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V_I    G   0    _    C   g_  U  N   T    I    ,      _  I   1^   D    I   A   1^   A 

WILL        RECORD        C    1818   -    18^:8    ] 



Eleazsr  Aspinwall  -  1820 

John  Erocklebank  -  1826 

Japhet  Bush  -  1829 

Alan son  Church  -  1818 

Richard  Cox  -  1820 

Abraham  Elliot  -  1821 

Samuel  Ever  sol  -  18'Kt- 

Joseph  Grose  -  1848 

Jarnes  Johnston  -  1822 

James  Lee  -  1819 

William  i'^arkle  -  1820 

John  Norris  -  1828 

James  Porterfiled  -  1846 

William  Souls  -  1820 

Benjainin  Starke  -  lojl 

Nicholas  Stephenson  -  1821 

John  F.  Thompson  -  1821 

Isaiah  Wallace  -  182S 

Gersham  Tuttle  -  1625 

Jeremiah  Wilson  -  1828 

James  S.  Winter  -  1825 

William  Winter  -  1818 

A^.PIi.V./a,L,    F:Lii:AZAR 

In   the   n;'r-.e    of  God  Pxicn 

1    Eler.c-rx    ■'■.G pi  II ■.'.:■,  1.1    of   Terre   [i.-uts  Yi50  Cownty, 
state    of   Irjcii^na   do  r.t  he..    ;;!)  ;1    decl'.ro   tiij.G   i.,y   1   ct 
will   c'lid   tcGt;.i.';ent   uiiifor/.i  f ollov.'iiir;;.      Ily   wor.-t'ily 
estate    I   cA^' ^-   '■'^^^  bequentii   c'-.s   follov.-s; 

Fixe.t   I   ^i'ce   .-nd  bGque,-th    th-:.,t   all  ny    tcricvi-ns 
with   the   appiu'tenr.iiccs,    situate,    lying   and  beirji_;  in 
Torre  H- ute  VibO  Co.    Bta'oe   of   Indian;.:   knoijii   ^^nd   des- 
ignated on   the   plot   of   s?j.d   toT7n  as    lot   nji^bcr   one 
■uanto  n^y  wife   Elirn    Aspinv/all   for   and   during'      t}ie   term 
of   one  year   and  until   sold. 

Also   I    give    and  bequeath  unto  my  v.'ife   Elira   ^b- 
pinwall   all    the  household  furniture   vaiicli   she   bcuijht 

from   the   state   of  llev  York   \;itii  her   all  my  _ 

and   one   [^olc:   vr'.tc}i,    ana  $400    in  current   money.      Also 
I   give   and  beq\icath    to  my   sistar  Ann   Aspin^Tall   tlie 
sujli   of  ^400   in  current  money,    and   finally   all   the 
rest   and  residue   of  ny  personal    estate,    and   all  iry 
real   estate   after   payment   of   all  my   debts    the    loa;ioy 
a,nd   funeral   expences,    I    give   devise   and  beajueath   to 
i-'iy  brothers,    Chest'jr  Aspinv.all    and  Le\7is   Aspinvzall, 
and  my   sister  Roxa   Car:pbell   to  be   equally    divided  a- 
mong   thei.i, 

■         To  V;-itncas   r/iicreoi    I   h-;ve    iiereunto  set  j:r/   hand 
and  E-oal    tiiis    t.Oth   day    of  Lept.    in    tlie  year   of    our 

\\mr\ih  s"iatl  iK-i.'^'" 

Lord  1C2.0. 


Signed   sealed   publi'oi'ed  proiiounccd 
and  dec  1- red  by    tlie   er^.id  A.upiriivall 
as   ))iB    l^rGt  v.ill   and   teGtrJ.'Cnt   in    the 
preBonoe    of  uc   v;ho   in    tlie   presence   of 
e.ich    other  hnve   hereunto  aubscribed    our 

Luciun  H.    Ecott 
uilli-.iii  0.    Linton 

EleaEar    f^spinrrall 
...  (SEAL) 


State    oi   Indi-na  Foup.tain  Co.    IIov.    24,    10^6 

I   JoJin  Brochlcb  ;rik   beint;;  \ve:iic   in  body  but   sound 
in  ijiind  .nnd  rieraory   r.r;ke   r.iy   lac-t  will  and   teotanient. 
Firct   I  bequeath  unto  u:y   neuhev;  Samuel  Jcnicon 
§50,    and  to  his   8on  John  B.   Jenison  $50   alco   to  r,-y 
nephev;  Caino  Mains   rJaton  ^,?50,    :;lso   to  uy   nephew  John 
B.   JeniBoiJ  s.'SO  and   residue   of   cctatc   I   bcqueatli  un- 
to my   daughter  Elinor a  Brocklebank. 

It   iB   ijy   last   request   that  Salmon  V.'ri;-;ht   of  Terre 
Haute,    Indiana  be   h\y  Executor    to  settle   my   estate   in 
Indiana  and  Illinois    end  Abner   Bunnell  oi    Cananiiai- 
go.a   Kerr  Yorl:  be   my    Executor    to   settle  v.y   estnte   in  II  .Y 
for   the  benefit   of   those   to  \.'hoia  its  bequeathed. 
Thin    is   my   last   uill    and  teatawent.      I   eirn   and 
seal  in  presence   of 
Auson  Cone 
Peleg  Balecock 

John  Brocklebank 

BU;:.J',    JAPII^T 

■"I   Jciphet  Bur:)i   oi"    tlie   elate    oi"   Iniiai'a  and  County    of 
Vigo   GO  VMiV.e   aiici   ordr;in    this   iry  will   and   teotcui^ent 
in  manners   and  form  ri£    follov,T>: 

I   (jive   and  bequeath   to  biy    dear   son   uilli?j;j  i3u3]i  .;';1.00 
and    to  My  beloved  d-.u^.liter  Caroline   FLitn-Ti   '^l.OO  and    to 
my   dau;;hter  Sally   Jones  ^;1.00   and   to  wy   tion  V.'arren  Bush 
(?10.00  all    tlic   ."'^er.idue   of  my   liinds,    teneiucntc   hereidita'ncntB 
alco  wy   etoc'i:  of   every  hind  vith  jry  houBeliold   furniture    of 
every   sort   ond  f  arrnin;;';  utentialB   of   every   Bort   dec^cription . 
I   [^ive    to  uy   dear  beloved   rife  Hester  Busb  v;ho!i"i   I   no;:;inate 
constitute   and  appoint   sole   execiitrix  of    this   niy   last  v.'ill 
and   testainent.      Hereby   revoke   all   other   former  v/ills   by   rr.c 
at  any  time  heretofore   made. 

In  \7H".nePE   whereof   I   h'lve   hereunto   set   wy  }i.-nd  and   se-:l 
t}ie   :3?th   day   of  June   1829  in    the  yera'   of   our  Lord.      Si[-ned 
Benled  published    and  decl-ired  by   the   said    testator  Japhet 
Bush   aB   for  his   last  \7ill   and   testaxient   in    the   presence   of 
U8  vrho   have   subscribed  our   vritnes    thereto   in   the   pre- 
sence   of   the   Sidd    testator. 

As   v/itness   my   hand  and  _,,-'' 

Eliphatet   Chattuck 
JaJnes   Johnston 
Nathan  Andrews 

Japhet  Eush 


Be    it   rc.'aerabered   th-  t   I   Alancon  Church    of   Vifjo    in 
tlie  5:"-tate   of  Indicino,   Deir.g  v/cal'   in  hoCy  but   oT   noiind   and 
perfect   nind  b3e^!cl    the  Alrii^-hty  Cod  for    the   Gcine,    do 
make   and  publish   this   uy   last  v/ill   and   test,i-;:ient   in  i.ian- 
ner   and   form  following:     •    ■       -     ■    --■    -    -  -      -      -•--.-. 

I   do  i^ive   and  bequeath  unto-wy   beloved"  Ellsabetlj 
Church   tv-o  cov.s,    two  calves    and   all    tlje   hogs    that   I    now 
ovm  and  all  in/  household  furniture. 

I   do  Give   and  bequeath  unto  my    son  Alanson  Church 
all   that  my  ir.essuase   situate    lying;   and  being   in   the  Co. 
of  Vigo   and  the   St-:te   of   Indiana  containing  60   acres    of 
land   to  hold   to  hin    the   sail  Alonson   Church  his   Jieiro 
and  assigns   forever    tv;o  brovm  horses,    two,    tv/o 
year  old  bulls   and  all  receipts   and  notes  T/hioli  belong 
t  o  Lie . 

I    do  give   and  bequeath   unto  rsy   daughter  Elisabeth 
Harris  ^ao.OO. 

I    do  give   and  bequeath  unto  my   daughter  Lucinda 
Oiiurch  C5.00. 

I    do  give   and   bequeath  unto  Lay   daughter   Lydia 
Church  ^!^<.00. 

I    do  give   and   bequeath  unto  my   daughter  Sally 
Church  ^C^.00. 

I    do  give   and   bequeath  unto  my   daughter  Elisa  Church 
ff2.00   anJ    lastly   as    to   all   the   rest   residue   and   remainder 

of  i;;y    p^rconol   Estnte  C'oocls   o.nd  chattels    of   all   kind. 

I    civo   r-nd   beciuei'.th   the   camtj   to  t.iy   and  bjlcved. 
v.ifc   Elistbeth  ChurcJi  whom  I   hci-cby    appoJnt    to   De   Executor 
of   this   Il\y   last  will   and  te2ta,r.':ent.      In  v.itne;:::;  whereof  I 
have   herexinto  set  i.iy   hand  and  Beal   thlo    18th   day    of  Aujunt 
183  8. 

Si[;ROd   sealed  pi,iblis)ied  p)ronovnioed 
ai'id   declared  by    thie   £;  Alans  on  Church 
as   liiB   last  v;ill   and   teatainent    in   the 
precence   of  us  vrho   in   the  presence   of 
eoch   otlisr  h"ve   hereunto  subccribed  our 

Willi at.i  Henry 

Willia  FcllowB 

Huniy  Burlingaa.e 


Alanoon  X  Churcli 



cox,    rilCJiARD 

Be    it   re/;iewberod   tli-jt   I   Richard  Cox   of   tj.o  State   of 
3;  Vi[:o  Co.    boin^^  in  hja.lth  and  of   councl  nind  and 
r/ieir:ory    to  i.i-:J:e   thiio   ir.y   la'-'t  vill   s.nd  decire   it  be   received 
as   such  by   all  whor;   it  may  concern. 

I   deGire   t]:iat   just   debt8   and   funeral  chn.rijecs  be   paid 
a.s   Boon  as    they   conveniently   c<in  after  ]:,-y   deotr^'oO   and   that 
iny  body   be  buried   in  a  decent   and  chricti:;n  nianner   at    t}u; 
deocretion   of  uv/    executoro  hereafter  mentioned  and  for  lay 
worldly   property   I    £,ive   and   dispoae   of   in   the   follo\\ing 
ffiajmor:  .    ■  ■ 

I    give    to  my   Bon  Thoinac  Cox  (;'1.00  and  no  inore. 

I    give    to  my   daughter  15ar:>'   Evans  vlO.OO  and  no  more.. 

I    C'-ve   to  ny   d-au^hter  Rebecca  Pace   dviring   life   40 
acres    of  land   on  BoutJi  corner   of   the  nortli   eaet  qunrtcr 
of   Ejection   1  Tovm   10  range   10   and   at  her   death   to  her   son 
Ds.niel   Pace  his  heirs   and  ar signs    forever. 

I    give    to  my   oons   David,    Peter   and   iGaac   one  quarter 
section  of   land   the  South  VVe.~t   quarter   of  No.    13  T.IO  F;.30 
equally   during  Peter's    life'  nnd   at  his   death   to  bo   equally 
divided  bet'.reen  Da.vid  and  laaac    their  lieirs,    assigns   forever 

I    (jlve   to  my   sons  Richard    and  V.'illiam   t}ie  If.V/.    quarter 
of  section  13  t.lO   r.lO   to  be   equally   divided  by   an   east 
line.      I    leave   in   tlie   hands    of   my   executors   for   the  use   of 
my  son  Peter   one   featlier  bed   and   fiu-nituro,    one   sorrel  j;::ire 
ai'id   one   gov;  and  c:'lf   tlie   profits   of   thcia   to  be   l:ept  for  use 

duriuo  J^-'i^""'   li-'-'o   and   Jit   Mo   c;eath   to  be   boIci   vnO.  cqurJJy 
dlvidod  .-.jnons   brothers;   dii'I    tiieir   heirc. 

I    fjive    to  iiiv   Gon  John  Cox    tiio   north   half   of   the   nortli 
east  quarter  Vio.l   T.IO  R-10   to   hii-)  his  heirn   and   ar^r.igns 

I   leave   in  tiie  pov/er  of  niy   executors    to  ci'^c   to  my 
gron^tGon  Amos  Gox   40   acrco   the   south   east  part   of  lio.l 
T.IO  R.IO   or  not    to  give   ac    they   shall  think  best  accord- 
ing  to  his   behaviour.      I   appoint  ir.y   son  David,    John  cUid 
Isaac    executors   to   this   uy   last   will   and   testriwent  and 
(page  v/as   torn)    son  Peter  and  hereby  revokinj-  all  other 
v.'ills   by  me   do  ordain   this  ray    last  viill   o,nd    te3t;i:,]Gnt . 

In  v/itneso   v.^lioreof   I   h;xve  hereunto   set  i;y   h-raid   and 
seal   tliis    2Vth  dey    of   the   7tli  raonth   in   the  ye'T   of   our 
Lord  1830 c 

Sitj^ned  and  sealed  and  pronounced  by    the   said  Rieliard 
Cox   to  be   his   last  will  in   the   presence   of  ub . 

I    ausliorize  ciy   executors    to  sell  all   my  property   of 
idine   not  mentioned  in   the  v.'ill    at   private   Gale   or  public 
auction,    as    they   shall   thinl:  best. 
EliGha  Bentley 
John  Harkncss 
Jeremiahi  Kav/orth 

Richard  Cos 

ELLIOTT,    hbiAf^lUi 

Be   it   voniehibere'i    th'it   I   Abicahaiii  lilliott  c:-'llii\--;   to 
rnj, nd    the  uncertainty   of   liie    and   it   is   aopointeci    once 
for   all  won   to  die,    do  ?.--}:q   tl-ia   ny   Irst  vill   and   testa.- 
incnt . 

I    reccosji-hcnd  n^y   oeal   to  Almighty  GoO. ,    and  body    to 
the   earth   to  be  buried   in  a  decent  raaJiner,    and  all  my 
jUGt   debts    find  feneral  chargeD    to  be  paid,    as   for  vrhat 
property   it  has   pleased  God  to  ble&s  ne  v.-ith,    31    dispose 
of  in   the   following  iiianncr,    ?o  v;'it:      To  iav  dau£;hter  Dar- 
ah  rJid  Elisabeth   I    give   and  bequeath  Ol.OO   e?ch,    to  iny 
daAJ-£hter  Catharine   I   ci"^'e   and  bequeath   one  dutch   oven, 
also  to  h-ry   daur^hter   (pab'e  torn) 

To  Try   son  Joab  I   ijive  and  bequeath  all  my  land  and 
aJ.l  tlie  rcsicu.e   of  vy  Estate,    all  debts   due  tie   and  noney 
arising  frcia  the   sale   of  my  property,    to  be   a.ppropri:tcd 
to   the   pr-yinr^  the   lane;    out   of   the   land  office,    and  if 
there   should,  be  any  renainder   of  suoli  money   it   tocether 
t;ith    the   rent   of    the   farm  to   be   appropriated   to   the  bene- 
fit  of  ny  Said  son  Joab,      Also   I    give  and   bequeatJi   to  my 
Said  son  Joa.b   one   large  bible   and  writing  desk  v/liich   are 
to  be   exempted   from  sale.      In  case    the   land   I   now  cvn 
should  be   forfeited,    I    ordain   that  e^ny  woney  appropriated 
to   the  use   of  ray   said,  son  Joab   or   the  paying  for  i.ry  Ipmd 
by  my   executors   laid   out   for    the   puroose   of  purchacjng 
hiij  ZiSi   otli'jv  piece   of   land.      .T    further  ordain   that  niy   son 
cliall   not  be   permitted   to  sell    or   dispose   of   land   -wit' 

out    t}je   c^'inr.ont   of   i:iy   exc-cutoi'S    till   ho  ■  t-.iir.ll    .?rrive   at 
the   a.-^e   of   1.'.5  ye.-?ra.      I    c.iiGtitutc-   nnd'appoint  r.'y-con 
Abner   a.rKj  i:^y   truct-y   frcien--^, 'Davic:  Lyl:ins   i:]y    exeontorr.      '     ■• 
anci   v.'Jicn  Abn'..r  cannot  be  piesunt  rjy   fricng   Di.vii-'   Lyki^u    to 

to  liavc   full  pov.--3r   to   rot  in  riove   of   both. 

'I    further   empo;7Gr  my   executors   v.ltli  JoIjh  Pike   to 
act   ac    they   WDy   see  beet  with  \i^/    tiir.bor  qu';rter  Boction 
of  land.      I    eupOTrer  my   executors    to   act  ;7it}i   tir^bar 
quarter   section   of   land,      I   erjipc.rer  my  exeoiitors    to   act 
v/ith   iity   land  on  v/hich   I   live   as   circ\is.stanoes   aay  require 
and  if   it  should  be   deemed  necessary   they  may  retain  one 
half   of  such  lajid  and  forfeit   the   other. 

In  Testii;!ony   whereof  I    have   hereunto  set  my  hand   fa^d 
Besl    tliio   10th   day   of  Jiarch  1821. 
Witnesses   present 

Jared  Lyk.ins 

Elisabeth  X  Ohur'ch  .     .   "      ■ 

nark  Abrahimn  Elliott 

Be   it   rerricrnbered  that  I   Abraliara  Elliott   tailing;   into 
mature   consideration   the   above   vvill   and  concludes   and   do 
nial:e    the   follo'.ying   alterations.      I    do  give   and  bequeath  un- 
to my   daughter   Elisabeth  one   spinning  nheel   and   one   chair 
also   to  my   dr.iiohter  Sarah  one   larL,e   dish  and   all  my  v:earins 
interests,    and  I    further  give    to  i.\V  daughter  Catharine,    one 
looj:ing  glass   and  also   to  ny    housekeeper  Slira  one  chair, 
also   one   half   the   cotton   thats    no;?  a  growing  and   one   h?lf 


ncrii'   F'aoli .      A!i.l    tlie   ,'rbove   p3-operty   I   declare   cxoMpt 
froLJ   Sole. 

In   tcstir.ion^^    wliereof   I   iiave   Ijereunto   Get   rny  hrmc 
an--'    Gc?.l    tliis   10th   d-y    of  M-rch   18S1. 
".'itnesces   present 
Thomas   Brovm 
John   Pike 

AbroliEW  Elliott 


evl;R':.ol,  e/.i;uJ.;L 

1  BrUi.UGl  Lverrr-ol  of  Terro  Haute  Vi(^:c  Go.  3ti„tc  of 
Inclirina  do  ir-'ke  tiiis  my  In^t  T-;i*J.l  nnO  teotrj^'ent- }i--;rcby 
revokirig  :\nd  vn.kin^  void  all  fornier  i':!!!  by  ne  )''co- 
fore  I'lade. 

Firbt   I   direct   that  ry  bocy  be   interred   in  o,  ploin 
inan]:ier   with   as   little    expsT^se    or  parade   ps   dece:ic:y   will 
allov;  and   I    direct    that  liv  brotlier  Josepli  be   particularly 
Bcnt  for   to  attend  ny  funeral. 

Next   1    direct    t/.at   all  uy   just   debto    cost   of  ny   la^t 
sicl:ness    and  funeral   expenses   be   p3id   as    coon   after  lay 
death  sjy  pot;eible   out   of   the   first  money n    th';;t  fOiall  come 
unto    the  hands    of   jny    executors. 

I    give  and  bequeath   to  niy   dear  yife  Marj^aret  all   the 
houaehold  property   kitclien  furniture  cattle   and  provisions 
that  may  be   on  hnnd   at  my   death.      It   is   also  liiy   desire 
that    tliey   have   all    the   rents   and  profits    of  ray   real   est-Ha 
during  her   natural   life    (except   vrhat   shnll   be  mentioned 
hereafter)      The   keeping  srld   property    in   good   repair  pay- 
ing  the    taxes    thereon   also  keeping   the  building   insured 
in   the   ].Iutu:;l   Insurance   office    (say)    Cor;ip-;ny   and  not   doin^ 
or   suffering  any   'ivaste   or   injury   to   the   said  prop?rty. 

It   is   tiy  desire   that  rry    shop  be   rented  for   any  bus- 
iness  for  shall    it   naybe   ordered.      My  rill   is    that   all 
cooper   •,7are   stuff   and   tools   and  all   personal  property   not 
already   devired  be   sold   on   the   u.c-.ual  credit   for  notes 
vdth  good   security   and   the  money    realized   from  sail  s-les 

and   t)ie   Cvebtc   cue   we    r?,U'i   rioney    cin  }i-:n<}   ovor__anri   nbovo 
\-Jjat   j  r;    orcjereci  for   the   payair-rnt   of  iiy   ilebte   and   fun-   • 
eral   cxpenoftB    -.nd  al3-   otfier  Eion.-^yc   cMninj^;   in   the   JinRds 
of  iiiy   executors    or   executrix   shcaxld  be   as    f^.Gt  ■  (r>:;,y  •■ 
Boon  aB ted   loaiiod  out   on  ixiort(_;''ge   of   read  es~    ■ 
tate    at   lecal   interest   payable   cer.-.i    anmially  rhich  in- 
terent    together  with   the   dividend   on  nry   etoek   is    to  bo    ■■ 
enjoyed  by  vy  dear   vdfe   '-'rirc^'-a-et  until  n-y   D;on  JoBerjh  be- 
oomoG    of   Icg'jl    ace   ^7}5en   the   principal   is    to  be   paid   over 
to  him.      It   ie   i;iy   will   that  my   son  Joseph   be   liept  con- 
Btaiitly   at   Gone   good  bcIjooI   (if   Iiealth  periiats)    g.nd  for 
the   lat't   3  or  4  yearc   v.'here   the   hi[;,her  branches    of  Kng- 
lish   are    tau;2.h''-'   v/here    there   are   apparattus   and  lectures 
for   terjchin^^  chemistry,    Philosopliy   a.nd   the   J^atheraaticks, 
should   there  not   be   a  school   in  Torre  }iaute   it   is  my 
wish   }ie   be   sent   from   hoKie   to  wliere   such  a  school  is, 
ta.ught   and   th>at  he   be  snantained   and   educated  by  toy 
executrix  free   of   all  chr-rgeo.      Hy  will   is    tliat   at 
the   age   of   sixteen  ray  son  Josepli  be  placed  apprentice 
to  some   good  Mechanic   vvho  is   master   of  his   business 
or  Scientific  farr.ier  as   tJie  boy  may  choose   to  remain 
with  Daid  meciianic    or  farmer  until  he  is    21  years   old 
receiving   3  or   6  mouths   schooling  each  year   during  liis 
apprenticeship,    cut  in  the  event  his  physical  poi7ers 
should   overtaJce   and  keep  pace   with  his   mental   faculties 
and  he   should  feel   still  eager   for   learning  he  may  be 
continued  at  school   still  longer. 

11:   if,.   i:iy  v.'ill   thn.t-   sliould  i.ry   Gon  Joyc:ph    die   v.ilhout 
cbildren  before    the   decease   oi'   ]ii3   i.:ol.J)or    then  it   ia   ir.y 
Ijint   v.-ill   th:-'t   she   rry  wife  }Iart;-^ret   eliould  uce   r.nd  put 
the   rents    and  profit:^    of  my   real   ect-;to   and    intorc't   on 
all   i;;oney   -nd  brtnk   stock   ns   before   mentioiied  nurin^:^-  lier 
natuTcil    life.      After  }ier   death   t)ie   princip-i.l   and  real   es- 
tate   to   descon'i    to  my   loeial  heirr. .      It  is   !.-.y   especi-l   will 
that  ir.y   l-?rt:;c   family   bible  be  oi"^'cn   to  n-y    Don   ?;fter  hio 
inotlier'y    death   and   also  iiiy   silver   wnre  and   etc. 

Having  a  mortt,;,?^e    on  a  farw  no^.v   ov.-ned   and  occupied 
by   ir,y  brother  Joseph  Eversol  my   v.ill   is    that  my   son  Jos™ 
ep]i  have    the   exclusive  claira   to   said  mortljaje   if   the   Innd 
falls    to  iny    estate   and   that  his    guardian  use    the   rents 
and  profits    of  said   l:-.nd    in   iiuprovements    on   the   farin  un- 
til my   son  Josepli    Deco^ies   of   legal   age,    if   hcvever   the 
Biortgage    redeemed  in  WDney    tlion    it   is   my   will    that   tlie 
money  be   loaned   out   on  mortgage    of   real   estate   at  legal 
interec-t    tiie    interest   also  loaned   out  as    it   is    paid  un- 
til he   my   eon  Josepli.  oecomes    of   lawful   ::ge.      I   vrish   it 
expressly   understood   th?t   on  my   real  estate   during  her 
life   and   the   interest    on   the  money   loaned   ovit   and   divi- 
dends   on  irrf  bank   stock  she   relinguished  all  her   right 
dov,-er;    also   to  maintain  and  educate   my   son   free    of  all 
charges.      And   I   heretofore  m.ake   my   dear  wife  Margaret 
and  my   esteemed  friend  Orson  Barbour  executrix   a'iid   exe- 
cutor  of   tjiio  my   Irst  will   and   testajnent.      In  witness 
whereof   I    Scrruel   Sversol   the    testator  have   hereuTito  set 

My   h?.nd  and   c-erJ.   tjris   Goii   cV.y    of  June   in   tliC  yo-'r  of    our      /"'■•, 
Lord   1844. 

Saraucl    Eveirol    (GEAL) 

I    alGO  v.ill    and  direct   that  my  friend  Orcon  Bp.rbour 
nfter   My   death  sji?ll   as  ny  cv-p^r-'inn   of  n.y   con  Joseph  un- 
til he   Eh^.ll  o.rrivc   at   tlie    of   21  yrs.    and  p.s   Gxicli 
he  shall  carry  unto   execution   the  unjunotions   of   this  my 
.  last   v/ill   ?nd  test-nent. 

Done    the   aforcB-id  8th   d.-^y   of   1844. 

■  -  .    '    Sara'  1   Hversol 

I   Jor.oph  a.'o::e    of   the   county   of  Vi^o   and    t;tr-te    of 
Ind''ir!:-i,  bei]i:^  of   noiuid  i.'anci  end  nor.ory  knoTvin^;;-   thrit   itc 
ri.ppointed  for  all  mn   oiv^-e    to   die   do  iu?ke    tliic   jiy  last 
will   £tnd   tcotoiient.     ■  ■  •  ...... 

In   ihe   first   I   vrant    to   oc  buried  in  a   recent 
Cliristirjn  buri-.-.l,    and   all  my  funsral   ox])rino^s   p-'ic;,    to- 
cethcr  vrJ. ti.  all  wy  juct  debto,    in  the   Snd  place   I  do 
give  unto  ry   beloved  rrifo  Sally  Grocc  my  home  pl':cG   as 
long   as   B)ie   remjilnr.   j;:y  \v'idow.      J.'y  hoi'^e  plr^ce   i&   ]:novni 
by   bein  soutjicast  quarte.r  of   r.outlieact  quarter   of  seo- 
tioP-14   in    tov/nBhip   11  borth   of   ran5e  G   vrect,    and  at 
her  death   the  above  described  real  estate   is   then  to 
be  IVilliarj  Grose's   ny  youngest   son,    if  he   sjiall   then  be 
living.      If    the   said  V.'rn.   Grose   ahould  not   be   living  nor 
have    any  liciro  living   tlien  in   that   the   onid  land   is 
to  be    sold,    and   the  money   to  be   divided  between   my  dau- 
ghter  in   equal  portions,    a^id  if   any   of   thera  should  be 
dea.d  and  leaving   heirs    then   the  heirs   shall   receive   t>ie 
mother's   portion.      I    also  give  unto  ny  v;ife   Sally  Grose 
all  ijiy  personal  property  except   the  young  filly  ^,'bic]-:  I 
now  give   unto  V/illiaiii  Grose  my   son,      I    also  do  hereby 
o.ppoint   ThoEias  Carter,    i;sq .    my   executor,    \'asliing  liira   to 
settle  my  estate. 

In   testimony   thereof   I   hereunto  set   uy  hand  and 

seal   tliis   22nd.    day    of  March   A.D.    1648. 

Joseph  X  Grose 

Signed   seal   in   the   prcsende   of 
John   Pady   &  Geor  -p  '-      r-,.-  +  .^ 

In   the   nrniO    of  Go.i   Amen,  ' 

Be   it   roweir.bered   th-t   I  Jrauec  JoLnoton   of   tlio  County 
of  Vir^o   and  State    of   Indinn-a  bein^^   r,c?.k   i:'i  body  b-at   so\ind 
aivi   perfect   of  wind   and  n;e;uory   blcssec   be   Alirji-hty  God 
for   the   B?,i;V3   do  tn:-:kc   and  publinh    tliis   v.y   last  will   ,nnd 
teLstainent   in    the  Planner   and  form  follo-.Tlns   (that   is    to 

esy)  .•  ■ ■    • 

First   I   iZ'ive   anci   bequeath   unto  my  belove  1   \,'ife  Mar-- 
garet  Jolmcton  uy  home   plnce   curing  )).?v   life,  then   to  be 
8old   s,nd  divided   awon^jst  nry   cJiildren  equally.      I   do   al^^o 
give   and  bequeatli  unto  rcy   son  CharleB  Johnston   or  ]jis 
lioirs    tile   east  half   of   the  nortii  eaet  quarter  of  section 
J;]o.l9   in   to\nic]iip  JIo.    10  K.    of   range  No. 8  v/cst   and  t}io 
v:e6t  ijalf   of   the   nortlr.vest  quarter   of  section  h'o.SO   in 
tov/nGliip  llo.IO  J« .    of   ran^je   8  vrcst.      I   do  alQo  give   and 
bequeath  unto  w   son  in  lavr  Kathan  Poyner  and  ii;y  cldeDt 
daughter  Kancy  Poyner  his  \7ife   or  their  children  the 
north  east  quarter  of  section  iJo.lB  in  tornship  lIo.lO 
of  range   8   v;cst  wliicli   I   V7ant   paid  for  with  rai'noy    that  is 
due  me.      I    do  also  give   and  bequeatli  ;uito  v:.y   son  in  law 
Jesse   Kester  and   ray   youngest   daughter  Sara3.i  Kester  his 
^vife   or    t>ieir  children   the  v.'cst   lialf  of   the   north  '.vest 
quarter   of   section  ho. 34  In   township  ho.  10   of   r,';nge  Ho. 
10  IV.    and  OlOO  current  money   of   the  United  St-^tcs   and 
the   Innd    to  be   paid   rith  money    diie  nie.      I    do   also  v.-.^nt 
40  o.cres   of   tlie   11. Z.    quarter   of   section   Zv   in    to'.Tnrdiip 

I;o.l0  N  .    of   r:^n^■e   10  ^vcal.;   rccc-rver;    nnd    tlis   ronifluc   v^cld 
for   tiie    purpoce    of   »n:::l:in:j:  r.y   chilfjrnn   even    r:h".rcn   in  my  • 
eBt::te.      I    do  alBo   is^vc   vJid  Dequenth  unto  jG:;ce  Keiy'cor   n- 
foxesaii   one' lot   in  the  ■  tcv;n  of  I31oo':iiclr] ,    Butlar  Co., 
Ohio   at  :;i'45.50   of   hio    part   of  uy   est-ite.      I    do   also  [jive 
and  bequeath  unto  ir.y   grandson  Jcjnec    L.   Poyner,    one  younr; 
horse   Gadule   and  briiile   v/orth  (s  60  when  he   is    21.      I   do 
also  L^ivo   and  bequeath   unto  ray   beloved  v/ife   nforecaid,    nil 
the  household  furniture   o!"ie   )iorse   and   one   cow.      I   do  nlii^o 
Vv'ant   the   a.-lc   of   my   fjoods   end   chattels    to  be   sold   for   the 
payment   of    debts    and   to  procure   a   horse   faaddle   and  bridle 
for  Ky   £:;r.-ndson   as    af oresaJ  d   if   any   remainder   to  be   div- 
ided   equally   eJ.ianGSt  i;iy   three   children.      I    do  hereby   ap- 
point  ThoKiav^   Pounds   and  Benja^nin  Kerchival   sole   executors 
of   this   ny   lact  vrill   and  testament  hereby   revohins  all 
former   wills  by  me  made. 

In  witness  v.-hereof  I  have   hereunto  set  my  iiand  and 
seal   this   ZOtli  day   of   1822. 
Signed    sealed  published  pronounced 
an^   declared  by    the   said  Johnston 
as  his    last  v;ill   and   testament   in   the 
presen.ce   of  us  y/jio  in  t]ie  presence  of 
each   ot)ier  haA'c  hereunto  subscribed  our 

William  Welsh 

Hoses   Evans 

John  Kester  James  Johnston 


In   the   n-iiiie   of  God  Ancn  

I   Jo.raefi   Lee   of   tlie  Coi:nty    of  Vii;;o  and   of  Inci. 
bein[-;  ronk   in  boc-y    in\t  by    the   fioroy   of  God   cr.u   d   in  mind 
and  }:nov>'ing   it  oppointed  for   all  iiicn  once    to  die   do   of' 
liiy   own  v,-ill   and  accord   nor;  and   ordoin   tliis    to   oe  r.iy   l^rro 
v/ill   and   tcntanient,    and   to  be   received  and   obeyed   v-H   Euch 
accordingly.  "  "      " •    ■         -■     -    - 

To  iiiy   loving  \Tife   Polly   Lee  I    c^-^'e   and  bcq-ueath   the 
Bonth-ijalf   of   the   scuthenst  quarter   of   section  Ik). SO   in 
tov?n  10   north  and  ran[;e  J^'o.    10  v/est   alr.o   the   north  half 
of   the   north  v;cot  quarter   of   section  2o  in  ]:o.    8  nort:i 
in  range   llo.   10  v/eot   also  tv;o  horccB    the    red  wagon  and 
harness   and   one   cov;  and  (^alf;    one  yoke   of    oxen   and  one 
Saddle   arid  bridle   and  all  I'^y  houseliold  ajid  liitchen  furn- 
iture;   also  all  my    ctock  of  hogs;    also  v/liat  money   I   now 
have    in  posr.esoi on   to  be  at  her   dicposnl,    and   four  hun- 
dred dollsrc    out   of   the   money  cowing  from  Joliu  Good«      The 
benefit   of   the   above   property,    and  raoney   is   for  her  use 
while   she    rernains   my  vridow.      To  iny    Bon  John  Lee   I   give 
and  bequeath   •^•80   to  be  paid   the   15th  of  Sept,    1819.      To 
Eiy   son  Iicnry  Lee   I    give  a.nd  bequeath  C'lGO    to  make   tvro 
payraents    in  the   land   office   as    they  bee  one   due.      To  Lay 
son  Samuel   Lee   I   give   and  bequeath  C240   to  be   paid  for 
the  quarter   section  of  land  on  \;hich  he   lives    as   the   pay- 
ments becoue   riue   iri   the   ]nnd  office,    also    tv:o  pair   of 
gears    and  one   set   of   plow  devices.      To  r;iy    son  Jawes   Lee 

I    c.ixe   and  beouoath   the  llortlt   hi'ir    of   tlie   oouoli   c^;;;!.  qu-^r- 
tcr   of   section  lio.J^.l   in   town,  l."o.?.0  north   in   raii(je  :-o.lO 
west   alfio  ^5200   v/Aoa  he  beoo;i!eB    of   rj:;,e   al^jo   one   t:>ro,;ii   colt 
wliich  he   rxov'.'  cl':.iii;3 .      To  my   Don  Henry  Lee   I    i.-ive   ajid  be- 
queath ^4-0  in  addition   to   the   above  OlSO.      To  i;y   three   dnu- 
phtero   JilliGabeth   Fiiroi^'-ion,    Jane  South-'.rd  and  Piuth  Dcmnan 
I   give   andi  bequeath  v  ^0   eac}:i,    alno   one  grey   and   v/acon 
to  be   Bold  and   the   money  arising   therefron   to^-ether  with 
the  woney   after   discharging  ir.y    debts    to  be   equally   divided 
among   them   al^o   the   three   half  quarter  above   deccribod  and 
all   t)ie  household  and  hitohen  furniture   alao   to  bo   equally 
divided   a^nionc  them  at   the   deoease   of   their  mother,    this    I 
bequeath    to   thcK   and   tlieir  heirs.      In  teatimony  vdiercof   I 
have   hereunto  set  my  luind  and   seal    this   5rd,    day   of  )larch 
in  tlie  ye  car  of  our  Lord  1819. 

.  J awes   Lee 

WitnesEcc  Present 
Jared  Lyhins 
Ebcnesar  Pa^^docl: 
Ebenesar  Paddoelc  Sr« 

I   VMlli'u.T  .V.r.i-i:'l2    of   the  County   oT  \'i'/,o    in    t)v:  St-^to 
of  Indinnc?,  c  jn^'iderii;^;   t>i3  unc-ertaj.nty  of    tiiin   liJe  being 
VTCsk   of   body,    tvit    of   sound  wind   rjnd  r.'';Mory  ■}i,''.vin[;;  n   swrill    of  uy    ov.n   ];i:;,ht   in  fee   Bimplo   rmd   h'lvinf;  rn  ,ny  broth- 
erc   onrl    tv/-o   oioters    the   latter   of   i.]ioi:i  iaj   eldest  brotlier    ■ 
bein£;  married  n.nd   by    t}ie   ::.dvancci;ient   of  jny   fcthor  com- 
fortably  settled,    o.her   of  uy   tirothera  being  rainorn   and 
under    Die   iiroteo  tion  and   paternal  c  -  re  of  i.iy  f   thor   and 
none   of  vdiojn  \:ill   ;.ixrive   to  a   lav.'ful   ;\go   for   several  ye?rc 
yet   to  coHie    except  r.y  brother   Jlenry  H-rkle   -who  v.'ill   in  a 
wonths    arrive   if  )ie   should  live    to   the   age   of   21  yre;    nnd 
havin[i   no  partiality   for   one   above   another    in   the   disponj.- 
tion   of   i;jy   real   estate,    but   to   divide   a  suall   oct-te   a- 
mongst   GO  many  vrould   render   it    of  very   little   une   to   any 
imuiediately ;    I    do   therefore   make   thie  ir-y   last  will, 

1.      I    give   and  devise  unto  my  brother  Henry  h'a.rkle 
all   lands    tenements    r^nd  herediments  with    tl:c   appertinanceo 
whereof   I    pjn  seized   in  fee.      Situate   in   t}ie  Co.    riforea-id 
near  Fort  Harrison   in   the  Occupation  of  Amos  Rice,    anrj   all 
the  benefit   to  be   devised   from   the  contract   or   ai'^reement 
heretofore   entered  between  the   said  Rice   and  me  for   the    im- 
provement  of   the   said  land  vrhich  contract   I   expect  v'ill  be 
fully   carried  into   effect.      To  have   and   to  hold   the   said 
land   tenements   and   hereditements  unto   the   said  H.cnry  ]/-rkle 
his  lieirs    and  assigns   for   ever.      Provided  alvjays   and   the 
above,   premises   r-re   given  and  devised   t'ne   c'bovc   reasons, 

upon   t])iD   cyTproo;'-.   coi)(35.tion   th-.:,t   if   iny  fnthor   Ehould   (lie 
intestate    or   Jn  his   \7J.11   ciiould   not    tr;,]-e    tho   a'oove   £--;r-;.nt 
ancl   device   iiito  conf;icej\'-:.tio.n   i"n   the   dispc:;ition  oi    his 
estate    tliat   on   a  iin?.l   tiivieion   of  liis   estate    the  value 
of   tlic   above  ci"\^c-^i   ^-^I'^-d   ceviced   prer.:if;eG    at    tlie   eucj    of 
my   decerifte   £ii::ll   be    taken   into   consideration  in  allo'./ing 
to  wy    said   brother  licnry  hin   portion  \intil   which   time   ho 
shall  have    tiJO   sole  uce   ovniereJiip  an-]   absolute   posaeesion 
of    the    sadd  premises   to^eiher  witli    tlie  rents   issuaa   and 
profits    arising   therefore  at  v/liich   tirje   an  f..bsolute   title 
in   fee   oimple   shall  vest   in  hiM   the   said  henry   full   to 
all   intents    and   purposes   accordin;^  to   the   foregoing  gift 
and  devise. 

2.  It   is   my   vrill   tliat   out   of  rry  personal  property 
and   t]ie   paynient   on   an  obligation   which  I   'hold  against  Sar.- 
uel  L.    Richardson  which  Viill   first  become   due,    all  ny   la^.v- 
ful  ajid   debts  be  paid. 

3.  I   do  give   and  bequeath  unto  ny   sister  Aula,    the 
\7ife   of  Nathaniel  Huntington   the   s.ju  of  $200   to   be  paid 
to  her   out   of   the   pa^n.ient   of    the   obligation  against   the 
Gaid  Richardson  vhich   last  becomes   due. 

And  lastly   all    the   rest   of   residue   and  remainder   of 
my  personal  estate   goods   and  chatties   of  '.7i)at  l:ind  as    nat-    . 
ure   soever.      I   give   and   bequeath    the   to  rjy   snid  broth- 
er Henry  \7ho:{i   together  v.'ith  Abraha'ui  ilarkle  ri,y  father.      I 
hereby   appoint  Executors   of   this  r^  last  Tiill   and   testa::ient 
]icrcby    revoking   all   for;::c-r   v;ills   by  me  made. 

In  v/itiiess   ^7hereoI    I  have   herci-'nto   set  ir,y  hand   and   seal 

/  <<■ 

the  „_, ^,  clay   of  Feb.    in    Uic  ye.v'.v   of   our  Loi-o    1F;^.0.  v 

S^ipriod   i.c-aod.  publi:;liOd  by   tlio    Gaid  V.illi-^i;!  i,:ri,rklc    to  bo 
hit?   la^o   v/i3.1  -nnd   toG'.tru'.-ent   in   the   pre.scnco   of  us   vdio 
have  }icroui:ito  frab:-;c rib^J.  our  naucc    or  r.-itjie-'-s   in   the 
prefcenoe   of  the'Tostor      ■  '         -        "  ' 

\Ulli:,j.i  Mar];le 
•  (Si^AL) 

M.   Huntin.iton  ■      ■     ■  ■ 

S.R.    Bqi.'irc  '     ' 

William  Brii-rrs  ■"■         ■  '  • 



UOHH]?.',    JOJIli 
In   the   11-! me   of  God  A:.i27i: 

I   John  I.'OvriG    of  Yi;jo  Oouvity   :ai':  Stp.te   of   Indir'na  be- 
ing we::]:    in  bor;y   but   sov-.nd   in  r.ind    rncl  neinory   and  juclji,.cno 
o.nd   cons5.derin(j   the  unoert-.inty    of   this  :.;ort:;.l   life  blccood 
be    t)je   AlMi;:,hty   for    the   r-\;,me   I    do  k'..]:g   anrl   publish   tliis   t.iy 
last  v:ill   and   test:ir::ent   in   tlie    fori:)  as   follovs; 

Firct   J.   give   and  bequeath  inito  ly  beloved   .^ife   Ebby 
Norrio    thie    tlrird  p-rt   of  all   my   personal  property  v.'ith  }ier 
bed  and  bedding  and  cadule  and  all   uy   renl   est-.te   in  Vigo 
County   d\;.ri2i^'  h3r  ^vidov/liood  if   she   ehould  marry   then   the 
property   to  be   Bold  and   to  be   divided  equally   aniongst   ny 
Bmall   children  viz:      Stephen  Kelson  'UoxtIb,    John  Keteher 
KorriSj    Spmuel  }I.    Thompson  Ilorris,    Marthia  Jane  Korrio    p.nd 
V;  est  ley  h  orris   ay    cons   and  daughter  v:hereof  I    received 
v200   in  cash  belonging   to   nilliau  L.B.   Veach   it   is   i;:y   will 
that   it   tOiould  be   refunded  to  hiw   again  by  my  Executors. 

I    do  Further   give   and  bequeath  unto  Liy   ds-Ughter  Viin- 
chell,    tcncy   '10.00. 

■  I    do  further   give   and  bequeath   unto  iTiy    three   BonB 
Willinra,    Joel  ane  Jaues  Ilorrif:    t)ie  west   half  of   the  north 
Treot   quarter   of   section   tv/enty   one   in  to'.vnshlp  nine   couth 
of  renge    tv;o  egct    in   the   cMetrict   of  Sha'-vney   to'.vn  and 
ctate   of  Illinois. 

I    do  further   ^ive   esid  bequeath  unto  My   d-aighter  Fanny 
Carpenter  §  5 , 00 . 

I    [yivc    r.n'l  bcque;:.t]i  vviito  my   c''..u.,)itcr   J:li:i:,,"octli 
Korxic    one    cov;.  •    "  .       .      .  -         . 

1    (.'^i'^'c   rj'i'i   bequeath   to  L^y    Cin.V'i:;liter  Anna  llorrir;   one 
bed  r.vid  badciintj,'   one  cow  and  vlO.OO. 

I   clve    and     bequ&ntii  unto  wy   dauu;hter   Debornh  Ilorris 

I    further  ^ive    -nd   bequeath  m-jto  John  Skinner  C^O.OO. 

I    fvirtlicr  £,ive   and   beqre?cth  unto  v.y  riinor  ehildron 
ray  wearing;  appr^rel.  ■ 

It   is   further   r-ry   last  requcBt   tiict  John  Cox  and  Rob- 
ert }io[;gatt   sho\xld   serve   as   ny   Sxeoutorc. 

This   froM  ^^nder  my  ]iand   and  seal   thlc   ninth  d-^y    of 

Sept.    1828. 

Signed  in  pre 3 once  of  us 

Robert  Cal^iv/ell 


vailiam  X  Collins 



Benjju.    X  PoT/cra 


John  NorriG 

■       ■  (SbAL) 

PO-v'i.';:::Fi;,LD,   OAl^^s 

1   Jrj'^cv-.  Portcrf irilci  of  Terre  KviUe   5n    tlio  Ccurity   ol" 
Vi(-o   a^'fi  L^t-tc   oI   Inai-;iia  do  !.,ahc   and  publish   tliii;   ii^y 
la^'l   v/ill    aj).o    test:irioT;t . 

Firot   I    dirtct   t.]ic<t  all  my   juct   debts   a.nd  run:_,ra,l   ex- 
po-noes  be   priid  as    Boon  after  jny  r..s    pos.viole; 

2ndly»      I   Give   rnci   bequeath   all   i:y   prop3rty   and    effoci:^ 
real   and    perconal    (after   p.-.yin-;    the   debU;    ano    cxpe)i^:;c3    a- 
foresaid  to  i.^j'    beloved  brother   Dixon  Portarfield  and  i:;y  be- 
loved  c-iBtcr  I'ax'tha  Porterf ield;    tne   Ba/:'e    to  bo   eo\)all^' 
divided  between   then;,    and   to  be    enjoyed    in    equal  propor- 
tionr-    between   tliera.      Tiiie   bequect   is   iio-..cYer   cubjcot   to 
thiE    cpeci^:!   bequest   and   appointment  vi^i:    that  my   executor 
pay   our   of  iry   property   o.nd   ef foots    the   eui.j   of  fiioO   to  r.y 
nieoe  Kartha  J-;ne  V/allace    (foriierly  }'.artha  Jane   Innio)    and 
alco   t]ie   r:ujn   of  v' 100    to  lay  nieoe  Mary  En.clia  Innir-   tlic 
Banio    to   be   paid  by   iny   executor   fror.a  tiiae    to   tii;;e  aB    tlie  Winte. 
of  i.)y   said  nieces   rfjay    require.      The   property   and   effects 
real   and,    )ierein   and   hereby  ^^iven   and  bequeatiied 
includes   and  covers   all  );iy  property  and  cffectc    in  the 
state   of   Ind.,    tuid   the   state   of  Penn,    or  v,-hereaoever   else 
situated  or  beiii;-.      And  I   hereby  raake   and  ordain  ray  be- 
loved brother  Dixon  Porterf ielci,    tJio   executor   of  thi&  jny 
last  \7ill   and   testainent, 

Sig-ned,    sealed  publiched  and   declared  by    the   above   nar/icd 
Jcirnco    Porterf ield,    ns   liis   laat  \:ill   and   testament   tliia    Gtli 
day    of   Dec.    in   tlie  year   of  our   Lord  IB^'.G  in    the   prcecnoe   of 
uc   \;}io   have   hereunto,    eubecribed   cur   n-;;r:s    as   v/itnes-cB    there- 
to  in    t].e   preeenee   of   tno  n-id   teetetor  and    the   pre:--encc   of 

G'-ch   olhor. 

Levi    G.   ■.'.■.•:rre7i 



SOULS,    7/Il=LIAM 

In   the   nrai-'ic   of  God  A'ccn 

I   V:illia:u  Coul;^   ox   Vi'jo  Co.    in   the   of   Tn'":i::na 
beini7;   sick   o.ncl  vj'eak   in  bo  y   but    of   cound  inind    ?.nd  nsr/iory 
covinidc^r   the  cert^iinty   of  deatli   and    the  irncertn,in.ty   of 
the   time    tJusreof   and  boin^'   den  irons    to  aettle   irr/  v/ordly 
affairs   and   thereby  bo    the  better   prep-: red   to   Icrr.  e    thiD 
\7orld  v/hcn   it  Elui.ll  p].e:ise  Gocl    to  call  tr:e   hence  do   tJicre- 
fore  make  and  piiblish   this  ivy  v;il];    and  tectyj.ient  in 
Eicinner   and  fori-)  f  ollcv/ing  tlia.t   ic   to  s:.y  . 

First   and  principally  I   coi.irait  lay   eoul  unto   the  hands 
of  Aliiii£;]ity  God  and  my  body   to   the   earth    to   be   decently    our- 
ied  at    the   direction   of  i;ry   executors  hereinafter  n'a:oed   and 
after   all   dcbtc   and  funeral  e)iarj,c&   are   paid   and  r.y  vrlfes 
third   taken   out   I    devise  and  bequeath  as   follo'..'S: 

To  my   eldect   son  Charier.   William  Souls    20   acres    of 
land  on  the  f':rn  I   ncu  live   on   to  be   the   south  half  of 
the   east  quarter    of   section  14  in   to^rn  12   north   of   range 
9  west. 

I    give   and  devise   to  my   son  Nenlon  BouIb    20  acres    of 
land    to  be    taken  out   of   the  half  qu-nrter   as   above   describ- 

I   further  cive   and  bequeath  Ch-i-lcs   W'illisjii  and  Kea-    . 
Ion  Souls   ii;y   sons   all   my  fr.Xi'dng  intererrts    toc:,ether  ^fith 
t\7o  yoke   of  youn^;;  cattle  \.'oxth  ;:;25  each  yoke   and   t?/o  hor- 
ses  \7orth  >:;V0  esc]!   to  be   equally   divided  betvreen   then. 

I   ij,j.vo   v\):j   boc.;uc,;,tli   to   dc.u^^j-itcr  !i;icno:'?  CovOc;   one;   ijiU: 
cor;  vnd   hell  or   c.- If  Miili    ihe   "oed   :■?;-:!  bec'clii!*,';   t;   ic    iio\7 
called  heru,    ritli   one   tot   tea  c\3.p3   and  C'luccrc,    cix  table 
platters,    Bix  t-).ble    pic. te-,    and    tea  pot   cu^":;jf  bo'.vl   c.nri 
creatiiii-    ju-,;,    f.ix  knives   aiicl  forl'.G,    six   table   spoonc,    nix 
t.?a   BpoonG,    one   bay   ri.r-rc  colt  liin  ;   Teet  wJiitc,    v;hitc    strip 
in    t,)je    foreh-Oad   one   ^ido   Baodle,    on.e   tea  l:cttle,    ba^e   pan, 
frying;;  pan,    ten,  kettle   and  spider, 

I    further   f;ive   and    'leviPe    to  my  dau^htjr   JJlicabeth 
Souls   v20  per  year   for   five    to  be   paid   (OharleB   7;in. 
an d  He  a  Ion  S  ou  1  d    af  t  a r  jiiy   d  e a  s  -i  s  e  ♦ 

I   give   and   device   to  i.y  grcndoon  Jlcnry  Soale.    con   of 
i{oseB   bouls   BO  Boon   as    he   is    21,    one  yoke   of   nteere   v/ortli 
ten  dollars    to  be   paid  by  Ch^rlec   V.'illira)   and  ],'ealon  Souls. 
I    give   and   device    to  uy  grand  daughter  r.ary   Souls   dau- 
ghter  of  Mocos  Goulc   one   lieifer  cnlf  worth   fS.OO   when  she 
shall   arrive   to   age   of  IC  yrs  .    old,    to  be   paid   by  Ch-.rlec 
William  and  Nealon  Souls. 

And   tartly    I    oo  lierei)y   conBtitaite  a.nd  appoint  my    tv/o 
friends  Gh-rles   Mor.esitt   a.nd  Era  Souls  my   sole   executors 
of   this   ray   last   ivill   and   testament   revoking  and  unulling 
all   forwer  wills   by   me  here   of   ever  made   gratifying  and 
confirming   this   and  none   other    to  be  my  last  v;ill   and    test- 

In   testimony   v/hereof  I    have  hereunto   Get  my  hand   and 
affixed  my   seel    tliis    Vth   day    of  Sept,    in   the  year  of   our 
Lord  1820. 

ancT  clcolsrcd   by    c}ie    o",id  V,illi-.rr,  Soiilf) 
at   hiG   \':(,1X    r.-nd   tcr.t;  i  sont   in   the 
preccv/ce    of  -uf-,  v.'ho   iri   the   pi ei::ni<'-G   of" 
each   other  h-:vc  }i£i'ou;;to  Dub:,cribecl   our 

Sciler.i  Pcoocl: 

JohTA  M.    Ililis 

C)i3  B.:   Modes itt 

Williau  Souls 


I   Beiijr:i:iiii  Ctiirke   of   tlie   county    of  Vi^-q  i.nd  State 
of  J.nclians.  \:qpX   in  body,    but   of   a  Eound   and  porfeot  Judr- 
cent   Ltind   r^ud  inoaory    thanks   be    to  Aliaiti,hty  God   for   tlie 
Same    do  ]ioreby   ra.ake   and  publish    thio   i.y   last  will   and 
tefitaKiont  Yjv-el;  '   '  -     .  .... 

After   pa^'ing  all  my   jui^t   dobts   a,nd  funeral    ch-rtjoo, 
I   t.i"^^c    and  bequeatl)  unto  p-y  beloved  wife   Phebe,    one  hun- 
dred  doll\rc   and   one    third  of   all   ny  perconal   and  real 
es/feafe  together  with   the  property    that  che   brou;j,ht  V7ith 
Vi'hen  Siie    a.nd   I   v-7as   uarried;    aleo   appointing  her   executrix 
with   Abxa-ham  Stark   executor   of    this   v<ill;      Also  I   give  un- 
to my    Bon  John  ."-.lOO    to   be   laid  out  for   land   for   his   speci-d 
use.      I    also  tjive  vmto  iny   con  blijah   Arnold  sriOO   to  be 
laid   out   in  laJid  for  his   special  use;    also   I  £ive  unto  my 
son  Benjr.iiiin  Franklin  .J  100   to   be   laid  out   for   land   for  his 
special  use.      And    Uie   rest   of    the   estate   after   defr^iying 
all   expenses.      Elisabeth,    Eyrena,    llulda  Eddy,    and  liry   re- 
serving vO.OO   for  Christiana  laakii^g  her  up   eq\ial  Tdth  Sus- 
annah  and  i'eviali;    as   I   have   already  heretofore   set   off   to 
then!   their    dowry;   hereby  revoking  all  forhier  wills   made   or 
published  by  me. 

Benjamin  Starke  (SEfiL) 

Hade   published  signed   and  sealed  in   the  presence   and  at  his 
request  have   subscribed  oiir   n^jnes   as   vritnesses    of   the   sar.e 
this    crd   day   of  Jan.    1831 
Richard  C-^naday 

^f'-^iucl   B.    X  LaL-iar 

STicp}i;:r;::^o;:,  i;iai:oL/.i: 

£t,'ite   of  Iviclinn'i. 
Y'xiso  County 

Be    it   Teno^ibercd   on   tJiic   day   to  -.vit   tlie   3.7 tli 
day   of  Aiv;iif;t  in    tj:>o  ycxr   of   our  Jjord   1821  before  ir.e 
GurtiD  ailb?rt  Cl?.r]:   of   the  Circuit  Court   of  Co. 
porBo.nally  cf.iiie  M:ililc>n,vStepbcri3on,    -lutli  Stephcnr.on,    IL-  n- 
na  Btcphcnr.ou  and  llaivnali  Stepherison  \-]iO   boiii;;.;  duly   af- 
fir!;ie.(i  solciriUly    onCl  oiuoerely    dccl.Tcd   that   ou   tj'o   13tb 
day   of    tlie   ccventh  jiionth   in   tJie  year   of   our   Lord   1B21 
IJicholas   Gtephenson  Bent   of   tlie  Co.    of  Vi{;;o   ena  K-tatc   of 
Indian?,  bein;.^  ve^iz  in  bocy  but   of  sound   and   dis^pooin^^  mind 
memory   and  understandinri;,    bein,_;  decirouG    of  settling  liie; 
v/ordly   affnirs   in   their   presence  rjake   and   exh-.ust   tlie 
follori'ing   to  be  his   last  will    and    toBtaJrcnt   to   \7it;      Tint 
he   gave   and  bequeath   to  hie   v/ife  M^.ry  Itephenson  and  liin 
daughter  iiannah  Stephenson   the   -.'.hole   of  his   real   and   per- 
sonal  property   that  he   at   the    tiir.e   of  so   doing   requested 
the   said  liahlon  Stephenson  to   be-r  vn.tne.';s    that    the   sarie 
was  his   last  ttIII    and   teatanent,    that   the    tiwe   of  his    so 
doing  was    in  iiis    last   sickness    and  at  his    ov.-/)  house   and 
tliat    the    said   deceased  died  on    the   21st   day   of   the   ovino 
month    and  year   aforesaid  and  furt>ier    that   tiicy   did 
not  hnou  of   any   other  will  Jrjving  been  made  by    t}ie   said 
deceased . 

In   testimony    thereof  I  }ia,ve  hereunto   set  wy  liand 
and  seal   t]io   day    and  year  first   aoove  liieirtionea. 

Curtis  Gilbert  Cler]: 

Recorded  Aug.    30th  A.D.    1C31  (SKAL) 

TiiOiiF;:;:)!^,    JuHli    F. 

Be   j.t   xe;nc!-;,berod   tiinb  I   Jo":;;j   F.    Thoiup^oii   of  Vir;o 
Co.    and  p.t'.te   of   Indinm   bcin;;:  veak   in  body  biit   of  sound 
mind   and  iv.ovAory   and  c-:llinf_'   to  luind   the  nort-ility  of  my 
body   ond    th:.t   it   is    n/ppointed  for   all  nsn   once    to  die; 
do  make   tliic  v.iy   laet  will   and    teyta?'ient  vi:'.: 

First   T    c'lve   to  ir.y  beloved  wife  MarL>nrct   all  my 
lantlB    and  tenciicntn   contained   in   the   t-,vo  half  quartex-i* 
Deotions   \.;hereon  iny   f '  rm  and  building  now   stand   during 
lier   widordiood  or  her  youni;est   child  ma^'"  becom  of  ago   and 
in  case   of  her  cep'^-rture   from  v.ddovvhood   she   sh?ill  liaVG 
one    third   j'lart   of   the  cultivated   land  and   the  mansion 
house   during  her   natural   life,    and   when  her  youngest   dau- 
ghter  Pricilla  shall   arrive   at   la>/ful  age   or   x^'hen  her   fam- 
ily all  her   said   preiniseG   may  be  sold    to   the  best 
B.dvantagc  v/ith   the   consent   of  my   \.'ife   on  condition  a    suff- 
icient  and   suitable  maintainance   be  personally  secured   to 
her.      I    also  give   to  v.r/  trife   all   my   liousehold  and  kitchen 
furniture   together  v.'ith  my  f-.^  utensils,    and  all   my 
hogs   and  horses   ivith   the   exception  hereafter  mentioned   and 
four-  milk  co^.rs,    tv/o  young  steers   and  fifteen  head  of  slioep 
at  next  harvest   if   so  many  be   then  living;    thereby  bushels 
of  rheat   and  all  my   crop  of  corn  except   one  hundred   and 
fifty  bushels   and   a  crop   of  v.Oieat   no\7  gro\?ing   on   t}ie   farm, 
under   tl^e   express   condition   that   if  she   depart  fro:';-  her 
T7idov;hood  she  shall  give   sccurety  for   tv/o   thirds  valuation 
of   the   f orementioned  personal  property  v.^hich  shall  be   inven- 

torioci    olid   rpprr^iDc^    r:0    in  c^xtc   oi    inloct-itc    e::t-;,-lo£-:   cx-- 
ce^t    the   v/bo--,t   -rd  00^:11   c^oTe'.r.:j'it].ouo:\  v:hioh  ncvncy  nhall 
be  paid  -.vjien  hnr  y  u!j;jGSt  c}iild  oonics   oi'    ::(5c>    i^li.'ill  Viot   oc 
inGluc3ed   in   th.e  vi;lu-iti.on  anO    alBo   r;ho  l-])c;.11   t'ive  I'llliam 
three   raid  Jolin  six  hioutlis   echoolini;  co  coon  as   a  ouitnblc 
opportunity  in-iy   ofl'cr   and   the  y  .uxn^-er  ciiildron  so  far   &q 
is   prac  tic  able  end   Alfred   tau^Jit   as   fvj:   as    the 
Ginclo   rule   of  three.  170^800 

2ndly .      I'y   cons   P-aiiiuel  and  James  being  already   provid- 
ed v.'ith   land   tive   unto   them   one  bi(^  patent  plou^;h   jointly 
also   to   eeoli   of   them  I   give    one   ewe   larab. 

I    give    to  uy   son  Jcmes    three   sows  tdth   pig  and   fota' 
year   old  hogs.      I   give   to  Samuel  one  weeding  hoe  and  one 
pair    of   drat.'ing  chains,    and  it   is   fujcthi-r  understood    that 
if  my   v.dfe   shou3.d  receive   from  liiy   son  Tlioir^as   0,  liorec   given 
to  hir.i.   for   a  sheep   then  all   don-.tions   of   slieep   to  cease   ajidx. 
if  there   sliould  be   a  greater   no.    of  cheep   than   is  here   be- 
queatlied  at  next  harvest  t])an  the  residue   shall  be  sold  for 
the  benefit   of   the   estate. 

3r      I   give   to  my   children  nr.aely,   J&nc,    Thomas,    YJilliavi, 
John^    Polly,    Alfred,    Pcc^gy   and  Pricilla,    t;70  hundred   each 
to  be  paid  in  the  wanner  hereafter  described  and  mentioned. 

I   give   to  i:iy   dau^.:;hter  Jane   one   feather  bed   and   fvxrn- 
iturc    one   black  colt   and  one   decent   oig  coat   purch:;.sed  ■i/ith 
the  produce   of   tlie   f?.xm  or  pork   next  fall.      I   o.lso  give    to 
uiy   con  TliomaB   tv/enty   and  to  V.'illiam  ejid  John  40  bushels    of 
wheat    each   provided   they  get   ovit   and  clean    the   rhole    crop,    j.f 

CO  iimch   here   l-'C   afLcr   p-yin::,'  sov.e   \;']iR.:.;,t   dobte    if   not    then 
their  J'otlier    to   trJie   a  proportioiir.ble  qa-inity   of    i'hc   r.~ 
bove   riui;,brr   of   burJielt;   but  if    there  ch'uld  be   a  cvirpluc; 
qucnity    tl)en  jr.y   \7ifc    tot/-thei    rJ  t])  •  t)ie  y;-.un[,:er  children   to 
have   onc)   receive    t)i3   G.qnie    to- p'^rchase   any    article   of  use- 
fulne::s    of  vvhioli   they   r.i-\','-   ytr.nd-in  hoed.. -     - 

I    also  oive    to  !:!y   Bon  Thora:!;;  ■  ISO  bu.    of  corn  no??  in 
the' crib   -nd   1/3   of   thetobr.cco   r;  iaed  l-nt   suinwier,    also      - 
^8C0   in  Money    -.Oien   he  rcy  cet   cut    to  prosecute  his  buniness. 

4,      I   [;iivc   to  1  ly   brolhier  Jmuos   Thompr.on  H.O    Acrec    of    ■■;    in   the   com-jr  of  r;;y  farru  during  hiu    life   or  un- 
til  the   Baid  premises    ehall  be    cold  oJbo  fifty   su^-ar    trees 
nearest  hie  house,    and   t)ie  houBe  wherein  he  nov/  lives   to- 
gether with   tlae   privile[:;e  of  f;;llen  timber  for  fire   v/ood 
and  all    the   debts   paid  cue  for;u  liira   to  mo.      1   give   lihceise 
to  iiiB   r.'ife   one    tro  year   old  heifer   of   crd  choico   and   one 
eve   and  lainb., 

It   is   rey  v:ill    thr, t   the  f-rni  and  quarter  Bectioi   07i 
Prairie  Greek  be   Gold  by    the   executor  of   rny  uill   bo  coon  as 
it  shall  bring   three  hundred  dollarc   and   if   it   shovild   not 
cell   for   tliat  eum   to  be   disposed  of   in  tlie  following  Manner 
to  wit:      ay   sons   Sr.jauel   and  JaL^es    to  have   five   acres    each 
the   first  year  and   the   profits    of   the  remaining  part   of    the 
farn   to  be   given   to  irry   sons   '.Tilliaw   and  John  for   the   purpose 
of  procuring  them  clotlrlng  unlets   mj''   son  Tha-mas   ehauld  con- 
tinue  \7lth   the  fcaaily   in  that   car;e  he  shall  have   a  equal 
chare  with  Willi :;uj   and  Jor.n   and   if   it  should  reiu.ain  unsold 

lor   tlic   "/lid  yo.«r,    then  r.-y    v,.i..fc   b]i::>11   iiave    on.j   ]i::ir   of    "Ll-c 
proi'itn    thorcof   iox   the   purpose:;    ol"   procuiriir;  v.'catiiei-  bo'-.j-ci- 
iufj  ;i.nd   ollje.r  material?   lor   the  hoiuoe   nnd   tho    ot)icr  h-.-.H 
to  be   applii-'d  lor    the   bonofit    of    the   eatate   for   payin.^; 
lc£:;acien    or   otherv.-ise   and  on   the    th:i  rd  ye.?r   ujiCi   t}iorcafter 
or  until   it  ir.';ty   be   sold,    the   prci'iises   should  be   rented  by 
tlie   exeeutors;    of  ny   v.'ill   or.  the   aole  \xv,e   of    the   estr^te    of 
the   executors   it   chall   bo   expedient   to  Bell   it   for  what 
it  ^/ill  bxin[;  after    the    third  year    they   shall   bo  admitted 
GO   to   do. 

I    direct   the    executors   ol  n,y   will   to   tell  all  ny   otock 
of  Cattle    either   at   public    or   priv;ite   g^, le   vJ-i    to   them  in?y 
appea.r  most   expedient   except   such  port  of  cattle   as  herein 
before  bequeather   also   three   waggons   to  be   soDd  in  liJ-.e   wan- 

I    also   direct    that   tv='0  several    obligations  held  by 
my  eons  Samuel  and  Jai^es   shall   be   discharged   on  or  before 
the   first   day   of  Sept.    next   together   all   otlicrs    just 
and   laV7ful   debts    sluill  be   paid.      And  it   is   further  stated 
that   as   i.:onies   become    cue   and  collected  that   tlie   executors 
purcljase    or   enter   iialf  a  qun.rter  section   of   land  in  such- 
place    os   may  be   most  vp.luable    and  advantagiouc   for  each    of 
uy   children  nnniely   l;hoi.aan,    Jane,    7/illiam,    John,    Polly,    Al- 
fred,   Peggy   and  Pricilla  vaiich  rill   ia?l:e  olOO    each   of   the    • 
f orementioned  donation.      I   also   give   to  my   Inst  mentioned 
c)iildre]i  ClOO   each   as   taonics   may   be  collected   -nd   they   nr^y 
bee  owe    of   age   or    the   m:in;ion  liouse   jjnd  plo.ce  be   sold  v-djich 
Y;ill   be  :;;200   of   t}.e   f orcjnentioned   donation   provided  tliere 
sh'JJ.   be   so  niucii   after   forner   donrjtions    are   ])aid   if   a   del- 

icei:ny   bV..:.!!  r.ppc   r    t'no))  a   due   proportion   t-j   or. oh   oi-.c; 
but   Dh.:uld  :i  t.iJ.rplA\c   r.ppc:.r  •  af  t;-r   tjie  piiyrvjnt' of  .■■lOO    to 
each   of    tl.e   Irzt  i;!CJitiorj.e(]. -cnildrcd    tiicii   rur  equal   divide;. d 
of  Bucli   Gurplus    lOiall   be   ir.ado   anioni';  all   ir/  cliildren. 

I    aUp;]iDrizc   the  Executor   of  r.;y   v;ill    to  Make  coiiiplete 
deed  of   convey nnce    to  (>eor^^e   French  for   two  Jialf  quarter 
sectionv    of   land  Vvhereon  his   lies;   anr]   he   nov/  livec. 
Provided  he   rijall  ^^  ?-5   on  or  before   the   fir^t   d-y   of  ^'ept- 
eiiiber  next.  .  '  "  ■  " 

I  )iave  inetructed  tjie  Kxecutorr,  of  lay  will  respecting 
a  dispute  between  liiycelf  and  Saripaol  ?.'ay  v;hioh  instruction^. 
I    earnestly   requcc^t   the-Ji  to  perforra. 

I    cone ti  tut e  ciy   tr\isty   friendn   7,'illiny;]  Kelso,    }.''of.;es 
liogi^att    and  SrU'.uel   0.    Thoin])Son   executorc    of   tirir;   lay   last 
will   and   testpj'ient   revoking  a^,!!   former  wilD.e.   and ts 
ratifying  this   and  no  other. 

In  witness   v/hereof   I   have   hereunto   set  my  h-vnd   and  seal 
tbis    3rd  day   of   Dec.    in   the  year   of   our  Lord  1G31. 
Signed  in   the  presence   of 
Georjje  French 
Moses'  Hoa,v;att 

Supply  Butterf ield  -— '■  ' 

J  no.    F.   Tlior.ipson 

John  F.    "^'}iorapson 

1   .Inrvirji   'i.'    orJ.lir.j   into  iriino    Vac   i^'cr t-lity 
of  ruy   body   r-inc:    t]ist   its   appointed  i  ,oi"  all   inen   or.ce   to 
die  bein^-;  weal:   in  body   b\it  cound   in  j-iind  ajvd  nc:!iory   do 
raalre    this   wy   last   vrill   and   testr-inent   and   I    do  Jioreby 
diDpose   of  my   wordly   ect-^te  ^liere   it  hM,tl\   plc-ned  Prov- 
idence   to  blefis   ire    in   the   follov-in^^   inannor  Vi::; 

Firut   of  all   it   is   my   express   vrill  and   desire   tlj-it 
all  v;jy    just   and  lawful  debts    to   bo   -paid   to^;etlier  v/ith 
ray   ftineval  charbss.  ■       •  ■       -         ■  -  ■■ 

2ndly.    I  bi^'Ci    and  bequeath   to  my  beloved  \;ife  ^"e-^l- 
tliy   four,    co-as   and   one   lioroe   uorth  ^"  ::o   tvjo  beds   end  bedd- 
ing,   cix  chrjirs    &,nd   tr.'o  best   spinning  \Theelc,    all  her 
veering  appjxel  and   enoug}i  i.icveaule   property   to  purchase 
a  descent  suit  of  clothes,    also  one  fourt)i  part  of  the 
proceeds   of  the  v/hole  fnxm  T/hereon  1   now  reside  a.nd  here 
efter   designated   by   No.    during  her   natural   life. 

3dly.    I   give   and  bequeath  to  iny  eldest  son  Ilathan 
Wallace   all    the  rconies   )io  may   have  collected  by    a  pcv/er 
of  attorney   from  lae  Allen  V/allace   in   the   state   of  N.Y. 

4thly.    I   give   and  bequeath   to  iny  d-ughter  Clarinda 
§10.00   to  be   paid   to  her  in  articles    of  clotl)ing  if  any- 
thing regains   after   other  bequeaths  satisfied. 

5thly.    I   give   and  bequeath    to  rny  daughter  Poxana 
Denton  ;?50  ^vorth   of  property    at    the   appraised  value   to 
be   set   off  by   the    executors   of  my   \/ill  after   tJic  debts 
ajre   paid   or   previously   according   to  circuniEtances. 

6thly  .    I    to  liy   oon   Anson    .;:>i:u;cc;    tlic;   south   hnli' 
of    t'ne   y.J:;.    quarter   of."   section   bl   in   townnhip   11  north 
of   ranije   9.  v.  est.  •  •'' '    "" ""    -  ■  ■  -  -    •■•-•■• 

7t}ily.    ]!y   Bon  SalMon  V'/nllrico  h-^.Yin-^   heretol'orc   prev- 
iously  c'.nd  cubcequently   to  his   ja^rrio^j^^e  Ijeen  fxiini.^hed   ' 
with  wore    than  a  ju^t   dividend   of.   property,    -.nd   expenses 
for  his   benefit  with  vaY  ooher  children  and  as   I   have   ex- 
iGtinG>,    accounts    a^iainGt  hii,;  I    think  proper   to  rnkc  nox 
further   bequeaths    to  l)im, 

8thly.    I   give   and  bequeath   to  my  daughter   Lophena 
v/allace   40   acres    of   l.,nd  lyin^;   north   of   the  half  quarter 
^iven   to  ray   son  Anson  divided   by   an  east   and  uest  line 
in   the   sj^/nc  quarter   section  and  range   also   four  cliairs 
a,nd  a  bed  and  bedding. 

9thly.    I   give    to  cr,''   throe   sons  James   Mar-ison  VJall- 
ace   Elbridge,    G.    ^Jallace   and  Andrew  J.    vTallace    tlie  ]:.E. 
quarter   of   section   32   in   tovai   eleven  nortli   in  range   9 
west   also  40  acres    on   tlie   nortli   side   of   the   southeast 
quarter    to  be   divided  occording   to  quality   and  qu,-?ntity 
so  as    to  bo   ev.awal    in  Vrilue  when   the   first  laontioned  sons 
Jiadison   and   Elbridge   shall   arrive   at   the   age   of   21  years 
the   aforei;ientioned   division  of   land  ainongit  nw    tliree   sons 
to  be  made   by    the    executors    of  my  will   in   an  equal  dis- 
crissionary  uanner,    also   two. .yoke   of   oxen,    yoke:;    and 
clairas,    txjo  best   horses    together  with  a  fn.ll  set   of  har- 
ness,   also  all   the   plough  harrows   and   other   farc-ing  ut- 
ensils  w'ith    tv/o  waggons. 

I0o])].y,    I   L.j-ve   and  beque;;tli   to  luy   cl-\ioJi'ocr  ];ydia 
iValliicc    i:'0  i.iuoii   of    tlio   laoat    pi'oc-oouf^    of  iry    jTririi   to  be 
t.pplic.i]    to  Ijer  Bupport   r,nd   r.olio.O.ii;.:,-  ?,:)ii3.rit   in  Liinority 
aB   incy   coMpletc    t};c   Gr.!):^.      J.    also  ijive   to  my   oecond 
clr.u;^,}itcr  .^40   to   be   irade   rro;n   tlie   eslcc   o.f   tlie   rj;it.   be- 
quenthed  jxcoporty    to  bo   caved,   out   at  iutereLt  until. 
G)je   c'n^ll   orrive   at    tlie   v.^o   of    18.  - --  .  . 

All  I'ly   per:oi;-jlly   property  not   expre:-cly  be:M)e?.t}iert 
to  bo   cold  Tor   t}ie   purpoot   of   pr.ying  lav/ful   dei:ri,nds    ;ind 
if  a  Gurplur  should   remain   it   nhall  be   approprlo.tod   to     • 
the  belief  it   of   tlir-^t  part  of   the   f^jnily  reir,3.inliii_-';   in  win- 
ority .  ■  ■       •  ■■ 

I   do  hereby   appoint  Hoses   llo-^g'\tt  and  Jo;in  Cox  and'- 
Robert  Jiopkins   exccutorD    to   tliic  wy   last  \?ill   and   testa- 
ment.     In   \?itnest:   v.diereof  hereunto   set  wy   hiij:id  aJid  eeal 
this   llt}i  doy   of   Feb.    1825, 
In  PxGoence   of 
John  p}iillips 
John  l.lorc 
John  Cox 

iGaiah  Tall ace 
-   .       iSEkh) 

TUTTi.}-;,  g;;:w~}Iau 

I   Gersh-ii  Tuttle   bcin;:;  v;e;>k   in  body   but   ncu;:d  of  uinCi 
do  make    thiu   niy   la^t;   \;ill   and    tectawent. 

1.  1    consi^,n  iny  bo;-;y    to    the  notlier   ci-Tth  and  ijy   b^i;1 
to   the  All,:it''■^-ty.  '       •  '  " 

2.  I   give   anc;   bequeatli  unto  r;y   v.ile   Pr-rinola  Tuttle 
all  wy    er.tate  both   real   and   pcrDone.1   v.lcliir.g  ]K:r   to   ret-in 
the   whole    of   it   during  her  natural   life  cubject  liov/ever   to 
the   payi'ient   of  ny   just   debts   ern  manner   che   mry    thinl:   prop- 
er  or   beneficial    to  herself   or   for   a,ny   of   our  children  for 
Y.'hora  Bhe   may   think   necess-xy    to  provide   during  her   life 
after   her   death. 

Anci    lastly   for    the   purpose   of  carryin^:;  into   effect  r'ly 
T^lll    thereby   notuin-^te   and   appoint  iny   said   rife   executrix 
and  Natlianiel  liuntnijjton  Esquire  E;y   exeoutore   of   this   n^y 
last  \7ill   v.nO-   tcBtainent. 

In   testiiviony   raiareof  I   liave    thereunto   set  jry  liand   and 
seal   this    29th  dey    of   l\v..~n?:>t   in   the  year   of   cur  Lord   1G23. 
Signed   pnd  Sealed  in   presence    of 
Peter   Flagher 
Ralph  White 

GershrJ;!  Tut  tie 


Be   it   rui:iei..b  jrcd    that  J,   Jore;:.i' h   i;;L3.."on  c^llin^    bo 
tiind   th:it   it   is   appoiril.ed   xor    nil   r.i,in   to   dto   ^nd 
v/cak   in  body,    but   cound.  in  r.nid   oiid  neniory  rlo  r.-lio   tliio 
liiy  ltU:-t  'vvill    •  :id   to- t-'_:.!:mt .     J.    do  diBpore    of  i::y   -worlrjly 
ent'jte    in   tlie   follov;i?.j  inraT/ier.     •         --      •      -   '• 

Viy,:    YiTst   of   til   it   in   vrf  rjill   that   all  );;y   juct 
ruid  lawful   debtn   be   pnid.  ■  ■          -        ■  

2.      1   C^ve   and  bc:;ueatji   to  my  beloved   r.-ifc   Uli.-'.a- 
both   all  r;iy  ho'aru;hold  and  kitchen  furniture.      Two  cows 
one  yohe   of  oxen  and   one  liorce   also  one   bow  and  cix 
Blioats   al-o   30  acres    on   the   north   end   of  ii.y  f  ;iu:  bieng 
one  half   t)joreof    toi^'ether  vvith   all    tenannentG   and  build- 
ingo    thereon  durinc^  l)er   ?7idov:hood,    alBo   one   Binall  vnigon 
and  its   harnenD. 

All    the   reBiduc   of  iny  perL-onal   estate    to  bo   e-old  by 
my   executora    to    tjie  bcot  advantaf;e   also   the   soo.tb  end   of 
my  f-rm   to  be   rented   annually   for   a  term   of  years   as   may 
appear  Koet   adviacble   the  proceeds   of  vrhich   e^le   p.nd   rent 
to  be   put   to   interest   or  veeted   in  eame   or   available   fund^-, 
Y/ell  secured  until  ny  youni;ost  cJiild  becotiis   of   lavrful   a.a;e 
at  which    tiu3   there   .  ry  be   an  ec|u?l  dietribution  of   this 
f\md  amor-cst  a.y   follovxin^  naiacd  children.      Kaiiiely  Elizabeth 
Foster,    Eoith  L'.ile;:.,    henry  V.'ilson,    Y.'illiaiii  V/ileon,    Jere- 
Tiiich   I.'ilf-on,    John  V.ilcon,    Aran    uileon,    Rcben  V. ileon,    Sn.'ii- 
uel  v.iiGcm,    and  Liles   V.'ili'on    (i.iy   clde;:;t   eon  Gabriel   havir.,'; 
received  his   patrii.icny    or   share   in  GO  acres    of   land   and    oLher 

properly.      In  ccuo   f.;y   v^ii'o   ;;iK\xia  dcp'Tt   iroiii  her  wi'^ov  }ioo:l 
then   cjII    t'ric.   pro^^co-ty   bcqi;ea^.licci   to  her   to   be   cnl.Ci   ;.))d    l.};c; 
proceecic    put   to   iril3re:;t,    d.^~   i.ientj. oiiecl  in   a   forricr   ni.rt   of 
thiy   ;"ill.      Al-^o    tlio   y-Jio'J.e  .f   tm  mr-.y  bs   rented   and     opp^-iecl 


OS   af orcf^'^.icl   to   -oit:      T}?e  j.icat   prooef-;:;;^    to  bo   put   to  uce 
RO   aforo'.-riid. 

And   I   v,'is]^    to  hnve   it  unjor^toocl  tli^.t    tlro   pre'cr.t  c3'op 
of  corn   5,f;   not   to   be   sold,    but    loTt   for   the   benefit   of  i.iy 

I   hereby   appoint   and  ordajn  Edwo.rd  r.iles    nnd  Robert 
Hoggatt   e;ieo\itors   of   tliis   i.:y   D.ast  \7ill  and   te:~ t':rient   ratify- 
ing  thin    and  no   other.  y  ' 

In   tof.tiinony   v;h;-reof  I   have   hereunto   set  }ny  hand   and 

Eeal   tliiB   20th  day    of   Deo,    1828. 

Signed   and   coaled   in 

Presence   of 

UosGB   Hcai^att  ■■;,■: 

Eliphatct  f;hattuok 

JeroL'iiaJi  h'ilson 


I   Jw;iCB   B.    'nin'i.'i-    of  lioiiey  Creek  To\.'nr;hip  Ooiuity    o.f 
Yi^^o   ot-te    OJ?   Ina.    luin.j  v;erik    anci    lov;  cirour.:Et--nDcr. ,    but 
of  Gound  Eiind   and  meMory   do  i-v  ke    thiB  r.y   l-Gt   ^td.].!   r.nd 
teatat!:ent   rcvolriiij  all   oihei'B.  •  •         •       _ 

1.  31   rcco?.rij,eiid   tli-;t  all   rny   jur:  b   neblG   be   pGic:. 

2.  I  give  and  bequoatlj  to  iff  brother  JoJjn  "iTintor 
eJLl  my  right,  title  interest  and  claiin  to  oil  the  r(;al    decended   to   by   the    Inst   v.dll   and   tsstar.;ent 

of  r.iy   father,    alGo   one   Dilver   vntch   nice  all  my  \T3ar:5ns 
a.ppDrel   except  my   greet  coat. 

3.  I    give   and  bequeatli   to  i,.y   sister   Betsey  Hax- 
Kond  Jiiy   large   l"a,?;iily   Bibl.c. 

4.  I   give   and  bequeath    to  iiy   brotljer-in-lav/,    Kl- 
ieha,   tV.    Brovm   tv;o  volu.rme   of   Viestlcys   noteo  , 

5.  I   give   and  bequeath   to  my   eister  I'ary  Colman  my 
&Pf   glaBS. 

6.  I   give   and  bequeath    to  James  Hall   and  I'ahala  his 
■svife   all  ray   Ph-ire    of    the  crops    of  corn  no'.v   grovming   on 
the  ground  a,l s o  my   g r e c. t  c o a t . 

7.  I    give   and  bequeath   to  my   Bister  Hannidi  Winter 
my  bay   )iorse,    one   new   trunk  and    one  mycroseope. 

I    further   give   and   bequeath   to  Jexnes   Hall    and  lUinnah 
Winter   all    the  remaining  property   I    possess   nnd   out   of   it 
all  my    debts  i.rast  be   paid   also   tjie   frur.ily   grave  mrt   in 
printing   -;nd   stru.e  monuriients    cxected  at    their   hc\-a  nnd 
feet   j;rop:.rly   lettered. 

8^      I    r, pp.  int.  Joi'.n   '..i.jtor    •  nd  _  iV .    n'ro.'/n  oxe- 
ovitorn    of    t]\lc.   iry    la:t   will    ■UitI    t0otri:O):t.  '   ■    ' 

In    toctii;:.;!;/   ^■:1;;; -::jo1'  I   h;.vo  horeiiiito   J^ct  ;:!y  Ir  nd 
aJ:id   r:ffix-ci  liiy   s?eal   ^it  li.nry  Gr;  oh  Tovrnfdiip   thic    Scth 
doy   of  J  Lily  1825. 
Id.   prc:;cr,ce   of 
hr.hlcy,    Heirrir, 
Ausel  lli.riiG 

Jamec   B  .    V.'inter 

Vilin'AR,    ■■VILI.IAM 

In   the   nan!C    of  Go-"i    Auon ■    ■      ' "      

I    Vvitj.    v;iiitc;r    o'l    the  Co.    of  Vi,;o   ct;.tc    of   In(M';na;   ^ick    and  r.-eay.   in  "oor'y  but   of   pc;rfcct   innd   n.nd 
memory    and  C'   intonint    the  nort-lity    of   ny  body 
and   knov/inc   thr.t   it   is   appointed  for   :.ll  iiion   once   to 
die   do   ii'r/l;e   and   ordiin  thic   liiy   la-'t  v;ill   a.nd   tcotaKont 
that   in    to  cry .  . -      -  .         . .    .     -    . 

First   I   recoi'imend   thnt   all  my   just   and  1-e.vaul  debts 
be  paid .  - 

2ndly.    I   zX'<!^'    and  bequeath   to  i.ry   beloved  wife  Syl- 
via Viinter   during  her  n':tural  life    the  northear^t  quar- 
ter  of   section   35   ir,   tov;nrhip  11   north  of   ran^e   10  \7e:-:t 
toget)ie:c  171  th   a  certain   tr.-.;ct   or  parcel   of   land   in  ea^'t 
fraction  22   of   the   tovni:-)iip   and  renje   aforocaid.  contained 
■  in  the    following  boundary,    beginninj   at   the   Boutliee  3t 
corner   of   said  fraction   thence   T?e?t   alon^i   said  fraction 
line    to   its    intersection  with   a  thence  rrith   tlie 
several  courses    of   the  bayou  until    it   strikes    the   tovrn 
plot   of  Tjiiiyrna   thence    on  a  south   direction   nlonij   the    tovm 
plot    to    the   south   v/est  corner    of   the   said   tor.n  plot   thence 
to  the   pl:-'ce   of  b^eginnin^  cc^ntaininc  by  computation   ?0 
acres   be    the   E-.ine   more    or  less    all   of  v.-hicli  May  hereafter 
be  borne   and   in  cj^-e   of   the   de--th   of   child  before 
arrivin;-   at  i;iaxurity   then   tlie   snid   east   to  descend   to  nry 
c  h  i  1  d  r  c  n.  h  e  i'  e  i  i )  a  f  t  e  r  r.:  e  n  t  i  o : )  a  d . 

1    D.lco  oivc    and   ocq\;c:;.bh    to  v.y/  b>;lovccI   '.'ire   ojio 
grey   and  orjc   o-^'-'y  bfO'.^e,    t".  o  :,!;,■   of  iu-'^cc   one 
bull   plo\,-,    0)10   ^Jiovol  plu'.v,    ori:;  }i:,j-ro'.v.     ulirec   co.;.-;   aiKl 
thre-o   yeorlin^';  beifcrO;    a  Bjaall   v,':^*ori  :.nd   j.t:,   hr.rness 
and   ib  bcin^;  loy   cxprec'.o   desire   .-■n.d  v;ii:h   tiiat  ny   son  J-uncs 
V/intej:   i.iay    live   and   board   with  i,;y   bolovcd  v.'i.fe   durin£-:   3 
years    for    the   piirpose   of  rcoeivin^y   o    litcr:;i-y   education 
-on  condition  of  whioli   I    also  [;ive   and  bequeath   to  r:."/  be- 
loved  \,ife    all  wy   stocks    of  hOoS,    one  beef  covr,    three 
Etacl:s-    of  \7lieat,    ):iy   part   of   the   crop  of  corn   and  potatoes 
novT  £';rov,'ing   on   the  premises,    also   all   the   flax  wool,    one 
chopping;  ax,    tt/o  hoes,    and  all   lay  ]iouse  hold   furjiiture 
except    two  bedsteads,    together  v:ith   the   property   of   every 
description   she   possessed   previous    to  our  r.inrringe. 

3.      I   give   and  bequeath   to  iny   d-ughter  J.'ary  "iVinter 
the  north  lialf  of   the   south  west  quo.rter   of   section   35   in 
townsliip  11  north   r-.mge   10  west   also   one  bsy  riarc,    one  cow 
bought   of   T.   Blackwan  -^-30  cash    to  be   raised   o\).t   of  ry   es- 
tate  at   the   time    of  her  carriage   also  one  bed,    fujcniture 
curtains   and   bedstead  which   dec  ended  to  nie   at  ay]iter 
Bar  all   and   decease. 

I    give   and  bequeath   to  r.iy   daughter  lUibala  i^all   the 
south  3ialf    of   the   southwest  quarter   of   section  21,    in 
township  11   north   of   range  10   v.-est,  .also   one   sorrel  rn-ire. 
I   give   and  bequeath   to  Ky   daughter  Kannali  V.'inter   t}ie 
north   half    of   tlie   couth  v/cst  quarter   of  section   20   in 
town   11    nortli   of   ronge   10  west   also   one  pied  co\7  bought 

of  T.    B!! -^ol-jv-.n   aiKl   crie  blr-.ok  yc-..rlin[:  iri' ro   colt,    or;o  boci 
and    ito    fxu'iiiturc   nuci   bed^-loud   and  all   tiio   \.e:iyirii;;  U':t~ 
crial   of  iry   driUL.'blicr  :yjxuh  except   four  i-;ov,'n3   p.nd  C^f.OcOO 
ca'-:h    to  be   r:  i^ed    out   of  rr.y   estate  v.Oicri   f;he   n.rx'ivcs    at 
la^cful   ai:,e.  '  '  ' 

I   ^iivc   and  beQiioat)i    to  iny   con  Jolm  Viinte^?   tha  v/aat 
half   of    tiic   northea'^t   and   Eou.theast  quartevL.   of   ceotioiA 
36  in   tovmaliirj  11  north   of   ran-,e   10  v.£i::t   al:^;o   tv.o  yoke 
of  Bteert;    the   larcoat   of  my    stock  until  my   son  Jruaes 
Bhall  ai'j'ive   at   tlie   cl^o   of  21  ye-jcs    at  v.hich   tiuic   they 
ehall  be  i^ivcn  up   to  htn   also   I   tjivc  i;:y   la.rGe  v.-nf.on   to 
John  until  J-aiaes    arrives    to   lav,'ful   aCe  v.hcn  Jolni  alir:ll 
do   tlie   nececara-'y   repairs   and  Janes   Dhall  have   o.n  caual 
inteTcat    in   the   T.-agon;    also  I   C^^'e    to  John   one  p-tten 
plou^jh    one   Bet   of  Ju^rx'ov?  teetli,    two  acta    of  horao  h:. rn- 
eoEes , 

I    [5iYc   and  bequeatli   to  ny   son  James  V.'inter   tloc   east 
half   of   the   northe-ct   and  southea--:"t  qur.rters   of  aection 
26  in   tov.n  11  nortli   of   ^an^;,e   10  v/est   also   one    tv.'o  yr. 
old  sorrel  colt,    one   silver  watch   one   rifle  gun,    and  all 
my   v;earing   apparel   and  (?100   to   be  paid  Sept.    1819  end 
5100   to  be   paid  Sept.    1620   to   liis   lav/ful  guardian   to  be 
s.ppropriateci    solely   to  defraying   the   expense   of  his 
schooling  end   literary    education.      And  v/here-'S    there   is 
a  suit   a.t   lav;  x>3i"idcring  in  tlie   county  of  Ontoria  state 
of  h.Y.   between  Olas  Bardon   the  heirs   of  Thomas   B-:rion: 
aJid  John  hivingston   and  Boiigaru  his   couur,el,    in   regard    to 
the    title    of   la.nd    irnd  in  which   I    rojn  cojacernod    in  crse    the 
auit   shijuld    terminate   unfavo?:able    to   the   said  Bartons.      I 

tlioref (iX'O   ;ir-;)ropj;i:itc    iho   JiOj.-lji\vy:3t  quarter   of   n cot 3. on   20 
in  town  11    iiC)rtlj   ol"   x-  ii:\o  10  v;e:jt   mcl  5IJ   c.cj-co    of   tiic   noii-Di- 
v;c;-t  au3.rtc::i.'   of  cccticn  r;V   en   the   cA-.t   end   in   tlio   s-jiO    tov.n 
and  T':'.ni~C'   aiK'i  r.lGo   55   -joroz   of   car^t   frric  tiorj.:;    21   oj."   22  \.'nr-.t 
of   t}ic   bi{-^  br.yoii   to  be   sold  by    iny   o.^eoutor   on   tLo  !-,o:. t   acl- 
v:;ntn.(j0UB    terinrj    to r^io    tiio   debt   ir.cio/red   in  crv'e   of 
an  u}if avc>rf;ble   t',rr.iin_-ition  of   caid   ouit   aric;    fuxthci'  'or-;- 
Qucatli  all   tlie   ?"C!;:aining  part   of    tljs   B,iid  fj^jction   of   21 
and   22   to  bo    divided   cionf^  ray  c)'ilclrc!n  heveafter  n.a)-':ed,    in 
pi'o;)Ortion   to    the  qu:;irtcr3.y   of   Innd   bequenthed   to   them  noinclj 
Anne  Brovn'i,    J.laiy  V.'intox,    Hann-h  V/inter,   Joln'i  './inter   nnd 
Jaiaee   V^inter  end  furtheruioi'e   Bh  -aid   thsi'e  be   fouiid  a  re- 
maining part   of  tiy    estate  cii"ter   c.ll    the   debts  paid    the 
Baiiic    to  be   equally    divided  aiiion?^  ly  childien.      And  r.iorevej: 
I   do  constity.te   ordain   and  appoint  Moaes   IIo:^;:j;;itt  Oriel  ila-?-- 
won  executors   and  luy  beloved  wife  Sylvia  Winter   exooutive 
of   this   tiy  will   and   te^tai'ient,    revolting  all  v;illf 
and  teatajnenta   ratifyinij   this    and  no  other* 

In   ter:tii:!ony   v.hereof  I   have  hereunto   set  lay  hand    an:i 
aeal   this   16t]i  da.y   of  September  in  the  yer.r  of  ouj:  Lord 

1818  . 

Willi a.rn  "iVin.ter 


Signed   sealed  published  pronounced  and 

declrired  by    the   said  V.'inter  as   his    last 

v/ill   and    testaiiient   in    the  presence   of  us   •\;]<o 

in  the   pre:-cnce    of   eaali   other  have   hereunto 

s ub  scribe- d    our  li  ■ :  i.i e  s 

Jaiiies  Jones   Martin  Patric  L'.oses  Ii0(..;ca'.tt 


iHim-Uur  ^'citrlKnthG  {Hnaurial  iGihrani 

TCf.-ftt  HAUTr;,  irajiATJA 

July   19,    1937 

Bear  Misp  Poucner: 

ThonT:  you  bo  rruch  for  your  appreciation  of  our 
work.   I  might  tell  you  how  much  ouj'  patroriB  appreciate  your 
sssietsnce  and  hot?  nicuv  they  cpeak  of  vou  v.'hen  they  return  frorr, 
voi'r  librpry. 

ThOBO  T.'ille  \7rre  copied  so^.e  time  ag-o  frc^rn  the  Vigo  County  Recordg 
by  our  W.P.A.  girls.   In  fact  they  did  tlie  v.ork  vrnen  they  v.ere 
copving  the  rnoiriage  licencec  .   J  had  misplaced  them  but  ca:..c 
acropp  them  the  day  ?-^iKP  Smith  v/os  going  to  Indiannpolie  so 
I  very  hurriedly  put  thein  together  and  cent  them  over.   She  did 
not  Gee  you  nor  ?'iss  M""itt. 

The  VTinter  will  v-as  the  first  voll  probated  in  Vigo  Co.,  so  S:-yt! 
The  Vigo  County  History.   I  f  you  have  ''Piout^-L  acro;:£  tlie  Rocky 
^'ountfiinc"  by  Overton  Johnson  and  'Villi am  H.  '."inter,  pub.  by 
Princeton  University  Prere,  l^ok  on  page  X  and  you  v.iJ.i  nee 
'Winter  ros   born  in  Vigo  County  in  1819,   I  thinh  be  nruBt  have 
been  a  Bon  of  the  'Vinter  who  v/rote  the  will  altho  he  does  not 
mention  him  in  the  will. 

Aspinwall  res  one  of  our  early  settlers.   The  other  \?ills  wer 
of  ea'-'ly  settlers. 

I  \viGh  I  could  fro  over  to  see  you  come  dsy    . 

Cordially  yourc, 


