfoil (McL. 105, 276, adpd), 
2569 Phyllanthus disticha. 

Larger-leaved 'l'rigcnous-podded Drum- 
stick Tree (Hk. 2/45, adpd). 690 
Moringa concanensis, 

Larger Malabar Melon Featherfoil (McL. 
587,adpd). 2587 Glochidion ellipticum. 

Larger Multifoliate-distichous-lorate-cori- 

leaved Sebesten 

aceous Stemless Orchid (Hk. 6/9, 
W.A.I, adpd). cmxxvii. Cymbidium 
Larger Prickly podded Brasilette Climber 
(Hk, 2/255, adpd). 927 Cweulpinia 

Larger Roxburgh’s Lily (Br. 208, adpd). 
8075 Stemona tuberosa. 
Larger Scratchwort (Rox. 
Mucuna monosperma. 
Larger Strap-leaved Stemless 
(Hk. 6/9, W.A.JI, adpd). 
Cymbidium (gerus). 
Larger Venteak (Mcl. 5). 
troemia flos-Regins, 
Larger White Climbing Dog Rose (Nic. 
5/645) (S. 875) (Cag. 593). 1094-0. 
Rosa involucrata (gigantea). 

Larger Wild Tobucco (McL. 484, 689, 
adpd). 1635 Lebelia excelsa. 

3/288). 818 


1319 Lagers- 


Larger (Subglabrous - leaved open - 
racemed) Wild Tobacco (W.A.1). 
1635-b. Lobelia excelsa (trickandra). 

Larger Wood Apple (Mch. 65). 425 Aigle 

Largest (Glancous-green-becoming-grey- 
green) Bamboo (Gbl. 752), 3313 
Dendrocalamus giganteus. 

Latanier of Mauritius (Nic. 2/237). mxi. 
Latania (genus). 

Laughing Plant (McL, 210). 2368 Pisonia 

Laulmirch (McL. 170). 2094-b. Capsicum 
frutescens (annuum). 

Laurel Family (Br. 185). XCVI. Laure- 
ceze (Order). 

Laurel (Ooty. 343). 1070 Prunus laurocer- 

Laarel (Alexandrian) (Bed. 1/21) (Bs/T/54) 
(Gbl. 57) (Bdn/F.T) (Ell. 28) (Mc. 705) 
(Cag. 657) (Br. 30) (Pr. 1/254) (PA. 39). 
181 Calophyllum inophyllum. 

Laurel (American) (S. 224). dxlii, Kalmia 

Laurel (Bay) (Nic. 2/289) (S. 258). (Gbl. 
567). 2443 Laurus nobilis. 

Laurel (Beddome’s Betel-nut) (McL. 500, 
adpd), 2468 Litsza Beddomei. 

Laurel (Betel-nut) (McL. 559, adpd). 
declxxxiii. Litseea (genus). 

Laurel (Camphor) (Mc. 188, 999). 2440 
Cinnamomum Camphora. 

Laurel (Capitate-scaly-flowered opposite- 

and-alternate-leaved Spurge) (Hk. 
5/192, Treas. Bot. 2/663, adpd). 
dcexcvii, Lasiosiphon (genus), 

Laurel (Ceylon) (McL. 559, adpd). 
declxxxiii, Litswa (genus), 

Laurel (Cherry) (S. 93, 851). 1070 Pronus 

Laurel (Chinese) (McL, 472, 594), 2614 

Antidesma Bunius. 

Laurel (Chinese) (MchL. 474). decexxvi. 
Antidesma (genus). 

Laurel (Claw-flowered) (Nic. 1/18, adpd). 
exlvii. Acronychia (genus). 

Laurel (Climbing Spurge) (Hk. 1/582, Nie. 
1/441, adpd). cci. Cansjera (genus). 
Laurel (Cclchican) (S. 351). 1070-b. 

Prunus laurocerosus (colchica), 
Laurel (Common) (Nic. 1/295) (8. 351). 
1070 Prunus laurocerasus, 

Laurel (Common) (Nic. 2/239). 2443 
Laurns nobilis, 
Laurel (Common Ceylon) (McL. 600, 

adpd), 2471 Litszea zeylanica. 

Laurel (Common Grey Mango) (Mcl. 468, 
599, corr). 2462 Litswa polyantha. 

Laurel (Common ‘Tallow) (McL. 600, 
adpd), 2459 Litsszea sebifera. 

Laurel (Cummin-scented Claw-shaped 
flowered) (Nic. 1/18, 5/219, adpd). 
exlvii. Acronychia (genus), 


Laurel (Dusky Ceylon) (MeL. 500, adpd), 
2470 Litsva fuscata, 

Laurel (Heart-stipuled Larger Chinese) 
(McL. 474, 594, adpd), 2614 Antidesma 

Laurel (Glabrous Grey Mango) (McL, 500, 
adpd). 2461 Litsza venulosa, 

Laurel (Grey Mango) (Mel. 500, corr). 
decclxxxiii. Litseea (genus), 

Laurel (Indian) (Rid, 119), 
zum variegatum, 

Laurel (Kokra) (Treas. Bot. 2/1029). 
decexsiv. Aporosa (genus). 

Laurel (Lance-stipaled Larger Chinese) 
(McL. 474, 594, adpd), 2617 Anti- 
desma Menasu. 

Laurel (Large White) Tulip Tree of 
America (Nic, 3/316). 20 Magnolia 

Laurel (Leather leaved Betel-nut) (McL. 
500, adpd). 2463 Litsza coriacea. 

Laurel (Many-stamened oblong-druped 
Chivese) (Hk. 5/241, adpd). dcccxxv. 
Daphuiphyllum (genus). 

Laurel (Medium-leathery-glancous-backed 
oblong-obovate-obtuse-leaved Chinese) 
(Hk, 5/353, adpd). 2612 Daphniphyl- 
lum glaucescens, 

Laurel (Medium-leathery oblong-elliptic- 
wavy-cuspidate-leaved Kokra) (Bdn/F. 
T, adpd), 2611 Aporosa Bourdilloni., 

Laurel (Medium-leathery Roundish- 
obovate - retuse - to - cuspidate - leaved 
Kokra) (Hk. 5/351, adpd). 2610 (bis.) 
Aporosa fusiformis, 

Laurel (Medium-membranous _ elliptic 
Jeaved Claw-flowered) (Hk 1/498, adpd). 
888-b, Acronychia laurifolia (micro- 

2646 Codi- 

Laurel (Medium-membranous oblong 
leaved Claw-flowered) (Hk. 1/492, 

adpd), 388-a. 

Laure] (Medium-papery oblong-lance- 
acuminate-leaved Kokra) (Hk. 5/348, 
adp). 2608 Aporosa Roxburghii. 

Laurel (Medium-papery Ovate-to oblong- 
acute-leaved Kokra) (Hk. 5/349, adpd). 
2610 Aporosa Lindleyana, 

Laurel (Mountain) (S. 224). dxlii. Kal- 
mia (genus). 

Laurel (New-South-Wales) (Nic. 3/153), 
157 Pittosporum unduiatum, 

Laurel (Olive-like Betel-nut) (McL. 500, 
adpd). 2466 Litszea oleoides. 

Laurel (One umbelled Tallow) (McL. 500, 
adpd). 2458 Litszea tomentosa. 

Laurel (Poet’s) (McL. 1041) (S. 258, 450). 
2443 Laurus nobilis. 

Acronychia laurifolia 

Laurel (Portugal) (S. 351). 1070-b. 
Prunus Jaurocerasus (colchiea), 
Laurel (Ray) (Treas. Bot. 1/16). 

dcclxxxii, Actinodaphne (genus). 


Laurel (Roman) 244 
Laurus nobilis. 
Laurel (Rounded leaved Chinese) (McL. 

(McL. 1041). 

474, 594, adpd), 2613 Antidesma 
Laurel (Sheep) (8S, 224), dxlii. Kalmia 
Laurel (Small-leathery Broad-lance- 

leaved Climbing Spurge) (Hk. 1/582, 
adpd:. 494 Cansjera Rheedii. 

Laurel! (Small-membranous elliptic-lance- 
caudate-leaved Kvokra) (Hk. 5/349, 
adpad). 2609 Aporosa acumiuata,. 

Laurel (Small-membranous Narrow ellip- 
tic-lance leaved Claw-flowered) (Hk. 
1/498, adpd). 388-c. Acronychia lauri- 
folia (microphylla). 

Laurel (Smali-papery-silky-backed-glab- 
rate  Linear-and-oblance-acute-leaved 
Spurge) (Hk. 5/197, adpd). 2492 
Lasiosiphon eriocephalus. 

Laurel (Small Tallow) (McL. 500, adpd), 
2460 Litseea ligustrina. 

Lanrel (South-sea) (S. 104). 
zum variegatum., 

Laurel (Spurge) Family (L/N/S/B, adpd). 
XCVILL. Thymelwacez (Order), 

Laurel (Spurge) (McL. 230). (?) 1844 
Nerium odorum (?). 

Laurel (Stigmatic subopposite-leaved 
Spurge) (Hk. 5/192, Treas. Bot. 2/663, 
adpd). decxcvi. Wikstrcemia (genus). 

Laurel (Stocks’ Betel-nut) (MchL. 500, 

2646 Codi- 

adpd). 2467 Litsza Stocksii. 

Laurel (Swamp) (S. 224, 420). dxlii, 
Kalmia (genus). 

Laurel (fallow) (McL. 500, adpd). 

declxxxiii. Litszea (genus). 

Laurel (Thin leaved Smaller Chinese) 
(McL. 474, 594, adpd). 2616 Antidesma 

Laurel (hick leaved Smaller Chinese) 
(MclL. 474,594, adpd), 2615 Antidesma 
zeylanicum). ; 

Laurel (Yinnevelly Betel-unt) (McL. 500, 
adpd). 2465 Litsxa Panawonja 

Laurel (Very-small-papery obovate- 
cblong-cuneate-obtuse-leaved Spurge) 
(Hk. 5/195, adpd), 2491 Wikstreemia 

Laurel (Victor’s) (S. 2538, 450). 
Laorus nobilis. 

Laurel (Warriors’) of the ancients (Muell. 
S.P) (McL. 1041). Laurus nobilis. 
Lanrel (Wight’s Betel-nut) (McL. 500, 

adpd). 2-169 Litseea Wightiana. 

Laurel (Willow leaved) (McL. 5:0). 2464 
Litsea glabrata. 

Laurel (Willow leaved Betel-nut) (Mch. 
500, adpd), 2464 Litsza glabrata. 

Laurel Jeaved Banisteria (Br. 30). 
Heteropteris laurifolia. 





Laurel leaved Passion Flower (Br. 86). | Lavender (Sea) (Nic. 3/491) (S. 415) (Cag. 

1353 Passiflora liurifolia. 

510) (Rid. 91). dxliv. Statice (genus), 

Laurel leaved Tulip Tree (Nic. 5/511). | Lavender (Shrubby Sea) (Nic, 3/491), 

ix. Magnolia (genus). 

Laurel Nat (Mc. 705). 

Laure! (Pellucid-punctate exstipulate) 
Tulip (Nic. 2/214, adpd). xi. Kadsura 

Laurel Tulip Tree (Nic. 5/511, adpd). ix. 
Mavnolia (genus). 

Laurel Tulip Tree (Nic. 5/511, adpd). 
viii. Talauma (genus). 

Lanrel (White) Tulip Tree of Burma 
and the Scraits (Hk. 1/40, adpd). 18 
Talauma mutabilis. 

Laurel (White) Tulip Tree of the Hima- 
layas (Hk. 1/41, adpd). 21 Maguaoiia 

Lanrel (Dwarf Creamy) Tulip Tree of 
Japan (Nic. 4/5). 19 Magnolia pumila. 

Laurel (Parple and white) Tulip Tree of 
Japan (Nic. 3/316). 22 Magnolia 
obo vata (discolor). 

Lanrels (MeL. 1004). 

Laurestine (McL. 568). 

Laurustinus (N. 4/156) (S. 283, 449) (Gbl. 
343). 1428 Viburnum Tinus. 

Laurustinus (Bed. 1/123). cdilxxiv, Vibur- 
nnm (genus). 

Laurustinus (Hairy Yellow flowered) 
(McL. 565, adpd). 1427 Viburnum 

Lanrustinus (Mountain) (MchL. 565, adpd). 
3426 Viburnum coriaceum. 

Laurustinus (Panicled) (Mc. 566, adpd). 
1429 Vivurnum erubescens, 

Lava'y (MeL. 486, 943). cxxv. Averrhua 

Lavangam (McL. 379, 432, 995). 1271 
Eugenia caryophyllata. 

Lavangam (Jongls) (McL.* 433). 2436 
Ciunnamomum Wightii (?) (*iners). 

Lavangam (Lowly) (McL. 433, 995). 
Jussizea suffruticosa. 

Lavangam (Wild) (McL. 483), 
Pimenta acris. 

Lavender (Nic. 2/239) (S. 233). 
Lavandala (genus). 

Lavender (Bastard) (L/N/S/B, Cag. 432, 


XCVI. Lauraceze 

1428 Viburnum 



Br. 157, adpd). decxli. Anisochilus 
Lavender (Uhinese) (Br. 108). 1622 

Crossostephium artemisioides. 

Lavender (Common) (Nic. 2/2389). 
Lavandula vera. 

Lavender (Foliage) (Mu). 
stephium artemisioides. 

Lavender (Medium-woolly-thick ovate- 
crenulate-obtuse-leaved Bastard) (Hk, 
4,629, adpd). 2343 Anisochilus ro- 

23 $4 

1622 Crosse- 

| Lavender 

1652 Statice fruticans. 

Lavender (Small-woolly Ovate-entire-sub- 
acute-leaved Bastard) (Hk. 4/628, 
adpd). 2342 Anisochilus suffraticosus. 

Lavender (Small-woolly-subsessile-thick 
obovate-oblong-subsessile-obtuse-leave 1 
Bastard) (Hk. 4/628, adpd). 2841 
Anisochilas dysophylloides. 

(Very - small - woolly - ciliate 
Bastard) (Hk. 4/628, adpd). 23840 
Anisochilns paniculatus. 

Lavender (Very-small-woolly Ovate-ob- 
long-crenate-obtuse-leaved Bastard) 
(Hk. 4/628, adpd). 2339 Anisochilus 

Lavender (Very-small-woolly-thick ob- 
long-crenulate-obtuse-leaved Bastard) 
(Hk. 4/627, adpd). 23838 Anisochilus 

Lavender Plant (Muell. S.P) (Cag. 432) 
(Rid 135) (Jaf. 29) (S. 234) (Ra/N/14, 
O/15) (Po. 29). 2344 Lavandula vera, 

Lawrenceana Kose (Nic. 3/3821) (Cag. 
599) (S.68, 375). 1103-m. Rosa indica 

Law’s Blue Nail Dye (“cL. 558, adpd). 
2234 Barleria Lawii. 

| Law’s Croton (McL, 306, adpd), 2643 

Croton Lawianus. 

| Lawson’s Bastard Cypress (8.122), 2812 

Cupressus Lawsoniana, 

Lawson’s Cy press (GbI, 696) (S. 122, 234), 
2812 Copressas Lawsoniana. 

Lawson’s Dwarf Cypress (Nic. 1/303). 
2832 Cupressus Lawsoniana. 

Lawson’s White Cedar (Nic. 1/308). 
2812 Cupressus Lawsoniana, 

Lawyer (Himalayin Many-parted Penang) 

(McL. 675, adpd). 3181 Licuala 

Lawyer (Malay Eighteen-parted Pensng) 
(Mcl. 675, «adpd). 38178 Licuala 

Lawyer (Malay Nine-parted Penang) 

(Mcl. 675, adpd). 

3179 Licuala palu- 

| Lawyer (New-Britain Penang) (MeL. 675, 

adpi). #180 Licuala grandis, 

Lawyer (Penang) Palm (MeL. 
emxcix. Licuala (genus) 

Lax flowered ‘Lree of Beauty (Hk. 1/554, 
adpd). 461 Aglaia odoratua. 

Leadwort Family (Br. 174) (L/N/S/B). 
LXVLI. Plumbaginacez (Order). 

Leadwort (McL. 173) (Nic. 3/169) (S. 234, 
336) (Rid. 82). dxiv. Plumbago 

Leadwort (Blue flowered (McL. 178) (Br. 
175) (Rid. 82), 1655 Plumbago capen- 




Leadwort (Cape) (Mc. 178) (8. 75, 336). 
1655 Finmbago capensis. 

Leadwort (Ceylon) (McL. 154 178). 1653 
Plumbago zeylanica, 

Leadwort (Oificinal) (MeL. 178). 1654 
Plumbago rosea. 

Leadwort (Rose-coloured) (Ell. 453) 
(Pfl. 125). 1651 Plumbago rosea. 

Leadwort (Rosy flowered) (McL, 178) (Br, 
175) (Rid. 82). 1654 Plumbago rosea. 
Leadwort (White flowered) (McL. 178) 
(Br. 175) (Rid. 82). 1653 Plumbago 


Leadworts (McL. 1006). 
baginaceze (Order), 
Leaf (Arrow) (McL. 4). 1621 Artemisia 

Leaf (Birch leaved Copper) (McL. 173, 
465, adpd), 2662 Acalypha truticosa, 
Leaf (Brown Cordate Copper) (McL. 465, 

LXVII. Plom- 

Ro/N/112, adpd). 2667-b. Acalypha 
macrostachya (macrophylli:). 

Leaf (Camphor) (McL. 3863). dcecxlvi. 
Salvia (genus). 

Leaf (Vollam Betel) (McL. &58). (?) 

2225 Barleria Prionitis (?). 

Leaf (Crimson blotched Red Copper) 
(McL. 463, Ru/N/112, adpd). 2665-b. 
Acalypha Wilkesiana (Macafeeana), 

Leaf (Crimson Spiked Copper) (McL. 465, 
adpd), 2664 Acalypha hispida, 

Leat (Copper) (McL. 468) (8. 3). 
Acalypha (genus), 

Leaf (Demon) (McbL. 20), 

Leaf (Fiji Copper) (McL. 465). 
Acalypha Wilkesiana. 

Leaf (Fimbriate-styled Copper) (S. 3, McL. 
465, Hk. 5/243, adpd). dccexliv. Acaly- 
pha (genus), 

Leaf (Hare) (McL. 6), 

Leaf (Indian Shrubby Copper) (McL. 173, 
465,adpd). 2662 Acalypha fruticosa. 

Leaf (Lightning) (McL. 10382). 1882 
Calotropis gigantea. 

Leaf (Long leaved Copper) (McL. 465, 
Ru/N/112, adpd). 2670 Acalypha 

Leaf (Love-lies-bleeding Copper) (Cag. 

emlxviii. Aloé 


2047 Ipomeza 

A4l7). 2664-b. Acalypha hispida (densi- 

Leaf (Malabar) (McL. 676). 2406 Piper 

Leaf (Olive Twisted Copper) (McL. 463, 
Ru/N/112, adpd), 2664-c. Acalypha 
hispida (torta). 

Leaf (Orange variegated Copper) (McL. 
465, Ru/N/112, adpd). 2665-c, Acaly- 
pha Wilkesiana (musaica), 

Leaf (Pepper) (McL. 753). 384 Zanthoxyl- 
um Rhetsa. 


INDEX. 635 

Leaf (Red Copper) (McL. 465, Ru/N/112, 
adpd), 2666 Avalypka Baroni, 

Leaf (Rose margined Copper) (McL. 465, 
Ru/N/112, adpd), 2668 Acalypha mar- 

Leaf (Sander’s Copper) (McL, 465, Ru/N/ 
112, adpd). 2664 Acalypha hispida. 
Leaf (Saraswaty’s) (MsL. 783, 785, 999). 

2321 Clerodendron infortunatum, 

Leaf (Scar) (McL. 298, 801). 2270 Grap- 
tophyllum hortense, 

Leat (Scorpion) (McL, 144). 

Leaf (Sickle) 

Leaf (Simple-styled Copper) (S. 3, McL. 
405, Hk. 5/243, adpd). decexliii. Cla- 
oxy on (genus). 

Leaf ("horn) (McL, 759), 884 Zanthoxy!- 
um Rhetsa. 

Leaf (Velvet) (McL. 362), 
pelos Pareira. 

Leaf (White margined Copper) (McL. 465, 
Ru/N/l12, adpd). 2669 Acalypha God- 


2697 Tragia 

(McL. 67). 215 Sida 

91 Cissam- 

Leaf (Tamarind) Acacia (McL. 844). 
1038 Acacia concinna, 
Leaf Bellows Tree (McL. 282), 129 

Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Leaf Cactus (Nic. 1/515) (Br. 92), edliii. 
Epiphyilum (genus), 

Leat Cactus (Nic. 3/112) (Br, 92). cdliv. 
Phyllocactus (genus). 

Leat (Hooker’s) Cactus (Nic. 3/118). 
Phyllocactus Hookeri. 

Leaf (Hooker’s) Cactus (Br, 92). [1875 
Sphalm] 13876 Phyllocactus Hookeri, 
Leat (Purple-centred Orange) Cactus 
(Nic. 1/515), 1874-g, Epiphyllum trun- 

catum (elegans), 

Leaf (Purple-edged White) Cactus (Nic. 
1/515). 1374-d. Epiphyllum truncatam 

Leaf (Rosy) Cactus (Nie. 1/515). 1374a, 
Epiphyllum truncatum (roseum), 

Leaf (Rosy-edged White) Cactus (Nic. 
1/515), 13874-b,. Epiphyllum truncatum 

Leaf (Rosy-tipped Large White) Cactns 
(Nic. 1/615). 1374-c, Epiphyllum trun- 
catum (magnificum), 


‘Leaf (Salmon-coloured) Cactus (Nic. 

1/515). 13874-f. Epiphyllum truncatum 
Leaf (Scarlet) Cactus (Nic. 1/515). 1874-h. 
Epiphyllum truncatum (coccineum), 
Leaf (Violet-centred Purple) Cactus (Nie. 
1/515). 1374-i. Epiphyllum truncatum 

Leaf (Violet-edged White) Cactus (Nic, 
1/515). 1874-e. Epiphyllum truncatum 


Leaf (White) Cactus (Nic. 3/113). 1376 
Phyllocactus Hookeri. 

Leaf (White and Rosy Streaked) Cactus 
(Nic. 3/118). 1875 Phyllocactus phyl- 

Leaf (Alder leaved) Copper Leaf (McL. 
465, adpd). 2668 Acalypha alnifolia. 
Leaf Cup Tree (Nic. 3/185). 1617 Mon- 

tafioa bipinnatifida. 

Leaf (Ash) Fern Family (S. 261, adpd). 
CXXX. Marattiacee (Order). 

Leaf (ish) Fern (S. 261). mlxvii. Marat- 
tia (genus). 

Leaf (Ash) Fern (5S. 37). 

Leaf flowering Cactus (S.151). 
Epiphyllum (genus). 

Leaf (Plate) Milk Hedge (MeL. 720). 
1378 Opuntia Dillenii. 

Leaf (Fig) Palm (S, 164). 

Leaf (Spotted Bronze Wedge) Palm (Cag. 
344, adpd). 3147 Stevensonia grandi- 

Leaf (Flat) Palm of New-South-Wales 
(Bth. 7/138). 3136 Howea Forsteriana. 

Leaf (Betel) Pepper (Br. 242) (HEIL. 168) 
(Pfl. 441). 2406 Piper Betle. 

Leaf (Butter-milk) Plant (MeL. 4). 327 
Grewia microcos. 

Leaf (Climbing White) Plant (McL. 516, 
adpd). 1487-e. Musszeenda frondosa 

Leaf (Common White) Plant (McL. 516, 
adpd). 1487 Musszenda frondosa. 

Leat (Glabrate White) Plant (McL. 516, 
adpd). 1487-d. Mussenda frondosa 

Leaf (Peacock’s Foot) Plant (McL. 310, 
473, 864, 999, adpd). dccxxx. Vitex 

Leaf (Sessile leaved White) Plant (McL. 
516,adpd). 1487-b. Musszenda trondosa 

Leaf (Stalk leaved White) Plant (McL. 
516,adpd). 1487-c. Musszenda frondosa 

Leaf (Velvetty White) Plant (McL. 516, 
adpd). 1486 Musszenda tomentosa. 

Leaf (White) Plant (Mc. 516, adpd). 
cdxci. Musszenda (genus). 

3886 Maraittia 


1396 Fatsia 

Leaf (White) Plant (McL. 516), 1487 
Musseenoda frondosa. 
Leaf (Three) Poon (McL. 705, 994). 790 

Pseudarthria viscida. 
Leaf sinus Howering (‘actus (Nic. 3/112). 
edliv. Phyllocactus (genus). 
Leaf tip flowering Cactus (Nic. 1/515). 
edliii. Epiphyllum (genus). 
Leaf (Acid) Tree (McL. 299). 
cinia Cambogia. 

Leaf (Ourry) “Tree (McL. 255, 473, 993, 
(Br. 27) (Cat. 48) (Pf. 96) (Ell, 102). 
393 Murraya Keenigii. 

172 Gar- 


Leaf (Few flowered Milled) Tree (Hk. 
1/278, adpd). 187 Poeciloneuron indi- 

Leaf (Milled) Tree (Red. 2/393, adpd). 
lsxiii. Poeciloneuron (genus). 

Leaf (Panicled flowered Milled) Tree 
(Hk. 1/278, adpd). 186 Peeciloneuron 

Leaf (Triune) Tree (McL. 580, corr). 
Cratzva religiosa. 

Leet (Betel) Vine (McL. 676). 2406 Piper 


Leaf (Broad) Wattle (H/#.F) (Gbl. 291). 
1022 Acacia pycnantha, 

Leafed (Vine) Bendy (Mch. 84, 943). 
239 (bis.) Hibiscus vitifolius. 

Leafed (Seven) Milk Plant* (McL. 278). 
1829 Alstonia scholaris. 

Leated (Seven) Plantain (MeL. 278). 
1829 Alstonia scholaris. 

Leafed (Seven) Poon Tree (McL, 278, 705). 
1829 Alstonia scholaris. 

Leafless Caper Scrub (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 
109 Capparis aphylla. 

Leafless Cherry Cypress (Bth, 6/229, 
adpd). 2529 Exocirpus cupressiformis, 

Leafiess Creeper (McL. 230). 2472 Cassy- 
tha filiformis. 

Leafless (Green Thread-like) Creeper (Hk. 
5/187, McL. 250,adpd). 2472 Cassytha 

Leafless distichous-lance-serrulate-phyl- 
loded Featherfoil (Nic. 3/110, adpd). 
2572 Phyllanthas angustifolins, 

Leafless Goglet Flower (Mc. 466, adpd). 
1933 Ceropegia juncea, 

Leafless (Angular branched) Mistletoe 
(Mch. 683, adpd). 2522 Viscum angula- 

Lenfless (Broad-(} in.) Flat-branched) 
Mistletoe (Hk, 5/226, adpd). 2528-b, 
Viscum articulatum (dishotonum), 

Leafless (Dwarf tufted) Mistletoe (McL. 
683, adpd). 2524 Viscum japonicum, 

Leafless (Flattened branched) Mistletoe 
(McL. 683, adpd). 2523 Viscum arti- 

Leafless-or-sparsely membranous-oblong- 
lance-to-hastate-leaved Australian Na- 
tive Ivy (Nic. 2/390, adpd}. 23886 
Mnehlenbeckia platyclada, 

Leafless Pseudobulb Orchid (W.A.I). 
2924 Cirrhopetalum fimbriatnm. 

Leafless St-mless Flit-rooted Orchid oe 
6/37, W.A.1, adpd). cmxxxiii, Sar- 
cochilus (genus). 

Leafless Vanilla (Br, 211), 

Leafless (Larger) Vanilla Orchid (Hk. 


2982 Vanilla 

6/90, W.A.I, adpd), 2981 Vanilla 

Leafless (Smaller) Vanilla Orchid (Hk. 
6/90, W.A.I, adpd), 2982 Vanilla 


Leafless Whitish-flowered Ring-coronet 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/3, adpd). 
dexxviii, Sarcostemma (genus). 

Leaflet (Sessile) Chaste Tree (McL. 596, 
adpd). 2308 Vitex trifolia. 

Leaflet (Stalked) Chaste Tree (Mch. 596, 
adpd), 2809 Vitex Negundo. 

Leaflet (Curved wedge) Fish-tail Palm 
(Nic. 1/274, adpd). 3155 Caryota 

Leaflet (Rounded) Fish-tail Palm (Nic. 
5/200, adpd). 38153 Caryota obtusa. 

Leaflet (Small) Indigo (MeL. 871, adpd). 
755 Indigofera Wightii. 

Leaflet (Alternate) Sugar 
6/422, Nic, 5/82, adpd). 

Leaflet (Bifariously fascicled) Sugar Palm 
(Hk. 6/421, Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3150 
Arenga obtusifolia. 

Leaflet (Quadrifariously fascicled) Sugar 
Palm (Hk. 6/421, Nic. 5/82, adpd). 
3149 Arenga saccharifera. 

Leafletted (Longer) American Cabbage 
Palm (Nic. 2/521, adpd). 3157 Oreodcxa 

Leafletted (Shorter) American Cabbage 

Palm (Hk, 
3151 Arenga 

Palm (Nic, 2/521, adpd). 3156 Oreo- 
doxa regia. 
Leafletted (Large) Eglandular Senna 

(Mcl.. 804, adpd). 957 Cassia alata. 

Leafletted (Long) Indigo (Hk. 2/100, 
adpd), 956 Indigofera galegoides. 

Leafletted (Close-set narrow) Rattan (Hk. 
6/441, adpd). 3204 Calamus lepto- 

Leafletted (Long) Rattan (Hk. 6/453, 
adpd). 8214 Calamus Gamblei. 

Leafy (Pink flowered) Cactus (Br. 92). 
1384 Pereskia Bleo. 

Leafy fruited Ebony (McL. 366, adpd). 
1705 Diospyros foliolosa. 

Leafy Milk Hedge (McL..473, 502, 1000). 
2534 Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Leafy (Spiral) Milk Hedge (McL. 502, 
adpd). 2535 Euphorbia Nivulia. 

Leafy-rachis-noded (Tripinuate) Elliptic- 
entire-cuspidate-folioled Panax (Hk. 
2/784, adpd). 1413 Heteropanax fra- 

Leafy-rachis-noded = (Bipinnate-(numer- 
ons)-ciliate) Heart-or-ovate-serrate- 
acuminate (d-9)-folioled Prickly Aralia 
(Hk. 2/723, adpd). 1386 Aralia mala- 

Leafy-stipuled (Unif:liate-medium-finely- 
silky-backed) oblance-oblong-obtuse 
leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/75, adpd). 
712 Crotalaria sericea. 

Leafy-stipuled (Unifoliate-long-thinly- 
matted-backed-membranous) oblong 
leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/77, adpd). 
717 Crotalaria lanata. 


Leafy-stipuled (Unifoliate medium short- 
ly-downy-backed) oblong-leaved Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/78, adpd). 718 Crotalaria 

Leafy-stipuled (Bipinnate-(12-40)-downly- 
claucous-backed-minute) Multiglandular 
lance-dimidiate-(40-80)-folioled Sirissa 
(Hk. 2/300, adpd). 1049 Albizzia 

Leafy (Grant’s) spurge (Nic. 3/530). 
2542 Synadenium Grantii. 
Leafy Tree spurge (McL. 502), 2534 

Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Leafy (Ceylon) Violetwort (Nic. 1/54, 
McL. 1007, adpd). 1238 Alsodeia zey- 

Lear’s Sky-blue Morning Glory of Ceylon 
(Nic. 2/192). 2022 Ipomcea Leari. 

Leather-berried (Medium-greyish-silky- 
backed MRoundish-heart leaved) Bind- 
weed (Hk. 4/183, adpd). 1991 Rivea 

Leather-berried (Medium-white-velvetty- 
backed Roundish-heart-leaved) Bind- 
weed (Hk, 4/183, adpd). 1990 Rivea 

Leather-berry (Winged-styled Bell-flower- 
ed one-seeded) (Hk, 3/20, adpd). iii. 
Octotropis (genus). 

Leather (New-South-Wales) Jacket (Bth. 
3/245). 1178 Eucalyptus resinifera. 

Leather-leaf (Hk. 2/19, 107, adpd). 
edxcy. Byrsophyllum (genus). 

Leather-leat (Medium-leathery-shining 
ohovate-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 3/107, 
adpd). 1496 Byrsophyllum tetrandrum. 

Leather leaved Betel-nut Laurel (MchL. 
500, adpd). 2463 Litseea coriacea. 

Leathery glossy Round-heart-leaved Sca- 
side Grape (Nic. 1/346, adpd). 2387 
Coccoloba unifera. 

Leathery-hairy-naryow-lance-pinnati- par- 
tite-acuminate-pinnuled (Bipinnate- 
black-prickle-rachised) Grove Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3327 Alsophila crinita. 

Leathery Heart Vine (McL. 283, adpc). 
585 Vitis Heyneana. 

Leathery-lance-pinnatipartile - acuminate- 
pinnated (Pinnate-(2-3-ft ) tawny-scaly- 
rachised) Buckler Fern (Bed/F, adpa), 
3364-a. Nephrodium filix-mas (paten- 

Leathery-lance- repand-acuminate - leaved 
(Sim; le-(4-14 ft.) glossy-ciliate-hairy- 
glabrate-backed) Subscandent Oleander 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3368 Oleandra 

Leathery leaved Mitre-flowered Nutmeg 
(Bs/f/10, Hk. 1/77, 78, adpd). xxi. 
Mitrephora (genus). 

Leathery (Medium-hairy-glandular -axil- 
led) leaved Mitre-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/78, adpa@). 56 Mitrephora grandiflora. 


Leathery (Small-shining) leaved Mitre- 
flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 2/77, adpd). 55 
Mitrephora Heyneana. 

Leathery (Entire) leaved Shoe Flower 
(Br. 17,adpd). 249 Hibiscus lilifloras, 

ate-pinnated (Pinnate-2-]3-ft.) fiard 
Fern (Nic. 1/195, adpd). 5341 
Blechnum occidentale. - 

troncate - based - acuminate - pinnated 
(Pinnate-(:-8 ft.)-scaly stipe’) Hard 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3312 Blechnum 

Leathery- linear - oblong ( 1-8”) - obtuse 
(Pinnate (1-4 ft) Fertile smaller-nar- 
rower-pinnated Elephant’s-ear Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd), 3379 Acrostichum 

pinnuled (Tripiznate-zlabrous) Brake 
Fern (Bed/F, «dpd). 38335-a. Pteris 
aquilina (typica). 

Leathery-linear-(4’-6”)-toothed-acumin- | 
(Pinnatifid-(2-3 f+.)- | 

muricate-s:iped) Hard Fern (Nic. 1/194, 
adpd). 38340 Blechnuni cartilagineum. 
Leathery-linear-(4’’-8’’)- toothed - wavy- 

acuminate-segmented (Pinnatifid-(2-4 | 

ft.)-scaly-stiped) Hard Fern (Nic. 1/194, 
adpc). 3339 Blechnum brasiliense. 
Leathery - medium - revolute - margined 
oblong-obtuse leaved False Holly (Hk, 
1/587, adpd). 498 Apodytes Bentha- 


> |} 

Leathery Murdah (MclL. 473, 530, 995), | 


Leathery-oblong (5’’-8’’-terminal-donble- 
siz )-acuminate (Pinnate-1-4 ft.) Basal- 
bifid-to-bifoliate-pinnated Buckler Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3366 Nephrodium 

pinnated (Pinnate-2-3 ft.) Buckler 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd), 3352 Nephrodium 

Leathery (Unifoliate-medium-silky) ob- 
long-obtuse leaved Ratilewort (Hk. 
2/79, adpd). 723 Crotalaria obtecta, 

Leathery (Unifoliate-medium-silky) ob- 
wort (Hk. 2/16, adpd). 

Leathery (Unifoliate-very-small-crowded- 
densely-brown-silky) oblauce-subobtusa 
leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/81, adpd). 
729 Crotalaria ramosissima, 

Leathery Ovate leaved Moon-seed (McL, 
1005, Hk. 1/165, adpd). 95 Pachygone 

Terminalia tomentosa (coria- 

716 Crotalaria 

leaved Rattle- | 


{ Leathery-vigid - linear - oblong - (4”-6”)= 

pinnatifid-acn minate-pinnated (Pinnate 
(1-2 ft.)-white-velvetiy-hacked) Buck- 
ler Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3353 Nephro- 
dium unitum, 

Leathery sheathed Hollow Medinm Bam- 
boo (Hk. 7/403, adpd). 8309 Oxyte. 
nanthera Bourdilloni, 

Leathery-shining Elliptie-cuspidate- 
leaved Bottle Flower (W.A.J). 1491-b, 
Webera corymbora (rigida). 

Leathery Simple leaved H oney-sweet 
Tree (Hk. 2/4, adpa), 6353 Meliosma 

Leathery Winged Myrobalan (Mclh. 473, 
530, 995, adpd). 1150-c, Terminalia 
tomentosa (coriacea). 

Leaved (Small  elliptic-serrate-obtnse 
leaved) (lik. 1/638, adpd). 562 
Zizyphus trinervia. 

Leaved (Fine) Acacia (McL, 97). 1040 
Acacia nennata. 

Leaved (Birch) Acalypha (MeL. 178) 

(Ell. 13) (PA. 226). 

Leaved (Holly) Acanthus (Pf. 523). 2223 
Acanthus ilicifolius. 

Leaved (Medium-8 to-10-nerved Oblong- 
Jance-obtuse) Acorn Dammer (Bed. 
1/237, adpd), 209 Balanocarpus erosa. 

2662 Acalypha 

Leaved (Medium-10-nerved Lance-acute) © 

Acorn Dammer (Hed. 1/237, adpd). 208 
Balanocarpus utilis. 

Leaved (Dense) Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Rid. 266, adpd). 3138 Hedyscepe 

Leaved (Sczurfy) Acuminate Feather 
Palin (Cag. 340, adpd). $8160 Euterpe 

Leaved (Vertical) Acuminate Feather 
Palm (Nic. 1/144). 3288 Attalea 

Leaved (Aloe) Adam’s Needle (Nie. 

4/228). 31138 Yucca aloifolia. 

Leaved (Narrow) Adam’s Needle (Br. 
322). 3114 Yucca filamentosa. 

Leaved (Sage) Alangium (McL. 16) (Br. 
76) (HEIL 32) (Pfi.1). 1420 Alangium 

Leaved (Brown spotted) American Aloe 
(Nic. 1/41). 3053 Agave variegata. 

Leaved (Yellow edged) American Aloe 

(Nic. 1,388) (8.12). 3049-b, Agave 
americana (variegata). 

Leaved (Ivy) Ampelopsis (Nic. 1/65, 
5/738). 580 Vitis hederacea, 

Leaved (Five) Ampelopsis of North 
America (Nic. 1/65). 580 Vitis 

Leaved (Spinous-very-small-opposite 

elliptic-entire) Anchor Plant (Nic 

1/34, adpd). 557 Colletia ferox. 

Leaved (Chocolate-blotched) 


Leaved (Large) and berried Coffee (Trop. 

Agr., xx/l1l). 1548-b. Coffea arabica 
(mara gogipe). 

Leaved (Small) and berried Coffee (Trop. 
Agr., xx/il). 1548-a. Coffea arabica 

Lesved (Glaucous) and stalked Mauritius 
Palm (Nic, 2/287). 3226 Latania 

Leaved-(Multifoliate-(3-9) Ovate-obleng- | 

acuminate) Apple Bladder-nut (Hk. 
1/669 adpd). 651 ‘furpinia pomifrra. 
Leaved (Obtuse) Ape Flower (McL, 351, 
664, adpd). 1690 Mimusops Roxburghi- 
Leaved (Pointed) Ape Flower (McL. 351, 
adpd). 1689 Mimusops Elengi. 

_Leaved (Silvery) Ape Flower (McL. 664, 

adpd). 1692 Mimusops Kauki. 

Leaved (Wedge) Ape Flower (McL. 351, 
G64, adpd). 1691 Mimusops hexandra, 

Leaved (Heart) Arnotto (McL. 777). 1380 
Bixa Ore)lana, 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(9-15)-puberulous- 
glabrate-small oblong-lance-acuminate) 
Ash Sumach (Hk, 2/27, adpd). 671 
Solenocarpus indica. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(7-9)-silvery-downy- 
glabrate-medium oblong-ovate-caudate) 
Ash Sumach (Hk, 2/29, adpd). 672 
Odina Wodier. 

Leaved (Short Bristle) Asparagus (MchL. 
516, adpd). 38083 Asparagus capitatus. 

Leaved (Linear) Australian Bottle-brush 
(Nic. 1/243). 1212 Callistemon Jinearis. 

Leaved (Rigid) Australian Bottle-brush 
(Bth, 3/12l,adpd). 12i1 Callistemon 

Leaved (Variable) Australian Shoe Flower 
(Nic. 5/425). 250 Hibiscus heterophy]l- 

Leaved (Downy) Avicennia (McL. 470). 
2334 Avicennia officinalis. 

Leaved (Soft) Azslea (S. 404). 
Rhododendron sinense, 

Leaved (Narrow) Azure Rainbow Creeper 
(MeL. 371, adpd). 2165 Thunbergia 

Leaved (Lance) Balah (McL. 67, 992). 
215 Sida acuta, 



(Cooke, 2/741, adpd);. 3038 Mnssa 

Leaved (Crimson-costate Huge) Banana 
(Cooke, 2/741, adpd). 6039 Musa 

Leaved (Glancous) Banana (Cag. 207). 
3042-c. Musa sapientum (Dzcca). 

Leaved (Glaucous-backed Small) Banana 
(Cooke. 2/741, adpd). 6037 Musa 

tex tilis. 

Leaved (Greer-costate) Banana (Cag. 
207).  3042-b, Musa  sapientum 
(marta banica). 

INDEX. 639 

Leaved (Red-costate) Banana (Crg. 207), 
3042-2. Musa sapientum (chumpa), 

Leaved (Laurel) Banisteria (Br. 3v), 
Heteropteris laurilolia. 

Leaved (Box) Barbadoes Cherry (Nic. 
2/319). #852 Malpoghia coccigera, 

Leaved (Common Ovate) Harbadoes 
Cherry (Nie. 2/819). 351 Malyighia 

Leaved (Holly) Barbadoes Cherry (Nic. 
2/319, adpd). 3854 Malpighia heter- 

Leaved (Pomegranate) Barbadoes Cherry 
(Nic. 2/319). 3853 Malpighia punici- 



Leaved (Bipinnate Mvrtle) Barberry 
(Cag. 674, adpd). %6 Nandina domes- 

Leaved (Holly) Barberry (Cag. 674). 97 
Barberis nepaulensis (Leschenaultii), 
Leaved (Broad) Bassia (McL. 4u6). 1686 

Bassia latifolia. 

Leaved (Long) Bassia (MeL. 506). 1687 
Bessia Jongifolia., 

Leaved  (Claucous-backed obovate) 
Bastard Sandal (Hk. 1/414, adpd). 348 
Erythroxylon monigyrum. 

Leaved (Lanceolate) Bastard Sandal (Hk. 
1/415, adpd). 349 Erythroxylon 

Leaved (Velvetty) Bastard Satin Wood 
(McL, 845, adpd). 768 Mundulea 

Leaved (Tail) Bastard Steff Tree (Hk. 
1/570, aapd). 486 Chailletia gelonioides. 

Leaved (Papery-glabrate) Battle of 
Plassey Climber (Hk. 2/193, adpd). 
327 Spatholobus Roxburghii. 

Leaved (Ash) Bead Tree (McbL. 576). 
452 Azadirachta indica, 

Leaved (Holly) Bear’s-breech (Pf. 528), 
2223 Acanthus ilicifolius. 

Leaved (Soft) Bear’s-breech (Nic. 1/9, 
adpd), 22-4 Acanthvs mollis, 

Leaved (Biglandular) Belleric Myrobalan 
(McL. 928). 1145-b. Terminalia 
helerica (belerica), 

Leaved (Ganidless) Belleric Myrobalan 

(McL. $28) 1145-a, ‘Terminalia 
belerica (ty pica). 
Leaved (Smal]-membranovs-woolly- 

backed lance-acurinate) Bell-flowered 
Nutmeg (Hk, 1/68, adpd). 49 Popowia 

- Leaved (Holly) Berried Spindle Climber 

(ik. 1/626, adpd). 450 Salacia prinoides, 

Leaved (Mediu:-leathery oblong-elliptic- 
entire-cuspidate) | Berried Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/628, adpd). 583 
Salacia macrosp rma. 

Leaved (Medium papery elliptic-lance- 
serrate-acute) Berried Spindle Climber 
(Hk. 1/628, adpd). 555 =Salacia 


Leaved (Small-leathery oblong-elliptic- 
subontire-cuspidate) Berried Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/627, adpd). 551 
Salacia Brunoniana. 

Leaved (Small-leathery oblong-serrate- 
cuspilate) Berried Spindle Climber 
(Hk. 1/626, adpd). 550 Salacia prin- 

Leaved (Small-leathery Ovate-elliptic- 
subentire-subobtuse) Berried Spinole 
Climber (Hk. 1/627, adpd). 652 
Salacia reticalata. 

Leaved (Medium papery oblone-elliptic- 
serrate-aubobtuse) Berried Spindle 
Shrub (Hk, 1/628, adpd), 554 Salacia 

Leaved (Leather) Betel-nut Laurel (McL. 
500, adp). 2463 Litszea coriacea. 

Leaved (Willow) Betel-nut Laurel (McL. 
500, adpd). 2464 Litszea glabrata. 

Leaved (Cocoanut) Bete] Palm (Cag. 337, 
340, adpd), 3125 Chrysalidocarpus 

Leaved (Broad) Bindweed (McL. 665). 
1993 Argyreia speciosa, 

Leaved (Cotton) Bindweed (McL. 718). 
2033 Lpomea digitata. 

Leaved (Sinuate) Bindweed (MchL. 120, 
adpd), 2051 Ipomcea sinuata, 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(7-9) Ovate-entire- 
or-serrulate) Bipinnate Neem (Bs/T/ 
140, Rox. 2/396, 397, adpd). 454 Melia 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(3-12) Ovate-lance- 
serrate) Bipinnate Neem (bs/T/149, 
Rox. 2/195, adpd). 453 Melia Azeda- 

Leaved (long-puberulous-backed Ovate- 
oblong-acuminate) Biseriate-seeded 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/56, adpa). 385 Canan- 
gium odoratum. 

Leaved (Bristle-ciliate) Bispinous-rachis 
Rattan (Hk. 6/445, adpa). 3208 Cala- 
mus pseudotenuis. 

Leaved ( Medium-palmatinerved-aromatic- 
rough Heart-toothed) Bitter Plum (Hk 
2/44, adpd). 688 Rumphia tilizefolia. 

Leaved (Small lance-acuminate-shining) 
Bitter wood (Nic. 4/225, Hk. 1/84, adpd), 
61 Xylopia parvifolia. 

Leaved (Alternate) Black Plum (McL. 879, 
522, adpd). 1255 Engenia alternifolia. 
Leaved (Beautiful) Black Plum (Mech. 
879, adpd). 1252 Eugenia calophylli- 


Leaved (Clove) Black Plum (McbL. 379, 
385, adpd). 1258-b. Engenia Jambo- 
lana (caryophyllifolia). 

Leaved (Heyne’s Willow) Black Plum 
(MeL. 379, adpd). 1259 Hugenia 

Leaved \Myrtle) Black Plum (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1239 Hugenia myrtifolia, 



Leaved (Obtuse) Black Plum (McL. 879, 
335, adpd). 125s-c. Eugenia Jambo. 
lana (obtusifolia). 

Leaved (Revolute) Black Plum (McL. 
379, adpd). 1248 Eugenia revoluta. 

Leaved (Round) Black Plum (McL. 379, 
adpd). 124 Eugenia cyclophylla, 

Leaved (Tailed) Black Plum (McL, 379, 
adpd). 1288 Engenia rostrata. 

Leaved (Small) Black Plum cf Travan- 
core (Mcl. 379, adpd). 1269 Eugenia 

Leaved (Ovate) Bladder fruit Tree (Hk. 
1/364, adpd). 27 Kleinhovia Hospita. 

Leaved (Very-smoll-linear-lance-pungent) 
Blue Bubble Pea (Nic. 2/155, adpd), 
701 Hovea pungens. 

Leaved (Glaucons) Blue druped Feather- 
foil (McL. 587, adpd), 2548 (bés.) 
Bridelia tomentosa. 

Leaved (Shiny) Bottle Flower (McL. 

900, adp3). 1493 Webera lucens, 
Leaved (Golden) Box (S. 67). 2545-b. 
Buxus sempervirens (aurea). 
Leaved (Myrtle) Box (8.67). 2545-d. 

Buxus sempervirens (myrtifolia). 
Leaved (Silver) Box (S. 67). 2546-c. 
Buxus sempervirens (argentea). 

Leaved (Kidney) bracteate Moon-seed 
(McL. 1005, Hk. 1/103, Rox. 3/842, 
adpd). 91 Cissampelos Pareira, 

Leaved (Trifoliate-small-g!abrate Round- 
or-obovate-obtuse) Bracteate Soy. 
Bean (Hk, 2/181, adpd). 812 Shuteria 

Leaved (Prickly) Bracelet Wood (Br, 
115, adpd). 1676 Jacquinia ruscifolia. 

Leaved (Narrow) Brasiletto (Rid. 111, 
216). 929 Ceesaljpinia Sappan. 

Leaved (Axil-spined paripinnate) Brasi- 
letto of Chili (Nic. 1/390, adpd). 935 
Ceesalpinia tinctoria. 

Leaved (Obovate) Bridal-couch Plant 
(McL. 30). 1458 Hymenodictyon 

Leaved (Ovate) Brown-hairy White Dead- 
nettle shrub (Hk. 4/686, adpd), 23862 
Leucas lamiifolia. 

Leayed (Multifoliate-(13)-yellow-downy 
Ovate - lance - serrated - acuminate) 
Brucine Wood (Bth, 1/377, adpd). 431 
Brucea sumatrana, 

Leaved (Holly) Bubble Pea (Treas. Bot. 

1/599). 698 Hovea chorizemeefolia. 
Leaved (Long-leathery-downy-glabrate- 

backed Broad-oblony obtuse) Bucha- 
nan’s Mango (Hk. 2/23, adpd). 667 
Buchanania latifolia. 

Leaved (Medium-leathery elliptic-lance- 
acnte-to-cuspidate) Buchanan’s Mango 
(Hk. 2/24, adpd). 670 Buchanania 


Leaved (Medium-leathery linear-oblong- 
to-elliptic-lauce-obtuse) Buchanan’s 
Mango (Hk. 2/23, adpd). 668 Bucha- 
nania angustifolia, — 

Leaved (Medium-membranous obovate- 
spathulate-obtuse) Buchanan’s Mango 
(Hk. 2/24, adpd). 66% Buchanania 
lucida (interniedia), 

Leaved (Blunt) Buckthorn (McL. 
561 Zizyphus Jujuba. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(2-8)-elaucous- 
backed oblong-lance-acuminate) Bur- 
dock Soapnut (Hk. 1/689, adpd). 645 
Nephelium Litchi. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(2-12)-oblong-or- 
obovate-obtuse) Burdock Soapnut (Hk. 
1/687, adpd). 638 Nephelium lappa- 

cous-backed Ovate-lance-to-oblong- 
subobtuse) Burdock Soapnut (Hk. 
1/689,adpd). 640 Nephelium Longana. 

Leaved (Angle) Burr Mallow (McL. 234, 
adpd). 228 Urena lobata. 

Leaved (Lobe) Burr Mallow (McL. 234, 
adpd). 229 Urena sinuata. 

Leaved (Round) Burr Mallow (McL, 234, 
adpd). 230 Urena repanda. 

Leaved (Yellow) Partridge Pea (Hk. 
1/576, adpd). 490 Olax acuminata. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(6—-12)-chartaceous 
Ovate-elliptic-acuminate) Butterfly 
Soapnut (Hk. 1/692, adpd). 642 Har- 
pullia cupanioides. 

Leaved (Narrow) Button Flower (Nic. 
2/78, Hk. 1/525, adpd). 438 Gomphia 

Leaved (Round) Caltrops Linden (Hk. 
1/394, adpd). 328 Erinocarpus Nim- 

Leaved (Long) Calysaccion (Br. 380). 
Ochrocarpus longifolius. 

Leaved (Broad) Cape Jasmine {MclL. 291, 
adpd), 1506 Gardenia latifolia. 
Leaved (Three) Caper (McL. 480). 

Cratzeva religiosa. 

Leaved (Acicular-spined Heart) Caper 
shrub (Hk. 1/176, adpd). 115 Capparis 

Leavyed (Brown-downy-backed Ovate- 
acute) Caper shrub (Hk. 1/174, adpd). 
105 Capparis grandiflora. 

Leaved (Brown-woolly-backed Ovate- 
acuminate) Caper shrub (Hk. 1/178, 
adpd). 120 Capparis acuminata. 

Leaved (Grey-downy-backed obtuse} 
Caper shrub (Hk. 1/177, adpd). 117 
Capparis sepiaria. 

Leaved (Orbicular) Caper shrub (TIk. 
1/176, adpd). 114 Capparis pedun- 

Leaved (Ovate acute) Caper shrub (Hk. 
1/174, adpd), 106 Capparis zeylanica. 






Leaved (Pungent linear) Caper shrub (Hk. 
1/175, adpd) [on young shoots only]. 
109 Capparis aphylla. 

Leaved (Recurved thornei linear-(vari- 
able)) Caper shrub (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 
110 Capparis diversifolia. 

Leaved (Straight thorned linear-(variable) 
Caper shrub (Hk, 1/174, adpd), 108 
Capparis divaricata. 

Leaved (‘Taper-pointed lance) Caper shrub 
oe 1/178, adpd). 121 Capparis olaci- 


Leaved (Four) Caryota (McL. 777). 3152 
Caryota urens. 
Leaved (Torn) Caryota (McL. 777). 3152 

Caryota urens, 

Leaved (Broad) Cassia (McL, 10). 957 
Cassia alata, 

Leaved (Oval) Cassia (McL, 155) (Br. 68). 
948 Cassia Tora. 

Leaved (Six) Cassia (Br. 63), 

Leaved (Long-14-nerved oblong obtuse) 
Capsuled Dammer (Hk. 1/313, adpd). 
207 Vateria indica. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(5-9) Ovate-lance- 
toothed-acute) Capsuled Neem (Hk. 
1/548, adpd). 451 Mvnronia Wallichii. 

Leaved (Linear) Cerbera (McL. 802), 
1820 Thevetia neriifolia, 

952 Cassia 

Leaved (Long-pointed broad) Ceylon 
Tron-wood (Bed. 1/28, adpd), 185-a. 
Mesua ferrea (typica), 

Leaved (Short-pointed broad) Ceylon 
Iron-wood (Bed. 1/23, adpd). 185-b. 

Mesua ferrea (Roxburghii). 

Leaved (Five) Chaste Tree (McL. 596) 
(El. 837) (PA. 361). 2309 Vitex 

Leaved (Three) Chaste Tree (McL. 596) 
(Ell. 582) (PA, 288). 2308 Vitex trifolia. 

Leaved (Long-membranous-shining lance- 
acuminate-waved) Cherry Nutmeg (Hk, 
1/62, adpd). 40 Polyalthia longifolia, 

Leaved (Cedium-leathery-puberulous- 
backed lance-acuminate) Cherry Nut- 
meg (Hk. 1/66, adpd). 48 Polyalthia 

Leaved (Medium-membranous-downy- 
bacsed lance-acuminate) Cherry Nut- 
meg (Hk. 1/64, adpd). 44 Polyalthia 

Leaved (Medium-membranous Ovate- 
oblong) Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 1/68, 
adpd). 45 Polyalthia simiarum, 

Leaved (Long-membranous-shining ellip- 
tic) Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 1/68, adpd), 
42 Polyalthia fragrans. 

Leaved (Medium-membranons-shining 
oblong lance-acuminate-waved) Cherry 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/62, adpd), 41 Polyalthia 


Leaved (Medium - papery - puberu lous- 
backed oblong-obtuse) Cherry Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/°5, adpd). 46 Polyalthia sube- 

Leaved (Medium-woolly-midribbed Nar- 
row-oblong-cordate-acute) Cherry 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/66, adpd). 47 Polyal- 
thia rufescens, 

Leaved (Peach) Cherry Nutmeg Tree 
(MclL. 281, adpd). 48 Polyalthia persic- 

Leaved (Small-leatherv-shining Ovate- 
acute) Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 1/65, adpd). 
45 Polyalthia Korinti. 

Leaved (Golden) Chestnut (8. 81). 
decexciii. Castanopsis (genus). 

Leaved (Oval) China Root (MeL. 171, 588, 
1900). 3080 Smilax macrophylla. 

Leaved (Rounded) Chinese Laurel (McL. 
474, 594, adpd), 2612 Antidesma 

Leaved (Oblong acute) Chinese Pagoda 
Tree (Hk. 2/249, adpd). 9138 Sophora 

Leaved (Medium-membranous Ovate- 
crenate-acuminate) Chinese Pear (Hk. 
1/640, adpd). 571 Hovenia dulcis. 

Leaved (Alternate) Cinnamon of the 
Nilgiris (McL. 188, adpd), 2439 Cinna- 
momum Perrottetii. 

Leaved (Medium-membranous _ elliptic) 
Claw-flowered Laurel (Hk. 1/498, adpd). 
388-b. Acronychia laurifolia (micro- 

Leaved (Medium-membranous oblong) 
Claw-flowered Laurel (Hk.1/498, adpd). 
288-a. Acronychia laurifolia (oblongi- 

Leaved (Small-membranous Narrow- 
elliptic-lance Claw-flcwered Laurel) 

(Hk, 1/498, adpd). 288-c, Acronychia 
laurifolia (microphylla). 

Leaved (Arrow-barbed Heart) Climbing 
Arum (Nic. 3/97). 3257 Philodendron 

Leaved (Arrow-barbed Oblong) Climbing 
Arum (Nic. 3/97). 3263 Philodendron 

Leaved (Auricular-lobed Heart) Climbing 
Arum (Nic, 3/97). 3256 Philodendron 

Leaved (Creamy-and-yellow-variegated 
Heart) Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/218, 
adpd). 8275 Pothos aureus. 

Leaved (Hlliptic-cuneate  Tail-tipped) 
Climbing Arum (Hk. 6/555, adpd). 
3277 Pothos Thomsonianus. 

Leaved (Elongated Heart) Climbing 
Arum (Nic, 5/595). 3253 Philodendron 

Leaved (¥Five-(3-5)-unequal-segmented) 
Climbing Arum (Nic. 8/588). 3252 
Syngonium auritum., 


Leaved (Heart) Climbing Arum (Nice. 
5/595). 3258 Philodendron asperatum. 

Leaved (Long obovate-lance) Climbing 
Arum (Nic, 5/596). 3261 Philodendron 

Leaved (Oak) Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/97, 
5/596). 3259 Philodendron querci- 

Leaved (Obliquely-elliptic-obtuse Heart) 
Climbing Arum (Nic, 3/218). 3276 
Pothos celatecaulis. 

Leaved (Oblong-obtnse Heart) Climbing 
Arum (Hk. 6/549, adpd). 8271 Hpi- 
premnum giganteum., 

Leaved (Ovate entire) Climbing 
{when young] (Hk. 6/516, adpa). 
Rhapidophora pertusa. 

Leaved (Ovate entire) Climbing 
[when young | (Ek. 6/549, adpd). 
Epipremnum mirabile. 

Leayed (Ovate entire) Climbing Arum 
{when young] (Nic. 2/880). 3278 
Konstera deliciosa. 

Leaved (Pink-and-white-variegated 
Heart) Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/97). 
3260 (bis.) Philodendron gloriosum. 

Leoved (Roundish Tail-tipped) Climbing 
Aram (Hk. 6/544, adpd), 3269 Scin- 
dapsus officinalis, 

Leaved (Sagittate-when young and seven- 
(5-7) lanceolate-segmented) Climbing 
Arum (Nic. 3/583), 3251 Syngonium 

Leaved (Short obovate-lance) Climbing 
Arum (Hk. 6/552, adpd). 8274 Pothos 

Leaved (Tripartite membranous) Climb- 
ing Arnm (Nic. 3/97, 5/596). 8259 
Philodendron quercifolium. 

Leaved (Brown-woolly-backed Pungent) 
Climbing Caper (Hk. 1/178, adpd). 
119 Capparis horrida. 

Leaved (Callous-tipped oblong) Climbing 
Caper (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 111 Capparis 

Leaved (Hoary-branched obovate) Climb- 
ing Caper (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 112 
Capparis Roxyburghii. 

Leaved (Membranous Ovate) Climbing 
Caper (Hk. 1/179, adpd). 122-a, 
Capparis tenera (Dalzellii). 

Leaved (Oblong) Climbing Caper (Hk. 
1/177, adpd). il18 Capparis floribunda, 

Leaved (Obovate acuminate) Climbing 




Caper (Hk. 1/179, adpd). 122-b. 
Capparis tenera (latifolia). 
Leaved (Long-leathery-pallid oblong- 

lance-acuminate) Climbing Holly (Hk. 
1/594, adpd). 508 Sarcostigma Kleinii, 
Leaved (Long-membranous oblong coarse- 

toothed-acuminate) Climbing Holly 
(Hk. 1/598, adpa), 501 Miquelia 


Leaved (Medium-downy-backed-oblong- 
lanceolate-acute) Climbing Necklace 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd), 88 Unona 

Leaved (Medium-silky-ovate-lanceolate- 
acuminate) Climbing Necklace Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/60, adpd). 389 Unona viridiflora. 

Leaved (‘frinerved) Climbing Olive (Hk. 
3/618, adpd). dixxiv. Myxopyrum 

Leaved (Shining-green) Climbing Part- 
ridge Pea (Hk. 1/576, adpd). 489 Olax 

Leaved (Yellow) Climbing Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/575, adpd), 488 Olax scandens. 

Leaved (Uviute) Climbing Poison Nut, 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1955 Strychnos Dal- 

Leaved (Various) Climbing 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/455, adpd). 
Solanum Wendlandii. 

Leaved (Wing) Clitoria (McL. 240) (Br. 
50). 888 Clitoria Ternatea. 

Leaved (Large) Cluster Fig (McL. 49, 
adpd). 2756 Ficus Roxburghii. 

Leaved (Opposite) Cluster Fig (McL. 73, 
adpd). 2750 Ficus hispida. 

Leaved (Scabrid Auricle) Cluster Fig 
(McL. 37, adpd). 2751 Ficus Cunia. 

Leaved (Narrow) Coffee (Nic. 5/254). 
1550 Coffea stenophylla. 

Leaved (Pallid) Common White Cedar 
(Hk. 1/548, adpd). 458 Dysoxylum 

Leaved (Wing) Convolvulus (McL. 263). 
2019 lpomcea Quamoclit. 

Leaved (Box) Coorvitchy (McbL. 222). 
1983 Khretia buxifolia. 

Leaved (Alder) Copper Leaf (McL. 465, 
adpd). 2663 Acalypha alnifolia. 

Leaved (Birch) Copper Leaf (McL. 178, 
465, adpd). 2662 Acalypha fruticosa. 

Leaved (Long) Copper Leaf (McL. 465, 


Bu/N/112,  adpd). 2670 Acalypha 
Leaved (Round) Coral Rush Plant (Nic. 
3/335) (Br. 156). 2115 Ruaselia 

Leaved (Black-prickly-branched Green- 
membranous-round-cuspidate) Coral 
Tree (Hk. 2/189, adpd). 817 Erythrina 

Leaved (Prickly-branched Glaucescent- 
ovate-obtuse-leathery) Coral Tree (Nic. 
1/531, adpd). 822 Erythrina crista- 

Leaved (Prickly-branche! Grey-woolly- 
roundish-obtuse) Coral Tree (Ol. 2/84, 
adpd). 821 Erythrina tomentosa. 

Leaved (Prickly-branched Quinquefoliate 
Rhomboid-or-hastate) Coral Tree (01. 
2/182, adpd). 823 Erythrina Humeana. 




Leaved (Unarmed Glaucous-ovate) Coral 
Tree (ic. 1/531, adpd). 825 Erythrina 

Leaved (Unarmed Green-membranous- 
round-acute) Coral Tree (Hk. 2/190, 
adpd). 820 Erythrina lithosperma. 

Leaved (White-prickly-branched Green- 
membranous-round-cuspidate) Coral 
Tree (Hk. 2/189, adpd). 818 Erythrina 

Leaved (Yellow-prickly-branched Grey- 
downy-backed-obovate-acute) Coral 
Tree (Hk. 2/190, adpd), 819 Erythrina 

Leaved (Yellow-prickly-branched Grey- 
downy-backed-sinuate) Coral Tree (Hk. 
2/190, adpd). 819-b. Erythrina sube- 
rosa (lobata). 

Leaved (Smcoth) Cordia (McL. 808) (Br. 
145) (Rid. 118). 1968 Cordia Myxa. 
Leaved (Oblong) Corymbose Indian 
Linden (Hk, 1/384, adpd). 308 Grewia 


Leaved (Round) Corymbose Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/884, adpd), 809 Grewia emar- 

Leafless (Yellow ‘Thread-like) Creeper 
(Hk. 4/225, Mc. 280, adpd). dexv. 
Cuscuta (genus). 

Leaved (Narrow) Ceylon Iron-wood (Bed. 

1/23, adpd). 185-d. Mesna _ ferrea 
Leaved ‘Long _ elliptic-oblong-obtuse) 

Crested petalled Spindle Tree (Red. 
2/114,  adpd) 529 Lophopetalum 

Leaved (Laburnum) Crotalaria (MeL. 
369) (Br. 48). 737 Crotalaria laburni- 
folia. : 

Leaved (Wedge) Crotalaria (McL. 309) 
(Br. 48). 711 Crovalaria retusa. 

Leaved (Medium obovate) Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-D. 
Codizum variegatum (obovatum). 

Leaved (Medium Oval) Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-F. Codizum 
variegatum (ovalifolium). 

Leaved (Medium ovate) Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-H. Codizum 
variegatum (ovalifolinm), 

Leaved (Medium Round) Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-G. Codizsum 
variegatum (rotundifolia). 

Leaved (Oblong) Croton (McL. 269, 306, 
473, 1000, adpd). 2637 Croton oblongi- 

Leaved (Poplar) Croton (MoL. 571). 
2702 Sapium sebiferum. 

Leaved (Recurved-tipped) Croton (Bu/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-7. Codi- 
zum vériegatum (volutifolium). 

Leaved (Silver) Croton (McL. 306), 
Croton scabiosus. 



Leaved (Tail) Croton (McL. 306, adpd) 
2639 Croton caudatus. 

Leaved (Oblong) Cup Rosebay (Hk. 
3/650, adpd). 1838 Vallaris Heynei. 
Leaved (Round) Cup Rosebay (Hk. 3/651, 

adpd). 1840 Vallaris Pergulana. 

Leaved (Broad) Cycas (McL. 777). 2873 
Cycas circinalis. 

Leaved (Aloe) Cymbidium (Br. 211). 
2845 Cymbidium aloifolium. 

Leaved (Ivy) Cypress Vine (S. 218). 
2029-2. Tpomcea hederacea (coccinea). 
Leaved (Smooth) Demia (Br. 129, 269). 

1885 Demia extensa. 

Leaved (Yellow-mottled Maple) Darwin’s 
Mallow (Nic. 1/4, adpd). 218-b. Abu- 
tilon Darwini (Sellovianum-marmora- 

Leaved (Bifariou Green) Date (Gbl. 730, 
adpd). 3165 Phoenix rupicola. 

Leaved (Quadrifarious Green) Date (Gbl. 
730, adpd). 3164 Phcenix zeylanica. 
Leaved (Spiral) Date (Bs/T/646, adpd). 

3165 Pheenix rupicoia. 

Leaved (Rhomboid-lance-obtuse-mucro- 
nate) Deep-blue Bubble Pea (Nic. 2/154, 
adpd). 699 Hovea Celsi. 

Leaved (Medium oblong-cvate) Delight 
of the Woods (Hk. 1/418, adpd). 355 
Hiptage Madablota. 

Leaved (Small elliptic) Delight of the 
Woods (Hk. 1/419, adpd). 356 Hiptage 

Leaved (Broad) Desmodium (Br. 
806 Desmodium latifolium. 


Leaved (Trifoliate - Gowny - backed- 
leathery-sma]l Roand-deltoid) Dholl 
Olimber (Hk. 2/217, adpd). 855 

Dunbaria ferruginea. 

Leaved (Trifoliate-softly-pilose-papery- 
medium Ovate-cuspidate) Dboll 
Climber (Hk. 2/223, adpd). 364 
Rhynchosia cyanosperma. 

Leaved  (Trifoliate-softly-membranous- 
small Round-rhompboid-obtuse) Dholl 
Climber (Hk. 2/225, udpd). 867 
Rhynchosia sericea. 

Leaved (Trifoliate-subglabrous-membra- 
nous-medium obovate oblong cuspidate) 
Dholl Climber (Hk, 2/218, adpd). 
856 Dunbaria Heynei. 

Leaved (Trifoliate - subglabrous - papery- 
medium Roundish-acute) Doll Climber 
(Hk. 2/216, adpd). 852 Atylosia 

Leaved (Trifoliate-thinly-downy-papery- 
medium Roundish-cuspidate) Dholl 
Climber (Hk. 2/216, adpd). 853 
Atylosia barbata. 


Leaved (Trifoliate-brown-short-velvetty: | 

papery - medium oblong - rhomboid- 
scurainat2) Dholl Creeper (Hk. 2/226, 
adpd). 868 Rhynchosia acutissima, 



Leaved (Trifoliate - grey - downy - papery* | 
medium Ovate-rhomboid-acate) Dholl 
Creeper (Hk. 2/219, adpd). 857 
Cylista scariosa. 

Leaved  (Trifoliate-grey-downy-papery- 
small-Ovate-rhomboid) Dholl Creeper 
(Hk. 2/226, adpd). 869 Rhynchosia 
censiflora. , 

Leaved (Trifoliate-grey-boary-leathery- 
small Obovate-obtuse-rugcse) Dholl 
Creeper (Hk. 2/215, adpd). 851 

Atylosia rugosa. 

Leaved  (‘'rifoliate - velvetty - backed- 
leathery-medium Ronnd-obovate) Dholl 
Creeper (Hk. 2/218, adpd). 849 
Atylosia mollis. 

Leaved (Trifoliate-white hoary-leathery 
small Obovate-subobtuse (Dholl Creeper 
(Hk. 2/215, adpd). 850 Atylosia 

Leaved (Trifoliate-white-hoary-leathery- 
small Oboyate-subobtuse) Dholl Creeper 
(Hk. 7/215, adpd), #50 Aytlosia 

Leaved (Trifoliate-white-velvetty-backed 
leathery-very-small Obovate-obtuse) 
Dholl Creeper (Hk. 2/221, adpd). 860 
Rhynchosia filipes. 

Leaved (Trifoliate-densely-silky-leathery- 
small oblong-acuminate-digitate) Dholl 
shrub (Hk. 2/229, adpd). 877 Flem- 
ingia Wightiana. 

Leaved (Trifoliate-downy-backed. papery- 
small cblong-digitate-lance) Dholl 
shrub (Hk. 2/230, adpd). 679 Flemingia 

Leaved (Trifvliate - grey - hoary - papery- 
small oblance-pleated-obtuse) Dboll 
shrub \Hk. 2/228,adpd). 872 Flemingia 

Leaved (Trifoliate - grey - hoary - papery- 
small oblong-rhomboid-acute) Dholl 
shrub (Hk. 2/223, adpd). 865 Rhyn- 
chosia pseudocajan. 

Leaved  (Trifoliate-hispid-membranous- 
smail Round) Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/218, 
adpd). 846 Atylosia geminiflora. 

Leaved (Trifoliate - minutely - downy- 
meimbranous-small Roundish-cospidate) 
Dholl Shrub (Hk. 2/222, adpd). 861 
Rhynchosia suaveolens. - 

Leaved (Trifoliate - minutely - dawny- 
papery-small oblong-acute) Dholl shrub 
(Hk. 2/220, adpd). 859 Rhynchosia 

Leaved (Trifoliate - minutely - downy- 
papery-small Ovate-acate) Dholl shrub 
(Hk. 2/220, adpd). 859 Rhynchosia 

Leaved (Trifoliate-pilose papery-very- 
small Obovate oblong-obtuse) Dholl 
shrub (Hk. 2/218, adpd), 847 Atylosia 


Leaved (‘Trifoliate - silky - grey - backed- 
papery-small obovate-obtuse-digitate) 
Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/228, adpd). 874 
Flemingia Grahamiana, 

Leaved (Trifoliate-silky-papery-medium 
oblong-!ance-acute) Dholl shrub (Hk. 
2/217, adpd). 854 Cajanus indicus. 

Leaved (Trifoliate - silky - papery - smal] 
oblance-subacute) Dholl shrub (Hk. 
2/2138, adpd). 848 Atylosia sericea. 

Leaved (Lrifoliate-silvery-hoary-papery- 
medium Oblong - lance-acute) Dhoil 
shrub (Hk. 2/212, adpd), 863 Rhyn- 
chosia Beddomei. 

Leaved (Trifoliate - thinly - grey - silky- 
backed-papery-medium oblong-acumin- 
ate-digitate) Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/229, 
adpd). 875 Flemingia congesta. 

Leaved (Trifoliate - velvetty - leathery- 
small Oblance-obtuse) Dholl shrub (Hk. 
2/212, adpd). 845 Atylosia Candollei. 

Leayed (Trifoliate- viscous-downy-glab- 
rate-membranous-small Ovate-acute) 
Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/225, adpd). 866 
Rhynchosia viscosa, 

Leaved (Trifoliate-minutely-downy-back- 
ed-papery-medium oundish-Heart- 
cuspidate) Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/227, 
adpd). 871 Flemingia Chappar. 

Leaved (Unifoliate-thinly-silky-backed- 
papery-medium-to-long oblong-sub- 
acute) Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/227, adpd). 
870 Flemingia strobilifera, 

Leaved (Acuminate Ovate) Digitate Ivy 
(Hk. 2/729, adpd). 14138 Heptapleurum 

Leaved (Capitate elliptic) Digitate (-6-8)- 
Ivy (Hk. 2/734, adpd). 1416 Brassaia 


Leaved (Hiliptic) Digitate Ivy (Hk. 
2/7380). 1415 Heptapleurum Wallichia- 

Leaved (Obtuse obovate) Digitate Ivy 
(Hk. 2/730, adpd). 1414 Heptapleurum 

Leaved (Racemed Lance) Digitate Ivy | 

(Hk. 2/729, apd). 

Leaved (Umbelled Lance) Digitate Ivy 
(Hk. 2/729, adpd), 1411 Heptapleurom 

Leaved (Long - 10 - nerved - downy - mid- 
ribbed oblong-lance-acute) [Dipterocarp 
Dammer (Hk. 1/309, Bed. 2/96, adpd). 
204 Hopea Wightiana. 

Leaved (Long-12-to-i8-nerved-velvetty- 
backed Elliptic-cuspidate) Dipterocarp 
Dammer (Bs/T/66,adpd). 198 Diptero- 
carpus Bourdilloni, 

Leaved (Medium-1l5-nerved-downy-backed 
Elliptic-ovate-acute) Dipterocarp Dam- 
mer (Hk. 1/298, adpd). 197 Diptero- 
carpus alatus, 

1412 Heptapleurum 

INDEX. 645 

Leaved (Medium - 10 - nerved - glandular- 
axilled oblong-ovate-acute) Dipterocarp 
Dammer (Hk. 1/808, Bed. 1/27, 2/7, 
adpd). 208 Hopea parviflora. 

Leaved (Medium-12-nerved Lance-oblong) 
Dipterocarp Dammer (Hk. 1/808, aclpd). 
202 (bis.) Hopea odorata. 

Leaved (Medium-8-nerved Lance-obtuse) 
Dipterocarp Dammer \ Hk. 1/309, adpd). 
205 Hopea glabra. 

Leaved (Medium-4-nerved Ovate-elliptic- 
caudate) Dipierocarp Dammer (Hk. 
1/86¢, Bed. 1/27, adpd), 206 Hogea 

_ Leaved \Medium-10-to-15-nerved Ovate- 

cuspidate) Dipterocarp Dammer (Bed 
2/94, Bs/'l/75, adpd). 196 Diptero- 
carpus indicus. 

Leaved (Medium - to - long - 10- scurfy- 
nerved Lance-acute) Dipterocarp Dam- 
mer (Hk. 1/302, adpd). 199 Vatica 

Leaved (Lance) Discous Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd), 2552 Cleistanthus 

Leaved (Round) Discous Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2550 Cleistanthus 

Leaved (Small) Dog’s Matrix (McL. 1010, 
adpa), 971 Cynometra Bonrdilloui. 
Leaved (Angular) Dombeya (Br. 24) 294 

Dombeya acutangula. 

Leaved (Palmate} Dombeya (Br. 24). 
294 Dombeya acutangula. 

Leaved (Elliptic) Downy Jasmine (McL. 
383, adpd). 1753 Jasminum Rottleria- 

Leaved (Spoon) Downy Jasmine (McL. 

383, adpd). 1746 Jasminum Rox- 

Leaved (Bause’s Broad Bronze) Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/372, adpd). 3).07-c. 

Cordyline terminalis (Bausel). 

Leaved (Broad Brilliant-red Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/874, adpd). 3107-p. Cordyline 
terminalis (lurnerz). 

Leaved (Common large lanceolate) - 

Dragon Tree (Hk. 6/331, adpd). 3107 
Cordyline terminalis. 
Leaved (Crimson-bordered —_ Bronze) 

Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/872, adpd), 3107-c. 
Cordyline terminalis (Bansei). 

Leaved (Curly Narrow Sessile) Dragon 
Tree (Hk. 6/829,adpd). 3098 Draczna 

Leaved (Glaucous Sessile) Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/190). 38099 Draczena Draco. 

Leaved (Narrow reddish-crimson) Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/874,adpda), 3107-k. Cordy- 
line terminalis (Jamesii). 

Leaved (Narrow Sessile) Dragon Tree 
Nic. 1/384). 211 Cordyline stricta, 


Leaved (Nervose Broad) Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/312, adpd). 38109 Cordyline 

Leaved (Orange-bordered Dark) Dragon 
Tree Nic. 1/374, adpd). 3107-f, Cordy- 
line terminalis (Gayii). 

Leaved (Orange-bordered Erect) Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/374, adpd). 3112 Cordy- 
line Hendersonii. 

Leaved (Red-bordered (Narrow) Dragon 
Tree (Hk. 1/831, adpd). 8107-e. 
Cordyline terminalis (ferrea). 

Leavea (Red-bordered Sessile) Dragon 
Tree (Nic, 1/49],adpd). 3104 Draceena 

Leaved (Short and Narrow) Dragon Tree 

(Hk. 6/329, adpd). 38097 Draczena 
Leaved (Suffused Pink and Creamy) 

Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/372). 3108 
Cordyline amabilis. 

Leaved (Umbrella-like Narrow Sessile) 
Dragon ‘Tree (Nic. 1/491). 3106 
Dracezena umbraculifera, 

Leaved (White-bordered Broad) Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/874, adpd). 3107-n. 
Cordyline terminalis (Regine). 

Leaved (White-bordered Narrow) Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/372). 
terminalis (albicans). 

Leaved (White-bodered Sessile) Dragon 

Tree (Nic. 31038 Draczena 

Leaved (Blotchy-primary-nerved Broad) 
Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474, adpd), 3264 
Dieffenbachia Seguine. 

Leaved (Blotchy-primary-veined Long- 


narrow) Dumb Cane (Nic. 5/3822). 3267 

Dieffenbachia Jenmani. 

Leaved (Many) Dwarf Senna (McL, 155, 

adpd). 66 Cassia mimosoides. 
Leaved (Shiny) Dwarf Date (McL. 414, 
adpd). 8167 Phoenix farinifera. 
Leaved (Dull) Dyeing Mulberry (McL. 
3767). 1555 Morinda tinctoria. 

Leaved (Hlliptic) Dyeing Mulberry (McL, 

367), 1554-c. Morinda citrifolia (ellip- 

heaved (Polished) Dyeing Mulberry 
(McL. 367). 1554-c. Morinda citri- 

folia (elliptica). 

Leaved (Shining) Dyeing Mulberry (McL. 
367). 1554 Morinda citrifolia. 

Leaved (Woolly) Dyeing Mulberry (McL, 
367). 1555-b. Morinda  tinctoria 
(tomentosa. ) 

Leaved (Oval) Ebony (McL. 366, adpd). 
1706 Diospyros ovalifolia, 

Leaved (Small) Ebony (MclL. 366, adpd). 
1710 Diospyros microphylla. 

Leaved (Mimosa) Ebony Tree (S, 219), 
dexc, Jacaranda (genus). 

3107-b. Cordyline | 


Leaved (Box) Ehbretia (Br. 146), 1988 
Ehretia buxifolia, 

Leaved (Narrow) Ecostate Fern Palm 
(Bth, 6/252, adpd). 2881 Macrozamia 

Leaved (Acute) Eglandular Senna (McL. 
804, adpd). 955 Cassia acutifolia. 

Leaved (Bristle-tipped oblong) Eglandu- 
lar Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 959 Cassia 

Leaved (Emarginate oblong) Eglandular 
Senna (Mcbl. 804, adpd). 958 Cassia 

Leaved (Narrow) Eglandular senna (MeL, 
804, adpd). 956 Cassia angustifolia. 
Leaved (Obovate) Eglandular Senna 

(McL. 804, adpd). 963 Cassia obovata. 

Leaved (Saw) Eleocarpus (Mch. 763). 
[exxiii. Sphalm] 336 Elwocarpus 

Leaved (Entire) Elm. (Cat. 265). 2710 
Holoptelia integrifolia, 

Leaved (Medium Ovate-ellipticeacumin- 
ate) Elongated Trinity-shield Plant 
(Hk. 1/420, adpd). 359 Aspidopterys 

Leaved (Elliptic) Epiphytic Spider Flower 
Shrub (Bs/T/885, adpd), 1294 Medi- 
nilla malabarica. 

Leaved (Round) Epiphytic 
Flower shrub (Bs/T/335, adpd). 
Medinilla Beddomei. 

Leaved (Long - opposite - mem)ranous- 
rufous-villous-midribbed Linear-obtuse) 
Erect-druped Mango (Hk, 2/40, adpd). 
683 Nothopegia aureofulva. 

Leaved (Long-submembranous-downy- 
midribbed —_ Hlliptic-lance-acuminate) 
Erect-druped Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd), 
682 Nothopegia travancorica. 

Leaved (Medium-leathery -whitish-backed 
ellipticeoblong-acuminate) Erect-druped 
Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 681-a, 
Nothopegia Colebrookiana (typica). 

Leaved (Medium-leathery-whitish-backed 
obovate-oblong-cuspidate) Hrect-druped 


Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 681-c, 
Nothopegia Colebrookiana (macro- 

Ieaved (Small-leathery-whitish-backed 
Elliptic-oblong-obtuse) EHrect-druped 
Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd).  681-b, 
Nothopegia Colebrookiana (Heyneana). 

Leaved (Box) Eugene Myrtle MeL, 379, 
adpd), 1262 Kugenia codyensis, 

Leaved (Wedge) Eugene Myrtle of 
Tinnevelly (McL. 379, adpd). 1260 
EHugenia Jossinia. 

Leaved (Peepul) Evening Mallow (McL. 
914, adpd). 220 Abutilon polyandrum. 

Leaved (Peltate) Evening Mallow (Hk. 
1/328, adpd). 227 Abutilon neilgher- 


Leaved (Small) Evening Mallow (Bk. 
1/328, adpd). 226 Abutilon  fruti- 

Leaved (Wrinkled) Evening Mallow (Hk. 
1/326, adpd), 221 Abutilon asiaticum, 

Leaved (Elliptic) Kverlasting shrub 
(Hk. 3/290, adpd). 1614 Helichrysum 

Leaved (Linear) Everlasting shrub (Hk. 
3/291, adpd). 1615 Helichrysum 

Leaved (Pinnate) False Copaiba (McL. 
1026, adpd). 975 Hardwickia pinnata. 

Leaved (Twin) False Copaiba (McL, 1026, 
adpd), 974 Hardwickia binata. 

jveaved (Simple) False Hemp (S. 131, Hk. 
2/656, adpd). 1368 Tetrameles nudi- 

Leaved (Leathery Mediim-reyolute- 
margined oblong-obtuse) False Holly 

(Hk. 1/587, adpd). 498 Apodytes 
Leaved (Membranous-distinctly-.erved) 

False Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 496 
Gomphandra axillaris, 

Leayed (Membranous-medium  broad- 
ovate-acuminate) False Holly (Hk. 
1/587,adpd). 499 Apodytes Beddomei. 

Leaved (Membranous-medium Narrow-to- 
broad Jance-acuminate) False Holly 
(Hk. 1/586, adpd). 

leaved (Papery-long-and-medium linear- 
acuminate) False Holly (Hk. 1/886, 
adpd). 497-d. Gomphandra poly- 
morpha (longifolia). 

Leaved (Papery - long-and - medium 
Narrow-linear-lance-acuminate) False 
Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 497-c. 
Gomphandra polymorpha (angusti- 

Leaved (Papery-medium Linear-oblong- 
cuspidate) False Holly (Hk. 1/586, 
adpd). 497-b, Gomphandra poly mor- 
pha (oblongifolia). 

Leaved (Papery-medium Oval-acuminate) 
False Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 497-a. 
Gon phandra polymorpha (acuminata). 

Leayed (Papery - opaque - indistinctly- 
nerved) Faise Holly (ik, 1/586, adpd). 
497 Gomphandra polymorpha. 

Lezsved (Papery-short Oval-vbtuse-or- 
cuspidat) Faise Holly (Hk. 1/886, 
adpd). 497-e. Goinphancara polymor- 
pha (uvalifolia). 

Leaved (Uowny) False Kamela (McL, 30, 
adpd). 1336 Casea:ia tonieutosa. 

Leaved (Hsculent) False Kamela (McL. 
30, adpa). 1834 Casearia esculenta. - 

Leaved (Pointed) False Kamela (McL. 30, 
adpd), 1337 Casearia wynaadensis, 

Leaved (Ruddy) False Kamela (McL. 30, 
adpd). 13835 Casearia rubescens, 

496 Gompbandra 



Leaved (Acaminate-round-based-oblong) 
False Plantain (Nic. 2/129). 3045 
Heliconia aurantiaca. 

Leaved (\cutely-oblong) False Plantain 
(Nic. 2/129). 3017 Heliconia humilis. 
Leaved (Bronzy-backed-iuargined-costate- 
veined-and-petioled dreoping-broad- 
lance) False Plantain (Nic. 2/129). 

3048 Heliconia metallica. 

Leaved (Drooping-long-lance) 
Plantain (Nic, 2/129). 

Leaved (Yellow-veined Elongate-Heart) 
False Plantain (Nic. 2/129). 3046 
Heliconia aureostriata, 

Leaved (Downy) False Wampee (Hk. 
1/501, adpd). 391 Micromelum pubes- 

Leaved (Multifoliate (9-15)-small-downy 
Ovate-waved-acuminate) False Wampee 
(Hk. 1/602, Bed. 1/48, adpd). 891-b. 
Micromelum pubescens (angustifolia). 

Leaved (Quinquefoliate-medium-downy 
Ovate-waved-acuminate) False Wampee 
(Hk. 1/502, Bed. 1/43, adpd). 391-a. 
Micromelum puvescens (integerrima). 

Leaved (Forest small) Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2559 Phyllanthus polyphyl- 

Leaved (Grove small) Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2561 Phyllanthus nemo- 

Leaved (River small) Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 26560 Phyllanthus Lawii. 
Leaved (Wavy) Fern Palm (Nic, 5/276). 

2876 Cycas undulata, 

Leaved (Medium-hairy-nerved oblong- 
acute) Fetid Holly (Hk. 1/589, adpa), 
500-d. Mappia foetida (oblonga). 

Leaved (Medium-thinly-downy-glabrate 
Ovate-acuminate) (Fetid Holly) (Hk. 
1/589, adnd). 500-a, Mappia fcetida 

Leaved (Medium-velvetty-backed Ovate- 
oblong-acute-to-acuminate) Fetid Holly 
(Hk. 1/589, adpd). 500-b. Mappia 
fcetida (tomentosa). 

(Elliptic) Few-seeded Sweet 
Thorn (Hk. 1/194, adpd). 139 Xylosma 

Leaved (Long) Few-seeded Sweet Thorn 
(Hk, 1/194, adpd). 138 Xylusma longi- 

Leaved (Acute Elliptic) Fig (MeL. 73, 

8044 Heliconia 

adpd). 2735 Ficus Trimeni. 
Leaved (Arnott’s Jointed Heart) Fig 
(MeL. 673, adjd), 2740 Ficus Arnos- 

Leaved (Cusped elliptic) Frg (McL. 73, 
adpd), 2732 Ficus altissima. 

Leaved (Glossy long Waved) Fig (McL, 
730, adpd). 2741 Ficus Tjakela, 


Leaved (Jointed ovate) Fig (McL. 982, 
adpd). 2742 Ficus Tsiela. 

Leaved (Jointed Poplar) Fig (McL. 673, 
adpd). 2739 Ficus religiosa, 

Leaved (Jointed Waved) Fig (Mch. 73, 
adpd). 2743 Ficus infectoria, 

Leaved (Lance) Fig (Mch. 78, adpda), 
2731 Ficus travancorica. 

Leaved (Narrow) Fig (McL. 78, adpd). 
2737 Ficus nervosa. 

Leaved (Opposite) Fig (McL. 49) (Br. 
200). 2750 Ficus hispida. 

Leaved (Oval) Fig (McL. 72) (? Ovate). 
2726 Ficus bengualensis. 

Leaved (Oval) Fig (Br. 201) (Ell. 278). 
2733 Ficus, Benjamina. 

Leaved (Oval) Fig (McL. 78). 
Ficus retusa. 

Leaved (Ovate) Fig (McL. 72, adpd). 
2726 Ficus bengalensis. 

Leaved (Parasitic Rhomboid) Fig (McbL. 
49, 1000, adpd), 2724-a, Ficus gibbosa 

Leaved (Poplar) Fig (McL. 673, (Br. 198) 
(Ell. 673). 2789 Ficus religiosa. 

Leaved (Rhomboid) Fig (Mch. 49, 473, 
1000, adpd). 2724 Ficus gibbosa. 

Leaf (Rough) Fig (MchL.78).- 2751 Ficus 

Leaved (Round) Fig (McL. 73, adpd). 
2729 Ficus Beddomei. 

Leaved (Roxburgh’s Jointed Heart) Fig 
(McL. 673, adpd). 2788 Ficus Rum- 



Leaved (Scabrid narrow) Fig (Br. 201, 
adpd). 2747-b. [icus heterophylla 

Leaved (Scabrid Oak) Fig (MchL, 49, 
adpd), 2748 Ficus quercitolia. 

Leaved (Scabrid various) Fig (Br. 201, 
adpd), 2747 Ficus heterophylla. 

Leaved (Shining) Fig (McL. 73) (Br. 200). 
2736-b. Ficus retusa (nitida). 

Leaved (Subserrate Rhomboid) Fig (\ cL. 
49, 1000, adpd). 2724-b. Ficus gibbosa 

Leaved (Tailed Oval) Fig (McL., 73, adpd). 
2735 (bis.) Ficus Talboti, 

Leaved (Tall Rhomboid) Fig (McL. 49, 
478, 1000, adpd). 2724-c, Ficus gibbosa 

Leaved (Various) Fig (Br. 201), 2747 
Ficus heterophylla. 

Leaved (Wave) Fig (Pfi. 347). [2742 
Sphalm ] 2743 Ficus infectoria. 

Leaved (Waved) Fig (McL. 73). 27438 

Ficus infectoria. 
Leaved (Weeping Pointed Oval) Fig (Br. 
201,adpd). 27383 Ficus Benjamina. 
Leaved (Waved) Fig of Queensland (Bth. 
6/165). 2746 Ficus Cunninghamii, 
Leaved (Dusky) Firebrand ‘leak (McL, 
473, 512,884,997, adpd). 2298 Premna 


Leaved (Oblong) Firebiand Teak (MeL. 
473, 512, 884, 997,adpd). 2297 Premna 

Leaved (Round) Firebrand Teak (McL. 
472, 512, 834,997, adpd). 2292 Premna 

Leaved (Shaggy) Firebrand Teak (McL, 
472, 512, 884,997, adpd). 2293 Premna 

Leaved (Woolly) Firebrand Teak (McL, 
473, 512,884, 997, adpd). 2296 Premna 

Leaved (Ovate) Firebrand ‘Teak of the 
Anaimalais (McL, 478, 512, 884, 997, 
adpd). 2299 Premna Wightiana. 

Leaved (Oyvate) Firebrand Teak of the 
Deccan (MeL. 472, 512, 884, 997, adpd). 
2291 Premna corymbosa. 

Leaved (Spiny Bifoliate-very-small obov- 
ate-elliptic-obtuse) Firework Plant (Hk. 
1/5238, adpd). 433 Balanites Rox- 

Leaved (Rasp) Fish-bone Climber (Hk. 
1/31, adpd). J1 Delima sarmentosa. 
Leaved (Smooth) Fish-bene Climber (Hk. 

1/31, adpd). 12 Tetracera levis. 

Leaved (Loug) Fish Poison Cedar (Mch. 
1020, adpd). 470 Walsura ternata. 

Leaved (Short) Fish Poison Cedar (Mch. 
1020, adpd). 471 Walsuva piscidia. 

Leaved (Shining) Flacourtia (Mc, 492). 
[136 Sphalm]| 187 Flacourtia sepiaria. 

Leaved (Arrow and Heart) Flat Pea (Nic. 
3/159). 702 Platylobium triangulare, 

Leaved (Beech) Flemingia (br, 54). 
870 Flemingia strobilifera. 

Leaved (Neem) Fragrant Quaternion 
Tree (Hi. 1/490, Nic. 6/19, adpd), 379 
Evodia melizefoiia, 

Leaved (Bipinnate) Fragrant Trumpet 
Tree (Hk. 4/388, adpd). 2151 Stereos- 
permum xylocarpum. 

Leaved (Senna) French Honeysuckle 
(McL. 518). 788 Ormocarpum sennoi- 

Leaved (Unifoliate - small - thinly - silky 
linear-oblong-subobtuse) Furrowed- 
branched Rattlewort (Hk. 2/79, adpd). 
722 Crotalaria juncea, 

Leaved (Angular-branched oblong Long) 

Gambogs (Hk. 1/269, adpd.). 178 
Garcinia Xanthochymus. 
Leaved (Close-regular-nerved Broad 

Medium) Gamboge (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 
178 Garcinia echinocarpa. 

Leayed (Elliptic acuminate Small) Gam- 
boge (Bdn. in Bo. N.H.S., dated 
7-12-98, adpd). 176 Garcinia Imbeti. 

Leaved (Horizontal-nerved elliptic Long) 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/260, adpd). 17U 
Garciuia Mangostana, 

Leaved (Indistinct-nerved Broad Medium) 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/265, adpd), 174 
Garcinia Morella. 

—_—=—" — 

i inl 



Leaved (Linear-oblong-obtuse 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/268, adpd). 
Garcinia travancorica, 

Leaved (Membranous-Lance-to-obovate 
Short) Gamboge (Hk. 1/262, adpd). 
171 Garcinia indica. 

Leaved (Oblique-nerved Broad Medium) 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/262, adpd). 172 
Garcinia Cambogia. 

Leaved (Slender-nerved Broad Medium) 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/269, adpd). 179 
Garcinia spicata. 

Leaved (Slender-nerved Narrow Medium) 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/265, adpd). 175 
Garcinia Wightii. 

Leaved (Broad) Gardenia (McL. 291) 
(Br. 98). 1506 Gardenia latifolia. 



Leaved (Wing) Garooga (McL, 303). 440 

Garuga pinnata. 

Leaved (Broad) Ginger (McL. 411). 2997 
Zingiber Zerumbet. 
Leaved (Dowuy) Ginger (McL. 187). 

2998 Zingiber Cassumunar. 

Leaved (Quinquefoliate-(5—7)-glabrate 
Elliptic-obtuse-or-retuse) Kino Rose- 
wood (Bs/T/240, adpd). 897 Pterocar- 
pus Marsupium, 

Leaved (Long shining) Globe-flowered 
Nutmeg (Bs/T/13, adpd). 76 Sagerza 

Leaved (Medium shining) Giobe-flowered 
Nutmeg (Bs/T/13, adpd). 75 Sagerza 

Leaved (Auricled) Glabrous Marking Nut 
(McL. 476, adpd). 675 Semecarpus 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(7-11)-downy-nerved 
Ovate-elliptic-serrate) Giobular-flower- 
ed Neem (Hk. 1/545, adpd). 455 
Cipadessa fruticosa. 

Leaved (Blue flowered Saw) Glory Tree 
(S.101, adpd). 2318 Clerodendren 

Leaved (Downy small ovate) Glory Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 2316 Clerodendron phlo- 



Leaved (Litoral small) Glory Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 2315 Clerodendron 

Leaved (Long flowered Lance) Glory Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 2822 Clerodendron 

Leaved (Pendulous flowered Lance) Glory 
Tree (8.101, adpd). 23817 Clerodendron 
nutans. ; 

Leaved (Pink-tinted Heart) Glory Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 2821 Clerodendron in- 
fortunatum. 4 

Leaved (Scarlet flowered Heart) Glory 
Tree(S.101,adpd). 23819 Clerodendron 

Leaved (White flowered Heart) Glory 
Tree (S.101,adpd). 2320 Clerodendron 

| Leaved 


Leaved (Heart) Gmelina 
2305 Gmelina arborea. 
Leaved (Oval) Gmelina (McL, 136). 

Gmelina asiatica, 

Leaved (Downy Sword) Goglet Flower 
(McL. 466, adpd). 1948 Ceropegia 

Leaved (Sword) Goglet Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1947 Ceropeyia ensifor- 

Leaved (Glaucous) 
Pear Tree (Nic. 
Ochna Gamblei. 

Leaved (Small) Golden blossomed Pear 
Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 486 Ochna 

Leaved ‘Oleander) Golden Funnel Dog- 
bane (Nic. 1/48, adpd). 1856 Alleman- 
da neriifolia. 

Leaved (Spear) Golden Vine (Nic. 3/508). 
358 Stigmaphyllon aristatum. 

Leaved (Larger) Gooseberry 
Featherfoil (McL. 105, 276, 
2569 Phyllanthus disticha. 

Leaved (Smaller) Gooseberry 
Featherfoil (MchL. 92s, adpd). 
Phyllanthus Emblica. 

(Multifoliate - (18 — 21) - small- 
leathery-silky-backed lance-acuminate- 
or-obtuse) Grape-flower shrub (Hk. 
2/110, adpd). 768 Mundulea suberosa. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(7—9)-long-leathery- 
velvetty - backed oblince - cuspidate) 
Grape-tlower Vine (Hk. 2/104, adpd), 
765 Millettia splendens. 

Leaved (Multifoliwte-(7-9)-long-membra- 
nous-thinly-silky ohovate-obtuse-or-cus- 
pidate) Grape-flower Vine (Hk. 2/108, 
adpd). 767 Millettia auriculata. — 

Leaved Multifoliate - (5-7) medium - to- 
long-velvetty-backed obovate-cuspid- 
ate) Grape-flower Vine (Hk. 2/104, 
adpd). 764 Millettia rubiginosa. 

Leaved = (Multifoliate-(13-15)-small-sab- 
membranous-glabrate —_ obovate-acute) 
Grape-flower Vine (Hk. 2/105, adpa). 
766 Millettia racemosa. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(15-19)-obliquely- 
ovate-to-long-crenate-cuspidate) Grey- 
downy Balsam Tree (Hk. 1/525, adpd). . 
440 Garuga pinuata. 

Leaved (Lime-tree) Grewia (McL. 868). 
316 Grewia tilizefolia. 

Leaved (Soft) Grewia (McL. 105). 825 
Grewia hirsuta. : 

Leaved (Medinm-rusty-downy-midribbed 
lance-acuminate) Half-boat-flowered 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/72, adpd). 50 Phean- 
thus moalabaricus. 

Leaved (Long-chartaceous obovate-cus- 
pidate) Half-hooded-flowered Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/75, adpd). 53 Goniothalamus 

(McL. 135). 

Golden blossomed 
2/466, adpd). 435 




Leaved (Long-membranous Narrow- 
obovate-cuspidate) Half-hooded-flower- 
ed Nutmeg (Hk. 1/74, adpd). 52 
Goniothalamus wynaadensis. 

Leaved (Medium-chartaceous lance-acute) 
Half-hooded-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/76, 
adpd). 54 Goniothalamus Wightii. 

Leaved (Medium-leathery Oblong-cuspid- 
ate) Half-hooded-flowered Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/78, adpd). 51 Goniotha!amus 

Leaved (Woolly-backed Medium-ovate- 
acute) Half-spur-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/S8, adpd). 66 Saccopetalum tomen- 

-Leaved (Medium Woolly-ovate-oblong) 
Half-star-flowered Nutmeg (Hz. 1/87, 
adpd). 64 Miliusa velutina. 

Leaved (Small elliptic-lance-acuminate) 
Half-star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/87, 
adpd). 65 Miliusa nilagirica. 

Leaved (Small oblong-lance-cuspidate) 
Half-star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/87, 

adpd). 63 Miliusa Wightiana. 
Leaved (Very-small Ovate) Half-star- 
flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/86, adpd). 

62-c. Miliasa indica (montana). 

Leaved (Small-strigose-backed lance) 
Half-star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/86, 
adpd). 62-b. Miliusa indica (strigosa). 

Leaved (SmalJ Woolly-backed lance) Half- 
star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk, 1/86, adpd). 
62-a. Milinsa indica (tomentosa). 

Leaved (Smooth) Heat Pea (Ell. 142). 
623 Cardiospermum Halicacabum. 

Leaved (Hoary-branched oblong) Hedge 
Caper Shrub (Hk. 1/177, adpdj. 117-b. 
Capparis sepiaria (incanescens) 

Leaved (Woolly-branched Ovate) Hedge 
Caper Shrub (Hk. 1/177, adpd), 117-a. 
Capparis sepiaria (vulgaris). 

Leaved (Common Rugose) Heteracanthus 
Rose (Nic. 3/314). 

Leaved (Nodding-flowered Rugose Hetera- 
canthus Rose (Nic. 3/314). 1099 Rosa 

Leaved (Hemp) Hibiscus (McL. 82). 
(bis,} Hibiscus cannabinus. 

Leaved (Poplar) Hibiscus (McL, 712). 252 
Thespesia populnea. 

Leaved (Caudate) Hill Balsam Tree (Hk. 
1/580, adpd). 443-a. Balsamodendron 
caudatum (typica). 

Leaved (Cuspidate) Hill Balsam Tree 
(Hk. 1/5380,, adpd). 448-b. Balsamo- 
dendron caudatum (Roxburghii). 

Leaved (Tailed) Hill Olive (McL. 394, 

_ adpd). 1782 Linociera Wightii. 

Leaved (Felt) Hill Rose Mallow (Hk. 
1/337, adpd). 239 Hibiscus canescens. 

Leaved (Glabrous) Hill Rose 
(Hk, 1/888, adpd). . 240 Hibiscus col- 


Mallow | 

1098 Rosa damas- 


Leaved (Blunt) Hogweed (Uk. 7/104, 
adpd). 2366 Beerhaavia verticillata. 
Leaved (Pointed) Hogweed (Hk. 4/709, 

adpd). 2365 Boerhaavia repanda. 
Leaved (Fascicle druped elliptic) Holly 
(Hk. 1/600, adpd). 508 Ilex malaba- 

Leaved (Medium-elliptic-entire) Holly 
(Hk. 1/600, adpd). 508 Ilex malaba- 

Leaved (Opposite) Holly (Nic. 
adpd). cex. Curtisia (genus). 

Leaved (Round entire) Holly (Hk, 1/600, 
adpd). 509 Ilex Walkeri. 

Leaved (Serrate elliptic) Holly 
1/600, adpd). 510 Ilex denticulata, 

Leaved (Small-elliptic-entire) Holly (Hk. 
1/608, adpd). 512 Ilex Wightiana. 

Leaved (Tailed ovate entire) Holly (Hk. 
1/608, adpd). 511 Ilex Gardneriana. 

Leaved (Umbel druped elliptic) Holly 
(Hk. 1/603, adpd). 512 Hex Wighti- 

Leaved (Medium oblong-lance-acuminate) 
Holly-flowered Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/613, 
adpd). 524 Microtropis latifolia. 

Leaved (Medium  oblong-elliptic-acute) 
Holly-flowered Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/613, 
adpd). 528 Microtropis Wallichiana. 

Leaved (Small _ elliptic-or-lance-acuie) 
Holly-flowered Spindle Tree (Hk. 
1/618, adpd). 527 Microtropis micro- 

Leaved (Small-Ovate acute) Holly-flower- 
ed Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/618, adpd). 
528 Microtropis ovalifolia. 

Leaved (Smal]-Gval obtuse) Hally-flower- 
ed Spindle Tree (Bed. 1/65, adpd) 
526 Microtropis densiflora. 



Leaved (Small-obovate-or-broad-elliptic- 
tetuse) Holly-flowered Spindle Tree 
(Hk. 1/618, adpd). 525 Microtropis 

Leaved (Bushy smooth) Ilomcanthous 
Rose (Ik. 2/364) (Nic. 3/314) (Cag. 598). 
1103 Rosa indica. 

Leaved (Downy Rugose) Homecanthous 
Rose (Hg. \2/364, Nic. 3/314). 1102 Rosa 

Leaved (Glandtlar aromatic) Homecan- 
thous Rose (Nic. 3/314). 1101 Rosa 

Leaved (Amplexicaul-pinnatisect-g'aucous 
Honey shrub (Nic. 2/345). 650 Melian- 
thus major. 

Leaved (Leathery Simple) Honey-sweet 
Tree (Hk. 2/4, adpd). 653 Meliosma 

leaved (Membranous simple) Honeysweet 
Tree (Hk. 2/5, adpd). 654 Meliosma 

Leaved (Pinnate) Honey-sweet Tree (Hk. 
2/6, adpd). 655 Meliosma Arnottiana, 


Leaved (Heart) Indian Birthwort (Hk. 
5/75, Rox. 3/489, adpd). 2892 Aristolo- 
chia Roxburghiana, 

Leaved (Variegated) Indian Cora] ‘Tree 
(Nic. 5/352). 817-c. Erythrina indica 

Leaved (Caper) Indian Ipecacnanha (McL. 
360, adpd). 1910 Tylophora cappari- 

Leaved (Dalzell’s Fleshy) Indian Ipeca- 
cuanha (McL. 360, adpd). 1915 Tylo- 
phora Dalzellii. 

Leaved (Large Fleshy) Indian Ipecacuanha 
(McL. 360, adpd). 1913 Tylophora 

Leaved (Smal] Fleshy) Indian Ipecacuanha 
(MclL. 360, adpd). 19138 Tylophora 

Leaved (Aspen) Indian Linden (Hk, 1/385, 
adpd). 3812 Grewia populifolia. 

Leaved (Birch) (ndian Linden (Hk. 1/885, 
adpd). 3i2 Grewia populifolia. 

Leaved (Downy linear) Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/391, adpd). 3826 Grewia poly- 

Leaved (Elm) Indian Linden (Rox, 2/594, 
adpd). 327 Grewia microcos. 

Leaved (Felted lance) Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/391, adpd). 325 Grewia hirsuta, 

Leaved (Harsh Round) Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/899, adpd). 324 Grewia abutili- 

Leaved (Ovate Sage) Indian Linden (Hk. 
1/885, adpd). 313 Grewia excelsa. 

Leaved (Roughish Round) Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/387, adpd). 318 Grewia scabro- 

Leaved (Rough lance) 
(Hk, 1/389, adpd). 

Leaved (Round Sage) Indian Linden 
(McL. 473, 863, 998, adpd). 315 Grewia 

Leaved (Roxburgh’s Sage) Indian Linden 
(Rox. 2/587, aapd). 313 Grewia excelsa. 

Leaved (Sage) Indian Linden: (McL. 386, 
adpd). 314 Grewia salvifolia. 

Leaved (Shaggy round) Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/388, adpd). 320 Grewia viilosa. 

Leaved (Smooth lance) Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/389, adpd). 321 Grewia levi- 

Leaved (Thin Sage) Indian Linden (Hk. 
1/385, adpd). 313 Grewia excelsa. 

Leaved (Wrinkled Round) Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/388, adpd). 320 Grewia villosa, 

Leaved (Small) Indian Olive (McbL. 394, 
adpd). 1789 Olea polygama. 

Leaved (Bloody) Indian Shot (Rid. 50). 
3035 Canna discolor. 

Leaved (Glabrous Yellowish) Indian 
Willow (Hk. 5/627, adpd). 2797-c. Salix 
tetras perma (viridifolia). 

Indian Linden 
323 Grewia brac- 



Leaved (Glaucous) Indian Willow (Hk. 
5/€27, adpd). 2797-a, Salix tetrasperma 
(ty pica). 

Leaved (Silky) Indian Willow (Hk. 5/627, 
adpd). 2797-b. Salix  tetrasperma 

Leaved (Curved Podded Five) 
(McL, 37], adpd). 

Leaved (Long podded Five) Indigo (McL. 
371, adpd). 750 Indigofera subulata. 

Leaved (Oval) Indigo (Br. 50). 
Indigofera trita. 

Leaved (Short Podded Five) Indigo (McL. 
371,adpd). 751 indigofera marginulata. 

Leaved (Silvery) Indigo (Mcl. 869). 758 
Indigofera argentea (czerulea). 

Leaved (Three) Indigo (McL. 371, adpd). 
740 Indigofera terita, 

Leaved (Broad) Iron Bark (Maid. C.T). 
1173 Eucalyptus siderophloia. 

Leaved (Narrow) Iron Bark (Maid. C.1). 
1170 Eucalyptus crebra. 

Leaved (Narrow) Iron Bark of New-South 

752 Indigofera pauci- 


Wales (Bth. 2/312), 1200-b, Buca- 
lyptus paniculata (angustifolia). 
Leaved (Box) Ivory Wood (Hk, 4/144, 

adpd). 1988 Ehretia buxifolia. 

Leaved (Broadly oblonz) Jvory Wood (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 1980-c. Ehretia levis 

Leaved (Downy Ovate) Ivory Wood (Hk. 

4/142, adpd). 1980-b. Ehretia levis 
Leaved (Lance) Ivory Wood (Hk. 4/143, 
adpd). 1982 Ehretia Wightiana. 
Leaved (Oval) Ivory Wood (Hk. 4/148 

adpd). 1981 Ehr: tia ovalifolia 

Leaved (Ovate) Ivory Wood (Hk. 4/141, 
adpd). 1980 Ehretia levis. 

Leaved (Rough Ovate) Ivory Wood (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 1980-d. Ehretia levis 

Leaved (Saw) Ivory Wood (Hk. 2/141, 
adpd). 1980 (btg.) Ehretia acuminata. 

Leaved (Ovate) Jack-in-a-box Tree (Sth. 
5/314, adpd). 2473 Hernandia bivalvis. 

Leaved (Round Red-centred Buckier) 
Jack-in-a-box Tree (Nic. 2/138, adpd). 
2474 Hernandia sonora. 

Leaved (Broad) Jasmine (McL. 383) (Br. 
116). 1755-b, Jasminum  arborescens 

Leaved (Narrow) Jasmine (McL. 394) (Br. 
116). 1760 Jasminum angustifolium. 
Leaved (Privet) Jasmine (Br. 116) 
(Ru/N/76). 1764 Jasminum rigidum, 
Leaved (Shining) Jasmine (Br. 116). 1761 

Jasminum glaucum., F 

Leaved (l'iddle) Jatropha (Br. 193), 2625. 

Jatropha hastata, 


Leaved (Medium leathery obovate elliptic- 
acute) Java Mango (Bed. 2/60, adpd). 
666 Gluta travancorica. 

Leaved (Clove) Jaumoon (Mch. 379, 885, 

473, 995). 1258-b. Hugenia Jambolana 
Leaved (Medium Heart-serrulate-obtuse) 

Jujube (Rox. 1/614, adpd), 
Zizyphus rugosa (glabrescens). 
Leaved (Medium - tawny - downy - backed 
Elliptic-serrulate-obtuse) Jujube (Hk. 
1/636, adpd). 568 Zizyphus rugosa. 

Leaved (Oblique) Jujube (McL, 66), 
Zizyphus (nopolia. 

Leaved (Small-grey-downy-backed Round- 
ish-elliptic-or - obovate-serrulate-obtuse) 
Jajube (Hk. 1/634, adpd). 565 Zizyphus 

Leaved (Small-membranous Ovate-oblong- 
crenate-acute-or-cuspidate) Jujube (Hk. 
1/635, adpd). 566 Zizyphus incurva. 

Leayed (Small-tawny-downy oblique-ovate- 
lance-crenate-acute) Jujube (Hk. 1/634, 
adpd). 564 Zizyphus Cinoplia. 

Leaved (Very-small Kouud-serrate-obtuse) 
Jujube (Hk. 1/636, adpd). 567 Zizyphus 

Leaved (Very-small-woolly-backed Round- 
ish-elliptic-ovate-serrate-obtuse) Jujube 
(Hk. 1/€32, adpd). 561 Zizyphus 

Leaved (Very small - woolly Round - ovate 
serrate - obtuse) Jujube (Hk. 1/638, 
adpd). 563 Zizyphus nummularia. 

Leaved (Willow) Justicia (McL. 305). 
2260 Justicia Gendarussa. 

Leayed (Multifoliate - (7-9) silky backed 
Ovate-oblong-mueronate) Kino Rose- 
wood (Bs/T/289, adpd). 895 Pterocarpus 

Leaved (Multifoliate) (7-9) elliptic-cuspid- 
ate) Kino Rose-wood (Bs/T/2389, adpd). 
894 Pterocarpus indicus, 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(11-15) Ovate-lance- 
acuminate) Kino Rose-wood (Bs/T/239, 
Pr. 1/412, adpd). 898 Pterocarpus 

Leaved (Quinquefoliate - (5-7) glabrate 
Ovate-acute-or-acuminate) Kino Rose- 
wood (Pr. 1/142, adpd). 897-b. Ptero- 
carpus Marsupium (acuminatus). 

Leaved (Trifoliate - (3 —5) - silky - backed 
Roundish-elliptic-obtuse-or-retuse) Kino 
Rose-wood (Bs/1/240, adpd). 896 Ptero- 
carpus santalinus, 

Leaved (Ublong) Lagerstrcemia (McL. 5) 
(Br. 74). 1819 Lagerstrcemia Flos 

Leaved (Creamy) Lance Wood (McL. 974, 



adpd). 281 Pterospermum suberifolium. - 

Leaved (Maple) Lance Wood (Mch. 405, 
adpd), 284 Pterospermum acerifolium. 
Leaved (Rusty) Lance Wood (MeL. 510, 
adpd). 288 Pterospermum rubiginosum, 


: Leaved (Balm) Lantana (Br.163). 2277-b: 
Lantana involucrata (melisszfolia). 

Leaved (Nettle) Lantana (Br. 163). 2276 
Lantana mista. 
Leaved (Willow) Laurel (Mc. 500). 2464 

Litsza glabrata. 

Leaved (Digitate) Lilac Pindweed (McL. 
120, adpd). 2052 Ipomcea palmata, 

Leaved (Curly) Linear pinnate Cocoanut 
(Nic. 5/250). 3229 Cocos flexuosa, 

Leaved (Ovoid berried Acuminate) Lingam 
Tree (Hk, 1/172, adpd). 101-a. Crateva 
religiosa (Nurvala). 

Leaved (Round berried Cuspidate) Lingam 
Tree (Hk. 1/172, adpd). 101-b. Crateeva 
religiosa (Roxburghii), 

Leaved (Lance-oblong Acute) Litchi-fruited 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 173-a. 
Garcinia echinocarpa (acutifolia). 

Leayed (Obovate obtuse) Litchi-fruited 
Gamboge (Hk, 1/264, adpd). 173-b. 
Garcinia echinocarpa (obtusifolia). 

Leaved (Round) Lotus (McL. 4738, 589, 
1000). 2689 Macaranga indica. 

Leaved (Large) Mahogany (Cat. 70) (W. 
34). 480 Swietenia macrophylla, 

Leaved (Heart) Manettia (Br. 98). 
Manettia cordifolia. 

Leaved (Acuminate) Mangrove (KSN) 
(GDV) (GIR), 2384¢. Avicennia 
officinalis (? acuminata). 

Leaved (Black barked Obtuse) Mangrove 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR). 2834-d. Avicen- 
nia officinalis (? melanophlea). 

| Leaved (Brown barked Acute) Mangrove 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR). 2334-b, Avicen- 
nia officinalis (alba). 

Leaved (Fapery barked Obtuse) Mangrove 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR). 2834-a. Avi- 
cennia officinalis (typica). 

Leaved (Trifoliate-downy-backed-papery- 
small obovate-obtuse digitate, marginate- 
petioled Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/229, adpd). 
878 Flemingia Wallichii. 

Leaved (Heart-or-rounded-based-downy) 
Marking-nut (Hk. 2/31, adpd), 673-a. 
Semecarpus Anacardium (typica). 

Leaved (Wedge-based-downy) Marking-not. 
(Hk. 2/31, adpd). 673-b, Semecarpus 
Anacardium (cuneifolia), 


| Leaved (Acid) Marool (McL. 82). 240 
(bis.) Hibiscus cannabinus. 
Leaved (Quince) Medlar (S. 118). 

cce]xxxviili. Cotoneaster (genus). 
Leaved (eech) Melon Featberfoil (McL. 
587,adpd). 2578 Glochidion fagitolium, 

Leaved (Coastal Round) Melon Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2574 Glochidiou 

Leaved (Glaucous) Melon Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2574 (bés.) Glochi- 
dion multiloculare. 


Leaved (Shining oblong) Melon Teather- 
foil (McL, 587, adpd). 2577 Glochidion 

Leaved (Tail) Melon Keatherfoil (MeL. 587, 
adpd). 26587-b. Glochidion ellipticum 

Leaved (Thin oblong) Melon Featherfoil 
(MeL. 587, adpd), 2581 Glochidion 

Leaved (Obtuse) Mimusops (Mc. 664). 
1692 Mimusops Kauki. 

Leaved (Pointed) Mimusops (MeL. 361). 
1689 Mimusops Elengi. 

Leaved (Blunt) Mistletoe (McL. 683, adpd). 
2518 Viscum orientale. 

Leaved (Pointed) Mistletoe (McL. 683, 
adpd). 2516 Viscum monoicum. 

Leaved (Wart-berried Blunt) Mistletoe 
(McL. 683, adpd). 2517 Viscum verru- 

Leaved (Leathery) Mitre-flowered Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, Hk. 1/77, 78, adpd). xxi. 
Mitrephora (genus). 

Leavyed (Medium-hairy-glandular-axilled 
Leathery) Mitre-flowered Nutmeg (Hk, 
1/78, adpd). 56 Mitrephora grandiflora. 

Leaved (Small-acute-based Papery) Mitre- 

flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/90, adpd), 70 
Orophea uniflora. 
Leaved (Small-downy-backed  Papery) 

Mitre-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/91, adpd). 
73 Orophea erythrocarpa. 

Leaved (Small-downy-midribbed Papery) 
Mitre-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1191, 
adpd). 72 Orophea Thomsoni. 

Leaved (Small-rounded-based Papery) 
Mitre-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/90, adpd). 
71 Orophea zeylanica. 

Leayed (Small-shining Leathery Mitre- 
flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/77, adpd). 
Mitrephora Heyneana. 

Leaved (Broad) Mohwah (McL., 506, adpd), 
1686 Bassia latifolia. 

Leaved (Long) Mohwah (Mch. 472, 505, 
997, adpd). 1687 Bassia longifolia. 

Leaved (Obtuse) Moisaree (McL. 664). 
1692 Mimusops Kauki. 

Leaved (Blunt Trapezoid) Moon-seed 
(McL. 1005, Hk. 1/102, adpd). 88 
Cocculus Lezba. 

Leaved (Downy-backed Triangular Buck- 
ler) Moon-seed (McL, 1005, Hk, 1/105, 
adpd). 94 Cyclea peltata. 

Leaved (Five lobed) Moon-seed (McL. 
120, 1005, Rox. 3/807, adpd). 92 Jateo- 
rhiza Calumba. 

Leaved (Glaucous-backed round) Moon- 

seed (McL. 1005, Hk. 1/101, adpd). 85 
Cocculus macrocarpus. 
Leaved (Glaucous-backed Triangular 

Buckler) Moon-seed (MeL, 1005, Hk. 
1/103, Rox. 3/841, adpd). 89 Stephania 



Leaved (Harsh Arrow) Moon-seed (Mel. 

1005, Hk, 1/96, adpd). 77 Parabzena 

Leaved (Heart) Moon-seed (McL, 319) 
(PA. 8). 80 Tinospora cordifolia, 

Leaved (Leathery Ovate) Noon-seed 
(McbL. 1005, Hk. 1/105, adpd). 95 
Pachy gone ovata. 

Leaved (Round Buckler) Moon-seed 
(McL. 1005, Hk. 1/108, Rox, 3/840, 
adpd). 90 Stephania rotunda. 

.Leaved (Shaggy blunt triangular) Moon- 
seed (McL. 1005, Hk. 1/101, Rox. 3/814, 
adpd). 87 Cocculns villosus. 

Leaved (Shining arrow-shaped Buckler) 
Moon-seed (McL. 1005, Hk. 1/104, 
adpd). 98 Cyclea Burmanni. 

Leaved (Shining Heart) Moon-seed (i ox. 
3/817, McL. 515, 1005, adpd). 83 
Tiliacora racemosa, 

Leaved (Shining lance) Moon-seed (MeL. 
1005, Hk. 1/100, adpd). 84 Limacia 

Leaved (Tuft-hairy-backed Heart) Moon- 
seed (Mcl.. 357, 1005, Rox. 3/816, adpa), 
81 Anamirta Cocculus. 

Leaved (Woolly Heart) Moon-seed (McL. 
317, 1005, Hk. 1/96, adpd). 79 Tinos- 
pora malabarica, 

Leaved (Woolly round Buckler) Moon 
seed (McL. 1005, Hk. 1/99, adpd). 82 
Coscinium fenestratum, 

Leaved (Woolly trilobate round) Moon- 
seed (McL. 1005, Rox. 3/813, adpd), 
78 Tinospora tomentosa, 

Leaved (Broad) Morinda (McL. 367). 
1554 Morinda citrifolia. 

Leaved (Narrow) Morinda (McL. 337), 
1556 Morinda umbellata, 

Leaved (Alder) Morning Mallow (Rox. 
3/174, adpd). 214-b. Sida spinosa 

Leaved (Bifarious Lance) Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/171, adpd), 215 Sida acuta. 

Leaved (Downy Heart) Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/177, adp1). 217 Sida cordifolia. 

Leaved (Entire obcordate) Morning Mal- 
low (Rox. 3/171, adpd), 213 Sida © 

Leaved (Harsh Rhomb) Morning Mallow 
(Hk. 1/324, adpd), 216-a. Sida rhombi- 
folia (scabrida)., 

Leaved (Narrow Rhomb) Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/176, adpd), 216-c. Sida rhom- 
bifolia (rhomboidea), 

Leaved (Rhomb) Morning Mallow (Rox. 
3/177, adpd), 216 Sida rhombifolia, 

Leaved (Serrate obcordate) Morning 
Mallow (Rox. 3/177, adpd). 216-b. Sida 
rhombifolia (retusa), 

Leaved (Small elliptic) Morning Mallow 
(IIk. 1/324, adpd), 216-e. Sida rhombi- 
folia (microphylla). 


Leaved (Sticky ffeart) Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 8/172, adpd). 212 Sida mysoren- 

Leaved (Tooth-tipped Wedge) Morning 
Mallow (Hk. 1/824, adpd). 216-d. 
Sida rhombifolia (obovata). 

Leaved (Triglandular Heart) Morning 
Mallow (Rox. 3/174, adpd). 214-a. 
Sida spinosa (alba). 

Leaved (Heart) Mottled Ebony (McL. 304, 
adpd), 1699-b. Diospyros montana 

Leaved (Great) Mountain Ebory (McL. 
52¢). [990 Sphalm] 994 Bauhinia 
racemosa. (Vahlii). 

Leaved (Retuse) Mountain Ebony (McL. 
472, 520,adpd). 993 Bauhinia retusa. 

Leaved (Twin) Mountain Ebony (McL. 
472, 520, 995, adpd) (Br. 62). 992 
Bauhinia diphylla. 

Leaved (Narrow) Myrobalan of Malaya 
(Bs/T/308, Br. 74, adpd). 1148 Termin- 
alia Benzoin. 

Leaved (Narrow) Myrobalan of Travan- 
core (Bs/T/808, adpd). 1147 Termin- 
alia tiavancorensis. 

Leaved (Lobed) Mysore Mallow (Hk. 
1/882, adpd). 234 Decaschistia trilo- 

Leaved (Toothed) Mysore Mallow (Hk. 
1/382, adpd). 285 Decaschistia crotoni- 

Leaved (Smooth) Myxa (McL, 803). 
Cordia Myxa. 

Leaved (Simple) Navelwort (Bs/T/213, 
Nic. 1/367, 4/859, adpd).  cclxxiv. 
Ellipanthus (genus). 

Leaved (Thwaites’ Simple) Navelwert 
(Bs/1/213, Nic. 1/367, 4/359, adpd). 696 
Ellipanthus Thwaitesii. 

Leaved(Long-downy-backed oblong-acute) 
Necklace Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd) 
37-c. Unona discolor (pubescens). 

Leaved (Long oblong-acute) Necklace 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 37-a. 
Unona discolor (pubiflora). 

Leaved (Medium Broad-oval-acute) Neck- 
lace Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 37-d. 
Unona discolor (latifolia), 

Leaved (Medium-downy-backed Ovate- 
lance) Necklace Nutmeg (Hk. 1/53, 
adpd). 386 Unona pannosa. 

Leaved (Medium oblong-lanceolate-acute) 
Necklace Nutmug (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 
37-b. Unona discolor (levigata). 

Leaved (Myrtle) Nesea (Br. 73). 
Neszea myrtifolia. 




Leaved (Long) WNibble-tipped Feather | 

Palm (Bth, 7/188, adpd). 
astele Wendlandiana. 
Leaved (Smooth edged) Nilgiri Rattan 
(Hk. 6/452, adpd), 3212 Calamus 


3187 Hydri- 



Leaved (Emarginate) Noronhia (Br. 118). 
1796 Noronhia emarginata. 

Leaved (Cotton) Notchy (McL. 596). 
2314 Vitex leucoxylon. 

Leaved (Narrow) Nutmeg (McL.* 387). 
24.24. Myristica canarica (* Farquhariana), 

Leaved (Holly) Oak (McL. 82). 2789 
(bis.) Quercus Ilex. 

Leayed (Lance) Oleander (Nic. 2/447). 
1245 Nerium Oleander. 

Leaved (Linear) Oleander (Nic. 2/447). 
1844 Nerium odorum, 

Leaved (Narrow) Oleaster (Hk. 5/201, 
adpd). 2493 Eleagnus angustifolia. 
Leaved (Silvery-rusty) Oleaster (Hk. 
5/202, adpd). 2494 Hjzeagnus latifolia. 
Leaved (Glandular) Olive (Mch. 394, 

adpd). 1787 Olea glandulifera, 

Leaved (Downy Boat) Olive Linden (McL. 
763, adpd). 344 Eleocarpus  ferru- 

Leaved (Gland-petioled Saw) Olive Lin- 
den (McL, 768, adpd). 3388 Eleocarpns 


Leaved (Large Lance) Olive Linden 
(McL. 768, adpd). 337 Eleocarpus 

Leaved (Ovate) Olive Linden (McL. 763, 
adpd). 843 Eleocarpus venustus. 

Leaved (Pointed Wedge) Olive Linden ~ 
(McL. 768, adpd). 3386-b. Eleeocarpus 
serratus (cuneatus). 

Leaved (Saw) Olive Linden (McL. 763, 
adpd). 336 Elzocarpus Ganitrus 

Leaved (Small lance) Olive Linden (McL, 
763, adpd). 339 Eleocarpus amcenus. 

Leaved (Wedge) Olive Linden (McL. 763, 
adpd), 341 Eleocarpus aristatus. 

Leaved (Winged-peteoled crenulate) Opal 
Orange Tree (Rox. 2/881, adpd). 
389-d. Gly cosmis pentaphylla (arborea). 

Leaved (Three) Ophioxylon (McL, 842), 
1811 Rauwolfia serpentina. - 

Leaved (Box) Orange (McL. 628). 
Citrus Aurantium-Bigaradia. 

Leaved (Acute Heart) Ordure Tree (Hk. 
1/360, adpd). 273 Sterculia alata. 

Leaved (Digitate) Ordure Tree (Mech. 
704,adpd). 264 Sterenlia foetida. 

Leaved (Downy-backed oblong-ovate) 
Ordure Tree (Hk. 1/3858, adpd). 271 
Sterculia Balanghas. 

Leaved (Long-lance) Ordure Tree of the 
Straits (Uk. 1/361, adpd). 275 Ster- 
culia scaphigera. 

Leaved (Oblong) Ordure Tree (Hk. 1/358, 
adpd). 270 Stereulia nobilis. 

Leaved (Plane) Ordure Tree (Nic. 3/500). 
265 Sterculia platanifclia. 

Leaved (Poplar) Ordure lree (Hk. 1/361, 
adpd). 274 Sterculia populifolia. 

Leaved (Small acuminate Heart) Ordure 
Tree (I[k.1/361, adpd). 274 Sterculia 



Leaved (Tricuspidate Round) Ordure 
Tree (Hk. 1/860, adpd). 272 Ster- 
culia colorata. 

Leaved (Fork-tipped Simple Lanceolate) 
Palm (Rid. 266, adpd). 38145 Geonoma 

Leaved (Plantain) Palm (Rid. 149, 161), 
3043 Ravenala madagascariensis. 

Leaved (Goldie’s Ovate) Palm Lily (Nic. 
1/491). 3102 Dracaena Goldieana, 

Leaved (Obtuse: Panax (Cag. 547, adpd). | 

1408 Panax obtusum. 

Leaved (Shell) Panax (Br. 95), 
Panax cochleatum. 

Leaved (White) Panicled Chaste Tree 
(McL. 596). 2808 Vitex trifolia. 

Leaved (Digitate) Paratropia (Br. 95). 
1413 Heptapleurum venulosum. 

Leaved (Medium-leathery-shining oblique- 
ly-oblong-lance-cuspidate) Partridge 
Pea Tree (Hk. 1/579, adpd). 492 
Strombosia zeylanica. 

Leaved (Medium-skining Ovate-oblong- 
acuminate) Partridge Pea Tree (Hk. 
1/580, adpd). 493 Anacolosa densiflora. 

Leaved (Glabrous Tricuspidate) Parroquet 
Burr (Hk. 1/895, adpd). 331 Triom- 
fetta glabra. 

Leaved (Irregularly-toothed 
Parrogueet Burr (Hk. 1/394, 
330 Triumfetta pilosa. 

Leaved (Ovate acuminate) Parroqueet 



Burr (Hk. 1/394, adpd). 329 Trium- 
fetta tomentosa. 
Leaved (Serrate irregularly-rhomboid) 

Parroqueet Burr (Hk. 1/395, adpd). 332 
Triumfetta rhomboidea, 

Leaved (Unequally-serrate round) Par- 
roqueet Burr (Hk. 1/3895, adpd). 383 
Triumfetta rotundifolia. 

Leaved (Crescent) Passion Flower (Br. 

87). 1854 Passiflora lunata. 
Lieaved (Five-lobed) Passion Flower 
(Nic. 3/80). 1349 Passiflova czerulea. 

Leaved (Heart) Passion Flower 
3/29). 1347 Passiflora alata. 

Leaved (Laurel) Passion Flower (Br. 86). 
1353 Passiflora laurifolia. 

Leaved (Notch) Passion Flower (Br. 87). 
1360 Passiflora serratifolia. 

Leaved (Oblong) Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/31). 1353 Passiflora laurifolia. 

Leaved (Pointed Heart) Passion Flower 
(Nic. 3/82). 1358 Passiflora quadrangn- 

Leaved (Saw-edge) Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/32). 1860 Passiflora serratifolia. 

Leaved (Silky) Passion Flower (Nic. 3/31) 
(Br. 87). 1852 Passiflora holosericea. 

Leaved (Truncate bilobed) Passion Flower 
(Nic. 3/31). 1357 Passiflora Murucuja. 

Leaved (Seven) Paulay (McL, 665). 1829 
Alstonia scholaris, 



Leaved (Pointed) Peepul (McL. 673, adpda). 
2738 Ficus Rumphii. 

Leaved (Downy Lance) Pellet 
McL. 670, adpd). 
hispidula (tomentosa). 

Leaved (Lance) Pellet shrub (McL. 670, 

1544-b. Pavetta 

adpd). 1544-a. Pavetta  hispidula 

Leaved (Narrow) Pellet shrub (McL. 670, 
adpd). 1544-d. Pavetta  hispidula 

Leaved (Trifoliate-very-small-ciliate Ovat- 
eacuminate) Pencil Flower (Rox. 3/282, 
adpd). 784 Stylosanthes mucronata, 

Leaved (Downy and anricled) Pepper 
(McL. 676, adpd), 2407 Piper Hap- 

Leaved (Fan nerved) Pepper (McL. 676, 
adpd). 2417 Piper snbpeltatum, 

Leaved (Membrane) Pepper (McL. 676, 
adpd). 2414 Piper Hymenophyllum. 

Leaved (Peltate Pink spotted) Pepper 
(Nic. 5/605). 2418 Piper ornatum. 

Leaved (Silvery) Pepper (McL. 676, 
adpd), 2415 Piper argyrophyllum. 

Leaved (Creamy-blotched) Periwinkle 
(Nic. 4/160, 5/736). 1882-b. Vinca 
major (elegautissima), 

Leaved (Golden reticulated) Periwinkle 
(Nic. 5/736). 1822-c, Vinca major 

Leaved (Long) Phyllanthus (McL. 105). 
2569 Phyllanthus distichus. 

Leaved (Many) Phylanthus (McL. 587). 
2559 Phyllanthus polyphyllus. 

Leaved (Angular) Physie Nut (Br, 193) 
(Ell. 338) (Pfi. 30). 2628 Jatropha 

Leaved (Bronze) Physic Nut (McL. 56, 
473, 591, adpd). 2623 ‘atropha gossy- 
pifolia. - 

Leaved (Fiddle) Physic Nut (Br. 193, 
adpd). 2625 Jatropha hastata. 

Leaved (Glauccus) Physic Nut (McL. 56, 
adpd). 2622 Jatropha glandulifera. 

Leaved (Long) Pine (Nic. 3/143) (Gbl. 
706) (McL. 162) (Rid. 149). 2849 Pinus 

Leaved (Long) Pine of America (H/E.F), 
2839 Pinus palustris. 

Leaved (Small-narrow-obovate-to-lance) 
Pink-or-white Australian Rose (Bth. 
1/333, adpd). 3877 Eriostemon myopo- 

Leaved (Smooth) Pongzamia (McL. 404) 
(Br. 57). 899 Pongamia glabra. 
Leaved (Long) Poon (MclL. 705). 

Ochrocarpus longifolius. 

Leaved (Rhomb) Poon (Hk. 1/275, adpd). 
183 (bis.) Calophylium trapezifolium. 

Leaved (Broad) Premna (McL. 512) 
(Br. 165), 2298 Premna latifolia. 



Leaved (Entire) Premna (Mel. 512) (Br. 

165). 2295 Premna integrifolia, 
Leaved (Very-small-shining Round- 
dentate) Prickly Buckthorn (Hk. 

1/641, adpd). 572 Scutia indica. 
Leaved (Three) Pterocarpus (McL. 756), 
896 Pterocarpns santalinus. 

Leaved (Mayle) Pterospermum (McL. 
405, 484). 284 Pterospermum aceri: 

Leaved (Various) Pterospermum (MclL. 
974). {281.Sphalm ] 282 Pterospermum 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(4-6)-stipuled-sub- 
elacous. backed elliptic-obtuse) Burdock 
Soapnut (fk. 1/690, adpd). 641 
Nephelium stipulacenm, 

Leaved (Ovate-lance -sinuate-prickiy- 
toothed-pungent) Purple Bubble Pea 
(Nic, 2/154, adpd). 

lance-obtuse) Purple Bubble Pea (Nic. 
2/155, adpd). 700 Hovea longifolia. 

Leaved (Insipid Littoral Simple) Quassia 
(Hk. 1/522, OJ. 1/808). clxv. Suriana 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(5—9)-winged-petiol- 

ed obovate-elliptic-cuspidate Quassia 
(Nic. 3/262, adpd). 426 Quassia amara,. 
Leaved (Very-small-velvetty | lnear- 

spathulate-obtuse) Quassia (Hk. 1/522, 
adpd), 432 Suriana maritima. 

Leaved (Membranous) Quinqguefoil Vine 
(McL. 564, adpd). 608 Vitis tenui- 

Leaved (Mountain obovate) rachis-glandu- 
lar Senna (Mch. 804, adpd), 952 
Cassia bicapsularis, 

Leaved (Common obovate) rachis-glandu- 
lar Senna (Mch. 804, adpda). 

Leaved (Pointed lance) rachis-glandular 
Senna (Nic. 1/276, adpd). 962 Cassia 

Leaved (Auricie) Ragweed Climber (Hk. 
3/352, adpd). 1629 Senecio scandens, 
Leaved (Tailed Heart) Ragweed Climber 
(Hk. 3/351, adpd). 1627 Senecio 


Leaved (Woolly Auricle) Ragweed Climb- 
er (Hk. 3/852, adpd). 1v30 Senecio 

Leaved (Woolly Heart) Ragweed Climber 
(Hk. 3/851, adpd). 1628 Senecio 

Leaved (Hohenacker’s Pinnatifid) Ragweed 
Shrub (Hk. 3/345, adpd). 1626 Senecio 

Leaved (Tvicuspidate-dentate or entire 
lance) Rainbow Shrub (Nic. 4/32), 2168 
(bis.) Thunbergia Kirkii. 

Leaved (Rough) Ramoon (Mch. 376). 
2717 Streblus asper. 

698 Hovea chori- | 


948 Cassia | 

_Leaved (Laburnum) Rattlewort 


809, adpd). 737 Crotalaria laburnifolia, 

Leaved (Quinquefoliate-(5-7)-small-silky- 

backed oblance-obtuse)  Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/85, adpd). 738 Crotalaria Gra- 

Leaved (Quinquefoliate-(3-5)-small-softly- 
velvetty obovate-cuneate-obtuse) Rat- 
tlewort (Hk. 2/85, adpd). 739 Crotala- 

Leaved  (Trifoliate-medium-subglabrous 
Membranous obovate-ublong-obtuse) 
Rattlewort (Hk, 2/84, adpd), 7386 Cro- 
talaria stricta. 

Leaved (Trifoliate-small-glabrous Mem- 
branous obovate-oblong-acute) Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/84, adpd), 787 Crotalaria 

Leaved (Trifoliate-s mall-loosely-downy 
Membranous obovate-obtuse) Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/88, adpd). 784 Crotalaria 

Leaved (Trifoliate-small-subglabrous 
Fleshy-thick obovate-obtuse) Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/88, adpd). 735 Orotalaria 

Leaved (Trifoliate-very-small-subglabrous 
obovate-oblong-obtuse) Rattlewort (Hk, 
2/83, adpd). 733 Crotalaria levigata, 

(Trifoliate-very-small-thinly - 

731 Cro- 

Rattlewort (Hk. 2/82, adpd). 
talaria Notonii. 

Leaved  (Unifoliate-long-thinly-matted- 
backed Membranous _ leafy-stipuled 
oblong) Rattlewort (Hk. 2/77, adpd). 
717 Crotalaria lanata. 5 

Leaved (Unifoliate-medium-brown-silky 
oblance-obtuse) Rattlewort (Hk. 2/80, 
adpd), 726 Crotalaria fulva. 

Leaved (Unifoliate-medium-brown-silky 
oblong-acute) Raitlewort (Hk.+ 2/80, 
adpd). 725 Crotalaria perfoliata. 

Leaved (Unifoliate-medium-brown-silky 
ovate-cuneate-obtuse) Rattlewort 
(Hk, 2/80, adpd). 727 Crotalaria pul- 

Leaved (Unifoliate-mediam-brown-silky 
Obovate-oblong-obtuse) Rattlewort (Hk, 
2/79, adpd). 724 Crotalaria maduren- 

Leaved (Unifoliate-medium-finely-silky- 
backed leafy-stipulated oblance-obtuse) 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/75, adpd), 712 
Crotalaria sericea. 

Leaved (Unifoliate-medium-glabrous Nar- 
row-linear) Rattlewort (Hk. 2/75, adpd). 
710 Crotalaria peduncularis. 

Leaved (Unifvliate - medium ~ shortly - 
downy-backed loaty-stipulated oblong) 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/78, adpd). 718 
Crotalaria semperflerens, 


Leaved (Unifoliate - medium - silky 
Leathery oblong-obtuse) Rattlewort (Hk. 
2/79, aapd). 723 Crotalaria obtecta, 

Leaved (Unifoliate - medium - silky 
Leathery obovate-oblong-subobtuse) 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/76, adpd), 716 Crot- 
alaria longipes. 

Leaved (Unifoliate-medium-silky oblance- 
oblong-subacute) Kattlewort (Hk. 2/76, 
adpd). 715 Crotalaria barbata. 

Leaved (Unifoliate-medium subglabrous 
Membranous oblong-acute) Rattlewort 

(Hk, 2/78, adpd), 719 Crotalaria 
Leaved (Unifoliate-medium-thickly- 

white-downy backed oblance-oblong- 
obtuse) Rattlewort (Hk. 2/76, adpd). 
713 Crotalaria Leschenaultii. 

Leaved (Unifoliate-small-brown-silky- ob- 
lance-acute) Rattlewort (Hk. 2/80, 
adpd), 728 Crotalaria lunulata. 

Leaved (Unifoliate-small-densely-silky- 
backed oblance-obtuse) Rattlewort (Hk. 
2/76, adpd), 714 Crotalaria formosa. 

Leavei (Unifoliate-small-puberulent-back- 
ed oblance-oblong-obtuse) Rattlewort 

(Hk. 2/75, udpd). 711 Crotalaria 
Leaved (Unifoliate-very-small-crowded- 

densely-brown-silky Leathery oblance- 
subobtuse Rattlewort (Hk. 2/8], adpd), 
729 Crotalaria ramosissima. 

Leaved (Unifoliate-very-small-densely- 
silky linear-oblong-obtuse) Rattlewort 
(Hk, 2/13, adpd), 708 Crotalaria 

Leaved (Unifoliate-very small-loosely- 
silky oblance-obtuse Sticky) Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/81, adpd). 730 Crotalaria pani- 

Leaved (Unifoliate-very-small-thinly- 
shaggy-backed oblance-oblong-subacute) 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/74, adpd). 709 Crot- 
alaria priestley vides. 

Leaved (Unitoliate very-small-thinly- 
silky-backed _linear-or-oblance-obtuse) 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/71, adpd), 706 Crot- 
alaria albida, 

Leaved (Unifoliate very-small-thinly- 
silky-backed obvvate-oblong-cuneate- 
retuse) Rattlewort (Hk. 2/72, adpd). 
707 Crotalaria tecta. 

Leaved (Wedge) Rattlewort (McL. 309, 
adpd). 711 Crotalaria retusa, 

Leaved (Greyish-green) Red flowered 
Almond (Nic. 1/67). 1063-c. Prunus 
Amygdalus (dulcis). 

Leaved (Heart) Red Trumpet Creeper 
(Cag. 454). 2186 Macfadyena uncinata. 

Leaved (Thin) Resin-seed (Ooty. 335, 
adpd). 156 Pittusporum tenuifolium, 

Leaved (Hundred) Rose (Mech. 321). 1029 
Rosa centifolia. 



Leaved (Hemp) Rose Mallow (McL. 82, 
adpd). 240 (bis,) Hibiscus cannabinus, 

Leaved (Vine) Rose Mallow (McL. &4, 943, 
adpd). 239 (béis.) Hibiscus vitifolius, 

Leaved (Broad) Rosebay (McL. 169). 
1836 Tabernzemontana coronaria. 

Leaved (Oval) Rosebay (Pf, 180), 1833 
Holarrhena antidysenterica, 

Leaved (Trifoliate-(1-5)-green oblong- 
acute) Rosewood climber (Hk, 2/282, 
adpd). 883 Dalbergia rostrata. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(7-9)-elliptic oblong- 
serrate-cuspidate) Rusty-downy Balsam 
Tree (Bs/T/132, adpd), 445 Bursera 

Leaved (Long lance) St. John’s-wort (Hk. 
1/253, adpd), 166 Hypericum mysgo- 

Leaved (Obtuse ovate) St. John’s-wort 
(Hk. 1/254, adpd). 167 Hypericum 

Leaved (Obtuse elliptic) St. John’s-wort of 
China (Nic. 5/437). 165 Hypericum 

Leaved (Acute Ovate) St. John’s-wort of 
Japan (Nic. 2/169), 168 Hypericum 

Leaved (Narrow) Sandal (Rox. 1/444), 
2526-b. Santalum album (myrtifolium). 

Leaved (Narrow) Sappan (McL. 783). 
929 Ceesalpinia Sappan. 

Leaved (Box) Satin Ebony (McL. 789, 
adpd), 1694 Maba buxifolia. 

Leaved (Small) Scarlet-and-deep-red 
Fuchsia (Nic. 2/83). 1827 Fuchsia 
miscrophy lla, 

Leaved (Hard) Szarlet druped Elm (Bed. 
1/218, adpd). 2712 Celtis Wightii. 

Leaved (Variegated) Scarlet Shoe Flower 
(Nic. 1/142), 244-f. Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (Cooperi). 

Leaved (Glaucous erect) Screw Pine (Nic. 
3/18). 3245 Pandanus edolis. 

Leaved (Spineless) Screw Pine (Hk. 6/456, 
adpd). 3247 Pandanus levis. 

Leaved (Very long) Screw Pine (Hk. 
6/464, adpd), 3243 Pandanus furcatus. 

Leaved (Hazel) Screw Tree (Mech. 802). 
280 Helicteres !sora, 

Leaved (Pinnate) Scurfy Pea (Nic. 3/239). 
760 Psoralea pinnata. 

Leaved (Broad) sSebesten (McL. 808) 
(Br. 144), 1969 Cordia obliqua. 

Leaved (Cordate  disc-scabrid 
Sebesten (Hk 4/139, adpd). 
Cordia Macleodii. 

Leaved (Hlliptic 
Sebesten (Bs/T/479, add). 

Leaved (Larger disc-scabrid) Sebesten 
(Hk. 4/138, adpd). 1971 Cordia grandis, 

Leaved (Narrow) Sebesten (McL. 473, 
808, 998). 1978 Cordia Rothii, 


disc-scabrid _ felted) 
1972 Cordia 


Leaved (Ovate-disc-scabrid felted) Sebes- 
ten (Hk. 4/140, adpd). 1976 Cordia 

Leaved (Rough) Sebesten (McL. 802) (Br. 

144). 1979 Cordia Sebestena. 
Leaved (Smaller disc-scabrid) Sebesten 
(Hk. 4/138, adpd). 1970 Cordia 


Leaved (Teak) Sebesten (McL. 802). 1979 
Cordia Sebestena. 

Leaved (Accte) Senna (McL. 805). 955 
Cassia acutifolia. 

Leaved (Glaucuus) Senna (McL. 847). 
961 Cassia glauca. 

Leaved (Narrow) Senna (McL. 895). 
Cassia angustifolia. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(6-10)-very-small 
linear-obtuse) Sensitive Pea (Hk. 2/151, 
adpd). 785 > mithia blanda. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(41-61) very-small 
linear-obtuse) Sensitive Pea (Hk 2/151, 
adpd). 786 Aischynomene indica. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(61-101)-very-small 
linear-obtuse) Sensitive Pea (Hk. 2/152, 
adpa). 787 AEschynomene aspera. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(21—41}-very-small 
linear-eblong-obtuse) Sensitive Pea (Hk, 
2/114, adpd). 779 Sesbania egyptiaca. 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(21-61)-very-small 
linear-obtuse-bristle-tipped) Sensitive 
Pea (Rox. 3/384, adpd). 780-b. Sesbania 
aculeata (paludosa). 

Leavead (Multifoliate-(81)-very-small 
prickly lineay-obtuse-bris:le-tipped) 
Sensitive Pea (Hk. 2/1J5, adpd). 780-a. 
Sesbania aculeata (typica). 

Leaved (Crowded) shepherdess’ Crozier 
Plant (Hk. 2/535, adpd). 1290 Sonerila 

Leaved (Crimson and Cream (Shoe Flower 
(Nic. 1/143, adpd.) 244-f. Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (Cooperi). 

Leaved (Downy Angular) Shoe Flower) 
(Hk. 1/844, adpd). 245 Hibiscus muta- 



Leaved (Downy trilobate) Shoe Flower 
(Hk. 1/344, adpd). 248 Hibiscus | 

Leaved (Entire leathery) Shoe Flower 
(Br. 17, adpd). 249 Hibiecus 

Leaved (Five finger) Shoe Flower (Nic. 
1/142, adpd). 248 Hibiscus coccineus. 
Leaved (Serrate Ovate) Shoe Flower (Hk, 
1/344, adpd). 244 Hibiscus  rosa- 

Leaved (Trilobate) Shoe 
1/344, adpd). 243 Hibiscus syriaca, 
Leaved (Chinese Glaucous) shrubby 
Bamboo (Nic, 1/155, ubl. 727), 38302 
Bambovsa nana. 

Leaved (Glaucous Stemmed and) Shrubby 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/3852, 
Arundinaria Hookeriana, 

Flower (Hk. 

adpd). 8299 | 


Leaved (Japsnese Downy) Shrubby 
Bamboo (Nic. 1/156). 33800 Bambusa 

Leaved (Japanese Pungent-tip) Shrubby 
Bamboo (Nic. 1/118, 5/27). 3295 
Arundinaria japonica, 

Leaved (Pungent-tipped thick) Shrubby 
Bamboo (Hk. 17/877, adpd). 8296 
Arun tinaria Walkeriana. 

Leaved (Thick dwarf) Shrubby Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/379, adpd). 3298 Arundinaria 

Leaved (Long-petioled Acute) Shrubby- 
weed (Hk, 4/191, adpd). 2009 Argyreia 

Leaved (Short-petioled Obtuse) Shrubby 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/191, adpd), 2008 
Argyreia cuneata. 

Leaved (Alger) Sida (MeL. 68). 214-b. 
Sida spiuosa (a'nifolia). 

Leaved (Heart) Sida (McL. 68). 217 Sida 

Leaved (Hornbeam) Sida (McL. 67). 215 
Sida acuta. 

Leaved (Seven) Silk Cotton (McL, 234). 
259 Bombax malabaricum, 

Leaved (Acuminate Llliptic) Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/186, adpd). 1994 Argyreia 

Leaved (Bristly Heart) Silver-weed (Hk, 
4/194, edpd). 2014 Lettsomia setosa. 

Leaved (Common Heart) Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/185, adpd). 1998 Argyreia 

Leaved (Cuspidate Grey-frosted Heart) 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2007 
Argyreia cymosa. 

Leaved (Downy-faced Heart) Silver-weed 
(Hk, 4/192, adpd). 2012 Lettsomia 

Leaxed (Hispid Heart) Silver-weed (Hk. 
4/189, adpd). 2002 Argyreia mala- 

Leaved (Large Villous Elliptic) Silver- 
weed (Hk, 4/189, adpd). 2U01 Argyreia 

Leaved (Linden) Silver-weed (Hk, 4/184, 
adpd). 19%2 Argyreia tilizfolia. 

Leaved (Longer Poplar) Silver-weed (Hk, 
4/187, adpd). 1996 Argyreia involu- 

Leaved (Mediom Glabrescent Elliptic) 
Siver-weed (Hk. 4/192, adpd), 20138 
Lettsomia elliptica. 

_ Leaved (Medium strigose Elliptic) Silver- 

weed (Hk. 4/190, adpd), 20u5 Argyreia 

Leaved (Mucronata Elliptic) Silver-weed 
(Hk, 4/192, adpd). 2011 Lettsomia 

Leaved (Obtuse Tawny-silky Ovate) 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/188, adpd). 1997 
Argyreia bracteata. 

=e ee ee ea 



Leaved (Pilose acute Ovate) Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/189, adpd). 2004 Argyreia 

Leaved (Poplar) Silver-weed (Hk. 4/187, 
adpd). 1945 Argyreia populifolia. 

Leaved (Silky-backed Hispid Heart) 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/188, adpd). 1999 
Argyreia sericea. 

Leayed (Small downy 
weed (Hk. 4/188, adp¢). 

Leaved (Small silky Elliptic) Silver weed 
(Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2006 Argyreia 

Leaved (Villous Acuminate Ovate) Silver- 
weed (Hk. 4/188, adpd). 2000 Argyreia 

Leaved (Villous Heart) Silver-weed (Hk. 
4/189, adpd). 2003 Argyreia hirsuta. 

Leaved (Wrinkled Heart) Silver-weed 

1998 Argyreia 

(Hk. 4/191, adpd). 2010 Lettsomia 

Leaved (Glabrous) Slender Reed Bamboo 
(Bs/T/684, adpd). 8324 Ochlandra 

Leaved (Rugose) Slenderly Heteracan- 

thous Rose (Nic. 3/314). 

Leaved (Linear Serrate) Slipperwort of 
Chili (Nic. 1/240). 2118 Calceolaria 

Leaved (Wrinkled Entire) Slipperwort of 
Chili (Nic. 1/230). 2112 Calceolaria 

Leaved (Thick) Smaller Chinese Laurel 
(McL. 474, 594,adpd). 2615 Antidesma 

Leaved (Thin) Smaller Chinese Laurel 
(McL. 474, 594,adpd). 2616 Antidesma 

Leaved (Heart) Smooth Jasmine (McL. 
384, adpd). 1757 Jasminum  cordi- 

Leaved (Himalayan Heart) Smocth Jas- 
mine (McL. 384, adpd). 1758 Jasmi- 
num anastamosans. 

Leaved (Spindle) Smooth Jasmine (McL. 
384, adpd). 1763 Jasminum Wightii. 
Leaved (Scabrid) Srake Root (McL. 507, 
apd), 1485 Ophiorrhiza hirsutula. 
Leaved (Flamboyant) Snow-white Sirissa 
(Trop. Agr., x/7-Jan. 91). 1043 Albizzia 


Leaved (Downy) Soup Berry (McL. 843). 
634 Sapiudus trifvliatus. 

Leaved (Blunt) Soap Nut (Mch. 843, 
adpd). 636 Sapindus bifoliatus. 

Leaved (Four) Scap Nut (McL. 468). 626 
Hemigyrosa canescens. 

Leaved (Narrow) Scap Nut (McL. 843 
adpd). 637 Sapindus indicus. 

Leaved (Notch) Soap Nut (McL. 848). 
634 Sapindus trifoliatus, 


1100 Rosa 


Elliptic) Silver- | 


Leaved (Pointed) Soap Nut (McL. 843, 
adpd). 6385 Sspindus erectus. 

Leaved (Quinque iugate) Soap Nut (McL. 
843, adpd). €35 Sapindus erectus. 

Leaved (Trijugate) S.ap Nut (McL. 843, 
adpd). 634 Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Leaved (Unifoliate) soap Nut (McL. 848, 
adpd). 6387 Sapindus indicus. 

Leaved (Un‘jugate) Soap Net (McL. 843, 
adpd). 686 Sapindus bifoliatus. 

Leaved (Copious narrow, Soap Pod (McL. 
97, adp"). 1040 Acacia pennata. 

Leaved (Shining) Soap Pod (McL, 226, 
798, adpd). 1039 Acacia Intsia. 

Leaved (Downy) Sophora (Br. 47). 
Scphora tomentosa. 

Leaved (Smooth) Sophora (Br. 47). 913 
Sophora glauca. 

Leaved (Downy Round) Spathe Trumpet 
Tree (McL. 14, 478, 998, adpd). 2133 
Dolichandrone falcata. 

Leaved (Ellip‘ic) Spathe Trumpet Tree 
(McL. 473, 669, 998, adpd). 2182 Doli- 
chandrone crisya. 

Leaved (Many) Spathe Trumpet Tree 
(Mech. 664, adpd). 21385 Dolichandrone 

Leaved (Round) Spathe Trumpet Tree 
(McL. 14, 473, 998, adpd). 2184 Doli- 
chandrene Lawii. 

Leaved (Acuminate oblong) Spear Flower 


(Hk. 38/521, adpd). 1668 Ardisia 

Leaved (Acuminate Obovate) Spear 
Flower (Hk. 3/519, adpd). 1666 

Ardisia lanceolata, 

Leaved (Crisped-crenate Elliptic) Spear 
Flower (Hk. 3/524,adpd). 1669 Ardisia 

Leaved (Elliptic) Spear Flower (Hk. 
3/529, adpd). 1673 Ardisia humilis. 

Leaved (Long-lanc-) Svear flower (Hk. 
3/529, adpd}, 1671 Ardisia pauciflora. 

Leaved (Obtuse Obovate) Spear Flower 
(Hk. 3/520, adpd). 1607 Ardisia 

Leaved (Repandly-crennlate-hirsute lance- 
ovate obtuse) Spear Flower (Nic. 1/109, 
adpd). 1668 (bis,) Ardisia crenulata. 

Leaved (Rnsty-villous lance) Spear Flower 
(Hk. 3/525, adpd). 1670 Ardisia villosa 

Leaved (Spathulate-rhomboid) Spear 
Flower (jik. 3/529, adpd) 1672 Ardisia 

rhomb idea. 

Leaved (Willow) Speedwell (Nic. 4/150) 
(Ooty. 376). 2117 Veronica salicifolia, 
Leaved (Common small) Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/524,adpd). 1285 sbeckia 


Leaved (Netted-back) Spider 
shrub (Hk, 2/520, adpd). 

1284 Osbeckia 


Leaved (Red-hairy small) Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/520,adpd). 1288 Osbeckia 
Leschenaultii. ¢ 

Leaved (Rough small) Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/519, adpd). 1280 Osbeckia 

Leaved (Stalked Lance) Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/521, adpd). 1286 Osbeckia 

Leaved (Subsessile Lance) Spider Flower 
shrub (I[k. 2/521, adpd). 1286 Osbeckia 

Leaved (Crenulate) Spindle Tree (Hk. 

1/608, adpd). 516 Euonymus crenulatus. | 

Leaved (Entire) Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/608, 
adpd), 515 Euonymus indicus. 

Leaved (Membranons crennlate) Spindle 
Tree (Hk. 1/609,adpd). 519 Huonymus 

Leaved (Saw) Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/609, 
adpd). 518 Euonymus serratifolius. 

Leaved (Wavy) Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/60:), | 

adpd). 517 Euonymus dichotomus. 

Leaved (Wight’s Dwarf) Spinescent Coffee | 
1552 Coffea Wight- | 

(Hk. 3/154, adpd). 
Leaved (Fascicled) Spinous Barberry (Hk. 
1/110, adpd), 98 Berberis aristata. 
Leayed (Medium elliptic-oblong-serrate- 
cuspidate) Spinous Buck-thorn (Hk. 
1/641, adpd). 573 Sageretia hamosa. 


(Small-woolly-backed-glabrate | 

Ovate-lance-acute) Spinous Buckthorn | 

(Hk. 1/641, adpd). 

Leaved (Linear Opposite) Spurge (McL. 
502, adpd). 2532 Euphorbia lineari- 

574 Sageretia oppo- 


Leaved (Oleander) Spurge (McL. 502). | 

2584 Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Leaved (Seaside Opposite) Spurge (McL. 
502, adpd). 2531 Euphorbia Atoto. 

Leaved (Wight’s Opposite) Spurge (McL. 
502,adpd). 2530 Euphorbia Wightiana. 

Leaved (Unifoliate-medium-thinly-silky- 
glabrate-membranous linear-lance- 
acute) Square-branched Rattlewort 
(Hk, 2/78, adpd). 

Leaved (Unifoliate-medium-thinly-silky 
membranous lance-acuminate) Square- 
branched Rattlewort (Hk. 2/78, adpd). 
720 Crotalaria leptostachya. 

Leaved (Medium  oblong-ellipti¢-sub- 
entire) Square-branched Spindle Tree 
(Bed. 1/65, adpd). 522 Glyptopetaluam 

Leaved (Medium 
Square-branched Spindle Tree 
1/64, adpd). 

Leaved (Assam Rubber) Staff Tree (Bed. 
2/120, adpd). 5438 Karrimia bipartita. 

521 Glyptopetalum zeyla- 

721 Crotalaria tetra- | 


Leaved (Box) Staff Tree (McL. 459, udpd), 
539 Gymnosporia Wallichiana. 

Leaved (Entire) Staff Tree (McL. 459, 
adpd). 540 Gymnosporia emarginata, 

Leaved (Heyne’s elliptic) Staff Tree (McL, 
459, adpd). 536 Gymmnosporia Hey- 

Leaved (Lanceolate Pointed) Staff ‘Tree 
(McL. 459, adpd). 537 Gymnosporia 

Leaved (Narrow) Staff Tree (McL. 459, 
adpd), 541l-b. Gymnosporia montana 

Leaved (Ovate Pointed) Staff Tree (McL. 
459, adpd). 533 Gymnosporia acumin- 

Leaved (Roth’s Elliptic) Staff Tree (McL. 
459, adpd). 535 Gymnosporia Rothii. 

Leaved (Round) Staff Tree (McL, 459, 
adpd). 54l-a, Gymnosporia montana 

Leaved (Dageer) Stemless Orchid (Hk. 
5/675, W.A.I, adpd). cmxvyii. Oberonia 

Leaved (Elliptic) Stemless Orchid (Hk. 
5/828, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxiv. (bis.) 
Josephia (genus). 

rous obcordate) Subspinescent Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/82, adpd). 732 Crotalaria 

Leaved (Four) Sugar Palm (Hk. 6/421, 
Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3149 Arenga saccha- 

Leaved (Single) Sugar Palm (Hk. 6/422, 
Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3151 Arenga Wightii. 

Leaved (Tow) Sugar Palm (Hk. 6/421, 
Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3150 Arenga obtnsi- 

Leaved (Shining) Sumach (Rid, 153). 658 
Rhus lucida. 

Leaf-base (Glandular) Swallowwort (McL. 
988, adpd). 1917 Cosmostigma race- 

Leaved (Needle) Swallowwort (Mch. 664, 
997, adpd). 1881 Oxystelma esculen- 

Leaved (Bushy Roundish) Sweet Thorn 
(Hk. 1/194, adpd). 1387 Flacourtia 

Leaved (Downy long) Sweet Thorn (Hk, 
1/192, adpd). 184 Flacourtia montana. — 

| Leaved (Glabrous long) Sweet Thorn (Hk. 

Leaved (Thornless long) Sweet Thorn 
(Hk. 1/192, adpd). 183 Flacourtia 

adpd). 135 Flacourtia cata- 

. Leaved (Roundish) Sweet Thorn Tree 

(Hk. 1/193, adpd), 

186 Fiacourtia 


Leaved (Small-papery-obovate-obtuse-or- 
retuse) Sword Bean (Hk, 2/196, adpd). 
831 Canavalia obtusifolia. 

Leaved (Round) Tadda (McL. 478, 868, 
998). 315 Grewia orbiculata. 

Leaved (Painted) Tailed Tick Trefoil (Br. 
52, adpd). 791 Uraria picta. 

Leaved (Bengal Crescent} Talipot Palm 
(Rox. 3/176, adpd). 3173 Corypha elata. 

Leaved (Bengal Round) Talipot Palm 
(Rox. 2/174, adpd). 38175 Corypha 

Leaved (Ash) Tecoma (Br. 132). 

Leaved (Poplar) Tendrilled Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/578, adpd), 491 Erythropalum 

Leaved * (Cork) Tephrosia (McL. 81) (*? 
barked). 768 Mundulea suberosa, 

Leaved (Broad) Terminalia (McL. 138), 
1144 Terminalia Catappa. 

Leaved (Narrow) Terminalia (Br. 74), 
1143 Terminalia Benzoin., 


Leaved (Oval) Terminalia (McL. 928). | 

1146 Terminalia Chebula, 

Leaved (Fern) Thespesia (McL. 674). (?) 
448 Filicium decipiens. 

Leaved (Floccose-branched Ovate) Thorn- 
less Caper shrub (Hk. 1/174, adpd). 
107 Capparis Heyneana. 

Leaved (Long-lance)'Chornless Caper shrub 
(Hk, 1/176, adpd). 116 Capparis parvi- 

Leaved (Wing) Thunbergia (Br. 
2161 Thunbergia alata, 

Leaved (Trifoliate-small-downy Roundish- 
obtuse-or-acnte) Tick Trefoil (Hk. 2/154, 
adpd). 790 Pseudarthria viscida. 

Leaved (Trifoliate-very-small-downy- 
backed obovate-obtuse) Tick Trefoil 
(Hk. 2/153, adpd). 789 Pycnospora 

Leaved (Velvetty seven) 
Climber (Nic. 4/237, adpd). 
thoxylum tetraspermum. 

Leaved (Neem-like opposite) Tooth-ache 
Tree (Hk. 1/490, adpd). 379 Evodia 

Leaved (Nilgiri Unifoliate opposite) Tooth- 
ache Tree (Hk. 1/492, adpd). 3880 Meli- 
cope indica. 

Leaved (Roxburgh’s Trifoliate opposite) 
Tooth-ache Tree (Hk. 1/488, adpd). 
278 Evodia Roxburghiana, 

Leaved (Peepul) Tootty (McL. 914). 220 
Abutilon polyandrum. 

Leaved (Hemp) Tragia (McL. 144). 
2697-d. Tragia involucrata (cannabina). 

Leaved (Capitate ovate) Tree Bilberry 
(Bs/T/334, adpd). 1303 Memecylon 

Leaved (Common ovate) Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/563, adpd). 1305 Memecylon 


383 Zan- 

Tooth-ache | 


Leaved (Lanceolate acuminate-base) Tree 
Bilberry (Hk. 2/560, adpd). 13802 
Memecylon Heyneanum. 

Leaved (Lanceolate cordate) Tree Bilberry 
(Hk, 2/558, adpd). 1298 Memecylon 

Leaved (Membranous cordate) Tree Bil- 
berry (Bs/T/335, adpd). 1800 Meme- 
cylon deccanense. 

Leaved (Narrow oblong) Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/562, adpd). 1304 Memecylon 

Leaved (Oblong cordate) Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/559, adpd). 1299 Memecylon 

Leaved (Talbot’s Ovate) Tree Bilberry 
(Bs/T/334, adpd). 1301 Memecylon Tal- 

Leaved (Silky-backed Round) Tree Caper 
(Hk. 1/176, adpd). 113 Capparis 

Leaved (Yellow) Tree Milkwort (MeL. 
1006, adpd), 161 Xanthopby!lum flaves- 

Leaved (Shining lance) Tree Moon-seed 
(McL, 1005, Hk, 1/101, Rox. 3/815, adpd). 
86 Cocculus lanrifolia, : 

Leaved (Downy many) Tree of Beauty 
(Hk, 1/557, adpd). 464 Aglaia minuti- 

Leaved (Glossy many) Tree of Beauty 
(Gbl. 150, adpd). 463 Aglaiu maiz. 

Leaved (Roxburgh’s Five) Tree of Beauty 
(Hk, 1/555, adpd). 462 Aglaia Roxbur- 

Leaved (Five) Tree of Beauty of the 
Straits (Hk. 1/554, adpd). 461 Aglaia 

Leaved (Entire) Tree of Heaven (Hk. 
1/518, Nic. 1/44, adpd), 428 Ailanthus 

Leaved (Toothed) Tree of Heaven (Hk 
1/518, Nic. 1/44, adpd). 427 Ailanthus 

Leaved (Repand) Tree Vine (McL. 751, 

adpd). 613 Leea cinerea. 

Leaved (Sessile) Tree Vine (McL. 751, 
adpd). 614 Leea coriacea. 

Leaved (Simple) Tree Vine (McL. 751, 

Leaved (Small-winged-petioled Cuneate- 

obovate-obtuse) Trifoliate Neem (Hk. 

1/542, adpd), 450-Naregamia alata. 

612 Leea macrophylla. 

Leaved (Longer Crenate) Trifoliate 
Sumach (Hk. 2/9, adpd). 660 Rhus 

Leaved (Shorter Sinuate) Trifoliate 

Sumach (Hk. 2/9, adpd). 661 Rhus 

Leaved (Diverse) Trifoliate Vine (Mclu. 
564, adpd), 597 Vitis Rheedii. 

Leaved (Heart) Trifoliate Vine (McL. 564, 
adpd). 602 Vitis semicordata. 


Leaved (Trifoliate-subglabrous-papery- 
long oblong-acuminate digitate) Triquet- 
rous branched Dholi shrub (Hk, 2/228, 
adpd). 873 Flemingia stricta, 

Leaved (Medium-leathery elliptic-oblong- 
crenate-obtuse-to-cuspidate) Trinity- 
podded Spindle Climber (Hk. 1/624, 
adpd). 546 Hippocratea obtusifolia. 

Leaved (Medium-leathery Hiliptic-sub- 
entire-cuspidate) [I'rinity-podded Spin- 
dle Climber (Hk. 1/624, adpd), 
Hippocratea Arnottiana, 

Leaved (Medium-leathery Ovate-entire- 
cuspidate)  Trinity-podded Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/624, adpd). 543 Hippo- 
cratea Grahami. 

Leaved (Small-membranous Ovate-serrate- 
cuspidate) ‘T'rinity-podded Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/625, adpd). 549 Hippo- 
cratea indica. 

Leaved (Loug-white-velvetty-backed 
Heart cuspidate) Trinity shield Plant 
(Hk. 1/421, adpd). 3861 Aspidopterys 

Leaved (Long-12-nerved Heart-cuspidate) 
Tripterocarp Dammer (Hk. 1/306, adpd). 
201 Shorea robusta. 

Leaved (Medium 10-to-15-nerved elliptic- 
cordate-acute) Tripterocarp Dammer 
(Hk. 1/35, adpd). 200 Shorea Talura, 

Leaved (Medium-(short-to-long)-8-uerved- 
scurfy-backed oblong-heart-cuspidate) 
Tripterocarp Dammer (Hk. 1/306, Bed. 
1/26, adpd). 202 Shorea Tumbaggaia. 

Leaved (Long) Trumpet Flower (McL. 

. 1024). 21381 Dolichandrone Kheedui. 

Leaved (Downy-backed) Tubular Passion 
Flower (Nic. 4/3). 1365 Tacsonia 

Leaved (Glabrous) Tubular Passion 
Flower (Nic. 4/4). 1864 Tacsonia 


Leaved (Poplar) Tulip Mallow (MeL. 712, 
adpd). 252 Thespesia populnea. 

Leaved (Laurel) Tulip Tree (Nic. 5/511). 
ix. Magnolia (genus). 

Leaved (Narrow) Turnera (Br. 88). 
1343-b. ‘lurnera ulmifolia (angusti- 

Leaved (Elm) Turnera (Br. 87). 
Turnera ulmifolia. 

Leaved (Jute) Turtle Net Plant (Cat. 37, 
adpd). 299 Melochia corchorifolia, 

Leaved (Small) Twin prickled Rose 
(Hk, 2/364) (Nic, 3/309, 322). 1096 
Rosa microphylla, 

Leaved (Long) Two sepalled Gamboge 
(Br. 30, Hk. 1/259, adpd), 180 Ochro- 
carpus longifolius, 

Leaved (Alternate) Umbelled Australian 
Rose (Bth. 1/202, adpd), cxlii. Hrio- 
stemon (genus). 




Leaved (Small-downy (Elliptic-ovate- 
acuminate) Unifoliate Neem (Hk. 
1/542, adpd). 449 iurrea villosa. 

Leaved (Centifoil Mimosa) Uniglandular 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 966 Cassia 

Leaved (Decandrous Mimosa) Uniglan- 
dular Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 965 
Cassia Kleinii, 

Leaved (Glaucous) Uniglandular Senna 
(McL. 804, adpd). 961 Cassia glauca, 
Leaved (Hairy) Uniglandular Senna 

(McL. 804, adpd). 951 Cassia hirsuta. — 

Leaved (Lance) Uniglandular Senna 

(MeL. 804, adpd). 950 Cassia Sophora. 

Leaved (Ovate). Uniglandular Senna 
(Mch, 804, adpd). 949 Cassia occiden- 

lieaved (Pentandrous Mimosa) Uniglan- 
dular Senna (McL. 804, adpd), 964 
Cassia pumila, 

Leaved (Bristle-ciliate) | Unisy-inous 
rachis Rattan (Hk. 6/441, adpd). 3205 
Calamus rivalis. 

Leaved (Spine-ciliate) Unispinous rachis 
Rattan (Hk. 6/447, adpd). 38209 Cala- 
mus Rotang. 

Leaved (Painted) Uraria (Br. 52). 
Urania picta. 

Leaved (Angular) Urena (McL. 284) 
(Br, 16), 228 Urena lobata. 

Leaved (Crenulate oblong) Velvet Cinque- 
foil (Hk. 1/372, adpd). 297 Melhania 

Leaved (Serrulate linear-oblong) Velvet 
Cinquefoil (Hk. 1/872, adpd). 296 Mel- 
hania incana. 

Leaved (Toothed pleated-heart) Velvet 
Cinquefoil (Hk. 1875, adpd). 301 
Waltheria indica, 

Leaved (Unequally-toothed Roundish) 
Velvet Cinquefoil (Hk. 1/372, adpd), 
298 Melhania Hamiltoniana. 

Leaved (Medium acuminate) Velvet 
Flowering Nutmeg (Hk. 1/89, adpd). 
68 Alphonsea zeylanica. 

Leaved (Medium-cuspidate) Velvet 
Flowering Nutmeg (Hk. 1/89, adpd). 
67 Alphonsea lutea, 

Leaved (Medium-obtuse) Velvet Flower- 
ing Nutmeg (Hk. 1/90, adpd). 69 
Alphonsea madrispatana, 

Leaved (Five) Velvet Tamarind (LF, 
xxx/6), 972 Dialium coromandelianum. 

Leaved (Nine) Velvet Tamarind (LF., 
xxx/6). 973 Dialium travancoricum. 

Leaved (Heart) Vine (McL. 564), 593 
Vitis lanata. 

Leaved (Pedately seven) Vine (McL. 564, 
adpd). 611 Vitis pedata. 

Leaved (Large) Viper Rosebay (Rid, 115, 
adpd). 1858 Chonemorpha macro- 



Leaved (Tai!) Viper Rosebay (Rid. 122, 
adpd). 1859 Aganosma marginata. 
Leaved (Medium-hairy-gland-axilled 
Ovate-lance-serrate.cuspidate) Violet- 
wort (Bed, 2/229, adpd). 123 Alsodeia 
Leaved (Biternate) Virgin’s Bower (Hk. 
1/4, adpd). 6 Clematis Gouriana, 
Leaved ( Decompouna) Virgin’s Bower 
(Hk. 1/5, adpd). 9 Clematis nutans, 
Leaved (Pinnate)’s Bower (Hk. 
1/4, adpd), 7 Clematis hedysarifolia, 
Leaved (Silky Pinnate) Virgin's Bower 
(Hk.1/5,adpd). 8 Clematis Wightiana. 
Leaved (Simple Heart) Virgin’s Bower 
(Hk. 1/8, adpd), 4 Clematis smulaci- 

Leaved (Simple Trilobate) Virgin’s Bower 
(Hk. 1/3, adpd). 5 Clematis triloba. 
Leaved ,Tendrilled Bitoliolate) Virgin’s 
Bower (Hk. 1/6, adpd). 10 Naravelia 


Leaved (Three) Vitex (Br. 168). 2808 
Vitex trifolia. 
Leaved (Wing) Vitex (Br. 168). 23811 

Vitex alata, 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(7—9)-medium-mem- 
branous Ovate-lance-subentire-acumin- 
ate) Wampee (Hk. 1/504, adp¢). 394 
Clausena heptaphylla. 

Leaved (Multifoli te-(7—9)-small-char- 
taceous Very-obliquely- polymo: phous- 

crenulate-normally-obtuse) Wampee 
(Hk. 1/505, adpd). 396 Clausena 

Leaved (Multifoliate-(5-13)-small-mem- 
branous obliquely-ovate-crenulate- 
obtuse-to-caudate) Wampee (Hk. 1/506, 
adgd). 897 Clausena Willdenovii. 

Leaved (Wedge) Water Croton {Mch. 802, 
adpd). 2692 Homonoia retusa. 

Leaved (Willow) Water Croton McL, 802, 
adpd). 2691 Homonoia riparia, 

Leaved (Lone-stalked Oval) Wax Flower 
(Hk. 4/59, adpd). 1925 Hoya Wightii. 

Leaved (Narrow lance) Wax Flower (Hk. 
4/56, adpd). 1922 Hoya pauciflura. 

Leaved (Narrow obcordate) Wax Flower 
(Hk, 4/56, adpd). 1921 tioya retusa. 

Leaved (Short-stalked Oval) Wax Flower 
(Hk. 4/60, adpd). 1926 Hoya ovali- 

Leaved (Alternately-unequal) Wax-flower 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/648, Rox. 2/25, adpd). 
1836-b. Tabernemontana coronaria 

Leaved (Elliptic) Wheel creeper (McL. 
1028, adpd). 1163 Combretum exten- 

Leaved (Oval) Wheel creeper (McL. 1023, 
adpd), 1162 Combretum ovalifolium, 
Leaved (Spmeless) White Brinjal (Hk. 
4/234, adpd). 2082 Solanum torvum. 


Leaved (Downy) White Brugmansia (Nic. 
1/444). 2100 Datura arborea. 

Leaved (Glabrous) White Brogmansia 
(Nic, 1/444). 2108 Datura suaveolens. 

Leaved (Dark glossy) White Cedar (Gbl. 

148, adpd). 457 Dysoxylum pur- 
Leaved (Catmint) White Deadenettle 

shrub (Hk, 4/681, adpd), 

Leaved (Crenate oblong) White Dead- 
nettle shrub (Hk, 4/681, adpd). 2855 
Leucas lanata. 

Leaved (Untire lance) White Dead-nettle 
shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd), 2861 Leucas 

Leavea (Hntire linear) White Dead-nettle 
shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2358 Lencas 

Leaved (Entire oblong) White Dead- 
nettle shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 23860 
Leucas helianthemifolia, 

Leaved (Hascicled Minnte) White Dead- 
nettle shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2359 
Leucas resmarinifolia. 

Leaved (Few-flowered Round) White- 
Dead-nettle shrub (Hk, 4/681, adpd). 
2354 Leucas nepetefolia. 

Leaved (Hoary Ovate) White Dead-nettle 
shrub (Hk. 4/681, adpd). 2356 Leucas 

Leaved (Rosemary) White Dead-nettle 
shrub ((Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2359 ! eucas 

Leaved (Sun-Rose) White 
shrub (Hk, 4/685, adpd). 

Leaved (Velvetty Reundish) White Dead- 
uettle shrub (Hk, 4/682, adpd). 2357 
Leucas montana, 

Leaved (Small elliptic-oblong-lance-acute) 
White-druped Spindle Tree (Bed. 1/66, 
adpd). 531 Pleurostylia Wightii. 

Leaved (Sessile) White Leaf Plant (McL. 
516. adpd), 1487-b. Musszenda 
frondosa (ingrata). 

Leaved (Stalk) White Leaf Plant 
(McL. 516, adpd), 1487-c. Mussznda 
frondosa (laxa). 

Leaved (Three-banded) White Passion 
Flower (Nic. 3/83). 1362 Passiflora 

Leaved (Narrow) White Winged Myro- 
balan (Me)s. 581, 799, 995, adpd). 
1149-b. Terminalia Arjuna (angusti- 

Leaved (Oleander) Whorled Dog-bane 
(McL, 784, adpd). 1831 Alstonia nerii- 
folia, : 

Leaved (Five) Wild Indigo (MeL. 371, 
adpd). 773 Tephrcs.a senticosa. 

Leaved (Nerve) Wild Jasmine (McL. 3884, 
adpd). 1754 Jasminum malabaricum, 

2354 Leucas 

2360 Leucas 


Leaved (Pointed) Wild Jasmine (McL. 
384, adpd). 1754 Jasminum malabari- 

Leaved (Medium-opaquely-leathery ellip- 
tic-oblopg-waved-obiuse) Wild Lime 
(Hk. 1/518, adpd), 407 Atalantia 

Leaved (Medium oblanceolate) Wild Tea 
(Hk, 1/284, adpd). 189-a. Hurya japo- 
nica (Thunbergia). 

Leaved (Scaly-woolly large-serrate) Wild 
Tea Tree (Hk, 1/286, adpd). Ixxvi. 
Sanrauja (genus). 

Leaved (Small elliptic) Wild Tea (Hk. 
1/291, adpd), 192 Gordonia obtusa. 

Leaved (Small obovate) Wild Tea (Hk. 
1/280, adpd). 188 Ternstrcemia japo- 

Leaved (Very-small-oblanceolate) Wild 
Tea (Hk. 1/284, adpd), 189-b, Kurya 
japonica (nitida). 

Leaved (Almond) Willow (Nic. 3/346). 
2808 Salix triandra. 

Leaved (Medium  ovate-elliptic-cuspid- 
ate) Wing-bossed-and-ronnded Trinity- 
shield plant (Hk. 1/420, adpd). 360 
Aspidopterys canarensis. 

Leaved  (Trifoliate-subglabrous-papery- 
medium Broad-lanve digitate) Wing- 
petioled Dholl shrub (Rox, 3/3841, 
adpd), 876 Flemingia semialata, 

Leaved (Long-red-punctate-backed 
oblong-lance-subacuminate) Wing seed- 
ed Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/616, adpd). 
{young plants]. 530 Kokoona zeyla- 

Leaved (Small-red-punctate-backed obo- 
vate-retuse) Wing-seeded Spindle Tree 
(Hk, 1/616, adpd). 580 Kokoona zey- 

Leaved (Unifoliate-small-silky obovate-or- 
elliptic-oblong-sub-obtuse) Wing-stem- 
med Rattlewort (Ek. 2/69, adpd). 704 
Crotalaria alata. 

Leaved (Unifoliate-very-small-silky- 
leathery Round-obovate-obtuse) Wing 
stemmed Kattlewort (ik. 2/69, adpd). 
705 Crotalaria rubiginosa, 

Leaved (Seven-(5-9)) Winged Lime (Hk. 
1/507, adpd). 399 l.imonia acidissima. 

Leaved (Larger lance) Winter Flax (Hk. 
1/412, adpd). 34€-b. Reinwardtia 
trigyna (tetragyna). 

Leaved (Small elliptic-obovate) Winter- 
Flax (Hk. 1/412, adpd). 346-a. Rein- 
wardtia trigyna (typica). 

Leaved (Long) Wody (McL. 14, 743, 998, 
1024). 2131 Dolichandrone Rheedii. 
Leaved (Crenate-dentate Grey-downy- 
backed Heart) Woolly-jacket (Hk. 
1/370, adpd). 291 Eriolewna Candollei. 

Leaved (Crenuate downy-vacked Heart) 
Woolly-jacket (Hk. 1/370, adpd). 289 
Eriolzna Stocksii. 


Leaved (Heart) Woolly-jacket (Hk. 1/370, 
adpd). cviii, Eriolena (genus). 

Leaved (Serrate Rusty-felt-backed Heart) 
Woolly-jacket (Hk. 1/370, adpd). 290 
Eriolzena Hookeriana. 

Leaved (Toothed White-downy-backed 

Heart) Woolly-jacket (Hk. 1/3871, 
adpd). 292 Hriolena quinquelocu- 

Leaved (Soft) Wrightia (Br. 157), 1842 

Wrightia tomentosa, 

Leaved (Narrow) Xylophylla (Br. 195). 
2572 Phyllanthus angustifolia. 

Leaved (Acute rounded) Xanthochymus 
(Hk, 1/269, adpd), 179-d. Garcinia 
spicata (acutifolia). 

Leaved (Obtuse rounded) Xanthochymus 

(Hk. 1/279, adpd). 179 Garcinia 

Leaved (Five) Yam (MchL. 53). 8057 
Dioscerea pentaphylla. 

Leaved (Pointed-tipped Five) Yam 
(Mch. 58, adpd). 3058 Dioscorea 

Leaved (Velvetty Five) Yam (McL. 53, 
adpd). 38056 Dioscorea tomentosa. 

Leaved (Pedate) Yellow Bindweed (Mch. 
120, adpd). 2053 Ipomea dasysperma. 

Leaved (Emarginate) Yellow Chinese 
Pagoda Tree (Hk. 2/251, adpd). 915 
Sophora interrupta. 

Leaved (Gbovate) Yellew Chinese Pagoda 
Tree (Hk. 2/249, adpd). 912. Sophora 

Leaved (Obtuse) Yellow Chinese Pagoda 
Tree (Hk, 2/251, adpd). 916 Sophora 

Leaved Pointed) Yellow Chinese Pagoda 
Tree (Hk, 2/250, adpd), 914 Sophora 

Leaved (Large) Yellow Fig (McL. 73, 
adpd). 2744 Ficus callosa. 

Leaved (Scabrid small) Yellow Fig (McL. 
73, adpd), 2749 Wicus asperrima, 

Leaved (Smooth) Yellow Heteracanthous 
Rose (Nic, 3/314). 1097 Rosa Hglan- 

Leaved (Ciliate) Yellow Horse Gram 
(McL. 331, adpd). 8438 Dolichos cili- 

Leaved (Various) Yellow Jasmine (Br, 
117). 1769 Jasminum heterephyllum. 
Lebanon (Cedar of) (MuelJ. 8.P) (H/E.C). 

cmix. Cedrus (genus), 

Lebesten (Bed, 1/165) (? Lobesten). 1968 
Cordia Myxa. 

Ledger Bark (MeL. 420). 

Ledger Hybrid Bark (Mcl.. 420), 1447 
Cinchona Ledgeriana. 

Lee-chee (McL. 485) (Nic. 3/489) (Br. 43). 
639 Nephelium Litchi. 

Leech Jiime of Ceylon (Bon. 82, 809). 
414-a, Citrus Hystrix (typica), 

1447 Cinchona 


Lefébvre (Charles) Rose (Nic. 5/645) (Cag. 
96) (Ru/O/19) (Mu 52). 1107 j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-velu- 

Left Hand Family (Nic. 3/3877, adpda). 
LXIV. Goodeniacew (Order). 

Left Hand Flower (Nic. 3/377). 
Scevola (genus). 

Left-imbricate Scammony Swallowwort 
(Hk. 4/2, adpd). dexix. Toxocarpus 

Leguminous Family (McL. 1004) (Br. #6), 
XLII. Leguminosz (Order), 

Lemon (8.99). clvii. Citrus (genus). 

Lemon (Mch. 379, 484, 993, 1029) (Nic. 
1/335) (Hk. 1/515) (Br. 29) (Bon. ) 
(Ru/N/66) (Bed. 1/49), 410 Citrus 
medica-Limonum, - 

Lemon (Bergamotte) (Nic. 1/335). [412 
Sphalm } 411 Citrus medica-Lumina. 
Lemon (Batavian) (McL. 725) (?). 422 

Citrus decumana-typica (?). 

Lemon (Citron) (Bon, 67). 414-c. Citrus 
medica-Limonim (medicolimonium). 
Lemon (Elephant) McL. 288, 484, adpd). 
410-d. Citrus medica-limonum (decu- 


Lemon (Giant) (McL. 434, adpd). 410-d. 
Citrus medica-Limonum (decumana). 
Lemon (Italian) (Bon. 67). 410-a. Citrus 
medica-Limonum (typica). 
Lemon (Kumaon) (Bon), 

medica-Limonum (decuman). 

Lemon (Large) (McL. 434), [409 Sphalm ]. 
414-d. Citrus medica-Limonum (decu- 

Lemon (Malta) (Bon. 67). 
medica-Limonum (typica). 

Lemon (Pear) (McL. 434). [412 Sphalm ] 
411 Citrus medica-Lumia. 

Lemon (Pondicherry) (Bon). 
Citras medica-Limonum (typica). 

Lemon (Small) (McL. 434), 413 Citrus 
medicov-acida (?). 

Lemon (Sweet) (Hk. 1/515) (Bed. 1/47). 
411 Citrus medica-Lumia, 

Lemon (Sweet) (Mch. 434). [412 Sphalm } 
411 Citrus medica-Lumia. 

Lemon (Sweet Terebinthine) (Hk. 1/508). 
395 Clausena Wanipi. 

-Lemon (Water) (Nic. 3/81) (Br. 81) 
(Muell, 8.P). 1853 Passiflora laurifolia. 

Lemon (Wild) (Mch. 210). 389 Glycos- 
mis pentaphylla, 

Lemon (Wild Water) (Nic. 3/31). 
Passiflora foetida, 

Lemon Basil (McL. 910). 

Lemon (Bergamot) (McL. 668) (?). 416 
Citrus Aurantium (Bergamia). 
Lemon-centred White Hybrid Tea Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/95) (Mu. 55), 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-albida- 



410-a. Citrus 



2335 Ocimum 

410-d. Citrus | 

INDEX. 665 

Lemon Citron (Bon. 67), 410-b. Citrus 
medica-Limonum (limonimedica), 

Lemon - margined - midribbed-and-veined 
Light-green croton [when young] (Ku/ 
N/O) (Mu). 2646-Ni, Codizum varie- 
gatum (Sunrise), 

Lemon-midribbed-and-veined Green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Pc. Codizsum variegatum (mi- 

Lemon scented Gum (S, 158,285)(Cat. 140) 
(Ru/N/83, 128, O/8). 1168 Eucalyptus 

Lemon scented Loose Jacket (Bon. 58, 54). 
419-a, Citrus Aurantium-crenatifolium 
(ty pica). 

Lemon scented Verbena (Nic, 2/284) (S. 
225, 245) (Gbl. 545) (Br. 162) (Rid. 162) 
(Cag. 434) (Ru/N/84, 0/15, 34) (Mu. 40) 
(Po) (MAHS). 2282 Lippia citriodora. 

Lemon (Aniseed) Shrub (Hk. 1/504, Rox. 
2/249). 394 Clausena heptaphylla. 

Lemon-to - crimson -spotted-and-blotched 
Bright-green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Nk. Codieum varie- 
gatum (Foxii), 

Lemon-yellow-centred Milk-white Tea 
Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Vag. 603) 
(Ru/N/90, 0/21) (Br. 69) (Ooty. 427) 

(Mu. 56) (Hod) (Po). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (udoata-lactea-intus- 

| Lemon-yellow-changing-to-rose - flowered 

(Ovate-oblong-pointed leaved) Lantana 
(Br. 163). 2274-b, Lantana canara 

Lemon-yellow (Green-irregularly-blotch- 
ed) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Qa. Codizum variegatum 

Lemon-yellow (Glaucous-green-leaved) 
Indian Shot (Rid. 50) (Cag. 384). 8027-b. 
Canna lutea (glauca). 

Lemon-yellow Tea Rose (Ru/N/92, 94, 
0/18) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Cag. 601) (Nic. 
3/324). 1105-e. Rosa odorata (citrina). 

Lemon-yellow (Darker-centred) Tea Rose 
(Mu. 55). 1105-e. Rosa odorata 

Lemon-yellow (Peach-centred) Tea Rose 
(Cag. 601) (Ru/N/91) (Mu. 55). 1105-e. 
Rosa odorata (citrinaintus-albocarnea). 

Lemon-yellow (Rosy-bordered) Tea Bose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/93, 0/21). 1105-e. 
Rosa odorata (citrinaroseo: marginata). 

Lemon-yellow-veined-and-blotched Rich- 
green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) © 
Jaf). 2646-Ac. Codiwum variegatum 
(Hendersonii). t 

Lemon-yellow-veined (Rosy-tinged) Green 
Croton (Bu/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Foe, Codizsum variegatum (Royal 


Lemonia (Pink) (Br. 41, 
Ravenia rosea. 

Lemonia (Showy) (Br. 41). 

Lenticelled-small-black-capsuled (Type- 
leaved) Toon (Rec. Bot. Sury. Ind. 
Vol. III/4-1908). 482-d, Cedrela Toona 
(pili staminea). 

Leschenault’s Honeysuckle (Br. 96). 
Lonicera Leschenaultit. 

Leschenault’s Mountain Passion Flower 
(McL. 393, adpd). 1846 Passiflora 

Leschenauls’s Nilgiri Featherfoil (NcL. 
587, adpd). 2563 Phylianthus Lesche- 

Lesser Balloon Vine (McL. 611, adpd). 
624 Cardiospermum canescens. 

373 Ravenia 


Lesser Cardamom (Mch. 135). 3004 
Elettaria Cardamomum. 
Lessér Cat's Tail (McL. 288). 3249 

Typha angustata. 

Lesser Elephant Grass (McL. 288, 1001). 
3249 Typha angustata. 

Lesser Periwinkle (S. 451) (Cag. 496). 
1823 Vinca minor. 

Lesser Vengay (McL. 461). 

Lesser Yellow Nail Dye (McL. 558, 998, 
adpd). 2226 Barleria cuspidata. 

Le‘tuce (Tree) (McL. 210) (Gbl. 509) 
(Br. 177) (W.A.1). 23658 Pisonia alba. 

Lettuce Tree (Bed. 1/176) (Cag. 480) 
(Cat. 226){(Jaf. 66), 2868 Pisonia alba. 

Levet (Etienne) Rose (Nic. 3/324 Ru/N/ 
90, 0/20) (Hed). 1107-k. Rosa bybrida- 
semperflor ens (kermesina). 

Levet (Souvenir-de-Thérése) Rose (Ru/O/ 
22). 1105-0. Rosa odorata (punicea). 
Libanos of the Greeks (McL. 605). clxix. 

Boswellia (genus). 

Inberian Coffee (Nie. 1/358)(Gbl. 422) (Cat. 
166) (Ooty. 27) (McL. 200) (MuelJ]. 8. P) 
(Ru/N/51, 0/38) (Mu). 1549 Coffea 

Libneh of the Hebrews (McL. 
dixiv. Styrax (genus). 

Libonia  (Bundle-flowered) (Nic. 
2265 Jacobinia pauciflora. 

Liby-liby (McL. 278). 936 Czsalpinia 

Lichen-like flat-bulbed Orchid (W.A.I). 
2931 (bis.) Eria Lichenora. 

Lichi (Bs/T/193). 639 Nephaliom Litchi. 

Lidded-spurred Cowslip Orchid (S. 445, 
Hk. 5/673, 6/73, adpd). cmxxxvili. 
Cleisostoma (genus). 

Litchi (Gbl. 198) (dn/¥.T) (Bed. 1/74) 
(Pr, 1/346) (Br. 43) (Rid, 136, 143) 
(Ru/N/53, O/9) Mu) Ooty. 64) (Hk. 
1/688). 639 Nephelium Litchi. 

Litchi-fruited Gamboge (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 
173 Garcinia echinocarpa. 

881 Dalbergia 


adpd). 374 , 

| Light-golden-blotched 


Litchi-fruited (Lance-oblong Acute 
leaved) Gamboge (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 
173-a. Garcinia echinocarpa (acutifolia). 

Litchi-fruited (Obovate obtuse leaved) 
Camboge (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 178-b. 
Garcinia echirocarpa (obstusifolia). 

Life Root (McL. 240). 888 Clitoria Ter- 

Light (Silver striped) banded Arrowroot 
(N ic. 1/238). 3023 Calathea Vanden- 

Light Black Wood (L.F., 
Dalbergia sissoides. 

Light Galangal (McL. 298). 3008 Alpinia 

xxxi/3). 882 

Glossy -deep-green Croton (Nic. 5/251) 
(Ru/\/9) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Re. 
Codizum variegatum (Cronstadtii). 

Light-green (Purple-barred) Arrowroot 
(Nic, 2/288). 38U17 Calathea zebrina, 

Light-green (Ivory-white-midribbed-and 
petioled Irregaolarly-white-spotted” 
Bright) Dumb Cane (Nie. 1/472). 
3265-e. Dieffenbachia picta (Baraqui- 

Light-green (Ivory-white-spotted-and- 
dotted Delicate) Dumb Cane (Nice, 
1/472). 3263-c. Dieffenbachia picta 

Light-green (Creamy-maturing-magenta- 
copiously-blotched) Croton (Nic. 1/354) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-TE 
Codizum variegatum (Imperator, or 
Challenger I). 

Light-creen (Lemon-margined-midribbed- 
and-yeined) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
[when young]. 2646-Ni. Codienm 
variegatum (Sunrise). 

Light-green (Translucent-lemon-midrib- 
bed and veined) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf) [when young]. 2646-Nh, 
Codizeum variegatuu: (Sunset). 

Light-green (Yellow-blotched) Croton 
[when young] (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ie. Codizum 
variegatum (multicolor). 

Ligit-green (Yelluw-centred-margined- 
and-blotched} Croton [when young] 
(Nic. 1/355) Ru/N/U) (Mu) (Rid) (Jat). 
2646-Tg. Codizum variegatum (imperi- 

Light-green reticulated (Simple) Ligul- 
late dark-green leaved Ivy (Nic, 1/104, 
adpa). 1397 Oreopanax reticulata. 

Light-pink Tiornless Noisette Rose , Ooty. 
495) (Hod). 1108-j. Rosa Noisettiana 

Ligbt-blackish-bronze-green (Purple- 
backed-and-midribbed) Croton | when * 
smaller} (Rn/N/O (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Td. Codizum variegatum (longi- 
folium australiense) (*Washingtonii). 




Light-to-deep-green (Clouded-to-bright- 
yellow-veined-margined -and -blotched ) 
Croton [when young] (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bum. 
Codizum variegatum (superbiens). 

Light (Tasmanian) Wood (McL. 58) (Bth. 
2/389). 1016 Acacia melanoxylon, 

Light - yellow - and - rosy - blotched Rivh- 
green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Fb. Codieum variegatum 

Light-yellow-biotched Bright-green 
Croton [when yoang} (Nic. 1/353) (Ru/ 

N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ua. 
Codizum variegatum (Lawii, or Han- 

Light-yellow Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325) 
(Cag. 602) (Mu. 56) (Hod). 1108-e. 
Rosa Noisettiana (citrina). 

Light-yellow (Deep-yellow-centred) 
Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 602) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Hod) (Mu. 56) (Po). 
1108-e. Roza Noisettiana (citrina-intus- 

Lightning leaf (McL. 
Calotropis gigantea. 
Lightning (Madagascar) Plant (Nic, 1/142). 

295 Dombeya Wallichii. 

Lignum-colubrinum (McL. 842). 
Strychnos colubrina. 

Lignum - santalinum-album-vel-critrinnm 
of Chemists (McL. 782). 2526 Santa- 
lum album. 

Lignum-santali of Chemists (Mch, 782), 
2526 Santalum album. 

Lignuin-vitz (Nic. 3/100) (Gbl. 132) (Bdn/ 
F.T) (Cag. 644) (Vat. 45). 362 Guaia- 
cum officinale, 

Lignum-vitz of New-South- Wales (Bth. 
3/214). 1181 EHacalyptus polyantne- 

Ligulate-dark-green-leaved (Simple Light- 
green-reticulated) Ivy (sic. 1/104, 
adpd). 1897 Oreopanax reticulata. 

Ligulate-(24—40)-folioled (Bipinnate- 
(6-20)-minute-downy) Sensitive Tree 
(Hk. 2/288, adpd). 1008 Dichrostachys 

Ligulate-oblong-(12-20) folioled (Bipin- 
nate -(6-8) - prickly - backed - minute) 
Sensitive Tree (Hk. 2/291, adpd). 1013 
Mimosa hamata. 

Ligulate-oblong- obtuse - (6-20) - folioled 
Bipinrate-( 2-4)-infra-(1-2) - glandular) 
Spinous Curl-Brush-Bean (Hk. 2/303, 
adpd). 1054 Pithecolobium umbella- 

Liguled (Long) Stout Reed bamboo (Hk. 
2/420, Bs/T/684, adpd). 8323 Och- 
landra Brandisii. : 

1032). 1882 


| Lilie (Indian) 


(McL. 112). cdxxxviii. 
Ligerstroemia (genus). 

Lilac (Indian) (MeL, 360, 578) (Rid. 189) 
(?) (S. 266). 453 Melia Azedarach. 

Lilac (Indian) (8. 2380). 1314 Lagerstroe- 
mia indica. 

Lilac (Persian) (Bed. 2/14) (Bs/T/140) 
(Gbl, 144) (Pr. 1/314) (McL. 578) (BIL, 
381) (Br. 34). 453 Melia Azedarach. 

Lilac (White Indian) (Br. 73, adpd). 
1315-b. Lagerstrcemia indica (albiflora). 

Lilac-backed Rosy-Urimson Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Mu. 53) (Hod). 1107-J. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflurens (punicea-roseo-suffusa- 

Lilac (Digitate leaved) Bindweed (McL. 
120, adpd). 2052 |[pomca palmata. 

Lilac Chinese Orange Ball Tree (Nic. 
5/165). 1954 Buddleia curviflora, 

Lilac Five petalled Jungle Geranium 
(Nic. 3/70). 1478 Pantas carnea. 

Lilac (Large) Funnel Swa!luwwort (Nic. 
1/404, Br. 119,adpd). 1870 Crytostegia 

Lilac Mussell-shell Creeper (Nic. 5/213, 
McL. 240, Cag. 614, adpd). 840 

Centrosema grandiflora, 

Lilac-shaded Rosy-pink Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Mu. 53) (Hod). 1107-g. Rusa 
hybrida semyperflorens (rosea-lilacino- 

Lilac Silky Laburnum (McL. 845). 768 
Mundulea suberosa. 

Lilac-tinted (White-edged) Rosy-pink 
Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Cag. 596) (Ru/ 
N/90). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (rosea-lilacino-suffusa-margine- 

Lilac-veined-white-lipped (Very-long 
glossy-oblong-lance-leaved) Greenish- 
white-flowered Galangal (Hk. 6/253, 
adpd). 3005 Alpinia Galanga, 

Lilies (Traveller’s Midnight) (Cay. 476). 
2016 Ipomcea muricata. 

Lily Family (Kr. 220) (L/N/S/B). 
Liliaceze (Order). 

Lily (Amaryllis) Family (Br. 217). CXVI. 
Amaryllidacez (Order). 

Lily (Assamese Palm) (Hk. 6/329, adpd). 
3098 Draczena angustifolia. 

Lily (Baptist’s iiybrid Palm) (Nic. 1/373). 
3110 Cordyline Baptistii. 

Lily (Bengal Palm) (Hk. 6/331, adpd). 
3107 Cordyline te: minalis. 

Lily (Emperor Palm) (Ru/N/110, adpd), 
3107-i. Cordyline terminalis (Imper- 

Lily (Flax) (Nic. 3/105) (S. 325). emlxvii. 
Phormium (genus). 

Lily (Giant Mexican) (McL. 21368) (S. 172, 
207). 3054 Furcrea gigantea, 



Lily (Goldie’s Ovate leaved Palm) (Nic. 
1/491). 8102 Draczena Goldieana, 

Lily (Henderson’s Hybrid Palm) (Nic. 
1/374). $112 Cordyline Hendersonii. 
Lily (Larger Roxburgh’s) (Br. 208, adpd). 

3075 Stemona tuberosa. 

Lily (Linden’s Fragrant Palm) (Nic. 
1/491). 3100-b. Dracena  fragrans 

Lily (Malabar Glory) (McL. 63) (S. 182, 

258). 3119 Gloriosa superba. 
Lily (mauritius Palm) (Nic. 1/491). 

3106 Dracwna umbraculifera. 

Lily (Mrs. Hoskins’ Palm) (Nic. 1/374). 
3107-h. Cordyline terminalis (Hos- 

Lily (Mrs. Turner’s Palm) (Nic. 1/874). 
3107-p. Cordyline terminalis (Turner). 

Lily (Moreton-Bay-Palm) (Nic. 1/874). 
3111 Cordyline stricta. 

Lily (Mound) (Nic. 4/282) (3.462). 3115 
Yucea gloriosa. 

Lily (Mozambique) (8. 182). 3119 Gloriosa 

Lily (New-Zealand Palm) (Muell. S.P) 
(Nic. 1/372). 3109 Cordyline australis. 

Lily (Palm) (Muell. 8.P) (Nic. 1/872. 
emlxv. Cordyline (genus). 

Lily (Palm) (Muell. S.P) (Nic. 1/872). 
cmlxiv. Draczena (genus). 

Lily (Rattan) Family (McL. 752, adpd). 
CXX, Flagellariacez (Order). 

Lily (Rattan) (MeL. 762, adpd). melxy. 
Flagellaria (genus). 

Lily (Rattan) (McL. 752, adpd). 3120 

Flagellaria indica. 

Lily (Roxburgh’s) Family (Br. 208, adpd). 
CXVIIL. Roxburghiacez (Order). 

Lily (Roxburgh’s) (Br. 208, adpd). cmlx, 
Stemona (genus). 

Lily (Roxburgh’s Glory) (Br. 208, adpd). 
3075 Stemona tuberosa. 

Lily (Smaller Roxburgh’s) (Br. 208, adpd). 
3076 Stemona minor. 

Lily (South Indian Wild Palm) (Hk. 6/329, 
adpd), 3097 Draczena terniflora. 

Lily (Superb) (McL. 63). 3119 Gloriosa 

Lily (“ree Water) (McL. 901) (?). 1491 
Webera corymbosa (?). 

Lily Jasmine (Mc. 383). 

Lily Rose Mallow (Br. 17, adpd). 249 
Hibiscus liliiflorus. 

Lily Shoe Flower (Br. 17, adpd). 
Hibiscus liliiflorus. 

Lily (Apricot-coloured) Shoe Flower (Br. 
17, adpd). 249-d. Hibiscus liliiflorus 

Lily (Orange and Carmine) Shoe Flower 
(Br. 17, adpd), 249-d. Hibiscus 
liliiflorus (armeniaca), 

Lily (Pink) Shoe Flower (Br. 17, adpd). 
249-b. Hibiscus liliiflorus (rosea). 

1751 Jasminum 




Lily (Red) Shoe Flower (Br. 17, adpd). 
249-a. Hibiscus liliiflorus (typica), 

Lily (Yellow) Shoe Flower (Br. 17, adpd). 
249-c. Hibiscus liliiflorus (lutea). 

Lily Thorn (Nic. 1/280) (8. 82), 
Catesbzez (genus), 

Lily (Spinous) Thorn (S 248) (Cag, 541), 
1513 Catesbzea spinosa, 

Lilyworts (McL, 1005), 


CXIX. Liliacez 


Lima Bark (McL. 420), 1451 Cinchona 

Lima Bark (Mch, 420). 1453 Cinchona 

Lima Bark (McL, 420), 1454 Cinchona 

Limboo (China) (McL, 435). 398 Triphasia 

Lime (S. 99). clvii. Citrus (genus). 
Lime (Cag, 282) (Bed. 1/47) (Cag, 282) 
(Bed, 1/47), 413 Citrus medica-acida, 
Lime (Acid) (McL, 434) (Bdn/F.T) (Ell. 

178). 413 Citrus medica-acida. 
Lime (Black-currant Grape) (Bed. 1/45). 
397-c. Clausena Willdenovii (dulcis), 

Lime (Buffalo) (McL, 484). [418 Sphalm ] 
418-d. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (Jam- 

Lime (Creeper) (McL, 484). [409 Sphalm ] 
410-b, Citrus medica-Limonum (limoni- 

Lime (Creeper) (McL. 484).  410-b. 
Citrus medica-Limonum (limoni-medica), 

Lime (Elephant) (McL. 288, 434). [4138 
Sphalm] 410-d, Citrus medica-limonum 

Line (False Sweet) (Mch. 434, 998, 1029, 
adpd). 411 Citrus medica-Lumia. 

Lime (Ganapathy’s) (McL. 299, 434). [409 
Sphalm} 410-c, Citrus medica-Li- 
monum (medicolimonum). 

Lime (Giant) (McL. 434) [409 Sphalm] 
410-d, Citrus medica-Limonum (decu- 

Lime (Goldsmith’s) (Bon 320). 
Citrus Hystrix (aurarius), 

Lime (Hill) (MeL, 435), 404 Atalantia 

Lime (Indian Wild) (Mch, 434). 404 
Atalantia monophylla. 

Lime (Jungle) (McL, 435), 404 Atalantia 

Lime (Large) (McL. 434), 410 Citrus 
medica-Limonum (?). 

Lime (Muahomedan’s) (MeL, 457, 623), 416 
Citrus Aurantium-Bergamia, 

Lime (Manilla) (McL, 435). 398 Triphasia 

Lime (Medium-leathery-distinctly-nerved 
Elliptic-oblong-acute Unifoliate Climb- 
ing) (Hk. 1/510, «dpd), 402 Paramignya 



Lime (Medium-leathery Obovuate-elliptic- | 

cuspidate Trifoliate Climbing) (Hk. 
1/509, adpd). 401 Luvunga eleuther- 

Lime (Medium-opaquely-leathery elliptic- 

oblong-waved-obtuse-leaved Wild) (Hk, | 

1/518, adpd). 407 Atalantia missionis. 

Lime (Medium Ovate-elliptic-oblong-notch 
tipped-leaved Raceme-flowered Wild) 
(Hk. 1/512, adgd), 405 Atalantia 

Lime (Melon) (McL. 434). 

Lime (Monkey) (McL. 435, 472, 874, 993). 
404 Atalantia monophylla, 

Lime (Montserrat) (Bon. 85). 

Lime (Monntain) (McL. 434), 
medica-Limonnm (?). 

409 Citrus 

13 Citrus 

410 Citrus 

Lime (Musk) (McL. 435, 473, 993). 398 
Triphasia trifoliata. 
Lime (Pomegranate) (McL, 434). 409 

Citrus medica-meaica, 

Lime (Seven-(5-9)-leaved Winged) (Hk. 
1/507, adpd). 399 Liu.onia acidissima. 

Lime (Small-papery-indistinctly-nerved 
Elliptic-lance-caudate Unifoliate Climb- 
ing) (Hk, 1/511, adpd). 403 Paramignya 

Lime (Small Ovate-elliptic-notch-tipped- 
leaved Fascicle-flowered Wild) (Hk. 
1/512, adpd). 404 Atalantia mono- 

Lime (Sour) (McL, 379, 434, 484, 993, 1029) 
(Bon, 80). 413 Citrus medica-acida. 
Lime (Sweet) (McL. 379, 434, 993, 1029) 

(Hk. 1/515) (Nie, 1/335) (Cag. 282) (Bed. 

1/47). 412 Citrus medica-Limetta, 
Lime (Trifoliate Climbing) (Hk, 1/508, 

adpd). cliv. Luvunga (genus), 

Lime (Trifoliate Winged) (Hk. 
adpd). 400 Limonia alata, 

Lime (Unfoliate Climbing) (Hk, 1/509, 
adpd). clv. Paramignya (genus), — 

Lime (Very-small-to-medium Polymor- 
phous-leaved Raceme-flowered wild) 
(Hk. 1/518, adpd). 406 Atalantia 

Lime (West Indian) (Nic. 1/335) (Bon. 
81). 4138 Citrus medica-acida. 

Lime (Wild) (Roz. 2/878, Ell, 78, Cat. 479, 
adpd). clvi, Atalantia (genus), 

Lime (Wild) (Rox, 2/378) (Ell. 78) (Cat. 
479). 404 Atalantia monophylla. 

Lime (Wild) (McL, 435, 473, 993). [399 
Sphalm] 404 Atalantia monophylla. 

Lime (Winged) (McL. 435, 4738, 998, corr). 
cliii. Limonia (genus). 

Lime Berry Tree of Manilla (Nic. 4/91). 
398 Triphasia trifoliata. 

Lime Loose Jacket (Bom. 60,61). 418-d. 
Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (Jambhiri). 
Lime of Ceylon (Bon. 82, 309). 414-a, 

Citrus Hystrix (typica). 



Lime (Caffre) of Ceylon (Bon. 82, 309), 
414-4. Citrus Hystrix (typica). 

Lime (Leech) of Ceylon (Bon. 82, 309). 

414.a. Citrus Hystrix (typica). 

Lime (Common) of Europe (Muell. 8.P) 
(Nic. 4/39) (Loud.) (Gbl. 105) (FAR. 10, 
NLGS). 306 Tilia cordata. 

Lime Tree (8. 431). cexvii. Tilia (genus). 

Lime: tree leaved Grewia (McL. 868). 316 
Grewia, tilizefolia. 

Limetta (McL. 434), 412 Citrus medica- 


Linch Pin Plant (McL. 232). 1885 Demia 

Linden Family (Br. 25) (Lond). XXI. 
Tiliaceze (Order). 

Linden (Nic. 4/39) (S. 431). xvii. Tilia 

Linden (H/E.F) (Nie 4/39) (Loud) (8, 244) 
(Gbl. 105) (FAR, 10, NLGS). 306 

Tilia cordata. 

Linden (Aspen leaved Indian) (Hk. 1/885, 
adpd). 312 Grewia populifolia. 

Linden (Birch leaved Indian) (Hk. 1/385, 
adpd), 312 Grewia populifolia. 

Linden (Bristle-toothed  gland-dotted 
Olive) (McL. 763, adpd). 339 Elmo- 
carpus amcenus. 

Linden (Broad bracted Indian) (Hk. 1/389, 
adpd). 323 Grewia bracteata. 

Linden (Caltrops fruited)(Hk. 1/394, adpd). 
CXX. Erinocarpus (genus). 

Linden (Comestible Indian) Berry (McL 
2938, adpd). -317 Grewia asiatica. 

Linden (Common Indian) (McL. 478, 868, 
943, adpd). 316 Grewia tilizefolia. 

Linden ‘Common Yellow Climbing Indian) 
(Hk. 1/388, adpd). 3:9 Grewia pilosa. 

| Linden (Crenulate gland-dotied Olive) 

(McL. 763, adpa). 

Linden (Crustaceous druped Roughish 
Indian) (Hk. 1/887, adpd). 318 Grewia 

Linden (Downy Boat leaved Olive) (McL. 
763,adpd). 844 Elzocarpus ferruginens. 

Linden (Downy linear leaved Indian) (Hk. 
1/391, adpd). 326 Grewia polygama. 
Linden (Downy nerved Olive) (McL. 768, 
adpd). 3840 Eleeocarpus tuberculatus. 
Lindea (Elm leaved Indian) (Kox. 2/591, 

adpd). 327 Grewia microcos. 

Linden (Felted lance leaved Indian) (Hk. 
1/391, adpd). 325 Grewia hirsuta. 

Linden (Five seeded Olive) (McL. 763, 
adpd). 385 Elzocarpus Ganitrus. 

Linden (Fleshy druped Climbing Indian) 
(Hk. 1/389, adpd). 822 Grewia umbelli- 

Linden (Fleshy druped Harsh Indian) 
(Hk. 1/890, adpd). 324 Grewia abutili- 

345 Eleocarpus 


Linden (Glan1-petioled Saw leaved Olive) 
(McL. 768, adpd). 338 Eleocarpus 

Linden (Karsh round leaved Indian) (Hk. 
1/820, adpd). 824 Grewia abutilifolia. 

Linden (Indian) (McL. 271, adpd). xix. 
Grewia (genus), 

Linden (Large lance leaved Olive) (‘IcL. 
763, adpd). 337 

Linden (Oblong leaved Corymbose Indian) 
(Hk. 1/384, adpd). 308 Grewia colam- 

Linden (Olive) (McL. 763, adpd). cxxiii. 
Eleeocarpus (genus). 

Linden (Olive fruited) (McL. 768, adpd). 
exxiii. Eleocarpus (genus). 

Linden (Ovate leaved Olive) (McL. 763, 
adpd). 843 Elzocarpus venustus. 

Linden (Ovate Sage leaved Indian) (Hk. 
1/385,adpd). 313 Grewia excelsa. 

Linden (Panicled Indian) (Hk. 1/392, 
adpd). 327 Grewia Microcos. 

Linden (Pointed wedge leaved Olive) 
(McL. 768, adpd). 336-b. Elzocarpus 
serratus (cuneatus). 

Linden (Quadrangular branched Climbing 
Indian) (Gbl. 111, adpd). 319 Grewia 

Linden (Ritchie’s Climbing Indian) (Hk. 
1/389, adpd). 322 Grewia umbelitera. 

Linden (Rough lance Jeaved Indian) (Hk. 
1/389, adpd). 323 Grewia bracteata. 

Linden (Roughish Round leaved Indian) 
(Hk. 1/387, adpd). 318 Grewia scabro- 

Linden (Round leaved Caltrops) (Hk. 1/394, 
adpd). 328 Erinocarpus Nimmoanus. 
Linden (Round leaved Corymbose Indian) 
(Hk. 1/884, adpd). 3809 Grewia emargni- 


Linden (Round Sage leaved Indian) (McL. 
478, 868, 998, adpd). 315 Grewia 

Linden (Roxburgh’s Sage leaved Indian) 
(Rox. 2/587,adpd). 318 Grewia excelsa. 

Linden (Sacred Olive) (McL, 768, adpd). 
335 Elevocarpus Ganitrus. 

Linden (Sage Jeaved Indian) (McL. 386, 
adpd), 314 Grewia salvifolia, 

Linden (Saw-leaved Olive) (McL. 763, 
adpd). 336 Eleocarpus Ganitrus. 

Linden (Shaggy Round leaved Indian) 
(Hk. 1/888, adpd). 320 Grewia villosa. 

Linden (Short petioled Olive) (McL. 763, 
adpd). #42 Elzccarpus rugosus. 

Linden (Small Lunce leaved Olive) (McL. 
763,adpd). 339 Eleocarpus amcenus. 

Linden (Smooth lance leaved Indian) (Hk. 
1/889, adpd). 321 Grewia levigata, 

Linden (Thin Sage leaved Indian) (Hk. 
1/885, adpd). 3138 Grewia excelsa., 


Eleocarpus lance- | 


Linden (Thomson’s triflorous Climbing 
Indian) (Hk. 1/385, adpd). 311 Grewia 

Linden (Umbellate White Climbing 
Indian) (Hk. 1/384, adpd). 310 Grewia 

Linden (Warty capsuled Spurious Indian) 

(Hk. 1/379, adpd). 
Linden (Wedge leaved Olive) (MeL. 763, 
adpd). 3841 Eleocarpus aristatus, 
Linden (Wrinkled Round leaved Indian) 
(Hk. 1/388, adpd). 320 Grewia villosa, 

305 Leptonychia 

Linden Bloom (McbL, 763). cxxiii. Ele- 
ocarpus (gepus),. 
Linden-Blooms (McL. 1007). XXI. 

Tiliaceze (Order), 

Linden Jeaved Hop Dholl (Br. 54, adpd). 
871 Flemingia Chappar. 

Linden leaved Silver-weed (Hk. 4/184, 
adpdy. 1992 Argyveia tilizfolia, 

Linden’s Fragrant Palm Lily (Nic. 1/491). 
3100 Draczena frayrans (Lindeni). 

Linear-acuminate (Papery-long-and- 
medium) leaved False Holly (Hk. 1/586, 
adpd). 497-d. Gomphandra polymorpha 

| Linear-acute (20-30)-folioled (Bipinnate- 


tive Tree (Hk. 2/290, adpd). 
Leucena glauca. 

Linear-auricled-acuminate-leaved (Small- 
wo»lly-backed-hoary-sessile Pearly 
Everlasting (Hk. 3/285, adpd). 1610 
Anaphalis avistata. 

Linear-dimidiate-(40-60)-folioled (Bipin- 
nate—(16-20)-minute-silky-backed) Spi- 
cate Sirissa (Bth. 2/421, adpd), 1042 
Albizzia lophantha. 

toothed)-acuminate-segmented (Dicho- 
tomously - pinnate-digitately-pinnatipar- 
tite pinnuled) Climbing Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). #83881 Lygocium circinatum. 

Linear-fimbriate-indusiate Linear-oblong- 
sori(of biseriate-s porangia )-submarginal 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd), mlxvi. Angi- 
opteris (genus). 

Linear-(20-80)-folioled (Bipinnate-(20-30) 
Scarlet-racemed flowered  Brasiletto, 
(Treas. Bot. 1/306, adpd). 944 Colvillea 

Linear-(3U-60)-folicled (Bipinnate-(8-20)- 
downy-backed-minute Infra-(1)-glandn- 
lar) Sirissa (Hk. 2/201, adpd). 1050 
Albizzia amara, 

Linear glaucous 
Paraguay | Nic. 

Linear green cluster pinnate Cocoanut 
(Nic. 2/339). 3234 Maximiliana regia, 

pinnate Coccanut of 
1/349). 3232 Cocos 


Linear-indusiate Linear-sori-continuous- 
along-costa Fern (Bed/F, adpd). mlvi. 
3lecknum (genus). 

Linear - lance - acuminate -leaved (Long- 
papery) Bastard Ipecacuanba (Hk, 
3/168, adpd), 1566 (bis.) Psychotria 

Linear-lance-acuminate-leaved (Penni- 
nerved - subverticillate - (4 8)-alternate 
Medium-leathery-glaucous-backed) Ray- 
Laurel (Hk. 5/148, adpd). 2448 Actino- 
daphne salicina. 

Linear- Jance- acuminate- Jeaved (Very- 
small-hirsute-glabrate) Spinous Honey- 
thorn (Bed. 1/131-5, adpd), 1525-b. 
Canthium Rheedii (linearis). 

Linear-lance-acuminate-leaved (Medium) 
Wheel-spoke Swallowwort (Hk. 4/66, 
adpd). 1931 Brachystelma Beddomei. 

Linear-lance-acute-leaved (Medium Ter- 
nately-whorled) Rondeletiawort (Hk. 
3/40, adpd). 1465 Wendlandia angnsti- 

Linear-lance-acute (Unifoliate-medium- 
thinly- silky- glabrate- membranous) 
leaved Square-branched Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/78, adpd). 721i Crotalaria tetra- 

Linear- lance- and- oblance- acute- leaved 
(Small-papery- silky- backed- glabrate) 
Spurge Laure] (Hk. 5/197, adpd). 2492 
Lasiosiphon eriocephalus. 

Linear-lance - (3'"-12’’)-basally - auricled- 
serrulate- (fertile- toothed)- acute- to- 
acuminate-pinnuled (Pinnate) Climbing 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3382 Lyyodiam 

Linear - lance- (3’-6”)- crenate- serrate- 
(fetile-linear-pinnatifid)- subacute- pin- 
nuled Royal Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3358 
Osmunda javanica. 

Linear- lance- crenulate - rugose- obtuse- 
leaved (Medium- thick- white- woolly- 
backed-sessile) Ironweed (Hk. 3/236, 
adpd). 1600 Vernonia salvizfolia. 

Linear-Jance-entire- obtuse-or- mucronate- 
leaved (lImparipinnate- (3-11)- rusty- 
silky-backed) Silk Oak (Btn. 5/489, 
udpd). 2482 Grevillea Banksii. 

Linear-lance-folioled (Crimson-midribbed) 

, Alternate-pinnate leaved Spindle tree 
(Nic. 1/104, 5/291, adpd). 545 Eleo- 
dendron orientale. 

Linear-lance-leaved Mountain 
(W.A.I, adpd). 

Linear- lance- obtuse- leaved (Very-smal]) 
Tasmanian Tea (Bth. 3/104, adpd), 1215 
Leptospermum flavescens. 

Linear-!ance-or-falcate-obtuse-or-acumin - 
ate-leaved ({rregular - (often-indistinct) 
-nerved Small-thick-shining) Stringy- 
barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/217, adpd). 
1201 Eucalyptus stricta, 

1493-a. Webera lucens 


| Linear- lance - or- oblong- obtuse- leaved 

(Penninerved subverticillate (4-8) alter- 

| nate Medium leathery glaucous backed) 

Ray Laurel (Hk, 5/149, adpd). 2453 

| Actinodaphne stenophylla. 

| Linear - lance tv-linear- acuminate-leaved 

(Small-papery) Ssrsaparilla Swallow- 

wort (Hk, 4/5,adpd). 1866-c, Hemides- 

mus indicus (angustifclia). 

| Linear - lance - wavy - acuminate - leaved 

(Long-papery) Jungle Geranium (Hk. 

3/147, adpd). 1540 |xora undulata. 

| Linear- lance- white- bristle- toothed- and 
tipped-folioled (Tripinnate) Panax (Nic. 
5/579,adpd). 1400-f. Panax fruticosnm 

Lines r-lunce-white-toothed - folioled (Tri- 
pinnate) Panax (Nic. 3/14,adpd). 1400-4. 
Panax fruticosum (fissum). 

Linear leavyed Australian Bottle - brush 
(Nic. 1/243). 1212 Cailistemon 

Linear (Pungent) leaved Caper shrub [on 
young shoots only} (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 
109 Capparis aphylla. 

Linear-(variable) (Recurved thorned) 
leaved Caper sbrub (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 

110 Capparis diversifolia. 

Linear-(variable) (Straight thorned) 
leaved Caper shrub (Hk. 1/74, adpd). 
108 Capparis divaricata. 

Linear Icaved Cerbera (McL. 302) 
Thevetia neriifolia. 

Linear-leaved (Medium Narrow) Croton 
(Ru/N/)) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2616-0. 
Codizum variegetum (angustifolium), 

Linear-leaved (Twisted Medium Narrow) 
Croton (Ku/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-P. Codizeum variegatum (angusti- 

_ folium-tortiie). 

Linear leaved Everlasting shrob (Hk. 
3/291, adpd). 1615 Helichrysum 

Lineir (Downy) leaved Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/391, adpd). 326 Grewia poly- 

| Linear leaved Oleander 

1844 Neriom odorum. 

| Linear (Ertire) leaved White Dead-nettle 

shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2858 Leucas 


| Linear-oblong-acuminate-leaved 


(Nic. 2/447), 

| or-medium-leathery-opposite) Tiger’s— 
| milk Spurge (Hk. 5/474, adpd). 2708 
| Excecaria robusta. 

_ Linear-oblong-acute-(24-40) folioled (Bi- 
pinnate-(3—4)-digitut--bristly- minute 
Prostrate Sensitive shrub (Hk. 2/291, 
adpd). 1011 Mimosa pudica, 

Linear-oblong - acute-or-acuminate-leayed 
(Medium wooliy) Ipecacuanka Swallow- 
wort (Hk, 4/48, adpd). 1914 Tylophora 


Linear-oblong-apiculate-leaved (Minute- 
leathery-sessile) Horizontal - branched 
Featherfoil (Hk. 5/291, adpd). 2561 
Phyllanthus nemorum. 

Linear-oblong - (8”—8")-crenate ~ serrete- 
acuminate-pinuuled (Bipinnate-(12-15fs) 
Turnip Fern (Bed/F, adpc), 3885 
Angiopteris evecta. 

Linear-oblong-cuspidate (Papery-medium) 
leaved False Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 
497-b. Gomphandra pcelymorpha (ob- 

Linear-oblong-erect- spiny - toothed - foli- 
oled (Bipinnate-pale) Panax (Nic. 3/14, 
adpd). 1400-a, Panax fruticosum (dif- 

Linear- oblong-(30-50)-folioled (Bipinnate- 
(18-20)-subglabrous-minute Infra-(1)- 
supra-(1)-glandular) Axillary-Single- 
headed Sirissa (Bed. 1/96, adpd). 
1050-b. Albizzia amara (Wightii). 

Linear oblong (Serrulate) leaved Velvet 
Cinquefoil (Hk. 1/872, adpd). 296 
Melhania incana. 

Linear-oblong-mucronate-leaved (Mualti- 
foliate-(12-21)-silky-glabrescent) Bell 
Pea (Nic, 1/184, adpd). 919 Virgilia 

Linear-oblong-obtuse - leaved (Minute- 
downy-glabrate) Featherfoi] (Hk, 5/289, 
adpd)., 2558 Phyllanthus Emblica. 

Linear-oblong-obtuse (Unifvliate-very- 
small-densely-silky) leaved Ruttlewort 

(Hk. 2/78, adpd). 708 Crotalaria 
Linear-oblong-obtuse (Maultifoliate- 

leaved Sensitive 

779 Sesbania 

Pea (Hk. 2/114, adpd). 
zegy ptiaca. 

Linear-oblong-obtuse-leaved (Long-(Medi- 
um-to-very-long)-leathery) Taman i 
Tree (Hk. 5/3844, adpd). 2606 Mis- 
chodon zeylanicus. 

Linear-oblong-obtuse-or-apiculate - leaved 
(Minute-short-folioled) Featherfoil 
(Hk, 5/220, adpd), 2560 Phyllanthus 

Linear-oblong-obtuse-or - apiculate-leaved 
(Very - small-sessile) Strict-branched 
Featherfoil (Hk. 5/209, adpd). 2559 
Phyllanthns polyphyllus. 

Linear oblong obtuse small leaved Gam- 
boge (Hk. 1/268, adpd). 177 Garcinia 

Linear-oblong-or-lance-cuspidate - leaved 
(Simple-triplinerved-alternate Smail- 
papery-netted-backed) Yam (Hk. 6/291, 
adpd). 80€1 Dioscorea spicata. 

submarginal (Linear-fimbriate-indusiate) 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). mlxvi. Angiop- 
teris (genus), 


submarginal (Roundish bivalved fim- 
briate-indusiate) Fern (Bed/F, adpd), 
mlxvii. Marattia (genus). 

Linear-oblong-subobtuse (Unifoliate. 
small-thinly-silky) leave@ Furrowed- 
branched Rattlewort (Hk. 2/79, adpd). 
722 Crotalaria juncea. 

Linear-oblong - to - elliptic-lance - obtuse 
(Medium:leathery) leayed Buchanan’s 
Mango (Hk. 2/23, adpd). 668 Bucha- 
nania angustifolia. 

Linear - oblong-waved-acuminate - leaved 
(Medium-glaucous-backed) Purple-bloom 
Cherry (Rox. 1/415 adpd). 1798 
Dobera Roxburghii. 

Linear-obtuse-bristle-tipped (Multifoliate- 
(81)-very-small-prickly) leaved Sensi- 
tive Pea (Hk. 2/115, adpd). 780-a. 
Sesbania aculeata (typica). 

Linear-obtuse-bristle-tipped (Multifoliate- 
(21-61)-very-small) leaved Sensitive 
Pea (Rox. 3/384, adpd). 780-b. Ses- 
bania aculeata (paludosa). 

Linear-obtuse (Multifoliate-(6-10)-very- 
amall) leaved Sensitive Pea (Hk, 2/151, 
adpd). 785 Smithia blanda. 

Linear-obtuse (Multifoliate-(41-61)-very- 
small) leaved Sensitive Pea (Hx. 2/152, 
adpd). ischynomene indica. 

Linear-obtuse (Multifoliate-(61 -101)-very- 
small) leaved Sensitive Pea (Hk, 2/152, 
adpd). 787 Aischynomene aspera. 

Linear Opposiie leaved Spurge (MeL. 502, 
adpd). 25382 Euphorbia linearifolia. 

Linear - or - falcate -leaved (Alternate- 
and-opposite medium-leathery) Honey- 
suckle-Mistletce (Hk. 5/215, adpd). 
2506-b. Loranthus longifiorus (falcata). 

Linear-or-oblance-obtuse (Unifoliate-very- 
small-thinly-silky-backed) leaved Rat- 
tlewort (Hk. 2/71, adpd). 706 Crota- 
laria albida. 

(40-6U) Biglandular-petioled White-ball- 
flowered Nitta Tree (Hk. 2/289, adpd). 
1009 Parkia biglandulose. 

Linear-petalled Hooded flowered Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). —-¥ xiii. Xylopia 

Linear petalled Virgin’s Bower (Hk, 1/1, 
adpd), ii. Naravelia (genus). 

Linear (Curly leaved) pinnate Cocoarut 
(Nic. 5/250). 3229 Cocos flexuosa. 

Linear serrate leaved .Slipperwort of 
Chilli (Nic. 1/240), 2113 Calceolaria 

Linear-sori-along-pinnule-venules (Sub- 
lunate-indusiate) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
mivii. Asplenium (genus). 

Linear - sori - continuous - along - costa 
(Linear-indusiate) Fern (3ed/F, adpd). 
mlvi, Blechnum (genus). 

— ee eo 


Linear sori-subcontinuous-marginal (Mar- 
ginal.indusiate) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
mly, Pteris (genus). 

Linear-spathulate-obtuse  (Very-small- 
velvetty) leaved Quassia (Hk. 1/522, 
adpd). 432 Suriana maritima. 

Linear-subobtuse (Lcng-opposite-sub- 
leaved Erect-druped Mango (Hk. 2/40, 
adpd). 683 Nothopegia aureofulva. 

Linear-revolute - margined-acute - leaved 
(Simple-silky-velvetty-backed) Silk Oak 
(Bth. 5/471, adpd). 2483 Grevillea 

Linear-to-round Heart-acuminate-leaved 
(Medium-leathery ~ glaucous - backed) 
Ring-coronet Swallowwort (Hk. 4/24, 
adpd). 1890 Cynanchum Caltialata. 

Lingam (Ovoid-berried acuminate-leaved) 
Tree (Hk. 1/172, adpd). 101-a. Cratzva 
religiosa (Nurvala). 

Lingam (Round-berried cuspidate-leaved) 
Tree (Hk, 1/172, adpd). 101-b. Cratzeva 
religiosa (Roxburghii). 

Lingam (Sacred) Tree (McL. 580, adpd). 
101 Cratzva religiosa. 

Lingo Wood (McL. 510). 
mum (genus). 

Lint (Indian) (MeL. 232). 

Lion (The) Rose (Nic. 5/647) (Ru/O/21) 
(Mu). 1085-c. Rosa multiflora (kerme- 

Lipari Fig (Nic. 2/15). 2782 

Lip-berry Dog-bane (Hk. 38/626, adpd), 
dixxviii, Chilocarpus (genus). 

Lip-berry (Medium-papery-punctate ob- 
long-caudate-leaved) Dog-bane (Hk, 
3/626, adpd). 1801 Chilocarpus atro- 

Lipped (Long) Birthwort (Nic. 1/113) (Br, 
188). 2398 Aristolochia cymbifera, 

Liqnidambar (Himalayan) (Treas. Bot. 
1/45, Hk. 2/429, adpd). ceexciv. Buck- 
landia (genus). 

Ligoidambar (Medium-to-large-silky-glab- 
rate Heart-acuminate-or-(young) _ tri- 
cuspidate-leaved Himalayan) (Hk. 2/429, 
adpd). 1129 Bucklandia populnea, 

Liquorice (Black) (McL. 611), €23 
Cardiospermom Halicacabum. 

Liquorice (Country) (McL. 360) (Ell. 
4), 810 Abrus precatorius. 

Liquorice (Country) (McL. 914). 222 
Abutilon indicum. 

Liquorice (Indian) (McL. 323, 860, 874, 
994) (W.A.I), 810 Abrus precatorius. 
Liquorice (Jamaica Wild) (McL, 360, 379), 

810 Abrus precatorins. 

Liquorice (Wild) (McL. 360, W.A.1) (Ell. 
4) (Pf. 204) (Cag. 618). 810 Abrus 


evil. Pterosper- 

253 Gossypium 


Liquorice Plantain 3026 
Canna indica. 

Liquor-cyrenaicus (MeL, 84). 1750 Styrax 

Litchy (McL, 435, 473, 484, 994). 639 
Nephelium Litchi. 

Litoral small leaved Glory Tree (8. 101, 
adpd). 2315 Clerodendron inerme. 

Littie Gem Rose (Nie. 8/325) (Cag. 591) 
(Ra. O/21). 1099-d. Rosa centifolia 

Littoral (Minute-grey-downy-sessile ellip- 
tic-acute-leaved) Bindweed sbrub (Hk, 
4/225, »dpd), 2064 Cressa cretica. 

Littoral (Giant) Love Grass (Treas. Bot. 
1/549, Hk. 7/8, adpd). mxli. Halopyrum 

Littoral (Minute subglabrous Obovate- 
obtuse-leaved) Nail-dye (Hk. 4/4i0, 
adpd). 2169 Calophanes littoralis. 

Littoral (Spotted-throated-blue) Nail-dye 
(Treas. Bot. 1/201, Hk. 4/388, adpa). 
dexcix, Calophanes (genus). 

Littoral Sand Date (MeL. 414). 3167 
Phoenix farinifera, 

Littoral (Insipid) Simple leaved Quassia 
(Hk. 1/522, Ol. 1/808). eclxv. Suriana 

Liverwort-like-flat bulbed Orchid (W.A.I). 
2931 Eri». reticulata, 

Lizard foot (McL. 587, adpd). 
Sauropus (genus). 

Lizard (Penninerved) foot (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2595 Sauropus albicans, 

Lizard (Triplinerved) Foot (Mc. 587, 
adpd). 2596 Sauropus quadrangularis. 

Lobaun (Mcb. 605). 439 Boswellia ser- 

Loved (Ovate) Bluish-flcwered Prickly 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/454, adpd). 2087 
Solanum maroniense, 

Lobed-calyxed Capsular Ball 
(Bdn/F.T, adpd).  cdixsx, 

Lobed-calyxed Flat-or-(4)-ridged-septate- 
capsuled Trumpet Flower (Hk. 4/876, 
adpd). de}xxxvii. Heterophagma 

Lobed Climbing Fern (Pr, 2/1261, adpd), 
mixv. Lygodium (genus), 

Lobed (Scabrid) Creeper Fig (Mch. 49, 
1000, adpd). 2747-c. Ficus hetero- 
phylla (repens). 

Lobed (Five) leaved Moon-seed (Mch. 
120, 1005, Rox. 3/807, adpd). 92 Jate- 
orhiza Calumba. 

Lobed leayed Mysore Mallow (Hk. 1/832, 
adpd). 234 Decaschistia trilobata, 

Lobed (Three) Nightshade (McL. 880), 
2092 solanum trilobatum, 

Lobed-notched-suberect ~ toothed (Tri- 
pinnate Long-stalked) Panax (Nic, 3/14, 
adp4). 1400-h. Panax  fruticosum 

(McL, 364). 




Lobed (Highteen (16-20)-nerved longer- 
narrow} Palmyra (GDV) [male plant]. 
8224 Borassus flabelliter. 

Lobed (Twenty-six (30-30)-nerved shorter- 
broad) Paimyra (GDV)  [Femate 
plant |. 3224 Borassus flabellifer. 

Lobed (Three) Solanum (Br, 150). 
Solanum trilobatom. 

Lobed (Long) Spineless Fan Palm (Cag. 
338, adpd). mvi. Trachycarpus (genus). 


Lobed (Short) Spineless Fan Palm (Hk. | 

6/482, adpd). mx. Borassus (genus). 

Lobed (Glabrous) Vine (McL. 32, adpd). | 

594 Vitis latifolia. 

Lobed (Large Woolly) Vine (McL. 584, 
adpd). 592 Vitis tomentosa. 

Lobed (Small Downy) Vine (Mclh. 564, 
994, adpd), 591 Vitis Linnei 

Lobed (Red-stemmed) White-flowered 

Prickly Nightshade (Nic. 8/455, S. 407, 

2089 Solanum Warscewiczii. 

Lobe leaved Burr 

adpd). 229 Urena sinuata. 
Lobesten (McL. 302). dexlix. Cordia 

Lobster Flower (S. 248). 

Locust Bean (McL, 1381). 

Locust ‘Tree (Nic. 
Hymenza (genus). 
Locust Tree (McL. 131, 486) (Rox. 2/372) 
(Cat. 130) (Gbl. 277). 978 Ceratonia 


Lodh (Treas. Bot. 2/1115). 
cos (genus). 

Lodh (McL. 436, 997). 

Lodh (Few-ssemmed Racemose) (Bs/ 
T/438, adpd). 1730 Symplocos sub- 

Lofty Pine (Muell. S.P). 

Log (American) Wood (Cat. 130). 
Hzematoxylon campechianum. 

Log Wood (Nic. 2/108) (Gbl. 370) (Cag. 
619) (Br. 60) (Ru/N/31) (FAR. 16, 20, 
26, 29, 32 to 38). 942 Hematoxylon 

Logan herry (S. 376). 

Loganiads (Br. 270). 
acez (Order). 

Long - (mature) - alternate- ovate-lance-or- 
falcate-acuminate-leaved (Anasto- 
mosing-obligue-nerved Medium-(young)- 
opposite-glaucous-heart-sessile) Outer- 
fibroug-deciduous inner-smooth - barked 
Eucalypt (Bth. 8/225, adpd). 1189 
Eucalyptus Globulug, 

Long and-medium (ParalJel-oblique- 
coarse-regular. nerved) Lance-and- 
falcate- acuminate-leaved Ashy-white- 
smooth-deciduous-in-thin-layers- barked 

2540 Euphorbia 
978 Ceratonia 

2/164). — eceili. 

dliii. Symplo- 

1729 Symplocos 

2842 Pinus 


eccelxxix. Rubus 

LXXVI. Logani- 

(McL. 234, | 


Eucalypt (Bth. 3/241, adpd). 1188 
Eucalyptus tereticornis. 

Long - blotched - yeiaed - and - irregularly- 
short-blotched Pea-green Dumb Cane 
(Nic. 5/822). 3267 Dieffenbachia 

Long Blunt Sparsifasciculate Asparagus 
(McL. 516, adpd). 38084 Asparagus 

Long branched Fleshy Ragweed (Hk. 
3/337, adpd). 1625 Notonia Walkeri. 
Long Brinjal (Ru/O/32 *) (Rox. 1/567) 
(Pr. 2/.46). 2084-b. Solanum melon- 

gena (longum) (* macrocarpus). 

Long - broad - obtusely - unequal - bilobed 
Strap-leaved Short-stout-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/63, W.A.I, adpd). 2972 
Saccolobium congestum. 

Long-brown-scurfy-woolly-backed (Tri- 
ple-nerved-opposite-subpeltate) Round- 
ish - or-heart to-oblong - acuminate 
leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/441, adpd). 
2685 Mallotus distans. 

Long-bulbed (Medium-lanceolate-sub- 
acuminate-downy Multifoliate) Orchid 
(Hk. 5/793, W.A.I, adpd), 2936 Eria 

Long-bulbed (Medium-oboyate-to-cblong- 
acute-downy Multifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 

5/793, W.AI, adpd). 2937 Hria 

Long-bulbed (Multifoliate) Orhid (Hk. 
| 5/793, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxiy. Hria 
(genus Hymeneria Section, part). 
Long-calyxed Honeysuckle (Treas. 

Bot. 1/1). cdxxvi. Abelia (genus). 

Long-calyxed (Ovate-crenate obtuse- 
leaved) Honeysuckle of Mexico (Treas, 
Bot. 1/1, adpd). 1431 Abelia flori- 

Long - chartaceous - obovate - cuspidate- 
leaved Half-hooded-flowered Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/75, adpd). 53 Goniothalamus 

Long-climbing - stemmed (Long - or- 
medium) premorse-complicate strap- 
leaved) Orchid (Hk. 6/52, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2968 Vanda Koxburgbii. 

Long coriaceous-leaved Dagger 
(Hk. 5/682, W.A.I, adpd). 
Oberonia platycaulon. 

Long Creamy-and-dark-green-obliquely- 
stripec-pale-green Elliptic oblong- 
leaved Galangal (Nic. 1/54, adpd). 
38010 Alpinia vittata. 

Long Creamy-or-white-nerved-glaucous- 
green Oblorg-lance-to-obovate -leaved 
caricature Plant (Nic. 8/855, adpd). 
2271-b. Sanchezia nobilis (glaucopbylla)- © 

Long Crregular-in-width Drooping) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-U. Codizum variegatum (longi- 



Long-curvitubular-flowered (Crimson) 
Justicewort (Hk. 4/545, adpd). deexvii. 
Graptophyllum (genus), 

Justicewort (Nic. 3/855, 
decxviii. Sanchezia (genus). 

Long cymed French Mulberry (Hk, 4/567, 
adpd). 2287 Callicarpa arborea. 

Long-downy-backed Oblong-acute-leaved 
Necklace Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd), 
87-c. Unona discolor (pubescens). 

Long-downy-backed Oblong-lance- caudate 
leaved Pale-vellow-flowered Panicled 
Ginger (Ilk. 6/202, adpd). 2986 Globba 

Long-downy Round-ovate-to-elliptic- 
sinuate-leaved Copper-leaf (Hk. 5/410, 
adpd). 2657 Claoxylon indicum. 

Long Elliptic-oblony-lance-crenate-acu- 
minate-leaved Tiger’s-milk Spurge 


(Hk. 5/471, adpd). 2704 Sapium 

Long Elliptic-oblong-obtuse leaved | 
Crested-petalled Spindle Tree (Bed. 
2/114, adpd). 6529 Lophopetalum 

cuneate-oblong-bilobed strap-leaved) 
Stemless Orchid (Hk. 6/64, adpd). 
2974 Saccolabium maculatum. 

Long-flat-rooted (Short-linear ? obliquely- | 

adpd). 2973 

Orchid (Hk. 6/63, 
Saccolabium viridiflorum. 

Long-flowered Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. | 

8/4, adpd). dxiv. Chasalia (genus). 

Long flowered Climbing Poison 
(McL. 690, adpd). 

Long flowered Lance leaved Glory Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 23822 Clerodendron 

Long (White) flowered Nail Dye (McL. 
558, adpd). 22380 Barleria longifiora. 
Long flowered Pellet shrub (McL. 670, 
adpd). 1544-c. Pavetta  hispidula 


Long (Orange) flowered Sebesten (Hk. 
4/140, adp:). 1978 Cordia subcordate. 

Long (Scarlet) flowered Sebesren (Mclu. 
802, adpd). 1979 Cordia Sebestena. 

Long flowered Spathe Trumpet Tree 
(McL. 14, 478, 998, 1024, adpd). 2131 
Dolichandrone Rheedii. 

Long-flowered Terminal-cymed Bastard 
Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/21, adpd). dxiv. 
Chasalia (genus). 

Long-glabrous Eleven-(10-12—prs)-nerved 
Broad-elliptic-acuminate-leaved Cone- 
head (Hk. 4/476, adpd), 2218 Strobi- 
lanthes amabilis. 

Long-glabrous obovate-sinuate-topped- 
obtuse leaved Ironweed (Hk. 3/330, 
adpd). 1605 Vernonia travancorica, 




1961 Strychnos | 


Long-glabrous-or-dow ny-backed Elliptic- 
ovate-entire-acuminate leaved lronweed 
(Hk. 3/239, adpd), 1604-a. Vernonia 
arborea (typica). 

Long-glabrous-sessile Ten-(10-prs)- 
nerved Lance-serrulate-acuminate- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/474, adpd), 
2216 Strobilanthes gracilis. 

Long-glaucous-backed-golden-silky- glab- 
rate (Penninerved-subverticillate-(4-8)- 
alternate _— elliptic-lance-obtuse-leaved 
liay-Laurel (Hk. 5/149, adpd), 2451 
Actinodaphne madraspatana. 

Nutmeg (Hk. 5/120, 
Cryptocarya Wightiana. 

Long-elossy-lance-leaved Red-and-yellow- 
striped-spurred-lipped Greenish-white- 
flowered Galangal (Hk. 6/254, adpd), 
3007 Alpinia calcarata. 

Long-bairy-backed Lance-crenulate- 
wrinkled-cuspidate-leaved Orange- 

adpd). 2426 

flowered Horn-Cardinal shrub (Nice. 
3/438, adpd). 1636 Siphocampylus 

Long-hairy Fourteen - (14—-prs) - nerved 
Ovate - crenulate - cuspida‘e - leaved 
Square-hairy-branched Conehead (Hk, 

4/474, adpd). 2215 Strotilanthes 

Long-heart-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 
membranous) Ring-ccronet Swallow- 

wort (Hk. 4/21, adpd). 1887 Holos- 
temma Kheedii. 

Long internoded Reedy Bamboo (Hk. 

7/418,  adpd). wmextlix. Ochlandra 
Long (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved) 

Lance - and - falca’e - acuminate- leaved 
Smooth - rough - fibrous-or-wrinkled-not- 
(according-to-age) barked Eucalypt 
(Bth. 8/226, adpd). 1180 Eucalyptus 

Long lance-leaved Climbing Bi-eriate 
seeded Nutmeg (Hk. 1/50, adpd). 29 
Uvaria Hoo<eri. 

Long-lance-leaved Ordure Tree of the 
Straits (Hk. 1/861, adpd). 275 Ster- 
cnlia scaphigera. 

Long lance leaved St. John’s-wort (Hk. 
1/258, adpd). 166 Hypericum mysc- 

Long-lance leaved Spear Flower (Hk. 
3/29, adpd). 1671 Ardisia pauciflora. 

Long-lance !eaved Thornless Caper shrub 
(Hk. 1/176, adpd). 116 Capparis 

Long-(8”, or more) lanceolate-Jeaved 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-M. Codizum variegatum (longi- 


Long-leafletted Indigo (Hk. 2/100, adpd). 
956 Indigofera galegoides, 

Long leafletted Rattan (Hk. 6/458, adpa). 
3214 Calamus Gamblei. 

Long-leathery-brown-shaggy elliptic- 
oblong-s cute-or-acuminate-leaved Offal 
shrub (Hk. 3/184, adjpd). 1579 Lasian- 
thus ciliatus. 

Long-leathery cuneate-obovate-or-round- 
apiculate-leaved Bastard !pecacuanha 
(Hk. 3/168, adpd). 1562 Psychotria 

Long-leathery-downy-backed Ovate-or- 
elliptic-acute-leaved Cadamba (Hk. 
3/28, adpd). 1438 Anthocephalus 

Long - leathery - downy - glabrate - backed 
Broad-oblong-obtnse leaved Buchanan’s 
Mango (Hk. 2/23, adpd). 667 Buch- 
anau’s latifolia. 

Long-leathery elliptic-oblong-obtuse- 
leaved Jungle Geranium (Hk, 3/189, 
adpd). 1532 Ixora Notoniana. 

Long-leathery Heart-to-ohlong-serrate- 
acute-leaved Square-branched Climbing 
Olive (Hk. 3/618, adpd). 1797 Myxopy- 
rum smilacifolium. ~~ 

Long - (medium - to - very - long)- leathery 
linear-oblong-obtuse-leaveu Tamana 
Tree (Hk, 5/344, adpd). 2606 Mische- 
don zeylanicus, 

Long-leathery Narrow-lance-wavy-acumin- 
ate-leaved Willow Swallowwort (Hk. 
4/7, adpd). 1872 Uttleria salicifolia. 

Long-leathery oblong-to-elliptic-lance- 

cuneate-cuspidate-leaved Child’s 
Amulet Tree (Hk. 5/840, adpd). 2604 
Cyclostemon macrophy!lus (penin- 


Long-leathery obovate-chlong-to-elliptic- 
cuspidate-Jeaved Bastard Cape Jasmine 
(Hk. 4/83, adpd). 1956 Fagrea 

Long-leathery Obovate-obtuse-leaved 
Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/163, 
adpd). 1563 Psychotria Dalzellii, 

Long-leathery-pallid oblong-lance-acumin- 
ate leaved Climbing Holly (lk. 1/594, 
adpd). 503 Sarcostigma Kleinii. 

Long-leathery-polished Obovate-cuneate- 
obtuse Whorled-(3-4)-leaved-Salt creek 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/638, adpd). 1819 
Ochrosia borbonica. 

Long - leathery - scurfy - downy - glabrate 
elliptic-oblong-lance - crenulate-serrate- 
gland - sinused - acute -or- acuminate- 
leaved Croton (Hk. 5/400, adpd), 
2647-a, Osiodes zeylanica (typica). 

Long-leathery-shining oblong-elliptic- 
obtuse-leaved Fish-tail-capsuled Staff 
Tree (Bed. 2/120, adpd). 543 Kurrimia 

Long - leathery - subsessile - alternate 
Obovate - oblong - distant - serrate 


acuminate-leaved Queensland Nut (Hk. 
5/191, adpd). 2478 Helicia travanco- 

Long-leathery-subsessile elliptic-lance-to- 
obovate-acuminate-leaved Jungle 
Geranium (Hk. 3/140, adpd). 15384 
Ixora polyantha. 

Long-leathery-subsessile obovate-oblong- 
subobtuse-leaved Bastard Cape Jasmine 
(Hk. 4/88, adpd), 1955 Fagreea 
zeylanica (brevituba), 

Long - leathery - subsessile-(38-4)-whorled 
oblong - lance - serrate - acute - leaved 
Queensland Nut (Bth. 5/406, adpd). 
2479 Macadamia ternifolia, 

Long leaved Bassia (Mch. 506). 
Bassia longifolia. 

Long leaved Calyraccion (Br. 30). 
Ochrocarpus longifolius. 

Long leaved Copper Leaf (MeL. 405, 
Ru/N/112, adpd). 2670 Acalypha 

Long leaved (Australian) Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jat). 2646-Td. Codi- 
zum variegatum (longifolium-austra- 

Long-leaved (Erect) croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Q. Codizum 
variegatum (longifolium). 

Long leaved (Smaller Australian) Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Te. 
Codizeum variegatum (Washingtonli). 

Long-leaved (Twisted Erect) Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-R. Codi- 
zum variegatum (longifoliam-tortile). 

Long leaved Fc w-seeded Sweet Thorn 
(Hk. 1/194, adpd). 1388 Xylosma 

Long leaved Fish Poison Cedar (McL. 
1020, adpd). 470 Walsura ternata., 

Long (Angular-branched oblong) leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/269, adpd). 178 
Garcinia Xanthochymus. 

Long (Horizontal-nerved elliptic) leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/260, adpd). 170 
Garcinia Mangostana. 

Long-leaved large flowered Ceylon Iron- 
wood (Bed. 1/23, adpd). 185-c. Mesua 
ferrea (speciosa), 

Long leaved Mohwah (McL. 472, 505, 
997, adpd). 187 Bassia longifolia, 

Long leaved Nibbled-tipped Feather Palm 
(Bth. 7/138, adpd). 3127 Hydriastele 

Long lJeaved Phyllanthus (MeL. 105). 
2569 Phyllanthus distichns. 

Long leaved Pine (Nic. 3/143) (Gbl. 706) 
(McL. 162) (Rid, 149). 2849 Pinus 

Long leavyed Pine of America (H/E.F). 
2839 Pinus palustris. 

Long leaved Poon (McL, 705). 
rocarpus longifolius. 

Long (Very) leaved Screw-Pine (HK. 
6/484, adpd), 38248 Pandanus furcatus, 


180 Och- 


Long (Downy) leaved Sweet Thorn (Hk, 
1/192, adpd), 134 Flacourtia montana. 
Long (Glabrous) leaved Sweet Thorn 

(Hk. 1/1938, adpd). 135 Flacourtia 

Long (thornless) leaved Sweet Thorn 
(Hk. 1/192, adpd). 133 Flacourtia 

Long leaved Trumpet Flower (McL, 1024). 
2131 Dolichandrone Kheedii. 

Long leaved Two sepalled Gamboge 
(Br. 30, Hk. 1/259, adpd). 189 
Ochrocarpns longifolius, 

Long leayed Wody (McL, 14 743, 998, 
1024). 2131 Dolichandrone Rheedii. 
Long liguled Stout Reed Bamboo (Ek, 
7/430, 684, adpd). 3323 Ochlandra 


Long-lineolate Seven-(7-8 prs.)-nerved 
Broad - elliptic - crenulate - acuminate- 
leaved Wing-stemmed Conehead (Hk. 
4/437, adpd). 2186 Strobianthes 

Long-lineolate Elliptic-acuminate-leaved 
Rosy Bracted Verna!-flower (Hk, 4/419, 
adpd). 2172 Deedalacanthus roseus. 

Long-lineolate Ten-(10-prs.)-nerved 
elliptic - subentire - acuminate - leaved 
Conehead (Hk. 4/440, adpd). 2196 
Strobilanthes decurrens. 

Long: lineolate Ovate-subentire-acu- 
minate-leaved Blue Bracted Vernal- 
flower (Hk. 4/418, adpd). 2171 
Deedalacanthus nervosus. 

Long-lineolate-subglabrous Six-(6-7 prs.)- 
nerved elliptic-crenate-acuminate- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/441, adpd). 
Strobilanthes tristis, 

Long-linear-acuminate Multifoliate- 
scattered Jointed-pendulous-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/68, W.A.I, adpd). 2975 
Sarcanthus peninsularis. 

Long-linear (Interrupted*) Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf) [* sometimes, 
by abortion, with merely excurrent 
midrib]. 2646-V. Codizum variegatum 

Long-linear-leaved (Drooping) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
Codizum variegatum 

Long-linear-leaved (Twisted * Drooping) 
Croton [* not necessarily all leaves] 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-T. 
Codizwum variegatum 

long-linear-oblong  §(Glabrous-shooted) 
16-(12-20-prs.)-nerved-leaved Nutmeg 
(Hk. 5/103, adpd), 2421-a. Myristica- 
lanrifolia (typica). 

Long-linear-or-filiform-acuminate -leaved 
(Medium) Wheel-spoke Swallowwort 
(Hk. 4/65, adpd). 1930 Brachystelma 


(longifolium- — 


Long lipped Birthwort (Nic. 1/113) (Br* 
188). 2398 Aristolochia cymbifera. 

Long lobed Spineless Fan Palm (Cag. 338, 
adpd). mvi. Trachycarpus (genus). 

Long Malabar Cardamom (McL, 135, 461). 
3004 Hlettaria Cardamomum. 

Long-membranous-downy-backed (Penni- 
nerved-alternate) elliptic-oblong- 
caudate-leaved Harmless Nettle (Hk. 
5/589, adpd). 2776-a, Villebrunia in- 
tegrifolia (typica). 

Long-memblranous _ elliptic-lance-obtuse- 
or-cuspidate Bastard Inecacuanha (Hk. 
3/162,  adpd). 1561 Psychorria 

Long-membranous elliptic-to-oblance- 
acute-leaved Jungle Geranium (Hk. 
3/141, adpd). 1535 Ixoria elongata. 

Long-membranous-long-petioled oblance- 
acute-or-cus pidate-leaved Bastard 
Tpecacuanha (Hk. 3/171, adpd). 1570 
Psychotria anamallayana, 

Long-membranous narrow-obovate-cuspi- 
date leaved Half-hooded-flowered Nut- 
meg (Hk. 1/74, adpd). 52 Goniothala- 
mus wynaadensis. : 

Long-membrancus oblong-coarse-toothed- 
acuminate leaved Climbing Holly (Hk. 
1/593, adpd). 501 Miquelia dentata. 

Long-membranous-puberulous-backed el- 
liptic-lance-acuminate-leaved Hun- 
ming-bird shrub (Hk. 3/96, adpd). 1488 
Adenosacme Lawii. 

Long-membranous-shining elliptic-leaved 
Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 1/63, adpd), 42 
Polyalthia fragrans. 

Long-membranous-shining lance-acumin- 
ate-waved leaved Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/62, adpd). 40 Polyalthia longifolia. 

Long-membranous-velvetty-glabrate ob- 
long-cuspidate-leaved Child’s Amulet 
Tree (Hk. 5/241, adpd). 2605 Cycloste- 
mon malabaricus. 

Long-minutely-downy Elliptic-acute- 
leaved Justice-wort (Hk. 4/540, adpd). 
2266 Adhatoda vasica. 

Long-narrow (Golden-veined) Green 
Trilobe Croton (Nic. 1351) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Kf. Codisum 
varegatum (trilobum-Disraeli). 

Long-narrow  (Blotchy-primary-veined) 
leaved Dumb Cane (Nis. 5/322). 3267 
Dieffenbachia Jenmani. 

Long—narrow- obtusely-unequally—bilobed 
Strap-leaved Short stout-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/47, W.A.I, adpd). 2959 
Acrides lineare. 

Long narrow uninervose Phyllode Wattle 
(Bth. 2/309, 358, adpd). 1021 Acacia 
stricta, : 

Long-10-nerved-downy-midribbed oblong- 
lance-acute leaved Dipterocarp Dammer 
(Hk. 1/309, Bed. 2/96, adpd). 204 
Hopea Wightiana. 


long-12-nerved Heart-cuspidate leaved 
Tripterocarp Dammer (Hk. 1/306, adpd). 
201 Shorea robusta 

Long-14-nerved oblong-obtuse leaved 
Capsuled Dammer (Hk. 1/313, adpd). 
207 Vateria indica. 

Long-12-18-nerved-velvetty-backed ellip- 
tic-cuspidate leaved Dipterocarp Dam- 
mer (Bs/T/66, adpd). 198 Dip- 
terocarpus Bourdilloni. 

Long obliquely-emarginate 
Long-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/62, W.A.1, 
adpd). 2968 Saccolabium ochraceum. 

Long-obliquely-emarginate Strap-leaved 
Short-st>ut-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 
6/45, W.A.I, adpd). 2956 Aérides 

Long (Triple-nerved-alternatej oblique- 
oblance-entire-or-apically-serrate - acu- 
minate-leaved Harmless Nettle (Hk. 
5/575, adpd). 2769 Procris levigata. 

Long oblong-acute leuved Necklace Nut- 
meg (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 37-a Unona 
discolor (pubifiora), 

Long-oblony-lance-leaved Cupped Flower- 
ing Nutmeg (Hk. 1/53, adpd), 82 
Cyathocalyx zeylanicus. 

Long-oblong. lance subcaudate leaved 
Orange-flowered Panicled Ginger (Hk. 
6/201, adpd). 2985 Globba orixensis. 

Long oblung-iance-to-obovate-leaved Cari- 
ca*ure Plant (Nic. 3/355, adpd). 2271-a. 
Sanchezia nobilis (typica). 

Long oblong-ieaved Crape Myrtle (Hk. 
2/577, adpd). 


Long obovate-lance Jeaved climbing Arum 
(Nic. 5/596). 3261 Philodendron 

Long-(or-medinum) - obtusely - emarginate 
\Purple-mottled) Strap-leaved thort- 
stout-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/47, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2958 Aérides radicosum. 

Long-(ard-medium)-obtuse Skewer-leaved 

Slender-long-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 
6/24, W.A.I, adpd). 2950 Luisia 

Long-opposite-submembranous-rufous vil- 
lous-midribbed Linear-subobtuse leaved 
Erect-druped Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 
683 Nothopegia anr2ofulva. 

Long-or-mediam-leathery elliptic-oblong- 
lance spinulosely serrate-acute-leaved 
Croton Indigo (Hk. 5/406, adpd). 2655 
Agrostistachys indica. 

Long-or-mediam-leathery-opposite linear- 
oblong-acuminate-leayed Tiger’s-milk 
Spurge (Hk. 5/474, adpd). 2708 
Excecaria robusta. 

Long-or-medium-pellucid- dotted-pale (Ir- 
regular-(often-indistinct)-nerved) Ovate- 
lance-or-falcate-leaved Deciduous-above- 
rough-persistent-below-barked Eucalypt 

Strap-leased | 

1319 Lagerstrcemia flos- | 


(Bth. 3/289, adpd). 

Long-or-medinm-thick-shining (Irregular 
(often indistinct) nerved) Broad or-nar- 
row-lance-or-faleate-acuminate leayed 
Dark-iron-grey smooth-or-rough-persist- 
ent barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/231, adpd). 
1199 Eucalyptus gomphocephala. 

Long panduriform (Golden-margined- 
midribbed-and-veined) Green-Trilobe 
Croton (Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). :646-Kg. Codizenum variegatum 

Long-papery Elliptic-acute-leaved Jungle 
Geranium (Hk. 3/139, adpd), 15338 
lxora Johnsoni. 

1194 Eucalyptus 

Long-p2pery (Penninerved-alternate) 
Elliptic-lance-caudate-leaved Cinnamon 
(Hk. 5/141, adpd), 2445 Phosbe 

Loug papery linear-lance-acuminate- 
leaved Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 4/168, 

adpd). 1566 (bis.) Psychotria diver- 

Long-papery _ linear-lance-wavy-acnmin- 
ate-leaved Jungle Geranium (Hk. 

3/147, adpd). 1540 Ixora undulata. 

Long-papery oblance-cbtuse-onr-cus- 
pidate-leayed Flat-branched Bastard 
Ipecacuanba (Hk. 3/164, adpd). 1560 
Psychotria macrocarpa. 

Long-papery (Triplenerved-opposite) 
oblong-lance-leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 
5/132, adpd). 24387 Cinnamomum 

Long-pspery-rusty-downy (Penninerved- 
alternate) elliptic-lance-acuminate- 
leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 5/142, adpd). 
2446 Pheebe paniculata. 

Long-papery rusty-woolly-clabrateoblong- 
subcrenulate-obtuse-leaved Sweetleaf 
(Hk. 3/582, adpd). 1735 Symplocos 

Long peduncled Dwarf Date (Gbl. 731, 
adpd). 38168 Phoenix humilis (pedun- 

Long-pendulous (Unifoliate-spindle- 
branched) Stemmed (’rchid (Hk. 5/710, 
714,  adpd). 2304 Dendrobinm 

Long Pepper (Rox. 1/154) (Bs/T/523) 
(W-A.I) (Br. 207) (EII.166) (Rid. 270) 
(McL. 677, 1000) (Pfl. 507). 2404 Piper 

Long (Elephant) Pepper (McL. 677, 1001). 
8269 Scindapsus officinalis. 

Long (Water) Pepper (McL. 171). 2702 
Sapium sebiferum. 

Long-petalled (Berried) Cornel (Hk. 2/741, 
adpd). cdlxx. Alangium (genus). 

Long-petioled Acute leaved Shrubby 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/191, adpd). 2009 
Argyreia fulgens. 


Long-petioled (Long-membranous) ob- 
lance-acute-or-cuspidate-leaved Bastard 
Ipecacuanha (Hk, 3/171, adpd). 1570 
Psychotria unymallayana. 

Long-petioled (Medium-glabrate) Ternate- 
ly-whorled elliptic-acuminate-leaved 
Rondeletiawort (Hk. 3/40, adpd). 1463-b. 
Wendlandia Notoniana (bicuspidata), 

Loug Pleated Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Cag. 337,340, adpd). 3125 Chrysali- 
docarpus lutescens. 

Long podded five leaved Indigo (Mch. 
371, adpd). 750 Indigofera subulata. 
Long-pointed broad leaved Ceylon Iron- 
wo d (Bed. 1/23, adpd). 185-a. Mesua 

ferrea (typica). 

Long - (or-medium)-premorse-complicate- 
Strap-leaved Long-climbing-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk.6/52, W.A.1,adpd). 2963 
Vanda Roxburs hii. 

Nutmeg (Hk. 1/56, 
Canangium odcratum. 

Long-punctulate Elliptic-acate-leaved 
Justice-wort (Hk. 4/525, adpd). 2256 
Justicia montana. 

Long Pungent Sparsifasciculate Asparagus 
(McL. 516, 812, adpd). 8088 Asparagus 

Long-red-punciate-backed Oblong-lance- 
subacuminate leaved Wing-seeded 

adpd). 35 

Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/616, adpd). 530 
Kokoona zeylanica. 
Long-rounded-large-lobed Strap-leaved 

Short-stout-stemnied Orchid (Hk 6/47, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2960 Aérides odoratum. 
Long-rasty-shaggy-glabrate ( Penninerved- 
subverticillate-alternate) Ovate-elliptic- 
lance-acuniinate-leaved Ray-Laurel (Hk, 
5/149, adpd). 2452- Actinodaphne 
Long-rusty-shaggy-nerved-backed lance- 
serrate-acute-leaved Spear Flower (Hk. 

3/582, adpd). 1674 Antistrophe 
serratifolia, ¢ 
Long-rusty-velvetty-backed Elliptic- 

obovate-obtuse-leaved Bastard Ipecacu- 
anha (Hk. 38/167, adpd). 1566 
Psychotria madraspatana. 

Long sepalled Featherfoil (MeL. 587, 
adpd). 2566 Phyllanthus longifiorus. 

Long-shaggy Elliptic-toothed-acute-leaved 
Wind-berry (Hk. 3/510, adpd). 1659 
Mesa dubia. 

Long-shaggy Seven-(7-prs)-nerved Rhom- ; 

Cone-head (Hk. 4/450, adpd), 2205 
Strobilanthes Andersonii. 
Long Sickle-or-flat-needle Asparagus (Nic. 
5/90). 38094 Asparagus Sprengeri. 
Ovate-oblong-cuspidate-leaved Square- 


branched Fetid Holly (Hk. 1/889 
adpd). 500-c. Mappia foetida (ovata). 
Lone shining leaved Globe-flowered Nut- 
meg (Bs/T/13, adpd). 76 Sagerea 


Long spathed Bamboo (FAR. 26 to 48, 
MBR, 31 to 48, CAN. 33 to 35, CBT. 
38, NLGS). 3314 Dendrocalamns 

Long-spiked Spinous Kino Tree (Hk, 
5/268, adpd). 2546-a, Bridelia retusa 

Long stalked Featherfoil (McL. 587, adpd). 
2555 Phyllanthus longipes. 

Long-stalked (‘l'ripinnate) lobed-notched- 
suberect-toothed-folioled Panax (Nic. 
3/14, adpd). 1400-h. Panax fruticosum 

Long-stalked Oval leaved Wax Flower 
(Hk. 4/59, adpd). 1925 Hoya Wightii. 

Long-stemmed Tetrandrous Mercury 
(Treas. Bot. 2/736, Hk. 5/248, adpd). 
decexlvii, Alchornea (genus). 

Long atapled Cotton (McL. 223). 
Gossypium barbadense. 

Long-stemmed (Long-obliquely-emargin- 


ate Strap-leaved) Orchid (Hk. 6/62, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2268 Saccolabinm 

Long-stemmed (Medium-linear-premorse 
Strap-leaved) Orchid (Hk. 6/63, adpd). 
2970 Saccolabium preemorsum. 

Long-stemmed(Medium-oblong-unequally - 
obtusely-lobed Strap-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 6/62, W.A.I, adpd). 2969 
Saccolabium Wightianum, 

Long-stemmed (Short-lauceolate-obliquely- 
emarginate Strap-leaved) Orchid (Hk. 
6/51, W.A.I, adpd). 2962 Vanda 

Long (Quinquecostate) stemmed Rattan 
(Hk. 6/461, adpd), 3215 Calamus 

Long-spurred-stipuled (Paripinnate-(10- 
12)-winged-rachised-long) —_lance-acu- 
minate-leayed Flowering Asoca (Bdn/F. 
T, adpd). 987 Humboldtia decurrens. 

Long-straight many-seeded podded 
Brasiletto (Treas. Bot.1/316). ccexlv. 
Colvillea (genus). 

Long-strigose-nerved-backed Oblong- 
caudate-leaved Offal sbrub (Hk. 3/1s3, 
adpd). 1577 Lasianthus oblongifolius. 

Long - submembranous - downy-midribbed 
Elliptic-lance-acuminate-leaved Erect- 
druped Mango (Ak. 2/40, adpd). 682 
Nothopegia travancorica. 

Long subglabrous-lineolate Eleven-{11-prs) 
nerved Hlliptic-acuminate-leaved Cone- 
head (Hk. 4/478, adpd). 2220 
Calacanthus Dalzellii, 


Long-subglabrous-lineolate Twelve-(8-16- 
prs)-nerved Elliptic-crenzte-acuminate- 
leaved Warty-branched Conehead (Hk. 
4/451, adpd). 2212 (bis.) Strobilanthes 

Long-succulent-erect - obliquely -emargin- 
ate Strap-leaved Stemless Orchid (Hk, 
6/11, W.A.I, adpd).. 2946 Cymbidium 

Long-succulent-leaved Dagger 
(Hk. 5/681, W-.A.I, adpd). 
Oberonia Branoniana, 

Long-swallow-tailed-flexnous Strap-leaved 
Short-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/60, W.A.J, 
adpd). 2967 Saccolabium nilagiricum. 

Long (Common) tailed Peepul (McL. 673, 
adpd). 2739 Ficus religiosa. 

Long - thinly-puberulons-backe : - Eleven- 
(11-prs)-nerved Ovate-crenulate-acu- 
minate-leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/486, 
adpd). 2185 Strobilanthes jeyporen- 

Long - to-medium-downy-glabrate-netted- 
backed (Trifoliate) obovate-cuneate- 


cuspidate-leaved Yam (Hk. 6/289, 
adpd). 3055 Dioscorea demona. 
Long-to-very-long-glabrous-sessile Nine- 

(6-12-prs)-nerved !ance sparsely-toothed 
auricled based-long acuminate-leaved 
Conehead (Hk. 4/458, adpd). 2211 
Strobilanthes perfoliatus. 

Long-tubed Arabian Jasmine (Uk. 3/592, 

adpd). 1751-b. Jasminum Sambac 
Long-tubed Clerodendron (Br. 166). 

2322 Clerodendron siphonanthus. 

Long-tubed (Crimson) Fuchsia of Bolivia 
(Nic. 2/31), 1824 Fuchsia boliviana. 

Long-tubed-flowered (Medium-downy- 
glabrate Ovate-oblong-wavy-acuminate~ 
leaved) Justizewort (Hk. 4/541, adpd). 
2268 Rhinacanthus communis, 

Long Twelve-(12-prs)-nerved lance-or- 
oblance-wavy-acuminate-leaved Crimson 
flowered French-chiretta (Hk. 4/515, 
adpd). 2254 Diotacanthus grandis. 

Long-velvetty-backed Broad-obovate- 
oblong-leaved Alpam-root (Hk, 5/73, 
adpd). 2389-b. Bragantia Wallichii 

Long (Glossy) Waved leaved Fig (McL. 
73,adpd). 2741 Ficus Tjakela. 

Long: white-velvetty-backed Heart- 
cuspidate leaved Trinity-shield Plant 
(Hk. 1/421, adpd). 3861 Aspidopterys 

Long-woolly-backed Elliptic-ovate-entire- 
acuminate-leaved Ironweed (Hk. 3/239, 

adpd). 1604-£, Vernonia arborea 
Long-wreathed (Scarlet) flowering 

Spurge (Nic. 1/541). 

2541 Euphorbia 


Longan (Bed. 2/156) (Bdn/F.T. 12) (Pr. 
1/345) (McL, 436, 484, 994) (Cag. 366) 
(Nic. 2/489) (Ru/N/69). 640 Nephelium 

Logan Tree (Cat.77) (? Longan). 
Nephelium Longana, 

Longer Crenate leaved Trifoliate Samach 
(Hk. 2/9, aapd). 660 Rhus parviflora. 
Longer internoded stout Reed Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/419, adpd). 8321 Ochlandra 

travancorica. } 

Longer leafiletted American Cabbage 
Palm (Nic. 2/521, adpd). 3157 Oreodoxa 

Longer-narrow (Eighteen-(16-20)-nerved) 
lobed Palmyra (GDV) [male plant]. 
38224 Borassus flabellifer. 

Longer Poplar leaved Silver-weed (Hk. 
4/187, adpd*. 1996 Argyreia involu- 

Longish (White) flowered Sebesten (Hk. 

_ 4/140, adpd). 1977 Cordia octandra. 

Looking-giass Plant (McL. 478, 846) 
(Cag. 648) (Ru/O/13) (Br. 21). 277 
Heritiera littoralis. 

Looking-glass Plant of the Coast (McL. 


473, 846, Cag. 648, Br. 21). 277 
Heritiera littoralis. 

Looking-glass Plant of the Southern 
Ghauts (McL. 473, 846, adpd). 278 
Heritiera Papilio. 

Looking-glass Tree (Nic. 2/187). civ. 
Heritiera (genus). 

Loose flowered Alpinia (McL. 298). 3005 

Alpinia Galanga. 

Loose (Common Indian) Jacket (Br. 3, 
49). 418-a. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis 

Loose (Lemon-scented) Jacket (Bon, 53, 
54). 419-a. Citrus Aurantium-crenati- 
folia (typica). 

Loose (Lime) Jacket (Bon. 60, 61), 418-d. 
Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (Jambhiri). 
Loose (Pomelo) Jacket {Bon. 33, 110, 361). 
418-c. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (decu- 


Loose-skinned Orange (Ooty. 23). 418 
Citrus Aurantium-nobilis, 

Loose spiked Garland Flower (Nic. 2/122, 
adpa). 2991 Hedychium venustum. 

| Loose (Glabrous) spiked Pepper (McL. 

676, adpd). 2410 Piper Schmidtii. 
Loose (Hairy) spiked Pepper (McL. 676, 
adpd). 2409 Piper Hookeri. 
Loosestrife Family (Br. 72) (L/N/S/B). 
LI. Lythracez (Urder). 
Loosestrife (McL. 163, 478). 
Lagerstreemia parviflora. 
Loosesirife (West Indian) (McL. 483, 
1082). 1332 Jussizea suffruticosa. 
Loose-strife (Brazilian Bivalved capsuled) 
(Treas. Bot. 2/686, Nic. 2/656, Nic. 
2/230,  adpd), cdxxxiv. lLafoénsia 



Loose-strife (Brazilian Five-(3-5) valved 
capsoled) (Treas. Bot. 2/786, adpd). 
edxxxv. Neswa (genus). 

Loose-strife (Hlliptic-leathery-leaved 
Reddish-brown-showy-flowered /Jrazi- 
lian) (Nic. 2/230, adpd). 13809 Lafoénsia 

Loosestrife (Myrtle-leaved yellow-flowered 
Brazilian) (Br. 73, adpd). 1310 Neswa 

Loosestrife (Scarlet Shrubby) (McL. 314, 
adpd). 1307 Woodfordia floribunda. 
Loosestrife (Spurred-calyxed Bivalved 
capsuled) (Treas. Bot. 1/361, adpd). 
cdxxxvi. Cuphea (genus). 

Loosestrifes (McLi. 1005). 

Lopez Koot (Mch, 478, 995) (Nic. 4/49). 
386 Toddalia acnleata. 

Lopez Root Tree of the Western ghauts 
(MeL, 473, 905, Nic. 4/49, adpd). 387 
Toddalia bilocularis. 

Loquat (Bs/T/280) (Gbl. 321) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Muell. S.¥) (McL. 487, 925) (S. 154) 
(Pr. 1/468) (Cat. 131) (Nic. 8/108) (Br. 
72) (Cag. 250) (Cat, 131) (Rid. 123, 136) 
(Ru/N/58, O/9) (Mu) (Ooty. 32), 1112 
Eriobotrya japonica. 

Lord Herbert Rose (Mu. 53). 
Rosa hybrida-sempertlorens 

Lord-Howe’s-Island (Curly Palm of) 
(Muell. S.P) (N. 2/155). 3135 Howea 

Lord-Howe’'s-Island (Umbrella Palm of) 
(Muell. S.P) (Bth. 7/188) (3. 198, 
445). 3128 Hedescepe Canterburyana. 

Lord Macaulay Rose (Nic 3/324) (Ru/O/21) 
(Po). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflo- 
rens (punicea-velutina). 

Lord Petre’s Climber (Br. 164). 
Petra volubilis. 

Lord Raglan Rose (Cag. 594) (Ru/O/21) 
(Po). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (coccinea-puniceo-suffusa-margi- 

LI. Lythracez 



Lotel (Rid. 136, 145). 2527 Osyris 
Lote Tree (McL. 361). 2711 Celtis 

Lotophagi (Lotus of the) in Homer’s 
Odyssey (McL, 65, 437). 561 Zizyphus 

Lotur Bark (McL, 436). 1729 Symplocos 


Lotus (McL. 65). cexxviii. Zizyphus 

Lotus (Hill) (McL. 171). 3080 Smilax 
macroy phy lla. 

Lotus (Bastard) (McL. 366). dlxii. Dios- 
pyros (genus). 

Lotus (Cyrenian) (McL. 437). 561 Zizy- 

phus Jujuba. 


Lotus (Round leaved) (McL. 473, 589, 
1000), 2689 Macaranga indica. 

Lotus (Salt) (McL, 689) (?). 2689 Macar- 
anga indica (?). 

Lotus Bendy (McL. 83, 484, 990). 
Hibiscus mutabilis, 

Lotus Croton (MeL. 478, 502, 1000, adpd), 
dccclii, Macaranga (genus). 

Lotus (road ovate stipnled) Croton 
(McL. 473, 502, adpd). 2689 Macaranga 

Lotus (Indian) Croton (McL. 473, 502, 
1000, adpd). 2689 Macaranga indica. 
Lotus (Narrow Woolly stipuled) Croton 
(McL, 478,502,adpd). 20690 Macaranga 

Lotus (Roxburgh’s) Croton (McL. 473, 


502, 1000, adpd). 2690 Macaranga 
Lotus of the Lotophagi in Homer's 

Odyssey (McL, 65, 437). 

Lotus Senna (McL. 805). 

Lotus Tree (McL. 361). 

Lotus (European) Tree (Muell. S.P), 
dccelxiii. Celtis (genus). 

Louisa (Herb) (S. 198, 245). 2282 Lippia 

Louse Berry (MchL. 357). 

Louise-de Savoie Rose (Ru/N/92) (Mu. 55) 
(Hod) (Cag. 601). 1105-e. Rosa odorata 

Love (Beetle’s) (McL. 383). 
thes arbor-tristis. 

Love (Roy’s) (S. 57). 

561 Zizyphus 
956 Cassia 

2711 Celtis 

81 Anamirta 

1776 Nyctan- 

1620 Artemisia 

Love (Lad’s) (8. 35). dxxviii. Artemisia 

Love (Lad’s) (S. 85, 238). 1620 Artemisia 

Love (Mnid’s) (8. 35, 238). 1620 Artemisia 

Love (Giant Littoral) Grass (Treas. Bot. 
1/549, Hk.7/8, adpd). mxli. Halopyrum 

Love (Giant Marsh) Grass (Treas. Bot. 
1/549, Hk. 7/8, adpd). mxl. Myrios- 
tachya (genus), 

Love-lies-bleeding Copper Leaf (Cag, 
417). 2664-b. Acalypha hispida (den- 

Love Pea (McL. 274, 360) (S. 251). 810 
Abrus precatorius. 

Love Tree (McL. 777), 

Love (Narrow-folioled-smaller-leaved) 
Tree (Hk. 5/656, adpd). 2873-b. Cycas 
circinalis (squamosa), 

Lovely Bignonia (Br.131), 2144 Bignonia 

2873 Cycas 


Lovilovi of Ceylon (McL. 907). 1338 
Flacourtia inermis. 

Lowly Areca (McL. 675). 3123 Areca 


Lowly Aumanac(McL, 55). 2622 Jatropha 

Lowly Chakondah (McL. 155, 844, 994). 
964 Cassia vumila. 

Lowly Cooml (McL. 186). 

Lowly Jasmine (McL. 383). 
num humile. 

Lowly Jaumoon (MchL. 3886, 589, 999). 
2302 Premna herbacea. 

1772 Jasmi- 

Lowly Lavangam (McL. 4838, 995). 1332 | 
Jussizea suffruticosa. 

Lowly Marking-uut (McL. 380). 2696 
Baliospermum axillare. 

Lowly Poon (Mch. 705). 955 Cassia 

Lowly Seana (McL. 155). 964 Cassia 

Lowly Wood Apple (McL. 1025) (?). 212 
Sida mysorensis (?). 

Loxa Bark (McL. 420) (Muell. S.P) (Cat. 

167). 1444-a. Cinchona officinalis 
(ty pica). 

Loxa (Original) Bark (MeL. 420) (Gbl. 
406) (Ell. 173). 1444-b. Cinchona 

officinalis (Urutusinga). 

Lucern (Nic. 2/341). celxxxiii. 

Lucerne (Rid. 186, 139) (Ooty. Vs./73) 
(Ru/N/44, 0/8). cclxxxiii' Medicago 

Lucerne (Shrubby Yellow) (Muell. 8.P). 
745 Medicago arborea. 
Lucerne (Tree) (MAHS). 


Lucknow (Surknimboo of) (Bon. 45, 46, 


745 Medicago 

51). 421-c. Citrus japonica (lakkano- 
Luizet (Madame Gabriel) Rose (Nie. 

3/824) (Mu. 53). 1107-e. Rosa-hybrida- 
semperfiorens (argenteo-carnea). 
Lukion-indikon of the Greeks (McL. 84). 
98 Berberis aristata. 
Lumbang Nut (Mech. 237, 438, 772, 1000) 
(Cag. 217). 2633 Aleurites moluccana, 
Luteo Tree of Tipperah (Rox. 2/254, 
Treas. Bot. 2/883). dcccxxiil. Baccaurea 


Lyell’s Double-blush Rose (Cag. 604) 
(Hk. 2/264). 1094-b. Rosa involucrata 

Ly onnaise (Belle) Rose (Nic 3/324) (Ru/ 
N/94, 0/18) (Po). 1105-e. Rosa odorata 

Lyon (Htoile-ce) Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/20) 
(Mu. 55) (Hod). 1105-f. Rosa odorata 

Lyon (Merveille de) Rose (Nic. 3/824) 
(Ru/N/95) (Mu. 54). 1107-d. Rosa 
hy brida-semperflorens (albida-roseo- 

2306 Gmelina | 


Lyon (Perle de) Rose (Ru/N/91, 0/21) 
(Mu. 55) (Hod). 1105-f. Rosa odorata 

Lyonnaise (Beauté) Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Br. 75). 1105.q. Rosa odorata (hybrida- 

Lyre Tree (S. 266). 

16 Liriodendron 


Mabura (MeL. 65). 425 Aicle Marmelos. 

Mac-Arthur’s Lieut,-Colonel Kent’s Palin 
(Nic. 2/218). 3139 Ptychosperma 

Macartney Rose (Nic. 3/319, 322). 
Rosa bracteata. 

Macaulay (Lord) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/ 
21) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (punicea-v'Jutina. 

Mace (Reed) (Nic. 4/118) (S. 442). mxxii. 
Typha (genus). 

Mace (Reed) (McbL. 288). 

Mace (Wild) (W. 46). 

Mace Tree (Mc. 387) (Rid. 142) (Rox. 
3/843) (Gbl. 555). 2420 Myristica 


8248 Typha 

2422 Myristica 

Mace (Bombay) Tree (Mch. 387). 2422 
Myristica malabarica. 
| Maceleod’s Sebesten (McL. 862). 1975 

Cordia Macleodii. 

Macrae’s Puluey-Hills Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2562 Phyilanthus Macraéi. 

Madablota (McL. 429, 992). 3855 Hiptage 

Madagasear (Ordeal Tree of) (Rid. 114) 
(Nic. 4/8). 1821 Kopsia fruticosa 
(more correctly, Tanghinia venenifera, 
allied genms), 

Madagascar (Scarlet Poivrea of) (Br. 76). 
1158 Combretum coccinea. 

| Madagascar (Traveller’s Tree of) (8. 361, 

435) (GbI. 724) (Pr. 2/1050) (Cag. 377) 
(Cat. 324). 3043 Ravenala madagas- 

Madagascar (Voa Vanga of) (L/N/S/B). 
1529-c, Vangueria spinosa (edulis). 

Madagascar (Voa Vanguer of) (Nic. 
4/186). 1529-c. Vangueria spinosa 

Madagascar Banana Palm (Treas, Bot. 
2/961). cmly. Bavenala (genus). 

Madagascar Betel Palm (MchL. 40, 281, 
Hk. 6/4]6, adpd), 3124 Areca mada- 

Madagascar Chaplet flower (Nic. 3/499) 
(8. 416). 1906 Stephanotis floribunda. 
Madagascar Edibk Olive (Br. 118). 1796 

Noronhia emarginata. - 
Madagascar Flame of the Forest (Cag, 624, 
corr), 941 Poinciana regia. 
Madagascar Jasmine (Nic. 3/499) (S. 257, 
416), 1906 Stephanotis floribunda, 


Madagascar Lightning Plant 
1/142). 295 Dombeya Wallichii. 

Madagascar Mangrove (McL. 470, 473, 
995). 1156 Lumnitzera racemosa. 

Madagascar (Yellow) Orange Ball Tree 
(Nic. 5/165), 1953 Buddleia madagas- 


Madagascar Palm (McL. 922). 3048 
Ravenala madavascariensis, 
Madagascar Screw Pine (Nie. 3/18). 3245 

Pandannus utilis. 

Madagascar (Bojer’s) Spurge (Br. 191, 
adpd). 2539 Euphorbia Bojeri. 

Madagherry Neem (McbL. 578). 481 
Chukrassia tabularis. 

Madagherry Neem (McL, 578). 
Bischofia javanica. 

Madame Alfred Carriére Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Mu. 56 ?). 1108-c. Rosa Noisettiana 

Madame Alfred-de Rougemont Rose (Ru/ 
0/20) (Hod) (Po). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (albida-carneo- 

Madame Caillet Rese (Cag. 596) (Hod). 
1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Madame Camille Rose (Nic. 3/524) (Ru/ 
O/21) (Po). 1105-n. Rosa odorata 

Maudame-Céline Noirey Rose (Ru/N/92) 
(Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 1105-1. Rosa 
odorata (rosea-intus-lutea). 

Madame Clémence de Joigneaux Rose 
(Mu. 58) (Hod). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-lilacino-suffus:). 

Madame-de Wattéville Rose (Nic. 2/824) 
(Ru/N/95) (Mu. 55). 1105-d. Rosea 
odorata (albida-intus-cinnabarina). 

Madame-Eugéne Résal Rose (Nic. 5/648) 
(Mu. 57). 1103-g. Rosea indica (rosea- 

Madame Eugéne Verdier Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Mu. 53). 1107-g. Rosa hyvrida- 
semperflorens (rosea). 

Madame Falcot Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
0/21) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 1105-m. 
Rosa odorata (armeniaca-ochraceo- 

Madame (Gabriel Luizet Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Mu. 53). 1107-e. Kosa hybrida semper- 
florens (argenteocarnea). 


Madame Gillamége Rose (Mu. 53). 
1107-h. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Madame Guillot de Montfavet Rose 

(Ku/N/90, 0/21) (Mu. 53) (Hod) (Ooty. 
428). 1107-d. Kosa hybrid a-semper- 
florens (albida-albocarneo-suffusa- 

Madame Isaac Perriére Rose (Ru/N/90, 
0/21) (Mu. 58). 1107-k. Rosa-hybrida- 
sem perflorens (kermesina-roseo-suffusa). 

| Madame Willermoz 


Madame-Jules Margottin Rose (Cag. 601) 

(Ru/N/91) (Mu. 55). 1105-e. Rosa 
odorata, (citvina-intus-albocarnea), 
Madame-Lucie-Savatier’s Rose (Nic. 

5/616). 1093 Rosa Lucia. 

Madame Masson Rose (Cag, 595) (Ru/N/ 
92, O/21) (Mu. 53) (Hod) (Po). 1107-3. 
Kosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 
coccineo-suffusa violuceo-purpurascens). 

Madame Paul Néron Rose (Mu. 53) (? Paul 
Néron). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (punicea-kermesino-suffusa) (?). 

Madame Pierre Cochet Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Mu. 56). 1108.¢. Rosa Noisettiana 

Madame Roland Rose (Ru/N/93, 0/21) 
(Mu. 58). 1107-e. Rosa hybrida-semper- 

florens (argenteocarnea-roseoru- 

Madame Rothschild Rose (Mu. 58). 
1107-d. Rosa hybrida - semperfiorens 

(albida,al bocarneo-suffusa). 

Madame St. Joseph Rose (Cag. 601) (Hod). 
1105-h, Kosa odorata (fulyaroseo- 

Madame Thérése de Parrin Rose (Mu. 53) 
(Hod). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (rosea-kermesino-snffusa), 

Madame Van-Houtte Rose (Mu. 58). 
1105-d. Rosa odorata  (albida-luteo- 

Madame Victor Verdier Rose (Nic. 3/224) 
(Ru/N/13, 0/21) (Mu. 54) (Hod), 1107-¢, 
Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens (rosea- 

Rosa (Nic. 3/824) 

(Ru/O/21) (Cag. 601). 1105-d. Rosa 
odorata (albida-intus-eburnea). 
Mad Apple (Mcl. 107) (Nic. 3/454). 2084 

Solanum melongena. 

Madar (Pfl. 56). 1882 Calotropis gigan- 

Madaur (McL, 440, 1932). 

Madaur Silk Cotton (McL, 1032). 1882 
Calotropis vigantea., 


Madder Family 
Madder (Fragrant Net seeded) Shrub 

1882 Calotropis 

Rubiacez (Order). 

(Nic. 2/111, adpd). 1592 Hamiltonia 

Madders (MeL. 1006). LXII. Rubiacez 

Maddur Creeper (Ru/N/53, 0/16). 2030 
Ipomzea carnea, 

Madeira (Yellow Jasmine of) (Br. 116), 
1773 Jasminum odoratissimum, 

Madeira Dragon’s Blood (McL. 282), 3099 
Draczena Draco. 

Mad Fig (McL. 49), 2750 Ficus hispida. 

Madmaunty (McL. 440). 33 Artabotrys 

Madmaunty (Wild) (MclL. 
Cycas circinalis, 

777). 2873 


Mad Plant (Mch. 262). 2098 Datura 


Madras (Cabobcheeny of) (MchL. 171). 
1207 Pimenta acris. 

Madras (Mochi Wood of) (Gbl. 242). 817 
Erythrina indica. : 

Madras (Rajmahal Hemp of) (McL. 367, 
adpd). 1902 Marsdenia Brunoniana, 
Madras (Seetalcheeny of) (McL. 677). 

2405 Piper Cubeba. 
Madras (Togari Wood of) (Bdn/F.T). 
1554 Morinda citrifolia. 
Madras (Berry’s) Balsam (McL. 69, 416, 
adpd). 442 Balsamodendron Berryi. 
Madras Hemp (McL. 860). 722 Crotalaria 

Madras Horse Gram (Mcii. 236). 
Dolichos (genus). P 

Madras Rose (Br, 72) (? Edouard Morren). 
1107-g. Rosa hy brida-semperflorens 

Madras Thorn (MAHS). 
bium dulce. 

Magenta-bracted (Downy - dark - green 
ovate-leaved) Brazilian Hogweed (Nic. 


1052 Pithecolo- 

1/206, adpd). 2370-a. Bougainvilla 
spectabilis (speciosa). 
Magenta-centred-and-veined Yellow- 

banded Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ah, Codizum 
variegatam (Williamsi). 

Magenta-margined-and-midribbed (Crim- 
son-backed) Green Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Ma) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-T1. Codizeum 
variegatum (Sir Ashley Eden). 

Magenta-midribbed-and-petioled Croton 
(Nic. 1/353) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Dd. Codisum variegatum (Stew- 

Magenta-midribbed-and-petioled Yellow- 
to-orange-margined Undulated Green 
Croton (Nic. 1/853) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 

(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Tk. Codizum 
variegatum (Prince of Wales, or 

Mag enta-to-carmine-veined (Crimson— 

margined) Green-midribbed Golden 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf), 2643-Mk, Codizum variegatum 
(Queen Victoria). 

Magenta-very-long-petiole1 - and - midrib- 
bed Croton (Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Sf. Codizeum variega- 
tum (Cooperi). 

Magic (Peruvian) Plant (8.76). 1966 
Cantua buxifolia. 

Magizham (McL. 351). 


Magna Charta Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Ru/N/ 
95). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (rosea-kermesino-suftusa). 

Magnificent Indian Shot (Rid, 50). 

3026-c. Canna indica (speciosa). 

1689 Mimusop’s 


Magnolia Family (L/N/S/B). 
liacez (Order). 

Magnolia (Indian) (Mech. 
Michelia Champaca, : 

Magnolia (Large flowered) (H/E.F), 
20 Magnolia grandiflora. 

Magnoliads (McL. 1005), 
liacez (Order), 

Mahabharata (Heart’s-ease of the) (Gbl. 
278). 977 Saraca indica. 

Mahableshwar Bamboo (McL, 70, 1002). 
3304-c. Bambusa arundinacea (orien- 

Maharajah (Rosa Apple of the) 
Travancore (McL. 379, adpd). 
Hugenia Rama-Varme. 

Mahoe (Blue) (Cat. 26). 242 Hibiscus 

III. Magno- 
157). 24 

III, Magno- 


Mahoe (Demarara) (McL. 712). [252 
Sphalm| 242 Hibiscus elatus. 
Mahog (Mountain) (Cat. 26). 242 

Hibiscus elatus. 

Mahoe of the Old-World Tropics (Nic. 
4/27). 252 Thespesia populnea. 

Mahce (Blue) of the West Indies (Kew 
Bull. 5/1912), 242 Hibiscus elatus. 

Mahogany (Dwarf) (Nic. 3/529). 
Swietenia humilis. 

Mahogany (Febrifuge) (Mech. 862). 477 
Soy mida febrifuga. 

Mahogany (Forest) (Maid. C.T). 
Eucalyptus resinifera. 

Mahogany (Goulburn White) (Maid. C. 



T). 1202-b. Eucalyptus pilularis 
Mahogany (Indian) (Mech. 862), 477 

Soymida febrifuga. 
Mahogany (Indian) 
Chukrassia tabularis. 
Mahogany (Indian) (McL, 361, 911) (Ell. 
160). 482 Cedrela Toona, 
Mahogany (Large leaved) (Cat. 70) (W. 
34). 480 Swietenia macrophylla. 
Mahogany (Malabar) (Sdn/F.T). 975 
Hardwickia piunata. 
Mahogany (New-South Wales Red) (Bth. 
3/245). 1178 Hucalyptus resinifera. 
Mahogany (Red) (Maid.C.T). 1178 
Eucalyptus resinifera, 

Mahogany (True) (Bed. 1/57) (W. 84, 54, 
137). 478 Swietenia Mahagoni. 

Mahogany (Western Australian) (Bth. 
3/209). 1179 Eucalyptus maryinata. 

Mahogany (Swamp) of New-South-Wales 
(Bth. 3/229) (Bs/T/328) (Bdn/F.T). 
1174 Eucalyptus robusta. 

Mahogany (White) of New-South-Wales 
(Bth, 3/229), 1174 Eucalyptus robusta. 

Mahogany Tree (Nic. 3/529) (Bs/T/144) 
(Gbl. 153) (Pr. 1/319) (Br. 385) (Cag. 
624)(Mu). 478 Swietenia Mahagoni. 

Mahogany Tree of the West Indies (Muell. 
S.P) (H/E.F). 478 Swietenia Mahagoni. 

(McL. 168), 481 


Mahogany (Bastard) of Victoria (Bth. 
3/229) (Bs/T/328). 1175 Eucalyptus 

Mahogany (Swamp) of Victoria (Bth. 
3/229). 1175 Eucalyptus botryoides, 

Mahogany (Bastard) of Western Australia 
(Bh. 3/209) (GbI. 35). 1179 Eucalyptus 

Mahomedan’s Lime (McL. 475, 628). 
Citrus Aurantium-Bergamia. 

Mahommedan Tooth Brush Tree (McL. 
713). 1799 Salvadora persica. 

Mahratta-Kunbis-(Arbor-generationis of) 
(Cat. 156). 1488  Anthocephalus 

Mahwa (Br. 114) (Cag. 507) (Pf. 48), 
1686 Bassia latifolia. 

Mahwa ot Central India (Cat. 171). 
Bassia latifolia, 

Mahwa of Southern India (Cat. 171), 
1687 Bassia longifolia. 

Mahwah (Ell. 92). 1686 Bassia latifolia. 

Mahwa! Yaipy (McL. 520), 

Maid’s Love (S. 35, 288). 

Maidiukdy (Mch. 468, 473, 508, 999). 
2462 Litszea polyantha. 

Maiden-hair Tree (Gbl, 700) (Cag. 209, 
409) (Nic, 2/68) (S. 208, 179) (Ooty. 
289). 2824 Ginkgo biloba. 

Maiden Oak (S. 258). 278%-a, Quercus 
Robur (pedunculata). 
Maiden Plant (McL. 20). 


Maiden’s Blush Rose (Nic. 5/647) (Mu. 
54). 1099-b. Rosa centifolia (provin- 

Maitnelly (Mcl.. 587). 

Maipak (FAR. 27). 

Majesty (Her) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
N/95, 0/20) (Mu. 53). 1107-g. Rosa hy- 
brida-semperflorens (rosea-albosuffusa- 

Majnoon’s Willow (McL. 945, 1000). 2800 
Salix babylonica, 

Makovloo (McL.* 474). 142 Hydnocarpus 
Wigbtiana (* venenata). 

Malabar (Eugene Myrtle of the Wynaad 
in) (McL. 379, adpd), 1272 Engenia 

Malabar (Iron Wood of) (Bs/T/67). 
Hopea parviflora. 

Malabar Ailanto (McL. 14, 742, 993). 428 
Ailanthus malabarica. 

Malabar Almond (McL. 138, 463). 
Terminalia Catappa. 

Malabar Black Plum (McL. 379, 386, 
adpd). 1254 Eugenia malabarica. 

Malabar Black Varnish (McL. 344). 677 
Holigarna Arnottiana. 



1620 Artemisia 

emlxviii. Aloé 

2592 Fluggea len- 

879 Evodia melizfo- 

994 Bauhinia | 

203 | 


Malabar Black Varnish (McL. 344, adpd). 
cclxvi. Holigarna (genus), 

Malabar Black Wood (Bdn/F.T), (1.F, xxx 
1/3). 882 Dalbergia sissoides. 

Malabar Black Wood (McL. 461, 473, 977, 
995). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Malabar (Long) Cardamom (MeL. 135, 

461). 38004 Elettaria Cardamomum, 
Malabar Cat Mint (MeL, 461,991). 23538 
Anisomeles malabarica. 
Malabar Caoutchouc (McL. 668). 1684 

Dichopsis elliptica. 

Malabar (Glabrous Mohwah of the) Coast 
(McL, 472, 505, 997, adpd), 1688 Bas- 
sia malabarica. 

Malabar Coast Fan Palm (Mc. 294, 
adpd). 3174 Corypha umbraculifera. 

Malabar Cocoanut (Cag. 198), 3228-K. 
Cocos nucifera (malabarica). 

Malabar Convolvulus (McL. 461). 2002 
Argyreia walabarica, 
Malabar Creeper (McL. 461, 998). 2002 

Argyreia malabarica., 
Malabar Creeper (Rid. 69, 132,136) (?). 
2050 Ipomcea tuberosa (?), 

Malabar Croton (MchL, 306, adpd). 26385 
Croton malabaricus, 
Malabar Dragon’s Blood (Red. 2/21) 

(Bdn/F.T). 897 

Malabar Ebony Tree (Bdn/F.T). 
Diospyros assimilis, 

Malabar Gamboge (McL. 299, 473, 749 
874). 172 Carcinia Gambogia. 

Malabar Garcinia (McL.303), 1702 Dios- 
pyros Embryopteris, 
Malabar Glory Lily (McL. 63) (8S. 182, 
258). 3119 Gloriosa superba. 
Malabar Jasmine (McL. 384, adpd). 
Jasminum malabaricum. 

Malabar Jaumoon (Mch. 379, 386, 995). 
1254 Eugenia malabarica. 

Malabar Kino (McL, 418, 461, 473, 977) 

Pterocarpus Marsu- 




(Bdn/F.T). 897 Pterocarpus Marsu- 

Malabar Leaf (Mc. 676). 2406 Piper- 

Malabar Mahogany (Bdn/F.T). 975 Hard- 
wickia pinnata. ‘ 

Malabar (Larger) Melon Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd), 2587 Glochidion ellipticum, 

Malabar (Smaller) Melon Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2584 Glochidion 

Malabar Mangosteen (McL. 3808). 
Diospyros Embryopteris. 


| Malabar Many carpelled Melon Feather- 
1144 | 

foil (McL. 587, adpd), 2574 Glochidion 

Malabar Marking Nut (Mc. 344). 677 
Holigarna Arnottiana. 

Malabar Mountain Ebony (McL 472, 520, 
874, 995). 991 Bauhinia malabarica, 


Malabar Nettle (McL. 171, 361). 
Laportea crenulata, 

Malabar (Small-flowered) Nut (Mch. 6, 
231, 462, 672, Br. 173, adpd). 2267 
Adhatoda Beddomei. 

Malabar Nutmeg (McL, 887, 462, 478, 
1000) (Ell. 401). 2422 Myristica mala- 

Malabar Nut Tree (McL. 6, 231, 462, 472) 
(Br. 178) (Pf. 32). 2266 Adhatoda 

Malabar Parrot Doodooga (Mch, 281). 42 
Polyalthia fragrans. 

Malabar Paulay (McL. 668). 
opsis elliptica. 

Malabar Plum (McL. 363, 462,764), [1231 
Sphalm] 1254 Eugenia malabarica. 

Malabar Poon (McL. 478, 542, 705). 182 
Calophyllum tomentosum. 

Malabar (Van-Rheede’s) Rattan (Hk. 
6/452, adpd). 3212 Calamus Kheedii. 

Malabar Sago Palm (McL. 462, 777) (Br. 


1684 Dich- 

226). 3152 Caryota urens. 

Malabar Semu! (Mci:. 234). 259 Bombax 

Malabar Short-needle Sparsifasciculate 
Asparagus (McL. 5/6, adpd). 3089 
Asparagus leevissimus. 

Malibar Tamarind (Mcu, 299). 172 Gar- 

cinia Cambogia. 

Malabar Three flowered Calycine Man- 
grove (McL. 370, adpd). 1138 Bru- 
guiera malabarica. 

Malakar Wild Arrowroot (Rox. 1/4). 8025 
Clinogyne virgata. 

Maiabar Wrinkled Dog’s Matrix (McL. 
1010, adpd). 967 Cynometra rami- 

Malacca (Rambeh Tree of) (Treas. Bot, 
2/883). dccexxvii. Baccaurea (genus), 

Malacca (Bean of) (McL. 185, 236, 468, 
476). 665 Acacardium occidentale, 

Malacca Almond (Ru/N/6¥). 264 Ster- 
culia fostida, 

Malacca Benzoin (MclL, 84). 

Malacca Cane {McL. 468) (Rid. 265) (Jaf. 
129). 3215 Calamus scipionum, 

Malacca Guava (MeL. 386). 1228 Engenia 

Malacca Jaumoon (McL. 379, 386, 463, 
626, 995). 1228 Eugenia malaccensis. 
Malacca Kidney Bean (Mch. 476) (Nic. 
3/413). 673 Semecarpus Anacardium. 
Malacca Wrinkled Dog’s Matrix. (McL. 
1018, adpd). 969 Cynometra cauli- 


Malacca Yam (McL. 4638, 
Dioscorea sativa. 

Malacca Yam (Cag. 216). 

Melaina-kassia of the Greeks (McL. 208). 
946 Cassia Fistula, 

1750 Styrax 

1001). 3067 

3070 Divscorea 


Malay Almond (McL. 138, 468) (Nic. 4/17). 
1144 Terminalia Catappa. 

Malay Apple (McL.386, 468, 802) (8. 159) 
(Cag. 240) (Bs/T/319) (Bdn/F.T). 1228 
Eugenia malaccensis. 

Malay (Pine of the) Archipelago (Gbl. 
710). 2860 Pinus Merkusii. 

Malay Arrow Poison Tree (MeL, 774). 
2759 Antiaris toxicaria. 

Malay Bete! Palm (Mch. 40, 2381, 675) 
(Hk. 6/406, adpd). 3123 Areca triandra, 

Malay Highteen-parted Penang Lawyer 
(McL. 675, adpd). 3178 Licuala spi- 

Malay Karapa (McL. 238). 

Malay Nine-parted Penang Lawyer (McL. 
675, adpd). 3179 Licuala paludosa, 

Malay Padouk (Mch. 418, 642, 749, 995). 
894 Pterocarpus indicus. 

Malay Red Wood (McL. 468, 469, 793, 
993). 460 Sandoricum indicum. 

Malay Rose Apple (McL, 386, 764, 802). 
1228 Eugenia malaccensis. 

Malay Sandal (McL. 464) (Nic. 3/355). 
460 Sandoricum indicum, 

Malay Upas Tree (McL. 468). 
Antiaris toxicaria. 

Malay (Narrow-leaved Myrobalan of) 
(Bs/T/308, Br. 74, adpd). 1143 Termi- 
nalia Benzoin. 

Malayam Tree (McL, 782). 2526 Santalum 

Malayan Barth Gall (MeL. 507). 
Ophiorrhiza Mungos. 

Malayan Fern Palm (Muell. S.P, adpd). 
2874. Cycas Rumphii. 

Malayan Glabrous Bridal Creeper (Hk. 
4/222, adpd). 2058 Porana volubilis. 
Malayan Lagos Rubber (FAR. 42 to 48, 
MER. 42, NLGS) (Kew Bull. 95). 1832 

Kickxia africana, 

Malayau Sago Palm (Bs/T/848) (Gbl. 728) 
(Cat. 320). 3149 Arenga saccharifera, 

Malays (Pandang of the) (Mc. 650). 
mxxi, Pandanus (genus), 

Malays (Patchac of the) (McL, 657). 
8000 Costus speciosus. 

Male Bamboo (McL. 70, 472, 1002) (#1. 
230) (Bed. 1/229, 235) (Bs/'T/675) 
(Bs/S. 178, SLM) (Gbl. 751) (Cag. 332) 
(Cat. 83%) (Ru/O/12) (Mu. 42) (PA, 139). 
3310 Dendrocalamus strictus. 

Male Fern (8. 259, 287). 3364 Nephrodium 

Male Olibanum (McL. 605). 
Boswellia serrata (glabra). 

Malda Dye (Mc. 464, 470, 1000). 2631 
Manihot utilissima. 

Mal-de-Ojas Tree 
pinia Gilliesii. 
Maldive Cocoa Nut (McL. 198). 

Lodoicea seychellarum. 

476 Carapa 




(Br. 60). 934 Czosal- 



Malkangany (McL. 459, 472, 998), 682 | Mallow 

Celastrus paniculatus, 
Malkangany Oil Tree (Mch. 459). 582 
Celastrus paniculatus. 

Mallata of the Nepalese (McL. 404). 2687 
Mallotus philipinensis, 
Mallow Family (Br, 14) (L/N/S/B). XIX. 

Malvacee (Order). 

Mallow (Alder leaved Morning) (Rox. 

3/174, adpd). 214b. Sida spinosa 
Mallow (Angle leaved Burr). (Mch, 234, 

adpd). 228 Urena lobata, 

Mallow (Bifarious-lance-leaved Morning) 
(Rox. 3/174, adpd). 215 Sida acuta. 

Mallow (Blood-streaked Orange Brazilian 
Evening) (Nic. 1/4, adpd). 219 
Albutilon striatum. 

Mallow (Blue Syrian Rose) (Nic. 1/148) 
(Ru/N/77). 246-c. Hibiscus syriacus 

Mallow (Boule-de-neige Darwin’s) (Nic. 
1/4, Ooty. 201). 218-c. Abutilon Darwini 

Mallow (Burr) (McL. 
Urena (genus). 

Mallow (Cake) (McL. 914). 

Mallow (Chinese Rose) (McL. 83, corr). 
245 Hybiscus mutabilis, 

Mallow (Chinese Rose) (S. 98). 244 
Hibiscus rosa-simenais. 

Mallow (Ceylon Sticky) (McL. 517, adpd). 
232 Pavonia zeylanica. 

Mallow (Common Indian Evening) (McL 
861, 914, adpd), 222 Abutilon indicum. 

Mallow (Country) (W.A.I). 221 Abutilon 

Moullow (Country) (McL. 914) (Br. 251) 
(Ell. 6) (W.A.1) (PA. 156), 222 Abati- 
lon indicum. 

Mallow (Crimson-and-carmine Syrian 
Rose) (Nic. 1/143) (Cag. 653) (Ru/N/77), 
246-2. Hibiscus syriacus (cruenta). 

234, adpd). xe. 

222 Abutilon 

Mallow (Dark-veined-orange Brazilian 
Evening) (Nic. 1/4, adpd). 218. Abuti- 
lon Darwini. 

Matlow (Darwin’s) (Nic. 1/4). 218 Abuti- 

©lon Darwini. 

Mallow (Vorble Flesh-coloured Syrian 
Rese (Nic. 1/143) (Ru/N/77). 246-E. 
Hibiscus syriacus (carnea-plena). 

Mallow (Downy Heart-leaved Morning) 
(Rox. 3/177, adpd). 217 Sida cordifolia, 

Mallow (Double Mauve Syrian Rose) (Nic. 
1/148) (Ru/N/77). 246-b. Hibiscus 
eyriacus (plena). 

Mallow (Double Pink Syrian Rose) (Nic. 
1/148) (Ru//77). 246-d. Hibiscus 
syriacus roseaplena). 

Mallow (Double White Syrian Ross) (Nic. 
1/143) (Ru/N/77). 246-f. Hibiscus 
syriacus (alba-plena), 


(Entire-Obcordate leaved 
Morning’) (Rox. 3/171, adpd), 218 Sida 

Mallow (Evening) (Pr. 1/255, Hk. 1/825, 
adpd). lIxxxix. Abutilon (genus). 

Mallow (Felt leaved Hill Rose) (Hk. 1/387, 
adpd). 2389 Hibiscus canescens. 

Mallow (Five carpelled Evening) (Hk. 
1/825, adpd), 220 Abutilon polyandrum. 

Mallow (Five-winged-capsuled Kos9) (Hk, 
1/331, adpd). 289 (bis.) Hibiscus viti- 

Mallow (Fork bracteoled Prickly Rose) 

(Rox. 3/205, adpd). 235 Hibiscus 

Mallow (Fragrant Sticky (McL. 517, 
adp¢e). 233 Pavonia odorata. 

Mallow (Glabrous-leaved Hill Rose) (Hk. 
1/888, adpd), 240 Hibiscus collinus. 
Mallow (Golden Fleece Darwin’s) (Nic. 
1/4, Ooty. 203). 218-d. Abutilon Dar- 

wini (aureum), 

Mallow (Ground) (Mcl, 68). 

Mallow (Harsh Rhomb-leaved Morning) 
(Hk 1/824,adpd). 216-a. Sida rhom- 
bifolia (scabrida). 

Mallow (Hemp) (McL., 82) (S. 199). 240 
{bis.) Hibiscus cannabinus. 

Mallow (Hemp leaved Rose) (McL. 82, 
adpd). 246 (bis.) Hibiscus cannabinus. 

Mallcw (Hill Rose) (McL. 88, corr). 
240 Hibiscus coliinus. 

Mallow (Indian) (Mch. 67) (Nic. 3/430) 
Ixxxviii. Sida (genus). 
Mallow (Indian) (Nic, 4/124). 


Mallow (Indian) (McL. 361, 914). 222 
Abutilon indicum. 

Mallow (Indian} (8. 2, 213). 
Abutilon (genus). 

Mallow (Indian Marsh) (Mech. 914), 222 
Abutilon indicum. 

Mallow (Jew’s) (S. 221, 
Kerria japonica. 

Mallow (Kidney carpelled Evening) (Hk. 
1/827, adpd). 224 Abutilon muticum, 
Mallow (Lily Rose) (Br. 17, adpd). 249 

Hibiscus liliiflorus. 

Mailow (Lobe leaved Burr) (McL. 234, 
adpd). 229 Urena sinuata. 

Mallow (Lobed leaved Mysore) (Hk. 
1/332,adpd). 2384 Decaschistia trilobata. 

Mallow (Mauve Syrian Rose) (Nic. 1/148) 
(Ru/N/77). 246-a, Hibiscus syriacus 
(ty pica). 

Mallow (Membranous-carpelled Evening) 
(Hk. 1/328, adpd). 225 Abntilon 

Mallow (Morning) (Pr. 1/255, Hk. 1/825, 
adpd). Ixxxviii. Sida (genus), 

Mailow (Mountain Ten carpelled Evening) 
(Hk. 1/328, adpd). 227 Abutilon neil- 

217 Sida 

xc. Urena 


235). 1109 


Mallow (Mysore) (W.A.I, adpd). xcii. 
Decaschistia (enus). 

Mallow (Mysore Velvetty) (W.A.I, adpd). 
xcii. Decaschistia (genus). 

Mallow (Narrow Rhomb leaved Morning) | 
(Rox. 3/176, adpd). 216-c. Sida rhom- 
bifolia (rhom| oidea). | 

Mallow (Panicled) (Hk. 1/348, adpd). 
xciv. Kydia (genus). 

Mallow (Peach-tinted Panicled) (Hk. 
1/348). 256 Kydia calycina. 

Mallow (Peepul leaved Evening) (McL. | 
914, adpd). 220 Abutilon polyandrum. 

Mallow (Peltate leaved Evening) (Hk. 
1/328, adpd), 227 Abutilon neil | 

Mallow (Pink-tinged Sticky) (McL. 517, | 
adpd). 283 Pavonia odorata, 

Mallow (Poplar) (McL. 712). 252 Thes- | 
pesia populnea. 

Mallow (Popiarleaved Tulip) (McL. 712, | 
adpd). 252 Thespesia populnea. 

Mallow (Pure White Darwin’s) (Nic. 1/4, 
adpd). 218-c. Abnutilon Darwini | 

Mallow (tied and Pink Darwie’s) (Nic. 
1/5, Ooty. 264). 218-e. Abutilon Darwini | 

Mallow (Rhomb leaved Morning) (Rox. 
3/177, adpd). 216 Sida rhombifolia. 
Mallow (Rose) (McL. 82) (8.199, 375) | 

xciii. Hibiscus (genus). 

Mallow (Rose-coloured Stirky) (MeL. 
517, adpd). 232 Pavonia zeylanica. 

Mallow (Round leaved Burr) (McL. 234, 

adpd). 280 Urena repands. 
Mallow (Rounded carpelled Evening) | 
(Hk. 1/327, adpd). 223 Abutilon 

Mallow (Sea-coast Rose) (Mc. 82, adpd). 
24] Hibiscus tiliaceus. 

Mallow (Serrate Otcordate-ieaved 
Morning) (Rox. 3/177, adpd). 216-b. 
Sida rhombifolia (retusa). 

Mallow (Small Elliptic-leayed Morning) 
(Hk. 1/824, adpd). 216-e. Sida rhom- 
bifolia (microphylla). 

Mallow (Small-leaved Evening) (Hk. 
1/328, adpd). 226 Abutilon fruticosum. 

Mallow (Smalj-prrple Rose) (McL. 83, 
corr), 237 Hibiscus hirtus. 

Mallow (Spreading Rose) (McL. 88, 943, 

- adpd). 238 (bis,.) Hibiscus ficulneus. 

Mallow (Sticky) (McL. 517, adpd). xci. 
Pavonia (genus). 

Mallow (Sticky Heart lesved Morning) 
(Rux. 8/172, adpd). 212 Sida my- 

Mallow (Strong-scented Evening) (McL. 
914, adpd). 223 Abutilon graveolens. 
Mallow (Syrian Rose) (McL. 83, 867, Br. 

17, corr). 246 Hibiscus syriacus. 

Mallow (Ten carpelled Evening) (Hk. 

1/328, adpd). 226 Abutilon fruticosum. 


Mallow (Three pointed Tulip) (McL. 712, 
adpd). 251 Thespesia Lampas. 

Mallow (Tooth-tipped Wedge leaved 
Morning) (Hk. 1/824, alpd). 216-d. 
Sida rhomaifolia (obovata). 

Mallow (Tooth-leaved Mysore)(Hk. 1/332, 

acpd). 235 Decaschistia crotonifolia. 
Mallow (Triglandular Heart leaved 
Morning) (Rox. 3/174, adpd). 214-a. 

Sida spinosa (alba). 
Mallow (Tulip) (McL. 712, adpd). 
Thespesia (genus). 

Ma!low (Vine leaved Rose) (McL. 84, 943, 
adpd) 28% (bis.) Hibiscus vitifolius. 
Mallow (White-swall-flowered Rose) (Hk. 

1/336, adpd). 238 Hibiscas micranthus. 

Mallow (White Wild Musk) (McL. 83, 
943, adpd). 288 (bis.) | Hibiscus 

Mallow (Wrinkled leaved Evening) (Hk. 
1/326, adpd). 221 Abutilon asiaticum. 

Mallow (Yeliow-mottled Maple leaved 
Darwin’s) (Nic. 1/4, adpd). 218-b. 
Abutilon Darwini (Sellovianum-mar- 

Mallow (Yellow Sticky) (McL. 517, adpd). 
231 Pavonia glechomifolia. 

Mallow (Tree) of Europe (Muell. S.P.) 
(Cag. 650) (Nic. 2/289) (S. 234, 435). 
210 Lavatera arborea. 

Mallows (Jews’) (McL. 399). 
chorus (genus). 

Mallowworts (McL. 1005) XIX. Mal- 
vacez (order). 


cxxii. Cor- 

Malmaison (Souvenir de la) Rose (Nic. 
3/325) (Cag. 598) (Ru/O/22) (Hod). 
1106-c. Rosa  barbonica (carnea- 


Malmaison-rouge Ros3 (Ra/N/91, 0/21) 
(Mu. 56), 1106-d. Rosa borbonica 

Malortie’s Orange-banded Golden-flowered 
Costus Root (Nic. 1/387). 3002 Costus 

Malta Lemon (Bon). 410-a. Citrus medica- 
Limonum (typica). 

Malta Orange (Bon. 24, 218). 417-a. 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (typica), 

Maltese Edible Prickly Pear (AR. 28 to 
30, 84to 37, NEL) (Cat. 154). 1388 
Opuntia vulgaris. 

Majum-cotoneum of the Romans (MeL. 
79). 1111 Cydonia vulgaris. 

Malum-insanum of the Romans (McL. 107). 
2084 Solanum melcngena, 

Maman Cochet Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Rn/N/95). 1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea- 

Maman (White) Cochet Rose (Ru/N/95). 
1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea-luteo- 

Mammoth Pine of California (S. 393), 
2826 Sequoia gigantea. 



Mammoth Tree (Muell. 8.P) (Gbl. 750). 
2826 Sequoia gigantea. 

Mammoth Tree of California (Nic, 3/422) 
(S. 260, 398) (Cag. 410). 2826 Sequoia 

Mammoth Trees (S, 393). 

Man (Old) (8.35). dxxviii, Artemisia 

Man (Old) (Nic. 1/115). 

emiii. Sequoia 

1620 Artemisia 

Mandarin (True) Qrange (Nic. 1/3385) 
(Bon. 58) (8. 100). 420C-a. Citrus 

nobilis (major). 

Mandarin Orange of India and Ceylon 
(Bon. 53, 358). 418-a. Citrus Aurantiom- 
nobilis (chrysocarpa). 

Mandey (McL. 4€6, 997). dexli Ceropegia 


Mandioc (McL. 464) (Rid. 131, 157) (Cag. 
147) (Cat. 255). 2631 Manibot 

Manelly (McL. 578). 7465 Indigofera 

Manettia (Heart leaved) (Br. 98). 
Manettia cordifolia 

Manga (McL. 291). 

Mangle (McL. 470). 

Mango (McL, 467, 473, 994) (Cag. 258) 
(Cat. 79) (Br. 45) (Nic. 2/328) 
(Ru/N/52, O/9) (Mu) (Jaf. 68) (Pfi. 405) 
(Ell. 376) (Rox. 1/641) (Bed. 1/78, 2/162) 
(Bs/T/206) (G&bl. 211) (Bdn/F.T. L) 
(W. 1, 2, 34, 49, 57, 68, 93, 96, 97, 101, 
108, 122, 123, 124). 663 Mangifera 

Mango (Black Beetle) (McL. 468). 
Semecarpus Anacardium. 

Mango (Bald) (McL. 468). 

Mango (Buchanan’s Decandreus) (Hk. 
2/8, adpd). cclxii. Buchanania (genus). 

Mango (Christian’s) (McL. 135, 468). 665 
Anacardium occidentale. 

Mango (Common) (McL. 467). 663 
Mangifera indica. 

Mango (Heshwara’s) (McL. 468, 469). 
178 Garcinia Xanthochynus. 

1498 Randia dume- 

1130 Rhizophora 


2750 Ficus 

Mango (Erect-draped) (W.A.1).  celxvii. 
Nothopegia (genus). 
Mango (Fibre) (McL. 468, 540) (7). 

2462 Litsza polyantha (?). 
Mango (Fig) (McL. 468, 473, 994). 
Hemigyrosa canescens. 
Mango (Forest) (McL 466). 
nania latifolia 

Mango (Forest) (MeL, 469). 1818 Cerbera 

Mango (Green) (McL. 469). 685 Spondi- 
as mangifera. 

Mango (Gummy) (Mch. 469). 
cardium occidentale. 



667 Bucha- 

665 Ana- 


Mango (Hill) (McL. 416, 469). 443 Bal- 
sarmodendron caudatum. 

Mango (Inferior) (McL. 468). 
vifera sylvatica. 

Mango (Java) (Treas. Bot. 1/536). 
Gluta (genus. 

Mango (Journey) (McL. 333,469) (?). 
1222 Psidium Guyava (?). 

Mango (Jungle) (McL. 177). 667 Bucha« 
nania latifolia. 

Mango (Jungle) (Mech. 469, 622). 
Cerbera Odollam. 

Mango (Juicy) (McL. 469). 
nania latifolia. 

Mango  (Long-leathery-downy-glabrute- 
backed Broad-oblong-obtuse-leaved 
Buckanan’s (Hk. 2/23, adpd). 667 
Buchanania latifolia. 

Mango (Long-opposite-submembranous- 
rufous-villous-midribbed Linear-obtuse- 
leaved Mrect-druped) (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 
683 Nothopegia anreofulya. 

Mango (Long-submembranous-downy- 
midribbed Elliptic-lance-acuminate- 
leaved Erect-druped) (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 
682 Nothopegia travancorica. 

Mango (Mediurm-leathery Elliptic-lance- 
acute-to-cuspidate-leaved Buchanan’s) 
(Hk. 2/24, adpd). 670 Buchanania 

Mango (Medium-leathery linear-oblong- 
to-elliptic-lance-obtuse-leaved Bucha- 
nan’s) (Hk. 2/23, adpd). 668 Bucha- 
nania angustifolia. 

Mango (Medium-leathery obovate-elliptic- 
acute-leaved Java) (Bed. 2/60, adpd). 
666 Gluta travancorica. 

Mango (Medium-leathery-whitish-backed 
Elliptic-cblong-acuminate-leaved Erect- 
druped) (Hk. 2/40, adpd), 681-a. 
Nothopegia Colebrookiana (typica). 

Mango (Medium-leathery-whitish-backed 

664 Man- 


657 Bucha- 

ovate-oblong-cuspidate-leaved Hrect- 
druped) (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 681-c. 
Nothopegia Colebrookiana (macro- 

Mango (Medium-membranous obovate- 

spathulate-obtuse-leaved Buchanan’s) 
(Kk. 2/24, adpd). 669 Buchanania 
lucida (intermedia). 

Mango (Papaw) (Mc, 469, 650). 
Carica Papaya. 

Mango (Pentandrous Spathe-calyxed) 
(Hk. 2/8, adpd). cclxi. Gluta (genus). 

Mango (Portuguese) (McL. 135, 469). 
665 Anacardium occidentale. 

Mango (Pot) (McL, 135). 665 Anacar- 
dium occidentale. 

Mango (Red) (Mcl, 749). Ixviii. Garcinia 

Mango (Red) (McL. 469). 171 Garcinia 

Mango (Saffron) (McL. 469). 1276 Careya 



Mango (Sheath) (McL. 468). 664 Mangi- 
fera sylvatica. 

Mango (Ship) (MchL. 135, 
Anacardium occidentale. 

469). 665 

Mango  (Small-leathery- whitish-backed 
Elliptic-oblong-obtuse-leaved Erect- 
druped) (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 681-b. 

Nothopegia Colebrookiana (Heyneana). 

Mango (Stone) (McL. 16, 469) (?). 1420 
Alangium Lamarckii (?). 
Mango (Wild) (McL. 468). 664 Mangifera 

Mango (Wild) (McL. 27, 469, 994) (Ell. 
529). 685 Spondias mangifera. 

Manzo (Wild) (McL. 500) (?). 2462 
Litseea polyantha (?). 

Mango (Yellow) (MeL. 469). 685 Spon- 
dias mangifera. 

Mango Jasmine (McL. 383). 1776 Nyc 

tanthes arbor-tristis. 

Mango (Common Grey) Laurel (MeL. 
468, 500, corr). 2462 Litsza poly- 

Mango (Glabrous Grey) Laurel (McL, 500, 
adpd). 2461 Litseea venulosa. 

Mango (Grey) Laurel (McL. 500, corr). 
declxxxiii. Litszea (genus). 

Mango-like Cerbera (McL. S69). 
Yaberreemontana dichotoma. 

Mango (Hill) of the Nilgiris (Gbl. 296) 
(Bed. 1/77). 653 Meliosma Wightii. 


Mangostan (Mate) (Rox. 2/625). 171 
Garcinia indica, 

Mangosteen Family (L/N/S/B). XV. 
Gottifere (Order). 

Mangosteen (McL. 749). Ixviii. Garcinia 

Mangosteen (McL. 469, 478, 749) (Cag. 

289) (Rid. 128) (Ooty. 39) (Bed. 1/20) 
(Bs/T/49) (Gbl. 52) (Bdn/F.T) (Nie. 
2/43) (S. 261). 170 Garcinia Mango- 

Mangosteen (Common) (MeL. 469), 170 
Garcinia Mangostana. 
Mangosteen (False) (McL. 464, 469). 

460 Sandoricum indicum. 
Mangosteen (False) (Mc. 303, adpd). 
1702 Diospyros Embryopteris. 
Mangosteen (Malabar) (McL, 303). 
Diospyros Embryopteris. 
Mangosteen (Mate) (MchL. 469, 478, 484, 


519, 749) (Bl. 293) (Pf. 410). 171 
Garcinia indica. 

Mangoste2n (Persian) (McL. 303). 1702 
Diospyros Empbryopteris. 

Mangosteen (Wild) (McbL. 464). 460 

Sandoricum indicum. 

Mangosteen (Wild) (Rid. 126) (Gb. 54), 
171 Garcinia indica. 

Mangosteen (Wild) (McL. 308) (Ell. 254). 
1702 Diospyros Embryopteris, 

Mangosteen (Yellow) (McL. 463, 473, 749, 
874). 178 Garcinia Xanthochymus, 


Mangrove Family (L/N/S/B). XLVII. 
Rhizophoracez (Order). 
Mangrove (Punctate White) Family (Nic. 

2/402, L/N/S/B, adpd), LXXXIV. 
Myoporaceze (Order}. 

Mangrove (McL. 470) (Bed. 1/98). 
eecxcvi. Ceriops (genus). 

Mangrove (McL. 470) (Bed. 1/98). 

cecxevii. Kandelia (genus). 

Mangrove (Tubular calyxed) (McL. 470, 
adpd). cccxeviii. Brugniera (genus). 
Mangrove (Calycine) (McL. 470. adpd). 
ecexcviii. Bruguiera (genus), 
Mangrove (Mch. 470) (?). 
Manihot (genus) (?) 
Mangrove (McL. 470). ccexcix. Carallia 

Mangrove (Mcl. 

Avicennia (genus). 
Mangrove (McL. 470) (Nic. 2/290) (Bed. 


470). deexxxyiii. 

1/98) (Bdn/L). cccxey. Rhizophora 
Mangrove (McL. 470) (Bed, 1/98). 

ececxcvili. Bruguiera (genus), 
Mangrove (McL. 470). cdyv. Lumnitzera 

Mangrove (W. 59). 23384 Ayicennia 
Mangrove (Acuminate leaved) (KSN) 
(GDV) (GTR). 2334-c, Avicennia 

officinalis (acuminata ?) 

Mangrove (Axil flowered Inland) (McL. 
470, adpd). 1141 Weihea zeylanica. 
Mangrove (Black barked Obtuse leaved) 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR). 2334-d. Avi- 

cennia officinalis (melanophicea.) 

Mangrove (Brown barked Acute leayed) 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR). 2384b, Avi- 
cennia officinalis (alba), 

Mangrove (Candle) (McL. 470, 995). 11384 
Candila Rheedii. 

Mangrove (Candel) (McL. 473). (? 1134) 
1135 Bruguiera gymnorhiza. 

Mangrove (Candelaria) (McL. 470), [1130 
Sphalm]. 1131 Rhizophora conjugata. 

Mangrove (Capitate cymed) (McL. 470, 
adpd). 1133 Ceriops Roxburghiana. 

Mangrove (Canrally) (McL, 470, 473, 995). 
1140 Carallia integerrima. 

Mangrove (Ceylon Inland True) (McL, 470, 
adpd}. Weihea zeylanica, 

Mangrove (China) (MeL. 470). 
manihot utilissima. 

Mangrove (Common Indian) (McL, 470). 
2334 Avicennia officinalis. 

Mangrove (Common Inland True) (McL. 
470, adpd). 1140 Carallia integerrima, 

Mangrove (Compound Cymed) (McL. 470, 
adpd), 1132 Ceriops Candolleana, 

Mangrove (Corymbose Inland True) (Mch. 
470, adpd). 1142 Blepharistemma 
cory mbosum. 

Mangrove (Dichotomous cymed) (McL. 
470, adpd), 11384 Kandelia Rheedii, 



Mangrove (Goat’s-horn) (Nic. 1/80, Treas, 
Bot. 1/22, adpd). dlii. Agiceras 

_ Mangrove (Madagascar) (McL. 470, 473, 
925). 1156 Lumnitzera racemosa. 

Mangrove (Malabar Three flowered Caly- 
cine) (McL. 370, adpd). 1138 Brugniera 

Mangrove (New Zealand) (McL. 470). 
2334 Avicennia officinalis. 

Mangrove (Ooppata) (McL, 231, 470, 999). 
2354 Avicennia officinalis. 

Mangrove (Papery barked (btuse leaved) 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR). 2334-2. Avi- 
cennia officinalis (typica). 

Mangrove (Punctate White) (Nic. 2/402, 
L/N/S/B, adpd). 2272 Myoporum 

Mangrove (Simple cymed) (McL. 470, 
adpd). 1130 Rhizophora macronata. 

Mangrove (Single flowered Calycine) 
(McL. 470, adpd). 1135 Bruguiera 

Mangrcve (Single Hairy flowered Caly- 
cine) (McL. 470, adpd). 1136 Brugnu- 
iera eriopetaia. 

Mangrove (Sma!l-leathery Obovate-cu- 
neate-obtuse-leaved Goat’s-horn) (Hk. 
3/533, adpd). 1675 ASgiceras majus. 

Mangrove (Three flowered Calycine (McL. 
470, adpd). 1137 Bruguiera caryo- 

Mangrove (Trichotomous cymed) (MclL. 
470, adpd). 1140 Carallia integerrima. 

Mangrove (Trichotomous flowered Caly- 
cine) (McL. 470, adpd). 1139 Bru- 
guiera parviflora. 

Mangrove (True) (Bth. 2/493) (Ol. 2/410). 
ccexeviii. Bruguiera (genus). 

Mangrove (True) (Bth. 2/493). 

Mangrove( {'rue) (Bth. 2/493) (Ol, 2/408). 
eeexey. Rhizophora (genus). 

Mangrove (Tree) (MchL. 122). ccexcvii. 
Kandelia (genus). 

Mangrove (Tree) (McL. 470, 995). 
Bruguiera gymnorhiza. 

Mangrove (Twin flowered) (McL, 470, 
adpd). 1131 Rhizophora conjugata. 

Manzrove (Western Ghauts Inland) 
(McL. 470, adpd). 1142 Blepharis- 
temma corymbosum. 



Mangrove (White) (McL. 470) (L/N/S/B) | 

(Ell. deesxvviii. Avicennia 



Mangrove (White Candel) (Mch. 470, 704, 

Mangroves (McL, 1007). 
phoracev (Order). 
Manihot (Br. 1938). 
Manilla (Lime Berry Tree of) (Nic. 4/91). 
398 Triphasia trifvliata. 


1130 Rhizophora mucronata. 
XLVITI. Rhizo- 

2631 Manihot utilis- 


Manilla Cauray (McL. 664), 1692 Mimu 
sops Kauki, 

Manilla Custard Apple (McL. 35). 
Anona reticulata. 

Manilla Elemi Plant (McL. 287). 446 
Canarium commune, 

Manilla Hump (Br. 215) (Cag. 878) (Cat. 
323) (Ru/O/35) (McL. 470, 688) (Gbl. 
723). 3037 Musa textilis. 

Manilla Indigo (McL. 370), 

Manilla Lime (McL. 435). 

Manilla Tamarind (McL, 226, 470) (Ell. 
332) (PA. 215) (Bed. 2/188) (Cag. 630) 
(Cat. 127). 1052 Pithecolobium dulce. 

Manioe (McL. 464) (Nic. 1/322) (Ell. 347) 
(Cat, 255). 2631 Manihot utilissima, 

Manjalcondray (McL. 208). 958 Cassia 

Manly-Beach Stringy Bark (Bth. 3/208). 
]202 Eucalyptus pilularis. 


58 Anona 

398 Triphasia 

Manna (Arabian) (McL. 37, 911, 994). 
783 Alhagi camelorum. 
Manna (Calabrian) (Mch, 471). 1779 

Fi axinus Ornus, 
Manna (Hebrew) (McL, 38). 783 Alhagi 


Manna (Persian) (McL, 38). 783 Alhagi 
Manna (Sicilian) (McL. 471). 1779 

Fraxinus Ornus. 

Manna Ash (Meell. S.P) (McL. 471) (Nic. 
2/24) (8. 170, 261). 1779 Fraxinus 

Manna Gum 
(Ooty. 281), 

(Bth. 3/240) (Nic. 354) 
1186 Eucalyptus vimina- 

Marna Jhow (McL. 391, 522, 992). 162 
Tamarix gallica. 

Manna Plant (S. 423). Ivi. Tamarix 

Manuka (New Zealand) (Maid. OC.T) 
(Treas. Bot. 2/674). cdxiv. Leptos- 

permum (genus). 

Many-arillate-seeded Obliquely-grooved- 
podded Dholl (Hk. 2/60, adpd). 
ceexviii. Atylosia (genus). 

Many (Malabar) Carpelled Melon Feather- 

foil (McL. 578, adpd). 2574 Glochidion 

Many (Northern) Carpelled Melon 
Featherfoil (MchL. 578, adpd). 2574 

(bis.) Glochidion multiloculare. 

Many-ensiform-lobed Pinnatifid-perforate 
Climbing Arum (Hk. 6/549, adpd). 3272 
Epipremnum mirabile, . 

Many flowered Bindweed,(McL. 120, adpd). 
2042 Ipomcea staphylina. 

Many flowered Jasmine (Mc, 384). 
Jasmioum pubescens, 

Many flowered Kizhanelly (McL, 701). 
2557 Phyllanthus reticulatus, 



Many flowered Rose (Br. 72), 

Many flowered Snake Dog-bane (MclL. 
842, adpd). 1812 Rauwolfia densiflora. 

Many (8-7)-free-styled Ivy of Arerica 
(Treas. Bot. 2/1823). cdlxi. Oreopanax 

Many leaved Dwarf Senna (MclL. 155, 
adpd). 966 Cassia mimosoides. 
Many leaved Phyllanthus (McL. 587). 

2559 Phyllanthus polyphyllus. 

Many leaved Spathe Trumpet Tree (McL. 
664, adpd), 2185 Dolichandrone arcuata. 

Many (Downy) leaved Tree of Beauty (Hk. 
1/557, adpd), 464 Aglaia minutiflora. 

— Many (Glossy) Jeaved Tree of Beauty (Gbl. 
150, adpd). 463 Agaia Maiz. 

tate, Vervein Climber (Hk. 4/561, adpd), 
dcexxxv. Symphorema (genus). 

Many-(8-10 prs)-nerved Beech-leaved Hop 
Dholl (Bs/T/231, adpd). 870-a. Flemin- 
gea strobilifera (typica). 

Many-oblanceolate-lobed Pinnatifid per- 
forate Climbing Arum (Nic. 2/380, 
adpd). 38273 Monstera deliciosa. 

Many ovuled Draczena (Hk, 6/300, 331). 
(Nic. 1/489 to 491). cmlxy. Cordyline 

Many (Himalayan) parted Penang Lawyer 

1085 Rosa 

(McL. 675. adpd). 3181 Licuala peltata. | 
808 | 

Many seeded Desmodium (Br. 52). 
Desmodium polycarpum. 

Many (4-5)-seeded lLarger-druped Honey- 
thorn (Hk. 3/136, adpd). dy. Vangueria 

Many-seeded Nail-Dye (Hk. 4/888, adpd). 

decii. Stenosiphonium (genus). 

Many-seeded Obliquely-grooved podded 
Dholl (Hk, 2/60, adpd). cccxix. Cajanus 

Many-seeded (Long-Straight) 
Brasiletto (Treas. Bot 1/3816), 
Colvillea (genus). 

Many-seeded racemed or panicled Wind- 


berry (Hk. 3/507, adpd). dxlvii. Mesa 

Many-seeded Sweet Thorn (Hk. 1/192, 
adpd). liv. Flacourtia (genus). 

Many-seeded Ungrooved podded Dholl (Hk. 
2/60, adpd). ccexx. Dunbaria (genus). 
Many-Spathed (Stemless Non-flagelli- 
ferous Persistent) Rattan (Hk. 6/404, 
adpd). mix, Zalacca (genus). 

Many Spined Flacourtia (MeL. 362), 
Flacourtia cataphracta. 

Many Spined Prickly Pear (Br. 91, adpd). 
1379 Opuntia spinosissinia, 

Many-stamened Oblong-druped Chinese 
Laurel (Hk. 5/241, adpd). deccxxy. 
Daphniphyllum (genus). 

Many-(8-24)-stamened One-seeded-druped- 
Child’s Amulet Tree (Hk. 5/241, adpd). 
decex. Hemicyclia (genus), 

Maple (Nic. 1/9) (S. 4). ecl, Acer (genus). 


Six-bracted-capi- | 


Maple (Five-(5-7)-lobed Him alayan) (Hk. 

1/696, adpd) (FAR. 26 to 30, 37 to 42, 
NLGS). 684 Acer Campbellii. 

Maple (Green Triplinerved Himalayan) 
(Hk, 1/693, adpd)(FAR, 26 to 30,NLGS). 
646 Acer lwvigatum. 

Maple (Himalayan) (Bed. 1/70). 
Acer oblongum., 

Maple (Norway) (Mnell. 8.P) (Nic. 1/10) 
(S. 4, 294) (Gbl. 192) (FAR. 10, NLGS). 
645 Acer platanoides, 

Maple (Quintuplinerved Himalayan) (Hk. 
1/694, adpd) (FAR. 27 to 30, NLGS). 
647 Acer Hookeri. 

Maple (Silvery Triplinerved Himalayan) 
(Hk. 1/693, adpd) (FAR. 28, 29, NLGS). 
643 Acer oblongum. 

Maple (Sveamore) (Muell. §.P), 644 Acer 

Maple (Yellow-mottled) leaved Darwin’s 
Mallow (Nic. 1/4, adpd). 218-b. Abuti- 
lon Darwinia (Selloviannm-marmora- 

Maple leaved Lance Wood (McL. 405, 484, 
adpd). 284 Pterospermum acerifolium. 

Maple leaved Pterospermum (Mech. 405, 
454), 284 Pterospermum acerifolium. 

Maqueequee of Sierra-leone (Ol. 2/498). 
cdxliv. Homalium (genus). 

Maragogipe Coftee (Ooty. 28) (Trop. Agr. 


xx/11). 1548-b. Coffea arabica (mara- 

Marmanjal (McL. 120). 82 Coscinium 

Maranham Cotton (McL.2384). 2654-b. 
Gossypum barbadense (acuminatum). 
Maravetty (McL.* 474). 142 Hydnocar- 

pus Wightiana (* yenenata). 

Maravelly Tree (McL, 464). 2631 Manihot 

Marble Bean (Br. 258). 927 Czsalpinia 

Marbled Dumb Cane (Cag. 827) (Ru/N/ 
111). 8265-d. Dieffenbachia picta (mar- 

Marchioness of Dufferin Rose (Nic. 
5/646) (Mu. 64). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea). 

Maréchul Niel Rose (Nic. 8/325) (Cag. 608) 
(Hod) (Ru/N/91, 0/21) (Mu. 56) (Po). 
1108-]. Rosa Noisettiana (odorata- 

Maréchal Vaillant Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod). 
1107-k. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Margaret Dickson Rose (Ru/N/95, 0/21). 
1107-d. Rosa bybrida-semperflorens 
(albida-intus- carnea). 

Marginal-indusiate Linear-sori-subconti- 
naous-margined| Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
mlv. rteris (genus). 

Marginally-iadusiate Sori-covering-sub- 
entirely under-surface-of fertile-fronds 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). mixiy. Lomaria 

Marginate-petioled (Trifoliate-downy- 
backed-papery-small §obovate-obtnse- 
digitate-leaved) Dholl Shrub (Hk, 2/229, 
adpd). 878 Flemingia Wallichii. 

Margined (Green) and blotched Creamy 
Arrowroot (Nic. 1/227), 3620 Calathea 

Margined (Chocolate) and stalked Mauri- 

Margined(Red) Pagoda flower (Nic. 3/170, 
adpd). 1827 Plumeria tricolor. 

Margined (Orbicular Green) Rosy Arrow- 
root (Nic. 1/238). 3022 Calathea roseo- 

Margined (Green) White feathered Arrow- 
root (Nic. 1/237). 3026 Culathea 

Margosa (McL, 473, 484, 577) (Br. 34) (PA. 

~ 874) (W.12, 13, 14, 81, 53, 68) (Gbl. 143) 
(Bdn/F.T. L) (Bed. 2/13)  (Bs/S/114, 
OPT) (Cat. 61) (Pr. 1/314), 452 
Azadirachta indica. 

Margosaof the Portuguese (Mch. 577), 
452 Azadirachta indica. 

Margottin (Gloire de) Rose (Ru/N/95), 
1107-i. Rosa hybrida semperflorens 

Margottin (Jules) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Mu. 53). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (vosea-cerasirubro- 

Margottin (Madame-Jules) Rose (Cag. 601) 
(Ru/N/91) (Mu. 55). 1105-e. Rosa odo- 
rata (citrina-intus-albocarnea), 

Margoza (Bs/T/139). 452 Azadirachta 

Marguérite (8.97, 261) (Cag. 527) (Mu). 
1618 Chrysanthemum brutescens. 

Marguérite de St. Amand Rose (Nice. 3/324) 
(Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (carnea-nitida), 

Marguérite Dombrain Rose (Cag. 596) 
(Hod). 3107-g. Resa hybrida-semper- 
florens (rosea-sericenitens). 

Mari (Tree of) Goddess of small-pog (Cat. 
41). 315 Grewia orbiculata. 

Marie Baumann Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/91, 0/21) (Br. 697). 1107-1. 

Rosa hybrida semperflorens (coccinea- ! 


Marie Ducher Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/98) 
(Mu. 65). 1105-n, Rosa odorata (cinna-~ 

Marie Guillot Rose (Ru/N/81, O/21) (Mu, 
55). 1105.d. Rosa odorata (alvida-luteo- 

; tins Palm (Nic, 2/287). 8227 Latania 

Margined (Rose) Copper Leaf (Mob. 465, 
Ru/N/112, udpd). 2668 Acalypha 

Margined (White) Copper Leaf (MeL. 465, 
Ru/N/112, adpa) 2662 Acalypha | 



Marie Van-Houtte Rose 
(Ru/N/93, O/21) (Mu. 
1105-L, Rosa 

Marjoram (Indian) (MeL, 732). 
Pogostemon (genus). 

(Nic. 3/324) 
55) (Hod) (Po), 

odorata (citrina-roseo- 


Marking Fruit Tree (MeL. 476). 673 
Semecarpus Anacardinm, 
Marking Nut (McL. 476). ccelxv. Seme- 

carpus (genus). 

Marking Nut (Mc, 231, 463, 473, 476, 834, 
994) (Br. 45) (Bed. 2/166) (Rox. 2/83) 
(Bs/ 1/207) (GblL. 220) (Bdn/ F.T. L} 
(Ell. 506) (Tat. 79) (PA. 405 W.1./43, 68, 
107). 673 Semecarpus Anacardium, 

Marking (Anricled leayed Glabrous) Nut 
(McL. 476, adpd). 675 Semecarpus 

Marking (Common) Nut (McL. 476). 673 
Semecarpus Anacardium. 

Marking (Foreign) Nut (McL. 185). 665 
Anacardium occidentale. 

Marking (Glabrous) Nut (McL.476, adpd), 
67 Semecarpus travancorica. 

Marking-nut (Heart or-rounded-based- 
downy leaved) (Hk, 2/81 adpd). 678-a. 
Semecarpus Anacardium (typica). 

Marking (Jungle) Nut (McL. 344). 677 
Holigaraa Arnottiana. 

Marking (Lowly) Nut (McL. 380), 2696 
Baliospermum axillare. 
Marking (Malabar) Nat (McL. 344). 677 

Holigarna Arnottiana, 

Marking (Turkish) Nut (McL. 135). 665 
Anacardium occidentale, 

Marking-nut (Wedge-based-downy leaved) 

(Hk. 2/31, adpd). 673-b, Semecarpus 
Anacardium (cuneifolia), 
Mark Nut Tree (McbL. 476). 673 Seme- 

carpus Anacardium. 

Maroni River Brinjal (Nic, 3/454), 
Solanum maroniense, 

Marookkauray (MeL. 291). 

Marool (Acid leaved) (MeL. &3), 
(bis.) Hibiscus cannabinus. 

Maroon Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Ku/N/19, 
20) (Mu. 52). 1107-1. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorers (atrosanguinea),. 

Maroon (Purple shaded) Hy brid-perpetual 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/98, 
0/22) (Mn. 54). 1107-1. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (atrosanguinea-purpureo- 

Maroon (Scarlet-Shaded) Hybrid-perpetua. 
Rose (Nic, 3/824) (Ru/O/i8), 1107-1, 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (atrosan- 


1498 Randia 



Maroon (Velvetty Carmine-shaded) 
Hybrid perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/824) 
(Cag. 596) (Ru/N/9+, 0/22) (Hod) (Mu. 
54). 1107-1. Kosa  hybrida-semper- 
florens (atrosanguinea-kermessino- 

Maroon leayed Purple-calyxed-Yellow, 
Indian Shot (Nic. 1/2€2). 3034 Canna 

Marootham (McL. 477). 2779 (bis.) 

Myrica Nagi, 
Marootham (Black) (MeL. 530). 
Terminalia tomentosa. 
Marootham Bark (Mech. 477). 
Myrica Nagi. 
Maroti (Bdn/F.T). 
Marotty (McL. * 474, 992). 142 Hydno- 
carpus Wightiana (* venenata). 
Marotty (Fragrant) (McL. 169). 
Gynocardia odorata. 

Marrow (Vegetable) Tree (Nic. 2/82). 
2441 Persea gratissima, 
Marseilles Fig (Nic, 2/15). 


2779 (bis.) 
142 Hydnocarpus 


2752 Ficus 

Marsh Cistus (S. 262) (Nic. 2/247). 1651 
Ledum palustre. 

Marsh Date (McL. 418, 1001). 3169 
Phoenix paludosa. 

Marsh (Giant) Love Grass (Treas. Bot. 
1/549 (Hk. 7/8, adpd), mxl. Myrios- 
tachya (genus). 

Marsh (Indian) Mallow (McL. 914). 222 

Abutilon indicum. 

Marsh Nut (McL. 476). 

Marsh Rosemary 
Pieris (genus). 

Marsh Rosemary (S. 
Ledum palustre. 

Marsh (Medium-pilose-glabrate-backed 
Ovate-Hlliptic-acute-leaved) Rosemary 
(Hk. 3/460, adpd). 1643 Pieris ovali- 

Marsh Samphire (McL. 178). 
cornia brachiata, 

Martaban Banana (Cag. 207). 
Musa sapientum (martabanica). 

Marvel of Peru Family (Br. 176)(L/N/S/B) 
LXXX VII. Nyctaginacez (Order). 

Marvel of Perus(McL. 1005), LXXXVII. 
Nyctaginaccee (Order). 

Marx (Adrienne) Rose (Mu. 35) (Hod). 
1107-m, Rosa hybrida - semperfiorens 

Masaul Tree (Mch. 375, 478). 15387 
Ixora parviflora. 

Mascarene (McL. 933) (Cat. 108). 
Poinciana regia. 

Mask Flower (S. 18, 268) (Rid. 75) (Cag. 
463). 2111 Alonsoa incisifolia. 

Masson (Madame) Kose (Cag. 595) (Ru, 
N/92, 0/21) (Mu. 58) ,Hod) (Po) 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

673 Semecarpus 

(Sh See), Ghercaire 

2379 Sali- 



(punicea-coccineo - suffusa - violanceo- 

Maet ‘Tree (Br. 5) (Cag. 675). 40 Polyal- 
thia longifolia. 

Mast (Ceylon) Tree (Cat. 4). 40 Poly- 
althia longifolia. 

Mast (Indian) Tree (McL, 44). 40 Poly- 
althia longifolia. 

Mastic (Peruvian) Tree (Nic. 3/381) (Cag. 
631). 656 Schinus Molle. 
Mastwood Tree (McL. 765). 

phylum inopbyllum, 

181 Calo- 

Mat (Cooling) Plant (McL. 819). cmlii. 
Clinogyne (genus), 

Mat (Sitalpati) Plant (Gbl. 723). emlii. 
Clinogyne (genus). 

Match-box Bean (McL. 286, 801). 10038 

Entada scandens. . 

Mate (Muell, S.P) (H/E.F). 507 Ilex 

Mate Mangostan (Rox. 2/625). 
Cinia indica. 

Mate Mangosteen (McL. 469, 473, 484, 
519, 749) (Ell. 298) (PA. 410). 171 
Garcinia indica. 

Matrix (Flat Podded Dog’s) (MeL. 1010, 
adpd). 968 Cynometra travancorica. 
Matrix (Kidney Podded Dog’s) (McL. 
1010, adpd), 971 Cynometra Bourdil- 


Matrix (Malabar Wrinkled Dog’s) (MeL. 
1010, adpd). 967 Cynometra ramifiora. 

Matrix (Malacca Wrinkled Dog’s) (MeL. 
1010, adpd), 969 Cynometra cauliflora, 

Matrix (Small leaved Dog’s) (MeL. 1010, 
adpd). 971 Cynometra Bourdilloni, 

Matrix (Woody podded Dog’s) (McL. 1010, 
adpd). 970 Cynometra Beddomei. 

Matrix (Dog’s) Plant (MeL. 1010). 
ecexlviii. Cynometra (genus). 

Matted Hair Plant (MeL. 868). 
Grewia tilizfolia. 

Matti (White) (Bed. 2/28). 
alia Arjuna. 

Manuchipatry (McL. 4). 

Mauling of the West Coast (Bon). 410-c. 
Citrus medica-Limonum  (medicoli- 

Mauls (Black) Osier (Kew Bull. 96) (FAR. 
35, 36, NLGS). 2808 Salix triandra. 
Maumsicay (McL. 465, 1000). dccexliy. 

Acalypha (genus). 

Mauritius (Latanier of) (Nic. 2/237). 
mxi, Latania (genus). 

Manritius (Pink Wedding Flower Plant 
of) (Nic. 1/487, adpd), 294 Dombeya 
acutangula, ; 

Mauritius (Red Ringed Palm of) (Muell. 
8.P). 38136 Acanthophosnix rubra. 

Mauritius (Sapvta Date Plum of) (Br. 
112). 1708 (bis.) Diospyros Sapota,. 

Mauritius Elemi Resin Plant (McL. 287, 
492). 446 Canarium commune. 

171 Gar- 

1149 Termin- 

1621 Artemisia 



Mauritius Fan Palm (Cat. 331), 3195 
Livistona chinensis. 

Mauritius Grass (Ru/N/49) (?). 3289 

Arunda Pliniana (?). 
' Mauritius Hemp (Cag. 871), 3054 Fur- 

crea givantea. 

Mauritius Incense (Br. 74). 1143 'Termi- 
nalia Benzoin. 

Mauritius Palm (Nic. 2/237, adpd). mxi. 
Latania (genus). 

Mauritius Palm Lily (Nic. 1/491), 3106 

Draceena umbraculifera. - 

Mauritius (Chocolate-margined-and- 
stalked) Palm (Nic, 2/237). 3227 
Latania Commersonii. 

Mauritius (Glaucous-leaved-and-stalked) 
Palm (Nic. 2/237). 3226 Latania Lod- 

Mauritius (Golden-ribbed-and-stalked) 
Palm (Nic. 2/237). 3225 Latania aurea. 

_ Mauritios Plum (McL. 154, 473, 492, 863, 

$64). 1386-a. FlJacourtia Ramontehi 

Maussa (Bdn/L). 2767 Laportea crenu- 

Mauve Syrian Rose Mallow (Nic. 1/143) 

(Ru/N/77). 246-a. Hibiscus syriacus 

Mauve (Double) Syrian Rose Mallow 
(Nic. 2/143) (Ru/N/77). 246-b. Hibi- 
scus syriacus (plena). 

Mauve Trumpet Creeper (Cag. 453). 

2142 Bignonia magnifica. 

Mauve Trumpet Flower Tree (Cag. 453) 
2143 Bignsnia megapotamica. 

Manuvilingam (McL. 580), 101 Cratzva 

Maximilian’s (King) South American 
Cocoanut (Nic. 2/339). 3234 Maximili- 
ana regia. 

May (S. 115). ecelxxxvii. COratzegus 

May (Californian) Bush (S. 325). 
ceclxxxvi. Photinia (genus). 

Mazeberry (McL. 509€). 1679 Achras 

Meadow-Sweet (Nic. 3/473) (Loud) 
(S. 411). ecelxxviii. Spirea (genus). 

Meadow-Sweet (Birch-leaved) 
3/474). 1075 Spirzea corymbosa. 

Meadow-sweet (Hlliptic-lance-acute-sub- 
serrate-downy-backed-leaved White- 
flowered) (Nic. 3/477, adpd). 1077 
Spirea media. 

Meadow-sweet (Lance - acate - serrate- 
glabrate-leaved Rosy-flowered) (Nic. 
3/476, adpd). 1076 Spirza japonica. 

Meadow-sweet (Oval-apex-serrate-leaved 
Creamy-white-flowered) (Nic. 3/474, 
adpd). 1075 Spirza corymbosa, 

Meadow-sweet (Ovate serrate glaucous- 


leaved Red-flowered) (Nic. 3/474, adpd). | 

1074 Spirea bella. 


Mealy berried Wild Tea Tree (Hk. 1/286’ 

adpd). Ixxvi. Saurauja (genus). 
Mechel (McL. 690). 1962 Strychnos nux- 

Mecklenberg (Dutchess of) Rose (Nic. 
5/646) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Mu.* 52) (Hod) 

(*Countess). 1108-c, Rosa Noisetti- 
ana (albida stramineo suflusa). 
Medea Rose (Mu. 55). 1105-e. Rosa 

odorata (citrina-intus-lutea). 
Medick (Nic. 2/341). cclxxxili. Medicago 

Medicinal Acacia (McL. 138). 1035 
Acacia Catechu. 

Medicinal Aloes (8.18), emlxvili, <Aloé 

Medicinal Cabbage Tree (McL. 40). 3121 
Areca Catechu. 

Medicinal Creeper (McL. 564). 599 Vitis 

Medic nal Echites (McL. 871). 1833 

Holarrhena antidysenterica. 

| Medicinal Senna (Bs/S/224, TV). 956 

Cassia angustifolia. 

Medicine (Great) (McL, 374). 
tolochia indica. 

Mediterranean (Oleander of the) (Gbl. 
487). 1845 Nerium Oleander. 

Mediterranean Reed (Nic. 1/118.) 3289 
Arundo Pliniana. 

Medium-acuminate leaved Velvet Flower- 
ing Nutmeg (Hk. 1/89, adpd). 68 
Alphonsea zeylaniva. 

Medium-acuminate Skewer-leaved Me- 
dium-pendulous Stemmed Orchid (Hk. 
6/56, W.A.I, adpd). 2965 Saccolbium 

Medium-ashy downy Eliiptic-cuneate-- 
toothed - acuminate - leaved Moustache 
Plant (Hk. 4/597, adpd). 2329 Caryo- 
pteris Wallichiana. 

Medium-sessile Hlliptic oblong-or-oblance- 
serrate-acuminate-lea\ ed Gland-downy- 
branched Ironweed (Hk. 3/235, adpd). 
1597 Vernonia saligna (nilgherrensis). 

Medium (Brown-hairy-node-ringed Hol- 
low) Bamboo (Hk. 1/392, adpd), 3303 
Bambusa vulvaris. 

Medium ‘(Leathery sheathed Hollow) 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/403, adpd). 3809 
Oxytenanthera Bourdilloni. 

Medium (Persistent-culm-sheathed 
Hollow) Bamboo (Hk. 7/407, adpd). 
3314 Dendrocalamus longispathus. 

Medium (Scabrous-stemmed Hollow) Bam- 
boo (Hk. 7/401, adpd). 38805 Oxyte- 
nanthera nigroviliata. 

Mediam (Swollen node-ringed Semisolid) 
Bamboo (Hk, 7/404, adpd), 3810 
Dendrocalamus strictus. 

Medium (White node-ringed dollow) 
Bambvo (Hk. 7/413, adpd). 3317 
Cephalostachyum pergracile, 

2391 Aris- 


Medium (White node-ringed Semisolid) 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/387, adpd). 3301 
Bamobusa ‘T'ulda. 

Medium - bristly Nine - (9 - prs) - nerved 
Ovate-crenate-acuminate-leaved Cone- 
head (Hk. 4/453, adpd). 2210 Strobi- 
lanthes Dupeni. 

Medium Broad-oval-acute-leaved Neck- 
lace Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd), 87-d. 
Unona discolor (latifolia). 

Medium - brown - downy - backed fance- 
subentire - caudate - leaved Hleven- 
(10-12 prs)-nerved Cone-head (Hk. 
4/441,  adpd). 2197 Strobilanthes 

Medium-chartaceous lance-acute-leaved 
Halt-hooded-flowered Nutmeg (Hk, 
1/76,  adpd). 54 Goniothalamus 

Medium-claw-tipped-grooved Skewer leav- 
ed Slender-long-Stemmed Orchid (Hk. 
6/44, W.A.I, adpd). 2955 Aerides 

Medium Creamy-variegated broad-Ellip- 
tic-leaved Caricature Plant (Hk. 4/545, 
adpd),. 2270 Graptophyllum hortense. 

Medium-cuspidate-leaved Velvet Flower- 
ing Nutmeg (Hk. 1/89, adpd). 67 
Alphonsea lutea. 

Medium-dense-white-silk-backed Ovate- 
subentire-acuminate-leaved Wight-(8 
prs)-nerved Conehead (Hk. 4/4385, 
adpd). 2188 Strobilanthes cuspidatus. 

Medium-distichous Ovate-oblong-acumin- 
ate-leaved Climbing Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/575, adpd). 489 Olax Wighti- 

Medium-downy-barked-glabrate Elliptic- 
acuminate-leaved Justicewort (Hk. 
4/533, adpd), 2201 Justicia wynaaden- 

Medium-downy backed-glabrate Heart- 
or-ovate-obtuse-leaved Cadamba (Bs/T/ 
267, adpd). 1487 Sarcocephalus 

Medium-downy-backed oblong-lanceolate- 
acute-leaved Climbing Necklace Nut- 
meg (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 88 Unona 
Lawii. : 

Medium-downy-backed obovate repand- 
crenate-leaved Flowering Birch (Hk. 
2/556, adpd). 1339 Homalium tomen- 

Medium-downy-backed opposite-Hliptic- 
acuminate-leaved Rondeletiawort (Hk. 
3/38, adpd), 1461 Wendlandia tinc- 
toria (normalis). 

Necklace Nutmeg (Hk. 1/58, adpd). 
36 Unona pannosa. 

Medium - downy - backed Ovate - lance- 
leaved Salmon-lowered Justicewort 
(Hk. 4/525, adpd), 2257-b. Justicia 
betouica (villosa), 


Medium-downy-backed Ovate - oblong- 
acuminate-leayed Alpau:-Root (Hk. 5/73, 

adpd). 23889-a. Bragantia Wallichii 

Medium-downy-backed-shining Narrow- 
elliptic-lance-acuminate-leaved  Offal 
Shrub (Hk. 3/189, adpd). 1584 Lasi- 
anthus truncatus. 

Medium-downy-glabrate | Ovate-oblong- 
serrate leaved Pink-purple-fiowered Bas- 
tard Vervein (Hk. 4/564, adpd), 2283 
Bouchea hyderabadensis. 

Medium - downy - glabrate Ovate-oblong- 
wavy - acuminate - leaved Long - tubed 
White-flowered Justicewort (Hk. 4/541, 
adpd). 2268 Rhinacanthus communis, 

Medium downy-nerved-backed Ternately- 
whorled lance-cbtuse-leaved Rondeletia- 
wort (Hk. 3/40, adpd). 1464 Wend- 
jlandia Lawii. 

Medium-downy-nerved Rhomboid-lance- 
acute-leaved Bracted Blue-flowered 
Justicewort (Hk. 4/544, adpd). 2269 
Kebolium Linneanum, 

Mediuui- downy Nine - (9-prs)-nerved 

Ovate-crenulate-acuminate-leaved Cone-- 

head (Hk. 4/444, adpd). 2206 Strubi- 
lanthes luridus. 

Mediam-downy oblong-ovate-coarse-tooth- 
ed-acuminate-leaved Viclet-flowered 
Horn-Cardinal Shrub (Nie. 3/438, adpd). 
1637 Sipnocampylus hamatus. 

Medium-downy-opposite Hlliptic-oblong- 
acute-leaved Cornel (Hk, 2/745, adpd). 
1421 Cornus Capitata, 

Medium-downy Ovate-oblong - acute-or- 
acuminate-leaved Spinous Honey-thorn 
(lik. 3/136, adpd). 1529-b, Vangueria 
spinosa (mollis). 

Medium-downy-pellucid-punctate (Triple- 
nerved-glandular-leaved) Roundish- 
ovate-Serrate- or - dentate - cuspidate - 
leaved Mercury (Hk, 5/420, adpd). 2672 
Alchornea mollis. 

Medium Elliptic - acuminate Bifoliate 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/835, W.A.L, 
adpd). 2942 Cologyne corrugata. 

, Medium Elhptic-crenate-cuspidate-leaved 

Flowering-Birch (Hk. 2/597, 
1340 Homalium zeylanicum. 
Medium Elliptic-entire leaved Holly (Hk. 

1/600, adpd). 508 Ilex uialabarica. 

Medium Elliptic-oblong-serrate-cuspidate 
leaved Spinous Buckthorn (Hk. 1/641, 
adpd). 573 Sageretia hamosa. 

Medium (‘Triple-nerved-alternate) Elliptic- 
obovate-acute-or-obtuse-leaved Mercury 
(Hk, 5/441, adpd), 2684 Mallotus atro- 

Medium  Hlliptic-or-oblanceolate-acumin- 
ate Bifoliate Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 
5/704, W.A.I, adpd). 2901 Liparis 



Medium Eliiptic - ovate - acute Bifoliate 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk, 5/698, adpd). 
2895 Liparis Dalzellii. 

Medium Elliptic-thick-obliquely emargin- 
ate Strap-leaved Short-stout-stemined 
Orchid (Hk. 6/46, W.A.I, adpd). 2957 
Aérides crispum, 

Medium Elliptic Unifoliate Pseudobulb 

Orchid (Hk. 5/760, W.A.I, adpd). 2921 
Bulbophyllum fuscopurpureum, 

Medium Fleshy-leaved Dagger Orchid | 
(Hk. 5/676, W.A.I, adpd). 2885 

Oberonia iridifolia (denticulata). 

Medium-fleshy UOvate-to-roandish-elliptic- 
acute-to-acuminate-ieaved lpecacuanka 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/42, adpd), 1912 
Tylophora zeylanica. 

Medium-folioled Red-streaked Yellow- 
Brasiletto Climber (Hk. 2/258, adpd). 
938-b. Mezoneurum cucullatum 

Medium-giabrate long-petioled 'Ternately- 
whorled Elliptic - acuminate - ieayed 
Roundeletiawort (Hk. 3/40, adpd). 1468- 
b. Wendlandia Nvutoniana (bicuspidata), 

Medium-glabrate-nerved-backed Six-(6 -7- 
prs)-nerved lance-wavy-subentire-acumi-+ 
nate-leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/474, adpd), 
2217 Strobilanthes rubicundus. 

Medium-glabrate Uvate-obovate-round-to- 
oblong - obtuse - leaved Cadamba (Hk. 
3/25, adpd). 1440 Stephegyne parviflora. 

Medium-glabrescent Elliptic leaved 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/192, adpd). 2013 
Lettsomia elliptica, 

Medium-glabrous (Quinquefoliate-(3-5) 
Hlliptic-long-acuminate-leaved Yam 
(Hk. 6/290,adpd). 3058 Dioscorea Jac- 

Medium-glabrate Elliptic-obovate-obtuse- 
leaved Gutta-percha (Hk. 3/540, adpd). 
1683 Isonandra diplostemon. 

Medium - glabrous Seven-(7-prs)-nerved 
Ovate - distinctly-toothed-acuminate- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/485, adpd). 
2184-b. Strobilanthes consanguineus 

Medium-glabrous Seven-(7-prs)-nerved 
Ovate -obscurely - toothed - acuminate - 
leaved Conshead (Hk. 4/435, adpd). 
2184-a, Strobilanthes 

Medium-glaucous-backed-leathery (Penni- 

nerved-subverticillate-alternate) Elliptic | 

oblong-or-lance-leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 
5/144, adpd). 2447-b, Alseodaphne seme- 
carpifolia (angustifolia), 

Medium-glaucous-backed-leathery (Triple- 

nerved-opposite) Elliptic-oblong-to- 
roundish-obtuse-ieaved Cinnamon (Hk, 
5/138, adpd). 2436 Cinnamomum 

Medium-glaucous-backed _ linear-oblong- 
waved-acuminate-leaved Purple bloom 

consanguineas | 

INDEX. 697 

Cherry (Rox, 1/415, adpd). 1798 Dobera 


| Medium-glaucous-backed papery (Penni- 

nerved-subverticillate-alternate) oboy- 
ate-oblong-obtuse-leaved Cinnamon 
(Hk. 5/144, adpd). 2447-a, Alseodaphne 
semecarpifolia (typica), 

Medium-glaucous (Parallel-subtransverse- 
nerved) Oblong-lance-linear-or-faleate- 
cbtuse-to-acuminate-leaved Blackish- 
hard-rough-persistent-barked Eucalypt 
(Bth, 3/221, adpd). 1170 Eucalyptus 

Medium-greyish-silky-backed roundisk- 
heart-leaved Leather-berried Bindweed 
(Hk. 4/184, adpd). 1991 Rivea hypo- 

Medium hairy-backed Elliptic-oblong-ser- 
rulate-acuminate-leaved Sweetleaf (Hk. 
3/582, adpd). 1741 Symplocos foliosa. 

Medium-hairy-gland-axilled - and - backed 
Klliptic-oblong-acute-leaved Cornel 
(Hk. 2/741, adpd). 1420 Alangium 

Medium-hairy-gland axilled Ovate-lance- 
serrate-cuspidate leaved Violetwort 
(Bed. 2/229, adpd). 123 Alsodeia 

leaved Mitre-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/78, adpd). 56 Mitrephora grandiflora. 

Medium-hairy nerved Oblong-acute-leaved 

Fetid Holly (Hk.1/589, adpd). 500-d, 
Mappia foetida (oblonga). 

Medium-hairy Seven-(7-prs)-nervedUvate- 
serrate-subacute-leaved Conehead (Hk. 
4/444, adpd). 2201-b. Strobilanthes 
Heyneanus (campanulata). 

Medium Heart-serrulate ~ obtuse 
Jujube (Rox, 1/614, adpd). 
Zizy phus rugosa (glabrescens). 

Medium-hirsute-subsessile oblong-acumin- 
ate-candate-leaved Offal Shrub (Hk. 
3/180, adpd). 1576 Lasianthus Jackianus. 

Mediam-hispid-backed Lance-leaved Milixy 
juiced Climbing Holly (Bs/T/153, 
adpd), 502 Pyrenacantha volubilis. 

Medium - hispid Hight-(8-prs)-nerved 
Ovate-acuminate leaved Conehead (Hk. 
4/438, adpd). 2190 Strobilanthes 

Medinm-hispid-wing ed-petioled Ovate- 
oblong-acute-leaved Knot-weed (Hk. 
5/45, adpd). 2388-E. Polygonum chi- 
nense (hispida). 

Medium-hoary-backed narrow-lance-sub- 
entire-acuminate-leaved Shrubby Star- - 
wort (Hk. 3/251, adpd). 1606 Micro- 
glossa zeylanica. 

Medinm-hoary-glabrate ‘l'riple-(3-5)-nerv- 
ed Elliptic-oblong-lance-obtuse or cus- 
pidate-leaved Needle-wnod (Bth. 5/578, 
adpd). 2486 Hakea laurina, 


Medium irregular-lanve-leay ed (Crimson- 

rosy-and-creamy-variegated _ Bronze- 
green) Vernal Flower (Nic. 1/518, 

adpd). 225l-a. Eranthemum vyariabile 

Medium _(Parallel-oblique-fine-regular- 
nerved) lanuce-and-faleate-acuminate- 

leaved Greyish-white-smooth-deciduous- 
in-layers-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/295, 
adpd). 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 
Medium-(Parallel- oblique - fine - regular- 
nerved) Lance-and-falcate-acuminate- 
leaved Rough-persistent - (except-small 
branches)-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 
2/239, adpd). 1186 Eucalyptus viminalis. 
Medium-lance (Glabrous-shooted) Sixteen- 
(12--20-prs)-nerved-leayed Nutmeg (Hk. 


5/108, adpd). 2421-b. Myristica lauri- 

folia (Beddomeé). 

Medium-lanceolate-acuminate Multifoli- 
ate-distichous Pseudobulb Pendulous 
Orchid (Hk. 5/733, W.A.I, adpd). 2916 
Dendrobium Pierardi. 

Medium-lanceolate-acuminate Quadrifoli- 
ate-(1-5) Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/698, 
adpd). 2894 Liparis paradoxa, 

Medium-lanceolate-leeved Croton (Ru/N/ 
O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-n. Codizeum 
variegatum (lanceolatum), 

Medium-lauceolate-subacuminate - downy 
Multifoliate Long-bulbed Orchid (Hk. 
5/793, W.A.I, adpd). 2836 Eria polys- 

Medium-leaved Chaw-stick (Hk. 1/644, 
adpd). 578 Gouania leptostachya. 

Medium-lineoiate Seven-(7-prs)-uerved 
Broad-lance-crenate - acuminate-leaved 
Glabrous-slender-spiked Conchead (Hk. 
6/440, adpd). 2194 Strobilanthes cili- 

Medium-lineolate Seven-(7-prs)-nerved 
Broad-lance-crenate-acuminate - leaved 
Hairy-oblong-spiked Conehead (HE. 
4/439, adpd). 2198 Strobilanthes war- 

Medium-lineolate Six-(6-prs) nerved lance- 
subentire-acuminate - Jeaved Conehead 
(Hk. 4/440, adpd). 2195 Strobilanthes 

Medium-lineolate Six-(6-7-prs)-nerved 
Elliptic-ovate-wavy-crenulate - acumin- 
ate -leaved Vernal-Flower (Hk. 4/497, 
adpd). 2246 Eranthemum malabaricum. 

Medium-leathery Broad-elliptic-cuspidate- 
leaved Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk 
4/16, adpd), 1880 Genianthus lJauri- 
folinus. : 

Medium-leathery Broad-lance-wavy-acute- 
leaved Jungle Geranium (Rox. 1/380, 
adpd). 1541 Ixora alba. 

Medium-leathery Broad-oblong-acute-leay- 
ed Windberry Climber (Hk. 3/514, 
adpd). 1662 Embelia adnata, 

ple-palmati - (3-5)-nerved-mostly-oppo- 


site)  Elliptic-lance-to-roundish leayed 
Yam (Hk. 6/292, adpd). 3062 Diosco- 
rea oppositifolia, 

Medium-leathery-distinctly-nerved Ellip- 
tic-oblong-acute Unifoliate Climbing 
Lime (Hk, 1/510, adpd). 402 Paramig- 
nya monophylla. 

Medium-leathery-downy-backed Elliptic- 
Ovate-acuminate-leaved Sarsaparilla 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/7, adpd). 1871 
Brachylepis nervosa, 

Medium-leathery Hlliptic-lance-acute-cus- 
pidate-leaved Buchanan’s Mango (Hk. 
2/24, adpd). 670 Buchanania lanceolata. 

Medium-leathery Elliptic-oblong-acumin- 
ate-leaved Black Stemmed Ebony of 
Travancore (Bs/T/426, adpd). 1724 
Diospyrosa trayancorica ? (nov. sp.). 

Medium-leathery Elliptic-oblong-crenate- 
obtuse-cuspidate-leaved Trinity-podded 
Spindle :Climvser (Hk. 1/620, adpd). 
546 Hippocratea obtusifolia. 

Medium-leathery Elliptic-obtuse-or-cus- 
pidate-leaved Climbing Emetic Nut 
(Hk. 3/103, adpd), 1502 Randia re- 

Medium-leathery Elliptic-serrate-acumin- 
ate leaved Rosy Sweetleaf (Bs/T/440, 
adpd), 1743 Symplocos complanata. 

Medium-leathery  Elliptic-subentire-cus- 
pidate-leaved Trinity-podded Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/624, adpd). 547 Hip- 
pocratea Arnottiana. 

Medium-leathery-glaucous-backed Hllip- 
tic-cuspidate-or-apiculate-ieaved Cork- 
screw Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/5, adpd). 
1867 Cryptolepis Buchanani. 

Medium-leathery-glaucous-backed Ellip- 
tic-obovate-cnspidate leaved Climbing 
Whorled-(8-4);Dog bane (Hk. 3/641, 
adpd). 1828 Ellertonia Rheedii. 

Medium-leathery-glaucous-backed (Penni- 
nerved-subverticillate-(4-8) - alternate) 
Linear-lanced-acuminate-leayed Ray- 
Laurel (Hk. 5148, adpd). 2448 Acti- 
nodaphne salivina. 

Medium-leathery-glaucous-backed (Penni- 
nerved-subverticillate-(4-8) alternate) 
Linear-lance-or-oblong - obtuse - leaved 
Ray-laurel (Hk. 5/149, adpd). 24538 
Actinodophne stenophylla. 

Medium-leathery-glaucous-backed linear- 
to-round-Heart-acumwinate-leaved Ring- 
Coronet Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/24, adpd). 
189) Cynanchum Callialata. 

Medium-leathery-glaucous-backed oblong- 
obovate-obtuse-leaved Chinese Laurel 
(Hk. 5/358, adpd), 2612 Daph iphyl- 
lum glaucescens. 

Medium-leathery-glaucous-backed - rusty- 
velvetty-glabrate (Penninerved-subver- 
ticillate-(4-8)-alternate) blliptie-lance- 
acuminate-leaved Ray-Laurel (Hk, 
5/146, adpd). 2450 Actinodaphne 


Medium-leathery -hairy-glandular -axilled , 

Elliptic - lance - cuspidate-leaved Disc- 
seeded Honey-thorn (Hk, 3/128, adpd). 
1514 Diplospora apiocarpas 

Medium-leathery - hairy-glandular-axilled 
Elliptic - lance - subobtuse-leaved Disc- 
seeded Honey-thorn (Hk. 3/123, adpd). 
1515 Diplospora spheerocarpa. 

Medium-leathery lance - serrulate - acute- 
leaved Sweetleaf (Hk. 38/5738, adpd). 
1725 Symplocos spicata (laurina). 

Medium-leathery lance-acute-leaved 
Windberry (Hk, 3/572 ,adpd). L680-a. 
Myrsine capitellata (lanceolata), 

Medium-leathery lance-to-oblong-acumin- 
nate-leaved Smaller-flowered Chinese 
Hawthorn (Hk. 2/380, adpd). 1118 
Photinia Notoniana. 

Medium-leathery lance-to-oblong-acute- 
leaved Larger-flowered Chinese Haw- 
thorn (Hk. 2/380, adpd). 1117 Photinia 

Medium-leathery linear-oblong-to-elliptic- 
lance-obtuse-leaved Buchanan’s Mango 
(Hk. 2/23, adpd). 668 Buchanania 

Medium-leathery Narrow-oblong-leaved 
Pendulous-branched Kambala Tree ( Hk, 
2/579, adpd). 1320 Sonneratia apetala. 

Medium-leathery oblong-cuspidate-leaved 
Half-hooded-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/73, 
adpd). 51 Goniothalamus Thwaitesii. 

Medium - leathery oblong-elliptic-entire- 
cuspidate-leaved Berried Spindle Shrub 
(Hk. 1/628, adpd). 553 Salacia 

Medium-leathery oblong-elliptic - wavy- 
cuspidate-leaved Kokra Laurel (Rdn/F. 
T. adpd). 2611 Aporosa Bourdilloni. 

Medium-leathery oblong-lunve-obtuse-to- 
acuminate-leaved Ipecacuanha Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/32, adpd). 1898 - b. 
Gymnema montanum (Beddomei), 

Medium-leathery oblong-to-round-cuneate- 
crenate-acute-leaved Sweetleaf (Hk. 
3/576, adpd). 1729 Symplocos racemosa. 

Medium-leathery obovate-cuneate-acute- 
leaved Wind-berry Climber (Hk. 3/516, 
adpd). 1664 Embelia viridiflora. 

Medium-leathery obovate-elliptic-acute- 
leaved Java Manyo (Bed. 2/60, adpd). 
666 Gluta travancorica. 

Medium-leathery obovate-elliptic-cuspid- 
ate Trifoliate Climbing Lime (Hk. 1/509, 
adpd). 401 JLuvunga eleutherandra. 

Medium-leathery obovate-obtuse-to-acu- 
minate leaved Bastard I[pecacuanha (Hk. 
3/171, adpd). 1568 Psychotria bisulcata. 

Medium-leathery Ovate-acuminate leaved 
<idney-Plum (Hk. 2/321, atpd). 1072 
Pygeum Gardneri. 

Medium-leathery Ovate-entire-cuspidate- 
leaved Trinity-podded Spindle Climber 
(Ak. 1/624, adpd). 548 Hippocratea 

INDEX. 699 

Medium-leathery Ovate-lunce-acuminate- 
leaved Privet (Hk, 3/615, adpd). 1791 
Ligustrum Roxburghii. 

Medium-leathery Ovate-obtuse-to-acumin- 
ate-leaved Ipecacuanha Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/32, adpd). 1898-a. Gymnema 
montanum (ovalifolia). 

Medium-leathery Ovate-to-oblong-lance- 
acute Climbing Dyeing Rose bay (Hk. 
3/650, adpd). 1838 Parsonsia spiralis. 

Medium-leathery-pale-backed Elliptic-or- 
obovate - obtuse-or-mucronate - leayed 
Cork screw Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/5, 
adpd). 1868 Cryptolepis grandiflora. 

Medium -leathery-polished Elliptic-obtuse- 
leaved Honey-thorn (Hk, 3/132, adpd). 
1520 Canthium umbeliatum. 

Medium-leathery-polished lance-to-round- 
ish-cuspidate-leaved Honey-thorn (Hk. 
3/132, adpd). 1519 Canthium didymum, 

Medium-leathery-puberulous-backed lance- 
acuminate-leaved Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/66, adpd). 48 Polyalthia persiceefolia. 

Medium-leathery Roundish-obovate retuse- 
to-cuspidate-leaved Kokra Laurel (Hk. 
5/851, adpd). 2610 (bis.) Aporosa 

Medium-leathery-rusty - shaggy - backed 
Elliptic - cuneate - subcrenulate-obtuse- 
leaved Sweetleaf (Hk. 3/582, adpd). 
1737 Symplocos Gardneriana. 

Medium-leathery-scurfy-downy - glabrate 
narrow-lance-crenate - serrate-acute-or- 
acuminate-leaved Croton (Hk. 5/400, 
adpd). 2647-b. Ostodes  zeylanica 

Medium-leathery-shining - lance - acumin- 
ateleaved-Child’s Amulet Tree (Hk. 
5/339 adpd). 2602 Hemicyclia-elata. 

Medium-leathery-shining-obliquely oblong- 
lance-cuspidate-leaved Partridge Pea 
Tree (Hk. 1/579, adpd). 492 Strombosia 
zey lanica. 

Medium-leathery - shining oblong-jance- 
entire-or-subserrate-obtuse-to - acumin- 
ate-leaved Cluster Croton (Hk. 5/459, 
adpd). 2694 Gelonium multifiorum. 

Medium-leathery-shining oblorg-lanceo- 
late-leaved Climbing Hook Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/54, adpd). 384 Artabotrys zeylanicus, 

Medium-leathery-shining obovate-obtuse- 
leaved Leather-leaf (Hk. 3/107, adpd). 
1496 Byrsophyllum tetrandrum. 

Medium-leathery - shining (Penninerved- 
opposite) Rhombic-lance-obtuse-leaved 
Mercury (Hk. 5/436, adpd). 2679 
Mallotus muricatus. 

Medium - leathery - strigillose - nerved- 
backed Narrow-oblong-lance acuminate- 
leaved Offal Shrub (Hk. 3/185, adpd), 
1580 Lasianthus strigillosus. 

Medium-leathery-strigose-glabrate lance- 
acuminate-leaved Oftal Shrub(Hk. 3/191, 
adpd), 1586 Lasianthus capitulatus. 


Medium-leathery-subsessile — Elliptic-or- 
oblance-obtuse-or-cuspidate-leaved Bas- 
tard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 38/671, adpd). 
1569 Psychotria connata. 

Medium-leathery-subsessile Narrow- 
oblance-to-obovate - cuneate-obtuse-or- 
cuspidate-leaved Croton Indigo (Hk. 
5/407, adpd). 2656 Agrostistachys longi- 


Medium - leathery - subsessile Narrow- 
obovate-leaved Kambala Tree (Hk. 
2/589, adpd). 1321 Sonneratia acida. 

Medium-leathery-subsessile oblong- 
Elliptic-obtuse-leaved Jungle Geranium 
(Hk. 3/142, adpd). 1537-a. Ixora parvi- 
flora (typica). 

Medium -leathery Very - stont-petioled 

Elliptic-cuspidete-leaved Honey-thorn | 

(Hk. 3/133, adpd). 1522 Canthium 

Medium-leathery-whitish-backed Klliptic- 
oblong-acuminate-leaved Erect-druped 
Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 681-a. Notho- 
pegia Colebrookiana (typica). 

Medium-leathery-whitish-backed obovate- | 

oblonz-cuspidate-leaved Erect-druped 
Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 681-c. Notho- 
pegia Colebrookiana (macrocarpa). 

Medium-leaved Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Cag. 341, adpd). cmlxxvill. Howea 

Medium (Close-regular-nerved 
leaved Gamboge (Hk. 1/262, adpd). 
Garcinia echinocarpa. 

Medium (Indistinct-nerved Broad) leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/265, adpd). 174 
Garcinia Morella,. 

Medium (Oblique-nerved Broad) leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/262, adpd). 172 
Garcinia Cambogia. 

Medium (Slender-nerved Broad) leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/269. adpd). 179 
Garcinia spicata. 

Medium (Slender-nerved Narrow) leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/265, adpd). 175 
Garcinia Wightii. 

Medium - lemon - scented - gland - hairy 
(Parallel-subtransverse-nerved) oblong- 
lance-leaved Smooth-barked Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/257, adpd). 1168 Eucalyptus 


Medium linear-lance - acuminate - leaved | 
Wheel-spoke Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/66, | 

adpd). 1931 Brachystelma Beddomei. 

Medium-linear-acute Multifoliate-disti- 
chous Pseudobulb Erect Orchid (Hk. 
5/715, W.A.1,adpd). 2907 Dendrobium 

Medinm- linear- lanceolate - bifid - tipped 
Multifoliate-distichous Pseudobulb 
Erect Orchid (Hk. 5/721, adpd). 2912 
Dendrobium hzemoglossum, 

Medium - linear - obliquely - emarginate 
Strap-leaved Slender-climbing-stemmed 



Orchid (Hk. 6/68, adpd). 2471 Saccola- 
bium papillosum. 

Medium-livear-oblong-emarginate Quadri- 
foliate Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 6/21, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2948 Polystachya 

Medium-linear-oblong - obtuse _ Bifoliate 
Jointed-club-bulbed Orchid (Hk. 5/799, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2939 Eria pauciflora, 

Medium-linear-oblong-subacute Bifoliate 
Pseudobulb Orchid (k. 5/883, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2940 Coelogyne breviscapa. 

Medinm-linear-oblong Unifoliate Pseudo- 

bulbous Orchid (Hk. 5/778, adpd). 2926 
Cirrhopetalum nilgherrense, 
Medium-linear-premorse Strap-leaved 

Long-stemmed Orchid (lik. 6/63, adpd). 
2970 Saccolabium prsmorsum, 

Medium - linear - recurved - obliquely- 
emarginate Strap-leaved Short-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/78, W.A.I, adpd). 2978 
Diploceatrum recuryum. 

Medium - linear - straight - obliquely - 
emarginate Strap-leaved Short-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/26, W.A.1, adpd}. 2951 
Cottonia macrostachya. 

Medium-linear-unegually-obtusely- bilobed 
Strap-leaved Short-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/50, W.A.I, adpd). 2961 Vanda 

leaved Wheel-spoke Swallow-wort (Hk, 
4/65, adpd). 19380 Brachysteima volubile. 

Medium-membranous Broad-Heart-acute- 
to-caudate-leaved ipecacnanha Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/31, adpd), 1897 Gymnema 

Medium-membranous Diverse-leaved Bas- 
tard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/176, adpd). 
1575 Chasalia curvifiora. 

acuminate-leaved Cherry Nutmeg (Uk. 
1/64, adpd). 44 Polyalthia cerasojaes, 

Medium - 1rembranous - downy-backed 
Elliptic - obovate - cuspidate - leaved 

Cadamba (Bs/T/370, adpd). 1441 
Stephegyne tubulosa. 
Medium-membranous Hlliptic-cuspidate- 

leaved Offal Shrub (Hk. 3/193, adpd), 
1589 Saprosma fragrans. 

nate-leaved Cadamba (Bs/ !'/266, adod). 
1437 (bis.) Sarcocephalus missionis. 

Medium -membranous  Hlliptic - lance - 
acuminate-leaved Offa! Shrab (Hk 
3/198, adpd). 1590 Saprosma  ceyla- 

Medium - membranous Elliptic - lance - 
cuspidate-leaved Winged-Style Shrub 
(Hk. 8/181, adpd). 1518 Octotropis 

Medium - membranous Elliptic - lance- 
serrate-to-entire-acuminate-leaved Cop- 
per Leaf (Hk. 5/413, adpd). 2669 
Claxylon Beddomei. 


Medinm-membranons Elliptic-leaved Claw- 
flowered Lanrel (Hk. 1/498, adpd). 388- 
b, Acronychia laurifolia (microcarpa). 

Medium - membranous _ Elliptic - obtnse 
leaved Privet (Hk. 3/614, adpd). 1795 
Ligustrnm robustum. 

leaved Cadamba (Hk. 3/26, adpd). 
Nauclea purpurea, 

Medium - membranons - glaucous - backed 
ovate - lance - wavy - acuminate - leaved 
Featherfoil (Hk. 5/287, adpd). 2555 
Phyllanthus longipes. 

Mediom-mewm branous lance-oblong-cuspid- 
ate-leaved Yellow Trumpet Figwort 
(Nic. 5/164, adpd). 2109 Brunfelsia 

Medium - membranous 
acuminate-or-cuspidate-leayed Jungle 
Geranium (Hk, 3/148,adpd). 1542 Ixora 


lance-to-ohovate- | 

Medium - membranous long-heart-acumin- 

ate-leaved Ring-coronet Swallow-wort 
(Hk, 4/21, adpd). 1887 Holostemma 

Medium - membranous oblong - elliptic- 
obtuse-to-acuminate-leaved W hite-spot- 
ted-branched Featherfoil (Hk. 5/305, 
adpd). 2570 Phyllanthus indicus. 

Medium-membranous oblong-leaved Claw- | 

flowered Laurel (Hk. 1/498, adpd). 
388—a. Acronychia laurifolia (oblongi- 

Medium - me:nbranous 
(Hk. 3/583, adpd). 

Medium-membranous cbovate-spathulate- 
obtuse-leaved Buchanan’s Mango (Hk. 
2/24, adpd). 669 Buchanania lucida 

Medium-membranous Ovate-acuminate- 
leaved Chowlee Bean Climber (Hk. 
2/207, adpd). 887 Vigna pilosa. 

Medium-membranons Ovate-lance-elliptic- 
or-oblong - obtuse-to-acuminate - leaved 
Calycine Croton (Hk. 5/403, adpd). 
2651 Blachia demidata. 

Medium-membranous Ovate-oblong-leaved 
Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 1/63, adpd). 43 
Polyalthia simiarum. 

Medium-membranous Ovate - or-lance- 
oblong - acute - or - acuminate - leaved 
Rosette-Star Swallow-wort (Hk. 3/48, 
adpd). 1919-b. Heterostemma tanjo- 
rense (zeylanica). ; . 

Medium -membranous Ovate - or -lance- 
oblong - obtuse - or - apicuiate - leaved 
Rosette-Star Swallow-wort (Hk. 3/471, 
adpd). 1919-a Heterostemma tanjo- 
rense (typica). 

Medium - membranous Ovate - serrate- 
acuminate-leaved Chinese Pear (Hk. 
1/640, adpd). 571 Hovenia dulcis. 

obovate - lance- 

1744 Symplocos | 



Medium-membranous-shining oblong- 
lance-acuminate-waved-leaved Cherry 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/62, adpd). 41 Polyal- 
thia coffeoides. 

Medium - membranons - sessile - ciliate 
(Triple - nerved - opposite - and-(3) - 
whorled) Lance-heart-acuminate-leaved 
Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/587, adpd). 
2775 Pouzolzia integrifolia. 

Medium - membranons - sessile Elliptic- 
oblong-acuminate-leaved Offal Shrub 
(Hk. 3/192, adpd). 1588 Saprosma 

Medium - membranous-slightly - downy- 
backed (Triple- (3-5) - nerved - suboppo- 
site) Heart-or-roundish-Ovate-acumin- 
ate-leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/424, adpd). 
2675 Trewia polycarpa. 

Medium-membranous Stalked 
acuminate-leayed Cotton Rose 
3/276, adpd). 

Medium-membranons-strigose _Palmati- 
nerved-repand Heart-leaved Climbing 
Holly (Hk. 1/595, adpd). 504 Natsia- 
tum herpeticum. 

Medium-membranovs-subglabrous (Penni- 
nerved-alternate) Oblong-lance-caudate- 
leaved Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/590, 

1608 Blepharispermum 

adpd). 2776-b. Villebrunia integri- 
folia (sylvatica). 
Medium-membranons-subhispi@é Heart- 

acuminate-leaved Stinking Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/20, adpd). 1885 Demia 
Medium-membranonus-subsessile Elliptic- 

rhombic - cuspidate -leayed Calycine 
Croton (Hk, 5/402, adpd). 2648 Blachia 

Medinm-membranous Triplinerved-bi- 

glandular-based oblong-lance-subserrate- 

acuminate-leaved Copper Leaf (Hk. 
5/412, 414, adpd). 2661 Claoxylon 

Medium -membranous Viscid - stipuled 
Ovate -acuminate-leaved Chay - root 
Shrub or Climber (Hk. 3/57, adpd. 
1477 Hedyotis visciaa. 

Medium - membranous - woolly - glabrate 
(Triple-(3-5)-nerved-opposite) Heart-or- 
roundish-ovate-acuminate-leaved Mer- 
cury (Hk. 5/423, adpd). 2674 Trewia 

Medium-minutely-downy oblong-acumin- 

ate-leaved Justice-wort (Hk. 4/540, 
adpd). 2267 Adhatoda Beddomei. 

Medium - narrow - lanceolate - acuminate 
Maultifoliate Joint-stemmed Psendobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/719, W.A.I, adpd), 
2910 Dendrobium barbatulum., 

Medium Narrow-linear-leaved Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-0, 
Codizum variegatum (ang ustifolium). 


Medium (Twisted) Narrow linear-leaved 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-P. Codizum variegatum (angusti- 
folinm-tortile). Ce 

Medium-15-nerved-downy-backed Elliptic- 
ovate-acute-leaved Dipterocarp Dam- 
mer (Hk. 1/298, adpd). 197 Diptero- 
carpus alatus. 

Medium-10-to-15-nerved Ellintic-cordate- 
acute-leaved T'ripterocarp Dammer 
(Hk. 1/305, adpd). 200 Shorea Talura. 

Medium (Palmati-(3-5)-nerved) Elliptic- 
to-ovate - oblong - cuspidate - leaved 
Square-branched Sarsaparilla (Hk. 
6/309, adpd). 38079 Smilax zeylanica. 

Medium - 10 - nerved - glandular - axilled 
oblong-ovate-acute-leaved Dipterocarp 
Dammer (Hk. 1/308, Bed. 1/27, 2/7, 
adpd). 203 Hopea parviflora. 

Medium - 10 - nerved lance - acute - leaved 
Acorn Dammer (Bed. 1/237, adpd). 
208 Balanocarpus utilis. 

Medium - 8-to-10-nerved Oblong - lance- 
obtuse-leaved Acorn Dammer (Bed. 
1/237, adpd). 209 Balanocarpus erosa. 

Medium-12-nerved lance-oblong-leaved 
Dipterocarp Dammer (Hk. 1/808, adpd). 
202 (bis.) Hopea odorata. 

Medium -8 - nerved lance - obtuse - leaved 
Dipterocarp Dammer (Hk. 1/209, adpd). 
205 Hopea glabra. 

Medium-10-to-15-nerved Ovate-cuspidate- 
leaved Dipterocarp Dammer (Bed. 2/94, 
adpd) (Bs/T/65). 196 Dipterocarpus 

Medium-4-nerved Ovate-Elliptic-caudate- 
leaved Dipterocarp Dammer (Hk. 1/310, 
Bed. 1/27, adpd). 206 Hopea raco- 

Medium-(short-to-long)-8 -nerved - scurfy- 
backed oblong-Heart-cuspidate leaved 
Tripterocarp Dammer (Hk. 1/306, Bed. 
1/26, adpd). 202 Shorea Tumbaggaia. 

Mediam-netted-backed (Simple-palmati- 
(7)-nerved) (Ovate-or-roundish heart- 

leaved Yam (Hk. 6/295, adpd). 3065 
Dioscorea Wallichii, 

Medium oblanceolate-leavea Wild Tea 
(Hk, 1/284, adpd). 189-a, Hurya 

japonica (Thunbergi). 

Medium oblong-acuminate-leaved Winged- 
stemmed Yeliow-flowered Panicled 
Ginger (tlk. 6/206, adpd). 2988 Globba 

Medium oblong - elliptic - acute - leaved 
Holly-flowered Spindle Tree (Hk.1/618, 
adpd). 523 Microtropis Wallichiana. 

Medium oblong-elliptic-leaved (White- 
margined-yrey-suffused) Vernal-llower 
(Nic. 1/518, adpd), 2251-c. Hranthe- 
mum variabile (albomarginatum). 

Medium  oblong-elliptic-subentire-leaved 
Square-branched Spindle Tree (Bed. 
1/65, adpd), 522 Glyptopetalum 
gran diflorum. 


Medium _ oblong-lance-acuminate-leaved 
Holly-flowered Spindle-Tree (Hk. 
1/613, adpd), 524 Microtropis  lati- 

Medium  oblong-lance-leaved Climbing 

Biseriate-seeded Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, 
adpd). 28 Uvaria Narum. 

Medium oblong - lance - serrate - leaved 
Square-branched Spindle Tree (Bed. 
1/64, adpd), 521 Glyptopetalum 

Medium oblong-lanceolate-acute Rifoliate 
Pseudobulb Orchid (ik. 5/885, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2943 Colovyne glandulosa. 

Medium  Oblong-lanceolate-acute-leaved 
Necklace Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 
37-b. Unona discolor (levigata). 

Medium oblong-lanceolate-acute Quadri- 
foliate Pseudobulb Orchid) (Hk. 6/21, 
W.A.I. adpd). 2947 Polystachya 

Medium-oblong-lanceolate-obtuse Multi- 
foliate Joint - stemmed Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/737, W.A.I, adpd). 
2915 Dendrobium heterocarpum, 

Medium oblong-leaved Croton (RKu/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2546-E. Codizum 
variegatum (oblongifolium), 

Medium - oblong-obtuse-coriaceous - sessile 
Unifoliate Spindle-branched Orchid 
(Hk. 5/710, 714, adpd). 2904 Dendro- 
biuom Macreei. 

Medium oblong-leaved Delight-of-the- 
Woods (Hk. 1/418, adpd). 355 Hiptage 

Medium - oblong - unequally - obtusely - 
bilobed Strap-leaved Long-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/62, W.A.I, adpd). 
2969 Saccolabiam Wightianum. 

Medium (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved) 
oblique - ovate-lance - acuminate - leaved 
Furrowed - and - fibrous but-persistent- 
barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/212, adyd), 
1177 Eucalyptus microcorys. 

Medium-linear-straight - obliquely - emar- 
ginate Strap - leaved Short - stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/26, W.A.I, adpd). 2951 
Cottonia macrostachya. 

Medium-obovate leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-D. Codizum 
variegatum (obovatum), 

Medium - obovate - obtuse Strap -leaved 
Flat-tuft-rooted Short-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/32, W.A.I, adpd). 2952 Doritis 

Medium - obovate-to-oblong - acute-downy 
Multifoliate Long-bulbed Orchid (Hk. 
5/793, W.A.I, adpd). 2937 = Eria 

Medium obtuse-leaved Velvet Flowering 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/90, adpd). 69 Alphon- 
sea madraspatana. 

Medium - obtuse Skewer-leaved Stout- 
medium-stewmed Orchid (Hk. 6/22, 
W.A.I, adpd), 2949 Luisia teretifolia. p 


Medium-opaquely-leathery Elli ptic-ob- 

longwaved-obtuse-leaved Wild Lime (Hk , 

1/618, adpd). 

or - cuspidate - leaved 
(Hk. 3/39, adpd). 

sessile (Anastomosing-oblique-nerved) 
Long -(mature) - alternate - ovate-lance- 
or - falcate - acuminate - leaved Outer 
fibrous - deciduous-inner-smooth-barked 
Eucalypt (Bth. 3/225, adpd). 1189 
Eucalyptus Globulus. 

Medium Oval leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-f,. Codizum 
variegatnm (ovalifolium). 

Mediom-ovate-acute Bifoliate Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/695, adpd). 2892 
Liparis platyphylla. 

Medium (?)-ovate-acute Bifoliate Pseudo- 
bulb Orchid (Hk. 5/707 adpd). 2903 
Liparis ? alata. 

Medium - ovate - acute (Woolly-backed) 
leaved Half-Spur-flowered Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/88, adpd). 66 Saccopatalum 

Medium - ovate - elliptic-acuminate-leaved 
Elongated Trinity-Shield Plant (Hk. 
1/420, adpd). 359 Aspidoterys Rox- 

Medium  Ovate - elliptic -crenate-acute- 
leaved Flowering Birch (Hk. 2/596, 
adpd). 1838 Homalium nepalense. 

Medium Ovate-Hlliptic-cuspidate-leavea 
Wing-bossed-and-rounded Trinity-shield 
Plant (Hk. 1/420, adpd), 360 Aspidop- 
terys canarana, 

407 Atalantia missionis. 

1462 Wendlandia 

Medium Ovate- elliptic - oblong- notch- 
tipped-leaved Raceme-flowered Wild 
Lime (Hk. 1/572, adpd). 405 Atalantia 


Medium - ovate - lanceolate - acuminate 
Moltifoliate Joint stemmed Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/739, W.A.I, adpd). 
2917 Dendrobium aqueum. 

Mediom  (Parallel-subtransverse - indis- 
tinct-nerved) ovate-lance-to-lance acnu- 
minate-leaved Hard-rough-furrowed-per- 
sistent-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/256, 
adpd). 1176 Eucalyptus corymbosa. 

Medium (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved) 
Ovate-lance-to - lance - mostly - faleate- 
much-acuminate - leaved Hard - rough- 
furrowed-persistent-barked Hucalypt 
(Bth. 3/270, adpd). 1173 Eucalyptus 

Medium (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved) 
Ovate-lance - to - lance-straight-acumin- 
ate-leaved Hard - rough - furrowed- 
persistent - barked Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/229, adpd). 



Opposite Elliptic-lance-obtuse- | 

1175 Eucalyptus botry- | 

; 708 

Medium  (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved) 
Ovate - lance-to - lance - upper - falcate- 
acuminate - leaved Hard - rough - fur- 

rowed - persistent - barked Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/228, adpd). 1174 Eucalyptus 

Medium ovate-leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 

(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-H. Codizum 
variegatum (ovalifolium). 

Medium - ovate-oblong-acute-fleshy- leaved 
Vanilla Orchid (Nic. 4/187, adpd), 
2983 Vanilla plan:folia. 

Medium-ovate-oblong-acute Multifoliate- 
distichous Pseudobulb Pendulous Orchid 
(Hk. 5/785, W.A.I, adpd). 2914 
Dendrobium macrostachyum, 

Medium-ovate-oblong-acute-or- acuminate- 
leaved Spinous Honey-thorn (Hk. 3/136, 
adpd). 1529-a. Vangueria spinosa 
(ty pica). 

Medium  (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved) 
ovate - to - lance - obtuse - or-mucronate- 
leaved Rough-corky-barked Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/258, adpd). 1171 Eucalyptus 

Medium - palmatinerved - aromatic-rough 
Heart -toothed-leaved Bitter Plum 
(Hk. 2/44, adpd). 688 Rumphia tiliz- 

Medium - palmatilnbed - (8-5) - glandular 
lance-acuminate-lobed-leaved Capsular 
Passion Flower (Hk. 2/608, adpd). 
1367 Modecea palmata. 

Medium-papery-ashy ovate-serrate-acute-~ 
or-acuminate-leaved Wind-berry (Hk. 
3/509, adpd). 1658-b. Mesa _ indica 

Medium - papery - brown - hirsute oblong- 
acuminate-leaved Sweetleaf (Hk. 3/583, 
adpd). 1745 Symplocos pulchra. 

Medium- papery - brown- velyetty-backed- 
shining (Penninerved-subverticillate- 
(4-8) alternate) Elliptic-lance-acuminate- 
leaved Ray Laurel (Hk. 5/152, adpd). 
2455 Actinodaphne hirsuta, 

Medium-papery-downy - glabrate -backed- 
mottled obovate-elliptic-cuspidate- 
leaved Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk. 
4/14, adpd). 1878 Toxocarpus con- 

Medium - papery: downy -giabrate (Triple- 
nerved-opposite-and-alternate) oblong- 
lance-acuminate-leaved Mercury (Hk. 
5/440, adpd). 2683 Mallotus rhamni- 

Medium-papery elliptic-acuminate-leaved 
Privet (Hk. 3/614, adpd). 1790 

Ligustrom Walkeri. 

Medium-papery elliptic-lance-caudate- 
leaved Offal Shrub (Hk. 3/184, adpd). 
1578 Lasianthos Blumianus. 

Medium-papery elliptic-lance-entire- 
acuminate-leaved Wind-berry (Hk 
3/508, adpd). -1657 Mesa ramentacea. 


Medium-papery elliptic-lance-serrate- 
acute-leaved Kerried Spindle Climber 
(Hk. 1/628, adpd). 555 Salacia fruti- 

Meaium-papery elliptic-lance-serrate- 
cuspidate-leaved Tiges’s-milk Spurge 
(Hk. 5/471, adpd). 2703 Sapium 

Medium-papery elliptic-lance-toothed- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved Wind-berry 
(Hk. 3/509, adpd), 1658-a. Meesa indica 

Medium-papery elliptic-oblong-gland- 
serrate-obtuse-leaved Sweetleaf (Hk. 
(3/582, adpd). 1739 Symplocos Beddo- 

Medium-papery  elliptic-obovate-obtuse- 
or-cuspidate-leaved Bastard Ipecacu- 
anha (Hk. 8/168, adpd). 1564 Psycho- 
tria elongata. 

Medium-papery (Triple-nerved-opposite) 
elliptic-ovate-or -lance-subcaudate-leav- 
ed Cinnamon (Hk. 5/184, adpd), 2438 
Cinnamomvum gracilis. 

Medium-papery (Penninerved-opposite) 
elliptic - ovate - lance-acuminate= leaved 
Resinous-branched Mercury (Hk. 5/437, 
adpd). 2680 Mallotus stenanthus. 

Medium-papery (Penninerved-alternate) 
Lance-acuminate-leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 
5/12], adpd). 2429 Apollonias Arnottii, 

Medium-papery _lance-to-obovate-acute- 
or-acuminate-leaved Flat-branched 
Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/162, adpd). 
1558 Psychotria Thwaitasii. 

Medium-papery oblance-acute-or-cuspid- 
ate-leaved Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 
3/17&, adpd). 1572 Psychotria John- 

Medium-papery chlong-elliptic-obzuse- 
leaved Jungle Geranium (Hk, 3/142, 
adpd). 1586 Ixora brachiata. 

Medium-papery oblong-elliptic-serrate- 
subobtuse-leaved Berried Spindle Shrub 
(Hk, 1/628, adpd). 554 Salacia 

Medium-papery oblong-lance-acuminate- 
leaved Kokra Taurel (Hk. 5/348, adpd). 
2608 Aporosa Roxburghil. 

Medium-(short-to-long)-papery oblong- 
lance-leaved Climbing Hook Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/54, adpd). 388 Artabotrys 

Medium-papery obovate-cuveate-acute-or- 
acuminate-leayved Jungle Geranium 
(Hk. 3/148, adpd). 1537-b. Ixora 
parviflora (zeylanica). 

Medium-papery obovate-cuspidate-leaved 
Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 8/175, adpd). 
1578 Psychotria nudiflora. 

Medium-papery obov rte-lance-serrate- 
acuminate-leaved Rosy Sweetleaf (Hk. 
3/583, adpd). 1742 Symplocos rosea. 



Medium-papery obovate-sutacnte-leaved 
Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/162, adpd). 
1599 Psychotria congesta. 

Medium-papery-op posite elliptic-lance- 
serrate-acnminate-leaved Tiger’s-milk 
Spurge (Hk. 5/478, adpd). 2707 
Excecaria crenulata, 

Medium-papery Ovate-coarse-dentate- 
leaved Sweetleaf (Bs./T/439, adpd). 
1786 Symplocos kanarana. 

Medium-papery ovate-oblong-acute-or- 
obtuse-leaved Penninerved Physic Nut 
(Hk. 5/384, adpd). 2629 ‘Tritaxis 

Medium-papery (Penninerved-opposite) 
Ovate-oblong-caudate-leayed Mercury 
(Hk. 5/438, adpd), 2682 Mallotus 

Medium-papery ovate-obtuse-leaved 

Honey-thorn (Hk. 3/133, adpd). 
1521-a. Canthium neilgherrense 

Medium-papery ovate-to-oblong-acute- 
leaved Kokra Laurel (Hk. 5/849, adpd). 
2610 Aporosa Lindleyana. 

leaved Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 1/65, 
adpd). 46 Polyalthia suberosa. 

Medium-papery-punctate oblong-caudate- 
leaved Lip-berry Dog-bane (Hk. 3/626, 
adpd). 1801 Chilocarpus atroviridis. 

Medium - papery - scurfy - downy-glabrate 
(Penninerved-biglandular-based) Ellip- 
tie-crenate-serrate - acuminate - leaved 

Mercury (Hk. 5/419, adpd). 2672 
Ccelodepas calycinum. 
Medium-papery-shining (Penninerved- 

opposite) Elliptic-lance-cuspidate-leay- 

ed Cinnamon (Hk. 5/124, adpd). 2432 
Beilschmiedia Wightii. 
Medium-papery-shining (Penninerved) 

elliptic- oblong - narrowed - but-obtuse- 
leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/418, adpd). 
2671 Adenochlena indica. 

Medium-papery-shining narrow-oblong- 
lance-euspidate-leaved Child’s-Amulet 
Tree (Hk. 5/339, adpd). 2603 Hemi- 
eyclia Wightii. 

Medium-papery-shining (Pennineryed- 
opposite)  oblong-lance-obtuse-leaved 
Cinnamon (Ak, 5/124, adpd). 2481 
Beilschmiedia oppositifolia. 

Medium-papery-silky-glabrate Terminal- 
ly-crowded _ elliptic-oblong-lance-sinu- 
ate-obtuse-leaved Croton (Hk. 5/898, 
adpd). 2645 Trigonostemon nemo- 

Medium-papery-subsessile lance-to-oboy- 
ate-acute-leaved Bastard Tpeca- 
cuanha (Talbot B/NHS, adpd). 1571 
Psychotria canarensis. 


Medium - papery - yellow-woolly - backed 
“Thirteen-(13-prs.)-nerved ovate-entire- 
acnte-leaved Conehead (Hk, 4/335, 
adpd). 2181 Strobilanthes gossypinus, 
Medium-peltate-glaucous-backed Round- 
ish-heart-acuminate-leaved ‘Tendrilled 
Climbing Partridge Pea (Hk. 1/578, 

adpd). 491 Erythropalum — populi- 
Medium-pendulous-stemmed (Medinm- 

acuminate Skewer-leaved) Orchid (Hk. 
6/56, W.A.I, adpd). 2965 Saccolabinm 

Medium-pilose-glabrate-back ed ovate- 
elliptic-acute-leaved Marsh Rosemary 
(Hk. 3/460, adpd). 1643 Pieris ovali- 

Medium-prominent-nerved oblong-leaved 
Climbing Biseriate-seeded Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/51, adpd). 30 Uvaria lurida. 

Medium-puberulous-glabrate elliptic- 
acute-leaved Cornel (Hk. 2/796, adpda). 
1423 Mastixia pentandra. 

Medinm-punctulate ovate-lance-leaved 
Rose-spotted White-flowered Justice- 
wort (Hk. 4/525, adpd). 2257-a. 
Justicia Betonica (typica). 

Medinm-purple-veined lance-obtuse-leav- 
ed Purple-branched Justicewort (Rox. 
1/128, adpd). 2260 Justicia Gendar- 

Medium - red - hairy - glabrate - leathery 
(Penninerved-subverticillate -alternate) 
Broad-obovate-cuneate - obtuse - leaved 
Cinnamon (Hk. 5/144, adpd). 2447-d. 
Alseodaphne semecarpifolia (rufa). 

Medium -rigid - downy - backed - scabrid- 
glabrate elliptic-lance-serrate-acamin- 
ate-leaved Ivonweed (Hk. 3/289, 
adpd). 1603 Vernonia pectiniformis. 

Medium Round-leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-G. Codizwum 
variegatum (rotundifolium), 

Medium-rufous-hirsute Seven-(7-prs)- 
nerved Ovyate-crenate-acuminate-leav- 
ed Cone head (Hk. 4/439, adpd). 2191 
Strobilanthes Perrottetianus. 

Médium-rusty-downy-backed ovate-ellip- 
tic-entire-subacute-leaved Star Vervein 
Climber (Hk, 4/600, adpd). 2332 
Sphenodesma paniculata, 

Medium -rusty-downy - glabrate-subglau- 
cous-backed (Triple-nerved-alternate) 
Ovate -or-obovate -to-lance - or -oblong- 
acuminate-leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/441, 
adpd). 2687 Mallotus philippinensis. 

Medium-rusty-downy-midribbed lance- 
acuminate-leaved § Half-boat-flowered 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/72, adpd). 50 Phaean- 
thus malabaricus. 

Medium-rusty-shaggy-glabrate — elliptie- 
oblong - acute - or -cuspidate -leaved 
Shaggy-belled Bindweed (Kk. 4/225, 
adpd). 2063 Nenropeltis racemosa, 



Medium-rusty-silky-glabrate Close-nerved 
elliptic-obtuse-leaved Gutta-percha (Hk. 
3/539, adpd). 1682-e. Isonandra 
lanceolata (Perrottetiana). 

Medium-rusty-silky-glabrate elliptic- 
obtuse-leaved Gutta-percha (Hk. 3/539, 
adpd), 1682-d. Isonandra lanceolata 

Medium-rusty-silky-glabrate lance-cuspid- 
ate-leaved Gutta-percha (Hk, 3/589, 

adpd). 1682-a. Isonandra lanceolata 
Medium-rusty-silky-glabrate obovate- 

elliptic-cuspidate-leaved Gutta-percha 
(Hk. 3/539, adpd), 1682-b. Isonandra 
lanceolata (anfractuosa). 

Medium-rusty-villous Heart-acute-leaved 
Yellow Bindweed (Hk, 4/223, adpd). 
2061 Breweria cordata. 

Medium-rusty-woolly-glabrate elliptic-to- 
lance-cuneate-acuminate leaved Berried 
Bindward {(Hk. 4/181, adpd). 1989-b. 
Erycibe paniculata (Wightiana), 

Medium-rusty-wonlly-glabrate obovate- 
cuspidate-leaved Berried Bindweed 
(Hk. 4/181, adpd). 1989 Erycibe 

Medium-scabrid-backed ovate-cuspidate- 
leaved Honey-thorn (Hk. 3/183, adpd). 
1521-b. Canthium neilgherrense 

Medium-scabrid-subsessile elliptic-lance- 
serrate-acuminate-leaved Tronweed 
(Hk. 3/232, adpd). 1595 Vernonia 

Medium-scabrid-subsessile obovate-sub- 
serrate-acute-leaved Ironweed (Hk. 
3/230). 1593 Vernonia teres. 

Medinm-scabrous-shaggy-backed oblong- 
denticulate-acuminate-leaved Sweetleaf 
(Hk. 3/578, adpd). 1727 Symplocos 

Medium-seeded Lance Wood (McL. 514, 

adpd). 286 Pterospermum Heynea- 
Medium (Seven-7-prs.nerved)  elliptic- 

subentire-acute-leaved White-flowered 
French-chiretta (Hk. 4/515, adpd), 
2255 Diotacanthus albiflorus. 
Medium-shaggy-backed-hispid Seven-(7-8 
prs.)-nerved ovate-sub-entire-acute- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/487, adpd). 
2187 Strobilanthes heteromallus. 
Medium-shaggy Hight-(8-prs, )-nerved 
elliptic -denticulate - acuminate - leaved 

Conehead (Hk. 4/443, adpd). 2200 
Strobilanthes lupulinus. 
Medium-silky-nerved-backed elliptic- 

lance acuminate-leaved Offal Shrub 
(Hk. 3/185, adpd). 1581 Lasianthns 

Medium-shining-leaved Globe-flowered. 
Nutmeg (Bs/T/13, adpd). 75 Sagerza 


Medium-shining ovate-oblong-acuminate- 
leaved Partridge Pea Tree (Hk. 1/580, 
adpd). 493 Anaclosa densiflora. 

Medium-short-petioled _ elliptic-crenate- 
obtuse-to-acuminate-leaved Flowering 
Birch (Hk. 2/598, adpd). 1341 Homa. 
lium travancoricum. 

Medium-silvery-downy-backed ovate- 
acuminate-leaved Trinerved Myrtle 
(Hk. 2/468, adpd). 1224 Rhodamnia 

Medium-silky-glabrate-membranous obov- 
ate-oblong-obtuse-leaved Fan Flower 
(Hk, 38/421, adpd). 1632 Scwvola 

Medium-silky ovate-lanceolate-acuminate- 
leaved Climbing Necklace Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/60, adpd). 389 Unona viridiflora. 

Medium-slightly-hairy-lineolate Seven-(7- 
prs. )-nerved Elliptic-lance-crenate- 
acuminate-leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/444, 
adpd), 2202 Strobilanthes ixiocepha- 

Medium-smooth-thick (Irregular-(often- 
indistinct)-nerved) Lance-falcate-acu- 
minate-leaved Dark-Irongrey-smooth- 
or-rough-persistent-barked — Kucalypt 
(Bth, 3/211, adpd). 1200 Kucalyptus 

Medium-soft-hairy-back-warted Seven-(7- 
prs.)-nerved Hlliptic-serrate-acuminate- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/448, adpd). 
22G1-a.  Strobilanthes Aleyneanus 

Medium-sparsely-bristly Six-(6-prs.)- 
nerved Ovate-crenulate-acuminate- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/451, adpd). 
9207 Strobilanthes bolamputtiensis. 

Medium-sparsely-downy Hleven-(11-prs.)- 
nerved ovate serrate-acuminate-leaved 
Conehead (fk. 4/444, adpd). 2203 
Strobilanthes micranthus. 

Medium-sparsely-hairy Seven-(7-prs.)- 
nerved Broad-elliptic-serrate-acumin- 
ate-leayed Conehead (Hk 4/444, adpd), 
2201-c, Strobilanthes Heyneanus 

Medium-stemmed (Very-long-acutely- 
bilobed Strapsleaved) Orchid (Hk. 6/54, 
adpd). 2964 Vanda Wightiana, 

Medium-strigose elliptic-leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk.190, adpd). 2005 Argyreia 

Medinm-subelabrous-lineolate elliptic- 
acuminate-leayed Blue Bracted Vernal- 
flower (Hk. 4/421, adpd). 21738 
Deedalacanthus montanus. 

Medium-subglaucous (Parallel-oblique- 
finc-regular-nerved) lance-leaved 
Whitish - ashy-grey-or-blackish-persist- 
ent-barked Enucalypt (Bth. 38/214, 
adpd). 1185 Eucalyptus bicolor, 


Medium-subglaueous oblong-lance-acute- 
leaved Crape Myrtle (Hk, 2/575, adpd). 
1316-b. Layerstroemia parviflora (majus- 

Medium-submembranous-alternate Broad- 
ovate-to-lance-coarse - toothed - acute- 
leaved Queensland Nut (Hk. 5/190, 
adpd). 2477 Helicia nilagirica. 

Medium-tawny-downy-backed __ elliptic- 
serrulate-obtuse-leaved Jujube (Hk. 
1/636, adpd). 568 Zizyphus rugosa. 

Medinm-tawny-shagey lance-subcrenate- 
acute-leaved Copper Leaf (Hk. 5/413, 
adpd). 2660 Claoxylon hirsutum, 

Medium-tawny-velvetty-glabrate (Triple- 
nerved-subalternate) ovate-oblong-~ 
obtuse-leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 5/134, 
adpd). 2439 Cinnamomum Perrottetii. 

Medium Ternately-whorled _—linear- 
lance-acute-leaved Rondeletia-wort 
(Hk.3/40, adpd). 1465 Wendlandia 

Medium-thick (Irregular-(often-indis- 
tinct)-nerved ) ovate-to-narrow-lance- 
cuneate-leaved Smooth—deciduous-on- 
branches-rough-rigid - stringy - barked 
Huealypt (Bth. 3/243, adpd). 1197 
Hucalyptus Stuartiana, 

Medium-thick (Parallel-oblique-fine-indis- 
tinct-nerved) lance-faleate-acuminate- 
leaved Dark-rough-rather-furrowed- 
persistent-barked Kucalypt (Bth. 3/208, 
adpd). 1202 Euealyptus pilularis, 

Medium-thick (Irregular-(often-indis- 
tinct) - nerved) Lance - or - falcate-acu- 
minate-leavyed White-soft-on - branches- 
dark-iron—grey-rough - spongy - barked 
Eucalypt (Bth. 3/209, adpd). 1195 
Jucalyptus leucoxylon. 

Medium-thick (Anastomising-oblique- 
nerved) oblique-lance-or-falcate-leaved 
and-variegated-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/217, adpd). 1191 Eucalyptus hama- 

Medium-thick (Anastomosing-oblique- 
nerved) oblique-ovate-lance-falcate- 

acute-to-acuminate-leaved Rugged- 
fibrous-very-tenacious-barked Hucalypt 
(Bth. 3/204, adpd), 1190 Eucalyptus 

Medium - thick - rigid (Anastomosing - 
oblique-nerved) ovate-lance-or-lance-or- 
faicate - leaved Eucalypt (Bth. 3/214, 
adpd). 1203 Eucalyptus hemiphloia, 

Medium - thick (Parallel - subtransverse- 
indistinct-nerved) ovate-lance-to-lance- 
or-falcate-acuminate-leaved Rough- 
deciduous-barked Hucalypt (Bth, 3/245, 
adpd), 1178 Eucalyptus resinifera. 


linoar-lance-crenulate - rugose - obtuse- 
leaved Ironweed (Hk. 3/288, adpd). 
1600 Vernonia salviewfolia. 

Medium - thick-wolly-cartilage - margined 
(Simple-palmati -(7) - nerved - opposite 
and-alternate) Roundish-heart-leaved 
Yam (Hk, 6/294, adpd), 3063 Dioscorea 

Medium-thinly-downy-glabrate ovate- 
acuminate -leaved Fetid Holly (Ak. 
2/589, adpd). 500-a. Mappia foetida 

Medium-thinly - downy - Seven - (7-prs)- 
nerved ovate-crenate-cuspidate-leaved 
Conehead (Hk. 4/452, adpd). 2208 
Strobilanthes asper. 

Medium-to-large (Palmati-(3-7)-nerved) 
Biauricled-Sheathing-petioled oblong- 
ovate-to-roundish- cuspidate-or-acumin- 
ate-leaved Sarsaparilla (Hk. 6/312, 
adpd). 3082 Smilax prolifera. 

Medium -to - large-membranous -ashy-vel- 
vetty (Palmati-(3-7)-nerved-peltats) 
Round- ovate-entire-or-lobed-cuspidate- 
leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/427,adpd), 2676 
Coalediscus speciosus. 

Mediwn-to-large-oblong Unifoliate Psen- 
dobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/761, W.A.T, adpd). 
2922 Bulbophyllum vilgherrense. 

Medium-to-large-rusty-velvetty -(Palmati- 
(8-5)-nerved - subpeltate) Roundish-or- 
ovate-acuminate leaved Mercury (Hk. 
5/429, adpd). 2678 Mallotus albus, 

Medium-to-large-shaggy | Round-ovate- 
toothed-subacute-leaved Star-Vervein 
Climber (Hk. 4/600, adpd). 23381 
Symphorema polyandrum. 

Medium-to-large-silky-glabrate Heart- 
acuminate - or - (young) - tricuspidate- 
leaved Himalayan Liquidamber (Hk, 
2/429, edpd). 1129 Bucklandia 

Medium - to - large « subglaucous - backed 
(Simple -palmati-(7—9)-nerved-opposite- 
an alternate) ovate-lance-heart-or- 
hastate-caudate-leaved Angled-or- 
winged-stemmed Yam (Hk. 6/295, 
adpd). 3066 Dioscorea Hamiltonii, 

Medium - to - large — subglaucous - backed 
heart-or-hastate-leaved Flattish-stem— 
med Yara (Hk. 6/294, adpd). 3064 
Dioscorea glabra. 

Medium-to-long-downy-glabrate (Triple— 
nerved-opposite) R oundish-coarse- 
toothed-caudate-leaved Harmless 
Nettle (Hk. 5/576, adpd). 2772 
Beehmeria piatyphylla. 

Medium-to-long elliptic-obtuse-leaved 
Resin-tipped Cape Jasmine (Hk, 3/116, 
adpd). 1504 Gardenia tucida, 



Medium-to-long-glaucous-backed (Penni 
nerved-alternate) elliptic-lance-to— 
oblong acute tc-obtnuse-leaved Cinna— 
mon (Hk, 5/140, adpd), 2444 Machilus 

(Penninerved-subverticillate- alternate) 
elliptic-oblong-obtuse-leaved Cinnamon 
(Hk. 5/144, adpd). 2447-c. Alseo- 
daphne semecarpifolia (macrocarpa). 

Mediumi-to-long (Parallel-subtransverse— 
nerved) Lance-acuminate-leaved 
barked-Eucalypt (Bth, 3/245, adpd), 
1172 Eucalyptus saligna, ° 

Medium-to-long - lance-subacute - leaved 
Pendulous-branched .fungle-Geranium 
(Hk. 3/188, adpd), 1531 Ixora lanceo— 

Medium-to-long-leathery (Penninerved) 
elliptic-lance-crenate- acute-or-acumin— 
ate leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/444, adpd), 
2688 Cleidion javanicum, 

Medium-to-long leathery-elliptic - oblong- 
leaved Square-nnarmed-branched 
Emetic Nut (Hk. 8/112, adpd). 1500 
Randia densiflora. 

Medium-tcslong-leathery lance acuminate- 
leaved Square-unarmed-branched 
Emetic Nut (Hk. 3/112, adpd). 1501 
Randia Gardneri. 

Medium-to-long-leathery-shining (Penni- 
nerved-alternate and opposite) oblong- 
lance-cuspidate-leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 
§/122, adpd). 2430-b, Beilschmiedia 
fagifolia (Dalzellii). 

Medium-to-long-leathery (Triple-nerved— 
opposite) Ovate-lance-obtuse-leaved 
Cinnamon (Hk. 5/181, adpd). 2434 
Cinnamomum zey!anicum. 

Medium - to -long ~ membranous - downy— 
backed (‘Triple-nerved-alternate) ovate- 
oblong-crenulate-caudate leaved Harm— 
less Nettle (Hk. 5/575, adpd). 2770 
Boehmeria malabarica. 

Medium-to - long - membranous - downy— 
backed-scabrid (Triple-nerved-and— 
(young 2-8) - lobed oblique - ovate— 
oblong-toothed-acuminate-leaved Paper 

Mulberry (Hk. 5/490, adpd). 2718 
Broussonetia papyrifera, 

Medium -to-long-membranons elliptic— 
acute-leaved Spinous MHoney-thorn 
(Ol. 3/148, adpd), 1529-c. Vangueria 
spinosa (edulis). 

Medium-to-long-membranous elliptic— 

ovate-to- oblong - obtuse-or--cuspidate— 
leaved Calycine Croton (Hk. 5/404, 
adpd), 2654 Dimorphocalyx Lawianus, 

Medium-to-long-membranous lance- 
serrate-acute-leaved Gland-downy- 
branched Tronweed (Hk, 3/236, adpd). 
1599 Vernonia anthelmintica. 


Medium-to-lone membranous lance to- 
oblance-acuminato-leaved Bastard 
Tpecacuanha (Hk. 3/1€8, adpd). 1567 
Psychotria sulcata. 

Medium - to - long-membranous - whorled- 
(38-4)-and-opposite _ elliptic-acute-or- 
acuminate-leaved Square-branched 
Offal Shrub (Hk. 3/194, adpd). 1591 
Saprosma corymbosum, 

Medium- to - long - membranous - woolly- 
backed (Triple-nerved-alternate) lance- 
oblong-cr-roundish-serrate acuminate- 
leaved Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/590, 
adpd). 2777 Villebrunia frutescens. 

Medium - to - long-opposite oblong-ovate- 
cuspidate-leaved Joint Fir (Hk. 5/648, 
adpd). 2805 Gnetum scandens. 

Medium - to - long-papery-downy-glabrate 
obovate-or- oblance - cuspidate - leaved 
Crimson-druped Kin Ramboutan (Bed. 
2/289, adpd). 2619 Baccaurea courtal— 

Medium-to-long-papery-downy - glabrate- 
shining (Penninerved-opposite) elliptic- 
lance-to-oblance-acuminate-leaved Mer- 
cury (Hk. 6/483, adpd) 2681 Mallotus 

Medium-to-long-10-scurfy-nerved lance- 
acute-leaved Dipterocarp Dammer 
(Hk. 1/802, adpd). 199 Vatica Rox- 

Medium-to-long-thick-shining (Parallel- 
sublongitudinal - nerved - sub - (8-7)- 
ribbed) ovate-lance-and-falcate-acumin- 
ate-leaved Outer-deciduons-inner-white 
smooth-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/201, 
adpd). 11838 Hucalyptus pauciflora. 

Medium-to-long-velvetty Opposite ovate- 
lance-acuminate-leaved Rondeletiawort 
(ik. 3/87, adpd). 1460 Wendlandia 

Medinm-villous round-heart-acuminate- 
leaved Dark-purple-flowered Bindweed 
(Nic. 2/192, adpd). 2025  Ipomea 

Medium-velvetty-backed-nervose elliptic- 
acute-leaved Crape Myrtle (Bs/T/338, 
adpd), 1317 (bis.) Lagerstroomia 

(Hk. 1/589, adpd). 
foetida (tomentosa), 

Medium -velvetty - backed  Ternately- 
whorled ellipiic-acuminate-leaved Ron- 
deletiawort (Hk. 3/40, udpd). 1468-a, 
Wendlandia Notoniana (typica). 

Dagger-Orchid (Hk. 5/682, W.A.I. adpd), 
28£9 Oberonia Lindleyana. 

Medium - white -.downy - backed -scabrid 
(Triple-nerved-alternate) Roundish— 
serrate-acuminate-leaved flarmless 

Fetid Holly 
500-b, Mappia 


Nettle (Hk. 5/576, adpd). 2771 Booh- 
meria nivea, 
Medium-white-silky-backed - glabrescent 
Seven-(7-prs)-nerved ovate-distinctly- 
toothed -acuminate-lenved Conehead 
(Hk, 4/486, adpd). 2184-e. Strobi- 
lanthes consanguineus (hypoleuca), 
Medium-w hite-velvetty-backed roundish- 
heart-leaved Leather-berried Bindweed 
(Hk. 4/188, adpd). 1990 Rivea ornata, 
lous-subsessile elliptic-to-round-serrate- 
acute-leaved lronweed (Hk. 3/238, adpd), 
1601 Vernonia indica. 
downy-or-scabrid (Triple-nerved-alter- 

nate) oblong-lance-serrate-acuminate- 
leaved Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/590, 
adpd). 2778 Webregeasia velutina. 

Medium-whitish- backed (Parallel-sub- 
transverse nerved) ovate-lance- to-lance 
or - falcate - acuminate - leaved Rough- 
persistent- not- furrowed- branches- 
smooth-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/209, 
adpd). 1179 Eucalyptus marginata. 

Medium-winged-petioled  oblong-lance- 
subacuminate-leaved Knot-weed (Hk. 

5/45, . adpd). 2388-d. Polygonum 
chinense (corymbosa). 
Medium-winged-petioled oblong-lance- 

subhastate-leaved-Knotweed (Hk. 5/45, 
adpd). 2888-c. Polygonum chinense 

Medium-winged-petioled | oyate-oblong= 
acute leayved Knot-weed (Hk. 5/45, 
adpd). 23888-b. Polygonum chinense 

Medium-winged-petioled subdeltoid-leaved 
Knot-weed (Hk. 5/45, adpd). 2888-a. 
Polygonum chinense (typiea). 

Medium-woolly-backed oblong-acute- 
leaved Kose Box (Hk. 2/885, adpd). 
1120 Cotoneaster frigida. 

Medium-woolly _linear-oblong-acute-or- 
acuminate-leaved Ipecacuanha Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/48, adpd). 1914 Tylophora 

Medium-woolly-midribbed narrow- 
oblong-cordate-acute-leayed Cherry 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/66, adpd). 47 Poly- 

althia rufescens. 

Medium-woolly ovate-oblong-leaved Half- 
Star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk, 1/87, adpd). 
64 Miliusa velutina, 

Medium-woolly -thick ovate-crenulate- 
obtuse-leaved Bastard Lavender (Hk. 
4/620, adpd). 2348 Anisochilus robustus, 

Medlar (Chirese) (S. 938, 154. 1112 Hrio- 
botrya japonica, 

Medlar (Japanese) (McL, 487) (Nic, 8/108) 

(Cag. 250), 1112 Eriobotrya japonica. 
Medlar (Quince _ leaved) (S. 113). 
ceclxxxviii, Cotoneaster (genus), 


Medlar (West Indian) (Mech, 300, 1022). 
1689 Mimusops Elengi. 

Medlar (Wild) of South Africa (Ol. 3/148). 
dy. Vangueria (genus), 

Medusa’s Head Orchid (8.98). cmxxii. 
Cirrhopetalum (yenus). 

Meense Tree (McL. 593), 1009 Parkia 

Mehndee (Cag. 565), 1314 Lawsonia 

Mehndi (Pr, 1/508). 1314 Lawsonia alba, 

Mendee (Bed. 1/118). 1314 Lawsonia 

Mendhee (McL. 603). 1314 Lawsonia 

Mending (Knife) Plant (McL. 257). 2538 
Euphorbia trigona, 

Mendoza Arrowroot (Muell. 8.P). 3028 

Canna Achiras. 

Mendphal (McL. 441). 1498 Randia 

Meizarage (McL. 357). 81 Anamirta 
Melastomads (McL. 1005). 1. Melas- 

tomacez (Order). 
Mélea-persike of the Greeks (Mch. 54). 
1064 Prunus persica. 

Melic (Biseriate Spiked) Grass (Treas. 

Bot, 1/549, Hk. 7/8, adpd).  mxtlii. 
Streptogyna (genus), 
Melicoton (McL. 79). 1111 Cydonia 


of the Periplus (Mcl. 857). 3282 
- Saccharum officinarum. 
Melon Cactus (Nic. 3/348) (S. 267). 1869 

Melococtus communis. 

Melon Featherfoil (McL. 
decxy .Glochidion (genus). 

Melon (Beech leaved) Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2578 Glochidion  fagi- 

Melon (Bristly) Featherfoil (McL, 587, 
adpd), 2590 Glochidion asperum. 

Melon (Coastal Round leaved) Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd), 2574 Glochidion 

Melon (Downy) Featherfoil of the fouth- 
ern Ghauts (McL. 587, adpd). 2582 
Glochidion arboreum. 

Melon (Glaucous leaved) Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2574 (bis.) Glochi- 
dion multiloculare, 

Melon (Hoary capsuled) Featherfoil (Mch. 
587, adpd). 2575 Glochidion lanceo- 

Melon (Hohenacker’s Conkan) Featherfoil 
(MeL. 587, adpd). 2579 Glochidion 

Melon (Large flowered) Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2583 Glochidion neil- 

587, adpd). 


Melon (Larger Malabar) Featherfoi 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2587 Glochidion 

Melon (Malabar Many Carpelled) Feather- 
foil (McL, 587, adpd). 2574 Glochidion 

Melon (Northern many  carpelled) 
Featherfoil (McL, 587, adpd). 2574. 
(bis.) Glochidion multiloculare, 

Melon (Kalph’s Conkan) Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2580 Glochidion 
Ral phii. 

Melon (Rigid branched) Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2586 Glochidion 

Melon (Shining oblong leaved) Feather- 
foil (McL, 587, adpd), 2577 Glochidion 

Melon (Smaller Malabar) Featherfoil 
(MchL. 587, adpd). 2584 Glochidion 

Melon (Tail leaved) Weatherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2587-b. Glochidion ellip- 
ticum (Wightii). 

Meton (Thin oblong leaved) Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2581 Glochidion 

Melon (Velvetty) Featherfoil (MeL. 587, 
adpd). 2588 Glochidion velutinum., 

Melon (Woolly) Featherfoil (Mc. 587, 
adpd). 2576 Glochidion tomentosum. 

Melon (Downy) Featherfoil of the North- 

ern Circars (McL. 587, adpd). 2589 
Glochidion Heyneanum. 
Melon Lime (McL. 484). 409 Citrus 


Melon-médikon of the Greeks (McL, 434). 
403 Citrus-medica-medica. 

Melon-shape capsuled Featherfoil (Ich, 
587, adpd). deccxi. Glochidion (genus). 

Melon-shaped Cactus (Cag. 549). 1369 
Melocactus communis, 

Melon Thistle (Nic. 3/347) (S. 267). 1369 
Melocactus communis. 

Melon (Common) Thistle (Br. 92) (S. 267). 
1369 Melocactus communis. 

Melon ‘Thistles (McL, 1003). LVII. 
Cactacez (Order). 

Melon Tree (Mech, 500, 650). 1344 Carica 

Membrane leaved Pepper (Mch. 676, 
adpd). 2414 Piper Hymenophyllum. 

Membranous-broad-lance - pinnatipartite - 
acuminate-pinnuled (Bipinnate-(1-2-ft,- 
or-more)-glossy-stiped) Buckler Fern 
(Bed/E, adpd). 3348 Nephrodium 

Membranous - broad-oblong - (1 —4’7 ) - 
pinnatifid-acuminate-pinnuled (Bipin- 
nate-(3 f{t.-or-more)-sealy — and-hairy - 
stiped) Buckler Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3857 Nephrodium Boryanum. 

Membranous carpelled Evening Mallow 
(Hk. 1/328). 225 Abutilon crispum, 


Membranous Cordate-leaved Tree Bilberry 
(Bs/T/335, adpd). 1800 Memecylon 


Membranous crenulate Jeaved Spindle 
Tree (Hk. 1/609, adpd), 519 Huonymus 

Membranous - distinctly - nerved - leaved 
False Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 496 
Gomphandra axillaris. 

Membranous-firm-broad-lance-pinnatipar - 
tite-acute-pinnuletted (Quadripinnate- 
(1-6-ft.)-muricate-rachised-white-silky - 
nerved oblong-(4/’-7’)-acuminate- 
pinnuled) Polypody Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3375 Polypodium ornatum. 

Membranous - lance - (2’’) - pinnatifid - 
acuminate-pinnuled (Bipinnate-(1-3 
ft.-or - more) - glancous-stiped - hirsute) 
Buckler Fern (Bed/F, adpd), 3858 
Nephrodium setigerum. 

Membranous-lance: pinnatipartite-acumin- 
ate-pinnuled (Bipinnate-prickly- 
rachised) Cup Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3330 Cyathea spinulosa. 

Membranous _lance-to-obovate-short-le«v- 
ed Gamboge (Hk. 1/261, adpd). 171 
Garcinia indica. 

Membranous (Tripartite) leaved Climbing 
Arum (Nic. 3/97, 5/596). 38259 Philo- 
dendron quercifolium. 

Membranous-leaved Quinquefoil Vine 
(McL. 564, adpd). 608 Vitis tenuifolia. 

Membranous-linear oblong-(8”—12”)-pin - 
natifid-acuminate-pinnated (Pinnate- 
(13-8-ft.) Buckler Fern (Bed/I', adpd). 
3351 Nephrodium extensum, 

Membranous-long-oblong-(8”-16”) - pin - 
natipartite-acuminate-pinnated (Pe- 
datipinnate-subglabrous _—_ Basal-bi-tri- 
partite) Brake Fern (Bed/!, adpd). 
3338 Pteris patens. 

Membranous-medium Broad-ovate-acumin- 
ate-leaved False Holly (Hk. 1/587, 
adpd). 499 Apodytes Beddomei. 

Membranous-medium Narrow-to-broad- 
lance-acuminate-leaved False Holly 
(Hk. 1/586, adpd). 496 Gomphandra 

Membranous-oblique - rhomb-ovate-lacini- 
ate-acuminate (Bipinnate - (2.-ft.)- 
brown-sealy-stiped) Buckler Fern 

(Bed/F, adpd). 38361 Nephrodium 
Membranous (U nifoliate-medium-sub- 

glabrous)-oblong acute-leaved Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/78, adpd). 719 Crotalaria 

Membranous-oblong-lance - crenate - sub- 
sinuate-pinnated § (Pinnate-(1}-—2-ft.)- 
subglabrous) Spleenwort Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3347 Asplenium sylvaticum. 

ed (Leafless-or-sparsely) Australian 


Native Ivy (Nic. 2/390, adpd). 2386 
Muehlenbeckia platyclada. 

Membranous-oblong-lobed-(basal-pinnati - 
partite)-obtuse-to-acuminate - pinnated 
(Pinnate (1/3-3-ft.)-scaly-stiped Buck- 
ler Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3349 Ne- 
phrodium cicutarium, 

Membranous - oblong - pinnatipartite- 
acuminate (Pinaate-(14-38 ft.) Buckler 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3362 Nephrodium 


pinnuleé (Bipinnate) Bnekler Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd), 3859 Nephrodium 

Membranous-oblong-pinnatiparti t e-s a b- 
obtuse-pinnuled (Bipinnate-(1}-3. ft.)- 
spiculed-rachised) Spleenwort Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3343 Asplenium _filix- 

Membranous - oblong - to - rhomb - lance- 
pinuatipartite-obtuse-pinnuled (Tripin- 
nate-downy) Bear’s foot Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 38338 Davyallia spelunce. 

Membranous (Trifoliate-small-glabrous) 
obovate-oblone -acate-leaved Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/84, adpd). 737 Crotalaria 

Membranous (Trifoliate-medium-giabrous} 
obovate-objong-obtuse-leaved  Kattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/84, adpd). 736 Crotalaria 

Membranous (Trifoliate-small-loosely- 
downy) obovate-obtuse-leaved Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/88, adpd). 734 Crotalaria 
incana. - 

Membranous owate-leaved Climbing Caper 
(Hk. 1/179, adpd). 122-a. Capparis 
tenera (Palzellii). 

Membranons-oval-oblong - decurrent - ob - 
tuse-pinnuled (Tripinnate-(2-3-f{t.)- 
scaly-rachised) Globe Fern (Bed/F. 
adpd). 38331 Sphzropteris barbata, 

Membranous Simple-leayed-Honey-sweet 
Tree (Hk. 2/5, adpd). 654 Meliosma 

Membranous-translucent-oblong- ovate - 
pinnatifid-obtuse-pinnuled (Tripinnate- 
densely-scaly-scabrous-stiped) Polypody 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3374 Polypodium 

seed ‘Tree (Nic. 5/487). xii. 
sporum (genus). 

Memel (Red) Pine (Gbl. 703). 

Mercury (Climbing) (Treas. Bot. 2/736) 
(Hk, 5/244, adpd),  decelviii. Dale- 
champia (genus). 

Mercury (Climbing Nettle) (Treas. Bot. 
2/736, (Hk. 5/244, adpd). decelvii. 
Tragia (genus), 


2857 Pinus 

7 ——— 


Mercury (Larger-Bell-Vervein-leaved) 
(Bed, 2/231, adpd). deeexlviii. Trewia 

Mercury (Long-stamened ‘Tetvandrovs) 
(Treas. Bot. 2/736, Hk. 5/243, adpd). 
decexlvii. Alchornea (genus). 

Moreury (Opposite-leaved) (Treas, Bot. | 

2/736, Hk. 5/2438, decexlviii, 
Trewia (genus). 

Mereury (Paimati-(9-11)-nerved-peltate 
Large-white-woolly Roundish-tricuspi- 
date-leaved) (Hk. 5/428, adpd). 2677 
Mallotus barbatus. 

Medium-to-large-mem branous-ashy-vel- 
vetty Round - ovate - entire - or -lobed- 
cuspidate leaved) (Hk. 5/427, adpd), 
2676 Ccelodiscus speciosus, 

Mercury (Palmati (8-5)-nerved-subpeltate 


Medium-to-large-rusty-velvetty Round- 

ish-or-ovate-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
5/429, adpd). 2678 Maliotus albus. 

Mercury (Penninerved-biglandular-based 
elliptic-crenate-serrate-acuminateeleav - 
ed) (Hk. 6/419, adpd). 2672 Coelodepas 

Mercury (Peuninerved Medium-papery- 
shining _elliptic-oblong-narrowed-but- 
obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 5/418, adpd). 2671 
Adenochlna indica. 

Mercury (Penninerved Medium-io-long- 
or-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 5/544, adpd). 
2688 Cleidion javavicum. 

Mercury (Penninerved-opposite Mediam- 
leathery-shining Rhombic-lance-obtuse- 
leaved) (Hk. 5/436, adpd). 2679 
Mallotus muricatus. 

Mercury (Penninerved-opposite Medium- 
papery elliptic-ovate-lance-acuminate- 
leaved Resinous-vranched) (Hk. 5/437, 
adpd). 2680 Mallotus stenanthus. 

Mercury (Penninerved-opposite Medium- 

papery ovate-oblong-caudate-leayed} 
(Hk. 5/488, adpd). 2682 Mallotas 

Mercury (Yenninerved-opposite Medium- 
to-long-papery-downy-glabrate-shimin g 
© elliptic-lance - to - oblance - acuminate- 

leaved) (Hk. 5/488, adpd). 2681 
Mallotus Lawil. 
Mercury (Plume-styied Tetrandrous) 

(Treas. Bot. 2/736, Hk. 5/243, adpd). 
decexly. Adenochlna (genus), 

Mercury (Polyandrous 
(Treas. Bot. 2/736, Hk, 5/243, adpd). 
deccli. Cleidion (genus). 

Mercury (Polyandrous Glandular-backed- 
leaved) (Treas. Bot. 2/736, Hk, 5/248, 
adpd\. dcccl. Mallotus (genus). 

Mercury (Polyandrous Stamen-girt 
Naked-disk) (Treas, Bot. 2/736, Hk. 

(Palmati-(3—7)-nerved-peltate | 

elliptic-lance-crenate-acute- | 

Conical-disk) | 


| 5/243, Coelodiscus 


| Mercury (Short-stamened Tetrandrous) 
(Treas. Bot. 2/736, Hk. 5/248, adpd). 
decexlvi. Coolodepas (genus). 

Mercury (Small-downy-backed 
Climbing) (Hk. 5/467, adpd). 
Dalechampia indica. 

adpd).  decexlix, 

elliptic - 

Mercury (Small-to-medium-membranous- 
hispid Heurt-serrate-cuspidate-leaved 
Climbing Nettle) (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 
2697-b, Tragia involucrata (cordata). 

Mercury (Small-to-medium membranous- 

hispid Narrow-linear-lance-heari-leaved 

Climbing Nettle) (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 
2697-c. Tragia involucrata (angusti- 

Mercury (Small-to-medium-membranous- 
hispid ovate - to-lance-toothed-acumin- 
ate-leaved Climbing Nettle) (Hk, 5/465, 
adpd). 2697-a, ‘[ragia involucrata 

Mercury (Small-to-medium-membranous- 
hispid = Palmately-(3)-partite-narrow- 
toothed-or-pinnatifid-lobed Climbing 
Nettle) (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 2697-d. Tra- 
gia involucrata (cannabina). 

Mereury (Smali-to-medium-membranous- 

| shaggy Heart-serrate-acuminate-leayed 
Climbing Nettle) (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 
2698 Tragia bicolor. 

Mercury (Smali-velvetty-backed Trilobed 
ovate-oblong-serrate-lobed-leaved Climb- 
ing) (Hk. 5/467, adpd). 2700 Dalechem- 
pia velutina. 

Mercury (Three sided) (McL, 465) (S. 3). 
deeexliv. Acalypha (genus). 

Mercury (‘Triple-nerved-alternate Medium 
(Hk. 5/441, adpd), 2684 Mallotus 

Mercury(Triple-nerved-alternate Medium- 
rusty - downy - glabrate - subglaucous- 
backed - ovate - or - obovate-to-lance-or- 
oblong-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 5/441, 
adpd). 2687 Mallotus philippinensis. 

Mercury (Triple-nerved-alternate Short- 
tawny-downy Rhombic-ovate-acumin— 
ate-leaved) (Hk. 5/444, adpd). 2686 
Mallotus repandus, 

Mercury (Triple-nerved-glandular-based 
Medium - downy - pellucid - punctate 
Roundish - ovate - serrate - or-dentate- 
cuspidate-leaved) (Hk. 5/420, adpd). 
2673 Alchornea mollis. [ 

Mercury (Tripleeneryed-opposite-and- 
alternate Medium-papery-downy-glab- 

rate  oblong-lance-acuminate-leaved) 
(Hk. 5/440, adpd). 2683  Mallotus 


Mercury _( ‘Triple-(3-5)-nerved-opposite 
Medium-membranous - woolly - glabrate 
Heart-or - roundish - ovate - acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk. 5/423, adpd), 2674 Trewia 

Mercury (Triple-nerved-opposite-subpel- 
tate Long-brown-scurfy-woolly-backed 
leaved) (Hk. 5/441, adpd), 2685 Mal- 
lotus distans. 

Mercury (Triple-(3-5)-nerved-subopposite 
Medium-membranous - slightly - downy- 
Heart - or - roundish - ovate - acumin - 

ate-leaved) (Hk, 5/424, adpd). 2675 
Trewia polycarpa. 
Mercury (Vegetable) (McL. 1032). (?) 

1882 Calotropis gigantea. 

Maritime Pine (Gbl. 703). 2852 Pinus 

Mermet (Cathérine) lose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/N/89, 0/19) (Mu. 54) (Cag. 601) 
(Hod) (Po). 1105-j. Rosa odorata 

Merveille-de Lyon Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
N/95) (Mu. 54). 1107-d. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (albida-roseo-sericeni- 


Mesquit (H/E.F) (MchL. 474). eccelxi. 
Prosopis (genus). 

Mesquit (Californian Screw Bean) (McL. 
501). 1006 Prosopis pubescens, 

Mesquit (Indian) (McL. 473, 474, 501, 825, 
995, adpd). 1007 Prosopis spicigera. 

Mesquit (Screw) (Mc. 501, 801, 995). 
1006 Prosopis pubescens, 
Mesquit (Screw Pod) (H/E.F). 

Prosopis pubescens, 

Mesquit Bean (Cat. 114) (Ru/N/51, 0/38). | 

1005 Prosopis juliflora. 

Mesquit (True) Bean (MeL. 401). 
Prosopis pubescens. 

Mesquit (Texas) Bean (McL. 236, 501). 
1005 Prospis juliflora. 

Mesquit Bean of Texas (Gbl. 288). (? 
1005) 1006 Prosopi pubescens. 

Mesquit Tree (H/E.F) (MchL. 743, 501, 
825, 995) (FAK. 18, 19, 20). 1005 
Prospis juliflora, 

Messmate (Maid. C.T). 1180 Eucalyptus 

Messmate Tree of Victoria (Bth. 3/204) 
(Bs/T/327). 1190 Hucalyptus obliqua. 

Metake Bamboo (Nic. 1/118, 5/27). 3295 
Arundinaria japonica, F 

Metallic (Copper and Bronze) 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/373). 
Cordyline terminalis (metallica), 



Metallic (Crimson rayed) Green Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/373). 3107-j. Cordyline 
terminalis (imperialis). 

Methel (MeL. 690). 1962 Strychnos nux- 



Methonica (McL. 63,458). 3119 Gloriosa 

Mexico (Glowing Scarlet Fuchsia of) (Nic. 
2/32). 1326 Fuchsia fulgens. 

Mexico (India Rubber of) (Gbi. 626), 
2761 Castilloa elastica. 

Mexico (Montezama Pine of) (Muell. S.P) 
(Nic. 3/48). 2850 Pinus Montezuma. 
Mexico (Nopal of) (Nic. 2/454) (Rid. 144, 

150). cdlv. Nopzlea (genus). 

Mexico (Ovate - crenate - obtuse - leaved 
Long-calyxed Honeysuckle of) (Treas. 
Bot.1/1,adpd). 1481 Abelia floribunda. 

Mexico (Rosy flowered Tree Fuchsia of) 
(Nic. 2/31). 1323 Fuchsia arborescens. 

Mexico (Scarlet and Green Fuchsia of) 
(Nic. 2/33). 1329 Fuchsia splendens. 

Mexico (Tecomate of West) (Treas. Bot). 
2157 Parmentiera alata. 

Mexican Aloe (Nic. 5/21). 3050 Agave 

Mexican Calabash Tree (Br. 134), 2157 
Parmentiera alata. 

Mexican Cigar flower (S. 121, 270) (Cag. 
564). cdxxxvi. Cuphea (genus). 

Mexican (True Blue) Convolvulus (Rid. 
54). 2026 Ipomeea acuminata. 

Mexican Cotton (McL. 253), 254 Gossy- 
pium barbadense. 

Mexican Cypress (Muell. .8.P) (Nic. 
1/410). 2811 Cupressus Lindleyi. 
Mexican Ivy (S.103, 270) (MAHS). 

1967 Cobza scandens. 

Mexican (Giant) Lily ‘McL. 21, 368) (8. 
172, 270). 3054 Furcreea gigantea. 

Mexican (Hooker’s) Potato Tree (Nic. 
3/353). 2072 Solanum havanense. 

Mexican Rubber (Bdn/F.T). 2761 Castil- 
loa elastica. 

Mexican Silver Fir (8.14), 2867 Abies 

Mexican Soap Plant (8.12). cmlvii. Agave 

Mexican Yanilla(Kew Buil, 95). 2983 
Vanilla planifolia. 

Mexicans (Chelem of the) (Muell, 8.P). 
(? 8052). 8051 Agave rigida. 

Mexicans (Henequen of the) (Muell. 8.P). 
3057 Agave rigida. 

Mexicans (Sacci of the) (Muell. S.P). 
3051 Agave rigida. 

Mexico (Bastard Cedar of) (Nic, 2/101). 
304 Guazuma tomentosa. 

Meyenia (S. 270), dexcyiii, Thunbergia 

Meyenia (Hawtayne’s) (Br. 169), 2162 
Thunbergia Hawtayneana, 

Meyenia (Shrubby) (Cag. 442). 2163 
Thunbergia erecta. 

Mezereum Family (L/N/S/B). XCVIII. 
Thy melzacez (Order). 

Mhar Palm of Western India (Gbl, 729). 
3152 Caryota uvens. 


Mhowa (Bs/S/265, GDV). 

Michélon (Francois) Rose (Nic. 5/334) 
(Mao. 53) (Hod). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-¢xtus-argentea). 

Microphylla Rose (Nic. 5/648) (Cag. 604). 
1096 Rosa microphylla, 

Middleton’s Passion flower (Br. 87). 
Passiflora Middletoniana. 

Midi (Reine du) Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod) 
1107-g. Rosa  hbybrida-semperflorens 

Midnapore Creeper (Rox, 1/444) (Br. 1438). 
1991 Rivea hypocrateriformis, 

Midnapur Creeper (Bs/T/484#) (Gbl. 506). 
1991 Rivea hypocrateriformis. 

Midnight (Traveller’s) Lilies (Cag. 476). 
2076 Ipomwa muricata. 

Midribbed (Cream) Hog Palm (Cag. 340, 
adpd), 3126 Hyphorbe Verschaffelti. 
Midshipman’s Butter (McL. 19). 2441 

Persea gratissima, 

Mignonette (Jamaica) (Mc. 3879, 503). 
1314 Lawsonia alba. 

Mignonette Polyantha Rose (Ru/O/21). 
1085-e. Rosa multiflora (japonica). 

Mikado Convolvulus (MAHS). 
Ipomza im) erialis. 

Milagarandy (MchL. 905). 

1686 Bassia 


386 Toddalia 

Milanji Cypress (8. 452), 2816 Callitris 

Milk (Devil’s) (McL, 501). deccvi. Euphor- 
bia (genus). 

Milk (Mountain Robust Tiger’s) (Hk. 5/ 
474, McL. 892, adpd). 2708 HExcwcaria 

Milk (Mountain Slender Tiger’s) (Hk. 5/ 
473, McL. 892, adpd). 2707 Hxcecaria 

Milk (Salt Swamp Tiger’s) (Hk. 5/472, 
Mech. 892, adpd). 2706 Excecaria 

Milk (Tiger’s) (McL. 9, 892, 1000). 
Exececaria Agallocha. 

Milk (Wolf’s) (Mcl. 501). 
phorbia (genus). 

Milk Bush (Bs/T/558) (Cat. 242). 
Enphorbia Tirucalli. 

Milk (African) Bush (Nic. 3/530) (Cag. 
417). 2542 Synadenium Grantii. 

Milk Hedge (Mcl. 474, 501, 1000). 
Euphorbia (genus). 

Milk (Beak flowered Creeping) Hedge 
(McL. 562, 847, adpd). 1893 Sarcos- 
temma intermedium. 

Milk (Creeping) Hedge (McL. 508, 847, 
adpd). dexxviii. Sarcostemma (genus), 

Milk (Creeping) Hedge (McL 507, 847). 
1891 Sarcostemma brevistigma. 

Milk (Holy) Hedge (McL. 502). 
Euphorbia neriifolia. (?) 

decevi. Hu- 






Milk (Leafy) Hedge (MeL. 473, 502, 
1000). 2434 Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Milk (Plate leaf) Hedge (McL. 720). 
1378 Opuntia Dillenii, 

Milk (Round) Hedge (MeL. 865, 473, 502, 
1000) (Bed. 1/216) (Bdn/F.T) (Br. 191) 
(Hl. 270) (Rid. 125, 141) (Cag. 415) 
(Cat. 242) (Pfi, 418). 2533 Euphorbia 

Milk (Slipper) Hedge (McL. 720). 1378 
Opuntia Dillenii. 
Milk (Snake) Hedge (McL, 502). edlvi. 

Opuntia (genus). 

Milk (Spiral Leafy) Hedge (MeL, 502, 
adpd). 2535 Euphorbia Nivulia. 

Milk (Square) Hedge (McL. 473, 502, 
1000), 2536 Euphorbia antiquorum. 

Milk (Squat flowered Creeping) Hedge 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1891 Sarcos- 
temma brevistigma. 

Milk (Twisting) Hedge (McL. 502). 
Euphorbia tortilis. 

Milk (Woody Podded Creeping) Hedge 
(MeL. 502, 847, adpd). 894 Sarcostemma 

Milk (Yellow-flowered Creeping) Hedge 


(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1892 Sarco- 
stemma Drunonianum, 

Milk (Coorg) Plant (McL. 871). 1833 
Holarrhena antidysenterica, 

Milk (Cotton) Plant (McL. 281). 1881 
Oxystelma esculentum. 

Milk (Cotton) Plant (MeL. 281). 1918 

Dregea volubilis. 
Milk (Seven leafed) Plant 

(McL. 278). 
1829 Alstonia scholaris. 

Milk Seed (Nic. 3/183). Ixiv. Polygala 

Milk Tree (McL. 663). 1684 Dichopsis 

Milk-white (Lemon - yellow - centred) 
Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 603) 
(Rn/N/90, 0/21) (Br. 69) (Ooty. 427) 
(Mu. 65) (Hod) (Po). 1108-1. Rosa 

Noisettiana (odorata-lactea-intus-cit- 
Milkweed Family (Br, 119). LXXY. 

Asclepiadacez (Order). 

Milkweed (Rosy) (McL. 664, corr). 1881 
Oxystelma esculentum. 
Milkweeds (McL. 1003). LXXY. As- 

clepiadacez (Order). 

Milkwort Family (Nic. 3/183) (L/N/S/8). 
XII. Polygalacew (Order), 

Milkwort (Nic, 1/540). dececevi. Euphorbia 
(genus). (?). 

| Milkwort (McL. 562) (Nic. 3/183) (S. 


339). Ixiv. Polygala (genus). 
Milkworts (McL. 1006), XII. Polygala- 
ceze (Order). 2 
Milkwort (Cape-of-Good-Hope) (Nic. 

3/183). 159 Polygala virgata (speciosa). 


Milkwort (Nilgiri) (MchL. 562, adpd). 
160 Polygala arillata. 

Milkwort (Rosy) (Mch. 664) (? Milk- 
weed). 1881 Oxystelma esculentum ? 

Milkwort (Yellow leaved 'I'ree) (Mech. 
1006, adpd). 161 Xanthophyllum 

Milky Bauhinia (MchL. 644). (?) 1825 
Plumeria acutifolia (?). 

Milky Jasmine (McL. 383, 869). 
Nabernemontana coronaria. 

Milky-juiced (Medium-hispid-backed 
lance-leaved) Climbing Holly (Bs/T/153, 


adpd). 502 Pyrenacantha volubilis. 
Milky Yam (MchL. 713). 2033 Ipomea 

Milled Leaf Tree (Bed. 2/8, 98, adpd), 
Ixxiii. Poeciloneuron (genus). 

Milled (Few flowered) Leaf Tree (Hk. 
1/278, adpd). 187 Peeciloneuron pauci- 

Milled (Panicled flowered) Leaf Tree 

(Hk. 1/278, adpd). 186 Pceciloneuron 

Mimosa (Creeping) (MeL. 
Hntada scandens. 

Mimosa (Fetia) (Mch. 936). 
Farnesiana. ° 

Mimosa (Rusty) 
Acacia pennata, 

Mimosa (White) (Rid. 140). 

Mimosa leaved Wbony Tree (S. 219). 
dexe, Jacaranda (genus). 

Mimosa (Centifoil) leaved Uniglandular 
Senna (Mech. 804, adpd). 966 Cassia 

Mimosa (Decandrous) leaved Uniglandular 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 965 Cassia 

Mimosa (Pentandrous) leaved Uniglandu- 

801). 1008 
1027 Acacia 
(McL. 97, 92). 1040 

1033 Acacia 

lar Seana (Mch. 804, adpd). 964 
Cassia pumila. 

Mimoga-like Senna (MchL. 847). 966 
Cassia mimosoides. 

Mimosa Tree (8. 272). 1018 Acacia 

Mimusops (Indian) (McL. 664), 1691 

Mimusops hexandra, 

Mimusops (Obtuse leaved) (McL. 664). 
1692 Mimusopa Kauki. 

Mimusops (Pointed leaved) (MeL. 3851). 
1689 Mimusops Elengi, 3 

Mina-lobata (S. 215, 272) (Cag. 470) (Ru/ 
0/16) (Po. 58). 2024 Ipomea versi- 

Mindie (MeL. 341, 
Lawsonia alba, 
Mindie (China) (McL, 503, 995) (Rid. 183). 

1315 Lagerstromia indica. 

503, 995). 1314 

Mindie (Foreign) (McL. 503, 995). 1206 
Myrtus communis, 
Mindie (White China) (Rid. 133), 1314-b. 

Lagerstroemia indica (albiflora). 


Miniature Provence Rose (Nic. 3/325) 

(Ru/O/23). 1099-c. Rosa  centifolia 
Mint Family (L/N/S/B). UXXXYI. 

Labiate (Order), 

Mint (Cat) (MeL. 700). deexlyviii. Aniso- 
meles (genus). 

Mints (McL. 1004). LXXXVI. Labiata 

Minute-downy-glabrate-subsessile linear- 
oblong-obtuse-leaved Featherfoil (Hk. 
5/289, adpd). 2558 Phyllanthus 

Minute-downy roundish-obovate-leaved 

Justice-wort (Hk. 4/530, adpd). 2258 
Justicia tranquebariensis. 
Minute-flowered Climbing Mountain 

Ebony (Hk.2/284, adpd), 998 Bauhinia 


Minute-flowered Velvet Cinquefoil (Hk, 

1/374, adpd). cxii. Waltheria_ (genus), 

Minute-green-flowered Tapeworm Orchid 
(Hk. 6/76). 2977 Txniophyllum 

Minute-grey-downy-sessile elliptic-acute- 
leaved Littoral Bindweed Shrub (Hk. 
4/225, adpd). 2064 Cressa cretica. 

Minute-harsh oblong-elliptic-leaved small 
Pinkish-white-flowered Bindweed Shrub 
(Hk. 4/224, adpd). 2062 Breweria 

Minute-leathery-nerveless-recurved - mar- 
gined Heart-or-ovate-acute-leaved 
Chay-root Shrub (Hk. 38/52, adpd), 
1474 Hedyotis buxifolia. 

Minute-leathery-sessile linear-oblong- 
apiculate-leaved Horizontal-branch- 
letted Featherfoil (Hk. 5/291, adpd)y 
2561 Phyllanthus nemorum, 

Minute (Mascided) leaved White Dead- 
nettle Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2359 
Leucas rosmarinifolia. 

Minute-membranous elliptic-aeute-leaved 
Asvending-branched Featherfoil. (Hk, 
5/297, adpd), 2564 Phyllanthus mis- 

Minute semiterete-or-subtrigonous-leaved 
Brown-branched Salt-wood (Bs/T/519, 
adpd). 23882 Haloxylon recuryum. 

Minute-stout-petioled linear-oblong- 
obtuse-or-apiculate-leaved Featherfoil 
(Hk, 5/290, adpd). 2560 Phylanthus 

Minute-silky-glabrate narrow-oblong - 
loaved Tasmanian Tea (Bth. 3/108, 
adpd). 1214 Leptospermum attenu- 

Minute-silky oblong-obtuse-leaved Tas- 
manian ea (Bth. 3/106, adpd). 1217 
Leptospermum pubescens. 

Minute-silky obovate-oblong-leaved Tas- 
manian ‘ea (Bth, 3/108, adpd), 1218 
Leptospermum myrtifolium., 


Minute-subglabrous obovate-obtuse-leaved 
Littoral Nail-dye (Ilk. 4/410, adpd). 
2169 Calophanes littoralis, 

Minute-subsessile ovate-acute-leaved 
Needle Bush (Hk, 3/158, adpd), 1557 
Damnacanthus indicus. 

Minute Trinerved obovate-leaved Tas- 
manian Tea (Bth, 8/105, adpd). 1215-b. 
Leptospermum flavescens (obovatum). 

Minute triquetrous-ieaved bright-green- 
branched Salt-wood (Bs/'T/519, adpd). 
2383 Haloxylon Ammodendron. 

Minute - white - cottony - woolly-recurved- 
margined Narrow-linear-acute-leaved 
Pearly Everlasting (Hk, 3/286, adpd), 
1613 Anaphalis neelgeriana. 

Minute-woolly-recurved-margined elliptic- 
ovate-acute-leaved Rose Box (Hk. 2/387, 
adpd), 1126 Cotoneaster buxifolia. 

Miriyaul (McL 472, 676). 2411 Piper 

Mishmish (McL. 504, 995). 

Miss Ingram Rose (Ra/N/95, O/21) (Hod). 
1107-b. Rosa hybrida-sempertlorens 

Mistletoe Family (L/N/S/B). 
thacee (Order). 

Mistletoe (Nic. 4/184) (S. 453) (Cat. 234). 
dece. Viscum (genus). 

1065 Prunus 

C, Loran- 

Misteltoe (Cag. 421). 2515 Viscum 

Mistletoe (Mcl. 688). 2516 Viscum 

Mistletoe (Rid. 140). 25283 Viscum articu- 

Mistletoe (Alternate-and-opposite large- 
very-thick-leathery — elliptic-oblong-to- 
round-obtuse-leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk. 
5/217, adpd). 2510 Loranthus sarco- 

Mistletoe (Alternate-and-opposite Medium- 
leathery Broad-ovate-elliptic-obtuse- 
leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/205, adpd). 
2496 Loranthus intermedius. 

Misteltve (Alternate - and - opposite 
Medium-leathery elliptic-oblong-to- 
round-obtuse-leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk. 
5/216,  adpd). 2508-a. Loranthus 
neelgherrensis (typica). 

Mistletoe (Alternate-and-opposite Medium- 
leathery linear - or - falcate - leaved 
Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/215, adpd). 
2506-b, Loranthus longiflorus (falcata). 

Mistletoe (Alternate-and-opposite Medium- 
papery Roundish-heart-obtuse-leaved 
Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/218, adpd). 2511 
Loranthus lagenifiorus. 

Mistletoe(Alternate-and-opposite Medium- 
to-large-leathery-sessile oblong-to- 
round-heart-leaved Honeysuckle) (Lk. 
5/215,adpd). 2506-0, Loranthus longi- 
florus (amplexicaulis), 

INDEX. 715 

Mistletoe(Alternate-aud-opposite Medium- 
to-loug-leathery oblong-elliptic-obtuse- 
leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/215, adpd). 
2506-a, Loranthus longiflorus (typica). 

Mistletoe (Alternate-and-opposite Small- 
leathery elliptic-obtuse-leaved Honey- 
suckle) (Hk. 5/204, adpd). 2495 
Loranthus Wallichianus. 

Mistletoe (Alternate-and-opposite Small- 
leathery Narrowly-elliptic-@blong- 
obtuse-leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/217, 
adpd). 2509 Loranthus memecyli- 

Mistletoe (Alternate-and-opposite Very- 
small-leathery - mealy-downy - glabrate 
elliptic-obtuse-leaved Honeysuckle) 
(Hk. 5/207, adpd). 2499 Loranthus 

Mistletoe (Alternate-trinerved Very-small- 
ashy-downy-glabrate obovate-obtuse- 
leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/21%, adpd). 
2504 Loranthus recurvus. 

Mistletoe (Alternate-trinerved Very-small 
Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/214, adpd). 2505 
Loranthus cuneatns. 

Mistletoe (Alternate Very-small-grey- 
downy-backed Narrow-obovate-cuneate- 
obtuse-leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/213, 

adpd). 2503-b. Loranthus bracteatus 
Mistletoe (Alternate Vory-small-grey- 

doway-backed Roundish-obtuse-leaved 
Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/212, adpd). 2508-a, 
Loranthus bracteatus (ty pica). 

Mistletoe (Alternate Very-small-rusty- 
velvetty-backed obovate-oblong-obtuse- 
leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/212, adpd). 
2502 Loranthus tomentosus, 

Mistletoe (Angular branched) (McL. 683, 
adpd). 2519 Viscum articulatum. 

Mistleoe (Angular-branched  Leafless) 
(McL, 683, adpd). 2522 Viscum 

Mistletoe (Blunt leaved) (McL. 683, adpd). 
2518 Viscum orientale. 

Mistletoe (Common) of Europe 
4/184). 2515 Viscum album. 

Mistletoe (Downy-racemed Large-flower- 
ed Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/215, adpd). 
2506-d. Loranthus longiflorus (pubes- 

Mistletoe (Dwarf Tufted Leafless) (MeL. 
683, adpd). 2524 Viscum japonicum, 
Mistletoe (Huropean) (Bs/T/552) (Gbl. 

588). 2515 Viscum album. 

Mistletoe (Flattened-branched Leafless) 
(McL. 683, adpd), 2528 Viscum articu- 

Mistletoe (Honeysuckle) (L/N/S/B). 
deexcix, Loranthus (genus). 

Mistletoe (Indian) (Cat. 284), decxcix, 
Loranthus (genus). - 



Mistletoe (Indian) (Pfl. 146). 2513 
Loranthus loniceroides. 

Mistletoe (Opposite Medium-leathery 
Honeysnckle) (Hk. 5/220, adpd). 
2512-a. Loranthus loniceroides (typica). 

Mistletoe (Opposite Medium-leathery 
white-velvetty Roundish-heart-obtuse- 
leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/209, adpd). 
2501 Loranthus cordifolius. 

Mistletoe (Op posite-or(3)-whorledMedium- 
leathery Broad-ellipfic-obtuse- leaved 
Triquetous-branched Honeysuckle) (Hk. 
5/219, adpd). 2512 Loranthus trique- 

Mistletoe (Opposite Small-leathery-buff- 
velvetty oblong-roundish-obovate-or- 
heart-obtuse-leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk. 
5/209, adpd). 2500 Loranthus scarrula. 

Mistletoe (Opposite-tri-(3-5)-nerved Small- 
to-medium-leathery  elliptic-oblong-to- 
rouad-obtuse-leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk. 
5/266, adpd). 2507 Loranthus elasticus. 

Mistletoe (Pointed leaved) (Mch. 633, 
adpd). 2516 Viscum monoicum., 

Mistletoe (Slender-branched) (McL. 683, 
adpd), 2521 Viscum ramosissimum. 

Mistletoe (Small-flowered Acuminate- 
leaved Honeysuckle) (Hk, 5/220, adpd), 
2513-b. Loranthus loniceroides (capitel- 

Mistletoe (Small-flowered Nilghiri Honey- 
suckle) (Hk. 5/216, adpd). 2508-b. 
Loranthus neelgherrensis (Clarkei). 

Mistletoe (Subopposite Medium-leathery 
ovate-or-elliptic-obtuse-leaved Honey- 

suckle) (Hk. 5/205, «adpd). 2497 
Loranthus obtusatus. 
Mistletoe (Subopposite Small-leathery- 

rasty-mealy-downy-glabrate lance-to- 
oblong-ovate-obtuse-or-subacute- leaved 
Honeysuckle) (Hk. 5/207, adpd). 2498 
Loranthus Hookerianus. 

Mistletoe ('ufted-short-branched) (McL, 

688, adpd), 2520 Viscum capittel- 

Mistletoe (Wart-berried Blunt leaved) 
(McL. 683, adpd). 2517 Viscum 

Mistletoe Berry Thorn (McL. 809, adpd). 
1800 Azima tetracantha. 

Mistletoe (Broad-(% in.) Flat-branched. 
Leafless) (Hk. 5/226, adpd). 2523-b. 
Viscum articulatum (dichotomum), 

Mrs. Beaumont’s Rosebay (Nic. 1/164). 
dei. Beaumontia (genus). 

Mrs Bosanquet Rose (Nic. 5/648). 1103-b. 
Rosa indica (carnea-albocerea). 

Mrs. Dodgson’s Croton (Nic, 1/352). 
2646-Rd. Codizum variegatum (Dodg- 

Mrs. Horsfall’s Bindweed of the West 
Indies (Nic. 2/191). 2021 Ipomwa 

| Mitre-flowered 


Mrs. Hoskin’s Palm Lily (Nic. 1/374). 
3107-h. Cordyline terminalis (Hoskin- 

Mrs. ae Laing Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/ 
N/96). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida semper- 
florens (rosea sericenitens). / 

Mrs. Robert Garret Rose (Mu. 55). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina). 

Mrs. Sharman Crawford Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Mu. 54). 1107-¢. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (rosea-extus-albescens). 

Mrs. Thomson’s African Glory Tree 
(S. 101, Nic. 1/342, adpd), 2825 Clero- 
dendron Thompson. 

Mrs. Turner’s Palm Lily (Nic. 1/374). 
3107-p. Cordyline terminalis (Tur- 

Mitre-flowered (Leathery leaved) Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, Hk. 1/77, 78, adpd), xxi. 
Mitrephora (genus), 

Mitre-flowered (Medium-hairy-glandular- 
axilled Leathery-leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/78, adpd). 56 Mitrephora grandiflora, 

Mitre-flowered (Oligandrous) Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xxvii. Orophea 

Mitre-flowered (Polyandrous) Nutmeg 
{Bs/T/10,  adpd). xxi. Mitrephora 

Mitre-flowered (Papery-leaved) Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, Hk, 1/90, 91, adpd). xxvii. 
Orophea (genus). 

(Small-acute-based Pa- 
pery-leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/90, adpd). 
70 Orophea uniflora. 

Mitre-flowered (Small-downy-backed 
Papery-leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/91, 
adpd). 73 Orophea erythrocarpa. 

Mitre-flowered (Small-downy-midribbed 
Papery-leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/91, 
adpd). (72 Orophea, Thomsoni. 

Mitre-flowered (S mall-rounded-based 
Papery-leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/90, 
adpd). 71 Orophea zeylanica. 

Mitre-flowered (Small-shining Leathery- 
leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/77, adpd). 55 
Mitrephora Heyneana. 

Mixed (Persistent sepalled) Prickly Rose 
(Ik. 2/364). 1097 Rosa Eglanteria. 

Mixed-tip Feather Palm (Rid. 264, adpd). 
cmlxxvii. Pinanga (genus). 

Moakurra Wood Family (Rox. 2/69, adpd). 
XXXI. Chailletiacez (Order). 

Moakurra Wood of Sylhet (Rox, 2/69). 
486 Chailletia gelonioides. 

Mocha Aloe (McL. 21). 

Mocha Coffee (Trop. Agr. XX/11). 1548-a. 
Coffea arabica (Mocha), 

Mocharas Gum Tree (Mch. 234). 
Bombax malabaricum., 

Mocha Senna (McL. 805). 956 Cassia 

3118 Aloé 



Mochi Woed of Madras (Gbl. 242). 817 
Erythrina indica. 

Mock Orange (Nic, 3/94) (Cag. 577) 
(8. 274, 822), 1125 Philadelphus 

Mock (Common) Orange (Nic. 3/94). 1125 
Philadelphus coronaria. 

Mock Plane (S. 274). 654 Acer pseudo- 

Model Wood (McL, 

Modvaga (McL., 645), 828 Butea frondosa. 

Mogadam (Mc. 351). 1689 Mimusops 

Mogalingam (McL, 1022). 1777 Schrebera 

Mogaly (McL. 591, 801). 

Mogara Jasmine (Mch. 388). 
minem Sambac. 

118), 1439 Adina 

3244 Pandanus 

1751 Jas- 

Moghal Castor oil Plant (McL, 56). 2628 
Jatropha Curcas. 

Mograh (Br. 114). 1689 Mimusops 

Mohur (Gold) (Gbl. 270) (Bdn/F.T) (Pr. 
1/446) (Cag. 642) (Cat. 103) (Ru/O/8, 
13) (Mu). 941 Poinciana regia. 

Mohur (Royal Gold) (Meh, 933). 
Poinciana regia. 

Mobur (Gold) Flower (McL. 316, 932, 
995). 9306 Czesalpinia pulcherrima, 

Mohwa (Bdn/F.T) (W. 57). 1686 Bassia 

Mohwah (McL. 474, 505, 997). 
Bassia (genus). 

Mohwah (Broad leaved) (MeL. 506, adpd). 
1686 Bassia latifolia. 

Mohwah (Common) (Mch. 472, 506). 
[1687 Sphalm] 1686 Bassia latifolia. 
Mohwah (Foreign) (McL. 506, 997). 1679 

Achras Sapota. 

Mohwah (Hill) (McL. 214). 

Mohwah (Jungle) (McL. 506, 928) (?) 
1145 Terminalia belerica (?). 

Mohwah (Long leaved) (McL. 472, 505, 
997, adpd). 1687 Bassia longifolia. 

Mohwah (Oval) (McL. 668). 1684 Dichop- 
sis elliptica. 

Mohwah (Rusty woolly) (McL. 472, 505, 
997, adpd). 1688 (bis.) Bassia fulva. 
Mobwah (South Indian) (McL. 472, 505, 

997, adpd). 1687 Bassia longifolia. 

Mohwah (Wild) (MchL. 472, 506, 997). 
1686 Bassia latifolia. 

Mohwak (Glabrous) of the Malabar Coast 
(McL. 472, 505, 997, adpd). 1688 Bas- 
sia malabarica, 

Moist Western Forests Croton (Mc. 306). 
2634 Croton reticulatus. 

Mokononga of Mozambique (Ol. 1/166). 
169 Garcinia Livingstonei. 

Molsaree (McL. 351}. 1689 Mimusops 



1276 Careya 


Molsaree (Obtuse-leaved) (McL. 664). 
1692 Mimusops Kauki. 

.Molncca Bean (McL. 101) (Pf. 191). 926 

Cesalpinia Bonducella. 

Molucca Bramble (McL. 
Rubus moluccana, 

Molucea Grains Tree (Mcl. 379, 507), 
2642 Croton Tiglium, 

Molecca Nut (McL. 101). 

Molucca Nut (Mch. 488). 

Mulneceas (Shrubby Soap Nut of the) 
(Hk. 1/680, Rid. 154, Br. 32, adpd). 
631 Otophora fruticosa, 

Monadelphous Rice-grained Bamboo (Hk. 
7/9, adpd). mxly. Oxytenanthera 

Monetia (Four Spined) (McL, 809). 1800 
Azima tetracantha. 

Moneywort (East Indian) (Nic. 4/10). 
782 Taverniera nummularia. 

507). 1079 

926 Ceesalpinia 

2633 Alenrites 

Mongoose Plant (McL. 507). 1499 
Ophiorrhiza Mungos. 
Mongoose Plant (McL. 298). 3005 Alpinia 


Mongoose Snake Root (McL. 507, 996). 
1479 Ophiorrhiza Mungos. 

Moniliform podded Brasiletto (Hk. 2/260, 
adpd). ccexliv. Parkinsonia (genus). 

Monkey Bread (McL. 73) (Br. 20) (Rid. 
141) (Ol. 1/213) (Bed. 1/29) (Bs/T/78) 
(Pf. 366) (Ell. 30). 257 Adansonia 

Monkey Country Saffron (Mch. 508, 776, 
818). 130 Bixa Orellana. 

Monkey Creeper (McL. 
Scindapsus officinalis. 

Monkey Face Flower (McL. 351). 
Mimusops Elengi. 

Monkey Face Paulay (McL. 473, 664, 997). 
1691 Mimusops hexandra. 

Monkey Face Plant (McL. 240), 
Mimusops (genus). 

Monkey Flower (Nic. 2/870) (S. 272, 275) 
(Rid. 75) (Ru/Nj37). delxxviii. Mi- 
mulus (genus). 

Monkey Flower (Rid. 75), 

677). 3269 



2116 Mimulus 

Monkey (Orange) Flower (8.300). 2116 
Mimulus glutinosnus. 

Monkey Fruit (MchL. 508, 1024) 424 
Feronia elephantum., 

Monkey Grape (McL. 1011). celxxxiy. 
Lansium (genus). 

Monkey Huldee (McL. 777). 130 Bixa 


Monkey Jack (McL. 376, 1000) (Cag. 216). 
2766 Artocarpus Lakoocha. 

Monkey Lime (Mch. 435, 472, 874, 993). 
404 Atalantia monophylla. 

Monkey Plant (McL. 298). 3005 Alpinia 


Monkey Puzzle (S. 132) (Nic, 1/106) (Gbl. 
703) (Cag. 406). 2888 Araucaria 

Monkey Turmeric (McL. 472, 508, 776). 
130 Bixa Orellana. 

Monkey’s Blood (Mech, 848), 
dus trifoliatus. 

Monkey’s Harring (Nic. 3/452), 
Pithecolobium (genus). 

Monkey’s Face Rouge Tree (Mch. 304, 
Bdn/F.T, corr). 2687 Mallotus philip- 

Monkey’s Face Tree (McL. 304) (Bdn/ 
¥.T). 2687 Mallotus philippinensis, 
Monkey’s Itch (McL. 288). 816 Mucana 


Monk’s Basil (McL, 909). 

Monk’s Pepper (Mch, 596). 2808 Vitex 

Mon-plaisir Rose (Cag. 
1105-n. Rosa odorata 

“Monsieur Noisette’s Bushy Cluster Rose 
(Cag. 601), 1108 Rosa NowWettiana. 

Monster Silk Cotton (MeL. 78). 257 
Adansonia digitata. 

Monte Christo Rose (Cag. 596) (Ru/O/21) 
(Mu. 54). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perfiorens ( punicea-purpureo-suffusa) . 

Monterey Cypress (H/E.F) (Muell. 8.P) 
(Nic. 1/410) (S. 122, 276) (Cag. 409). 
2808 Cupressts macrocarpa. 

Monterey Pine (H/H.F) (8. 276, 331). 
2846 Pinus insignis. 

Montevideo Gum Box (Nic. 1/5383, 534), 
1126 Escallonia floribunda. 

Montezuma Pine of Mexico (Muell. 8.P) 
(Nie. 3/143), 2850 Pinus Montezuma. 
Montfavet (Madame Goillot de) Rose 

(Ru/N/90, 0/21) (Mu. 53) (Hod) (Ooty. 

634 Sapin- 


2336 Ocimum 

601) (Hod), 

428), 1107-d. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (albida - albo - carneo - suffusa- 

Montgomery (Lady) Rose (Ru/O/20). 
1107-1. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Monthly Rose (McL. 322) (Hk. 2/364) 
(Nic. 3/821) (S. 276, 375). 1103 Rosa 

Monthly (Old Blush) Rose (Nic. 8/821, 
5/648) (Hod), 1103-a. Rosa indica 


Montpelier Rock Rose (Nic. 1/832). 127 
Cistus monspeliensis. 

Montplaisir (Perfection-de) Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Ru/N/91, 0/21) (Mu. 55) (Hod) 
(Po). 1105-f. Rosa odorata (lutea). 

Montserrat Lime (Bon, 85). 418 Citrus 

Moochecoondam (Mch. 510, 943). evii. 
Pterospermum (genus). 
Mocochee Wood Plant (McL. 56). 2628 

Jatropha Curcas. 


Moodgam (McL. 504). ccexiii. Phaseolus 

Mooly (Brahmin) (Mch. 
Solanum indicam. 

Moon (American) Flower (McL. 512, 998, 

361), 20838 

adpd), 2015 Tpomza bona-nox,. 
Mconaga (McL. 512). 689 Moringa 

Mconbeam (McL. 869) (Cag. 495). 1836 
Tabérneemontana coronaria. 

Moon Creeper (Mc. 3819). 

Moon Creeper (MeL. 775) (?). 870 Ruta 
graveolens (angustifolia) (?). 

Moon Creeper (McL. 300), 1591 (bés.) 
Peederia foetida. 

Moon Creeper (Mech. 84) (PA. 487). 
Sarcostemma brevistigma. 

Moon Creeper (Mcl. 502) (S. 215, 277). 
2015 Ipomeea bona-nox. 

Moon (American) Creeper (Mch. 512, 
adpd). 2015 Tpomzea bona-nox, 

Moon (Chinese) Creeper (McL. 300, 512, 
adpd). 1591 (bis.) Peederia fcetida. 
Moon (Forest) Creeper (Mech. 752). 3120 

Flagellaria indica. 
Moon (Indian) Creeper (Mc. 512, adpd), 
2017 Ipomeea glabervima. 

Moon Flower (Mch. 512, 998) (W.A.1) 
(Po. 51) (Bs/T/487) (Gbl. 507) (Br. 138) 
(Cae. 478) (PA. 214). 2015 Ipomea 

Moon (Indian) Flower (McL. 512, 998, 
adpd). 2017 Ipomea glaberrima, 

Moon (Purple) Flower (MchL. 408, 512, 

80 'Tinospora 


adpd). 2016 Ipomeea muricata. 
Moongil (Mch. 69). 3304  Bambusa 

Moonj (Mcl. 512, 1002). 3284 Saccharam 

Moonnay (McL, 478, 512, 587, 999). 2295 
Premna inteerifolia, 

Moonnay (Buffalo) (McL. 478, 512, 998). 
2298 Premna latifolia. 

Moonnay (Conjee) (MchL. 512, 
2291 Premna corymbosa. 

Moonnay (Curry) (*MclL. 518). 2298 
Premna latifolia (*esculenta). 



Moonnay (Devil) (McL. 518). 
Trema orientalis, 
Moon of the Faithful (McL. 504). 1065 

Prunus armeniaca. 

Moon (Small) Plant (MeL. 824), 1811 
Rauwolfia serpentina. 

Moon-seed Family (Nic. 2/852). V. 
Menispermaceze (Order). 

Moon-seed (Blunt Trapezoid  leaved) 
(McL. 1005, Hk. 1/102, adpd), 88 
Cocculus Leeba. 

Moon-seed (Downy-backed-Triangnlar- 
buckler leaved) (McL. 1005, Hk. 1/105, 
adpd). 94Cyclea peltata. 


Moon-seed (Five lobed leaved) (MeL. 120, 
1005, Rox. 3/807, adpd). 92 Jateorhiza 

Moon-seed (Glaucons-backed round- 
leaved) (McL, 1005, Hk. 1/101, adpd). 
85 Cocenlus macrocarpus. 

Moon-seed (Glaucous-backed triangular- 
buckler leaved) (MeL. 1005, Hk. 1/103, 
Rox. 3/841, adpd). 89 Stephania 

Moon-seed (Harsh Arrow leaved) (McL. 
1005, Hk. 1/96, adpd). 77 Parabzona 

Moon-seed (Heart-leaved) (MeL. 319) 

(Pf. 1). 80 Tinospora cordifolia. 
Moon-seed (Jagged) (McL. 357). 81 
eAnamirta Cocculvs. 
Moon-seed (Kidney-leaved Bracteate) 

(McL. 1005, Hk. 1/103, Rox. 3/842, 
adpd). 91 Cissampelos Pareira. 

Moon-seed (Leathery ovate-leaved) (McL. 
1005, Hk. 1/105, adpd), 95 Pachygone 

Moon-seed (Round-buckler-leaved) (McL. 
1005, Hk. 1/103, Rox. 3/840, adpd). 90 
Stephania rotunda, 

Moon-seed (Shaggy blunt-triangular- 
leaved) (Mch. 1005, Hk. 1/101, Rox. 
3/814, adpd), 87 Cocculus villosus. 

Moon-seed (Shining Arrow-shaped- 
buckler-leaved) (McL. 1005, Hk. 1/104, 
adpd). 93 Cyclea Burmanni. 

Moon-seed (Shinine Heart-leaved) (Rox. 
3/817, McL. 515, 1005, adpd). 83 
Viliacora racemosa. 

Moon-seed (Shining lance-leaved) (Mech. 
1005, Hk. 1/100, adpd). 84 Limacia 

Moon-seed (Shining lance-leaved Tree) 
(McL. 1005, Hk. 1/101, Rox. 3/815, 
adpd). 86 Cocculus laurifolia. 

Moon-seed (Tuft-hairy-backed Heart- 
leaved) (McL. 357, 1005, Rox. 3/816, 
«dpd). 81 Anamirta Cocculus. 

Moon-seed (Turmeric Wooded) (McL. 
120, 1005, adpd). 82 Coscinium 

Moon-seed (Woolly Heart-leaved) (McL. 
317, 1005, Hk. 1/96, adpd). 79 
Tinospora malabarica. 

Moon-seed (Woolly round-buckler-leaved) 

(McL. 1005, Hk. 1/99, adpd). 82 
Coscinium fenestratum. 
Moon-seed (Woolly _ trilobate-round- 

leaved) (McL. 1005, Rox, 3/813, adpd), 
78 Tinospora tomentosa. 
Moonseeds (MeL. 1005). V. 
macez (Order), 
Moonshee Grass (Mch, 518, 779, 1002). 
3284 Saccharuni arundinaceum, 


Moonshee Keed (McbL. 513). 3284 
Saccharum arundinaceum, 
Moonshee’s Pen (McL, 518). 3284 

Saccharum arundinaceum. 

INDEX. 719 

Moon’s Barbadoes Cherry (Mech. 74, 379, 
587, adpd). 1267 Eugenia Mooniana. 
Moorgana Tallow Tree (McL, 4€9, 514), 

171 Gareinia Indica, 

Moorkkam Wood Tree (McL,. 226). 817 
Erythrina indica. 
Mooshty (McL. 615, 997). dexly. 

Strychnos (genus). 
Mooshty (McL. 690), 

1962 Strychnos 

Mooshty (Black) (McL. 3888). 2607 
Bischofia javanica. 

Mooshty (Creeper) (MeL. 515, 997). 88 
Tiliacora racemosa. 

Mooshty (Snake) (McL. 6515). 88 
Tiliacora racemosa. 

Moosly (McL. 516), cmlxii. Asparagus 

Moossanda of Ceylon (McL. 

516, 996). 
1487 Musszenda frondosa. 

Mootchie Wood (W.AI). 817 Ery- 
thrina indica. 

Mootchy Wood Tree (Mcl. 226). 817 
Erythrina indica. 

Mootty (McL. 493, 517, 993).  xci, 

Pavonia (genus). 
Mountain (Jamaica) Sage (S. 280, 278). 
deexx, Lantana (genus), 

Morado Bark (Enc. Brit.). 1448 Cinchona 

Moraeda (Mct. 177). €67 Buchanania 

Morel (Hlie) Rose (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/90). 
1107-g. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 
(rosea-lilacino - suffusa - margine-albes- 

Moreton-Bay Bread Fruit (McL. 801). 
3244 Pandanus odoratissima. 

Moreton-Bay Chestnut (Maid. C.T) (Br. 
59) (Ell. 156) (Nic. 1/279) (Gb. 266) 
(Cag. 629) (Cat. 129) (Ru/N/47, 128, 
0/8) (Mu). 925 Castanospermum 

Moreton-Bay Fern Palm (Bth. 6/258). 
2880 Macrozamia Miquelii. 

Moreton-Bay Fig (Cag. 414) (Nic. 2/12) 
(Cat. 290). 2745 Ficus macrophylla. 

Moreton-Bay Palm Lily (Nic. 1/374). 
3111 Cordyline stricta. 

Moreton-Bay Pine (Maid. C.T) (Mnuell. 
S.P) (8.82, 276) (Cat, 818) (Bth. 6/243). 
2836 Araucaria Cunninghamii, 

Moreton-Bay Trumpet Jasmine (S, 425), 
2126 Tecoma jasminoides. 

Morinda (McL. 617). dx. 

Morinda (Broad leaved) (Mch. 
1554 Morinda citrifolia. 

Morinda (Narrow leaved) (McL. 367). 
1556 Morinda umbellata. 

Morinda Root (McL. 36). 

Moringa (McL. 236, 512, 518, 994). 689 
Moringa pterygosperma, 


1554 Morinda 


Moringa (Jungle) (Mech. 518, 994)(?). 780 
Ormocarpum sennoides (?). 

Moringa (Wild) (McL. 227), 2594 Breynia 

Mornassy (MchL. 518). 1334 Casearia 

Morning Glory (MeL. delviii. 
Tpomeea (genus). 

Morning Glory (Mc. 403) (Br. 142), 
2020 Ipomeea hederacea. 

Morning Glory (Ru/N/58). 

Morning Glory (Cag. 476), 

Morning (Aniée’s Striped Tricolor) Glory 
(Nic. 5/444) (Rid.54). 2029-d. Tpomea 
purpurea (tricolor). 

Morning (Burridge’s Crimson) Glory 
(Nic. 5/444) (Rid. 54), 2029-c. Ipomea 
purpurea (Burridgei). 

Morning (Crimson changing-to-orange- 
and-yellow) Glory (Nic. 2/192). 2024 
Tpomzea versicolor, 

Morning (Dickson’s Blue) Glory (Nic. 
5/444) (Rid. 54). 2029-b. Ipomea 
purpurea (Dicksoni). 

Morning (Double) Glory (Nic. 5/444) (Po. 

Morning (Lear’s Sky-blue) Glory of Ceylon 
(Nic. 2/192). 2022 Ipomea Leari. 

Morning (Purple) Glory (Nic. 2/192) 
(MAHS) (S. 215, 277). 2029 Ipomea 

Morning (Smaller) Glory (Mech. 402). 
2020 I[pomeea hederacea. 

Morning (White-changing-to-crimson-and- 
Purplish-blue) Glory (Nic. 2/192). 2923 
Tpomea rubroceerulea, 

Morning Mallow (Pr. 1/255, Hk. 1/325, 
adpd). lxxxviii, Sida (genus). 

Morning (Alder leaved) Mallow (Rox. 
3/174, adpd). 214b, Sida spinosa 

' Morning (Bifarious Lance-leaved) Mallow 
(Kox. 8/171, adpd). 215 Sida acuta, 
Morning (Downy Heart-leaved) Mallow 


2022 Tpomzea 

2023 Tpomeea 

(Rox. 3/177, adpd). 217 Sida 
Morming (Entire Obcordate-leaved) 

Mallow (Rox. 8/171, adpd). 213 Sida 

Morning (Harsh Rhomb-leaved) Mallow 
(Hk. 1/324, adpd). 216-a. Sida 
rhombifolia (scabrida). 

Morning (Narrow Rhomb-leaved) Mallow 
(Rox. 8/176, adpd). 216-c. Sida 
rhombifolia (rhomboidea). 

Morning (Rhomb-leaved) Mallow (Rox. 
3/177, adpd). 216 Sida rhombifolia. 
Morning (Serrate obcordate-leaved) 
Mallow (Rox. 8/177, adpd).  216-b. 

Sida rhombifolia (retusa). 

2029-e, Ipomeea purpurea (flore- | 


Morning (Small elliptic-leaved) Mallow 
(Hk. 1/824, adpd). 216-e. Sida 
rhombifolia (microphylla). 

Morning (Sticky Heart-leaved) Mallow 

(Rox. 3/172, adpd). 212 Sida 

Morning (Tooth-tipped Wedge-leaved) 
Mallow (Hk. 1/324, adpd). 216-d. 
Sida rhombifolia (obovata), 

Morning (Triglandular Heart-l eaved) 

Mallow (Rox. 3/174, adpd). 
Sida spinosa (alba). 

Morny ()Duchesse de) Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/O0/20) (Po). 1107-¢. Rosa hybrida 
semperflorens (rosea-extusargentea). 

Morren (Hdouard) Rose (Nic, 3/324) 
(Hod) (? Cag. 596, Ru/N/90, 0/20, Ma, 
53, Br. 72, Hod). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea). 


Mortar-flower Bindweed (McL. 120), 
2035 Ipomeea bracteata. 
Moss (Club) Family (L/N/S/B). CXXXI. 

Lycopodiaceze (Order). 

Moss (Robuster Indian Club) (Nic. 2/307). 
3389 Lycopodium Hookeri. 

Tosque Cypress (Cage. 409). 
Cupressus sempervirens. 

Moss (Club) (Muell. 8.P) (H/E.F) (Nic, 
3/307) (S. 256), mlxix. Lycopodivm 

Moss (Fir Club) (8. 256). 

dium (genus). 


lxix. Lycopo- 

Moss (Hooker’s Club) (Nic. 3/808). 3389 
Lycopodinm Hookeri. 

Moss (Indian Club) (Br. 244). 3390 
Lycopodium Phlegmaria, 

Moss (Stag’s-Ilorn) (S. 256).  Ixix. 

Lycopodium (genus), 

“loss Creeper (Mch. 230). 

Moss-green-backed Sinuous-margined 
Croton (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mu)(Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Be, Codizum vyariegatum 

Moss-green-backed Sinuous-margined 
Croton (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Kb, Codizeum 
variegatum (medium-vyariegatum). 

Moss Rose (McL. 321) (Hk, 2/864) (Nic. 
3/325) (S. 278, 875) (Cag. 591) (Ru/N/ 
27, 0/23). 1099-d. Rosa centifolia 

Moss (Common) Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/ 
93). 1099-d. Rosea centifolia (muscosa- 

Moss (Old) Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/93). 
1099-d, Rosa centifolia (muscosa-rosea- 

2472 Cassytha 

Mosses (Club) (McL. 655). CXXXI, 
Lycopodiaces (Order). 
Mossy-cupped Oak (Muell. S.P) (Nic. 

3/263). 2789 Quercus Cerris. 




Motherwort (McL. 4). 1621 Artemisia 


Motsauri of Mozambique (Ol. 1/166). 169 
Garcinia Livingstonei. 
Mottled Ebony (Mcl, 304). 1699 

Diospyros montana. 

Mottled (Heart-leaved) Ebony (Mech. 304, 
adpd). 1699-b. Diospyros montana 

Mottled (Kanjilal’s) Ebony (MchL. 804, 
adpd). 1700 Diospyros Kanjilali. 

Mottled (Wight’s) Ebony (MclL. 
adpd), 1723 Diospyros orixensis, 

Mottled (Medium-papery-downy-glabrate- 
backed) obovate-elliptic-cuspidate- 
leaved Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk. 
4/14, adpd). 1878 Toxocarpus con- 

Mottled Spaniard’s Osier (Kew Bull, 96) 
(FAR, 35, 36, NLGS). 2801-b. Salix 
fragilis (decipiens). 

Moulmein Cedar (McL. 911) (Cat. 681). 
482 Cedrela 'Toona. 


Mound Lily (Nic. 4/282) (S. 462). 8115 
Yucca gloriosa. 
Mountain Ash (Maid. C.T). 1190-b. 

Hucalyptus obliqua (montana), 
Mountain Ash of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
3/212). 1191 Hucalyptus bemastoma. 
Mountain (Black) Ash of Twofold-Bay 
(Bth, 3/210). 1195 Eucalyptus leucoxy- 


Mountain (Australian) Ashes (Maid. C.T). 
edix. Eucalyptus (genus). 

Mountain (Wight’s) Bindweed (Mch. 120, 
adpd). 2034 Ipomssa, Wightii. 

Mountain (Arnott’s) Black Palm (McL. 
379, 386, adpd). 1240 Eugenia 

Mountain (Nilgiri) Black Plum (McL. 
379, adpd). 1243 Nucalyptus 

Mountain Coffee (McL, 900, W.A.I, adpd). 
1493 Webera lucens. 

Mountain (Linear-lance-leaved) Coffee 
(W.A.I, adpd). 1493-a, Webera lucens 

Mountain (Ovate-leaved) Coffee (W.A.I, 
adpd). 1493-b. Webera lucens (gru- 

Mountain Currant Tomato (Hk. 4/282, 
Rid. 90, adpd). 2079 Solanum denti- 

Mountain (Angled-or-lobed-leaved) Cur- 
rant Tomato (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 2079-b. 
Solanum denticulatum (gouakai). 

Mountain Delight of the Woods (McL. 
440, adpd). 356 Hiptage parvifolia. 

’ Mountain Downy Senna (Mch. 847, adpd). 

$53 Cassia tomentosa. 

Mountain Ebony (Mch. 474, 520, 995) 
(Nic. 1/161) (Cag. 625). ccclvii. Bauhi- 
nia (genus). 



Mountain Ebony (Pfl.118), 998 Bauhinia 

Mountain Ebony (Ru/N/75, 159) (?). 
1699 Diospyros montana (?). 

Mountain (Casparea) Hbony (Mch. 472, 
520, 995, udpd). 999 Bauhinia monan- 

Mountain (Common) Ebony (MeL. 472, 
520, 995, adpd). 990 Bauhinia race- 

‘Mountain (Common Climbing) Ebony 

(MeL. 472, 520, 995, adpd). 994 Bauhi- 
nia Vahlii. 

Mountain (Crimson Climbing) Ebony 
(McL. 472, 520, 995, adpd). 995 Bauhi- 
nia phosnicea. 

Mountain (Crimson - gold - and - white) 
Ebony (Cat. 112), 999 Bauhinia 

Mountain (Downy) Ebony (McL, 521). 
988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Mountain (Great leaved) Hbony (McL. 
520). [990 Sphalm] 994 Bauhinia 

Mountain (Holy) Ebony (McL. 521). 988 
Bauhinia tomentosa, 

Mountain (Hooker’s Australian) Ebony 
(McL. 472, 520, 995, adpd). 1000 
Bauhinia Rookeri. 

Mountain (Large) Ebony (McL. 472, 520, 
995). 994 Bauhinia Vahlii. 

Mountain (Large) Ebony (Mch. 520). 
996 Bauhinia purpurea. 

Mountain (Malabar) Ebony (Mch. 472, 
520, 874, 995). 991 Bauhinia malaba- 

Mountain (Minute-flowered Climbing) 
Ebony (Hk. 2/284,adpd). 998 Bauhinia 


Mountain (Nirpa) Ebony (McL. 472, 520, 
874, 994). 998 Bauhinia retusa. 

Mountain (Pink-and-yellow) Ebony (Hk. 
2/284, adpd). 997-a. Bauhinia variegata 

Mountain (Purple) Ebony (McL. 472, 520, 
806, 995) (Br. 64). 996 Bauhinia pur- 

Mountain (Purple Variegated) Ebony 
(McL. 521). 997-a. Bauhinia variegata 

Monntain (Retuse leaved) Ebony (McL. 
472,520, adpd). 998 Bauhinia retusa. 

+ Mountain (Richard’s African) Ebony (Br. 

64, adpd). 1001 Bauhinia Richardiana. 

Mountain (Saffron) Hbony (McL. 521). 
988 Bauhinia tomentosa, 

Mountain (Shrubby White) Ebony (McL. 
472, 520, 995, adpd). 989 Bauhinia 

Mountain (Small flowered) Ebony (McL. 
231, 432, 520, 806, 995). 990 Bauhinia, 


Mountain (Snake-like) Ebony (Mch. 472, 
521, 995). 998 Bauhinia anguina. 

Mountain (Sour) Ebony (McL. 520). 991 
Bauhinia malabarica. 

Mountain (Spreading Variegated) Ebony 
(Cat, 112). 999 Bauhinia monandra. 
Mountain (Taper pointed) Hbony (McL. 

521) (Br. 63). 989 Bauhinia acuminata, 

Mountain (Tomentose) Ebony (Mel. 521) 
(Br. 164). 988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 
Mountain (‘Twin leaved) Ebony (McL. 472, 
520, 995, adpd) (Br. 62). 992 Bauhinia 


Mountain (Variegated) Ebony (MeL. 472, 
434, 521, 995) (Br. 68). 997 Bauhinia 

Mountain (White) Ebony (McL. 521, 995). 
989 Bauhinia acuminata. 

Mountain (White Variegated) Ebony 
(McL. 621) (Br. 63). 997-b. Bauhinia 
variegata (candida). 

Mountain (Wild) Ebony (Mech. 472, 521, 
995). 988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Mountain (Yellow) Ebony (Mch. 521). 
988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Mountain (Yellow) Ebony (Mch. 473, 521, 
995). [891 Sphalm] 988 Bauhinia 

Mountain Featherfoil (Mcl. 587, adpd). 
decexiii. Actephila (genus). 

Mountain (Evergreen) Featherfoil (MchL. 
587, adpd). 2554 Actephila exceisa. 
Mountain Giant Brinjal (Hk, 4/233, adpd). 

2080 Solanum giganticum. 

Monntain Glabrous Goglet flower (Mcl. 
466, adpd). 1944 Ceropegia Decais- 

Mountain Gueldres Rose 
adpd). 1425 Viburnum 

Mountain Gum (Maid. C.T). 1194 Euca- 
lyptnus goniocalyx. 

Mountain Hairy Goglet Flower (Mech. 466, 
adpd). 1943 Ceropegia ciliata. 

Mountain (Downy-flowered) Ipecacuanha 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/82, udpd). 1898-c. 
Gymnema montanum (pubiflora). 

Mountain Laurel (S. 224). dxlii. Kalmia 

Mountain Laurustinus (Mc, 566, adpd). 
1426 Viburnum coriaceum. 

Mountain Lime (Mch. 434), 410 Citrus 
medica-Limonum (?). 
Mountain Mahoe (Cat. 26). 


Mountain Neem (Cag. 635), 454 Melia 

(MchL. 566, 

242 Hibiscus 

Mountain obovate-leaved-rachis-glandu- 
lar Senna (Mc. 804). 952 Cassia 

Mountain (Leschenault’s) Passion flower 

(MeL. 393, adpd). 1846 Passiflora 



Mountain Plum (Mch, 363, 788) (Nic. 
4/225). 467 Ximenia americana, 

Mountain Robust Tiger’s Milk (Hk. 
5/474, McL. 892, adpd). 2708 Exczecaria 

Mountain (American) Rose (MR8). 
Antigonon leptopus. 

Mountain Slender Tiger’s Milk (Hk. 


5/473, McL. 892, adpd). 2707 Hxcex- 
caria crenulata. 

Mountain Snowball Tree (Mch. 566, 
adpd). 1425 Viburnum pasnctatum 

Mountain (Indian) Star Capsicum (Hk. 
4/231, Nic, 3/453, 8/407, adpd), 2078 
Solanum lve. 

Mountain Sweet Potato (McL, 464), 2631 
Manihot utilissima, 

Mountain Sweet Flag (McL. 37). 3000 

Costus speciosus. 
Mountain Tamana Oil Tree (Mcb, 474, 
adpd). 148 Hydnocarpus alpina. 
Mountain Ten Carpelled Indian Mallow 
(Hk. 1/328, adpd). 227 Abntilon neil- 

Mountain White Gum of Victoria (Bth. 
3/201). 1183 Hucalyptus pauciflora. 
Mountains (King of the) (McL. 822). 

1015 Acrocarpus fraxinifolius. 
Mourner (Indian) (McL. 861, 388). 1776 
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 
Mousache (MeL. 464). 2631 Manihot 

Mousa Nettle (Bdn/F.T). 2767 Laportea 


Mouse-ear (McL. 38). 783 Alhagi came- 

Mouse-ear (McL. 240). 888 Clitoria Ter- 

Mouse (Blue) Har (Mch. 240), 
toria Ternatea. 

Mouse Root (Mch. 53), 38057 Dioscorea 

Mouse-tail Orchid (8. 183), 
drobium (genus). 

Moustache (Medium-ashy-downy elliptic- 
cuneate-toothed-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
4/597, adpd). 2329 Caryopteris Wallichi- 

Moustache Plant (5.78). decxxxiv. Cary- 
opteris (genus), 

Mouth-staining Spider 
(Nic. 2/528, adpd). 

Moving Plant (Nic. 1/460) (Br. 52). 809 
Desmodium gyrans. 

Mowa of Central India (Cat. 171). 
Bassia latifolia. 

Mowa of Southern India (Cat. 171). 1687 
Bassia longifolia. 

Mowda (Mch. 522). 667 Buchanania lati- 

Mowlvo (Mch. 441). 

838 Cli- 

emxix, Den- 

Flower Shrub 
1288 Melastoma 


3069 Dioscorea 


Ixvi. Tamarix (genus). 

Moy (Mel. 522). 
Moy (McL. 379, 478, 522, 995). 

'  Bugenia alternifolia. 

Mozambique (Coral Tree of) (Ol. 2/182, 
adpd). 828 Brythrina Humeana, 

Mozambique (Mokononga of) (OI, 1/166), 
169 Garcinia Livingstonei. 

Mozambique (Motsauri of) (Ol. 1/266), 
169 Garcinia Livingstonel. 

Mozambique Lily (8.182). 3119 Gloriosa 

Much - interrupted - subglabrous - spiked 
(Tetrandrous) Panicled Christmas Pride 
(Hk, 4/428, adpd). 2174-d. Stenosipho- 
nium diandrum (Russellianum). 

Mucronate Elliptic-leaved Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/192, adpd). 2011 Lettsomia 

Mucuna (One seeded) (Br. 56). 813 
Mucuna monosperma. 

Mudar (McL. 446, 473, 1032) (Cat. 192) 
(Cag. 488) (Rid. 105). 1882 Calotropsis 

Madar Root Plant (McL. 374). 
Aristolochia indica (?). 

Mnddy (Black) (MeL. 799). [201 Sphalm } 
1150 Terminalia tomerxtosa. 

Muddy (MchL. 367), 1554 Morinda citri- 

Mugwort (Nic. 1/114), 

Mugwort (McL. 4) (Nic. 1/114) (Br. 108). 
162L Artemisia vulgaris. 
Mulberry Family (Br. 197). 

cez (Order). 

Mulberry (H/E.F) (Bs/T/612) (Cag. 211) 
(Ru/N/76, 0/9) (Mu. 46) (Nic. 2/385) 
(S. 278, 279) (Gbl. 634) (Bdn/F.T). 
dceclxxii. Morus (genus). 

Mulberry (Axillary-Spined) (Hk, 5/473; 
adpd). dcecclxx. Plecospermum (genus): 

Mulberry (Bracteate Dyeing) (McL. 367). 
1554-b. Morinda citrifolia (bracteata). 

Mulberry (Cochin-china) (Muell. 8.P). 
2723-b. Morus alba (atropurpurea), 

Mulberry (Common Black) (Nic. 2/885). 
2722 Morus nigra. 

Mulberry (Dark purple) (Rid. 191) (Br. 
198). 2723-b. Morus alba (atropur- 

Mulberry (Dull leaved Dyeing) (McL. 
367). 1555 Morinda tinctoria. 

Mulberry (Dyeing) (McL. 367, 595, 907, 
996). [1554 Sphalm] dx. Morirda 

Mulberry (Eiliptic-leaved Dyeing) (McL. 
367). 1554-c. Morinda citrifolia (ellip- 
tica). . 

Mulberry (French) (8. 70, 171). 
Callicarpa (genus). 

Mulberry (Indian) (Bdn/F.T) (Br. 99). 
1554 Morinda citrifolia. 


(2) 2391 

dxxvili, Artemisia 

CLV. Moras 



Mulberry (Indian) (McL, 366, 1000) (Cat. 
269) (Cag. 211) (Br. 198) (Rid. 141), 
2721 Morus indica. 

Mulberry (Long cymed French) (Hk. 
4/567, adpd). 2287 Callicarpa arborea. 

Mulberry (Panicled Dyeing) (McL. 367). 
1555-c. Morinda tinctoria (multiflora). 

Mulberry (Paper) (Nic. 1/214) (S. 63, 
808). dcecclxix. Broussonetia (genus). 

Mulberry (Paper) (Muell. S.P) (Cat. 261). 
(Pr. 2/967) (Bs/T/613) (Gbl. 633) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Nic. 1/214) (8. 68, 808). 
2718 Broussonetia papyrifera, 

Mulberry (Penninerved Small-leathery- 
shining obovate - oblong - obtuse - or- 
acute-leaved Axil-Spined) (Hk. 5/491, 
adpd). 2719 Plecospermum spinosum. 

Mulberry (Penninerved Small-rigid-scab- 
rid Ovate-to-obovate-rhomb-serrate- 
cuspidate -leaved Sandpaper) (Hk. 
5/489, adpd). 2717 Streblas asper. 

Mulberry (Penninerved Small-subsessile 
Subtrapezoid - apically-serrate-acumin- 
ate-leaved Spinous (Hk. 5/488, adpd). 
2716 Phyllochlamys spinosa. 

Mulberry (Polished leaved Dyeing) (McL. 
367), 1554-c. Morinda citrifolia (ellip- 

Mulberry (Purple) (8. 70). 
carpa (genus). 

Mulberry (Sandpaper) (Rox. 3/762, adpd). 
decelxviii. Streblus (genus), 

Mulberry (Scabrid Dyeing) (McL. 367), 
1555-d. Morinda tinctoria (aspera). 

Mulberry (Shining-leaved Dyeing) (McL, 
367). 1554 Morinda citrifolia. 

Mulberry (Short-cymed French) (Hk. 
4/567, adpd). 2288 Calicarpa lanata. 

Mulberry (Silkworm) (Cat. 269) (Pfl. 505). 
2721 Morus indica. 

Mulberry (Small Dyeing) (Mch. 867, 996), 
1556 Morinda umbellata. 

Mulberry (Spinous) (Hk. 5/478, adpd). 
decelxvii. Phyllochlamys (genus). 

Mulberry (Triplenerved-and-(young-2-3)- 
lobed Medium-to-long-membranous- 
downy-backed-scabrid Oblique-ovate- 
oblong - toothed - acuminate - leaved 
Paper) (Hk. 5/490, adpd). 2718 
Broussonetia papyrifera, 

Mulberry (West Indian Red) Tree (Mcl. 
1u22). 2728-b. Morus alba (atropur- 

Mulberry (White-berried French) (8. 70, 
Hk. 4/568, adpd). 2288 (bis.) (Calli- 
carpa macrophylla. 

Mulberry (Wild Dyeing) (McL. 367). 
1555 Morinda tinctoria. 

Mulberry (Woolly-leaved Dyeing) (McL. 
367). 1555-b. Morinda tinctoria (to- 

Mulberry (Common) of Europe (McL 
367) (S. 278). 2722 Morus nigra. 

deexxiv. Calli- 


Mulberry (White) of Persia (Mch. 367). 
9723-a. Morus alba (typica). 

Mulberry (Red) of Persia (McL. 367). 
2723-b. Morus alba (atropurpurea). 

Mulberry (French) of the Northern 
Circars (S. 70, Bed. 1/173, adpd). 2287 
Callicarpa arborea. 

Mulberry (French) of the Western Ghauts 
(S. 70, Mcl. 908, adpd). 2288 Calli- 
carpa lanata. 

Mulberry (Black) Tree (Muell. S.P) 
(H/E.F) (S. 278) (Br. 198) (Rid. 141), 
2722 Morus nigra, 

Mulberry (White) Tree (Mnuell. S.P) 
(H/E.F) (Nic. 2/383) (S. 278) (Gbl. 
634) (Br. 198) (Rid. 141). 2723 Morus 


Mulberries (McL. 1005). CIV. Moracez 

Mnuilli of Peru (Nic. 3/381). 656 Schinus 

Multifoliate-(5-9)-alternate-medium ellip- 
tic-acuminate-leaved White Cedar (Hk. 
1/546, adpd). 456 Dysoxylum binec- 

Multifoliate-(7-9) - alternate - submembra- 
nous-medium Ovate-elliptic-cuneate-cus- 
pidate-leaved White Cedar (Hk. 1/548, 
adpd). 459 Dysoxylom Beddomei. 

Multifoiiate-(9-18)-bright-green  elliptic- 
obovate-obtuse-leaved Bastard Rose- 
wood Climber (Bs/T/237, adpd). 890 
Dalbergia volubilis. 

obovate-obtuse-leaved Bastard Rose- 
wood (Bs/T/236, adpd). 889 Dalbergia 

Multifoliate-(7-11)-brown - downy-backed 
oblong-retuse-leaved Rosewood Climber 
(Hk. 2/233, adpd). 885 Dalbergia 

Soapnut (Hk. 1/692, 
Harpullia cupanioides. 

Multifoliate - (7-11) - densely - brown-vel- 
vetty oblong-retuse-leaved Rosewood 
Climber (Bs/T/234, adpd). 885 (bis.) 
Dalbergia Gardneriana. 

Multifoliate-distichous elongated-but- 
basally-slightly-pseudobulbous-stem med 
Orchid (Hk. 5/710, 711, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxix. Dendrobium (genus). 

Multifoliate-distichous equitant-laterally- 
compressed-fleshy Tufted-short-stem- 
med Orchid (Hk. 6/80, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxli. Podochilus (genus). 

Maltifoliate-distichons lorate-coriaceous 
Sheath-covered-terete-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/54, W.A.I, adpd). emxxxvi. 

Saccolabium (genus-Micranthe in part, 
Caleeolaria, and Acampe Sections). 

adpd). 642 


Multifoliate-distichous lorate-coriaceous 
Sheath-covered-terete-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/49, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxv. 
Vanda (genus). 

Multifoliate-distichous lorate-coriaceous 
Sheath-covered-terete-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/48, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxiy. 
Aérides (genus-Section IT, III). 

Multifoliate-distichous lorate-coriaceous 
Sheath-covered-terete-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/32, W.A.I, adpd). emxxxii. 
Rhynchostylis (genus). 

Multifoliate-distichous lorate-coriaceous 
Sheath-covered-terete-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/31, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxi, 
Doritis (genus). 

Multifoliate-distichous lorate-coriaceous 
Sheath-covered-terete-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/26, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxx: 
Cottonia (genus). 

Multifoliate-distichous lorate-coriaceous 
Sheath-covered-terete-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/78, W.A.I, adpd). cmxl. Diplo- 
centrum (genus). 

Multifoliate-distichous lorate-coriaceous 

Larger StemJess Orchid (Hk. 6/9, 
W.A.I, adpd). cmxxvii.. Cymbidium 

Multifoliate-distichous lorate-coriaceous 
Smaller Stemless Orchid (Hk. 6/55, 
adpd). cmxxxvi. Saccolabium (genus- 
Platyrhizos Section). 

Multifoliate-distichous (Medium-linear- 
lanceolate-bifid-tipped) Psendobulb 
Erect Orchid (Hk. 5/727, W.A.I, adpd). 
2912 Dendrobium hzmoglossum. 

Multifoliate-distichous (Small-linear- 
lanceolate-acute) Pseudobulb Hrect 
Orchid (Hk. 5/744, adpd). 2918 Dend- 
robium crepidatum, 

Multifoliate-distichous (Small-oblong- 
lanceolate caducous) Pseudobulb Erect 
Orchid (Hk. 5/719, W.A.I, adpd). 
2909 Dendrobium chlorops. 

Multifoliate-distichous Pseudobulb Orchid 
(Hk. 5/710, 711, W.A.I, adpd). cmxix. 
Dendrobium (genus). 

Multifoliate-distichous (Medium-linear- 
lanceolate-acute) Pseudobulb Orchid 
(Hk. 6/715, W.A.I, adpd). 2907 Dend- 
robium Heyneanum, 

Multifoliate (Small-linear-acute) Pseudo- 
bulb Orchid (Hk. 5/718, W.A.I, adpd). 
2908 Dendrobium graminifolium. 

Multifoliate-distichous (Medium-lanceo- 
late-acuminate) Psenudobulb Pendulous 
Orchid (Hk. 5/788, W.A.I, adpd). 2916 
Dendrobium Pierardi. 

Multifoliate-distichous (Medium-ovate- 
oblong-acute) Pseudobulb Pendulous 
Orchid (Hk. 5/785, W.A.I, adpd). 2914 
Dendrobium macrostachyum. 


Multifoliate-distichous terete-coriaceous 
Sheath-covered-terete-stemmed Orchid 
(Ak, 6/55, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxvi. 
Saccolabium (genus-Micranthz Section) 
in part. 

Multifoliate-distichous terete-coriaceous 
Sheath-covered-terete-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/48, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxiv. 
Aérides (genus-Section [). 

Multifoliate-distichous terete-coriaceous 
Sheath-covered-terete-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/22, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxix. 
Luisia (genus), 

Multifoliate-(7-11)-downy-nerved ovate- 
elliptic-serrate-leaved Globular-flowered 
Neem (lk. 1/545, adpd). 455 Cipa- 
dessa fruticosa. 

ribbed oblong-obtuse-or-retuse-leaved 
Bastard Rose-wood (Bs/T'/236, adpd). 
891 Dalbergia paniculata. 

Multifoliate-(5-9)-elliptic-cuspidate leaved 
Kino Rose-wood (Bs/T'/239, adpd). 
894 Pterocarpus indicus. 

Multifoliate-(7-9) - elliptic-oblong-serrate- 
cuspidate-leaved liusty-downy Balsam 
Tree (Bs/T/132, adpd). 445 Bursera 

Multifoliate elongated-and-thick-but- 
basally-Pseudobulbous-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 5/793, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxiv. 
Eria (genus-Hymeneria Section, part). 

Multifoliate elongated-jointed-joint- 
sheathed-claviform - but-basally-Pseudo- 
bulbous-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/710, 
720, 7380, 739, W.A.I, adpd). cmix. 
Dendrobium (genus-Stachyobium and 
Budendrobium part Sections). 

Multitoliate-equitant | (Very-small-ensi- 
form-obtuse) Fleshy-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/80, W.AJ, adpd). 2980 
Podochilus malabaricus, 

lance-acuminate-leaved Burdock Soap- 
nut (Hk. 1/687, adpd). 6389 Nephelium 

Maltifoliate - (25-41) - glancous - browny- 
downy-backed Trapezoid-oblong-leaved 
Rose-wood Climber (Hk. 2/234, adpd). 
888 Dalbergia tamarindifolia. 

Multifoliate - (5-10) - grass - green - equal- 
sized Roundish-elliptic-acute-leaved 
Rose-wood (Bdn/1l.T. xxxi/8, adpd). 
882 Dalbergia sissoides. 

Maultifoliate-(15-19)-grey-downy obovate- 
obtuse-leaved Bell Pea (Hk. 2/249, 
adpd). 912 Sophora tomentosa. 

Multifoliate-(21-25)-grey-silky-backed ob- 
long-acute-leaved Bell Pea (Hk. 2/249, 

adpd). 913 Sophora glauca. 
Multifoliate-(11-15)-grey-silky  oblong- 
obtuse-or emarginate leayved Spinous 

Rose-wood Climber (Hk. 2/233, adpd). 
887 Dalbergia sympathetica, 


Multifoliate Joint-stemmed-Pseudobulk 
Orehid (Hk. 5/710, 720, 730, 739, W.A.I, 
adpd). emxix. Dendrobium (genus- 
Stachyobiwm, and Eudendrobiwm part 

Multifoliate (Medium-narrow-lanceolate- 
acuminate) Joint stemmed Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/719, W.A.I, adpd). 2910 
Dendrobium barbatulum. 

Multifoliate (Medium-oblong-lanceolate- 
obtuse) Joint-stemmed Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 8/737, W.A.I, adpd). 
2915 Dendrobium heterocarpum., 

Multifoliate (Medium-ovate-lanceolate- 
acuminate) Joint-stemmed Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/739, W.A.I, adpd). 
2917 Dendrobium agueum, © 

Multifoliate (Small-linear-lanceolate- 
acuminate) Joint-stemmed Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/720, W.A.I, adpd). 2911 
Dendrebium herbaceum. 

Multifoliate (Very - small- linear-oblong- 
cleft tipped) Joint Stemmed Pseudobulb 

Orchid (Hk. 5/734, W.A.I, adpd), 2913 
Dendrobium Jerdonianum, 
Multifoliate-(5-7)-leathery obovateob- 

long-sabacute-leaved Winged Rose- 
wood Climber (Hk, 2/244, adpd). 904 
Derris brevipes. 

Multifoliate - (7-13) - leathery - shining - 
hoary-backed elliptic-lance-leaved 
Winged Rose-wood Climber (Bs/T/241, 
Rox. 3/232, adpd). 900 Derris scan- 

Maltifoliate - (16-20) - leathery - shining 
elliptic-oblong-acuminate-leaved Crab 
Oil ‘Tree (Nic, 1/265, adpd), 475 Carapa 

Maltifoliate-(5-7)-leathery-very-small ob- 
long-cuspidate-leaved Winged Base- 
wood Climber (Hk. 2/247, adpd). 910 
Derris Wightii. 

Multifoliate Long-bulbed Orchid (Hk, 
5/7938, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxiv. Eria 
(genus-Hymeneria Section Part). 

Multifoliate (Medium-lanceolate-subacu- 
minute-downy) Long-bulbed Orchid 

(Hk. 5/793, W.A.I, adpd). 2936 Eria 

Multifoliate (Medium-obovate-to-oblong- 
acnte-downy) Long bulbed Orchid (Hk. 
5/798, WAIL, adpd). 2937 Eria 

Multifuliate-(7-9) Long-leathery-velyvetty- 
backed-oblance-caspidate-leaved Grape- 
flower Vine (Hk. 2/104, adpd). 765 
Millettia splendens. 

Multifoliate=(7-9) Long-membranous- 
thinly-silky obovate-obtuse-or-cuspi- 
date-leaved Grape-flower Vine (Hk 
2/108, adpd). 767 Millettia auricalata, 


Multifoliate - (11-15) Medium-glabrous 
ovate-elliptic-acuminate-leayed Yellow- 
to-deep Orange Black-bean (Bth. 2/273, 
adpd), 925 Castanospermum australe. 

Multifoliate-(7-9) | Medium-membranous 
Wampee (Hk. 1/504, adpd). 394 
Clausena heptaphylla- 

Maltifoliate - (5-7) Medium-to-longlea- 
thery-velvetty-backed obovatecuspi- 

date-leaved Grape-flower Vine (Hk. 
2/104, adpd). 764 Millettia rubi- 

oblong-obtuse-leaved Bell Pea (HE. 
2/252, adpd), 917 Calpurnia aurea. 

Multifcliate-(9)-membranous oblong- 
retuse-leaved Winged Rose-wood 
Climber (Hk. 2/247, adpd). 909 Derris 


Multifoliate -(15-19) - obliquely-ovate-to- 
oblong-crenate-cuspicate-leaved Grey- 
downy Balsam Tree (Hk., 1/525, adpd). 
440 Garuga pinnata. 

Multifoliate - (2-12) - oblong-or-obovate- 
obtuse-leaved Burdock Soapnut (Hk. 
1/687, adpd). 638 Nephelium lappa- 

leaved Kidney-podded Rose-wood (Bs/ 
T/208, adpd). 893 Dalbergia spinosa. 

Multifoliate-(7—-9) - obovate-oblong-obtuse- 
or-retuse-leaved Spinous Rose-wood 
Climber (Bs/T/235, adpd). 884 (bis.) 
Dalbergia coromandeliana. 

Mnltifoliate - (5-7) - obovate-obtuse-or- 
retuse-leaved Kidney-podded Rose-wood 

Climber (Bs/T/238, adpd). 892 Dalber- 
gia monosperma. 
Multifoliate-(7—9)-opposite Leathery- 

glabrous-grey-green-backed oblong- 
cuspidate-leaved Bell Pea (Hk. 2/253, 
adpd). 918 Ormosia travancorica. 

Multifoiiate-(5-11)-opposite Medium- 
downy-or-pale-backed lance-acuminate— 
leaved White Cedar (Hk. 1/565, adpd). 
472 Heynea trijuga. 

Multifoliate-(9-15)-opposite | Medium-to- 

long-tawny-downy-glabrate ovate. 
elliptic-acuminate-leaved White-cedar 
(Hk. 1/559, adpd). 467 Amoora 

Multifoliate-(7-9) - ovate-entire-or-serru- 
late-leaved Bipinnate Neem (Bs/T/140, 
Rox. 2/396, 397, adpd). 454 Melia 

Multifoliate-(11-15) - ovate-lance-acumin- 
ate-leaved Kino Rose-wood (Bs/T/239, 
Pr. 1/412, adpd). 898 Pterocarpus 

Multifoliate-(8-12) - ovate-lance-serrate- 
leaved Bipinnate Neem (Bs/T/140, Rox. 
2/395, adpd), 453 Melia Azedarach. 



Multifcliate-(5-9) - ovate - lance -toothed- 
acute-leaved Capsular Neem (Hk, 
1/543, adpad). 451 Munronia Wallichii. 

Multifoliate-(3-9) -ovate-oblong-acuminate- 
leaved Apple Bladder Nut (Hk. 1/699, 
adpd). 651 Turpinia pomifera. 

elliptic-oblong-subacute-leaved Winged 
Rose-wood (Bs/1/241, Rox, 3/229, adpd). 
901 Derris robusta. 

Multifoliate-(9-13)-papery oblance-or- 
oblong-lance-subobtuse-leayed Winged 
Rose-wood Climber (Bs/T/242, adpd). 
903 Derris oblonga. 

Multifoliate-(7-9)-papery  oblong-cuspi- 
date-leaved Winged Rose-wood Climber 
(Hk. 2/244, adpd). 905 Derris ealata. 

backed-ovate-biserrate-leaved Glaucous- 
branched Dew-berry (Hk. 2/339, adpd). 
1082 Rubus lasiocarpus. 

backed ovate-biserrate-leaved Glandu- 
lar-bristly-branched Dew-berry (Hk. 
2/340, adpd). 1083 Rubus racemosts. F 

- Multifoliate - (9-15) - puberulous - glabrate 

Small oblong-lance-acuminate-leaved 
Ash Sumach (Hk. 2/27, adpd). 671 
Solenocarpus indica. 

Multifoliate-scattered Fieshy-climbing- 
naked-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/73, 
W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxviii. Cleisostoma 

Multifoliate-scattered (Long-linear- 
acuminate) Jointed-pendulous-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/68, W.A.I, adpd). 2975 
Sarcanthus peninsularis. 

Multifoliate-scattered-rigid Jointedeflexu- 
ous-pendulous-stemmed Orchid (Hk, 
6/68, W.A.I, adpd).  cmxxxvii. 
Sarcanthus (genus). 

Multifoliate-(7-9) - silky-backed 
oblong-mucronate-leayed Kino 
wood (Bs/T/229, adpd). 
pus macrocarpus. 

Multfoliate - (7-9) - silky - downy-glabrate 
Medium  oblong-ovate-caudate-leaved 
Ash Sumach (Hk. 2/29, adpd). €72 
Odina Wodier. 

Multifoliate - (13-21) - silky-glabrescent 
linear-oblong-mucronate-leaved Bell 
Pea (Nic. 4/184, adpd). 919 Virgilia 

Multifoliate - (7-9) Small-chartaceous 
normally-obtuse-leaved Wampee (Hk. 
1/516, adpd). 396 Clausena indica. 

Multifoliate-(9-1E) Small-downy ovate- 
wayed-acuminate-leaved False Wampee 
(Hk, 1/502, Bed. 1/43, adpd). 3891-b. 
Micromelum pubescens (angustifolia). 

895 Pterocar- 

\ oa 


Multifoliate-(13-21) Small-leathory -sillky- 
backed lance-acuminate-or-obtuse- 
leaved Grape-flower Shrub (Hk, 
2/110, adpd). 768 Mundulea suberosa, 

Multifoliate - (5-13) Small-membranous 
obliquely - ovate - crenulate ~ obtuse-to- 

caudate-leaved Wampee (Hk. 1/516, 
adpd). 397 Olausena Willdenovii, 

Multifoliate-(13-15) | Small-submembra- 
nous - glabrate - obovate - acute -leaved 
Grape-flower Vine (Hk. 2/105, adpd). 
766 Millettia racemosa. 

Multifoliate - (4-6) - stipuled-subglaucous- 
backed elliptic-obtuse-leaved Burdock 
Soapnut (Hk. 1/690, adpd). 641 Ne- 
phelivm stipulaceum. 

Multifoliate-(11-15)-subglabrous oblong- 
retuse-leaved Rose-wood (Hk. 2/233, 
Bs/T/235, adpd), 886 Dalbergia 

Multifoliate - (19-29)-subglabrous Oval- 
emarginate-leaved Bell Pea (Hk. 2/251, 
adpd). 915 Sophora interrupta, 

Multifoliate - (5-7) - sabglaucous - backed 
oblong-obtuse-leaved Rose-wvod Climb- 
er (Hk. 2/232, Rox. 3/231, adpd). 884 
Dalbergia rubiginosa, 

Multifoliate - (7-9)-subopposite Medium 
ovate-elliptic-cuneate-acuminate- leaved 
White Cedar (Hk, 1/548, adpd). 458 
Dysoxylum malabaricum. 

Multifoliate-(7-11) - subopposite Very- 
soiall-to-small narrow-elliptic-acumin- 
ate-leaved White Cedar (Gbl. 149, 
Bdn/®.T, adpd). 467 Dysoxylum pur- 

Multitoliate-(11-15) -thinly-downy-backed 
oblong-acuminate-leaved Bell Pea (Hk, 
2/220, adpd). 914 Sophora Wightii. 

Multifoliate- (13-15)-thinly-downy-backed 
oblong-obtuse-leaved Bell Pea (Hk. 
2/251, adpd). 916 Sophora Bakeri. 

Multifoliate - (6-10) Very-small-bristly 
linear-obtuse-leaved Sensitive Pea (Hk, 
2/151, adpd). 785 Smithia blanda. 

Multifoliate-(21-41) Very-small linear- 
oblong-obtuse-leaved Sensitive Pea 
(Hk. 2/114, adpd). 778 Sesbania 

Multifoliate - (81) Very-small linear- 
prickly - obtuse - bristle - tipped - leaved 
Sensitive Pea (Hk. 2/115, adpd). 780-a. 
Sesbania aculeata (typica). 

Multifoliate-(21-61) Very-small linear- 
obtuse-bristle-tipped-leaved Sensitive 
Pea (Rox. 3/334, adpd), 780-b. Ses- 
bania aculeata (paludosa). 

Multifoliate-(41-61) Very-small linear- 
obtuse-leaved Sensitive Pea (Hk. 2/151, 
adpd). 786 Aisch¥nomene indica, 

Multifoliate-(61-161) Very-small linear- 
obtuse-leaved Sensitive Pea (Hk. 2/152, 
adpd), 787 Aischyuomene aspera. 

Multifoliate - (4-10) - wavy-subglaucous 
backed ovate-lance-to-oblong-subobtuse- 

INDEX. 727 

leaved Burdock Soapnut (Hk.1/689 
adpd). 640 Nephelium Longana, 

Multifoliate-(5-9) Winged-petioled obo- 
vate-elliptic-cuspidate-leaved Quassia 
(Nic, 3/262, adpd). 426 Quassia amara, 

Multifoliate- (18)-yellow-downy ovate- 
lance-serrate-acuminate-leaved Brucine 
Wood (Bth, 1/877, adpd). 481 Brucea 

Multiform-segmented-and-leayed Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Wa. 
Codizeum variegatum (multiforme). 

Multiglandular (Bipinnate-(12-40) downy- 
glaucous-backed-minute leafy-stipuled) 
lance-dimidiate-(40-80)-folioled Sirissa 
(Hk, 2/800, adpd). 1049 Albizzias tipu- 

Multijugate-(6-12) - taper - based oblong- 
lance to-ovate-leaved Toon (Rec. Bot. 
Surv, Ind, Vol. 111/4-1908). 482-a. 
Cedrela Toona (typica). 

ovate-oblong-leaved Toon (Ree. Bot, 
Surv. Ind. Vol, III/4-1908). 482-f. 
Cedrela Toona (pilipetala). 

Multijugate-round - based ovate-long- 
leaved Toon (Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. Vol. 
Il1/4-1908).  482-c. Cedrela Toona 

Multijugate-taper-based obliquely- oblong- 
elliptic-leaved Toon (Rec. Bot, Surv. 
Ind, Vol. III/4-1908). 482-b. Cedrela 
Toona (pilistyla). 

Multilobed Paucisect False Fan Palm 
(Nic. 1/268, adpd), mxx. Carludovica 

Multisect (Dwarf) Spineless Fan Palm 
(Cag. 344, adpd), mi. Thrinax (genus). 

Munj Grass (Gbl. 742) (Pr. 2/1189) 
3284 Saccharum arundinaceum. 

Munjinutty (Mcl. 367). 1554 Morinda 

Munjaudy Tree (McL. 757). 1004 Ade- 
nanthera pavonina, 

Munro’s Wax Rose Apple (McL. 379, 3886, 
adpd). 1229 Eugenia Munronii. 

Munzerabad Creeper (Cag. 442). 2167 
Thunbergia mysorensis. 

Murdah (McL. 530). cdii, Terminalia 

Murdah (Black) (McL. 473, 530, 995). 
1150 Terminalia tomentosa. 

Murdah (Flowering) (McL. 473, 530, 995). 
1152 Terminalia paniculata. 

Murdah (Leathery) (McL. 473, 580, 995). 
1150-c. Terminalia tomentosa (coriacea), 

Murdah (White) (McL. 581, 799, 995). 
1149 Terminalia Arjuna. 

Muriel Grahame Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 
55). 1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea- 

Mouriké of the Greeks (McL. 891). 162 
Tamarix gallica, 

Murinais (Contesse-de) Rose (Nic. 3/825) 
ae 57). 1099-d. Rosa  oentifolia 



Murobalanos-empletz of the 


(McL, 928). 2558 Phyllanthus Emblica. 

Murobalanos-emblika of the Greeks 
(McL. 928), 2558 Phyllanthus Em- 

Murray (McL. 72), 2726 Ficus bengal- 

Murray Pine 
litris robusta, 

Murray Red Gum (Maid. C.T) (Bth. 
3/241). 1187 Eucalyptas rostrata. 

Murray’s Pine (Ooty. 380). 2861 Pinus 

Mursiné of the Greeks (McL, 5038). 
Myrtus communis, 

Murtidanon of the Greeks (MeL. 677). 
2405 Piper Cubeba. 

Murucuja (Purple) (Br. 87). 
flora murucuja. 

Musk (S. 272) (Nic. 2/400). 
Mimulus (genus). 

Musk (Frank) (McL. 910). 

(Maid. C.T). 2814 Cal- 


1857 Passi- 

2335 Ocimum 

Musk Deer Plant (McL. 435, 582), 399 
Limonia acidissima, 

Musk Jasmine (McL. 383, 997), 1752 
Jasminum pubescens. 

Musk Lime (McL., 435, 478, 993). 398 

Triphasia trifoliata. 
Musk (White Wild) Mallow (McL. 83, 

943, adpd). 238 (bis.) Hibiscus 
Musk Rose (McL. 322, 532, 995) (Nic. 

5/641, 3/322) (S. 161, 375). 

Musk (Dwarf) Rose (Cag. 603). 
Rosa moschata (nana). 

Musk (Hybrid of China and) Rose (Cag. 
601). 1108 Rosa Noisettiana. 

Musk scented Babool (McL. 985, adpd), 
1027 Acacia Farnesiana. 

Musk scented (Climbing Creamy) Cluster 
Rose (Cag. 603). 1086 Rosa moschata. 

1086 Rosa 


Musket Tree (McbL. 532, 768). 304 
Gnazama tomentosa. 
Mussaenda (Burmann’s) (Br. 97). 1487 

Mussenda frondosa. 

Mussel-Shell Creeper (McL. 240) (Cag. 
614). 888 Clituria Ternatea. 

Mussell-shell (Angular-stemmed Smaller- 
and-twin-fio wered) Creeper (Lik. 2/208, 
adpd), 839 Clitoria biflora. 

Mussell-Shell (Lilac) Creeper (Nic. 5/213, 
MeL. 240, Cag. 614, adpd). 840 Centr- 
osema grandiflora. 

Mussell-Shell ( White-and-blue-flowered) 
Creeper (Hk. 2/208, adpd). 888-b. 
Clitoria Ternatea (pilosula). 

Mossell-Shell (White and Crimson). 
Creeper (Br. 50, McL. 240, Cag. 614 
adpd). 841 Centrosema Plumieri.: 

Mussell-Shell (White flowered) Creeper 
(Br. 50). 888-c. Clitoria Ternatea 

Mustard Seed of the Bible (McL, 918), 
djxxvi. Salyadora (genus). 



Mustard Tree Family (McL. 913, adpd). 
LXXIII. Salvadoracez (Order), 

Mustard Tree (McL. 918). 1799 Salvado- 

ra persica. 

Mustard Tree of Scripture (Bed. 2/247). 
1799 Salvadora persica. 

Muttypaul (McL. 14). 428 -Ailanthus 

Mutty Tree (MeL. 531). 

Myall (Victorian) (Muell. 8.P) (H/E.F) 
(Bth. 2/383) (G@bl, 291). 1025 Acacia 

Myall (Yarrah) Wood (Maid. C.T). 
Acacia homolophylla. 

My hendra-Hills’ (Black Plum of the) of 
Tinnivelly (McL. 379, adpd). 1249 
Eugenia myhendre. 

1149 Terminalia 


| Myrobalan Family (Br. 74) (L/N/S/B). 

XLVIII. Combretaceze (Order). 

Myrobalan (Br. 74) (Nic, 4/17). cdii, Ter- 
minalia (genus). 

Myrobalan (Arjuna) (Pf, 
Terminalia Arjuna, 

Myrobalan (Beleric) (Pr. 1/481) (Cat. 
133) (Pf, 243) (Br. 74) (W.A.I, 147). 
1145 Terminalia belerica. 

Myrobalan (Belleric) (Mch, 231, 478, 506, 
558, 928, 995), 1145 Terminalia bele- 

Myrobalan (Biglandular leaved Belleric) 
(Mch, 928). 1145-b, Terminalia bele- 
rica (belerica). 

Myrobalan (Black) (McL, 928) (Cat. 135) 
(Pr. 1/481). 1146 Terminalia Chebula. 

Myrobalan (Black Winged) (Mel. 473, 
530, 995, adpd). 1150 Terminalia 

Myrobalan (Brown-hard-felted-backed- 
leaved Winged (Hk. 2/448, adpd). 
1150-c. Terminalia tomentosa (coriacea). 

Myrobalan (Chebulic) McL. 1138, 231, 2386, 
473, 533, 928, 995) (Cat, 135) (W.AL, 
57, 82,106). Terminalia chebula. 

590). 1149 

Myrobalan (Citrine) (McL. 339). 1148 
Terminalia citvina, 
Myrobalan (Climbing Winged) (Treas. 

Bot. 1/317). cdvi. Combretum (genus), 

Myrobalan (Common) (McL, 928). 1146 
Terminalia Chebula. 

Myrobalan (Densely-silky Chebulic) (Bs/T/ 
309). 1146-b, Terminalia chebula (gan- 

Myrobalan (Emblic) (McL. 478, 533, 928, 
1006) (Bs/T/571) (Cat. 215). 2558 
Phyllanthus Emblica. 

Myrobalan (Galled) (McL. 928). 
Terminalia chebula. 

Myrobalan (Glabrate Winged) (MeL. 473, 
50, 995, adpd). 1150-b. Terminalia 
tomentosa (crenulata), : 

Myrobalan (Glandless leaved Belleric) 
(McL, 928). 1145-a. Terminalia 
belerica (typica). 

Myrobalan (indian) (Mc, 928), 1146 
Terminalia chebula, 



Myrobalan (Leathery Winged) (McL. 473, 
580, 995, adpd). 1150-c. Terminalia 
tomentosa (coriacea), 

Myrobalan (Narrow-leaved White Winged) 
(McL. 581, 997, 995, adpd). 1149-b. 
Terminalia Arjuna (angustifolia). 

Myrobalan (Paniculate Winged) (Br. 75, 
adpd). 1152 Terminalia paniculata, 

Myrobalan (Silky-glabrate Uhebulic) (Bs/ 
T/ 809). 1146-a, Terminalia chebula 

Myrobalan (Water) (McL. 
Flacourtia cataphracta. 
Myrobalan (Wild Almond) (McL. 929). 

1144 Terminalia Catappa. 

Myrobalan (White Winged) (McL. 531, 
799, $95, adpd). 1149 Terminalia 

Myrobalan (Yellow) (McL. 928). 
Terminalia chebula. 

Myrobalan (White) of Cuddapah (Bs/T/ 
308, adpd). 1151 Terminalia pallida. 
Myrobalan (Narrow leaved) ot Malaya 
(Bs/T/308, Br. 74, adpd), 1143 Termi- 

nalia Benzoin. 

Myrobalan (Narrow leaved) of Travancore 
(Bs/1/308, adpd). 1147 Terminalia 

Myrobalans (Mch. 1003). 
bretaceze (Order). 

Myrrh Family (McL. 1003, adpd). XXIX, 
Burseracee (Order), 

Myrrh (Buffalo) (McL. 78). 441 Balsamo- 
dendron Roxburghii. 

Myrrh (False) (McL. 78). 
dendron Roxburghii. 

Myrrhs (McL. 1vu03), 
cee (Order), 

Myrte (Risso’s Bigaradier a feuille de) 




441 Balsamo- 

XXIX. Burserae 

(Bon. 58). 420-a. Citrus nobilis 
(major). : 
Myrtle Family (Br. 77) (L/N/S/B). 

XLIX. Myrtacezw (Order). 

Myrtle (Nic. 2/406) (S. 282). 

Myrtle (S. 282) (Bs/T/328) (Gbl. 350) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Pr. 1/487). 

Myrtle (Axil-flowered Alternate-broad- 
leaved) (Hk. 2/464, adpd). cdxvi. Tris- 
tania (genus). 

Myrtle (Axil-flowered Alternate-narrow- 
leaved) (Hk. 2/462, adpd). cdxiv. Lep- 
tospermum (genus), 

Myrtle (Bog) (S. 55). 
Myrica (genus). 

Myrtle (Box) (McL. 477). 
Myrica Nagi. 

Myrtle (Box leaved Eugene) (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1262 Eugenia codyensis. 

Myrtle (Candle berry) (S.75, 281). 
decelxxxv (bis.) Myrica (genus), 

Myrtle (Clove) (McL. 503), 1271 Eu- 
genia caryophyllata, 

edx, Myrtus 

decclaxxv. (bis.) 

2779 (bis.) 

135 | 

1206 Myrtus. 


Myrtle (Common) (MeL. 484, 508) (Nic. 
2/406) (S. 282) (Br. 71) (Rid. 143) (Jaf, 
30) (Cag. 571) (Ru/N/83, 0/15, 31). 
1206 Myrtus communis. 

Myrtle (Voromande] Eugene) (McL. 379, 
886, adpd). 1264 Eugenia bracteata. 
Myrtle (Crape) (McL. 112) (8.115), 

cdxxxviil. Lagerstroemia (genus). 

Myrtle (Eugene) (McL. 879). 
Rugenia (genus). 

Myrtle (False Bog) (Mch. 313, 473, 484, 
503). 649 Dodonzea viscosa. 

Myrtle (Fruiting) (8.158). cdxxi. Euge- 
nia (genus). 

Myrtle (Long oblong-leaved Crape) (Hk, 
2/577, adpd). 1819 Lagerstrcemia flos- 

Myrtle (Medium-silvery-downy-backed 
ovate-acuminate-leaved Triuerved) (Hk. 
2/468, adpd). 1224 Rhodamnia triner- 

Myrtle (Medium-subglaucous oblong- 
lance-acute-leaved Crape) (Hk. 2/575, 
adpd). 1316-b. Lagerstrcemia parvi- 
flora (majuscula). 

Myrtle (Medium-velvetty-backed-nervose 
elliptic-acute-leaved Crape) (Bs/ 1/338, 
adpd). 13817 (bis.) Lagerstroemia Thom- 

Myrtle (Opposite Oleander-leavyed) (Bth. 
2/262, adpd). 1221 Tristania neriitolia. 

Myrtle (Rottler’s Eugene) (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1265 Eugenia Rottleriana, 

Myrtle (Silver Eugene) (Mcb. 379, adpd). 
1266 Engenia argentea. 

Myrtle (Smail-downy-backed oblong- 
acute-leaved Crape) (Hk. 2/756, adpd). 
1316-c. Lagerstremia parviflora (ben- 

Myrtle (Small-glaucous-nervose elliptic- 
acute-leaved Urape) (Hk. 2/576, adpd). 
1317 Lagerstroemia lanceolata. 

Myrtle (Small oval-acute leaved Crape) 
(Hk. 2/575, adpd). 1315 Lagerstramia 
indica, _ 

Myrtle (Small-silky-glabrate oblong- 
cuspidate-leaved Panicled) (Hk. 2/470, 
adpd). 1226 Decaspermum  panicu- 
latam. , 

Myrtle (Small-aubglaucous oblong-acute- 


Jeaved Crape) (Hk. 2/575, adpd). 
3116-a. Lagerstrcemia parviflora 

Myrtle (Small-tawny-velvetty- backed 
jance-acute-leaved Crape) (Hk. 2/576, 
adpd). 1318 Lagerstrcemia Rottleri. 

Myrtle (Small-white-velvetty-backed 

obovate-elliptic-obtuse-leaved ‘'rinery- 
ed) (Hk. 2/469, adpd). 1225 Rhodo- 
myrtus tomentosa, 

Myrtle (Spicate-flowered Alternate-nar- 
row-leaved) (Hk. 2/462, adpa), cdxy. 
Melaleuca (genus). 


Myrtie (Subverticillate leaved)  (Bth. 
3/268, adpd). 1220 Tristania conferta. 
Myrtle (West Indian) (McL. 379). cdxxi. 

Eugenia (genus). 
Myrtle (Wool-tufted Eugene) (McbL, 3792, 
adpd). 1261 Hugenia floccosa, 

Myrtle (Woolly) (MeL. 3883, 503). 
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 

Myrtle Bloom (Mch. 385). 

Myrtle Bloom (McL. 214). 

Myrtle (Carey’s) Bloom (McL. 214, adpa). 
1276 Careya arborea. 

Myrtle Blooms (McL. 

.Myrtaceze (Order). 

Myrtle (Bipinnate) leaved Barberry (Cag. 
674, adpd). 96 Nandina domestica. 

Myrtle leaved Black Plum (Mech. 379, 
adpd). 1289 Eugenia myrtifolia. 

Myrtle leaved Box (8.67). 2545-d. Ruxus 
sempervirens (myrtifolia). 

Myrtle leayed Neswa (Br. 78). 
Nesvea myrtifolia. 

Myrtle-leaved Yellow-flowered Brazilian 
Loosestrife (Br. 738, adpd). 13810 Ne- 
sea myrtifolia. 

Myrtle (Eugene) of the Calcad Hills of 

1258 Hugenia 

1276 Careya 

1005). XLIX. 


Tinnevelly (McL. 3879, adpdj). 1263 
Hugenia calcadensis. 

Myrtle (EKugene) of the Singampatty 
Hills of Tinnevelly (McL. 879, adpd). 

270 Eugenia singanipattiana. 

Myrtle (Wedge leaved Eugene) of Tinne- 
velly (McL. 379, adpd). 1260 Eugenia 
J ossinia. 

Myrtle (Eugene) of the Wynaad in Mala- 
bar (McL. 379, adpd). 1272 Eugenia 

Mysore (Coromandel Ebony of) (Mch., 

366, adpd). 1713 Diospyros Tupra. 

-Mysore (Kanchikai of) (Bon. 7). 415 
Citrus Aurantium-Bigaradia. 

Mysore (Potato Plum of) (Cat. 11). 181 
Scolopia crenata. 

Mysore (Yellow Teak of) (Cai. 157). 
1439 Adina cordifolia. 

Mysore Balah (McL. 67, 992, 1025). 212 

Sida mysorensis. 
Mysore Climbing Fern (Cag. 306). [3384 
Sphalm] 3382 Lygodium flexuosum. 

Mysore Fig (McL. 78, adpd) (Cag. 41+) 
(Mu. 48). 2727 Ficus mysorensis. 

Mysore Gamboge (Ell. 292). 178 Garci- 
nia Xanthochymus. 

Mysore Gamboge (McL. 299) (Pf. 287). 
(2178) 174 Garcinia Morella (?). 

Mysore Mallow (W.A.I, adpd). 
Decaschistia (genus). 

Mysore (Lobed leaved) Mallow (Hk. 
1/832, adpd). 284 Decaschistia trilo- 



Mysore (Toothed leaved) Mallow (Hk. 
1/832, adpd). 285 Decaschistia crotoni- 

Mysore Panicled Indigo (McL. 371, adpd). 
759 Indigofera mysorensis. 

Mysore (Wild Cinchona of) Planters (Cat. 
156). 14388 Anthocephalus Cadamba. 
Mysore Prickly Purple Nail Dye (McL. 
558, adpd). 2228 Barleria mysorensis. 
Mysore (Golden) Rainbow Creeper (McL. 

371). 2167-a. Thunbergia mysorensis 

Mysore (Orange) Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
871). 2167-b. Thunbergia mysorensis 

Mysore (Red) Rainbow Creeper (MeL. 
371). 2167-c. Thumbergia mysorensis 

Mysore Thorn (McL. 473, 538, 995) (Br. 
59) (Kl. 121) (Bed. 1/91) (Rox. 2/360) 
(Bs/T/246) (Gbl. 267) (Cag. 621) (Cav. 
10°). 931 Czesalpinia sepiaria. 

Mysore Toddy Palm (Pf. 45) (Cat. 328), 
3163 Phoenix sylvestris. 

Mysore Velvetty Mallow (W.A.I, adpd), 
xcii. Decaschistia (gents). 

Myxa (Smooth leaved) (McL. 808). 
Cordia Myxa. 



185 Mesua ferrea. 
1621 Artemisia 

Nagaisar (McL. 157). 
Nagdowns (McL. 568). 

Nageia (Grey barked) (McL. 711). 2597 
Putranjiva Roxburghii. 

Nahor Oil Plant (McL. 157), 185 Mesua 

Nailagoommoodoo (McL. 713). 2038 Ipo- 
mea digitata. 

Nail Dye (Mc. 558, 998), decvii. Bar- 
leria (genus). 

Nail (Black) Dye (McL. 576), 2269 

Eebolium Linneanum. 

Nail (Blue) Dye (McL. 558, 576, 998). 
2242 Barleria strigosa. 

Nail (8lue Foxtail) Dye (McL. 576, 
adpd). 2269 Ecbolium Linnzanum, 
Nail Dye (Brown-streaked Creamy-Net- 
veined-bracteoled) (Hk. 4/388, adpd). 

dec. Petalidium genus). 

Nail(Common) Dye (MchL. 558, 998). 
2225 Barleria Prionitis. 

Nail (Common Yellow) Dye (McbL. 558, 
298, adpd). 2225 Barleria Prionitis, 
Nail (Crested Purple) Dye (McL. 558, 

adpd). 2239 Barleria cristata. 

Nail (Dense spiked Blue) Dye (McL, 558, 
576, 998, adpd). 2242 Barleria stri- 

Nail (Downy sepalled) Dye (McL, 558, 
adpd). 2240 Barleria courtallica, 


Nail (Fragrant) Dye (McL, 503). 1314 
Lawsonia alba, 

Nail (Fringe sepalled) Dye (McL. 558, 

adpd). 2241 Barleria Stocksii. 

Nail (Gibson’s Blue) Dye (McL. 558, 
adpd). 2236 Barleria Gibsoni. 

Nail (Hairy Blue) Dye (McL. 558, 

adpd). 2233 Barleria pilosa. 

Nail (Jungle) (McL. 935). 1032 Acacia 

Nail (Large) Dye (McL. 559, 
Barleria cristata. 

Nail (Large Pink) Dye (MeL. 558, adpd). 
2231 Barleria tomentosa. 

Nail (Large Sepalled) Dye (Mcl. 558, 

_ adpd). 2231 Barleria sepalosa- 

Nail (Large White) Dye (MclL. 558, adpd). 
2238 Barleria grandiflora. 

Nail (Law’s Blue) Dye (McL. 558, adpd). 
2234 Barleria Lawii). 

Nail (Lesser Yellow) Dye (McL. 558, 998, 
adpd), 2226 Barleria cuspidata. 

Nail-dye (Many-seeded) (Hk. 4/288, adpd). 
decci, Stenosiphonium)(genus). 

Nail-dye (Minute-subglabrous obovate- 
obtuse-leaved Littoral) (Hk. 4/410, 
adpd). 2169 Calophanes littoralis. 

Nail (Mysore Prickly Purple) Dye (McL. 
558, adpd). 2228 Barleria mysorensis, 

Nail (Nilgiri Prickly White) Dye (McL. 
558, adpd). 2229 Barleria noctiflora. 

Nail (Prickly Purple) Dye (McL. 558, 
adpd). 2227-b. Barleria  buxifolia 

Nail (Prickly White) Dye (Mch. 

Nail (Racemose Blue) Dye (McL. 558, 
adpd). 2232 Barleria involucrata. 

Nail (Shining Sepalled Blue) Dye (McL. 
558, adpd), 2243 Barleria nitida. 

Nail (Square spiked Scarlet) Dye (Treas. 
Bot). 2245 Aphelandra cristata. 

Nail-dye (Small-puberulous Ovate-orner- 
vous-oblong-entire-or-toothed acumin- 
ate-leaved Net-bracted) (Hk. 4/416, 
adpd). 2170 Petalidium barlerioides. 

Nail-dye (Spotted-throated-blue Littorai) 

998). 2239 

2227-a, Barleria buxifolia (albi- 

(Treas. Bot. 1/201, Hk. 4/388, adpd). 
dexoix. Calophanes (genus). 
Nail (Thorny) Dye (McL. 558), 2225 

Barleria Prionitis. 

Nail (Unarmed orange) Dye (Cag. 447, 
MchL. 553, adpd). 2244 Crossandra 

Nail (Western Ghauts Blue) Dye (MclL. 
558, adpd). 2235 Barleria mentana, 
Nail (White Long flowered) Dye (McL, 
558, adpd). 2230 Barleria longiflora. 
Nail dye Bindweed (McL. 120, adpd). 

2032 [pomea barlerioides, 

Nakchiknee Silk Cotton (McL. 234, 663, 

799). 1918 Dregea volubilis, 



INDEX. 731 

Nal Grass (Ghl. 742). 

Nallamalais (Semiscandent Bamboo of 
the) and Western Ghauts (Gbl. 750). 
3306 Oxytenanthera Thwaitesii. 

Nallancolam Bark (Mch. 16). 
AJangium Lamarckii, 

Nana] Grass (W. 12). 

3291 Phragmite 


3283 Saccharum 

Nangay (McL. 562,1002). Ixiv. Polygala 

Nankin Cotton (Br. 19) (Hk. 1/347) (Rid. 
129) (Rox. 3/185), 258-d. Gossypium 
herbaceum (religiosum). 

Naples Fig (Nic. 2/14). 2752 Ficus 

Naralay (McL. 564, 994). 611 Vitis 

Naraiay (Acid) (McL. 564, 994). 599 
Vitis carnosa. 

Naralay (Large) (McL. 564, 994). 593 

Vitis lanata. 
Naralay (Small Acid) (MeL. 564, 994), 
591 Vitis Linneei. 
Naralay (Large Acid) (McL. 564, 994). 
609 Vitis lanceolaria. 
Narcissus Family (L/N/S/B). 
Amaryllidacez (Order), 
Narcissuses (MeL. 1003). CXVI. Amaryl- 
lidacez (Order). 
Naroovilly (MeL. 
Cordia (genus). 
Narrow-elliptic-acuminate-leaved (Small- 
glossy) Honey-thorn (Bdn/F.T, adpd), 
1523 Canthium gracile. 
Narrow-elliptic-acuminate-leaved (Multi- 
foliate-(7--11) -subopposite Very - small- 
to-small) White Cedar (Gbl. 149, Bdn/F. 
T,adpd). 457 Dysoxylam purpureum. 


564, 802). dexlix. 

quefoliate-(4-6) - alternate 
scurfy-glabrate) White Cedar (Hk. 
1/560, adpd), 468 Amoora canarana. 

Narrow-elliptic- lance - acuminate - leaved 
(Medium-downy-backed-shining) Offal 
Shrub (Hk. 3/189, adpd). 1584 Lasian- 
thus trancatus, 

Narrow-elliptic-lance (Small-membranous) 
leaved Claw-flowered Laurel (Hk. 1/498, 
adpd), 3888-c, Acronychia laurifolia 

Narrow-elliptic-leaved Stemless 
(Hk. 5/823, W.A.I, adpd). 
Josephia lanceolata. 

Narrow-folioled Smaller-leaved Love Tree 

2939 (bis.) 

(Hk. 5/656, adpd). 2873-b. Cycas 
circinalis (squamosa). 
Narrow green and glaucous Pinnate 

Cocoanut (Nie. 
Narrow (Yellow-lobed) Green Trilobe 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kd. Codizum variegatum (trilo- 

bum-New-Guinea), * 

1/349). 3281 Cocos 


Narrow-green (Crimson-midribbed 
Golden-veined) Voluted Croton (Nic. 
1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Jb.Cod- 
jum variegatum (volutum), 

Narrow-lance- crenate -serrate -acute - or- 
acuminate-leaved (Medium-leathery+ 
scurfy-downy-glabrate) Croton (Hk. 
5/400, adpd).  2647-b. Ostodes zey- 
lanica (minor). 

Narrow-lance-leaved Wax Flower (Hk. 
4/56, adpd). 1922 Hoya pauciflora, 

Narrow-lance-subentire-acuminate- leaved 
(Medium-hoary-backed) Shrubby Star- 
wort (Hk. 3/251, adpd), 1606 Micro- 
glossa zeylanica. 

Narrow - lance - wavy - acuminate - leaved 
(Long-leathery) Willow Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/7, :adpd). 1872 Utleria salici- 

Narrow leaved Brasiletto (Rid. 111, 216). 
929 Ceesalpinia Sappan. 

Narrow (Close-Set) leafletted Rattan (Hk. 
6/441, adpd). 3204 Calamus leptospa- 

Narrow-leaved Adam’s Needle (Br, 322). 
8114 Yucca filamentosga. 

Narrow Jeaved Azure Kainbow Creeper 
(McL. 3871, adpd). 2165 Thunbergia 

Narrow leaved Button Flower (Nic. 2/28, 
Hk. 1/525, adpd). 4388 Gomphia angus- 

Narrow leaved Ceylon Iron-wood (Bed. 
1/28, adpd). i85-d. Mesua ferrea (coro- 

Narrow-leaved Coffee (Nic, 5/254). 
Coffea stenophylla. 

Narrow (Red bordered) leaved Dragon 
Tree (Hk. 6/381, adpd). 38107-E. Cor- 
dyline terminalis (ferrea) 

Narrow (Short and) leaved Dragon Tree 
(Hk. 6/829, adpd). 3097 Draczena terni- 

Narrow (White bordered) leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/372). 3107-b. Cordyline 
terminalis (albicans). 

Narrow-leaved Hcostate Fern Palm (Bth, 

. 6/252, adpd). 2881 Macrozamia cylin- 

Narrow-leaved Eglandular Senna (McL. 
804, adpd). 956 Cassia angustifolia. 
Narrow leaved Fig (Mc. 78, adpd). 2737 

Ficus nervosa. 

Narrow (Scabrid) leaved Fig (Br. 201, 
adpd). 2747-b. Ficus heterophylla 

Narrow leaved Iron Bark (Maid. C. T), 
1170 Hucalyptus crebra. 

Narrow leaved Iron Bark of New-South- 
Wales (Bth. 3/212). 1200-b: Eucalyp- 
tus paniculata (angustifolia). 

Narrow leaved Jasmine (McL. 884) (Br, 
116). 176 Jasminum angustifolium. 




Narrow leaved Morinda (McL. 367). 
Morinda umbellata. 

Narrow leaved Myrobalan of Malaya (Bs/ 
1/308) (Br. 74, adpd). 1148 Terminalia 

Narrow leaved Myrobalan of Travancore 
(Bs/T/308, adpd). 1147 Terminasia 

Narrow-leaved Nutmeg (* MclL. 887), 
2224 Myristica canarica (* Farquhari- 

Narrow leaved Oleaster (Hk, 5/201, adpd). 
2493 Eleeagnus angustifolia, 

Narrow-leaved Pellet Shrub (McL. 670, © 
adpd). 1544-d. Pavetta hispidula 

Narrow-leaved Sandal (Rox. 1/444): 
2526-b, Santalum album (myrtifolium), 

Narrow-leaved Sappan (Mch. 783). 929 
Ceesalpinia Sappan. 

Narrow-leaved Sebesten (McL, 4738, 803, 
998), 1973 Cordia Rothii. 

Narrow leaved Senna (Mc. 805). 956 
Cassia angustifolia. 

Narrow-leaved Soapnut (Mech. 843, 
adpd). 637 Sapindus indica. 

Narrow (Copious leaved Soap Pod) (MeL. 


97,,.adpd). 1040 Acacia pennata, 

Narrow-leaved Staff Tree (Mch. . 459, 
adpd). 6541-b. Gymnosporia montana 

Narrow-leaved Terminalia (Br. 74). 11438 
Terminalia Benzoin. 

Narrow-leaved Turnera (Br. 88). 18438-b. 

Turnera ulmifolia (angustifolia). 

Narrow-leaved White Winged Myvobalan 
(McL. 581, 799, 995, adpd). 1149-b. 
Terminalia Arjuna (angustifolia), 

Narrow leaved Xylophylla (Br. 195). 
2572 Phyllanthus angustifolia, 

Narrow - linear -acute -leaved (Minute- 
white-cottony-wolly Recurved-margin- 
ed) Pearly Everlasting (Hk. 3/286, 
adpd). 1613 Anaphalis neelgeriana, 

Natrow-linear -lance -acuminate (Papery- 
long-and-medium) leaved False Holly 
(Hk. 1/586, adpd), 497-e. Gomphan- 
dra polymorpha (angustifolia), 

Narrow-linear-lance-heart-leaved (Small- 
to-medium-membranous-hispid) Climb- 
ing Nettle mercury (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 
2697-c. Tragia involucrata (angusti- 

Narrow-linear-leaved (Trifoliate-digitate- 
glabrous Revolute-margined) Broom- 
like Bell Pea (Nic. 2/171, 5/277, Treas. 
Bot. 1/867, adpd). 921 Cyelopia gale- 

Narrow (Medium) linear-leaved Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Me) (Rid) GJaf). 2646-0. 
Oodisum variegatum (angustifolium) 


Narrow (Twisted mediam) linear-leaved 

Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-P. Codizum variegatum (angus- 

Narrow-lirear-leaved (Very-small-tawny- 
cottony-backed-sessile Recurved-mar- 
gined) Pearly Everlasting (fk. 3/286, 
adpd). 1612 Anaphalis marcescens. 

Narrow-linear (Unifoliate-medium-glab- 
rous) leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/75, 
adpd). 710 Crotalaris peduncularis. 

Narrow (Slender-nerved) Medium-leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/265, adpd). 175 Gar- 
cinia Wightii. 

Narrow obdcordate-leaved Wax Flower 
(Hk. 4/56, adpd). 1921 Hoya retusa. 
Narrow - oblance - to - obovate - cuneate- 
obtuse-or-cuspidate-leaved (Medium- 
leathery-subsessile) Croton Indigo (Hk. 
5/407, adpd). 2656 Agrostistachys 


Narrow-oblong-cordate-acute (Medium- 
woolly-midribbed) leaved Cherry 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/66, adpd). 47 Polyal- | 

thia rufescens, 

Narrow - oblong - lance-acuminate - leaved 
(Medium - leathery - strigillose - nerved - 
backed) Offal Shrub (Hk. 3/185, adpd). 
1580 Lasianthus strigillosus. 

Narrow-oblong - lance - cuspidate -leaved 
(Medium - papery - shining) Child’s 
Amulet Tree (Hk. 5/339, adpd). 2603 
Hemicyclia Wightii. 

Narrow-oblong-leaved (Medium-leathery) 
Perdnlous-brached Kambala Tree (Hk. 
2/579, adpd). 1220 Sonneratia apetala. 

Narrow-obiong-leaved (Minute-silkly-glab- 
rate) Tasmanian ‘Tea (Bth. 3/108, 
adpd). 1214 Leptospermum attenn- 

Narrow-oblong-leaved Tree Bilberry (Hk. 
2/562, adpd). 1304 Memecylon angus- 

Narrow - oblong - obtuse - (16-20) - folioled 
(Bipinnate-(8-16)-black-punctate - back- 
ed-minute) Unarmed Brasiletto (Treas. 
Bot. 1/188, adpd). 936 Czesalpinia cori- 

Narrow-gbovate - cuneate - obtuse - leaved 
(Alternate Very-small-grey-downy- 
backed) Honeysuckle Mistletoe 
(Hk. 5/213, adpd). 2503-b. Loranthus 
bracteatus (angustifolia). 

Narrow-obovate-cuspidate (Long-membra- 
nous) leaved Half-hooded-flowered 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/74, adpd). 52 Gonio- 
thalamus wynaadensis. 

Narrow-obovate-leaved (Medium leathery- | 
subsessile) Kambala Tree (Hk. 2/580, | 

adpd). 1321 Sonneratia acida, 

Narrow -podded Plurinervose Phyllode 
Wattle (Bth, 2/314, 389, adpd). 1020 
Acacia implexa, 


INDEX, 733 

Narrow-reddish-crimson-leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/3874, adpd). 38107-k, 
Cordyline terminalis (Jamesii), 

Narrow-Rhomb-leaved Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/176, adpd). 216-c. Sida 
rhombifolia (rhomboidea), 

Narrow Root Orchid (W.A.I, adpd), 2954 
Sarcochilus Wightii. 

Narrow-scaled-petalled Interstamina]- 
glandular Sarsaparilla Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/9, adpd). dexvi. Streptocaulon 

Narrow-sessile-leaved Dragon Tree (Nic. 
1/374). 3111 Cordyline stricta. 

Narrow (Curly) sessile-leaved Dragon 
Tree (Hk. 6/329, adpd). 3098 Dracena 

Narrow (Umbrella-like)  sessile-leaved 

Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/491). 3106 Drac- 
zena umbraculifera, 
Narrow-sheathing-petioled (Palmate- 

(5-7)-nerved Large-to-very-large-glossy) 
Sarsaparilla (Hk, 6/310, adpd). 3080 
Smilax macrophylla, 

Narrow-stipuled Five-(3-5)-leaved Rose 
(Hk, 2/364) (Nic. 3/321). 1103 Rosa 

Narrow-stipuled Glandular Seven-(5-9)- 
leaved Rose (Hk. 2/368), 1088 Rosa 

Narrow-stipuled Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose 
(IIk. 2/364). 1087 Rosa sempervirens, 

Narrow-to-broad-lance-acuminate (Mem- 
branous-medium) leaved False Holly 
(Hk. 1/586, adpd). 496 Gomphandra 

Narrow (Long) Uninervose Phyllode 
Wattle (Bth. 2/309, 358, adpd), 1021 
Acacia stricta, 

Narrow-wedge Nibble-tipped Feather 
Palm (Hk, 6/419, adpd). 3148 Wallichia 

Narrow - woolly - stipuled Lotus Croton 
(McL, 473, 502,adpd). 2690 Macaranga 

Narrowly-elliptic - oblong - obtuse - leaved 
(Alternate-and-opposite small-leathery) 
Honeysuckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/217, 
adpd). 2509 Loranthus memecylifolius, 

Nartun of Tanjore (Bon. 5). 415 Citrus 
Narvel (McL, 566). 1429 Viburnum 

erubescens (fcetidum). 

Naseberry (McL. 506) (Nie. 3/359) (Cat. 
169). 1679 Achras Sapota. 

Nasturtium (Indian) Family (Br, 29) 
(L/N/S/B). XXYV. Geraniacew (Order), 

Nasuta (Mech. 384), 2268 Rhinacanthus 
communis, - 

Natal (White Wedding Flower Plant of) 
(Ru/N/80, adpd). 293 Dombeya natalen- 


Natal Asparagus (S, 39). 3094, Asparagus 

Natal Laburnum (Nic. 5/187). 
Calpurnia (genus). 

Natal (Golden) Laburnum (Nic.5/187, 
adpd). 917 Calpurnia aurea. 


Natal Plum (Cag. 220) (Br. 128). 1805 
Carissa Arduina. 
Native Cane of Ceylon (Rid. 111, 263, 

Jaf. 129). 3205 Calamus rivalis. 

Native Cotton (McL. 232). 253 Gossypium 

Native Currant of Tasmania (Bth. 3/430) 
(S. 108). 1574 Coprosma lucida, 

Native Fuchsia of Victoria (Bth. 1/354). 
376 Correa speciosa. 

Native (Leafless or sparsely membranous- 
oblong-lance-to-hastate-Jeaved Austra 
lian) Ivy (Nic. 2/390, adpd). 2386 
Mnuehlenbeckia platyclada. 

Native Ivy of Australia (8.279). 
Muehlenbeckia (genus). 

Native (Australian) Hop (Mech, 313). 
649 Dodonzea viscosa, 

Native (Australian) Rose (S. 56). 
Boronia (genus), 

Nauclea (Red) (McL. 368). (?) 1275 
Barringtenia acutangula (?). 

Naugabalah (Meh. 68). 214 Sida spinosa. 

Nauga Champak (Mech. 157). 185 Mesua 




Nauga Conjy (Mech. 210). 392 Murraya 

Naugaisar (Red) (McL. 705). 180 
Ochrocar pus Jongifolius. 

Nauga Mooshty (McL, 515). 83 Tiliscora 

Nauga Mully (McL. 384). 2268 Rhina- 

canthus communis. 
Naugaswaram (McL. 569). 
mites Karka. 
Naunal (Large) (MeL. 569, 
Phragmites Karka. 
Naunal Grass (McL., 70, 306, 569, 1002), 
3283 Saccharum spontaneum. 
Naurail (MeL. 195). 3228 Cocos nucifera. 

3291 Phrag- 

1002). 3291 

Naurikelam (McL. 195). 3228 Cocos 

Nauwal (McL. 3885). 1258 Eugenia 

Navelwort (Nic. 1/867, 4/359, adpd). 

¢c]xxiii. Connarus (genus). 
Navelwort (Cupped-follicle) (Bs/!'/210, 
Nic. 1/867, 4/359, adpd). cclxxii. Rourea 

Navelwort (Rusty Woolly Climbing) 
(Hk. 2/51, Bed. 1/82, adpd). 695 

Connarus ferrugineus. 

Navelwort (Sandal-like Cupped-follicle) 
(Bs/T/210, Nic. 1/867, 4/357, adpd). 691 
Rourea santaloides. 

Navelwort (Sausage- follicled Climbing) 
(Bs/T/212, . adpd). 692 Connarus 


Navelwort (Semicircalar follicled) climb- - 
ing) (Bs/T/212, adpd). 692 Connarus 

Navelwort (Shrubby) Family (Nic. 1/367, 
4/359, adpd). XLII. Connaracez 

Nayelwort (Simple leaved) (Bs/T/213, 
Nic.1/367, 4/859, adpd). cclxxiv. Elli- 
panthus (genus). 

Navelwort (Spindle-follicled Shrubby) 
(Bs/T/211,  adpd). 692 Connarus 

Navelwort (Thwaites’ Simple Jeaved) 

(Bs/T/218, Nic. 1/3867, 4/359, adpd). 
696 Ellipanthus Thwaitesii. 

Necked (Short) Hairy Goglet Flower 
(McL. 466, adpd). 1945 Ceropegia 

Necklace Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, adpd), 
Unona (genus). 

Necklace berried Climbing Caper (Hk. 
171, adpd). 100 Meerua arenaria. 

Necklace-berried Star-flowered Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xvi. Unona (genus). 

Necklace (Long-downy-backed oblong- 
acute leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 
37-c. Unona discolor (pubescens). 

Necklace (Long  oblong-acute-leaved) 
Nutmeg (Hk.1/59, adpd). 37-a. Unona 
discolor (pubiflora). 

Necklace (Medium Broad-oval-acute- 
leaved) Nutmeg {Hk. 1/59, adpd), 37-d. 
Unona discolor (latifolia). 

Necklace (Medium-downy-backed oblong- 
lanceolate-acute-leaved Climbing) Nut- 
meg (Hk. 1/59, adpd}. 38 Unona Lawii. 

Necklace (Medium-downy-backed Ovate- 
lance-leavyed) Nutmeg (Hk. 1/58, adpd), 
386 Unona pannosa. 

Necklace (Medium-oblong-lanceolate- 
acute-leaved) Nutmeg (Hk. 159, adpd), 
37-b. Unona discolor (lxvigata). 

Necklace (Medium-silky ovate-lanceolate- 
acuminate-leaved Climbing) Nutmeg 
(Hk.1/60, adpd), 89 Unona viridiflora. 

Necklace Tree (Treas. Bot. 2/828), 
ecexxxi. Ormosia (genus). 

Necklace (White) Tree of Travancore 
(Hk 2/253, adpd). 918 Ormosia travan- 
corica. . 

Nectar Fruit (McL. 35), 57 Anona 

Nectarine (Mch. 54) (S. 351) (Nic. 3/83) 
(Cag. 246) (Mu) (Hod) (Bed. 1/97) 
(Bs/T/279) (Bdn/F.T). (Hk. 2/318). 
1064-b. Prunus persica (levis). 

Nectarine (Spanish) (Cag. 241). 
Chrysobalanus Icaco, 

Needle (Adam’s) (Nic. 4/227) (S. 462) 
‘Cag. 353). cmlxvi. Yucca (genus). 



Needle (Adam’s) (McL. 5, 1001). 3113 
Yucca aloifolia, 
Needle (Adam’s) (Muell, S.P). 3114 

Yucca filamentosa. 



Needle (Adam’s) (S. 8, 61. 463), 3115 
Yucea gloriosa, 

Needle (Aloe leaved Adam’s) (Nic, 4/228). 
8118 Yucca aloifolia. 

Needle (Minute-subsessile 
Jeaved) Bush (Hk, 3/158, adpd). 
Damnacanthns indicus, 

Needle (Narrow leaved Adam’s) (Br. 
322). 3114 Yucca filamentosa. 

Needle (Splendia Adam’s) (Br, 822). 3615 
Yucca gloriosa. 

Needle Bush (Treas. Bot. 2/1287, adpd). 
dxi. Damnacanthus (genus), 

Needle Chakondah (MeL, 155, 504, 994). 
834 ‘Phaseolus semierectus. 

Needle Chilly (McL. 170). 2094 (bis.) 
Capsicum minimum. 

Needle (Deccan Short) Densifasciculate 
Asparagus (McL. 516, adpd). 38087 
Asparagus asiaticus. 

Needle (Nilgiri Short) Densifasciculate 


Asparagus (McL. 516, adpd). 3085 
Asparagus subulatus, 
Needle Jasmine (McL. 384, 997). ‘766 

Jasminum auriculatum. 
Needle-leaved Swallow-wort (McL. 664, 

997, adpd). 1881 Oxystelma egcu- 
Needle Paulay (McL. 664, 997). 1881 

Oxystelma esculentum. 

Needle (Vonkan Short) Sparsifascicnlat- 
Asparagus (Mcl.. 516, adpd). 3086 
Asparagus Jacquemntii, 

Needle (Malabar Short) Sparsifasciculate 

Asparagus (McL. 516, adpd). 3089 
Asparagus levissimus, 
Needle-wood (Maid. C.T:, deexci. 

Hakea (genus). 

Needle-wood (Medium-hoary-glabrate 
Triple-(3-5)-nerved _—_ Ellliptic-oblong— 
lance-obtuse-or-cuspidate-leaved) (Bth, 
5/518, adpd). 2480 Hakea laurina, 

Needle-wood (Small-subnervose lance— 
obtuse-leaved) (Bth. 5/574, adpd). 2484 
Hakea saligna. 

Needle-wood  (Very-small-to-small-rigid 
Terete-pangent-tipped-leaved) (Bth. 
5/514, adpd). 2485 Hakea acicularis. 

Neelaumbram (McL. 558). 2242 Bar- 
leria strigosa. 

Neelaumbram (Mch. 576, 999). 2269 
Ecbolium Linnzanum. 

Neely (McL. 576, 994). 
fera (genus). 

Neem (Mei. 577, 993) (Cag. 635) (Br.34) 
(Cat. 61) (Ell. 80) (Pf. 874) (Bs/T/139) 
(Bs/S/ 119, CPT) (Gbl. 143) (Bdn/F.T. 
L) (Pr. 1/814). (W. 2, 8, 6, 7, 47, 58, 
110). 452 Azadirachta indica. 

Neem (Bipinnate) (ik. 1/544, 
clxxix. Melia (genus). 

Neem (Bitter) (McL. 577). 393 Murraya 
Keenigii. ' 

eclxxxiv. Indigo- 



Neem (Black) (McL. 308, 577). 
Garuga pinnata, 
Neem (Blue) (Rid, 139). 
Azadirachta indica (?). 
Neem (Capsular) (Ak, 1/540, 
clxxviil, Munronia (genus), 
Neem (Fragrant) (McL. 255, 577). 

Neem (Giant) (Cat. 64), 

Neem (Globular-flowered) (Hk. 1/540, 

(? 458) 452 
adpd) . 
454 Melia 

adpd). clxxx, Cipadessa (genus), 
Neem (Gowry’s) (McL. 328), 453 Melia 
Neem (Hill) (McL. 473, 577). 454 Melia 
Neem (Large) (McL. 14). cl«i. Ailanthus 

Neem (Large) (McL. 328, 360, 475, 484, 

577, 993). 453 Melia Azedarach, 

Neem (Unifoliate) (Hk. 1/541, adpd), 
clxxv. Turrea (genus). 

Neem (Madagherry) (MeL. 578), 481 
Chukrassia tabularis. 

Neem (Madagherry) (McL. 578). 2607 

Bischofia javanica, 

Neem (Mountain) (Cag. 635), 454 Melia 

Neem (Multifoliate-(7-1! )-downy-nerved 
Ovate-elliptic-serrate-leayed Globular- 
Howered) (Hk. 1/545, adpd). 455 Cipa- 
dessa fiuticosa 

Neem (Multifoliate-(7-19) Ovate-entire- 
or-serrulate-leayed Bipinnate) (Bs/T/ 

140, Rox. 2/396, 397, adpd). 454 Melia 

Neem (Multifoliate-(8-12) Ovate-lance- 
serrate-leaved-Bipinnate) (Bs/1'/140, 

Rox. 2/395, adpd). 453 Melia Aze- 

Neem (Maultifoliate-(5-9) Ovate-lance- 
toothed-acute-leaved Capsular) (Hk. 

1/548, adpd). 451 Munronia Wallichii, 

Neem (Sandal) (Mech. 578, 911). 482 
Cedrel1 Toona. 
Neem (Sandal) (McL. 578, 911), 483 

Cedrela microcarpa. 

Neem (Shiva’s) (McL. 576, 578, 994), 
(?) 746 Indigofera aspalathoides, 

Neem (Sirissa) (McL. 840). 1044 Albizzia 

Neem (Small-downy Elliptic-ovate-acu- 
minate-leaved Unifoliate) (Hk. 1/542, 
adpd). 449 Turrzea villosa, 

Neem (Small Winged-petioled cuneate- 
obovate-obtuse-leaved Trifoliate) (Hk, 
1/544, adpd). 450 Naregamia alata, 

Neem (Stunted) (McL. 578) (? Personate 
Neem). delxxxviii. Bignonia (genus). 

Neem (Stunted) (McL. 578) (? Personate 
Neem). 2119 Oroxylum indicum, 



Neem (Stunted) (Mch. 578) (? Personate 
Neem). 2149 Stereospermum chelo- 

Neem (Trifoliate) (Hk. 1/541, adpd). 
clxxvi, Naregamia (genus). 

Neem-leaved Fragrant Quaternion Tree 
(Hk. 1/440, Nic. 4/19, adpd), 379 
Evodia melizefolia. 

Neem-like Opposite-leaved Tooth-ache 
Tree (Hk. 1/490, adpd). 379 Evodia 

Neemba (Mcl.. 577). 

Neeradimoot (Mch.* 474), 142 Hydno- 
carpus Wightiana (* venenata). 

Neeroory (Large) (McbL. 265, 473, 580, 
1000). 2593 Breynia patens. 

Neeroory (Wild) (Mech. 701). 2557 Phyl- 
lanthus reticulatus. 

Neeroory Deodar 
Breynia patens. 

Neesberry (McL. 506) (Nic. 3/859) (Cag. 
223). 1679 Achras Sapota, 

Nees’ Black Plum of the Southern Ghauts 
(McL, 379, adpd). 1251 Eugenia Neesi- 

Negro Bean (Mch. 286). 

Negro Bean Cowitch (Mch, 288, 994). 
813 Mucuna monosperma. 

Negro Coffee (MchL. 136). 

Negroe’s Olive (MchL. 530, 928, 1044). 
1146 Terminalia Chebula. 

Negundo (Mcl. 591, 596). 2309 Vitex 

Negundo (Notch-leaved) (Hk. 4/584, adpd). 
2309-b. Vitex Negundo (incisa). 

Negundo (Subentire-leaved) (Hk. 4/583, 
adpd). 2809-a. Vitex Negundo (typica). 

Negundo (White) (McL. 3838, 592) (°?). 
1776 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (?). 

452 Azadirachta 

(McL. 265). 2598 

813 Mucuna 

949 Cassia 

Neileherry Blue Flower (Mc. 584). (?) 
1916 Tylophora asthmatica, 

Neilgherry Bottle Flower (Mch. 900, 
adpd). 1495 Webera nilagirica. 

Neilgherry Champak (Mel.. 157). 26 

Michelia nilagirica. 

Neilgherry Nettle (Ell. 296) (McL. 361, 
584, 1000). 2768 Girardinia hetero- 

Neilgherry (Red Cedar of the) Planters 
(MeL. 888) (Gbl. 608) (Cat. 352). 2607 
Bischofia javanica. 

Neileherry Rhododendron (Mch, 472, 584, 
997). 1645 Rhododendron arboreum 

Neilgherry Satin Ebony (Mch. 478, 798, 
997, corr), 1695 Maba nigrescens, 

Neileherry Satin Wood (McL. 473 79g 
997), [1694 Sphalm] 1694 y,,). 


Nelly (Mch. decxzxvi. 

Nelly (McL. 578). 

Nelly (McL. 928). 

Nelly (Creeper) (McL. 587). 
nomene aspera, 

Nelly (Foreign) (McL. 587). 1268 Hu- 
genia uniflora. 

Nelly (Forest) (MchL. 478, 587, 1000), 
2559 Phylanthus polyphyllus. 

Nelly (Netted) (McL. 587, 1000). 2557 
Phyllanthus reticulatus. 

Nelly (Root) (McL. 587). 

Nelly (Small) (McL. 105, 585). 
Phylanthus distichus. 

Nelly (Sour) (McL. 587). 
thus aistichus. 

Nelly (Stinking) (Mech. 
Premna integrifolia, 

Nelly (Sweet) (Mc, 105). 
thus distichus. 

Nelumbo (Black) (McL. 588). 

* indica, 

587). Premna 
decexiy. Phyllanthug 
2558 Phyllanthus 

787 Alschy- 

2768 Girardinia 
2569 Phyllan- 

587). 2295 
2569 Phyllan- 

3026 Canna 

Nelumbo (High-ground) (McbL, 588). (?) 
957 Cassia alata. 

Nelumbo (Hill) (McL. 588). (?) 8080 
Smilax macrophylla. 

Nelumbo (Shining) (McL. 588). (?) 

ecclxv. Mimosa (genus), 
Nemmy (McL. 418, 472, 575, 645, 994). 
795 Ougeinia dalbergioides. 

Nemmy Kino (McL. 416). 

Nepal Ash (Muell. §.P). 

Nepal Cypress (Miuell. 8.P). 2810 Cn- 
pressus torulosa, 

Nepal Fan Palm (Lodd). 3202 Trachy- 
carpus Martiana. 

Nepal Nut Pine (Muell. S.P), 
Pinus Gerardiana. 

Nepalese (Mallata of the) (McL, 404), 
2687 Mallotus philippinensis. 

Nepaul Barberry (Bdn/L). 97 Berberis 

795 Ougeinia 

1778 Fraxinus 


Nepaul Barberry (McL. 591). [98 
Sphalm] 97 Berberis nepalensis. 
Nepaul Castor (McL. 380), 2696 Balios- 

permum axillare. 

Nepaul Chilly (McL. 170, 591). 2094-c, 
Capsicuin frutescens (nepalense). 

Nepaul Jasmine (Mcl, 888). 1772 Jas-° 
minum humile. 

Nepaul Oil Tree (McL. 3879). 2642 Croton 

Nepaul Tea (Mc. 491), 

Nepaul Trumpet Flower (S. 47, 286), 
1851 Beaumontia grandiflora. 

2527 Osyris 


Neraid (McL. 885, 589). 1258 Eugenia 

-Nerally (Hill) (McL. 763). 387 Elzocar- 
pus Jancevefolius, 

Merija (McL. 478, 589, 883, 993), 544 
Eleodendron glaucum. 

Nerinjy (Vegetable) (Mch, 590, 794). 
604 Vitis auriculata. 

Nerium (Wild) (McL: 622), 

Nerve leaved Wild Jasmine (McL. 384, 
adpd), 1754 Jasminum malabaricum. 

Nerve Tree (Bed. 2/257). 283) Podocar- 
pus elongata. 

Nerved (White) Arrowroot (Nic. 5/520). 
3013 Maranta leuconeura. 

Nerved (Red) Betel Palm (Cag. 337, 339, 
adpd). 3127 Dictyosperma rubrum. 
Nerved (Three) Jasmine (Br. 116). 1758 

Jasminum anastomosans, 

Nerved (Fan) leaved Pepper (McL. 676, 
adpd). 2417 Piper subpeltatum. 

Nerved (Downy) Olive Linden (McL., 768, 
adpd). 840 Elzocarpus tuberculatus. 

Nerved (Oblong Feather) Sebesten (MclI, 
473, 808, 998, adpd). 1973 Cordia 

Nerved (Small obovate Feather) Sebesten 
(McL. 803, adpd). 1974 Cordia Per- 

Nerved (White) Bronze and Silver Arrow-- 
root (Nic. 5/520). 3014 Maranta Mas- 

Nerved (Three) Zizyphus 
562 Zizyphus trinervia. 
Nervose Broad leaved Dragon Tree (Nic. 
1/372, adpd). 3109 Cordyline austra- 


Néron (Madame Paul) Rose (Mu. 53) 
(? Paul Néron). 1107-}. Rosa hybrida 
-Semperflorens (punicea-kermesinc -sur- 

Néron (Paul) Rose (Nic. 3/3824) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/91, 0/21). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfiorens (punicea-kermesino-suf- 

Néron (Vicontesse de Paul) Rose (Mu. 56). 
1108-e. Rosa Noisettiana (citrina). 

Neroory (Wild) (McL. 580, 1000). 2592 
Fiveggea leucopyrus. 

Neszwa (Myrtle leaved) (Br. 78). 
Nesza myrtifotia, 

Net-bracted (Small-puberulous Ovate-or- 
narrow - oblong - entire-or - toothed - 
acuminate-ieaved) Nail Dye (Hk. 4/416, 
adpd). 2170 Petalidium barlerioides. 

Net Fern Family (8.181, 289, adpd). 
CXXVII. Gleicheniaceze (Order). 

Net Fern (S$. 181, 289), ml. Gleichenia 

Net-like-sac-covered-bulbed Orchid (W. 
A.I). 2982 Eria reticosa. 

Net (Jute leaved Turtle) Plant (Cat. 37, 
adpd). 299 Melochia sorchorifolia, 


1818 Cerbera 

(McL. 1382). 



Net (Turtle) Plant (Cat. 37), cxi, Melo- 
chia (genus). 

Net (Fragrant) Seeded Madder Shrub 
(Nic, 2/111, adpd). 1592 Hamiltonia 

Net (Andaman Turtle) Tree (Cat. 37). 
300 Melochia velutina. 

Net-veined-bracteoled (Brown-streaked- 
Creamy) Nail Dye (Hk. 4/388, adpd). 
dec. Petalidinm (genus). 

Net-veined Indian Nettle (McL. 361, 

adpd). 2714 Gironniera reticulate. 
Net-veined Summer Heliotrope (Hk. 
4/146, adpd). 1986 Tournefortia reti- 
Netted Anona (McL. 35). 58 Anona 

Netted-back leaved Spider Flower Shrub 
(Hk, 2/520, adpd), 1284 Osbeckia reti- 


Netted (Gold) Honeysuckle (8S. 184). 
1434-b. Lonicera reticulata (aureoreti- 

Netted Nelly (McL. 587, 1000). 2557 
Phyllanthus reticulatus. 

Netted Phyllanthus (McL. 587). 2557 

Phyllanthus reticulatus. 

Neited-surface-depressed Bulbed Orchid 
(W.A.I). 2984 Eria Dalzellii. 

Netted-surface-depressed Bulbed Orchid 
(W.A.J). 2935 Eria nana. 

Nettle Family (Br. 196) 
CV. Urticacee (Order). 

Nettle (Pfl. 267). 2697 Tragia in clu- 


Nettle (Climbing) (McL. 144, adpd). 
2697 Tragia involucrata. 

Nettle (Devil’s) (McL. 171, 361, 816) 
(Bed. 2/206). 2767 Laportea crenulata. 

Nettle (Fever) (McL. 171, 361) (Bed. 
2/206). 2767 Laportea crenulata. 

Nettle (Indian) (McL. 361) (Gbl. 630) 
(Ell. 163). 2713 Trema orientalis. 

Nettle (Neilgherry) (Ell. 296) (McL. 361, 
584, 100), 2768 Girardinia hetero- 

Nettle (Net-veined Indian) (McL. 361, 
adpd). 2714 Gironniera reticulata. 

Nettle (Oriental) (McL. 624). 2713 Trema 

Nettle (Penninerved-alternate Long-mem- 
branous-downy-backed Elliptic-oblong- 
caudate-leaved Harmless (Hk. 5/589, 
adpd). 2776-a. Villebrunea integri- 
folia (typica). 

Nettle (Penninerved-alternate Medium- 
membranous-subglabrous oblong-lance- 
caudate-leaved Harmless) (Hk. 5/59v, 
adpd). 2776-b. Villebrunea integri- 
folia (sylvatica). 

Nettle (Small Climbing) (MeL. 144, adpd). 
2697-d. Tragia involucrata (cannabina), 


(MeL. 170). 2771 Boehmeria 


Nettle (Triple-nerved-alternate Long 
oblique oblance-entire-or-apically-ser- 
rate-acuminate-leaved Harmless) (Hk. 
5/575, adpd). 2769 Procris laevigata. 

Nettle (Triple-nerved-alternate Medium- 
white-downy-backed-scabrid Koundish- 
serrate-acuminate-Jeaved Harmless) 
(Hk. 5/576, adpd). 2771 Bcehmeria 

Nettle (Triple-nerved-alternate Medium- 
to-lonv-membranous-downy -backed 
ova'e-oblong-crenulate - caudate - leaved 
Harmless) (Hk. 5/575, adpd). 2770 
Boehmeria malabarica. 

Nettle (Triple-nerved-alternate Medium- 
to - long - membranous - woolly- backed- 
lance-oblong-or- roundish - serrate - acu- 
minate-leaved Harmless) (Hk. 5/590, 
adpd). 2777 Villebrunea frutescens. 

Nettle (Triple-nerved-alternate Medium- 
or-scabrid oblong-lance-serrate-acumin- 
ate-leaved Harmless (Hk. 5/590, adpd). 
2778 Debregeasia velutina, 

Nettle (Triple-nerved-altiernate Small 
broadly-lance-acuminate-leaved Harm- 
less) (Hk. 5/582, adpd). 2778 Pouzolzia 

Nettle (Triple-nerved-opposite-and-(3)- 
whorled Medium-membranous-sessile- 
ciliate lance-heart-acuminate-leaved 

Harmless) (Hk. 5/587, 2775 
Pouzolzia intecrifolia. 

Nettle  (Triple-nerved-opposite-and-(3) 
whorled Small-scabrid lance-leaved 
Harmless (Hk. 5/584, adpd). 2774 
Pouzolzia Wightii (Wallichiana). 

Nettle (Triple-nerved-opposite Medium- 
to-long-downy-glabrate roundish-coarse- 
toothed-caudate-leaved Harmless (Hk, 
5/576, adpd), 2772 Boshmeria platy- 

Nettle (White Indian) (McL, 361, 478, 
1000). 2712 Celtis Wightii (?). 
Nettle leaved Lantana (Br. 168). 

Lantana mista. 

Nettle (Climbing) Mercury (Treas. Bot. 
2/736, Hk. 5/244, adpd). deeclvii. 
Tragia (genus). 

Nettle (Malabar) (McL. 171, 861). 2767 
Laportea crenulata. 

Nettle (Mousa) (Bdn/F.T). 2767 Laportea 

Nettle (Robuster Green-leaved Grass) (Hk. 
5/577). 2771-b. Boohmeria nivea 

Nettle (Small - to - medium-membranous- 
hispid Heart-serrate-cuspidate-leaved 
climbing) Mercury (Hk, 5/465, adpd). 
2697-b. Tragia involucrata (cordata). 

Nettle (Small - to - medium - membranous 
hispid Narrow-linear-lance-heart-leaved 
Climbing) Mercury (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 
2697-c, Tragia involucrata(angustifolia), 




Nettle (Small-to-medium - membranous - 
hispid Ovate-to-lance-toothed-acumin- 
ate-leaved Climbing) Mercury (Hk. 
5/465, adpd). 2697-a. Tragia involu- 
crata (typica). 

Nettle (Small-to-medium - membranous - 
hispid Palmately-(3)-partite-narrow- 
toothed or pinnatified lobed leaved 
Climbing) Mercury (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 
2697-d. Tragia involucrata (cannabina), 

Nettle (Small to medium-membranous- 
shaygy Heart-serrate-acuminate-leaved 
Clirabing) Mercury (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 
2698 Tragia bicolor. 

Nettle Tree (Nic. 1/290) 
deeclxiii. Celtis (genus), 

Nettle-wort (Gigantic) (McL, 1082) (?). 
1882 Calotropis gigantea (?). 

Nettie-worts (McL. 1007). cv. Urticacez 

Netty Shrub (McL. 844). 787 Aischy- 
nomene aspera. 

(S. 85). 

Nevill’s (Lady Dorothy) Croton (Nic. 
1/355). 2646-Mj, Codizum variegatum 

New-Britain Penang Lawyer (Mch. 675, 
adpd). 3180 Licuala grandis. 

New Caledonia Pine (Nic. 1/106) (S. 289), 
2835 Araucaria Cookii. 

New Cloth of Gold Rose (Muf56). 1108-1. 
Rosa Noisettiana (odorata-citrina). 

New Cluster Rose (Mu, 57) (Hod), 1108-d. 
Rosa Noisettiana (albida carneo suffusa), 

New (Wax Palm of) Granada (Muell. 
S.P) (Cag. 339). 38146 Ceroxylum 

New Granada Bark (Mech, 420). 
Cinchona succirubra, 

New Granada Tea (Treas. Bot. 2/1115); 
dliii, Symplocos (genus). 

New-Holland (Shepherd’s-purse of) (Nic. 
1/225). 145 Bursaria spinosa, 

New-Holland Red Currant (Treas. 
1/389). 2371 Deeringia celosioides. 

New (Spruce Pine of) Jersey (H/E.F). 
2845 Pinus inops. 

New Orleans Cotton (McL. 223) (Hk, 
1/347). 254 Gossypium barbadense. 

New-Orleans Cotton (Muell. SP). 
[255-c. Sphalm] 254 Gossypium bar- 

New-South-Wales (Bastard Box of) (Bth. 
3/214). 1181 Eucalyptus polyantbemos, 

New-South-Wales (Bastard Box of 
Victoria and) (Bth. 38/215). 1185 
Eucalyptus bicolor. 

New-South-Wales (Blue Gum of Queens- 
land and)- (Bth. (8/229). aigs 
Eucalyptus botryoides. 

New-South-Wales (Box Tree of Queens- 
land and) (Bth. 3/217). 1203 Eucalyptus 

New-South-Wales (Cerry Tree of) (Bth, 
6/229), 2529 Rxocarpus cupressiformis, 




New-South-Wales (Drooping Gum _ of) 
(Bth. 8/240), 1186 Eucalyptus vimi- 

New-South-Wales (Flat Leaf Palm of) 
(Bth. 7/138) (N. 2/155). 3136 Howea 

New-South-Wales (Forest Oak of) (Maid, 
C.T), 2788 (bis.) Casuarina torulosa, 
New-South-Wales (Flooded Gum of) (Bth. 

3/241), 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 

New-South-Wales (Grey Gum of) (Bth, 
3/256), 1172 Eucalyptus saligna. 

New-South-Wales (Grey Gum of) (Bth. 
3/244). 1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

New-South-Wales (Lignum-vitze of) (Bth. 
3/214). 118] Eucalyptus polyanthemos. 

New-South-Wales (Mountain Ash of) (Bth. 

3/212). 1191 Eucalyptus hemastoma, 
New-Sonth-Wales (Narrow-leaved Iron 
Bark of) (Bth. 2/812). 1200-b. 

Eucalyptus paniculata (angustifolia). 
New-South-Wales (Peppermint Tree of) 
(Bth. 3/207). 1193 Eucalyptus piperita, 

New-South-Wales (Red Cedar of) (Bth. | 

1/387). 482 Cedrela Toona, 

New-South-Wales (Red Iron Bark of) 
(Bth. 3/210). 1195 Eucalyptus len- 

New-South-Wales (Silky Oak of} (Bth. 
5/540). 2489 Stenocarpus salignus. 

New-South-Wales (Spotted Gum _ of 
Queensland and) (Bth. 3/212). 1191 
Eucalyptus hemastoma, 

New-South-Wales (Stringy Bark of) (Bth. 
3/208). 1184 Eucalyptus eugenioides. 

New-South-Wales (Swamp Mahogany of) 
(Bth, 3/229) (Bs/'T/328) (Bdn/F.T). 
1174 Eucalyptus robusta. 

New-South-Wales (Thatch Palm of) (Bth. 
7/188) (N. 2/155). 3136 Howea 

New-South-Wales (Warratau or Waratah 
of)(Bth. 5/534) (Gbl. 575) (Bed. 1/777). 
2487 Telopea speciosssima, 

New-South-Wales (White Beech of) (Bth. 
2/66). dcecxxix. Gmelina (genus), 

New-South-Wales (White Gum of) (Bth. 
3/201). 1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora, 

New-South-Wales (White Mahogany of) 
(Bth. 3/229). 1174 Hucalyptus robusta, 

New-South-Wales (Woollybutt of) (Bth. 
3/840). 1186 Eucalyptus viminalis, 

New-South-Wales (Yellow Gum of) (Bth. 
3/244). 1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

New-South-Wales Blood Wood (Bth. 
3/256) (Maid. C.T). 1176 Eucalyptus 

New-South-Wales Fern Palm (Bth, 6/252). 
2883 Macrozamia spiralis. 

New-South-Wales Grey Gum (Bth. 3/245), 
1178 Eucalyptus resinifera. 

New-South-Wales Hickory (Bth, 3/245). 
1178 Eucalyptus resinifera. 



New-South-Wales Laurel (Nic. 
157 Pittosporum undulatum, 
New-South-Wales Leather Jacket (Bth. 
3/245). 1178 Eucalyptus resinifera, 
New-Sonth-Wales Red Gum (Bth. 3/245). 

1178 Eucalyptus resinifera. 
New-South-Wales Red Mahogany (Bth, 


3/245). 1178 Eucalyptus resinifera, 
New-South-Wales Spear Wood (Bth, 
2/383), 1025 Acacia homalapbylla. 

New-South-Wales Stringy Bark 
3/202), 1192 Eucalyptus amygdalina. 
New-Spain Senna (Nic. 1/276). 962 

Senna lewvigata. 

New-York Purple Brinjal (Nic. 1/144) 
(MAHS). 2084-c. Solanum melongena 

New-York Purple Egg Plant (MAUS, 15) 


(Nic, 1/144). 2084-c. Solanum wme- 
longina (americana), 
New (Karaka of) Zealand (Muell. §,P). 

657 Corynocarpus levigata, 

New (Kanuri Pine of) Zealand (Muell, S.P), 
(Bth. 6/244) (Nic. 1/439) (Gbl, 703) 

(Ban/F.T) (Caz. 407) (Cat. 815), 2831 
Agathis australis, 
New-Zealand (Parrot’s Bill of) (Nic. 

1/348) (S. 102, 319). 
New-Zealand (Trailing Yellow and Blue 
Fuchsia of) (Nic, 2/88), 1828 Fuchsia 
New-Zealand (Umbelled Purple flowered 

761 Clianthus 

Resin-seed of) (Nic. 3/153, adpd). 154 
Pittosporum crassifolium . 
New-Zealand Dammer (Mch. 258). 2831 

Agathis australis, 

New Zealand Dragon Plant (S. 290). 3109 
Cordyline australis, 

New-Zealand Flax (Nic. 3/105) (S. 825). 
emlxvii. Phormium (genus). 

New-Zealand Flax (Cag. 348) (Ru/O/28) 
(Ooty 66). 3116 Phorminum tenax, 

New-Zealand (Common) Flax (Nic. 3/106) 
(3S. 325), 38116 Phormium tenax. 

New-Zealand Laburnum (S. 
cccxxix. Sophora (genus). 

New-Zealand Mangrove (McL. 470). 23834 
Avicennia officinalis, 

New-Zealand Manuka (Maid. C.T) (Treas. 
Bot. 2/674). cdxiv. Leptospermum 

New-Zealand Palm (S. 290). 3141 Rhopal- 
ostylis Baueri, 


New-Zealand Palm Lily (Muell. §,P) 
(Nic. 1/372). 3109 Cordyline australis, 
New-Zealand Pine (Rid. 99), 28381 

Agathis australis. 
New-Zealand Silvery Reed Grass (S. 37, 
111, 401). 3288 Arundo conspicua, 
New-Zealand Supple-jack (Treas. 
2/1344), dxciv. Parsonsia (genus). 



New-Zealand Supple-jack Fern (Treas. 
Bot. 1344). mlxv. Lygodium (genus), 
Neyarum (Bonrdillon’s) Ehony (Bdn/F. 
T, McL. 366, adpd). 1698 Diospyros 

Sp. n. (Neyarum), 

Ngaio of New-Zealand (Muell. §.P). 
deexix. Myopornm (genus), 
Nibble-tipped and Acnminate Feather 

Palm (Rid. 264, adpd). 
Nibble-tipped Feather Palm (Cag. 387, 

3134 Pinanga 

adpd). cmlxxi, Areca (genus), 
Nibble-tipped (Lone leaved) Feather 
Palm (Bth, 7/138.  adpd), 3137 

Hydriastele Wen ‘landiana. 

Nibble-tipped (Narrow-wedge) Feather 
Halm (Hk. 6/419, adpd). 3148 Wallichia 

Nibble-tipped (Ribbed) Feather Palm 
(Rox. 3/623, adpd). 38182 Pinanga | 

Nibble-tipped (Sheath Stemmed) 

Feather Palm (Cag. 337, adpd). 
Arenga (genus). 

Palm (Cag. 341, adpd). 
perma MarArthurii. 

Nibbled-tipped (Spiny-Stemmed) Feather 
Palm (Nic. 2/330, adpd). 8235 
nezia caryotoides. 

Nibble-tipped (Swallow-tailed) 
Palm (Rid. 264, adpd), 

3139 Ptychos- 

3132 Pinanga 

Nibble-tipped (Variegated) Feather Palm 
(Cag. 337, 3839, adpd). cmlxxiy. 

Dictyosperma (genus), 

Nicker (Common) (Mcl. 101) (PA. 191). 
926 Cesalpinia Bonducella. 

Nicker (Sumatra) (MclL. 
Ceesalpinia Bonducella, 

Nicker Tree (McL, 101). 

Nicker Tree (Br. 258) (Cat. 99). 
Cesalpinia Bonduc. 

Nicobar Bread Fruit (McL. 591, 801) 
(Rox. 3/7388). 3244 Pandanus odora- 

101). 926 


Nicoombham (McL. 591). dcecexxix. Ja- | 

ropha (genus), 

Nicotah (Mch. 468). 

Niel (Maréchal) Rose (Nic. 3/825) (Cag. 
608) (Hod) (Ru/N/91, 0/21) (Mu. 58) 
(Po). 1103-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odo- 

626 Hemigyrosa 

cmxc, | 

(Short-pinnate) Feather | 

926 Cesalpinia | 
_ Nightshade (1ndian) (McL. 361, 830, 997) 



Niepa Bark (McL. 4738, 591, 781), 429 | 
Samadera indica. 

Night-blooming Cactus (3. 291). cdlii. 
Cereus (genus). 

Night-blooming Jasmine (S. 89). delxxiii. 
Cestrum (genus). 

Night-blooming (Tropical American) 
Jasmine (3. 89, corr), dcelxxiii. Ces- 

trum (genus). 


Night-blooming Tree of Sadness (Cag, 
506). 1776 Nyetanthes arbor-tristis. 
Night-flowering Cereus (S. 388) (Br. 92) 

(Rid. 51) (Cag. 551). 13870 Cereus 
Night-flowering Jasmine (Br. 117) (Cat. 
179). 1776 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 
Night Jasmine (McL, 383). 1776 Nyctan- 
thes arbor-tristis. 

Night (American) Jasmine (S, 89, corr). 
delxxiii. Cestrum (genus), 

Night Paulay (Mc. 14, 664, 998), 2135 
Dolichandrone arcuata. 

Nightshade Family (Br.147) (L/N/S/B). 
LXXX, Solanacez (Order), 

Nichtshade (McL, 213) (Nic. 3/452) (8. 
404). dcelxvi. Solanum (genus), 

Nightshade (Bluish-flowered Unarmed 
Climbing) (Nic. 3/455). 2069 Solanum 

Nightshade (Ciliate-Elliptic White-flower- 

ed Unarmed) (Hk, 4/231, adpd). 2077 
Solanum bigeminatum. 
Nightshade (Downy-lanceolate White- 

flowered Unarmed) (Hk, 4/281, adpd), 
2079 Solanum denticulatum. 

Nightshade (Dwarf Sinuate Bluish-flower- 
ed Prickly) (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 2091 
Solanum xanthocarpum, 

Nightshade (Elliptic-obtuse Bluish-flower- 
ed Unarmed) (Nic. 3/452, 5/672, adpd). 
2072 Solanum havenense. 

Nightshade (Elliptic White-flowered 
Unarmed) (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 2078 
Solanum lzve. 

Nightshade (Glabrate Sinuate White- 
flowered Unarmed) (Hk. 4/230, adpd). 
2074 Solanum vagum. 

Nightshade (Hairy) (McL. 829). 
Solanum ferox. 


(Ell. 517) (PA. 149). 2088 Solanum 

Nightshade (Jacquin’s) (McL. 107). 2091 
Solanum xanthocarpum, 

| Nightshade (Jasmine) (Nic. 3/453) (S. 

407) (Mu. 37), 2068 Solanum jasminoi- 


Nightshade (Lanceclate-acute Bluish- 
flowered Unarmed) (Nic. 3/453, adpd), 
2071 Solanum aviculare, 

Nightshade (Ovate Bluish-flowered Un- 
armed) (Nic. 3/452, adpd). 2073 Sola- 
num arboreum (crispum). 

Nightshade (Ovate-duwny Bluish-flowered 
Unarmed) (Hk. 4/280, adpd). 2076 
Solanum pubescens. 

| Nightshade (Ovate-lobed Bluish-flowered 

Prickly) (Nic. 3/454, adpd). 2087 Sola- 
num maroniense. 

Nightshade (Red-stemmed Lobed White- 

| flowered Prickly) (Nic. 3/455, 8. 407, 

adpd). 2089 Solanum Warscewiczii. 


Nightshade (Sinuate  Bluish-flowered 
Climbing Prickly) (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 
2092 Solanum trilobatum. 

Nightshade (Star-capsicum) (8. 414). 
2070 Solanum pseudo-capsicum. 

Nightshade (‘three lobed) (MeL. 880). | 

2092 Solanum trilobatum. 

Nightshade (Trumpet Fiower) (3. 404, 
Nic. 3/452, adpd). delxx. Solandra 

Nightshesde (Trumpet Flower) (S. 318, | 
adpd). dclxxi. Datura (genus). 

Nightshade (Variovus-Jeaved Climbing | 
Prickly) (Nic. 3/455, adpd). 29090 Sola- 
num Wendlandii. 

Nightshade (Velvetty Sinuate White- 
flowered Prickly) (Nic. 3/455, adpd). 

2088 Solanum robustum. 

Nightshade (White-flowered Unarmed 
Climbing) (Nic. 3/453, adpd). 2068 
Solanum jasminoides. 

Nightshade (White-margiued Sinuate 
bicoloured Prickly) (Nic. 3/454, adpd). 
2086 Solapum marginatum, 

Nightsbade (Woolly-Hiliptic White-flower- 
ed Unarmed) (Hk. 4/280, aipd). 2075 
Solanum verbascifolium. 

Nightshade (Wcolly-oblong Bluish-flower- | 
ed Prickly) (Hk. 4/283, adpd). 2080 
Solanum giganteum. 

Nightshade (Weolly-pinnatifid Bluish- 
fiowered Prickly) (Hk. 4/234, adpd). 
2083 Solanum indicum. 

Nightshade( Woolly-Sinuate Bluish-flower- | 
ed Prickly) (Hk. 4/285, adpd). 2084 | 
Solanum meiougena. 

Nightshade (Woolly-sinuate W hite-fiower- 
ed Prickly) (Hk. 4/234, adpd). 2082 
Solanum torvum. 

Nightshade (Woolly - triangular - lobed 
White-flowered Prickly) (Hk. 4/233, 
adpd). 2081 Solanum ferox. 

Nightshade (Yellow-berried) (McL. 107). 
2091 Solanum xanthocarpuni. 

Nightshades (McL, 1007). LXXX. Sola- | 
nacez (Order). | 

Nilgiri Cluster Rose (Ovoty. 488) (Mu. 21) , 

(Hod). 1088 Rosa Leschenaultii. 
Nilgiri Ebony (McL. 366, adpd). 1718 
Diospyros nilagirica. 
Nilgiri Elm (Bed, 1/218). 2711 Celtis 

Nilgiri (Beak druped) Elm (Bed. 1/218, 
adpd), 2711 (bis.) Celtis cinnamouea. 
Nilgiri (Tawny-downy-leaved) Elm (Hk. 
5/482, adpd). 2711-b, Celtis tetrandra 


Nigiri (Leschenault’s) Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2561 Phy!lanthus Lesche- 

Nilgiri Goose Berry (Bs/8/243, NLGS). 
1225 Rhodomyrtns tomentosa. 
Nilgiri Honeysuckle (Bed, 1/123). 

- Lonicera Leschenaultii, 


|‘ Nilgiris (Hill 

| Nilgiris (Red 


Nilgiri (Smujll-flowered) Honeysuckle 
Mistletee (Hk. 5/216, adpd). 2508-b 
Loranthus neelgherensis (C]larkei). 

Nilgiri Ivory Wood (Hk. 4/142), 1980-c. 
Khretia levis (canarensis), 

Nilgiri Milkwort (McL. 562, adpd). 
Polygala arillata, 

Nilgiri Mourtain Black Plum (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1243 Eucalyptos montana. 

Nilgiri Uvate-serrate Staff ‘'ree (McL, 459, 
adpd). 584 Gymnosporia ovata. 

Nilgiri Prickly White Nail Dye (McL, 558, 
adpd). 2229 Barleria noctiflora. 

Nilgiri (Gamble’s) Rattan (Hk. 6/453, 
adpd). 8214 Calamus Gamblei. 

Nilgiri (Smooth edged Jeayed) Rattan 
(Hk, 6/452, adpd). 38213 Calamus Hue- 

Nigiri Short Needle Densifasciculate Aspa- 
ragus (McL. 516, adpd). 8085 Aspara- 
gus subulatus, 

Nilgiri Shrubby Bamboo (Gbl. 744). 
Arundinaria Wightiana. 

Nilgiri Unifoliate Opposite-leaved Tooth- 
ache Tree (Hk. 1/492, adpd). 380 
Melicope indica, 



| Nilgiri White Rainbow Creeper (McL. 371, 

adpd), 2160 ‘Yhunbergia tomentosa. 

Nilgiris (Alternate-leaved Cinnamon of 
the) (McL. 188, adpd), 2439 Cinnamo- 
mum Perrottetii. 

Nilgiris (Black Wattle of the) (Gbl. 301). 
1v16 Acacia melanoxylon, 

Nilgiris (G@labrous-leaved Wild Ginger 
of the) (Hk. 6/240, adpd). 2992 Amo- 
mum Cannecarpum. 

Nilgiris (Hill Goose Berry of the) (Gbl. 
855). 1225 Rhodomyrtus tomentusa. 

Mango of the) (Gbl. 296) 
658 Meliosma Wightii. 

Gum of the) (Bs/T/827). 
1192 Eucalyptus amygdalina. 

Nilgiris (Velvetty Patchouli of the) (McL, 
732, adpd). 2847 Pogostemon atropare 

Nilgiris (White Stalked-froited Tuolip-Tree 
of the) (Hk. 1/389, 144, adpd). 26 
Michelia nilagirica. 

Nim (Bed. 1/53, 2/13) (Bs/S/168, ATP) 
(W. 35,106). 442 Axadirachta indica. 

Nina Rose (Ru/U/21). 1105-), Rosa odo- 
rata (rosea-pallida), = 

Nine leaved Velvet Tamarind (I.F. xxx/ 
6). 973 Dialium travancoricum., 

Nine-(6-12-prs)-nerved (Long-to-very- 
long-glaorous-sessile) Lance-sparsely- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/458, adpd). 
2211 Strobilanthes perfoliatus, 

Nine-(9-prs)-nerved (Medium-bristly) 
Ovate-crenate-acuminate-leaved Cone# 
head (Hk. 4/453, adpd), 2210 Strobil- 
anthes Dupeni, 

(Bed. 1/77). 


Nine - (9- prs) - nerved (Mediam - downy) 
Gyate-crenulate-acuminate-leaved Cone- 
head (Hk. 4/450, adpd). 
lanthes luridus. 

Nine-(9-prs)-nerved (Sinall-downy-nerved- 
backed Terminally-crowded) Ovate-sub- 
entire-acuminate-leaved Conehead (Hk. 
4/435, adpd). 2182 Strobilanthes cana- 

2206 Strobi- 

Nine (Malay) parted Penang Lawyer 
(McL. 675, adpd). 3179 Licuala palu- 

Nine Segment Prickly Faun Palm 
(Hk. 6/430, adpd). 3179 Licuala palu- 

Niota (McL. 592, 981). 429 Samadera 

Niphetos Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 601) 
(Ru/N/93, 0/21) (Mu. 58) (Hod) (Po). 
1105-a, Rosa odorata (nivea), 

Nirbenteak (W. 24). 1319 Lagerstrcemia 

Nirpa Monontain Ebony (Mch, 472, 520, 
874, 994). 993 Bauhinia retusa, 

Nirvala (McL. 580, 992) (? Niravila). 
101 Cratzeva religiosa, 

Nirvala (Large) (McL. 580), 
zeva religiosa (Nurvala), 

Nirvala( Small) (MchL. 580). 
zeva religiosa (Roxburghii), 

Nisberry (McL. 506). 1679 Achras 

Nisinda (McL. 596). 

Nitta (Bipinnate-(40-60)-biglandular- 
petioled Linear-(150-200)-rigid-folioled 
White-ball-lowered) Rose (Hk. 2/289, 
adpd). 1009 Parkia biglandulosa. 

Nitta Tree of Africa (Mch, 481, 598, 995). 
1009 Parkia biglanduloga, 

Noble Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474), 8264-f, 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (nobilis). 

Nodding Alpinia (Br. 218), 8008 Alpinia 

Nodding (Climbing Unarmed) Cluster 
Rose (Hk. 2/364, Nic. 3/319). 1089 
Rosa Banksia. 

Nodding-flowered Rugose-leaved Hetera- 
canthous Rose (Nic. 3/314), 1099 Rosa 

Nodding Galangal (McL. 928, 1001). 3008 
Alpinia nutans, 

Node-ringed (Hairy) Hollow Large Bam- 
boo (Hk. 7/406, adpd). 3318 Dendro- 
calamus giganteus. 

Node-ringed (Brown-hairy) Hollow Me. 
dium Bamboo (Hk, 7/392, adpd). 33038 
Bambusa vulgaris. 

Node-ringed (White) Hollow Medium 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/418, adpd), 8817 Ue- 
phalostachyum pergracile. 

Node-ringed (Swollen) Semisolid Medium 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/404, adpd), 3310 Den- 
drocalamus strictus. 

101-a, Crat- 


2309 Vitex Ne- 


Node-ringed (White) Semisolid Medium 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/387, adpd), 3301 Bam- 
busa Tulda, 

Node-ringed (Hairy Swollen) Shrubby 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/377, adpd). 3297 
Arundinaria Wightii. 

Node-ringed (Downy) Solid Shrubby 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/408, adpd). 33808 Oxy- 
tenanthera Stocksii. 

No-eye Pea (McL. 274), 

Noirey (Madame Céline) Rose (Ru/N/92) 
(Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po), 1105-1. Rosa 
odorata (rosea-intus-lutea). 

Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325, 5/645, 646) (S. 
291, 375) (Cag. 601) (Ru/N/97, 0/23) 
(Mu. 56). 1108 Rosa Noisettiana. 

Noisette (Apricot. coloured) Rose (Nie. 
5/646) (Mu. 56 ?), 1108-¢. Rosa Noi- 
settiana (armeniaca), 

Noisette(Climbing Tea-scented) Rose (Cag. 

854 Cajanus 

602). 1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odo- 
Noisette (Coppery) Rose (Mu. 56). 

1108-h. Rosa Noisettiana (cuprea). 

Noisette (Coppery-centred Deep-yellow) 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/O/18) (Mu. 56), 
1108-f. Rosa Noisettiana (Iutea-intus- 

Noisette (Coppery Tea) Rose (Nic. 
3/325) (Cag. 603) (Br. 70) (Po). 1108-1, 

Rosa Noisettiana (cuprea). 

Noisette (Dark-yellow Tea) Rose (Nic. 
3/325) (Cag. 602, 603) (Hod) (Ru/N/91, 
96, U/21) (Mu. 56) (Po). 1108+], Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-iutea). 

Noisette (Deep-yellow-centred Light- 
yellow) Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 602) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Hod) (Mu. 56) (Po). 
1108-e. Rosa Noisettiana (citriua-intus- 

Noisette (Flesh-pink) Lose (Ru/N/90, 
O/19) (Br. 70) (Mu. 57) (Hod). 1108-i. 
Kosa Noisettiana (carnea). 

Noisette (Golden-yellow Tea) Rose (Nic. 
3/325) (Cag. 608) (Hod). 1108-1, Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-aurea). 

Noisette (lvory-white) Rose (Nic. 6/646) 

(Mu. 56). 1108-c. Kosa Noisettiana 
Noisette (Lemon-yellow-centred Milk- 

white Tea) Rose (Nic. 3/825) (('ag. 608) 
(Ku/N/90, 0/21) (Br. 69) (Ooty. 427) 
(Mu. 65) (Hod) (Po). 1108-1. Rosa 

Noisettiana (odorata-lactea-intus-cit- 
Noisette (Light-pink Thornless) Rose 

(Ooty. 495) (Hod). 1108-j, Rosa Noi- 
settiana (rosea-inermis). 

Noisette (Light-yellow) Rose (Nic. 3/825) 
(Cag. 602) (Mu. 56) (Hod), 1108-e, 
Rosa Noisettiana (citrina). 


Noisette (Orange Tea) Rose (Nic. 3/325) 
(Ru/N/94) (Mu. 56). 1108-1. Rosa Noi- 
settiana (odorata-aurantiaca). 

Noisette (Pale-yellow Tea) Rose (Mu. 56). 
1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odoratu- 

Noisette (Pink-shaded White) Rose (Mu. 
57) (Hod), 1108-d. Rosa Noisettiana 

Noisette (Pure White) Rose (Nic. 3/325, 
5/646) (Cag. 596, 602) (Ru/N/90, 92, 

0/18, 19) (Mu. 56) (Hod) (Po). 1108-a. 
Rosa Noisettiana (nivea), 
Noisette (Rosy-pink) Rose (Ru/N/91, 

0/22) (Mu. 56) (fod). 
Noisettiana (rosea). 
Noisette (Scarlet) Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 

1108-j. Rosa 

(Po) (Mu. 57) (Hod). 1108-k. Kosa 
Noisettiana (coccinea). 
Noisette (Straw-tinted White) Rose 

(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Mu. 52) 
(Hod). 110s-c. Rosa Noisettiana (al- 

Noisette (Sulphur-edged Dark-yellow Tea) 
Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/90, 0/2). 
1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odorata-lutea- 

Noisette (Tawny Tea) Rose (Nic, 3/325) 
(Cag. 603) (Br. 69). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-fulva). 

Noisette (Tea) Rose (Cag. 602). 1108-1. 
Rosa Noisettiana (odorata). 
Noisette (White) Rose (Cag. 602). 

1108-b. Rosa Noisettiana (alba). 

Noisette (Hybrid of) with Tea Rose (Cag. 
602). 1108-1, Rosa Noisettiana (odo- 

Noisette’s (Monsieur) 
Rose (Cag, 601). 

Nolatauly (McL. 594, 1000). 
desma Bunius. 

Nonda (Australian) Tree (Muell. S.P). 
(Bth. 2/426). ccelxxiii. Parinarium 

Non-flagalliferous (Stemless) persistent- 
many-spatned Rattan (Hk, 6/404, 
adpd). mix. Zalacca (genus). 

Non-indusiate Globose-sori-(single)- 

Bushy Cluster 
1108 Rosa Noiset- 

2614 Anti- 

medial - on - pinnule - venules Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). milxii. Polypodium 

Non-indusiate Globose-sori-(several)-on- 
pinnule-yenules Fern (Bed/F, adpd), 
mili, Alsophila (genus). 

Non-indusiate Sori-covering-entire- 
undersurface - of - fertile-folioles Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). milkxiii. Acrostichum 

Non - lenticellate - branched (Small - 
leathery Elliptic-acute-leaved) Privet 
(Hk. 3/615, adpd), 1793 Ligostrum 


Nooga (McL. 594), 2782 Ficus altis- 

Nookmarum (McL, 461). 

Noonal (McL. 367). 

Noongh Palm (Mch, 642). 

Nontka Fir (8. 291). 

Nopal of Mexico (Nic. 2/454) (Rid, 144, 
150). cdly. Nopalea (genus). 

Nopaul (lledge) (Br. 91). 1378 Opuntia 

Nopaul (McL. 720). [1378 Sphalm] 1377 
Nopalea coccinellifera. 
Nora (China) (McL, 436). 

plocos racemosa. 
Nordmann’s Fir (S. 14, 292) (Nic. 1/2). 
2869 Abies Nordmanniana. 
Norfork-Island (She-Oak of) (Kew Bull. 
5/1912), 211 Lagunaria Patersoni. 
Norfolk-Island (Tulip ‘'I'ree of) (Kew 
Bull, 5/1912). 211 Lagunaria Pater- 
Norfolk-Island Blood-Wood (McL. 99). 
2652 Baloghia lucida. 

881 Dalbergia 
1554 Morinda citri- 
3224 Borassus 

2866 Pseudotsuga 

1729 Sym- 

Norfolk-Island Fern (S. 115). 3329 
Alsophil« australis. 
Norfolk - Island Palm (Muell. S.P.) 

5S. 292). 3141 Rhopalostylis Baueri. 
Pp y 

Norfolk - Island Pine (Muell. S.P) 
(Br. 204) (Nic. 1/106) (8.32, 292) (Cag. 
406) (Cat. 318). 2837 Araucaria 

Norfolk-Island Pines 
Araucaria (genus). 

Normally Quinquefoliate Opal Orange 
(Hk. 1/500, adpd). 289-b. Glycosmis 
pentaphylla (pentaphylla). 

Normally Trifoliate Opal Orange (Hk. 
1/500, adpd). 389-a. Glycosmis penta- 
phylla (triphylla), 

Noronhia (EKmarginate) (Br. 118). 1796 
Noronhia emarginata, 

North (Five-leaved Ampelopsis of) 
America (Nic. 1/65). 580 Vitishederacea, 

North (Tulip Tree of) America (Muell. 
S.P) ‘(H/E.F) (Kew Bull. 5/1912) 
(Nic. 5/511) (8. 246, 441) (Rid. 185), 16 
Liriedendron tulipiferum. 

North American Hoary Pea (Nic. 4/17). 
cexci, Tephrosia (genus), 

North American Pencil Cedar (Muell. 
S.P), 2822 Juniperus virginiana. 

North Australian Box Tree (Bth. 3/228), 
1169 Kucaly ptus brachy poda. 

North Australian Fern Palm (Bth. 6/251) 
2875 Cycas media. 

North Californian Cypress (Muell. §,P). 
2812 Cupressus Lawsoniana. 

North (Horned Holly of) China (Nic, 
2/174), 506 Ilex cornuta, 

(H/H.F).  cmyvii. 


Northern Circars Ginger (MchL. 310, 
adpd). 2993 Zingiber roseum. 
Northern (Batavian Orange of the) 

Circars (Bon. 258). 417-b. Citrus 
Aurantium-Aurantium (citrina). 

Northern (Common Rattan of the) Circars 
(Hk. 6/447, adpd). 3207 Calamus 

Northern (Downy-leaved Wild-Ginger of 
the) Circars (Hk. 6/244, adpd). 2993 
Zingiber roseum. 

Northern (Downy Melon Featherfoil of 

the) Circars (McL, 587, adpd), 2589 
Glochidion Heyneanum. 

Northern (French Mulberry of the) 
Circars (8. 70, Bed. 1/178, adpd). 2387 

Callicarpa arborea. 

Northern (Ebony of) India (Bs/T/430) 
(Gbl. 461). 1714 Diospyros tomen- 

Northern Many-carpelled Melon Feather- 
foil (McL. 587, adpd). 2574 (bis) 
Glochidion multiloculare. 

Noru (Ru/N/73, 0/9). 2569 Pbhyllanthus 

Norway Maple (Mvell. 8.P) (AR. 10, 
NLGS) (Nic. 1/10) (8. 4, 294) (Cb, 192). 
645 Acer platanvides, 

Norway Spruce (Muell. 8.P) (S. 292, 
328) (Gb. 716). 2863 Picea excelsa. 
Notch-leaved Negundo (Hk. 4/584, adpd). 

2309-b, Vitex Negundo (incisa). 

Notch-leaved Pussion Flower (Br. 87). 
1360 Passiflora serratifolia. 

Notch-leaved Soap Nut (McL, 843). 
Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Notched Prickly Fan Palm (Cag. 34], 
adpd). 3180 Licuala grandis, 

Notchy (MchL. 478, 592, 596, 864, 999). 
2309 Vitex Negundo. 


Notchy (Black) (Mch, 305). 2260 
Justicea Gendarussa. 
Notchy (Cotton leaved) (McL. 596), 2314 

Vitex leucoxylon. 

Notchy (Field) (McL. 3738, 594, 864, 999). 
2314 Vitex leucoxylon. 

Notchy (Peacock) (McL. 310). 
Vitex alata. 

Notchy (Peacock’s foot) (McL. 596). 
2312 Vitex pubescens. 

Notchy (Tall) (Mc. 473, 596, 864, 999). 
2312 Vitex pubescens. 

Notchy (Water) (McL. 596, 678, 564, 930, 


999). 2808 Vitex trifolia. 

Notonia (Corymbose) (Br. 108), 1623 
Notonia grandiflora. 

Notra of Chili (Muell. S.P). 2488 Hm- 

bothrium ¢occineum., 

Notting (Pierre) Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Cag. 
596) (Mu. 54) (Ru/N/93, 0/22). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (atrosan- 

November Flower !’lant (McL, 68). 
Gloriosa superba. 




Nubia (Coral ‘Tree of) and Abyssinia (Ol, 
2/84, adpd). 82] Hrythrina tomentosa, 

Nubian Assembly Tree (Treas. Bot). 
2152 Kigelia pinnata, 

Nubian Senna (McL. 704, 805, 897, 995). 
955 Cassia acutifolia. 

Nullamada (McL. 470). 

Numerous-folioled (Bipinnate-(2)-minute) 
Pink Bottle-brush Sirissa (Nic. 4/184, 
adpd). 1051 Calliandra brevipes. 

Nunjoondan (McL. 473, 602, 996). 
Gardenia turgida, 

Nunnaury (McL. 597). 
mus indicus. 

Nunnaury (McL. 171). 

Nut Family (L/N/S/B). 

Nut (Bladder) Family 
xXxxvili, Sapindacee (Order). 

Nut (Poison) Family (McL. 474, 690, Br. 
128, adpd). Ixxvi. Loganiaceze(Order), 

Nut (Alteraate-leayed Queensland) (Bth, 
5/317, adpd). acclxxxvlii, Helicia 

Nut (Angular leayed Physic) (Br. 198) 
(Ell. 388) (PA. 30), 2628 Jatropha 

Nut (Bad fruited Emetic) (McL. 291). 
1499 Randia malabarica. 

Nut (Bedaly Emetic) (McL. £91, 996). 
1499 Randia malabarica, 

Nut (Ben) (McL. 518). 
ptery gusperma, 

Nut (Bencoolen) (McL. 438) (Cag. 217), 
2683 Aleurites moluccana, 

Nut (Bezoar) (McL, 87, 101, 231). 
Ceesalpinia bondue. 

Nut (Black Crow Poison) (Mech. 690), 
1709) Divspyros sylvatica. 

Nut (Blunt leaved Soap) (MeL. 848, 
adpd), 686 Sapindus bitoliatus. 

Nut (Bonduc) (Br. 258). 927 Cesalpinia 

Nut (Brahmin Poison) (MeL, 690). 488 
Olax scandens. 

Nut (Bread) (Cag. 216, 414) (Ru/N/70, 
O/8) (Mu. 45).  2765-b- Artocarpus 
incisa (echinocalyx). 

Nut (Bread) (McL. 876). 
2760-b. Artocarpus 

Nut (Bronze leaved Physic) (McL. 56, 
473, 591, adpd). 4628 Jatropha gos- 

Nut (Candle) (McL. 488) (Gbl. 613) 
(Gag. 217). 2632 Aleurites moluccana, 

Nut (Cashew) (McL. 135) (Cag. 262) 
(Cat. 81) (Rid. 104, 118) (Nic. 1/63) 
(Bed. 1/78, 2/163) (Bs/S/198, SAC) (Br. 
44) (El. 47) (a/O0/8) (Mu) (Pf. 208) 
(W. 12, 49, 86, 106, 124), 665 Anacar- 
dium occidentale, 

2334 Avicennia 

1866 Hemides- 
cmlxi, Smilax 

cvili. Betulaceve 


689 Moringa 


[2763 Sphalm } 
incisa (echino- 


Nut (Clearing) (McL. 189, 448, 575, 997) 
(Br. 270) i 5387) (Rox. 1/576) (Bed. 
1/163) Bs/T/474) . (Gbl. 496) 
(Bdn/F.T L) (Rid. 117) (Cag. 488) (Cat. 
196) (Pfl, 219) (W. 68). 1963 Strych- 
nos potatorum, 

Nut (Climbing Poison) (McL, 620, adpd). 
1957 Strychnos colubrina, 

Nut (Cob) (Nic. 1/384) (S. 103, 
decclxxxix. Corylus (genus), 

Nut (Cocoa) (Bed. 1/228) (Bs/T/648) (Gbl. 
737) (Bdn/F.T.L) (Cag. 242) (Cat. 232) 
(Br. 829) (Hll. 188) (Rid. 10,285) (Jaf. 59, 
130) (Pf. 351) (W. 12, 46, 49, 93). 
3258 Cocos nucifera. 

Nut (Cola) (Ql. 1/221) (Gbl. 93) (Bdn/F, 
T). 276 Cola acuminata. 

Nut (Common Emetic)(McL, 292, 473, 691, 
996) (Pf. 383). 1498 Randia dume- 

Nut (Common Marking) (McL. 476). 
673 Semecarpus Anacardium, 

Nut (Common Physic) (McL. 56, 478, 
adpd), 2628 Jatropha Curcas. 

Nut (Corunga) (McL. 101), 926 Cesal- 
pinia bonducella, 


Nut (Country Gall) (McL. 236, 928). 
1146 Terminalis Chebula. 

Nut (Creeper Poison) (McL. 690). 83 
Tiliacora racemosa, 

Nut (Creeper Poison) (McL. 690). 1957 

Strychnos colubrina. 
Nut (Double Cocoa) (McL. 198) (Nie. 

2/23) (Gbl. 757) (Bdn/F.'L)., 3239 
Lodoicea seychellarum, 
Nut (Downy Cymed Climbing Poison) 

(McL. 6¥U, adpd). 1960 Strychnos 
Nut (Emetic) (McL. 231, 290, 996). 

edxcyi. Randia (genus). 
Nut (Fever) (McL. 101) 
926 Czesalpinia Bonducella, 
Nut (Fever) (Cat. 99). 
Nut (Fiddle leaved Physic) (br. 193, 


927 Cesalpinia 

adpd), 2625 Jatropha hastata, 

Nut (Four leaved Soap) (McL. 468). 626 
Hemigyrosa canescens. 

Nut (French Physic) (McL. 55). 2624 

Jatropha multitida. 

Nut (Gall) (bs/8/126, NEL. 202, SAC. 
218, TVY)(Bdn/¥.'1) (W. 51, 107, 109). 
1146 'lerminalia Chebula. 

Nut (Gail) (McL. 231). 1148 

Nut (Glabrous Marking) (McL. 476, adpd), 
674 Semecarpus trayancorica, 

Nut (Glaucous leaved Physic) (McL. 56, 
adpd). 2622 Jatropha glandulifera, 
Nut (Gouty Stemmed Physic) (Cag, 418). 

2626 Jatropha podagrica, 



Nut (Grey Emetic) (McL. 291, 473, 996) 
1497 Randia ulioginosa. 

Nut (Hill Emetic) (McL. 291, 477, 996). 
[1506 Sphalm] 1503 RandiaVandolleana, 

Nut (Hydragogue) (McL. 386), 2696 
Balispermum axillare, 

Nut (Indian) (McL. 195). 8228 Cocos 


Nut (Indian Poison) (McL, 473, 515, 690, 
997, adpd). 1962 Strychnos nux- 

Nut (Intellect) (McL. 476). 
pus Anacardium. 

673 Semecar- 

Nut (Jungle Marking) (McL. 344), 677 
Holigarna Arnottiana. 
Nut (Keena) (McL. 231, 705). 188 Calo- 

phyllum Wightianum, 

Nut (Lady) (McL. 231,801). 1003 Entada 

Nut (Large berried Climbing Poison) 
(McL. 690, adpd), 1959 Strychnos 

Nut (Laurel) (MeL, 705). 181 Calophyllum 

Nut (Long fiowered Climbing Poison) 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1961 Strychnos 

Nut- (Long- leathery-subsessile-alternate 
obovate- oblong-distant-serrate-acumin- 
ate-leaved Queens-land) (Bth, 5/191, 
adpd). 2478 Helicia travancorica. 

Nut (Long-leathery-subsessile-(3-4)-whorl- 
ed- oblong- lance- serrate-acute-leaved- 
Queensland) (Bth. 5/409, adpd). 2479 
Macadamia ternifolia. 

Nutmeg (Long Shining leaved Globe- 
flowered) (bs/T/13,adpd). 76 Sagerea 

Nut (Lowly Marking) (McL. 380). 
Baliospermum axillare. 

Nut (Lumbang) (McL. 237, 438, 772, 
1000) (Cag. 217). 2683 Aieurites 

Nut (Malabar Marking) (MeL, 344), 677 
Holigarna Arnottiana, 

Nut (Maldive Cocoa) (McL. 198). 
Lodoicea seychellarum. 
Nat (Marking) (McL: 476). 

carpus (genus), 

Nut (Marking) (McL. 231, 463, 473, 476, 
834, 994) (Br. 45) (Bed. 2/166) (Rox. 
2/83) (Bs/'l/207) (Gbl. 220) (Bdn/F. 
T.L) (Ell. 506) (Cat. 79) (PA. 405) (W. 
1, 43, 68, 107). 673 Semecarpus Ana- 

Nut (Marsh) (McL, 476). 673 Semecarpus 

Nut (Medium-leathery Elliptic-obtuse-or- 
acute-leaved Climbing Emetic) (Hk. 
3/113, adpd). 1502 Randia rugulosa. 

Nut (Medium-papery ovate-oblong-acute - 
or-obtuse-leaved Penninerved Physic) 
(Hk. 5/384, adpd). 2629 Tritaxis 



celxy. Seme- 


Nut (Medium-to-long-leathery  Elliptic- 
oblong-leaved Square-unarmed-branck- 

ed Emetic) (Hk. 3/112, adpd), 1500 
Randia densiflora. 
Nut (Medium-to-long-leathery lance- 

acuminate-leaved Square-unarmed- 
branched Emetic) (Hk. 8/112, adpd). 
1501 Randia Gardneri. 

Nut (Medium-submembranous-alternate 
Broad- ovatie- to- lance- coarse- toothed- 
acute-leaved Queensland) (Bth. 5/190, 
adpd). 2477 Helicia nilagirica. 

Nut (Molucea) (McL. 101). 926 Czesalpi- 
nia Bonducella. 

Nut (Molucca) (McL. 438). 
tes moiuccana, 

Nut (Narrow leaved Soap) (Mch. 843, 
adpd), 637 Sapindus indicus. 

Nut (Notch leaved Soap) (McL. 843), 634 
Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Nut (Ovate leaved Climbing Poison) (McL. 
690, adpd). 1958 Strychnos Dalzelli. 
Nut (Penninerved-leaved Physic) (Hk. 
5/242,  adpd). dcecexxx. Tritaxis 


Nut (Physic) (McL. 56, 478, 591, adpd). 
decexxix. Jatropha (genus), 

Nut (Physic) (McL. 56) (Cat. 252) (Pr, 
2/941) (Ru/N/84, 0/8, 31), 2628 Jatro- 
pha Curcas. 

Nut (Pointed leaved Soap) (McL. 843, 
adpd). 685 Sapindas erectus. 

Nut (Poison) (McL. 474). dexlv. Strych- 
nos (genus). 

Nut (Poison) (Mch. 473, 515, 690, 997) 
(Cat. 196). 1962 Strychnos nux-vomica. 

Nut (Poison) (Cat. 252). [2628 Sphalm] 
1962 Strychnos nux-vomica, 

Nut (Purging) (McL. 56) (Cag. 412) (Cat. 
252) (PA, 30) (Ru/N/81, 0/8, 31). 2628 
Jatropha Curcas. 

Nut (Quinquejugate leaved Soap) (McL. 
843, adpd). 635 Sapindus erectus. 

Nut (Auricled leaved Glabrous Marking) 
(McL. 876, adpd), 675 Semecarpus 

Nut (Red Physic) (Mci..380), 2696 Bali- 
ospermum axillare. 

Nut (Rusty Soap) (MeL. 473, 844, 994). 
627 Hrioglossum edule. 

Nut (Rusty Woolly Physic) (Mc. 56, 473, 
591, adpd). 2627 Jatropha Wightiana. 

Nut (Small-flowered Malabar) (Mech. 6, 

2633 Aleuri- 

231, 462, 672, Br. 173, adpd). 2267 
Adhatoda Beddomei, 
Nut (Small Physic) (McL. 55), 2624 

Jatropha multifida, 

Nut (Soap) (McL. 231, 473, 757, 798, 84:3, 
994, adpd). ccxlvii. Sapindus (genus). 
Nut (Soap) (McL. 281, 4738, 757, 798, 843, 
994) (Pf. 19) (Bed. 1/71, 2/154), (Bs/T/ 
191) (Bs/S/128, NLGS) (Gbl. 196) (Bdn/ 
F.T/L) (Br. 32) (Hl, 499) (Rid. 158) 


(Ru/N/51) (W. 1, 65, 68, 82, 106). 634 
Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Nut (Terminal cymed Climbing Poison) 
(MeL. 690, adpd). 1964 Strychnos 

Nut (Trijugate leaved Soap) (McL. 843, 
adpd). 634 Sapindus trifoliatus, 

Nut (Turkish Marking) (McL. 185). 665 
Anacardium accidentate. 

Nut (Unifoliate leaved Soap) (McL. 848, 
adpd), 637 Sapindus indicus. 

Nut (Unijugate leaved Soap) (McL. 843, 
adpd). 636 Sapindus bifoliatus. 

Nut (Vomit) (Mch. 515). dexly. Strych- 
nos (genus), 

Nut (Vomit) (McL. 213, 690) (Ell. 536) 
(Pf. 145). 1962 Strychnos nux-vomica. 

Nut (Wallich’s Buffalo) (Nic. 3/258). 
2528 Scleropyrum Wallichianum. 

Nut (Water Filter) (McL. 189). 
Strychnos potatorum. 

Nut (Whirling) (McbL. 473, 875, 995, adpd). 
1166 Gyrocarpus Jacquini. 

Nut (White Emetic) (McL. 263). 
Gardenia lucida. 

Nut (Whorled-leaved Queensland) (Bth. 
5/318, adpd). declxxxix. Macadamia 

Nut (Areca) Climbing Arum (McL. 288, 



corr), 3274 Pothos scandens. 
Nut (Areca) (McL. 288). 3274 Pothos 

Nut (Foreign Marking) (McL. 135). 665 
Anacardium occidentale. 

Nut (Shrukby Soap) of the Moluccas (Hk. 
1/680, Rid. 154, Br. 37, adpd), 631 
Otophora fruticosa. 

Nut (Wild Cocoa) of 'Travancore (Bdn/F, 
T), 8151 Arenga Wightii. 

Nut (Portia) Oil Tree (Nic. 4/27). 252 
Thespesia populnea. 

Nut (Areca) Palm (Bed, 1/228) (Gbl. 76) 
(Bdn/E.T) (EU. 65) (Cat. 320) (W. 46, 
49), 3121 Areca Catechu. 

Nut (Betel) Palm (Mch. 40, 281) (Hk. 
6/408) (Cat. 32) (Cag. 387) (8. 33) (Jaf. 
128) (Rid, 264) (N. 1/109) (Bdn/F.T) 
(BIl, 65) (Pr, 1069) (PA. 9). 3121 Areca 

Nut (Cocoa) Palm (Nic. 1/848) (S. 104) 
(Cat. 832). mxii. Cocos (genus). 

Nut (Cocoa) Palm (McL. 40, 195, 473, 484, 
1001). 3228 Cocos nucifera. 

Nut (False Betel) Palm (Cooke 2/809, 

adpd). 38130 Actinorhytis Calapparia. 
Nut (Sea Cocoa) Palm (Mch. 65, 198, 
1001), 8289 Lodoicea seychellarum. 

Nut (Hill Areca) Palm of Travancore 

(Bdn/F.T). 8143 Bentinckia Codda- 
Nut (Californian) Pine (Muell. 8.P). 

2855 Pinus Sabimiana. 
Nut (Hard) Pine (Ho/E.F). 2855 Pinus 


Nut (Nepal) Pine 
Pinus Gerardiana, 

Nut (Poison) Snakebite Creeper (McL. 
515, adpd). 88 Tilliacora racemosa. 

Nut (Domba Oil) Tree (MeL. 276, 705). 
181 Caloghyllum inophyllum, 

Nut (Ink) Tree (McL. 928) (Pf. 12), 1146 
Terminalia chebula. 

Nut (Kola) Tree (Nic. 5/254) (Cat. 39). 
276 Cola acuminata, 

Nut (Malabar) Tree (McL. 62, 31, 462, 
472) (Br. 173) (PA, 32). 2266 Adhatoda 

Nut (Mark) Tree (McL. 476). 
carpus Anacardium. 

Nut (Promotion) Tree (Mcl.. 135). 665 
Anacardium occidentale. 

Nut (Queensland) Tree (Cat. 231). 
Macadamia ternifolia. 

Nut (Soap) Tree of Southern India (Mat, 
76). 634 Sapindus trifoliatus. 
Nut Tree of East Australia (Muell. 

2479 Macadamia ternifolia. 

Nutmeg Family (Br. 186)~- (L/N/S/B). 
XCYV. Myristicacez (Order). 

Nutmeg (Flowering) Family (L/N/S/B). 
TY. Anonacez (Order). 

Nutmeg (McL. 387) (Nic. 2/405). 
Myristica (genus). 

Nutmeg (Bell-flowered) (Bs/'l'/10, adpd), 
Xviii. Popowia (genus). 

Nutmeg (Biseriate-seeded) (Bs/T/10, 
adpd). xv. Canangium (genus). 

Nutmeg (Biseriate-seeded-berried imbri- 
cately-Star-fowered Climbing) (Bs/T/ 
10,adpd). xii. Uvaria (genus), 

Nutmeg (Biseriate-seeded-berried Star- 
flowered Tree) (Bs/T/10, adpda). xv, 
Canangium (genus). 

Nutmeg (Brazilian) (Treas. Bot. 
declxxi. Cryptocarya (genus). 
Nutmeg (Cherry) (Bs/T/10, adpd). 

Polyalthia (genus). 
Nutmeg (Cherry-berried Star-flowered) 

(Muell. S.P), 2848 

673 Seme- 






(Bs/T/10,  adpd). xvii. Polyalthia 
Nutmeg (Climbing  Biseriate-seeded) 

(Bs/'T/10, adpd). xii, Uvaria (genus). 

Nutmeg (Climbing Hook) (Bs/T/10, adpd). 
xiy. Artabotrys (genus). 

Nutmeg (Common) (Mch. 337, 999). 
2420 Myristica fragrans, 

Nutmeg (Common Cherry) Tree (McL. 
280, 478, adpd). 44 Polyalthia cera- 

Nutmeg (Common Wild) (Bed. 2/267). 
2421 Myristica laurifolia. 

Nutmeg(Corky Barked Cherry) (Hk. 1/65, 
adpd). 46 Polyalthia suberosa. 

Nutmeg (Cupped-calyxed Hooded-flower- 
ed) (Bs/T/10, adpd). xiii, Cyathocalyx 

Nutmeg (Cupped Flowering) (8s/T/10, 
adpd), xiii, Cyathocalyx (genus), 


Nutmeg (East Coast Cherry) Tree (McL. 
281, adpd). 45 Polyalthia korinti. 

Nutmeg (False) (Bs/1/524), 2422 Myris- 
tica malabarica. 

Nut (Fragrant) (McL. 387). 
tica fragrans. 

Nutmeg (Fragrant Cherry) Tree (McL. 
281, adpd). 42 Polyalthia fragrans. 
Nutmeg (Glabrous-shooted Long-linear- 
oblong - Sixteen - (12-20 prs.)-nerved- 
leaved) (Hk. 5/103, adpd). 2421-a. 

Myristica laurifolia (typica). 

Nutmeg (Glabrous-shooted Medium-lance 
Sixteen-(12-20 prs)-nerved-leaved) (Hk. 
5/103, adpd). 2421-b. Myristica lauri- 
folia (Beddomei). 

Nutmeg (Glabrous-shooted Eight-(about- 
8 prs)-nerved-leaved) (Hk. 5/102, 
adpd). 2420 Myristica fragrans., 

Nutmeg (Glabrous-shooted Eleven (8-14 
prs)-nerved-leaved) (Hk. 5/103, adpd). 
2422 Myristica malabarica. 

Nutmeg (Golden-downy-shooted Twenty- 
three-(20-26 prs)-nerved-leaved (Hk. 
5/104, adpd). 2423 Myristica magni- 

Nutmeg (Grey-downy-shooted Fourteen- 
(8-20 prs)-nerved-leaved) (Hk. 5/108, 
adpd), 2424 Myristica canarica. 

2420 Myris- 

Nutmeg(Rusty-downy-shooted Seventeen- 
(14-20 prs)-nerved-leaved) (Hk. 5/111, 
adpd). 2425 Myristica attenuata, 

Nutmeg (Globe-flowered) (Bs/T/10, adpd), 
XXxviii. Sagerzea (genus). 

Nutmeg (Half-baggy-petalled Flowering 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). XXV. Saccopetalum 

Nutmeg (Half-boat-flowered) (Bs/T/10, 
Hk. 1/72, adpd). xix. Phean- 
thus (genus). 

Nutmeg (Half-boat-petalled Flowering) 
(Bs/T/10, Hk. 1/72, adpd). xix. Phe- 
anthus (genus). 

Nutmeg (Half-hooded-flowered) (Bs/T/10, 
adpd). xx. Goniothalamus (genus). 

Nutmeg (Half-Spur-flowered) (Bs/T/10, 
adpd). xxv. Saccopetalum (genus). 
Nutmeg (Half-Star-flowered) (Bs/T/10, 

adpd), xxiv. Miliusa (genus). 

Nutmeg (Half-Star-petalled Flowering) 
(Bs/''/10, adpd). xxiv. Miliusa (genus). 

Nutmeg (Hooked-peduncled Flat-petalled 
Hooded-flowered Climbing) (Bs/T/10, 
adpd). xiv. Artabotrys (genus). 

Nutmeg (Jungle) (McL. 387, 1000). 2421 
Myristica laurifolia. 

Nutmeg (Leathery-leaved Mitre-flowered) 
(Bs/T/10, Hk. 1/77, 78, adpd). xxi. 
Mitrephora (genus). 

Nutmeg (Linear-petalled Hooded-flowered 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xxiii, Xylopia 


Nutmeg (Long-chartaceous obovate-cus- 
pidate-leaved Half-hooded-flowered) 
(Hk. 1/75, adpd). 53 Goniothalamus 

Nutmeg (Ulong-downy:backed oblong- 
acute-leaved Necklace (Hk. 1/59, adpd),. 
87-c. Unona discolor (pubescens). 

Nutmeg (Long-glaucous-backed-leathery 
Elliptic-oblong-acuminate-ieaved Brazi- 
lian) (Hk. 5/120, adpd). 2426 Orypto- 
carya Wightiana. 

Nutmeg (Long lance-leayed Climbing 
Biseriate-seeded) (Hk. 1/50, adpd). 29 
Uvaria Hookeri. 

Nutmeg (Long-membranous narrow-obov- 
ate - cuspidate -leaved Half - hooded- 
flowered) (Hk. 1/74, adpd). 52 Gonio- 
thalmus wynaadensis. 

Nutmeg (Long-membranous-sbining Hllip- 
tic-leaved Cherry) (Hk. 1/63, adpd), 
42 Polyalthia fragrans. 

Nutmeg (Long-membranous-shining lance 
acuminate-waved-leaved Cherry) (Hk. 
1/62, adpd). 40 Polyalthia longifolia, 

Nutmeg (Long oblong-acute-leayed Neck- 
lace) (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 387-a, Unona 
discolor (pubiflora). 

Nutmeg (Long oblong-lance-leaved Cup- 
ped-tiowering) (Hk. 1/53, adpd). 382 
Cyathocalyx zeylanicus. 

Nutmeg (Long-puberulous-backed Ovate- 
oblong-acuminate-leaved Biseriate- 
seeded) (Hk. 1/56, adpd). 85 Canan- 
gium odoratum, 

Nutmeg (Malabar) (McL. 3887, 462, 473, 
1000) (Ell. 401). 2422 Myristica mala- 

Nutmeg (Medium-acuminate-leaved Vel- 
vet Flowering) (Hk. 1/89, adpd). 68 
Alphonsea zeylanica. 

Nutmeg (Medium Broad-oval-acute-leayed 

Necklace) (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 37-d. 
Unona discolor (latifolia). 
Nutmeg (Medium-chartaceous lance- 

acute-leaved Half-nooded-fl owered) 
(Hk. 1/76, adpd). 654 Goniothalamus 

Nutmeg (Medium-cuspidate-leaved Vel- 
vet Klowering) (i{k. 1/19, adpd). 67 
Alphonsea lutea. 

Nutmeg (Medium-downy-backed oblong- 
lanceoiate-acute-leaved Climbing Neck- 
lace) (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 388 Unona 

Nutmeg (Medium-dewny-backed Ovate- 
lance-leaved Necklace) (Hx. 1/58, 
adpd), 386 Unona pannosa. 

Nutmeg (Medium-hairy-glandular-axilled- 
leathery-leaved Mitre-flowered) (Hk. 
1/78, adpd). 656 Mitrephora grandi- 

Nutmeg (Medium-leathery oblong-cuspid- 
ate-leaved Half-hooded-flowered) (Hk. 

| Nutmeg (Medium 


1/73, adpd). 51 Goniothalamus Thwai- 

Nntmeg (Medium-leathery - puberulous- 
backed lance-acuminate-leaved Cherry) 
(Hk. 1/66, adpd). 48 Polyalthia persic- 

Nutmeg (Medium-leathery-shining ob- 
long-lance-leaved Climbing Hook) (Hk. 
1/54, adpd), 84 Artabotrys zeylani- 

Nutmeg (Medium-membranous-downy- 
backed lance-acaminate-leaved Cherry) 
(Hk. 1/64, adpd). 44 Polyalthia cera- 

Nutmeg (Medium-membranous Ovate-ob- 
long-leaved Cherry) (Hk. 1/63, adpd), 
43 Polyalthia simiarum. 

Nutmeg (!edium-membranous-shining 
oblong-lance-acuminate- waved - leaved 
Cherry) (Hk. 1/62, adpd). 41 Polyal- 
thia coffeoides. 

Climbing Biseriate-seeded) (Hk. 1/50, 
adpd). 28 Uvaria Narum. 

Nutmeg (Medium-oblong-lanceolate-acute- 
leaved Necklace) (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 
37-b. Unona discolor (laevigata), 

Nutmeg (Medium-obtuse-leaved Velvet 
Flowering) (Uk. 1/90, adpd). 69 
Alphonsea madraspatana. 

Nutmeg (Medium-(Short-to-long)-papery 
Oblong-laice-leaved Climbing Hook) 
(dk. 1/54, adpd). 383 Artabotrys 

Nutmeg (Medium - papery - puberulous- 
backed oblong-obtuse-leaved Cherry) 
(Hk. 1/65, adpd). 46 Polyalthia sube- 

Nutmeg (Medium-prominent-nerved ob- 
long-leaved Climbing Biseriate-seeded) 
(Hk. 1/51, adpd), 30 Uvaria lurida. 

Nutmeg (Medium-rusty-downy-midribbed 
lance-acuminate-leaved Half-boat- 
flowered) (Hk. 1/72, adpd). 50 Phean- 
thus malabaricus. 

Nutmeg (Medium-silky ovate-lanceolate- 
acuminate - leaved-climbing Necklace) 
(Hk. 1/60, adpd). 89 Unona viridi- 

Nutmeg (Medium-shining-leaved Globe- 

flowered) (Bs/T/13, adpd), 75 Sageraa 
Nutmeg (Medium - woolly - midribbed 

narrow-obiong - cordate - acute -leaved 
Cherry) (Hk. 1/66, adpd). 47 
Polyalthia rufescens, 

Nutmeg (Medium-woolly-ovate-oblong- 
leaved Half-Star-flowered) (Hk. 1/87, 
adpd), 64 Miliusa velutina. 

Nutmeg (Narrow-leaved) (MclL.* 387). 
2424 Myristica canarica (* Harqubari- 


Nutmeg (Necklace) (Bs/T/10, adpd). xvi. 
Unona (genus). 

Nutmeg (Necklace-berried Star-flowered) 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xvi. Unona (genus). 
Nutmeg (Oligandrous Mitre-flowered) 

(Bs/T/10, adpd). xxvii. Orophea (genus), 

Natmeg (Papery-leaved Mitre-flowered) 
(Bs/T/10, Hk. 1/90, 91, adpd). xxvii. 
Orophea (genus), 

Nutmeg (Peach-leaved Cherry) Tree 
(McL. 281, adpd). 48 Polyalthia persi- 

Nutmee (Polyandrous 
(Bs/T/18, adpd). 

Natmeg (Reddening Cherry) (Tree (McL. 
281, adpd). 47 Polyalthia rufescens. 
Nutmeg (Small-acute-based Papery-leaved 
Mitre-flowered) (Hk. 1/90, adpd). 70 

Orophea uniflora. 

Nutmeg (Small-downy-backed Papery- 
leaved Mitre-flowered) (Hk. 1/91, adpd). 
73 Orophea erythrocarpa. 

xxi, Mitrephora 


Nutmeg (True) (Bed. 1/176) 
2/405). 2420 Myristica fragrans. 

Nutmeg (Velvet Flowering) (Hk. 1/89) 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xxvi. Alphonsea 

Nutmee (Velvetty-bervied Star-flowered) 
(Bs/T/10, Hk. 1/89, adpd). 
phonsea (genus). 

Nutmeg (Very-small Ovate-leaved Half 
Star-flowered) (Hk. 1/86, adpd). 62-c. 
Miliusa indica (montana). 

Nutmeg (Wild) (McL. 387, 1000) (Bs/T/ 
524) (Bdn/F.T.L). 2421 Myristica lau- 

Nutmeg (Wild) (PA. 126). [2422 
Sphalm] 2421 Myristica laurifolia. 

Nutmeg (Woolly-backed-medinm ovate- 
acute-leaved Falf-Spur-flowered) (Hk. 
1/88, adpd). 66 Saccopetalum tomen- 


| Nutmeg (Wynaad Coffee Cherry) Tree 

Nutmeg (Small-downy-midribbed Papery- | 

leaved Mitre-flowered) (Hk. 1/81, 

adpd). 73 Oropkea ‘Thomsoni. 

Nutmeg (Small Elliptic-lance-acuminate- 

leaved Half-Star-flowered) (Hk. 1/87, 
adpd). 65 Miliusa nilagirica. 

Nutmeg (Small-glatncous-(or-red)-backed 
oblong-lance-leaved Climbing Biseri- 
ate-seeded) (Hk. 1/51, adpd). 31 
Uvaria zeylanica. 

Nutmeg (Small-leathery-shining ovate- 
acute-leaved Cherry) (Hk. 1/65, adpd). 
45 Polyalthia Korinti. 

Nutmeg (Small - membranous - woolly - 
flowered) (Hk. 1/68,adpd). 49 Pepowia 

Nutmeg (Small-oblong-lance-cuspidate- 
leaved Half-Star-flowered) (Hk. 1/87, 
adpd). 63 Milinsa Wightiana. 

Nutmeg (Small-rounded-based Papery- 

leaved Mitre-flowered (Hk. 1/90, adpd). - 

71 Orophea zeylanica, 

Nutmeg (Small-shining-leathery-leaved 
Mitre-flowered) (Hk. 1/77, adpd). 55 
Mitrephora Heyneana. 

Nutmeg (Small-strigose-backed lance- 
leaved Half-Star-flowered) (Hk. 1/86, 
adpd), 62-b. Miliusa indica (strigosa). 

lance-acuminate-leaved Bell- | 

Nutmeg (Small-to-medium-glaucous-back- | 
ed-leathery oblong-obtuse-leaved Brazi- | 

lian) (Hk. 5/120, adpd). 2427 Crypto- 
carya Stocksii. 

Nntmeg  (Small-woolly-backed _lance- 
leaved Half-Star-flowered) (Hk. 1/86, 
adpd). 62-a. Miliusa indica (tomen- 

Nutmeg (Tapering) (McL. 387). 2425 
myristica attenuata. 

Nutmeg (Travancore) (McL. 387, 1000), 
2423 Myristica magnifica. 

(McL. 281). 41 Polyalthia coffeoides. 

Nutmeg Tree (McL. 387) (Cag. 424) (Cat. 
226) (Pfl. 233) (Rox. 3/843) (Bs/T/524) 
(Gbl. 555) (Bdn/F.T). (Ooty. 68). 2420 
Myristica fragrans. 

Nutmegs (Mch. 1005). XCV. Myristica- 
cee (Order). 

Nutmegs (Umbelled carpelled  petalife- 

rous) (L/N/S/B). IV. Anonaceze 

Nutty Bair (McL. 66, 473, 999). 565 
Zizyphus xylopyra 

Nux-mechil (MchL, 690). 

Nux-vomica (McL. 575). dexlv. Strychnos 

(Gbl. 497) (Bdn/E.T). 


1962 Strychnos 

(McL. 690) (Bed. 2/243) 
1962 Strychnus 

| Nux-vomica (Climbing) (McL. 842). 1957 

Strychnos colubrina. 
Nyctanthes (Sorrowful) (McL. 383). 1776 - 
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 
Nyctanthes (Square Stalked) (McL. 388), 
1776 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 

Nyctanthes (Weeping) (McL. 383). 1776 
Nvetanthes arbor-tristis. 
Oak Family (L/N/S/B, adpd). CIX. 

Fagacez (Order). 

Oak (Nic. 3/263) (S. 357)(Bs/S/260, NLGS) 
(Gbl, 671) (MeL. $1) (H/E.F). decexci. 
Quercus (genus). 

Oak (Andaman Indian) (McL. 369, 995). 
1273 Barringtonia speciosa. 

Oak (Australian He)(McL. 185). (? 2781) 
2780 Casuarina equisetifolia (?). 

Oak (Australian Swamp) (McL. 58, 185). 
[2780  Sphalm] 2783 Casuarina 

xxvi, Al- - 


Oak (Barbary) (McL. 82). 2789 ((bés.) 
Quercus Ilex. 

Oak (Bitter) (Nic. 3/263). 2789 Quercus 
Oak (Black) (McL. 81) (Nic. 3/265). 
2788-b. Quercus Robur (sessiliflora), 
Oak (British) (Bs/S/260, NLGS) (Gbl. 
671) (FAR. 10, NLGS, MRA) (McL. 81) 
(Muell. S.P). 2788 Quercus Robur. 
Oak (Ceylon) (McL.! 81, 154, 473, 994) 
(Bdn/L) (Cat. 75), 632 Schleichera 


Oak (Common) (McL, 81) (Nic. 8/265) 
(S. 858) (Gbl. 671). 2788 Quercus 

~ Oak (Common European). 
Quercus Robur (sessiliflora). 

Oak (Common Indian) (McL. 367, 472, 
995). 1274 Barringtonia racemosa. 

Oak (Cypress) (S. 126). 2788-a, Quercus 
Robur (pedunculata), 

Oak (European White). 2788-a. Quercus 
Robur (pedunculata), 

Oak (Evergreen) (McL. 82). 2789 (bis.) 
Quercus Ilex. 

Oak (Female) (S. 164). 
Rober (pedunculata). 

Oak (Forest) (Maid. C.T). 
Casuarina torulosa. 

Oak (Forest) (McL. 185). [2780 Sphalm] 
2788 (bis.) Casuarina torulosa, 

Oak (Griffith’s Khasia) (Hk. 5/608) 
(FAR. 27, 28, 29, NLGS) (Ooty. 345). 
2791 Quercus Griffithii. 

Oak (Himalayan White) (Gbl. 
(FAR. 10, NLGS, MRA). 
Quercus incana. 

Oak (Holly) (McL. 82) (Muell. 8.P). 
2789 (bis.) Quercus Ilex 

Oak (Holm) (Mch. 82). 
Quercus Ilex. 

Oak (Holly leaved) (McL, 82). 
Quercus Ilex. 

Oak  (Imparipinnate-(3-11)-rusty-silky- 
backed lLinear-lance-entire-obtuse-or- 
mucronate-leaved Silk) (Bth. 5/439, 
adpd). 2482 Grevillea Banksii, 

Oak (Imparipinnate-(11-21)-silky-backed 
lance-deeply-pinnatifid-leaved Sillx) 
(Bth. 5/459, adpd). 2480 Grevillea 


2788-a. Quercus 
2783 (bis.) 



2789 (bis.) 
2789 (bis.) 

Oak (Indian) (Mch. 867, 995). cdxxii. 
Barringtonia (genus). 

Oak (Indian) (McL. 81) (Bdn/L), 1275 
BRarringtonia acutangula. 

Oak (Indian) (Mcl. 81, 883). 2289 

Tectona grandis. 

Oak (Japanese Silkworm) (Nic. 3/265) 
(Muell.S.P) (Rid. 152). 2790 Quercus 

Oak (King’s) (McL. 82). 2789 (bis,) 
Quercus Ilex. 

Oak (Maiden)'(S. 258). 2788-a. Quercus 
Robur (pedunculata). 


Oak (Mossy-cupped) (Muell. S.P). (Nice 

3/268). 2789 Quercus Cerris. 

Oak (Patana) (MchL. 81). 1276 Cayrea 

Oak (Red Silky) (Maid. C.T), 2489 
Stenocarpus salignus. 

Oak (Seaside Indian) (McL. 867). 1274 
Barringtonia racemosa. 

Oak (She) (Maid.C.T). decclxxxyi. 
Casuarina (genus). 

Oak (Silk) (Treas. Bot. 1/551). decxe. 

Grevillea (genus). 

Oak (Silk) (Gbl. 575) (Bdn/F.T), 2480 
Grevillea robusta. 

Oak (Silk Bark) (S. 156, 401), 
Grevillea robusta. 

Oak (Silky) (Maid. C.T) (Bs/T/544) (Cat. 
222), 2480 Grevillea robusta. 

Oak (Silver) (Cag. 428) (Cat. 282) 
(Ru/N/46, 128, 0/13) (Mu. 43) (Ooty. 29) 
(W. 63). 2480 Grevillea robusta. 

Oak (Simple Long-to-very-long-silvery- 
silky-backed Obovate-oblong-or-elliptic- 
entire - to - basally - (5-7)- pinnatifidly- 
lobed-obtuse-leaved Silk) (Bth. 5/468, 
adpd). 2481 Grevillea Hilliana. 

Oak (Simple Small-silky-velvetty-backed 
linear -’revolute-margined-acute-leaved 
Silk) (Bth. 5/471, adpd). 2483 
Grevillea linearis. 

Oak (Small Indian) (McL. 367, 472, 995). 
1275 Barringtonia acutangula, 

Oak (Sweet Acorn) (Mcl.. 82). 
Quercus Ilex. 

Oak (Tasmanian) (Bth. 6/195). 
Casuarina stricta. 

Oak (Tasmanian Swamp) (Bth. 6/198). 
2783 Casuarina suberosa, 

Oak (‘Thomson’s Darjiling) (Gbl. 677) 
(FAR. 28, 29, NLGS). 2793 Quercus 

Oak (Truffle) (McL. 81). 

Oak (Turkey) (Nic. 3/263) (8. 357, 441) 
(Gbl. 671) (FAR. 10, NLGS, MRA) 
(Muell. 8.P). 2789 Quercus Cerris. 

Oak (White Indian) (McL. 367). 
Barringtonia racemosa. 

Oak Chestnut (Muell. S.P). 
Castanopsis (genus). 

Oak Fern (S. 340), 

Oak leaved Climbing Arum (Nic. 5/596). 
3259 Philodenaron quercifolium. 

Oak (Scabrid) leaved Fig (Mc. 49, adpd), 
2748 Ficus quercifolia. 

Oak (She) of Australia (Gbl. 667), 2781 
Casuarina stricta. 

Oak (She) of Australia (Cat. 301) (MeL. 
185). [2780 Sphalm] 2781 Casuarina 

Oak (Swamp) of Australia (Maid. C.T). 
(Bth. 6/198) (Gbl. 667), 2783 Casuarina 


2789 (bis.) 

2788 Quercus 


mixii. Polypodium 


Oak (Silky) of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
5/540). 2489 Stenocarpus salignus. 

Oak (She) of Norfolk-Island (Kew Bull. 
5/1912), 211 Lagunaria Patersoni. 

Oak (Swamp) of Western Australia (Bth., 
6/199). 2782 Casuarina  distyla 

Obcordate and Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Rid. 264), 3133 Pinanga disticha. 

Obcordate-cuneate-leaved (Axil-spined 
Paryipinnate-(6-8) Brasiletto of Yucatan 
(Treas. Bot. 1/565, adpd). 942 Heema- 
toxyln campechianum, 

Obcordate (Entire) leaved Morning 
Mallow (Rox. 3/171, adpd). 213 Sida 

Obcordate (Serrate) leaved Morning 

Mallow (Rox. 3/177, adpd). 216-b. 
Sida rhombifolia (retusa), 

Obcordate (Trifoliate - very - small -sub - 
glabrous) leaved Subspinescent Rattle- 
wort (Hk, 2/82, adpd). 732 Crotalaria 

Obcordate (Narrow) leaved Wax Flower 
(Hk. 4/56, adpd), 1921 Hoya retusa, 
Oblance-acute  (Unifoliate-small-brown- 
silky) leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/80, 

adpd). 728 Crotalaria lunulata. 

Oblance-acute-or-cuspidate-leaved (Long- 
membranous-long-petioled) Bastard 

Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/171, adpd). 1570 
Psychotria anamallayana. 
Oblance-acute-or-cuspidate-leaved (Me- 

dium-papery) Bastard Ipecacuanha 
(Hk. 3/175, adpd). 1572 Psychotria 

Oblance - cuspidate (Multifoliate -(7-9)- 
long-leathery-velvetty-backed) leaved 
Grape-flower Vine (Hk. 2/104). 765 
Millettia splendens, 

Oblance-oblong - obtuse (Unifoliate -me- 
dium -finely - silky - backed Leafy -sti- 
puled) leaved |Rattlewort (Hk. 2/75, 
adpd). 712 Crotalaria sericea. 

Oblance-oblong-obtuse (Unifoliate- me- 
dium - thickly - white - downy - backed) 
leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/76, adpd), 
713 Crotalaria Leschenaultii. 

Oblance-oblong-obtuse (Unifoliate-small- 
deusely-silky-backed) leaved Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/26, adpd). 714 Crotalaria 

Oblance-oblong-obtuse (Unifoliate-small- 
pubernulent- backed) leaved Rattlewort 

(Hk. 2/75, adpd). 711 Crotalaria 
Oblance - oblong - subacute (Unifoliate- 

medium-silky) leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 
2/76, adpd). 715 Crotalaria barbata. 

Oblance-oblong-subaeute (Unifoliate- 
very - small - thinly - shaggy - backed) 
leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/79, adpd). 
709 Crotalaria priestleyoides. 


Oblance-obtuse-(numerous)-folioled (Bi- 
pinnate-(2-6) congested-flat-rachised- 
minute) Spinous Brasiletto (Ik. 2/260, 
adpd), 943 Parkinsonia aculeata, 

Oblance- obtuse (Trifoliate - velvetty - 
leathery-small) leaved Dholl Shrub 
(Hk, 2/212, adpd). 845 Atylosia 

Oblance-obtuse — (Quinquefoliate-(5-7)- 
small-silky-backed) leaved Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/85, adpd). 788 Crotalaria 

Oblance - obtuse (Unitoliate - medium - 
brown-silky) leaved Rattlewort © (Hk. 
2/80, adpd). 726 Crotalaria fulva. 

Oblance-obtuse-or-cuspidate leaved 
(Long-papery) Flat-branched Bastard 
Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/162, adpd), 1560 
Psychotria macrocarpa. 

Oblance-obtuse  (Unifoliate-very-small- 
loosely-silky) Sticky leaved Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/81, adpd), 730 Crotalaria 

Oblance - or - oblong - lance - sub - obtuse- 
leaved (Multifoliate-(9-13)-papery) 
Winged Rose-wood Climber (Bs/'T/202, 
adpd). 903 Derris oblonga. 

Oblance-pleated-obtuse (Trifoliate-grey- 
hoary-papery-small) Digitate leaved 
Dholl Shrub (Hk, 2/228, adpd). 872 
Flemingia lineata, 

Oblance-subacute (Trifoliate-silky-papery- 
small) leaved Dholi Shrub (Hk, 2/213, 
adpd). 848 Atylosia sericea, 

Oblance - subobtuse (Unifoliate - very - 
sm all - crowded-densely-brown-silky 
leathery) leaved Rattiewort (Hk. 2/81, 

adpd). 729 Crotalaria ramosissima. 
Oblanceoiate (Medium) leaved Wild Tea 
(Hk. 1/284, adpd). 189-a. Eurya 

japonica (Thunbergi), 

Oblauceolate (Very-small) leaved Wild 
Tea (Hk. 1/282, adpd). 189-b. Eurya 
japonica (nitida). 

Obianceolate (Small) Trifoliate 
Trefoil (McL. 818, adpd), 
modium biarticulatum. 

Oblanceolate (Shining) White-flowered 
Unarmed Nightshade (Nic. 3/455, adpd). 
2070 Solanum pseudocapsicum. 

Oblate fruited Black Plum of Travancore 
(McL, 3879, adpd). 1250 Eugenia 
oblata (travancorica),. 

Oblate (Huge) Prickly Fan Palm (Cag. 
339, adpd). cmxcvi. Corypha (genus). 

Obliquely-compressed berried False Holly 
(Hk. 1/587, Bth, 1/390, adpd). civ. 
Apodytes (genus). 

Oblique-lance-entire-or-variously- toothed- 
folioled (Imparipinnate) Panax (Nic, 
3/14, adpd). 1406 Panax Murrayi. 

800 Des- 


Oblique-lance-or-falcate-leaved (Anosto- 
mosing - oblique - nerved-medium-thick) 
Smooth - deciduous - leaving-inner-spot- 
ted-and-variegated-barked Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/217, adpd). 1191 Eucalyptus 

Oblique leaved Jujube (McL. 66). 
Zizyphus Cinoplia. 

Oblique-nerved Broad Medium leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/262, adpd), 172 Gar- 
cinia Cambogia. 

acuminate-leaved {Tripli nerved-alter- 

nate Long) Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/575, 
adpd). 2769 Procris levigata. 

Oblique-oblong - obtuse - (20 - 24) - folioled 
(Bipinnate - (12-18)- membranous-glab- 
rous) Few-prickled Brasillette (Hk. 
2/255, adpd). 9380 Czsalpinia pulcher- 

Oblique-oblong-acute-leaved (Very-small- 
membranous-vel vetty-backed-drooping) 
Featherfoil (Hk. 5/803, adpd). 2568 
Phyllanthus Wightianus. 

Oblique - oblong - lance - cuspidate - leaved 
(Paripinnate-(2- 4) - medium - leathery 
Spurless-stipuled) flowering Asoca (Hk. 
2/274, adpd). 984 Humboldtia unijuga. 

toothed-folioled (Biternate) Panax (Nic. 
5/579, adpd). 1405 Panax lepidum. 

Oblique-oboyate- oblong - subacute - leaved 
(Very-small-glaucous-backed) Feather- 
foil (Hk. 5/302, adpd). 2566 Phyllan- 
thus longiflorus. 

Oblique-obovate- obtuse - (6-10) - folioled 
(Bipinnate (2) -infra - (1) - glandular) 
Spincus CurlBrush Bean (Hk. 2/803, 
adpd). 1053 Pithecolobium geminatum. 

Oblique-ovate-acute-leaved (Smal niem- 
branous) Featherfoil (Hk. 5/3804, adpd). 
2569 Phyllanthus distichus. 

Oblique - ovate - lance - acuminate leaved 
Furrowed-and - fibrous - but - persistent 
barked Enucalypt (By. 3/212, adpd). 
1177 Eucalytus microcorys, 


Oblique-ovate-lance-crenate-acute (Small 
tawny-downy) leaved Jujube (Hk. 1/634, 
adpd). 564 Zizphus Ginoplia. 

Oblique - ovate-lance-falcate-acuie-to-acu- 
minate-leaved (Anastomosing-oblique 
nerved Medium-thick) Rugged-fibrous- 
very-tenacious-barked Hucalypt (Bth. 
3/204, adpd). 1190 Eucalyptus obliqua. 

Obilque - ovate - lance - serrulate-obtuse-to 
acuminate-leaved (Small-downy-glab- 
rate- leathery) Child’s Amulet Tree 
(Hk. 5/336, adpd). 2597 Putranjiva 

Oblique-ovate-lance-tolance-nearly-strigh t 
leaved (Anastomosing - oblique - fine - 
nerved Very-small-thick) Fibrous- 


Persistent-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/207, 
&@dpd). 1198 Encalyptus piperita. 

Oblique-ovate - lance - to - lance - nearly - 
Straight - leaved - (Parallel -oblique-fine 
regular-nerved Very smallethick)Fibrous- 
persistent-barked, Eucalypt (Bth. 3/208, 
adpd). 1184 Eucalptus eugenioides. 

Oblique-ovate-oblong- toothed - acuminate 
leaved (Triple-nerved-and-(young 2-3) ~ 
lobed Medium-to- long - membranous - 
downy-backed-scabrid) Paper Mulberry 
(Hk. 5/490, adpd). 2718 Broussonetia 

Oblique-subfal cate (30-40)-folioled (Bipin- 
nate-(16-24) tawny-velvetty - glabrate 
Basal-(1)-supra (1) glandular) Sirissa 
(Bs/T/271, adpd). 1045 Albizzia 

Oblique-terminal - winged Flat - podded 

Brasiletto (Hk. 2/259, adpd). cccxli. 
Pterolobium (genus). 
Obliqnely-elliptic-obtuse Heart leaved 

climbing Arum (Nie. 
Pothos celatocaulis. 

Obliquely-zrooved (Many arillate seeded) 
podded Dhoel (Hk. 2/60, adpd). ccexvili. 
Atylosia (genus). 

Obliquely-grooved (Many-seeded) podded 
Dholl (Hk. 2/60, adpd). cccxix. Cajanus 

Obliquely-ligulate-oblong-obtuse-(20 — 30)- 
folioled (Bipinnate-(16-20)-rasty-velvet- 
ty-backed) Unarmed Brasiletto (Hk. 
2/257, adpd). 937 Peltophorum ferru- 

Obliquely-oblong-elliptic-leaved (Multiju- 
gate-taper-besed) Toon (Rec. Bot. Surv. 
Ind, Vol. III, 4,1908) 482-b. Cedrela 
Toona (pilistyla). 

Obliquely-oblong-(20-80)-folioled (Bipin- 
nate-(20-24)-subglabrous)-Few -prickled 
Brasiletto (Uk. 2/225, adpd). 929 
Ceesalpinia Sappan. 

Obliquely-oblong lance-cuspidate (Medium 
leathery-shining) leaved Partridge Pea 
Tree (Hk. 1/579,fadpd), 492 Strombon- 
sia zeyladica. 

Obliquely obovate Uninervose Phyllode 
Wattle (Bth. 2/373, adpd). 1019 Acacia 

Obliquely-ovate-crenulate-obtuse-to - cau- 
date (Multifoliate-(5-13)-Small-mem- 
branous) leaved Wampee (Hk. 1/506, 
adpd). 397 Clausena Willdenovii. 

Obliquel-ovate-to-oblong-crenate - cuspid- 
ate (Multifoliate-(15-19) leaved Grey- 
downy Balsam Tree (Hk. 1/525, adpd), 
440 Garuga pinnata. 

Oblivion Plant (McL. 262). 

Oblong-acuminate (Trifoliate - densely - 
silky-leathery-small Digitate) leaved 
Dholl Shrub (Hk, 2/229, adpd). 877 
Flemingia Wightiana, 

3/218). 3276 

2098 Datura 


Oblong-acuminate-(Trifoliate-thinly-grey- | 

silky-backed-papery-medium) Digitate 
leayed Dholl-Shrab (Hk. 2/229, adpd). 
875 Flemingia congesta, 
Oblong-acuminate (Trifoliate-subglabrous- 
papery-lony) Digitate leaved Triquetrous 

branched Dholl-Shrub (Hk, 2/228,adpd). | 

873 Flemingia stricta. 
Oblong-acuminate-leaved  (Multifoliate- 
(11-15)-thinly-downy-backed) Bell Pea 
(Hk, 2/250, adpd). 414 Sophora Wightii. 
Oblong-acuminate-leaved (Medinm-min- 
~ utely-downy) Justicewort (Hk. 4/540, 
adpd), 2267 Adhatoda Beddomei. 
Oblong-acuminate - leaved (Small-papery) 

Offal Shrub (Hk. 8/191, adpd). 1587 
Lasianthus dichotomus, 
Oblong-acuminate-leaved ( Paripinnate- 

(12-16)-glabrous-long) Scarlet racemed 
Buddha’s Flower (Treas. Bot. 1/51, ELk. 
2/272, adpd). 977 (bis.) Ambherstia 

Oblong-acuminate-leaved (Small) Spinous 
Honey-thorn (Bed. 1/134-6, adpd). 
1526 Canthium angustifolinm. 

Oblong-acuminate-leaved (Medium papery- 
brown-hirsute) Sweet-leaf (Hk. 3/583, 
adpd), 1745 Symplocos pulchra. 

Oblong-acuminate-leaved (Medium) Win- 
ged-stamened Yellow-flowered Panicled 
Ginger (Hk. 6/206, adpd). 2988 Globba 

Oblong-acuminate-leaved (Small) Winged- 
stamened Yellow-flowered Panicled 
Ginger (Hk. 6/206, adpd). 2987 Globba 
bulbifera. ; 

Oblong-acuminate - or - candate - leayed 
(Medium-hirsute-subsessile) Oifal Shrub 
(Bk. 3/180, adpd). 1576 Lasianthus 

Oblong-(4’-7")-acuminate-pinnuled (Qua- 
dripinnate-(1-6 {t.)-muricate-rachised- 
white-silky-nerved) membranous - firm- 
letted Polypody Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3375 Polypodium ornatum. 

Oblong-acuminate Purple-backed Arrow- 
root (Nic. 2/238). 3016 Calalthea 

Oblong - acute - (14-20) - folioled (Bipin- 
nate (2) Very-small) Scarlet Bottle brush 
Sirissa (Nic. 5/184 adpd). 1051-(bis.) 
Calliandra hematocephala. 

Obiong-acute-leaved Chinese iagoda ‘Tree 
(Hk. 2/249, adpd). 913 Sophora glauca. 

Crape Myrtle (Hk. 2/576, adpd), 1816-c. 
Lagerstrcemia parviflora (benghalensis), 

Oblong-acute-leaved (Smal]-subglancous) 

Crape Myrtle (Hk. 2/575, adpd). 1816-a. | 


Lagerstreemia parviflora (typica). 

papery-small) leaved Dholl Shrub (Hk. 

2/220, adpd). 859 Rhynchosia Heynei. 



Oblong-acute (Medium-hairy-nerved) 
leaved Fetid Holly (Hk. 8/589, adpd). 

|  §00-d, Mappia fostida (oblonga). 

| Oblong acute leaved (Multifoliate-(21-25)- 
grey-silky-backed) Bell-Pea (Hk. 2/249, 
adpd). 9183 Sophora glanca, 

Oblung-acute-leaved (Small-to-medium- 
leathery-subsessile) Jungle Geraniom 
(Rox. 1/376, adpd), 1538-a. Ixora 
coccinea (typica). 

Oblong-acute (Long) leaved Necklace 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 37-a. Unona 
discolor (pubifiora). 

Oblong-acute (Long-downy-backed) leaved 
Necklace Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 
37-c. Unona discolor (pubescens). 

Oblong-acute (Unifoliate-mediam-brown- 
silky) leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/80, adpd). 
725 Crotalaria perfoliata. 

Obong-acuie (Unifoliate-medium-subglab- 
rous-membranous) leaved Rattlewort, 
(Hk. 2/78, adpd). 719 Crotalaria 
Heyneana. ; 

Oblong-acute-leaved (Medium-woolly- 
backed) Rose Box (Hk. 2/385, adpd). 
1120 Cotoneaster frigida. 

Oblong-acute-leaved (Trifoliate-(1-5) 
Rose-wood Climber(Bs/T/234, Hk. 2/2382, 
adpd). 888 Dalbergia rostrata. 

Oblong-apiculate-leaved (Small-papery- 
glaucous-backed) Corkscrew Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/5,adpd). 1869 Cryptole- 
pis elegans. y 

Oblong (Woolly) Bluish-flowered Prickly 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/283, adpd). 2080 
Solanum giganteum. : 

Oblong-caudate-folioled (Imparipimnate- 
(5-15)) Panax (Hk. 2/727, adpd). 1410 

Polyscias acuminata. 
Oblong-caudate-leaved (Small) Green- 
flowered Panicled Ginger (Hk. 6/206, 
adpd). 2989 Globba canarensls. 
Oblong-caudate-leaved (Medium-papery- 
punctate) Lip-berry Dog - bane (Hk. 
3/626, adpd). 1801 Chilocarpus atro- 
viridis. i 
Oblong-caudate-leaved (Long-strigose- 
nerved-backed) Offal shrub (Hk. 3/183, 
adpd). 1577 Lasianthus oblongifolius. 
Oblong-coarse toothed-acuminate (Long- 
membrancus) leaved Climbing Holly 
(Hk. 1/598, adpd). 501 Miquelia den- 

Oblong-cordate-emarginate Tongue-leaved 
Orchid (Hk. 6/73, W.A-L., adpd). 

2976 Cleisostoma tenerun. 
Obloag-cordate-leaved Tree Bilberry (Hk. 
2/559, adpd). 1299 Memecylon mala- 
Oblong-cordate-leaved (Square-branched) 
Tree Bilberry (Hk. 2/559, adpd), 1299-b. 
Memecylon malabaricum (cordata). 


Oblong-crenulate-obtuse-leaved (Very- 
emall-woolly-thick) Bastard Lavender 
(Hk, 4/627, adpd). 2338 Anisochilus 
scaber, ; : 

Oblong -cuneate-acute-leaved (Smail—lea- 
thery) Sweet-leaf (Hk. 3/574, adpd). 
L726 Symplocos oligandra. 

Oblong-cuspidate-(12-24)-folioled (Bipin- 
nate-(8-20)-downy -minute) Sensitive 
Tree (Hk. 2/291, adpd), 1012 Mimosa 

Oblong-cuspidatesleaved (Multifoliate-(7—-9) 
l.eathery-glabrous-grey- green - backed) 

Bell Pea (Hk. 2/258, adpd). 918 
Ormosia travancorica, 
Oblong-cuspidate-leaved (Long-membra- 

nous-velvetty-glabrate) Child’s Amulet 

Tree (Hk. 5/341, adpd). 2605 Cyclo- 
stemon malabaricns, 
Oblong-cuspidate-leaved (Paripinnate- 

(8-i0)-medium Lance-spurred-stipuled) 
Flowering Asoca (Hk. 2/274, adpd). 
988 Humboldtia laurifolia. 

Oblong-cuspidate-leaved (Paripinnate- 
(2-4)-medium Round-sprrred-stipuled) 
Flowering Asoca (Hk. 2/274, adpd). 
985 Humboldtia Brunonis). 

Oblong-cuspidate (Medium-leathery) 
leaved Half-hooded-flowered Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/73, adpd). 51 Goniothalmus 

Oblong-cuspidate-leared (Small-silky- 
glabrate) Panicled Myrtle (Hk. 2/470, 
adpd). 1226 Decaspermum paniculatum. 

Oblong-cuspidate-leaved (Multifoliate- 
(5-7)-leathery-very-small) Winged Rose- 

wood Climber (Hk. 2/244, adpd). 910 
Derris Wightii. 
Oblong-cuspidate-leaved (Multifoliate- 

(7-9)-papery) Winged Rose-wood Clim- 
ber (Hk 2/244, adpd). 905 Derris eua- 

Oblong-cuspidate-leaved (Quinquefoliate- 
(5-7)-leathery-medium) Winged Rose- 
wood Climber (Hk. 2/245, adpd). 907 
Derris platyptera. 

Oblong - denticulate - acuminate - leaved 
(Medium - scabrous - shaggy - backed) 
Sweet leaf (Hk. 3/5738, adpd), 1727 
Symplocos kurgensis. 

Oblong-druped (Many-stamened) Chinese 

Laurel (Ek. 5/241, adpd). decexxv. 
Daphniphyllum (genus). 
Oblong-elliptic-acute (Medinm) leaved 

Holly-flowered Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/613), 
adpd). 523 Microtropis Wallichina. 
Oblong- elliptic - denticulate - acuminate - 
leaved (Small-glabrous-sessile Five-(5-6 
prs.)-nerved) Athwart-warted-squarish- 
branched Conehead (Hk. 4/474, adpd). 
2214 Strobilanthes homotropus, 
Chlong-elliptic-entire-cuspidate (Medium- 
leathery) leaved  Berried Spindle 


Climber (Hk, 1/628, adpd). 558 Salacia 

Oblong-elliptic-irreg ular-serrately-folioled 
(Imparipinnate-(3-7)-pendent Creamy- 
white-margined Grey-blotched) Aralia 
(Nice 1/104, adpd). 13898 Aralia 

Oblong-elliptic-leaved (Minute-harsh) 
Small-pinkish-white-flowered Bind-weed 
Shrub (Hk. 4/224, adpd). 2062 Breweria 

Oblong-elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Long-lea- 
thery-shining) Fish-tail Capsuled Staff 
Tree (Bed. 2/120, adpd), 548 Kurrimia 

Oblong-elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Alternate- 
and-opposite Medium-to-long-leathery) 
Honeysuckle Misletoe (Hk. 5/215, adpd). 
2506-a. Loranthus longiflorus (typica). 

Oblone-elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Medium- 
leathery-subsessile) Jungle Geranium 

(Hk. 3/142, adpd), 1587-a. Ixora 
parviflora (typica). 
Oblong-elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Medium- 

papery) Jungle Geranium (Hk. 3/142, 
adpd). 1536 Ixora brachiata, 

ed (Medium-membranous) White-spot- 
ted-branched Featherfoil (Hk. 5/805, 
adpd). 2570 Phyllanthus indicus. 

Oblong-elliptic-serrate-folioled (Impari- 
pinnate-(3-7)-prickly Creamy-white- 
margined) Aralia (Nic. 1/104, adpd). 
1390 Aralia Guilfoylei. 

Oblong-elliptic-serrate-subobtuse (Medi- 
um-papery) leaved Berried Spindle 
Shrub (Hk. 1/628, adpd). 554 Salacia 

Oblong-elliptic - subentire - cuspidate 
(Small-leathery) leaved Berried Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/627, adpd). 551 Salacia 

Oblong-elliptic-subentire (Medium) leaved 
Square-branched Spindle Tree (Bed. 
1/65, adpd), 522 Glyptopetalum grandi- 

late-leaved (Sma'-papery) Sarsapa- 
rilla Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/5, adpd). 
1866-a, Hemidesmus indicus (typica). 

Oblong-elliptic-to-obovate-retuse to - api- 
culate-leaved (Small-papery-downy- 
backed)  Sarsapariila Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/5, adpd)., 1866-b. Hemidesmus 
indicus (pubescens). 

Oblong - elliptic - wavy - cuspidate-leaved 
(Medium-leathery) Kokra Laurel (Bdn/ 
F.T, adpd). 2611 Aporosa Bourdilloni. 

Oblong-entire-leaved Pink-flowered Ver- 
nal Flower (Rox, 1/118, adpé@), 2247 
Hranthemum racemosum, 

Oblong Feather-nerved Sehesten (MeL. 
473, 803, 998, adpd). i973 Cordia 


Oblong-(20-50)-folioled (Bipinnate-(6-8)- 
downy-glabrate Basal-(1)-supra-(1-2)- 
glandular) Sirissa (Hk. 2/299, adpd). 
1046 Albizzia odoratisima. 

Oblong-(12-16)-folioled (Bipinnate-(4-6)- 
subglabrous Basal-(1)-infra-(0-1)- 
glandular) Sirissa (Hk. 2/298, adpd). 
1044 Albizzia Lebbek. 

Oblong-heart-acute-leaved (Small) Bell 
Bindweed (Nic, 2/206, adpd). 2054 
Jacquemontia carulea. 

Oblong-heart-cuspidate (Medium.-(short- 
to-long)-8-nerved-senrfy-backed) leay- 
ed Tripterocarp Dammer (Hk, 1/306, 
Bed, 1/26, adpd). 202 Skorea Tumbag- 

Oblong-heart-repand - acuminate - leaved 
(Small) Bell Bindweed (Nic, 2/206, 
adpd). 2055 Jacquemontia vio!acea. 

Oblong Indian Fig (McL. 720). [1578 
Spkalm]. 1380 Opuntia monocantha. 

Oblong-lance-acuminate-leaved (Very- 
long-slightly-downy-backed) | Alpam- 
root (Hk. 5/73, adpd). 2890 Bragantia 

Oblong-lance-acuminate (Multifoliate- 
(9-15)-puberulous-glabrate Small) 
leaved Ash Sumach (Hk. 2/27, adpd). 
671 Solenocarpus indica. 

Oblong-lance-acuminate (Multifoliate- 
(2-8)-glaucous-backed) leaved Burdock 
Soapnut (Hk .1/6:7, adpd), 6389 Neph- 
elium Litchi. 

Oblong-lance-acumiinate-waved (Medium- 
membranous-shining) leaved Cherry 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/62, adpd), 41 Polyal- 
thia coffeoides. 

Oblong-lance-acuminate (Long-leathery- 
pallid) leaved Climbing Holly (Hk. 
1/594, adpd), 503 Sarcostigma Kleinii. 

Oblong-!ance-acuminate-leaved (Paripin- 
nate-(6-8)-medium-leathery Roune- 
spurred-stipuled) Flowering Asoca (Hk. 
2/74, adpd). 986 Hurkoldtia Vabliana. 

Oblong-lance-acuminate (Medium) leaved 
Holly-flowered Spindle Tree (Hk, 1/613, 
adpd). 524 Microtropis latifolia. 

Obfong-lance-acaminate-leaved (Medium- 
papery) Kokra Laurel (Hk. 5/348, 
adpd). 2608 Aporosa Roxburghii. 

Oblong-lance-acuminate-leaved (Triple- 
nerved-opposite-and-alternate Medium- 
papery-downy-glabrate) Mercury (Hk. 
5/440, adpd). 2683 Mallotus rhamni- 

Oblong-lance-acuminate-leaved (Very- 
long-perfoliate-slightly-downy Dark- 
velvet ty-green- purple-backed) Peruvian 
Emetic Nut (Nic. 2/146, adpd). 1511 
Hoffmannia Ghiesbreghtii. 

Oblong-lance-acuminate-leaved (Paripin- 

nate-(12-16)) Rhododendron Senna 
(Nic. 1/215, adpd). 979 Brownea 



Oblong-lance-acute-leaved (Medium-sub- 
glaucous) Crape Myrtle (Hk. 2/575 
adpd). 1316-b. Lagerstroemia parvi- 
flora (majuscula), 

Oblong-lance-acute (Trifoliate-silyery- 
hoary-papery-medium) lJeavyed Dholl 
Shrub (Hk, 2/222, adpd). 863 Rhyn- 
chosia Beddomei., 

Oblong-lance-acute (Trifoliate-silky-pape- 
ry-medium)’leaved Dholl Shrub (Hk, 
2/217, adpd). 854 Cajanus indicus, 

Oblong-lancc-acute (Long-10-nerved~ 
downy-midribbed) leaved Dipterocarp 
Dammer (Hk. 1309, Bed, 2/96, adpd), 
204 Hopea Wightiana. 

Oblong-lance-acute-leaved (Sniall-papery) 
Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk, 4/15, 
adpd). 1879 Toxocarpps eriocarpus. 

Oblong-lance-acute - to -acuminate-leaved 
(Medium-leathery) Ipecacuanha Swal- 
low-wort (Hk, 4/32, adpd). 1898-b, 
Gymnema moutanum (Beddomei). 

Oblong-lance-caudate-leaved (Penninerv- 
ed-alternate Medium-membranons-sub- 
glabrous) Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/590, 
adpd). 2776-b. Vill. biunia integrifolia 




Panicled Ginger (Hk. 6/202, adpd). 
29386 Globba ophioglossa. 
Oblong-lance-cuspidate-leav d (Penni- 

nerved-aliternate-and-opposite Medium- 
5/122, adpd). 2340 Beilschmiedia fagi- 
folia (Dalzellii). 

Oblong-lance-cuspidate (Smail) leaved 
Half-Star flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/87, 
adpd). 63 Miliusa Wightiana. 

Cblong-lance-cuspidate-leaved (Paripin- 
nate-(24-26) Rhododendron Senna (Nic. 
1/215,adpd), 981 Brownea grandicers, 

Oblong-lance  (Trifoliate-downys-backed- 
pepery-smal) Digitate leaved Dholl 
Shrub (Hk. 2/230, adpd). 879 Fle- 
mingia involucrata. 

O.long-lance-e«tire- 0 r -serrate-recurved- 
margined-obtuse-leaved (Very-small-to- 
small-white-velvetty-backed) Australian 
Honeysuckle (Bth. 5/552, adpd), 2490 
Banksia marginata. 

to-acuminate-leaved (Medium-leathery- 
shining) Cluster Croton (Hk. 5/459, 
adpd). 2694 Gelonium multiflorum. 

Oblong-lance leaved (‘Triple-nerved-oppo- 
site Long-papery) Cinnamon (Hk. 5/132, 
adpd), 2437 Cinnamomum wmacrocar- 

Ob'ong-lance-leaved (Medium) Climbing 
Biseriate-seeded Nutmeg (fk. 1/50, 
adpd). 28 Uvaria Narum. 



Oblong-lance-leaved (Smajl-glaucovs-(or- 
red)-backed) Climbing Biseriate-seeded 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/51, adpd). 31 Uvaria 
zey lanica. 

Oblong-lance-leaved (Medium-Jeathery- 
shining Climbing Hook Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/54, adpd), 34 Artabotrys zeylanicus. 

Oblong-lance-leaved (Medium-(shori-to- 
long)-papery) Climbing Hook Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/54, adpd). 33 Artabotrys odo- 

Oblong-lance-leaved (Long) Cupped 
Flowering Nutmeg (Hk. 1/53, adpd). 
32 Cyathocalyx zeylanicus. 

Oblong-lance-leaved (Parallel-striated) 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/372). 3109 Cordy- 
line australis. 

Oblong-lance-leaved (Very-long-glossy) 
Lilac-veined-white-lipped Greenish- 
white-flowered Galangal (Hk. 6/253, 
adpd). 3005 Alpinia Galanga. 

Oblong-lance-linear - or-falcate-obtuse-to- 
acuminate-leaved (Parallel-subtrans- 
verse-nerved Medium-glaucous) Black- 
ish-hard-rough-persistent-barked Eu- 
calypt (Bth. 3/221, adpd), 1170 
Eucalyptus crebra. 

Oblong-lance-leaved (Very-long-glossy) 
Pink-lipped Greenish-white-flowered 
Galangal (dk. 6/256, adpd). 3006 
Alpinia Allughas, 

backed) Red-and-yellow-striped-lipped- 
rink-tipped White-flowered Galangal 

(Hk. 6/256, adpd). 3008 Alpinia 
Oblong-lance-leaved (Parallel-subtraus- 

verse-nerved §Medinm-lemon-scented- 
gland-hairy) Smooth-barked Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/257, adpd). 1168 Eucalyptus 

Oblong-lance-obtuse (Medium-8-to-10- 
nerved) leaved Acorn Dammer (Bed. 
1/237, adpd). 209 Balanocarpus erosa. 

Oblong-lance-obtuse-leaved (Penninerved- 
opposite Medium - papery - shining) 
Cinnamon (Hk. 5/129, adpd), 2481 
Beilschmiedia oppositifolia. 

Oblong - lance - serrate - acuminate-leaved 
(Triple-nerved-alternate Medium-white- 
velvetty - backed - wrinkled - downy - 
or-scabrid) Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/590, 
adpd). 2778 Debregeasia velutina. 

Oblong-lance-serrate-acute-leaved (Long- 
leathery - subsessile - (3 — 4) - whorled) 
Queensland Nut (Bth, 5/406, adpd). 
2479 Macadamia ternifolia. 

Oblong-lance-serrate (Medium) 
Square-branched Spindle Tree 
1/64, adpd), 

Oblong-lance-serrate-obtuse-leaved (Small~ 
feather-nerved) Buckthoru of South 

621 Glyptopetalum zey- 

(Very-long-downy- | 


Africa (Nic. 4/209, adpd). 556 Noltea 

Oblong-lance-serrulate-leayed (Giandular- 
branched) Strawberry Tree (Nic. 1/108, 
adpd). 1644 (bis). Arbutus Tnedo. 

Oblong-lance-subacuminate-leaved (Medi- 
um. winged-petioled) Knotweed (Hk. 

5/45, adpd). 23888-d. Polygonum 

chinense (corymbosa). 
Oblong-lance-subacuminate  (Long-red- 

punctate-backed) leaved Winged- 

seeded spindle Tree (Hk. 1/46, adpd). 
{Young Plants]. 530 Kokoona zeyla- 

Oblong-lance-subcadate-leaved (Lorg) 
Orange-flowered Panicled Ginger (Hk. 
6/201, adpd). 2585 Globba orixensis. 

Oblong-lance - (4’-8”)-subentire-acute-pin- 
nated (Pinnate-(2-4 ft.)) Ladder Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3372 Nephrolepis 

Oblong-lance-subhastate-leaved (Medium- 
winged-petioled) Knotweed (Hk. 5/45, 
adpd), 2888-c. Polygonum chinense 

(Medium - inembranous - triple - nerved 
Biglandular-based} Copper Leaf (Hk 

5/412, 414, adpd). 2661 Claoxylon 
Oblong-lance-to-obovate-leaved (long) 

Caricature Plant (Nic, 3/355, adpd). 
271-a. Sanchezia nobilis (typica). 
Oblong-lance-to-obovate-leaved (Long 
Creamy -or-white-nerved Glaucous- 
green) Caricature Plant (Nic. 3/355, 

adpd), 2271-b. Sanchezia nobilis 
Oblong-lance-to-ovate-leaved (Multiju- 

gate-(6-12prs.)-taper-based) Toon (Ree, 
Bot. Sury. Ind. Vol. III/4, 1908). 482-a, 
Cedrela Toona (typica), 

Oblong-lanceolate-acute (Medium) leaved 
Necklace Nutmeg (Hk. 1/59, adpd). 
37-b. Unona discolor (levigata). 

Oblong (Medium-membranous) leaved 
Claw-flowered Laurel (Hk. 1/498, adpd). 
358-a. Acronychia laurifolia (oblongi- 

Oblong (Arrow-barbed) leaved Climbing 
Arum (Nic. 3/97). 3263 Philodendron 

Oblong-leaved (Medinm-prominent-nerved) 
Climbing Biseriate-seeded Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/51, adpd). 380 Uvaria lurida. 

Oblong-leaved Climbing Caper (Hk. 1/177, 
adpd). 118 Capparis floribunda. 

Oblong (Callous-tipped) leaved Climbing 
Caper (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 111 Capparis 

Oblong-leaved Corymbose Indian Linden 

(Hk. 1/384, adpd). 808 Grewia colum- 


Oblong-leaved (Long) Crape Myrtle (Hk. 
2/577, adpd), 1819 Largerstreemia flos- 


Oblong-leaved Croton (McL. 269, 306, 
473, 1000,adpd). 2637 Croton oblongi- 

Oblong-leaved (Contracted-middle) Cro- 
ton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2346-Ib. Codiwam vareigatum 

Oblong (Large-8"-or-more) leaved Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-B. 
Codizum yariegatum (grandifolium- 

Oblong (Medium) leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-E. Codizum 
variegatum (oblongifolium), 

Oblong-leaved Cup Dog-banv (Hk. 3/650, 
adpd). 1839 Vallaris Heynei. 

Oblong (Bristle-tipped) leaved Eglandular 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 959 Cassia 

Oblong (Emarginate) leaved Hglandular 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 958 Cassia 

Oblong-leaved Firebrand Teak (McL. 
473, 512, 884, 997, adpd). 2297 Premna- 

Oblong (Hoary-branched) leaved Hedge 
Caper Shrub (Hk.1/177,adpd). 117-b. 
Capparis sepiaria (incanesceus). 

Oblong-leaved (Very-small-fleshy-grey- 
hairy-glabrate) Kambala ‘Tree (Hk. 
2/572, adpd). 1308 Pemphis acidula. 

Oblong-leaved Lagerstremia (McL. 5) 
(Br. 74). 1219 Lagerstremia  flos- 

Oblong (Shining) leaved Melon Feather- 
foil (McL. 587,adpd). 2577 Glochidion 

Oblong (Thin) leaved Melon Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2581 Glochidion 

Oblong leaved Ordure Tree (Hk. 
adpd). 270 Sterculia nobilis. 
Oblong leaved Passion Flower (Nic. 

3/317). 1353 Passiflora laurifolia. 

Oblong  (Unifoliate-long-thinly-matted- 
backed-membranous  Leafy-stipuled) 
leaved Kattlewort (Hk. 2/77, adpd). 
717 Crotolaria lanata. 

Oblong ( Unifoliate-medium-shortly- 
downy-backed Leafy-stipuled) leaved 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/78, adpd). 718 
Crotolaria semperflorens, 

Oblong (Acuminate) leaved Spear Flower 


(Hk. 3/521, adpd). 1668 Ardcisia 

Oblong (Narrow) leaved Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/562, adpd). 1314 Memecylon 

Oblong (Crenulate) leaved Velvet Cinque- 
foil (Hk. 1/372, adpd). 297 Melhania 

INDEX. 757 

Oblong (Crenate) leayed White Dead- 
nettle Shrub (Hk. 4/681, adpd), 2355 
Leucas lanata. 

Oblong (Entire) leaved White Dead-nettle 
Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2360 Leucas 

Ob'ong-leaved (Very-long-denticulate) 
White-lipped Whitish-flowered Galan- 
gal (Hk, 6/256, adpd). 38009 Alpinia 

| Oblong-light - green - acuminate - folioled 

(Im paripinnate-(about-9) Green-dotted- 

dark-purple-stalked) Aralia (Nice. 

1/104, adpd). 1392 Aralia maculata. 
Oblong (Angular-branched) Long-leaved 

Gamboge (Hk. 1/269, adpd). 178 
Garcinia Xanthochymus. 
Oblong-mucronate-(16)-folioled (Bipin- 

nate-(12-16)-membranous- small - glab- 
rous-exstipulate) Prickly Brasiletto 
Climber (Hk. 2/255, adpd). 927 Cesal- 
pinia Bonduc. 

Oblong oboyate-obtuse-leaved (Medium- 

leathery-glancous-baeked) Chinese 
Laurel (Hk. 5/358, adpd). 2612 Daph- 
niphyllum glaucescens. 

Oblong: obtuse-(12~14)-folioled  (Bipin- 

nate-(8-12)-glabrous) Prickly Brasi- 
letto Climber (Hk. 2/261, adpd). 945 
Wagatea spicata. 

Oblong-obtuse-(16-24)-folicoled (Bipin- 
nate- (12-20) - membranous - glaucons- 
downy-backed) Prickly  Brasiletto 
Climber (Hk, 2/256, adpd). 931 
Ceesalpinia sepiaria. 

Oblong-obtuse-(20-40)-folioled (Bipin- 
nate - (20-60) - membranous - minute) 
Prickly Brasiletto Climber (Hk. 2/256, 
adpd). $32 Czsalpinia mimosoides. 

Oblong-obtuse-(12-16)-folioled  (Bipin- 
nate - (8 ~16) - membranous - minute) 
Prickly Brrsiletto Climber (Hk. 2/259, 
adpd). 939 Pterolobium indicum. 

Obloug-obtnse-(16-20)-folioled  (Bipin- 
nate - (16-20) - membranous - minute- 
glabrate-grey-backed) Prickly Brasi- 
letto Climber (Hk. 2/256, adpd). 933 
Ceesalpinia digyna. 

Oblong-obtuse-Heart leaved Climbing 
Arum (Hk. 6/549, adpd). 3271 Epiprem- 
num giganteum. 

Oblong-obtuse-leaved (Multifoliate-(13- 
21)-membranous-glabrous) Bell Pea 
(Hk. 2/252, adpd). 917 Calpurnia 

Oblong-obtuse-leaved (Multifoliate-(13— 

15)-thinly-downy-backed) Hell. Pea 
(Hk. 2/251, adpd). 916 Sophora 

Oblong-obtuse-leaved (Small-to-medium- 
glaucous-backed-leathery) Brazilian 
Nutmeg (Hk. 5/120, adpd), 2427 ~ 
Cryptocarya Stocksii. 


Oblong-obtuse (Long-14-nerved) leaved 
Capsuled Dammer (Hk. 1/318, adpd). 
207 Vateria indica. 

Obklong-obtuse (Medium-papery-puaberu- 
lous-backed) leaved Cherry Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/65, adpd). 46 Polyalthia 

Oblong-obtuse (Leathers-medium-revol- 
ute-margined) leaved False Holly 
(Hk. 1/587, adpd). 498 Apodytes 

Oblong-obtuse (Unifoliate-mediuni-silky- 
leathery) leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/79, 
adpd). 723 Crotalaria obtecta. 

Oblong-obtuse-leaved (Multifoliate-(7- 
11)-densely-brown-velvetty) Rose- 
wood Climber (Bs/T/234, adpd). 885 
(bis.) Dalbergia Gardneriana. 

Oblong-obtuse-leaved (Multifoliate-(5-7)- 
subglaucous-backed) Rose-wood Climb- 
er (Hk. 2/232, Rox. 3/2381, adpd). 
884 Dalbergia rubiginosa. 

Oblong-obtuse-leaved (Minute-silky) 
Tasmanian Tea (Bth. 3/106, adpd). 
1217 Leptospermum pubescens. 

Oblong-obtuse-leaved (Very-small- 
roughly-hairy-subsessile) Twining 
Bear’s Breech (Hk. 4/479, adpd). 
2222 Blepharis molluginifolia. 

Obleng-obtuse-mucronite-leaved (Small- 
to - medium - subpalmately - (10-380) - 
nerved) Hare’s-ear (Hk. 2/674, adpd). 
1385 Bupleurum plantagineum. 

Oblong - obtuse - or-emarginate - leaved 
(Muttifoliate-(11-15)-grey-silky) Spi- 
nous Rose-wood Ciimber (Hk. 2/233, 
adpd). 887 Dalbergia sympathetica. 

Oblong-obtuse-or-retuse-leaved (Multifo- 
liate-(9-18)-dull- green-downy - midrib- 
bed) Bastard Rose-wood (Bs/T/236, 
adpd). 891 Dalbergia paniculata. 

Oblong-or-obovate-obtuse (Maltifoliate- 
(2-12) leaved Burdock Soapnut (Hk. 
1/687, adpd). 638 Nephelium lap- 

Oblong-ovate-acute (\!edium-10-nerved- 
glandular-axliled) leayed Dipterocarp 
Dammer (Hk. 1/308, Bed. 1/27, 2/7, 
adpd). 208 Hopea parviflora. 

Oblong-ovate caudate (Multifoliate- 
(7-9)-silvery-downy-glabrate- medium) 
leaved Ash Sumach (Hk. 2/29, adpd). 
672 Odina Wodier. 

Obl: ng-ovate-coarse-toothed-acuminate - 
leaved (Mediuw-downy) Violet- 
flowered Horn-Cardinal Shrub (Nic. 
3/438, adpd). 1637 Siphocampylus 

Oblong-ovate-cuspidate-leaved (Medium- 
to-long-opposite) Joint Fir (Hk. 5/643, 
adpd). 2805 Gnetum scandens, 

Oblong - ovate - (12-20) - folioled (Bipin- 
naie-(6-10)-silky-glabrate Basal-(1)- 

glandular) Sirissa (Bs/T/271, adpd). 
1047 Albizzia procera. 

Oblong-ovate (Medium) Jeaved Delight- 
of the-Wouds (Hk. 1/418, adpd). 355 
Hiptage Madablota. 

Oblong-ovate (Downy-backed) leaved 
Ordure Tree (Hk. 1/358, adpd). 272 
Sterculia Balanghas. 

Oblong-ovate-leayed (Greyish-purple-and 
-salmony-blotcheG Olive-green) Vernal 
Flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2249 
Eranthemum tricolor. 

Oblong-ovate-round-or - obovate - obtuse- 
leaved (Small-papery) Straight-spined 
Bengal-currant (Hk. 3/630, adpd). 
1806 Carissa Carandas. 

Oblong-ovate-to-roundish - cuspidate -or- 
acuininate-leaved (Palmate-(3-7)- 
nerved Medium-to-large Biauricled 
Sheathing-petioled) Sarsaparilla (Hk. 
6/312, adpd). 3082 Smilax prolifera. 

Oblong (Huge) Prickly Fan Palm (Nic. 
2/292, adpd). mxix. Lodoicea (genus). 

Oblong Purple-backed Arrowroot (Nic. 
1/237). 3019 Calathea Lindeneana. 

Ublong (Cordate) Purple-backed Arrow- 
root (Nic. 5/520). 3018 Maranta 

Ovlong (Large) Purple-backed Arrowroot 
(Nic, 2/238). 3017 Calathea zebrina. 

Oblong-retuse-leaved (Muitifoliate-(11- 
15)-subglabrons) Rose-wood (Hk. 
2/283, Bs/'T/235, adpa). 886 Dalbergia 

Oblong-retuse-leaved (Multifoliate-(7— 
11)-brown-downy-backed) Rose-wood 
Climber (Hk. 2/233, adpd). 885 Dal- 
bergia congesta. 

Oblong-retuse-leaved (Multifoliate-(9)- 
membrancus) Winged Rose-wood 
Climber (Hk. 2/247, adpd). 909 
Derris ovalifolia. 

Oblong-rhomboid-acuminate (Trifoliate- 
brown - shortly - velvetty - papery- 
medium) leaved Dholl Creeper (Hk. 2/ 
226, adpd). 863 Rhynchosia acutis- 

Oblong-rhomboid-acute (Trifoliate-grey- 
hoary-papery-small) - leaved Dholl 
Shrub (Hk. 2/223, adpd). 865 Rhyn- 
chosia pseudocajan. 

Oblong-roundish-obovate-or-heart -obtuse 
-leaved (Opposite-small-leathery-buff- 
velvetty) Honeysuckle Mistletoe (Hk. 
5/209, adpd). 2500 Loranthus scurrula. 

Oblong-serrate-cuspidate (Small-lea- 

thery) leaved Berried Spindle Climber 

(ilk. 1/626, adpd). 550 Salacia prin- 

Oblong subacute (Unifoliate-thinly silky- 
backed-papery-medium-to-long) leaved 
Dholl Shrub (Hk. 2/227, adpd). 870 
Flemingia strobilifera. 

i — 


Oblong-subcrennlate-obtuse-leaved (Long- 
papery-rusty-woolly-glabrate) Sweet- 
leaf (Uk. 5/582, adpd). 1735 Sym- 
plocos macrocarpa. 

ed (Pinnatipartite-(2-3  ft.)-scaly- 
stiped) Deer Fern (Nic, 2/299, adpd). 
8380 Lomaria gibba. 

Oblong- (1’-3”)-subentire-acute-pinnated 
(Pinnate-(13-2 ft.) -shaggy -sculy -gla- 
brate-stiped) Ladder Fern (Ked/F, 
adpd). 83872 Nephrolepis exaltata. 

Oblong-subglaucous - backed - pinnatipar- 
tite-acuminate-pinnuled (Bipinnate- 
muricate - rachised - shaggy ~ costate) 
Grove Fern (Nic. 1/55, adpd). 3329 
Alsophila australis, 

Oblong- subserrate - to - entire - bluntish - 
leaved Strawberry ‘Cree (Nic. 1-107, 
adpd). 1644 (tris.) Arbutus Andrachne, 

Oblong-to-elliptic-lance - cuneate - cuspi - 
date-leaved (Long-leathery) Child’s 
Amulet Tree (Hk. 5/340, adpd). 2604 
Cyclostemon macrophyllus (peninsu- 

Oblong-to-round - cuneate - acute - leaved 
(Medium-leathery) Sweet-leaf (Hk. 
3/576, adpd), 1729 Symplocos race- 

Oblong-to-round-heart-leaved (Alternate- 
and-opposite Medium -to - large - lea- 
thery-sessile) Honeysuckle Mistletoe 
(Hk. 5/215, adpd). 2506-c. Loranthus 
longiflorus (amplexicaulis). 

Oblong-to-ruound Yellow and  Green- 
leaved Croton (Ku/N;O) (\iu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-la.Codizum variegatum 
(MacaArthurii No. 11). 

Oblong-trapezoid-(16-30)-folioled (Bipin- 
nate - (8-14) = minute - rusty - downy- 
backed Basal-(1)-ylandular) Sirissa (Ol. 
2/36, adpdj. 1041 Albizzia fastigiate. 

Oblong-trapezoid-(380-40) folioled (Bipin- 
nate - (6-12) - multiglandular - minute- 
brown-velvetty-backed) Unarmed 
Curl-Brush-Bean (Hk. 2/305, adpd). 
1056 Pithecolobium subcoriaceum, 

Oblong (Acute) Trifoliate Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 797 Desmodium 

Oblong (Obtuse) Trifoliate Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 799 Desmodium 

Oblong (Acute) Unifoliate Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 805 Desmodinm 

Obovate acnminate leaved Climbing 

Caper (Hk. 1/179, adpd), 122-b, Cap- | 
paris tenera (latifolia). 
Obovate-acuminate-leaved (Fascicled- 

Very-small) Spiny Buck-thorn (Hk. 
1/639, adpd). 569-a. Rhamnus virga- 
tus (typica). 


Obovate-acute (Multifoliate-(13-15)-small- 
submembranous-glabrate) leaved Grape- 
flower Vine (Hk. 2/105, adpd). 766 
Milletiia racemosa. 

Obovate - cuneate - acute-or - acuminate - 
leaved (Medium-papery) Jungle Gera- 
nium (Hk. 3/143, adpd). 1587-b. Ixora 
parviflora (zeylanica). 

Obovate-cuneate-cuspidate-leaved \Trifo- 
liate Long-to-medium-downy-glabrate- 
netted-backed) Yam (Hk. 6/289, adpd). 
3055 Dioscorea deemona, 

Obovate-cuneate-leaved (Mediu m-lea- 
thery) Wind-berry Climber (Hk. 3/516, 
adpd). 1664 Embelia viridiflora. 

Obovate-cuneate- long- toothed- folioled 
(Bipinnate) Panax (Nic. 3/14, adpd). 
1400-b. Panax fruticosum (dissectum). 

Obovate-cuneate-obtuse-leaved (Smali- 
leathery) Goat’s-horn Mangrove (Hk. 
3/533, adpd). 1675, Adgiceras majas. 

Obovate-cuneate-obtuse-leaved (3mall-to- 
medium-leathery-stalked) Jungle Gera- 
nium (Hk, 3/14, adpd). 1539-b. Ixora 
stricta (Blamiana). 

Oboyate-cuneite-obtuse-leaved (Small-to- 
medjum-leathery-subsessile) Jungle 
Geranium (Hk. 3/146, adpd). 1539-a. 
Ixora stricta (Roxburghiana). 

Obovate-cuneate-obtuse (Quinquefoliate- 
(3-5 )-small-softly-velvetty) leaved 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/85 adpd). 739 
Crotalaria digitata. 

wort (Hk. 2/80, adpa). 

Obovate-cuneate-obtuse (Long-leathery- 
pclished) Whorled-(3-4)-leaved Salt- 
creek Dog-bane. (Hk. 3/688, adpd),. 
181 Ochrosia borbonica. 

Obova‘e-caneate- obtuse-or-retuse-leaved 
(Alternate - trineryed Very - small) 
Honeysuckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/2!4, 
adpd). 2505 Loranthus cuneatus. 

Obovate-cuspidate-leaved (Medium- 

leaved Rattle- 
727 Crotalaria 

papery) Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 
8/175, adpd). 1573 Psychotria nudi- 

Cbovate-cuspidate leaved (Medium-rusty- 
woolly-glabrate) Berried Bindweed (Hk. 
4/181 adpd). 1989 Erycibe panicu- 

Obovate-cuspids te (Multifoliate-(5-7) 
medium-to - long - leathery - velvetty- 
backed) leaved Grape-flower Vine 
(Hk. 2/104, adpd). 754 Millettia rubi- 

Obovate-cuspidate (Long-chartaceous) 
leaved Half-hooded-flowered Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/75, adpd), 58 Goniothalamus 


Obovate-elliptic-acuminate-leaved Creamy 
Trumpet Figwort (Nic. 1/214, adpd). 
2108 Brunfelsia americana. 

Obovate-elliptic-acute (Medium-leathery) 
leaved Java Mango (Bed. 2/60, adpd). 
666 Gluta travancorica. 

Obovate-elliptic-cuspidate-leaved (Me- 
dium-rusty-silky-glabrate) Gutta-per- 
cha (Hk. 8/589, adpd). 1682-b, Isonan- 
dra lanceolata (anfractuosa). 

Obovate-elliptic-cuspidate (Multifoliate- 
(5-9) Winged-petioled) leayed Quassia 
(Nic. 3/262, adpd). 426 Quassia 

Obovate-elliptic-cuspidate-leaved (Me- 
dium-papery- downy- glabrate- backed- 
mottled) Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk. 
4/14, adpd). 1878 Toxccarpas concan- 

Obovate-elliptic-cuspidate (Medium-lea- 
thery) Trifoliate Climbing Lime (Hk, 
1/509, advd). 401 Imvunga eleuther- 

Obovate-elliptic-obtuse (Spiny Bifoliate 
very-small) leaved Fire-work Plant 
(Hk. 1/528, adpd). 433 Balanites Rox- 

Obovate-elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Small- 
white-velvetty-backed) Trinerved Myr- 
tle (Hk. 2/469, adpd). 1225 Rhodomyr- 
tus tomentosa. 

Obovate-elliptic-subentire- obtuse- leaved 
(Small-leathery) Sweet-leaf (Hk. 3/583, 
adpd). 1746 Symplocos obtusa. 

Obovate (Small) Feather-neryed Sebesten 
(MeL. 803, adpd,) 1974 Cordia Perrot- 

Obovate-lance (Long) leaved Climbing 
Arum (Nic, 5/596), 8261 Philoden- 
dron nobile. 

Obovate-lance (Short) leaved Climbing 
Arum (Hk, 6/552, adpd). 3274 Pothos 

Obovate-lance- serrate- acuminate- leaved 
(Medium-papery) Rosy Sweet-leaf (Hk. 
8/583, adpd). 1742 Symplocos rosea. 

(Medium-membranous) Sweet-leat (Hk. 
8/583, adpd). 1744 Symplocos acumin- 
ata, : 

Obovate (Glancous-backed) leaved Bas- 
tard Sandal (Hk. 1/114, adpd). 348 
Hrythroxylon monorynum, 

Obovate-leaved Bridal-couch Plant (McL. 
30). 1458 Hymenodictyon obovatum. 

Obovate (Hoary-branched) leaved Climb- 
ing Caper (Hk. 1/175, adpd), 112 
Capparis Roxburghii. 

Obovate-leaved (Contracted-middle) 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ic. Codizum varie- 
gatum (multicolor), 


Obovate (Large-8” or more) leaved Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-A. 
Oodieum variegatum  ({grandifolium- 

Obovate (Medium) leaved Croton (Rua/N/ 
O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-D. Codizeum- 
variegatum (obovatum). 

Obovate (Obtuse) leaved Digitate Ivy 
(Hk, 2/730, adpd). 1414 Heptapleurum 

Obovate-leaved Hglandular Senna (McL. 
804, adpd). 963 Cassia obovata. 

Obovate-leaved Mountain Coffee (W.A.L, 
adpd). 1498-b. Webera lucens (grum 

Obovate (Common) leaved Rachis-glan- 
dular Senna (Mch. 804, adpd). 948 
Cassia Tora. 

Obovate (Mountain) leaved Rachis-glandu- 
lar Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 952 Cas- 
sia bicapsnlaris. 

|. Obovate (Acuminate) leaved Spear Flower 

(Hk. 3/519, adpd). 1666 Ardisia lan- 
Obovate (Obtuse) leaved Spear Flower 

(Hk. 3/520, adpd). 1667 Ardisia court- 

Obovate-leaved Sword-Bean (Hk. 2/196, 
adpd).  880-a. Canavalia ensiformis 


Obovate-leaved (Minute Trinerved) Tas- 
manian Tea (Bth. 3/105,adpd’. 1215-b, 
Leptospermum flavescens (obovatum), 

Obovate (Small) leaved Wild Tea (Hk. 
1/280, adpd). 188 V'ernstroemia japon- 

Obovate-leaved Yellow Chinese Pagoda 
Tree (Hk. 2/249, adpd). 912 Sophora 

Obovate - oblong - actue - (4-6) - folioled 
(Bipinnate - (2-4) - multiglandular-me- 
dium) Unarmed Curl-Brush-Bean (Hk. 
2/305, adpd). 1055 Pithecolobium 

e labrous-membranous) 
wort (Hk. 2/84, adpd). 

Obovate- oblong- serrate- obtuse- leaved 
(Very-small-papery) Spurge Laurel 
(Hk. 5/195, adpd), 2491 Wikstrcemia 

Obovate-oblong-cuneate-retuse (Unifo- 
liate - very - small- thinly-silky-backed) 
leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/72, adpd). 
707 Crotalaria tecta. 

Obovate-oblong-cuspidate-leaved (Small) 
Cornel (Hk. 2/746, adpd). 1422 Mas- 
tixia arborea. 

glabrous-membranous-medium) leayed 
Dholl Climber (Hk. 2/2]8, adpd). 856 
Dunbaria Heynei, 

leaved Rattle- 
737 Crotolaria 


Obovate-oblong-cuspidate-leaved (Capi- 
tate) Vigitate- (7-16) Ivy (Bth. 3/385, 
adpd). 1417 Brassaia actinophyJla. 

Obovate-oblong-cuspidate (Medinm-lea- 
thery-whitish-- backed) leayed Nrect- 
druped Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 681-c. 
Nothopegia  Colebrookiana (macro- 

Obovate-o! long-cuspidate-leaved (Quin- 
quefoliate-leathery) Winged Rose-wood 
Climber (Hk. 2/244, adpd). 906, Derris 

leaved (Leng-leathery subsessible-alter— 
nate) Queensland Nut (Bth. 5/191, 
adpd). 2478 Helicia travancorica, 

Obovate-oblong-leaved (Minute-Silky) 
Tasmanian Tea (Bth. 3/108, adpd). 
1218 l.eptospermum myrtifolinm. 

Obovate-oblong-obtuse-(2)-folioled (Bipin- 
nate-(2) Spinous Curl-Brush- Bean (Hk. 
2/303, adpd). 1052 Pithecolobium 

Obovate-oblong-obtuse-leaved (Penninerv- 
ed-subverticillate-alternate | Medium- 
glaucous: backed-papery) Cinnamon 
(Hk. 5/144, adpd), 2447-a, Alseodaphne 
semecarpifolia (ty pica). 

Obovate-oblong-obtuse (Trifoliate-pilose- 
papery-very-small) leaved Dholl Shrob 

(Hk. 2/213, adpd), 847 Atylosia 
Obovate-oblong-obtuse-leaved (Medium- 

ailky-glabrate-membranous) Fan-flower 
(Hk. 3/421, adpd). 1632 - Scevola 
Obovate-oblong-obtuse (Alternate-very- 
small-rusty-velvetty-backed) Honey- 
suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/212, adpd), 
2502 Loranthus tomentosus, 
Obovate-oblong-obtuse-leaved (Multifo- 
liate-(7-9) Kidney-podded Rose-wood 
Climber (Bs/T/288, adpd). 893 Dal- 
bergia spinosa. 
subglabrous-membranous) leaved Rat- 
tlewort (Hk. 2/89, adpd). 736 Crota- 
laria stricta, 
(Hk. 2/82, adpd). 
Obovate-oblong-obtuse (Trifoliate-very- 
small-thinly-silky-backed) leaved Rat- 

leaved Rattlewort 
733 Crotalaria 

tlewort (Hk. 2/82, adpd). 781 Crota- 
laria Notonii. 
Obovate-oblong-obtuse-leaved (Very- 



nian Tea (Bth, 3/1038, adpd). 

Leptospermum leyigatem, 
Obovate-oblong - cbtuse-or- acute = leaved 

(Penninerved Small-leathery-shining) * 

Axil-spined Mulberry (Hk, 5/491, 



Obovate-oblong-obtuse - or - retuse-leaved 
(Multifoliate-(7-9) Spinous Rose-wood 
Climber (Hk. 2/284, adpd), 884 (bis.) 
Dalbergia coromendeliana. 

Oboyate - oblong - obtuse - to-acuminate- 
leaved (Penninerved Small-leathery- 
downy-glabrate) Axil-spined Jack (Hk, 
5/538, adpd). 2760 OCudrania javensis, 

Obovate-oblong-or-elliptic-entire-to - bas- 
ally - (6-7) - pinnatifidly-lobed - obtuse- 
leaved (Simple Long-to-very-long- 
silvery-silky-backed) Silk Oak (Bth. 
5/468, adpd), 2481 Grevillea Hilliana, 

Obovate-oblong-subacute-leaved (Multifo- 
liate-(5—7)-leathery) Winged Rose-wood 
Climber (Hk, 2/244, adpd), 904 Der- 
ris brevipes. 

Obovate-oblong-subentire-obtuse - leaved 

2719 Plecospermum _ spino- 

(Small-velvetty-subsessile-thick) Bas- 
tard Lavender (Hk. 4/628, adpd). 2341 

Anisochilus dysophylloides. 

Obovate-oblong-subentire - obtuse - leaved 
(Small-leathery) Single-flowered Sweet- 
leaf (Hk. 3/587, adpd). 1749 Symplo- 
cos sessilis, 

Obovate-cblong-subobtuse-leaved (Long- 
leathery-subsessile) Bastard Cape 

Jasmine (Hk. 4/831, adpd), 1955, 
Fagrea zeylanica (brevituba). 
Obovate-oblong-subobtuse = (Unifoliate- 

medium-silky-leathery) leayed Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/76, adpd), 716 Crotolaria, 

Obovate - oblong - to - elliptic - cuspidate- 
leaved (Long-leathery) Bastard Cape 
Jasmine (Hk, 4/83, adpd). 1956 
Fagrza obovata, 

Obovate-obtuse- (Trifoliate - grey - silky- 
backed-papery-small} Digitate-leaved 
Daoll Shrub (Hk. 2/228, adpd). 874 
Flemingia Grahamiana, 

Obovate-obtuse (Trifoliate-downy-backed- 
papery-small) Digitate-leaved Margin- 
ate-petioled Dholl Shrub (Hk, 2/229, 
adpd). 878 Flemingia Wallichii, 

Obovate-obtuse—leaved (Long-leathery) 
Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 8/163. adpd), 
1563 Psychotria Dalzellii. 

Obovate—obtuse-leaved (Multifoliate- 
(15-19-)-grey-downy) Beil Pea (Hk. 
2/249, adpd). 912 Sophora tomentosa, 

Obovate-obtuse-leaved (Penninerved- 
subverticillate-alternate Small-glau- 
cous-backed- leathery) Cinnamon (Hk. 
5/144, adpd), 2447-e, Alseodaphne 
semecarpitclia (parvifolia), 

backed - leathery - very-small) leaved 
Dholl Creeper (Hk, 2/221, adpd). 860 
Rhynchosia filipes, 


Obovate-obtuse-leaved (Alternate-trinerv- 
ed Very-small-ashy-downy - glabrate) 
Honeysuckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/213, 
adpd). 2504 Loranthus recurvus. 

Obovate-cbtuse-leaved (Medium-leathery- 
shiuing) Leatherleaf (Hk. 3/107, adpd). 
1466 Byrsophyllum tetrandrum, 

Oboyate-o btuse-leaved Litchi-fruited 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 173-b. 
Garcinia echinocarpa (obtusifoha). 

Obovate-obtuse-leaved (Minute-subglab- 
rous) Littoral Nail-Dye (Hk. 4/410, 
adpd). 2169 Calophanes littoralis. 

Obovate-obtuse-leaved (Very-small-leath- 
ery Recurved-margined) Offa] shrub 
(Hk. 3/186, adpd). _1583 Lasianthus 
obo vatus. 

Obovate-obtuse (Trifoliate-smail-locsely- 
downy-membranous) leaved Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/83, adpd). 734 Crotalaria 

Obovate-obtuse (Trifoliate-small-subglab- 
rous-fleshy-thick) leaved Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/83, adpd). 735 Crotalaria cla- 

Obovate-obtuse-leaved (Small-leathery) 
Resin-tipped Cupbearer Tree of Salt- 
swamps (Hk. 3/125, adpd). 1516 Scy- 
phiphora hydrophyliacea. 

Obovate-obtuse (Trifoliate-very-small- 
downy-backed) leaved Tick Trefoil 
(Hk. 2/153, adpd). 789 Pycnospora 

Obovate-obtuse-or-acute-leaved (Small- 
leathery) Resin-tipped Cape Jasmire 
(Hk. 3/116, adpd). 1505 Gardenia gum- 

Obovate obtuse-or-acute-leaved (Small- 
leathery) Spinous Cape Jasmine (Hk. 
3/118,adpd) 1507-a. Gardenia turgida 
(ty pica). 

Obovate-obtuse-or-cuspidate (Multifoliate- 
(7-9) Long-membranous-thinly-silky, 
leaved Grape-flower Vine (Hk. 2/108) 
adpd). 767 Millettia auriculata. 

Obovate-obtuse-or-retuse-leaved (Multi- 
foliate-(5-7) Kidney-podded Rose-wood 
Climber (Bs/T/228, adpd), 892 Dalber. 
gia monosperma. 

Creeper (Hk. 2/215, adpd). 
sia rugosa. 

Obovate-obtuse-to-acuminat-leaved (Me- 
dium-leathery) Bastard Ipecacuanha 
(Hk. 3/171, adpd). 

Obovate-odourless-leaved Uniglandular 
Senna (Rox. 2/341, adpd). 948-b. Cas- 
sia Tora (toroides). 

Obovate-or-broad-elliptic-retuse (Small) 
leaved Holly-flowered Spindle Tree (Hk. 
1/618, adpd). 525 Microtropis rami- 

leaved Dholl 
801 Atylo- 

1568 Psychotria | 


Obovate - or- elliptic - oblong - subobtuse 
(Unifoliate-small-silky) leaved Wing- 
stemmed Rattlewort (Hk. 2/69, adpd). 
704 Crotalaria alata. 

to-medium) Spinous Black-thorn (Hk. 
2/828, adpd). 1073 Prinsepia utilis. 

Obovate-cr-oblance-cuspidate-leaved (Me- 
dium-to-long-papery-downy - glabrate) 
Crimson-druped Kin-Ramboutan (Bed. 
2/280, adpd). 2619 Baccaurea courtal- 

Obovate-purple-backed Arrowrvot (Nic 
1/237). 3012 Maranta illustris. 

Obovate-repand-crenate-leaved (Medium- 
downy-backed) Flowering Birch (Hk. 
2/598, adpd). 1339 Homalium tomen- 

Obovate-retuse (Small-red~punctate-back- 
ed) leaved Wing-Seeded Spindle Tree 
(Hk. 1/616, adpd). 580 Kokoona zey- 

Obovate Senna (McL. 804). 

Obovate (Laciniate-stipnled Seven-(5-9)- 
leaved Rose (Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/322). 
1095 Rosa bracteata. 

963 Cassia 

| Oboyate-sinuate-topped - obtuse - leaved 

(Long-glabrous) Ironweed (Hk. 3/380, 
adpd). 1605 Vernonia travancorica. 
Obovate - spathulate - obtuse (Medium- 
membranous) leived Buchanan’s Mango 
(Hk. 2/29, adpd). 669 Buchanania 

lucida (intermedia). 

Obovate - subacute - leaved (Medium- 
papery) Bastard Ipecacuanha (Hk. 
3/)62, adpd). 1559 Psychotria congesta. 

Obovate-subserrate-acut2-leaved (Me- 
dium-scabrid-subsessile) Lronweed (Hk. 
3/239, adpd). 1593 Vernonia teres. 

Oboyvate-subobtnse (Trifoliate-white- 
hoary-!eathery-small) leaved Dholl 
Creeper (Hk. 2/215, adpd). 850 Aty- 
losia albicans. 

Obovate-sibobtuse-leaved (Small-leath- 
ery) Privet (Hk. 3/615, adpd). 1792-b. 
Ligustrum neilgherrense (obovata). 

Obovate-to-clliptic-oblong - wavy-cuspid- 
ate-leaved (Small-papery) Corkscrew 
Dog-bane (Hk. 38/655, adpd). 1846 
Strophanthus Wallichii. 

Obovate (Obtuse) Trifoliate Tick Trefoil 
(McL., 813, adpd). 808 Desmodium ru- 

Obovate (Silvery) Trifoliate Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 818, adpd). 807 Desmodium 

Obovate (Obliquely) Uninervose Phyllode 
Wattle (Bth. 2/512, 373, adpd). 1019 
Acacia brachystachya. 

Obovate-wavy-cuspidate-leaved (Smaill- 
membranous - slightly - downy-backed) 
Wind-berry (Hk. 3/515, adpd). 1663 

_ Embelia robusta. 


Obtuse (Elliptic) Bluish-flowered Unarmed 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/452, 5/672, adpd). 
2072 Solanum havanense. 

Obtuse- Elliptic leaved St. John’s-wort of 
China (Nic. 5/437). 165 Hypericum 

Obtuse leaved Ape flower (McL. 351, 664, | 

adpd). 1690 Mimusops Roxburghiana. 
Obtuse leaved Black Plum (McL, 379, 385, 
adpd). 1285-c. Eugenia Jambolana 


Obtuse (Grey-downy-blacked) 
Caper Shrub (Hk. 1/177, adpd). 
Capparis sepiaria. 

Obtuse (Obovate) leaved Litchi-fruited 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/264, adpd). 173-b. 
Garcinia echinocarpa (obtusifolia). 

Obtuse (Black-barked) leaved Mangrove 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR). 2384-4. Avicen- 
nia officinalis (melanophlcea). 


Obtuse (Papery-barked) leaved Mangrove 

(KSN) (GDV) (GTR). 2834-a. Avicen- | 

nia officina’is (typica). 

Obtuse leaved Mimusops 
1692 Mimusops Kauki. 

Obtuse leaved Molsaree (McL. 664). 
Mimusops Kauki, 

Obtuse leaved Panax (Cag. 547, adpd). 
1408 Panax obtusum. 

Obtuse (Short-petioled) leaved Shrubby 
Silver- Weed (Hk. 4/1911, adpd). 2008 
Argyreia cuneata. 

(MeL. 664). 


Obtuse leayed Yellow Chinese Pagoda | 

Tree (Hk, 2/251, adpd). 916 Sophora 

Obtuse oblong Trifoliate 
(McL. 813, adpd). 

Obtuse obovate leaved Digitate Ivy (Hk. 
2/780, adpd). 1414 Heptapleurum 

Obtuse obovate leaved Spear Flower (Hk. 
3/520, adpd). 1667 Ardisia courtal- 

Obtuse obovate Triloliate Tick Trefoil 
(McL, 818, adpd). S08 Desmodium 

Obtse Ovate leaved St. John’s-wort (Hk. 
1/254, adpd). i67 Hypericum Hooke- 

Tick Trefoil 
799 Desmodium 


Obtuse rounded leaved Xanthochymus 
(Hk. 1/269, adpd). 179 Garcinia 

Obtuse (Linear-oblong) Small leaved 
Gamboge (Hx. 1/268, adpd). 177 

Garcinia travancorica, 
Obtuse-tawny-silky-Ovate leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk. 4/188,adpd). 1997 Argyreia 
Occidental Cassia (McL. 186), 
Ocean-drier (McL. 665). 

949 Cassia 

1993 Argyreia 



Ocean Pebble (McL. 101). 926 Cesalpinia 

Ochna Family (Br, 41), 
nace (Order), 

Ochna (Yellow-flowered) (McL. 822). 
434 Ochna squarrosa 

Ochnads (McL. 1005). 
ce (Order). 

Ochre-flowered Fish Poison Cedar (McL 
1920, adpd). 471 Walsura piscidia. 

Octundrous Kragrant Quaternion Tree 
(Hk. 1/484, Nic. 4/19, 5/3858, adpd). 
cxliv. Melicope (genus). 

Odalay (McL. 605). 1035 Acacia Cate- 

Odollam (McL. 473, 622, 997). 
Cerbera Odollam. 

Odul (McL. 573, 605, 993). 

Odyssey (Lotus of the Lotophagi in 
Homer’s) (McL. 65, 487). 561 Zizy- 
phus Jujuba. 


XXVIII. Ochna- 


268 Sterculia 

Offal (Long-leathery-brown-shaggy Ellip- 
tic-oblong-acute-or-acuminate - leaved) 
Shrub (Hk 3/184, adpd). 1579 Lasian- 
thus ciliatus. 

(Long-strigose-nerved-backed Ob- 

long-caudate-leaved) Shrub (Hk, 3/183, 

adpd), 1577 Lasianthus oblongifolius. 

Offal ( Medium-downy-backed-shining 
Narrow-elliptic - lance-acuminat?-leay- 
ed) Shrub (Hk. 3/189, adpd). 1584 
Lasianthus truncatus. 

Offal (Medium-hirsute-subsessile Oblong- 
acuminate-or-caudate-leaved) Shrub 
(ik. 3/180, adpd). 1576 Lasianthus 

Offal (Medium-leathery-strigose-glabrate 
lance-acuminate-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 
3/191, adpd). 1586 Lasianthus capitul- 

Offal (Medium-leathery-strizillose-nerved- 
backed Narrow- oblong-lance-acuminate- 
leaved) Shrub (Hk. 3/185, adpd). 1580 
Lasianthus strigillosus. 

Offal (Medium-membranous Elliptic-cus- 
pidate-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 3/193, adpd). 
1589 Saprosma fragrans. 

| Offal (Medium-membranous Elliptic-lance- 

acuminate-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 3/193, 
adpd). 1590 Saprosma zeylanicum. 

Offal (Medium-membranous-sessile Ellip- 
tic-oblong-acuminate-leaved) Shrub 
(Hk. 3/192, adpd). 1588 Saprosma 

_ Offal (Medium-papery Elliptic-lance-cau- 

date-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 3/184, adpd). 
1578 Lagianthus Blumianus, 

Offal (Medium-silky-nerved-backed Ellip- 
tic-lance-acuminate-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 
8/185, adpd). 1581 Lasianthus acumin- 


Offal (Medium - to - long - membranous 
Whorled-(3-4) - and - opposite Elliptic- 
acute - or - acuminate - leaved Square- 
branched) Shrub (Hk. 38/194, adpd). 
1591 Saprosma corymbosim. 

Offal (Small - leathery Uvate - elliptic - or 
oblong - acute - or - acuminate - leaved) 
Shrub (Hk. 3/190, adpd). 1585 Lasian- 
thus venulosus. 

Offal (Small - leathery - shining elliptic - 
acute-leaved) Shrab (Hk. 3/186, adpd). 
1582 Lasianthus parvifolius. 

Offal (Small - papery Oblong - acuminate 
leaved) Shrub (Hk. 3/191,adpd), 1587 
Lasianthus dichotomus. 

Offal (Very - small - leathery - recurved - 
margined Obovate-vbtuse-leaved) Shrub 
{Hk. 3/186, adpd). 1583 Lasianthus 

Offall-Smelling (A xillary-cymed-or-corym- 
bed Bristle-tipped - branched) Ipecacu- 
anha (Hk. 8/20,adpd). dxvi. Saprosma 

Offal-Smelling (Terminally - fascicled = or 
capitate Distichous-leaved) Ipecacuan- 
ha (Hk. 8/21, adpd). dxv. Lasianthus 

Officinal Cardamom (Mc. 185), 3604 
Elettaria Cardamomum. 

Officinal Camphor (McL. 188). 2440 
Cinnamonum Camphora. 

Officinal Leadwort (Mch. 178). 1654 

Plumbago rosea. 
Officinal Senna (Mch. 804, 805). 955 
Cassia acutifolia. 

Officinal Senna (McL. 804, 805). 963 
Cassia obovata. 
Officinal Storax (McL. 856) dixiv 

Styrax (genus), 
Oil (Ben) (McL, 84, 518). 
Oil (Black) (McL. 4659). 
Oil (Cassia) (Mc. 187). 
momum (genus). 
Oil (Cassie) (McL. 472,935) (Gbl, 292) 
(Cat. 107), 1027 Acacia Farnesiana. 
Oil (Gurjun) (Rox. 2/614), 1xxx. Diptero- 
carpus (genus). 

Oil (Indian Ben) (Gbl. 124) (bdn/F.T). 
689 Moringa pterygosperma, 

Oil (Solid) (McL, 336). 196 Diptero- 
carpus indicus. 

689 Moringa 
532 Celastrus 

deelxxy, Cinna- 

Oil (True Croton) (Gbl. 614). 2642 
Croton Tiglium. 
Oil (Wood) (Rox. 2/612 to 615). Ixxx. 

Dipterocarpus (genus). 
Oil (Wood) (MeL. 836) (Gbl. 70) (Pfl. 894). 
196 Dipterocarpus indicus. 

Oileake Tree (McL. 605, 840). 1050 
Acacia amara. 
Oil Flower Plant (Mcl.. 698). 503 Sar- 

costigma Kleinii. 


Oil (Domba) Nut Tree (McL. 276, 705). 
181 Calopbyllum inophyllum. 

Cil (Wood) of India (Rox. 2/613), 196 
Dipterocarpus indicus, 

Oil (Wood) of Pegue (Rox. 2/614). 197 
Dipterocarpus alatus. 
Oil Palm (Nic. 1/506). 


Oil (African) Palm (Rid. 266) (Jaf. 181) 
(Pfl. 329) (Gbl. 739} (Bdn/F.T) (Cat. 
331), 32386, Eleis guineensis. 

Oil (Adul) Plant (McL. 55, 748), 
Jatropha glandulifera, 

Oil (Canary) Plant (McL. 287). 446 
Canarium Commune. 

Oil (Castor) Plant (McL. 54, 473, 484) 
(Br. 140) (Ell. 480) (Bed. 1/189) (Bs/ 
'T/593) (Gbl. 622) (Nic. 3/308) (8. 81, 
370) (Cag. 418) (Cat. 255) (Pf. 423) 
(W. 12,49). 2693 Ricinus communis. 

Oil (Crab) Plant (McL, 288, 472, 993). 
476 Carapa obovata. 

mxvi. Elis 


Oil (False Croton) Plant (Gbl. 618), 
2623 Jatropha Curcas. 
Oil (Florence) Plant (8.167). 1786 Olea 


Oil (Kekui) Plant (McL. 488). 
Aleurites moluccana, 

Oil (Kekune) Plant (Mch. 488). 2633 
Aleurites mcluccana, 

Oil (Keora) Plant (McL. 8C1) (Bdn/F.T). 
3244 Pandanus odoratissimus, 


Oil (Kikuel) Plant (McL. 913). 1799 
Salvadora persica. 

Oil (Kinka) Plant (McL. 388). 1599 
Vernonia anthelmintica. 

Oil (Khatzom) Plant (McL. 388). 1599 
Vernonia anthelmintica, 

Oil (Lamp) Plant (MeL. 54). 2693 Rici- 

nus communis. 

Oil (Moghul Castor) Plant (Mcl.. 56). 
2628 Jatropha Curcas, 

Oil (Nahor) Plant (MeL. 
Mesua ferrea. 

Oil (Pandang) Plant (McL, 801). 3244 
Pandanus odoratissimus. 

Oil (Pinnay) Plant (McL. 705) (Pfl. 479). 
181 Calophyllam inophyllum. 

Oil (Sea Castor) Plant (McL. 56). 2628 
Jatropha Curcas, 

Oil (Turkey Castor) Plant (McL. 56). 
Jatropha Curcas. 

Oil (Yallah) Plant (McL. 506). 
Bassia latifolia. 

Oil (Zachun) Plant (McL. 295), 488 
Balanites Roxburghii. 

Oil (Kokoon) Plant of the Singhalese 

167). wakes 


(Treas. Bot). 530 Kokoona zey- 
Oil Pod Tree (McL. 844), 1038 Acacia 

Oil (Cajeput) Tree (Gbl. 311) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Br. 77) (Cag. 568), 1219 Melaleuca 


Oil (Cajuput) Tree (Bs/T/329), 1219 
Melaleuca Leucadendron. 

Oil (Cardcle) Tree (McL. 185). 665 
Anacardium occidentale. 

Oil (Charolee) Tree (McL. 177). 667 

Buchanenia latifolia, 

Oil (Chaulmugra) Tree (Bs/T/41) (Bdn/ 
F.T). 141 Gynocardia odorata, [See 
note, General List. } 

Oil (Croton) Tree (McL. 879) (Nic. 
1/492) (Ell. 207) (Pf. 235). 2642 
Croton Tiglium, 

Oil (Dilo) Tree (McL. 276, 704). 181 
Calophyllum inophyllum, 

Oil (Exile) Tree (Nic. 4/28). 1820 
Thevetia neriifolia. 

Oil (Kikuel) Tree (McL. 256), 393 
Murraya Keenigii. 

Oil (Malkangany) Tree (McL, 459). 532 

Celastrus paniculatus. 

Oil (Mountain Tamana) Tree (McL. 474, 
adpd). 143 Hydnocarpus alpina. 

Oil (Multifoliate-(16-20)-leathery-shining 
Elliptic-oblong-acuminate-leaved Crab) 

Tree (Nic. 1/265, adpd). 475 Carapa 

Oil (Nepaul) Tree (McL. 379). 2642 
Croton Tiglium. 

Oil (Poondy) Tree (McL. 387). 2422 
Myristica malabarica. 

Oil (Poonga} Tree (Nic. 3/198). 899 
Pongamia glabra. 

Oil (Portia Nut) Tree (Nic. 4/27), 252 

Thespesia populnea. 

Oil (Quadrifoliate-(4—6)-medium-leathery 
Ovate-to-obovate-obtuse-leaved Crab) 
Yree (Hk. 1/567, adpd). 476 Carapa 

Oil (Simbolee) Tree (McL. 255). 393 
Murraya Keenigii. 
Oil (Soorty) Tree (*McL. 474). 142 

Hydnocarpus Wightiana (* venenata),. 

Oil (Tamana) Tree (McL. 474, adpd). 
lviii. Hydnocarpus (genus). 

Oil (Tamana) Tree (McL. 705). 
Calophyllum inophyllum (?). 

Oil (Travancore Wood) Tree (Bs/T/66, 
adpd). 158 Dipterocarpus Beurdilloni., 

Oil (Wight’s Tamana) Tree (McL. 474, 
adpd). 142 Hydnocarpas Wightiana. 

Oil (Wood) Tree (McL. 797). 485 Chlo- 
roxylon Swietenia. 

Oil (Crab) Tree of Guiana (Nic. 1/266, 
adpd), 475 Carapa guianansis. 

Okimon of the Greeks (McL. 09), 
decxsxxiv. Ocimum (genus). 

Olacads (McL. 1005). XXXII. Olacaceze 

Old Black Osier (Kew. Bull. 96). (FAR. 
35, 36, NLGS). 2803 Salix triandra. 

Old Blush Monthly Rose (Nic. 3/321, 

5/648) (Hod). 1103-a. Rosa indica 

(?) 181 


Old Man (8S, 35). 

Old Man (Nic. 1/115) (S. 35, 295). 
Artemisia Abrotanum, 

Old-man Cactus (Cavanagh, Mad. Mail, 
31-3-05). 1381 Opuntia leucotricha, 

Old Moss Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/93). 
1099-d. Rosa centifolia (muscosa-rosea- 

Old Woman (MchL. 4) (S. 35). 
Artemisia (genus). 

Old-World (Mahoe of the) Tropics (Nic. 
4/27). 252 Thespesia populnea. 

Oleaster Family (L/N/S/B). XCI1X. Ele- 
agnacez (Order). 

Oleaster (Nic. 1/535) (S. 148) (Cag, 423). 
deexcylii. Eleagnus (genus). 
Oleander (Nic. 2/447) (S. 288). 

Nerium (genus), 

Oleaster (S. 295). (?) dlxxi. Olea (genus) 

dxxviii, Artemisia 




Oleaster (Cag. 208). 2494 Elwagnus 

Oleaster (S. 295). 1786 Olea europza (?), 

Oleander (McL, 302) (Bed. 1/155) (Cag, 
498) (Pfl. 79). 1844 Nerium odorum. 

Oleaster (Bastard) (Cat. 235). 2494 
Eleagnus latifolia. 

Oleander (Bitter) (MeL. 871). 1833 Holar- 
rhena antidysenterica. 

Oleandar (Common) (Nic. 2/447). 1845 
Nerium Oleander. 
Oleander (Downy) (McL. 654). 1842 
| Wrightia tomentosa. 
Oleander (Dyer’s) (McL. 370). 1841 
Wrightia tinctoria. 
Oleander (Exile) (McL. 302). - 1820 
Thevetia neriifolia, 
Oleander (Foreign) (McL. 302). 1820 
Thevetia neriifolia. 
Oleander (Indian) (Mech. 302), 1844 

Nerium odorum. 

Oleander (Lance-leaved) (Nic. 2/447). 
1845 Nerium Oleander, 

Oleander (Linear-leaved) (Nic. 2/447). 
1844 Nerium odorum, 

Oleander (Red) (Mc. 368). (2) 1275 
Barringtonia acutangula (?), - 
Oleander (Sweet-scented) (McL. 302) 

(Cat. 187) (Br. 129) (Ell. 408), 1844 
Nerium odorum. 

Oleander (Yellow) (MeL. 302) (Rid. 111, 
125, 160) (Cat. 189). 1820 Thevetia 

Oleander Fern (Nic. 2/481) (S, 294), 
mlx. Oleandra (genus), 

Oleander (Simple - (4-14-ft.) - glossy- 
ciliate-hairy-glabrate-backed leathery- 
lance-repand-acuminate-leaved Sab- 
scandent) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3368 
Oleandra neriiformis, 

Oleander-leaved Golden Funne) Dog-bane 

(Nic. 1/47, adpd), 1856 Allamanda 


Oleander-leaved (Opposite) Myrtle (Bth. 
2/262, adpd). 1221 Tristania neriifolia. 

Oleander Leaved Spurge (Mch. 502). 
2534 Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Oleander leaved Whorled Dog-bane (MeL, 
784, adpd). 1831 Alstonia neriifolia. 
Oleander of the Mediterranean (Gbl. 487). 

1845 Nevium Oleander, 
Oleander Rosebay (McL. 280). 
Nerium odorcem, 

Oleaster (Narrow leaved) (Hk. 5/291, 
adpd). 2493 Eleagnus angustifclia. 
Oleaster (Silvery-rusty leaved) (Hk. 5/202, 

adpd). 2424 Hlzagnus latifolia. 
Olibanam (McL. 605, 993) (Nic. 1/204). 
clxix. Boswellia (genus). 
Olibanum (Rox. 2/384) (Bdn/F.T) (Pfi. 
436), 439 Boswellia serrata. 


Olibanum (Indian) (McbL. 605). 459-b. 
Boswellia serrata (glabra). 
Olibanum (Male) (McL. 605). 489-b. 

Bo-wellia serrata (glabra). 

Olibo (Xavier) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/94, 0/22) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 
1107-1). Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Oligandrous Mitre-flowered Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xxvli. Orophea 

Olive Family (Br. 117) (L/N/S/B). 

LXXII, Oleacez (Order). 

Olive (H/E-F) (McL. 394, 1044) (Vic. 
3/480) (S. 295). dixxi. Olea (genus). 
Olive (Bed. 1/153) (S. 295) (Br. 118) 
(Rid. 144) (Cag. 221, 502) (Cat. 180) 
(Rn/N/65, 0/31). 1786 Olea europza. 
Olive (Chinese) (McL. 287, 1044), 446 

Canarium commune. 

Olive (Cluster-flowered Hill) (McL. 394, 
adpd). 1781 Linociera malabarica. 

Olive (Common Hill) (McL, 394, adpd). 
1785 Linociera intermedia. 

Olive (Dichotomous flowered Hill) (McL. 
394, adpd). 1783 Linociera purpurea 

Olive (European) (H/E.F) (McbL. 1044) 
(Cat. 180). 1786 Olea europzea. 

Olive (Fragrant) (3.302). dlxix. Osman- 
thus (genus). 

Olive (Glandular leayed) (McL. 394, 
adpd). 1787 Olea glandolifera. 
Olive (Hill) (McL. 304, adpd). d’xx. 

Linociera (genus). 

Olive (Indian) (McL. 362, 473, 997) (Ell. 
417). 1788 Olea dioica. 

Olive (Indian Wild) (Mc. 862, 1044). 
1788 Olea dioica. 

Olive (Long-leathery Heart-to-oblong- 
serrate-io-entire-acute-leaved Square- 

branched Climbing (Hk, 3/618, adpd). | 

1797 Myxopyrum smilacifolium. 
Olive (Madagascar Edible) (Br. 118). 
1796 Noronbia emarginata, 



Olive (Negroe’s) (McL, 530, $28, 1044), 
1146 Terminalia chebula. 

Olive (Rough fruited Hill) (McL. 394, 
adpd). i784 Linociera Jleprocarpa 

Olive (Small leaved Indian) (MeL. 394, 
adpi). 1789 Olea polygama. 

Olive (Spurious Wild) (MeL. 473, 711, 
1004, adpd). 2597 Putranjiva Rox- 

Olive (Sweet Scented) (S. 420). 
Ostnanthns fragrans. 

Olive (Vailed leaved Hill) (McL. 394, 
acpd). 1782 Linociera Wightii. 

Ulive (Trinerved leaved Climbing) (Bk. 
3/618, adpd). dixxiy. Myxopyrum 

Olive (Western Ghants Hill) (McL. 394, 
adpd). 1781 Linociera malabarica. 

Olive (Wight’s Cluster-flowered Hill) 
(McL. 394, adpd). 1782 Linociera 

Olive (Wild) (Nic. 1/535) (8. 148) (Cag. 
423). decxeviii. Eleagnus (genus), 
Olive (Wild) (Nic. 2/480) (S. 296). 1786 

Olea europea. 

Olive (Wild) (McL. 1044) (Cag. 218). 
2494 Eleagnus latifolia. 

Olive (Wild) (McL, 473, 711, 1001) (Ell. 
494) (Pfi. 321), 2597 Putranjiva Rox- 

Olive-and-metallic-green (Yellow-orange- 
and-crimson-centred-and-nerved) Cro- 
ton (Nic. 1/355) (Ra/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Mj. Codiz#um vyariegatum 

Olive-banded White-blotched Arrowroot 
(Nic. 1/237). 3012 Maranta illus‘ris, 
Olive-banded Yellow-green Arrowrovt 
(Nic. 2/238). 8016 Calathea ornata. 
Olive Bark Tree (Nic. 4/17). 1144 Termin- 

alia Catappa. 

Olive-brown-tinted-and-clonded (Bipin- 
nate) diverse-folioled Panax (Nic. 3/14, 
adpd). 1400-e. Panax fruticosum 

Olive frnited Linden (McL. 7638, adpd). 
exxiii. Eleocarpus (genus). 
live-fruited Spindle Tree (Nic. 1/104, 
(McL. 589, 606, Hk. 1/623, adpd), ccxsi. 
Eleodendron (genus). 

Olive-green (Crimson-margined and- 
centred) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (lid) 
(Jaf), 2646-Vg. Codizeum yariegatum 
(majesticum No, 2). 

Olive-green (Crimson-midribbed-and- 
veined Golden or) Croton (Nic. 5/251) 
(Rn/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nj, 
Sodiwum variegatum (rubrolineatum). 


Olive-green (Gold-and-crimson-blotched) 
Croton (Nic. 353) (Ra/N/O) (Mu) (Jaf). 
2646-Ua, Codizeum variegatum (Lowii, 
or Hanbur)anum),. e 


Olive-green (Golden-yellow-marbled) 
Croton (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Bi. Codizwum yariegatum 

Olive-green (Orange-and-Crimson-blotch- 
ed) Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ee. Codizeum 
variegatum (Reginz). 

Olive-green (Orange-irregularly-banded- 
and-margined) Croton (Nic. 1/855) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Dd. 
Codizum variegatnm (Stewartii). 

Olive-green (Pale-yellow-blotched) Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Tb, Codizeum 
variegatum (Indian Prince). 

Olive-green (Pink-Spotted-and-blotched) 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Ma) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ef. Codizum 
variegatum (nictum). 

Olive (Purple-brown-backed-and-midrib- 

bed) Croton (Ru/N/9) (Mu) (Rid) | 
(Jaf). 2646-Eh. Codiznmvariegatum | 

veined) Large Voluted Croton (Nice. 
5/257) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 

2646-Ja. Codizenm variegatum (contor- | 


Olive-green (Golden-central-feathered- 
veined-and-spotted) Trilobe Croton 
(Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Bid) (Jaf). 
{when young], 264f-Kj. Codizum 
variegatum (trilobum-Evansianum). 

Olive-like Betel-nut Laurel (McL. 500, 
adpd). 2466 Litsaa olecides. 

Olive Linden (McL. 768, adpd). 
Elzocarpus (genus). 

Olive (Bristle-toothed Gland-dotted) 
Linden (MchL. 763, adpd). 
carpus amcenus, 

(live (Crenulate Gland-dotted) Linden 
(McL. 763, adpd), 345 Elocarpus 


Olive (Downy Boat leaved) Linden (McL. | 
344 Eleocarpus ferrugi- | 

768, adpd). 

Olive (Downy nerved) Linden (Mol. 763, | 

adpd). 3840 Elzocarpus tuberculatus. 

Olive (Five Seeded) Linden (McL. 763, 
adpd). 335 Elzoccarpus Ganitrus. 

Olive (Gland-petioled Saw 
Linden (Mcl.. 763, adpd). 
carpus oblongus. 

Olive (Large Lance leaved) Linden (McL. 
763, adpd). 3837 Elzeocarpns lanceze- 

Olive (Ovate leaved) Linden (McL. 763, 
adpd). 3/3 Eleocarpns venustus. 

Olive (Pointed Wedge leaved) Linden 
(McL. 763, adpd). 836-b. Eleocarpus 
serratus (cuneatus), 

Olive (Sacred) Linden (McL. 763, adpa), 
335 Eleocarpus Ganitrus. 

leaved) | 
838 Elzo- | 

(Sulpbur-margined-and- | 

339 Eleo- | 
| One Spined Prickly Pear (Cavanagh, 

| Osdayvail (McL. 935, 995), 


| Olive (Saw leaved) Linden (McL. 7638, 

adpd). 386 Elaocarpus Ganitrus, 
Olive (Short petioled) Linden (McL. 763, 
adpd), 342 Elzocarpus rugosns, 

Olive (Small Lance leaved) Linden (McL. 
763, alpd), 839 Kleocarpus amoenus. 
Olive (Wedge leaved) Linden (McL. 763, 

adpd). 841 Kleocarpus aristatus. 
Clive (Wild) Tree (Bdn/F.T). (Gbl. 114), 
336 Elzeocarpus serratus. 
Olive Twisted Copper Leaf (McL. 465, 

Ru/N/112, adpd). 2664-c. Acalypha 
hispida (torta). 

Olive Wood (Nic. 1/104). cexxi. Elzo- 
dendron (genus). 

Olive Wood (McL. 589, 606). 544 Eleo- 

dendron glaucum. 

Olive (Dechany) Wood (McL. 589, 606, 
adpd). 544 Eleodendron glaucum, 

Olive (Small-oblong-ellintic-leaved Small- 
pulpy-druped Deccany) Wceod (Hk, 
1/623, adpd). 544-b. Elaodendron 
glaucnm (canarensis). 

Oliveworts (McL, 1005, adpd). LXXII, 
Oleaceze (Order), 

Olivier (Anna) Rose (Ru/O/18) (Mu. 54), 

11C5-j. Rosa odorata (earnea-intns- 

| Onagrads (Br. 259). LII. Onagraceas 

One-celled-druped Cornel (Hk. 2/745, 
adpd). cdlxxii. Mastixia (genus). 

One-seeded (Winged-styled Bell-flowered) 
Leatherberry (Hk. 3/20, adpd). diii. 
Octotropis (genus), 

One seeded Mucuna (Br.56), 813 Mucuna 

One-seeded Sweet Thorn (Hk. 1/194, 
adpd). 140 Xymalos monospora. 

Mad. Mail, 31-38-05). 1880 Opuntia 

| One-seeded  Black-berried Bindweed 
(Treas. Bot. 1/467, adpd). deliv. 

Erycibe (genus), 

One-seeded-druped (Few-(2-4)-stamened) 
Child’s Amulet Tree (Hk. 5/241, adpd), 
dcecix. Putranjiva (genus). 

One-seeded-druped (Many-(8-24)-sta- 
mened) Child’s Amulet Tree (lik. 
5/241, adpd). deccxx. Hemicyclia 

One-umbelled Tallow Laurel (MeL. 500, 
adpd). 2458 Litszea tomentosa. 

Ood (Mch. 605). 489 Boswellia serrata. 

1028 Acacia 

Oogah (MeL. 155). 18 Dillenia indica, 

Oogah (McL, 610,918). 1799 Salvadora 

Oojein Black Wood (McL. 575). 795 
Ougeinia dalbergioides, 


Oojen Black Wood (W. 82). 795 
Ongeinia dalbergioides. 
Ookh (McL. 851). 3282 Saccharum 


Oolinda (Large) Ebony (Mch. 366), 1711 
Diospyros chluroxylon. 

Oolinja (McL. 611, 994). 628 Cardios- 
permum Halicacabum. 

Oondee (McL. 618, 704, 705). (?) 181 
Calophyllum inophyllum (?). 

Oonjal (McL. 840). 1050 Albizzia 

Ooppata Mangrove (McL. 231, 470, 999). 
2334 Avicennia officinalis. 

Ooshbah (McL, 618). cmlxi. 


Ooshbah (Country) (McL. 864). 1866 
Hemidesmus indicus. 
Ooshbah (Indian) (McL. 618). 1866 

Hemidesmus indicus. 
Ooshbah (Wild) (McL. 618). 3080 Smilax 
Ooshtarkaur (McL. 618, 997). 
Fagonia arabica. 

Ooshtarkhavr (McL. 38). 783 Alhagi 


Oosilay (McL. 810). 1050 Albizzia 

Oosilay (McL. 97). 1040 Acacia pennata. 
Oostey (McL. $30). 2091 Solanum 

Oothalay (Mcl, 622). 1818 Serbera 


Ootraj (McL. 484). [409 Sphalm] 410-c, 
Citrus medica-Limonum (medicolimo- 

Ootran (McL. 1885 Damia ex- 

Ooty Copper Rose (Cag, 600) (Ooty. 487). 
1105-m. Resa odorata (armeniaca- 

Oovah (Mech. 155). 18 Dillenia indica, 

Ooyala Yam (Muell. S.P). 3056 Dioscorea 

Opal (Stinking) Berry (Wel. 800), 1591- 
(bis.) Peederia fcetida, 

Opal Orange (Hk, 1/500, adpd). exlyiii. 
Glycosmis (genus). 


Opal (Bilocular-fruited) Orange (Hk. 
1/500, adpd). 390 Glycosmis _ bilocu- 

Opal (Large berried) Orange (Hk. 1/590, 
adpd). 389-c. Glycosmis pentaphylla 

Opal (Normally Quinquefoliate) Orange 
(Hk. 1/500, adpd). 389-b. Glycosmis 
pentaphylla (pentaphylla). 

Opal (Normally ‘Trifoliate) 
(Hk. 1/500, adpd). 389-a. 
pentaphylla (triphylla). 

Opal (Winged-petioled crennlate leaved) 
Orange tree (Rox. 2/881, adpd). 389-d. 
Glycosmis pentaphylla (arborea). 


363 | 


Open-clumped few-thorned Bamboo of 
the Javadi Hills (Bs/T/671). 3354-d. 
Bambusa arundinacea (javadiensis). 

Open - racemed (Subglabrous - leaved) 
Larger Wild Tobacco (W.A.1). 1635-b. 
Lobelia excelsa (trichandra). 

Ophicxylon (Three leaved) (McL. 842). 
1811 Rauwolfia serpentina, 

Ophirie Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 603) (Br. 
70) (Ra). 1108-e, Rosa Noisettiana 

Oppert (Eugéne) Rose (Ru/O/20). 1107-i. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea- 

Opposite-and-alternate-leaved (Capitate- 

scaly-flowered) Spurge Laurel (Hk. 
5/192, Treas. Bot. 2/668, adpd). 
deexcvii. Lasiosiphon (genus). 

Opposite - and - (3) - whorled (Downy- 
wrinkled) Ovate-lance-leaved White- 
flowered Lantana (Hk. 4/562, adpd). 
2273~-b. Lantana indica (albiflora). 

Opposite - and - (3) - whorled (Downy- 
wrinkled) Ovate-lance-leaved Yellow- 
centred Pink-flowered Lanata (Hk. 
4/562, adpd). 2273-a. Lantana indica 
(ty pica). 

Opposite-and-(3)-whorled (Roundish- 
ovate-oblong-leaved) Yellow-throated 
Lilac-flowered Lantana (Nic. 5/480, 
adpd). 2277 Lantana involucrata. 

Opposite (Medinam-downy-backed) Ellip- 
tic-acuminate-leaved Rondeletia wort 
(Hk. 3/38, adpd). 1461 Wendlandia 
tinctoria (normalis). 

Opposite (Medium) Elliptic-lance-obtuse- 
or-cuspidate leaved Rondeletiawort(Hk. 
3/39,adpd). 1462 Wendlandia glabrata. 

Opposite (Medium-downy) _ Elliptic- 
oblong-acute-leaved Cornel (Hk. 2/745, 
adpd), 1421 Cornus capitata, 

Opposite-(even-mature) Glaucous-mealy- 
white-sessile Roundish-heart-obtuse- 
leaved Eucalypt (Bth. 3/224, adpd). 
1167 Eucalyptus pulverulenta, 

Opposite-leaved Broad-strap-podded Rose- 
wood (Treas. Bot. 1/902, 991, adpd). 
eexxvili. Platymischium (genns). 

Opposite-leafietted Flat-almond-podded 
Rose-wood (Hk, 2/60, Rox. 3/239, Treas. 
Bot. 2/991, adpd). ccexxvi. Pongamia 

Opposite-leafletted Winged-strap-podded 
Rose-wood (Hk. 2/60, Treas. Bot. 
2/891, 1297, adpd). ccexxvii. Derris 

Opposite leaved Cluster Fig (Mech. 73, 
adpd). 2750 Ficus hispida. 

Opposite leaved Fig (McL. 49) (Br. 200). 
2750 Ficus hispida, 

Opposite leaved Holly (Nic. 1/412, adpd). 

ccx. Cartisi a (genus). 


Opposite-leaved (Shining-rusty-backed 
Broad-ovate-toothed) Holly (Nic. 1/412, 
adpd). 505 Curtisia faginea, 

Opposite-leaved Mercury (Treas. 
2/738, Hk. 5/248, adpd). 
Trewia (genus). 

Opposite-leaved Panicled Black berried 
Buckthorn (Hk. 1/630, adpd). cexxxiii. 
Sageretia (genus). 

Opposite (Linear) leaved Spurge (McL. 
502, adpd). 2532 Euphorbia lineayri- 

_ folia. 

Opposite (Seaside) leaved Spurge (McL. 
502, adpd). 25381 Euphorbia A toto. 

Opposite (Wight’s) leaved Spurge (MclL. 
502, adpd), 2530 Euphorbia Wighti- 

Opposite (Neem-like) Jeaved Tooth-ache 
Tree (Hk. 1/490, adpd). 379 Evodia 

Opposite (Nilgiri Unifoliate) leaved Tooth- 
ache Tree (Hk. 1/492, adpd). 380 
Melicope indica. 

Opposite (Roxburgh’s Trifoliate) leaved 
Tooth-ache Tree (Hk. 1/488, adpd). 
378 Evodia Roxburghiana. 

Opposite-leaved Umbelled Blue berried 



Buckthorn (Hk. 1/680, adpd). ccexxxii. 
Scutia (genus). 
Opposite-medium-leathery lance-to- 

oblong-ovate-acuminate-leaved Honey- 
suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/220, adpd). 
2513-a. Loranthus loniceroides (typica). 

Opposite-medium-leathery-white-velvetty - 
Roundish-heart-obtuse-leaved Honey- 
suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/209, adpd). 
2501 Loranthus cordifolius. 

Opposite Oleander-leaved Myrtle (Bttr. 
2/262, adpd). 1221 Tristania neriifolia. 

Broad-Elliptic-obtuse-leaved riquet- 
rous-branched Honeysuckle Mistletoe 

(Hk. 5/219, adpd). 2512 Loranthus 
Opposite (Medium-to-long) velvetty 

Ovate-lance-acuminate-leaved Ronde- 
letiawort (Hk. 3/87, adpd). 1460 
Wendlandia exserta. 

Opposite Slender-branched Glosswort | 
(Hk. 5/12, adpd). 2379 Salicornia 

Opposite Small-leathery-buff-velvetty 

oblong - roundish-obovate - or-heart- 
obtuse-leaved Honeysuckle Mistletoe 
(Hk. 5/209, adpd). 2500 Loranthus 

Opposite-tri-(3-5)-nerved Small-to- 
medium-leathery Elliptic-oblong-to 
round-obtuse-leaved Honeysuckle Mis- 
tletoe (Hk. 5/216, adpd). 2507 Loran- 
thus elasticus. 

Oppositely fascicled pinnate Rattan (Hk. 
6/452, adpd). 3211 Calamus travan- 



Opuntia (Spined) (Br. 91), 1379 Opuntia 

Orange Family (Br. 20) (L/N/S/B). 
XXVI. Rutacew (Order). 

Orange (MeL, 879). elvii. Citrus (genus). 

Orange (Atanni) (Bon. 20,33,110,861) 
(Ru/N/66). 418-c. Citrus Aurantium 
nobilis (decumana), 

Orange (Batavian) (Bon. 258). 417-b. 
Citrns Aurantinm-Aurantium (typica). 

Orange (Batavian) (MeL. 725) [422 
Sphalm]. 417-a, Citrus Aurantium- 
Aurantium (ty pica). 

Orange (Bergamot) (McL. 879, 457, 623, 
993) (Nic. 5/243) (Hk. 1/515). 416 
Gitrus Anrantium-Bergamia. 

Orenge (Bergamotte) (Nic. 5/248) (Hk, 
1/515) (Nic. 5/248) (Ell. 178). 416 Citrus 

Orange (Bigarade) (McL. 628). 415 
Citrus Aurantium-Bigaradia. 

ieee (Bile) (Mc. 623). 450 Naregamia 

Orange (Bilocular-fruited opal) (Hk. 
1/500, adpd). 390 Glycosmis bilocularis. 

Orange (Bitter) (Mch. 435). [404 
sere 415 Citrus Aurantium-Bigar- 

Orange (Bitter) (Bon. 3, 5, 6, 7) (McL. 
379, 683, 973) (Hk. 1/575) (Nic. 1/335, 
5/338) (Bdn/F.T). (Ooty. 20). 415 
itrns Aurantium-Bigaradia. 

Orance (Box leaved) (McbL. 628). 415 
Citrus Aurantium-Bigaradia. 

Orange (Buddachinee) (Bon. 258). 417-b. 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (citrina), 
range (Ceylon Green) (Bon. 45, 356), 

418-b, Citrus Aurantium-nobilis 
Orange (China) (Mcl. 628, 624) (?). 

418-a. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (chry- 
socarp3) (?). j 

Orange (China) (McL. 435) (Br. 27). [898 
Sphalm] 408 Citrus trifoliata. 

Orange (Chinee) (Bon. 258). 417-b. 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (citrina). 

Orange (Chinese Golden) (McL. 251). 421 
Citrus japonica. 

Orange (Chinese Preserve) (Mc. 521, 
adpd). 421 Citrus japonica, 

Orange (Chinese Trifoliate) (Bon. 86). 
468 Citrus trifoliata. ; 

Orange (Common Country) (McL. 624), 
418-a. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis 

Orange (Common Mock) (Nic. 3/94), 1125 
Philadelphus coronaria. 

Orange (Coorg) (Cag. 276) (Ru/N/66). 
418-a. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis 

Orange (Dominica) (Ooty. 22). 417-a. 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (typica). 

Orange (Grape furit) (Ooty. 21). 417-a. 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (typica), 


Orange (Hazara) (Bon. 45, 46). 421-b. 
Citrus japonica (Hazara). 

Orange (Jambhiri) (Bon. 60, 61). 418-d. 
Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (Jambhiri). 
Orange (Khatta) (Bon. 10, 18). 417-c. 

Citrus Acrantium-Aurantium (dimor- 
Orange (Large berried Opal) (Hk. 1/500, 

adpd). 389-c. Glycosmis pentaphylla 
Orange (Loose-skinned) (Ooty, 28). 

418-a. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (chry- 

Orange (Malta) (Bon. 24, 218). 417-a. 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantiam (typica). 

Orange (Mock) (Nic. 3/94) (Cag. 577) 
(S. 274, 822). 1125 Philadelphus 

Orange (Normally Quinquefoliate Opal) 
(Hk, 1/500, adpd). 389-b. Glycosmis 
pentaphylla (pentaphylla). 

Orange (Normally Trifoliate Opal) (Hk. 
1/500, adpd). 3889-a,. Glycosmis penta- 
phylla (triphylla). 

Orange (Opal) (Hk. 1/500, adpd). exlviii. 
Glycosmis (genus). 

Orange (Otaheite) (Cag. 289). 421-a. 
Citrus japonica (typica). 

Orange (Portugal) (McL. 624) (Bon. 24, 
218). 417-a, Citrus Aurantium Auran- 
tium (typica). 

Orange (Reshmi)(Bon, 54). 

Orange (Sathghur) (Bon. 268). 417-b. 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (citrina). 

Orange (Sanighur) (MchL. 784). 417—-b. 
Citrus Aurantium Aurantium (citrina). 

Orange (Seville) (MeL. 623) (Hk. 1/525) 
(Nic. 1/335, 5/232) (Bon. 567). 415 
Citrus Aurantium-Bigaradia. 

4!9-b, Citrus 
(ly copersicee- 

Orange (Shrub) (McL. 6238, 993). 450 
Naregamia alata. 
Orange (Spanish) (Bon, 219), 417-a. 

Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (typica). 

Orange (Suntara) (Bon. 44 to 52, 356). 
418-a.. Citrus Aurantinum-nobilis, 

Orange (Sweet) (McL, 879, 472, 484, 623, 
993) (Bdn/F.T) (Hl. 177). 417—-b. 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (citrina). 

Orange (Sweet) (McL. 879, 472, 484, 628, 
993) (Bdn/F.T) (Hl. 177). 418-a. 
Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (chrysocarpa). 

Orange (Sylhet) (Bon. 226, 329), 418-a. 
Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (chrysocarpa), 

Orange (Thin) (MchL. 484). 413 Citrus 

- medica-acida (?). 

Orange (Tight skinned) (Ooty. 21). 417 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium. 

Orange (Tomato) (Bon. 54). 419-b. 
Citrus Aurantium-crenatifolia (lycoper- 


Orange (True Vlandarin) (Nic. 1/335) 
(Bon. 58) (S. 100). 420-a. Citrus nobilis 

Orange (Kamala) of Bengal and South- 
India (Bon. 45), 418-a, Citrns Auran- 
tium-nobilis (chrysocarpa). 

Orange (Mandarin) of India and Ceylon 
(Bon. 53, 858). 418-a, Citrus Auran- 
tiumnobilis (chrysocarpa), 

Orange (Kharna) of North India (Bon, 
10, 18). 417-c. Citrus Aurantiam- 
Aurantium (dimorphocarpa). 

Orange (China) of Saharanpur (Bon. 52), 
419-c Citrus Aurantium-crenatifolia 

Orange (Kokni) of Saharanpur and Delhi 
(Bon. 54). 419-3. Citrus Aurantium- 
crenatifolia (kokni). 

Orange (Bandir) of Tanjore (Bon. 20, 24, 
258, 270). 417-b. Citrus Aurantium- 
Aurantium (citrina). 

Orange (Vangerine) of the British Shops 
(Bon, 224,282) (S.100), 420-b. Citrus 
nobilis (tangerana). 

Orange (Batavian) of the Northern Circars 
(Bon, 258), 417-b. Citrus Aurantium- 
Aurantium (citrina). 

Orange (Keonla) of Upper India (Bon, 
53, 54). 419-a. Citrns Aurantium-cre- 
natifolia (typica). 

Orange and Bronzy purple Dwarf Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/874, adpd). 3107-h. 
Cordyline terminalis (Hoskinsze). 

Orange -and -carmine-irregularly-mottled 
Dark- green- naturing- crimson Croton 
(Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-1}. Codizjum varicgatum (War- 

Orange-and-Carmine Lily Shoe Flower 
(Br. 17, adpd), 249-d. Hibiscus lilii- 
florus (armeniaca). 

Orange-and crimson-blotched Bright- 
green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2645-A, Codizum variegatum 

Orange-and-crimson-bloiched Dark-green 
Croton (Nic. 5/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646 -l'e. Codizeum varie- 
gatum (multicolor). 

Orange-and-crimson-blotched Olive-green 
Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2846-Ee. Codizenm varie- 
gatum (Regine). 

Orange-and-Red-blotched Bright-green 
Croton (Ru/N/O. (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ed. Codizaum variegatnm (Maha- 
rajah of Durbanga). 

Orange-and-Red False Peacock Flower 
(Nic. 3/176, adpd). 930-c. Caesalpinia 
pulcherrima (discolor). 

Orange-and-Red-leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Bs. Codizum 
variegatum (Baron Compte). 


Orange (Crimson changing to) and Yellow 
Morning Morning Glory (Nic. 2/192), 
2024 Ipomea versicolor. 

Orange (Tawny changing to) Aprico'- 
coloured Tea Rose (Nic, 3/324) Cag. 
600) (Ru/N/91, 0/22). 1105-m. Rosa- 
odorata (armeniaca-fulyo-dein-auran tio- 

Orange Bali'lree (S. 64), dexliii, Buddleia 

Orange (lilac Chinese) Ball Tree (Nic. 
5/165), 1954 Buddleia curviflora. 

Orange (Purple Chinese) Ball Tree (Nic. 
1/221), 1952 Buddleia Lindleyana. 

Orange (White Indian) Ball Tree (Nie. 
1/221). 1951 Bnddleia asiatica. 

Orange (Winged-petoled crenulate leaved 
Opal) Tree (Rox. 2/381, adpd)., 389-d. 
Glycosmis pentaphylla (arborea), 

Orange (Yellow Madagascar) Ball Tree 
(Nic. 5/165). 1953 Buddleia madagas- 

Orange-banded-golden-flowered (Malor- 
tie’s) Costus Root (Nic. 1/887, adpd). 
3002 Costus Malortieanus. 

Orange-banded Shining-dark-green 
Horned Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu). 2646-Lb. Codizwum variegatum 

Orange Hastard Jasmine (Nic. 1/801), 
2107 Cestrum aurantiacum. 

Orange-bilobed-capsuled Soapnut (Bed. 
2/158, adpd). cexlix. Harpullia (genus), 

Orange-bordered-and-spotted Fiery-red 
(Bronzy-leaved) Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 
30385(bis.)-v. Canna orchidiflora 
(Edouara André). 

Orange (Green and) bordered-and-striped 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/8738). 3107-g. 
Cordyline terminalis (gloriosa), 

Orange bordered dark leaved Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/874, adpd). 3107-f. Cordyline 
terminalis (Gayii). 

Orange bordered Hrect leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/374, adpd), 3119 Cordyline 

Orange (Blood-streaked) Brazilian 
Eveumg Mallow (Nic. 1/4, adpd). 219 
Abutilon striatum. 

Orange (Dark veined) Brazilian Evening 
Mallow (Nic. 1/4, adpd), 218 Abutilon 

Orange-centered - yellow (Panicled) 
flowered Resin-seed of Australia (Nie. 

5/437, adpd.) 147 Hymenosporum 

Orange-crimson-veined Green Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qh. 

Codizum variegatum (concinnum), 

Orange Cup-calyaed Brasiletto Climber 
(Hk. 2/261, adpd), 945 Wagatea 



Orange False Peacock Flower (Nic. 3/176, 
Br. 60, adpd), 980-b, Czesalpinia pul- 
cherrima (concolor), 

Orange flowered Brugmansia (Nic, 1/444) 
(S. 181). 2102 Datura sanguinea, 

Orange-flowered (Long-hairy-backed 
Lance-crenulate - wrinkled - cuspidate- 
leaved) Horn-Cardinal Shrub (Nie. 
3/438, adpd). 1636 Siphocampylus 

Orange-flowered (Long oblance-subcau- 
date-leaved) Panicled Ginger (Hk. 
6/201, adpd). 2985 Globba orixensis. 

Ovange flowered Prickly Pear (Br. 91, 
adpd). 1379 Opuntia spinosissima. 

Orange (Dark-red-and-Violet-rayed Deep- 
green-leaved) Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 
3027-f. Canna lutea (zebrina), 

Orange-irregularly-banded-and -margined 
Olive-green Croton (Nic. 1/353) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Dd. Codizum 
variegatum (Stewartii). 

Orange (Purple-centred) Leaf Cactus (Nic. 
1/515). 1374-g¢. Epiphyllum truncatum 

Orange Long flowered Sebesten (Hk. 
4/140, adpd). 1978 Cordia subcordata, 

Orange-midribbed (Crimson-centred) 
Yellow-blotched Shinine-green Croton 
(Ru/N/C) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646 Sg. 
Codizum yariegatum (Lady-Zetland), 

Orange Monkey flower (S. 800). 2116 
Mimulus glutinosus. 

Orange Mysore Rainbow Creeper (Mch. 
371). 2167-b. Thunbergia mysorensis 

Orange (Unarmed) Nail Dye (Cag. 447, 
MeL. 558, adpd), 2244 Crossandra 

Orange-red (Unifoliate-glabrous Elliptic- 
lance- obovate— ur -cuneate- mucronate- 
leaved) Bell Pea (Nic. 1/818, adpd), 
923 Chorizema diversifolium, 

Orange-red (Unifoliate-glabrous-revolute- 
margiued lance—leaved) Bell Pea (Nic. 
1/318, adpd). 922 Chorizema angusti- 

Orange-red (Unfoliate-subverticillate- 
minute Heart-leaved) Bell Pea (Nic. 
2/541, adpd). 924 Oxylobiam cordi- 


Orange-red Druped Climbing Holly (Hk. 
1/594, adpd), ccviii, Sarcostigma 

Orange Root (McL. 623, 1042). 2990 
Hedychium coronarium, 

Orange-scarlet Crossandra (Cag. 447). 
2244-b. Crossandra undulefolia (axil- 
laris), — 

Orange scented-flowered Apple-flavoured- 
Strawberry-like fruited cadamba (Ol, 

3/88). 1437 Sarcocephalus cordatus, 


Orange-shaded Pink China Rose (Nic. 
5/648) (Mu. 57). 1103-g. Rosa indica 

Orange-streaked Golden Funnel] Dog-bane 
(Nic. 1/47, adpd). 1856 Allamanda 

Orange Tea Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325) 
Ru/N/94) (Ma. 56). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-aurantiaca). 

Orange-to-red-flowered (Ovate-oblong- 

pointed-ieaved) Lantana (Nic. 2/234, 
adpd). 2274-a. Lantana camara 

Orange-to-scarlet-centred Green Croton 

(Nic, 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf.) 
2646-Sh. Codizeum variegatum (Mrs. 

Orange (Brazilian) Trumpet Creeper (Br. 
180, $ .52, adpd). 2144. Bignonia venusta. 

Orange (Cape- -of -Good- -Hope) Trumpet 
Creeper (Br. 182, 8. 436). 2124 Tecoma 

Orange-variegated Copper Leaf (McL. 
465, Ra/N/112, adpd). 2665-c. Acaly- 
pha Wilkesiana (musaica), 

Orange Winged Rainbow creeper (McL. 
371). 2161-a. Thunbergia alata (auran- 

Orange-yellow Crossandra (Cag. 
2244 Crossandra unduleefolia. 
Orbicular Green-margined Rosy Arrow- 
root (Nic. 1/288). 38022 Calathea roseo- 


Orbicular-leaved Caper Shrub (Hk. 1/176, 
adpd), 114 Capparis pedunculosa. 

Orchid (Bifoliate Elongated-jointed-joint- 
sheathed-claviform -but-basslly-pseudo- 
bulbous-stemmed) (Hk. 5/799. W.A.I, 
adpd). 2939 Hria pauciflora. 

Orchid (Boat) (Br. 211). 
Cymbidium (genus). 

Orchid (Broad-elliptic-leaved Stemless) 
(Hk. 5/823, W.A.I,adpd). 2989 (éris.) 
Josephia latifolia. 

Orchid (Chain-like bulbed) (Hk. 5/88). 

2933 Hria exilis. 
Orchid (Climbing-naked-stemmed Ground) 



(Hk. 6/90, W.A.I, adpd). cmxlii 
Vanilla (genus). 
Orchid (Cowslip) (8.445). cmxxxv. 

Vanda (genus), 

Orchid (Cowslip-scented) (8. 114, 445). 
Cmxxxy. Vanda (genus). 

Orchid (Cream-flowered Jaw-lipped) 
(Hk. 6/37, W.A.I, adpd), 2954 Sarco- 
chilus Wightii. 

Orchid (Dagger) (Hk. 5/675, W.A.I, 
adpd), cmxvyii. Oberonia (genus). 

Orchid (Dagger-leaved Stemless) (Hk. 
5/675, W.A.I, adpd). cmxvii. Oberonia 

Orchid (Deciduous-linear-leaved Stemless 
Flat-rooted) (Hk. 6/76, adpd). 
cmxxxix, Tzniophyllum (genus), 


Orchid (Double-spur-lipped) (Hk. 6/78, — 

adpd). cmxl. Diplocentrnm (genus). 

Orchid (Dragon’s mouth) (S. 145, 156). 
cmxx. Epidendrum (genus), 

Orchid (Elliptic-leaved Stemless) 
5/823, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxiv. (bis.) 
Josephia (genus), 

Orchid (Fringed Dragon’s-mouth Bifoliate 
Pseudobulb) (Br. 210, adpd). 2919 
Epidendrum ciliare. 

Orchid (Large  Elliptic-plicate-acute 
Unifoliate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/846, 
WAL, ‘adpd): 2944 Pholidota 

Orchid (Large oblanceolate-acnte- (but- 
variable) Bifoliate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 

5/703, W.A.I, adpa). 2900 Liparis 

Orchid (Large Leafless Vanilla) (ak. 
6/90,  W.A.I, adpd). 2981 Vanilla 

Orchid (Large Maultifoliate-distichous- 
lorate-coriaceous Stemless) (Hk. 8/9, 
W.A.I, adpd). cmxxyii, Cymbidium 

Orchid (Larger Strap-leavel Stemless) 
(Hk. 6/9, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxvii. 
Cymbidium (genus). 

Orchid (Leafiess Psendobulb) (W.A.I. 
2924 Cirrhopetalum fimbriatum., 

Orchid (Leafless Stemless Flat-rooted) 
(Hk. 6/37, W.A.JI, adpd), cmxxxiii. 
Searcohilus (genus). 

Orchid (Lichen-like-flat bulbed) (W.A.I). 
2081 (bis.) Hria Lichenora. 

Orchid (Lidded-spurred Cowslip) (S. 445, 
Hk. 5/678, 6/73 adpd). cmxxxviii. 
Cleistoma (genus). 

Orchid  (Liverwert-like-flat 
(W.A.I). 2031 EHria reticulata. 

Orchid Long-broad-unequally-bilobed 
Strap-leaved Short-stout-stemmed) 
(Hk. 6/63, W.A.I, adpd). 2972 Sac- 
colabium congestum. 

Orchid (Long-coriaceous-leaved Dagger) 


(Hk. 5/682, W.AI. adpd). 2890 
Oberonia platycaulon. 
Orchid(Long-linear-acuminate maultifoli- 

ate scattered Jointed-pendulons-stem- 
med) (Hk. 6/68, W.A.I, adpd). 2975 
Sarcanthus peninsularis, 

Orchid (Long-narrow-unequally-bilobed 
Strap-leaved Short-stout-stemmed) 
(Hk. 6/47, W.A.I,adpd). 2959 Aérides 

Orchid (Long-cbliquely-emarginate Strap- 
leaved Long stemmed (Hk. 6/62, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2968 Saccolabium ochraceum, 

Orchid (Long-obliquely-emarginate Strap- 
leaved Short-stout-stemmed) (Hk, 6/4- 
W.A.I, adpd). 2956 Aérides maculo- 


Orchid (Long - (and - medium) - obtuse 
Skewer-leaved Slender-long-stemmed) 
(Hk. 6/24, ‘Y7.A.I, adpd) 2950 
Luisia tenuifolia, ; 

Orchid (Long-(or-medium)-premorse- 
complicate Strap-leaved Long-climb- 
ing-stemmed) (Hk, 6/52, W.A.I, 
adpd), 2963 Vanda Roxburghii. 

Orchid (Long rounded-large-lobed Strap- 
leaved Short-stout-stemmed) (Hk. 6/47, 
W. A.i,adpd). 2960 Aerides odoratum. 

Orchid (Long-Succulent-erect-sbliquely- 
emargivate Strap-leaved Stemless (Hk. 
6/10, W.A.I, adpd), 2946 Cymbidium 

Orchid (Long-succulent-leaved Dagger) 
(Hk. 5/681, W.A.J, adpd), 2888 

Oberonia Brunoniana. 

Orchid (Long swallow - tailed - flexuous 
Strap-leaved Short-stemmed) (Hk. 6060, 
W.A.I, adpd), 2967 Saccolabium 

Orchid (Medium-acuminate Skewer-leaved 
Medium-pendulous-stemmed) (Hk. 6/56, 

W.A.I, adpd). 2965 Saccolabium 
Orchid (Medium-claw-tipped- grooved 

Skewer-leaved Slender-long-stemmed) 
(Hk, 6/44 W.A.1, adpd). 

Orchid (Medium-elliptic-acuminate Bifo- 
liate Pseudobulb) (Ik. 5/835, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2942 Coslogyne corrugata. 

Orchid (Mediam-elliptic-or-oblancedate- 
acuminate Bifoliate Pseudobulbed) (Hk. 
5/704, W.A.!, adpd). 2901 Liparis 

Orchid (Medium-elliptic-ovate-acute Bi- 
foliate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 6/698, adpd). 
2895 Liparis Dalzellii. 

Orchid (Mediuin-elleptic-thick-obliquely- 

emaginate sStrap-leaved Short-stout- 
stemmed) (Hk. 6/46 W.A.i, adpd), 
2957 Aérides crispum. 

Orchid. (Medium-elliptic Unifoliate 

Pseudobulb (Hk. 5/760, W.A.1, adpa). 
2921 Bulbophylluin fuscopnrpureum. 
Orchid (Medium-fleshy-leaved Dagger) 
(Hk. 5/676, W.A.I, adpd). 2885 

Oberenia iridifolia (denticulata), 

Orchid (Medium-lanceolate-acuminate 
Quadrifoliate-(1-5) Pseudobulb) (Hk. 
698, adpd). 2894 Liparis paradoxa. 

Orchid (Medium-lanceolate-acuminate 
Multifoliate-distichous Pseudobulb Pen- 
dulous (Hk. 5/788, W.A.I, adpd). 
2¥16 Dendrobium Pierardi. 

Orchid (Medium-lanceolate-subacuminate- 
downy Multifoliate Long-bulbed) (Hk. 

5792, W.A.I, adpd). 2936 Hria poly- 
Orchid (Medium-linear-lanceolate-acute 

Multifoliate-distichous Pseudobub 

2955 Aérides ' 

773 | 

Erect) (Hk. 5/715, W.A.1, adpd). 
Dendrobium Heyneanum, 

Orchid (Medium-linear-lanceolate-bifid- 
tipped Multifoliate-distichous Pseudo- 
bnlb Erect) (Hk. 5/727, W.A.J, adpd). 
2912 Dendrobium hzeemoglossum. 

Orchid (Medium-linear-obliquely-emargin- 
ate Strap-leaved Slender - climbing 
stemmed) (Hk 6/63, adpd). 2971 
Saccolabium papillosum. 

Orchis (Medium-linear-oblong-emarginate- 
Quadrifoliate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 6/21, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2948 Polystachya pur- 

Orchid (Medium-linear-oblong-obtuse 
Bifoliate Jointed-club-bulbed) (Hk. 
5/799, W.A.I, adpd). 2939 Hria pauci- 

Orchid (Medium-linear-oblong-subacute 
Bifoliate Pseudobulbed) (Hk. 5/833, 
W.A.1, adpd). 2940 Ccelogyne brevi- 

Orchid (Medium-linear-oblong Unifoliate- 
Pseudobulbed) (Uk. 5/778, adpa). 2526 
Cirrhopetalum neilgherrense. 

Orchid (Medium-linear-premorse Strap- 
leaved Long-Stemmed) (Hk. 6/63, 
adpa). 2970 Saceoslabium premorsum. 

emarginate Strap-leaved Short-stem- 
med) (Hk, 6/78, W.A.I, adpd). 2978 
Diplocentrum recurvum. 

Orchid (Medium-linear-straight-obliquely- 
emarginate Strap-leaved Short-stem- 
med) (Hk. 2/26, W.A.I, adpd), 2951 
Cottonia macrostachya. 

Orchid (Medium-linear-to-cuneate-oblong- 
bilobed Strap leaved Long-flat-rooted 
Stemless) (Hk. 6/64, adpd), 2974 
Saccolabium maculatam. rl 

Orchid(Medium-linear-unequal Ui y-obtusely- 
bilobed Strap-leaved Short.stemmed) 
(ik. 6/50, W.A.I, adpd). 2961 Vanda 


Orchid (Medium-narrow-la nceolate-acu- 
minate Multifoliate Joint - Stemmed 

Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/719, W.A.I, adpd). 
2910 Dendrobium barbatuium, 

Orchid (Medium-oblong-lanceolate-acute 
Bifoliate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/885, W.A, 
I, adpd), 29483 Coelogyne glandulosa, 

Orchid (Medium-oblong-lanceolate-acule 
Quadrifoliate Pseudobulb (Hk. 6/21, 
W.AJS, adpd), 2947 Polystachya 

Orchid ( Medium-oblong-lanceolate-obtuse 

Multifoliate Joint-Stemmed Pseu- 
dobulb) (Hk. 5/737, W.A.I, adpd). 
2915 Dendrobium heterocarpum. 

Orchid (Medium-oblong-optuse- coriaceous- 
sessile Unifoliate Spindle-branched) 
(Hk. 5/710, 714, adpd), 2804 Den- 
drobium Macraei 


Orchid (Medium - oblong - unequally - 
obtusely - lobed Strap - leaved Long- 
Stemmed) (Hk. 6/62, W.A.I, adpd). 
2969 Saccolabium Wightianum. 

Orchid -(Medium-obovate-obtuse Strap- 
leaved Flat-tuft-rooted Short-stemmed) 
(Hk. 6/32, W.A.I, adpd). 2952 Doritis 

Orchid (Medium-obovate-to-oblong-acute- 
downy Multifoliate Long-bulbed) (Hk. 
5/798, W.A.I, adpd). 29387 Mria pubes- 

Orchid (Medium-obtuse 
Stout-medium-stemmed) (Hk. 6/22, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2949 Luisia teretifolia, 

Orchid (Medium-ovate-acute  Bifoliate 
Psendobulb) (Hk. 5/695, adpd), 2892 
Liparis platy phylla. 

Orchid (Medium-ovate Bifoliate Pseudo- 
bulb) (Hk. 5/707, adpd). 2903 Liparis 
(?) alata. 

Orchid (Medium-ovate-lanceolate-acumin. 
ate Multifoliate J oint-Stemmed 

Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/739, W.A.I, adpd). 
2917 Dendrobium aqueum. 

Orchid (Medium-ovate-oblong-acute- 
fleshy-leaved Vanilla) (Nic. 4/137, adpd). 
2988 Vanilla plantifolia. 

Orchid (Medium-ovate-oblong-acute 
Multifoliate-distichous) Fseudobulb 
Pendulous) (Hk. 5/785, W.A.I, adpd). 
2914 Dendrobium macrostachyum, 

Orchid (Medium-to-large-oblong Unifo- 
liate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/761, W.A.1, 
adpd), 2922 Bulbophyllum nilgher- 

Orchid (Medium - very - succnlent - sub- 
falcate-leaved Dageer) (Bk. 5/682, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2889 Oberonia Lindley- 

Orchid (Medusa’s Head) (S. 98). 
Cirrhopetalum (genus). 

Orchid (Minute-green-flowered Tapeworm) 
(Hk. 6/76). 2977 Tzniopbylum 

Orchid (Mouse-tail) (S. !33). 
Dendrobium (genus). 

Orchid (Multifoliate-di-tichons Elongated- 
but - basally - slightly - pseudobulbons- 
stemmed) (Hk. 5/710, 711, W.A.J, adpd), 
emxix. Dendrobium (genus), 

Orchid (Maltifoliate-distichous Equitant- 
stemmed) (Hk. 6/80, W.A.I, adpd), 
emxli. Podochilns (genus), 

Orchid (Multifoliate - distichous - lorate- 
coriaceous Sheath-covered-terete-stem. 
med) (Hk. 6/78, W.A.I, adpd). 
Diplocentrum (genus), 

Orchid (Multifoliate-distichous-lorate-cori- 
aceous Sheath-covered-terete-stemmed) 
(Hk. 6/26, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxx, 
Cottonia (genus). 






Orchid (Multifoliate - distichous - lorate- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered - terete- 
stemmed) (Hk. 6/81, W.A.I, adpd). . 
emxxxi. Doritis (genus). 

Orchid (Multifoliate - distichous - lorate- 
coriaceous Sheath-covered-terete-stem- 
med (Hk. 6/32 W.A.I,adpd). cmxxxii. 
Rhynchostylis (genus). 

Orchid (Maultifoliate - distichous - lorate- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered - terete- 
stemmed) (Hk. 6/48, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxxxiy. Aérides (genus-sections II, 

Orchid (Multifoliate - distichous - lorate- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered-terete- 
stemmed) (Hk. 6/49, W.A.I, adpd). 
cmxxxiv. Vanda (genus). 

Orchid (Multifoliate - distichous - lorate 
coriaceous Sheath - covered - terete- 
stemmed) (Hk. 6/54, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxxxvi. Saccolabium  (genus-Mic- 
ranthe in part, Caleeolarta and Acampe 

Orchid  (Multifoliate-distichous Pseudo- 
bulb) (Hk. 5/710, 711, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxix. Dendrobium (genus). 

Orchid (Multifoliate - distichous - terete- 
coriaceous Sheath-covered-terete-stem- 
med) (Hk. 6/22, W.A.!, adpd). cmxxix. 
Luisia (genus). 

Orchid (Multifoliate - distichous - terete- 
coriaceous Sheath-cover ed-terete- 
stemmed) (Hk. 6/48, W.A.I, adpd}. 
cmxxiv. Aerides (genus-—section I). 

Orchid (Multifoliate-distichous-terete- 
coriaceous Sheath-covered-terete- 
stemmed (Hk. 6/55, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxxxvi. Saccolabium  (genus-Mic- 
ranthe Section in part). 

Orchid (Multifoliate Elongated-and-thick- 
but-basally - pseudobulbous:- stemmed) 
(Hk. 5/793, W.A.1, adpd). emxxiv. 
Eria (genus Hymeneria section, part I). 

Orchid (Multifoliate Elongated-jointed- 
joint-sheathed- claviform-but- basally- 
pseudobulbous - stemmed) (Hk. 5/710, 
720, 734, 739, W.A.I, adpd). cmxix. 
Dendrobium (genus-Stachyobiwm and 
Eudendrobiwm part sections). 

Orchid (Multifoliate Long-bulbed) (Hk. 
5/798, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxiy. Hria 
(genus-Hymeneria Section, part). 

Orchid ( Multifoliate-scsttered-fleshy Climb- 
ing-naked-stemmed) (Hk, 6/73, W.A.I, 
adpd), cmxxxvili. Cleisostoma (genus). 

Orchid (Multifoliate-scattered rigid Joint- 
ed-flexuous pendulous-stemmed) (Hk. 
6/68, W.A.I,adpd), cmxxxvii. Sarcan- 
thus (genus), 

Orchid (Narrow-elliptic-leaved Stemless) 
(Hk, 5/828, W.A.1, adpd). 2989 ( bis.) 
Josephia lanceolata. 


Orchid (Narrow Root) (W.A.I, adpd), 
2954 Sarcochilus Wightii. 

Orchid (Net-like- sac - covered bulbed) 
(W.A I). 2982 Hria reticosa. 

Orchid (Netted-surface-depressed bulbed) 
(W.A.L’. 2984 Eria Dalzellii. 

Orchid (Netted surface depressed bulbed) 
(W.A.L). 2935 Hria nana, 

Orchid (Oblong: cordate-emarginate 
Tongue-leaved) (Hk. 6/73, W,.A.I, adpd). 
2976 Cleisostoma tenerum. 

Orchid (Petioled-coriacceons Bifoliate 
Pseudobulbous stemmed) (Hk. 5/828). 
emxxv Coelogyne (genus). 

Orchid (Petioled-coriaceous  Bifoliate 
Pseudobulbous stemmed) (Hk. 5/701, 
708). 2900 Liparis longipes, 

Orchis (Petioled-coriaceous Quadrifoliate 
(occasionally 3 or 2) Pseudobulbous 
Stemmed) (Hk. 6/20,W.A.I). cmxxviii. 
Polystachya (genus), 

Orchid (Petioled Unifoliate Pseudobulbous 
Stemmed) (Hk. 5/752). cmxxi, Bul- 
bophyllum (genus). 

bous Stemmed@) (Hk. 5/772). 
Cirrhopetalum (genus). 

Orchid (Petioled Unifoliate Pseudobul- 
bous Stemmed) (Hk. 5/780). emxxiii. 
Trias (genus), ; 

Orchid (Petioled Unifoliate Pseudobulbous 
Stemmed) (Hk. 6/86, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxii. (bis.) Thelasis (genus). 

Orchid (Petioled Unifoliate Pseudobulbous 
Stemmed) (Hk. 5/699, 701). 2899 
Liparis pusilla. 

Orchid (Purple-mottled Long-(or-medi- 
um)-obtusely-emarginate Strap-leaved 
Shortstout-stemmed) (Hk. 6/47, W.A.L, 
aipd). 2958 Aérides radicosum. 

Orchid (Septate-spurred Cowslip) (S. 445) 
(Hk. 5/673, 6/66, adpd). cmxxxvii. 
Sarcanthus (genus). 

Orchid (Sessile-membranous Bifoliate- 
(rarely more) Pseudobvlbous Stemmed) 


(Hk. 5/692). cmxviii. Liparis (genus- 
Orchid (Sessile-membranous Bifoliate- 

(rarely more) Pseudobulbous Stemmed) 
(Hk. 5/715). cmxix. Dendrobium 
(g enus-Stachyobiwm-Section part). 

Orchid (Sessile-membranous Bifoliate- 
(rarely more) Pseudobulbous Stemmed) 
(Hk. 5/285). cmxxivy. Eria (genus- 
Porpax, Conchidiuwm and Bryobium sec- 

Orchid(Sessile-raembranous Quadrifoliate- 
(occasionally 3) Pseudobulbous Stem- 
med) (Hk. 5/689, 705). cmxviii. Liparis 

Orchid (Sessile Unifoliate Pseudobulbous 
Stemmed) (Hk. 5/844, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxxvi, Pholidota (genus). 

(Petioled Unifoliate Pseudobul- | 


Orchid (Short-elliptic-oblong-unequally- 
bilobed Strap-leaved Short-stemmed) 
(Hk. 6/78, W.A.I, adpd). 2979 Diplo- 
centrum congestum. 

Orchid (Short-lanceolate-obliquely-emar- 
ginate Strap-leaved Long-stemmed) 
(Hk, 6/51, W.A.I, adpd), 2962 Vanda 

Orchid (Short-linear-?-obligquely-emargin- 
ate Strap-leaved Long flat—rooted 
Stemless) (Hk. 6/6%, adpd). 2973 
Saccolabium viridiflorum. 

Orchid (Shkort-straight leaved Dagger) 
(Hk. 5/682, W.A.I, adpd). 2891 
Oberonia Wightiana. 

Orchid (Short-subfeleate-leaved Dagger) 
(Hk, 5/678, W.A.I, adpd). 2886 
Oberonia verticillata. 

Orchid (Skewer-leaved) (Hk. 6/22, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxix, Luisia (genus), 

Orchid (Skewer-leaved) (Hk. 6/48, W.A.1, 
adpd). cmxxxiv. Aérides (genus 
Section I). 

Orchid (Skewer-leaved) (Ak. 6/55, W.A I, 
adpd). cmxxxvi. Saccolabium (genus— 
Micranthe section in part). 

Orchid  (Small-elliptic-lanceolate-acute 
Bifoliate Pseudobulb (Hk. 5/789, W.A.I, 
adpd). 29385 Hria nana, 

Orchid (Small-elliptic-lanceolate-obtuse 
Bifoliate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/717, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2906 Dendrobium nanum. 

Orchid (Small-elliptic Unifoliate-Pseudo- 
bulb) (Hk. 5/757, W.A.I, adpd). 2920 
Bulbophyllum albidum. 

Orchid (Small - lanceolate - acuminate 
Bifoliate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/833, W.A.I 
adpd). 2941 Coelogyne odoratissima. 

Orchid (Small-lanceolate-acute Unifoliate 
Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/763, W.A.I, adpd). 
2923 Bulbophyllum tremulum. 

Orchid (Small-linear acute Multifoliate- 
distichous Pseudobulb Erect) (Hk. 
5/778, W.A.I, adpd), 2908 Dendrobium 

Orchid (Small-linear-acute Unifoliate 
Psendobtlb) (Hk. 6/86, W.A.I, adpd), 
2980 (bis.) Thelasis pygmea, 

Orchid (Small-linear-or-lanceolate-acute 
Multifoliate-distichous Pseudobulb 
Erect) (Hk. 5/749, adpd). 2918 Den- 
drobium erepidatum. 

Orchid (Small-linear-lanceolate-acuminate 
Multifoliate Joint Stemmed Pseudo- 
bulb) (Hk. 5/720, W.A.T, adpd). 2911 
Dendrobium herbaceum. ' 

Orchid (Small-lincar-lanceolate-acuminate 
Quadrifoliate-(somtimes 3) Pseudobulb) 
(Ak. 5/705, adpa). 2902 Liparis resu- 

Orchid (Small-linear - lanceolate -acute 
Unifoliate Psendobulb) (Hk. 2/701, 
adpd), 2899 Liparis pusilla, 


Orchid (Small-linear-oblong-acute Bifoli- 
ate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/716, W.A.I, 
adpd), 2905 Dendrobium microbulbon, 

Orchid (Small-linear-oblong Unifoliate 
Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/778, adpd), 2928 
Cirrhopetaluam Thomsoni. 

Orchid (Small-linear-oblong Unifoliate 
Psendobnlb) (Hk. 5/778, adpd). 2927 
Cirrhopetalum Gamblei. 

Orchid (Small-linear-to-oblanceolate-api- 
culate Bifoliate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/789, 
W.A.1, adpd). 2934 Eria Valzellii. 

Orchid (Small-oblong-lanceolete-caducous 
Maltifoliate - disticnous Pseudobulb 
Erect) (Hk. 5/719, W.A.I, adpd). 2909 
Dendrobium chlorops. 

Orchid (Small-oblong Unifoliate Larger- 
bulbed Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/779, adpd). 
2929 Cirrhopetalum acutiflorum. 

Orchid (Small-ovate-lanceolate-acuminate 
Bifoliate Pseudobulb) (&k. 5/6£5, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2893 Liparis Wightiana. 

Orchid (Small-ovate-orbicular-acute Bi- 
foliate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/698, adpd). 
2896 Liparis Walkeriz. 

Orchid (Small-very-obliquely-ovate-orbi- 
cular Quadrifoliate- (sometimes 3) 
Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/698, W.A.I, adpd). 
2297 Liparis atropurpurea. 

Orchid (Small-flowered Cowslip) (8. 445, 
Hk. 5/672, adpd). emxxxvi. Saccola- 
bium (genus). 

Orchid \Small-Leafless Vanilla) (Hk. 6/90, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2982 Vanilla Wightiana. 

Orchid (Smaller Multifoliate-distichous- 
lorate-coriaceous’ Stemless) (Hk, 6/55, 
adpd). cemxxxvi. Saccolabium (genus- 
Platyrhizon section). 

Orchid (Smaller Strap-leaved Stemless) 
(Hk.6/55,adpd). cmxxxxi. Saccolabium 
(genus-Platyrhizon section). 

Orchid (Strap-leaved) (Ek. 6/78. W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxl. Diplocentrum (genus). 
Orchid (Strap-leaved) (Hk. 6/26, W.A.I, 

adpd). cmyxx. Cottonia (genus), 

Orchid (Strap-leaved) (Hk. 6/31, W.A.T, 
adpa). cmxxxi. Doritis (genus). 

Orchid (Strap-leaved) (Hk. 6/82, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxxii. Rhynchostylis (genus). 

Orchid (Strap-leaved) (Hk. 6/43, W.AJ, 
adpd). cmxxxiy. Aérides 
Section II, IIL). 

Orchid (Strap-leaved) (Hk. 6/49, W.A.T, 
adpd). cmxxxy. Vanda (genus). 

Orchid (Strap-leaved) (Hk. 6/54, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxxvi. Saccolabium (genus- 
Micranthe in part, Calceolaria and 
Acampe sections). 

Orchid (Tapeworm) (Hk. 6/76, adpd). 
emxxxix, Tzeniophyllum (genus). 

Orchid (longue)  (W.A.I). 

Bulbophyl'um (genus), 

.Orchid (Vanilla) (S. 446) 



Orchid (Tongue-leaved) (Hk. 6/73, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxxviii, Cleisostoma (genus). 

Orchid (Tree) (S. 150). cmxx. Epiden- 
drum (genus). 

Orchid (Unifoliate Spindle-branched Long- 
pendulous-stemmed) (dk. 5/710, 714, 
adpd). 2904 Dendrobium Macrzi. 

emxli, Vanilla 

Orchid (Very-long-acutely-bilobed Strap- 
leaved Medium-stemmed) (Hk. 6/54, 
adpd). 2464 Vanda Wightiana. 

Orchid (Very-long-drooping-obliquely- 
emarginate Strap-leaved Stemless) (Hk. 
6/9 W.A.I, adpd). 2945 Cymbidium 

Orchid {Very-long premorse Strap-leaved 
Stout-creeping-stemmed) (Hk. 6/82, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2953 Rhynchostylis 
retusa. i 

Orchid (Very-narrow-(1/20”) Root (Hk. 
4/76). 2977 Tzeniophyllum scaberulnm. 

Orchid (Very-short-coriaceous-leaved 
Dagger) (Hk. 6/678, adpd), 2887 
Oberonia Falconeri, 

Crehid (Very-small-elliptic-acuminate 
Bifoliate _Pseubobulb) (W.A.I). 2931 
Eria reticulata, 

Orchid — (Very-small-elliptic-lanceolate- 
acute Bifoliate Psendobulb) (Hk. 5/787, 
W.A.I, acpd), 2932 Eria reticose. 

Orchid ( Very-smali-elliptic-Unifoliate 
Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/780, adpd). 2930 
Trias Stocksii. 

Orchid (Very-smal]-ensiform-obtuse 
Multifoliate-egnitant Fleshy-stemmed) 
(Hk. 6/80, W.A.J, adpd), 2980 
Podochilus malabaricus. 

ped Multifoliate Joint-stemmed Pseu- 
dobuib) (Hk. 5/734, W.A.I, adpd) 
2913 Dendrobium Jerdonianum. 

Orchid (Very-small-linear-oblong Unifo- 
liate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 4/777, adpda). 
2925 Cirrhopetalum aureum. 

Orchid (Very-small-linear-subacute 
Strap-leaved Short-tufted stemmed) 
(Hk. 6/56, W.A.I, adpd). 2966 Sacco- 
labium Jerdonianum. 

Orchid (Very-small-oblanceolate-apicul- 
ate Bifoliate Pseudobulb) (Hk. 5/788, 
adpd). 2933 Hria exilis. 

Orchid (Very-small-orhicular-evate-ciliate- 
cuspidate Jifoliate Pseudobulh) (Hk. 
5/787, W.A.I, adpd), 2931 (¢és.) Hria 

Orchid (Very-small-ovate-undulate-acute 
Bifoliate-purplish Psendobulb) (Hk. 
5/699, W.A.JI, adpd). 2898 Liparis 

Orchid (West Indian Bifoliate Pseudo- 
bulb) (Nic. 5/842) 2919 Hpidendrum 


Orchid flowered Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 
8085 (bis.) Canna orchidiflora. 
Orchids (McL. 1094), CXIV. 
acez (Order), 
Orchis Family (Br. 209) (L/N/S/B). 
CXIV. Orchidacew (Order), 
Orchis (Boat) (Br. 211). 2945 Cymbidium 

Orchis (Tongue) (W.A.I). 
phyllum fuscopurpureum, 
Orchis (Umbrella) (W.A.I). 
rhopetalum fimbriatum. 
Ordeal Tree of Madagascar (Rid. 114) 
(Nic. 4/8). 1821 Kopsia fruticosa ; 
(more correctly Tanghinia venenifera- 

allied genus). 

Ordure Tree Family (McL. 150, adpd). 
X&. Sterculiacez (Order). 
Ordure Tree (McL. 150). cii. 
Ordure (Acute Heart leaved) Trea (Hk. 

1/360, adpd). 273 Sterculia alata. 

Ordure (Blcody Drop) Tree (McL. 473, 
687,adpd). 269 Sterculia guttata. 

Ordure (Coral flowered) Tree (McL. 473, 
651, adpd). 272 Sterculia colorata. 

Ordure (Digitate leaved) Tree (McL. 704, 
adpd). 264 Sterculia foetida. 

Ordure (Downy-backed  oblong-ovate 
leaved) Tree (Hk. 1/358, adpd). 271 
Sterculia Balanghas. 

Ordure (Foliaceous boat fruited) Tree 
(Hk. 1/361, adpd). 275 Sterculia 

Ordure (Oblong leaved) Tree (Hk. 1/358, 
adpd). 270 Sterculia nobilis, 

Ordure (Plane leaved) Tree (Nic. 3/500). 
265 Sterculia platanifclia. 

Ordure (Poplar leaved) Tree (Hk. 1/361, 
adpd). 274 Sterculia populifolia, 

Ordure (Small-acuminate-Heart leaved) 
Tree (Hk. 1/361, adpd), 274 Sterculia 

Ordure (Stinging fruited) Tree (McL, 150, 
406, adpd). 267 Sterculia urens. 

Ordure (Tricuspidate-Round leaved) Tree 
(Gk. 1/360, adpd). 272 Sterculia 

Ordure (Winged Seeded) Tree (Hk. 1/360, 
adpd). 273 Sterculia alata. 

Ordare (Woolly) Tree (McL. 473, 605, 993, 
adpd). 268 Sterculia villosa. 

Ordure (Long-lance-leaved) Tree of the 
Straits (Hk.1/361,adpd). 275 Sterculia 

Oreb of the Hebrews (McL. 945). 2800 
Salix babylonica. 

Oregon Uypress (S. 301). 2812 Cupressus 

Oregon Pine (Muell.S.P) (H/E.F). 2866 
Pseudotsuga Douglasii. 
Oregon White Cedar (8. #01). 
pressus Lawsoniana. ~ 


2921 Bulbo- 

2924 Cir- 


2812 Cu- 



Orélie of the French (Treas, Bot. 2/821), 
deiii, Allamanda (genus). 

Oriental Nettle (McL. 624). 

Qriental Plane Tree (H/E.F) 
3/156) (S. 301, 334) (Bs/T/619) 
Platanus orientalis. 

Original Loxa Bark (McL. 420) (Gbl. 406) 

2713 Trema 


(Ell.173). 1444-b. Cinchona officinalis 

Orila (McL. 623, 994). 793 Uraria lego- 

Orissa Flower (McL. 82). 

Ornamental Peppy: of the Celebes (Nic. 
5/605). 2418 Piper ornatum. 

Oroxylum (Indian) (MeL. 732). 
Oroxylum indicum. 

Osier (McL. 945) (Nic. 3/344) (S. 381). 
decexcy. Salix (genus). 

Osier (Nic. 3/847). 2804 Salix viminalis. 

Osier (Black Hollander) (Kew Bull. 96) 
(FAR. 35, 35, NLGS), 2803 Salix 

Osier (Cardinal) (Kew Bull. 96) (FAR, 
35,37, NLGS). 2799 Salix alba. 

Osier (Cane) (Kew Bull. 96) (FAR. 35, 
386, NLGS),. 2804 Salix viminalis. 

Osier (French) (Kew Bell. 96) (FAR. 
35, 36, NLGS), 2803 Salix triandra. 

Osier (Glibskins) (Kew Bull. 96) (FAR. 
35, 36, NLGS). 2803 Salix triandra. 

Osier (Golden) (Kew Bull. 96) (FAR. 35, 

244 Hibiscus 


36, NLGS). 2803 Salix viminalis. 

Osier (Green Sucklings) (Kew Bull. 96) 
(FAR, 35, 36, NLGS). 2803 Salix 

Osier (Jelstivar) (Kew Bull. 96) (FAR. 
35, 36, NLGS). 2803 Salix triandra. 
Osier (Mottled Spaniard’s) (Kew Bull. 96) 
(FAR. 35, 86, NLGS). 2801-b. Salix 

fragilis (decipiens), 
Osier (Old Black) (Kew Bull. 96) (FAR. 
30, 36, NLGS). 2803 Salix triandra. 
Osier (Purple) (Muell. 8. P) (Nic. 3/345) 
(S. 882). 2802 Salix purpurea. 

Osier (Welsh) (Kew Bull. 96) (FAR. 35, 
36, NLGS). 2802 Salix purpurea, 

Osier (Commor) of Europe (Muell. §.P) 
(MeL. 945). 2804 Salix viminalis, 

Osier Willow (S. 302, 382) (Gbl. 689). 
2804 Salix vimninalis. 

Otaheite Apple (Nic. 3/479). 
Spondias (genus 

Otaheite Apple (McL. 27, 626,802, 994) 
(Gbl. 223). 6584 Spondias duicis. 

Otaheite (Sweet) Apple (Nic. 3/479). 684 
Spondias dulcis. 

Otaheite Cashew (McL., 886, 624) (Cag, 
240). 1228 Eugenia malaccensis. 

Otaheite Gooseberry (McL. 105) (Cag. 217). 
2569 Phyllanthus distichus. 

Otaheite Orange (Cag. 289), 421-a, Citrus 
japonica (typica). 

eel xviii, 


Otaheite Potato (Pr. 2/1066). 3071 
Dioscorea bulbifera. 

Otaheite Walnut (Mcl. 4388). 2633 

Aleurites moluccana. 

Outenique Yellow Wood (Nic. 3/172) (Gbl. 
702) (KAR. 27 to 380, '35, to 37, 
43, NLGS). 2830 Podocarpus elongata. 

Outer - deciduous - inner - white - smooth- 
barked (Parallel - sublongitudinai - 
nerved-sub-(3-7)-ribbed Medium-to- 
long-thick-shining ovate-lance-and-fal- 
cate-acuminate-leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/201, adpd). 1183 Hucalyptus pauci- 

Outer - fibrous - deciduous - inner - smooth 
barked (Anostomosing-oblique nerved 
Medium - \young) - opposite - glaucous- 
heart-sessile Long-(mature)-alternate- 
ovate-lance-lance-or-falcate-acuminate - 
leaved) Ffucalypt (Bth. 3/225, adpd). 
1189 Eucalyptus Globulus. 

Outer (Black Wood of the) Hills (1.F., 
xxxi/3). 882 Dalbergia sissoides. 
Oval-acuminate (Papery-medium) leaved 
False Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 497ea. 
Gomphandra polymorpha (acuminata). 

Oval-acute-leaved (Unifoliate-silvery- 
silky-rusty-margined) Bell Pea (Nic. 
3/172, adpa). 920 Podalyria argentea. 

Oval-acute-leaved (Smal!) Crape Myrtle 
(Hk, 2/575, adpd). 13815 Lagerstroemia 

Oval-apex-serrateeleaved Creamy-white- 
flowered Meadow-Sweet (Nic. 3/474, 
adpd). 1075 Spirea corymbosa. 

Oval-emarginate-leaved (Multifoliate- 
(9-29)-subglabrous) Bell Pea (Hk. 
2/251, adpd). 915 Sophora interrupta. 

Oval leaved Cassia (McbL. 155) (Br. 68). 
948 Cassia Tora. ° 

Ovyalleaved China Root (Mch. 171, 588, 
1000). 3080 Smilax macrophylla. 

Oval (Large) (8’ or more) leaved Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf).  646-C. 
Codizum variegatum (grandifolium- 

Oval (Medium) leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-F, Codizeum 
variegatum (oyalifolium). 

Oval leaved Ebony (McL. 366, adpd). 
1706 Diospyros ovalifolia. 

Oval leaved Fig (Mch. 72) ( ? Ovate). 
2726 Ficus bengalensis. 

Oval leaved Fig (Br. 201) (Hil. 278). 2738 
Ficus Benjamina. 

Ovalleaved Fig (Mch. 73). 

Oval (Tailed) leaved Fig (McL. 73, adpd). 
2735 (bis.) Ficus Talboti. 

Oval (Weeping Pointed) leaved Fig (Br. 
20],adpd). 2733 Ficus Benjamina, 

Oval leaved Gmelina (McL. 186). 
Gmelina asiatica. 

2736 Ficus 



Oval leaved Indigo (Br.50), 749 Indig- 
fera trita, 

Oval leaved Ivory Wood (Hk. 4/148, 
adpd). 1981 Ehretia ovalifolia, 
Oval leavyed Rosebay {Pfl. 180). 
Holarrhena antidysenterica. 
Oval (Long-stalked) leaved Wax Flower 
(ik. 4/59, adpd). 1925 Hoya Wightii. 
Oval (Short-stalked) leaved Wax Flower 
(Hk, 4/60, adpd).. 1926 Hoya ovalifolia, 
Oval leaved Wheel Creeper (Mch. 1023, 


adpd). 1162 Combretum ovalifolium. 
Oval Mo!wah (McL. 663). 1684 Dichospis 

Oval-oblong-acuminate-leaved (Paripin- 
nate-(4-6) Rhododendron Senna (Nic. 
1/215, adpd). 980 Brownea coccinea. 

Oval-obtuse-leaved (Small-to-medium- 
leathery-amplexicaul) Jungle Geranium 
Rox. 1/377, adpd), 1638-b. Ixora 
coccinea (Bandhuea). 

Oval-obtuse-or-cuspidate | (Papery-short) 
leaved False Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 
497-e. Gomphandra polymorpha (ovali- 

Ovate (Brown-woolly-bacced) acuminate 
leaved Caper Shrub (Hk. 1/178, adpd). 
120 Capparis acuminata, 

Ovate-acuminate-leaved (Medium-mem- 
branous-viscid-stipuled) Chay-reot Shrub 
or Climber (Hk. 3/57, adpd). 1477 
Hedyotis viscida. 

Ovate-acuminate-leaved (Medium-mem- 
branovs) Ghowlee Bean Climber (Hk. 
2/207, adpd). 887 Vigna pilosa, 

Ovate-acuminate-leaved (Medium-hispid 
Eight-(8-prs)-nerved) Conehead (Hk. 
4/438, adpd). 2190 Strobilanthes neil- 

Ovate-acuminate-leaved (Medium-mem- 
branous-stalked) Cotton-Rose (Hk. 
3/276, adpd). 1603 Blepharispermum 

Ovate-acuminate-leaved (Very-small- 
pellucid-punctate) Featherfoil (Hk. 
5/303, adpd), 2557 Phylanthus fim- 

Ovate-acuminate (Medinm-thinly-downy- 
glabrate) leaved Fetia Holly (Hk. 1/586, 
adpd). 500-a. Mappia fcetida (typica). 

Ovate-acuminate-leaved (Medium-lea- 
thery) Kidney Plum (Hk. 2/321, adpd). 
1072 Pygeum Gardseri. 

Ovate-acuminate-leaved Parroqueet Burr 
(Hk. 1/394, adpd). 329 Triumfetta 

Ovate-acuminate (Trifoliate Very-small- 
ciliate) feaved Pencil Flower (Rox. 
3/282, adpd). 784 Stylosanthes mu- 

Ovate-acuminate-leaved Thyrsiform Flesh- 
coloured-flowered Justicewort (Nic. 
2/206, adpd), 2262 Jacobinia carnea, 


Ovate-acuminate-leaved (Medium-silvery- 
downy-backed) Trinerved Myrtle (Hk. 
2/468, adpd). 1224 Rhodamnia 

Ovate-acuminate-leaved (Quinquefoliate- 
(3-5 )-papery-polished) 
wood Climber (Bs/T/241, adpd). 
Derris uliginosa. 

Ovate acute leaved’ Caper Shrub (Hk. 
1/174, adpd). 106 Capparis zeylanica. 
Ovate (Brown-downy-backed) acute leaved 
Caper Shrub (Hk, 1/174, adpd). 108 

Capparis grandiflora. 

Ovate-acute-leaved (Small-leathery) Chay- 
root Shrub (Hk. 3/51, ecpd). 1469 
Hedyotis stylosa., 

Ovate-acute (Small-leathery-shining) leay- 
ed Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 1/65, adpd). 
45 Polyalthia Korinta. 

Ovate-acute (l'rifoliate-minutely-downy- 


papery-smal!) leavyed Dholl Shrub 
(Hk. 2/220, adpd). 858 Khynchosia 

Ovate-acute  (l'rifoliate-viscous-downy- 
glabrate-mempbranous-small) leaved 

Dholl Shrub (Hk. 2/225, adpd). 866 
Rhynchosia viscosa. 
Ovate - acute - (8-10) -folioled (Bipin- 

nate - (4-10) -glabrous-glaucous-backed) 

Prickly Brasiletto Climber (Hk. 
2/251, adpd). 9388 Mezoneurum cucul- 

Ovate-acute (Small) leaved Holly-flowered 
Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/631, adpd). 528 
Microtropis ovalifolia, 

Ovate-acute-leaved (Minute-subsessile) 
Needie Bush (Hk. 3/158, adpd). 1557 
Damnacanthus indicus. 

Ovate-acute-leaved (Scabrous) Reddish- 
yellow-flowered Lantana (Br. 163, 
adpd). 2276 Lantana mista, 

Ovate-acute-leaved (Small-hairy-nerved) 
Square-branched Fetid Holly (Hk. 
1/589, adpd). 500-e. Mappia fcetida 

Ovate-acute-or-acuminate (Quinquefoliate- 
(5-7)-glabrate) leaved Kino Rose-wood 
(Pr. 1/412, adpd). 397-b, Pterocarpus 
Marsupium (acuminatus), 

Ovate-acutely - crenate - acuminate-leaved 
(Downy) White-flowered Lantana (Br. 
164, adpd). 2281 Lantana alba. 

Ovate-biserrate-leaved (Multifoliate (5-7)- 
pleated-white-velvetty-backed) Glan- 
dular-bristly-branched Dew-berry (Hk. 
2/340, adpd), 1088 Rubus racemosus. 

Ovate-biserrate-leaved (Multitoliate-(5-9)- 
pleated-velvetty-backed) Glaucous- 
branched Dew-berry (Hk. 2/339, adpd). 
1082 Kubus lasiocarpus. 

Ovate Bluish-flowered Unarmed Night- 
shade (Hk.3/452, adpd). 2078 Solanum 

_ arboreum (crispum), 

Winzed Rose- 

——$— ee 


Ovate (Downy) Bluish-flowered Unarmod 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/230, adpd). 2076 
Solanum pubescens. 

Ovate-callous-dentate-acute-leaved (Small- 
scabrovs-hispid Six-(6-prs.)-nerved) 

Conehead (Hk. 4/445, adpd). 2204 
Strobilanthes papillosus. 
Ovate-coarse-dentate-leaved (Medium- 

papery) Sweet-leaf (bs/T/43y, adpd). 
1736 Symplocos kanarana, 

Ovate-crenate-acuminaté (Medium -mem- 
branous) leayed Chinese Pear (Hk. 
1/640, adpd). 571 Hovenia dulcis. 

Ovate-crenate-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 
bristly Nine-(9-prs.)-nerved) Conehead 
(Hk. 4/453, adpd). 2210 Strobilanthes 

Ovate-crenate-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 
rufous-hirsute Seven-(7—prs.)-nerved) 
Conehnead (Hk. 4/439, adpd). 2191 
Strobilanthes Perrottetianus. 

Ovate-crenate-acute-leaved (Small-bristly- 
rugose-sessile) Conehead (Hk. 4/452, 
adpd). 2209-b. Strobilanthes sessilis 

Ovate-crenate-acute-leaved (Small-thin- 
hirsute-backed-warty Seven-(7-8-prs.)- 
nerved) Conehead (Hk. 4/428, adpd). 
2189 Strobilanthes palneyensis. 

Ovate-crenate-acute-leaved (Very-small- 
bristly-nerved-backed-sessile) Conehead 
(Hk. 4/452, adpd). 2209-c. Strobilantbes 
sessilis (Kitchiei), 

Ovate-crenate-acute-leaved (Very-small 
shaggy-sessile) Conehead (Hk. 4/452, 
adpd). 2209-a, Strobilanthes sessilis- 
(ty pica). 

Ovate-crenate-glabrate-leaved Simple- 
racemed Cobbe (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 
628-a. Allophylus cobbe (racemosus),. 

Ovate-serrate-acute-leaved (Small-downy- 
backed-scabrous) Glandular-tipped- 
branched Conehead (Hk. 4/464, adpd). 
2212 Strobilanthes Newii. 

Ovate-crenate-cuspidate-leaved (Medium- 
thinly-downy Seven-(7—prs.)-nerved) 
Conebead (Hk. 4/452, adpd). 2208 
Strobilanthes asper. 

Ovate-crenate-obtuse-leaved Long-calyxed 
Honeysuckle of Mexico (Treas. Bot.]/1, 
adpd). 1431 Abelia floribunda. 

Ovate-crenate-acuminate-leaved (Downy) 
Purple-centred Rosy-flowered Lantana 
(Nic. 2/2384, adpd). 2279 Lantana 

Ovate-crenulate-acuminate-leaved (Long- 
thinly-puberulous-backed Eleven- (11- 
prs.)-nerved) Conehead (Hk. 4/436, 
adpd). 2185 Strobilanthes jeyporensis, 

Ovate-crenulate-acuminate-leaved (Me- ~ 
dium-downy Nine-(9-prs.)-nerved) 
Conehead (Hk, 4/450, adpd). 2206 
Strobilanthes luridus, 


Ovate-crenulate-acuminate-leaved (Me- 
dium-sparsely-bristly Six-(6-7)-nerved) 
Conehead (Hk. 4/451, adpd). 2207 
Strobilanthes bolamputtiensis. 

Ovate-crenulate-cuspidate-leaved (Long- 
hairy Fourteen-(14—prs.)-nerved Square- 
hairy-branched Conehead (Hk. 4/474, 
adpd). 2215 Strobilanthes violaceus. 

Ovate-crenulate-obtuse-leaved (Medium- 
woolly-thick) Bastard Lavender (Hk. 
4/629, adpd). 2343 Anisochilus 

Ovate-cuspidate (Trifoliate-softly-pilose- 
papery-medium) leaved Dholl Climber 
(Hk. 2/223, adpd). 864 Rhynchosia 

Ovate-cuspidate (iledinm-10-15-nerved) 
leaved Dipterocarp Dammer (Bed. 
2/941, Bs/T/65, adpd). 196 Diptero- 
carpus indicus. 

Ovate-cuspidate-leaved (Medium-mem- 
branous-scabrid-backed) Honey-thorn 
(Hk. 3/133, adpd). 1521-b. Canthium 
neilgherrense (hirsuta). 

Ovate-cuspidate-leaved (Small-subfasci- 
cled) Honey-thorn (Hk, 3/134, adpd). 
1524 Canthium travancoricam. 

Ovate-cuspidate-leaved (Smail-to-medium- 
hirsute-glabrate) Spinous Honey-thorn 
(Hk. 3/134, adpd), 1525 Canthium 

Ovate - deltoid - or - lance - heart -hastate - 
leaved (Palmati-(5-9)-nerved Small-to- 
medium White-blotched) Sarsaparilla 
(Hk. 6/506, adpd). 3077 Smilax aspera. 

Ovate-dise-scabrid-felted-leaved Sebesten 
(Hk. 4/140, adpd). 1976 Cordia fulvosa. 

(Medium-glabrous Seven-(7 prs.)-nerved) 
Conehead (Hk. 4/436, adpd). 2184-b. 
Strobilanthes consanguineus (Amomum). 

(Medium - white- silky-backed-glabres - 
cent Seven-(7—prs.) nerved) Conehead 
(Hk, 4/486, adpd). 2184-c. Strobilan- 
thes consanguineus (hypoleuca), 

Ovate-elliptic-acuminate (Multifoliate- 
(6-12)-chartaceous) leaved Butterfly 
Soapnut (Hk. 1/692, adpd). 642 Harpuliia 

Ovate-elliptic-acuminate (Medium) leaved 
Elongated-Trinity-Shield -Plant (Hk. 
1/420, adpd). 359 Aspidopterys Rox- 

Ovate-elliptic-acuminate-leaved (Multifoli- 
ate-(11-15)-medium-glabrous) Yellow 
Black-Bean (Bth. 2/275, adpd). 925 
Castanospermum australe, 

Ovate-elliptic-acuminate-leayed (Multifo- 
liate-(9-15)-opposite Medium-to-long- 
tawny-downy-glabrate) White Cedar 
aa 1/559, adpd). 467 Amoora Rohi- 




Ovate-elliptic-acute-leaved (Small-glao- 
rate-subsessile) Indian Burr (Ak. 4/725, 

adpd). 2373-a, Psilotrichum  calceo- 
latum (typica). 
Ovate-elliptic-acute-leaved (Small-vel- 

vetty-sessile) Indian Burr (Hk. 4/725, 
adpd). 2373-b. Psilotrichum calceola- 
tum (tomentosa). 

Ovate-elliptic-acnte-leaved (Medium- 
pilose-glabrate-backed) Marsh Rosemary 
(Hk. 3/460, adpd). 1648 Pieris ovali- 

Ovate-elliptic-acute-leaved (Very-small- 
downy) Spinous Honey-thorn (Hk. 3/135, 
adpd). 1527 Canthium parvifolium. 

Ovate-elliptic-candate (Medium-4-nerved) 
leaved Dipterocarp Dammer (Hk, 1/810, 
Bed. 1/27, adpd). 206 MHopea raco- 

Ovate-elliptic-crenate-acute-leaved (Me- 
dium) Flowering Birch (Hk. 2/596, 
adpd). 1338 Homalium nepalense. 

Ovate-elliptic-cuneate- acuminate - leayed 
(Multifoliate-(7-9} Subopposite-medium) 
White Cedar {Hk, 1/548, adpd). 458 
Dysoxylum malabaricum. 

Ovate-elliptic - cuneate - cuspidate ~ leaved 
(Maultifoliate-(7-9) Alternate-submem- 
branous-medium) White Cedar (Hk. 
1/548, adpd). 459 Dysoxylum Bed- 

Ovate-elliptic-cuspidate (Medium) leaved 
Wing-bossed-and-rounded Trinity- 
Shield Plant (Hk. 1/420, adpd), 360 
Aspidopterys canarana. 

Ovate-elliptic-entire-subacute-leaved (Me- 
dium-rusty-downy-backed) Star-Ver- 
vein Climber (Hk. 4/600, adpd). 2332 
Sphenodesma paniculata, 

Ovate elliptic lance acuminate leaved 
(Penninerved-subverticillate - alternate 
Long-rusty-shagey-glabrate) Ray- 
Laure] (Hk. 5/149, adpd). 2452 Actino- 
daphne Hookeri. 

Ovate-e]liptic-notch-tipped-leaved (Small) 
Fascicle-flowered Wild Lime (Hk. 
1/512, adpd), 404 Atalantia mono- 
phylie. y 

(Medium) Raceme-flowered Wild Lime 

(Hk. 1/572, adpd) 405 Atalantia 

Ovate-elliptic-obtuse-leaved (Small-to- 
medium-leathery-subsessile) Cotton 

liose (Hk.3/276, adpd). 1609 Blephari- 

spermum subsessile. 
Ovate- elliptic-or-oblong-acute-or-acumia- 
ate-leaved (Small-leathery) Uffal 
Shrub (Hk. 3/190, adpd). 1585 
Lasianthus yenulosus. 
Ovate-elliptic Purple-backed Arrowroot 
(Nic, 1/238). 3024 Calathea Veitchiana, 


Ovate-elliptic-subentire-subobtuse (Small- 

leathery) leaved Berried Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/627, adpd). 552 Salacia 

Ovate-elliptic-serrate (Multifoliate-(7-11)- 
downy-nerved) leaved Globular-flower- 
ed Neem (Hk. 1/545, adpd), 455 
Cipadessa fruticosa. 

Ovate - elliptic - toothed - subacute - Jeaved 
(Small-downy) Star-Vervein Climber 
(Hk. 4/579, adpd). 2330 Symphorema 

Ovate-entire-acute-leaved (Medium- 
papery-yellow-woolly-backed Thirteen- 
(13-prs,-nerved) Conehead (Hk, 4/434, 
adpd). 2181 Strobilanthes  gossy- 

Ovate-entire-acute-leaved (Small-shaggy- 
hacked-bristly) Star-Vervein Climber 
(Hk. 4/603, adpd). 2333-a. Congea 
tomentosa (typica). 

Ovate-entire-cuspidate (Medium-leathery) 
leaved Trinity-podded Spindle Climber 
(Hk. 1/624, adpd). 548 Hippocratea 

Ovate-entire-leaved Climbing Arum 
[when young} (Hk. 6/549, adpd), 
3272 Epipremnum mirabile. 

Ovate-entire-leaved Climbing Arum 
fwhen young] (Nic. 2/380). 3273 
Monstera deliciosa. 

Ovate-entire-leaved Climbing Arum 

[when young] (Hk. 6/546, adpd). 3270 
Rhaphidophora pertusa. 
Ovate (Tailed) Entire leaved Holly (Hk. 
1/603, adpd). 511 Tex Gardneriana. 
Ovate-entire-or-serrulate (Multifoliate- 

(7-19) leaved Bipinnate Neem (Bs/T/140, 

Rox. 2/396, 397, adpd). 

Ovate-(4-6)-folioled (Bipinnate-(4-6)- 
glabrons-glossy) Prickly  Brasiletto 
Climber (Hk. 2/255, adpd). 928 Czsal- 
pinia Nuga. 

Ovate-hairv-leaved Simple-racemed 
Cokbe (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 628-c. Allc- 
phylns cobbe (villosus). 

Ovate-heart-acuminate-leaved (Small- 
papery-glabrate) Ring-coronet Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/23, adpd). 1889 Cynan- 
chum pauciflorum, 

Ovate - heart - or - elliptic - acnte - leaved 

454 Melia 

Cork Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/63, adpd). 

1929 Leptadenia reticulata. 

Ovate-lance-acuminate (Multifoliate- 
(11-15) leaved Kino Rose-wood (B8s/T/ 
239, Pr. 1/412, adpd). 898 Pterocarpus 

Ovate-lance-acuminuate-leaved (Medium- 
leathery) Privet (Hk. 3/615, adpd). 
1791 Ligustrum Roxburghii.. 

INDEX. 781 

Ovate-lance-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 
to-long-velyetty Opposite) Rondeletia- 
wort (Hk. 3/87, adpd). 1450 Wend- 
landia exserta, 

Ovate-lance-acuminate-leaved White- 
flowered Lantana (Nic. 2/234, adpd). 
2278 Lantana nivea. 

Ovate-lance-acute-leaved (Small) Indian 
Burr (Hk, 4/725, adpd). 2372 Psilo- 
trichum nudum, 

Ovate-lance-acute (Small-woolly-backed- 
glabrate) leaved Spinous Buckthorn 
(Hk, 1/641, adpd). 574 Sageretia 

(Parallel-sublongitudinal - nerved - sub - 
(3-7)-ribbed Medium-to-long-thick-shin- 
ing) Outer-deciduous-inner-white- 
smooth-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/201, 
adpd). 1183 Eucalyptus paucifora. 

Ovate-lance-acute-leaved (Small-leathery- 
rusty-pilose-hacked-glabrate) Wind- 
berry Climber (Hk. 3/517, adpd). 1665 
Embelia Gardneriana. 

Ovate-lance-crenated leaved 
(Hk. 4/563, adpd). 

Ovate - lance - dentate - acuminate -leaved 
(Small-leathery-downy-glabrate) Child’s 
Amulet Tree (Bdn/F.T, Bs/T/567, 
adpd). 2599 Hemicyclia travancorica. 

Ovate - lance - elliptic-or-oblong-obtuse-to- 
aciminate-leaved (Medium-membranons) 
Calycine Croton (Hk. 5/408, adpd). 
2651 Blachia denudata. 

Ovate-lance-entire-subacute-leaved (Small- 
woolly) Bastard Lavender (Hk. 4/628, 
adpd), 2342 Anisochilus suffruticosus. 

Ovate-lance-hastate-caudate-leaved (Sim- 
ple-palmate-(7-9) -nerved-opposite-and- 
alternate Medium-to-larve-subglancous- 
hacked) Angled-or-winged-stemmed 
Yam (Hk. 6/295, adpd). 38066 Discorea 

Ovate-lance-leaved (Small-leathery-disti- 
chous) Hop Cherry (Hk. 1/584, Rox. 
2/87, adpd). 495 Opilia amentacea. 

Ovate-lance (Medium-downy-backed) 
leaved Necklace Nutmeg (Hk. 1/58, 
adpd). 86 Unona pannosa. 

Ovate-lance-leaved (Hairy-backed-scab- 
rous-(3)-whorled) Purple-flowered Lan- 
tana (Hk. 4/563,adpd). 2280 Lantana 

Ovate-lance-leayed (Medium-punctulate) 
Rose-spotted White-flowered Justice- 
wort (Hk. 4/525, adpd). 2257.a, 
Justicia betonica (typica). 

Ovate-lance-leaved (Medium-downy-back- 
ed) Salmon-flowered Justicewort (Hk. 
4/525, adpd). 2257-b. Justicia-betonica 

2275 Lanatana 


Ovate-lance-leaved (Golden-netted-green) 
Vernal Flower (Nic.1/578, adpd). 2249 
(bis.) Eranthemum reticulatum. 

Ovate-lance-leaved (Downy-wrinkled- 
Opposite-and-(3)-whorled) White-flower- 
ed Lantana (Hk. 4/562, adpd). 2278-b. 
Lantana indica (albiflora). 

Oyate-lance-leaved (Downy-wrinkled-oppo- 
site-and-(3)-whorled) Yellow-centred 

Pink-flowered Lantana (Hk, 4/562, 
adpd). 2273-a. Lantana indica 

Ovate-lance-obtuse-leaved (Triple-nerved- 
opposite Medium-to-long-ieathery) Cin- 

namon (Hk. 5/131, adpd), 2484 Cinna- 
momum zeylanicum. 
Ovate-lance-or-falcate-leaved (Irregular- 

(often-indistinct) nerved _Long-or-me- 
dium-pellucid-dotted-pale) Deciduots- 
above - rough-persistent - below-barked 
Eucalypt (Bth. 3/289, adpd). 1194 Eu- 
calyptus goniocalyx. i 

Ovatee lance - or-heart - acuminate - leaved 
(Small-papery) Ipecacuanha Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/41, adpd). 1911 Tylophora 

Ovate-lance - or - lance - or-falcate-leaved 
(Arnastomosing-vblique-nerved Medium 
thick-rigid) Eucalypt (Bth. 3/214, adpd). 
1208 Eucalyptus hemiphloia, 

Ovate - lance - pinnatilobate - acuminate - 
pinnuled (Bipinnaie-unarmed-strigose- 
rachised) Grove Fern (Bdn/F, adpd). 
3328 Alsophila gigantea. 

Ovate-lance-serrate-cuspidate (Medium- 
hairy-gland-axilled) leaved Violetwort 
(Bdn, 2/229, adpd). 123 Alsodeia 

Ovate-lance-serrate (Multifoliate-(3-12) 
leaved Bipinnate Neem (Bs/T/140, Rox. 
2/395, adpd). 453 Melia Azedarach. 

Ovate-lance-serrated-acuminate (Multifo- 
liate-(13)-yellow-downy ) leaved Brucine 
Wood (Bth. 1/377, adpd). 431 Brucea 

Ovate-lance-serrulate-acute-leaved (Scab- 
rid) Japanese Snow-flower (Nic. 1/460, 
adpd), 1124 Deutzia scabra. 

Ovate-lance-sinuate-prickly - toothed-pun- 
gent leaved Purple Bubble Pea (Nic. 
2/154, adpd). 698 Hovea chorizeme- 

Ovate-lance-subentire-acuminate (Multifo- 
liate-(7-9)-medium-membranous) leaved 
Wampee (Hk. 1/304, adpd). 394 
Clausena heptaphylla. 

rallel-subransverse-nerved Medium) 
Eucalypt (Bth. 3/256, adpd). 1176 
Hucalyptus corymbosa. 

Ovate-lance-to-Jance- mostly -falcate-much— 
acuminate-leaved (Parallel-subtrans- 


verse-nerved Medium) Hard-rough- 
furrowed-persistent-barked Huealy pt 
(Bth. 3/270, adpd). 1178 Eucalyptus 

leaved (Parallel-subtrausverse-indistinct- 
nerved Medium-thick) Rough-persistent- 
not-furrowed-but - branches- deciduous- 
barked) Eacalypt (Bth. 3/245, adpd), 
1178 Eucalyptus resinifera. 

leaved (Paralle]-subtransverse-nerved 
Medium-whitish-backed) Rough-persist- 
ed Eucalypt (Bth, 3/209, adpd). 1179 
Huecalyptus marginata. 

Ovate-lance-torlance - straight-acuminate- 
leaved (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved 
Medium (Hard-rough-furrowed-persist- 
ent-barked Eacalypt (Bth. 3/229, adpd), 
1175 Eucalyptus botryoides. 

atesleaved (Paratlel-subtansverse-nerv- 
ed Medium) Hard-rough-furrowed-per- 
sistent-varked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/228, 
adpd). 1174 Eucalyptus robusta. 

Ovate-lance-to-oblong-subobtuse (Multifo- 
liate-(4—-10)-wavy ~subglaucous -backed) 
leaved Burdock Soapnut (Hk. 1/689, 
adpd). 640 Nephelium Longana, 

Ovate-lance=toothed-acute (Multifoliate- 
(5-9) leaved Capsular Neem (Hk. 1/542, 
adpd), 451 Munronia Wallichii. 

Ovate-lance-wavy-leaved (Medium-mem- 
branous-glaucous-backed) Yeatherfoil 
(Hk. 5/287, adpd), 2555 Phylianthus 

Ovate (Common) leaved Barbadoes Cherry 
(Nic. 2/319), 351 Malpighia glabra. 
Ovate-leaved Bladder-fruit Tree (Hk. 

1/364, adpd). 279 Kleinhovia Hospita. 

Ovate-leaved Brownshairy White Dead- 
nettle Shrub (Hk. 4/686, adpd). 2362 
Leucas lamiifolia. 

Ovate (Membranous) leaved Climbing 
Caper (Hk. 1/179, adpd). 122-a. 
Capparis tenera (Dalzellii), 

Ovate-leaved Climbing Poison Nut (McL. 
690, adyd). 1958 Strychnos Dalzellii. 
Ovate-leaved (Downy-backed-scabrous) 
Crimson-to-yosy-flowered Bastard Ver- 
vein (Nic, 2/488, adpd). 2286 Stachy- 

tarpheta mutabilis. 

Ovate (Medium) leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-H. Codizum 
variegatum (ovalifolium). 

Ovate (Acuminate) Jeaved Digitate Ivy 
(Hk, 2/729, adpd). 1413 Heptapleurum 

Ovate leaved Fig (McL. 72, corr). 27386 
Ficus bengalensis. 

Ovate (Jointed) leaved Fig (McL. 982, 
adpd), 2742 Ficus Tsiela. 


Ovate leaved Firebrand Teak of the 
Anaimalais (McL. 4738, 512, 884, 997, 
adpd), 2299 Premna Wightiana. 

Ovate leaved Firebrand Teak of the 
Deccan (McL. 478, 612, 884, 997, adpd). 
2291 Premna corymbosa. 

Ovate (Downy Small) leaved Glory Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 2316 Clerodendron 

Ovate (Very-small) leaved Half-Star- 
flowered Nutmeg (Hk, 1/86, adpd). 
62-c. Miliusa indica (montana), 

Ovate (Woolly-branched) leaved Hedge 
Caper Shrub (HE. 1/177, adpd).  117-a. 
Capparis sepiaria (vulgaris). 

Ovate leaved Ivory Wood (Hk, 4/141, 
adpd), 1980 Ehretia levis, 

Ovate (Downy) leaved Ivory Wood (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 1980-b, Ehretia levis 

Ovate (Rough) leaved Ivory Wood (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 198C-d. Ehretia levis 

Ovate leaved Jack-in-a-box Tree (Bth. 
5/314, adpd). 2473 Hernandia bivalvis. 

Ovate-leaved (Very-emall-downy-glabrate) 
Jasmine (Hk. 3/598, adpd). 1760 Jas- 
minum angustifolium. 

Ovate-leaved (Downy-dark-green) Ma- 
genta-bracted Brazilian Hogweed (Nic. 
1/206, adpd). 2370-a. Bougainvilla 
spectabilis (speciosa). 

Ovate (Leathery) leaved Moon-seed (MeL. 
1005, Hk. 1/105, adpd), 95 Pachygone 

Ovate leaved Olive Linden (McL. 762, 
adpd). 343 Elzocarpus venustus. 

Ovate (Goldie’s) leaved Palm Lily (Nic. 
1/491). 3102 Draczena Goldieana. 

Ovate-leaved Red-or-white flowered 
Sword-Bean (Hk. 2/196, adpd). 8380-d, 
Canavalia ensiformis (esculenta). 

Ovate (Obtuse) leaved St. John’s-wort 
(Hk. 1/254, adpd), 167 Hypericum 

Ovate (Acute) leaved St. John’s-wort of 
Japan (Nic. 2/169). 168 Hypericum 

Ovate (Serrate) Shoe Flower (Hk. 1/344, 
adpd). 244 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, 

Ovate (Obtuse-Tawny-silky) leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk. 4/188, adpd). 1497 Argyreia 

Ovate (Pilose acute) leaved Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/189, adpd). 2004 Argyreia 

Ovate (Villous. Acuminate) leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk 4/188, adpd). 2000 Argyreia 

Ovate-leaved (Large-ternately-(2-4)- 
~ whorled-white-velvetty-backed-scabrid) 
Teak (Hk, 4/571, adpd), 2290 Tectona 

INDEX. 783 

Oval leaved Terminalia (MeL. 928), 
Terminalia chebula, 

Ovate (Floecose-branched) leaved Thorn- 
less Caper Shrab (Hk, 1/174, adpd). 
107 Capparis Heyneana. 

Ovate (Common) leayed Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/563, adpd), 1805 Memecylon 

Ovate (Capitate) leaved Tree Belberry 
(Bs/T/334, adpd), 1808 Memecylon 

Ovate (Talbot’s) leaved Tree Bilberry 
(Bs/T/334, adpd). 1301 Memecylon 

Ovate-leaved Uniglandular Senna (McL, 
804, adpd). 949 Cassia occidentalis, 
Ovate (Hoary) leaved White Dead-nettle 
Shrub (Hk, 4/681, adpd), 2356 Leucas 


Ovate lobed Bluish-flowered Prickly 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/454, adpd). 2087 
Solanum maroniense. ‘ 

Ovate-lobed-spine-toothed-folioled (Impa- 
ripinnate-(3-9)-white-margined) Panax 
(Nic. 3/100, adpd). 1409 Panax Vic- 

Ovate-lobed-spine-toothed-folioled (Impa- 
ripinnate-(3-9)-yellow-margined) Panax 
(Nic. 3/14. adpd). 1409-b. Panax Vic- 
torize (au1eum). 

Ovate-lone-leaved (Muitijugate-round- 
based) Toon (Ree. Bot. Surv. Ind. Vol. 
TIT/4-1908. 482-c. Cedrela Toona 

Ovate-oblong-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 
downy-tacked) Alpam-root (Hk. 5/73, 
adpd), 2389-4. Bragantia Wallichii 

Ovate-oblong-acuminate (Maultifohate- 
(3-9) leaved Apple Bladder Nut (Hk. 
1/649, adpd). 651 Turpinia pomifera, 

Ovate-oblong-acuminate (Long-pubern- 
lous-backed) leaved Biseriate-seeded 
Nutmeg (Hk. 1/56, adpd). 85 Canan- 

Ovate-oblong-acuminate-leaved (Medinm- 
distichous) Ciimbing Partridge Pea (Hk. 
1/575, adpd). 489 Olax Wightiana, 

Ovate-oblong-acuminate (Medium-shin- 
ing) leaved Partridge Pea Tree (Hk. 
1/580, adpd). 493 Anacolosa densi- 


Ovate-oblong-acute-leaved (Medium- 
hispid-winged-petioled) Knot-weed 
(Hk. 5/45, adpd). 2388-e. Polygonum 
chinense (hispida) 

Ovate-oblone-acute-leaved (Medium- 

winged-petioled) Knot-weed (Hk. 5/45, 
adpd). 2388-b. Polygonum chinense 

Ovate-oblong-acute-or-acuminate (Me- 
dium-velvetty-backed) Jleaved Fetid 
Holly (Hk. 1/589, adpd), 500-b, 

Mappia foetida (tomentosa). 


Ovate-oblong-2cute-or- acuminate - leaved 
_ (Medium) Spinous Honey-thorn (Hk. 
3/136, adpd). 1529-a, Yangueria 
spinosa (typica). R 

Ovate-oblong-acute-or- acuminate - leaved 
(Medium downy)-Spinons-Honey-thorn 
(Hk. 3/136, adpd). 1529-b, Vangueria 
spinosa (mollis). 

Ovate-oblong-acute-or-obtuse-leaved (Me- 
dium-papery) Penninerved Physic Nut 
(Hk. 5/384, adpd). 2629 Tritaxis 

Ovate-oblong-candate-leayed (Penni- 
nerved-opposite Medinm-papery) Mer- 
cury (Hk. 5/438, adpd). 2682 Mallotus 

Ovate-oblong-crenate-acute-or - cuspidate 
(Small-membranons) leaved Jujube (Hk. 
1/635, adpd). 566 Zizyphus incurva. 

Ovate - oblong - crenate - obtuse - leaved 
(Very-small-wolly) Bastard Lavender 
(Hk. 4/628, adpd). 2339 Anisochilus 

Ovate-oblong- crenulate - caudate —'leaved 
(Triple-nerved-alternate Medium-to- 
long - membranous - downy - backed) 
Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/575, adpd). 
2770 Roehmeria malabarica. 

Ovate-oblong-cuspidate-leaved (Long- 
shining - glaucons-backed - axil - tufted) 
Square-branched Fetid Holly (Hk. 
1/589, adpd). A00-c. Mappia foetida 

Ovate-oblong - lance - subcrenate - obtuse- 
leaved (Small-membranous-tawny- 
hispid-glabrate) Copper-Leaf (Hk. 
5/413, adpd). 2658 Claoxylon Wightii. 

Ovate-oblong (Medium-membranous) 
leaved Cherry Nutmeg -(%k. 1/63, 
adpd). 43 Polyalthia simiarum. 

Ovate-oblong-Jeaved Crimson-spotted- 
Jower-lipped White-flowered Vernal- 
flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2252 Eran- 
themum Andersonil. 

Ovate-oblong-leaved Thyrsiform Scarlet- 
flowered Justice-wort (Nic. 5/452, adpd). 
2264 Jacobinia Pohlians, 

Ovate-oblong-leayed (Multijugate-half- 
rounded-kalf-taper-based) Toon (Ree 
Bot. Surv. Ind. Vol. III/4-1908. 482-f. 
Cedrela Toona (pilipetala). 

Ovate-oblong - minutely -toothed - subob- 
trse-leaved (Small) Whortleberry (Hk. 
3/445, adpd). 1639-2. Vaccinuim 
Leschenaultii (arborea). 

Ovate-oblong-mucronate-(16)-folioled (Bi- 
pinnate - (12-16) -membranous-downy- 
backed-stipulated) Prickly Brasiletto 
Climber (Hk. 2/254, adpd). 926 Czsal- 
nia Bonducella. 

Ovate-oblong-mucronate (Multifoliate- 
(7-9)-silky-backed) leaved Kino Rose- 
wood (Bs/T/239, adpd), 895 Pterocar- 
pus Macrocarpus. . 


Ovate-oblong - abtuse-acute-or-apiculate- 

leaved (Very-small-fleshy) Ipecacuanha — 

Swallow-Wort (Hk. 4/42, adpd). 1913 
Tylophora tenuis, 
Ovate-oblong-obtuse-leaved (Triple-nery- 
ed-subalternate Medium-tawny-vel- 
vetty-glabrate) Cinnamon (Hk. 5/134, 
adpd). 2489 Cinnamomnm Perrottetii. 
Ovate-oblong-obtuse (Unifoliate-medinm- 
brown-silky) leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 
2/79, adpd). 724 Crotalaria madurensis. 
Ovate-oblong-or-heart-acute-or - acumin- 
ate-leaved (Small-leathery-to-fleshy) 
Ipecacuanha Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/44, 
adpd). 1915 Tylophora Dalzellii. 
Ovate-oblong-pointed-leaved Orange- 
changing-to-Scarlet-flowered Lantana 

(Nic. 2/234, adpd). 2274-a, Lantana 
camara (aculcata). 
Ovate-oblong-pointeda-leaved Lemon- 

yellow-changing-to-Rose-flowered Lan- 
tana (Nic. 2/234, adpd). 2274-b. 
Lantana camara (mutabilis), 

Ovate - obovate - round - to -oblong-obtuse- 

leaved ‘Medinm-glabrate) Cadamba 
(Hk. 3/25, adpd), 1440 Stephegyne 

Ovate - oblong-(cuneate-young)-roundish- 
heart - or - hastate-leaved (Simple- 
palmati-('7-9)-nerved-opposite Medinm- 
to-large-subglaucous-backed) Flattish- 
stemmed Yam (Uk. 6/294, adpd), 
3064 Dioscorea glabra. 

Ovate-oblong-serrate - acute-or-acuminate 
leaved Indigo-blue-flowered Bastard 

Vervein (Nic. 3/188, adpd). 2285 
Stachytarpheta dichotoma. 
Ovate-oblong-serrate-leaved (Medium- 

downy-glabrate) Pink-purple-flowered 
Bastard Vervein (Hk. 4/564, adpd). 
2283 Bouchea hyderabadensis. 

Ovate-oblong-serrate-lobed-leaved (Small- 
velvetty-backed-trilobed) Climbing 
Mercury (Hk. 5/467, adpd). 2700 
Dalechampia velutina. 

Ovate - oblong-serrate ~ acuminate-leaved- 
(Unequally - paired - long - and - small- 
downy-sessile-auricnlate Eleven-(10—13)- 
prs. nerved) Square-branched Conehead 
(Hk. 4/453, adpd). 2219 Strobilanthes 

_Ovate-oblong - toothed - obtuse - pinnuled 
(Bipinnate - (4-1 ft.) - densely - scaiy- 
rachised) Buckler Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3364-d. Nephrodium filix-mas (odon- 

Ovete -oblong - wavy - acuminate - leaved 
(Medium-downy- glabrate) Long-tubed 
White-flowered Justicewort (Hk. 4/541, 
adpd). 2268 Rhinacanthus communis. 

(Medium-glabrous Seven-(7-prs.)-nery- 
ed) Conehead (I1k.4/436 adpd). 2184-a. 
Strobilanthes consanguineus (typica). — 


Ovate-obtuse-leaved (Small-papery ) 
(Chowlee Bean Climber (Hk, 2/206, 
adpd). 836 Vigna Wightii. 

_ Ovate-obtuse-leaved (Very-small-mem- 
branous White-or-white-mottled-green) 
Featherfoil (Nio, 3/110, adpd). 2573-a. 
Phyllanthus nivosus (typica), 

Ovate-obtuse-leuved (Very-small-membra- 
nous Rosy-purple-mottied-green) 
Featherfoil (Nic. 3/110, adpd). 2573-b. 
Phyllanthus nivosus (roseopicta). 

Ovate-obtuse-leaved (Very-small-mem- 
branous dark-purple-to-green) Feather- 
foil(Nic. 8/110, adpd). 2573-c, Phyllan- 
thus nivosus (atropurparea). 

Oval-obtuse (Small) leaved Holly- flowered 
Spindle Tree (Bed. 1/65, adpd). 526 
Microtropis densitiora. 

Ovate-obtuse-leaved (Medium-papery) 

Honey-thorn (Hk. 3/183, adpd). 
1521-a. Canthium neilgherrense 

Ovate-obtuse-or-cuspidate-leayed (Small- 
leathery) Chay-root Shrub (Hk. 3/60, 
adpd). 1468 Hedyotis parpurascens. 

Ovate-obtuse-to-ecuminate-leaved (Me- 
dium-leathery) Ipecacuanha Swallow- 

wort (Hk. 4/32, adpd). 1898-a, Gym- 
nema montanum (ovalifolia), 
Ovate-or-elliptic-acute-leaved (Long- 

leathery-downy-backed) Cadamba (Hk. 
8/28, adpd). 1438 Anthocephalus 

Ovate-or-Elliptic-ohtuse-leaved (Sub- 
opposite-medium-leathery) Honeysuckle 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/205, adpd). 2497 
Loranthus obtusatus. 

Ovate-or-heart-acuminate-leaved (Small- 
densely-downy) Ipecacuanha Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/29, adpd). 1896 Gymnema 

Ovate-or-lance- oblong-acute-or-acuminate 
leaved (Medium-membranous) Rosette- 
Star Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/48, adpd). 
1919-b. Heterostemma tanjorense (zey- 

leayed (Medium-membranous) Rosette- 
Star Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/48, adpd), 
1919-a. Heterosterimma  tanjerense 

Ovyate-or-narrow -oblong-entire-or - tooth- 
ed-acuminate-leayed (Small-puberulous) 
Net-bracted Nail-dye (Hk. 4/416, adpd). 
2170 Petalidium barlerioides, 

Ovate-or-obovate-obtuse-leaved (Multifoli- 
ate-(11-17)-bright-green) Bastard 
Rose-wood (Bs/T/236, adpd). 889 
Dalbergia lanceolaria. 

Ovate-or-obovate-to-lance-or-oblong - acu- 
minate-leaved (Triple-nerved-alternate 

_ Medium - rusty - downy-glabrate - sub- 
glaucous-backed) Mercury (Hk. 5/441, 
adpd). 2687 Mallotus pbilippinensis. 

Ovate-or-roundish-heart-leaved (Simple- 
palmati - (7) - nerved - medium-netted- 

50 | 


backed) Yam (Hk, 6/295, adpd), 3065 
Dioscorea Wallichii, 

Ovate-or-subcordate-leaved Climbing 
Downy Jasmine (Hk. 3/594, adpd). 

1755-b, Jasminum arborescens (lati- 
Ovate - or -subcordate-leaved Shrubby 

Downy Jasmine (Hk. 3/594, adpd). 
1755-a. Jasminum arborescens (typica). 

Ovate petalled Small fruited Dodder 
(McL. 804, adpd). 2067 Cuscuta 

Ovate petalled (Red-nerved-leaved) Viper 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/664, adpd). 1859 
(bis.) Aganosma calycina. 

Ovate-pinnatifid-obtuse-pinnuled (Bi-tri- 
pinnate-(1-2ft.) scaly-glabrate-rachis- 
ed)- Buckler Fern (bed/F, adpd). 
3364-b. Nephrodium filix-mas (elon- 

Ovate-pinnatipartite-acute-pinnated (Pin- 
nate-(4-1 fr)-scaly-stiped) Buckler Fern 
(Bed/i’, adpd). 3364-c. Nephrodium 
filix-mas (intermedia). 

Ovate Pointed-leaved Staff Tree (McL. 
459, adpd). 533 Gymnosporia acumin- 
ata, « 

Ovate-rhomboid-acute  (Trifoliate-grey- 
downy-papery-medium) leaved Dholl 
Creeper (Hk. 2/219, adpd). 857 
Cylista scariosa. 

Ovate-rhomboid-elliptic-acuminate-leay ed 
(Small-scabrid - glabrate) Panicled 
Christmas Pride (Hk. 4/427, adpd). 
2174 Stenosiphonium diandrum. 

Ovate-rhomboid (Trifoliate-grey-downy- 
papery-small) leaved Dholl Creeper 
(Hk. 2/226, adpd). 869 Rynchosia 

Ovate-rigid-leathery-(2-3 ft.)-pinnatipar- 
tite Sterile-cordiform-(4-1 ft.) lobed 
leavel Epiphytic Pclypody Fern. 
3372 (bis.) Polypodium quercifoliura. 

Ovate - round- to-oblong-acnte-to-acumin= 
ate-leaved (Small-leathery-downy- 
glabrate) Ipecacuanha Swallowwort 
(Ek. 4/44, adpd). 1916 Tylophora 

Ovate Sage leaved Indian Linden (Hk, 
1/385, adpd), 313 Grewia excelsa. 

Ovate-serrate-acute-or-acuminate - leaved 
(Medium-papery-ashy) Wind - berry 
(Hk, 3/509, adpd). 1658-b. Mesa 
indica (Perrottetiana). 

Ovate-serrate-subacute-leaved (Medium- 
hairy Seven-(7-prs)-aerved) Conehead 
(Hk. 4/444, adpd). 2201-c. Strobilan- 
thes Heyneanus) (campanulata). 

Ovate-serrate-acuminate-leaved (Metinm 
sparely-downy Eleven-(11-prs)-nerved) 
Conehead (Hk. 4/444, adpd). 22038 
Strobilanthes micranthus. 

Ovate-serrate-cuspitate (Small-membra- 
nour) leaved Trinity-podded Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/625, adpd). 549 Hippo- 
eratea indica, at ; 

Ovate-serrate-clabrate - leaved Simple- 
racemed Cobbe (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 

628-b. Allophylus cobbe (serratus). 

Ovate-serrate - glaucous - leaved Red- 
flowered Meadow Sweet (Nic. 3/474, 
adpd). 1074 Spireea bella. 

Ovate (Nilgiri) Serrate Staff ‘Tree (MchL. 
459, adpd). 5384 Gymnosporia ovata. 
Ovate (Koyle’s) Serrate Staff Tree (MeL. 
459, adpd). 538 Gymnosporia Royle- 


Ovate-serrulate-cuspidate-leaved (Small- 
lineolate Five-(5-6)-nerved) Conehead 
Hk. 4/434, adpd). 2179 Strobilanthes 

Ovate-serrulate-cuspidate-leaved (Small- 
lineolate Seven-‘7-prs)-nerved) Cone- 
head (Hk. 4/489, adpd). 2192 
Strobilanthes Zenkerianus. 

Ovate (Broad) Stipuled Lotus Croton 
(McL, 473, 502, adpd), 2689 Maca- 
ranga indica. 

Ovate-subentire-acuminate-leaved (Long- 
lineolate) Blue Bracted Vernal-flower 
(Hk. 4/418, adpd). 2171 Jiedalacan- 
thus nervosus. 

Ovate-subentire-acuminate-leaved (Small- 
downy - nerved - backed ‘Terminally- 
crowded Nine-(9-prs)-nerved) Conehead 
(Hk. 4/435, adpd). 2182 Strobilanthes 

Ovate-subentire-acuminate-leaved (Me- 
dium-dense-white-silky-backed Light- 
(8-prs)-nerved) Conehead (Hk. 4/435, 
adpd). 2183 Strobilanthes cuspidatus. 

Ovate-subentire-acuminate-leaved (Small- 
sparsely-red-gland - backed - scabrous- 
hairy Six-(6-prs)-nerved) Conehead 
(Hk. 4/441, adpd). 2199 Strobilanthes 
anceps (microstachys). 

Ovate-subentire-acute-leaved (Medium- 
shaggy - backed - hispid Seven - (7-8)- 
nerved) Conehead (Hk. 4/437, adpd.) 
2187 Strobilanthes heteromallus. 

Ovate-subentire-obtuse-leaved (Small- 
thick-rugose-shaggy Seven-(7-8 prs.)- 
nerved) Conehead (Hk. 4/488, adpd). 
2188 Strobilanthes Wightianus, 

Ovate-to-lance-obtuse-leaved (Irregular- 
(often-indistinct)-nerved Small-thick) 
Smooth - persistent - or - deciduous-in - 
large-patches-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/235, adpd). 1205 Eucalyptus incras- 
sata (angulosa). 

Ovate - to-lance - obtuse - or - mucronate- 
leaved (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved 
Medium) Rough-corky-barked Wuca- 
lypt (Bth. 3/258, adpd) 1171 
Eucalyptus calophylla. 

Ovate-to-lance-toothed-acuminate- leaved 
(Swall-to-medium-membranous -hispid) 
Climbing Nettle Mercury (Hk. 5/465, 
adpd). 2697-a. Tragia involucrata 

(typica). | 


Ovate-to-linear-heart-acute-leaved (Small 
downy-glabrate) Ring-Coronet Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/23, adpd). 1888 
Cynanchum alatum. 

Ovate-to-long-lance-to-actiminate - leaved 
(Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Small- 
to-long-hetercmorphons - subglaucous) 
White-smooth (branches)-to-dark-rug- 
ged-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/223, adpd). 
1169 Encalyptus brachypoda. 

Ovate-to-oblong-lance-acuminate - leaved 
(Small) Square-branched Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/576, adpd). 490 Olax acuminata. 

Ovate-to-oblong-lance-acute-leaved (Me- 
dium-leathery) Climbing Dyeing Rose- 
bay (Hk. 3/650, adpd), 1888 Parsonsia 

Ovate-to-oblong-lance-acute-leaved (Smal] 
distichous) Climbing Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/575, adpd), 488 Olax scandens. 

Ovate - to - oblong = acute - leayed 
(Medium papery) Kokra Laurel (Hk, 
5/349, adpd). 2610 Aporosa Lindley- 

Ovate-to-oblong-lance - (4’’-1}’’)-cordate- 
acute-pinnuled (Bijugately-bipinnate) 
Climbiny Fern (Bed/F, adpd), 3884~a. 
Lygodium scandens (typica). 

Ovate-to-obovate-leaved (Thorny) Bell 

Vervein (Hk. 4/582, adpd). 2806 
Gmelina asiatica. 
Ovate-to-obovate-leaved (Quadrifoliate 

(2-6)-medium-leathery) Crab O11 Tree 
(Hk. 1/567, adpd). 476 Carapa obovata. 

Ovate-to-obovate-rhomboid - ee 
pidate-leaved (Penninerved Small-rigid- 
seabrid) Sandpaper Mulberry (Hk. 
5/489, adpd). 2717 Streblus asper. 

nate-leaved (Medium fleshy) Ipeca- 
cunnha Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/42, adpd). 
1912 Tylophora zeylanica. 

Ovate Trifoliate Tick Trefoil (McL. 818, 
adpd). 803 Desmodium laxiflorum., 

Ovate Unifoliate Tick Trefvil (McL. 813, 
adpd). 802 Desmodium  ormocar- 

Ovate (Scabrous) Unifoliate Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 818, adpd). 806 Desmodium 

Ovate-waved-acuminate (Multifeliate- 
(9-15)-small-downy)  leaved False 
Wampee (Hk. 1/502, Bed. 1/48, adpd). 
331-b. Micromelum pubescens (angusti- 
folia). ‘ 

Ovate-waved-acuminate (Quinquefoliate- 
medium-douwny) leaved False Wampee 
(Hk. 1/502, Bed. 1/48, adpd). 391-a. 
Micromelum pubescens (integerrima). 

Overlook (Jamaica) (McL. 875). 830 
Canayalia ensiformis, 


Ovoid berried acuminate leaved Lingam 
Tree (Hk. 1/172, adpd). 10l-a. 
Cratmva religiosa (Nurvala). 

Ovoid-capsnled (Stout-racemed) Tiger’s 
Milk Spurge (Hk. 5/472, adpd). 2704-a. 
Sapium inusigne (typica). 

Ovuled (Many) Dracena (Hk. 6/300, 331) 
(Nic. 1/489 to 491). cmlxy, Cordyline 

Oxford (Countess cf) Rose (Nic. 3/824) 
(Ru/O/19). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (kermesina-purpureo- 

Oxvphoiniké of the Greeks (McL. 874). 
982 Tamarindus indica, 
Oyemel Fir (Muell. 8.P). 


Oyster-bay Pine (Bth. 6/238). 
Callitris rhomboidea. 


Padouk (Andaman) (McL. 418, 642, 749, 
995) (Gbl. 257). 898 Pterocarpus 

Padouk (Burmese) (McL. 418, 642, 749, 
995) (Gbl. 259). 895 Pterocarpus 

Padouk (Malay) (McL. 418, 642, 749, 995). 
894 Pterocarpus indicus. 

Padri Tree (Cag. 456). 
permum chelonoides, 

Pagoda (Red margined) Flower (Nic. 
3/170, adpd). 1827 Plumeria tricolor. 

Pagoda Tree (McL. 802) (Cat. 183) (Br. 
126) (Pfl. 183) (Ru/N/81, O/5). 1825 
Plumeria acutifolia. 

Pagoda Tree (McL. 72). 2726 Ficus beng- 

Pagoda (Chinese) Tree (Nic, 3/459) 
eccxxix. Sophora (genus). 

(S. 408). 

Pagoda (Emarginate leaved Yellow 
Chinese) Tree (Hk. 2/251, adpd). 915 
Sophcra interrupta. 

Pagoda (Four winged podded Chinese) 
Tree (Hk. 2/251, adpd), 915 Sophora 

Pageda (Japanese) Tree (Nic. 3/459). 
ecexxix. Sophora (genus). 

Pagoda (Oblong acute leaved Chinese) 
Tree (Hk. 2/249, adpd). 913 Sophora 

Pagoda (Obovate leaved Yellow Chinese) 
Vee (Hk. 2/249, adpd). 912 Sophora 

Pagoda (Obtase leaved Yellow Chinese) 
Tree (Hk. 2/251, adpd), 916 Sophora 

Pagoda (Pointed leave Yellow Chinese) 
Tree (Hk. 2/250, adpd). 914 Sophora 

Pagoda (Purplo flowered Chinese) Tree 
(Hk. 2/249, adpd). 918 Sophora 


2867 Abies 

2149 Stereos- 



Painted Grass (Nic. 5/*8). mxx xvi 
Arundo (genus), 

Painted Justicia (McL. 298) (Br. 172). 
2270 Graptophyllum hortense. 

Painted Jeaved Tailed Tick Trefoil (Br. 
52, adpd). 791 Uraria picta. 
Painted leaved Uraria (Br. 52), 

Uraria picta, 
Painter’s Gamboge (McL. 469, adpd). 
178 Garcinia Xanthochymus. 


Painter’s Xanthochymus (McL. 469). 
178 Garcinia Xanthochy mus. 

Pajanely (McL. 365, 782, 998). 2119 
Oroxylum indicum (?). 

Pajanely (McL. 732, 998). 2158 Paja- 

nelia Rheedii. 

Pako Tree (Cag, 209, 409). 

Pala indigo (Cat. 187), 

Palaus (Black) (McL. 759), 
xylum Khetsa. 

Palaus (Black) (McL. 645). 795 Ougenia 

2824 Ginkgo 
1841 Wrightia 

384 Zantho- 

Palaus (Creeper) (McL. 645). 829 Butea 
Palaus (Thorny) (McL. 645). 818 

Erythrina stricta, 
Palaus Kino (Br. 51). 

828 Butea fron- 

Pale Bark (Mc. 420) (Cat. 167). 1444-a. 
Cinchona officinalis (typica). 
Pale Blue Ipomea (McL. 403). 2020 

Tpomeea hederacea. 

Pale Fawn (Salmon-shaded) Tea Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Cag, 600) (Mu. 55) (Ru/N/ 
94, O/20) (Hod) (Po). 1105-h. Rosa 
odorata (fulva-cinnabarino-suffusa). 

Pale (Waxy) Flesh-coloured China Rose 
(Nic. 5/648) (Br. 70). 1103-b. Rosa 
indica (carnea-albocerea). 

Pale Waxy Flesh-pink Bourbon Rose 
(Nic. 5/641) (Cag. 597) (Hod). 1106-c. 
Rosa borbonica (carnea-albocerea). 

Pale-flesh-tinted White Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Mu. 58). 1107-d. Rosa hybrida- 

Pale-flesh-tinted (Glossy) White Hybrid- 
perpeptual Rose (Ku/N/90, 0/21) (Mu. 
58) (Hod) (Ooty. 428). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (albida-albo- 
carneo suffusa-nitida), 

Pale-green-blotchy-véined (Deep-green- 
margined-and-streaked) Whitish-green 
Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 2264-d, 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (Regina), 

Pale-green (Golden-yellow-blotched Pink 
suffused) Croton (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ha. Codizum 
variegatum (Pilgrimii). 

Pale-green (Pale-yellow or) Croton [when 
young] (Nic. 5/251) (Ku/N/U) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nj. Codisum varie- 
gatum (rubrolineatum), 


Pale-green-leaved Rosy-backed Orange- 
yellow Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262, 5/182). 
3027-d. Canna lutea (aurantiaca). 

Pale-green-margined White-blotchy-vein- 
ed Very-deep-gyeen Dumb Cane (Nie. 
1/474). 8264-c. Dieffenbachia Seguine 
(Rex). . 

Pale-green (Blue-purple-rayed) Passion 
Flower (Nic. 3/80) (Br. 86), 1349 
Passiflora cerulea. 

Pale-green (Creamy-yellow-spotted) Tri- 
lobe Croton (Nic. 1/365) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ka. Codizum varie- 
gatum (trilobum-maculatum-Katonii). 

Palembang Devil Rattan of Sumatra (Nic. 
1/430). 3220 Dzemonorops palembas 

Pale-Orange-shaded Apricot-coloured Tea 
Rose (Ru/N/95). 1105-m. Rosa odorata 

(armeniaca - aurantio - flavescente - 

Pale-yeilow-blotched Olive-green Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Tb. Codizum 
variegatum (Indian Prince), 

Pale-yellow-centred Green Croton 

(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ra. 
Codizum variegatum (irregulare- 

Pale-yellow-flowered (Long-downy-backed 
oblong-lance-caudate-leaved) Panicled 
Ginger (Hk. 6/202, adpd). 2986 Globba 

Pale-yellow - maturing - rosy - margined- 
midribbed-and-veined Dark-green 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Mf. Codizum variegatum 

Pale-yellow or Pale-green Croton [when 
young ] (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 

(Jaf), 2646-Nj. Codieum variegatum 

Pale-yellow Tea Noisette Rose (Mu. 56), 
1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odorata- 

Pale-yellow-to-crimgon-spotted Bricht- 

green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Wa. Codizum variegatum multi- 

Paler-backed Rosy-pink Hybrid perpeptual 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 54), 1107-¢. 
Rosa ihybrida-semperflorens (rosea- 

Palghaut (Bastard Cedar of) (Bed. 1/80) 
(W.A.J). 1457 Hymenodictyon excel- 

Palissandre Wood (Muell. S.P), 2148 
Jacaranda ovalifolia. 

Pallas’ Pine of the Crimea (Nic, 3/143). 
2848-e, Pinus Laricio (Pullasiana), 

Pallid leaved Common White Cedar 

(Hk. 1/548, adpd). 458 Dysoxylum 


Palm Family (Br. 225) (L/N/S/B),. CXXI, 
Palmz (Order), 

Palm (Fern) (Family} (L/N/8/B), CXIIi. 
Cycadacew (Order). 

Palm (Fern) (S. 281). 2873 Cycas circi- 

Palm (African Hair) (S. 90). 3199 
Chameerops humilis, ' 

Palm (African Oil) (Gbl. 789) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Cat. 831) (Rid. 266) (Jaf, 181) 
(Pfi. 8329). 3236 Hleis guineensis. 

Palm (Alternate-leaflet Sugar) (Hk. 6/422, 
Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3151 Arenga Wightii. 

Palm (Andaman Date) (Rid. 267) (Jaf. 
182). 8169 Phoenix paludosa. 

Palm (Arabian Date) (Cat. 330), 3162 
Phoenix dactylifera, 

Palm (Areca) (McL. 40, 472, 484, 1001) 
(Bs/T/641). 2131 Areca Catechu. 

Palm (Areca Nut) (Bed. 1/228) (Gbl. 726) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Ell. 65) (Cat. 320) (W. 46, 
49). 3121 Areca Catechu, 

Palm (Assam Sago) (Nic. 5/200, adpd). 
3153 Caryota obtusa, 

Palm (Australian Feather) (8. 352) (Nic. 
3/247), cmlxxxi, Ptychosperma 

Palm (Australian Fan) (Cat. 321), 3197 
Livistona australis, 

Palm (Bastard Sago) (Bed. 1/828, Bdn/ 
F.T, McL. 1001, Hil, 146, adpd). emxci, 
Caryota (genus). 

Palm (Bastard Sago) (Bed. 1/828) (Bdn/ 
F.T/L) (Cat. 326) (McL. 418, 478, 484, 
777, 844, 1001) (Ell, 146) (Pf. 376). 
3152 Caryota urens. 

Palm (Bauer’s Lieut. Colonel Kent's) 
(Nic. 2/218). 3141 Rhopalostylis 

Palm (Belmore’s Lieut, Colonel Kent’s) 
(Nic. 2/218). 38185 Howea Belmoreana, 
Palm (Bengal Crescent leaved Talipot) 

(Rox. 3/176, adpd). 8173 Coryphy 

Palm (Bengal Round leaved Talipot) 
(Rox. 2/174, adpd). 8175 Coryphy 

Palm (Betel) (McL. 49) (Cat. 324) (Gbl. 
726). 8121 Areca Catechn, 

Palm (Zetel Nut) (McL. 40, 231) (Hk. 
6/406) (Cat. 324) (Cag. 3387) (S. 32) Jaf. 
128) (Rid. 264) (N. 1/109) (Bdn/F,T) 
(Ell. 65) (Pr. 1069) (PA, 9), #121 
Areca Catechu. 

Palm (Bifarionsly fascicled leaflet Sugar) 

(Hk. 6/44, Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3150 
Arenga obtusifolia. 
Palm (Bipinnate Fern) ({Muell. S.P, 

adpd). cmxvi. Bowenia (genus). 
Palm (Bipinnate Fish-tail Feather) (Cag. 
838, adpd). cmxci. Caryota (genus). 
Palm (Black spined Bourbon (Nic. 2/287, 
adpd). 3193 Livistona altissima, 


Palm (Bourbon) (Nic, 2/287, adpd), miii. 
Livistona (genus). 

Palm (Bourbon) (Nic. 2/287) (8. 56), 3195 
Livistona chinensis. 

Palm (Bourbon) (Nic. 2/237) (8. 280). 

- [mxi. Sphalm] miii. Livistona (genus). 

Palm (Broad Rachis Acuminate Feather) 
(Cag. 337, adpd). 3140 Archontophonix 

Palm (Bronze stalked American Cabbage) 
(Nie. 2/521, adpd), 3158 Oreodoxa 

Palm (Broom) (Nic. 4/29) (S. 428). 
Thrinax argentea. 

Palm (Cabbage) (Cag. 342) (Ru/O/18). 
3157 Oreddoxa oleracea. 

Palm (Cabbage) (S. 379). 

Palm (Cahonn-nut) (Treas, Bot). 3238 
Attalea Cohune. 

Palm (Canary-Jsles Date) (Ooty. 322) 
(Nic. 3/104). 3172 Phoenix canariensis. 

Palm (Cane Betel) (McL. 675, adpd). 
emlxxyii. Pinanga (genus). 

Palm (Caranuba Wax fan) (Muell. §.P). 
3176 Copernicia cerifera. 

Palm (Catechu) (McL. 40) (Br. 225). 
3121 Areca Catechu. 

Palm (Ceylon Betel Nut) (McL. 40, 231, 
HE, 6/406,adpd), 3122 Areca concinna. 

Palm (Ceylon Date) (Ru/O/35) (Nic. 3/105). 
3164 Pnoenix zeylanica, 

Palm (Ceylon Fan) (McL. 882), 
Corypha umbraculifera. 

Palm (Ceylon Sugar) (Cag. 337) (Rid. 
264) (Jaf. 129). 3149 Arenga sacchari- 

Palm (Ceylon Sugar) (Cag. 337) (Cat. 326) 
(Rid. 264) (Jaf. 129). 3149 Arenga 


m, Sabal 


Palm (Char) (McL. 158, 648), 3224 
Borassus flabellifer. 

Palm (Chevaux-de-frise Acuminate 
Feather) (Rid. 265, 266, adpd). mxiii. 
Jubzea (genus), 

Palm (China Fern) (S. 123, 164). 2878 

Cycas reyoluta. 

Palm (Chinese Reclining Sago) (Nic. 
1/274). 3154 Caryota mitis. 

Palm (Chocolate-margined-and-stalked 
Mauritius) (Nic. 2/237). 3227 Latania 

Palm (Chusan) (Muell. S.P) (S. 97). 
3208-b. Trachycarpus excelsa (Fortunei), 

Palm (Circular Rlack-stalked Bourbon) 
(Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3198 Livistona 
Hoogendorpii. = 

Palm (Club) (Nic. 1/373). 
line (genus). 

Palm (Cluster-pinnate 
Feather) (Rid. 267, 
Maximiliana (genus). 

emlxy, Cordy- 

adpd), m<xiy. 


Palm (Cocoa Nut) (Nic. 1/348) (8. 104) 
(Cas, 332). mxii. Cocos (genus). 

Palm (Cocoa Nut) (McL, 40, 195, 4738, 484, 
1001). 8228 Cocos nucifera. 

Palm (Cocoanut leaved Betel) (Cag. 337, 
840, adpd). 3125 Ohrysalidocarpus 

Palm (Coir Fibre) (Gbl. 740) (Bdn/F.T). 
8228 Cocos nucifera. 

Palm (Common Bourbon) (Nic. 2/287, 
adpd), 3195 Livistona chinensis. 

Palm (Common Indian Fern) (Muell. 8.P, 

adpd). 2873 Cycas circinalis. 

Palm (Vommon Sago) (McL, 777). 3149 
Arenga saccharifera. 

Palm (Copra) (Gbl. 740) (Bdn/F.T), 3228 

Cocos nucifera. 
Palm (Costate Pinnate Fern) (Muell. 8,P, 
adpd), cmxii. Cycas (genus). 
Palm (Cream-midribbed Hog) (Cag, 340, 
adpd). 3126 Hyophorbe Verschaffelti. 
Palm (Cuddapah Fern) (Muell. s.P, 
adpd). 2877 Cycas Beddomei. 

Palm (Cultivated Date) (Gbl. 730). 3162 
Phoenix dactylifera. 

Palm (Curled Acuminate Feather) (Cag. 

841, adpd), cmlxxvili. Howea (.enus), 
Palm (Uurled-downwards Acumiuate 
Feather) (Cag. 341, adpd). 3136 
Howea Forsteriana. 
Palm (Curled-upwards Acuminate~ 
Feather) (Cag. 341, adpd). 38135 

Howea Belmoreana, 

Palm (Curved Wedge leaflet Fish-tail) 
(Nic. 1/274, adpd). 3155 Cuaryota 

Palm (Date) (McL. 413) (Bed. 1/228) 
(S. 325) (Nic. 3/103). cmxev. Phoenix 

Palm (Date) (S. 130, 315) (Bs/T/645) 
(Bdu/F.L). 8162 Phoenix dactylifera. 

Palm (Vate Sugar) (Cat. 325). 3163 
Phenix sylvestris. 

Palm (Dense-leaved Acuminate Feather) 
(Kid. 266, adpd). 3188 Hedyscepe 

Palm (Vigitate Dwarf Spineless Fan) 
(Cag. 843, adpd). mv, Khap:s (genus). 

Palm (Dwart Multisect Spineless Han) 
(Cag. 344, adpd). mi, Thrinax (genus). 

Palm (Dwarf Palmetto Fan) (Mueil. 8.) 
(Nic. 3/338) (Ru/N/122, 0/13, 86), 3182 
Sabal Adausoni, 

Palm (Dwarf Spineless Fan) (Cag. 344, 
adpd). m, Sabal (genns). 

Palm (Hast Indian Wine) (S. 80) (MeL. 
777). cmxci. Curyota (genus). 

Palm (Ecostate Pinnate Fern) (Muell. 
8.P, adpd). cmxv, Macrozamia 

Palm (Highteen-segment Prickly Fan) 
(Hk. 6/431, adpd). 38173 Licuala 


Palm (Ejoo) (McL. 316), 3149 Arenga 

Palm (Hlephant’s) (McL. 777). 
Oaryota wrens. 

Palm (Equally-bifid Acuminate Feather) 
(Cooke. 2/809, adpd). 3180 Actinorhy- 
tis Calapparia, 

Palm (Huropean Fan) (S. 90). 
Chamzerops humilis. 

Palm (False Betel Nut) (Cooke. 2/809, 
adpd). 3180 Actinorhytis Calapparia. 

Palm (Fan) (Mch. 294, 648). 3224 
Borassus flabellifer. 

Palm (Fan) (Mcu. 294, 882) (Br. 228) 
(Ell. 200) (Pf. 454). 3174 Corypha 

Palm (Fan) (S. 879). 

Palm (Fan-shaped Broad-fringed 
Bourbun) (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 38196 
Livinstona Jenkinsiana. 

Palm (Fan-shaped Pendulous-fringed 
Bourbon) (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 38195 
Livistona chinensis. 

Palm (Fan-shaped Short-fringed Bourbon) 



m. Sabal (genus). 

(Nic. 2/287, adpd). 38193 Livistona 
Palm (Fern) (Muel. S.P) (S. 257). 

emxiv. Cycas (genus). 
Palm (Fig. leaf) (S. 164). 
Palm (Filiferous Prickly Fan) (Cag. 343, 
adpd), 3190 Washingtonia filifera. 
Palm (Fishing-Line) (McL. 777). 3152 
Caryota urens. 
Palm (Fish-tail) (Bdo/L). 

1396 Fatsia 

3152 Caryota 

Palm (Fish-tail) (Cag. 337). 3154 
Caryota mitis. 

Palm (Flagelliferous Acuminate Cane 
Feather) (Hk. 6/436, adpd). mvii. 
Calamus (genus). 

Palm (Fiagelliferous Acuminate Cane 
Feather) (Hk. 6/464, adpd). mvii. 
Dzemonorops (genus). 

Palm (Flagelliferous American Cabbage) 
(Cooke, 2/810). 8156 Oreodoxa regia. 
Palm (Fork-tipped Simple Lanceolate- 

leaved) (Rid. 266, adpd). 3145 
Geonoma Spixian3. 
Palm (Forster’s Lieut-Colonel Kent's) 
(Nic. 2/218). 3136 Howea Forsteriana. 
Palm (Four-leaved Sugar) (Hk. 6/421, 

Nic. 5/82, adpd), 3149 Arenga 

Palm (Ghaut) (MeL. 777), 3152 Caryota 
crens, — 

Paim (Giant Fern) (8. 257) (Bth. 6/252). 
2882 Macrozamia Peroffskyana. 

Palm (Glaucous leaved-and-stalked 
Mauritius) (McL. 2/237). 3226 Latania 

Palm (Glaucous Prickly Fan) (Cag. 888) 
(S. 90, adpd). miv, Chamerops (genus). 


Palm (Golden-petioled Betel) (Cag. 387, 
339, adpd). 3128 Dictyoaperma 

Palm (Golden-ribbed-and-stalked Mauri- 
tius) (Nic. 2/237). 3225 Latania aurea. 

Palm (Great Fan) (McL. 882). 3174 
Corypha umbraculifera. 

Palm (reat Fan) (McL. 648). 
Borassus flabellifer. 

Palm (Hill Dwarf Date) (FAR. 25, GJM/ 


Mhgi). 8168 Phoenix humilis (pedun- 
culata. ; 
Palm (Hill Toddy) (Cat. 326), 3152 

Caryota urens. 

Palm (Himalayan Cane Betel) (MeL. 675, 
adpd). 3184 Pinanga gracilis. 

Palm (Himalayan Date) (Cag. 642) (Nic. 
3/104) (Bs/T/64, Gbl. 730, adpd). 3165 
Phoenix rupicola, 

Palm (Hog) (Cag. 340, adpd). 
Hyophorbe (genus). 

Palm (Holy) (McL, 882). 3174 Corypha 

Palm (Wowe’s-Island) (Nic. 2/155, adpd). 
cmlxxviii. Howea (genus). 

Palm (Huge oblate Prickly Fan) (Cag. 
339, adpd). cmxcvi. Corypha (genus). 

Palm (Huge oblong Prickly Fan) (Nic. 
2/292, adpd). mxix. Lodoicea (genus). 

Palm (Illawarra) (Nic. 3/247). 3140 
Archontophonix Cunninghamii. 

Palm (Indian Coastal Fan) (MeL. 294, 
adpd). 8224 Borassus flabellifer. 

Palm (Indian Sago) (McL. 593, 777, 905, 
1000). 2873 Cycas circinalis, 

Palm (Indian Sago) (Rid. 113, 265, Jaf. 
129, Ru/N/120, 0/35, adpd). 3152 
Caryota urens. 

Palm (Indian Wine) (McL. 642). 3224 
Borassus flabellifer. 

Palm (Indian Wine) (McL. 414). 3163 
Phoenix sylvestris. 

Palm (Jaggery) 777). 
Caryota urens. 

cml xxili. 

(McL. 3152 

Palm (Jagged-stemmed Spine-tipped 
Feather) (Cag. 3842, adpd), emxcy. 
i hoenix (genus). 

Palm (Japan Fern) (Muel. S.P). 2878 
Cycas revoluta. 

Palm (Java Fan) (McL. 882). 3174 

Corypha umbraculifera, 

Palm (Keeled Bifid Acuminate Feather) 
(Hk. 6/418, adpd), 3143 Bentinckia 

Palm (Kidney-shaped Pendulous-fringed 
Bourbon) (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3194 
Livistona olivaformis. 

Palm (Kitul Fibre) (Bdn/F.T) (Gbl. 729). 
8152 Caryota urens. 

Palm  (Long-leaved Nibbled-tipped 
Feather) (Bth. 7/188, adpd), 3137 
Hydriastele Wandlandiana, 


Palm (Long-lobed Spineless Fan) (Cag. 
338, adpd), mvi. Trachycarpus 

Palm (Long Plaited Acuminate Feather) 
(Cag. 337, 840, adpd), 3125 Chrysalido- 
carpus lutescens. 

Palm (Lenger-leafletted American Cab- 
bage) (Nic. 2/521, adpd), 3157 Oredoxa 

Palm (MacArthur’s Lieut-Colonel Kent’s) 
(Nic. 2/218). 3139 Ptychosperma Mac- 

Palm (Madagascar) (McL. 922), 
Ravenala madagascariensis. 

Palm (Madagascar Banana) (Treas. Bot. 
2/266). cmlv. Ravenala (genus), 

Palm (Madagascar Betel nut) (Mcl,, 40, 
231, Hk. 6/406, adpd). 3124 Areca 

Palm (Malabar Coast Fan) (MclL. 294, 
adpd). 3174 Corypha umbraculifera, 
Palm (Malabar Sago) (McL. 462, 777) (Br. 

226), 8152 Caryota urens. 

Palm (Malay Betel Nut) (McL. 40, 281, 
675, Hk. 6/406, adpd). 3123 Areca 

Palm (Malayan Fern) (Muell. S.P, adpd). 
2874 Cycas Rumphii. 

Palm (Malayan Sago) (Bs/T/648) (Gbi. 
728) (Cat. 326). 3149 Arenga saccha- 


Palm (Manritius) (Nic. 2/237, adpd). 
mxi, J.atania (genus). 

Palm (Mauritius Fan) (Cat. 331). 3195 
Livistona chinensis. 

Palm (Mixed-tip Feather) (Rid. 264, 

adpd). cmlxxvii. Pinanga (genus). 

Palm (Moreton-Bay Fern) (Bth. 6/253). 
2880 Macrozamia Miquelii. 

Palm (Multilobed Paucisect False Fan) 
(Nic. 1/268, adpd), mxx. Varludovica 

Palm (Mysore Toddy) (Pfl. 45) (Cat. 328). 
3163 Phoenix sylvestris. 

Palm (Narrow-leaved Ecostate Fern) 
(Bth. 6/252, adpd). 2881 Macrozamia 

Palm  (Narrow-wedge 
_ Feather) (Hk. 4/419, adpd). 
Wallichia disticha,. 
Palm (Nepal Fan) (Lodd), 

carpus Martiana. 

Palm(New-South Wales Fern) (Bth, 6/252). 
2883 Macrozamia spiralis. 

Palm (New-Zealand) (S. 290), 
Rhopslostylis Baueri. 

Palm (Nibble-tipped Feather) (Cag. 387, 
adpd). cml]xxi. Areca (genus). 

Palm (Nibble-tipped and Acuminate 
Feather) (Rid. 264, adpd). 3134 Pin- 
anga gracilis, 

Palm (Nine-segment Prickly Fan) (Hk, 
6/430, adpd). 3179 Licuala paludosa. 


3202 Trachy- 



Palm (Noongh) (McL. 642). 3224 Borassus 

Palm (Norfolk-Island) (Muell. S.P) (S. 
292). 3141 Rhopalostylis Baueri. 

Palm (North Australian Fern) (Bth, 
6/251). 2875 Cycas media, 

Palm (Notched Prickly Fan (Cag. 341, 
adpd). 38180 Licuala grandis. 
Palm (Oil) (Nic. 1/506). mxvi. 


Palm (Obcordate and Acuminate Feather) 
(Rid. 264,adpd). 3133 Pinanga disti- 

Palm (Palmatiseet Prickly Fan) (Hk. 
6/430, adpd). cmxcix. Licuala (genus). 


Palm (Palmetto) (Nic. 3/338). 3184 
Saba] Palmetto. 
Palm (Palmetto Fan) (Muell. 8.P). 3184 

Sabal Palmetto. 

Palm (Palmyra) (GbI. 737) (Cag. 837) 
(Cat. 331) (Br. 339) (Ell. 108) (Pf. 244). 
3224 Borassus fiabellifer. 

Palm (Penang) (McL. 40), 3121 Areca 

Palm (Penang Lawyer) (Mclh. 
emxcix, Licuala (genus). 

Palm (Philippine Sago) (Nic. 1/274). 3155 
Caryota Cumingii. 

Palm (Pine) (Muell. 
Macrozamia (genus). 

Palm (Flaited Acuminate Feather) (Cag. 
339, adpd). mxii. Cocos (genus), 

Palm (Plantain leaved) (Rid. 149, 161). 
3043 Ravenala madagascariensis. 

Palm (Prickly Acuminate Cane Feather) 


S.P).  cmxy. 

(Hk. 6/4738, adpd). mix, Zalacca 
Palm (Prickly Date) (S. 8, 34). emlxxyi. 

Acanthophcenix (genus), 

Palm (Prickly Fan) (S. 247, Cag. 338, 
adpd), miii, Livistona (genus), 

Palm. (Pritchard’s Grand Lace-fringed) 
(Cag. 841, 343). 3180 Licuala (grandis), 

Palm (Prostrate Forking Spineless Fan) 
(Hk. 6/429). 3177 Nannoruops Ritchie- 

Palm Prostrate Plaited 
Feather) (Rox. 3/650, 
Nipa fruticans, 

Palm (Quadrifariously fascicled leaflet 
Sugar) (Hk. 6/421, Nic. 5/82, adpd), 
3149 Arenga saccharitera. 

Palm (Queensland Bipinnate Fern) (Bth. 
6/254). 2884 Bowenia spectabilis, 

Palm (Red-nerved Betel) (Cag. 337, 339, 
adpd), 3127 Dictyosperma rubrum. 

Palm (Ribbed Nibble-tipped Feather) 

adpd). 3161 

(Rox. 3/623, adpd). 3132 Pj 
Dicksonii, * ho 
Palm (Robust Seaforth) (Rid, 264, 

adpd). #141 Rhopalostylis Baueri : 
Palm (Rounded leaflet F ish-tail) (Nic. 
5/200, adpd). 3153 Caryota obtusa, 


Palm (Royal Palmetto) (Nic. 4/29) (S. 
429), 3187 Thrinax parviflora. 
Palm (Sago) (Rid. 113, 265) (Jaf. 129) 

(Ru/N/120, 0/85) (W. 68). 3152 
Caryota urens, 

Palm (Sago) (8.123). cmxiv. Cycas 

Palm (Sago Date) (Rid. 147,154), 3167 

Phoenix farinifera, 

Palm (Sago Fern) (McL. 598, 777, 905, 
1000, 8. 281, corr). 2873 Cycas circina- 

Palm (Salt-swamp Jack fruit) (Hk. 6/424, 
adpd). 38161 Nipa fruticans, 

Palm (Scanty-red-spined Bourbon) (Nic. 
2/287, adpd). 3194 Livistona olive- 

Palm (Screw Pine) (McL. 650), 
Pandanus (genus). 

Palm (Scurfy-leaved Acuminate Feather) 
(Cag. 340, adpd), 3160jEuterpe edulis, 

Palm (Scurfy Plaited Acuminate Feather) 
(Cag. 344, adpd), cmlxxxiii. Rhopa- 
lostylis (genus). 

Palm (Sea Cocoa Nut)(Mch. 65, 198,1001). 
8239 Lodoicea seychellarum. 

Palm (Seaforthia) (S. 395). 3140 Archon- 
tophcenix Cunninghamii. 

Palm (Sheath-stemmed Nibble-tipped 
Feather) (Cag. 337, adpd). cmxc. 
Arenga (genus). 

Palm (Short-lobed Spineless Fan) (Hk. 
6/482). mx.,Borassus (genus). 

Palm (Short- pinnate Nibble-tipped 
Feather) (Cag. 341, adpd). 3189 Pty- 
chosperma MacArthurii. 

Palm (Short-leafletted American 
bage) (Nic, 2/521, adpd). 
doxa regia. 

Palm (Silver) (Nic. 
Astrocaryum (genus). 

Palm (Silver) (Rid. 265) (Jaf. 189). 3237 
Astrocaryum argenteum. 

Palm (Silvery Acuminate Feather) (Cag. 
339, adpd), 8146 Ceroxylum andicolum. 

Palm (Single-leaved Sugar) (Hk. 6/422, 
Nic. 5/82, adpd), 3151 Arenga Wightii, 

Palm (2ingapore Sago) (Mc, 316, 839). 
3149 Arenga saccharifera. 

Palm (Slender European Fan) (8, 90, 
adpd). 3200 Chameerops gracilis. 

Palm (South American Dwarf Cane) (S. 
177, Nic. 2/68, adpd), cmlxxxvi. 
Geonoma (genus). 

Palm (South China Fan) (Muell. 8.P). 
3203-a. Trachycarpus excelsa. 

Palm (South Indian Talipot) (Cag. 339, 
Br. 228, adpd). 3174 Corypha umbra- 

Palm (Spine-petioled Acuminate Feather) 
(Nic.1/506, adpd). mxvi. Elais(genus). 

Palm (Spiny-stemmed Acuminat Feather) 
(Cag. 337,adpd), 38142 Oncosperma 


38156 Oreo- 

1/142). mxvii. 


adpd). 3147 

Palm (Spiny-stemmed 
Feuther) (Nic. 3/502, 
Stevensonia grandifolia, 

Palm (Spiny-stemmed Nibbled-tipped 
Feather Palm) (Nic. 2/380,adpd), 3235 
Martinezia caryotoides, 

Palm (Spiny-stemmed Silvery Feather) 
(Nic. 1/142, adpd). mxvii. Astroca- 
ryum (genus). 

Palm (Spiny-stemmed Ringed Feather) 
Muell. S.P, Nic. 1/8, adpd), 31381 
Acanthophoenix rubra, 

Palm (Spotted Bronze Wedge Leaf) (Cag. 
344, adpd), 3147 Stevensonia grandi- 

Palm (Stemless Fish-tail Feather) (Rid. 
264, adpd). 3148 Wallichia disticna. 
Palm (Stinging) (McL. 777). 3152 

Caryota urens. 

Palm (Straits Cane Betel) (McL. 675, 
adpd). 31383 Pinanga disticha. 

Palm (Subcireular Brown-stalked Bour- 
bon) (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3197 Livistona 
australis, . 

Palm (Suborbicular Green stalked Bour- 
bon) (Nic. 2/287, adpd), 3191 Livistona 

Palm (Sugar) (McL. 858). 3149 Arenga 

Palm (Sugar) (McL. 316, 837, Cag. 337, 
Cat. 326, Rid. 264, Jaf. 129, adpd). 
emxc, Azenga (genus). 

Palm (Sugar) (Cag. 842) (Rid, 267) (Jaf. 
132). 3163 Phoenix sylvestris, 

Palm (Swallow tailed Nibble-tipped, 
Feather) (Rid, 264, adpd). 3182 
Pinanga. Dicksonii. 

Palm (Swan-River Fern) (S. 257) (Bth. 
6/252). 2879 Macrozamia Fraseri. 

Palm (Talipot) (Bed. 1/228) (Bs/T/657) 
(Gbl. 732) (Bdn/F.T/L) (Br. 228) (Ell. 
200) (Mch, 294,473, 881, 1001) (PA, 
454) (FAR, 9, TVY). 38174 Corypha 

Palm (Talipot Fan) (Cag. 339, Br. 228, 
adpd). emxevi. Corypha (genus). 

Palm (Talipot Fan) (Cag. 339) (Br. 228). 
3174 Corypha umbraculifera. 

Palm (Talura) (Mch. 882, 1001). 
Corypha Taliera, 

PaJm (Tara) (McL. 882), 8175 Corypha 

Palm (Tan!) (McL. 642), 

Palm (Thirty segment Prickly Fan) (Hk. 
6/430, adpd). 38181 Licuala peltata. 
Palm (Thotch) (S. 879). m. Sabal 


Palm (Teddy) (3. 80) (Mc. 777). cmxci. 
Caryota (genus). 

Palm (Travancore Cane) (Rox, 3/621, 
adpd). 31438 Bentinckia Coddapanna. 

Palm (‘Travellers’) (McL, 922, 1001) (Mu. 
43). 3043 Ravenala madagascariensis, 


8224 Borassus 



Palm (‘Two-leaved Sugar) (Hk. 6/421, Nic, | Palm (Goldie’s Ovate-leaved) Lily (Nic. 

5/82,adpd), 3150 Arenga obtusifolia, 

Palm (Umbrella) (MeL. 882), 3174 
Cory pha umbraculifera, 

Palm (Umbrella) of Lord Howe’s Island 
(Muell. S.P) (Bth, 7/138) (8.193, 445). 
8138 Hedyscepe Canterbury ara, 

Palm (Unarmed Acuminate 
Feather) (Cag. 3840, adpd). 
Geonoma gracilis, 

Palm (Unequally-bifid Acuminate 
Feather) (Cag. 342, adpd). cmxcii, 
Oreodoxa (genus). 

Palm (Variegated Betel) (Cag. 337, 339, 
adpd) emlxxiv. Dictyosperma (genus). 

Palm (Variegated Glaucous Spineless 
Fan) (Nic, 2/237, adpd). mxi, Latania 

Palm (Variegated Nibble-tipped Feather) 
(Cag. 337,339,'adpd). emlxxiv. Dictyos- 
perma (genus). ; 

Palm (Vertical leaved Acuminate Feather) 
(Nic. 1/144, adpd). 328 Attalea Cohune. 

Palm (Viscount Canterbury’s Lieut. 
Colonel Kent’s) (Nic 2/218), 3138 
Hedyscepe Canterburyana. 

Palm (Wayy-leaved Fern) (Nic. 5/276). 
2876 Cycas undulata. 

Palm (Wax) (FAR. 20, MBR). 8176 
Copernicia cerifera. 

Palm (Wax-coated Spineless Fan) (N. 
1/371, adpd), 3176 Copernicia cerifera) 
Palm (Wendland’s Lieut-Colonel Kent’s) 
(Nic. 2/218). 3187 Hydriastele Wend- 


Palm (Western Ghauts Cane Betel) (McL. 
675, adpd), 3132 Pinanga Dicksonii. 
Palm (White-costate Plaited Acuminate 
Feather) (Cag. 840,adpd). 3126 Hyo- 

phorbe Verschaffeltii. 

Palm (White-woolly-petioled) Betel (Cag. 
337, 3839, adpd). 3129 Dictyosperma 

Palm (White-woolly Spineless Fan) (Cag. 
343, adpd). 3189 Pritchardia pacifica, 
Palm (Wild Date) (Bs/T/645) (Gbl, 721). 

3163 Phoenix sylvestris. 


Palm (Woman’s hair) (McL. 777). 3152 
Caryota urens. 
Palm Fir Family (L/N/S/B).  CXIII. 

Cycadacez (Order), 

Palm Lily (Mueli. S.P) (Nic. 1/372). 
emlxy. Cordyline (genus). 

Palm Lily (Mueil, S.P) (Nic. 1/872). 
emlxiv. Draceena (genus). 

Palm (Assamese) Lily (Hk. 6/329, adpd). 
3098 Draceena angustifolia, 

Palm (Baptist’s Hybrid) Lily (Nic. 1/878), 
3110 Cordyline Baptisttii. 

Palm (Bengal) Lily (Hk. 6/331, adpd). 
3107 Cordyline terminalis. 

Palm (Hmperor) Lily (Ru/N/110, adpd). 
8107-i. Cordyline terminalis (Impera- 

1/491). 3102 Dracwna Goldieana. 
Palm (Henderson’s Hybrid) Lily (Nic. 
1/374). 3112 Cordyline Hendersonii, 

Palm (Linden’s fragrant) Lily (Nic, 1/491). 
3100-b. Draczena fragrans (Lindenii). 
Palm (Mauritius) Lily (Nic. 1/491). 

3106 Draceena umbraculifera, 
Palm (Mrs, Hoskin’s) Lily (Nic. 1/374), 
3107-h. Cordyline terminalis (Hoskin- 


Palm (Mrs, Turner’s) Lily (Nic. 1/874). 
3107-p. Cordyline terminalis (Turner), 

Palm (Moreton-Bay) Lily (Nic, 1/374), 
8111 Cordyline stricta. 

Palm (New Zealand) Lily (Muell. 8.P). 
(Nic. 1/872), 3109 Cordyline australis, 

Palm (South Indian Wild) Lily (Hk, 
6/329, adpd). 3087 Draczna terniflora. 

Palm (Cabbage) of America (Nic, 2/521), 
emxcii, Oreodoxa (genus). 

Palm (Cabbage) of brazil (Rid. 266) (Jaf. 
181). 3160 Euterpe edulis. 

Palm (Cabbage) of Brazil (Rid. 366) (Jaf, 
181), 3158 Oreodoxa Sancona, 

Palm (Carnauba Wax) of Brazil (N, 1/371). 
3176 Copernicia cerifera. 

Palm (Wine) of Ceylon (Cag. 338) (Cat, 
326). 8152 Caryota urens, 

Palm (Coquito) of Chili (Muell. 8.P) (Nic. 
2/209). 3233 Jubza spectabilis, 

Palm (Royal) of Cuba (Nic, 2/521) (Ru/ 
N/121, 0/13, 85) (Cat. 831). 3156 
Oreodoxa regia. 

Palm (Fan) of East Australia (Muell. 
$.P). 38197 Livistona australis, 

Palm (Dwarf Fan) of Europe (Muell. S.P). 
3199 Chamerops humilis. 

Palm (Cabbage) of India (Nic. 1/109) (S. 
33). cmlxxi. Areca (genus), 

Palm (Silver Thatch) of Jamaica (Nic. 
4/29) (Cag, 344) (8.428), 3186 Thrinax 

Palm (Curly) of lLord-Howe’s-Island 
(Muell, 8.P) (Bth. 7/188) (N. 2/155)., 
3135 Howea Belmoreana, 

Palm (Red Ringed) of Mauritius (Muell. 
8.P). 3136 Acanthophcenix rubra. 

Palm (Wax) of New Granada (Muell. S.P) 
(Cag. 3839). 3146 Ceroxylum andi- 

Palm (Flat Leaf) of New-South.Wales 
(Bth. 7/188) (N. 2/155). 381386 Howea 

Palm (Thatch) of New-South-Wales (Bth, 
7/138) (N. 2/155). 3186 Hosyea Forst- 

Palm (Assai) of Para (Cag. 340), 3160 
Euterpe edulis, 

Palm (Fan) of South China and Japan 

(Muell. S.P) (?). 8195  Livistona 
chinensis (?), 


Palm (Wax) of South America (Rid. 265) 
(Jaf, 129). 3146 Ceroxylum andi- 
coJum . 

Palm (Sago) of the Andamans (Gbl. 729). 
3154 Caryota mitis. 

Palm (Thatch) of the Bermudas (Nic. 
3/338). 3183 Sabal Blackbaurniana. 

Palm (Fan) of the Bermudas (Nic. 3/338) 
(S. 379). 3183 Sabal Blackburniana. 

Palm (Cabbage) of the Southern United- 
States (S. 379). 3184 Sabal Palmetto. 

Palm (Cabbage) of the West Indies (Nic. 
2/521) (Br. 326). 3157 Oreodoxa 

Palm (Hill Areca Nut) of Travancore 
(Bdn/F.T). 3143 Bentinckia Codda- 

Palm (Water-spring) of Tropical Australia 
(Nic. 2/163). cmlxxix. Hydriastele 

Palm (Mhar) of Western India (Gbl. 729). 
3152 Caryota urens. 

Palm Tree of Rosalind in Shakespeare 
(McL, 54). 2693 Ricinus communis. 
Palma-christi of the early Christians 
(Nic. 3/308) (8. 306) (Gbl. 622) (McL. 

54). 2693 Ricinus communis. 

Palmate leaved Dombeya (Br. 24). 294 
Dombeya acutangula. 

Palmately-(3)-partite-narrow-toothed - or- 
pinnatifid-lobed-leaved (Smali-to- 
medium-membranous-hispid) Climbing 
Nettle Mercury (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 
2697-d. Tragia involucrata (cannabina). 

Palmati-(3-7)-nerved Medium-to-large 
Biauricled-sheathing-petioled oblong- 
ate-leaved Sarsparilla (Hk. 6/312, 
adpd). 3082 Smilax prolifera. 

Palmati-(9-11)-nerved-peltate Large- 
white-woolly Roundish-tricuspidate- 
leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/428, adpd). 
2677 Mallotus barbatus. 

Palmatinerved-repand (Medium-membra- 
nous strigose) Heart-leaved Climbing 
Holly (Hk. 1/595, adpd). 504 Natsiatum 

Palmati-(3-5)-nerved-subpeltate Medium- 
to-large-rusty-velvetty Roundish-or- 
ovafe-acuminate-leaved Mercury (Hk. 
5/429, adpd). 2678 Mallotus albus. 

Palmati-(3-7)-nervec-peltate Medium- 
leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/427, adpd). 
2676 Coelodiscus speciosus. 

Palmati-(5-7)-nerved Medium-leathery- 
shining Broad-sheathing-petioiled elliptic- 
to-round-cuspidate-leaved Sarsparilla 
(Hk. 6/310, adpd). 38081 Smilax 

Palmati-(5-7) -nerved Large-to-very- 
large-glossy Narrow-sheathing-petioled 

/ Palmetto of Trinidad (Nic. 4/29), 


Sarsparilla (Hk. 6/310, adpd). 38080 
Smilax macrophylla, 

Palmati-(3—-5)-nerved Medium Elliptic-to- 
ovate-oblong-cuspidate-leaved Square- 
branched Sarsparilla (Hk. 6/809, adpd). 
3079 Smilax zeylanica. 

Palamati-(5-9)-nerved Small-to-medinm- 
white-blotched ovate-deltoid-or-lance- 
heart - or - hastate - acute-or-acuminate- 
leaved Sarsparilla (Hk. 6/306). 3077 
Smilax aspera. 

Palmatisect Prickly Fan Palin (Hk. 6/430, 
adpd). cmxcix. Licuala (genus). 

Palmatoria-d’inferno of the Portuguese 
(McL. 720). 1378 Opuntia Dillenii. 

Palmetto (Cabbage) (Nic. 3/338). 3184 
Saba! Palmetto. 

Palmetto (Glancous) (Nic. 3/338, adpd). 
3185 Sabal glaucescens, 

Palmetto Fan Palm (Muell. S8.P). 3184 
Sabal Palmetto. 

Palmetto (Dwarf) Fan Palm (Muell. $.P) 
(Nic, 3/338) (Kn/N/122, 0/18, 36). 
3182 Sabal Adansoni. 

Palmetto (Royal) Palm (Nic, 4/29) (S. 

429). 3187 Thrinax parviflora. 
Palmetto Palm (Nic. 3/338). 3184 Sabal 

Thrinax radiata. 

Palmetto (Dwarf) of the Southern United- 
States (Nic. 3/338) (Ru/N/122, 0/18, 
36). 3182 Sabal Adansoni. 

Palmetto Thatch (Nic. 4/29) (S. 439). 
3187 Thrinax parviflora. 

Palmiste Rouge (N. 1/470). 3127 
Dictyosperma rubrum. 
Palms (McL. 648, 1006). CXXI. Palme 


Palmyra (Bed. 1/228) (Bs/T/657) (Bdn/ 
F.T/L) (McL. 103, 294, 472, 648, 1001) 
(W. 12, 14, 46, 49, 54, 127), 3224 
Borassus flabellifer. 

Palmyra (Black) (McL. 366) (?). 1707 
Diospyros Ebenum (?). 
Palmyra (Dwarf) (McL. 413). 3169 

Phenix paludosa. 
Palmyra (Eighteen-(16-20)-nerved 

Longer-narrow-lobed) (GDV). [male 
plant | 3224 Borassus flabellifer, 
Palmyra (Stunted) (McL. 777). 2873 

Cycas circinalis. 

Palmyra (Twenty-six- (20-30) -nerved 
Shorter-broad-lobed) (GDV). [female 
plant]. 8224 Borassus flabellifer. 

Palmyra Aloe (McL. 20). 3049 Agave 

Palmyra Palm (Gbl. 737) (Cag. 337) (Cat. 
331) (Br. 339) (Ell. 108) (Pf. 244). 
3224 Borassus flabellifer. 

Palo-de-Crnz (Treas. Bot. 1/173). 
Brownea (genus). 



Palsy-curer (Mch. 611). 
permum Halicacacbum. 
Pampas Grass (Nic. 2/106) (S.111, 188, 

623 Cardios- 

306) (Cag. 321) (Po. 50). 3290 
Gynerium argenteum, 
Pan (Gbl. 554), 2406 Piper Betle. 
Panama Hat Plant (Muell. §.P) (Cag. 

335, 341), 3240 Carludovica palmata. 

Panama Hat Plant Family (Muell. 8.P) 
(Cag. 335, 341, adpd). CXXII. 
Cyclanthaceze (Order). 

Panax (Bipinnate 
adpd). 1400-c. Panax 

Panax (Bipinnate elliptic-oblong-fulioled) 
(Nic. 3/14, adpd). 1404 Panax elegans. 

Panax (Bipinnate obovate-cuneate-long- 
toothed-folioled) (Nic. 3/14, adpd). 
14U0-b, Panax fruticosum (dissectum). 

Panax (Bipinnate Olive-brown-tinted-and- 
clouded Diverse-folicled) (Nic. 3/14, 
adpd). 1400-e. Panax fruticosum (laci- 

Panax (Bipinnate Pale linear-oblong- 
erect-spiny-toothed-folioled) (Nic, 3/14, 
adpd), 1400-a. Panax fruticosum 

Panax (Biternate oblique-ohovate-irregu- 
larly-incised-spine-toothed-folioled) (Nic. 
5/579, adpd). 1405 Panax lepidum. 

Panax (Five-(4-5)-celled Capsuled) (Hk. 
2/720, adpd). cdlxv. Polyscias (genus). 

Panax (Imparipinnate-(numerous)Deeply- 
incised-slightly-toothed-folioled) (Nic. 
5/579, adpd). 1402 Panax crispatum. 

Panax (imparipinnate  oblique-lance- 
entire-cr - variously - toothed - folioled) 
(Nic, 3/14,adpd). 1406 Panax Murrayi., 

Pavax (Imparipiunate-(5-15) oblong- 
caudate-folioled) (Hk. 2/727, adpd). 
1410 Polyscias acuminata. 

Panax (Imparinnate-(3-9) White-margin- 
ed Ovate-lobed-spine-toothed-folioled) 
(Nic. 3/14, adpd). 1409 Panax 

Panax (Imparinnate-(3-9) Yellow-mar- 
gined Ovate-lobed-spine-toothed-foii- 
oled) (Nic. 3/14, adpd), 1409-b, Panax 
Victoriz (aureum). 

Panax (Obtuse leaved) (Cag. 547, adpd). 
1408 Panax obtusum, 

Panax (Shell leaved) (Br. 95). 
Panax cochleatum. 

Panax (Shepherd’s) (Cag. 547) (Ru/N/ 
117). 1398 Schefflera digitata. 

Panax (Shrubpy) (Br. 95). 1400 Panax 

Panax (Simple-concave Round-bristle- 
serrate-leaved) (Br. 95, adpd). 1403 
Panax cochleatum. 

(Nic. 3/14, 



INDEX, 795 

Panax (Simple Deep-green Round- 
obovate - incised -at-apex-spine-toothed- 
leaved) (Nic, 5/579, adpd). 1407 Panax 

Panax (Trifoliate-(1-5) Creamy-white- 
blotched-and-margined Round-green 
serrate-leaved) (Nic, 5/579, adpd). 
140). Panax Balfouri., 

Panax (Tripinnate lance-bristle-serrate- 
folioled) (Hk. 2/725, adpd). 1400 
Panax fruticosum, 

Panax (Tripinnate lance-serrate-folioled) 

(Nic. 5/579, adpd). 1400-g. Panax 
fruticosum (serratifolinm). 
Panax (Tripinnate Leafy-rachis-noded 

Elliptic-entire-cuspidate-folioled) (Hk. 

2/784, adpd). 1418 Heteropanax 
Panax (Tripinnate linear-lance-white- 

bristle - toothed - and - tipped - folioled) 
(Nic. 5/579, adpd). 1400-f. Panax 
fruticosum (multifidum). 

Panax (Tripinnate linear-lance-white- 
toothed-folioled) (Nic. 3/14, adpd). 

1400-d. Yanax fruticosum (fissum). 

(Tripinnate-long-stalked lobed- 
notched-suberect-toothed-folioled) (Nic. 

3/14, adpd). 1400-h. Panax fruticosum 
Panax (Tripinnate White-variegated 

5/579, adpd). 

Panax (Tripinnate Yellow-variegated 
lance-bristle-sorrate-folioied) (Nie. 
5/571, adpd). 1400-j. Panax fruticosum 

Panax (Two-celled Capsuled) (Hk. 2/720, 
adpd). cdixiv. Panax (genus). 

Pandang of the Malays (McL. 650). 
mxxi. Pandanus (genus). 

Pandang Oil Plant (McL. 801). 
Pandanus odoratissimus, 

Pandaul Brinjaul (McL. 512). [2015 
Spkalm} 2017 Ipomea glaberrima. 

Paneola Plum (Rid. 182), [136 Sphalm] 
135 Flacourtia Cataphracta, 

Panglion (McL. 14). 428 Ailanthus 

Pangiads (Br, 84). X. Bixacez (Order), 

Panicle-flowered Ebony (McL, 366, adpd). 
1722 Diospyros paniculata. 

Panicled Acacia (McL. 936) (Br. 66) (Ell, 
11) (Pfl. 258). 1033 Acacia leucoph- 

Panicled Babool (McL. 986, adpd). 
Acacia leucophlea. 

Panicled Batatas (Br. 142). 

Panicled Bindweed (McL. 
Ipomea digitata. 

1400-1. Panax fruticosum 


2033 Ipomza 

713). 20338 


Panicled (Opposite-leaved) Black berried 
Buckthorn (Hk. 1/6380,adpd). cexxxili. 
Sageretia (genus). 

Panicled (White leaved) Chaste Tree 
(McL, 596). 2508 Vitex trifolia. 

Panicled (Diandrous densely-hairy- 
spiked) Christmas Pride (Hk. 4/428, 

adpd). 2174-c. Stenosiphonium dian- 
drum (setosum), 

Panicled (Diandrous  small-flowered) 
Christmas Pride (Hk. 4/428, adpd), 
2174-e. tenosiphonium  diandram 
(parviflorum ). : 

Panicled (Diandrous viscous-spiked) 

4/426, adpd). 

Christmas Pride (Hk. 

2174-a. Stenosiphonium 

Panicled (Smali-scabrid-glabrate Ovate- 
rhombvid - elliptic - acuminate - leaved) 
Christmas Pride (Hk. 4/427, adpd). 
2174 Stenosiphonium diandrum. 

Panicled (Tetrandrous much-interrupted- 
subglabrous-spiked) Christmas Pride 
(Hk, 4/428, adpd). 2174-d. Stenosi- 
phonium diandrum (Bussellianum). 

Panicled (Tetrandrous viscous-spiked) 
Christmas Pride (Hk. 4/427, adpd),. 
2174-b. Stenosiphonium diandrum (con- 

Panicled Cobbe (Hk. 1/674, adp@). 
Allophylus Cobbe (Rheedii). 
Panicled Dyeing Mulberry (McL. 367), 
1555-c. Morinda, tinctoria (:aultiflora). 
Panicled Echites (Rid. 122) (Br. 128). 

1864 Anodendron paniculatum. 

Panicled flowered Milled-leaf Tree (Hk. 
1/273, adpd). 186 Pceciloneuron indi- 

Panicled flowered Scaly-woolly Wild Tea 


(Hk. 1/286, adpd). 190 Sanranja 
Panicled (Long-downy-backed oblong- 

lance-caudate-leaved Pale-yellow 
flowered) Ginger (Hk. 6/202, adpd), 
2986 Globba ophioglossa. 

Panicled (Long oblong-lance subcanda te- 
leaved Orange-flowered) Ginger (Hk. 
6/201, adpd). 2935 Globba orixensis. 

Panicled (Medium _ oblong-acuminate- 
leaved Winved-stamened Yellow- 
flowered) Ginger (Hk. 6/203, adpd). 
2988 Globba marantina, 

Panicled (Petioled-staminoded Unilo- 
cular-capsuled) Ginger (Treas. Bot. 
1/534, Hk, 6/199, adpd).  em«xlini, 

Globba (genus). 

Panicled (Small oblong-acuminate-leaved 
Winged-stamened Yellow-flowered) 
Ginger (Hk. 6/206, adpd). 2987 Globba 

Panicled (Small oblong-caudate-leaved 
Green-flowered) Ginger (Hk, 6/206, 
adpd). 2989 Globba canarensis, 


Panicled Golden blossomed Pear Tree 
(Nic, 2/466, adpd). 434 Ochna squar- 

Panicled Grewia (McL. 4). 827 Grewia 

Panicled Indian Linden (Hk, 1/392, 
adpd), 827 Grewia Microcos. 
Panicled (Mysore) Indigo (McL. 871, 

adpd). 759 Indigofera mysorensis. 
Panicled Laurustinus (McL. 566, adpd). 
1429 Viburnum erubescens. 
Panicled Mallow (Hk. 1/348, adpd), 
xcvi. Kydia (genus). 

Panicled (Peach-tinted) Mallow (Hk. 
1/348, adpd). 256 Kydia calycina. 
Panicled (Small-silky-glabrate oblong- 

cuspidate-leaved) Myrtle (Hk. 2/470, 
adpd). 1226 Decaspermum paniculatam. 
Panicled Orange-centred Yellow-flowered 
Resin-seed of Australia (Nic. 5/487, 
adpd). 147 Hymenosporum flavum, 

Panicled (Alternate-leaved Tetramerous) 
Purple-bioom Cherry (Rox, 1/415, adpd). 
dixxy. Dobera (genus). 

Panicled-small-flowered Battle of Plassey 
Climber (Hk. 2/59, adpd). cccix. 
Spatholobus (genus). 

Panicled Straight-throated Christmas 
Pride (S. 378, Treas. Bot, 2/1096, adpd). 
deci. Stenosiphonium (genus). 

Panicled Straight-throated Kuellia (Treas, 
Bot. 2/1096). deci. Stenosiphonium 

Panicled Viper Dog-bane (Rid. 122, Br, 
128, adpd). 1864 Anodendron panicu- 
latum, awe 

Panicled (Many-seeded Racemed or Wind 
berry (Hk. 3/507, adpd). dxlvii. Mesa 

Panicled (single-seeded Racemed or) 
Wind-berry (Hk. 3/507, adpd). dxlix, 
Embelia (genus). 

Panicled (White) Tea of Heaven (Muell. 
$.P, Nic. 1/163,adpd). 1123 Hydran- 
gea paniculata, 

Panicled Yellow-green flowered Resin- 
seed of the Cape (Nic. 3/154, adpd). 
158 Pittosporum viridiflorum. 

Paniculate Terminalia (Br, 75), 1152 
Terminalia paniculata. 

Panicalate Winged Myrobalan (Br. 75, 
adpd), 1152 Terminalia paniculata. 

Panisse (Contesse de) Rose (Mu. 54). 
1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea-paliida),. 

Pao-da-Cobra (McL. 842), 1957 Strychnos 

Papaw Family (Br. 84) (L/N/S/B). LY. 
Passifloraceze (Order). 

Papaw (Rox. 3/324) (Gbl. 381) (Br. 89) 
(11.143) (Pr. 1/514) (McL. 46), 650, 996) 
(Cag. 330) (Cat, 152) (Rua/O/9) (PA. 312) 
(Ooty. 15/L.3. 80). 1344 Carica Papaya, 

Papaw (Common) (Nic, 3/257), 1344 
Carica Papaya. 


Papaw (Hill) (Ooty. 14 T.S8, adpd), 1345 
Carica candamarcensis. 

Papaw (Wild) (McL, 473, 651). (?) 272 
Sterculia coiorata, 

Papaw Mango (McL. 469, 680). 
Carica Papaya. 

Papaw Tree (Nic. 3/257). 

Papaya (McL. 650). 1344 Carica Papaya. 

Papaya (Hill) (Ooty. 14, T.S, 30). 1845 
Carica candamarcensis. 

Paper (Siamese) (McL, 376). 2717 Streb- 
lus asper, 

Paper Mulberry (Nic. 1/214) (S. 63, 308). 
decelxix. Broussonetia (genus). 


cdxlvi, Carica 

Paper Mulberry (Bs/T/613) (G@bl. 633) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Nic. 1/214). (S. 68, 308) 
(Muell, 8.P) (Cat, 261) (Pr, 2/967). 

2718 Broussonetia pay yrifera. 

Paper (Triple-nerved-and-(young-2-8)-lob- 
ed Medium-to-long-membranous-downy- 
backed-scabrid oblique-ovate-ob]ong- 
toothed-acuminate-leaved) Mulberry 
(Hk. 5/490, adpd). 2718 Broussonetia 

Paper (Chinese Rice) Plant (S. 164) (Gbl. 
384). 1395 Fatsia papyrifera. 

Paper (Rice) Plant (Nic. 2/8) (S. 369) (Bs/ 
T/347) (Br. 95) (Cag. 547) (Ria. 48) 
(Muell. 8.P). 1395 Fatsia papyrifera. 

Paper (Formosan) Tree (Cag. 414). 2718 
Brou-sonetia papyrifera. 
Paper (Sand) Tree (McL. 155), 138 Dil- 

lenia indica, 

Papery-barked obtuse-leaved Mangrove 
(KSN) (GDV) (GTR), 2834-a .Avicennia 
officinalis (typica). 

Papery-glabrate leavyed Battle-of-Plassey 
Climber (Hk. 2/193, adpd). 827 Spa- 
tholobus Roxburghii. 

Papery lance-crenate to-pinnatipartite- 
acuminate-pinnuled (Tripinnate-scaly 
stiped) Spleenwort Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3344 Agplerium latifolium. 

Papery  lance-pinnatipartite-acuminate- 
leaved (Dichotomously-pinnate-glau- 
cous-backed) Climbing Comb Fern (Bed/ 
F,adpd). 3825 Gleichenia dichotoma. 

Papery lance-pinnatipartite acuminate- 
pinnuled (Pedatipinnate-(4-to-many- 
prs)-glabrous Basal-bipartite) Brake 
Fern (Bed/F, acdpd), 38384 Pteris 

Papery-leaved Mitre-flowered Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, Hk. 1/90, 91, adpd). xxvi. 
Orophea (genus), 

Papery (Small-acute-based) leaved Mitre- 
flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/90, adpd). 70 
Orophea uniflora. 

Papery (Small-downy-backed) 
Mitre-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 
adpd). 73 Orephea erythrocarpa. 

Papery (Small-downy-midribbed) leayed 
Mitre-lowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/91, 
adpd). 72 Orophea Thomsoni, 


Papery (Small-rounded-based) — leaved 
Mitre-flowered Nutmeg (Hk, 1/90, 

adpd). 71 Orophea zeylanica, 

Papery-linear - lance - pinnatipartite - acu- 
minate-pinnated (Pedatipinnate-(8-10- 
prs)-subglabrous Basal-(1-2-prs)-bipin- 
nate) Brake Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3336 
Pteris biaurita, 

pinnated (Pinnate-(1-2 ft)-resinons- 
downy-glabrate) Buckler Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd), 3354 Nephrodium propinpuum. 

Papery-long-and-medium Linear-acumin— 
ate leaved False Holly (Hk. 1/586, 
adpd), 497-d. Gomphandra polymorpha 

Papery-long-and-medium Narrow-linear- 
lance-acuminate leaved False Holly 
(Hk. 1/586, adpd). 497-c. Gomphandra 
polymorpha (angustifolia). 

Papery-long-oblong - (4”-10’’)-subsinuate- 
acute-or-cuspidate-segmented (Pinnati- 
partite-(1j-4 ft) Polypudy Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3377 Polypodium longissimum. 

Papery-medium Linear-oblong-cuspidate 
leaved False Holly (Hk. 1/586, ad: d). 
497-b. Gomphandra polymorpha (ob- 

Papery-medium Oval-acuminate leaved 
False Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 497-a. 
Gomphandra polymorpha (acuminata). 

Papery-narrow-lance-pinnatipartite - acu- 
minate-pinnuled (Bipinnate-muricate- 
rachised) Grove Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3326 Alsophila latebrosa, 

Papery - oblong - lance - (8’’-12”) - entin e- 
caudate-pinnated (Pinnate-(2-3 ft) Poly- 
pody Fern-(Bed/F, adpd). 3376 Poly- 
podium leiorhiza. 

Papery-oblong-lance - (3”—5”) - pinnatifid_ 
acuminate-pinnuled (Bivitnate-prickly- 
stiped) Spleenwort Fern (Bed/F, adpd), 
3345 Asplenium polypodioides, 

Papery-oblong - sinnate - acuminate - seg- 
mented (Pinnatipartite) Buckler Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3350 Nephrodium 

tite-obtuse-pinnuled (Tripinnate-(2’’— 
1; ft)-white-pilose) Buckler Fern (Bed/ 
F, adpd). 3855 Nephrodium odoratam. 

ate pinnated (Pinnate-(2-3 ft)-black- 
scaly-stiped) Buckler Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3356 Nephrodium hirtipes. 

pidate-pinnuled (Bipinnate-(13-3 ft) 
Polypody Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3873 
Polypodium paludosum. 

Papery-oblong-(4’’-6” )-serrate-or - entire - 
acuminate-pinnuled (ipinnate-hairy- 
rachised) Spleenwort Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3346 Asplenium esculentum, 



Papery-opaque-indistinctly-nerved leaved 
False Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 497 
Gomphandra polymorpha. 

pinnuled (Tripinnate-glabrous) Bear’s- 
foot Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3332 Daval- 
lia platyphylla. 

Papery-ovate-oblong - pinnatifid - acumin- 
ate-pintuled (Tripinnate-(1-134_ ft)- 
scaly-stiped) Buckler Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3360 Nephrodium sparsum, 

Papery-short oval-obtuse-or-cuspidate 
leaved False Holly (Hk. 1/586, adpd). 
497-e. Gompbandra polymorpha (ovali- 

Pappily (Mc. 473, 651, 994), 
lago madraspatana. 

Pappoy (Mu). 1344 Carica Papaya. 

Para (Ass2i Palm of) (Cag. 3409). 
Euterpe edulis, 

Para Caoutchouc (Gbl. 639). 2620 Hevea 

Para Rubber (McL. 3638). 
Hevea (genus). 

Para Rubber (Bs/T/582) (Gbl. 539) (Bdn/F. 
T) (Nic. 2/140) (Cat. 254, 262) (PA. 423) 
(PAR. 48, VZM, 45, 46, 48, SAC, 65/ 
CBt, 42 to 48, NLGS, 48/TVY, 20 to 
48, MBR, 42 to 48, CAN) (W. 34, 96). 
2620 Hevea brasiliensis. 

Para (Common) Rubber (5s/T/532, Gbl. 
539, etc., adpd). 2620 Hevea brasilien- 

Para (Spruce’s) Rubber (Cat. 260). 2621 
Hevea Spruceana. 

Paradise (Fig of) (3icL. 687). 

Paradise Apple (McL. 653, 725). 422-e. 
Citrus decumana-typica (Palastine). 

558 Venti- 



3041 Musa 

Paraguay (Linear glaucous pinnate 
Cocoanut of) (Nic, 1/349), 3232 Cocos 
australis. - 

Paraguay Holly (Nie 2/175). 507 Ilex 

Paraguay Tea (H/E.F) (Cag. 643) (Ru/ 
0/80) (S. 211, 308). 507 Ilex paraguen- 

Parallel - oblique-coarse - regular - nerved 
Long and-medinm lance-falcate-acumin- 
ate-leaved Ashy-white-smooth-decid- 
(Bth. 3/241, adpd). 

Parallel- oblique - fine - indistinct - nerved 
Medium-thick lance-fulcate-acuminate- 
leaved Dark-rough-rather-furrowed-per- 
sistent-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/208, 
adpd)e 1202 Eucalyptus pilularis. 

Parallel-oblique-fine-rezular-nerved Me- 
dium lance-and-falcate-acuminate- 
leaved Greyish-white-smooth-decid- 
uous-in-layers-barked Eucalyot (Bth. 
3/295, adpd}. 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 

1188 Eucalyptus 

Eucalypt | 


Parallel-cblique-fine-regular-nerved Me- 
dium lance-and-falcate-acuminate 
leaved Rough-persistent-(except-small- 
branches)-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/239, 
adpd). 1186 Eucalyptus viminalis, 

Parallel-oblique-fine-regular-nerved Me- 
dium-subglaucous lance-leaved Whitish- 
ashy-grey-or-blackish-persistent - bark - 
ed Encalypt (Bth. 3/214, adpd). 1185 
Eucalyptus bicolor. 

Parallel-oblique-fine-regular-nerved Very- 
small-thick oblique-ovate-lance-to-lance 
nearly-straight-leaved Fibrous - persist - 
ent-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/208. adpd). 
1184 Eucalyptus eugenioides. 

Parallel-striated oblong-lance-leaved 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/372). 3109 Cordy, 
line australis. 

ribbed - Medium - to -long-thick-shining 
Ovate Deciduous-inner-white-smooth- 
barked Enucalypt (Bth. 3/201, adpd). 
1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora. 

Parallel subtransverse - indistinct - nerved 
Medium Ovate-lance-to-lance-acu minate 
leaved Hard-rough-furrowed-persistent- 
barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/256, adpd). 
1176 Eucalyptus corymbosa, 

Parallel-subtransverse -indistinct - nerved 
Medium-thick Ovate-lance-to-lance-or- 
faicate-acuminate-leaved Rough-persist- 
barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/245, adpd). 
1178 Eucalyptus resinifera. 

Parallell-subtransverse-nerved Long-lance- 
ana-falcate-acuminate-leaved Smooth- 
persistent-or-partly-deciduous - (accord- 
ing-to-age)-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/226, adpd}. 1180 Eucalyptus longi- 

Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium- 
obtuse-to-acuminate-ieaved Blackish- 
hard-rough-persistent-barked Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/221, adpd), 1170 Eucalyptus 

Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium Le- 
mon-scented-gland-hairy Oblong-lance- 
leaved Smooth barked Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/257, adpd). 1168 Eucalyptus citrio- 

Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium 
oblique-ovate - lance - acuminate -leayed 
Furrowed-and - fibrous - but - persistent 
barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/212, adpd). 
1177 Eucalyptus microcorys. 

Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium 
Ovate-lance-to - lance - mostly - faicate- 
much-acuminate-leaved Hard-rough- 
furrowed-persistent-barked EKucalypt 
(Bth. 3/270, adpd). 1173 Eucalyptus 


Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium 
Ovate - to - lance -obtuse-or-mucronate- 
leaved Rough-ccrky-barked FEucalypt 
(Bth. 3/258, adpd). 1171 Eucalyptus 

Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium 
leaved Hard-rough-forrow ed-persistent- 
barked Enucalypt (Bth. 3/229, adpd). 
1175 Eucalyptus botryoides. 

Parallel-snbtransverse-nerved Medium 
ovate-lance-to-lance- upper - falcate-acu- 
minate-leaved Hard-rough-furrowed- 
persistent barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/228, 
adpd). 1174 Eucalyptus robusta. 

Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium-to- 
long Lance-acumirate-leaved Smooth- 
silver-grey-long-strip-sheddirg - barked 

Eucalypt (Bth. 3/245, adpd). 1172 
Eucalyptus saligna. 
Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Medium- 

whitish-backed ovate-lance-to-lance-or- 
faleate-acuminate-leaved | Rough-per- 
sis tent-not-furrowed-branches - smooth 

barked Eucalypt ‘Bth. 3/209, adpd). 
1179 Eucalyptus marginata. 
Parallel-subtransverse-nerved Small-to- 

long - heteromorphous - subglaucous 
Ovate-to-long-lance-obtuse « to - acumi - 
nate-leaved White-smooth-to-dark - rug- 
ged-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/223, adpd). 
1169 Eucalyptus brachypoda. 

Paralysis Seed Tree (McL. 735). 
Elzocarpus serratus. 

Paramatta (White Gum of) (Bth. 3/256). 
1172 Eucalyptus saligna. 

Parambay (McL. 809). 

Parangyvail (McL. 805, 844, 936, 995). 
943 Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Parasol (Chinese) Tree (Nic. 3/500). 
Sterculia platanifolia. 

Parasitic Rhomboid leaved Fig (McL. 49, 
1000, adpd). 2724-a. Ficus gibbosa 

Parasitic Wax Flower (Br. 122). 
Hoya parasitica. 

Paratropia (Digitate leaved) (Br. 95). 
1413 Heptapleurum venulosa. 

Parchment Bark (Nic. 2/152) (S. 308, 334). 
154 Pittosporum crassifolium. 

Parchment Bark Cutch (McL. 472, 859, 
995, adpd). 1034 Acacia Suma. 

Pareira (Golden) (McL. 380). 
Baliospermum axillare. 

Pareira (Indian) (McL. 362), 91 Cissam- 
pelos Pareira. 

Pareira-brava (False) Plant (McL. 362). 
91 Cissampelos Pareira. 
Pareira Brava Root (Nic. 1/331). 91 

Cissampelos Pareira. 

Paripinnate-(6)-flat-rachised Small-spur- 

less-stipuled lance-acuminate-leayed 


1007 Prosopis 






Flowering Asoca (Bdn/F.T, adpd). 
986 (bis.) Humboldtia Bourdilloni. 

acuminate-leaved &carlet-racemed Bud- 
dha’s Flower (Treas, Bot, 1/51, Hk. 
2/272, adpd). 977 (bis.) Ambherstia 

Paripinnate (Axil-spined) leaved Brasi- 
letto of Chili (Nic. 1/390, adpd). 935 
Cesalpinia tinctoria. 

Paripinnate-(8-10)-medium Lance-spurred- 
stipuled oblong - cuspidate - leaved 
Flowering Asoca (Hk. 2/278, adpd). 
983 Humboldtia laurifolia. 

Paripinnate - (6-8) - medium - leathery 
Round-spurred-stipuled oblong-lance- 
acuminate-leaved Flowering Asoca (Hk. 
2/274, adpd). 986 Wumboldtia Vahi- 

Paripinnate-(2-4)-medium-leathery Spur- 
less*stipuled oblique-oblong-lancescus- 
pidate-leaved Flowering Asoca (Hk. 
2/274, adpd). 984 Humboldtia unijuga. 

Paripinnate-(2-4)-mediam Round - spur- 
red-stipuled oblong-cuspidate leaved 
Flowering Asoca (Hk. 2/274, adpd). 
985 Humboldtia Brononis. 

Paripinnate-(6-8) (Axil-spined) obcord- 
ate-cuneate-leaved Brasiletto of Yuca- 
tan (Treas. Bot. 1/565, adpd). 942 
Hematoxylon campechianum, 

Paripinnate-(12-16) oblong-lance-acumin- 
ate-leaved Rhododendron Senna (Nic. 
1/215, adpd). 979 Brownea Ariza, 

Paripinnate-(24-26) oblong-lance-cuspid- 
ate-leaved Rhodvdendron Senna (Nic, 
1/215, adpd), 981 Brownca grandiceps, 

Paripinnate-(4-6) Oval-oblong-acumin- 
ate-leaved Rhododendron Senna (Nic, 
1/215, adpd). 980 Brownea coccinea. 

Paripinnate - (10-12) - winged - rachised 
Long-spurred-stipaled Jance-acuminate- 
leaved Flowering Asoca (Bdn./F.T, 
adpd). 987 Humboldtia decurrens. 

Paris Daisy (Nic. 1/823) (S. 97) (Cag. 
527) (Mu). 1618 Chrysanthemum fru- 

Paris (Comte-de) Rose (Cag. 600) (Mu. 
54). 1105-j. Rosa odorata (carnea). 

Parny (McL. 655, 1002). IJI. class-A. 
Pteridophyta (class-Filices subclass). 

Parooty (McL. 82). 241 Hibiscus 

Parpatacam (Large) 
Vitis latifolia. 

Parrin (Madame Thérése de) Rose (Mu. 

(McL. 32), 594 

63) (Hod). 1107-g. Rosa  hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea - kermesino - 

Parroqueet Burr (McL. 169).  cxzi. 

Triumfetta (genus). 



Parroqueet (Glabrous Tricuspidate leaved) 
Burr (Hk. 1/395, adpd). 331 Triom- 
fetta glabra. 

Parroqueet (Hookless-bristled) Burr (Hk. 
1/394, adpd). 3829 Triumfetta tomen- 

Parrogueet (Irregularly-toothed Various 
leaved) Burr (Hk. 1/3894, adpd). 330 
Triumfetta pilosa. 

Parroqueet (Large fruited) Burr (Hk. 
1/394, adpd). 330 Triumfetta pilosa. 

Parrogueet (Ovate acuminate leaved) Burr 

(Hk. 1/394, adpd). 329 Triumfetta | 

Parroqueet (Serrate-irregularly-rbhomboid 
leaved) (Hk. 1/395, adpd). 332 
Triumfetta rhomboidea. 

Parrogueet (Unequally-serrate Round 
leaved) Burr (Hk. 1/395, adpd). 333 

Triunfetta rotundifolia. 

Parrot (Malabar) Doodooga (McL. 281). 
42 Polyalthia fragrans, 

Parrot Jamboo (McL. 101, 378). (?) 926 
Cesalpinia Bonducella (?). 

Parrot Tree (McL. 840). 1044 Albizzia 

Parrot Tree (Mcl. 367). 

Parrot’s Beak (Nic. 1/348) (Cag. 618). 
761 Cliantbus punicenus, 

2721 Morus 

Parrot's Bill of New Zealand (Nic. 1/343) | 

(S. 102, 319). 761 Cliauthus puniceus, 

Parted (Himalayan Many) 
Lawyer (Mch. 675, adpd). 
Licnala peltata, 


Partea (Malay Eighteen) Penang Lawyer | 

(MeL. 675, adpd). 3178 Licuala spinosa. 

Parted (Malay Nine) Penang Lawyer 
(McL. 675, adpd). 3179 Licuala 

Partitioned podded Sirissa (Pr. 1/451, 
adpd). ecclxxi. Enterolobium (genus). 

Partridge Berry (S. 176, 309). dxxxviii. 
Gaultheria (genus). 

Partridge Pea Family (N. 2/124, 480). 
XXXII. Olacacez (Order), 

Partridge (Medium-distichous Ovate- 
oblong acuminate-leaved Climbing) Pea 
(Hk. 1/576, adpd). 489 Clax Wighti- 

Partridge (Medium-leathery-shining Ob- 
liquely-oblong-lance - cuspidate-leaved) 
Pea Tree (Hk. 1/579, adpd). 492 
Strombosia zeylanica. 

Partridge (Medium - peltate - glaucous- 
backed Roundish-Heart-acuminate- 
leaved TendriJled Climbing) Pea (Hk. 
1/578, adpd). 491 Erythropalum 

Partridge (Poplar-leaved Tendrilled) Pea 
(Hk. 1/578, adpd). 491 Ery thropalum 

Penang | 


Partridge (Shining-green leaved Olimb- 

ing) Pea (Hk. 1/576, adpd). 489 Olax 
Wightiana. Li 
Partridge (Small-distichous Ovate-to- 
oblong-lance-acute-leaved Climbing) 
Pea (Hk. 1/575, adpd). 488 Olax 


Partridge (Small Ovate-to-oblong-lance- 
acuminate-leaved Square-branched) Pea 
(Hk. 1/576, adpd). 490 Olax acumin- 

Partridge (Yellow leaved Bushy) Pea (Hk. 
1/576, adpd). 490 Olax acnminata. 

| Partridge (Yellow leaved Climbing) Pea 
(Hk. 1/575, adpd). 488 Olax scandens. 

Partridge (Medium-shiuing Ovate-oblong 
acuminate-leaved) Pea Tree (Hk. 1/880, 

adpd). 493 Anacolosa densifiora. 

Partridge (Purple-pear-berried) Pea Tree 
(Gk. 1/579, adpd). 492 Strombosia 

Partridge (Round berried) Pea Tree (Bdn/ 
F.T, adpd). 493 Anacolosa densiflora. 
Parvati’s Flower (McL, 375). dvii. Ixora 


Parvaty’s Neem (McL. 577). 

Parvaty’s Tree (Cat. 156). 1438 Anthoce- 
phalus Cadamba. 

Passion Flower Family (Br. 85) (L/N/S/B). 


453 Melia 

LY. Passifloraceze (Order). 

| Passion Flower (Nic. 3/25) (S. 309) (Cag. 

557) (Rid. 80) (Jaf. 

Passifora (genus). 

| Passion Flower (McL. 393). [1346 

|  Sphalm] cdxlvii. Passifiora (genus}. 

Passion Flower (Nic. 4/3) (S. 422). 
elzlviii. Tacsonia (genus). 

Passion (Blue) Flower (Nic. 3/30) (Br. 
86). 1349 Passiflora cerulea. 

Passion (Blue-purple-rayed Pale-green) 
Flower (Nic. 3/30) (Br. 86). 1849 
Passiflora czerulea. 

Passion (Blue-rayed Purple) Flower (Nic. 
3/32). 1860 Passiflora serratifolia, 

Passion (Bluesrayed Scarlet Tubular) 
Flower (S. 423) (Nic. 4/3). 1365 
Tacsonia manicata. 

Passior (Buonaparte’s) Flower (Br. 68). 
1348 Passiflora Buonapartea. 

Passion (Collared Tubular) Flower (Nic. 
4/3). 1365 Tacsonia manicata, 

Passion (Constance Elliott) Flower (Nic. 
3/30) (S. 310) (Ooty. 465). 1849-b. 
Passiflora czrulea (albiflora). 

Passion (Crescent leaved) Flower (Br. 87). 
1354 Passiflora lunata. 

Passion (Crimson Tubular) Flower (S. 
423) (Nic. 4/4). 18€@4 Tacsonia Van- 

Passion (Crimson) Flower (Br. 87). 1859 
Passiflora Baddiana. 

31). - edxlvii. 


Passion (Deep-red) Flower (Nic. 32/81). 
1357 Passiflora Murucuja. 

Passion (Downy-backed leaved Tubular) 
Flower (Nic. 4/3). 1865 ‘'acsonia 

Passion (Edible) Flower (Nic. 3/80). 
Passiflora edulis. 

Passion (Fetid) Flower (Nic. 3/3]) (Br. 
87). 1351 Passiflora foetida. 

Passion (Five-lobed leaved) Flower (Nic. 
3/89). 1349 Passiflora cwralea. 

Passion (Glabrous leaved Tubular) Flower 
(Nic, 4/4). 1364 'Tacsonia Van-Volxem- 

Passion (Greenish-yellow) Flower (Nic. 
3/32). 1361 Passiflora suberosa. 

Passion (Heart leaved) Flower (Nic. 
3/29). 1347 Passiflora alata. 

Passion (Laurel leaved) Flower (Br. 86), 
1353 Passiflora laurifolia. 

Passion (Leschenault’s Mountain) Flower 


(McL. 393, adpd). 1346 Passiflora 
Passion (Medium-palmatilobed-(8-5)- 

glandular Jance-acuminate-lobed-leayed 
Capsuled) Flower (Hk. 2/603, adpd). 
1367 Modecca palmata. 

Passion (Middleton’s) Flower (Br. 87). 
1356 Passiflora Middletoniana. 

Passion (Notch-leaved) Flower (Br, 87). 
1360 Passiflora serratifolia. 

Passion (Oblong leaved) Flower (Nic. 
3/31). 1353 Passiflora laurifotia. 

Passion (Pointed Heart leaved) Flower 
(Nic. 3/32). 1858 Passiflora quad- 

Passion (Pure-white-ringed Azure-blue) 
Flower (Cag. 559). (? 1348) 1356 
Passiflora Middletoniana (?). 

Passion (Purple) Flower (Ooty. 464). 
13849 Passiflora cerulea (albiflora), 

Passion (Vurple-tinged White) Flower 
(Nic. 3/80). 1850 Passiflora edulis. 

Passion (Quadrangular-stemmed) Flower 
(Nic. 3/22). 1358 Passiflora quadrangu- 

Passion (Racemose Scarlet) Flower (Nic. 
3/32) (Cag. 559). 1358 (bis.) Passiflora 

Passion (Raddi’s Blood-red) Flower (Nic. 
3/32). 1359 Passiflora Raddiana. 

Passion (Red and Violet) Flower (Nic, 
3/31). 1353 Passiflora laurifolia. 

Passion (Red-spotted White) Flower (Nic. 
3/81). 13852 Passiflora holosericea, 

Passion (Saw-edge-leaved) Flower (Nic. 
3/82). 1360 Passiflora serratifolia. 

Passion (Silky leaved) Flower (Nic. 3/31) 
(Br. 87). 1352 Passiflora holosericea. 

Passion (Small) Flower (Br. 87). 1361 
Passiflora suberosa. 

Passion (Small Heart-acute-or-trilobed- 
leaved Capsular) Flower (Hk. 2/601, 
adpd). 13866 Modecca Wightiana. 



Passion (Softly-downy Pink Tubular) 
Flower (Nic. 4/3). 1863 Tacsonia 

Passion (Three-banded leaved White) 
Flower (Nic. 3/383). 1362 Passiflora 

Passion (Tricolor-rayed Crimson) Flower 
(Nic, 3/29). 1347 Passiflora alata, 

Passion (Truncate bilobed leaved) Flower 
(Nic. 8/31). 1357 Passiflora Murucuja. 

Passion (Tube calyxea) Flower (Nic. 4/8). 
cdxlviii. Tacsonia (genus). 

Passion (Tubular) Flower (Nic. 4/3). 
cdxlviii, Tacsonia (genus). 

Passion (Unisexual Trivalyed-capsuled) 
flower (Hk. 2/601, adpd). cdxlix. 
Modecca (genus). 

Passion (Van-Volxem’s Tubular) Flower 
(Nic. 4/4) (8. 422). 1864 Tacsonia 

Passion (Variegated-rayed Rosy) Flower 
(Br. 87). 1856 Passiflora Middle- 

Passion (White-backed Red) Flower (Nic. 
3/32). 1358 Passiflora quadrangularis, 
Passion (Whitish) Flower (Nic. 3/81). 

1351 Passiflora foetida. 

Passion (Winged and Quadrangular 
stemmed Hybrid (Nic. 3/29, 5/582), 
1348 Passifiora Buonapartea. : 

Passion (Winged-stemmed) Flower (Nic. 
3/29). 1347 Passiflora alata. 

Passion (Yellow flowered) Flower (Nic. 
3/81) (Br. 87). 1355 Passiflora lutea. 

Passion (Yellow-rayed White) Flower 
(Nic. 3/31). 1354 Passiflora lunata. 

Passion Fruit (Gbl. 381). 1350 Passiflora 

Passionworts (McL. 1006). 
floraceze (Order). 

Patana Oak (MchL. 81). 

Patchac of the Malays 
3000 Costus speciosus. 

Patchonli (MchL. 484, 
Pogostemon (genus). 

Patchouli (Cockspur) (McL. 732, adpd). 
2345 Pogostemon plectranthoides. 

Patchouli (Woolly) (McL. 732, adpd). 
2346 Pogostemon vestitus. 

Patchouli (Velvetty) of the Nilgiris 
(McL. 732, adpd). 2347 Pogostemon 

Patchwork (Green-yellow-crimson-white- 
and-grey) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 

LY. Passi- 
1726 Careya 
(McL, 659). 

32). decxliii. 

(Jaf). 2646-Uf. Codizum variegatum 

Paternoster Pea (S. 2, 310). 810 Abrus 

Pat Fibre (McL. 399). cxxii. Corchornus 

Pattsaury (McL. 521). 891 Dalbergia 


Pauchimaram (MclL. 472, 663, 995). 
Anogeissus acuminata. 

Pauchonty (McL. 663, 664, 997). 1684 
Dichopsis elliptica. 
Panchonty Paulay (McL. 665). 1684 

Dichopsis elliptica. 
Pauchotee (Cat. 170). 

1684 Dichopsis 

Paucisect (Multilobed) False Fan Palm | 

(Nic. 1/268, adpd). 
Paudel (McL. 669). 
Pauk Tree 
Pauladantam (McL. 222). 

mzxx. Oarludovica 

(McL. 40). 38121 

Paula Indigo (McL. 370, 473, 665, 997). | 

1841 Wrightia tinctoria. 

Paulay (Brahminy Kite) (McL. 234, 664). | 

1870 Cryptostegia grandiflora, 

2149 Stereospermum | 

1155 Paulay 

Areca | 
1980 Ehretia 

Paulay (Coorg) (McL. 663). 1833 Holar- 
rhena antidysenterica. 

Paulay (Cotton) (Mchl. 6638). 1918 
Dregea volubilis. 

Paulay (Crow) (Mch. 664). 562 Zizyphus | 

Paulay (Dog) (McL. 664). 1916 Tylo- 

phora asthmatica. 

Paulay (Edible) (McL. 4738, 664, 997). 
1692 Mumnusops Kauki. 
Paulay (Fragrant) (McL. 
1856 Hemidesmus indicus. 
Paulay (Firebrand) (Mcl.. 664). 

Ixora parviflora. 
Paulay (Ground) (Mch. 473, 664, 997). 
1842 Wrightia tomentosa. 

364, 664). 

Paulay (Ground) (McL. 664). 2550 
Cleistanthus collinus. 

Paulay (India Rubber) (McL. 234). 1870 

Paulay (Jointed) (McL. 664, 997). 1690 
Mimusops Roxburghiana. 

Paulay (Malabar) (McL. 663). 1684 

Dichopsis elliptica. 
Paulay (Monkey Face) (McL. 473, 664, 

997). 1691 Mimusops hexandra. 

Paulay (Needle) (MclL. 664, 997). 1881 
Oxystelma esculentum. 

Paulay (Night) (McL. 14, 664,998). 2135 
Dolichandrone arcuata. 

Paulay (Pauchonty) (McL, 665). 1684 
Dichopsis elliptica. 

Paulay (River) (Mc. 664, 945). 2797 
Salix tetrasperma. 

Paulay (Seashore) (Mch. 664, 998). 19938 
Argyreia speciosa. 

Panlay (Seven leaved) (McL. 664). 1829 

Alstonia scholaris, 
Paulay (Small) (McL. 665), 
jiva Roxburghii. 
Paulay (Thorny) (Mc. 665) (?). 2548 
Pedilanthus tithymaloides. 

2597 Putran-. 


(White) (McL., 665). 1841 
Wrightia tinctoria. 

Paulay Silk Cotton (McL. 284, 484, 997). 
1870 Cryptosteyia grandiflora, 

Paulmodecca (McL. 718). 2033 Ipomeza 

Paul-Néron Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/91, 0/21) (Hod) (Po) (Mu. 53-2). 
1107-}. Rosa-hy brida-semperflorens 

Paul-Néron (Souvenir de) Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Ru/N/96, 0/22) (Mu. 55). 
1103-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea-cinna- 

Paul Verdier Rose (Nic. 3/825) (Ru/O/21). 

1106-f. Rosa borbonica (hybrida- 

Paun Vine (MchL. 676). 2406 Piper 

Paural (McL. 669). 2149 Stereospermum 
Pauras (MeL, 
Pautalagandhy (McL. 669, 842). 

Rauwolfia serpentina. 
Pautalam (McL. 669,998). dexci. Stereos- 
permum (genus). 

712), 252 Thespesia 


Pautaulsagaroodan (McL, 507). 1479 
Ophiorrhiza Mungos. 
| Pauthiry (Mch. 473, 669, 998). 2149 

Stereospermum chelonoides, 

Pauthiry (Flowering) (McL. 473. 669, 
998). 2132 Dolichandrone crispa. 

Pavetta (McL. 670), dviii. Pavetta 

Pavetta (McL. 473, 670, 
Pavetta indica. 

496). 1548 

| Pavetta (Beddome’s) (MeL. 900, adpd). 

1495 Webera nilagirica. 
Pavetta (Brahma’s) (McL. 670, 900). 
1491 Webera corymbosa. 
Pavetta (Hill) (McL. 670). 
Pavetta indica (tomentosa). 
Pavetta (Indian) (McL. 670) (Br. 101). 
1543 Pavetta indica, 


| Pavetta (Yellow) (McL. 367). 1554 
Morinda citrifolia. 
Pavonia (Ceylon) (MchL. 517). 432 

Favonia zeylanica. 

Pavonia (Fragrant) (McL. 517) (Br. 250). 
233 Pavonia odorata, 

Pea (Partridge) Family (Nic. 2/124, 480). 
XXXII. Olacacee (Order). 

Pea (Angola) (McL. 274), 854 Cajanus 

Pea (Arrow and Heart leaved Flat) (Nic. 
8/159). 702 Platylobium triangulare. 
Pea (Bubble) (Treas. Bot. 1/599, adpd). 

eclxxvi. Hovea (genus). 
Pea (Butterfly) (S. 66, 102). 
Clitoria (genus). ~ 
Pea (Cajan) (McL. 274). 
i ndic us. 


854 Cajanus 

re Tae 


Pea (Congo) (McL. 274). 854 Cajanus 

Pea (Decandrous Bell-calyxed) (Treas. 
Bot. 1/822, 908, 1219, Hk. 2/60, adpd), 
XLIII-A. Leguminosze (Order-Papi- 
lionez suborder-Sophorex Tribe). 

Pea (Flat) (Nic. 3/159) (S. 167, 335). 
eclxxvii. Platylobium (genus), 

Pea (Folded-up Joint-podded Sensitive) 
(McL. 844, Hk, 2/148, adpd). cexevii. 
Smithia (genus). 

Pea (Glory) (Nic. 1/343) (S. 102) (Cag. 
613). cclxxxvi. Clianthus (genus). 

Pea (Heart) (McL. 274, 611) (Nic. 5/194) 
(Br. 32) (Rid. 112). 623 Cardios- 
permum Halicacabum. 

Pea (Holly leaved Bubble) (Treas. Bot. 
1/599). 698 Hovea chorizemeefolia. 

Pea (Joint pcdded Sensitive) (McL. 844, 
Hk. 2/151, adpd). cexcviii. Aischyno- 
mene (genus). 

Pea (Larger flowered Heart) (McL. 611, 
adpd), 624 Cardiospermum canescens, 

Pea (Love) (McL. 274, 360) (S.251). 810 
Abrus precatorius, 

Pea (Medium-distichous Ovate-oblong- 
acuminate-leaved Climbing Partridge) 
(Hk. 1/576, adpd). 489 Olax Wightiana. 

Pea (Medium-leathery-shining Obliquely- 
oblong-lance-cuspidate-leaved _—— Part- 
ridge) Tree (Hk. 1/519, adpd). 492 
Strombosia zeylanica, 

Pea (Medium - peltate - glaucous- backed 
Roundish-Heart-acuminate-leaved Ten- 
drilled Climbing Partridge) (Hk. 1/578, 

adpd). 491 Erythropalum  populi- 
Pea (Medium-shining Ovate-oblong- 

acuminate leayed Partridge) (Hk. 1/580, 
adpd). 493 Anacolosa densiflora, 

Pea (Maltifoliate-(15-19)-crey-downy 
Obovate-obtuse-leaved Bell) (Hk. 2/249, 
adpd). 912 Sophora tomentosa. 

Pea ( Multifoliate-(7-9)-leathery-glabrous- 
grey-green-backed Oblong-cuspidate- 
leaved Bell) (Hk. 2/253, adpd). 918 
Ormosia travencorica. 

Pea (Multifoliate-(21-25)-grey-silky- 
backed oblong-acute-leaved Bell) (Hk, 
2/249, adpd). $13 Sophora glanca. 

Pea (Multifoliate-(13-21)-membranons- 
glabrous otblong-obtuse-leaved Bell) 
(Hk. 2/252, adpd). 917 Calpurnia 

Pea (Multifoliate-(13-21)-silky-glabres- 
cent linear-oblong-mucronate-leaved 
Bell) (Nic, 1/184, adpd). 919 Virgilia 

Pea (Maltifoliate-(19-29)-subglabrous 
Oval-emarginate-leaved Bell) (Hk, 
2/251, adpd). 915 Sophora interrupta. 

Pea (Multifoliate-(11~-15)-thinly-downy- 
backed oblong-acuminate-leaved Rell) 



(Hk. 2/250, adpd). 914 Sophora 
Pea (Multifoliate-(i8-15)-thinly-downy- 

backed oblong-obtuse-leaved Bell) (Hk. 
2/251, adpd). 916 Sophora Bakeri, 

Pea (Multifoliate-(21-61)-very-small- 
linear-obtuse- bristle-tipped leaved 
Sensitive) (Rox, 3/334, adpd). 780-b. 
Sesbania aculeata (paludosa). 

Pea ( Multifoliate-(6-10)-very-small- 
linear obtuse leaved Sensitive) (Hk. 
2/15, adpd). 785 Smithia blanda. 

Pea (Multifoliate-(21-41)-very-small- 
linear-oblong-obtuse leaved Sensitive) 
(Hk, 2/114, adpd). 779 Sesbania 
zegy ptiaca, 

Pea (Multifoliate (41-61)-very-small- 
linear-obtuse lJeaved Sensitive) (Hk. 

2/152, adpd). 786 Aischynomene 
Pea (Multifoliate-(61-101)-very-small- 

2/152,  adpd). 

Pea (Multifoliate-(81)-very-small-prickly 
linear-obtuse-bristle-tipped leaved 
Sensitive) (Hk. 2/115, adpd). 780-a. 
Sesbania aculeata (typica). 

Pea (Noeye) (McL. 274), 854 Cajanus 

Pea (North American Hoary) (Nic. 4/17), 
ecxci. Tephrosia (genus). 

Pea (Ovate-lance-sinuate-prickly-toothed- 
pungent leayed Purple Bubble) (Nic. 
2/154, adpd). 698 Hovea chorizeme- 

Pea (Paternoster) (S. 2,310). 810 Abrus 

Pea (Pigeon) (MeL. 274) (Nic. 1/232) (Br. 
56) (EL. 122) (Pr. 1/383),(PA. 254). 854 
Cajanus indicus. 

Pea (Pinnate leaved Scurfy) (Nic. 3/239). 
760 Psoralea pinnata. 

Pea (Poplar leaved Tendrilled Partridge) 
(Hk. 1/578, adpd). 491 Erythropalum 

Pea (Rlomboid-lance-obtuse-mucronate 
leaved Deep-blue Bubble) (Nic. 2/154, 
adpd). 699 Hovea Celsi. 

Pea (Rosary) (S. 2, 8375) (Mc. 275, 360), 
810 Abrus precatorius. 
Pea (Sauce) (McL. 274). 854 Cajanus 


Pea (Scurfy) (Nic. 3/239) (S. 351, 394), 
eclxxxv. Psoralea (genus). 

Pea (Sensitive) (McL. 805, Nic. 3/495, 
adpd). cexcili. Sesbania (genus). 

Pea (Shining-green leaved Climbing 
Partridge) (Hk. 1/576, adpd). 489 
Olax Wightiana. 

Pea (Small-distichous Ovate-oblong-lance- 
acute-leaved Climbing Partridge) (Hk, 
1/575,adpd). 488 Olax scandens, 

leaved Sensitive) (Hk. 
787 Aischynomene 


Pea (Small-ovate-to-oblong-lance-acumin- 
ate-leaved Square-branched Partridge) 
(Hk. 1/576, adpd). 490 Olax acuminata. 

Pea (Smooth leaved Heart) (Hl. 142). 
623 Cardiospermum Halicacabum. 

Pea (Trifoliate-digitate-glabrous-revolute- 
margined Narrow-linear leaved Broom- 
like Bell) (Nic. 1/171, 5/277, Treas. 
Bot. 1/869, adpd). 921 Cyclopia gale- 

Pea (Unifoliate-glabrous Elliptic-lance- 
obovate-or-cuneate - mucronate - leaved 
Orange-red Bell) (Nic. 1/3818, adpd). 
923 Chorizema diversifolium. 

Pea (Unifoliate-glabrous -revolute-mar- 
gined lance-linear-leaved Orange-red 
Bell) (Nic. 1/318, adpd). 922 Choriz- 
ema angustifolium, 

Pea (Unifoliate-silvery-silky-rusty-mar- 
gined Oval-acute-leaved Bell) (Nic. 
3/172, adpd). 920 Podalyria argentea. 

Pea (Unifoliate-subyerticillate-minute 
Heart-leaved Orange-red Bell) (Nic. 
2/541, adpd). 924 Oxylobium cordi- 

Pea (Velvetty Rosary) (Hk, 2/176, adpd). 
811 Abrus fruticulosus. 

Pea (Very-small-linear-lance-pungent 
leaved Blue Bubble) (Nic, 1/155, adpd). 
701 Hovea pungens, 

Pea (Very-small-linear-to-oblong-lance- 
obtuse leaved Purple Bubble) (Nic. 
2/155, adpd). 700 Hovea longifolia, 

Pea (West Indian) Tree (McL. 806, 1083). 
781 Sesbania grandiflora, 

Pea (Yellow leaved Bushy Partridge) (Hk. 
1/576, adpd). 490 Olax acuminata. 

Pea (Yellow leaved Climbing Partridge) 
Hk. 1/575, adpd). 488 Olax scandens. 

Pea Flower Sub-Family (Br. 47, adpd). 
XLITI-A. Leguminose (Order-Papili- 
oneze suborder). 

Pea fruited Dodder (Mch. 804, adpd). 
2065 Cuscuta reflexa. 

Pea-green (Long-blotch-veined)-and- 
irregularly-short-blotched Dumb Cane 
(Nic. 5/322). 3267 Dieffenbachia 

Pea - green - irregularly - blotched - and- 
spotted Rich-deep-green Dumb Cane 
(Nic, 1/472). 8265-g. Dieffenbachia 
picta (Bowmanni), 

Pea podded Black Babool (Hk. 2/298, 

adpd). 1031 Acacia eburnea. 
Pea (Woody) podded Brasiletto (Hk. 
2/254, adpd). cccxxxviii. Czsalpinia 


Pea podded Tick Trefoil (Hk. 1/158, 
adpd). cece. Pyenospora (genus), 

Pea Tree (Mch, 805) (Nic. 3/425). cexciii. 
Sesbania (genus), 

Pea (Coral) Tree (McL. 757). 

Adenanthera payonina. 


Pea (Purple-pear berried Partridge) (Hk, 

1/579, —adpd). 492 Strombosia 
Pea (Round berried Partridge) Tree 
(Bdn/F.T, adpd). 493  Anacalosa 

Pea (Scarlet flowered) Tree of Texas 
(Nic. 3/425, adpd). 778 Sesbania 

Peach (Bed. 1/97) (Bs/T/279) (Gbl, 312) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Nic. 3/88) (Hk. 2/31) (McL. 
54, 4845 (8. 311, 385i) (Cat. 182) (Cag. 
242) (Mu) (Hod) (Ru/N/52, 67, O/9) 
(Rid. 101). 1064 Prunus persica. 

Peach (Guinea) (Nic. 3/860), 1487 Sarco- 
cephalus cordatus. 

Peach  (Sierra-leone) (Ol. 3/39). 
cdlxxviii, Sarcocephalus (genus). 

Peach-centred Blush-pink Tea Rose 
(Cag. 599) (Ru/N/89) (Br. 69) (Hod). 
1105-k. Rosa odorata (erubesceus-intus- 

Peach-centred Lemon-yellow Tea Rose 
(Cag. 601) (Ru/N/91) (Mu. 55). 1105-e. 
Rosa odorata (citrina-intus-albocarnea), 

Peach-centred Salmon-coloured Tea Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/92, 0/20) (Mu. 55). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata  (cinnabarina- 

Peach-coloured Trumpet Flower (8. 404) 
(Nic. 3/452). 2096 Solandra grandi- 

Peach leaved Cherry Nutmeg Tree (Mech. 
281, adpd). 48 Polyalthia persicz- 

Peach-margined Creamy Tea Kose 
(Ru/N/94, 0/20) (Mu. 55). 1105-c. 
Rosa odorata (eburnea-carneo-margin- 

Peach Saul 

Peach-tinted Panicled Mallow (Hk. 1/348, 
adpd). 256 Kydia calycina. 

Peacock Chaste Plant (MeL. 310, adpd). 
2811 Vitex alata. 

Peacock Condray (Mel. 
Ceesalpinia pulcherrima. 

Peacock Flower (McL. 316) (Cag. 619) 
(S. 811). 980 Casalpinia pulcherrima. 

Peacock (Bright-red-stamened Yellow 
False) Flower (Nic. 5/179, adpd). 930-d. 
Ceesalpinia pulcherrima (Gilliesii). 

Peacock (False) Flower (8,311, McL. 316, 

(McL. 799), 200 Shorea 

316). 930 

Cag. 619, adpd). 930 Czsalpinia 
Peacock (Orange False) Flower (Nic. 

3/176, Br. 60, adpd). 930-b. Ceasal- 
pinia pulcherrima (concolor). 

Peacock (Orange and Red False) (Nie. 
3/176, adpd). 980-c. Casalpinia pul- 
cherrima (discolor). 

Peacock (Royal) Flower (McL. 933) (Nie. 
1/176). 941 Poinciana regia. 


Peacock (Yellow False) (Cag, 620, adpd). 
930-a. Cexesalpinia pulcherrima (lutea). 

Peacock Flower Fence (McL. 672, 756) 
(Nic. 1/28). 1004 Adenanthera 

Peacock Flower Tree (Mech, 9383, adpd). 
ecexlii, Poinciana (genus). 

Peacock (Creamy) Flower Tree (Mch. 
938, adpd). 940 Poinciana elata. 

Peacock (Crimson) Flower Tree (McL. 
933, adpd). 94l-b. Poinciana regia 

Peacock (Evergreen Royal) Flower Tree 
(McL. 938, adpd). 941-b. Poinciana 
regia (sempervirens). 

Peacock (Scarlet) Flower Tree (McL. 
933, adpd). 94l-a. Poinciana regia 

Peacock (False) Foot Tree (McL. 310, 
adpd). 99 Niebuhria linearis. 

Peacock Gingelly (McbL. 810, 473, 864, 
999). 2311 Vitex alata, 

Peacock (Wild) Gingelly (MeL. 3810, 473, 
864, 999). 2310 Vitex altissima, 

Peacock Notchy (McL. 310). 2311 Vitex 

Peacock’s Foot (Mch. 101), 
pinia Bonducella, 

Peacock’s Foot Leaf Plant (McL. 310, 
478, 864, 999, adpd). decxxx. Vitex 

Peacock’s Foot Notchy (McL. 596). 
Vitex pubescens. 

Peacock’s Foot Tree (McL. 810, 473, 864, 
999, adpd). 2311 Vitex alata. 

Peacock’s (Downy) Foot Tree (McL. 310, 
adpd). 2812 Vitex pubescens. 

Peacock’s (Glandular) Foot Tree (MeL. 
310, adpd). 2313 Vitex peduncularis. 

Peacock’s (Tall) Foot Tree (McL. 310, 
473, 864, 999, adpd). 2810 Vitex altis- 

Peacock’s (Water) Foot Tree (McL. 310, 
adpd). 2314 Vitex leucoxylon. 

Peacock’s Pride (Pfl. 422). 
Ceesalpinia pulcherrima, 

Peacock’s Pride (Mch. 672, 932). 941 
Poinciana regia. 

Pear (Golden blossomed) Family (Nic. 

926 Ceogal- 


(2) 930 

2/446, adpd). XXVIII. Ochnacew 
Pear (H/B.F) (Nic. 3/258). ccclxxxv. 

Pyrus (genus). 

Pear (Alligator) (Nic. 3/82) (S. 15, 317) 
(Cag. 218) (Cat. 231) (Br. 168) (Rid, 
100, 184) (McL. 19, 999) (Bed. 1/184) 
(W.AI) (Ru/N/69) (Mu. 45). 2441 
Persea gratigsima. 

Pear (Avocado) (McL. 19) (Muell. S.P) 
(Bed, 1/184) (Nic, 3/82) (8. 43, 317) 
(Gbl. 557) (Br. 186) (Cag. 218) (Cat. 
231) (Ru/N/69) (Ooty. 65), 2441 Persea 


Pear (Blackish-and-few Spined Prickly) 

(Cavanagh. Mad, Mail, 31-38-05), 1382 
Opuntia nigricans. 
Pear (Cashmere) (Hk. 2/374, adpd). 1116 

Pyrus kumaoni. 

Pear (Chinese) (Hk. 1/640, L/N/8/B, 
adpd). exxx. Hovenia (genus). 

Pear (Cock’s-comb Prickly) (8. 300) (Nie, 

5/569). 13883 (b&s.) Opuntia cylindrica 

Pear (Common Prickly) (Cag. 558) 
(Cavanagh, Mad. Mail, 81-3-05), 1378 

Opuntia Dillenii, 

Pear (Five Spined Prickly) (Br. 91, adpd). 
1378 Opuntia Dillenii. 

Pear (Garlic) (McL. 473, 580) (Nic. 
1/894). 101 Cratzeva religiosa. 

Pear (Hair Spined Prickly) (Nic. 5/570). 
1381 Opuntia leucotricha. 

Pear (Hedge Prickly) (Br. 91) (McL. 720). 
1378 Opuntia Dillenii, 

Pear (Holy Garlic) (McL, 580). 101 
Cratzeva religiosa. 

Pear (Keiffer) (Ooty. 71). 

Pear (Maltese Edible Prickly) (FAR. 28 
to 30, 34 to 87, NEL) (Cat, 154). 1883 
Opuntia vulgaris, 

Pear (Many Spined Prickly) (Br. 91, 
adpd), 1879 Opuntia spinosissima. 

Pear (Medium-membranous Ovyate-cre- 
nate-acuminate-leaved Chinese) (Hk, 
1/640, adpd). 571 Hovenia dulcis. 

1114 Pyrus 

Pear (One Spined Prickly) (Cavanagh. 
Mad, Mail, 31-38-05). 1880 Opuntia 

Pear (Orange flowered Prickly) (Br. 91, 
adpd). 1879 Opuntia spinossima. 

Pear (Pink flowered Prickly) (Nic. 2/503). 
1382 Opuntia nigricans. 

Pear (Prickly) (McL, 502, 720, 996) (Nic. 
2/501) (Rid, 144, 150) (Cat. 158) (S. 300) 
(Gbl. 382) (Bs/'T/346) (Cag. 552) (W. 28, 
47,131). cdlvi. Opuntia (genus), 

Pear (Spineless Prickly) (Nic, 2/508). 
1383 Opuntia vulgaris, 

Pear (Sulphur flowered Prickly) (Br. 91, 
adpd), 1878 Opuntia Dillenii. 
Pear (Variegated Prickly) (S. 300), 

Opuntia monocantha. 

Pear (Various flowered Prickly) (Nie. 
5/570). 1381 Opuntia leucotricha, 

Pear (Wild) (Nic. 3/259) (Loud). 

Pyrus communis. 



Pear (Yellow and Crimson flowered 
Prickly) (Br. 91, adpd), 1880 Opuntia 

Pear (Yellow flowered Prickly) (Nie. 
2/503) (S. 300). 1383 Opuntia vulgaris, 

Pear Lemon (McL, 484), [412 Sphalm | 
411 Citrus medica-Lumia. 

Pear (Prickly) of the United-States 
(S. 800, 344). 1383 Opuntia vulgaris, 


Pear-shaped Guava (Mc, 338) (Cag. 236) 
(Br. 78). 1222-a, Psidium Guyava 

Pear-shaped Pomelo (Bon. 297). 422-b. 
Citrus decumana-typica (pyrifera), 

Pear Tree (Bed. 1/97) (Bs/T/281) (G@bl. 
322) (Bdn/F.T) (McL. 27, 802) (H/E.F) 
(8. 311) (Cag. 249) (Cat, 182) (Rid. 146, 
152) (Ooty, 72) (Mu) (Hod). 1114 
Pyros communis. 

Pear (Corymbose Golden blossomed) Tree 
(Nic. 2/466, adpd). 435 Ochna Gam- 

Pear (Dwarf umbelled Golden blossomed) 
Tree (Nic, 2/466, adpd). 437 Ochna 

Pear (Glaucous leaved Golden blossomed) 
Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd), 4385 Ochna 

Pear (Golden blossomed) Tree (Nic. 2/466, 
adpd), clxvii, Ochna (genus). 

Pear (Panicled Golden blossomed) Tree 
(Nic. 2/466, adpd). 434 Ochna squar- 

Pear (Small leaved Golden blossomed) 
Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 436 Ochna 

Pear (Solitary flowered Golden blossomed) 
Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd), 436 Ochna 

Pearl Seed Plant (McL. 54). 

Pearly Everlasting (S. 28). dxxii, Anapha- 
lis (genus), . 

Pearly (Miunte-white-cottony- woolly 
Recurved-margined Narrow-linear- 
acute-leaved) Everlasting (Hk, 3/286, 
adpd). Anaphalis neelgeriana. 

Pearly (Small-woolly-backed-hoaryses- 
sile Linear-auricled-acuminate-leaved) 
Everlasting; (Hk. 3/285, adpd). 1610 
Anaphalis aristata. 

Pearly (Very-small-cottony-backed- 
scabrid-sessile Broad-linear-obtuse- 
leaved) Everlasting (Hk. 3/286, adpd), 
1611 Anaphbalis Wightiana. 

Pearly (Very-small-cottony-backed Re- 
curved-margined Narrow>linear-leaved) 

2693 Ricinus 

Everlasting (Hk. 3/286, adpd), 1612 
Anapbalis marcescens. 
Pebble (Ocean) (Mc. 101). 926 Cvesal- 

pinia Bonducella. 

Pectinate Stipuled Seven-(5-9)-leaved 
Rose (Hk. 2/864). 1085 Rosa mu!ti- 

Pedate leaved Yellow Bindweed (McL. 
120, adpd). 2053 Ipomea dasysperma, 

Pedate-[5-9]-lobed-leaved §_ Tiger’s-foot 
Bindweed (JIik. 4/204, adpd). 2086-a, 
Ipomea pes-tigridis (typica). 

Pedately seven leaved Vine (McL. 564, 
adpd). 611 Vitis pedata. 

Pedatipinnate-subglabrous Basal-bi-tri- 
partite Membranous-long-oblong 


(8”-16")-pinnatipartite-acuminate pin- 
nated Brake Fern (Bed/F,adpd), 3388 
Pteris patens, 

Basal-bipinnate Papery-lance-pinnati- 
partite-acuminate-pinnated Brake Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3334 Pteris quadri- 

Pedatipinnate-(8-10-prs)-subglabrous Ba- 
sal-(1-2-prs)-bipinnate Papery-linear- 
lance-pinnati partite-acuminate-pinnated 
Brake Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3836 Pteris 

Pedatipinnate-subgiabrous  Basal-tripin- 
nate Papery-ovate-pinnatipartite acu- - 
minate-pinnated Brake Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd), 8337 Pteris geminata. 

Fedowk (FAR. 1). (? 895) 894 Ptero- 
carpus indicus (?). 

Peduncled (Pyriform-swollen-fleshy) 
cymose Buckthorn (Hk. 1/680, adpd). 
exxx. Hovenia (genus). : 

Peduncled (Long) Dwarf Date (Gbl. 731, 
adpd), 3168 Phcenix humilis (pedun- 

Peduncled (Short) Dwarf Date (Gbl. 731, 
adpd). 8166 Phoenix acaulis. 

Peduncled’ (Tendril) Woolly Trifoliate 
Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 604 Vitis 

Peeliana Rose (Br. 69) (?). 
borbonica (rosea) (?). 

Peepul (Bed. 2/315) (Bs/''/601) (Gbl. 644) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Cag, 414) (Rid. 126) (MeL, 
100, 473, 673, 749, 1000) (Ru/N/129, 
0/12) (Mu. 43) (W. 1, 48). 2789 Ficus 

Peepul (Flowering) (Mc. 678, 712). 252 
Thespesia populnea, 

Peepul (Pointed leaved) (Mch, 678, adpd). 
2738 Ficus Rumphii. 

Peepul (Short tailed) (Mch, 673, adpd), 
2740 Ficus Arnottiana. 

Peepul (Wild) (McL. 673, 1000). 
Ficus Arnottiana. 

Peepul leaved Fvening Mallow (McL, 914, 
adpd), 220 Abutilon polyandrum. 

Peepul leaved {footty (MeL. 914). 220 
Abutilon polyandrum. 

Peepul (Sacred) of India (Cag. 283) (PAL. 
128), 2739 Ficus religiosa. 

Peetsaul (McL. 674). 897 Pterocarpus 

Péganon of the Greeks (McL. 775). 370 
Ruta graveolens (angustifolia). 

Pegu (Iron Wood of) and Arracan (Gbl, 
265). 1002 Xylia dolabriformis, 

Pegue (Wood oil of) (Rox. 2/614). 197 
Dipterocar pus alatus. 

Pehimbia (McL. 473, 484, 674, 712, 993). 
448 Filicium decipiens, 

Pelican Flower (8. 34) (Cag. 4265). 
declxvii. Aristolochia (genus). 

1106-d. Rosa 



Pelican Flower Birthwort (Nic. 
2397 Avistolochia grandiflora. 
Pellet shrub (McL, 670). dviii, Paveta 

Pellet (Common Indian) shrub (McL, 670, 
adpd). 1513-a, Pavetta indica (typica). 

Pellet (Dense flowered Indian) shrub 
(McL. 670, adpd). 1548-b. Pavetta 
indica (densiflora). 

Pellet (Downy lance leaved) shrub (McL. 
670, adpd). 1544-b, Pavetta hispidula 



Pellet (Lanced leayed) shrub (Mc. 670, 
adpd), 1544-a. Pavetta hispidula 
(ty pica). 

Pellet (Long flowered) shrub (McL. 670, 
adpd). 1544-c. Pavetta hispidula 


Pellet (Narrow leaved) shrab (Mch. 670, 
adpd). 1544-d. Pavetta hispidula 

Pellet (Short flowered) shrub (MeJ., 670, 
adpd). 1545 Pavetta breviflora, 

Pellet (Smaller Indian) shrub (MeL, 670, 
adpd). 1543-d. Pavetta indica (minor). 

Pellet (Wright’s Flat branched) shrub 
(McL. 670, adpd). 1647 Pavetta 

Pellet (Woolly Indian) shrub (McL. 670 
adpd). 1543-c. Pavetta indica (tomen- 

Pellet (Woolly Small flowered) shrub 
(McL, 670, adpd). 1546 Pavetta Bru- 

Pellucid-punctate exstipulate Laurel 
Tulip Climber (Nic. 2/214, adpd), xi. 
Kadsura (genus). 

Pellucid-white-blotchy-veined Deep-green 
Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264-a, 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (typica). 

Peltate leaved Evening Mallow (Hk. 
1/328, adpd). 227 Abutilou neilgher- 

Peltate Pink-spotted leaved Pepper (Nic. 

5/605). 2418 Piper ornatum. 
Pembroke (Harl of) Rose (R8u/O/20). 
1107-j.. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 


Pen (Moonshee’s) (McL. 518). 
charum arundinaceum. 

Pen Grass (McL. 513). 

Pen Reed (McL. 

Pen Reed Grass (Ell. 487), 
charum arundinaceum. 

Penance (Arjuna’s) Tree (CBT) (McL. 
41). 1007 Prosopis spicigera, 

Penang (Himalayan Many-parted) Lawyer 

8284 Sac- 
3284 Saccharum 
513). 38284 Saccharum 

3284 Sac- 

(McL. 675, adpd). 3181 Licuala 

Penang (Malay Highteen-parted) Lawyer 
(McL. 675, adpd). 3178 Licuala 



Penang (Malay Nine-parted) Lawyer 
(Mch. 675, adpd). 3179 Licuala palu- 

Penang (New-Britain) Lawyer (McL, 675, 

adpd). 3180 Licuala grandis. 

Penang Lawyer Palm (McL, 675). 
emxcix. Licuala (genus). 

Penang Palm (McL. 40, 675). 38121 Areca 


Pencil Cedar (Muell. 
perus (genus). 

Pencil (Bermuda) Cedar (Gb1.697). 2820 
Juniperns bermudiana. 

Pencil (Himalayan) (edar (Bs/T/694) 
(Gbl. 698) (FAR. 10, NLGS). 2819 
Juniperus macropoda. 

Pencil (North American) Cedar (Muell. 
§.P). 2822 Juniperus virginiana, 

Pencil (Virginia) Cedar (Gbl. 697), 
Juniperus virginiana. 

Pencil Cedar of Bermuda and Barbadoes 
(Muell, S.P). 2820 Juniperus bermu- 

Pencil Cedar of China and Japan (Muell. 
S.P), 2821 Juniperus chinensis. 

Pencil Flower (Nic. 3/522). 
Stylosanthes (genus). 

Pencil (Trifoliate-very-small-ciliate Ovate- 
acuminate-leaved) Flower (Rox. 3/282, 
adpd). 784 Stylosanthes mucronata, 

Pencil (Bastard Cedar) Wood of Australia 
(Bth. 1/382). clxxxi. Dysoxylum 

Pendulous-branched Green-stemmed 
Shrubby Bamboo (Hk. 7/414, adpd). 
3316 T'einostachyum Wightii. 

Pendulous-branched (Medium-to-long- 
lance-subacute-leayed) Jungle Gera- 
nium (Hk. 3/188, adpd). 15381 Ixora 

Pendulous-branched (Medium-leathery 
Narrow-oblong-leaved) Kambala ‘Tree 
(Hk, 2/579, adpd). 1820 Sonneratia 

Pendulous-flowered Lance leaved Glory 
Tree (S.101, adpd). 2317 Clerodendron 

Pendulous (Fan-shaped) fringed Bourbon 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3195 Livis- 
tona chinensis. 

S.P). om. Juni- 



Pendulous (Kidney-shaped) fringed 
Bourbon Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 

3194 Livistona oliveeformis. 

Pendulous Laciniate petalled “hoe flower 
(Nic. 1/148, adpd), 247 Hibiscus schi- 

Pendulous (Medium-lanceolate-acuminate 
Multifoliate-distichous Pseudobulb) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/738, W.A.I, adpd). 2916 
Dendrobium Pierardi. 

Pendulous (Medium-ovate-oblong-acute 
Maltifoliate-distichous Pseudobulb) 
Orchid (Hk, 5/735, W.A.I, adpd). 2914 
Dendrobium macrostachyum, 


Pendulous Wax Flower (Br. 122). 1927 
Hoya penduia. 

Penninerved-alternate-and-opposite Me- 
dium-to-long-leathery-shining oblong- 
lance-cuspidate-leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 
5/122, adpd). 2480 Beilschmiedia 
fagifolia (Dalzellii). 

Penninerved-alternate Long-membranous- 
downy-backed Hlliptic-oblong-caudate- 
leaved Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/589, 
adpd). 2776-a. Villebrunia integrifolia 

Penninerved-alternate Long-papery Ellip- 
tic-lance-caudate-leaved Cinnamon (Hk, 
5/141, adpd). 2445 Phoebe lanceolata. 

Penninerved-alternate Long-papery- 
rusty-downy Hlliptic-lance-acuminate- 
leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 5/142, adpd). 
2446 Phoebe paniculata. 

Penninerved-alternate Medinum-membran- 
ous subglabrous oblong-lance-caudate- 
leaved Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/590, 
adpd). 2776-b. Villebrunia integrifolia 

Penninerved-alternate Medium-papery 
lance acuminate-leaved Cinnamon (Hk, 
5/121, adpd). 2429 Apollonias Arnottii. 

Penninerved-alternate Medium-to-long- 
glaucous-backed elliptic-lance-to- 
oblong-acute-to-obtuse-leayed Cinna- 
mon (Hk. 5/140, adpd). 2444 Machilus 

Penninerved-biglandular-based Medium- 
papery-scurfy-downy- glabrate - subses- 
sile Hlliptic-crenate-serrate-acuminate- 
leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/419, adpd), 
2672 Coelodepas calycinum. 

Penninerved-leaved Physic Nut (Hk. 
5/242, adpd). dccexxx. ‘tritaxis 

Penninerved Lizard-foot (MeL, 587, adpd). 
2595 Sauropus albicans. 

Penninerved Medium-papery-shining 
elliptic- oblong - narrowed - but - obtuse- 
leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/418, adpd). 

$71 Adenoghleena indica. 

Penninerved Medium-to-long-leathery 
elliptic-lance -crenate-acute-or-acumin- 
ate-leaved Mercury (Hk, 5/444, adpd), 
2688 Cleidion javanicum. 

Penninerved-opposite Medium-leathery 
shining Rhombic-lance-obtuse-leaved 
Mercury (Hk. 5/436, adpd). 2679 Mal- 
lotus muricatus. 

Penninerved-opposite Medium-papery- 
elliptic-ovate- lance - acuminate - leaved 
Resinous-branched Mercury (Hk. 5/437, 
adpd). 2680 Mallotus stenanthus. 

Penninerved-opposite Medium-papery 
Ovate-oblong-caudate-leaved Mercury 


(Hk. 5/438, adpd). 2682 Mallotus Bed- 

Penninerved-opposite Medium-papery- 
shining - Elliptic-lance-cuspidate-leaved 

Cinnamon (Hk. 5/124, adpd), 2431 
Beilschmiedia Wightii. 
Penninerved-alternate-and-opposite Me- 

dinm-to - long-leathery elliptic-leaved 
Cinnamon (Hk. 5/124, adpd). 2432 
Beilschmiedia Bourdilloni. 

Penninerved-opposite | Medium-to-long- 
papery-downy-glabrate-shining elliptic- 
lance-to-oblance-acuminate-leaved Mer- 
cury (Hk. 5/438, adpd). 2681 Mallotus 

Penninerved (Medium-papery  Ovate- 
oblong-acute-or-obtuse-leaved) Physic 
Nut (Hk. 5/384, adpd). 2629 Tritaxis 

Penninerved Small-leathery-downy-gla- 
brate obovate-oblong-obtuse-to-acumin- 
ate-leaved Axil-spined Jack (Hk. 5/588, 
adpd). 2761 Cudrania javensis. 
Penninerved Small-leathery-shining 
obovate - oblong - obtuge-or-acute-leaved 
Axil-spined Mulberry (Hk. 5/491, adpd). 
2719 Plecospermum spinosum. 
Penninerved Small-rigid-scabrid Ovate-to- 
obovate - rhomboid - serrate - cuspidate- 
leaved Sand-paper Mulberry (Hk. 5/489, 
adpd). 2717 Streblus asper. 

Penninerved Small-subsessile subtrape- 
zoid-apically-serrate-acuminate - leaved 
Spinous Mulberry (Hk. 5/488, adpd). 
2716 Phyllochlamys spinosa. 
Penninerved - subverticillate- (4~8)-alter- 
nate Long-laucous-backed-golden- 
silky-glabrate Elliptic-lance-obtuse- 
leaved Ray Laurel (Hk. 5/149, adpd). 
2451 Actinodaphne madraspatana. 
Penninerved - subverticillate - alternate 
Long-rusty - shaggy - glabrate Ovate- 
elliptic-lance-acuminate-leaved Ray 
Laure (Hk. 5/149, adpd). 2452 Actino- 
daphne Hookeri. 
Penninerved-subverticillate-alternate Me- 
dium-glaucous-backed-leathery Elliptic- 
oblong-or-lance-leaved Cinnamon (Hk, 
5/144, adpd). 2447-b. Alseodaphne 
semecarpifolia (angustifolia), 

Penrinerved - subverticillate - (4-8)-alter- 
nate Medium-leathery-glaucous-backed 
linear-lance - acuminate-leaved Ray 
Laurel (Hk. 5/148, adpd). 2448 Acti- 
nodaphne salicina. 

Penninerved-subverticillate-alternate Me- 
dium-glaucous-backed-papery Obovate- 
oblong-obtuse-leaved Civnamon (Hk. 
5/144, adpd). 2447-a. Alseodaphne 
semecarpifolia (typica). 


Penninerved - subverticillate-(4-8) - alter- 
nate Medium-leathery-glaucous-backed- 
linear-lance-or - oblong - obtuse - leaved 
Ray Laurel (Hk. 5/149, adpd). 2453 
Actinodaphne stenophylla. 

Penninerved - subverticillate - (4-8)-alter- 
nate Medium-leathery-glaucous-backed- 
rusty-velvetty-glabrate  elliptic-lance- 
acuminate-leaved Ray Laurel (Hk. 
5/149, adpd). 2450 Actinodaphne lanata. 

Penninerved-subverticillate - (4-8) - alter- 
nate Medium-papery-brown-velvetty- 
backed-shining _—_ elliptic-lance.acumin- 
ate-leaved Ray Laurel (Hk. 5/152, 
adpd). 2455 Actinodaphne hirsuta. 

Penninerved-subverticillate-alternate Me- 
dium - red - hairy - glabrate - leathery 
Broad-obovate- cuneate - obtuse - leaved 
Cinnamon (Hk. 5/144, adpd). 2447-d. 
Alseodaphne semecarpifolia (rufa). 

Penninerved-subverticillate-alternate Me- 
dium-to-long-glancous-backed - leathery 
elliptic oblong-obtuse-leaved Cinnamon 
(Hk. 5/144, adpd), 2447-c. Alseoda- 
phne semecarpifolia (macrocarpa). 

Penninerved - subverticillate - alternate 
Small-glaucous-backed-leathery obovate 
obtuse-leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 5/144, 
adpd). 2447-e. Alseodaphne semecar- 
pifolia (parvifolia), 

Small-papery elliptic-obtuse-leaved Ray 
Laurel (Hk. 5/148, adpd), 2449 Acti- 
nodaphne campanulata, 

Pensbout of the ))utch (Mch, 938). 
Cesmostigma Tacemosum. 

Pentalinon (Cag. 500), 1857 Hzemodictyon 

Pentandrous Mimosa-leaved U niglandular 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 964 Cassia 

Pentandrous Spathe-calyxed Mango (Hk. 
2/8, adpd). ccixi. Gluta (genus). 

Pentandrous Trumpet Flower (Hk. 4/376, 
adpd). dclxxxi. Oroxylum (genus). 

Pentas (Flesh coloured) (Br. 108), 1478 
Pentas carnea, 

Peperi-makron of the Greeks (Mch. 678). 
2404 Piper longum. 

Peperi-melan of the Greeks (McL. 676). 
2411 Piper nigrum. 

Peperi of the Greeks (McL. 676). 

an Piper (genus). 

eperi-strongulon of the Greeks (McL. 
676). 2411 Piper nigrum. 

Papery-ovate - pinnatipartite - acnminate- 
pinnated (Pedatipinnate-subglabrous 
Basal-tripinnate) Brake Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 33837 Pteris geminata. 

Pepper Family (Br. 208) (L/N/S/B). 
XCIII. Piperaceze (Order). 

Pepper (McL. 676, 1000) (S. 306, 331) 
(Nic. 3/149). dcclxviii, Piper (genus). 



Pepper (Aromatic) (MeL. 676). 2411 
Piper nigrum. 
Pepper (Bell) (McL. 170) (Bll. 140), 2094 

(tris.) Capsicum grossuni, 

Pepper (Betel) (McL. 86, 676, 1000) 
(3. 382) (Nic. 3/147) (Gbl. 554) (Cag. 
454) (Rid. 319), 2406 Piper Betle. 

Pepper (Betel Leaf) (Br. 242) (ll. 168) 
(Pfl, 441). 2406 Piper Betle. 

Pepper (Bird) (McL. 170). 2094 (bis.) 
Capsicum minimum, 

Pepper (Bird’s-eye) (Ell. 140), 
(bés.) Capsicum minimum. 

Pepper (Black) (Bs/'/528) (Gbl. 554) 
(McL. 472,}676, 1000) (S. 381) (Ell. 447) 
(Pfl. 64), 2411 Piper nigrum. 

Pepper (Cabob) (MeL, 677), 2405 Piper 

Pepper (Cayenne) (S. 74, 88) (Ell. 140). 
2094(dis.)-b. Capsicum minimum (fasti- 

Pepper (Cherry) (McL, 170). 2094 (tris.)-b. 
Capsicum grossum (cerasiformis). 

Pepper (Chilli) (8.92), 2094-a, Capsicum 
frutescens (typica). 

Pepper (Chilly) (Hl, 140). 
cum frutescens (typica). 

Pepper (China) (McL., 171, 357, 995). 
1207 Pimenta acris. 

Pepper (Chinese) (McL. 677). 

Pepper (Common) (Nic. 3/148). 
Piper nigrum. 

Pepper (Cool) (McL. 677). 2405 Piper 
Cubeba. ? 

Pepper (Cubeb) (McL. 677, 1000). 
Piper Cubeba. 

Pepper (Cup flowered) (McL. 676, adpd). 
2403 Piper trichostachyon. 

Pepper (Curry) (MeL. 170). 
Capsicum frutescens (annuum). 

Pepper (Downy auricled leaved) (McL. 
676, adpd}. 2407 Piper Hapnium, 

Pepper (Hlephant) (McL. 678). 
Piper longum, 

Pepper (Elephant Long) (Mex. 677, 1001). 
3269 Scindapsus officinalis. 

Pepper (Europe) (McL. 170). 
Capsicum frutescens (annuum). 

Pepper (Fan nerved leaved) (McL. 676, 
adpd). 2417 Piper subpeltatum. 

Pepper (Flat branched) (McL. 676, adpd). 
2412 Piper attenuatum. 

Pepper (Forest) (McL. 677). 
lia aculeata. 

Pepper (Fragrant) (McL. 677). 
Piper Cubeba. 

Pepper (Goat) (McL. 170). 
cum frutescens (typica). 

Pepper (Glabrous Loose spiked) (McL. 
676, adpd). 2410 Piper Schmidtii. 

Pepper (Guinea) (McL. 170) (S. 187), 
2094-b, Capsicum frutescens (annuum), 


2094-a, Capsi- 

2405 Piper 






386 Todda- 


2094-a. Capsi- 


Pepper (Guinea) (Mch. 170, 338), 
delxviii. Capsicum (genus). 

Pepper (Hairy Loose spiked) (McL, 676, 
adpd). 2409 Piper Hookeri. 

Pepper (Hoary spiked) (McL. 676, adpd). 
2403 Piper trichostachyon, — 

Pepper (Hooded flower) (McL. 676, adpd). 

2402 Piper galeatum, 

Pepper (Indian Wild) (McL. 596). 2308 
Vitex trifolia. 

Pepper (Jamaica) (Br. 79). 1208 Pimenta 

Pepper (Jamaica) (McL. 171). [1207 
Sphalm] 1208 Pimenta officinalis. 

Pepper (Java) (McL. 388, 677). 2405 
Piper Cubeba. 

Pepper (Large Foreign) (McL. 179). 

2094-b. Capsicum frutescens (annuum). 
Pepper (Long) (Rox. 1/154) (Bs/T/528) 
(W.A.1) (Br. 202) (Ell. 166) (Rid. 2205 
(Mcl.. 677, 1000) (Pfl. 507). 2404 Piper 
Pepper (membrane leaved) (McL. 676, 

adpd). 2414 Piper Hymenophyllum, 
Pepper (Monk’s) (Mch. 596). 2808 Vitex 

Pepper (Peltate Pink-spotted leaved) 
(Nic. 5/605). 2418 Piper ornatum. 

Pepper (Pod) (McL. 170). 2094-b, Cap- 
sicum frutescens (annuum). 

Pepper (Pod) (McL. 170). 
Capsicum (genus). 

Pepper (Pungent) (McL. 676). 2411 Piper 

Pepper (Rid) (McL. 170) (8S. 187). 2094-b. 
Capsicum frutescens (annuum). 

Pepper (Round) (Mch. 676). 2411 Piper 

Pepper (Round spiked) (McL. 676, adpd). 
2408 Piper brachystachyum. 

Pepper (Silvery leaved) (McL. 676, adpd). 
2415 Piper srgyrophyllum., 

Pepper (Spanish) (McL. 170) (Ell. 141) 
(PA. 330). 2094-b. Capsicum frutes- 
cens (annuum). 

Pepper (Spur) (McL. 171). 
cum fratescens (typica). 

Pepper (Tailed) (McL. 677). 2405 Piper 

Pepper (Tree) ‘McL. 678) (?). 
Pimenta acris (?). 

Pepper (Umbel spiked) (McL. 676, adpd). 
2417 Piper scbpeltatum. 

Pepper (Water Long) (Mech. 171). 
Sapium sebiferum. 

Pepper (White) (Mc. 676) (Nic. 3/148) 
(Pfi. 64) [when husked aud bleached |. 
2411 Piper nigrum, 

Pepper (Winged bracteate spiked) (McL. 
676, adpd), 2416 Piper Wightii. 

Pepper (Wild Black) (McL. 676, adpd). 
2413 Piper sylvestre. 

Pepper (Elephant) Climbing Arum (McL. 
677, corr). 3269 Scindapsus officinalis. 


2094-a. Capsi- 




Pepper-corn (Spurious) (Treas. Bot. 1/448, 
adpd). 1661 Embelia Ribes. 

Pepper Leaf;(Mchl. 759). 384 Zanthoxyl- 
um Rhetsa. 

Pepper (Ornamental) of the Celebes (Nic. 
5/605). 2418 Piper ornatum. 

Pepper (Australian) Tree (Nic. 38/381) 
(Cag. 631). 656 Schinus Molle. 

Pepper (Bastard) Tree (Ru/N/128, 0/13) 
(Cat. 86). 656 Schinus Molle. 

Pepper (Californian) Tree (Nic. 3/881) 
(Cag. 681). 656 Schinus Molle. 

Pepper Vine (Gbl. 554), declxviii, Piper 

Pepper Vine (MeL. 676) (Rox. 1/150) (HEIL. 
447) (Pfl. 64). 2411 Piper nigrum. 

Peppermint (Scrub) (Bth. 3/231). 
Eucalyptus incrassata (angulosa), 

Peppermint (Victoria) Gum (Bth. 3/240). 
1186 Eucalyptus viminalis, 

Peppermint of Victoria (Bth. 38/201). 
1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora. 

Peppermint Tree of New-South-Wales 
(Bth. 3/207). 1193 Eucalyptus 

Peppermint Tree of Tasmania and Vic- 
toria (Bth. 3/208) (Gbl. 354). 1192 
Eucalyptus amygdalina. 

Pepperworts (Mch. 1006), XCIII. Piper- 
ace (Order). 

Peramboo (McL, 694). 
Rotang. : 

Peramooty (McL. 517, 993). 223 Pavonia 

Perfection-de Monplaisir Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/N/9i, O/21) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 
1105-f. Rosa odorata (lutea). 

Perforate (Few-broad-falcate-lobed Pin- 
natifid) Climbing Arum (Hk, 6/546, 
adpd). 38270 Rhaphidophora pertusa. 

Perforate (Many-ensiform-lobed Pinnati- 
fid) Climbing Arum (Hk. 6/549, adpd), 
3272 Epipremnum mirabile, 

Perforate (Many-oblanceolate-lobed 
Pinnatifid) Climbing Arum (Nic. 2/380). 
3273 Monstera deliciosa. 

Pergola plant (Nic, 4/132), dxcy. Vallaris 
(genus). ' 

Pergola (Fragrant) Plant (Hk. 3/661, 
adpd). 1839 Vallaris Heynei. 

Pergola (Goat-smell) Plant (Hk. 3/651, 
aipd). 1840 Vallaris Pergulana, 

Perincara (McL. 768), (exxiii. Sphalm | 
338 Hleocarpus oblongus. 

Periplus (Indikon-melan of the) (McL. 
369). cclxxxiv. Indigofera (genus). 
Periplus (Meli-to-kalaminon-to-lego- 
menon-Sakchar of the) (Mc. 857). 

3282 Saccharum officinarum. 

Periwinkle (Nic. 4/160) (S. 317, 451) (Cag. 
496) (Rid. 95). dixxxvii. Vincu (genus). 

Periwinkle (Creamy-blotched leaved) 
(Nic. 4/160, 5/736). 1822-b. Vinca 
major (elegantissima), 


3209 Calamus 


Periwinkle (Golden-reticulated Jeaved) 
(Nic. 5/786). 1822-c. Vinca major 

Periwinkle (Large) (S. 451). 

Periwinkle (Lesser) (S. 451) (Cay. 496). 
1823 Vinca minor, 

Periwinkle (Variegated) (Ooty. 479). 
1822-b. Vinca major (elegantissima). 

1322 Vinca 

Periwinkle (Variegated) (Ooty. 479). 
1822-c. Vinca major (reticulata). 
Periwinkle (White) (Ru/O/32), 1822-d, 

Vinca major (alba). 

Perle-des Jardins Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
N/91, 0/21) (Mu. 55). 1105-f. Rosa 
odorata (lutea-stramineo-suffusa). 

Perle-de Lyon Rose (Ru/N/91, 0/22) (Mu. 
55) (Hod), 1105-f. Rosa odorata (lutea- 

Perle-d’or Rose (Ru/O/22) (Mu). 1085-d. 
Rosa multiflora (flava-intus-anrantiaca). 

Pernambuco Cotton (McL. 234), 
Gossypium barbadense (acuminatum), 

Perriére (Madame Isaac) Rose (Ru/N/90, 
O/21) (Mu. 53). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida- 
seiperflorens (kermesina-roseo-suf- 

(MeL. 188, adpd). 

2439 Cinnamomum 

Persia (Red Mulberry of) (McL. 367). | 

2723-b. Morus alba (atropurpurea). 

Persia (White Mulberry of) (McL. 367). 
2723-a. Morus alba (typica). 

Persian Almond (McL. 76) (Rid. 101). 
1063 Prunus Amygdelus. 

Persian Date (VW. 34). 

Persian Double Yellow Rose (Nic. 3/325) 
(Cag. 592) (Mu. 57) (Ooty. 431), 
1097-c. Rosa Eglanteria (sulphurea). 

Persian Lilac (Bed. 2/14) (Bs/T/i40) (Gbl. 
144) (Pr. 1/314) (McL. 578) (Br. :34) 
(Ell. 381) (Cag, 685) (Cat. 63). 453 
Melia Azedarach. 

Persian Manna (McL. 38). 783 Alhagi 

Persian Rose (McbL. 322) (Cag. 
1038 Rosa damascena. 

Persian (Red) Rose (Cag. 591) ‘(Br. 68) 
1098-a. Rosa damascena (typica). 

Persian (White) Rose (Cag. 591) (Br. 68). 


(Mu. 57). 1098-b. Rosa damascena 

Persian Mangosteen (Mcb. 3038), 1702 
Diospyros Embryopteris. 

Persica of the Romans(Mch, 54). 1064 

Prunus persica. 

Persimmon (Chinese) (Cat. 178) (Cag. 
221). 1701 Diospyros Kaki. 

Persistent Culm-sheathed Hollow 
Medium Bamboo (Hk. 7/407, adpd). 
3314 Dendrocalamus longispathus, 

254-b. | 

Tawny Haired Cinnamon | 

3162 Phoenix | 



INDEX. 811 

Persistent (Stemless Non-flagelliferous) 
Many-spathed Rattan (Hk. 6/4( 4, adpd). 
mix. Zalacea (genus), 

Persistent-sepalled Mixed-prickly Rose 

(Hk, 2/364). 1097 Rosa Hylanteria. 

Persistent Tubular Spathed Rattan (Hk. 

6/404, adpd). mvii. Calamus (genus). 

Peru (Marvel of) Family (Br. 176) (L/N/ 
8/B). LXXXVIL. Nyctaginacez 

Peru (Adeira of) (Muell.S.P). 3034 Canna 

Peru (Anchor Plant of Chili and) (Nic. 
1/361, adpd). 557 Colletia ferox. 

Peru (Apple of) (McL. 261). 2097 Datura 

Peru (Cluster-flowerea Scarlet Fuchsia of) 
(Nic. 2/32). 1325 Fuchsia corymbi- 

Peru (Kambala Tree of) (Treas. Bot. 
2/1013). cdxxxix. Sonneratia (genus). 
Peru (Mulli of) (Nic. 3/381). 656 Schinus 


Peru (Silk Flower 
1/195). ccclxix. Calliandra (genus). 
Perus (Marvel of) (McL. 1005). 

LXXXKVII. Nyctaginaces (Order). 

Peruvian Bark Plant (Nic. 1/329) (McL. 
419) (Bed. 1/115) (Pfl. 348). cdlxxxiii. 
Cinchona (genus). 

Peruvian Cotton (McL. 234, 473, 993) 
(Hk, 1/347). 254-b. Gossypium barba- 
dense (acuminatum). 

Peruvian Cotton (Muell.S.P). [253-d. 
sphalm] 254-b. Gossypium barbadense 

Peruvian (Very-long-perfoliate-slightly- 
downy Dark-velvetty-green Purple- 
backed oblong-lance-acuminate-leaved) 
Emetic-nut (Nic. 2/146, adpd). 1511 
Hoffmannia Ghiesbreghti, 

Peruvian Heliotrope (S. 318) (Br. 147). 
1938 Heliotropium peruvianum, 

Peruvian Indian Shot (Rid. 50). 
Canna iridiflora. 

Peruvian Magic Plant 
Cantua buxifolia. 

Peruvian Mastic Tree (Nic. 3/381) (Cag. 

of) (Treas. Bot. 

(S. 76). 1966 

631}. 656 Schinus Molle. 
Peruvian Tetramerous Emetic Nut 
(Treas, Bot. 1/581, adpd). cdxeviii. 

Hoffmannia (genus), 

Peruvian Trumpet Flower (S. 318), 2103 
Datura suaveolens, 

Pervully (McL. 53), 38068 

Petaliferous Croton Indigo shrub (McL, 


370, 678, Hk. 5/243, adpd). decexlii. 
Agrostistachys (genus), 
Petaliferous (Ombelled - carpelled) 

Nutmegs (L/N/S/B). IV. Anonacez 


’ Petalled (Spineless Five) Buck Thorn 
(McL. 762, adpd). 570 Rhamnus 

Petalled (Spiny Four) Buck Thorn (McL. 
762,adpd). 569 Rhamnus virgatus. 
Petalled (Scarlet Erect) Cactus (Nic. 

2/454). cdlv. Nopalea (genus). 

Petalled (Half-boat) Flowering Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, Hk. 1/72, adpd). xix. 
Pheeanthus (genus). 

Petalled (Half-star) Flowering Nutmeg 
(fs/T/10, adpd). xxiv. Miliusa (genus). 

Petalled (Half-baggy) Flowering Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xxv. Saccapetalum 

Petalled (Erect) Giant Swallow-wort (Hk. 
4/18, adpd). 1883 Calotropis procera. 
Petalled (Reflexed) Giant Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/17, adpd). 1882 Calotropis 


Petalled (Narrow-scaled) Interstaminal- 

glandular Sarsaparilla Swallo-wwort 
(Hk. 4/9,adpd). dexvi. Streptocaulon | 

Petalied (Broad-scaled) Interstamina]l- 
glandular Sarsaparilla Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/11, adpd), dexvii. Decalepis 

Petalled (Lilac Five) Jungle Geranium 
(Nic. 3/70). 1478 Pentas carnea. 

Petalled (Red) Kambala Tree (Nic. 
3/459). 13821 Sonnetatia acida. 
Petalled (Corkscrew) Dog-bane (Hk. 
3/655, adpd). dxceviii. - Strophanthus 

Petalled (Broad-scaled-shaggy) Sarsa- 
parilla Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/7, adpd). 
dexiy. Brachylepis (genus). 

Petalled (Corkscrew) Sarsaparilla 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/5, adpd). dexii. 
Cryptolepis (genus). 

Petalled (Pendulous Laciniate) Shoe 
Flower (Nic. 1/143, adpd). 247 
Hibiscus schizopetalus. 

Petalled (Ovate) Small-fruited Dodder 

(McL. 804, adpd). 2067 Cuscuta 
Petailed (Tail) Small-frnited Dodder 
(McL. 804, adpd). 2066 Cuseuta 

Petalled (Defective) Soapnut (McL, 468, | 

adpd). 625 Hemigyrosa deficiens. 

Petalled (Crimson Four) Spider Flower 
(Hk. 2/516, adpd). 1278 Osbeckia 

Petalled (Rosy-purple Four) 
Flower (Hk, 2/518, adpd). 
Osbeckia gracilis. 

Petalled (Linear) Virgin’s Bower (Hk. 
1/1, adpd). ii. Naravelia (genus). 

Petaloid-staminoded Unilocular-capsuled 
Panicled Ginger (Treas. Bot. 1/534) 



(Hk. 6/199, adpd). cmsliii. Globba 
Petioled (Spine) Acuminate Feather 

Palm (Nic. 1/506, adpd). 

Petioled (Golden) Betel Palm (Cag. 337, 
3389, adpd). 3128 Dictyosperma aurea. 

Petioled (White-woolly) Betel Palm ‘Cag. 
337, 339, adpd). 3129 Dictyosperma 

Petioled-coriaceous Bifoliate Pseudo- 
bulbous-stemmed Orchid (Jik. 5/702, 
703). 2900 Liparis longipes. 

Petioled-coriaceous  Bifoliate Pseudo- 
bulbous-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/823). 
cmxxv. Celogyne (genus). 

Petioled-coriaceous Quadrifoliate — (oc- 
casionally 3 or 2) Pseudobulbous stem- 
med Orchid (Hk. 6/20, W.A.1). 
cmxxviii, Polystachya (genus). 

Petioled (Short) Olive Linden (McL. 763, 
adpd). 342 Elzocarpus rugosus. 

Petioled (Wing) Tick Trefoil ((McL. 813, 

mxvi. Hlzis 

adpd). 801 Desmodium triquetrum. 

Petioled (Wing) Tooth-ache Tree (Nic. 
4/237, adpd). 382 Zanthoxylum 

Petioled Unifoliate Pseudobulbous- 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/772). emxxii. 
Cirrhopetalum (genus). 

Petioled Unifoliate | Pseudobulbous- 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/752). cmxxi. 
Bulbophyllum (genus). 

Petioled Unifoliate | Pseudobulbous- 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/780). cmxxiii. 
Trias (genus). 

Petioled Unifoliate | Psendobulbous- 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/86, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxli, (bis.) Thelasis (genus), 

Petioled Unifoliate pseudobulbous- 

stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/699, 701). 
2899 Liparis pusilla. 
Petrea (Twisting) 
Petra volubilis. 
Petre’s (Lord) Climber (Br, 164). 
Petrza volubilis. 
Peuké-Konophoros of Theophrastus (McL. 

(Br. 164). 2828 


155). cmviii. Pinus (genus). 
Pheolina-borbonica Rose (Cag. 597). (?) 

1106-d. Rosa borbonica (rosea). 
Philippine Sago Palm (Nic. 1/274). 3155 

Caryota Cumingii. 

Phlegm-Killer (McL. 803). 

Phlox Family (Br. 
Polemoniacez (Order), 

Phoinikobalanos of the Greeks (MeL. 
413) (fruit), 3162 Phoenix dactylifera. 

Phoinix of the Greeks (McL. 413). 3162 
Phoenix dactylifera. 

Phrynium (Forked) (McL. 819), 3025 
Clinogyne virgata. 

1968 Cordia~ 

135). LXXVII. 


Phullon-malabathron of the Greeks (McL. 
676). 2406 Piper Betle. 

Phyllanthus (Long leaved) (McL. 105). 
2569 Phyllanthus distichus. 

Phyllanthus (Many leaved) (Mcl. 587). 
2559 Phyllanthus polyphyllus. 

Phyllanthus (Netted) (McL. 587). 
Phyllanthus reticulatus. 

Phyllanthus (Shrubby) (McL. 928). (?) 
2558 Phyllanthus Emblica. 

Phyilode (Shrubby Axillary) Wattle 
(Bth, 2/369, 358, adpd). 1021 Acacia 

Phyllode (Angular branched Racemed) 
Wattle (McL. 2/314, 388, adpd). 1016 
Acacia melanoxylon. 

Phyllode (Axillary) Wattle (Bth. 2/813, 
383, adpd). 1025 Acacia homalophylla. 

Phyllode (Broad-podded Plurinervose) 
Wattle (Bth. 2/314, 388, adpd). 1016 
Acacia melanoxylon. 

Phyllode (Downy Shrubby Axillary) 
Wattle (Bth. 2/307, 347, adpd). 1023 
Acacia armata. 

Phyllode (Enervose) Wattle (Bth. 2/313, 
383, adpd). 1025 Acacia homalophylla. 

Phyllode (Lanceolate Uninervose) Wattle 
(Bth. 2/307, 347, adpd). 1028 Acacia 

Phyllode (Long 
Wattle (Bth. 2/309, 358, adpd). 
Acacia stricta, 

Phyllode (Narrow podded Plurinervose) 
Wattle (Bth. 2/314, 389, adpd). 1020 
Acacia implexa. 

Phyllode (Obliquely obovate Uninervose) 
Wattle (Bth. 2/312, 373, adpd). 1019 
Acacia brachybotrya. 

Phyllode (Sickle-shaped Uninervose). 
1022 Acacia pycnantha. 

Phyllode (Silvery racemed) Wattle (Bth. 


narrow Uninervose) 

2/212, $873, adpd). 1019 Acacia 

Phyllode (Slenderly racemed) Wattle 
(Bth. 2/314, 389, adpd). 1020 Acacia 

Phyllode (Stoutly racemed) Wattle (Bth. 
2/310, 265, adpd). 1022 Acacia 

Physic Nut (McL. 473, 591, adpd). 

decexxix. Jatropha (genus), 

Physic Nut (Mch. 56) (Cat. 252) (Pr. 
2/941) \(Ru/N/84, 0/8, 31). 2628 Jatro- 
pha Curcas. 

Physic (Angular leaved) Nut (Br. 198) 

(Ell. 338) (Pfi. 30). 2628 Jatropha 

Physic (Bronze leaved) Nut (McL. 56, 
478, 591, adpd). 2623 Jatropha 

Physic (Common) Nut (McL. 56, 473, 

-adpd). 2628 Jatropha Curcas. 

Physic (Fiddle leaved) Nut (Br. 193, 
adpd). 2625 Jatropha hastata. 

Physic (French) Nut (McL. 55). 2624 
Jatropha multifida. 


Physic (Glaucous leaved) Nut (McL. 56, 
adpd). 2622 Jatropha glandulifera. 

Physic (Gouty stemmed) Nut (Cag. 418). 
2626 Jatropha podagrica. 

Physic (Medium-papery ovate-oblong- 
acute-or-obtuse-leaved Penninerved) 
Nut (Hk. 5/3884, adpd). 2629 Tritaxis 


Physic (Penninerved leayed) Nut (Hk. 
5/242, adpd). deccexxx. Tritaxis 

Physic (Red) Nut (Mch. 380). 2696 
Baliospermum axillare. 

Physic (Rusty Woolly) Nut (McL. 56, 
473,591, adpd). 2627 Jatropha Wight- 

Physic (Small) Nut (McL. 55). 2624- 
Jatropha multifida. 

Pie (Cherry) (Nic. 2/181) (S. 92, 195). 
1988 Heliotropium peruvianum. 

Pierre Notting Rose (Nic. 3/134) (Cag- 
596) (Ru/N/93, 0/22) (Mu. 54). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens (atrosan- 

Pierre Seletski Rose (Ru/N/93, |O/22) 
(Mu, 54) (Hod). 1107-m. Roga-hybri- 
da-semperflorens (purpurea-violaceo- 

Pigeon Pea (McL, 274) (Nic. 1/232) (Br. 
56) (Ell. 122) (Pr. 1/383) (Pf. 254). 
854 Cajanus indicus. 

Pigeon Wood (MclL. 366), 
tarda speciosa. 

Pigeon’s-knee (Mch, 611). 
permum Halicacabum. 

Pig-snout Yam (McL. 53). 3057 Dioscorea 

1517 Guet- 

623 Cardios- 

Pilah (McL. 6838). 2763 Artocarpus 
Pilloory (McL. 683). 2516 Viscum 

Pilose acute Ovate leaved Silvyer-weed 
(Hk. 4/189, adpd). 2004 Argyreia 

Pimento (McL. 171) (Ell. 262). [1207 
Sphalm] 1208 Pimenta officinalis. 

Pimento Bush (S. 330) (Nic. 3/129) (Gbl. 
351). 1208 Pimento officinalis. 

Pimple Fruit (McL. 35). 57 Anona 

Pin (Iinch) Plant (MchL. 232). 
Deemia extensa. 

Pindaloo (McL. 291). 

1497 Randia uligi- 


Pindauloo (McL. 144). 2674 Trewia 

Pindaura (McL. 144). 2674 Trewia 

Pindyconda (McL. 305), 2258 Jnsaticia 

Pine Family (Br. 203). cxii. 

Pine (Screw) Family (Br. 230) L/N/S/B). 
CXXIII, Pandanacez (Order), 



Pine (H/E.F) (Nic. 3/136) (S. 320, 331). 
emyiii. Pinus (geuus). 

Pine (African Cypress) (Nic. 4/208). 2816 
Callitris Whytei. 

Pine (Aleppo) (Muell. S.P) (Gbl. 703) 
(Nic. 3/142). 2844 Pinus halepensis. 

Pine (Amboyna Dammer) (Nic. 1/489) 
(Cag. 407). 2832 Agathis loranthifolia. 

Pine (American White) (Muell. §.P) 
(Ho./E.F) (Gbl. 704). 2156 Pinus 

Pine (Austrian) (Nic, 3/141) (Gbl. 708). 
2848-c, Pinus Laricio (austriaca). 

Pine (Bhotan) (Nic. 3/142) (8. 51, 381). 
2848 Pinus excelsa, 

Pine (Bishop’s) (Muell. 
Pinus muricata. 

Pine (Black) (Nic. 3/141) (S. 58, 381). 
2848-c. Pinus Laricio (austriaca). 

Pine (Blue) (Gbl. 704). 2142 Pinus ex- 

S.P). 2851 

Pine (Bootan) (Muell. S.P). 2842 
Pine (Brown) (Maid. C.T). cmv. Pod- | 

ocarpus (genus). 

Pine (Bunya-bunya) (Nic. 1/106) (8. 32, 
65) (Gbl. 703) (Cat. 816). 2184 Aranca- 
ria Bidwilli. 

Pine (Caledonian) (Cat. 316). 2835 
Araucaria Cookii. 

Pine (Californian nut) (Muell. S.P). 2855 
Pinus Sabiniana. 

Pine (Casuarina) (McL. 185). 2780 
Casuarina equisetifolia. 

Pine (Cheer) Muell. §8.P) (McL. 162). 

2849 Pinus longifolia. 

Pine (Chilian) (S. 32,92). 2838 Arauca- 
ria imbricata, 

Pine (Cluster) (Muell. 
(S. 108, 331) (Gbl. 

Pine (Colonial) (Maid. C.T) (Muell, §.P). 
2886 Araucaria Cunninghamii. 

Pine (Corsican) (Muell. §8.P) 
3/142) (S.111, 381) (Gbl. 703). 
Pinus Laricio. 

Pine (Creeping Screw) (McL. 802) (?), 
2316 Clerodendron phlomoides (?). 

Pine (Cypress) (Maid. T) (Gbl. 
decexeviii. Callitris (genus). 

Pine (Dammer) (Nic. 1/439) (Cag. 407). 
emyi. Agathis (genus). 

Pine (Dammer) (“bi 708). 

Pine (Dense flowered) (Nic. 3/141), 
Pinus densiflora. 

Pine (Deodar) (McL. 264). 
Libani (Deodara). 
Pine (Digger) (H/.F). 


Pine (Emodi) (Muell. 
2849 Pinus longifolia. 

S.P) (Nic. 3/144) 
703), 2852 Pinus 



2862 Cedrus 

2855 Pinus Sa- 
S.P) (McL, 162). 

Pine (Forked-spine-fruited Screw) (Nic. | 

8/16). 3243 Pandanus furcatus. 


Pine (Fragrant Screw) (Br. 280) (MeL, 
668, 801, 807) (Ell. 425). 3244 Panda- 
nus ‘odoratissimus. 

Pine (Gerard’s) (Nic. 3/141). 2848 Pinus 

Pine (Glaucous Erect-leaved Screw) (Nic. 
3/18), 3244 Pandanus edulis. 

Pine (Green-spined Screw) (McL. 801). 
3244 Pandanus odoratissimus. 

Pine (Hard Nut) (Ho./E.F). 2855 Pinus 

Pine (Heavy-wooded) (Nic. 8/144). 2858 
Pine (Himalayan Edible) (Gbl. 709). 

2843 Pinus Geradiana. 

Pine (Italian Stone) (S. 218) (? P. pinea). 
2848-e. Pinus Laricio (Pallasiana) (?). 

Pine (Jersey) (H/E. S) (Nic. 5/603). 4845 
Pinus inops. 

Pine (Jerusalem) (8. 3381). 

Pine (Kauri) (Muell. 8.P). 
this (genus). 

Pine (Khasia) (Gbl. 

Pine (Lace Bark) (Nic. 3/141) (8. 227, 

2844 Pinus 
emvi. Aga- 

708). 2847 Pinus 

331). 2840 Pitas Bungeana. 

Pine (Large Screw) (McL. 802) (?}. 3054 
Furcrea gigantea, 

Pine (Lofty) (Mnuell. §.P). 2842 Pinus 


Pine (Long leaved) (Nic. 
706) (McL. 162) (Rid. 149). 

Pine (Madagascas Screw) (Nic. 3/18). 8245 
Pandanus edulis. 

Pine (Maritime) (Gb]. 703). 2852 Pinus 

Pine (Monterey) (H/E.F) (S. 276, 331). 
2846 Pinus insignis. 

Pine (Moreton-Bay) (Maid. C.T) (Bth: 
6/243) (S. 382, 276) (Cat. 318). 2826 
Araucaria Cunninghamii. 

Pine (Murray) (Maid. C,T). 
ris robusta, 

Pine (Murray’s) (Ooty. 330). 2861 Pinus 

3/143) (Gbl. 
2849 Pinus 

2814 Callit- 

Pine (Nepal Nut) (Muell, §.P). 2848 
Pinus Gerardiana. 

Pine (New Caledonia) (Nic. 1/106) 
(S. 289). 28385 Araucaria Cookii. 

Pine (New-Zealand) (Rid. 99). 2831 
Agathis australis. 

Pines (Norfolk-Island) (H/E.F). cmyii. 

Araucaria (genus). 

Pine (Norfolk-Island) (N. 1/106) (8. 82, 
292) (Cag. 406) (Cat. 318) (Muell. S.P) 
(Br. 204), 2887 Araucaria excelsa. 

Pine (Oregan) (Muell. 8.P) (H/E.F). 
2866 Pseudotsuga Dong lasii. 

Pine (Oyster-Bay) (Nth. 6/288), 2815-d. 
Callittris rhomboidea (tasmanica). 

Pine (Pitch) (Muell. §.P). 2853 Pinus 


Pine (Prickly-coned) ‘(Nic. 3/143). 2851 
Pinus muricata. 

Pine (Pyrenean) (McL. 3/144), 2854 
Pinus pyrenaica, 
Pine (Red Memel]) (Gbl. 708). 2857 Pinus 


Pine (Sabine’s) (Nic 3/145). 2855 Pinus 

Pine (Scotch) (H/E.F) (Gbl. 703). 2857 
Pinus sylvestris. 

Pine (Scots) (S. 331). 

Pine (Screw) (McL. 
Pandanacezw (Order). 

Pine (Screw) (Bed. 1/228) (Gbl. 740) 
(8. 307). mxxi. Pandanus (genus). 

Pine (Screw) (McL. 505, 801, 1001) (Cag. 
335) (W. 46, 49, 61) (Pfl. 172) (FAR. 25, 
GJM) (S. 294). 3244 Pandanus odora- 

Pine (South Indian) (Gbl. 702). 
Podocarpus latifolia. 

Pine (Spineless-leaved Screw) (Hk. 6/425, 
adpd). 3247 Pandanus levis. 

Pine (Star) (S. 415). 2152 Pinus pinas- 

Pine |(Tasmanian) (Ru/O/13) (Cat. 816). 
2815 Callitris rhomboidea. 

Pine (Tinian) (McL. 185) (Cag. 411) (Cat. 
301) (Ell. 157) (PA. 215) (Rid. 114, 126) 
(Br. 203). 2780 Casuarina equiseti- 

Pine (Totera) (S. 387, 433). 
carpus (genus). 

Pine (Trucker) (Muell. 8.P). 285% Pinus 

2357 Pinus syl- 

1006). OXXIII. 


emy. Podo- 

Pine (Twisted Branch) (H/E.F) (Nic. | 
3/141). 2861 Pinus contorta, 
Pine (Very-loug-leaved Screw) (Hk. 

6/484, adpd). 3243 Pandanus furcatus. 
Pine (Weymouth) (Mnell. S.P) (Nic. 

3/145) (S. 331, 459) (Ho/E.F). 2856 
Pinus strobus, 

Pine (White) (Muell. S.P). 2855 Pinus 

Pine (Swamp) Apple (Bed. 1/228), 
Pandanus (genus), 

Pine-apple-fruited Climbing Arnm (Nic. 
3/380). 3273 Monstera deliciosa, 

Pine (Long leaved) of America (H/E.F). 
2839 Pinus palustris. 

Pine (Southern Yellow) of America 
(H/E.F), 2839 Pinus palustris. 

Pine (Karamana) of Asia-minor (Nic, 
3/142). 2848-d. Pinus Laricio (kara- 
mana). : 

Pine (Distinct-carpelled Screw) of Burmah 


(Bs/T/658, adpd). 38241 Pandanus 

Pine (Distinct-carpelled Screw) of Canara 
(Bs/T/659, adpd). (? 8241) 3242 Panda- 
nus canaranus (?). 

Pine (Mammoth) of Colifornia (8, 893). 
2826 Sequoia gigantea. 


Pine (Torrey’s) of California (H/E.F) 
(Nic. 5/605). 2858 Pinus Torreyana. 

Pine (Tubercled) of California (H/E.F) 
(Nic. 3/146), 2859 Pinus tuberculata. 

Pine (Common Screw) of India (MeL, 
801, Cag. 385, adpd). 8244 Pandanus 

Pine (Sugi) of Japan (Muell. S.P), 2825 
Cryptomeria japonica. 

Pine (Montezuma) of Mexico (Muell. 8.P) 
(Nic. 3/148). 2850 Pinus Montazume. 
Pine (Spruce) of New Jersey (H/E.F), 

2845 Pinus izops. 

Pine (Kauri) of New Zealand (Nic. 1/439) 
(Gbl. 703) (Bdn/F.T) (Cag. 407) (Cat. 
315) (Muell.S.P) (Bth. 6/244). 28381 
Agathis australis. 

Pine (Yellow) of Puget-Sound (Muell. 
S.P). 2866 Pseudoteuga Donglasii. 

Pine (Kauri) of Queensland (Muell. $.P) 
(Bth. 6/244) ((Cag. 407) (Cat. 315). 
2833 Agathis robusta. 

Pine (Pallas’) of the Crimea (Nic. 3/143), 
2848-e. Pinus Laricio (Pallasiana). 
Pine (Dammer) of the Eastern-Isles 

(Rid. 99). 2832 Agathis loranthifolia. 

Pine of the Malay Archipelago (Gbl. 710). 
2860 Pinus Merkusii. 
Pine Palm (Muell. S.P), 

zamia (genus). 

Pine (Screw) Palm (MeL. 650). mxxi, 
Pandanus (genus). 

Pine (Western America Yellow) Pine 
(H/E.F) (Muell. §.P). 2853 Pinns 

Piney (Mcl,. 208, 358, 478, 684). 207 
Vateria indica, 

Piney (Gum) (McL. 684), 

emxy. Macro- 

207 Vateria 


Piney Dammer (McL. 258). 207 Vateria 

Piney Tallow (McL. 258). 207 Vateria 

Piney Varnish Tree (Bed. 2/84) (lis/T/72) 
(Gbl. 85) (Bdn/F.T) (McL. 684) (Ell. 
579). 207 Vateria indica. 

Piney (White) Varnish Tree (Bed. 2/84, 
Bs/T/71, 72, Gbl. 85, Bdn/F.T, adpd). 
199 Vatica Roxburghiana. 

Pink (Indian) (McL, 362, 484, 733, 998.) 
2019 Ipomeza Quamoclit. 

Pink (Sea) (Nic. 3/491) (S. 415). dzliy. 
Statice (genus). 

Pink (Sea) (McL. 754). 3279 Spinifex 

Pink (Water) (McL. 755) (Ell. 528). 3279 
Spinifex squarrosus, 

Pink (Red and) Abutilon (Ooty, 205). 
218-e. Abutilon Darwini (roseeflorum), 

Pink (Suffused) and Creamy leaved 

Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/372). 3108 Cordy- 
line amabilis. 


Pink-and-white-variegated Heart leaved 
Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/97). 3260 (bis.) 
Philodendron gloriosum. 

Pink-and-yellow Mountain Ebony (Hk. 
2/284, adpd), 997-a. Bauhinia varie- 
gata (purpurascens), 

Pink-and-yellow-spiked Sensitive Plant 
(Hk. 2/288, adpd). ccclxii. Dichros- 
tachys (genus), 

Pink-backed Curved-tipped Croton (Nic. 
1/350) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Bb. Codizum variegatum (Baron 
Franck Selliére). 

Pink-based (Large) 
Almond (Nic. 1/67). 
Amygdalus (amara>, 

Pink (Yellow and) bordered and striped 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/873), 3110 Cordy- 
line Baptistii. 

Pink (Bipinnate-(2)-minute mnumerous- 
folioled) J3ottle-brush Sirissa (Nic. 
5/184, adpd). 1051 Calliandra brev- 

Pink Cedar (McL. 823) (Bed. 2/44) (Cat. 
116) (Ell. 19). 1015 Acrocarpus fraxi- 

Pink (Orange-shaded) China Rose (Nic. 
5/648) (Mu. 57). 1108-g. Rosa indica 

Pink Cluster Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Mu. 
57) (Br. 70) (Hod). 1108-i. Rosa Noiset- 
tiana (carnea). 

Pink (Climbing) Cluster Rose (Cag. 593). 
1085 Rosa multiflora. 

Pink (Red and) Darwin’s Mallow (Nic, 
1/5, Ooty. 204). 218-e, Abutilon Dar- 
wini (roszflorum). 

Pink Fairy Queen Rose (Cag. 599). 
1108-m. Rosa indica (minima). 

Pink Flowered Ginger (McL. 310, adpd). 
2993 Zingiber roseum. 

Pink-flowered Leafy Cactus 
1384 Pereskia Bleo. 

Pink flowered Prickly Pear (Nic. 2/503), 
1382 Opuntia nigricans. 

Pink-flowered (Spinous) Rangoon Creep- 
er (Hk. 2/460, adpd). 1165 Quisqualis 

Pink-flowered (Oblong- entire- leaved) 
Vernal Flower (Rox. 1/113, adpd). 2247 
Eranthemum racemosum. 

Pink Ixora (MchL. 375). 

Pink Jungle Geranium (McL. 375, 996). 
1539 Ixora stricta. 

Pink Lemonia (Br. 41, 
Ravenia rosea. 

Pink Lily Shoe Flower (Br. 17, adpd). 
249-b. Hibiscus liliifiorus (rosea). 

Pink-lipped (Very-long-glossy Oblong- 
lance leaved) Greenish-white flowered 
Galangal (Hk. 6/254, adpd). 3006 
Alpinia Allughas, 



(Br. 92). 

1539 Ixora 

adpd). 874 


Pink-margined-and-midribbed Dark-green 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (fu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Tg. Codizeum varie-. 
gatum (imperiale), 

Pink-margined Apricot-yellow China 
Rose (Nic. 5/648) (Mu. 57). 11038-e. Rosa 
indica (armaniaca-roseo-marginata). 

Pink-margined (Crimson-to-yellow-mid- 
ribbed) Dark-green Croton (Nic, 1/352) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Oc. 
Codizum variegatum (elegans). 

Pink-margined - midribbed - and - veined 
(Claret-backed) Shining-dark-green 
Croton (Nie. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu)(Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Me. Codieum yariegatum 

Pink-margined Snow-white-midribbed 
and-secondary-veined Deep-rich-green 
Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/97). 3260 (bis.) 
Philodendron gloriosum. 

Pink (Large) Nail Dye (McL. 558, adpd). 
2231 Barleria tomentosa. 

Pink-or-white (Small-narrow-obovate-to- 
lance leaved) Australian Rose (Bth. 
1/338, adpd), 877 Eviostemon myopor- 

Pink - purple-flowered (Medium - downy- 
glabrate-ovate-oblony - serrate - leayed) 
Bastard Vervein (Hk. 4/564, adpd). 
2283 Bouchea hyderabadensis, 

Pink Rover Rose (Ru/N/96, 0/22) (Mu.55). 
1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea). 

Pink-shaded White Noisette Rose (Mn. 
57) (Hod). 1108-d. Rosa Noisettiana 

Pink Shola Jungle Geranium (Hk. 3/141). 
1535 Ixora elongata. 

Pink Shrubby Bindweed (Mch. 120, 
Cooke 2/251, adpd). 2030 Ipomea 

Pink-spotted-and-blotched Olive-green 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Ef. Codizum varie- 
gatum (pictum). 

Pink-spotted Green Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ve. Codizeam 
variegatum (Duchess of Edinburgh). 

Pink (Peltate) spotted leayed Pepper 
(Nic. 5/605). 2418 Piper ornatum. 

Pink-suffused (Golden-yellow-blotched) 
Pale-green Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ha. 
Codizum variegatum (Pilgrimii), 

Pink (Double) Syrian Rose Mallow (Nic. 
1/143) |(Ru/N/77).  246-d. Hibiscus 
syriacus (roseaplena), 

Pink Tacsonia (Ooty. 970) (Cag. 560). 
1363 Tacsonia mollissima. 

Pink (Whitish) Tea Rose (Ru/O/21) (Mu. 
54). 1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea- 

Pink-tinged-White Sticky Mallow (McL. 
577,adpd). 233 Pavonia odorata. 


Pink-tinted Heart leaved Glory Tree 
(8.101, adpd). 2321 Clerodendron 

Pink-tinted White Cluster Hybrid~ 
perpetual Rose (Ru/O/21) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-d. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Pink-tinted (Larger) White Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Ru/O/20) (Br. 71) (Hod). 
1107-d. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Pink-tinted (Smaller) White Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Br. 71). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida - semperflorens (albida-carneo- 

Pink-tipped-white-flowered (Very-long- 
downy -backed oblong-lance-leaved Red- 
and-yellow-striped-lipped) Galangal 
(Hk. 6/256, adpd). 3008 Alpinia nu- 


Pink (Softly-downy) Tubular Passion 
Flower (Nic. 4/3). 1363 Tacsonia 

Pink-veined (Delicate) Salmon-coloured 
Tea Rose.(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/21) (Po). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina- 

Pink-veined (Golden-centred) ‘hining- 
dark-green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2€46-Nn. Codiesum variegatum 

Pink Wax Rose Apple (Mch. 879, 386, 
adpd), 1230 Eugenia aquea. 

Pink Wedding Flower Plant of Mauritius 
(Nic. 1/487, adpd). 294 Dombeya 

Pinnate (Cluster) 
Palm (Rid. 267, adpd). 
liana (genus), 

Pinnate-(2-3ft)-black-sealy-stiped Papery- 

mxiy. Maximi- 

oblong-(8”-8”)- pinnated- acuminate- | 

pinnated Buckler Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3356 Nephrodium hirtipes. 

Pinnate (Curly-leaved Linear) Cocoanut 
(Nic. 5/250). 3229 Cocos flexuosa. 

Pinnate (Green-aud-glaucous Cluster) 
Cocvanut (Nic. 1/349). 3320 Cocos 

Pinnate (Linear-green Cluster) Cocoanut 
(Nic. 2/339). 3234 Maximiliana regia. 
Pinnate (Narrow green ard glaucous) 
Cocoanut (Nic. 1/349). 328i Cocos 


Pinnate (Linear glaucous) Cocoanut of 
Paraguay (Nic. 1/849). 3232 Cocos 

Pinnate (Dichtomoualy) Creeping Fern 
(Pr. 2/1238, adpd). 3325 Gleichenia 

Pinnate-crisped-downy-costate Smith’s 
Tree Fern (Nic. 5/421, adpd). 3367 
Hemitelia Brunoniana. 


Acuminate Feather | 


Pinnate (Alternately-fascicled) Dwarf 
Rattan (Hr. 6/473,adpd), 3222 Zalacca 

Pinnate (Kquidistantly) Dwarf Rattan 
(Hk, 6/474, adpd). 3223 Zalacca 
Beccarii. . 

Pinnate (Costate) Fern Palm (Muell. 
S.P, adpd). cmxiv, Cycas (genus). 

Pinnate (Ecostate) Fern Palm (Muell. 
S.P,  adpd). cmxv, Macrozamia 

Pinnate-(1- 4ft.) Lance-(5”-10”)-pungent- 
serrate-acuminate-(fertile- much- con- 
tracted)-)innated Climbing Elephant’s- 
ear Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3378 Acros- 
tichum palnstre. - 

Pinnate-(1-4 ft.) Leathery—livear-oblong 
(4”-8”)-entire-obtuse Fertile-smaller- 
narrower-pinnated Elephant’s-ear Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3379 Acrostichum 

Pinna/e-(2-3ft.) Leathery-oblong (6”-12”) 
lobed-caudate-pinnated Buckler Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3352, Nephrodium 

Pinnate-(+-4ft.) Leathery-oblong-(5”—-8”)- 
terminal-double-size)- acuminate Ba- 
sal-bifid-to-bifoliate pinnated Buckler 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3366 Nephrodium 

Pinnate leaved False Copaiba (McL. 1026, 
adpd). 975 Hardwickia pinnata. 

Pinnate leaved Honey-sweet Tree (Hx, 
2/6, adpd). 655 Meliosma Arnottiana, 

Pinnate lJeaved Bright-blue Scurfy Pea 
(Nic. 3/239). 760 Psoralea pinnata. 

Pinnate-leaved Tree Vine (Hk. 1/664, 
adpd). ccxxxvii. Leea (genus). 

Pinnate leaved Virgin’s Bower (Hk. 1/4, 
adpd). 7 Clematis hedysarifolia, 

Pinnate (Silky) leaved Virgin’s Bower 
(Hk. 1/5, adpd), & Clematis Wighti- 

Pinnate  Linear-lance-(3’’—-12’)-basally- 
auricled - serrulate- (fertile - toothed)- 
acute-to-acuminate-pinnuled Climbing 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3382 Lygodium 

Pinnate-(1-2 ft.) Linear-lance (3’—6’’)- 
crenate-serrate- (fertile-linear- pinnati- 
fid)-subacute-pinnuled Royal Fern (Bed/ 
F,adpd). 3388 Osmunda javanica, 

Pinnate-(14-3 ft.) | Membranous-linear- 
oblong-(8"-12")-pinvatifid- acuminate- 
pinnated Buckler Fern (Bed/¥, adpd), 
3351 Nephrodium extensum. 

Pinnate (1}—8 ft.) Membranous-oblong 
pinnatipartite-acuminate Buckler Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3362 Nephrodium 

Pinnate.(Short) Nibble- tipped Feather 
Palm (Cag. 341, adpd). 3139 Ptycho- 
sperma MacArthurii. 


Pinnate-(2-4 ft.) oblong-lance - (4”-8")- 
subentire-acute- pinnated Ladder Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3371 Nephrolepis 

Pinnate - (2-3 ft.) Papery-oblong- lance- 
(8’-12")-entire-caudate-pinnated Poly- 
nody Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3376 
Poly podium leiorhiza, 

Pinnate (Alternate Ternate) Rattan (Hk. 
6/452, adpd). 3212 Calamus Rheedil. 

Pinnate (Alternately- fascicled) Rattan 
(Hk. 6/448, adpd). 38210 Calamus 

Pinnate (Inequidistantly) Rattan (Hk. 
6/442, adpd). 3206 Calamus javensis. 

Pinnate (Irregularly- fascicled) Rattan 
(Hk. 6/444, adpd). 3207 Calamus 

Pinnate (Oppositely- fascicled) Rattan 
(Hk. 6/452, adpd). 3211 Calamus, 

Pinnate-(1-2 ft.)-resinous-downy-glabrate 
Papery-linear-lance - (3"-5")- serrate- 

acute-pinnated Buckler Fern (Bed/F, | 

adpd). 3354 Nephrodium propinquum. 
Pinnate-(-13 ft.)-sealy-stiped Leathery- 

Jinear-(2”—-4”)  cordate-acuminate-pin- | 

nated Hard Fern (Nic. 1/195, adpd). 
2341 Blechnum occidentale. 
Pinnate-(1-8 ft.)-scaly- etiped Leathery 
linear -(6”-12”)- obliquely 
based acuminate-pinnated Hard Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3342 Blechnem orien- 

Pinnate-(1/3-3 ft.)-scaly-stiped Membran- 

truncate- | 

ous oblong-lobed-(basal-pinnatipartite )- 
obtuse-to-acuminate- pinnated Backler | 

Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3349, Nephra- 

dium cicutarium. 

- Pinnate-(4-1 ft.)-scaly-stiped Ovate- pin— 
natipartite- acute- pinnated Buckler 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3364-c, Nephro- 
dium filix-mas (intermedia). — 

Pinnate sepalled Uniformly Prickly Rose 
(11k. 2/869, Nic. 3/314). 1102 Rosa 

Pinnate-(1}-2 ft.)-shaggy- scaly-glabrate- 
stiped oblong-(1’-3")- subentire-acate- 
pinnated Ladder Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3372 Nephrodium exaltata. ‘ 

Pinnate (Eight) Soap Pod (McL, 226, 
748, adpd). 1039-b. Acacia Intsia 

pe 3 ft.) Sterile-lance- (4’-8”)- 
crenate-acuminate Fertile narrower- 
pinnatified-pinnated Ladder Fern (Nic. 
2/445,adpd). 33869 Nephrolepis daval- 

Pinnate-(1-3 ft.) Sterile- oblong-(}"—1")- 
subentire-obtuse Fertile-longer-crenate- 
pinnated Ladder Fern (Bed/ 
¥, adpd). 837@ Nephrodium cordi- 


Pinnate(2-8 ft.)-subglabrous-lance-(4” -6”)- 
inciso- serrate- acuminate- pinnated 
Buckler Fern (Nic. 2/440, adpd). 3365 
Nephrodium cuspidatum. 

Pinrate-(13-2 ft.)-subglabrcus Membra- 
nous -obiong-lance crenate-subsinuate- 
acuminate- piunated- spleenwort Fern 
(Bed/F T, adpd). 3347 Asplenium 

Pinnate-(2-3 ft.)- tawny- scaly- rachised 
Leathery-lance-pinnatipartite -acumin- 
ate - pinnated Buckler Fern (Bed/f, 
adpd), 3864-a. Nehrodium filix-mas 

Pinnate-(1--2 ft.)-white-velvetty- backed 
Leathery-rigid - linear-(4’—6”)- oblong- 
pinnatifid-acuminate-pinnated Buckler 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd), 3853 Nephro- 
dinom unitum., ; 

Pinuatifid (Woolly) Bluish-flowered 
Prickly Nightshade (Hk, 4/284, adpd). 
2083 Solanum indicum. 

Pinnatifid-folioled (Imparipinnate White- 
spotted-purple- stalked) Aralia (Nic. 
1/104, adpd). 1389 Aralia filicifolia. 

Pinnatifid-folioled Ladder Fern (Nic. 
1/445, adpd). 3369-a. Nephrolepis 
davallioides (typica). 

Pinnatifid-folioled (Fork-tippea) Ladder 
Fern (Nic. 2/445, adpd).  33869-b. 
Nephrolepis davallioides (furcans). 

Pinnatifid (Hohenacker’s) leaved Rag- 
weed shrub (Hk. 3/845, adpd), 1626 
Serecio Hohennackeri. 

Pinnatifid -(2-3 ft,)-muricate-stiped Lea- 
thery-linear-(4”—6”) -toothed-acuminate- 
segmented Hard Fern (Nic. 1/194, 
adpd). 38340 Blechnum cartilagineum. 

Pinnatifid (Few- broad- faleate- lobed) 
Perforate Climbing Arum (Hk. 6/546, 
adpd). 3270 Rhaphidophora pertusa. 

Pinnatifid (Many- ensiform- lobed) Per- 
forate Climbing Arum (Hk. 6/549, 
adpd). 8272 Epipremnum mirabil-. 

Pinnatifid (Many- oblanceolate- lobed) 
Perforate Climbing Arum (Nic. 2/389), 
3273 Monstera deliciosa. 

Pinnatifid-(2-4 ft.)-scaly-stiped Leathery- 
segmented Hard Fern (Nic. 1/194, 
adpd). 3339 Blechnum brasiliense. 

Pinnatipartite—(14-4 ft.) Papery-long- 
oblong - (4”-10’’)-subsinuate—acute-or- 
cuspidate-segmented Polypody Fern 

(Bed/F, adpd). 3377 Polypodiun: 
Pinnatipartite Papery-oblong- lance - 

sinuate-acuminate-segmented Buckler 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). . 3350 Nephrodium 

Pinnatipartite- (2-3 ft.)- scaly-stiped ob- 
long -(4’’-6")-subentire- obtuse- seg- 
mented Deer Fern (Nic, 2/294, adpd). 
3380 Lomaria gibba. 


Pinnay (McL. 704) Ixx, 

Calophyllum (genus). 

’ Pinnay Oil Plant (McL. 705) (PA. 479). 
181 Calophyllum inophyllum. 

Piny Varnish (Rox. 2/604). 207 Vateria 
indica. . 

Pipa! Tree (Gbl. 644). 2739 Ficus reli- 

Pipe (Dnichman’s) Birthwort (S. 34, 52, 
146) (Po). 2401 Aristolochia sipho. 

Pipe Flower (McL. 95). 2322 Cleroden- 
dron siphonanthus. 

Pipe (Pudding) Tree (McL. 208) (Rdn/L) 
(Cag. 620) (Ell. 158) (PA. 70). 946 Cas- 
sia Fistula. 

Pipe Vine (S. 3381). 

Piplee (MclL. 678). 

Piranday (McL. 

Pirand@ay (Bristly) (McL. 685, 994). 
Vitis setosa. 

Pirye (McL. 376) 

Pisang (McL. 687). 


2401 Aristolochia 

2404 Piper longum. 
684, 994). 582 Vitis 


2717 Streblus asper. 
3041 Musa paradi- 


Pisonia (Prickly) (Br. 177). 2867 
Pisonie aculeata, 

Pismire Tree (McL. 645). 828 Butea 

Pistachio (Cashmere) (McL. 504). 1065 

Prunus armeniaca. 
Pitah fibre Plant (McL 20). 3049 Agave 
Pitaya Bark (McL. 420) (Muell. S.P) 
(Ell. 178), 1450 Cinchona pitayensis, 
Pitayo Bark (Enc. Brit.). 1450 Cinchona 

Pitays Bark (Ell. 173). 
Cinchona lancifolia. 

Pitch Pine (Muell. S.P). 

Pitch (Burgundy) 
2863 Picea excelsa. 

Pith (Edible) (McL. 512). 
charum arundinaceum. 

Pith Grass (Cag. 335). 

Pith Plant (Mcl. 844) (Br. 256). 
Aischynomene aspera. 

Pith (Sola) Plant (Bs/T/224). 787 Aischy- 
nomene aspera. 
Pith (Solah) Plant. (GbI. 232). 787 
Alischy nomene aspera. 
Pittosporads (McL. 1006). 
sporaceze (Order). 

Pitus of the Greeks (McL, 155). 
Pinus (genus). 

Piyal (McL. 506). 1€86 Bassia latifolia. 

Piymaram (MclL, 687, 943). 269 Stercalia 

Piyvail (McL. 935, 936). 

Plaited Acuminate Feather Palm (Cag. 
339, adpd). mxii. Cocos (genus). 


(2 1450] 1456 
2852 Pinus 
Tree (Nic. 3/132). 

8284 sac- 
3250 Typha 


XI. Pitto- 


1027 Acacia | 



Plaited (Long) Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Cag. 837, 340, adpd), 3125 Chrysalid- 
ocarpus lutescens. 

Plaited (Prostrate) .Acuminate Feather 
Palm (Rox, 3/600, adpd). 3161 Nipa 
fruticans, . 

Plaited (Scurfy) Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Cag. 344, adpd). cmlxxxiii, Rhopal- 
ostylis (genus). 

Plaited (White-costate) Acuminate Fea- 
ther Palm (Cag. 340, adpd). 3126 
Hyophorbe Verschaffeltii. 

Planchon’s Gum (Nic. 1/535, adpd). 1196 
Eucalyptus Planchoniana. 

Plane Family (L/N/S/B). CVI. 
acez (Order). 

Plane (Mock) (S. 274), 

Plane (Spurious) (Mnell. S.P). 
Acer psendoplatanus. 

Plane leaved Ordure Tree (Nic. 3/500). 
265 Sterculia platanifolia. 

Plane Tree (H/E.F) (Nic. 3/156) (S. 334). 
decelxxxy. Platanus (genas). 

Plane (Common) Tree (Nic. 3/156) (Gbl. 
661) (Ooty. 338). 2779 Platanus orien- 

644 Acer psendo- 


Plane (Oriental) ‘Tree (H/E.F) (Nic. 
3/15€) (S. 301, 334) (Bs/T/619). 2779 
Platanus orientalis, 

Plane Tree cf Europe (Muell. S.P). 2779 

Platanus orientalis. 

Planta-genista (Treas. Rot). 

Plantain (McL. 484) (S. 274). 
Mosa (genus). 

Plantain (McL. 484, 687, 1001) (S. 44, 274) 
(Pr. 2/1050) (Cag. 204) (Cat. 322) (PA. 
349) (Rid, 141) (Ru/N/74, 0/9) (Mu. 40). 
3041 Musa paradisiaca. 

Plantain (Acuminate-round-based-oblong 
leaved False) (Nic. 2/129), 3045 Helic- 
onia aurantiaca, 

Plantain (Acutely-oblong leaved False) 
(Nic. 2/129). 3017 Heliconia humilis. 

Plantain (Bronzy-backed-margined-cos- 
tate-veired-and-petioled Drooping- 
broad-lance-leaved False) (Nic. 2/129). 
3048 Helicoria metallica, 

Plantain (Bronzy False) (Nic. 2/129). 
3048 Heliconia metallica. 

Plantain (Common) (Gbl. 273) (Br. 215) 
(Ell 396) (Jaf. 65). 3041 Musa paradi- 

Plantain (Cooking) (Cag. 208) (Cat. 322). 
3041 Musa paradisiaca. 

Plantain (Demon) (McL. 470, 484, 688, 
1001). 3037 Musa textilis. 
Plantain (Drooping-long-lance 
False) (Nic. 2/129). 


Plantain (False) (S. 163,194), 
Heliconia (genus). 

742 Cytisus 


3044 Heliconia 



Plantain (Flowering) (McL. 364). 3026 
Canna indica. 

Plantain (Gindi) (Br. 215). 
Musa sapientum (Champa). 

Planiain (Green-and-yellow-stemmed 
False) (Nic. 2/129). 

Plantain (Hill) (Cag. 377) (Cat. 320). 
3C36 Musa superba. 

Plantain {Kuntela) (Cat. 207). 3041-b. 
Musa paradisiaca (troglodytarum). 


Plantain (Kuntchkela) (Cag. 207). 3041 
Musa paradisiaca. 

Plantain (Liquorice) (MchL. 264). 3026 
Canna indica. 

Plantain (Rock) (McL. 364), 3026 Canna 
indica (?). 

Plantain (Seven leafed) (McL. 278). 1829 
Alstonia scholaris. 

Plantain (Short-spathed False) (Nic. 

2/129), 3045 Heliconia aurantiaca. 

Plantain (Stone) (McL. 688). 3086 Musa 

Plantain (Stony) (McL 364). 3026 Canna 

Plantain (Two-coloured False) (Nic. 
2/129). 3044 Heliconia angnstifolia. 

3046 Heliconia. 

Plantain (Wild) (McL. 484, 688, 1001) | 

(Pfil. 129). 3036 Musa superba. 

Plantain (Yellow-veined Elongate-Heart- 
leaved False) (Nic. 2/129) 3046 Heli- 
conia aureostriata. 

Plantain-leaved Fragrant Greenish-white 
Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3032 Canna 

Plantain leaved Palm (Rid. 149, 161). 
3043 Ravenala madagascariensis. 

Planters (Red Cedar of the Neilgherry) 
(MeL. 388). 2607 Bischofia javanica. 
Planters (Wild Cinchona of Mysore) (Cat. 
156). 1488 Anthocephalus Cadamba. 
Plassey (Battle of) Climber (MeL. 645, 

adpd). 829 Butea superba. 

Plassey (Panicled-small flowered Battle 
of) Climber (Hk. 2/59, adpd). cecix. 
Spatbolobus (genus). 

Plassey (Papery-glabrate leaved Battle 

of) Climber (Hk. 2/1983, adpd). 327 
Spatholobus Roxbarghii. 

Plassey (Battle of) Tree (MeL. 645). 828 
Butea frondosa. 

Plate (Golla’s) (McL. 313, 994). 649 
Dodonza viscosa. 

Plate leaf Milk Hedge (McL. 726). 1378 

Opuntia Dillenii. 

Pleated-heart (Toothed) leaved Velvet 
Cinquefoil (Hk. 1/375, adpd). 301 
Waltheria indica, 

Plenty (Horn of) (8. 131). 

Pleroma (S. 3386). 

2161 Datura 

cdxxxi, Tibouchina 


Pleroma (Large flowered) (Nic. 3/162, 
5/608, adpd), 1306 Tibouchina semi- 

Pliny (Cyperus-babylonicus 
298). 3005 Alpinia Galanga, 

Plough Root (McL. 63). 3119 Gloriosa 

Plum (Cocoa) Family (L/N/S/B). 
Rosacee (Order). 

Plum (False Cocoa) Family (Nic. 1/324, 
2/172, adpd). XXXIII. Icacinaceze 

Plum (H/E.F) (Nie. 3/285) (S. 351) 
(Loud). ccclxxy. Prunus (genus). 
Plum (Bs/T/279) (Gbl. 318) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Bed. 1/97) (8. 355) (Cag. 245) (Cat. 
134). 1069-d. Prunus communis (do- 


Plum (Alternate leaved Black) (MeL. 379, 
522, adpd). 1255 Hugenia alternifolia, 

Pium (Aocnla) (Rid. 104, 147). 2558 
Phyllanthus Emblica. 

Plum (Arnott’s Mountain Black) (McL. 
379, 386, adpd). 1240 Eugenia Arnot- 

of) (Meh, 


Plum (Assyrian) (Mech. 362, 802). 1968 
Cordia Myxa, 
Plum (Bastard Hog) (Bed. 2/233). 671 

Solenocarpus indica. 

Plum (Batoko) (MeL. 492). 
tia Ramontchi. 

Plum (Beautiful leaved Black) (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1252 Eugenia calophyllifolia. 
Plum (Biglandular-long Elliptic-lance- 
leaved Guinea) (Hk. 2/311, adpd). 

1060 Parinarium indicum. 

Plum  (Biglandular - medium - leathery 
Roundish-leaved Kidnev) (Hk. 2/3819, 
adpd). 1071 Pygeum Wightianum. 

Plum (Biglandular-medium-wavy lance- 
leaved CGninea) (Hk. 2/811, adpd). 
1061 Parinarium travancoricrm. 

Plum (Black) (McL. 379). cdxxi. 
nia (genus). 

Plum (Black) (McL. 385) (Pfl. 306) (Cag. 
143). 1258 Kugenia Jambolana. 

Plum (Bokhara) (McL. 17,363) (Bs/T/279) 
(Cag. 245) (Ru/N/69). 1069-g. Pra- 
nus communis (divaricata). 

Plum (Bullace) (Nic, 3/236). 
Prunus communis (insititia). 

Plum (Ceylon) (MeL. 154, 473, 864). 
136-b. Flacourtia Kamontchi (sapida), 

Plum (Cherry Black) (MeL. 379, 385, 
adpd). 1256 Eugenia opercalata. 

Plum (Chinese Date) (McL. 304). 
Diospyros Kaki. 

Plum (Clove-leaved Black) (McL. 379, 
385, adpd). 1258-b. Eugenia Jambo- 
lana (caryophyllifolia). 

Plum (Clove-like Black) (McL. 379, adpd). 
1246 HKugenia caryophyllxa, 

136 Flacour- 





Plum (Common) (MeL. 54) (Nic, 3/236). 
1062-d, Prunus communis (domestica). 

Plum (Common Black) (McL. 385), 1258 
Wugenia Jambolana. 

Plum (Cultivated) (McL. 54). 
Prunus communis (domestica), 

Plum (Date) (McL. 366) (Nic. 
dixii. Diospyros (genus). 

Plam (Date) (McL, 363). 

Plum (Hast Indian) (McL. 352), 
Flacourtia cataphracta. 

Plum (Egg) (ucL, 65). 

Plum (Gardner’s Black) (McL, 379, adpa). 
1245 Eugenia Gardneri. 

Plum (Ground Black) (McL. 379, 386, 
adpd). 2802 Premna herbacea. 

Plum (Gninea) (Nic. 3/325). ccclxxiii. 
Parinarium (genus). 

Plum (Guinea) (Nic, 3/325). 
narium excelsum, 

Plum (Heyne’s Willow 
(McL. 379, adpd). 

Plam (Hog) (MeL. 7835 (?). 
americana (?). 

Plum (Hog) (Bth. 1/491) (Ol. 1/448) (Nic. 

1699 Diospyros 

561 Zizyphus 

1059 Pari- 

leaved Black) 
1253 Eugenia Hey- 

487 Ximenia 

3/479). cclxviii. Spondias (genus). 
Plum (Hog) (McL. 626). 684 Spondias 

Plum (Hog) (Bed. 2/16) (Bs/T'/201) (Gbl. 
223) (Bdn/L/F.T) (McL. 363, 469, 
473) (Bll. 529) (Cat. 86). 685 Spondias 

Plum (Indian) (McL. 362, 864). 
courtia cataphracta. 

Plum (Indian) (McL. 65). 

Plum (Indian Hog) (MchL. 363, 469, 473, 
adpd). 685 Spondias mangifera, 

Plum (Japan Date) (McL. 301). 
‘Diospyros Kaki, 

Plum (Java) (McL. 363, 385). [1253 
Sphalm} 1232 Eagenia javanica. 

Plam (Kaffir) (FAR. 48, NLGS, MRA, 
TVY, CBT) (LF. xi/4). 687 Harpe- 
phylhim catfrum. 

Plum (Kidney druped) (Treas. Bot. 2/943, 
Hk, 2/318, adpd). cvclxxvi. rygeum 

Plum (Malabar) (Mch. 368, 462, 764). 
{1231 Sphalm] 1254 Enxgenia mala- 

Plum (Malabar Black) (McL. 3879, 386, 
adpd). 1254 Eugenia malabarica, 

Plum (Mauritius) (McL. 154, 478, 492, 
863, 864). 136-a. Flacourtia Ramont- 
chi (typica),. 

Plum (Medium-leathery Ovate-acuminate- 
leaved Kidney) (Hk. 2/821, adpd). 
1072 Pygeum Gardneri. 

Plum (Medium-palmatineryed-aromatic- 
rough Heart-toothed-leaved Bitter) 

135 Fla- 

561 Zizyphus 



(Hk, 2/44, adpd). 688 Rumphia tiliz- 

folia. - 
Plum (Mountain) (McL, 363, 783) (Nic. 

4/225). 487 Ximenia americana. 

Plum (Myrtle leaved Black) (McL, 379, 
adpd). 1239 Eugenia mvrtifolia, 

Plum (Natal) (Cag, 220) (Br. 128). 
Carissa Arduina, 

Plum (Nilgiri Mountain Black) (McL. 
379, adpd). 1243 Eucalyptus montana. 

Plum (Obtuse leaved Black) (McL. 379, 
385, adpd). 1258-c. Eugenia Jambo- 
lana (obtusifolia). 

Plum (Paneola) (Rid.132). [136 Sphalm] 
135 Flacourtia cataphracta. 

Plum (Puneeala) (\ieL. 362) (Cag. 224) 
(Ru. N/74). 135 Flacourtia cataph- 

Plum (Revolnte leaved Black) (Meh, 379, 
adpd). 1248 Eugenia revoluta, 
Plum (Rough-skin) (Nic, 3/325), 

Parinarium excelsum. 

Plum (Round leaved Black) (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1244 Hugenia cyclophylla. 

Plum (Ruddy Black) (MchL. 379, adpd). 
1253 Eugenia rubicunda. 

Plum (Sapodilla) (Mueli. S.P) (Gbl. 443) 
(Cag. 223) (Ru/N/52, 69, 0/8). 1679 
Achras Sapota. 

Plum (Sapota) (McL. 362), 

Plum (Sapotilla) (Nic. 3/359). 
Achras Sapota. 

Plum (Sebesten) (McL. 803) (Bdn/F.T). 
1968 Cordia. Myxa. 

Plum (Sebistan) (Bdn/L), 

lum (Sepistan) (McL. 803) (KIl. 199) 
(Pf. 329), 2968 Cordia Myxa. 

Plum (South Sea Isiands Hog) (McL, 626). 
684 Spondias dulcis. 

Plum (Stock’s Cherry Black) (McL. 379, 
385, adpd). 12457 Eugenia Stocksii. 
Plum (Tailed leaved Black) (McL. 379, 

adpd). 1238 Eugenia rostrata. 

Pium (‘Talbot’s Canara Black) (McL. 379, 



1679 Achras 

1968 Cordia 

adpd). 1247 Eugenia utilis. 

Plum (Trimerous  triquetrous-stoned) 
(Hk. 2/44, adpd). cclxx. Rumphia 

Plum (West Indian Seaside) (MeL. 783) 
(Nic. 4/225). 487 Ximenia americana. 

Plum-(Wild Hog) (McL. 46¥, adpd). 686 
Spindias acuminata. 
Plum (Yellow) (McL. 504) (?). 1065 

Prunus armeniaca. 

Plum (Black) of Ceylon (McL. 379, 385, 
adpd). 1242 Eugenia zeylanica, 

Plum (Potato) of Ceylon (Hk. 1/191, 
adpd). 182 Scolopia Geertneri. 

Finn (Date) of China and Japan (Muell. 
8.P) (S. 141). 1701 Divspyros Kaki. 
Plum (Sapota Date) of Mauritius (Br. 
112), 1708 (bis.) Diospyros Sapota, 


Plum (Potato) of Mysore (Cat. 11). 181 _ 

Scolopia crenata. 

Plum (Gray) of Sierra-leone (Ol. 2/369) 
(Nic. 3/325). 1059 Parinarium excel- 

Plum (Rough-skinned) of Sierra-leone 
(Ol. 2/369). 1059 Parinarium excel- 

Plum (Black) of the Ceded Districts 
(McL. 879, 522, adpd). 1255 Eugenia 

Plum (Black) of the Myhendra-Hills of 
Tinnevelly (McL. 379, adpd). 1249 
Eugenia myhendre. 

Plum (Nees’ Black) of the Southern 
Ghauts (McL. 3879, adpd). 1251 
Eugenia Neesiana. 

Plum (Cocoa) of the West Indies (01. 
2/366) (Nic. 1/342) (Rid. 115) (Cag. 
241). 1062 Chrysobalanus Icaco. 

Plum (Wight’s Black) of the Western 
Ghauts (Mch. 379, adpd). 1241 
Eugenia Wightiana. 

Plum (Oblate fruited Black) of Travan- 
core (McL. 379, adpd), 1250 HKugenia 
oblata (travancorica). 

Plum (Potato) (Cat. 11). liii. Scolopia 

Plum (Potato) of Travancore (Hk. 1/194, 
Bdn/F.T,* adpd). 182-b. Scolopia 
Geertneri (*Schreberi). 

Plum (Small leaved Black) of Travan- 
core (McL. 379, adpd). 1269 Eugenia 

Plumbago (Foreign) (Mech. 7). 2543 
Pedilanthus tithymaloides. 
Flume-styled Tetrandrous Mercury 

(Treas, Bot. 2/736, Hk. 5/248, adpd). 
decexly. Adenochlzena (genus). 

Plumeria (White flowering) (Br. 126). 
1824 Plumeria alba, 

Plumed Devil Rattan (Nic. 1/480). 8221 
Deemonorops plumosus. 

Plumier’s Clitoria (Br. 50). 841 Centro- 
sema Plumieri. 

Plumier’s Duranta (By. 164). 2303 
Duranta Plumieri. 

Plurinervose (Broad podded) Phyllode 

Wattle (Bih. 2/314, 388, adpd). 
Acacia melanoxylon. 

Plurinervose (Narrow podded) Pyllode 
Wattle (Bth. 2/314, 889, adpd). 1020 
Acacia implexa. 

Pod (Chinese Soap) (Treas. 
cccxxxvili, Czesalpinia (genus). 

Pod (Copicus narrow leayed Soap) (McL. 
97, adpd). 1040 Acacia peunata. 

Pod (Hight pinnate Soap) (McL. 226, 798, 
adpd). 1039-b. Acacia Intsia (ceesia). 
Pod (Scimitar) (McL. 801, 995). 1008 

Entada scandens. 
Pod (Shining leaved Soap) (Mch. 226, 
798, adpd), 1089 Acacia Intsia. 





Ped (Soap) (McL. 844). ceclxvii. Acacia 
Pod (Soap) (McL. 798, 822, 844, 995) 
(W. 1). 1038 Acacia concinna. 
Pod (True Soap) (McL. 844, adpd). 
Acacia concinna. 

Pod-bearing Family (McL. 1004). XLIII. 
Leguminose (Order). 

Pod (Screw) Mesquit 
Prosopis pubescens. 

Pod Pepper (McL. 
Capsicum (genus), . 

Pod Pepper (Mc. 170). 2094-b. Capsi- 
cum frotescens (annuum), 

Pod (Oil) ‘Tree (McL. 844). 
Acacia concinné, 

Pod (Washing) Tree (McL: 844). 1038 
Acacia concinna, 

Pod (Soap) Wattle (McL. 844). 1038 
Acacia concinna. 

Podded (Sabre) Bean 
Canavalia ensiformis. 

Podded (Pea) Blavk Babool (Hk. 2/293, 
adpd}. 1681 Acacia eburnen. 

Podded (Puipy) Black Babool (MicL. 936, 


(H/E.E). 1006 
170). delxviii. 


(Br. 55). &30 

adpd). 1027 Acacia Farnesiana. 
Podded (Balsam of Toln) Brasiletto 
(Treas. Bot, 2/1336, adpd). ccexli. 

Pterolobium (genus). 

Podded (Double-margined-winged Flat) 
Brasiletto (Hk. 2/257, adpd). cccxxxix. 
Peltophorum (genus). 

Podded (Elliptic-oblong Flat) Brasiletto 
(Ireas. Bot. 1/565, adpd).  ccexliii. 
Hematoxylon (genus). 

Podded (Flat) Brasiletto 
adpd). 930 Czsalpinia pulcherrima. 

Podded (Long-straig ht-many-seeded) 
Brasiletto (Treas. Bot. 1/816). ccexly. 
Colvillea (genus). 

Podded (Moniliforu:) Brasiletto (Ik, 2/260, 
adpd). ccexliv. Parkinsenia (gexus). 
Podded (Oblique-terminal-winged Flat) 
Brasiletto (Hk. 2/259, adpd). ccexli. 

Pterolobium (genus). 

Podded (Sivgle-marginal-winged Flat) 
Brasiletto (Hk. 2/258, adpd). cccxl. 
Mezoneurum (genus). 

Podded (Smaller Prickly) Brasiletto 
climber (Hk. 2/254, adpd). 926 
Cesalpinia Bonducella. 

Poddead (Woody Pea) Brasiletto (Hk. 
2/254, adpd). ccexxxviii, Czsalpinia 

Pooded (larger Prickly) Brasiletto 
climber (Hk. 2/255, adpd). 927 Casal- 
pinia Bonduc. 

Podded (Round) Cas-ia (MeL. 136) (Br. 
61). 950 Cassia sophera. 

Podded (Round) Cassia (MeL, 136). 949 
Cassia occidentalis, 

Podded (Large) Capsicum (McL. 170). 
2094-b. Capsicum frutescens (annuum), 

(Hk. 2/255, 


Podded (Small) Capsicum (McL. 170). 
2094 (bts.) Capsicum minimum, 

Podded (our winged) Chinese Pagoda 
Tree (Hk, 2/251, adpd). 915 Sophora 

Podded (Woody) Creeping Milk Hedge 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1894 Sarco- 
Stumma Stocksli.  , 

Podded (Many-arillate-seeded obliquely- 
grooved) Dholl (Hk. 2/60, adpd). 
ecexviii. Atylosia (genus). : 

Podded (Many-seeded obliquely-grooved) 
Dholl (Hk. 2/60, adpd). cccxix, 
Cajanus (genus), 

Podded (Many-seeded ungrooved) Dholl 
(ilk. 2/60, adpd). cccxx. Dunbaria 

Podded (Woody) Dog’s Matrix (McL. 
1010, adpd). 970 Cynometra Beddo- 

Podded (Flat) Dog’s Matrix (McL. 1010, 
adpd). 968 Cynometra travancorica. 
Podded (Kidney) Dog’s Matrix (McL. 
1010, adpd). 971 Cynometra Bourdil- 


Podded (Curved) Five leaved Indigo 
(McL, 3871, adpd), 762 Indigofera 

Podded (Short) Five leaved Indigo (McL, 
371, adpd). 751 Indigofera margin- 

Podded (Long) five leaved Indigo (McL. 
371, adpd). 750 Indigofera subulata. 
Podded (Sabre) Horse-eye Bean (McL. 

875). 330 Canavalia ensiformis. 

Podded (Broad) Plurineryose Phyllode 
Wattle (Bth. 2/3i4, 388, adpd). 1016 
Acacia melanoxylon. 

Podded (Narrow) Plurinervose Phyllode 
Wattle (Bth. 2/314, 359, adpd). 1020 
Acacia implexa. 

Podded (Jointed) Prickly Sensitive Plant 
(Hk. 2/2¥1l, adpd). ccclxy. Mimosa 

Podded (iseriate seeded Sausage) Senna 
(Hk. 2/263, adpd). 952 Cassia bicap- 

Podded (Folded up Joint) Sensitive Pea 
(Mch. 844, Hk. 2/148, adpd). cexevii. 
Smithia (genus). 

Podded (Joint) Sensitive Pea (McL. 844, 
Hk. 2/151, adpd). ccxeviii. Aischyno- 
mene (genus). 

Podded (Bifoliate Snap-valved) Sirissa 
(ik. 2/306, adpd). ccelxsii. Inga 

Podded (Partitioned) Sirissa (Pr. 1/451, 
adpd). ccclxxi, Entervlobium (genus). 
Podded (Snap-valved) Sirissa (Pr. 1/451, 
adpd). ccclxix. Calliandra (genus). 

Podded (Twisted) Sirissa (Pr. 1/451, 
adpd). ccclxx, Pithesolobium (genus). 

Spinous Sensitive 

Podded_  (‘f'wisted) 
adpd). cec)xii. 

Plant (Hk. | 2/288, 
Dichrostachys (genus). 

Podded (Burr) Tick ‘Trefoil (Rox. 3/356, 
adpd). coci. Pseudarthria (genus). 

Podded (Folded-up) Tick Trefoil (Hk, 
2/155, adpd). cecii. Oraria (genus). 

Podded (Pea) Tick Trefoil (Hk. 2/153, 
adpd). ccc, Pyenospora (genus). 

Podded (Strap) Unarmed Sensitive Plant 
(Hk. 2/290, adpd). ccclxiv. Leucwna 

Poet’s Cassia (Nic. 
Osyris (genus), 

Poet’s Laurel (Mc. 1041), 2443 Laurus 

Pogoda (McL, 351, 689). 1689 Mimusops 

Pogauk (Wild) (McL. 689). 1634 Lobelia 

Poinciana (Indian) (McL. 478, 849). 940 
Poinciana elata. 

Poinciana (Royal) (Mch. 933) (Br. 60). 
941 Poinciana regia. 

Poinciana (Smooth) (Br. 60). 940 
Poinciana elata. 

Poinsettia (8.160, 328) (Pr. 
2540 HKaphorbia pulcherrima. 

Poinsettia (Handsome) (Br, 191). 2540 
Euphorbia pulcherrima. 

Poinsettia (Scarlet bracted) (Br. 191, 
8. 160, adpd). 2540-a. Huphorbia 
pulcherrima (coccinea), 

Poinsettia (White bracted) (Br. 191, 
8.160, adpd). 2540-b. Kuphorbia pul- 
cherrima (alba). 

Pointed (Three) Ampelopsis of Japan 
(Nic, 1/66), 531 Vitis inconstans. 

Pointed Heart leaved Passion Flower 
(Nic. 3/32), 1858 Passiflora quadrang- 

Pointed (Three) Hibiscus (MchL. 712). 
251 Thespesia Lampas. 

Pointed lance leaved Rachis-glanudular 
Senna (Nic. 1/276, adpd). 962 Cassia 

Pointed leaved Ape Flower (Mch. 351, 
adpd), 1689 Mimusops Elengi, 

Pointed leaved False Kamela (Mch, 30, 
adpd). 1837 Casearia wynaadensis. 

Pointed leaved Hogweed (Hk. 4/709, 
adpd). 2365 Beerhaavia repanda. 

Pointed leaved Mimusops (McL. 351), 
1689 Mimusops Elengi. 

Pointed leaved Mistletoe (Mch. 683, 
adpd), 2516 Viscum monoicum, 

Vointed leaved Peepul (MeL. 678, adpd), 
2738 Ficus Rumphil. 

Pointed leaved Soap Nut (McL, 843, 
adpd), 635 Sapindus erectus, 

Pointed (Lanceolate) leaved Staff Tree 
(McL, 459, adpd). 537 Gymmnosporia 

3/532). decciii, 



Pointed (Ovate) leaved Staff Tree (McL, 
459, adpd). 533 Gymnosporia acumin- 

Pointed leaved Wild Jasmine (McL. 384, 
adpd). 1754 Jasminum malabaricum, 
Pointed leaved Yellow Chinese Pagoda 
Tree (Hk. 2/250, adpd). 914 Sophora 

Wig htii. 

Pointed (Taper) Mountain Ebony (McL. 

521) (Br. 63). 989 Bauhinia acumin- 


Pointed (Weeping) Oval leaved Fig 
(Br. 201, adpd). 2733 Vicus Benja- 

Pointed-tipped Five leaved Yam (McL. 
53, adpd). 3058 Dioscorea Jacque- 

Pointed Trifoliate Vine (Mech. 564, adpd). 
603 Vitis anamallayana. 

Pointed (Three) Tulip Mallow (McL. 712, 
adpd). 251 Thespesia Lampas. 

Pointed wedge leaved Olive Linden (McL. 
768, adpd). 336-b. Eleocarpus serra- 
tus (cuneatus). 

Poison (Fish) (McL. 357). 

Poison (Fish) (McL. 371). 

Poison Ball Plant (MeL, 
Balanites Roxburghii. 

Poison Berry (McL. 357). 

Poison (Fish) Cedar (McL. 1020, adpd). 
elxxxvi. Walsura (genus). 

Poison (Long leaved Fish) Cedar (McL. 
1020, adpd), 470 Walsura ternata. 

Poison (Ochre flowered Fish) Cedar (McL. 
1020, adpd). 471 Walsura piscidia. 

Poiscn (Short leaved Fish) Cedar (MeL, 
1020, adpd). 471 Walsura piscidia. 

Poison (White flowered Fish) Cedar (Mch. 
1020, adpd). 470 Walsura ternata. 

Poison Fruit (McL. 291, 690). 
Randia dumetorum. 

Poison Nut Family (McL. 474, 690, Br. 

81 Anamirta 
774 Tephrosia 
295), 433 

81 Anamirta 


128, adpd), UXXVi. Loganiacez 

Poison Nut (McL. 474), dexlv. Strychnos 

Poison Nut (McL. 473, 515, 690, 997) 
(Cat. 196). 1962 Strychnos nux- 


Poison Nut (Cat. 252), [2628 Sphalm] 
1962 Strychnos nux-vomica. 

Poison (Black Crow) Nut (Mch. 690). 
1709 Diospyros sylvatica. 

Poison (Brahmin) Nut (McL. 690). 488 
Olax scandens. 

Poison (Climbing) Nut (McL. 690, adpd). 
1957 Strychnos colubrina. 

Poison (Creeper) Nut (Mc. 690). 1957 
Strychnos colubrina. 


Poison (Creeper) Nut (Mch. 690), &8 
Tiliacora racemosa, 

Poison (Downy cymed Climbing) Nut 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1960 Strychnos 

Poison (Indian) Nut (McL. 473, 515, 690, 
997, adpd). 1962 Strychnos nux- 

Poison (Large berried Climbing) Nut 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1959 Strychnos 

Poison (Long flowered Climbing) Nut 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1961 Strychnos 

Poison (Ovate leaved Climbing) 
(MeL, 690, adpd). 

Poison (Terminal cymed Climbing) Nut 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1964 Strychnos 

Poison Nut Snakebite Creeper (McL. 515, 
adpd). 88 Tiliacora racemosa. 

Poison (Deadly) Plant (Cag. 500). 1857 
Heemadictyon suberectum. 
Poison (Fish) Tvee (MeL. 1020), 

Walsura (genus). 

Poison (Fish) Tree (McL.* 473, 474). 
142 Hydrocarpus Wightiana (*vene- 

Poison (Malay Arrow) Tree (McL. 774). 
2759 Antiaris toxicaria. 

Poisonous Whorled Dogbane (MchL. 302, 
adpd), 13830 Alstonia venenata. 

Poivrea (Cag. 572) (Br. 76), edvi. 
bretum (genus), 

Poivrea (Cream bracted) (Mch, 995, 1028, 
Br. 76, adpd). 1157 Combretum decan- 

Poivrea (Scarlet) of Madagascar (Br. 76), 
1158 Combretum: coccinea, 

Poivrea (Crimson) of Sierra-Leone (Br. 
76, adpd). 1160 Combretum conosum. 

Poivrea (Large scarlet) of Sierra-Leone 
(Br. 76, adpd). 1159 Combretum 

Poke (Virginian) Family (L/N/S/B). XC. 
Phytolaccacez (Order). 
Pokeweed Vamily (Br. 188). 

laccacew (Urder). 

Polished Leaved Dyeing Mulberry (McL. 
376). 1554-c. Morinda citrifolia (ellip- 

Polyandrous Berry-bearing Bamboo (Hk. 
7/10, adpd). mxhx. Ochlandra (genus). 

Polyandrous Conical-disk Mercury (‘lreas. 
bot. 2/736, Hk. 5/248, adpd). deceli. 
Cleidion (gerus). 

Polyandrous-(-20-3U) Glandular-backed- 
leaved Mercury (‘l'reas. Kot. 2/756, Hk. 
5/243, adpd). deccl. Mallotus (genus), 

Polyandrous Mitre-flowered Nutmeg (Bs/ 
1/10, adpd). xxi. Mitrephora (genus). 

1958 Strychnos 



AC. Phyto- 


Polyandrous Stamen-girt Naked-Disk 
Mercury (Treas, Bot. 2/736, Hk. 5/243, 
adpd). decexlix. Coelodiscus (genus). 

Polyantha Rose (Nic. 5/647) (S. 375) 
(Ooty. 414). 1085 Rosa multiflora. 

Polyantha (English) Rose (Cag. 598). 
1085-a, Rosa multiflora (typica). 

Polyantha (Japanese) Rose (Cag. 598). 
1085-e. Rosa multiflora (japonica). 

Polyantha (Mignonette) Rose (Ru/O/21). 
1085-e. Rosa multiflora (japonica), 

Polymorphous-leaved (Very-small-to- 
medium) Raceme-flowered Wild Lime 
(Hk. 1/5138, adpd). 406 Atalantia zey- 

Polymnia’s Tree (Nic. 3/186, Mu. 41). 
1647 Montufioa bipinnatifida. 

Polypody Fern Family (Nic. 3/186, adpd). 
CXXVIIL. Poiypodiacez (Order), 

Polypody Fern (8. 340) (McL. 97) (Nic. 
3/186). mlxii. Polypodinm (genus). 

Polypody (Bipinnate-(1}-3 ft) Papery- 
pinnuled) Fern (Hed/F, adpd). 3373 
Polypodium paludosum, 

Polypody (Dry-oak-leaved) Fern (Prain. 
1256). 3372 (bis.) Polypcdium querci- 

Polypod@y (Quadripinnate-(1-6 ft)-muric- 
ate-rachised-w hite-silky-neryed oblong- 
(4”-7”)-acuminate-pinnuled © Membra- 
nous-firm broad lance-pinnatipartite- 
acute-pinnuletted) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3875 Polypodium ornatum. 

Polypody (Ovate-rigid-leathery-(2-8 ft)- 
pinnatipartite Sterile-cordiform-(4-1 
ft)-lobed-leaved Epiphytic) Fern. 3372 
(bés.) Polypodium quercifolium. 

Polypody (Pinnatipartite-(1g-4 ft) Pa- 
pery-long-oblong-(4”—1v”) - subsinuate- 
acute-or-cuspidate-segmented) Fern 
(Bed/F, adpd). 3377 Polypodium 

Polypody (Pinnate - (2-3 ft) Papery- 
oblong-lance-(8”-12”) entire caudate- 
pinnated) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 8376 
Polypodium leiorhiza. 

Polypody (Tripinnate-densely-scaly-sca- 
brous-stiped Membranous-translucent- 
oblong~ovate—pinnated—obtuse - pinnul- 
ed) Hern (Bed/F, adpd). 3874 Polypo- 
dium nigrocarpum, 

Poma-d’Aaao (Gbl. 
sops Kauki. 

Pomaloe (Bed. 1/47). 

Pomander Wood (McL. 366). 
pyros Ebenum. 

Pomegranate (Nic. 3/252). 

Pomegranate (Bed. 1/116, 119) (Bs/T/34:) 
(Gbl. 377) (Bdn/F:T) (Pr. 1/505) (MeL. 
80, 4738, 484) (S. 341, 353) (Br. 77) 

449), 1692 Mimnu- 
422 Citrus decu- 
1707 TDios- 

cdxl, Punica 


(Ell. 473) (Rid. 121) (Cag, 234) (Cat. 
152) (Pfl, 864) (Ru/N/12, 69, 0/9) (Mu) 
(Ooty. 78). 1322 Panica granatum. 

Pomegranate (Common) (Nic. 3/252). 
1322 Punica granatum. 

Pomegranate (Double 

Pomegranate (Foreign) (McL. 79). 
Cydonia vulgaris. 

Pomegranate (Indian Wooden) (MeL, 
23%). 476 Carapa obovata. 

Pomegranate leaved Barbadoes Cherry 
(Nic. 2/319). 353 Malpighia punici- 

Pomegranate Lime (MclL. 
Citrus medica-medica. 

Pomelo (Bon. 29-43). 
mana-ty pica. 

Pomelo (Amboyana) (Bon. 296), 422-a, 
Citrus decumana-ty pica (typica). 

Pomelo (Apple shaped) (Bon. 298). 422-c, 
Citrus decumana-ty pica (pomifera). 

Pomelo (Banda) (Bon. 297). 422-b. 
Citrus decumana-ty pica-(pyrifera). 

Pomelo (Canton) (Bon. 299). 422-d, 
Citrus decumana-ty pica (praegnans). 

Pomelo (Japanese) (Bon. 298), 422-c. 
Citrus decumana-typica (pomitfera), 

Pomelo (Pear shaped) (Br. 297). 422-b. 
Citrus decurmmana-ty pica (pyrifera). 

Pomelo (Sour) (Bon. 41). 428 Citrus 

Pomelo Loose-Jacket (Bon, 38, 110, 361). 
418-c. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (decu- 
mana), ° 

Pomo-d’Adamo (Bon. 38, 296). 422-e. 
Citrus decumana-typica (Palestinz), 

Pompelmoes of the Dutch (Hk. 1/516) 
(Cag. 280), 422 Citrus decumana- 
ty pica, 

Pompoleon (McL. 725) (Hk. 1/516). 422 
Citrus decumana (typica). 

Pompon Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Br. 
1U9¥-c Rosa centifolia (pomponia). 

Pomum-granatum of the Romans (McL, 
30). 1822 Punica granatum. 

flowered) (Cag, 
1822-b. Punica granatum (flore- 


434), 409 

422 Citrus decu- 


Pondicherry Lemon (I’on). 410-a. Cit- 
rus medica-Limonum (typica). 
Pondicherry Potato (Pfl. 207). [3068 

Sphalm | 3074 Dioscorea purpurea, 

Pondicherry Sweet Potato (McL. 43) 
(Br. 207) (Jaf. 61). 38074 Dioscorea 

Pondicherry Yam (McL. 52, 7138, 1000). 
8074 Dioscorea purpurea. 

Pondicherry Yam (Pfl. 207). 
Sphalm | 3074 Dioscorea purpurea, 

Pongamia (Smooth leaved) (McL, 404) 
(Br, 57). 899 Pongamia glabra. 

Pongamia (Stinking) (McL. 101) (?). 
926 Cesalpinia Bonducella (?). 



Pongamia (Stone) (McL. 148), 1519 
Canthium didymum. 

Pongamia (Thorny) (McL. 101) (?). 926 
Czsalpinia Bonducella (?). 

Pongolam (McL. 711). 2597 Putranjiva 


Ponnagam (McL. 304). 2687 Mallotus 
Ponnavkpoond (McL. 305). 2258 Justicia 


Pool (McL. 701). 3224 Borassus flabelli- 

Poolab (McL. 587, 701, 1000). 
Phyllanthus reticulatus, 

Poolah (MeL. 234). 259 Bombax mala- 

Poolah (Demon) (McL. 701, 762). 570 
Rhamnus Wightii. 

Poolah (Red) (McL. 227). 

Poolah (White) (MeL. 701, 1000). 2592 
Flueggea leucopyrus. 

Poolah Coral Tree (McL, 227, 518, 701, 


2594 Breynia 

1000). 2504 Breynia rhamnoides, 

Poolah Root (McL, 701). 26381 Manihot 

Poolah shrub (McL. 227). 2594 Breynia 

Poolay (Mech. 702, 999). declvi. Arua 

Poolay (Large) (McL. 702, 999). 2374 
Airoa javanica. 

Poolay (‘Thornless) (McL, 
Eriodendron anfractuosum. 

Ep (Thorny) (McL. 702). 259 Bom- 
"bax malabaricum. 

Poolitchay (McL. 82, 704). 
Hibiscus cannabinus. 

702). 261 

240 (bis.) 

Pooliyamaram (McL. 874). 982 Tama- | 

yindus indica. y 
Pooliateegay (MchL. 847). 
stemma brevistigma. 

1891 Sarco- 

Pooly (MeL. 874). 982 Tamarindus 

Poomurdah (McL. 580). 1152 Terminalia 

Poon (McL. 704). Ixx. Calophyllum 

Poon (Balsam) (McL. 705). 181 Calo- 
phyllum inophyllum. 

Poon (Bastard) (McL. 231, 473, 704, 9438). 
' 264 Sterculia foetida. 
Poon (Beaked fruit) (McL. 473, 684, 708, 

adpd). 184 Kayea stylosa. 

Poon (Common) (MeL. 276, 473, 484, 613, 
684, 704). 181 Calopbyllum _ino- 

Poon (False) (McL. 705). 183 Calo- 
phyllum Wightianum, 

Poon (Fragrant) (McL. 705). 180 Ochro- 
carpus longifolius, 

Poon (Heavy) (FAR. 5). 183 Calo- 

phyllum Wightianum. 


Poon (Large Bastard) (McL, 14), elxi. 
Ailanthus (genus). 

Poon (Long leaved) (McL. 705). 180 
Ochrocarpus longifolia. 

Poon (Lowly) (McL. 705). 

Poon (Malabar) (McL. 478, 542, 705). 
182 Calophyllum tomentosum. 

Poon (Rhomb leaved) (Hk. 1/275, adpd). 
188 (bis.) Calophyllum trapezifoliun. 
Poon (Salt) (McL. 705). 1180 Rhizophora 


Poon (Small) (McL. 473, 684, 705). 183 
Calophyllum Wightianum. 

Poon (Soora) (MchL. 473, 705). 180 
Ochrocarpus longifolius. 

Poon (Three leaf) (McL. 705, 994). 790 
Pseudarthria viscida. 

Poon Spar (Bed. 2/2) (Bs/T/55) (Gbl, 57) 
(Ell, 107) (FAR. 1) (W. 108). 182 
Calophyllnm tomentosum. 

Poon Tree (Pfl. 151). 183 Calophyllum 

955 Cassia 

| Poon (Seven leafed) Tree (Mech, 278, 

705). i829 Alstonia scholaris. 

Poondy Oil Tree (McL. 337), 2422 Myris- 
tica malabarica. 
Poonga Oil ‘I'ree 

Pongeamia glabra. 
Poongam (MchL. 404). 
Poongam (Bead) (McL 
Sapindus trifoliatus. 
Poongoo (McL. 694). -182 Calophyllum 

(Nic. 3/198). 899 
839 Pongamia 
843). 634 

Poongoo (Mcl. 694). 899 Pongamia 

Poongoo (MchL. 694) 3899 Dalbergia 

Pootiky (McL. 336). 314 Grewia salvi- 

Pootranjeeva (McL. 605, 711, 1000). 
2597 Putranjiva Roxburghii. 

Pootrajoovvy (McL. 711). 27383 Ficus 

Poovana (McL. 698). 503 Sarcostigma 

Fope’s Head (S. 267, 341). 1369 Melo- 
cactus communis. 

Poplar (indian) (McL. 678). 2739 

Ficus religiosa. 

Poplar leaved Croton (MchL, 171). 
Sapium sebiferum. 

Popiar leaved Fig (McL. 673) (Br. 198) 
(Bll. 284), 2739 Ficus religiosa. 

Poplar (Jointed) leaved Fig (McL. 678, 
adpd), 2739 Ficus religiosa. 

Poplar leaved Hibiscus (McL. 712). 252 
Thespesia populnea. 

Poplar leaved Ordure Tree (lik. 1/861, 
adpd), 274 Sterculia populifolia. 

Poplar leaved “Silver-weed (Hk. 4/187, 
adpd). 1995 Argyreia populifolia, 



Poplar (Longer) leaved  Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/187, adpd). 1996 Argyreia 

Poplar leaved Tendrilled Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/578, adpd), 491 Erythropalum 

Poplar leaved Talip Mallow (McL. 712, 
adpd). 252 Thespesia populnea, 

Poplar Mallow (McL. 712). 252 Thespesia 

Poplar (White) of America (Kew Bull. 
5/1912). 16 Liriodendron tulipiferum. 

Poplar (Yellow) of America (Kew Bull. 
5/1912), 16 Liriodendron tuliifpezum. 

Poplar of the Bible (McL. 856). dilkxiv. 
Styrax (genus). 

Porana (Twining) (Br. 137), 2058 Porana 

Porasam (McL. 645). 

Porcupine Wood (Gbl, 740) (Bdn/F.1). 
3228 Cocos nucifera. 

Portia (Bed. 2/63) (Bs/T/75) (Bs/S/198, 
SAC ; 224, TVY) (Gbl. 88) (Bdn/F.T) 
(McL. 232, 473, 484, 513, 71z, 943) 
(Br. 19) (Ell. 62) (Cag. 658) (Pf. 69). 
1 52 Thespesia populnea. 

Portia (Jungle) (McL. 712) (?). 
Filicium decipiens (?). 

Portia (River) (McL. 144, 473, 712). 
2674 Trewia nudiflora. 

Portia Nut Oil Tree (Nic. 4/127), 252 
Thespesia populnea, 

Port-Jackson (She Iron Bark of) (Maid. 
C.T) (Bth. 2/211). 1200 Eucaly ptus 

Port-Jackson Bastard Box (Bth. 3/227). 
(?) 1188) 1180 Eucalyptus longifolia, 
Port-Jackson Bastard Box (Bth. 3/242). 

1188 Eucalyptus tereticornis. 

Port-Jackson Biue Gum (Bth. 3/212). 
1191 Eucalyptus hemastoma. 

Port-Jackson White Gum (Bth. 3/212), 
1191 Eucalyptus hemastoma. 

Portugal Bay (McL. 1041). 2443 Laurus 

Portugal Broom (S. 3842). 

Portugal Cypress 
Cupressus glauca, 

Portugal Laurel (8S, 351). 
Jaurocerasus (colchica)- 

Portugal Urange (Mcb. 624) (Bon. 24, 
218). 417-a. Citrus Aurantium-Auran- 
tium (typica). 

Portugal (Queen cf) Rose (Ru/N/96, 0/22). 
(? 1105-g) 1106-b. Rosa borbonica 
(aurea-zeneo-suffusa) (?). 

Portugal (Reine de) Rose (Cag. 601) 
(Ru/N/96, 0/22) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po), 
1105-g. Rosa odorata (aurea-zneo- 

Portuguese (Balong of the) (McL. 1024). 
424 Feronia elephantum, 

828 Batea fron- 


743 Cytisus 
(Cag. 409). 2807 

1070-b. Prunus 


Portuguese (Folhas-da-raspa-macho) 
(McL, 908): 2288 Callicarpa lanata. 
Portuguese (Indico of the) (McL. 369). 

eclxxxiv. Indigofera (genue). 
Portuguese (Jamboa of the) (Bon. 299). 
422-d. Citrus decumana-typica (preg- 
Portuguese (Margosa of the) (McL. 577). 
452 Azadirachta indica. 

Portuguese (Palmatoria-d’inferno of the) 
(McL., 720). 13878 Opuntia Dillenii. 
Portuguese (Ratanhia of the) (McL. 751, 

994). 617 Leea sambucina. 
Portuguese (Torique of the) (McL. 938). 
1917 Cosmostigma racemosum. 
Portuguese Mango (McL. 185, 46%). 
665 Anacardium occidentale, 
Pot (fool) (Mc. 701). 2692 Flueggea 


Pot Mango (McL. 135), 665 Anacardium 

Pot ‘'amarind (McL. 239). 172 Garcinia 

Potato (S. 404). delxvi, Solanum (genus). 

Potato (Giant) (McL. 713, 998). 2033 
Ipomeea digitata. 

Potato (Goa) (McL. 53) (Br. 207). (Jaf. 
61). 3069 Dioscorea aculeata. 

Potato (Indian ‘lree) (Hx. 4/230, Nic. 
3/452, adpd). 2076 Solanum pubescens, 

Potato (Mountain Sweet) (McL. 464). 
2631 Manihot utilissima. 

Potato (Otaheite) (Pr. 2/!066). 
Dioscorea bulbifera. 

Potuto (Pondicherry Sweet) (McL. 53) 
(Br. 297) (Jaf. 61). 3074 Dioscorea 


Potato (Pondicherry) (Pil. 207). [3068 
Sphalm ] 3074 Dioscorea purpurea. 
Potato (Red Sweet) (McL. 718). 2033 

Ipomea digitata. 

Potato (Seaside) (McL. 6) (Cag. 477). 
2047 Ipomeea biloba. 

Potato (Sweet) (McL. 464) (?). 
Manihot utilissima (?). 

Potato (Blse) creeper (Mu. 37), 2069 
Solanum Seaforthianum. 

Potato (White) creeper (Mu. 37) (S. 407). 
2068 Solanum jasminoides. 

Potato (Tree) of Chili (Cat. 202) (Nic. 
3/453) (S. 407). 2073 Solanum arbo- 
reum (crispum). 

Potato Plum (Cat. 11). 

Potato Plum of Ceylon (Hk. 1/191, adpd). 
132 Scolopia Geertieri. 

Potato Plum of Mysore (Cat. 11). 
Scolopia crenata. 

Potato Plum of ‘lravancore (Hk. 1/191, 
Bdn/F.T,* adpd). 132 Scolopia 
Gertneri (* Schreberi). 

Potato (Hooker’s Mexican) Tree (Nic. 
3/453). 2072 Solanum havanense, 


liii. Scolopia 



Potatoes (Mcl. LXXX. Sola- 
nacez (Order). 

Potter's Tree (McL. 875). 1166 Gyrocar- 
pus Jacquni. 

Pounce Tree (McL. 783). 
Callitris (genus). 

Prémicas-de-Nice Indian Shot (Rid. 50). 
8027-c. Canna lutea (Prémices-de- 
Nice). ; 

Premna (Broad leaved) (McL. 512) (Br. 
165). 2298 Premna latifolia. 

Premna (Entire leaved) (McL. 512) (Br. 
165). 2295 Premna integrifolia. 

Preserve (Chinese) Orange (McbL. 521, 
adpd). 421 Citrus japonica. 

Prickled (Erect Bracteate Twin) Rose 
(Hk. 2/364). 1095 Rosa bracteata. 

Prickled (Sarmentose Bracteate Twin) 
Rose (Hk. 2/3864). 1094 Rosa inyolu- 

Prickled (Small leaved Twin) Rose (Hk. 
2/364) (Nic. 3/319, 322). 1096 Rosa 

Prickled (Prostrate glabrous Twin) Rose 
(Nic. 5/645). 1093 Rosa Lucie. 

Prickled (Climbing scanty) Solitary Rose 
(H«. 2/364). 1091 Rosa Fortuneana. 

Prickled (Climbing stoutly) Solitary Rose 
(Ak. 2/864). 1092 Rosa levigata. 

Prickled (Warscewicz’s Red) White 
Brinjal (Nic. 3/456). 2089 Solanum 




Prickly Acuminate Cane Feather Palm | 
(Hk. 6/472, adpd). mix. Zalacca 

Prickly Anona (McL. 35). 59 Anona 

Prickly (Bipinnate-(numerous)-cili- 

ate  lLeafy-rachis-noded Heart-or- 
ovate-serrate-acuminate- (5~9)-folioled) 
Aralia (ik. 2/723, adpd). 

Prickly Ash (Nic. 4/287). 
xylum (genus). 

Prickly (Indian) Ash (Bdn/F.T). 384 
Zanthoxylum Rhetsa. 
Prickly Balah (McL. 68,992), 214 Sida | 


Prickly (Common) Bamboo (Pfl._ 351) 
(Cat. 334). 3304 Bambusa arundinacea. 

obtuse-leathery leaved Coral Tree (Nic. 
1/531, adpd). 822 Erythrina crista- 

Prickly-branched Grey-woolly-roundish- 

_ obtuse leaved Coral Tree (Ol. 2/84, 
adpd). 821 Erythrina tomentosa. 

Prickly-branched Quinquefoliate-Rhom- 
boid-cr-hastate leaved Coral Tree (Ol. 
2/182,adpd). 823 Erythrina Humeana. 

Prickly (Bipinnate-(4-10)-glabrous-glau- 
cous-backed Ovate-acute-(8—10)-folioled) 
Brasiletto Climber (Hk. 2/258, adpd). 
938 Mezoneurum cucullatum. 

1386 Aralia | 

exlv. Zantho- | 

Glaucesent-ovate- | 


Prickly (Bipinuate-(4-6)-glabrous-glossy 
Gvate-(4-5)-folioled) Brasiletto Climber 
(Hk. 2/255, adpd). 928 Czsalpinia 

Prickly (Bipinnate-(8-12)-glabrous ob- 
long-(12-14)-folioled) Brasiletto Climb- 
er (Hk. 2/261, adpd). 945 Wagatea 

Prickly (Bipinnate-(12-16)-membranous- 
downy-backed stipulated Ovate-oblong- 
mucronate-(16)-folioled) Brasiletto 
Climber (Hk. 2/254, adpd). 
Cesalpinia Bonducella. 

Prickly (Bipinnate-(12-20)-membranous- 
glaucous-downy-backed oblong-obtuse 
(16-24)-folioled) Brasiletto Climber 
(Hk. 2/256, adpd). 981 Czsalpinia 

Prickly (Bipinnate-(16-20)-membranons- 
minute-glabrate-backed oblong-obtuse- 
(16-20)-folioled) Brasiletto Climber 
(Hk. 2/256, adpd). 933 Czsalpinia 

Prickly (Bipinnate-(20-60)-membranous- 
minute oblong-obtuse-(20-4)))-folioled) 
Brasiletto Climber (Hk. 2/256, adpd). 
$32 Cesalpinia mimosoides, 

Prickly (Bipinnate-(8—16)-membranous- 
minute oblong-obtuse-(12-16)-folioled) 
Brasiletto Climber (Hk. 2/259, adpd). 
939 Pterolobium indicum, 

Prickly (Bipinnate-(12-16)-membranous- 


small-glabrous-exstiptiate oblong- 
mucronate-(16)-folioled) Brasiletto 
Climber (Hk. 2/255, adpd). 927 

Cesalpinia Bonduc. 

Prickly Brinjaul (McL. 107, 998). 
Solanum xanthocarpaom. 

Prickly (West Indian) Broom (McL. 936, 
1022). 943 Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Prickly (Very-small-shining Round- 
dentate leaved) Buckthorn (Hk. 1/641, 
adpd). 572 Scutia indica. 

Prickly Cactus (Cay. 4852). 
Opuntia (genus). 

Prickly Climbing Cock’s-spur (Br. 177, 
adpd). 2867 Pisonia aculeata. 

Prickly Coned Pine (Nic, 3/143). 2851 
Pinus muricata. 

Prickly Coorvitchy (McL. 222, 998). 
1980 (bis,) Ehretia acuminata. 

Prickly Custard Apple (McL. 35). 59 
Anona muricata. 

Prickly Date Palm (S. 3, 344). 
Acanthophoenix (genus). 

Prickly Fan Palm (S. 247, Cag. 338, 
advd). wmiii. Livistona (genus), 

Prickly (Highteen-segment) Fan Paim 
(Hk. 6/431, adpd). 3178 Licuala 

Prickly (Filiferous) Fan Palm (Cag. 343, 
adpd). 38190 Washingtonia filifera. 

Prickly (Glaucous) ifan Palm (Cag. 338, 
S.¥0,adpd), miy, Chamzrops (genus), 





Prickly (Huge oblate) Fan Palm (Cag. 
339, adpd). cmxevi. Corypha (genus), 
Prickly (Hage oblong) Fan Falm (Nic, 
2/292, adpd). mxix. Lodoicea (genus). 
Prickiy (Nine-segment) Fan Palm (Hk. 
6/430, adpd). 3179 Licuala paludosa. 
Prickly (Notched) Fan Palm (Cag. 341, 
adpd). 3180 Licuala grandis. 
Prickly (Palmatisect)’ Fan Palm (Hk. 
6/430, adpd). cmxcix, Licuala (genus). 
Prickly (Thirty-segment) Fan Palm (Hk. 
6/430, adpd). 3181 Licnala peltata. 
Prickly Ivy (8.403). cmlxi. Smilax 

Prickly Ivy (Nic. 3/444) (S. 344). 3077 
Smilax aspera. 
Prickly Jacquinia (Br. 115), 1676 

Jacquinia ruscifolia, 

Prickly leaved Bracelet-wood (Br. 1135, 
adpd). 1676 Jacquinia ruscifolia. 

Prickly (Dwarf sinuate Bluixh-flowered) 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 2081 
Solanum xanthocarpum 

Prickly (Ovate lobed Bluish-flowered) 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/454, adpd). 2087 
Solanum maroniense. 

Prickly (Red-stemmed Lobed White- 

flowered) Nightshade (Nic. 3/455, 
8S. 407, adnd). 2089 Solanum Warsce- 

Prickly (Sinuate Bluish-flowered Climb- 
ing) Nightshade (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 
2092 Solarum trilobatum. 

Prickly (Various leaved Climbing) Night- 
shade (Nic. 3/455, adp4). 2990 
Solanum Wendlandii. * 

Prickly (Velvetty sinuate White-flowered) 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/455, adpd), 2038 
Solanum robustum. 

Prickly (White-margined Sinuate 
coloured) Nightshade (Nic. 
adpd). 2086 Solanum marginatum. 

Prickly (Woolly oblong Bluish-flowered) 

Nightshade (Hk. 4/233, adpd). 2080 
Solanum giganteum. 

Prickly (Woolly pinnatifid Bluish- 
flowered) Nightshade ([Ik. 4/234, 
adpd). 2083 Solanum indicum, 

Prickly (Woolly sinuate Bluish-flowered) 
(Hk. 4/235, adpd). 2084 Solanum 

Prickly (Woolly sinuate White-flowered) 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/234, adpd). 
Solanum torvum, 

Prickly (Woolly triangular-lobed White- 
flowered) Nightshade (Hk. 4/238, 
adpd). 2U81 Solanum ferox. 

2/501) (Rid. 144, 150) (Cat. 153) (S. 300) 
(Gb. 382) (Bs/T'/346) (Cag. 552) (W, 2%, 
47,131). cdlvi. Opuntia (genus). 

‘Prickly (Blackish-few Spined) Pear 
(Cavanagh, Mad. Mail, 31-3-05). 1582 
Opuntia nigricans, 

Bi- | 
3/454, | 

INDEX. 829 

Prickly (Cock’s-comb) Pear (S. 300) (Nic. 
5/569). 1383 (bés.) Opuntia cylindrica 

Prickly (Common) Pear (Cavanagh. Mad. 
Mail, 31-83-05). 1878 Opuntia Dillenii. 

Prickly (Five Spined) Pear (Br. 91, adpd). 
1378 Opuntia Dillenii. 

Prickly (Hair Spined) Pear (Nic. 5/570). 
1381 Opuntia leucotricha. 

Prickly (Hedge) Pear (Br. 91) (McL. 720). 
1378 Opuntia Dillenii, 

Prickly (One Spined) Pear (Cavanagh. 
Mad. Mail, 31-3-05). 1880 Opuntia 

Prickly (Orange flowered) Pear (Br. 91, 
adpd). 1379 Opuntia spinosissima. 

Prickly (Maltese Edible) Pear (FAR. 22 
to 30, 34 to 37, NEL) (Cat. 154). 1883 
Opuntia vulgaris. 

Prickly (Many Spined) Pear (Br. 91, 
adpd). 1379 Opuntia spinosissima. 

Prickly (Pink flowered) Pear (Nic. 2/503). 
1382 Opuntia nigricans, 

Prickly (Spineless) Pear (Nic. 2/503). 
1383 Opuntia vulgaris. 

Prickly (Sulphur flowered) Pear (Br. 91, 
adpd). 1378 Opuntia Dillenii. 

Prickly (Variegated) Pear (S.300). 1380 
Opuntia monocantha. 

Prickly (Various flowered) Pear (Nic. 
5/570). 1881 Opuntia leucotricha. 

Prickly (Yellow and Crimson flowered) 
Pear (Br. 91, adpd). 1330 Opuntia 

Prickly (Yellow flowered) Pear (Nic. 
2/503) (S. 300). 1353 Opuntia vulgaris. 

Prickly Pear of the United-States (8. 300, 

344). 1383 Opuutia vulgaris. 

Prickly Pisonia (Br. 177). 2367 Pisonia 

Prickly (Larger) podded Brasiletto 
climber (Hk. 2/255, adpd). 927 
Cesalpinia Bondue, 

Prickiy (Smaller) podded Brasiletto 
climber (Hk. 2/254, adpd). 926 
Czsa!pinia Bonducella. 

Prickly Purple Nail Dye (McL. 588, 
adpd). 2227-b. Barleria  buxifolia 


| Prickly (Mysore) Purple Nail Dye (McL. 

2082 | 

558, adpd). 2228 Barleria mysorensis. 
Prickly (Persistent sepalled Mixed) Rose 
(Hk. 2/364), 1097 Rosa Eglanteria, 
Prickly (Pinnate sepalled Uniformly) 
Rose (Hk. 2/364, Nic. 8/314). 1102 
Rosa alba. 

| Prickly (Simple sepalled Uniformly) Rose 
Prickly Pear (McL. 502, 720, 96) (Nic. 


(Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/314). 
Prickly (Fork bracteoled) Rose Mallow 

1108 Rosa 

(Rox. 3/205, adpd). 236 Hibiscus 

Prickly Scopolia (McL. 905). 386 Todda- 
lia aculeata, . 


Prickly (Jointed podded) Sensitive Plant 
(Hk. 2/291, adpd). ccclxv. Mimosa 

Prickly Sesban (MchL. 805, 994). 
Sesbania aculeata, 

Prickly Shoonday (Mch. 830, 998). 2092 
Solanum trilobatum. 

Prickly Toddalia (McL. 905) (Br. 253). 
386 Toddalia aculeata. 

Prickly White Nail Dye (NicL. 558, adpd). 
2227-a. Barleria buxifolia (albiflora). 
Prickly (Nilgiri) White Nail Dye (MclL. 
558, adpd). 2229 Barleria noctiflora, 
Prickly Yam (MchL. 53, 1000). 3057 

Dioscorea pentaphylla. 

Prickly-slender-stemmed (Simple-palmati- 
(5-7)-nerved- alternate-slightly-shaggy 
Round-heart leaved) Yam (Hk. 6/296, 
adpd). 3072 Dioscorea fasciculata. 

Pride (Barbadoes) (Mch. 316) (Cag. 619) 
(S. 844). 980 Czsalpinia pulcherrima. 

Pride (Barbadoes) (McL. 74, 756) (S.8, 45). 
1004 Adenanthera payvonina. 

Pride (Diandrous Densely-hairy-spiked 
Panicled Christmas) (Hk, 4/428, adpd), 
2174-c. Stenosiphonium diandrum 
(setosum). | 

Pride (Diandrous Small-flowered Panicled 
Christmas) (Hk. 4/428, adpd). 2174-e. 

Stenosiphonium diandrum (parviflorum). 

Pride (Diandrous Viscous-spiked Panicled 
Christmas) (Hk. 4/426, adpd). 2174a. 
Stenosiphoniom diandrum (typicum). 

Pride (Panicled Straight-throated Christ- 
mas) (8, 378, Treas. Bot. 2/1096, adpd). 
deci. Stenosiphoniam (genus). 

Pride (Peacock’s) (McL. 672, 932). 941 
Poinciana regia. 


Pride (Peacock’s) (Pfl. 422) (?). °930 
Czesalpinia pulcherrima. 
Pride (Small-scabrid-glabrate Ovate- 

rhomboid - elliptic - acuminate - leaved 
Panicled Christmas) (Hk. 4/427, adpd). 
2174 Stenosiphovium diandrum. 

Pride (‘Tetrandrous Much-interrupted- 
subglabrous-spiked Panicled Christmas) 
(Hk. 4/428, adpd). 2174-d. Stenosi- 
phonium diandrum (Russellianun.). 

Pride (Tetrandrous Viccons-spiked Pani- 
cled Christmas) (Hk. 4/427, adpd). 
2174-b, Stenosiphonium  diandrum 

Pride of China (McL. 578). 453 Melia 

Pride of India (Muell. S.P) (H/E.F) 
(McL. 578). 453 Melia Azedarach. 

Pride of India (Cag. 565) (Cat. 149) (PA. 
400) (Ru/N/50). 1819 Lagerstroemia 

Pride of Waltham Rose (Ru/N/96, 0/22) 
(Mu. 54). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (carnea-roseo-suffusa). 

Primrose (Evening) Family (Br. 259) 
(L/N/S/B). LII. Onagracez (Order). 


Primrose Creeper (Cag. 48%). 1908 
Pergularia odoratissima. 
Primrose Creeper (McL. 156) (Gbl. 498). 

[1905 Sphalm] 1963 Pergularia odo- 
Primrose (Scentless Creamy-flowered) 

Creeper (Hk. 4/88, adpd). 1904 Pergu- 
laria pallida. 

Primrose Trumpet Creeper (Br. 131). 
240 Bignonia Chambherlaynii. 

Primrose Willow (Mch. 483). 1332 
Jussiza suffruticosa. 

Primrose-yellow Bindweed (MchL. 120, 
adpd), 2045 Ipomza petaloidea, 

Primross (Evening) (McL. 1006). LII. 

Onagracec (Order). 

Prince Camille de Rohan Rose (Nic, 3/324) 
(Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-1 Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (atrosanguinea- 

Prince Humbert Rose (Ru/6/22) (Hod). 
J107-m. Rosa-hybrida-semperflorens 

Prince (Black) Rose (Cag 596} (Ru/N/93, 
0/18) (Mu. 52) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-atro- 
purpureo-suffusa). : 

Prince’s Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3265-f. 
Dieffenbachia picta (Princeps). 
Princess Convolvulus (MAHS). 2027 

Tpomeea imperialis. 
Princess-Lonise-Victoria Rose (Nic. 3/644) 
(Ru/N/96, 0/22) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 1106-c. 
Rosa borbonica (carnea-rubescens). 
Princess nf Wales Rose (Ru/O/22). (Mu. 
54). 1107-e. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (argenteocarnea-roseo-rubescens), 

Princess Royal Rose (Br. 71), 1107-d. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (albida- 

Princess’s Hair (McL, 230). 2472 Cassy- 

tha filiformis. 
Pritchard’s Grand MUace-fringed Palm 
(Cag. 341, 843). 3180 Licuala grandis, 

Privet (Bs/T/427) (Gbl. 475) (S 240) (Nic. 
2/263). dlxxii. Ligustrum (genus). 
Privet (Bastard) (Treas. Bot. 1/520), 
dexlvi. Gardneria (genus). 

Privet (Broad Egyptian) 367). 
1314 Lawsonia alba. 

Privet (China) (McL. 484). 
stroemia indica. 

Privet (Egyptian) (MeL. 314, 508). 
Lawsonia alba. 

Privet (Indian) “MeL. 596). 

Privet (Indian) (Pr. 1/502) (?). 
Lawsonia alba (?). 

Privet (Indian) (Cag. 502) (Cat. 180). 
1795 Ligustrom robustum. 

Privet (Medium-leathery Ovate-lance- 
acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 3/615, adpd). 
1791 Ligustrum Roxburghii, 

1315 Lager- 
2208 Vitex 



Privet (Medium-membranous _ elliptic- 
obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 3/614, adpd). 1795 
Ligustrum robustum. 

Privet (Medium-pap@ry Elliptic-acumin- 
ate-leaved) (Hk. 3/614, adpd). 17906 
Ligustrum Walkeri. 

Privet (Scarlet-berried 
(Treas. Bot. 1/520), 

Privet (Small elliptic-acute-leaved Bas- 
tard) (Hk. 4/93, adpd), 1965 Gardneria 

Privet (Small-leathery  elliptic-acute- 
leaved) (Hk. 3/616, adpd). 1794-a. 
Ligustrum Decaisnei (typica). 

Privet (Small-leathery  elliptic-acute- 
leaved Non-lenticiilate-branched) (Hk. 
3/615, adpd). 1793 Ligustrum Perrot- 

Privet (Small-leathery Lance-acute- 
leaved) (!ik. 8/616, adpd). 1794-b. 
Ligustrum Decaisnei (microphylla), 

Privet (Small-leathery obovate-subobtuse- 
leaved) (Hk. 3/615, adpd). 1792-b. 
Ligustrum neilgherrense (obovata). 

Privet (Small-leathery Round-ovate-aocute- 
leaved) (Hk. 3/615, adpd). 1792-a. 
Ligustrum neilgherrense (typica). 

Privet (White China) (Rid. 138, adpd). 
1315-b. Lagerstrcemia indica (albiflora). 

Privet leaved Jasmine (Br. 116) (Ru/N/ 
76). 1764 Jasminum rigidum. 

Priyangoo (McL. 916). 462 Aglaia Rox- 

Promotion Nut Tree (McL. 135). 
Anacardium occidentale. 

Prosopis (Mcl. 809). 

Prostrate Forking Spineless Fan Palm 
(Hk. 4/429, adpd). 3177 Nannorhops 
’ Ritchieana. 

Prostrate Glabrous Twin prickled Rose 
(Nic. 2/645). 1093 Rosa Lucie. 

Prostrate Plaited Acuminate Feather 
Palm (Rox. 3/630, adpd). 3161 Nipa 

Prostrate (Bipinnate- (8-4) -digitate- 
brist]y-minute linear-oblong-acute- 
(24~40)-folioled) Sensitive shrub (Hk. 
2/291, adpd). 1011 Mimosa pudica. 

Protector (Cow) (McL. 319). 80 Tino- 
spora cordifolia. 

Protruding-stamened Tube-corolla 
bena (Hk. 4/589, adpd). 
Clerodendron (genus). 

Provence :Red Rose (Mch. 322). [1100 
Sphalm] 1099-b. Rosa centifolia (pro- 

Provence Rose (Hk. 2/346) (Nic. 3/335) 
(3. 847, 375) (Cag. 530) (McL. 321) (Br. 
70). 1099-b. Rosa centifolia (provin- 

dexlvi. Gardneria 

2007 ePeacapi: 




Provence (Miniature) Rose (Nic. 3/325) 

(Ru/O/28). 1099-c. Rosa centifolia 

Prone (Bs/T/279). 1069-d. Prunus 
communis (domestica), 

Prune (Cabool) (McL. 17). 1069-d. 
Prunus communis (domestica), 

Prussic-acid Tree (Bdn/F.T, Bed. 1/97, 

2/59). 1071 Pygeum Wightianum. 

Pseudobulb (#ringed Dragon’s-mouth Bi- 
foliate) Orchid (Br. 210, adpd). 2919 
Epidendrum ciliare. 

Pseudobulb (Medium-linear-lanceolate- 
acute Multifoliate-distichous) Erect 
Orchid (Hk. 5/715, W.A.I, adpd). 2907 
Dendrobium Heyneanum. 

Pseudobulb (Medium-linear-lanceolate- 
bifid-tipped Multifoliate-distichous) 
Erect Orchid (Hk. 5/727, W.A.I, 'adpd). 
2912 Dendrobium hzemoglossum. 

Pseudobulb (Small-linear-acute Multifoli- 
ate-distichous) Erect Orchid (Hk. 5/718, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2208 Dendrobium 

Pseudobulb (Small-linear-lanceolate-acute 
Multifoliate-distichous) Erect Orchid 
(Hk. 5/740, adpd). 2918 Dendrobium 

Psevdobulb (Small-oblong-lanceolate- 
caducous Multifoliate-distichous) Erect 
Orchid (Hk. 5/719, W.A.T, adpd). 2909 
Dendrobium chlorops. 

Pseudobulb (Large-elliptic-plicate-acute 
Unifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/846, W.A.T, 
adpd). 2944 Pholidota imbricata, 

Pseudobulb (Large-oblanceolate-acute 
(Lut variable) Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 
5/703, W.A.I, adpd). 2900 Liparis 

Pseudobulb (Leafless) Orchid (W.A.1). 
2924 Cirrhopetalum fimbriatum. 

Pseudobulb (Medium-elliptic-acuminate 
Bifcliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/835, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2942 Celogyne corrngata. 

Pseudobulb (Medium-elliptic-or-oblanceo- 
late-acuminate Bifoliate) Orchid (lk. 
5/704, W.A.I, adpd). 2901 Liparis 

Pseudobulb (Medium-elliptic-ovate-acute 
Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/698, adpd). 
2895 Liparis Dalzellii. 

Pseudobulb (Medium-elliptic Unifoliate) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/760, W.A.I,adpd). 2921 
Bulbophyllum fuscopurpureum. 

Pseudobulb (Medium-lanceolate-acumin- 
ate Quadrifoliate -(1-5) ) Orchid (Hk. 
5/698, adpd). 2894 Liparis paradoxa, 

Pseudobulb (Medium-linear-oblong-emar- 
ginate Quadrifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 6/21, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2948 Polystachya 


Psendobulb (Medium-linear-oblong-sub- 
acute Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/833, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2940 Ccelogyne brevi- 

Pseudobulb (Medium-linear-oblong Unifo- 
liate) Orchid (Hk. 5/778, adpd). 2926 
Cirrhopetalum neilgherrense. 

Pseudobulb (Mediam-narrow-lanceolate- 
acuminate Multifoliate Joint-stemmed) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/719, W.A.I, adpd). 
2910 Dendrobium barbatulum. 

Pseudobulb (Medium-oblong-lanceolate- 
acute Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/835 
W.A.I, adpd), 2948 Cologyne glandn- 

Pseudobulb (Medium-oblong-lanceolate- 
acute Quadrifoliate) Grchid (Hk. 6/21, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2947 Polystachya 

Pseudobulb (Mediu»-oblong-lanceolate- 
obtuse Maultifodliate Joint-stemmed) 

Orchid (Hk. 5/737, W.A.I, adpd). 2915 
Dendrobium heterocarpum, 

Pseudobulb (Medium-ovate-acute Bifoliate) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/695, adpd). 2892 Liparis 

Pseudobulb (Medium ?-ovate-acute Bifoli- 
ate) Orchid (Hk. 5/707, adpd). 2903 
Liparis ? alata. 

Pseudobulb (Medium-ovate-lanceolate- 
acuminate Multifoliate Joint-stemmed) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/739, W.A.I, adpd). 
2917 Dendrobium aqueum. 

Pseudobulb (Medium-to-large-oblong Uni- 
foliate) Orchid (Hk, 5/761, W.A.I, 

adpd). 2922 Bulbophyllum nilgher- 
Pseudobulb (Multifoliate-distichous} 

Orchid (Hk. 5/710, 711, W.A.I, adpd). 
cmxix. Dendrobium (genus), 

Pseudobulb (Multifoliate Joint-stemmed) 
Orchid (Hk, 5/710, 720, 734, 739, W.A.1, 
aapd). cmxix. Dendrobium (genus- 
Stachyobium and LHudendrobium «part 

Pseudobulb (Small-elliptic-lanceolate- 
acute Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/789, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2935 Hria nana. 

Pseudobulb (Small-elliptic-lanseolate- 
obtuse Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/717, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2906 Dendrobium 

Pseudobulb (Smail-elliptic Unifoliate) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/757, W.A.I,adpd). 2920 
Bulbophyllum albidum, 

Pseudobulb (Small-lanceolate-acuminate 
Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/833, W.A.I, 
adpd). 294] Cologyne odoratissima. 

Pseudobulb (Smiall-lanceolate-acute Uni- 
foliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/763, W-A.I, 
adpd). 2923 Bulbophyllum tremulum, 

Pseudobulb (Small-linear-acute Unifoliate) 
Orchid (Hk. 6/86, W.A.I, adpd). 2980 
(bis.) Thelasis pygmea, : 


Pseedobnlb (Small-linear-lanceolate-acu- 
minate Multifoliate Joint-stemmed) 
Orchid (Hk.5/720, W.A.I, adpd). 2911 
Dendrobium herbt&ceum, 

Pseudobulb (Small-linear-lanceolate acu- 
minate Quadrifoliate-(sometimes 3) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/705, adpd). 2902 
Liparis resupinata. 

Pseudobulb (Small-linear-lanceclate-acute 
Unifoliate) Orebid (Mk. 5/701, adpd). 
2899 Liparis pusilla. 

Pseudobulb (Small-linear-oblong-acute 
Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/716, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2905 Dendrobium microbulbon. 

Pseudobulb (Small-linear-oblong Unifoli- 
ate) Orchid (Hk. 5/778, adpd). 2927 
Cirrhopetalnum Gamblei., 

Psendobulb (Small-linear-oblong Unifoli- 
ate) Orchid (Hk. 5/778, adpd). 2928 
Cirrhopetalum Thomsoni, 

Pseudobulb (Small-linear-to-oblanceolate- 
apiculate Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/789, 
W.A.I,adpd). 2934 Eria Dalzelli. 

Pseudobulb (Small-oblong Unifoliate 
Larger-bulbed) Orchid (Hk. 45/779, 
adpd). 2929 Wirrhopetaluam acuti- 

Pseudobulb (Small-ovate-lanceolate acn- 
minats Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/695, 
W.A.I,adpd). 2893 Liparis Wightiana. 

Pseudobulb (Small-ovate-orbicular-acote 
Bifoliat«) Orchid (Hk. 5/698, adpd). 
2896 Liparis Walkeriz. 

Psendobulb (Small-very-obliquely-ovate- 
orbicular Quadrifoliate-(sometimes 3) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/698, W.A.I, adpd). 
2897 Iviparis atropurpurea. 

Pseudobulb (Very-small-elliptic-acumin- 
ate-Bifoliate) Orchid (W.A.I). 2981 
Hria reticulata. 

Pseudobulb (Very-small-elliptic-lanceo- 
late-acute Rifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/787, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2632 Eria reticosa. 

Pseudobulb (Very-small-elliptic Unifoli- 
ate) Orchid (Hk. 5/780, adpdj. 29380 
Trias Stocksii. 

Pseudobulb (Very-small-linear-oblong-— 
cleft-tipped Multifoliata Joint-stemmed) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/734, W.A.I,adpd). 2913 
Dendrobium Jerdonianum. 

Pseudobulb (Very-small-linear-oblong 
Unifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/777, adpd). 
2925 Cirrhopetalum aureum. 

Pseudsbulb (Very-small-oblanceolate- 
apiculate Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/788, 
adpd). 233 Eria exilis. 

Pseudobulb (Very-small-orbicular-ovate- 
cuspidate Bifoliate) Orchid (Hk. 5/787, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2931 (bts.) Eria Liche- 

Psendobulb (Very-small-ovate-undulate- 
acute BifoJiate Purplish) Orchid (Hk. 
5/694, W.A.I, adpd). 2898 Liparis 


Pseudobnlb (West Indian Bifoliate) Orchid 
(Nic. 5/842). 2919 Epidendrum ciliare. 

Pseudobulb (Medium-lanceolate-acumin- 
ate Multifoliaf®-distichons) Pendulous 
Orchid (ik. 5/788, W.A.I, adpd). 2916 
Dendrobium Picrardi. 

Pseudobulb (Medium-ovate-oblong-acute 
Moltifoliate-distichous) Pendulous 
Orchid (Hk. 5/735, W.A.I, adpd). 
2914 Dendrobium macrostachyum. 

Pseud. bulb (Multifoliate-distichous Elong- 
ated-but-basally-slightly Pser.dobnl- 
bous) Orchid (Hk. 5/710, 7i1, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxix. Dendrobium (genus). 

Pseudobulbous (bifoliate Elongated- 
jointed - joint-sheathed-clavifirm - but- 
basally) stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/79y, 
W.A.[, adpd). 2939 Eria pauciflora. 

Psendobuibous (Multifvliate Elongated- 
and-thick-but-basally) stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 5/793, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxiy. 
Eria (genus-Hymeneria section, part). 

Pseudobnibous (Multifoliate Elongated- 
jointed - joint-sheathed-clayiform - but- 

_bssally) stemmed Orchid (Hk. 4/710, 
720, 734, 739, W.A.1, adpd). cmxix. 
Dendrobium (genus-Stachyobium and 
Eudendrobium part sections) 

Pseudobulbous (Petioled-coviaceous Bi- 
foliate) stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/828). 
emxxv. Ceelogyne (genus). 

Pseudobulbous (Petioled-coriaceous RBi- 
foliate) stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/701, 
703). 2900 Liparis longipes. 

Pseadobulbous (Petioled-coriaceons 
Quadrifoliate - (occasionally - 3 - or - 2) 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/20, W.A1). 
emxviii. Polystachya (genus), 

Pseudobulbous (Petioled Unifoliate) 

stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/752). cmxxi. 
Bulbophyllum (genus). 

Pseudobulbous (Petioled Unifoliate) 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/772). emxxii. 
Cirrhopetalum (venus). 

Pseud bulbous (Petioled Unifoliate) 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/780). cmxxiii. 
Trias (genus), 

Pseudvtulbous (Petioled Unifoliate) 

stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/86, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxli, (bés.) Thelasis (venus). 
Pseudobulbous (Petioled Unifoliate) 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/699, 701). 

2899 Liparis pusilla. 

Pseudobulbous (Sessile-membranous Bi- 
foliate-(rarely-more) stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 5/692). cmxviii. Liparis (genus- 

Pseudobulbous (Sessile-membranons Bi- 
foliate-rarely-u-ore) stemmed Orchid 
(Hk, 5/715). emxix. Dendrobium (genus- 
Stachyobium section, part). 

Pseudobulbous (~essile-membranous Bi- 

foliate-(rarely-more) stemmed Orchid ; 



(Hk. 5/785). cmxxiy. Eria (genns- 

Porpar, Conchidium, and Bryobium 

Pseudobulbous (Sessile-membranous 
Quadrifoliate-occasionally-%) stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 5/689, 705). emxviii, 
Liparis (genus-) art). 

Pseudobulbous (Sessile Unifoliate) 

stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/844, W.A.I, 
adpd). emxxvi. Pholidota (genus), 
Pterocarps (lrinity) (Hk. 1/417, adpd). 
XXIII. Malpighiacez (Order). 
Pterocarpus (Three leaved) (MeL. 756), 
896 Pterocarpus santalinus. 
Ptercspermum (Maple leaved) (Mc. 405, 
484). 284 Pterospermum acerifolium, 
Pterospermum (Various Jeaved) (Meh. 
974). [281 Sphalin] 282 Pterospermum 
Pubescent Jasmine (McL. 384). 1752 
Jasminum pubescens. 

Puberulous- bucked-leaved Blue-dyeing 

Rosebay (Hk. 3/653, adpd). 1841-b. 
Wrightia tinctoria (Rothii). 
Pubescent Solnum (McL 824). [2075 

Sphaim] 2076 +o anum pubescens 

Pudding Pipe 'ree (McL. 208) (Bdu/L) 
(Cag. 620) (Ell. 1583) (Pf. 70). 946 
Cassia Fistula. 

Puget-sound (Yellow Pine of) (Mueil. 
S.P). 2866 Pseudotang: Donglasii, 
Pulas Kino (('at. 91) (Pf. 429). 828 

Butea frondosa. 

Pulney-Hills (Macra’s) Featherfoil (MeL. 
087, adpd). 2562 Phyllanthus Macrezi. 

Pulpy podded Plack Babooul (Mech. 936, 
adpd). 1027 Acacia Farnesiana. 

Pumelo (Hk. 1/576) (Cag. 280). 422 
Citrus decumana-ty pica. 

Pummelo (Bon. 29-43, 220, etc). 422 
Citrus decumana-ty pica, 

Pommelow (McL. 296, 379, 472. 484. 653, 
725,993). 422 Citrus decumana-typiea. 

Pumpelmose (McL. 725) (Br. 29), 422 
Citrus decumana (typica). 

Pumpkin (Earth) (McL. 713). 
Tpomea digitata. 

Pumpkin Tree (Mch. 65). 425 Agle 

Punctate White Mangrove Family (Nic. 
2/402, L/N/S/B, adpd) LXXXIV. 
Myoperaceze (Order). 

Punctate White Mangrove (Nic. 2/402, 
L/N/S/B, adpd). 2272 Myoporom 

Puneeala Plum (McL. 362) (Cag. 224) 
(Ru/N/74). 135 Flacourtiacataphracta. 

Pungent (Brown-weolly-backed) leaved 
Climbing Caper (Hk. 1/178, adpd). 
119 Capparis horrida. 

Pungent linear leaved Caper Shrab fon 
young shoots only} (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 
109 Capparis aphylla, 



Pungent Pepper (McL. 676). 

Pungent-tip (Japanese) leaved Shrubby 
Bamboo (Nic. 1/118, 5/27). 3295 
Arundinaria japonica, 

Pungent-tipped thick leaved Shrubby 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/377, adpd). 3296 
Arun inaria Walkeriana. 

Pungent (Long) Sparsifasciculate 
Asparagus (Mchl. 516, 812, adpd). 
3088 Asparagus racemosus. 

Panicum-malum of the Romans (McL. 30). 
1322 Punica granatum. 

Punjaub Kino (MchL. 416, adpd), 795 
Ougeinia dalbergioides. 

2411 Piper 

Fure White Bourbon Rose (Ru/N/89) 
(Mu. 56). 1106-a. Rosa borbonica 

Pure-White China Rose (Cag. 598) (Ru/ 
O/19). 1103-1. Rosa indica (candida). 
Pure White Darwin’s Mallow (Nic. 1/4, 
adpd). 218-c. Abutilon Darwini 


Pure White Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Cag. 
56) (Ru/N/94, 0/18) (Mu. 52) (lod) 
(Po), 1107-2. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (nivea). 

Pore White Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325, 
5/646) (Cag. 595, 692) (Ku/+/90, 92, 
0/18, 19) (Mu. 56) (Hod) (Po). 1108-a. 
Rosa Noisettiana (nivea). 

Pure-White ringed Azure-blue Passion 
Flower (Cag. 559). (?) 1848, 1356 
Passiflora Middletoniana. 

Pure White Tea Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/ 
94, 96, 0/22) (Mu. 55). 1105-b, Rosa 
odorata (candida). 

Purest (Large) White Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/824). 1105-a, Rosa odorata (nivea). 

Purgative Root (Mch. 378). 2028 
Ipomea Purga. 

Purging Cassia (McL. 208) (Br. 61). 
945 Cassia Fistula. 

Purging Croton (Mch. 379) (Gbl. 614). 
2642 Croton Tigliam. 

Purging Nnt (McL. 56) (Cat, 252) (Cag. 
412) (Pf, 30) (Ru/N/81, 0/8, 31). 
2628 Jatropha Curcas. 

Purification (Black) Plant (McL. 305, | 

adpd). 2260 Justicia Gendarussa, 
Puritan (The) Rose (Ru/O/22). 1107-c. 
tosa hybrida-semperflorens (ochro- 


Purple and White Laurel Tulip Tree of 
Japan (Nic. 3/316). 22 Magnolia. 
ohovata (discolor). 

Purple and Yellow flowered Resin-seed of 
Tasmania (Bth 1/112). 152 Pitto- 
sporum bicolor. 

Purple-backed-and-widribbed Light-to- 
blackish-bronze-green Croton (when 
smaller) (Ru/N/8) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
26465-I'd. Codizum variegatum (longi- 
f olium-australiense-Washingtonii), 


Purple (Cordate oblong) backed Arrow- 
root (Nic. 5/520). 3013 Maranta leuco- 

Purple (Dark-green) backed Arrowroot 
(Nic. 1/238). 38023 Calathea Vanden- 

Purple (Large oblong) backed Arrowroot 
(Nic. 2/238). 38017 Calathea zebrina. 
Parple (Oblong) backed Arrowroot (Nic. 

1/237). 3019 Calathea Lindeniana, 

Purple (Oblong acuminate) backed 
Arrowroot (Nic. 2/238). 3016 Calathea 

Purple (Obovate) backed Arrowroot (Nic. 
1/237). 3012 Maranta illastris. 

Purple (Ovate-elliptic) backed Arrow- 
root {Nic, 1/238). 3024, Calathea 

Purple-backed Crimson-midribbed Dark- 
purplish-green Croton (Nic. 1/355) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Vh. 
Codizum variegatum (interruptum). 

Purple - backed - yellow - ciliated - leaved 
Purple-stemmed-and-calyxed Yellow- 

centred-white-flowered Costus Root 
(Nic. 5/262). 3001 Costus discolor. 
Purple Barleria (McB. 5839). 2239 

Barleria cristata. 

Purple barred Light-green Arrowroot 
(Nic, 2/238). 3017 Calathea zebrina. 
Purple Bastard Jasmine (Nic. 1/301). 

2105 Cestrum elegans. 

Purple (Involucrate) Bastard Jasmine 
(Nic. 1/801). 2106 Cestrum fasci- 

Purple Bazhinia (PA.170), [997 S8phalm} 
996 Ranhinia porpurea. 

Purple Beech (Nic. 2/2). 
sylvatica (purpurea). 

Purpie-bloom (Alternate-leaved Tetra- 
merous Panicled) Che:ry (Rox, 1/415, 
adpd), dlxxv. Dobera (genus). 

Purple-bloom (Medium-glaucons-backed 
Linear - oblong - waved - acuminate- 
leaved) Cherry (Rox. 1/415, adpd), 
1798 Dobera Koxburghii. 

Purple bracted Blue HKainbow creeper 
(McL. 371, adpd). 2168 Thunbergia 

Purple-brenched (Medium-purple-veinea 
Lance-obtuse-leaved) Justicewort (Rox- 
1/128, adpd). 226U Justicia Gendha- 

Purple (New-Yerk) Brinjal (Nic. 1/144) 
(MAHS). 2084-c. Solanum Melongena 

Purple - brown - backed - and - midribbed 
Olive-green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Ma) 
(Kid) (Jaf). 2646-th. UCodizum 
variez: tum (metallicum). 

Purjle (Ovate - lance - sinuate - prickly- 
toothed-; uiigey.t leaved) Bubble Pea 
(Nic. 2/154, adpd). 698 Hovea choriz- 

2796-d. Fagus 



Purple (Very-small - linear - to - oblong 
lance-obtuse leaved) Bubble Pea (Nic. 
2/155, adpd). 700 Hovea longifolia. 

Pourple-calyxed-Brilliant-scarlet (Bronze 
leaved) Indian Shot (Nic, 1/262). 3033 
Canna Warscewiczli. 

Purple-calyxed- Yellow 
Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 

Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 

Parple-centred Orange Leaf Cactas (Nic. 
1/515). 1374-¢. Epiphyllum truncatum 

Purple-sentred-rosy-flowered (Downy 
Ovate - crenate - serrate - acuminate 
leaved) Lantana (Nic. 2/234, adpd). 
2279 Lantana Sellowiana. 

Purple-centred White Shoe Flower (Nic. 
5/425). 250 Hibiscus heterophylus. 

Purple Chinese Orange Ball lree (Nic. 
1/22!), 1952 Buddleia Lindleyana. 

Purple Cigar Flower (Nic. 5/273). 1313 
Cuphea Llavea. 

Purple (Bilabiate) Conehead (Hk. 4/388, 
adpd), deciv. Calacanthus (genus) 

Purple Convolyulus (Rid. 104). 2008 
Argyreia cuneata. 

Parple (White-blotched) Cupped Birth- 
wort (Nic, 5/84). 2394 Aristolochia 

Purple Datura (McL. 261, 998). 2098 
Datura fastuosa. 

Purple (Twisted) druped Blackthorn 
(Treas. Bot. 2/928, Hk. 2/307, adpd). 
ecelxxvii. Prinsepia (genus). 

Purple (Orange and Bronzy) Dwarf 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/373). 38107-h. 
Cordyline terminalis (Hoskins), 

Purple-edgei White Leaf Cactus (Nic. 
3/515). 1374-d. Epiphyllum truncatam 

Purple (New-York) Egg Plant (Nic, 1/144) 
(MAHS. 15), 2084-c, Solanum melon- 
gena (Americana). 

Purple Huripean Thorn Apple (McL. 261), 
2097-b. Datura Stramonium (Tatula). 
Purple eyed Creamy Sage Rose (Nie. 
4/110, Br. 88, adpd). 1342 Turnera 


Purple-eyed (Abyssinian) White-flowered 
Brinjal (Nic. 3/454, adpd). 2086 
Solanum marginatum, 

Purple-eyed-yellow (Small-downy Heart- 
entire-angled-or-lobed-leaved) Bird- 
weed (Hk, 4/216, adpd). 2056 Hewittia 

Purple (Common) Fig (Nic 2/14). 
Ficus Carica, 

Purple Firebrand Teak (McL. 473, 512, 
884, 997, adpd). 2294 Premna purpu- 


3034 Canna 

3029 Canna 




Purple Fleabane (McL, 388) (Ell. 58G)- 
(Pfl. 117), 1599 Vernonia anthelmintica, 

Purple flowered Chinese Pagoda Tree (Hk. 
2/249, adpd). 913 Sophora glauca. 

Purple flowered Fragrant Trumpet Tree 
(McL. 669, 998, adpd). 2150 Stereos- 
permum sraveolens. 

Purple flowered Hibiscus (McL, 83). 237 
Pibiscus hirtus. 

Purple-flowered (Hairy--backed-scabrous- 
(3)-whorled Ovate-lance-leayed) (ilk, 
4/563, adpd). 2280 Lantana trifolia, 

Purple (Umbelled) flowered Resin-seed of 
New-Zealand (Nic. 3/158, adpd). 154 
Pittosporum crassifolinm, 

Purple-flowered (Large) Ring-coronet 
Swallow-wort (Hk, 4/3, adpd). dez=vi. 
Holostemma (geuus), 

Purple flowered Umbrella Thorn Babool 
(McL. 473, 934, 935, adpd). 1032 Acacia . 

Purple fruited Granadilla (Cag. 232, 358). 
1350 Passiflora edulis. 

Purple-fruited Guava (Cag. 236). 1223 
Psidium Cattleyanum. 

Purple (Scarlet and) Fuchsia of Chili 
(Nic, 2/33). 1330 Fuchsia macro- 

Purple Galega (Br. 255) (McL. 371). 774 
Tephrosia purpurea. 
Purple Guava (Muell. §.P). 1223 

Psidium Cattleyanum. 

Purple (Indian) Heart (Treas. Bot. 1/569, 
2/942). eccl. Hardwickia (genus), 

Purple (Violet) Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Ro/N/93, O/22) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 
1107-m. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Purpie Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Ru/O/22) 
(Mu. 52) (Hod). 1107-m, Rosa hy brida- 
semperflorens (purpurea). 

Purple (Himalayan) Indigo (McL. 371, 
adpd). 767 Indigofera atropurpurea, 
Purple (Violet-centred) Leaf Cactus (Nic. 
1/515). 1574-i, Epiphyllum truncatam 


Purple-midribbed Bronzy-crimson-blotch- 
ed Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Ma) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646 Bo, Codizum varie- 
gatum (undulatum), 

Purple Moon Flower (McL. 403, 512, 
adpd). 2016 Ipomza muricata. 

Purple Morning Glory (Nic. 2/192) (MAHS8) 
(S. 215, 277). 2U29 Ipomea purpurea, 

Purple - mottled Long - (ov-medium)-ob- 
tusely emarginate Strap leaved Short- 
stout-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/47, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2958 Aérides radicosum. 

Purple Mountain Ebony (McL. 472, 520, 
806, 995) (Br. 64). 996 Bauhinia pur- 

Purple Mulberry (S. 70). decxxiv. Calli- 
carpa (genus). 


Purple (Dark) Mulberry (Rid. 141) (Br. 
19°), 2723-b. Morus alba (atropur- 

Purple Murucuja (Br. 87). 
flora Murucuja 

Purple (Crested) Nail Dye (McL. 558, 
adpd) 2239 Barleria cristuta. 

Purple (Mysore Prickly) Nail Dye (MeL. 
553, adpd). 2228 barleria mysorensis. 

Purple (Prickly) Nail Dye (MeL. 558, 
adpd). 2227-b. Barleria buxifvlia 

Purple Osier (Muell. 8.P) (Nic. 3/345) 
(S. 322) 2802 Salix purpurea. 
Purple Passion flower (Ooty 464). 

Passiflora cverulea. 

Purple (Blue-rayed) Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/32). 1560 Passiflora serratifolia. 
Purnle-pear berried Partridge Pea Tree 
(Hk. 1/579, adpd). 492 Strombosia 


Purpl»-petioled Twisted-lobed Trilobe 
Croton (Nie 1/854) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ke. Codizum varie- 
gatum (trilobum-illustre). 

Pur;le (Small) Rose Mailow (McL. 83, 
corr). 237 Hibiscus hirtus. 

Purple-shaded Carmine Hybrid-perpetnal 
Rose (Nic. 3/324, 5/645) (Hod} (Cag. 
596) (Ru/O/19). 1107-k. Rosa hybrid:- 
semperfiorens (kermesina-purpureo- 

Purple-shaded Crimson Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Cag. 594, 596) (Mu. 54) (Br. 70) 
(Ru/N/90, 94, 0/19, 20, 21) (Hod) (Po). 
11U07-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Purple-shaded (Velvettv) Crimson Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/24) (Caz. 596) 
{Ru/N/95, O/18, 20) (Mu. 53) (Hod), 
11U7-}.. Rosa _ hybrida-semperflorens 

Pu: ple-shaded Maroon Hybrid-perpetnal 
Ruse (Nic 3/324) (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/93, 
O/22) (Mu. 54). 1'07-1 Resa hybrida- 
semper fiorens (atrosanguinea-purpureo- 

Purple-spotted-yellow-bordered Deep- 
fiery-red (Greev-leaved) Indian Shot 
(Cag. 384). #035 (bis )-q. Canna orchidi- 
flora (Heivrich Siedel). 

Purpl: stalked Basil (MchL. 909). 
Ocimum sanctum, 

Paorple Stalked-f:uited Tulip Tree of 
China (Nic. 3/315). 23 Michelia fuscata, 

Purple-sten:med-and calyxed (Purple- 
backed-yellow-ciliated-leaved) Yellow- 
centred-white-flowered Costas Root 
(Nic. 5/262, adpd). 3001 Costus dis- 

Purple Stramony (PA. 258). 2098 Datura 

1357 Passi- 



| Purse (Venus’) (Oag. 


Purple (Rosy to Violet) Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Ku/O/18) (Mu. 54). 1105-p. 
Rosa odvrata (purporea-roseo-violacea). 

Purple Tephrosia (McL. 87:). 7/4 Leph- 
rosia purpurea. 

Purple Thorn apple (McL. 262) (Br. 153) 
(Cag. 472) (Pf. 256). 2098 Datura 

Purple-tinged White Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/30). 1350 Passiflora edulis. 

Purple Trumpet Creeper (Br. 151, Cag. 
454). 2153 Amphilophium Mnutisii. 
Purple-to-palest-rose flowered Frazrant 
Trumpet Tree (McL. 669, 998, adpd). 

2150 Stereospermum suaveolens. 

Parple Variegated Mountain Ebony (MeL. 
521). 997-a. Bauhinia variegata (pur- 

Purple Wheel-spoke-flowered Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/64, adpd). dexl. Brachy- 
stelma (genus). 

Purple Wild Indizo (McL. 371, adpd). 
774 Tephrosia purpurea. 

Purple Wreath (S. 318, 
Petrza volabilis. 

Porple Yam (McL. 53) (Rid. 216). 3074 
Dioscorea purpurea. 

Purplish-blue (White changing to Crimson 
and) Morning Glory (Nic. 2/192). 2628 
lpomza rubroceerulea. 

Purplish-crimson-spotted - margined - cen- 
tred-petioled-and-veined Green Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Taf). 
2646-Ne. Codizum variegatum (for- 

Purplish-green (Crimson-veined Shining) 
Croton (Nic. 1/354) (Bu/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-De. Codizum vyarie- 
gatum (Hillianum). 

Purplish ( Very-small-ovate-undulate-acute 

354). 2328 

Bifoliate) Psendobulb Orchid (Hk. 
5/699, W.A.1, adpd). 2898 Liparis 

465).  delxxvi. 

Calceolaria (genus) 

| Pnzzle (Monkey) (Nic. 1/106) (8. 32) 

(Gbl. 703) (Cag. 406). 


2888 Araucaria 

Pyingado of Barmah (Gbl. 286). 1002 
Xylia dolabriformis. 

Pyrenacantha (Indian) (Br. 72). 1119 
Crategus crenulata. 

Pyrenean Pine (Nic. 3/141). 2854 Pinus 


Pyriform-swollen-fleshy peduncled Cymose 
buckthorn (Hk. 1/680, adpd). cexxx. 
Hovenia (genus). 


Quadrangular branched Climbing Indian 
Linden (Gbl, 111, adpd), 319 Grewia 

Quadrangular Chaste Tree (Mel. 596). 
2309 Vitex Negundo, 

pee ei el 


Quadrangular-stemmed (Winged-and) 
Hybrid Passion Flower (Nic, 3/29, 
5/582). 13848 Passiflora Buonapartea, 

Quadrangular stemmed Passion Flower 
(Nic. 3/32). 1358 Puassiflora quadrang- 

Quadrangular stemmed Tick Trefoil 

' (McL. 818, adpd). 802 Desmodium 

Quadrangular Green leaved Date (Gbl. 
730, adpd). 3164 Phoenix zeylanica. 

Quadrifariously-fascicled leaflet Sugar 
Palm (Hk. 6/421, Nic. 5/82, adpd), 
3149 Arenga saccharifera. 

Quadrifoliate-(2-6)-medium-leathery Ov- 
ate-to-obovate-obtuse-leaved-Crab Oil 
Tree (Hk. 1/567, adpd). 476 Czerapa 

Quadrifoliate (Medium-linear-oblong- 
emarginate) Pseudobulb (rchid (Hk. 
6/21, W.A.I,adpd) 2948 Polystachya 

Quadrifoliate-(1-5) (Medium-lanceolate- 
acuminate) Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 
5/698, adpd). 2894 Liparis paradoxa. 

Quadrifoliate - (sometimes - 3)  (Small- 
linear-lanceolate-acuiminate) Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/705, adpd). 2902 Liparis 

Quadrifoliate (Medium-oblong-lanceolate- 
acute) Pscudobulb Orchid (Hk. 6/211, 
W.A-I, adpd). 2947 Polystachya 

Quadrifoliate-(sometimes-) (Small-very- 
obliquely-ovate-orbicular) Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/648, W.A.I, adpd). 2897 
Liparis atropurpurea, 

Quadrifoliate-(occasionally-3-or-2) (Peti- 
oled-coriaceous) Pseudobulbous stem- 
med Orchid Hk. 6/20, W.A.I). cmxxviii. 
Polystachya (genus). 

Quadrifoliate-(occasionally-3)  (Sessile- 
membranous) Psendobulbous stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. £/698, 705). cwxviii. 
Liparis (genus-part). 

Qua‘irijugate Half-rounded-half-taper- 
based candate-awl-tipped-leaved Toon 
(Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. Vol. 111/4-19.8). 
482-9. Cedrela Toona (Talboti). 

white-silky-nerved oblong-(4’—7’’)-acu- 
minate-pinnuled membrano s-firm- 
broad-lanse-pinnate - pxrtite-acute-pin- 
nuletted Pilypody Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3375 Polypodiam ornatum. 

Quaking (Spiked) Grass (Treas 
1/540). mxli. Halopyram (genus). 

Quamoclit (McL. 733). 2019 Ipomea 

Quamoclit (Crimson) (MchL. 150) (Br. 
141). 2018 Tpomeea coccinea. 
Quamoclit (Crimson) (Rid. 69). 

Ipomza Quamoclit. 




Quassin Family (Br. 42) (L/N/S/B). 
XXVII. Simarubacew (‘)rder). 

Quaussia (Clustered Ked-tubulose flowered) 
(Nic. 3/262). 426 Quassia amara. 

Quassia (Insipid Littora’ Simple leaved) 
(Hk. 1/522, Ul. 1/805). clxv. Suriana 

Quassia (M ultifoliate-(5-9)-winged-petiol- 
ed obovate-elliptic-cuspidate-leaved) 

(Nic. 3/262,adpd), 426 Quassia amara. 

Quassia (Terminally-fascicled Yellow- 
flowered) (Bth. 1/313, adpd).  clxy. 
Surisna (genus). 

Quassia (Very-small-velvetty linear- 

spthulate-obtuse leaved) (Hk, 1/522, 
adpd). 432 Suriena maritima. 

Quassia Wood (Br 438) (Gbl. 132) 
(Bdn/F.T), 426 Quassia amara. 

Qnassiads (McL. 1007). XXVLI. Simaru- 
bace (Order). 

Quatérnion (Fragrant) Tree (Nic. 4/19, 
5/358). exlili. Evodia (genus). 

Quaterrion (Octandrous Fragrant) Tree 
(Hk. 1/484, Nic. 4/19, 5/858, adpd). 
exliv, Melicope (genus). 

Quaternion (Roxburgh’s Fragrant) Tree 
(Hk. 1/484, 4/19, adpd) 378 Evodia 

Quaternion (Unifoliate Fragrant) Tree 
(Hi. 1/492, Nic. 4/19, adpd). 380 Meli- 
cope indica. 

Qneen-Mab Rose (Nic. 5/648) (Ma. 57). 
1108-h. Rosa-indica (armeniaca-roseo- 

Queen of Bedders Rose (Nic. 5/644) 
(Ru/O/22). 1106-e. Rosa  borbonica 

Queen of Portugal Rose (Ru/N/26, 0/22). 
(? 1105-J) 1106-b. Rosa borbonica 
(aurea-eneo-suffusa) ? 

Queen of Queens Rose (Nic. 3/824) 

(Ru/N/96) (Mu _ 54). 
hy brida-seniperflorens 

Queen of the Violets Heliotrope (Ooty. 
205). 1988 Heliotropium peruvianum). 

Queen of the Woods (8.51). decelxxvii, 
Betula (genus). 

Queen of Waltham Rose (Ru/O/22) (Mu. 
5+), 1107-g. hybrids-semperfiorens 

Queen (Pink Fairy) Kose (Cag. 599). 
1 03-m. Rosa indica (minima). 

Queen (Silv‘r) Rose (Nic. 5/644) 
(Ru/O/2z). 1107-e. Rosa hybriaa-sem- 
perflorens (argenteocaruea-rosec-rubes- 

Queen Victoria Rose (Ru/O/10) (Br.71) 
(Hod), 1107-d. Kosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (albida-carneo-suffus :-mwajor) 

Qneen’s Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264-d. 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (Regina), 

1107-g. Rosa 


Queen’s Flower (McL. 5) (S. 229, 357). 
1319 Lagerstrcemia flos-Reging. 

Queensland (Bunya-Bunya of) (Muell. 
S.P). 2834 Araucaria Bidwiili. 

Queensland (Kauri Pine of) (Muell. S8.P) 

(Bth. 6/244) (Cag. 407) (Cat. 315). | 

2833 Agathis robusta. 

Queensland (Racemed Bipinnate Wattle 
of) (Nic. 5/4 adpd). 1024 Acacia Baile- 

Queersland (Waved leaved Fig of) (Bth. 
6/165). 2746 Ficus Cunninghamii. 

Queensland (Blue Gum of) 
South-Wales (Bth. 3/229). 
yptus botryoides. 

Queensland (Box Tree of) and New-South- 
Wales (Bth. 3/217). 1203 Eucalyptas 

Queensland (Spotted Gum of) and New- 
South-Wales (Bth. 3/212). 1191 EHucal- 
yptus hemastoma, 

Queensland Bipinnate Fern Palm (Bth. 
6/254). 2884: Bowenia spectabilis. 

Queensland Box. (Cat. 140). 1220 Tris- 
tania conferta. 

Queensland Brush Box (Maid, C.T, Gbl. 
354, Cat. 140, adpd), 1220 Tristania 

Queensland (Alternate-leaved) Nut (Bth. 

and New- 
11745 Eucal- 

5/317, adpd). declxxxviii. Helicia 

Queensland (Long-leathery-snbsessile- 

alternate | Obovate-oblong-distant-ser- 

rate-acuminate-leaved) Nut (Bth. 5/191, | 

adpd). 2478 Helicia travancorica. 

Queensland (Long-leathery -subsessile- 
(3-4)-whorled oblong: lance-serrate- 
acute-leaved) Nut (Bth. 5/406, adpd). 
2479 Macadamia ternifolia, 

Queensland (Medium-sualpmembranous- 
alternate Broad-ovate-to-lance-coarse- 
toothed-acute-leaved) Nut (Bth. 5/190, 
adpd). 24177 Helicia nilagirica, 

Queensland (Whorled-leaved) Nut (Bth, 
5/318, adpd). dcclxxxix, Macadamia 

Queensland Nut Tree (Cat. 231). 2479 
Macadamia ternifolia. 

Quick Black ‘Thorn (8.1/5). ccclxxxyii. 
Cratzgzus (genus). 
Quill Bamboo (Cag. 321), 3818 Och- 

landra Rneedii. 
Quillai (Nic. 3/266). 
Quillaia Bark (Ooty, 78). 

Quina (Nic. 5/240). 

1110 Quillaja sapo- 
1110 Quillaja 

edlxxxili, Cinchona 


Quimo (Nic. 5/240). cdlxxxiii, Cinchona 

Quince (Nic. 1/419). ccclxxxiii, Cydonia 


Quince (McL. 79) (Bed. 1/97) (Gbl 320) 
(Bs/T/288) (Bdn/F.T) (S. 356) (Gag. 
247) (Rid. 151). 1111 Cydonia vulgaris. 

Quince (Bengal) (MchL. 65) (Nic. 1/81) 
or 28) (Cig. 273), 425 Agle Marme- 

Quince (Common) (Nic. 1/419). 1111 Cy- 
donia vulgaris. 

Quince (Indian) (McL, 65), 

Quince (Japan) (Nic. 3/108), 1112 Erio- 
botriya japonica. 

Quince (Star) (Loud), 
neaster (genus), 

Quince (Thorny Bengal) (McL. 65), 425 
Aigle Marmelos. 

Quince leaved Medlar(S.113), ceclxxxviii. 
Cotoneaster (genus), 

Quindah (MeL. 506). 

Quinine (Californian) (McL. 436, adpd). 
alxiti. Symplocos (genus). 
Quinine Plant (Meh, 419). 

Cinchona (genus). 

Quininewort (Bouvard’s) (L/N/S/B, Nic. 
1/206, adpd), cdixxxy (bis.) Bouvardia 

Quininewort (Corymb flowered Bouvard’s) 
(Nic. 1/207). 1459 (bis.)-a. Bouvardia 
Humboldtii (cory mbiflora). 

Quininewort (Drooping Yellow flowered 
Bouvard’s) (Nic. 1/207), 1459 (bis.)-c. 
Bouvardia Humboldii (flava), 

Quininewort (Jasmine flowered Bouvard’s) 
(Nic. 1/207). 1459(bis.)-b. Bouvardia 
Huw boldtii (jatminiflora), 

Quininewort (scarlet Cucumber-podded 
Climbing) (Cag. 541, adpd). 1459 
Manettia cordifolia. 

425 Agle 

ecclxxxyviii, Coto- 

1686 Bassia lati- 


Quinguecostate long stemmed Rattan 
(Hk, 6/4€1, adpd), 3215 Calamus 

Quinquefoil (Downy) Vine (McL, 59), 
adpd). 607 Vitis auriculata, 

Quinquefoil (Flat branched) Vine (MeL. 
564, adpd). 606 Vitis elongata, 

Quinquefoil (Groove branched) Vine 
(McL. 564, adpd). 610 Vitis sulcata. 

Quinquefoil (Membranous leaved) Vine 
(McL, 564, adpd). 608 Vitis tenui- 

Quinyuefoil (Warty barked) Vine (McL. 
564, adpd). 609 Vitis lanceolaria, 

Quinquefoliate - (4-6) - alternate-medium 
Seurfy-glabrate | Narrow-elliptic-acu- 
minate-leaved White Cedar (Hk, 1/560, 
adpd). 468 Amoora canarana, 

Quinquefoliate-(3 -7)- dark-green-unequal- 
sized Round-obtuse-or retuse leaved 
Rose-wood (Bdn/I.F, xxxi/3, adpd). 
881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

a a 


Quinquefoliate-digitate lance - wavy- 
folioled Deep-rosy flowered Bindweed 
(Nic. 2/191, adpd). 2021 lpomea 

Quinquefvliate-(5-7)-glabrate — Elliptic- 
obtuse-or-retuse leaved Kino Rose- 
wood (Bs/T/240, adpd). 897 Ptero- 
carpus Marsupium. 

Quinquefoliate-(5 7)-glabrate Ovate- 
acute-vr-acaminate leaved Kino Rose- 
wood (Pr. 1/412, adpd). 897-b. 
Pterocarpus Marsupium (acuminatus). 

Quinguefoliate - (5-7) - leathery medium 
Oblong-cuspidate-leaved Winzed Rose- 
wood (Hk. 2/245,adpd). 907 UDerris 

Quinyuefoliate-leathery obovate-oblong- 
Cuspidate-leaved Winged Rose-w:od 
Climber (Hk. 2/244, adpd). 906 Derris 

Quinquefoliate-medium:- downy Ovate- 
waved-acuminate leaved False Wampee 
(Hk. 1/502, Bed. 1/43, adpd) 891-a. 
Micromelum pubescens (integerrima). 

Quinguefoliate - (3-5) - medium-glabrous 
Elliptic-long-acuminate-leaved Yam 
(Hk. 6/290, adpd). 3058 Dioscorea 

Quingnefoliare (Normally) Opal Orange 
(Hk. 1/500, adpd). 38-b. Glycosmis 
pentaphylla (pentaphylla). 

Quinquefoliate — (3-5)-papery — polished 
Ovate acuminate-leaved Winged Rose- 
wood Climber (Bs/T/241, adpd). 902 
Derris uliginosa. 

Quinguefoliate (Prickly branched) Rhom- 
boid or-hastate leaved Coral ree ‘OL. 

_ 2/187, adpd). 823 Erythrina Humeana. 

Quinquefcliate-(3-5) Round-cuspidate 
leaved Rosewood (Hk. 2/231, adpd). 
§80 Dalbergia Sissoo. 

downy-glabrate-backed Variable- 
roundish - elliptic - cuspidate - leaved 
Yam (Hk 6/289, adpd). 3057 Dios- 
corea pentaphylla. 

Quinguefiliate - (3-5) Short - snowy - 
velvetty-backed Variahle-roundish- 
elliptic-cuspidate leaved Yam (Hk. 
6/289, adpd). 3056 Dioscorea tomen- 

Quingnefoliate - (5—7)- small-silky-hbacked 
Oblance-obtuse leaved Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/85, adpd). 738 Crotalaria 

Quinguefoliate - (8-5) - small - softly - 
velvetty obovate-cuneate-obtuse leaved 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/85, adpd). 739 
Crotalaria digitata. 

scurfy-zlabrate elliptic-cuspidate- 
leaved White Cedar (Hk. 1/561, adpd). 
469 Amoora Lawii. 



Quinquejugate (3-5 prs) leaved Soapnut 
(Mct. 843, adpd), 635 sapindts 

Quinqiina (Nic. 5/240). 
chona (genus', 

Qointuplinerved Himalayan Maple (Hk. 
1/634, adpd) (FAR. 27 to 30, NLGS). 
647 Acer Hookeri. 

Quite-glabrous Trifoliite Vine (Hk. 1/653, 
adpd). 597 Vitis Rheedii. 

edlxxxiii. Cin- 


Rabbit weed (McL.6). 2047 Ipomea 

Raceme flowered (Medium Ovate-elliptic- 
oblong-notch-tipped-leaved) Wild Lime 
(Hk. 1/512, adpd). 405 Atalantia 

Raceme-fl: wered (Very-small-to-medinm 
Polymorphous-leaved) Wild Lime (Hk. 
1/513, adpd)- 406 Atalantia zeylanica. 

Racemed (Glabrous) Bipinnate Wattle 
(Bth. 2/318, 414,adpd). 1017 Acacia 

Racemed (Silvery) Bipinnate Wattle 
(Bth. 2/318, 415, adpd). 1018 Acacia 

Racemed Bipinnate Wattle of Queensland 
(Nic, 5/4, adpd). 1024 Acacia 

Racemed Fish-bone Tree (McL. 155, 
623, adpd). 14 Dillenia bracteata. 

Racemed Lance leaved Digitate Ivy (Hk, 

2/729, adpd). 1412 Heptapleuram 

Racemed (Mauy-seeded) or Panicled 
Wind-berry (Hk. 3/507, adpd). dxlvii. 
Mesa (genus). 

Racemed (Single-seeded) or Panicled 
Wind-berry (Hk. 3/407, adpd).  dslix. 

Embelia (getus). 

Racemed (Anguiar branched) Pkyllode 
Wattle (Bth. 2/314, 383, adpd). 10146 
Acacia melanoxyl!on. 

Racemed (Silvery ) Phyllode Wattle (Bth. 
2/312, 373, adpd). 1019 Acacia 

Racemed (Slenderly) Phyllode Wattle 

(Bth. 2/314, 389, adpd). 1v20 Acacia 

Racemed (Stoutly) Phyllode Wattle 
(Bth. 2/310, 365, adpd). 1022 Acacia 

Racemed-purple flowered Brucine Bitter 
Wood (Nic. 1/215). clxiv. Brucea 

Racemed (Downy) Shepherdess’ Crozier 
(Hk. 2/536, adpd). 1291 Sonerila 

Racemed Snake Dog-bane (MeL. 842, 
adpd), 18:5 Rauwoltia Beddomei. 


Racemose Asparagus (McbL, 812). 
Asparagus racemosus. 

Racemose (Bracted) Asparagus (McL. 
516, 812, adpd). 38089 Asparagus 

Racemose (Common) Asparagus (McL. 
516, 812, adpd). 3088 Asparagus 

Racemose Blue Nail Dye (Mch. 558, 
adpd). 2232 Barleria involucrata. 

Racemose (Few-stamened) Lodh (Bs/T/ 
438,adpd). 1730 Symplocos subglabra, 

Racemose Scarlet Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/32) (Cag. 559). 1358 (bis.) Passiflora 

Rachis (Broad) Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Cag 387, adpd). 3140 Archonto- 
phoenix Cunninghamii. 

Rachis-glandular (Common 
leaved) Senna (‘\!cL. $04, adpd). 
Cassia Tora. 

Rachis-glaundular (Large stipuled downy) 


Senna (Mcl.. 804, adpd). 954 Cassia 
Rachis-glaniular (Mountain obovate 

leaved) Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 952 
C.ssia bie: psularis. 

Rachis-glandular (Pointed lance leaved) 
Senna (Nic. 1/276, adpd). 962 Cassia 

Rachis-glandular (Small stipuled downy) 
Senna (McL. 804 adpd). 953 Cassia 

Rachis (Bristle-ciliate leaved Bispinous) 
Rattan (Hk. 6/445, adpd). 
Calamus pseudotenuis. 

Rachis (Bristle-ciliate leave’ Un'spinons) 
Kattan (Hk. 6/44), adpd). 3205 
Calamus rivalis 

Rachis (Spine-ciliate leaved Unispinous) 
Rattan (Hk. 6/447, adpd). ~. 3209 
Calamus Rotang. 

Ractaumram (MchL, 749). 
nia (genus). 

Raddi’s Blood-red Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/32). 1359 Passiflora Raddiana. 

Radiata Climbing Arum (Cag 327) (Ru/ 
N/117). 3260 Philodendrow radiatum, 

Radish (Country Horse) (Mc. 236, 518). 
689 Moringa pterygosperma. 

Radish (Indian Horse) (McL. 473, 518). 
689 Moringa pterygosp rma. 

Radish (Smooth Horse) (McL, 518). 
Moringa pterygosperma, 

Radish (Wild Indian Herse) (McL. 478, 
518, adpd). 690 Moringa concanensis. 

Radish (Horse) Tree Family (Br. 67). 
XLI. Moringacez (Order). 

Radish (Horse) Tree (Bed. 2/86) (1s/T/ 
810) (Gbl. 224) (Bdn/E.t) (Br. 67) 
(Ell. 395) (PA. 290) (Nie. 2/348) (Caz. 
180) (Cat. +60) (Rid. 141, 141). 689 
Moringa pterygosperma, 

lxvilil. Garci- 


3208 | 


3088 | Radishes (Horse) (McL. 1005). XLI. 
Moringacez (Order). 

Radix-colombe (Rox. 3/810). 92 
Jateorhiza Calumba. 

Rafterwood (Mc. 308, adpd). 2550 

Cleistanthus collinus, 

Ratter (Speckle Barked) Wvod (Mch. 
587, adpd). 2550 = Cleistanthus 

Rag (White) Plant (McL. 516). 
Musszenda frondosa. 

Rage Apple (McL. 107). 2084 Solanum 

Ravhota Caper (McL. 125). 
is grandis 

Raglan (Lord) Rose (Cag. 594) (Ru/O/21) 
(Po). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (coccinea-puniceo-suffusa mar- 

Ragweed (Nic. 3/420) (S. 397). 
Senecio (genus). 

Ragweed (Common Fleshy) (Hk. 3/337, 
adpd). 1628 Notonia grandiflora. 

Ragweed (Long branched Fleshy) (Hk. 
3/337, adpd). 1625 Notonia Walkeri. 

Ragweed (Stiff downed Fleshy) (Hk. 
3/337, adpd). 1624 Notonia balsamica 

Ragweed (Auricle leaved) Climber (Hk. 
3/352, adpd), 1629 Senecio scandens, 

Ragweed (Tailed Heart leaved) Climber 
(Hk. 3/351, adpd), 1627 Senecio 

Rayweed (Woolly Auricle leaved) Climber 
(Hk. 3/352, adpd). 1600 Senecio 

Rayweed (Wolly Heart leaved) Climber 


113 Cappar- 


(Hk. 3/851, adpd), 1628 Senecio 

Ragweed (tleshy) Shrub (Nic. 3/420, 
3/397, Hk. 3/224, adpd). dxxx. 
Notonia (genus). 

Ragweed (H ohenacker’s Pinnatifid 
leaved) Shrub (Hk. 3/345, adpd). 1626 
Senecio Hohenackeri. 

Ragwort (Gbl. 428). dxxxi. Senecio 


Rahoo Seed Tree (Mch. 735, 763). 336 
Eleocarpus serratus. 

Railway Creeper (Cay. 478) (Pr. 2/787). 
2052 [pomeza palmata. 

Rain (.tolden) (8. 183). 

Rainbow Creeper (Mcl. 371, adpd). 
dexeviii. Thunbergia (genus). 

Rainbow (Azure) Creeper (MeL. 371). 
2164 Thunbergia grandiflora. 

Rainbow (‘’ommon Whi*e) Creeper (McL, 
371).  2159-c. Thunbergia fragrans 

Rainbow (Fragrant White) Creeper (McL. 
871). 2159-a. Thuubergia fragrans 

(ty pica). 

744 Laburnum 



Rainbow (Golden Mysore) Creeper (McL. | Rajah Banana (Cag, 206). 3042-d. Musa 

871). 2167-a. Thunbergia mysorensis 
Rainbow (Hawtayne’s Violet) Creeper 

(McL. 871). 2162-a, Thunbergia 
Hawtayneana (typica). 

Rainbow (Hawtayne’a White) Creeper 
(McL. 871). 2162-b, Thunbergia 
Hawtayneana (alba). 

Rainbow (Large flowered) Creeper (McL. 
371). 2164 Thunbergia grandiflora. 

Rainbow (Narrow leaved Azure) Creeper 
(MeL. 871, adpd), 2165 Thunbergia 

Rainbow (Nilgiri White) Creeper (McL. 
371, adpd). 2160 Thunbergia tomen- 

Rainbow (Orange Mysore) Creeper (MclL. 
371). 2167-b. Thunbergia mysorensis 

Rainbow (Orange Winged) Creeper (McL. 
871). 2161-a. Thunbergia alata 

Rainbow (Purple Bracted Blue) Creeper 
(McL. 871, adpd), 2168 Thunbergia 

Rainbow (Red Mysore) Creeper (Mch. 
371). 2167-c. Thunbergia mysorensis 

Rainbow (Scarlet) Creeper (McL, 371). 
2166 Thunbergia coccinea, 

Rainbow (Scentless White) Creeper 
(McL. 371). 2159-b. Thunbergia 
fragrans (levis). 

Rainbow (Shrubby Violet) Creeper (Mech, 
371, adpd). 2163-a. Thunbergia 
erecta (ty pica). 

Rainbow (Skrubby White) Creeper (McL, 
371, adpd). 2163-b. Thunbergia 
erecta (alba). 

Rainbow (White Winged) Creeper (McL. 
Bd) 2161-b, Thunbergia alata 

Rainbow (Wight’s) Creeper (McL. 371, 
adpd). 2168 Thunbergia Wightiana, 
Rainbow (Yellow Winged) Creeper (McL. 

371). 2161 Thunbergia alata. 

Rainbow (Kirk’s East African Violet- 
flowered) Shrub (Nic. 4/32). 2108 (bis.) 
Thunbergia Kirkii. 

Raivbow (Tricuspidate-dentate or Entire 
lance leaved) Shrub. 2168 (bis.) 
Thunbergia Kirkii. 

Rain Tres (Gbl. 310) (Bdn/E.T) (Cat. 
128) (MeL, 736, 1042) (W. 54). 1057 
Enterolobium Saman. 

Rais-madre-de-deos (McL. 1386). 2306 
Gmelina asiatica. 

Raiyati Tree (Cat. 124) (?). 1046 
Albizzia odoratis ima, 

Raiz-de-Cobra (McbL, 374), 2391 

Aristolochia indica. 

sapientum (rubra). 

Rajahmundry (Sandal of the) Circars 
(Rox. 1/444). 2526-b. Santalum album 

Rajaparny (McL. 300). 
Peederia foetida. 

1591 (bis.) 

Rajkela Banana (Cook, 2/742). 3042-d. 
Musa sapientum (rubra). 
Rajmakal Hemp (McL. 367). doexxx. 

Marsdenia (genus), 
Rajmahal (True) Hemp (McL. 367). 
1901 (bis.) Marsdenia tenacissima. 
Rajmahal Hemp of Madras (MeL. 367, 

adpd). 102 Marsdenia Brunoniana. 
Raktaroda ‘(McL. 798). 1695 Maba 

Ralph’s Conkan Melon Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2580 Glochidion Ralphii, 

Rama Toolsy {(McL. 909,999). 2335 Oci- 
mum vratissinum. 

Rama Varma (Bourdillon’s) Fig (Bs/T/ 
600). 2729 Ficus Beddomei. 

Rama’s Areca (McL. 387). 2423 Myris- 
tica macnifica. 

Rama’s Fruit (Mch. 35). 

Rambeh Tree of Malacca (Treas. Bot. 
2/883). decexxvil. Baccaurea (genus). 

Rambler (Crimson) Rose (Nic. 5/647) 
(Ooty. 441). 1085-b. Rosa multiflora 

58 Anona 


Ramboetan (Gbl. 197), 638 Nephelium 

Rambootan (Mc. 744, 994). 6388 

Nephelium la ppaceum. 
Ramhoutan (Bs/T/193) (Hk. 1/687). 6388 
Nephelium lappacenm. 

Ramboutan (Kin) (Hk. 5/374, Treas. Bot. 
2/883). deccxxvii. Baccaurea (genus). 
Ramboutan (Wild) (Hk. 1/687, 690, adpd), 

' 641 Nephelium stipulaceum. 
Rambutan (Bed. 1/74), 638 Nephelinm 


Ramee Fibre (Muell. S.P). 2771-b. 
Boehmeria nivea (tenacissima). 

Ramee Grass (MeL. 170,745). 2771-b., 

Boehmeria nivea (tenacissima). 
Rameshwaram Shoonday (McL, 830, 999), 
2091 Solanum xantt ocarpum, 

Ramie (Bs/T/617) (Gbl. 657). 2771-b. 
Boehmeria nivea (tenaciss:ma), 
Ramkela Banana (Cooke. 2/742). 38042-d, 

Musa sapientum (rubra). 

Ramoon (Rough Leaved) (McL. 876), 
2717 Streblus asper. 

Rampustan (McL. 744). 688 Nephelium 

Rangoon Creeper (8, 353), 
qualis (genus), 

Rangoon Creeper (McL. 384, 749, 995), 
1164 Quisqualis indica, 

edvii, Quis- 


Rangoon (Spinous Pink-flowered) Creeper 
(Hk. 2/460, adpd), 1165 Quisqualis 

Rangoon (White-(night)-changing-to 
crimson-(day)-flowered) Creeper (Hk. 
2/459, adpd). 1164 Quisqnualis indica. 

Rangoon Jasmine (Nic. 3/264) (S. 358, 
359) (Cag. 573) (Br. 75) (Bil. 475) 
(McL, 384, 749) (Rid. 152) (Ru/N/52). 
1164 Quisqualis indica. 

Rangoon Kino (McL. 418, 642, 749). 895 
Pterocarpus macrocarpus, 

Rasnah (MeL. 750, 1001). 
Roxbur ghii. 

Rasoot Shrub (McL. &4), 

Raspberry (8. 376) (Loud), 
Rubus (genus), 

Raspberry (Bed. 1/97) (Nic. 3/276, 331) 
(Ru/N/74) (Ooty. 76) (Mu) (Hod) (8. 
851, 379). 1084 Rubus Ideus, 

Raspberry (fid. 153). 1079 Rubus 

Raspberry (Black) (Muell §.P). 
Rubus lasiocarpus. 

Raspberry (Caucasus) (Hk. 2/888, adpd). 
1081 Rubus purpureus, 

Raspberry (Hill) (McL. 3828). 
Rubus (genus). * 

Raspberry (Hill Red) (McL. 828). 
Rubus molaccanus. 

Raspberry (Himalayan) (McL. 328), i079 
Rubus moluccanus. 

Raspberry (Indian) (McL. 328). ccclxxix, 
Rubus (genus). 

2963 Vanda 
98 Berberis 





Raspberry (indian) (Cat. 1382). 1082 
Rubus lasiocarpus. 
Raspberry (Simple-scabrid-wrinkled- 

Roun dish-lobed-(2-7 )- 


Heart-leaved) (Hk, 2/8380, adpd). 
Rubus moluccanus. 

Raspberry (Trifoliate-shaggy-backed 
Roundish-toothed-leaved Yellow) (Hk. 
2/336, adpd). 1080 Rubus ellipticus. 

Raspberry (Trifoliate-white-backed 
Koundish-heart-bicrenate-leaved) (Hk. 
2/3838, adpd). 1081 Rubus purpureus, 

Raspberry (Yellow) (Muell. 8.P). 1080 
Rubus ellipticus. 

Raspberry (Common) of Europe (Muell. 
8.P). 1084 Rubus Ideeus 

Rasp leaved Fish-bone Climber (Hk, 1/31, 
adpd), 11 Delima sarmentosa, 

Ratadel (McL. 231, 379, 472, 484). 2765 
Artocarpus incisa. 

Ratanhia of the Portuguese (Mch. 751, 
994). 617 Leea sambucina. 

Rat Aumanac (M:L. 55,1000). 
Jatropha glandulifera. 

Ratnagandhy (McL. 742, 995). 
Poinciana (genus). 

Rattan (McL 474, 751) (Bed. 1/228) (Bs/ 
§,/128, NEL). myii. Calamus (genus). 




Rattan (McL, 751). mviii, Demonorops 


Rattan (McL. 1751). mix. Zalacca 

Rattan (Alternately fascicled pinnate 
(Hk. 6/448, adpd). 3210 Calamus 
randisii. ; 

Rattan (Alternately fascicled pinnate 
Dwarf) (Hk. 6/473, adpd). 3222 
Zalacca edulis. 

Rattan (Alternately ternate-pinnate) 
(Hk. » 6/152, adpd), 3212 Calamus 

Rattan (Assam Devil) (Hk 6/462, adpd). 
3217 Deemonorceps Jenkinsianus. 

Rattan (Assamese) (Hk. 6/441, adpd). 
3204 Calamus leptospadix. 

Rattan (Beccari’s Burmese Dwarf) (Hk, 
6/474, adpd). 8223 Zalacca Becearii. 
Rattan (brandis’ Tinnevelly) (Hk. 6/448, 

adpd). 3210 Calamus Krandisii. 

Rattan (Bris! le-ciliate leaved Bispinous- 
rachis) (Hk. 6/445, adpd). 38206 Calam- 
us pseudotennis. 

Rattan (Bristle-ciliate leaved Cnispinous- 
rachis) (Hk. 6/441, adpd). 8205 Calam- 
us rivalis. 

Rattan (Close-set narrow Jeafletted) (Hk. 
6/441, adpd), 8204 Calamus  lepto- 

Rattan (Country) (McL. 473, 624, 7al, 
1001). &209 Calamus Rotang. 

Rattan (Deciduous Boat-shaped spathed) 
(Hk 6/404, adpd), mvyui. Deemonorops 

Rattan (Devil) (Nic. 1/430, adpd). 
Dzemonorops (genus). 

Rattan (Dwarf) (Nic. 4/235, adpd). mix. 
Zalacea (genus). 

Rattan (Equidistantly pinnate Dwarf) 
(Hk. 6/474, adpd). 38228 Zalacca 

Rattan (Flat-black-spined Devil) (Nic. 
1/235). 38219 Demonoreps Draco. 

Rattan (Fork-spined) (Hk. 6/462, adpd). 
8217 Deemonorops Jenkinsianus. 

Rattan (Fringed) (Nic. 1/235). 3216 
Calamus ciliaris, 

Rattan (Gamble’s Nilgiri) (Hk. 6/453, 
adpd). 8214 Calamus Gamblei. 

Rattan (Ground) (MeL, 755). (? 3201) 
3279 Spinifex squarrosus. 

Rattan (Irregularly-fascicled pinnate) 


(Hk, 6/444, adpd), 8207 Calamus 

Rattan (Jenkins’ Devil) (Nic. 1/285, 
5/180, 5/296). 8217 Demonorops 


Rattan (Long leafletted) (Hk, 6/453, adpd). 
3214 Calamus Gamblei-. 

Rattan (Inequidistantly pinnate) (Hk, 
6/442, adpd), 8206 Calamus javensis. 


Rattan (Oppositely-fascicled pinnate) 
(Hk. 6/452, adpd). 3211 Calamus 

Rattan (Persistent Tubular spathed) 
(Hk. 6/404, adpd), mvii, Calamus 

Rattun (Plumed Devil) (Nic. 
3221 Dzemonorops plumosus. 
Rattan (Quinquecostate Long stemmed) 
(Hk. 6/461, adpd), 3215 Calamus 


Rattan (Sea-shore) (Mch. 755, corr). 
3279 Spinifex squarrosus, 

Rattan (Slender) (Mel. 751). 
Calamus Kotang. 

Rattan (Smooth edged 
(Hk. 6/452, adpd). 

Rattan (Softly bristly erect) (Nic. 1/235, 
adpd). 8216 Calamus ciliaris. 

Rattan (Spine-ciliate leaved Unispinous 
Rachis) (Hk. 6/447, adpd). 382u9 
Calamus Rotang. 

Rattan (Stemless Non-flagelliferous 
Persistent Many-spathed) (Hk. 6/404, 
adpd), mix. Zalacca (genus). 

Rattan (Stout-dark-spined Devil) (Nic. 
1/430). 8218 Dzmonorops fissus. 

Rattan (Stout-deflexed-spined Devil) 
(Nic. 1/480). 3220 Daemonorops 

Rattan (Switchy) (Nic. 1/385, adpd). 
3207 Calamus viminalis. 

Rattan (Travancore) (Hk. 6/452, adpd), 
3211 Calamus travancoricus. 

Rattan (Unicostate Erect) (Hk. 6/438, 
adpd). 8203 (bis.) Calamus erectus. 
Rattan (Van-Rheede’s Malabar) (Hk. 
6/452, adpd). 3212 Calamus Rheedii. 
Rattan (Walking-stick) (McL. 751, 1001). 

38207 Calamus viminalis. 

Rattan (Wallich’s Edible Dwarf) (Nic. 
4/285, adpd). 3222 Zalacca edulis. 

Rattan (Water) (McL. 751). 3209 
Calamus Rotang. 

Rattan (Western Ghauts) (Hk. 6/445, 
adpd), 38208 Calamus pseudotenuis. 
Rattan (White-based - black-spined Devil) 
(Nic. 1/480). 38221 Dzmonorops 


Rattan (Wild) (McL. 752, 1¢L). 
Flagellaria indica. 

Rattan Cane (Rid, 111, 265) (Br. 226) (El. 
124) (W. 36, 49, 51, 7§). 3209 Calamus 

Rattan Cane (McL. 751) (Ell. 128). 
Calamus viminalis, 

Rattan (Ground) Cane (N, 3/287) (S. 364) 
(Cat. 831), 3201 Rbapis flabelliformis, 

Rattan Creeper(McL, 752). 3120 Flagel- 
laria indica. 

Rattan Lily (McL, 752, adpd). melxx. 
Flagellaria (genus). 



leaved Nilgiri) 
3213 Calamus 





Rattan Lily Family (McL. 752, adpd), 
CXX. Flagellavia (Order). 

Rattan (Cleft Devil) of Borneo (Nic. 
1/235, 5/180, 4/296). 8218 Demonorops 

Rattan (Common) of South India (Hk, 
6/447, adpd). 3:09 Calamus Rotang, 
Rattan (Palembang Devil) of Sumatra 
(Nic. 1/4280). 8220 Demonorops 


Rattan (Common) of the Northern Circars 
(Hk, 6/447, adpd). 8207 Calamus 

Rat Thorn (MeL. 755). 

8279 Spinifex 

Rattle (Giant’s) (Gbl. 287, adpd). 1003 
Entada scandens, 

Rattlesnake Root (McL. 562). Ixiv, 
Polvgala (genus). 

Rattlewort (McL. 306) (Cag. 607), 

eclxxix. Crotalaria, (genns), 
Rattlewort (Hill) (McL. 306, 994, adpd). 
7(6 Crotalaria aibida. 
Rattlewort (Laburnum leaved) (McL. 309, 
adpd). 737 Crotalaria laburnifolia, 
Rattlewort (Large) (McL. 306, 3809, 994, 
adpd). 737 Crotalaria laburnifolia, 
Rattlewort (Quinquefoliate-(5—7)-small- 
silky-backed Oblance-obtuse leaved) 

‘Hk. 2/85, adpd). 7388 Crotalaria 
Rattlewort (Quinquefoliate-(3-5)-small- 

softly velvetty obovate-cuneate-obtuse 
leaved (Hk. 2/85, adpd). 739 Ciotalaria 

Rattlewort (Short) (McL. 306, 309, 994, 
adpd). 711 Crotalaria retusa. 

Rattlewort (Silky) (McL. 300, 309, 994, 
adpd). 712 Crotalaria sericea. 

Rattlewort (Trifoliate-medium-glabrous 
Membranous oboyate-oblong-obtuse 
leaved (Hk. 2/84,adpd), 736 Crotalaria 

leaved) (Hk. 2/84, adpd), 
via laburnifolia. : 

Rattlewort (Trifoliate-small-loosely- 
downy Membranous  obovate-obtuse 
leaved) (Hk. 2/83,adpd). 734 Crotala- 
ria incana, 

Rattlewort (Trifoliate-small-subglabrous 

(Trifoliate-small- glabrous 
737 Crotala- 

Fleshy-thick obovate-obtuse leaved) 
(Hk. 2/88, adpd). %85 Crotalaria 

Rattlewort  (Trifoliate-very-small-sub- 

glabrous obcordate leaved Subpines- 
cent) (Hk. 2/82, adpd). 732 Crotalaria 
Rattlewort  (Trifoliate-very-small-sub- - 
labrous obovate-oblong-cobtuse leaved) 
(Hk. 2/83, adpd). 733 Crotalaria leyi- 


Rattlewort (Trifoliate-very-small-thinly 
silky-backed obovate- oblong obtuse 
leaved) (Hk. 2/82, adpd). 7381 Crotala- 
ria Notonii. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-long-thinly-mat- 
ted-backed-membranous leafy-stipuled 
oblong leaved) (Hk. 2/77, adpd). 
717 Crotalaria lanata. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-medium-brown- 
silky oblance-obtuse leaved) (Hk. 2/80, 
adpd). 726 Crotalaria fulva. 

Rattlewort ( Unii cliate-s:wall-brown- 
silky Oblance-acute leaved) (Hk. 2/89, 
adpd). 728 Crotalaria lunulata. 

Rattlewort (Unifvliate-medium-brown- 
silky oblong-acute leaved) (Hk. 2/80, 
adpd). 725 ‘\‘rotalaria perfoliata. 

Rattlewort  (Unifvcliate-medium-brown- 
silky obovate-cuneate-obtuse leaved) 
(Hk. 2/80, adpd). 727 Crotalaria pual- 

Rattlewort  (Unifoliate-medium-brown- 
silky Ovate-oblong-obtuse leaved) (1k. 
2/79, adpd). 724 Crotalaria maauren- 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-medium-finely- 
silky-backed leafy-stipuled oblance- 
oblong-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 2/75, adpd). 
712 Crotalaria sericea. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-medium glabrous 
Narrow-linear leaved) (Hk. 2/75, 
adpd). 710 Crotalaria peduncularis. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-medium-silky 
leathery oblong-obtuse leaved) (Hk. 
2/79, adpd). 723 Crotalaria obtecta. 

Kattlewort (Unifoliate- medium - silky 
leathery obovate oblong - snbobtuse 
leaved) (Hk. 2/66, adpd). 716 Crotal- 
aria longipes. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate - medium - silky 
oblance-oblong-subacute leaved) (Hk. 
2/76, adpd). 715 Crotalaria barbata. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate - medium - short- 
downy-backed Leafy-stipuled oblong 
leaved) (Hk. 2/78, adpd). 718 Crotalaria 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-medium-subglab- 
rous Membranous oblong-acute leaved) 

(Hk. 2/78, adpd). 719 Crotalaria 
Rattlewort (Unifoliate-medium-thickly- 

white-downy - backed oblance - oblong- 
acute leavea) (Hk. 2/76, adpd), 713 
Crotalaria Leschenaultii. 

Ra‘tlewort (Unifoliate -medium-thinly- 
silky-ylabrate-membranous linear-lance- 
acute leaved Square- branched) (Hk. 
2/73, adpd) 721 Crotalaria tetragona. 

Rattlewort (On:foliate - medium -thinly- 
silky-membranous lance - acuminate 
leaved Square-branched) (Hk. 2/78, 
adpd). 720 Crotalaria leptostachya. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate - small- densely- 
silky-backed oblance - oblong - ovtuse 


leaved) (Hk. 2/76, adpd), 714 Crotal- 
aria formosa. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-small-puberulent- 
backed oblance-oblong-obtuse leaved) 
(Hk. 2/75, adpd). 711 Crotalaria 

Rattlewor (Unifdliate-small-silky Oboy- 
ate-or-elliptic-obloug-subobtuse leaved 
Wing-stemmed) (Hk. 2/69, adpd). 704 
Crotalaria alata. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-small-thinly-silky 
linear-oblong-subobtuse Jeaved Furrow- 
ed-branched) (Uk. 2/79, adpd). 722 
Crotalaria juncea. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-very-small-crowd- 
ed- densely - brown -silky  Leathery 
oblance-subobtuse leaved) (Hk. 2/81, 
adpd). 729 Crotalaria ramosissima. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-very-sma]l-densely- 
silky linear-oblong-obtuse leaved) (Hk. 
2/73, adpd). 708 Crotalaria speciosa. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-very-small-loosely- 
silky oblance-obtuse Sticky leaved) 
(Hk. 2/61, adpd). 730 Crotalaria 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-very-small-silky- 
leathery Round-obovate-obtuse leaved 
Wing-stemmed) (Hk. 2/69,adpd). 705 
Crotalaria rubiginosa. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-very-small-thinly- 
silky-backed _linear-or-oblance-obtuse 
leaved) (Hk. 2/71, adpd). 706 Crota- 
laria albida. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-vyery-small-thinly- 
silky-backed Obovate - oklong -cunate- 
retuse leaved) (Hk, 2/72 adpd). 707 
Crotalaria tecta. 

Rattlewort (Unifoliate-very-small-thinly- 
shazgy--acked «blance-oblong-subacute 
leaved) (Hk. 2/74, adpd). 709 Crotal- 
aria priestleyoides. 

Rattlewort (Wedge leaved) (MeL. 309, 
adpd). 711 Crotalaria retusa. 

Raul Dammer (McL, 259). 201 Shorea 

Rauvy (McL. 673) 

Kauwolfia (Hoary) 
Rauwolfia canescens. 

Ravanan’s Whiskers (McL. 755). 3279 
Spinifex squarrosus, 

Raven Cardamon (McL, 135). 2991 (bis.) 
Amomnum subulatum. 

Ray Laurel (‘I'reas. Bot. 1/16). declxxxii. 
Actinodaphne (genus). 

Ray-Laurel (Penninerved-subverticillate- 
(4-8)-alternate Long-glaucons-backed- 
golden-silky-glabrate  eiliptic-lance- 
obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 5/149. adpd). 2451 
Actinodaphne madraspatana. 

Ray-Laurel (Penninerved-subverticillate- 
alternate Long-rusty-shagyy-glabrate 
Ovate-eiliptic-lance-acuminate leaved) 
(Hk, 5/149, adpd). 2452 Actinodaphne 

2739 Ficus religiosa. 
(Br. 123). 1816 


Ray-Iaurel (Penninerved-subverticil!ate- 
(4-8)-alternate Medium-leathery-glau- 
cous-backed Linea -lance-or-oblong- 
obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 5/149, adpd), 2453 
Actinodaphne stenophyil. 

Ray-Laurel (Penrinerved-svbverticil!ate- 
(4-8)-alternate Medium-Jeathery-glau- 
cous - backed - rusty -velvetty-glabrate- 
elliptic-lance-acuminate -leaved) (fk 
5/149, adpd). 2450 Actinodaphne lanara. 

Ray Laurel (Penninerved subverticillate- 
(4-8)-alternate Medium leathery glau- 
cous backed Linear-lance-acuminate- 
leaved) (H&. 5/148, adpd). 2448 Actino- 
daphne salicina. 

Ray |.aure) (Penninerved subvertici! late- 
(4-8)-alternate Medium-paperyebrown- 
velvetty-backed-shining  elliptic-lance- 
acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 5/152, adpd). 
2455 Actinodaphne birsuta. 

Ray Laurel (Penninerved s:bverticiilate- 
(4 8)-alternate Small-papery elliptic- 
obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 5/148, adpd). 24:9 
Actinodaphne campanulata. 

Ray Laurel (Triplinerved-subverticillate- 
opposite Smal]l-leathery-ylaucous-backed 
Round-oblong-obtuse-leaved)( tik. 5/158, 
adpd) 2156 Actinodaphne ambigna. 

Rayed (Crimson) Metallic-green Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/373). 3107-j. Cordyline 
terminalis (imperialis). 

Reclining (Chinese) Sago Palm (Nic. 
1/274). 3154 Caryota mitis. 

Recurved-margined (Minute leathery - 
nerveless) Heart-or-ovate-acute-leaved 
Chay-root shrub (Hk. 3/52, adpd). 
1474 Hedyotis buxifolia. 

*Recurved - margined (Swmall- leathery- 
sessile) lance-subacute-leaved Chay- 
root Shrub (H«. 3/51, adpd). 1470 
AHedyotis articularis, 

Recurved - margined (Minute - white- 
cottony-woolly) Narrow-linear-acute- 
leaved Pearly Everlasting (Hk. 3/286, 
adpd). 1613: Anaphalis neelgeriana. 

Recurved-maryined (Very-small-tawny- 
cottony-backed-sessile) Narrow-linear- 
leaved Peariy Everlasting (Hk. 3/286, 
adpd). 1612 Anaphalis marccocens. 

Recurved  thorned linear-(variable) 
leaved Capershrub (Hk. 1/175, adpda). 
110 Capparis diversi’ olia. 

Recurved tipped leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-J. Codizum 
variegatum (volutifolinm). 

Red (Bermuda) Cedar (Gbl. 697). 2820 
Juniperus bermudiana, 
Red Adambo (McL. 5, 998). 2047 

Ipomea biloba. 

Red and Pink Abutilon (Ooty, 205), 218-e, 
Abutilon Darwini (roseflorum). 

Red and Pink Varwin’s Mai:low (Ooty. 
204, Nic. 1/5), 318-e. Abutilon Darwini 

| Red Cedar (McL. 862) (Bed. 1/52, 


Red and Violet Passion Flower (Nic. 3/31). 
1353 Pass flora laurifolia. 

Red-and yellow-striped lipped (Very long 
downy -backed - oblong - lance - leaved) 
Pink-tijped-white-flowered (Galangal 
(lik. 6/256, adpd). 30°8 Alpinia 1 utans. 

Red-and -yellow - striped - spurred-lipped 
( Lance leaved) Greénish- 
white-fluwered Galangal (Hk. 6/256, 
adpd) 3007 Alpiria calcarata. 

Red-backed-Creen-margined Translucent 
Yellow Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Jaf), 2646-Ng. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Dayspring). 

Red Banana (Cag. 20+) (Ooty. 60). 3042-d. 
Musa sapientum (rubra). 

Red Bark (McL. 420) (Muell. SP) (Gbl. 
406) (Ell. 173) (Cat. 167). i445 
Cinchona succirnbra. 

Red Bead Vine (Mch. 360). 810 Abrus 

Red Bean Tree (McL, 226), 817 Erythrina 

Red berried Camphorated Typhus Root 
(L/N/S/B, adpd). 2419 Chloranthus 

Red-bordered Golden -yellow (Green- 
leaved) Indian shot (Caz 384). 3035-J, 
(bis.) Canna orchidiflora (Iberia). 

Red bordered Na:row leaved Dragon Tree 
(Hk, 6/331, adpd). 3107-e. Cordyline 
terminialis (ferrea) 

Red bordered Sessile leaved Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/491). 3104 Draczena marginata. 

Red Box (Maid. C.T). 1181 Eucalyptus 

Red Bussorah Rose (Cag. 591). 
Rosa damasena (typica). 


Ked Carany (McL. 473). 666 Gluta 

Red Cedar (Gbl. 157). exciii. Cedrela 

Red Cedar (Ell, 509). 348 Erythroxylon 
monogyn. m. 

Red Cedar (Bth. 1/387) (Gbl. 157) 
(Bdn/k.T.L) (W. 51). 482 Cedrela 

(Cat. 66). 477 Soymida febrifuga. 

Red Cedar (MeL. 756, 823) (Bed. 2/144) 
(Ell. 19). 1015 Acrocarpus fraxinifolius. 

Red Cedar (W. 52). 2 07  Bischofia 

Red Cedar (Muell S.P) (H/E.F) (Nic. 
2/218) (S. 228, 362). 2822 Juniperus 

Red (bastard) Cedar (Cat. 66). 477 
Soymida febrifuga. 

Red (Darjiling) Cedar (Cat. 116). 
Acrocarpus fraxinifolius. 

Red (Trifoliate) Cedar (McL. 388, adpd). 
2607 Bischofia javanica. 
Red (Virginia) Cedar (GbL 

Janiperus virginiana. 


697). 2822 


Neilgherry Planters 

Red Cedar of the 

(Mcl, 388) (Gbl. 608) (Cat. 352). 
Bischofia javanica. 

Red Cedar of New South Wales (Bth. 
1/387). 482 Cedrela Toona. 

Red-centred (Round) Buckler leaved 
Jack-in-a-box Tree (Nic. 2/138, adpd). 
2474 Hernandia sonora. 

Red Chandanam (McL. 756). 896 Ptero- 
carpus santalinus. 

Red Condray (McL. 208, 847,995). 947 
Cassia margipvata. 

Red Copper Leaf (McL. 465, Ru/N/112, 
adpd). 2666 Acalypha Baroni. 

Red (Crimson blotched) Copper Leaf 
(MeL. 465, Ru/N/112, adpd). 2665-b. 
Acalypha Wilkesiana (Macafeeana). 

Red costate leaved Banana (Cag. 207). 
3042-a, Musa  sapientum (Champa). 

Red Cotton Tree (McL. 234, 473, 484, 704, 
813, 940) (Br. 2)) (Pr. 1/270) (PA. 58). 
259 Bombax malabricum. 

Red Creeper (McL. 651). 558 Ventilago 

Red (Ivory - white- centred) Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu). °646-Od. Codizum 
variegatum (Her Majesty) 

Red (New-Holland) Currant (Treas, Bot. 
1/389). 2371 Deeringia celosioides. 

Red Damask Rose (Nic. 2/320, 325). 
1098-a. Rosa damascena (typica). 

Red Deal of the Baltic (Gbl. 703). 
Pinus sylvestris. 

Red Dholl (MeL. 275), 
indicus (bicolor). 

Red Gruped Climbing Holly (Bs/T/153, 
adpd). cevii. Pyrenacantha (genos). 
Red Ebony of Canara (Gbl. 462, McL. 366, 

adpd). 1720 Dispyros crumensta 

Red Ebony of South India (Gbl. 462, McL. 
366, adpd). 1717 Diospyros Candollei. 

Red (Orange and) False Peacock Flower 
(Nic. 3/176. adpd). 930-c. Czsalpinia 
pulcherrima (discolor) 

Red Fig (McL. 49, 10u0). 

Red-flamed Scarlet-purple(Bronzy-purple- 
leayed) Indian Shot (Cag. 384) 3035 
(bis.)-W. Canna orchidiflora (Plato). 

Red (Greyish-green leaved) flowered 
Almond (Nie. 1/67). 1063-c, Prunus 
Amygdalus (dulcis). 

Red flowered Dyeing Rosebay (McL. 370, 
adpd). 1843 Wrightia coccinea. 

Red (Bracteoled) flowered Hyucinth Bean 
(McL. 236, adpd), 842 Dolichos bracte- 

Red - flowered (Ovate-serrate-glaucoua- 
lesved) Meadow sweet (Nic. 3/474, 
sdpd). 1074 Spirza bella, 

Red flowered Silk Cotton (Bed. 1/28) (Pf. 
16). 259 Bombax malebaricum. 

Red flowered Snake-wood (MchL. 842). 
1811 Rauwolifia serpentina, 

854-b. Cajanus 

2747 Ficus 



Red Gooseberry Balsam Tree (Bs/T/132, 
adpd). clxxii. Bursera (genus). 

Red Gram (MeL. 273). 854 Cajanus 

Red Guava (McL 338) (S. 252) (Cag. 236) 
(Br. 76) (Ooty. 62) (Ell. 465) (PA. 212). 
1 22-b, Psidium Guyava (pomiferum)). 

Red Gum (Bs/T/329) (Ru/N/83, 128, 0/8) 
(Cat. 140). 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 

Red (Creswick) Gum (Bth. 8/202). 1192 
Eucalyptus amygdalina, 

ted (Forest) Gum (Maid. C.T). 1188 
Eucalyptus tereticornis. 

Red (Murray) Gum (Maid. C.T) 
3/241). 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 

Red (New-South Wales) Gum (Bth. 3/245) 
(McL. 756, 995). 1187 Eucalyptus 

Red (Rockingham Bay) Gum (Bth, 3/242). 
1188 Eucalyptus tereticornis. 

Red (West Australian) Gum (Bth. 3/256), 
1171 Eucalyp’us calophylla. : 
Red Gum of Tasmania (Bth. 3/244). 1197 

Eucalyptus Stuartiana, 

Red Gum of the Nilgiris (Bs/T/327). 
1192 Eucalyptus amygdalina. 

Red-hairy Small leaved Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/520, adpd), 1283 Osbeckia 

Red Indian Laburnum (Mcl. 208, 847, 
995, adpd). 947 Cassia marginata, 

Red (Blood-red-and-purple-streaked- 
leaved) Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3065 
Canna discolor. . 

Red (Dark-red-and-purple-ctinted-green- 
leaved) Indian, Shot (Nic. 1/262), 
3026-d. Canna indica (atronigricans). 

Red Indian Tamarisk (McL.* 391). 162 
Tamarix gallica (* articulata). 

Red Iron of New South Wales (Bth. 
2/212). 1195 Eucalyptus leucoxylon. 
Red Jasmine (McL. 644). (?) 1825 Plu- 

meria acutifolia (?) 

Red Jasmine (McL. 384) (Pfl. 141). 2019 
Ivomzea Quamoclit. 

Red Jaumoon (Mcl. 379, 386, 995). 1280 
Eugenia aquea. 

Red Jhow (McL.* 391, 522, 992). 162 
Tamarix gallica (* articulata). 

Red Jovy (McL. 395, 822). 434 Ochna 

Red Jumrool (McL 386). 

Red Iuac Sumach (Mc. 859, 999) (Nic. 
3/300). 662 Rhus succedanea. 

Red (Broad brillant) teaved Dragon Tree 
(Nic 1/374, adpd). 8107-p. Cordyline 
terminalis (Turnere). 

Red Lily Shoe Flower (Br. 17, adpd). 
249-a. Hibiscus liliiflorus (typica). 

Red Mahogany (Maid. OC.T). 1178 
Euca'yptus resinifera. 

Red (New-South Wales) Mahogany (Bth. 

3/245). 1175 Eucalyptus resinifera. 


1230 Eugenia 


Red Mango (McL. 749). Ixviii, Garcinia 

Red Mango (McL. 469). 

Red margined Pagoda Flower (Nic. 3/170, 
adpd)., i827 Plumeria tricolor. 

Red-Memel Pine (Gbl. 703). 2857 Pinus 

Red-midribbed (Yellow-and-red-petioled) 

171 Garcinia 

Creamy-veined Green Croton (Nic. 
6/252) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Bl, Codiwum variegatum (vit- 

Red-midribbed Yellow-centred-margined- 
and-blotched Dark-green Croton (Nic. 
5/251) (Rn/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jat). 
2646-Of. Codizeum variegatum (Broom- 

Red Mulberry of Persia (McL. 367). 
2723 b. Morns alba (atropurptrea), 

Red (‘Vest Indian) Mulberry Tree (MeL. 
1022). 2723-b. Morus alba (atropur- 

Red Mysore Rainbow Creeper (McL. 371), 
2167-c, Thunbergia mysorensis (sangui- 

Red ye (McL. 368) (?). 
ringtonia acutangula (?). 

Red Nauagaisar (McL. 705). 
carpus longifolius, 

Red nerved Betel Nut (Cag. 837, 339, 
adpd), 3127 Dicty osperma rnbrum. 

Red nerved-leaved ovate-petalled Viper 
Dog-vane (Hk. 3/664, adpd), 1859 (bis.) 
Aganosma Calycina. 

Red Oleander (McL. 368) (?), 
ringtonia acutingula (?), 
Red-or-W hite-flowered (Cvate-leaved) 
Sword-Bean (Hk. 2/196, adpd). 880-d. 

Canavalia ensiformis (esculenta). 

Red (\White-backed) Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/32). 1358 Passiflora quadrang- 

Red Pepper (McL. 170) (S. 187). 2094-b. 
Capsicum frutescens (annuum), 

Red Persian Rose (Wag. 591) (Br. 68). 
1098-a, Rosa damascena (typica), 

Red petalled Kambala Tree (Nic. 3/459). 
1321 Sonneratia acida. 

Red-petioled Golden-and-chrome-blotched 
Green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Bid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Rf. Codieum variegatum 

Red Physic Nut (McL. 380). 
Baliospermum axillare, 

Red Poolah (MchL. 227), 

Red (Warscewicz’s) 
Brinjal (ic, 3/458). 

Red (Hill) Kaspberry (McL, 828), 
Rubus moluccanus. 

Red ringed Palm of Manritius (Muell. 
§.P). 3131 Acanthophcenix rubra. 

1275 Bar- 
180 Ochro- 

1275 Bar- 

2594 Breynia 

Prickled White 
2089 Solanum 



Red Rohitacam (MchL. 701, 762, 994). 
570 Rhamnnos Wightii. 

Red (Provence) Rose (Mob, 322). [1100 
Sphalm! 1099-b. Rosa centifolia (pro- 

Red (False) Sandal (McL. 757). 
Adenanthera pavonina, 

Red Sandal Wood (McL. 756) (Ell. 469) 
(Pfil, 421). 896 Pterocarpus santali- 

Red Sanders (Bed, 1/83) (Bs/T/240) 
(Bs/3/115, CPT. 132, CDP. 126, NEL) 
(Gbl. 259) (MeL. 9, 473, 995) (Ell. 469) 
(Cat. 95) (W. 114,117, 128, 124, 127). 
896 Pterocarpus santalinus, 

Red (False) Sanders (McL. 472, 756, 995): 
1004 Adenanthera pavonina. 

Red Screwpine (McL, 367) (?). 
inda citrifolia (?). 

Red Semul (MeL. 234). 

Red Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/142) (Br. 16) 
(Ra/N/77) (Jaf). 244-a. Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (ty pica). 

Red (Double) Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/142) 
(Br. 16) (Ru/N/77) (Jaf). 244, 
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (rubra-plena), 

Red-shoot Corallita (Nic. 1/88). 2385-c. 
Antigonon leptopns (amabilis). 

Red Silk Cotton (McL, 234) (Cat. 29). 
259 Bombax malabaricum, 

Red Silky Oak (Maid. C.T). 
carpus salionus. 

Red Solah (McL, 805). 

Red (Scanty) Spined Bourbon Palm (Nie. 
2/287, adpd). 3194 Livistona olive- 

Red-spotted Salphur-yellow (Green-leav- 
ed) Indian hot (Cag, 34). 8085 
(bis )-g. Canna crebidifiora (Kronos). 

Red-spotted White Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/31). 1352 Passiflora holosericea, 

Red-spotted-yel!ow (mall-leathery ellip- 
tic-acute-leaved) Corkscrew Rose-bay 
of China (Nic. 3/520,adpd), 1848 Stro- 
phanthus divergens. 

Red-streaked-leaved Banana (Cag. 379, 
adpd), 3042-e, Musa  sapientum 

Red-stemmed Lobed White-flowered 
Prickly Nightshade (Nic. 3/455, S. 407, 
adpd). 2089 Solanum Warscewiczii. 

Red-streaked Yellow Brasiletto Climber 
(Hk. 2/258, adpd). 9388 Mezoneurum 

Red-streaked (Medium-folioled) Yellow 
Brasiletto Climber (Hk. 2/258, adpd). 
938-b. Mezoneurum cucullatum 

Red Sweet Poteto (McL. 713). 
Ipomea digitata, 


1554 Mor- 

259 Bombax 

2489 Steno- 
780 Seshania 



Red Tamarind (MoL. 840) (?). 1046 
Albizzia oderatissima, 
Red Tamarisk (McL.* 391). 
gallica (4 articulata). 
Red Tanakk (Mcb. 875). 

carpus Jacquini. 

Re |-to-bronz y-leaved Deep-crimson 
Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262).  3026-e. 
Canna indica (Bihorel'i). 

Red (Heart leave?) Trumpet Creeper 
(Cag. 454). 21386 Macfadyena uncir- 

Red Tsiela (MeL. 952). 
sqnarrosa (?). 

Red-tubulose (Clustered) flowered Quas- 
sia (Nic. 3/262). 426 Quassia amara. 

Red-veined Crimson Croton (Nic. 1/351) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Sf. 
Codieum variegatum Cooperi). 

Red-velvetty-backed-leaved Black Var- 
nish (Hk. 2/38, adpd). 680 Holigarna 
Bed !omei. 

Red Vine McL. 32). 

Red Wood (McL. 736). 

Red Wocd (McL. 756, 762). 

Red Wood (Ell. 504) (Pf. 489). 

~ Soymida febrifuga. 

Red Wood (Mech. 756) (Bed. 2/46) (Cat. 
113) (Pf. 385). 1004 Adenanthera 

Red Wood (McL. 16). 

162 Tamarix 

1166 Gyro- 

434 Ochna 

596 Vitis indica. 
348 Erythroxylon 

467 Amoora 

1420 Alangium 

Red (Andaman) Wood (Rox. 3/286) 
(W.A.1) (Bs/T'/239) (Gb. 257) (Pr. 
1/412). 898 Pterocarpus dalbergi- 

Red (Andaman) Wood (MchL, 4738, 642, 
756) (Bed. 2/23). [894 Sphalm] 898 
Pterocarpus dalbergioides. 

Red (Asiatic) Wood (Br. 44). 575 Colu- 
brina asiatica. 

Red (Californian Evergreen) Wood (Nic. 
3/420. 2827 Sequoia sempervirens. 

Red (Coromandel) Wood (Meu. 229, 756, 
862). 477 Soymida febrifuga. 

Red ({ndian) Wood (McL, +63, 756, 862) 
(Gbl. 155). 477 Soymida febrifuga. 

Red (Indian) Wood (Mech. 756). 
Pterocarpus santalinus. 

Red (Malay) Wood (Mech. 463, 469, 793, 
993). 460 Sandoricum indicum. 

Red (Travancore) Wood (McbL. 756) 
(Bdn/F.T). 666 Gluta travancorica. 

Red (Trincomalee) Wovd (McL. 922). 
307 Berrya Ammonilla. 

Red Wood of California (Muell. 8.P) 


(H/E.F) (Gbl. 750) (S. 398). 2827 
Sequoia sempervirens. 
Red Wood Tree (McL. 783). 929 Ceesal- 

pinia Sappan. 
Red Wooded Fig Tree (Br. 200) (Ell. 288). 
2757 Ficus glomerata. 



Reddening Cherry Nutmeg Tree (McL, 
281, adpd). 47 Polyalthia rufescens, 
Reddish-backed (Green-tuted) White 
sepalled Torch Thistle (Nic. 1/399). 

1371 Cereus hexagonus. 

Reddish-' rown-showy-flowered (Elliptic- 
leathery-leaved) Brazilian Loose-strife 
(Nic. 2/230, adpd). 1309 Lafoénsia 

Reddish-crimson (Narrow) leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 1/874, adpd).  3107-K. 

Cordyline terminalis (Jamesii), 
Rediish-vellow-flowered (Scabrous Ovate- 
acute-leaved) Lantana (Br. 163, adpd), 
2276 Lantana mista, 
Reed (Bamboo) (MchL. 70).  38304c. 
Bambusa arundinacea (orientalis). 
Reed. (Buffalo) (McL. 10#), 32838 Sac- 
chartm spontaneum. 

Reed (Common) (Nic. 5/591). 3291 
Phragmites Karka. 
Reed (Elephant) (Bed. 1/229). 6316 

Teiaostachyum Wightii. 

Reed (European Samboo) (Muell, S.P), 
3287 Arundo Donax. 

Reed (Flowering) (McL. 864). 38026 
Canna indica. 

Reed (Great) (Nic. 5/597). 
mites Karka. 

Reed (Great) (Nic. 1/118). 

Reed (Hill) (Bed. 1/229), 3297 Arundi- 
naria Wightiana. 

3291 Phrag- 
3287 Arundo 

Reed (Indian) (S. 218). 38026 Canna 
Reed (Juicy) (MeL. 857), 8282 Sac- 

eharum officingrvm. 

Reed (Mediterranean) (Nic. 1/118). 3289 
Arundo Pliniana. 
Reed (Mvenshee) (Mech. 518). 3284 

Saccharum arundinaceum. 

Reed (Pen) (Mch. 518). 8284 Saccharum 

Reed (Sugar) (Mch. 857). 3282 Sac- 
cbarum officinarum 

Reed (Thornless) (Bed. 1/229). 3306 
Oxytenanthera Thwaitesii. 
Reed (Water) (Nic. 5/85). MXXXVii. 

Arundo (genus). 

Reed (Bristly-decurreut-auricled Slend- 
er) Bamboo (Hk. 7/419, adpd). 383820 
Ochlandra Beddomei. 

Reed (Bristly-decurrent-avricled Slender) 
Bamboo (Hk. 17/426, adpd) (3320-see 
note). 3322 Ochlandia setigera. 

Reed (Bristly stemmed Slender) Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/419, adpd). 33819 Ochlandra 

Reed (Glabrous leaved Slender) Bamboo 
(Bs/!/s84, adpd). 3324 Ochlandra 

Reed (Long-liguled Stout) Bamboo (Hk. 
7/420, Bs/T/684, adpd). 3323 Ochlan- 
dra Brandisii, 


Reed (Longer internoded Stout) Bamhoo 
(Hk. 7/419, adpd), 3321 Ochlandra 

Reed (Shorter internoded Stout) Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/418, adpd). 3318 Ochlandra 

Reed Grass (S. 36, 362). 
Arundo (genus). 

Reed Grass (Gbl. 


742), 8287 Arundo 


Reed (New-Zealand Silvery) Grass 
(S. 37, 111, 401). 3288 Arundo con- 

Reed (Pen) Grass (Hll. 487). 3284 
Saccharum arundinaceom. 

Reed Mace (Nic. 4/118) (S. 442). m-xxii, 

Typba (genus). 

Reed Mace (Mch. 288). 3248 Typha 


Reedy (Long internoded) Bamboo (Hk, 
7/418, adpd). mxlix. Ochiandra 

Reedy Sugar Cane (McL. 484, 811, 856, 
1002, adpd). 3284 Saccharum arundi- 

Reetah (Mch, 844), 
edule. : 

Reetah (MeL. 757, 843). 634 Sapindus 

Reflexed petalled Giant Swallow-wort 

627 Hrioglossum 

(Hk. 4/17, adpd). 1882 Calotropis 

Reine-blanche Rose (Nic. 5/646) (tod). 
1099-d. Rosa _ centifolia (muscosa- 

Reine-de-Portugal Rose (Cag. 601) 

(Ru/N/91, 0/22) (Hod) (Po). 1105-g. 
Rosa odorata (aurea-zneo-sutiusa). 
Reine du Midi Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod), 
1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 
Reine-Marie-Henriette Rose (Ru/O/22). 
1105-0. Rosa odorata (punicea). 

Rendeletiawort (Asiatic) (Nic. 
cdlxxxvi. Wendlandia (genus). 

Rennes (Triomphe de) Rose (Nic. 3/325) 
(Cag. 603) (Hod). 1108-1, Rosa Noiset- 
tiana (odorata-aurea). 

Repand leaved Tree Vine (Bch, 751, 
adpd). 618 Leea cinerea. - 

Repand Woolly Heart Vine (Mch. 569, 
adpd), 589 Vitis repanda, 

Repandly-crenulate- hirsute lance-ovate- 
obtuse-leaved Spear Flower (Nic. 1/109, 
adpd). 1668 (bis.) Ardisia crenulata. 

Repentance (Herb of) (S. 198). 370 
Ruta graveolens (angustifolia). 

Reree (Indian) Plant {(McL. 288), 3249 
Typha angustata. 

Résal (Madame-Eugéne) Rose 
5/618) (Mu. 57). 



1103-g. Rosa indica 

849 — 

Reshmi Orange (Bon, 54). 419-b, Citrus 
Aurantinm-crenatifolia (lycopersicze- 

Resin (Animé) (Nic. 3/164). 976 Hymen- 
zea, Courbaril, 

Resin (Concany) (McL. 259).  489-b. 
Boswellia serrata (glabra). 

Resin (Country) (Mech. 259).  439-b. 
Boswellia serrata (glabra). 

Resin (Indian) (McL., 259). 439-b, Bos- 

wellia serrata (glabra). 

Resin-leaf Tree (Bed. 1/134-3, Nic. 3/285). 
di. Seyphiphora (genus). 

Resin (Kaladanah) Plant (MeL, 408). 
2020 Ipomeea hederacea. 

Resin (Mauritius Elemi) Plant (MeL. 287, 
492), 446 Canarium commune. 

Resin (Ladanam) Shrub (Muell. 3-P). 
125 Cistus polymorphus. 

Resin seed Family (McL. 1006). XI. 
Pittosporacez (Order). 

Resin-seed (Buchanan’s) (Ooty. 337, 
adpd). 153 Pittcsporum Buchanani. 
Resin-seed (Compound Corymbed Yellow 
flowered) (Hk. 1/199, adpd). 150 

Pittosporum floribundum. 

Resin-seed (Jasmine scented) (Nic. 3/154, 
adpd), 158 Pittcsporum viridiflorum. 
Resin-seed (Kirk’s) (Ooty. 334, adpd), 

145 Pittosporum Kirkii. 

Resin-seed (Membranous-wing-girt-seed- 
ed (Nic. 5/437), xii. Hymenosporum 

Resin-seed (Simple corymbed Yellow 
flowered) (Hk. 1/198, adpd). 149 
Pittosporum nilghirense. 

Resin-seed (Thin leaved) (Ooty. 335, adpd). 
156 Pittosporum tenuifolium. 

Resin-seed (Umbelled Yellow flowered) 
(Hk. 1/198, adpd). 148 Pittosporam 

Resin-seed (Woolly-branched Corymbose 
White flowered) (Hk. 1/199, adpd). 
151 Pittosporum dasycaulon. 

Resin-seed (Clustered White flowered) of 
Australia (Nic. 8/154, adpd). 157 
Pittospsrum undulatum. 

Resin-seed (Panicled Urange-centred- 
yellow flowered) of Australia (Nie. 
5/437, adpd), 47 Hymenosporum 

Resin-seed (mbelled Purple flowered) of 
New-Zealand (Nic. 3/153, adpd). 154 
Pittosporum crassifolium. 

Resin-seed (Purple and Yellow flowered) 
of Tasmania (Bth. 1/113). 152 Pittos- 
porum bicolor. 

Resin-seed (Panicled Yellow-green flower- 
ed) of the Cape (Nic. 3/154, adpd). 158 
Pittosporum viridiflorum 

Resin-seed shrud (Nic, 3/153). 
Pittosporum (genus). 

Ixiii. - 


Resin-tipped (Large Round-elliptic-obtuse- 
leaved) Cape Jasmine (Hk. 3/116, adpd). 
1506 Gardenia latifolia, 

Resin-tipped (Medium-to-long  elliptic- 

Cape Jasmine (Hk. 
3/116, adpd). 1504 Gardenia lucida. 
Resin-tipped (Small-leathery cbcvate- 

obtuse-leaved) Cupbearer «Tree of Salt- 


swamps (Hk. 3/125, adpd), 1516 
Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea. 
Resin-tipped (Small-leathery obovate- 

obtuse-or-acute-leaved) Cape Jasmine 
(Hk. 3/116, adpd). 1505 Gardenia 

Resin (Coapinole) Tree 
976 Hymenza Courbaril. 

Resin (Cumby) Tree (Mch. 268). [1504 
Sphalm] 1505 Gardenia gummifera. 

Resin (True Kast India Tacamahaca) Tree 
(Mch. 705). 183 Calophyllum Wig):ti- 

Resinous-branched (Penninerved-opposite 
Medium-papery elliptic-ovate-lance- 
acuminate-leaved) Mercury (Hk. 5/437, 
adpd). 2680 Mallotus stenanthus, 

Resinous Cape Jasmine (Mch. 124, 263, 
296, 300, 996, adpd). 1504 Gardenia 

(Muell. S.P). 

Reticulated (Golden) Honeysuckie (Nic. 
2/297). 1434-b. Lonicera reticulata 


Retuse leaved Mountain Ebony (Mch. 472 
520,adpd). 993 Bauhinia retusa. 

Réve d’or Rose (Nic. 3/825) (Ku/N/96) 
(Cag. 602), 1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana 

Reversed-budded Spear Flower (Hk. 
3/512, adpd). dli. Antistrophe (genus). 

Revolute leaved Black Plum (MeL. 379, 
adpd). 1248 Eugenia revoluta, 

Revolute-margined (Golden-yellow-cen- 
tred) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Sa. Codizum variegatum (Moore- 

Reyya (McL. 314). 

Rhea (Bs/T/617) (Cat. 299 (Pr. 2/964.) 
(MeL. 170, 759) (Ooty.11). 2771-a. 
Boehmeria nivea (candicans). 

,Rheea Fibre (Muell. S.P). (Cat. 299). 
2771-a. Boohmeria nivea (candicans). 
Rheede’s Bamboo (Mch. 69). 3318 

Ochlandra Rheedii. 

Rheede’s Berry Bamboo (Mch. 69, 1002, 
corr). 8318 Ochlandra Rheedii, 

Rhetsa (McL. 478, 759, 993). 384 Zan- 
thoxylum Rhetsa. 

1807 Woodfordia 

Rhinacanthus (Common) (Br, 276). 2268 
Rhinacanthus communis. 

Rhinoceros Blood (McL. 282). 38219 
Demonorops Draco. 

Rhinoceros Blood (Mch, 282). 3099 

Draczna Draco, 


Rhododaphné of the Greeks (McL. 302). 
[1844 Sphalm] 1845 Nerium Oleander, 

Rhododendron (8. 866) (Nic. 3/291). 
clxli. Rhododendron (genus). 

Rhododendron (Common) (Gbl. 434). 1645 
Rhododendron arboreum (nilgirica), 

Rhododendron (Indian) (Cag. 597) (Ell, 
367) (Pf. 270). 1288 Melastoma mala- 

Rhododendron (Neilgherry) (McL. 472, 
584, 997). 1645 Rhodvudendron arbo- 
reum (nilugirica). 

Rhododendron (Large Hvyergreen) of 
India (S. 867). 1645 Rhododendron 

Rhododendron of the Greeks (McL. 302). 
[1844 Sphalm] 1845 Nerium Olender, 

Rhododendron Senna (Treas. Bot. 1/178, 
adpd). cccliv. Brownea (genus). 

Rhododendron (Paripinnate-(12-16) Ob- 
long-lance-acuminate-leaved) Senna 
(Nic. 1/218, adpd). 979 Brownea 

Rhododendron (Paripinnate-(24-26) oblong 
lance-cuspidate-leaved) enna (Nie. 
1/215, adpd). 981 Brownea grandiceps. 

Rhododendron (Paripinnate-(4-6) Oval- 
oblong-acuminate-leaved) Senna (Nic. 
1/215, adpd). 980 Brownea coccinea, 

Rhodon-hekatontaphullon of the Greeks 
(Mcl, 221). 1099 Rosa centifolia, 

Rhomb leayed Morning Mallow (Rox. 
3/177, adpd). 216 Sida rhombifolia. 

Rhomb (Harsh) leaved Morning Mallow 
(Hk. 1/824, adpd). 216-a, Sida rhombi- 
folia (scabrida). 

Rhomb (Narrow) leaved Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/176, adpd). 216-c. Sida, 
rhombifolia (rhomboidea). 

Rhomh-leaved Poon (Hk. 1/275, adpd). 
183 (bis.) Calophyllum trapezifolium. 

Rhombic-lance-obtuse-leaved (Penninery- 
ed-opposite Medium-leathery-shining) 
Mercury (Hk. 5/486, adpd). 2679 
Mallotus muricatus., 

Rhombic-ovate-acuminate-leaved (Triple- 
neryed-alternate Short-tawny-downy) 
Mercury (Hk. 5/444, adpd), 2686 
Mallotus repandus. 

Rbomboid - elliptic - crenulate-acuminate 
leaved (Long-shagey Seven-(7-prs)- 
nerved) Conehead (Hk. 4/460, adpd). 
2205 Strobilanthes Andersonii. 

Rhomboid-lance-cbtuse-mucronate leayed 
Deep-blue Bubble Pea (Nic. 2/104, 
adpd). 699 Hovea Celsi. : 

Rhomboid-lance-acute-leaved (Medium- 
downy-nerved) Bracted Blue-flowered 
Justicewort (Hk. 4/544, adpd). 2269 
Ecbolium Linnzanum. 

Rhomboid leaved Fig (McL. 45, 478, 1000, 
adpd), 2724 Ficus gibbosa, 


Rhomboid (Parasitic) leaved Fig (McL. 

49,1000, sdpd). 2724-a. Ficus gibbosa 

Rhomboid (Subserrate) leaved Fig (MeL, 
49,1000, adpd), 2724-b. Ficus gibbosa 

Rhomboid (Tall) leaved Fig (McL. 49, 473, 
1000, adpd). 2724-c. Ficus gibbosa 

Rhomboid-or-hastate (Prickly-branched 
Quinquefoliate) leaved Coral Tree (Ol. 
2/182, adpd). 823 Erythrina Hur eana. 

Rhomboid Trifoliate Tick Trefoil (McL. 
813, adpd). 804 Desmodium scalpe. 

Rhous of the Greeks (MeL, 859). celviii. 
Rhas (genus). 
Rhubarb (Indian) (McL. 923). . 2046 

Ipomcea Turpethum. 
Rhubarb Juice Tree 
Garcinia Morella, 

(McL. 299). 

Rhynchospermum (S, 868) (Cag. 499) 
(Ru/N/56). 1863 ‘Trachelospermum | 

Ribbed (Golden) and Stalked Mauritius 
Palm (Nic. 2/237). 3225 Latania 

Ribbed Nibble-tipped Feather Palm (Rox. 
3/623, adpd). 3132 Pinanga Dicxsonii. 

Ribbon Grass (Cag. 321) (au/N/1i3) 
(Mu. 50), 3287-b. Arundo Donax 

Ribwort Hare’s-ear (Hk. 2/674, adpd). 
1385 Bupleurum plantagineum, 

Rice (Cabovl) (McL. 111). 1661 Embelia 

Rice Grain Jasmine (McL. 139). 
Gynocardia odorata. \ 
Rice-grained Bamboo “(Hk. 7/9, advd). 

mxliv. Bambusa (genus). 
Rice-grained (Monadelphous) Bambuo 
(Hk. 7/9, adpd). mxly. Oxytenanthera 



Rice-grained (Triandrous) Bamboo (Hk. 
7/9,  adpd). wmxliii, Arundinaria 

Rice Paper Plant (Nic. 2/8) (S. 369) 

(Bs/T/347) (Br. 95) (Cag. 547) (Rid. 43) 
(Muell. S.P). 1895 Fatsia papyrifera. 
Rice (Chinese) Paper Plant (S. 164) (Gbl. 
381). 1395 Fatsia papyrifera. 
Rich-crimson (Bright-green-and-black- 
spotted) Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ef. Codizom- 
variegatum (pictum). 
Rich-gold-centred Bright-green Croton 
(Nic. 1/852) (4iu/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Rd. Codizwum variegatum (Dodg- 

Rich-green (Crimson-backed) Undulated 

Croton (Nic. 1/3855) (BRu/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ah. Codizenm varie- 
gatum (Williamsi), 


174 | 

INDEX. 851 

Rich-green (Crimson-midribbed Yellow- 
centred) Croton (ttu/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Uc. Codizwum variegatum 
(nobilis Jacksoni). 

Rich-green (Golden-yellowsveinedeand- 
margined) Croton (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Eb. Codizenum 
variegatum (medium variegatum). 

Rich-green (lemon-yellow-veined-and- 
blotched) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 

(Jaf), 2646-Ac. Codizum yariegatum 
Rich-green (Light - yellow - and - rosy- 

blotchea) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Fb, Codizsum variegatum 

| Rich-yellow (Green-maturing-fiery-crim- 

son-blotched) Croton (Nic. 1/855) (Bu/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf),  2646-Se. 
Codizeum variegatum (Macfarlanei). 

Rich-yellow-midribbed - and- irregularly- 
suffused Bright-green Croton (Nic. 
1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Sb. Codizum variegatum (Wil- 

Richard’s African Mountain Ebony (Br. 

1001 Bauhinia Richardiana. 

64, adpd). ee 

Richard’s Banhinia (Br. 64). 
hinia Richardiana. 

| Richardson (William Allen) Rose (Nic. 

3/325) (Mu. 56) (BRu/N/95). 1108-1. 
Rosa Noisettiana (odorata-aurantiaca). 
Rich-velvetty-deep-bottle-green (Whitish- 
striated-and - blotchy - veined) Dumb 
Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264-e. Dieffenbachia 
Seguine (splendens). : 

Kidge-septate (Imparipinnate-(7-9)-me- 
dinm-woolly-glabrate elliptic-cuspidate- 
leayed Rosy) Trumpet Tree (Hk. 4/381, 
adpd). 2188 Heterophragma Roxbur- 

Right-imbricate Scammony Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/2, adpd). dexvili. Secamone 

Rigid branched Melon Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2586 Glochidion rigidum. 
Rigid leaved Australian Bottle-brush 
(Bth. 3/14, adpd). 1211 Callistemon 


Ring-coronet (Large 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/3, adpd). 
Holostemma (genus), 

Ring-coronet (Leafless Whitish-tlowered) 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/3, adpd). 
dexxviii. Sarcostemma (genus). 

Ring-coronet (Medium-leathery-glaucous- 
backed Linear-to-round-Heart-acumin- 
ate leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/24, 
adpd). 1890 Cynanchum Callialata. 

Ring-coronet (Medium-membranous Long 
heart-acuminate-leaved) Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/21, adpd). 1887 Holostemma 
Rheedii. ; 

Purple- flowered) 


Ring-coronet (Small-dowsny-glabrate 
Ovate - ‘to - linear - heart-acute-leaved) 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/23, adpd). 1888 
Cynanchum alatum. 

Ring-coronet (Small-papery-glabrate 
Ovate-heart-acuminate leaved) Swal- 
low-wort (Hk. 4/23, adpd). 189 
Cynanchum paucifiorum. 

Ring-coronet -(Small White-flewered) 
Swallow-wort (Hk.,4/3, adpd). dexsvii. 
Cynanchum (genus), 

Ringed (Spiny stemmed) Feather Palm 

(Muell. S.P, Nic. 1/8, adpd). 31381 
Acanthopheenix rubra, 
Ringed (White) Greyish-green Solid 

Bamboo (Gbl. 746). 

Ringed (Red) Palm of Mauritius (Muell. 
S.P). 3131 Acanthophcenix rubra. 

Ringworm Plant (MeL. 155). 94% Cassia 

Ringworm Root (McL. 384). 
canthus communis. 

Ringworm shrub (Br. 61) (Rid. 113) 
(Cag. 622) (Bu/O/30) (Ell. 149) (Pa. 
450) (McL. 10). 957 Cassia alata. 

Rintah (McL. 757). 684 Sapindus 

Rio-Grande Trumpet Flower Tree (Cag. 
453). 2143 Bignonia megapotamica. 
Risso’s Bigaradier 4 feuille de myrte 
(Bon. 58). 420-a. Citrus 


Risso’s Bigaradier chinois (Bon. 
421-b. Citrus japonica (Hazara). 

Ritchie’s Climbing Indian Linden (Hk. 
1/389, adpd). 322 Grewia umbellifera. 

River Box (Maid. C.T). 

River Cork (McL. 844). 

River Ebony (MchL. 303, adpa). 
Diospyros Embryopteris. 
River Paulay (McL. 664, 945). 

tetras perma. 

River Portia (Mch, 144, 473, 712). 
Trewia nudiflora. 

River Saul (McL, 531) (?). 
alia Arjuna (?). 

River Small leavyed Featherfoil (MclL. 
587, adpd). 2560 Phyllanthus Lawii. 
Rivina (Smooth) (Br, 183), 2384 Rivina 


Rivoire (Antoine) Rose (Ru/N/94\ (Mu. 
54). 1105-j. Rosa odorata (carnea). 
Robber Thorn (Bdn/F.T.L). 1037 Acacia 


Roberts (Lady) Rose (Ru/N/95). 1105-m. 
Rosa odorata (armeniaca-aurantio- 

Robust Humming-bird Tree (Cag. 539). 
1490 Hamelia spherocarpa. 

Robust Seaforth Palm (Rid, 264, adpd). 
8141 Rhopalostylis Baueri. 

3301 Bambusa 

2268 Rhina- 


787 Aschnomene 
2797 Salix 

1149 Termin- 


Robust (Mountain) Tiger’s milk (Hk. 
5/474) (McL. 892, adpd). 2708 Exca- 
caria robusta. 

Robast (Copious blossomed) Wax flower 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/644, adpd). 1835 
Tabernzemontana Heyneana. 

Robust (Scanty blossomed) Wax-flower 

Dog-bane (Hk. 3/643, adpd). 1834 
Tabernzmontana dichotoma. 
Robust Wood Apple (McL. 1025). 

(? 400) 399 Limonia alata. 
Robuster Green-leayed Grass Nettle (Hk. 

5/577). 2771-b. Boehmeria nivea 

Rock Dammer (McL. 259), Ixxxiii. Hopea 

Rock (Burmese) Dammer (McL. 249, 
adpd). 202 (bis.) Hopea odorata. 

Rock Platain (McL. 364). 3026 Canna 

Rock Rose Family (Nic. 1/3831) (L/N/S/ 
B). IX. Cistacesze (Order). 

Rock Rose (Nic. 1/331) (S. 99, 371) 
(Rid. 52). xlix. Cistus (genus). 

Roek (Cretan) Rose (Nic. 1/382) (S. 99). 
{25 Cistus polymorphus. 

Rock (Garden) Rose (Nic. 2/125). 
Helianthemum vulgare. 


| Rock (Montpelier) Rose (Nie. 1/382). 


1185 Eucalyptus | 

127 Cistus monspeliensis. 

Rock (Spanish White) Rose (Nic. 1/332). 
124 Cistus albidus. 

Rockspray (Nic. 5/262). 
Cotoneaster (genus). 

Rockingham-Bay Blue Gum (Bth, 3/242). 
1188 Eucalyptus tereticornis. 

Kockingham-Bay Red Gum (Bth. 3/242). 
1188 Eucalyptus tereticornis. 

Rod (Aaron’s) (Bdn/L). 2284 Stachytar- 
pheta indica. 

Rogue (King) (McL. 262). 2098 Datura 

Rohan (Prince Camille de) Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-e. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (atrosanguinea- 

Rohan Tree (Mcl. 473, 484, 562, 862). 
477 Soymida febrifuga. 

Rohiny (McL. 762). 467 Amoora Rohi- 

Rohira (McL. 762). 467 Amoora Rohi- 

Rohitacam (Fever) (Mcl.. 762, 
467 Amoora Rohituka. 

Rohitacam (Red) (McL. 701, 762, 994). 
570 Rhamnus Wightii. 

Rohitacam Tree (McL. 472, 484,756, 762, 
993). 467 Amoora Rohituka. 

Roland (Madame) Rose (Ru/N/93, O/21) 
(Mu. 53), 1107-e. Rosa hybrida-sem- 

perflorens (argenteo-carnea-roseo- 




Rolande (Clotilde) Rose (Rua/N/94, 0/19) 
(Hod). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (carnea-roseo-sufiusa). 

Roman Laurel (McL, 1041). 2443 
Laurus nobilis. 

Romans (Balaustium of the) (McL. 80). 
1322 Punica granatum, 

Romans (Castus of the) (Mch. 596). 

2808 Vitex trifolia. 

Romans (UCeraunia of the) (McL. 181), 
978 Ceratonia Siliqua. 
Romans (Fistula of the). 946 Cassia 


Romans (Malum-cotonsum of the) (MeL. 
79). 1111 Cydonia vulgaris. 

Romans (Malum-insanum of the) (McL. 
107). 2084 Solanum melongena. 

Romans (Persica of the) (McL, 
1064 Prunus persica. 

Romans (Panicum-granitum of the) 
(MeL. 80). 1332 Punica granatum. 
Romans (Panicum-malum of the) (McL, 

30). 1322 Punica granatum, 

Romans (Sanguis-draconis of the) (Mch. 
282). #8099 Draczena Draco. 

Romans (Sanguis-draconis of the) (McL. 
282). 3219 Demonorops Draco. 

Romans (Vitis-sativa of the) (McL. 31). 
595 Vitis vinifera” 

Rondeletia (Showy) (Br. 
Rondeletia odorata. 

Nondeletiawort (Medium-downy-backed 
Opposite Elliptic-acuminate-leaved) 
(Hk. 3/38, adpd). 1461 Wendlandia 
tinctoria (normalis). 

Rondeletiawort (Medium-downy-nerved- 
backed ‘ernately-whorled lance- 
obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 3/40, adpd). 1464 
Wendlandia Lawii. 

Rondeletiawort (Medium-glabrate-long- 
petioled ‘lernately-whorled  elliptic- 
acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 3/40, adpd). 
1463-b, Wendlandia Notoniana (bicus- 

Rondeletiawort (Medium opposite ellip- 
tic-lance-obtuse-or-cuspidate - leaved) 
(Hk. 3/39, adpd). 1462 Wendlandia 


103). 1466 


Rondeletiawort (Medium Ternately- 
whorled Jinear-lance-acute-leaved) 
(Hk. 3/40, adpd). 1465 Wendlandia 

Rondeletiawort (Medium-to-long-velvetty 
Oppesite Ovate-lance-acuminate-leayv- 
ed) (Hk. 3/87, adpd). i460 Wend- 

- landia exserta. 

Rondeletiawort (Medium-velvetty-backed 
Ternately-whorled elliptic-acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk. 5/40, adpd). 1468-a. 
Wendlandia Notoniana (ty pica). 

Rondeletiawort (Scarlet Auricula-like) of 
Cuba (Nic. 3/813, Cag. 540). 1466 
Rondeletia odorata, 

INDEX, 853 
Roodra’s Flower (McL. 82). 244 Hibis- 
cus rosa-sinensis, 

Roodrauck (McL. 763, 993). cxxiii- 

Eleocarpus (genus). 

Roodrauck (Common) (McL. 768). 335 
Eleocarpus Ganitrus. 

Roodrauck Tree (McL. 473, 532, 755, 768, 
993). 304 Gnazuma tomentosa, 

Roodrauck Yam (McL, 53, 764, 1000). 
3066-b. Dioscorea Hamiltoni (crispata). 

Root (Camphorated Typhus) Family 
(L/N/S/B). XCIV. Chioranthacez 

Root (Ach)(McL. 367, 478). 
da citrifolia. 

Root (Alpam) (Treas. Bot. 
declxvi. Bragantia (genus). 
Root (Bead) (McL. 360). 810 Abrus pre- 


Root (Bengal) (McL. 84, 187). 
Zingiber Cassumunar. 
Root (Blister) (McL. 178). 

bago (genus). 

1554 Morin- 


dxlv. Plum- 

Root (Bloodsucker) (McL. 210). 389 
Glycosmis pentaphylla, 
Root (Buttermilk) (McL, 812). 3088 

Asparagus racemosus. 

| Root (Camphorated Typhus) (L/N/S/B). 

declxix, Chloranthus (genus). 

Root (Caroline Arrow) (Muell. S.P), 
3031 Canna flaccida. 
Root (Chay) (Treas. Bot. 1/678). 

cdlxxxviii. Bedyotis (genus). 

Root (China) (MeL. 171, 1000), emlxi. 
Smilax (genus). 
Root (China) (McL. 120), 9% Jateorrhiza 

Root (Columbo) (McL. 120) (Ol. 1/43) 

(Rox. 5/807, 810). 92 Jateorrhiza 
Root (Costus) (Treas. Bot. 1/340). 

emxlvii. Costus (genus), 

Root (Dark-green-centred Silvery-grey- 
tessellated Jleaved Costus) (Nic, 
5/262, adpd). 30038 Costus mosaicus. 

Root (Downy Large flowered Snake) 

(McL. 507, adpd), 1483 Opbiorrhiza 
Root (Eeshwaran’s) (McL. 574). 2891 
Aristolochia indica. 
Root (Fragrant) (McbL. 364). 1866 

Hemidesmus indicus, 

Root (Gravel) (McL. 362). 
pelus Pareira. 

Root (Horse) (McL, 44). 

Root (Indian snake) (McL. 507). 
Ophiorrhiza Mungos. 

Roct (Large flowered Snake) (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1482 Ophiorrhiza grandiflora. 

Root (Life) (McL. 240). 838 Clitorig 

91 Cissam- 
2095 Withania 



Root (Lopez) (Mel.. 478, 905) (Nic. 4/49). 
386 Toddalia aculeata. 

Root (Malortie’s Orange-banded Golden- 
flowered Costus) (Nic. 1/387, adpd), 
3002 Costus Malortieanus, 

Root (Mendoza Arrow) (Muell. S.P). 
3028 Canna Achiras. 

Root (Mongoose Snake) (McL. 507, 996). 
1479 Ophiorrhiza Mungos, 

Root (Morinda) (McL. 
Morinda citrifolia. 

Root (Mouse) (McL., 53). 

Root (Orange) (MchL. 628, 1042). 2990 
Hedychium coronarium. 

Root (Oval leaved China) (McL. 171, 558, 
1000), 3080 Smilax macrophylla. 

Root (Pareira Brava) (Nic. 1/831). 91 
Cissampelos Parcira, 

Root (Poolah) (McL. 701), 

Root (Plough) (MeL. 63). 

Root (Purgative) (McL. 278). 
meea Purga. 

Root (Purple-backed-yellow-ciliated-leav- 
ed Purple-stemmed-and-calyxed Y ellow- 
ceutred-white-flowered Costus) (Nic. 
5/262, adpd), 3001 Costus discolor. 

367), 1554 

3067 Dioscorea 

2131 Manihot 
38119 Gloriosa 

2028 Ipo- 

Root (Rattlesnake) (McL. 562). Ixiv, 

Polygala (genus). 

Root (Red berried Camphorated T'yphus) 
(L/N/S/B, adpd). 2419 Chloranthus 
brachystachy us. 

Root (Ringworm) (McL. 384). 2268 
Khinacanthus communis. 

Root (Round cymed Snake) (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1481 Ophiorrhiza Brunonis. 
Root (Scabrid leaved Snake) (MeL. 507, 
adpd), 1485 Ophiorrhiza hirsutula. 
Root (Small Ach) (MeL. 3867, 473), 

1556 Morinda umbellata. - 

Root (Smaller Indian Snake) (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1480 Ophiorrhiza Harrisiana, 
Root (Snake) (Mc. 509, adpd), edxc. 

Ophiorrhiza (genus). 

Root (Turbeth) (Cat. 200). 2046 

- Tpomea Turbethum. 

Root (Turpeth) (eb, 
Ipomea Turpethum. 

Root (Water) (McL, 812). 
ous rTacemosus. 

Root (West Indian Arrow) (Muell, 
S.P). 3027-b. Canna indica (glanca), 
Root (Wild Ach) (McL. 367). 1555 

Morinda tinctoria. 

Root (Woolly Large flowered Snake) 
(McL. 507, adpd). 1484 Ophiorrhiza 

Root (Zanzibar) (Mch, 310). 
ber officinale. 

Root jack (McL. 376). 

923). 2046 

3088 Aspara- 

2996 Zingi- 

2763. Artocarpus 

Root Nelly (McL. 587). 2768 Girardinia 

Root (Narrow) Orchid (W.A.I, 
2954 Sarcochilus Wightii. 

Root (Very-narrow-(1/20") Orchid (Hk, 
6/76). 2977 Tzeniophy!lum  scaberu- 

Root (Inebriate’s) plant (Gbl. 256, adpd). 
893 Dalbergia spinosa. 

Root (Mudar) Plant (?)(McL. 374), 2391 
Aristolochia indica (?). 

Root (Serpent) Plant (Mel. 374). 2891 
Aristolochia indica. 

Root (Violet-scented) Plant (Treas. Bot. 
1/600). 3847 Hugonia Mystax. 

Root (Snake) Tree (McL. 669, 842, 997). 
1811 Rauwolfia serpentina. 

Root (Lopez) Tree of the Western 
Ghauts (McL. 473, 905, Nic, 4/49, 
adpd). 3887 Toddalia bilocularis. 


Rooted (Bulbous) Yam (McL, 463). 38067 

Dioscorea sativa. 

Root (Tiger) Yam (MchL. 463), 3055 
Dioscorea deemona. 

Rooting Spindle Tree (Nic. 5/3857). 513 
Huonymus radicans. 

Rooting (Golden) Spindle Tree (Nic. 
5/357). 513-b, Huonymus  radicans 

Rooting (Silvery) Spindle Tree (Nic. 
5/357), 513-a. Euonymus  radicans 

Rooting Tecoma (Br. 132), 2123 Tecoma 

Rope (Elephant) Tree (Mech. 605) (Bdn/ 
F.f£). 268 Sterculia villosa. 

Rosa-del-monte (Treas. Bot. 1/173, 
2/990). ccoliv. Brownea (genus). . 

Rosalind (Palm Tree of) in Shakespeare 
(McL. 54). 2693 Ricimus communis, 

Rosary Pea (McL. 274, 360) (8.2, 375). 
810 Abrus precatorius. 

Rosary (Velvetty) Pea (Hk. 2/176, adpd). 
$11 Abrus froticulosus. 

Rose Family (Br. 67) (L/N/8/B). XLIV. 
Rosaceze (Order). 
Rose (Rock) Family (Nic. 1/831) 

(L/N/S/B). IX. Cistacez (Order). 
Rose (Sage) Family (Nic. 4/109), LIV. 
Turneracee (Order). 
Rose (McL. 321) (Nic. 3/814) (Lond) 
(S.37A), ccclxxx. Rosa (genus), 

Rose (Abbé Brémerel) (Bu/O/18) (Ma, 53) 

(Hod). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (punica-purpureo-suffusa-velu- 

Rose (Abel Carriere) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/O/18). 1107-1, Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (atrosanguinea-coccineo- 

Rose (Abricote) (Cag. 600) (Po). 1105-m- 
Rosa odorata (armeniaca-intus-rosea). 



Rose (Acidalie) (Nic. 5/644) (Cag. 597) | 

(Hod), 1106-c. Rosa borbonica (car- 

Rose (Adam) (Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 520). 
1105-k. Rosa odorata (ernbescens-cinna- 

Rose (Adrienne Marx) (Mu. 35) (Hod), 
1107-m, Rosa  hybrida-seniperflorens 

Rose (Aimée Vibert) (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 
62) (Ra/N/92, 0/18) (Mu. 56) (Hod), 
1108-a. Rosa Noisettiana (nivea). 

Rose (Aitcheson’s White China) (Nic. 
3/323). 1092 Rosa levigata 

Rose (Alba-carnea) (Mu. 52) (Hod). 
1107-d. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Albert Lablotais) (Mu. 52). 
1107-1, Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Alfred Colomb) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/91, 0/18) (Mu. 52) (Hod) 
(Po). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semperflo- 
rens (coccinea-rutilans), 

Rose (Alfred de Rougemont) (Ru/O/18). 

1107-j.. Rosa 
Rose (Alfred K. Williams) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Bu/N/91) (Mu. 52). 1107-k. Rosa 
hybrida-sem perflorens (kermesina- 


Rose (Aline Sisley) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/18) 
(Mu. 54). 1105-p. Rosa odorata (pur- 

Rose (Alphonse Soupert) (Nic, 5/645) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/18). 1107-g. Rosa hybri- 
dasemperflorens (rosea). 

Rose (Alpine) (S. 367). dxli. 

» dron (genus). 

Rose (Alternate leaved Umbelled Austra- 

hy brida-semperflorens 


lian) (Bth. 1/302, adpd). cxlii. | 
Eriostemon (genus). 

Rose (American Beauty) (Mu. 42). 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Geena: kermesino-suffusa). 

Rose (American Mountain) (MRS). 
Antigonon leptopus. 

Rose (Anna Olivier) (Ru/O/18) (Mu. 54). 
1105-j. Rosa odorata (carnea-intus- 

Rose (Annie Woud) (Nic. 5/645) (Mu. 53) 
(Hod). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (coccinea-puniceo-suffusa),. 

Rose (Antoine Ducher) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/O/18) (Mu. 52) (Hod) (Po), 1107-j. 
Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens (punicea). 


Rose (Antoine Rivoire) (Ru/N/94) (Mu. | 

54). 1105-j, Rosa odorata (carnea). 
Rose (Apricot-colonred Hybrid-per- 
petual) (Mu. 53). 1107-h. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (armeniaca), 
Rose (Apricot-coloured Noisette) (Nic. 
5/646) (Mu. 56-?). 1108-g. Rosa 
Noisettiana (armeniaca), 


Rose (Apricot-shaded Yellow Tea) 
(Ru/N/91, 0/22) (Mu. 655) (Hod). 

1105-f, Rosa odorata (lutea~armeniaco- 

Rose (Archduke-Charles) (Nic. 5/647) 
(Cag. 598) (Ooty. 413) (Ru/N/89, O/19) 
(Mu. 656) (Hod) (Pe). 1108-c. Rosa 
indica (rosea-dein-punicea), 

Rose (Auguste Vacher) (Rn/O/18), 
1105-i. Rosa odorata (cuprea). 

Rose (Australian Native) 
oxxxix. Boronia (genus), 

Rose (Austrian Briar) (Nic. 3/322, 5/648) 
(S. 48, 375) (Cag. 592). 1097-a. Rosa 
Eglanteria (lutea). 

Rose (Austrian Copper) (Nic. 8/315) (Hod) 
(Ru/N/90, ©/18) (Mu. 657). 1097-b. 
Rosa Eglanteria (cuprea). 

Rose (Banksian) (Nic, 3/828) (S. 245, 
375) (Cag. 592), 1089 Rosa Banksiz. 
Rose (Baron A. de Rothschild) (Ru/N/92) 
(Mu. 58). 1107-i, Rosa hybrida-sem- 

perflorens (coccinea-rutilans) . 

Rose (Baroness Rothschild) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/O/18) (Mu. 58) (Hod). 1107-g. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens  (rosea- 

Roege (Beauté de L’Europe) (Ru/N/94, 0/9). 
1!05-g. Rosa odorata (aurea). 

Rose (Beauté Lyonnaise) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Br. 75). 1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybri- 

Rose (Beauty of Waltham) (Nic. 3/3824) 
(Cag. 596) (Mu. 52) (Ru/N/92, 0/18) 
(Hod) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-roseo-sufiusa). 

Rose (Belle Lyonnaise) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/18) (Po). 1105-2. Rosa 
odorata (citrina). 

Rose (Bengal) (McL. 822) (Hk. 2/864) 
5.49). 11038 Rosa indica. 

(S. 56). 

Rose (Bessie Brown) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/N/94), 1105-y. Rosa odorata 
(hy brida-eburnea). 

Rose (Black-purple-backed - Yellow- 
flowered Australian) (Bth. 1/815, 

adpd). 372 Boronia megastigma. 

Rose (Black-purple-shaded Crimson 
Hybrid-perpetual) (Cag. 596) (Mu. 52) 
(Ru/N/93, 0/18) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperfiorens (punicea-atro- { 

Rose (Black Prince) (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/93, 
0/18) (Mu. 52) (Po), 11U7-j. Rosa 
lybrida-semperfiorens (punicea-atro- 

Rose (Blackish-violet Uybri d-perpetnal) 
(Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 58) (Ru/N/92, 0/20). 
1107-n. Rosa hybriddscemperaneee 

Rose (Bluish-centred White Hybrid. 

perpetual) (Bu/N/95, 0/21) (Hod). 
1107-b. Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens 


Rose (Blush China) (Br. 72). 1103-a. 
Rosa indica (carnea-semiplena). 

Rose (Bouquet de Flora) (Ru//18). 
1107-k. Rosa hybrida semperfiorens 

Rose (Booth’s) (Cag. 599) (Ru/N/=9) 
(Br. 69) (Hod). 1105-k. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Boule-de-neige) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/18) (Mu. 52) (Hod) (Po). 

1107-a. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Bouquet dor) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/O/18) (Mu, 56). 1108-f. Rosa 

Noisettiana (lutea-intus-cuprea). 

Rose (Bourbon) (Nic. 3/825, 5/644) (S. 56, 
875) (Cag. 596) (Br. 68) (Ru/N/97, 
O/28) (Mu. 56). 1106 Rosa borbonica. 

Rose (Bourbonia) (Nic. 3/644). 1106 
Rosa borbonica, 

Rose (Bourboniana) (S. 56). 1106 Rosa 

Rose (Bramble) (8.58). 1085 Rosa mu!ti- 

Rose (Brennan) (Mu.56) (Hod). 1103-f. 

Rosa indica (atrosanguinea-pleno). 
Rose (Bridesmaid) (Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 54). 
1195-1. Rosa odorata (rosea). 

Rose (Brightness of Cheshunt) (Ru/O/19) 
(Mu. 53). 1107-1. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (atrosanguinea). 

Rose (Bronze-shaded Golden Tea) (Cag, 
601) (Ru/N/91, 0/22) (Mu. 55) (Hod) 
(Po). 1105-g. Rosa odorata (aurea- 

Rose (Buff-yellow-shaded Apricot-colour- 
ed Tea) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/21) (Mu. 55) 

(Hod) (Po). 1105-m. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Burma Giant) (Nic. 5/645) 
(S. 375) (Cag. 593). 1094-c. Rosa 

involucrata (gigantea). 

Rose (Bushy smooth leaved Homiecan- 
thous) (Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/3814) (Cag. 
398). 1).03 Rosa indica. 

Rose (Bussorah) (MeL. 322) (Cag. 591). 
1098 Rosa damascena. 

Rose (Cabbage) (Hk. 2/346) (Nic, 2/321) 
(S. 61, 375) (Cag. 590) (Ru/N/89, 0/19) 
(McL. 321, 995) (Mu. 57) (Br. 70) (Hod). 
1099-a. Rosa centifolia (typica). 

Rose (Canary-yellow Bengal) (Ru/O/18) 
(Mu. 57). 1103-i. Rosa indica (bengal- 

Rose (Canary-yellow Tea) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/N/91, 0/21). 1105-£. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Captain Christy) (Nic. 8/324) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Mu. 52) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-f. Rosa  hybrida-semperfiorens 
(carnea - cinnabarino - suffusa - intus - 


Rose (Captain Hayward) (Nic. 5/645) 

(Bu/O/19). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (kermesina-purpureo- 

Rose (Carmine Hybrid-perpetual) (Nic. 
3/324) (Br. 68-?) (Ru/N/90, 0/18, 20) 
(Hod). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (kermesina)- 

Rose (Carmine-shaded Crimson Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Nie. 3/324, 5/646) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/90, 91, 94, 0/19, 20, 21) (Mu. 52, 
58, 57) (Br. 69) (Hod) (ey aie 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Rose (Carmine-tinted Rosy-pink Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/95, 96) 
(Mu. 58, 54) (Hod). 1107-g. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (resea-kermesi- 

Rose (Caroline de Sansal) (Cag. 596) 
(Hod) (Po). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (carnea-rubescens). 

Rose (Caroline Kuster) (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 
602) (Hod). 1108-e. kiosa Noisettiana 

Rose (Caroline Testout) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/N/93, 0/19). 1)05-q. Roga odorata 
(hy brida-rosea-cinnabarino-suffusa), 

Rose (Cashmere) (Ru. 0/19) (Mu. 57). 
1103-a. Rosa indica (carnea-semi- 

Rose (Cathérine Guillot) (Ru/N/89) (Mu. 
56) (Cag. 598). 1i106-a. Rusa borbonica 

Rose (Cathérine Mermet) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Cag. 601) (Ru/N/89, O/29) (Ma. 54) 
(Hod) (Po). 1105-j], Rosa odorata (car- 

Rose (Caucasus White) (Hk. 2/364). 1102 
Rosa alba. : 

Rose (Cécile-Brunner) (Nic. 5/647) (Cag. 
593). 1085-a, Rosa multiflora (typica). 

Rose (Céline Forestier) (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 
602) (Mu. 65) (Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Hod) 
(Po). 1108-e, Rosa Noisettiana (citri- 

Rose (Changeable) (McL. 83) (Cag. 630) 
(Br. 17) (PA. 483) (Ru/N/77). 245 
Hibiscus mutabilis. 

Rose (Charles Lamb) (Mu. 538). -1107-i. 
Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens (coccinea). 

Rose (Charles Letébvre) (Nic. 5/645) 
(Cag. 596) (Ru/O/19) (Mu. 52). 1107-}. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Rose (Charles Turner) (Ru/O/19) (Hod). 
1107-j. Kosa hybrida-sempertiorens 

Rose (Cherokee) (Nic. 3/328) (S, 92, 378). 
1092 Rosa levigata. 

Rose (Cherry Crimson Hybrid-perpetual) 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/O/20). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-cerasi- 


Rose (Cherry-tinted Rosy-pink Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/93, 0/20, 22) (Mu, 58, 54) (Hod.) 
1107-g. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Cheshunt Hybrid). (Nic. 3/325) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-kerme- 

Rose (China) (fl. 

Rose (China) (McL, 322) (Hk. 3/364) (Nic. 
3/321) (8.93, 375) (Cag. 598). 1103 
Kosa indica. 

Rose (Clara Sylvain) (Cag. 598) (Ru/O/19) 
(Mu. 56), 1108-1. Rosa indica (can- 

Rose (Climbing Cherry-carmine Hybrid 
Tea (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Mu, 
54) (Hod). . 1105-q. Rosa odorata (hy- 

Rose (Climbing Creamy Musk-scented 
Cluster) (Cag. 603). 1086 Rosa mos- 

Rose (Climbing Creamy Tea) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Mu. 54). J1C5-c. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Climbing Devoniensis) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Mu. 56). 1105-c. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Climbing Pink Cluster) (Cag. 593). 
1085 Rosa multiflora. 

Rose (Climbing Scanty prickled Solitary) 
(Hk. 2/364). 1091 Rosa Fortuneaua. 
Rose (Climbing Scarlet berried Cluster) 
(Hk. 2/364). 1090 Rosa microcarpa. 
Rose (Climbing Scarlet Hybrid-perpetual) 
(Ru/N/95).  =-:1107-i. Rosa hybrida- 

semperfiorens (coccinea-scandens). 

Rose (Climbing Stoutly prickled Solitary) 
(Hk. 2/364). 1092 Rosa levigata, 

Rose (Climbing Tea-scented Noisette) 
(Cag. 602). 1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana 

Rose (Climbing Unarmed Nodding Clust- 
er) (Uk, 2/364, Nic. 3/319). 1089 Rosa 

Rose (Climbing White Fragrant Cluster) 
(Nic. 3/323). 1087 Rosa sempervirens, 

Rose (Cloth of Gold) (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 
603) (Hod) (ku/N/90, 0/21) (Mu. 56) 
(Po). 1108-1. youn Noisettiana (odo- 

Rose (Clotilde Rolande) (Ku/N/94, 0/19) 
(Hod). 1107-t. Rosa hy brida-semper- 
fiorens (carnea-roseo-suffusa). 

Rose (Common China) (Cag. 4598) 
(Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Hod). 1103-a. Rosa 
indica (carnuea-semiplena). 

Rose (Common Moss) (Nic. 
(Ru/N/95). 1099-d. Rosa 

268). 244 Hibiscus 




Rose (Common Kugose leaved Hetera- 
canthous) (Nic. 3/814). 1098 Rosa 

Rose (Common Yellow Sun) (Nic. 2/125). 
128 Helianthemum vulgare. 

Rose (Conte de Paris) (Cag. 600) (Mn. 54). 
1105-j. Rosa odorata (carnea). 

Rose (Contesse-de Murinais) (Nic. 3/325) 
(Mu. 57). 1099-d. Rosa centifolia (mus- 

Rose (Contesse de Panisse) (Mu. 54). 
1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea-pallida), 

Rose (Coquette des Alpes) (Ru/N/92, 
0/19) (Mu. 52) (Hod) (Po). 1107-d. 
Kosa hybrida-semperfiorens  (albida- 

Rose (Coquette des Blanches) (Nic, 5/646) 
(Cag. 596) (Ku/N/90, 0/19) (Hod) (Po). 
1103-a, Rosa Noisettiana (nivea), 

Rose (Copper ‘l'ea) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 
1105-d. Rosa odorata (albida-intus- 

Rose (Coppery-centred Deep-yellow Noi- 
sette) (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/O/18) (Mu. 56). 
1108-f. Kosa Noisettiana (lutea-intus- 

Rose (Coppery-centred Yellow ‘lea) (Nic. 
3/324) (Cag. 601) (Hod), 1105-1, Rosa 
odorata (lutea-intus-cuprea). 

Rose (Coppery Noisette) (Mu. 56). 
1108-h. Rosa Noisettiana (cuprea). 

Rose (Coppery Tea Noisette) (Nic. 3/325) 
(Cag. 6U3) (Br. 70) (Po). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-cuprea). 

Rose (Coppery-yellow Tea) (Ru/O/18). 
1105-1. Rosa odorata (cuprea). 

Rose (Corallina) (Ru/N/94). 1105-0, Rosa 
odorata (punicea). 

Rose (Countess of Oxford) (Nic. 3/3824) 
(Ru/O/19). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
pertiorens (kermisina - purpureo-suffu - 

Kose (Cramoisie-supérieure) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Cag. 598) (Ooty. 412). 1103-d. Rosa 
indica (punicea-major). 

Rose (Creamy centred White Tea) (Nic. 
3/3824). 1105-d. Rosa odorata (albida- 

Rose (Creamy Hybrid Tea) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/N/94). 1105-q. Rosa odorata (hy- 

Rose (Creamy Tea) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 600) 
(Ru/N/90, 0/19). 1105-c. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Cretan Rock) (Nic. 1/332) (S. 39). 
125 Cistus polymorphus. 

Rose (Crimson Anemone flowered China) 
(Cag. 598). 1108-d. Kosa indica (puni- 

Rose (Crimson-bordered Blush-pink Tea) 
(Nic. 3/324) (Gag. 601) (Ru/N/90, 0/20) 
(Mu. 55). 1105-k. Rosa odorata (eru- 

Bourbon) (Nic. 5/644) 

Rose (Crimson 
1106-e. Rosa borbonica 


Rose (Crimson China) (S. 375) (Ru/O/19) 
(Mu. 56) (Hod). 1103-e. Rosa indica 

Rose (Crimson Glohe) (Nic. 5/646) (Cag. 
591) (Ra/O/19). 1099-d. Rosa centi- 
‘olia (muscosa-kermesina). . 

Rose (Crimson Hybrid-perpetual) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/90, 91, 0/18, 20, 22) (Mu. 52, 
58, 54) (Hod) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea), 

Rose (Crimson Rambler) (Nic. 5/647) 
(Ooty. 441). 1085-b. Rosa multiflora 

Rose (Crimson Tea) (Ru/N/94, 0/22). 
1105-0. Rosa odorata (punicea). 

Rose (Crimson-tinted Scarlet Hybrid 
perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/24, 0/20) (Mu. 53) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Crown Prince) (Ru/N/94, 0/19) 
(Mu. 54). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (punicea-purpureo-suffusa), 

Rose (Damascus) (McL. 322) (Nic. 3/320). 
1098 Rosa damascena, 

Rose (Damask) (Nic. 3/320, 325) (S. 129, 
375) (Cag. 591) (Mcb. 322, 990) (El 
481). 1098 Rosa damascena. 

Rose (Denmark) (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/?4). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-rosea- 

Rose (Dark Shining Scarlet Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-i. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea- 

Rose (Dark-yellow Tea Noisette) (Nic. 
3/325) (Cag. 602, 603) (Hod) (Ru/N/91, 
96, O/21) (Mu. 56) (Po). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-lutea). 

Rose (Darker-centred Lemon-yellow 
Tea) (Mu. 55). 1105-e. Rosa odorata 

tose (Deciduous stipuled Five-(8-5)- 
leaved) (Hk. 2/364). 1089 Rosa Bank- 

Rose - (Deciduous stipuled Hive-(3-5)- 
leaved) (Hk. 2/364). 1090 Rosa micro- 


Rose (Deciduous astipuled TWive-(3-5)- 
leaved) (Hk. 2/364), 1091 Rosa Fortn- 

Rose (Deciduous stipuled Five-(3-5)- 
leaved) (Hk. 2/364). 1092 Rosa levi- 

Rose (Deep-Orange-shaded Apricot- 

coloured Tea) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/96, 
Q/22) (Mu. 56) (Ooty. 4387). 1105-m. 
Rosa odorata (armeniaca-aurantio- 


Rose (Deep Rosy-shaded Salmon-coloured 
Tea) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/93, 0/22) (Cag. 
599) (Mu. 56) (Hod). 1105-n. Rosa 
odorata (cinnabarina-roseo-puniceo- 

Rose (Deep-yellow-centred Light-yellow 
Noisette) (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 602) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Hod) (Mu. 56) (Po). 
1108-e. Rosa Noisettiana (citrina- 

Rose (Delicate Flesh-pink Hybrid Tea) 
(Nic. 3/825) (Mu. 55). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hybrida-carnea). 

Rose (Delicate Pink-veined Salmon 
coloured Tea) (Nic. 3/824) (Ru/O/21) 
Po). 1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnaba- 

Rose (De Meaux) (Nic. 3/325) (Br. 69) 
(Ru. O/20), 1099-c. Rosa centifolia 

Rose (Devoniensis No. 1) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Sag. 600) (Ru/N/90, O/19) (Mu. 54) 
(Hod). 1105-c. Rosa odorata (ebur- 

Rose (Devoniensis No. 2) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 
(Mu. 54) (Hod). 1105-c. Kosa odorata 

Rose (Voctor Andry) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag, 

596) (Ru/O/20) (Hod). 1107-i. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (coecinea-puni- 
Rose (Doctor Hogg) (Nic. 5/646) 

(Ru/N/92, O/22) (Mu.58). 1107-n, Rosa 
hybrida semperflorens (violacea-nigri- 

Rose (Double-La-France like Hybrid Tea) 
(Nic. 5/646). 1105-q. Rosa odorata 
(hy brida-rosea-intus-arg entea). 

Rose (Downy Rugose leaved Homecan- 
thous) (Hk. 2/364, Nic. 3/314), 1102 
Rosa alba. 

Rose (Duchess of Albany) (Mu. 53). 
1107-g. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Duchess of Bedford) (Nic. 3/424) 
(Ru/O/20) (Mu. 53). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-velu- 

Rose (Duchess of Connaught) (Nic. 3/824) 
(Ru/O/20) (Mu. 58). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (puntcea-por- 

Rose (Duchess of Edinburgh) (Ru/O/20) 
(Mu. 58). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (carne). 

Rose (Duchess of Fife) (Ru/O/20). 
1107-e. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Duchess oi Mecklenberg) (Nie. 
5/646) (Bu/N/90, 0/19) (* Mu, 52) 
(* Hod) (* Countess). 1168-d, Rosa 
Noisettiana (albida-stramineo-suffusa). 


Rose (Duchess of Sutherland) (Ru/O/20), 
1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Duchess de Morny) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/O/20) (Po). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-extus-argentea). 

Rose (Duke of Albany) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/O/20) (Mu. 58). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-velu- 


Rose (Duke of Connaught) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/N/94) (Mu. 58), 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-veln- 

Rose (Duke of Edinburgh) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Cag. 596) (Ru/O/20) (Mu. 53). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea- 

Rose (Duke of Wellington) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Cag. 596) (Ru/N/94, 0/20) (Mu. 53). 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida semperflorens 

Rose (Dupuy Jamain) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/O/20). -1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-cerasirubro - snf- 

Rose (Dwarf 
China) (Cag. 599). 
indica (minima). 

Rose (Dwarf Musk) (Cag. 603), 
Rosa moschata (nana). 

Rose (Earl of Dufferin) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/20) (Mu. 53). 1107-j. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Rose (Harl of Pembroke) (Ru/O/20). 
1107-j. Rosa  bvbrida-semperflorens 

Rose (East Indian) Wood (Mch. 98). 
cecexxiy. Dalbergia (genus). i 

Rose (Edouard) (Cag. 596) (? Edouard 
Morren). (1107-g.) 1106-d. Rosa bor- 
bonica (rosea) (?). 

ose (Edouard Morren) (Nic. 3/324) (Hod) 
(? Cag. 596, Bu/N/90, 0/20, Mau. 53, 
Br. 72, Hod). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea). 

Rose (Edward) (Ru/N/90, 0/20) (Mu. 53) 
(Br. 72) (Hod) (? Edouard Morren). 
1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 
(rosea). ' 

Rose (Hleven-(9-15)-leaved) (Hk. 2/364). 
1096. Rosa microphylla, 

Rose (Hlie Morel) (Cag. 596) (Ra/N/90). 

Double-Daisy flowered 
1103-m. Rosa 


1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 
(rosea - lilacino-suftusa - margine-albes- 

Rose (Ella Gordon) (Nic. 5/46) 
(Ra/O0/20),  1107-j- Rosa  hybrida- 
semperflorers (punicea-cerasirubro- 

Rose (Emma) (Ru/N/90, 0/20) (Mu. 57) 
(Br. 69) (Hod). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida~ 


semperflorens (punicea-kermesino-suf- 

Rose (Kmperor) (Mu, 58). 1107-j. Bosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-kerme- 

hose (Empress Charlotte) (Ru/N/90, 0/20) 
(Mu. 58). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (rosea). 

Rose (Enchantress) (Mu. 58). 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (English Polyantha) (Cag. 593). 
1085-a. Rosa multiflora (typica). 

Bracteate Twin prickled) 
(Hk. 2/364). .095 Rosa bracteata. 

Rose (Htienne Levet) (Nic. 3/824) 
(Ru/N/80, 0/20) (Hod). 1107-k, Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (kermesina). 

Rose (Etoile de Lyon) (Ru/N/90, 0/20) 
(Mu. 55) (Hod). 1105-. Rosa odorata 
(lateacroceo suffusa). 

Rose (Eugéne Beauharnais) (Cag. 598) 
(Br. 70) (Mu. 57), 1103-d. Rosa indica 

Rose (Eugéne Oppert) (Ru/O/29). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea . 

Rose (Evergreen) (Nic, 5/647) (S. 161, 


Rose (Erect 

875). 1087 Rosa sempervirens. 
Rose  (Faintiy-yellow-tinted White 
Hybrid Tea) (Nic, 5/646). 1105-q. Rosa 

odorata (hybrida-ochroleuca). 

Rose (Fairy) (Nic. 8/3821) (Br. 69) (Ooty. 
425) (S. 63, 375). 1103-m. Rosa indica 

Rose (Fawn-tinted White Tea) (Cag. 599) 
(Br. 68 ?). 1105-d. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Fiery Scarlet Hybrid-perpetual) 
(Nic. 3/324) (Cag, 596) (Ru/N/91, 92, 
0/21) (Mu. 52) (Br. 69) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Fisher Holmes) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/O/20). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (coecinea-puniceo-suf- 

Rose (flesh-centred White Hybrid-per- 
petual) (Ru/N/95, 0/21). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperfiorens (albida-intus- 

Rose (Flesh-pink changing to blush 
Bourbon) (Nic: 3/644) (Ru/N/96, 0/22) 
(Mu. 54) (Hod). 1106-c. Rosa, borbonica 

Kose \Flesh-pink Hybrid-perpetual) (Ru/ 
0/20) (Mu, 53). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida- 
sempertlorens (carnet). 

Rose (Flesh-pink Noisette) (Ru/N/90, 
0/19) (Br. 70) (Mu. 57) (Hod). 1108-i. 
Rosa Noisettiana (carnea). 


Rose (Flesh-pink Tea) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
600-601) (Ru/N/89, 94, 0/19) (Mu. 54) 
(Hod) (Po). 1195-j. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Flush-edged Flesh-pink Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Cag. 596) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-f. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Fortune’s China yellow) (Nic. 
3/320) (Cag. 593) (Br. 72). 1091 Rosa 

Rose (Hrancesca Kruger) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/20). 1105-i. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Frangois Michélon) (Nic. 3/824) 
(Mu. 58) (Hod). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-extus-argentea). 

Rose (Krangois Treyve) (Cag. 596) (Hod). 
1107-i. Rosa hybrida semperflorens 

Rose (French) (Mc, 322, $95) (Nic. 3/321) 
(8. 170) (Cag. 597). 1100 Rosa gallica, 

Rose (Garden Rock) (Nic. 2/125). 128 
Helianthemum vulgare. 

Rose (Géant des batailles) (Cag. 594) (Br. 
70) (Ru/N/90, 0/20) (Hod) (Po), 1107-}. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Rose (Général Jacqueminot) (Nic. 3/224) 
(Cag. 596) (Mu. 53) (Ru/N/92, 0/20) 

(Hod) (Po). 1107-i. Rosa hy brida- 
semperflorens § (coccinea-puniceo-suf- 

Rose (Glabrous berried Blush) (Nic. 3/319, 
322) (Cag. 604). 1096 Rosa micro- 
phy La. 

Rose (Glard-bristly Stalked Evergreen) 
(Nic. 3/828). 1088 Rosa Leschenaultii. 

Rose (Glandular-aromatic leayed Home- 

cantbous) {Nic. 3/314). 1101 Kosa 
Rose (Glandular stipuled Seven-(5-9)- 
leaved) (Hk. 2/364), 1086 Rosa 

Rose (Gloire de Dijon) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
600) (Mu. 55) (Ru/N/94, O/20) (Hod) 
(Po). 1105-h. Rosa odorata (fulva- 

Rose (Gloire :de Margottin) (Ru/N/95). 
1107-1. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Gloire de Rosomeéne) (Cag, 596). 
1107-j.. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Glossy Flesh-pink Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Nic, 3/824) (Cag. 596) 
(Hod). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (carnea-nitida). 

Rose (Glossy Pale-flesh-tinted White 
Hybrid-perpetual) (Ru/N/90, 0/20) 
(Mu. 53) (Hod) (Ooty. 428), 1107-d. 
Kosa hybrida-semperflorens (albida- 


Rose (Golden Sage) (Nic. 4/109, Br. 87, 
adpd). 1343 Turnera ulmifolia, 

Rose (Golden-yellow Tea) (Ru/N/94, 0/9). 
1105-g. Rosa odorata (aurea). 

Rose (Golden-yellow Tea Noisette) (Nic. 
3/825) (Cag. €03) (Hod), 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-aurea). 

Rose (Grace Darling) (Ru/N/94, 0/20) 
(Mu. 55), 1105-c. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Madame Van-Houtte) (Mu. 55). 
1105-d. Rosa odorata (albida-luteo- 

Rose (Grand Mogul) (Nic. 5/646) (Ra/N/ 
94, 0/20) (Mu. 58). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-kerme- 

Rose (Grandeur of Cheshnut) (Mu. 58). 
1107-j, Kosa hybrida-semperfiorens 

Rose (Green China) (Ru/N/92, 0/20) (Mu. | 
57) (Nic. 5/643). 1103-k. Rosa indica 

Rose (Gueldres) (McL. 566) (Bed. 1/128) 
(S. 449). cdlxxiv. Viburnum (genus). 
Rose (Half-double Flesh-pink China) 
(Cag. 598) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Br. 72). 
1108-b. Rosa indica (carnea-semiplena). 

Rose (Hemispherica) (Nic. 3/821). 
1997-c, Rosa Hglanteria (sulphurea). 

Rose (Her Majesty) (Nic. 3/324) (Bu/N/ 
95, O/20) (Mu. 58). 1107-g. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (rosea-albo- 
suffusa-sericenitens major). 

Rose (Homer) (Nic. 3/824) (Cag. 601) 
(Ru/N/90, 0/20) (Mu. 55) (Ooty. 425) 
(Hod) (Po). 1105-k. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Horace Vernet) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ku/N/95, 0/20). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-sem perflorens (punicea-pur- 

Rose (Hundred Leaved) 

“1099 Rosa centifolia. 

Rose (Hybrid Carmine Bourbon) (Nic. 
8/325) (Ru/O/21). 1lU6-f. Rosa 
borbonica (hybrida-kermesina), 

Rose (Hybrid China) (Nic. 8/825) (Ru/O/ 
20). 1108-a, Rosa indica (carnea- 

Rose (idybrid of China and Musk) (Cag. 
601). 1108 Rosa Noisettiana. 

Rose (Hybrid of Damask, Bourbon, and 
China) (Cag. 590), 1107 Rosa hybrida- 

Rose (Hybrid of French and Indian) (Nic. 
5/644). 1106 Rosa borbonica. 

Rose (Hybrid of Noisette with Tea) (Cag. 
602). 1108-1. Rosa  Noisettiana 

Rose (Hybrid of Tea and, usually, Hybrid 
Perpetual) (Cag. 590). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hybrida). 

(McL. 321). 


Rose (Hybrid Perpetual) (Nic. 3/824, 
P. 645) (Hk, 2/364) (Cag, 590) (Ru/N/ 
97, 0/22) (Mu. 52 to 54). 1107 Rosa 

Rose (Hybrid Tea) (Nic. 3/325, 5/646) 
(Ru/N/97). 1105-q. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Indian) (McL. 322, 995) (Hk. 
2/364) (Nic. 3/321) (Gag. 598). 1108 
Rosa indica. 

Rose (Indian White) (Mch. 322). (?) 
1102 Rosa alba. 

Rose (Indian White Dog) (Cag. 598) (Br. 
72). 1094 Rosa involucrata. 

Rose (Indian White Dog) (Mch. 322). 
(? 1094) 1102 Rosa alba (?). 

Rose (Ivory-wkite Noisette) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Mu. 56). 1108-c. Rosa Noisettiana 

Rose (Jamaica South-Sea) (McL. 379). 
1844 Nerium odorum. 

Rose (Japanese) (Nic. 
193 Camellia japenica, 

Rose (Japanese Polyantha) (Cag. 593): 
1085-e, Rosa multiflora (japonica). 

Rose (Jaune Desprez) (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 
608). 1109-1. Rosa Noisettiana 

Rose (Jean Ducher) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/ 
92, O/20) (Mu. 55), 1105-n. Rosa 
odorata (cinnabarina-intus-albocarnea). 

Rose (Jean Goujon) (Ru/N/90, 0/20) (Mn, 
53) (Hod). 1107-j.. Rosa _hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea). 

Rose (Joun Hopper) (Nic. 3/824) (Cag. 
596) (Mu. 53) (Hod). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (punicea-rosec- 

Rose (John Keynes) (Mu. 58). 1107-f, 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (carnea). 

Rose (Jules Margottin) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 

1/256) (S. 70). 

596) (Mu. 58). 1107-g. Rosy hybrida- 
semperflorens (vosea-cerasirubro- 

Rose (Kaiserin-Augusta-Victoria) (Nic. 
5/646) (Ru/N/95) (Mu. 55). 1105-q. 
Rosa odorata (hybrida-alba-intus- 

Rose (Killarney) (Ru/N/$4) (Mu. 54). 
1105-j. Rosa odorata (carnea-roseo- 

Rose (Laciniate stipuled elliptic Seven- 
(5-9)-leaved) (Hk. 2/364) (Nic, 3/322). 
1094 Rosa involucrata. 

Rose (Laciniate stipuled obovate Seven- 
(5-9)-leaved) (Hk. 2/364) (Nic 3/822). 
1095 Rosa bracteata. 

Rose (Lady Bank’s) (Nic. 3/319). 
Rosa Banksiz. 

Rose (Lady Mary Fitz William) (Nic. 
3/325) (Mu. 55). 1105-q. Rosa odorata 
(hybrida carnea), 



Rose (Lady Montgomery) 
1107-1, tosa 

Rose (Lady Roberts) (Ru/N/95). 1105-m. 
Rosa odorata (armeniaca-aurantio-flaves- 

Rose (La France) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/20) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-g. Rosa  hybrida-somperflorens 

Rose (Lamarque) (Nic. 3/825) (Cag. 603), 
(Br. 69) (Ooty. 427) (Ru/N/90, O/21) 
(Mu. 65) (Hod) (Po). 1108-1. Rosa 


Noisettiana  (odovrata-lactea-intus-cit- 
Rose (Large Crimson China) (Hod), 

1103-e. Kosa indica (sanguinea-major), 
Rose (Large full Deep-carmine China) 

(Mu. 56) (Hod). 1103-f, Rosa indica 


Rose (Large purest White 'l'ea) (Nic. 
3/324). 1105-a Rosa odorata (nivga). 
Rose (Larger Pink-tinted White Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Ru/O/20) (Br. 71) (Hod). 
1107-d. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 


Rose (Larger White Climbing Dog) (Nic, 
5/645) (S. 375) (Cag. 598). 1094-c, 
Rosa involucrata (gigantea). 

Rose (Lawrenceana) (Nic. 3/321) (Cag. 
599) (S. 68, 375). 1103-m. Rosa indica 

Rose (Lemon-centred White Hybrid Tea) 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/95) (Mu. 55). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-alba- 

Rose (Lemon-yellow Tea) (Ru/N/92/ 
94, O/18) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Cag, 60). 1105-e. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Lemon-yellow-ceutred Milk-white 
Tea Noisette) (Nic. 3/825) (Cag. 608) 
(Ru/N/99, O/21) (Br. 69) (Ooty. 427) 
(Mu. 65) (Hod) (Po), 1108-1. Rosa Noi- 
settiana (odorata-lactea-intus-citrina). 

Rose (Light-pink Thornless Noisette) 
(Ooty. 495) (Hod). 1108-j. Rosa 
Noisettiana (rosea-inermis). 

Rose (Light-yellow Noisette) (Nic. 3/325) 

(Cag. 602) (Mu. 56) (Hod). 1108-e. 
Noisettiana (citrina). . 
Rose  (Lilac-backed Rosy Crimson 

Hybrid-perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Mu. 53) (Hod). 1107-j. Rosa 
t-ybrida-semperflorens (punicea-roseo- 
suffusa-extus -lilacina). 

Rose (ilac-shaded Rosy-pink Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Mu. 53) (Hod), 1107-g. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens  (rosea- 

Rose (Little Gem) (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 591) 
(Ru/O/21). 1099-d. Rosa  centifolia 




Rose (Lord Herbert) (Mu. 53). 

Rosa hybrida-semperflorene 

Rose (Lord Macaulay) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
0/21) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfiorens (puvicea-velutina). 

Rose (Lord Raglan) (Cag. 594) (Ru/O/21) 
(Po). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (coccinea-puniceo-suffusa-mar- 

Rose (Louise-de Savoie) (Ru/N/92) (Mu. 
55) (Hod) (Cag. 601), 1105-e. Rosa 
odorata (citrina). 

Rose (Lyell’s Double Blush) (Cag. 604) 
(Hk. 2/364), 1094-b. Rosa involucrata 

Rose (Macartney) (Nic. 
1095 Rosa bracteata. 

Rose (Madame Alfred Carriére) (Nic. 
5/646) (Mu. 56-?), 1109-c.. Rosa 
Noisettiana (eburnea). 

Rose (Madame Alfred de Rougemont) 
(Ru/O/21) (Hod) (Po). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (albida-carneo- 

Rese (Madame Caillat) (Cag. 596) (Hod). 
1107-g. Rosa  hybridaesemperflorens 

Rose (Madame Camille) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
O/21) (Po). 1105-n. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Madame Céline Noirey) (Ru/N/92) 
(Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 1105-1. Rosa 
odorata (rosea-intas-lutea). 

Rose (Madame Clémence de Joigneaux) 
(Mu. 58) (Hod). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-lilacino-suffusa). 

Rose (Madame de Watieville) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/N/95) (Mu. 55). 1105-d. Rosa 
odorata (albida-intus-cinnabarina), 

Rose (Madame-Eugéne Résal) (Nic. 5/648) 
(Mu. 57). 1103-g. Rosea indica (rosea 

Rose (Madame Hugéne Verdier) (Nic. 
5/646) (Mu. 53). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
Semperfiorens (rosea). 

Rose (Madame Falcot) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
0/21) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 1105-m. 

3/319, 322). 

Rosa odorata (armeniaca-ochraceo- 
Rose (Madame Gabriel Lmuizet) (Nic. 

3/324) (Mu. 53). 1107-e, Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (argenteo-carnea). 

Rose (Madame Gillamége) (Mu. 58). 
1107-h. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Madame Guillot de Montfavet) 
(Ru/N/20, 0/21} (Mu. 58) (Hod) (Ooty. 
428). 1107-d. Rosa hybrida-semperflor- 
ens (albida-albocarneo-suffusa-nitida). 

Rose (Madame Isaac Perriére) (Ru/N/90, 
Q/21) (Mu. 6&8). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfiorens (kermesina-roseo-suf- 


Rose (Madame Jules Margottin) (Cag. 
601) (Ru/N/91) (Mu. 55). 1105-e. Rosa 
odorata (citrina-intus-albocarnea). 

Rose (Madame Lucie Savatier’s) 
5/646). 1093 Rosa Lucie. 

Rose (Madame Masson} (Cag. 595) (itu/ 
N/92, O/2:) (Mu. 53) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 
(punicea - occineo - suffusa-violaceo-pur- 

Rose (Madame Paul Néron) (Mu. 58) 
(? Paul Néron), 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-kermesino- 

Rose (Madame Pierre Cochet) (Nic. 5/646) 
(Mn, 56-?). 1108-g, Rosa Noisettiana 

Rose (Madame Roland) (Ru/N/938, 0/21) 


(Mu. 53), 1107-c. Rosahybrida-sem per- 
florens (arg enteocarnea-roseo-rubes- 

Rose (Madame Rothschild) (Mu. 53). 
1107-d. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Madame St. Joseph) (Cag. 601) 
(Hod). 1105-h. Rosa odorata (fulva- 

Rose (Madaine Thérése de Parrin) (Mu. 
58) (Hod). 1107-g. Rosa  hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-kermesino-sut- 

Rose (Madame Victor Verdier) (Nic, 
3/324) (Ru/N/93, 0/21) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 
1107-g. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Madame Willermoz) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/O/21) (Cag, 601). 1105-d. Rosa 
odorata (albida-intus-eburnea). 

Rose (Madras) (Br. 72) (? Ndouard 
Morren). 1107-g, Rosa hybrida-sem- 
per-florens (rosea). 

Rose (Magna Charta) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
N/95). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (rosea-kermesino-suffusa). 

Rosa (Maidea’s Blush) (Nic, 5/647) (Mu. 
54). 1099-b. Rosa centifolia (provincia- 

Rose (Malmaison-rouge) (Ru/N/91, 0/21) 
(Mu. 56). 1106-d. Rose borbonica 

Rose (Maman Cochet) (Nic. 5/646) (Bu/ 
N/95). 1165-1. Rosa odorata (rosea- 

Rose (Many flowered) (Br. 72). 
Rosa multiflora. 

Rose (Maréchal Niel) (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 
608) (Hod) (Bu/N/91, 0/21) (Siu. 56) 
(Po). 1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odorata- 
lutea). \ 

Rose (Marécha] Vaillant) (Cag. 596) 
(Hod), 1107-k. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (kermesina-purpureo-suffusa). 



Rose (Marchioness of Dufferin) (Nic. 
5/646) (Mu. 54), 1107*g. Rosa hyhrida- 
semperflorens (rosea). 

Rose (Margaret Dickson) (Ru/N/95, 0/21). 
1107-d. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Marguérite de St. Amand) (Nic. 
3/324) (Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-f. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (carnea-nitida). 

Pose (Margnérite Dombrain) (Cag. 596) 
(Hod). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (1 osea-sericenitens). 

Rose (Marie Baumann) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/¥1, 0/21) (Sr. 69 ?). 1107-i. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (coccinea- 

Rose (Marie Ducher) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
N/93) (Mu, 55). 1105-n. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Marie Guillot) (Ru/N/81, 0/21) 
(Mu. 55). 1105-d. Rosa odorata (aibida- 

Rose (Marie: Van-Houtte) (Nic. 3/824) 
(Ru/N/93, 0/21) (Mu. 55) (Hed) (Po), 
1105-e. Rosa odorata (citrina-roseo- 

Rose (Maroon Hybrid-perpetual) (Ru/ 
0/19, 20) (Mu. 52). 1107-1. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (atrosanguinea), 

Rose (Medea) (Mu. 55), 1105-e. Rosa 
odorata (citrina-intus-lutea). 

Rose (Merveille de Lyon) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/N/95) (Mu 54). 1107-d, Rosa hy- 
brida-semperflorens (albidaerogeo-seri- 

Rose (Microphylla) (Nic. 5/648) (Cag. 604), 
1096 Rosa microphylla. 

Rose (Mignonette Polyantha) (Ru/O/21). 
1085-e. Rosa multiflora (japonica). 

Rose (Miniature Provence) (Nic. 3/325) 

(Ru/O/23). 1099-c. Kosa centfolia 

Rose (Miss Ingram) (Ru/N/95, 0/21) 
(Hod). 1107-b. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
floreus (lactea). 

Rose (Mrs. Bosanquet) (Nic. 5/648). 

1108-b, Rosa indica (carnea-albocerea). 
Rose (Mrs. John Laing) (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/ 
N/96). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (rosea-sericenitens), 
Rose (Mrs. Robert Garret) (Mu. 55), 
1105-n. Rosa odorata ( cinnabarina). 
Rose (Mrs, Sharman Crawford) (Nic. 
5/646) (Mu. 54). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
sempertiorens (rosea-extus-albescens). 
Rose (Mon-piaisir) (Cag. 601) (Hod). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina- 

Rose (Monsieur Noisette’s Bushy Cluster) 
(Cag. 601). 1108 Rosa Noisettiana, 
Rose (Monte Christo) (Cag. 596) (Ru/ 
0/21) (Mu. 54). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-purpureo-suf- 

fusa.) . 


Rose (Monthly) (Mch. 322) (lik. 2/384) 
(Nic. 3/321) (8S, 276, 375). 1103 Rosa 

Rose (Montpalier Rock) (Nic. 1/3382), 
127 Cistus monspeliensis. 

Rose (Moss) (McL. 821) (Hk. 2/864) (Nic. 
3/325) (S. 278, 375) (Cag. 591) (itn/N/ 
27, 0/23). 1099-d. Rosa  centifolia 

Rose (Mountain Gueldres) (Mch. 566, 
adpd). 1425 Viburnum punctatum 

Rose (Muriel Grahame) (Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 
55). 1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea- 

Rose (Musk) (McL. 322, 582, 995) (Nic. 
3/822, 5/647) (Cag. 603) (Br. 72). 1086 
Rosa moschata. 

Rose (Narrow stipuled Five-(3-5)-leaved) 
(Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/321). 1103 Rosa 
in dica. 

Rose (Narrow stipuled Seven-(5-9)-leaved) 
(Hk. 2/364). 1087 - Rosa “semper- 

Rose (Narrow stipuled Seven-(5-9)-leaved 
Glandular) (Hk. 2/848). 1088 Rosa 

Rose (New Cloth of Gold) (Mu. 56), 

1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odorata- 

Rose (New Cluster) (Mu. 57) (Hod). 
1108-d. Rosa Noisettiana (albida- 


Rose (Nilgiri Cluster) (Ooty. 488) (Mu. 21) 
(Hod). 1088 Rosa Leschenaultii. 

Rose (Nina) (Ru/O/21). 1105-1. 
odorata (vosea-pallida). 

Rose (Niphetos) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 601) 
(Ku/N/93, O/21) (Mu. 68) (Hod) (Po). 
1105-a, Rosa odorata (nivea). 

Rose (Nodding-flowered Rugose leaved 
Heteracanthous) (Nic. 3/814) 1099 
Rosa centifolia. 

Rose (Noisette) (Nic. 3/325, 5/645, 646) 
(S. 291, 375) (Ru/N/97, 0/23) (Cag. 601) 
(Mu. 56). 1108 Rosa Noisettiana. 

Rose (Old Blush Monthly) (Nic. 3/821, 
5/648) (Hod). 1108-u. Rosa indica 

Rose (Oid Moss) (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/93). 
1099-d. Rosa centifolia (muscosa-rosea- 

Rose (Ooty Copper) (Cag. 600) (Ooty. - 
437). 1105-m. Resa odorata (armenia- 

Rose (Ophirie) (Nic. 3/825) (Cag. 608) 
(Br. 70) (Po). 1101-1. Rosa Noisettiana 
ose (Orange-shaded Pink China) (Nic 
5/648) (Mu. 57). 1103-g. Rosea indica 



Rose (Orange Tea Noisette) (Nic. 3/325) 

(Ru/N/94) (Mu. 56). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-aurantiaca). 

Rose (Pale-flesh-tinted White Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Mu. 53). 1107-d. Rosa 

hybrida-semperfiorens (albida-albocar- 

Rose (Pale-Orange-shaded Apricot - col- 
oured Tea) ‘Ru/N/95). 1105-M. Rosa 
oderata (armeniaca-aurantio-flaves- 

Rose (Pale Waxy Flesh-pink Bourbon) 
(Nic. 5/644) (Cag. 597) (Hod). 1106-c. 
Rosa borbonica-carnea-albocerea). 

Kose (Pale-yellow Tea Noisette) (Mu. | 

56). 1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (cdor- 

Rose (Paler-backed Rosy-pink Uybrid- 
perpetual) (Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 54). 1107- 

g. Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens (rosea- | 


Rose (Pgul Néron) (Nic. 3/321) (Cag.-596) | 

(Bu/N791, O/21) (Mu. 53-?). 1107-j. 
Rosa hybrida-semyerflorens (punicea- 
kermesino-suffusa). . 

Rose (Paul Verdier) (Nic. 3/825) (Ru/O/ | 

21). 1106-f. Rosa borbonica (hybrida- 

Rose (Peach-centred Blush-pink Tea) 
(Cag. 599) (Rn/N/89) (Br. 69) (Hod). 
1105-k. Rosa odorata (erubescens-intus- 

Rose (Peach-centred Lemon-yellow Tea) 
(Cag. 601) (Ru/N/91) (Mu. 55). 
Rosa odorata (citrina-intus-albocarnea). 

Rose (Peach-centred Salmon-coloured 
fea). Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/92, 0/20) (Mu. 
55). 1105-n. Rosa-odorata (cinnaba- 

Rose (Peach-margined Creamy Tea) (Ru/ 
N/94, 0/20) (Mu. 55). 1105-c. Rosa 
odorata (eburnea-carneo-marginata). 

Rose (Peeliana) (Br. 69). 1106-d. Rosa 
borbonica (rosea) (?). 

Kose (Pectinate stipuled Seven-(5—9)- 
leaved) (Hk. 2/364). 1085 Rosa multi- 

Rose (Perfection de Mon-plaisir) (Nic. 
3/324) (Ru/N/91, 0/21) (Mu. 55) (Hod) 
(Po). 1105-f. Rosa odorata (lutea). 

Rose (Perle de Lyon) (Ru/N/91, O/21) 
(Mu. 55) (Hod). 

Rose (Perle-des-Jardins) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
N/91. O/21) (Mu. 55). 1105-f. Rosa 
odorata (lutea-stramineo-snffusa). 

Rose (Perle-d’Or) (Ru/O/22) (Mn). 

d Rosa wultiflora 

Rose (Persian) (McL. 322) (Cag. 
1098 Rosa damascena. 



1105-e. | 

1105-f. Rosa odorata | 



Rose (Persian Double yellow) (Nic. 3/225) 
(Cag. 593) (Mu. 57) (Ooty. 481). 
1097-c. Rosa Eglanteria (sulphurea), 

Roee (Persistent sepalled Mixed prickly) 
(Hk. 2/364). 1097 Rosa Eglanteria. 

Rose (Pheolina-borbonica) (Cag. 597) (?). 
1106-d. Rosa borbonica (rosea), 

Rese (Pierre Notting) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Mu. 54) (Ru/N/93, 0/22). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens  (atro- 

Rose (Pierre Seletski) (Ru/N/93, O/22) 
(Mu. 54) (Hod). 1107-m. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (purpurea-violaceo-suf- 

Rose (Pink Cluster) (Ru/N/ 90, 0/19) 
(Br. 70) (Mn. 57) (Hod). 1108-i. Rosa 
Noisettiana (carnea). 

Rose (Pink Fairy Queen) (Cag. 599). 
1103-m. Rosa indica (minima). 

Rose (Pink-margined Apricot-yellow 
China) (Nic. 5/648) (Mu. 57). 1108-h. 
Rosa indica (armeniaca- roseo-margin- 

Rose (Pink Rover) (Ru/N/96, O/22) (Mu. 
55). 1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea), 

Rose (Pink-shaded White Noisette) (Mu. 
57) (Hod). 1108-d. Rosa Noisettiana 

Rose (Pink-tinted White Cluster Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Ru/O/21) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-d. Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens 

Rose (Pinnate sepalled Uniformly 
Prickly) (Hk. 3/864, Nic. 3/314). 1102 
Rosa alba. 

Rose (Polyantha) (Nic. 5/647) (S. 375) 
(Ooty. 414). 1085 Rosa multiflora, 

Rose (Pompon) (Nic. 3/325) (Br. 69). 
1099-c. Rosa centifolia (pomponia), 

Rose (Pride of Waltham) (Ru/N/96, O/ 
22) (Mu. 54). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida- 
semperfilorens (carnea-roseo-sulitsa), 

Rose (Prince Camille de Zohan) (Nic. 3/ 
324) (Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (atrosangui+ 

Rose (Prince Humbert) (Ru/O/22) (Hod). 
1107-m. Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens 

Rose (Princess Louise Victoria) (Nic. 
3/644) (Ru/N/96, O/22) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 
1106-c. Roxa borbonica (carnea- 

Rose (Princess of Wales) (Bu/O/22) (Mu. 
54). 1107-e. Rosa hybrida~sempertio- 

Rose (Princess Royal) (Br. 71). 1107-4, 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (albida- 

Rose (Prostrate glabrous Twin-prickled) 
(Nic. 5/645). 1093 Rosa Lucie. 


Rose (Provence) (Hk. 2/246) (Nic. 3/325) 
(S. 347, 375) (Cag. 530) (McL. 321) (Br. 

Rose (Provence Red) (Mch., 322). 
Sphalm] 1099-b. Rosa  centifclia 

Kose (Pure White Bourbon) (Ru/N/89) 
(Mu. 56), 1106-a. Rosa borbonica 

Rose (Pure-White China) (Cag. 598} (Ru/ 
O/19). 1103-1. Rogra indica (candida), 
Rose (Pure White Hybrid-perpetual) 
(Cag. 596) (Ru/N/94, 0/18) (Wu. 52) 
(Hod) (Po). 1107-a. Rosa hybrida- 

semperfiorens (nivea). 

Rose (Pure White Noisette) (Nic. 3/325, 
5/646) (Cag. 596, 602) (Ru/N/90, 92, O/ 
18,19) (Mu. 56)-(Hod) (Po). 1108-a. 
Rosa Noisettiana (nivea). 

Rose (Pure White Tea) (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/ 
N/94, 96, 0/22) (Mu. 55). 1105f-b. Rosa 
odorata (candida). 

Rose (Purple eyed Creamy Sage) (Nic. 
4/110, Br. 88, adpd). 1342 Turnera 

Rose (Purple Hybrid-perpetual) (Ru/ 
O/22) (Mu. 52) (Hod), 1107-m. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (purpurea). 

Rose (Purple-shaded Carmine Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Nic. 3/3824, 5/645) (Hod) 
(Cag. 596) (Rn/O/19), 1107-k. Roza 
hybrida-semperflorens (kermesina- 

Rose (Purple-shaded Crimson Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Cag. 594, 596) (Mu. 54) 
(Br. 70) (Ru/N/90,94, 0/19, 20, 21) 
(Hod) (Po). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-purpureo-suffu- 

Rosa (Purple-shaded Maroon Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) (Ru/ 
N/93, 0/22) (Mu. 54). 1107-1. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (atrosanguinea- 

Rose (Queen-Mab) (Nic. 5/648) (Mu. 57). 
1103-r. Rosa indica (armeniaca-roseo- 

Rose (Queen of Bedders) (Nic. 5/644) 

Ru/O/22}. 1106-e. Rosa borbonica 

Rose (Queen of Portugal) (Ru/N/96, 0/22), 
(? 1105-g) 1106-b. Rosa _ borbonica 

(aurea- eneo-suffusa) (?). 

Rose (Queen of Queens) (Nic. 3/824) (Ru/ 
N/96) (Mu. 54). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-sericenitens). 

Rose (Queen of Waltham) (Ru/Q/22) (Mun. 
54). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperflo- 
rens (rosea-cerasirubro-suffusa), 

Rose (Queen Victoria) (Ru/O/20) (Br. 71) 
(Hod). 1107-d. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (albida-carneo-siffusa-major). 


1099-b. Rosa centifolia (provin- 


Rose (Red Bussorah) (Cag. 591). 1098-a 
Rosa damascena (typica). 
Rose (Red Damask) (Nic. 3/325, 320). 

1098-a, Rosa damascena (typica). 

Rose (Red Persian) (Cag. 591) (Br. 68). 
1098-a, Rosa damascena (typica). 

Rose (Reine-blanche) (Nic. 5/646) (Hod). 
1099-d. Rosa centifolia (muscosa- 

Rose (Reine de Portugal) (Cag. 601) (Ru/ 
N/91, 0/22) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 
1105-g, Rosa odorata (aurea-zeneo- 

Rose (Reine dn Midi) (Cag. 596) (Hod). 
1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Reine-Marie-Henriette) (Ru/O/22). 
1105-0. Rosa odorata (punicea). 

Rose (Réve d’ or) (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/ N/96) 
(Cag. 602). 1108-b. Rosa Noisettiana 

Rose (Rock) (Nic. 1/331) (8. 99, 871) 
(Rid. 52). xlix. Cistus (genus), 

Rose (Rosy-backed Yellow-centred Fawn 
Tea) (Ru/O/22) (Mu. 56). 1105-h. 
Rosa odorata (fulva-intus-lutea-extus- 

Rose (Rosy-bordered Lemon-yeliow Tea) 
(Nic. 3/324) (Ra/N/93, 0/21). 1105-e. 
Rosa odorata (citrina-roseo-marginata). 

Rose (Rosy-centred Apricot-coloured 
Tea) (Cag. 600) (Po). 1105-m. Rosa 
odorata (armeniaca-intus-rosea). 

Rose (Rosy-centred Flesh-pink Tea) (Ru/ 
O/18) (Mu. 54). 1105-j. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Rosy-centred Salmon-tinted Flesh- 
pink Hybrid-perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/19) (Mu. 54) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-f. Rosa _hybrida-semperflorens) 
(carnea - cinnabarino - suffusa - intus - 

Rose (Rosy-centred White Tea) (Mu. 54) 
(Hod). 1105-d. Rosa odorata (albida- 

Rose  (Rosy-coppery-shaded 
yellow Bourbon) (Ru/N/96, 0/22), 
(? 1105-g) 1106-b. Rosa borbonica 
(aurea-zeneo-suffusa) (?). 

Rose (Rosy Crimson Hybrid-perpetual) 
(Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 54, 52) (Cag. 596). 
(Ru/N/92, O/18) (Hod) (Po). 1107-j, 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (yunicea- 

Rose (Rosy-flushed Creamy Tea) (Nic. 
5/646). 1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea- 

Rose (Rosy-flushed Silvery Flesh-pink 
Hybrid-perpetual) (Nic. 5/644) (Ru/N/ 
98, 0/21, 22) (Mu. 58, 54). 1107-c. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (argenteo- 



Rose (Rosy-pink Bourbon) (Ru/N/91, 0/21) 
(Mu. 56) (? Cag. 596, 597, Br. 69). 
1106-d. Rosa borbonica (rosea). 

Rose (Rosy-pink changing to Crimson 
China) (Nic. 5/647) (Cag. 598). 1105-c. 
Rosa indica (rosea-dein-punicea). 

Rose (Rosy-pink Hybrid-perpetual) (Nic. 
5/645, 646) (Ru/N/90, 94, 0/18, 20) 
(Cag. 596) (Mu. 53, 54) (Hod). 1107-g. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (rosea). 

Rose (Rosy-pink Noisette) (Ru/N/91, O/ 
22) (Mu, 56) (Hod). 1108-j. Rosa 
Noisettiana (rosea). 

Rose (Rosy-pink Tea) (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/ 
96, 0/22) (Mu. 54, 55). 1105-1. Rosa 
odorata (rosea). 

Rose (Rosy-shaded Carmine MHybrid- 
perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 58) (Po) 
(Ru/N/90, 93, 0/21, 22). 1107-k. Rosa 
hybrida - semperflorens (kermesina- 

Rose (Rosy-shaded Fawn Tea) (Cag. 601) 
(Hod). 1105-h. Rosa odorata (fulva~ 

Rose (Rosy-shaded Flesh-pink Tea) (Ru/ 
N/94) (Mn. 54). 1105-j. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Rosy-tinted Flesh-pink Hybrid- | 

perpetual) (Ru/N/96, 94, 0/19, 22) (Mu. 
54) (Hod). 1107-f. 
semperflorens (carnea-roseo-suffusa). 

Rose (Resy-tinted White Hybrid-per- 
petual (Mu. 52) (Hod). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (albida-roseo- 

Rose (Rosy to Carmine-centred White 
Hybrid-perpetual) (Ru/N/92, 0/19) 
(Mn. 52) (Hod) (Po), 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (albida-intus- 

Rose (Rosy to Violet Purple Tea) 
(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/18) (Mu, 54). 1105-p. 
Rosa odorata (purpurea-roseo-violacea). 

Rose (Roxburgh’s Triphylla) (Hk. 2/364). 
1092 Rosa leevigata. 

Rose (Ruddy-brown-shaded Crimson 
Hybrid-perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/ 
20) (Mu. 58). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-porphyreo-suf- 

Rose (Rugose leaved Slenderly Hetera- 
canthous) (Nic. 3/814). 1100 Rosa 

Rose (Saffrano) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 600) 
(Ooty. 437) (Ru/N/91, O/22) (Mu. 55), 
1105-m. Rosa odorata (armeniaca-fulvo- 
dein aurantio-suffusa). 

Rose (Saffron-shaded Bright-yellow Tea) 
(Ru/N/90, 0/20) (Mu. 55) (Hod). 1105-f. 
Rosa odorata (lutea-croceo-suffusa). 

Rose (Sage) (Nic. 4/109). cdxlv. Turnera 


Rose (Salmon-centred White Tea) (Nic. 

3/324) (Ru/N/93) (Mu. 55). 1105-4. 
Rosa odorata (albida-intus-cinna- 

Rose (Salmon-coloured Tea) (Mu. 55). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina). 

Rose (Salmon-margined Creamy Tea) 
(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/96, 0/22) (Mu. 55). 
1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea- 

Rose (Salmon-shaded Blush-pink Tea) 
(Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 54). 1105-k. Rosa odo- 
rata (erubescens-cinnabarino-suffusa). 

Rose (Salmon-shaded Creamy Tea) (Nic. 
3/324). 1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea- 

Rose (Salmon-shaded Pale Fawn Tea) 
(Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 600) (Mu. 55) (Ru/N/ 
94, 0/20) (Hod) (Po). 1105-h. Rosa 
odorata (fulva-cinnabarino-suffusa), 

Rose (Salmon-shaded Rosy-pink Hybrid 
Tea) (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/93, 0/19). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-rosea- 

Rose (Sappho) (Ru/0/22) (Mu. 56). 1105-h. 
Rosa odorata (fulva-intus-lutea-extus- 

Rose(Sarmentose bracteate Twin-prickled) 
(Hk. 2/864). 1094 Rosa involucrata. 

Rosa hybrida- | Rose (Satiny Rosy-pink Hybrid-perpe- 

tual) (Nic. 3/324, 5/646) (Ru/N/96) 
(Cag. 596) (Hed) (Mu. 54). 1107-g. 
Rosa bybrida-semperflorens (rosea-seri- 

Rose (Satiny Rosy-tinted White Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/95) (Mu. 
54). 1107-d. Rosa hybrida-semperfio- 
rens (albida-roseo-sericenitens), 

Rose (Scarlet Noisette) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 
(Po) (Mu. 57) (Hod). i108-k, Rosa Noi- 
setiiana (coccinea). 

Rose (Scarlet Cluster) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 
(Po) (Mu. 57) (Hod). 1108-k. Rosa 
Noisettiana (coccinea). 

Rose (Searlet Crimson changing to Violet- 
purple Hybrid-perpetual) (Cag, 595) 
(Mu. 58) (Ru/N/92, 0/21) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (pu- 
nicea - coccineo-suffusa - violaceo-purpu- 

Rose (Scarlet Hybrid-perpetual) (Mu. 52, 
53). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semperflo- 
rens (coccinea). 

Rose (Scarlet-shaded Maroon Hybrid-per- 
petual) (Nic. 3/324) (tu/O/18). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (atrosan- 

Rose (Schottice) (Br. 68) (?). 1107-k. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (kermesina) 

Rose. (Semi-lanceolate stipuled Deflexed- 
rigid Seven-(5-9)-leaved) (Hk. 2/364) 
(Nic. 3/321). 1100 Rosa gallica, 


Rose (Semiovate-dentate stipuled Downy- | 
backed Seven-(5-9)-leaved) (Hk. 2/364). | 
1101 Rosa rubiginosa. 

Rose (Semiovate-dentate stipuled Flaccid 
Seven-(5-9)-leaved) (Hk. 2/864) (Nic. 
3/320). 1099 Bosa centifolia. 

Rose (Semiovate-dentate stipnled Gland- 
petioled Seven-(5-9)-leaved) (Hk. 2/361) 
(Nic. 3/322). 1097 Rosa Eglanteria. 

Rose (Semiovate-dentate stipuled Glan- 
cous-backed Seven-(5-9)-leaved) (Hk. 
2/364) (Nic. 3/319). 1102 Rosa alba. 

Rose (Semiovate-dentate stipuled Subrigiad 
Seven-(5-9)-leaved) (Hk. 2/364). 1098 
Rosa damascena. 

Rose (Silver-backed Rosy-pink Hybrid- | 
perpetual) (Nic. 3/324, 5/646) (Mu. 53) 
(Ru/O/20) (Hod) (Po). 1107-g. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (rosea - extus - 

Rose (Silver Queen) (Nic. 5/644) (Ru/O/22). 
1107 -e, Rosa hybrida - semperflorens 

Rose (Silvery-centred Rosy Hybrid Tea) 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/94). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hybrida-rosea-intus-argentea). 

Rose (Silvery-centred Rosy-pink Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/92, O/20) 
(Mu. 55) (Cag. 596) (Hod)(Po). 1107-¢. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (rosea-intus- 

Rose (Silvery Flesh-pink Hybrid-perpe- 
tual) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/20) (iu. 63). 
1107-e. Kosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Simple sepalled Uniformly Prickly) 
(Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/324). 1103 Rosa 

Rose (Sinica) (Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/323) 
(Ooty. 435). 1092 Rosa levigata. 

Rose (Sir Rowland Hill) (Ru/O/2z). 1107-1. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (atrosan- 

Rose (S3mall berried China) (Nic. 3/322), 
1090 Roya microcarpa, 

Rose (Small leaved Twin-prickled) (Hk. 
2/346) (Nic. 3/319, 322). 1096 Rosa 

Rose(Small-narrow-obovate-to-lance leaved 
Pink-or-White Australian) (Bth. 1/333, 
adpd). 377 Eriostemon myoporoides, 

Rose (Smaller Pink-tinted-White Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Br. 71). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (albida-carneo- 

Rose (Smooth leaved Yellow Heteracan- 
thous) (Nic. 3/314). 1097 Rosa Eglan- 
teria. ; 

Rose (Souvenir d’Elise Vardon) (Nic. 
3/324) (Br. 68) (Mu. 56). 1105-c. Rosa 
odorata (eburnea-cinnabarino-suffusa), 

Rose (Souvenir-d’un-ami) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/N/93, 0/22) (Cag. 599) (Mu. 56) 



(Hod). 1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnaba- 

Rose (Souvenir de Cathérine Guillot) (Mu. 
56). 1108-h, Rosa Noisettiana (cuprea), 

Rose (Sonvenir de la Malmaison) (Nic. 
3/325) (Cag. 598) (Ru/O/22) (Hod). 
1106-c. Rosa borbonica (carnea-margine- 

Rose (Souvenir de Paul Néron) (Nic. 
8/324) (Ru/N/96, ©/22) (Mu. 55), 1105-c. 
Rosa odorata (eburnea-cinnabaro-mar- 

Rose (Souvenir du Président Carnot) (Nic. 
5/646) (Ru/N/96, 0/22). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hybrida-rosea-albo-suffusa). 

Rose (Souvenir-de 8. A. Prince) (Nie. 
5/646) (Ru/N/96). 1105-b. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Souvenir de Thérése Levet) (Ru/O/ 
22). 1105-0. Rosa odorata (punicea), 
Rose (Spanish White Rock) (Nic, 1/332), 

124 Cistus albidus, 

Rose (Star of Waltham) (Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 
54), 1107-j. Rosa hy brida-semperflorens 

Rose (Straw-shaded Brighteyellow Tea) 
(Nic. 3/824) (Ru/N/91, 0/21) (Mu. 55). 
1105-f. Rosa odorata (lutea-stramineo- 

Rose (Straw-tinted White Noisette) (Nic. 
5/646) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Mu. 52) (Hod), 
1108-d. Rosa Noisettians (albida-stra- 

Rose (Sulphur-edged Dark-yellow Tea 
Noisette) (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/90, 0/21). 
1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odorata-latea- 

Rose (Sun) (Nic, 2/124) (8.192, 419) (Rid. 
68). 1. Helianthemum (genns). 

Rose (Sunset) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/96, 0/22) 
(Mu. 56) (Ooty. 437) (Hod), 1105-m. 
Rosa odorata (armeniaca-aurartio-ru- 

Rose (Tawny changing to Orange Apricot- 
coloured Tea) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 600). 
(Ru/N/91, 0/22). 1105-m. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Tawny ‘lea Noisette) (Nic. 3/325) 
(Cag. 603) (Br. 69). 1108-1. Rosa Noi- 
settiana (odorata-fulva). 

Rose (Tea) (Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/324, 5/646) 
(S. 375, 425) (Cag. 599) (Br. 18) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu. 54) (Hod) (Po). 1105 Rosa odo- 

Rose (Tea) (McL. 322). 
1105 Rosa odorata. 

Rose (Tea Noisette) (Cag. 602). 1108-1. 
Rosa Noisettiana (odorata). 

Rose (‘Te#-scented flowered Indian) (Nic. 
5/664) (Cag. 599). 1105 Rosa odorata. 
Rose (The Bride) (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/94, 
0/22) (Mu. 55). 1105-b. Bosa odorata 


(1103 Sphalm] 


Rose (The Lion) (Nic. 5/647) (Bu/O/21) 
(Mu), 1085-c. Rosa multiflora (kerme- 

Rose (The Puritan) (Ru/O/22Z). 1107-c. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (ochro- 

Rose (Thornless Cluster) (Ooty, 495) 

(Hod). 1108-j. Rosa Noisettiana (rosea- 

Rose (Tourneforte) (Ru/N/91, 0/22) (Mu. 
56) (Hod). 1108-j. Rosa Noisettiana 

Rose (Transparent Rosy Salmon-coloured 
Tea) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/93) (Mu. 55). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (chinnabarina- 

Rose (Triomphe de Rennes) (Nic. 3/325) 
(Cag. 603) (Hod), 1108-1, Rosa Noiset- 
tiana (odorata-aurea). 

Rose (Ulrich Brunner) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/ 
N/96) (Mu. 54). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-kermesino-suffusa),. 

Rose (Velvetty Crimson Hybrid-perpetua!) 
(Nic. 8/824, 5/646, 646) (Cag. 596) (Ru/ 
N/94, 0/19, 20, 21) (Mu. 52, 53) (Po). 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (Velvetty Carmine Hybrid-perpetual) 
(Nic. 3/824) (Mu, 52) (Ru/N/91). 1107-k. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (kermesina- 

Rose (Velvetty Crimson Large China) 
(Nic. 5/646) (Cag. 598). 1103-d. Rosa 
indica (punicea-major.) 

Rose (Velvetty Carmine-shaded Crimson 
Hybrid-perpetual) (Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 58) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/20). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-kermesino-suffu- 

Rose (Velvetty Carmine-shaded Maroon 
Hybrid-perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/94, 0/22) (Hod) (Mu. 54) 
1107-1. Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens (at- 

Rose (Velvetty Purple-shaded Crimson 
Hybrid-perpetual) (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/95, 0/18, 20) (Mu. 53) (Hod). 
1107-j. Rosa hy brida-semperflorens (pu- 

Rose (Vermilion-tinted Scarlet Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Nic. 3/824) (Cag. 596) (Ru/ 
0/20) (Mu. 58). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida- 

Rose (Vicontesse de Cazes) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Cag, 601) (Hod). 1105-f. Rosa odorata 

Rose (Vicontesse de Paul Néron) (Mu. 56), 
1108-e. Rosa Noisettiana (citrina). 

Rose (Victor Verdier) (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/ 
94, 0/22) (Pu). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (kermesino-roseo-suffusa), 

Rose (Victoria Devoniensis) (Cag. 600) 
(Mu. 56), 1105-c. Rosa odorata (ebur- 


Rose (Violet-edged Crimson-tinted Scarlet 
Hybrid-perpetual) (Cag. 894) (Ru/O/21) 
(Po). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semperflo- 
rens (coccinea-puniceo-suftusa-margine- 

Rose (Violet Purple Hybrid-perpetual) 
(Ru/N/98, 0/22) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 1107- 
m. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (purpu- 

Rose (Waxy pale Flesh-colonred China) 
(Nic. 5/648) (Br. 70). 1103-b. Rosa 
indica (carnea-albocerea). 

Rose (White_Banksian) (Nic. 3/311, 328) 
(Cag. 592) (Ru/O/18) (Ooty 416). 1089- 
a. Rosa Banksia (typica). 

Rose (White Bath) (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 591) 
(Ru/N/94). 1099-d. Rosa centifolia- 

Rose (White Bussorah) (Cag. 591). 
b. Rosa damascena (alba). 

Rose (White Cluster) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 
(Mu. 57) (Hod) (Po) (Br. 70). 1108-b. 
Rosa (Noisettiana (alba). 

Rose (White Damask) (Nic. 3/321). 1098- 
b. Rosa damascena (alba). 

Rose (White Devoniensis) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 
(Mu, &4) (Hod). 1105-c, Rosa odorata 

Rose (White-edged Lilac-tinted Rosy-pink 
Hybrid-perpetual) (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/90). 
1107-g. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 
(rosea-—lilacino—suffusa—marg ine — albes— 

Rose (White Fairy) (Mu. 57). 
Rosa indica (minima-alba). 
Rose (White French) (Br. 68) (? See Cag. 
599), (? 1105) 1100 Rosa gallica (alba) 

Rose (White Maman Cochet) (Ru/N/95). 
1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea-luteo-sufiusa- 

Rose (White Noisette) (Cag. 602). 
Rosa Noisettiana (alba). 

Rose (White Persian) (Cag. 591) (Br. 68) 




(Mu. 57). 1098-b. Ros» damascena 
Rose (White-shaded Satiny Rosy-pink 

dybrid-perpetual) (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/ 
95, 0/18, 20) (Mu. 52,53)(Hod). 1107-¢. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (roseo-albo- 

Rose (White-suffused Rosy-pink Hybrid 
Tea (Nic. 4/646) (Ru/N/96, 0/22). 1105- 
q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-rosea-albo- 

Rose (Whitish-bordered Flesh-pink Bour- 
bon) (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 598) (Ru/O/22) 
(Hod). 1106-c. Rosa borbonica (carnea- 

Rose (Whitish Creamy Tea) (Ru/N/90, 
0/19) (Mu. 54). 1105-c. Rosa odorata 


Rose (Whitish Pink Tea) (Ru/O/21) (Mu. 
54). 1105-1 Rosa odorata (rosea-palli- 

Rose (Wichuraiana) (Nic. 5/646) (S. 375) 
(Ooty. 436). 1093 Rosa Lucia. 

Rose (Wichuray’s Snow-white) of China 
and Japan (Nic. 5/646). 1093 Rosa 

Rose (William Allen Richardson) (Nic. 
3/325) (Mu. 56). 1108-e. Rosa Noiset- 
tiana (odorata-aurantiaca). 

Rose (Wilson Saunders) (Ru/N/91, 0/22) | 

(Mu, 54), 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (punicea). 

Rose (Woolly berried White) (Nic. 3/319, 
322). 1095 Rosa bracteata. 

Rose (Xavier Olibo) 
596) (Ru/N/94, 0/22) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 

1107-1. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (at- | 
rosanguinea-kermesino-suffusa-velutina). | 

Rose (Yellow Banksian) (Nic. 3/319, 323) 
(Cag. 593) (S. 375) (Ooty.417). 1089-b. 
Rosa Banksiz (lutea), 

Rose (Yellow-centred Coppery-red Tea) | 

(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/92, 0/20), 1105-i. 
Rosa odorata (cuprea-intus-lutea), 

Rose (Yellow-centred Rosy-pink Tea) 
(Ku/N/92) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 1105-I, 
Rosa odorata (rosea-intus-lutea). 

Rose (Yelluw-shaded Deep Salmon-colour- 
ed Tea) (Cag,601) (Hod), 1105-n. Rusa 
odorata (cinnabarina-rubescens-lutec- 

Rose (Yellow-shaded Rosy-pink ea) (Nic. 
5/646) (Bu/N/95). 1105-1. Rosa odorata 

Rose(Yellow-tinted White Tea) (Ru/N/81, 
0/21) (Mu. 55). 1105-d, Rosa odorata 

Rose (Yellowish-tinted White Hybrid- 
perpetual) (Ru/O/22). 1107-c. Rosa 
hy brida-sempertiorens (ochroleuca). 

Rose Apple (McL. 379). cdxxi. Eugenia 

Rose Apple (McL, 3879, 764, 995) (S. 159) 
(Bs/T/318) (Gbl. 357) (Bdn/F.T) (Bed. 
1/110) (Br. 80) (HII. 346) (Cag. 239, 
572) (Cat. 142) (Rid. 124, 153) (Ru/N/ 
52, 159) (PA. 231) (W.D) (FAR, 25). 
1231 Eugenia Jambos. 

Rose (Beddome’s Tinnevelly) Apple (McL. ~ 

379, adpd), 1233 Hugenia Beddomei. 

Rose (Bourdillon’s Travancore) Apple 
(McL. 379, adpd). 1235 Eugenia occi- 

Rose (Cylindrical-tubed) Apple (McL. 379, 
adpd). 12387 Eugenia cylindrica. 

Rose (East Indian) Apple (Mch. 802). 
1281 Kugenia Jambos. 

Rose (Fox) Apple (McL, 154). 136-b. 
Flacourtia Ramontchi (sapida). 

Rose (Ground) Apple (McL. 386) (?). 
2302 Premna herbacea, 

(Nic. 3/324) (Cag. | 


Rose (Hemispheric-tubed) Apple (MeL. 
379, adpd). 1284 Eugenia hemispherica. 

Rose (Large) Apple (Muell. 8.P). 1228 
Eugenia malaccensis. 

Rose (Malay) Apple (McL. 386, 764, 802). 
1228 Eugenia malaccensis, 

Rose (Munro’s Wax) Apple (McL. 379, 386, 
adpd). 1229 Eugenia Munronii. 

Rose (Pink Wax) Apple (McL. 379, 386, 
adpd). 1280 Eugenia aquea. 

Rose (Wax) Apple (McL. 379, 886, adpd). 
1282 Eugenia javanica. 

Rose Apple of the Maharaja of Travancore 
(McL. 879, adpd). 1227 Eugenia Rama- 

Rose Apple of the Western Ghants (MeL. 
379, adpd), 1236 Eugenia leta. 

Rosebay Family (Nic. 4/495), LXXIV. 
Apocynacee (Order). 

Rosebay (S.288). dxcvii. Nerium (genus). 

Rosebay (Mcli. 230) (Cag. 498). 1844 
Nerium odorum. 

Rosebay (Nic. 3/291). 
dron (genus). 

Rosebay (Alternately-unequal leaved 
Wax-flower) (Hk. 3/648, Rox. 2/25, 
adpd), 1836-b. Tabernzmontana coro- 
nacia (crispa). 

Rosebay (Berried) (Rox. 1/695, adpd). 
dlxxxii. Hunteria (genus). 

Rosebay (Blue dyeing) (McL. 870). 
Wrightia tinctoria. 

Rosebay (Broad leaved) (McL. 869). 1886 
Tabernzemontana coronaria. 

Rosebay (Brown striped Golden Funnel) 
(Nic. 1/48, adpd). 1855 Allamanda 

Rosebay (Climbing Dyeing) (Hk. 3/650, 
adpd). dxciv. Parsonsia (genus). 

Rosebay (Climbing Whorled) (McL, 784, 
adpd). dixxxix. Ellertonia (genus). 

Kosebay (Clove scented Viper (Cag. 499, 
adpd). 1860 Aganosma caryophyliata. 

Rosebay (Cluster) (McL. 302, 947, adpd). 
1821 Kopsia fruticosa. 

Rosebay (Common Snake) (McL. 842, 
adpd). 1811 Rauwolfia serpentina. 

Rosebay (Common Wax-flower) (Mclu. 
869, Br. 125, Rid. 158, adpd), 1836 
Tabernemontana coronaria, 

Rosebay (Copious blossomed Robust 
Wax flower) (Hk. 3/644, adpd). 
1885 Tabernemontana Heyneana, 

dxli. Rhododen- 


Rosebay (Corkscrew petalled) (Hk. 
3/655, adpd). dxevili. Strophanthus 

Rosebay (Cup) (Cag. 499, Br. 126, adpd), 
dxcy. Vallaris (genus). 

Rosebay (Densely Cymed Viper) (Rox, 
2/16, adpd), 1861 Aganosma cymosa. 
Rosebay (Dichotomous Wax-flower) (Hk. 
3/643, adpd), 1834 Tabernwmoncna 



Rosebay (Dr. Allamand’s) (Nic. 1/47, 
adpd). dciii, Allamanda (genus). 
Rosebay (Double blossomed Common Wax- 

flower) (Hk. 3/647, Rox. 2/23, adpd). | 

1836-c. Tabernemontana coronania 
(flore pleno). 

Rosebay (Drupaceous Whorled) (McL. 
842,adpd’. dixxxi. Rauwolfia (genus). 

Rosebay (Dwarf) (McL. 584) (7). 1645 
Rhododendron arboreum (nilagirica) (?). 

Rosebay (Dyeing) (Mch. 370, adpd). 
dxevi. Wrightia (genus). 

Rosebay (Dysentery) (McL. 871, adpd). 
1833 Holarrhena antidysenterica. 

Rosebay (Hast Indian) (8.146, 442). 
1836 Tabernzemontana coronaria. 

Rosebay (Golden Funnel) (Nic. 1/47, 
adpd). dciii. Allamanda (genus). 

Rosebay (Guiana Golden Funnel) (Nic. 
1/47, adpd). 1854 Allamanda cathar- 

Rosebay (Heyre’s Wax-flower) (Hk. 
3/644, adpd). 1835 Tabernzmontana 

Rosebay (Hoary Snake) (Br. 123, adpd). 
1816 Rauwolfa canescens. 

Rosebay (Indian) (McL. 869). 
Tabernemontana coronaria 

Rosebay (Large Brazilian Golden Funnel) 
(Nic. 1/48, adpd). 1855 Allamanda 

Rosebay (Large blossomed Slender Wax- 
flower) (Hk. 3/647, adpd). 
nemontana coronaria. 

Rosebay (Large flowered Bell) (Br. 127, 
adpd). 1851 Beaumontia grandiflora, 

Rosebay (Large Golden Funnel) (Nic. 
1/47, adpd). 1854-b. Allamanda cathar- 
tica (grandiflora). 

Rosebay (Large leaved Viper) (Kid.115, 


1836 Taber- | 

adpd). 1858 Chonemorpha macrophylla. | 

Rose-bay (Lip-berry) (Hk. 3/626, adpd). 
dlxxvili. Chilocarpus (genus). 

Rosebay (Long-leuthery-polished Ob- 
ovate-cuneate-obtuse Whorled-(3-4)- 
leaved Salt-creek) (Hk, 3/638, adpd). 
1819 Ochrosia borbonica. 

Rosebay (Many flowered Snake) (MclL. 
842,adpd). 1812 Rauwolfia densiflora. 
backed Elliptic - obovate - cuspidate 
leaved Climbing Whorled (8-4) (Hk. 
8/641, adpd). 1828 Ellertonia Rheedii. 

Rose-bay (Medium-leathery Ovate-to- 
oblong-lance-acute-leaved Climbing 
Dyeing) (Hk. 3/659, adpd). 

sonsia spiralis. 
Rose-bay (Mediam-papery-punctate Ob- 
long-candate-leaved lLip-berry) (Hk. 
3/626, adpd). 
Rosebay (Mrs. Beaumont’s), 
montia (genus). 

deci. Beau- 

(Medium-leathery - glaucous- | 

1838 Par- | 


Rosebay (Oblong leaved Cup) (Hk. 3/650, 
adpd). 1839 Vallaris Heynei. 

Rosebay (Oleander) (McL. 280). 1844 
Nerium odorum, 

Rosebay (Oleander leaved Golden Funnel) 
(Nic. 1/47, adpd). 1856 Allamanda 


Rosebay (Oleander leaved Whorled) 
(McL. 784, adpd). 1831 Alstonia 

Rosebay (Orange-streaked Golden Funnel) 
(Nic. 1/47, adpd). 1856 Allamanda 

Rosebay (Oval leaved) (Pfl. 180). 1833 
Holarrhena antidysenterica. 

Rosebay (Panicled Viper) (Rid, 122, Br. 
128, adpd). 1864 Anodendron pani- 

Rosebay (Poisonous Whorled) (McL. 302, 
adpd), 1880 Alstonia venenata, 

Rosebay (Puberulous-backed Jeaved Blue 
dyening) (Hk. 3/653, adpd). 1841-h, 
Wrightia tiactoria (Rothii), 

Rosebay (Racemed Snake) (Mch. 842, 
adpd). 1815 Rauwolfia Beddomei. 

Rosebay (Red flowered Dyeing) (Mech. 
370, adpd), 1843 Wrightia coccinea, 

| Rosebay (Round leaved Cup) (Hk. 3/651, 

adpd). 1840 Vallaris Pergulana, 

Rosebay (Salt Creek) (McL. 622, adpd). 
1818 Cerbera Odollam. 

Rosebay (Scanty blossomed Robust Wax- 
flower) (Hk. 3/643,adpd). 1834 Taber- 
nemontana dichotoma, 

Rosebay (Schoolroom-blackboard Whorl- 
ed) (Mch. 278, adpd). 1829 Alstonia 

Rosebay (Slender fruited Viper) (Nie. 
1/508, 2/173, adpd). 1865 Ichnocarpus 

| Rosebay (Small blossomed Slender Wax- 

1801 Chilocarpus atro- | 

flower) (Hk. 3/649, Rox. 2/26, adpd). 

1837 Tabernzemontana Wallichina, 
Rosebay (Small flowered Snake) (McL. 

842, adpd). 1814 Rauwolfia micrantha, 

Rosebay (Small flowered Viper) (Rox. 
2/20, adpd). 1862 Epigynum parvyi- 

Rose-bay (Small-leathery-elliptic-acute- 
leaved Red-spotted-yellow Corkscrew) 
of China (Nic. 3/520, adpd). 1848 
Strophanthus divergens. 

Rose-bay (Small-papery-eliiptic-obtuse- 
leaved Corkscrew) (Hk. 3/656, adpd). 
1847 Stropbanthus Wightianus, 

Rose-bay (Small-papery Obovate-toe 
elliptic-oblong-wavy-cuspidate leaved 
Corkscrew) (Hk. 38/655, adpd). 1846 
Strophanthus Wallichii. 

Rose-bay (Snake) (McL. 842, 

dixxxi, Rauwolfia (genus). 


Rosebay (Sumatra Wax-flower) (Hk. 

3/649, Rox. 2/26,adpd), 1837 Taberne- | 

montana Wallichiana. 

adpd). 1859 Aganosma marginata. 

Rosebay (Wax-flower) (McL, 869, Br. 125, 
Rid, 158, adpd). dxciii, Tabernamon- 
tana (genus), 

Rosebay (Western Ghaut Bell) (Br. 127, 
adpd). 1852 Beaumontia Jerdoniana. 
Rosebay (White Bell) (Nic. 1/164, adpd). 

dei, Beaumontia (genus). 

Rosebay (Whorled) (McL. 784, adpd), 
dxc. Alstonia (genus). 

Rose-bay (Whorled-leaved SaJt-creek) 
(Hk. 3/688, adpd). dlxxxiy. Ochrosia 

Rosebay (Woolly (Dyeing) (McL. 370, 
adpd). 1842 Wrightia tomentosa. 

Rose Blanche (Br. 68) (? See Cag. 599). 
1100 Rosa gallica (alba) (?). 

Rose Box (8.118, 3875) (Nic. 
ecclxxxviii. Cotoneaster (genus). 

Rose (Creeping) Box (S. 118). 
Cotoneaster buxifolia. 

Rose (Medium-woolly-backed Oblong- 
acute-leaved) Box (Hk. 2/885, adpd). 
1120 Cotoneaster frigida. 

Rose (Minute-woolly-recurved-margined- 
elliptic-ovate-acute-leaved) (Hk, 2/887, 
adpd). 1121 Cotoneaster buxifolia. 

Rose (China) Bendy (McL. 82, 484, 827, 
943). 244 Hibiscus roga-sinensis. 



Rose-Coloured Leadwori (Ell. 453) (Pf. | 

125). 1654 Plumbago rosea. 

Rose-coloured Sticky mallow (Mch. 577, 
adpd). 232 Favonia zeylanica. 

Roselle Hemp (McL. 82). 240 (bts.) 
Hibiscus cannabinus. 

Rose Mallow (McL. 82) (S. 199, 375). 
xciii, Hibiscus (genus). 

Rose (Blue Syrian) Mallow (Nic. 1/143) 

(Ru/N/77). 246-c. Hibiscus syriacus 
Rose (Chinese) Mallow (8S. 938), 244 

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 

Rose (Chinese) Mallow (McL, 83, corr). 
245 Hibiscus mutabilis. 

Rose (Crimson and Carmine Syrian) 
Mallow (Nic. 1/143) (Ku/N/77) (Cag. 
653). 246-c. Hibiscus syriacus (cru- 

Rose (Double Flesh-coloured 
Mallow (Nic. 1/143) (Ru/N/77). 
Uibiscus syriacus (carneaplena), 


Rose (Double Mauve Syrian) Mallow (Nic. | 

1/143) (Ru/N/77). 
syriacus (plena). 
Rose (Double Pink Syrian) Mallow (Nic, 
1/143) (Ru/N/77). 246-d. Hibiscus 
syriacus (roseaplena). 

Rose (Double White Syrian) Mallow (Nic. 
1/143)  (Ru/N/77). 246-4. Hibiscus 
syriacus (albaplena), : 

246-b. Hibiscus 

246-e. | 


Rose (Felt leaved Hill) Mallow (Hk. 1/387, 
adpd). 239 Hibiscus canescens. 

i Rose (Five winged Capsule) Mallow (Hk. 
Rosebay (Tail leaved Viper) (Rid. 122, | 

1/838, adpd). 289 (bis.) Hibiscus viti- 


Rose (Fork bracteoled Prickly) Mallow 
(Rox. 3/205, adpd). 236 Hibiscus fur- 

Rose (Glabrous leaved Hill) Mallow (Hk. 
1/338, adpd). 240 Hibiscus collinus. 
Rose (Hemp leaved) Mallow (MeL. 82, 

adpd). 240 (bis.) Hibiscus cannabinus. 
Rose (Hill) Mallow (McL. 83, corr). 240 
Hibiscus collinus. 
Rose (Lily) Mallow (Br. 17, adpd). 249 

Hibiscus liliiflorus. 

Rose (Mauve Syrian) Mallow (Nic. 1/148) 
(Ru/N/77). 246-a. Hibiscus syriacus 

Rose (Sea-coast) Mallow (McL, 82, adpd). 
241 Hibiscus tiliaceus. 

Rose (Small Purple) Mallow (McL. 88, 
corr). 2387 Hibiscus hirtus. 

Rose (Spreading) Mallow (McL. 83, 943, 
adpd). 288 (bis.) Hibiscus ficulnenus. 
Rose (Syrian) Mallow (Mc. 83, 867, Br. 

17, corr). 246 Hibiscus syriacus. 

Rose (Vine leaved) Mallow (McL. 84, 948, 
adpd). 239 (bis.) Hibiscus vitifolius. 
Rose (White Small flowered) Mallow (Hk, 

1/336, adpd), 288 Hibiscus micranthus, 

Rose margined Copper Leaf (McL. 465, 
Ru/N/112,  adpd). 2668 Acalypha 

Rosemary (Nic. 2/228) (S. 327). 
Kosmarinus (genus). 

Rosemary (Muell. 8.P.) (Bth. 4/73) (Gbl, 
546) (Rid. 195) (8. 375, 876) (Jaf. 47) 
(Ru/N/s4, O/14) (Mu. 27) (Po, 29). 
2352 Resmarinus officinalis. 


Rosemary (Common) (Nic 2/828), 2852 
Resmarinus officinalis, 

Rosemary (Marsh) (8.329), dxxxix. 
Pieris (genus). 

Rosemary (Marsh) (S. 235, 262). 1651 

Ledum palustre. 

Rosewary (Medium pilose-glabrate-back- 
ed Ovate-elliptic-acute-!eaved Marsh) 
(Hk. 3/460, adpd). 1643 Pieris ovali- 

Rosemary (Wild) (S. 329). 

Rosemary leaved White Dead-nettle shrub 
(Hk. 4/685, adpd)., 2359 Leucas ros- 

Rosoméne (Gloire de) Rose (Cag. 596). 
1107-j. Kosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Rose (French White) of Indian Gardens 
(Cag. 599) (Br. 68 7). 1105-d, Rosa 
odorata (albida-fulyo-suftusa), 

Rose of Sharon (McL. 83) (S, 204). 24 
Hibiscus syriacus, 

dxxxix. Pieris 


Rose of the Doon (Cag. 604) (Hk. 2/364). 
1094-h. Rosa involucrata (Lyellii). 

Rose (Silken) Tree (Bs/T/272). 
Albizzia Julibrissin. 

Rosette-coronetted Star-flowered Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/47, adpd). dexxvi. Hetero- 
stemma (genus). 


Rosette-star (Medium-membranous Ovate- | 

or - lance - oblong - obtuse-or-apiculate- 
leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk, 4/48, adpd). 
1919-a. Heterostemma tanjorense 

Rosette-star Medium-membranous Ovate- 
or-lance - oblong - acuteo or - acumimate 
leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/48, adpd). 
1919-b. Heterostemma tanjorense (zey- 

punctulate Ovyate-lance-leaved) Justice- 
wort (Hk. 4/525, adpd). 
cia betonica (typica). 

Rose Willow (Muell. 

Rose Wood (Bed. 2/24) (Bdn/L) (W, 34, 
46, 68, 77, 96,97, 105). 881 Dalbergia 

Rose-wood (Bastard) (Hk. 2/235, Treas. 
Bot. 2/991, adpd). ccexxiv, Dalbergia 
(genus-Dalbergaria section). 

Rose (Bombay) Wood (Sdn/F.T) (1.F, 
xxxi/3). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 
Rose (Burmese) Wood (McL. 642). 
Sphalm ] 895 Pterocarpus macrocarpus. 
tose (Cabinet) Wood (Pfil. 187). (7?) 889 

Dalbergia lanceolaria. 

S.P). 2802 Salix 

Rose-wood (Indehiscent-podded) (Hk. 2/60, | 

Treas. Bot. 2/$91, adpd). xliii-A. Legu- 
minose (Order-Papilioneze suborder- 
Dalbergieze Tribe). 

Rose (Indian) Wood (McL. 461) (Bed. | 

1/88) (Cat. 93). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 
Rose-wood (Kidney-podded) (Hk. 2/237, 

Treas. Bot. 2/991, adpd). cccxxiy. Dal- 

bergia (genus-Selenolobium section). 

Rose-wood (Kino) (Bed. 2/21, Gbl. 261, 
Br. 58, McL, 418, 642, 749, 977, Treas. 
Bot. 1/647, 2/991, adpd). cccxxv. 
Pterocarpus (genus). 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(11-17) Bright- 
green Ovate-or-obovate-obtuse-leaved 
Bastard) (Bs/T/287, adpd). 889 Dal- 
bergia lanceolaria. 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(9-13) 
green-downy-midribbed oblong-obtuse- 
or-retuse-leaved) Bastard (Bs/T/236, 
adpd), 891 Dalbergia paniculata. 

Rose-wood- (Multifoliate-(7-9)  elliptic- 
cuspidate leaved Kino) (Bs/T/289, adpd). 
894 Pterocarpus indicus. 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(5-10) Grass- 
green-equalisized Roundish-elliptic- 
acute-leaved) (Bdn/I.F’, xxxi/3, adpd). 
882 Dalbergia sissoides, 

(Medium- | 

2257-a. Just:- | 

[g94 | 

Dall- | 


Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(11-15) Ovate= 
lance acuminate leayed Kino) (Bs/T/ 
239, Pr.1/412, adpd), 898 Pterocarpus 

Rose-wocd (Multifoliate-(11-41)-papery- 
hoary-backed  elliptic-oblong-subacute- 
leaved Winged) (Bs/T/241, Rox, 3/229, 
adpd). 901 Derris robusta, . 

| Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(79)-silky-backed 

Ovate-oblong-mucronate leaved Kino) 
(Bs/T/229, adpd), 895 Pterocarpus 

_ Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(11-15)-subglab- 

rous Oblong-retuse-leaved) (Hk, 2/283, 
(Bs/T/235, adpd). 886 Dalbergia melan- 

Rose-wood (Opposite-leaved Broad-strap- 
podded) (Treas. Bot. 1/902, adpd), 
ccecexxviii. Platymischium (genus). 

Rose-wood (Opposite-leafletted Flat- 
almond podded) (Hk. 2/60, Rox. 3/239, 
Treas. Bot. 2/991, adpd). cccexvi. Pong- 
amia (genus). 

Rose-wood (Opposite-leafletted Winged- 
strap-podded) (Hk. 2/60, Treas. Bot. 
2/991, 1297, adpd). cccxxvii. Derris 

Rose-wood (Qninquefoliate-(3-7) Dark- 
green-uneojual-sized Round-obtuse-or- 
retuse leaved) (Bdn/I. F, xxxi/3, adpd). 
881 Dalbergia Jatifolia, 

Rose-wood (Quinquefoliate-(5-7)-glabrate 
elliptic-obtuse-or-retuse leaved Kino) 
(Bs/T/240, adpd). 897 Pterocarpus 

Rose-wood (Quinquefoliate-(5-7)-glabrate 
Ovate-acute-or-acu ninate leaved Kino) 
(Br. 1/412, adpd). 897-b. Pterocarpus 
Marsupium (acuminatus). 

Rose-wood (Quinquefoliate-(3-5)-Round- 
cuspidate-leaved) (Hk, 2/231, adpd), 
880 Dalbergia Sissoo, 

Rose-wood (Strap-podded) (Hk. 2/60, 
Treas. Bot. 2/991, adpd). cccxxiv. 
Dalbergia (genus). 

Rose-wood (Trifoliate-(3-5)-silky-backed 
Roundish - elliptic - obtuse - or - retuse- 
leaved Kino) (Bs/1/240, adpd). 896 
Pterocarpus santalinus. 

Rose-wood (Winged) (Hk. 2/60, Treas, 

Bot. 2/991, 1297, adpd). ccexxvil, 
Derris (genus). 
Rose-wood (Winged-disc-podded) (Hk. 

2/90, Treas. Bot. 2/991, adpd). 
Pterocarpus (genus). 

Rose-wood (Hook-branched Salt-swamp) 
Climber (Bs/T/238,  adpd), 892 
Dalbergia monosperma. 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(9-13)-Bright- 
green  elliptic-obovate-obtuse-leaved- 
Bastard) Climber (Bs/T/237, adpd). 
690 Dalbergia volubilis. 



Rose-wood  (Maultifoliate-(7-11)-brown- 
downy-backed _oblong-retuse-leayed) 
Climber (Hk. 2/233, adpd). 885 

Dalbergia congesta. 

Rosewood (Maultifoliate-(7-11)-densely- 
brown-velvetty oblong-obtuse-leaved 
Climber (Bs/'T/234, adpd), 885 (bis.) 
Dalbergia Gardneriana, 

Rosewood (Multifoliate-(25—41)-glaucous- 
brown-downy-backed Trapezoid-oblong~ 
leaved) Climber (Hk. 2/289, adpd). 
888 Dalbergia tamarindifolia. 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(11-15)-grey- 
silky Oblong-obtuse-or-emarginate- 
leaved Spinous) Climber (Hk. 2/233, 
adpd). 887 Dalbergia sympathetica, 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(5-7)-leathery 
Obovate-oblong-subacute-leaved Wing- 
ed) Climber (ilk. 2/294, adpd). 904 
Derris brevipes. 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(7-13)-leathery- 
shining-hoary-backed elliptic-lance- 

leaved Winged) Climber (Bs/T/241, 
Rox. 3/282, adpd). 800 ~— Derris 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(5-7)-leathery- 
very-small Oblong-cuspidate-leaved 
Winged) Climber (Hk. 2/247, adpd). 
9lu Derris Wightii. 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(9)-membranous 
Oblong-retuse-leaved Winged) Climber 
(Hk. 2/247, adpd). 909 Derris ovyali- 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(7-11) Obovate- 
cblong-obtuse-leaved Kidney-podded) 
Climber (Bs/T/238, adpd). 8938 Dal- 
bergia spinosa. 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(7-9) obovate-ob- 
long-obtuse-or-retuse-leaved Spinous) 
Climber (Hk, 2/234, adpd). 
Dalbergia coromandeliana, 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(5-7) obovate- 
obtuse-or-retuse-leaved §Kidney-pod- 
ded) Climber (Bs/T/238, adpd). 892 
Dalbergia nionosperma. 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(9-13)-papery 
Oblance - or - oblong - lance- subobtuse- 
leaved Winged) Climber (Bs/T/242, 
adpd). 9038 Derris oblonga. 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(7-9)-papery 
oblong-cuspidate-leaved Winged) 
Climber (Hk. 2/244, adpd). 905 Derris 

Rose-wood (Multifoliate-(5-7)-sub- 
glaucous-backed oblong-obtuse-leaved) 
Climber (Hk. 2/232, Rox. 3/281, adpd). 
884 Dalbergia rubiginosa. 

Rose-wood (Quinguefoliate-(5-7)-lea- 
thery-medium Oblong-cuspidate-leaved 
Winged) Climber (Hk. 2/245, adpd), 
907 Derris platyptera. 

Rose-wood (Quinquefoliate-leathery Obov- 
ate-oblong-cuspidate-leaved Winged) 

884 ( bis.) 


Climber (Hk. 
Derris Heyneana. 
Rose-wood (Quinquefoliate-(3-5)-papery- 
polished Ovate-acuminate Winged) 
Climber (Bs/'T/241, adpd). 902 Derris 
Rose-wood (Salt-swamp Winged) Climber 

2/244, adpd). 906 

(Bs/T/241, adpd), 902 Derris uligi- 

Rose-wood (Spinous Salt-swamp) Climber 
(Bs/'T/238, adpd). 893 Dalbergia 

Rose-wood (‘Trifoliate-(1-5) oblong-acute- 
leaved) Climber (Bs/‘'l'/284, Hk. 2/282, 
adpd). 883 Dalbergia rostrata. 

Rose-wood (‘frifoliate-(1-5)-green oblong- 
acute-leaved) Climber (Hk. 2/282, 
adpd). 883 Dalbergia rostrata. 

Rose-wood (Yellow-racemed flowered) of 
Sonth America (Treas. Bot. 1/902). 
ecexxviii. Platymischium (genus). 

Roseworts (McL. 1006). XLIV. Rosacez 

Rosy (Orbicular Green margined) Arrow- 
root (Nic. 1/238). 3022 Calathea roseo- 

Rosy - backed _ Ivory - white - blotched 
Shining-dark-green Croton (Nic. 1/350) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Mh, 
Codizum variegatum (albicans), 

Rosy-backed Orange-yellow (Pale-green- 
leaved) Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262, 5/192). 
3027-d. Canna lutea (aurantiaca). 

Rosy-backed Yellow-centred Fawn Tea 
Rose (Ru/O/22) (Mu. 56). 1105-h. Rosa 
odorata (fulva-intus-lutea-extus-rosea). 

Rosy-bordered Lemon-yellow Tea Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/93, 0/21). 1105-e. 
Rosa odorata (citrina-roseo-marginata). 

Rosy-bracted (Bright-green-leaved) 
Brazilian Hogweed (Nic. 1/206, adpd). 
2369 Bougainvilla glabra. 

Rosy (Long-lineolate Elliptic-acuminate- 
leaved) Bracted Vernal-flower (Hk. 
4/419, adpd). 2172 MDedalacanthus 

Rosy-centred Apricot-coloured Tea Rose 
(Cag, 600) (Po). 1105-m. Rosa odorata 

Rosy-centred (Carmine-margined to) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu), 2646-Ni. 
Codizum Variegatum (Sunrise). 

Rosy-cenired Flesh-pink Tea 
(Ru/O/18) (Mu. 54),  1105-}. 
odorata (carnea-intus-rosea). 

Rosy-centred Salmon-tinted Flesh-pink 
Hybrid-perpetual Rose) (Nic. 3/324) 
(Rau/N/92, 0/19) (Mu. 52) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-f. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 
(carnea - cinnabariuo - suffusa - intus- 

Rosy-centred White Tea Tose (Mu. 54) 
(Hod). 1105-d. Rosa odorata (albida- 
intus-rosea), : 



Rosy-coppery-shaded Golden-yellow 
Bourbon Rose (Ru/N/96, O/22). (? 
1105-g.) 1106-b. Rosa _ borbonica 
(aurea-zneo-suffusa) (?). 

Rosy Crimson MHybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 54, 52) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/92, 0/18) (Hod) (Po). 1107-j. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Rosy (Lilac-backed) Crimson MHybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Cag. 596) 
(Mu. 53) (Hod), 1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-roseo-suffusa- 

Rosy-Crimson-margined Golden-midrib- 
bed-and-veined Deep-green-maturing- 
crimson Croton (Nic. 1/855) (Ra/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qg. Codiznm 
variegatum (insigne.) 

Rosy - Crimson - veined - blotched - and 
marbled Bronzy-yellow Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Qe. 
Codizum variegatum) (mirabile). 

Rosy-edged White Leaf Cactus (Nic. 
1/515). 1374-b, Epiphyllum trancatum 

Rosy (White or) flowered Almond (Nic. 
1/67). 1063 Prunus Amyedalus. 

Rosy flowered Glory Tree (S, 101, Br. 167, 
adpd). 2824 Clerodendron roseum., 

Rosy flowered Leadwort (McL. 178) (Br. 
175) (Rid. 82). 1654 Plumbago rosea. 

Rosy-flowered (Lunce-acute-serrate-glab- 
rate-leaved) Meadow-sweet (Nic. 3/476, 
adpd). 1076 Spirzea japonica. 

Rosy Flowered Tree Fuchsia of Mexico | 

(Nic. 2/81), 1323 Fuchsia arborescens, 

Rosy (Anaimalai) flowering Ivy (Hk. 
2/526,  adpd), 1289 Kendrickia 

Rosy-flushed (Yellow-spotted) §Dark- 
green Croton (Nic. 1/356) (Ra/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2664-Ece. Codizum 
variegatum (aucubefolium), 

Rosy-flushed Creamy Tea Rose (Nic. 
5/646), 1105-c. Rosa odrata (eburnea 

Rosy-flushed-green (Yellow-veined-and- 
blotched) Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) Jaf). 2646-De. Codizeam 
variegatum (heroijcum), 

Rosy-flushed Silvery Flesh-pink Hybrid- | 

perpetual Rose (Nic. 
64) (Ru/N/92, 0/21, 22). 
hybrida-semperflorens (argenteo-carnea- 

Rosy-flushed White Brusiletto Climber 
(Rox. 2/3868, adpd). 9389 Pterolobium 

Rosy (Cherry tubed White and) Fuchsia 
(Nic, 2/88), 1331 (bis.) Fuchsia alba- 

Rosy (Silvery-centred) Hybrid Tea Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Bu/N/94). 1105-q. Rosa 

5/644) (Mu, 53, | 
1108-e. Rosa | 


odorata (hybrida - rosea - intus - argén- 

Rosy Keurboom of the Cape (Treas. Bot. 
2/1219). 919 Virgilia capensis. 

Rosy Leaf Cactus (Nic. 1/515), 1874-a. 
Epiphyllum truncatum (roseum), 

Rosy Milkweed (McL. 664, corr). 
Oxystelma esculentum. 

Rosy Milkwort (McL. 664) (? Milkweed). 
1881 Oaystelena esculentum. 

Rosy (Variegated-rayed) Passion Flower 
(Br. 87). 1856 Passiflora Middletoni- 

Rosy-petioled Yellow-irregularly-blotched 
Croton (Nic. 1/352) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ad..Codizum varie- 
gatum (fucatum), 

Rosy-pirk Bourbon Rose (Ru/N/91, 0/21) 
(Mu. 56) (? Cag. 596, 597, Br. 69). 
1106-d. Rosa borbonica (rosea). 

Rosy-pink changing to Crimson China 
Rose (Nic. 5/647) (Cag. 598). 1103-c., 
Rosa indica (rosea-dein-punicea). 

Rosy-Pink Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Nic. 
5/645, 646) (Ru/N/90, 94, 0/18, 20) 
(Cag. 596) (Mu. 58, 54) (Hod), 1107-g. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (rosea). 

Rosy-pink (Carmine-tinted) Hybyrid- 
perpetual Rose (Nic, 3/324) (Ru/N/95, 
96) (Mu. 53, 54) (Hod). 1107-g, Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (rosea-kerme- 

Rosy-pink (Cherry-tinted) Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Nic. 3/3824) (Ru/N/93, 0/20, 
22) (Mu. 3, 54) (Hod). 1107-g. Rosa 
hy brida-semperflorens (rosea-cerasi- 

Rosy-pink (Lilac-shaded) Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Mu. 58) (Hod), 1107-g. 
Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens (rosea- 

Rosy-pink (Paler-backed) Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Mu. 54). 
1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens 

Rosy-pink (Salmon-shaded) Hybrid Tea 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/93, 0/19). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-rosea- 

Rosy-pink (Satiny) Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Nic. 3/324, 5/646) (Rn/N/96) (Cag. 
596) (Hod) (Mu. 54), . 1107-g. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (rosea-sericeni- 

Rosy-pink (Silver-backed) Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Nic. 8/324, 5/646) (Mu. 


53) (Ru/O/20) (Hod) (Po), 1107-g, 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (rosea- 
extus argentea), 
Rosy-pink (Silvery-centred) Hybrid- 

perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/92, 
Q/20) (Mu. 55) (Cag. 596) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-g. Rosa hybrida-semperfiorens 


Rosy-pink (White-edged Lilac-tinted) 
Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/90), 1107-g. Rosa  hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea-lilacino-suffusa- 

Rosy-pink (White-shaded Satiny) Hybrid 
perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/825) (Ru/N/95, 
0/18, 20) (Mu. 52, 53) (Hod). 1107-g. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (rosea- 

Rosy-pink (White-suffused) Hybrid Tea 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/96, 0/22). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-rosea- 

Rosy-pink Noisette Rose (Ru/N/91, 0/22) 
(Mu. 56) (Hod). 1108-j. Rosa Noiset- 
tiana (rosea), 

Rosy-pink ‘Tea Rose (Nic. 5/646) 
(Ru/N/96, 0/22) (Mu. 54, 55), 1105-1, 
Rosa odorata (rosea). 

Rosy-pink (Yellow-centred) Tea Rose 

(Ru/N/92) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po), 1105-1. 
Rosa odorata (rosea-intus-lutea). 

Rosy-pink (Yellow-shaded) Tea Rose 
(Nic. 5/606) (Ru/N/95). 1105-1. Rosa 
odorata (rosea-hitea-suffusa). 

Rosy-purple petalled Spider Flower Shrub 
(Hk. 2/518, adpd). 1279 Osbeckia 

Rosy-purple-mottled-green (Very-small- 
membranous) (Ovate - obtuse - leaved 
Featherfoil (Nic. 3/110,adpd). 2573-b. 
Phyllanthns nivosnus (roseopicta), 

Rosy (Imparipinnate-(7-9) - medium- 
woolly-glabrate elliptic-cuspidate-leav- 
ed) Ridge-septate Trumpet Tree (Hk. 
4/381, adpd). 2138 Hetero-phragma 

Rosy (Transparent) Salmon-coloured Tea 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/93) (Mu. 53). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina- 

Rosy-shaded Carmine Hybrid-perpetual 

Rose (Nic, 3/324) (Mu. 53) (Po) 
(Ru/N/90, 94, 0/21, 22). 1107-k. Rosa 
hy brida-semperflorens (kermesina- 


Rosy shaded Fawn Tea Rose. (Cag. 601) 
(Hod), 1105-h. Rosa odorata (fulva- 

Rosy-shaded Flesh-pink ‘Tea 
(Bu/N/94) (Mu. 54). 1105-j. 
odorata (carnea roseo-suffusa), 

Rosy-shaded (Deep) Salmon-coloured Tea 


Rose (Nic, 3/824) (Ru/N/93, 0/22) (Cag. | 

597) (Mu. 56) (Hod). 

Rosy South American Daisy Thistle 
Shrub (Nic, 1/159, 5/123, adpd). 1631 
Barnadesia rosea, 

Rosy (White and) Streaked Leaf Cactus 
(Nic. 3/113), 1875 Phyllocactus phyl- 

1105-n, Rosa 


Rosy Swallow-wort (McL. 664, adpd). 
1881 Oxystelma esculentum, 

Rosy (Medium-leathery  e}liptic-serrate- 
acuminate-leaved) Sweet-leaf(Bs/T/440, 
adpd). 1743 Symplocos-complanata, 

Rosy (Medium-papery  obovate-lance- 
serrate-acuminate-leaved) Sweet-leaf 
(Hk. 3/583, adpd). 1742 Symplocos 

Rosy Tea of Heaven (Muell. S.P) (Nic. 
5/424, adpd). 1122-d. Hydrangea 
Hortensia (rosea), 

Rosy-tinted Flesh-pink Hybrid-per- 

petual Rose (Ru/N/94, 96, 0/19, 22) (Mu. 
54) (Hod). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (carnea-roseo-suffusa), 

Rosy-tinged Lemon-yellow-veined Green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid (Jaf). 
2646-Fe, Codisum variegatum (Royal 

Rosy-tinted White SHybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Ma. 52) (Hod), 1107-d. Rowa 
hy obrida-semperflorens (aibida-roseo- * 

Rosy-tinted (Satiny) White Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Nic. 3/3824) (Ru/N/95) 
(Mu. 54). 1107-d, Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (albida-roseo-sericenitens), 

Rosy-tipped Large White Leaf Cactus 
(Nic. 1/575). 1374-c, Epiphyllum 
truncatum (magnificum), 

Rosy-to-carmine-backed Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nh. Codiwum 
variegatum (Sunset). 

Rosy-to-carmine-centred White-Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Ru/N/92, O/19) (Mu. 
52) (Hod) (Po). 1107-d. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (albida~intus-roseo-ker- 

Roey to Violet Purple Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Ru/O/18) (Mu. 54). 1105-p. 
Rosa odorata (purpurea-roseo-violacea). 

Rosy (American) ''rumpet Creeper (Ooty. 
476). 2130 Tabebuia rosea, 

Rosy (Australian) Trumpet Creeper (Br. 
132, Cag. 455, adpd), 2126 ‘Tecoma 

Roth’s Elliptic Jeaved Staff Tree (McL. 
459, adpd). 535 Gymnosporia Rothii. 
Rothschild (Baron A. de) Rose (Ru/N/92) 
(Mu. 53). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-sem- 

perflorens (coccinea-rutilans). 

Rothschild (Baroness) Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/O/i8) (Mu. 52) (Hod). 1107-g, 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (rosea-albo- 

Rothschild (Madame) Rose (Mn, 58), 
1107-c. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rottlera (Dyer’s) (McL. 404), 2687 
Mallotus philippinensis, 
Rottler’s Eugene Myrtle (McL. 879, 

adpd), 1265 Engenia Rottleriana, 


Roucon (McL.777). 130 Bixa Orellana. 

Rouge (Palmiste) (N. 1/470). 3127 
Dictyosperma rubrum. 

Rough Australian Bottle - brush (Nic. 
5/185). 1289 Callistemon linearis. 

Rouge Berry (S. 370). 2884 Rivina levis. 

Rouge Plant (Nic. 3/309) (8.370). 2384 
Rivina levis. 

Rouge (Monkey’s Face) Tree (McL. 304, 
Bdn/F.T, corr). 2687 Mallotus philip- 

Rougemont (Alfred de) Rose (Ru/O/i8) 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Rougemont (Madame Alfred de) Rose 
(Ku/O/24) (Hod) (Po). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperfiorens (albida-carneol- 

Rough Banyan (Mch. 73). 

Rough Basil (McL.910). 
sanctum (hirsuta). 

27492 Ficus 

2336-b. Ocimum 

Rough Bindweed (McL. 171). ecmlxi. 
Smilax (genus). 
Rongh Chaff (McL. 506), 1679 Achras 


Rough Coorvitchy (McL. 222, 998). 
Ehretia buxifolia. 

Rough-corky-barked (Parallel-subtrans- 
verse-nerved Medium Ovate-to-lance- 
obtuse-or-mucronate-leaved) Eucaiypt 
(Bth. 3/258, adpd). 1171 Eucalyptus 

Rough Ehretia (Br. 146). 
tia levis (aspera). 

Rough fruited Hill olive (McL. 34, adpd). 
1784 Linociera leprocarpa (courtalleni- 

Rough Hairy Tree Vine (McL. 751, adpd). 
622 Leea hirta. 

Rough lance leaved Indian Linden (Hk. 
1/389, adpd). 3823 Grewia bracteata. 
Rough Leaf Fig (McL. 73). 1751 Ficus 


Rough leaved Ramoon (McL, 376). 
Streblus asper. 

Rough leayed Sebesten (McL. 802) (Br. 
144). i979 Cordia Sebestena. 

Rough Ovyate leaved Ivory Wood (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 1980-d. Ehretia levis 

Rough-persistent - (except-small-branch)- 
barked (Parallel-oblique-fine - regular - 
nerved Medium Lance-and-falcate-acu- 
minate-leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 3/234, 
adpd). 1186 Kucalyptus viminalis. 

Rough-persistent-not-furrowed - branch - 
smooth-barked (Paralled - subirans - 
verse-neryed Medium -whitish - backed 
ate-leayed) Eucalypt (Bth. 3/209, 
adpd). 1179 Eucalyptus marginata, 


1980-d. Ehre- 



Rough-persistent - not - furrowed - but- 
branch-deciduous: barked (Parallel-sub- 
transverse-indistinct-nerved Medium - 
thick Ovate - lance-to-lance-or - falcate 
acuminate -leavyed) Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/245, adpd). 1178 Eucalyptus resini- 

Rough Skin Plum (Nic. 3/325). 1059 
Parinrium excelsum, 

Rough Skinned Plum of Sierra-Leone 
(Ol, 2/369). 1059 Parinarium excel- 

Rough Small leaved Spider Flower shrub 
(Hk, 2/519, adpd). 1280 Osbeckia 

Rough Stemmed Bastard Sensitive Plant 
(McL. 844). 787  Aischynomene 

Rough (Flexuous) Stemmed Cocoanut of 
Brazil (Nic. 5/250). 3229 Cocos 

Rough (Whip-branched) Stemmed Shrub~ 
by Bamboo (Hk, 7/402). 3306 Oxyten- 
anthera Thwaitesii. 

Rough Toolsy (MeL. 910, 999). 
Ocimum sanctum (hirsuta). 
Roughish (Crustaceous druped) Indian 
Linden (Hk. 1/387, adpd). 3818 Grewia 


Roughish Kound leaved Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/387, adpd). 318 Grewia scabro- 

Round Bendy (McL. 914). 

Round berried cuspidate leaved Lingam 
Tree (Hk. 1/172, adpd). 101-b. Crate- 
va religiosa (Roxburghii). 

Round berried Partridge Pea Tree (Bdn/ 
F.T., adpd). 493 Anacolosa densiilora, 

Round bracted ‘lick Trefoil (Mc. 818, 
adpd), 799 Desmodium pulchellum, 

Round branched Umbelled ‘Lick Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 796 Desmodium 

Round-bristle-serrate-leaved (Simple-con- 
cave) Panax (Br. 95, adpd). 14038 
Panex cochleatium. 

Round Buckler leaved Moon-seed (Mech. 
1005, Hk. 1/103, Rox. 3/840, adpd). 90 
Stephania rotunda, 

Round (Woolly) Buckler leayed Moon- 
seed (McL, 1005, Hk. 1/99, adpd). 82 
Coscinium fenestratum, 

Round - capsuled (Slender - raceme) 
TYiger’s Milk Spurge (Hk. 5/472, adpd), 
2704-b, Sapium insigne (malabarica). 

Round Cardomum (Mchl. 135), 38004 
Elettaria Cardamomum, 

Round-cuspidate-leaved (Quinquefoliate- 
(8-5) Rose-wood (hk. 2/231, adpd), 
880 Dalbergia Sissoo. 

Round cymed Snake Root (McL. 507, 
adpd), 1481 Ophiorrhiza Brunonis. 


222 Abutilon 


Round-deltoid (Trifoliate-downy-backed- | 

leathery-small) leaved Dholl Climber 
(Hk. 2/217, adpd). 855 

Round-dentate (Very-small-shining) leav- 
ed Prickly Buckthorn (Hk. 1/641, 
adpd). 572 Scutia indica. 

Round-elliptic ~ obovate - obtuse - leaved 
(Small-leathery) Sarsaparilla Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/11, adpd). 

Ronnd - elliptic - obtuse - leaved (Large) 

Resin-tipped Cape Jasmine (Hk. 3/118, | 

adpd). 1506 Gardenia latifolia. 
Round entire leaved Holly (Hk. 1/600, 

adpd). 509 Ilex Walkeri. 
Round fruited Hamelia (Br. 103), 1490 | 
Hamelia spherocarpa. 
Round-green-serrate-leaved (Trifoliate- 

(1-5) Creamy - white - blotched.~ and- 
margined) Panax (Nic. 5/579, adpd). 
1401 Panax Balfonri. 
Round Guava (McL. 333). 
diam Guyava (pomiferum). 
Round-heart-acuminate-leaved (Medium- 
villous) Dark-purple-flowered Bindweed 
(Nic. 2/192, adpd). 2025 Ipomea 
Round-Heart-cuspidate-leaved (Large-or- 

1222-b, Psi- 

medium-downy-backed) Cadamba (Hi. | 

3/24, adpd), 1489 Adina cordifolia. 

Round - heart - leaved (Simple - palmati- 
(5-7)-nerved-alternate Slightly-shag- 
gy) Prickly-slender-stemmed Yam (Hk. 
6/296, adpd). 3072 Dioscorea fascicu~ 

Seaside Grape (Nic. 
2387 Coccoloba uvifera., 

1/346, adpd). 

Round-Heart-white-toothed-leaved (Tri- | 

foliate-(1-young-to-3-old) Aralia (Nic. 
1/104, adpd). 1894 Aralia rotunda. 

Round leaved Black Plum (Mch. 379, 
adpd), 1244 Eugenia cyclophylla. 

Round leaved Burr Mallow (McL. 234, 
adpd). 230 Urena repauda. 

Round leaved Caltrops Linden (Hk, 1/394, 
adpd). 328 Erinocarpus Nimmoanus. 

Round leaved Coral Rush Plant (Nic. 
3/385) (Br. 156). 2115 Russelia 

Round leaved Corymbose Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/384, adpd). 309 Grewia emar- 

Round (Medium) leaved Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-G. Codizum 
variegatum (rotundifolia). 

Round leaved Cnp Rosebay (Hk. 3/651, 
adpd). 1840 Vallaris Pergulana. 

Round  (Trifoliate-hispid-membranous- 
small) leaved Dholl Shrub (Hk. 2/213, 
adpd). 846 Atylosia geminiflora, 

1874 Decalepis | 

Dunbaria | 


Round leaved Discous Featherfoil (McL. 
303, 587, adpd), 2550 Cleistanthus 

Round leaved Epiphytic Spider Flower 
Shrub (Bs/T/335,adpd). 1298 Medinil- 
la Beddomei. 

Round leaved Fig (McL. 73, adpd). 2729 
Ficus Beddomei. 

Round leaved Firebrand Teak (McL. 473, 

512, 884, 997, adpd). 2292 Premna 

Round {Harsh) leaved Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/390, adpd). 324 Grewia 


Round (Roughish) leaved Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/387, adpd). 318 Grewia scabro- 

Round (Shaggy) leaved Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/388,adpd). 320 Grewia villosa. 

Round (Wrinkled) leaved Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/388, adpd). 320 Grewia villosa. 

Round leaved Lotus (McL. 473, 589, 1000). 
2689 Macaranga indica. 

Round (Coastal) leaved Melon Feather- 
foil (McL. 587, adpd). 2574 Glochidion 

Round (Glaucous-backed) leayed Moon- 
seed (McL. 1005, Hk.1/101, adpd). 85 
Cocculus macrocarpus. 

Round (Woolly trilobate) leayed Moon- 
seed (Mch. 1005, Rox. 3/818, adpd). 
78 Tinospora tementosa. 

Round (Tricuspidate) leaved Ordure Tree 
(Hk. 1/360, adpd). 272 Sterculia 

| Round (Unequally-serrate) leaved Parro- 

queet Burr (Hk. 1/895, 
Triumfetta rotundifolia. 

Roundleaved Spathe Trumpet Tree (McL. 
14, 473, 998, adpd). 2134 Dolichan- 
drone Lawii. 

Round (Downy) leaved Spathe Trumpet 
Tree (McL. 14, 478, 998, adpd). 2133 
Doiichandrone falcata. 

Round leaved Staff Tree (McL. 459, adpd). 
541-a. Gymnosporia montana (typica). 

Round-leaved Tadda (McL. 4738, 868, 993). 
315 Grewia orbiculata. 

Round (Bengal) leaved Talipot Palm 
(Rox, 2/174, adpd). 3175 Oorypha 

adpd). 333 


Round (Silky-backed) leaved Tree Caper 
(Hk. 1/176, adpd). 113 Capparis 

Round (Few-flowered) leaved White Dead- 
nettle shrub (Hk. 4/681, adpd). 2854 
Leucas nepetefolia. ; 

Round Milk Hedge (McL. 365, 473, 502, 
1000). 2533 Euphorbia Tirucalli. 

Round-oblong-leaved (Triplinerved-sub- 
verticillate-opposite  Small-leathery- 
glancous-backed) Ray Laurel (Hk. 
5/153, adpd). 2456 Actinodaphne 


Round - obovate - incised - at-apex-spine- 
toothed-leaved (Simple-deep-green) 
Panax (Nic. 5/579, adpd), 14C7 Panax 

Round-obovate (Trifoliate-velvetty-back- 
ed - leathery - medium) leaved Dholl 
Creeper (Hk. 2/218, adpd). 849 
Atylosia mollis. 

Round-obovate-obtnse (Unifoliat.-very- 
small-silky-leathery) leaved Wing- 
stemmed Rattlewort (Hk. 2/69 adpd). 
705 Crotalaria rubiginosa. 

Round-obtuse-or-retuse-leaved ( nque- 
foliate - (8-7) - dark - green- unequal - 
sized) Rogse-wood (Bdn/I.F.  xxxi/8, 
adpd). 881 Dalbergia latifolia, 

Round-obovate-obtuse (Trifoliate-small- 
glabrate) leaved Bracteate Soy-Bean 
(Hk. 2/181, adpd). 812 Shuteria 

ate-leaved (Small-deshy-leathery) 
Tiger’s Milk Spurge (Hk. 5/472, adpd). 
2706 Exceecaria Agallocha. 

Round - ovate - acute-leaved (Small- 
leathery} Privet (Hk. 3/615, adpd). 
1792-a. Ligustrom 

Round-ovate - entire-or-lobed - cuspidate- 
leaved - (Palmati-(3-7)-nerved-peltate 
Medium - to - large-membranons-ashy - 
velvetty) Mercury (Hk. 5/427, adpd). 
2676 Coelodiscus speciosus, 

Round-ovate-serrate-obtuse (Very-small- 
woolly) leaved Jujube (Hk. 1/683, adpd). 
563 Zizyphus nummularia, 

Round - ovate-to-elliptic - sinuate - leaved 
(Long-downy)Copper-Leaf (Hk. 5/40, 
adpd). 2657 Claoxylon indicum. 

Round - ovate - toothed - subacute-leaved 
(Medium-to-large-shaggy) Star-Vervein 
Climber (Hk. 4/600, adpd), 2381 
Symphorema polyandrum. 

Round Pepper (McL. 676). 

Round podded Cassia (McL. 136). 
Cassia occidentalis. 

Round Red-centred Buckler leaved Jack- 
in-a-box T'ree (Nic. 2/188, adpd). 2474 
Hernandia sonora. 

Round-rhomboid-obtuse (Trifoliate-softly- 
velvetty-membranous-small) leaved 

2411 Piper 


Dholl Climber (Hk. 2/225, adpd), 867 | 

Rhyachosia sericea. 

Round Sage leaved Indian Linden (McL. 
473, 868, 993, adpd). 

Round-serrate-obtuse (Very-small) leaved 
Jujube (Hk. 1/636, adpd). 567 Zizy- 
phus horrida. 

Round-sori -close-and - parallel - to « costa 
(Kidney-shape - indusiate) Fern (Bed/ 
P,adpd). mlx. Oleandra (genus). 

neilgherrense | 

3815 Grewia | 


Round-sori-medial-on ~- venules (Zonal 
ringed-sporangia) Fern (Bed/F, adpd), 
ml, Gleichenia (genus). 

Round - sori - submarginal - at - ends-of 
pinnule-venules (Kidney-shape-indu- 
siate) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). wmlxi. Ne- 
phrolepis (genus). 

Round - sori - submarginal] - terminating- 
pinnule - venules (Half - cup - like - in- 
dusiate) Fern (Bed/F, adpd). mliv. 
Davallia (genus), 

Round-sori-submedial-on-pinnule- venules 
(Kidney-shape-indusiate) Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). mlviii. Nephrodium (genus). 

Round spiked Pepper (McL. 676, adpd). 
2408 Piper brachystachyum. 

Round - spurred - stipuled (Paripinnate- 
(2-4) - medium) oblong-- cuspidate - 
leaved Flowering Asoca (Hk. 2/274, 
adpd). 985 Humboldtia Brunonis. 

Round - spurred - stipuled (Paripinnate - 
(6-8)-medium-leathery) oblong-lance 
acuminate-leaved Flowering Asoca (Hk. 
2/274, adpd). 986 Humboldtia Vahlia- 

Round-to-kidney-heart -cuspidate - leaved 
(Simple-palmate-(5-7)-nerved Large- 
to-medium-membranous - woolly - glab- 
vate) Spiny-fibred Yam (Hk. 6/221, 
adpd). 3059 Dioscorea spinosa. 

Round Tree Spurge (McL. 502). 2538. 
Euphorbia Tirucalli, 

Rounded carpelled Evening Mallow (Hk. 
1/327, adpd), 223 Abutilon graveolens. 

Rounded-(few)-folioled (Bipinnate-(6-8)- 
prickly - backed - very-small) Sensitive 
Tree (Gbl. 290, adpd). 1014 Mimosa 

Rounded leaflet Fish-tail Palm (Nic. 
5/200, adpd). 38153 Caryota obtusa. 
Rounded leaved Chinese Laurel (McL. 
472, 594, adpd). 2613 Antidesma 


Rounded (Acute) leaved Xanthochymus 
(Hk, 1/269, adpd). 179-d. Garcinia 
spicata (acutifolia), 

Rounded (Obtuse) leaved Xanthochymus 
(Hk. 1/269, adpd). 179 Garcinia 

Rounded Podded Cassia (McL, 186) (Br. 
61). 950 Cassia sophera, 

Rounded Trifoliate Tick Trefoil (MeL. 
813, adpd). 796 Desmodium umbella- 

Roundish-acute (Trifoliate - subglabrous- 
papery.medium) leaved Dholl Climber 
(Hk. 2/216,adpd). 852 Atylosia rost- 

Roundish « bivalved - fimbriate-indusiate- 
linear-oblong-sori-(of-biseviate - sporan- 
gia)-submarginal Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
mlxvii. Marattia (genus). 


Roundish-coarse-toothed-caudate - leaved 
(‘Triple-nerved - opposite Medium - to - 
long-downy-glabrate) Harmless Nettle 
(Hk. 5/576, adpd). 2772 Roshmeria 
platy phylla. 

Roundish - cuspidate (Trifoliate - thinly - 
downy-papery-medium) leaved Dholl 
Climber (Hk. 2/216, adpd). 853 Atylo- 
sia barbata. 

Roundish-cuspidate (Trifoliate-iminutely- 
downy - membranous - small) leaved 
Dholl Shrub (Hk. 2/222, adpd). &61 
Rhynchosia suaveolens, 

Roundish-elliptic-acute-leayed (Multifoli- 
ate-(5-10)-grass - green - equal - sized) 
Rose - wood (Bdn/I.F, xxxi/3, adpd). 
882 Dalbergia sissoides. 

Roundish-elliptic-obtuse-or-retuse (Trifo- 
liate -(3-5)-silky-backed) leaved Kino 
Rose-wood (Bs/T/240, adpd). 896 
Pterocarpus santalinus. 

Roundish-elliptic- or- obovate - serrulate- 
obtuse (Small - grey - downy-backed) 
leaved Jujube (Hk. 1/634, adpd). 565 
Zizyphus xylopyrus. 

Boundish - elliptic - ovate - serate-obtuse 
(Very-small-woolly-backed) leaved Ju- 
jube (Hk. 1/632, adpd). 561 Zizyphus 

Roundish-heart-acuminate-leaved (Medi- 
um-peltate-glaucous-backed) Tendrilled 
Climbing Partridge Pea (Hk. 1/578, 
adpd), 491 Erythropalum _ populi- 

Roundish-heart-bicrenate-leaved (Trifo- 
liate-white-backed) Raspberry (Hk. 
2/338, adpd). 1081 Rubus porpureus. 

Roundish-heart-cuspidate (Unifoliate- 
minutely - downy - backed - papery - 
medium) leaved Dholl shrub (Uk. 
2/227, adpd). 871 Flemingia Chappar. 

Roundish-heart-leaved (Medium-greyish- 
silky-backed) Leather-berried Bindweed 
(Hk, 4/188, adpd). 1991 Rivea hypo- 

Roundish-heart-leaved (Medium-white- 
velvetty-backed) Leather-berried Bind- 
weed (Hk. 4/183, adpd). 1990 Rivea 

Roundish-heart-leaved (Simple-palmati- 
(7)-nerved - opposite-and-alternate Me- 
dium-thick -woolly-cartilage-margined) 
Yam (Hk. 6/294, adpd). 3063 Diosco- 
rea anguina, 

Roundish-heart-obtuse-leaved (Opposite- 
(even - mature)-glaucous-mealy-white- 
sessile) Eucalypt. (Bth. 3/224, adpd),. 
1167 Eucalyptus pulverulenta. 

Roundish-heart-obtuse leaved (Alternate- 
and-opposite-medium-papery) Honey- 
suckle Mistletoe (Hk, 5/218, adpd). 
2511 Loranthus lageniferus. 

Roundish-heart-obtuse-leaved (Opposite- 
medium - leathery - white - velvetty) 


INDEX, 879 

Honey-suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/209, 
adpd). 2501 Loranthus cordifolius. 
Roundish-heart-to-ovate hastate-leaved 
(Simple - palmati-(5-7)-neryed-mostly- 
opposite Large-to-very-large-membra- 
nous) Winged-stemmed Yam (Hk. 

6/296, adpd). 3068 Dioscorea alata. 

Roundish-leaved  (Biglandular-medium- 
leathery) Kidney Plum (Hk. 2/819, 
adpd). 1071 Pygeum Wightianum. 

Roundish (Bushy) leaved Sweet Thorn 
(Hk. 1/194, adpd). 1387 Flacourtia 

Roundish leaved Sweet Thorn Tree (Hk, 
1/198, adpd). 136 Flacourtia Ramontchi. 

Roundish (Unequally-toothed) leaved 
Velvet Cinquefoil (Hk. 1/372, adpd). 
298 Melhania Hamiltoniana. 

Roundish (Velvetty) leaved White Dead- 
nettle shrub (Hk. 4/682, adpd). 2357 
Leucas montana, 

Roundish-lobed-(8-7)-Heart-leaved (Sim- 
ple-scabrid - wrinkled - woolly - backed) 
Raspberry (Hk, 2/330, adpd) 1079 
Rubus moluccanus. 

Roundish-mirutely - toothed - retuse - or- 
obtuse-leaved (Very-small) Whortle- 
berry (Hk. 3/445, adpd). 1639-b. Vac- 
cinium Leschenaultii (rotundifolia), 

Roundish-obovate-crenate-obtuse - leaved 
(Very-small-woolly-ciliate) Bastard 
Lavender (Hk. 4/628, adpd). 2340 An- 
isochilus paniculatus, 

Roundish-obvate-leaved (Minute-downy) 
Justicewort (Hk. 4/530, adpd). 2258 
Justicia tranquebariensis, 

Roundish-obovate- retuse - to - cuspidate- 
leaved (Medium-leathery) Kokra Lau- 
rel (Hk. 3/351, adpd). 2610 (bis.) 
Aporosa fusiformis. 

Ronndish-obtuse-leaved (Alternate-very- 
small-grey-downy-backed) Honey- 
suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/213, adpd), 
2508-a, Loranthus bracteatus (typica), 

Roundish-obtuse-leaved (Smull-leathery- 
downy-backed) Spinous Cape Jasmine 
(Hk, 3/118, adpd). 1507-b. Gardenia 
turgida (montana). 

Roundish-obtuse leaved (Very-small-sub- 
fascicled) Spinons Honey-thorn (Hk. 
3/136, adpd). 1528 Canthium parvi- 

Roundish-obtuse-or-acute (Trifoliate- 
small-downy) leaved Tick Trefoil (Hk. 
2/154, adpd). 790 Pseudarthria viscida. 

Roundish-or-heart - to - oblong-acuminate- 
leaved (Triple-nerved-opposite-subpel- 
tate Long-brown-scurfy-woolly-backed) 
Mercury (Hk. 5/441, adpd). 2685 
Mallotus distans. 

Roundish-or-ovate-acuminate-leaved (Pal- 
mati-(3-5)-nerved-subpeltate Medium- 
to-large-rusty-velvetty) Mercury (Hk. 
5/429, adpd). 2678 Mallotus albus, 


Roundish-ovate-acuminate-leaved (Small- | 

glaucous-backed) Tiger’s Milk Spurge 
(Hk. 5/470, adpd). 2702 Sapium sebi- 

Roundish-ovate-oblong-leaved  opposite- 
and - whorled - Yellow-throated - lilac- 
flowered Lantana (Nic. 5/480, adpd). 
2271 Lantana involucrata. 

Roundish-ovate-oblong-leaved (Very- 
small-leathery) Stinking-Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/20, adpd), 1884 Pentatropis 
microphilla. : 

ed (Small-papery-rasty-downy-backed) 

Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/14, 
adpd). 1877-a. Toxocarpus Kleinii 

ate-leaved (Triple-nerved-glandular- 
based Medium-downy-pellucid-punc- 
tate) Mercury (Hk, 5/420, adpd). 2673 
Alchornea mollis. 

Roundish - ovate - to- elliptic-acute-leaved 
(Very-small-papery) Straight-spined 
Bengal-currant (Hk. 3/631, adpd). 1807 
Carissa spinarum. 

Roundish-serrate-acuminate-leaved (Tri- 
ple-nerved-alternate Medium-white- 
downy-backed-scarbrid) Harmless Net- 
tle (Hk. 5/576, adpd), 2771 Boehmeria 

Roundish - tail-tipped leaved Climbing 
Arum (Hk. 6/541, adpd), 3265 Scin- 
dapsus officinalis. 

Roundish - to-ovate - lance - obtuse-leaved 
(Anastomosing - subtransverse - nerved 
Small-(young)-to-medium-(old) Ashy- 
grey - fvrrowed-rough-persistent-barked 
Eucalypt (Bth. 3/213, adpd). 1181 
Eucalyptus polyanthemos. 

Roundish-toothed-leaved (Trifoliate-shag- 
gy-backed) Yellow Raspberry (Hk. 
2/336, adpd). 1('80 Rubns ellipticus. 

Roundish-tricuspidate-leaved (Palmati- 
(9-11)-nerved-peltate Large-whites 
woolly) Mercury (Hk. 5/428, adpd). 
2677 Mallotus barbatus. 

Roupellia (Grateful) (Br. 
Roupellia grata. 

Rover (Pink) Rose (Ru/N/96, 0/22) (Mu. 
55). 1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea). 

Roxburghia (Showy) (Br. 208). 38075 
Stemona tuberosa. 

Roxburgh’s Cassia (McL, 208) (Br. 60). 
947 Cassia marginata, 

Roxburgh’s Five leaved Tree of Beauty 
(Hk. 1/555, adpd). 462 Aglaia Rox- 

Roxburgh’s Fragrant Quaternion Tree 
(Hk. 1/488, Nic. 4/191, adpd). 378 
Evodia Roxburghiana. 

Roxburgh’s Glabrous Goglet Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1939 Ceropegia acuminata. 

126). 1849 


Roxburgh’s Glory Lily (Br. 208, adpd). 
3075 Stemona tuberosa, 

_ Roxburgh’s Googal (McL. 78). 441 Bal- 

samodendron Roxburghii. 

Roxburgh’s Indian Nettle (McL. 361). 
2711 Celtis tetrandra. 

Roxburgh’s Jointed Heart leaved Fig 
(McL. 673, adpd). 2738 Ficus Rumphii. 

Roxburgh’s Lily Family (Br. 208, adpd). 
CXVIIT. Roxburghiacez (Order), 

Roxburgh’s Lily (Br. 208, adpd). 
Stemona (genus). 

Roxburgh’s (Larger) Lily (Br. 208, adpd). 
3075 Stemona tuberosa. j 

Roxburgh’s (Smaller) Lily (Br. 208, 
adpd). 38076 Stemona minor. 

Roxburgh’s Lotus Croton (MchL. 478, 502, 
1000, adpd). 2690 Macaranga Rox- 

Roxburgh’s Sage leaved Indian Linden 
(Rox. 2/587, adpd). 813 Grewia excelsa, 

Roxburgh’s 'I'rifoliate Opposite leaved 
Toothache Tree (Hk. 1/488, adpd). 
378 Evodia Roxburghiana. 

Roxburgh’s Triphylla Rose (Hk. 2/364). 
1092 Rosa levigata. 

Roxburgh’s Vanda (Br. 210). 

Royal Banana (Cat. 222). 
sapientum (rubra). 

Royal Fern Family (Nic. 2/530, adpd). 
CXXX. Maratiacew (Order). 

Royai Fern (8. 308). mlxviii. Osmunda 

Royal Fern (Nic. 2/530) (S. 803) (Bed/F, 
206) (Cag. 808) (Ru/N/126, 0/36) (Ooty. 
409). 3387 Osmunda regalis. 

Royal Pinnate-(1-2 ft.) Linear-lance -(3”— 
natifid)-subacute-pinnuled Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 8388 Osmunda javanica. 

Royal Gold Mohur (McL. 933). 941 Poin- 
ciana regia. 

Royal Goolmohur 
Poinciana regia. 
Royal Palm of Cuba (Ru/N/121, 0/138, 35) 
(Nic. 2/521) (Cat. 831). 3156 Oreodoxa 


Royal Palmetto Palm (Nic. 4/29) (8. 429). 
3187 Thrinax parviflora. 

Royal Peacock Flower (McL. 938) (Nic. 
1/176). 941 Poinciana regia. 

Royal (Evergreen) Peacock Flower Tree 
(McL. 9338, adpd). 941-b. Poinciana 
regia (sempervirens). 

Royal Poinciana (McL. 933) (Br. 60). 941 
Poinciana regia. 

Royal (Bipinate-(1-2 ft.) Sterile-oblong- 
lances(1”—2”)-sinuate-obtuse Fertile- 
linear- (}“-1”)-crenate-obtuse-pinnuled) 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3387 Osmunda 


2963 Vanda 
3042/d. Musa 

(Pf, 274). 941 


Royle’s Ovate serrate Staff Tree (McL. 
459, adpd). 538 Gymnosporia Roy- 

Rubber (Accra) (Gbl. 473). 
dolphia (genus). 

Rubber (Accra) (FAR, 24 to 29, 31, 33, 
36, 37, 42 to 49, MBR. 42, NLGS). 
1802 Landolphia florida. 

dixxix, Lan- 

Robber (African) (Cat, 190), dixxix. 
Landolphia (genus). 

Rubber (African) (Cat. 190, 254). 1803 
Landolphia Kirkii. 

Rubber (African) (Cat. 190, 254). 1804 

Landolphia Watsoniana, 

Rubber (Assam) (Muell. S.P) (Ooty. 37). 
2734 Ficus elastica. 

Rubber (Burmese) (FAR. 26, MBR). 
1850 Urceola esculenta. 

Rubber (Ceara) (Bs/T/582) (Gbl. 589) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Cag. 416) (Cat. 253) (McL. 
368) (Pf. 243) (Mu. 35) (Ru/N/ 51, 0/18, 
38) (FAR) (W. 34, 98). 2630 Manihot 

Rubber (Central American) (Cat. 204, 
300). 2761 Castilloa elastica. 

Rubber (Common Para) (Bs/T/532, Gbl. 
539, etc., adpd). 2620 Hevea brasiliensis. 

Rubber (Kirk’s Accra) (FAR. 43, SAC, 
SLM. 43 to 45, MBR). 1803 Landolphia 

Rubber (Malayan Lagos) (FAR. 42 to 48, 
MBR, 42, NLGS) (Kew Bull. 95). 
1832 Kickxia africana. 

Rubber (Mexican) (Bdn/F.T). 2761 
Castilloa elastica. 
Rubber (Para) (McL. 363) decexxviii. 

Hevea (genus). 

Rubber (Para) (Bs/T/533) (Gbl. 539) (Bdn/ 
F.T) (Nic. 3/140) (Cat. 254, 262) (Pf. 
423) (FAR. 48, VZM. 45, 46, 48, SAC, 
65, CBT, 42 to 48, NLGS, 48, TVY, 20 
to 48, MBR. 42 to 48, CAN) (W. 34, 96) 
2620 Hevea brasiliensis. 

Rubber (Scrap) (McL. 363). 2620 Mani- 
hot Glaziovii. 

Rubber (Spruce’s Para) (Cat. 260), 
Hevea Spruceana. 

Rubber (Tenasserim) (Bs/T/460) (Gbl. 
466). 1850 Urceola esculenta. 

Rubber (Watson’s Accra) (Cat. 190, 254, 
adpd). 1804 Landolphia Watsoniana. 

Rubber (India) Fig (Gbl. 641) (Bdn/F T). 
2734 Ficus elastica. 

Rubber (Assam) leaved Staff Tree (Bed. | 
2/120, adpd). 543 Kurrimia bipartita. 

Rubber (India) of Mexico (Gbl. 626). 
2761 Castilloa elastica. 

Rubber (India) Paulay (McL. 2384). 
Cry ptostegia grandiflora. 

Rubber Silk Cotton (McL. 2384, 484, 997, 
adpd). 1870 Cryptostegia grandiflora. 

Rubber (American) Tree (Cag. 414). 
2761 Castilloa elastica. 




INDEX, 881 

Rubber (India) Tree (McL. 358) (Nic. 
8/12) (8. 166, 213) (Cag. 414) (Cat, 
276) (Rid. 124) (Br. 198) (Ru/N/128, 
12, 28). 2734 Ficus elastica, 

Rubber (India) Tree of Tropical Africa 
(Nic. 5/468). 1802 Landolphia florida, 

Rubber (India) Vine (MeL. 863). 1870 
Cryptostegia grandiflora, 

Rubbish Cassia (McL. 186). 949 Cassia 

Ruby Wood (McbL. 756). 896 Ptero- 
carpus santalinus, 

Ruddy Black Plum (McL. 3879, adpd). 
1253 Eugenia rubicunda, 

Ruddy-brown-shaded Crimson Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/20) 
(Mu. 53), 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (punicea-porphyreo-sufiusa). 

Ruddy-green-backed Sinuous-margined 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Da. Codizom variegatum 

Ruddy Gum (Nic. 1/535, adpd). 
Eucalyptus rubida. 

Ruddy leaved False Kamela (McL, 30, 
adpd). 1835 Casearia rubescens. 

Rudra’s Tears (McL. 768). 335 Elzo car- 
pus Ganitrus. 

Rue Family (Br. 40) (L/N/S/B). XXVI. 
Rutacez (Order). 

Rue (Nic. 3/337) (S. 379). 

Rue (Muell. 8.P) (MeL. 775) (Cag. 688) 
(Ooty. 77) (S. 378). 370 Ruta graveo- 
lens (angustifolia). 

Rus (Common) (Nic. 3/337) (Br. 41) (PA. 
478). 370 Ruta graveolens (angusti- 

Rue (Goat’s) (McL. 371) (?). 
rosia purpurea (?). 

Rae (Syrian) (McL. 340). 

Rue (Goat’s) Indigo (McL. 371, adpd). 
756 Indigofera gallegoides, 

Ruellia (Panicled Straight-throated) 
(Treas. Bot. 2/1096). decci. Stenosi- 
phonium (genus). 

Rueworts (McL. 1006). 

Rugged - fibrous - very - tenacious - barked 
(Anastomosing-oblique-nerved Mediom- 
thick Oblique-ovate-lance-falcate-acute- 
to-acuminate-leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/234, adpd). 1190 Eucalyptus obliqua. 

Rugose (Common) leaved Heteracanthous 
Rose (Nic. 3/314). 1098 Rosa damas- 

Rougose (Downy) leaved Homzecanthous 
Rose (Hk. 2/364, Nic. 3/314), 1102 
Rosa alba. 

Rugose (Nodding-flowered) leaved Hetera- 
canthus Rose (Nic, 3/314). 1069 Rosa 


exxxvil. Ruta 

774 Teph- 

364 Peganum 

XXVI. Rutacez 


Rugose leaved Slenderly Heteracanthous 
Rose (Nic. 3/314). 1100 Rosa gallica. 
Rush (Club) (Nic. 4/118). mxxii. Typha 

Rush (Zebra-striped) (Nic. 5/635) (S. 273). 
mxxxiv. Miscanthus (genns), 

Rush (Coral) Plant (Nic. 3/385) (Br. 156). 
2114 Russelia juncea. 

Rush (Round leaved Coral) Plant (Nic. 
3/335) (Br. 156). 2115 Russelia roturdi- 

Rushy Crotalaria (McL, 860). 
laria juncea. 
Ruskankur (Bon. 15). 417-d. Citrus 

Aurantium-Aurantium (decumana). 

Rusty Black Varnish (Mcl, 344, adpd). | 

678 Holigarna ferruginea, 

Rusty-downy Balsam Tree (Bs/T/182, 
adpd), clxxii Bursera (genus). 

Rusty-downy (Multifoliate-(7-9) 
oblong-serrate-cuspidate leaved) Balsam 
Tree (Bs/T/132, adpd). 445 Bursera 

Rusty-downy-branched Snake-wood Buck- 
thorn (Hk. 1/648, adpd). 576 Colu- 
brina travancorica. 

prs.)-nerved-leaved Nutmeg (Hk. 5/111, 
adpd), 2425 Myristica attenuata. 

Rusty-felt-backed (Serrate) Heart leaved 
Woolly-jacket (Hk. 1/370, adpd). 290 
Hriolena Hookeriana. 

Rusty leaved Lance Wood (McbL. 510, 
adpd), 283 Pterospermum rubigioo- 

Rusty Mimosa (MclL. 
Acacia pennata. 

Rusty-panicled-flowered (Five-rayed- 
cushion-stigmatic) Bindweed (Rox. 
1/585, adpd). dcliv, Erycibe (genus). 

Rusty Soapnut (McL. 473, 844, 994). 
627 Erioglossum edule. 

Rusty-villous lance leaved Spear Flower 
(Hk. 3/525, adpd). 1670 Ardisia villosa 

Rusty-woolly Climbing Navelwort (Hk. 
2/51, Bed. 1/82, adpd). 695 Connarus 

Rusty-woolly Golden figged Banyan (Mech. 
73, adpd). 2727-b. Ficus mysorensis 

97, 492). 1040 

Rusty-woolly Mohah (McL. 472, 505, 997, | 

adpd). 1688 (bis.) Bassia fulva. 
Rusty-woolly Physic Nut (McL. 56, 473, 
591, adpd), 2627 Jatropha Wightiana. 


Saag (McL. 888). 2289 Tectona Grandis, 

Sabine’s Pine (Nic. 3/145). 2855 Pinus 

Sabre Bean (Rid, 219). 830 Canavalia 

elliptic- | 

Seventeen-(14-20 | 

722 Crota- | 

| Sacred Fig (McL. 678). 


Sabre podded Bean (Br. 55). 
valia ensiformis. 

Sabre podded Horse-eye Bean (McL. 873). 
830 Canavalia ensiformis. 

Sac-based-tubular-flowered Birthwort 
(Hk. 5/72, adpd). dcclxvii. Aristolochia 

8380 Cana- 

Sacci of the Mexicans (Muell.S.P). 3051 
Agave rigida. 
Saccolabium (Spotted) (Br. 210). 2953 

Rhyneostylis retusa. 

Sacking Tree (McL. 774). 2759 Antiaris 

Sack Tree (McL. 101, 472, 774, 1000) 
(Cag. 414) (Cat. 298). 2759 Antiaris 

Sack Tree (Mel. 913). 

Sack (Hill) Tree (McL. 16). 1420 Alan- 
gium Lamarekii. 

Sacred Bamboo of China (Cag. 674). 
Nandina domestica 

Sacred Basil (McL. 909). 2336 Ocimum 

1799 Salvadora 


2739 Ficus 

Sacred Indian Fir (Mch. 264), 2862 
Cedrus Libani (Deodara). 

Sacred Lingam Tree (McL. 580, adpd). 
101 Cratzva religiosa-. 

Sacred Olive Linden (McL. 763, adpd). 
335 Eleocarpus Ganitrus. 

Sacred Peepul of India (Cag. 283) 
(Pf. 128). 2739 Ficus religiosa.. 

Sacrificial Fig (McbL. 49). 2757 Ficus 

Sadauf (McL. 775, 993). 370 Ruta 

graveolens (angustifolia). 

Saddle Tree (S. 880). 16 Tariodendron 

Sadness (Night blooming Tree of) (Cag. 
506). 1776 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 
Sad Tree (McL. 883), 1776 Nyctanthes 


Seffrano Rose (Nic. 8/324) (Cag. 600) 
(Ooty. 437) (Ru/N/91, 0/22) (Mu, 55). 
1105-m. Rosa odorata (armeniaca-fulvo- 

Saffron (Kling) (McL. 777). 180 Bixa 

Saffron (Monkey Country) (McL. 508, 776, 
818). 180 Bixa Orellana, 

Saffron Mango (McL. 469) 

Saffron Mountain Ebony (MeL. 521). 
988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Saffron-shaded Bright-yellow Tea Rose 
(Ru/N/90, 0/20) (Mu. 55) (Hod). 1108-f. 
Rosa odorata (lutea-croceo-suffasa). 

Saffron Teak (McL. 118). 1439 Adina 
cordifolia. , 

Saffron Tree (MoL 777), 180 Bixa Orel- 

1276 Careya 


Saffron Wood (McL, 113). 

Sage (Nic. 3/849) (S. 
Salvia (genus). 

Sage (S. 850, 384) (Cag. 153) (Br. 159) 
(Rid. 159) (Jaf. 47) (Ru/N/84, 0/15, 32) 
(Mu. 25) (Po, 29). 2350 Salvia offici- 

Sage (Rengal) (McL. 84) (Cag. 153). 
2349 Meriandra bengalensis. 

1489 Adina 



Sage (Clammy Syrian) (Nic. 3/100). 
2363 Phlomis viscosa. 
Sage (Common) (Nic. 3/851), 2850 

Salvia officinalis. 

Sage (Flowering) (MAHS). 

Sage (Garden) (Muell. 
2350 Salvia officinalis, 

2351 Salvia 

S.P) (McL. 25%), 

Sage (Glory of Stuttgart) (Ooty. 187). | 

2351 Salvia splendens. 

Sage (Indian) (Mc]). 363, 999), 
Salvia (genus). 

Sage (Jamaica Mountain) (8, 230, 278). 
deexx. Lantana (genus), 

Sage (Jerusalem) (8. 322, 324, 229) (Rid. 
81) (Nic, 3/99). 2864 Phlomis fruticosa. 

Sage (Triumph) (Ooty. 187), 2351 Salvia 

Sage (Wild) (McL. 182). 

Sage (Wild) (Br. 163) (Cag. 437). 
Lantana Camara. 

Sage leaved Alangium (McL. 16) (Br. 76) 
(Ell. 32) (Pf. 1). 1420 Alangium 

Sage leaved Indian Linden (MeL. 386, 
adpd), 314 Grewia salvifolia. 

Sage (Ovate) leaved Indian Linden (Hk. 
1/885,adpd). 318 Grewia excelsa. 

Sage (Round) leaved Indian Linden (MeL. 
473, 868, 993, adpd). 315 Grewia 

Sage (Roxburgh’s) leaved Indian Linden 
' (Rox. 2/587, adpd), 313 Grewia excelsa. 
Sage (Thin) leaved Indian Linden (Hk, 

1/385, adpd). 318 Grewia excelsa. 
Sage (Scarlet) of Brazil (Po. 58) (Nic. 

3/363). 2351 Salvia splendeus. 
Sage Rose Family (Nic, 4/109), 

Turneracez (Order). 
Sage Rose (Nic. 4/109). 


Sage (Golden) Rose (Nic. 4/108, Br. 87, 
adpd). 1343 Turnera ulmifolia. 

Sage (Purple eyed Creamy) Rose (Nic. 
4/110, Br. 88, adpd). 1842 Turnera 

Sage Tea Plant (McL. 368). 
Salvia (genus). 

Sagittate-when-young-and Seven-(5-7)- 
lanceolate-segmented leaved Climbing 
Arum (Nic. 3/533). 3251 Syngonium 



2273 Lantana 



cdxlv. Turnera 


INDEX. 883 

Sago Date Palm (Rid. 147,154), 3167 
Phoonix farinifera. 

Sago Fern Palm (McL. 593, 777, 905, 100, 
8. 281, corr), 2873 Cycas circinalis. 
Sago Palm (8,128). cmxv. Cycas (genus), 
Sago Palm (S. 281). 2873 Cycas circi- 


Sago Palm (Rid. 113, 268) (Jaf. 129) 
(Ru/N/120, 0/35) (W. 68). 3152 Caryota 

Sago (Assam) Palm (Nic, 5/200, adpd). 
3153 Caryota obtusa, 

Sago (Bastard) Palm (Bed. 1/328, Bdn/F. 
T.L) (McL. 1001, Bll. 146, adpd). 
emxi, Caryota (genus). 

favo (Bastard) Palm (Bed. 1/328) (Bdn/ 
F.T.L) (Cat. 326) (McL. 418, 473, 484, 
777, 844, 1001) (EU, 146) (PA. 376). 
3152 Caryota urens. 

Sago (Chinese Reclining) Palm (Nic. 
1/274). 3154 Caryota mitis. 

Sago (Common) Palm (McL. 777). 
Arenga saccharifera. 

Sago (Indian) Palm (McL. 593, 777, 905, 
1000). 28738 Cycas circinalis. 

Sago (Indian) Palm (Rid. 113, 265, Jaf. 129, 
Ru/N/120, O/85, adpd). 38152 Caryota 

Sago (Malabar) Palm (McL. 462, 777) 
(Br, 226). 3152 Carysta urens. 

Sago (Malayan) Palm (Bs/T/648) (Gbl. 
728) (Cat. 326). 3149 Arenga sacchari- 

Sago (Philippine) Palm 
3155 Caryota Cumingii. 

Sago (Singapore) Palm (McL. 316, 839). 
314° Arenga sacchurifera. 

Sago Palm of the Andamans (Gbl, 729). 
3154 Caryota mitis. 

Sahajo (McL. 4380), 

Saharanpur (China Orange of) (Bon. 52). 
419-c.. Citrus Aurantium-crenatifolia 

Saharanpur (Gulgul of Benares and) (Bon). 
410-d, Citrus medica-Limonum (decu- 

Saharanpur (Kokni Orange of) and Delhi 
(Bon. 54). 419-c. Citrus Aurantium- 
crenetifolia (Kokni). 

St. Amand (Marguérite de) Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-f. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflurens (carnea-nitida). 

St Daboec’s Heath (Nic, 1/430) (S. 128, 


(Nic. 2/274). 

1150 Terminalia 

881). 1644 Daboecia polifera. 

St. John’s Bean (MchL. 181, 286), 978 
Ceratonia Siliqua. 

St. John’s Bread (McL. 131). 978 Cera- 
tonia Siliqua. 

St. John’s-wort Family (Nic. 2/169) 

(Loud). XIV. Hypericacess (Order). 
St. John’s-wort (Loud) (S. 209) (Cag. 607). 
lxvii. Hypericum (genus) 


St. John’s-wort (Long lance leaved) (Hk. 
1/258, adpd). 166 Hypericum myso- 


St. John’s-wort (Obtuse ovate leaved) 
(Hk. 1/254, adpd). 167 Hypericum | 

St. John’s-wort (Obtuse elliptic leaved) of 
China (Nic, 5/4387). 165 Hypericum 

St. John’s-wort (Acute ovate leaved) of 
Japan (Nic, 2/169). 168 Hypericum 

St. Joseph (Madame) Rose (Cag. 601) 
(Hod). 1105-h. Rosa odorata (fulva- 

St. Mary’s Wood (MchL. 705). 181 
Calophyllum inophyllum, 

St. Peter’s-wort (Rid. 158), [Sphalm-— 

Sympheria of LXI] 2330 Symphorema | 

Saint-Thomas’ Tree (McL, 520, 521, adpd). 
ceclvii. Bauhinia (genus). 

Saint-Thomas’ Tree (McL. 421). 988 
Bauhinia tomentosa. 
Saint-Thomas’ Tree (McL. 620) (?). 991 

Baubinia malabarica. 

Saint-Thomas’ (Variegated) Tree (McL. 
521). 997 Bauhinia variegata. 

Sal (Bed. 1/25, 2/4) (Bs/T/69) (Pr. 1/254) 
(Pfl. 39) (W. 57). 201 Shorea robusta. 
Sallow (McL. 945) (Nic. 8/344) (S. 881). 

decexcv. Salix (genus), 

Salmon-centred White Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Rm/N/95) (Mu. 55). 1105-d. 
Rosea odorata  (albida-intus-cinna- 
barina). Salmon-coloured Leaf Cactus 
(Nic. 1/515). 13874-f£. MHpiphyllum 
truncatum (salmoneum). 

Salmon-coloured Tea Rose (Mu. 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina). 

Salmon-coloured (Deep Rosy-shaded) 
Tea Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Ru/N/98, 0/22) 
(Cag. 599) (Mu. 56) (Hod). 1105-n. 
Rosa odorata (cinnabarina-roseo-puniceo- 

Salmon-coloured (Delicate Pink-veined) 
‘ea Rose (Nic. 8/824) (Ru/O/21) (Po). 


1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina- 
Salmon-coloured (Peach-centred) Tea 

Rose (Nic. 3/3824) (Ru/N/92, O/20) (Mu. 
55. 1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina- 

Salmon-coloured (Transparent Rosy) 
Tea Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/93) (Mu. 
55). 1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnaba- 

Salmon-coloured (Yellow-shaded Deep) 
Tea Rose (Cag. 601) (Ifod). 1i105-n., 
Rosa odorata (cinnabarina-rubescens- 

Salmon-flowered (Medium.downy-backed 
Ovate - lance - leaved)  Justicewort 


(Hk. 4/525, adpd). 
betonica (villosa). 
Salmon-margined Creamy Tea Rose (Nic. 

2257-b. Justicia 

3/824) (Ru/N/96, O/22) (Mu, 55), 
1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea-cinna- 


Salmon-shaded Blush-pink Tea Rose 
(Nic. 3/325) (Mu. 54), 1105-k. Rosa 
odorata (erubescens - cinnabarino- 

Salmon-shaded Creamy Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/3824), 1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea- 

Salmon-shaded pale Fawn Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Cag. 600) (Mu. 55) (Ru/N/94, 
0/20) (Hod) (Po). 1105-b. Rosa 
odorata (fulva-cinnabarino-suffusa). 

Salmon-shaded Rosy-pink Hybrid Tea 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/98, 0/19). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata-hybrida (rosea- 

Salmon-striped - Scarlet (Green-leaved) 
Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3085 (bis.)-O 
Canna orchidiflora (Professor Treub). 

Salmon-tinted (Rosy-centred) Flesh-pink 
Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/19) (Mv. 54), (Hod) (Po). 
1107-f. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 


Salrony-flamed- Yellow 

Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 
Canna orchidiflora (Romn). 

Salmony-red (Glaucescent-green-leaved) 
Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 3027-6. 
Canna lutea (Annzei). 

Salsette Hemp (McL. 860). 722 Crotal- 
aria juncea, 

Salsola (Indian) (McL. 368). 

Salt Bush Family (MeL. 1005, adpd). 
LXX XIX. Chenopodiaces (Order), 

Salt Bush (Gbl. 551). 23881 Sueeda nudi- 

Salt Creek Dog-bane (Mc. 622, adpd). 
1818 Cerbera Odollam. 

Salt-creek (Long-leathery-polished Ob- 
ovate- cuneate - cbtuse Whorled-(3-4)- 
leaved) Dog- bane (Hk. 3/638, adpd). 
1819 Ochrosia borbonica. 

Salt-creek(Whorled-leaved) Dog- bane (Hk. 
3/638, adpd). Alxxxiv. Ochrosia (genus). 

Salt Lotus (McL. 589) (?). 2689 Macaranga 
indica (?), 

Salt Poon (Mch. 705). 

Salt-swamp Jack-fruit Palm (Hk. 6/424, 
adpd). 38161 Nipa fruticans. 

Salt-swamp (Hook-branched) Rose-wood 
Climber (Bs/T/238, adpd). 892 Dalber- 
gia monosperma, 

Salt-swamp (Spinous) Rose-wood Climber 
(Bs/T/238, adpd). 898 Dalbergia spinosa, 

2381 Suseda 

1130 Rhizophora 


Salt-swamp Tiger’s Milk (Hk. 5/472, McL. 
898, adpd). 2706 Excwcaria Agallocha, 
Salt-swamp Winged Rose-wood Climber 
{Bs/T/241, adpd). 202 Dervis uliginosa. 
Salt-swamps (Berried Kambala Tree of) 
(Treas. Bot. 2/1018), cdxxxix. Sonne- 

ratia (genus). 

Salt-swamps (Circumsciss capsuled Kam- 
bala Tree of) (Hk. 2/565, adpd), 
cdxxxiii. Pemphis (genus). 

Salt-swamps (Small lance-acuminate- 
leaved Chay-root shrub of) (Hk. 3/51, 
adpi). 1471 Hedyotis pruinosa, 

Salt-swamps (Small leathery obovate- 
obtuse-leaved Resin-tipped Cupbearer 
Tree of) (Hk. 8/125, adpd). 1516 
Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea. 

Salt Wood (Hk. 5/15, adpd), 
Haloxylon (genas). 

Salt-wood (Minute-semiterete-or-subtri- 
gonous-leaved Brown-branched) (Bs/T/ 
519,adpd). 2382 Haloxylon recurvum. 

Salt-wood (Minute - triquetruus - leaved 
Bright-green-branched) (Bs/T/579, adpd). 
2383 Haloxylon Ammodendron. 

Saltwort (McL. 178). 2379 Salicornia 

Saltwort (Common Indian) (McL. 364, 
999, adpd). 2351 Suzda nudiflora. 

Saltwort (Greater Indian) (Mc, 364, 999, 
adpd). 23880 Suzeda monica. 

Saltwort (Indian) (Mech. 364, 999, adpd), 
declix, Suzeda (genus). 

Saltwort (Indian) (McL. 364, 999). 
Sueeda nudiflora. 

Saltwort (Seaside Indian) (McL. 363). 
[2381 Sphalm]} 2381 (bis.) Suzeda mari- 

Saltworts (McL. 1005). 
Chenopodiaceze (Order). 
Salvia (Splendid) (Br. 159). 
Salye (McL. 


Sumadarah of the Singhalese (McL. 591, 
592, 781, 993). 429 Samadera indica. 

Saman Tree (McL, 1042). 1057 Entero- 
lobium Saman. 

Samander (McL. 665). 



2351 Salvia 

605). 4389 Boswellia 

1993 Argyreia 


Sambac Jasmine (McL. 383). 1751 
Jasminum Sambac. 

Sambrauny Tree (McbL. 287). 4446 

Canarium commune. 

Sampangy (McL. 157). 24 Michelia 
Samphire (Marsh) (McL. 178). 2379 

Salicornia brachiata. 
Sanal Hemp (MclL. 860). 
Sandal (Bed. 2/256) (Bs/S/154, BEL. 174, 
SLM), 2526 Santalum album, 

722 Crotalaria 


Sandal (False) Family (Nic. 4/225, McL, 

783, adpd). XXXII. Olacacew (Order). 
Sandal (MchL. £73, 782). 2526 Santalum 

Sandal (Bastard) (Bed. 2/81) (Gbl. 117) 
(Bdo/E.T) (Cat. 44) (McL. 783) (PA. 
368). 348 Erythroxylon monogynum. 

Sandal (False) (McL. 783) (Nic. 4/225). 
487 Ximenia americana. 

Sandal (False Red) (MchL, 757). 
Adenanthera pavonina,. 

Sandal (Glaucous-backed obovate leaved 
Bastard) (Hk. 1/414, adpd). 348 
Erythroxylon monogynum. 

Sandal (Lanceolate leaved Bastard) (Hk. 
1/415, adpd). 349  Hrythroxylon 

Sandal (Malay) (McL. 464) (Nic. 3/355). 
460 Sandoricum indicum. 

Sandal (Narrow leaved) (Rox. 1/444). 
2526-b. Santalum album (myrtifolium). 

Sandal-foliaged Spindle Tree (Bdn/F.T, 
adpd). 581 Pleurostylia Wigbtii. 

Sandal-like Cupped follicle Navelwort 
(Bs/T/210, Nic. 1/867, 4/359, adpd). 
691 Rourea santaloides. 


Sandal Neem (McL. 578, 911). 482 
Cedrela Toona. 
Sandal Neem (McL. 578, 911). 483 

Cedrela microcarpa. 

Sandal of the Rajahmundry Circars (Kox. 
1/444). 2526-b. Santalum album 

Sandal Wood Family (Br. 187). CI. 
Santalacez (Order). 

Sandal Wood (Rox. 1/443) (Bs/T/553) 
(Gbl. 585) (Bdn/F.T.L) (McL. 782, 
1400) (Nic. 3/356) (Br. 187) (Wil. 297) 
(Rid. 154) (Cag. 421) (Cat. 234) (Ru/N/ 
51, 0/35) (Mu. 12) (W.Va. 1, 74, 82, 109, 
127, 128). 2526 Santalum album. 

Sandal (Red) Wood (McL. 736) (Ell. 469) 
(Pfi. 421). 896 Pterocarpus santalinus. 

Sandal (True) Wood (MchL. 782). 2526 
Santalum album. 

Sandal (White) Wood (McL. 782). 2526 
Santalum album. 

Sandal (Yellow) Wood (MclL. 783). 
Santalum album. 

Sandalworts (McL. 1006). CI. Santala- 
ceve (Order). 

Sandan of the Greeks (McL. 782). 2526 
Santalum album. 

Sandarach Gum Tree (McL. 783) (Nic. 
5/185). decexceviii. Callitris (genus). 
Sandarake of the Greeks (McL. 258). 

207 Vateria indica. 

Sand-binder (Large) (McL. 665), 
Argyreia speciosa. 

Sand Box Tree (Nic. 2/158) (Br. 191). 
(Rid. 181) (Cat. 262) (Ru/O/13) (Mu, 
43). 2709 Hura crepitans. 




Sand-box (West Indian) Tree (McL. 1022). 
2709 Hura crepitans. 

Sand (Littoral) Date (Mech. 414). 
Phoenix farinifera. 

Sanders (False Red) (McL. 472, 756, £95). 
1004 Adenanthera pavonina. 

Sanders (Red) (Bed. 3/88) (Bs/T/240) 
(Bs/T/115, CPT. 126, NEL, 122, CDP) 
(Gbl. 259) (Mel. 9, 473, 995) (Ell. 469) 
(Cat. 95) (W. 114, 117, 128, 124, 127). 
$96 Pterocarpus santalinus. 

Sander’s Copper Leaf (McL. 465, (Ru/N/ 
112, adpd). 2664 Acalypha hispida. 

Sanders Wood Family (L/N/S/B). CI. 
Santalacez (Order). 

Sandolah (McL. 414). 

Sandpaper Fig (McL, 73). 2749 Ficus 


3163 Phoenix 

Sand-paper Mulberry (Rox. 3/762, adpd). | 

dccelxviii. Streblus (genus). 

Sandpaper (Penninerved Small-rigid- 
scabrid Ovate-to-obovate-rhomboid- 
serrate-cuspidate-leaved) Mulberry 
(Hk. 5/489, adpd). 2717 Streblus 

Sand Paper Tree (McL.155). 13 Dillenia 

Sandpaper Tree (Bdn/F.T.L) (Pf. 148). 
2749 Ficus asperrima. 

Sandrach (McL.783). decexcviii. Callitris 

Sandstay (Australian) (Muell. 
1216 Leptospermum levigatum. 

Sandwich-Island Creeper (Cag. 
2385 Antigonon leptopus. 

Sandwich-Island Tea Plant (Cag. 359). 
3107 Cordyline terminalis. 

Sangeooppy (McL. 783, 
Clerodendron inerme. 

Sanguis-draconia of the Remans (McL. 
282). 3099 Draceena Draco. 

Sareuis-draconis of the Romans (MclL. 
282). 3219 Demonorops Draco. 

Sanohar (Indian) (Mel. 264). 
Cedrus Libani (Deodara). 

Sansal (Caroline de) Rose (Cag. 596) 
(Hod) (Po). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (carnea-rubescens), 

Santa-Cruz (Yellow Cedar of) (Nic. 4/18). 
2128 Tecoma spectabilis. 





Santalon of the Greeks (McL. 782). 2526 
Santalum album. 
Santamaria Tree (MchL. 705). 183 

Calopbyllum Wightianum. 
Santol (Hk. 1/558). 4060-a. Sandoricum 
indicum (pormiformis). 
Santonin Wood (McL. 4). 
Artemisia (genus). 
Santoor (MchL. 464). 
Sapodilla Family (Br. 112) (L/N/3/B). 
LXIX. Sapotacesz (Order), 


460 Sandoricum 

4277), | 

| Sarsa (Indian) (McL, 364). 


Sapodilla(McL. 484, 506) (Bdn/#.T) (Cat. 
169), 1679 Achras Sapota. 

Sapodilla Plum (Muell. 8.P) (Gbl, 443) 
(Cag. 223) (Ru/N/52, 69, 0/8). 1679 
Achras Sapota. 

Sapota (McL. 506) (Bed. 1/142) (Pr. 

1/648) (Br. 113) (Cag. 223). 1679 
Achras Sapota. 
Sapota (Buckool) (McL. 351). 1681 

Sideroxylon tomentosum. 

Sapota (Wild) (McL. 506) (Br. 112) (Mn). 
1687 Bassia longifolia, 

Sapota Date Plum of Mauritius (Br. 112). 
1708 (bis.) Diospyros Sapota. 

Sapota Plum (McL. 362). 1679 Achras 


Sapotilla (Mcb. 506). 1679 Achras 

Sapotilla Plum (Nic. 3/359). 1679 
Achras Sapota, 

Sappan (Bahama) (McL. 588). 931 

Ceesal pinia sepiaria, 

Sappan (Narrow leaved) (McL. 783). 
929 Ceesalpinia Sappan. 
Sappan fruit Tree (MclL. 
Pithecolobium dulce. 

226). 1052 

_Sappan Wood (Bed. 1/83) (Gbl. 267) 

(Bdn/F.T) (Cat. 60) (Ell. 120) (Br. 59) 
(McL. 473, 884, 995) (Pfl. 310) (Cag. 
621) (W. 34). 929 Czsalpinia Sappan. 

Sappho Rose (Ru/O/22) (Mu. 56). 1105-h. 
Rosa odorata (fulva-intus-lutea-extus- 

Saptaparnam (McL. 784, 997). dxc. 
Alstonia (genus). 
Saraswaty’s Leaf (Mch. 785, 999). 2321 

Clerodendron infortunatum. 

Sarmentose bracteate Twin-prickled Rose 
(Hk. 2/864). 1094 Kosa involucrata, 

(McL. 787). 2809 

Saro Cupressus 

| Sarpaury (McL. 507). 1479 Ophiorrhiza 


1866 Hemi- 
desmus indicus. 

Sarsaparilla (McL. 171, 618) (8S. 408). 
cmlxi. Smilax (genus). 

Sarsaparilla (W. 43, 
Hemidesmns indicus. 

Sarsaparilla (Country) (McL. 364) (Fr. 

45, 48). 1866 

269) (Ell. 315) (PA, 477). 1866 
Hemidesmus indicts. 
Sarsaparilla (False) (McL. 364). 1866 

Hemidesmus indicus. 

Sarsaparilla (Indian) (McL. 364, 597, 
999) (Br. 269) (Ell. 315) (Cat. 190) (PA. 
477). 1866 Hemidesmus indicus, 

Sarsaparilla (Palmati-(3-5)-nerved Me- 
dium ell ptic-to-ovate-oblong-cuspidate- 
leaved Square-branched) (Hk, 6/309, 
adpd). 3079 Smilax zeylanica, 


Sarsaparilla (Palmati-(5-7)-nerved Larzge- 
to-very-largze-glossy Narrow-sheathing- 
petioled Broad-oblong-to-round-cus- 
pidate-leayed) (Hk- 6/310, adpd). 38080 
Smilax macrophylla. 

Sarsaparilla (Patmati-(5-7)-nerved Medi- 
um-leathery Broad-sheathing-petivled 
Broad-elliptic-to-round - cuspidate-leav- 
ed) (Hk. 6/310, adpd). 3081 Smilax 

Sarsaparilla (Palmati-(3-7)-nerved Medi- — 

um-to-large Biauricled-sheathing-petiol- 
ed oblong-ovate-to-roundish-cuspidate- 

or-acuminate leaved) (Hk. 0/312, adpd). | 

3082 Smilax prolifera. 

Sarsaparilla (Palmati-(5-9)-nerved Smali- 
to-medium-white-blotched ovate-deltoid- 
or-lance-heart-or-hastate-leaved) (Hk. 
6/306, adpd). 3077 Smilax aspera. 

Sarsaparilla (Wild) (Mcb. 171). 3080 
Smilax macrophylla. 

Sarsaparilla Swallow-wort (Treas. Bot, 
1/580,  adpd). dexi. Hemidesmus 

Sarsaparilla (Broad-scaled-petalled Inter- 
staminal-glandular) Swallow-wort (Hk. 
4/11, adpd). dexvii. Decalepis (genus). 

Sarsaparilla (Broad-scaled-shaggy petal- 
led) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/7, adpd). 
dexiy. Brachylepis (genus). 

Sarsaparilla-(Corkscrew petalled) Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/5, adpd). dexii. Crypto- 
lepis (genus)- 

Sarsaparilla (Narrow - scaled - petalled 
Interstaminal-glandular) Swallow-wort 
(Hix. 4/4, adpd), dexvi. Stre ptocaulon 

Sarsaparilla (Medium - leathery - downy- 
backed elliptic-ovate-acnminate-leaved) 

Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/7, adpd). 1871 
Brachylepis nervosa. 
Sarsaparilla (Small-leathery Round. 

elliptic-obovate-cbtuse-leaved) Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/11, adpd). 1874 Decalepis 

Sarsaparilla (Small-leathery-woolly-back: 
ed-downy Cuneate-obovate-heart-leav- 
ed) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/9, adpd). 1873 
Streptocaulon Kl+inii. 

Sarsaparilla (Small-papery-downy-backed 
oblong-elliptic-to-obovate-retuse to api- 
culate-leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/5, 
adpd). 1866-b, Hemidesmus indicus 

Sarsaparila (Small-papery Linear-lance- 
to-linear-acaminate-leaved) Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/5, adpd). 1866 Hemides- 
mus indicus (angustifolia). 

Sarsaparilla (Small-papery oblong- 
elliptic - to-obovate -retuse-to-apiculate- 
leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/5, adpd). 
1866-a. Hemidesmus indicus (typica),. 


INDEX, 887 

Sarsaparillas (McL. 1097). 
cew (Order). 

Sassafras (Indian) (McL. 
Hemidesmus indicus (?). 

Sassafras Tree of Canada (Nic. 3/367) 
(Gbl, 559) (Muell. 8.P) (H/E.F) (# AR. 
25,GJM). 2442 Sassafras officinale. 

OXTX Lilia - 

364). 1866 

| Sathghur orange (Bon. 258). 417-b. Citrus 

Aurantium-Aurantium (citrina). 

Satin (White African) Bush (Nic. 3/172). 
920 Podalyria argentea. 
Satin Ebony (McL. 789). 

Satin Ebony (McL. 798). 

Satin (Box leavyed) Ebony (McL. 789, 
adpd). 1694 Maba buxifolia. 
Satin (Common) Ebony (McL. 

1694 Maba buxifolia. 
Satin (Neilgherry) Ebony (cL. 473, 798, 
997, corr). 1695 Maba nigrescens. 
Satin Ebony of the Concan (McL. 789, 
adpd). 1696 Maba micrantha, 

Satin Wood (Bed. 1/53, 2/11) (Bs/T/146) 
(Bs/8/114, CPT. 173, SLM. 190, SAC. 
240, CBT) (McL. 472, 484, 797, 993) 
(Nic. 1/317) (Cag. 625) (Br. 35) (Gbl. 
160) (Ell. 160) (W. 60, 77, 82, 109). 
485 Chloroxylon Swietenia. 

Satin (Andaman) Wood (Gbl. 126) (McL. 
210, 418, 489, 798). $3892 Murraya 

Satin (Black) Wood (McL. 366). 
Diospvros Ebenum. 

Satin (Kast Indian) Wood (Rox. 2/400). 
485 Chloroxylon Swietenia. 

Satin (Indian) Wood (Pr. 1/821) (Cat. 69). 
485 Chloroxylon Swietenia. 

Satin (Neilgherry) Wood (Mch. 478, 798, 

dlxi. Maba 

1694 Maba 



997). [1694 Sphalm] 1695 Maba nig- 

Satin (Velvetty leaved Bastard) Wood 
(McL. 845, adpd). 763 Mundulea 

Satiny Rosy-pink Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Nic. 5/646, 3/324) (Ru/N/96) (Mu. 54) 
(Cag. 596) (Hod), 1107-g. Rosa hybri- 
da-semperflorens (rosea-sericenitens). 

Satiny (White-shaded) Rosy-pink Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/825) (Ru/N/95, 
0/18, 20) (Mu. 52, 55) (Hod), 1107-g. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens  (rosea- 

Satiny Rosy-tinted White Hybrid-perpe- 
tual Rose (Nic. 3/324, Ru/N/95) (Mu, 
54). 1107-d. Rosa hybrida-semperflo- 
rens (albida-roseo-sericenitens), 

Sau Tree (Bdn/F.T). 1049 Albizzia 

Sauce Pea (Mcls. 274). 

854 Cajanus 


Sancers (Cups and) Plant (S. 103, 121) 
(MAHS). 1967 Cobza scandens. 

Saul (McL. 799). Ixxxii. Shorea (genus). 

Saul (Bastard) (McL. 799). 200 Shorea 

Saul (Common) (Mch. 4738, 799). 201 
Shorea robusta. 

Saul (Peach) (McL. 799). 

Saul (River) (McL. 531) (?). 
minalia Arjuna (?), 

Saul (Taloora) (McL. 382, 473, 799). 200 
Shorea Talura. 

Saul (Tumbaga) (McL. 473, 799). 202 
Shorea Tumbageaia. 

Saul Dammer (McL. 259). 201 Shorea 

Saunders (Mch. 782). 

Saunders (Wilson) Rose (Ru/N/91, 0/22) 
(Mu. 54). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (punicea). 

Sausage-follicled Ciimbing Navelwort 
(Bs/T/212, adpd). 694 Connarus Rit- 

Sausage (Biseriate seeded) podded Senna 
(Hk. 2/263, adpd). 952 Cassia bicap- 

200 Shorea 

1149 Ter- 

2526 Santalum 

Sausage Tree (MRS, VZM, KSN). 2152 
Kigelia pinnata. 
Sautghur Orange (McL. 784). 417-b. 

Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (citrina). 

Savannah Flower (Cag. 500). 1857 
Hemadictyon suberectum. 

Savatier’s (Madame-Lucie) Rose (Nic. 
5/645). 1093 Rosa Luciz. 

Savin (8. 222). cm. Juniperus (genus). 

Savin (False) of Canada (Nic. 2/213). 
2823 Juniperus prostrata. 

Savoie (Louise-de) Rose (Ru/N/92) (Ma. 
55) (Hod) (Cag. 601). 1105-e. Rosa 
odorata (citrina). 

Savoury Akee Tree (Nic. 1/409). 630 
Blighia sapida. 

Saw-edge leaved Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/32). 1360 Passiflora serratifolia. 

Saw leaved Eleocarpus (Mch. 768). 
[exxiii. Sphalm] 336 LElocarpus 

Saw (Blue flowered) leaved Glory Tree 
(8S. 101, adpd). 2318 Clerodendron 

Saw leaved Ivory Wood (Hk. 4/141, adpd). 
1980 (bis.) Ehretia acuminata. 

Saw leaved Olive Linden (McL. 768, 
adpd). 3386 Eleocarpus serratus, 

Saw (Gland-petioled) Jeaved 
Linden (McL. 763, adpd). 
carpus oblongus. 

Saw leaved Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/609, 
adpd). 518 Euonymus serratifolius. 
Saxifrage Family (Br. 262, adpd). XLV. 

Saxifragacez (Order), 

338 EHlzo- 


Saxifrages (Br. 262). 
cee (Order), 

Scabrid Auricle leaved Cluster Fig (McL. 
37, adpd). 2741 Ficus Cunia. 

Scabrid Dyeing Mulberry (McL. 367). 
1555-d, Morinda tinctoria (aspera). 
Scabrid leaved Snake Root (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1485 Ophiorrhiza hirsutula. 
Scabrid lobed Creeper Fig (McL. 49, 1000, 
adpd). 2747-c. Ficus heterophylla 

(repens). ; 

Scabrid narrow leaved Fig (Br. 201, 
adpd). 2747-b. Ficus hetorophylla 

Scabrid Oak leaved Fig (McL. 49, adpd). 
2748 Ficus quercifolia, 

Scabrid Ovate - lance - serrulate - acute- 
leaved Japanese Snow Flower (Nic. 
1/460, adpd). 1124 Deutzia scabra, 

Scabrid Small leaved Yellow Fig (McL. 
73,adpd). 2749 Ficus asperrima. 

Scabrid Tree Vine (McL. 751, adpd). 
616 Leea aspera, 

Scabrid Various leaved Fig (Br. 201. 
adpd). 2747 Ficus heterophylla. 

Scabrous ovate - acute - black - currant- 
scented-leaved Reddish-yellow-flowered 
Lantana (Br. 163, adpd). 2276 Lan- 
tana mista, 

Scabrous ovate - lance crenated - leaved 
Yellow-to-orange-flowered Lantana 
(Hk. 4/568, adpd). 2275 Lantana 

Scabrous ovate Unifoliate Tick Trefoil 
(MeL. 813, adpd). 806 Desmodium 

XLY. Saxifraga- 

Scabrous stemmed Hollow Medium 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/401, adpd). 3305 

Oxytenanthera nigrociliata, 

Scaly-fruited lance-leaved Wind-berry 
(Hk. 3/512, adpd). 1660-b, Myrsine 
capitallata (lepidocarpon). 

Scaly-woolly large serrate leaved Wild 
Tea Tree (Hk. 1/286, adpd). -Ixxvi. 
Saurauja (genus). 

Scaly-woolly (Fascicled flowered) Wild 
Tea (Hk. 1/287, adpd). 191 Saurauja 

Scaly-woolly (Panicled flowered) Wild 
Tea (Hk, 1/286, adpd). 190 Saurauja 

Scammony (Left-imbricate) Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/2, adpd). dexix, Toxo- 
carpus (genus). 

Scammony (Medium-leathery Broad- 
elliptic-cuspidate-leaved) Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/16, adpd). 1880 Genianthus 

Scammony (Medium-papery downy-glab- 
rate-backed-mottled obovate-eliptic- 
cuspidate-leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk, 
4/14, adpd). 1878 Toxocarpus concan- 



Scammony (Right-imbricate) Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/2, adpd), dexviii. Seca- 
mone (genus). 

Scammony (Small-membranous-downy- 
midribbed-backed Broad-elliptic-cuspid- 
atesleayed) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/)4, 
adpd). 1876 Toxocarpus Roxburghii. 

Scammony (Small-paperylance-acumin- 
ate-leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/14, 
adpd). 1877-b. Toxocarpus Kleinii 

Scammony (Small-papery oblong-lance- 
acute-leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/15, 
adpd). 1879 Toxocarpus eriocarpus. 

Scammony (Small-papery-rusty downy- 
backed Roundish-ovate-or-obovate-cus- 
pidate-leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/34, 

adpd). 1877-a. Toxocarpus  Kleinii 
Scammony (Small-subglaucous-backed 

Lance-subacute-leaved) Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/18, adpd). 1875 Secamone 

Scammony (Valvate) Swallow-wort (Hk. 
4/2, adpd). dexx. Genianthus (genus). 

Scanty blossomed Robust Wax-tlower 
Dogbane (Hk. 3/643, adpd). 1834 
Tabernemontana dichotoma. 

Scanty (Climbing) prickled Solitary Rose 
(Hk. 2/369). 1091 Rosa Fortuneana. 
Scanty Red Spined Bourbon Palm (Nic. 

2/287, adpd). 3194 Livistona olive. 
Scar Leaf (McL. 293, 801). 
phyllum hortense. 
Scarlet and Cream striped Shoe Flower 
(Nic. 1/142). 244-g. Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (zebrina). 

2270 Grapto- 

Scarlet (Small leaved) and Deep-red 
Fuchsia (Nic. 2/38). 1327 Fuebsia mi- 

Scarlet and Green Fuchsia of Mexico 
(Nic. 2/33). 1829 Fuchsia splendens. 
Searlet and Purple Fuchsia of Chili (Nic. 

2/33). 1330 Fuchsia macrostemma. 
Scarlet Auricula-like Rondeletiawort of 

Cuba (Nic. 3/313, Cag. 540). 1466 
Rondeletia odorata. 
Scarlet Australian Fuchsia (S. 111). 

376 Correa speciosa. 

Scarlet Bell Glory Climber (Rox. 3/65, 
adpd), 2327 Holmskioldia sanguinea. 
Scarlet (Climbing) berried Cluster Kose 
(Hk. 2/364). 1090 Rosa microcarpa, 
Scarlet-berried Stipule-lined Privet 
(Treas. Bot. 1/520). dexlvi. Gardneria 


Searlet (sipinnate-(2)-very-small oblong- 
acute-(14-20)-folioled) Bottle-brush 
Sirissa (Nic. 5/184, adpd). 1051 (biés.) 
Calliandra hematocepbala. 

Scarlet bracted Poinsettia (Br. 191, 8. 
160, adpd), 2540-a, Euphorbia Pul- 
cherrima (coccinea). 


Scarlét Cluster Ruse (&u/N/90, 0/19) 
(Mu. 57) (Hod) (Po). 11038-k. Rosa 
Noisettiana (coccinea). 

Scarlet Creeper (McL. 150). 2018 Ipo- 
mea coccinea. 
Scarlet-Crimson changing to Vholet- 

purple Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Cag. 
595) (Mu. 53) (Ru/N/92, 0/21) (Hod) 
(Po). 1107-j, Rosa hybrida-semperfio- 
rens (punicea-coccineo-suffusa-violaceo- 

Scarlet-crimson (Green leaved) Indian 
Shot (Nic. 1/262). _3026-a. Canna 
indica (typica). 

Searlet Croton (MchL. 304). 
lotus philippinensis, 

2637 Mal- 

Scarlet Cucumber-podded Climbing 
Quininewort (Cag. 541, adpd). 1459 
Manettia cordifolia, 

Scarlet (Hard leaved) druped Elm (Bed. 
1/218, adpd). 2712 Celtis Wightii. 

Scarlet Erect petalled Cactus (Nic. 
2/454). cdlv. Nopalea (genus). 

Scarlet Florida Shoe Flower (Nic. 2/142). 
248 Hibiscus coccineus. 

Scarlet flowered Aloe (McL. 21), 
Aloé succotrina. 

Scarlet flowered Bindweed (McL. 150), 
(S.389). 2018 Ipoma coccinea. 

Scarlet flowered Heart leaved Glory 
Tree (S.10i,adpd), 2319 Clerodendron 

Scarlet (Veitch’s) flowered Hybrid Fach- 
sia (Nic. 2/32). 1381 Fuchsia Domi- 

Scarlet-flowered (Hlliptic-leaved Spicate) 
Justicewort (Nic. 2/206, adpd), 2263 
Jacobinia coccinea, 


Scarlet-flowered (Ovate-oblong-leaved 
Thyrsiform) Justicewort (Nic. 5/452, 
adpd). 2264 Jacobinia Pohliana, 

Scarlet-flowored Pea Tree of Texas (Nic. 
3/425, adpd). 778 Sesbania punicea. 
Scarlet (Spinous) flowered Shrubby 
Spurge (Br. 191, adpd). 2539 Euphor- 
bia Bojeri. 

Scarlet flowered Sterculia (McL. 651). 
272 Sterculia colorata. 

Searlet (Flowering) Fuchsia of Mexico 
(Nic. 2/32). 1326 Fuchsia fulgens. 

Scarlet (Cluster flowered) Fuchsia of 
Peru (Nic. 2/82). 1325 Fuchsia 

Scarlet Hexacentris (Br. 170). 
Thunbergia coccinea, 

Scarlet Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Mu. 52, 


53).  1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (coccinea). 

Scarlet (Climbing) Hybrid-perpetual 
(Ru/N/95). 1107-i. Kosa hybrida- 

semperflorens (coccinea-scandens), 


Scarlet’ (Crimson tintel) Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/20) (Mu. 53) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-i. Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Scarlet (Dark shining) Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-i. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens — (coecinea-pur- 

Scarlet (Fiery) Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Nic, 3/324) (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/91, 0/18, 
21) (Mu. 52) (Br. 69) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-i, Rosa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Scarlet (Vermilion-tinted) Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/O/20) (Mu. 53), 1107-i. Rosa hy- 
brida-semperflorens (coccinea-miniato- 

Scarlet’ (Violet-edged Crimson-tinted) 
Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Cag. 514) 
(Ru/O/21) (Po). 1107-1. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens  (coccinea-puniceo-suf- 

Searlet Lxora (McL, 375) (Br. 100). 
Ixora coccinea. 

Searlet Junyle Geranium (McL. 3875, Br. 
100, adpd). 1538 Ixora coccinea. 

Scarlet Justicia (Br. 173), 2263 Jaco- 
binea coccinea. 

Scarlet Leaf Cactus (Nic. 1/515). 1874-h, 
Epiphyllum truncatum (coccineum). 

Scarlet Long flowered Sebesten (McL. 
802, adpd). 1979 Cordia Sebestena. 

Scarlet Long-wreathed flowering Spurge 
(Nic. 1/541). .2541 Kuphorbia fulgens, 

Scarlet-margined-yellow-centred Orange 
(Green-leaved) Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 
3085(bis.)-l. Canna orchidiflora 

Scarlet - midribbed - veined - and - spotted 
Bronzy-crimson Trilobe Croton (Nic. 
1/352) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kj. Codizum variegatum (trilo- 

Scarlet (Square spiked) Nail Dye (Treas. 
Bot), 2245 Aphelandra cristata. 

Scarlet Noisette Rose (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 
(Po) (Mu. 57) (Hod), 1108-«. Rosa 
Noisettiana (coccinea). 

Scarlet (Racemose) Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/32) (Cag. 559). 13858 (bts.) Passi- 
flora racemosa. 

Scarlet Peacock Flower Tree (Mch. 933, 
adpd). 94l-a. Poinciana regia (typica). 

Scarlet Secund-panicled Poivrea of Mada- 
gascar (Br. 76). 1158 Combretum 

Searlet (Large) Poivrea of Sierra-eone 
(Br, 76, adpd). 1159 Combretum 

Scarlet-racemed (Paripinnate-(12-16)- 
glabrous Long oblong-acuminate-leav- 



ed) Buddha’s Fiower (Treas. Bot, 1/51, 
Hk. 2/272, adpd). 977 (bs3.) Am- 
herstia nobilis. 

Scarlet-racemed (Bipinnate-(20-30)- 
linear-(20-30)-folioled) flowered Brasi- 
letto (Treas. Bot, 1/316, adpd). 944 
Colvillea racemosa, has 

Scarlet Rainbow Creeper (McL. 371). 
2166 Thunbergia coccinea. 

Scarlet Sage of Brazil (Po. 58) (Nic. 
3/353). 2351 Salvia splendens. 

Scarlet-sbaded Brick-red-bracted Brazil- 
ian Hogweed (Nic. 1/206, adpd), 
2370-b. Bougainvilla spectabilis 

Scarlet-shaded Maroon Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Ru/O/18). 1107-1. 
Kosa hybrida-semperflorens (atrosan- 
guinea-coccineo-suffusa) . 

Scarlet Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/142) (Jaf). 
244-d .Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (miniata) 

Scarlet (Half double) Shoe Flower (Nic. 
1/142) (Jaf). 2+4-e. Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (miniata-semipiena). 

Scarlet Shrubby Loosestrife (MeL. 314, 

adpd). 1807 Woodfordia floribunda. 

Searlet Spathe Trumpet Flower (Cag. 
454, adpd). delxxxvi. Spathodea 

Scarlet-spotted Golden-yellow (Dark- 
bronzy-leaved) Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 
3035(bés.)-t. Canna orchidiflora (Bar- 

Scarlet-suffused-green  (Gulden-midrib- 
bed-veined-and-mottled) Trilobe Croton 
(Nic. 1/352) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jat). 2646-Kk, Codizum variegatum 
(trilobum-Kar!-of- Derby). 

Scarlet (Great) Trumpet Creeper (S. 426). 
2125 'ecoma grandiflora. 

Scarlet (Spathe calyxed) Trumpet Flower 
(reas. Bot. 2/1077, adpd). delxxxvi. 
Spathodea (genus). 

Searlet Trumpet Flower shrub (S. 426). 
2123 Tecoma radicans. 

Scarlet (Blue-rayed) Tubular Passion 
Flower (S. 423) (Nic. 4/3). 1365 Tac- 
sonia manicata, 

Scarlet Water Squirt Tree (Cag. 454). 
2137 Spathodea campanulata. 

Scarlet Wedding Flower Plant - (Nic. 
1/142, adpd). 295 Dombeya Wallichii. 

Scent (Eagle Wood) (McL. 9). 896 
Pterocarpus santalinus. 

Scented (Musk) Babool (MeL. 935, adpd). 
1027 Acacia Farnesiana. 

Scented (Sweet) Babool (Cag. 628). 1027 
Acacia Harnesiana. 

Scented (Sweet) Brugmansia (Br. 188). 
2103 Datura suaveolens. 

Scented (Sweet) Calophyllum (McL. 708). 
181 Calophyllum inophyllum. 


Scented (Cummin) Claw-shaped flowered | 

Laurel (Nic, 1/18, 5/279, adpd). 
Acronychia (genus). 

Scented (Clove) Creeper (Rox. 1/494) 
(Gbl. 506) (Br. 148). i99L Rivea hypo- 

Scented (Clove) Echites (Cag. 
1860 Aganosma caryophyllata. 
Scented (Strong) Evening Mallow (MeL. 
914, adpd). 228 Abutilon graveolens. 
Scented (Apple) Eucalypt (Bs/T/828). 

1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 



Scented (Sweet) Griffithia (McL. 291) . 

(Br. 99). 1499 Randia malabarica. 

Scented (Citron) Gum (Bth. 3/257). 
1168 Eucalyptus citriodora. 

Scented (Lemon) Gum (S. 158, 235) (Cat. 
140) (Ru/N/83, 128, 0/8). 1168 Eucalyp- 
tus citriodora. 

Scented (Sweet) Hamiltonia (Nic. 2/111) 
(Br. 103). 1592 Hamiltonia suaveo- 

Scented (Sweet) Hedychium (Br. 213). 
2990 Hedychium coronarium. 

Scented (Sweet) Lantana (Br. 168). 
2277-c. Lantana involucrata (odorata), 

Scedted (Lemon) Loose Jacket (Bon. 53, 
54). 419-a. Citrus Aurantium-crena- 
tifolia (typica). 

Scented (Sweet) Oleander (McL. 302) 

(Cat. 187) (Br. i29) (Ell. 408). 1844 
Nerium odorum, 
Scented (Sweet) Olive (S. 420). 1780 | 

Osmanthus fragrans. 

Scented (Cowslip) Orchid (S. 114, 445). 
emxxxv. Vanda (genus). 

Scented (Jasmine) Resin-seed (Nic. 3/152, 

adpd). 158 Pittoyvoornm viridiflorum. 
Scented (Sweet) Stereospermum (Br. 
131). 2150 Stereospermum  suaveo- 


Scentied (Lemon) Verbena (Nic. 2/284) 
(S. 225, 245) (Gb). 545) (Br. 162) (Rid. 
162) (Cag. 434) (Ru/N/84, 0/15, 34) 
(Mu. 40) (Po) (MAHS). 2282 Lippia 

Seented (Sweet) Verbena (S. 245, 420). 
2284 Lippia citriodora, 

Scented (Clove) Viper Dog-bane (Cag. 
499,adpa). 1860 Aganosma caryuphyl- 

Scenter (Chinese Tea) (Nic. 
deelxix. Chloranthus (genus). 

Scentless Creamy-flowered 
Creeper (Hk. 4/38, adpd). 
gularia pallida. 

Scentless White Rainbow Creeper (Mcl.. 
371). 2159-b. Thunbergia fragrans 

Schoolroom-blackboard Whuorled Rosebay 
(McL. 278, adpd). 1829 Alstonia 

Schottice Rose (Br. 68) (?). 1107-k. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (kermesina) (?). 


1904 Per- 


Scimitar Pod (McL. 801, ©95). 1003 
intada scandens. 
Scopolia (Prickly) (Mc. 905). 386 

Toddalia aculeata. 

Scorpion Leaf (McL. 144). 2697 Tragia 

Scorpion Tail (McL, 359). 
tropium (genus), 

Acliii. Helio - 

Scotch Fir (Muell. S8.P) (8. 394). 2857 
Pinas sylvestris. 
Scotch Pine (H/E.F) (Gbl. 703). 2857 

Pinus sylvestris. 
Scots Pine (S. 331). 
Scrap Rubber (McL. 363). 

2857 Pinus sylves- 

2630 Manihot 

| Scratchwort (Elephant’s) (Rox. 3/283). 

813 Muouna monosperma. 

Scratchwort (Larger) (Kox. 3/283). 813 
Mucuna monosperma. 

Screw Bean (MeL. 236, 501, 801). 
Prosopis pubescens. 

Screw (Californian) Bean Mesquit (McL. 
501). 1006 Prosopis pubescens. 

Screw Mesquit (McL. 501, 801, 875, 995). 
1006 Prosopis pubescens. 

Screw Pine Family (Br. 230) (L/N/S/B). 
CXXIII. Pandanacez (Order). 

tcrew Pine (Bed. 1/228) (Gbl. 
(S. 307). mxsxi. Pandanus (genus). 

Screw Pine (MeL. 505, 801, 1001) (Cag. 
335) (W. 46, 49, 61,) (Pf. 172) (FAR. 
25, GJM) (S. 294). 3244 Pandanus 

Screw (Creeping) Pine (McL. 802) (?). 
2316 Clerodendron phlomoides (?). 

Screw (Forked Spine fruited) Pine (Nic. 
3/16). 3243 Pandanus furcatus. 

Screw (Fragrant) Pine (Br. 280) (MeL 
563, 801, 807) (Ell. 425). 3244 Panda- 
nus odoratissimus. 

Screw (Glaucous Erect leaved) Pine (Nic. 
3/18). 3245 Pandanns edulis. 

Screw (Green Spined) Pine (McL. 801). 
3244 Pandanus odoratissimus. 

Screw (Large) Pine (McL. 802) (?). 3054. 
Furecrea gigantea (?) 

Screw (Madagascar) Pine (Nic. 3/18). 
3245 Pandanus edulis. 



Screwpine (Red) (Mc. 367) (?). 1554. 
Morinda citrifolia(?). 
Screw (Spineless leaved) Pine (Hk. 

6/456, adpd). 3247 Pandaous levis, 

Screwpine (Stone) (McL. 20). emlsviii. 
Aloé (genus). 

Screw (Very long leaved) Pine (Hk. 
6/484, adpd). 3243 Pandanus_ fur- 

Screw (Distinct carpelled) Pine of Bur- 
mah (Bs/1/658, adpd). 3241 Pandanus 

Screw (Distinct carpelled) 
Canara (Bs/1/659, adpd), 
3242 Pandanas canararus. 

Pine of 
(F 3241) 


Screw (Common) Pine of India (MclL. 
801, Cag. 335, adpd). 3244 Pandanus 

Screw Pines (McbL. 1006), COXXIII. 
Pandanacez (Order). 

Screw Pine Palm (Mch. 650). mxxi. 
Pandanus (genus). 

Screw Pod Mesqnit (H/E.F). 1006 

Prosopis pubescens. 
Screw Tree (McL. 473, 364, 801) (Cag. 
697) (Ru/O/21). 280 Helicteres Isora. 

Screw (Country) Tree (Cat. 35). 280 
Helicteres Isora. 
Screw (East Indian) Tree (Br. 21). 280 

Helicteres Isora, 

Screw (Hazel-leaved) Tree (McL. 802), 
280 Helicteres Isora. 

Screw (Indian) Tree (Pf. 
Helicteres [sora, 

Scripture (Mustard Tree of) (Bed. 2/247). 
1799 Salvadora persica. 

Scrub (Australian) Blood Wood (Cat. 
262). 2652 Baloghia lucida, 

Scrub Peppermint (Bth. 38/231). 
Eucalyptus incrassata (angulosa). 

Scurfy-glabrate  (Quinquefoliate-(3-5)- 
sub-opposite-medium) — elliptic-cuspid- 
ate-leaved White Cedar (Hk. 1/561), 
adpd). 469 Amoora Lawii. 

Scurfy-glabrate (Unifoliate-medium) 
elliptic-cuspidate-leayed White Cedar 
(Hk. 1/566, adpd), 474 Beddomea 

Scurfy-glabrate (Trifoliate-small) elliptic- 
obtuse-leaved White Cedar (Hk. 1/566, 
adpd). 473 Beddomea indica. 

Scurfy-glabrate (Quinquefoliate-(4-6)- 
alternate-medium) Narrow-elliptic- 
acuminate-leaved White Cedar (Hk. 
1/560, adpd). 468 Amoora canarana. 

Sourfy-leaved Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Cag. 3840, adpd). 8160 Euterpe 

Scurfy Pea (Nic. 3/239) (S. 351, 394). 
ecixxxv. Psoralea (genus), 

Scarty (Pinnate leaved) Pea (Nic. 3/239), 
760 Psoralea pinnata. 

Scurfy Plaited Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Cag. 344, adpd). cmlxxxiii. Rhopal- 
ostylis (genus). 

Scutia (Indian) (Br. 43), 

Sea (Dew of the) (Rid, 195) (Jaf. 47). 
2352 Rosmarinus officinalis. 

Sea Cadamba (McL. 112). 1274 Barring- 
tonia racemosa. 

382). 280 


572 Scutia 

Sea Castor Oil Plant (McL. 56), 2628 
Jatropha Curcas. 
Sea-coast Rose Mallow (Hk. 1/343, 

adpd), 241 Hibiscus tiliaceus. 
Sea Cocoa Nut Palm (McbL. 65, 198, 
1001). 38239 Lodoicea seychellarum. 


Soa Flower (McL 53). 
mia flos-Reginz. 
Seaforthia Palm (3. 395). 
tophcenix Cunninghanii, 
Sea (English) Grape (McL. 178). 2379 
Salicornia brachiata. 
Sea Green (McL. 665), 

1319 Lagerstros- 

3140 Archon- 

1993 Argyreia. 

Sea Holly (KSN)(GDV). 2228 Acanthus- 

Sea-Island Cotton (Muell. 8.P) (McL. 
232) (Hk. 1/847). 254 Gossypium 


Sea Jack (McL. 867). 

Sea (Shrubby) Lavender (Nic. 3/491). 
1652 Statice fruticans. 
Sea Lavender (Nic. 3/49) (S. 415) (Cag. 
510) (Rid. 91). dxliv. Statice (genus). 
Sea Pink (McL. 775). 3279 Spinifex 

Sea Pink (Nic. 38/491) (S. 415). 
Statice (genus). 

Seaforth (Robust) Palm (Rid. 264, adpd). 
3141 Rhopalostylis Baueri. 

Seaside Aloe (McL. 21). 
vera (littoralis). 

Seaside (West Indian) Bean (McL. 1022). 
831 Canavalia obtusifolia. 

Seaside (Leathery glossy Round heart 

1554 Morinda 


3117-b. Aloé 

leaved) Grape (Nic. 1/346, adpd). 
2387 Coccoloba uvifera. 

Seaside Grape (N. 1/346) (Cag. 426). 
declxiv. Coccoloba (genus). 

Seaside Indian Oak (McL. 367). 1274 
Barring tonia racemosa. 

Seaside Indian Saltwort (McL. 363). 
{2881 Sphalm] 2381 (bis.) Sueeda mari- 

Seaside Opposite leaved Spurge (McL. 
502, adpd). 2581 Euphorbia Atoto. 
Seaside (West Indian) Plum (MclL. 783) 
(Nic. 4/225). 487 Ximenia americana. 

Seaside Potato (McL. 6) (Cag. 477). 
2047 Ipomeea biloba. 

Seashore Paulay (MchL. 664, 998). 1993 
Argyreia speciosa. 

Sea-shore Rattan (McL. 755, corr). 3279 
Spinifex sqaarrosus. 

Seb (McL. 27, 802, 995). 1113 Pyrus 


Sebesten (McL. 474, 564, 802, 998). 
dexlix. Cordia (genus). 

Sebesten (Hk. 4/136) (Cat. 197). 
Cordia Myxa. 

Sebesten (Beak fruited Common) (Hk. 
4/137, adpd), 1968-b, Cordia Myxa 

Sebesten (Common) (Hk. 4/136, McL. 
473, 803, 930, adpd). 1968 Cordia 

Sebesten (Cuba) (Mch. 802, 998). 
Cordia Sebestena. 




Sebesten (Broad leaved) (Mel. 808) (Br. 
144), 1969 Cordia obliqua. 

Sebesten (Cordate Disc-scabrid Felted 
leaved) (Hk. 4/189, adpd). 1975 
Cordia Macleodii. 

Sebesten (Elliptic Disc-scabrid Felted 
leaved) (Bs/ 1/479, adpd). 1972 Cordia 

Sebesten (Felted Common) (Hk. 4/137, 

adpd). 1968-b, Cordia Myxa (domes- 

Sebesten (Godaveri) (Mol. 802). 1975 
Cordia Macleodii. 

Sebesten (Golden) (McL. 802, 998). 1979 

Cordia Sebestena. 

Sebesten (Large) (MeL. 473, 802,998). 
1969 Cordia obliqua, 

Sebesten (Felted Large) (Hk. 4/137, 
McL. 473, 802, 998, Bs/T/479, adpd). 
1969-b. Cordia obliqua (Wallichii). 

Sebesten (Larger Disc-scabrid leaved) 
(Hk, 4/138, adpd). 1971 Cordia gran- 

Sebesten (Large flowered and fruited 

Common) (Hk. 4/137, adpa). 1969 
Cordia obliqua. 
Sebesten (Macleod’s) (McL. 802). 1975 

Cordia Macleodii. 

Sebesten (Oblong Feather-nerved) (McL. 
472, 803, 998, adpd). 1973 Cordia 

Sebesten (Orange Long flowered) (Hk. 
4/140, adpd). 1978 Cordia subcordata. 

Sebesten (Ovate Dise-scabrid Felted 
leaved (Hk. 4/140, adpd). 1976 Cordia 

Sebesten (Narrow leaved) (Mch. 478, 
803, 998). 1973 Uordia Rothii. 

Sehesten (Rough leaved) (McL, 802) (Br. 
144). 1979 Cordia Sebestena. 

Sebesten (Scarlet Long flowered) (McL. 
802, adpd). 1979 Cordia Sebestena. 

Sebesten (Small) (McL. 473, 803, 990). 
1968 Cordia Myxa. 

Sebesten (3 mall obovate Feather-nerved) 
(McL, 808, adpd). 1974 Cordia Perrot- 


Sebesten (Smaller Disc-scabrid leaved) 
(Ik. 4/188, adpd). 1970 Cordia 

Sebesten (Teak leaved) (McL. 802). 1979 

Cordia Sebestena. 
Sebesten (White Longish flowered) (Hk. 
4/140, adpd). 1977 Cordia octandra. 
Sebesten Family (Br. 144). LXXVIII. 
Boraginacez (Order). 

Sebesten Plum (McL. 803) (Bdn/F.T). 
1968 Cordia Myxa. 

Sebistan Plum (Bdn/L), 

Seed (Heart) (McL. 611) (Nic. 5/194) 
(Cag, 632) (Pf. 60). 623 Cardios- 
permum Halicacabum. 

1968 Cordia 


Seed (Heart leaved Moon) (Mc. 319). 
80 Tinospora Cordifolia. 

Seed (Ivory) (McL. 380), 
permum axillare. 

Seed (Ivory) (Mch. 875, 379). 
Croton Tiglium. 

Seed (Jagged Moon) (Mc. 357). 
Anamirta Cocculus. 

Seed (King’s) (McL. 379). 

2696 Balios- 

2642 Croton 


Seed (Lahore) (McL, 340). 264 Peganum 

Seed (Milk) (Nic. 3/183). lxiv. Polygala 

Seed (Star Anise) Tree (8, 414). 17 Illic- 
ium anisatum., 

Seed (Thwaites’ Worm) (McL. 361, adpd). 
2714 Gironniera reticulata. 

Seed (Wild Sultan) (McL. 380). 2696 
Baliospermum axillare. 

Seed (Black) Creeper (McL. 408). 2020 
Ipomea hederacea. 
Seed (Chain) Cotton (MeL 234). 254-b. 
Gossypium barbadense (acuminatum). 
Seed (Resin) Family (McL. 1006). XI. 
Pittosporacez (Urder). 

Seed (Worm) Fleabane (McL. 338, adpd). 
1599 Vernonia anthelmintica. 

Seed Jujube (McL. 66). 565 Zizyphus 

Seed (Mustard) of the Bible (Mch. 918). 
1799 Salvadora persica. 

Seed (Barricary) Plant (McL. 757). 1004 
Adenanthera pavonina, 

Seed (Pearl) Plant (McL. 54). 2693 
Ricinus communis. 

Seed (Balbiji) Plant (McL. 914). y22 

Abutilon indicum. 

Seed (Anise) free (N. 2/177) (8S. 212). 
vii. [licium (genus). 

Seed (Butter) Tree (McL. 777). 

Seed (Paralysis) Tree (McL. 785). 
Eleocarpus serratus. 

Seed (Rahoo) Tree (McL. 735, 768). 336 
Eleeocarpus serratus. 

Seed (Worm) Vernonia (McL, 388). 1599 
Vernonia anthelmintica, 

Seeded (Many) Desmodium (Br. 52). 808 
Desmodium latifolinm. 

Seeded (Blue) Featherfoil (MeL. 587, 
adpd). 2570 Phyllanthus indicus. 

Seeded (Few) Lance Wood (Mch. 510, 
adpd). 285 Pterospermum reticulatum, 

Seeded (Medium) Lance Wood (McL, 510, 
adpd). 286 Pterospermum Heyneanum. 

Seeded (Fragrant Net) Madder shrub 
(Nic. 2/111, adpd). 1592 Hamiltonia 

Seeded (One) Mucuna (Br. 
Mucuna monosperma. 

Seeded (Five) Olive Linden (Mc. 763, 
adpd). 385 Eleocarpus Ganitrus, 

130 Bixa 


56). 813 


Seeded (Winged) Ordure Tree 
1/350, adpd). 273 Sterculia alata. 

Seeded (Membranous-wing-girt) Resin- 
seed Tree (Nic. 6/437). Ixii. Hymeno- 
sporum (genus). 

Seeded (Biseriate) Sausage podded Senna 
(Ak. 2/2638, adpd). 952 Cassia 

Seeded (Biseriate) Senna (Mch. 
952 Cassia bicapsularis. 

Seeded (Two) Tick Trefoil (MeL. 813, 
adpd). 800 Desmodium biarticulatum. 

Seeded (Winged) Wild Tea (Hk. 1/290, 
adpd). Ixxvii. Gordonia (genus). 

Seeded (Four) Willow (McL. 945). 
Salix tetrasperma, 

Seekoy (W. 105). 1038 Acacia concinna. 




Seeta’s Fruit (McbL. 35). 57 Anona 

Seeta’s Heart’s Joy (McbL. 156, 804). 
1805 Yergularia minor. 

Seeta’s Thread (McL. 804, 998). 2065 

Cuscuta reflexa. 
Seeta’s Yarn (McL. 230). 

2472 Cassytha 

Seetalcheeny of Madras (McL. 677). 2405 
Piper Cubeba. 
Sectarian Creeper (Mchl. 364). 1866 

Hemidesmus indicus. 

Segment (Highteen) Prickly Fan Palm 
(Hk. 6/431, adpd). 3178 Licuala 

Segment (Nine) Prickly Fan Palm (Hk. 
6/430, adpd). 3179 Licuala paludosa, 
Sezment (Thirty) Prickly Fan Palm (Hk. 
6/480, adpd). 3181 Licuala peltata. 
Segwah (McL. 518). 689 Moringa 


Select Crown Bark (McL. 420) (Ell. 178). 
1444-c, Cinchona officinalis (con- 

Secletski (Pierre) Rose (Ru/N/93, G/22) 
(Mu. 54) (Bod). 1107-m Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (pupurea-violaceo-suffusa) 

Sello’s Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/97). 8262 
Philodendron Selloum. 
Sellowianum Abutilon (Ooty. 204). 218-b. 

Abutilon Darwini 
Semaphore Plant (Gb]. 238) (Pr. 1/426). 
809 Desmodium gyrans. 
Semicircular follicled Climbing Navelwort 


(Bs/T/212, adpd). 693 Connarus 
Semilanceolate stipuled Deflexed-rigid 

Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 
(Nic, 3/321). 1100 Rosa gallica. 

Semiovate-dentate stipuled Downy-back- 
ed Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 2/364) 
(Nic. 3/323). 1101 Rosa rubiginosa, 

Semiovate-dentate etipuled Flaccid Seven- 
(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 2/364) (Mic. 
3/320). 1099 Rosa centifolia. 



eee a eS eae eee 


Semiovate-dentate stipuled Glaucous- 
backed seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 
2/364) (Nic. 3/819). 1102 Rosa alba, 

Semiovate-dentate stipuled Gland- 
peticled Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Nic. 

3/322) (Hk. 2/364). 1097 Rosa 
Semiovate-dentate  stipuled Subrigid 

Seven-(5-9)-leaved ltose (Hk. 2/364) 
(Nic. 3/320). 1098 Rosa damascena. 

Semiscandent Bamboo of the Nallamalais 
ani Western Ghants (Gbl. 750). 3306 
Oxytenanthera Thwaitesii. 

Semiscandent Bright-green Bamboo of the 
Western Ghauts (Gbl. 753). 3316 
Teinostachyum Wightii. 

Semisold (Swollen Node-ringed) Medium 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/404, adpd). 3310 
Dendrocalamus strictus. 

Semisolid (White Note-ringed) Medium 

Bamboo (Hk. 7/387, adpd). 3301 
Bambusa Tulda 

Semia Gum Tree (McL. 520). 993 
Bauhinia retusa. : 
Semul (Malabar) (McL. 234). 259 

Bombax malabaricum. 
Semul (Red) (McL. 2384). 259 Bombax 

Semul (White) (McL. 235, 818). 261 
Eriodendron anfractuosum. 
Senaar Ebony (Cooke. 1/397). §&86 

Dalbergia melanoxylon. 
Senna (W.12). 956 Cassia angustifolia. 

Senna (S. 70, 398). 

Senna (Acute leaved) (McL. 805). 
Cassia acutifolia, 

Senna (Acute leaved Eglandular) (MeL, 
804, adpd). 955 Cassia acutifolia. 

Senna (African) (McL. 805). 955 Cassia 

Senna (Aleppo) (McL. 804, 847, 995). 
963 Cassia obovata. 

ceexlviil. Cassiu 


Senna (Alexandrian) (Mech, 804, 805). 955 
Cassia acutifolia. 

Senna (Alexandrian) (MeL. 804, 05). 968 
Cassia obovata, 

Senna (American Hairy) (McL. 147). 951 
Cassia hirsuta, 

Senna (Biseriate seeded) (McL. 847). 952 

Cassia bicapsularis. 

Senna (Biseriate-seeded Sausage-podded) 
(Hk. 2/268, adpd). 952 Cassia 

Senna (Bombay) (Mcl. 805). 956 Cassia 

Senna (Bristle-tipped 
Eglandular) (Mcl,, 
Cassia montana. 

Senna (Centifoil Mimosa leave Uniglan- 
dular) (McL. 804, adpd). 966 Cassia 
nulmosoides, : 

oblong ~leaved 
804, adpd). 959 


Senna (Oommon obovute leaved Nachis- 

glandular) (McL. 804, adpd). 948 
Cassia Tora. 

Senna (Country) (McL, 605). 956 Cassia 

Senna (Decandrous Mimosa  leaved 

Uniglandular) (MchL. 804, adpd), 965 
Cassia Kleinii. 
Senna (Deccany) 
Cassia montana. 
Senna (Downy Mountain) (McL. 
adpd). 953 Cassia tomentosa. 
Senna (Dwarf) (McL. 155, adpd). 964 

Cassia pumila. 

Senra (Bared) (McL. 932, adpd). 954 
Cassia auriculata. 

Senna (East Indian) (McL. 805). 956 
Cassia angustifolia. 

Senna (Emarvginate 
Eglandular) (MeL, 
Cassia siamea. 

Senna Flower Sub-family (Br. 59, adpd). 
XLIII-B. Leguminose (Order-Cesal- 
piniez suborder). 

Senna (Foliaceous stipuled Eglandular) 
(McL. 804, adpd). 960 Cassia timorien- 

Senna (Foreign) (Mch. 805). 955 Cassia 

Senna (Glaucous leaved) (McL. 847). 961 
Cassia glauca. 

Senna (Glaucous teaved Uniglandular) 
(McL. 804, adpd), 961 Cassia glaura. 
Senna (Hairy leaved Uniglandular) (McL. 

804, adpd). 951 Cassia hirsuta. 

Senna (Indian) (McL. 504, 805) (Ell. 751). 
956 Cassia angustifolia. 

Senna (Italian) (McL. 804). 

Senna (Klein’s Dwarf) (McL. 155, adpd), 
965 Cassia Kleinii, 

Senna (Lance leaved Uniglandular) (McL. 
804, adpd). 950 Cassia Sopkora.. 

Senna (Large stiprled downy Rachis- 
glandular) (Mcl.. 604, adpd). 954 
Cassia auriculata. 

Senna (Large leafletted Eglandular) (Mch. 
804, adpd). Cassia alata, 

Senna (Lotus) (MchL. 805). 956 Cassia 

Senna (Lowly) (Mc. 155). 

Senna (Many leaved Dwarf) (McL. 155, 
adpd), 966 Cassia mimosoides, 

Senna (Medicinal) (13s/s/224, TVY). 956 
Cassia angustifolia. 

(McL. 847). 959 

obiong  leaved 
804, adpd). 958 

963 Cassia 

964 Cassia 

Senna (Mimosa-like) (McL. 847). 966 
Cassia mimosoides. 
Senna (Mocha) (MchL. 805). 956 Cassia 


Senna (Mountain Obovate leaved Rachis- 
glandular) (MeL. 804, 
Cassia bicapsuluris. 

adpd). 952 


Senna (Narrow leaved) (McL, 805). 956 
Cagsia angustifolia. 

Senna (Narrow leaved Eglandular) (MeL. 
804, adpd). 956 Cassia angustifolia. 
Senna (New-Spain) (Nic. 1/276), 962 

Cassia laevigata. 

Senna (Nubian) (McL, 704, 805, 897, 995). 
955 Cassia acutifolia, 

Senna (Obovate leaved Eglandular (McL. 
804,2dpd). 968 Cassia obovata. 

Senna (Obovate) (McL. 3804). 963 Cassia 

Senna (Obovate-odourless-leaved Uniglan- 
dular) (Rox. 2/341, adpd). 948-b. 
Cassia Tora (toroides), 

Senna (Officinal) (Mcl., 804, 805), 963 
Cassia obovata. 

Senna (Officinal) (McL. 804, 805). 955 
Cassia acutifolia. 

Senna (Ovate leaved Uniglandular) (McL. 
804, adpd). 949 Cassia occidentalis. 
Senna (Paripinnate-(24-26) oblong-lance- 
cuspidate-leaved Rhododendron) (Nic. 
1/215, adpd). 981 Brownea grandiceps. 

Senna (Paripinnate-(12-16. oblong-lance- 
acuminate leaved Rhododendron) (Nic. 
1/215, adpd). 979 Brownea Ariza, 

Senna (Pavripinnate-(4-6) Oval-oblong- 
acuminate-leaved Rhododendron) (Nic. 
1/215, adpd). 980 Brownea coccinea. 

Senna (Pentandrous Mimosa leaved 
Uniglandular) (McL. 804, adpd). 964. 
Cassia pumila. 

Senna (Pointed 
glandular) (Nic. 
Cassia levicata. 

Senna (Rhododendron) (Treas. Bot. 1/173, 
adpd). cccliv. Brownea (genus). 

Senna (Siamese Tree) (McL. 847, adpd). 
958 Cassia siamea. 

Senna (Sennar) (McL, 805). 

Senna (Small stipuled Downy Rachis- 
glandular) (McL, 804, adpd). 953 
Cassia tomentosa. 

Senna (Sulphur flowered) (Mc. 847). 
961 Cassia glauca. 

Senna (Sumatra) (McL. 208). 

Senna (Surat) (McL. 805). 955 Cassia 

Senna (Tanner’s) (McL. 932, adpd). 954 
Cassia auriculata. 

Senna (Timor) (McL. 8+7). 

Senna (Tinnevelly) (McL. 364, 504, 805, 
847, 932, 995) (Ell, 151) (Pfi. 304). 956 
Cassia angustifolia, 

Senna (Tree) (Mech. 208). 

Senna (Winged) (McL. 10). 957 Cassia 

lance leaved Rachis- 
1/276, adpd). 962 

955 Cassia 

958 Cassia 

960 Cassia 

961 Cassia 


Senna (Kordofan) (MeL. 805). 955 Cassia, 


Senna leaved French Honeysuekle (McL. 
518). 788 Ormocarpum sennoides. 

Senna (Bladder) of the Cape (Nic. 3/527) 
(S.71, 419), 762 Sutherlandia frutes- 

Senna (Arabian) Plant (Mch. 37, 805). 
956 Cassia angustifolia. 

Sennaar Senna (McL. 805), 955 Cassia 

Sensitive Pea (McL. 805, Nic. 3/425, 
adpd). cexciii. Seshania (genus). 

Sensitive (Folded-up Joint podded) Pea 
(Mch. 844, Hk. 2/148, adpd). cexevii. 
Smithia (genus). 

Sensitive (Joint podded) Pea (McL. 844, 

Hk. 2/15, adpd). cecxeviii. Alschyno- 

mene (genus). 

Sensitive (Multifoliate-(61-191)-very 
small linear-obtuse leaved) Pea (Hk. 
2/152, adpd). 787 Aischynomene 

Sensitive (Multifoliate-(21-47)-very-small 
linear-obleng-obtuse leaved) Pea (Hk. 

2/214, adpd). 779 Sesbania wxgyp- 

Sensitive (Multifoliate-(81)-very-smal]- 
prickly linear-obtuse-bristle-tipped 

leaved) Pea (Hk. 2/115, adpd). 780-a. 

Sesbania aculeata (typica). 

Sensitive (Multifoliate-(21-61)-very- 
small-linear-obtuse-bristle-tipped leaved) 
Pea (Rox. 3/324, adpd). 780-b. Sesba- 
nia aculeata (paludosa). 

Sensitive (Multifoliate-(6-10)-very-small 
linear-obtuse leaved) Pea (Hk. 2/151, 
adpd). 7385 Smithea blanda, 

Sensitive (Multifoliate-(41-61)-very-small 
linear-ubtuse leaved) Pea (Hk. 2/151, 
adpd). 786 Aischynomene indica. 

Sensitive (Bipinnate-(6-8)-prickly-backed 
very-smail Rounded-(few)-folioled) 
Tree (Gbl. 290, adpd), 1014 Mimosa 

Sensitive (Bipinnate-(6-8)-prickly-backed- 
minute Ligulate-oblong-(12~-20)-foliol- 
ed) Tree (Hk. 2/291, adpd). 1013 
Mimosa hamata. 

Sensitive (Bipinnate-(8-20)-downy-mi- 
nute oblong-cuspidate- (12-24) -folioled) 
Tree (Hk. 2/291, adpd). 1012 Mimosa 

Sensitive (Bipinnate-(3-4)-digitate-brist- | 

ly-minute Linear-oblong-acute-(24-40)- 
folioled Prostrate) shrub (Hk, 2/291, 
adpd). 1011 Mimosa pudica. 

Sensitive Plant Flower sub-family (Br. 64, 
adpd). XLIII-C. Leguminosee (Order- 
Mimoseve suborder). 

Sensitive Plant (McL. 830) (Nic. 2/370) 
(S. 271). ceclxv. Mimosa (genus). 



Sensitive Plant (S. 272, 898) (Pr. 1/456) 
(Br. 64) (Rid. 140) (Cag. 628) (Jaf. 30). 
1011 Mimosa pudica. 

Sensitive (Bastard) Plant (McL, 805). 779 
Sesbania weeyptiaca, 

Sensitive (Jointed podded Prickly) Plant 
(Hk. 2/291, adpd). ccclxv. Mimosa 

Sensitive (Pink and Yellow Spiked) Plant 
(Hk. 2/288, adpd). ccclxii. Dichro- 
stachys (genus). 

Sensitive (Rough stemmed Bastard) Plant 
(McL. 844). 7387 Aischynomene aspera. 

Sensitive (Strap poddod Unarmed) Plant 
(Hk. 2/290, adpd). ccclxiv. Leucana 

Sensitive (‘I'wisted podded Spinous) Plant 
(Hk, 2/288, adpd). ceclxii. Dichro- 
stachys (genus). 

Sensitive (Bipinnate - (16 - 20) - minute- 
downy liguiate-(24-40)-folioled) Tree 
(Hk. 2/288, adpd). 1008 Dichrostachys 

folioled) Tree (Hk. 2/290, adpd). 
Leuceena glauca. 

Senthee (McL. 779). 

Sepaled (Arrow) Bindweed (Mech, 120, 
adpd), 2031 Tpomea calycina. 

Sepalled (Shining) Blue Nail Dye (Mech. 
558,adpd). 2243 Barleria nitida. 

Sepalled (Feathery) Cockspur Flower 
(Nic. 3/160, adpd). 2348 Colebrookia 

Sepalled (Bordered) Featherfoil (MclL. 
587, adpd). 2564 Phyllanthus missionis. 

Sepalled (Fringed) Featherfoil (MeL. 587, 
adpd). 2567 Phyllanthus fimbriatus. 

Sepalled (Long) Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2566 Phyllanthus longiflorus. 

Sepalled (Long leaved Two) Gamboge 
(Br. 380, Hk, 1/259, adpd). 180 Ochro- 
carpus longifolius. 

Sepalled (Persistent) Mixed Prickly Rose 
(Hk. 2/364). 1097 Rosa Eglanteria. 

Sepalled (Downy) Nail Dye (McL. 558, 
adpd). 2240 Barleria courtallica. 

Sepalled (Fringe) Nail Dye (McL. 558, 
adpd). 2241 Barleria Stocksii. 

Sepalled (Large) Nail Dye (McL. 558, 
adpd). 2237 Barleria sepalosa. 

Sepalled (Brown-backed Yellow) Torch 
Thistle (Nic. 1/299). 1370 Cereus grandi- 

White) Torch Thistle (Nic. 
1371 Cereus hexagonus. 

Sepalled (Pinnate) Uniformly Prickly 
Rose (Hk, 2/364, Nie. 3/314), 1102 Rosa 

(Bipinnate - (8-10)-glaucous- 

3284 Saccharum 

(Green-tubed Reddish-backed 


Sepalled (Simple) Uniformly Prickly 
Kose (Hk, 2/3864) (Nic. 3/314), 1103 
Rosa indica. 

Sepistan Plum (MeL. 803) (Ell. 199) (PA. 
889). 1968 Cordia Myxa. 

Septate-spurred Cowslip Orchid (S. 445, 

Hk. 5/673, 6/66, adpd),  cmxxxvii, 
Sarcanthus (genus). 
Serpent Champak (McL, 157). 185 Mesua 


Serpent Root Plant (McL. 374). 2891 
Aristolochia indica, 

Serpent (Indian) Wood (McL, 842), 1811 
Kauwoltia serpentina. 

Serpent's Tongue (McL. 63), 3119 Glori- 

osa superba, 
Serrate elliptic leaved Holly (Hk. 1/600, 
adpd). 510 Ilex denticulata. 

Serrate irregularly-rhomboid leaved 
Parroquect Burr (Hk. 1/395, adpd). 332 
Triumfetta rhomboidea. 

Serrate Firebrand Teak (McL, 473, 512, 
884, 997, adpd), 2300 Premna thyrsoi- 

Serrate (Himalayan) Firebrand Teak 
(McL. 473, 512, 884, 997, adpd). 23u1 
Premna barbata, 

Serrate (Linear) leaved Slipperwort of 
Chili (Nic. 1/240). 2113 Calceolaria 

Serrate obcordate leaved Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/177, adpd). 
bifolia (retusa), 

Serrate Ovate leaved Shoe Flower (Hk. 
1/344, adpd). 244 Hibiscus rosa-sinen- 

Serrate Rusty-felt-backed Heart leaved 
Woolly-jacket (Hk. 1/370, adpd). 290 
Eriolena Hookeriana. 

Serrate (Royle’s Ovate) Staff Tree (McL. 
459, adpd). 538 Gymnosporia Royleana, 

Serrate (Nilgiri Ovite) Staff Tree (McL. 
459, adpd). 534 Gymnosporia ovata. 

Serrulate linear - oblong leaved Velvet 
Cinquefoil (Hk. 1/372, adpd). 296 
Meihania incana. 

Service (Nic. 3/258). ccclxxxv. Pyrus 
Sesban (McL. 805, 994). cexciii. Ses- 

bania (genus), 

Sesban (McL. 805) (Nic. 3/425). 
Sesbania zgyptiaca, 

Serban (McL. 10). 731 Sesbania grandi- 

Sesban (Common) (McL. 478, 587, 805, 
994). 779 Sesbania egyptiaca, 

Sesban (Foreign) (McL. 805), 943 Puar- 
kinsonia aculeata. 

Sesban (Prickly) (McL. 805, 994). 
Sesbania aculeata, 

Sesban (West Indian) (McL. 473, 484, 506, 
994). 781 Sesbania grandiflora, 




216-b. Sida rhom- | 


Sesban (Wild) (MeL. 520) (?). 996 Bauhi 
nia purpurea (?), 

Sesban (Wild) (McL. 58) (?). 
Dioscorea oppositifolia (?). 

Sesban (Wild) Yam (McL, 520) (?). 990 
Bauhinia racemosa (?), 

Sesbania (Eyyp*ain) 779 
Sesbania wgyptiaca. 

Sessile-cuplike-indusiate Globose-sori- 
axillary-alung-pinnule-costa Fern (Bed/ 
F,adpd). mili. Cyathea (genus). 

Sessile-cuplike-indusiate Globose-sori-on- 
pinnule-venules Fern (Nic, 2/135, adpd). 
mlix. Hemitelia (genus). 

Sessile flowered Wild Jasmine (Mc. 384, 
adpd), 1789 Jasminum sessilifloram, 

Sessile leaflet Chaste Tree (McL. 6796, 
adpd). 2308 Vitex trifolia. 

Sessile (Narrow) leaved Dragon Tree (Nic, 
1/374), 3111 Cordyline stricta, 

Sessile (Umbr-lla-like Narrow) leaved 
Dragon Tree(Nic. 1/491). 3106 Draceena 

Sessile (Red-bordered) 
Tree (Nic. 1/491), 

Ses:ile (Glaucous) leaved Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/490). 3099 Dracena Draco. 
Sessile (White-bordered) leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 5/330). 3103 Draczena Hook- 


Sessile (Curly Narrow) leaved Dragon 
Tree (Hk. 6/329, adpd). 3098 Dracaena 

Sessile leaved Tree Vine (Mcl. 751, adpd), 
614 Leeacoriacea. 

Sessile leaved WhiteLeaf Plant (McL. 516, 
adpd). 1487-b. Mussenda frondosa 

Sessiie- membranous _ Bifoliate - (rarely 
more) Pseudobulbous stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 5/692). cmxviii. Liparis (genas 

Sessile - membranous Bifoliate - (rarely 
more) Pseudobulbous stemmed ‘)rchid 
(Hk. 5/715). cioxix. Dendrobium (genus 
Stavhyobiwm scction, part), 

Sessile-membranous Bifoliate-(rarely- 
more) Pseudobulbous stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 5/785). cmxsiv. Eria (genus-Por- 

pow, Conchidiwm, and Bryobiwm sections). 

Sessile-membranous Quadrifoliate-(occa- 
sionally- 3) Pseudobulbous stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 5/5*8, 705).  emxviii, 
Liparis (genus part). 

Sessile Unifoliate Pseudobulbons stemmed 


(Br. 51). 

leaved Dragon 
3104 Dracena 

Orchid (Hk. -6/8144, W.A.I.  adpd), 
emxxvi. Fholidota (genus), 
Seihia (Indian) (Br. 31). 345 Erythroxyl- 

on monogynum. 

Seven -(5-7)-lan :eolate-segmented (Sagit- 
tate-when-young and) leaved Climbing 
Arum (Nic, 3/533). 3251 Syngonium 


Seven leafed Milk Plant (McL. 278). 1829 
Alstonia scholaris. 

Seven leafed Plantain (Mc, 278). 
Alstonia schularis. 

Seven leafed Poon Tree (McL. 
1829 Alstonia scholaris. 

Seven leaved Paulay (McL. 665). 
Alstonia scholaris. 

Seven-(-9)-leaved (Glandular stipuled) 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1086 Rosa moschata. 

Seven-(5-9)-leaved (Pectinate stipuled) 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1085 Rosa multi- 

Seven- (5-9)-leaved (Narrow 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 

Seven- (4-9)-leaved 

278, 705). 

1087 Rosa semper- 

(Narrow  stipnled 

Glandular) Rose (Hk. 2/368). 1088 
Rosa Leschevaultii. 
Seven-(5-9)-leaved (Laciniate  stipnled 

elliptic) Rose (Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/322). 
1094 Rosa inyolucrata. 

Seven-(5-9)-leaved (Laciniate stiprled 
obovate) Ruse (Hk. 2/864) (Nic. 3/322). 
1095 Rosa bracteata. 

Seven-(5-9)-leaved (Semiovate-dentate 
stipuled Gland-;etioled) Rose(Hk. 2/364) 
(Nic. 3/322). 1097 Rosa Bglanteria. 

Seven-(5-9)-leaved (Semiovate-dentate 
stipuled Suorigid) (Rose (Hk. 2/384) 
(Nic 3/320). 1098 Rosa damascena. 

Seven-(5-¥)-leaved (Semiovate-dentate 
stipuled Flaccid) Rose (Hk. 2/864) (Nic. 
3/820). 099 Rosa centifolia. 

Seven-(5-9)-Jeaved (Semi - lanceolate 
stipuled. Deflexed-rigid) Rose (Hk. 
2/364) (Nic. 3/321). 

stipuled Downy-backed) Rose 
2/364)(Nice 3/323), 1011 Rosa rubiginosa 

stipuled Glaucous-backea) Rose (Hk. 
2/864) (Nic. 3/319) 1102 Rosa alba 

Seven leaved Silk Cotton (McL. 284). 
259 Bombax malabaricum. 

Seven (Velvetry) leaved Tooth-ache 
Climber (Nic. 4/237, adpd). 383 Zan- 
thoxylum tetraspermum, 

Seven (redately) leaved Vine (MeL. 564, 
adpd). 61L Vitis pedata. 

Seven-(5-9)-leaved Winged Lime (Hk. 
1/£07, adpd). 399 Limonia acidissima. 

Seven-(7-8 prs)-nerved (Long-lineolate) 
Broad - elliptic - crenulate - acuminate- 
leaved Wing-stemmed Cunehead (Hk. 
4/437, adpd). 2186 Strobilauthes bar- 

Seven (7-prs)-neryed (Medium-slightly- 
hairy-lineolat~) Elliptie-lance-crenate- 

acuminate -leaved Conehead (Hk. 
2/444, adpd). 2202  Strobilanthes 

Seven-(7-prs)-nerved (Medium-soft-hairy- 
backed - warted) (Elliptic - serrate- 

(Semiovate-dentate | 

1100 Rosa gallica. | 
(Semiovate-dentate | 
(Hk, | 



acuminate-leaved Conehead (Hk, 4/443, 
adpd). 2z201-a. Strobilanthes Heyne- 
anus (typica). 

Sev+n-(7-prs)-nerved (Medium) elliptic- 
subentire-acute-]:aved White-flowered 
French-chiretta (Hk. 4/515, adpd), 2255 
Diotacanthus albifiorus. 

Seven- 7-prs)-nerved (Medium-lineolate) 
Broad - lance-crenate-acuminate-leaved 
Hairy-oblong-spikeaConehead (Hk.4/4¢9, 
adpa). 2192 strobilanthes warreensis. 

Sev-n-(7-prs)-nerved (Medium-lineolate) 
Broad-lance-crenate-acuminate - leaved 
Glabrous-slender-s piked Cconthead (Hk. 
4/440, acpd). 2194 Strobilanthes cili- 

Sev-n-(7-prs) nerved (Medium sparsely- 
hairy Broad-elliptic-serrate acuminate- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/444, adpd), 
2201-c. Strobilanthes Heyneanus (fusca). 

Seven-(7-prs)-nerved (Small-scabrous) 
elliptic- serrate-acuminate-leaved Cone- 
head (Hk, 4/444, adpd). 2201-d. Strobi- 
lanthes Heyneanus (viridis). 

Seven-(7-prs) nerved (Medium-thinly- 
dewny) ovate-crenate-cuspidate-leaved 
Conebead (Hk. 4/452, adpd). 2208 
Strobilarthes asper. 

Seven-(7-prs)-nerved( Medinm-hairy) ovate 
serrate-subacute-leaved Conehead (Hk. 
4/444, adpd). 22u1-b. Strobilanthes 
Heyneanus (campanulata). 

Seven-(7-prs)-nerved (Small-lineolate) 
ovate-serrulate-cuspidate-leaved Cone- 
Lead (Hk. 4/439, adpd). 2192 Strobil- 
anthes Zenkerianus. 

Seven-(7-prs)-rerved (Medium-rufous-bir- 
sute) ovate crenate-acuminata-leaved 
Conehead (Hk. 4/489, adpd). 2191 
Strcbilanthes Perrottetianus. 

Seven-(7-prs)-nerved (Medium-thick- 
hirsute-bucked-warty) | Ovate-crenate- 
acute-leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/438, adpd), 
2189 Strobilanthes pulneyensis. 

Seven-(7-prs)-nerved (Medium-glabrous) 
ovate - distiactly - toothed - acurninate- 
leaved Conehead (Hk, 4/436, adpd), 
2184-b. Strobilanthes consanguineus 

backed glabrescent) Ovate-distinetly- 
toothed-acaminate-leaved Conehead (Hk, 
4/486, adpd). 21&4-c. Strobilanthes 
consanguineus (hy poleuca). 

Seven-(7-prs)-nerved (Medium-glabrous) 
Ovate - obscurely = toothed - acuminate- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/486, adpd). 
2184-a, Strobilanthes consangvineus 
(ty pic:). ‘ 

Seven-(7-prs)-nerved (Medium shaggy- 
backed-hispid) Ovate-subentire-acute- 
leaved Conchead (Hk. 4/437, adpd). 
2187 Strobilanthes heteromallus. 


Seven-(7-prs)-nerved (Small-thick-rugose- 
shaggy) Ovate-subentire-ol tuse-leaved 
Conenead (Uk. 4/438, adpd). 2188 
Strobilanthes Wightianus. 

Seven-(7-prs)-nerved (Long-shaggy) Rhom- 
boid elliptic-crenulate-acuminate-leaved 
Conehead (Hk. 4/450, adpd). 2205 
Strobilanthes Andersonii, 

Seville Orange (McL. 623) (Ak. 1/525) 
(Nic. 1/335, 5/232) (Bon. 5, 6,7). 415 
Citrus Aurartium-Bigaradia. 

Shaddock (S.:9). clvii. Citrus (genus). 

Shaddock | Bon. 38, :96) (Nie 1/3835) (Hk. 
1/516) (Cag. 28¢) (Br. 29) (McL. 725) 
(Ben/F.T). 422-e. Citrus decumana- 
typica (Palestine). 

Shade 'l'ree (McL. 185). 

Shattauloo (McL. 54). 

Shaggy Blunt Triangular leaved Moon- 
seed (McL. 1005, Hk. 1/101, Rox. 3/814, 
adpd). 87 Cocculus villosus. 

Shaggy - belled (Medium - rusty - shaggy- 
glabrate-elliptic-oblong -acute - or - acu- 
minate-leaved) Bindweed (Hk. 4/225, 
adpd). 2063 Neuropeltis racemosa. 

Shaggy Discous Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2551 Cleistanthus malabarica. 

Shaggy flowered Corymbose False Holly 
(Hk. 1/588, adpd). ccy. Mappia 

Shaggy leaved Firebrand Teak (McL. 
413, 512, 884, 997, adpd). 2293 
Premna villosa. 

Shaggy Round leaved Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/388, adpd). 320 Grewia villosa. 

Shaggy Wild Indigo (Mch. 3871, adpd). 
778 Tephrosia villosa. 

Shajnah (McL. 518). 
pter ygosperma. 

Shakaukool (McL. 812, 
Asparagus racemosus. 

Shakespeare (Palm Tree of Rosalind 
in) (McL. 54). 2693 kicinus communis. 

2780 Casuarina 

1064 Prunus per- 

689 Moringa 

1001). 3088 

Shallon (S. 176). dxxxviii. Gaultheria 

Shamee (McL. 473, 809, 825, 995). 1007 
Prosopis spicigera. 

Shameless Plant (Mcbl. 210), 2368 
Pisonia alba. 

Shangilay (McL. 809). 1800 Azima 

Shanghai Jasmine (S. 399), 1863 Trach- 
elospermum jasminoides. 

Shaped (Apple) Pomelo (Bon. 298). 422-c. 
Citrns decumana-typica | pomifera). 

Shaped (Pear) Pomelo (Br. 297). 422-b. 
Citrus decumana-ty pica (pyrifera). 

Sharacondray (McL. 208). 946 Cassia 

Sharal (McL. 162). 2849 Pinus longi- 



Sharam (McL. 811, 1002) (S. 879). 
mxxxy. Saccharum (genus). 

Sharon (Rose of) (McL. 83) (8. 204). 
246 Hibiscus syriacus, 

Sharp - tipped Light - golden - blotched 
Glossy-deep-green Croton (Nic. 5/2651). 
(Ku/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jat). 2646 Ko. 
Codizum veriegatum (Cronstadtii) 

Shatamooly (McL. 813, 1001), cmlxii, 
Asparagus (genus). 

Shatauvary (MoL. 812). 3088 Asparagus 

Shaucam (McL. 88%). 2289 Tectona 

Shaulicay (McL. 8138, 994). ecciy. Des- 
modium (genus). 

Shaulmaly (McL. 284). 
malabaricum, ; 

Shaumanty (Wild) (McL. 4). 1621 Arte- 
misia indica. 

Shaunty (McL. 928). 

Shauroolautty (McL. 520). 

Shaw] Fruit Tree (McL. 777, 818). 130 
Bixa Orellana. 

She Iron Bark (Bth. 3/220). 
Eucalyptus sider. phloia. 

She Ivon Bark of Port-Jackson (Maid. 
C.T) (Bth. 2/211). 1200 Eucalyptus 

She Oak (Maid. C.T). 
arina (genus), 

She Oak of Australia (Gbl, 667), 2781 
Casuarina stricta. 

She Oak of Australia (Cat. 331) (McL. 
185). [2780 Spbalm] 2781 Casuarina 

She Oak of Norfolk Island (Kew Bull. 
5/1y12). 211 Lagunaria Patersoni, 

Sheath-covered-terete (Multifoliate-dis— 
tichous-lorate-cori1ceous) stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/78, W.A.1, adpd). emal. 
Diplocentrum (genus), 

Sheath-covered-terete (Multifoliate-dis— 
tichous-lorate-coriaceons) stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/54, W.AJ, adpd), 
emxxxvi. Saccolabinm (genus-Micran- 
thae in part, Culceolaria and Acampe 

Sheath-covered-terete (Multifoliate-dis~ 
tichons-lorat+-coriaceous) stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/49, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxxxv. Vanda (genus). 

Sheath covered-terete (Multifoliate-digs— 
tichons-lorate-coriaceous) stemmed Or- 
chid (Hk. 6/43, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxiy. 
Aérides (genus-section II, 111). 

Sheath-covered-terete (Multifoliate-dig- 
tichous-lorate coriaceoas) stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/32, W.ALI, adpd), 
emxxxii. Rhynchostylis (genus), 

259 Bombax 

1145 Terminalia 

996 Bauhinia 


dcce!xxxvi. Casu- 


Sheath-covered - terete (Multifoliate - dis- 
tichous-lorate-coriaceous) stemmed Or- 
chid (Zk. 6/26, W.A.I, adpd), cmxxx, 
Cottonia (genus). : 

Sheath - covered-terete (Multifoliate-dis- 
tichons-lorate-coriaceous) stemmed Or- 
chid (Hk. 6/37, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxx1. 
Doritis (venus). 

Sheath-covered terete (Multifoliate-dis- 
tichous-terete-coriaceous) stemmed Or- 
chid (Hk 6/22, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxix. 
Luisia (genus). 

Sheath-covered-terete (Multifoliate-dis- 
tichous-terete-coriaceous) stemmed Or- 
chid (Hk 6/55, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxvi. 
Saccolabium (genus-Micranthe section 
in part). 

Sheath-covered-terete (Multifoliate-dis- 
tichous-terete-coriaceous) stemmed Or- 
chid (Hk. 6/43, W.A.1, adpd). cmxxxiv. 
Aériaes (genus-section 1). 

Sheath Mango (McL. 468). 
fera sylvatica. 

Sheath stemmed Nibble-tipped Feather 
Palm (Cag. 337, adpd). cmxe. Arenga 

664 Mangi- 

(genus). b 
Sheathed (Leathery) Hollow Medinm 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/403, adpd), 3309 

Oxytenanthera Bourdilloni. 

Sheep Laurel (S, 22%). dxlii. 

Sheesnam (McL, 461, 821). 880 Dal- 
berg a Sissco. 

Sheesham (Mch. 461). 
850 Dalbergia Sissoo. 

Sheetalpaty (McL. 819, 
Clinogyne (genus) 

Sheham (McL. 821). 

Shell (Indian) Flower (S. 18). 
Alpinia (genus). 

Shell (Indian) Flower (McL. 298) (8S. 


[881 Sphalm] 
1001). cmlii, 
880 Dalbergia 


213), 3008 Alpinia nutans. 

Shell ieaved Panax (Br. 95). 1403 Panax 

Shell 'ootty (McL. 2384). 228 Urena 

Shendhy (McL. 414). 3163 Phoenix 

Shengoo (Mcu. 809, 997). 1800 Azima 

Shepherdess’ (Downy branched) Crozier 
(Hk. 2/535, adpd). 1292 Sonerila 

Shepherdess’ (Downy racemed) Crozier 
(Hk. 2/535, adpd). 1291 Sonerila eleg- 

Shepherdess’ Crozier Plant (Rox. 1/177, 
adpd). cdxxvui. Sonerila (genus). 

Shepherdess’ (Crowded leaved) Crozier 

Plant (Hk. 2/525, adpd). 1290 Sone- 
rila grandiflora, 


Shepherd’s Horn Cardinal Plant (Treas. 
Bot. 2/1002, adpd). dxxxy. Siphocam- 
pylus (genus). 

Shepherd’s Panax (Cag. 547) (Ru/N/117). 
1348 Schefflera digitata. 

Shepherd’s-purse of New Holland (Nic. 

1/225). 145 Borsaria spinosa. 
Shield-truited (Trinity) Creeper (Hk. 
1/419, adpd). cxxxi, Aspidopterys 
Shika (Mch. 822, 844). 1088 Acacia 
Shikauya (McL. 844). 1038 Acacia 

Shilandy (McL. 748, 822, 932, 993). 434 
Ochna sqvarrosa. 

Shillo (MeL. 801). 

Shimby (McL. 821, 994). 
ichos (genus). 

Shindie (McL. 319). 

Shingle Plant (S. 276). 

Shingle Tree (McL. 472, 756, 828, 995) 
(Bed, 2/44) (Ell. 19). 1015 Acrocarpus 

Shinicg Arrow-shaped Buckler 
Movon-seed (McL. 10U5, Hk. 
adpd). %3 Cyclea Burmanni. 

Shining-green leaved Climbing Partridge 
Pea (Hk. 1/578, udpd). 489 Olax 

Shining Heart leaved Moon-seed (Rox. 
3/817, (McL. 515, 1005, adpd). 88 
Tiliacora racemosa, 

Shining Lance leaved Moon-seed (MeL. 
1005, Hk. 1/100, adpd). 84 Limavia 

Shining Lance lJeaved Tree Moon-seed 
(Mcu., 1005, Hk. 1/100, Rox. 3/815, 
adpd), 86 Cocculus lanrifolius. 

Shining leaved Dyeing Mulberry (McL. 
367). 1554 Morinda citrifolia. 

Shining leaved Fig (McL. 73) (Br. 200). 
2736-b. Ficus retusa (nitida). 

Shining leaved Flacourtia (McL. 492). 
{136 Sphalm ] 137 Flacourtia sepiaria. 
Shining (Long) leaved Globe flowered 
Nutmeg (Bs/I'/18, adpd). 76 Sagerswa 


Shining (Medium) leaved Globe-flowered 
Nutmeg (Bs/T/13, adpd). 75 Sugerea 

Shining lance leaved Jasmine (Br. 116). 
1761 Jasminum glaucum. 

Shining leaved Soap Pod (MeL. 226, 798, 
adpd). 10389 Acacia Intsia, 

Shining leaved Sumach (Rid. 153). 658 
Rhus Jucida. 

Shining oblanceolate White-flowered Un- 
armed Nightshade (Nic. 3/455, adpd). 
2070 Solanum pseudocapsicum, 

1008 Entada scan- 
ecexyvlii. Dol- 
80 Tinospora cordi- 

8273 Monstera 



Shining oblong leaved Melon Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2577 Glochidion 

Shining-purple-leaved Yellow-tinted- 
scarlet Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 3035 
(bis. )-u. Canna orchidiflora (La France). 

Shining-rusty bicked Broad-ovate-tooth- 
ed Opposite-leaved Holly (Nic. 1/412, 
adpd). 505 Curtisia faginea. 

Shining (Dark) Searles Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod). 1107-i. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens = (coccineapur- 

Shining sepalled Blue Nail Dye (Mech. 
558, adpd), 2243 Barleria nitida. 

Shining Tree (McL. 611) (?), 623 Cardio- 
spermum Halicacabum (?), 

Shining Trifoliate Jasmine (McL. 384, 
adpd). 1771 Jasminum calophy!lum. 
Shiny leaved Bottle Mlower (MchL. 900, 

adpd). 1493 Webera lucens. 

Shiny leaved Dwarf Date (McL. 414, 
adpd). 3167 Pnoaix farinifera. 

Ship Mango (McL. 135, 46). 665 Ana- 
cardium occidentale 

Ship Tamarind (McL. 874). 

Ship Toombay (McL. 911) (?). 

Ship Tree (McL. 883). 

172 Garcinia 
783 Al- 

2289 Tectona 

Shiranjy Tea (McL. 883). 1307 Wood- 
fordia floribunda. _ 
Shiroopinnay (ML. 705). 183 Calo- 

pbhyllum Wightianum. 

Shittamootty (McL. 5:7), 

Shittim Wood of the Bible (McL. 63). 
1029 Acacia arabica. 

Shiva’s Neem (MclL. 576, 578, 994) (?). 
746 Indigofera aspaiathoides (?). 

Shivah (McL. 825, 995). ceclxi. Prosopis 

Shoe Black Plant (S. 399). 

Shoe Flower (McL. 82, 827) (Br. 16) (Ell. 
218) (Rox. 3/194) (B:n/F.'l') (Cag. 661) 
(Cat. 26) (Pf. 263). 244 Hibiscus rosa- 

Shoe (Apricot-coloured Lily) Flower (Br. 
17, adpd). 249-d. Hibiscus liliiflorus 

Shoe (Buff) Flower (Nic. 1/142) (Br. 16) 
(Jat). 244-1. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 

Shoe (Caller’s) Flower (Nic, 1/142) (Cag. 
653). 244-n. Hibiscus rosa sinensis 

Shoe (Carmine) Flower (Nic. 1/142) (Jaf). 
244-c. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (kerme- 

Shoe (Crimson and Cream leaved) Flower 
(Nic. 1/143, adpd). 244-f. Hibiscus 
rosa-sinensis (Cooperi). 

232 Pavonia 

244 Hibiscus 


Shoo (Crimson-based Buff) Flower (Nic. 
1/14%). 244-n. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 

Shoe (Double Buff) flower (Nic. 1/142) 
(Br. 16) (Ru/N/77). 224-m. Hibiscus 
rosa-sinensis (flava-plena), 

Shoe (Louble Flesh-coloured) Flower 
(Nic. 1/142) (Br. 16) (Ru/N/77) (Jaf). 
244-1, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (carnea-~ 

Shoe (Double Red) Fiower (Nie. 1/142) 
(br. 16) (Rua/N/77) (Jaf). 244-b, 
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (rubra-plena). 

Shoe (Double White) Flower (Nic. 1/:42). 
244-l, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (alba- 

Shoe (Downy Angular leaved) Fl wer 
(Hk. 1/844, adpd). 245 Hibiscus 

Shoe (Downy Trilobate leaved) Flower 
(Hk. 1/344, adpd). 2438 Hibiscus tri- 

Shoe (Entire 

Shoe (Five finger leaved) Flower (Nic. 
1/142, adpd). 248 Hibiseus coccineus. 

Shoe (Flesh-coloured) Flower (Nic, 
1/142) (Ru/N/77) (Jaf). 244-h. Hibiscus 
rosa-sinensis (carnea). 

Shoe (Haif double Scarlet) Flower (Nic. 
1/142) (Jaf). 244-e. Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (miniata-semip'ena), 

Shoe (Haro-Gouri) Flower (Rua/N/77). 
244-¢, Hibiscas rosa-sinensis (zebrina), 

Shoe (/apanese) Flower (Nic, 1/148, 
adpd) (Cag. 653) (Bu/N/77). 247 
Hibiscus schizopetalus, 

Shoe (Large blossom) Flower (Nic. 5/425) 
(Ru/N/77), 250 Hibiscus hetero- 

Shoe (Lily) Flower (Br. 17, adpd). 249 
Hibiscus liliiflorus, 

Shoe (Orange and Carmine Lily) Flower 
(Br. 17, adpd), 249-d. Hibiscus lilii- 
floras (armeniaca). 

Shoe (Penrulons Laciniate petalled) 
Flower (Nic, 1/143, adpd). 247 Hibis- 
cus schizopetalus. 

Shoe (Pink Lily) Flower (Br. 17, adpda), 
249 b. Hibiscus liliiflorus (rosea), 

Shoe (Purple centred White) Flower 
(Nic. 5/+25), 250 Hibiscus hetero- 

Shoe (Red) Flower (Nic. 1/142) (Br. 16) 
(Bu/N/77) (Jaf). 244-a. Hibiscus rosa- 
sivensis (typica). 

Shoe (Red Lily) Flower (Br, 17). 
Hibiscus liliflorus (typicap. 
Shoe (Scarlet) Flower (Nic. 1/142) (Jaf), 

244-d, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (miniata), 

Shoe (Scarlet and Cream striped) Flower 
(Nic. 1/142), 244-g. Hibiscus rosas 
sinensis (zebrina). 

leathery leaved) Flower 
17, adpd), 249 Hibiscus lilii- 



Shoe (Scarlet Florida) Flower (Nic. 
2/147), 248 Hibiscus coccineus. 

Shoe (Serrate ovate leaved) Flower (Hk, 
1/344, adpd), 244 Hibiscus rosa- 

Shoe (Trilobate 
1/344, adpd). 
Shoe (Variable 
Flower (Nic. 
Shoe (White) Flower (Nic. 1/142) (Ru/ 
N/77). 244-j. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 


Shoe (Yellow Lily) Flower (Br. 17). 
249-c, Hibiscus liliiflorus (lutea). 

Shoe Plant (Gbl. 87). 244 Hibiscus rosa- 

leaved) Flower (Hk. 

246 Hibiscus syriacus. 
leaved Australian) 

5/425). 250 Hibiscus 

Shoe (Chinese) Plant (\ichL. 82). 244 
Alibiscus rosa-sinensis. 
Shola (Pink) Jungle Geranium (Hk. 

3/141). 1535 Ixora elongata. 
Shookaram (McL. 655). CXXXI. Lyco- 
podiaceze (Order). 
Shoonday (McL. 829, 998). 
Shoonday (Elephant) (McL. 829, 998). 
2081 Solanum ferox. 

2075 Solanum 

Shoonday (Hill) (McL. 880, 998). 2082 
Solanum toryvum, 
Shoonday (Prickly) (McL. 830, 998). 

2092 Solanum trilobatum. 

Shoonday (Rameswaram) (McL. 830, 999). 
2091 Sulanum xanthocarpum. 
Shoondy (McL. 589, 8380, 995). 

Mimosa (genus). 
Short and Narrow leaved Dragon Tree 


(Hk. 6/329, adpd). 38079 Dracena 
Short Banyan (McL, 73, 932). 2742 

Ficus Tsiela. 

Short (Tufted) branched Mistletce (McL. 
683, adpd). 2520 Viscum capitellatom. 

Short-bristle leaved Asparagus (MclL. 516, 
adpd). 3053 Asparagus cap:tatus. 

Short-broad-pinnuled bijugately-bipin- 
nate Climbing Fern (Nic. 2/39, adpd). 
8384-b. Lygodium scandens (micro- 

Short eymed French Mulberry (Hk. 4/567, 
adpd) 2288 Callicarpa lanata. 

Short-elliptic «blong-unequally-bilobed 
Strap-leaved Short-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/78, W.A.I, adpd). 2979 Diplo- 
centrum congestum. 

Short flowered Pellet shrub (MchL. 670, 
adpd). 1545 Pavetta breviflora. 

Short-flowered Terminal cymed Ipecac- 
uanha (dk, 3/21, adpd). dxii, Psy- 
chatria (genus), 

Short (Fan-shaped) fringed Bourbon 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3193 Livis- 
tona altissima. 


Short Giligitcha (McL. 306, 309, 994). 
711 Crotalaria retusa. 

Short -lanzeolate - obliquely - emarginate 
Strap-leaved Long-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/51, W.A.I, adpd). 2962 Vanda 

Short leaved Fish Poison Cedar (McL. 
1020, adpd). 471 Walsura piscidia. 

Short (Membranous lance-to-obovate) 
leaved Gamboge (Hk, 1/262, adpd). 
171 Garcinia indica. 

Short - linear - to - cuneate-oblong-bilobed 
Strap-leaved Lony-flat-ruoted Stemless 
Orchid (Hk. 6/64, adpd). 2974 Sacco- 
labium maculatum. 

Short-linear-?-obliquely -e marginate 
Strap-leaved Long-flat-rooted Stemless 
Orchid (Hk. 6/63, adpd). 2973 Sacco- 
labium viridiflorum. 

Short lobed Spineless Fan Palm (Hk, 
6/482, adpd). mx. Borassus (genus). 
Short necked Hairy Goglet Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1945 Ceropegia brevi- 


Short (Decean) Needle Densifasciculate 
Asparagus (McL. 516, adpd). 3087 
Asparagus asiaticus. 

Short (Nilgiri) Needle Densifasciculate 
Asparagus (McL. 516, adpd). 3080 
Asparagus subulatus. 

Short (Conkan) Needle Sparsifasciculate 
Asparagus (McL. 516, adpd). 3086 
Asparagus Jacquemontii, 

Short (Malabar) Needle Sparsifasciculate 
Asparagus (McL 516, adpd). 3089 
Asparagus lzevissimus. 

Short obovate-lance leaved Climbing 
Arum (Hk, 6/552, adpd). 8274 Pothos 

Short peduncled Dwarf Date (Gbl. 731, 
adpd). 3166 Phoenix acaulis. 

Short-peti led obtuse leaved Shrubby 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/191, adpd). 2008 
Argyreia caneata. 

Short petioled Olive Linden (McL, 763, 
adpd). 3842 Eleocarpus rugosus. 

Short pinnate Nibble-tipped Feather 
Palm (Cag. 341, adpd). 31389 Ptycho- 
sperma MacArthuril. 

Short podaed Five leaved Indigo (MeL. 
371, adpd). 751 Indigofera marginul- 

Short-pointed broad leaved Ceylon Iron- 
wood (Bed. 1/23, adpd). 185-b. Mesua 
ferrea (Roxbu ghii). 

Short Rattlewort (McL. 306, 309, 994, 
adpd). 711 Crotalaria retusa. 

Short-regnlar-flowered Birth-wort (Hk. 
5/72,adpd). dcelxvi. Bragantia (genus). 

Short-snowy-velvetty-backed (Quinque- 
foliate-(3-5) variable-ronndish-elliptic- 
cuspidate-leaved Yam (Hk. 6/289, adpd). 
3056 Dioscorea tomentosa. 


Short - softly - downy - glabrate - backed 
(Quinquefoliate-(3-5) Variahle-round- 
ish-elliptic-cuspidate-lenved Yam (Hk. 
6/289, adpd), 3057 Dioscorea penta- 

Short-spathed False Plantain (Nic. 2/129). 

’ 3045 Heliconia aurantiaca. 

Short-»piked Spinous Kino Tree (Hk. 
5/268, adpd). 2546-b. Bridelia retusa 

Short scalked Bottle-brush Sirissa (Nic. 
5/184), J051 Calliandra brevipes, 

Short-stalked oval leaved Wax Flower 
(Hk. 4/60, adpd). 1926 Hoya ovali- 

Short-stamened Tetrandrous Mercury 
(Treas. Bot. 2/736, Hk. 5/243, adpd). 
deecxivi. Ccelodepas (genus). 

Short stapled Cotton (Vuell. SP) (McL. 

132). 253-c. Gossypium herbaceum 

Short-stemmed (Long-swallowtailed- 
flexuous Strap-leaved) Orchid (Hk. 6/60, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2967 Saccolabium 

Short-stemmed (Medium-linear-straight- 
obliyaely-emarz inate Strap-leaved) 
Ovchid (Hk. 6/26, W.A.I, adpd). 2951 
Cottonia macrostachya. 

Short-stemmed (Medium-linear-recurved- 
obliquely-emarginate Strap-leaved) 
Orchid (Hk. 6/78, W.AI, adpd), 2978 
Diplocentrum recuryum. 

Short-stemmed (Medium-linear-unequal- 
ly -obtusely - bilobed Strap-leaved) 
Orchid (Hk. 6/50, W.A.I, adpa), 2961 
Vanda parviflora. 

Short-stemmed (Medium-obovate-obtuse- 
Strap-leaved Flat-tuft-rooted’ Orchid 
(Hk. 6/32, W.A.I, adpd). 2952 Doritis 

Short-stemmed (Short-elliptic-cblong- 
unequally-bilobed Strip-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 6/78, W.A.I, adpd), 2979 Diplo- 
ceutrum congestum, 

Short-stout-stem med (Long-broad-un- 
equally-bilubed Strap-leaved. Orchid 
(HE. 6/63, W.A;I, adpd). 2972 Sac- 
colabium congestum. 

Short - stont - stemmed (Long - narrow- 
unequally-bilobed Strap-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 6/47, W.A.I, adpd). 2959 Aérides 

Short - stout - stemmed (Long-obliquely- 
emarginate Strap-leaved) Orchid (Hk. 
6/45, W.A.I, adpd). 2956 Aérides 

Short - stout - stemmed (long-ronnded- 
large-lobed Strap-leaved) Orchid (Hk. 
6/47, W.A.I, adpd). 2960 Aérides 

Short-stout-stemmed  (Mediui-elliptic- 
thick - obliquely - emarginate  Strap- . 


Orchid (Hk. 6/46, 
adpd). 2957 Aerides crispum, 

Short-stont-stemmed (Purple-mottied- 
long-(or-medium)- obtusel. - emarginate 
Strap-leaved) Orchid (Hk. 6/47, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2958 Aérides 1adicosum. 

Short-straight-leaved Dagger Orchid (Hk. 
5/683, W.A.I, adpd), 2891 Oberonia 

Short-subfalcate-leaved Dagger Orchid 
(Hk. 5/678, W.A.I, adpd) 2886 Ober- 
onia verticillata. 

Short tailed Peepul (McL. 678, adpd). 
2740 Ficus Arnottiana, 


Short tawny-downy (Triple-nerved- 
alternate) Rhombic ovate-»cuminate- 
leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/444, adpd). 
2686 Mallotus repaudus, 

Short-ternate-needle  (Dichotomotsly- 
branched) Asparagus (Nic. 1/128). 

3095 Asparagus virgatus. 

Short-to-medium obovate-or-lance-sub- 
serrate-lsaved Spinous Blackthorn (Hk. 
2/323, adpd). 1073 Prinsepia utilis. 

Short tubed Arabian Jasmine (Hk. 3/592, 
adpd). 175l-a. Jasminum Sambac 
(ty pica). 

Short tafted-stemmed (Very-small-linear- 
subacute Strap-leaved) Orchid (lk. 
6/56, W.A.I, adpd), 2966 Saccolabium 

Short Yam (McL. 538, 1000), 3067-b, 
Dioscorea sativa (pulchella). 

Shorter-broad (Twenty-six (20-30)- 
nerved) lobed Palmyra (GV) [¥e- 
male plant], 38224 Borassus flabellifer. 

Shorter internoded stout Reed Bamboo 
(Ak. 7/418, adpd). 33818 Ochlandra 

Shorter Jleafletted American Cabbage 
Palm (Nic. 2/521, alpd), 38156 Oreo- 
doxa regia. 

Shorter Sinuate leaved Trifoliate Sumach 
( ik, 2/9, adpd). 661 Khus mysoren- 

Shot (Année’s Indian) (Rid. 50) (Nic. 
1/262). 3027-e. Canna lutea (Annzi), 

Shot (Bihorell’s Indian) (Nic. 2/262). 
3026-0, Canna indica (Kihorelli). 

Shot (Blood - red -and - purple - streaked- 
leaved Red Indian) (Nic. 1/262). 3035 
Canna di-color. 

Shot (Blood leaved Indian) (Rid. 50). 
3085 Canna discolor, 

Shot (Broad-green-leaved Yellow-spotted 
Rosy Indian (Nic, 1/262). 3030 Canna 

Shot (Bronze-leaved Purple-calyxed 
Brilliant-scarlet Indian) (Nic. 1/262). 
3033 Canna Warscewiczii. 

Shot (Bronzy-leaved Orange-bordered- 
and-spotted Fiery-red Indian) (Cag. 
384). 3035,bis.)-v. Canna orchidiflora 
(Edouard André). 


Shot (Bronzy-purpleleaved Red-flamed 
Scarle:-purple I :dian) (Cag. 384). 3035 
(bés.)-w. Canna orchiditora (Plato). 

Shot (Kronzy-purpie-leaved Yellow-flamed 
Reddish-parple Indian) (Cag. 384). 
3045 (bis.)-x. Canna  orchidifiora 

Shot (Creeying Indian) (McL. 516) (?). 
1487 Musszenda frondosa (?). 

Shot (Dark-bronzy-leaved Scarlet-spotted 
Golden-yellow Indian) (Cag. 384), 
3035 (bés.)-t. Canna orchidiflora (Bur- 

Snot (Dark-red-and-purple-tinted Green- 
leaved Red Indian) (Nic. 1/262). 
3026-d, Canna indica (atronigricans). 

Shot (Dark-red-and-violet-rayed-deep 
Green-leaved Orange Irdian) (Nic. 
1/262). 3027-f. Canna lutea (zebrina). 

Shot (Glaucescent-green-leaved Large- 
golden-yellow Indian) {Nic. 1/262), 
3627-c. Canna lutea (Prémices de-Nice), 

Shot (Glaucescent-green-leaved Salmony- 

red Indian) (Nic. ~ 1/262). 3027-e, 
Canna lutea (Annei). 
Shot (Glaucous-green-leaved Lemon- 

yellow Indian) (Rid. 50) (Cag. 384). 
3027-b. Canna lutea (glauca). 

Shot (Green-leaved Bright-dark-Orange 
Indian) (Cag. 384). 3035 (bis.)-k. 
Canna orchidiflora (Parthenope). 

Shot (Green-leaved Brilliant-crimson 
Indian) (Cag. 384). 3035 (bis.)-r. 
Canna orchidiflora (Rhea), 

Shot (Green-leaved broad-yellow-border- 
ed Very-large-Scarlet Indian) (Cag. 
884). 8035 (di8.)-n. Canna orchidiflora 

Shot (Green-leaved Broad-yellow-border- 
ed-and-carmine-tinged Fiery-crimson 
Indian) (Cag. 3884). 3035 (bia.)-s. 
Canna orchidiflora (Britannia), 

Shot (Green-leaved 
Satiny-yellow Indian) (Cag. 384). 
3035( bts, )-i. Canna orchidiflora (Suevia). 

Shot (Green - leaved Brownish - red- 
blotched Yark-yellow Indian) (Cag. 
884). 3035 (bis )-i. Canna orchidiflora 

Shot (Green-leaved 
dotted Gulden-yellow 

Indian) (‘‘ag. 

384). 3035 (bis.)-r . Canna orchidiflora 
{ Asia). 
Shot (Green-leaved Creamy-pencilled 

Scarlet Indian) (Cag. 384). 3035 
(bys.)-d. Canaa orckidifi ra (Perseus). 
(Cag. 384). 3028 Canna Achiras. _ 
Shot (Green-leaved Fiery-red-blotched 
Yellow Indian) (Cag. 384). 38035 
(bis )-h. Canna orchidiflora (Borussia). 
Shot (Green-leaved Large-bright-yellow 
Indimn) (Nix. 1/262). 8031 Canna 


Bronzy-centred | 

(Green-leaved Daik-red Indian) | 


Shot (Green-leaved Purple -centréd 
Orange Indian) (Nic. 1/262). 3029 
Canna giyantea. 

Shot (Green-leaved Purple-spotted- 
yellow-bordered Deep-fiery-red Indian) 
(Cag. 384). 3033(bis.)-q. Canna or- 
chidiflora (Heixrich Siedel). 

Shot (Green-leaved Red-bordered Golden- 
yellow Indian) (Cag. 384). 3035 (bia.)-j. 
Canna orchidiflora (Iberia). 

Shot (Green-leaved Ked-spotted Sulphur- 
yellow Indian) (Cag. 384). 3035 (bis.)-q. 
Canna orci idiflora (Kronos). 

Shot (Green-leaved Salmon -striped 
Searlet Indian) (Cag 384). 3035 
(bis.)-o, Canna orchidifolia (Professor 

Shot (Green-leaved Salmony - flamed 
Yellow Indian) (Cag. 334). 3035 
(bis.)-c. Canna orchidiflcra (Roma). 

Shot (Green-leaved Scarlet-margined- 
yellow-centred Orange Indian) (Cag. 

584). 3035(bis.)-1. Canna orchidiflora 
Shot (Green-leaved Scarlet-crimson 

Indian) (Nic. 1/202). 3026-a. Canna 
indica (typica). 

Shot (Green-leavyed Slightly-red-or-brown- 
spotted Canary-yellow Indian) (Cag. 
88). 3035 (bis)-f. Canna orchidiflora 

Shot (Green-leaved Sulphury-yellow-to- 
White Indian) (Cag. 384). 3035 (bis.)-a. 
Canna orchidiflora (Phoebe). 

Shot (Green-leaved Yellow-bordered 
Deep-fiery-red Indian} (Cag. 884), 3035 
(bis)-p. Canna orchidiflora (Princess 
Letitia). - 

Shot (Green-leaved §Yellow-bordered 
Fiery-scarlet Indian) (Cag. 384), 3035 
(bis)-m. Canna orchidiflora (H, Wend- 

Shot (Green-leaved Yellow Indian) (Br. 

214, adpd). 3027-a. Canna lutea 
Shot (Green-leaved Yellow-stamened- 

Scarlet Indian) (Hk. 2/262, adpd). 
3026-b. Canna indica \ flava). 

Shot (Hexapetaloid Hybrid Indian) (Cag. 
384). 3035 (bis.) Canna orchidiflora. 
Shot (Indian) l'reas. Bot. 1/213). cmliii, 

Canna (genus). 

Shot (Indian) (Nic. 1/261) (S. 76, 218) 
(Br. 214) (Bil. 136) (PA. 177) (MeL. 
307, 36+, 588) (Ru/N/28, 85). 3076 
Canna indica. 

Shot (Large-green-leaved Yellow-spotted 
Bright-red Indian) (Hk. 6/261, adpd). 
3026-c. Canna indica (speciosa). 

Shot (Magnificent Indian) (Rid. 50), 
3026-c. Canna indica (speciosa), 

Shot (Maroon-leaved Purple-calyxed 
Yellow Indian) (Nic. 1/262), 3084 
Canna Edulis, 


Shot (Orchid flowered Indian) (Cag. 38+), 
3035 (bis.) Canna orchidifiora. 

Sbot (Pale-green leaved Rosy-backed 
Orange-yellow Indian) (Nic. 1/262, 
5/192). 3)27-d. Canna Jutea (auran- 

Shot (Peruvian Indian) (Rid. 50). 
Canna iridiflora. 

Shot (Plantain-leaved Fragrant Greenish- 
white Indian) (Nic. 1/262), 3032 
Canna liliiflora. 

Shot (Prémices-de-Nice Indian) (Rid. 59). 

80627-c. Canna lutea (Premices-de- 

Shot (Red-to-bronzy-leaved Deep- 
crimson Indian) (Nic. 1/262). 3026-e. 
Canna indica (Biborelli). 

Shot (Shining-purple-leaved Yellow- 
tinted Scarlet Indian) (Cag. 384), 

3035(bts )-u- Canna 
Shot (Tricolor Indian) (Rid. 
8028-b. Canna Achiras (variegata). 
Shot (White-and-yellow-striped Green- 

orchidifora (La 


leaved Dark-red Indian) (Nic. 1/262), 

3028-b, Canna Achiras (variegata). 

Shot (Yellow-Flag Indian) (Nic. 1/262). 
3031 Canna-flaccida. 

Shot (Yellow-fowered Indian) (Br. 214), 
3027 Canna lutea. 

Shottaycalah (McL. 66). 

Showy Costus (McL. 37) (Br. 213). 
Costus speciosus. 

Showy Lemonia (Br. 41). 373 Ravenia 

Showy Rondeletia (Br. 103). 
letia odorata. 

Showy Roxburghia (Br. 208). 3075 Ste- 
mona tuberosa. 

137 Flacourtia 


1466 Ronde- 

Showy Stephanotis (Br. 122). 1906 Ste- 
phanotis floribunda, 
Shrinking Nelumbo (McL. 588) (?). 

ecclzsy. Mimosa (genus) 

Shrub Orange (McL. 623, 993). 
Naregamia alata. 

Sbrubby Axillary Phyllode Wattle (Bth. 
2/309, 358, adpd). 1021 Acacia stricta. 

Shrubby (Downy) Axillary Phyllode Wat- 
tle (Bth, 2/307, 347, adpd). 1023 Acacia 

Shrubby Balah (McL. 68, 793). 217 Sida 

Shrubby Baleam Flower (McL. 304, adpd). 
367 impstiens fruticosa. 

Shrubby (Chinese tslaucous leaved) Bam- 
boo (Nic. 1/655, Gbl. 727). 3302 Bam- 
busa nana. 

Shrubby (Downy Node-ringed Solid) Bam- 
boo (Hk. 7/403, adpd). 3308 Oxytenan- 
thera Stocksii. 

Shrubby (Fascicled-branched) Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/876, adpd). mxliii. Arundinaria 


3030 | 


Shrubby (Glaucous stemmed and leaved) 
Bamboo (Hk, 7/382, adpd). 8299 
Arundinaria Hookeriana. 

Shrubby (Hairy swollen Node-ringed) 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/377, adpd). 8297 
Arundinaria Wightii. 

Shrubby (Japanese Downy leaved) Bam- 
boo (Nic. 1/156). 3300 Bambusa For- 

Shrubby (Japanese Pungent-tip leaved) 
Bamboo (Nic. 1/118, 5/27). 3295 
Arundinaria japonica, 

Shrubby (Nilgiri) Bamboo (Gbl. 744). 
3297 Arundinaria Wightiana. 

Shrabby (Pendulons-branched Green-stem- 
med) Bamboo (Hk. 7/410, adpd). 3316 
Teinostachyum Wightii. 

Shrubby (Pungent-tipped Thick-leaved) 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/377, adpd). 3296 
Arundinaria Walkeriana. 

Shrubby (hick-dwarf-leaved) Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/379, adpd). 3298 Arundinaria 

Shrubby (Whip-branched Rough-stem- 
med) Bamboo (Hk, 7/402). 3306 Oxy- 
tenanthera Thwaitesii. 

| Shrubby (Yellow velvetty stemmed) Bam- 

boo (Gbl. 750). 

Shrubby Basil (McL. 910). 

Shrubby Bean (McL. 504, adpd). 
Phaseolus semi-erectus. 

Shrubby (Fink) Bindweed (McL. 120, 
Cooke 2/251, adpd). 2080 Ipomza car- 

Shrubby Chilly (McL. 170, 484, 998). 
2094-a. Capsicum frutescens (typica). 
Shrubby Cockspur Flower (Nic. 3/160), 

2337 Plectranthus fruticosus. 

Shrubby (Indian) Copper Leaf (McL. 173, 
465, adpd). 2662 Acalypha fruticosa. 
Shrubby Downy Jasmine (McL. 884, 997, 
adpd). 1755 Jasminum arborescens. 
Shrubby (Elliptic-wedge-leaved) Downy 
Jasmine (Hk. 3/594, adpd). 1755-c. 

Jasminum arborescens (montana). 

Shrubby (Ovate-or-subcordate-leaved) 
Downy Jasmine (Hk. 3/599, adpd). 
1755-a. Jasminum arborescens (typica). 

Shrubby Downy Jasmine of the Azores 
(McL. 388, adpd). 1770 Jasminum 

Shrubby Gompkocarpus (Br. 121). 1950 
Gompbucarpos fruticosus. 

Shrubby Grape-flower Vine (Hk. 2/57, 
110, adpd). cclxsc. Mundulea (genus). 
Shrubby Hillock Blue druped Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2547 Bridelia mon- 


Shrubby (Small-ciliate lance-cuspidate- 
leaved) Honeysuckle (Hk. 3/12, adpd), 
1436 Lonicera ligustrina. 

3307 Oxytenanthera 
2335 Ocimum 



Shrubby Indian Burr (McL, 358, 508, 623, 
678, 999, adpd). declv. Psilotrichum 

Shrubby (Axil-flowered) Indian Wampee 
(Hk. 1/596, adpd}. 397 Clausena Will- 

Shrubby Jute (McL. 399, adpd). 334 
Corchorus Antichorus, 

Shrubby (Scarlet) Loosestrife (Mech. 314, 
adpd). 1307 Woodfordia floribunda. 
Shrubby Meyenia (Cag. 442). 2163 Thun- 

bergia erecta. 

Shrubby (Spindle follicled) Navelwort 
(Bs/T/211, adpd). 692 Connarus mono- 

Shrubby Navelwort Family (Nic. 1/367, 
4/359, adpd). XLII. Connaraceze (Or- 

Shrubby Panax (Br. 95). 

Shrubby Phyllauthus (Mch. 928) (?). 
2508 Phyllanthus Emblica. 

Shrubby Sea Lavender (Nic. 3/491). 
Statice fruticans. 

Shrubby (Long-petioled Acute leaved) 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/191, adpd). 2009 
Argyreia fulgens. 

Shrubby (Short-petioled Obtuse leaved) 
Silver-weed (Hk. 4/19], adpd). 2008 
Argyreia cuneata, 

Shrubby Svap Nut of the Moluccas (Hk. 
1/680, Rid. 154, Br. 82, adpd). 681 
Otophora fruticosa. : 

Shrubby (Spinous Scarlet flowered) Spurge 
(Br. 191, adpd). 2539 Euphorbia Bo- 

Shrubby Starwort (S. 270). 
glossa (venus), 

Shrubby (Medium-hoary-backed Narrow- 
lance-subentire-acuminate-leaved) Star- 
wort (Hk. 38/251, adpd). 1606 Micro- 
glossu zeylanica. 

Shrubby Sunflower (Pr. 1/612). 
Tithonia tagetiflora. 

Shrubby Violet Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
371, adpd). 2163-a. Thunbergia erecta 

Shrubby (Common-glabrous Axil-flower- 
ed) Wampee (Hk. 1/506, adpd). 397-a. 
Clausena Willdenovii (nana). 

Shrunby (Downy Avxil-flowered) Wampee 
(4k. 1/506, adpd). 397-b. Clausena 
Willdenovii (pubescens). 

Shrubby White Mountain Ebony (McL. 
472, 520, 995, adpd). 989 Bauhinia 

Shrubby White Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
3871, adpd). 2163-b. Thunbergia erecta 

Shrubby Yellow Lucerne (Muell. S.P). 
745 Medicago arborea. 

Shuttlecock Crook-brancher Family (Bs/ 
2/73, Hk. 1/299, adpd). XVII. Ancis- 
trocladacezs (Order), 

1400 Panax 


dxix. Micro- 



Sbuttlecock Tree (Mc. 473, 875, 996, 
adpd). 1166 Gyrocarpus Jacquini. 

Shuttleworth’s Dumb Cane of Oolumbia 
(Nic, 1/474), 3264-y. Dieffenbachia Se- 
guine (Shuttleworthii). 

Shyaumalatay (Mch, 837), 1865 Ichno- 
carpus frutescens, ; 

Sially (Mch. 888, 994). 

Siam Gamboge (McL, 299, 749). 174 
Garcinia Morella. 

Siamese Paper (McL. 376), 2717 Streblus 

Siamese Tree Senna (McL. 847, adpd). 
958 Cassia siamea. 

Siberian Buck Thorn (McbL, 762). 569 
Rhamnus virgatus, 

Siberian Cardamom (McL. 38). 17 Ilicium 

Siberian Crab (Vic. 3/260) (Ooty. 72). 
11)5 Pyrus pronifolia. 
Sicilian Manna (McL. 471). 

nus Ornus, 

Sickle Leaf (McL. 67). 215 Sida acuta. 

Sickle-or-flat needle (Long) Asparagus 
(Nic. 5/90). 3094 Asparagus Spren- 

Sickle-shaped Uninervose Phyllode Wattle 
(Bth. 2/310, 365, adpd). 1022 Acacia 

Sickle (Flat) Sparsifasculate Asparagus 
(McL. 576, adpd). 38090 Asparagus 

Sida (Alder-leaved) (McL. 68). 
Sida spinosa (alnifolia), 

Sida (Heart leaved) (McL. 68). 217 Sida 

Sida (Hornbeam leaved) (Mc. 67). 215 
Sida acuta, 

Sided (Three) Mercury (McL. 

832 Pueraria 

1779 Fraxi- 



(S. 8). decexliv. Acalypha (genus). 
Sideion of the Greeks (McL. 30). 1822 
Punica granatum. 
Sideroxylon (Smooth) (Br, 114). 1680 

Sideroxylon inerme. 

Siebold’s Aralia (S. 164). 

Sierra Leone (Crimson Poivrea of) (Br.76, 
adpd), 1160 Combretum comosum, 

Sierra-f.eone (Gray Pinm of) (Ol. 2/3869) 
(Nic. 8/325), 1059 Parinarium excel- 
sum, f 

Sierra-Leone (Iighland Coffee of) (Ol. 
3/182). 1550 Coffea stenophylla. 

Sierra-Leone (Large flowered Virgin’s 
Bower of) (Nic. 1/839). 2 Clematis 

Sierra Leone (Large Scarlet Poivrea of) 
(Br. 76, adpd). 1159 Combretum 

Sierra-Leone (Maqueequee of) (Ol. 2/498). 
edxliv. Homalium (genus). 

Sierra-Leone (Rough skinned Plum of) 
(Ol.,2/369), 1059 Parinarium excelsum. 

1396 Fatsia 


Sierra-Leone (Velvet Tamarind of) (Ol. 

2/283). cecxlix, Dialiom (genus). 
Sierra-Leone Fig (Ol. 3/39).  cdixxviii. 
Sarcocephalus (genus), 
Sierra-Leone Peach (Ol. 3/39). cdlxxviii. 

Sarcocephalus (genus). 

Sikkim Bamboo (FAR. 31 to 42, NLGS). 
8311 Dendrocalamus sikkimensis. 

Sikkim Fish-tail Feather Palm (Rid. 264, 
adpd). 814% Wallichia disticha, 

Silanras (McL, 822, 856). dixiv. Styrax 

Silavras (True) (McL. 856). 
rax (genus). 

Silk (Virginian) (MeL. 26). (?) 1866 Hemi- 
desmus indicus. 

Silk Bark Oak (S. 156, 401). 2430 Grevil- 
lea robusta, 

Silk Cotton (Nic. 1/200). 

delxiy. Sty- 

xcvili. Bombax 


Silk Cotton (W.A.I), 259 Bombax malab- 

Silk Cotton (McL. 285, 478, 484, 708, 813, 
943) (Bdn/F.T). 261 Eriodendron 

Silk (Cock’s-comb) Cotton (McL. 234). 
259 Bombax malabaricum. 

Silk (Elephant) Cotton (McL, 73). 
Adansonia digitata. 

Silk (Golden) C-tton (McL. 232, 473). 
129 Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Silk (Large flowered and Capsuled) Cotton 
(Bs/T/78, adpd). 260 Bombax insigne. 


Silk (Madaur) Cotton (McL. 1032). 1882 
Calotropis gigantea. 
Silk (Monster) Cotton (McL. 78), 257 

Adansonia digitata. 

Silk (Nakchiknee} Cotton (McL. 234, 663, 
997). 1918 Dregea volubilis. 

Silk (Paulay) Cotton (McL. 234, 484, 997). 
1870 Cryptostegia grandiflora. 

Silk (Red) Cotton (McL. 234) (Cat. 29). | 

259 Bombax malabaricum. 

Silk (Red flowered) Cotton (Bed. 1/28). 
(Pfl.16). 254 Bombax malabaricum. 
Silk (Rubber) Cotton (McL. 234, 484, 997, 
adpd). 1870 Cryptostevia grandiflora. 
Silk (Seven Leaved) Cotton (McL. 234), 

259 Bombax malabaricum. 
Silk (Sneezing) Cotton (McL. 234, 664, 

997, adpd). 1918 Dregia volubilis. 

Silk (Thorny) Cotton (McL. 284). 259 
Bombax malabaricum. 

Silk (True) Cotton (Cat. 29). 261 Erio- 
dendron anfractuosum. 

Silk (Yama’s) Cotton (McL. 234). 259 

Bombax malabaricum. ; 

Silk (Yellow flowered) Cotton (Cag. 664) 
(Cat. 29), 129 Coch!ospermum Gossyp- 

Silk (White) Cotton (McL. 235). 
Eriodendron anfractuosum. 



Silk (White flowered) Ootton (Bed. 2/29) 
(Pfl. 160), 261 Eriodendrcn anfractuo- 

Silk Cotton Family (Br. 20). [XX Sphalm] 
XIX. Malvaceze (Order). 

Silk Cottons (McL. 1007), [XX Sphalin] 
XIX. Malvacez (Order). 

Silk Grass (N. 4/231). 3114 Yucca fila- 

Silk Flower of Peru (Treas. Bot. 1/195). 
cceelxix. Calliandra (genus). 

Silk Oak (Treas. Bot. 1/551). decxe. 
Grevillea (genus). 
Silk Oak (Gbl. 575) (8dn/F.T). 2480 

Grevillea robusta. 

Suk (Imparipinnate-(3-11)-rusty-silky- 
backed _linear-lance-entire-obtuse-or- 
mucronate-leaved) Oak (Bth. 5/439, 
adpd), 2482 Grevillea Banksii. 

Silk (Imparipinnate-(11-21)-silky-backed 
Lance-pinnatifid-leaved) Oak (Bth. 
5/459, adpd).- 2480 Grevillea robusta, 

Silk  (Simple-long-to-very-long-silvery- 
silky-backed obovate-oblong-or-elliptic- 
ed-obtuse-leaved) Oak (Bth. 5/463, 
adpd). 2481 Grevillea Hilliana. 

Silk (Simple-small silky-velverry-backed 
Linear-revolute-margined-acute leaved) 
Oak (Bth. 5/471, adpd), 2483 Grevillea 

Silk (Vegetable) Plant (McL. 20). 
Agave americana. 

Silken Kose Tree (Bs/T/272). 1048 Albiz- 
zia Julibrissin. 

Silk-worm (Japanese) Oak (Nic. 3/265) 
(Muell. §.P) (Rid. 152). 2790 Quer- 
cas selrata, 

Silkworm Mu'berry (Cat. 269) (Pfl. 505). 
2721 Morus indica. 

Silkworm Tree (McL. 367), 

Siiky-backed Iispid Heart leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk. 4/188, adpd), 1995 Argyreia 

Rilky-backed Round leaved Tree Caper 
(Hk. 1/176, adpd). 113 Capparis 


Silky (Small) Elliptic leaved Silver-weed 
(Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2006 Argyreia 

Silky Giligitcha (MeL. 306, 309, 994). 
712 Crotalaria sericea. 

Silky-glabrate Chebulic Myrobalan 
(Bs/T/309). 1146-a. Terminalia chebula 

Silky (Lilac Laburnun) (McL. 845). 768 
Munduiea suberosa. 

Silky leaved Indian Willow (Hk. 5/627, 
adpd). 2797-b. Salix  tetrasperma 

Silky leaved Passion flower (Nic. 3/81) 
(Br. 87). 1352 Passiflora holosericea, 


2721 Morus 


Silky Oak (Maid. C©.T) (Bs/T/544) 
(Cat. 222). 2480 Grevillea robusta. 
Silky (Red) Oak (Maid. C.T). 2489 

Stenocarpus salignus. 

Silky Oak of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
5/540). 2489 Stenocarpus salignus, 

Silky Pinnate leaved Virgin’s Bower 
(Hk. 1/5, adpd). 8 Clematis Wightiana. 

Silky Rattlewort (MeL. 306, 309, 994, 
adpd). 712 Crotalaria sericea. 

Silky (Glaucous branched) Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/519,adpd). 1281 Usbeckia 

Silky (Wight’s) Spider Flower shrub 
(Hk. 2/519, adpd). 1282 Osbeckia 

Siiky Willow of Europe (Muell.8.P). 2799 
Salix alba. 

Silver (White-nerved Bronze and Silver) 
Arrowroot (Nic. 5/520). 3014 Maranta 

Silver-backed Rosy-pink Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Nic. 38/324, 5/646) 
(Mu. 53) (Ru/O/20) (Hod) (Po). 1107-g. 
Rosa hybrida semperflorens {rosea 

Silver (Green and) banded Yellowish 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/491). 38102 
Dracena Goldieana. 

Silver Bark (Mch. 420). 

Silver Beech (Nic. 2/2). 2796-H, Fagus 
sylvatica (argenteo-variegatis), 

Silver Birch (Nic. 1/186). 2784 Betula 

Silver Broom (Rid. 55), 697 Argyrolobium 

Silver Fir (Muell. 8.P) (H/E.F) (Nic. 3/131, 
corr) (8.1) (Gbl. °708). cmxii. Abies 

Silver Fir (Nic. 3/181). 
emxii. Abies (genus). 

1451 Cinchona 

(emx. Sphalm | 

Silver (Cephalonian) Fir (Nic. 1/2). 2868 
Abies cephalonica, 

Silver (Crimean) Fir (Muell. S.P) 
(Gbl. 708). 2869 Abies Nordmanniana. 

Silver (Grecian) Fir (Muell. S.P) Nic. 1/2). 
2868 Abies cephalonica, 

Silver (Himalayan) Fir (McL. 342) 
(W.A.D) (Gbl. 708) (FAR. 10, 25; 31, 
NLGS). 2871 Abies Webbiana. 

Silver (Mexican) Fir (S. 14). 2867 Abies 

Silver (Spanish) Fir (Muell.8.P) (Nic. 1/2) | 

(S. 407) 

Silver leaved Box (S. 67). 

sempervirens (argentea). 

(Gbl. 708). 2870 Abies 

2546-c. Buxus 

Silver leaved Croton (McL. 806). 2636 
Croton scabiosus. 
Silver Oak (Cag. 428) (Cat. 232) 

(BRu/N/46, 128, 0/13) (Mu. 48)(Ooty. 29) 
(W. 63). 2480 Grevillea robusta. 


Silver Palm (Nic. 1/142). 
caryum (genus). 

Silver Palm (Rid. 265) (Jaf. 139). 3239 
Astrocaryom argenteum. 

Silver Queen Rose (Ru/O/22) (Nic. 5/644). 
1107-e. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Silver-striped light-banded Arrowroot 
(Nic. 1/238). 3023 Calathea Vanden- 

Silver Thatch Palm of Jamaica (Nic. 4/29) 
(Cag. 344) (8. 428). 3186 Thrinax 

Silver thorned Acacia (McL. 936). 10387 
Acacia latronum. 

Silver Tree of South Africa (Bed. 1/177) 
(Gbl. 575) (Muell. 8.P) (Nic. 2/255) 
(S. 76, 237) (1.F, XI/10). 2476 Leuca.- 
dendron argenteum. ; 

Silver Wattle (Bth. 2/415) (Muell. 8.P) 
(H/E.F) (Nie. 1/5) (S. 4091) (Bs/T/269) 
(Gb). 301) (Cag. 629) (Ooty. T. 8. 1). 
1018 Acacia deal&ata. 

Silver-weed (McL. 14). 

Silver-weed (Acuminate-elliptic leaved) 
(Hk. 4/186, adpd), 1994 Argyrcia 

Silver-weed (Bristly Heart leaved) (Hk. 
4/194, adpd). 2014 Lettsomia setosa. 

mxvii. Astro* 

delvi. Argyreia 

Silver-weed (Cuspidate Grey-frosted 
Heart leaved) (Hk. 4/190, adpd), 2007 
Argyreia cymosa. 

Silver-weed (Common Heart leaved) 
(Hk. 4/185, adpd). 1993 Argyreia 

Silver-weed (Downy-faced Heart leaved) 
(Hk. 4/192, adpd). 2012 Lettsomia 

Silver-weed (Hispid Heart leaved) (Hk. 
4/169, adpd). 2002 Argyreia malab- 

Silver-weed (Large Villous Elliptic 
leaved) (Hk. 4/189, adpd). 2001 

Argyreia nellygherya. 

Silver-weed (Linden leaved) (Hk, 4/184, 
adpd). i992 Areyreia tilizfolia, 

Silver-weed (Longer Poplar leaved) (Hk. 
4/187, adpd). 1996 Argyreia involu- 

Silver-weed (Long-petioled Acute leaved 
Shrubby) (Hk. 4/191, adpd). 2009 
Argyreia fulgens, 

Silver-weed (Medium Glabrescent Elliptic 
leaved) (Hk. 4/192, adpd). 2013 
Lettsomia elliptica. 

Silver-weed (Medium Strigose Elliptic 
leaved) (Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2005 Argy- 
reia Lawii. 

Silver-weed (Mucronate Elliptic leaved) 
(Hk, 4/192, adpd). 2011 Lettsomia 


Silver-weed (Obtuse Tawny-silky Ovate 
leaved) (Hk. 4/188, adpd), 1997 
Areyreia bracteata. 

Silver-weed (Pilose Acute Qvate leaved) 
(Hk. 4/189, adpd). 2004 Argyreia 

Silver-weed (Poplar leaved) (Hk. 4/187, 
adpd). 1995 Argyreia populifolia. 

Silver-weed (Short-petioled obtuse leaved 
Shrubby) (Hk. 4/191, adpd),. 2008 
Areyreia cuneata. 

Silver-weed (Silky-backed Hispid Heart 
leaved) (Hk. 4/188, adpd). 1999 Argy- 
reia sericea, 

Silver-weed (Smal! Downy Elliptic leavec) 
(Hk, 4/188, adpd). 1998 Argyreia 

Silver-weed (Small Silky Elliptic leaved) 
(Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2006 Argyreia 

Silver-weed (Villous Acuminate Ovate 
leaved) (Hk 4/1, adpd). 2000 Argy- 
reia Leschenaultii. 

Silver-weed (Villous Heart leaved) (Hk. 
4/189, adpd). 2008 Argyreia hirsuta. 
Silver-weed (Wrinkled Heart Jeaved) 
(Hk. 4/191, adpd). 2010 Lettsomia 


Silvery Acuminate Feather Palm (Cag. 
839, adpd). 3146 Ceroxylim andicolum. 

Silvery-centred iKosy Hybrid Tea Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/94). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hybrida-rosea-intus-argentea). 

Silvery-centred Rcsy-pink Hy brid-per- 
petual Rose (Nic. 3/334) (Ru/N/93, 
0/20) (Mu. 55) (Cag. 596) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-g. Rosa  hybrida-semperfloreus 
(resea-intus argentea). 

Silvery Eugene Myrtle (Mch. 379, adpd), 
1266 Hugrnia argentea. 

Silvery (Spiny stemmed) Feather Palm 
(Nic. 1/142,adpd). mxvii. Astrocaryum 

Silvery Flesh-pink Hybrid-perpetual Rose 

(Nie. 3/324) (Ru/O/20) (Mu. 53). 
1107-e. osa  hybrida-semperflorens 

Silvery (Rosy- flushed) Flesh-pink 
Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Nic. 5/644) 
(Ru/0/93, 8. 21, 22). 1107-e. Rosa 

hybrida-semperflorens (argenteocarnea- 

Silvery grey-centred Yellow-spotted Dark- 
green Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3265-b. 
Dieffenbachia picta ( Princeps). 

Silvery leaved Ape Flower (McL, 664, 
adpd). 1692 Mimusops Kauki. 

Silvery leaved Indigo (McL. 369). 753 
Indigofera argentea (czerulea). 

Silvery leaved Pepper (McL, 676, adpd). 
2414 Piper argyruphyllum, 

Silvery obovate Trifoliate Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 613, adpd). 807 Desmodium 


Silvery racemed Bipinnate Wattle 
(Bth, 2/318, 415, adpd). 1018 Acacia 

Silvery Racemed Phyllode Wattle (Bth. 
2/312, 378, adpd). 1019 Acacia brachy- 

Silvery (New-Zealand) Reed Grass (S. 37, 
L11, 401). 8288 Arundo conspicua, 

Silvery Rooting Spindle Tree (Nic. 5/857). 
513-a, Euovymus radicans (argentea). 

Silvery-rusty leaved Oleaster (Hk. 5/202, 
adpd). 2494 Hleagnus latifolia. 

Silvery ‘ripliverved Himalayan Maple 
(4ik. 1/698, adpd)(FAR, 28, 29, NLGS). 
643 Acer oblongum, 

Silvery Trumpet Creeper (Rn/N/54, 
adpd). 2141 Bignonia aryyrea. 

Simbolee Oil Tree (McL, 285). 393 
Murraya Kcenigii. 

Simple-concayve Round-bristle-serrate- 
leaved Panax (Br. 95, adpd). 1403 
Panax cochleatum. 

Simple Corymbed Yellow flowered Resin- 
seed (Hk. 1/198, adpd). 149 Pitto- 
sporum nilghbirense. 

Simple cymed Mangrove (McL, 470, adpd). 
1130 Khizophora mucronata. 

Simple-deep-green !ound-obovate-incised- 

at-apex-spine.toothed-leaved Panax 
(Nic. 5/579, adpd). 1407 Panax 

Simple-(3-14 ft.) - glossy - ciliate - hairy- 
glabrate-backed Leathery-lance-repand- 
acuminate-leaved Sobscandent Oleander 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3368 Oleandra 

Simple Heart leaved Virgin’s Bower (Hk. 
1/3, adpd). 4 Clematis smuilacirolia. 

Simple (Fork-tipped) Lanceolate leaved 
Palm (Rid. 266, adpd). 3145 Geonoma 


Simple leaved False Hemp (S. 131, Ak. 
2/656, adpd), 1368 Tetrameles 

Simple (Leathery) leaved Honey sweet 
Tree (Hk. 2/4, adpd). 65% Meliosma 

Simple (Membranous) leaved Honey-sweet 
Tree (Hk. 2/5, adpd). 654 Meliosma 


Simple leaved Navelwort (Bs/T/213, 
Nic. 1/867, 4/359, adpd).  cclxxiy. 
Ellipanthus (genus). 

Simple (lhwaites’) leaved Navelwort 
(Bs/T/213, Nic. 1/367, 4/359, adpa). 

696 Ellipanthus Thwaitesii. 

Simple (insipid Littoral) leaved Quassia 
(Hk. 1/522, O1. 1/308). clxv. Suriana 

Simple leaved Tree Vine (McL. 751, 

adpd). 612 Leea macrophylla. 
Simple-light-green-reticulated — ligulate- 
dark-green-ieaved Ivy (Nic. 1/104, 

adpd), 1397 Oreopanax reticulata, 


Simple-long - to-very - long - silvery-silky- 
backed obovate-oblong-or-entire-to- 
bas Jly-(5-7)-pinnatifidly-Jobed- oh tuse- 
leaved Silk Oak (Bth. 5/46?, adpd). 
2481 Grevillea Hilliana, 

Simple-palmati- (7-11) - nerved - aJternate 
Curled-winged-petioled Broad-heart- 
leaved Curled-(10-15)-winged-round- 
stemmed Yam (Hk. 6/296). 3066 (bis.) 
Dioscorea crispata. 

Simple- palmati - (3-7) - nerved - alternate 
slightly-shaggy Round-heart-leaved 
Prickly-slender-stemmed Yam (Hk. 
6/296, .adpd), 3072 Dioscorea fascic- 

Simple-palmati-(7)-nerved Large-to-me- 
dium-membranous Heart-acuminate-leav- 

ed Yam (Hk. 6/291, adpd). 80690 Dios- 
corea Wightil. 
Siw ple-palmati-(5-7}-nerved  Large-to- 

mediom - membranous - woolly- glabrate 
Spiny-fibred Yam (Hk. 6/291, adpd). 
3059 Dioscorea Spinosa. 

Simple - palmati - (6 -7) - nerved - mosily- 
opposite Large-to-very-large-membra- 
nous-winged-petioled Roundish-heart- 
to-ovate-hastate-leaved Angled-or- 
wir.ged-stemmed Yam (Hk. 6/296, adpd). 
8068 Dioscorea alata. 

Simple - palmati - (3-5) - nerved - mostly- 
opposite - Medium - leathery - cartilage- 
margined Elliptic-lance-to-roundish- 
leaved Yam (Hk. 6/292, adpd). 3062 
Dioscorea opposirtifolia, 

Simple- palmati - (7-9) - nerved - opposite- 
and-alternate Large-to-very-Jarge- 
membranons-dark-ereen Broad-heart- 
acuminate-leaved Slender-often-purple- 
stemmed Yam (Hk. 6/295, adpd). 3067 
Dioscorea sativa. 

Simple-palmati-(7)-nerved- opposite - and- 
aiternate Medium-thick-woolly-cartilage- 

margined Koundish-heart-leaved Yam 
(Hk. 6/294, adpd). 8063 Dioscorea 

Simple - palmati - (7-9) - nerved - opposite- 
and-alternate Medium-to-large-subelau- 
cous- backed ovate-or-lance-heart-or-hast- 
ate-caudate-leaved Angled-or-Winged- Yam (Hk. 6/295, adpd). 38065 
Dioscorea Hamiltonii. 

Simple- palmati - (5-7) -nerved - opposite- 
and-alternate Winged -amplexicaul- 
petioled Heart-leaved Winged-(6-or- 
more)-prickly-stemmed Yam (Hk. 6/297, 
adpd). 3U74 Dioscorea purpurea. 

Simple- palmati - (5-7) - nerved - opposite- 
aud - alternate Winged-(5)-petioled 
Ervsiform-waved-<agittate- heart -leaved 
Winged-(6)-prickly-based-stemmed Yam 
(Hk. 6/296, adpd). 3073 Dioscorea 


Simple - palmati - (7) - nerved 
ish-heart-leaved Yam (Bk. 6/295, 
adpd). 3065 Dioscvrea Wallichii, 

Simple - palmati - (7-9) - nerved - opposite 
Medium- to - large - subglaucous - backed 
ovate-oblcng-(cuneate -young) roundish- 
heart-heart-or- hastate - caudate - leaved 

- opposite 

Flatiish stemmed Yam (Hk. 6/294, 
adpd), 8C64 Dioscorea glabra. 
Simple - palmati-(5-7)-nerved §Winged- 

amplesicanl - petioled Heart - leaved 
Curled-coloured-(4—7)-winged - branched 
Yam (Hk. 6/206, adpd). 3070 Dioscorea 

Simple-racemed (Lance-serrate-leaved) 
Cobbe (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 628-e, 

Allophylos cobbe (aporetica). 

Simple racemed (Lance subentire-leaved) 
Cobbe (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 628-d. 
Allophylus cobbe (glaber). 

Simple racemed (Ovate crenate glabrate- 
leaved) Cobbe (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 628-a, 
Allophylus cobbe (racemosus), 

Simple racemed (Ovate-serrate-glabrate- 
leaved) cobbe (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 
628-b. Allophylus cobbe (serratus). 

Simple-racemed (Ovate-hairy-leaved) 
Cobbe (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 628-c. 
Allophylus cobbe (villosus), 

Simple-scabrid - wrinkled - woolly - backed 
Roundish - lobed - (38-7) - Heart - leaved 
Raspberry (Hk. 2/380, adpd). 1079 
Rubus moluccanus. 

Simple sepalled Umformly Prickly Rose 
(Hk. 2/364, Nic. 3/314). 1103 Rosa 

Simple - small - silky - velvetty - backed 
linear-revolute-margined - acute - leaved 
Silkk Oak (Bth. 5/471, adpd). 2483 
Grevillea linearis. 

Simple-styled Copper Leaf (S 3, McL. 465, 
Hk. 5/248, adpd), deccxliii. Claoxylon 

Simple Trilobate leaved Virgin’s Bower 
(Hk. 1/3, adpd). 5 Clematis triloba. 

Simple - triplinerved - alternate - small- 
papery-netted-backed linear-oblong-or- 
lance-cuspidate-leaved Yam (Hk. 6/291, 
adpd). 3061 Dioscorea spicata. 

Sindoocam (McL. 864, 999) 
Vitex (genus). 

Singampatty-Hills (Eugene Myrtle of the) 
of Tinnevelly (McL. 379), 1270 Euge- 
nia singampattiana. 

Singapore Cedar (McL. 839, 911), 482. 
Cedrela Toona,. 

Singapore Hat Plant (McL. 839, 844). 
787 Aischynomene aspera. 

Singapore Sago Palm (McL. 316, 839). 
3149 Arenga saccharifera, 

Singhalese (Cobbe of the) (Bed. 1/72), 
628 Allophylus Cobbe, 



Singhslese (Kokoon oi) Plant of the) | 

(Treas. Bot). 530 Kokoona zeylanica. 

Singhalese (Samadarah of the)(McL. 591, | 

429 Samadara indica. 
476). 673 

692, 781, $93). 

Singhalese Varnish (McL. 
Semecarpus Anacardium. 

Single flowered Arabian Jasmine (Rox. 
1/88). 1751-b. Jasminum Sambac (Hey- 

Single flowered Calycine Mangrove (McL. 
470, adpd). 1135 Bruguiera gymno- 

Single flowered Fish-bone Tree (McL. 
155, 473, 484, 623, adpd). 138 Dillenia 

Single-flowered (Small-leathery-elliptic- 
su bentire-obtuse-leaved) Sweet-leaf 
(Hk. 3/587, adpd). 1748 Symplocos 

Single-flowered (Small-leathery obovate- 

oblong-subentire-cbtuse-leaved) Sweet- | 

leaf (Hk. 3/587, adpd). 
cos sessilis. 

Single Hairy flowered Calycine Mangrove 
(McL. 470, adpd). 1136 Bruguiera 

Single leaved Sugar Palm (Hk. 6/422, 

1749 Symplo- 

Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3151 Arenga 

Single-margined-winged Flat podded 
Brasiletto (Hk. 2/258, adpd). cccxl. 

Mezoneuram (genus). 

Single-seeded Kacemed or Panicled Wind- 
berry (HE. 3/507, adpd). dxlix. Embe- 
lia (genus). 

Sinica Kose (Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/828) 
(Ooty. 425). 1092 Rosa levigata. 

Sinuate (White-margined) Hicoloured 
Prickly Nightshade (Nic. 3/454, adpa). 
2086 Svlanum marginatum. 

Sinuate Bluish-flowered Climbing Prickly 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 
Solanum trilobatum. 

Sinuate (Dwarf) Bluish-flowered Prickly 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/236, adpd). 2091 
Solanum xanthocarpum. 

Sinnate (Woolly) Bluish-flowered Prickly 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/235, adpd). 
Solanum melongena. 

Sinvate leaved Bindweed (McL. 120, 

adpd). 2051 Ipomea sinuata. 

Sinvate (Shorter) leaved Trifoliate 
Sumsch (Hk. 2/9, adpd). 661 Rhus 

Sinuate (Velvetty) White-flowered Prick- 
ly Nightshade (Nic. 3/455, adpd). 
2088 Sclanum robustum. 

Sinvate (Woolly) White-flowered Prickly 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/234, adpd). 2052 
Solanum torvum. 

Sinuate (Glabrate) White flowered Un- 
armed Nightshade (Hk. 4/230, adpd). 
2074 Solanum yagum. 

2092 | 

2084 | 


Sinuous-margined (Dull - purple-hacked) 
Croton (Nic. 1/854)(Ru/N/O)(Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-De. Codizum variegatum 

Sinuous-margined (Mors - green - backed) 
Croton (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bg. Codizeum varie- 
gatum (maximum). 

Sinuous - margined (Moss-green - backed 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ku/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Eb. Codizum varie- 
gutum (medium variegatum). 

Sinuous-margined (Ruddy-green - backed) 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ku/N/O) (Mn) 
(Kid) (Jaf). 2646-Da. Codizum varie- 
gatom (tricolor). 

Sinus (Leaf) flowering Cactus (Nic. 3/112). 
edliv. Phyllocactus (genur). 

Sir Rowland Hill Ruse (Ra/O/22). 1107-1 
Rosa hybrida-cempevflorers (atrosan- 

Sirios (McL. 840). 1044 Albizzia Lebbek. 

Sirios (Doon) Tree (McL. 840). 1047 b. 
Albizzia procera (elata). 

Siris (Bed. 2/50) (Bs/T/271) (GbI. 38) 
(Ban/F.T) (Cat. 128). 1044 albizzia 

Siris (White) (Gbl. 304) 
1047 Albizzia procera. 

Siris Acacia (McL. 840). 

Sirissa (McL. 474, 839, 995). 
Albizzia (genus). 

Sirissa (Br. 257) (Ell. 34) (Cag. 524) (Ffl. 
445). 1044 Albizzia Lebbek. 

Sirissa (Black) (McL. £40). 1050 Albiz- 
zia amara. 

Sirissa (Bifoliate Infra - (1) - glandular- 
medium Elliptic-acute -leaved Spinous- 
(young) (Bed. 2/317, adpd). 1058 Inga 

Sirissa (Bifoliate Snap-valved podded) 
(Hk. 2/306, adpd). cccixxii. Inga 

Sirissa (Bipinnate - (8-20) -downy-backed- 
minute Infra-(1)-glandular linear- (30- 
60)-folioled) (Hk. 2/301, adpd). 1050 
Albizzia amara. 

Sirissa (Bipinoate - (6-8)-downy-glabrate 
Basal-(1)-supra-(1—2)-glandular oblong- 
(20-50 -folioled! (Hk. 2/299, adpd). 
1046 Albizzia odoratissima. 

Sirissa (Bipinnate-(8—24)-downy-glabrate- 
miunte Kasal- (1) -supra- (1) -glandular 
lance-dimidiate - (20-50)-foiioled) (Hk. 
2/300, adpd). 1048 Albizzia Julibris- 

Sirissa (Brpirnate-(12-40)-downy-glaucous 
backed-minute Leafy -stipuled Multi- 
glandular - lance - dimidiate - (40-80) - 
foliolkd) (Hk. 2/300, adpd), 1049 
Albizzia stipulata. 

1044 Albizzia 



Sirissa (Bipinnate-(8-24)-grey - velvetty- 
minute Basal-(1)-supra - (1)-glandular 
Broad-lance-dimidiate - (20-50)-folioled) 
(Hk. 2/300, adpd). 1048-b. Albizzia 
Julibrissin (mollis). 

Sirissa (Bipinnate-(2)-minnte numercus- 
folioled Pink Bottle-brush (Nic. 5/184, 
adpd). 1051 Calliandra brevipes. _ 

Sirissa (Bipinnate)- (16-20) - minute-silky 
backed linear-dimidiate-(40-60)-folioled 
spicate) (Bth. 2/421, adpd). 1042 
Albizzia Jophantha. 

Siri-sa (Bipinnate-(8-14)-minute - rusty- 
downy-backed Basal-(1)-supra-(1)-glan- 
dular oblong-trapezoid- (16—80)-tolioled 
(O]. 2/861, adpd). 1041 Albizzia fasti- 

Sirissa (Bipinnate-(6-10) -silky-glabrate)- 
Baszl-(1)-glandular oblong - ovate - 
(12-20) = folioled) (Bs/T'/271, adpd). 
Albiz 1047 zia procera. 

Sirissa(Bipinnate-(4-6)-subglabrous Basal- 
(1)-infra (0-1)-glandular obiong-(12-16) 
folicled)(Hk. 2/298, adpd). 1044 Albiz- 
zia Lebbek. 

Sirissa (Bipinnate-(18-20) - subglabrous- 

minute Infra-(1)-svpra-(1) - glandular | 

linear-oblong-(30-59)-folioled Axillary 
single - headed) (Bed. 1/96, adpd). 
1050-b. Albizzia amara (Wightii). 

Sirisea( Bipinnate-(16-24)-tawny-velvetty- 
glabrate Basal-(1)-supra-(1)-glandular 
oblique-subfalcate-(30-40)-tolioled (Bs/ 
T/271, adpd). 1045 Albizzia Thomp- 

Sirissa (Bipinnate-(2)-very-small oblong- 
acute-(14-20) -folioled Scarlet Bottle- 
brush) (Nic. 5/184, adpa). 1051(bis.) 
Calliandra hematocephala. 

Sirissa (Bloody-headed Bottle-brush) (Nic. 
5/184). 1051 (bis.) Calliandra nemato- 

Sirissa (Bottle-brush) (Cag. 630, adpd). 
eeclxix. Calliandra (genus). 

Sirissa (Coffee-shade) (Gbl. 302). 
Albizzia moluccana. 

Sirissa (Common) (McL. 473, 484, 839, 
85x, 995). 1044 Aibizzia Lebbek. 

Sirissa (Dark) (McL. 66, 472, 605, 840, 
912, 995). 1050 Albizzia amara, 

Sirissa (Flamboyant-leaved Snow-white) 
(Trop. Agr. X/7, Jan. 91). 1043 Albiz- 
zia moluccana. 

Sirissa (Fragrant) (McL. 472, 484, 840, 
874, 995). 1046 Albizzia odoratissima. 

Sirissa (Green barked) (Gbl. 305, Bdn/F. 
T, adpd). 1047 Albizzia procera. 

Sirissa (Hill) (McL. 472, 840, 995). 
1047-b. Albizzia procera (elata). 

Sirissa (Partitioned-podded) (Pr. 1/451, 
adpd). ccclxxi. Enterolobium (genus). 

Sirissa (Short stalked Bottle brush) (Nie. 
5/184). 1051 Calliandra brevipes. 



Sirissa (Smaller -leafletted White) (Hk. 
2/299, adpd). 1047-b. Albizzia procera 

Sirissa (Snap-valved podded) (Pr. 1/451, 
adpd). ccelxix. Calliandra (genus), 

Sirissa (Spike-flowered Black) (Hk. 2/298, 
adpd). 1042 Albizzia lupbantha. 

Sirissa (Stipwlate) (McL. 472, 840, 995), 
1049 Albizzia stipulata. 

Sirissa (Stone) (McL. 472, 840, 995). 
1049: Albizzia stipulata. 

Sirissa (Twisted podded) (Pr. 1/451, 
adpd). ccclxx. Pithecolobium (genus). 

Sirissa (White flowered) (McL. 840), 
1044 Albizzia Lebbek. 

Sirissa Neem (McL. 640). (?) 1044 
Albizzia Lebbek. 
Sisal Fibre (Muell. S.P). 3051 Agave 


Sisal Hemp (Ru/0/33) (Ooty. 1). 38051 
Agiave rigida. 

Sisley (Aline) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/0/18) 
(Ma. 54). 1105-p. Rosa odorata (pur- 

Sissoo (McL. 473, 484, 821, 995) (Bed. 
2/25) (Nic. 1/438) (Br. 58) (W. 81, 86, 

106), 880 Dalbergia Sissoo. 

Sissu Wood (Pfi. 446). 880 Dalbergia 

Sissum (McL. 821). 880 Dalbergia 

Sitalpati Mat Plant (Gbl. 723). cmlii. 
Clinogyne (genus). 

Six-angled (Climbing 
Thistle (Nic. 1/299). 

Six-angled (Erect) Torch Thistle (Nic. 
1/299), 1371 Cereus hexagonus. 

Six-bracted Capitate F'ew-lobed-flowered 
Vervein Climber (Hk. 4/561, adpd). 
decxxxvi. Sphenodesma (genus). 

Six-bracted Capitate Many-lobed-flower- 
ed Vervein Climber (Hk. 4/561, adpd). 
decxxxv- Symphorema (genus). 

Six cornered Cereus (Br. 92). 
Cereus hexagonus. 

Five-to) Torch 
1370 Cereus 


Six leaved Cassia (Br. 63). 952 Cassia 


Six - (4-7-prs)-nerved (Long - lineolate 
subglabrous) elliptic-crenate-acuminate- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/441, adpd), 
2198 Strobilanthes tristis. 

Six-(6-7-prs)-nerved (Medium - lineolate) 
Elliptic-ovate -wavy- crenulate-acumin- 
ate-leaved Vernal Flower (Hk. 4/497, 
adpd). 2246 Eranthemum malabari- 

Six- (6-prs) -nerved (Medium -lineolate) 
Lance - subentire - acuminate - leaved 
Conehead (Hk. 4/440, adpd). 2195 
Strobilanthes adenophorus, 


Six-(6-7 prs)-nerved (Medium - glabrate- 
nerved-backed) Lance-wavy-subentire- 
acuminate-leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/474, 
adpd). 2217 Strobilanthes rubicundus, 

ovate - callous - dentate - acute-leaved 
Conehead (Hk. 4/445, adpd). 2204 
Strobilanthes papillosus. 

Six-(6-7 prs)- nerved (Medium - sparsely- 
bristly) ovate - crenulate - acuminate - 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/451, adpd). 
2207 Strobilanthes bolamputtiensis. 

Six-(6 prs)-nerved (Small - sparsely-red- 
gland-backed - scabrous - hairy) Ovate- 
Subentire-acuminate - leaved Conehead 
(Hk. 4/441, adpd). 2199 Strobilanthes 
anceps (microstachys). 

Six-petalled Guttapercha (Hk, 
adpd). dlviii. Dichopsis (genus). 

Sizzling Tree (Bdn/F.T, adpd). 
Albizzia Lebbek. 

Skewer - leaved (Medium - acuminate) 
Medium - pendulous -stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/56, W.A.I, adpd). 2965 Sacco- 
labium filiforme. 

Skewer-leaved Orchid (Hk. 6/22, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxix. Luisia (genus). 

Skewer-leaved Orchid (Hk. 6/43, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxxiv. Aérides (genus- 
Section I). 

Skewer-leaved Orchid (Hk. 6/55, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxxvi. Saccolabium (genus- 
Micranthz Section in part). 

Skewer-leaved (Long - and - medium)- 
obtuse) Slender-long-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 5/24, W.A.I, adpd). 2950 Luisia 

Skewer - leaved (Medium - claw - tipped- 
grooved) Slender-long-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/44, W.A.I, adpd). 2955 Aéri- 
des cylmdricum, 

Skewer-leaved (Medium-obtuse) Stout- 
medium-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/22, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2949 Luisia teretifolia. 


Skewer Wood (8.110). cdlxxi. Cornus 
Skin (Rough) Plum (Nic. 3/325). 1059 

Parinarium excelsum. 

Skinned (Rough) Plum of Sierra-Leone 
(Ol, 2/369). 1059 Parinarium excel- 

Sky (Fragrant) Blue (McL. 946). 2171 
Dedalacanthus nervosus. 

Sky (Thorny) Blue (McL. 946). 2171 
Deedalacanthus neryosus. 

Sky Blee Barleria (McL. 558), 2242 

Barleria strigosa. 

Sky Blue Bindweed (McL. 403, adpd). 
2020 Ipomeea hederacea. 

Sky Blue Bracted Vernal Flower (Mc, 
946, Br. 173, Hk, 4/4:7, 418, adpd), 
2171 Dedalacanthus nervosus. 


1044 | 


Sky-blue (Lear’s) Morning Glory of 
Ceylon (Nic. 2/192). 2022 Ipomea 

Sky-blue Virgin’s Bower of Japan (Nice. 
1/338). 3 Clematis patens (czrulea). 
Sky Creeper (McL. 804). 2065 Cuscuta 

Slaty Gum (Maid. C.T), 

Slender Bignonia (Br. 131), 
nia gracilis. 

Slender branched Buck Thorn (MeL. 762), 
569 Rhamnus yirgatns, 

Slender branched Cinnamon (MclL. 188, 
adpd). 2438 Cinnamomum gracile. 

Slender-branched (Densely) Glosswort 
(Hk, 5/12, adpd). 2378 Arthrocnemum 

1181 Eucalyptos 
2146 Bigno- 

Slender-branched (Opposite) Glosswort 
(Hk. 5/12, adpd). 2879 Salicornia 

Slender branched Mistletoe (McL. 683, 
adpd). 2521 Viscum ramosiesimum. 
Slender - climbing - stemmed (Medium- 
linear - obliquely - emarginate Strap- 
leaved) Orchid (Hk. 6/63, adpd). 2971 

Saccolakium papillosum. 

Slender European Fan Palm (S. 90, adpd). 
3200 Chamerops gracilis. 

Slender fruited Viper Dog-bane (Nic. 
1/503, 2/178, adpd), 1865 Ichnocarpus 

Slender-long-stemmed (Long-and-medium 
obtuse Skewer-leaved)Orchid (Hk. 6/24, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2950 Luisia tenni- 

Slender - long - stemmed (Medium -claw- 
tipped-grooved Skewer-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 6/44. W.A.I, adpd). 2955 Aéri- 
des cylindricam. 

Slender-nerved Broad medium 
Gamboge* (Hk. 1/269, adpd), 
Garcinia spicata. 

Slender-nerved Narrow Medium leaved 


Gamboge (Hk. 1/285, adpd). 175 
Garcinia Wightii. 
Slender-often-purple stemmed  (Simple- 

palmati - (7-9) - nerved - opposite - and- 
alternate Large-to-very-large-membran- 
ous-dark-green Broad-heart-acuminate- 
leaved) Yam (Hk. 6/295, adpd). 3067 
Dioscorea sativa. 

Slender racemed Round-capsuled Tiger’s- 

milk Spurge (Hk. 5/472, adpd). 2704-b. 
Sapium insigne (malabarica). 
Slender Rattan (McL. 751). 3209 

Calamus Rotang. 

Slender (Bristly-decurrent-auricled) Reed 
Bamboo (? 3320, see note) (Hk. 7/421, 
adpd). 8322 Ochlandra setigera. 

Slender (Bristly - ducurrent -auricled) 
Reed Bamboo (Hk. 7/419, adpd). 3320 
Ochlandra Beddomei. 


Slender (Bristly stemmed) Reed Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/419, adpd). 3319 Ochlandra 

Slender (Glabrous leaved) Reed Bamboo 

(Bs/T/684, adpd). 3324 Ochlandra 
Slender Terminally-needle-tufted-race- 

med Asparagus (Hk. 6/817, adpd). 
3088-b. Asparagus racemosus (javanica). 

Slender (Mountain) Tiger’s Milk (Hk. 
5/478, MeL. 892, adpd). 2707 Exce- 
caria crenulata. 

Slender (Large blossomed) Wax-flower 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/647, adpa). 1826 
Tabernzemontana coronaria. 

Slender (Small blossomed) Wax flower 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/644, Rox. 2/26, adpd). 
1837 Tabernzemontana Wallichiana, 

Slender Yellow Trumpet Creeper (Br. 131). 
2146 Bignonia gracilis. 

Slenderly (Rugose leaved) 
thous Rose (Nic. 3/314). 

Slenderly racemed Phyllode Wattle (Bth. 
2/314, 389,adpd). 1020 Acacia implexa. 

Slightly-red-or-brown -spotted Canary- 
yellow (Green-leaved) Indian Shot (Cag. 
384). 3035(bis.)-£. Canna orchidiflora 

Slightly-shaggy (Simple-palmati-(5-7)- 
nerved-alternate) Round-heart-leaved 
Prickly-slender-stemmed Yam (Hk. 
6/296, adpd). 3072 Dioscorea fascic- 

Slipper (Jew’s) (Cag. 414). 
lanthus tithymaloides. 

Slipper Milk Hedge (McL. 720). 1378 
Opuntia Dillenii. 

1100 Rosa 

2543 Pedi- 

Slipper Plant (8. 69, 403) (Cag. 465). 
delxxvi. Calceolaria (genus). 

Slipper Plant (McL. 7) (Br. 189), 2548 
Pedilanthus tithymaloides. 

Slipper Spurge (8. 311, 403). 2543 Pedi- 

lanthus tithymaloides. 

Slipper Spurs (Nic. 3/58). 
thus tithymaloides. 

Slipper Thorn (McL, 720). 
tia Dillenii. 

Slipperwort (S. 69). 

Slipperwort (Linear serrate leaved) of 
Chili (Nic, 1/240), 2118 Calceolaria 

Slipperwort (Wrinkled entire leaved) of 
Chili (Nic, 1/240), 2112 Calceolaria 

Slow-match (Hindustani) (Mc. 214) (Nic. 
1/267). 1276 Careya arborea. 

Sloe (Bs/T/279) (S. 855, 401). 

__ Prunus communis (spinosa), 

Sloe (loud). ecelxxv. Prunns (genus). 

small Acacia (McL. 936). 1027 Acacia 

2543 Pedilan- 
1378 Opun- 

delxxvi, Calceolaria 



Small Ach Root 
‘Morinda umbellata. 

Small Acid Naralay (McL, 564, 994), 591 
Vitis Linneei. : 

Small Acuminate Heart leaved Ordure 
Tree (Hk.1/361, adpd). 274 Sterculia 

Small-acute-based Papery-leaved Mitre- 
flowered} Nutmeg (Hk. 1/90). 70 
Orophea uniflora. 

Small Aloe (Pfl. 431), 

Small axil flowered Asparagus (McL. 576, 
adpd). 8085 Asparagus subulatas, 

Small Bair (Mch. 66, 994). 572 Scutia 

Small Bamboo (Bs/S/126, NEL. 184, CDP. 
160, BEL. 178, SLM) (W. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 
10, 11, 38, 109, 125, 127). 3310 Den- 
drocalamus strictus. 

Small Bamboo (McL. 70) (Br. 329). 
Bambusa nana, 

Small berried China Rose (Nic, 3/322). 
109C Rosa microcarpa. 

Small blossomed slender Wax-flower Dog- 
bane (Bk. 3/649, Rox, 2/26, adpd). 1837 
Tabernemontana Wallichiana, 

Small blue Bell Bindweed (Treas. Bot. 
1/634, adpd). delix. Jacquemontia 

Small-bristly-rug ose-sessile Ovate-cre- 
nate-acute-leaved Cone-head (Hk. 
4/452, adpd). 2209-b. Strobilanthes 
sessilis (sessiloides). 

Small (Anastomosing-oblique-indistinct- 
nerved) Broad - lance - to - linear - or- 
faleate-acuminate-leayed Fibrous-per- 
sistent- or- deciduous- in - large-flakes- 
barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/207, adpd). 
1192 Eucalyptus amygdalina. 

Small (Triple-nerved-alternate) Broadly- 
lance-acuminate-leaved Harmless Net- 
tle (Hk. 5/582, adpd). 2773 Pouzolzia 

Small Broad - ovate - acuminate - leaved 
curved Small-spined Climbing Bengal- 

(Mc. 867). 1556 

3117-b. Aloé vera 


Currant (Hk. 3/681, adpd). 1810 
Carissa Suavissima. 
Small Bulrush (McL. 288). 3249 Typha 


Small Bulrush of Britain (Nie, 4/118). 
3250 Typha angustifolia. 

Small Butter Banana (Cag. 206) (Cat. 322). 
304.2-c. Musa sapientum (Dacca). 

Small Calarvah (MchL. 913). 1799 Salva- 
dora persica. 

Small capsuled Bastard Cedar (Nic. 
1/285, Bs/T/146, adpd), 1483 Cedrela 

Small Cardamom (McL. 185). 3004 
Elettaria Cardamomum. - 

Small Cashmere Tree (McL. 186, 999). 
2306 Gmelina asiatica. 


Small Caunjory (McL, 144, 1000). 2697-d. 
Tragia involncrata (cannabina). 

Small Chaltah (McL. 155, 473, 623, 884). 
15 Dillenia pentagyna. 

Small Chintoo (McL. 174, 478, 993). 540 
Gymnosporia emarginata, 

Small -ciliate lance - cuspidate - leaved 
Shrubby Honeysuckle (Hk. 3/12, adpd). 
1436 Lonicera ligustrina. 

Small Climbing Nettle (MchL. 144, adpd). 
2697-d. Tragia involucrata (cannabina), 

Small Coorinjeh (McL. 360). 1895 Gym- 
nema sylvestre. 
Small Date (McL. 413, 1001). 38167 | 

Phoenix farinifera, 

Small - densely - downy ovate - or - Heart- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved Ipecacuanha 
Swallow-wort (Ilk 4/29, adpd). 1896 
Gymnema hirsutum, 

Small-distichous ovate-to-oblong-lance- 
acute-leaved Climbing Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/575, adpd). 488 Olax scandens. 

Small - downy - backed Elliptic - entire 
acute-leaved Star-Vervein Climber (Hk. 
4/604, adpd). 2333-b. Congea tomen- 
tosa (azurea). 

Small - downy - backed Elliptic - ovate- 
serrate-folioled Trifoliate Climbing 
Merenry (Hk. 5/467, adpd). 2699 
Dalechampia indica. 

Button Tree (Hk, 2/451, adpd). 
Anogeissus acuminata. 

Small-downy-backed oblong-acute-leaved 
Crape Myrtle (Hk. 2/576, adpd), 
1316-c, Lagerstroemia parviflor(abengha- 


Small - downy - backed Papery - leaved 


Mitre-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/91, 
adpd). 73 Orophea erythrocarpa. 

serrate-acute-leaved Glandular-tipped- 
branched Conehead (Hk, 4/464, adpd). 
221% Strobilanthes Newii. 

Small-Downy Elliptic leaved Silver-weed | 

(Hk. 4/188, 1998 Argyreia 

Small-downy Elliptic - ovate - acuminate 
leaved Unifoliate Neem (Hk. 1/542, 
adpd). 449 Turrzea villosa. 

Small-downy-glabrate-leathery oblique- 
ate-leaved Child’s-Amulet Tree (Hk. 
3/336, adpd). 2597 Putranjiva Rox- 


Small - downy - glabrate ovate-to-linear | 

Heart-acute-leaved Ring-coronet Swal- 
low-wort (Hk, 4/23, adpd). Cynan- 
chum alatum. 

Small-downy Heart - entire - angled - or- 
lobed-leaved Purple-eyed-yellow Rind- 
weed (Hk. 4/216, adpd). 2056 Howittia, 




Smaller-downy-leaved Dusky Firebrand 
Teak (Hk. 4/578, adpd). 2298-b, Prem- 
nalatifolia (mollissima). 

Small Downy Lobed Vine (McL, 564, 994, 
adpd), 591 Vitis Linnzi. 

Small-downy-midribbed Papery-leaved 
Mitre-flowered-Nutmeg (Hk. 1/91, 
adpd). 72 Orophea Thomsoni. 

Small-downy-nerved-backed ‘erminally- 
crowded Nine-(9-prs)-nerved Ovate- 
subentire-acuminate-leayed Conehead 
(Hk, 4/435, adpd). 2182 Strobilanthes 

Small-downy ovate-elliptic-toothed-sub- 
acute-leaved Star-Vervein Climber (Hk. 
4/599, adpd). 2380 Symphorema 

Ironweed (Hk. 3/286, 
Vernonia Candolleana. 

Small druped Ash Sumach (Hk. 2/27, 
adpd). cclxiii. Solenocarpus (genus). 

Small Dyeing Mulberry (Nicl.. 367, 996). 
1555 Morinda umbellata. 

Small elegant Banana (Cag. 206) (Cat. 
322). 8042-b. Musa sapientum (marta- 

Small Elliptic-acute-leaved Bastard Priv- 
et (Hk. 4/98, adpd). 1965 Gardneria 

berry Climber (Hk. 3/513, adpd). 
Embelia Ribes. 

Small Elliptic-entire leaved Holly (Hk. 
1/603, adpd). 512 Ilex Wightiana. 

Small Hlliptic-lance-acuminate leaved 
Half-star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/87, 
adpd), 65 Miliusa nilagirica. 

Small Elliptic-lanceolate-acute Bifoliate 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/789, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2935 Hria nana, 

Smal] Elliptic-lanceolate-obtuse Bifoliate 
Psendobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/717, W.A.1, 
adpd). 2906 Dendrobium nanum. 

Small Elliptic leaved Wild Tea (Hk. 
1/291, adpd). 192 Gordonia obtusa, 

Small Elliptic. leaved Delight of the 
Woods (Hk. 1/419, adpd), 356 Hiptage 

Small Elliptic leaved Morning Mallow 
(Hk. 1/324, adpd). 216-e. Sida rhombi- 
folia (microphylla), 

Small Elliptic-oblong-lance-acute leaved 
White-druped Spindle Tree (Bed. 1/66, 
adpd). 531 Pleurostylia Wigbtii. 

Small Elliptic-obovate leaved Winter 
Flax (Hk 1/412, adpd). 346-a, Rein- 
wardtia trigyna (typica). 

Small  Elliptic-or-lance-acute leaved 
Holly-flowered Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/6138, 
adpd). 527 Microtropis microcarpa. 

adpd). 1598 

Elliptic-cuspidate-leaved Wind- 


Small Elliptic-serrate-obtuse _leaved 
Jujube (Hk. 1/638, adpd), 562 Zizyphus 

Small Elliptic Unifoliate Psendobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/757, W.A.1, adpd), 2920 
Bulbophyllum albidum, 

Smal! - feather - nerved oblong-lance- 
serrate-obtuse-leaved Buckthorn of 
South Africa (Nic. 4/209, 5/554, adpd). 
556 Noltea africana. 

Sinall Fleshy leaved Indian Ipecacuanha 
(McL. 860, adpd). 19138 Tylophora 

Elliptic- obtuse - to- acuminate - leaved 

Tiger’s-milk Spurge (Hk. 5/472, adpd). | 

2706 Excecaria Agallocha. 

Small-flowered Acuminate-leaved Honey- 
suckle Mistletoe (Hk. 5/220, adpd). 
2518-b. Loranthus loniceroides (capi- 

Small flowered Aspalathus (Mch. 578). 
746 Indigofera aspalathoides. 

Small Flowered Mountain Ebony (McL. 
281, 432, 520, 806, 995). 990 Bauhinia 

Small flowered Nilghiri Honeysuckle 
Mistletoe (Hk. 6/216, adpd). 2508-b. 
Loranthus neelgherensis (Clarkei). 

Small-flowered (Diandrous)  Panicled 
Christmas Pride (Hk. 4/428, adpd). 
2174-e. Stenosiphonium diandrum) 

Small (Woolly) flowered Pellet Shrub 
(Mch, 670, adpd). 1546 Pavetta 

Small (White) flowered Rose Mallow (Hk. 
1/336, adpd). 238 Hibiscus micranthus, 

Small flowered Snake Dog-bane (McL, 842, 
adpd). 1814 Rauwolfia mircrantha. 

Small-flowered Malabar Nut (MclL. 6, 231, 
462, 672, Br. 173, adpd). 2267 Adha- 
toda Beddomei. 

Small flowered Viper Dog-bane (Rox. 2/20, 
adpd). 1862 Epigynum parviflorum. 

Small fruited Champa Banana-(Cag. 207) 

(Cat. 322). 3042-a. Musa sapientum 

Small (Ovate petalled) fruited Dodder 
(McL. 804, adpd). 2067 Cuscuta 

Small (Tail petalled) fruited Dodder 
(McL. 804, adpd). 2066 Cuscuta 

Small Ganb (McL. 304). 1714 Diospyros 

Small-glabrate Heart-acuminate-leaved 

Disc Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/49, adpd). 
1920 Oianthus Beddomei. 

Small-glabrate-subsessile Ovate-elliptic- 
acute-leaved Indian Burr (Hk. 4/725, 
adpd). 2873-a. Psilotrichum calceola- 
tum (typica), 

Round-or-ovate | 


Small - glabrous Broad - elliptic - obtuse 
leaved Gutta-percha (Hk. 3/538, adpd). 
1682-c. Isonandra lanceolata (villosa), 

Small-glabrous-sessile Five-(5—6-prs)- 
nerved oblong - elliptic - denticulate- 
acuminate -leaved Athwart - warted- 
squarish-branched Conehead (Hk, 
4/474, adpd), 2214 Strobilanthes homo- 

Small-glaucous-backed Elliptic-acute-or- 
acuminate-leaved Tiger’s-milk Spurge 
(Hk. 5/469, adpd). 2701 Sapium 

Small-glaucons-backed-leathery (Peuni- 
neryed-subverticillate-alternate) obov- 
ate- obtuse -leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 
5/144, adpd). 2447-e. Alseodaphne 
semecarpifolia (parvifolia). 

&mall-glaucous-(or—-red)-backed _oblong- 
lance-leaved Climbing Biseriate-seeded 
Nutmeg (Hk, 1/51, adpd). 31 Uvaria 
zey lanica. 

Small-glancous-backed Roundish-ovate- 
acuminate-leaved Tiger’s-milk Spurge 
(Hk, 5/470, adpd), 2702 Sapium sebi- 

Small-claucous-nervose Elliptic-acute- 
leaved Crape Myrtle (Hk. 2/576, adpd). 
1317 Lagerstroemia lanceolata. 

Small-glossy narrow-elliptic-acuminate 
leaved Honey-thorn (Bs/F.T, adpd). 
1523 Canthium gracile. 

Small Golden Bindweed (McL. 120, adpd). 
2088 Ipomea chrysoides. 

mall Goomidy (Mch.136) 2306 Gmelina 

Small - grey - downy - backed Roundish- 
elliptic - or - obovate - serrulate-obtuse- 
leaved Jujube (Hk. 1/634, adpd). 565 
Zizyphus xylopyrus. 

Small Guava (FAR. 3). 1222-c. Psidium 
Guyava (pumilum), 

Small-hairy-nerved Ovate-acute-leaved 
Square-branched Fetid Holly (Hk. 
1/589, adpd). 500-e. Mappia fmtida 

Small Heart-acute-or-trilobed-leaved Cap- 
sular Passion Flower (Hk. 2/601, adpd). 
1366 Modecca Wightiana. 

Small Hill Bamboo (Bed. 1/229). 3297 
Arundinaria Wightiana. 

Small (Bright-green) Hollow Bamboo 
(Gbl. 747). 3303-a. Bambusa vulgaris 

Small (Glaucous-green) Hollow Bamboo 
(Gbl. 754). 3317 Cephalostachyum 

Small Indian Aloe (MeL. 21). 3117-b. 
Aloé vera (littoralis). 

Small Indian Ipecacuanha (McL. 360). 
1895 Gymnema sylvestre, 

Small Indian Oak (Mob. 367, 472, 996). 
1275 Barringtonia acutangula. 


Small Indian Snow-berry (Cag. 416, 
adpd). 2591 Fluggia microcarpa. 

Small Jack (McL. 376). 2766 Artocarpus 

Small Jaujy (McL, 384). 

Small Janmoon (McL. 379, 386, 995). 
1240 Eugenia Arnottiana, 

Small Jaunah (McL. 868, 993). 
Grewia excelsa. 

Small Jujube Tree (McL.66). 572 Scutia 
indica. ; 

Small lance-acuminate-leaved Chayroot 
shrub of Salt-swamps (Hk. 3/51, adpd). 
1471 Hedyotis prninosa. 

Small lance -acumwinate-shining leaved 
Bitter Wood (Nic. 
adpd). 61 Xylopia parvifolia. 

Small lance-crenate-acute-leaved Whortle- 
berry (Hk. 3/444, adpd). 1638 Vacci- 
nium nilgherrense. 

Small lance leaved Olive Linden (MeL. 
763, adpd). 339 Elzocarpus amcenns. 

Smal] lance-ovate-crenate-acute-leaved 

1766 Jasminum 


Trigonous-branched Winter-green (Hk, | 

3/457, adpd). 

Small - lanceolate - acuminate Bifoliate 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/834, W.A,I, 
adpd). 2941 Ccelogyne odoratissima, 

Small-lanceolate-acute Unifoliate Pseudo- 
bulb Orenid (Hk, 5/763, W.A.I, adpd), 
2923 Bulbophyllum tremulum. 

Small Leaflet Indigo (McL. 371, adpd). 
755 Indigofera Wightii. 

Small leathery Broad-lance-leaved Climb- 
ing Spurge Laurel (Hk. 1/582, adpd). 
494 Cansjera Rheedii. 

Small -leathery -distichous ovate- lance 
leaved Hop Cherry (Hk. 1/584, Rox. 
2/87, adpd). 495 Opilia amentacea. 

1642 Gaultheria fragran- 

Small-leathery-downy-backed MRoundish- | 

obtuse-leaved Spinous 
(Hk. 3/118, adpd). 
turgida (montana). 

Small-leathery downy-glabrate 
merved) obovate-oblong-obtuse-to-acu- 
minate-leaved Axil-spined Jack (Hk. 
5/538, adpd). 2760 Cudrania javensis. 

Small-leathery-downy-glabrate ovate- 
lance-dentate-acuminate-leavyed Child’s 
Amulet Tree (Bdn/F.T, Bs/T/567, adpd). 
2599 Hemicyclia trayancorica. 

1507-b. Gardenia 

Small - leathery - downy - glabrate - ovate. | 

round - to-oblong - acute - to-acuminate- 
leaved Ipecacuanha Swallow-wort (Hk. 
4/44, adpd). 1916 Tylophora asthma- 

Small-leathery Elliptic-acute-leaved Priv- 
et (Hk. 3/616, adpd). 1794-a. Ligus- 
trum Decaisnei (typica). 

Small-leathery Elliptic-acnte-leaved Non- 
lenticellate-branched Privet (Hk. 3/615, 
adpd). 1793 Ligustrum Perrottetii, 

4/225, Hk. 1/84, 

(Penni- | 

| Small-leathery 


Small-leathery Hlliptic-acute leaved Red- 
spotted-yellow Corkscrew Dog-bane of 
China (Nic. 3/520, adpd). 1848 Stroph- 
anthus divergens. 

Small-leathery Elliptic-ovate-to-oblong- 
acute or obtuse-leaved Calycine Croton 
(Hk. 5/403, adpd). 2653 Dimorphocalyx 

Small-leathery Elliptic-subsessile-obtuse- 
leaved Single-flowered Sweet-leaf (Hk. 
3/587, adpd). 1748 Symplocos pendula. 

Small-leathery-glaucous-backed (Triple- 
nerved-subverticillate-opposite) Round- 
oblong-obtuse-leaved Ray-Laurel (Hk. 
5/153, adpd). 2456 Actinodaphne 

Small-leathery-hard Broad-elliptic-oblong- 
entire - or - repand - obtuse - or -retuse 
leaved Child’s Amulet shrub (Hk. 5/337, 
adpd). 2598 Hemicyclia sepiaria. 

Small - leathery - hirsute- backed - scabrid 
Elliptic-lance-acuminate-leaved Chay- 
root shrub (Hk. 3/55, adpd): 1476 
Hedyotis hirsutissima. 

Small-leathery - hoary - glabrate - backed 
ovate - heart - or-elliptic - acute-leaved 
Cork Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/63, adpd). 
1929 Leptadenia reticulata. 

Small-leathery lance-acuminate-leaved 
Square-branched Chay-root shrub (Hk. 
3/49, adpd). 1467 Hedyotis fruticosa. 

Small-leathery lance-acute-leaved Privet 
(Hk. 3/616, adpd). 1794-b. Ligustrom 
Decaisnei (microphylla). 

Small-leathery lance-subentire-cuneate- 
acuminate leaved Sweetleaf (Hk. 3/581, 
adpd). 1732 Symplocos monantha. 

Small-leathery obleng-cuneate-acute- 
leaved Sweetleaf (Hk, 3/574, adpd). 
1726 Symplocos oligandra. 

Small-leathery oblong-elliptic-sub-entire- 
cuspidate leaved _—_ Berried Spindle 
Climber (Hk, 1/626, adpd). 551 Salacia 

Small-leathery oblong-serrate-cuspidate- 
leaved Berried Spindle Tree (Hk, 1/626, 
adpd). 550 Salacia prinoides. 

leaved Resin-tipped Cape Jasmine (Hk. 
3/116, adpd). 1505 Gardenia gummifera. 

Small-leathery obovate-cuneate-obtuse- 
leaved Goat’s-horn Mangrove (Hk. 
3/533, adpd). 1675 Aigiceras majas. 

Small-leathery obovate-elliptic-sub-entire 
obtuse-leaved Sweetleaf (Hk. 3/583, 
adpd). 1746 Symplocos obtusa. 

Small-leathery obovate-oblong-sub-entire- 
obtuse-leaved Single-flowered Sweetleaf 
(Hk. 3/587, adpd). 1749 Symplocos 
sessilis. : 

Small - leathery obovate - obtuse - leayed 
Resin-tipped Cupbearer ‘ree of Salt 
Swamps (Hk. 3/125, adpd). 1516 
Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, 


Small-leathery obovate-obtuse-or-acute- 
leaved Spinous Cape Jasmine (Hk. 
3/118, sdpd). 1507-a. Gardenia turgida 
( ty pica). 

Small-leathery obovate-subobtuse-leaved 
Privet (Hk. 3/615, adpd). 1742-b. 
Ligustrum neilgberrensis (obovata). 

Small-leathery ovate-acute-leaved Chay- 
root shrub (Hk. 3/51, adpd). 1469 
Hedyotis stylosa. 

Small-leathery ovate-elliptic-or-oblong- 
acute-or-acuminate-leayed Offal shrub 
(Hk. 3/190, adpd). 1585 Lasianthus 

Smail-leathery ovate-elliptic-sub-entire- 
subobtuse-leaved Berried Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/627,adpd). 552 Salacia 

Small-leathery ovate-obtuse-or-cuspidate 
leaved Chay-root shrub (Hk. 3/50, 
adpd). 1468 Hedyotis purpurascens. 

Small!-leathery-red-shaggy-glabrate ellip- 
(Hk. 8/581, adpd). 1734 Symplocos 

Small-leathery-rigid Elliptic-obtuse-acute 
or-apiculate-leayed Ipecacuanha-S wal- 
low-wort (Hk. 3/41, adpd), 1910 Tylo- 
phora capparidifolia. 

Small-leathery Round-elliptic-obovate 
obtuse-leaved Sarsaparilla Swallowwort 
(Hk. 4/11, adpd). 1874 Decalepis 

Small-leathery Round-vvate-acute-leaved 
Privet (Hk. 3/615, adpd). 1792-a. 
Ligustrum neilgherrensis (typica). 

Sweetleaf | 

Small-leathery-rusty - pilose backed-glab- | 

rate ovate-lance-crenate-acute-leaved 
Wind-berry Climber (Hk. 3/517, adpd). 
1665 Embelia Gardneriana, 

Small-leathery-sessileHlliptic-wavy-acute- | 

leayed Chay-root shrub (Hk. 3/51, 
adpd). 1472 Hedyotis swertioldes. 

Small-leathery-sessile Recurved-margined 
lunce-subacute-leaved Chay-root shrub 
(Hk. 3/51, adpd). 1470 MHedyotis 

Small-leathery-shining Elliptic-acute- 
leaved Offal shrub (Hk. 3/186, adpd). 
1582 Lasianthos parvifolius. 

Small-leathery-shining Elliptic-oblong- 
cuneate-obtuse - to - acuminate - leaved 
Child’s Amulet Tree (Hk. 5/339, adpd). 
2601 Hemicyclia venusta. 

Smal]-leathery-shining (Penninerved) 
obovate-o blong-obtuse -or -acute - leaved 
Axil-spined Mulberry (Hk. 5/491, adpd). 
2719 Plecosperm2m spinosum. 

Small-leathery-shining ovate-acute leaved 
Cherry Nutmeg (Hk. 1/64, adpd). 45 
Polyalthia Korinti. 

sSmall-leathery-to-fleshy ovate-oblong-or- 
Heart - acute-or- acuminate - leaved 


Ipecacuanha Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/44, 
adpd). 1915 Tylophora Dalzelli. — 
Small - leathery- triple - nerved lance- 
caudate-leaved Berried Box (Hk, 5/267, 
adpd). 2544 Sarcococca praniformis. 
Snall-leathery-whitish-backed __ Elliptic- 
oblong-obtuse leaved Erect-druped 
Mango (Hk. 2/40, adpd). 681-b. Notho- 
pegia Colebrookiana (Heyneana). 
Small - leathery - woolly - backed - downy 
cuneate-obovate-heart-leaved Sarsapa- 
rilla Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/9, adpd). 18738 
Streptocaulon Kleinii. 
Small-leaved and berried Coffee (Trop. 
Agr., XX/11). 1548-a. Coffea arabica 

Small (Glaucous-backed) leaved Banana 
(Cooke. 2/741, adpd). 3037 Musa 

Smal! leaved Black Plum of Travancore 
(McL. 379, adpd), 1269 Eugenia micro- 
phy Ua. 

Small-ieaved Chaw-stick (Hk. 1/643, 
adpd). 577 Gouania microcarpa. 

Small leaved Ebony (McL. 366, adpd). 
1710 Diospyros microphylla. 

Small leaved Evening Mallow (Hk. 1/3828, 
adpd). 226 Abutilon fruticosum. 

Small (Forest) leaved Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2559 Phyllanthus poly- 

Small (Grove) leaved Featherfoil (McL. 

587, adpd). 2561 Phyllanthus nemor- 

Small (River) lJeaved Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2560 Phyllanthus Lawii. 

Smal] (Elliptic acuminate) leaved Gam- 
boge (Bdn. in Bo. N.H.S., dated 7-12-98, 

adpd). 176 Garcinia Imberti. 
Small (Linear-oblong obtuse) leaved 
Gamboge (Hk. 1/268, adpd). 177 Gar- 

cinia travancorica. 

Small (Litoral) leaved Glory Tree (S. 101, 
adpd). 2315 Clerodendron inerme. 

Small leaved Golden Blossomed Pear Tree 
(Nic. 2/466, adpd). 486 Ochna Wight- 

Small leaved Indian Olive (Mech. 394, 
adpd). 1789 Olea polygama. 

Smali leaved Scarlet and Deep-red 
Fuchsia (Nic. 2/33). 1327 Fuchsia 

Small (Common) leaved Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/521, adpd). 1285 Osbeckia 

Small (Red-hairy) leaved Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/520, adpd). 1285 Osbeckia 

Small (Rough) leaved Spider Flower shrub 
(Hk. 2/519, adpd). 1280 Osbeckia 

Small leaved Twin-prickled Rose (Hk. 
2/364) (Nic. 3/319). 1096 Rosa micro- 

p hylla. 



Small (Scabrid) leaved Yellow Fig (McL. 
73,adpd). 2749 Ficus asperrima. 

Small Lemon (McL. 484). 413 Citrus 
medica-acida (?), 

Small-linear-acute Multifoliate-distichous 
Pseudobulb Erect Orchid (Hk. 5/718, 
W.A.I, adpd). 

Small-linear-acute Unifoliate Psendobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 6/86, W.A.I, adpd). 2980 
(bts.) Thelasis pyzmaa. 

Small-linear-lanceolate -acuminate Multi- 
foliate Joint-stemmed Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/720, W.A.I, adpd). 2911 
Dendrobium herbaceum. 

Sma]l-linear-lanceolate-acuminate Quadri- 
foliate-(sometimes-3) Psendobulb Orchid 
(Hk. 5/705, adpd). 2902 Liparis resupi- 

Small-linear-lanceolate-acute Multifoliate- 
distichous Pseudobulb Erect Orchid 
(Hk. 5/740, adpd). 2918 Dendrobium 

Small-linear-lanceolate-acute Unifoliate 
Psendobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/701, adpd). 
2899 Liparis pusilla. 

Small-linear-oblong-acute Bifoliate Pseu- 
dubulb Orchid (Hk. 5/716, W.A.1, adpd). 
2905 Dendrobium microbulbon, 

Sinall-linear-oblong Unifoliate Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/778, adpd). 2927 Cirrho- 
petalum Gamblei. 

Small-linear-oblong Unifoliate Pseudo- 
bulb Orchid (Hk. 5/778, adpd). 2928 
Cirrhopetalum Thomsoni. 

Small - linear- to -oblanceolate - apiculate 
Bifoliate Psendobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/789, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2934 Eria Dalzellii, 

Small-lineolate Five-(5-6 prs)-ner ved 
ovate-serrulate-cuspidate-leaved Cone- 
head (Hk. 4/484, adpd), 2179 Strobi- 
lanthes foilosus. 

SmalJ-lireolate Seven-(7—prs)-nerved 
Ovate-serrulate-cuspidate-leaved Cone- 
head (Hk. 4/439, adpd). 2192 Strobi- 
lanthes Zenkerianus, 

Small - membranous - downy - midribbed- 
backed broad-elliptic cuspidate leaved 
Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/14, 
adpd). 1876 Toxocarpus Roxbarghii. 


2908 Dendrobium gram- 

leaved Kokra Laurel (Hk. 5/349, adpd). | 

2609 Aporosa acuminata. 

Small-membranous Elliptic-rhombic- 
obtuse-or-cuspidate leaved Calycine 
Croton (Hk. 5/402,adpd). 2649 Blachia 

Small-membranous Heart-acute-o1-acu- 
minate-leaved Ipecacuanha Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/32, adpd). 1899 Gymnema 

Small-membranous Narrow-elliptic-lance 
Claw flowered Laurel (Hk. 1/498, adpd). 


388-c. Acronychia laurifolia (micro- 

Small-membranous  oblique-ovate-acute- 
leaved Featherfoil (Hk. 5/304, adpd). 
2569 Phyllanthus distichus., 

Small-membranous ovate-oblong-crenate- 
acute-or-cuspidate leaved Jujube (Hk. 
1/635, adpd). 566 Zizyphus incurva. 

Small-membranous Ovate-serrate-cuspid- 
ate leaved ‘Trinity-podded Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/625, adpd). 549 Hippo- 
cratea indica. 

ovate-wavy-cuspidate leaved Wind- 
berry (Hk. 3/515, adpd). 1663 Embelia 

Small-membranous-subhyaline _—_ Elliptic- 
acute-leaved Flexous-branched Feather- 
foil (Hk. 5/287, adpd). 2556 Phyllan- 
thus suberosus. 

Small-membranous -tawny-hispid-glabrate 
ovate-oblong-lance - subcrenate - obtuse 
leaved Copper-Leaf (Hk. 5/418, adpd), 
2658 Claxylon Wightii. 

Small-membranous-woolly-backed _lance- 
acuminate-leaved Bell-flowered Nutmeg 
(Hk. 1/68, adpd). 49 Popowia Beddo- 

Small Moon plant (McL. 842). 
Rauwolfia serpentina. 

Small - narrow - obovate - to - lance-leaved 
Pink-or-white Australian Kose (Bth. 
1/333, adpd). 377 Eriostemon myopor- 

Small Nelly (Mci&. 105, 585). 
Phyllanthus distichus. 
Smal] Nirvala (McL. 580). 

religiosa (Roxburghii), 

Small oblanceolate trifoliate Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 800 Desmodium 

Small oblong-acuminate-leaved Spinous 
Honey-thorn (Bed. 1/1346, adpd). 
1526 Canthium angustifolium. 

Small oblong-acuminate-leaved Winged- 



101-b. Cratzeva 

stemmed . Yellow-flowered Panicled 
Ginger (Hk. 6/206,adpd). 2987 Globba 

| Small oblong-candate-leaved Green flower- 

ed Panicled Ginger (Hk. 6/206, adpd). 
2988 Globba canarensis. 

Small-oblong-elliptic-leaved Small -pulpy- 
druped Deccany Olive Wood (Hk. 1/623, 

adpd). 544-b. Hlzodendron glaucum 

Small oblong-heart-acute-leaved Bell 
Bindweed (Nic. 2/206, adpd). 2054 

Jacquemontia czrulea. 

Small oblong-heart-subrepand-acuminate- 
leaved Beli Bindweed (Nic. 2/206, adpd). 
2055 Jacquemontia violacea, 


Small-oblong-lance-cuspidate leaved Half- 
star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/87, adpd). 
63 Miliusa Wightiana. 

Small-ovate-lanceolate-acuminate Bifoli- 
ate Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/695, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2893 Liparis Wighi- 

Small-oblong-lanceolate - caducous Multi- 
foliate-distichous Pseudobulb Erect 

Orchid (Hk. 6/719, W.A.I, adpd). 
2909 Dendrobium chlorops. 
Small-ovate-oricbular-acute Bifoliate 

Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/698, adpd). 
2896 Liparis Walkeriz. 

Small-oblong Unifoliate Larger-bulbed 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/779, adpd). 
2929 Cirrhopetalum acntiflorum. 

Small obovate Feather-nerved Sebesten 
(McL. 808, adpd). 1974 Cordia Perrot- 

Small obovate leaved Wild Tea(Hk. 1/280, 
adpd). 188 Ternstroemia japonica. 

Small obovate - oblong - cuspidate - leaved 
Cornel (Hk. 2/746, adpd). 1422 Mas- 
tixia arborea. 

leaved Holly-flowered Spindle Tree 
(Hk. 1/618, adpd). 525 Microtropis 

Small oval-eacute-leaved Crape Myrtle 
(Hk. 2/575, adpd). 1315 Largerstrce- 
mia indica. 

Small oval-obtuse leaved Holly-flowered 
Spindle Tree (Bed. 1/65, adpd). 526 
Microtropis densiflora. 

Small ovate-acute leaved Holly-flowered 
Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/613, adpd). 528 
Microtropis ovalifolia. 

Small-ovate-elliptic - notch-tipped - leaved 
Fascicle-flowered Wild Lime (Hk. 1/512, 
adpd). 404 Atalantia monophylla. 

Small ovate-lance-acute-leaved Indian 
Burr (Hk. 4/725, adpd). 2372 Psilotri- 
chum nudum. 

Small (Downy) ovate leaved Glory Tree 
(S. 101, adpd). 2316 Clerodendron 

Small ovate-oblong-minutely-toothed-sub~ 
obtuse-leaved §Whortle-berry (Hk. 
3/445, adpd). 1639-a. Vaccinium Les- 
chenaultii (arborea). 

Small ovate-to-oblong-lance-acuminate- 
leaved Square-brancked Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/576, adpd). 490 Olax acuminata. 

Small-papery Broad-elliptie-serrulate 
obtuse-leaved Sweetleaf (Hk. 3/581, 
adpd), 1733 Symplocos anamallayana. 

Smali-papery-downy-backed oblong-ellip- 
tic - to - obovate - retuse - to - apiculate- 
Jeaved Sarsparilla Swallow-wort (Hk. 
4/5, adpd). 1866-b. Hemidesmnus indi- 
cus (pubescens). 

Small papery - downy - glabrate elliptic- 
oblong-obtuse-or-acute-leaved Feather- 

obovate-or-broad-elliptic-retuse | 


foil (Hk. 5/238, adpd). 2557 Phyllan- 
thus reticulatus. 

Small - papery - downy - glabrate Elliptic- 
obovate - acute -leaved [pecacuanha 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/29, adpd). 1895 
Gymnema sylvestre. 

Small-papery __ eiliptic-obovate-acute-or- 
acuminate-leaved Climbing Bastard 
Ipecacuanha (Hk. 3/165, adpd). 1565 
Psychotria sarmentosa. 

Small-papery Elliptic-obtuse-leaved Cork- 
screw Dog-bane (Hk. 3/656, adpd). 
1847 Strophanthus Wightianus. 

Small-papery (Pennjnerved-subverticil- 
late-(4-8)-alternate) elliptic-obtuse- 
leaved Ray-Laurel (Hk. 5/148, adpd). 
2449 Actinodaphne campanulata, 

Small-papery-glabrateovate - heart - acu- 
minate-leaved Ring-coronet Swallow- 
wort (Hk, 4/238, adpd). 1889 Cynanchum 

Small-papery-glaucous-backed __ Elliptic- 
oblong-acute-leaved Featherfoil (Hk. 
5/301, adpd). 2565 Phyllanthus macro- 

Small-papery-glaucous-backed cblong-api- 
culate-leaved Cork-screw Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/5, adpd). 1869 Cryptolepis 

Smail-papery-indistinctly-nerved Elliptic- 
lance-caudate Unifoliate Climbing Lime 
(Hk. 1/511, adpd). 403 Paramignya 

Small-papery lance-acuminate-leayed 
Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/14, 
adpd). 1877-b. Toxocarpus Kleinii 

Small - papery - linear - lance - to - linear- 
acuminate-leaved Sarsparilla Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/5, adpd). 1866-c. Hemi- 
desmus indicus (angustifolia), 

Small-papery-netted-backed (Simple- 
triplinerved-alternate) Linear-oblong- 
or-lance-cuspidate-leaved Yam (Hk. 
6/291, adpd). 38061 Dioscorea spicata. 

Small-papery  oblong-acuminate-leaved 
Offal shrub (Hk. 3/191, adpd). 1587 
Lasianthus dichotomns. 

Small-papery oblong-elliptic-to-obovate- 
retuse-to-apiculate-leaved Sarasparilla 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/5,adpd). 1866-a. 
Hemidesmus indicus (typica). 

Small-papery oblong-lance-acute-leaved 
Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/15, 
adpd). 1879 Toxocarpus eriocarpus. 

Small - papery - oblong-obovate - round-or- 
obovate-obtuse-leaved Straight-spined 
Bengal-currant (Hk. 3/630, adpd). 
1806 Carrissa Carandas. 

Small-papery - obovate- obtuse-or - retuse- 
leaved Sword Bean (Hk, 2/196, adpd). 
831 Canavalia obtusifolia, 


Small-papery-obovate - to-elliptic - oblong 
wavy-cuspidate-leaved Corkscrew Dog- 
bane (Hk. 3/655, adpd). 1846 Stroph- 
anthns Wallichii. 

Small-papery ovate-lance-or-Heart-acu- 
minate-leaved Ipecacuanha Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/41, adpd). 1911 Tylophora 

Small-papery ovate-obtuse-leaved Chowlee 
Bean Climber (Hk. 2/206, adpd). 836 
Vigna Wichtii. 

Small-papery-rusty-downy-backed Round- 
ish-ovate - or-obovate - cuspidate-leaved 
Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk.’ 4191, 
adpd). 1877-a. Toxocarpus  Kleinii 
(ty pica). 

Small-papery -silky - backed - glubrate 
linear - to - lance - and - oblance - acute- 
leaved Spurge Laurel (Hk. 5/197, adpd). 
2492 Lasiosiphon eriocephalus. 

Small Passion Flower (Br. 87). 
Passiflora suberosa. 

Small Paulay (McL, 665). 
jiva Roxburghii. 


2597 Putran- 

Small Physic Nut (McL. 55). 2624 
Jatropha multifida. 
Small-pinkish-white-flowered (Minute- 

harsh oblong-elliptic-leaved) Bindweed 
shrub (Hk. 4/224, adpd). 2062 Brew- 
eria evolvuloides. 

Small podded Capsicum (McL. 170). 
2094 (bis.) Capsicum minimum. 

Small Poon (McbL. 473, 684, 705). 183 
Calophyllum Wightianum. 

Smallpox (Tree of Mari, Goddess of) (Cat. 
41). 315 Grewia orbiculata. 

Small-puberulous-glabrate elliptic-repand- 
toothed-acrate-leaved Twining Bear’s 
breechi(Hk. 4/478, adpd). 2221 Bleph- 
aris boerhaaviefolia, 

Small-puberulous ovate-or-narrow-oblong 
entire-or-toothed-acuminate Net-bract- 
ed Nail-Dyoe (Hk. 4/416). 2170 Petalid- 
inm barlerioides. 

Small-pulpy-druped (Small-oblong-ellip- 
tic-leaved) Deccany Olive Wood (Hk. 
1/623, adpd), 544b. Elzodendron 
glaucum (vanarensis). 

Small Purple Rose Mallow (McL. 83, 
corr), 237 Hibiscus hirtus, 

Small-red - punctate - backed obovate- 
retuse-Jeaved Wing-seeded Spindle Tree 
(Hk. 1/616, appd). 530 Kokoona 

Small - rigid -scabrid Elliptic - crenate- 
serrate - subobtuse - leaved Square - 
branched Conehead (Hk. 4/434, adpd). 
2180 Strobilanthes Kunthianus. 

‘Small-rigid-scrabid (Penninerved) ovate- 
to-oboyate-rhomboid - serrate-cuspidate- 
leaved Sandpaper Mulberry (Hk, 5/489, 
adpd). 2717 Streblus asper. 


Small - rounded - based Papery - leaved 
Mitre-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/90, adpd), 
71 Orophea zeylanica. 

Small-rusty-villons Elliptic-obtuse-leaved 
Button Tree (Hk. 2/450, adpd). 1154-b. 
Anogeissus latifolia (villosa). 

Small-scabrid-glabrate ovate - rhomboid- 
elliptic - acuminate - leayed Panicled 
Christmas Pride (Hk. 4/427, adpd). 
2174 Stenosiphonium diandrum., 

Small-scabrid (Triple-nerved-opposite- 
and-(3)-whorled) Lance-leaved Harm- 
less Nettle (Hk. 5/584, adpd). 2774 
Pouzolzia Wightii (Wallichiana). 

Small-scabrous Seven - (7-prs.) - nerved 
Elliptic serrate-acuminate-leaved Cone- 
head (Hk. 4/444, adpd). 2201-d. 
Strobilanthes Heyneanus (viridis). 

Small-scabrous-hispid Six-(6-prs)-nerved 
Ovate - callous - dentate - acute -leaved 

Conehead (Hk, 4/445, adpd). 2204 
Strobilanthes papillosus, 
Small - scurfy - stipuled Dipterocarp 

Dammer (Hk. 1/301, 302, adpd, McL. 
258, 259). Ixxxi. Vatica (genus). 

Small Sebesten (McL. 473, 803, 990). 
1968 Cordia Myxa. 

Small-shagey-backed-bristly ovate-entire- 
acute-leaved Star-vervein Climber (Hk. 
4/603, adpd), 2333-a. Congea tomen- 
tosa (typica). 

Small-shaggy-backed-midribbed  Jance- 
dentate-acute-leaved Sweetleaf (Bs/T/ 
437, adpd). 1731 Symplocos villosa. 

Small - shining-Leathery-leaved Mitre- 
flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/77, adpd). 55 
Mitrephora Heyneana. 

Small Silky Elliptic leaved Silverweed 
(Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2006 Argyreia 

Small-silky-glabrate-fleshy elliptic-obtuse- 
leaved Fan-Flower (Hk. 3/421, adpd). 
1633 Sczvola Lobelia. 

Small - silky - glabrate oblong-cuspidate- 
leaved Panicled Myrtle (Hk. 2/470, 
adpd). 1226 Decaspermum panicu- 

Small- sparsely- red- gland - backed- scab- 
rous-hairy Six-(6-prs)-nerved ovyate- 
subentire acuminate-leaved Conehead 
(Hk, 4/441, adpd). 2199 Strobilanthes 
anceps (microstachys). 

Small-stipuled Dipterocarp 
(Hk. 1/308, Mcb. 258, 
lxxxiii Hopea (genus). 

Small stipnled Downy Rachis-glandular 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 953 Cassia 

Small-strigose-backed-lance leaved Half- 
star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/86, adpda). 
62-B. Miluisa indica (strigosa). 

259, adpd). 




Needle-wood (Bth. 5/572, adpd). 
Hakea saligna. 

Small subfascicled ovate-cuspidate-leaved 
Honey-thorn (Hk. 3/184, adpd). 1524 
Canthium travancoricum. 

Small-stbglabrous  Elliptic-serrate-sub- 
obtuse-leaved Deep-blue-flowered Bas- 
tard Vervein (Hk. 4/564, adpd). 2284 
Stachytarpheta indica. 

Small-sobglabrous-sessile Five-(5—fi- prs)- 
neryed Elliptic-denticulate-acuminate- 
leaved Athwart-warted-squsrish-branch- 
ed Conehead (Hk. 4/474, adpd). 
2218 Strobilanthes sexennis. 

Small-subglanucous-backed lance-subacute- 
leaved Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk. 
4/18, adpd). 1875 Secamone emetica, 

Small-subglaucous - oblong - acute -Jeaved 

Crape Myrtle (Hk. 2/575, adpd). 
1316-a. Lagerstreemia parviflora 

Small-snbsessile (Penninerved) subtrape- 
zoid-apically -serrate - acuminate-leaved 

Spinous Mulberry (Hk. 5/488, adpd). 
2716 Phyllochlamys spinosa. 
Small Tadda (McL. 868, 993). 313 

Grewia excelsa, 
Small Tallow Laurel (McL. 500, adpd), 
2460 Litsza Jigustrina. 
Small-tawny-downy oblique-ovate-lance- 
cordate-acute leaved Jujube (Hk, 1/634, 
adpd). 564 Zizyphus Ginoplia. 
Small-tawny-velvetty-backed lance-acute- 
leaved Crape Myrtle (Uk. 2/576, adpd). 
1318 Lagerstrcemia Rottleri. 
Small-thick-glaucous-(young) (Irregular- 
(often-indistinct) + nerved) _EJliptic- 
ovate-lance-to- lance - cuneate-obtuse-to- 
acute-leaved Smooth-barked Enucalypt 
(Bth. 3/246, adpd). 1198 Eucalyptus 
Small-thick-hirsute-backed-warty Seven 
(7-8)-nerved ovate-crenate-acute-leaved 
Conehead (Hk. 4/488, adpd). 2189 
Strobilanthes pulneyensis. 
Small-thick-(Irregular - (often-indistinct)- 
nerved) ovate-to-lance-obtuse-leaved 
patches-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/235, 

adpd). 1205 Eucalyptus incrassata 
Smali-thick-rugose-shaggy Seven-(7-8- 

prs)-nerved ovate-subentire-nbtuse- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/4388, acpd). 
2188 Strobilanthes Wightianus. 

Small-thick-shiny (Irregular-(often-indis- 
tinct)-nerved Linear-lance-or-falcate- 
obtuse-or-acuminate-leaved Stringy- 
barked Hucalypt (Bth. 3/217, adpd). 
1201 Eucalyptus stricta. 

Small-to - long - heteromorphous - subglau- 

cous (Parallel - subtransverse -nerved) | 


Ovate-to-long-lance -obtuse - to-acumin- 
ate-leaved White-smooth-(branched)- 
to-dark-rugged-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/224, adpd). 1169 Eucalyptus brachy- 

Small-to-medium-glabrous Elliptic-obtuse 
leaved Button Tree (Hk. 2/450, adpd). 
1154-a. Anogeissus latifolia (glabra). 

Small - to - medium - glaucous - backed- 
leathery oblong-obtuse-leaved Brazilian 
Nutmeg (Hk. 5/120, adpd). 2427 
Cryptocarya Stocksii. 

Small-to-medium-hirsute-glabrate ovate- 
cuspidate-leaved Spinous Honeytborn 
(Hk. 3/184, adpd). 1525 Canthium 
Rheedii. , 

SmalJl-to - medium - leathery - ampJexicaul 
Oval-obtuse-leaved Jungle Geranium 
(Rox. 1/377, adpd). 1538-b. Ixora 
coccinea (Bandhuca). 

ous Elliptic-lance-to-obovate-oblong- 
entire-or-subserrate-obtuse - to-acumin- 
ate-leaved Cluster Croton (Hk. 5/454, 
adpd). 2695 Gelonium lauceolatum. 

Smalj-to-medium-leathery-stalked oboy- 
ate - cuneate - obtuse - leaved Jungle 
Geranium (Hk. 3/146, adpd). 1539-b. 
Txora stricta (Blumeiana), 

Small - to - medium - leathery - subsessile - 
oblong-acute-leaved Jongle Geranium 
(Rox. 1/876, adpd), 1538-a. Ixora 
coccinea (typica). 

Small-to-medium-leathery-subsessile oboy- 
ate - cuneate - obtuse -leaved Jungle 
Geranium (Hk. 3/146, adpd). 1539-a. 
Ixora stricta (Roxburghiana). 

Small - to - medium - leathery - subsessile 
ovate-elliptic-obtuse-leaved Cotton Rose 
(Hk. 3/276, adpd). 1609 Blepharisper- 
mum subsessile. 

Small - to - medium ~- membranous - hispid 
Heart-serrate-cuspidate-leaved Climb- 
ing Nettle Mercury (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 
2697-b. Tragia involucrata (cordata). 

Small - to - medium - membranous - hispid 
Narrow-linear-lanuce-heart-leaved Climb- 
ing Nettle Mercury (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 
2697-c, ‘Iragia involucrata (angusti- 

Small-to-medium membranous - hispid- 
ovate-to-lance-toothed-acuminat e-leaved 
Climbing Nettle Mercury (Hk. 5/465, 
adpd). 2697-a. Tragia involucrata 

Small-to-medinm-membranous-hispid Pal- 
mately-(8)- partite - narrow-toothed-or- 
pinnatifid-lobed-leaved Climbing Nettle 
Mercury (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 2697-d. 
Tragia Involucrata (cannabina). 

Small-to - medium - membranous - shaggy 
Heart-serrate-acuminate-leaved Climb- 
ing Nettle Mereury (Hk. 5/465, adpd). 
2698 Tragia bicolor. 

eve ap ee ae. 

c=) ae 


Smaill-to-medium-papery _ elliptic-ovate- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved Curved- 
spined Bengal-currant (Hk. 3/631, 
adpd). 1809 Carissa macrophylla. 

Small-(young)-to-medium-(old) = (Anas- 
tomosing-subtransverse-nerved) Round- 
ish-to-ovate-lance-obtuse-leaved Ashy- 
grey-furrowed-rough- persisteut-barked 
Eucalypt (Bth. 3/213, adpd). 1181 
Eucalyptus poiyanthemos. 

Small-to-medium - subpalmately - (10-80)- 
perved oblong-obtuse-mucronate-leaved 

Hare’s-ear (Hk. 2/674, adpd). 13885 
Bupleurum plantaginifolium. 
Small-to-medium-white-blotched (Pal- 

mati-(5-9)-nerved) ovate - deltoid-or- 
lance - heart - or - hastate-leaved Sasrs- 
parilla (Hk, 6/306, adpd). 3077 Smilax 

Small - to- medium - woolly - scabrescent 
lance-serrate-acute -leaved Ironweed 
(Hk, 3/234, adpd). 1596 Vernonia 

Small Tsiela (McL. 711, 932, 1000). 2733 
Ficus Benjamina. 

Small-velvetty-backed elliptic-lance serru- 
late-acuminate-leaved Woolly-branched 
Tronweed (Hk. 3/240, adpd). 1594 
Vernonia malabarica. 

Small - velvetty - backed -trilobed ovate- 
obiong-serrate -lobed-leaved Climbing 
Mercury (Hk. 5/467, adpd), 2700 Dale- 
champia velutina. 

Small-velvetty - subsessile ovate-elliptic- 
acute-leaved Indian Burr (Hk. 4/725, 
adpd). 2373-b. Psilotrichum calceol- 
atum (tomeutosa). 

Small-velvetty-subsessile-thick obovate 
oblong-subentire-obtuse-leaved Bastard 
Lavender (Hk. 4/628, adpd). 2241 
Anisochilus dysophy loides. 

Small - very - cbliquely - ovate - orbicular 
Quadrifoliate - (sometimes-3) Pseudo- 
bulb Orchid (Hk. 5/688, W.A.I, adpd). 
2897 Liparis atropurpurea. 

Small White-flowered Ring - coronet 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/8, adpd). dexxvii. 
Cynanchum (genus). 

Small-white-velvetty-backed obovate-or- 
elliptic-obtuse-leaved Trinerved Myrtle 
(Hk. 2/469, adpd). 1225 Rhodomyrtus 

Small Wild Aumanac (McL. 55, 1000). 
2624 Jatropha multifida. 

Small-winged-petioled cuneate - obovate- 
obtuse leaved Trifoliate Neem (Hk. 
1/542, adpd). 450 Naregamia alata. 

Small - woolly - backed - glabrate ovate- 
lance-acute-leaved Spinous Backthorn 
(Hk. 1/641, adpd). 574 Sageretia oppos- 

SmaJl-w oolly-backed-hoary-sessile linear- 
auricled-acuminate-leaved Pearly Ever- 


lasting (Hk. 3/285, adpd). 
alis aristata, 

Small Woolly-backed-lance-leaved Half- 
star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk, 1/86, adpd). 
62-a, Milinsa indica (tomentosa), 

1610 Anaph- 

| Small - woolly -glandular-sessile Broad- 

bovate-coarse-toothed - auricled-acute- 
or-obtuse-leaved Indian Groundsel (Hk, 
8/272, adpd). 1607 Pluchea indica. 
Small-wooliy ovate-lance-entire-subacute- 
leaved Bastard Lavender (Hk. 4/628, 

adpd). 2342 Anisochilus suffruticosus. 
Small Yam (Rid. 280). 38069 Dioscorea 

Smaller -and-twin (Angular - stemmed) 
flowered Mussell-shell Creeper (Hk. 
2/208, adpd). 889 Clitoria biflora. 

Smaller Australian Long-leaved Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Te, 
Codizum variegatum (Washingtonii). 

Smaller (Thick leaved) Chinese Laurel 
(McL. 474,594, acpd). 2615 Antidesma 

Smaller (Thin leaved) Chinese Laurel 
(McL. 474, 594,adpd). 2616 Antidesma 

Smalier Disc-scabrid leaved Sebesten 
(Hk. 4/138, adpd). 1970 Cordia 

Smaller - flowered (Medium - leathery 
Lance - to - oblong - acuminate - leaved) 
Chinese Hawthorn (Hk. 2/380, adpd). 
1118 Photinia Notoniana. 

Sma!ler-flowered Cowslip Orchid (S. 445, 
Hk, 5/672, adpd). cmxxxvi. Saccolabi- 
um (genus). 

Smaller Indian Pellet shrub (McL, 670, 
adpd). 1543-d. Pavetta indica (minor), 

Smaller Indian Snake Root (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1480 Ophiorrhiza Harrisiana. 

Smaller Jaumoon (McbL. 764). 1231 
Kugenia Jambos. 

Smaller Leafless Vanilla Orchid (Hk. 
6/90, W.A.I, adpd). 2982 Vanilla 

Smaller-leafletted White Sirissa (Hk. 
2/299, adpd). 1047-b. Albizzia procera 

Smaller leaved Gooseberry fruited 
Featherfoil (McL. 928, adpd). 2558 

Phy Ilanthus Emblica. 

Smaller-leaved High-level Black Varnish 
(LF., xxx /3, Mar. 04). 676 Holigarna 

Smaller Malabar Melon Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). 2584 Glochidion malab- 

Smaller Morning Glory (McL. 408). 
Tpomeea hederacex. 

Smaller Multifoliate - distichous - lorate- 
coriaceous Stemless Orchid (Hk. 6/55, 
adpd). cmxxxvi. Saccolabium (genng- 
Platyrhizon section), 



Smaller Pink-tinted White Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Br. 71). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (albida-carneo- 
suffusa-minor). : 

Smaller Prickly podded Brasiletto climber 
(Hk. 2/254, adpd). 926 Czsalpinia 

Smaller Roxburgh’s Lily (Br. 208, adpd). 
3076 Stemona minor. 

Smaller Strap-leaved Stemless Orchid 
(Hk. 6/55, adpd). cmxxxvi. Saccola- 
bium (genus-Platyrhizon section). 

Smaller White-flowered Lance Wood 
(Bs/T/13, adpd). 75 Sageraea laurina. 

Smell (Goat) Pergola Plant (Hk. 3/651, 
adpd). 1840 Vallaris Pergulana. 

Smelling (Sweet) Camphire (McL. 5038). 
1314 Lawsonia alba. 

Smelling (Sweet) Hare-foot (McL. 628). 
798 Uraria lagopoides. 

Smelling (Strong) Tootty (McL. 914). 
223 Abutilon graveolens, 

Smilax (Greenhouse) (S. 39, 403). 3091 
Asparagus medeoloides. 

Smilax Asparagus (MAHS. 12). 3091 
Asparagus medeoloides. 

Smith’s Spruce Fir (Nic. 3/133). 2865 

Picea Morinda. 

Smith’s Tree Fern (S. 197). 
telia (genus). 

Smith’s (Pinnate-crisped-downy-costate) 

mlix. Hemi- 

Tree Fern (Nic. 5/421, adpd). 3367 
Hemitelia Brunoniana. 
Smoke Plant (S. 368). cclvyiii. Rhis 

Smooth-barked (Irregular = (often - indis- 

tinct) - nerved Small-thick - (glaucous- | 

young) elliptic - ovate - lance-to-lance- 
cuneate-obtuse-to-acute-leaved) Enuca- 
lypt (Bth. 3/246, adpd). 1198 Eucalyp- 
tus Gunnii. 

Smooth-barked (Parallel - subtransverse- 
nerved Medium -]emon-scented-gland- 
hairy oblong-lance-leaved Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/257, adpd). 1168 Eucalyptus 

Smooth Clerodendron (Br. 166). 
Clerodendyon inerme. 

Smooth Coorvitchy (McL, 222, 473, 998). 
1980 Ehretia levis. 

Smooth -deciduous-leaving -inner-spotted- 
and-variegated-barked (Anastomosing- 
oblique-nerved Medinm-thick oblique- 
lance-or-faleate-leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/217, adpd). 1191 Eucalyptus hema- 

Smooth - deciduous = on - branches-rough- 
rigid-stringy-barked (Irregular-(often- 
indistinct)-nerved Medium-thick Broad- 
ovate-to-narrow-lance - cuneate-leayed) 
EKucalypt (Bth. 3/243, adpd). 1197 
Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 



Smooth edged leaved Nilgiri Rattan (Hk- 
6/452, adpd). 3213 Calamus Huegel- 

Smooth Ehretia (Br. 146). 

Smooth-fruited (Wheel-flowered) Stink- 
ing Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/2, adpd). 
dexxiii. Pentatropis (genus). 

Smooth Horse Radish (McL, 518). 689 
Moringa pterygosperma. 

Smooth (Bushy) Jasmine (McbL. 284, 
adpd). 1764 Jasminum rigidum. 

Smooth (Globe-carpelled) Jasmine (McL. 
384, adpd). 1762 Jasminum Ritchiei. 

Smooth (Heart leaved) Jasmine (McL. 
384, adpd), 1757 Jasminum cordi- 

Smooth (Himalayan Heart leaved) Jas- 
mine (MchL. 384, adpd). 1758 Jasmin- 
um anastamosans. 

Smooth (Spindle leaved) Jasmine (McL. 
384, adpd). 1763 Jasminum Wignhtii. 

S$ mooth (Trichotomous flowering) Jasmine 
(McL. 384, adpd). 1765 Jasminum 

Smooth lance leaved Indian Linden (Hk. 
1/389, adpd). 321 Grewia levigata. 
Smooth leaved Cordia (McL. 803) (Br. 
145) (Rid. 118). 1968 Cordia Myxa. 
Smooth leaved Daemia (Br. 129, 269). 

1885 Deemia extensa, 

Smooth leaved Fish-bone Climber (Hk, 
1/31, adpd). 12 Tetracera levis. 

Smooth leaved Heart Pea (Hll.142). 6238 
cardiospermum Halicacabum, 

Smooth (Bushy) leaved Homecanthous 
Rose (Hk. 2/364) (Nic, 3/214) (Cag. 
598). 1103 Rosa indica. 

Smooth leaved Myxa (McL. 808). 
Cordia Myxa. 

Smooth leaved Pongamia (McL. 404) (Br. 
57). 899 Pongamia glabra. 

Smooth leaved Sophora (Br. 47). 913 
Sophora glauca. 

Smooth leaved Yellow Heteracanthons 
Rose (Nic. 3/314). 1097 Rosa Eglan- 

Smooth-persistent-or - deciduous-in-large- 
patches-barked (Irregular-(often-indis- 
tinct) -nerved Small - thick ovate - to- 
lance-obtuse-leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 
3/235, adpd). 1205 Eucalyptus incras- 
sata (angulosa). 

Smooth Poinciana (Br. 60). 
ciana elata. 

Smooth Rivina (Br. 183). 2384 Rivina 

Smooth-rough-fibrous - or - wrinkled - not- 
(according - to - age) - barked (Parallel- 
subtransverse-nerved Long-lance-and- 
falcate - acuminate - leaved) Eucalypt 
(Bth. 3/226, adpa). 1180 Eucalyptus 

1980 Ehretia 


940 Poin- 



Smooth Sideroxylon (Br. 114). 
Sideroxylon inerme. 

Smooth - silver - grey - long-stripshedding 
barked (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved 
Medium -to-long Lance acuminate - 
leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 8/245, adpd). 
1172 Eucalyptus saligna. 

Smooth Volkameria (McL. 783). 
Cierodendron inerme. 

Snake Banana (Cag. 206) (Cat. 322). 
3041 Musa paradisiaca. 

Snakebite (Poison Nut) Creeper (McL. 
515, adpd). 83 Tiliacora racemosa. 

Snake Charm (McL, 521). 998 Bauhinia 

Snake Climber (McL, 521). 

Snake Dog-bane (McL. 842, 
dixxxi. Rauwolfia (genus). 

Snake (Common) Dog-bane (McL. 842, 
adpd). 1811 Rauwolfia serpentina. 

Snake (Hoary) Dog-bane (Br. 123, adpd). 
1816 Rauwolfia canescens. 

Snake (Many flowered) Dog-bane (McL. 
842, adpd). 1812 Rauwolfia densifiora. 
Snake (Racemed) Dog-bane (McL. 842, 

adpd). 1815 Rauwoltia Beddomei. 



998 Bauhinia 

Snake (Small flowered) Dog-bane (McL. | 

842,adpd) 1814 Rauwolfia micrantha. 
Snake Eye (McL. 507). 1419 Ophior- 
rhiza Mungos. 

Snake fruit (Rid. 123,155). 2494 Ele- 
agnus Jatifolia, 
Snake-Hood Fig (Mch. 720). 1378 

Opuntia Dillenii. 

Snake Jasmine (McL. 384, 999). 
Rhinacantbus communis, 

Snake (Velvetty-ovate-leaved) Jasmive 
(Hk. 4/541, adpd), 2268-b. Rhinacan- 
thus communis (montana). 

Snake-like Mountain Ebony (McL. 472, 
521, 995). 998 Bauhinia anguina. 

Snake Milk Hedge (McL. 502). 
Opuntia (genus). 

Snake Mooshty (McL. 515). 83 Tiliacora 

Snake Root (McL. 509, adpd). cdxce, 
Ophiorrhiza (genus). 

Snake (Downy Large flowered) Root 
(McL. 597, adpd). 1483 Ophiorrhiza 

Snake (Indian) Root (McL. 507). 
Ophiorrbiza Mungos. 

Snake (Large flowered) Root (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1482 Ophiorrhiza grandiflora. 

Snake (Mongoose) Root (McL. 507, 996). 
1479 Ophiorrhiza Mungos. 

Snake (Round cymed) Root (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1481 Ophiorrhiza Brunonis. 
Snake (Scabrid leaved) Root (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1485 Ophiorrhiza hirsutula. 

Snake (Smaller Indian) Root (McL. 507, 
adpd). 1480 Ophiorrhiza Harrisiana, 





Snake (Woolly Large flowered) Root 
(McL. 507, adpd). 1484 Ophiorrhiza 

Snake Root Tree (McL. 669, 842, 997). 
1811 Rauwolfia serpentina. 

Snake (Red flowered) Wood (Mcl. 842). 
i811 Rauwolfia serpentina. 

Snake Wood Buck thorn (McL. 515, 842, 
adpd). cexxxii. Colabrina (genus), 

Snake (Common) Wood Buck-thorn 
(MeL. 575, 842, adpd). 575 Colubrina 

Snake (Rusty - downy - branched) Wood 
Buck-thorn (Hk. 1/648, adpd). 576 
Colubrina travancorica. 

Snake (Travancore) Wood Buck-thorn 
(McL. 515, 842, adpd). 576 Colubrina 

Snake Wood Plant (McL. 842). 
Ranwolfia serpentina. 

Snake Wood Tree (McL. 515, 842) (Ell: 
585). 1957 Strychnos colubrina. 

Snake Wood Tree (Gbl. 497). (? 1957} 
1962 Strychnos nux-yomica. 

Snake’s-tongue Fern Family (S. 403, adpd), 
CXXIX. Schizzacez (Order). 

Snake’s-tongue Fern (S. 4038), 
Lygodium japonicum. 

Snake’s (Climbing) tongue Fern (S. 102). 
mlxy. Lygodium (genus). 

Snake’s (Fringed) tongue Fern (Br. 248). 
3384-b. Lygodium scandens (micro- 

Snap-valved podded Sirissa (Pr. 1/451, 
adpd). ccclxix. Calliandra (genus). 
Snap-valved (Bifoliate) podded Sirissa 
(Hk. 2/306, adpd). ccclxxii. Inga 


Snapweed (Mcl. 504). 

Sneeze (South African) Wood (FAR, 27, 
28, NLGS) (I.F, xi/4). 633 Ptwroxylon 

Sneezing Silk Cotton (McL. 234, 663, 997, 



cxxxvi. Impatiens 

adpd). 1918 Dregea volubilis. 
Snowball Tree (McL. 566) (S. 499). 
edlxxiv. Viburnum (genus). 
Snowball (Mountair) Tree (McL. 566, 

adpd). 1425 Viburnum punctatum 

Snow Berry (Nic. 1/815) (Br. 102) (Cag. 
538). 1530 Chiococca racemosa, 

Snow (Indian) berry (Cag. 416, corr), 
2592 Flueggia leucopyrus. 

Snow (Small Indian) berry (Cag. 416, 
adpd). 2591 Flueggia microcarpa. 

Snow berry Featherfoil (Cag. 416, corr), 
decexvi. Flueggia (genus). 

Snow Creeper (Hk. 4/223) (Nic. 3/201) 
(Cag. 475) (Ru/N/56). 2059 Porana 

Snow Creeper (Gbl. 507). [2057 Sphalm]} 
2059 Porana racemosa. 


Snow (Japanese) Flower (8. 184). ccexe. 
Deutzia (genus). 

Snow (Scabrid ovate-lance-serrulate- 
acute-leaved Japanese) Flower (Nic. 
1/460, adpd), 1124 Deutzia scabra. 

€now -white - midribbed-and - secondary - 
veined (Pink margined) Deep-rich- 
green Climbing Arum (Nic. 3/97). 
3260 (bis.) Philodendron gloriosum, 

Snow-white (Wichuray’s) Rose of China 
and Japan (Nic. 5/646). 1093 Rosa 

Snow-white (Flamboyant leaved) Sirissa 
(Tro-agr. x/7,Jan. 91). 1043 Albizzia 

Soap Acacia (McL.-844) (Br. 60) (Pf. 
447). 1038 Acacia concinna. : 
Soap Bark Tree (McL. 798). 1039 Acacia 


Soap (Venezuela) Bark Tree (McL. 208). 
1055 Pithecolobium bigeminum. 

Soap Bark Tree of Chili (Nic. 3/266, 
(Muell. S.P). 1110 Quillaja saponaria. 

Soap Berry (MchL. 843). 684 Sapindus 

Soap (Downy leaved) Berry (McL. 843). 
634 Sapindas trifoliatus. 

Soap (Emarginated) Berry (McL. 843). 
634 Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Soap Nat (MeL. 231, 473, 757, 798, 843, 
994, adpd). cexlvii, Sapindus (genus). 

Soap Nut (Bed. 1/71, 2/154) (Bs/T/191) 
(Bs/S/123, NLGS) (Gbl. 196) (Bdn/F.T. 
L) (MeL. 231, 473, 757, 798, 843, 994) 
(PA. 19) (Br. 82) (Ell. 499) (Rid. 158) 
(Ru/N/51) (W.1, 65, 68, 82, 106). 634 
Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Soap (Blunt leaved) Nut (McL. 843, 
adpd), 686 Sapindus bifoliatus. 

Soap (Four leaved) Nut (McL. 468). 626 
Hemigyrosa canescens. 

Soap (Narrow leaved) Nut (McL. 843, 
adpd). 637 Sapindus indicus. _ 

Soap (Notch leaved) Nut (McL. 8438). 634 
Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Soap (Pointed leaved) Nut (McL. 848, 

adpd). 635 Sapindus erectus. 

Soap (Quinque jugate leaved) Nut (McL. 
843, adpd). 635 Sapindus erectus. 

Soap (Rusty) Nut (MchL. 473, 844, 994). 
627 Erioglossum edule. 

Soap (Trijugate leayed) Nut (Mch, 843, 
adpd). 634 Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Soap (Unijugate leaved) Nat (Mch, 848, 
adpd). 636 Sapindus bifoliatus. 

Soap (Unifoliate leaved) Nut (McL..843, 
adpd). 637 Sapindus indicus. 

Soap (Shrubby) Nut of the Moluccas (Hk. 
1/680, Rid. 253, Br. 32, adpd). 6381 
Otophora fruticosa 

Soap Nut Tree of Southern India (Cat, 
76). 634 Sapindas trifoliatus. 

Soapnut (Burdock) (Nic. 2/439, adpd). 
ecxlviii. Nephelium (genus). 



Soapnut (Butterfly) (Bed. 2/158, adpd). 
cexlix. Harpullia(genus). 
Soapnut (Defective petalled) (McL. 468, 

adpd). 625 Hemigyrosa deficiens. 

Soapnut (Diverse Trifoliate Sumach) 
(Hk. 1/673, adpd). 628 Allophylus 

Soap-nut (Downy-notched-leaved Trijug- 
ate) (Hk. 1/683, adpd). 634-b. Sapin- 
dus trifoliatus (emarginata). 

Soap-nut (Glabrous-pointed leaved Tri- 
jugate) (Hk. 1/683, adpd). 634a, 
Sapindus trifoliatus (laurina). 

Soapnut (Multifoliate-(6—12)-chartaceous 
ovate-elliptic acuminate-leaved Butter- 
fly) (tik. 1/692, adpd). 642 Harpullia 

Soapnut (Multifoliate-(2-8)-glaucous- 
backed oblong-lance-acuminate leaved 
Burdock) (Hk. 1/689, adpd). 6389 
Nephelium Litchi. 

Soapnut (Multifoliate-(2-12)-oblong-or- 
obovate-obtuse leaved Burdock) (Hk. 
1/687, adpd).638 Nephelium lappaceum. 

subglaucous-backed Elliptic-obtuse 
leaved Burdock) (Hk. 1/690, adpd). 
641 Nephelinm stipulaceum. 

Soapnut (Multifoliate-(4—-10)-wavy-sub- 
glaucous-backed ovate-lance-to-oblong- 
subobtuse leaved Burdock) (Hk. 1/689, 
adpd). 640 Nephalium Longana. 

Soapnut (Orange Bilobed Capsuled) (Bed. 
2/158, adpd). cexlix. Harpullia (genus). 

Soapnut (Sumach) (Hk. 1/673, adpd). 
ecxli. Allophylus (genus). 

Soap (Mexican) Plant (S. 12). 
Agave (genus). 

Soap Pod (MchL. 844), 

Soap Pod (McL. 798, 822, 844, 995) (W.A. 
I). 1038 Acacia concinna. 

Soap (Chinese) Pod (Treas. 
ecexxxviii. Czesalpinia (genus). 

Soap (Copious Narrow leaved) Pod (McL. 
97, adpd). 1040 Acacia pennata, 

Soap (Hight pinnate) Pod (McL. 226, 
798, adpd). 1039-b. Acacia Intsia 

Soap (Shining leaved) Pod (McL. 226, 
798, adpd). 1039 Acacia Intsia. 



ecelxvii. Acacia 


Soap (True) Pod (McL. 844, adpd). 1038 
Acacia concinna. 

Soap Pod Wattle (McL. 844). 1038 
Acacia concinna. 

Soap Tree Family (Br. 32). XXXVIII. 

Sapindacez (Order). 

Soap Tree (McL. 833). 634 Sapindus 


Soapworts (McL. 1007). XXXYVIII. 
Sapindacez (Order). — 

Sobrazil Wood (Treas. Bot. 2/858). 

cecxxxix. Peltophorum (venus). 

— ee 


Socotrine Aloe (McL. 21). 3118 Aloé 


Soft fruited Custard Apple (McL. 85). 

60 Anona Cherimolia. 

Soft Jack (McL, 34). 

Soft leaved Azalea (5. 404). 
odendron sinense. 

Soft leaved Bear’s-breech (Nic. 1/9, adpd). 
2224 Acanthus mollis, 

2119 Oroxylum 
1647 Rhod- 

Soft leaved Grewia (McL. 105). 325 
Grewia hirsuta. 
Soft leaved Wrightia (Br. 157). 1842 

Wrightia tomentosa. R 
Softly Bristly Erect Rattan (Nic. 1/235, 
adpd). 3216 Calamus ciliaris. ] 
Softly-downy Pink Tubular Passion 
Flower (Nic. 4/3). 1363 Tacsonia 


Sola Pith Plant (Bs/T/224). 
nomene aspera. 

Solah (McL. 587, 844, 853, 994) (Br. 

787 Zischy- 

256). 787 Aischynomene aspera. 

Soluh (Black) (MeL. 155, 884). 964 
Cassia pumila. 

Solah (Foreign) (McL. 835, 936). 943 
Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Solah (Hill) (Mcl. 844) (?). 3152 

Caryota urens (? ). 

Solah (Red) (McL. 805). 

Solah Pith Plant (Gbl. 232). 
nomena aspera. 

Solandra (Large flowered) (Br. 154). 
2096 Solandra grandiflora. 

Solanum (Bird) (Nic. 3/452). 
Solanum ayiculare, 

Solanum (Double coloured) (McL. 829). 
2075 Solanom verbascifolium. 

786 Sesbania 
787 Aschy- 


Solanum (Jacquin’s) (Br. 150). 2091 | 
Solanum xanthocarpum. 
Solanum (Pubescent) (McL. 829). [2075 

Sphalm] 2076 Solanum pubescens. 

Solanum (Three lobed) (Br. 150). 2092 
Solanum trilobatum. 
Solid Bamboo (Cag. 321). 3310 Den- 

drocalamus strictus. 

Solid (Glaucous-green, becoming Yellow) 
Bamboo (Gbl. 751). 3310 Dendrocalam- 
us strictus. 

Solid (White-ringed Greyish-green) Bam- 
boo (Gbl. 746). 3301 Bambusa Tulda. 
Solid Oil (McL. 336). 196 Dipterocarpus 


Solid (Downy Node-ringed) Shrubby | 

Bamboo (Hk. 7/403, 
Oxytenanthera Stocksii. 

Solitary flowered Golden Blossomed Pear 
Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd). 436 Ochua 

Solitary (Climbing Scanty prickled) Rose 
(Hk. 2/364). 1091 Rosa Fortuneana, 
Solitary (Climbing Stoutly prickled) 

Rose (Hk, 2/364). 1092 Rosa levigata, 


3308 | 
| Sori-covering—subentirely—undersurface — 



Solomon (Apple of the Song of) (Mcl.. 
79). 1111 Cydonia vulgaris, 
Somam (McL. 502, 847, 997). 

Sarcostemma brevistigma, 
Somavully (McL. 319). 80 Tinospora 
Sombre-green (White-blotched-and-spot- 
ted Shining) Dumb Cane (Nic, 1/474). 
3268 Dieffenbachia magnifica, 
Sominta (McL. 805). 779 Sesbania 
egy ptiaca. 
Somraj (McL. 300, 848). 
Pederia fostida. 
Somraj (McL. 848), 

Sont (Mcl., 845). 2996 Zingiber officinale, 

Soofaidmoosly (McL, 516, 1001). 3088 
Asparagus racemosa, 

Soondree (McL. 846, 943), 277 Heritiera 

Soopaury (McL. 40). 

Sooptee (McL 845, 994). 768 Mundulea 

Soora Poon (McL. 473, 705). 180 Ochro- 
carpus longifolius, 

Sooradauroo (McL. 264), 2862 Cedrus 
Libani (Deodara). 

Soorty Oil Tree (McL.* 474). 142 
Hydnocarpus Wightiana (* venenata). 
Soorya (McL. 712). 252 Thespesia 
Soovarnacam (McL. 847, 995). ecexlvii. 

Cassia (genus), 
Sop (Sour) (Bed. 1/9) (Bs/T/22) (Gbl. 21) 
(Cat. 7) (S. 439) (McL. 35, 472, 454) 


1591 (bés.) 

1599 Vernonia ant- 

3121 Areca Cat- 

(Cag. 293) (Br. 4) (Rid. 103). 59 Anona 
muricata. ; 

Sop (Sweet) (Mcb. 35), 57 Anona 

Sop (Sweet) (Cag. 292). [58 Sphaim] 
7 Anona squamosa. 

Sop (Sweet) of the West Indies (S527; 
921) (Hk. 1/76) (Pr. 1/206) (Cat. 5). 
57 Anona squamosa. 

Sophora (Downy leaved) (Br. 47). 
Sophora tomentosa. 

Sophora (3mooth leaved) (Br. 47). 913 
Sophora glauca. 

Sore Eye Plant (McL. 63). 1008 Dich- 
rostachys cinerea. 

Sore Plant (McL. 476). 

tile-folioles (Non-indusiate) Fern (Bed/ 
F,adpd). mlxiii. Acrostichum (genus). 


673 Semecarpus 

of-fertile-fronds (Marginally-ind usiate) 
Fern (Bed/F, edpd). mlxiy. Lomaria 

Sori-(of - bivalved - sporangia) - forming- 
fronds Fern (Bed/F, adpd). mlxviii. 
(Osmunda genus). 


Sorrel (Jamaica Switch) (McL. 83, 313, 
379). 649 Dodonza viscosa. 

Sorrel (Wood) Family (Br. 27) (L/N/S/B.) 
XXV. Geraniacez (Order). 

Sorrowful Nyctanthes (Mch. 383). 1776 
Nyctanthus arbor-tristis. 

Sorrowful Tree (McL. 383). 1776 Nyc- 
tanthes arbor-tristis. 

Sorrowless Tree (Gbl. 278). 977 Saraca 
indica. 4 

Souaria of Abyssinia (Ol. 1/421). cexli. 
Allophylus (genus). 

Soupert (Alphonse) Rose (Nic. 5/645) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/18). 1107-g. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (rosea). 

Sour Cane (McL. 751). 3207 Calamus 


Sour Citron (Bon). 410-c. Citrus medi- 
ca-Limonum (medicolimonom). 

Sour Covay (Mch. 520). 991 Bauhinia 


Sour Creeper (McL. 847). 1891 Sarco- 
stemma brevistigma. 
Sour Creeper (McL. 564). (? 598) 599 

Vitis carnosa (?). 
Sour Fruit (MeL. 98). 

366 Averrhoa 

Sour (Ethiopian) Gourd (McL. 73). 257 

Adansonia digitata. 
Sovr Jack (McL. 35). 
Sour Lime (Mch. 434, 484, 998, 1029) 
(Bon). 413 Citrus medica-acida. 
Sour Mountain Ebony (McL. 520). 
Bauhinia malabarica. 
Sour Nelly (McL. 587). 
thus distichns. 

Sour Pomelo (Bon. 41). 423 Citrus decu- 
mana-megaloxycarpa. A 

Sour Sop (Bed. 1/9) (Bs/T/22) (Gbl. 21) 
(Cat. 7) (8. 409) (McL. 35, 472, 484) 


2569 Phyllan- 

(Cag. 293) (Br. 4) (Rid. 103). 59 
Anona muricata. 
Sour Tamarind (McL. 520) (?). 991 

Bauhinia malabarica (?). 

South (Silver Tree of) Africa (Nic. 2/255) 
(S. 76, 287) (Bed. 1/177) (Gbl. 575) 
(Muell. S.P) (I.F., xi/10). 2476 
Leucadendron argenteum. 

South (Small-feather-nerved oblong-lance- 
serrate-obtuse-leaved Buckthorn of) 
Africa (Nic, 4/209, 5/554, adpd). 556 
Noltea africana. 

South (Wild Medlar of) Africa (Ol. 3/148). 
dy. Vangueria (genus). 

South African Climbing Asparagus (McL. 

516, adpd). 3093 Asparagus sarmen- 
South African Eiect Asparagus (N. 

2/121). 3095 Asparagus virgatus. 

South African Feather Asparagus (Cag. 
357), 3092 Asparagus plumosus, 

59 Ancona muri- | 


South African Sneeze Wood (FAR. 27, 
28, NLGS) (1.F, xi/4). 683 Pteeroxylon 

South African Yellow Wood (Bs/T/696) 
(FAR. 27 to 30,35 to 37, 43, NLGS). 
2830 Podocarpus elongata. 

South (Ceiba Cotton of) America (McL. 
235, corr). 858 Bombax Ceiba. 

South (Copper flowered Coral Tree of) 
America (Nic. 1/531, adpd). 825 
Ervythrina glauca. 

South (Wax Palm of) America (Rid. 265) 
(Jaf. 129), 8146 Ceroxylum andi- 

South (Yellow-racemed flowered Rose- 
wood of) America (Treas. Bot. 1/902). 
ecexxvili. Platymischium (genus). 

South American Coca Bush (MclL, 191). 
350 Erythroxylon Coca. 

South (King Maximilian’s) American 
Cocoanut (Nic. 2/339). 3284 Maximilia- 
na regia. 

South (Weddel’s) American Cocoanut — 
(Nic. 1/349). 3231 Cocos Weddeliana. 

South (Rosy) American Daisy Thistle 

Shrub (Nic. 1/159, 5/158, adpd). 1631 
Barnadesia rosea. 

South American Dwarf Cane Palm 
(S. 177, Nic. 2/68, adpd). cmlxxxvi. 

Geonoma (genus). 

South American Spadic Bush (McL. 191) 
(Br. 31) (Gbl. 116). 350 Erythroxylon 

Seuth (White Guom 
‘Bs/T/327) (Bdn/F.T). 
ti‘s leucoxylon. 

Souri (White Gum of) Australia (Bth. 
3/221), 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 

South Australian White Gum (Bth. 
3/212). 1200 Eucalyptus paniculata. 

South Californian Cypress (Muell. S.P) 
(Bs/S/260, NLGS) (Ooty. 251). 2808 
Cupressus macrocarpa. 

South China Fan Palm (Muell. S.P). 
3203-a, Trachycarpus excelsa (typica). 

South-east Australian Tea (Treas. Bot. 
2/674). 1217 Leptospermum pubes- 

South (Common Rattan of) India (Hk. 
6/447, adpd). 3209 Calamus Rotang. 
South (Red Ebony of) India (Gbl. 462, 
MeL. 366, adpd). 1717 Diospyros 


South Indian Elm (MeL. 358, 473, 1000, 
adpd). 2710 Holoptelea integrifolia. 
South Indian Mohwah (Mech. 472, 505, 
997, adpi). 1687 Bassia longifolia. 
South Indian Pine (Gbl. 702). 2829 

Podocarpur latifolia. 

South Indian Talipot Palm (Cag. 339, Br. 
228, adpd). 3174 Corypha umbraculi- 

of) Australia 
1195 Eucalyp- 


South Indian Wild Palm Lily (Hk. 6/329, 
adpd). 3097 Dracewna terniflora. 

South Indian Willow (Cat. 318). 2797 
Salix tetrasperma. 

South-Sea Islands (Kaawi Yam of the) 
(Muell. S.P). 3069 Dioscorea acule- 

South-Sea-Islands (Uvi Yam of the) 
(Muell. S.P). 3068 Dioscorea alata. 
South-Sea-Islands Bottle Brush Tree 

(McL, 367). 

South-Sea-Islands Hog Plum (McL. 626). 
684 Spondias dulcis, 

1273 Barringtonia speci- 

South-Sea Jack (McL, 376), 2765 Arto- 
carpus incisa. 
South-Sea Laurel (S. 194), 2646 Codi- 

gum variegatum. 

South-Sea (Jamaica) Rose (McL, 379). 
1844 Nerium odorum. 

Southern (Downy Melon Featherfoil of 
the) Ghauts (McL. 587, adpd). 2582 
Glochidion arboreum, 

Sonthern (Locking-glass Plant of the) 
Ghauts (BcL. 473, 846, adpd), 278 
Hevitiera Papilio. 

Southern (Nees’ Black Plum of the) 
Ghauts (McL. 379, adpd). 1251 Euge- 
nia Neesiana. 

Southern Ghauts Bottle Flower (McL. 

900, adpd). 1492 Webera monosperma. 
Southern Ghauts Ebony (McL. 366, 
adpd). 1705 Diospyros foliolosa. | 

Southern Ghauts Glabrous Goglet Flower 
(McL. 466, adpd). 

Southern Ghauts Tree Vine (McL. 751, 
adpd). 618 Leea Wightii. 

Southern (Cannon-ball Tree of the) Hills | 

(Bed. 2/266, Cat. 12, adpd). 144 
Asteriastigma macrocarpum. 

Southern (Black Wood of) India (Cag. 
93). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Southern (Mahwa of) India (Cat. 171). | 

1687 Bassia longifolia. 

Southern (Mowa of) India (Cat. 171), 
1687 Bassia longifolia. 

Southern (Soap Nut Tree of) India (Cat. 
76). 634 Sapindus trifoliatus. 

Southern Tree (McL. 195). 38228 Cocos 

Southern (Cabbage Palm of the) United- 
States (S. 379). 3184 Sabal Palmetto. 

Southern (Dwarf Palmetto of the) 
United-States (Nic. 3/338) (Ru/N/122, 
0/13, 36). 3182 Sabal Adansoni. 

Southern Wood (McL. 4) (8.35), dxxvilii. 
Artemisia (genus). 

Southern Wood (Nic. 1/115) (Cag. 531) 
(S. 35) (Br. 108) (Mu). 1620 Artemisia 

Southern Wood (McL, 4). 
isia indica, 


1621 Artem- 

1940 Ceropegia | 


Southern Yellow Pine of America 
(A/E.F). 2839 Pinus palustris. 

Souvenir-d’ Elise Vardon Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Br. 68) (Mu, 56), 1105-c. Rosa odorata 

Souvenir-d’un-ami Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag, 
599) (Ru/N/93, 0/22) (Mu. 56) (Hod). 
1105-n, Rosa odorata (cinnabarina- roseo- 

Souvenir de Cathérine 
(Mu. 56). 

Souvenir-de-la Malmaison Rose (Nic. 
3/325) (Cag. 598) (Ru/O/22) (Hod). 
1106-c, Rosa borbonica (carnea-margine- 

Souvenir-de Paul-Neron Rose (Nic, 3/324) 

Guillot Rose 
1108-h. Rosa Noisettiana 

(Ru/N/96, 0/22) (Mu. 55). 1105-0. 
Rosea odorata (eburnea-cinnabarino- 

Souvenir-du-Président Carnot Rose (Nic. 
5/646) (Ru/N/96, 0/22). 1105-q. Bosa 
odorata (hybrida-rosea-albo-suffusa), 

Souvenir-de-S.A. Prince Rose (Nic. 5/646) 

(Ru/N/96), 1105-b. Rosa odorata (can- 

Souvenir-de-Thérése Levet Rose 
(Bu/ 0/22). 1105-0. Rosa odorata 

Soy (Bracteate) Bean Climber (Hk. 2/59, 
Treas. Bot. 1/1068, 1075, adpd). ccevi. 
Shuteria (genus). 

Soy-Bean (Trifoliate - small - glabrate 
Round-cr-obovate-obtuse-leaved - Bract- 
eate) (Hk, 2/181, adpd), 812 Shuteria 

Soymida (McbL. 363, 862, 993), 
Soy mida febrifuga. 

Spadic (Sonth American) Bush (McL. 191) 
(Br. 31) (GbI. 116). 350 Erythroxylon 

Spadic Plant (Muell. S$.P) 
850 Wrythroxylon Coca, 

Spaniard’s (Mottled) Osier (Kew Bull. 96) 
(FAR. 35, 36, NLGS), 2801-b. Salix 
fragilis (decipiens). 

Spanish American Jasmine (McL. 644, 
Cag. 497, corr). 1825 Plumeria acnti- 

Spanish Arbor Vine (Cooke, 2/250) (Cag. 



477), 2650 Ipomza tuberosa. 

Spanish Bayonet (S. 409, 462). 3113 
Yucce alotfolia. 

Spanish Bayonet (Cag. 354). [3115 
Sphalm] 4113 Yucca alojfolia. 

Spanish (White) Broom (Nic. 1/429) 
(S.127). 743 Cytisus albus. 

Spanish Carnation (McL. 316), 930 

Ceesalpinia pulcherrima. 

Spanish Chestnut (Nic. 1/277) (S.81, 409) 
(Cat. 210) (Ooty, 236, Gbl. 667). 2794 
Castanea sativa, 


Spanish Jasmine (Mc, 888) (Rox. 1/100) 
(S. 409) (Gbl. 467) (Cag. 5384). 1775 

Jasminum grandiflorum. 

Spanish Jasmine (McL. 644). 1825 
Plumeria acutifolia. 

Spanish Jeseamine (Cag. 497). 1825 
Plumeria acutifolia. 

Spanish Nectarine (Cag. 241). 1062 
Chrysobalanus Icaco. 

Spanish Orange (Bon, 219),  417-a. 

Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium (typica). 

Spanish Pepper (McL. 170) (Ell, 141) 
(PA. 380). 2094-b. Capsicum frutes- 
cens (annuum), 

Spanish Silver Fir (Nic. 1/2) (S, 407) 
(Gbl. 708) (Muell. 8.P). 2870 Abies 

Spanish White Rock Rose (Nic, 1/382). 
124 Cistus albidus. 

Spar (Poon) (Bed. 2/2) (Bs/T/55) (Gbl. 57) 
(Ell. 107) (FAR. 1) (W. 108). 182 
Calophyllum tomexntosum. 

Sparrow (Bitter) Tongue (McL. 871). 
18383 Holarrbena antidysenterica. 

Sparrow’s Tongue (MchL. 370). 
Wrightia tinctoria. 

Sparsely Umbelled Asparagus (McL. 516, 
adpd). 3087 Asparagus asiaticus. 

Sparsifasciculate (Conkan Short Needle) 
Asparagus (McL. 516, adpd). 3086 
Asparagus Jacquemontii. 

Sparsifasciculate (Plat Sickle) Asparagus 
(McL. 516, adpd). 3090° Asparagus 

Sparsifasciculate (Long Blunt) Asparagus 
(McL. 516, adpd). 38084 Asparagus 

Sparsifasciculate (Long Pungent) Aspara- 
gus (McL. 516, 812, adpd). 3088 
Asparagus racemosus. 

Sparsifasciculate (Malabar Short Needle) 
Asparagus (MchL. 516, adpd). 3089 
Asparagus levissimus. 

Spathe-calyxed Climbing Trumpet Flower 
(Treas. Bot. 2/705, adpd).  delxxxv. 
Macfadyena (genus). 

Spathe-calyxed Scarlet Trumpet Flower 
(Treas. Bot. 2/1077, adpd). delxxxvi. 
Spathodea (genus). 

Spathe-calyxed White Trumpet Wlower 


(Hk. 4/376, adpd). delxxxiv, Dol- 
ichandrone (genus). 
Spathe-calyxed (Pentandrous) Mango 

(Hk. 2/8, adpd). cc)xi. Gluta (genus). 
Spathé of the Greeks (McL, 418) (male 
flowers). 3162 Phoenix dactylifera. 

Spathe (Scarlet) Trumpet Flower (Cag. 
454, adpd). delxxxvi. Spathodea 
Spathe (White) Trumpet Flower (McL. 
664, adpd). dclxxxiv. Dolichandrone 


Spathe (Downy Round leaved) Trumpet 
Tree (Mch, 14, 473, 998, adpd), 2133 
Dolichandrone falcata. 

Spathe (Elliptic leaved) Trumpet Tree 
(McL. 4738, 669, 998, adpd). 2132 Doli- 
chandrone crispa, 

Spathe (Long flowered) Trumpet Tree 
(McL. 14, 473, 998, 1024, adpd). 2131 
Dolichandrone Rheedii, 

Spathe (Many leaved) Trumpet Tree 
(McL. 664, adpd). 2185 Dolichandrone 

Spathe (Round leaved) Trumpet Tree 
(MchL. 14, 473, 998, adpd). 2184 Doli- 
chandrone Lawii. 

Spathed (Long) Bamboo (FAR. 26 to 48, 
MBR. 31 to 48, CAN. 33 to 35, CBT. - 
33, NLGS). 3314 Dendrocalamus 

Spathed (Deciduous Boat-shaped) Rattan 
(Hk. 6/404, adpd). mviii. Dzmo- 
norops (genus), 

Spathed (Persistent Tubular) Rattan (Hk. 
6/404, adpd). mvii, Calamus (genus). 
Spathulate-oblong-obtuse-leaved (Very- 
small) Downy-branched Justicewort 
(Hk. 4/580, adpd). 2259 Justicia 


Spathulate-rhomboid leaved Spear Flower 
(Hk. 3/529, adpd). 1672 Ardisia rhom- 

Spear (Boar) Bamboo (Pfl. 189). 
Dendrocalamus strictus, 

3310 | 

Spear Flower Family (S. 33, adpd). 
LXVIII. Myrsinacee (Order). 

Spear Flower (S. 38). dl. Ardisia 

Spear (Acuminate oblong leaved) Flower 

(Hk. 3/521, adpd). 1668 Ardisia 

Spear (Acuminate obovate leaved) Flower 
(Hk. 3/519, adpd). 1666 Ardisia 

Spear (Cuspid-crenate Elliptic leaved) 
Flower (Hk. 3/524,adpd). 1669 Ardisia 

Spear (Elliptic leaved) Flower (Hk. 3/529, 
adpd). 1673 Ardisia humilis. 

Spear (Long-lance leaved) Flower (Hk. 
8/529, adpd). 1671 Ardisia pauci- 

Spear (Long-rusty-shaggy-nerved-backed 
Lance-serrate-acute-leaved) Flower 
(Hk. 3/532, adpd). 1674 Antistrophe 

Spear (Obtuse Obovate leaved) Flower 
(Hk. 8/520, adpd). 1667 Ardisia court- 

Spear (Repandly - crenulate - hirsute 
Lance-ovate-obtuse leaved) Flower 
(Nic. 1/109, adpd). 1668 (bts.) Ardisia 


Spear (Reversed-budded) Flower (Hk. 
8/512, adpd). dli. Antistrophe (genus), 

Spear (Rusty-villous leaved) 
Flower (Hk. 3/525, 1679 
Ardisia villosa (obtusa). 

Spear (Spathulate-rhomboid 
Flower (Hk. 3/529, adpd). 
Ardisia rhomboidea, 

Spear leaved Golden Vine (Nic. 3/508). 
358 Stigmaphyllon aristatum, 

Spear (New-South-Wales) Wood (Bth. 
2/883). 1025 Acacia homalophylla. 

Speckle Barked Rafter Wood (Mcl. 
303, adpd). 2550 Cleistanthus collinus. 

Speedwell (Nic. 4/147) (S. 411, 448) (Cag: 
469). dclxxix. Veronica (genus). 

Speedwell (Willow leaved) (Nic. 4/150) 
(Ooty. 376). 2117 Veronica salicifolia. 

Spence Cotton (Hyprid mostly of 255). 
255-c. Gossypium arboreum (hybri- 

Spicate beaked free-grained Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/10, adpd). mxlvii. Teinostach- 
yum (genus). 

Spicate-flowered alternate-narrow-leaved 
Myrtle (Hk. 2/462, adpd). cdxv. 
Melaleuca (genus). 

Spicate (Elliptic-leaved) Scarlet-flowered 
Justicewort (Nic. 2/206, adpd). 2263 
Jacobinia coccinea. 

Spicate (Bipinnate-(16-20)-minute-silky- 
backed Linear-dimidiate-(40-60)-foliol- 



ed) Sirissa (Bth. 2/421, adpd). 1042 
Albizzia lophantha. 
Spider Fern (S. 352). mlv.  Pteris 

Spider Flower shrub Family (S. 4381, 
adpd). L. Melastomacez (Order). 

Spider Flower shrub (S. 43), adpd), 
edxxy. Osbeckia (genus), 

Spider (Brazilian) Flower shrub(S. 431). 
edxxxi. Tibouchina (genus). 

Spider (Common Small leaved) Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/521, adpd). 1285 
Osbeckia octandra. 

Spider (Crimson Four petalled) Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/516, adpd). 1278 
Osbeckia hispidissima. 

Spider (Elliptic leaved Epiphytic) Flower 
shrub (Bs/T/335, adpd), 1294 Medin- 
illa malabarica. 

Spider (Glaucous-branched Silky) Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/519, adpd). 1281 
Osbeckia glauca. 

Spider (Great Violet Brazilian) Flower 
shrub (Nic. 3/162, 5/608) (S. 431). 
1306 Tibouchina semidecandrum. 

Spider (Mouth - staining) Flower shrub 
(Nic. 2/528, adpd). 1288 Melastoma 



Spider (Netted-back 
shrub (Hk. 2/520, 
Osbeckia reticulata, 

Spider (Red-hairy Small leaved) Flower 



shrub (Hk. 2/420, adpd). 1283 
Osbeckia Leschenaultii, 

Spider (Rosy-purple Four  petalled) 
Flower shrub (Hk. 2/518, adpd). 1279 

Osbeckia gracilis. 

Spider (Round leaved Epiphytic) Flower 
shrub (Bs/T/385, adpd), 1293 Medin- 
illa Beddomei. 

Spider (Rough Small 
shrub (Hk. 2/519, 
Osbeckia aspera. 

Spider (Stalked Lance leaved) Flower 
shrub (Hk, 2/521, adpd). 1286 
Osbeckia wynandensis. 

Spider (Subsessile Lance leaved) Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/521, adpd). 1287 
Osbeckia nepaulensis. 

Spider (Wight’s Silky) Flower shrub 

leaved) Flower 
adpd). 1280 

(Hk, 2/519, adpd). 1282 Osbeckia 
Spiked Aloe (McL. 21). 3118 Aloé 

Spiked (Dense) Aphelandra (Br. 172). 
2245 Aphelandra cristata. 

Spiked (Dense) Blue Nail Dye (McL. 
558, 576, 998, adpd). 2242 Barleria 

Spiked (Crimson) Copper Leaf (McL. 
465, adpd). 2664 Acalypha hispida. 
Spiked (Crowded) Flemingia (Br. 54), 

875 Flemingia congesta. 

Spike-flowered Black Sirissa (Hk, 2/298, 
adpd). 1042 Albizzia lophantha. 

Spike (Axillary) flowered White Cedar 
(Hk. 1/548, adpd). 459 Dysoxylum 

Spiked Garland Flower (McL, 1042): 
2990 Hedychium coronariwn. 

Spiked (loose) Garland Flower (N, 2/122, 
adpd). 2991 Hedychium venustum. 
Spiked (Biseriate) Melic Grass (Treas. 
Bot. 1/549, Hk. 7/8, adpd). mxlii. 

Streptogyna (genus). 

Spiked (Glabrous Loose) Pepper (McL. 
676, adpd). 2410 Piper Schmidtii, 

Spiked (Hairy Loose) Pepper (McL. 676, 
adpd). 2409 Piper Hookeri. 

Spiked (Hoary) Pepper (McL. 676, adpd 
2403 Piper trichostachyon, 

Spiked (Round) Pepper (McL. 676, adpd). 
2408 Piper brachystachyum., 

Spiked (Umbel) Pepper (McL, 676, adpd). 
2417 Piper subpeltatum. 

Spiked (Winged bracteate) Pepper (McL. 
676, adpd). 2416 Piper Wightii. 

Spiked Quaking Grass (Treas. Bot. 1/549). 
mxli. Halopyrum (genus). 

Spiked (Square) Scarlet Nail Dye (Treas. 
Bot). 2245 Aphelandra cristata. 


Spiked (Pink and Yellow) Sensitive Plant 
(Hk. 2/288, adpd). ccelxii. Dichro- 
stachys (genus). 

Spindle (Dotted-petalled Wing-seeded) 
(Hk. 1/614, adpd). ccexvi. Kokoona 

Spindle (Long-red-punctate-backed _ob- 
long-lance-sabacuminate leaved Wing- 
seeded) [young plants] (Hk. 1/616, 
adpd). 530 Kokoona zeylanica. 

Spindle (Medium oblong-lance-acuminate 
leaved MHolly-flowered) (Hk. 1/618, 
adpd). 524 Microtropis latifolia. 

Spindle (Small Elliptic-or-lance-acute 
leaved Holly-flowered) (Hk. 1/613, 
adpd). 527 Microtropis microcarpa. 

Spindle (Small Obovate-or-broad-Hlliptic- 
retuse leaved MHolly-flowered) (Hk. 
1/618, adpd). 525 Microtropis rami- 

Spindle (Small-red-punctate-backed obov- 
ate-retuse leaved Wing-seeded) (Hk. 
1/616, adpd). 530 Kokoona zeylanica. 

Spindle (Holly leaved Berried) Climber 

' (Hk. 1/626, adpd). 650 Salacia 

Spindle (Large Warty Berried) Climber 
(Hk. 1/627, adpd), 552 Salacia 

Spindle (Medium-leathery elliptic-oblong- 
crenate-obtuse-to-cuspidate-leaved ‘Tri- 
nity-podded) Climber (Hk. 1/624, 
adpd). 546 Hippocratea obtusifolia. 

Spindle (Medium-leathery elliptic-suben- 
tire-cuspidate leaved Trinity-podded) 
Climber (Hk. 1/624, adpd), 547 
Hippocratea Arnottiana. 

Spindle (Medium-leathery oblong-ellip- 
tic-eutire-cuspidate leaved Berried) 
Climber (Hk. 1/628, adpd). 5538 
Salacia macrosperma, 

Spindle (Medium-leathery ovate-entire- 
cuspidate leaved Trinity podded) 
Climber (Hk. 1/624, adpd). 548 
Hippocratea Grahami. 

Spindle (Medium-papery fMlliptic-lance- 
serrate-acute leaved Berried) Climber 
(Hk. 1/628, adpd). 555 Salacia 

Spindle (Small-leathery oblong-elliptic 
subentire-cuspidate leaved Berried) 
Olimber (Hk. 1/627, adpd). 551 Salacia 

Spindle (Small-leathery oblong-serrate- 
cuspidate leaved Berried) Climber (Hk. 
1/626, adpd). 550 Salacia prinojdes. 

Spindle (Small-leathery ovate-elliptic 
subentire-subobtuse leaved  Berricd) 
Climber (Hk, 1/627, adpd}. 552 
Salacia reticulata, 

Spindle (Small-membranous Ovate-ser- 
rate-euspidate leaved Trinity-podded) 


(fk. 1/625, adpd). 
Spindle (Triandrous 

549 Hippocratea 
Berried) Climber 

(Hk. 1/625, adpd). cexxili. Salacia 
Spindle (Triandrous  ‘Trinity-podded) 

Climber (Hk. 1/6238, adpd). 
Hippocratea (genus). 


Spindle follicled shrubby Navelwort 
(Bs/T/21, adpd). 692 Connarus 

Spindle leaved Smooth Jasmine (MclL. 
384, adpd). 1763 Jasminum Wightii. 
Spindle (Medium-papery oblong-elliptic- 
serrate-subobtuse leaved  JBerried) 
shrub (Hk. 1/628, adpd). 554 Salacia 

Spindle Tree (S. 160) (Nic. 1/589). 
ccxii. Huonymus (genus). 

Spindle Tree (MeL. 174). [541 Sphalm] 
ecxii. Hnonymus (genus). 

Spindle Tree (McL. 459). [532 Sphalm] 
cexii. Euonymus (genus). 

Spindle (Crenulate leaved) Tree (Hk. 
1/608, adpd). 516 Euonymus crenul- 


Spindle (Crested-petalled) Tree (Hk. 
1/615, adpd). cexy. Lophapetalum 

Spindle (Crimson-midribbed — Linear- 

lance-folioled Alternate-pinnate-leav- 
ed) Tree (Nic. 1/104, 5/79, adpd), 54 
Bleodendron orientale. ; 
Spindle (Entire leaved) Tree (Hk 1/608, 

adpd). 515 Euonymus indicus. 

Spindle (Few-(1-4)-seeded  Square- 
branched) Tree (Bed. 1/64, adpd), 
ecxiii. Glyptopetalum (genus). 

Spindle (Golden Rooting) Tree (Nic. 
5/357). 518-b. Euonymus radicans 

Spindle (Holly-flowered) Tree (Bed. 
1/65). ccxiv. Microtropis (genus). 

Spindle (Japanese) Tree (S. 159, 220) 
(Nic. 2/540). 514 Euonymus japon- 


Spindle (Long  elliptic-oblong-obtuse 
leaved Orested-petalled) Tree (Bed. 
2/114, adpd). 529  lLophopetalum 

Spindle (Medium oblong-elliptic acute 

leaved Holly-flowered) Tree (Hk. 
1/618, adpd). 523 Microtropis Wal- 

Spindle (Medium  oblong-elliptic-sub- 
entire leayed Square-branched) Tree 
(Bed. 1/65, adpd), 522 Glyptopetalum 

Spindle (Medium oblong-lance-serrate- 
leaved Square-branched) Tree (Bed. 
1/64, adpd). 521 Glyptopetalum zey- 


Spindle (Membranous Crenulate leaved) 
Tree (Hk. 1/609, adpd). 519 Enonym- 
us paniculatus. 

Spindle (Olive fruited) Tree (Nic. 1/104, 
McL. 589, 606, Hk. 1/623, adpd). 
eexxi. Eleodendron (genus), 

Spindle (Rooting) Tree (Nic. 5/357). 
Euonymus radicans, 

Spindle (Sandal-foliaged) Tree (Bdn/F,T, 
adpd). 531 Pleurostylia Wightii. 

Spindle (Saw leaved) Tree (Hk. 



adpd). 518 Euonymus sesratifolius. 
Spindle (Silvery Rooting) Tree (Nic. 
5/857). 513-a, Euonymus  radicans 
Spindle (Small _ elliptic-oblong-lance- 

acute leaved White-druped) Tree (Bed. 
1/66, adpd). 531 Pleurostylia Wightii. 

Spindle (Small Oval-obtuse leaved Holly 
flowered) Tree (Bed. 1/65, adpd). 526 
Microtropis densiflora. 

Spindle (Small Ovate-acute leaved Holly- 

flowered) Tree (Hk. 1/613, adpd). 528 
Microtropis ovalifolia, 

Spindle (Squarely-winged branched) 
Tree (Hk. 1/610,adpd). 520 Euonymus 

Spindle (Wavy leaved) Tree (Hk. 1/609, 
adpd). 517 Huorymus dichotomus. 

Spindle (White druped) Tree (Bed. 1/66, 
adpd). ccxvii. Pleurostylia (genus). 

Spindle Tree Family (Br. 42). XXXV. 
Celastraceze (Order), 
Spindle Trees (McL. 
Celastraceze (Order), 
Spine (Forked) Fruited Screw Pine (Nic. 

3/16). 3243 Pandanus furcatus. 
Spine petioled Acuminate Feather Palm 

1003). XXXV. 

(Nic. 1/506, adpd). mxvi. Eleis 

Spineless Carissa (Rox. 1/695). 1817 
Hunteria corymbosa, 

Spineless leaved White Brinjal (Hk. 

4/234, adpd). 2082 Solanum torvum. 

Spine-tipped (Jagged stemmed) Feather 
Palm (Cag. 3842, adpd). cmxcv. 
Phoenix (genus). 

Spined (Black) Bourbon Palm (Nic, 2/287, 
adpd). 3193 Livistona altissima. 

Epined (Scanty red) Bourbon Palm (Nic. 
2/287, adpd). 8194 Livistona olive- 

Spined (Flat black) Devil Rattan (Nic, 
1/235). 3219 Demonorops Draco. 

Spined (Stout dark) Devil Rattan (Nic, 
1/430), 3218 Demonorops fissus. 

Spined (Stout deflexed) Devil Rattan 
(Nic. 1/480). 3220 Damonorops 

Spined (White-based black) Devil Rattan 
(Nic. 1/430). 3221 Demonorops 
plumosus, : 

INDEX, 938 

Spined (Many) Flacourtia (McL. 362). 
135 Flacourtia cataphracta. 

Spined (Acicular) Heart leaved Caper 
shrub (Hk. 1/176, adpd). 115 Capparis 

Spined (Four) Monetia (McL. 809). 

1800 Azima tetracantha, 

Spined Opuntia (Br. 91). 

Spined (Blackish and Few) Prickly Pear 
(Cavanagh, Mad. Mail, 31-1-05). 1382 
Opuntia nigricans. 

Spined (Five) Prickly Pear (Br. 91, 
adpd). 1378 Opuntia Dillenii. 

Spined (Hair) Prickly Pear (Nic. 5/570). 
1881 Opuntia leacotricha. , 

Spined (Many) Prickly Pear (Br. 91, 
adpd). 1379 Opuntia spinosissima. 

Spined (One) Prickly Pear (Cavanagh, 
Mad. Mail, 31-3-05). 1380 Opuntia 

Spined (Fork) Rattan (Hk. 6/462, adpd). 
3217 Deemonorops Jenkinsianus. re 

Spined (Green) Screw Pine (McL. 801). 
3244 Pandanus odoratissimus. 

Spineless (Digitate Dwarf) Fan Palm 
(Cag. 348, adpd). mv. Rhapis 

Spineless (Dwarf) Fan Palm (Cag. 344, 

1379 Opuntia 

adpd), m. Sabal (genus). 

Spineless (Dwarf Maultisect) Fan Palm 
(Cag. 844, adpd). mi. Thrinax 

Spineless (Long lobed) Fan Palm (Cag. 
338, adpd). mvi. Trachycarpus 

Spineless (Prostate Forking) Fan Palm 
(Hk. 6/429, adpd). 3177 Nannorhops 

Spineless (Short lobed) Fan Palm (Hk. 
6/482, adpd). mx. Borassus (genus). 

Spineless (Variegated Glaucous) Fan 
Palm (Nic. 2/237, adpd). mxi. Lata- 
nia (genus). 

Spineless (Wax-eoated) Fan Palm 

(N. 1/371, adpd). 
Spineless (White 
(Cag. 348, adpd). 
Spineless Five 
(McL. 762, 
Spineless leaved Screw Pine (Hk. 6/456, 
adpd), 3247 Pandanas levis, 
Spineless Prickly Pear (Nic. 2/503). 
Opuntia vuigaris. 
Spineless White Honey shrub (McL, 473, 
901, adpd). 2591 Flueggia microcarpa, 
Spinescent (Wight’s Dwarf leaved) Coffee 
(Hk. 3/154, adpd). 1552 Coffea 

3176 Copernicia 

Woolly) Fan Palm 
3189 Pritchardia 

petalled Buck - Thorn 
adpd). 570 Rhamnus 



Spinons (Fascicled leaved) Berberry 
(Hk. 1/110, adpd). 98 Berberis aris- 

Spinous (Short-to-medium 
(Hk. 2/323, adpd). 

Spinous (Bipinnate-(2-6)-congested-flat- 
rachised-minate oblance-obtuse (numer- 
ous)-folioled) Brasiletto (Hk. 2/260, 
adpd). 943 Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Spinous (Medium elliptic-oblong-serrate- 
cuspidate leaved) Buckthorn (Hk, 
1/641, adpd). 573 Sageretia hamosa. 

Spinous (Small-woolly-backed-glabrate 
ovate-lance-acute-leaved) | Beckthorn 

1073 Prinsepia 

(Hk. 1/641, adpd). 574 Sageretia 
Spinous (Small-leathery-downy-backed- 

Roundish-obtuse-leaved) Cape Jasmine 
(Hk. 3/118, adpd). 1507-b. Gardenia 
turgida (montana). 

Spinous (Small-leathery obovate-obtuse- 
or-acute-leaved) Cape Jasmine (Hk. 
3/118, adpd). 1507-a. Gardenia turgida 

Spinous (Bipinnate-(2-4) Infra-(1-2)- 

folioled Curl-Brush-Bean (Hk. 2/303, 

adpd). 1054 Pithecolobium umbel- 

Spinons (Bipinnate-(2) Ixfra-(1)-glan- 
dular oblique-obovate-obtuse- (6-—10)- 

folioled Curl-Brush-Bean (lk. 2/303, 
adpd). 1053 Pithecolobinm geminatum. 

Spinous (Bipinnate-(2) obovate-oblong- 
obtuse-(2)-folioled) | Curl-Brush-Bean 
(Hk. 2/303, adpd). 1052 Pithecolobium 

Spinous Firebrand Teak (McL, 473, 512, 
884, 997, adpd). 2295 Premna integri- 

Spinous (Medium-downy Ovate-oblong- 
acute-or-acuminate-leayved) Honey- 
thorn (Hk. 38/186, adpd). 1529-b. 
Vangueria spinosa (mollis), 

Spinous (Medium ovate-oblong-acute-or- 
acuminate-leayed) Honey-thorn (Hk. 
3/186, adpd). 1529-a, Vangueria spi- 
nosa (typica). 

Spinous (Medium-to-long-membranous 
Elliptic-acute-lea ved) Honey-thorn 
(Ol. 3/148, adpd). 1529-c. Vangueria 
spinosa (edulis). 

Spinous (Small oblong-acuminate-leaved) 
Honey-thorn (Bed. 1/184-6, adpd). 
1526 Canthium angustifolinm. 

Spinous (Small-to-medium-hirsute-glab- 
rate Ovate-cuspidate-leaved) Honey- 
thorn (Hk. 3/134, adpd). 1525 Can- 
thium Eheedii. 

Spinous (Very-small-downy Ovate-ellip- 
tic-acute-leaved) Honey-thorn (Hk. 


3/185, adpd). 1527 Canthium parvi- 

Spinous (Very - small - hirsute - glabrate 
linear-lance-acuminate-leaved) Honey 
thorn (Bed. 1/134-5, adpd). 1525-b. 
Canthium Rheedii (linearis). 

Spinous (Very-small Subfaseicled Round- 
ish-obtuse-leaved) Honey-thorn (Hk. 
3/136, adpd). 1528 Canthium parvi- 

Spinous Kino Tree (Mc. 478, 977, 1000, 
adpd). 2546 Bridelia retusa. 

Spinous ((:laucous-backed-leaved) Kino 
Tree (Hk. 5/268, adpd). 2546-d. 
Bridelia retusa (glauca). 

Spinous (Long-spiked) Kino Tree (Hk. 
5/268, adpd). 2546-a, Bridelia retusa 
(ty pica). 

Spinovs (Short-spiked) Kino Tree (Hk. 
5/268, adpd). 2546-b. Bridelia retusa 

Spinous (Woolly-backed-leaved) Kino 
Tree (Jik. 5/268, adpd). 2546-c. 
Bridelia retusa (Roxburghiana). 

Spinous Lily Thorn (S. 242) (Cag. 541). 

1513 Catesbzea spinosa, 

| Spinous Malberry (Hk. 5/478, adpd). 
glandular ligulate-oblong-obtuse (6-20)- | 

deccelxvii. Phyllochlamys (genus). 

Spinous (Penninerved Small-subsessile 
subtrapezoid-apically- serrate -acumin- 
ate-leaved) Mulberry (Hk. 5/488, 
adpd). 2716 Phyllochlamys spinosa. 

Spinous Pink-flowered Rangoon Creeper 
(Hk, 2/460, adpd). 1165 Quisqualis 

Spinous (Multifoliate-(11-15)-grey-silky 
oblong-obtuse - or - emarginate - leaved) 
Rose-wood Climber (Hk. 2/238, adpd). 
887 Dalbergia sympathetica. 

Spinous (Multifoliate-(7-9) 
wood Climber (Hk. 2/289, adpd). 
(bis.) Dalbergia coromandeliana. 

Spinous Salt-swamp Rose-wood Climber 
(Bs/T/238, adpa). 893 Dalbergia 

Spinous Scarlet flowered Shrubby Spurge 
(Br. 191, adpd). %539 Euphorbia 

Spinous (Twisted podded) 
Plant (Hk. 2/288, adpd). 
Dichrostachys (genus). 

Spinous-(young) (Bifoliate Infra-(1)- 
elandular-medium elliptic-acute- 
leaved) Sirissa (Bed. 2/317, adpd). 
1058 Inga cynametroides 

Spinous (Very-small-opposite Elliptic- 
entire leaved) Anchor Plant (Nic. 1/361, 
adpd). 557 Colletia ferox. : 

Spinous Wild Indigo (McL. 871, adpd). 
772 Tephrosia spinosa. 

Spine-ciliate leaved Unispinous-rachis 
Rattan (Hk. 6/447, adpd). 38209 
Calamus Rotang. 


Sensitive _ 


Spiny _Bifoliate-very-small Obovate- 
Elliptic-obtuse leavyed Firework Plant 
(Hk. 1/523, adpd). 433 Balanites 

Spiny (Fascicled-minute-leaved Dwarf- 
procumbent) Buck-thorn (Hk. 1/639, 

adpd). 569-b. khamnus_ virgatus | 
Spiny (Fascicled-small-hairy-backed- 

leaved) Buck-thorn (Bed. 1/70, adpd). 
569-c. Rhamnus virgatus (hirsuta). 

Spiny (Fascicled-very-smal]-obovate-acu- | 

minate-leaved) Buck-thorn (Hk. 1/639, 

adpd). 569-a. Khamnuos _ virgatus 

Spiny Catesbea (Br. 91). 1513 Catesbea 

Spiny-fibred (Simple-palmati-(5-7)-nerv- 
ed Large-to-medium-membranous-wool- 
ly-glabrate Round-to-kidney-heart-cus- 
pidate-leaved) Yam (Hk. 6/291, adpd). 
8059 Dioscorea spinosa. 

Spiny Four petalled Buck Thorn (McL. 
762, adpd). 569 Rhamnus virgatus. 

Spiny stemmed Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Cag. 337, adpd), 3142 Oncosperma 

Spiry stemmed Lacerated Feather Palm 
(Nic. 3/502, adpd). 3147 Stevensonia 

Spiny stemmed Nibbled-tipped Feather 
Palm (Nic. 2/330). 3235 Martinezia 
cary otifolia. 

Spiny stemmed Ringed Feather Palm 
(Muell. S.P, Nic. 1/8, adpd). 
Acanthophcenix rubra. 

Spiny stemmed Silvery Feather Palm 
(Nic. 1/142,adpd). mxvii. Astrocaryum 

Spiral Five tubercled Spurge (McL. 502, 
Br. 190, adpd). 2535 Euphorbia 

Spiral Leafy Milk Hedge (Mch. 502, 
adpd). 2535 Euphorbia Nivulia. 

Spiral leaved Date (Bs/T/646, adpd), 
8165 Pheenix rupicola. 

Spiral Spurge (McL. 508) (Br. 191), 
2537 Euphorbia tortilis. 

Spit (Adder) (Nic. 3/340). 3335 Pteris 

Spleen Tree (McL. 762). 467 Amoora 

Spleenwort Fern (Nic. 1/137) (S. 40). 
mlvii. Asplenium (genus). 

Spleenwort (Bipin nate-hairy-rachised 
Papery- oblong - (4”-6”) - serrate - or - 
entire-acuminate-pinnated) Fern (Bed/ 
F,adpd). 3346 Asplenium esculentum. 

Spleenwort (Bipinnate-prickly -stiped 
Papery-oblong- lance - (3”-5”) - pinnati- 
pid-acuminate-pinnuled) Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd), 8345 Asplenium polypodioides. 

3131 | 

INDE. 935 

Spleenwort (Bipinnate-(1}-3ft)-spiculed- 
rachised Membranous-oblong-pinnati- 
partite-subobtuse-pinnuled) Fern (Bed/ 
F, adpd). 3343 Aspleniom  filix- 

Spleenwort (Pinnate - (13—-2ft) - subglab- 
rous Membranous-oblong-lance-cre- 
nate- subsinuate- acuminate- pinnated) 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3347 Asplenium 

Spleenwort (Tripinnate - scaly - stiped 
Papery - lance - crenate - to - pinnatipar- 
tite-acuminate-pinnuled) Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). 3344 Asplenium latifolium. _ 

Splendid Adam’s Needle (Br. 322), 38115 
Yucca gloriosa. 

Splendid Barringtonia (Br. 80). 1273 
Barringtonia speciosa. 

Splendid Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474) (* Mu. 
50), 3264e. Dieffenbachia Seguine 
(splendens) (* spectabilis). 

Splendid Salvia (Br. 159). 2851 Salvia 

Splitting-podded Corky-barked Wild 
Indigo (Hk. 2/114, adpd), 771 

Tephrosia fusca. 

Sponge Tree (McL. 936). 

Sponge Wood (McL. 844, 853), 787 
4Aischynomene aspera. 

Sponia (Amboyna) (McL, 361). 2713 
Jrema orientalis (?). 

Sponia (Wight’s) (McL. 361). 2713 
Trema orientalis. 

Spoon leaved Downy Jasmine (McL. 383, 
adpd). 1756 Jasminum Roxburghianum. 

Spotted Bronze Wedge leaf Palm (Cag. 
344). 3147 Stevensonia grandifolia. 

Spotted Curved Goglet Flower (McL, 456, 
adpd). 1934 Ceropegia elegans. 

Spotted (Cream) Dragon Tree(Nic. 5/380), 
3101 Dracwena Godseffiana. 

Spotted Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3265 
Dieffenbachia picta. 

Spotted Gum of Queensland and New- 
South-Wales (Bth. 3/212). 1191 
Eucalyptus hemastoma. 

Spotted Gum of Two-fold-Bay and 
Victoria (Bth, 3/230). 1194 Eucalyptus 

Spotted (Brown) leaved American Aloe 
(Nic. 1/41). 3053 Agave variegata. 

Spotted (Peltate Pink) leaved Pepper 
(Nic, 5/605). 2418 Piper ornatum, 

Spotted Saccolabium (Br. 210). 2953 
Rhyncostylis retusa. 

Spotted-throated Blue Littoral Nail-Dye 
(Treas, Bot. 1/201, Hk. 2/388, adpd), 
dexcix. Calophanes (geuus). 

Spreading Bendy (McL. 83, 948). 238 
(bis.) Hibiscus ficulneus. 

Spreading Hamelia (Br. 103), 14€9 
Hamelia patens 

1027 Acacia 

Spreading Rose Mallow (MchL. 88, 948, 
adpd). 288 (bis.) Hibiscus ficulneus. 
Spreading Variegated Mountain Ebony 
(Cat. 112). 999 Bauhinia monandra. 

Spring (Harbinger of) (McL. 467). 663 
Mangifera indica. 
Spring Creeper (McL. 440). 355 

Hiptage Madablota. 

Spring Tree (McL. 467). 663 Mangifera 


Spruce (H/E.F) (S. 328). cmx. Picea 

Spruce (Common) (Gb1. 716). 2863 Picea 

Spruce (Himalayan) (W.A.1) (Gol. 716). 
2865 Picea Morinda. 

Spruce (Norway) (Muell. 8.P) (S. 292, 
328) (Gbl. 716), 2863 Picea excelsa, 
Spruce (White) (Muell. S.P) (H/E.F) 
(Gbl. 716) (Nic. 8/14) (FAR. 10, NLGS) 

2864 Picea alba. 

Spruce Fir (Nic. 1/1, corr). 

Spruce (Smith’s) Fir (Nic. 3/188), 
Picea Morinda. 

Spruce Fir of Hurope (W.A.I) (FAR. 25, 
31 to 83, NLGS). 2868 Picea excelsa. 
Spruce Pine of New-Jersey (H/E.F). 

2845 Pinus inops. 

Spruce’s Para Rubber (Cat. 260). 
Ilevea Spruceana. 

Spur Pepper (McL. 171). 2094-a. Cap- 
sicum frutescens (typica). 

Spurge (McL. 501) (Nic. 1/540) (S. 160). 
decevi. Huphorbia (genus). 

Spurge (Ancient) (McL. 
Huphorbia antiquorum. 

Spurge (Bojer’s Madagascar) (Br. 191, 
adpd), 25389 Euphorbia Bojeri. 

Spurge (Caper) (8. 16). 
Euphorbia (genus). 

Spurge (Common Tree) (Mch. 
2633 Euphorbia Tirucalli. 

Spurge (Crimson-backed-leaved Tiger's 
Milk) (Cag. 416, adpd). 2705 
Hxcecaria bicolor. 

Spurge (Five angled) (Br. 190) (Rid. 125) 
(McL. 502) (Br. 190). 26384 HKuphorbia 

Spurge (Five tubercled) (MchL. 502, Br. 
190, adpd), 2534 Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Spurge (Grant’s Leafy) (Nic. 3/530). 
2542 Synadenium Grantii. 

Spurge (Indian) (Br, 191) (Cat. 242). 
2533 Kuphborbia Tirucalli. 

Spurge (Indian Tree) (McL. 365) (HN, 

emx. Picea 



502). 2536 



870) (PA. 418). 2583 Euphorbia Tiru- 

Spurge (Jacquinia flowered) (Cag. 415), 
2541 Euphorbia fulgens. 

Spurge (Jasmine) (MchL. 644). 1825 
Plumeria acutifolia, 

Spurge (Leafy Tree) (McL. 502), 2584 

Euphorbia neriifolia, 


Spurge (Linear Opposite leaved) (McL. 
502, adpd). 25382 Euphorbia lineari- 

Spurge (Long elliptic-oblong-lance-cre- 
nate-acuminate-leaved ‘Tiger’s-milk) 
(Hk. 5/471, adpd). 2704 Sapiam 

Spurge (Long-or-medium-leathery Oppo- 
site Lidear-oblong-acuminate-leaved 
Tiger’s-milk) (Hk. 5/474, sdpd). 2708 
Exceecaria robusta. 

Spurge (Medium-papery lliptic-lance- 
serrate-cuspidate-leaved Tiger’s-milk) 
(Hk. 5/471, adpd). 2703 Sapium 

Spurge (Medium-papery Opposite ellip- 
tic - lance - serrate - acuminate - leaved 
Tiger’s-milk) (Hk. 5/478, adpd), 2707 
Exceecaria crenulata. 

Spurge (Oleander leaved) (McL, 502), 
2534 Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Spurge (Round Tree) (MeL. 502), 2538 
Kuphorbia Tirucalli, 

Spurge (Scarlet Long-wreath-flowering) 
(Nic, 1/541). 2541 Euphorbia fulgens. 
Spurge (Seaside Opposite leaved) (Mch. 
502, adpd). 2531 Euphorbia Atoto, 
Spurge (Slender-racemed Round-capsuled 
Tiger’s-milk) (Hk. 5/472, adpd). 2704-b. 

Sapium insigne (malabarica). 

Spurge (Slipper) (S. 311, 403). 2543 Pedi- 
lanthus tithymaloides. 

Spurge (Small-fleshy-leathery Round-or- 
ed Tiger’s-milk) (Hk. 5/472, adpda). 
2706 Exceecaria Agallochas 

Spurge (Small-glaucous-backed Elliptic- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved Tiger’s-milk) 
(Uk. 5/469, adpd). 2701 Sapium dis- 

Spurge (Small-glaucous-backed Roundish- 
ovate-acuminate-leaved Tiger’s-milk) 
(Hk. 5/470, adpd). 2702 Sapium sebi- 

Spurge (Spinous Scarlet flowered Shrub- 
by) (Br. 191, adpd)., 2539 Euphorbia 

Spurge (Spiral) (McL. 503) (Br. 191). 
2587 Euphorbia tortilis. 

Spurge (Spiral Five tubercled) (MeL. 502, 
Br. 190, adpd). 25385 Huphorbia 

Spurge (Square) (McL. 502, adpd). 
Kuphorbia antiqnorum. 3 

Spurge (Stout-racemed Ovoid-capsuled 
Tiger’s-milk) (Hk. 5/472, adpd). 2704-a. 
Sapium insigne (typica). 

Spurge (Tiger’s-milk) (McL. 9, 892, 1000, 
Hk, 5/244, 472, adpd). decclix. Sapium 

Spurge (Tiger’s-milk) (McL. 9, 892, 1000, 
Aik, 5/244, 472,adpd). decclx. Exczca- 
ria (genus) 



Spurge (Triangular) (McL. 502) (Br. 190) 
(Ell. 265) (Pf. 216), 2536 Euphorbia 

Spurge (Twisted) (McL. 
Euphorbia tortilis. 

Spurge (Twisted Square) (McL. 503, adpd), 
2537 Euphorbia tortilis. 

€ purge (Winged Square) (Mcl. 502, adpd). 
2538 Euphorbia triguna. 

Spurge (Wight’s Opposite leaved) (McL. 
502, adpd). 2530 Euphorbia Wightiana. 

Spurge Laurel Family (L/N/S/B, adpd). 
XCVIII. Thymelzacez (Order). 

Spurge Laurel (McL. 230) (?). 
Nerium odorum (?). 

Spurge (Climbing) Laurel (Hk. 1/582, 
Nic. 1/441, adpd). cci. Cansjera 

Spurge (Capitate-scaly-flowered Opposite- 
and-alternate-leaved) Laurel (Hk. 5/192, 
Treas. Bot. 2/663, adpd). dcexevii. 
Lasiosiphon (genus). 

Spurge (Small-leathery Broad-lance-leaved 
Climbing) Laurel (Hk. 1/582, adpd). 
494 Cansjera Rheedii. 

Spurge (Small-papery-silky-backed-glab- 
rate Linear-lance-and-oblance-acute- 
leaved) Laurel (Hk. 5/197, adpd). 2492 
Lasiosiphon eriocephalus, 

Spurge (Stigmatic Subopposite-leaved) 
Laurel (Hk, 5/192, Treas. Bot. 2/663, 

503). 2537 


adpd). decxevi. Wikstrcemia (genus). 
Spurge (Very-small-papery obovate- 
oblong-cuneate-obtuse-leaved) Lanrel 

(Hk. 5/195, adpa). 

Spurgewort (McL. 892). 

Spurgewort Family (Br. 189). 
phorbiacez (Order). 

Spurgeworts (McL.1004). CII. Euphorbi- 
ace (Order). 

Spurious (Warty capsuled) Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/879, adpd). 305 Leptonychia 

Spurious Pepper-corn (Treas. Bot. 1/448, 
adpd). 1661 Embelia Ribes. 

Spurious Plane (Muell. §8.P). 

Spurious Wild Olive (McL. 473, 711, 1004, 
adpd). 2597 Putranjiva Roxburghii., 
Spurless-stipuled (Paripinnate-(6)-flat- 
rachised-small) lance-acuminate Flower- 
ing Asoca (Bdn/F.T, adpd). 986 (bis.) 

Humboldtia Bourdilloni, 

Spurless-stipuled (Paripinnate-(2-4)-me- 
dium-leathery) oblique-oblong-lance- 
cuspidate-leaved Flowering Asoca (Hk. 
2/274, adpd). 984 Humboldtia unijuga 

Spurred-calyxed Bivalved capsuled Loose- 
strife (Treas. Bot. 1/361, adpd). 
edxxxvi. Cuphea (genus). 

2491 Wikstreemia 
2706 Excecaria 

CII. Enu- 

644 Acer 

Spurs (Slipper) (Nic. 3/58). 2543 Pedi- © 

lanthus tithymaloides. 



Square-branched (Small-leathery lance- 

acuminate-leaved) Chay-root shrub 
(Hk. 3/49, adpd). 1467 Hedyotis 

Square-branched (Long-leathery Heart-to 
oblong- serrate-to-entire- acute- leaved) 
Climbing Olive (lk. 3/618, adpd). 
1797 Myxopyrum smilacifolinm. 

Square-branched (Small-rigid-scabrid El- 
liptic-crenate-serrate subobtuse-leaved) 
Conehead (Hk. 4/484, adpd). 2180 
Strobilanthes Kunthianns. 

Square-branched (Unequally-paired-long- 
and-small-downy -sessile-auriculate Hley- 
en-(10-13-prs-in-long)-nerved ovate- 
oblong - serrulate - acuminate - leaved) 
Conehead (Hk. 4/458, adpd). 2219 
Strobilanthes auriculata. 

Square-branched (Long-shining-glaucous- 
backed-axil-tufted Ovate-oblong-cuspid- 
ate-leaved) Fetid Holly (Hk, 1/589, 
adpd). 5U0-c. Mappia foetida (ovata). 

Square-branched (Small - hairy - nerved 
Ovate-acute-leaved) Fetid Holly (Hk. 
1/589, adpd). 6500-e. Mappia fcetida 

Square-branched  oblong-cordate-leaved 
Tree Bilberry (Hk. 2/559, adpd). 1299-b. 
Memecylon malabaricum (cordata). 

Square-branched (Medium-to-long-mem- 
branous Whorled-(3-4)-and-opposite el- 
liptic-acute-or-acuminate-leaved Offal 
shrub (Hk. 3/194, adpd), 1591 Sap- 
rosma corymbosum. 

Square-branched (Small Ovate-to-oblong- 
lance-acuminate-leaved) Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/576, adpd). 490 Olax acuminata. 

Square-branched (Unifoliate-medinm- 
thinly-silky-glabrate-membranous linear- 
lance-acute-leaved) Rattlewort (dk. 
2/78, adpd). 721 Crotalaria tetragona. 

Square-branched (Unifoliate-medium- 
thinly-silky-membranous lance-acumin- 
ate-leaved) Kattlewort (Hk. 2/78, 
adpd). 720 Crotalaria leptostachya. 

Square-branched (Palmati-(3-5)-nerved- 
medium Elliptic-to-ovate-oblong-cuspid- 
ate-leaved) Sarsaparilla (Hk. 6/809, 
adpd). 3079 Smilax zeylanica. 

Square (Few-(1-4)-seeded) branched 
Spindle 'l'ree (Bed. 1/64, adpd). ccxiii. 
Glyptopetalum (genus). 

Square-branched (Medium oblong-elliptic- 
subentire leaved) Spindle Tree (Bed. 
1/65, adpd). 522 Glyptopetalm grandi- 

Square-branched (Medium oblong-lance- 
serrate-leaved) Spindle Tree (Bed, 1/64, 
adpd). 521 Glyptopetalum zeylanicum. 

Square (Anamalai) branched Tree Bil- 
berry (Hk. 2/564, adpd). 1297 (bis.) 
Memecylon molestum, 


Square (Canara) branched Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/555, adpd). 1296 Memecylon 

Square (Tinnevelly) branched Tree Bil- 
‘berry (Hk. 2/555, adpd). 1297 Meme- 
cylon gracile. } 

Square (Wight’s) branched Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/554, adpd). 1295 Memecylon 

Square-branched Very-small-leaved Chaw- 
stick (Hk. 1/644, adpd). 579 Helinus 

Square-hairy-branched (Leng-hairy Four- 
teen-(14-prs)-nerved Ovate-crenulate- 
cuspidate leaved) Conehead (Hk. 4/474, 
adpd). 2215 Strobilanthes violaceus. 

Square Milk Hedge (McL. 473, 502, 1000). 
2536 Euphorbia antiquorum. 

Square spiked Scarlet Nail-Dye (Treas. 
Bot). 2245 Aphelandra cristata. 

Square Sparge (McL. 502, adpd). 2536 
Euphorbia antiquorum, 

Square (Twisted) Spurge (McL, 503, 
adpd). 2537 Euphorbia tortilis. 

Square (Winged) Spurge (Mch. 502, 
adpd). 2538 Euphorbia trigona. 

Square stalked Bindweed (McL. 928). 
2046 Ipomea Turpethum. 

Square stalked Nyctanthes (McL. 383). 
1776 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 

Square stalked Vine (Br. 36). 582 
Vitis quadrangularis. 

Square stalked Wild Grape (McL. 685). 
582 Vitis quadrangularis. 

Square Tamarind (McL. 874). 365 Aver- 
rhoa Carambola. 

Square-unarmed-branched (Medium-to- 
long-leathery Elliptic-oblong-leaved) 
Emetic Nut (Hk. 3/112, adpd). 1500 
Randia densiflora. 

Square-unarmed-branched = (Siedium-to- 
long leathery Lance-acuminate-leaved) 
Emetic Nut (Hk. 3/112, adpd). 1501 
Randia Gardneri. 

Squarely-winged branched Spindle Tree 

(Hk. 1/610, adpd). 520 Euonymus 

Squarish-branched (Very-small Eiliptic- 
acute-leaved) Chay-root shrub (Hk. 
3/55, adpd). 1475 Hedyotis travan- 

Squat flowered Creeping 
(McL, 502, 847, adpd). 
stemma brevistigma. 

Squirrel’s Foot Fern (8.182). 
Davallia (genus). 

Squirt (Scarlet Water) Tree (Cag. 453). 
2187 Spathodea campanulata. 

Milk Hedge 
1891 Sarco- 


Staff (Bastard) Family (Hk. 1/570, adpd). | 

XXXI, Chailletiaceze (Order). 

Stafi (Long-leathery-sbining oblong-E]- 
liptic-ubtuse-leaved Fish-taii Capsuled) 
Tree (Bed. 2/120, adpd). 548 Kurri- 
mia bipartita, 



Staff (Climbing) Plant (McL. 459, adpd). 
532 Celastrus paniculatus. 

Staff Tree (Mch. 459) (El. 161). [532 
Sphalm] ccxix. Gymnosporia (genus). 
Staff (Assam Kubber leaved) Tree (Bed. 

2/120, adpd). 548 Kurrimia bipartita. 

Staff (Box leaved) Tree (McL. 459, adpd). 
539 Gymnosporia Wallichiana. 

Staff (Entire leaved) Tree (McL. 459, 
adpd). 540 Gymnosporia emarginata, 
Staff (Heyne’s elliptic leaved) Tree (McL, 

459, adpd). 536 Gymnosporia Heyneana, 

Staff (Lanceclate Pointed leaved) Tree 
(McL. 459, adpd). 537 Gymnosporia 

Staff (Narrow Jeaved) Tree (McL. 459, 
adpd). 541-b. Gymnosporia montana 

Staff (Nilgiri ovate serrate) Tree (McL. 
459, adpd), 534 Gymnosporia ovata. 
Staff (Ovate Pointed leaved) Tree (McL. 

459, adpd). 583 Gymmnosporia acuminata. 

Staff (Roth’s elliptic leaved) Tree (McL. 
459, adpd). 535 Gymnosporia Rothii. 

Staff (Round leaved) Tree (McL. 459, 
adpd), 54l-a, Gymnosporia montana 

Staff (Royle’s ovate serrate) Tree (McL. 
452,adpd). 583 Gymnosporia Royleana. 

Staff (Tail leaved Bastard) Tree (Hk. 
1/570, adpd). 486 Chailletia gelonioides. 

Staff (Thorny) Tree (McL. 174). 541 
Gymnosporia montana. 

Staff Vine (S. 84). ccxviii. Celastrus 

Stag’s Horn Moss (S. 256). 
podium (gents). 

Stag’s horn Trumpet Flower (McL. 669, 
982, adpd). 2151 Stereospermum xylo- 

Staining (Mouth) Spider Flower shrub 
(Nic. 2/528, adpd). 1288 Melastoma 

Stal Cherry of Bengal (McL, 171). 
Pimenta acris. 

Stalk (Hairy) figged Banyan (McL. 72, 

mlxix. Lyco- 


adpd). 2725 Ficus Dalhousize. 

Stalk leaved White Leaf Plant (MchL, 516, 
adpd). 1487-c. Mussenda frondosa 

Stalked (Angular) Acacia (MchL. 226). 
1089 Acacia Intsia. ; 

Stalked (Bronze) American Cabbage Palm 
(Nic. 2/521, adpd). 38158 Oreodoxa 

Stalked (Purple) Basil (McL. 909). 2336 
Ocimum sanctum. 

Stalked (Square) Bindweed (McL. 928). 
2046 Tpomea Turpethum. 

Stalked (Short) Bottle-brush Sirissa (Ni 
5/184). 1051 Calliandra brevipes. 

Stalked (Circular Black) Bourbon Palm 
(Nic. 2/287, adpd), 8198 Livistona 


Stalked (Subcireular Brown) Bourbon 
Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3197 Livis- 
tona australis. 

Stalked (Suborbicular Green) Bourbon 

Palm (Nic. 2/287, adpd). 
tona rotundifolia. 

Stalked (Striated) Crotalaria (McL, 860), 
722 Crotalaria juncea, 
Stalked-cuplike -indusiate 
close-to-pinnule-costa Fern 

adpd). miliii, Spheropteris (genus). 

Stalked (Triangular) Desmodium (Br. 52), 
801 Desmodium triquetrum. 

Stalked (Gland-bristly) Evergreen Rose 
(Nic. 3/323). 1088 Rosa Leschenaultii, 

Stalked (Long) Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2555 Phyllanthus longipes, 

Stalked-fruited (Creaniy) Tulip Tree (Hk. 
1/39, 43, adpd). 24 Michelia Champaca. 

Stalked-fruited (Tawny) Tulip Tree (Hk, 
1/39, 48, adpd). 24-b, Michelia Cham- 

_- paca (aurantiaca). 

Stalked-fruited Tulip Tree (Hk. 1/39, 
adpd). x. Michelia (genus). 

Stalked-frnited (Purple) Tulip Tree of 
China (Nic. 3/315). 23 Michelia fuscata. 

Stalked-fruited (White) Tulip Tree of the 
Himalayas (Hk. 1/89, 43, adpd), 25 
Michelia excelsa. 

Stalked-fruited (White) Tulip Tree of the 
Nilgiris (Hk. 1/39, 44, adpd). 26 
Michelia nilagirica. 

Stalked Lance leaved Spider Flower shrub 

3191 Livis- 


(Hk. 2/521, adpd). 1286 Osbeckia 
wy naadensis. 
Stalked leaflet Chaste Tree (Meck. 596, 

adpd). 2809 Vitex Negundo. 

Stalked (Chocolate margined andj Mauri- 
tius Palm (Nic. 2/237). 38227 Latania 

Stalked (Glaucous leaved and) Mauritius 
Palm (Nic. 2/237). 3226 Latania Lod- 
digesii. ' 

Stalked (Golden ribbed and) Mauritius 
Palm (Nic. 2/237). 3225 Latania aurea, 

Stalked (Square) Nyctanthes (McL, 383), 
1776 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 

Stalked (Square) Vine (Br. 36). 

Stalked (Square) Wild Grape (McL, 685). 
582 Vitis quadrangularis. 

Stalked (Wing) Yam (McL. 58). 3068 
Dioscorea alata, 

Stamen-girt-naked-disk (Polyandrous) 
Mercury (Treas. Bot. 2/7386, Hk. 5/243, 
adpd). deccxlix. Coelodiscus (genus). 

Stumened (Exsert styled and) Cactus 
(Nic. 2/454). cdlv. Nopalea (genus). 

Staminal-corunetted Ipecacaunha Swal- 
low-wort (McL. 360, Hk. 4/3, adpd). 
dexxxiii, Tylophora (genus). 

Stapled (Long) Cotton (McL. 223), 254 
Gossypium barbadense. 

582 Vitis 

(Bed/F, | 


Stapled (Short)Cotton (McL, 282) (Mueil, 
S.P). 258-c. Gossypium herbaceum 

Star Anise (McL. 33) (Rid, 282) (Muell. 
$.P). 17 Ilicium anisatum. 

Star Anise Seed Tree (S. 414). 17 Illicium 

Star Apple (Nic. 3/325). 
phyllum (genus). 

Star Apples (McL. 1007). 
taceze (Order). 

Star Apple (Cag. 222) (Vat. 170) (Ru/N/ 
69). 1677 Chrysophyllum Cainito. 

Star Apple (McL. 802) (Rid. 802) (Rid. 
115, 157). 1678 Chrysophyllum Rox- 

Star (East Indian) Apple (Gbl. 443) (McL. 
802, Rid. 115, 157, adpd). 1678 Chry- 
sophyllum Roxburghii. 

Star (West Indian) Apple (@bl. 443) 
(Cat. 170). 1677 Chrysophyllum 

Star Capsicum Nightshade (8. 414). 2070 
Solanum pseudocapsicum, 

Star-based Capsuled Dammer (Hk. 1/813, 
McL. 258, 259, adpd). Ixxxiv. Vateria 

Star Capsicum (Nic. 3/453) (S. 407). 2070 
Solanum pseudocapsicum. 

Star (Ciliated Indian) Capsicum (Hk, 
4/231, Nic. 3/453, 8.407, adpd). 2097 
Solanum bigeminatum, 

Star (Deccany) Capsicum (Hk. 4/230, Nic. 
3/453, S.407, adpd). 2074 Solanum 

Star (Indian Mountain) Capsicum (Hk. 

dliv. Chryso- 
LXIX. Sapo- 

4/231, Nic. 3/453, 8.407, adpd). 2078 
Solanum lve. 
Star-coronetted (Fleshy-leaved) Wheel- 

flowered Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/3, adpd). 
dexxxviii. Hoya (genus). 

Star Creeper (McL. 263). 2019 Ipomeza 


Star-flowered (Cherry-berried) Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xvii. Polyalthia 

Star-flowered (Necklace-berried) Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, adpd). xvi. Unona (genus).: 

Star-flowered (Velvetty-berried) Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, Hk. 1/89, adpd). xxvi. Alph- 
ongea (genus). 

Star-flowered (Rosette-coronetted) Swal- 
low wort (Hk. 4/47, adpd). dexxxvi. 
Heterostemma (genus). 

Star flowered (Biseriate-seeded-berried) 
Tree Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, adpd). xv. 
Canangium (genus). 

Star Glory (McL. 150) (S. 414). 2018 
Ipomeea coccinea. 

Star Gooseberry (Cag. 217) (Ru/N/73, 
0/9) (Mu. 46). 2569 Phyllanthus dis- 


Star (Country) Gooseberry (McL. 105) 
(Br. 195). 2569 Phyllanthus distichus. 

Star of Waltham Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 
54), 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semperfio- 
rens (punicea-roseo-suffusa). 

Star Pine (8.415), 2852 Pinus Pinaster. 

Star Quince (Loud). ecclxxxviii. Cotone- 
aster (genus). 

Star-Vervein (Medicvm - rusty - downy- 
backed Ovate-elliptic-entire-sub-acute- 
leaved) Climtber (Hk. 4/600, adpd). 
2332 Sphenodesma paniculata. 

Star-Vervein (Medium - to - large-shaggy 
Round -ovate -toothed-subacute-leaved) 
Climber (Hk. 4/600, adpd). 2331 
Symphorema polyandrum, 

Star-Vervein (Small-downy-backed Ellip- 
tic-entire-acnte-leaved) Climber (Hk. 
4/604, adpd). 23883-b. Congea tomen- 
tosa (azurea). 

Star-Vervein (Small-downy Ovate-elliptic- 
toothed-subacute-leaved) Climber (Hk. 
4/599," adpd). 2330 Symphorema in- 

Star-Vervein (Small-shaggy-backed-brist- 
ly Ovate-entire-acute-leaved) Climber 
(Hk. 4/608, adpd). 23828-a. Congea 
tomentosa (typica). 

Starwort (Medium-hoary-backed Narrow- 
lance-subacute-acuminate-leaved Shrub- 
by) (Hk. 3/251, adpd). 1606 Microglos- 
sa zeylanica. 

Starwort (Shrubby) (8.270), dxix. Micro- 
glossa (genus). 

Stemless (Elliptic leaved) Orchid (Hk. 

5/823, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxiv. (bis.) 
Josephia (genus). 

Sterless Date (McL. 414, 484, 1001) 
(Far. 1,25,GJM, VZM). 3166 Phoenix 

Stemless (Deciduous-linear-leaved) Flat- 
rooted Orchid (Hk. 6/76, adpd), 
cmxxxix. Tzeniophyllum (genus). 

Stemless (Leafless) Flat-rooted Orchid 

(Hk. 6/37, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxiii. 
Sarcochilus (genus), 
Stemless Non-flagelliferous Persistent 

Many-spathed Rattan (Hk. 6/404, adpd). 
mix. Zalacca (genus). 

Stemless (Broad-elliptic-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 5/828, W.A.I, adpd). 2939 
(tris.) Josephia latifolia. 

Stemless (Dagger leaved) Orchid (Hk. 
5/675, W.A.I, adpd). ecmxvii. Obero- 
nia (genus). 

Stemless (Larger Multifoliate-distichous- 

lorate-coriaceous) Orchid (Hk. 6/9, 
W.A.I, adpd). cmxxvii. Cymbidium 

Stemless (Larger Strap-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 6/9, W.A.I, adpd). cmxxyvii. 
Cymbidium (genus). 

Stemless (Long-succulent-erect-nblique- 
ly-marginate Strap-leaved) Orchid (Hk, 


6/10, W.A.I, adpd). 2946 Cymbidium 

Stemless (Medium-linear-to-cuneate-ob- 
long-bilobed Strap-leaved Long-flat- 
rooted) Orchid (Hk. 6/614, adpd). 2974 
Saccolabium maculatum. 

Stemless (Narrow-elliptic-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 5/823, W.A.I, adpd). 2989 (bés.) 
Josephia lanceolata. 

Stemless (Short-linear-obliquely emar- 
ginate Strap-leaved Long-flat-rooted) 
Orchid (Hk, 6/68, adpd). 2978 Sacco- 
labium viridiflorum. 

(Smaller Multifoliate-distich- 
ous-lorate-coriaceous) Orchid (Hk. 
6/55, adpd). cmxxxvi. Saccolabium 
(genus-Platyrhizon section). 

Stemless (Smaller Strap-leaved) Orchid 
(Hk. 6/55, adpd). cmxxxvi. Saccola- 
bium (genus-Platyrhizon section). 

Stemless (Very-long-drooping-obliquely- 
emarginate Strap-leaved) Orchid (Hk, 
6/10, W.A.I, adpd}. 2945 Cymbidium 

Stemmed (Spiny) Acuminate Feather 
Palm (Cag. 337, adpd). 3142 Onco- 
sperma horrida. 

Stemmed (Glaucous) and leaved Shrubby 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/382, adpd). 38299 
Arundinaria Hookeriana. 

Stemmed (Golden) Bamboo (Gbl. 747). 
3303-b. Bambusa vulgaris (aurea), 

Stemmed (Rough) Bastard Sensitive 
Plant (Mech. 844). 187 Aischynomens 

Stemmed (Black fibre-netted) Cocoanut 
(Nic. 1/849). 8231 Cocos Weddeliana. 
Stemmed (Flexuous Rough) Cocoanut of 
Brazil (Nic. 5/250).. 3229 Cocos 


Stemmed (Tessellate) Date (Gbl. 781, 


Bs/'T/645, adpd). 3170 Phoenix robusta. 

Stemmed (Bulbous) Glaucous Dwarf Date 
(Ghl. 781, adpd), 3166 Phenix 

Stemmed (Straight) Glaucous Dwarf Date 
(Gbl. 731, adpd). 3168 Phonix 
humilis (pedunculata). 

Stemmed (Climbing-naked) Ground 
Orchid (Hk. 6/90, W.A.I, adpd). 

emxlii. Vanilla (genus). 

Stemmed (Glaucous) Heart Vine (McL. 
283, adpd). 587 Vitis glauca, 

Stewmed (Scabrous) Hollow Medium 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/40, adpd). 33805 Oxy- 
tenanthera nigrociliata. 

Stemmed (Spiny) Lacerated Feather 
Palm (Nic. 8/602,adpd). 38147 Steven- 
sonia grandifolia. 

Stemmed (Sheath) Nibble-tipped Feather 
Palm (Cag. 837, adpd). emxe. Arenga 



Stemmed (Spiny) Nibbled-tipped Feather 
Palm (Nic. 2/330,adpd). 8285 Martine- 
zia caryotoides. 

Stemmed (Bifoliate elongated-jointed- 
shreathed -claviform -but- basally-psen- 
dobulbous) Orchid (Hk. 5/799, W.A.I, 
adpd). 2839 Eria pauciflora. 

Stemmed (Multifoliate-distichous-equit- 
ant-laterally-compressed Fleshy-tufted- 
short) Orchid (Hk. 6/80, W.A.I, adpd). 
emlxi. Podochilus (genus). 

Stemmed (Multifoliate-distichous-lorate- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered - terete) 
Orchid (Hk. 6/26, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxxx, Cottonia (genus). 

Stemmed (Multifoliate-distichous-lorate- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered -terete) 
Orchid (Hk. 6/31, W.A.I, adpd). 
cemxxxi. Doritis (genus). 

Stemmed (Multifoliate-distichous-lorate- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered - terete 
Orchid (Hk. 6/32, W.A.I, adpd). 
omxxxii, Rhynchostylis (genus). 

Stemmed (Multifoliate-distichous-lorate- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered - terete) 
Orchid (Hk. 6/48, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxxxiy. Aérides (genus-Section II, 


Stemmed (Multifoliate-distichous-lorate- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered - terete) 
Orchid (Hk. 6/49, W.A.I, adpd). 
cmxxxv. Vanda (genus). 

Stemmed (Maoltifoliate-distichous-lorate- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered - terete) 
Orchid (Hk. 6/54, W.A.I, adpd), 
emxxxvi, Saccolabium (genus-Micranthe 
in part, Calceolaria and Acampe 

Stemmed (Mualtifoliate-distichous-terate- 
coriaceous Sheath-covered-terete) 
Orchid (Ik. 6/78, W.A.I, adpd). emxl, 
Dip!ocentrum (genus). 

Stemmed (Multifoliate-distichous-trete- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered -terete- 
Orchid (Hk. 6/43, W.A.I, adpd), 

emxxxiv. Aérides (genus-Section I). 

Stemmed (Multifoliate-distichous-terete- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered - terete) 
Orchid (Hk, 6/55, W.A.I,  adpd). 
emxxxvi, Saccolabium (genus-Micran- 
the section in part), 

Stemmed (Maultifoliate-distichous-terete- 
coriaceous Sheath - covered - terete) 
Orchid (Hk. 6/22, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxxix. Luisia (genus), 

Stemmed (Multifoliate Hlongated-and- 
thick-but basally-pseudobulbous) Orchid 
(Hk. 5/798, W.A.1, adpd). cmxxiy. 
Eria (genus-Hymeneria section, part). 

Stemmed (Multifoliate Elongated-jointed- 
joint -sheathed -claviform -but -basally- 
psendobulbous) Orchid (Hk. 5/710, 720, 
734, 739, W.A.I, adpd). cmxix. Den- 


drobium (genus-Stachyobium and 
Hudendrobium part-sections). 

Stemmed (Multifoliate-scattered-flesh y 
Climbing-naked) Orchid (Hk. 6/73, 
W.A.I, adpd). cmxxxviii. Cleisostoma 

Stemmed (Multifoliate scattered-rigid 
Jointed-flexuous-pendulous) Orchid 
(Hk. 6/68, W.A.I, adpd), cmxxxvii. 
Sarcanthnus (genus). 

Stemmed (Petioled-coriaceons Bifoliate 

Psendobulbous) Orchid (Hk. 5/701, 703) 
2900 Liparis longipes. 

Stemmed (Petioled-coriaceous Bifoliate 
Pseudobulbous) Orchid (Hk. 5/828). 
emxxv. Ceelogyne (genus). 

Stemmed (Petioled-coriaceous Quadrifoli- 
ate-(occasionally-3-or-2) Pseudobul- 
bous) Orchid (Hk. (6/20, W.A.I). 
emxxvili, Polystachya (genus). 

Stemmed (Petioled Unifoliate Pseudobul- 
bous) Orehid (Hk. 5/752). cmxxi. 
Bulbophyllum (genus), 

Stemmed (Petioled Unifoliate Pseudobul- 
bous) Orchid (Hk. 5/772). cmsxii. 
Cirrhopetalum (genus). 

Stemmed (Petioled Unifoliate Pseudo- 

bulbors) Orchid (Hk, 5/780). 
Trias (genus), 

Stemmed (Petioled Unifoliate Pseudobul- 
bous) Orchid (Hk. 6/86, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxli. (bis.) Thelasis (genus). 

Stemmed (Petioled Unifoliate Pseudobul- 
bous) Orchid (Hk. 5/699, 701). 2899 
Liparis pusilla. 

Stemmed (Sessile-membranous Bifoliate- 
(rarely-more) Pseudobulbous) Orchid 
(Hk. 5/692). cmxviii. Liparis (genus- 

Stemmed (Sessile-membranons Bifoliate- 
(rarely-more) Pseudobulbous) Orchid 
(Hk. 5/715). emxix. Dendrobium 
(genus-Stachyobiwm section, part). 

Stemmed (Sessile-membranous Bifoliate- 
(rarely-more) Pseudobulbous) Orchid 
(Hk. 5/785). cmxxiv. Eria (genus-Por- 


par,  Conchidiwm and Bryobtum 
Stemmed (Sessileemembranous Quadri- 

foliate-(occasionally-3) Pseudobulbous) 
Orchid (Hk. 5/689, 705). cmxviii. 
Liparis (genus-part). 

Stemmed (Sessile Unifoliate Psendobul- 
bous) Orchid (Hk, 5/844, W.A.I, adpd). 
cmxxyi. Pholidota (genus), 

Stemmed  (Unifoliate Spindle-branched 
Long-pendulous) Orchid (Hk. 5/710, 
714, adpd). 2904 Dendrobium Maecrzi. 

Stemmed (Quadrangular) Passion Flower 
(Nic. 3/82). 1358 Passiflora quadran- 

Stemmed (Winged) Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/29), 1347 Passiflora alata, 


Stemmed (Gouty) Physic Nut (Cag. 418). 
2626 Jatropha podagrica. 

Stemmed (Quinquecostate Long) Rattan 
(Hk. 6/461, adpd). 3215 Calamus 

Stemmed (Spiny) Kinged Feather falm 
(Muell. S.P, Nic. 1/8, adpd). 3131 
Acanthophcenix rubra. 

Stemmed (Pendulous-branched Green) 
Shrnubby Bamboo (Hk. 7/410, adpd). 
3216 Teinostachyum Wightii. 

Stemmed (Whip-branched Rough) Shrub- 
by Bamboo (Hk. 7/402). 38306 Oxten- 
anthera Thwaitesii. 

Stemmed (Yellow-velvetty) Shrubby 
Bamboo (GbI1.3307). 3307 Oxytenant- 
hera monostigma. 

Stemmed (Spiny) Silvery Feather Palm 
(Nic. 1/142,adpd), mxvii. Astrocaryum 

Stemmed (Bristly) Slender Reed Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/419, adpd). 33819 Ochlandra 

Stemmed (Jagged) Spine-tipped Feather 
Palm (Cag. 3842, adpd). cmxcv. Phe- 
nix (genus). 

Stemmed (Quadrangular) Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 818, adpd). 802 Desmodium 

Stephanotis (Common) (Nic. 3/499). 1906 
Stephanotis floribunda. 

Stephanotis (Showy) (Br. 122). 
Stephanotis floribunda. 

Sterculia Family (Br. 20). 
cez (Order). 

Stereulia (Edible) (McL. 68, 478). 
Sterculia Balanghas. 

Sterculia (Foetid) (McL. 704) (Br. 22). 
264 Sterculia foetida. 

Stercnlia (Scarlet flowered) (McL, 651). 
272 Sterculia colorata. 

Stereospermum (Sweet scented) (Br, 181). 
2150 Stereospermum suaveolens, 

Sterile-lance- (4”-8”)-crenate - acuminate 
(Pinnate-(2-3 ft.) Ff ertile-narrower- 
pinnatifid-pinnated Jiadder Fern(Bed/F, 
adpd). 8369 Nephrolepis devalliotdes. 

Sterile - lance - pinnatipartite - acuminate 
(Bipinnate - (14-8 ft.) - scaly -rachised) 
ed - notch - tipped - pinuated Buckler 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3363 Nepbhrodium 

Sterile - oblique-ovate - pinnatifid - lobed- 
serrulate-subacute (Bipinnate) Fertile- 
lance-obtuse-entirely - soriferous-pinnul- 
ed Climbing I'ern (Bed/F,  adpd). 
Lygodium japonicum. 

Sterile-oblong-(3”—-1”) - subentire - obtuse 
(Pinnated-(1-3 ft.) Fertile-longer-cre- 
nate-pinnated Ladder Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd). $8870 Nephrolepis cordifolia, 

Sterile - oblong - lance -(1’’—2’’)- sinuate - 
obtuse (Bipinnate-(1-2 ft.) Fertile- 

xx. Sterculia- 



linear-(3’’-1’’)-crenate -obtuse-pinnaled 
Royal Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3387 
Osmunda regalis. 

Stick (Twisted) (McL. 802). 280 Helic- 
teres Isora 

Sticky Heart leaved Morning Mallow 
(Rox. 3/172, adpd). 212 Sida mysor- 

Sticky (Unifoliate-very-small-loosely- 
silky oblance-obtuse) leaved Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/81, adpd). 730 Crotalaria panic- 
ulata, : 

Sticky Mallow (MchL. 517, adpd). xci. 
Pavonia (genus). 

Sticky (Ceylon) Mallow (McL. 517, adpd). 
232 Pavonia zeylanica. 

Sticky (Fragrant) Mallow (McL. 517, 
adpd). 283 Pavonia odorata. 

Sticky (Pink-tinged) Mallow (McL. 517, 
adpd). 2383 Pavonia odorata. 

Sticky (Rose-coloured) Mallow (Mech. 
517, adpd). 232 Pavonia zeylanica. 

Sticky (Yellow) Mallow (McL. 517, adpd). 
231 Payonia glechomifolia. 

Stiff downed Fleshy Ragweed (Hk. 3/837, 
adpd). 1624 Notonia balsamica. 

Stigmatic Subopposite-leaved Spurge 
Laurel (Hk. 5/192, Treas. Bot. 2/668 
adpd). decxcvi. Wikstrcemia (genus). 

| Stinging fruit Ebony (McL, 366, adpd), 

1697 Diospyros pruriens. 
Stinging fruited Ordure Tree (McL. 150, 
406, adpd). 267 Sterculia urens, 
Stinging Palm (McL. 777). 3152 Caryota 
Stink Tree (McL. 150). 



Stink Weed (McL. 261). 2099 Datura 

Stink (Ceylon) Wood (Hk. 5/483, adpd), 
2711 (bis.) Celtis cinnamomea. 

Stinking Acacia (McL. 986). 1027 Acacia 

Stinking Casondy (McL, 136, 847, 995). 
950 Cassia Sophera. 

Stinking Nelly (Mcl. 587), 2296 Premna 

Stinking Opal Berry (McL. 300). 1591 
(bis.) Peederia foetida. 

Stinking Poungamia (Mch. 101). 926 
Cesalpinia Bonducella (?). 

Stinking Swallowwort (Hk. 4/20, adpd). 
1885 Demin extensa. 

Stinking (Bell-fiowered Echinate-fruited) 
Swallowwort (Treas. Bot. 2/882, adpd), 
dexxv. Oxypetalum (genus). 

Stinking (Downy Heart-leaved Blue-bell) 
Swallow-wort (Treas. Bot. 2/832, adpd). 
1886 Oxypetalum ceeruleum. 

Stinking (Funnel-flowered Echinate- 
fruited) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/2, adpd) 
dexxiv, Demia (genus). 

cil. Sterculia 


Stinking (Medium-membranous hispid 
Heart-leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/20, 
adpd). 1885 Deomia extensa. 

Stinking (Very-small-leathery Roundish- 
ovate-oblong-leaved) Swallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/20, adpd). 1884 Pentatropis 

Stinking (\Wheel-flowered Smooth-fruitea) 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/2,adpd). dexxiii. 
Pentatropis (genus), 

Stinking weed (McL. 136). 

Stipulate Sirissa (McL. 472, 840, 995). 
1049 Albizzia stipulata. 

949 Cassia 

Stipnlated Acacia (McL. 849). 1049 
Albizzia stipulata. 

Stipule-lined (Scarlet-berried) Privet 
(Treas Bot. 1/520). dexlvi. Gardneria 


Stipuled (Semilanceolate) Defiexed-rigid 
Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 2/364). 
1100 Rosa gallica. 

Stipuled (Semiovate-dentate) Downy- 
backed Seven-(5~9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 
2/364) (Nic. 3/323). 1101 Kosa rubi- 

Stipuled (Large) Downy Rachis-glandular 
Senna (MchL. 804, adpd). 954 Cassia 

Stipuled (Small) Downy Rachis-glandular 
Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 958 Cassia 

Stipuled (Foliaceous) Eglandular Senna 
(McL. 804, adpd). 960 Cassia timori- 

Stipuled (Laciniate) elliptic Seven-(5-9)- 
leaved Rose (Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/322). 
1094 Rosa involucrata. 

Stipuled (Deciduous) Five-(3-5)-leaved 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1689 Rosa Banksia. 

Stipuled (Deciduous) Five-(3-5)-leaved 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1090 Rosa micro- 

Stipuled (Deciduous) Five-{3-5)-leaved 
Rose (Hk, 2/364). 1091 Rosa Fortu- 

Stipuled (Deciduous) Five-(3-5)-leaved 
Rose (Uk. 2/364). 1092 Rosa levigata. 

Stipnled (Narrow) Five-(3-5)-leaved Rose 

(Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/331). 1103 Rosa 
Stipuled (Semiovate-dentate) Flaccid 

Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 2/864) 
(Nic. 3/320). 109% Rosa centifolia, 

Stipuled (Semiovate-dentate) Gland- 
petioled Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk, 
2/864) (Nic. 8/322). 1097 Rosa Eglan- 

Stipuled (Narrow) Glandular Seven (5-9)- 
leaved Rose (Hk 2/368). 1088 Rosa 

Stipuled (Semiovate-dentate) Glaucous- 
backed Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 
2/864) (Nic. 3/329). 1102 Rosa alba. 


Stipuled (Heart) Larger Chinese Laurel 
(McL, 474, 594, adpd). 2614 Antidesma 

Stipuled (Lance) Larger Chinese Laurel 
(McL. 474, 594, adpd). 2617 Antidesma 

Stipuled (Broad Ovate) Lotus Croton 
(MeL. 478, 502, adpd). 2639 Macar- 
ang. indica. 

Stipuled (Narrow Woolly) Lotus Croton 
(McL. 478, 502, adpd). 2690 Macar- 
anga Roxburghii, 

Stipuled (Laciniate)Obovate Seven (5-9)- 
Jeaved Rose (Hk. 2/864) (Nic. 3/312). 
1095 Rosa bracteata. 

Stipuled (Glandular) Seven-(5-9)-leaved 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1086 Rosa moschata. 

Stipuled (Narrow) Seven-(5-9)-leaved 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1087 Rosa semper- 

Stipuled (Pectinate) Seven-(5-9)-leaved 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1085 Rosa multi- 

Stipuled (Semiovate-dentate) Subrigid 
Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 2/364) 
(Nic. 3/320). 1098 Rosa damascena. 

Stocks’ Betel-nut Laure] (McL. 
adpd). 2467 Litszea Stocksii. 

Stocks’ Cherry Black Plum (McL. 379, 
885,adpd). 1257 Bugenia Stocksii. 

Stocks’ Creamy-white Bindweed (Mch. 


120, adpd). 204) Ipomea Stocksii. 
Stone Apple (McL. 65). 425 Agle Mar- 

Stone Bamboo (Mcl. 70). 
calamus strictus. 

Stone Banyan (McL. 73, 473, 1000). 
Ficus infectoria. 

Stone Bikky (McL. 768). 

Stone (Eagle) Creeper (McL. 101, 286). 
926 Cesalpinia Bonducella. 

Stone Fig (McL.* 49, 1000). 2724-a. 
Ficus yibbosa (parasitica) (* scandens). 

Stone Mango (MeL. 16, 469). 1420 
Alangium Lamarckii. 

Stone (Italian) Pine (S, 218) (? P. Pinea). 
2848-e. Pinus Laricio (Pallasiana) (?). 

3310 Dendro- 

345 Eleocarpus 

Stone Pongamia (McL. 148) (?). 1519 
Canthium didymum (?), 

Stone Screwpine (Mcb. 20). emlxviii, 
Aloé (genus). 

Stone Sirissa (McL. 472, 840,995). 1049 
Albizzia stipulata. 

Stone Tsiela (McL.* 49), 2724-a. Fious 
gibbosa (parasitica) (* scandens). 

Stony Plantain (Mcl. 688). 3036 Musa 

Stony Plantain (McL. 364). 3026 Canna 

Stopper (Tiger) (McL. 538). 931 Czsal- 
pinia sepiaria. 

Storax Family (McL. 1007, adpd). LXXI. 
Styracez (Order), 


Storax (Mcl. 275, 856) (S. 419). dixiv. 
Styrax (genus). 
Storax (Officinal) (McL. 856).  dIxiv. 

Styrax (genus). 

Storax (True) (McL. 822, 856, 997). 
dlixiv. Styrax (genus). 

Storaxworts (McL. 1007). 
cez (Order). 

Stout (Long Liguled) Reed Bamboo (Hk. 
7/420, Bs/'T/684, adpd). 3323, Och- 
landra Brandisii. 

Stout (Longer internoded) Reed Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/419, adpd). 3321 Ochlandra 

Stout (Shorter internoded) Reed Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/418, adpd). 3318 Ochlandra 

Stout-creeping-stemmed (Very-long-pre- 
morse Strap-leaved) Orchid (Hk. 6/82, 
W.A.I, adpd). 29538 Khynchostylis 

Stout dark spined Devil Rattan (Nic. 
1/430). 8218 Dzmonurops fissus. 

Stont deflexed spined Devil Rattan (Nic. 
1/430). 8220 Demonorops  palem- 

Stout-medium-stemmed (Medium-obtuse 

LXXI, Styra- 

Skewer-leaved) Orchid (Hk. 6/22, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2949 Luisia teretifolia. 
Stout-racemed Ovoid-capsuled ‘'Tiger’s- 

milk Spurge (Hk. 5/472, adpd). 2704-a. 
Sapium insigne (typica). 
Stoutly (Climbing) Prickled Solitary 

Rose (Hk. 2/864). 1092 Rosa, laevigata. 

Stoutly racemed Phyllode Wattle (Bth. 
2/310, 865, adpd). 1022 Acacia pyc- 

Straight-forked-spined(Very-small Heart- 
leaved) Bengal-currant of the Cape 
(Nic. 1/104, adpd). 1805 Carissa 

Straight-spined (Small-papery oblong- 
ovate-round-cr-obovate-obtuse - leaved) 
Bengal-currant (Hk. 3/630, adpd). 1806 
Carrissa Carandas. 

Straight-spined (Very -small - leathery 
elliptic - lance - cuneate - acute - leaved) 
Bengal-currant (Hk. 3/631, adpd). 1808 
Carissa paucinervia. 

Straight spined (Very -smail - papery 
Bengal-currant (Hk. 3/631, adpd). 1807 
Carissa spinarum. 

Straight stemmed glaucous Dwarf Date 
(Gbl. 781, adpd). 3168 Phoenix humilis 

Straight thorned linear-(variable)-leaved 
Caper shrub (Hk. 1/174, adpd). 108 
Capparis divaricata. 

Straight-throated (Panicled) Christmas 
Pride (S. 378, Treas. Bot. 2/1096, adpd). 

Ceci. Stenosiphonium (genus), 



Straight-throated (Panicled) 
deci. Stenosiph- 

(Treas. Bot, 2/1096). 
onium (genus), 

Straits (Five leaved Tree of Beauty of 
the) (Hk. 1/554, adpd). 461 Aglaia 

Straits (Long-lance leaved Ordure Tree of 
the) (Hk. 1/361, adpd). 275 Sterculia 

Straits (White Laurel Tulip Tree of 
Burma and the) (Hk. 1/40, adpd). 18 
Talauma mutabilis. 

Straits Cane Betel Palm (McL. 675, adpd). 
8133 Pinanga disticha. 

Stramony (Purple) (Pfl. 258). 2098 
Datura fastuosa. 
Stramony (White) (Pfl. 258). 2097 

Datura Stramonium. 
Stramonium (McL, 261). 
Stramony (PA. 

Datura (genus). 

Strap-leaved (Medium-obovate-obtuse) 
Flat-tuft-rooted Short-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/382, W.A.I, adpd). 2952 Doritis 

Strap - leaved 
morse - complicate) 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/82, 
adpd). 2968 Vanda Roxburghii. 

Strap-leaved (Medium-linear-to-cuneate- 
oblong - bilobed) Long - flat - rooted 
Stemless Orchid (Hk. 6/64, adpd). 
2974 Saccolabium maculatum. 

Strap-leaved (Short-linear-?-obliquely- 
emarginate) Long-flat-rooted Stemless 
Orchid (Hk. 6/63, adpd). 2973 Saccola- 
bium viridiflorum. 

Strap-leaved (Long-obliquely-emarginate) 
Long-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/67, W.A.1, 
adpd). 2968 Saccolabium ochraceum. 

Strap-leaved (Medium-linear-premorse) 
Long-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/63, adpd). 
2970 Saccolabium przemorsum, 

Strap-leaved (Medium-oblong-unequally- 
obtusely-bilobed) Long-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/62, W.A.I, adpd). 2969 
Saccolabium Wightianun:. 

Strap-leaved (Short-lanceolate-obliquely-- 

2097 Datura 

258, adpd). dcelxxi, 

(Long - (or-medium) - pre- 
Long - climbing- 

emarginate) Long-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/51, W.A.I, adpd). 2962 Vanda 

Strap-leaved (Very-long-acutely-bilobed) 
Medium-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/54, 
adpd). 2964 Vanda Wightiana. 

Strap-leaved Orchid (Hk. 6/26, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxx. Cottonia (genus). 

Strap-leaved Orchid (Hk. 6/31, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxxi. Doritis (genus). 

Strap-leaved Orchid (Hk. 6/32, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxxii. Rhynchostylis (genus), 

Strap-leaved Orchid (Hk. 6/43, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxxiv, Aérides (genus, 
section IT, Tif). 


Strap-leaved Orchid (Hk, 6/49, W.A.I, 
adpd), emxxxv. Vanda (genus). 
Strap-leaved Orchid (Hk. 6/54, W.A.T, 
adpd). omxxxvi. Saccolabium (genus- 
Micranthe in part, Calceolaria and 

Acampe sections). 
Strep-leaved Orchid (Hk. 6/78, W.A.I, 
adpd). emxl. Diplocentrum (genus). 

Strap-leaved (Long-swallow-iailed-flexu- 
ous) Short-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/60, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2967 Saccolabium nila- 
giricum. : 

Strap-leaved (Medium-linear-recurved- 
obliquely-emarginate) Short-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/78, W.A.I, adpd). 2978 
Diplocentrum recurvum, 

Strap-leaved (Medium-linear-straight- 
obliquely-emargioate) Short-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/26, W.A.I, adpd). 2951 
Cottonia macrostachya. 

Strap-leaved (Medium-linear-nnequally- 
obtusely-bilobed) Short-stemmed Or- 
chid (Hk. 6/50, W.A.I, adpd). 2961 
Vanda parviflora. 

Strap-leaved  (Short-elliptic-oblong-un- 
equally-bilobed) Short-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/78, W.A.I, adpd). 2979 Diplo- 
centrum congestum. 

Strap-leaved (Long-broad-unequally- 
bilobed) Short-stout-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/63, W.A.I, adpd). 2972 Sacco- 
labium congestum, 

Strap-leaved (Long-obliquely-emarginate) 

Short-stout-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 
6/45, W.A.I, adpd). 2956 Aérides 

Strap-leaved (Long-narrow-unequally- 
bilobed) Short-stout-stemmed Orchid 
(Hk. 6/47, W.A.I, adpd). 2959 Aégrides 

Strap-leaved (Long-rounded-large-lobed) 
Short stout stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/47, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2960 Aérides odoratum. 

Strap-leaved {Medium-elliptic-thick-obli- 
quely emarginate) Short-stout-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/46, W.A.I, adpd). 2957 
Aérides crispum. 

Strap leaved (Purple mottled Long-(or 
medium) obtusely-emarginate) Short- 
stout-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/47, W.A.1, 
adpd). 2958 Aérides radicosum. 

Strap leaved (Very-small-linear-subacute) 
Short-tufted-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/56, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2966 Saccolabium 

Strap-leaved (Medium-linear - obliquely- 
emarginate) Slender-climbing-stemmed 
Orchid (Hk. 6/63, adpd), 2971 Sacco- 
labium papillosum. 

Strap-leaved (Larger) Stemless Orchid 
(Hk. 6/9, W.A.I, adpd). omxxvii. 
Cymbidium (genus). 



Strap-leaved (Long-succulent - erect-ob- 
liquely-emarginate) Stemless Orchid 
(Hk, 6/10, W.A.I, adpd), 2946 Cym- 
bidium bicolor, 

Strap-leaved (Smaller) Stemless Orchid 
(Hk. 6/55, adpd). cmxxxvi. ‘Sacco- 
labium (genus-Platyrhizon section). 

Strap-leaved (Very - long-drooping - ob- 
liquely-emarginate) Stemless Orchid 
(Ak, 6/10, W.A.I, adpd). 2945 Cyme 
bidium aloifolium. 

Strap-leaved (Very-long-premorse) Stout- 
creeping-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/82, 

W.A.I, adpd). 2953 Rhynchostylis 

Strap-podded Rose-wood (Hk. 2/60, 
Treas, Bot, 2/991, adpd), ccexxiv. 

Dalbergia (genus). 
Strap-podded Unarmed Sensitive Plant 

(Hk. 2/290, adpd). ceclxiv. Leuczena 

Strawberry - bearing Benthamia (Nie. 
1/165). 1421 Cornus capitata. 

Strawberry Corne] (Nic. 5/259). 1421 
Cornus capitata. 

Strawberry Guava (Cag. 236). 1222-d, 

Psidium Guyava (aromaticum),. 

Strawberry Tree (Nic. 1/108, adpd). 
dxl. (bis.) Arbutus (genus). 

Strawberry (Glandular-branched oblong- 
lance-serrulate leaved) Tree (Nic. 
1/108, adpa). 1644 (bis.) Arbutus 

Strawberry (Greek) Tree (Nic. 1/106). 
1644 (tris.) Arbutus Andrachne. 

Strawberry (Oblong-subserrate-to-entire- 
biuntish leaved) Tree (Nic. 1/107, 
adpd). 1644 (tris.) Arbutus Andrachne, 

Straw-shaded Bright-yellow Tea Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/91, 0/21) (Mu, 55). 
1105-f, Rosa-odorata (lutea-stramin- 

Straw-tinted White Noisette Rose (Ru/ 
N/90, 0/19) (Mu. 52) (Nic. 5/646), 
1108-d. Rosa Noisettiana (albida-stra- 

Streaked Dumb Cane (Ru/N/111, 0/33) 
(Mu. 49). 3264-b. Dieffenbachia 
Seguine (lineata). 

Streaked (Orange) Golden Funnel Dog— 
bane (Nic. 1/47, adpd). 1856 Alla- 
manda neriifolia, 

Streaked (White and Rosy) Leaf Cactus 
(Nic. 3/118). 1875 Phyllocactus phyl- 

Striated Stalked Crotalaria (McL. 860). 
722 Crotalaria juncea. 

Strict-branched (Very-small-sessile linear- 
oblong-obtuse - or - apiculate - leaved) 

Featherfoil (Hk. 5/290, adpd), 2559 
Phyllantius polyphyllus. 
Strigose-backed-lance (Small) leaved 

Half-star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/86, 
adpd), 62-b, Miliusa indica (strigosa), 



Strigose (Medium) elliptic leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk. 4/190, adpd). 2005 Argy- 
reia Lawii. 

Stringy Bark (Maid. C.T) (Bth. 3/204) 
(Bed. 1/98) (Bs/T/327) (Gbl. 353) (Bdn/ 
F.T) (W.Oa). 1190 Eucalyptus 

Stringy Bark of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
8/208). 1184 Eucalyptus eugeniotdes. 
Stringy (Australian) Barks (Maid. C.T). 

cdix. Eucalyptus (genus). 

Stringy (Bushy) Bark (Bth, 3/217), 1201 
Kucalyptus stricta, 

Stringy (Common) Bark (Bth. 3/204) 
(Nic. 1/535). 1190 Eucalyptus obliqua, 

Stringy (Manly-Beach) Bark (Bth. 3/208). 
1202 Encalyptus pilularis. 

Stringy (New-South-Wales) Bark (Bth. 
8/202). 1192 Eucalyptus amygdalina. 
Stringy (Two-fold-Bay)Bark (Bth. 3/207). 

1193 Kucalyptus piperita. 

Stringy (White) Bark (Maid. C.T). 
Eucalyptus eugeinordes. 

Stringy - barked (Irregular-(often-indis- 
tinct) - nerved Small - thick - shining 
Linear - lance - to - falcate - obtuse-or- 
acuminate-leaved)Hucalypt (Bth. 3/217, 
adpd), 1201 Eucalyptus stricta. 

Striped Bamboo (McL. 70, 472, 1002). | 
3303-e. Bambusa vulgaris (striata). 

Striped (Bronze) Bengal Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/874, adpd), 3107-0. Cordyline | 
terminalis (Robingonii). 

Striped (Green anc Orange bordered and) 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/378). 3107-g. 
Cordyline terminalis (glorisa). 

Striped (Yellow and Pink bordered and) 
Dragon Tree (Nic, 1/373). 38110 
Cordyline Baptistii. 

Striped Ginger (Ru/N/118). 
ber striolatum. 

Striped (Brown) Golden Funnel Dog- 
bane (Nic. 1/48, adpd). 1855 Alla- 


2999 Zingi- 

manda Schottii. 
Striped (Silver) Light banded Arrowroot 
(Nic. 1/288). 3023 Calathea Vanden- 

(Nic. 1/142). 244-2, Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (zebrina). 

Striped (Année’s) Tricolor Morning Glory 
(Nic. 5/444) (Rid. 54). 2029-d. Ipo- 
ma purpurea (tricolor). 

Striped (Deep-green) Yellowish Arrow- 
root (Nic. 1/287). 3018 Calathea leo- 
pardina. ; 

Strongiron Wood (Mch. 66). 
courtia sepiaria (?). 

Strong scented Evening Mallow (McL. 
914, adpd). 223 Abutilon graveolens. 

Strong smelling Tootty (McL. 914), 223 
Abutilon graveolens. 

Strong 'l'eak (McL. 884). (?) 929 Cesal- | 
pinia Sappan. 

Striped (Scarlet and Cream) Shoe Flower 
137 Fla- 


Struchnos - hupudtikos of the Greeks 
(McL. 44). 2095 Withania somnifera, 

Struchnos-manikos of the Greeks (Mch. 
262). 2098 Datura fastuosa. 

Struchnos of the Greeks (MeL. 107). 
2084 Solanum melongena. 

Struchnos of the Greeks (MeL. 690). 
1962 Strychnos pux-yomic2. 

Strumpet Plant (McL. 210). 2368 Piso- 
nia alba. 

Strychnias (Mch. 1004). 
niacez (Order). 

Strychnine Plant (Mch. 690, 
dexly. Strychnos (genus). 

LXXVI. Loga- 

Strychnine Tree (McL. 690) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Gbl. 497). 1962 Strychnos nux- 

Stuffing Tree (MchL. 235). 261 Hrioden- 

dron anfractuosum. 

Stunted Jack (McL. 376, 478, 683, 1000). 
2717 Streblus asper. 

Stunted neem (McL. 578) (? Personate 
Neem). 2119 Oroxylum indicum. 

Stunted neem (McL. 578) (? Personate 
Neem). 2149 Stereospermum chelo- 

Stunted neem ({(MchL. 578) (? Personate 
Neem). dclxxxviii. Bignonia (genus). 

Stunted Palmyra (McL. 777). 2873 
Cycas circinalis. : 
Sturax of the Greeks (McL. 856). dlxiy. 

Styrax (genus). 

Stuttgart (Glory of) Sage (Ooty. 187). 
2351 Salvia splendens. 

Styled (Exsert) and stamened Cactus 
(Nic. 2/454). cdlv. Nopalea (genus). 
Styled (Wheat-shock) Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). decexv. Glochidion 


Subaltern’s Butter (McL. 19) (Br. 186) 
(Cag. 218) (Rid. 100, 184). 2441 Per- 
sea gratissima. 

Subcircular Brown stalked Bourbon Palm 
(Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3197 Livistona 

Subdeltoid-leaved (Medium-winged-peti- 
oled) Knot-weed (Hk. 5/45. adpd). 
2388-a. Polygonum chinense (typica), 

Subentire leaved Negundo (Hk. 4/583, 
adpa@), 2309-a, Vitex Negundo 

Sub-family (Pea Flower) (Br. 47, adpd). 
XLIII-A. Leguminose (Order—Papi- 
lionez subcrder). 

Sub family (Senna Flower)(Br. 59, adpd). 
XLIII-B. Leguminose (Order—Cesal- 
pineze suborder), 

Sub-family (Sensitive Plant Flower) (Br. 
64, adpd). XLIII-C. Leguminose 
(Order—Mimosez suborder). 

Subfascicled (Small) ovate-cuspidate- 
leaved Honey-thorn (Hk. 2/134, adpd). 
1524 Canthium trayancoricum, 


Snbfascicled (Very-small) Roundish- 
obtuse-leaved Spinous Honey-thorn(Hk, 
3/135, adpd). 1528 Canthium parvi- 

Subglabrons-leaved open-racemed Larger 
Wila@ Tobacco (W.A.I). 1635-b. 

Lobelia excelsa (trichandra). 

Sublunate-indusiate linear - sori - along- 
pinnnle-venules Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
mlvii. Asplenium (genus). 

Subobtuse -ovate -leaved Coromandel 
Ebony (Hk. 3/564, adpd). 1714 Dios- 
pyros tomentsa. 

Subobtuse-elliptic - wedge-leaved Coro- 
mandel Ebony (Hk. 3/5€4,adpd). 1715 
Diospyros melanxoylon, 

Subopposite-leaved (Stigmatic) Spurge 
Laurel (Hk. 5/192, Treas. Bot. 2/613, 
adpd). dccxcvi, Wikstrcemia (genus). 

Sobopposite-medium - leathery ovate-or- 
elliptic- obtuse -leaved Honeysuckle 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/205, adpd). 2497 
Loranthus obtusatus. 

Subopposite-small-leathery-rusty-mealy - 
downy-glabrate lance-to-oblong-ovate- 
obtuse or-subacute-leaved Honeysuckle 
Mistletoe (Hk. 5/207, adpd). 2498 
Loranthus Hookerianus, 

Suborbicular Greenstalked Bourbon Palm 
(Nic. 2/287, adpd). 3191 Livistona 

Subpalmately-(10-30) nerved (Small-to- 
medium) - oblong - obtuse-mucronate- 
leaved Fare’s ear (Hk. 2/674, adpd). 
1385 Bupleurnm plantagineum. 

Subrigid (Semiovate - dentate - stipuled) 
Seven-(5-9)-leaved Rose (Hk. 2/364) 
(Nic. 3/320). 1198 Rosa damascena. 

Subscandert (Simple-3-14  ft.}-glossy- 
ciliate-hairy-glabrate backed Leathery- 
lance-repand acuminate-leaved) Oleand- 
er Fern (Red. F. adpdj. 3368 Oleand- 
ra neriiformis. 

Subserrate Rhomboid leaved Fig (McL. 
49, 1000, adpd). 2724-b. Ficus gibbosa 

Subsessile Lance leaved Spider Flower 
shrub (Hk. 2/521, adpd). 1287 Osbeck- 
ja nepaulensis, 

Subsolitary flowered China Box (Hk. 
1/503, adpd). 392-b. Murraya exotica 

Subspinescent (Trifoliate-very-small-sub- 
glabrous obcordate leaved) Rattlewort 
(Hk, 2/82, adpd). 732 Crotalaria rigida. 

Subtrapezoid-apically-serrate -acuminate- 
leaved (Penninerved Small subsessile 
Spinous Mulberry (Hk. 5/488, adpd). 
2716 Phyllochlamys spinosa. 

Subverticillate-leaved Myrtle (Bth. 3/263, 
adpd). 1220 Tristania conferta. 

Suckiings (Green) Osier (Kew Bull. 96) 
(FAR, 35, 36, NLGS). 2803 Salix 



| Suffused Pink and Creamy leaved Dragon 

Tree (Nic. 1/372). 3108 Cordyline 

Sugar Apple (McL. 35). 57 Anona 

Sugar Bush (Treas. Bot. 2/930). 

declxxxvi. Protea (genus). 

Sugar Cane (McL. 484), mxxxv. Sacchar- 
um (genus). 

Sugar Cane (McL. 306, 857, 1002) (Pr. 
2/1189) (Nic. 3/349) (S. 300, 449). 
3282 Saccharum officinarum. 

Sugar (Common) Cane (Ell. 487) (Pr. 84). 
3282 Saccharum officinarum. 

Sugar (Devil) Cane (McL. 858). 
Saccharum arundinaceum. 

Sugar (Dusky) Cane (McL. 811, adpd). 
3285 Saccharum fuscuin. 

Sugar (Reedy) Cane (McL, 484, 811, 856, 
1002 adpd), 3284 Saccharam arundina— 

Sugar (Wild) Cane (MecL. 569, 858) 
3283 Sacckarum spontaneum. 

Sugar (Wild) Cane (McL. 484, 856, 1002), 
3284 Saccharum arundinaceum. 

Sngar Palm (McL. 258). 3149 Arenga 

Sugar Palm (MclL. 316, 387, Cag. 337, 
Cat. 326, Rid. 264, Jaf. 129, adpd). 
emxc. Arenga (genus). 

Sugar Palm (Cag. 342) (Rid. 269) (Jaf. 
132). 3163 Phoenix sylvestris. 

Sugar (Alternate leaflet) Palm (Hk. 
(6/422, Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3151 Arenga 

Sugar (Bifariously fascicled leaflet) 
Palm (Hk. 6/421, Nic. 5/82, adpd). 
3150 Arenga obtusifolia. 

Sugar (Ceylon) Palm (Cag, 337) (Cat. 
326) (Rid. 264) (Jaf. 129). 3149 
Arenga saccharifera. 

Sngar (Date) Palm (Cat. 328). 3163 
Phoenix sylvestris. 

Sugar (Four leaved) Palm (Hk, 6/421, 
Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3149 Arenga sacchar- 

Sugar (Quadrifarionsly fascicled leaflet 
Palm (Hk. 6/421, Nic. 5/82, adpd). 
3149 Arenga saccharifera. 

Sugar (Single leaved) Palm (Hk. 6/422, 
Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3151 Arenga Wight- 

Sugar (Two leaved) Palm (Hk. 6/421, 
Nic. 5/82, adpd). 3150 Arenga obtusi- 

Sugar Reed (MclL. 857). 
rum officinarum, 

Sugi Pine of Japan (Mnuell. 8.P). 
Cryptomeria japonica. 

Sukaminos of the Greeks (McL. 367). 
2721 Morus indica. 

Suké of the later Greeks (McL, 34), 2752 
Ficus Carica, 


3282 Saccha- 


Sulphur-edged Dark- Yellow Tea Noisette 
Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/90, 0/19). 
1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odorata-lutea- 

Sulphur flowered Cassia (Mc. 208). 
(Br. 62). 961 Cassia glauca. 

Sulphur flowered Prickly Pear (Br. 91, 
adpd). 1878 Opuntia Dillenii, 

Sulphur flowered Senna (Mcl.. 847}. 961 
Casia glauca. 

Snlphur-margined-and-veined Olive-green 
Large Voluted Croton (Nic. 5/261) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf).  2646-Ja, 
Codizum variegatum (contortum). 

Sulphury-yellow-to-white (Green-leaved) 
Indian Shot (Gag. 384). 8025 (bis.)-a, 
Canna orchidiflora (Phoebe), 

Sultan Champak (Mc. 705). 
phyllam inophyllum. 

181 Calo- 

Sultan (Wild) Seed (Mch. 380). 2696 
Baliospermum axillare. 

Sultan’s Tree (McL. 840). 1044 Albizzia 

Sumach (McL. 278). 936 Czsalpinia 

Sumac (H/EF. cclviii. Rhis (genus). 
Sumach (McL. 859. 994) (Nic. 3/300) 
(S. 868, 419). cclviii. Rhas (genus). 

Sumach (American) (McL. 278) (Gbl. 
268) (Bdn/F.T) (Cag. 627) (Cat. 101) 
(Ell. 129) (Pfl. 434} (Ru/N/51, 0/8). 936 
Cesalpinia coriaria. 

Sumach (Ash-like) (McL. 1022, adpd), 
672 Odina Wodier. 

Sumach (Hedge) (Muell. 8.P). 

Sumach (Japanese Tallow) (McL. 8&9). 
662 Rhts succedanea. 

Sumach(Longer crenate leaved Trifoliate) 
(Hk. 2/9, adpd). 660 Rhus parvi- 

Sumach (Multifoliate-(9-15)-puberulous- 
glabrate-small oblong-lance-acuminate- 
leaved Ash) (Hk. 2/27, adpd). 671 
Solenocarpus indica. 

Samach (Multifoliate-(7-9)-silvery-downy- 
glabrate-medinm oblong-vvate-caudate 
leaved Ash (Hk. 2/29, adpd). 672 
Odina Wodier. 

Sumach (Red lac) (Mch. 859, 999) (Nic. 
3/300). 662 Rhus succedanea. 

Sumach (Shining leaved) (Rid. 158). 
658 Rhus lucida. 

Sumach (Shorter Sinuate leaved) Trifoli- 
ate (Hk.2/9, adpd). 661 Rhas mysor- 

Sumach (Small druped Ash) (Hk. 2/27, 
adpd). cclxiii. Solenocarpus (genus). 
Sumach Soapnut (Hk. 1/673, adpd). 

eexli., Allophylns (genus). 

Sumach (Diverse Trifoliate) Soapnnt 
(Hk. 1/673, adpd). 628 Allophylus 

658 Rhas 


Sumatra (Choopah Tree of) (Treas, Bot. 

1/275, 2/883). decexxvii. Baccaurea 

Sumatra (Palembang Devil Rattan of) 
(Nic. 1/480). 3220 Deemonorops 

Sumatra Banana (Cag. 378). 3038 Musa 


Sumatra Camphor Family (L/N/S/B). 
XVIII. Dipterocarpacesw (Order). 

Sumatra Dragon’s Blood (MchL. 282). 
3219 Demonorops Draco. 

Sumatra Nicker (McL. 101). 
Sphalm ] 927 Czesalpinia Bondac. 

Sumatra Senna (McL. 208). 958 Cassia 

Summer Heliotrope (S. 419, 484). 
Tournefortia (genus). 

Summer (Hairy) Heliotrope (Hk. 4/146). 
1987 Tournefortia Wightii. 

Summer (Harsh) Heliotrope (Hk. 4/145, 
adpd). 1985 Tournefortia Heyneana. 
Summer (Net-veined) Heliotrope (Hk. 
4/146). 1986 Tournefortia reticosa. 
Sumatra Wax-flower Rosebay (Rox 2/26, 
adpd). 1887 Tabernamontana Wallich- 


Sun Plant (McL. 1032). 



1882 Calotropis 


Sundra (McL. 474). ccclxvii. Acacia 

Sundra (McL. 472, 859, 994). 1035-b. 

Acacia Catechu (Sundra). 

Sundra (Arjuna’s Penance-Tree-like) 
(McL. 935, corr). 1086 Acacia ferru- 

Sundra (Bald) (McL. 859) (?). celxv 
Mimosa (genus) (?). 

Sondra (Foreign White) (McL. 859) 
1086 Acacia ferruginea. 

Sundra (Forest) (McL. 28, 472, 935, 995, 
adpd). 10386 Acacia ferraginea. 

Sundra (White) (McL. 472, 859, 995). 
1034 Acacia Snma. 

Sunflower (Shrubby) (Pr. 1/612). 
Tithonia tagetiflora. 

Sun Rose (Nic. 2/124) (S.192, 419) (Rid. 
68). 1. Helianthemum (genus). 

Sun (Common Yellow) Rose (Nic. 2/125). 
128 Helianthemum vulgare. 

Sun-Rose leaved White Dead-nettle 
shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2360 Leucas 

Sunn (McL. 306, 860, 994, 1025) (Cag. 
608). 722 Crotalaria juncea. 

Sunn Hemp (McL. 860) (Bth. 2/180) (Br. 
47) (Ell. 206) (Pf. 460) (Ru/O/38). 722 
Crotalaria juncea., 

Sunset Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Ru/N/96, 
0/22) (Mu. 56) (Ooty. 437) (Hod). 
1105-m. Rosa odorata (armeniaca- 



Sunt Wood (Mch. 63). 

Suntara Orange (Bon. 44 to 52, 356). 
418-a. Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (chry- 

1029 Acacia 


Superb Lily (McL. 63). 3119 Gloriosa 

Superior-berried Cape Jasmine (Treas. 
Bot. 1/487, 6386). dexliv. Fagrea 

Supple-Jack (New-Zealand) (Treas. Bot. 
2/1344). dxciv. Parsonsia (genus), 

Supple-jack (New Zealand) Fern (Treas. 

Bot. 13844). mwlxv. Lygodium (genus). 
Surat Condray (McL. 208). 961 Cassia 
Surat Senna (McL. 805). 955 Cassia 

Surinam Tea Plant (S. 230, 419), dcecxx. 
Lantana (genus). 

Surinx of the Greeks (McL, 208). 
Cassia Fistula. 

Surknimboo of Lucknow (Bon, 45, 46, 51). 
421-c. Citrus japonica (lakkanovensis). 
Sutherland (Duchess of) Rose (Ru/O/20). 
1107-g. Kosa  hybrida-semperfiorens 


Swallow-tailed Nibble-tipped Feather 
Palm (Rid. 264, adpd), 3132 Pinanga 

Swallow-wort (Asthmatic) (McL. 360), 
1916 Tylophora asthmatica. 

Swallow-wort (Bell, flowered Echinate- 
truited Stinking) (Treas. Bot. 2/832, 
adpd). dexxv, Oxypetalum (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Broud-scaled 
(Hk. 4/11, adpd). 

Swallow-wort (Broad-scaled shaggy 
petalled Sarsaparilla) (Hk. 4/7, adpd). 
cexiy. Brachylepis (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Corkscrew petalled Sar- 
saparilla) (Hk. 4/5, adpd).  dexii. 
Cryptolepis (genus). 

Swaliow-wort (Corky-barked) (Hk. 4/63, 
adpd). dcxxxix. Leptadenia (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Corolline-coronetted Ipe- 
cacuanha) (McL., 369, Hk. 4/8, adpd). 
dexxix. Gymnema (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Curled flowered) (McL, 
1032). 1882 Calotropis gigantea. 

Swallow-wort (Disc-flowered) (Hk. 3/48, 
adpd). dexxxvii. Oianthus (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Downy-flowered Mountain 
Ipecacuanha) (Hk. 4/32, adpa). 1898-c. 
Gymnema montanum (pubiflora). 

Swallow-wort (Downy Heart leaved 
Blue-bell Stinking) (Treas. Bot, 2/882, 
adpd). 1886 Oxypetalum ceruleum. 

Swallow-wort (Emetic) (Br, 269). 1916 
Tylophora asthmatica, 


dexvii. Decalepis 



Swallow-wort (Erect petalled Giant) 
(Hk. 4/18, adpd). 1883  Calotropis 

Swallow-wort Family (Nic. 4/500, McL. 
234, 360, adpd), LXXV. Asclepiada- 
cez (Order). 

Swallow-wort (Fleshy-leaved Star-coro- 
netted Wheel-flowered) (Hk. 4/3, 
adpd). dexxxviii. Hoya (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Funnel]-flowered Echinate- 
frnited Stinking) (Hk. 4/2, adpd). 
dexxiv. Demia (genus), 

Swallow-wort (Giant) (McL. 1032, adpd). 
dexxii. Calotropis (yenus). 

Swallow-wort (Gigantic) (McL. 1032) 
(Eil. 130) (Cat. 192) (Pf. 56) (Br. 120). 
1882 Calotropis gigantea. 

Swallow-wort (Glandular 
(McL. 938, adpd). 

Swallow-wort (Large Lilac Funnel) (Nic. 

1917 Cosmostigma 

1/404, Br. 119, adpd). 1870 Cryptoste- 
gia grandiflora. 
Swallow-wort (Large Purple.flowered 

Ring-coronet) (Hk. 4/8, adpd). 
Holostemma (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Leafless Whitish-flowered 
Ring-coronet) (Hk. 4/38, adpd). 
dexxviii. Sarcostemma (genus). 

Swallow-wort ;(Left-imbricate Scammo- 
ny) (Hk. 4/2, adpd), decxix, Toxocar- 
pus (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Long-leathery Narrow- 
lance-wavy-acuminate-leaved Willow) 
(Hk, 4/7, adpd). 1872 Utleria salici- 

Swallow-wort (Medium-fleshy Ovate-to- 
roundish-elliptic-acute-to - acuminate - 
leaved Ipecacuanha) (Hk. 4/42, adpd). 
1912 Tylophora zeylanica. 

Swallow-wort (Medium-leathery Broad- 
elliptic-cuspidate- leaved Scammony) 
(Hk. 4/16, adpd). 1880 Genianthus 

Swallow-wort (Medium-leathery-downy- 
backed elliptic-ovate-acuminate-leaved 
Sarsaparilla) (Hk. 4/7, adpd). 1871 
Brachylepis nervosa. 

Swallow-wort (Medium-leathery-glau- 
cors-backed elliptic-or-apiculate- 
leaved Corkscrew) (Hk. 4/5, adpd). 
1867 Cryptolepis Bachanani. 

Swallow-wort (Medium-leathery-glau- 
cous- backed Linear-to-round-Heart-acu- 
roinate-leaved Ring-coronet) (Hk. 4/24, 
adpd). 1890 Cynanehum Callialata, 

Swallow-wort (Medium-leathery oblong- 
lance-obtuse-to-acuminate-leaved Ipe- 
cacuanha) (Hk. 4/32, adpd). 1898-b, 
Gymnema montanum (Beddomei). 

Swallow-wort (Medium- leathery ovate- 
obtuse-to-acuminate-ieaved Ipecacu- 
anha). (Hk. 4/32, adpd), 1898-a Gym- 
nema montarum (oyatifolia), 



Swallow-wort (Medium-leathery-pale- 
backed _ elliptic-or-obovate-obtuse-or- 
mucronate-leaved Corkscrew) (ik. 
4/5, adpd). 1868 Cryptolepis grandi- 

Swallow-wort (Medium Linear-lance- 
acuminate leaved Wheel-spoke) (Hk. 
4/66, adpd). 1931 Brachystelma Bed- 

Swallow-wort (Medium lLong-linear-or- 
filiform-acuminate-leayed Wheel- 
spoke) (lk. 4/65, adpd). 19380 Brach- 
ystelma volubile. 

Swallow-wort (Medium-membranous- 
Broad Heart-acute-to-caudate-leaved 
Tpecacnanha) (Hk. 4/31, adpd). 1897 
Gymnema tingens. 

hispid Heart-leaved 
4/20, adpd). 

Swallow-wort (Medium Membranous 
Long-heart-acuminate-leaved Ring- 
coronet) (Hk. 4/21, adpd). 1887 
Holostemma Rheedii. 

Swallow-wort (Medium-membranous 
Ovate-or-lance-oblong-acute-or-acumin - 
ate-leaved MRosette-star) (Hk. 4 /4 
adpd). 1919-b. Heterostemma tanjo- 
rense (zeylanica). 

Swallow-wort (Medium-membranous- 
ovate-or-lance-oblong-obtuse-or-apicul - 
ate-leaved Rosette-star) (Hk. 4/48, 
adpd). 1919-a. Heterostemma tanjor- 
rense (typica). 

Swallow-wort (Medinum-papery-downy- 
glabrate-backed mottled obovate-ellip- 
tic-cuspidate-leaved Scammony) (Hk, 
4/14, adpd). 1878 Toxocarpus conca- 

Swallow-wort (Medium-woolly Linear- 
oblong acute-or-acuminate-leaved Ipe- 
cacuanha) (Hk. 4/43, adpd). 1914 
Tylophora moilissima, 

Swallow-wort (Narrow-scaled petalled 
Interstaminal-glandular Sarsaparilla) 
(Hk. 4/9, adpd). dexvi. Streptocaulon 

Swallow-wort (Needle leaved) (Mc. 664, 
987, adpd). 1881 Oxystelma esculentum. 

Swallow-wort (Purple Wheel-spoke-flow- 
ered) (Hk. 4/64, adpd). dexl. Brachy- 
stelma (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Reflexed petalled Giant) 
(Hk. 4/17, adpd). 1882 Calotropis 

Swallow-wort (Right-imbricate Scam- 
mony) (Hk. 4/2, adpd). dexviii. Seca- 
mone (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Rosette-coronetted Star- 
flowered) (Hk. 4/47, adpd). dexxxvi. 
Heterostemma (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Kosy) (McL. 662, 997, 
adpd). 1881 Oxystelma esculentum. 


1885 Demia extensa. 

Stinking) (Hk. | 



Swallow-wort (Sarsaparilla) 
Bot. 1/580, adpd). dexi. 

Swallow-wort (Small-densely-downy 
Ovate-or-Heart-acute - or - acuminate - 
leaved Ipecacuanha) (tik, 4/29, adpd). 
1896 Gypnema hirsutum. 

Swallow-wort (Small-glabrate Heart- 
acuminate-leaved Disc) (Hk. 4/49, 
adpd). 1920 Oiauthus Beddomei. 

Swallow-wort (Smail-leathery-downy- 
glabrate Ovate-round-to-oblong-acute- 
to-acuminate-leaved Ipecacuanha) (Hk. 
4/44, adpd). 1916 Tylophora asthmat- 

Swallow-wort (Small-leathery-hoary-glab- 
rate-backed Ovate-heart-or-elliptic- 
acute-leaved Cork) (Hk. 4/63, adpd). 
1929 Leptadenia reticulata. 

Swallow-wort (Small-leathery-rigid ellip- 
Ipecacuanha) (Hk. (4/41, adpd). 1910 
Tylophora capparidifolia. 

Swallow-wort (Small-leathery Round 
elliptic-obovate-obtuse-leaved § rsa- 
parilla) (Hk. 4/11, adpd). 1874 Deca- 
lepis Hamiltonii. 

Swallow-wort (Small-leathery-to-fleshy 
Ovate oblong-or-Heart -acute - or -acu- 
minate-leaved Ipecacuanha) (Hk. 4/44, 
adpd). 1916 Tylophora Dalzellii. 

Swallow-wort (Small-leathery-woolly- 
backed-downy cuneate-obovate-heart- 
leaved Sarsaparilla) (Hk. 4/9, adpd). 
1873 Streptocaulon Kleinii. 

Swallow-wort (Small-membranous-downy- 
midribbed-backed Broad-elliptic-cus- 
pidate-leaved Scammony) (Hk. 4/14, 
adpd), 1876 Toxocarpus Koxburghii. 

Swallow-wort (Small-membranous Heart- 
acute-or-acuminate-leaved Tpecacu- 
anha) (Hk. 4/382, adpd). 1899 Gym- 
nema elegans. 

Swallow-wort (Small-papery-downy- 
backed  oblong-elliptic-fo-obovate-re- 
tuse-to-ap'culate-leaved Sarsaparilla) 
Hk. 4/5, odpd). 1866-b. Hemidesmus 
indicus (pubescens). 

Swallow-wort (Small-papery-downy- 
glabrate elliptic-obovate-acute-leaved 
Ipecacuanha) (Hk. 4/29, adpd). 1895 
Gymnema sylvestre. 

Swallow-wort (Small  papery-glabrate 
Ovate-heart-acuminate-leaved Ring- 
coronet) (Hk. 4/23, adpd). 1889 
Oynanchum pauciflorum. 

Swallow-wort (Small-papery-glaucous- 
backed cblong-apiculate-leaved Cork- 
screw) (Hk. 4/5, adpd). 1869 Crypto- 
lepis elegans. 

Swallow-wort (Small-papery — Lance- 
acuminate-leaved Scammony) (Hk. 414, 
adpd). 1877-b, Toxocarpus Kleinii 


Swallow - wort (Small - papery Linear - 
lance-to-acuminate-leaved Sarsaparilla) 
(Bk. 4/5, adpd). 1866-c. Hemidesmus 
indicus (angustifolia). 

Swallow-wort (Small-papery oblong-ellip- 
ed-Sarsaparilla) (Hk. 4/5, adpd). 
1866-2. Hemidesmus indicus (typica). 

Swallow-wort (Small-papery oblong- 
lance-acute-leaved Scammony) (Hk. 
4/15, adpd). 1879 Toxocarpus eriocar- 

Swallow - wort (Small - papery Ovate- | 

cacuanha) (Hk. 4/41, adpd). 
Tylophora pauciflora. 

Swallow - wort (Small - papery - rusty- 
downy - backed Roundish - ovate - or- 
obovate-cuspidate-leaved Scammony) 
(Hk, 4/14, adpd). 1877-a. Toxocarpus 
Kleinii (typica). 

Swallow - wort (Small -subglaucons-back- 
ed Lance - subacute-leaved Scammony) 
(Hk. 4/18, adpd). 1875 Secamone eme- 

Swallow - wort (Small - white- flowered 
Ring-coronet) (Hk, 4/3,  adpd). 
dexxvii. Cynanchum (genus). 

Swallow - wort (Staniinal-cvoronetted Ipe- 
cacuanha) (McL. 360, Hk. 4/3, adpd). 


dexxxiii. Tylophora (genus), 
Swallow-wort (Stinking) (Hk. 4/20, 

adpd). 1885 Demia extensa. 
Swallow-wort (Twining) (McL. 284), 

1918 Dregea volubilis. 

Swallow-wort (Valvate Scammony) (Hk. 
4/2, adpd). dcexx. Genianthus (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Very-small-fieshy Ovate- 
oblong-obtuse-acute-or - apiculate-leav- 
ed lpecacuanha) (Hk. 4/42, adpd). 
1913 Tylophora tenuis. 

Swallow-wort (Very-small-leathery Round- 
ish- ovate - oblong - leaved Stinking) 
(Hk, 4/20, adpd). 1884 Pentatropis 

Swallow-wort (Vomiting) (McL. 360), 
1916 Tylophora asthmatica. 

Swallow-wort (Wheel-flowered Smooth- 
fruited Stinking) (Hk. 4/2, adpd). 
dexxiii, Pentatropis (genus). 

Swallow-wort (Small-downy-glabrate- 
ovate - to - linear - heart- acnte-ieaved) 
Ring-coronct (Hk. 4/23, adpd). 1888 
Cynanchum alatum, 

Swallow-wort (White Club fruited) shrub 
of the Cape (Br. 121, Nic. 2/79, adpd). 
1950 Gomphocarpus fruticosus. 

Swallow-wort (Alternate-subterminal- 
leaved Willow) Tree (Hk. 4/7, adpd). 
dexy. Utleria (genus). 

Swami Tree (Cag. 635). 

Swamp Honeysuckle (S, 367). dxli. Bhodo- 
dendron (genus), 

480 Soymida 


Swamp (Salt) Jack fruit Palm (Hk. 6/424, 
adpd), 3161 Nipa fruticans. 

Swamp Laurel (S. 224, 420). dxlii. Kalmia 

Swamp Mahogany of New-South-Wales 
(Bth. 3/229) “(Bdn/F.T) (Ba/'T/328). 
1174 Eucalyptus robusta, 

| Swamp Mahogany of Victoria (Bth, 3/229) 

1175 Eucalyptus botryoides. 
Swamp (Australian) Oak (McL, 58, 185). 
(2780 Sphalm] 2783 Casuarina suberosa. 
Swamp (Tasmanian) Oak (Bth. 6/198). 
2783 Casuarina suberosa. 

Swamp Oak of Australia (Maid. C.T) 
Bth. 6/198) (Gbl. 667). 2793 Casuarina 

Swamp Oak of Western Australia (Bth. 6/ 
199). 2782 Casuarina distyla (paludosa). 

Swamp Pine Apple (Bed. 1/228), mxxi. 
Pandanus (genus). 

Swamp (Salt) Tiger’s - milk (Hk. 5/472, 
McL. 892, adpd). 2706 Excecaria 

Swan-River Fern Palm 

Swardoocantacam (McL. 864), 
courtia (genus). 

Sweet (One-seeded) Thorn (Hk. 1/194, 

(S. 257) (Bth. 
2879 Macrozamia Fraseri. 
liv. Fla- 

adpd). 140 Xymalos monospora. 
weet Acorn Oak (McL. 82). 2789 (bi8.) 
Quercus Ilex, 

Sweet Almond (McL. 76) (Nic. 1/67) 
(S. 851). 1063-c. Prunus Amygdalus 

Sweet Babool (McL. 226). 1052 Pithe- 
coloLium dulce. 

Sweet Bark (McL. 188). 
mum zeylanicum. 

Sweet Bay (McL, 1041) (Bdn/F.T) (Nic. 
2/239) (S. 353, 420). 2443 Laurus nobilis, 

Sweet Berry (McL. 32). 595 Vitis vinifera: 

Sweet Blimbing (McL. 229). 865 Averrhoa 

Sweet Borage (Rid. 182, 217). 
Ocimam sanctum. 

Sweet Briar (Nic. 3/822)(S. 375, 420) (Cag. 
592) (Br. 71) (Ru/N/94, 0/22) (Mu. 51). 
1101 Rosa rubiginosa. 

Sweet Cauray (Mch. 291). 

Sweet Cherry (8s/T/280) (Gbl. 311). 
1066-b. Prunus cerasus (avium), 

Sweet Chestnut Tree (MuelJl.S.P) (Ho/ E- 
F) (Gbl. 667) (Nic. 1/277) (S.81) (FAR. 

2434 Cinnamo- 


1498 Randia 

10,NLGS). 2794 Castanea sativa. 

Sweet Costes (McL. 37). 3000 Costus 

Sweet Cup (Gbl. 381). 1350 Passiflora 

Sweet Falsah (McL. 293). 317 Grewia 

Sweet (Mountain) Flag (McL. 37). 3000 
Costus speciosus, 


Sweet fruited Inga (McL. 226) (Br. 60). 
1052 Pithecolobium dulce, 

Sweet Galgal (Ru/N/66). 417-d. Citrus 
Aurantium-Aurantium (decumana). 

Sweet Gaub (McL. 304, 473, 997). 
Diospyros tomentosa. 

Sweet Inderjow (McL. 37C). 1841 Wrightia 

Sweetleaf (Treas. Bot. 2/1115). 
Sj mplocos (genus). 

Sweet-leaf (Large-flowered Half-(25)- 
stamened Coorg) (Bs/T/441, adpd). 1728 
Symplocos Warburgi. 

Sweet-leaf (Long - papery - rusty-woolly - 
glabrate - oblong - subcrenulate-obtuse - 
leaved)(Hk. 3/582, adpd), 1735 Symploc- 
os macrocarpa. 

Sweet-leaf (Medium-hairy-backed elliptic- 
oblong-serrulate-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
3/582, adpd). 1741 Symplocos foliosa. 

Sweet-leaf (Medium-leathery  elliptic- 
serrate-acuminate- Jeaved Rosy) (Bs/T/ 
440, adpd). 1743 Symplocos complanata. 


dl xiii. 

Sweet-leaf (Medium-leathery Lance-serrul- 
ate-acute-leaved) (Hk. 3/573, adpd), 1725 
Symplocos spicata (laurina), 

Sweet -leaf (Medium-leathery oblong-to- 
3/576, adpd). 1729 Symplocos race- 

backed Hlliptic- cuneate -subcrenulate- 
obtuse- leaved) (Hk. 3/582, adpd). 1737 
Symplocos Gardneriana. 

Sweet-leaf (Medium-membranous-obovate- 
lance-subentire-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
3/588, adpd), 1744 Symplocos acumin- 

Sweet-leaf (Medium-papery-brown -hirsute 
oblong- acuminate- leaved) (Hk. 3/588, 
adpd). 1745 Symplocos pulchra. 

Sweet-leaf(Medium-papery elliptic-oblong- 
gland-serrate-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 3/582, 
adpd). 17389 Symplocos Beddomei. 

Sweet-leaf (Medium-papery obovate-lance- 
serrate- acuminate- leaved Rosy) (Hk. 
3/588, adpd). 1742 Symplocos rosea. 

Sweet leat (Medium-papery Ovate-coarse- 
dentate-leaved) (Bs/T/489, adpd). 1786 
Symplocos canarana. 

Sweet-leaf (Medium-scabrous-shagegy- 
backed  oblong-denticulate-acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk. 3/573, adpd). 1727 Symploc- 
os kurgensis. 

Sweet-leaf (Small-leathery Elliptic suben- 
tire-obtuse-leaved Single-flowered) (Hk. 
3/587, adpd). 1748 Symplocos pendula, 

Sweet-leaf(Small leathery-Lance-subentire- 
cuneate- acuminate- leaved) Hk. 8/581, 
adpd). 1782 Symplocos mocantha. 

Sweet-leaf \Small-leathery obloug-cuneate- 
acute- leaved) (Hk. 3/574, adpd). 1726 
Symplocos oligandra. 


Sweet-leaf (Small- leathery-obovate-ellip- 
tic-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 3/583, adpd). 
1746 Symplocos obtusa, 

subentire-obtuse-leaved Single-tlowered) 
Cn 3/587, adpd). 1749 Symplocos ses- 

Sweet-leaf (Small - leathery - red-shaggy - 
glabrate elliptic-serrulate-obtuse-leaved) 
(Hk. 3/581, adpd). 1734 Symplocos 

Sweet-leat (Small-papery Broad-elliptic- 
serrulate-obtuse- Jeaved) (Hk. 3/581, 
adpd). 1733 Symplocos anamallayana. 

Sweet-leaf (Small-shaggy-backed.midrib- 
bed Lance-dentate-acute-leaved) (Bs/T/ 
437, adpd). 17381 Symplocos villosa, 

Sweet Lemon (Hk. 1/£15) (Bed. 1/47). 411 
Citrus medica-Lumia. 

Sweet Lemon (Mch. 379, 434). 
Sphalm } 411 Citrus medica-Lumia. 

Sweet Lime (McL. 379, 434, 993, 1029) 
(Hk. 1/515) (Nie. 1/835) (Cag. 282) (Bed. 
1/47), 412 Citrus medica-Limetta. 

Sweet (False) ime (McL, 4384, 9938, 1029), 
411 Citrus medica Lumia, 

Sweet Nelly (Mcl.. 105). 2569 Phyllan- 
thus distichus. 

Sweet Orange (McL. 379, 472,484, 623, 
998) (Bdn/F.T) (Ell. 177). 418-a, Citrus 
Anrantium-nobilis (chrysocarpa), 

Sweet Orange (Mch. 879, 472, 434, 623, 
993) (Bdn/F.T) (Ell.177). 417-b, Citrus 
Aurantium-Aurantium (citrina). 

Sweet Otaheite Apple (Nic. 3/479). 684 
Spondias dulcis. 

Sweet Potato (McL. 464)(?). 2631 Mani- 
hot utilissima (?). i 

Sweet (Mountain) Potato (McL. 464). 
2631 Manihot utilissima. 

Sweet (Pondicherry) Potato (McL. 53)(Br. 
207) (Jaf. 61). 38074 Dioscorea pur- 


Sweet (Red) Potato (McL, 713). 2033 
Ipomea digitata. 
Sweet scented Babcol (Cag. 628). 1027 

Acacia Farnesiana. 

Sweet scented Brugmansia (Br. 158). 2108 
Datura suaveolens. 

Sweet scented Calophyllum (McL. 705). 
181 Calophyllum inophyllum. 

Sweet scented Griffithia (McL. 291) (Br. 
99). 1499 Randia malabarica. 

Sweet scented Hamiltonia (Br. 108) (Nie. 
2/111). 1592 Hamiltonia suaveolens. 
Sweet scented Hedychium (Br. 213). 2990 

Hedychium ceronariun. 

Sweet scented Oleander (Mc. 302) Cat. 
187) (Br. 129) (Ell. 408), 1844 Nerium 

Sweet scented Olive (S. 420). 1780 Osman- 
thus fragrans. 



Sweet scented Lantana (Br. 163). 227-c. 
Lantana involucrata (odorata). 

Sweet scented Stereospermum (Br. 131). 
2150 Stereospermum suaveolens. 

Sweet scented Verb: na (S. 245, 420), 2282 
Lippia citriodora. 

Sweet smelling Camphire (Mc. 503). 
1314 Lawsonia alka. 

Sweet smelling Hare-foot (McL. 628). 793 
Uraria lagopoiies. 

Sweet Sop (McL. 35). 

Sweet Sop (Cag. 292). 
Anona squamosa. 

Sweet Sop of the West Indies (S. 27, 421) 
(Hk. 1/76) (Pr. 1/206) (Cat. 5). 57 Anona 

Sweet Thorn (McL. 864). iiv. 

Sweet Terebinthine Lemon (Hk. 1/505). 
395 Clausena Wampi. 

Sweet (Bushy Roundish leaved) Thorn(Hk. 
1/194,adpd). 137 Flacourtia sepiaria. 
Sweet (Downy long leaved) Thorn (Hk, 

1/192, adpd). 184 Flacourtia montana. 

Sweet (Elliptic leaved Few-seeded) Thorn 
(Hk. 1/194, adpd). 1389 Xylosma latifo- 

Sweet (Few-seeded) Thorn (Hk. 1/149, 
adpd). lv. Xylosma (genus), 

Sweet (Glabrous long leaved) Thorn (Hk. 
1/193, adpd). 135 Flacourtia cata- 

Sweet (Long leaved Few -seeded) Thorn 
(Hk. 1/149, adpd). 188 Xylosma longi- 

Sweet (Many-seeded) Thorn (Hk. 1/192, 
adpd). liv. Flacourtia (genus). 

Sweet (Thornless long leaved) Thorn (Hk, 
1/192, adpd). 1283 Flacourtia inermis. 

Sweet (Roundish leaved) Thorn Tree (Hk. 
1/198, adpd). 138 Flacourtia Rumontchi 

Sweet (Barbadoes) William (McL. 74, 362) 
(Cag. 476). 2019 Ipomeea Quamoulit. 

Switch (Jamaica) Sorrel (McL. 83, 313, 
379) (Bdn/F.T). 649 Dodonza viscosa. 

Switchy Rattan (Nic. 1/235, adpd). 3907 
Calamus viminalis. 

Swollen Node-ringed Semisolid Medium 
Bamboo (Hk.7/404, adpd). 3310 Den- 
drocalamus strictus. 

Swollen (Hairy) Node-ringed Shrubby 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/377, adpd). 3297 Arun- 
dinaria Wightii. 

Sword (Small-papery obovate-obtuse-or 
retuse-leaved) Bean (Hk. 2/196, adpd). 
83] Canavalia obtusifolia. 

Sword Bean (Pfl, 135, MeL. 286, 821, 874, 
adpd), ccexi. Canavalia (genus). 

Sword Bean (McL. 236, 821, 874) (Ell. 
135) (Pil. 443) (MAHS), 830 Canavalia 

57 Anona squa- 

[58 sphalm]} 57 



Sword-Bean (Downy-leaved) (Hk. 2/196, 
adpd). 830-c. Canavalia ensiformis 

Sword-Bean(Fat-podded) (Hk, 2/196,adpd). 
830-b. Canavalia ensiformis (turgida). 
Sword-Bean (Obovate-leaved) (Hk. 2/196, 

adpd). 830-a. Canavalia ensiformis 
Sword-Bean (Ovate-leaved Red-or-white- 

flowered) (Hk. 2/196, adpd). 830-d. 
Canavalia ensiformis (esculenta) 
Sword (Wild) Bean (Br. 55), §30-a, 

Canavalia ensiformis (virosa). 
Sword leaved Goglet Flower (McL. 466, 
adpd), 1947 Ceropegia ensifolia. 
Sword (Downy)leaved Goglet Flower (McL. 

466, adpd), 1948 Ceropegia albiflora. 
Syandanam (MchL. 575). 795 Ougeinia 

Sycamine (McL. 367). 2721 Morus indica. 

Sycamore (Nic. 2/12) (S.4, 420) (Gbl. 199) 
(FAR. 10, NLGS). 644 Acer pseudo- 

Sycamore (American) (H/E F). decclxxxv. 
Platanus (genos). 

Sycamore (False) (McL. 578) (?). 453 
Melia Azedarach (?). 

Sycamore Family (L/N/8/B). XXXVIII. 
Sapindacesw (order). 

Sycamore Maple (Muell. S.P). 

Sydney Blue Gum (Maid. ©.T) 1172 
Eucalyptus saligna. 

Sylhet (Moakurra Wood of) (Rox. 2/69). 
486 Chailletia gelonoides, 

Sylhet Indigo (McL. 370). 
denia tinctoria. ; 

Sylhet Orange (on. 226, 829), 418-a. 
Citrus Aurantium-nobilis (chrysocarpa). 

Syihet Varnish (McL. 476), 673 Seme- 
carpus Anacardium. 

Sylvain (Clara) Rose (Cag. 598) (Ru/O/19). 
(Mu, 56). 1103-1, Rosa indica (candida). 

Syria (Argel in) (Br. 121). 1950 Gompho- 
carpus fruticosus. 

Syrian Bead Tree (McL. 378), 

Syrian Bendy (McL. 83, 867, 993). 246 
Hibiscus syriacus. 

Syrian Cassia (Mch. 131, 867), 
tonia siliqua, 

Syrian Hibiscus (McL, 867) (Br. 17). 246 
Hibiscus syriacus. 

Syrian (Double) Hibiscus (Br. 17). 
Hibiscus syriacus (plena). 

Syrian Rose Mallow (McL. 83, 867, Br. 17, 
corr). 246 Hibiscus syriacus. 

Syrian (Blue) Rose Mallow (Nic. 1/1438) 
(Ru/N/77). 246-c. Hibiscus syriacus 

Syrian (Crimson and Carmine) Rose 
Mallow (Nic. 1/143) (Cag. 658) (Ru/N/ 
77). 246-g, Hibiscus syriacus (cruenta). 

644 Acer 

1901 Mars- 

453 Melia 

978 Cera- 



coloured) Rose 

Syrian (Double Flesh 
Ny 246-e 

Mallow (Nic. 1/148) (Ru/N/77). 
Hibiscus syriacus (carnea-plena). 

Syrian (Double Mauve) Rose Mallow (Nic. 
1/143) (Ru/N/77). 246-b. Hibiscus 
syriacus (plena). 

Syrian (Double Pink) Rose Mallow (Nic. 

“1/143) (Ru/N/77). 246-d. Hibisens syri- 
acus (10sea:plena), 

Syrian (Donble White) Rose Mallow (Nic. 
1/143) (Ru/N/77). 246-f. Hibiscus syri- 
acus (2lba-plena). 

Syrian (Mauve) Rose Mallow (Nic. 1/143). 
246-a. Hibiscus syriacus (typica) 

Syrian Rue (McL. 340). 364 Peganum 

Syrian (Clammy) Sage (Nic. 8/100) 2863 
Phloniis viscosa. 

Syringa Family (L/N/S/B), XLY. Saxi- 
fragacew (Order). 

Syringa (Nic 3/94)(Cag. 577) (S. 822, 422). 
1125 Philadelphus coronaria. 


Taag Hemp (MchL. 860). 722 Crotalaria 
juncea. : ‘ 

Tacamahaca (True East India) Resin Tree 
(McL. 705). 183 Calophyllum Wightia- 


Tacsonia (Pink) (Ooty 970) (Cag. 560). 
1363 ‘'acsonia mollissima. 

Tadda (McL. 478, 868, 948). 

Tadda (Bird) (McL. 868, 993). 

Tadda (Round leaved)(McL. 473, 868, 993). 
315 Grewia orbiculata. 

Tadda (Small) (McL. 8€8, 998). 
Grewia excelsa. 

Taddappannay (McL. 777). 

Tagar (McL, 869). 1836 Tabernemontana 

Tagaram (Mec. 869,997). dxciii. Taberee- 
montana (genus). 

Tagaray (McL. 155). $48 Cassia Tora. 

Tagaray (Large) (McL. 136). 980 Cassia 

316 Grewia 

824 Grewia 

25738 Cycas 

Tahiti Bread Fruit (Muell. 8.P). 2765 
Artocarpus incisa. 
Tahiti Futu Vree (Mch, 367). 1278 

Barringtonia speciosa. 

Tahiti Tow Tree (McL. 802). 1978 Cordia 


Tail (Cat’s) (Nic. 4/118). mxxii. Typha 

Tail (Cat’s) (McL. 288). 3248 Typha 

Tail (Lesser Cut’s) (McL. 288). 3249 
Typha angustata. 

Tail (Scorpion) (McL. 359). 
tropium (genus). 

dcliii, Helio- 

313 | 

| Tail-tipped 


Tail leaved Bastard Staff Tree (Hk. 1/579, 
adpd). 486 Chailletia gelonioides. 

Tail leaved Croton (MchL. 3(6, adpd). 
2639 Croton caudatus. hoo 

Tail leaved Melon Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2587-b. Glochidion ellipticum 

Tail leaved Viper Dog-bane (Rid. 
adpd). 1859 Aganosma marginata, 

Tail petalled Small frnited Dodder (McL. 
804, adpd). 2066 Cuscuta hyalina, 

(Eliiptic-cuneaie) leaved 
Climbing Arum (Hk. 6/555, adpd). 
3277 Pothos Thomsonianus. 

Tail-tipped (Roundish) leaved Climbing 
Arum (Hk. 6/544, adpd). 3269 Scin- 
dapsus officinalis. 

Tailed Heart leaved Ragweed Climber 
(Hk. 8/851, adpd). 1637 Senecio 

Tailed leavyed Black Plum (McL. 379, 
adpd). 1238 Eugenia rostrata. 

Tailed Leaved Hill Olive (McL. 394, adpd), 
1782 Linociera Wightii. 

Tailed Oval leaved Fig (McL. 78, adpd). 
2735 (bie.) Ficus Talboti. 


Tailed Ovate entire leaved Holly (Hk. 

1/603, adpd). 511 Ilex Gardneriana. 

Tailed (Common Long) Peepul (McL. 673, 
adpd). 2739 Ficus religiosa. 

Tailed (Short) Peepul (McL. 673, adpd). 
2740 Ficus Arnottiana. 

Jailed Pepper (McL. 677). 

Tailed Tick Trefoil (Br. 52, adpd), 
Uraria (zenus}. 

Tailed (Bristly) Tick Trefoil (Br. 52, 
adpd). 792 Uraria crinita. 

Tailed (Burry) Tick Trefoil (Br. 52, adpd), 
796 Uraria hamosa. 
Tailed (Hare-foot) Tick Trefoil (McL. 623, 
Br. 52, adpd). 793 Uraria lagopoides. 
Tailed (Painted leaved) Tick Trefoil (Br. 
52,adpd). 791 Uraria picta. 

Taindoo (McL. 351). 1689 Mimusops 

Taindoo Gum (MclL. 366). 

Talbot’s Canara Black Plum (McL. 879, 

2405 Piper 


1715 Diospyros 

adpd). 1247 Eugenia utilis. 

Talbot’s Ovate leaved ‘Tree Bilberry 
(Bs/T/384, adpd). 13801 Memecylon 

Talipot Fan Palm (Cag. 339) (Br. 228). 
3174 Corypha umbraculifera. 

Talipot Fan Palm (Cag. 339, Br. 228, 
adpd). emxcvi. Corypha (genus). 

Talipot Palm (Bed. 1/228) (Bs/T/657) 
(Gbl. 732) (Bdn/F/T/L) (Br. 228) 
(ll. 200) (McL. 294, 473, 881, 1001) 
(Pa. 454) (FAR. 9, TVY). 3174 
Corypha umbraculifera. 


Talipot (Bengal Crescent leaved) Palm | 

(Rox. 3/176, adpd). 3173 Corypha elata. 
Talipot (Bengal Round leaved) Palm 
(Rox. 2/174, adpd). 3175 Corypha 

_ Talliera. 

Talipot (South Indian) Palm (Cag. 339, 
Br. 228, adpd). 

Tall Bonduc (McL. 101, 774) (?). 
Antiaris toxicaria (?). 

Tall Chaste Tree (McL. 310). 

Tall Fig (Mcl. 49, 473, 1000). 
Fions gibbosa (cuspidifera). 
Tall Notchy (McL. 478, 596, 864, 999). 

2312 Vitex pubescens. 

Tall Peacock’s foot Tree (McL. 310, 473, 
864, 999, adpd). 2310 Vitex altissima. 
Tall Rhomboid leaved Fig (McL 49, 473, 
1000, adpd). 2724-c. Ficus gibbosa 


Tallow (Borneo Vegatable) (McL. 336). 
196 Dipterocarpus indicus. 

Tallow (Chinese) (Bs/T/584) (Gbl. 624) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Br. 192) (Bll. 275) (MeL. 9, 
171, 1000) (Rid. 154, 158) (Ru/O/8) 

2310 Vitex 

2724: c. 

(Cat. 261) (FAR. 28, CDP). 272 
Sapium sebiferum. 

Tallow (Piney) (McL. 258). 207 Vateria 

Tallow Laurel (McL. 500, adpd). 
declxxxiii. Litsea (genvs). 

Tallow (Common) Laurel (McL 500, adpd) 
2459 Litszea sebifera. 

TaJlow (One Umbelled) Laurel (McL. 500, 
adpd). 2458 Litsza tomentosa. 

Tallow (Small) Laurel (McL. 500, adpd). 
2460 Litseza ligustrina. 
Tallow (Japanese) Sumach (McL. 859). 
662 Rhis succedanea. 
Tallow Tree (McL. 336). 
carpus indicus. 

Tallow (Moorgana) Tree (McL. 469, 514). 
171 Garcinia indica, 

Tallow Tree of China and Japan 
(Muell. S. P). 2702 Sapium sebiferum. 

Tallow Wood (Maid. C.T). 
tus microcorys. 

Taloora Lac Tree (McL. 428). 

Taloora Saul (McL. 382, 473, 799). 200 
Shorea Talura. 

196 Diptero- 

200 Shorea 

Talura Palm (McL. 882, 1001), 3175 
Coryphs Talliera. 

Tamana. Oil Tree (McL. 474, adpd). _Iviii. 
Hydnocarpus (genus). 

Tamana Oil Tree (McL. 705) (?). 181 

Calopbyllum inophyllum (?). 
Tamana (Mousitain) Oil Tree (McL, 474, 
adpd). 143 Hydnocarpus alpina. 
Tamana (Wight’s) Oil Tree (McL. 474, 
adpd). 142 Hydnocarpus Wightiana. 
Tamana (Long-(medium - to-very-long)- 
leathery Linear-oblong-obtuse-leaved) 


Tree (Hk. 6/344, adpd). 2606 Mischo- 
don zeylanicus. 

Tamana (Worled-(3-4)-leaved Tricoccous- 
capsuled) Tree (Hk. 5/241, adpd). 
decexxii. Mischodon (genus). 

Tamana Tree of Ceylon (Bed. 2/290). 

3174 Corypha umbra- | 

decexxi, Mischodon (genus). 
‘amar of the Hebrews (McL. 413). 
Phenix dactylifera. 


| Tamarind (Nic. 4/7) (8. 423) (Gbl. 278) 

(Bdn/F/T/L) (Br. 60) (Ell. 542) (Pf. 

- 512) (McL. 473, 484, 873, 995) (Cat. 109) 
(Cag. 254) (Ru/N/30) (W. 1, 12, 13, 46, 
49,51, 57, 65, 68, 72, 75, 82, 107, 133, 
124, 125, 127, 128). 982 Tamarindus 

Tamarind (Bitter) (McL. 874). 404 
Atalantia monophylla. 
Tamarind (Bramin) (McL. 73, 874). 257 

Adansonia digitata. 

Tamarind (Carpenter’s) (McL. 874, 1000). 
2616 Antidesma diandrum. 

Tamarind (Crow) (McL. 874). 

Tamarind (Elephant) (McL. 73,874). 257 
Adansonia digitata. 

810 Abrus 

_Tamarind (False) (McL. 874). 174 
Garcinia Morella 
| Tamarind (Five leaved Velvet) 

| Tamarind (Hill) (McL. 469, 874). 

(1 F. xxx/6). 972 Dialinm coromandel- 

Tamarind (Foreign) (McL. 299, 874). 
Garcinia Gambogia. 

Tamarind (Foreign) (McL. 73, 874). 257 
Adansonia digitata. 

Tamarind (Foreign) (McL, 226), 
Pithecolobium dulce. 

Tamarind (Gorakh’s) (McL. 73, 874). 257 
Adansonia digitata. 



Garcinia Xanthochymus. 

| Tamarind (Khorassan) (McL., 712) (?). 

| Tamarind (Malabar) (McL. 299). 

252 Thespesia populnea (?). 
Garcinia Combogia. 

| Tamarind (Manilla) (Bed. 2/188) (Cag. 

1177 Eucalyp- | 

630) (Cat. 127) (Mc. 226, 470) (Ell. 

332) (Pil. 225). 1052 Pithecolobium 
Tamarind (Nine  leaved Velvet) 

(1.F. xxx/6). 973 Dialium travancoric- 


Tamarind (Pot) (McL. 299). 172 Garcinia 

Tamarind (Red) (McL. 840) (?). 1646 
Albizzia odoratissima. 

Tamarind (Ship) (McL, 874). 172 
Garcinia Cambogia. 
Tamarind (Sour) (McL. 520) (?). 991 
| Bauhinia malabarica (?). 
Tamarind (Square) (McL. 874). 3865 
Averrhoa Carambola, 
Tamarind (Water) (McL. 844, 874). 787 

Aischynomene aspera. 


Tamarind-like Cutch (McL, 28, 472, 859, 
935, 995, adpd). 1086 Aeacia ferru- 

Jamarind (Velvet) of Sierra-leone (Ol. 

2/288). ccexlix Dialium (genus), 
Tamarisk Family (Nic. 4/7) (Br. 12) 
(L/N/S/B). XIII. Tamariscaceze 

Tamarisk (Cag. 658) (Br. 18). 162 

Tamarix gallica. 
Tamarisk (McL. 391) (Nic. 4/7) (S. 428). 
Ixvi, Tamarix (genus). 

Tamarisk (Common) (Nic. 4/7). 162 
Tamarix gallica, 

Tamarisk (Cypress) (Mc. 391). 168 
Tamarix dioica. 

Tamarisk (Garden) (McL. 391). 164 
Tamarix ericoides. 

Tamarisk (Heath-like) (Mcl. 391). 164 

Tamarix ericoides. 

Tamarisk (Indian) (McL. 391) (Ell. 542), 
162 Tamarix gallica. 

Tamarisk (Red) (McL. * 391). 162 Tamarix 
gallica (* articulata). 

Tamarisk (Red Indian) (McL. * 391). 162 
Tamarix gallica (* articulata). 

Tamavisk (Wild) (McL. 185). 2780 
Casuarina equisetifolia, 

Tamarisk Acacia (McL. 9386). 1087 
Acacia latronum. 

Tamarisk leaf Acacia (McL. 844). 1038 
Acacia concinna. 

Tamarisks (McL. 1007). XIII. Tamaris- 
caceze (Order). 

Tambaga Damnier (Mch. 259). 202 

Shorea Tumbaggaia. 
Tambam (McL., 799). 
Tambattam (McL. 821, 
Canavalia ensiformis. 
Tambool (McL. 676). 2406 Piper Betle. 

2U2 Shorea Tuni- 

874, 994). 830 

Tame Devil (McL. 868). 316 Grewia 

Tamer (Devil) (McL. 293). 317 Grewia 

Tanakk (McL, 473, 875, 995). 1166 
Gyvocarpus Jacquini. 
Tanakk (Red) (McL. 875), 

pus Jacquini., 
Tanakk (White) (McL. 473, 875, 1000), 
2644 Givotia rottlerifermis. 

Tangerine Orange of the British Shops 

1166 Gyrocar- 

(Bon, 224, 232). 420-b. Citrus nobilis 

Taniky (Mch. 928), 1145 Terminalia 

Tanjore (Bandir Orange of) (Bon, 20, 24, 
258, 270). 417-b, Citrus Aurantium- 
Aurantium (citrina). 

Tanjore (Nartun of) (Bon. 5), 415 Citrus 
Aurantium-Bigar adia. 
Tanne (Muell. S.P) emxii. Abies 



Tanner’s Bark (Cat. 105). 954 Cassia 

Tanner’s Cassia (McL. 932) (PA. 37) 
(Br. 63). 954 Cassia auriculata. 

Tanner’s Senna (McL. 932, adpd),. 954 
Cassia auriculata, 

Tansy (Nic, 4/8) (S. 423), 

cetum (genus). 

dxxvii. Tana- 

Tansy (Muell.S.P) (S. 424) (Jaf. 49). 
1619 Tanacetum vulgare. 
Tansy (Common) (Nic. 4/8). 1619 Tana- 

cetum vulgare. 

Tansy (Curled) (Nic. 4/8) (Jaf. 49). 1619-b. 
Tanacetum vulgare (crispum), 

Taper-pointed lance leayed Caper Shrub 
(Bk. 1/178, adpd). 121 Capparis 

Taper pointed Mountain Ebony (McL. 521) 
(Br. 63), 989 Bauhinia acuminata. 

Tapering Nutmeg (McL. $887). 
Myristica attenuata. 

Tapeworm Orchid (Hk, 6/76 
cmxxxix, Tzeniophyllum (genus). 

Tape-worm (Minute-green-flow ered) Or- 
chid (Hk. 6/76) 2977 Teniophyllum 

Tapioca Plant Ree (Gbl. 589) (Cat. 
255) (Pr. 2/940) (Muell. S.P) (MeL. 
464) (Ell. ys 26381 Manihot utilissima. 

Tar Tree (Rid. 10, 109). 3224 Borasaus 

Saranj (Bon). 410-c. Citrus 
Limonum (medico-limonum), 

Tara Palin (McL. 882). 175 Corypha 




Tarragon (S. 85). dzxxyiii, Artemisia 

Tarwar (MchL. 932). 954 Cassia auricu- 

Tasmania (Blue Gum of) (Bth. 3/228). 
1189 Eucalyptus Globulus. 

Yasmania (Cider Tree of) (Bth. 3/247) 
(Nic. 1/533). 1198 Eucalyptus Gunnii. 

Tasmania (Native Currant of) (th. 
3/430) (S. 108). 1574 Coprosma iucida. 

Tasmania (Purple and Yellow flowered 
Resin-seed of) (Bth. 1/113). 152 Pit- 
tosporum bicolor. 

Tasmania (Red Gum of) (Bth. 8/244). 
1197 tucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Tasmania (Weeping Gum of) (Bth. 3/201). 
1183 Eucalyptus paucifiora, 

Tasmania (Peppermint Tree of) and Vic- 

toria (Bth. 3/203) (Gbl. 354). 1192 
Kuealyptus amygdalina. 

Tasmanian Light Wood (McL. 58). 101€ 
Acacia melanoxylon, 

Tasmanian Oak (Bth. 6/195). 2781 

Casuarina stricta. 
Tasmanian Pire (Ru/O/18) 
2815 Callitris rhomboidea. 
Tasmanian Swamp Oak (Bth. he 
2783 Casuarina suberosa,. 

(Cat. 316). 


Tasminian Tea (Treas-Bot. 
cdxiv. Leptospermum (genus). 

Tasmanian Tea (Treas. Bot. 2/674). 1217 
Leptospermum pubescens. 

Tasmanian (Minute-silky-glabrate Narrow- 


oblong-leaved) Tea (Bth. 3/108, adpd). | 

1214 Leptospermum attenuatum, 

Tasmanian (Minute-silky Oblong-obtuse- 
leaved) ‘lea (Bth. 3/106, adpd). 1217 
Leptospermtum pubescens. 

Tasmanian (Minnte-silky-obovate-oblong- 
leaved) Tea (Bth. 3/108, adpd). 1218 
Leptospermum myrtifolium. 

Tasmanian (Minute Trinerved obovate- 
leaved) Tea (Bth. 3/105, adpd). 1215-b. 
Leptospermnm flavescens (obovatum). 

Tasmanian (Very-small 
tuse-leaved) Tea (Bth. 8/104, adpd). 
1215 Leptospermum flavescens. 

Tasmanian (Very-small Trinerved-sub- 
glaucous obovate-oblong-obtuse-leaved) 
Tea (Bth. 3/103, adpd). 1216 Lepto- 
spermum levigatum. 

Tasse] Flower (McL. 316). 
nia Gilliesii. 

Tauk Tree 

Taul Palm (McL. 642), 3224 Borassus 

934 Czesalpi- 

(McL. 578). 453 Melia 

Taundry (McL. 928). 1145 Terminalia 

Taurey (McL. 928). 1145 Terminalia 

Tauzhay (McL. 801). 3244 Pandants 

Tawny changing to Orange Apricot- 

coloured Tea Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag, 
6C0) (Ru/N/91, 0/22). 1105-m. Rosa 
odorata (armeniaca-fulvo-dein-aurantio- 

Tawny-downy-glabrate (Multifoliate-(9- 
15)-opposite-medium-to-long) Ovate- 
elliptic-acuminate-leaved White Cedar 
(Hk. 1/559, adpd). 467 Amoora Rohi- 

Tawny-downy-leaved Nilgiri Elm 
5/482 adpd). 

Tawny (Imparipinnate-(5~—7)-long-downy 
Flat-septate Trumpet Tree (Hk. 4/381, 
adpd), 2139 Heterophragma adenophyl- 

Tawny haired Cinnamon (McL. 188, 
adpd). 2455 Cinnamomum sulphuratum. 

Tawny (Perrottet’s) Haired Cinnamon 
(McL. 188, adpd). 2439 Cinnamomum 

Tawny-leather-berried (Few-(1-4)-seeded) 
Bindweed (Hk. 4/183, adpd). delv. 
Rivea (geons). 

Tawny-silky (Obtuse) Ovate leaved S'lver- 
weed (Hk, 4/188, adpd). 1997 Argyreia 

2711-b. Celtis tetrandra 


Tawny Stalked-fruited Tulip Tree (Hk 
1/39, 48, adpd). 24-b. Michelia Cham- 
paca (aurantiaca), 

Tawny Tea Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325) 
(Cag. 603) (Br. 69). 1108-1]. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-fulva). 

Tawny-velvetty-backed Heart-leayed Bell 
Vervein (Hk. 4/381, adpd). 2305-a. 
Gmelina arborea (typica). 

Tawny Woolly Winged-nut Buckthorn 
Climber (Hk. 1/631, adpd). 560 Venti- 
lago bombaiensis, 

Tay (McL. 883). 194 Camellia Thea. 

Tea Family (McL. 1007, adpd). XVI. 
Ternstreemiacez (Order). 

| Tea (McL. 473, 538, 833) (S. 70, 435) (Bs/ 

linear-lance-ob- | 

| Tea (Assam) (8S. 370). 

T/61) (Gbl. 68) (PA. 320) (W. 51). 194 
Camellia Thea. 

294-b. Camellia 
Thea (assamica), 

Tea (Brazilian) (Nic. 2/175). 507 Tlex 
Tea (Canada) (Nic. 2/56) (S. 178). 

dxxxviii. Gaultheria (genus). 

| Tea (Ceylon) (McL. 154, 883) (Br. 48). 

544 Eleodendron glaucum. 

Tea (China) (McL. 883) (S. 270). 
Camellia Thea. 

Tea (Fascicled flowered Scaly-woolly 
Wild) (Hk. 1/287, adpd). 192 Sauranja 

Tea (Indian) (8. 370). 
Thea (assamica). 

Tea (Labrador) (Nic 2/245, 246) (S. 227, 
235). 1650 Ledum latifolium. 

Tea (Medium-oblanceolate leaved Wild) 
(Hk. 1/284, adpd). 189-a. Eurya japon- 
ica (Thunbergi). 

Tea (Minute-silky-glabrate | Narrow- 
oblong-leaved Tasmanian) (Bth. 3/108, 
adpd), 1214 Leptospermum attenuatum. 


194-b. Camellia 

| Tea (Minute-silky oblong-obtuse-leaved 

Tasmanian) (Bth. 3/106, adpd). 1217 
Leptospermum pubescens. 

Tea (Minute-silky obovate-oblong-leaved 
Tasmanian) (Bth. 3/108, adpd). 1218 
Leptospermum myrtifolium. 

Tea (Minute Trinerved_ obovate-leaved 
Tasmanian) (Bth. 3/10, adpd). 1215-b. 
Leptospermum flavescens (obovatum). 

Tea (Nepaul) (McL. 591). 2527 Osyris 

Tea (New Grenada) (Treas, Bot. 2/1115), 
dliii. Symplocos (genus). 

Tea (Pale-orange-shaded Apricot-coloured) 
Rose (Ru/N/$95). 1105-m. Rosa- 
odorata (armeniaca-aurantio-flavescente- 

Tea (Janicled flowered Scaly-woolly 
Wild) (Hk, 1/286, adpd). 191 Sauranja 

Tea (Paraguay) (H/E.F) (Cag. 634) (Ru/ 
0/30) (Nic. 2/175) (S. 211, 308). 507 
Tlex paraguensis, 


Tea (Shiranjy) (Mcl.. 883). 1307 Wood- 
fordia floribunda, 

Tea (Small elliptic leaved Wild) (Hk. 
1/291, adpd). 192 Gordonia obtusa, 

Tea (Small obovate leaved Wild) (Hk. 
1/280, adpd). 188 Ternstroemia japon- 

Tea (South-east Australian) (Treas. Bot. 
2/674). 1217 Leptospermzm pubescens, 

Tea (Tasmanian) (Treas. Bot. 2/674). 
1217 Leptospermum pubescens, 

Tea (Tasmanian) (Treas. Bot. 2/674). 
cdxiv. Leptospermum (genus), 

Tea (Very-small _linear-lance-obtuse- 
leaved Tasmanian) (Bth. 3/104, adpd). 
1215 Leptospermum flavescens. 

Tea (Very-small oblanceolate leaved 
Wild) (Hk. 1/284, adpd). 189-b, Eurya 
japonica (nitida). 

Tea (Very-smail Trinerved-subglaucous 
obovate-oblong-obtuse-leaved Tasma- 
nian) (Bth. 3/103, adpd). 1216 Lepto- 
spermum levigatum. 

Tea (Wild) (McL. 478, 883) (Bdn/F.T). 
189 Eurya japonica. 

Tea (Winged seeded Wild) (Hk. 1/290, 
adpd). Ixxvii. Gordonia (genus). 

Tea (Hybrid of) and, usually, Hybrid- 

perpetual Rose (Cag. 590). 1105-q. 
Rosa odorata (hybrida). 
Tea Noisette Rose (Cag. 602). 1108-1, 

Rosa Noisettiana (odorata). 

Tea (Coppery) Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325) 
(Cag. 603) (Br. 70) (Po). 1108-1. 
Rosa Noisettiana (cuprea). 

Tea (Dark yellow) Noisette Rose (Nic. 
3/326) (Cag. 602, 603) (Hod) (Ru/N/91, 
96, 0/21) (Mu. 56) (Po). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-lutea). 

Tea (Golden-yellow) Noisette Rose (Nic. 
3/325) (Cag. 603) (Hod), 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata aurea) 

Tea (Lemon-yellow-centred Milk-white) 
Noisette Rose (Nic, 3/325) (Cag. 63) 
(Ru/N/90, 0/21) (Br. 69) (Ooty. 427) 

(Mu. 65) (lod) (Po). 1108-I. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-lactea-intuscit- 

Tea (Orange) Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325) 
(Ru/N/94) (Mu. 56). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-aurantiaca). 

Tea (Pale-yellow) Noisette Rose (Mu, 56)- 
1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana (odorata- 

Tea (Sulphur-edged Dark-yellow) Noisette 
Rose (Nio. 3/325) (Ru/N/$0, O/21). 
1108-1, Rosa Noisettiana (odorata-lutea- 

Tea (Tawny) Noisette Rose (Nio. 3/325) 
(Cag. 603) (Br. 69). 1108-1. Rosa Noi- 
settiana (odorata-fulva). 

Tea (Blue) of Heaven (Muell. S.P, Nic. 
5/482, adpd). 1122-c. 
Hortensia (acuminata). 

Hydrangea | 


Tea (Common) of Heaven (Muell. §.P) 
(Nic. 2/162, Rid. 69, adpd). 1122 
Hydrangea Hortensia. 

Tea (Japanese) of Heaven (Muell./S.P). 
ecclxxxix, Hydrangea (genus). 

Tea (Rosy) of Heaven (Muell./S.p. Nic. 
5/433, adpd), 1]22-d. Hydrangea Hor- 
tensia (rosea). 

Tea (Varieyated) of Heaven (Mnell. S.P, 
Nic. 2/162, Rid. 69, adpd). 1122-b. 
Hydrangea Hortensia (japonica-varie- 

Tea (White corymbose) of Heaven (Muell. 
S.P) (Nic. 2/162, adpd). 1122-a, 
Hydrangea Hortensia (typica). 

Tea (White panicled) of Heaven (Muell. 
S.P, Nic. 1/168, adpd). 1123 Hydrangea 

Tea (Yellow: Bush) of the Cape (Treas. 
Bot. 1/369). 921 Cyclopia galegoides. 
Tea (Sage) Plant (MeL. 368). dcecxlvi. 

Salvia (genus). 

Tea (Sandwich-Island) Plant (Cag. 859). 
3107 Cordyline terminalis. 

Tea (Surinam) Plant (S. 280, 419). deexx. 
Lantana (genus), 

Tea Rose (Hk. 2/364) (Nic, 3/324, 5/646) 
(S. 875, 425) (Cag. 599) (Br. 68) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu. 54) (Hod) (Po). 1105 Rosa 

Tea Rose (McL. 322). 
1105 Rosa odorata. 
Tea (Apricot shaded Yellow) Rose (Ru/N/ 
91, 0/22) (Mu. 55) (Hod). 1105-f. Rosa 

odorata (lutea-armeniaco-suffusa). 

Tea (Bronze shaded Golden) Rose (Cag. 
601) (Ru/N/91, 0/22) (Mu. 55) (Hod) 
(Po). 1105-g. Rosa odorata (aurea- 

Tea (Puff-yellow-shaded A pricot-coloured) 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/O/21) (Mu. 55) 
(Hod) (Po). 1105-m. Rosa odorata 
(armeniaca-ochraceo-suffusa). ; 

Tea (Canary vellow) Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/N/91, 0/21). 1105-f. Rosa odorata 

Tea (Climbing Cherry-carmine Hybrid) 
Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/N/92, 0/19) (Ma. 
54) (Hod), 1105-q. Rosa odorata 
(hy brida*kermesina-scandens), 

Tea (Climblng Creamy) Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Mu. 54). 1103-c. Rosa odorata (ebur- 

Tea (Copper) Rose (Mu. 54) (Hod). 
1105 d. Rosa odorata(albida-intus-rosea). 

Yea (Coppery-centred-yellow) Rose (Nic. 
3/824) (Cag. 601) (Hod). 1105-f, Rosa 
odorata (lntea-intus-cuprea). 

Tea (Coppery-yellow) Rose (Ru/O/18). 
1105-i. Rosa odorata (cuprea). 

Tea (Creamy) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
600) (Ru/N/90, 0/19). 1105-c.; Rosa 
odorata (eburnea), 

[1103 Sphalm] 


Tea (Creamy-centred White) Rose (Nic. 
3/324). 1105-d. Rosa odorata (albida- 

Tea (Creamy Hybrid) Rose (Nic, 5/646) 
(Ru/N/94). 1105-q. Rosa odorata 

Tea (Crimson) Rose (Ru/N/94, 0/22). 
1105-0. Rosa odorata (punicea). 

Tea (Crimson-bordered Blush-Pink) Rose 
(Niu, 3/824) (Cag. 601) (Ru/N/90, 0/20) 
(Mn. 55), 1105-k. Rosa odorata (erubes- 
cens puniceo-marginata). 

Tea (Darker-centred Lemon-yellow) Rose 
(Mu. 55). 1105-e. Rosa odorata (citri- 
na-intus lutea). 

Tea (Deep-orange-shaded Apricot-colour- 
ed) Rose (Nic 3/224) (Rn/N/96, 0/22) 
(Mu. 56) (Ooty. 487). 1105-m. Rosa 
odorata (armeniaca-aurantio-rubescente- 

Tea (Deep Rosy-shaded Salmon coloured) 
Kose (Nic: 3/324) (Ru/N/93, 0/22) 
(Cag. 599) (Mu. 56) (Hod), 1105-n. 
Rosa odorata (cinnabarina-roseopuni- 

Tea (Delicate Flesh pink Hybrid) Rose 
(Nic. 3/825) (Mu. 55). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hybrida-carnea). 

Tea (Delicate Pink-veined Salmon colonr- 
ed) Rose (Nic, 3/324) (Ru/O/21) (Po). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina car- 

Tea (Double La. Franceelike Hybrid) Rose 
(Nic. 5/646). 1105 q. Rosa odorata 
(hy brida-rosea-intus-argentea). 

Tea (Faintly-yellow-tinted White Hybrid) 
Rose (Nic. 5/646). 1105-q. Rosa odora- 
ta (hybrida-orchroleuca). 

Tea (Fawn-tinted White) Rose (Cag. 59%) 
(Br. 68°). 1105-d. Rosa odorata 

Tea (Flesh-pink) Rose (Nic. 3/3824) (Cag. 
600, 601) (Ru/N/89, 94, O/19) (Mu. 54) 
(Hod) (Po), 1105-j. Rosa odorata 

Tea (Golden- yellow) Rose (Ru/N/94, 0/9). | 
| Tea (Saffron-shaded Bright-yellow) Rose 

1105-g¢ Rosa odorata (aurea). 

Tea (Hybrid) Rose (Nic. 3/325, 5/646) 
(Ru/N/97). 1105-q. Rosa 

Tea (Hybrid of Noisette with) Rose (Cag. 
602). 1108-1. Rosa 

Tea (Large Purest White) Rose (Nic. 
3/324). 1105-a. Rosa odorata (nivea), 

odorata | 

Noisettiana | 

| Tea 

Tea (Lemon-centred White Hybrid) Rose | 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/95) (Mu. 55) 1105-q. 

Rosa odorata 

Tea (Lemon-yellow) Rose (Ru/N/92, 94, 
0/18) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Cag. 601) (Nic. 

3/324), 1105-e. Rosa odorata (citrina). 

(hy brida-alba-intus- 


Tea (Peach-centred Blnsh-pink) Rose 
(Cag. 599) (Ru/N/89) (Br. 69) (Hod). 
1105-k. Rosa odorata’ (erubescens-intus- 

Tea (Peach-centred Lemon-yellow) Rose 
(Cag. 601) (Ru/N/91) (Mu 55). 1105-e, 
Rosa odorata (citrina-intus-albocarnea), 

Tea (Peach - centred Salmon-coloured) 
Rose (Nice 3/324) (Ru/N/92, 0/20) (Mu. 
55). 1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina- 

Tea (Peach-margined Creamy) Rose (Ru/ 
N/94, 0/20) (Mu. 55). 1105-0, Rosa 
odorata (eburnea-carneo-murginata). 

Tea (Pure White) Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/ 
N/94, 96, 0/22) (Mu. 55), 1105-b. 
Rosa odorata (candida). 

Tea (Rosy-backed Yellow-centred Fawn) 
Rose (Ru/O/22) (Mu. 56) .1105-h Rosa 
odorata (fulva-intus-lutea-extus-rosea), 

Tea (Rosy-bordered Lemon-yellow) Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/98, 0/21). 1105-e. 
Rosa odorata (citrina-roseo-marginata). 

Tea (Rosy-centred Apricot-coloured) Rose 
(Cag.) 600) (Po). 1105-m. Rosa odorata 

Tea (Rosy-centred Flesh pink) Rose (Ru/ 
0/18) (Mu. 54). 1105-j7. Rosa odoratx 

Tea (Rosy-centred White) Rose (Mu. 5+) 
(Hod), 1105-d. Rosa odorata (albida- 

Tea (Rosy-flushed Creamy) Rose (Nic. 
5/646). 1105-c, Rosa odorata (ebarnea- 

Tea (Rosy-pink) Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ra/N/ 
96, 0/22) (Mu. 54, 55). 1105-1. osa 
odorata (rosea). 

| Tea (Kosy-shaded Fawn) Rose (Cag. 601) 

(Hod). 11!05-h. Rosa odorata (fulva- 

Tea (Rosy-shaded Flesh-Pink) Rose (Ru- 
N/94) (Mu. 54). 1105-j. Rosa odorata 

Tea (Rosy to Violet Purple) Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Ru/O/18) (Mu. 54). 1105-p. 
Rosa odorata (purpurea roseo-suffusa). 

(Ru/N/90, 0/20) (Mu 55) (Hod). 1105-8. 
Rosa odorata (lutea-croceo-suffusa). 

Tea (Salmon-centred White) Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Ru/N/95) (Mu. 55). 1105-d. Kosa 
odorata (albida-intus-cinnabarina). 

Tea (Saimon-coloured) Rose (McL. 55). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina). 

(Salmon-margined Creamy) Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/96, 0/22) (Mu. 58). 
1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea-cinnaba- 

Tea (Salmon-shaded Blush-pink) Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Mu. 54). 1105-k. Rosa 
odorata = (erubescens-cinnabarino-suf- 


Tea (Salmon-shaded Creamy) Rose (Nic. 
3/324). 1105-c. Rosa odorata (eburnea- 

Tea (Salmon-shaded Pale-Fawn) Rose 
(Nio. 3/324) (Cag. 600) (Mu. 55) (Rn/ 
N/94, 0/20) (Hod) (Po). 1105-h. Rosa 
odorata (fulva-cinnabarino-suffusa). 

Tea (Salmon-shaded Rosy-pink Hybrid) 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/93, 0/19). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-rosea- 

Tea (Silvery-centred Rosy Hybrid) Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/94). 1105-q. Rosa 
odorata (hy brida-rosea-intus-argentea). 

Tea (Straw-shaded Bright-yellow) Rose 
(Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/91, 0/21) (Mu. 55). 
1105-f. Rosa odorata (lutea-stramineo- 

Tea (Tawny changing to Orange Apricot- 
coloured) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 600) 
(Ru/N/91, 0/22). 1105-m. Rosa odorata 

Tea (Transparent Rosy-Salmon-coloured) 
Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Ru/N/93) (Ma. 55). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina- 

Tea (White-suffused Rosy-pink Hybrid) 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/96, 0/22). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-rosea- 

Tea (Whitish Creamy) Rose (Ru/N/90, O/ 
19) (Mu. 54). 1105-c. Rosa odorata 

Tea (Whitish Pink) Rose (Ru/O/21) (Mu. 
54). 1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea- 

Tea (Yellow-centred Coppery-red) Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/92, 0/20). 1105-1. 
Rosa odorata (cuprea-intus-lutea). 

Tea (Yellow-centred Rosy-pink) Rose 
(Ru/N/92) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 1105-1. 
Rosa odorata (rosea intus-lutea). 

Tea (Yellow-shaded Deep Salmon-colour- 
ed) Rose (Cag. 601) (Hod). 1105-n. 
Rosa odorata (cinnabarina-rubescens- 

Tea (Yellow-shaded Rosy-pink) Kose (Nic. 
5/646) Ru/N/95). 1105-1, Rosa odorata 

Tea (Yellow-tinted White) Rose (Ru/N/18, 
O/21) (Mn. 55). 1105-d. Rosa odorata 

Tea-scented flowered Indian Rose (Nic. 
5/664) (Cag. 599). 1105 Rosa odorata. 
Tea-scented (Climbing) Noisette Rose 
(Cag. 602). 1108-1. Rosa Noisettiana 


Tea (Chinese) Scenter (Nic. 1/317). 
declxix. Chloranthus (genus). 

Tea (Berried dicecious Wild) shrub (Hk. 
1/284, «dpd). lxxv. Hurya (genus). 

Tea (Dry berried Wild) Tree (Hk. 1/280, 
adpd). lxxiv. Ternstrcemia (genus). 


Tea (Mealy berried Wild) Tree (Hk. 1/286, 
adpd). Ixxvi. Saurauja (genus). 

Tea (Scaly-woolly Large-serrate leaved 
Wild) Tree (Hk, 1/286, adpd). Ixxvi. 
Saurauja (genus). 

Tea (White Australian) Tree (McL. 144). 
1219 Melaleuca Leucadendron. 

Teak: (Bs/T/508) (Bs/S/126, NEL. 154, 
BEL. ATP. 160, CDP, 174, SLM. 
231," CBT. 265, GDV) (Gb. 526) (Bdn/ 
F.T.L) (Pr. 1/838) (Br. 164) (El. 544), 
(Cag. 440) (Cat. 205) (Mech. 748,883, 999) 
(PA. 252) (Ru/O/12) (W. Oa. 1, 2, 7, 21, 
26, 34, 36, 37, 38, 46, 49, 51, 60, 67, 77, 
86, 96, 97, 98, 99, 105, 107, 108, 118, 122, 
123,127), 2289Tectona grandis. 

Teak (Bastard) (McL. 645) (Bdn/L) (Ell 
117) (Pfl. 409). 828 Butea frondosa. 

Teak (Bastard) (MchL. 226). 817 Eryth- 
rina indica. 

Teak (Bushy Firebrand) (McL. 478, 512, 
884, 997, adpd). 2302 Premna herba- 

Teak (Cooml) (Mch. 135), 

Teak (Dog) (Mc. 155) (?). 
pentagyna (?). 

Teak (Dusky leaved Firebrand) (McL. 478, 
572, 884, 997, adpd). 2298 Premna 

Teak (False White) (McL. 144, adpd). 
2674 Trewia nndiflora. 

Teak (Firebrand) (McL. 473, 884, 997, 
adpd). dccxxvi. Premna (geaus). 

Teak (Firebrand) (McL. 473, 884, 999). 
2296 Premna tomentosa, 

Teak (Greener-ovate-leaved Dusty Fire- 
brand) (Hk. 4/578, adpd). 2298-e. 
Premna latifolia (viburnoides). 

Teak (Heart-leaved Dusky Fire-brand) 
(Hk. 4/578, adpd). 2298-a. Premna 
latifolia (mollissima). 

Teak (Himalayan  Serrate Firebrand) 
(McL. 4738, 512, 884,997, adpd). 2301 
Premna barbata. 

Teak (Large-ternately-(2—4)-whorled- 
white-velvetty-backed-scabrid Ovate- 
leaved) (Hk. 4/571, adpd). 2290 Tectona 

Teak (Oblong leaved Firebrand) (McL. 478, 
512, 884,997, adpd). 2297 Premna in- 

Teak (Purple Firebrand) (MchL. 478, 512, 
884, 997, adpd). 2294 Premna purpur- 

Teak (Round leaved Firebrand) (McL. 
472, 512, 889, 997, adpd). 2292 Premna 

Teak (Saffron) (McL. 118). 1489 Adina 

Teak (Serrate Firebrand) (McL. 473, 512, 
884, 993, adpd), 2800 Premna thyrsoi- 

2305 Gmelina 

15 Dillenia 


Teak (Shaggy leaved Firebrand) (McL. 
472, 512, 884, 997, adpd), 2293 Premna 

Teak (Smaller-downy-leaved Dusky Fire- 
brand) (Hk. 4/718, adpd), 2298-b. 
Premna latifolia (mollissima). 

Teak (Spinons Firebrand) (Mech. 478, 
512, 884. 997, adpd). 2295 Premna in- 

Teak (Strong) (McL. 884). 
pinia Sappan (?). 

Teak (White) (McL. 884). 
stroemia lanceolata, 

Teak (White) (McL. 185) (W. 82), 2305 
Gmelina arborea. 

Teak (Woolly leaved Firebrand) (McL, 
478, 512, 884, 997, adpd). 2296 Premna 

Teak (Yellow) of Mysore (Cat. 157). 1489 
Adina cordifolia. 

Teak leaved Sebesten (McL. 802). 
Cordia Sebestena. 

Teak (Ovate leaved Firebrand) of the 

Y29 Ceesal- 

1317 Lager- 

1979 | 

Anaimalais (Mcb, 473, 512, 884, 997, | 

adpd). 2299 Premna Wightiana. 

Teak (Ovate leaved Firebrand) of the 
Deccan (McL. 472, 512, 884, 997, adpd), 
2291 Premna corymbosa. 

Tears (Rudra’s) (McL. 763, adpd). 335 
Eleocarpus Ganitrus, 
Teas (McL. 1007). XVI. Ternstrcemi- 

ace (Order). 

Teat (Dog’s) (McL. 803), 

Tecoma (Ash leaved) (Br, 182). 2128 
Tecoma radicans. 

Tecoma (Cape) (Br. 132). 

1968 Cordia 

2124 Tecoma 

Tecoma (Jasmine-like) (Br. 132), 2126 
Tecoma jasminoides. 
Tecoma (Large flowered) (Br.132), 2125 

Tecoma grandiflora. 

Tecoma (Rooting) (Br, 132), 

Tecomate of West Mexico (‘Treas. Bot). 
2157 Parmentiera alata. 

Teenah of the Hebrews (McL. 34). 
Ficus Carica. 

Tejbul (McL. 886, 993). 
um alatum, 

Telegraph Plant (S, 134). 

jum (genus). 

Telegraph Plant (Nic, 1/460) (Cag. 614) 
(S. 184, 426) (Gbl. 238) 809 Desmod- 
ium gyrans. 

-ellicherry Bark (McL. 473, 6638, 871, 
997). 1838 Holarrhena antidysenterica, 

Ten Carpelled Evening Mallow (Hk. 1/328, 
adpd), 226 Abutilon fruticosum. 

Ten (Mountain) Carpelled Evening Mal- 
low (Hk. 1/828, adpd). 227 Abutilon 

Ten-(10- prs)-nerved (Long-lineolate) 
Elliptic- subsessile - acuminate - leaved 


2123 Tecoma 

382 Zanthoxyl- 

cecciy. Desmod- 


Conehead (Hk. 4/440, adpd). 2196 
Strobilanthes decurrens. 

Ten-(10- prs)-nerved (Long-glabrovs- 
sexsile) Lance - serrulate - acuminate- 
leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/474, adpd). 
2216 Strobilanthes gracilis. 

Tenasserim Caoutchouc (Bs/T/460) (Gbl. 
466). 1850 Urceola esculenta, 

Tenasserim Rubber (Bs/T/460) (Gbl. 466). 
1%50 Urceola esculenta. 
Tender Wild Jack (McL. 7382). 
jauelis, Rneedii. 
Tendoo (McL. 886), 
Tendril peduncled Woolly Trifoliate Vine 
(MchL. 564, adpd). 604 Vitis divaricata. 

2158 Pa- 

1715 Diospyros me- 

Tendrilled Bifoliolate leaved Virgin’s 
Bower (Uk. 1/6, adpd). 10 Naravelia 
zey lanicu, 

Tendrilled Climbing Buckthorn (Bs/T/175, 
adpd), 579 Helinus lanceolatus, 

Tendrilled-climbing (’ edium-peltate glau- 
cous-backed Roundish-Heart acuminate- 
leaved) Partridge Pea (Hk. 1/578, adpd), 
491 Krytbropalum povulifolium, 

Tendrilled (Poplar leaved) Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/578, adpd). 491 Erythropalum 

Tengye (McL. 888). 3228 Cocos nucifera, 

Teory (McL. 923). 2046 Ipomea Tur- 

Tephrosia (Cork barked) (McL. 81, 845, 
corr). 768 Mundtlea suberosa. 

Tephrosia (Cork leaved) (? barked), 
768 Mundulea suberosea. 

Tephrosia (Purple) (McL. 371). 774 
Tephrosia purpurea, 

Terebinthine (Sweet) Lemon (Hk. 1/505). 
395 Clausena Wampi. 

Terete-pungent-tipped-leaved (Very-small- 
to-small-rigid) Needle-wood (Bth. 5/514, 
adpd). 2485 Hakea acicularis. 

Terminal cymed Climbing Poison Nut 
(McL. 690, adpd). 1964 Strychnos 

Terminal (Long-flowered) cymed Ipecac- 
uanha (Hk, 3/21, adpd), dxiv. Chasalia 


. Terminal (Short-flowered) cymed Ipecac- 
uanha (Hk. 3/21, adpd). dxii, 
Psychotria (genus). 

Terminal Dracena (Br. 223). 8107 
Cordyline terminalis. 

Terminalia (Benzoin) (Br, 74), 1148 
Terminalia Benzvin. 

Terminalia (Broad leaved) (McL. 188). 
1144 Terminalia Catappa. 

Terminalia (Dr. Berry’s) (Br. 75), 1148 
Terminalia Arjuna, 

Terminalia (Nurrow leaved) (Br. 74). 1148 

Terminalia Benzoin, 
Terminalia (Oval ieaved) (McL. 928). 
Terminalia chebula. 



Terminalia (Paniculate) (Br. 75). 1152 
Terminalia paniculata. 

Terminalia (Tomentose) (Br- 75), 1150 
Terminalia tomentosa. 
Terminalia (Winged) (McL. 530). 1150 

Terminalia tomentosa. 
Terminally-crowded (Small-downy-nerved- 
backed) Nine-(9-prs)-nerved Ovate-sub- 
entire-acuminate-leaved Conehead (Hk. 
4/435, adpd). 2182 Strobilanthes 
canaricus. f 
Terminally - fascicled - or - capitate Disti- 
chous-leaved Offal-smelling Ipecacuanha 
(Hk. 3/21, adpd). dxy. Lasianthus 
Quassia (Bth. 1/318, 
Suriana (geaus). 
Terminally-needle-tufied-racemed (Slen- 
der) Asparagus (Hk. 6/817, adpd). 
3088-b. Asparagus racemosus (javanica). 



Ternate (Alternately) pinnate Rattan 
(Hk. 6/452, adpd). 3212 Calamus 

Ternately-whorled (Medium - velvetty- 
backed) elliptic-acuminate-leaved Ron- 
deletiawort (Hk. 3/40, adpd). 468-a. 
Wendlandia Notoniana (ty pica). 

Ternately-whorled (Medium-glabrate-long - 
petioled) elliptic-acuminate-leaved Ron- 
deletiawort (Hk. 3/40, adpd). 1463-b. 
Wendlandia Notoniana (bicuspidata). 

Ternaiely-whorled( Medium-downy-nerved- 
backed) Lance-obtuse-leaved Rondele- 
tiawort (ak. 3/40, adpd). 1464 Wend- 
landia Lawii. 

Ternately-whorled (Medium) linear-lance- 
acute-leaved Rondeletiawort (Hk. 3/40, 

adpd). 1465 Wendlandia angustifolia. 
Terra-japonica (Bed. 2/49). 10385 Acacia 

Tessellate Stemmed Date (Gbl. 731, Bs/T/ 
645, adpd). 3170 Phcenix robusta. 

Testicle (Horse) (McL. 704). 264 Ster- 
culia foetida. 

Testont (Caroline) Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/ 
N/93, 0/19). 1105-c. Rosa odorata 
(hy brida-rosea-cinnabarino-suffusa). 

Tetramerous (Peruvian) Emetic-nut 
(Treas. Bot. 1/589, adpd). 
Hoffmannia (genus). 

Tetramerous (Alternate-leaved) panicled 
Parple-b!oom Cherry (Rox. 1/415, adpd), 
dlxxv. Dobera (genus). 

Tetrandrons (Long-stamened) Mercury 
(Treas. Bot. 2/7386. Hk. 5/248, adpd). 
decexlvii. Alchornea (genus). : 

Tetrandrous (Plume-styled) Mercury 
(Treas. Bot. 2/786, Hk. 5/243, adpd). 
decexlv, Adenochlena (genus). 

Tetrandrous (Short-stamened) Mercury 
(Treas. Bot. 2/736, Hk. 5/243, adpd). 
deecxlvi. Ceelodepas (genus). 

| Thatch Palm 

cdxcyiii. - 


Tetrandrous Much-interrupted-subglab- 
rous-spiked Panicled Christmas Pride 
(Hk. 4/427, adpd). 2174-d. Stenosipho- 
nium diandrum (Russellianum). 

Tetrandrous Viscous-spiked Panicled 
Christmas Pride (Hk. 4/427, adpd). 
2174-b. Stenosiphoninm diandram 

Texas (Mesquit Bean of) (Gbl. 288). 
(? 1005) 1006 Prosopis pubescens (?). 
Texas (Scarlet flowered Pea ‘Tree of) 
(Nic. 8/425, adpd). 778 Sesbania 


Texas Algaroba (McL. 501) (Muell, 8.P). 
1005 Prosopis julifiora. 
Texas (Variegated) Aloe 

Agave variegata. 

Texas Mesquit Bean (McL. 236, 501). 
1005 Prosopis juliflora. 

Thatch (Java) (McL. 

Thatch (Palmetto) (Nic. 4/29) (S. 429). 
3187 Tbrinax parviflora. 

Thatch Grass (McL. 569) (Br. 239) (Hill. 
488). 3283 Saccharum spontaneum, 
Thatch Palm (S. 379). m. Sabal (genus). 
Thatch (Silver) Palm of Jamaica (Nic. 
4/29) (Cag. 344) (S. 428). 3186 Thrinax 


Thatch Palm of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
7/188). 3126 Howea Forsteriana. 

of the Bermudas (Nic. 

3183 Sabal Blackburniana. 

(S. 13). 3058 

48). 3161 Nipa 


| Theophrastus (Keronia of) (Nic, 1/297). 

978 Cevatonia Siliqua. 

Theophrastus (Peuké-Konophoros of) 
(McL. 155). emviii. Pinus (genus). 
Thespesia (Fern leaved) (Mch. 674) (?). 

448 Filicinm decipiens. 

Thespesia (Wild) (McL. 674) (?). 448 
FiJicium decipiens. 

Thick-branched (Alternate-and-op posite) 
Gloss-wort (Hk. 5/12, adpd). 2377 
Arthrocnemum glaucum. 

Thick dwarf leaved Shrubby Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/379). 3298 Arundinaria den- 

Thick (Pungent-tipped) leayed Shrubby 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/877, adpd), 3296 

Arundinaria Walkeriana. 

Thick leaved Smaller Chinese Laurel 
(McL. 472, 594, adpd). 2615 Anti- 
desma zeylanicum. 

Thin leaved Resin-seed (Ooty. 335, adpd), 
156 Pittosporum tenvifclium. 

Thin leaved Smaller Chinese Laurel 
(McL. 472, 594, adpd). 2616 Antides- 
ma diandrum. 

Thin Oblong leaved Melon Featherfoil 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2581 Glochidion 
J ohnstonei. 

Thin Orange (McL, 434), 413 Citrus 
medical-acida (?). 


Thin Sage leaved Indian Linden (Hk. 
1/385, adpd). 313 Grewia excelsa. 

Thirteen-(13-prs)-nerved (Medium-pa- 
pery - yellow - woolly - backed) Ovate- 
entire - acute - leaved Conehead (Hk. 
4/434, adpd), 2181 Strobilanthes 
gossy pinus. 

Thirty-segment Prickly Fan Palm (Hk. 
6/480, adpd). 3181 Licuala peltata, 
Thistle (Brown-backed Yellow sepalled 
Torch) (Nic. 1/299), 1370 Cereus gran- 


Thistle (Climbing Five-to-six-angled 
Torch) (Nic. 1/299). 1870 Cereus 

Thistle (Common Melon)(Br. 92) (S, 267). 
1369 Melocactus communis, 

Thistle (Creeping Three-angled Torch) 
(Nic. 1/800). 1372 Cereus triangul- 

Thistle (Erect Six-angled Torch) Nic. 
1/299). 1371 Cereus hexagonus, 

Thistle (Green - tubed Reddish - backed 
White sepalled Torch) (Nic. 1/899). 
1371 Cereus hexagonus. 

Thistle (Gum) (Mch. 
Euphorbia (genus), 

Thistle (Large flowered Torch) (Nic. 
1/299). 1870 Cereus grandiflora. 

Thistle (Melon) (Nic. 3/347) (S. 267). 
1369 Melocactus communis. 

Thistle (Rosy South American Daisy) 
Shrub (Nic. 1/159, $. 128, adpd). 1631 
Barnadesia rosea. 

Thistle (Torch) (Nic. 1/298) (S. 388, 483) 
(Cag. 588). cdlii. Cereus (genus). 

Thistles (Melon) (McL. 1003). LVIL. 
Cactacez (order). 

Thoca Tree of Burma (Treas, Bot. 1/51). 
977 (bis.) Amberstia nobilis. 

Thompson’s (Mrs.) African Glory Tree 
(S. 101, Nic. 1/841, adpd). 2325 Clero- 
dendron Thompsonz, 

501). decevi. 

Thomson’s (Gideon) Climbing Arum 
(Hk. 6/555). 8277 Pothos Thomsonia- 

Thomson’s Darjeelitg Oak (Gb!. 677) 
(FAR. 28, 29, NLGS). 2793 Quercus 

Thomson’s triflorous Climbing Indian 
Linden (Hk. 1/885, adpd). 311 Grewia 

Thorn (Buck) Family (Br. 48). 
Rhamnacee (Order). 

Thorn (Black) (Loud). ccclxxvy. Pronus 

Thorn (Black Honey) (McL. 148, adpd). 
1519 Canthium didymum, 

Thorn (Buck) (H/E.F) (Nic. 3/286) (S. 
362). ccxxix. Rhamnus (genus), 

Thorn (Buffalo) McL. 936). 1037 Acacia 

Thorn (Bushy Roundish leaved Sweet) 
(Hk. 1/194). 137 Flacourtia sepiaria. 




Thorn (Camel) (McL, 618). 

Thorn (Camel) (McL, 38) (Bs/T/235) (Glb. 
237). 783 Alhagi camelorum. 

Thorn (Chinese buck) (Cag. 633). 569 
Rhamnus virgatus. 

Thorn (Chinese Haw) (8.325). ccclxxxvi. 
Photinia (genus). 

Thorn (Christ’s) 
Cratzgus (genus). 

Thorn (Common Honey) (McL. 148, 
adpd). 1528 Canthium parviflorum. 

Thern (Common Snake Wood Buck) 
(MeL, 515, 842, adpd), 575 Colubrina 

Thorn (Daburian Buck) (McL, 762). 569 
Rhamnuus virgatus. 

Thorn (Downy long leaved Sweet) (Hk. 
1/192, adpd). 134 Flacourtia moutana. 

Thorn (Elephant) (McL. 935). 1032 
Acacia tomentosa. 

Thorn (Elliptic leaved Few-seeded Sweet) 
(Hk, 1/194, adpd). 139 Xylosma lati- 

Thorn (Evergreen Fire) (8S, 
cecclxxxvii. Cratzegus (genus). 
Thorn (False Box) (Nic. 2/306, adpd). 

1984 Rhabdia lycioides. 

Thorn (Hew-seeded Sweet) (Hk. 1/149, 
adpd). ly. Xylosma (genus). 

Thorn (Glabrous long leaved Sweet) (Hk. 
1/198, adpd). 135 Flacoortia cata- 

Thorn (Haw) (8.115) (Nic. 1/392) (Loud). 
ecclxxxvii. Cratzegus (genus). 

Thorn (Honey) (McL. 148, Treas. Bot. 
1/215, adpd). div, Canthium (genus). 

Thorn (Indian Buck) (McL. 762). 570 
Rhamnus Wightii. 

Thorn (Indian Haw) (Br. 72, Nic. 1/392, 
adpd). 1119 Crategus crenulata. 

Thorn (Jerusalem) (McL. 936) (Cag. 619) 
(Br. 60) (Ru/N/82, 0/81). 943 Par- 
kinsonia aculeata. 

Thorn (Jew’s) (Bdn/F,T) (Cat. 108). 943 
Parkinsonia aculeata. 

Thorn (Kangaroo) (Muell. §,P), 
Acacia armata, 

Thorn (Lily) (Nic. 1/280) (S. 82), edxcix 
Catesbveea spinosa. 

Thorn (Long leaved Few-seeded Sweet) 
(Hk. 1/149, adpd), 188 Xylosma longi- 

Thorn (Madras) (MAHS). 
colobium dulce, 

Thorn (Many-seeded Sweet) (Hk. 1/192, 
adpd). liv. Flacourtia (genus). 

Thorn (Mistletoe berry) (McL, 809, adpd). 
1800 Azima tetracantha, 

Thorn (Mysore) (Bed. 1/9!) (Rox. 2/360, 
(Bs/T/246) (Gbl. 267) (Cag. 621) (Cat. 
100) (MeL, 473, 588, 995) (Br. 59) (El, 
121). 931 Cesalpinia sepiaria, 

363 Fagonia 

(8. 115). ccclxxxvii. 



1052 Pithe- 


Thorn (One-seeded Sweet) (Hk. 1/194, 
adpd). 140 Xymalos monospora. : 
Thorn (Quick Black) (8.113). ccclxxxvii. 

Cratezus (genus). 

Thorn (Kat) (Mc. 755). 3279 Spinifex 

Thora (Robber) 
Acacia latronum. 

Thorn (Siberian Buck) (Mcb. 7€2). 569 
Rhamuus virgatus. 

Thorn (Slender branched Buck) (McL. 
762). 569 Rhamnus virgatus. 
Thorn (Slipper) (McL. 720). 

Opuntia Dillenii, 

Thorn (Snake Wood Buck) (McL. 515, 
842,adpd). ecxxxiii. Colubrina (genus). 

Thorn (Spineless Five petalled buck) 
(McL. 762, adpd). 570 Rhamnus 

Thorn (Spinous Lily) (8. 242) (Cag. 541). 
1513 Catesbza spinosa, 

Thorn (Spiry Four petalled Back) (McL. 
762, adpd). 569 Rhamnus virgatus. 
Thorn (Sweet)(McL, 854), liv. Flacourtia 


Thorn (Tendrilled Climbing Buck) (Bs/T/ 
175). 579 Helinus lanceo!atos. 

Thorn (Thornless long }eaved Sweet) Hk. 
1/192, adpd). 183 Flacourtia inermis. 
Thorn (Tiger) (McL. 995). 945 Wagatea 


Thorn (Travancore Snake Wood Buck) 
(McL. 515, 842, adpd), 576 Colubrina 

Thorn (Umbrella) (Bed. 1/95) (Rs/T/264) 
(Bs/S$/223, TVY) (Gbl. 292) (Bdn/F.T.L) 
(W. 16). 1028 Acacia planifrons. 

Thorn (Umbrella) (McL. 473, 934, 935, 
adpd). ccclxvii. Acacia (genus). 

Thorn (Umbrella) (McL. 473, 34, 935). 
1032 Acacia tomentosa. 

Thorn (West Indian Black) (McL. 936). 
1027 Acacia Farnesiana. 

(Ban/F.T.L). 1087 


Thorn (White)  (S.115) (Lond), 
ecolxxxvii. Cratzegus (genus). 

Thorn Apple (McL. 261, 802) (Cag. 472) 
(MAHS) (S. 131). delxxi. Datura 

Thorn Apple (S. 131, 428) (Cat. 203). 
2097 Datura Stramonium. 

Thorn (Asiatic) Apvle (McL. 262, adpd), 
2098 Datura fastuosa. 

Thorn (Common) Apple (MeL. 261). 
2097 Datura Stramonium. 

Thorn (Downy) Apple (McL. 261). 2099 
Datura Metel. 

Thorn (European) Apple (McL. 261, 
adpd). 2097 Datura Stramonium. 

Thorn (Indian) Apple (McL. 262). 2098 

Datura fastuosa. 

Thorn (Purple) Apple (McL. 262) (Br. 
153) (Cag. 472) (Pfl. 256). 2098 
Datura fastuosa, 


Thorn (Purple Evropean) Apple (McL. 
261). 2087-b. Latura Stramonium 
(Tatula). : 

Thorn (White) Apple (Pf. 258). 2097 
Datura Stramoniur. 

Thorn (White A-iatic) Apple (McL. 262) 
(Br. 152). 2098-b. Datura fastuosa 

Thorn (White flowered) Apple (Ell. 229). 
2097 Datura Stranionium. 

Thorn (Purple flowered Umbrella) Babool 
(McL. 473, 934, 935, adpd). 1032 
Acacia tomentosa. 7 

Thorn (White flowered Umbrella) Babool 
(McL. 473, 934, 935, adpd). 1028 
Acacia planifrons, 

Thorn (Camel) Bean Caper (McL. 618, 
adpd). 3863 Fagonia arabica. 

Thorn (Buffalo) Cutch (MeL. 935, adpd). 
1037 Acacia latronum. 

Thorn grass (McL. 69). 

Thorn Leaf (McL. 759). 
um Rhetsa, 

Thorn Tree (H/E.F). 
egus (genus). 

Thorn (Arrow) Tree (McL. 472, 935). 
1028 Acacia planifrons. 

Thorn (roundish leavyed Sweet) Tree 
(Hk. 1/198, adpd). 136 Flacourtia 

Thorned (Silver) Acacia (McL. 986). 
1037 Acacia latronum, 

Thorned (Recurved) _ linear-(variable) 
leayed Caper Shrub (Hk. 1/175, adpd). 
110 Capparis diversifolia, 

Thorned (Straight) linear-(variable)- 
leaved Caper Shrub (Hk. 1/174, apa 
108 Capparis divaricata. 

Thornless Bamboo of Travancore (Bdn/ 
F.T). 8309 Oxytenanthera Bourdilloni. 

Thornless (Floccose-branched Ovate 
leaved) Caper Shrub (Hk, 1/174, adpd). 
107 Capparis Heyneana. 

Thornless (Long-lance leaved) Caper 
Shrub (Hk. 1/176, adpd). 116 Cap- 
paris parviflora. 

Thornless Cluster Rose (Ooty. 495) (Hod). 
1108-j. Rosa Noisettiana (rosea- 

Thornless Jong leaved Sweet Thorn (Hk, 
1/192, adpd). 1383 Flacourtia inermis. 

3304 Bambusa 
384 Zanthoxyl- 


Thornless (Light-pink) Noisette Rose 
(Ooty. 495) (Hod). 1108-j. Rosa 
Noisettiana (rosea-inermis). 

Thornless Poolay (McI. 702). 261 
Eriodendron anfractuosum. 

Thornlers Reed (Bed. 1/229). 3806 
Oxytenanthera Thwaitesii. 

Thorns (Buck) (McL. 1006), xxxvi. 

Rhamnacez (Urder.) 
Thorny Bamboo (McL. 70, 1002). 3304-b- 
Bambusa arundinacea (spinosa). 


Thorny Bamboo (Bs/S/126, NIL. 187, 
CDP. 173, SLM) (McbL. 70, 1002) (Gbl. 
748). 8304 Bambusa arundinacea. 

Thorny (Dwarf gregarious) Bamboo (Hk. 
6/396). 3304-b. Bambusa arundinacea 

Thorny Bengal Quince (McL. 65). 
fGzle marmelos. 

Thorny Blue druped Featherfoi] Tree 
(McL. 587, adpd). 2546  Bridelia 

Thorny branched Hollow Large Bamboo 
(Hk. 7/895, adpd). 3304 Bambusa 

Thorny Caper (McL. 125) (Br. 10). 
Capparus horrida. 

Thorny Carissa (McL. 132). 1806 Carissa 

Thorny Carissa (McL.84). 98 Berberis 

Thorny Coral Tree (Mc. 227, 470, 645, 
994). 818 Erythrina stricta. 

Thorny elliptic-rhomboid-leaved Climb- 
ing Beil 
2307 Gmelina Hystrix. 

Thorny Hemp Bendy (MchL. 484). 
[246 Sphalm| 236 Hibiscus furcatus. 



Thorny lron Wood (MchL. 66). 137 
Flacourtia sepiaria (?). 
Thorny Nail Dye (McL. 558). 2225 

Barleria Prionitis, 

Thorny Ovyate-to-obovate-leaved Bell 
Vervein (Hk. 4/382, adpd). 2306 
Gmelina asiatica. 

Thorny Palaus (McL. 645). 818 Erythri- 
Na stricta, 

Thorny Paulay (McL. 665) (?). 2543 
Pedilanthus tithymaloides, 
Thorny Pongamia (McL. 101). 926 

Czsalpinia Bonducella (?). 
Thorny Poolay (MeL. 702). 259 Bombax 
malabaricum. ; 
Thorny Silk Cotton (McL. 284). 
Bombax malabaricum. 
Thorny Sky Blue (McL, 946) (?). 2171 
Deedalacanthns nervosus. 


Thorny Staff Tree (McL. 174), 541 
Gymnosporia montana. 
Thorny Trichilia (MeL. 435). 404 

Atalantia monophylla. 

Thorny Venzay (McL. 473, 977, 1000). 
2546 Bridelia retusa, 

Thorny Webera (MclL. 
Canthium parviflorum. 

Thorny Wood Apple (Mcl. 65). 425 
{gle marmelos. 

Thorny Yam (McL. 53, 1000). 
Dioscorea tomentosa. 

Thread (Seeta’s) (McL. 804, 998). 2065 
Cuscata reflexa, 

Thread Cotton (MeL. 232). 253 Gos- 
sypinm herbacenm. 

Thread Creeper (McL. 230). 2472 Cas- 
sytha filiformis. 

148). 1528 


Vervein (Hk. 4/582, adpd). | 


Thread (Green) Creepor 
McL. 230, adpd). 

Thread (Yellow) Creeper (Hk. 4/225, 
McL. 2380, adpd). delxv, Cuscuta 
(genus), : 

Thread-like (Green) 
(Hk, 5/187, MeL. 
Cassytha filiformis. 

Thread-like (Yellow) Leafless Creeper 
(Hk. 4/225, McL. 230, adpd). delxvy. 
Cuscuta (genus). 

Three-angled (Creeping) Torch Thistle 
(Nic. 1/800), 1872 Cereus triangul- 

Three-banded leaved White 
Flower (Nic. 2/35). 

Three coloured Frangipani (Nic. 3/170). 
1827 Plumeria tricolor. 

Three cornered Cereus (Br. 92). 
Cereus triangularis. 

Three (Malabar) flowered Calycine Man- 
grove (ifcL. 370, adpd). 1138 Bru- 
giiera ma/abarica, 

Three flowered Calycine Mangrove (McL. 
470, adpd). 1137 Bruguiera caryo- 
phy !lojdes. 

Three leaf Poon (McL. 705, 994). 790 
Pseudarthria, viscida. 

Three leaved Caper (McL. 580). 
Cratzva religiosa. 

Three leaved Cnaste Tree (McL. 596) 
(Ell. 582) (Pf. 288). 23(8 Vitex 

Three leaved Indigo (McL. 871, adpd). 
749 Indigofera trita. 

(Hk. 5/187, 
2472 Cassytha 

Leafiess Creeper 
230, adpd). 2472 

1362 Passiflora 



Three leaved Ophioxylon (McL. 842). 
1811 Rauwolfia serpentina. 

Three leeved Pterocarpus (McL. 756). 
896 Pterocarpus santalinus. 

Three leaved Vitex (Br. 168). 2808 
Vitex trifolia. 

Three lobed Nightshade (McL. 830). 
2092 Solanum trilobatum. 

Three lobed Solanum (Er. 150). 2092 
Solarum trilobatum. 

Three nerved Jasmine(Br. 116). 1768 

Jasminum anastomosans. 

Three rerved Zizyphus (MchL. 132). 562 
Zizyphus trinervia. 

Three pointed Ampelopsis of Japan (Nic. 
1/66). 581 Vitis incoustans. 

Three pointed Hibiscus (McL. 712). 251 
Thespesia Lampas. 

Three pointed Tulip Mallow (McL. 712, 
adpd). 251 Thespesia Lampas. 

Three sided Mercury (McL. 465) (S. 3). 
decexliv. Acalypha (genrs). : 

Three-winged-dry-berried Climbing Buck- 
thorn (Hk. 1/648, adpd). ccxxxiy. 
Gouania (genus). 

| Thunbergia (Large flowered) (Rid. 93, 

169). 2164 Thuubergia grandiflora, 


Thunbergia (Wing leaved) (Br. 169). 
2161 Thunbergia alata. 

Thwaites’ Glabrous Goglet Flower (Mch. 
466, adpd). 1941 Ceropegia Thwai- 

Thwaites’ Simple leaved Navelwort 
(Bs/T/213, Nic. 1/367, 4/357, adpd). 
696 Ellipanthus Thwaitesii. 

Thwaites’ Worm-seed (McL. 361, adpd). | 

2714 Gironniera reticulata. 

Thyrsiform (Ovate-acuminate-leaved) 
Flesh-coloured- flowered Justicewort 
(Nic. 2/206, adpd). 2262 Jacobinia 

Thyrsiform (Ovate-oblong leaved) Sear- 
let-flowered Justicewort (Nic. 5/452, 
adpd). 2264 Jacobinia Pohliana, 

Tick Trefoi] (Mch. 813) (8.1384). 
Desmodium (genus). 

Tick (Acute oblong Trifoliate) Trefoil 
(McL. 818, adpd). 797 Desmodium 

Tick (Acute oblong 
(McL. 818, adpd). 

Tick (Bristly Tailed) Trefoil (Br. 52, 
adpd). 792 Uraria crinita. 

Tick (Burr podded) Trefoil (Rox. 3/356, 
adpd). ccci. Pseudarthria (genus). 
Tick (Burry Tailed) Trefoil (Br. 52, 

adpd). 793 Uraria hamosa. 

Tick (Folded-up Podded) Trefoil (Hk. 
2/155, adpd). ccciii. Uraria (genus). 
Tick (Hare-foot Tailed) Trefoil (Mch. 
628, Br. 562, adpd). 793 Uraria lagop- 


Tick (Obtuse oblong Trifoliate) Trefoil 
(McL. 8138, adpd). 799 Desmodium 

Tick (Obtuse Obovate Trifoliate) Trefoil 
(McL. 818, adpd). 808 Desmudium 

Tick (Ovate Trifoliate) Trefoil (MeL. 813, 
adpd). 803 Desmodium laxiflorum. 

Tick (Ovate Unifoliate) Trefoil (McL. 
818, adpd). 802 Desmodium ormo- 

Tick (Pea podded) Trefoil (Hk. 2/153, 
adpd). ccc. Pyconospora (genus). 

Tick (Painted leaved Tailed) Trefoil (Br. 


Onifoliate) Trefoil 
805 Desmodium 

52,adpd). 791 Uraria picta. 

Tick (Quadrangular stemmed) Trefoil 
(McL. 818, adpd), 802 Desmodium 

Tick (Rhomboid Trifoliate) Trefoil (MeL. 
818, adpd). 804 Desmodium Scalpe. 
Tick (Round bracted) Trefoil (McL. 813, 

adpd). 799 Desmodium pulchellum. 
Tick (Round branched Umbelled) 
Trefoil (McL. 813, adpd). 796 Des- 

modium umbellatum. 

Tick (Round Trefoliate) Trefoil (MeL. 
813, adpd) 796 Desmodium um- 


Tick (Scabrous Ovate Unifoliate) Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 806 Desmodium 

Tick (Silvery obovate Trifoliate) Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 807 Desmodium 

Tick (Small oblanceolate Trifoliate) 
Trefoil (McL. 818, adpd). 800 Des- 
modium biarticulatum, 

Tick (Tailed) Trefoil (Br. 52, adpd). 
eccii. Uraria (genus). 

Tick (Triangular branched Umbelled) 
Trefoil (McL. 818, adpd). 797 Des- 
modium cephalotes. 

Tick (Triangular branched Unifoliate) 

Trefoil (McL. 818, adpd). 801 -Des- 
modium triquetrem, 
Tick (Trifoliate-small-downy Roundish- 

obtuse-or-acute leaved) Trefoil (Hk. 
2/154, adpd). 790 Pseudarthriaviscida. 
Tick (Trifoliate-very-small-downy-backed 
obovate-obtuse leaved) Trefoil (Hk. 
2/153, adpd). 789 Pycnospora hedys- 

Tick (Two seeded) Trefoil (MeL. 818, 
adpd) 800 Desmodium biarticulatum. 

Vick (Vibrating Auricled) Trefoil (McL. 
813, adpd). 809 Desmodium gyrans. 
Tick (Wing petioled) Trefoil (MeL. 818, 
adpd). 801 Desmodium triquetrum. 
Tiger Bean (McL. 849). 940 Poinciana 


Tiger Root Yam 
Dioscorea dzemona. 

Tiger Stopper (McL. 588). 
pinia sepiaria. 

Tiger Thorn (Mch. 995). 

Tiger’s Claw (McL. 892). 2086 Ipomaa 

Tiger’s Foot (McL. 892, 
Tpomea pes-tigridis. 

Tiger’s-foot Bindweed (MchL. 892, 998, 
adpd). 2036 Ipomea, pes-tigridis. 

Tiger’s-foot (Pedate-(5—-9)-lobed-leaved) 
Bindweed (Hk. 4/204, adpd). 2036-a. 
Iponza pes-tigridis (typica). 

Tiger’s-foot (Trilobed-or-angular-leaved) 
Bindweed (Hk. 4/204, adpd). 2086-b. 
Iponea pes-tigridis (hepaticifolia), 

Tiger’s foot (Entire-heart-leaved) Bind- 
weed (Hk. 4/204, adpd). 20386-c. 
Iponzea pes-tigridis (capiteilata). 

Tiger’s Milk (McL. 9, 892, 1000). 2706 
Excecaria Agallocha. 

Tiger’s (Mountain Robust) Milk (Hk, 
5/474, McL, 892, adpd). 2708 Excew- 
caria robusta. 

Tiger’s (Mountain Slender) Milk (Hk. 
3/473, McL. 892, adpd) 2707 Exca- 
caria crenulata, . 

Tiger’s (Salt swamp) Milk (Hk. 6/472, 
McL. 892, adpd). 2706 Excecaria 

(McL. 468). 3055 
931 Cesal- 
945 Wagatea 

998). 2036 



Tiger’s-milk Spurge (McL. 9, 892, 1000, 
Hk. 5/244, 472, adpd). decclx. Excw- 
caria (genus). 

Tiger’s-milk Spurge (McL. 9, 892, 1000, 
Hk, 5/244, 472,adpd). decclix. Sapium 

Tiger’s-milk (Crimson - backed - leaved) 
Spurge (Cag. 416, adpd). 2705 Exca- 
caria bicolor. 

Tiger’s-milk (Long elliptic-oblong lance- 
crenate-acuminate-leaved) Spurge (HE. 
5/471, adpd). 2704 Sapium insigne. 

Tiger’s-milk (Long-or-medium-leathery- 
opposite Linear - oblong - acuminate - 

leaved) Spurge (Hk. 5/474, adpd). 
2708 Excecaria robusta. 
Tiger’s-milk (Medinm-papery _ elliptic- 

lance-serrate-cuspidate ee Spurge 
(Hk. 5/471, adpd). 2703 Sapium 

Tiger’s-milk (Medium-papery-opposite 
Elliptic-lance-serrate- acuminate - leay- 
ed) Spurge (Hk. 5/473, adpd). 2707 
Excecaria crenulata. 

Tiger’s-milk (Slender-racemed Round- 
capsuled) Spurge (Hk. 5/472, adpd). 

704-b, Sapium insigne (malabarica). 

Tiger’s-milk (Small - fleshy - leathery 
Kound- or- ovate- elliptic- obtuse- to- 
acuminate-leaved) Spurge (Hk. 5/472, 
adpd). 2706 Excxcaria Agallocha. 

Tiger’s-milk (Small - glaucous - backed 
elliptic- acute- or- acuminate- leaved) 
Spurge (Hk. 5/470, adpd). 2701 
Sapium discolor. 

Tiger’s-milk (Small - glaucous - backed 
Roundish- ovate- acuminate- leaved) 
Spurge (Hk. 5/470, adpd). 2702 
Sapium sebiferum. 

Tiger’s-milk (Stout-racemed Ovoid-cap- 
suled) Spurge (Hk. 5/472, adpd) 
2704-a. Sapium insigne (typica). 

Tight-skinned Orange (Ooty. 25). 417 
Citrus Aurantium-Aurantium. 

Tikry (Mel. 893, 999). decli. Boerhaavia 

Timber (‘l'urmeric) Tree (Mc. 367). 1554 

Morinda citrifolia,. 

Timor Senna (MchL. 847), 960 Cassia 

Tindooky (McL. 303). 1702 Diospyros 

Tinian Pine (McL. 185) (Cag. 411) -(Cat. 

301) (EU. 157) (Pf. 215) (Rid, 114, 
126) (Br. 203). 2780 Casuarina 
Tinisham (McL. 575). 795 Ougenia 

Tinnevelly (Black Plum of the Myhendra- 
Hills of) (McL. 379, adpd). 1249 
Eugenia myhendre. 

Tiunevelly (Eugene Myrtle of the Calcad- 
Hills of) (McL. 379, adpd). 1263 
Eugenia calcadensis. 


Tinnevelly (Hugene Myrtle of the Singam- 
patty-Hills of) (Mel. 879). 1270 
Eugenia singam pattiana. 

A innevelly (Wedge leaved gene Myrtle 
of) (McL. 879, adpd). 1260 Eugenia 


Tinnevelly Betel-nut Laurel (MeL, 500, 
adpd). 2465 Litszea Panamonja 

Tinnevelly (Black) Dammer (I.F., xxix/10, 
xxx/1, adpd). Ixxxv. Balanocarpus 

Tinnevelly (White) Dammer (I. F., xxix/ 

xxx/ 1, adpd). Ixxxiii. Hopea 

Tinnevelly Ebony (Bdn/E.T, McL. 366, 
adpd). 1719 Diospyros affinis. 

Tinnevelly (Brandis’) Rattan (Hk. 6/448, 
adpd), 3210 Calamus Brandisii. 

Tinnevelly (Beddome’s) Rose Apple (McL. 
379,adpd). 1233 Eugenia Beddomei. 

Tinnevelly Senna (McL. 364, 504, 805, 
847, 932, 995) (Bll. 151) (Pf. 314). 
956 Cassia angustifolia. 

Tinnevelly Square branched Tree Bil- 
berry (Hk. 2/555, adpd). 1297 Memcyl- 
on gracile. 

Tinnevelly (Wight’s) Wool Plant (McL. 
702, adpd). 2376 ASrua Wightii- 

Tip ( (Leaf) Flowering Cactus (Nic. 1/515). 
edliii. Bpiphyllum “(eenus). 

Tiplee (McL. 678). 2404 Piper longum. 

Tipperah (Luteo Tree of) (Treas. Bot. 
2/883, Rox. 2/554), decexxvi. Baccau- 
rea (genus) 

Tirauna (McL, 478, 670, 900, 996). 
Webera corymbosa. 
Tirootauly (McL. 802). 

dron phlomoides. 

Tisso Flower (McL. 645). 828 Butea 

Tobacco (Indian) (Treas. Bot. 
dxxxiv. Lobelia (genus). 

Tobacco (Larger Wild) (McL. 484, 689, 
adpd). 1635 Lobelia excelsa. 

Tobacco (Subglabrous - leaved Open- 
racemed Larger Wild) (W.A.I). 1635-b. 
Lobelia Excelsa (trichandra), 


2316 Cleroden- 


Tobacco (Wild) (McL. 484, 689), 1634 
Lobelia nicotianzefolia,. 
Tobacco Plant (S. 290) (Nic. 2/449). 

delxx. Nicotiana (genus). 
Tobacco (Columbian) shrub (Nic, 2/451). 
2104 Nicotiana wigandioides. 
Todacutty (McL. 461). 881 Dalbergia 
Toddalia (Prickly) (MeL. 905) (Br. 253). 
886 Toddalia aculeata. 
Toddaly (McL. 905, 999). 

Toddy Palm (S. 80) (McL. 777). 
Caryota (genus). 

Toddy (Hill) Palm (Cat. 326). 
Caryota urens. 

386 Toddalia 



Toddy (Mysore) Palm (PA. 45) (Cat. 328). 
3163 Phoenix sylvestris. 

Toddy Tree (Pfi. 244), 3224 Borassas 

Togari Wood of Madras (Bdn/F.T). 1554 
Morinda citrifolia. 
Togarmogaly (MchL. 367, $07). 1554 

Morinda citrifolia. 
Togary (McL. 274). 854 Cajanus indicus 
Tomato (Angied-or-lobed leaved Moun- 
tain Curran<) (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 2079-b. 
Solamum denticulatum (Gouakai). 

Tomato (Currant) (Rid. 90) (S. 407). 2070 | 

Solanum pseudocapsicum. 

Tomato (Indian Currant) (Hk. 4/220, Rid. 
90, adpd). 2075 Solanum verbasci- 

Tomato (Mountain Currant) (Hk. 4/282, 
Rid. 90, adpd). 2079 Solanum dertic- 

Tomato (Tree) (S, 175, 435) (Cag. 219) 
(Mu. 47) (Ooty. 33). 2093 Cyphoman- 
dia betacea. 

Tomato Orange (Bon. 54). 4i9-b. Citrus 
Aurantiumecrenatifolia (lycopersicz- 

Tomentose Abutilon 
Abutilon muticum. 
Tomentose Acacia (McL. 

Acacia tomentosa. 

Tomentose Mountain Ebony (MchL. 521) 
(Br. 64). 988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Tomentose Terminalia (Br. 75). 
Terminalia tomentosa. 

Tomitomi (Kox. 3/833) (Gbl. 39, Ver. 72, 

(Br. 19). 224 

985). 1032 


Sphalm M) (McL. 478, 864, 907). 183 
Fiacourtia inermis. 
Tondyteragam (McL. 908, 999). 2288 

Callicarpa lanata. 
Tonga Plant (Hk. 6/549) (Nic. 1/517). 
3272 Epipremuum mirabile. 
Tongpangchong (McL. 384), 2268 Rhina- 
canthus communis. 

Tongue (Bitter Sparrow) (McL. 871). 
1833 Holarrhena antidysenterica. 

Tongue (Dog’s) (Mch. 502). 2534 
Euphorbia neriifolia. 

Tongre (Double) (Nic. 3/335). 3096 
Rauscus hypophyllum. 

Tongue (-erpent’s) (McL. 63). 3119 

Gloriosa superba. 
Tongue (Snake's) Fern Family (8. 403, 


adpd). CXXIX. Schizzacez (Order). 
Tongue (Sparrow's) (McL. 370). 1841 | 
Wrightia tinctoria. 

Tongue (Climbing Snake’s) Fern (S. 102), 
mlxsvy Lygodium (genus). 

Tongne (Fringed Snake’s) Fern (Br. 248). 
3384-b. Lygodium scandens (micro- 

Tongue (Snake's) Fern (S. 403). 3383 
Lygodium japonicum. 

Tongue-leaved Orchid (Hk. 6/73, W.A.I, 
adpd). cmxxxyiii. Cleisostoma (genus), 


Tongue-leaved (Oblong-cordate-emargin- 
ate) Orchid (Hk. 6/73, W.A.I, adpd). 
2976 Cleisostoma tenerum. 

Tongue Orchid (W.A.1). cemxxi. Bulho- 
phyllum (g-nus). 

Tongue Orchis (W.A.I). 2921 Bulbo- 
phyllum fuscopurpureum. 
Tonic (King’s) (McL. 67). 1591 (b#s.) 

Pederia feetida. 

Tonguie (Br. 121). 1903 Pergularia 
Toolsy (McL. 908, 999). dcecxxxix. 

Ocimum (genus). 

Toolsy (Common) (McL. 909, 999). 2336 — 
Ocimnm sanctum. 

Toolsy (Rama) (McL. 909, 999). 2335 
Ocimum gratissimum. 

Toolsy (Rough) (McL. 910, 999). 2836-b. 
Ocimum sanctum (hirsuta). 

Toomal Tree (MeL. 304). 1714 Diospyros 

Toombay (McL. 9210, 999). dcexlix, 
Leucas (genus). 

Toombay (Black) (McL. 461). 2253 
An‘someles malabarica. 

Toombay (Large) (McL. 461). 2253 
Anisomeles malabarica. 

Toombay (Ship) (McL. 911) (?). 783 

Alhagi camelorum (?). 

Toomiky (McL. 303). 1702 Diospyros 


Toomma (McL. 911). ccclxvii. Acacia 

Toomma (White) (McL. 936). 1033 
Acacia lencophlea, 

Toomroo (McL. 911, 993). cexlv. Zantho- 

xylum (genus). 

Toon (Caudate-type-leaved) (Rec. Bot. 
Surv. Ind. Vol. I1I/4-1908). 482-2. 
Cedrela Toona (deceana). 

Toon (Bed. 1/53) (Bs/T/145) (Gbl. 157) 
(Pfl. 354) (McL. 4738, 484, 578, 911, 993) 
(W.Oa. 82), 482 Cedrela Toona. 

Toon (Multijugate - helf - rounded - half - 
taper-based Ovate-oblong leaved) (Rec. 
Bot. Surv. Ind. Vol. III/4-1908). 
482-f. Cedrela l'oona (pilipetala). 

Toon (Quadrijugate - half - rounded - half- 
taper-based caudate-awl-tipped-leared) 
(Rec. Bot. Surv. Ind. Vol. 111/4-1908). 
482-g. Cedrela Toona (Tadboti). 

Toon (Multijugate-round-based Ovate-long 
leaved (Rec. Bot. Sury. Ind. Vol. II1/4— 
1908). 482-c. Cedrela Toona (latifolia). 

Toon (Multijugate-taper-based obliquely- 
oblong-Elliptic-leaved (Rec. Bot. Surv, 
Ind. Vol. III/4-1908). 482-h. Cedrela — 
Toona (pitiotyla). 

Toon (Multijugate-(6-12 prs)-taper-based 
Oblong-lance-to-ovate-leaved) (Rec. Bot. 
Surv. Ind. Vol. IT!/4-1908).  482-a, 
Cedrela Toona (typica). 


Toon (Type-leaved  Lenticelled-small- 
(black-capsuled) (Rec, Bot. Surv. Ind. 
Vol. I11/4-1908), 482-d, Cecrela Toona 

Toon Tree Family (Br. 84). 
Meliacez (Order), 

Toor (McL. 274). 854 Cajanus indicus. 

Tooranj (McL. 434). [409 sphalm] 
410-c. Citrus medica-Limonum (Medi- 

Tovranjbeen (McL. 38). 783 Alhagi 

Toorinjii (McL. 912). 1050 Albizzia | 

Toot (McL. 367). 2721 Morus indica. 
Tooth-acho (Roxburgh’s Trifoliate Oppos- 

ite leaved) (Hk. 1/488, adpd). 378 
Evodia Roxburghiana. 

Tooth-ache (‘l'rifoliate) Climber (Nic. 
4/237, adpd). 381 Zanthoxylum ovaii- 

Tooth-ache (Velvetty Seven-leaved) 
Climber (Nic. 4/237, adpd). 283 
Zanthoxylum tetraspermum., 

Tooth-ache Tree (McL. 759), 384 

Zanthoxylum Rhetsa. 

Tooth-ache Tree (8. 433) (Nic. 4/237) 
(McL.911). cxlv. Zanthoxylum (genus). 

Tooth-ache (Common) Tree (Nic. 4/237, 
adpd). 384 Zanthoxylum Rhetsa. 

Tooth-ache (Gland crenate) Tree (Nic. 
4/237, adpd). 385 Zanthoxylum Bud- 

Tovth-ache (Indian) Tree (McL. 886). 
382 Zanthoxvlum alatum. 

Tooth-ache (Neem-like Opposite leaved) 
Tree (Hk. 1/490, adpd). 379 Evodia 

Tooth ache (Nilgiri Unifoliate Opposite 
leaved) Tree (Hk. 1/492, adpd). 3880 
Melicope indica. 

Tooth-ache (Wing petioled) Tree (Nic. 
4/237, adpd). 382 4Zanthoxylum 

Tooth Brush Tree (cL. 437, 997). 
Salvadora persica. 

Tooth (Mahommedan) Brush Tree (Mch. 
913). 1799 Salvadora persica. 

Tooth-tipped Wedge leaved Morning 
Mallow (Hk. 1/324, adpd). 216-d. Sida 
rhombifolia (obovata). 

Toothed VDillenia (Pfi. 407). 

Toothed leaved Mysore Mallow (Hk. 1/332, 
adpd). 235 Decaschistia crotonifolia. 
Toothed leaved Tree of Heaven (Hk. 

1/578, Nic. 1/44, adpd). 427 Ailanthus 


15 Dillenia 


Toothed pleated-heart leaved Velvet 
Cinquefoil (Hk. 1/3875, adpd). 301 
Waltheria indica. 

Toothed White-cowny-backed Heart 

leaved Woolly-jacket (Hk. 1/376, adpd), 
292 Eriolena quinquelocularis. 


INDEX. 969 

Tootty (McL. 914, 998). 

Tootty (Creeping) (MclL. 
Abutilon crispum, 

Tootty (Peepul leaved) (McL. 914). 220 
Abutilon polyandrum. 

Tootty (Shell) (MeL. 234). 

Tooty (Strong smelling) (McL. 914), 
Abuiilon graveolens. 

Toposi Ebony of Bengal (Gbl. 454, McL. 
366, adpd). 1704 Diospyros Toposia, 
Torch Thistle (Nic. 1/298) (S. 388, 433) 

(Cag. 538). cdli‘. Cereus (genus), 

Torch (Brown-backed Yellow sepalled) 
YVhistle (Nic. 1/299). 1370 Cereus 

Torch (Climbing  Five-to-six-angled)- 
Thistle (Nic. 1/299). 1370 Cereus 

Torch (Creeping Three-angled) Thistle 
(Nic. 1/300). 1372 Cereus triangularis, 

Torch (Erect Six-angled) Thistle (Nice. 
1/299), 1871 Cereus hexagonus. 

Torch (Green-tubed Reddish backed 
White sepalled) Thistle (Nic. 1/399). 
1371 Cereus hexagonus. 

Torch (Large flowered) Thistle (Nic. 
1/299). 13870 Cereus grandiflora, 

Torch Tree (Gbl. 421) (Bdn/F.T) (McL. 
375, 493, 916) (Br. 101). 1537 Ixora 

Torique of the Portuguese (McL. 938), 
1917 Cosmostigma racemosum, 
Torn leaved Caryota (McL. 777). 

Caryota urens. 

Tornillo Bean (McL, 501). 

Torrey’s Pine of California (H/E.F) (Nic. 

322 Abutilon 
914), 225 
228 Urena 


1006 Prosopis 

5/665). 2858 Pinus lorreyana, 
Torye Flower (McL. 316). 930 Cesgal- 
pinia pulcherrima. 
Totera Pine (8. 337, 433). emvy. Podo- 

carpus (genus). 
Tottila (Mc. 916, 993). 

462 Aglaia 

Touch-me-not (McL, 504).  cxxxvi. 
Impartiens (genus). 
Touch Wood (Hk. 3/143). 1537 Ixora 


Tourneforte Rose (Ru/N/9], O/22) (Mu. 
56) (Hod). 1108-j. Rosa Noisettiana 

Tous-les-mois (Nic. 5/1%2) (Cag. 144, 384), 
3034 Canna edulis, 

Tovray (McL. 274). 854 Cajanus indicus, 

Towcock Bean of the Chinese (Treas. Bot, 
2/1215). cccxiv. Vigna (genus). 

Tow (Tahiti) Tree (McL. 802). 1978 
Cordia subcordata, 

Tragacanth (Country) (McL, 406). 267 
Sterculia urens. 

Tragacanth (False) (Mc. 231, 406, 473), 
267 Sterculia urens. - 


Tragacanth (False) (McL. 282). 129 
Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Tragacanth (Hog) (Mc. 76) (Nic. 4/181) 
(Cag. 664). 1063 Prunus Amygdalus. 

Tragia (Calycine) (McL. 144), 2697 
Tragia involucrata. 

Tragia (Hemp leaved) (McL. 144). 
2697-d. Tragia involucrata (cannabina). 

Trailing Fuchsia (S. 435). 1328 uchsia 

Trailing Yellow and Blue Fuchsia of New- 
Yealand (Nic. 2/38). 1328 Fuchsia 

Tranquebar Adhatoda (McL. 305). 2258 
Justice tranquebariensis. 

Tranquebar Gendarussa (McL. 305, 999). 
2258 Justicia tranquebariensis. 

Tranquebar Justicia (MeL. 305). 2258 
Justicia tranquebariensis. 

Translucent-lemon-midribbed-and- veined 
Light-green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nh. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Sunset). 

Translucent-yellow (Red-backed Green- 
margined) Croton (Nic. 5/257) (Ru/N/ 
0) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Nz. Codi- 
cum variegatum (Dayspring). 

Transparent Rosy Salmon-coloured Tea 
Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/93) (Mu. 55). 
1105-n. Rosa odorata (cinnabarina- 
roseo-suffusa- pellucida). 

Trapezoid (Blunt) leaved Moon-seed (McL, 
1005, Hk. 1/102, adpd). 88 Cocculus 

Trapezoid - oblong-leaved (Multifoliate- 
Rose-wood Climber (ik. 2/234, adpd). 
888 Dalbergia tamarindifolia, 

Travancore (Hill Areca Nut Palm of) 

(Bdn/F.T). 3143 Bentinckia Codda- 
Travancore (Medium-leathery-elliptic- 

oblong-acuminate-leaved Black stemmed 
Ebony of) (Bs/T/436, adpd). 1724 
Diospyros travancorica ? (Nov. sp.). 

Travancore (Narrow leaved Myrobalan of) 
(Bs/T/308, adpd). 1147 Terminalia 

Travancore (Oblate fruited Black Plum 
of) (McL. 379, adpd), 1250 ,.Hugenia 
oblata (travancorica). 

Travancore (Potato Plum of) (Hk. 1/191, 
Bdn/F.T,* adpd). 182-b. Scolopia 
Geertneri (* Schreberi). 

Travancore (Rose Apple of the Maharajah 
of) (McL. 379, adpd). 1227 Hugenia 

Travancore (Small leaved Black Plum of) 
(McL. 379, adpd). 1269 Eugenia micro- 

Travancore (Thornless Bamboo of) (Bdn/ 
F.T), 3309 Oxytenanthera Bourdilloni. 

Travancore (White Cedar of) (Gbl, 148) 
(Bdn/F.T.L). 458 Dysoxylum mala- 

Travancore (White Necklace Tree of) 
(Hk. 2/253, adpd). 918 Ormosia travan- 

Travancore (Wild Cocoanut of) (Bdn/F.1). 
3151 Arenza Wightii. 

Travancore Cane Palm (Rox. 3/621, adpd). 
3143 Bentinckia Coddapanna, 

Travancore Canoe Wood (Gbl. 382, adpd). 
1368 Tetrameles nudiflora. 

Travancore Coffee (Nic. 1/358). 1553 
Coffea travancorensis. 

Travancore Flax (McL. 860). 722 Crota- 
laria juncea. 

Travancore Gamboge (Muell. S.P), 177 
Garicinia travancorica, 

Travancore Lance Wood (Bs/T/13, adpd), 
76 Sagereea Dalzelli. 

Travancore Nutmeg (McL. 387, 1000). 
2423 Myristica magnifica, 

Travancore Rattan (Hk. 6/452, adpd), 
3211 Calamus travancoricus. 

Travancore Red Wood (McL. 756) (Bdn/ 
F.T). 666 Gluta travancorica. 

Travancore (Bourdillon’s) Rose Apple 
(MeL. 379, adpd). 1235 Wugenia 

Travancore Snake Wood Buck Thorn 
(McL. 515, 842, adpd). 576 Colubrina 

Travancore Wood Oil Tree (Bs/T/66, adpd). 
198 Dipterocarpus Bourdilloni. 

Traveller’s Delight (McL. 469). 685 
Spondias mangifera. ~ 

Traveller's Joy (Loud), i, Clematis 

Traveller’s Midnight Lilies (Cag. 476). 
2016 Ipomeea muricata, 

Traveller’s Palm (McL. 922,1001) (Mu. 
43), 38043 Ravenala madagascariensis. 

Traveller's Tree (Treas. Bot. 2/961). 
emly. Ravenala (geuus). 

Traveller’s Tree of Madagascar (S. 861, 
435) (Gbl. 724) (Pr. 2/1050) (Cag. 377) 
(Cat. 324). 3043 Ravenala madagas- 

Treacle (Countryman’s) (Nic. 8/337). 370 
Ruta graveolens (angustifolia). 

Tree Bean (MclL. 806). 781 Sesbania 


Tree Bilberry (Nic. 2/351, see note on 
Pronunciation). cdxxx. Memecylon 

Tree (Anaimalai Square branched) Bil- 
berry (Hk. 2/564, adpd). 1297 (bés.) 
Memecylon molestum. 

Tree (Canarese Square branched) Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/555, adpd). 1296 Memecylon 

Tree (Capitate ovate leaved) Bilberry 
(Bs/T/334, adpd). 1803 Memecylon 



Tree (Common ovate leaved) Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/563, adpd). 1305 Memecylon 

Tree (Lanceolate acuminate- base leaved) 
Bilberry (Hk. 2/560, adpd). 1802 
Memecylon Heyneanum. 

Tree (Lanceolate cordate leaved) Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/588, adpd). 1298 Memecylon 

Tree (Membranous cordate leaved) Bil- 
berry (Bs/T/835, adpdy. 1300 Meme- 
cylon deccanense. 

Tree (Narrow oblong leaved) Bilberry (Hk, 
2/562, adpd). 1304 Memecylon angusti- 

Tree (Oblong cordate leaved) Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/559, adpd). 1299 Memecylon 

Tree (Square-branched 

leaved) Bilberry 

1299-b. Memecylon malabaricum 

Tree (Talbot’s ovate leaved) Bilberry 
(Bs/T/334, adpd). 1301 Memecylon 

Tree (Tinnevelly Square branched) Bil- 
berry (Hk. 2/555, adpd). 1297 Meme- 
cylon gracile. 

Tree (Wight’s Square branched) Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/554, adpd). 1295 Memecylon 

Tres (Yellow berried) Bilberry (Bs/T/334, 
adpd). 1801 Memecylon ‘Talbotianum, 

Tree Brugmansia (Rid. 47) 2100 Datura 

Tree (silky-backed round leaved) Caper 
(Hk, 1/176, adpd). 113 Capparis grandis. 

Tree Condray (McL. 208, 847, 995). 961 
Cassia glauca. 

Tree Cotton (Muell. S.P) (MchL. 133, 235, 
473, 993) (Cag. 653). 255 Gossypium 

Tree (White) Cotton (Mcl. 235). 261 
Hriodendron anfractuosnm. 

Tree Daisy (Ooty. 317). 1617 Montaioa 

Tree (Brazilian) Fern (S. 58). 
chnum brasiliensis. 

Tree (Common) Fern (Bed/F) (Cag. 305) 
(Mu. 59), 3326 Alsophila latebrosa. 

Tree (Cup) Fern (Nio, 1/415) (8. 121, 122), 
mlii. Cyathea (genus). 

Tree (Pinnate - crisped - downy - costate 
Smith’s) Fern (Nic. 5/421, adpd). 3367 
Hemitelia Brunoniana. 

Tree (Smith’s) Fern 
Hemitelia (genus). 

Tree (Rosy flowered) Fuchsia of Mexico 

3339 Ble- 

(8. 197). 


(Nic. 2/31). 1823 Fuchsia arborescens. 

Tree Galangal (McL. 298). 3005 Alpinia 

Tree Gmelina (Br. 167), 2305 Gmelina 

Tree Heath (Nic. 1/520). 1641 Erica 

(Hk. 2/559, adpd), | 

| Tree Lucerne (MAHS). 



Tree Jasmine (MchL. 366), 1517 Guettarda 

Tree Jasmine (McL, 384, 997). 
Jasminum arborescens. 

Tree Jasmine (McL, 858). 2118 Milling- 
tonia hortensis. 

Tree Lettuce (MeL. 210) (Gbl. 549) (Br. 
177) (W.A.1). 2868 Pisonia alba, 

745 Medicago 



Tree Mallow of Europe (Nic. 2/239) (8. 234, 

435) (Muell. S.P) (Cag, 650), 210 
Lavatera arborea. 

Tree Mangrove (MchL. 470, 995), 1135 
Bruguiera gymnorrhiza,. 

Tree Mangrove (McL. 122).  clexevii. 

Kandelia (genus). 

Tree (Yellow leaved) Milkwort (McL. 
1006, adpd). 161 Xanthophyllum 

Tree (Shining lance leaved) Moon-seed 
(McL. 1005, Hk. 1/101, Rox. 3/815, 

adpd). 86 Cocculus laurifolia, 
Tree (Biseriate-seeded-berried Star- 
flowered) Nutmeg (Bs/T'/10, adpd). xv. 

Canangium (genus). 

Tree of Beauty (Nic. 1/42, McL. 916, 
adpd). clxxxiii. Aglaia (genus), 

Tree (Downy many leaved) of Beauty 
(Hk, 1/557, adpd). 464 Aglaia minuti- 

Tree (Glossy many leaved) of Beauty 
(Gbl. 150, adpd). 463 Aglaia Maia. 
Tree (Lax flowered) of Beauty (Hk. 

1/554, adpd). 461 Aglaia odorata, 

Tree (Roxburgh’s Five leaved) of Beauty 
(Hk. 1/555, adpd). 462 Aglaia Rox- 

Tree (Five leaved) of Beauty of the 
Straits (Hk. 1/554, adpd). 461 Aglaia 

Tree of Chastity (Mc. 596) (S. 453). 
2308 Vitex trifolia. 

Tree of Heaven (Nic. 1044) (MeL. 14), 
elxi. Ailanthus (genus), 

Tree (Entire leaved) of Heaven (Hk. 
1/518, Nic. 1/44, adpd). 428 Ailanthus 

Tree (Toothed leaved) of Heaven (Hk, 
1/518, Nic. 1/44, adpd). 427 Ailanthus 

Tree of Mari Goddess of Smallpox (Cat. 
41). 315 Grewia orbiculata, 

Tree of the Gods (McL. 14). clxi, Ailan- 
thus (genus). 

Tree Orchid (S. 150). comxx. Epidendrum 

Tree Pepper (McL. 678), 1207 Pimenta 

Tree (Indian) Potato (Hk, 4/230, Nie, 
3/452,adpd). 2076 Solanum pubescens. 

Tree Potato of Chili (Cat. 202) (Nic. 3/453) 
(S. 407). 2073 Solanum arboreum 


Tree Senna (Mcb. 208). 961 

Tree (Siamese) Senna (Mc. 847, adpd). 
958 Cassia siamea. 

Tree (Common) Spurge 
2538 Huphorbia Tirucalli. 

Tree (Indian) Spurge (Mech. 3065) (EIL. 
270) (Pfi. 418). 2588 Euphorbia Tiru- 


(McL. 502), 

Tree (Leafy) Spurge (McL, 502). 2534 
Euphorbia neri<olia. 
Tree (Round) Spurge (McL. 502). 2533 

Euphorbia Tirucalli. 

Tree Tomato (S.175,435) (Cag. 219) (Mu. 
47) (Ooty. 32). 2093 Cyphomandra 

Tree Turmeric (McL. 120) (ll. 208) (Pd. 

273), 62 Coscinium fenestratam. 
Tree Turmeric (McL. 84). 98 Berberis 

Tree (Golden-druped) Vervein (Cag. 439, 
adpd). decxxvii, Duranta (genus). 

Tree Vine (McL. 751, adpd). ccxxxvii. 
Leea (gents). 

Tree (Bracted) Vine (McL. 751, adpd). 
620 Leea robusta. 

Tree (Curly winged) Vine (McbL. 751, 
adpdj. 615 Leea crispa. 

Tree (Elder Wood) Vine (McL. 751, 
adpd). 617 Leea sambucina. 

Tree (Pinnate-leaved) Vine (Hk, 1/664, 

* adpd). ccexxvii. Leea (genus). 

Tree (Repand lJeaved) Vine (Mch, 751, 
adpd). 613 Leea cinerea, 

Tree (Rough Hairy) Vine (McL. 751, 
adpd). 622 Leea hirta. 

Tree (Scabrid) Vine (McL. 751, adpd), 
616 Leea aspera. 

Tree (Sessile leaved) Vine (McL. 751, 
adpd). 614 Leea coriacea. 

Tree (Simple leaved) Vine (Mch. 751, 
adpd). 612 Leea macrophylla. 

Tree (Southern Ghauts) Vine (McL. 751, 
adpd). 618 Leea Wightii, 

Tree (Umbrella) Vine (McL. 751, adpd). 
621 Leea umbracalifera. 

Tree (Untoothed) Vine (McL. 571, adpd). 
619 Leea integrifolia. 

Tree Water Lily (McL. 901) (?), 
Webera corymbosa. 

Trefoil (Acute oblong Trifoliate Tick) 
(McL. 818, adpd). 797 Desmodium 

Trefoil (Acute oblong 
(McL. 813, adpd). 

Trefoil (Bristly Tailed Tick) 
adpd). 792 Uraria Crinita. 
Trefoil (Burr podded Tick) (Rox. 3/355, 
adpd). ccci, Pseudarthria (genus). 
Trefoil (Burry Tailed Tick) (Br. 52, 

adpd). 794 Uraria amosa, 

Trefoil (Downy) indigo (MeL. 871, adpd). 
748 Indigofera vestita, 


Trifoliate Tick) 
805 Desmodium 

(Br. 52, 


Cassia | Trefoil (Folded-up podded Tick) (Hk. 

2/155, adpd). cecii. Uraria (genus). 

Trefoil (Hare-foot Tailed ick) (MeL. 
623, Br. 52, adpd). 794 Uraria lagop- 

Trefoil (Laburnum Bird’s foot) (Treas. 
Bot. 1/548, Nie. 2/81). 703 Goodia 

Trefoil (Obtuse oblong Trifoliate Tick) 
(McL. 818, adpd). 799 Desmodium 

Trefo'i (Ubtuse obovate Trifoliate Tick) 
(McL. 813, adpd). 808 Desmodium 

Trefoil (Ovate Trifoliate Tick) (McL, 818, 
adpd), 803 Desmodium laxiflorum. 

Trefoil (Ovate Unifoliate Tick) (MeL. 
818, adpd). 802 Desmodium ormocar- 

Trefoil (Pointed leaved Tailed Tick) (Br. 
52, adpd), 791 Uraria picta, 

Trefoil (Pea podded Tick) (Hk. 2/153, 
adpd). ccc, Pyenospora (genus). 

Trefoil (Quadrangular stemmed Tick) 
(McL. 818, adpd). 802 Desmodium 

Trefoil (Rhomboid Trifoliate Tick) (McL. 
813, adpd). 804 Desmodium Scalpe. 

Trefoil (Bound bracted Tick) (McL, 813, 
adpd). 799 Desmodium pulchellom. 

Trefoil (Round branched Umbelled Tick) 
(McL. 818, adpd). 796 Desmodium 


Trefoil (Rounded  Trifoliate Tick) 
(McL. 813, adpd). 796 Desmodium 

Trefoil (Scabrous Ovate Unifoliate Tick) 
(MeL. 813, adpd). 806 Desmodium 

Trefoil (Silvery Obovate Unifoliate Tick) 
(McL. 818, adpd). 807 Desmodium 

Trefoil (Small 
Tick) (McL. 8138, adpd). 
ium biarticulatum, 

Trefoil (Tailed Tick) (Br. 52, adpd). 
eccii. Uraria (genus). 

Trefoil (Tick) (McL, 818) (C. 134). ceciy. 
Desmodium (genus). 3 

Trefoil (Triangular branched Umbelled 
Tick) (McL. 818, adpd). 757 Desmod- 
ium cephalotes, 

Trefoil (Triangular branched Unifoliate 
Tick) (McL. 813, adpd). 801 Desmod- 
ium triquetrom. 

Trefoil (Trifoliate-small-downy Roundish- 
obtuse-or-acute leaved ‘Tick) (Hk, 2/154, 
adpd), 790 Pseudarthria viscida. 

Trefoil (Trifoliate - very - small - downy- 
backed obovate-obtuse leaved Tick) 
(Hk. 2/153, adpd). 789 Pycnospora 

Trefoil (Two seeded Tick) (McL. 813, 
adpd), 800 Desmodium biarticulatum. 

oblanceolate ‘Trifoliate 
800 Desmod- 


Trefoi] (Vibrating Auricled Tick) (McL. 
813, adpd). 809 Desmodium gyrans, 
Trefoil (Wing petioled Tick) (McL, 818, 
adpd). 801 Desmodium triquetrun:, 
Trefoil Indigo (McL. 371, adpd). 747 

Indigofera trifoliata, 

Treyve (Frangois) Rose (Cag. 596) (Hod), 
1107-i, Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

Triandrous Berried Spindle (Hk. 1/625, 
adpd). ccxxiii. Salacia (genus). 

Triandrous Garden Croton (Hk, 5/242, 
adpd). decexxxvi. Trigonostemon 

Triandreus Rice-grained Bamboo (Hk. 7/9, 
adpd), mxliii, Arundinaria (genus). 
Triandrons Trinity-podded Spindle Climb- 
er (Hk. 1/623, adpd). cexsii. Hip- 

pocratea (genus). 

Triangular branched Umbelled Tick Txe- 
foil (McL. 818, adpd). 797 Desmodium 

Triangalar branched Unifoliate Tick 
Trefoil (McL. 813, adpd). 801 Desmod- 
inm triquetrum. 

Triangular (Downy - backed) Buckler- 
leaved Moon-seed (McbL. 1005, Hk. 
1/105, adpd). 94 Cyclea peltata, 

Triangular (Glaucous -backed) Buckler- 
leaved Moon-seed (Mech, 1005, Hk. 1/108, 
Rox. 3/841, adpd). 89 Stephania 

Triangalar (Shaggy blunt) leaved Moon- 
seed (McL, 1005, Hk. 1/101, Rox, 3/814, 
adpd). 87 Cocculus villosus. 

Triangular-Jobed (Woolly) White-flower- 
ed Prickly Nightshade (Hk. 4/233, 
adpd). 2081 Solanum ferox. 

Triangular Spurge (McL. 502) (Br. 190) 
(Ell, 265) (PA, 216). 2536 Euphorbia 

Triangular stalked Desmodium (Br. 52). 
801 Desmodium triquetrum, 

Trichilia (Thorny) (MeL. 435). 404 
Atalantia monophylla. 

Trichorus (Heath-like) (McL. 391) (8r. 18) 
164 Tamarix ericodies. 

Trichotomous cymed Mangrove (McL. 
470, adpd). 1140 Carallia integerrima. 

Trichotomous flowered Calycine Mangrove 
(McL. 470, adpd). 1139 Bruguiera 

Trichotomous flowering Smooth Jasmine 
(McL, 384, adpd). 1765 Jasminum 

Tricoccous-capsuled (Whorled (3-4)-leay- 
ed) Tamana Tree (Hk. 5/241, adpd). 
decexxii. Mischodon (genus), 

Tricolor Indian Shot (Rid. 50), 
Canna Achiras (variegata). 

Tricolor (Année’s striped). Morning Glory 
(Nic. 5/444) (Rid. 54). 2029-d. Ipomza 
purpurea (tricolor). 




Tricolor-rayed Crimson Passion flower 
(Nic, 3/29), 1847 Passiflora alata, 

‘Tricuspidate-dentate or Entire lance 
leaved Rainbow Shrub (Nic. 4/32). 
21¢8 (bis.) Thunbergia Kirkii. 

Tricuspidate (Glabrous) leaved Parro- 
queet Burr (Hk. 1/895, adpd). 381 
Triumfetta glabra. 

Tricuspidate round leaved Ordure Tree 
(Hk. 1/360, adpd). 272 Sterculia 

Triflorous (Thomson’s) Climbing Indian 
Linden (Hk. 1/385, adpd). 311 Grewia 

Trifoliate-brown-short- velvetty - papery- 
medium oblong - rhomboid - acuminate 
leaved Dholl Creeper (Hk. 2/226, adpd). . 
868 Rhynchosia acutissima. 

Trifoliate Chilli fruited Caper (Hk, 1/172, 

adpd). 102 Cadaba trifoliata. 
Trifoliate Climbing Lime (Hk. 1/508, 

adpd). cliv. Luvunga (genus). 
Trifoliate (Medium-leathery obovate- 

elliptic-cuspidate) Climbing Lime (Hk. 
1/509, adpd). 401 Luvunga  eleuthe- 

Trifoliate (Small - downy -backed-elliptic- 
ovate-serrate-folioled (Climbing) Mer- 
eury (Hk. 5/467, adpd). 2699 Dale- 
champia indi¢ea. 

Trifoliate-(1-5) Creamy -white-blotched- 
and- margined Round-green - serrate- 
leaved Panax (Nic. 5/579, adpd) 1401 
Panax Balfonri. 

Trifoliate - dersely - silky-leathery-small 
oblong-acuminate-digitate-leaved Dholl 
shrub (Hk, 2/229, adpd). 877 Flemingia 
Wichtiana. ; 

Trifoliate - digitate - glabrous - reyolute- 
margined Narrow-linear-leaved Broom- 
like Satin Pea (Nie. 2/171, 5/277, Treas, 
Bot, 1/369, adpd), 921 Cyclopia gale- 

Trifoliate-downy - backed - leathery-small 
Round-deltoid leaved Dholl Climber 
(Hk. 2/217, adpd). 855 Dunbaria ferru- 

Trifoliate - downy - backed -papery - small 
oblong-lance-digitate leaved Dholl 
shrub (Hk, 2/230, adpd). 879 Flemin- 
gia involucrata. 

Trifoliate-grey- downy - papery - medium 
Ovate-rhomboid-acute leaved Dholl 
Creeper (Hk. 2/219, adpd). 857 Cylista 

Tiifoliate - grey - downy - papery - small 
Ovate-rhomboid leaved Dholl Creeper 
(Hk. 2/226, adpd). 869 Rhynchosia 

Trifoliate - grey - hoary - leathery - small 
Obovate-obtuse-rugose leaved Dholl 
Creeper (Hk. 2/215, adpd). 841 
Atylosia rugosa. 


hoary - papery- small 

Trifoliate- grey- 
Dholl Shrub (Hk. 2/228, adpd), 
Flemingia lineata. 

Trifoliate - grey - hoary -]papery - small 
Oblong-rhomboid-acute leaved Dholl 
shrub (Hk. 2/223, adpd). 865 
Rhynchosia pseudocajan. 

Trifoliate-grey -silky-backed-papery- small 
obovate-obtuse-digitate leaved Dholl 
Shrub (Hk. 2/228, adpd). 874 
Flemingia Grahamiana. 

Trifoliate - hispid - membranous - small 
Round leaved Dholl Shrub (Hk. 2/213, 
adpd). 846 Atylosia geminiflora. 

Trifoliolate Jasmine (MchL. 384, adpd), 
1768 Jasminum flexile. 

Trifoliolate (Shining) Jasmine (McL. 384, 
adpd). 1771 Jasminum calophylinm. 

Trifoliate Long - to - medium - downy - 
glabrate-netted-backed obovate-cuneate- 
cuspidate-leaved Yam (Hk. 6/289, 
adpd). 305 Dioscorea demona. 

Trifoliate-medium-subglabrous- membrar- 
ous obovate-oblong - obtuse - leaved 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/64, adpd). 7386 
Crotalaria striata. 

Trifoliate-eminutely-downy- membranous- 
small Roundish-cuspidate leaved Dholl 
Shrub (Hk. 2/222, adpd). 861 
Rhynchosia suaveolens, 

Trifoliate - minntely-downy-papery- small 
oblong-acute leaved Dholl shrub (Hk. 
2/220, edpd). 859 Rhynchosia Heynei. 

Trifoliate-minutely- downy-papery - small 
Ovate-acute leaved Dholl shrub (Hk. 
2/220,  adypd). 858 Rhynchosia 

Trifoliate Neem (Hk. 1/54],adpd). clxxvi. 
Naregamia (genus). 

Trifoliate (Small-winged-petioled Cuneate- 
obovate-obtuse leaved) Neem (Hk. 
1/542, adpd). 450 Naregamia alata. 

Trifoliate-(1-5)-green oblong-acute leayed 
Rose-wood Climber (Bs//234, Hk. 
2/232, adpd). 883 Dalbergia rostrata. 

Trifoliate (Normally) Opal Orange (Hk. 
1/500, adpd). 389-a. Glycosmis pen- 
taphylla (triphylla). 

Trifoliate (Roxburgh’s) Opposite leaved 
Tooth-ache Tree (Hk, 1/488, adpd). 
378 Hvodia Roxburghiana. 

Trifoliate (Chinese) Orange (Bon. 86). 
408 Citrus trifoliata. 

Trifoliate - pilose - papery - very - small 
obovate-oblong-obtuse leaved Dholl 
Shrub (Hk 2/213, adpd). 847 Atylosia 

Trifoliate Red Cedar (McL. 388, adpd). 
2607 Bischofia javanica. 

Trifoliate-(1-young-to - 3 - old) Round 
Heart - white - toothed-leaved Aralia 
(Nic. 1/104, adpd). 1894 Aralia 


Trifoliate - shaggy - backed = Roundish- 
toothed-leaved Yellow Raspberry (Hk. 
2/336, adpd). 1080 Rubus ellipticus. 

Trifoliate-(3-5)-silky-backed Roundish- 
elliptic-obtuse-or-retuse leayed Kino 
Rose-wood (Bs/T/240, adpd). 896 

Pterocerpus santalinus. 
Trifoliate-silky-papery-medium. oblong- 
lance-acute leaved Dholl Shrub (Hk. 
2/217, adpd). 854 Cajanus indicus, 
Trifoliate-silky-papery-small oblance- 
subacute leaved Dholl shrub (Hk, 2/213, 
adpd). 848 Atylosia sericea. 
Trifoliate-silvery- hoary - papery - medium 
oblong-lance-acute leaved Dholl shrub 
(Hk. 2/222, adpd). 863 Rhynchosia 
Trifoliate-small-downy roundish-obtuse- 
or-acute leaved Tick Trefoil (Hk. 2/154, 
adpd). 79C Pseudarthria viscida. 

Trifoliate - small - glabrous - membranous 
obovate-oblong-acute leaved Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/84, adpd). 737 Crotalaria 

Trifoliate - small - loosely - downy - mem - 
branous obovate-obtuse leaved Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/58, adpd). 784 Crotalaria 

obtuse-leaved White Cedar (Hk. 1/566). 
473 Beddomea indica. 

Trifoliate-small-sub-glabrous Fleshy-thick 
obovate-obtuse leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 
2/83, adpd). 735 Crotalaria clavata. 

Trifoliate-softly - pilose - papery - medium 
Ovate-cuspidate leaved Dholl Climber 
(Hk. 2/223, adpd). 864 Rhynchosia 

Trifoliate-softly - velvetty - membranous - 
small Round-rhomboid-obtuse leaved 
Dholl Climber (Hk. 2/225, adpd). 867 
Ruynchosia sericea. 

Trifoliate - subglabrous - membranous - 
medium obovate-oblong-cuspidate 
leaved Dholl Climber (Hk. 2/216, 218, 
adpd). 856 Dunbaria Heynei. 

Trifoliate-subgiabrous-papery-long oblong- 
acuminate-digitate leaved Triquetrous- 
branched Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/228, adpd). 
873 Flemingia stricta. 

Trifoliate - subglabrous - papery - medium 
Broad-lance-digitate leaved Wing- 
petioled Dholl shrub (Rox. 3/341, adpd). 
876 Flemingia semialata. 

Trifoliate - subglabrous - papery - medium 
Roundish-acute-leaved Dholl Climber 
(Hk. 2/216, adpd). 852 Atylosia 
rostrata. . 

Trifoliate (Longer Crenate leaved) Sumach 
(Hk. 2/9, adpd). 660 Rhus parviflora. 

| Trifoliate (Shorter Sinuate Jeaved) 
Sumach (Hk, 2/9, adpd). 661 Rhis 


Trifoliate (Diverse) Sumach 
(Hk. 1/673, adpd). 

Trifoliate-thinly-downy - papery - medium 
Roundish-cuspidate leaved Dholl 
Climber (Hk. 2/216, adpd). 
Atylosia barbata. 

Trifoliate - thinly - grey - silky - backed - | 
oblong-acuminate- | 
digitate leaved Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/229, | 


adpd). 875 Flemingia congesta. 

(McL. 813, adpd). 


Trifoliate (Obtuse oblong) Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 818, adpd). 799 Desmodium 
pulchellum. E 

Trifoliate (Obtuse obovate) Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 8138, adpd). 

Trifoliate (Ovate) Tick Trefoil (McL. 
813, adpd). 803 Desmodium laxiflorom, 

Trifoliate (Rhomboid) Tick Trefoil (McL. 
813, adpd). 804 Desmodium Scalpe. 

Trifoliate (Rounded) Tick  Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 796 Desmodium 

Trifoliate (Silvery Obovate) Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 8138, adpd). 807 Desmodium 

797 Desmodium 

Trifoliate (Small oblanceolate) Tick Tre- | 

foil (McL. 813 adpd). 
ium biarticulatum. 

Trifoliate Tooth-ache Climber (Nic. 4/237, 
adpd), 381 Zanthoxylum ovalifolium. 

Trifoliate (Unifoliate or digitately (i.e, 
epetiolulate) Two-seeded Dholl (Hk. 
2/60, adpd), cecxxiii, 

Trifaliate - velvetty - backed - leathery - 

800 Desmod- 

medium Round-obovate leaved Dholl 

Creeper (Hk. 
Atylosia mollis. 

Trifoliate-velvetty-leathery-small oblance- 
obtuse leaved Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/212, 
adpd). 845 Atylosia Candollei, 

minate leaved Pencil Flower (Rox.3/282, 
adpd). 784 Stylosanthes mucronata. 

Trifoliate - very - small - downy - backed 
Obovate-obtuse leayed Tick Trefoil 
(Hk. 2/153, adpd). 789 Pycnospora 

Trifoliate - very - small - subglabrous 
Obcordate leaved Subspinecent Rasttle- 
wort (Hk. 2/82, adpd). 732 Crotal- 
aria rigida. : 

Trifoliate-very-small-subelabrous Obovate- 
oblong-obtuse leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 
2/83, adpd). 733 Crotalaria levigata. 

Trifoliate-very-small-thinly-silky - backed 
oboyate-oblong-obtuse leaved Ruattle- 

2/213, adpd). 849 

Soapnut , 
628 Allophylus 


Flemingia | 

Ovate-acu- | 

(Acute oblong) Tick Trefoil | 

808 Desmodium | 


wort (Hk. 2/82, adpd). 7381 Crotalaria 

Trifoliate (Bristly) Vine (McL. 685, 994, 
adpd). 6598 Vitis setosa. 

Trifoliate (Cobwebby) Vine (McL, 564, 
adpd). 605 Vitis araneosus. 

Trifoliate (Diverse leaved) Vine (McL. 
564, adpd). 597 Vitis Rheedii. 

Trifoliate (Downy) Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 
600 Vitis canarensis. 

Trifoliate (Fleshy) Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 
599 Vitis carnosa, 

Trifoliate (Glossy) Vine (McL, 564, adpd). 
601 Vitis Roxburghii. 

Trifoliate (Heart leaved) Vine (McL. 564, 
adp4). 602 Vitis semicordata, ; 

Trifoliate (Pointed) Vine 
adpd). 603 Vitis anamallayana. 

Trifoliate (Quite-glabrous) Vine (Hk. 
1/653, adpd). 597 Vitis Rheedii. 

Trifoliate (Tendril-peduncled Woolly 
Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 604 Vitis 

Trifoliate - viscous - downy - glabrate - 
membranous-small QOvate-acute leaved 
Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/225, adpd). 866 
Rhynchosia viscosa. 

Trifoliate-white-backed Roundish-heart- 
bicrenate-leaved Raspberry (Hk. 2/338, 
adpd). 1081 Rubus purpureus. 

Trifoliate - white - hoary - leathery - small 
obovate-obtuse leaved Dhol] Creeper 
(Hk. 2/215, adpd). 850 Atylosia 

very - small - obovate - obtuse leaved 
Dholl Creeper (Hk. 2/221, adpd). 860 
Rhynchosia filipes. 

Trifoliate Winged Lime (Hk, 1/508, adpd). 
400 Limonia alata. 

Trifoliate (Woolly heart-leaved) Vine (Hk. 
1/657, adpd). 604 Vitis divaricata. 

Triglandular Heart leaved Morning 
Mallow (Rox. 3/174, adpd). 214-a. 
Sida spinosa (alba), 

Trigonous branched (Small Lance-ovate- 
crenate - acute - leaved) Wintergreen 
(Hk. 38/457, adpd). 1642 Gaultheria 

Trigonous - podded (Larger - leaved) 
Drumstick Tree (Hk. 2/45, adpd), 
699 Moringa concanensis. 

Trijugate (Downy- notched - 
Soapnut (Hk. 1/688, adpd). 
Sapindus trifoliatus (emarginata). 

Trijugate (Glabrous - pointed - leaved) 
Soapnut (Hk. 1/683, adpd). 634ea, 
Sapindus trifoliatus (laurina). 

(McL. 564, 


Trijugate-(2-3 prs.) leaved Soapnut 
(McL. 843, adpd). 634 Sapindus 

Trilobate leaved Shoe Flower (Hk. 1/344, 
adpd). 246 Hibiscus syriacus. 


Trilobate (Downy) Jeaved Shoe Flower 
(Hk. 1/844, “adpd), 2438 Hibiscus 

Trijugate-(2—3 prs)-small- papery - leaved 
Dog’s-Matrix (Bs/T/255, adpd). 970 
Cynometra Beddomei. 

Trijugate-very small obliquely-obcordate- 
glaucous-backed-leaved Dog’s-Matrix 
(Bo. No. H.§, adpd). 971 Cynometra 

Trilobate (Simple) leaved Virgin’s Bower 
(HE. 1/8, adpd). 5 Clematis triloba. 
Trilobate (Woolly) Round leaved Moon- 
seed (McL. 1005, Rox. 3/813, adpd). 

78 Tinospora tomentosa. 

Trilobate Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 

(Jaf). 2646-k. Codizum variegatum 
Trilobe (Creamy-yellow-spotted Pale- 

green) Croton (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Ka. Codizum 
variegatum (trilobum - maculatum - 

Trilobe (Crimson - flushed Deep - yellow- 
copiously-mettled Bright-green) Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ku/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2645-Kh. Codizum variegatum (tri- 

Trilobe (Golder - centred - feathered - 
veined-and-spotted Olive-green) Croton 
(Nie. 1/351) (Ra/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kj. Codizum variegatum (tri- 

Trilobe (Golden - margined - midribbed- 
and-veined Long-panduriform Green) 
Croton (Nic. 1/851) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Kg. Codieum vyariegatum 

Trilobe (Golden - midribbed - veined-and- 
mottled Scarlet-suffused-green) Croton 
(Nic. 1/352) (Ra/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kk. Codizum variegatum  (tri- 
lobum-Karl-of- Derby). 

Trilobe (Golded-yeined Long-narrow 
Green) Croton (Nic. 1/851) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Kf. Codizum 
variegatum (trilobum-Disreeli). 

Trilobe (Purple-petioled Twisted-lobed) 
Croton (Nic. 1/3854) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ke. Codiewum varie- 
gatum (trilobu:n-illustre). 

Trilobe (Scarlet-midribked - veined-and- 
spotted Bronzy-crimson) Croton 
(Nic. 1/351) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Kj. Codizeum variegatum (trilobum- 

Trilobe (Voluted-tipped Crimson-and- 
yellow - spotted Dark - green) Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ki, 
Codizum variegatum (trilobum- 

Trilobe (Yellow-centred-blotched-and- 
Spotted Green) Croton (Nic. 1/354) 


(Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ke. 
Codizum variegatum (trilobum-illustre). 
Trilobe (Yel'ow-centred Green-based) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Kb. 
Codizeum variegatum (trilobum-Alberti). 
Trilube (Yellow - lobed - and - midribbed 
Green) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Ke. Codizum variegatum 
(trilobum-Mac Arthurii No, 85). 

Trilobe (Yellow-lobed Narrow Green) 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 
2646-Kd. Codizum variegatum (tri- 

Trilobe (Golden - midribbed-and-veined 
Bright-crimson) Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf), 2646-KI. Codizeum 
variegatum (trilobum-Lord-Cairns),. 

Trilobed-or-angular-leaved Tiger’s-foot 
Bindweed (Hk. 4/204, adpd). 2036-b. 
Ipomeea pes-tigridis (bepaticifolia). 

Trimerous Triquetrous - stoned Bitter 
Plum (Hk, 2/44,adpd). cclxx. Rumphia 

Trincomalee Red Wood (McL. 922). 307 
Berrya Ammonilla. 

‘lrincomalle Wood Tree (Rox. 2/639) 
(Bed. 2/58) (Bdn/F.T) (Br. 26) (Cag. 
646) (Cat. 30). 307 Berrya Ammonilla. 

Trincomali Wood (Bs/S/240, CBT) (Gbl. 
107). 307 Berrya Ammonilla. 

Trinerved leaved Climbing Olive (Hk. 
3/618, adpd). dixxiv Myxopyrum 

Trinerved (Medium-silvery-downy-backed 
Ovate-acuminate-Ieaved) Myrtle (Hk. 

2/468,  adpd). 1224  Rhodamnia 
Trinerved (Small-white-velvetty-backed 

obovate-elliptic-obtuse-leaved) Myrtle 
(Hk. 2/469, adpd). 1225 Rhodomyrtus 

Trinidad (Palmetto of) (Nic. 4/29). 
3188 Thrinax radiata, 

Trinity Dipterocarp Creeper (Hk. 1/419, 

adpd). 356 Hiptage parvifolia, 
Trinity-podded (Triandrous) Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/623, adpd).  coxxil. 

Hippocratea (genus). 

Trinity-podded (Medium-leathery elliptic- 
oblong - crenate - obtuse - to -cuspidate 
leaved) Spindle Climber (Hk. 1/624, 
edpd). 546 Hippocratea obtusifolia, 

Trinity-podded (Medium-leathery elliptic- 
subentire - cuspidate leaved) Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/624, adpd). 547 
Hippocratea Arnottiana. 

Trinity-podded (Medium-leathery Ovate- 
entire-cuspidate leaved) Spindle 
Climber (Hk. 1/624, adpd). 548 
Hippocratea Grahami. 

Trinity - podded (Small - membranous 
Ovate-serrate-caspidate leaved) Spindle 
Climber (Hk, 1/625, adpd). 649 
Hippocratea indica, 




Trinity Pterocarps (Hk. 1/417, adpd), 
XXIII. Malpighiacew (Order), 

Trinity Shield-fruited Creeper (Hk, 1/419, 
adpd). cxxxi, Aspidopterys (genus). 
Trinity-shield Plant (Hk. 1/419, adpd). 

exxxi. \spidopterys (genus), 
Trisity-shield (Long-white-velvetty- 

backed Heart-cuspidate leaved) Plant 

(Hk. 1/421, adpd). 361 Aspidopterys 


Trinity-shield (Medinm Ovate-elliptic- 
acuminate leaved Elongated) Plant 
(Hk, 1/420, adpd). 359 Aspidopterys 

Trinity-shield (Medium Ovate-elliptic- 
cuspidate leaved Wing-bossed and 
rounded) Plant (Hk. 1/420, adpd), 
360 Aspidopterps canarana. 

Trinity Tripterocarp Creeper (Hk. 1/418, 
adpd). 355 Hiptage Madablota. 

Triomphe de Rennes Rose (Nic. 3/825) 
(Cag. 603) (Hod). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-aurea). 

Tripartite Membranous leaved Climbing 
Arum (Nic. 3/97, 5/596). 3259 Philo- 
dendron quercifolium. 

Triphylla (Roxburgh’s) Rose (Hk. 2/364). 

~ 1092 Rosa levigata. 

Tripinnate-densely-scaly— scabrous—stiped 
Membranous -translucent - oblong-ovate- 
pinnatifid-obtuse-pinnuled Polypody 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3374 Polypodium 

Tripinnate-downy Membranous-oblong-to- 
rhomb-lance-pinnatipartile-obtuse - pin- 
nuled Beur’s-foot Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3333 Davallia spelunce. 

Tripinnate-glabrous lLeathery-linear-pin- 
natipartile-acuminate-pinnuled Brake 
Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3335-a. Pteris 
aquilina (typica). 

Tripinnate-glabrous Papery-ovate-lance- 
pinnatifid-acuminate-pinnuled Bear’s- 
foot Fern (Bed/?, adpd). 3332 Davallia 

platy phylla. 

Tripinnate lance-bristle-serrate-folioled 
Panax (Hk. 2/725, adpd). 1400 Panax 

Tripinnate lance - serrate-folioled Panax 
(Nic. 5/579, adpd). 1400-g. Panax 
fruticosum (serratifolium). 

Tripinnate Leafy-rachismoded Elliptic | 

entire-cuspidate-folioled Panax (Hk. 
2/734, adpd). 1418 Heteropanax frag- 

Tripinnate linear-lance - white - bristle- 

toothed-and-tipped-folioled Panax (Nic, | 
5/579, adpd). 1400-f. Panax fruticosum | 


Tripinnate linear-lance-white-toothed-foli- 
oled Panax (Nic. 3/14, adpd). 1400-d. 
Panax fruticosum (fissum). 

_ Tripinnate Long-stalked lobed-notched- 

suberect-toothed-folioled Panax (Nic. 


3/14, adpd), 1400-h. Panax fruticosum 

Tripinnate—(2-3-ft.)-scaly-rachised Mem- 
branous-oval-oblong-decurrent - obtuse- 
pinnuled Globe Fern (Bed/F, adpd), 
3331 Sphewropteris barbata. 

Tripinnate-scaly-stiped Papery-lance-cre- 
nate-to-pinnatepartite - acuminate - pin- 
nuled Spleenwort Fern (Bed/F, adpd), 
3344 Asplenium latifolium. 

Tripinnate-(1-14 ft.)-scaly-stiped Papery- 
Buckler Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 838@0 
Nephrodium sparsum. 

Tripinnate-(4-13 ft.)-white-pilose Papery- 
oblong - ovate - (4%-1”) - pinnatipartite- 
obtuse-pinnuled Buckler Fern (Bed/F, 
adpd), 3355 Nephrodium odoratum. 

Tripinnate White-variegated lance-bristle- 
serrate-folioled Panax (Nic. 5/579, adpd). 
1400-i. Panax fruticosnm (Victoriz). 

Tripinnate Yellow-variegated lance-bristle 
serrate-folioled Panax (Nic. 5/579, adpd). 
1400-j. Panax fruticosum (aureum), 

Triple-nerved-alternate Long oblique-ob- 
ate-leaved Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/575, 
adpd). 2769 Procris levigata. 

Triple-nerved-alternate Medium elliptic- 
obovate-acute-or-obtuse-leaved Mercury 
(Hk. 5/442, adpd). 2684 Mallotus atro- 

Triple-nerved-alternate Medium-to-long- 
or-roundish - serrate-acuminate - leaved 
Harmless Nettle (Ik. 5/590, adpd). 
2777 Villebrunia frutescens, 

Triple-nerved-alternate Medium - rusty- 
downy - glabraie - subglaucous - backed 
Ovate-or-sbovate - to - lance-or - oblong- 
acumiaate-leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/442, 
adpd). 2687 Mallotus philippinensis. 

Triple-nerved-alternate Medium-to-long- 
membranous-downy-backed Ovate-ob- 
long-crenulate-caudate-leaved Harmless 
Nettle (Ak. 5/575, adpd). 2770 Beh- 
meria malabarica. 

Triple-neryed-alternate Medium - white- 
downy-backed-scabrid Roundish-serrate- 
acuminate-leayed Harmless Nettle (Hk. 
5/576, acpd). 2771 Bochmeria nivea. 

Triple-nerved-alternate Medium-white-vel- 
oblong-lance-serrate-acuminate leaved 
Harmless Nettle (Hk. 5/590, adpd). 
2778 Debregeasia velutina. 

Triple-nerved-alternate Short - tawny- 
downy Rhonibic-ovate-acuminate-leaved 
Mercury (Hk. 5/442, adpd). 2686 Mal- 
lotus repandus. 

Triple-nerved-alternate Small Broadly- 
lance-acuminate-leaved Harmless Nettle 
(Hk. 5/582, adpd). 2773 Pouzolzia 



Triple - nerved-and - ({young-2-#] - lobed 
Medinm-to - long-membranous - downy- 
backed-scabrid Oblique-ovate - toothed- 
acuminate-leavyed Paper Mulberry (HE. 
5/490, adpd). 2718 Broussonetia papy- 

Triple-(3-5)-nerved (Medinm-hoary-glab- 
rate) Elliptic-oblong-lance-obtuse-or- 
cuspidate-leaved Needle-wood (Bth. 
5/518, adpd). 2486 Hakea laurina. 

Triple-nerved-glandalar-based Medium- 
downy -pellucid-punctate Roundish- 
ovate-serrate-or - dentate - cuspidate - 
leaved Mercury (Hk. 5/420, adpd). 
2673 Alchornea mollis. 

Triple-nerved-opposite-and-alternate Me- 
dinm-papery-downy-glabrate Oblong- 
lance-acuminate-leaved Mercury (Hk. 
5/440, adpd). 2682 Mallotus rhamni- 

Triple-nerved-opposite-and - (3) - whorled 
Medium - membranous - sessile - ciliate 
Lance-heart-acuminate-leayed Harmless 


Nettle (Hk. 5/587, adpd). 2774 Pouzol- | 

zia integrifolia. 
Triple-nerved-opposite - and-(3) - whorled 
Small-seabrid Lance-leaved Harmless 

Nettle (HE. 5/524, adpd). 2774 Pouzol- | 

aia Wightii (Wallichiana). 

Triple-nerved-opposite Long-papery Ob- | 

long-lance-leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 5/133, 

Triple-(3-5) - nerved - opposite Medium- 

2437 Cinnamomum macrocar- | 
| TDripterocarp 

membranous-woolly-glabrate Heart-or- | 

roundish-ovate-acuminate-leaved Mer- 
enry (HE. 5/423, adpd). 2674 Trewia 

Triple-nerved-opposite Medium-papery 
Cinnamon. (Hk. 5/134, adpd). 2438 
Cinnamomum gracilis. 

Triple-nerved-opposite Medium-tawny- 
vyelvetty-glabrate-leathery ovate-lance- 
Cinnamon. (Hk. 5/132, adpd), 2455 
Cinnamomum sulphuratum. 

Triple-nerved-opposite Medium-to-long- 
downy-glabrate Boundish coarse-toothed- 
caudate-leaved Harmlese Nettle (HE. 
5/578, adpd). 2772 Boehmeria platy- 

Triple-neryed-opposite Medium-to-long- 
leathery Ovate-lance-obtuse-leaved Cin- 
namon (Hk. 5/131. adpd). 2434 Cinna- 
momum zeylanicum. 

Triple-nerved-opposite-subpeltate Long- 
brown-scuriy-wooly-tacked Roundish- 
or -Heari-to-oblong - acuminate - leaved 
Mercury (Hk. 5/441, adpd). 2685 Mal- 
lotus distans. 

T riple-nerved-subalternate M edium-tawny- 
yelvetty-glabrate-leathery Ovate-oblong- 


obtuse - leayed Cinnamon (Hk. £ 
adpd). 2439 Cinnamomum Perrotte 
Triple-nerved-subopposite Medium-glan- 
cous-backed-leathery elliptic-oblong-to- 
roundish obtuse leaved Cinnamon (Hk. 
5/133, adpd). 2436 Cinnamomum 
Wightii. i fe 
Triple-(3-5)-nerved-subopposite Medium 
to-large-membranous-slightly - downy - 
backed Heart-or-ronndish-ovate- in- 
ate-leaved Mercury (Hk, 5/424, adpd). 
2675 Trewia polycarpa. > 
Triple-nerved Lizard-foot (McL. 
adpd). 2596 Sauropus quadrangularis. 
Triplinerved (Green) Himalayan Maple 
(Hk. 1/693, adpd) (FAB. 26 to 30, ~ 
NLGS). 646 Acer levigatam. “on 
Triplinerved (Silvery) Himalayan Maple 
(Hk. 1/693, adpd) (FAR. 28, 29, NLG8). 
643 Acer oblongum. Ls 
Triplinerved - subverticillate - opposite 
Smali-leathery-glaucous-backed Round- 
oblong-obtuse-leaved Ray Laurel (Hk. — 
5/153, adpd). 2456 Actinodaphne — 
ambigna. a 
Tripterocarp (Trinity) Creeper (Hk 1/418, 
adpd). 355 Hiptage madablota. a 
Tripterocarp Dammer (Hk. 1/303, MeL. 
258, adpd). lxxxii. Shorea (genus). ~ 
Tripterocarp (Long-12-nerved Heart- 
cuspidate leaved) Dammer (Hk. 1/306, 
adpd). 201 Shorea robusta. 
elliptic-cordate-acute-leaved) Dammer 
(Hk. 1/305, adpd). 200 Shorea Talura. 
Tripterocarp - (Medium-(short-to-long)-8- 
served scurty backed Oblong heart- 
cuspidate leaved) Dammer (HE. 1/306, 
Bed. 1/26, adpd). 202 Shorea Tambag- 
Triquetrous-branched (Trifoliate-subglab- 
rous-papery-long Oblong-acuminate- 
dizitate-Jeaved) Dholl shrub (Hk. 2/228, 
adpd). 873 Flemingia stricta. : 
Triguetrous-branched (Opposite - or - (8)- 
whorled-medium-leathery Broad-elliptic- 
obvtuse-leaved Honeysuckle Mistletoe 
(HE. 5/219, adpd). 2512 Loranthus 
Triquetrous stoned (Trimerous) Bitter 
Plom (Hk. 2/44, adpd). celxx. Rumphia 
(genus). a 
Triumph Sage (Ooty. 187). 2351 Salvia — 
splendens. ' 
Triune Leaf Tree (McL. 580, corr). 101 
Crateva reliziosa. j 
Trivalved (Unisexual) Capsuled Passion 
Flower (Hk. 2/601, adpd). cdxlix. 


Tropical American Night blooming Jas- 
mine (S. 89,corr). dolxxiii. Cestrum 

Tropical (Water spring Palm of) Australia 
(Nic. 2/163). cmlxxix. Hydriastele 

Tropics (Mahoe of the Old World) (Nic. 
4/27). 252 Thespesia populnea. 

Trucker Pine (Mnuell.8.P). 2853 Pinus 
ponderosa. : 

True Arrow-roo* Plant (Muell. S.P) (McL. 

819). 3011 Maranta arundinacea. 
True Banana (Nic. 2/392). 3042 Musa 

Troe Blue Mexican Convolvyulus (Rid. 54). 
2026 Ipomza acuminata. 

True Bread Fruit (Nic. 
Artocarpus incisa. 

True Camphor (Bed. 1/184). 2440 Cinnam- 
omnum Camphora. 

True Cardamom (McL. 135). 
taria Cardamomum., 

True Cinnamon (McL. 188} (Bed. 1/184). 
2434 Cinnamomum zeylanicum. 

1/12). 2765 

3004 Elet- 

True Croton Oil Plant (Gbl. 614). 2642 
Croton Tiglium. 
Trae Date (McL. 413). 3162 Pheonix 


True East Indian Tacamahaca Resin Tree 
(MeL. 705). 183 Calophyllum Wightia- 

True Frangpani (Nic. 3/170) (S. 337) (Gbl. 
482) (Cag. 497). 1826 Plumeria rubra. 
Trne Gamboge (Bed. 2/86). 174 Garcinia 


True Jalap (Muell. S.P) (McL. 378) (Nie. 
2/92). 2028 Ipomza Parga. 

True Lance Wood (Nic. 4/485). 
rea virgata. ; 

True Mahogany (W. 34, 54,137) (Bed. 
1/57). 478 Swietenia Mahagoni. 

74 Sage- 



True Sandal Wood (McL. 782). 2526 
Santalum album. 

True Silauras (McL. 856). 

True Silk Cotton (Cat. 29). 
dendron anfractuosum, 

True Soap Pod (McL. 844, adpd). 
Acacia concinna. 

True Storax (McL. 822, 856,997). dlxiv. 
Styrax (genus). 

dixiv. Styrax 
261 Erio- 


True Vanilla (Br. 211). 2983 Vanilla 

Trufie Oak (McL. 81). 2788 Quercus 

Truffie Berry (Nic. 2/161, adpd). viii. 
Hydnocarpus (genus). 

Trampet (Angel's) (S. 25) (Ru/N/79, O/30). 
2103 Datura suaveolens. 

Trumpet (Devil’s) (McL. 261, 819). 2097 
Datura Stramonium. 

Trumpet Creeper (Nic. 4/12). del=xxii. 
Tecoma (genus). 

Trumpet Creeper (Nic. 4/12). delxxxviii. 
Bignenia (genus). 

Trumpet (American Rosy) Creeper (Ooty. 
476). 2130 Tabebuia rosea. 

Trumpet (Australian Rosy) Creeper (Br. 
132, Cag. 455, adpd). 2126 Tecoma 

Trumpet (Bipinnate leayed Fragrant) Tree 
(Hk. 4/383, adpd). 2151 Stereosper- 
mum xylocarpum. 

| Trumpet (Brazilian Orange) Creeper (Br. 

30, S. 52,adpd). 2144 Bignonia venusta 

Trumpet (Cape-of-Good-Hope Orange) 
Creeper (Br. 132, S.436). 2124 Tecoma 

Trumpet (Cat’s Claw) Creeper (Nic. 1/187). 

True Maadarin Orange (Nic. 1/335) (Bon. | 

58). 420-a. Citrus nobilis (major). 
True Mangrove (Bth. 2/493) (Ol. 2/410). 
ecexcy. Rhizophora (genus ). 
True Mangrove (Bth. 2/493) (Ol. 2/410). 
ecexevili. Brnguiera (genus). 

True Mangrove (McL. 122). 1134 Kan- 
delia Rheedii. 
True Mangrove (Bth. 2/493). ccexevi.- 

Ceriops (genus). 

True (Ceylon Inland) Mangrove (McL. 
470, adpd). 1141 Weihea zeylanica. 

True (Common Inland) Mangrove (McL. 
470, adpd). 1140 Carallia integerrima. 

True (Corymbose Inland) Mangrove (McL. 
470, adpd). 1142 Blepharistemma 

True Mesquit Bean (McL. 501). 1006 
Prosopis pubescens. 

True Nutmeg (Bed. 1/176) (Nic. 2/405). 
2420 Myristica fragrans. 

True Rajmahal Hemp (McL. 367), 1901 
(dis.) Marsdenia tenacissima. 


2146 Bignonia gracilis. 

Trempet (Great Scarlet) creeper (S. 426). 
2125 Tecoma grandiflora. 

Trumpet (Hardy) Creeper (Po. 59). 2145 
Bignonia Tweediana. 

Trumpet (Heart leaved Red) Creeper 
(Cag. 454). 2136 Macfadyena uncinata. 

Trumpet (Mauve) Creeper (Cag. 453). 
2142 Biznonia magnifica. 

Trumpet (Primrose) Creeper (Br. 1381). 
2140 Bignonia Chamberlaynii. 

Trumpet (Purple) Creeper (Br. 151, Cag. 

454). 2153 Amphilophium Matisii. 
Trumpet (Silvery) Creeper (Ru/N/54, 
adpd). 2141 Bignonia argyrea. 

Trumpet (Slender Yellow) Creeper (Br. 

131). 2146 Bignonia gracilis. 
Trumpet (Tweedie’s Yellow) Creeper 
(S.52). 2145 Bignonia Tweediana. 

Trumpet (Medinm-membranous-Lance-ob- 
lorg-cuspidate-leaved Yellow) Figwort 
(Nic. 5/164, adpd). 2109 Brunfelsia 

eee aeee . Sl > acuminate: 
eave amy) Figwort (Nie 1/21 
adpd). 2108 Brunfelsia a ritin, " 


Trumpet (Very-small elliptic-leaved 
Yellow-throated-Blue) Figwort (Nic. 
5/164, adpd). 2110 Brunfelsia Hopeana. 

Trumpet Flower Family (Br. 130) (L/N/ 

S/B). LX XXII. Bignoniacez 

Trumpet Flower (S. 181). delxxi. Datura 

Trumpet Flower (Mu. 41), 2103 Datura 

Trumpet Flower (8. 425) (Nic. 4/12). 
delxxxii. Tecoma (genus). 
Trumpet Flower (Br. 130) 
dclxxxviii. Bignonia (genus). 
Trumpet Flower (McL, 669) (Pfi. 317). 

2149 Stereospermum chelonoides. 

Trumpet (Arcuate) lower (McL. 664). 
2135 Dolickandrone arcuata. 

Trumpet (Crispate) Flower (McL. 669). 
2132 Dolichandrone crispa. 

Trumpet (Cylinder - septate - Capsuled) 
Flower (Hk. 4/376, adpd). dexci. 
Stereospermum (genus), 

Trumpet (Faleate) Flower (Mch. 1624). 
2133 Dolichandrone falcata. 

Trumpet (Fragrant) Flower (McL. 669, 
982, 998, adpd). dcxci. Stereospermum 

Trumpet (Ground) Flower (McL. 578). 
delxxxviii. Bignonia (genus). 

Trumpet (Indian) Flower (McL. 365, 
732), 2119 Oroxylum indicum. 

Trumpet (Jasmine) Flower (Hk. 4/876, 
adpd). delxxx. Millingtonia (genus). 

Trumpet (Lobed-calyxed — Flat-or-(4)- 
ridged-septate-capsuled) Flower (Hk. 
4/376, adpd).  delxxxvii. Hetero- 
phragma (genus). 

Trumpet (Long leaved) Flower (McL. 
1024), 2181 Dolichandrone Rheedii. 
Trumpet (Nepanl) Flower (S. 47, 286). 

1851 Beaumontia grandiflora. 

Trumpet (Peach-coloured) Flower (S. 

404) (Nie. 3/452). 2096 Solandra 

(8. 51). 


Trumpet (Pentandrous) Flower (Hk. 
4/376, adpd). delxxxi. Oroxylum 

Trumpet (Peruvian) Flower (8. 318). 
2103 Datura suaveolens, 

Trumpet (Scarlet Spathe) Flower (Cag. 

454, adpd). delxxxvi. Spathodea 

Trumpet (Spathe-calyxed Climbing) 
Flower (Treas. Bot. 2/705, adpd). 
delxxxv. Macfadyena (genus). 

Trumpet (Spathe-calyxed Scarlet) 
Flower (Treas. Bot. 2/1077, adpd). 
delxxxvi. Spathodea (genus). 

Trumpet (Spathe-calyxed White) Flower 
(Hk. 4/876, adpd). dclxxxiv. 
Dolichandrone (genus). ; 


Trumpet (Stag’s-horn) 
669, 982, adpd). 

Trumpet (White Spathe) Flower (MeL. 
664, adpd). dclxxxiv. Dolichandrone 

Trumpet (Wing-podded) 
4/376, adpd), 

Trumpet (Woolly Crispate) Flower (McL, 
669, adpd). 2135 Dolichandrone 

Trumpet Flower Figwort (Treas. Bot. 

Flower (MchL. 
2151 Stereospermum 

Flower (Hk. 
dexcvii. Pajanelia 

1/174, adpd). dclxxiv. Brunfelsia 

Trumpet Flower Nightshade (8. 404, Nic. 
8/452,  adpd). delxx. Solandra 

Trumpet Flower Nightshade (8. 318, 

adpd). dclxxi. Datura (genus). 
Trumpet Flowers (McL. 1003). LXXXII. 
Bignoniaceze (order). 

Trumpet (Scarlet) Flower shrub (S. 
426), 2123 Tecoma radicans. 

Trumpet (Common Yellow) Flower Tree 
(S. 425, adpd). 2121 Tecoma stans. 

Trumpet (Golden) Flower Tree (Cag. 
455). 2122 Tecoma mollis. 

Trnmpet (Mauve) Flower Tree (Cag. 
453). 2143 Bignonia megapotamica, 

Trumpet (Rio-Grande) Flower Tree (Cag. 
453). 2143 Bignonia megapotamica, 
Trumpet (Unifoliate Golden) Flower 
Tree (S. 425) (Cag. 455). 2120 Tecoma 

Trumpet (West Indian) Flower Tree (8. 
426, adpd). 2127 Tecoma serratifolia, 

Trumpet Honey suckle (S. 440) (Rid. 112) 
(Jaf. 28) (Cag.545). 1485 Lonicera 

Trumpet (Moreton-Bay) Jasmine (8. 277, 
425), 2126 Tecoma jasminoides, 

Trumpet (Downy Round leaved Spathe) 
Tree (McL. 14, 473, 998, adpd). 2133 
Dolichandrone falcata. 

Trumpet (Elliptic leaved Spathe) Tree 
(McL. 473, 669, 998, adpd). 2182 
Dolichandrone crispa. 

Trumpet (Imparipinnate-(5-7)-long dow- 
ny Broad-elliptic-acute-or-obtuse-leay- 
ed Tawny Flat-septate) Tree (Hk. 4/381, 
adpd). 2189 Heterophragma adeno- 

Trumpet (Imparipinnate-(7-9)-medium- 
woolly-glabrate elliptic-cuspidate-leaved 
Rosy Ridge-septate) Tree (Hk. 4/381, 
adpd), 2188 Heterophragma Roxburgh- 


Trumpet (Long flowered Spathe) Tree 
(McL. 14, 478, 998, 1024, adpd). 2131 
Dolichandrone Rheedi, 


Trumpet (Many leaved Spathe) Tree 
(McL. 664, adpd). 2135 Dolichandrone 

Trumpet (Purple flowered Fragrant) 
Tree (McL. 669, 998, adpd). 2150 
Stereospermum suaveolens. 

Trumpet (Round leaved Spathe) Tree 

(McL. 14, 473, 998, adpd). 2134 
Dolichandrone Lawii. 

Trompet (Walking-stick) Tree (McL. 
982, adpd). 2151 Stereospermum 

Trumpet (White flowered Fragrant) Tree 
(McL.€69, 982, adpd). 2151 Stereo- 
Sspermum xylocarpum,. 

Trumpet (Yellow flowered Fragrant) 
Tree (McL. 669, 998, adpd). 
Stereospermum chelonoides. 

2149 | 

Truncate Bilobed leaved Passion Flower | 

(Nic. 3/81). 1357 Passiflora Murucuja. 

Truncate-calyxed Capsuled-Ball Cadamba 
(Bdn/F.T, adpd) cdlxxxi. Stephegyne 

Trancate Epiphyllum (Br, 92). 
Epiphyllum truncatum, 

Trunk Fruit (McL. 376). 2763 Artocarpus 

Tsiana (MchL. 379, 932). 3000 Costus 


Tsiela (McL. 473,932, 1000). 2742 Ficus | 

Tsiela (Hill) (McL. 932, 1000), 2724-b, 
Ficus gibbosa (tuberculata). 

Tsiela (Red) (MchL. 932), 434 Ochna 

Tsiela (Small) (McL. 711, 932, 1000), 
2733 Ficus Kenjamina. 
Tsiela (Stone) (McL. * 49), 2724-a, 
. Ficus gibbosa (parasitica) (* scandens). 

1374 | 

Tsiela (White) (McL. 932). 1983 | 

_ Ebretia buxifolia. 

Tsiela (Wild) (McL. 49). 2747 Ficus 

Tsjinkin (McL. 503). 1315 Lagerstremia 

Tube calyxed Passion Flower (Nic. 4/3). 
cdxlviii. Tacsonia (genus). 

Tube-corolla (Protruding - stamened) 
Verbena (Hk.4/589, adpd). decxxxi. 
Clerodendron (genus). 

Tube Flower (McL. 95). 
dron siphonanthus. 

2322 Cleroden- 

Tube-in-tnbe Wood (McL. 521, adpd), | 

891 Dalbergia paniculata. 
Tubed (Long) Arabian 
2/592, adpd). 1753-b. 
Sambac (Heyneanum). 
Tubed (Short) Arabian 
3/592, adpd). 
Sambac (typica). 
Tubed (Long) Clerodendron (Br. 166), 
2322 Clerodendron siphonanthus, 


Jasmine (Hk, 
i75t-a. Jasminum 

Jasmine (Hk, | 



Tubed (Cherry) White and Rosy Fuchsia 
(Nic. 2/28), 1331 (dis.) Fuchsia alba- 

Tubercled Pine of Oalifornia (H/E.F) 
(Nic. 8/146). 2859 Pinus tuberculata. 
Tubercled (Five) Spurge (McL. 502, Br. 

190, adpd), 2584 Euphorbia neriifolia, 

Tubercled (Spiral Five) Spurge (McL. 
502, Br. 190, adpd). 25385 Euphorbia 

Tuberose (Creeping) (Cag. 490), 1906 
Stephanotis floribunda, 
Tuberous French Honeysuckle (McL. 

_838). 832 Pueraria tuberosa. 

Tubular Calyxed Mangrove (McL. 470, 
adpd). ccexevili, Bruguiera (genus). 

Tubular Passion Flower (Nic. 4/8). 
cdxlviii. ‘lacsonia (genus). 

Tubular (Blue-rayed Scarlet) Passion 
Flower (S.423) (Nic. 4/8). 1868 
‘Tacsonia manicata, 

Tubular (Collared) Passion Flower (Nic. 
4/3). 1365 Tacsonia manicata, 

Tubular (Crimson) Passion jFlower (S. 
423) (Nic. 4/3). 1864 Tacsonia Van- 

Tabular (Downy-backed leaved) Passion 
Flower (Nic. 4/3). 1365 Tacsonia 

Tubular (Glabrous leayed) Pession Flower 
(Nic. 4/4). 1364 Tacsonia Van- 

| Tabular (Softly-downy Pink) Passion 

Flower (Nic. 4/8). 1363 Tacsonia 

Tubular (Van-Volxem’s) Passion Flower 
(Nic. 4/4) (8. 422). 1364 Tacsonia Van- 

Tubulat (Persistent) Spathed Rattan 

(Hk. 3/404, adpd). mvii. Calamus 
' (genus), 
Tubular Verbena (Hk. 4/589, adpd). 

deexxxi. Clerodendron (genus). 
Tuft-hairy-backed Heart leayed Moon- 
seed (Rox, 3/816, McL. 357, 1005, adpd). 
81 Anamirta Cocculus, 
Tufted (Dark-green-sometimes-yellow- 
striped) Bamboo (Gbl. 750). 3305 
Oxytenanthera nigrociliata, 

| Tufted Green Gram (McL, 331, 584, 994). 

835 Poaseolus trinervius, 
Tatted (Dwarf) Leatiess Mistletoe (McL. 
683, adpd), 2524 Viscum japonicum, 
Tufted short branched Mistletoe (MeL, 
683, adpd). 2520 Viscum capitellatum. 

Tulip (Peilucid - punctate exstipulate 
Laurel) (Nic. 2/214, adpd), xi, 
Kadsura (genus). 

Tulip Mallow (McL. 712, adpd). 
Thespesia (genus). 

Tulip (Poplar leaved) Mallow (McL, 712, 
adpd), 252 Thespesia populnea, 



Tulip (Three pointed) Mallow (MeL, 712, 
adpd). 251 Thespesia Lampas. 

Tulip Tree Family (Nic. 5/511). JII. 
Magnoliacez (Order). 

Tulip (Chinese) Tree 
Michelia fuscata. 

Tulip (Creamy stalked-fruited) Tree 
(Hk. 1/389, 48, adpd). 24 Michelia 

Tulip (Laurel) Tree (Nic. 5/511, adpd). 
viii. ‘TaJauma (genus). 

Tulip (Laurel) Tree (Nic. 5/511, adpd), 
ix, Magnolia (genus). 

Tulip (Laurel leaved) Tree (Nic. 5/511). 
ix. Magnolia (genus). 

Tulip (Stalked-fruited) Tree (Hk. 1/39, 
adpd). x. Michelia (gents). 

Tulip (Tawny stalked-fruited) Tree (Hk. 
1/39, 43, adpd).  24-b. Michelia 
Champaca (aurantiaca). 

Tulip (Large White Laurel) Tree of 
America (Nic. 3/316). 20 Magnolia 

Tulip (White Laurel) Tree of Burma and 
the Straits (Hk. 1/40, adpd). 18 
Talauma mutabilis. 

Tulip (Purple stalked-fruited) Tree of 

(8,798). eres 

China (Nic. 3/315). 23 Michelia 
Tulip (White Laurel) Tree of the 

Himalayas (Hk. 1/41, 
Magnolia sphenocarpa. 
Tulip (White stalked-fruited) Tree of the 
Himalayas (Hk. 1/39, 43, adpd). 25 

Michelia excelsa. 

Tulip Tree of India (Kew Bull. 5/1y1iz) 
(McL, 712) (Bed. 1/28) {Bs/T/75) (Gbl. 
88). 252 Thespesia populnea. 

Tulip (Dwarf Creamy Laurel) Tree of 
Japan (Nic. 4/5). 19 Magnolia pumila. 

Tulip (Purple and White Laurel) Tree of 
Japan (Nic. 3/316). 22 Magnolia 
obovata (discolor). 

Tulip (White stalked-fruited) Tree of 
the Nilgiris (Hk. 1/39, 44,adpd). 26 
Michelia nilagirica. 

Tulip Tree of Norfolk-Island (Kew Bull. 
6/1912), 211 Lagunaria Patersoni. 

Tulip Tree of North America (Muell. 
8.P) (H/E.F) (Kew Bull. 5/1912) 
(Nic, 5/511) (S. 246, 441) (Rid, 135). 
16 Liriodendron tulipiferum. 

Tulip Tree of the West Indies (Kew 
Bull. 5/i912), 242 Hibiscus elautus. 
Tulip (Australian) Weod (Maid. C.T) 
(Muell.S.P) (Bth. 1/471). ccexlix. 

Harpullia (genus). 

Tumbaga Saul (McL. 473, 799). 202 
Shores. Tumbaggaia. 

Tummy Tree (McL, 822), 

Tungaid (McL. 473, 847, 982,995). 954 
Cassia auriculata, 

adpd). 21 

434 Ochna 


Tungaid (Foreign) (McL. 208). 958 
Cassia Siamea. 

Tungaid (Foreign) (McL, 742, 933, 995). 
941 Poinciana regia, 

Tungaid (Golden) (McL. 316). 930 
Ceesalpinia, pulcherrima. 

Tungaid (Golden) (Mc, 136). 950 
Cassia sophera. 

Tungaid (Ground) (McL. 805). 955 
Cassia acutifolia. 

Tungaid (Ground) (McL, 805,932). 956 
Cassia angustifolia, 

Tungaid (Ground) (Mch. 804). 963 
Cassia obovata. 

Tungaid (Hill) (Mc, 208). 

Tungaid (Hill) (MchL. 847, 932, 998). 
953 Cassia tomentosa. 

Tungaid (Hili) (McL. 938, 995). 918 
Sophora glauca. 

Tongaid (Hill) (McL. 938, 935). 
Xylia dolabriformis. 

Tungedy (Mch, 932). 
auriculata. F 

Turbeth Root (Cat. 20C). 

Turbith (McL. 923, 998). 

Turkey Aloe (McL. 21). 

Turkey (West Indian) Berry (McL. 1022). 
2082 Solanum torvum. 

958 Cassia 

954 Cassia 
2046 Ipomea 
2046 Ipomea 
3118 Aloé 

Turkey Box Tree (Muell. 8.P). 2545 
Buxus sempervirens. 

Turkey Castor Oil Plant (McL. 56). 2628 
Jatropha Curcas. 

Turkey Fig (Nic. 2/14). 275 Ficus 


Turkey Oak (Nic. 3/263) (S. 357, 441) 
(Gbl. 671) (Muell. S.P) (FAR. 10, 
NLGS, MRA). 2789 Quercus Cerris. 

Turk’s Cap Cactus (Nic. 3/3848) (S. 267, 

441) (Cag. 549). 1369 Melocactus 

Turk’s Head (S, 267). 13869 Melocactus 

Turkish Marking Nut(Mcb. 135). 665 
Anacardium occidentale. 
Turmeric (Curry) (McL. 

Zingiber cassumunar. 
Turmeric (Monkey) (McL. 472, 508, 776) 
130 Bixa Orellana. 
Turmeric (Tree) (Mci: 84). 
Turmeric (Tree) (McL, 120) (HIl. 208). 
$2 Coscinium fenestratum. 
Turmeric (Wild) (MeL. 
Zingiber cassumunar,. 
Turmeric (Wood) (McL. 84). 98 Berberis 

137). 2998 
98 Berberis 

187), 2998 

Turmeric Timber Tree (McL. 367). 1554 
Morinda citrifolia. 
Turmeric Wood (McL, 113). 1489 Adina 




Turmeric Wooded Moon-seed (McL. 120, 
1005, adpd). 82 Coscinium fenestratum., 

Turner (Charles) Rose (Ru/O/19) (Hod). 
1107-j.. Rosa _hybrida - semmperflorens 

Turnera (Elm lesayved) (Br. 87). 1343 
Turnera ulmifolia. 
Turnera (Narrow leaved) (Br. 88). 

1343-b. Turnera ulmifolia (angustifolia). 

Turner’s (Mrs.) Palm Lily (Nic. 1/374). 
3107-p. Cordyline terminalis (Tor- 

Turnip Fern (S. 25, 442). 
teris evecta. 

Turnip (Bipinnate - (12-15 ft) Linear- 
oblong - (3” - 8”) - crenate - serrate - 
acuminate - pinnuled) Fern (Bth/F, 
adpd). 3385 Angiopteris evecta. 

Turnsole (McL. 354) (Nic. 2/181) (S. 195, 
443). dcliii. Heliotropium (genus), 

Turpentine (Australian) (Maid. C.T) 
(Mnuell. S.P). 

Tarpentine Gum of Twofold’'Bay (Bth. 
3/244). 1197 Eucalyptus Stuarteana. 

Turpentine (Australian) Tree (Nic. 4/93). 
1220 Tristania conferta. 

Turpeth Root (McL. 923). 

3385 Angiop- 

2046 Ipomza 


Turtle Net Plant ‘Cat. 37). cxi, Melochia 

Turtle (Andaman) Net Tree (Cat. 37). 

3800 Melochia velutina. 

Turtle (Jute leaved) Plant (Cat, 37, adpd). 
299 Melochia corchorifolia, 

Turunj (Bon. 64). 410-c. Citrus medica- 
Limonum (medico-limonum). 

Tuscan Jasmine (Rox. 1/88) (Cag. 506). 
1751-d. Jasmine Sambae (flore-Monorsz 

Tutsan Family (L/N/S/B). XIV. Hyperi- 
cacez (Order), 

Tustan (S. 209). Ixvii. Hypericum (genus). 

Tweedia (Blue) (S. 305, 443) (Cag. 489) 
(Rid. 93). 1886 Oxypetalum czeruleum, 

Tweedie’s Yellow Trumpet (S. 52) Creeper. 
2145 Bignonia Tweediana, 

Twelve-(8-16 prs) - nerved (Long - suh- 

glabrous-lineolate) elliptic-crenate-acu- | 

minate - leaved Warty - branched Cone- 
head (Hk, 4/451, adpd). 2212(bis.) Stro- 
bilanthes callosus. 

Twelve-(12 prs) -nerved (Long) Lance- 
or - oblance - wavy - acuminate - leaved 
Crimson-flowered French-chiretta (Hk. 
4/515, adpd). 2254 Diotacanthus 

Twenty-six-(20-30)-nerved shorter-broad 
lobed Palmyra (GDY). | Female Plant} 
3224 Borassus flabellifer. 

Twin flowered Mangrove (McL. 470, adpd). 
1137 Rhizophora conjugata. 

Twin leaved Brake Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
3337 Pteris geminata. 

1213 Syncarpia lauri- 



Twin leaved False Copaiba (McL. 1026 
adpd). 974 Hardwickia binata, 

Twin leaved Mountain Ebony (McL. 472 
520, 995, adpd) (Br. 62). 992 Bauhinia 

Twin (Erect bracteate) prickled Rose (Hk. 
2/364). 1095 Rosa bracteata. 

Twin (Prostrate glabrous) prickled Rose 
(Nic. 5/645). 1093 Rosa Luciz, 

Twin (Sarmentose bracteate) prickled 
Rose (Hk. 2/364). 1094 Rosa involu- 

Twin (Small leaved) prickled Rose (Hk. 
2/364) (Nic. 3/311, 322). 1096 Rosa 

Twin-racemed Cobbe (Hk. 1/674, adpd). 
621 Allophylus Cobbe (distachys). 

Twining (Small - puberulous - glabrate- 
Elliptic-repand-toothed - acute - leaved) 
Bear’s-breech (Hk, 4/478, adpd). 2221 
Blepharis boerhaavleefolia. 

Twining (Very - small - roughly - hairy- 
subsessile oblong-obtuse-leayed) Bear’s 
breech (Hk, 4/479, adpd). 2222 Blept- 
aris molluginifolia, 

Twining Porana (Br. 137). 

Twining Swallow-wort (McL. 234). 
Dregia volubilis. 

Twining whorled-(4)-leaved Bear’s breech 

2058 Porana 


(Hk. 4/319, adpd). decy. Blepharis 
Twisted. Branch Pine (H/E.F) (Nic. 

3/141). 2861 Pinus contorta. 

Twisted (Olive) Copper Leaf (McL. 465, 
Ru/N/112, adpd). 2664-c. Acalypha 
hispida (torta). 

Twisted* Drooping long - linear - leaved 
zroton (Ru/N/O }(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf) | *not 
necessarily all leaves]. 2646-T. Codi- 
gum variegatum (longifolium-depen- 

Twisted Erect Long-leaved Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-R, 
Codieum variegatum  (longifolium- 

Twisted Horn (McL. 802). 

Twisted-lobed (Purple-petioled) Trilobe 
Croton (Nic. 1/354) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Ke. Codizum yariegatum 

Twisted Medium Narrow linear-leayed 
Groton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Bid) (Jaf). 
2616-P. Codizum variegatum (angusti- 
folium -tortile. ' 

Twisted podded Sirissa (Pr. 1/451, adpd). 
ecclxx. Pithecolobium (genus). 

Twisted podded Spinons Sensitive Plant 
(Hk. 2/288, adpd). ccelvii. Dichro- 
stachys (genus). 

Twisted Purple druped Blackthorn (Treas. 
Bot. 2/928, Hk, 2/928, Hk, 2/307, adpd), 
eeclxxii, Prinsepia (genus), 

280 Helicteres 


Twisted Spurge 2537 
Euphorbia tortilis, 

Twisted Square Spurge (Mc. 503, adpd). 
2537 Euphorbia tortilis. 

Twisted Stick (MeL. 802). 

Twisting Milk Hedge (Mc. 502). 2537 
Euphorbia tortilis. 

Twisting Petrea (Br. 164). 

Two-celled Capsuled Panax (Hk, 2/720, 
adpd). cdlxiv. Panax (genus). 

Two-celled Druped Cornel (Hk. 2/744, 
adpd), cdlxxi. Cornus (genus). 

Two-coloured Dholl (McL, 274). 854-b. 
Cajanus indicus (bicolor). 

Two-coloured False Plantain (Nic, 2/129). 
8044 Heliconia angustifolia. 

Twofold-Bay (Black Mountain Ash of) 
(Bth, 3/210), 1195 Eucalyptus leucoxyl- 

(McL, 5938). 
280 Helicteres 

2328 Petrea 


Twofold-Bay (Hiccory of) (Bth. 3/244). 
1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Twofold-Bay (Turpentine Gum of) (Bth. 
3/244). 1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana, 

Twofold-Bay (Spotted Gum of) and 
Victoria (Bth, 3/280), 1194 Hucalyptus 

Twofold-Bay Stringy Bark (Bth. 3/207). 
1193 Eucalyptus piperita, 

Twofold-Bay White Gum (Bth. 3/230). 
1194 Eucalyptus goniocalyx. 

Two leaved Sugar Palm (Hk. 6/421, Nic. 
5/82, adpd), 38150 Arenga obtusifolia. 
Two-seeded Common Bengal-currant (Hk. 
3/681, adpd), 1806-b, Carissa Carandas 


Two-seeded (Boat-calyxed) Dholl (Hk. 
2/60, adpd). cccxxi. Cylista (genus). 
Two-seeded (Common) Dholl (Hk. 2/60, 
adpd). cccxxii. Rhynchosia (genus). 
Two-seeded (Unifoliate-or-digitately i.e,, 

epetiolulate) Trifoliate Dholl (Hk. 2/60, 
adpd). ccexxiii. Flemingia (genus), 
Two-seeded Tick Trefoil (McL. 813, adpd). 

800 Desmodium biarticulatam. 
Two (Long leaved) sepaded Gamboge 

(Br. 30, Hk. 1/259, adpd). 180 Ochro- 
carpus longifolius. 
Tyle Berry Plant (McL. 55). 2624 

Jatropha multifida, 

Type - leaved Lenticelled - small - black- 
capsuled Toon (Rec. Bot. Sury, Ind, Vol. 
IIT/4-1908).  482-d,. Cedrela Toona 

Typhus (Camphorated) Roct Family (L/ 
N/S/B). xciv. Chloranthacez (Order). 
Typhus (Camphorated) Root (L/N/S/B). 

declxix, Chloranthus (genus). 

Typhus (Red berried Camphorated) Root 

(L/N/S/B, adpd). 2419 Chloranthus 

| Umbrella Fern (S. 181, 445). 



Uango Tree (McL. 1042). 1057 Entero- 
lobinm Saman. 

Ubi Yam (McL, 58). 

Ule (Cat. 300). 2760 Castilloa elastica, 

Ulrich Brunner Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/ 
96) (Mu. 54). 1107-g, Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea - kermesino - 

Umbel druped Elliptic leaved Holly (Hk. 
1/603, adpd), 512 Ilex Wizghtiana. 

Umbel Spiked Pepper (McL. 676, adpd). 
2417 Piper subpeltatum. 

Umbellate White Climber 
(Hk, 1/384, adpd), 

Umbelled (Densely) Asparagus (McL. 516, 
adpa). 38084 Asparagus Rottleri. 

Umbelled (Sparsely) Asparagus (Mch. 
516, adpd). 3087 Asparagus asiaticus. 

Umbelled (Alternate leaved) Australian 
Rose (Bth. 1/802, adpd). cxlii. Hrioste- 
mon (genus). 

Umbelled (Opposite-leaved) Blue-berried 
Buckthorn (Hk. 1/680, adpd). ccxxxii. 
Scutia (genus). ; 

Umbelled Carpelled Petaliferous Nutmegs 
(L/N/S/B). IV. Anonacez (Order). 

Umbelled #ish-bone-Tree (McL. 155, 478, 
623, S84,adpd). 15 Dillenia pantagyna. 

Umbelled (Dwarf) Golden blossomed Pear 
Tree (Nic. 2/466, adpd), 437 Ochna 

Umbelled Lance leaved Digitate Ivy 
(Hk. 2/729, adpd). 1141 Heptapieurum 

Umbelled Purple flowered Resin-seed of 
New Zealand (Nic. 8/153, adpd). 154 
Pittosporum crassifolium. 

3068 Dioscorea 

Indian Linden 
310 Grewia orien- 

| Umbelled (One) Tallow Laurel-(McL. 500, 

adpd). 2458 Litseea tomentosa. ~ 
Umbelled (Kound branched) Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 796 Desmodium 
Umbelled (Triangular branched) Tick 
Trefoil (McL. 813, adpd). 797 Desmod- 
ium cephaiotes. 

Umbelled Yellow flowered Resin - seed 
(Hk. 1/198, adpd). 148 Pittosporum 

Umbelliferous Family (Br. 92) (L/\/S/B). 
LVIIL. Umbelliferze (Order). 

ml. Glei- 
chenia (genus). 

Umbrella-like Narrow Sessile feaved 
Dragon tree (Nic. 1/491). 3106 Dracena 

Umbrella-Orchid (W.A.I). 2924 Cirrho- 
petalum fimbriatum. 

Umbrella Palin (McL, 882), 3174 Cory pha 



Umbrella Palm of Lord-How’s-Island 
(Muell, 8. P) (Bth, 7/188) (S. 193, 445). 
8138 Hedyscepe Canterburyana, 

Umbrella Thorn (Mch. 478, 934, 9385, 
adpd). ccclxvii. Acacia (genns). 

Umbrella Thorn (Bed. 1/95) (Bs/T/264) 
(Bs/S, 223/TVY) (Gbl. 292) (Bdn/E.T.L) 
{W. 16). 1028 Acacia (planifrons), 

Umbrella Thorn (Mch. 473, 932, 935), 
1082 Acacia tomentosa). 

Umbrella (Purple flowered) Thorn Babool 
(McL. 473, 934, 935, adpd). 1032 Acacia 

Umbrella (White flowered) Thorn Babool 
(MeL. 473, 934, 935, adpd). 1082 
Acacia planifrons. 

Umbreila Tree (Mch. 712) (Nic. 4/27). 
252 Thespesia populnea. 

Umbrella Tree (Ru, 1/128), 

Umbrella Tree (Mch. 934), 3244 Pandanus 

Umbrella Tree Vine (MchL, 751, adpd). 
621 Leea umbraculifera, 

Unarmed Acuminate Cane Feather Palm 
(Cag. 340, adpdy. 3144 Genoma grac- 

Unarmed  (Bininnate - (8-16) - black - 
punctate-backed-minute Narrow-oblong- 
obtuse - (16-20) folicled) Brasiletto 
(Treas. Bot, 2/188, adpd). 936 Cesal- 
pinia coriaria. 

Unarmed (Bluish - flowered) Climbing 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/455). 2069 Solanum 

Unarmed (White flowered) Climbing 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/458, adpd). 
Solanum jasmino-des. 

Unarmed Glaucous-ovate Jeaved Coral 
Tree (Nic. 2/531, adpd). 825 Erythrina 

1417 Brassaia 

2068 | 

Unarmed Green-membranonus-round-acute | 

leaved Goral tree (Hk. 2/190, 
820 Erythrina lithosperma, 
Unarmed (Bipinnate - (6-12) - multiglan- 
dular - minuts - brown - velvetty-backed 
oblong-trapezoid-(30-40) folioled) Curl- 
Brush-Bean (Hk. 2/305, adpd). 1056 
Pithecolobium sub coriaceum. 

Unarmed (Bipinnate-(2-4)-multiglandulare 
medium obovate - oblong - acute-(2-4)- 
folioled) Curl-Brush-Bean (Hk. 2/304, 
adpd). 1055 Pithecolobium bigeminum. 

Unarmed (Ciliate Elliptic White-flowered) 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/231, adpd), 2077 
Solanum bigeminatum. 

Unarmed (Climbing) Nodding Cluster 
Rose (Hk. 2/364, Nic. 3/319). 1089 
Rosa Banksiz, . 

Unarmed (Downy lanceolate-flowered) 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/231, adpd), 2079 
Solanum denticulatum. 




Unarmed (Elliptic White-flowered) 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 2078 
Solannm leeve, 

Unarmed (Glabrate White-flowered) 
Nightshade (Hk, 4/230, adpd). 2074 
Solanum vagum, 

Unarmed (Lanceolate acute 
flowered) Nightshade (Nic. 
adpd). 2071 Solanum aviculare. 

Unarmed (Ovate Bluish-flowered) Night- 
shade (Nic, 3/452, adpd), 2073 Solanum 
arboreum (crispum), 

Unarmed (Oblanceolate White-flowered) 

(Elliptic Obtuse Bluish- 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/452, 
adpd). 2072 Solanum hava- 


Nightshade (Nic. 3/455, adpd). 2070 
Solanum pseudocapsicum, 
Unarmed (Woolly Elliptic White - 

flowered) Nightshade (Hk. 4/230, adpd). 
2075 Solanum verbascifolium, 

Unarmed (Bipinnate — (16 -20)-rasty- 
velvetty-backed Obliquely - ligulate- 
oblong-obtuse-(20-30)-folioled) Brasi- 
letto (Hk. 2/257, adpd). 937 Pelto- 
phorum ferrugineum, 

Unarmed Orange Nail Dye (Cag. 447, 
Mech. 558, adpd). 4244 Crossandra 

Unarmed (Strap podded) Sensitive Plant 
(Hk. 2/220, adpd). ceclxiv. Leuczna 

Undulated (Green-clouded-and-blotched) 
Creamy Croton (Nic. 1/353) '(Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ia. Codi- 
eum variegatum (gloriosum, or 
Princess of Wales). 

Undulated (Crimson-backed Rich-green) 
Croton (Nic, 1/355) (Ru N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Ah. Codizum 
variegatum (Williamsi). 

Undulate-margined (Claret-backed) 
Croton (Nic, 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Ria) 
(Jaf). 2646-Bo, Codizum variegatum 

Undulated (Cremy-coloured-and-blotched- 
Green Croton (Nic. 1/353) (Ra/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ta. Codizum 
variegatum (gloriosum or Princess of 

Undulated (Magenta - midribbed-and- 
petioled Yellow-to-Orange-margined) 
Green Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Tk, Codizum 
yariegatum (Prince of Wales, or 

- Unequally Bifid Acuminate Feather Palm 

(Cag. 342, adpd), 

emxcil, Oreodoxa 


Unequally - paired-long-and-small-downy- 
sessile-auriculate (Mleven-(10-13)—prs. 
in-long)-nerved Ovate-oblong-cenulate- 
acuminate - leaved-Square - branched 
Conehead (Hk. 4/453, adpd), 2219- 
Strobilanthes auriculata. 

Unequally-toothed roundish leaved Velvet 
Cinguefoil (Hk. 1/372, adpd). 298 
Melhania Hamiltoniana. 

Unequally-serrate Round leaved Parro- 
queet Burr (Hk. 1/395, adpd). 3338 
Triumfetta rotundifolia, 

Ungrooved (Many-seeded) podded Dholl 
(Hk. 2/60, adpd). cccxx. Dunbaria 

Unicostate Erect Rattan (Hk. 6/438, 
adpd), 8203 (bis.) Calamus erectus. 

Unifoliate Chilly fruited Caper (Hk, 1/172, 
adpd). 103 Cadaba indica. 

Unifoliate Climbing Lime (Hk. 1/509, 
adpd). cly. Paramignya (genus). 

Unifoliate (Medium-leathery-distictly- 
nerved Elliptic-oblong-acute) Climbing 
Lime (Hk. 1/511, adpd). 402 Para- 
mignya monophylla, 

Unifoliate (Small-papery-indistinctly- 
nerved Hlliptic-lance-caudate) Climbing 
Lime (Hk. 1/511, adpd). 402 Para- 
mignya armata. 

Unifoliate Fragrant Quaternion Tree (Hk. 
1/492, Nic. 4/191, adpd), 880 Melicope 

Uuifoliate - glabrous 
obovate-or -cuneate-mucronate = leaved 
Orange-red Satin Pea (Nic. 1/318, 
adpd). 9238 Chorizetna diversifolium. 

Unifoliate - glabrous - revolute -margined 
lance-linear-leaved Orange-red Satin 
Pea (Nic.1/318,adpd). 922 Chorizema 

Unifoliate Golden Trumpet Flower Tree 
(S. 425) (Cag. 455). 2120 Tecoma 

Unifoliate (Small-oblong) Larger-bulbed 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/779, adpd). 
2929 Cirrhopetalum acutiflorum. 

Unifoliate leaved Soap Nut (Mch. 848, 
adpd). 637 Sapindus indica. 

Unifoliate-long- thinly - netted - backed - 
membranous Leafy - stipuled oblong 
leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/77, adpd), 
717 Crotalaria lanata. 

Unifoliatesmedium-brown-silky Oblance- 
obtuse leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/80, 
adpd). 726 Crotalaria fulva. 

Unifoliate-medinm-brown-silky oblong- 
acute leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/80, 
adpd). 725 Crotalaria perfoliata. 

Unifoliate-medium-brown-silky obovate- 
cuneate - obtuse leaved Rattlewort 
(Hk, 2/80, adpd). 727 Crotalaria 

Unifoliate- medium-brown - silky Ovate- 
oblong - obtuse leaved Rattlewort 

Hlliptic - lance - | 


(Hk. 2/78, adpd). 724 Crotalaria 

Unifoliate - medium - firely -silky-backed 
Leafy-stipuled Oblance-oblong-obtuse 
leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/75, adpd). 
712 Crotalaria sericea, 

Unifoliate - medium - glabrous Narrow- 
linear leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/75, 
adpd). 710 Crotalaria peduncularis. 

Unifoliate - medium - scurfy - glabrate 
Elliptic-cuspida+e-leaved White Cedar 
(Hk. 1/566, afpd). 474 Beddomea 

Leafy-stipuled Oblong leaved Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/78, adpd). 718 Crotalaria 

Unifoliate-medium-silky-leathery Oblong- 
obtuse leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/79, 
adpd). 723 Crotalaria obtecta. 

Unifoliate-medium-silky-leathery Obovate 
oblong-subobtuse leaved Rattlewort 
(Hk. 2/76, adpd). 716 Crotalaria 
longipes. — 

Unifoliate-medium-silky oblance-oblong- 
subacute leavyed Rattlewort (Hk. 2/76, 
adpd). 715 Crotalaria barbata. 

Unifoliate - medium ~ membranons - sub - 
glabrous Oblong-acute leaved Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/78, adpd). 719 Crotalaria 

Unifoliate-medium - membranous - thinly- 
silky-glabrate linear-lance acute leaved 
Square-branched Rattlewort (Hk. 2/78, 
adpd). 721 Crotalaria tetragona. 

Unifoliate - medium - thinly - silky - mem- 
branous lance - acuminate  leaved 
Square - branched Rattlewort (Hk. 
2/78, adpd). 720 Crotalaria leptosta- 

Unifoliate - medium -thickly-white-downy- 
backed oblance-oblong-obtuse Jleaved 
Rattlewort (Hk. 276, adpd). 713 
Crotalaria Leschenaultil. 

Unifoliate - minutely - downy - backed - 
papery - medium Roundish - Heart - 
cuspidate leaved Dholl Shrub (Hk. 
2/227, adpd). 871 Flemingia Chappar, 

Unifoliate Neem (Hk. 1/541, adpd), 
elxxy. Turrzea (genus). 

Unifoliate (Small downy Elliptic-ovate- 
acuminate leaved) Neem (Hk. 1/542, 

adpd). 449 Turrzea villosa. 
Unifoliate (Nilgiri) Opposite leaved 
Toothache Tree (Hk. 1/492, adpd). 

380 Melicope indica. 
Unifoliate-or- digitately ~ (7.e., - epetiolu - 
late)-trifoliate Two-seeded Dholl (Hk. 

2/60,  adpd). ccexxiii. Flemingia 
Unifoliate (Large-elliptic-plicatesacute) 

Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/846, W.A.I, 
adpd), 2944 Pholidota imbricata, 


Tnifoliate (Medium-elliptic) Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/760, W.A.I, adpd). 2921 
Bulphophyllum fuscopurpureum. 

Unifoliate(Medium-linear-obloug) Pseudo- 
bulb Orchid (Hk. 5/778, adpd), 2926 
Cirrhopetalum nilgherrense. 

Unifoliate (Medium - to - large - Oblong) 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/761, W.A.I, 

adpd). 2922 Bulbophyllum nilgher- 
Unifoliate (Small-elliptic) Pseudobulb 

Orchid (Hk. 5/757, W.ALL, 
2920 Bulbophyllum albidam. 
Unifoliate (Small - lanceolate - acute) 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/763, W.A.L., 
adpd). 2923 Bulbophyllum tremulum. 

Unifoliate (Small-linear-acute) Pseudo- 
pulb Orchid (Hk. 6/86, W.A.I, adpd). 
2980 (bi2.) Thelasis pygmza. 

Unifoliate (Small - linear - lanceolate - 
acute) Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/701, 
adpd). 2899 Liparis pusilla. 

Unifoliate (Small-linear-oblong) Pseudo- 
bulb Orchid (Hk. 5/775, adpd). 2928 
Cirrhopetalum Thomsoni, 

Unifoliate (Small - linear-oblong) Pseu- 
dcbulb Orchid (Hk. 5/778, adpda). 
2927 Cirrhopetalum Gamblei, 

Unifoliate (Very-small-elliptic) Pseudo- 
bulb (Hk. 5/780, adpd). 2930 Trias 

Unifoliate (Very - small - linear-oblong) 
Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/777, adpa). 
2925 Cirrhopetalum aureum. 


Unifoliate (Petioled) Pseudobulbous 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/752) cmxxi. 
Bulbophyllum (genus). 

Unifoliate (Petioled) Pseudobulbous 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/772). emxxii. 
Cirrbopetalum (genus). : 

Unifoliate (Petioled) Pseudobulbous 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/780). cmxxiii. 

Trias (genus). 

Unifoliate (Petioled) Pseudobulbous stem- 
med Orchid (Hk. 6/86, W.A.I, adpd). 
emxli. (bis.) Thelasis (genus). 

Unifoliate (Petioled) Pseudobulbous 
stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/699, 701). 2899 
Liparis pusilla, 

Unifoliate (Sessile) Pseudobulbous stem- 
med Orchid (Hk. 5/844, W.A.I, adpd). 
cmxxvi. Pholidota (genus). 

Unifoliate-silvery-silky - rusty - margined 
Oval - acute-leaved Satin Pea (Nic. 
8/172, adpd). 920 Podalyria argentea. 

Unifoliate - small- brown-silky oblance- 
acute leaved Rattlewort (Hk, 2/80, 
adpd). 728 Crotalaria lunulata. 

Unifoliate - small - densely - silky-backed 
oblance-oblong - obtnse - leaved Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/76, adpd). 714 Crotalaria 

Unifoliate - small - puberulent - backed 
oblance-oblong-obtuse leaved Rattle- 


wort (Hk. 2/75, adpd). 

Unifoliate-small-silky obovate-or-elliptic- 
oblong-subobtuse leaved Wing-stemmed 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/69, adpd). 704 
Crotalaria alata, 

711 Crotalaria 

Unifoliate - small-thinly-silky linear- 
oblong-subobtuse leaved Furrowed- 

branched Rattlewort (Hk. 2/79, adpd). 
722 Crotalaria juncea. 

Unifoliate Spindle-branched Long-pendu- 
lous stemmed Orchid (Hk. 5/710, 714, 
adpd). 2904 Dendrobium Macrei. 

Unifoliate “ Spindle-branched (Medium- 
oblong - obtuse - coriaceous - sessile) 
Orchid (Hk, 5/710, 714, adpd). 2904 
Dendrobium Macrzi. 

Unifoliate-subverticellate-minute Heart- 
leaved Orange-red Satin Pea (Nie. 
2/542, adpd). 924 Oxylobium cordi- 

Unifoliate - thinly - silky - backed-papery- 
medium-to-long oblong-subscute leaved 
Dholl Shrub (Hk. 2/227, adpd). 870 
Hlemingia strobilifera, 

Unifoliate (Acute oblong) Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 805 Desmodium 

Unifoliate (Ovate) Tick Trefoil (McL. 
813, adpd). 802 Desmodium ormocar- 

Unifoliate (Scabrous Ovate) Tick Trefoil 
(McL. 813, adpd). 806 Desmodium 

Unifoliate (Triangular-branched) Tick 
Trefoil (McL. 813, adpd). 801 Des- 
modium triquetrum., 

Unifoliate - very - small -crowded-densely- 
brown-silky-leathery oblance-subobtuse 
leayed Rattlewort (Hk. 2/81, adpd). 
729 Crotalaria ramosissima. 

Unifoliate-very-small-densely-silky linear- 
oblong-obtuse leaved Rattlewort (Hk, 
2/73). 708 Crotalaria speciosa. 

Unifoliate - very - small - loosely - silky 
oblance-obtuse Sticky - leaved Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/81, adpd). 730 Crotalaria 

Unifoliate-very - small-silky leathery 
Kound-obovate-obtuse ,leaved | Wing- 
stemmed Rattlewort (Hk. 2/69, adpd). 
705 Crotalaria rubiginosa. 

Unifoliate - very-small- thinly shaggy - 
backed oblance-oblong -subacnte leaved 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/79, adpd). 709 Cro- 
talaria priestleyoides. 

Unifvliate-very small-thinly-silky-backed 
linear-or-oblance-obtuse leaved Rattle- 
wort (Hk. 2/71, adpd). 706 Crotalaria 

obovate-oblong-cuneate-retuse leaved 
Rattlewort (Hk. 2/79, adpd) 707 Cro- 
talaria tecta, 


Uniformly (Pinnate sepalled) Prickly 
Rose (Hk. 2/264, Nic. 3/314). 1102 
Rosa alba. 

Uniformly (Simple sepalled) Prickly Rose 

(Hk. 2/364) (Nic. 3/314). 1103 Rosa 
Uniglandular (Centifoil-Mimosa-leaved) 

Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 

Uniglandular (Decandrons - Mimosa - 
leaved) Senna (McL. 804, adpd.) 965 
Cassia Kleinii. 

Uniglandolar (Glaucous leaved) Senna 
(McL. 804,adpd). 961 Cassia glauca. 
Uniglandular (Hairy leaved) Senna (McL. 

804, adpd). 951 Cassia hirsuta. 

Uniglandular (Lance leaved Senna) (MeL. 
804, adpd). 950 Cassia Sophora. 

Uniglandular (Obovate-odoarless-leaved) 

966 Cassia 

Senna (Rox 2/341, adpd). 948-b. 
Cassia Tora (toroides). 
Uniglandular (Ovate Jleaved) Senna 

(MeL. 804, adpd). 949 Cassia occiden- 

Uniglandular (Pentandrous - Mimosa - 
leaved) Senna (McL. 804, adpd). 964 
Cassia pumila. 

Unijugate leaved Soap Nut (Mch. 843, 
adpd). 636 Sapindus bifoliatus. 

Unijugate-medium obliquely - obovate - 
subobtuse-leathery-glossy-leaved Dog’s- 
Matrix (Hk. 2/268, adpd). 969 Cyno- 
metra cauliflora. 

Unijugate-short obliquely-lance-subacute 
leaved Dog’s-Matrix (Hk. 2/267, adpd). 
968 Cynometra travancorica. 

Unilocular-capsuled (Petaloid - stamin - 
oded) Panicled Ginger (Treas. Bot. 
1/5384, Hk. 6/199, adpd).  cmsliil. 
Globba (genus). 

Unilocular capsuled Velvet Cinquefoil 
(Hk. 1/354, 374, adpd). cxii. Waltheria 

Uninervose (Lanceolate) Phyllode Wattle 
(Bth. 2/307, 347, adpd). 1023 Acacia 

Uninervose (Long narrow) Phyllode 
Wattle (Brh. 2/309, 358, adpd). 1021 

Acacia stricta. 
Uninervose (Obliquely obovate) Fhyllode 

Wattle (Bth. 2/312, 373, adpd). 1019 
Acacia brachybotrya. 

Unineryose (Sickle-shaped) Phyllode 
Wattle (Bth. 2/310, 365, adpd). 1022 

Acacia pycnantha. 
Unisexual Trivalved capsuled Passion 

Flower (Hk. 2/601, adpd). cdxlix. 
Modecca (genus). 
Unispinous (Bristle-ciliate leaved) 

rachis Rattan (Hk. 6/441, adpd). 3205 
Calamus rivalis. i 
Unispinous (Spine-ciliate leaved) rachis 
Rattan (Hk. 6/447, adpd). 3209 Calamus 



United-States (Cabbage Palm of the 
Southern) (S. 379), 3184 Sabal Pal- 

United-States (Dwarf Palmetto of the 
Southern) (Nie. 3/338) (Ru/N/122, 0/13, 
36). 38182 Saba] Adensoni. 

United-States (Prickly Pear of the) 
(S. 300, 344), 1383 Opuntia vulgaris. 

Untoothed Tree Vine (*cL. 751, adpd). 
619 Leea integrifolia. 

Upas (Malay) Tree (McL. 463). 2759 
Antiaris toxicaria. 

Upas Tree (Bs/T/614) (Gbl. 651) 
(Bdn/F.T) (McL. 774) (Cag. 414) (Cat. 
293). 2759 Antiaris toxicaria. 

Uplana Cotton (Muell. §.P). 253-c. 
Gossypium herbaceum (hirsutum). 
Upland Georgian Cotton (Hk. 1/347). 

258-c. Gossypium herbaceum (hir- 
Upright Cypress (Cat, 314), 2809 

Cupressus sempervirens. 
Upright Ixora (Br. 101). 1539 Ixora 
Upright Yellow Wood of the Cape (1.F., 
X 1/2). 2830 Podocarpus elongata. 
Upward-branched Coffee (Trop. Agr., 
xx/1l), 1548-d. Coffea arabica (Chick). 

Uraria (Painted leaved) (Br. 52). 791 
Uraria picta. 

Urena (Angular leaved) (McL. 234) (Br. 
16). 228 Urena lobata. 

Utrasum Bead ‘Tree (Cat. 43). 340 
Eleocarpus tuberculatus. 

Uvi Yam of the South Sea-Islands 
(Muel]. S.P). 3068 Dioscorea alata, 
| V 
Vacher (Auguste) Rose (Ru/0/18). 

1105-i. Rosa odorata (cuprea). 
Vacoolam (McL. 351). 1689 Mimusops 
Vaigisa (McL. 976, 977). 
carpus Marsupium. 
Vail (McL., 911, 935). 

897 Ptero- 

ecelxvii. Acacia 


Vail (Black) (McL. 935). 1029 Acacia 
arabica. ; 

Vail (Creeper) (McL. 935). (?) 986 
Ceesalpinia coriaria (?). 

Vail (Dark) (McL. 935, 995). (?) 1002 

Xylia dolabriformis (?), 

Vail (Dung) (McL. 935), 1027 Acacia 
Farnesiana. - 

Vail (Foreign White) (McL. 9385) (?). 
1036 Acacia ferruginea. 

Vail (Green)(McL. 935). 943 Parkinsonia 

Vailay (Gram) (McL. 987). 774 
Tephrosia purpurea. 
Vaillant (Maréchal) Rose (Cag. 596) 

(Hod). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (kermesina-purpureo-suffusa), 

Di de Madd 


Vaimboo (Mch. 576), 452 Azadirachta 

Vaipa (McL. 576). 

Vaitasam (McL. 751, 987, 1001). 
Calamus (genus). 

Vualamboory (McL. 802). 

Valencoorny (McL. 473, 662, 982, 998). 
2151 Stereospermum xylocarpum. 

Valerian (Greek) Family (L/N/S/B). 
LXXVII. Polemoniaceae (Order), 

Vallaris (Fragrant) (Br. 126). 
Vallaris Hey nei. 

Valvate Scammony Swallow-wort (Hk. 
4/2, adpd). dexx. Genianthus (genus). 

Vanarajah (McL, 520). 

452 Azadirachta 

280 Helicteres 


990 Bauhinia | 


Vanda (McL. 750). 2963 Vanda Rox- 

Vanda (Roxburgh’s) (Br. 210). 2963 | 

Vanda Roxburghii. 

Vanga (Goa) (Cag. 225). [Sphalm-Voa | 

Vanga] 1529-c. 


Vangueria spinosa 

Vanga (Voa) of Madagascar (L/N/S/B). | 

1529-c. Vangueria spinosa (edulis), 

Vanguer (Voa) of Madagascar (Nic. | 
4/136).  1529-c. Vangueria spinosa 

Van-Houtte (Madame) Rose (Mu. 55). 
1105-d. Rosa odorata (albida-luteo- 

Van-Houtte (Marie) Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ra/N/93, 0/21) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (B). 

1105-e. Rosa odorata (citrina-roseo- 

Vanilla (True) (Br. 211). 2983 Vanilla 

Vanilla Orchid (8. 446). emxlii. Vanilla 

Vanilla (Larger Leafless) Orchid (Hk. 

6/90, W.A.I, adpd). 2981 Vanilla 
Vanilla (Leafless) (Br. 211). 2982 

Vanilla Wightiana. 
Vanilla (Medium - ovate - oblong - acnte 

Fleshy-leaved) Orchid (Nic. 4/137, 
adpd). 2988 Vanilla planifolia. 
Vanilla (Mexican) (Kew Bull. 95), 

2983 Vanilla planifolia, 
Vanilla (Smaller Leafless) Orchid (Hk. 

6/90, W.A.I, adpda), 2982 Vanilla 
Vanny (McL. 809). 1007 Prosopis 

Van-Rheede’s Malabar Rattan (Hk. 6/452, 
adpd). 3212 Calamus Rheedii. 

Van-Volxem’s Tubular Passion Flower 
(Nic. 4/4) (S. 422). 1364 Tacsonia 

Varaka (McL. 376), 2763 Artocarpus 


Vardon (Sonvenir-d’Elise) Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Br. 68) (Mu, 56). 1105-c. Rosa 
odorata (eburnea-cinnabarino-suffusa), 

Varee Tree (McL. 589) 2689 Macaranga 

Variable leaved Australian Shoe Flower 
(Nic, 5/425). 250 Hibiscus hetero- 

Variable - roundish - elliptic - cuspidate - 

leaved (Quinquefoliate - (3-5) - short- 
snowy-velvetty-backed) Yam (Hk. 
6/289, adpd). 38056 Dioscorea _ to- 

Variable - roundish - elliptic - cuspidate - 
leaved (Quinquefoliate-(3-5)-short- 
softly-downy-glabrate-backed) Yam 
(Hk. 6/289, adpd). 3057 Dioscorea 

Variegated American Aloe (MchL. 20) 

(Br. 218). 3049-b. Agave americana 

Variegated American Aloe (Ru/N/112, 
0/33). (2? 3649-b) 3053 + Agave 

Variegated (White) Bengal Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/372, adpd). 3107-a. Cordyline 
terminalis (alba). 

Variegated Betel Palm (Cag. 337, 339, 
adpd). cmlxxiv. Dictyosperma (genus). 

Variegated (Orange) Copper Leaf (McL. 
465,  Ru/N/112,  adpd).  2665-c. 
Acalypha Wilkesiana (mnsaica), 

Variegated Featherfoil (McL. 587, adpd). 
2573 Phylianthus nivosus, 

Variegated Glaucous Spineless Fan Palm 
(Nic. 2/287, adpd). mxi. Latania 

_ Variegated Heart Vine (Mcl. 283, adpd). 

Variegated (Purple) 

584 Vitis discolor. 

Variegated Honeysuckle (Ru/O/16). 1434 
Lonicera reticulata, 

Variegated Hydrangea (Nic. 2/162, Rid. 
69). 1122-b. Hydrangea Hortensia 

Variegated leaved Indian Coral Tree 
(Nic. 5/352). 817-c. Erythrina indica 

Variegated leaved Scarlet Shoe Flower 
(Nic. 1/142). 244. Hibiscus rosa- 
sinensis (Cooperi). 

Variegated Mountain Ebony (McL. 472, 
482, 521,995) (Br. 63). 937 Bauhinia 

Mountain Ebony 

(McL. 521). 997-a. Bauhinia variegata 


_ Variegated (Spreading) Mountain Ebony 

(Cat. 112). 999 Baubinia monandra. 
Variegated (White) Mountain Ebony 
(MeL, 521) (Br. 63). 997-b. Bauhinia 
variegata (candida), 
Variegated Nibble-tipped Feather Palm 
(Cag. 3387, 339). cmlxxiv. Dictyo- 
sperma (genus), 


Variegated Periwinkle (Ooty. ar 
1822-b. Vinca major (elegantiss1ma). 
Variegated Periwinkle (Ooty. 479). 

1822-c. Vinca major (reticulata). 

Variegated Prickly Pear (S. 300). 1380 
Opuntia monocantha. q 

Variegated-rayed Rosy Passion Flower 
(Br. 87). 1856 Passiflora Middletoni- 

Variegated Saint-Thomas’ Tree (MeL. 
521). 997 Bauhinia variegata. 

Variegated Tea of Heaven (Muell. 8.P, 
Nic. 2/162, Rid. 69, adpd)._ 1122-b. 
Hydrangea § Hortensia (japonica- 

Variegated Texas Aloe (S, 18). 
Agave variegata. d 

Various flowered Prickly Pear (Nic. 
5/570). 1381 Opuntia leucotricha. 

Various leaved Climbing Prickly Night- 
shade (Nic. 8/455, adpd). 2090 Sola- 
num Wendlandii. 

Various leaved Fig (Br. 201). 
heterophylla. : 

Various (Scabrid) leaved Fig (Br. 201, 
adpd). 2747 Ficus heterophylla. 

Various leaved Yellow Jasmine (Br. 117). 
1769 Jasminum heterophyllum. 

Various (Irregularly-toothed) Jeaved 
Parroqueet Burr (Hk. 1/394, adpd). 
330 Triumfetta pilosa. 

Various leaved Pterospermum (McL. 
974). [281 Sphalm] 282 Pterospermum 

Varnish (Arnott’s Black) (Mch. 344, 
adpd). 677 Holigarna Arnottii. 

Varnish (Beddome’s Black) (McL. 344, 
adpd). 680 Holigarna Beddomei. 

Varnish (Black) (Mch. 476). 678 
Semecarpus Anacardinm. 

Varnish (Bourdillon’s Black) (MchL. 344, 
adpd). 676 Holigarna nigra. 

Varnish (Downy-backed-leaved Black) 
(Hk. 2/87, adpd). 679 Holigarna 

Varnish (Graham's Black) (McL. 344, 


2747 Ficus 

adpd). 679 Holigarna Grahamii. 
Varnish (Indian) (Mch. 476). 673 Seme- 
carpus Anacardium. 
Varnish (Japanese) (McL. 684, 859). 

[662 Sphalm] 659 Khas vernicifera. 

Varnish (Japan) (Muell. S.P) (Nic. 
3/301) (MeL. 684, 859, corr). 659 
Rhus vernicifera, 

Varnish (Malabar Black) (Mch. 3844). 
677 Holigarna Arnottiana. 

Varnish (Malabar Black) (Mch. 344, 
adpd). celxvi. Holigarna (genus), 

Varnish (Piny) (Rox. 2/604). 207 
Vateria indica. 

Varnish (Red 
Black) (Hk, 2/38, adpd). 
arna Beddomei. 

680 Holig- 


Varnish (Rusty Black) (McL. 344, adpd). 
678 Holigarna ferruginea. 

Varnish (Singhalese) (McL. 476). 673 

' Semecarpus Anacardium. 

Varnish (Smaller-leaved High-level Black) 
(L.F. xxx/3. Mar. on). 676 Holigarna 

Varnish (Sylhet) (McL. 476). 673 
Semecarpus Anacardium. 

Varnish (Caustic) Trees Family (Nic. 
3/301, Muell. §.P, Bs/T/195, Mcl. 
344, 476, 689, 859, adpd). XL. Ana- 
cardiaceze (Order). 

Varnish (Piney) Tree (Bs/T/72) (Gbl. 
85) (Bed. 2/84) (Bdn/F.T) (MeL. 684) 
(Ell. 579). 207 Vateria indica. 

Varnish (White Piney) Tree (Bed. 2/84, 
Bs/T/71, 72, Gbl. 85, Bdn/F.T, adpd). 
199 Vatica Roxburghiana. 

Varoonam (McL, 945, 1000). 
Salix (genus). 

Vasse-River Iron Bark (Bth. 38/281). 
1199 Eucalyptus gomphocephala. 

Vateria Copal (McL. 684). 207 Vateria 



Vattangi (McL. 783). 929 Czsalpinia 

Vattattauly (McL. 988, 1000), 2664 
Acalypha hispida. 

Vattoovally (McL. 988, 947). 1917 
Cosmostigma racemosum. 

Vaudaumbram (Mch. 946, 998). 2171 

Dedalacanthus nervosus. 
Vaugay (McL. 946). ccclxviii. Albizzia 


Vaugay (McL. 840). 1046 Albizzia 

Vaugay (Forest) (McL. 840). 1044 
Albizzia Lebbek. 

Vaugay (Large) (Mch, 840). 1044 
Albizzia Lebbek. 

Vausanavally (McL. 945, 992). xxxy. 

Cocculus (genus), 
Vauvily (Mch. 596). 
Vauzhay (MclL. 687). 

2308 Vitex trifolia. 
38041 Musa para- 

Veety (McL. 461). 881 Dalbergia 
Vegetable Marrow Tree (Nic. 2/82), 

2441 Persea gratissima. 

Vegetable Mercury (McL. 
1882 Calotropis gigantea. 

Vegetable Nerinjy (McL. 
607 Vitis auriculata. 

Vegetable Silk Plant (MeL, 20). 
Agave americana. 

Vegetable (Borneo) Tallow (McL. 336), 
196 Dipterocarpus indicus. 

Veined (White) Birthwort (Nic. 1/118). 
2399 Aristolochia leuconeura. 

Veitch’s Searlet flowered Hybrid Fuchsia 
(Nic. 2/32). 1331 Fuchsia Dominiana. 

Veitch’s Virginia Creeper (8.456). 581 
Vitis inconstans. 

1032) (?). 
590, 994). 


Vekkauly (McL. 472, 968, 995). 
Anogeissus latifolia. 

Velanga (McL 473, 484, 943,974). 281 
Pterospermum superifolium. 

Vetch Tribe (Nic, 4/157). XLIIT-A-vii. 
Legumioneze (order-Papiliones Sub- 
order-Viciex Tribe). 

Vellaymooivail (Mc. 936, 995). 
Acacia latronun. 

Vellila (McL. 516). 

Velvail (McL. 63, 995). 
leucophleea. | 

Velvet Bean (Ru) (Mu). 
pruriens (utilis). 

Velvet Cinquefoil (Nic. 2/344, 3/70, adpd), 
cx. Melhania (genus), 

Velvet (Crenulate oblong leaved) Cinque- 
foil (Hk. 1/372, adpd). 297 Melhania 

Velvet (Minute flowered) Cinquefoil (Hk. 
1/874, adpd). cxii. Waltheria (genus). 

Velvet (Serrulate linear-oblong leaved) 
Cinquefoil (Hk. 1/872, adpd). 296 
Melhania incana. 

Velvet (Toothed pleated-heart leaved) 
Cinquefoil (Hk. 1/375, adpd). 301 
Waltheria indica. 

Velvet (Uxequally-toothed © Roundish 
leaved) Cinquefoil (Hk. 1/372, adpd). 
298 Melhania Hamiltoniana. 

Velvet (Unilocular capsuled) Cinquefoil 
(Hk. 1/354, adpd). cxii, Waltheria 

Velvet Flowering Nutmeg (Bs/T/10, Hk. 
1/89, adpd). xxvi. Alphonsea (genus). 

Velvet (Medium-acuminate leaved) 
Flowering Nutmeg (Hk. 1/89, adpd). 
68 Alpbonsea zeylanica. 

Velvet (Medium-cuspidate leaved) Flow- 
ering Nutmeg (Hk. 1/89, adpd). 67 
Alphonsea lutea. : 

Velvet (Medium-obtuse leaved) Flower- 
ing Nutmeg (Hk. 1/90, adpd) 69 
Alphonsea madraspatana. 

Velvet Leaf (Mc. 362). 91 Cissampelos 


1487 Mussenda 
1033 Acacia 

816-b. Mucuna 


Velvet (Five Jeaved) Tamarind (I.F. 
xxx/6). 972 Dialium coromandelia- 

Velvet (Nine leaved) Tamarind (I.F. 
xxx/6). 973 Dialium travancoricum. 

Velvet Tamarind of Sierra-Leone (Ol. 
2/283). ccexlix. Dialium (genus). 

Velvetty-berried Star-flowered Nutmeg 
(Bs/T/10, Hk, 1/89, adpd),  xxvi. 
Alphensea (genus). 

Velvetty Carmine Hybrid-perpetnal Rose 
(Nic, 3/824) (Ru/N/91) (Mu. 52). 
1107-k. Rosa hybrida-semperflorens 

VelvyettyCarmine-shaded Crimson Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Nic, 5/646) (Mu. 53) 


(Ru/N/94, 0/20). 

Velvetty Carmine-shaded Maroon Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/22) (Hod) (Mu, 54), 
1107-1. Rosa hy brida-semperflorens 
(atrosanguinea-kermesino suffusa-velu- 

Velvetty Crimson Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
Nic. 3/324, 5/645, 646) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/94, 0/19, 20, 21) (Mu. 52, 53) 
(Po). 1107-j. Rosa hvbrida-semper- 
florens (punicea-velutina), 

Velvetty Crimson Large China Rose (Nic. 
5/646) (Cag. 598), 1103-d. Rosa indica 

VelvettyFive leaved Yam (Mcl, 53, adpd). 
3056 Dioscorea tomentosa. 

Velvetty Golden Trumpet Flower Tree 
(Cag. 455). 2122 Tecoma mollis, 

Velvetty leaved Bastard Satin Wood 
(McL. 845, adpd). 768 Mundulea suber- 

Velvetty (Mysore) Mallow (W.A.]I, adpd). 
xcii. Decaschistia (genus). 

Velvetty Melon Featherfoil (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2588 Glochidion velutinum. 

Velvetty - ovate -leaved Snake Jasmine 
(Hk, 4/541, adpd}. 2268-b. Rhinocan- 
thus communis (moutana) 

Velvetty Purple- shaded Crimson Hybrid- 
perpetnal Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) 
(Ru/N/95, 0/18. 20) (Mu. 53) (Hod). 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida - semperflorens 

Velvetty Rosary Pea (Hk. 2/176, adpd),. 
811 Abrus fruticulosus. 

Velvetty Roundish leaved White Dead- 
nettle Shrub (Hk. 4/682, adpd). 2357 
Leucas montana. 

Velvetty Seven leaved Tooth—ache Climb- 
er (Nic. 4/237, adpd). 383 Zanthoxyl- 
um tetraspermum. 

Velvetty Sinuate White fiowered Prickly 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/455, adpd). 2088 
Solanum robustum. 

Velvetty (Yellow) stemmed 
Bamboo (Gbl. 750). 
thera monostigma. 

Velvetty Whiteleaf Plant (McL. 516, 
adpd). 1486 Musszenda tomentosa. 

Velvetty Wild Indigo (McL. 371, adpd), 
770 Tephrosia tinctoria. 

Velvetty Patchouli of the Nilghris (McL. 

1107-j. Rosa hybrida- 

3807 Oxytenan- 

732, adpd). 2347 Pogustemon  atro- 
Vembaudam Bark Creeper (McL. 651) 

558 Ventilago madraspatana. 

Vempully (McL. 3871). 774 Tephrosia 

Venezuela (Blotchy - secondary - veined 
Dumb Cane of) (Nic. 1/474). 3268 
Dieffenbachia maguifica. 


Venezuela Soap-bark (Caudate-thin-foliol- 
ed) (Bs/T/274, adpd). 1055-b. Pithe- 
colobium bigeminum (gracile). 

Venezuela Soap Bark Tree (McL. 208). 
1055 Pithecolobium bigeminum. 

Venezuela Zamang Tree (McbL. 1042). 
1057 Enterolobium Saman. 

Vengay (Mch. 977, 995). ccexxy. Ptero- 
carpus (genus). 

Vengay (Mc. 977) (Bed. 1/88, 2/21). 897 
Pterocarpus Marsupium. 

Vengay (Common) (Mch. 418, 474, 977, 

995). 897 Pterocarpus Marsupium- 
Vengay (Hill) (McL. 977). 2546 Bridelia 

Vengay (Lesser) (McL. 461). 881 Dalber- 
gia latifolia. 3 

Vengay (Thorny) (McL. 478, 977, 1000). 
2546 Bridelia retusa. 

Vengay (White) (McL. 977) (?). 1044 
Albizzia Lebbek (?). 

Venteak (Gbl. 372) [Sphalm Ta]. 1317 
Lagerstreemia lanceolata. 

Venteak (Mch. 473, 884, 995) (Bed.1/116, 
2/30) (W. 25, 38, 97, 105, 108) (FAR. 4, 
9,16). 1317 Lagerstroemia lanceolata. 

Venteak (Larger) (McL. 5). 1319 Lager- 
streemia flos-Regine, 

Venus’ Pnrse (Cag. 465). 
ceolaria (genus). 

Veppaulay (MchL. 947, 
Wrightia (genus) 

Verbena (Digitate opposite leaved) (Hk. 
4/583). dcexxs. Vitex (genus). 

Verbena (Lemon scented) (Nic. 2/284) 
(S.225, 245) (Gbl. 545) (Br. 162) (Rid. 
162) (Cag. 434) (Ru/N/84, O/15, 34) 
(Po) (MAHS). 2282 Lippia citriodora. 

Verbera (Protruding~« stamened ‘Tube- 
corolla). (Hk. 4/589, adpd). dccxxx. 
Clerodendron (genus). 

dclxxvi. Cal- 

999). dxevi. 

Verbena (Sweet scented) (S. 245, 420). 
2284 Lippia citriodora. 
Verbena (Tube) (Hk. 4/589, adpd). 

deexxxi. Clerodendron (genus). 

Verdant Tree (Bs/T/566, Gbl. 605, 606, 
Ver. 992, 998, 994, adpd). dccexy. 
Hemicyclia (genus). 

Verdier (Madama Eugéne) Rose (Nic. 
5/646) (Mn. 53). 1107-g. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (rosea). 

Verdier (Madame Victor) Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Ru/N/93, O/21) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 
3107-¢. Rosa hybrida - semperfiorens 
rosea cerasirubro-suffusa). 

Verdier (Paul) Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Ru/O/ 
21). 1106-f. Rosa borbonica (hybrida- 

Verdier (Victor) Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Ru/ 
N/94, 0/22) (Po). 1107-k.Rosa hybrida 
semperfiorens (kermesina - roseo- 

Vermilion-and-Orange (Hooker’s) Cigar 
Flower (Nic. 1/409). 1811 Cuphea 

Vermiliou-tinted Scarlet Hybrid-perpet- 
ual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 596) (Ru/ 
0/20) (Mu. 53). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida- 

sem perflorens (coccinea - miniato- 
Vernal (Bracted) Flower (Br. 173, Hk. 

4/417, adpd). deci. Dedalacanthus 


Vernal Flower (Br. 173). decx. Eranthem- 

um (genus). 

Vernal (Broad-ovate-wrinkled-dark-greens 
leaved Bright-blue - flowered) Flower 
(Nic. 1/718, adpd), 2248 Eranthemum 

ted Bronze - green Medium -irregular- 
lance-leaved) Flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd), 
2251-a. Eranthemum variable (typica). 

Vernal (Dark-purple-stemmed-and-leaved) 
Flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2253 Eran- 
themum atropurpureum. 

Vernal (Golden-netted-green Ovate-lance 
leaved) Flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 
2249 (bis.) Eranthemum reticulatum. 

Vernal (Greyish - purple-and-Salmony 
blotched Olive - green Oblong = ovate- 
leaved) Flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 
2249 Kranthemum tricolor. 

Vernal-flower (Long - Jineolate Elliptic 
acuminate leaved Rosy Bracted) (Hk. 
4/419, adpd). 2172 Dedalacanthus 

Vernal-flower (Long-lineolate Ovate-sub- 
entire-acuminate leaved Blue Bracted) 
(Hk, 4/418, adpd). 2171 Dedalacanthus 

Vernal (Medium-lineolate Six-(6-7 prs)- 
nerved  Elliptic-ovate-wavy-crenulate 
acuminate leaved) Flower (Hk. 4/497, 
adpd). 2246 Eranthemum malabaric- 

Vernal flower (Medium subglabrons-line- 
olate Elliptic acuminate leaved Blue 
Bracted) (Hk. 4/421, adpd). 21738 
Deedalacanthus montanus. 

Vernal (Oblong-entire-leaved Pink-flower- 
ed Flower (Rox. 1/113, adpd). 2247 
Hranthemum racemosum. 

Vernal (Ovate - oblong - leayed Crimson- 
spotted-lower-lipped \hite-tlowered) 
Flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2252 Eran- 
themum Andersonii. 

Vernal (Sky Blue Bracted) Flower (McL. 
946, Br. 173, Hk. 4/417, 418, adpd). 
2171 Dedalacanthus nervosus. 

Vernal (Versicoloured) Flower (Cag. 449, 
Ru/N/111, adpd). 2249 Eranthemum 


Vernal (White-margined-grey-suffused 
Medium-oblong-elliptic-leaved) Flower 
(Nic, 1/518, adpd). 225l-c. Eranthe- 
mum variable (albomarginatum). 

Vernet (Horace) Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/95, 0/20). 1107-j. Rosa 
hybridu-semperflorens (punicea-purpu- 
reo-suffusa- velntina), 

Vernonia (Worm Seed) (MclL. 388), 
Vernonia anthelmintica. 

Versicoloured Vernal Flower (Cag. 449, 
Ru/N/11l, adpd). 2249 Eranthemum 

Vertical leaved Acuminate Feather Palm 
(Nie. 1/144). mxxiii. Attalea (genus). 

Vervain Family (Br. 161) (L/N/S/B). 
LXXXY. Verbenacez (Order), 

Vervains (McL. 1007). LXXXY. Verbe- 
pace (Order). 

Vervein (Bastard) (Treas. Bot. 2/1212). 
deexxiii. Stachytarpheta (genus). 


Vervein (Bastard) (Hk. 4/56), Treas. 
Bot. 2/1212, adpd). decxxiii. Bouchea 

Vervein (Bell-flowered) (Treas. Bot. 
1/535,  adpd). dcecxxix. Gmelina 

Vervein (Blue Golden-druped) (Cag. 439, 
adpd). 2303-a. Duranta Plumieri 

Vervein (Downy-backed-scabrous Ovate- 
leaved Crimson-to-rosy-flowered Bas- 
tard) (Nic. 2/482, adpd). 2286 Stachy- 
tarpheta mutabilis. 

Vervein (Glaucous-backed Heart-leaved 
Bell) (Hk. 4/582, adpd). 2805-b. Gme- 
lina arborea (glaucescens). 

Vervein (Golden-druped Tree) (Cag. 439, | 

adpd). decxxvii. Duranta (genus). 
Vervein (Medium-downy-glabrate Ovate- 
oblong-serrate-leaved Pink - purple- 

flowered Bastard) (Hk. 4/564, adpd). | 

2283 Bouchea hyderabadensis. 

Veryein (Ovate oblong-serrate-acute -or | 

acuminate-leaved Indigo-blue-flowered 
Bastard) (Nic. 2/183, adpd). 2285 
Stachytarpheta dichotoma. 

Vervein (Small subglabrous Elliptic-ser- 
rate -subobtuse - leaved Deep - blue- 
flowered Bastard (Hk. 4/564, adpd). 
2284 Stachytarpheta indica. 

Vervein (Tawny-velvetty-backed Heart- 
leaved-Bell) (Hk. 4/581,adpd). 2805-a. 
Ginelina arborea (typica). 

Vervein (Thorny Elliptic - rhomboid- 
leaved Climbing Bell) (Hk.4/582, adpd). 
2307 Gmelina Hystrix. 

Vervein (Thorny Ovate-to-obovate-leaved 
Bell) (Hk, 4/582, adpd). 2306 Gmelina 

Vervein (White Golden-druped) (Cag, 
439, adp@). 2303-b. Duranta Plumieri 


INDEX. 993 

Vervein (Four-(3-4)-bracted Capitate 
Bilabiate) Climber (Hk. 4/561, adpd). 
dcexxxvi. Congea (genus). 

Vervein (Six-bracted Capitate Few-lobed- 
flowered) Climber (Hk. 4/561, adpd), 
dcecxxxvi. Sphenodesma (genus). 

Vervein (Six-bracted Capitate Many-lobed 
flowered) Climber (Hk. 4/561, adpd). 
decxxxy. Symphorema (genus). 

Very-long-aentely - bilobed Strap - leaved 
Medium stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/54, 
adpd). 2964 Vanda Wightii. 

Very - long - denticulate Oblong - leaved 
White-!ipped Whitish flowered Galan- 
gal (Hk. 6/256, adpd), "8009 Alpinia 

Very-long- downy - backed Oblong -lance 
leaved Red-and-Yellow - striped-lipped 
Pink-tipped-White-flowered Galangal 
(Hk. 6/256, adpd). 3098 Alpinia nu- 

Very-lonz- drooping-obliquely-emarginate 
Strap-leaved Steamless Orchid (Hk. 
6/10, W.A.I, adpd’. 2945 Cymbidinm 

Very long - glossy (blong - lance - leayed 
Lilac-veined - White - lipped Greenish- 
White-flowered Galangal (Hk. 6/253, 
adpd). 3005 Alpinia Galanga, 

Very long - glossy oblong - lance - leaved 
Pink-lipped Greenish - White-flowered 
Galangal (Hk, 6/254). 3006 Alpinia 

Very long leaved Screw Pine \Hk. 6/484, 
adpd). 3243 Pandanus furcatus. 

Very-long-perfoliate-slightiy-downy Dark 
velvetty-green-purple -backed Oblong- 
lance‘acuminate'leaved Peruvian Eme- 

tic nut (Nic. 2/146, adpd). 1511 
Hoffmannia Ghiesbreghtii. 
Very-long - premorze Strap - leaved 

Stout‘creeping - stemmed Orchid (Hk. 
6/32, W.A.I, adpd). 2953 Rhynchosty- 
lis retusa. 

Very-long-slightly-downy-backed Oblong- 
lance-acuminate-leaved Alpam - root 
(Hk. 5/73, adpd). 2390 Bragantia 

Very-narrow (1/207) Root Orchid (Hk, 
6/76). 2977 Teniophyllum scaberulum. 

Very-obliquely - poly morphous-crenulate- 
normally - obtuse (Multifoliate - (7-9) 
Small-chartaceous) leaved Wampee (Ak. 
1/505, alpd). 396 Clansena indica. 

Very - skort - coriaceous -leaved Dagger 
Orchid (Hk. 5/678, adpd). 2887 Ober- 
onia Falconeri, 

Very-small bristly - nerved-backed- sessile 
Ovate-crenate-acute leaved Conehead 
(Hk. 4/552, adpd). 2209-c Strobilan- 
thes sessilis (Ritchiei). 


Broad-linear-obtuse-leaved Pearly Ever- 
lasting (Hk. 8/286, adpd). 1611 An- 
aphalis Wightiana. 

Very-smal]-downy - glabrate Ovate leaved 
Jasmine (lik, 3/598, adpd). 1760 
Jasminum anustifolinm. 

Very-small - downy Ovate-elliptic- acate- 
leaved Spinous Honey-thorn (Uk, 3/135, 
adpd). 1527 Canthium parvifolium. 

Very-small- elliptic - acuminate Bifoliate 
Pseudobulb Orchid (W.A.I). 2931 
Eria reticulata, 

Very-small Elliptic-acute-leaved Squarish 
branched Chayroot shrub (Hk. 3/55, 
aapd). 1475 Hedyotis travancorica. 

Very-small-elliptic-lanceolate acute Bifol- 
iate Pserdobuly Orchid (Hk. 5/787, 
W.A.I, adpd’. 2932 Hria reticosa, 

Very-smell Elliptic-leaved Yellow throat- 
ed-Blne-Trumpet Vigwort (Nic. 5/164, 
adpd). 2110 Brunfelsia Hopeana, 

Very-small-ensiform - obtuse Multifoliate- 
equitant Fleshy-stemmed Orchid (Hk, 
6/80, W.A.I., adpd). 2980 Podochilus 

Very-small Elliptic-ovate-subacute leaved 
Chay-root Shrub (Hk. 3/52, adpd). 
1473 Hedyotis Beddomei. 

Very-small-elliptic Unifoliate Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/780, adpd). 2930 Trias 

Very-small-fleshy - grey hairy - glabrate 
Oblong-leaved Kambala Tree (Hk. 2/572, 
adpd), 1808 Pemphis acidula. 

Very-small-fleshy Ovate-oblong acute - or- 
apiculate-leaved Ipecamanha Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/42,adpd). 1913 Tylophora 

Very-small-glaucous - backed Oblique- 
obovate-oblong-subacute-leaved Feather- 
foil (Hk. 5/302, adpd), 2566 Phyllan- 
thus longiflorus. 

Very-small Heart-leaved Straight-forked- 
spined Bengal.currant of the Cape 
(Nic. 1/109, adpd). 1805 Carissa 

Very-small-hirsute -glabrate linear-lance- 
acuminate-leaved Spinous Honeythorn 
(Bed. 1/184-5, adpd), 1525-b. Can- 
thium Rheedii (linearis). 

Very -small-leathery Elliptic-lance-cuneate 
acute-leaved straight-spiaed Bengal- 
currant (Hk. 3/631, adpd) 1808 Caris- 
sa paucinervia, 

Very-small-leathery Recurved - margined 
obuvate-obtuge-leaved Offal shrub (Hk. 
aie a adpd). 1583 Lasianthus obova- 

Very-small - leathery Roundish - ovate- 
oblong-leaved Stinking Swallow - wort 

(Hk. 4/20, adpd). 1884. Pentatropis 


Very- small -leaved (Square - branched) 
Chaw stick (Hk, 1/644, adpd). 579 
Helinus lanceolatus, 

Very-small-linear - lance - obtuse - leaved 
Tasmanian Tea (Bth. 3/104, adpd). 
1215 Leptospermum flavescens, 

Very-sma!l lineay-to- oblong - lance obtuse 
leaved Purjle Bubble Pea. (Nic. 2/155 
adpd). 700 Hovea longifolia. 

Very-small linear- lance -pungent leaved 
Vlue Bubble Pea (Nic. 2/155, adpd). 
701 Hovea pungens. ’ 

Very-small -linear - oblong - cleft - tipped 
Multifoliate Joint-stemmed Pseudobulb 
Orchid (Hk. 5/734, W.A.I, adpd). 2913 
Dendrobium Jerdonianum. 

Very-small - linear - oblong Unifoliate 
Pseudobulbous Orchid (Hk. 5/777, 
adpd), 2925 Cirrhepetalum aurenm. 

Very-small-linear-subacute Strap-leaved 
Short-tufted-stemmed Orchid (Hk. 6/60, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2966 Saccolabium Jer- 

Very - small - membranous Dark-purple- 
to-green Ovate-cbtuse-leaved Feather- 
foil (Nic. 3/110, adpd). 2573-c. 
Phyllanthus nivosus (atropurpurea). 

Very-small-membranous-glaucous- backed | 
Elliptic-oblong-leaved Featherfoil (Hk, 
5/296, adpa), 2563 Phyilanthus Les- 

Very-sviall - membranons Rosy - purple- 
mottled - green Ovate - obtuse-leaved 
Featherfoil (Cag. 416, adpd). 2573-b. 
Phyllanthus nivosus (roseopicta). 

Very small-membranous- subsessile Hllip- 
tic - rhombic-or- lance-obtuse-or-cuspi- 
data leuved Calycine Croton (Hk. 
5/402, adpd). 2650 Blachia calycina. 

Very -small-membranous-velvetty-backed- 
drooping Oblique oblong - acvte - leaved 
Featherfoil (Hk. 5/3038, adpd). 2568 
Phyllanthus Wightianus. . 

Very-small-membranous White-or-white- 
mottled-green Ovate-obtuse -leaved 
Featherfoil (Nic. 1/110, adpd). 2573-a. 
Phyllanthus nivosus (typica). 

Very-small-oblanceolate-apiculate Bifoli- 
ate Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/788, 

adpd). 2933 Hria exilis. 
Very-small-ob:anceolata lJeaved Wild Tea 
(Hk. 1/284, adpd), 189-c. Hurya 

japonica (nitida}. 

Very-small-opposite (Spinous) Elliptic. 
entire leaved Anchor Plant (Nic. 1/361, 
adpd). 557 Colletia ferox. 

Very-small-orbicular-ovate-ciliate- cuspid- 
ate Bifoliate Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk, 
5/787, W.A.I, adpd). 2931 (bis.) Eria 

Very-small Ovate leaved Half-star- 
flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/86, adpd). 
62-c. Miliusa indica (montans), 


Very-small-ovate-undulate-acute Bifoliate 
Purplish Pseudobulb Orchid (Hk. 5/199, 
W.A.I, adpd). 2898 Liparis biloba. 

Very-small-papery Broad-elliptic-oblong- 
leaved Fleatherfoil (Hk. 2/296, adpd). 
2562 Phyllanthus Macrei. 

Very-small- papery Elliptic - apicnlate- 
leaved Featherfoil (W.A.I, Bs/T/571, 
adpd), 2571 Phyllanthus chorizandra, 

Very -small- papery Obovate - oblong- 
cuneate-obtuse-leaved Spurge Laurel 
(Hk. 5/195, adpd). 2491 Wikstroemia 

Very-small-papery MRoundish - ovate - to- 
Eliiptic-acute-leaved  Straight-spined 
Bengal-currant (Hk. 3/631, adpd). 
1807 Carissa spinarum. 

Very - small - pellucid - punctate Ovate- 

acuminate -leaved Featherfoil (Hk. 
5/303, adpd). 2567 Phyllanthus 

Very - small - roughly - hairy - subsessile- 
Oblong-obtuse-leaved Twining Bear’s- 
breech (Hk. 4/479, adpd), 2222 
Blepharis molluginifolia. 

Very-smali Kound-serrate-obtuse leaved 
Jujube (Hk. 1/636, adpd). 567 Zizy- 
phus horrida. 

Very-small Roundish-minutely-toothed- 
retuse-or-obtuse-leaved Whortleberry 
(Hk. 3/445, adpd). 1639-b. Vaccinium 
Leschenaultii (rotundifolia). 

Very -smail linear - oblong - obtuse - or- 
apiculate - leaved Strict - branched 
Featherfoil (Hk. 5/290, adpd), 2559 
Phyllanthus polyphyllus. 

Very -sma!l-shaggy-sessile Ovate-crenate- 

acute-leaved Conehead (Hk. 4/452, 
adpd). 2209-a. Strobilanthes sessilis 
(ty pica). 

Very-small-shining Round-dentate leaved 
Prickly Buckthorn (Hk, 1/641, adpd), 
572 Scutia indica. 

Very-small-silky-downy  Elliptic-obtuse- 
leaved Button Tree (Hk. 2/450, adpd). 
1154-c. Anogeissus latifolia (parvifolia). 

Very-small Spathulate-oblong-obtuse 
leaved Downy-branched Justicewort 
(Hk. 4/530, adpd). 2259 Jucticia 

Very-small-subfascicled Roundish-obtuse- 
leave2 Spinous Honey-thorn (Hk. 3/136, 
adpd). 1528 Canthium parviflorum. 

Very-smali-tawny-cottony- backed - sessile 
Recurved -margined Narrow -linear- 
leaved Pearly-everlasting (Hk. 3/286, 
adpd). 1612 Anaphalis marcescens, 

Very-small-thick (Anastomosinig-oblique- 
fine-nerved) Oblique-ovate-lance-to- 
lance-nearly-straight-leaved Fibrous- 
persistent-barked Eucalypt (Bth. 3/2 7, 
adpd). 1193 Eucalyptus piperita. 

Very-small-thick  (Paralle]-obliqne-fine- 
regular-nerved) QOblique-ovate-lance-to- 



lance nearly-straight-leaved SF ibrous- 
persistent-barked Eucalypt (Bth, 3/208, 
adpd). 1184 Eucalyptus eugenioides. 

Very - small-to-medium Polymorphous- 
leaved Racenie-flowered Wild Lime 
(Hk. 1/518, adpd). 406 Atalantia 
zey lanica, 

Very-small-to-small rigid Terete-pungent- 
tipped-leaved Needle-wood (Bth. 5/514, 
adpd). 2485 Hakea acicularis. 
Oblong - Jarce - entire - or - serrate - re- 
curved margined-obtuse-leaved Austra- 
lian Honey-suckle (Bth, 5/559, adpd), 
2190 Banksia marginata. 

Very-small-Trinerved-subylaucous Oboy- 
ate-oblony-obtuse-leaved ‘Tasmanian 
Tea (Bth. 3/103, adpd). 1216 Lepto- 
spermum lavigatum, 

Very -small-velvetty linear-spathulate- 
obtuse leaved Quassia (Hk, 1/522, 
adpd). 432 Suriana maritima, 

Very-small-woolly-backed Roundish ellip- 
tic-ovate-serrate-obtuse leayed Jujube 
(Hk, 1/682, adpd). 561 Zizyphus Jujuba. 

Very-small-wool'y-ciliate Roundish-obov- 
ate - crenate-obtuse-leaved Bastard 
Lavender (Hk. 4/628, adpd). 2340 
Anisochilus paniculatus. 

Very-small-woolly Round-ovate-serrate- 
obtuse leaved Jujube (Hk. 1/633, adpd). 
563 Zizyphus nummularia. 

Very-small-woolly-thick oblong-crenulate- 
obtuse-leaved Bastard Lavender (Hk. 
4/627, adpd). 2338 Anisochilus seaber, 

Very small-woolly Ovate-oblong-crenate- 
ohtuse-leaved Bastard Lavender (Hk. 
4/628, adpd). 2339 Aniscchilus Wightii. 

Very-stout-petioled (Medium - leathery) 
Elliptic-cuspidate-leaved Honey-thorn 
(Hk. 3/133, adpd). 1522 Canthium 

Vettilay (McL. 676). 2406 Piper Betle. 

Vibert (Aimée) Kose (Nic. 3/825) (Cag. 
602) (Ru/N/92, 0/18) (Mu. 56) (Hod), 
1108-a. Resa Noisettiana (nivea), 

Vibrating-auricled Tick Trefoil 
813, adpd). 809 Desmodium gyrans, 

Vicontesse- de Cizes Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Cag. 601) (Hod). 1105-£. Rosa odo- 
rata (lutea-intus-cuprea). 

Vicontesse-de-Paul Néron Rose (Mu. 56). 
1108-e. Rosa Noisettiana (citrina). 

Victoria (Apple Tree of) (Bth. 3/244), 
1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Victoria (Bastard Mahogany of) (Bth. 
8/229) (Bs/I/328). 1175 Eucalyptus 

Victoria (Swamp Maboginy of (Bth. 
3/229). 1175 Eucalyptus botryoides. 
Victoria (Flooded Gum of) (Bth, 3/201). 

1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora, 

Victoria (Messmate Tree of) (Bth. 3/204 

Bs|T/327). 1190 Eucalyptus obliqua. 




Victoria (Mountain White Gam of) (Bth, | Vine (Bracted Tree) (MeL. 751, adpd). 

3/201). 1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora, 

Victoria (Native Fuchsia of) (Bth, 1/354). 
376 Correa speciosa. 

Victoria (Peppermint of) (Bth. 3/201). 
1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora. 
Victoria (Peppermint Tree of Tasmania 
aud) (Bth, 3/202) (Gbl. 354), 1192 

Eucalyptus amygdalina. 

Victoria (Spotted Gum of Twofold-Bay 
and) (Bth. 3/200). 1194 Eucalyptus 

Victoria (White Gum of) (Bth. 3/244). 
1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Victoria (Bastard Box of) 
South - Wales (Bth. 3/215). 
Bucalyptus bicolor. 

Victoria Blood Wood (McL. 99) (Bs/ 
T. 327). 1176 Eucalyptus corymbosus. 
Victoria Box Tree (Bth. 3/240). 1186 

Bucalyptus viminalis. 

Victoria Devoniensis Rose (Cag. 600) 
(Mu. 56). 1103-c. Rosa odorata 

Victoria Peppermint Gum (Bth. 3/240). 
1186 Eucalyptus viminalis. 

Victoria Weeping Gum (Bth. 3/240). 
1186 Hucalyptus viminalis. 

Victoria Myall (Muell S.P) (H/B.F) 
(Bth. 2/383) (Gbl. 291). 1025 Acacia 

Victor’s Laurel 
Laurus nobilis. 

Victor Verdier Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/ 
94, 0/22) (Po). 1107-k. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (kermesina-r( seo-suffusa). 

Villoug Acuminate Ovate leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk. 4/188, adpd). 2000 Argy- 
reia Leschenaultit. 

Villous-branched (Small-downy-subsessile 
Hlliptic-lance acute-leaved) Tronweed 
(Hk. 3/286, adpd). 1698 Vernonia 

Villous (Large) Elliptic leaved Silver- 
weed (Hk. 4/189, adpd). 2001 Argyreia 

Villous Heart leaved Silver-weed (Hk. 
4/189, adpd). 2003 Argyreia hirsuta. 
Vine Family (Br. 35) (L/N/S/B). XX XVII. 

Ampelidacez (Order). 

Vine (Mc. 32) (Cag. 267) (Mu) (FAR. 4). 
595 Vitis vinifera. 

Vine (McL. 283) (Nic. 4/184) (8. 451, 
458). cuxxxvi. Vitis (genus). 

Vine (Balloon) (Mch. 484, 611) (Rid. 112) 
(Cag. 632). 623 Cardiospermum Halicac- 

Vine (Betel) (MeL. 86, 676) (Bs/T. 523). 
2406 Piper Betle. 

and New- 

(S. 258, 450). 2448 

Vine (Betel Jeaf) (McL, 676), 2406 
Piper Betle. 
Vine (Boston Ivy) (Po). 581 Vitis 


620 Leea robusta. 

Vine (Bristle - toothed Woolly Heart) 
Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 690 Vitis 

Vine (Bristly Trifoliate) (Mch. 564, adpd). 
598 Vitis setosa. 

Vine (Callous-toothed Woolly Heart) 
(McL. 82, adpd). 596 Vitis indica. 

Vine (Coarse-toothed Heart) (McL. 283, 
adpd). 576 Vitis pallida. 

Vine (Cobwebby ‘Trifoliate) (McL. 564, 
adpd). 605 Vitis araneosus. 

Vine (Common Grape) (Nic. 4/188). 595 
Vitis vinifera. 

Vine (Crenate Heart) (Mc. 283, adpd). 
587-b. Vitis glauca (courtallica). 

Vine (Crimson Cypress) (McL. 362) 
(Cat. 476). 2019 Ipomea Quamoclit. 
Vine (Cross) (S. 51). 


Vine {Curly winged Tree) (McL. 751, 
adpd). 615 Leea crispa. 

Vine (Cypress) (McL. 362) (8.127) (Rid. 
69). 2019 Ipomeza Quamoclit. 

Vine (Diverse Jeaved Trifoliate) (MeL, 564, 
adpd). 597 Vitis Rheedii. 

Vine (Downy-branchletted Trifoliate) 
(Hk. 1/654, adpd). 599 Vitis carnosa. 
Vine (Downy Qnuinquefoil) (McL. 490, 

adpd). 607 Vitis auriculata. 

Vine (Downy Trifoliate) (McL. 564, adpd). 
600 Vitis canarensis. 

Vine (Elder Wood Tree) (McL. 751, 
adpd). 617 Leea sambucina. 

Vine (false Arbor) (Cooke 2/251, adpd), 
2049 Ipomeea kentrocaulos. 

Vine (Flat branched Quinquefoil) (McL. 
564, adpd). 606 Vitis elongata. 

Vine (Fleshy) (McL. 564). 599 Vitis 

Vine (Fleshy Trifoliate) (McL. 564, adpd). 
599 Vitis carnosa. 

Vine (Fleshy Wild) (Br. 36). 599 Vitis 

Vine (Giant Woolly Heart) (McL. 564, 
adpd). 588 Vitis gigantea, 

Vine (Glabrous Lobed) (McL. 32, adpd). 
594, Vitis latifolia. 

Vine (Glaucous stemmed Heart) (McL. 
283, adpd). 587 Vitis glauca. 

Vine (Glory) (Nic. 1/348). 
Clianthus (genus). 

Vine (Glossy Trifoliate) (McL. 564, adpd). 
60] Vitis Roxburghii. 

Vine (Golden) (Nic. 3/503) (S. 416). cxxx. 
Stigmaphyllon (genus). 

Vine (Granadilla) (Br. 89). 1858 Passi- 
flora quadrangularis. ; 

Vine (Grape) (McL. 32, 484) (S. 186, 456) 
(Br. 36) (Cat. 74) (Ru/N/52, 71, 0/9). 
595 Vitis vinifera, 

delxxxviii. Bignonia 



Vine (Grape-flower) (S. 460) (Nic. 4/218) 
eclxxxyiii. Wistaria (genns). 
Vine (Groove branched Quinquefoil) 
(McL. 564, adpd). 610 Vitis sulcata. 
Vine (Hairy Wild) (McL. 685) (Br. 36). 
598 Vitis setosa 

Vine (Heart leaved) (MeL. 
Vitis lanata. 

Vine (Heart leaved Trifoliate) (McL. 564, 
adpd). 602 Vitis semicordata. 

Vine (Ice) (McL. 362). 

Vine (Iguana’s foot) (McL. 564, adpd), 
611 Vitis pedata. 

Vine (Indian Grape) (McL. 382). 
Vitis indica. 

Vine (Indian Grape-flower) (Hk. 2/57, 
104, S. 460, adpd). clxxxix. Millettia 

564), 593 

91 Cissampelos 


Vine (Indian Rubber) (McL. 363). 1870 
Cryptostegia grandiflora. 
Vine (Indian Wild) (McL. 32). 596 

Vitis indica. 

Vine (Ivy leaved Cypress) (S. 218). 
2028-2. Ipomea hederacea (coccinea). 
Vine (Ivy-like Heart) (McL. 283, adpd). 

583 Vitis repens. 

Vine (Japan ivy) (Po). 581 Vitis 
Vine (Jungle Grape) (McL. 32). 594 

Vitis latifolia. 

Vine (Large Woolly lobed) (MchL. 564, 
adpd). 6592 Vitis tomentosa. 

Vine (Leathery Heart) (McL. 283, adpd). 
585. Vitis Heyneana. 

Vine (Lesser Balloon) (McL. 611, adpd). 
624 Cardiospermum Canescens. 

Vine (Membranous leaved Quinquefoil) 
(Mch. 564, adpd). 608 Vitis tenuifolia. 

Vine (Multifoliate-(7-S) long-leathery- 
velvetty - backed Oblance - cuspidate 



leaved Grape-flower) (Hk. 2/104, adpd). | 

765 Millettia splendens. 

Vine (Multifoliate-(7—-9)-long-membranous- 
thinly-silky Obovate-obtuse-or-cuspid- 
ate leaved Grape-flower (Hk. 2/i08, 
adpd). 767 Millettia auriculata. 

Vine (Multifoliate-(5-7)-medium-to-long- | 

leathery-velvetty-backed Obovate cus- 
pidate leaved Grape-fiower (Hk, 2/104, 
adpd). 764 Millettia rubiginosa. 

Vine (Multifoliate - (138-15) - small - sub- 
membranous. glabrate Obovate - acute 
leaved Grape flower) (Hk. 2/105, adpa). 
766 Millettia racemosa. 

Vine (Paun) (MeL. 676). 

Vine (Pedately Seven leaved) (Mech. 564, 
adpd). 611 Vitis pedata. 
Vine (Pepper) (Gbl. 554). 

Piper (genus). 

Vine (Pepper) (McL. 676) (Rox. 1/150) 

(El, 447) (PA, 64), 2411 Piper nigrom. 

2406 Piper 


INDEX. 997 

Vine (Pinnate-leaved Tree) (Hk. 1/664, 

adpd). ccxxxviii. Leea (genus). 

Vine (Pipe) (S. 331). 2401 Aristolochia 

Vive (Pointed Trifoliate) (McL. 564, 
adpi). 603 Vitis avamallayana., 

Vine (Quite-glabrous Trifoliate) (Hk. 

1/653, adpd). 597 Vitis Rheedii. 

Vine (Red) (McL. 82). 596 Vitis indica. 

Vine (Red Bead) (McL. 360). 810 Abrus 

Vine (Kepand leaved Tree) (McL. 751, 
adpd). 613 Leea cinerea. 

Vine (Repand Woolly Heart) (McL. 569, 
adpd). 589 Vitis repanda. 

Vine (Rough Hairy Tree) (McL. 751, 
adpd). 622 Leea hirta. 

Vine (Scabrid Tree) (MeL. 751, adpd). 
616 Leea aspera. 

Vine (Sessile leaved Tree) (McL. 75], 
adpd). 614 Leea coriacea. 

Vine (Shrubby Grape-flower) (Hk. 2/57, 
110, S. 460, adpd). cclxec. Mundnlea 

Vine (Simple leaved Tree) (McL. 751, 
adpd). 612 Leea macrophylia. 

Vine (Small Downy Lobed) (McL. 564, 
994, adpd). 591 Vitis Linnzi. 

Vine (Southern Ghauts Tree) (McL. 751, 
adpd). 618 Leea Wightii. 

Vine (Spanish Arbor) (Cooke 2/251) 

(Cag. 477). 2050 Ipomzea tuberosa. 
Vine (Spear leaved Golden) (Nic. 3/503). 
358 Stigmaphyllon aristatum. 

| Vine (Square Stalked) (Br. 36). 582 
Vitis quadrangularis. 
Vine (Staff) (S. 84). cexvili. Celastrus 


Vine (Tendril peduncled Woolly Tri- 

foliate) (McL. 564, adpd). 604 Vitis 
Vine (Tree) (McL. 751, adpd). cexxxvii. 

Leea (genus). 

Vine (Umbrella Tree) (Mech. 751, adpd). 
621 Leea umbraculifera, 

Vine (Untoothed Tree) (McL. 571, adpd). 
Leea integrifolia, 

Vine (Variegated Heart) (McL. 
adpd). 584 Vitis discolor. 

Vine (Woolly Heart leaved Trifoliate) 
(Hk. 1/657, adpd). 604 Vitis divari- 

Vine (Warty barked Quinquefoil) (McL. 
564, adpd). 609 Vitis lanceclaria. 

Vine (Wild) (McL. 362). 91 Cissampel- 
os Pareira, 

Vine (Wongawonga) of Australian (Nic. 
4/12). 2129 Tecoma australis. 


| Vine (Woolly Heart) (McL. 564, adpd). 


593 Vitis lanata, 

Vine leafed Bendy (Mch. 84, 948). 239 
(bis.) Hibiscus vitifolius. 

Vine leaved Rose Mallow (Mch. 84, 943, 
adpd}. 239 (bis.) Hibiscus vitifolins, 


Vinegar Wood (Gbl. 607, adpd). 2607 
Bischofia javanica. 

Vineworts (McL. 1003), XXXVII, Am- 
pelidaceze (Order). 

Violet Family (Nic. 4/183) (Br. 12) 
(L/N/S/B). VILL. Violacez (Order). 
Vivlent Arrowroot (McL. 461). 3000 

Costus speciosus, 

Violet (Great) Brazilian Spider Flower 
(Nic. 3/162, 5/608) (3/431). 1306 
Tibouchina semidecandrum., 

Violet-centred Purple Leaf Cactus (Nic. 
1/515). 13874-i. Epiphyllum truncatum 

Violet-edged Crimson-tinted Scarlet 
Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Cag. 594) 

(Ru/O/21) (Po). 1107-i. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (coccinea-puniceo-suffu- 

Violet-edged White Leaf Cactus (Nic. 
1/515). 1374-e. Epiphylum truncatum 

Violet-flowered (Medium-downy oblong- 
ovate-coarse - toothed- acuminate - leav- 
ed) Horn-Cardinal Shrub (Nic. 3/488, 
adpd). 1687 Siphocampylus hamatus. 

Violets (Queea of the) Heliotrope (Ooty. 
295). 1988 Heliotropium peruvianum. 

Violet (Red and) Passion Flower (Nic, 
3/31). 1353 Passiflora laurifolia. 

Violet Purple Hybrid-perpetual Rose 
(Ru/N/93, 0/22) (Mu, 54) (Hod). 1107- 
m., Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (pur- 

to) Hybrid-perpetual Rose (Cag. £95) 
(Mu/58) (Ru/N/92, 0/21) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-j. Rosa hybrida semperflorens 
(punicea-coccineo-suffusa-violaceo-pur - 

Violet (Rosy to) Purple ‘Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Rujo/18) (Mu. 64). 1105-p. 
Rosa odorata (purpurea-roseo-violacea). 

Violet (Hawtayne’s) Rainbow Creeper 
(McL. 371). 2162-a, Thunbergia Haw- 
tayneana (typica). 

Violet (Shrubby) Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
371, adpd), 2163-a. Thunbergia erecta 
(ty pica). 

Violet-scented Root Plant (Treas, Bot. 
1/00). 347 Hugonia Mystax. 

Violetwort Ceylon Leafy) (Nic. 1/54, MeL. 
1007, adpd). 123 Alsodeia zeylanica. 

Violetwort (Medium-hairy-gland-axilled- 
Ovate-lance serrate-cuspidate leaved) 
(Bed. 2/229, adpd). 123 Alsodeia zey- 

Violetworts (Mch. 1007). VIII. Vio- 
lacez (Order). 

Viper (Clove scented) Dog-bane (Cag. 
499, adpd). 1860 Agunosma caryo- 

Viper (Densely Cymed) Dog-bane (Rox, 
2/16, adpa). 1861 Aganosma cymosa, 


Viper (Large leaved) Dog-bane (Rid. 115, 
adpd). 1858 Chonemorpha wmacro- 

Viper (Panicled) Dog-bave (Rox, 122, Br. 
128, adpd). 1864 Anodendron panic- 

Viper (Red-nerved-leaved ovate-petalled) 
Dog bane (Hk. 3/664, adpd), 1859 
(bis.) Aganosma calycina, 

Viper (Slender fruited) Dog-bane (Nic. 
1/508, 2/173, adpd). 1865 Ichnocar- 
pus frutescens. 

Viper (Sinall flowered) Dog-bane (Rox. 
2/20, adpd). 1862 Epigynum parvi- 

Viper (fail leaved) Dog-bane (Rid. 122, 
adpd). 1859 Aganosma marginata. 

Virginia Creeper (Nic. 1/65) (Cag. 638) 
(S. 453, 456). 580 Vitis hederacea. 

Virginia Pencil Cedar (Gbl. 697). 2822 
Juniperus virginiana. 

Virginia Ked Cedar (Gbl. 
Juniperus virginiana. 

Virginia (Veitch’s) Creeper (8.456). 581 
Vitis inconstans. 

Virginian Juniper (Br. 209). 2822 Juni- 
perus virginiana, 

697). 2822 

Virginian Poke Family (L/N/S/B). XC. 
Phytolaccaceze (Order). 
Virginian Silk (McL. 26), 1866 Hemi- 

desmus indicus (?). 

Virgin’s Bower (Nic. 1/837) (Cag. 671) 
(Loud.) (S. 453). i Clematis (genus). 
Virgin’s (Biternate leaved) Bower (Hk. 

1/4, adpd). 6 Clematis Gouriana. 
Virgin’s (Calycine Apetalous) Bower (Hk, 
1/1, adpd). i. Clematis (genus), 
Virgin’s’ (Common European) Bower 
(Cag. 677). 1 Clematis Flammula. 
Virgin’s (Common Indian) Bower (Cag, 
667, adpd). 6 Clematis Gouriana. 
Virgin’s (Creamy Bell flowered) Bower 
(Hk. 1/5, adpd). 9 Clematis natans, 
Virgin’s (Decompound leaved) Bower 
(Hk.1/5, adpd). 9 Clematis nutans. 
Virgin’s (Linear petalled) Bower (Hk. 
1/1, adpd). ii, Naravelia (genus). 
Virgin’s (Pinnate leaved) Bower (Hk. 1/4, 
a’pd). 7 Clematis hedysarifolia. 
Virgin’s (Silky Pinnate leaved) Bower 
(Hk.1/5,adpd). 8 Clematis Wightiana. 
Virgin’s (Simple Heart leaved) Bower 
(ik. 1/3, adpd). Clematis smilaci- 

Virgin’s (Simple trilobate leaved) Bower 
(tk. 1/8, adpd). 5 Clematis triloba. 
Virgin’s (Tendrilled Bifcliolate leaved) 
Bower (Hk. 1/6, adpd). 10 Naravelia 


Virgin’s (Sky-blue) Bower of Japan (Nic. 
1/338). 3  lematis patens (czrulea). 
Virgin’s (Large flowered) Bower of 
Sierra-Leone (Nic. 1/389), 2 Clematis 



Viscid-stipuled (Medium - membranous) 
Ovate - acuminate - leaved Chay - root) 
Shrub or Climber (Hk, 8/59, adpd). 
1477 Hedyotis viscida. 

Viscount - Canterbury’s Lieut. - Colonel 
Kent’s Palm {Nic. 2/218), 3128 Hedy- 
scepe Canterburyana, 

Viscous-spiked (Diandrous) Panicled 
Christmas Pride (Hk. 4/426, adpd), 
2174-a.  Stenosiphonium  diandrum 
(ty picum). 

Viscous-spiked (VTetrandrous) Panicled 
Christmas Pride (Hk, 4/427, adpd). 
2174-b.  Stenosiphonium  diandrum 

Vishnoocraunty (McL. 987). 838 Cl- 
torea Ternatea. 

Vishnoopriyam (McL. 987). 1836 Taber- 
nemontana coronaria. 
Vishnoo’s Tree (McL. 673). 2739 Ficus 


Vitex (Three leaved) (Br. 168). 2308 
Vitex trifolia, 
Vitex (Wing leaved) (Br. 168). 2311 

Vitex alata. 

Vitis-sativa of the Romans (McL. 31), 
595 Vitis vinifera. 

Vi Tree (McL. 626), 684 Spondias 

Voa Vanga of Madagascar (L/N/S/B). 
1529-c, Vangueria spinosa (edulis). 

Voa Vanguer of Madagascar (Nic. 4/136). 
1529-c. Vangueria spinosa (edulis). 

Volkameria (Kauempfer’s) (Br. 166), 2219 
Clerodendron squamatum. 

Volkameria (Smooth) (McL. 783). 2315 
Clerodendron inerme. 

Voluted Croton (u/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-J. Codizum variegatum 

Voluted (Crimson-midribbed Golden- 
veined Narrow-green) Croton (Nic. 
1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu). 2646-Jb. Codi- 
zum yariegatum (volutum), 

Voluted (Crimson-midribbed-and-veined 
Yellow-centred Broad-green) Croton 
(Nic, 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Jc. Codizum variegatum (recur- 

Voluted (Sulphur-margined-and-veined 
Olive-green Large) Croton (Nic. 5/251) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ja. 
Codizeum variegatum (contortum). 

Volated - tipped Crimson - and - yellow- 
spotted Dark-green Trilobe Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ki. 
Coaizum variegatum (trlobum-Dor- 

Vomit nut (McL. 515). 

Vomit Nut (McL. 2138, 690) (Ell. 536) 
(Pf. 145). 1962. Strychnos nux- 

dexlv. Strychnos 


Vomiting Swallow-wort (McL. 860) 
1916 Tylophora asthmatica, 

Vuckanay (McL. 304). 1699 Diospyros 


Wad (MchL. 72). 2726 Ficus benga- 

Wagantee (McL, 125). 106 Capparis 

Wogaty (McL. 995, 1018). 945 Wagatea 

Walbiling (McL. 14), 428 Ailanthus 

Walking-stick Bignonia (Mcl. 982), 
2161 Stereospermum xylocarpum. 

Walking-stick Rattan (McL, 741, 1001). 
3207 Calamus viminalis. 

Walking-stick Trumpet Tree (Mch. 982, 
adpd). 2151 Stereospermum  xylo- 

Wallich’s Buffalo Nut (Nic. 3/258). 
Scleropyrum Wallichianum. 

Wallieh’s Edible Dwarf Rattan (Nic. 
4/235, adpd). 3222 Zalacca edulis, 

Walnut (Belgaum) (McL. 438) (Ell. 37) 
(Cat. 255) (Bed. 2/276) (Gbl. 618) 
(Bdn/E.1T) (W. 34). 2633 Aleurites 


Walnut (Bengal) (McL. 84, 430), 2633 
Aleurites moluccana, 
Walnut (Country) (McL. 2387, 438), 2633 

Aleurites molaccana. 

Walnut (Indian) (McL. 438) (Bs/T/576) 
(Cat. 255) (Cag. 217). 26383 Aleurites 

Wainut (Otaheite) McL. 438), 2633: 
Aleurites moluccana, 
Walsoora (McL. 994, 1020).  clxxxvi, 

Walsura (venus). 

Waltham (Beauty of) Rose (Ru/N/92, 
0/18) (Hod) (Po) (Nic. 3/824) (Cag. 
5£6) (Mu. 52). 1107-j. Rosa bybrida- 
semperflorens (punicea-roseo-suftusa), 

Waltham (Pride of) Rose (Ru/N/96, 0/22) 
Ma. 54). 1107-f. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (carnea-roseo-sufiusa). 

Waltham (Queen of) Rose (Ru/Q/22) 
(Mu. 54). 1707-g. Rosa hybrida-sem- 
perflorens (rosea-cerasirubro-suffusa). 

Waltham (Starot) Rose (Nic. 3/824) (Mu. 
54). J107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (punicea-ro-eo-suffusa). 

Wampee (Hr. 27) (Cag. 274) (Rid, 118) 
(Nic, 1/371). 3895 Clausena Wampi. 

Wam pee (Axil-flowered Shrubby Indian) 
(Hx. 1/506, adpd). 897 OlJausena 

Wampee (Beddome’s larger-berried Axil- 
flowered Arboreous (Bed. 1/45, adpd). 
397-c, Clausena Willdenovii (dulcis). 




Wampee (Common-glabrous Axil-flowered. 
shrubby) (Hk. 1/506, adpd). 397-2. 
Clausena Willdenovii. 

Wampee (Downy Axil-flowered Shrubby) 
(Hk. 1/506, adpd). 397-b. Clausena 
Willdenovii (pubescens). 

Wampee (Downy leaved False) (Hk. 1/501, 
adpa). 391 Micromelum pubescens. 

Wampee (Multifoliate-(7-9) Medinm-mem- 
branous Ovate-lance-subentire-acumin- 
ate-leaved) (Hk. 1/5041, adpd). 394 
Clausena heptaphylla. 

Wampee (Multifoliate-(7-9) Small-chart- 
aceous Very-obliquely - polyporphous- 
crenulate-normally-obtuse-leaved) (Hk. 
1/505, adpd), 396 Clausena indica. 

Wampee (Multifoliate-(9-15) Smali-downy 
Ovate-waved-acuminate-leaved False) 
(Hk. 1/502, Bed. 1/43, adpd). 891-b. 
Micromelum pubescens (angustifolia). 

Wampee (Multifoliate. (5-18) Small mem- 
branous obliquely - ovate - crenulate- 
obtuse-to-caudate-leaved) (Hk. 1/606, 
adpd). 897Clausena Willdenovil. 

Wampee (Quinquefoliate Medium-downy- 
ovate - waved - acuminate - leaved False 
(Hk. 1/502, Bed. 1/43, adpd). 391-a. 
Micromelam pubescens (integerrima). 

Wampee (Bengai) Shrub (Nic. 1/371, Hk. 
1/504, adpd). 394 Clausena heptaphylla. 

Wampee Tree (Nic. 1/371). cli. Clausena 

Wampee (Chinese) Tree (Nic. 1/871, Hk. 
1/505, Bed. 1/45). 845 Clausena 

Wampee (Indian) Tree (Hk. 1/505, adpd). 
396 Clausena indica. 

Wangara of Gippsland (Bs/T/327). 1192 
Eucalyptus amygdalina. 

Wangee (MeL. 107). 

Waratah of New-South-Wales (8th. 5/534) 

2084 Solanum 

(Gbl. 575). 2487 Telopea speciosissima. 
Warratau of New-South-Wales  (Bth. 
5/534) (Bed. 1/177). 2487 Telopea 


Warrior’s Laure] of the Ancients (Muell. 
S.P) (Mch. 1041). 2443 Laurus nobilis. 

Warscewicz’s Red Prickled White Brinjal 
(Nic. 3/456). 2089 Solanum Warsce- 

Wart berried Blunt leaved Mistletoe (MeL. 
683, adpd), 2517 Viscum verruculosum, 

Warty Barked Quinquefoil Vine (Mch. 
564, adpd). 609 Vitis Janceolaria. 

Warty (Large) Berried Spindle Climber 
(Hk. 1/627, adpd). 552 Salacia retic- 

Warty-branched (long-subglabrous-lineo- 
late Twelve-(8-!6-prs)-nerved — elliptic- 
crenate - acuminate-leaved) Conehead 
(Hk. 4/451, adpd). 2212 (bis.) Strob- 
ilanthes callosus. 


Warty capsuled Lance Wood (McL. 510; 
adpd). 288 Pterospermum obtusifolium- 

Warty capsuled Spurious Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/379, adpd). 305 Leptonychia 
moacurroides. ‘ 

Washing Pod Tree (Mch. 844). 
Acacia concinna. 

Washing Tree (McL. 840). 

Watson’s Accra Rubber (Cat. 190, 254, 
adpd). 1804 Landolphia Watsoniana, 

Water Ailanto (?). delxxxiy. Dolichandrone 

Water Cadamba (McL. 112, 473, 996). 
1440 Stephegyne parvifolia. 

Water Cane (McL. 751). 3207 Calamus, 

Water Caung (Mch. 144, 478). 

Water Croton (McL. 802, adpd). 
Homonoia (genus). 

Water (Wedge leaved) Croton (Mch. 302, 
adpd). 2692 Homonoia retusa. 

Water (Willow leaved) Croton (MeL. 802, 
adpd). 2691 Homonoia riparia. 

Water Fern (Mu. 58). 8379 Acrostichum 

Water Filter Nut (McL. 189). 
Strychnos potatorum, 

Water Fruit (McL. 79). 

Water Gum Tree (Nic. 
Tristania neriifolia, 

Water Ixora (Mch. 44). 
indica (?). 

Water Janmoon (Mch. 379, 386, 995). 
1229 Hugenia Munronii. 

Water Lemon (Nic. 3/31) (Br. 86) (Muell. 


1050 Albizzia 

203 Hopea 


1111 Cydoni 
4/98). 1221 

977 Saraca 

S.P). 1353 Passiflora laurifolia. 

Water (Wild) Lemon (Nic. 3/8)). 1351 
Passiflora foetida. 

Water (Tree) Lily (MeL. 901) (?), 1491 

Webera corymbosa (?). 

Water Long Pepper (McL. 171). 2702 
Sapium sebiferum, 

Water Myrobalan (McL, 362). 
courtia catapbracta. 

Water Notchy (McL. 596, 678, 864, 930, 
99%). 280” Vitex trifolia. 

Water Feacock’s Foot Tree (McL. 310, 
adpd). 2314 Vitex leucoxylon. 
Water Pink (McL. 755) (Ell. 528). 3279 
Spinifex squarrosus. 
Water Rattan (McL. 751). 

Waiter Reed (Nic. 5/88), mxxxvi, Arundo 
(genus). ; 

Water Root (McL. 812). 388 Asparagus 

Water Spring (Labillardiére’s) Joy (Nic. 
1/317, Treas. Bot. 1/277). CCCXXXY. 
Chorizema (genus). 

185 FPla- 

8209 Calamus 


Water-spring Palm of Tropical Australia 
(Nic. 2/165). cmlxxix. Hydriastale 

Water (Scarlet) Squirt Tree (Cag. 453). 
2137 Spathodea campanulata. 

Water Tamarind (McL. 844, 874) (?). 787 
4Eschynomena aspera. 

Water Wood Apple (McL. 580) (? Triune 
leaf Tree). 101 Crateva religiosa (?). 
Wattevilla (Madame-de) Rose (Nic. 3/324) 
(Ru/N/95) (Ma. 55). 1195-d. Ros odo- 

rata (albidaintus-cinnabarina). 

Wattle (H/E.F) (McL. 1021) (8. 2). 
ecelxyii. Acacia (genus). 
Wattle (Angular branched racemed 

Phyllode) (McL. 2/314, 388, adpd). 1016 
Acacia melanoxylon. 

Wattle (Australian) (W.a). 1016 Acacia 

Wattle (Australian) (Bs/8/256, NLGS) 
(W. 63). 1018 Acacia dealbata. 

Wattle (Axillary Bipinnate) (Bth. 2/31”, 
416, adpd). 1026 Acacia pulchella. 

Wattle (Axillary Phyllode) (Bth. 2/318, 
383, adpd). 1025 Acacia homalophylla 

Wattle (Bailey’s) (Nic. 5/4). 1024 Acacia 

Wattle (Black) (Bth. 2/415) (Muell. 5.P) 
(H./E.F) (Cat. 123). 1017 Acacia 

Wattle (Broad leaf) (H/E.F) (Gbl. 301). 
1022 Acacia pycnantha. 

Wattle (Broad-podded Plurinervose Phyl- 
lode) (Bth. 2/214, 388, adpd). 1016 
Acacia melanoxylon. : 

Wattle (Common) (Gbl. 301). 1017 Acacia 

Wattle (Downy Shruobby Axillary Phyl- 
lode) (Bth. 2/307, 347, adpd). 1023 
Acacia arenata, 

Wattle (Enervese Phyllode) (Bth. 2/313, 
384, adpd). 1625 Acacia homalophy lla, 

Wattle (Glabrous racemed Bipinnate) 
(Bth. 2/318, 414, adpd). 1017 Acacia 

Wattle (Golden) (Mueil. S.P) (H/E.F) 
(Gbl. 291). 1022 Acacia pycnantha. 
Wattle (Green) (Bth. 2/415), 1017 Acacia 

Wattle (Green) (Muell. 8.P) (H/E.F). 
1022 Acacia pycnantha. 

Wattle (Lanceolata Uninervose Phyliode) | 

(Bth. 2/807, 347, adpd). 

Wattle (Long Narrow Uninervose Phyl- 
lode) (Bth. 2/309, 358, adpd). 1021 
Acacia stricta. 

Wattle (Narrow podded Plurinervose 
Phyllode) (Bth. 2/314, 389, adpd), 1: 20 
Acacia implexa. 

Wattle (Obliquely obovate Uninervose 
Phyllode) (Bth. 2/312, 373, adpd). 1019 
Acacia brachybotriya. 

1023 Acacia 


Wattle (Shrubby Axillary Phyllode) (Bth’ 
2/309, 358, adpd), 1021 Acacia stricta: 

| Wattle (Sickle-shaped Uninervose Phyl- 

lode) (Bth. 2/310, 865, adpd). 1022 
Acacia pycnantha, 

Wattle (Silver) (Bth, 2/415) (Muell. 8.P) 
H/E.F) (Nic. 1/5) (8.401) (Bs/T/269) 
(Gbl. 301) (Cag. 629) (Ooty, T.S. 1). 
1018 Acacia dealbata. 

Wattle (Silvery racemed Bipinnste) (Bth. 
2/318, 415, adpd). 1013 Acacia deal- 

Wattle (Silvery racemed Phyllode) (Bth. 
2/13, 373, adpd). 1019 Acacia brachy- 

Wattle (Selenderly racemed Phyllode) 
(Bth. 2/314, 389, adpd). 1020 Acacia 

Wattle (Soap Pod) (McL. 844), 
Acacia concinna. 

Wattle (Stoutly racemed Phyllode) (Bth, 
2/310, 365, adpd). 1022 Acacia 

Wattle (West Australian Bipinnate) (Bth. 
2/319, 416, adpd). 1026 Acacia pul- 

Wattle (White) (Gbl. 301) (W. Oa) (Ooty. 
T.S. 1). 1018 Acacia dealbata. 

Wattle (Racemed Bipinnate) of Queensland 
(Nie. 5/4,adpd). 1024 Acacia Baileyana. 

Wattle (Black) of the Nilgiris (Gbl. 301). 
1016 Acacia melanoxylon. 

Waved leaved Fig (Mck. 78). 

Wave leaved Fig (Pf. 347). 
Sphalm] 2743 Ficus infectoria. 

Waved (Glossy long) leaved Fig (MeL. 78, 
adpd), 2741 Ficus Tjakela. 

Waved (Jointed) leaved Fig (McL. 73, 
adpd). 2743 Ficus infectoria, 

Waved leaved Fig of Queensland (Bth. 
6/165, adpd). 2745 Ficus Cunnin- 

Wavy ieaved Fern Palm (Nic. 5/276). 
2876 Cycas nudulata. 

Wavy leaved Spindle Tree (Hk. 1/609, 


2743 Ficus 


adpd). 517 Ruonymus dichtomus. 
Wawelee (McL. 358). 2710 Holoptelea 

Wax-coated Spineless Fan Palm (Nic. 
1/371, adpd). 3176 Copernicia cerifera. 

Wax (Carnauba) Fan Pali (Muell. §.P). 
3176 Copernicia. cerifera. 

Wax Flower (McL. 124). 

Wax Flower (McL. 896) (Br. 125) (Rid. 
158). 1836 Tabernzemontana coronaria. 

Wax Flower (Nic. 2/155) (S. 204) (Cag. 
495). dexxxviii. Hoya (genus). 

Wax Flower (Nic 2/155) (S. 204, 458) (Ru/ 
N/55, O/16) (Mu). 1928 Hoya carncga. 

Wax (Clustered) Flower (Nic. 3/499) (8. 
416). 1906 Stephenotis floribunda, 

1510 Garpenia 

 — Pee 


Wax (Flesh-coloured) Flower (Br. 122). 
1928 Hoya carnosa. 

Wax (Green) Flower (Br. 122, Mu, adpd). 
1918 Dregea volubilis. 

Wax (Imperial) Flower (Br. 122). 1924 
Hoya carnosa. 
Wax (Large) Flower (Br. 98). 1510 Gar- 

denia jasminoides. 

Wax (Long-stalked Oval leaved) Flower 
(Hk. 4/59, adpd). 1925 Hoya Wightii. 
Wax (Narrow lance leaved) Flower (Hk. 
4/56, adpd), 1922 Hoya paucidora. 
Wax (Narrow obcordate leaved) Fiower 
(Hk. 4/56, adpd). 1921 Hoya retusa, 

Wax (Parasitie) Flower (Br. 122), 1923 
Hoya parasitica. 
Wax {Pendulous) Flower (Br. 122), 1927 

Hoya pendula. 

Wax (Short-stalked Oval leaved) Flower 
(Hk. 4/69, adpd). Hoya ovyalifoiia, 

Wax-flower Dog-bane (McL. 869, Br. 125 
Rid. 158, adpd).  dxciii. 
montana (genus), 

Wax-flower (Alternately-unequal leaved) 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/648, Rox. 2/25, adpd). 
1836-b. Tabernzemontana (genus), 

Wax-flower (Common) Dog-bane (Mch. 
869, Br. 125, Rid. 158, adpd). 1836 
Tabernzemontana coronaria. 

Wax-flower (Copious blossomed Robust) 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/644, adpd). 1835 
Tabvernzmontana Heyneana. : 

Wax-flower (Dichotomous) Doy-bane (Hk. 
3/643, adpd). 1834 Tabernzemontana 

Wax-flower (Double blossomed common) 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/647, Kox. 2/23, adpd). 
1833-c. Tabernzemontana coronaria 

Wax-flower (Heyne’s) Dog-bane 
3/644, adpd). 

Wax-flower (Large blossomed Slender) 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/647, adpd). 1836 
Tabernzemontana coronaria. 

Wax-flower (Scenty blossomed Robust) 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/643, adpd). 1834 
Tabernzemontana dichotoma. 

Wax-flower (Small blossomed Slender) 
Dog-bane (Hk. 3/649, Rox. 2/26, adpd). 
1837 Taberneemontana Wallichiana. 

Wax-flower (Sumatra Rosebay) (Hk. 
3/649, Rox. 2/26, adpd). 1837 Taberne- 
montana Wallichiana. 

Wax Palm (FAR. 20, MBR). 
nicia cerifera, 

Wax (Carnanba) Palm of Brazil (N, 
1/371). 3176 Copernicia cerifera. 

Wax-Palm of New-Grarada (Muell. 8.P) 
(Cay. 339). 3146 Ceroxylam andicolum: 

Wax-Palm of South America (Rid. 265) 
(Jaf. 129). 3146 Ceroxylum andicolum. 


1885 Tabernz montana 

3176 Coper- 




Wax-Plant (Rid. 181). 

Wax Rose Apple (McL. 879, 386, adpd). 
1232 Hugenia javanica. 

Wax (Munro’s) Kose Apple (McL. 379, 
386, adpd). 1229 Eugenia Munronii. 

Wax (Pink) Rose Apple (McL. 379, 386, 
adpd). 1230 Eugenia aquea. 

Wax (Japan) Tree (Muell. 8.P). 
Rhis succedanea. 

Waxy Pale Flesh-coloured China 
(Nic. 5/648) (Br. 70). 11038-b. 
indica (carneo-albocerea). 

Waxy Pale Flesh-pink Bourbon 
(Nic. 5/644) (Cag. 577). 1106-c. 
borbonica (carnea-albocerea). 

Way-faring Tree (8,489). edlxxiv. Vibur- 
num (genus). 

Weather Plant (8. 2, 458). 810 Abrus 

Weaver's Beam (McL, 4738, 997, 1022) (Ell. 

1928 Hoya- 




527) (PA. 3887). 1777 Schrebera 

Webera (Elephant) (McL, 1023) (?). 672 
Odina Wodier (?). 

Webera (Thorny) (McL. 148). 1528 Can- 

thinm parviflorum, 

Weddel’s Scuth American Cocoanut (Nic. 
1/349). 3231 Cocos Weddeliana, 

Wedding Flower Plant (Ru/N/80). 
Dombeya (genus). 

Wedding (Scarlet) Flower Plant (Nic. 
1/142, adpd). 295 Dombeya Wallichii. 

Wedding (Pink) Flower Plant of Mauri- 
tius (Nic. 1/487, adpd), 294 Dombeya 

Wedding (White) Flower Plant of Natal 
(Ru/N/80, adpda). 293 Dombeya 

Wedye-based downy leaved Marking-nut 
(Hk. 2/31, adpd). 673-b, Semecarpus 
Anacardium (cuneifolia). 

Wedge (Spotted Bronze) leaf Palm (Cag, 
344, adpd). 3147 Stevensonia grandi- 

Wedge (Curved) leaflet Fish-tail Palm 
(Nic. 1/274, adpd). 3155 COaryota 

Wedge leaved Ape Flower (McL. 351, 664, 
adpd). 1691 Mimasops hexandra. 

Wedge leaved Crotalaria (McL. 309) 
(Br. 48), 711 Crotalaria retusa. 

Wedge leaved Eugene Myrtle of Tinne- 
velly (McL, 379, adpd). 1260 Eugenia 

Wedge leaved (Gland-dotted) Indigo 
(Rox. 8/873). 747 Indigofera trifoliata. 

Wedge (Looth-tipped) leaved Morning 
Mallow (Hk. 1/324, adpd), 216-d, Sida 
rhombifolia (obovata). 

Wedge leaved Olive Linden (McL. 763, 
adpd). 841 Eleocarpus aristatus. 



Wedge (Pointed) leaved Olive Linden 
(McL, 763, adpd). 336-b. Elaocarpus 
serratus (cuneatus), 

Wedge leaved Rattlewort (McL. 309, 
adpd). 711 Crotalaria retusa. 

Wedge leaved Water Croton (McL. 302, 
adpd). 2692 Homonoia retusa. 
Weed (Jameston) (McL. 261). 

Datura Stramonium. 

Weed (Stink) (McL, 261). 

Weed (Stinking) (McL. 136), 949 Cassia 

Weeping Beech (Nic. 2/2). 
Favus sylvatica (pendula). 

Weeping Cypress (Bs/1T/694) (Gbl. 697) 
(Cag. 499) (Cat. 314). 2806 Cupressus 

Weeping (Chinese) Cypress (Cat. 314). 
2806 Cupressus funebris. 

Weeping (Victoria) Gum (Bth. 3/240). 
1186 Eucalyptus viminalis. 

Weeping Gum of Tasmania (Bth. 3/201). 
1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora. 

Weeping Nyctenthes (MchL. 383). 
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, 

Weeping Pointed Oval leaved Fig (Br, 
201, adpd). 2733 Ficus Benjamina. 

Weeping Tree (Ra/N/128), 656 Schinus 

Weeping Willow (Muell. S.P) (McL. 945) 
(Cag. 411) (Cat. 313) (Nic. 3/345) 
(S. 882, 455) (Bed. 1/181)  (Bs/T/637) 
(Gbl. 685) (Ru/O/13) (Ooty. 350). 
2800 Salix babylonica. 

Weeping (Country) Willow (Mu. 43). 
2797 Salix tetrasperma, 

Weeping (Indian) Willow (Cag. 631) (?). 
656 Schinus Molle (?). 

Weigela (S. 454). 1420 Diervilla florida. 

Wellington (Duke of) Ruse (Nic. 3/324) 
(Cag. 546) (Ru/N/94, 0/20). 1107-}. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (punicea- 

Wellingtonia (Gbl. 700). cmiii. Sequoia 

Wellingtonia (Common) (FAR. 31, 32, 
NLGS), 2827 Sequoia sempervirens. 
Wellingtonia (Giant) (FAR. 2, NLGS8). 

2826 Sequoia gigantea. 

Welsh Osier (Kew Bnll. 96) (FAR, 35, 36, 
NLGS). 2802 Salix purpurea. 

Wendland’s Uosta-rica Climbing Brinjal 
(Nic. 3/456, adpd). 2090 Solanum 

Wendlana’s Lieut.-Colonel-Kent’s 
(Nic. 2/218). 

West (Karna of the) Coast (Bon. 7), 415 
Citrus Aurantium-Bigaradia, 

West (Manuling of the) Coast (Bon). 
410-c, Citurs medica-Limonum (medico- 


2097 Datura 



3137 Hydriastele Wend- 


West Coast Creeper (McL. 156) (Rox. 
2/47)  (Bs/T/470) (Gbl. 493). 1905 
Pergularia minor, 

West Coast Creeper (Bs/T/470) (Nic. 
3/76) (Cag. 489). [1903 Sphalm] 1050 
Pergularia minor, 

West (Colaille of) Australia (Bth. 3/223). 
1169 Eucalyptus brachypoda. 

West Australian Bipinnate Wattle (Bth. 
3/219, 416, adpd). 1026 Acacia pul- 

West Australian Red Gum (Bth, 3/256). 
1171 Eucalyptus calophylla. 

West India Copal (Muell. S.P). 976 
Hymenzea Courbaril. 

West India Allspice (Gbl. 356) (Bdn/F.T). 
1208 Pimenta officinalis, 

West Indian Arrow Root (Muell. S.P). 
3027-b. Canna indica (glauca), 

West Indian Arrowroot (McL. 819, 1022) 
(Rid. 261) (Br. 214) (Nic, 2/326). 
3011 Maranta arundinacea, 

West Indian Bastard Cedar (Cat. 138). 
304 Guaznma tomentosa. 

West Indian Bayberry Tree (McbL. 1022), 
1207 Pimenta acris. 

West Indian Bead ‘lree (Mch, 154), 
Leuceena glauca. 

West Indian Bifoliate Pseudobulb Orchid 
(Nic. 5/342), 2919 Epidendrurn ciliare, 

West Indian Black Thorn (McL. 936), 
1027 Acacia Farnesiana. 

West Indian Bracelet Wood (Nic. 2/206), 
dliii. Jacquinia (genus), 

West Indian Burweed | McL. 169, 1 P 22.). 
exxi. Triumfetta (genus). 

West Indian Calabash 'lree (Cat. 213), 
(Br. 134), 2155 Crescentia Cujete. 

West Indian Calabash Tree (Cat. 213) 
[2157 Sphalm j 2155 Crescentia Cujete. 

West Indian Cedar Wood (Bs/T/145) 
(Cat. 69), 484 Cedrela odorata, 

West Indian Cock’s-Spur (McL. 1022), 
2367 Pisonia aculeata. 

West Jndian Cock’s Spur (McL. 210). 
[2368 Sphalm] 2367 Pisonia aculeata. 

West Indian Cocoon (Mc, 801, 1022), 
1003 Entada scandens. 


West Indian Corallita (MRS). 23885 
Antigonon Jeptopus. 
West Indian Coral Tree (McL. 102%), 

(817 Sphalm] [Not cultivated in 
Madras} (Erythrina Corallodendron), 
West Indian Cotton (McL, 228, 1022), 

254, Gossypium barbadense, 

West Indian Custard Apple (McL. 35) 
(Cat. 6) (S. 27, 122) (Pr. 1/206). 58 
Anona reticulata, 

West Indian Elm (MclL, 
Guazuma tomentosa, 

West Indian Filbert (McL. 801, 1022). 
1003 Entada scandens, 

764). 804 


West Indian Holly (Nic. 4/109). 
Turnera ulmifolia- 

West Indian Honeysuckle (McL. 813). 
eecix, Desmodinm (genus). 

West Indian Jasmine (S. 219, 459). 
Txora coccinea. 

West Indian Lime (Nic. 1/335) (Bon. 81). 
413 Citrus medica-acida. 

West Indian Loosestrife (MeL. 433, 1032). 
1332 Jussiza suffruticosa. 

West Indian Medlar (Mcl. 350, 1022). 
1689 Mimusops Elengi. 

West Indian Myrtle (McL. 379). 
Eugenia (genus). 

West Indian Pea Tree (McL. 806, 1033). 
871 Sesbania grandiflora. 

West Indian Prickly Broom (McL, 936, 
1022), 943 Parkinsonia aculeata. 

West Indian Red Mulberry Tree (McL. 
1022), 2723-b, Morus alba (atropur- 

West Indian Sand-box Tree (MeL, 1022). 
2709 Hura crepitans. 

West Indian Seaside Bean (McL. 1022). 
831 Canavalia obtusifolia. 

West Indian Seaside Plum (MchL. 783). 
(Nic. 4/225). 487 Ximenia americana. 
West Indian Seaban (McL. 478, 484, 506, 

494). 781 Sesbania grandiflora. 

West Indian Star Apple (Gbl. 443) (Cat 
170). 1677 Chrysophyllum Cainito. 
Weat Indian Trumpet Flower Tree (8S. 426, 

adpd). 2127 Tecoma serratifolia. 

West Indian Turkey Berry (McL. 1022). 
2082 Solanum torvum. 

West (Blue Mahe of the) Indies (Kew 
Bull, 5/1912). 242 Hibiscus elatus. 

West (Cabbage Palm of the) Indies (ic. 
2/521) (Cag. 342) (Br. 326) (Ru/O/13). 
3157 Oreodoxa oleracea. 

West (Cocoa Plum of the) Indies (Ol. 
2/366) (Nic. 1/342) (Rid. 115) (Cag. 243). 
1062 Chrysobalanus Ieaco. 

West (Dumb Cane of the) Indies (Nic. 
1/474). 324 Dieffenbachia Seguine. 
West (Mahogany Tree of the) Indies 
(Muell. S.P) (H/E.F). 478 Swietenia 


West (Mrs. Horsfall’s Bindweed of the) 
Indies (Nic. 2/191). 2021 Ipomeza 

West (Sweet Sop of the) Indies (8. 2/1421) 



(Hk. 1/76) (Pr. 1/206) (Cat. 5). 57 
Anona squamosa. 
West (Tulip Tree of the) Indies (Kew 

Boll. 5/1912). 242 Hibiscus elatus. 

West (Wild Jasmine of the) Indies (McL. 
875). dvii. Ixora (genus). 

West (Tecomate of) Mexico (Treas. Bot). 
2157 Parmentiera alata. 

Western America Yellow Pine (H/E.F) 
(Mnell. S.P). 2853 Pinus ponderosa. 



1345 | Western (Bastard Mahogany of) Australia 

(Bth. 2/209). 
Western Australia (Swamp Oak of) (Bth. 

1179 Eucalyptus margin- 

6/199). 2782 Casuarina distyla (palu- 

Western Australian Mahogany (Bth. 
3/209) (Gbl. 358). 1179 Eucalyptus 

Western (Coral Tree of the) (Ghants 
(Bdn/F.T.L, adpd). 818 Erythrina 

Western (Downy leaved Wild Ginger of 
the) Ghauts (Hk. 6/244, adpd). 2994 
Zingiber Wightianun.. 

Western (French Mulberry of the) Ghants 
(S. 70, MeL. 908, adpd). 2288 Calli- 
carpa lanata. 

Western (Honey-sweet Climber of the) 
Ghants (Hk. 2/2, adpd), 652 Sabia 

Western (Kadsura of the) Ghauts (Hk. 
1/45, adpd). 27 Kadsura Wightiana, 
Western (Lopez Root Tree of the) Ghauts 
(McL. 478, 905, Nic. 4/49, adpd). 387 

Toddalia bilocularis. 

Western (Rose Apple of the) Ghauts 
(McL. 379, adpd), 1236 Eugenia leta. 

Western (Semiscandent Bamboo of the 
Nallamalais and) Ghauts (Gbl. 750). 
- 3806 Oxytenanthera Thwaitesii. 

Western (Semiscandent Bright-green 
Bamboo of the) Ghauts (Gbl. 758). 
3316 Teinostachyum Wightii. 

Western (Wight’s Black Plum of the) 
Ghants (McL. 3879, adpd). 1241 
Eugenia Wightiana. 

Western Ghant Bell Dog-bane (Br. 127, 
adpd). 1852 Beaumontia Jerdoniapa. 
Western Ghauts Blue Nail Dye (McL. 
558, adpd). 2235 Barleria montana. 
Western Ghauts Cane Betel Palm (McL. 
675, adpd). 3132 Pinanga Dicksonii, 

Western Ghaut Climber (Br. 127). 1852 
Beaumontia Jerdoniana. 
Western Ghauts Ebony (Mc. 366). 1708 

Diospyros assimilis, 

Western Ghauts Hairy Goglet Flower 
(McL. 466, adpd). 1942 Ceropegia 

Western Ghauts Hill Olive (McL. 394, 
adpd). 1781 Linociera malabarica. 

Western Ghants Inland Mangrove (Mcl. 
470, adpd). 1142 Blepharistemma 

Western Ghauts Rattan (Hk. 6/445, adpd). 
3208 Calamus psendotenuis. 
Western (Deodar of) India (McL. 704). 

264 Sterculia foetida. 
Western (Mhar Palm of) India (Gbl. 729). 
152 Caryota urens. 

Western moist forests Croton (MeL. 306). 

2634 Croton reticulatus. 


Weymouth Pine (Muell. 
3/145) (S. 331, 459) -(Ho/E.F). 
Pinus strobus, 

Wheat-shock Styled Featherfoil (McL. 
587, adpd). decexyv. Glochidion (genus). 

S.P) (Nic. 

Wheel Creeper (McbL. 1028). cdvi. 
Combretum (genus). 
Wheel (Downy) Creeper (McL. 10238, 

adpd). 1161 Combretum acuminatum. 
Wheel (Elliptic leaved) Creeeper (McL. 
1023, adpd). 1163 Combretum exten- 
Wheel (Oval leaved) Creeper (McL. 1023, 
adpd). 1162 Combretum ovalifolium. 

Wheel (White) Creeper (McL. 473, 995, 
1028, adpd). 11538 Calycopteris flori- 

Wheel-flowered Smooth-trnited Stinking 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/2, adpd). dexxiii. 
Pentatropis (genus). 

Wheel - flowered (Fleshy-leaved Star- 
coronetted) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/3, 
adpd). dexxxviii. Hoya (genus), 

Wheel Goomchy (McL. 303, 757). 
Adanenthera pavonina. 

Wheel-spoke-flowered (Purple) Swallow- 
wort (Hk. 4/64,adpd). dcx]. Brachy- 
stelma (genus). 

Wheel-spoke (Medium Linear-lance- acu- 
minate-leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/66, 
adpd). 1931 Brachystelma Beddomei. 

Wheel - spoke (Medium Long-linear-or- 
filiform-acuminate-leaved)S wallow-wort 
(Hk. 4/65, adpd). 1930 Brachystelma 

Whin (Muell. S.P) (S. 442) (Nic. 4/119) 
(Cag. 610). 740 Ulex europens. 


Whip-branched Rough Stemmed Shrubby 

Bomboo (Hk. 7/402). 
thera Thwaitesii. 

Whipcord Willow (Muell. 
Salix purpurea. 

Whip Tree (McL. 185) (Rid. 114, 126). 
2780 Casuarina equisetifolia. 

Whirling Nut (McL. 473, 875, 995, adpd). 
1166 Gyrocarpus Jacquini. 

Whiskers (Ravanan’s) (McL. 755). 
Spinifex squarrosus. 

White African Satin Bush (Nic. 3/172). 
920 Podalyria argentea. 

8306 Oxytenan- 

S.P). 2802 


White and blue flowered Mussell-shell | 

Creeper (Hk. 2/208, adpd). 
Clitorea Ternatea (pilosula). 
White and Crimson Mussell-shell Creeper 
(Br. 50, McL. 240, Cag. 614, adpd). 841 

Centrosema Plumieri. 

White (Cherry tubed) and Rosy Fuchsia 
(Nic. 2/83). 1331 (bis.) Fuchsia alba- 

White and Rosy Streaked. Leaf Cactus 
(Nic. 8/113), 1375 Phyllocactus phyl- 



White-and - yellow -striped Green-leaved 
Dark-red Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 
3028-b. Canna Achiras (variegata), 

White Asiatic Thorn Apple (McL. 262) 

(Br. 152). 2098-b. Datura fastuosa 

White Aster (Mu). 1618 Chrysanthemum 

White Australian Fuchsia (S. 111). 875 
Correa alba. 

White Australian Tea Tree (McL. 114). 
1269 Melaleuca Leucadendron. 
White Babool (McL. 63) (W. 1). 

Acacia leucophloea. 
White-backed Red Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/32), 1358 Passiflora quadrangularis. 
White-ball-flowered (Bipinnate-(40-60)- 
biglandular-petioled Linear-(150-200)—- 
rigid-folioled Nitta Tree (Hk. 2/289, 
adpd). 1009 Parkia biglandulosa. 
White banded Dragon Tree (Nic. 5/331, 
adpd). 38105 Draczena Sanderiana. 
White Banksian Rose (Nic, 3/828) (Cag. 
592) (Ru/O0/18) (Ooty. 416). 1089-a. 
Rosa Banksiz (typica). 
White bark Acacia (McL. 
Acacia leucophloa. 
White based black spined Devil Rattan 
(Nic. 1/430) 8221 Demonorops plumc- 


936). 1033 

White Bath Kose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 591) 
(Ru/N/94). 1099-d. Rosa  centifolia 


White Beech of New South-Wales (Bth. 
4/66). dexxix. Gmelina (genus). 

White Bell (Dog-bane) (Nic. 1/164, adpd). 
dei. Beaumontia (genus). 

White berried French Mulberry (8. 70, 
Hk. 4/568, adpd). 2288 (bis.). Calli- 
carpa macrophylla. 

White Birch (Nic. 1/186) (8.51). 
Betula alba. 

White-blotched - and-spotted Shining- 
sombre-green Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/274). 
3268 Dieffenbachia magnifica. 

White (Olive banded) blotched Arrow- 
root (Nic. 1/237). 3012 Maranta illus- 

White-blotched Purple Cupped Birthwort 
(Nic. 5/84). 2344 Aristolochia elegans. 

White-blotchy-veined-and-spotted (Deep- 
green-margined-copiously) Rich-deep- 
green Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 3264-f. 
Dieffenbachia Seguine (nobilis). 

White-blotchy-veined (Pale-green - mar- 
gined) Very-deep - green Dumb Cane 
(Nic. 1/474), 3264-c. Dieffenbachia 
Seguine (Rex) 

White bordered Broad 
Tree (Nic. 1/874, adpd). 
dyline terminalis (ft eginz) 

White bordered Narrow leavec: Dragon 
Vree (Nic, 1/372). 3107-b, Cordyline 
terminalis (albicans), 


leavead Dragon 
3107-n. Cox- 


White bordered Sessile leaved Dragon 
Tree (Nic. 5/330). 3103 Dracena 
Hookeriana. Zi 

White (Pure) Bourbon Rose (Ru/N/89) 
(Mu. 56). 1106-a. Rosa borbonica 

White bracted Jasmine (McL. 383, adpd). 
1753 Jasminum Xottlerianum. 

White bracted Poinsetiia (Br. L91, 8. 160, 
adpd). 2540-b. Euphorbia pulcherrima 

White (Rosy-flushed) Brasiletto Climber 
(Rox. 2/868, adpd). 939 Pterolobium 

White (Spineless leaved) Brinjal (Hk. 
4/234, adpd). 2082 Solanum torvum. 
White (Warscewicz’s Red Prickled) Brin- 
jal (Nic. 3/456). 2089 Solauum Warsce- 


White Brinjal of Brazil (Nic. 3/455). 
2.88 Sol.num rebustom. 
White Brugmansia (Jaf. 

Datura arborea. 

White (Downy leaved) Brugmansia (Nic. 
1/444). 2100 Datura arborea. 

White (Glabrous leaved) 
2103 Datura suaveolens. 

Whit2 bandle-flowered Gum Box (Nic. 
1/533). i126 Escallonia floribunda. 

White Bussorah Rose (Cag. 591). 1098-b, 
Rosa damascena (alba). 

White calyxed Crimsen flowored Glory 
Tree (S. 101, Nic. 1/342, adpd). 2325 
Clerodendron Thompsove. 

White Candel Mangrove (McL. 470, 704, 
995). 1180 Rhizophora mucronata. 

White Caracca Orange Ball Tree (Nic. 
5/162). 1954 Buddleia variabilis. 

White Corallita (Nic. 5/58). 2385-b. 
Antigonon leptopus (albiflora). 

White Cardamom (McL. 135). 
taria Cardamonum, 

White Catamaran Tree (McL. 473, 875, 

23). 2100 


3004 Elet- 



White (Cup calyxed) Cedar (Hk. 1/546, 
adpd). 456 Dysoxylum binectariferam, 

White (Dark Glossy leaved) Cedar (Gbl. 
148, adpd). 457 Dysoxylum purpur- 

White (Lawson’s) Cedar (Nic. 1/803). 
2812 Cupressus Lawsoniana, 

White (Multifohate - (5-9)-alternate- 
medium Elliptic-acuminate-leaved ) 
Cedar (Hk. 1/546, adpd). 456 Dysoxyl- 
um binectariferum. 

| White (Multifoliate - (7-9)-alternate-sub- 
membranous-medium Ovate - elliptic- 
cuneate-cuspidate-leaved) Cedar (Hk. 
1/548, adpd). 459 Dysoxylum Beddo- 

White (Maultifoliate-(5—11)-opposite-me- 
dium Downy-or - pale-backed lance-acu- 
minate-leaved) Cedar (Hk. 1/563, 
adpd). 472 Heynea trijuga. 

White (Multifoliate-(9-15)-opposite-me- 
dinm - to - long Tawny-downy-glabrate 
Ovate-elliptic-ecuminate-leaved) Cedar 
(Hk. 1/559, adpd). 467 Amoora Rohi- 


| White (Multifoliate-(7-9)-subopposite- 

medium ovate-elliptic-cuneate-acumin- 
ate-leaved) Cedar (Hk. 1/548, adpd). 
458 Dysoxylum malabaricum. 

White (Multifoliate-(7-11)-subopposite- 
very-small-to-small Narrow  elliptic« 
acuminate-leaved) Cedar (Gbl, 149, 
Bdn/'.T, adpd). 457 Dysoxylum pur- 

White (Oregon) Cedar (S. 301). 2812 
Cupressus Lawsoniana. 

1009, adpd). 2644 Givotia  rottleri- 

White Caunjory (McL. 144). 2697 Tragia 

White Cedar (H/E.F). deccexcix. Thuya 

White Cedar (Mcl.. 578) (?). 453 Melia | 

White Cedar (Ell. 60) (Bed. 2/10) (Cat. 68) 
(Ru/N/50) (Pfl. 344). elxxxi. Dysoxyl- 
um (genus). 

White Cedar (McL. 911) (Ru/N/50). [4582 
Sphalm) clxxxi. Dysoxyium (genus). 
White Cedar (Uat. 68). [481 Sphalm] 

clxxxi. Dysoxylum (genus). 

White (Axillary Spike flowered) Cedar 
(Hk. 1/548, ‘ adpd), 

White (Burmah) Cedar (Cat. 68). 482 
Cedrela ‘l'oona, 

459 Dysoxylum | 

White (Pallid leaved Common) Cedar 
(Hk. 1/548, adpd). 458 Dysoxylum 

' malabaricum. 

White  (quinquefoliate-(4-6)-alternate- 
medium Scurfy-glabrate Narrow-ellip- 
tic acuminate-leave!) Cedar (Hk. 
1/560, adpd). 468 Amoora canarana. 

White (Quinquefoliate-(3-5)-subopposite- 
medium Scurfy-glabrate  Elliptic- 
cuspidate-leaved) Cedar (Hk. 1/561, 
adpd). 469 Amoora Lawii. 

White (Trifoliate-small 8curfy-glabrate 
Elliptic - obtuse - leaved) Cedar (Hk. 
1/566, adpd). 473 Beddomea indica, 

White (Unifoliate-medium Scurfy-glab- 
rate Elliptic - cuspidate-leaved) Cedar 
(i[k. 1/566, adpd). 474 Beddomea 
sim plicifolia. 

White Cedar of Travancore (Gbl. 148) 
(Bdn/¥.T.L). 458 Dysoxylum malab- 
aricum. ; 

White central-feathered Dumb Cane (Nic. 
1/474). 3264-j. Dieffenbachia Seguine 

| White Champak (McL. 157). 

185 Mesua 
| ferrea. ; 


White Champak (Bdn/L). 26 Michelia 

White (night)-changing-to-Crimson-(day) 
flowered Rangoon Creeper (Hk. 2/459, 
adpd). 1164 Quisqualis indica. 

White Chumpa (Rid. 149). 1824 Plume- 
ria alba. 

White (Umbellate) Climbing Indian Lin- 
den (Hk. 1/384, adpd). 310 Grewia 

White (Larger) Climbing Dog-Rose (Nie. 
5/145) (S. 875) (Cag. 598), 1094-c. 
Rosa involucrata (gigantea). 

blue Morning Glory (Nic. 2/192). 2023 
Tpomea rubrocerulea. 

White China Mindie (Rid. 133). 1315-b. 
Lagerstrcemia indica (albiflora). 
White China Privet (Rid. 138, adpd). 

1315-b. Lagerstreemia 
White (Aitcheson’s) China Rose (Nic. 

indica (albi- 

3/323). 1092 Rosa levigata. 

White ‘Pure) Ckina Rose (Cag. 598) 
(Ru/O/19). 1103-1]. Rosa indica (can- 

White Club fruited Swallow-wort shrub of 
the Cape (Br. 121, Nic. 2/79, adpd). 
1950 Gomphocarpus fruticosus. 

White (Pinktinted Cluster Hybrid Per- 
petual Rose (Ru/O/21) (Hod) (Po). 
1107-d. Rosa hybrida - semperflorens 

White Cluster Kose (Ru/N/90, 0/19). 

(Mu. 57) (Hod) (Po) (Br.70). 1108-b, 
Rosa Noisettiana (alba). 

White Convolvulns (Rid, 104). 1994 
Argyreia splendens. 

White ConvolvuJus (Rid. 104). 1994-b. 

Areyreia splendens (acuta). 

White Coral Tree (McbL. 227, 473, 994). 
819 Erythrina suberosa. 

White Corymbosa Tea of Heaven (Muell, 
S.P, Nic. 2/162, adpd). 1122-a. 
Hydrangea Hortensia (typica). 

White-costate Plaited Acuminate Feather 
Palm (Cag. 340, adpd). 3126 Hyo- 
phorbe Versehaffeltii. 

White Cotton (McL. 235) (Br. 21). 261 
friodendron anfractuosum. 

White Cotton Tree (Gbl. 91) (Pr. 1/271) 
(br. 20), 261 Eriodendron anfractuo- 

White Cutch (McL. 472, 859, 995, adpd). 
1034 Acacia Suma. 

White cymed Bindweed (McL. 120, adpd). 
2044 Ipomea cymosa. 

White Damask Rose _ (Nic. 
1098-b. Rosa damascena (alba). 

White Dammer (McL. 258) (Bed. 1/25, 
2/84) (Ell. 579) (Pfl. 275). 207 Vateria 

White Dammer (McL. 472). 489-b, 
Boswellia serrata (glabra). 



White (Pure) Darwin’s Mallow (Nic. 1/4, 
adpd). 218-c. Abutilon Darwini 

White Datura (McL. 
Datura fastuosa (alba). 

White Dead-nettle (McL. $10, 
deexlix. Leucas (genus). 

White (Catmint leaved) MDead-nettle 
Sbrab (I[k. 4/681, adpd). 2354 Leucas 

White (Crenate oblong leaved) Dead- 
nettle Shrub (Hk. 4/681, adpd), 2855 
Leueas lanata. 

White (Fntire Lance leaved) Dead-nettle 
Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2361 Leucas 
lancet olia. 

White (Entire Linear leaved) Dead- 
nettle Shrub (Ek, 4/685, adpd). 2368 
Leucas suffruticosa. 

White (Entire Oblong leaved) Dead- 
nettle Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2360 
Leucas helianthemifolia. 

White (Fascicled Minute leaved) Dead- 
nettle Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 2359 
Leucas rosmarinitolia. 

White (Few-flowered Round leaved) 
Dead-nettle Shrub (Hk. 4/681, adpd). 
2354 Leucas nepetzfolia. 

White (Hoary Ovate leaved) Dead-nettle 
Shrub (Hk. 4/681, adpd). 2356 Leucas 

White (vate leaved Brown-hairy) Dead- 
nettle Shrub (Hk. 4/686, adpd). 23862 
Leucas lamiifolia. 

White (Rusemary leaved) Dead-nettle 
Shrub (Hk, 4/685, adpd). 2359 Leucas 

White (Sun-Rose leaved) 
Shrub (Hk. 4/685, adpd). 

White (Velvetty Roundish-leaved) Dead- 
nettle Shrub (Hk. 4/682, adpd). 2857 
Leucas montana. 

Whits (Woolly) Dead-nettle Shrub (Hk. 
4/681, adpd), 2855 Leucas lanata. 

White Deal (Gbl. 716). 2863 Picea excelsa. 

White Devoniensis Rosa (Ru/N/90, 0/19) 
(Mu. 54) (Hod). 1105-c. Rosa odorata 

White (Indian) Dog Rose (Cag. 593) (Br. 
72). 1094 Rosa involucrata. 

White (Indian) Deg Rose (McL. 822). 
(? 1094) 1102 Rosa alba (?). 

White-downy-backed (Toothed) Heart 
leaved Woolly Jacket (Hk. 1/376, adpd). 
292 Erioleena quinquelocularis. 

White -downy-culm-sheathed Hollow 
Large Bamboo (Hk. 7/107, adpd). 3315 
Dendrocalamvus Krandisii. 

White druped Spindle Tree (Bed. £/66, 
adpd). ccxvii. Pleurostylia (genus), 
White-druped (Small — elliptic-oblong- 
lance-acut -leaved) Spindle Tree. (Bed. 
1/66, adpd), 631 Pleurostylia Wightii. 

262). 2098-b. 


2360 Leucas 


White-edged Lilac-tinted Rosypink 
prid-perpetual Rose (Cag. 596) (Ru/N/ 
90).  1107-g. Rosa Hybrida-semper- 
florens (rosea-lilacino-suffusa-margines 

White Emetic Nut (McL. 263). 1504 
Gardenia lucida. 

White Fairy Rose (Mu. 57). 1103-m. 
Rosa indica (minima-alba),. 

White (Green margined) feathered 
Arrowroot (Nic. 1/237). 3021 Calat'ea 

White Fig (McL. 738), 2743 Ficus infec- 

White (Cluster Fruited) Fig (McL. 73, 
adpd). 2741 Ficns Tjakela. 

Wiite (Large Pink-based) flowered Al- 
mond (Nic. 1/67). 1063-b, Pranus Amyg- 
dalus (amara). 

White flowered (Abyssinian Purple-eyed) 
Brinjal (Nic. 3/454, adpd). 2086 Sola- 
num marginatum. 

White flowered Broom (Ooty. 258). 
Cytisus albus. 

White flowered Fish Poison Cedar (McL. 
1020, adpd). 470 Walsura ternata. 

White flowered Fragrant Trumpet Tree 
(McL. 669, 984, adpd). 2151 Stereo- 
spermum xylocarpom. 

White-flowered (Medium Seven-(7-prs)- 
nerved Elliptic-subentire-acute-leaved) 
French Chiretta (Hk. 4/515, adpd). 
2255 Diotacanthus albiflorus. 


White flowered Heart leaved Glory Tree | 
2329 Clerodendron | 

(S.1,P1, adpd). 
White flowered Indian Cora] Tree (Hk. 
2/189, Br. 57, adpd). 817-b. Erythrina 
indica (albiflora). 
White flo*ered Justicia (McL. 384). 
Rhinacanthus communis, 


White (Smaller) flowered Lance Word | 

(Bs/T/13, adpd@). 

White flowered Lantana (Br, 164). 
Lantana alba. 

White-fiowered (Downy Ovate-acutely~ 
crenate - acuminate-leaved) Lantana 
(Br. 164, adpd). 2281 Lantana alba, 

White-flowered (Downy-wrinkled-oppos- 
ite-and-(3)-whorled Ovate-lance-leav- 
ei) Lantana (Hk. 4/562, adpd). 2273-b, 
Lantana indica (albiflora). 

78 Sagerea laurina. 

White-flowered (Ovate-lance-acuminate- | 
leaved) Lantana (Nic. 2/234, adpd). | 

2278 Lantana nivea. 

White-flowered Leadwort (MchL. 178) (Br. 

175) (Rid. 82). 1653 Plunbago zey lanica, 
White-flowered (EJliptic-lance-acute-sub- 
£errate-dow;wny-backed-leaved) Mea- 
dow-sweet (Nic. 8/477, adpd). 1077 
Spirza media. 
White flowered Mussel-shel] Creeper (Br. 
50). 838-c. Clitorea 'l ernatea (albiflora). 


White-flowered (Red-stemmed Lobed) 
Prickly Nightshade (Nic. 3/458, 8. 407, 
adpd). 2089 Solanam Warscewiczii. 

White-flowered (Velvetty Sinuate) Prickly 
Nightshade (Nic. 3/455, adpd). 2088 
Solanum robustum. 

White-flowered (Woolly Sinuate) Prickly 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/234, adpd). 2082 
Solanum torvum. 

White-flowered (Woolly Triangular-lob- 
ed) Prickly Nightshade (Hk. 4/238, 
adpd). 2081 Solanum ferox. 

White (Woolly-branched Corymbose) 
flowered Resin-seed (Hk. 1/199, adpd), 
151 Pittosporum dasycaulon. 

White (Clustered-flowered) Resin-seed of 
Australia (Nic. 3/154, adpd). 157 
Pittosporum undulatum. 

White-flowered (Small)  Ring-coronet 
Swallowwort (Hk. 4/3, adpd). dexxvii. 
Cynanchum (genus). 

White-flowered Silk Cotton (Bed. 2/29) 
(Pf. 160). 261 Ericdendron anfractuo- 

White-flowered Sirissa (McL. 840). 
Albizzia Lebbek. 

White-flowered Thorn Apple (HIl, 229). 
2097 Datura Stramonium. 

White-flowered Umbrella Thorn Babool 
(McL, 473, 934, 935, adpd). 1028 
Acacia planifrons. 

White-flowered (Ciliate Elliptic) Unarmed 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 2077 
Solanum bigeminatum. 

White-flowered (Downy lanceolate) Un- 
armed Nightshade (Hk. 4/231, adpd). 
2079 Solanum denticulatum. 

White-flowered (Elliptic) Unarmed Night- 
shade (Hk, 4/281, adpd). 2078 Sola- 
num leve. 

White-flowered (Glabrate Sinuate) Un- 
armed Nightshade (Hk. 4/230, adpd). 
2074 Solanum vagum. 

White-flowered (Shining oblanceolate) 
Unarmed Nightshade (Nic. 3/455, adpd), 
2070 Solanum pseudocapsicum, 

White-flowered Unarmed Climbing Night- 
shade (Nic. 3/455, adpd). 2068 Solanum 

White-flowered (Woo'ly Eiliptic) Un- 
armed Nightshede (Hk. 4/230, adpd). 
2075 Solanum verbascifolium. 

White flowering Plumeria (Br. 126). 1524 
Plumeria alba. 

White (Climbing) Fragrant Cluster Rose 
(Nic. 3/823). 1087 Rosa sempervirens. 


White Frangipani (Nic. 3/170). 1824 
Plumeria alba. 
White Frankincense (McL. 259). 489 

Boswellia serrata. 
White French Rose (Br. 68) (jee Cag. 
599). (1105) 1100 Rose gallica (alba) 



White (Common) Garden Jasmine (Gbl, 
467). 1774 Jasminum officinale. 

White Golden-druped Vervein (Cag. 439, 
adpd). 2303-b. Daranta Plumieri (albi- 


White Goomchy (McL. 701). 
gea lencopyrus. 

White Guava (MclL. 333,473) (Ell. 466). 
1222-a. Psidium Guyava (pyriferum). 

2592 Flueg- 

White Gum (Nic. 5/354) (?). 1186 
Eucalyptus viminalis (?). 
White Gum (Ooty. 276, T.S. 17). 1191 

Eucalyptus hamastoma, 

White (Port-Jackson) Gum (Bth. 3/212), 
1191 Eucalyptus hemastoma. 

White (South Australian) Gum (Bth. 
3/212). 1200 Eucalyptus paniculata. 
White (T'wofold-Bay) Gum (Bth. 8/280), 

1194 Eucalyptus goniocalyx. 

White Gum of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
3/201), 1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora. 
White Gum of Paramatta (Bth. 3/256), 

1172 Encaly ptus saligna. 

White Gum of South Australia (Bs/T/327) 
(Bdn/F.T), 1195 Eucalyptus leucoxy- 

White Gum of South Anstralia (Bth. 
3/241). 1187 Eucalyptus rostrata. 

White Gum of Victoria (Bth, 3/244). 
1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

White (Mountain) Gum of Victoria (Bth. 
3/201). 1183 Eucalyptus pauciflora. 
White haired Indian Fig (Cavanagh, Mad. 
Mail, 31-3-04). 13881 Opuntia leuco- 


White (Bluish-centred) Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Ru/N/95, 0/21) (Hod). 1107-b. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (lactea), 

White (Flesh-centred) Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Ru/N/95, 0/21). 1167-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens  (albida-intus- 

White (Glossy-Pale-flesh-tinted) Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Ru/\/90, 0/21) (Mu. 
53) (Hod) (Ooty. 428). 1107-d. Kosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (albida - albo- 

White (Larger Pink-tinted Hybrid-per- 
petual Rose (Ru/O/20) (Br. 71) (Hod). 
1107-d. Rose hybrida - semperflorens 

Whit: (Pale-flesh-tinted) H ybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Mu. 58}. 1207-d. Rosa hybrida- 

semperflorens (albida - albo-carneo- 
White (Pure) Hybrid-perpetual Rose 

(Cag 596) (Ru/N/94, 0/18) (Mu. 52) 
(Hod) (Po). 1107-a. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (nivea). 2 

White (Rosy-tinted) Hybrid-perpetual 
Rose (Mu. 52) (Hod). 11U7-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (albida-roseo- 



White (Rosy toCarmine-centred) Hy brid- 
perpetual Rose (Hod) (Po) (Ru/N/92, 
0/19) (Mu. 52). 1107-d. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens) (albida - intus-roseo- 

White (Satiny Rosy-tinted) Hybrid- 
porpetual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Ru/N/95) 
(Mu, 54). 1107-d, Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (albida-roseo-sericenitens). 

White (Smaller Pink-tinted) Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Br. 71). 1107-d. Rosa 
hybrida-semperflorens (albida-carneo- 

White (Yellowish-tinted) Hybrid-perpet- 
ual Rose (Ru/O0/22). 1107-c. Rosa 
hybrida-semperfloreng (ochrolenca), 

White (Faintly-yellow-tinted) Hybrid Tea 
Rose (Nic. 5/646). 1105-q. Rosa odo- 
rata (hybrida-ochroleuca). 

White (Lemon-centred)Hybrid Tea Rose 
(Nic 5/646) (Ru/N/95) (Mu.55). 1105-q. 
Rosa odorata( hybrida-alba-intus-citrina), 

White Honey Shrub (McL. 473, 901), 
2592 Flueggia leucopyrus. ; 

White (Spineless) Honey Shrub (Mech. 
473, 931,adpd). 2591 Flueggea micro- 

White Indian Lagerstremia (Br, 73). 
1315-b, Lagerstrcemia indica (albiflora). 

White Indian Lilac (Br. 73, adpd). 1315-b. 
Lagerstroemia indica, (albiflora), 

White Indian Nettle (McL. 361, 473, 
1000). 2712 Celtis Wightii, 

White Indian Oak (McL. 367). 
ringtonia racemosa, 

White Indian Orange Ball Tree (Nic, 
1/221). 1951 Buddleia asiatica, 

White Iron Bark (Maid. C,T), 
Eucalyptus paniculata, 

White Ixora of China (Br. 101), 1541 
Ixora alba. 

White Ixora of the Himalayas (McL. 375). 
1540 Ixora undulata. 

White (Common) Jasmine (Nic. 2/216) 
(Rid. 71). 1774 Jasminum officinale. 
White Jaumoon (McL, 885). 1242 En. 

genia zeylanica, 

White Jungle Geranium (McL. 376, 996), 
1540 Ixora undulata, 

White Kongu (I.F., XXIX/10, XXX/1), 
lxxxiii, Hopea (genus). 

White Lady (McL. 516). 1487 Musszen- 
da frondosa, 

White (Large) Laurel Tulip of America 
(Nic. 3/316). 20 Magnolia grandiflora. 

White Laurel Tulip Tree of Burma and’ 
the Straits (Hk. 1/40, adpd). 18 
Talauma mutabilis. : 

White (Purple and) Laurel Tulip Tree 
of Japan (Nic. 3/316). 22 Magnolia 
obovata (discolor). 

White Laure] Tulip Tree of the Hitaalayas 
(Hk. 1/41, adpd), 21 Magnolia sphe- 

1274 Bar- 



White Leaf Cactus (Nic. 3/113), 1376 
Phyllocactus Hookeri. 

White (Purple-edged) Leaf Cactus (Nic. 
1/515). 1374-d, Epiphyllum troncatum 

White (Rosy-edged) Leaf Cactus (Nic. 
1/515). 1874-b, Epiphyllum trunecatum 

White (Rosy-tipped Large) Leaf Cactus 
(Nic. 1/515). 1874-c. Epiphyllum 
truncatum (magnificum). 

White (Violet.edged) Leaf Cactus (Nic. 
1/515). 1374-e. Epiphyllum truncatum 

White Leaf Plant (McL. 516, adpd). 
cdxci. Musszenda (genus). 

White Leaf Plant (McL. 516) (Cat. 159). | 

1487 Mussenda froncosa. 

White ((limbing) Leaf Plant (McL. 516, 
adpd). 1487-e. Mussenda frondosa 

White (Common) Leaf Plant (McL, 516, 
adpd). 1437 Mussenda frondosa. 

White (Glabrate) Leaf Plant (McL, 516, 
adpd). 1487-d. Mussenda frondosa 

White (Sessile leaved) Leaf Plant (McL. 
516, adpd). 1487-b. Mussenda frondosa 

White (Stalk leaved) Leaf Plant (McL. 
516, adpd). 1487-c. Mussenda frondosa 

White (Velvetty) Leaf Plant (McL. 516, 
adpd). 1486 Mussenda tomentosa. 
White leaved Panicled Chaste Tree (McL. 

596) 2808 Vitex trifolia. 

White-lipped (Very - long - denticnlate 
Oblong-leaved) Whitish-flowered Galan- 
gal (Hk, 6/256, adpd). 3009 Alpinia 
aquatica. : 

White Long flowered Nail Dye (McL. 558, 
adpd). 2280 BarleriaJongiflura. 

White Long flowered Sebesten (Hk. 4/140, 
adpd). 1977 Cordia octandra, 

White Mahogany of New-South-Wales 
(Bth. 3/229). 1174 Eucalyptus robusta. 

White Mangrove (McL. 47v) (L/N/S/B) 
(Ell. 82). decxxxviii. Avicennia 

White (Punctate) Mangrove (Nic. 2/402, 
L/N/S/B, adpd). 2272 Myoporum ser- 

White (Punctate) Mangrove Family (Nic. 
2/402, L/N/S/B, adpd). LXXXIV. 

Myoporacee (Order). 

White (Goulburn) Mahogany (Maid. C.T). 
1202-b. Eucalyptus pilularis (Mueller- 

White Maman Cochet Rose (Ru/N/95). 
1105-1. Rosa odorata (rosea - Juteo- 

White Margined Copper Leaf (MclL. 468, 
Ru/N/112, adpd). 2669 Acalypha 


White - margined - Grey- suffused Green- 
medium oblong- elliptic- leaved Vernal 
Flower (Nic. 1/518, adpd). 2251-c. 
Eranthemum vVariabile (albo-margina- 

White - margined (Imparipinnate - (3-9) 
Ovate-lobed-spine- toothed Panax (Nic. 
3/14, adpd). 140% Panax Victoriz, 

White-margined Sinuate Bicoloured 
Prickly Nightshade (Nic. 3/454, adpd), 
2086 Solanum marginatum, 

White Matti (Bed. 2/28). 1149 Termin- 
alia Arjuna. 

White- midribbed- and- veined Foot-leaf 
Climbiug Arum (Nic. 3/533), %257-b. 
Syngonium podophyllum (alboline- 

White Mimosa (Rid. 140). 
leucophlea. ? 

White - mottled -fronded Four-winged 
Brake Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 3334-b. 
Pteris quadriaurita (argentea). 

White-motteld-stalked (Digitate-(Y-10)-. 
pendulous) Filiform-leaved Aralia (Nic. 
1/104, adpd). 1888 Aralia elegantis- 

White Mountain Ebony (McL. 521, 995). 
989 Bauhinia acuminata. 

White (Shrubby) Mountain Ebony (MeL. 
472,520, 995, adpd). 989 Bauhinia 

White Mulberry of Persia (McL. 367). 
2723-a,. Morus alba (typica). 

White Mulberry Tree (Muell. S8.P) 
(A/B.F) (Nic. 2/385) (S. 278) (Gbl. 624) 

1033 Acacia 

(Br. 198) (Rid. 141). 2723 Morus 
White Murdah (McL. 531, 799, 995). 

1149 Terminalia Arjuna. 
White Myrobalan of Cuddapah (Bs/T/308, 
adpd). 1151 Terminalia pallida. 

White (Large) Nail Dye (McL. 558, adpd). 
2238 Barleria grandiflora. 

White (Nilgiri Prickly) Nail Dye (McL. 
558, adpd). 2229 Barleria noctiflora. 
White (Prickly) Nail Dye (McL, 558,adpd). 

2227-a. Barleria buxifolia (albiflora). 

White Necklace Tree of Travancore (Hk, 
2/253, adpd), 918 Ormosia travancor- 

White Negundo (McL. 383, 592). 1776 
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 

White nerved Arrowroot (Nic. 6/520). 
3013 Maranta leuconeura. 

White nerved Bronze and Silver Arrow- 
root (Nic. 1/237). 3014 Maranta Mas- 

White Node- ringed Hollow Medinm 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/413, adpd). 3317 Ceph- 
alostachyum pergracile. 

White Node-ringed Semisolid Medium 
Bamboo (Hk. 7/387, adpd). 3301 
Bambusa Tulda. 


White Noisette Rose (Cag. 602). 1108-b. 
Rosa Noisettiana (alba). 

White (Pink-shaded) Noisette Rose (Mu. 
57) (Hod). 1108-d, Rosa Noisettiana 

White (Pure) Noisette Rose (Nic. 3/325, 

5/646) (Cag. 596, 602) (Ru/N/90, 92, | 

0/18, 19) (Mu. 56) (Hod) (Po), 1108-a. 
Rosa Noisettiana (nivea). 

White (Straw tinted) Noisette Rose (Nic. | 

5/646) (Ru/N/90, 0/19) (Mu. 52) (Hod). 
1108-d. Rosa Noisettiana (albida-stra— 
White (European) Oak, 
Robur (pedunculata). 

2788-a. Quercus 

White Himalayan Oak (Gb]. 674) (FAR. | 

10, NLGS, MRA). 

White or Rosy flowered Almond (Nic. 
1/67). 1063 Prunus Amygdalus. 

White - or - white-mottled-green (Very- 
small- membranous) Ovate- obtuse- 
leaved Featherfoil (Nic. 3/110, adpd). 
2573-a. Phyllanthus nivosus (typica). 

White Panicled Tea of Heaven (Muell. 
S.P., Nic. 1/163, adpd). 1123 Hydran- 
gea paniculata. 

Whitish Passion Flower 
1351 Passiflora foetida. 

White (Purple tinted) Passion Flower 
(Nic. 3/30). 1350 Passiflora edulis. 

White (Red spotted) Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/81). 1352 Passiflora holosericea. 

White (Three-banded-leaved) Passion 
Flower (Nic. 3/33). 1362 Passiflora 

White (Yellow- rayed) Passion Flower 
(Nic. 3/31). 13854 Passiflora lunata. 

White Paulay (McL. 665). 
ia tinctoria. 

White Pepper (McL. 676) (Nic. 3/148) 
(Pfl. 63) [When husked and bleached]. 
2411 Piper nigrum. 

White Periwinkle (Ru/O/382). 
Vinca major - (alba). 

White Persian Rose (Cag. 591) (Br. 68) 

2792 Quercus 

(Nic. 3/31). 


(Mu. 57.) 1098-b. Rosa damascena 
White Pine (Muell. S.P), 2853 Pinus 

White (American) Pine (Muell. S.P) 
(Ho/E.F) (Gbl. 704). 2856 Pinus 

White Piney Varnish Tree (Bed. 2/84, 
Bs/T/71, 72, Gbl. 85, Bdn/F.T, adpd). 
199 Vatica Roxburghiana. 

White Poolah (McL. 701, 1000), 
Flueggia leucopyrus. 

White Popular of America (Kew Bull. 
5/1012). 16 Liriodendron tulipiferum. 

White Potato Creeper (Mu. 37). 2065 
Solanum jasminoides. 

White-prickly-branched Green-membran- 
ous Round-cuspidate-leaved Coral 



1841 Wright- | 


Tree (Hk. 2/189,adpd). 818 Erythrina 
White - pubescent - becoming - Grey-green 

Large-Bamboo (Gbl. 752). 3312 Den- 
drocalamus Hamiltoni. 
White Rag Plant (McL. 516). 1487 

Musszenda frondosa. 

White (Common) Kainbow Creeper (McL. 
871). 2159-c. Thunbergia fragrans 

White (Fragrant) Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
871). 2159-a. Thunbergia fragrans 

White (Hawtayne’s) Rainbow Creeper 
(McL. 871). 2162-b. Thunbergia Haw- 
tayneana (alba). 

White (Nilgiri) Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
371, adpd), 2160 Thunbergia tomen- 

White (Scentless) Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
371). 2159-b. Thunbergia fragrans 

White (Shrubby) Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
871, adpd). 2163-b, Thunbergia erecta 

White-ringed Greyish-green Solid Bam- 
boo (Gbl. 746). 3301 Bambusa Tulda. 
White (Spanish) Rock Rose (Nic. 1/332). 

124 Cistus albidus. 

White (Caucasus) Rose (Hk. 2/864). 1102 
Rosa alba. 

White (Indian) Rose (McL, 322) (?). 
1102 Rosa alba (?). 

White (Woolly berried) Rose (Nic. 3/319, 
322). 1095 Rosa bracteata. 

White (French) Rose of Indian Gardens 
(Cag. 599) (Br. 68/7). 1105-d. Rose 
odorata (albida-fulvo-suffusa}. 

| White Sandal Wood (McL. 782). 2526 

Santalum album. 

White Semul (McL. 235, 813). 
dendron anfractuosum, 

White (Green- tubed- Reddish-backed) 
sepalled Torch Thistle (Nic, 1/399). 
1371 Cereus hexagonus. 

White-shaded Satiny Rosy-pink -Hybrid- 
perpetual Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Rn/N/95, 
0/18, 20) (Mu. 52,53) (Hod). 1107-g. 
Rosa hybrida-semperflorens (rosea- 

White Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/142) (Ru/N/ 
77). 2443, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 

White (Double) Shoe Flower (Nic. 1/142). 
244-k. Hibiscus-rosa-sinensis (alba- 

White (Purple-centred) Shoe flower (Nic. 
5/425). 250 Hibiscus heterophyllus. 

White Silk Cotton (McL. 225). 261 
Eriodendron anfractuosum. 

White Siris (Gbl, 305) (Bdn/F.T). 1047 
Albizzia procera (elata). 

261 Erio- 


White (Smaller-leafletted) Sirissa (Hk. 
2/299, adpd). 1047-b. Albizzia procera 

White Small-flowered Rose Mallow (Hk. 
1/336, adpd). 288 Hibiscus micran- 

barked (Parallel-subtransverse-nerved 
Small-to-long- heteromorphous-subglau- 
cous Ovate-to- long - lance - obtuse-to- 
acuminate-leaved) Eucalypt (Bth. 2/224, 
adpd), 1169 Kucalyptus brachy poda. 

White-soft-on-branches - dark - iron - grey 
rough- spongy- barked (Irregular-often- 
indistinct)-nerved Medium-thick lance- 
or-falcate- acuminate leaved) Hucalypt 
(Bth. 3/209, adpd). 1195 Eucalyptus 

White Spanish Broom (Nic, 1/429) (S.127). 
743 Cytisus albus. 

White Spathe Trumpet Flower (McL. 664, 
adpd). delxxxiv. Dolichandrone 

White - spotted-branched (Medium-mem- 
branous' oblong - elliptic - obtuse - to- 
acuminate-leaved leatherfoi! (Hk. 5/305, 
adpd). 2570 Phyilanthus indicus. 

White- spotted (Ivory- white- midribbed 
and-petioled Irregalarly) Bright- light- 
green Dumb Cane (Nie. 1/472). 3265-e. 
Dieffenbachia picta (Baraquiniana). 

White- spotted Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 
3265-a. Dieffenbachia picta (typica). 

White- spotted- Purple- stalked (Impari- 
pinnate) Pinnatifid-folioled Aralia (Nie. 
1/104, adpd). 1389 Aralia filicifolia. 

White-spotted-(Dark- green-margined-and 
irregularly- blotched) Yellowish green 

Dumb Gane (Nic. 1/472). 3263-b. 
Dieffenbachia picta (Bausei), 
White Spruce (Muell. §S.P) (H/E.F) 

(Gbl. 716) (Nic. 3/121) (FAR. 
NLGS). 2864 Picea alba. 

White Stalked-fruited Tulip Tree of the 
Himalayas (Hk, 1/39, 43, adpd). 26 
Michelia excelsa. 

White Stalked- fruited Tulip Tree of the 
Nilgiris (Hk. 1/89, 44, adpd). 26 
Michelia nilagirica. 

White Stramony (Pfl. 258), 

White Stringy Bark (Maid. C.T). 
Eucalyptus eugenioides. 

White-striped-leaved Banana (Cooke 743, 
adpd). 3042-f. Musa sapientum 

White-striped-leaved Galangal (Nic. 1/54, 
adpd). 3010-). Alpinia vittata (albolin- 

White-suffused Rosy-pink Hybrid Tea 
Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/96, O/22). 
1105-q. Rosa odorata (hybrida-rosea- 


2097 Datura 

1184 | 


White Sundra (Mch. 472, 859, 995). 1034 
Acacia Suma, 

White (Foreign) Sundra 
1036 Acacia-ferruginea. 

White (Double) Syrian Rose Mallow (Nic, 
1/143) (Ru/N/77). 246-f, Hibiscus 
syriacus (alba-plena). 

White Tanakk (Mech. 473, 875, 1000). 
2644 Givotia rottleriformis, 

White (Creamy-centred) Tea Rose (Nic. 
8/324). 1105-d. Rosa odorata (alba-in- 

White (Fawn-tinted) Tea Rose (Cag. 599) 
(Br 68 ?). 1105-d, Rosa odorata (albi- 

White (Large-purest) Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/324). 1105-a. Rosa odorata (nivea). 

White (Pure) Tea Rose (Nic. 5/646) (Ru/ 
N/94, 96, 0/22) (Mu. 55). 1105-b. Rosa 
odorata (candida), 

White (Rosy- centred) Tea Rose (Mu. 54) 
(Hod). 1105-d. Rosa odorata (albida- 

White (Salmon- centred) Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Ru/N/95) (Mu. 55), 1185-d. 
Rosa odorata (albida-intus-cinnabarina), 

White (Yellow-tinted) Tea Rose (Ru/N/ 
81, 0/21) (Mu. 55), 1105-d. Rosa 
odorata (albida-luteo suffusa). 

White Teak (McL. 135) (W. 82). 280 
Gmelina arborea. 

White Teak (Mch. 884). 
White (False) Teak (Mch. 144, adpd). 
2674 Trewia nudiflora. 
White Thorn (S. 115) (Loud). 

Cratewgus (genus). 

White Thorn Apple (Pfl. 258). 
Datura Stramonium. 

White Tinnevelly Dammer (I.F., xxlx/10, 
xxx/l, adpd). Ixxxiii. Hopea (genus). 

White Toomma (MeL. 936). 1088 Acacia 

White Tree Cotton (McL. 285). 
Hriodendron anfractuosum, 

White (Spathei-calyxed) Trumpet flower 
(Hk. 4/876, adpd). delxxxiy. Dolichan- 
drone (genus). 

White Tsicla (MoL, 932) (?). 1983 Ehre- 
tia buxiflora (?). 

White (Foreign) Vail (McL. 935) (?). 
1036 Acacia ferruginea, 

White- variegated Bengal Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/372, adpd). 38107-a. Cordyline 
terminalis (alba). 

White - variegated (Tripinnate) lance- 
bristle - serrate - folioled Panax (Nic. 
5/579, adpd). 1400-i, Panax fruticosus 

White Variegated Mountain Ebony (McL, 
521) (Br. 63). 997-b, Bauhinia varie- 
gata (candida). 

(McL. 859). 

1317 Lager- 





White veined Birthwort (Nic. 1/118). 
2399 Aristolochia leuconenra, 
White Vengay (McL. 977) (?). 

Albizzia Lebbek (?). 

White Wattle (G@b1.301) (W.O) (Ooty. 
T.S.1). 1018 Acacia dealbata. 

White Wedding Flower Plant of Natal 
(Ru/N/80, adpd), 298 Dombeya natal- 

White Wheel Creeper (McL. 473, 995, 
1023, adpd). 1153 Calycopteris flori- 

White Wild Brinjal (McL. 829, adpd). 
2081 Solanum ferox. 

White Wild Musk Mallow (McL. 83, 943, 
adpd), 238 (bis.) Hibiscus ficulneus, 

White Willow (Nic. 3/345) (S. 382) (Gbl. 
687). 2799 Salix alba. 

White Winged Myrabolan (McL, 531, 799, 
995, adpd). 1149 Terminalia Arjuna, 

White (Narrow leaved) Winged Myrabo- 
lan (MeL, 531, 799,995, adpd). 1149-b. 
Terminalia Arjuna (angustifolia), 

White Winged Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
371). 2161-b. Thunbergia alata (alba), 

White Wodala (McL. 478, 995, 1023). 
1153 Calycopteris floribunda. 

White Wood Apple (McL. 884, 1025) 
(?). 1317 Lagerstrcemia lanceolata (?). 

White Wood Tree (McL. 114). 1219 
Melaleuca Leucodendron, 

White-woolly-petioled Betel Palm (Cag. 
337, 339, adpd). 3129 Dictyosperma 

White Woolly Spineless Fan Palm (Cag. 
343, adpd). 3189 Pritchardia pacifica, 
White Yam (McL. 53). 3068 Dioscorea 


White Yam (McL, 713). 

Whitish-ashy-grey-or-blackish- persistent 
barked (Parallel-oblique-fine-regular- 
nerved Medium-subglaucous lance- 
leaved-Eucalypt (Bth. 38/214, adpd). 
1185 Eucalyptus bicolor. 

Whitish-bordered Flesh-pink Bourbon 
Rose (Nic. 3/325) (Cag. 598) Ru/O/22) 
(Hod). 1106-c. Rosa borbonica(carnea- 

Whitish Creamy Tea Kose (Ru/N /90, 0/19) 
(Mu. 54), 1105-c. Rosa odorata (ebur- 

Whitish-flowered (Very-long-denticulate 
oblong-leaved White-lipped) Galangal 
(Hk. 6/256, adpd). 3009 Alpinia aquat- 

Whitish-flowered (Leafless) Ring-coronet 
Swallow-wort (Hk. 4/8, adpd). 
dexxviii. Sarcostemmma (genus). 

Whitish - green (Deep - green- margined- 
and-streaked Pale - green - blotchy- 
veined) Domb Cane (Nic, 1/474). 
3234-d. Dieffenbachia Seguine (Regina), 


2083 Ipomea 


Whitish Pink Tea Rose (Ru/O/21), 
1105-1, Rosa odorata (rosea-pallida). 
Whitish - striated - and - blotched-veined 
Rich-velvetty-deep-bottle-green Dumb 
Cane \(Nic. 1/474). 3264-e, Dieffen- 

bachia Seguine (splendens). 

Whitlow Plant (Mch, 232). 1885 Damia 

Whongpi (Br. 27). 3°95 Clansena Wampi. 

Whonnay (MeL. 756), 896 Pterocarpus 

Whorled-(3-4).and-opposite (Medium-to- 
long-membranous) Elliptic-acute-or- 
acuminate-leaved Square-branched 
Offal Shrub (Hk, 3/194, adpd). 1591 
Saprosma corymbosum. 

Whorled (Climbing) Dog-bane (McL. 784, 
adpd), dlxxxix. Ellertonia (genus). 
Whorled (Drupaceous) Dog-bane (McL. 
842, adpd). dlxxxi. Rauwolfia (ge- 


Whorled-(3-4)-leaved  (Long-leathery- 
polished Obovate-cuneate-obtuse) Sult- 
creek Dog-bane (Hk. 3/638, adpd). 
1819 Ochrosia berbonisa, 

Whorled - (3-4) (Medium-leathery-glau- 
cous-backed elliptic-obovate-cuspidate- 
leaved Climbing) Dog-bane (Hk. 
3/641, adpd). 1828 Hilertonia Rheedii. 

Whorled (Oleander leaved) Dog-bane 
(McL., 784, adpd). 18381 Alstonia nerii- 

Whorled (Poisonous) Dog-bane (McL. 

302, adpd). 1830 Alstonia venenata. 
Whorled (Schoolroom Black-board) Dog- 
bane (Mcu. 278, adpd). 1829 Alstonia 

Whorled-(4)-leaved (Twining) Bear's 
breech (Hk. 4/889, adpd). decyv. 

Blepharis (genus). 

Whorled Glabrous Goglet Flower (McL. 
466, adpd). 1937 Ceropezia candela- 

Whorled-leaved Dog-bane (Mch. 784, 
adpd). dxc, Alstonia (genus), 

Whorled-leaved Queensland Nut 
5/318, adpd). dceclxxxix. 

Whorled -leaved Salt-creek Dog-bane 
(Hk. 5/638, adpd). dlxxxiv, Uchro- 
sia (g-nus). 

Whorled-(3-4)-leayed Tricoccous-capsuled 
Tamana ‘tree (Hk. 5/241, adpd). 
decexxii. Mischodon (genus). 

Whortle Berry (MeL. 1382)(Gbl. 429) (Bda/ 
F.T) (S. 444), dxxxvi. Vaccinium 

Whortleberry (Small lance-crenate-acute- 
leavea) (Hk, 3/441, adpd), 1638 Vacci- 
nium nilgherrense. 

Whortleberry (Small — Ovate-oblong- 
minutely-toothed - subobtuse - leaved) 
(Hk, 3/445, adpd). 1659-a, Vaccinium 
Leschenaultii (arborea). 



Whortleberry (Very-small Roundish- 
minutely - toothed - retuse - or-obtnse- 
leaved) (Hk. 3/445, adpd). 16389-b, 
Vaccinium Leschenaultii (rotundifolia). 

Wichuraiana Rose (Nic. 5/646) (S. 375) 
(Ooty. 486). 1098 Rosa Lucie. 

Wichuray’s Snow-white Rose of China 
and Japan- (Nic. 5/646). 1093 Rosa 

Widdringtonia Cedar (Kew Bull. 95). 
2876 Callitris Whytei. 

Wight’s Betel-nut Laurel (McL. 600, 
adpd). 2469 Litszea Wightiana. 

Wight’s Black Plum of the Western 

Ghauts (McL. 379, adpd). 1241 Eugenia 

Wight’s Dwarf leaved Spinescent Coffee 
(Hk. 3/154, adpd), 1552 Coffea Wight- 


Wight’s Flat branched Pellet Shrub 
(McL. 670, adpd). 1547 Pavetta 

Wight’s Glabrous Black Babool (Hk. 
2/298, adpd). 1030 Acacia Wightii. 
Wight’s Humming-bird Shrub (W.A.I, 

adpd). edxcii. Adenosacme (genus). 

Wight’s Indian Nettle (McL. 361), 2712 
Celtis Wightii. 

Wight’s Indigo (McL. 371, adpd), 755 
Indigofera Wightii. 

Wight's Inga (McL. 208). 1055 Pithe- 

coiobium bigeminum. 

Wight’s Mottled Ebony (McL, 304, adpd). 
1723 Diospyros orixensis. 

Wight’s Mountain Bindweed (Mch. 120, 
adpd). 2034 Ipomea Wightii. 

Wight’s Opposite Jeaved Spurge (McL. 
502, adpd). 2530 Euphorbia Wight- 

Wight’s Rainbow Creeper (McL. 371, 
adpd). 2168 Thunbergia Wightiana. 
Wight’s Silky Spider Flover Shrub (Hk. 
2/519, adpd). 1282 Osbeckia Wight- 


Wight’s Square branched Tree Bilberry 
(Hk. 2/554, adpd). 1295 Memecylon 

Wight’s Sponia (McL. 361). 

Wight’s Tarnana Oil Tree (McL. 474, 
adpd). 142 Hydnocarpus Wightiana. 
Wight’s Tinnevelly Wool Plant (McL. 

702,adpd). 2376 Airua Wightii. 

Wild Ach Root (McL, 367). 1555 Morin- 
da tinctoria. 

Wild Almond (Bed. 1/81). 264 Stercu- 
lia foetida. 

Wild Almond Myrobalan (McL. 929). 
1144 Terminalia Catappa. 

Wiild Alce (McL. 70). 8049 Agave amer- 

Wild Anaur (McL. 30, 996). 1457 Hymen- 
odictyon excelsam, 

2713 Trema 



Wild Apple (Nic. 3/260). 1113 Pyrus 
Wild Arrowroot (Nic. 1/236, 2/326, 
adpd). cmlii. Clinogyne (genus). 
Wild (Malabar) Arrowroot (Rox. 1/4). 
3025 Clinogyne virgata. 

Wild <Asafcetida (McL. 300). 
Gardenia (genus). 

Wild Aumanac (McL. 55, 1000). 2628 
Jatropha Curcas. 

Wild (Small) Anmanac (MeL, 55, 1000). 
2624 Jatropha multifida, 

Wild, Bachnaug (McL. 638, 484, 1000). 
3119 Gloriosa superba, _ 

Wild Banyan (McL. 738, 1000). 2727 
Ficus mysorensis. 

Wild Bere Fruit (Jaf. 69). 

Wild Bitter (McL. 871). 

Wild Black Carandas (Rid, 118). 
Carissa Carandas. 

Wild Black Pepper (McL. 676, adpd), 
2413 Piper sylvestre. 

Wild Blimbing (McL. 14) (?). 
Ailanthus malabarica (?). 

Wild Brinjal (W. 25). 2076 Solanum 

Wild Brinjal (McL. 829). 2681 Solanum 

Wild (Dwarf) Brinjal (Hk, 4/236, adpd). 
2091 Solanum xanthocarpum. 

Wild (White) Brinjal (McL. 829, adpd). 
2081 Solanum ferox. 

Wild Cardamom (McL. 135, 1001) (?). 
2991 (bis.) Amomum subnlatum. 

561 Zizyphus 
1833 Holarrhena 



| Wild Carrot (Mc&. 812). 3088 Asparagus 

Wild Cassa (McL. 470). 1140 Carallia 

Wild Cassia (McL. 186). 949 Cassia 

Wild Castor (MeL, 380), 2696 Baliosper- 
mum axillare. 

Wild Champak (McL. 521). 988 Bauhi- 
nia tomentosa. 

Wild Cherry (Hk. 3/313). 1066 Prunus 

Wild Cholam (McL. 182, 999) (? Forest 
obstruction). 2273 Lantana indica (?), 

Wild Cinchona of Mysore Planters (Cat. 
156). 1438 Anthocephalus cadamba. 

Wild Cinnamon (McL * 188) (Ell.* 174) 
(PA.* 128) (?). 2486 Cinnamomom 
Wightii (?) (* iners). 

Wild Cinnamon (Mcl. 
Pimenta acris. 

Wild Clove (McL. 448). 

Wild Clove (McL. 171) (S. 330) (Nie. 
3/129). 1207 Pimenta acris. 

Wight’s Cluster flowered Hill Olive (McL, 
394, adpd). 1782 Linociera Wightii. 

171). 1207 

1332 Jussiva 

cdxevii. — 


Wild Cocoa Nut of Travancore (Bdn/I’.T), 
2151 Arenga Wightii. 

Wild Condray (McL. 208). 

Wild Condray (McbL. 208, 995). 
Pithecolobium bigeminum. 

Wild Croton (McL. 380). 
spermum axillare. 

Wild Cumin (McL. 388). 

Wild Damson (McL, 17). 
communis (typica). 
Wild Date (McL. 414, 473, 1000) (Cag. 
342) (Br. 228) (Bll, 443) (Pf. 45) (Cat. 

828). 3163 Phoenix sylvestris. 

Wild Date (MchL. 414). 3166 Phonix 

961 Cassia 


1069-a. Prunus 

Wild (Barren) Date (McL. 777). 2873 
Cycas circinalis. 
Wild (Dwarf) Date (PA. 461). 3167 

Pheenix farinifera. 

Wild Date Palm (Bs/T/645) (Gbl. 721). 
3163 Phoenix sylvestris. 

Wild Drumstick Tree (McL. 518, adpd). 
690 Moringa concanensis. 

Wild Durian (Gbl. 92). 

262 Cullenia 

Wild Dyeing Mulberry (McL. 367). 1555 
Morinda tinctoria. 
Wild Fenugreek (McL. 67). 216 Sida 


Wild Fig (MeL. 49). 

Wild Fig (McL. 49). 2750 Ficus hispida. 

Wild Gannair (McL. 155) (?). 18 Dillenia 
indica (?). 

Wild Gannair (McL. 302, 784, 997). 
Alstonia venenata. 

Wild Gannair (McL. 3802, 473, 1000). 
2691 Homonia riparia. 

Wild Ginger (McL. 311). 2997 Zingiber 

Wild (Glabrons-leaved) Ginger of 
Coromandel Coast (Hk. 6/245, 
2995 Zingiber ligu!atum. 

Wild (Glabrous-leaved) Ginger of the 
Nilgiris (Hk. 6/240, adpd). 2992 
Amomum Cannzecarpum, 

Wild (Downy - leaved) Ginger of the 
Northern Circars (Hk. 6/244, adpd). 
2923 Zingiber roseum. 

Wild (Downy-leaved) Ginger of the 
Western Ghauts (Hk. 6/244, adpd). 
2994 Zingiber Wightianum. 

Wild Guava ot Ceylon (Gbl. 355). 
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. 

Wild Hog Plum (McL. 469, adpd). 686 
Spondias acuminata. 

Wild Horse Gram (MchL. 274). 
Rhy nchosia (genus). 

Wild Horse Gram (McL. 331, 821, 994). 
844 Dolichos falcatus. 

2757 Ficus glomer- 






2696 Balio- 

1599 Vernonia | 



Wild Indian Brinjal (McL. 861, adpd). 
2083 Solanum indicum. 

Wild Indian Horse Radish (Mech. 473, 
518, adpd). 690 Moringa concanensis. 
Wild Indigo (McL. 371, adpd)._ cexci. 

Tephrosia (genus). : 

Wild Indigo (McL, 369). 
argentea (cvrulea), 

Wild Indigo (McL. 871) (Br. 255). 
Tephrosia purpurea. 

Wild (Brown - haired) Indigo (MeL. 871, 
adpd). 775 Tephrosia Hookeriana. 

Wild (Cork barked) Indigo (McL. 81, 845, 
corr). 768 Mundulea suberosa. 

Wild (Dingy) Indigo (McL. 371). 
Tephrosia fusca. 

Wild (Five leaved) Indigo (Mc, 87], 
adpd). 773 Tephrosia senticosa. 

Wild (Velvetty) Indigo (McL, 371, adpd). 
770 Tephrosia tinctoria. 

Wild (Purple) Indigo (McL. 371, adpd). 
774 Vephrosia purpurea. 

Wild (Shaggy) Indigo (McL, 371, adpd). 
776 Tephrosia villosa. 

Wild (Spinous) Indigo (McL. 371, adpd). 
772 Tephrosia spinosa. 

Wild (Splitting-podded Corky-barked) 
Indigo (Hk. 2/114, adpd). 771 Teph- 
rosia fusca. 

Wild Indigo of the Cape (McL. 871, adpd). 
769 Tephrosia grandiflora. 

Wild Jack (McL. 34, 377, 1000) (Cag. 
416) (Cat. 294) (W. 46, 97). 2762 
Artocarpus hirsuta. 

Wild Jack (MeL, 112). (? 1488) 1440 
Stephegyne parvifolia (?). 

Wild (Tender) Jack (McL. 782). 2158 
Pajanelia Rheedii, 

Wild Jamalgota (McL. 380, 858, 1000). 
2646 Baliosperum axillare. 
Wild Jasmine (S. 300). dviii 


758 Indigofera 



Wild Jasmine (McL. 384, 997). 1760 
Jasminum angustifolium. 
Wild Jasmine (McbL. 364) (?). 1866 

Hemidesmus indicus (?), 

Wild (Nerve leaved) jasmine (McL. 384, 
adpd). 1754 Jasminum malabaricum. 

Wild (Pointed Jeaved) Jasmine (McL. 384, 
adpd). 1754 Jasminum malabaricnm. 
Wild (Sessile flowered) Jasmine (McL. 
384, adpd). 1759 Jasminum sessili- 

Wild Jasmine of the West Indies (McL, 
375). dvii. Ixora (genus). 

Wild Jaumoon (McL. 886). 1230 Eugenia 

Wild Jeerah (McL. 388, 
Vernonia anthelmintica, 
Wild Jujube (McL. 66). 137 Flacourtia 

Wild Jujube (McL, 66). 563 Zizyphus 

996), 1599 


Wild Jujube (McL. 154). 136-b, Flacour- 

tia Ramontchi (sapida). 

Wild (alse) Jujube (Mch. 66, corr). 
137 Flacourtia sepiaria. 

Wild Kizhanelly (McL. 587), 2592 
Flueggea leucopyrus. 

Wild Lavangam (McL. 433). 1207 

Pimenta acris. 

Wild Lemon (Mch. 210). 

Wild Lime (Rox. 2/878, Ell, 78, Cat. 479, 
adpd), clvi. Atalantia (genus) 

Wild Lime (Rox. 2/378) (Ell. 78) (Cat. 49). 
404 Atalantia monophylla. 

Wild Lime (Mch. 435, 478, 993). [899 
Sphalm | 404 Atalantia monophylla. 

Wild (Indian) Lime (McL. 484). 
Atalantia monophylla. 

Wild (Medium-opaquely-leathery elliptic- 

389 Glycosmis 


oblong-waved-obtuse-leaved) Lime (Hk. | 
Atalantia missionis. | 

1/528, adpd). 407 

Wild (Medium ovate-elliptic-oblorg-notch- 
tipped-leaved Raceme-flowered) Lime 
(Hk. 1/512, adpd.), 405 

Wild (Small ovate-elliptic-notch-tipped- 
leaved-Fascicle-flowered) Lime (Hk. 
1/517, adpd). Atalantia monop hylla. 

Wild (Very-small-to-medium Polymorph- 
ous-leaved Raceme-flowered) Lime (Hk. 
1/518, adpd). 406 Atalantia zeylanica, 

Wild Liquorice (McL. 360) (W.A.I) 
(Bll. 4) (PA, 204) (Cag. 603). 

Wild (Jamaica) Liquorice (McL. 360, 379). 
810 Abrus precatorius. 

Wild Madmaunty (McL. 777). 

Wild Mango (McL. 488) (Ell. 529). 664 | 

Manvifera sylvatica. 

Wild Mango (Mch. 27, 469, 994). 865 
Spondias mangifera. 
Wild Mango (MchL. 500) (P). 2462 

Litszea polyantha (?). 

Wild Mangosteen (Rid. 126) (Gbl, 54). 
171 Garcinia indica. 

Wild Mangosteen (Mcl. 
Sandoricum indicum, 

Wild Mangosteen (McL. 803) (EIl. 254). 
1702 Diospyros Embryopteris. 

Wild Medlar of South Africa (Ol. 8/148). 
dv. Vangueria (genus). 

Wild Mace (W. 46). 2422 
Wild Mohwah (MeL. 472, 506, 937), 
1686 Bassia latifolia. 
Wild Moringa (Mcli. 227). 

Wild Mountain Ebony (McL. 472, 521, 
995). 998 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Wild (White) Musk Mallow (Mcl. 88, 
943, adpd). 2388 (bis.) Hibiscus 

464). 460 


2594 Breynia 

Atalantia | 

810 Abrus | 

2873 Cycas | 

| Wild Peepul (McL. 673, 


Wild Neeroory (Mch. 
Phyllanthus reticulatus. 

Wild Nerium (McL. 622). 

Wild Neroory (MeL. 580, 1000). 2592 
Fluggea Jeucopyrus. 

Wild Nutmeg (McL. 387, 1000) (Bs/T/524) 
(Bdn/F.T.L). 2421 Myristica lauri- 

Wild Nutmeg (Pf. 126), 
242] Myristica laurifolia, 

Wild(Commonest) Nutmeg (Bed. 2/267). 
2421 Myristica laurifolia. 

Wild Olive (Nic. 2/480) (S. 296). 1786 
Olea europea, 

Wild Olive (Nic. 1/585, S. 148) (Cag. 428). 
deexcviii. Eleagnus (genus). 

Wild Olive (McL. 1044) (Sag. 208). 
2494 Eleagnus latifolia. 

Wild Olive (MeL. 473, 711, 1044) (Ell. 494) 
(Pfl 321). 2597 Putranjiva Roxburghii. 

Wild (Indian) Olive (MeL. 362, 1044). 
1788 Olea dioica. 

Wild (Spuricus) Olive (McL, 473, 711, 
1004, adpd). 2597 Putranjiva Rox- 

Wild Olive Tree (Bdn/F.T) (Gbl. 114). 
336 Eleocarpas serratus. 

Wild Ooshbah (McL. 618). 

Wild (South Indian) Palm Lily (Hk. 6/329, 
adpd). 8097 Dracwna terniflora, 
Wild Papaw (McL. 4738, 651) (?). 

Sterculia coloratia. 

Wild Peacock Gingelly (McL. 310, 478, 
864, 999). 2310 Vitex altissima (?). 

Wild Pear (Nic. 8/259) (Loud). 1114 
Pyrus communis. 

Wild (Indian) Pepper (McL. 596). 2308 
Vitex trifolia. 


701). 2557 
1818 Cebera 

[2422 €phalm] 

3080 Smilax 


Ficus Arnotiana, 

Wig Plant (S. 868). cclviii. Rhas (genus). 

Wild Plantain (McL. 484, 688, 100) (Pf. 
129). 3036 Musa superba. 

Wild Pogauk (MchL. 689). 1634 Lobelia 

Wild Ramboutan (Hk. 1/687, 690, adpd). 
641 Nephelium stipulaceum. 

Wild Rosemary (S. 829). dxxxix. Pieris 

Wild Rattan (McL. 752, 
Flagellaria indica. 

Wild Sage (Br. 163) (Cag. 457). 
Lantana Camara, 

Wild Sage (Mch. 182). 

Wild Sapota (McL. 506) (Br. 112) (Mu). 
1687 Bassia longifolia. 

1001). 3120 
2273 Lantana 

Wild Sarsaparilla (McL. 171). 3080 
Smilax macrophylla. 
Wild Sesban (McL. 520) (?) 990, 

Bauhinia recemosa (?). 


Wild Sesban (McL. 520) (?). 996 
Banhinia purpurea /?), 

Wild Sesban Yam (Mch. 53). 38062 
Dioscorea oppositifolia, 

Wild Shaumanty “(McL. 4). 1621 

Artemisia vulgaris. 
Wild Sugar Oane (McL. 484, 856, 1002), 
3284 Saccharum arundinaceum., 

Wild Sugar Cana (MclL. 569, 858). 
Saccharum spontaneum. 
Wild Sultan Seed (McL. 380). 2696 

Baliospermum axillare. 
Wild Sword Bean (Br. 55), 880-a, 
Canavalia ensiformis (virosa). 

Wild Tamarisk (McL, 185). 2780 
Casuarina equisetifolia, 
Wild 'Tea (McL. 473, 888) (Bdn/F.T), 189 

Eurya japonica. 
Wild (fascicled flowered Scaly-woolly) 
Tea (Hk. 1/286, adpd). 191 Saurauja 

Wild (Medium-oblanceolate leaved) Tea 
(Hk. 1/284, adpd). 189-a. Eurya 

japonica (Thunbergi). 

Wild (Panicled flowered Scaly-woolly) Tea 
(Hk. 1/286, adpd). 190 Sauranja 

Wild (Small Elliptic leaved) Tea (Hk. 
1/291, adpd). 192 Gordonia obtusa 

Wild (Small obovate leaved) Tea (Hk. 
1/280, adpd). 188 .Ternstremia 

Wild (Very-small-oblanceolate 
Tea (Hk, 1/284, adpd). 
japonica (nitida). 

Wild (Winged Seeded) Tea (Hk. 1/290, 
adpd), Ixxvii. Gordonia (genus). 

Wild (Berried Dicecious) Tea Shrub (Hk. 
1/284, adpd). lxxv. Eurya (genus). 
Wild (Dry berried) Tea Tree (Hk. 1/280, 
adpd). lxxiv. ‘Ternstroemia (genus). 
Wild (Mealy berried) Tea 'l'ree (Hk. 1/286, 

adpd), Ixxvi. Sauranja (genus). 

Wild (Scaly-woolly Large-serrate-leaved) 
Tea Tree (Hk. 1/286, adpd). Ilxxvi. 
Saurauja (genus). 

Wild ‘Thespesia (Mch. 674) 
Filicium decipiens. 

Wild Tobacco (MchL. 484, 689). 
Lobelia nicotianzfolia. 

Wild (Larger) Tobacco (McL. 484, 689, 

189-b. Hurya 

(2). 448 

adpd). 1685 Lobelia excelsa. 

Wild (Subglabrous-leaved Open-racemed 
Larger) Tobacco (W.A.1). 1635-b. 
Lobelia excelsa (trichandra). 

Wild Tsiela (McL. 49). 2747 Ficus 

Wild Turmeric (McL. 137). 2998 

Zingiber cassumunar. 
Wild Vine (McL, 362). 
Wild (Fleshy) Vine (Br, 36). 

91 Cissampelos 

599 Vitis 

$283 | 


Wild (Hairy) Vine (McL. 685). 698 Vitis 

Wild (Indian) Vine (McL. 32). 

Wild Water Lemon (Nic. 8/81), 
Passiflora foetida. 

Willermoz (Madame) Rose (Nic, 3/824) 
(Ru/O/21) (Cag. 601). 1105-d, Rosa 
odorata (ulbida-intus-eburnea), 

William (Barbadoes Sweet) (McL, 74, 862) 
(Cag. 476). 2019 Ipomea Quamoclit. 
William Allen Richardson Rose (Nic. 
3/325) (Ru/N/94) (Mu. 56). 1108-1. Rosa 
Noisettiana (odorata-aurantiaca). 

Willow (Whipcord) (Muell, S.P), 
Salix purpurea. 

Willow (White) (Nio, 3/345) (8, 382) (Gbl. 
687). 2799 Salix alba. 

Willow (Woolly Catkined Indian) (Hk. 
5/628, adpd). 2798 Salix ichnostachya. 

Willow Fig (MchL. 78). [2786 Sphelm] 
2733 Ficus Benjamina, 

Willow Fig Tree (McL., 982). 

Willow leaved Betel-nut Laurel (McL. 
550, corr). 2464 Litsea glabrata, 

Willow (Heyne’s) leaved Black Plum 
(McL, 379, adpd). 1259 Eugenia Hey- 

Willow leaved Justicia (McL. 305). 2260 
Justicia Gendarussa, 

Willow leaved Laurel (McL. 500). 
Litseea glabrata. 
Willow leaved Speedwell (Nic. 4/15) 
Ooty. 376), 2117 Veronica salicifolia, 
Willow leaved Water Croton (MeL. 302, 
adpd). 2691 Homonéa riparia, 

Willow-like Australian Bottle-brush (Nic. 
1/243). 1219 Callistemon salignus, 

Willow (Silky) of Europe (Muell. S.P). 
2799 Salix alba, 

Willow (Common) of India (Muell. 8.P). 
2797 Salix tetrasperma. 

Willow (long-leathery Narrow-lance-wavy- 
acuminate-leaved) Swallow-wort (Hk, 
4/7,adpd), 1872 Utleria salicifolia, 

Willow (Alternate-subterminal-leaved) 
Swallow-wort Tree (Hk. 4/7, adpd). 
dexy. Utleria (genus). 

Willow-worts (McL, 1006), 

Wilson Saunders Rose (Rn/N/91, 0/22). 
(Mu. 54). 1107-j. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (punicea). 

Wind Berry (McL. 111, 
Ewbelia (genus). 

Wind Berry (Mcb. 111). 

Wind (Common) Berry (McL, 111, corr). 
1661 Embelia Ribes. 

Wind-berry (Fascicled) (Hk. 3/507, adpd). 
dxlviii. Myrsine (genus). 

596 Vitis 



2733 Ficus 


cx. Salicaceze 

corr). dxlix. 

1661 Embelia 


Wind-berry (Long-papery Elliptic-lance- 
Jeaved) (Hk. 3/512, adpd). 1660-b. 
Myrsine capitellata (lepidocarpa). 

Wind-berry (Lorg-shaggy Elliptic- 
toothed-acute-leaved) (Hix. 3/510, adpd). 
1659 Mzesa dubia. 

Wind-berry (Many-seeded Racemed or 
Panicled) (Hk. 3/507, adpd). dxlvi, 
Mesa (genus). 

Wind-berry (Medium-leathery lance-acute- 
leaved) (Hk. 3/572, adpd). 1660-a. 
Myrsine capitellata (lanceolata). 

Wind-berry (Medium-papery  Elliptic- 
lance-entire acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
3/508, adpd). 1657 Mzesa ramentacea. 

Wind-berry (Medium-papery-ashy ovate- 
serrate-acute-or-acuminate-leaved) (Hk. 
3/509, adpd). 1658 b. Mesa indica 

Wind-berry (Medinum-papery  Elliptic- 
lance - toothed - acute - or - acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk. 3/509, adpd). 1658-a, 
Meesa indica (typica). 

Wind-berry (Single-seeded Racemed or 
Panicled) (Hk. 3/507, adpd). dxlix. 
Embelia (genus). 

Wind-berry (Small-membranons slightly- 
downy-backed obovate-wavy-cuspidate- 
leaved) (Hk. 3/515, adpd). 1663 Embelia 

Wind-berry (Medium-leathery Broad- 
oblong-acute leaved) Climber (Hk. 
3/514, adpd), 1662 Embelia adnata. 

Wind-berry (Medium-leathery obovate- 
cuneate-leaved) Climber (Hk. 38/516, 
adpd). 1664 Embelia viridiflora. 

Wind-berry (Small elliptic-cuspidate- 
leaved) Climber (Hk. 3/518, adpd). 
1661 Embelia Ribes. 

Wind-berry (Small-leathery-rusty-pilose- 
backed-glabrate ovate-lance-crenate- 
acute-leaved) Climber (Hk. 3/517, 
adpd). 1665 Embelia Gardneriana. 

Wind-killer (McL. 901). 2316 Cleroden- 
dron phlomoides. 

Wind-whirl (MchL, 185). 2780 Casuarina 

Wine-berry (5. 376).- ccclxxix, Rabus 

Wine (Hast Indian) Palm (8S. 80) (McL. 

777). cmxci. Caryota (genus). 

Wine (Indian) Palm (McL. 414). 3163 
Pheenix sylvestris. 

Wine (Indian) Palm (McL. 648). 3224 

Borassus flabellifer, 

Wine Palm of Ceylon (Cag. 338) (Cat. 
326). 3152 Caryota urens. 

Wing - bossed - and - rounded (Medium 
ovate-elliptic-cuspidate-leaved) Trinity - 
shield Plant (Hk. 1/420, adpd), 360 
Aspidopterys canarana. 

Wing leaved Ashocam (Mch. 44). 977 
Saraca indica. 


Wing leaved Clitoria (Mc. 240) (Br. 50). 
838 Clitoria Ternatea, 

Wing leaved Convolvulus (McL. 268). 
2019 Ipomzea Quamoclié. 

Wing leaved Garooga (McL. 303). 440 
Garnga pinnata. 

Wing leaved Thunbergia (Br. 169). 2161 
Thunbergia alata, 

Wing leaved Vitex (Br.168). 2811 Vitex 

Wing-petioled  (Trifoliate-subglabrous- 
papery-medium  Broad-lance-digitate 
leaved) Dholl Shrub (Rox. 3/341, adpd), 
876 Fleminga semialata. 

Wing-petioled Calabash (Treas. Bot). 
2157 Parmentiera alata. 

Wing-petioled Tick Trefoil (McL. 813, 
adpd), 801 Desmodium triqnetrum. 
Wing-petioled Tooth-ache Tree (Nic. 

4/237, adpd). 382 Zanthoxylum alatum. 

Wing-podded Trumpet Flower (Hk. 4/376, 
adpd}. dexcvii. Pajanelia (genus). 

Wing-seeded (Dotted-petalled) Spindle 
Tree (Hk. 1/616, adpd). ecxvi. Kokoona 

Wing-seeded (Long-red-punctate-backed 
oblong - lance - subacuminate-leaved - 
Spindle Tree [Young Plants] (Hk. 
1/616, adpd). 5380 Kokoona zeylanica. 

Wing-seeded (Small-red-punctate-backed 
obovate-retuse-leaved) Spindle ‘Tree 
(Hk. 1/616, adpd), 530 Kokoona 

Wing Stalked Yam (McL. 58). 
Dioscorea alata. 

Wing-stemmed (Long-lineolate Seven- 
(7-8-prs)-nerved Broad-elliptic-crenul- 
ate-acuminate-leaved Conehead (Hk. 
4/437, adpd). 2186 Strobilanthes 

Wing-stemmed  (Unifoliate-very-small- 
silky-leathery Round-obovate-obtuse- 
leaved Rattlewort (Hk. 2/69, adpd). 
705 Crotalaria rubiginosa. 

Wing-stemmed  (Unifoliate-small-silky 
obovate - or-elliptic-oblong-subobtuse - 
leaved) Rattlewort (Hk. 2/69, adpd), 
704 Crotalaria alata. 

Wing-style (Medium-membranous Ellip- 
tic-lunce-caudate-leaved) Shrub (Hk. 
8/131, adpd). 1518 Uctotropis trayan- 

Wing-style Shrub (Bed. 1/1384-13, adpd). 
diii. Octotropis (genus). 

Winged-amplexicaul-petioled (Simple- 
palmati-(5-7)-nerved) Heart-leaved 
Yam (Hk. 6/2u6,adpd). 38070 Dioscorea 

Winged-amplexicaul-petioled (Simple- 
palmate-(5~-7) - nerved - opposite - and- 
alternate) Heart-leaved-Winged-(6-or- 
more)-prickly-stemmed Yam (Hk. 
6/287, adpd). 3074 Dioscorea purpurea, 



Winged-and-quadrangular-stemmed Hy- 
brid Passion- Flower (Nic. 3/29, 
5/582). 1348 Passiflora Buonapartea. 

Winged-bracteate-spiked Pepper (McL. | 

676, adpd). 2416 Piper Wightii. 

Winged Brake Fern (Bed/F, adpd). 
Pteris Liaurita. 

Winged (Five) Capsuled Rose Mallow 
(Hk. 1/838, adpd). 239 (bis.) Hitiscus 

Winged-dise podded Rosewood (Hk. 
2/60, Treas. Bot. 2/991, adpd). cccxxv. 
Pterocarpus (genus). 

Winged Lime (McL. 435, 473, $93, corr). 
cliii. Limonia (genus). 

Winged (Seven-(5-9)-leaved) Lime (Hk. 
1/507, adpd). 399 Limonia acidissima. 

Winged (Trifoliate) Lime (Hk. 1/508, 
adpd). 400 Limonia alata, 

Winged (Black) Myrobalan (McL. 473, 
530, 995, adpd). 1150 Terminalia 

Wiuged (Brown-hard-felted-backed leay- 
ed) Myrobalan (Hk, 2/448, adpd). 
1150-¢. Terminalia tomentosa (coriacea). 

Winged (Climbing: Myrobalan (Treas. 
Bot. 1/317). cdvi. Combretum (genus). 

Winged (Glabra‘e) Myrobalan (McL, 473, 
580, 995, adpd). 115U-b. Terminalia 
tomentosa (crenulata). 

Winged (Leathery) Myrobalan (McL, 
478, 530, 995, adpd). 1150-c. 'Termin- 
alia tomentosa (coriacea). 

Winged (Narrow-leaved White) Myroba- 
lan (McL. 531, 799, 995, adpd). 1149-b. 
Terminalia Arjuna (angustifolia). 

Winged (Paniculate) Myrobalan (Br. 75, 
adpd). 1152 Terminalia paniculata. 

Winged (White) Myrobalan (McL. 531, 
799, 995, adpd). 1149 ‘Terminalia 

Winged-nut Baockthorn Climber (Hk. 
1/680, adpd). cexxvii. Ventilago (genus). 

Winged-nut (Common) Buckthorn Climb- 
er (Hk. 1/631, adpd), 558 Ventilago 

Winged-nut (Grey-downy) Buckthorn 
Climber (Hk. 1/631, adpd). 559 Ventil- 
ago calyculata. 

Winged-nut (Tawny-woolly) Buckthorn 
Climber ('Ik. 1/631, adpd). 560 Ventil- 
ago bombaiensis. 

Winged (Multifoliate-(11-41)-papery- 
hoary-backed elliptic-oblong-subacute- 
leaved) Rose-wood (B3/5/241, Rox. 
3/229, adpd). 901 Derris robusta. 

Winged-petioled Crenulate-leaved Opal 
Orange Tree (Rox. 2/381, adpd). 
889-d. Glycoswis pentaphylla (arborea). 

Winged - (5) - petioled (Simple - palmati- 
(5-7)-nerved-opposite - and - alternate) 
Winged (6) - prickly - based - stemmed 




Yam (Hk. 6/296, adpd). 3073 Dios- 
corea globosa. 

Winged (Four) podded Chinese Pavoda 
Tree (Uk. 2/25,, adpd). 915 Sophora 

Winged-(6)-prickly-based-stermmed (Sim- 
alternate Winged-(5)-petioled Ensiform- 
waved - segittate - heart-leaved) Yam 
(Hk. 6/296, adpd). 3073 Dioscorea 

Winged - (6 - or-more) - prickly-stemmed 
(Simple-palmate- (5-7)-nerved-opposite- 
and-alternate Winged-amplexicaal-peti- 
oled Heart-leaved) Yam (Hk. 6/297, 
adpd). 3074 Dioscorea purpurea. 

Winged (Orange) Rainbow Creeper 
(McL. 371). 216l-a. Thunbergia alata 

Winged (White) Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
371). 2161-b. Thaunbergia alata (alba). 

Winged (Yellow) Rainbow Creeper (McL. 
371). 2161 Thu: bergia «lata. 

Winged Bose-wood (Hk. 2/60, Treas. 
Bot. 2/991, 1297, adpd).  ccexxvii. 
Derris (genns). 

Winged (Multifoliate-(5-7)-leathery obor- 
ate-oblong-subacute-leaved) Rose-wood 
Climber (Hk. 2/244, adpd). 904 Derris 

Winged (Multifoliate-(7-13)-leathery- 
shining-hoary-Lacked eiliptic-lance- 
leaved) Rose-wood Climber (s/T/241, 
Rox. 3/232, adpd). 900 Derris scan- 

Winged (Malt‘foliate-(5-7)-leathery-very- 
small oblong-cnspidate-leaved) Rose- 
wood Climber (Hk. 2/247, aapd). 910 
Derris Wightii. 

Winged (Multifoliate-(9)-membranous 
oblong-retuse-leaved) Rose-wood Climb- 
er (Hk. 2/247, adpd). 909 Derris 

Winged (Multifoliate-(9-13)-papery ob- 
Rose-wood Climber (Bs/T/242, adpd). 
903 Derris oblonga, 

Winged (Multifoliate-(7-9)-papery oblong- 
cuspidate-leaved) Rose-wood Climber 
(Hk. 2/244. adpa). 905 Derris eualata. 

WingeG (Quinquefoliate-(5-7)-leathery- 
medium oblong-cuspidate-leaved) Rose- 
wood Climber (Hk. 2/245, adpd). 907 
Derris platyptera. 

Winged (Quinquefoliate-leathery obovate- 
oblony- cuspidate-leaved) Rose-wood 
Climber (Hk. 2/244, adpd). 906 Derris 


Winged (Quinquefoliate-(3-5)-papery- 
polished ovate-acuminate-leaved) iKose- 
wood Climber (Bs/!'/241, adpd). 902 
Derris uliginosa, 


Winged (Salt-swamp) Rose-wood Climber 
(3s/T/241,adpd). 902 Derris uliginosa. 

Winged seeded Ordure Tree (Hk. 1/360, 
adpd). 273 Sterculia alata. 

Winged seeded Wild Tea Tree (Hk. 
1/290, adpd). xxvii. Gordonia (genus). 
Wingeo Senna (McL. 10). 957 Cassia 


Winged Square Spurge (Mcl. 502, adpd). 
2539 Euphorbia trigona. 

Winged stemmed Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/29). 13847 Passiflora alata. 

Winged-stamened-Yellow-flowered (Medi- 
um-oblong acuminate-leaved) Panicled 
Ginger (Hk. 6/206, adpd). 2988 
Globba marantina. 

Winged-stamened-Y ellow-flowered(Small- 
oblong - acuminate - leaved) Panicled 
Ginger (Hx. 6/208, adpd). 2987 Globba 

Winged-strap-podded (Opposite-leaflet- 
ted) Rose-wood (Hk. 2/60, Treas. Bot. 
2/991, 1297, adpd). ccexxvii. Derris 

Winged-styled Bell-flowered One-seeded 
Leather-berry (Hk. 3/20, adpd). diii. 
Octotropis (zenns). 

Winged Terminalia (McL. 530). 
Terminalia tomentosa. 

Winged (Curly) Tree Vine (McL. *751, 
adpd). 615 Leea crispa. 

Winzed Yam (Rid. 217). 3068 Dioscorea 

Winter Cherry (S.4'4) (?). 2070 Solanum 
pseudocapsicum (?), 


Winter Cherry (McL. 44) (?). 2095 
Withania somifera (?). 
Winter Cherry (McL. 6) (?). 2266 

Adhatoda Vasica (?). 

Winter Flax (S. 363, 460). 346 Rein- 
wardtia trigyna. 

Winter (Larger lance leaved) Flax (Hk. 

1/412, adpd). 346-b. Reinwardtia 
trigyna (tetragyna). 
Winter (Small 

Flax (Hk. 1/412, adpd) 

wardtia trigyna (typica). 

(Aromatic) (Nic. 2/55). 

dxzxxviii. Gaultheria (genus). 
Winter-green (Creeping) (Nic. 2/56). 
(8.176), dsxxviii. Gaultheria (genus). 

Winter-green (Indian) (Ell. 50). 
Vaccinium Lescienaultii. 

Wintergreen (Small lance-ovate-crenate- 
acute-leaved Trigonous-branched (Hk. 
3/457, adpd). 1642 Gaultheria fragran- 

Winter’s Bark Family (L/N/S/B). III. 
Magnoliacez (order). 


Wiry Indigo (McL. 371, adpd). 746 
Indigofera aspalathoides, 
Wisdom Tree (MeL. 100, 878). 2732 

Ficus religiosa. 

346-a. Rein- | 



Witch JHazel 

Withy (S.381). decexcv. Salix (genus). 

Withy (Nic. 3/345) (S. 382). 2801 Salix 

Wittebroom (Nic. 2/255). 2476 Leuca- 
dendron argenteum. 

Wodala (McL. 995, 1023). 1157 Combre- 
tum extensum, 

Wodala (White) (McL. 473, 995, 1023). 
1153 Calycopteris floribunda, 

Wodalee Gum Tree (McL. 188). 
Acacia catechu. 

Wodier (McL. 473, 994, 1023) (Br. 46). 
672 Odina Wodier. 

Wodisha (MeL. 308). 

Wody (McL. 14, 473, 998, 1024). 21383 
Dolichandrone falcata. 

Wody (Long leaved) (Mch. 14, 743, 928, 
1024). 2181 Dolichandrone Kheedii. 
Wolf’s Milk (MeL. 501). deccvi. Euphor- 

bia (genus). 

Wowan (Old) (McL. 4). dxxviii. Arten- 
isia (genus). 

Woman’s-hair Palm (McL. 777). 
Caryota urens. 

Wongawonga Vine of Australia (Nic. 
4/12). 2129 Tecoma australis. 

Wood (Agil) (Gbl. 606). 2600 Hemicy- 
clia Porteri. 

Wood (Amboyna) (McL. 510). 
Pterospermum (genus), 

Wood (American Bitter) (Ol. 1/312). 
426 Quassia amara. 

Wocd (American Log) (Cat. 130). 942 
Hematoxylon campechianum. 

Wood (Anaimalai Calaminder) (Gbl. 460, 
Mctu. 866, adpd). 1716 Diospyros 

Wood (Andaman Red) (McL. 473, 642, 
756) (Bed, 223). [894 Sphalm] 898 
Pterocarpus dalbergioides. 

Wood (Andaman Red) (Rox. 
(W.A.I) (Bs/T/239) (GbL 257) (Pr. 
1/412). 898 Pterocarpns dalbergioides. 

Woud (Andaman Satin) (Gbl. 126) (McL. 
210, 418, 489, 798). 3892 Murraya 

Wood (Asiatic Red) (Br. 44). 575 Colu- 
brina asiatica. 

Wood (Australian Beef) (W. Oa). Casu- 
arina suberosa. 

Wood (Australian Black) (McL. 58, 98, 
472, 995) (H/E.F) (Maid. C.T) (Bth. 
2/889) (Bs/T/269) (Gbl. 301) (W.*Oa) 
(Bed, 1/95, 2/254). 1016 Acacia mala- 
noxylon (* robusta). 

Wood (Australian Scrub Blood) (Cat. 
262). 2652 Baloghia lucida. 

Wood (Anstralian Tulip) (Maid. C.T) 
(Muell. S.P) (Bth. 1/471).  coxlix. 
Harpullia (genus), 

Family (Nic. 2/110) 
XLVI. Hamamelidacezs 


2550 Cleistanthus 





Wood (Bass) (S. 431). 

Wood (Bastard Chittagong) (Bed. 1/3, 
2/10). 482 Cedrela Toona. 

Wood (Beef) (Nic, 3/497). 2489 Steno- 
carpus salignus. 

Wood (Beef) (McL. 185) (Cat. 301) (Pr. 
1/985). 2780 Casuarina equisetifolia. 
Wood (Bitter) (Nic. 4/225). xxiii, Xyl- 

opia (genus). 

Wood (Black) (Bed. 1/88, 2/29) (Rox. 
2/232) (Bs/S/193, SAC. 239, CBT) 
(Bdn L) (W. 1, 21, 38, 82, 96, 97, 108, 
122) (Ell. 225), 881 Dalbergia lati- 

Wood (Black) (Cag. 629) (Cat. 122). 
1016 Acacia melanoxylon. 

exvil, Tilia 

Wood (Black Satin) (McL. 366). 1707 
Diospyros Ebenum. 
Wood (Bombay Black) (McL. 461). 881 

Dalbergia latifolia, 

Wood (Bombay Rese) (Bdn/F.T) (1. F, 
xxxi/3). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Wood (Box) (Bdn/F.T). 2545 Buxus 

Wood (Box leaved Ivory) (Hk. 4/144, 
adpd). 1983 Khretia buxifolia. 

Wood (Brazil) (Treas. Bot. 1/168, 188). 
ceexxxvili. Cesalpinia (yenus). 
Wood (Brazil) (McL. 105, 183). 

Cesalpinia Sappan. 

Wood (Broad-oblong leayed Ivory (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 1950-c. Ehretia levis 

Wood (Burmah Iron) (McL. 473, 945) 
(Bs/T/262). 1042 Xylia dolabriformis. 

Wood (Burmese Rose) (Nic. 3/246) (McL. 
642). [894 Sphalm] 895 Pterocarpus 

Wood (Burr) (iMcL. 44). 

Wood (Hutton) 
Platanus (genus). 

Wood (Cabbage) (McL. 11, 235). 261 
Eriodendron anfractuosum. 

Wood (Cabinet Rose) (Pd. 137). 
Dalbergia lanceolarin. 

Wood (Californian Evergreen Red) (Nic. 
3/42U). 2827 Sequoia sempervirens. 

Wood (Cametty Eagle) (McL. 892). 2706 
Excecaria Agallocha. 

Wood (“ampeachy) (Nic. 2/108). 
Hematoxylon campechianum. 

Wood (Ceylon Iron) (Bs/3/240, CBT). 
1691 Mimusops hexandra, 

Wood (Ceylon Stink) (Hx. 5/483, adpd). 
2711 (bis.) Celtis cinnamouiea. 


2095 Witharia 

(H/E.F). decclxxxy. 

(?) 889 


Wood (Chirese black) (Cooke. 1/397) 
(FAR. 26, MBR}. 886 Dalbergia mela- 

Wood (Chittagong) (MeL. 168) (Cag. 635) 
(Br. 35) (Ged. 1/58, 2/9) (Bs/T/144) (Gbl. 
156) (Bdn/F.T.L) (Pr. 1/320) (W. 82) 



(Ell, 169) (Pr. 1/320) (W. 82). 481 
Chukrassia tabularis. 

Wood (Chittagong) (MeL. 911). 
Sphalm] Chukrassia tabularis, 
Weod (Citrus) (McL. 788). deccxeviii. 
Callitris (genus) 
Wood (Colophony) 
Bursera (genus). 
Wood (Jonkan Lance) (Bs/1'/13, adpd). 
75 Sagerzxa laurina, 
Wood (Cork) (MeL. 81). 


Wood (Coromandel Red) (McL. 229, 756, 
862). 477 Soymida febrifuza. 

Wood (Creamy leaved Lance) (MeL 974, 
adpd), 281 Pterosporum suberifolium. 

Wood (Dark Black) (1, F, xxxi/3). 831 
Dalbergia latifolia. 

Wooi (Deal) (Nic. 3/145). 

Wood (Deccany Olive) (Mch. 589, 606, 
adpd). 544 Eleodendron glaucum. 

Wood (Dog) (Nic. 1/378) (S. 110, 142). 
edlxxi. Cornus (genus). 

Wood (Downy Ovate leaved Ivory) (Hx. 
4/142, adpi). 19-0-b. Ehretia levis 

Wood (East Indian Rose) (Mch. 98). 
ecexxiv. Dalbergia (genus). 

Wood (East Indian Satin) (Rox. 2/400). 
485 Chlvroxylon Swietenia. 

Wood (Kew seeded Lance) (McL. 510, 
adpd), 285 Pterospermum  reticula- 

Woud (Fiddle) (Nic. 1/333) (Cag. 437) 
(Cat 225) (Re/N/79). 2304 Citharexyl- 
um subserratum. 

Woods (Flame of the) (McL. 375, 48+). 
1588 Ixora coccinia, 

Wood (Flint) (Bth, 3/208). 1202 Eucaly p- 
tus pilularis. 



241 Hibiscus 

2857 Pinus 

Wood (Fustic) (Maell. S.P). 2720 
Chlorophora tinctori». 
Wood (Headed Dog) (Nic. 5/259), 1421 

Cornu Capitata. 

Wood (Huge Capsuled Lance) (Mech. 519, 
adpd). 282 Pterospermum diversi- 

Wood ({ndian Black) (McL. 461). 881 
Dalbergia latifolia. 

Wood (ludian Blood) (MeL. 5, 99, 357). 
1319 Lagerstroemia flos-Reyinze 

Wooi (Indian Rei) (MeL. 363, 756, 862), 
(Gol. 155). 477 Soymida fetrifuga. 

Wood (Indisn Rd) (Meh. 7d). 896 
Pterocarpus sartalinus. 
Wood (Indian Rose) (MeL. 451). 881 

D ilberygia latifolia. 

Wood (Indian Satin) (Pr. 1/321) (Cat. 
6¥) 485 Chloroxylon swietcnia, 

Wood (Indian Serpent) (McL, £42). 
Kauwolfia se: pentina. 

Wood (Indian Worm) (McL. 4, 366) (Br. 
1 P 8), 1621 Artemisia vulgaris, 




Wood (Indian Zebra) (McL. 366, 473, | Wood (New-South - Wales Blood) (Bth. 

994). 1517 Guettarda speciosa. 

Wood (Iron) (McL. 351, 935,adpd). dlvi. 
Sideroxylon (genus). 

Wood (Iron) (McL, 461) (?), 881 Dalber- 
gia latifolia. 

Wood (Iron) (McL. 208) (?). 958 Cassia | 

siamea (?). 

Wood (Iron) (McL. 935) (Pfl. 247), 1002 
Xylia dolabriformis. 
Wood (Iron) (McL. 351, 935). 1681 

Sideroxylon tomentosum. 
Wood (Ivory) (McbL. 222, adpd). del. 
Ehretia (genus). 
Wood (Ivory) (Pf. 496). 

[184 Sphalm} 
dcl. Ehretia (genus). 

Wood (Jamaica Blood) (Treas, Bot). 
Ixxvii. Gordonia (genus), 
Wood (Kyaboca) (McL. 510). cvii. 

Pterospermum (genus). 
Wood (Uance) (McL. 510), 
ermum (genus). 
Wood (Lance Jeaved Ivory) (Hk. 4/148, 
adpd). 1982 Ehretia Wightiana. 
Wood (Large capsuled Lance) (McL. 510, 
adpd). 287 Pterospermum glabrescens. 
Wood (Larger golden flowered Lance) 
(Bs/1/13, adpd). 76 Sagerzea Dalzellii, 

cvii. Pterop- 

Wood (Light Black) (LF, xxxi/3). 882 
Dalbergia sissoides. 
Wood (Lingo) (McL. 510). cvii. Ptero- 

spermum (genus), 

Wood (Log) (Nic. 2/108) (Gbl. 370) (Cag. 
(619) (Br. 60) (Ru/N/81) (FAR. 16, 20, 
26, 29, 32to 38). 942 Hamatoxylon 
campechianum. : 

Wood (Malabar Black) (McL. 46, 473, 
977, 995). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Wood (Malabar Black) (Bdn/F.T) 
xxxi/3). 882 Dalbergia sissoides, 

Wood (Malay Red) (McL. 463, 469, 793, 
993). 466 Sandoric:m indicum. 

Wood (Maple leaved Lance) (McL. 405, 
adpd). 284 Pterospermum acerifolium. 

Wood (Medium seeded Lance) (McL. 510, 

ee § 

adpd). 285 Pterosperm:im Heynea- 

Wood (Maokurra) (Rox. 2/69). 486 
Chailletia gelonioides. 

Wood (Model) (McL. 118), 1489 Adina 

Wood (Mootchie) (W.A.I). 817  Er- 

ythrina indica. 

Wood (Mootchy) Tree (Mc. 226). 
Erythrina indica. 

Wood (Maultifoliate-(18)-yellow - downy 
Ovate-lance-serrate - acuminate - leaved 
Brucine) (Bth. 1/377, adpd). 481 
Brucea sumatrana. 4 

Wood (Needle) (Maid. 
Hakea (genus), 

Wood (Neilgherry Satin) (McL. 473, 798, 
997). [1634 Spkalm] 1695 Muaba nig- 


©.T) doexci. 

Eee a aaa 

3/256) (Maid. C.T). 1176 Eucalyptus 

Wood (New-South-Wales Spear) (Bth. 
2/383). 1025 Acacia homalophylla. — 

Wood (Nilgiri Ivory) (Hk. 4/142), 1980-c, 
Ehretia levis (canarensis). 

Wood (Norfolk-Island) (McL. 99), 2652 
Baloghia lucida. 

Wood (Olive) (Nic. 1/104). 
dendron (genus). 

Wood (Olive) (McL. 
Elezodendron glaucum. 

Wood (Oojen Black) (W. 82). 795 Ougei- 
nia dalbergioides. 

Wood (Oojein Black) (McL. 575). 795 
Ougeinia dalbergioides. 

Wood (Outeniqua Yellow) (Nic. 3/172) 
(Gb1. 702) (FAR. 27 to 30,35 to 37, 
48, NLGS). 2880 Podocarpus elongata. 

Wood (Oval leaved Ivory) (Hk. 4/143, 
adpd). 1981 Ehretia evalifolia. 

Wood (Ovate leaved Ivory) (Hk. 4/141, 
adpd). 1980 Ehretia levis. 

Wood (Pallisandre) (Muell. 8.P). 2148 
Jacaranda ovalifolia. 

cexxi. Eleo- 

589, 606), 544 

Wood (Pigeon) (McL. 366). 1517 Guet- — 

tarda speciosa. 

Wood (Pomander) 
Diospyros Ebenum. 

Wood (Porcupine) (Gbl. 740) (Bdn/F.T). 
3228 Cocos nucifera. 

Wood (Prickly leaved Bracelet) (Br. 115, 
adpd). 1676 Jacquinia ruscifolia. 

Wood (Quassia) (Gbl. 132) (Bdn/F.T) 
(Br.43). 426 Quassia amara. 

Wood (Racemed Purple flowered Brucine 
Bitter) (Nic. 1/215). clxiv. Brucea 

Wood (Rafter) (McL. 303, adpd). 2550 
Cleistanthus collinus. 

Wood (Red) (Mch. 756). 348 Erythroxyl- 
on monogynum. 

Wood (Red) (McL. 756, 762). 467 Amoora 

Wood (Red) (Ell. 504) (PA. 489). 477 
Soymida febrifuga. 

Wood (Red) (MeL. 756) (Bed. 2/46) (Cat. 
113) (Pfl. 385). 1004 Adenanthera 

Wood (Red) (Mcl. 16). 

Wood (Red flowered Snake) (McL. 842). 
1811 Rauwolfia serpentina. 

Wood (Red Sandal) (McL. 756) (Ell. 469). 
(Pf. 421). 896 Pterocarpus sanvalinus. 

Wood (Rose) (Bed. 2/24) (Bdn/L). (W. 
84, 46,68, 77, 96,97, 105). 881 Dal- 
hergia latifolia. 

Wood (Rough oyate leaved Ivory) (Hk. 
4/142, adpd). 1980-d. Hhertia levis 

Wood (Ruby) (McL. 756). 896 Pterocar- 
pus santalinus. 

(McL. 363). 1707 

1420 Alangium 

i i i i a te ed oe ee! Bi 

= |) 


Wood (Rusty-downy-branched Snake) 
Buck-thorn (Hk. 1/643, adpd). 576 
Colubrina travancorica. 

Wood (Rusty leaved Lance) (McL. 510, 

adpd). 283 Pterospermum rubigino- 

Wood (Saffron) (McL. 113). 1439 Adina 

Wood (Sandal) (McL. 782, 1000) (Nic, 
3/356) (Br. 187) (Ell. 297) (Rox. 1/443) 
(Bs/T/553) (Gbl. 585) (Bdn/F.T.L) 
(Rid. 154) (Cag. 421) (Cat. 234) (Ru/N/ 
51, 0/35) (Mu. 12) (W. Oa. 1, 74, 84, 
107, 109, 127, 128). 2526 Santalum 

Wood (Santonin) 
Artemisia (genus). 

Wood (Sappan) (Bdn. 1/83) (Gbl. 267) 
(Bdn/F.T) (Cat. 60) (Ell. 120) (Br. 39) 
(McL. 473, 884, 1995) (Pf. 340) (Cag. 
621) (W. 34). 929 Cesalpinia Sappan. 

Wood (Satin) (McL. 472, 484,797, 993) 
(Nic. 1/317) (Cag. 625) (Br. 35). 485 
Chloroxylon Swietenia. 

Wood (Saw leaved Ivory) (Hk. 2/141, 
adpd). 1980 (bis.) Ehretia acuminata. 

Wood (Sissu) (Pfl. 446). 880 Dalbergia 

Wood (Skewer) (8, 110). 

Wood (Small lance-acuminate-shining- 
leaved Bitter) (Nic. 4/225, Hk. 1/84, 
adpd). 61 Xylopia parvifolia. 

Wood (Small-oblong-elliptic-leaved Small- 
pulpy-druped Deccany Olive) (Hk. 
1/623, adpd). 544-b. Hlazodendron 
glaucum (canarensis), 

Wood (Smaller White flowered Lance) 
(Bs/T/13, adpd). 75 Sagerzea laurina. 

Wood (Sobrazil) (Treas. Bot. 2/858). 
eccxxxix. Peltophorum (genus). 

Wood (South African Sneeze) (FAR. 27, 
28, NLGS) (1.F., xi/4). 663 Pteroxylon 

Wood (South African Yellow) (FAR. 27, 
to 30, 35 to 37, 43, NLGS) (Bs/T/696). 
2830 Podocarpus elongata. 

Wood (Southern) (McL. 4) (S. 35) (Nic. 
1/14). dxxviii. Artemisia (genus). 

Wood (Southern) (McL. 4). 1621 Arte- 
misia valgaris. 

Wood (Southern) (Nic. 1/115) (Cag. 581) 
(S. 35) (Br. 108) (Mu). 1620 Artemisia 

Wood (Speckle barked Rafter) (McL. 587, 
adpd). 2550 Cleistanthus collinus. 

Wood (Sponge) (McL. 844, 853). 787 
Z4Eischynomene aspera. 

Wood (Strong Iron) (McL, 66). 187 Fla- 
courtia sepiaria (?). 

Wood (St. Mary’s) (McL. 705). 
Calophyllum inophyllum. 

(McL. 4). 


cedlxxi. Cornus 



Wood (Sunt) (McL. 63). 

Wood (Tallow) (Maid. 0.1). 
yptas microcorys. 

Wood (Tasmanian Light) (McL. 58) (Bth. 
2/889). 1016 Acacia melanoxylon. 

Wood (Thorny Iron) (MchL. 66). 
Flacourtia sepiaria (?). 

Wood (Touch) (Hk, 3/143). 

Wood (Travancore Red) (McL. 756) (Bdn/ 
F.T). 666 Gluta travancorica. 

Wood (Travancore Canoe) (Gbl. 3882, 
adpd). 1868 Tetrameles nudiflora, 

Wood (Travancore Lance) (Bs/T/13, adpd). 
76 Sagerza Dalzellii. 
Wood (Trincomali) (Bs/3/240, CBT) (Gbl. 

1029 Acacia 
1177 Eucal- 


1537 Ixora 

107). 807 Berrya Ammonilla. 

Wood (Trincomalee ed (McL. 922). 307 
Berrya Ammonilla, 

Wood (True Lance) (Nic. 4/485). 74 
Sagerea virgata. 

Wood (True Sandal) (McL. 782). 2526 

Santalom album. 

Wood (‘fube-in-tube) (MchL. 521, adpd). 
891 Dalbergia paniculata. 

Wood (Turmeric) (McL. 
Adina cordifolia. 

Wood (Velvetty leaved Bastard Satin) . 
(McL. 845, adpd). 768 Mundu!ea suber- 

Wood (Victoria Blood) (McL. 99) (Bs/5/ 

113). 1439 

827). 76 Eucalyptus corymbosns. 
Wood (Victoria Myall) (Bth, 2/383). 1025 
Acacia homaluphyla. 
Wood (Vinegar) (Gbl. 607, adpd). 2607 

Bischofia javanica. 

Wood (Warty capsuled Lance) (McL. 
510, adpd). 288 Pterospermum obtusi- 

Wood (West Indi:n Bracelet) (Nic. 2/206). 
dliiii. Jacquinia (genus). 

Wood (West Indian Cedar) (Bs/T/145) 
(Cat. 69). 484 Cedrela odorata. 

Wood (White Sandal) (McL. 782), 2526 
Santalum album. 

| Wood (Woolly -Iron) (McL. 351, 935, 

adpd). 1681 Sideroxylon tomentosam. 

Wood (Worm) (McL. 4) (S. 35) (Nic. 
114). dxxviii. Artemisia (genus), 

Wood (Yarrah Myall) (Maid. ©,T)- 
Acacia homolophylla. 

Wood (Yellow) (McL. 797). 485 Chlo- 
roxylon swietenia. 

Wood (Yellow) (McL. 84). 

Wood (Yellow) (McL, 118). 

Wood (Yellow Sandal) (McL. 738). 
Santalum a!bum. 

Wood (Zante) (McL. 797). 485 Chloroxyl- 
on swietenia, 


98 Berberis 
1439 Adina 


Wood Arple (Mch. 473, 484, 508, 993, 
1024) (Rid. 125) (W. 1, 68, 82) (Cag. 
273) (Cat. 55) (Pf. 372) (Ell. 276) (Br. 
21) (Ru/N/73) (Nic. 2/8) (U.D) (Bed. 
1/40, 2/121) (Rox. 2/411) (Bs/5/1:9) 
(Gbl. 131) (Bd /F.T) (Pr. 1/305). 424 
Feroria elephantum, 

Word (Dog) apple (Mch. 435, 1025). 
(404 Sphalm) 399 Limonia acidissima. 

Wo (Dark) Apple (McL. 1025) (?) 
663 Mane fera indica (?). 

Wo.d (Larze) Apple (McL. 1025) (? 
Sacred Lirgam Mark). 101 Crateva 
religiosa (?), 

Wood (Large) Apple (McL. 1025) (?) 
Greatly divided leaf). 1008 Dicirustach 
ys cinerea (?). 

Wood (Large) Apple (McL. 1026) (?) 
Son’s Li: gam) 1777 Schrebera swiete- 

Wood (Larger) Apple (McL. 65). 425 
Azle . armelos, 

Wood Lowly) Apple (McL. 1025) (?). 
212 Sida mysorensis (?). 

Wovd (Rvbust) Apple (MeL. 
(? 400) 399 Limonia alata. 

Wood (Thorny) Apple (McL. 65). 425 
Aigle Marmelos. 

Woved (Water) Apple (McL. 580) (? 
Triune leaf Tree). 101 Crateeva reli- 
giosa (?). 

Wood (White) Apple (McL. 884 1 P 25). 
(?) 1517 Lage:strcemia lanceolata (?). 

Wood (Cork) Bendy (McL. 82, 473, 484, 
493). 241 Hibiscus tiliaceus. 

Wood (Common Snake) Buckle Thorn 
(McL. 515, 842, adpd). 575 Colubrina 

Wood (Snake) Buck Thorn (Mch. 515), 
842,  adpd). cexxxiii. Colubrina 

Wood (Travancore Snake) Buck Thorn 
(McL. 515, 842, adpd). 6576 Colubrina 

Wood (Iron) Champak (McL. 157). 185 
Mesua ferrea. 

Wood Yellow) Ebony (McL. 866, adpd). 
1711 Diospyros chlorexylon. 

Wood (Aloes) Family  (L/N/S/B). 
XCOVIII Thymelwacez (Order), 

Wood (v8eef) Family (Br 202). 
Casuarinacee (Order). 

Wood (Dog) Family (L/N/S/B). LX. 
Cornacev (Order). 

Wood (Moakurra) Family (Rox. 2/69, 
adpd). XXXI1. Chailletiaceze (Order). 

Wood (Sand.1) Family (Br. 187). CI. 
Santulacess (Order). 

Wood (Sanders) Family (L/N/S/B). CI. 
Santulacez (Order). 

Wood (bass) of America (Kew Bull. 
6/19iz). 16 Liriodendron tulipiferum, 




Wood (Canary White) of America (Kew 
Ball. 5/:912). 16 Liriodendron tulipi- 

Wood (Bastard Cedar Pencil) of Anustra- 
lia (Bth. 1/382), clxxxi. Dysoxylam 

Wood (Beef) of Australia (Gbl. 665) 
(MAHS. 21) (N. 1/276). 2780 Casuar- 
ina equisetifolia. 

Wood (Red) of California (Muell. S.P). 
2827 Sequoia sempervirens. 

Wood (Kei) of Calitornia (Muell, $.P) 
(H/“.F) (Gbl. 750) (8. 398). 2827 
Sequoia sempervirens, 

Wood (Black Lance) of Guiana (Nic. 
4/485) (Ene. Brit, 14/259). 74 Sagerza 

Wood (Brazil) cf Jamaica (Treas. Bot. 
2/858) (Nic. 1/282, 5/179). cccxxxix. 
Peltophorum (gents). 

Wood (Iron) of Malabar (Bs/T/67). 203 
Hopea parviflora. 

W.od (Mochi) of Madras (Gbl, 242). $17 
Erythrina indica. 

Wool (Togari) of Madras 
1554 Morinda citrifolia. 
Wond (Iron) of Pegu and Arracan (Gbl. 

265). 1002 Xylia dolabriformis, 

Wood (lack) of Southern India (Cag. 
93). 811 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Wood (Gopher) of the Ark of the Bible 
(McL. 787). 2809 Cupressus semper- 

Wood (Shi‘tim) of the Bible (McL. 68). 
1029 Acacia arabica. 

Wood (lron) of the Cape (Cat. 170) 
(Ru/0/13). 1680 Sideroxylon inerme. 
Wood (Upright Yellow) of the Cape (1.F, 

xi/2) 27°30 Podocarpus elongata, 

Wood (Black) of the Inner Hills (1.F, 
xxxi/3). 881 Dalbergia latifolia. 

Wood (Black) of the Outer Hills (L.F., 
xxxi/3). 882 Dalbergia sissofdes. 

Wceod Oil (Kox. 2/612 to 615). 
D pterocarpus (genus). 

Wood Oil Tree (Mech. 336) (Pil. 894) 
(Gbl. 70). 196 Dipterocarpus indicus, 

Wood Oil Tree (McL. 797) (?). 485 
Chloroxylon swietenia (?). 

Wood (Travancore) Oil Tree (Bs/T/66, 
adpd). 193 Dipterocarpus Bourdil- 

Wood Oil Tree of India (Rox. 2/618). 
196 Dipterocarpus indicus. 

Wood Oil Tree of Pegue (Rox. 2/614). 
197 Dipterocarpus alata. 

Wood (Monchee) Plant 
2628 Jatropha Curcas. 

Wood (Snake) Flant (McL. 842). 
Rauwolfia serpentina. 

Wood (Annie) Rose (Nic. 5/645) (Mn. 53) 
(Hod) 1107-i. Rosa hybrida-semper- 
florens (coccinea-puniceo-suffusa). 



(McL. 56). 

ae ee oe 

Wood (Eagle) Scent (McL. 9). 896 Pter- 
ocarpus santalinus, 

Wood Sorrel Family (Br. 37) (L/N/S/B). 
XXV. Geraniacez (Order). 

Wood (Catamaran) Tree (Mcl. 
1165 Gyrocarpus Jacquini. 

Wood (Cherry fruited Mast) Tree (Mch. 
250, adpd). xvii. Polyalthia (genus). 

Wood (Tron) Tree (McL. 157} (Bee, 1/23.) 
(W.A.I) (Bdn/F.T) (Cag. 657). 185 
Mesua ferrea. 

Wood (Iron) (McL. 185). 2780 Casuarina 


Wood (Iron) Tree (McL. 136). 1805 
Memecylon edule. 

Wood (Mast) Tree (McL. 705). 181 
Calophylium inophyllum, 

Wood (Moorkkam) Tree (McL. 226). 817 
Erythrina indica. 

Wood (Red) Tree (McL. 783). 929 Czsal- 

pinia sappan. 

Wood (Snake) Tree (McL. 690) (Ell. 5385). 
1957 Strychnos colubrina. 

Wood (Snake) Tree (Gbl. 497). 
(? 1957) 1962 Strychnos nux-vomica. 

Wood (Trincomallee) Tree (Br. 26) (Cag. 
646) (Cat. 80) (Rox. 2/639) (Bed. 2/58) 
(Bdn/F.T). 307 Berrya ammonilla. 

Wood (White) Tree (McL, 114). 1219 
Melaleuca Leucadendron. 

Wood (Iron) Tree of Ceylon (Bed. 1/20). 
185 Mesua ferrea. 

Wood (Elder) 'l'ree Vine (McL. 751, adpd). 
617 Leea sambucina, 

Wood Turmeric (McL. 84). 

Weoden (Indian) Pomegranate 
239). 476 Carapa obovata. 
Wooded (Red) Fig Tree (Br. 200) (Ell. 

283). 2757 Ficus glomerata. 

Wooded (Turmeric) Moon-seed (McL. 120, 
1095, adpd). 82 Coscinium fenestra- 

Woodland (Common) Ebony (McL. 366, 
adpd). 1709 Diospyros sylvatica, 

Woods (Beef) (McL. 1003). OVII. Casu- 
arinacez (Order). 

Woods (Commen Delight of the) (Mch. 
440). 255 Hiptage Madablota. 
Woods (Delight of the) (McL. 

exxviii. Hiptage (genus). 

Woods (Delizht-of-the) (McL. 440) (Br. 
40). 355 Hiptage Madablota. 

Woods (Dog) (McL. 1008). LX, Cornacez 

Woods (Medium oblong-ovate-leaved- 
Delight-of-the) (Hk. 1/418, adpd), 355 
Hi; tage Madablota. 

Woods (Mountain Delight-of-the) (Mcb. 
440,adpd), 356 Hiptage parvifolia. 

Woods (Queen of the) (S. 51), decelxxvii. 
Betula (genus). 

98 Berberis 




Woods(Small Elliptic-leaved Delight-of 
the) (Hk. 1/419, adpd). 336 Hiptage 

Woody Dalbergia (McL. 404). 
gamia glabra, 

Woody fruited Jujube (McL. 66, corr). 
565 Zizyphus xylopyra. 

Woody Pea Podded Brasiletto (Hk. 
2/254, adpd). cccxxxviii, Czsalpinia 

Woody podded Dog’s Matrix (McL. 1010, 
adpd). 970 Cynometra Beddomei. 

Wool Plant (McL. 702). dcclvi. Airua 

Wool (Climbing) Plant (McL. 702, adpd). 
2375 Arua scandens. 

Wool (Javanese) Plant (McL, 702, Br. 180, 
adpd). 23874 Airua javanica. 

Wool (Wight’s Tinnevelly) Plant (McL. 
702, adpd), 2376 Area Wightii. 

Wool-tufted Kugene Myrtle (McL. 3879, 
adpd). 1261 Eugenia floccosa. 

Woolly Auricleleaved Ragweed Climber 
(Hk. 3/352, adpd). 1630 Senecio can- 

Woolly-backed-lance (Small) leaved Half- 
star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/86, adpd). 
63-a. Miliusa indica (tomentosa). 

Woolly-vacked-leaved Spinous Kino Tree 
(Hk. 5/268, adpd). 2546-c. Bridelia 
retusa (Roxburghiana). 

Woolly-backed Medium  ovate-acute- 
leaved Half-spur-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 
1/89, adpd). 66 Saccopetalum tomen- 

Woolly (Grey) Banyan (Moh. 73, 473, 
100¥,adpd). 2728 Ficus tomentosa. 
Woolly kerried White Rose (Nic. 3/319, 

322). 1095 Rosa bracteata 

Woolly-branched Corymbose White 
flowered Resin-seed (Hk. 1/199, adpd). 
151 Pittosporum dasycaulon, 

Woolly branched (Small-velvetty-backed 
elliptic-lance-serrnlate-acuminite) Tron 
weed (Hk, 3/240, adpd). 1594 Vernonia 

Woolly-branched ovate-leaved Hedge 
Caper Shrub (Hk. 1/777, adpd). 117-a. 
Capparis sepiaria (vulgaris). 

899 Pon- 

Woollybutt (Maid. C.T) (Bth. 3/227) 
(Bs/T/328). 1180 Eucalyptus longi- 

Woollybutt of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
3/240). 1186 Eucalyptus viwinalis. 

Woolly Callicarpa (McL. 908). 2288 
Callicarpa lanata. 

Woolly capsuled Bindweed (McL, 120, 
adpd). 2037 Ipomea eriocarpa. 

Woolly Oatkined Indian Willow (Hk. 
5/629, adpd). 2798 Salix ichnostachya. 

Woolly (Rusty) Climbieg Navelwort (Hk. 
2/51, Bed. 1/82, adpd). 695 Connarus 



Woolly Crispate Trumpet Flower (McL. | 
6:9, adpd). 2135  Dolichandrone | 

Woolly Dyeing Rosebay (McL. 370, adpd). 
1842 Wrightea tomentosa. 

Woolly elliptic White-flowered Unarmed 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/280, adpd). 2075 
Solanum verbascifoliom. 

Wool'v (Rusty) Golden-figged Banyan 
(McL. 73, adpd). 2727-b. Ficus mysor- 
ensis (pubescens). 

Woolly Hea t ieaved Moon-seed (McL. 
81°, 1005, adpd). 

Wh olly Heart leaved Ragweed Climber 
(Hk. 3/851, adpd). 1628 Senecio 

Woolly Heart-leaved Trifoliate Vine (Hk. 
1/657, adpd). 604 Vitis divaricata. 

Wooliy Heart Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 
593 Vitis larata. 

Woolly (Bristle-trothed) 
(MeL. 564, adpd). 

Heart Vine 
590 Vitis adnata. 

Woolly (Callous-toothed) Heart Vine 
(MeL. 82, adpd). 596 Vitis indica. 
W oolly (Giant) Heart Vine. (McL. 564, 

aipd). 588 Vitis gigan‘ea. 
Woolly (Repand) Heart Vine (McL. 589, 

adpd). 589 Vitis repanda, 

Wooily Indian Pellet Sarub (McL. 670, 
adpd). 1543-c. Pavetta indica (tomen- 

Woolly Iron Wood (McL. 351, 935, adpd). 
1681 Sideroxylon tomentosum. 

Wo: Ily-jacket (Crenate-dentate-grey- 
downy backed MHeart-lexved) (Hk. 
1/370, adpd). 291 Hriolena Candollei 

Wo.l'y-jacket (Crenate downy-backed. 
Heart-leave’) (Hk. 1/370, adpd). 289 
Eriolera Stocksii. 

Woolly-jacket (Heart leaved) (Hk. 1/370, 
adpd) c-iii. Eviolena (genus). © 

Woolly-jacket (Serrate Rusty-felt-backed 
Heart-leaved) (Hk. 1/370, adpd). 290 
Eriolena Hookeriana. 

Woolly-jacket (Toothed White-downy- 
backed deart-leaved) (Hk. 1/371, adpd), 
292 Eriolzna quinquelocularis. 

Woolly Large flowered Snake Root (McL. 
507, adpd). 1484 Ophiorrhiza erian- 

Woolly leaved Dyeing Muiberry McL. 
367). 1555-b. Morinda tinctoria 

Wouvlly leaved Edible Fig (Hk. 5/530). 
2753 Ficus palmata. 

Woolly leaved Fireband Teak (McL. 473, 
572, 884, 997, adpd). 2296 Premna 

Weolly Incian Ipecacuanha (McL. 340, 
adpd). 1914 Tylophora moliissima. 

ally (Large) Lobed Vine (McL. 564, 
\. 6592 Vitis tomentosa. 

79 Tinospora mala- | 


es Melon Featherfoil (McL. 587; 


Woolly (Rusty) Mohwah (McL. 472, 505, 
997, adpd). 1688 (bis.) Bassia fulva. 

Woolly Myrtle (McL. 838, 503). 1225 

Woolly oblong Bluish-flowered Prickly 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/283, adpd). 2080 
Solanum giganteum. 

Woolly Ordure Tree (Mcl.. 478, 605, 998, 
adpd), 268 Sterculia villosa. 

Woolly-ovate-oblorg (Medium) leaved 
Half-star-flowered Nutmeg (Hk. 1/87, 
adpd). 64 Miliusa velutina. 

Wooliy Patchouli (MeL. 732, 
2346 Pogostemon vestitus. 

Woolly (White) petioied Betel Palm 
(Cag. 337, 339, adpd). 3129 Dictyo- 
sperina album. 

Woolly (Rusty) Physic Nut (McL. 56, 


473, 591, adpd). 2627 Jatropha 
Woolly Pinnatifid Rluish-flowered 

Prickly Nightshade (Hk, 4/234, adpd), 
2083 Solanum indicum. 

Woolly Podded Creeping Milk Hedge 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1824 
Sarcostemma Stocksii. 

Woolly round Buckler leaved. Moon-seed 
(McL. 1005, Hk. 1/991, adpd). 82 
Cascinium fenestratum, 

Woolly Sinnate Bluish-flowered Prickly 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/235, adpd)- 2084 
Solanum melongena 

Woolly Sinnate White-flowered Prickly 
Nightshade (Hk. 4/234, adpd). 2082 
Sclanum torvum. 

Woolly Small flowered Pellet 
(McL. 670, adpd). 

Woolly (White) Spineless 
(Cag. 348, adpd). 

Woolly (Narrow) Stipuled Lotus Croton 
(McL. 478, 502, adpd). 2690 Macaranga 

Woolly (Tendril peduncled) Trifoliate 
Vine (McL. 564, adpd). 604 Vitis 

Woolly ‘lriangular-lobed White-flowered 
Prickly Nightshade (Hk. 4/233, adpd), 
2081 Solanum ferox. 

Woolly Trilobate round leaved Moon- 
seed (Rox. 3/818, McL. 1005, adpd). 
78 Tinospora tomentosa. 

Woolly White Dead-nettle Shrub (Hk. 
4/é81, adpd). 2355 Leucas Janata 

Woolly (Tawny) Winged-nut Buckthorn 
Climber (Hk. 1/681, adpd). 560 
Ventilago bombaiensis, 

Woondy (\icL. 705), 180 Ochrocarpus 

Woonja (McL. 840). 

1546 Pavetta 

Fan Palm 
3189 Pritchardia 

1050 =Albizzia 

2576 Glochidion tomentosum ~ 

Ee ee ee 


Worm Killer (McL.111). 1661 Embeiia 

Worm (Thwai'es) Seed (McL. 36i, adpd) 
2714 Gironniera reticulata, 

Worm Seed Fleabane (McL, 388, adpd), 
1599 Vernonia anthelmintica. 

Worm Seed Vernonia (McL, #88). 1599 
Vernonia anthelmintica. 
Worm Wood (McL. 4) (S. 461). dxxviii. 

Artemisia (genus). 

Worm (Indian) Wood (Mcl. 4/366) (Br. 
108). 1621 Artemisia vulgaris. 

Wound Plant (McL. 67). 215 Sida acuta, 

Wreath (Purple) (S. 318, 354). 2328 
Petrzea volubilis. 

Wrightia (Astringent) (Br. 137). 1833 
Holarrhena antidysenterica. 

Wrightia (Dyer’s) (McL. 370). 1841 
Wrightia tinctoria. 

Wrightia (Soft leaved) (Br.157), 1842 

Wrightie tomentosa, 
Wrinkled (Malabar) Dog’s Matrix (McL. 
1010, adpd). 967 Cynometra ramiflora. 
Wrinkled (Malacca) Dog’s Matrix (McL. 
1010, adpd). 969 Cynowetra cauliflora, 
Wrinkled Entire leaved Slipperwort of 
Chili (Nic. 1/240). 2112 Calceolaria 
Wrinkled Heart leaved Silver-weed (Hk. 
4/191, adpd). 2010 Lettsomia aggregata. 
Wrinkled leaved Evening Mallow (Hk. 
1/326, adpd). 221 Abutilon asiaticum. 
Wrinkled round leaved Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/388, adpd). 3820 Grewia villosa. 
Wuck (McL. 1025). 722 Crotalaria 


Wucknaur (Mcb. 860). 722 Crotalaria 

Wucknaur Tree (McL. 605). 268 Stercul- 
ia villosa. 

Wynsad Coffee Cherry Nutmeg Tree 
(McL, 281). 41 Polyalthia coffeoides. 
Wynaad Coffee Doodooga (McL. 281). 

41 Polyalthea coffeojdes. 

Wynaad (Eugene Myrtle of the) in 
Malabar (McL. 379, adpd). 1272 
Eugenia wynaadensis. 


Xanthobalanon of the Greeks (McL. 476). 
673 Semecarpus Anacardium. 

Xanthochymus (Acnte rounded leaved) 
(Hk, 1/269, adpd). 179-d. Garcinia 
spicata (acutifolia). 

Xanthochymus (Obtuse rounded leaved) 
(Ilk. 1/269, adpd). 17Y Garcinia 

Xanthochymus (Painter's) (McL. 469). 
178 Garcinia Xanthochymus. 

Xanthoxyls (Br, 253). 

Xavier Olibo Rose (Nic. 3/324) (Cag. 
596) (Ru/N/94, 0/22) (Mu. 54) (Hod). 


XXVI. Rutacee | Yam (Voyala) (Muell. S.P). 
| Yam (Pig-snout) (MeL. 53). 


1107-1, Rosa hybrida.semperflorens 
(atrosanguinea - kermesino-enuffusa-velu- 
Xula-sagalina of the later Greeks (McL. 
782). 2526 Santalom album. 
Xylophylla (Narrow leaved) (Br. 195). 
2572 Phyllanthus angustifolia, 


Yaipy (McL. 478, 995, 1026). 974 
Hardwickia binata. 
Yaipy (Large) (McL. 14), 

Yaipy (Mahwal) (McL. 520). 994 Ban- 
hinia Vahlii. 

Yallah Oil Plant (MeL. 606). 
Bassia latifolia. 

Yamn Family (Br. 206) (L/N/S/3). CXVII. 
Dioscoreacez (Order). 

Yam (McL. 53) (N. 1/478) (S. 140) (Cag. 
140). ecmlix. Dioscorea (genus). 

Yam (Alligator) (McL. 713). 2033 Ipom- 
wa digitata. 

elxi, Ailanthus 


Yam (Betel) (McL. 538, 1900). 38062 
Dioscorea oppositifolia. 

Yem (Bulbous rooted) (McL. 463). 3067 
Dioscorea sativa. 

Yam (Chinese) (Muell.S.P). 8064 Dios- 
corea glabra. 

Yam (Chinese) (Pr. 2/1067). 2069 Dios- 

corea aculeata. 

Yam (Common) (Mech. 53,1000) (Nic. 
1/478) (S. 462) (Pfl. 207). 8067 Dios- 
corea sativa. 

Yam (Cultivated) (McL. 53) (Nic. 1/478). 
8067 Dioscorea sativa. 
Yam (Cummin) (McL. 463). 

corea sativa. 

Yam (Five leaved) (McL. 58). 3057 Dios- 
corea pentaphylla. 

Yam (Goa) (McL. 53, 441, 713, 1000). 
3069 Dioscorea aculeata. 

3067 Dios- 

Yam (Granada) (McL. 463). 3067 Dios- 
corea sativa. 
Yam (Guinea) (McL. 463). 3067 Dios- 

corea sativa. 

Yam (Humped) (MeL. 53, 1003). 
Dioscorea globosa. 

Yam (Kaawi) (McL. 53). 3069 Dioscorea 


Yam (Large) (McL. 58, 1000). 3068 
Dioscorea alata. 

Yam (Malacca) (McL, 468, 1091). 3067 
Dioscorea sativa. 

Yam (Malacca) (Cag. 216). 3070 Dios- 

corea atropurpurea, 
Yam (Milky) (McL. 713). 

2033 Ipomea 

3056 Dios- 
corea tomentosa. 

3057 Dios- 
corea pentaphylla. 


Yam (Pondicherry) (McL. 53, 718, 
10C0). 3074 Dioscorea purpurea. 

Yam (Pondicherry) (PA. 207). [8068 
Sphalm } 3074 Dioscorea purpurea. 

Yam (Prickly) (McL. 58, 1000). 3057 
Dioscorea pentaphylla. 

Yam (Purple) (McL. 53) (Rid 216). 3074 
Dioscorea purpurea, 

Yam (Quinquefoliate)-(3-5) Short-snowy- 
velvetty - backed Variable - roundish 
elliptic-cuspidate-leaved) (Hk. 6/289, 
adpd). 3056 Dioscorea tomentosa. 

Yam (Quinquefoliate-(3-5) Short-softly- 
downy-glabrate-backed Variable-round- 
ish-elliptic - cuspidate - leaved) (Hk. 
6/289, adpd). 8057 Dioseorea penta- 

Yam (Quinguefoliate- (3-5) Medium- 
glabrous _-Klliptic - long - acuminate - 

leaved) (Hk. 6/290, adpd). 8058 Dios- 
corea Jacquemontili. 

Yam (Roodraack) (MeL. 53, 764, 1000). 
3066 (bis.) Dioscorea crispata. 

Yarn (Seeta’s) (Mch. 280). 2472 Cassytha 

Yam (Short) (MeL. 53, 100C). 3067-b. 
Dioscorea sativa (pulchella). 

Yam (Simple-palmati-(3-7)-nerved-alter- 
nate Slightly-shaggy Round-heart 
leaved Prickly-slender-stemmed) (Hk. 
6/296, adpd). 3072 Dioscorea fascic- 

Yam (Simple-palmati-(7-11 )-nerved-alter 
nate Curled - winged - petioled Broad- 
heart-leaved Curled-(10-15)-winged- 
round-stemmed) (Hk. 6/296, adpd). 
3066 (bis.) Dioscorea crispata. 

Yam (imple-palmati-(7)-nerved Lerge-to 
medium-membranous Heart-acuminate- 
leaved) (Hk. 6/291, adpd). 3060 Dios- 
corea Wightil. 

Yam (Simple-palmati-(5-7)-nerved Large- 
to-medium-membranous - woolly - glab- 
rate Round-to-kidney-heart-cuspidate- 
leaved Spiny-fibred) (Hk. 6/291, adpo). 
3059 Dioscorea spinosa. 

Yam (Simple-palmati-(7)-nerved Medium- 
netted-backed Ovate-or-roundish-heart- 
leaved) (Hk. 6/295, adpd). 8065 Dios- 
corea Wallichi. 

Yam (Simple-palmati-(3-5)-nerved-most- 
ly-opposite Medium-leathery-cartilage- 
margined Elliptic-lance-to-roundish- 
leaved) (Hk. 6/292, adpd). 3062 Dios- 
corea oppositifolia- 

Yam (Sim ple-palmati-(5-7)-nerved-most- 
ly-opposite  _Large-to-very -largé-mem- 
branous-winged-petioled Roundish- 
heart-to-ovate-hastate-leaved Angled- 
or-winged-stemmed) (Hk. 6/296, adpd). 
3068 Dioscorea alata. 

Yam (Simple-palmati-(7-9)-nerved-oppos- 
ite-and-alternate Large-to-very-large- 
membranous-dark-green Broad-heart- 


acuminate-leaved Slender-often-purple- 
stemmed) (Uk. 6/295, adpd). 3067 
Dios-corea sativa. 

Yam(Simple palmati-(7)-nerved-opposite- 
and-alternate Medium-thick-woolly-car- 
tilage-margined Roundish-heart-leayed) 
(Hk. 6/294, adpd). 8063 Dioscorea 

Yam (Simple - palmati-(7—9)-nerved-op- 
posite or - alternate Medium-to - large- 
subglaucous-backed Ovate-lance-heart- 
or-hastate caudate - leaved Angled - or- 
winged - stemmed) (Hk, 6/295, adpd). 
3066 Dioscorea Hamiltonii. 

Yam (Simple - palmati-(7—-9)-nerved - op- 
opsite Medium - to-large-subglaucous- 
backed Ovate - oblong-(cuneate-young)- 
roundish-heart-or-hastate-leaved Flat- 
tish-stemmed (Hk. 6/294, adpd). 3064 
Dioscorea glabra. 

Yam (Simple-palmati-(5—-7)-nerved-oppos- 
ite-and-alternate Winged - (5) - petioled 
Ensiform- waved-sagittate- heart-leaved 
Winged-(6)-prickly-based-stemmed (Hk, 
6/296, adpd). 3073 Dioscorea globosa. 

Yam (Simple-palmati-(5-7)-nerved-oppos- 
ite-and-alternate Winged- amplexicaul- 
petioled Heart-leaved Winged-(6-or- 
more)-prickly - stemmed) (Hk. 6/297, 
adpd). 8074 Dioscorea purpurea. 

Yam (Simple-palmati-(5-7)-nerved Wing- 
ed-amplexicaul - petioled Heart- leaved 
(Hk. 6/296, adpd). 3070 Dioscorea atro- 

Yam(Simple-triplinerved-alternate Small- 
papery-retted-backed Linear-oblong-or- 
lance Cuspidate-lenved) (Hk. 6/291, 
adpd). 3061 Di scorca spicata. 

Yam (Small) (tid. 280). 

Yam (Thorny) (Mc. 53,1000). 3056 
Dioscorea tomentosa. 
Yam (Tiger Root) (McL. 463). 3055 

Dioscorea dzemona. 

Yam (Trifoliate Long-to-medium-downy- 
elabrate-netted-backed ohovate-cuneate- 
cnspidate- leaved) (Hk. 6/289, adpd). 

Yam (Ubi) (McL. 53). 8068 Dioscorea 


Yam (White) (McL. 713). 2033 Ipomea 

Yam (White) (McL. 53). 38068 Dioscorea 

Yam (Wild Sesban) (MeL, 53). 3062 Dios- 
corea oppositifolia. 

Yam (Wing stalked) (McL. 68). 3068 
Dioscorea alata. 

Yam (Winged) (Rid. 217). 
corea alata. 

Yamauny Aloe (McL, 21), 3118 <Aloé 

Yam (Kaawi) of the South-Sea-Islands 
(Muell. §.P). 3069 Dioscorea aculeata, 

8068 Dios- 

38069 Dioscorea . 


Yam (Uvi) of the South-Sea- Islands 
(Muell. S.P). #068 Dioscorea alata. 
Yams (wicL. 1004), CXVII, Dioscore- 

aces (Order), 

Yama’s Silk Cotton (McL, 234). 259 
Bo bax malabaricum. 
Yarrah Myail Wood (Maid.C.T). 1025 

Acacia homolophylla. 

Yellacoora (McL. 363). [2281 Sphalm] 
2381 (bis.) Sueda maritima. 

Yellow (Sonth African) (Bs/'l'/696) (# AR. 
27 to 80, 55 to 87, 48, NLGS). 28380 
Podocarpus elongata. 

Yellow (Trailmg) and Blue Fuchsia of 
New Zealand (Nic. 2/33), 13828 Fuchs- 
ia procumbens. 

Yellow and Crimson flowered Prickly Pear 
(Br. 91, adpd). 13880 Opuntia monocan- 

Yellow (Creamy) and Green banded Arrow- 
root (Nic. 5/520. 3011-b. Maranta 
arundinacea (variegata). 

Yellow-and-green (Green-and-yellow-spot- 
ted) Croton [when young] \Nic. 1/850) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Sd, 
Codizwum variegatum (Brageanum). 

Yellow -and - green - Jeaved (Oblong - to 
rcund) Cretcen (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2%646-Ia. Codizwum variegatum 
(MacArthurii No. 11). 

Yellow-and-red -petioled Red -midribbed 

Creamy- veined Green Croton. (Nic. 
5/252) (Ru/N/O) (Ma) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2€46-Bl, Codiwum variegatum (vit- 


Yellow -and -rosy - blotched (Carmine- 
backed) Dark-green Croton (Nic. !/855) 
(Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ue. 
Codizum varivatum (Youngii), 

Yeilow-and-pink blotched Green Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru//O) (Mn) (Rid)(Jaf). 
2646-Ve. Codiwum variegatum (pictura- 

Yellow -ard Pink- bordered - and -striped 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 1/873). 3110 Cordy- 
line Baptistii. 

Yellow Bamboo (FAR. 23 to 48, MBR). 
3303-b. Bambusa vulgaris (aurea). 

Yellow -banded (Maventa - centred-and- 
veined) Croton (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Ah. Codivum 
variegatum (Williamsi). 

Yellow (Cream and) banded Dragon Tree 
(Nic. 1/491), 3100-b, Draczena fragrans 

Yellow Banksian Kose (Nic. 3/328, 319) 
(Cag 598) (S. 875) (Ooty. 417). 1089-b. 
Rosa Banksia (Inutea). 

Yellow Bark (McL. 420)(Muell. 8. P) (Gbl. 
406) (Ell. 173). 1446-a. Cinchona 
Calisayva (typica). 

Yellow barked Fig (McL, 932, adpd). 2742 
Ficus Tsiela. 


Yellow (Red-streaked) Brasiletto Climber 
(Hk. 2/258, adpd). 988 Mezoneurum 

Yellow berried Nightshade (McL. 107). 
2U91 Solanum xanthocarpum, 

Yellow Berried Tree bilberry (Bs/T/334, 
acpd). 1301 Memecylon Ta!botianum. 
Yellow (Medium-rusty-villous Heart-acute- 
leaved) Bindweed (Hk. 4/223 adpd). 

2061 Breweria cordata. 

Yellow (Pedate leaved) Bindweed (McL. 
120, adpd). 2053 Ipomea dasysperma. 

Yellow (Primrose) Bindweed (sicL, 120, 

adpd). 2045 Ipomea petal fdea. 
Yellow (Multifoliate-(11-15)-medinm- 
glabrous vate - elliptic-acuminate- 

leaved) Black-Bean (Bth. 2/275, adpd). 
$25 Caetanospermum australe. 

Yellow-blotched Bright-green Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu). 2646-Ma. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Prince of Orange), 

Yellow-bloiched Bright-green Croton (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2616-Ga. Codi- 
zum variegatum (rotundifolium-proper), 

Yel ow-blotched Clear-green Croton (Nic. 
5/251) (Ku/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Be. Codizum variegatum (Good- 

Yellow- blotched Deep- green Arrowroot 
(Nic 1/287). +019 Calathea Lindeniana. 

Yellow- blotched (Light - green Croton 
[when young] (Nic. 1/355; (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ic. Codizeum 
variegatum (multicolor). 

Yellow - blotched (Crimson- centred 
Orange-midribbed)Shining-green Croton 
(Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Se. 
Codizum variegatum (Lady-Zetlanq). 

Yellow- bordered Deep- fiery-red (Green- 
leaved) Indian Shot (Ceg. 384). 80385 
(dis)-p. Canna orchidifolia (Princess 

Yellow- bordered Fiery- scarlet (Green- 
leaved) Indian Shot (Cag, 384). 3035 
(bis)-m, Canna orchidiflora (H. Wend- 

Yellow (Medium - folioled Red- streaked) 
Brasiletto Climber (Hk. 2/258, adpd), 
938-b. Mezoneurum cucullatum (grande). 

Yellow Canary-Islands Broom (Nic, 1/430), 
741 Cytisus canariensis. 

Yellow Bush Tea of the Cape (Treas, Bot. 
1/369). 921 Cyclopia galegofdes. 

Yellow Cadamba (McL. 112, 777, 884, 982, 
946). 1439 Adina cordifolia. 

Yellow Caricature Plant (Nic. 8/855, 
adpd). dcexviii. Sanchezia (genus). 
Yellow Cedar of Santa-Cruz (N. 4/18), 

2128 Tecoma spectabilis. 

Yellow - centred - blotched-and - spotted 
Green Trilobe Croton (Nie. 1/354) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646- Ke. Codi- 
zum variegatum (trilobum-iliustre). 


Yellow-centred (Crimson-midribbed-and- 
veined) Broad - green Voluted Croton 
(Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Jaf). 
2646-Jc. Codizum variegatam (recurvi- 

Yellow-centred Coppery-rea Tea Rose 
(Nic. 5/646) (Ru/N/92, 0/20). 1105-i. 
Rosa odorata (cuprea-intus-latea. E 

Yellow-centred (Rosy-backed) Fawn Tea 
Rose (u/O/22) (Mu. 56). 1105-h. 
Rosa odorata (fulva-intus - lutea-extus- 

Yellow-centred Green-based Trilobe Cro- 
ton (Ru/N/O)(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Kb. 
Codizeum variegatum (trilobum-Alberti), 

Yellow-centred -margined - and - blotched 
(Red-midribbed) Dark - green Croton 
(Nic. 5/251) (Bu/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Of. Codizum variegatum (Broom- 

Yellow-centred -margined - and - blotched 
light-green Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/ 
N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2616-Tq. Codi- 
zum variegatum (imperiale). 

Yellow-centred-Pink flowered (Downy- 
wrinkled Opposite-and - (3)-whorled 
Ovate. lance-leaved) Lantana (Hk. 4/562, 
adpd). 2273-a. Lantana indica (ty pica). 

Yellow-centred (Crimson-midribbed) Rich- 
green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) 
(Jat). 2646-Uc. Codizum variegatum 
(nobilis Jacksoni). 

Yellow-centred Rosy- pink Tea Rose (Ru/ 
N/92) (Mu. 55) (Hod) (Po). 1105-1. 
Rosa odorata (rosea-intus- |utea). 

Yellow-centred White-flowered (Purple- 
backed -yellow-ciliate-leaved Puarple- 
stemmed -and - calyxed) Costus Boot 

_ Nic. 5/262,adpd). 3001 Costus discolor. 

Yellow (Emarginate leaves) ChinesePago- 
da Tree (Hk. 2/251, adpd). 915 Sophora 

Yellow (Obtuse leaved) Chinese Pogoda 
Tree (Hk, 2/251, adpd), 916 Sophora 

Yellow (Obovate leaved) Chinese Pagoda 
Tree (Hk. 2/249, adpd). 912 Sophora 

Yellow (Pointedleaved) Chinese Pagoda 
Tree (Hk.2/2:(. adpd). 914 Sophora 

Yellow (Common) Climbing Indian Linden 
(Hk. 1/888, adpd). 319 Grewia pilosa. 


Yellow Condray (McL. 208, 847, 995). 958 | 

Cassia siamea. 

Yellow Cotton Tree (Pr, 1/229). 
Cochlospermum Gossypium. 

Yellow (Dark-green-blotched) Croton (Nic. 
5/251) (Bu/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Ob. Codizum vyariegutnm (lineare), 

Yellow (Green-blotched) Croton (&u/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2616-Pd. Codisum 
variegatum (camptophyllum). 




Yellow (Green-blotched) Croton (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Rg. Codizum 
variegatum (angustifolium -giganteum), 

Yellow Curved Goglet Flower (McL. 466, 
adpd). 1935 Ceropegia mysorensis. 

Yellow Dammer (McL. 259, 472, 484, 993). 
43? Boswellia serrata. 

Yellow-druped Climbing Holly (Hk. 1/593 
adpd). ccvi. Miquelia (genus). 

Yellow edged leaved American Aloe (Nic. 
1/38) (S.12). 3049-b. Agave americana 

Yellow Elder (MRS). 2121 Tecoma stans. 

Yellow False Peacock Flower (Cag. 620, 
adpd). 230-a. Czsalpinia pulcherrima 

Yellow (Bright-red- stemmed) False Pea- 
cock Flower (Nic. 5/179, adpd). 930-d. 
Czesalpinia pulcherrima (Gilliesii). 

Yellow (Large leaved) Fig. (MeL. 73, 
adpd). 2744 Ficus callcsa, 

Yellow (Scabrid small leaved) Fig (MeL, 
73, adpd), 2749 Ficus asperrima. 

Yellow flamed Reddish-purple (Bronzy- 
purple-leaved) Indian Shot (Cag. 384). 
ied oe Canna orchidiflora (Amer- 

Yellow Flag Indian Shot (Nic. 1/262). 
3031 Canna flaccida. 

Yellow Flower Tree (Mc. 383 m 1030). 
1776 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis. 

Yellow fiowered Aloe (McL.* 21). 
Aloé vera (typica) (* vulgaris). 


| Yellow flowered Aniseed Plant (McL. 38). 

17 Illiciam anisatum. 

Yellow (Black-purple -backed) flowered 
Australian Rose (Bth. 1/315, adpd). 372 
Boronia megastigma. 

Yellow (Drooping) flowered Bouvard’s 
Quininewort (Nic. 1/207). 1459-(bis.)-c. 
Bouvardia Humboldtii (flava). 

Yellow-flowered (Myrtle - leaved) Brazi- 
lian Loose-strife (Br. 78, adpd). 1310 
Neszea myrtifoiia. 

Yellow flowered Cotton (McL. 232). 129 
Cochlospermum Gossypium). 

Yellow flowered Creeping Milk Hedge 
(McL. 502, 847, adpd). 1892 Sarcostem- 
ma Brunonianum. 

Yellow flowered Fragrant Trumpet Tree 
(McL. 669, 998, adpd). 2149 Stereo- 
spermum chelonoides. 

Yellow flowered Indian Shot (Br. 412). 
3027 Canna lutea. 

Yellow (Hairy-flowered) Laurustinus (McL, 
566, adpd), 1427 Viburnum hebanthum. 

Yellow flowered Ochna (McL. 822). 434 
Ochna squarrosa. : 

Yellow fowered Passion Flower (Nic. 3/81) 
(Br. 87). 1855 Passiflora lutea. 

Yellow flowered Prickly Pear (Nic. 2/508) 
(S.,300). 1883 Opuntia vulgaris. 



Yellow (Terminally-fascicled) 
Quassia (Bth. 1/318, 
Suriana (genus), 

Yellow (Compound Corymbed) flowered 
Resin-seed (Hk. 1/199, adpd), 150 
Pittosporum floribundum. 

Yellow (Simple corymbed) flowered Resin- 
seed (Hk. 1/198, adpd). 149 Pittospor- 
um nilghirense, 

Yellow (Umbelled} 
(Hk. 1/198, adpd), 

Yellow (Purple and) flowered Resin-seed 
of Tasmania (Bth, 1/113), 152 Pitto- 
sporum bicolor, 

Yellow flowered Silk Cotton (Cag. 664) 
(Cat. 29). 129 Cochlospermum Gussyp- 

Yellow frnited Grandilla (Nic. 3/32). 1358 
Passiflora quadrangularis. 

Yellow Gannair (McL. 302, 
Thevetia neriifolia. 

Yellow-green (Olive banded) Arrowroot 
(Nic. 2/238). 3016 Valathea ornata. 

Yellow-green (Panicled) flowered Resia- 
seed of the Cape (Nic. 3/154, adpd). 158 
Pittosporum viridiflorum. 

Yellow Gum of New-South-Wales (Bth. 
3/244). 1197 Eucalyptus Stuartiana. 

Yellow (Smooth leaved} Heteracanthous 
Rose (Nic. 3/314). 1097 Rosa Eglanteria. 

Yellow(Green-margined Crimson-mottled.) 
Horned Croton (Nic. 1/851) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-La. Codizeum 
variegatum (cornatum-proper). 

Yellow (Ciliate leaved) Horse Gram (McL, 
331, adpd). 843 Dolichos ciliatus. 

Yellow (Green-leaved) Indian Shot (Br, 
214, adpd}. 83027-a. Canna lutea (typica), 

Yellow (Rosy-petioled) irregularly-blotch- 
ed Croton (Nic. 1/352) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ad. Codizum varie- 
gatum (fucatum). 

Yellow-irregularly-mottled Shining- dark- 
green Horned Croton (Nic. 1/851) 
‘Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf) [when 
young.]. 2646-La, Codizeum variegatum 

Yellow Jasmine (McL, 383), 1772 Jasinin- 
um humile. 

Yellow (Italian) Jasmine (S. 208). 1772 
Jasminuin huaile. 

Yellow (Various leaved) Jasmine(Br.117). 
1769 Jasiinum heterophyllum. 

Yellow Jasmine of Maceira (Br. 116). 
1773 Jasminum odoratissinum. 

Yellow leaved Bushy Partridge Pea (Hk. 
1/576, adpd). 490 Olax acuminata, 

Yellow leaved Climbing Partridge Pea 
(Hk. 1/575, adpd). 483 Olax scandens. 

Yellow leaved Tree Milkwort (McL. 1006, 
adpd), 161 Xanthophyllum  flaves- 

adpd), elxv. 

flowered Resin-seed 
148 Pittosporum 

997). 1820 


flowered | Yellow Lily Shoe Flower (Br. 17, adpd), 

249-c, Hibiscus liliiflorus (lutea). 

Yellow-lobed-and-midribbed Green Tri- 
lobe Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Taf). 
2616-Ke, Codizsum variegatum (trilobum- 
MacArthurii No. 85). 

Yellow-lobed narrow Green  Trilobe 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Kd. Codizum variegatum (trilob- 

Yellow Long-curvitubalar - flowered Jus- 
tice-wort (Nic. 3/355, adpd). decxyviii. 
Sanchezia (genus). 

Yellow (Shrubby) Lucerne (Muell. 8.P). 
745 Medicago arborea. 

Yellow Madagascar Orange 
(Nic. 5/165). 

Yellow Mango (McL. 469). 

Yellow Manyosteen (McL, 469, 473, 749, 
874). 178 Garcinia Xanthochymus. 

Yellow-margined-and-spotted Dark-green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Tc. Codizum varicgatum (Prince- 

Yellow - margined (Crimson-centred) 
Green Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf), 2646-Pe. Codizum variegatum 

Yellow- margined-midribbed-and-blotched 
(Cup-tipped-often) Green Croton [when 
young] (Nic. 1/855) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Wb. Codizeum varie- 
gatum (Princeps, or mutabile), 

Ball Tree 
1953 Buddleia madagas- 

685 Spondias 

Yellow-margined (impari pinnate) Ovate- 
lobed-spine-toothed Panax (Nic. 3/14, 
adpd). 1409-b. Panax Victorize 

Yellow-maturing-to-Pink-veined Bright- 
green Croton (Nic. 1/353) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Bk. Codiaum 
variegatum (grande), 

Yellow-midribbed-and-blotched Dark- 
green Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). - 2646-Ob, Codizsum 
variegatum (lineare). 

Yellow (Crimson-changing-to-Orange-and) 
Morning Glory (Nic. 2/192). 2024 
Ipomoea versicolor. 

Yellow-mottled Maple leavyed Darwin’s 
Mallow (Nic. 1/4, adpd).  218-b. 
Abutilon Darwini (Sellovianum - mar- 

Yellow Mountain Ebony (McL. 652i). 
988 Bauhinia tomentosa. 

Yellow Mountain Ebony (McL. 4738, 521, 

995). [891 Sphalm] 988 Bauhinia 
Yellow Myrobalan (\ecL. 928). 1146 

Terminalia Chebula. 
Yellow, (Common) Nail Dye (McL. 558, 
998, adpd), 2225 Barleria Prionitis. 


Yellcw (Lesser) Nail Dye (McL. 558, 998, 
adpd). 2226 Barleria cuspidata. 

Yellow velvetty stemmed Shrubby Bam- 
boo (Gol. 730). 3307 Oxytenanthera 

Yelluw Oleander (McL. 302) (Rid. 111, 
125, 160) (Cat. 189). 1820 Thevetia 

Yellow-Orange-and-Carmine-spotted Cro- 
ton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2046- 
Bp. Codisum variegatum (Alexan- 

nerved Olive-and-metallic-green Croton 
(Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Mj. Codiwum variegatum (Nevil- 

Yell 2B (Greenish) Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/32). 1861 Passiflora suberosa. 

Yellow Pavetta (McL. 367). 
Morinda citrifolia. 

Yellow (Western America) Pine (H.E.F) 
(Mnell. S.P). 2853 Pinus ponderosa. 
Yellow (Southern) Pine of America (H.E, 

F). 2839 Pinus palustris. 

Yellow Pine of Puget-scund (Muell. S.P). 
2866 Pseudotsuga Douglasii. 

Yellow Plum (McL. 504) (?). 

America (Kew Bull. 

Prunus armeniaca (?), 

Yellow Poplar of 
5/1912). 16 Liriodendron tulipiferum. 

Yellow-prickly-branched Grey-downy- 
backed-oblate-acute leaved Coral Tree 
(dk. 2/190, adpd). 819 Erythrins 

Yellow-prickly -hbranched Grey-downy- 
backed-sinuate leaved Coral Tree (Hk. 
2/190, adpd). 819-b. 
suberosa (lobata). 

Yellow-racemed flowered Rose-wood of 
Sonth America (Treas, 
ecexxviii. Platymischium (genus). 

Yellow Raspber:y (Muell. 8.P)(MeL. 328). 
1080 Rabus ellipticus. 

Yellow (Trifoliate-shaggy-backed Round- 
ish-tuothed-leaved) Raspberry (Hk. 
2/336, adpd). 1080 Rubus ellipticus. 

Yeliow-rayed White Passion Flower (Nic. 
3/31). 1854 Passiflora lunata. 

Yellow (Fortune’s China) Rose (Nic. 



3/320) (Cag. 598) (Br. 72). 1091 Rosa 
Fortuneena. : 
Yellow (Persian Double) Rose (Nic. 

3/325) (ag. 598) (Mn. 57) (Ooty. 431). 
1097-c. Rosa Eg'anteria (sulphurea). 
Yellow Sandal Wood (McL. 783). 2526 

Santalum album. 

Yellow (Brown-backed) sepalled Torch 
Thistle (Nic. 1/299). 1370 Cereus 

Yellow-shaded D-ep Salmon-cvloured Tea 
Rose (Cag. 601) (Hod). 1105-n. Rosa 
odorata (cinnabarina-rubescens-luteo- 

Erythrina | 

Bot. 1/902). | 


Yellow-shaded Rosy-pink Tea Rose (Nic- 
5/648) (Rn/N/95). 1105-1, Rosa odorata 

Yellow (Glaucous-green becoming) Solid 
Bamboo, 3310 Dedrocalamns strictus. 
Yellow (Pink and) spiked Sensitive Plant 
(Hk. 2/288, adpd). ccelxii. Dichro- 
stachys (genus). ' 

_ Yellow-spotted-and-dotted Bright-green 

Croton (Nic. 5/253) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Oa. Codizum varie- 
gatum (aureopunctatum), 

Yellow-spotted Bright-red (Large-green- 
leaved) Indian Shot (Hk. 6/261, adp@). 
3026-c, Canna indica (speciosa). 

Yellow-spotted (Silvery-grey-centred) 
Dark-green Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/474). 
3265-f. Dieffenbachia picta (princeps). 

Yellow-spotted (Crimson - midribbe‘l) 
Deep-olive-green Croton (Nic. 1/350) 
(Rn/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf), 2646-Sd. 
Codizum variegatum (Bragzeanum). 

Yellow-spotted-margined-centred and- 
veinsd Green Croton [when voung] 
(Nic. 5/251) (Ru/N/Q) (Mu) (Rid) 
(Jaf). 2646-Ne. Codieum variegatum 

Yellow-spotted Rosy-flushed Dark-green 
Croton (Nic. 1/350) (Ku/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ece. Codisum yarie- 
gatum (aucubefclium). 

Yellow-spotted Rosy (Broad-green-leaved) 
Indian Shot (Nic. 1/267). 3030 
Canna iridiflora. 

Yellow-stamened Scarlet (Green-leaved) 
Indian Shot (Hk. 2/262, adpd). 
3026-b. Canna indica (flava). 

Yellow Sticky Mallow (McL. 577, adpd). 
231 Pavonia glechomifolia, 

Yellow-striped (Dark-green, sometimes) 
tufted Bamboo (Gbl. 750), 3305 Oxy- 
tenanthera nigrociliata. 

Yellow (Common) Sun Rose (Nic, 2/125). 
128 Helianthemum vulgare. 

Yellow (Apricot-shaded) Tea Rose 
(Ru/N/91, 0/22) (Mu. 55) (Hod). 
1105-f. Rosa odorata (latea-armeniaco- 

Yellow (Coppery-centred) Tea Rose (Nic. 
3/324) (Cag. 601) (Hod). i105-f. Rosa 
odorata (lutea-intus-cuprea). 

Yellow Teak of Mysore (Cat. 157). 
Adina cordifolia. 

Yellow Thread Creeper (Hk. 4/225, McL. 
230, adpd). delxv, (uscuta (genus). 
Yellow Thread-like Leafless Creeper (HE. 
4/225, McL. 280, adpd). delxv. Cuscuta 


Yeliow-throated-Blue(Very-small Elliptie- 
leaved) Trumpet Fiywort (Nic. 5/164, 
adpd). 2110 Brunfelsia Hopeana. 



Yellow-throated-Lilac-flowered (Roundish 
ovate-oblong-leaved opposite-and-(3)- 
whorled) Lantana (Nic. 5/480, adpd), 
2277 Lantana involucrata, 

Yellow-tinted Scarlet (Shining-purple- 
leaved) Indian Shot (Cag. 3854). 
3035-(bis.)-u. Canna orchidiflora (La 

Yellow-tinted White Tea Rose (Ru/N/8], 
O/21) (Mu. 55). 1105-d. Rosa odorata 

Yellow-scarlet-flowered (Elliptic-oblong- 
leaved Axillary) Justicewort (Nic. 
2/261, adpd). 2265 Jacobinia pauci- 

Yellow-to-Crimson-blotched Deep-green 
Croton (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Vf. Codizum variegatum (excel- 

Yellow - to-Orange-flowered (Scabrous- 
Ovate-lance-crenated-leaved) Lantana 
(Hk. 4/563, adpd). 2275 Lantana 

Yellow-Orange-margined (Magenta-mid- 
ribbed-and-petioled) Undulated Green 
Croton (Nic. 1/355) (Ru/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (jaf). 2616-Tk. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Prince of Wales, or Schom- 

Yellow-to-rose - flowered (Ovate-oblong- 
pointed-leaved) Lantana. (Nic, 2/2384, 
adpd). 2274-b. Lantana Camara 

Yellow-to-Red-spcetted Deep-green Croton 
(Nic. 5/239) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Vd. Codizum variegatum (tor- 

Yellow Tree (\icL. 120). 

Yellow (slender) Trumpet Creeper (Br. 
131), 2146 Bignonia gracilis. 

Yellow (Tweedie’s) Trumpet 

82 Coscinium 


(3. 52). 2145 Bignonia Tweediana. 
Yellow (Medium-membranous Lance- 
oblong - cuspidate -leaved) Trumpet 

Figwort (Nic. 5/164, adpd). 2109 
Brunfelsia undulata. 
Yellow (Common) Trnmpet Flower Tree 

(8.425,adpd). 2121 Tecoma stans. 

Yellow-variegated (Tripinnate) lance- 
bristle-serrate folioled Panax (Nic. 
5/579, adpd). 1400-j. Panax frutic- 

osum (aureuam). 

Yellow-veined-and-blotched Deep-green | 

Croton (Nic. 5/250) (Ru/N/O) (Mn) 
(Rid) (Jat). 2646-Qe. Codizum varie- 
gatum (Bismarcki). 

Yeilow-veined-and-blotched Rosy-finshed- 

Green Croton (Nic. 5/251) (Ra/N/O) 
(Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 2646-De. Codieum 
variegatum (herofcum). 

Yellow-veined (Crimson - midribbed) 

Croton (Nic. 1/855) (Bu/N/O) (Mn) 


(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Ic. Codizwum varie- 
gatum (multicolor). 

Yellow-veined Deep-green Croton fwhen 
young] (Nic, 1/353) (Ra/N/O) (Mu) 
(Rid) (Jaf). 2646-Wh. Codizum varie- 
gatum (majesticum No, 1). 

Yellow-veined Deep-green Croton [when 
young] (Ru/N/O) (Mu) (Rid) (Jaf). 
2646-Vg. Codizum variegatum (majes- 
ticum No. 2). 

Yellow-veined Elongate-heart 
False Plantain (Nic. 2/129). 
Heliconia aureostriata. 

Yellow Winged Rainbow Creeper (McL, 


371). 2161 'Thunbergia alata. 

Yellow Wood(MchL. 113). 1439 Adina 

Yellow Wood (McL. 84). 98 Berberis 

Yellow Wood (McL. 797). 
on swietenia. 

Yellow (Outeniqua) Wood (Nic. 3/172) 
(Gbl. 702) (FAR. 27 to 30, 35 to 37, 
43,NLGS). 2830 Podocarpus elongata. 

Yellow Wood Ebony (McL. 366, adpd). 
1711 Diospyros chloroxylon. 

Yellow (Upright) Wood of the Cape 
(I., xl/2). 2830 Podocarpus elongata. 

Yellowieh (Deep-green striped) Arrowroot 
(Nic, 1/237). 38018 Calathea leopar- 

Yellowish (Green and Silver 
Dragon Tree (Nic. 
Dracena Goldie2na. 

Yellowish-green (Dark-green ~ margined- 
and-irregularly-hlotched W hite-spotted) 
Dumb Cane (Nic. 1/472). 326 —-b. 
Dieffenbachia picta (Bausei). 

Yellowish (Glabrous) Jeaved Indian 
Willow (Hk. 5/6-7, adpd). 2797-c. 
Salix tetrasperma (viridifolia). 

Yellowish-tinted White Hy brid-perpetual 
Rose (Ru/O/22) 1107-c. Rosa hybrida- 
semperflorens (ochroleuca). 

485 Chloroxyl- 

1/491). 3102 

Yerandam (McL. 54). 2693 Ricinus 

Yercum (McL. 440, 441, 997, 1032). 1882 
Calotropis gigantea. 

Yercum (Black) (McL. 997, 1033). 18838 

Calotropis procera. 

Yerook (McL. 1032). 1882 Calotropis 


Yerragoda (McL. 304). 1699 Diospyros 

Yetty (McL. 690). 1962 Strychnos nux- 

Yew (H/E.F) (Nic. 4/10) (5.424) (Cag. 
410). cmiv. Taxus (genus). 

Yew (Common) (Nic. 4/11) (S. 425). 
2828 Taxus haccata. 

Yew (Irish) (S. 217) 2828-b. Taxus 

baccata (fastigiata). 


Yew Tree (Mueli.S.P) (Gbl. 701). 2828 
Taxus baccata. 

Yoogapathricay (McL. 995). cccxxiv. 

Dalbergia (genus). 

Yototepinvada of the Andamanese (Cat. 
37). 300 Melochia velutina. 

Yucatan (Axil-spined Paripinnate-(6-8)- 
Obcordat:-cuneate leaved Brasiletto of) 
(Treas. Bot. 1/565, adpd), 942 Hzmat- 
oxylon campechianum. 

Yulan (S. 257). ix. Magnolia (genus). 


Zachun Oil Plant (MchL. 
Balanites Roxburghii. 
Zafnee (McL. 999, 1041). 

Zahrinaurel (McL. 198). 
Zamang of the Javanese (McL. 443, 736, 
995, 1042). 1057 Enterolobium Saman. 
Zamaug (Venezuela) Tree (McL. 1042). 
1057 Enterolobium Samanu. 
Zameencundah (McL. 463). 
corea sativa- 

295). 433 
2443 Laurus 

3239 Lodoicea 

3067 Dios- 

Zante Wood (McL. 797}. 485 Chlo- 
roxylon swietenia. 

Zanzibar (Moc. 21, 1042). 3118 Aloé 

Zanzibar Indigo (McL. 371, 937, 994, 

1042). 774 Tephrosia purpurea. 
Zanzibar Root (McL. 310). 2996 Zingiber 
Zarishk shrub (McL_ 84). 
Zealand (Kauri Pine.of New) (Nic. 1/439) 
. (Gbl. 703) (Bdn/#.T) (Cag. 407) (Cat. 
315) (Muell. S.P) (B.L. (/214). 2831 
Agathis australis. 

98 Berberis 



Zealand (Karaka of New) (Muell. S.E). 
657 Corynocarpus levigata, 

Zealand (Ngaio of New) (Muell. S.P).° 
decxix. Myoporum (genus). 

Zealand (New) Dammer 
2831 Agathis australis. 

Zealand (New) JLabarnum (§, 408). 
eeexxix. Sopbora (genus). 

Zealand (New) Mangrove (McL. 470). 
2334 Avicennia officinalis. 

Zealand (New) Manuka 
(Treas. Bot. 2/674). 
mum (genus). 

Zealand (New) Palm Lily (Muell. 8.P) 
(Nic. 1/372). 3109 Cordyline australis. 

Zealand (New) Supple-dack (Treas. Bot. 
2/1344). dxciv. Parsonsia (venus). 

Zealand (New) Supple-Jack Fern (Treas, 
Bot. 1344). mlxv. Lygodium (genus). 

Zebra Plant (S. 67). Calathea 

Zebra Plant (Cag. 882, 383) (Nic. 1/288) 
(Rid. 48). 38017 Calathea zebrina. 

Zebra striped Rush (Nic. 5). mxxxiy. 
Miscanthus (genus). 

Zebra (Indian) Wood (Mc. 366, 478, 
994). 1517 Guettarda speciosa. 

(McL. 258). 

(Maid, C.T) 
cdxiv. Leptosper- 


Zedoary (Camphor) (McL. 1042). 2990 
Hedychirnum coronarium. 

Zeitoon (McL. 997, 1044). 1786 Olea 

Zendavesta (Hom of) (McL. 847). 1891 

Sarcostemma brevistigma. 

Zizyphus (Three nerved) (McL. 132). 
502 Zizyphus trinervia. 

ou-venules Fern (Bed/F, adpd). mil. 
Gleichenia (genus). 

Zoovy (McL, 1U42). 2738 Ficus Tsiela, 



F} se 

lew York Botanical Garden Library 

Lushington, Alfred/Vernacular list of 


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