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Full text of "The visitation of Cheshire in the year 1580"

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Wsttatton  of  Cbesfttre 

IN    THE    YEAR    1580, 







Cijf  agitation  of  CfjcSfjirr 

MADE   IN  THE  YEAR  1566, 


CJje  Visitation  of  a  part  of  CJjcsJjtve 

IN    THE    YEAR    1533, 

MADE     BY 





Clje  Visitation  of  tjjc  City  of  Chester 

IN  THE  YEAR  1591, 





LONDON:  1882. 


The  principal  part  of  the  present  volume  consists  of  a  transcript  of  two 
almost  identical  manuscripts  in  the  British  Museum  numbered  1424  and 
1505  in  the  Harleian  Collection.  In  the  Official  Catalogue  of  the 
Harleian  Manuscripts,  printed,  in  folio,  in  the  year  1808,  they  are  thus 
described : — 


"  An  Heraldical  Book  in  fol.  seeming  to  have  been  written  &  tricked  by  Mr 
John  Saunders  the  Paynter-Stayner,  while  he  was  yet  a  young  man.  It  relateth 
wholly  to  the  County  Palatine  of  Chester,  as  containing, 

"  1.  Arms  of  the  King  of  England  impaling  those  of  the  Earl  of  Chester  ; 
under  which  is  a  trick  of  the  Great  Sword  of  Chester,  nor  like  to  that  old  one  in 
the  Cottonian  Library  ;  with  the  Arms  of  the  eight  Barons  of  Chester  placed  on 
the  right  &  left  sides,  so  as  to  make  a  sort  of  Frontispiece  to  the  Book. 

"  2.  Badge  of  the  Prince  of  Wales  in  a  Glory ;  with  his  Arms  &  those  of  the 
Duchy  of  Cornwal  &  Earldom  of  Chester,  below.  On  the  backside  of  the  Frontis- 

"  3.  Brevis  Abstract.  Cronice  Coraitum  Comitates  Palatini  Cestrife,  a  per- 
quisieione  ejusdem  per  Hugonem  Lupuni  sive  Wulf,  Willelrni  Conquestoris  nepotem ; 
cum  singulorimi  Insignibus.  [folio]  1. 

"  4.  The  Genealogy  of  the  Earles  of  Chester.  2. 

"  5.  Descent  of  the  Lacies  &c.  Constables  of  Chester.  2  b. 

"  6.  Extract  from  the  Book  of  Domesday ;  touching  Cester-scire.  5. 

"  7.  Recensio  Terras  Tenendum  in  Com.  Cestr.  e  Libro  Rubeo  in  Scaccario,  &c. 

6  b. 

"  8.  The  names  of  all  and  singular  Knights,  Esquires,  Gentlemen,  &  Free- 
holders in  Com.  Cestrise,  a.d.  1579,  &  1580.  7. 

"  9.  A  Copy  of  the  Visitation  book  of  the  County  of  Chester,  as  the  same  was 
taken  a.d.  1580,  by  Robert  Glover  Somerset-Herald,  for  William  Flower,  Norroy ; 
wherein  the  Pedigrees  are  all  entered  in  alphabetical  Order,  according  to  the  Sur- 
names of  the  respective  Families.  12  b. 

"  In  this  Copy  are  many  Continuations  of  Descents ;  as  also  Tricks  of  many 
old  private  Seals  ;  and  Copies  or  Extracts  from  old  Deeds. 

"  Among  which,  I  find, 

"  10.  Deeds  &  Seals  relating  to  Bromley.  28  b. 

"  11.  Collections  from  the  Evidences  of  Sir  Rafe  Egerton  of  Wormehill.         87. 




"  12.  Collections  from  the  Charters  of  Richard  son  of  Richard  Ligh  of  High- 
Ligh  of  the  West-Hall,  Esq.  85  b. 

"13.  A  Deed  in  French  containing  the  Award  of  Sir  Hugh  de  Calveleghe,  Sir 
John  de  Barley,  Sir  John  Devereux,  Sir  Brian  de  Stapleton,  &  Rauf  de  Statham 
Esq. ;  touching  the  Arms  claimed  by  two  Gentlemen  of  the  name  of  Massey,  dat. 
14  Nov.  2  Rich.  II.  100. 

"  14.  Determination  of  Thomas  Stanley  Earl  of  Derby,  &  Constable  of  England; 
touching  the  Arms  to  be  born  by  Sir  Thomas  of  Ashton,  &  Sir  Piers  a  Leigh  ; 
dated  on  Holy-Rode  day  in  May,  the  11th  year  of  K.  Hen.  VII.  88. 

"  N.B. — That  the  Feast  of  the  Inventio  S.  Crucis  was  held  the  3  of  May ;  but 
the  Esaltatio,  on  the  14  of  September. 

"  15.  Ex  Cartis  et  Evidence's  Johanuis  Savage  Militia.  123. 

"  Among  these,  is  a  Transcript  of  a  Deed  in  French  ;  whereby  Margarcta  que 
fut  la  feme  de  Jeen  Savage  fille  et  hoir  a  Thomas  Darners  Chevalier,  grants  her 
Arms  to  her  son  John  Savage  &  his  heirs,  for  ever. 

"  16.  Boner's  Pedegree:  or  the  Descent  of  Edmund  Boner  Bishop  of  London, 
sett  down  at  large.  134." 

"  1505. 

"  An  Heraldical  Book  in  fol.  wherein  is  contained  a  Copie  of  that  Visitation- 
book  which  was  made  for  the  County-Palatine  of  Chester  a.d.  1580,  by  Robert 
Glover  Somerset-Herald,  Marshal  and  Deputy  to  William  Flower  Norry  his  father 
in  law. 

"  This  Copie  was  made  by  that  person  who  made  the  Book  No.  1424,  and 
perhaps  from  it.  The  Arms  are  better  tricked  in  No.  1424  than  in  this,  which 
hath  also  more  faults  than  that. 

"There  being  nothing  to  be  said  by  me  touching^  the  Contents  of  this  Copy,  but 
what  hath  been  mentioned  of  the  other  already  ;  I  shall  forbear  to  repeat  the  same 
here  ;  making  only  this  Remark,  that  since  both  these  Books  were  written,  some 
few  Additions  have  been  entred  into  each  of  them,  by  their  respective  Owners, 
unknown  to  one  another ;  which  are  therefore  wanting  in  the  one  Copie,  though 
inserted  in  the  other." 

In  making  the  transcript  of  these  two  manuscripts  all  variations 
between  them  have  been  scrupulously  noted,  and  the  words  which 
appear  only  in  Harl.  MS.  1505  are  printed  in  italics  in  square  brackets. 
Additions  by  the  Editor,  such  as  the  names  of  the  various  quarterings, 
etc.,  are  distinguished  by  being  given  in  ordinary  type,  and  placed 
within  square  brackets. 

Occasionally  it  has  been  necessary  to  refer  to  Harl.  MS.  5182,  a 
small  folio  of  123  pages,  which  contains  a  number  of  the  pedigrees 
entered  at  the  Visitation  of  Cheshire  in  1580. 

The  present  volume,  as  it  stands,  consists  of  the  Visitation  of  Cheshire 
made  in  1580,  with  the  greater  part,  if  not  the  whole,  of  the  Visitation 


of  Cheshire  made  in  1566,  besides  numerous  additions  and  continuations 
variously  dated,  and  a  number  of  abstracts  of  deeds  in  illustration 
of  some  of  the  principal  pedigrees,  as  well  as  drawings  and  descrip- 
tions of  seals  which  are  of  considerable  historical  value.  But,  in  refer- 
ring to  the  work,  it  must  be  borne  in  mind  that  it  no  doubt  contains 
some  entire  pedigrees  (as  well  as  inserted  generations  and  continuations 
of  pedigrees)  which  are  not  to  be  found  in  the  original  Visitations. 
Indeed,  this  is  the  case  with  very  many  existing  copies  of  the  Heralds' 
Visitations  of  the  various  Counties.  Had  it  been  possible  to  compare 
the  proofs  with  the  official  copy  of  the  Visitation  in  the  College  of 
Arms  this  difficulty  might  have  been  entirely  obviated,  and  it  is  to  be 
regretted  that  such  a  course  was  found  impracticable,  as  the  value  of 
this  collection  would  have  been  considerably  enhanced,  and  its  usefulness 
greatly  extended,  if  the  Editor  had  been  allowed  this  privilege. 

No  attempt  has  been  made  to  correct  the  many  obvious  errors  into  which 
the  herald  or  the  copyist  has  fallen,  the  Editor's  chief  aim  having  been 
to  see  that  the  manuscripts  were  carefully  reproduced  in  print.  It  may 
be  well  to  point  out  that  the  list  of  The  Names  of  all  and  singular  Knights, 
Esquires,  Gentlemen,  &  Freeholders  in  Com.  Cestrice  in  1579,  which  begins  at 
page  7,  though  generally  correct,  is  very  incorrect  so  far  as  Macclesfield 
Hundred  (page  9)  is  concerned.  The  names,  however,  in  that  hundred  of 
the  County  have  been  printed  in  Mr.  Eaewakee's  History  of  East  Cheshire, 
vol.  i.,  page  17,  in  a  corrected  form,  from  another  copy  of  the  same  list  of 
Knights,  Esquires,  etc.,  preserved  in  Harl.  MS.  1988.  Some  of  the  errors 
in  the  present  copy  are  likely  to  mislead,  and  should  therefore  be  noticed 
here:  thus,  John  Graunge  "of  Shocklich"  should  be  "of  Chorley;" 
"  John  Birtelley  of  Birtelley,  g."  should  be  "John  Birtles  of  Birtles,  gent. ;" 
"Edward  Bowster,  gen."  should  be  "Edward  Broster,  gent.;"  Henrie 
Pownall  "  of  Hatherie  "  should  be  "  of  Hawthorn  ;"  William  Baskervile 
"  of  Owlwithought "  should  be  "  of  Old  Withington ;"  Thomas  Ward  "  of 
Morthbury"  should  be  "of  Norbury;"  Robert  Ryley  "of  Chockley" 
should  be  "  of  Chorley  ;"  etc. ;  but  a  slight  knowledge  of  Cheshire  names 
will  enable  the  reader  to  use  the  other  parts  of  the  list  without  difficulty. 

It  has  not  been  thought  necessary  to  print  here  the  Transcript  of 
Domesday  or  the  Recensio  Terras  Tenentium,  named  in  the  Official 
Catalogue  of  the  Harleian  MSS. ;  but,  instead  of  these  documents, 
a  copy  of  the  whole  of  what  is  generally  known  as  the  Visitation  of 
Cheshire  in  1533,  taken  from  Harl.  MS.  2076,  f.  11,  and  the  whole  of  the 



fragmentary  MS.  of  Chaloner's  Visitation  of  the  City  of  Chester  in  1591,  are 
given  in  the  Appendix. 

These  two  fragments  are  described  in  the  Official  Catalogue  of  the 
Harleian  Manuscripts,  already  referred  to,  in  the  following  terms : — 

"2076  [folio  11]. 

"  13.  A  Visitation  made  in  Lancashire,  &  in  a  parte  of  Cheetershire,  per  Lan- 
castre  Heraulde,  in  the  24th  yeare  of  King  Henry  VIII.,  by  a  specialle  Comicion 
of  Thomas  Benalt  alias  Clarencieux  King  at  Armes  of  the  same  Province  {sic). 

"  This  seems  to  be  the  Original,  and  "William  Fellowe  perhaps  was  Lancaster- 
Herald  at  the  time,  who  set  forth  the  severall  Descents,  Narratively,  as  the  Heraldical 
People  say." 

"2163  [folio  71]. 

"  8.  Fragment  of  the  Original  Visitation-book  of  the  Cittye  of  Chester,  taken 
a.d.  1591,  by  Thomas  Chaloner  for  the  Office  of  Armes;  and  seeming  never  to 
have  been  finished.  71. 

"  Fragments  of  this  very  Book  appear  in  divers  others.  See  No.  2161,  fol.  236,* 
and  in  the  present  MS.,  11  c. 

"  The  Pedegrees  in  this  Tract  are  taken  narratively  ;  and  some  of  the  Magistrates 
who  gave  the  Information  touching  their  respective  Families  have  subscribed  their 
Names  to  the  same." 

The  List  of  the  Visitations  of  Cheshire  appended  will  be  found  of 
use  in  cases  of  reference : — 

Heralds'  Visitations. 

Where  deposited. 
Brit.  Mus.,  Had.  MS.  2076,  f.  11. 
Coll.  of  Arms,  MS.  D.  3  ;  E.  D.  N.  17.t 
Queen's  Coll.  Oxf.,  MS.  F.10,No.  70. 
Brit.  Mus.,  Earl.  MS.  1505. 

1421,  f.  12*. 


Coll.  of  Arms,  MS.  E.  D.  N.,  No.  17. 

MS.  I.  D.  xiv. 

Chetham  Lib.,  MS.  6694,  f.  133. 

Brit.  M.vs.,  Hart.  MS.  2163,  f.  71-87. 

Harl.  MS.  1535,  f.  35. 

Coll.  of  Arms,  MS.  C.  6. 
MS.  C.  38. 


By  whom  made. 
Flower  and  Cooke. 


Flower  and  Glover. 


Chaloner  {frag,  of  Original 
Visitation  of  the  City  of 

S'  George. 



*  [Where  only  one  leaf  occurs. — J.  P.  R.] 

f  E.  D.  N.  (i.e.  Edn-ard,  Duke  of  Norfolk)  collection  No.  17  is  a  copy  of  the  Visitations  of 
Cheshire  in  15C6-7  and  1580,  with  the  pedigrees  joined  together.  At  the  end  of  the  MS.  there 
is  an  imperfect  copy  of  the  Visitation  of  1580,  with  the  arms  painted. 


This  List  has  been  compared  with  the  various  MSS.  by  the  Eev. 
R.  L.  Clarke,  Librarian  of  Queen's  College,  Oxford;  George  E.  Cokayne, 
Esquire,  Clarenceux  King  of  Arms;  and  Mr.  Richard  Hanby,  of 
the  Chethain  Library,  Manchester,  and  to  these  gentlemen  I  desire  to 
tender  my  thanks  for  their  assistance. 

Regarding  the  Cheshire  Visitations,  it  is  only  necessary  to  remark 
here  that,  hitherto,  not  one  of  them  has  appeared  in  print. 

The  Frontispiece  to  the  present  volume,  the  plate  at  page  1,  and 
the  two  plates  of  the  most  curious  and  interesting  seals  and  arms  in 
the  Manuscript,  have  been  reproduced  in  photo-lithography  from  care- 
fully made  drawings,  and  these  illustrations  will,  it  is  hoped,  add 
interest  to  the  volume.  The  work  of  transcribing  the  MS.  and  making 
these  drawings  has  been  entrusted  to  Mr.  J.  Eedes,  and  he  has  per- 
formed the  task  with  his  usual  care  and  accuracy. 

J.  P.  R. 

Middle  Temple, 
June,  1882. 

References  to  tl)e  plates. 

The  Frontispiece  (to  face  the  title)  : — 

The  Royal  Arms  impaling  the  Arms  of  the  County  of  Chester  dimidiated. 
The  State  Sword  of  the  County  Palatine  of  Chester. 
The  Arms  of  the  Eight  Barons  of  the  County  Palatine. 

The  Vignette  (page  1): — 

Badge  of  Edward  VI.  as  Prince  of  Wales.* 
Arms  of  the  Prince  of  Wales. 
Arms  of  the  Dukedom  of  Cornwall. 
Arms  of  the  Earldom  of  Chester. 

Plate  I.  (page  13) : — 

Fig.    1.  Seal  of  De  Luzors  .... 

„      2.  Arms  from  the  seal  of  John  de  Arderne 

„      3.  Arms  from  the  seal  of  William  de  Bromley 

„       4.  Arms  from  the  seal  of  Richard  de  Bromley t 

„       5.  Ancient  Arms  of  Bromley     . 

6.  Seal  of  Hugh  de  Dutton 

„      7.  Seal  of  Eve  de  Audeley 

„       8.  Seal  of  Richard  Bacon  . 

„      9.  Seal  of  Randolph,  Earl  of  Chester 

„     10.  Seal  of  Henry  de  Aldithlegh  . 

„     11.  Seal  of  Richard  Massy  . 

„     12.  Seal  of  Roger  de  Montbegon 

,,     13.  Seal  of  Philip  de  Orreby 

„     14.  Seal  of  Margaret  Legh,  nie.  Danyers 

„     15.  Seal  of  Thomas  Chaworth      . 

„     16.  Seal  of  Philip  Bamville 

„     17.  Seal  of  Robert  de  Pulford     . 

Page    G. 

•                a 


•                » 



47,  90. 

•                »» 




•                j» 






•                »» 




•                »> 


•                »» 


•                '» 


•                j» 




•                » 


This  may  be  intended  for  Queen  Elizabeth's  Badge  as  Princess  of  Wales  and  Countess  of 


t  The  same  arms  appear  on  the  seal  of  William  de  Chetilton,  page  89. 



Plate  II.  (page  13) : — 

Figs.  1  and  2.  Arms  and  Crest  of  Audley 
Fig.  3.  Arms  and  Crest  of  Gilbert  de  Bostock 
Figs.  4,  5,  and  6.  Arms  and  Crests  of  Boydell 
Fig.  7.  Crest  of  Honford  and  Brereton 
„  8.  Arms  and  Crest  of  Bromhall 
„  9.  Arms,  Crest,  and  Supporters  of  Done 
„  10.  Crest  of  Egerton  (?). 
„  11.  Crest  of  Grosvenor  (?) 
„  12.  Arms  from  the  seal  of  William  Hole 
„  13.  Crest  of  Legh  (?)  . 
„  14.  Arms  and  Crest  of  Baguley 
„  15.  Arms  and  Crest  of  Venables 
„  16.  Arms  and  Crest  of  Warburton 
„  17.  Arms  of  Barley 
„  18.  Arms  of  Winstanton  ( ?)  . 
„     19.     Arms  of  Winstanton  ( ?)   . 

Pages  19,  90,  92. 
Page    26. 






Jhe  i'azjcit-tnc  '"'■'  t'/nj/,  i   ei/aj  ryj-uur/  to  t/e '  Kwiaea 

€i)t  ^tsttattou  of  €bt&)ivt> 

A.D.    1580. 

%\)t  Carls  of  Caster. 

v  [Harl.  MS.  1424,  fo.  2,  and  Harl.  MS.  1505,  fo.  1.] 

[Ox  the  margins  of  this  and  the  nest  page  there  are  drawings  of  the  following- 
traditional  armorial  bearings : — 

I.  A  shield  couche  surmounted  by  an  esquire's  (sic)  helmet,   with  a  mantlet 
Azure,  lined  Ermine. 
Arms. — Azure,  a  wolf's  head  erased  Argent. 

Crest. — On  a  wreath  a  wolf  'passant  Argent.    Hugh  Lupus,  first  Earl 
of  Chester. 
II.  Gules,  semee  of  cross-croslets  Or,  a  wolfs  head  erased  Argent.    Richard, 
second  Earl. 
,111.  Gules,  a  lion  rampant  Argent.    Randolph  Meschines,  third  Earl. 
IV.  Gules,  a  lion  rampant  Or.     Randolph  Gernons,  fourth  Earl. 
V.  Azure,  six  garbs,  3,  2,  and  1  Or.    Hugh  Keveliok,  fifth  Earl. 
VI.  A  shield  couche,  surmounted  by  em  esquire's  helmet,  with  a  mantlet  [Azure] 
lined  Ermine. 
Arms. — Azure,  three  garbs  Or,  banded  Gules. 

Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or,  a  garb  gold,  banded  Gules.    Randolph 
Blundeville,  sixth  Earl. 
VII.  Azure,  three  garbs  Or,  banded  Gates.     [An  error  for,  Or,  three  piles  in  point 
Gules.]    John  Scot,  seventh  Earl.] 

Brevis  Abstract'  Cronice  Comita  Con'  Palatinat'  [Cestrls!]  a  p'quisic'o'e 
ejusdem  p'  Hugone'  Lupum  sive  Wulf  Will'mj  Coxquestoris  xepotem. 
Advexti  Die'  Hugoxis  in  Angliam. 

M'r'dz  q'd  cum  Will'mus  Bastardus  quern  Edwardi  Confessor  Aduentf  Comitis. 
p'pinquiore'  hseredem  Regni  Anglie  signauarat  et  postea  Res 
efficitur  venit  in  Angliam  quidem  miles   no'ie   Hugo,  filius 
Margarets  sororis  p'dicti  Will'mj. 

Dicti  Will'm's  in  Conquestu  suo  dedit  Oomitatti'  CeBtriae  Creatio  Comitis 
p'dict'  p'fato  Hugoni    ad    Conquerendum   et   tenend'  sibi  &   Cestnas. 


Comes  primus. 

Concessio  Baroniaa 
de  Halton. 

Fundatio  Monastery 
sci'  Warburgi  Cestrias. 

Comes  secund8. 

Comes  terti". 

Ex  pargamena  valde 


Ranulpb8        Will'us. 

3  Comes 


Ranulpb1  de  Rueland. 

heredibus  suis  acleo  libere  ad  gladium  sicut  ipse  Rex  totam 
tenebat  Angliam  ad  Coronam. 

Diet'  vera  Hugo  suam  post  Creationem  vixit  Comes  Comi- 
tat'  p'dicti  40  annis  Quiquidem  Hugo  dedit  Cuidam  Nigello 
Cognato  suo  Baroniam  de  Halton  Tenendum  sibi  et  heredib' 
suis  p'  servicium  p'cedend'  exercit'  d'e'i  Comitis  in  Walliam  et 
ib'm  vlt'm  remanedu'  et  ea  etiam  de  causa  dedit  eid'  Nigello 
duo  Foeda'  milit'  in  Englefeild  juxta  Buthlam.  Et  fecit  eum 
Constabularium  Cestrias  et  Mariscallum  suum  Idemq'  Hugo 
fundavit  Monasterium  s'c'i  Warburgi  Cestrise  et  habuit  exitum 

Richardus  Alius  Hugonis  fuit  Comes  Cestriae  p'dict'  xj 
annis  et  obijt  sine  liberis  Cui  successit  Ranulph's  submers'  fuit 
iste  Richard'  die  25°  Novembris  Anno  1120. 

Ranulphus  fili3  Margaretae  sororis  diet'  Hugonis 
fuit  Comes  octo  annis  et  habuit  exitum  Ranulphu'  de 
isto  Ranulpho  primo  Cogno'i'e  Meschems,  vide  infra. 
Tp'e  Will'mi  regis  Angliye  cogno'i'e  Bastardi  erat  quid'  inf 
Anglos  p'potens  princeps  Ranulpb3  de  Meschins  qui  non  ta' 
no'i'e  p°  casteris  eminebat  qm  virtute  et  potestate.  Qui  p' 
Consiliu'  Regis  predict'  Concessa  est  tota  terra  de  Stainesmore 
et  infra  quam  aliem  nup'  p'oceupaverunt.  Si  p'  ejs  fortitu- 
dinem  et  victoria'  a  Regno  p'fati  Regis  expelli  potuissent 
Accepta  ;  fortitudinem  &  plurum  vnitam  multitudine  Egress8 
est  cu'  eis  diet'  Ranulph8  q'  latratos  expulsos  et  no'i'a  eor' 
om'o  delevit.  Qui  statim  feofavit  "Will'm  de  Meschins  fr'em 
eis  in  tota  terra  de  Coupland,  alt'rum  fr'em  eis  Galfrid8  no'i'e  in 
terr'  de  Gellesland.  Insup'  et  alias  quam  plurimos  infra  Com' 
Cumbr'  et  extra.  De  quibus  vni8  Waldei8  no'i'e  in  tempore 
illo  nianus  habebaf  inter  quos  illi  mouit  p'atici  palata  necnon 
valos  infra  terrain  de  Anand'  et  extra  vt  Credimus  qam 
plurimos  feoffauit  Qui  statim  fecit  D'm  Regem  Anglise  con- 
firmare  o'es  illos  quos  ipse  feoffaverat  in  tanta  libertate  quanta 
a  Rege  exorsi  rogare.  D'n's  a  Ran'  retinuit,  Si  totum  Com' 
cum  tota  regalitate  necnon  principitatem  et  durand'  p'  tempora 
multa.  In  tanta  libertate  p'  voluntate  Regis  et  confirmac'o'is 
ac  si  alter  Rex  in  eod'  Rege  intra  ilia  Regnavit  partis  post- 
modu'  aliqantis  temporibus.  Rogavit  eum  D'ns  Rex  vt  cum 
potestate  sua  q'd  Marchiones  in  Chestrscire  bellu'  adiret  q' 
illam  terram  nuper  possederant.  Qui  mandat  Regis  Consensu' 
p'bens  cu'  illi  dimicatur'  advent'.  Et  dimittis  o'ib3  de  terra 
ilia  p'sequ'do  o'es  fugavit  Cui  p'  victoria  dedit  Rex  totam  ilia' 
p'vincia',  et  in  ea  principale'  comitat'  p'mo  instituit  Ipsum  in 
Comitem  et  principem  Imp'petuum  reliquit  Qui  Comitatu 
Combriae  D'no  Rege  relinquens  in  p'vinciam  Cestrscire  p' 
temp'  aliquot  vitam  quietam  duxit  et  ibi  mortis  debitum 
p'solvens  Sepult8  est  in  quadam  Abbatia  q'd  ipse  fundavit. 

THE    VISITATION   OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  3 

Eanulphus  secund9  fuit  Comes  Comitat'  p'dict'  28  annis  ot  Comes  quart", 
habuit  exitum  Hugoneni  secundum. 

Ilugo  cogno'i'e  Kiuiliock,  fuit  Comes  Comitat'  p'dict'  29  et  Comes  quint', 
habuit  exitus  quatuor  filias  viz.  Matildam  Mabillam  Agnetem 
et  Hauisiam  necnon  Ranulphum  tertium. 

Rauulphus  terti8  fuit  Comes  Cestrise  predict'  necnon  Comes  Comes  sextus. 
Lineolnia?  et  Riehniondias  ac  D'n's  Britannia?  minoris  et  vixit 
comes  51  annis.     Qui  quidem  Ranulph8  fundavit  Monasterium 
de  Lacress  et  fecit  castra  de  Beeston  et  Chartley  et  obijt  sine 
liberis  quo  Dcfuncto. 

Joh'es  Scotus  fili3  David  Comitis  Anguisise  et  Huntingtoniae  Cornea  vij  et  ultimus. 
ex  prefat'  Matildas  sororis  pTdicti  Ranulphi  fact'  fuit  Comes 
Cestrise  et  Huntington. 

Qui  quidem  Joh'es  obijt  sine  liberis  apud  Darnall  et 
sepelitur  apud  Monasterium  Cestrise  Quo  defuncto  Henr'  Rex 
Anglias  terti3  sumpsit  Com'  Chestriae  p'dictum  in  manus  suas 
Eo  q'd  Comitat3  ilia  reguli    prerogativa   gaudebat,  ne   tarn  Causa  ex  qua  comitat' 

CcstrifE  dGvcnit  in 

prseclara  Dominat8  inter    colos  dividi  contingerat   Diet'   q'  manus  D'ni  Regis. 

Henric3  Rex  constituit   Edwardum    primogenitum    suum    in 

principem  "Walliae  in  Comit'  Cestrise,  D'm  Gasconij  et  Hibernian 

&c.    Ac  dedit  quatuor  sororibus  p'fati  Ranulphi  tertij  alias 


1.  Predicta  Matilda  nupta  predicto  David  Comiti  Scotij  de 
qua  p'cessit  p'fat8  Joh'es  Scot  qui  vltimus  fuit  Comes  Chestria? 
antiqu"m  Com.  predict'  in  man3  Regis  devenit. 

2.  Mabilla  soror  secunda  nupta  fuit  Comiti  Arundell  de 
qua  p'cesserunt  i  filia. 

3.  Agnetis  soror'  prdictar'  tertia  nupta  fuit  Will'mo  fferraris 
seniore  de  qua  processit  Will'm's  Comes  Darbies. 

4.  Hauisa  nupt'  fuit  Robt.  Quincy  Comiti  Wintonia?  ex 
p'cessit  Margerie  Comitissa  Lmcolnire  quern  Joh'es  Lacy  duxit 
in  vxorem. 

Et  sciend'  est  q'd  Comitat'  Flint  p'tinet  ad  Dignitatem  P'cella  dignitatis 
gladij   Cestriae  p'dicti  et  quod  Comitat3  ille  devenit  in  man'  °      J 
p'dicti  D'ni    Regis   modo  p'dicto  circa  Annu'  D'ni  1237  et 
abinde  in  manib'  successor'  ipsi3  Regis  et  principium  Walliaj 

Et  q'd  Comitat'  Cestriaa  p'dict'  in  Parliamento  tent'  apud  Comitat'  Cestrise  fact' 
Westin'  Anno  Regni  Regis  Ric.  2di  xxi°  fact'  fuit  in  principatum.  fuit  in  PrinciPatum- 

Necnon  q'd  in  An0  xxi°  p'dicti  nupr  Regis  Ric'i  s'c'di  idem  Creatio  de  Le  Herald 
nup'    Rex   creavit   et  prefecit    dilectu'   sibi  Will'm  Burghes  chester- 
Heraldum  suum  ad  Arma  ac  ipsum  Chester  Le  Herald  nomi- 
navit  p'  l'ras  ip'ius  nup'  Regis  patentes  sub  sigillo  principal 
suj  p'dicti  Dat'  apud  Chester  vij0  Junij  An0  xxi°  Regni  Regis 



Cfie  <§mealocj;£  of  tljt  Carles  of  Cluster* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  3.     Hail  1505,  fo.  2.] 

Arms. — Quarterly— 1  and  4.  Azure,  three  garbs  Or.     2  and  3.  Azure,  a  wolf's  head 

erased  Argent. 
Crest. — In  a  ducal  coronet  a  garb  Or,  banded  Gules. 
Supporters. — Two  wolves  Argent. 

Mantled  Azure,  doubled  Ermine. 

Robert  Duke  of=pHarletta  d.  to  a  burgess  of=pHellowin,  first  husbaud 


Falois  in  Normandy. 

to  Herletta. 

Will'm  Conqueror,  Kinge 

of  England. 

Edwin  Earle  of 
March  Chester 
&  Lineolne. 

Richard  Earle  of  Aurenches^ 
&  Viscount  of  Albania. 



John    der 



=Margrett.         Hugh  Luph5  [Z/Kj;«s]=pArnietrida 

2.  Lneia=Rannlph  1= 

Countes  Meschins 

of  Lin-  the  3  Earle 

colne  of  Chester 

widow  to  obi j  1 1 1 30 . 

\.  Mauld 
to  Aubery 
de  Vere. 

the  first  Earle  of 


Chester,  obijt  1109. 

-'1                                         1 
Richard  the=Mauld         Robert, 


2d  Earle  of      sister  to      Abbott 


Chester            King          of  S' 

to  the 

drowned  in      Stephen.     Edmonds-     children 

an"  1120.                           bury. 

of  K. 

Henry  I 



Will'm  de  Romare- 
Earle  of  Lincoln. 

Ranulph2,  Gernons  the=pAlice  daughter  to  Robert 

fourth  Earle  of  Chester 
obijt  1152. 

Consul  Earle  of  Glocester. 

I  Li',  i.-a  married  to 
Gilbeu  de  Gaunt. 

Hugh   2,   Keuiliock  ye  iift=pBeatrix  daughter  to  Richard 
Earle  of  Chester  obijt  1181.     Lord  Lucy  Justice  of  England. 

1.  Constance=Ranulph  3,  Blonde-=2.  Clemence=[3.]  Margret     Mauld  married 
d.  &  heire  to    vile,  Earle  of  de  Ferrers.      d.  to  Humfr.     to  David  Earle 

Conan  Earle     Chester  &  Lineolne  Bohun  Earle     of  Anguishe  & 

ofBritaine       obijt  1232.  of  Heref.  Huntington. 

&  Richmond.  =f= 


■7  | 

John  Scot  ye  last  Earle  of=Jane  daughter  to  Lewellin 

Chester  obijt  1237.  Prince  of  Wales.  a 



Mabcll  married  to 
Will'm  Earle  of 

Hugh  E.  of 
sans  issue. 

Agnes  mar.  to  Wm  Ferrers 
who  had  with  her  the 
manner  of  (.'hartley. 

Isabell,  vxo* 
Jn°  Fitzallen. 

Will'm  Earle 
of  Ferrers 
&  Darby. 

Havissa  married  to  Robert 
Quincy  who  had  with  her  the 
Earledome  of  Lincolue. 

Margaret  married  to  John 
Lasey  Baron  of  Halton 
Earle  of  Lincolne. 

CIjc  Barons  of  JMton,  Constable*  of  €fjcstn\ 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  3b.     Harl.  1505,  lb.  2".] 

Hildebert  de  Lacy,  D'ns  de  Blackburnshire  et  Pountfact.=p 
Arms. — Quarterly  Or  and  Gules,  a  bend  Sable,  over 
all  a  label  of  five  points  Argent 

Robert  de  Lacy,  fundator  priorat'  de=pMatildis  Comitissa         Gilbert' 
Pontfret  &  Mithall  [Nuthall].  de  Perchc.  de  Lacy. 

Ilenricus  de  Lacy=j=Abbreda  filia  Will'm=pEud.  D'ns  de  Luzors 

fundator  Abbatiam 
de  Kirkstall. 

Peverell  co.  Notting- 

[second  husband]. 
Arms. — Or,  a  chief  Azure. 

Rob't  de  Lacy  dedit  patrimonium  sua  sororis  suas 
filijs  et  in  monasterium  sese  abdidit. 

Eustaci8  D'ns  de  Burgavile.: 
Arms. — Or,  a  lion  ram- 
pant Purpure. 

Nigell3  de  Aurenges  Baro  de  Halton- 
Constabular"  &  Mariscalli5  Oesfcrise. 
Arms. — Gules,  four  fusils  (or 
almonds)  in  pale  Or. 

Carolus.      Joti'es  de  Buvgalia: 
D'ns  de  Pembrook. 

Adelicia       Eustaci9.     Will'm  Fiznigell  funda tor 
Britanna.  priorat'  de  Norton. 

Beatrix,  f.  &= 
hasres  D'ni 

:Eustacis  fiz  John  Baro- 
de  Halton  et  Coastal >. 

: Agnes  filia 



Matildis  nupta      WilTus 
Alberto  D'no        infans 
Grelle.  mortuus. 



Galfrid  Fiz 
Eustace,  prior 
de  Norton. 


Richard  Fitz  Eustace=pAlbreda  D'na  de  Halton  & 

ante  patrem  mortuus. 


Hanes  Rob't  de 





Maria  nupta 

Joh'es  (cogno'is)=pAgnetis 




Rob'to  Alford 




occisus  in 



Cestrise  fundator 




prior  de 

Abbatias  de 






Albertus  de  Lacy  puis3  Anglia  et  Xormandia 
p'p'ter  transgressionem  Adyersus  Regern  ob 
sparsos  rumores  de  Rege  quasi  nepotem  suum 
Arthurum  Britanias  Ducem  secreto  interfici 



Ricard3  Rob't  de 

occisus  Lacy  de 

in  Flam- 

Wallia.  borough. 

Joh'es  Lacym  Cypro=pAlicia  soror  &  Agnes 

Insula  mortuus.  cohasres  ....  nupta 

Mandeville  D'no 

Co.  Essexise.  Monhalt. 

Roger  cogno'is  Hell,  Constab. 
Cestriffi  duxit  Matildam  de 
Clare  soror's  Thesaurarij 


Galfrid3  Fili  John  hseres  terfcij  partis  comitis  Essexias  Roger3  de  Lacy,  primo- 

mortu8  est  in  guardia  D'ni  Regis  et  prolem  reliquit.  genit3  occis3  in  terra 

z(s  Sancta  sine  prole. 

Drawing  of  a  circular  shield,  bearing  the  device  on  Plate  I.,  Fig.  1. 

A  shield  of  arms: — Quarterly  of  six — 1.  Quarterly  Or  and  Gules,  a  bordure 
Vair.  2.  Gides,  four  almonds  in  pale  Or.  3.  Or,  a  chief  Azure.  4.  Quarterly 
Or  and  Gules,  a  bend  Sable,  over  all  a  label  of  five  points  Argent.  5.  Or,  a  lion 
rampant  Pur-pure.     6.  As  the  first. 

1.  Margareta  Quincj 
Comitissa  Lin- 
colne  vxor  prima. 

:Joh'es  Lascy  Comes  Lin- 
colnie  Baro  de  Halton  et 
Constabul.  Cestrias 
fundator  Abbatias  de 

■2.  Alicia  filia     Robert3  fiz  Roger, 
D'ni  Gil-       D'ns  de  Claver- 
berti  de        inge  fundator 
Aquila  uxor  Abbatias  de 
secunda.        Langley. 


Edmund3  D'ns=pAlicia  que 
de  Lacy,  mor- 
tuus ante 

filia  Marchionis 

Matilda  vx.  Rich, 
de  Clare  Comitis 
quo  Cestrias. 

Idonia  nupta 
Rogero  D'no 

Joh'es  Baro 
de  Clavering. 


filia  & 





:Henric'  de  Lacy7 
Comes  Lincolnias 
&  Alice  {sir) 
Anglioe  Justicia- 
rius  in  Ecclesia 
Paulina  London 

-Joanna  f. 
&  hasres 
D'ns  Mar- 
tin de 






Lacy  in 

Lacy  in 

de  Lacy 
vxr  Will'm 
Domini  de 

Edmund3  Lacy  in  prima 
astat's  mortuus  subiners8 
in  Arce  Denbigh. 

Joh'es  de  Lacy 
in  prima  astat's 

Alicia  Comitissa  Lin- 
colnias  nupta  fuit 
Thomas  Comiti  Lan- 
castrian &  obijt  s.  prole. 

Joanna  in 
prima  astate' 



#amcs  of  all  anti  singular  3&mcjf)t$,  Csquirts, 
Gentlemen,  $c  fftttljototvx  in  Com,  Cestriae. 

An0  1579,  22°  Eliz. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  7.     Harl.  1505.] 

Broxton  ©unJJrcU. 


Sr  Ralph  Egerton,  Knight,  Sherriffe  of  the  Shire. 

Sr  Hugh  Cholmondley  of  Cholmondley, 

Sr  George  Calvelet  of  Lea,  Knight. 
Sr  Randoll  Breretox  of  Mallpas,  Knight. 
Sr  George  Cliff  of  Huxley,  Knight. 
Rafe  Duttox  of  Hatton,  Esquire. 
Thomas  Grosvenor  of  Eaton,  Esquire. 
Richard  Brereton  of  Eccleston,  Esquire. 
John  Massy  of  Coddington,  Esquire. 
David  Massy  of  Broxton,  Esquire. 
Sr  George  Beeston  of  Beeston,  Knight. 
John  Manley  of  Pulton,  Esquire. 
Richard  Massey  of  Aldford,  gent. 
Robert  Massey  of  Edgerley,  gent. 
Richard  Massey  of  Grafton,  gent. 
Vrian  Dodd  of  Edge,  gent. 
Peter  Dodd  of  Broxton,  gent. 
William  Chantrell  of  the  Baites,  gent. 
George  Bostock  of  Churton,  gen. 
John  Hanky  of  Churton,  gen. 
William  Barneston  of  Churton,  gen. 
George  Low,  yeoman. 
Richard  Bostock  of  Barton,  gen. 
Randoll  Dodd,  gent. 
John  Stringer  of  Crew,  gen. 
Randoll  Brereton  of  Kiddington,  gen. 
Piers  ffilkin  of  Tattcnhall,  gen. 
John  Heath  of  Overton,  gen. 
Thomas  Calcott  of  Calcott,  gen. 
William  Mierson  of  ffarnton,  gen. 
John  Yardley  of  Calcott,  gen. 
Thomas  Dodd  of  Cholmondley,  gen. 
Ik'iiH  Dodd  of  Cholmondley,  gen. 
Thomas  Ball  of  Byckley. 


Thomas  Sparrow  of  Byckley,  gen. 

John  Whrigiit,  yeoman. 

John  Crew  of  ffarnton. 

Roger  Dodd  of  Broxton. 

George  Byrd  of  Broxton. 

Thomas  Booth  of  Cholmondley. 

Hugh  Rode  of  Cholmondley. 

John  Rosing  reve  of  Hargreve. 

William  Cotgreve  of  Hargreve. 

Thomas  Moulson  of  Hargreve. 

David  Povey  of  Shocklach. 

Robert  Buckley  of  Bickerton. 

Owen  Stocton  of  Kiddington. 

John  Lloid  of  the  same  place,  yeoman. 

John  Gathered  of  the  same  place,  yeo- 

William  Brereton  of  the  Nonry,  gen., 
now  of  Honford. 

John  Aldersey  of  Croke  Aldersey,  gen. 

John  Horton  of  Aldersey,  yeoman. 

Robert  Aldersey  of  Croke  Aldersey. 

Phillip  Aldersey  of  the  same  place. 

Oliver  Walker  of  the  same  place. 

John  Tilston  of  Huxley,  gen. 

Raph  Siddinghall,  gen. 

Raph  Huxley,  gen. 

Tho.  Dodd  of  Broxton,  gen. 

William  Carison  of  Bradley,  gen. 

Tho.  Hulme  of  Coddington,  gen. 

James  Dowmbell  of  Egerton,  gen. 

Raphe  Leech  of  Carden,  gen. 

Peter  Dodd  of  Shocklach. 

William  Eyre  of  Tilston. 

Thomas  Aldersey  of  Horton. 



John  Aldersey  of  Agdon. 
John  Gravenor  of  Tussingham. 
John  Dawson  of  Tussingham. 
Raph  Sound  of  Tussingham. 
Hugh  Calveley  of  Buckley. 
Richard  Bressy  of  Buckley,  yo. 
Bartholme  ffitton  of  Cawarden,  gen. 
Thomas  Bird  of  Broxton. 

John  Kettle  of  Burwardesleigh 
Thomas  Dodd  of  Boughton. 
Thomas  Richardson. 
Hugh  Davenport. 

Thomas  Ball. 

Richard  Ball. 

Randoll  Maddock  of  Edge. 


Sr  Lawrence  Smith  of  Hough,  Knight. 
Sr  Raph  Egerton  of  Wrynehill,  Knight. 
Sr    Richard    Cotton    of    Cumbernier, 

Henry  Delues  of  Duddington,  Esquire. 
Tho.  Wilbram  of  Woodhey,  Esquire. 
Tho.  Hulse  of  Merbury,  Esquire. 
Robt.  ffoulshurst  of  Crew,  Esquire, 
RiCHd  Minshull  of  Minsliull,  Esqr. 
George  Smith  of  Weston,  Esqr. 
Thomas  Starky  of  Wrenbury,  Esqr. 
Raph  Delues  of  Hatherton,  Esqr. 
Thomas  Vernon  of  Haslington,  Esqr. 
Henry  Ropp  of  Stapeley,  Esqr. 
John  Griffin  of  Barderton,  Esqr. 
*-      Rich.  Aston  of  Aston,  gen. 

Tho.  Minshull  of  Eardswick,  gen. 
Tho.  Deane  of  Worleston,  gen. 
Robt.  "Whitney  of  Colle,  g.* 
John  Brock  of  Leighton,  g. 
John  Brayne  of  Aston,  g. 
-4   Hugh  Aston  of  Aston,  g. 

Rich.  Weeyer  of  Poole,  3  [8]. 
Thomas  Brindley  of  Willaston,  g. 
John  Prestland  of  Sondg [Sound],  3  [5]. 
Thomas  Lecester  of  Poole,  3  [8]. 
John  Crew  of  Hassall,  3  [8]. 
Wm  Allen  of  Brindley,  g. 
George  Huxley  of  Brindley,  g. 
Rich.  Wilbraham  of  Rees. 
Raph  Horton  of  Colle,  g. 
William  Ithell  of  Burland. 


Thomas  Gamul  of  Buirton. 

George  Bickerton  of  Townley. 

Hugh  Wicksted  of  Wicksted,  g. 

Edmund  Bickerton  of  Sound. 

Robert  Au'gier  of  Augier,  g. 

ffrances  ffoulshurst  of  Shaw,  g. 

Hugh  Bromley  of  Northbury,  g. 

John  Woodnett  of  Sheuington,  g. 

John  Alexander  of  Willaston,  g. 

Randulph  Boulton  of  Hankeld. 

John  Prachett  of  Worleston. 

Randoll  More  of  Haslington,  g. 

Richard  Latham  of  Weston. 

ThomAs  Adams  of  Atherton. 

ffrancis  Maria  Corbett,  gen. 

Roger  Walthall,  g., 

Roger  Masterson,  g., 

John  Leech,  g., 

William  Bromley,  g., 

Thomas  Clluton,  g., 

Roger  Mainwaring,  g., 

Richard  Wright,  g., 

Henry  Wright,  Junior, 

Henry  Wright,  Senior, 

Robert  Goodyer, 

Jasper  Rutter, 

Richard  Church, 

John  Cheswons  of  Mikely,  g.  [Milkeley.] 

John  Wibonbury,  g. 

Rich.  Stockton  of  Cholmoston,  y. 

AVi  lliam  Salmon  of  Colelwye. 

Robert  Burghes  of  Hatherton. 

►  of  Nantwich. 

*  It  is  difficult  to  say  whether  these  are  the  letter  g  or  the  figure  9,  and  what  their  exact 
signification  is. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


i*la.vfriID  ©tmorrtj. 

Sr  Piers  Ligh  of  Lyme,  Knight. 
Sr  Edward  ffitton  of  Goseworth,  Knt. 
Sir  Urian  Ligh  of  Adlington,  Knt. 
William  Damport  of  Bromhall,  Ebi  f. 
Randoll  Damport  of  Henbury,  Esqr. 
Christopher    Damport    of   Woodford, 

John  Warren  of  Poiuton,  Esqr. 
Randoll  Brereton  of  Hauforcl,  Esqr. 
Thomas  Stanley  of  Aklerley,  Esqr. 
Ealfe  Arderxe  of  Harden,  Esq1". 
Wm  Tatton  of  Withinsbaw,  Esq1'. 
Richard  Sutton  of  Sutton,  Esqr. 
Roger  Downes  of  Shrigley,  Esq1'. 
William    Dockenfeld    of   Dockenfeld, 

Robt.  Hyde  of  Norbury,  Esquire. 
John  Ligh  of  Ridge,  Esq1'. 
Phillip  Worth  of  Tiderington,  Esq1'. 
Thomas  ffitton  of  Bollin,  Esq1'. 
William  Ward  of  Capestborne,  gen. 
George  Newton  of  Godley,  gen. 
Wm  Mere  of  Pownall,  gent. 
John    Hollinworth   of   Hollingworth, 

Lawrence  Swetnam  of  Somerford,  gent. 
Edward  Henshaw  of  Henshaw,  gent. 
John  Henshaw  of  Milnehouse,  gent. 
Richard  Damport  of  Wbeltbrougb,  g. 
John  Graunge  of  Sbocklich. 
Randoll  Winington  of  Offerton,  g. 
James  Rigeway  of  Offerton. 
John  Birtelley  of  Birtelley,  g. 
Edward  Birtells  de  la  Hill. 
Reignald  Downes  of  Taxhall,  g. 
Thomas  Duncalf  of  ffoxwest,  g. 
George  Willett  of  ffoxsest,  g. 
Geffery  Mottershead  of  Mottcram. 

Ill  ',11  MOTTERAM. 

Thomas  Curbisley  of  Styall,  g. 
Edward  Hollinshead  of  Bosley,  g. 
Edward  Bowster,  gen. 
Henrie  Pownall  of  Eatherie. 
Randall  Grastie  of  Wamford. 
Randoll  Norbury. 

John  ffallowes  of  ffallowes,  g. 

W»  Ward  of  Munksetb. 

William  Baskeryile  of  Owlwithought. 

John  Torkenton  of  Torkenton,  gen. 

Roger  Acton  of  Over  Aklerley. 

Edward  ffitton  of  Over  Alderley. 

Edw.  ffortrell  (Joddrell)  de  ffandes- 

wicke  [Yeardsley],  5. 
Robert  Bridge  of  Bridge,  g. 
Roger  Ward  of  Somerford. 
Edward  Astley  of  Astley. 
Thomas  Ward  of  Morthbury. 
John  Hobson  of  Over  Alderley. 
John  Sneston  of  Astell. 
Roger  Massy  of  Ellerborow,  g. 
Reignald  Kelsall  of  Chedle. 
Robert  Hollinworth  of  Hollinwortb. 
John  Bretlands  of  Bretlands. 
Ralfe  Redish  of  Hatterley. 
Tho.  Pigott  of  Butley,  g. 
Edward  Newton. 
Tho.  Massy  of  Addeswood. 
Tho.  Stepleton  of  Upton,  g. 
Wm  Sheyte  [Shert]  of  Disley. 
Nicholas  Hanford  of  Godley. 
Ralph  Brodhurst  of  Simonley. 
Nic°  Hichingbotham  of  Moorepoole. 
ffjkances  Warren  of  Prestbuiy,  gent. 
Thomas  Shrygley  of  Beristow,  g. 
Christopher  Birrin  de  Baohe. 
Tho.  Addeshead  of  Bbchencliff. 
John  Barbor  of  Crokesbott. 
Randoll  ffallowes  of  Astley. 
John  Taylor  of  Dychbouse. 
Tho.  Grene  de  la  Water. 
Robert  Thornicroft  of  Siddington. 
Gregory  Okes  of  Somerford. 
Robert  Ryley  of  Chookley. 
Roger  Row  of  Maxfeld. 
Will'm  Helley. 
John  Johnson  of  Sutton. 
Ric.  Ryley  of  Stockport. 
Francis  Elcock,  gent. 
Alexander  Low. 
John  Upton  of  Dynerow. 




WB  Sutton  of  Hamilton. 
Wm  Newton  of  ffulshaw. 
John  Elcock  of  Stockport. 
Wm  Elcock  of  Stockport. 
Tho.  Mottershed  of  Motteram. 
....  Sanley  of  Disley. 

John  Robinson  of  Stockport. 
Wm  Dickenson  of  Stockport. 
Alexander  Bradley  of  Butley. 
ffrancis  Warren  of  Prestbury. 
Wm.  Daiiport  of  Chorley. 


\_   Sr  Tho.  Venables  of  Kinderton,  Knight, 
gr  ^m  Breeeton  of  Brereton,  Knight. 
TIaxdoll  Maixwaring  of  Pever,  esqr. 
Henrie  Maixwarixg  of  Carincham,  esqr 
Charles  Mainwaring  of  Croxton,  esq1'. 
John  Damport  of  Damport,  Esq. 
John  Morton  of  Morton,  Esq1'. 
W™  Letersedge  of  Wheelock,  esq1. 
Raxdoll  Rode  of  Rode,  esqr. 
John  Lawton  of  Lawton,  esqr. 
Tho.  Winington  of  the  Hermitage,  esq'. 
Randoll  Leftwich  of  Leftwich,  Esqr. 
Richard  Spencer  of  Congleton,  Esqr. 
William  Croxton  of  Ravenscroft,  gen. 
Edward  Cotton  of  Cotton,  gen. 
Tho.  Smethwik  of  Smethwike,  gen. 
John  Holford  of  Davenhain,  gen. 
f.  Ralph  Bostock  of  Moulton,  gen. 
Henry  Bostock  of  Bostock,  gen. 
William  Thomlinson  of  Wharton. 
William  Warton  of  Wimbaldesleigh. 
Ralph  Hulse  of  Clive. 
Randoll  Vernon  of  Pirle. 
James  Browne  of  Hulse. 
Tho.  Wyche  of  Davenham,  gen. 


John  Cotton  of  Allostock. 
John  Eaton  of  Goostree,  gen. 
John  Rode  of  Moresbarow. 
John  Wrench  of  Shurlach. 
William  Hollinshed  of  Buglawton. 
Thomas  Birrin. 
Robert  Rowley  of  Lawton. 
Roger  Page  of  Yardeshawe. 
Richard  Hatton  of  Hollins. 
Hugh  Amson  of  Cranage. 
James  Pigott  of  Somerford. 
PiAndoll  Rode  of  Walhill. 
Johx  Somerford  of  ffayrfeld,  g. 
Humphrey  Wolf  of  Pagebriclge  lane. 
Hugh  Hollinshead  of  Rollackdon. 
William  Bradshaw  of  Peeuer. 
William  Furnivall  of  Bradwall. 
Robert  Pickmere  of  Davenham. 
Richard  Weuerham  of  Lawton. 
John  Burges  of  Buglawton. 
William  Brodhurst. 
Hugh  Fithion  of  Tetton. 
Randoll  Ince  of  Minshull  Vernon. 
John  Wolfe. 


Ralph  Egerton  of  Ridley,  Esquire. 
Ralfh  Done  of  TJtkinton,  Esquire. 
George  Ireland  of  Crowton,  Esquire. 
John  Bruyn  of  Stapleford,  Esq''. 
George  Spurstow  of  Spurstow,  Esq1'. 
Hugh  Damport  of  Calveley,  Esq1'. 
John  Starky  of  Darley,  Esqr. 
John  Hocknell  of  Hocknell,  Esq1'. 
Robert  Mainwaring  of  Marton,  Esqr. 


Thomas  Mainwaring  of  Calveley,  Esqr. 
John  Egerton  of  Olton,  Esq1'. 
William  Prestland  of  Prestland,  Esq1'. 
Thomas  Rutter  of  Kingesly,  gen. 
Richard  Gerhard  of  Crewood,  gen. 
Benedict  Paynter  of  Barrow,  gen. 
John  Bressy  of  Tiverton,  gen. 
John  Aldersey  of  Spurstow,  gen. 
Roger  Hocknell  of  Duddon,  gen. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Raph  Bruyn  of  Tarvin,  gen. 
John  Treves  of  Horton,  gen. 
Richard  StoneleyoI' Alptam  [Alpram],y. 
Richard  Littler  of  Wallerscottes,  gen. 
William  ffrodesham  of  Elton,  gen. 
William  ffabbab  of  Acton,  gen. 
Thomas  Hall  of  Norley,  gen. 
John  Eaton  of  Sandyway,  yeo. 
Richard  Eire  of  Kelsall. 
Robert  Ireland  of  Kingesley. 

Richard  Srarke  of  Kingesley. 
Thomas  Houghton  of  Houghton,  gen. 
John  Bostock  of  Torperley. 
David  Hinton  of  Rushton. 
John  Witter  of  Torperley,  yeo. 
Richard  Walley  of  Tiverton. 
Henry  Hardware  of  Moldsworth,  gen. 
David  Caveley  of  Peckfarton. 
John  Walley  of  Torperley. 


S1'  Rowland  Stanley  of  Hooton,  Knt. 
George  Mascy  of  Potington,  Esq1'. 
John  Poole  of  Poole,  Esqr. 
William  Hough  of  Leighton,  Esq1'. 
Thomas  Bonbury  of  Stanney,  Esqr. 
William  Glegg  of  Gaiton,  Esqv. 
John  Whitmore  of  Thurstanton,  Esq1'. 
John  Hocknell  of  Prenton,  Esq1'. 
Robert  Parr  of  Bakeford,  Esqr. 

John  Meles  [Miles]  of  Meles,  gen. 
John  Netherland,  gen. 
Christopher  Bennett  of  Saugall. 
Robert  Bould  of  Upton,  gen.         y 
Thomas  Doe  of  Saugall. 
John  Kirkes  of  Lea. 
William  Lancaster  of  Newton. 
Richard  Coventry'  of  Mullington. 
John  Cawde  of  Great  Neston. 


\     Sr  John  Savage  of  Rock  Savage,  Knt. 

Peter  Warburton  of  Arely,  Esq1'. 

John  Dutton  of  Dutton,  Esq1'. 

William  Lecester  of  Toft,  esq1'. 

Thomas  Brooke  of  Norton,  esqr. 

Piers  Lecester  of  Tabley,  Esq1'. 
I      Thomas  Aston  of  Aston,  Esqr. 

George  Brereton  of  Ashley,  Esqr. 

John  Mere  of  Mere,  esq1. 

George  Booth  of  Dunham,  esq1'. 

Edward  Ligh  of  Baguley,  esqr. 

Wm  Marbury  of  Marbury,  csqr. 

Tho.  Ligh  of  High  Ligh,  Esq1'. 

Richard  Ligh  of  High  Ligh,  Esq1. 

John  Domvile  of  Lim,  esq1. 

Thomas  Starry  of  Stretton,  Esq1'. 

John  Grymsdich  of  Grymsdich,  Esq1'. 
>  John  Daniell  of  Daresbury,  Esqr. 

Robt.  Tochett  of  Whitley,  esq'. 

William  Massey  of  Denfeld,  gen. 

John  Harcourt  of  Wyncham,  gen. 


Alexander  Hulme  of  Meyre,  gen. 
William  Arderne  of  Timperley,  gen. 
Thomas  Starky  of  Stretton,  gen. 
Richard  Venables  of  Agdon,  gen. 
Crowner — John  Millington  of  Milling- 
ton,  gen. 
Richard  Marbury  of  Walton,  gen. 
Richard  Ligh  of  Swinehead,  gen. 
John  Hayes  of  Litley,  gen. 
Rob*  Venables  of  Antrobus,  gen. 
Laurence  HATTONof  Kirsty  birches,  gen. 
John  Gleyve  of  High  Ligh,  gen. 
Edward  Harper  of  ...  . 
John  Wilkinson  of  ...  . 
Robert  Jamin  of  Norton. 
William  Normancell  of  Chelford. 
William  Axtuobus  of  Chelford. 
Hamon  Warburton  of  Carrington,  gen. 
Thomas  Ceosbt. 
Hugh  <'kosby. 
William  Burges  of  Knuttesford. 



John  Grymsdich  of  Hollaro,  gen. 

William  Malbon  of  Budworth. 

Eichard  Hesky  of  Ashley. 

Thomas  Harper  of  More,  yeo. 

Thomas  Grymsdich  of  Apleton,  gen. 

Peter  Hill  of  Apleton. 

John  Middlehurst  of  Lachford. 

Eichard  Darden  of  Baguley. 

Eichard  Savage  of  Bentshaw. 

William  Ligh  of  Oughtrington,  gen. 

Edmund  Bridrit  of  Brownes  croft. 

John  Markencropt  of  Thelwall. 

Eichard  Hunt. 

William  Tipping  of  Hall. 

John  Massy  of  Thelwall. 

Eichard  Allen  of  Over  Whitley. 

Eaph  Massy. 

John  Millington  of  Knuttesford. 

John  Grymsdich  of  Newton. 

John  Starry. 

John  Thomlinson. 

Eaph  Mascy  of  Hall. 

John  Partington  of  Partington. 

George  Parker  of  Altrincham. 

Edward  Huett  of  Tatton. 

John  Yowley  of  Marston. 

John  Aston  of  Wolstanscroft. 

William  Leader  of  Hale. 

Eichard  Grantham. 

Thomas  Golden. 

George  Massey. 

Thomas  Minshull  of  Eycroft. 

Eichard  Whright  of  Ashley. 

John  Saunder  of  Bowden. 

Lawrence  Massy  of  Timperley. 

Thomas  Vawdrey  of  Bowden. 

Thomas  Heath  of  Weston. 

William  Drinckwater  of  Stathom. 

Thomas  Twenbrook  of  Groppenhall. 

John  Massy  of  the  Wast. 

Hugh  Wilmote  of  Meire. 

John  Bradburne. 

Eandoll  Hurst  of  Stathom. 

Thomas  Walter  of  Apleton. 

John  Sutton  of  Great  Budworth,  yeo. 

Wi$xtd£\on  uf  ollioslnre,  1580. 

imntatum  of  (Llu^Utrc  1580 

Flate  ' 

aiumcp  of  SUtiraep  anti  oi  ^puvstoto* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  12\     Harl.  1505.] 

Asms.— Chiles,  on  a  lend  engrailed  Argent  between  two  einqmfoils  Or,  three  leopards' 

faces  Vert. 
Cbbst.— A  demv-griffin  segreant  Gules,  beaked  and  legged  Or,  issuing  from  a  plume 

of  five  ostrich  feathers  of  the  last. 

Hcnrie  Aldersey  of  Aldersey=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  HockenhuH  of 

in  Com.  Cestr. 

HockenhuH  platt. 

John  =pAune  d.  to     Rob1  2<1= 


of  Alder- 

Tho"  Del- 
bird  of" 
Clopton  in 


.  .  d.         Hugh=j=Margaret  d.     Riod  Aldersey 
to  ...  .  of  Picton  in 

Bambell  of     Cheshire  mar. 

Goseworth d.  to 

Cotegrev  of 

to  ...  .     Aldersey 
Malbon.    Alder- 
man of 

Thorn5  Aldersey  of    Will'm 
Chester  mar.  2d  son. 

Cicely  d.  to  .  .  .  . 

Margrett  maried  first 
to  Henry  Bonbury  of 
Stanney  &  after  to 
Sir  Rowland  Stanley. 

Raph  Aldersey  of 
Picton  mar.  Jane 
d.  to  Will'm  Good- 
man of  Chester. 


Wm  mar.  Thomasin    Lawrence    John.  "Wm  Hugh 

d.  to  .  .  .  .  Terry  of    now  in  —  Aldersey.    sans 

"Wistaston.  ^Ethiopia.    Richard.  issue. 

Ellin  ux1'  Raph 
Jaconim  of 
Chester  Drapr. 

Jn°  Aldersey=y=Anne  d.  to  Hugh 
of  Spurstow.    Aston  of  Aston 

Thorn3  Aldersey  of  London  died  an'o  1599, 
mar.  Alice  d.  to  Rich.  Calthrop  of  Antingham 
in  Norfolke. 

Alice  mar.  to 
Tho9  Moulson 
of  HargraTe. 

ElenC  vxor  Wm     Anne  vxor  Wm     Katherin       Elizab.  vxr  Jno. 
Bebington.  Bickley  rxor  ....     Egerton  of 

[Bric/dey].  Cotton.         Cristleton. 

Ranulph  =pAnne  d.  to  Robt.  Cowper      John  Aldersey  of  London=Anne  d.  to  *<><«»< 
Aldersey.     widow  to  Jn°  Dodd.  heire  to  Tho9  his  uncle.       Low  of  London. 

John  Aldersey. 

Thomas  2'1  sonne. 

14.  THE   VISITATION    OF   CHESHIRE,    1580. 

aifctrstp  of  JHititile  SPfowsep. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  13.] 

Arms. — Quarterly— I  and  4.  Gules,  on  a  bend  engrailed  Argent,  between  lieu 
cinque/oils  Or,  three  Jeopards'  faces  Vert.  2  and  3.  Sable,  three  standing 
dishes  Argent.  [Standish.] 

Peter  Aldersey  of  Aldersey  .=f.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Massy  of  Coddington. 

John  Aldersey.=f  Hargretfc  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Pilkinton  of  Lancashire. 

John  Aldersey  of=pAlice  d.  and  heire  to  Sir  Christopher  Standysh 
Middle  Aldersey.    of  Duxbery  in  Lancashire. 

John  Aldersey  of  Middle  Aldersey=p  Jone  d.  to  John  Massy 

living  anno  15G6. 

of  Broxton. 

r  i 

Thomas  Aldersey.=pJane  d.  to  Michaell  Ligon  of  Worcestersh.        Margrett. 

riii  i 

Thomas.        Edward.        John.        William.        Robert. 

aicjcanlitr  of  Wistaston, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  13b.     Harl.  1505.] 

Arms. — Barry  of  ten  Argent  and  Azure,  a  lion  rampant  Gules,  holding  a  battle-axe 
Or,  the  blade  charged  with  a  cross  pattee  of  the  third. 

Nicholas  Alexander^  Elizabeth  d.  to  Nice  [Nico']  Minshull 

of  Dover. 

a  younger  brother  of  Minshull. 

1.  Alice  d.=j=John  Alexander=2.  Sibell  d.  Margretmar.  to  Wm  Bromley  of 

to  Henry 

Sparke  of 

of  Wistaston         to  Thomas  Nantwich  Comptroller  to  the 

living  1580.  Reader  of  Earle  of  Darby. 

Kent.  =f 

John      Nicholaus     Margrett  married     Ellin  mar.  to  Roger        Will'm  Bromley  of 
sans       sans  issue,    to  Ric.  Walthall.     Wetnall  of  Coppnall.       Darnford  neare 
issue.  =p  Nantwich. 


Alexander  Walthall.        Roger  Walthall. 




[Harl.  1424,  fo.  13".] 

Arms. — Azure,  crusily,  and  three,  eagles  displayed  Or. 

Mathew  do  Alprara.=rEva  d.  to  .  .  .  . 


vxr  Kobt. 

Ellen  vxr 
Robt.  souue 
to  Rich'd 


Amy  vx.  Robt. 
sonne  to  John 


W  W" 

Sibell  vxr 
Wm  sonne 
to  John 

Jane  vxr 
Ligh  of 

Ostein  oi  Piston, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  14.] 


Asms.— Quarterly— 1.  Per  chevron  Sable  and  Argent.  2.  Argent,  a  bend  between 
six  bees  volant,  Sable.  [Beeston.]  3.  Per  chevron  Vert  and  Ermine,  a 
chevron  engrailed   counlerchanged.    [Stoke.]     4.    Quarterly— Argent  and 

Gules,  in  the  senna!  and  third  quarters  a  fret  Or 
estoile  Or,  within  the  horns  of  a  crescent  Argent. 

on  a  fess  nebule  Sable,  three  hares'  heads  Ui 
chevron  engrailed  Sable,  a  chief  of  the  second. 
Crest. — An  ass's  head  couped  Argent. 

DUTTON.]      5, 

Azure,  an 
G.  Argent, 

[Harwell.]     7.  Argent,  a 

Warren  de  Burwardsleyv 

Ran  doll  Stoke  of=pRose  d.  to 
Stoke.  Minshull. 

Alice  vxr  Mabel]  Margery  Henry ' 

Sr  Walter  vxr  .  .  .  .  vxr  .  .  .  .  Beeston. 

Bromley.  Beisin.  Leighton. 

--f-  =r  ^  

Randoll=rBeatrix  d.  to 


John  Caddington. 

Warren  de  Besine. 

Sr  Thos  =j=  Richard  Aston; 

Beisine.  of  Aston. 

William  Beeston.^  Isabell  d.  &  heire. 

John  Beeston.=pMargrett  d.  &  heire  of 
.  .  .  Hulgreve. 


Sr  Thos  =j=.  .  .".  d.  to  Hugh  Mortimer       Sr  Robert=fElizabeth  d.= John  Carrington 
Beisine.     of  Chilmarah.  Aston.  &  heire.  2  husband. 

John  Beisine.=rAnne  d.  to  Tho»  Sr  Rich1'  Aston.=F d.  to Massy  of 





Ricrt  Brace=Elizabeth  d.=j=2.  Sr  Roger 
47  E.  3.         &  heire.  Charleton. 

Thomas=FMargrett  d.  &  colieire  of  Sr 
Aston.       Tho9  Button  of  Dutton. 

Mary  ....  mar. 

VXO1  to  ...  . 

John  Borough. 

S'  Will'm 

Roger  a 
base  sonne. 

Richard  a 

base  soimc. 

....  mar. 

to  John         Aston. 

Harwell  of 

Wotton  in 
Cum'  Wigor. 

d.  to  Sr 


Anne  vxr 

.  Massy  of 

War-        Alice  vxo1' ....  Manwar- 
burton.     ing  of  Carington. 

| ,         Katherine  mar.  to  Ric. 

Broughton  of  Staffordshire. 

mar.  to 

Tb.omas=pBridgefct  d.  &        Richard=pMargaret  d.  to 


coheire  to  Jn° 



John  Astou- 
of  Aston. 

John  sans     Robt.     Wm  sans     Oswald,     ffrances. 
issue.  issue. 

Thorn3  Aston=pElizabeth 

of  Aston  now 
living  1580. 

d.  to  Sr 
ing  of 

bury  of 

Elizab.  vxo1' 
John  Massy 
of  Caghow 
2d  brother  to 
Massy  of 

vx1'  .... 
of  Wal- 




John  Aston  eldest  sonne 
cetatis  8  annor'm  1580. 



Arthur,      ffrancis.      Grace.      Margrett.      Barbara. 

SUtmn  of  SPfofortL 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal,  Plate  L,  Fig.  2.    "  S.  Joh'is  de  Arderne."* 

John  Ardern  of  Aldford  Alderligh  &=p  Ellin 
Eccles  t'pe  2  Z.  (sic).* 


3  Ardern  militis  dat  apud  Aldeford  die  Martis  p'x°  ante  festum  Apostolor'rn 
82  ( - u ■ )  It.  K's  Edw.  f .  Henrici.    [Out  of  a  Roll  in  the  Exchequer  an0  9  H.  4.] 

*  Carta  Joh'is  de  . 
Sinionis  et  Judea'no  L_  . 

These  3  mannors  of  Aldford,  Alderligh  &  Eccles  by  fine  were  made  over  to  this  Jn°  &  Ellin 
&  to  the  heires  males  of  their  2  bodies  &  for  default  of  such  issues  to  the  heires  males  of  y" 
bodies  of  John,  for  default  of  such  issue  to  y°  heirs  males  of  y°  body  of  Ellin,  for  default  of 
such  issu  to  ye  right  heirs  of  y°  said  John  for  euer. 


A   I  B 


Maud  uxr  Rob.  Ligh 
of  Adlington. 

Sr  Robt.  Ligh 
obijt  9  H.  4. 

Robt.  setatis  22 
annor'm  0  H.  -1. 

Robt.  Ligh  of 

Robt.  Ligh  of 

Thomas  Ligh 
of  Adlington. 

Isabell  vxr  8r 

Hugh  Wnitleshy. 

John  de 


Hugh  setatis  8 
annor'm  9  H.  4. 

Walter  Wrotesley. 

Sr  Tin  nuns  Arderne 
son  to  Ellin. 

Sr  John  died  sans 
issue  male. 

Maud  n\v  Sr  Tho. 
Stanley  who  over- 
lived him. 

sans  i:  sue. 

Sr  John  Stanle 
of  Elford. 

l  wife. 

Richard  Wrottesley      John  Stanley  of        S1'  Humphrey 
Esq.  10  H.  7.  Eccles   ob.  sans         Stanley  of  the 

issue  male  1  H.  8.       Pype. 

Margery  uxr  Wm 
Stanton.  =p 

gr  ^rm  Smit,h  of  Elford=r Anne  d.  &  heire. 
jure  uxoris. 

Richard  Huddleston.=p  Margery  d.  &  heire. 

Lucy  ux.  Jn°  Brook         Ann  vxr  Jn"  Bowes 
of  Haster.  of  Elford. 

[Harl.  14-24,  fo.  14".     Karl.  1505.] 

Arms. — Gules,  three  cross-croslets  fitche  Or,  a  chief  of  the  serum/. 

Ceest. — A  plume  of  six  ostrich  feathers  .  .  .  charged  with  a  crescent  for  difference. 

Sr  John  Arderne  of  Hawarden=j= 
al'a  Harden. 

Walter  sans  Thomas  sans         Sr  Jo.  Arderne  heire=p 

issue.  issue.  to  his  brothers. 

Hugh  Ardern  of  Hawarden.=j=  Blanch  vxor  Wm  Stanley. 

I  A 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Kaph  Ai'dern  of  Hardern  [Harden~].=j=. ...  d.  to  ...  .  Stanley  of  Hooton. 

John  Ardern.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Thoms  Ardern  of  whom  Arderne 

I  Leton  of  Lancash.      of  Leicestershire  is  discended. 

Eaph  Arderne.=j=.  .  .  .  d.  to  Thos  Mary  uxor  .  . 
Davenport  of  Dokenfeld  of 
Henbury.  Dokenfeld. 

Jane  mar.  1  to  Tristram  Hol- 
land of  Denton,  2d  to  Sr  Jn° 
Warren  of  Pointon,  3d  to  Jn° 
Davenport  of  Davenport. 

I  I 

Joh'em  Ai'derne.=pAnne  d.  to  Robt.     Robert  Arderne.=p 
Hyde  of  Nor  bury.  | 



Elizabeth  uxr 

Randoll  Minshull 
of  Hulgreve. 

1.  ffrancisca=pJohn  Ardern=f=2.  Ellin      John.  Ellin  uxor  Thoms  Jane  vxr  W™ 

d.  to  Jn°  of  Harden        d.  to  Sr  —  Shrigley  of  Beri-  Duckenfeld 

Ligh  of  1566.  Richard      Robert,  stall.  [of  Duclcen- 

Baguley.  Buckley.  —  feld~]. 

| Margret  vxr  Wm  — 

|  Hyde  of  Urines-  Ann  uxr .... 

Rapt.     Richard.    Vrsula,  t°n  in  Com.  Hyde  of 

Lancast'r.  Denton. 

r  r  ~i 

John  Ardern=i=Mary  daughter  to  Ricd      Margaret  vxr  Robt.  Hull      Jane      Anne, 
of  Hawarden.     Holland  of  Denton.  [Hulms]  of  Lancashire.       sans 


Henry.         ffrances. 

grtrcrn  of  Cimperltjn 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  15.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  6.  Chiles,  three  cross-croslets  fitchi,  and  a  chief  Or.  2. 
Argent,  on  a  bend  engrailed  Sable,  an  annulet  Or.  [Radcliffe.]  3.  Argent, 
a  griffin  segreant  Gules.  [Chatterton.]  4.  Quarterly,  Argent  and  Gules, 
over  all  a  lend  Azure.  [Assigned  to  both  Massy  and  Timperley.]  5.  Or, 
a  lion  rampant  Emmies. 

Crest. — A  plume  of  six  ostrich  feathers  ....  charged  ivith  a  crescent  for  difference. 

1.  Sr  John  Timperley  1.  of  Timperley  Bakeford  and  Longdate  in  Com.  Cestr.= 


gr  -RTm  Timperley.: 

THE   VISITATION   OP   CHESHIRE,    1580.  19 

Sr  Hamoud  Massy  .=pJane  d.  &  heire. 

John  Chatterton.=rEllin  d.  &  coheire. 

Richard  Radcliff  of  Timpley  younger=pMargaret  d. 
brother  of  the  Tower.  I  &  coheire. 

Charles  Arderne  of  Tirnperley  jure  uxoris.=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heirc. 

John  Arderne  of  Tirnperley  .=rEllin  d.  to  Thos  Duncalfe. 

Hamon  Ardern  of=pMargret  d.  to  Sr  Giles        Will'm  Arderne=f=Ellin  d.  to  John 


Strangwish.  2d  sonne. 


Wm  Arderne  of  Tim-=FSibell  d.  to  Piers  War-       George=pAnne  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Trcgall 

perley  living  1580. 

burton  of  Areley.  Arderne. 

of  Hamshire. 

Sibcll  d.  &  heire  married  to  George  Brereton  of  Ashley.       George  Arderne.—. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  15b.] 

Audley,  Aldelegh,  Alditighligh,  Aldighly,  Synonima. 

Drawings  of  two  shields  of  arms,  etc.,  Plate  II.,  Figs.  1  and  2. 

Audley  of  Audley  in  com.  Stafford.=p 

Ludulfus  de  Audley.=p  Adam  de  Stanley. 

Adam  de  Audley.: 

Jacobus  de  Audley.-r 

John  de  Audley.=pBeatrix  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Manwarring. 

20  THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

John  de  Audley.=i=.  ...  d.  to  Wm  Longespe  Earle  of  Sar', 
James  de  Audley.=p 

Nicholaus  Lord  Audley  obijt  10  E.  3  1335  married  Hugh  Audley  Earle  of 

Jane  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Lascy  Eaile  of  Lincoln.  Glocester. 

-James  Lord  Audleigh  1336=j=.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Mortimer. 

Nicholaus  de  Audley  27  E.  3  1352.=== 
Thomas.         Sr  James  Audley  Knight  41  E.  3  an'o  1367. 

Bttston  oi  Ktmon. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  28.] 

Arms. — Quartet  ly—l.  Argent,  a  lend  between  six  bees  volant  Sable.  2.  Or,  a  salt  ire 
Sable.  [Helsby.]  3.  Azure,  on  a  chevron  between  three  garbs  Or,  a  crescent 
for  difference.  [IIattox.]  4.  Argent,  a  chevron  Sable  between  three  bucks' 
In  ids  cabossed  Gules.  [Parker.] 

Cebst.— On  a  mount  Vert,  a  castle  Or,  therefrom  issuing  an  arm  emlowed,  in 
armour  proper,  the  gauntlet  holding  a  sword  Argent,  hilt  ahdpomel  Gold. 

Motto. — Si  genus  jactas  aliexa  laudas. 

Thomas  Beeston  of  Beeston  in=j=.  ...  d.  to  ...  . 

Com.  Cestr.  esquire. 


John  Beestone  of  Beeston  esquire.=pElizab.  d.  to  ...  .  Bold  of  Lancashire. 

Tochett  Beestone  of  Beeston  esq1.— Jane  d.  to  Sr  John  Done  of  TJtkiuton. 

John  Beeston  of  Beeston  Esq.=pKatherine  d.  to  Sr  George  Calveley. 

Sr  George  Beeston  of  Beeston  Knight  living  1596.= 




Hugh  =pThomasin  d.  to     Hugh  2a=Margaret  d.  to  Roger     Jane  vxr       Dorothy. 

Sonne  & 

....  Coplestou     sonne. 
of  Devonshire. 

Downes  widdow  to 
Phillipp  Worth  of 



George  Beeston.  =  .  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Bulmer  of  the  Mynes.         John. 

BSmntjton  of  BSvatitoall 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  30.] 

Arms. — Sable,  three  greyhounds  courant  in  pale  Argent,  collared  Gules  within  a 
bordure  of  the  second. 

Arms  of  Oldfeld. — Or,  on  a  pile  Azure,  three  garbs  of  the  field. 
Crest. — A  falcon's  (?)  head  erased  Or,  bealced  Sable,  and  charged  with  three  gutte's  de 

P'  W.  ffl[ower],  Norry,  7  Feb.  1578. 

Another  Coat. — Or,  on  a  bend  Gules  three  crosses  formee  fitche'e  Argent. 
Crest. — An  eagle's  head  couped  ....  between  two  wings  expanded  .... 

Randoll  Berington  .=p 

Jn°  Berington.=f  Agatha  d.  to  Thomas 
Vernon  of  Lostock. 

Adam  Berington.=F 

r  i 

Thomas.=pJone  d.  &  coheire  to  Wm       Hugh. 
Venables  of  Bradwall. 

Thomas  Berington.1 

Wm  Berington  of  Bradwall.=pMargery.  Richard  Beringiou.= 

John.     Henry  Berington.= 

John.     William  Berington.     Margaret. 

Wm  Berington  of=pMargaret 



I  II  II 

Anne.  Leonard.     William.     Anne  vxr  W" 



Richard  Oldfeld. =p.  .  .  .  d.  to  . 

Wm  Bcrington=pAgnes  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Cotton 

.    of  Bradwall. 

of  Cotton. 

22                             THE   VISITATION   OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 
Aj  Bj 

Richard  01dfeld=pMargrett  d.  &  heire  George  =pAlice  d.  to  Wm  Raynes  of 

of  Knuttesford. 

of  James  Grosvenor.       Berington.  I  Newbold  Astbury  in  Chesh. 

Phillip  01dfeld=pElizab.  d.  of  Thos  Swinton        Wm  Berington=f  Eliz.  d.  of  John 

of  Middlewich. 

of  Knuttesford.  of  Bradwall. 

Bowyer  of  Knip's- 
ley  in  Staffordsh. 

Phillip  Oldfeld  of  Midlewich=Elenor  d.  &  heire  of  Wm 
and  now  of  Bradwall.  Berington  of  Bradwall. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  35.] 

Amis. — Argent,  on  a  chief  Gules  three  cinque/oils  of  the  field. 

John  Bentley=pAnn  da.  and  heire  of  William 


Bowyer  of  Knipersley. 

Sv  John  Bellott  of  More  ton  in  the=pVrsula  daughter  and  heire 

Countie  of  Chester. 

of  John  Bentley. 

I  I 

Edward  Bellott,      John  2d  sonne. 

BtrcIjtUs  of  Btvdjclls  [BtrtU*], 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  34b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  32b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  on  a  chevron  between  three  cross-croslets  fitchee 
Azure,  as  many  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  field.  2  and  3.  Sable,  three  chevronels  Or, 
each  charged  with  as  many  fleurs-de-lis,  Gules. 

Crest.— A  lion  rampant  Azure,  supporting  an  oak-tree  eradicated  Vert,  fructed  Or. 

John  Birchells  of  Birchells.=rAnne  d.  to  Ralfe  Lecester  of  Toft. 

Jn°  Birchells  of  Birchells.=pEUyn  ffitton. 



John  Birchells  of=pElenor  d.  to  Thomas      Katherine  mar.  to  Richard      Elizabe  h. 

Bivchells  15GG. 

Somerford  of  Somer- 

Warren  of  Churchlawton 

Jn°  Birchells=j=Doroty  d.      Anne  vxr        Alice  vxor     [Margery.] 

of  Birchells. 

George  Rich. 

Leversedge     Piatt  of  \_Eliza~b.  vxor 

Vrmeston.     of  Maxfeld.     London  Edmund 

Brewer.  Cecil/.'} 

to  Tho. 
Hyde  of 


[  Katherine. 

vxor  Gilbert 
Melow  of 


John  Leversedge. 

Hugh  Piatt.      John  Piatt. 

John  Birchells.  = 

i  i         t        i  i 

Anne.      Elizabeth.      Mary.      Dorothy.      Katherine. 

33tt"D  oi  gotolcp  anti  ftirti  <rf  Crtto. 

[Hail.  1424,  fo.  30b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  28b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Per  pale  Argent  and  Or,  an  eagle  displayed  Sable. 
2  and  A.    Argent,  an  ass's  head  erased  Sable.  [HoCKNELL.] 

[Ace.  to  Earl.  1505.] 
Rich*  Bird.=F. . .  .  Hochnell. 

John  Bird=FMary  d.  to  Wm 

of  Yowley. 

Chant rell  of 
the  Baits. 

John  Bircl.=rAnne  Delves. 

Randoll  Bird  of  Yowley=pAnne  d.  to  Thomas 
by  Mallpas.  Merbury  of  Merbury. 

.  Damport  of 

Richard  Bird  of=p.  .  .  .  d.  to 



Richard  Bird  of=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  .  . 
Yowley.  Hocknell  of  Duddon. 

John  Bird  of=^=Anne  d.  to  John  Delves 
Yowley.  of  Delves  hall. 

liorimttj  of 

John  Bird  of=pAnne. 

Bird  of 

'-....  d.  &  heire     Richard  Bird=p 
to  Jenken  Crew,    of  Ightfeld. 

John  Norbury  of=pJane  d.         John  Bird=p Alice  d.  of  . 


&  he  ire.        of  Crew. 

of  Calcote. 

Yardley        Robert= 




John  Norbury       1 d.  to  Kobt.=John  Bird=f  2.  Jone  d.  to  Jn° 

de  quo  in  suo 

Bostock  repudiata.      of  Crew. 

Tayler  of  Shack- 
lack  [SfocMach]. 

John  Stringer  of=pAnne  d.  &= Robert  Madock. 

ffarnton  1574. 



John  1574.      Robert. 

John  =f=Anne  d.  to      Roger  s.p.      Raph  a      Robert. 
Stringer,  j  Thos  Bar-  —  Preist.  — 

'  neston.  Thomas.  William. 

Tho.  Stringer  s.p. 

I   !   I 





33trti  oi  Cloptom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  31".] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  cross  JJory  between  four  martlets  Gules,  a 
canton  Azure.  2.  Per  pale  Argent  and  Or,  an  eagle  displayed  Sable.  [Bird.] 
3.  Quarterly,  Gules  and  Or,  in  the  first  Quarter  three  fleurs-de-lis  Argent,  in 
the  centre  point  a  trefoil.  [Massy  ?] 

Randoll  Delbird  of  Charlton 
or  Chorley.  


John  Hunton.=p 

Ralfe  del  Bird.=pMary  d.  &  heire. 

Wm  Delbird  of  Chorlton.=pMargery. 

Thomas  Delbird.=F  Alice  d.  &  heire  to  John  Rode. 

Rich.  Bird  of=Elenor  d.  to  Jn°       Elenor  uxor  Jn°       Anne  vxor  Jn°  Massy  of 
Tiuerton.  Bostock  of  Cotegreve  of  Coddington. 

Huxley.  Stubbs.  =p 

Robt.  Cotgreve  of  Stubbs.  Robert  Massy  of  =  Jone  d.  to  . 

=f=  Coddington.  Brereton. 

John  Cotgreve  of  Stubbs. 

Elenor  uxr  Sr  Ric.  Pexsall  and  after  Sr  Jn°  Savage. 



Thoras=FAnnc  d.  &  heire  to         1.  Maud  d.  to  John=pRobt.  Bird  of=j=2.  Katherine 

Bird  of 

Rich.  Rosingreve.  Done  of  (Haw 



Maud  vxor  Jn°  Brassy  of  Tiverton  Anne  vxor  ....  Hockuell 

al'a  Terton.  of  Duddon. 

John  Bressy  of  Tiverton. 

Roger  Bird=fMargrett  d.     Hngh  Bird  of  =p  Alice  Horton     Anne  vxor  Jn°     Mabell 
of  Clopton. 

to  Thos 

Bradford  in 

of  Wiltshire. 

Aldersey  of 


Dodd  of 


Spurs  tow. 


|                                                                        1 
Robert  Bird=pAlice  d.  to  Edw.  Joans            Wm  Bird  of  Lon 
of  Clopton.      M'ehant  of  Chester  1574.        Customer. 


=Mirabell  Rivett 
of  Suffolke. 

1    1 


1               1                1    1                    1 
Alice.      Mary.      Elizabeth.      Margarett. 


Tho.  Bird  mE 
the  d.  of  .  .  . 
Colt  &  died  s. 

ir.     Wra  Bird  of=ffrances  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Maynard 
Denston  in     widow  to  "Walter  Roberts  of 
p.     Suffolke.         Kent. 



ter    ffrancis 

le.      sonne. 

Mirabell      Judith         Susan  vxr  [Alice.   Earl.     Katherine.     Anne  vxor 

uxr .  .  .  .     vxor Higham.     1505,  fo.  30.]  Wingfeild. 

Cradock.      Roberts. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  34b.] 
Amis. — Sable,  i/iree  garbs  Argent,  a  bordurc  engrailed  of  the  second. 

Henry  Birkenhead.=p 

Henry  Birkenhead.=p 


Adam  Birkenhead.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Huxley. 

Henry  Birkenhead.=pAlice. 

Henry  Birkenhead  of  Huxley  now  living  1566. 


THE    VISITATION    OP    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Boitfmrp  of  ^tannep. 

[Hai-l.  1424,  fo.  20b.] 
A  i:  ms. — Argent,  on  a  bend  Sable  three  chessrooJes  of  the  field. 

John  Benbury  of  Stanney  discended  from=j=Agnes  d.  to  Wm 
Bunbury  of  Bunbury  in  Com.  Cestrias.         Norris  of  Speake. 

Richard  Bonbury  of^Blanch  d.  of  Sr  Thos  Poole  of  Poole 
Stanney.  in  Cheshire. 

Henry  =pMargaret=Sr  Rowland    Emm.  nx.        Katherine    Margret  mar.  to  Ed- 
Bonbury     d.  to  Stanley  2d      James  Blnn-    nxor  Wm       ward  fifordsham 

husband.         dell  of  Inst      Goodman,     [ffrodesham.    Harl. 

of  Stan-     Hugh 

man of 




Robt.  Blundell.     Jn°  Goodman.     Wm  ffrodesham. 

Tho.  Benbury (s«b)=f=Brigitt  d.  to  Jn°  Aston         Edward.         Elizabeth. 

of  Stanney  1580. 

of  Aston, 

Henry  son     Thos.     John.     Richard.     Elenor. 
and  heire.  — 


Margarett.     Mary.     Elizabeth. 

33ostC9tocfe  aFs  Bostmfe. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  23b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  21b.] 

Drawing  of  a  circular  seal  of  an  eagle  displayed,  the  head  turned  to  sinister. 
S.  Gilberti  de  Bostock."" 
Drawing  of  arms,  etc.,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  3.| 

Sr  Osmer  [Oliver"]  de  Bostock  an'o  1066.=p 

Hugh  Bostock.=p 


*  [Above  the  seal  is  written]  :— Carta  Gilberti  de  Bostock  in  qua  quiet  olamavit  Wariuo  de 
Vernon  piscatura'  de  Daueu  :  Testib'z  Ric'o  Vernon  fratre  Wareni  de  Vernon  Ric'o  tilio  -Martini 
Banester,  Ric'o  filio  Warini  de  Vernon  Rad'o  Will'o  &  Eob't.o  fratrib8  ejusdem  Richardi. 

f  [Above  the  arms  is  written]  :— Willrn8  filis  Gilberti  de  Bostock  remisit  d'no  suo  Warino  de 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  27 

Rich.  Bostock. : 

Roger  Bos  took. 

Sr  Gilbert  Bostock. : 

Ranulph  de=pMargrett  d.  &  heire  to  Warren  Vernon 


Baron  of  Shipbroke. 

Sr  Warren  pHavice  sister  &  coheire  to  Randoll  the  3d  Earle  of  Chester 
Bostock.       &  Line0:  widow  to  Robt.  Quincy  Earle  of  Lincolne. 

Sr  Henry  de  Bostock.^ 

Sr  Wm  de  Bostock.=pEliz.  d.  to  Hugh,  Lord  Audley. 


Sr  Edw.  Bostock.=p 

Sr  Adam  Bostock.=pJane  d.  to  Sr  Wm  Brereton  of  Brereton. 

Sr  W"  Bostoek.=r.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  Rich.  Winington. 

Sr  Adam=FMartrerv  d.  &  heire  of  Jn°         Rafe  Bostock  of  Moulton  de 


Wetnall  al's  Kingsley.  quo  in  sum  loco.  B 


Sr  Adam=p.Jenet  d.  to  Sr  Henry      David  Bostock  of  Churton  de  quo  in  suo  loco.  © 
Bostock.     Bradshaw.  ^ 

Sr  Raph  Bostock.=f=Isabel  d.  &  heire  to  Wm  Lawfcon.         Henry.         Hugh. 

8r  Adam  Bostock  Knight,  Lord  of=pElizabeth  daughter  &  heire         Hugh  s.p. 

Bostock,  slaine  at  Bloreheath  an'o 

to  Hugh  Venahles  baron  of 

Margaret  vx.      Margery  vxr      Jane  vx.        Elizab.  vx.      Ellin  vx*  Humfrey 
Will'm  Lewis  Eaton      Sr  Edward     Jn°  Gat-  Bostock  of  Morten- 

b    Whitney  s.p.      of  Wildmore.     Holt.  taker.  say  in  Salop. 

28  THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Rafe  Bostock=pAlice  d.  &  coheire       Wm  Bostock  of         Nicholas  Bostock  of  Mor- 

of  Bostock 
was  poisoned. 

to  Sr  Tho.  Duttou       Bostock  de  quo        burley  [Moberley]  de  quo 
of  Duttou.  in  suo  loco.  ft  in  suo  loco.  U 

^  4* 

Sr  John  Savage.=j=Anne  d.  &  heire.         Wm        John. 
Sr  John  Savage. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  24.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  22.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  fifteen — 1.  Sable,  a  fess  humetU  Argent.  2.  Or,  a  bend 
Azure.  [Vernon.]  3.  Quarterly,  Or  and  Gules,  a  bend  Sable.  [Malbank.] 
4.  Azure,  three  garbs  Or.  [Randolph  Blundeville.]  5.  [Azure],  a  wolf  s 
head  erased  [Argent],  [Hugh  Lotus.]  6.  Azure,  six  garbs,  3,  2,  and  1,  Or. 
[Hugh  Keveliok.]  7.  Argent,  an  orle  within  eight  martlets  in  orle  Sable. 
[Winnington.]  8.  Vert,  a  cross  engrailed  Ermine.  [Wettenhall  alias 
Kingslet.]  9.  Vert,  a  bend  Ermine.  [Wettenhall.]  10.  Argent,  a  fess 
between  three  cross-croshts  fitche'e  Sable.  [Lawton.]  11.  [Gules'],  three 
pheons  [Argent].  [Malpas.]  12.  Argent,  a  cross  florg  Azure.  [Malpas.] 
]  3.  Gules,  two  lions  passant  guardant  Or,  a  label  of  five  points  Azure. 
[Strange?]  14.  Azure,  tiro  bars  Argent.  [Venables.]  15.  Or,  on  a  fess 
Azure,  three  garbs  of  the  field.  [Vernon.] 

Crest. — An  hem/die  antelope  passant  Argent,  armed,  maned,  and  tufted  Or. 

%  Wm  Bostock  younger  sonne  to  S1'  Adam 
Bostock  had  in  all  15  base  children. 

George  Bostock  of  Bostock.=p.  ...  d.  to  Sr  Edw.  Holt. 

I  I 

Robert  Bostock=pHum.  [Emme]  d.  to  Humfrey         Jane  vxr  Wra  Abraham 
Bromefeld.  of  London. 

of  Bostock. 

Jn°  Bostock  Ralfe  Arthur       Edw.  Bostock    Charles  a        George. 

Captaine  obijt       Bostock       Bostock.     obijt  1599.         Scrivenor  — 

30  Apr.  1594.        Captaine.  in  London.      Isaack. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Ralfe=rMargret  d.     Arthur.      Edward. 

of  Nor- 


to  ...  . 
Vernon  of 


8  base  d. 

Eme  vxr 
Arthur  Hal- 
ford  [Ilolford]. 

Anno  vxv. Ten- 
kin  de  Mere. 

Isabell  v\r 

1.  Buckley. 

2.  Painter. 

3.  Morgan. 

4.  Clifton. 


Hoo  of 

Bostocfo  of  florrroft. 

Ralfe  Bostock  of=pKatherine  d.  to 

Gilden  Sutton. 
Crowner  1584. 

Hurlston  widdow  to 

Edw.  Bostock 
of  Gilden 

Arthur  Bostock 
of  Redish. 

Katherine  uxor  Rich.  Whitmore. 

Thomas.     Edward.         Ralfe.     Tho8. 

Elizab.  vxor 

Jane  vxor 



Holme  of 



of  Old- 





vxor  Robt. 
Massy  of 
Vernon  & 
after  to 
John  Cliff. 

Anne  concu- 
bine to  Sr 
Thos  Ven- 
ables  of 

Emm  vxr 
&  Hugh 


Margret  vxv  Ran- 

doll  Olton  of  Wct- 

Isabell  vxr  Tho3 
Bradfeld  of  Traf- 

ISostock  of  JHoultom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  24".] 

Arms.— Quarterly— 1.  Sable,  a/ess  humette  Argent,  a  mullet  for  difference.    2.  Or, 
a   bend  Azure.   [Vernon.]     3.    Quarterly,  Or  and   Gules,   a   bend  I 
[Malbaxk.]    4.  Azure,  three  garbs  Or.    [Randolph  Blundeville.]     5. 
Argent,  three  piles,  one  issuing  from  the  chief,  between  tiro  in  base,  Sable. 
[Hulse.]  6.  Ermine,  three  lions'  gambs  erased  dales,  a  crescent  for  different  . 

[PlCKMERE  ?] 

Crest. — The  Creast  as  before  with  a  mullet. 

B  Raph  Bostock  of  Malton  (sic)  younger  sonne  to  Sr  Wm  Bostock.=p 

David  Bostock  of  Moulton.= 

Raph  Bostock  of  Moulton.= 

Thomas  Bostock  of  Moulton.= 




Eaph  Bostock  of  Moulton.=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  of  ...  .  Hulse. 

Eobt.  Bostock  of  Moulton.=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  ...  .  Salt  of  Shropshire. 

Eaph  Bostock  of  Moulton=pEmrn.  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Eode  of  Herforth 

living  1595. 

in  Cheshire. 

Margaret  vxor  Henry         Ellin  vxr  Wm  Thomlinson         Anne.        Elizabeth. 
Bostock  of  Bostock.  of  Warton. 

Bobert^p  Cicely  d.  to 


Raph  s.p.      John. 

Thonias=j=Jane  d.  to  .  .  . 

John  Browne      Bostock. 
of  Midlewich. 

Knightley  of 
Swanlo  lane. 

I  I  I 

Ealfe     William.     Edward 
s.p.  s.p. 


Edward.      Eobert.      Thomas.      Margrett. 

Bostocfc  of  CJntrttm. 

[Harl.  1421,  fo.  25.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  23.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Sable,  a  fesse  humette  Argent,  a  crescent  for  difference. 
2.  Or,  a  bend  Azure.  [Vernon.]  3.  Quarterly,  Or  and  Gules,  a  bendlei 
Sable.  [Malbank.]  4.  Azure,  three  garbs  Or.  [Randolph  Blundeville.] 
5.  Gules,  a  lion  /-tint/unit,  within  a  bordure  indented  Or.  [Dee.]  (5.  Vert,  a 
bend  Ermine.  [Wettexhall.]  7.  Argent,  a  scythe  erect  Sable.  [Snelston.] 
8.  Azure,  three  fishes,  two  in  chief  and  one  in  base,  their  heads  meeting  in  the 
fesse  point  Argent.  [Troutbeck  ?]  Over  all  an  escocheon  of '•pretence,  per  pale 
links  and  Azure,  a  wolf  salient  Or,  ruined  in  the  shoulder  proper.  [Hakcky.] 

Crest. — Anheraldic  antelope  passant  Argent,  armed,  etc.,  Or,  a  crescent  for  difference. 

(£  David  Bostock  of  Churton  second1 
sonne  to  Sr  Adam  Bostock. 

=Margrett  d.  &  heire 
of  ...  .  Dee. 

Robert  Bostock  of=f= 
Churton  Esq. 

Eobert  Snelston- 

:Margarett  d.  &  heir 
to  Tho.  Shocklach. 

Eobert  Bostock  of  Churton  Esq.=pAlice  da.  &  heire  to  Eob.  Snelston. 

a  I 



Jone  base  da.  to=pRohert  Bostocke=j=Dorothy  da.  to      Jn°  Bostock=rJoice  da.  &  h 

Sr  Adam  Bostock 
of  Boi 

of  Churton  Esq. 

\.  Cal- 

of  Barton. 

to  ...  .  Buck- 
ley of  Broxton. 

Robert  Bostoct 
of  Churton 

:Margaret  d. 
to  Richard 
Norris  Esq. 

Launcellot=f=Jane  d. 


to  ... . 

John  Bosl 
of  Barton. 




John  Bostock  ,  Maud  d.  to  II:  George, 

of  ( 'burton         Hulme  of  Codd- 
Esq.  ington. 

John  Bostock 
of  Bolgrave 

John  Bostock 
of  Barton. 

John  Bostock       Hugh  2d 
of  Bolgrave.        sonne. 

Richard.      Hugh. 

Robt.  Bostock=pElenor  d.  to 

obijt  vivo 

Owen  Brere- 

Elizabeth  Dorothy  vxor 
vxor  Roger  John  Warren 
Dee.  of  London. 

Margaret  vxr 
....  Darn  all  & 
after  to  ...  . 

George  Bostock=Anne  d.  &  heire  to  Anne  [JWw] 
of  Churton.  Hancky  of  Churton. 

Edmund  Bostock. 

Elleuor  vxr  Ric'o       [Jane  vxr  W"       Rafe  Bostock. =Anne  d.  &  heire  to  Rich. 
Barrow.  Wolston  of  Gower  [Grover]  of 

London.']  Killingworth. 

Easttjcli  of  JHotelcp- 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  25".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  23».] 
[No  arms  given.] 

D  Nicholas  Bostock  of  Maburlegh=pKatherine  d.  and  coheire 

mne  to  Sr  Adam  Bos- 

to  S1  William  Mobberley 

George  B  istock  of 


Thomas  2d         Hush  3ll=pJo:ie  [Jane]  d.  &  coheire  to  John 
sonuc.  sonnc.         Delhcai  h  of  Churton  heath. 



A  I 

Margaret  Agnes  vxr 

vxr  Peter  Randoll 

Hatton  Basker- 

of  Kirsty  ville. 

Randoll  Bostock 
of  Modburley 

mar.  Alice  d.  to 
....  Mottram. 


George=f .  .  .  .  d.     Bichard  =p  Margery 







d.  to  .  . 
son  of 

Roeer  =i=ffelice  d.  to  John         Raph  =j=Maud  d.  to      Humfrey=pBarbara    Eafe 


Heaton  of  Blech 

of  Ab- 

Wm  Gosling    Bostock 
of  Long-         of  Ab- 
worth.  ingdon. 

Walker        — 

Rich.  Bostock      Jone  vxr  Will'm       Katherine  vxr  Margaret  uxor 

of  Tanridge.         Knight.  Richard  ffulwer.         Richard  Blunt. 

1    Margery  d.=pAnthony=p2.  Elizabeth         1 d.  to=f  Richard  =p  Anne 

to ffrere.     Bostock.     Smith.  Steele.  Bourne. 

Brigitt  yxor  Jn° 


Edward.      Thamar. 

James.      Thoms 

John  Bostock.         Lionel]  Bostock  of  Abingdon.=f  Jone  [Jane]  d.  to  Thos  Woolley 

of  Henley. 
Thomas  Bostock. 

2  daughters. 

Wm  Bostock  of  Abingdon  1597      Lionell.     Edward.     Jone. 
married  Ida  d.  to  Besills  ffetti- 
place  esqr. 

Befell  oi  ^ulcroft, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  26.] 

Three  shields  of  arms,  etc.,  Plate  II.,  Figs.  4,  5,  and  6. 

[No  Pedigree.] 

[It  is  worthy  of  note  that  the  very  curious  crest  of  Figure  6,  may  still  be  seen 
in  Grappenhall  Church  on  the  helmet  beneath  the  head  of  the  stone  effigy  of 
William  le  Boydell,  who  died  about  the  year  1276.—/.  P.  22.] 



35mtltJ  of  Boulti  in  iUncas&iw.  * 

[ITarl.  142-1,  Co.  22b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  20b.] 

Arms. — Argent,  a  griffin  passant  Sable. 

Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Chiles,  a  griffin's  head  Sable,  beaked  of  the  first, 
between  two  wings  expanded  Or. 

Wm  Bould  of  Bould  in  Com.  Lancastria2.=F 

Robert  Bould.= 


Mathew  Bould.=p 

t'pe  E.  1.     Robert  Bould.: 

8  E.  2.     Peter  Bould.= 

11  E.  3.     Rich.  Bould  of  Bould.: 

50  E.  3.     Sr  Richard  Bould  of  Bould.=p 

13  R,  2.     Sr  Richard  Bould.= 

8  H.  5.      Richard  Bould  of  Bould.=j= 


9  H.  G.      Sr  John  Bould.=p 

30  H.  6.     Sr  Richard  Bould  of  BoukL 

[t'pe  E.  4.]     Sr  Henry— Katherinc  d.  to 
Bould.         Richard  Bould. 

Sr  Rich.  Bonld.=i=Margaret  d.  to  Sr  Tho. 
Butler  of  Beausy. 

John  Bould  3d  sonne.=p 

Geffery  Bold.= 

Nicholas  Bold.= 

Agnes  d.  &  heire  mar.  to  Hugh 
Massy  sonne  to  ...  .  3d  brother 
to  Geffery  Massy  of  Tatton. 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Richard  Bold= 
of  Bold  mar. 
to  his  2d  wife 
Margret  d.  to 
Wm  Woodfale 
[  Woodfuiq. 

I    I 


= d. 


John,     ffrances. 


of  Hut 


Anne  vxor  Nic'o 
Butler  of  Raw- 

Elizab.  ux. 
Henry  Biron  of 
Biron  Esq. 

Doroty  vxr  Sr  Jn° 
Holcroft  of  Hol- 

Maud  vxr  Sr  Ric. 
Sherborne  of 

Richard  Bould  of= 
Bould  1567. 



Bdti  of  Upton* 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  23.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  21.] 

Arms  from  Seals. — (1.)  A  /esse  between  three  fleurs-de-lis  in  chief,  and  a 
leopard's  face  in  base.*  [Warwicke.]  (2.)  Three  cross-crosletsfitcM,  and 
a  chief]  [Arderne.] 

Arms  of  Bold  of  Upton. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  griffin  passant 
,Kiide.  2  and  3.  (rales,  afess  Or,  in  chief  three  fleurs-de-lis,  and  in  base 
a  leopard's  face,  all  of  the  second.  [Warwicke.]  Over  all  a  crescent  for 

Crest. — "  The  same  Creast  as  on  th'other  side,  a  crescent '.for  difference." 

John  Warwick  of  Chester=pMaud  d.  &  coheire 
&  Upton.  |  to  Sr  John  Arderne. 

Baldwin  Bold  second  sonne  =FMargret  d.  &  heire  of  Jo.  Warwicke. 

George  Bold  of  Upton.=j=Elizabeth  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Brych  of  Lane. 

1 d.  to  .  .  .  .  Bouth  of=pRiohard  Bould.=p2.  Anne  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Done  of 

Hackensall  [HocJcensatt].  Utkinton. 

Lawreuce=Margery     Rich.=p.  .  .  .     Charles: 
Bold  s.p.      d.  toJn°     Bold.     d.  to     Bould. 

Glegg  of 


rEllin     John- 
d.  to      Bold. 


:Cicely       Humphrey, 
d.  to  Sr 
Jn°  Massey 
of  Potinton 

*  [Above  the  shield  is  written]  : — Carta  Joh'is  Warwik  C'ivis  Cestriee  dat.  apud  Cestri  die 
Lunse  prox'  ante  ffest'  natalis  D'ni  An'o  [13°]  R's  H.  4. 

f  [Above  the  shield  is  written]  : — Carta  Joh'is  de  Arderne  militis  dat.  apud  Alford  die 
Martis  pros'  ante  festum  Ap'lor'm  Sinionis  et  Jude  anno  R.  Edw.  filij  Henrici  28°. 

C  |  D  I  E  | 


Lawrence  s.p. 

Peter  Bold  of=f 
Upton  1580. 

I    I 

George.     Thos.     2  daughters. 

Henry  Bold=Elizab.  d.  to  Luke.       Charles. 

setatis  16         Tho.  Bon-  — 

annor'm           bury  of  William. 
l.'.sii.               Stanney. 

Thomas.  Elizabeth  married 
to  John  Hayes  of 

Bout})  of  Bunljam. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  21.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  19.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  fifteen.  1.  Argent,  three  boars'  heads  erect  and  erased  Sable, 
langued  Gules,  a  crescent  for  difference.  2.  Argent,  a  fesse  engrailed  Gules. 
[Called  Barton.]  3.  Quarterly,  Gules  and  Or,  in  the  first  quarter  a  lion  passant 
Argent.  [Massy  of  Dunham.]  4.  Azure,  two  bars,  and  in  chief  as  many 
mullets  Argent.  [Venables  of  Bollin.]  5.  Paly  of  six,  Or  and  Gules,  a 
chief  Fair.  [Whitney  ?]  G.  Argent,  on  a  bend  Azure,  three  garbs  Or. 
[Fitton.]  7.  Argent,  tiro  chevrons,  and  a  canton  Gules.  [Oeeeby.]  8. 
Argent,  on  a  bend  Gules,  three  escarbuncles  Or.  [Thornton.]  9.  \_Verf],  a 
cross  engrailed  Ermine.  [Kingsley.]  10.  Argent,  a  bugle-horn,  stringed 
Sable,  in  dexter  chief  a  cinquef oil.  [Kingsley's  Forester's  coat.]  11.  Or,  a 
sii/lire  Sable.  [Helsby.]  12.  Azure,  four  bendlets  Or.  [Bendy  of  ten,  Or 
and  Azure.]  [Mountford.]  13.  Argent,  a  mullet  Sable.  [Ashton.]  14. 
Argent,  a  chevron  engrailed  Azure.  [Stayley  ?]  15.  Gules,  a  cross  engrailed 
Ermiw,  within  a  bordure  gobony  Or  and  Azure. 

Crest. — A  lion  passant  Argent. 

Another  Crest. — A  demi-figure  of  St.  Catherine  proper,  vested  [Argent]  and  attired 
in  a  robe  Gules,  collared  and  edged  Ermine,  ducally  crowned  Or,  holding  in 
the  dexter  hand  a  Catherine  wheel  Gold,  and  in  the  sinister  hand  a  sword, 
point  downwards  [proper]. 

Alibi  sic  et  verius. 

Sr  Piers=j=Lucia  d.  &  coheire 
Thornton,     to  Sr  Wm  Hellesby. 

Hamon  dc=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  coheire 
I'itton  to  Sr  P.  Thornton. 


John  =p. 


.  d.  &  heire  of 
.  Venables. 

Wm  Massy=f  Alice  d.  &=Sr  Piers 

of  Dun- 

heire  of  Sr 




:Lucia  d.  & 
coh.  to  Sr 



Richard  =j=Jane  d.=Nic'o 

Peter        Dowce  vxr     ....  d.=F  John  =.  .  .  .  d.  & 


&  lieire.    Vernon       ffitton       Robt.  &  co- 

2d  sans  Bouth.  heire. 

husband,     issue.  =p 

ffitton.     heire  to  Sr 
John  de 

Sr  Wm  Venables.^Jone  d.  to  John  Massy 
of  Tatton. 

Sr  Wm  Bouthe.: 

.  d.  &  heire. 

Richard  sans  issue.       Alice  ux.  Edmundi  Trafford.       Dowce  ux.  Sr  Robert  Bouthe. 

Thomalin  Bouth  of  Barton=pEllin  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Wrottley 

in  Lancastr. 


Sr  Tho.  Bouth  of  Barton  of  whorue 
Bouth  of  Barton  is  discended. 

Sr  Robert  Bouth=j=Dowce  d.  &  heire  to  Wm 
2a  sonne.  Massy  of  Dunham. 

.  Elizab.  d.  to=Sr  Wm  Bouth=j 
.  .  .  Dutton  of     of  Dunham 
)utton.                 obijt  17  of 
E.  4. 

=.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire 
of  Jn°  ffitton  of 
Bollin  in  com. 

Rafe  Bouth: 
2A  sonne. 

:Maud  d.  &  heire 
to  Thos  Sibell  of 



....  vxr 

Bouth  of 

d.  &  lieire 

Jn°  Ash- 



ley  of 




Dowce  vxr 
Tho8  Ligh 
of  the  West- 
hall  in 
High  Litrh. 

....  vxr  Jane  uxr  Margret  uxr 

Sr  J  no  Raffe  Wm  Mere  of 

Ligh  of  Lecester  Mere. 

Baguley.  of  Toft. 

1.  Margret  d.  &  coheire  to=pSr  Wm  Bouth  of  Dunham=j=2.  Doroty  d.  to  Sr  Jn° 

Sr  Thos  Ashton. 

ob.  11  H.  8. 




d.  to  Sr 
Butler  of 

John=p  Wm. 


Hamlett.     Jane 

—  TXOr 




of  Dut- 



Doroty  vxr  Sr  Edw. 
Warren  of  Pointon 
Baron  of  Stockport. 

Anne  uxor  Wm 
sonne  &  heire  to 
S1'  Wm  Brerton  of 

Ellin  vxo1'       Anne  vxr  Wm    Elizab.  vx1'    Dorothy       Margaret  vxor    Alice  vxor 
John  Car-      Massy  of  Rich.  vxr  Rich.      Wm  Damport      Peter 

rington.  Potington.  Sutton.  Tatton.         of  Bromhall.      Daniell 

of  Tably. 

THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  37 

1 d.  to= George  Bouth=pElizabeth  d.  to  Sr  Edrnond         John  2a  sonne.= 

Sr  Richard  of  Dunham. 



Will'm.      Rob't.      Edmund.      Henry. 

Sr  Wm  Boutii  of  Dun-=pElizab.  d.  to  Sr    Amy.     Elizabeth  vxor     Mary  vxr  Randoll 

hamobijt  22  Q.  Eliza- 
beth an'o  1579. 

Jn°  Warburton.  Wm  Chantrcll.     Damport  of  Hen- 


J  I  I    I    I  I    I  I  III  II 

Wm     Sr  George=Jane  d.  &     Edward.  Peter  s.p.     Mary.     Elizabeth.     Ellenor. 

s.p.     Bouth  of  heire  to  —  —  —  — 

Dunham  Jn°  Car-      John.  Richard.  Dorothy.      Susan. 

Knighted  rington.  —  — 

in  an.  Robert.  Alice. 


Botitf)  oi  Ctotmloto. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  30.] 
Wm  Bouth  of  Twemlow.=pElenor  d.  to  John  Damport  of  Damport. 

i  i        r     — r     ~\         r    n 

John  Bouth. =  Henry.      Thomas.      Andrew.      Arthur.      Bridget t.      Jane. 


[Harl.  1124,  fo.  25b.] 


Tho.  Bradfeld  of^ 


Margery  uxr  Roger  "Wright 
of  Nantwich. 

John  Bradfeld= 
of  Guisnes. 

=               Thomas. 




Rich.  Wright  of 

Nantwich  1580. 


imon  Colfe  of  Guisnes 





Colfe  the  preacher.  ....  a  prentice  in  London  with  Tho3  Colfe. 



33rcssp  of  BuIMtp* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  31.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  29.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Quarterly,  per  J 'ess  indented  Sable  and  Argent,  in  the  first 
quarter  a  mallard  of  the  first,  billed  Gules.  2.  Gules,  a  dexter  hand  couped 
and  erect  Argent,  in  chief  three  mullets  of  the  second.  3.  Sable,  a  chevron 
between  three  bulls''  heads  cabossed  Argent.  [Bulkeley.]  4.  Argent,  on  a 
chevron  Sable  three  trefoils  of  the  field.  [Brett  ?] 

Crest. — A  mallard  Argent,  billed  Gules. 

Thomas  de  Bulkley. 




Wm  de  Bulkley.- 

Rich.  sonne  of  Cadogan=pMabell  d.  & 
of  Hadley.  heire. 

Wm  de  Hadley  of  Bulkley  8  Edw.  2: 
A¥m  de  Hadley  of  Bulkley  37  E.  3.= 

Hamon  Bressy=plsabell  lieire  of  Hadley 
of  Bulkeley.        of  Bulkley. 

William. =f 

Richard  de  Bulkeley .= 

Wilkin  de  Bulkley.^ 

Maud  uxor  Wilkin  [M]  Tatnall. 


de  quo  in  fol.  33. 

[Page  57.] 

Wm  Bressy  of  Bulkeley.=f  Margrct  d.  &  heire  to  Rob't  le  Brett  an'o  25  H.  5. 

Thomas  Bressy  of  Bulkeley  an'o  15  H.  6.: 

Thos  Bressy.  = 

Raph  Bressy.= 

Richard  Bressy .: 

Thomas  Bressy  of  Bulkeley  1596. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Brcssp  of  Ctticrton. 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  32b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  30".] 

Arms. — Quarterly—  1  and  I.  Quarterly,  per  /ess  indented  [Salle  and  Argenf),  in 
thefirst  quarter  a  mallard  [of  the  second,  tilled  Gules'].  2  and  3.  Argent,  an 
inescocheon  Gules,  within  an  orle  of  martlets  Sable.  [Huujreyk.] 

Crest. — A  mallard  [Argent,  hilled  Gules'], 

John  Bressy  of  Wilmott=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  David 
Heath  [Wilcottheath].         Hougreve  of  Terton. 

John  Bressy  of  Tiverton  al's=pMargery  d.  to  Thomas  Wilbraham 


of  Woodhey. 

Wm  Bressy  of=p .  .  . .  d.  to 
Terton.  of  Terton. 

Bruyn         John  Bressy  second=pMargaret  d.  to  Wm 
sonne.  Prestland. 

John  Bressy  of=pElizab.  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Calcott 


of  Calcott. 

Wm  Bressy .=f= Anne  d.  to 

John  Bressy  of=f=[Maud  d.  to  Robert      Jn°  Bird       Wm  Bressy      Thomas.      Alice. 


Bird  of  Hon f eld.]         (sic)  a. p.       of  Chester. 

John  Bressy=pParnell  d.     W" 

of  Terton 

to  Peter 
Daniell  of 

Henry.     Anne  vxr    Jane  vxr  Rafe 
—        Richard       Pountefrete 




mar.  to 

Katherine  vsor 
Charles  Atherton. 

John  sonne=Margaret  d.  to  Rob't  Maanwaring      William.      Elline.      Doroty. 
&  heire.  of  Marton. 

40  THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Brintrtep  oi  WBi^tmtoih 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  33.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  31.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Per  pale  Or  and  Sable  a  chevron  between  three  escallops 
counter  changed.  2.  Quarterly,  per  Jess  indented  Sable  and  Argent,  in  the 
first  quarter  a  mallard  of  the  second.  [Bressy.]  3.  Azure,  a  lion  rampant 
Argent.  [Crewe.] 

Jenkin  Bressy  of  Wistaston.=p 

John  Brindley.=pBeatrix  Bressy.       Wheeloek  of  Carew  [ Grew'].  =p Alice  Bressy. 

r        ~~  ~  i       i 

Tho.  Brindley^p  Alice  d.  &  lieire  of  David  Jenkin  =p  ffoulk.     Hickm 

of  Wistaston.      Carew  [Crew']  sonne  to  Wheeloek. 


Wm  Brindley  .=p  John.         Hugh.  Alice*  d.  &  heire  vxr  Eich.  Clark. 

Thomas  Brindley  .=j=Katherine  Venables  of  Kinderton. 

John  Brindley  of  Wistaston.=f=  William. 

Tho.  Brindley.=i=Margery  sister  to  Sr  George  Holford. 

William  Brindley  of  Wistaston.=pJone  sister  to  Tho8  Tuchett  of  Nether  Witley. 

Tho.  Brindley  of  Wistaston  an°=pMaud  sister  to  George  Ashley 

1566  &  15S0. 

of  Ashley. 

William.         John.         Elizabeth. 

*  This  Alice  (laughter  to  Jenkin  Wheeloek  in  her  widdowhood  sould  all  her  Joincture  and 
portion  of  lands  in  Wistaston  to  John  Kingsley  Esq.  to  him  and  his  heires  for  ever.  And  the 
said  John  sold  the  same  lauds  to  John  Done  of  TJtkinton  Esq.  and  Robert  Done  his  brother  and 
their  heires  for  ever,  which  John  and  Rob't  Doue  sold  the  same  Lauds  to  John  Brindley  &  his 
heires  for  ever  :  And  so  both  partes  of  Jenkin  Bressis  lauds  came  together  againe. 



Irmton  of  Brmton, 

[Haxl.  1124,  fo.  17.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Argent,  two  bars  Sails.  2.  Gules,  three  pheons  Argent. 
[Malpas.]  3.  Argent,  a  cross  fiory  Azure.  [Malpas.]  4.  Argent,  a  lion 
rampant  Gules,  between  three  pheons  Sable.  |  Egerton.]  5.  Or,  two  ravens 
Sable.  [Corbet.]    <;.  Ermine,  three  chevrons  Gules,  on  a  canton  of  the  second 

a  lion  puss, ml  Or.  [Orreby  ?]     7.  Gules,  two  lions  passant  Argent,  a-  label  of 
lis  Or.  [Strange.] 
Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or,  a  bear's  head  Sable,  muzzled  Gules. 

EX  cartis  will'mi  breretox  de  breretox,  militis. 

Finis  an'o  28°  Henrici  filij  Regis  Ji  ih'is  Coram  D'no  Joh'e  ext  raneo  [Le  Strange]  tunc  Justic  : 

leArdeme  et  Agnetemvxoremej'petentes:  Ef  fuiconem  de  Orreby  tenen- 

e  Stapleford  pro  hao  recognitione,  idem  Fulco  remisit  eisdem  Walkelino 

,.t   Agneti   rillas  di    Dpton    Franckbi    v,  i    et   Aluadelegh   Habenda  el  tenenda   D'nis 

Walkelino  e1     i  hreredibns  suis  de  eadem  Agnete   legitime  procreatis.     Testib"   B 

i  !-.  Wiivinn  de   Vi  rnon,    Ramon  de  Mascy,  Hugo  de  V 

Galfrid     e  D    I  >n,  Joh'e  de  Haselwall,  Hugo  de  Corona,  Rob'to  'le  Mascy,  Rob'to  de  Domvile, 
Ric'o  de  W  :  i uic  vicecomit's  L'cstershire. 

Arms  from  a  Seal. — Two  lions  passant  in  naif,  within  a  bordure  engrailed.  Hugo 
Le  Strange  de  Chesworthin  miles  et  Margareta  ra>r  ejus  an'o  is  E.  3. 

Arms  from  a  Seal. —  Two  lions  passant  in  pale,  impaling  a  cross  engrailed.  S. 
Matildis  Le  Strange.* 

Arms  from  a  Seal. — Ermine,  a  chevron  ....      S.  Joh'is  Kinaston.* 

Margret=Sr  William  Brerton  of=pHellin  da.  &  heire  of 

Done.         Brereton  Knight. 

Phillip  Mallpas. 

gr  T^m  Brercton=pAnnila  d.  to 


of  Brereton. 

Venables  of  Kin- 

Randall  Brereton- 
of  Mallpas  2d 

=[....  d.  &  hcire  lo 
....  Ipstones. 
Earl.  1505.] 

vYm  Brereton  obijt=pAlice  d.  to  Jn°  Corbet       Sr  Randoll  Brereton  whose  discenl 

vivo  p 

of  Leighton  sister  & 
heire  to  Richard. 

appeareth  on  the  next  side  following. 

S1'  Wm  Brereton  of  Brereton.=pPhillippa  d.  to  S1'  Hugh  Halse. 

Wm  Brereton  esq1'     1.  Agnes  d.  to=f=Sr  Andrew  Brereton  of=2.  Anne  Done, 
of  ye  body  to  K.     Rob't  Ligh  of     Brereton. 
H.  7  died  without     Adlington. 


Katherine  ux1'  Elizabeth  vx1'  John 
Wm  Bowyerof  Smith  of  Oldlaiigh. 
Knipslcy.  [Oldhaugh.  ffari.1505.2 

*  [Above  these  two  shields  is  written]  :— Carta  Matildis  le  Strange,  d'na  de  Ranking  et 
Joh'is  Kinaston  Dat.  an'o  21  Ric.  2. 




1.  Alice=pSir  Wm  Brereton= 

d.  to  Sr 



L.  Cheife  Justice 
of  Ireland. 

-2.  Elenor 
d.  to  Sr 
of  Ip- 

vxo''  Sr 
Smith  of 

uxor  Phil- 
lip Ligh 
&  after  to 
John  Car- 

Alice  uxr  Wm 
Morton  of 

Maud  vx1'  John 
Damport  of 

WiU'm  Brereton=pAnne  d.  to  Sr 

obi j  t  vivo  patre. 

Wm  Boothe 
of  Dunham. 

Richard=pThomasine  d.  & 
Brereton  heire  to  George 
of  the  Ashley  of  Ashley, 

Mary  mar.  to 
Sr War- 

gr  Tfiu  Brereton  of=pJane  d.  to  Peter      Andrew. 

Brereton  obijt 



George  Brereton  of  Ashley 
whose  discent  hereafter 
appeareth.     © 

Sr  WiU'm  Brereton  of  Brereton  1596.=pMargaret  d.  to  Sr  John  Savage. 



Katherine  d.: 
&  heire  to 

Sr  John  =pJane  d.  &  heire  to 
Brereton.     Geoffrey  Massy  of 
Tatton  relicta 
WiU'm  Stanley  Jim. 

Hugh  Brereton- 
of  Hassall 

Walburgh  uxr  1  Sr  ffrancis  Cheney  PhiUippa. 

&  after  to  Sr  WiU'm  Compton. 

:Anne  d.  to 
Rob't  Donn 
bro.  to  Sr 

of  the 

Ellin  ux.     Jane  uxr     Isabel  vxr  Wm     Anne  uxor        Alice  uxor 

ing  of 


Cooper  &  after 

to Win- 

nington  of 

Henry  Brereton.: 



Tho.  Somer- 

vxor  Tho. 
Vnwine  of 

Rafe  Rud- 

vxr  .  .  .  . 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


BSmctmt  oi  jflalps. 

[Hail  1-124,  fo.  17.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  two  bar*  Sable,  a  crescent  for  difference  Or. 

2  and  3.  Argent  a  chevron  between  three  crescents  Gules.  [Ipstones.] 
Crest. — A  bear's  head  erased  Sable,  muzzled  Gules. 

Randoll  Brereton  second  sonne  to=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Ipstons  of 
8'  Wm  Brereton  of  Brereton.   21       Ipstons  in  Coinitatu  Staff. 

William  Brereton  of  Burres  in=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  . 
Com.  Denbigh.  |  in  Com.  Denbigh. 

Edward  Brereton.=p 


Wyld  of  Burres 




Owen  Brereton  of  Burres  in  Com.  Denbigh. 

Sr  Kandoll  Brereton  of  Ipstones  and  Mallpas/ 

Randoll  Brereton.=pEmma  Heiress  to  John  Carington  of  Carington. 

Sr  Randoll  Brereton  of  Mallpaa  was  made  Knight  Banerett=f  Elcnor  d.  to  Piers 

at  the  Siege  of  Tirwin  and  Tourney  and  was  after  Chamber- 
laine  of  Chester. 

of  Olton. 

Dutton  of  Dutton. 
[In  a  later  hand.'] 

1.    Elenor=pSr  RandoU=p2.  Isabell     Sr  Ric.  Brereton     John  3"  sonne.     Peter  5'" 

Brereton        d.  to  Sr         of  Tatton  de 

sonne  a 


quo  in  suo  loco.     Tho.  4th  sonne     Preist. 
Butler  of  U  a  Preist. 


Anne.  Sr  Randoll  Brereton  of=pMary  d.  to  Sr  Wm  Griffeth  Chamberlaine 

Mallpas  156G. 

of  North  Wales. 

Sr  Randoll  Brereton  of  Mallpas  15S0. 



S1'  Roger  Brereton=pKatherine  d. 

of  Wolsacre  in 
Mallpas  parish  6th 

to  Sr  Wm 
Brereton  of 

Wra  Brere  ton- 
to  K.  H.  8 

7th  sonne. 

-Elizabeth  d.  to 
Charles  Somerset 
Earle  of  Wore 
wid.  to  Sr  Jn° 



;Mary  sister    Elizab.  uxr    Elenor  vxr  .  .  .  .  Brackenburv 

to  Sr  Ralfe     Bar-     &  2a  to  Ralfe  Barton  of  Not- 

Bagnall.         wick.  tinghamsh. 


Rob't  8lh 
sonne  now 


Sr  Urian 
Brereton  of 
Hanford  de 
quo  in  suo 
loco.   JB 

Elenor  vxor     Jane  vxo1'     Anne  vxr  Jn°  Har- 
S1'  William      Sr  Jn°  court  of  Ranton  in 

Brereton  of    Hanmer.      Com.  Staff.  &  after 
Brereton.  to   Ju°   Persall   of 


Elizabeth  vxr  Rich. 
Cholmcley  &  after  to 
S'  Randoll  Manwar- 
ing  of  Peever. 

3Srtrtton  of  Cattmu 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  18".] 

Akms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  tiro  bars  Salle,  in  chief  a  mullet  Azure,  a 
crescent  Or  for  difference.  2  and  3.  Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Quarterly,  Argent 
and  Gules,  a  label  of  five  points  Azure.  [Massy.]  2  and  3.  Azure,  three 
lozenges  Or.  [Called  Woksley.] 

Crest. — A  bear's  head  erased  Sable,  muzzled  Gules,  charged  on  the  neck  with  a 
crescent  on  a  mullet  for  difference. 

Sr  Wm  Stanley  of  the  Holt  brother 
to  Tho.  1  Earle  of  Derby  Decollat8 
an'o  1494. 

Elizabeth  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Hopton 
widow  to  Jn°  Tiptoft  Earle 
of  Worcester. 

Wm  Stanley  of  Tatton.=p  Jane  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  Jeffrey  Massy  of  Tatton. 

Sr  Richard  Brereton  second  sonne  to  Sv=pJane  d.  &  heire  to  Wm 

Randoll  Brereton  of  Mallpas.     lo 

Stanley  of  Tatton. 

Richard  eldest      Geffrey  Brercton=pAlice  d.  to  Piers      Anne  mar.  to  ...  .  Bouthe 

sonne  sans 

of  Tatton. 

Lecester  of 

of  Barton  &  2A  to  Sr  Wm 
Damport  of  Bromhall. 

Richard  Brereton. 




Brereton  of  gsljlep. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  19.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  twelve. — 1.   Argent,  two  bars  Sable,  a  crescent  for  difference 
Gules.     2.   Argent,  a  m  >  Azure.    \. Mai. pas.]      .",.  Argent,  an 

displayed  Sable.    4.  Oules,tw  tssant  Argent,  a  lal  ts  Or. 

[Strange.]     5.   Or,   two  ravens  Sable.  [Corbet.]      6.  Sable,  a  chevron 
between  three  bulls'  heads  cabossed  Argent.    7.  Quarterly,  Argent  and  Oules, 
over  all  on  a  bend  Sable  three  mullets  of  the  first.  \  A.shley.]     8.  Oules,  three 
Mche  Or,  a  chief  of  the  second  char  ■   h   a  cr      nt  for 

<liffer<iire.  [Arderne.]     9.  Argent,  on  a  bend  engrailed  Sable  an  annulet  Or. 
[Radclhte.]      10.  Argent,  a  griffin  segreant  Gules.   [Chad  |     11. 

Quarterly,  Argent  and  Gules,  a  bend  Azure.  [Timperley.]     12.  Gules,  a 
lion  rampant  Ermines  (sic). 

Chest. — A   bear's  head  erased  Sable,  muzzled  Gules,  charged  on  the  neck  with  a 
crescent  for  difference  Or. 

Richard  Brercton  of  the  Lea=pThomasine  d.  &  heire 

younger  sonue  to  8r  "Wm 
Brereton  of  Brereton. 

to  George  Ashley  of 
Ashley  in  Com.  Cestr. 

George  Brereton=pSibill  d.  &  heire  to  William  Arderne        Agnes.        Jane. 

of  Ashley.   € 

of  Timperley. 

William  Brereton  of=Jane  d.  to  Peter 
Ashley  &  Timperley    Warburton  of 
1580.  Arely. 

I  II              II 

Richard  George.  John. 

sans  —              — 

issue.  Edward.  Thomas. 


Brereton  of  HanfoiU 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  19".] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  eight.    1.  Ar>  irs  Sable,  a  cross  \_flory  Gules, 

charged  with  five  bezants;  on  the  upper  bar]  a  crescent  for  difference.  2.  < 
three pheotis  Argent.  [Malpas.]  3.  Argent,  a  cross  /lory  (or pa/once)  Azure. 
"Malpas.]  4.  Argent,  a  lion  rampant  (lutes,  between  six  pheons  Sable. 
"Egerton.]  5.  An/cat,  a  chevron  between  three  crescents  Gates.  [Ipstones.] 
6.  Sable,  an  estoile  Argent,  pierced  ....  [Hanford.]  7.  Gules,  a  scythe 
Argent.  [Praers.]  8.  Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  muscles  C 
[Ashton  ?] 

Crest. — A  bear's  head  erased  Sable,  muzzled  Gales,  on  the  neck  a  /dale,  thereon  a 
sjtury  of  the  second,  charged  with  five  bezants. 

Drawing  of  crest,*  Plate  II.,  Pig.  7. 

*  This  Crest  being  the  ancient  Crest  of  W°  Hanford,  whose  sole  heire  was  married  fa  S 
William  Brereton,  is  allowed  to  Eaudoll  Brereton  of  Hanford  to  Beare  and  vse  by  me  R.  Glour 
Somerset  in  May  1584. 



James  Stanley 
Bishop  of  Ely. 

William  Hanford= 
of  Hanford. 

S1'  John  Stanle; 
first  husband. 

Margret  d.  &=j=Sr  Vrian  Brereton  of  Hanford=p  Alice  d.  to  Sr 

sole  heire  to 



John  Stanley = Ellin  d.  to  Sr 
sans  issue.         Edw.  ffitton. 

younger  sonne  to  Sr  Randall 
Brereton  of  Mallpas.    S 

Edm'd  Trafford. 

Vrian.     Margaret  [sans  issue,  Mary  sans  issue. 
Earl.  1505].  — 

—  Marteaux  vx1' 

Dorothy  vxr  George  Alexandr  Barlow. 

Randoll  Brereton     Will'  Brereton=j=Katherin  d.  to     Edward  mar.  ye 


of  Hon  ford  1580     now  of   Hon- 
sans  issue  [legit.],    ford  1596. 

Thomas  base  sonne. 

Roger  Hurls-      d.  of 
ton  of  Chester.     Latham  of  Ire- 
land [Irlam]. 

sans  issue. 

Jane  sans  issue. 

[John  sans  issue.       Cutbert  sans      Cibell  vxor  Tho8  Jane  vxr  Edward  Ligh 

Harl.  1505.]  issue.  Ligh  of  Adlington.       of  Baguley. 

Thomas  sans 

35rtreton  oi  €ccltstmt* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  20.] 
[No  arms  given.] 

Ranulph  Brereton  of  Eccleston: 
in  Com.  Palatinat.  Cestrie. 

= d.  to 


d.  to  .  .  .  .=pJohn  Brereton=F2.  Katherine  d.  to  ffoulke 

fflorence  of  the 

of  Eccleston. 

Jane  vxr  Thomas  Hultne  of  Coddington. 

Button  Alderman  of 

Richard  Brereton=pMaud  d.  to         Randolf.       Urian. 

of  Eccleston  now 
living  1580. 

Rica  Hmlston         — 
of  Picton.  John. 

Mary  vxr  Wm      Dorothy. 
Alderscy  of  — 

Chester.  Vrsula. 

George  Brereton  setatis  2£  annor'm  1580. 

Jolm  2d  sonne. 



[Harl.  1424,  fo.  28".] 

Arms  from  a  Seal,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  3,  inscribed  S.  Wilielmi  de  Bromley.* 

Sciant  &c.  nos  Eob't*  de  Shirrard  d'n'a  de  Chetilton,  dedi  Will'mo  filio  Will'mi  de  Stanlegh 
totalli  illam  terrain  quam  aliquando  Magr  Joh'es  de  Stanlegh  teuuit  ad  firmam  de  Will'mo  de 
Chetilton  pat  re  raco.  Testib3  magistr  Joh'es  de  Stanlegh  Wall  c  Crater  ej"  Will'mo  de  Bagenhold 
Hugo  de  Chetilton. 

Indentura  facta  inter  Joh'em  filium  Ric'i  de  Bromley  de  Badington  Randulpham  de  Main- 
waring  Richard  de  Bromlegh  de  Barkesford,  Joh'em  de  Chalmondlegh  de  Chorley  Dame  le  S' 
Peer  et  Uriam  de  S'  Peer  ex  vna  &  Will'm  til  in'  Radulphi  de  Egerton  ex  altera.  Testatur  quod 
predict?  Joh'es  sunt  obligati  dicto  Will'mo  de  Egerton  in  100  marcis  :  attamen  diet"  Will'm"  de 
Egerton  Concedit  p'  p'nt'  quod  si  p'dict*  Joh'es  lilis  Riehardi  de  Bromley  proseq'  vnu'  bre 
forindon  en  descendere  versq'  dietu'  Will'm  de  Egerton  et  Elenam  vxorem  ej*  de  Manerio  de 
Chetilton  retornabilem  coram  Justic'  &c.     Dat.  3  H.  5. 

Drawing  of  a  circular  seal,  bearing  the  arms  and  crest  in  Plate  I.,  Fig.  4,  inscribed 
S'  Richardi  de  Bromley. 

Cest's  Indenture  faict'  entre  John  de  Haukeston,  Chl'r,  d'une  part's  ;  et  Will'm  fitz  John  de 
Bromley,  John  de  Bromley,  Will'm  fiV.  Walter  de  Bromley,  Roger  de  Bromley,  Walter  de  Bromley 
et  Anabella  la  fille  de  Mathew  d'autre  part.     Testmoigne  que  le  diet's  W",  John  do  Bromley,  W™ 

ffitz  Walter.  Uoirer  et  Walter  sont  liez  audirt  Julm  de   i  1  a m -k< ■  -i . .i i .  c nt.  lieures  p'  vng  estatut 

■int.  Et  le  diet  Anabell  est  lie  a  mesme  John  de  Hawkestou  en  60  lieurs,  la  quelle  Anabell 
anssy  p'  sa  Chartre  a  donne  audict  John  de  Haukston  et  Anabell  sa  fem'e,  tous  ses  terres  enfond, 
en  le  Conte  de  Stafford  ensemblement  avec  la  vouson  de  la  Eglise  de  Chettilton  et  la  reversion  de 
la  Manier  de  Chettilton.     Donne  a  cest's  an"  32  Ed.  3. 

Drawing  of  a  seal,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  4,  inscribed  S.  Richardi  de  Bromley. 

Drawing  of  a  seal,  bearing  a  fleur-de-lys,  and  inscribed  S.  Henrici  de  Chettilton. 
[Henrici  de  Bromley  in  Harl.  1505,/c.  264.] 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  29.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Quarterly  per  fess  indented  Gules  and  Or.  2.  Argent, 
on  a  chi  vron  Gules  five  bezants,  a  bordure  engrailed  of  the  second.  [Chetilton.] 
3.  Argent,  on  a  fess  Sable  between  six  fleurs-de-lis  (Jules  three  cross-croslets 

Or.  [Clifton.] 
Crest. — A  pheasant  silling  proper,  combed  Gules. 

Drawing  of  arms,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  5. 

Sr  Walter  Bromley  mar.  Alice  sister  & 
heire  to  Warren  Barward  [Burward']. 

Bromley  Antigua. 

Wm  Bulkley.= 

Geffrey  Bromley 
vixit  1  E.  1. 


Sr  Robt.  Bromley 
of  Ashley  in  Com. 
Staff,  vixit  1  E.  1. 

Wm  de  Chettilton 
an0  12  H.  3. 




Rob't  de 

W'".         Rob't  Bulkley 

of  Eaton. 


I  I  I 

Robert.     Richard.     Ellin. 

[Above  the  seal  is  written]: — Carta  Will'mi  de  Chetilton  dat.  apud  Chetilton  14"  Ed.  3. 




John  Bromley    Richard=p d.  to     Henry      Wm    John.     Lettice  of  whome 

visit  G  E.  3.        Brom- 

Knock-       deChe-     2d 
ton.  tilton.       son. 


Sr  John  Bromley 


John  Bromley  of        Randoll         Richard.         Walter.         Sir  Wm  de  Chettilton 
Ashley  23  E.  3.  Bromley.  an'o  11  E.  3. 

Alice  (1.  &  heire  vxr     John  Bromley.=pJone  d.  to     Mathew  de=pJone  d.  &  heire  to 
John  fii'odcshame.  ....  Chettilton.     Wm  Clifton. 

Walter  Jone  vxor  Lettice  vxor  .  .  .  . 

Bromley  ....  Ligh  Marchomley. 

first  of  Cheshire.  — 

sonne.  —  Millicent  vxr  .  .  . 

=r  Maud.  Starne. 

Roger  Bromley       William  =j=Anabell 

of  Baresford  Bromley 

;;•'  s.m,  mar.  of  Rad- 

Lettice  d.  to  ington 

Hugh  Cholmley.  2dsonne. 

d.  & 

Lettice  d.  &  heire        Richard  =p 
vx1'  John  Cholm-  Bromley, 


John  Bromley .=p  Richard  Bromley  whose 
descent  followes  on  the 
next  side. 

WIU  Cholmley    Rob't.     Roger.     Rob't  Bromley.=p        Walter=pJoue  d.  to  Richard 
1st  son.  =r  Bromley.     Delves. 

Rob't.        Hugh.         John  Bromley        Roger  Bromley=j=.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  Rich. 

of  Berresford.         of  Mitley. 

Mitley  [Mitty]. 

Nic'o  Bromley=j=Agnes  d.  &  heire     Roger  Bromley=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  David  Brow 

of  Norbery. 

of ...  .  Hulse.        t'pe  E.  4. 

&  his  wife  ....  the  d.  of .  . 

I  I 

Wm  s.p.=Jone  d.  to  Wm  Hassall.         Thomas  2  son.=p.  ...  d.  of  ...  .  Hulse. 

Thomas  Bromley.=pElizabeth  Wilbram. 


Wm  Bromley ,=pEliz.  Huntington. 

Alice  d.  &  heire  to  Thos  Egerton=pHugh  Bromley.=2.  Elizab.  d.  to 
of  Hampton.  e  |  Dimmock. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 



Hugh  Bromley  of  Xorbery  1597.=f=Anne  d.  to  David  Massy  of  Broxton. 

I  I  I 

Thomas.         Dorothy.         Alice. 

Wm  Bromley=^=Beatrix  d.  of  Ilumfry  Hill 
H.  7.  of  Blore  and  Buntingsdale. 

•_"'  son. 

Roger  3d= 



Geo.  Broin-=j=Jane  d.     Jone  vx1'     Eliz.  vx1'     Sr  Thos         W1"  Brom-     Roger  Brom- 

ley fc'pe 
II'.  8. 

to  Sr         Richard      Rowland    Bromley       ley  of  leyof  Brongh- 

Tho.  Sand-         Jennius.    Justice  of     Stoke.  ton  s.p. 

Lacon.      ford.  En  "land. 

Sr  Geo.  Broinley=pJone  d.  &  heire      Sr  Tho.  Bromley=pElizabeth     Margarett     W° 

Justice  of  Ches- 
ter 1583. 

to  John  Waver-     L.  Chancelor  of 
ton  of  Waverton     England, 
in  Com.  Salop. 

d.  to  8*        \\'Sr  Rio.     s.p. 
Adrian        Newport. 
ffortescue.  j\ 

I  II  I  I    I  I 

ffrancis=Joice  d.  to  Edw.       Edw.  2  son.         John       Mary.  Susan  vx*  .... 

Bromley.     Leighton  of  —  4th  —  Pulesdon  of 

"Watilsborow.  George  3d  son.     son.         Mar-  EmerallinCom. 

garetfc.  fflint. 

I  I    I 

Henry  =  Eliz.  d.  to  Thomas. 

Bromley.     Sr  Wm  — 

Pelham.  Gerrard. 

I  I  III 

Edward.         Annerxm-         MurieU.         Eliza- 
Ric'o  Corbet.        —  beth. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  29".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  27".] 

Arms. — Quarter!//  of  seven  coats. — 1.  Quarter///,  per  fess  indented  Gules  ami  Or,  an 
escoc/ieon  Argent,  charged  with  a  griffin  segreant  Vert.  2.  Argent,  on  a 
chevron  Gules  five  bezants,  within  a  honture  engrailed  of  the  second. 
[Chetilton.]  3.  Argent,  on  a  /esse  Sable  between  sir  fleurs-de-lis  Gules, 
three  cross-croslets  Or.  [Clifton.]  ■■!.  Gules,  a  scythe  erect  Argent,  between 
the  blade  unit  tin'  handle  three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  second.  [Praees.]  5.  Vert, 
a  cross  engrailed  Ermine.  [Wettenhall.]  6.  Sable,  on  a  chevron  between 
three  bulls  lnads  cabossed  Argent,  as  many  mullets  Gules.  [Buckley.]  7. 
Argent,  a  chevron  Sable  between  three  bucks'  heads  cabossed  Gules.  [  Pabker.1 

Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or,  a  demi-lion  rampant  Art/nil  supporting  a  banner 
Gules,  charged  with  a  lion  passant  guardant  of  the  first. 

Mathew  dc  Chettiltom 
an"  14  E.  3. 

:Jone  d.  &  heire  to  Wm  Clifton. 

Arms. — Arg.  on  afessSa.  beta-.  Qfleurs 
de  lis  Gut.  3  cross  croslets  Or. 




Wm  Bromley: 
of  Eadington 
16  R.  2. 



Wm  Praers=i=Lettice  d.  &  co- 

of  Badely. 

heireto"Wm  Wet- 
nail  by  Lettice 
d.  &  lieire  to 
Rob't  Bulkley. 

obi  j  t 

=Katherine  d.  to 
John  Arderne 
after  mar.  to 
Ralfe  Wetnall 
3dl-v  to  Henry 

John  Bromley  of  Rad- 
ington  de  quo  ante. 

Richard  Bromley  of  Chet- 
tilton  an°  9  H.  4. 

=Agnes  Praers. 

Sr  John  Bromley  Captaine  of  Damfront  Seneshall  &= 
Constable  of  Bossenville  G  H.  5. 

Arms. — Quarterly,  per  fess  indented  Gu.  &  Or, 

an  escocheon  Arg.  charged  with  a  griffin 

segreant  Vert. 

:Margery  d.  of 
Sir  John  Massy 
of  Tattou. 


first  son 

Wm  Bromle 
9  H.  6. 

Margrett  d.  to 
Randoll  Man- 
waring  of 




Agnes  vxor  Hugh     Margret 
Cholmondley  s.p.     vxr  Wm 

1.  Martha  d.  to  Rich.  Woodvile  Earle  of=pSr  John  Bromley 
Rivers  by  Jaquet  Dutchesse  of  Bedford,      obijt  3  H.  7. 

:2.  Jone  d.  &  heire  to 
Wm  Hexstall. 

Tho.  Bromley 
filius  nothus 
vt  opinor. 

:Jone  sister  &  heire 
to   Jn°   Parker   of 
Coppenhall  al's 


Margery  vxr 
Sr  Wm  Stan- 
ley of  Hoo- 

Isabel  vxr  Wm 
Needham  of 

Margaret  vxr 
Sr  Jn°  Harper 
of  Rushall. 

Margre  \_Margery~\  vxr  .  .  .  .  Gerard  of  ye  Brine. 

Richard  s.p. 

John  a 

monk  at 

Sheene.      Robert  s.p. 


Roger  a 


Wm  Bromley  of  Nanipt- 
wich  Comptroller  to  the 
Earle  of  Derby  6th  son 
&  heire. 


Wm  Bromley 

of  Darnford 
nere  Nant- 

=Margaret  d.     Margaret 
to  Nic'o  a  Nunne 

Alexander       of  Sion. 
of  Dover  in 

=Ellin  d.  to 

Rob't^Ellin  d. 
2d         I  to  Hum- 


fry  Man- 

Roger  3d  son 
[mar.  Kathe- 
rine  d.  to  Sr 
Jn°  Harring- 
ton of  Extori]. 

Thomas       Anne.     Eilin. 
Bromley.  — 

Margret.    Roger. 

AYilliam.     Margaret.     Ellin. 


Margret  vxr  John 

Ellin  vxr  Geffery 
Mishull  [Minshull]. 

Katherine  vxr 
Gabriell  "Wetnall. 



[Hurl.  1424,  fo.  21b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  19".] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Or,  a  cross  engrailed  per  pah  Gules  and  Sable.  2  and  3. 
Argent,  a  chevron  Sable  between  three  bucks  heads  cabosscd  Gules.  [Paekeu.] 
Crest. — A  brock  or  badger  Argent  [proper]. 

Thomas  Brook  al's  Brookes  of=p.  .  .  .  d.  to 

Leighton  in  Com.  Cestrife. 


Bob't  Brook         Sr  Richard  Brooke  Lord  Cheife= 
3d  sonne.  Baron  of  the  Excheqr. 

d.  to  .  .  .  .  Leedes. 

Robert=.  .  .  .  d.      Brigettvxr  Ciceleyvxor  Elizab.   uxr     Margret  vxr  1  Jn° 

Brooke,     to ffas-  S>'  Henry  Tho'ffouls-     Glegg  of  Gaiton  2d'y 

Oul-  tolf  of  Delves  of  hurst  of 

grave.        Suffolk.  Duddington.  Crew. 

to  Wm  Whorwood 
3<Jiy  to  Wm  Shelton 
of  Bely. 

John  = 

=Jane  d.         1.  Elizab.  =j 


Brook  of 

to  ...  .         d.  to  .  . . . 



Meverell       Minshull. 
of  Throw- 
legh  in  Com. 


d.=  Raph  =3 d.=4.  ...  d.  to 

Brook    to ifrods- 

;t.      had  4      Wryght.       ham. 

Thomas  Brook=pElizab.  d.  to  Tho3  Starky 
of  Leighton.        of  Alton  \_01ton~\. 

Roger=f=Margery  d.  to  Tho8  Wetnall 
Brook,     of  Cholmston  [Chelmston]. 

Raph  Brook=p  Margrett  d.  to  Oliver  Mainwaring      Roger.      John.      Thomas, 
of  Nantwich.     of  Nantwich. 

Roger  Brook.=Mary  d.  and  coheire  to  Tho5  L.  Parr    Raph.    Richard.    Robert, 
of  Horton. 

Bvooftc  of  iiorton. 

1.  Katherine  d.  to=j=John  Brooke  of=j=Margery       Richard=pChristian     Andrew 

Tho9  Ormesham 

Leighton  156G. 

Anne  vxr  Wm  Monkas     Maud  v.V 
[Mokas]  of  Coppen-    ThosTriber 
hall.  of  Norwich. 

d.  to 
of  Crox- 

Brook  of 
Norton  in 

d.  to  Jn°  Brooke  of 
Carew  of  Kirkby  3d 
Hackam.     sonne. 

Basill  Brooke 
of  Lubenham 




Richard     Tho3  Brook = Alice  d.  to  Wm     William.     Charles.     Eobert.     Margery. 
s.p.  of  Leightou    Croxton  of  —  — 

■  1588.  Ravenscroft.        John.  Roger. 

Anne  d.  to=pThoa  Brook=2.  Elizabeth  Poynings.     Richard.     Mary  vxr  Richard 
Henry           of  Norton       d.  to  Wm  —  Brereton. 

Lord  1580.  Marburv.  John. 


Prudence.     Martha.     Christian.     Elizab.  vx.  Lancelot  Bartlet  & 

after  to  Kinch  Eaton  of  Eaton. 

Sr  Richard  Brook  of=. 

Norton  1599.  B  :  of  Chester. 

d.  to  Wm  Chatterton     George.     Christian.     Margaret. 


36rupn  of  J^tapIcfmU 

[Harl.  U24,  fo.  33b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  31b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  an  eagle  displayed  Sable.  2.  Gules,  a  scythe 
Argent.  [Praers.]  3.  Gules,  a  chevron  between  three  covered  cups  Or,  on  a 
chief  Argent  three  griffins  heads  erased  Azure,  beaked  Or.  [Greneway.] 

Ceest. — A  fisherman,  /tainted  A  rgenl  and  Gales  ;  on  his  head  a  cap  Sable,  turned  np 
Or,  the  doubling  charged  with  three  pellets;  holding  in  the  dexter  hand  a 
landing  net,  over  /he  shoulder,  Argent,  staff  and  frame  Or ;  and  in  the  sinister 
hand  a  staff  of  the  last ;  his  shoes  Sable. 

The  names  of  Bruyn  hath  remained  at  Stapleford  time  out  of  mind  as  appeareth 
by  divers  deeds  sans  date  and  deeds  alsoe  bearing  date  in  Edw.  3  time  and  other 
Kinges  times  since  that. 

The[y]  Alwais  Sealed  with  the  Eagle  which  Amies  are  borne  at  this  day  by  Jn° 
Bruyn  of  Stapleford  that  married  Dorothy  Holford  Anno  1566. 

Wm  Praers  of  Peyton  &  Duddon.^=Ellin. 

Wm  sonne=p 
&  heire. 





Roger  Praers  2a  son  had  the  moity  of 
Duddon  given  him  by  his  father  Wm. 

Jone  vxr  Wm 


Nicholas  Bruyn  of  Stapleford.=pEllin  d.  &  heire. 

Roger  Brayn.= 




Thomas  Bruyn.=p[.ffW«  d.  <£■  hcire  to  Thos  Greneway  of  Bidulph.] 

James  Bruyn.- 

John  son  &  heire  s.p.        James  Bruyn.=F.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Starky. 
John  Bruyn.=pMary  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Otley  of  Shropsh.         James  2d  son. 


Anne=j=Jn°  Bruyn=pDoroty 


of  Staple- 

d.  to 


ford  1566 



&  1580. 



of  Hol- 


John=Eliz.  d.  to 


Bruyn.     Henry 



James.     Rob't.    Anne  vxr  Katherine  vx1'       Mary 

—  —       ....  John  Chetham.     a  vir- 
"Wm.         Tho8.     Hocknell  —  gin. 

—  —       &  after  Margaret  mar. 
Rafe.       Rich,     to  ...  .  to  Griffith 

Bostock  Dycas  [Dyvas]. 
of  Huxley. 

Ill  III  III        ILL 

Nicolas.  Richard.  Jane.  Elizabeth. 

Thomas.  George.  Anne.  Margaret. 

James.  "William.  Mary.  Katherine. 

ftrujm  of  Carton  ♦ 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  84.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  32.] 

Abms. — Quarterly— 1  and  4.  Argent,  an  eagle  displayed  Sable.  2  and  3.  [Argent] 
on  a  chevron  between  three  bulls'  heads  cabossed  [Sable]  a  mullet  [Silver]. 
[Pbbstland.]     Over  all  a  crescent  for  diffi  rence. 

Crest. — A  fisherman,  habited  per  pale  ,  1  rgenl  and  Gules,  his  cap  of  the  same,  holding 
in  the  dexter  hand  a  staff  Or,  and  having  at  his  back  a  basket  Vert. 

Geffery  Bruyn  a  second  brother  of  Stapleford.=p.  .  .  .  base  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Warberton. 

Brayn.=j=.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Prestland. 

Phillip  Bruyn  of  Tarvyn.=pEliz.  d.  to  S1  John  Done. 

Nic'o  Bruyn  of  Tarvyn.=pElizabeth  d.  to  Raudoll  Brereton  of  Mallpas. 
a  I 

54  THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Jn°  Bruyn  of  Tarvyn.=pAlice  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Massy  of  Poddington. 

John  Bruyn  of  Tarvin.*^.  .  .  .  d.  to  Rafe  Birkenhead  of  Croton: 

1 d.  &  heire  to  .  .  .  .=j=Rick.  Bruyn=2.  Katherine  d.  to=pJames  Cliff 

Prestland  of  Sutton. 

of  Tarvin.         Thomas  Strich.  1  husband 

Rafe  Bruyn  of  Tarvin.=pKatherine  d.  to  James  Cliffe. 

Piers  Bruyn  of  Tarvin.=pAnne  d.  to  Rob't  Bird. 

Ralfe  Bruyn  of  Tarvin  an0  1566.=fElizab.  d,  to  Rich,  llassy  of  AudforcV 

Ralfe  Bruyn.  Ellenor. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  26b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  24\] 

Arms. — Bulkley  of  Bulkley. — Argent,  three  bulls'  heads  cabossed  Sable. 

Bulkley  of  Eaton. — Sable  [Argent]  a  chevron  between  three  bulls'  heads 

cabossed  Argent  \_Sable~]. 
Bulkley  of  Noebuey.—  Argent,  a  chevron  engrailed  between  three  bulls' 

heads  cabossed  Sable. 
Bulkley  of  Prestland. — Sable,  on  a  chevron  between  three  bulls'  heads 

cabossed  Argent,  a  mullet. 

Robart  Bulkley  Lord  of  the  Mannor  of  Bulkley ,=p 

BuIlUcj?  of  JLElorc. 

William  Bulkley  visit  t'pe  E.  1  et  E.  2.=f     Peter  de  Bulkeley.=pNicola  Bird. 

Bulblcg  of  BicUctton. 

Thomas  Bulkleghof  Alpram    David  de=j=EUin.    John  de=j= Audrey  d.  &  heire  to 
t'pe  4  E.  2.     =p  Bulkley. 

A  B  |  C 

Bulkley.  |  Jn°  Titley  of  Wore. 


*  The  words  in  italics  are  omitted  in  Harl.  MS.  1424. 



A  daughter  mar.     Eob't  Bulkley  36  (sic): 
to  Tho8  Arderne.     E.  3,  1318. 

Hugh  Bnlkley=pEllind.toThoa 

of  Wore. 

Wilbram  of 

Wood  In  y. 

Sr  John       ....  vxr  Sr       Wm  Bulkley— 
Arderne.     Eob't  Leigh.     3G  E.  3. 

Humphrey  Bulkley=T=Cicely  d.   & 
of  Wore. 

heire  of  John 

A  d.  mar.  to       Robert      Richard  Bulkley: 
....  Stanley      Leigh.       of  Bickerton 
of  Elford.    '  9  H.  4. 

\Villiam=i=Beatrice  d.  &  heire 


to  Wm  Hill  of 

David  Bulkley  of  Bickerton- 
18  H.  6,  1439. 

John  Bulkley  of  Bickerton  t'pe  E.  4- 
et  H.  7. 

Thoa  Bulkley=pElizabeth  d.  to  Randol] 
obijt  1591.        Grosvenor  of  Bellaport. 

Rowland  Bulkley  of  Wore 

John  Bulkley  of  Bickerton  20  H.  8.=j=Mary  d.  to  Tho3  Dodd  of  Broxton. 

Rob'  Bulkley  of  Bickerton.= 

Thomas  Bulkley. 

Wm  Bulkley  lord= 
of  Bulkley  18  E. 
3,  1342. 

Robart  Bulkley: 
of  Eaton 
2d  sonne. 

Alice  ux. 
Tho.  Hol- 
ford  Esq. 
for  the 
body  to 
K.  R.  2. 

Rob't  de 


&  coheire 
to  Roger 
de  Ched- 

Roger  Bulklc 
of  Xorbury 
3d  son. 

1  I 

Ric.  de=pAgnes,  d.      Ellin. 


Rich.  Bulkier 
of  Prestland 
4th  sonne. 

Tho.  de     Richard 
Nor-         Bukley 


al's  Prest- 


L.  of 

vxrWm     Bulkley     vxor  S1 
Wet-  =r   '      Law- 

W"Hol-     John.     Lettice     Richard     Margery     8rEdw.     A  d.  SMohnNorbury 

Wever.     mar.  to  Thresorer  of 

Will'm  England  mar. 

rence  Hulse.  Elizabeth  sister 

Warren.  =j=  to  ^afe  Butler 

1:  Sudley. 
H  i=P 



E  |  F  | 

William      Lettice  vxr  Wm  Wm  Bulkley  W'»  Hulse  David  Sr  Henry  Norbury 

Bulkley.     Prares  [Pra&rs]  ye  first  con-  of  Nor-  Hulse.  mar.  Anne  d.  &  h. 

of  Baddeley.  stable  of  bury.  =p  to  Wm  Croser. 

=p  Beamaris.  /\\ 

Agnes  vxr  Rich.  Broinle 
of  Chettilton. 


Eoland  Bulkley .= 

Sr  Hugh  Hulse  Justice- 

of  the  K's  Bench. 

S'John        William         SrJon       Tho.— 
Brom-  Bulkley.        Hulse     Hulse 

ley.  =p  B.p. 

I                         I  I 
Andrew  Arch-  Wm  L  :  Jon  Hulse 
deacon  of  of  Sl  of  Whit- 
Richmond.  Johns,  church. 

Sr  Richard  Bulkley.- 

ux.  Sr  Wm  Troubeck  [Troutbec¥\. 

Sr  Richard  Bulkley  now  living  1595.: 

Richard  son  and  heire. 

Rr  Jn°  Norbury  mar. 
Jane  d.  to  Sr  Otes 

I  I                               II 

Etfz.  [EUi/n]  vx.  Anne  vxor  Rich-  Jane  vx.      Cicely. 

Wm  Sidney  &  after  ard  Hawkes  Thomas 

to  ...  .  Uvedale.  [Hawks'].  Cruse. 

Richard  Hallyweil.=f  Anne  d.  &  heire. 

Edmund  L :  Bray.=pJane  d.  &  heire. 
Anne  vxor  George  Brooke  L  :  Cobham. 



BSulitlc^  of  Bullilry. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  27b.] 
Thomas  Bulkley  of  Bulkley.=p 

Roger  de  Bulkeley.: 

Wm  de  Bulkeley. 

Richard  sonne  to  Cadogau=j=Mabell  d. 
de  Hadley  30  E.  1.  &  heire. 

Wm  de  Hadley  of  Bulkeley: 
an0  8  E.  2. 

Wm  de  Hadley  of  Bulkley= 
an0  37  E.  3. 

Isabell  d.  &  heire  vxor  Hamon  de 
Bressy  of  Bulkley. 


Richard  de  Bulkley/ 


Wm  de  Bulkley/ 

Richard  de  Bulkley 
8  E.  2, 1314. 

W™  or  Wilkin  de  Bulkley  an°= 
15  E.  3  et  15  R.  2. 

Mauld  d.  &  heire  vxor  Wilkin 
de  Tatnall. 

de  quo  in  suo  loco. 

Calcott  of  Calcott, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  40''.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  40\] 

Amis. — Anient,  a  /ess  Azure,  fretty  Or,  between  three  cinque/oils  Gules,  pierced  of 
the  field. 

David  Calcott  of  CaIcott.=p 

Robert  Calcott  of  Caleott.=pMargery  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Bird  of  Yegfeld  in  Com.  Salop 


Tho9  Calcott  of  Calcott.=pElizabeth  d.  to  Robert  Dod  of  Broxton. 

A  I 



d.  to 


=  fhomas  Calcott= 

of  Calcott  liv- 
ing 1580  mar. 
to  his   3d  wife 
Katherine  d.  to 
....  ffawne  of 

i    i 
=2.  Jane       Lancellott. 

Jo  e]  d.          — 

to  Dauid     Charles. 



N                      1 

Katherine  yxor  Thos     Isabell. 
Carrison  yeo. 

Alice  vxor  Henry  Heath 
of  Coventry  in  Com.  Warw. 




1                   1     , 
Katherin.      Mauld. 

( laleott 

Jane  d.  to     Thomas.     Lancellott= 
Albone                           Calcott. 

= Ellin  d 
to  Edn 

Dorothy  vxr  Rob't  Dodd 

of  Little  Aldersey. 

of  Cal-      Butler  of  Gittens  of 

cott.  Aston.  Wrixham. 

Margery  vx1'  Thos  Crane 
of  the  lie  of  Man. 

CalMtp  of  tije  ilea. 

[Hail.  1421,  fo.  35".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  33.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  often. — 1.  Argent,  a  fess  Gules  between  three  calves  passant  Sable. 
[Calveley.]  2.  Sable,  mi  ei  chevron  Argent,  between  three  crosses  palonce 
Or.  as  many  cinguefoils  ....  [Mottram.]  3.  Argent,  en  a  betid  Sable,  nine 
annulets  interlaced  by  threes  Or.  [Huiserk.]  4.  Ermine,  a  fess  Gules. 
[Barxak.]  5.  Anient,  on  a  saltire  Sable, five  swans  of  the  field.  [Burgh.] 
6.  Sable,  two  hinds  counter --trippant  Anient.  [Cottingham.]  7.  Azure,  a 
falchion  in  bend  Argent,  hilt  Or,  within  a  bordurc  engrailed  of  the  last. 
[Tattnall.]  8.  Argent,  on  a  mount.  Vert,  a  buck  couohant  Gules. 
[Herthill.]  9.  Sable,  a  chevron  between  three  hulls'  heads  cabossed  Argent. 
[Bulkley.]  10.  Gules,  a  fess  dauectlce  Ermine  between  three  bugle-horns 
stringed  Or.  [Cotgreve.] 

Crest. — .4  calf's  head  erased  Sable,  ducally  gorged  Or. 

Margret  Queene= 
of  Arragon. 

:Sr  Hugh  Calveley  called  good  Sr= 
Hugh  t'pe  R,  2  &  H.  4. 

d.  &  heire  of 

David  s.p.       Hugh  Calveley.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Honford  of  Honford. 

Sr  Hugh  Hubeck.— d.  to  S1'  Tho5 


Sr  Hugh  Hubeck.— d.  to  Thos 

A  n 


Walter  Barnak.^.  ...  d.   to  ...  . 



Sr  John  Hubeck.=pMary  d.  to  Sr  Tho. 

Walter  Barnack.=f=.  .  .  .  d.  &  coheire 

of  ...  .  Burgh. 

Sr  Henry  Hubeck  (s/c).=pJone  d.  &  coheire. 

■Sr  Hugh=i=Maud  2d  d.  &  coheire     Anne  eldest  d.  vxor  Robert     Mary  3d  d.  vx.  Sr 
Calveley.     to  Sr  Henry  Huberk.     Sherrard  of  Stapleford  in     Norman  de  Swin- 

Com.  Lee.  ford. 

S1'  Hugh  Calveley  of  Vt  kin  ton  slayne=rMargret  d.  to  Sr  Jn°  Hone 
at  Bloreheath  an°  1459.  of  Utkiuton. 

Elizabeth  vxo1'  John  Eaton         Hugh  Calveley=pChristian  d.  &  heire  of 

of  Denbigh. 



Ric.=pAlice         Jone  mar.  to     Robert  Massy=pDorothy      S1'  GQorge=j=[Elizab.d.  to 


Caveley     Sr  Jn°  Ligh     of  Codding-      i  Calveley.     Calveley     I  .  .  .  .  Dullun 
(sic).         of  Baguley       ton.  of  the  of  Button. ,] 

B.p.  Lea. 

Rich,  grandfather  to 
Sr  George  Cliff. 

Roger  Massy  of 

Jn°  Ham-=pElein  Ji'  Richard=pChristian       1.  Rob't=j=Borothy=p2.  Edmund 

Calveley.     Bostockof 


port  of        I  Calveley.     Hough  of    Calveley.     Bostockof    Calve-        Aimer. 
Calveley.  Leigh- 


Hugh  Lamport  Wm  Hough  of         Lancellot  Bostock     AVro  Aimer. 

of  Calveley.  Leighton.  the  pensioner. 

Thus  in  Earl.  1505. 
Edwin  E.arthill.=r 

David  H.^Sara  Tochett. 


Ji'ir/iard  ff.=F 

Thomas  H. 

Richard  H.=P 

Wilcock  lliiiihili.- 


Edwin  Harthill  of  HarthilL 

David  Harthill.=f  [<SW;</  sister  to  'I ho.  Tochett  L:  of 
Tattershall  in  Com.  Chestr.] 

Richard  Harthill.=p 

Wiloock  llai-thill.=p 


60  THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Tomkin  Tattenhall  al's  Tafcnall  son  to  Wilcock  Tatnall.=pCiceley  Havtlnll. 

Wilcock  Tattnall.=pMaud  d.  &  heire  to  Wilcock  Bulkley. 

Thomas  Tattenhall.=rMargaret  d.  &  heire  to Jenkin  heire  oi 

I  Barretts  [Berretfii]  Poole. 

William  Tattenhall.=f=Ernni.  d.  &  coheire  to  Randoll  Cotgreve  of  Cotton. 

Thomas  Tatnall.T=Margrett  d.  to  Hugh  Bulkley  of  Wore. 

John  5th  sonne.         Anthony  Calveley  of      Peter  2a     Sr  Hugh=pElenor       Halle 

Houghton  on  the  sonne.        Calveley 

George  4th  sonne.     hill  juxta  Chester  of  the 

3       nne.  Lea. 

d.  &  Tatnall 

coheire.     s.p. 

Margret  d.=Sr  George  Calveley=2.  Agnes  d.  &         Hugh=r.  .  .  .  d.  Elinor  vxr 

to  Wm  of  the   Lea  living     heire  to  Ant0  Calveley     to John 

Morton  of      1566  obijt  sine  Baron  Wod-  of  the         Leicester       Dutton. 

Morton.         prole  legitima  hull  widow  to  Lea  of  Toft.  | 

[1585].  Richard  Chet-  1596.  Piers 

wood.  Dutton. 

George  Calveley.         Hugh  Calveley.         Dorothy. 

Canncjttm  of  Carnntjton. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  39h.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  39°.] 

Arms. — Sable,  on  a  bend  Argent  three  lozenges  of  the  field. 

Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or,  a  unicorn's  head  Sable,  armed  and  waned  of  the 

Wm  Carrineton  of  Carinp;ton.=r 

W,n  Carinarton  of  Carimjton. 

S'  George  Caringfcon  of  Caring  ton; 


A   I 


Sr  John  Carington      Nicholas      Ralph,  s.p.       Peter         Will 
of  Carington.  s.p.  [a  Pr&ist].      s.p.        Carington. 



Ilamlutt     Thomas     Einme  vxr  Randoll         Owen  Carington         Andrew-p 
s.p.  s.p.  Brereton.  eldest  sonne  s.p.    Carington. 

Thomas  Brereton.=p 

Vrian  Brereton. 

1.   Annc=Jt'lin  Carington=p2.  Ellin  d.     Ilamon       Bonaventure     Jane  vxor  Edw. 

Ligh  of 

Bout  bus. 

of  Carington 
mar.    to   his  3d 
wife  Ellin  d.  to 
Wm  Brereton  of 

to  George 
of  Dun- 

2d  son.        4th  son. 

3d  son. 

Holland  [of 

Margrett  vxo1 

Piers  Domvill 
of  Limm. 

!   I  ! 

William  Carington.     Katherine. 
Andrew  Carington. 

John  Carington1 

of  Carington 

I'.llin  d.  toThos     Elizabeth. 
Holford  of  Hoi-         — 
ford.  Elenor. 



CJjantrcll  oi  tijt  Baits  al's  oi  tfje  Bad)* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  41.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  41.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  i.  Azure,  a  pelican  in  her  nest  feeding  her  young  A 
2  and  3.  Barry  of  six  Ermine  and  Vert. 

Crest. — A  hirer  Argent,  in  the  gate  a  bear's  head  Sable. 

Wm  Chantrell  of  the  Baits.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  "Wilkes  of  Staffordshire. 

Robert  Chantrell  of  the  Bach.=pMargarct  sister  to  Robert  Tatton  of  Withinshatre. 

Wm  first  sonne  s.p.         Lawrence  Chantrell.=pJanc  d.  to  8r  Jn°  ffitton.         Thomas. 

Wra  Chantrell  of  the=FElizabeth  d.  to  George      Rob't.      Margarett.      Lawrence. 

Baits  now  lyving 

Bowtb  [Booth]  of 

Dunham.  Paul. 

Wm  Chantrell.      Richard.      Jane  vxor  Jn°      Dorothy.      .Margarett.      Elizabeth. 
—  Reignold  of  — 

George.       Midlewich.  Mary. 



CBitfojuto  oi  WBaxlmton. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  37.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  35.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Quarterly  Argent  and  Gules,  four  crosses  patee  counter- 
changed.  2.  Azure,  a  lion  rampant  Argent.  [Crew.]  3.  Azure,  a  lion 
rampant  Or.  [Sound.]  4.  Azure,  a  plate  between  three  crescents  Or.  [Rey.] 
5.  Or,  on  a  hem!  cottised  (tubs  three  crescents  Argent.  [Rayley.]  6.  Quar- 
terly Argent  and  Sable,  in  second  and  /bird  quarters  a  buck's  head  cabossed 
Or,  over  all  a  bendlet  Gules.  [Henhull.] 

Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or  a  demi-lion  rampant  Gules. 

Richard  Chitwood  of  Ockley  in  Staffordshire  t'pe  Rich.  2  as  by  a  deed  with-r- 
a  Seale  of  Amies  viz.  Chitwood  of  Bukingham  with  a  difference  of  S :  (sic). 

Roger  Chetwood.=f=Margery  d.  &  coheire  to    William=pMargrett  d.  &  heire  to 

Davy  [David]  Crew.  Rayley. 

Richard  Henhull  [ffcnhall]. 

John  Chetwood.=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire        William  Rey.=pElizabeth 

of ...  .  Sound. 


Roger  Chetwood.=f=EUm  d.  &  heire  to  Wm  Rey. 

1 d.  to  ...  .=pThomas  Chetwood  of  Rees  in=p2 d.  of 

Berisford  [Bereford] 
of  Bentley. 

Cheshire  mar.  to  his  3a  wife 
....  d.  to  ...  .  Spurstow. 

Wilbram  of  Woodhey. 

Rotrer  Chetwood=pEllin  d.  to  Thos 

of  Rees. 


John  &  Rafe 

Ellen  vxor  . 
of  ThelwaU. 


James  Chet-= 
leston  in 
Com.  Cestr. 
and  of  Ock- 
ley in  Staff. 


d.  to 
Hulse  of 

John  Chit- 
wood of 
Chitwood  in 
Com.  Buck- 

Richard  Chitwood. 

Richard=j=Agnes  d.  & 
heire  to 
Ant0  Baron 
after  mar. 
to  Sr  George 
of  the  Lea. 


Tho"=Anne  d. 

Chit-    to  Jn° 
wood.    Leech  of 


Anne  vxor 
Roger  Colley 
of  Terley 

Castle  in 

Ellin  vxor 
Jn°  Webb 

Beatrix  vxor  Ant0 
[Donnington]  of 


Ellin  vxor 
Jn"  Hanky 
[Hanke]  of 






CJjdmcmticlctcji)  bulcjo  CjjalmcUp  of  Cljomlcp, 

[Hurl.  1121,  fo.  36".     Harl.  1505,  IV..  ;;i".] 

Abms. — Quarterly — 1.  Gules,  in  chief  two  esquires'  helmets  Argent,  mid  in  base  a 
garh  Or.  2.  Lozengy  Or  and  Azure,  a  bend  Gules,  fretty  Or.  [Cheney.] 
':!.  [0'iilrs~\  a  chevron  between  three  capons  Argent.  [Capenhtjrst.]  1.  Quar- 
terly Argent  mid  Gules,  in  second  mid  third  quarters  a  fret  Or.  [Dutton.] 
...  Argent,  on  a  limit  Gules  three  escarbunchs  Or.  [Thornton.]  0.  Sabte 
[  Vert],  a  cross  engrailed  Ermine.  [Kinsslet.]  7.  Or,  a  saltire  Sable. 
[Helsby.]  8.  Azure,  an  a  chevron  between  three  garbs  Or,  a  crescent  for 
difference.  [Hatton.]  9.  Azure,  an  estoile  of  six  points  issuing  from  the 
horns  of  a  crescent  Argent.  [Minshxtll.] 

Crest. — A  demi-griffin  segreant  Sable,  beaked  and  legged  Or,  Inditing  in  the  claws  a 
close  helmet  Azure  [proper],  garnished  <jold.     Quere  Kim/  pro  Anna  alia. 

Kenrick  de  Cholmondley  t'pe  E.  priori. 


Hugh  de  Cholmeley. 

William  Cholmondley; 

Richard  Cholmondley .= 

Wm  Cholmley=pMaud  d.  &  coheire 
2d  sonne.  of  ...  .  Chorley. 

Richard  Cholmeley.1 

^Elizabeth  d.  to  Gilbert  Lord  Talbott  &  of 
Katherine  d.  to  ye  King  of  Portugal!. 


William— .Maud  d.  &  heire  to  S*  John= 


Richard=rElhn  d. 

Cheney  &  of  his  wife  the 
heire  of  Capenhurst. 

=Wm  Lee  of  Aston 

i."1  husband. 



John  Cholmeley  receivor  Sr  James 

to  John     to  the  L  :  Brook  dwelt  at  Lee  of        Cholme- 

Dain-        Copenhull  in  Staff,  mar.  Aston.        ley. 
port.         the  d.  of  ...  .  Pixstoke. 

John=pJone  d.  & 

heire  to 
Thoa  Eaton 
"f  Golston. 

John  Oholmly 
of  Coppenhall. 




Vide  in  Staffordshire. 

John  2d         >S:  Rich.  Cholmley     Sr  Roger— Katherine  d. 



Lieutenant  of  the     Cholm- 
Tower  s.p.  ley. 

to  Sr  John 

<  'unstable. 

Margrett=pSr  Richard=f=Katberine  d.  to  Henry 

d.  to  L  : 


Earle  of  Comberland 
widdow  to  the  Lord 
Scroop  of  Bolton. 

(Frances.     Roger.     Richard.         Benry. 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Richard=rElenov  d. 

&  coheire     . . . 

vxr .... 

Elizab.  vxr  J 

i°       Ellin  vxr  Hamon 


tO  Sr  Tlkr 

Dutton.      Hinton. 

Hammer  [Han-      Massy. 



to  Kr 

Randoll  P>rerct 

Richard  Che 

m  of  Mallpas. 

1.  Amy  d.  to=pSr  Hugh=2.  Mary  d. 

1    1 

1    1 

1    1    1 
Agnes  vxr  Randoll 

George  Dar- 


to  8r  Wm 



]\1  an  waring. 

in  an  [Dar- 



of  Lou- 


by  his 

obi  j  t 

widow  to 



Katherin  vxor  Rich. 

wife  sister  to 

Sr  Rand. 

— i—' 



Rr  Rowland 






s.  prole. 

Vrsula  mar.  to  Tho9 



Sr  Hugh  Cholmley=Mary  d.  &  heire  to 
of  Cholmley  now       Christop.  Holford 
living  15i»A.  of  Holford. 


Randoll    ffrancis  vxor  Thos 
s.p.  AVilbram  of  Wood- 


Clapton  oi  Clapton  in  ilaiuasjme. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  38b.] 
Arms. — Argent,  a  cross  engrailed  Sable  between  four  torteaux. 
Gerard  Claiton.=p 

John  Claiton. 

Warren  Claiton.: 

James  Claiton. =p 

Adam  Claiton. 

John  Claiton.=p 

Rafe  Claiton. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  65 

A  I 




mi  Claitnii 

i.p.              William  Claiton.=j= 



Lclam  Claiton.=p 


>s  Claiton  s. 

p.                    James  Claiton.  =p 


William  Claiton.=p 

John  Claiton.=p 

1.   William=j 

-Isabell  d.=f=2 Ellin  mar.  to  Christoph* 

&  heire.                          Lister. 

Jane  vxo1  ....  Beakensall  &         Elizab.  yxr  John  Orrell  of  Torton         Ellin 
after  to  Sr  Ant"  Browne.  in  the  Mores  in  Com.  Lane.  s.p. 

Clayton  oi  CJjcltoall  in  €ijt%l))>xt. 

[Harl.  H-24,  fo.  30.] 

Arms. — Anjcni,  a  sallirc  between/our  martlets  Gules. 

John  Clayton  of  Thdwall.^.  .  .  .  base  d.  to  Sr  Geffery  Warburton  of  A  reli  • 

Thomas  Clayton.=pMaud  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Savage  a  younger  brother. 

Randoll  Clayton=pEllin  d.  &  coheire  to  Nic°  Page 


of  Stathum. 

John  Claiton  of=j=Maud  d.  &  coheire  to  Piers  Grimsdich 
Thelwall  1566.      of  Shapcroft  in  Com.  Cestriae. 

Jn°  Clayton.  William  Clayton.         Julian  vxor  Jn"  Warburton         Elizabeth. 

—  —  of  Bromll'M.  — 

Thomas  Claiton.      Peter  Clayton.  Ellin. 



Cliff  or  Citoe  of  J^ujrteg* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  37b.     Had.  1505,  fo.  35".] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  six  coats. — 1  and  6.  Argent,  on  a/ess  let  ween  three  wolves' heads 
erased  Sable  as  many  mullets  Or.  2.  Ermine,  on  a.  bend  cotised  Gules  three 
crescents  Or.  [Huxley.]  3.  [Sable],  threegarbs  [Or].  [Styche.]  i.Gules,a 
lion  rampant  Or  betirern  three  crosses  formee  Jitcliee  Argent.  5.  Quarterly 
Argent  a/id  Sable,  four  corks  counterchanged. 

1.  Crest. — On  a  mount  Vert  a  griffin  passant  Argent,  ducal  I  g  gorged  Gules. 

2.  Crest. — A  wolf's  head  erased  quarterly  -per pale  indented  Argent  and  Sable. 

Stephen  Cliff.=j 

Henry  Cliff=pAgnes  d.  &  sole  lieire  to 
of  Huxley.   I  Robert  Huxley  of  Huxley. 

Wm  Stuch  of  Stuch=p 
in  Com.  Salopia. 

Henry  Cliffy 

of  Huxlcg. 

Thomas=j=Isabell  d.  &  colieire  to  Hugh 



Thomas  Cliffy 
of  Huxley. 

Wohneston  [Wolmeslow]. 

Willi  m=pElenor  sister  Jt  coheire  to 


Edmd  Broughton: 

Hugh  Cliff  of  Huxley. 

John  Stuch.  = 

Richard  Cliff  of  Huxley .- 

Thomas  Stuch.= 

James  Cliff  of  Huxley. =j=Katherine  d.  &  coheire  to  Thomas  Stuch. 

Richard  Cliff  of  Huxley.=pAlice  d.  to  Hugh  Calveley. 




Richard  Cliff  of  Huxley .=pMargrett  d.  to  Sr  Ric'o  Corbett. 

:Jane  James  Raph=Dorothy  d.  & 

d.  to  Cliff  of  Cliff,     heire  to  Thorn8 

Wm  Wal-  Kinaston  of 

Brere-  ford.  Walford. 

ton.  ^ 











Lee  of 







S1'  George  Cliffe  of  Huxley= 
living  1590. 

Rachell.     Sarah. 

*  The  words  in  italics  are  omitted  in  Harl.  MS.  1424. 



Clutton  oi  $m\tto\tl). 

[Harl.  14  2  l,  fo.  42".] 

Arms.— Quarterly—  1  and  4.  Argent,  a  chevron  Ermines,  eotised  Sable,  between 
three  annulets  (rules,  a  orescent  for  difference.  2.  Sable,  a  sling  or  hand-low 
between  two  pheons  Argent.  [Garden.]  3.  Argent,  a  chevron  Gules  between 
three  hicks'  heads  cabossed  Sable.  [Parker.] 

David  Glutton  discended  from  the=f  Margery  d.  &  coheire  to  . 
house  of  Clutton  in  Cheshire.  Carden  of  Cheshire. 

David  Clutton  of  Carden.=pJone  sister  and  heire  to  John  Parker  of  Copnall. 

Hugh  Clutton.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Calcott  of  Calcott. 

Rafe  Clutton  of  Carden.=p  Mauld  d.  to  Owen  Dodd  of  Broxton. 

Owen  Clutton.=pMargery  d.  to  Hurnfry  Wilbram  of  Burland. 






:Margery      Hum-     Roger        Alice  Katherin  Margrett       Jane 
d.  to            frey.       Clutton.     vxor  vxor  vxor  Thos      vxor 
Ralfe                                        Thomas  Rob't  Johnson.       Edmund 
Wilbram.                                 Gol-  John-  Bicker- 
borne,  son.  ton. 

Thos  marr.  the  d.  &  heire  of  John  Heath. 


Thomas       Richard.      Margrett.     Elizabeth.     Margery.     Jane.     Dorothy.     Anne. 

Cocker  of  fetrctljilU 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  42.] 

Arms.— Quarterly— 1  and  4.  Argent,  two  squirrels  sejant  in  pale  Gules.    2  and  :;. 
Argent,  three  dragons  saiianl  Gules.  [Venables.] 

Hugh  Cocker=j=.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  Rich.  Venables  of  Strethill. 

of  Strethill. 

Arms. — Arg.  3  dragons  saliant  Gul.  [called 
serpents  in  Harl.  1505]. 

Richard  Cocker  of  Strethill.=f  Mary  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Moyne. 



1 d.  to Win-=f  Hugh  Cocker  of=p2 d.  to  Rob't  Leigh  of  High  Ligh. 

ington  of  Offerton.  Strethill. 

George  5th  sonne. 

John  Cocker=j=Anne  d.  to  Thos  Ligh     Hugh  2d    Wm  3d  son     Christopher  Cocker 
of  Strethill.      of  High  Ligh.  son.  s.p.  4th  son. 

Hugh  Cocker=FBlanch  d.  to  Tho9    Thomas. 

of  Strethill. 

Hurleston  of 

Thomas  Cocker  maried  Anne  d. 
to  Myles  Ashton  of  Herod  in 
Lancashire.  -r- 

Rich.  Cocker  of=  Elizabeth  d.  to        Christopher  Cocker=j=Anne  d.  to  Thos  Strange 
Strethill  1566.       W'"  Bankes. 

of   Croft   in    Com. 
Lincoln  1580. 

widow  to  Ant"  Southwell 
of  Norff. 

Mary  vxor  Sr  Edm'd  Carey  brother  to  my  L  :  Chamberlane.         Anne. 

Cotcjreto  of  i&arcjrcto* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  40.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  40.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  eight, — 1.  Gules,  a  fess  dancette  Ermine  between  three,  bugle- 
horns  stringed  Or.  2.  Argent,  a  bend  Sable  between  three  pellets.  [Cotton.] 
3.  Azure,  an  eagle  displayed  Argent.  [Ridware.]     4.  Or,  a  fess  wavy  Sable, 

in  chief  three  mart/eh  of  the  second.     5 two  lions  passant  in  pale  .... 

a  label  of  three  points  Or.  6.  Argent,  a  griffin  segreant,  per  fess  Gules  and 
Azure.  7.  Sable,  a  fess  humette  Argent,  in  chief  a  martlet  Or.  [Bostock.] 
8.   Gules,  a  chevron  Argent,  fretty  Sable  between  three  mullets  of  the  second. 

Crest. — In  a  ducal  coronet  Or,  a  demi-peacock,  wings  displayed  proper. 

John  Cotgreve  of  Hargreve.=j=Ellenor  d.  to  Roger  Delbird  of  Clopton. 



Kkhard=j=.  .  .  .  d.  to  .  .  . 

.     Jane  vxor  Rich.  Butler 


( lotgreve 


Molineux  of 

base  son  to  ... .  Butler 

Wm  I 

of  Stubbs 

3d  sou. 


of  Bewsy. 

of  Mo 

'2'1  son. 

A         B  | 






John  Cot-=r[Margeri/]  d.  to         Rob't=EleHor  d.      WmCotgreve     Elenor  vxor 

greve  of        ....  Hurlton      Ootgreve.    to  Hugh       of  Monlds- 
Stubbs.         of  Lancashire;  Rogerson      worth. 

of  Staple- 
[~  ford. 

Elinor  vxor  Sr  Ric.  Pcxsall 
&  after  to  Sr  John  Savage. 


of  Tarven. 

James  Cotgreve  of  Hargreve.=pMaud  d.  naturall  to  Piers  Button  of  Ha  I  ton. 


I  I 

Piers  Cotgreve^pMargery  d.  to     Wm  Gotgreve  of=pMargery  d.  to 

vxo1  Hie'i 

of  Hargreve. 

Johnson     Christleton. 
of  Waverton. 

John  Smith  of    Aldersey  of 
Waverton.  Pieton. 

I  I  I 

Wm  Cofcgreve=i=Elenor  d.  to      Eandoll= Elenor  d.     W,u.    Jane.     Elizabeth,  vxo" 

of  Hargrove. 

.  Walsh     Cotgreve     to  .  .  . 
ofOverpoole     Register      Taylor  of 
in  Cheshire,     to  the  B:     Chester, 
of  Chester. 


Wm  Cotgreve.     Peter.    Alice. 

John  Segerston 
of  Nantwich. 

Margeret  vxr 
John  Ball  of 

Cotton  of  Cotton. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  41".     Harl.  1505,  lb.  41".] 

ARMS. — Azure,  a  chevron  between  three  cotton  hauls  Argent. 

[Crest. — A  falcon  close  ....  holding  in  the  dexter  claw  a  square  buckle 

Thomas  Cotton  of  Cotton.=p.  ...  d.  to 

.  Baniell  of  Cherihurst. 

Will'm  [Thomas]  Cotton  of  Cotton.=f=Emme  d.  to  Tho5  Smithwike  [Smeihwicke]. 

Thomas  Cotton.=f=Margery  d.  to  John  Winington  of  the  Hermitage. 

John  Cotton  of  Cotton  15G6.=pAlice  d.  to  Edw.  Minshidl.         Arthur  Cotton. 

Edward  Cotton       Thomas       Elizabeth.       Elenor.       Jane.       Katherine.       Mary. 
of  Cotton.  Cotton.  —  —  — 

Alice.  Anne.         Jone. 

*  The  crest  is  not  given  in  Harl.  MS.  1421. 

70  THE   VISITATION    OP    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Cttto  of  Cfjolmtstcm,  bulcjo  Cfiomstmt, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  43.] 

Arms. — Azure,  a  lion  rampant  Argent,  a  crescent  charged  with  another  crescent  for 

Piers  Crew  descended  of  a=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Leech 

younger  brother  of  Crew. 

of  Carden. 

John  Crew  of  Cholrnston.=pAnne  d.  to  Hamond  Hassall. 

: ! 

I  I 

Richard  Crew  of  Choluiston  1566.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Rutter  of  Nantwich.        Piers. 


i  I  I  I  I  I  I 

John  Crew  of=.  ...  d.  to  ...  .      Thos.      Nicholas.      Peter.  Margarett  vxor 

Cholmston         Boidell  of  Pul-  —  —  Ralf e  Venables. 

s.p.  croft.  Edward.       William. 

Crouton  of  &atotnscnrft 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  38.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  36.] 

ARMS. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Sable,  a  lion  rampant  Argent,  debruised  by  a  bendlet 
gobong  Or  and  Gules.  2  and  3.  Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  ravens' 
heads  erased  Sable.  [Ravenscroft.] 

Thomas  Croxton  of=pMargery  [Margretf]  sister  and  heire  to 


Thomas  Ravenscroft  of  Ravenscroft. 

William  Croxton  of  Ravenscroft.^pKatherine  d.  to  Sr  John  Ligh  of  Bouthes. 

Thomas  Croxton=pMargarett  d.  to  Charles  Wright         Rafe.        Ciceley. 
of  Ravenscroft.       of  Middlewich. 


William  Croxton  of  Ravenscroft  now=pAlice  d.  to  Jn°  Minshull 
living  an0  1566  et  1580.  of  Minshull. 

John  Croxton.=pCiceley  d.  to  George     William.  Richard.    Alice  vxr  Thos     Susan. 
Pendleton.                        —  Brooke  of 

Warren.  Leighton. 

Jane  s.p. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Bantel  of  CaWcp* 

[Hurl.  142-1,  fo.  51".     Had.  1505,  fo.  53b.] 

A»ms. — Quarterly  of  seven.— 1.  Argent,  a  pale  fusilly  Sable.  2.  Sable  [Gules?]  on 
a  cross  engrailed  Argent,  a  mullet  for  difference.  [Legh  ?]  3.  Vert,across 
patonce  Or.  [Boydell.]  I.  Gules,  a  pale  fusily  An/ml.  [Ltmme.]  5. 
Argent,  a  bull  Gules,  armed  Or,  slatant  on  a  mount  Vert,  among  bullrushes 
proper.  [Redle?  ?]  6.  Azure,  three  spade  irons  Or.  [Bechton  ?]  7.  Argent, 
,i  wolf  passant  Sable.  [1>ai; v  ?]  Over  all  an  escoeheon  of  pretence 
Argent,  thereon  a  tyger  stalant  reguardant  Sable.  [De  Tabley  ?] 

1.  Crest.— A  unicorn's  head  Argent,  erased,  armed,  and  maned  Or. 

2.  Crest. — A  tyger  statant  reguardant  Sable. 

Drawing  of  a  shield. 
Argent,  a  pale  fusilly  Sable. 

Thomas  Danicll  of  Over=pBlanck  d.  to  Piers 

Tabley  in  Com.  Pal. 
Cestrisc  13  E.  4. 

Warburton  of 


Piers  Daniell  of  Tabley  =pJulian  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Newton  of  Shropshire. 

Tho.  Daniell=pAlice  d. 

of  Tabley 

to  ffoulk 
of  Chester. 

1 d.=r"Wm  Daniell  serjeant=2.  .  . 

to  Xpofer    \  at  law  &  Judge  of    his 
Secondary    !  the  Sherrifl'es  Court     maid, 
of  the  in  London. 


"Wm  Daniell  of  Grayes  Inne. 

Daniell  of 

Peter   Daniell   of=Anne  d.  to  Henry      Thos        Richard. 
Over    Tabley    19     Mainwaring  of  obijt  — 

yeares  old  [1580].    Carincham.  1596.      William. 

I  I 

John.       Margarctt. 

BanieU  of  Bamrtmrp* 

[Ilarl.  1424,  fo.  52.] 

Abms.— Quarterly— 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  pale  fusilly  Salle.    2  and  3.  Argent,  a  tyger 
statant  reguardant  Sable. 

John  Daniell=FJane  d.  &  eoheire  to 

of  Daresburv. 


attainted  a0  1  H.  7. 



THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Thomas  Daniell=pMargarett  d.  &  heire  to 
of  Daresbnry.        Lantre  of  Lancash. 

Richard  Daniell  of  Sherborne 
in  Com.  Glouc. 

John  Daniell  of  Daresbnry  1580.=pAlice  d.  to  Rich.       Brigett  uxor  .  . 


.  .  Robinson. 

John  Daniell  of  Daresbury  1580.         Geoffrey.         Richard.         Margerie. 

Babtnpott  alms  Bamport  oi  Bamport 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  47".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  48.] 

Arms. — Argent,  a  chevron  between  three,  cross-croslcis  fifche  Sable. 
Crest.— A  man's  head  affronte,  couped  at  the  shoulders  proper,  with  a  rope  round  the 
neck  [Or]. 

John  Davenport  of  Davenport.=p d.  to Manwaring  of  Peever. 

John  Damport  of  Damport.=pElizab.  [Margery]  d:  to  Sr  John  Savage. 

Sr  Ralfe  Damport  of  Damport.=pMargery  d.  to  Thos  Damport  of  Henbury. 

John  Damport  of  Damport.=j=Maud  d.  to  Sr  Andrew  Brereton  of  Brereton. 

\  F.I  I  in  vxr  \_Katherine]  Ellin 

Wm  Dam-  vxor  Wm  Hiffeld 

port  of  and  Humfrey 

Woodford.]  Bate. 

Margery  vxr     Margret  Alice  Parnell  a 

....  Massy     vxr  married        Nunne. 

of  Egeley.        Rob't  in  Ireland. 

Elenor  d.=pJohn  Damport=pAnne  d.  to     Wln  Tho.  married     Roger  had  issue 

to  S1'  married  to  his 

Tristram     2a  wife  Jane  d. 
Holland      to  Rich.  M;ism- 
of  Den-    j  brother  to  Sr 
ton.  |  Geffrey  Massy 

of  Tatton. 

Randoll  slaine  in     the  Base  d.  Wm  and  John. 

Manwar-  Ireland,     of  Sr  Tho5  — 

ing  of  Butler  of  Randoll. 

Carincham.  Bewsy. 

John     Henry     Arthur     ffrancis     George     Katherine. 

7th        8  s.p.      9.  10.  11. 



Ric.     Wm     Hugh     Ralfe     Parnell  vxor  Wm  Newton     Anne.     Jane. 
3d.       4th.     5th.         6th.        of  Pownall. 

THE    VISITATION    OF   CHESHIRE,    1580.  73 


r~  i      i  i  i         i 

John  Dam-=pBridgett  d.     Vrian     Anne  vxr         Alice  vx1'        Elenor        Brigett. 

port  of 

to  Randoll     2d  Thos  Gren-      John  Mil-      vxr  Wa 

Manwar-       son.       hangh  of         nex  (sic)  of    Booth  of 
ingofCar-  Braudelsarn     Barksh.  Twemlow. 

iocham.  in  Lanca.        after  to 

Thos  Taker. 

I  I  III 

John  1  sonne.       Edward  2d  son.       Elen'\       Jane.       Brigett. 

3Babcnpmt  alias  Lamport  of  Bromljall 

[Harl.  U24,  fo.  48».     Harl.  1505,  fo.  49".] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Ari/cnt,  on  a  chevron  between  three  cross-croslets  fitche 
Sable,  a  crescent  for  difference.  2  and  3.  [Sable]  a  lion  rampant  [Or]. 

Crest. — As  before,  with  a  crescent  for  difference. 


Drawing  of  arms,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  8. 

Sr  Edward  Bromhall  Lord  of  Port. 

John  Bromhall. 

Wm  Bromhall. 

Sr  Rich.  Bromhall. 

Geffrey  Bromhall.=f .  .  .  .  d.  &  coheire  to  Sr  Jn°  Wettnall. 

John  Damport  2d  son  to  Damport  of  Damport. =p  Alice  d.  &  heire  of  Bromhall. 

Robert  Damport  of  Bromhall.=p.  ...  d.  of  ...  .  Ashton  of  Ashton  vnder  Lyne. 

Robert  Damport  of  Bromhall.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  ffltton  of  Goseworth. 

1 d.  to  .  .  .  .=f=Jolm  Damporfc=pMargrett  d.  to  Hr  John  Bagott  of  Bramley 

Warren  of  Pointon. 


of  Bromhall. 


widow  to  Henry  Bradborne. 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Wm  Damport=f=Margery  d.  to  Thomas      John  Damport  of=p. . . .  d.  &  heire  to 
of  Bromhall.      Ligh  of  Adlington.  Somersetshire.  Rodall  of  Dorc'. 

Wm  Daniport=pBlanch  d.  to        John  Damport=p  Alice  d.  &  heire      Jane  vx1'  .  . 

of  Bromhall. 

S''  John  War-       of  Lavin°ton 
burton.  in  Wilt. 

of  ...  .  Laving-      Downing, 

I  MM  M  I 

Wm.=.  ...  d.  to  Tho9.      Lionell.  Elizabeth.      Grace. 

Wet-  —  —  — 

herhed.  John.     Richard.  Jane. 

1.    Margret=pS''  Wm  Dam-=2.  Anne  d.  to  Sr    John 

d.  to  George 
Booth  of 

Jane      Katherine  vxr 
port  of  Rich.    Brereton  vxor       Hugh  Revell. 

Bromhall  of  Tatton  Humphrey.     Rob't  — 

living  1506.      widow  to  ...  .  Hyde.     Margery  vx1' 

Boothe  of  Barton.  Leon.  [Lionell] 



W™  Damport=pMargery  d.  to    Elizab.  vxo'' Rich.     Jane.     Katherine  vxor  Richard 

Bulkeley  son  and  heire 
to  Sr  Richard  Bulkier  of 

of  Bromhall. 

.  Ashton      Ashton  of  Midle- 
of  Midleton  in     ton  in  Lancash. 


William.       Alexander.       John.       Humfry. 


Uatonport  alias  ©amport  af  JL^tni)tirj>* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  49.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  50.] 

Amis. — Quarterly — 1.  Argent,  on  a  chevron  between  three  cross-eroslets fitche  Sable, 

an   annulet    Or  for   difference.      2.    Azure,   three  spades  or   mattocks    Or. 

[Bechton.]     8.  Gules,  two  bars  Argent.  [Maixv.akixc]     4.  Gules,  a  scythe, 

the  blade  Argent,  the  sued  or  handle  Or.  [Praeijs.] 
Crest. — A  man's  head  affronte,  couped  at  the  shoulders  proper,  round  Ms  neck  a  rope 

Or,  an  annulet  for  difference. 

Hugh  Damport  of=pJane  d.  to  Randoll  Manwaring 
Henbury.  of  Carincham. 

Thomas  Damport  of  Henbnry.=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  . 

A   I 

.  Massy. 



Thomas  Damport  of=pKatheriue  d.  to  Alexander  Radcliff  of 
Hcnbury.  I  WoodsaU  [Wordsall]. 

Thos  Damport  of  Henbury.=f  Elizabeth  d.  to  John  ffitton  [of  Goswortli~\. 

John  Damport=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  coheire     Hugh  Damport  of  Ellen  vxor     Kathcrine  vxr 

of  Henbury.        to  Sr  Randoll  Prestbury  mar.  yc  Wm  Beard.     Wm  Lever- 

d.  of  Jn°  Warren.  sege  ot'Wliee- 

I  lurk. 

Manwaring  of 

I  I 

Hugh.         AY  illiam. 

Randoll  Damport=pMary  sister  to       John. 

Richard.      Elizab.      Katherine. 

of  Henbury  L580. 

Sr  William 

Thomas.       Wm. 


AVm  jBtatis  15  annor'm  1580.        Thomas.        John.        Doroty. 

Babenpmt  alias  Bamport  of  Cat)  rip. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  49b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  50",  Calveley  all  through.] 

Abjb.— Quarterly—  1  and  4.  Argent,  on  a  chevron  between  three  cross-croslets fitcU 
Sable,  a  crescent  Or  for  difference.  2  and  3.  Argent,  a  fess  Gules  between 
three  calves  passant  Sable.   [Calveley.] 

Crest. — As  before,  diffd. 

Arthur  Damport=pKatherine  d.  &  heire  to  Davy 
of  Cavely.  Calveley  of  Cavely. 

Hugh  Damport=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  coheire  to  Patrick  Haselwall  with  whome 
of  Cavely.  hee  had  Haselwall. 

Hugh  Damport  of  Cavely.=p d.  to  .  .  .  .  llanford  of  Hanford. 

Raph  Damport  of  Caveley.=pIsabeU  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Spurstow  of  Spurstow. 

76  THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Hugh  Damport  of  Caveley.=pCiceley  d.  to  John  Done  of  Utkinton. 

John  Damport  of  Caveley  1566  &  1580.=fElenor  d.  to  Sr  Hugh  Caveley  [Cafoeky]. 

r  ~tt~      n        i        r     ~r\ 

Hugh=j=Margrett  d.  John.  KandoU.  Elizabeth.     Doroty  vxr  Jane  vxor 

Damport     to  John  —                —  Jn°  Hough  Piers 

of  Cave-     Manwaring  Anthony.  Arthur.  of  Brims-  ffilkin  of 

ley.             ofCalveley.  ton.  Tatnall. 

John     Arthur  son     Hugh.     Jane  [Jone\.     Katherine. 
g. p.       &  heire. 

3Batotnport  alias  Lamport  oi  Wloctoioxlj. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  50.] 

Aems. — Argent,  on  a  chevron  between  three  cross-croskfs  fitche  Sable,  a  rose  Or  for 

Crest. — As  before,  differenced. 

Nicholas  Damport  of  Woodford  in  Cheshire.=p 

John  Damport  of  Woodford.=pBlanch  d.  to  James  Savage. 

William  Damport=pEllin  d.  to  Jn°  Damport        Kichard.         Nicholas.         Kobert. 
of  Woodford.  of  Damport. 

I              I    I  II 

1 d.=Christopher  Damport=f  2.  Jane  d.  to      Wm.  Kichard.  Thomas. 

Rich.  Gerrard                        —  — 

of  Crewood.  Edmund.  Henry. 

to of  Woodford  1580 


Wm  son  &  heire. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


©abcnpmt  alias  Bamport  of  STOeltroucjiK 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  50".] 

Arms. — Argent,  on  a  chevron  between  three  cross-croslets  fitchi  Sidle,  a  crescent  Or 

for  difference. 
Crest. — A  man's  head  affronte,  couped  at  the  shoulders  proper,  round  his  neck  a  rope 

Or,  a  crescent  for  difference. 

Richard  Damport  of=pMauld  d.  to  John  Winington 
Whelthrouirh.  of  the  Hermit  aire. 

Richard  Damport=f  Ellin  d.  to  Piers  Paver  of  Nant-       Katherine  vxr       Bridgett 

of  Wheltroush 

wirh  widow  to  Edward  G-olborne 
of  Offerton. 

Richard  Okes. 

Richard  Damport  cetatis  12  annor'm  1580. 


Belbts  oi  Bu&tmujtmt, 

[Harl.  1 124,  fo.  51.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  53.] 

Arms. — Argent,  a  chevron  Gules,  freflij  Or,  between  three  delves  Sable. 

Crest. — Oat  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or  a  demi-heron,  ivinejs  displayed  proper,  crested  Gules. 

Another  Coat. — Argent,  a  chevron  Gules  between  three  billets  Sable. 
Crest. — A  dolphin  naiant,  embowed proper. 

Drawing  of  seal  of  the  first  named  arms  and  crest,  inscribed  S.  Henrici  Delues. 

Richard  Delues  of  Delues  hall  in  Com.  Staff.=p 

Henry  Delues.= 


John  Delues. 


John  Delues.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Manwaring  of  Norwood. 

S1'  John  Delues  mar.  ye  d.  of 
....  Creston  of  Bradley  in 
Com.  Darbvshire. 
a  I 

Raie  Delues       Henry  Delues  of=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  .  . 

2l1  son. 





A  I 

Sr  Johnn=Elizab.  d.  &  coheire  to 


Babington  of  Chitwell. 

Ellin  vxo1'  Rob't  Sheffield  of  Butterwik 
of  whome  the  L  :  Sheffeld  is  descended. 

Sr  Heury=T=Giceley  daughter  to 
[Hugh]       Sr  Richard  Brooke 
Delues        L  :  Cheife  Baron 
of  Dud-       of  the  Exchequer, 








1.  Lady=f 

d.  to 



Sr  Wm 




of  Ham- 

S1'  6eorge=p2.  Anne  d. 

Delues  of 

to  Thorn. 
Isley,  bro- 
ther to  S1' 



vxor  Tho. 


of  Shel- 


in  Com. 


vxor  Wm 
of  Hank- 

"William  died 
in  Brittaine. 

Honor  vxor 
Edw.  Lenton 

ffrancisca.      Brereton.      Mary.     Drury. 

Henry  Delves  of=fflrances  d.  to 

esqr  1580. 

Thos  Stanley 
of  Alderley. 

Wm  & 




vxor  Edw. 



Tho8  Delues  aetafcis  7=Mary  d.  of  Thos  Wilbram         Henry, 
annor'm  1580.  ofWoodliey. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  52».] 

ARMS  — Quarterly—  1  and  4.  Argent,  on  a  fess  Gules  between  two  barrulets  wavy 
Sable,  three  crescents  Or.  2  and  3.  Per  fess  Sable  and  Gules,  an  eagle 
displayed  Argent.  [Edge.] 

Crest. — A  serpent  proper,  issuing  from  and  piercing  a  garb  Argent  [Or]. 

Hova  Dodd  of  Edge  =p 

Kenrick  Dodd  of  Edge.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Williamson  of  Shropshire. 

Steven  Dodd.= 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Davy  Dodd.=p.  .  .  .  cl.  to  .  .  .  .  Massy  of  Ooddington. 

John  Dodd  of  Edge.=pEmra  d.  to  Humfrey  Brereton  of  Mallpas. 

Davy  Dodd.=pKatherine  d.  to  Nic°  Manley  of  Pulton. 

Elizab.  vxor 
George  Bird. 

Anne  vxor 
W"  Street. 

.lane  vxo1'  Thos 

Katherine  vx1' 
....  Good. 

1.  Anne=rRandoll=F2.  Elizab. 

d.  to  Sr 
ton of 



Dodd  of 


d.  &  heire 

to  Tho3 


of  Tater- 






Dodd  of 

Elizab.  d. 
to  George 
Dalton  of 

Dodd  of 

Mary  d. 
to  George 

Dodd  of 
mar.  Eliz. 
d.  to  Jn° 
Vanhdlt  of 



Dalton  of     Andwerpe. 



Mary.     Vrian     Aunc. 

—        s.p.  — 

Jane.  Kathe- 

Margrett.     Thomas.  Elizab.        George. 

Alice.  Bartholme.      Susan.        Xathaniell. 

Martha.      Edmund. 


Botifc  of  Brojrton, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  53.] 

Arms.— Quarterly—  1  and  4.  Argent,  on  a  fess  Gules  between  tiro  barrulets  wavy 
e,  three  crescents  Or.     -J.  Per  fess  Sable  and  Gules,  an  eagle  displayed 
Argent.  [Edge.]     3.  Or,  a  cross  formee filche  Sable.  [Broxton.] 

\Y">  Dodd  1377.=j=Alice  d.  to  Thorn8  Broxton. 
1     ' 

Thomas  l)odd.=p 

.  I 

Higin  Dodd.=j= 

Rowland  Dodd.=p 

A  I 

80                              THE   VISITATION   OP    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

William  Dodd.=j=Margery  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Bird  of  Yowley. 

Thomas  Dodd.=F Alice  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Crew  of  Trafford. 

Wm  Dodd  of=pAnne  d.  to  Koger        Thomas  Dodd.=pElizabeth  d.  to 
Broxton.  Cheshire.  Wm  Rowlett. 

Koger  Dodd=pAnne  d.  to  Rich.      Ran  doll.      Anne  vxor       Margrett      Tho3  Dodd 

of  Broxton 

Done  of  fflax- 

Rob't  vxr  Thos       of  Churton. 

Twifford.        Orton. 

Tho8  Dodd  of  Broxton =Kather in e  d.  to  Thos         Roger.         William.         ffranees. 
1580.  Crew  of  ye  Holt. 

Botiti  of  ^mitWcllj  in  Brojrton  noto  of 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  53".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  55b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Ermine,  on  a  plain  /ess  ....  between  two  barrulets 
wavy  Sable  three  crescents  ....  2  and  3.  Gules,  a  fess  dance  (tee  Ermine 
between  three  bugle-horns,  stringed  Or.  [Cotgreve.] 

Crest.— A  cubit  arm  erect,  habited  .  .  .  .,  the  hand  proper  holding  a  hammer  Sable, 
handle  Or. 

Vchtred  le  Bridd  [Bird]  of  Broxton.=p 

Thomas  Bridd  [Bird].= 

David  Dodd.=pXicola  d.  &  heire. 

Raudoll  Cotgreve  of  Cotton.: 

Wm  Cotgreve  of  Cotton.  =p 

Owen  Dodd.=f=Margarett  d.  to  Rob't  Bulkley  Randoll  Cotgreve=p 

of  Broxton  sister  to  Hugh.  of  Cotton. 

John  Dodd  of  SmithfekbpKatherine  2d  d.         Emm  vxor  Wm        Elizabeth  died 

in  Broxton. 

&  heire. 





Randoll  Dodd  of  Smith- 
feld  in  Broxton. 

=Margaret  d.  to  Rich.  KTorris  yotmger        Margrett  vxr 
brother  to  Norris  of  Speake.  *  Rafe  Sh 

Peter    Dodd=pAnne  d.  to  Hugh 


in  Broxton 

Carington  of 
Over,     yet 
living  1599. 

Elenorvxo'  Elizab.  vxr  Margaret  vxo1 

John  Brad-  Leonard  Randoll  Jenins 

ley  of  Muffett.  \Jennins]  al's 

Hinton.  Stocton. 

Thos  Dodd=f=Jane  d.  & 

of  Bicker- 
ton  1580. 

heire  to 
J n°  Dodd  of 




Richard.      Henry.      Doroty. 

Margrett  vxr  Rafe 
Cowper  [Cooper']  of 
Whitchurch  after  John 
Ketle  of  Burwardsl 

John  Dodd  4  yeares  old  1580.         Anne. 

©ofeenfeto  of  Bafccitfelti* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  54".] 

Arms. — Argent,  a  cross  pointed  Sable,  voided  of  the  field. 

1_  Crest.— A  nihil  arm  erect,  habited  Azure,  cuffed  Argent,  the  handproper,  '. 

a  sun  Or. 
2.  Crest. — In  her  nest  Vert,  a  pelican  Sable,  feeding  Iter  young  Or. 

John  Dokenfcld  of  Dokcnfcld.=f 

Robert  Dokenfcld.  = 

Robert  Dokenfeld.=F.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Mirfeild  of  Yorkshire.        John. 

John  Dokenfeld=j=Jane  d.  to  Sr  Xic"       Nicolas.  Jane  uxor  Lawrence  Dutton  of 

of  Dokenfeld  &    Longford.  Dutton. 
Port  Woodhall. 

Jane  vxr  ....  Rigmade[n].  Isabcll  vxor  ....  Beomont. 

Roh't  Dokenfeld=pEllin  d.    Rafe.        Tristram.    Edward.     Isabcll        Katherine 

of  Dokenfcld  & 

to  S-  vxor  Sr 

William  Will'm.  ffrancis.       John.         George        J- 
Brere-           —  Stanley.  — 

ton.  Tho.  Doroty. 


82                             THE    VISITATION'  OF   CHESHIRE,    1580. 
A  | 

W'»  Dokenfeld=pJaae  d.  to  John    John.       Jane.      Margaret  vxr      Ellin  vxo1'  Jn° 

of  Dockenfeld 

Arden  of  Ha-  —  Rob't  Hyde        Dutton  of 

warden.  Rafe.  ofNorbury.        Dutton. 

William.       Rob't.       John.       Rafe.       Jane. 

ItomWc  of  3Umm» 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  54.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  56.] 

ABMS. — Quarterly— ]  and  4.  Azure,  a  lion  rampant  Argent,  collared  Gules.  2. 
Argent,  ahaul  fusilly  Sable.  [Hawarden.]  3.  Argent  [Gules],  four  fusils 
in  'pule  Sable  [Argent].  [Lymmk]  [Harl.  1505  gives  this  quartering  the 
same  as  the  second.] 

Crest. — Two  lions'  jambs  eouped  and  embowed  Argent. 

Allen  de  Limm.=f 

Thorn3  Ligh  of  High  Ligh.=pAgnes  Limm.         Gilbert  s.p. 

Rob't  Domvile  of  Limme.=p  Agnes  heire  to  her  mother. 

Jn°  Domvile  of  Limme.=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  Sr  John  Savage. 

Jn°  Domvile  of  Limine.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Massy  of  Rixton. 

Jn°  Domvile  of  Lymme.=pElizab.  d.  to  TVm  Radcliff  of  Wordsall. 

James  Domvile  of  Lymme.=plsabell  d.  to  Rich.  Kightley. 

Peter  Domvile  of  Lymnie  1566.=j=Margaret  d.  to  Jn°        Elizabeth  vxor  Roger 

Carrington.  Millington. 

Jn°  Domvile=Alice  d.  to     James.       Gilbert.     Wm.     Peter.     Elizabeth. 
of  Lymm         Wm  Mere  —  — 

1580.  of  Mere.        George.  Isabel!. 




[Harl.  1424,  fo.  45".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  46b.] 

Ranulphe  1  Earlc  of  Chester  did  give  and  granl  tlie  office  of  Baylywick  &  keeping  of  y° 
forrest  of  Delamer.  to  Eafe  Kingesley  (al's  Ranulph)  de  Kingesley  his  heires  and  Assignee  Eor 
ever  with  divers  other  liberties.  This  Ranulph  had  issue  Ranulph,  and  bee  had  issue  Rich. 
Kingesley  ^v,,,,  Rich,  had  issue  I  daughters,  yl  is  to  say,  Emm,  Agnes,  Avice  and  Jane,  Xo  which 
Jane  the  youngest  d.  was  allotted  the  Baylywick  or  Mr  fforrester  of  the  said  ft'orrest  of  Dclaraer. 
And  the  same  Jane  was  married  to  Henry  Done. 




Ranulph  dc  Kingsley. 


Rich,  de  Kingesley. 



Emm  vxor         Agnes  vxor  W,u      Avice  vxor  Randolph  Thornton. 
Wm  Gerrard.      Launceline.  j_ 

i  i  r       i 

Wm  Gerard.       AA m  Launcclin.       Piers  Ciceley  vxor  David 

Thornton,     de  Egerton  son  to 
Phillip  de  Mallpas. 

Wm  Gerrard.      Rich.  Lancelin.      Ranulph  Thornton. 
[31  E.  1.] 

Henrv  Lancelin.     Piers  Thornton  31  E.  1. 

Rich,  vnder  age 
31  E.  1. 

Jane  vxr 
Henry  Done. 

Rich.  Done. 

Rich.  Done. 

Rich.  Done 
31  E.  1. 

Ellin  vxor    Mary  vxr  Sr 
Thos  "Wm  Coulborne 

Dutton.        31  E.  1. 

Piers  Dutton 

living  31  E.  1. 


Hi n in  vxor 
Hugh  de 

Mathew  within 
age  31  E.  1. 


vx.  Ilamon 

Mauld  yxr 

31  E.  1. 

Beatrix  vxo1' 
Tho.  Sams- 
bury  31  E.  1. 

This  Pedisree  above  written  was  taken  out  of  the  pleas  of  the  Circuit  of  the  ffiorrests  of 
Mara  and  Moiindren,  holden  at  Chester  before  Richard  Will  Rich.  Stafford,  E 

John  Drives  and  John  of  Branham  [Bruneham]  justices  of  Eyre  of  the  C :   Edward   Pri 

Wales  and  Earle  of  Chester  to  goe  in  all  picas  of  the  fforrests  aforesaid  in  the  < ' ity  of  Chester 

assigned  the  Wednesday  next  before  the  feast  of  S'  Michaell  the  Archangell.    An»  31  E.  1. 

84  THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  46.] 

M'd  Richard  Done  of  Utkinton  sayeth  that  one  Richard  of  Kingesley  his  ancestor  was  seised 
of  the  manno"  of  Kingesley,  Norlegh,  Croton,  Cuddington,  &  Newton  as  of  the  Baylywick  of  the 
fforrest  of  Delamer  And  all  his  Ancestors  out  of  mind,  And  sayeth  from  the  said  Rich,  of 
Icy  the  Right  disceuded  to  Emme.  Agnes.  Avice  and  June  daughters  and  heires  &c.  The 
whole  Baylywick  aforesaid  was  allotted  to  the  said  Jane  in  recompense  of  all  the  other 'Lands 
id.  Which  Jane  was  married  to  Henry  Done  and  from  the  said  Henry,  the  right  discended 
to  Richard  Dene  as  Sonne  and  heire  and  from  Rich,  to  Richard  as  son  and  heire,  &  from  that 
Rich,  to  Richard  that  claymeth  the  same  as  sonne  and  heire  An°  31  E.  1. 

And  from  the  said  Emm  who  was  married  to  William  Gerrard  her  prepart  discended  to  Wm 
Gerard  as  son  and  heire:  and  from  the  said  Wm  to  \Y">  Gerrard  that  now  is.     31  E.  1. 

And  from  the  said  Agnes  who  was  married  to  W"  Launcelyn  of  her  prepart  to  her  allotted  : 
the  right  discended  to  Wm  Launcelinc  as  sen  and  heire  :  And  from  the  said  Wm  to  Rich,  as  sonne 
and  heire.  And  from  the  said  Richard  to  Henry  as  son  &  heire  and  from  the  said  Henry  to  Rich, 
who  is  now  within  age  and  in  Custody  of  the  Lord  31  E.  1. 

And  from  Avice  who  was  married  to  R  mdulph  Thornton  of  the  prepart  of  the  Tenements  to 
her  allotted  the  right  descended  to  Peter  as  son  and  heire.  And  from  Peter  to  Ranulph  as  son 
and  heire.  And  from  the  said  Ranulph  to  Peter  as  son  and  heire.  And  from  the  said  Peter  to 
Ellin,  Mary,  Emm,  Elizabeth,  Maud  and  Beatrix,  as  daughters  and  heires  and  Partitiou  of  the 
said  Tenements  being  made  amongst  them. 

ffrom  Emme  who  was  married  to  Hugh  of  Weverham  :  The  right  discended  to  Mathew  as 
son  and  heire  who  is  now  within  age.     An0  31  E.  1. 

And  from  Ellin  who  was  married  to  Thomas  of  Dutton,  the  right  discended  to  Peter  as  son 
&  heire  who  is  nowe  living  A0  31  E.  1. 

And  from  Mary  who  was  married  to  Sr  Wm  Coulborne  Knight  :  who  is  lyving  31  E.  1. 
Elizabeth  was  married  to  Henry  (sic)  ffitton  :  Mauld  to  Henry  Beeston  :  And  Beatrix  to  Tho* 
Samsbury  living  in  an0  31  E.  1. 

Ranulphe  of  Kingesley. 



Richard  Done.=p  Richard. 

I  ill! 

Heurie  Done  of  Utkinton.=pJane.         Emm.        Agnes.         Avice. 

Richard  Done  of  TJtkinton.- 

Richard  Done  of  Utkinton.=p         Henry  Done  of  Croton. 


Rich.  Done.=p 

Rich.  Done.nrEllin  d.  to  Sr  Tho3  Swinerton. 

Henry  Done.=i=Mary  d.  to  Sr  Piers  Thornton. 

John  Done  whose  descent  appeareth=pAnne  d.  to  Rich.  Eaton 

on  the  next  side. 

[of  Eaton']. 



Bone  of  ^titinton* 

[Harl.  1421,  fo.  46".] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  four— 1.  Azure, tiro  bars  Argent,over  all  on  a  bend  GhiUs  three 
armus   of  th  ,  for    Done.      2.     Vert,   a   cross   engrailed   En 

[Kin       :i  i   lion   rampant  Argent.    [Leigh.]       !.     Izure, 

crusilg,  and  three  eagl  •    d  Or.  [Alpram  ai/s  Somervill.     Someb 

TIL]  :        Over  alia  retenct — Argent,al 

horn  .  Sable  [within  the  knot  of  the  string  a  cinquefoil ....]. 

1.  Crest.— Eight  arrmos  in  saltire  Or,  barbed  and  flighted  Argent,  banded  with  a 

riband  (dales. 

2.  Crest. — A  buck's  bead  erased  proper,  attired  Or. 

The  Inescocheon  is  the  Amies  of  if  ffostership  &  is  in  >f  scale  of  the  <    i  ■ 

Another  Shield. —  Quarterly  of  six — 

1  ami  6.  Done  1 

L'.    KlNiiSLEY 

3.  Arms  or  the  Forestersiiip      \-      as  above. 

4.  Leigh 

."/.  Alpram  al's  Somervtll         J 

Chest. — A  sheaf  if  seven  arrows,  one  erect,  the  others  in  saltire  Or,  barbe< 
flighted  Argent,  banded  with  a  riband  (dales. 

Drawing  of  arms,  crest,  and  supporters,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  9. 

John  Done  of  Utkinton.=pAnnc  d.  to  Rich.  Eaton  of  Eaton. 

Sr  J«.lm= 
Done  of 

d.  to 


Rob't  Done- 
of  fflax- 

d.  to  Sr 

Hugh  Done: 

of  01  ton 
3''  sonne. 

Rob't  Sr  John= 

Done  Done  of 

eldest  Utkin- 

sonne.  ton. 

=Elizabeth  d.  & 
heire  to  Tho. 

to  John  Stanley. 

John  Done=pEllin  d. 

of  fflas- 

to  Rich. 

:Anne  d.  to  James 
Lord  Audley 
widdow  to  S1'  Tho' 

Elizab.  only  d.  &  heire 
vxor  John  Egerton  of 
whome  Egerton  of 
Olton  is  descended. 

....  vxor  Wa 
Bostock  of 

Done  of 


(1.  to 
Sr  Tho8 

Sr  John  Done=Jane  d.  to  .  .  . 
died  without  Manwaring  of 
issue.  Peever. 

Ralfe  Done: 
of  fflax- 

= d.  to 


bram  of 

divers  sonnes 
and  daugh- 

James  Done  died=Elizabeth  d. 
before  his  Sr  Edmund 

brother.  Trafl'ord. 


86  THE   VISITATION   OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Rich.  Done  oi=pKatheriue  d.  &  coheire  to        John  Done.=p         Elizabeth  vxor 


Raph  Ligh  of  High  Ligli.         j  Rich.  Cartwright. 

i       r 

Rafe.         Richard. 

1:  ife  Dime  of=j=Ellin  d.  to  Wm  Damport       Anne  vxor  Roger       Bridgett  vxor  John 


of  Bromhall.  Dodd  of  Broxton.      Calcott  of  Yardley. 


John  Done  of=pEllin  d.  to  Phillip  2d  son.  Jane  vxor  Thoms  Anne. 

Utkinton  and  :  James  Done  —  CuuyofCuny  — 

ffiaxyards         |  Cosin  and  Thomas 3d sonne.  "Weston  in  Com.  Dorothy, 

now  living         heire  to  —  Staff.  — 

1580.                  Sr  John  Done.  Hugh  4th  sonne.  Amy. 

__  ^ 

Jone  Done  jetatis  3  annor'm  1580.  Thomas.         Mary. 

Satonts  of  Botonts  anti  Cajiljall 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  55.] 

Arms. — Sable,  a  buck  lodged  Argent. 

Rob't  Downes  of  Downes  &  of  Taxhall  in  Cheshire.=p 

John  Downes.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Bird. 

Reignold  Downes.=f .  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Hyde  of  Worth. 

Richard  Downes.=pMargery  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Downes  of  Worth. 

John  Downes.=pAnne  d.  to  Jn°  Pigott  of  diet  win  in  Shropshire. 

Renold  Downes=Jane  d.  to  George       Hum-     Peter=plsabell  d.  to         Joice  vxr 

of  Downes  &  Trafford  of  the  phrey      3lt 

Taxhall.  Garrett.  2Json.     son. 

Tho8  Scott  of      Hugh  Grey 
lialkillyeomau.    of  Downes. 

Lawrence.  Hugh  Grey. 



Buiualfc  oi  dFojd&erst 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  551'.] 

ASMS. — Argent,  a  chevron  Gules  between  three  nitres  passant  Sable. 

Thomas  Duncalfe  of  ffoxherst.=p 

Thomas  Duiicalfe.=fJane  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Bowth  of  Barton. 

James  Duucalfe.^pLucy  d.  to  Renold  Downes. 

Thomas  Duncalfe.=pElizab.  d.  to  John  Damport  of  Woodford. 

Tho8  Duncalfe=FElizab.  d.  to 

of  ffoxherst 


Gerard  of 

Henry  & 
all  s.p. 


Urian  John 

Duncalfe    s.p. 
of  Hol- 

W1 "  Duncalfe.=.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Stafford  of  Botham.         Thomas. 

Button  oi  Button* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  44b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  45b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  nine. — 1.  Quarter!;/  Argent  and  (lutes,  in  the  second  and  third 
a  fret  Or.  2.  Argent,  on  a  bend  Gules  three  escarbuncles  Or.  [Thornton.] 
3.  Sable  [Verf],  a  cross  engrailed  Ermine.  [Kingsley.]  4.  Or,  a  saltire 
Sable.  [Helsby.]  5.  Azure,  on  a  chevron  between  three  garbs  Or  a  crescent 
fyr  difference.  [Hatton.]  6.  Azure,  an  estoile  issuant  from  the  hums  of  a 
crescent  Argent.  [Minshull.]  7.  [Azure]  a  chevron  between  three  garbs 
[Or].  [Hatton.]  8.  Or,  a  cinquef oil  pierced  Sable.  [Ybenon.]  9.  Azure,  a 
garb  Or.  [Grosyenor.] 

Chest.. —  1  plume  of  five  ostrich  feathers,  Argent,  Azure,  Or,  Vert,  and  Gules. 

Ego  Huso  de  Dutton  dedi  Will'mo  filio  meo  terram  meam  in  villa  de  Bellington  in  le 
Hundred  de  Macclesfeld.  Testib8  Rico  dc  MasBy,  D'no  Petro  de  Dutton,  Hugo  de  Venables, 
Alexander  de  Bamuile,  Will'mo  de  Toft  et  alijs.  sine  dat. 

Drawing  of  a  seal,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  G. 

Eco  Petrus  de  Dutton  confirmavi  ThomsB  filio  Thomas  de  Criour  Junior'm  duas  places  terra? 
,'"■_>  ,[,.  Werburton  viz.  v'na  <iuse  vocat*  Bradley  &  aliam  que  vocatr  Tornhaitli.     Testib" 
Hamon'e  de  tfascy,  Galfrido  de  Dutton.  Ric'o  de  Massy  militib*,  Will'mo  Acton,  Thoma  de  Legh, 
Rob'to  de  Mascy,  Mathew  de  Hale. 

88  THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Huddard  cosin  to  W.  Conqueror.=p.  .  .  .  Lady  of  Dutton. 

Hugh  de  Dutton.=p Alice  d.  to  Sr  Nicholas  Pichard. 

Sr  Hugh  Dutton.=f=Alice  d.  to  Sr  Rich.  Prescote. 

Sr  Thomas  Dutton.  =f=.  ...  d.  to  Johu  de  Orreby. 

Sr  Hugh  Dutton  of  Dutton.=pMargaret  d.  to  Sr  Henry  Risley. 

S1'  Hugh  Dutton=j=Jenett  d.  to  Adam  de=pAlice  d.  to  John  Lacy 

of  Dutton.  SrRob't  Holland.      Dutton.       Constable  of  Chester. 

Sr  Thomas=j=Ellin  d.  &  coheire  to         Geffrey  =p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to 


Sr  Piers  Thornton. 


Rosier  ffiz  Alured. 

Edmund=j=Jonett  d. 


&  heire 
to  Rich. 

Geffrey  of  whom 
the  "Warburtons 
are  discended. 




Dutton  of 

vxr  Yfm 

vxr  .  .  .  . 




2a  sonne. 

of  Tabley 

Sr  Piers  Dutton=pElizabeth  d.  to  Wm         Sr  Hugh  Duttou=5=Parnall  d.  to  Hugh 

of  Dutton. 

Butler  of  Bewsy.  of  Hatton. 

Vernon  of  Hal 

John  Dutton  of  Diitton.=pMargrett  d.  to  Sr  John  Savage. 

Sir  Thos  Dutton  of  Dutton.=pAune  [MargretC]  d.  to  Thorn9  Tuchett  L :  Audley. 

Lawrence        Alice  vxor     Lienor  vxor    Anne  vxr         Margaret  vxr      Isabell  vxr 

s.p.  Raph  Rich.  Sr  Thomas      Tho5  Aston         South- 

Bostock.       Cholmley.       Molineux.       of  Aston.  worth. 

John  Dutton  of  Hatton.=f  Margarett  d.  to  Sir  Wm  Atherton. 

Piers  Dutton=pElizabeth  d.  &  heire  to  Richard1 

of  Hatton.         Rob't  Grosvenor.  2'1  son. 

3d  son. 

Piers  Dutton=j=Ellenor  d.  to  Sr  Rob't       Raph.       Ellenor  vxr  Sr  Ran-  Rap 

of  Hatton 

ffoulshurst  of  Crew. 

doll  Brereton. 



THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Sr  Piers  Dutton  of=j=Ellenor  d.  to 


Dutton  and  Hatton. 

Thomas  Ligh 
of  Adlineton. 

Wm  Dutton 
of  Chester. 

Rich.  Dutton  of 

'  'luwustou  [Clotci/htoti] 
in  Com.  Ebor. 

Elizab.  vxr 
W™  Man- 


n         i 

Alice.  Anne. 




Tho8  Dutton  of  Sherborne 
in  Gloucestershire. 

Hugh  Dutton=f=Jane  d.  to  Sr  Wm 

of  Dutton.  Bowth  of  Dunham. 

Ralfe  Dutton T=Amy  d.  to  Sr  Rob't  Towns- 
of  Hatton.  bend  Justice  of  Wales. 

Jn°  Dutton=pElenor  d.  to  Sr  Hugh 
of  Dutton.       Caveley  [Calvehy], 

Rowland  Dutton=ff.  .  .  .  d.  to 
of  Hatton.  Scrivcn.~\ 





Hugh.  Richard. 

Piers.  Rob't. 


\V,n.         Alice  \\V 
—  Jn°  Starky 

Thorn8,     of  Olton. 

Amy  vxr  Henry 
Bart  let  \_Bar- 





[Harl.  1424,  fo.  57.] 


Drawing  of  arras,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  4.* 

Drawing  of  arms : — Quarterly — 1   and  4.   A  fesse  Ermine  between  three  pheons. 

2  and  3.  Ermine,  a  fess  fretty.     From  a  seal  inscribed  S.  Wm  de  ESBRTON.f 
Drawing  of  a  circular  seal.     Arms  :  A  chevron  and  oanton.     Crest  :  On  an  esquire's 

helmet  a  boar's  head,  issuant  from  a  ducal  coronet.     Supporters,  Two  griffins. 

The  seal  inscribed  S.  Jacobi  Pype.I. 

Sciant  &c.  nos  Robt'  de  Shirrard  D'n's  de  Chetilton  dedi   Will'mo  filio  Wmj  mlegh 

Joh'i     leStanlegh  lil  ad  firmam  de  Win*  '    i  a 

,i  ,  ,  ..■...■       i,  WilVm  de  Bagenhold,  Ji 

*   [Above  the  shield  is  written]  -.—('art:!  Will'rni  de  Chetilton  militis  dat.  apud  Chetilton. 
f  [Above  the  shield  is  written]  : — Carta  Radj  lilij  Will'rni  de  Egerton  dat.  apud  Smallwood 
Anno  I  II.  ii. 

%   [Above  the  seal  i-  written]  :— Carta  Jacobi  Type  militis  dat.  apud  Chetilton  :SS  E.  3. 


90  THE   VISITATION   OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Indentura  facta  inter  Joh'em  filinm  Ric'i  de  Bromlegh  de  Badington,  Rad'm  de  Manwaring, 
Ric'ura  Bromlegh  de  Barkesford,  Joh'em  Cbolmondley  de  Chorley.  Dame  de  S1  Peer,  et  TJrian 
8'  Peer  ex  una.  Et  Will'm  filinm  Rad'i  de  Egerton  ex  altera.  Testatur  quod  prsedictus  Joh'es 
fuit  obligat'  dicto  \V'""  de  Egerton  in  100  marcis.  Attamen  diet'  Will'm  de  Egerton  concedit 
p'  prsesentes  quod  si  predict'  Joh'es  Alius  Ric'i  de  Bromley  proseq'  vnum  breve  de  forindon  en 
descendie  verss  dictu'  Will'm  de  Egerton  et  Elena'  vxorem  eius  de  Manerio  de  Chetilton  retorna- 
bilem  cor'  Justic'  dat'  An0  3  H.  5. 

Drawing  of  a  circular  seal  of  the  arms  given  Plate  I.,  Fig.  4.     The  seal  inscribed 
S.  Kicardi  de  Bromley. 

Ceste  Indenture  fuit  faict  entre  John  de  Haukeston  Oheualier  d'un  p'te  :  Et  Will'm  fitz 
John  de  Bromley  :  Johan  de  Bromley,  Will'm  Fiz  Walter  de  Bromley,  Roger  de  Bromley, 
Walter  de  Bromley  et  Anabilla  la  filla  de  Mathew  d'autre  part.  Testmoigne  que  les  ditz  W'» 
Jn°  de  Bromley,  Will'm  ffiz  Walter,  Roger  et  Walter  sont  liez  audiot  Johu  de  Haukstou  en  cent 
lieurs  p'  vng'  estatut'  marchant  et  la  diet'  Anabella  est  lie  a  mesme  Johu  de  Haukeston  en  60 
liurs,  laquelle  Anabell  aussy  p'  sa  Chartre  a  donne  audict  John  de  Haukeston  et  Anabella  sa 
femme,  touz  ses  terres  en  ford'  en  le  Conte  de  Stafford,  ensemblement  avec  le  vouson  de  l'eglise 
dc  Chetilton,  &  la  reversion  del  nianier  de  Chetilton  Donne  a0  32  E.  3. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal,  inscribed  S.  Joh'is  de  Haukston.    Ermine,  a  fess 

Drawing  of  the  seal,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  4,  inscribed  S.  Eichardi  de  Bromley. 


[Harl.  1-124,  fo.  57b.] 

Drawing  of  a  vesica-shaped  seal,  bearing  a  fleur-de-lys,  and  inscribed  S.  Henrici 

de  Chetilton. 
Drawing  of  a  circular  seal,  inscribed  S.  Jacobi  de  Audley,  and  bearing  the  arms 

Plate  11.,  Fig.  1. 
Drawing  of  a  circular  seal,  inscribed  S.  Will'm  Egerton,  and  bearing  a  shield: — 

Quarterly — land!.  A  less  Ermine  between  three  pheons.     2  and  3.  Ermine, 

a  fess  fretty. 
Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal,  inscribed  S.  Johannis  Haukeston.     Ermine,  a  fess 

fretty  within  a  bordure  engrailed. 
Drawing   of    a   circular   seal,  inscribed   The   seale   of   Veniam    de    Stonden. 

Arms  :    Quarterly — 1   and  4.    Ermine.      2  and  3.  Fretty.     Crest :    On    an 

esquire's  helmet  a  wolf's  head. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  58.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  GO.] 

Ego  Anian8  de  Ives  et  Anabella  vxor  mea  dedim8  Joh'i  de  Pount  o'ia  mess'  n'ra  in  feode  de 
Blakenall  Habend'  ad  tota'  vita'  p'fate  Anabillse  dat'  an°  36  E.  3. 

Drawing  from  a  seal.     Arms  :  Three  mullets  between  two  bendlets.    Crest :  On  an 
esquire's  helmet  a  greyhound's  head.     Inscribed  S.  Aniani  de  Iues. 

THE    VISITATION    OP   CHESHIRE,    1580.  91 

Ceste  Indenture  testmoigne  que  monss'  Rob't  de  Beusall  (sic)  et  madame  Eve  sa  compa 
ont  grante  a  John  de  Haukeston  &c.     Donne  a  Audley  a0  1 1°  E.  .'i. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal  :— A  cross  molino  surmounted  by  a  beudlet.    Inscribed 

The  Seale  of  Bob'  Benhale. 
Drawing  of  seal,  Plate  I.,  Pig.  7,  inscribed  S.  Eu\E  be  Audeleigh.     De  qua  vide 


In  the  Register  of  the  monastery  of  Cokesford  I  read  that  Lady  Eva  de  Audley  was  d.  & 
heire  to  iS'  John  Clavering  an"  8  E.  3. 

Ceste  Indenture  faict  p1  entre  monss'  John  de  Hawkeston  d'nn  part ;  &  Anian  de  Ives  de 
autre  part.  Testmoigne  que  le  diet'  Anian  prendra  a  femme  Elenor  fille  &.  heire  au  le  diet' 
monss'  John  :  p'  la  quelle  mariage  avoit  le  diet'  Ainan  doura  au  diet'  monss'  John,  vyt  Cens 
marcz  &  sera  payc  en  main  :  Et  aussy  le  diet' monssr  John  infeofra  certaine  chaplains  en  oenl 
marcz,  de  terr&de  Rent  le  .quelle  refeffrent  [refferenf]  le  di  monss'  John  [,y  Anabella  sa  femme 
ni  le  manoir  de  CketUton  en  diet'  twins' John]  pour  terme  de  sa  vie  le  Remainder  au  diet'  Anian 
&  Elenor  sa  Eemme  -\:  a  les  hoirs  de  leurs  Corps  engendres.  par  deffault  de  issu:  la  reversion 
regardant  Ales  droicz  hoires  de  la  diet'  monss"  John  &c.  Donne  a  Wrimlord  \_Wrmford']  le 
mercrcdi  proehain  apres  le  fest'  de  S'  P.arnabe  l'apostrc  an°  35  E.  3. 

Drawing  of  three  shields  : — 

1.  Three  mullets  between  two  bendlets. 

2.  Ermine,  a  fess  fretty. 

3.  Fretty. 

Roger  Hell  alias  Lacy  Constable  of  Chester. 

Rob't  fiz  Roger,  lord  of  Claveringe. 

John  de  Claveringe.=pElizab.  d.  to  Sr  Paine  Tiptoft. 

Thos  Audley.=2.  Sr  Thos=pEua  had  4=pSr  James  Audley =4.  Rob't  Benhalle 



3  husband.  sine  prole. 

Sr  John      Sr  Edm.=poibill  d.  to  Sr  Simon      Sr  Rob't  Sr  James      Sr  Peter 

Ufford.       Ufford. 

Perpoint.  Ufford.  Audley.        Audley. 

Sr  Rob'  Ufford.=pElenor  d.  to  Sr  Thos  ffelton. 

.Tone  vxor  Sr  Wm  Bowett. 


Elizabeth  Bowett  vxor 
Tho.  L:  Dacres. 

Jone  vxr  Sr  Rich,  ffynes.         Margaret  vx.  Sr  Thos  fBnes. 

92  THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  58".     Earl.  1505,  fo.  60".] 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal : — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  A  fess  between  tbree  pheons. 

2  and  3.  Ermine,  a  fess  fretty.     Inscribed  S.  Will'm  de  Egerton. 
Drawing  of  arms,  etc.,  from  a  seal,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  2,  inscribed  S.  Jacobi  de 

Audlet  (an0  34  E.  3). 
Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal : — On  a  bend  cotised  three  stags'  beads  cabossed. 

Inscribed  S.  Will'mi  Stanley. 

Ceux  sont  les  Covenant's  faict  entre  monss'  Alexander  de  Venables  &  Johanne  sa  femme 
d'un  part.  Et  Nichol  de  Hac'uston  d'autre  parte.  Cestascavoir  que  le  dit  Niehol  a  grante 
que  il  et  ses  assignes  teneut  sans  disturbance  tous  les  terres  quels  le  dit  Nichol  a  didees  de  les 
avant  ditz  Alexander  &  Johanne  en  le  manoirs  de  Newsall  Aston  &  Cowell  a  terme  de  trois 
ans  &c.     Escript  a  Wich  Malbank  22  E.  3. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal : — Two  bars  surmounted  by  a  bend.     Inscribed  S. 

Alexander  de  Venables. 
Drawing  of  an  impaled  coat : — Dexter  fretty,  sinister  barry  wavy  of  six.    Inscribed 


S>-  Lawrence  de  Sandford  Knight  L :  of  ye 
6  part  of  ye  Barony  of  Wich  Malban. 

Sr  John  de  Maltrevers.=rJone  d.  &  heire  to  Lawrence=Sr  Alexander  de 
Sandford.  Venables. 

1.  Ralfe  de=Jone  s.p.  44=2.  Sr  Allen      Alice  vxr  John  Browning  hereof  it  cometh 
Warren.  E.  3.  Cheny.  that  Browning  beareth  Sandford's  Armes. 

Adam  de  Mustell  et  Laurentius  de  Sandford  tenuerunt  3  feoda  de  Baronia  Wici  Malbani 
37  H.  3. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  59.] 


Allen  de  Hawkeston.=p 

Hugh  Haukeston  of= Jane.  Nicholaus  Haukeston  26  E.  3 


Godfrey  Haukeston  de  Betteley 

Arms. — Art/,  a  /esse  Qui.  fretty 
Or  betw.  3  birds  Sa. 



Sr  Thomas  Hawkeston.— Ellin.     Sr  John  de  Eawkeston.=rAnabel]  d.  &  heire  of= 

Amis. — J.)  in.  a  fi'sse 
0,  II ij  Or. 

Arms. — Erin,  a  fess 
Qui.  fretty '  Or, 

a  boril.  engr.  <  f 
the  iml. 

M.  Chetilton. 
A.EMS. — Arg.    on  a 
abord.  engr.  of  (he 

Thomas     ffehce  vxr  Wra  son 
s.p.  to  David  Lloyd. 

Elenor.     Ellin  de    vxr  Hamon  de  Ives. 

Ives  ~r 


Sr  John  Haukeston  of  Wryneford.= 

Ellin  vxr  Wm  Egerton  of  whom  Egerton  of  Wryneford.  Ellin. 

X.  verint  vniversi  p'  pn'tes  que  David  filiam  Madoci  Wilmason  de  Caldcott,  relaxasse  Rado' 
de  Egertou  totum  ius  ineum  in  vno  messuagio  in  Caldecott.  Dat.  apud  Chester  an0  d  in  U59  et 
35°  E.  3. 

[Thus  in  Earl.  1505,  fo.  61.] 
Sr  John  de  Hawkeston. =rAnabeU  d.  &  heire  of  M.  Chetilton. 

Elinor.        Ellin  vxor  Hamon  de  Ives. 

Sr  John  Hawkeston  of  Wnneford.= 

Ellin  vxor  IP"  Egerton  of  [whom]  Egerton        Elizabeth. 
of  Wrynehill  is  descended. 

ecjevttm  of  lAnocMenjus  in  tolanti, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  GO1'.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  62".] 
Yrian  Egerton  of  Caldecote.=j= 

David  of  whom  Egerton  of         John  Egerton  .=j=Ellin  Sl  Peere. 

Wrynehill  is  descended. 

William  Egerton.=f  Elizabeth  Spurstow. 

94  THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

John  Egerton. =f=Katherin  d.  to  Thos  Holt. 

Piers  Egerton.=FAnne  d.  to  Rob't  Corbett  of  Morton. 


Thomas  Egerton.=pMargery. 

Phillipp  Egerton.=j=Ellin  Venables. 

Randoll  Egerton  .=pSusan  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Egerton  of  Alton  \_Oltoti]. 

W™  Egerton  of  Dunham=f=ffrancis  d.  to  Richard  Egerton. =Mary  d.  to  Thos 

[Dinharri]  in  Norff. 

Jn°  Southwell.  "Wallopp. 

Richard  Egerton  of  Dunham  in  Norff.=pIsabell  d.  to  Wm  Woodhouse  of  Hinckley. 

John  Egerton  of  "Willoughby.=f  Anne  d.  to  Wm  Whittington. 

Charles  Egerton  of  Knockfergus.=Katherine  d.  to  [£'']  Henry  Gates. 

Cfltrton  of  Cfjristleton, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  61.     Had.  1505,  fo.  63.] 

Asms. — Argent,  between  three  pheons  Sable  a  lion  rampant  Gules,  charged  on  the 
shoulder  with  an  annulet  Or. 

William  Egerton  of  Christleton.=p 

Ralph  Egerton  of=j= Alice  d.  to  Edward  [or  Edmond]  Morton  [Edmund 


Warton\  of  Eccleston  in  Com.  Cestrise. 

John  Egerton  of=Elizabeth  da.  to  John  Aldersey  Margarett. 

Christleton  1566.     of  Spurstow. 



%citon  oi  €cjnt<m  anti  of  #lton. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  59».     Ilarl.  1505,  fo.  tUb.] 

Arms  [Egebtoh  of  Oltox]. — Quarterly— 1.  Gules,  a  fcsse  between  three  pheons 
Argent,  2.  Azure,  lira  bars  Argent,  over  all  on  a  bend  < hi les  three  arm/is  of 
the  second.  [Done.]  3.  Vert,  a  cross  engrailed  Ermine.  [Kingsley.] 
l.  Argent,  a  bugle-horn  stringed  Futile,  within  the  hunt  n  cinque/oil.  [Ivixgs- 
ley's'  Forester's  Chat.] 

Crest  —  Three  arrows,  one  in  pale  and  two  in  sal/ire  Or,  barbe  t  and  flighted  Sable, 
banded  with  a  riband  Galea. 

A.RMS  [Egerton  of  Ridley].— Quarterly— 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  lion  rampant  Gules 

between  Hirer  pheons  Sable.     2  arid  3.   Or,  three  piles  in  point  Gates,  on  a 
canton  Argent  a  griffin  segreant  Sable.  [Bassett.] 
Crest. — A  lion's  gamb  erect  Hales,  holding  a  sword  proper,  hilt  and  pom,  I  Or. 

Arms  [Egerton  of  Wrtnehill]. — Quarterly— 1  and  6.  Gules,  a  fees  Ermine 
between  three  pheons  Argent.  2.  Ermine,  a  fees  Gules,  fretty  Or.  [Hawkk- 
STON.]  3.  Argent,  a  bordure  engrailed  Gaits,  over  alt  on  a  chevron  of  the 
id  tire  bezants.  [Chetilton.]  4.  Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  water- 
bougets  Sable.  [Hilt,.]  5.  Vert,  a  chevron  between  three  talbots  statant 
Argent.  [HowxiiiLL.] 

Crest. — A  plume  of  Jive  ostrich  feathers  Ermine. 

Motto. — Supra  spent  sperno. 

I    ;o  Petrus  Pichard  d'u's  Almaly  [Aland]],  eonfirmavi  David  de  Egerton  et  Juliana  vxor 
eius  duas  partes  Manerij  de  Almaly  &o.     Dat.  apud  Almaly  A°  17"  E.  3  et  Regni  sui  Francis  4°. 

Drawing  of  arms  :  A  fess  between  three  fusils. 
Drawing  of  a  crest,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  10. 

Wm  Belward.=r=  Raph  Baron  of  Mallpas.=fBeatrix  sister  to  Hugh 

Keveliock  Barle  of  Chester. 

David  le  Gierke  Baron  of  Mallpas.=pMargrett  d.  &  heire. 

Sr  W,n  de=Beatrix  base  sister  to 
Mailpas.    :;  Sr  Roger  Monhalt. 

Phillip  de  Mallpas=pKatherine  sister  to 

al's  Gogh. 

Richard  Hulton. 

David  de  Mallpas=pConstance  d.  to  Owen         David  de=pCiceley  d.  to  Randoll 

Alius  naturalis. 

Keveliock  prince  of 



Beatrix  uxor 
Roderick  ap 

A  I 

Idonea  vxor 
Sr  Vriiin  de 
Speer  [S'  Peere]. 


Philip  de  Egerton.: 
Arms. — Gules, 

three  pheons  Argent. 

:.  .  .  .  d.  to 





vxor  S1' 

Sr  John  S'  Peer 
mar.  ye  d.  of 

David  de=plsabel  d.  to     Yrian  Eger-=piEmilia  d.  & 


Phillip  It- 

of  Crew. 

ton  of 

heire  to  .... 
Calcott  vfc 
opinor  15  E.  2. 

:EUin  d.  to  Sr  David  de  Yrian  Egerton  of  Egerton= 

John  S<  Peer.  Egerton.  was  entailed  bv  fflne. 

Helena  vxor 
Wra  Brerton. 

Phillip  de^ 

:Manld  d.  to  David  de  Mallpas  or  else         David 
Margrett  d.  to  Jn°  Warren  of  Ightfeld.         2d  son. 

Sr  Jn°  Egerton  of  E°-erton.= 

Phillip  Egerton.=pMargery  d.  to  Wm  Manwaring  of  Ightfeld. 

©gcrton  of  RfBIr». 

William  Egerton  of 
Egerton  married  Mar- 
.  d.  to  Ralfe  Eger- 
ton of  Wrynehill  s.p. 

John  Eger- 
ton of 
Egerton  & 

=Elizak  d. 
&  heire  to 
Hugh  Done 
of  Olton. 

Sr  Ralfe= 
of  Rid- 

=Margrett  d.  & 
heire  to  Rafe 
Bassett  of 

Philip  Eger- 

.  ...  d.  to  ...  . 
Smith  of  Cuerdley. 

Sr  Richard  Egerton" 
of  Ridley. 

Egerton  of  Sofllcston. 

:Mary  d.  to  Rich.  Grave- 
nor  of  Eaton. 

Sr  Phillip 
of  Olton. 

d.  to  Sr 
ton of 

1.  Elizab.^pS1'  Tho.  Egerton=. 

(1.  to 
croft  of 

of  Dodleston 
now  lord  keeper 
1599  maried  in 
an"  1  Coo  Alice  d. 
to  S1'  John  Spen- 
cer of  Althorpe 
widdow  to  ffer- 
diuando  Stanley 
Earle  of  Darl  ly. 


to  Sr  Wm 
widow  to 
. . . .  Pol- 
sted  & 
S''  Job. 



of  Rid- 


ton of 

:Jane  d.  to 
of  Tall- 
acre  in 

Sr  Tho.  Eger- 
ton died  before 
his  father  1599 
mar.  Elizabeth 
d.  &  heire  to 
Thos  Venables 
Baron  of  Kin- 
derton  had 


Sr  John  Eger- 
ton 2d  son 
mar.  ffraucis 
2  daughter  & 
one  of  the  co- 
heires  of  ffer- 
dinando  E.  of 
Darby  &  had 


d.  & 
heire  to 
Hoi  ford 
son  to 

Rich.  Eger- 
ton of  Rid- 
ley maried 
Mary  d.  & 
sole  heire 
to  Sr  Rand. 
of  Mallpas. 



THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 






\  ere  maried 
to  Wm  Boner 
[BouhT]  of 

Sr  Jn°= 
ton of 

j=Margret      E 

d.  to  Sr           V> 

Rouland      St 







Elizabeth        Mary  maried 
maried  to        to  Sr  Tho.  Leigh 
Jn°  Dutton.    of  Stoneley 


Phillip          Richard. 

1    1    1 

1    1    1    1            II    M 
Mary.             Magdalen. 

1    1    1 

setat.  6            — 
annor'ni        ffrauns. 
1580.                 — 



Penelope.       James. 
Katherine.     Anne. 




Alice.             Alice. 


ton  1.  o 


=Jaue  d.  to 

heire  of 
Almaly  vt 

John  = 


I                                 1 
Phillip = Margery     Roger.     WilTm= 
Eger-       d.  to  Wm                  1 332. 
ton  10     son  to 
E.  3.        Hugh  de 


Rafe  Egerton  .=f 


Wm  Egerton  whose  descent  appeareth 
on  the  next  side  (sic). 

Rafe  Egerton  of  Calcotte.: 



Wm  Egerton  of  Betteley.=f  Ellin  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  John 


Rafe  Egerton=pElizab.  d.  to  Rate         Wm  de         Phillip  de 

obijt  1  l."r_'. 


Egerton.     Egerton. 



Hugh  Egerton  builded=pMargret  d.  to    Rafe.      Vrian]  and  died 
an0  1505. 

Jn°  Duttim 
of  Dutton 
obijt  U99. 

Vrian  de=p 


parson  of     vxr 
Hasel-         .... 
well.  Lane. 

1 d.  to=pJnu  Egerton  of  Wrinhill  mar.  to  his  3d  wife  Elenor=p2 d.  to 


d.  to  Sr  R.  Brereton  Chamb1"  of  Chester 

Eilin  vxr  Sr  Henry     Elizab.  vxor  Thos  Walker 
Willoughby.  of  Lee  Grene. 

Margrett  vxor  Thos  Minshull. 

.  .  Gresley. 

Isabell  vxor  Henry 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Randoll=pIsabell  d.  &  heire 

of    Rob't. 


Richd  a 

Alice  vx 

Isabell  vxr 

Ellin  vx1' 


Rob1  Hill  of  Hown- 



Thos  Har- 



hill  after  mar.  to 


court  of 



Edw.  Littleton. 

of  In- 



of  Bloer. 

John  Eger-~ 

= Agnes  d.  to 

WmEger-=T=Jane  d.  to 


Katherine  rxr     Anne 

vxr  Rob't 

ton  died 

Sr  "Walter 

ton  of 

Sr  Tho. 

Edw.  Barker      Midlemore  of 

1  June 

Griffeth  of 


Lacon  of 

of  Wollerton       Egbaston  in 




in  Salop.            "Warwicksh. 

1                           1 

„   1 
Sr  Ralphs  Anne  d.     Eich. 


Isabel  vx 

r    Anne 




to  Sr          s.p. 






ton of 









of  Sand- 


liill  died 

of  Gos- 

of  Has- 





(Sic  in  both.  MSS.) 


Edward  ajtatis        Eichard 

s.p.         M 

1    1 
iry       Margaret. 

Rafe  Egerton=j 





of  Betteley. 



Ralfe.        Wm. 




[Harl.  1424,  fo.  64.] 

Arms. — Argent,  a  bay  horse  passant  proper. 

[No  Pedigree.] 

THE   VISITATION   OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  99 

ffilkin  of  Catenljall 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  63.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  64".] 

Arms. — Argent,  an  orle  Sable,  within  eleven  billets  in  orle  of  the  second. 

Phillip  ffilkin  of  Tattenhall.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Domvile  of  Lynim. 

=j=Jolm  ffilkin  of  Tatnall.=p[2]  Elizabeth  d.  to  John  Hanky  of  Churton. 

_J  j 


Anne  vxor    John     Piers  ffilkiu=pJane  d.  to  John     Elizabeth  vxr     Kafcherine  vxor 

Henry  s.p.       of  Tatten- 

Bcarde.  hall  1580. 

Damport  of  Rich.  Massy      James  Goslard 

Caveley.  [of  Egerley].      of  Tarven. 

John  ffilkin  ajtatis=Anne  d.  to  Randoll     Richard.      Elizabeth.     Jane.     Dorothy. 
15  annor'm  1580.      Dodd. 

ffitttm  of  <f£asetoortjK 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  62.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  eleven. — 1.  Argent,  a  canton  Gules,  over  all  on  a  betid  Azure 
three  garbs  Or.  2.  Gules,  two  lions  passant  Argent,  a  label  of  three  points 
Or.  [Orreby.]  3.  Argent,  tiro  chevrons  and  a  canton  Gules.  [Orreby.] 
4.  Azure,  two  bars  Argent,  over  all  on  a  bend  Gules  three  bezants  [pheons 
Or?].  [Lerh  of  Bechton.]  5.  Or,  three  lozenges  Azure.  [Baguley.]  (i. 
Azure,  three  spades  or  ma  Harks  Or.  [Bechton.]  7.  Argent,  a  chevron 
between  Jive  cross- croslets  fitche  {two  above  and  three  below)  Sable.  [Sidding- 
tox.]  8.  Azure,  three  icicles  bendivays  Or.  [Harbottle.]  9.  Argent,  three 
flagons  Gules.  [Monbouciier.]  10.  Argent,  three  escallops  Gules.  [Charrox.] 
11.  Argent,  three  water-bougets  Sable.  [Lilburne  ?]  Over  all  an  escocheon 
of -pretence,  quarterly  of  four. — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  cross  and  oordure  both 
engrailed  Sable.  [Holcroft.]  2.  Argent,  a  squirrel  sejant  Gules.  [Hortox.] 
3.  \_Argent],  an  eagle,  wings  elevated  [Sable],  preying  on  an  infant  [//roper], 
swaddled  [Gules].  [Culcheth.] 

Crest. — On  a  chapeau  Azure,  turned  up  Ermine,  a  pansy  proper,  stalked  Vert. 

These  Armcs  were  taken  out  of  an  old  Book  at  Goseworth  wherein  they  were 
limned  long  ago.  Drawing  of  anus  : — Quarterly — 1st.  Argent,  two  chevrons  Gules, 
on  a  canton  of  the  last  a  label  of  four  points  Argent.     2nd.  Argent,  a  chevron 

100  THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580. 

between  five  cross-croslets  fitche,  two  in  chief  and  three  in  base,  Sable,  3rd.  Azure, 
three  spades  Or.  4th.  Argent,  a  canton  Gules,  over  all  on  a  bend  Azure  three 
garbs  Or.     Motto  :  Fauente  Deo. 

Herbert  de  Orreby  .=pLucia  heire  to  Goseworth. 

Richard  de  Orreby.=p  Sr  Thomas  Orreby. 

Thomas  Orreby  of  Goseworth.=f= 

Thomas  ffitton.=pIsabell. 

Thos  ffitton  of  Goseworth.=p 

Sr  Lawrence  ffitton  of  Goseworth  died  1450  [1456.     Had.  1505,  fo.  63*].= 

Thomas  obi j t  vivo  patre  1449.= 

Sr  Thomas  ffitton.  Edward  ffitton. =p 

Sr  John  ffitton.=pHellen  d.  to  Sr  Andrew  Brereton. 

Sr  Edward  ffitton.=j=Mary  d.  &  coheire  to  S1'  Jane  vxr  Lawrence  Chantrell. 

Guichard  Harbottle. 

Sr  Edw.  ffitton=pAnne  d.  to      Tho.  ffitton     ffrancis.  Elenor.  Margrett. 
of  Goseworth       Sr  Peter          of  Sidding-          —                 —  — 

Tresurer  of  Warburton     ton.  Anthony.  Anne  vxr  Katherine  vxr 

Ireland.  obijt  1573.  —    "  Sr  Raph  John  Mere  of 

George.  Egerton.  Mere. 

Mary  vxr  Sr 

Sr  Edw.  ffitton=pAlice  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  John  Rich.  Beison 

1600.  Holcroft  of  Lancashire.  of  Billishill. 

Edward  ffitton  son  &  heire. 



ffoMU  toulfjo  JoM  of  iHitrtctmcije. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  64".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  66.] 

Arms  (P'  TV.  Camden,  Clar.  150'J). — OuUs,  a  chief  Argent,  over  all  a  cross  moline  Or. 

Cuest. — A  garb  per  pale  Or  and  Vert,  the  band  counter-changed. 

Motto. — Fouendo  Foueo. 

Foluile  Antiqua. — Or,  a  chief  Argent,  over  all  a  cross  moline  Gules. 

Foluile  de  Com'  Leicest. — Perfess  Ermine  and  Or,  a  cross  moline  Gules. 

1 .  Anne  d.: 
to  ...  . 


=John  ffovill  of  Middlewich=p3.  Margrett= 

maried  to  his  2a  wife  .... 
d.  to  ....  Sniethwik  of 


d.  to  .  .  .  . 
Hifeld  of 



2"  husband.     3d  husband. 

I  I  II  II  II  I 

James  ffolvile=pCiceley  d.  to  Alice  had     Peter.     Isabell.     Katherine.     Elizabeth. 

of  Midlewich 
2d  son. 

Jn°  Peever    5  or  6 
of  Middle-    husbands, 

Thos.      Elenor.     Anne. 

John=p.  .  .  .  d. 



Tho9  ffolvile=f  Rebeca  d 
servant  to  Sr 
Wm  Cicell 

to  W 

[Cafer]  Lord  Burgh 
ofMidle-  ley  L:  High 
wich.  Treasurer 

of  England. 

John.     \Ym.     James  s.  prole. 

I  I 

I  I  I  II 

John.    Thos.       ffrancis.     Wm. 


to  Rafe        Chichester 
Barnes  of     mar.  to  his 

Wm  ffovile  of=pElizab. 
1  wife. 

Harow  on 
the  Hill. 

2li  wife  Mar- 
grett  Tirrell 
of  Hamsh. 

Wm  1^  yeare    Thos  £ 
old  1599.  yeare  old. 


vxr  1 

&  2  to 

3  doughty  s.p. 

Rob  t  astatis      Audrey  vsr  John  Barksdale      Anne.      Margaret.      Rebeckah. 
20   annor'm      of  Newbery.  —  —  — 

1599.  Jone.       Maudlin.       Elizabeth. 



John  ffoville.=pEmm  [llargret]  d.  to  Thos  Venables  of  Budworth. 
Edward  base  son. 

Ralfe      Parnell.      Katherine  vxor      Ellin.  Elenor  vxor  Edw.  Venables 

s.p.  ....  Knight.  base  son  to  Sr  Thomas. 





dfaute&urst  of  Crctoc, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  62b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Grilles,  a  fret  Or,  a  chief  Ermine.  2.  Azure,  a  lion  rampant 
Argent.  [Crewe.]  3.  Ermine,  three  muscles  conjoined  in  fess  Gules. 
[Blijthall  ?]      4.    Gules,    a    scythe    Argent,   the  handle   Or.    [Praers.] 

5.  Azure,  a  cross  moline  Or,  quarter  pierced  of  the  field.  [Moltneux  ?] 

6.  Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  lozenges  Ermines.  [Shaw  ?] 
Crest. — A  unicorn's  head  couped  Argent,  armed  and  matted  Or. 

....  ffoulshurst  of  Crew.=p 
Arms. — Gu.  a  fret  Or,  on  a  chief 
Arg.  2  mullets  Sa. 

Sr  Eobert  ffoulshurst.=pJane  d.  to  Sr  Richard  Vernon. 

Sr  Thos  ffoulshurst  of  Crew; 


Jane  vxor  Ralph  Vernon  of  Haslington. 

Robert.        Agnes  vxor  Sr  Lawrence  Smith        Ciceley  vxo1'  Henry  Ropp 
of  Hough.  of  Stapeley. 

jfntosjjam  of  €ltom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  63b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.   Argent,  on  a  cross  engrailed  Sable  five  estoiles  Or. 

2  and  3.  Paly  of  six  Argent  and  Gules  on  a  bend  Sable  three  mullets  Or. 

Crest. — An  escallop  Argent. 

Wm  ffrodesham  of  Elton.=p 

AY  m  ffrodesham; 

.  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Molineux  of  Sefton. 

Wm  ffrodesham  of  Elton.=pKatherine  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Ingram  of  Lane. 

Edward  ffrodesham.=pMargrett  d.  to  Richard  Bonbury  of  Stanney. 

ffrodesham     d.  to  John 

of  Elton 

Brasted  of 

I    I 


John.     George.     Margaret      Doroty.     Condra  vxor 


vxor  Rob't 

Thos  Chalenor 
&2a  to  Edmund 


John  ffrodsham  of  Elton.        Edward.        Thomas. 



THE   VISITATION   OP   CHESHIRE,    1580.  103 

#erarti  of  Crctooofc. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  fit).     Harl.  1505,  fo.  67".] 

Arms. — Azure,  a  lion  rampant  Argent,  collared  (lutes. 

Piers  Gerard  of  Gerard  (sic).=F.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Bruyn  of  Turvyn. 

Richard  Gerard  =}=Maud  d.  to  John  Minslmll  of  Minshull. 


Richard  Gerrard  of  Gerrard=pEllin  d.  to  James  Isabell  vx>'  Thomas 

[Creirood]  1566. 

Botton  of  Terton.  Duncalfe  of  ffoxherst. 

Richard  Gerard=pMary  d.  to  John         Jane  vxor  Chris-        William. 

of  Creewood. 

Damport  of  topher  Damport 

Woodford.  of  "Woodford. 

I  I  I  I  I  I 

Richard.        Henry.        William.        Anne.        Margarett.        Ellin. 

(JHecjcj  of  #aptom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  08.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  69b.] 

Arms. — Sable,  two  lions  counterpassant  m  pale  Argent,  collared  (rules. 

John  Glegg  of  Gaiton.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Poole. 

[  John  Glegg  of  Gaiton.*=f Isabell  d.  to  John  Leycesler.        John.         Thomas. 

Arthur  Glegg  of  Gallon  1566.=j=£7eno>-  d.  to  John  Massy  of  Puddington.~\ 

r  n       n         i  i 

John  [  II7/-=j=Mary  d.  to  Thomas.  Elizabeth.  Katherin  vxor  Margery 

limit]  Glegg     Edw.  —                  —  Wm  Anunne  vxor  Peter 

of  Gayton     I  Plackney  of  Edward.  Elenor.  [Anion]  of  Bold  of 

1580.  '  Chester.  Werall.  Upton. 

Edward  Glegg  tetatis  1  ann'  1580.         John.         Mary.         Elizabeth. 
*  The  words  in  italics  are  not  given  in  Harl.  MS.  1424. 

104  THE   VISITATION   OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  66b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  68.] 

Arms. — Sable,  three  crescents  Argent. 

John  Gleyve  of  High  Ligh.=f= 

Gilbert  Gleyve.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Mortlow  \_Moothhvo\  of  High  Ligh. 

Thomas  Gleyve.=pAgnes  da.  to  Wm  Percyvall  of  Lym. 

John  Gleyve  of  High  Ligla=r[Anne  d.  to  Wm  Bide 

living  1580. 

of  Urrnesion.~] 

Tho.  Gleyve        John.         Robert.         Alice  vxor  Robert  Ligh       Anne.         Eliza- 
tetatis  15  —  brother  to  George  Ligh         —  beth. 

annor'm  1580.  William.       of  the  East  Hall.  Isabell. 

(Master  oi  Cljcstcr* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  69.] 

Arms. — Azure,  three pheons  Argent,  a  chief  Ermine. 

Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Gules  a  cockatrice's  head  between  tiro  wings  expanded 
Sable,  combed  of  the  first. 

Henry  Dacres  borne  at  Maxfeld  in=p 
com.  Staff.  Alderman  of  London. 

Rob't  ffairthwait  Citizen  and=FAnne  Dacres.=Sr  John  Paginton 

Merchantailor  of  London. 

2l1  husband. 

Nicholas  Tichborne  of=pElizabeth  Martin  &  Geffrey 

Roiden  in  Essex. 

ffairthwait.  s.p. 

James  Glasier  of  Chester.=p  Elizabeth  Tichborne. 

William  Glasier  Vice  Chamberlain  of  Chester. 

THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580.  105 

#oUiorne  of  (tomtom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  67.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  cross  between  four  martlets  Gules.  2.  Sable, 
a  sling  (or  hand-bow)  between  tiro  piteous  Argent.  [Garden.]  3.  Gules,  a 
fess  Argent,  a  label  of  five  /minis  Azure.  [Hampton.] 

Sr  David  Golborne  of  Golborne.=F 


John  Golborne.=pEUin  d.  &  heire  to  Wm  Garden  of  Carden. 

John  Golbome.=F 

Richard  Golborne.=j=Ellin  d.  &  heire  to  Wm  Hampton  of  Hampton. 

John  Golborne.—.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Cliffe  of  Huxley. 

William  Golborne.=pCiceley  d.  to  Robert  Brett  of  Davenham. 

Edward  Golborne  of  Overton  1566.=pEllin  d.  to  Piers  Paver  of  Nantwich. 

John  Golborne. =.  .  .  .  d.  &  coheire  to         Edward.         Katherine.         Cicely. 
Randoll  Dodd  of  Edge. 

#oli)ornc  aFs  6ootmtan  of  dMbontc  38ab^ 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  G7b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  69.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Gyronny  of  eight,  Argent  and  Sable,  an  eagle  displayed 
Or,charged  on  the  breast  with  a  trefoil  Vert.  [Goodman.]    2  and  3.  [Argent] 

a  cross  patonce  between  four  martlets  [Gules'].  [Golborne.] 

Sr  William  Golborne  of  Golborne  Davy.=p 

Goodman  of=p.  .  .  .  d  &         ....  d.  &  coheire         ....  d.  &  coheire 

Golborne  Davy. 

coheire.  vx1' ....  Duttou.         vxr  ....  Venables. 

John  Goodman  of  Golborne  Davy.=f[.  .  .  .  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Tatton  of  Witheshaw.] 


106  THE   VISITATION   OP   CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Robert  Golborne.=p[-4?iMe  d.  to  John  Massy  of  Pudding  ton.] 



William  Golborne  of  Golborne  Davy  1566.=pMaud  d.  to  Rich.  Massy  of  Audford. 

John.  Anne. 

(Hwtiman  of  Cluster, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  67b.] 

Arms.— Per  pale  Sable  and  Ermine  an  eagle  displayed  Or,  charged  on  the  breast  with 
a  trefoil  Vert. 

John  Goodman  of  Chester  .=f Alice  d.  to Sampson. 

Wm  Goodman  of  Roiston.=i=Anne  d.  to  .  . .  .  Newce  of  Littlebery. 

Wm  Goodman        John  Goodman  of  Comberlew         Henry.         Edward.         Lucy, 
of  Roiston.  grene  in  com.  Hartford. 

<§riflm  of  Batlmtom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  68b.] 

Arms— Argent,  a  griffin  segreant  Sable,  within  a  bordure  gobone  Or  and  of  the 

Nota  that  Bartholomew  Griffin  ancestor  of  this  house  was  L  :  of  Barderton  in 
the  time  of  Wm  Rufus  as  by  old  evidences  appeareth. 

Sr  John  Griffin  of  Barderton.=p d.  to Warren  of  Pointon. 

John  Griffin  of  Barderton.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Done  of  Utkinton. 

Edmund  Griffin  natus  ante  nuptias.=f  Elizab.  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Blackwell  of  Darbyshire. 




John  Griffin  of  Barderton.=pSibill  d.  to  Tho5  Sfcarky  of  Strctton. 

John  Griffin=pEUenor 
of  Barder-        d.  to 
ton  1580.  Sr  Edin'1 


S.  prole. 

Four  children  s.  prole. 

Rich.  Griffin 
married  .... 
d.  to  .  .  .  . 

\V™  Griffin 

of  London. 

I    I 

Jane  vxor 

<&ro$foawr  al's  #ratonm*  tf  €atom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  65b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  67.] 

Amis. — Quarterly — 1  and  G.  Azure,  a  garb  Or.  2.  Sable,  a  cross  patonce  Argent. 
[Pulford.]  3.  Azure,  three  pheasants  Or.  [Fesant.]  4.  Quarterly, 
Argent  and  Sable,  a  cross  patonce  counter  changed.  [Eaton.]  5.  Azure,  an 
eagle  displayed  Argent.  [Cotton.] 

Crest.— Plate  II.,  Fig.  11. 

Gilbertus  le  Grosvenator  nepos  Hugonis  Lupi  Coniitis  Cestrise. 

Robertus.     Arms. — A  bend, 







Robertus  sepultus  in  Budworth.=pEnmia  f[uia]  W.  Modberley  [Modbury]. 

Radulphus. ^j= 

Rob  tus  Grosvenor  miles  esceator  et  defensor  Armor'm=.  .  .  .  filia  Joh'is 
suorum  contra  Ric'um  le  Scroope  10  R.  2.  Daniel  militis. 

©roBtocnor  of  ©olmc. 

Sr  Robert  Grosvenor  of  Holme  &  Rudheath.=p 

Elizab.  vx.  P.     Emm  vxor  Jn°     Agnes  vxr  Wm     Kafcherine  vxr    Margaret  vxr  Tho» 
Dutton  of  Ligh  of  Bothes.     Stanley  of  Rich.  Win-        Lecesterof  Tabley. 

Button.  Hooton.  ingtou. 



This  Sr  Tbos  Gravenor  was  heire  to  Holme,  as  it  shall  appeare  by  the  marriage  of  the  d.  & 
heire  to  Sr  Wm  fteasant  k.  which  Sr  Wm  did  entaile  the  Manor  of  Holme  to  Tho"  Grosvenor 
Knight  for  terme  of  his  life  :  And  for  lacke  of  issue  of  his  bodie,  to  Rafe  Grosvenor  his  brother 
&  to  the  heirs  of  his  body  lawfully  begotten. 

Sr  Thoins  Grosvenoiv 
Akms. — Azure,  a  garb  Or. 

--.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  Sr 
Wm  ffesant. 

Rob't  1  son  s.p.        Rafe.=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  of  ...  .  Eaton. 

Robert  Grosvenor.=f= 


Thomas  Gravenor.=p 


Robert  Grosvenor  .=pKatherine  d.  to  Wm  Norris  of  Speake. 

Tho.  s.p.     Richard  Grosvenor.— Katherine  d.  &  coheire  to  ...  .  Cotton  of  Ridware. 

Rich.  2d 
sonne  rnar. 
d.  to  Sr 

John  3d  son  of 
mar.  Alice  d. 
to  Sr  Raph 

Egerton  of 

Henry  4th  son. 

a  nun  att 

2.  Elenor 
vxor  Tho. 

3.  Katherine 
vxo''  Tho8 
of  Bretton. 

4.  Anne 

5.  Alice 

a  nun. 

6.  Doroty 
vx1  Ric. 
Wilbram  & 
after  to 
Henry  Savell 
of  Barnby. 

Sr  Tho5= 
of  Eaton. 

=Maudd.     7.  Maud  8.  Jane  9.MargretvxorlRafe 

toSrWm     7d.  vxor  8,h  d.  Bekett    [Beckett]   of 

Poole  of    ....  vxor  Creston   [Oo/ow]   2d 

Weyrall.     Ridge-  George  to  George  Woods  & 

ley  [Rid-  Sand-  3'-v  to  John  Molineux. 

ley'].  ford.  =p 

Elizab.  Bekett 
vxr  Geo.  Ire- 

Mary  vxor  Thom3 
Ligh  of  Adling- 
ton  and  after  to 
Hr  Richard  Eger- 
ton.       =j= 

Margery  Bekett 
vxr  Henry  Ec- 

Mary  Bekett 
vxr  .  .  .  .  Le- 
ton  of  Leton. 



Elizab.  ux. 
Rich.  Masterson 
of  Nantwich. 

vx'  Rich. 


Tho.  Grosvenor=pAnned.  to  Roger 

of  Eaton  15C6. 

Rich.  Gravenor  of  Eaton  1580.       Thomas.       Agar.       Mary.       Agiies, 

Bradshaw  of 


THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580.  109 

ftanfcp  oi  Clnutom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  83".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  87.] 

Arms.— Per  pale  Chiles  and  Azure,  a  wolf  salient  Or,  vulned  in  the  shoulder  of  the 

Robert  Hanky  of  Churton.=p 

John  Hanky.=p  Eobert. 

John  Hanky  .=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Crew  of  the  Holt. 

Hugh  Hanky .^\_Alice  d.  to  Eobert  Troutbeck  of  Trefford.'] 

John  Hanky  of  Churton=pElenor  d.  to  Rob't  Chetewood        Thomas. 


of  Worleston 

Elenor.      Margery.      Alice.      Jane.      Elizabeth.      Anne  vxor  George  Bostock 

of  Churton. 

j^assall  oi  #anttoici)- 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  81.] 
Arms. — Per  chevron  Argent  and  Or,  three  pheons  Sable. 

William  Hassall.=f  Margrett  d.  to  Sr  John  Bromley  of  Chetilton. 

Hamon  Hassall.^EUin  d.  to  Richard  Cholmeley  aunt  to  Sr  Hugh  Cholmeley  knight. 

Richard  Hassall.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Wilbram. 

Richard  Hassall  of  Nantwich  1580.=pAnne  d.  to  Tho9  Masterson. 


William=Margrett  d.  to  Roger     Rich.  Hassall     Edward.     Elizabeth.     Margerie. 
Hassall.     Atkinson  of  Shrop-       of  London.  — 

shire.  John. 




[Harl.  1424,  fo.  70.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  71b.] 

Ivon  a  noble  man  of  Normandy  had  6  sons  which 
came  into  England  with  Wilham  Conqueror. 

Nigell  Baron  Geffrey  had  the  Hubbard  Edward  Horswaine  Wolfath  had  the 
of  Halton  &  lands  and  had  the  had  the  had  the  mannor  of  Hat- 
Constable  of  barony  of  Stop-  lands  of  manor  mannor  of  ton  by  the  gift 
Chester.  ford  and  died  s.  Dutton.  of  Hasel-  Shrigley.  of  his  brother 
prole.  wall.  Nigell. 

Wm  Fitz  Nigell 
Baron  of  Halton. 

Hugh  de 

William  de= 

Robert  de=pMargret  d.  &  heire  to  Sr 
Hatton.        Gilbert  Crispin. 

Sr  Geffre. 


2d  son. 

Wolfath.       William. 

.  .  .  .  d.  to    Adam  de     Norman         Sr  Hugh  Hatton     Hamon  Hatton 
Sr  Edwin       Hatton.       de  Hatton.     knight  of  the         Chamberlaine 
Harthull.  Eodes.  of  Cheston  (««•). 

Isabell  uxor       Ralfe. 
Sir  Henry  de 

Moberley.  Henry  a  monke 

at  Chester. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  70b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  72.] 
Arms  of  Hallum. — Sable,  a  cross  engrailed  Ermine. 

Ranulph  de  Hallum  Chamberlaine  to  Hugh  Keveliock 
Earle  of  Chester  who  gave  him  the  mannor  of  Hallum. 

S1'  Hugh  de  Hallum.^=.  ...  d.  to  Edward  Morvile  sonne  to  Hugh. 

THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  Ill 

John  de  Hallum.*=rMargrett  d.  to  Randoll  Pigott. 

Sr  John  de  Hallum.=pJane  d.  to  John  Bromley. 

Sr  Hugh  Hallum.=FKatherine  d.  to  Sr  Hugh  Modberly  [Moberlei/]. 

Jone  uxor  John  Hatton  of         Elizabeth  uxr  Sr 
Great  Aldersey  28  E.  3.  Rob't  Henington. 

Pro  ©attorn 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  70b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  72.] 

Arms  of  Hellesby. — Or,  a  sattire  Sable. 

Arms  of  Thoenton. — Argent,  on  a  lend  G-ules  three  escarbuncles  Or. 

Sr  John  Hellesby  .=p 

Rich,  de  Hellesby.: 


Randoll=pCiceley  d.  &  coheire  of        Allen  Hellesby  =p  Beatrix  d.  &  heire 
Thornton.     Rich,  de  Kingesley.  de  Hellesby.         to  Adam  de  Hatton. 

Piers.=f  Ciceley  vxor  David  de  Egerton.        8r  Will'm  Hellesby/ 

Randoll  Thornton.=p  Sr  Will'm  Hellesby .=pA vice. 

gr  Piers=pLucia.  ....  uxor  ....  uxor  ....  uxor  Jone  vxor  Adam 

Thorn-  ....  Bees-  ....  Griffin  ....  Traf-  Hatton  of  Great 

ton.  ton  of  of  Barder-  ford  of  Aldersey. 

Beeston.  ton.  Trafford. 

Ellin  vxor         Elizab.  vxr        Mary  vxr       Emm  vx1'       Mauld  vxr  Beatrix  vxor 

Sr  Thomas        Hamon  S1  Will'm       Hugh  de       Henry  Thos  Sams- 

Dutton.  ffitton  of  Colborne.       Wever-  Beeston.  bury  [_Sam- 

Bollin.  ham.  bury']. 

*  This  generation  is  omitted  in  Harl.  MS.  1505. 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIREj    1580.- 

atton  oi  %mton  ty  WBwcton.     pattern  of 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  71.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  72b.] 
Sr  Geffrey  Hatton.=r[ d.  to  Sr  Edwin  Harthill.*] 

Roger  2d^=Maud  d.  to        Sr  Hugh  Hatton  of  Hatton=p d.  to  Sr 


Sr  Piers  by  Waverton  al's  Warfcon 

Norman  rile.       eldest  son. 

W™  Bordell 


Ralfe=pMargery  d.  to  William^Agnes  da.  to  Sr  Geffrey  Button  who  gave 


Simon  [Limey"].        Hatton. 

with  her  the  L'pp  of  Hatton  by  Daresbury. 

I  I 

Sr  Hugh  Hatton.t=pAmy  d.  to  Rafe  Venables.  Simon  Hatton/ 

William=FJane  d.  &  coheire  to  Rich. 


son  to  Sr  Hugh  Golborne. 

Wm  Hatton=p 
of  Hatton. 


Ifngli  Ilattmi— Margrett  d.  to  S1' 
[of  Hatton].       John  Arderne. 

Adam  Hatton=j= 
of  Hatton. 

John  Hatton=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  Hugh  de=pMargaret  d.  &         Allen   de=pBeatrix 

[of  Hatton]. 



heire  to  Geffery      Hellesby. 

1  d.  & 

Maud  vxor  Sr  Rafe         John  Hatton  Lord  of  the=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire 

Vernon  of  Shipbroke.     halfe  of  Great  Aldersey. 

S1'  Wm= 

to  Sr  John  Hallum.     Hellesby. 

Rob't  Vernon 
of  Hatton. 


Adam  Hatton  L :  of  the  halfe=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to 
of  Great  Aldersey.  Sr  Wm  Hellesby. 

Rafe  Vernon=pMargrett  d.  &  heire  to 
al's  Hatton.      Rafe  Brailsford. 


Rob't  Hatton  of=j=[* Avtce  d.  &  heire  to 

Kirsty  birches 
t'pe  H.  4. 

Sr  Wm  Wistaston.] 

Wm  Hatton  of  Kirsty  birches.=p[.E7eMW  d.  to  Sr  Hugh  Brow.] 

[William  Hatton  of  Kirsty  birches.]=f= 

a  I 

*  The  words  in  italics  are  not  given  in  Harl.  MS.  1424. 
t  Omitted  in  Harl.  MS.  1505. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 



1.  Margaret  d.  &  heire  to  George=j=Peter  Hatton  of=p2 d.  to 

Bostock  of  Modberley.  Kirsty  bii-ches.       of  Grimsdich. 

Hugh  Hatton 
a  marchant. 

Alice  married  an  Alderman 
of  London. 

Lienor  married 
in  Chester. 



T"  I  '  I  I  I 

Rich.  Hatton       Peter  Hatton      Henrj  Hatton      Rob'i  Hatton       John  Hatton 
of  Ellisrnere.       of  Kirsty  of  Holdenby.         of  Norley.  of  the 




Randoll  Hatton 
of  Weverham. 

Adam  Hatton 
of  North  wood. 

Simon  Hatton 
of  Stocton 

Hugh  a 




The  discents  of  all  these  brethren  followeth  hereafter  under  these  severall  markes.* 

pattern  of  S&retosfcurp. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  71".     Hark  1505,  fo.  73.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Azure,  a  chevron  between  three  garbs  Or,  2.  Sable,  a  cross 
engrailed  Ermme.  [Hallum.]  3.  Or,  a  sal/ire  Sable.  [Helsby.]  4.  Sable, 
a/ess  humette  Argent,  a  mullet  for  difference.  [Bostock.] 

%  Richard  Hatton  eldest  sonne  to  Peter  Hatton  of 
Kcstiburches  fflodd  out  of  Cheshire  for  killing 
of  a  man  &  dwelt  at  Ellisrnere. 

.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire 
of  Augustine. 

Richard  Hatton  of  Abbay  fforgate=pMargery  d.  to  Geffrey 

in  Shrewsbury. 

Vickers  \_Wwken\. 

Thomas  Hatton=pElenor  d.  &  heire     Robert  Hatton     Richard=pMary  d.  to  George 

of  Shrewsbury. 

to  Arthur  son  & 
heir  to  Sr  Peter 



:  oil. 

Eveline  of  Ditton 
in  Surrey. 

Robert.       ffrances  [ffrancis]. 

Mary.      Anne. 


Edmund.       ffrancis.       Peier.       Thomas.       Lucia.       Winefrid.       Margrett. 

*  [The  black-letter  capitals   have  been   substituted  here  b.r  the  label,  crescent,  mullet, 
martlet,  annulet,  fleur-de-lys.  escallop,  and  craquefoil,  which  appear  iu  the  origiual  MS8.—  J.  P.  R.] 




J&  attmt  of  lUrstplnrcijts  tit  Cjjesiiprt* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  72.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Azure,  a  chevron  between  three  garbs  Or.  2.  Sable,  a  cross 
engrailed  Ermine.  [Hallum.]  3.  Or,  a  saltire  Sable.  [Helsby.]  4.  Sable, 
a/ess  humette  Argent,  a  mullet  for  difference.  [Bostock.]  Over  all  a  crescent 
foi-  difference. 

B   Peter  Hatton  second  sonne  to  Peter=p  Margrett  d.  to  Rouland 
Hatton  of  Kirsty  birches.  Perpoint  of  Warington. 

Peter  Hatton.=pAnne  d.  to  John  Claiton  of  Thelwell. 

Lawrence  Hatton  of  Kirsty  birches  was  married  71=j=Agnes  or  Alice  d.  to  Edmund 

yeares  and  died  the  26  of  March  An'o  D'ni  1574. 

Griffin  of  Barderton. 

Peter  Hatton  of=f  Katherine 
Kirsty  birches     I  d.  to  Rich. 
slaine  in  taking  \  Marbury 
possession  of  a      of  Walton, 

Randoll  Hatton=pElizabeth       Henry. 

one  of  the 
Groornes  of  the 

d.  to  Jn° 

Stoliete  of 

Anne  vxor 
Starky  of 

1.  Alice  d.  to  Peter=pLawrence  Hatton=2.  Anne  d.  to      William.       Christopher. 

Dutton  of  New- 

of  Kirsty  birches 
lyving  1580. 

Gawen  Ligh  of 



Richard  aetatis  20  annor'm  1580. 

J^atton  oi  i^oltieitbp  tit  JJmtJwmjpttmsJnre. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  72".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  76.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  twelve. — 1.  Azure,  a  chevron  between  three  garbs  Or.    2.  Gules, 
on  a  canton  Argent  a  fleur-de-lis  Sable.  [Newport  ?]      3.  Barry  of  four 

Argent   and  Gules  lozengy  counter  changed.    [Crispin.]      4 a  cross 

palonce  between  four  martlets  ....      5 an  eagle  displayed  ....     6. 

Argent,  on  a  bend  Sable  three  covered  cups  of  the  field.  [Rixton  ?]     7.  Sable, 
a  cross  engrailed  Ermine.   [Hallum.]     8.  Or,  a  saltire  Sable.  [Helsby.] 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


9.  Azure,  five,  cinquefoils  in  cross  Argent.  [Holdenby.]     10.  Argent,  three 
iendlets  Sable  on  a  canton  of  the  second,  a  tower  triple-towered  of  the  first. 
[Cahnell  ?]     11.  Argent,  mi  a  chief  (lutes  three  fleur-de-lis  Or.    i2.  Ermine, 
on  afess  Azure  three  cross-croslets  Or. 
Crest. — A  hind  statant  Or. 

dt  Henry  Hatton  3d  son  to= 
Peter  Hatton  of  Kirsty 

Elizabeth  d.  &  heire  to  Wra 
Holdenby  of  Holdenby  in 

John  Hatton  of  Holdenby.=fJone  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Westby  \_Westly~\. 

Wm  Hatton  of=pAIice  d.  to  Laurence  Sanders 


of  Harington  in  Com. 

John  Hatton  of: 

I  I 

Sr  Christopher  Doroty 

Hatton  Lord  vxor  John 

Chancellor  Newport. 
died  without 
issue  1591. 

:Dionice  d.  to  .  . 
Ware  of  Sussex. 

Wm  Hatton  of=pJone  d.  &         John=f  Jane  d.  to  Rob't 


heire  to 


Shute  Baron  of 
the  Excheq. 

Christopher.       Rob't.       Thomas. 

1.  . . . 

.  d.=pSr  V 

m  Hatton: 

=2.  Elizab.  d. 

= Edward  Cooke 



to  .  .  . 

died  1597. 

to  Sr  Tho. 

the  Queene's 



Cicell  L : 

Attorney  2d 





©attmt  oi  &oxltv. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  73.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  76b.] 

Arms.— Quarter///— 1.  Azure,  a  chevron  between  three  garbs  Or.  2.  Sable,  a  cross 
engrailed  Ermine.  [Hai.h'ji.]  3.  Or,  a  saltire  Sable.  [Helsby.]  4.  Sable, 
afess  humettt  Argent,  a  mullet  Or  for  difference.  Over  all  four  quarters  a 
martlet  for  difference. 

S  Robert  Hatton  of  Norley  in  Cheshire  4th  son=p.  .  .  .  widow  to  ... .  Browne 
to  Peter  Hatton  of  Kirsty  birches.  [Broome']  of  Croton. 

Tho3  Hatton= 
of  Norley. 

=Jone  d.  to  .  .  .  . 
ffrere  \_ffree~]  of 





:.  .  .  .  widow 
to  ...  . 


:.  .  .  .  d.  to  Rich. 
Daniell  of  Dares- 



Robert=f=Blanch  d.  to 


Tho5  Rutter 
[Butler]  by 
the  d.  of  Tho8 

Ric.  raaried 
d.  to  .  .  .  . 

Hatton  of  the 

Wm  Hatton  of 
in  Kent. 

Thomas  Hatton 
of  Norley  mar. 
Elizab.  d.  to 
Jn°  Hocknell  of 
Hocknell  Piatt. 

Wm  Hatton 
of  Norley 
maried  Alice 
d.  to  .  .  .  . 
Newton  of 

Peter  Hatton  of  Nor- 
ley  maried  Anne  d.  to 
George  Rowe  of 

Will'm  Hatton. 

Rich.  Hatton 
of  London. 

James  maried  Elenor 
Ravenshaw  and  dwell- 
eth  at  Nantwich. 

William  maried 
Maud  d.  to 
Jn°  Johnson. 

Thos  of  Kingesley  inar. 
Ciceley  d.  to  Rich.  Amery 
of  Kingesley. 

Randoll  Hatton 
of  Essex. 


Tho9  Hatton  of  Kingesly. 

Rob't  mar. 
Elizab.  d.  to 


of  Lane. 

Elizab.  uxor  .... 
Griffin  &  after  to 
....  Brerewood  of 
Chester  &  had 
issue  by  both. 



Wm  Hatton 
of  Eshere  in 

Peter  Hatton.=p.  .  .  .  sister  to  Humfrey  Winington  of  Anderton. 

Humfrey  Hatton  mar.  Margret  d.  to  John  Smith 
of  London  who  after  mar.  to  T.  Powell  of  Tal- 
worth  a  mile  from  Kingston  vpon  Thamise. 


Jane  vxor 
Nic°  Lach 
of  Bretton 
in  fflintsh. 

Hatton  of 

John  a 
in  London. 

Vri[««]  vxr 
Thos  Rogers 
of  Talworth. 

Margery  vxr 
John  Kingston 
of  Sheperton. 

John  maried  in 
Thorpe  not  far 
from  Stanes. 

A  d.  vxr  Tho. 
Hutchinson  of 

THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  117 

JUatton  of  JMjrocjcj;^ 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  73".] 

Amis. — The  4  caterings  as  on  W  other  side  this  leafe  differenced  as  above  [i.e.  by  an 

d?     John  Hatton  5th  sonne  to  Peter=f=.  .  .  .  d.  &  sole  heire  to  ...  .  Shaw 

Hatton  of  Kirsty  birches. 

of  Thelwall  &  of  Shroggs. 

I  I 

Eichard  Hatton=pMargrett  d.  to  .  .  .  .  ffithion        Tho.  Hatton= 

of  Shroggs. 

of  Warmiucham.  of  Maxfeld. 

John  Hatton=pMaud  d.  to Wm  Hatton  of  Maxfeld         ....  vxor  Rich. 

of  Shroggs.       Proudlove.  a  Droverman.  Andrew  of  Maxfeld. 

John=f=Jane  d.  to  .  .  .  .         Thomas       Eichard  Hatton=pElenor  d.     Emme  vxor 


Small  wood  widdow     Hatton.       of  Shroggs. 
to ... .  Barrington. 

to  ...  .       John  Eaton  of 
Einsy.         Wollagrene. 

II  I  I  I  I  I  I 

Rob't.     Emm.         Emm.     Amy.     Maud.     Alice.     Elizabeth.     Jone. 

fiattmt  oi  Wltnlmn. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  74.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  77''.] 
Arms. — The  (firings  four  e  as  before,  differenced  as  above  [i.e.  by  a  fleur-de-lis]. 
JF    Eanulph  [Randall]  Hatton  of  "Weverham  al's  Wereham.=p 

Tho.  Hatton  of  Weverham.=p 


Thomas        John  a        Eichard  Hatton  mar.  Margrett        Robert 

Hatton.         Preist.         Shaw  of  Chester.  Hatton. 

I  I  I 

Tho.  married  Isabel]  d.         Tho.  maried  Margrett        John  Hatton  a  Gold- 
to  .  .  .  .  Holbroke.  Johnson  of  Chester.  smith  in  Dublin. 

A|  B| 



Thos=f=Isabell  d.       Rich.         James  a  butcher     Jn°  mar.  Alice     John  a     Anne. 


to  ...  .         mar.  in  Chester  mar-      d.  to  .  .  .  .  Butcher 

Barker  Elizab.      ried  Katherine       Ashmore  &  is      in  Ches- 

of  Little       March,      d.  to  ....  Wright     Cooke  to  Mr        ter. 
Egerton.  of  Chester.  Jn°  Dutton 

of  Dutton. 

Divers  children. 

Peter  maried  Margrett  d.  to 
Orange  of  Norley. 

Jane  vxor  Law- 
rence HiU. 

Margrett  vxor  Jn°  Hicks 
of  Shrewsbury. 

John  Hatton  of  Malpas  mar.  ye  da. 
of  Jn°  Edwards  of  Cholmeley. 

John.         Thomas.         A  d. 

John  Hicks. 

Henry  Hicks  of  Shrewsbury. 

Rich.  Hill  serv4        Rob'  Hill  serv4  to  Mr 
to  M1'  Litleton.         Gerard  the  Q  :  Attorney. 

Elenor  uxr  Rafe        Margrett  vxr 
Grimsford.  John  Garnet. 

John.        A  son  and  a        Rich.  Garnett  &  1  son 
daughter.  &  a  daughter. 

pattern  oi  &ovfy\nool*. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  74".] 

Aejis. — Thefonre  quarterings  as  afore,  thus  differenced  [by  an  escallop]. 

(S   Adam  Hatton  of  Northwood.=p 

Richard  Hatton  of  Northwood.: 


George  Hatton. : 

George  Hatton     Hugh  Hatton  of  Brick -=p 
of  Northwood.      hill  in  Com.  Bucks. 

John  Hatton  of  Sutton- 
in  Surrey. 

4  sons.         2  daughters. 

Myles  a  mason    2d  son.     3d  son.     Anne, 
in  London.  — 




pattern  of  Stocton  gate. 

[Harl.  1421,  fo.  75.] 
Arms. — Thefoure  quartering*  thus  differenced  [by  a  cinque/oil]. 

35  Simon  Hatton  of  Stocton  yate.=p 

Lawrence  Hatton.=p 

Thomas  Hatton.= 

Wm  IIatton= 
of  Stocton 

Rob't  Hatton.=f=Elizabeth  ffitton 
of  Gosworth. 



Robert  Hatton  her=Margery  Goege     Richard.        Rich.  Hatton  mar. 
ma'-v  yeoman  vsher.     of  Norff.  &  hath  issue. 

Randoll  Hatton=p 
of  Stocton  yate. 

Divers  children. 

I                               II  I  I    I    II 

Rich,  a  beneficed  ....  a  beneficed  Alice.     4  daughters 

Preist  about  Preisfc  about  more. 

Enfield.  Tame  in  Oxon. 

Thomas  Hatton. 

pattern  of  Mootij)Ousc> 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  75b.] 
Arms. — Azure,  on  a  chevron  between  three  garbs  Or,  a  martlet  Gules  for  difference. 

John  Hatton  of  Woodhouse  belonging  to  the  honor  of  ftrodsham=p 
discended  of  the  Hattons  by  Warton  t'pe  E.  2. 

Geffery  Hatton.= 

James  Hatton/ 

Thomas  Hatton.=p= 


Richard  Hatton.=p 

120  THE    VISITATION    OF   CHESHIRE,    1580. 


John  Hatton  of  "Woodhouse.=f= 

I     Ration  of  |i>rUcBln\ 

Tho.  Hatton  of  Woodhouse.=p  John  Hatton  of  Hellesby.=j= 

! I 

I  I  I  I  I 

Huerh=F=Elenor  d.     Wm  Hatton  of    Alice  vxor  Wni     Joice  vxr        Rich.  Hatton=p 


to  ...  .       Netherton  Holland  of  Ra'd  of  Hellesby. 

Okehill.      married  Jone      Bradley.  Starky  of 



I  I 

John.     Robert.  Katherine.         John.     Anne.        Wm.     Jone. 


James  Hatton       John  Hatton  mar.  ye       Rob't  Hatton  mar.  in  Spaine  to  the  cosin 
dwelleth  at  d.  of  .  .  .  .  Barlow  of      of  Dom   Goms   de   Batrone   a   Duke  in 

Juste.  Thornton.  Biskay. 

4  children.         Wnl  maried  Elizab.       John  a  bastard  mar.  Lucy  d.  &         I  son  &  1 
Whitby.  heire  to  Jn°  Plewen  of  Denbigh.       daughter. 

Margery.         Jone. 

atton  of  #roppcnj)alL    JL^atton  of  Ceatton, 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  76.] 
Artus. — Azure,  on  a  chevron  between  three  garbs  Or,  a  trefoil  Vert. 

Roger  Hatton  of  Gropnall  discended  of  the  Hattons  of  Woodhouse.=j= 

Henry  Hatton  of  Tearton.=p  Mauld  vxor  Rob't  Olton  of  Wetnall. 

Rich.  Hatton  of  Tearton.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Smith  of  ffearnlies. 


2  sonnes  &  2  daughters. 

THE   VISITATION   OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  121 

J)auiji)tcm  of  ffraucjfjtom 

[Harl.  1421,  Co.  78".     Hart.  1505,  fo.  82,  written  Houghton.} 

Arms. — Sable,  three  bars  Argent. 

Henry  Haughton  of  Haughton  in  Cheshire. =p 

Thomas  Haughton.—.  .  .  .  d.  to  Thomas  Tattenhall. 

•James  Haughton  of=pAune  d.  to  Humfrey  Wilbram  a 

Haughtou  15C6. 

younger  brother  of  Woodhey. 

Tho.  Haughton=p  Alice  d.  to  John  Steventon        Richard.         Hugh. 

of  Haughton 
gen.  1580. 

of  Dotterell  in  Salop.  —  — 

James.  Eandoll. 

I  I  I  I  I 

John.         James.         Thos.         Hugh.         Alice. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  81b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  85.] 

Arms. — Sable,  a  chevron  Argent  between  three  leopards' faces  Or.     [In  Harl.  1505 
the  leopards'  faces  are  Argmf] 

John  Hayes  of  Litley.=pElline  d.  to  Wm  Litley. 

John  Hayes.=pEllin  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Daniell  of  Ridley. 

John  Hayes.=pDorothy  base  d.  to  George  Savage  base  sonne 
I  to  Sr  John  Savage  K  :  of  the  Garter. 

Thomas  Hayes  of  Littley  15C6.=pElenor  d.  to  John  Spurstow  of  Spurstow. 

.bilin  Haycs=pElizab.  d.         Margery         James.         Anthony.         Robert. 

of  Litley 

to  Rich.  vxr  Jn° 

Stonley.  Venables.      Thomas.      Richard. 

John  setatis  15         Richard.        Thomas.        Peter.        Alice.       Margret.        Mary. 
aunor'm  1580, 

*  This  generation  omitted  in  Harl.  1B05, 



©ensfiautjl),  bulcjo  J^tnsljato,  of  fgensfmto, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  84.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  87".] 

Amis — Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  moor-hens  Sable. 

Henshangb,  Britannice. 
Oldhaugh,  Saxonke. 

Henshaw  of  Henshaw.=j= 

Edward  Henshaw= 

pMargaret  only  d.  to 

Randoll  Henshaw  2a 


of  Henshaw 

Jn°  Smith  of  Old- 

married &  hath  issue 

died  1580. 

haugh  died  1589. 

Edward     Thos  Henshaw= 


Wm  p'son 


1    1    1 

1   1 

s.p.            Captaine  in 

d.  to 

of  Blake- 




Ireland  1596 

Smith  of 

well  [Bahe- 




slaine  at 


well]  in 




1  >arby- 

at  Hen- 


14  August 




1598  [1596]. 


f&ocfcenimll,  al's  ftodmtll,  of  i^ocimcll  patt 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  79.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  82".] 

Arms. — Anient,  an  ass's  head  erased  Sable. 

Another  Coat. — Argent,  an  ass's  head  erased  Sable,  a  canton  Gales. 
Crest. — .4  bark's  head  erased  Argent,  attired  Or, pierced  through  the  nostrils  with 
an  arrow  of  the  second,  barbed  and  flighted  of  the  first. 

John  Hocknell  of  Hocknell  Platt.=r 

John  Hocknell  of=rMargery  d.  of  John 
Hocknell  Piatt.        Minshull  of  Minshull. 

Rich.  Hocknelh 

of  Dudden. 


Hocknell     d.  to 


of  Hock- 
nell platt 

Ligh  of 

vx'  Tho" 
Hatton  of 

vxr  Wm 
Earding  of 

vxor  .... 
Sherloe  of 


John  Hocknell  of  Hocknell=j=Margrett  d.  to  Jn° 

Platt  Esq.  1580. 

G  rinsdich  [  Grimsdich  ] . 

Margrctt  vsr  Jn°  Hock- 
nell of  Prenton. 

John.         Peter.         Henry. 




Earnon  Bocknell 

of  Duddon. 

Anne  d.  to  Rob*  Bird  mar.  to  her  3d=pPiers  Bruin 
husband  Rob't  Whitney  of  Cole.  of  Tan-in. 


1.  Jane: 

d.  to 


:Bich.  Hock-=2.  Jone  d.  to  .  .  .  . 

nell  of 


Ive  of  Canterbury 

widow  to  ...  . 
Brimie  [Bruyne]. 

Roger  Hocknell  Robert      Ralfe 

mar.  Isabel  d.  to  Whit-        Bruine. 

....  Telliar  of  ney. 





[Harl.  1424,  fo.  79".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  83.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.    Argent,  an  ass's  head  erased  Sable,  a  crescent  for 
rmce.      2.  Sable,  three  crescents  Argent.  [Gleave.]      3.  Argent,  on  a 

bend  Sable  three  spears'  heads  of  the  first.  [Prenton.] 
Crest. — .4  buck's  head  erased  Argent,  attired  Or,  pierced  through  lite  nostrils  with 

nit  arrow  Or,  feathered  of  the  first,  a  crescent  for  difference. 

Arms  from  seal  inscribed  S.  Will'mi  Hole,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  12.* 
Thomas  Gleyve.=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  of  ...  .  Prenton. 

Henry  Hocknell.=pAnne. 

Will'm  Hocknell=j=Margrett  d.  to  James 
of  Prenton.  Hnrlston  of  Chester. 

John  Hocknell=j=iIargarett  d.  to  P[efer] 

of  Prenton 
Esqr  1566. 

Hocknell  of  Hocknell 



John  Hocknell  ajtatis        Henry.         Thomas. 
5  anuor'm  1580. 



Katherine  vxr 



Alice  uxr  Thos        Anne  vxr  Roger 

fl'rancis  Burges.     Coventry. 


Elizab.  vxor  Wm 
Dodd  of  Chester. 

*  [Above  the  seal  is  written]  :— Carta  Will'mi  Hale  [IMc]  dat.  apud  Prenton  22  Febr.  a0 
R.  R.  2  post  Conquestum  18°.    Testib'  Rob"ts  de  Bamvile  et  aliis. 



Jgotoft  oi  Wait  Hawaii 

Arms. Quarterly  of  eight. — 1.  Anient,  a  cross  and  bordure  both  engrailed  Sable. 

'  2.  Argent,  a  squirrel  sejant  Gules.  [Horton.]     3.  Argent,  an  eagle  Sable, 
preying  on  an  infant  [proper],  straddled  [Gules,  banded  Or].  [Culcheth._ 

4.  Quarterly  Argent  and  Gules,  in  first  quarter  a  mullet  Sable.  [Masct._ 

5.  Anient,  on  a  bend  Sable   three  covered  nips   Or   [Argent],    [Rixton._ 

6.  Gules,  a  Jess  between  three  /aim, is  Argent.  [Penington.]  7.  Argent,  on 
a  fess  Gale's  three  bezants.  [Jennings.]  8.  Gules,  a  bulTs  head  cabossed 
Anient,  armed  Or.  [Huston.] 

Crest. — A  raven  with  wings  elevated,  Sable,  holding  in  the  dexter  claw  a  sword  erect, 

Thomas  Henley  alias  Holcroft.: 

Thomas  Holcroft  Constable 
of  Upper  Conway  s.p. 

John  Holcroft.^ 

John  Holcroft=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  .  . 
of  Holcroft.         of  Westleigh. 


John  Holcroft 
of  Holcroft. 

:.  .  .  .  d.  &  coheire  to 
llauinett  Massy. 

Margrett  vx1'  James 

Sr  John  Hol- 
croft of  Hol- 
croft  in 

:Anne  d.  to 

Sr  Tho.  Holcroft 

of  Valeroyall  in 


K :  Marshall  to 

Queene  Mary. 

=.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire 
to  Nicholas 
of  London 

Sr  Gilbert 


Sr  Thomas     Kadcliff 
Gerard.  2d  Sonne. 

Sr  John^ 

d.  to  Sr 


Isabell  d. 
to  Thos 
Clifton  of 


Tho5  Hol-^= 
croft  of 

Alice  vxo1'  Sr 
Edw.  ffitton. 

John.     Gregory.         Thomas. 

:.  .  .  .  sister 

Isabell  vxor 

to  Sr 



Earle  of 

ffitton  of 




Elizab.  vxor 

Wm  CiceU. 

Cicell  Lord 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


J&olforti  of  |&j)lfort)u 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  77.     Had.  1505,  fo.  80b.] 

Ahms. — Quarterly — 1.  Argent,  a  greyhound  pass/ml  Sable.  2.  Argent,  three  hulls 
heads  cabossed  Sable.  [Btokelet.]  3.  Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  text 
I"s  Sable.  [Toft.]    4.  Argent,  a  boar  [greyhound?]  passant  Sable. 

Crest. — A  greyhound's  head  couped  Sable. 

Thos  Holford  of  Holford.=p  Alice  d.  &  heire  to  Wm  Bulkeley  of  Bulkcley. 

Will'm  Holford.=r 

Thomas  Holford.=pMauld  d.  to  Wm  Bulkley  Justice  of  Chester. 

Sr  Geors;e=rIsabell  d.  to  Rob't  Ligh.     Randoll  Holford.= 
of  Hol- 

Hunifrey  Holford.      Richard. 

Robert  Holford.=p 

nn      r~  n  i 

John.      Martha.     Owen. 

Humfrey        George.         Rich.  Holford  — 

Holford.  gent :  sewer  Bartholme. 

1581.  — 


Sr   John=pMargery  d.  to  Ralfe     George.     Peter.     Arthur  Holford=p Anne  d.  of  Wm 


Brereton  of  Iscoid         — 
[Ivrid],  Rob't. 

of  Davenham 
2cl  son. 

Bostock  of 

1 .  Mai"ret=rThomas  Hol-=f  2.  Jane  d.  to     John.     Xpofer  maried  Margaret  d.  to 

d.  to 
Butler  of 

ford  1566. 

SrWm  Booth 
of  Dunham 

T:  Daniell  of  Tabley. 

1   Anne  d.=pXpofer  Holford=f  2.  Elizab.  d.  George.  EUin  vxr  Jn»  Carrington. 
toHudi        of  Holford           bo  Sr  Randoll         —  —  . 

1580.  Mamvaring  John.  Doroty   vxor    Jn°   Brian 

of  Peever.  [Bruin]  of  Stapleford. 


Tho8,  John  &  Anne 
died  young. 

Mary  vxr  Sr  Hugh 

Elizab.  vxor  C.  Mamvar- 
ing of  Croxton. 




Wm     John  Holford=f=Katherine  d.  to       Peter.      Katherine  vxor  Thos      Elizabeth. 

s.p.     of  Dave'ham 

Rich.  Hussey  of 

Leftwich  of  Left- 

Wra  s.p.     George  now  maried=Elizab.  d.  of  Thos      Peter.     Elizabeth.     Katherine. 
1580.  Redish. 

ifdme  oi  Cotitititejton* 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  80\] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  four. — 1.  Barry  of  eight  Or  and  Azure,  on  a  canton  Argent,  a 
chaplet  Gules.  2.  Argent,  a  chevron  Azure  within  a  bordure  engrailed  Sable. 
[Holme.]  3.  Gules,  a  cross  engrailed  Argent,  a  canton  Or,  charged  with  a 
plain  cross  Sable.  4.  Or,  three  cocks  Gules.  Over  the  whole  a  crescent  for 

Crest. — A  lions  head  couped  Or,  crowned  with  a  cap  of  maintenance  Azure,  turned 
tip  Ermine. 

Holme  of  Holme=p 
in  Lancashire. 

Hugh  Caveley  .=pChristian  d.  &  heire 

of ...  .  Cottingham. 

....        'Wm  Holme=p.  .  .  .  d.  to 
Holme     2A  son.  .... 

sonue  Ricott  of 

&  heire.  Lymni. 

Rob't=pDoroty       Sr  George 

.  vxr 

of  Cod- 

Caveley.     Caveley.       Ligh  of  Baguly. 

Alice  vxr  Pic. 

Hugh  Holme  of  Tilston.: 

:Elizabeth  Massy.         Roger  Massy  .^Elizabeth. 

John  Massy.=p 

Thomas  Massy. 

Robert  eldest  son 
a  Clark. 

Hugh  Holme  of  Coddington=pElizab.  d.  to  Ralfe  Boston  of 

sword-bearer  of  Chester  liv- 
ing 156G. 


Thos  Holme  of  Coddington- 
sword-bearer  of  Chester 
1580  died  shortly  after. 

:Jane  d.  to  Jn° 
Brereton  of 

Anne  vxor  . 
Birchley  of 

Katherine  vxor 
Adam  Johnson 
of  Chester. 

Wm  Holme  nat8  1580. 

T1IE   VISITATION    OF   CHESHIRE,    1580.  127 


Tho8  Holme=i=Alice  d.  to  Jn°  New-  George    Maud  vxor  John     Katherine  vxor 

of  London      man  widow  to  Myles  4thson.     Bostock  of  Arthur  Richardson 

3d  son.  Tasker,  Churton.  of  Shropsh. 

Mathew.     Hugh.     Thomas.     Peter.     Elizabeth.     Katherine  vxor  Jesper  Swift 

Sergeant  of  the  Admiraltie. 

Gerrett  Swift.      Elizab.      Katherine.      Jane.      Anno. 

Norton  of  J&otolc* 

[Harl.  1121,  fo.  83".     Had.  1505,  lb.  87.] 

Arms. — Sable,  a  buck's  head  cabossed  Argent,  ait/red  Or,  a  crescent  for  difference. 

John  Horton  of  Howie  2d  sonne=f=Anne  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Starky 

to  Horton  of  Tatton. 

of  Nantwich. 

Roger  Horton.=T=Margrett  d.  to  Rafe  Hassall  of  Hankylowe. 

Rale  Horton  of  Howie  1580.=rEllin  d.  to  Wm  Massy  of  Denfeld.     John.     Randoll. 

John  Horton.      Richard.      Railand  [^Rowland].      Margrett.      Elizabeth. 

J^mtijl)  of  ^cicjljton  &  of  CJjornton  IjoucjIk 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  83.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  86*.] 

Aims. — Argent,  a  land  Salle. 

Another  Coat. — Quarterly — l  and  x.   Argent,  a  bend  between  two  wolves'  heads 
erased  Sable.     2  and  3.  Argent,  a  chevron  Gules  between  three  text  T's  Sable. 

Christopher  Hough  of  Thornton=pMargery  d.  to  David  de 

hough  in  Werrall. 


Thomas  Hongh.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Damport  of  Damport. 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

d.  to  .  .  .  .  Poole.=f=Richard  Hongh.=.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Glegg  of  Gaiton. 


Thomas  Hough.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Gravenor  of  Eaton. 

1.  Christian  d.=pRich.  Hough =2.  Margrett    Anne  vxr  S'' 

toSrJ.  [d'eon/e'] 
Caveley  [GaJve- 

of  Leighton       d.  to  James     [Rir.h.J 
in  Werrall.        Hiirleston.       Ligh  of 

High  Ligh. 

Elizab.  vxr  James  Mar- 
bury  of  Marbury. 

Margrett  vxr  John 
Minshull  of  Minshull. 

Wm  Hough=Jane  base  d.  to      Tho.  Hough=pElizab.  base  d.      Henry.      Anthony. 

of  Leigh- 

Tho8  Cromwell 
Earle  of  Essex. 

of  Thornton 

to  Richard 


Thomas  Hough.       Richard.       Henry.       Margery. 

flf  \\\%t  of  jWatibcrp. 

[Harl.  1-124,  fo.  80.] 

Aems. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  three  piles,  one  issuant  from  chief  and  two 
from  base.  Sable.  2  and  3.  Gules,  a  cross  patonce  between  four  swans  (sans 
legs)  Argent.  [Cambridge.] 

Crest. — A  buck's  head  cowped  proper,  attired  Sable,  gorged  with  a  chaplet  Vert. 

John  Hulse  of  Marbery.= 

Thomas  Hulse.=f= 

Robert  Hulse.=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  coheire  to 


Thomas  Hulse.: 

d.  to  Phillip  Ligh  of  Norbury  Bowes. 

Phillip  Hulse=j=Margery  d.     Will'in 


of  Merbury 

to  Rob't        son. 
Corbett  of 
Hatherton.     Wm  son. 

Henry  3d  son.      Walter     Rafe     Parnell. 
4th  son.     s.p.  — 

|  Elizabeth, 

divers  Mary, 


THE    VISITATION    OP    CHESHIRE,    1580. 



l.  Alice  d.  &  co-=i=Tho.  Hulse=p2.  Margaret  John.        Katherin  vxor    Margaret, 
heire  to  Gefferie    of  Marbery  I  d.  to  Tim.  James  Chet- 

Einton  of  Hin-    &  Astley        Cotton  of  Phillip,     wood  of  Rees. 
ton.                       Esq1 1580.      Whitchurch. 

John.      Thomas.      Margery.      Amy. 
George.       Margrett. 

Hugh.      Robert.      Elenor.      [sabel. 

i^itrlston  of  Chester* 

[•Harl.  1424,  fo.  78.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  81''.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  cross  of  four  Ermine  spots  Sable,  the  //rails 
meeting  in  the  centre  point.  2.  Argent,  two  bends  engrailed  Sable,  the  lower 
one  eoaped  at  the  upper  end.  [Wagstaff.]  3.  Argent,a  chevron  between  three 
cross-bows  Sable.  [Hurlston.]     Over  all  four  a  crescent  for  difference. 

Crest. — A  //oat's  head  erased  Argent,  attired  Or,  charged  on  the  neck  with  a  cross  of 
Ermine  spots,  as  in  the  Arms. 

James  Hurlton  alias  Hurlston  of  Chester  discended  of  a=p 
2'1  brother  of  ye  house  of  Hurlton  in  Lane. 

Henry  s.p.        Thomas  Hurlton.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Lilly.         Roger  s.p. 

James  Hurlston  [Hurlton  of  C%fis/er].=pMargery  d.  to  John  Dodd  of  Chorley. 

Roger  Hurlston  of  Chester  1566.=f=Ellin  d.  to  Wm  Mere  of  Mere. 


James.        Will'm. 

Katherine  vxr  Tho8  Whitmore        Juliane. 

&  after  to  Ralfe  Bostock. 



urlton,  al's  Periston,  of  -guton, 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  77''.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  81.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  cross  of  four  Ermine  spots  (the  heads  meeting 
in  the  centre  point)  Sable.  2.  Argent,  two  Vends  em/railed  Sable,  the  lower 
one  couped  at  the  upper  end.  [Wagstaff.]  3.  Argent,  a  chevron  between  three 
cross-bows  Sable.  [Hurlston.] 

1.  Crest. — A  goat's  head  erased  Argent,  armed  Or,  charged  on  the  neck  with  a  cross 

of  Ermine  spots,  as  in  the  Arms. 

2.  Crest. — A  cross-bow  erect  proper,  the  slock  Or. 

3.  Crest. — An  Ermine  passant. 

John  Hnrlton  of  Hurlton=p 
in  com.  Lane,  t'pe  E.  1. 

William  Hurlton.=p 

Nicolas  Hurlton. =i=Elenor*  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Chisnall  of  Lane. 

Bobert-i-.  .  . .  d.  to 

Hugh.=p         Gilbert, 


Skarbrigg  [Skarsbrigg"\. 



Humfrey=j=Isabell  d.  to 


Sr  Thomas  Poole 
of  Werrall. 

Randoll  Hurlton. 

Alice  vxor  Thos  Marsh. 

Thomas  =pElizab.  d.  to  Adam        Maud  vxr  .  .  . 



Rush  ton  of  Lane. 

Alice  vxor  Peter 
ffarrington  of  Lane. 

I  I   I   I        I               I                     ! 

Rich.  Hurlton=j=Elizab.  d.  to  James  Renold.  Anue  vxr  Alice  vxr  Rich.     Ellin, 

of  Hurlton  in      Shawcrosse  of  —  ....  Nuthall  of 

Lane.  &  of         Manchester.  Robart.  Cocker  Cattenhall. 

Picton  in  —  of  Stret- 

living  15Cfi. 

Hugh.       hill. 

John  Hurlton.     Rowland.     Humfry.     Will'm.     Thorn'.     Elizabeth.     Mawd. 

Haii.  1505  makes  Elenor  Chisnall  to  be  wife  of  Wm  Hurlton,  and  omits  Nicolas  altogether. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


uvlep  of  Jc>ttitoalL 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  821'.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  86.] 

Arms. — Ermine,  on  a  Imid  cotised  Gules  three  crescents  Or. 

Crest. — A  demi-lion  rampant  [Ermine'],  ducally  crowned  [Or],  and  holding  in  the 
pairs  a  crescent  [of  the  last]. 

Richard  Huxley  [o/1  #>/%]. =flsabell  d.  of .  .  .  .  Prestland  of  Prestland. 

James  IIuxley^fKatherine  d.  to  Richard        Rob't         Richard 
of  Huxley.  Vernon  of  Clutton.  s.p.  s.p. 


Rafe  Huxley  of=j=Katherine  d.  to  Jn°     Richard.     John.     Kathe-     Ellin.     Doroty. 
Sidwall  1580.        Bostock  of  Barton.  rine. 

Rafe  tetatis  10  anuor'm  1580.       Henry.       Thomas.         James.         Elizabeth. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  82.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  85b.] 

Arms. — Azure,  a  chevron  between  three  lozenges  Or. 
Crest. — An  eagle  with  /rings  expanded  Sable,  beaked  Or. 

Hamnett  Hyde  of  Norbury.= 

Thomas  Hyde  of  Norbury.=j= .  .  .  .  d.  to 

Kinaston  of  Darbyshire. 

1.  Margrett  d.  to^ 

.  .  .  .  Holland  of 



Hamon=pMargrett     John. 


d.  to  Lawr. 

Warren  of 


.  .  .  .  d.  to  .  .  .  .         Giles  Hide  of  Hoptou  Waffers  in 
Boydell  of  Com.  Salop  married  Alice  d.  &  heirc 

Pulcroft.  to  George  Pleyley  of  Hopton. 




1.  Mary  d.  to=pLawrence  B.jc\c^[An?ie  d. 

Wm  Hartgill    of  Gussage 
of  Culmins?-      Sl  Michell 

Arderne.    toninSomer- 

3'1  sonne. 

to  Nico' 

Sibell  of 


ham  in 

:Jone  d.  to  Wm  Damport  John, 

of  Bromhall. 

I  .         !  I 

Rob  t.     Henry.     Jone. 

132  THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Hamon.  Thomas.  Ellin  vxor  Anne  vxor  Doroty 

—  —  ....  Jn°  vxr  Wm 
William.  Eichard.  Umvin  Highani  of  Damport 

—  of  Suff.  Higham.  of  Wood- 
Edward.  Randall,  ford. 



d.  to  Sr 





ley  of 



Hamou  retatis 

17  annor'm 


Eobert.         Elizabeth.         Margrett.         Anne. 
Thomas.       Alice.  Beatrix.  Mary. 

&aunctlinc  cilim  famtlta  nunc  rjrtincta. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  91'\] 

Asms.— Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  on  a  fess  Sable,  three  mullets  of  the  field, 
pierced  of  the  second.  2.  Vert,  a  cross  engrailed  Ermine.  [Kixksley.]  3. 
Argent,  a  buglehorn,  stringed  Sable,  in  dexter  chief  a  cinqmfoil.  [Kingsley's 
Forester's  Coat.] 


Richard  de  Launcelin.=j=Mabell. 

Wm  Launcelin  s.p.  Eobert  Launcelhv 

Robert  Launcelin. =p 

W"1  Launcelin  of  Pulton  in  the  fcyme  of  Guncelins=f=Agnes  da.  &  coheire  to 
Badlesmere  Justice  of  Chester.  Eichard  de  Kingesly. 

William  Launcelin. : 

Eichard  Launcelin.  =p 

Henry  Lancelin.=p 

Eich.  Lancelin  under  age  A0  31  E.  3. 



3Latoton  oi  SLatotom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  85.] 

A  i;  \is. — Argent,  on  a  fess  between  three  cross-croslets  fitche  Sable,  a  cinguefoil  of  the 

first,  pierced  of  the  second. 
Crest. — A  demi-w  If  salient  regardant  Argent,   vulned  in  the   bad   Gules,  and 
licking  the  wound. 

These  Amies  and  Creast  were  granted  by  Robert  Cook,  Clareneieulx  by  1'res 
pafcenfces  Dated  1-1  R.  Elizab.  1572. 

John  Madock. 

^Ym  Madock.        Beikin  Bames.=f  Isabel  Madock.=pHugh  de  Lawton  2'1  husband. 
I  1 

Isabel!  uxr 

....  vxor  ....         John  died  before         Hugh  de  Lawton 
Shelton.  his  father.  died  s.p. 

John  Lawton      Ric.  Lawton  to  whom  discended  the  Inheritance 
s.p.  of  Isabell  his  grandmother. 



James  Lawton  of  Lawton.=pElenor  d 


to  ...  .  More  of  Hollowheath  in  Cheshire. 

W"1  Lawton=p  Katherine  d.  to  Thoa 

....  vxr 



.  vxr  John  Slade 

of  Lawton. 

Bellott  of  Morton. 

Bartram  of  Bar-         of  Bredihurst. 


1.  Anne  d.=, 


John  Law-=p2.  Margaret 

1    1 


1    1 

.     "\\  erburgh 

1    1 
Katnerin  vxor 

to  Rob't        ton  of 

d.  to  flfoulk 


vxor  John 

Rich.  Davis  of 

Corbett  of    Church 

Button  of 


Horton  & 


Hatherton     Lawton 


after  to  . .  . 


s.p.                1580. 


Eva  vxor 



Doroty  vxr 
Rob't  Cooke  of 
Clements  Innc. 

W™  La\vton=Mary  d.  &  heire  to     Rob't.     Thomas.     Margaret  vxor  John  Yardley 
of  Lawton.       George  Wood  of  of  Yardley  in  Com.  Staff. 

Batterley,  Staff.  John. 

134  THE   VISITATION    OP    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  06".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  100.] 

This  was  collected  by  Mr  John  Woodnett  out  of  the  evidences  of  Mr  Lea  of 




Robert  de  Lee.=F 

Thomas  Lee  1321.=pAinicia. 

Richard  Lee  1327.=rEllin. 

This  was  sett  downe  by  Clar'  Lee  sed  min'  Credendum. 
John  Lee  of  Lee  in  parochia  de  Wibumbury=plsabell  d.  to  .  .  . 

now  called  Widonbury. 

Dutton  of  Dutton. 

John  Lee  of  Lee.=pElizab.  d.  to  Sr  Thos  ffoulshurst. 

Thomas  Lee  of  Lee.=pAliee  d.  to  S'  John  Aston. 

John  Lee  of  Lee.=j=Margery  Hocknell. 

Thomas  Lee  of  Lee.=FWenefrid  Cotton. 

I      I 

John  Lee  of  Lee.=pJoane. 

Rob't  Lee  of  Lee  23  H.  6. ^Margery  d.  &  heire  of  ...  .  Weever. 

1.  Elizab.  d.  to  Rich.^pRichard  Lee  of  Lee=p2.  Lettice  d.  to  Edm.       John  Lee 

Massy  del  Hough. 

18  E.  4. 

Griffin  of  Barderton.        2d  son. 

John  Lee=f= Agnes  d.  to         Rob't  parson  of  Cor-      Lawrence  3d         Rob't  Lee 

of  Lee  2 
H.  7. 


Humfrey  nett  in  Suff.  obijt  son  obijt 

Mainwaring.       1562.  1564. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 



Ro I  >'  i  Lee  of  Le 

.  d.  to 

Minshull  of  Hulgreve. 

Henry  Lee. 

Tin iinns  Lee  now  at  Inspruck  in  Tirroil. 
Arms. — Arg.  a  chev.  engr.  bclu-.  3  leopards1  faces  Sa. 

1.  Margery  d.  to  Rich.=pRichard  Lee=Alice  d.  to 

Heywood  of  Stonylow 
in  Stall'. 

of  Lee. 

Rich.  Cliff. 

(>f  Huxlev. 

Margery  uxr  Lawrence 


Rich.  Lee  of=pElizab.  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Oopinger      Lawrence.      Edmund.      Divers 

Lee  159G. 

of  Buxhill. 




John  Lee  of  Aston  2a  sonne.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Bagott. 

Wm  Lee  of  Aston.=f=Maud  d.  A  heire  to  Sr  Jn°  Cheney  widow 
to  Wa  Chohnondley. 


Sr  James  Lee  of  Aston.- 
Aiors. — Sable,  a  scythe  Arum  I. 

Ellin  d.  &  heire  vxr  Sr  Hurnfry  Stanley  of  the  Pype. 

Wm  Lee  of  Essex  of  whom  the  L :  Darcy  is  discended.       Henry  Lee  of  Aston  in 
A\  Staff  4th  son. 

John  Lee: 
of  Aston. 

Roger  Lee  of    Richard,    ffrances.    Benett.       Anthony  Lee- 
Lichfeld  had  of  Stafford. 

4  wives  &  died  Aims. — Arg.,a 

s.  prole.  /esse  letw.  8 

crescents  Sa. 

Henry.       Thomas  Lee=pElizab.  d.  to  Thos  Bleston       Beatrix.  Anthony=j= 

of  London 

[Rolestori]  of  Swarston  in 


Thos  Lee  of  Clottertcottck     Alice  vxor        Roger  Lee  who  did=pElenor  d.  to 
[Clottertrothb']  in  Com.  Wm  Watson     inherit  his  great         John  Bull  of 

Oxon  s.  prole.  of  London.      uncle  Roger  Leigh   t  Sheldon  in  Com. 

of  Lichfeild.  Warwick. 

n  i 



John  Lee=pJane  d.  Kich.  Lee  (alias)  Elizab.  vxr .  . 

of  Winch-     to....  Clarencioulx  "Witlmall  and 

comb.  Hurst  King'  of  Amies  after  to  ...  . 

of  Ox-  obij't  1597.  Colly. 



ffrances  2l1  sonne. 

Alice  uxor  Hugh 
Aston  after  to  .  .  . 

Ellin  vxr  Thomas 
Walpole  of  Tame 

Benett  Lee  of  Quarindon  in  com.=pElizab.  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Wood         ffrances  6th  sonne. 

Buckino-harn  5"'  sonne. 

de  Warwick. 


Rich.  Lee  of  Quarindon.=f=Anne  d.  &  heire  to  Wm  Saunders. 

Sr  Robert  Lee  of  Qnarindon.=pLettice  Peniston  widow  to  Rob't  Knowles. 

Sr  Anthony  Lee  of  Quariudon.=p.  .  .  .  sister  to  Sr  Thomas  Wyatt. 
Sr  Henry  Lee  of  Quarindon  Knight  of  the  Garter  1597. 

%m\)  oi  Catoartren,  al's  Carton. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  92.] 

Amis. — Ermine,  on  a  chief  indented  Gules  three  ducal  coronets  Or,  a  crescent  on  a 

crescent  for  difference. 
Crest. —  Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or  a  cubit  arm  erect  proper,  grasping  a  snake  entwined 

of  the  first,  a  crescent  on  a  crescent  for  difference. 

John  Leech  of  Carden.=pMargrett  d.  to  George  Manwaring  of  Ightfeld. 

Henry  =i=Margery  d.  to        John         George  Leech=pAlice  d.  to 

of  Car- 


Wilston  or 




Alderman  of 


Dutton  of 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 



John  =f Jane  d. 

of  Car- 


to  Rob't 
Hit i mi  of 

3Lrrd)  of  CMjrstrr.  b 

WB  Leech=.  .  . .  d. 

ofChester.     to  ...  . 

Cluid  of 


John=pVr8ula  d.  to 


Manwaring  of 

Rob't  Leeoh=i=Anne  d.  to 

I  >i  ctor  of 

the  Law  in 



Charles.     Anne. 

J  n"  Webster     Leech. 
Alderman  of 
<  Ihester. 

Edward  18 



I    I 





[Had.  1424,  fo.  92".] 

Arms. — Quarterly — l  and  I.  Ermine,  on  a  chief  indented  Gules  an  annulet  between 
two  ducal  coronets  Or.  2.  Azure,  on  a  bend  engrailed  Argent  three  daws 
Sable.  Dawson.]  :!.  Quarterly — l  and  4.  [!'"/'  a  cross  engrailed  Erm  ne, 
a  mullet  for  difference.  [Wettenhall.]  2  and  3.  [_Verf\  a  bend  Ermine,  a 
mullet  for  difference.  [Wettenhall,  ancient.] 

Crest. —  Out  of  a  ducalcoronet  Or  a  cubit  arm  erect  proper,  the  hand  grasping  a 
entwined  of  the  first,  an  annulet  for  difference. 

David  Leech. =p 

....  Dawson=p 
of  Nantwich. 

.  d.  &  heire  of 
.  Wetnall. 


John  Leech  of  Nantwich.=p. 

d.  &  heire  of . 


John  Leech=pMargery  d.  to 

of  Nant- 

Hugh  Starky 

of  Olton. 

Elizab.  vx1' 
Wm  Wet- 
nall. • 

Jane  vxr  W" 
( tnneshaw  of 

Wenefrid  vxr 
Wm  Bagnoll 

of  Nantwich. 

John  Leech  of  Nantwich.  =pAnne  d.  to  Humfrey  Manwaring  of  Nantwich. 

John  Leech. 




138  THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  03.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.    Azure,  a  fess  Gules  between  three  fleurs-de-lis  Or. 

■2.   Azure,  a  garb  Or.    [Grosvexoii.]      3.  Sable,  a  cross  patonce  Argent. 

[Quarterly  Argent  and  Sable,  a  cross  patonce  counterchanged.  Eton.] 
Crest. — A  dragons  head  erased  Vert. 

Nico'  Lecester  of  Nether  Tabley  .=p 

Roger.=p  Agnes  d.  to  Geffeiy  Dutton. 
John  Lecester  of  Nether  Tabley.=p 

William.  =p 

John  Lecester  of  Tabley .- 

John  Lecesfcer=f=Margery  cl.  to  John  Alice  vxo1'  Rich,  son  &  heire 

of  Tabley.  Leigh  of  High  Leigh.         to  Jn°  Leigh  of  High  Leigh. 

Thomas    Lecester=pMargcry  d.  &  coheire  to  Rob't 
of  Nether  Tabley.     Grosvenor  of  Holme. 

John  Lester  of  Tabley.— Alice  d.  to  Henry  Henshaw  of  Womslow. 

Piers  Lecester=r  Alice  d.  to        James.  Elizabeth       Jane  vxor         Isabell  vxor 

of  Tabley. 

Sr  Jn°  —  vxor  Wm        Hugh  John  Ogles 

Holford.  Lawrence.     Swinton.        Newton.  of  Lane. 

Piers=pElizab.  d.  &  Adam.        Alice  vxor  Eliza-       Margretl         Ellin. 

Leces-     heire  to  Edm'd  —             GefF]  both.        vxor  Eic.           — 

ter  of     Colwich  of  Col-  William.     Brereton  Birkenhed      Parnell. 

Tab-       wichinStaflT.  of  Tat  ton.  ofMouley. 

~r  ~r  — i 1 

Piers  Lecester        Alice  vxor  George  Elizabeth.         Katherine. 

of  Tabley.  Lecester  of  Toft. 



ZLtttxttx  of  Coft 

[Hurl.  1424,  fo.  93b.] 


Aiims. — Quarterly  of  twelve. — 1.  Azure,  a  fess  Gules,  fretty  Or,  between  three  fleurs- 
de-lis  of  the  last.  2.  Sable,  a  buck,  lodged  Argent.  [Dowites.]  3.  Azure, 
six  bezants,  3,  2,  and  1,  on  a  chief  Or  a  demi-lion  issuant  Gules.  [Molyns  ?] 
4.  Argent,  two  chevrons  Gules,  on  a  canton  of  the  second  a  cross-crush!  fttche 
Or.  [Mobberley.]  5.  Argent,  a  chevron  betwi  en  three  text  Ts  Sable.  [Toft.] 
6.  Anient,  three  boars'  heads  erased  and  erect  Sable,  a  crescent  for  difference. 
[Booth.]  7.  Quarter///  Gules  and  Or,  in  thefirst  quarter  a  lion  passant  Argent. 
[MASSY.]  8.  Per  chevron  iurecleil  (,'ulex  anil  Or.  in  chief  Urn  mullets  Argent, 
in  base  a  cock  of  the  first.  [Heath  ?]  9.  Sable,  fretty  Argent,  a  label  of 
three  points  Or.  [Harington.]  10.  Sable,  three  lions  passant  in  pale  Argent. 
[ENGLISH.]  11.  Argent,  on  a  bend  Sable  three  lozenges  of  the  field,  each 
charged  with  a  salt  ire  Gules.  [Urswiok.]  12.  Sable,  a  lion  rampant  Argent, 
charged  on  shoulder  with  a  chessrook  Gules.  [Verdon.] 

Crest. — A  goal  passant  per  pale  Or  and  Gules,  homed  Gold,  holding  in  the  mouth 
an  acorn  of  the  first,  slipped  and  leaved  proper. 


Horntoft  Lord  of  Toft  al's  Home  the  hunter. 

Arms. — Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  text  T's  Sable. 


Walter  de  Toft  1284  =j= 

Rafe  Lecester.=f= 
Aems. — Azure,  a  fess  Gules,  fretty  Or, 
between  three  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  last. 

Roger  de  Toft.=f d.  to  Thos 


Roger  Lecester=pJoice  d.  &  heire  to         Hugh  de  Toft.=pff'elice  d.  to  Thos 

au°  1303. 

Roger  Downes. 


Nico'  Lecester=pMary  d.  &  coheire  to  Hugh  Toft.: 

an"  1318. 

S1  Wm  Modberley. 

Rafe  Lecester.=p.  ...  d.  to  Samon  Grene.  Robert  Toft.= 

Rafe  de  Lecester.=pCicelcy  d.  &  heire  to  Rob't  Toft. 

Rafe  Lecester.=pJane  d.  &  heire  to  Ralfe  Bowthe. 

John  Lccester  of  Toft.=j=.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Leigh  of  Adlington. 



Ralfe  Lecester  of  Toft.=pA<?nes  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Radcliflfe  of  Wordsall. 

....  vxr  Robert  Langton 
of  the  Low. 

Jane  vx1'  Rob't  Acres 
of  Lancashire. 

Phillipp.         Geoffrey. 


Sr  John  Harrington  brother  to  the  Lord  Harrington. 
Arms. — Sable,  fretty  Argent,  a  label  of  three  points  Or. 

Sr  Wm: 

=Margrett  d. 

&  coheire  to 
Sr  Rob't  Xevill 
of  Hornby. 

S1'  Nico'  Harring- 
ton of  Wolfrige  in 

Com.  Northamp- 

. . .  d.  &  heire  of  ...  .  English. 
Amis. — Sable,  three  lions  pas- 
sant in  pale  Argent. 

S1'  Thos  Harrington  =pEliza- 
Blayne  at  Wakefield  i  beth. 

Sr  James=j=.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  of .  .  .  .  Urswike. 
Hairing-  :      Arms. — Argent,  on  a  bend  Sable 
ton.  three  lozenges  of  the  first,  each 

charged  with  a  saltire  Gules. 

S1'  John  Harring- 
ton slaine  with  his 
father  1461  mar. 
Maud  d.  to  John 
Lord  Clifford. 

Sr  James 
1  II.  7. 

S1'  Rob't 

Sr  Richard=F.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  of . 



Arms. — Sable,  a  lion 
rampant  Argent,  charged 
on  the  shoulder  with  a 
chessrook  Gules. 

Blizab.  vxr 
John  Stanley 
a  iter  to 

Anne  vx'' 
Lord  Mount- 


S1'  James  Har- 
rington Deane 
of  Yorke  sine 

S1'  William=p.  .  .  .  d.  & 
Hairing-  coheire  to 
ton.  !  Sr  John 



S1'  James  Harrington .=pAnne  d.  to  Alexander  Radcliff  of  Wordsall. 


1.  Anne 

2.  Alice 

3.  Isabel 

4.  Katherin 


5.  Clemence 

6.  Ellin  vxor 

vx1'  S1'  Wm 

vxor  S' 

vxor  Jn° 

vx1  Wm  Mir- 

vxor  Henry 

Ralfe  Stan- 

Stanley  of 



feld  of 

Norrys  of 

dish  of  Stan- 



of North- 


Sneak  in 

dish  in  Lan- 


ton  of 


after to  Sr 





Tho5  Barrow 


both  s.p. 

John  Lecester=pElenor  9"'  d. 

of  Toft. 

&  coheire  to 
S1'  James 

7.  Margrett 
vxr  Tho" 
of  Lane. 

8.  Jenett  vxr 
Edm'd  Ash- 
to  u  of 


10.  Elizabeth  vxor 
John  Lumley  of 

THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  141 


Ralfe  Lecester  of  Toft.=FElenor  d.  to  Rafe  Egerton. 

Ellin  d.  to  Phillip=pSr  RalfY'  Lecester=2.  Jane  d.  to  8r  Hugh  Calveley  widdow 
Leigh  of  Bouthes.     of  Toft  1566.  to  John  Edwards  of  ( !hirke. 

W™  Lecester— Katherine  d.     Lawreuce     Elizabeth  vxr  Anne  vxor  Jane  vxr 

of  Toft  to  John  Lecester.     Randoll  Man-  Phillip  Rob't 

A0  1580.  Edwards  waring  &  after  Manwaring  Langton  of 

of  Chirk.  to  Edm'd  of  Peever.  the  Low. 

Tra  fiord. 

I  I  II  I  I    I 

Rafe  natns  ante  nuptias       Sr  6eorge=Alice  d.  to  Jane.  Parnell.         Mary, 
disinherited  by  his  father     Lecester       Piers                    —  — 

retat.  17  annor'm  1580.        of  Toft         Lecester  Ellin.  Anne. 

1599.  of  Table  v. 

iUctstcr  of  Sitorlcston, 

[Harl.  1421,  fo.  'Ji".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  1)8.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Azure,  on  a  fess  Qules  letween  three  fleurs-de-lis  Or, 

an  annulet  for  difference  Argent.     _'  and  8.  Azure,  a  lion  rampant  Argent. 
Crest. — A  fleur-de-lis  per  pale  Or  and  Azure. 

Randoll  Lecester  of  Worleston  a=plsabel  d.  &  heire  to  David 

younger  br.  of  Tabley. 

Crew  of  Pulcroft. 

Thoms  Lecester  of  Worleston.=pCiceley  d.  to  Thomas  Owsinger  of  Owsinger. 

Randoll  Lecester.^Anne  d.  to  Ju°  ffoulshurst  a  younger  brother  of  Crew. 

Henry  Lecester  of=j=Maud  d.  to  James  Ciceley  vxr  Rob't       Katherine  vxr  Rafe 

Worleston.  Huxley  of  Briudley.        Highfeld.  Croxton. 

Tho"    Lecester    of=.  .  .  .  d.  to        George= Alice  sister  William.     Ralfe.     Anne. 

Worleston  mar.  to     S1'  Tho.  Lecester     to  Henry  — 

his   2''   wife   ....     Lodge  ofLon-     Parvish  of  Richard. 

d.  to  .  .  .  .  Wright     Maior  of  don.  London.  — 

of  Nantwich.  London.  Randoll. 



iUfttotclj  oi  iUmmcin 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  96.] 

Arms. — Quarter!// — 1  and  4.  Argent,  an  escocheon  voided  within  an  orU  of  martlets 
Sable,  within  the  escocheon  a  cross  pattee  Gules.  2.  Or,  a  fess  Azure.  3. 
Quarterl//  Or  and  Gules,  a  bendlet  Sable. 

Crest. — A  still  proper,  charged  with  a  cross  pattee  Gules. 

Sr  Rich.  Winington  of  Winington  22  R.  2=p 

Rob't  Winington  of  Hugh  Winington       Rich.  Winington: 

whome  ye  Warburfcons      of  Hermitage.  of  Leftwich. 

are  descended.  

Rob't  Winington  al's  Leftwich.== 

.  d.  &  heire  of 
.  Leftwich. 

Rob't  de  Leftwich. ; 

Rob't  de  Leftwich. =p 

Richard  Leftwich.=j=Margrett  Marbury. 

Rich.  Leftwich  of  Wincham= 
eldest  son. 

igarcourt  of  JLEtmcijam. 

George  Leftwich=f=Alice  d.  to  Rich.  Cope  of 
i  if  Leftwich.  Harford  in  Com.  Cestrice. 

2.  Wm    Harcourt   5u'=pMargrctt=f=l.  Thomas  Thos  Lef twich=pKatherin  d.  to 

son  to  John  Harcourt 
of  Raunton  in  com. 

d.  & 



of  Leftwich 

Richard.       Jn°  Harcourt        Thos.      Brigett.      Elizabeth. 

—  of  Wincham. 


Arthur  Holford 
of  Davenham. 

Rate  Lcftwich= 
of  Leftwich 

=Elenor  d.  to  Jn°      William.      Elizab.  vxr  Richard 
Manwaring  of                             Weever  of  Aston. 

1    1 


1 d.  to  . 

Leigh  of  Ridge 

I                                                                     1 

=Rob't  setatis  14=2 d.  to  .  .  .  .       Thomas 

annor'm  1580.       Damport  of  Dam- 
port,                               Rafe. 





THE    VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580.  143 

£<$  tie  Wlcstfjall 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  85"  and  86.] 

OUT    OF    THE    CHARTERS    OF     RICHARD    SON     OF     RICHARD    LIGH    OF    HIGH 

An  Indenture  of  Covenant  of  Marriage  betweene  Sr  \Vm  Bouth  Knight  on  the  one  part.  And 
Rich.  Leigh  of  Leigh  on  the  otheT  part,  wherein  the  Baid  Richard  granteth  that  Tho"  his  on  & 
heire  shall  marrie  Dower  daughter  to  the  said  Sr  W".     Dat.  3d  December  1  161. 

An  Indenture  of  Covenant  for  Marriage  lietweenc  John  Leigh  the  son  of  Richard  Leigh  on 
the  one  part,  And  John  Lecester  the  son  of  W*  Lecester  on  the  other  partie,  wherein  the  said 
John  Legb  ;ranteth  thai  Richard  his  son  and  heire  shall  marrie  Alice  daughter  to  the  aforesaid 
John  Lecester.     Dat.  20  H.  6. 

An  Indenture  of  Covenant  for  Marriage  betweene  Tho'  Leigh  of  High  Lig!i  esq.  on  the  one 
partie.  and  Geffrey  Bedell  "I  Pulcroft  on  the  other  pari.  Wit  nesseth  that  where  Richard  Legh 
son  and  heire  of  the  said  Thomas  hath  lawfully  married  Beatrix  d.  of  the  said  Geffrey  :  the  said 
parties  agreed.    A°  3  H.  7. 

An  Indenture  of  Covenant  for  Marriage  betweene  Tho'  Ligh  of  High  Ligh  in  Com.  Cestr' 
Esq.  on  the  one  partie,  and  Rafe  Davenport  of  Davenport  Esq.  on  the  other  p'tie.  wherein  it  is 
by  the  said  Thomas  that  Ric  in  and  heire?  apparent  shall  take  to  wife  Rose  d.  of 

the  said  Rafe  before  the  ffeast  of  the  Nativity  of  our  Lady  next.     Dat.  an0  20  II.  7. 

An  Indenture  of  Covenant  of  Marriage  betweene  Rich.  Ligh  of  High  Ligh  Cosin  and  heire 
apparent  of  Thomas  Leigh  of  High  Ligh  in  Com.  <  lestr'  esq.  on  the  one  part,  and  Jane  late  wife 
to  Rafe  Ligh  Esq.  on  the  other  party,  wherein  it  is  agreed  vnto  by  the  said  Richard  and  Jane 
that  Tho' Leigh  son  and  heire  apparent  of  the  said  Richard,  shall  take  to  wife  Katherine  d.  of 
the  said  Jane  and  one  of  the  heire,  of  the  said  Rafe  Ligh  before  the  Assumption  of  our  Lady 
next  &  if  &c.     Dat.  1  H.  8. 

Dispensatio  Papalis  pro  matrimonio  contrahendo  inter  Ric'm  de  Legh  et  Matildam  de  Massy. 
Dat.  A"  Domini  1375  A"  s.  Papae  Gregorij. 

1.1:  iitera  Facta  inter  Joh 'em  tilium  Ric'i  de  Legh  et  Johannam  vxorem  meant  ex  vna  et 

Joh'em  fili'  Rad'i  de  Davenporl  ex  altera.     Testatur  quod  nos  pnedietos  Joh'em  fili'  Ric'o  et 

i  vxorem  meam  dedisse         idicto  Joh'i   Glio   Had'i  omnia  ilia  Messuagia  &  terras  q'd  nos 

Joh'es  til'  Ric'i  et  Johan'a  habem"  no'is  dotis  me  p'dict'  Joh'e  in  Villis  <le  Willington  &c. 

Dat.  an"  7  II.  6. 

An  Indenture  made  An'o  16  E.  1  where  it  is  agreed  by  Margery  late  the  wife  of  James 
Astley  &  others  that  a  so  me  of  money  shall  bee  paid  at  a  certen  day  to  Rich.  Legh  at  his  Manner 
of  Legh  on  the  behalfe  of  the  said  Margery. 

Sciani  &c.  quod  ego  Ric'us  fili'WiU'mi  de  Legh  Dedi  Eitropio  Alio  Etropi  de  Millington 
cum  filia  mea  Margeria  in  Libro  maritngio  partem  meam  nemoris  (pie  vocatur  Birechinuehewod. 
Venables,  AUano  de  Tatton,   Rob'to  de  Tabley,  Tho.  de  Tabley,  Will'mo  de 
Adam  de  Legh,  &c. 

Omnibus  &c.    Rob't'  de  Montealto  senescallus   Cestrise   Sal'tem   Noveritis  me  concessisse 

Gilberto  G  <  ton  q l  ego  nee  haeredes  mei  nihil  exiquert  vol  vendieare 

in  llie  h  de   Legh  de  Sudbroc.    Vnde  idem  Eitrop'  Cartam  suam  habet  &c. 

'  a  i  de  Dumvile,  Patricio  de  Haselwall,  Patricio  deWeston, 

is  et  Militibus,  Will'mo  de  Banbury,  Alexandre  de  Lime.  Will'mo  de   Haurden,  Joh'em 
"  ris,  Richardo  de  Coventree. 

i  an.a  Rad'i  de  Haurichin  in  qua  dat  terras  in  Legh,  Joh'e  fratre  suo.  Will'm  de  Venables. 
Testil".is  WiU'mus  de  Venal: 

Will'm's  de  Venables.^Agnes  Legh. 

Thomas  Legh  de  Hegh  Legh.        Joh'es  Legh  del   Bouthes.        Radulphus  de  Hanrichin. 

Omnibus  &c.  Godfred'  de  la  Lawc.  Saltern,  noverint  vnivrsa  v'ra  me  dedisse  et  concessisse 
Ric'o  de  Londonys,  in  libro  maritagio  cum  llauisa  filia  mea,  tota'  medietatem  terras  mea?  de  la 
Lawe  quam  tenuit  de  Ric'o  de  Lega  hsered'  W'mj  fili j  Hamonis.     Scilicet  ilia'  medietatem  terrae 

144  THE   VISITATION   OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

mese  de  la  Lawe,  quam  Ric'us  filis  W'mj  ct  Will'm's  fili*  W'nrj  tennerunt.  Et  totam  medietatem 
terra;  me8e  de  Aldeton  quam  tenui  de  Kic'o  de  Kingesley,  filis  et  herede,  Rand'i  de  Kingesley  &c. 
Testib"  Phillippo  de  Orreby  tunc  Justiciario  Cestria;,  Jacorno  de  Hellesby,  Eob'to  Grossevenatore 

Omnibus  xp'i  fldelibus  &c.  Thomas  Alius  Thomse  de  Legb.  Salutem.  Noveritis  remisisse 
Eanulpbo  filio  Joh'is  de  Olton  et  hasredibus  suis,  tota'  Jus  &  Clam'en  quod  habui  in  quatuor 
solis  datis  reddibus  in  quo  redditus  R'm  mihi  tenebatur  p'  annum  pro'  terra  que  de  me  tenet  in 
villa  qua;  vocatur  Le  Lowe.     Ita  quod  &c.     Dat.  apud  Chester  An0  10  E.  3. 

Hanxm  de  Legh.=?= 



Richardus  de  Legh. 


It  is  to  have  in  mind  that  Thos  Legh  of  High  Legh  and  old  John  Legh  of  the  Bouthes  were 

And  the  said  John  Ligli  married  Ellin  d.  to  Sr  Wm  Baguley,  and  had  issue  Sr  John  Lygh  of 
Bouthes.  William  Ligh  of  Baguley,  Robert  Legh  of  Adlington  ,v  Peter  Legh  of  Berchinton,  And 
of  old  Robert  came  Robiu  &  S'  Rob't.  Robinett  Sc  Robin  that  was  father  to  Robert  that  married 
Ellin  daughter  to  Sr  W™  Bouth,  &  had  issue  Tho.  Legh  of  Adlington. 

Sr  John  Legh  of  Bouthes  and  Isabell  daughter  and  heire  to  Sr  Piers  Sandbach  had  issue 
John  Legh.  James  Legh,  William  &  John,  &c.  "Then  John  sonne  &  heire  of  Sr  John  and  Dame 
Isabell  married  Maud  daughter  and  heire  to  Sr  John  Arderne  and  had  by  her  Maud  daughter 
and  heire  married  to  Richard  Radcliffof  Wordsall  ice. 

Ceste  endenture  testmoine  que  com'e  debat  estoit  mue,  entre  Rob't  de  Legh  Cli'l'r  d'une  part 
ct  Piers  de  Legh  et  John  son  frere  d'autre  part.  Touchant  le  manier  quils  se  governant  et 
inuerant  en  leur  office  &  affaires  en  quelcuuq'  lieu  deins  le  present  hundredd  de  Mecklesfeld,  et 
la  forrest  illegues  par  bonnes  Amy*  entrcvenants  sont  accordes  en  le  manier  quensuit.  Cesta- 
cavoir  quils  preferront  tout  ce  que  leur-servit  agarde  par  Raufe  de  Vernon  Ch'l'r,  Will'm  de  Legh 
Ch'l'r,  John  de  Ashton  Ch'l'r.  John  de  Haukeston  Cli'l'r,  Thos  de  Davenport.  W"1  de  Stanley,  John 
fiz  James  de  Legh,  John  fiz  Monssr,  John  de  Legh,  Geffrey  de  Legh,  Robert  del  Donnes,  Reinold 
de  Donnes,  Thorn1  de  Ashton,  Ran'  de  Legh,  et  ["nomas  Baggelegh.  Touchant  le  matier  susdict, 
et  tous  autres  grevances  &c.  Le  quexont  a  gardes  et  ordcignes.  que  Rob't  de  Legh  Ch'l'r,  tiendra 
son  office  de  Seneschalcie  de  Mecclesfeld,  et  le  office  de  fforrestier  illeoques,  selon  de  tenoir  del 
patent  que  le  Conte  de  Stafford  a  de  n're  ssr  le  Roy,  que  est  sans  estre  distourbe  par  les  dit'  Piers 
et  John,  Et  que  Piers  de  Legh  et  John  son  frere  geueralls  a  la  Dame  de  Mohun  averont  franches 
povoir,  d' avoir  et  vser,  tous  les  choscs,  charges  et  prieres  a  eux  grantes  par  le  diet.  Dame  de 
Mohun,  selon  de  tenoir  de  la  patent  que  les  dit'  Piers  et  John  avoint  de  la  Dame  de  Mohun 
susdit.     Donne  a  Knottesford,  a0  10  R.  2. 

^ctfllj  of  SMcjij  fcifllj,  oi  tlje  OTcstljall 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  86b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  nine. — 1  and  !>.  Or,  a  lion  rampant  (Inks.    2.  Per  pale  Argent 

ami  Sable,  three  boars  passant  in  pale,  counterchanged.  [Called  Swinetard.] 
3.  Gules,  a  pale  fusilly  Argent.  [Lymme.]  4.  Quarterly  Gules  and  Or,  in 
first  quarter  a  lion  passafit  of  the  second,  a  label  of  Jive  points  Ermine. 
[Massy.]  5.  Quarterly  Argent  and  Gules,  a  label  of  five  points  Azure. 
[Tattox.]  (i.  Gules,  a  lion  rampant  [per  fesse']  Ermine  [and  Ermines. 
Tymperley.]  7.  Gules,  a  chevron  between  three  lozenges  Argent.  [Sale.] 
8.  Barry  lozengy,  Argent  and  Gules.  [Wincham.] 
Crest. — A  cubit  arm  erect,  habited  pal g  of  five  pieces  Or  and  Sable,  cuffed  Argent, 
hand  proper,  grasping  the  upper  and  lower  portions  of  a  broken  titting-spear  of 
the  first,  point  downwards. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 
Hamon  do  Leigh  d'n's  ejusdem.=f= 


\V"'  de  Leigh. =p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  Johu  Oughrington 

nephew  to  Peter  Oughrington. 

Margery  vx1'  Eitrop8 
de  Millington.  Leigh. 

Madock  sive  Mathew  cui  pater  dedit  uiedie- 
fcatem  ville  de  Swerton  in  villa  de  Legh. 



-\\  in  in 

v  euaoies. 


Leigh=f=Ellin  d.  &  heire  to 

Rafe  de  Hanrichin 

of  Bouthes. 




S'  John  Ligh 

Sr  W'»  Leigh 

Robert  Leigh 

Peter  Leigh 



of  Bout  lies. 

of  Baguly. 

of  Adlington. 

of  Berching- 







of  Pres- 



-1  sure,  two 

Azure,  two 



Ma    5 

Argent,  over 

burs  Anient, 

bars  An/nil, 

Azure,  two 


all  a  bent/let 

over  all  a 

over  all  a 

bars  Argent, 



bendlet  Gules. 

bendlet  gobony 
Or  and  Gules. 

over  all  on  a 
bend  Gules 
three  pheons 

of  the  second. 

Tho"  Leigh  of  High  Ligh  D'n's=p  Agnes  d.  to  Allen  Lymm  sister 
medietatis  ejusdem  an0  1305.         &  heire  to  Gilbert  Lymm. 

Tho.  Ligh  of  High= 
Ligh  vixit  1325. 

=Alice  que  sup'vivit 

Margery  vx1'  W™ 
of  Tatton. 


1.  Jane  d.  to  John  Ligh  of  Southbroke=pThomas  Liegh=2.  Margery  over- 
son  to  Hugh  son  to  Edward.  vixit  1333.  lived  him. 

Rich.  Leigh  living- 
an°  1392. 

:Matilda  d.  &  heire  to  . 
Massy  of  Wincham. 


Agnes  uxor  Rob't 

1.  Isabel  d.  to=pJohn  Ligh. =2.  Jane  widow  to  Ralfe 

Sr  John  Pole. 


Alice  vx1'  Rich.  Starlcy 
of  Stretton. 

1.  Alice  d.  to=FRich. 

John  Leces- 
ter  of  Tabley. 



=2.  Jane  widow  to 
Thomas  Holford 
Esq'  sonne  to 

Roger  Liegh 
of  Oulgraye. 


vxor  Jn° 
I  iecester 
of  Tabley. 

Alice  vx1' 
John  Parr 
of  Wors- 

*  No  descending  line  from  Agnes  to  Thomas  Legh  given  in  Harl.  1424,  but  thus  in  Harl. 
1505.  fo,  90. 



THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Mabell  vxor 
Nico'  Leigh 
of  Esthall. 

Dowce  vxv 
Jn°  Mere 
of  Mere. 

vxr       Isabell  vxor 

Redish  of 

Venables  of 

John    Leigh= 
of  Ought- 
rington* 2d 
sonne  to  Rich. 

d.  to  Wm 
Wilme  of 

1.  Margrett  d.' 
to  Wm  Perci- 


:Wm  Legh  of=2.  Margrett  d.  to        Rich,  married  to  Anne 
Outerton.         John  Boidell  of  widow  to  George  Jackson. 


Peter  Ligh  of: 

:Margarett  da.  to 
Wm  Wilme  of 




George.         John.         William.         Anne.         Maud.         Margrett. 
1.  Dowce  d.=FThouias=j=2.  Jane  d.  to  Jn°  Holcroft      Hamnet.      Peter.      Richard 

to  Sr  Wm 
Bouth  of 


of  Holcroft  in  Lanca. 

John.     Thos.     Jane  vxor  Thos  Sanky. 

Rich.  died=pBeatrix  d. 
before  his    I  to  Geffrey 


Boidell  of 

of  Man- 




Jane  vxor 
Ligh  of 

1.  Rose  d.  to  Rafe= 
Lamport  of  Dam- 

:Rich.  Leigh  of: 
Westhall  in 
High  Ligh. 

:Anne  sister  to  Rich d. 

Hough  of  Leightou.         Alexaud1' 

Alice  vxor 
Massy  of 
Hale  after 
to  George 

&  heire  vxr 

Tho.  s.  prole  maried  Katherine  d.  and  cosen  (sic) 
to  Rafe  Ligh  of  Esthall  after  mar.  Rich.  Donne. 

I  I 

Parnall.      Anne  vxor  Rafe  Massy 

of  Sherbrough  s.  prole. 



John  Leigh  4th  son. = Mary  d.  to  Alex. 

Doroty  vxor  David  Massy 
of  Broxton. 

1.  Clemence= 
d.  to  Sr  John 
Holcroft  of 

Rich.  Leigh  of  High  Leigh: 
in  Cheshire  &  of  Ockley  in 
Com.  Buckingham  esq. 

-2.  Margery  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Cooke  of  Chester 
widow  to  George  Tirrell  of  Thornton  in 
Buckingham  esq. 


Agnes  vxor  . 

John  George  &  Wm 
all  s.  prole. 

Oughtriiigham  (Harl.  1505). 



Rich.  s.p. 
John  s.p. 

Peter  son 
&  heire. 

I  I    . 

Peter  Leigh=pElizab.  d.  to  John  Baptist  Castilion  of      ffrancis  & 

esq.  1599. 

Bona  Valence  in  Barksh.  Esqr 
died  in  childbed  2-4  July  1599. 

George  s.p. 

I    I 



I    I 



Christian  on  whom 
her  mother  died. 

John  Leigb.=pDoroty  d.  to  ...  .         Tho. 
of  London.      Eaton  widow  to  s.  prole 

Rob't  Holcroft. 



Elizab.  vxr  .  .  .  .  Jane. 

Turbeck  \_Tcrbeck~\. 


John.         Elizabeth  died  young.         William.         Margarett. 

^ctcji)  of  BmitlKS. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  87b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  91.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Azure,  two  oars  Argent,  over  all  a  bend  Gules.     2. 

Or,  three  lozenges  Azure.   [Baguley.]     3.  Ermine,  on  a  chief  indented  Gules 

three  ducal  coronets  Or.  [Corona.] 
Crest. — An  arm  embowed,  habited  Gules,  the  hand  holding  a  sword  entwined  by  a 

snake,  all  proper. 

Drawing  of  a  crest,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  13.* 
"Wm  Venables.=pAgnes  Liegh. 

Thomas.        John  Leigh  of  Bouthes.=pEllin  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  Wm  Baguley. 

Sr  John=p  Sr  Will'm  Ligh     Rob't  Ligh  of    Peter  Ligh  of    Gilbert  Ligh 

Leigh  of  of  Baguley.  Adliugton.  Perchington.      of  Preston. 

Bouthes.  •}>.  ^  ^js 

John  Ligh  mar.  Isabel  d.  &  heire 
to  Sr  Richard  Sandbach. 

James  Leigh  who  did  entaile  certaine- 
lands  to  him  &  his  heires. 

Richard=pMaud  d.  &  heire  to  Sr 


John  Arderne. 

John  Leigh  of  Bouthes  1 7  R.  2.=pMaud. 

*  [Under  the  crest  is  writteu]  : — Legh  de  Bouthes  tenuit  libere  tenementa  in  Knottesford 
Raustorne  Torkanton  k  Modburlegh, 

148  THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Maud  d.  &  sole  heire  vxr  Richard  John  Leigh  of  Bouthes  7  H.  6.= 

Radcliff  of  Wordsall. 

Sr  John  Legh  of  Bouthes  slaine  at  Bloreheath  A0  1459.=pJane. 

John  Leigh  eldest=p  Anne  d.  &  coheire  to      Phillipp  Leigh=pElizab.  d.  to     Geffrey 

Sonne  5  E.  4. 

Robert  Grosvenor  of     of  Bouthes. 
Holme.  Inquisition 

taken  8  H.  8. 

Margrett.         Elizabeth  uxor  Peter  Shakerley. 

8r  Andrew 

Roger.      William.      Anne  s.p.      Ellin  vxr         Jane  vxor  Ric.  Starky  of  Stretton 
—  Sr  Rafe  and   after    to    ...  .    Stanley  of 

Edward.  Lecester.        Bickerstaff. 

.Sr  John  Ligh  of  Bouthes  obijt  1558.=j=Jane  sister  to  Sr  Wm  Snead. 

John=Elizab.  d.  to  Edm'd       Agnes.         John  Liegh=f=Jane  d.  to     John  &  John 

Ligh.     Mere  of  Knuttesford.  of  Bouthes 


Sr  Wm  both  s.  prole. 


Wm  ffitatis  5  annor'm  1580.      Peter  s.       Thomas.       Margrett.       Isabell.       Anne. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  88.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  91".] 

Arms. — Quarterly— 1.  Azure,  two  bars  Argent,  over  all  a  bend  [Argent*].  2.  Or, 
three  lozenges  Azure.  [Baguley.]  3.  Ermine,  on  a  chief  indented  Gules, 
three  ducal  coronets  Or,  over  all  a  bendlet  of  the  second.  [Corona  ?]  4. 
Argent,  a  fleur-de-lis  Sable.  [Levenshuliie.] 

S1'  John  Baguley  of  Baguley  in  Comitatu  Cestrue.=p 

Sr  Wm  Baguley.=p 
*  Sic  for  Gules  in  Harl.  1505. 




Sr  John  Leigh  del=pElliu  d.  &  heire  to  Sr 
Bouthes.  Wm  Baguley. 


Sr  John  Baguley  s.p. 

Sr  John  Ligh  of  whome      James  Ligh      8' Wm  Ligh  of      Geffrey.      John. 
Radcliif  is  descended.  of  Baguley. 

Thomaa  Leigh  of  Baguley.= 

Not  a  that  these  p'sons  whose  names  are  underwritten  did  confesse  before  W'"  Slower  n  Is 
Norrey  King  of  Amies  &  Rob't  Cooke  al's  Chester  herauld  of  Armes  at  Baguley,  the  16  of 
•  a0  6  R.  Elizab.  being  there  examined  by  tie  Baid  Norrey  and  Chester  That  they  did  know 
Randoll  Leigh  2d  son  to  Sr  Edm'd  Ligh  of  Baguley,  Knight.  And  confessed  that  the  said 
Randoll  was  never  married.  But  had  divers  base  sons  as  they  well  knew,  to  say  Randoll,  Henry 
&  Nicolas. 

{Elizab.  Leigh  wife  to 
Rich.  Leigh,  mother  to 
Edward  Leigh  of  Baguley 
Rich.  Holling  Preist. 
Rich.  Tarven. 

Sr  Edm'd  Ligh  of  Baguley.=fMargrett  d.  to  Sr  John  Savage. 

Sr  Jn°  Leigh^ 
of  Baguley. 



= d.  tO  Sr 

Wm  Bouth  of 


Randoll  begotten 
on  Carringtoii's  d. 
mar.  ye  d.  of  .  .  .  . 
Tirkett  [Tuchetf] 
of  Northampton. 

Randoll  Leigh 
2d  was  never 

Rich.  3       Hamlett  4,h  sonne  mar. 
son.  yc  Lady  Eliott. 

Henry  Leigh  of  Nicholas.     Charles.=j=Margery 
London  begotten  Ryley. 

on  Woodroff's  d. 
of  Darbyshire.  Edmund. 

John.=pPrudence  d.  to 

Renold  Anderson. 


Gerard  Ligh  of  London. 

2d  son. 


Rich.  Leigh  of= 
Baguley  3'1  son. 

:Elizab.  d.  to  Arnold 



5th  son. 



Edward  Leigh = 
of  Baguley 

:Jone  d.  to 
Sr  Urian 
of  Hon- 

Ellin.     Margrett.       Alice. 
Elizabeth.       Jane. 



.  .  .  .  vx1 

Arden  of 

150  THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  88b.] 

Memorand'  that  on  Holy  Rode  day  in  May  the  11  of  H.  7.  The  Earle  of  Darby,  Constable  of 
England  in  the  King's  Chamber  at  Westminster:  determined  that  Sr  Tho"  of  Ashton  Knight  should 
bearefor  his  proper  Armes,  Silver  a  mallett  [siclor  mullet]  vnpiereed  of  five  points  sables  alone  or 
quarterly,  in  the  first  quarter,  if  more  Armes  by  discent  shall  or  do  fall  to  his  Inheritance.  And 
Sr  Piers  Aleigh  and  his  heires  shall  beare  the  same  Armes  quarterlie  so  they  bee  not  in  the  first 
quarter  with  a  Besant  on  the  first  point.  Forseene  alwayes,  that  if  the  foresaid  Sr  Piers  can 
finde  any  time  hereafter  any  sufficient  Evidence  of  Authority  and  before  the  Constable  allowable 
That  then,  and  in  that  case,  hee,  and  his  heires  shall  now  beare  the  same  Armes  and  without 
besant  or  other  difference.  Present  at  this  Intermination,  Mr  James  Stanley  Warden  of  Man- 
chester, Sr  Edward  Stanley  sonnes  to  the  aforesaid  Earle,  a  Doctor  of  the  Civill  Law  called  & 

Garter  and  Norrey  Kinges  of  Armes  :  And  there 
also  by  the  Commandemt.  of  the  abovesaid  Lord  &  Constable  to  the  aforesaid  officers  of  Armes 
this  present  bill  to  bee  registred  in  their  bookes  of  Authority  from  this  tyme  forth. 

Drawing  of  a  shield  of  arms  : — Argent,  a  mullet  Sable. 

Drawing  of  a  shield  of  arms : — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Blank.  2  and  3.  Argent, 
a  mullet  Sable,  charged  on  the  upper  point  with  a  bezant. 

Hugo  de  Corona. 

Anabell  f.  T.  de  Bamvill.=Hugo  de  Corona.=pLucia. 
Aems. — Azure,  a  chevron 
Argent  between  three 
coronets  Or. 

Thomas  de  Corona  131G.= 

Arms  of  Bagulet,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  14. 

Joh'es  Baguley  miles. 

Willielmus  de  Baguley  miles. 

Joh'es  Baguley  miles  1353.         Ellena  vxor  Joh'es  Liegh. 

Joh'es  Liegh  del  Bouthes  miles. 

Edwardus  de  Chedle.=i= 

Rob'tus  D'n's  de  Chedle  &  Clifton.        Roger5  de  Chedle.=pMathildis. 

I  I 

....  filia  Clementia  nupta  Will'mo  filio  Rob'ts  de  Baggulegh.  Agnes  vxor 

nupta  ....  Arms. — Or,  three  lozenges  Azure ;   impaling  Ric'i  filij 

Daniers.  Argent,  a/ess  dancette  Gules.  Rob'ti  de 

Hamon  de  Bagulegh. 




iUicjI)  of  Sttilincjtom 

[Harl.  142-4,  fo.  89.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Azure,  a  plate  between  three  ducal  crowns  Or,  within 
a  bordure  Argent.  [Corona.]  2.  Azure,  tiro  bar*  Argent,  over  all  a  bendlet 
gobone  Or  and  Gules.  [Lesh  of  Adlington.]  3.  Argent,  a  cross  jlorg 
Sable.  [Belgrave.] 

Crest. — A  unicorn's  head  Argent,  couped  Gules,  armed  Or. 

John  Leigh  of  Bouthes.=pEllin  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  Wm  Baguley. 

»Sr  John  Leigh       1.  Sara  sister  to=pRobert  Leigh  of=pMaud  d.  &  heire  to  Sr 

of  Bouthes. 

Henry  Hanford. 


Turston  de  Morley. 

I  I  I 

Rob't  Leigh=pMaud  d.  &  coheire     ....  vxr  Jn°  Ashton      S1'  Piers  Ligh  of  Han  ley 

of  Adlington 
35  E.  3. 

to  John  de  Ar- 

after  to  Wm  Rad- 

of  whorne  Sr  Piers  Ligh 
of  Lyme  is  descended. 

Sr  Rob't  Leigh  of  Adlington  9  H.  4=plsabel  d.  &  heire  to 


Thomas  Belgrave. 

Robinett  Leigh  of  Adlington.=pMaud. 

1.  Isabel=Rob't  Leigh=f2.  Isabel]  d.  to  Sr  Wm  Stanley      James  a 

d.  to  Jn°     of  Adling- 
Savage       ton. 

married  by  consent  of  the  Pope       Preist. 
because  shee  was  of  the  blood  — 

of  his  first  wife.  William. 


Rob't  Leigh=j=Ellin  d. 

Maud  vxr  Jn° 

1    1 
....  vxor  .  .  . 

obijt  8  Dec. 

to  Sv 


Picott  of  Chet 

An0  ■>  h.  6. 


of  Pever. 


of  Dun- 

Agnes vxor 

Margaret  vxr 


Sr  Andrew 

Thos  Mere  of 



Ellin  vxr 
Leigh  of 

Isabel  vxr  Sr  Lawrence 
Warren  of  Pointon  & 
after  toSrGeorge  Holford. 

Margrett  vxr  Wm  Dam- 
port  of  Bromhall. 

II  I  I 

Richard.       John.       "W  ill'm. 


Renold  Leigh  of  Annsley  in  Com.  Nott.  of  whom 
Leigh  of  Darbyshire  is  descended. 



Thos  Leigh: 
35  yeares 
old  2  H.  6. 

d.  to  Sr 






Blanch  vxr 



of  Raynhill. 

Elizab.  vxor 
Tho.  Lever- 

vxr  John 
More  of 

vxr  Ran- 

George  Leigh=pJane  d.  to=Sr  George  Pawlett 

of  Adlington. 

Peter  Lack 
of  London. 

brother  to  the 
Marq.  of  Win- 

Albi  in 

Elenor  vxr 
Sr  Piers 

....  vxor 
....  Hulton 
of  the 

Thomas  Leigh^pMary  d.  to  Rieh.=Sr  Rich.  Egerton      Marie.      Ellin.      Elizabeth. 

of  Adlington. 

Gravenor  of 

of  Ridley  ■>' 

T  ios  Leigh  of  Adlington  now=pSibi!l  d.  to  Sr  Urian  Brereton 
living  1600.  of  Honford. 

Sr  Urian  Leigh  =  .  .  .  .  d.  to 
made  knight  at     Sr  Eilui'd 
Cadez  1596.  Trafford. 

Captaine  Thos  Leigh 
slaine  at  Blackwater 
in  Ireland  1598. 

Edward.      Mary.     Elizabeth. 



iU(crf)  of  Upmc. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  89".] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  six. — 1.  Argent,  a  cross  Sable,  in  the  dexter  chief  point  a  fleur- 
de-lis  of  the  second.  [Haydogk.]  2.  Gules,  a  cross  engrailed  Argent.  [Legh 
of  Lyme.]  3.  Vert,  a  chevron  between  three  cross-croslets  fitehe  Or. 
[Boydell.J  4.  Argent,  a  mullet  Sable  charged  with  a  bezant.  [Walton  of 
Ulnes- Walton.]  5.  Vert,  a  cross  patonce  Or.  [Boydell.]  6.  Quarterly 
— 1  and  4.  Lozengy  Argent  and  Sable.  [Croft.]  2  and  3.  Sable,  a  chevron 
between  three  covered  cups  Or.  [Butler  of  Merton.] 

Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or  a  rain's  head  Argent,  armed  of  the  first,  ho/ding 
in  the  mouth  a  sprig  of  laurel. 

^Robert  Leigh  of  Adlington.=p2.  Maud  d.  &  coheire  to  Sir  Thurston 

1.  Sara  sister 
to  Henry 

Arms. — Azure,  two  bars 
Argent.  Over  at  I  abend 
gobone  Or  and  Gules. 

Norley,  Lordof  Xuiky,  Pemberton,  Est 
Walton  &  Hoole,  &  heire  to  Boidell. 

Rob't  Leigh 
of  Adling- 

1.  Margrett  d.  &: 
heire  to  Sr  Thos 
Daniers  L  :  of 
Groppenhall  & 
Brone,  widow  to 
S1'  Jn°  Savage. 


:Piers  Leigh  of  Hanley  beheaded1 
by  K.  II.  4  A0 1399.    Had  Hanley 

given  him  by  R.  2  for  taking  the 
Earle  of  Tanckarvile  at  Cressy. 

-2.  Ciceley  d.  to 
John  Hagh  of 
Hagh  in  Com. 



Sr  Piers  Leigh  of  Ilanley— Jane  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  Gilbert  Haydook,  L  :  of  Haidock, 

Bradley,  Burton-wood,  Werington,  Overfourth,  Sanky, 
Blend,  Newton,  Lawton,  Goodburne,  and  Walton  in  the 

slaine  at  the  Battaile  of 
Aenncourt  An0  1415. 

Sr  Piers  Leigh  made  Kn'  by  Rich.  Duke=pMargrett  d.  to 

of  Yorkeat  Wakefield  1  t60. 

S1'  Rich.  Molinenx. 

Piers  Leigh  obijt=pMabell  d.  &  heire  to  James  Croft  L :  of  Dalton  and  Claghton, 

vivo  patre  1408. 

and  of  her  mother  d.  &  heire  of  ffrekelton 


Sr  Piers  Liegh  Kn'  Banerett  by  K.  E.  4.=pElenor  d.  &  heire  to  S1'  John  Savage. 

1.  Margrett  d.=pPiers  Leigh=pJane  d.  to 

to  Nicholas 

of  Leyme. 

S<  Thorn3 

John.  Margrett  vxr  Lawrence 

—  Warren  of  Pointon. 


S1'  Piers  Leigh  of  Lyme  made  Knight=j=Margrett  d.  to 

at  Edinborough  by  K.  H.  8. 

.Sr  Thos  Gerard. 

Ciceley  uxor       Anne. 
Thos  Butler. 

Piers  Leigh=rKatherine 
obijt  vivo      I  d.  to  Sr 
patre.  '  Thos 


Thos  maried 
d.  &  heire  to 
Rob't  Lang- 

James.  Margery  vxr 

—  Rob't  Barton 

Rob't.  of  Smethells, 


Ellin  vxr 
Bouth  of 

Sr  Piers  Leigh: 
of  Lyme  made 
Knight  2  of 
July  at  O-rene- 
wich  1598. 

d.  to  Sr 
Gerard  Mr 

Edw'd  Leigh 
of  Grayes 

Tho.  gent,  vssher 
to  the  Countes  of 

Peter  son  &  heire. 

Elizab  vx1' 
....  Lathom 
of  Parbold. 

ffrances  2d  sonne. 

Thomas  3d  son. 


iUtfjfj  oi  tit  iRitujt, 

Arms. — Quarterly — l.  Gules,  on  a  cross  engrailed  Argent  a  mullet  for  difference. 
■J.  Gules,  tiro  bars gemelles  Argent,  a  chief  Ermine  3.  Ari/cnt,  a  chevron 
Salt,  between  three  rocks'  heads  erased  Gules.  [Alcock.]  4.  Checlcy  Or 
and  Vert,  a  bend  Ermine.   [Sparke.] 

Jenkin  Leigh  of  the  Ridge=pAlice  d.  &  heire  to  John 

obijt  1453 

Alcock  of  the  Ridge, 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Roger  Leigh  of=pEllin  d.  to  Robinett  Richard1 

the  Ridge.  Leigh  of  Adlington.  Leigh. 

John  Leigh.: 

Rosrer  Leigrh=FElizabeth  d.  to 

of  the  Ridge. 

....  Sutton  of 

Roger  =p 


Rafe  Leigh=pEliz.  d.  to  Henry 

of  Stock- 

Langley  of  Beke- 
linff  in  Essex. 

Roger : 

=Mary  d.  to 

Wm  Spark 
after  raaried 
to  Sr  Edwd 

Wm  Leigh     Roger, 
of  Welling- 

Henry  Liegh 
of  Rushall. 


8'  Tho9 
of  Lon- 


Sv  John=pIsabell  d.     Rafe. 


to  Atwell 

Joice  vxr 

Sr  John 

John  Leigh  of: 
the  Ridge. 

:Elizab.  d.  to  ffoulk 
Dutton  Alderma 
of  Chester. 

Elizab.  vxor  Wm  Tindall 
of  Brotherton  in  Norff. 

Mary  vxor  Hugh 
Erdswick  of 

John.         Roger.         Edward.         Peter.         Richard.         Thomas. 

Ran  doll. 

Katherine  vxor  Owen 
Williams  &  Sr  John 

Elizab.  vxor 

Grace.      Margaret.      Mary. 
Susan.      Alice. 

Jane  vxor 
Rob't  Macky 
of  Scotland. 

^cicjJ)  oi  ^ic$  &cicj!)t  oi  tf)t  €ast  {mil 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  90».] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.    Argent,  a  lion  rampant  Gules.     2  and  3.    Azure, 

crusily  Or,  and  three  eagles  displayed  of  the  second.  [Alpram.] 
Crest. — A  demi-lion  rampant  Gules. 

Mathew  de  Alprain.=j=Eva. 


son  to 




d.  & 



Ellin  vxor 
Rob't  son 
to  Richard 

Amy  vxr 
Rob't  son 
to  John 

vxr  Wm 

Sibell  vxr 
Wm  son 
to  John 

THE   VISITATION    OP    CHESHIRE,    1580.  155 

A  | 

Wm  Leigh.  John  Leigh  an0  14  E.  3.  David  Leigh. 


John  Leigh.  Thos  Leigh  of  Northwood  2  R.  2. 

Hugh  Leigh.^=  Tho.  3  H.  4; 

I  I 

John  Leigh.=p  Thomas  30  H.  6.=p 

I  I 

I  I 

Hugh  Leigh.=p  Thomas  3  E.  4=pEIizab.  d.  to  Geffrey  Mollington. 

John.=p  Thomas  Leigh  4  H.  8.=pMargrett  d.  to  Rich.  Chollerton. 

I  I 

Henry  Leigh.=p  Rob't  Leigh.=pElizab.  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Starky  of  Olton. 

Nico'  Leigh=pllabell  d.  to        Thomas  Leigh  of^plsabell  d.  &  heire  to  Rafe 

of  the 

Rich.  Leigh         Esthall  in  High 
of  Highligh.        Ligh  1580. 

Trafford  of  ye  Garrett  in 
Com.  Lane. 

Rafe  Leigh.=pJane  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Gravenor        Rob't  obijt=j=Elenor  d.  to 

after  mar.  to  Jn°  Spurstow.         vivo  patre.     Randoll  Spurstow. 

Rich.         Katherin  vxr  Thos  Leigh      Margrett  vxr      Jane  vxr  Randoll  Spurstow 
s.  prole,     of  High  Ligh  &  after  to       Ric.  Leigh  of     son  to  John  Spurstow. 
Rafe  Done  of  Flasyards.        Swinchead. 

Rich.  Spurstow. 



I  I  I  I  I  I 

George=.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Lecester     Philip.     Richard.     Mary.     Robert.     Thomas. 

Leigh,     of  Tabley. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  91.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  [Or]  a  lion  rampant  \_GuUs]  charged  with  a  mullet. 
2  and  3.  Per  pale  Argent  and  Sable  three  boars  statant  in  pale,  counterchanged. 
[Called  Swinehead.] 

Mathew  Leigh  of  Swinehead=f  Jane  d.  to  Thomas  Leigh 


of  High  Leigh. 




Rich.  Leigh=pJane  base  d.        Gawen  Leigh  of=pMargrett  d.  to        Mary  vxor 


to  Rich.  Done     Northwood  in 
of  TJtkinton.        High  Liegh. 

Thos  Grimsdich      John  Venables 
of  Hallarn.  of  Agton. 

Rich.  Leigh=pJone  d.  to  Tho.  Gregg        Anthony.         Hamlett.         Margery. 
ofSwinhead.  I  of  Bradley. 

Richard.        John.         Peter.         Thomas.       Mathew.         Katherine.         Alice. 

Wm  Leigh=pKatherin  Anne  vx. 

of  North-      d.  to  Rich.  Lawrence 

wood  Bird  of  Hatton. 

l.".M>.  Terton. 

Eliz.  vx. 







Tho.  setatis  1  et  dim'  annor'm. 




[Harl.  1424,  fo.  95b.] 

Anns. — Quarterly — 1  and   1.    Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  ploughshares  Sable. 
2  and  3.  Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  Catherine  wheels  Sable.  [Wheelock.] 
Crest. — A  leopard's  head  jessant-de-lis  Or* 

Thomas  Wheelock  of  Wheelock.=p 

Elizab.  vxor  Thoms      Alice  setatis  50  annor'm       John  Wheelock- 
Worth.  17  H.  6.  of  Wheelock. 

Richard=p Aa'nes  ajtatis  40  annor'm  et         Richard  Wheelock= 

Leversege.  I  ampls  17  H.  6. 

obiit  17  H.  6. 

:Elenor  d.  to  . 

Reynold  Leversege=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Langley  Thoms  Wheelock  obijt  vivo 

of  Wheelock.  of  Lancashire.  patre  sine  prole. 

the  MS. 

Thomas  Leversege.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Venables  of  Kinderton. 
a  | 

The  upper  part  of  the  fletir-de-lis,  usually  shewn  above  the  leopard's  face,  is  omitted  in 



Rafe  Leversege  of  Wheelock.=f  Margery  d.  to  Will'in  Wilbram  of  Woodhey. 

II  I  I  I 

W">  LcTorscge=pKatherine  d.  to     Richard.  Robert.     Isabell  vxor  John     Margrett. 

of  Wheelock       Rafe  Damport  —  Bromley  of 

A0  1580.  of  Henbury.         Thomas.  Bafford. 

Wm  tetatis  17  annor'm  1580.      Hugh.      Margery  vxor  Rafe  Halsall  of  Halsall. 

iLinforti  of  CJjesjnrt,  familie  iwto  ejrtimt 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  95.] 


The  Pedigree  of  Piers  de  Lynforde. 

Piers  de  Linford  had  issue  Lawrence,  Lawrence  had  issue  William,  ~Wm  had  issue  Lawrence 
&  Dionisia,  Lawrence  had  issue  Thomas,  Thomas  had  issue  Edmund  wch  died  sans  issue  of  his 
body,  Dionisia  tooke  to  husband  John  Stafford,  and  had  by. him  John  Stafford  who  had  issue 
Rob't  Stafford. 

Certaine  lands  and  Tenements  woods  Leases  and  pastures  services  of  ffree  men  and  bond 
&c.  myne  of  lead  oare,  with  the  appertenances,  was  given  by  Nico'  Cotterell  &  Roger  de  Gad- 
desby,  to  Lawrence  Lynford  and  Alice  his  wife  and  to  the  heires  betweene  them  lawfully 
begotten  lying  in  Moudsh.  Chelmarden,  Hassopp,  C'alvors  and  Roulesley  as  it  appeareth  more 
plainly  in  the  Deed  &c. 

Memorand'  quod  An0  R.  H.  5  post  conquestum  quarto  Rotulo  xvij°  termino  Pashe  in  Banco 
D'ni  Regis  coram  Ric'o  Norton  et  Socijs  suis  apud  Westminster,  Joh'es  Grome  Capellan*,  Joh'es 
Grome  Junior  &  Will'm's  Grome  de  est  horneham,  obtulorunt  b're  de  transvers5  Thoma'  Linford, 
et  Edmundu'  Linford  et  Joh'em  Stafford  de  Com'  Lincoln'  et  Will'm  Linford  de  Com. 

Ex  chartis  Mr  Savage  de  Castelton  in  le  Peke  in  Com.  Darby  qui  descendit  p'  Bastia'm  a 
quodam  Presbitero  de  familia  de  Savage. 

Item  Mr  Savage  de  Castelton  duxit  in  vxorem  vnam  filiarnm  et  hered'  hujus  famili;e  de 


Peter  de  Linford.= 

Lawrence  de  Linford. : 
Will'm  de  Linford.: 


Lawrence  Linford. 

Thomas  Linford. 

Edmund  sine  prole. 

Dionysia  vxor  Joh'is  Stafford. 

John  Stafford. 
Rob't  Stafford  de  Com.  Lincoln. 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

jHalbeticnk,  jHaftanlt,  jflaftan,  JHauban, 
Barons  of  itottoiclK 

Latins,  vicus  Malbanus. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  98.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  101b.] 

Ego  Hugo  de  Altaripus  filis  Audse  de  Maubank  concessi  Warino  de  Vernon  patri  meo  in 
lege  vt  Warino  filio  suo  fratri  meo  et  hseredibus  ipsius  Warini  fratris  meo  &c. 

Ego  Auda  Maubank  dedi  Matheo  de  Venion  filio  meo,  Totam  terram  de  Brickhull  quae  mihi 
haereditaria;  accidit  a  D'no  Tho.  Bassett  &  eius  foemina,  D'na  Phillippa  Maubank  &c. 

Conrentio  facta  inter  D'nam  Phillippa  Maubank  ex  vna  et  D'num  Warrinum  de  Vernon  et 
D'nam  Audam  Maubank  sponsam  ipsi9  Warini  ex  altera  Scilicet  quod  ipsa  D'na  Phillippa  in 
ligeo  potestate  sua  relaxavit  &c. 

Henricus  de  Aldetheley  oib's  &c.  Noveritis  me  dedisse  D'n's  Warino  de  Vernon  et  Aid' 
Maubank  vxori  eius.     Dom'um  meum  apud  Acton  &c. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal  inscribed  S.  Henbici  de  Alditheley.  Gules, 
fretty  Or,  on  a  canton  Azure,  a  cross  patee  of  the  second. 

Ego  Alicia  filia  Will'mi  de  Maubank  dedi  Joh'i  de  Waleia  filio  meo  Terram  meam  in  Campis 
de  Wich-Maubank  vers"  mendiam  [medium],  Testibus  Warino  de  Vernon  Warino  filio  suo 
Will'mo  Patrick  &e. 

Will'm's  Malbedeng  A0  20  W.  Conquest.1 

Arms  of  Malbedeng  or  Malbank. — 

Quarterly,  Or  &  Gu,    Over  all  a 

bendlet  Sa. 

=Adelicia  32  H.  1. 

Hugo  fundator  Abbatia;  de  Combermere.=pPetronilla. 

Will'm's  Malbank  Baro'  de  Nantwch.=p 

1 de= 


=Auda  de=pWarren 

Hugo  de 


Margreta  vxor 
Ric'i  Wilbra- 
ham  militis. 

de  Ver- 

Warren3.     Mathe9. 




Phillippa  vxor  Tho. 

Bassett  Baro'  de 


Asms  of  Bassett. — 
Barry  tubule  of 
6  Arg.  &  Sa. 

Elenora  nupta 
Henrico  de 

Phillippa  vxor 
Henrici  Com. 
Warw.  et  obijt 
sine  exitu. 


Jane  vxor 
Reynaldi  de 
Valletort  et 
A0  36  H.  3. 

Alicia  vxor 

Domini  de 

Joh'es  de 

Margeria  vxor  Rob't'  Winington. 



JHallps,  Barons  oi  jHallpas, 

Latine,  Mains  passus. 
Gallire,  Malpas. 
Saxon  ice,  Depenbach  (id  est) 
Anijlkc,  Depcbrook. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  98b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  102.] 

Will'm's  Belward.= 
Arms. — Gul.  Spheons 

Radulphus  Baro'  de  Mallpas.=pBeatrix  soror 
Arms. — Arc/,  a  cross jxttonce    Hugonis  Keveliock 
Azure  Co.  Cestriae. 

Dauid  le  Clerk.^Margareta  filia  et  haeres. 

I  I  I 

Pctrus  Cleric  D'ni  TVill'm's  de==Beatrix  fil.  naturalis  Phillip  Gough  de  Mallpas 

Co.  Cestriae  Ranul-  Mallpas.        :  Rogeri  Montealt.  duxit   Catheriuam   filiam 

phi  tertij.  ....  Hurlton. 

I  I 

Agnes  vxor     Ranulph3. 
Wm  de 

Beatrix  vxor  Will'mi 
Patrick  militis. 

Isabel  vxor  Ric'i 

David  filis=FConstancia  f.  Oweni 


Keveliock  p.  Powiss. 

David  de     Houa  2l1 
Egerton.     filius. 

Idone  vxor  Vrany  S' 
Petri  militis. 


Will'm's  Wigland. 

Joh'es  Sl  Petri 

David  de  Eger-=pIdonea  filia  et 


David  Wigland.=j= 

__ I 

I    ~ 
Margrett  vxor  Will'mi  de  Lawton. 

Isabell  vxor  Rad'i  Bostock  militis. 

Sr  Adam  Bostock  slaine  at  Bloreheath  1459. 

haeres  Will'mi  Gol- 
born  below  \behw\ 

Omnib"  &c.  Petrs  Cleric  D'ni  Com.  Cestriae  et  Lincolniae  Sal't'm.  Noveritis  me  dedisse 
W'mo  de  Blora,  in  libro  Maritagio,  cum  Agnete  filia  mea,  et  eor'  haeredibus  de  se  genitis  vna' 
libera'  salin'a  in  Wich-Mauban  cum  duodecim  plumbis  et  tolneto  et  sale  de  die  veneris  &c. 
Testib8  Phillippo  de  Orreby  tunc  Justiciar'  Cestriae,  D'no  Henrico  de  Audithelegb,  Warino  de 
Vernon,  Rad'o  de  Motton,  Thoma  filio  Kogeri,  Ivone  de  Mere,  Kob'to  de  Heffely,  Petro  de 
Stapplegh,  &c. 

Omnibus  Sec.  Phillippi  de  Orreby  Sal't'm.  Solatia  me  Concessisse  D'no  Henrico  de 
Aldithley,  Clementiam  et  Elenoram  filias  et  baeredes  Will'mi  de  Blore  et  eor'  maritagium 
cum  tota  terra  quae  fuit  Dicti  Will'mi  de  Blore  et  cum  eiusdem  terrae  p'tinentijs  sc'd'm  quodam 
Cartae  D'nae  llillisendae  de  Stafford  et  D'ni  Henrici  filij  sui  quas  super  eisdem  habui  testanter  &c. 

160  THE   VISITATION    OF   CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Testib'  D'no  Rarralpho  Comite  Cestriae  et  Lincolniaa  Fulconi  Alio  Wariui.  Rob'to  de  Campari 
Aluredo  de  Sulini.  Ric'o  de  Phiton  Ric'  vie'  filio  Lid  : 

Omnibus  sc'ae  matris  Eeel'iae  filijs  &c.  T'pe  H.  2.  Richard8  Bacuu  Sal't'm.  Noveritis  vrriver- 
gitas  v'ra  me  pro  salute  animse  meae  et  pro  salute  etiam  Ranulphi  Comitis  Cestrias  avunculi  mei, 
et  antecessor'  et  successor'  meor'  Dedisse  &c.  Deo  et  Beatae  Mariae  et  canoncijs  regularib8 
ordinis  sc'i  Augustini :  Totam  villain  de  Roucester  cum  advocac'one  Ecclie  dictae  villas  totam 
etiam  villam  de  Cambru'ge  &c.  Testib8  Hugon'  Wac' :  Will'mo  Constabul'  de  Doninton, 
Thurstano  Banaster.  W'mo  Bac',  Roberto  Bassert.  Will'mo  de  Colvile,  Ric'o  Pincerna,  W'mo  de 
Barnill  \_DanielT\,  Galfrido  Dispensatore. 

Drawing  of  seal,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  8. 

T'pe  H.  2.  Rogero  Castrensi  Ep'o  &c.  Ranulpbus  Comes  Cestriae  sal't'm  notum  vobis  oib'z 
facio  me  Confirmasse  proprio  sigillo  et  carta  mea  Donationem  qu'a  Ricard8  Bacun  cognat8  me' 
et  familiaris  donavit  Deo  &  Sc'as  Mariffi  et  Canonicis  de  Roucester  &c.  Testib8  Hugon'  War', 
W'mo  Constabul'  de  Donington  Turstano  Banester,  W'mo  Bac,  Rob'to  Bassett,  &c. 

Drawing  of  seal,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  9. 

Henric8  de  Alhitelegh  \_Aldithelr/jh~\  omnib8  &c.  Sciatis  me  confirmasse  W'mo  de  Blora  et 
Agneti  vxori  suae  filiae  Petri  Clerici  de  Cestriae  genitis  salina'  ilia'  in  Wico  Mauban  cum  duo- 
decem  plumbis  et  tolneto,  et  sale  de  die  veneris  et  cum  terra  de  Gayfeld  &c.  qua  prasdict8  Petr3 
ei  in  libero  maritagio  dedit  cum  prasdicta  Agueta  filia  sua  Habend  &c.  Testib8  Warino  de 
Vernon,  W'mo  de  Venable,  Rogero  de  Meynwar',  Ran'  fratre  suo,  Matlieo  de  Vernon,  Rob'to 
Cappell,  Ran'um  &  Rob'tum  de  Praerijs.  Tho.  de  Adilina  [Aelma],  &c. 

Drawing  of  seal,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  10. 

Ista  Indentura  testator  in  memoria  futuror'  quod  Joha'na  quae  fuit  vxor  Alani  de  Audeleigh 
in  A°  rrs  Edw.  filij  Regis  Ed.  5°  in  pleno  Comitatu  Staffordias  teuto  die  Jovis  proximo  post 
ffestum  sanctorum  Tiburcij  et  Valeriani.  liberavit  Laurentio  de  Okeouere  et  Margr'  vxori  eius 
fines.  Cartas  &  scriptas.  de  haereditate  dicta  Margeriss  sub  tenore,  qui  subsequitur  Scil.  ^f  vnam 
Cartam  p'  quam  Ran'  Comes  Cestrise,  feoffavit  Petrum  Clericum  de  Salina  in  Wich  bauban  (•?<>)• 
f  Et  vnam  quiet,  clamac'o'em  qua'  Arnald8  fili8  W'm  de  Verdon  fecit  W'mo  de  Audeleig':  de  terra 
quas  appellator  le  Moreflates  in  Schardlow.  «f  Et  vnam  Cartam  p'  qua'  Willm8  fili8  W'mi  de 
Audeleig':  fecit  Audae  fratri  suo  de  quodam  Messuagio  in  villa  de  Schardelow.  *f  Et  vnam 
Cartam  quam  Ranulpb8  fili1  Petri  Clerici  D'ni  Comitis  Cestrias  fecit  W'mo  de  Blore  et  Agneti 
vxori  eius  sorori  sua  &  hasredib3  suis  quod  warantizaret  eijs  liberum  maritagium.  f  Et  dua 
Scripta  inter  Will'm  filiu'  Will'mi  de  Verdon  et  Petrum  Clericum  D'ni  Comitis  Cestrias,  de  la 
Moreflates  in  Schardlow.  %  Et  vnam  Scripta,  convenc'o'es  quod  Henric'  de  Audeleigh  fecit 
Will'mo  de  Blore  de  vna  Salina  in  Wich  Bauban.  *f  Et  vna'  scriptum  inter  Rob'tum  Martin  de 
Schardelow  et  W'mi  de  Audelegh  et  Clementia'  vxorem  eius  de  vno  Tofto  et  Crofto  in  Schardlow. 
f  Et  vna'  Cartam,  indentatum  inter  Abba'm  de  Burton,  Scil':  Ric'm  de  Insula,  et  Will'm  de 
Audleig'  &  Clementiam  vxore'  eius  de  Jure  patronat'  Eccliar'  de  Blore  et  de  Grendon  &c. 


[Hail.  1421,  fo.  113.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  117.] 
Willielmus  Belward.=r 


.  I 

Dan  David^Margreta  f.  &  hares  D'ni  Ranulphi  Baronis  de  Ricardas.=i= 

de  Mallpas 



Malpas  et  suaj  vsoris  Beatrixis  sororis  Hugoois 
Keveliock  Co.  Cestrias. 



r  j  i  i 

Thomas  de  Cotgreve.     Wm  de  Overton.     Ricard3  Li  tell.     Marrettde  Hampton. 
Will'm's.  Ricardus.       Kenen  le  Clerk.  Houa  Bras. 

Alice  vxor  Rob' 

II  II  I 

Wm.        Houa.       John. 

David.    Robert. 

Wm  de  Hampton. 

Wm.        Jane  vxor  ....  Wever.        Agnes  vxor  ....  Eton. 

Hunoth  de  Coddington. 

....  vxor 

....  vxor 



....  vxor     ....  vx<  ir 
Prees.  Spurstow. 

Rob't  de       Mabell  vxor        Nicholas        Jeuan.     David. 
Codding-      Wrono  Litell      Burghall. 
ton.  &  Nico'  Tils- 

ton.  Bartholomew 

de  Burghall. 

1.  Margeria  filia  Cadogan  de^pWill'm's  de  Mallpas=2.  Beatrix  f.  Rob't  D'ni 
Linton  cum  quo  Pecklarton.     miles.  Monhalt  Concubina. 

David  de  Mallpas. 

Beatrix  vxor  Sr  William  Patrick.     Idonea  vxor  S1' 
|  Urian  S*  Petri! 

Isabell  vx.  S*  Richard  Sutton. 

Rogerus  Malpas.      Sr  David  Mallpas.      Sibill  vxor  ....  Aldlym. 

WilFin's.  Agnes  vxor  ....  Pulesdou. 



Hugh  Parson  of 

David.=i=  Roger  de  Pulesdon. 

David  de  Mallpas.=p 

John.       Sibill  vxor  W.  Katherin      Manld  vxr  Phillippi     Margery  vxor  Chris- 

Tomlinson  de  vxor  John     Egerton.  topher  Hogh. 

David      Halifax.  Bird  de  |  — 

s.p.  Cherleton.      Sr  John  Egerton.      Isabel  vxor  Hnxley 
■Tone  vxor  Wm  Kinaston  &  Erdes- 

Whitgreue  of  wick  s.p. 






Tho.  Whitgreve 
of  Nantwich. 


vxor  Eic. 

Agnes  Txor 



Margaret  vxor 
Robert  Powell 
of  Wrixham. 

Philip  Gough. 

David  de  Golborne. 

David         Houa.         ~Wm  de  Gol-     Rich,  de  Good-    David  de      Sibill  [ux.] 
Egerton.        ^  borne.  man.  Golborne.     Patrick  de 

|  III  Barton. 

Phillip  Egerton.=p  John.  John  de  Good-         Wm. 


gr  Wm  Wm. 



David.        Urian  stirps  Egerton  de  Wrinhill. 

Philip.        David.        Vrian  stirps  Egerton  de  Olton  et  Ridley. 

Ellin  vxr  Wm  Brereton. 

Meverell  vxor  Hug.  de        Christia'  nupta  ....  Bonbury  &         Leg'  vxor  11 :  de 
Cholmly.  postea ....  Hulgreve.  Shocklach. 


ffelice  vxor 


Wni  de  Broxton. 

Edward'  illustris  Regis  Angliae  filius  Prinoeps  Walliae  Dux  Cornubia?  &  Comes  Cestrise 
Omnius  Ballius  &c.  Sal't'm.  Sciatis  quod  cum  Joh'es  de  Berouse  nuper  v'es  d'nicas  terras  in 
Schocklacke  infra  Com.  n'rum  Cestrisa  qua?  de  nobis  tenentur  in  capite,  de  Joh'e  de  Sco'  Petro 
licentia  n'ra  sup'  hoc  ab  non  obtento  adquisivissett.  Nos  de  gra'  n'ra  speciale  et  ad  requisic'o'em 
dilecti  Consanguinei  n'ri  Comitis  Warrennaj  perdonavimus  eidem  Joh'i  de  Berouse  transgressionem 
quam  fecit  in  inquirendo  sibi  ten'  prsedieta  &c.  Dat.  apud  Cestr'  28  Octob. :  Anno  18  Ed.  Regis 
patris  n'ri.     18  E.  3. 

jHanlep  of  ^ultum 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  107b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  1111'.] 

Arms. — Argent,  a  dexter  hand  couped  and  erect  Sable,  within  a  bordure  engrailed  of 
the  second. 

Mauley  of  Mauley  in  Cheshire.^ 

THE   VISITATION   OP   CHESHIREj    1580.  163 

A  | 

Sr  Nicholas  Manley.  John  Manley  of  Pulton  in  Chesh.=p 



Nico'  Manley  of  Pnlton  =f=Jane  Aunt  to  Sr  Thomas  Holcroft. 

John  Manley  of  Pulton  1566.=pThomazin  d.  to  John  Manwaring  sonne  to  George. 

i        r       i       r  T"    ~v     ~\ 

Henry.       Thomas.       Doroty.       Jane.       Mary.       Anne.       Elizabeth. 

[Pedigree  thus  in  Earl.  1505,  fo.  111.] 

Manley  of  Manley  in  Cheshire.^ 


.1  | 

Sr  Nicholas  cle  Manley.  John  Manley  of  Pulton  in  Cheshire.^ 


NicM  Manley  of  Pulton.=j=ElMn  d.  fo  Piers  Stanley  offflynt. 

Henry  Manley  of  Pulton.=j=Jane  Aunt  of  Sr  Thomas  Holcroft. 

John  Manley  of  Pulton  1566.=p 

II  I  I  I  I  I 

Henry.      Thomas.      Doroty.      Jane.      Mary.      Anne.      Elizabeth. 

jHantoarimj  of  Cl)cstei\    jHantoarinij  oi 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  106".] 

Arms. — Argent,  two  bars  Ouhs  within  a  bordnre  gobone  Or  and  Sable. 
Crest. — An  ass's  head  proper,  erased,  matted,  and  haltered  Or. 

Nico'  Manwaring  of  Nantwich  base  son=F 
to  Manwaring  of  Peever. 

Thos  Manwaring  of  Chester.^  Humfrey  Manwaring  of  Nantwich.=p 

A  I  B| 

164  THE   VISITATION   OP   CHESHIRE,    1580. 

A  |  

Thomas     Randoll  Mainwaring=f  Oliver  Manwaring=.  .  .  .  d.  to  .  .  .  Spark 

s.p.  Alderman  of  Chester. 

of  Nantwich.  of  Nantwich. 

Henry  Mainwaring  of=p  John  Manwaring  of  Nant-=pMargrett  d.  to  Roger 

Chester  1580. 

wich  base  son. 

Brooke  of  Nantwich. 

Rannlf.  Roger  Manwaring=j=Margrett  d.  to  Thomas       Oliver 

of  Nantwich.            Masterson  of  Nantwich.      Manwaring. 

Rich.  Manwaring  of  Nantwich.      Margery.      Margrett.        Alexander  Manwaring. 

jHtfniltoarim    jtatoarincje  oi  $erim\ 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  105b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  1091'.] 

Arms. — Quarter!)/ — 1  and  4.    Argent,  tiro  bars  Gules.      2  and  3.    Gules,  a  scythe 

Argent.  [Praers.] 
Crest. — An  ass's  head  erased  Argent,  haltered  Or. 

These  5  Amies  stand  in  the  Chancell  window  in  Warmincham  Church : — 
Burdeux. — Paly  of  six  Or  and  Gules,  a  chief  Ermine. 
Trussell. — Argent,  a  fret  Gales,  bezante'e,  a  file  of  three  points  Azure. 
Manwaring. — Argent,  two  bars  Gul  . 
Arden. — Gules,  three  cross- eroslets fitche,  and  a  chief  Or. 
Vernon. — Or,  on  afess  Azure  three  garbs  of  the  field. 

"W.  C.     Ranulph  Meinilwarin  t'pe  Wm  Conquestoris.=j= 

r~  r 

H.  1.     Rich.  s.  prole.  Roger.=p 

r~  i 

H.  2.    Wm  s.  prole.  Randoll.=p 

R.  1.     Roger.= 

K.  John.     Rafe  Meinilwaring^fAmice  d.  to  Hugh  Keveliock 
Justice  of  Chester.     Erl  of  Chest1. 

H.  3.     Sr  Roger  Meinilwarin.=pCristian  after  mar.  to  John  Biron. 

a  I 



A  I 

E.  1.    Sr  Thomas.=j= 

W™  to  whom  his  father 
gave  Peever. 

E.  2.     Sr  Warren  Meinilwarhv 

a  Preist. 

E.  2.     Roger.: 

1.  Sr  Will'm=Mauld  heire  to=2.  Oliver       ....  d.  &  heire=pWm  32=pElizab.  d.  to 


buried  in 

de  Bur-    to  Wm  Praers 
deaux.       of  Badeley.    ■ 

E.  3. 

....  Lecester 
of  Tabley. 

Wm  22= 
R.  2. 



Sr  John       Randoll  Mainwaring^ 
s.p.  of  Pever  very  old 

an0  22  H.  6  in  wch 
yeare  he  made  his 

ptaintoaring  of  |)rrtm\ 

:Margery  d.  to 
Sr  Hugh  Ven- 
ables  of  Kin- 
derton  widow 
to  [Richard] 

I    I    I 



Piers  p' 

Hugh  begotten  of 
Emm  ffarrington  of 
whome  Mainwaring 
[of  Croxton]  is 

S1'  John: 

Nico'  Mainwaring  of  Xantwich  de  quo 
in  folio  sequente. 

d.  to  .  .  . 

Wm  Main- 
waring of 

2'1  sonne. 

of  IgfjtfclB. 

d.  &  heire 
to  Jn°  War- 
ren L :  of 

1.  .Mary  d.  to=Wm  Mainwaring=p2.  Ellin  d.  to 

&  Jn° 


of  Peever  221 

Sr  Jn°  Butler 
of  Bewsy. 

obi  j  fc 

Tho.  Main- 
waring of 

John  Manwaring=pMaud  d.  to  Rob4  Leigh     Sr  John  Mainwaring=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  S1 

of  Peever. 

of  Adlington 

of  Ightfeild. 

Thos  Lacon. 

Sr  John  Man waring=pKatherin  d.  to  Wm       S1' Rich.  Mainwaring=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  Sr 

of  Peever. 

HanfordofHanford.     of  Ightfeld. 



Edmund     John       Piers    Wm    Richard       Sr  Arthur=pMargrett  d.  &  coheire 

2dsonne.     3d  son     4  son     s.p.     s.p 
s.p.  s.p.         s.p, 


to  Sr  B[ich].  Main- 
waring of  Peever. 

Sr  George  Manwariiig.=f .  .  .  .  d.  to  Sr  Edward  More. 




Sr  Randoll  Man- 
waring  of 

=Elizab.  d.  to 
Sr  Randoll 

Phillip  Manwaring  of=j=Arme  d.  to  Sr  Bafe 

Peever  1566  &  1580 
7th  son. 

Lecester  of  Toft. 

Margrett  vxor    Katherine  Elizabeth 

Sr  Eandoll  vxor  Jn°  vxor  Peter 

Manwaring.        Damport  of  Shakerley. 

fttamtoartng  of  barton. 

Randotl.=.  .  .  .  d.  to        Edmund. 
Thomas  Smith 
Mayor  of 
Cluster  1597. 

Edward  8th  son 
mar.  Alice  d. 
&  heire  of  Bog- 
hey  of  Whit- 
more  in  Staff. 

Bob  t  Mainwaring  of  Marton 
9  sonne  mar.  ye  d.  of  Glegg 
of  Gaiton. 

ittatntoaring  of  (JTarincijam. 

Thomas  Main-       11.  George, 
waring  of  Can-  — 

terbury  10  son.      12.  Eichard. 

13.  Henry. 

Jftamtoaring  of  CTroxton. 

Eandol  Manwaring=pMaigarett  d.  to  Sr  Jn°         Hugh  Manwaring=pWaring  d.  & 

of  Carincham 
3d  son. 

Savage  widow  to  S1'  Jn° 
Maxfeld  12  July  1469. 

of  Croxton  4th  son. 

heire  of  . 


2d  son. 

=.  .  .  .  d.  to 
Brook  of 

Rob1  Manwaring 
of  Sleape. 

Margery  [MargreF\ 
vxr  John  Glegg. 

Ralfe  Man- 
waring of 


:.  .  .  .  d.  &  coheire  to 
Roger  Darby  of 

Margery  vx1'        Roger.=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  Lawrence  rnaried 

Thos  Master-  heire  to  Edw.     Isabell  Docken- 

son  [Morstertori]-  Basford.  feld. 

Robert.=pJane  d.  to  George  Manwaring  of  Cotton.    Charles  Manwaring  of  Crox- 
|  ton  mar.  Ellin  d.  to  Hugh 

Arthur  1566.  Brereton  of  the  Peele. 


I  I  IJ. 

Charles  1566  mar.  Elizab.       James  mar.  Elizab.  d.  to  Henry       Oliver       Ehza- 

d.  to  Tho3  Holford.  Manwaring  of  Carincham.  s.p.  beth. 


I  II 

Elenor  vxor  Michell  Oldfeld.         Julian.        Elizabeth. 

Randoll  Manwaring  of  Carincham.=pMargrett  d.  to  Hugh  Damport  of  Henenbury. 

Randoll  mar.  ye  d.  of  Rafe  Poole        Tho.  Manwaring  of  Calveley  mar.  Maud  d.  & 
of  Radburne  in  Darbysh.  heire  to  Tho.  Smethwick  of  Arelind  [Arclued], 

D  |  E| 




Randoll  Manwnrim 
of  Carincham. 

=Anno  d.  to  Rich- 
ard Cholmley. 

•Tn"  Munwaring=p.Tane  d.  to  Roger 

of  Calveley 

Wrio-ht  of  Nantwich. 

Henry  Manwaring^Elenor  d.  to  Sr 


Tho5  Venables. 

JiHamtoaring  of  Calbrlcn. 

Tho.  Man  waring  of  Calveley  1580  maried 
to  Rob'i  Vernon  of  Haslincrton. 


Henry  maried  Elizabeth  d.  to  Kenelrne 
Digby  of  Stoke  in  com.  Rutland. 

Margaret  vxor        Elenor  vxor 
Hugh  Damport       Rafe  Left- 
of  Calveley.  wich. 

Margery  vx1'  Ran- 
doll Prestland  of 



JHarimvp  oi  JWatfmrp, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  109h.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  6.    Sable,  a  cross  engrailed  between  four  nails  Argent. 

2.   Or,  on  a/ess  engrailed  Azure  three  garbs  of  the  field.  [Marbury  ancient, 

or  Vernon.]  3.  Argent,  a  lion  rampant  Gules,  collared  Or.  [Vernon.]     4. 

Vert,   a   cross  pafonce   Or.    [Boydell.]     5.  Argent,  on  a  fess  Sable  three 

mallets  of  the  first,  pierced  of  the  seen/al.  [Boydell  ?] 
Crest. — On  a  chapeau  dales,  charged  with  three  bezants,  and  turned  up  Argent,  a 

Saracen's  head  in  profile,  coitped  proper,  crined  Sable,  wreathed  about  the 

temples  Or  and  Azure. 

Drawing  of  a  shield,  within  a  circle, 
three  garbs  of  the  field. 

Arms  :  Or,  on  a  fesse  engrailed  Azure 

Hugh  Marbury  of  Marbury  11  E.  3,  1336.=j= 
Ariis. — Sa.,  a  cross  enyr,  betw.  4  nails  Arg 

John  obijt  vivo  patre.= 



John  Marbury  anno  1356.=p 

James  Marbury  an0  1373,  48  E.  3.=p 

Sr  Lawrence  Marbury  of  Marbury  7  H.  5  a0  141 8.: 

168  THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580. 


James  Marbury  31  H.  6,  1452=f 

John  Marbury  37  H.  6,  1458.=pElizab.  d.  to  John  Dutton  of  Dutton. 

.  .  .  .  d.  to  .  .  .  .= Lawrence  Marbury  of  MarburppMargrett  d.  to  Wm  Damport 
Bold  of  Bold.        1505,  21  H.  7.  of  Bromhall. 

James  Marbury  of  Marbury  A°=pElizab.  d.  to  Sr  Wm  Venables 

6  E.  C,  1551. 

of  Kinderton. 

Wm  Marbury  of  Marbury=pMaud  d.  &  heire  to  Tho9  Redish 
lyving  1580'.|  of  Catridge. 

Thomas  Marbury=Elenor  d.  to     Lawrence.     George.     Elizab.  vxor  Tho3     Emm. 
of  Marbury.  Peter  "War-         —  —         Brooke.  — 

burton.  John.  James.  Elenor. 

JHavlntrj)  oi  Slattern, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  110.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  114.] 
Arms. — Salle,  a  cross  engrailed  between  four  spear-heads  [nails']  Argent. 

John  Marbury  of  Over  Walton. =p 

Richard  Marbury  of  Walton.  =j=Jane  d.  to  John  Minshull  of  Minshull. 

Richard  Marbury  of  Walton.=rJane  d.  to  John  Grimsdich  of  Halum. 

Robert  Marbury  of  Walton  living  1580.=pAnne  d.  to  Rich.  Starky  of  Appleton. 

r     ~r  ~rr    ~r       i         n         i 

Richard.      John.      Thomas.      William.      Elizabeth.      Katherine.      Maudlin. 
Peter.  Margrett. 

*  Omitted  in  Harl.  1605.  f  Called  James  in  Harl.  1505. 

THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580.  169 

jHassp,  Baron  tie  Bunfmm. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  100.] 
Amis. — Quarterly,  Gules  and  Or,  m  the  first  quarter  a  lion  passant  Argent. 

Joh'es  Massy  de=p. .  .  .  filia  et  hares  ....  Venables 
Dunham.  de  Bolliu. 


^  ill'm's  Massy  de=j=Alicia  filia  et  ha3res  Eustacij  de 
Dunham.  I  Whitney  militis. 

Dulcia  filia  et  hajres  vxor  Roberti  Booth  militis 
a  quo  desendit  Boothe  de  Dunham. 

Pro  Arma  de  Massy. — Quart.  Gu.  &  Or,  in  1st  quarter  a  lion  passant  Arg. 
Mvssy  de  Potington. — Quart*1  Gu.  &  Or,  in  1  &  4  three  fleurs  de  lis  Arg. 
Massy  de  Tatton. — Quarts  Gu.  &  Or,  in  1  &  4  three  escallops  Arg. 

A  tous  iceulx  que  cestes  l'res  verront  &  [ou]orront,  nous  Hugh  de  Calvelegh  Ch'l'r,  John  de 
Burley  Ch'l'r.  John  Devereux  Ch'l'r.  Vrian  de  Stapleton  Ch'l'r,  et  R;uif  de  Stattun  escuier  : 
Sains  &  [en]  Dieu.  Come  il  y  a  en  certaine  place  devant  les  Constable  et  Marshall,  p'  entre  Monsr 
John  de  Massy  de  Tatton  pursuyvant,  &  Monsr  John  de  Massy  de  Potington  defendant,  pour 
les  Amies  quartelles  d'or  et  de  gueles  a  vng  lion  passand  d' Argent  en  le  premier  quarter  le  [de] 
gueles.  Et  le  diet  plee  soit  continue  tant  que  le  ditz  parties  avoient  plede  insques,  a  jour 
peremptorie,  de  porter  les  evidences,  de  Fun  parte  et  le  aultre,  a  prouer  leur  eutent,  selon  ceo 
que  a  Chascun  p't  ap'tient  le  quelle  des  dit'  averoit  mellieur  droit  aux  dit'  Armes  Surquor'  nous 
pour  bonnes  Considerac'ons,  et  aussy  pour  escheier  les  graudes  damages  que  porroit  avenir,  a 
cause  du  dit  pie,  et  debat  que  porroit  surdre  si  remedie  ne  fut  mis,  per  mediators  entre  les  dits 
parties.  Avons  trete  entre  eulx,  tant  que  les  ditz  parties  sont  consentes  par  leur  faithes,  d'estre 
a  nostrc  regard.  Sur  quor'  par  bon  deliberac'on  et  advis  des  nobles  et  sages  Chevaliers  du 
Reaulme,  avons  agarde,  a  Monss'  John  de  Massy  de  Potinton  defendant :  de  porter  les  Armes 
que  Thomas  Massy  son  aieul  iadis  porta,  cestascavoir  d'Or  et  de  gewles  quartelles  a  trois  fleurs 
de  lys  d'argent  en  les  quartiers  de  geuls.  Et  Monss'  John  de  Massy  de  Tatton  poursuyvant  les 
Armes  quartelles  a  trois  scalops  d'argent,  en  les  quartiers  de  gewles.  Et  oultre  ceo,  avons  agarde, 
que  nulle  de  les  ditz  parties  porteront  les  Armes  que  furent  en  debat  en  nulle  aultre  maniere, 
forsque  en  cest  manier,  come  nous  avons  ordeigne  entre  eulx.  En  testmoignance  du  quel  chose, 
nous  avons  nis  nous  seaux.  Donne  a  Glouster  le  xiiij  Jour  de  November,  l'an  du  Regne  n're  S 
le  Roy  Ric°  2  puis  le  Conquest  2°. 

Sealed  with  these  Arms  : — 

S*  John  de  Burley.— Barry  of  6  Sa.  &  Or,  on  a  chief  of  the  2nJ  two  pallets  of 

the  1st  an  inescutch.  Arg.  charged  with  three  bars  Gul. 
Sr  Vrian  de  Stapleton. — Arg.  a  lion  ramp.  Sa. 
Sr  Hugh  de  Calvelegh.— Arg.  a  fess  Gul.  betw.  3  calves  pass.  Sa. 
Sr  John  de  Devereux. — Arg.  a  fess  Gul.  in  chief  3  torteanx. 

170  THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580. 

jflassp  tie  Itottmjtxin. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  100b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  104.] 

Arms  —Quarterly— -1  and  4.  Quarterly,  Gules  and  Or,  in  the  first  and  fourth  quarters 
three  fleurs-de-lis  Argent,  2  and  3.  Argent,  a  bend  Salle  between  six 
cinque/oils  Gules.  [Valentine.] 

1.  Crest. — A  Moil's  head  couped  Or. 

2.  Crest.— A  pegasus's  head  per  pale  Or  and  Gules,  bridled  Azure,  the  mngs  counter- 

changed,  and  gutte'e  also  counterchanged. 

Ego  Hamon  de  Massy  dedi  Thoma  ....  Exclam'atem  totu  Bromi  croftum.  Testibus  W™° 
de  Venables,  Hamon  fratre  suo,  Alano  de  Tattoo,  Eob'to  de  Massy,  Adae  de  Carnngton,  Mathseo 
de  Massy,  Joh'es  de  Massy. 

Massy  of  Potington  had  given  him  by  K.  W.  Rufus  certaine  lands  in  Cheshire  in  such 
manner  as  followeth,  or  very  neere  the  same.  _ 

I  Wm  King  of  England  do  give  vnto  Massy  all  my  right  interest  and  title  of  the  hopp  and 
hopland  from  mee  and  mine  to  thee  and  thine  with  bond'  &  limit'  from  heaven  above  to  hell 
beneath.  To  hold  of  mee  and  mine  with  Bow  and  arrow  when  I  shoot  upon  Yerrow  &  In 
Witness' of  the  sooth  I  have  sealed  with  my  wang  tooth.  In  the  presence  of  Mauld  &c.  &  divers 

Hamon  de  Massy  23  E.  3. 

Sr  John  Massy  2  E.  2. 

Sr  John  Massy .=p 

Hamond  Massy  Vpe  H.  i: 

Sr  John  Massy  de=r  Wm.      Hamond.  Hugh.      Eich.  Massy  of 

Potington.  Whyteswick. 

r  I 

Thomas  Massy  of  Potington.=p  Hugh  Massy. 

Thomas  Massy  of  Potington.=f .  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  ...  .  Valentyne  of  Lancashire. 

Sr  John  Massy  of  Potington.*=pKatherine  d.  to  Thomas  Venables  of  Kinderton. 

W111  Massy  of  Potington  1566.=pAnne  d.  to  George  Bouth  of  Dunham. 
George  Massy  of  Potmgton=pDoroty  d.  to  .  .  .  .        John.        Elizabeth  vxr  Eiehard 

esq.  now  living  1580. 

Pigott  of  Salop.  Venables  of  Agdon. 

Mary.         Jane. 

*  This  generation  is  omitted  in  Harl.  1505. 



JKlassp  of  Cattom 

[Harl.  1124,  fo.  101.     Had.  1505,  fo.  10-tb.] 

Arms. — Quarterly,  Gules  and  Or,  in  the  first  and  fourth  quarters  three  escallops 

Argent,  over  nil  a  mullet  for  difference. 
Crest. — A  moorcock  Sable,  combed  Gules,  charged  with  a  mullet  for  difference. 

Wm  Massy  of  Tatton. 


Eichard  Massy  s.p.  Robert  Massy .=f 

Wm  Massy  of  Tatton.=pMargery  d.  of  Thorn5  Ligh  of 
Hio-h  Ligh. 

Hugh  Mass 
of  Tatton 

Rich.  Massy  of  Dychehouse         Oliver  Massy  of  Denfeild: 
in  Rawstorne  2d  son.  3d  sonne. 

Sr  John  Massy  of  Tatton.=pAlice  sister  to  Sr  Geffery        John  Massy  of  Denfeld.=p 


Thomas.     Sr  Geffrey     Hugh. 

Massy  s.p.  —  of  Tatton 

Lawrence.    John 


Richard.     Wm  Massy       Wm  Massy=p.  ...  d.  to 

of  Den- 

Sr  Wm 

Geffrey  Massy  of  Tatton.  Hugh  Massy  of  Denfeld=pJane  d.  to  Sr  Thos  Smith 


of  Chester. 

Jane  d.  &  heire  vxr  Wm  Stanley  son  &  Wm  Massy  of  Denfeld=pJane  d.  to  Rich. 

heire  to  Sr  Wm  Stanley  of  Holt. 



I  I 

Jane  vx1'  Richard  Brereton         Hugh.         Richard.      Anne.      Thomas.      Geffrey, 
of  Tatton. 


I  I 

Richard.         Anne. 

172  THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  101b.] 
Asm—  Quarterly,  Argent  and  Gules,  over  all  a  bend  Azure. 

Hugh  Massy  of  Timperley.=rAgnes  d.  of  John  Leigh  of  Bouthes. 

Sr  Hamon  Massy  of        Sr  Richard        Parson  of        Alice  vxor  Sv  Wm" 
Timperley.  Massy.  Stopford.  Stanley. 

Edward  Massy  of  Timperley.  Bf  Wm  Stanley        Sr  John  Stanley 

|  of  Hooton.  of  Lathom. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  102.] 

Arms. — Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  lozenges  Sable. 
Crest.— Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or,  a  bull's  head  and  neck 

Drawing  of  a  seal,*  Plate  I.,  Fig.  11. 
Hanilett  Massy  of  Sale.=p 

James  Massy  of  Sale.=f  Alice  d.  of Massy  of  Potington. 

Hanilett  Massy  of=f  Anne  d.  to  Sr  Piers      James.      Edmund.      John.      Rale. 
Sale  15C6.  I  Button  of  Dutton. 

Richard  Massy  of=pMargrett  d.  to  Geffery  Shakerley         Julian  vsr  , 
Sale  1580.  of  Shakerley  in  Lane.  Crompton. 

James  setatis  15  annor'm  1580.        Isabell. 

*  [Above  the  seal  is  written]  :— Carta  Ric'i  Massy  de  Sale  Senioris.  Dat.  A"  8  E.  2.  Testib' 
inter  alios  Roberto  de  Hyde.  [Under  the  seal  is  written]  :— Carta  Eic'i  Massy  de  Sale  fib]  Eic  i 
Massy  de  Sale.    Dat.  10  R.  2. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  173 

JHassy  ot  Wlimincijam,  bulcjo  TOincJwim 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  102'\] 

Sciant  p'n'tes  quod  ego  Galfrid"  films  Joh'is  Massy  de  W'imincham  Dedi  Henrico  le  Walsh  et 
Will'mo  de  Burnill  Capellanis,  suis  terras  .vo.  Testib"  Joh'em  Massy  de  Tattou  militi,  Petro  de 
Dutton,  Ric'o  de  Legh  &  Alijs.  Dat.  apud  Nether  Quitelegh  die  Luna;  post  ffestum  ISancti  Jaeobi 
Apostoli  An0  R'  K.  2  Sec.  Decimo  nono. 

Pendant  seal  bearing  a  chevron  between  three  lozenges. 

JWassp  oi  SUtuttacjI),  bulcjo  €Uu1)mmtcjIj. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  103.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4 a  lion  passant .  .  .  .*    2  and  3.  Argent,  a  mullet 


Henry  Massy  descended  from  Massy  of  Rixton. 
John  Massy  of  Ellerborough.=j= 

Edni'd  Massy  of  Ellerborough  17  E.  4.: 

Ralfe  Massy  of  Ellerborough.=pJane  d.  to  Ralfe  Longton. 

Roger  Massy  of  Ellerborough. =p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Stokes. 

1.  Amy  d.  to  Richard = Ralfe  Massy  of  Eller-=pJane  d.  to  George  Dutton 

Ligh  of  High  Ligh        borow  1566. 

of  Newborow  widow  to 
Randoll  Coppock. 

Roger  Massy  of  Ellerborow  now=j=Jane  d.  &  heire  to  Rich.  Somner  of 

living  1580. 

Acton  by  Weverham. 

Lawrence  aetatis  5      Richard.      Robert.      tSibill.      Anne.      Jane.      Ellin, 
annor'm  1580. 

*  [This  is  evidently  wrong,  being  a  compound  of  two  Massy  coats.  The  Massys  of  Rixton, 
co.  Lane,  bore  Quarterly,  Gules  and  Argent,  in  the  second  quarter  a  mullet  Sable.  They 
descended  from  the  Massys  of  Tatton,  and  branched  off  early  in  the  fourteenth  century. — J.  P.  R.] 



jHassp  oi  Grafton* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  103h.] 

Arms. — Quarterly,  Gules  and  Or,  in  the  first  quarter  a  lion  passant  Argent,  in  the 

centre  point  a  trefoil  for  difference. 
Crest. — A  lion  passant  Argent,  charged  with  a  trefoil. 

Eich.  Massy  descended  from  Massy  of  Dunhani.=p 
William  Massy  of  Grafton  in  Chesh.=j=Anne  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Massy  of  Coddington. 

1.  Margery  d.  to= 
Wm  Barleston  of 

:Kichard  Massy  of  Grafton.=T=2.  Anne  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Hocknell  of 


Elliu  vxr  Ralfe  Grene  of  ffarnell. 


Richard  Massy  of        Wm  Massy  maried  Alice  d.  to        Elizab.  vxr  Rob't 
Grafton  1566.  Thomas  Baven  of  Chester.  Beristow. 

JHassp  oi  SPtofortu 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  104.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  108.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Quarterly,  Gules  and  Or,  in  the  first  quarter  a  lion 
passant  Argent,  a  crescent  for  difference  in  the  centre  point.  2  and  3.  Argent, 
on  a  chevron  Azure,  three  garbs  Or.  [Cradock.]  The  four  quarterings 
within  a  bordure  gobone  Argent  and  Azure. 

Crest. — An  owl  Sable,  collared  gobone  Argent  and  Azure. 

Sr  David  Cradock.=p 

I  I  I 

2.  Rob't  Massy=f  Pelezina  heire=j=John  Olton       Sr  Richard       Roger  s.p. 

of  Aldford  2d 

to  Cradock. 

of  Olton 
1  husband. 




Elenor  vx.  Peter 
Starky  of  Olton. 

Jane  vxv  Thos  Starky 
of  Wrenbury. 

Margrett  vxr  Nic° 
ffitton  of  Pownall. 

Henry  Massy  of  Holt.=p  Sibell  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Swettenham. 



Rob't  Massy  of  Hale.=pMaud  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Tatton. 

Rob't  Massy  of  Hale.= 

Richard  Massy  of  Aldford  filis  noths  nunc=pMargery  d.  to 
vivens  1566.  Robinson. 


Richard  Massy  of  Aldford  1580.=p Alice  da.  to  Thomas  Havenscroft  of  Bretton. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  104b.     Had.  1505,  fo.  108".] 

Arms. — Quarterly  Gules  and  Or,  in  the  first  and  fourth  quarters  three  fleurs-de-lis 

Argent,  in  the  centre  point  a  mullet  for  difference. 

Massy  of  Broxton. — As  above,  with  a  crescent  on  a  mullet  for  difference. 

Massy  of  Coddington. — As  above,  with  a  martlet  on  a  mullet  for  difference. 

Another  Coat  is  also  given  thus  ; — Quarterly  Gules  and  Or, in  the  first  and  fourth 
quarters  a  roundle  ....  between  three  fleurs-de-lis  Or. 

Hugh  Massy  of  Potington. 

Wm  Massy  of  Potington=p 

Morgan  Mass; 
of  Edgerley, 

John  Massy  of=p 

itlagsi?  of  Btojr= 

.  .  .  d.  &  heire  of 
.  .  .  Holme. 

iftassi?  of  CToBBtttgton. 

Rob't  Mass; 
of  Edgerley 



John  Massy=f  Margrett  d.  &  heire 

of  Broxton. 

to  Rich.  Laiton  of 


Wm  Massy  of=p 

1.  Elizab.=j=WmMassy=f  2.  Jone  d.  Edward=p d. 

d.  to  Wm      of  Edger-   j  to  Rafe  Massy       to  Wm 

Relance       ley.  Man-  ofBrox-     Snead 

[Balance]  waring  of  ton.  of 

of  Bon-  j  Calveley.  Ches- 

bury.  ter. 

David  Midleton  of  Chester 
married  ye  d.  of  Powell. 

Asms. — Gules,  ona  bend 
Argent  three  lions  ram- 
pant Sable. 




Rob't  Massy=pElizab.  d.     Jone  vxv    Tho9  Massy=j=Eliz.  d.  &    Anne  vxor  Sr  Wm 

of  Edgerley 

to  Jn° 
ffilkin  of 

of  Wales. 

of  Broxton. 

coheire         Norrys  of  Speake. 
to  David  — 

Midle-  Jane  vxr  Sr  Jn° 

ton.  Salesbury  of 

Levenne  in  Com. 


Rob't=Elizab.  d. 

1    1 

1    1 

1     , 

lassy.     to  James 







of  Brox- 

of Darley. 



:Doroty     Wil-  Jane  vxor 

d.  to        liam.  Simon 

Richard  Thelwall. 
Ligh  of  =f= 


Hugh  Massy 
of  Broxton 

:Anne  d.  &  coheire 
to  Randoll  Dodd 
of  Edge. 


Anne  vx1'  Hugh 
Bromley  of 
Norbury  &  of 
Hampton  Post. 

I  I  I 

Simon.     Eliz.  vxr     Jane. 


Rob't  Massy  of  Coddington.=pDorothy  d.  to  Hugh  Calveley. 

Roger  Massy=pElizab.  d.  to  Randoll         Hugh.         Robert. 

of  Codding- 

Brereton  of  th'Excheq1 
base  sonne  of  Mallpas. 



Elizabeth  maried 

to  Hugh  Hulme 
of  Coddington. 

1.  Ellin  d.  to=pJohn  Massy  of=2.  Margrett  d.     Elizabeth  vxor     Jane  vxor  Libias 

Tho3  Daniell 
of  Tabley. 

Coddington  an0 
1566  et  1580. 

to  Randoll 

Wm  Barneston.     ffox  of  London. 


JHasttvson  of  JlanttotcJ)  anti  jHastcrson  oi 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  107.     Had.  1505,  fo.  111.] 
Arms. — Ermine,  a  chevron  Azure  between  three  garbs  Or. 

Nicholas  Masterson  of  Nantwicb.=pMargrett  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Lecester  of  Tablev. 

a  I 




Thos  Masterson=p.  .  .  .  d.  to 

of  Nantwich. 

Joddrell  of 

Rich.  Masterson= 
of  Winington. 

:0iceley  d.  to  .  .  , 
Brett  [Birt]  of 

Thos  Masterson=T=Margrett  d.  to  Roger    Thomas  Masterson=T=Marerett  d.  to  Rob't 

of  Nantwich. 

Margrett  vxr 

Roger  Walt- 


of  Wiiiiiigton. 

Smith  of  Cuerdley. 

Richard.      John.      Nicholas.      Anthony.      Mary. 

Elenor  vxr  Richard       Margery  vxr  Thos       Anne  married  to 
Wilbrarn.  Wetnall.  Richard  Hassall. 


Roger  Mastcrson  of=pElizabeth  d.  to  Gilbert      Thomas.       John.       Henry. 

Nantwich  1506.  Walthall. 

Richard  Masterson  of  Nantwich.  = 



Mary  vx1'  Lawrence  Ropp  of  Stappeley. 

jfltalts  of  JtfUaUs* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  108.] 
Arms. — Argent,  a  bend  between  two  lions'  heads  erased  Sable. 

John  Meales  of  Meales.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Poole  of  Poole  in  Cheshire. 

Jn°  Meales  of  Meales.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Starky  of  Stretton  of  the  Nether  hall. 

Tho3  Meales  of  Meales.=j=Margrett  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Banister  of  the  Bank. 

John  Meales  of=pKatherin  d.  to  Wm        Thomas.      William.      Alice.      Anne 
Meales  1566.        Massy  of  Potington. 

Will'm.      John.      Thomas.       Ellin.      Margrett.      Jane.      Katherine. 

2  A 



jHcre  oi  jEere  anti  ftatostonu* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  lllb.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  115V] 

Arms. — Argent,  a  three-masted  ship  with  sails  lent  Salle. 

Crest. — A  mermaid  p-opcr,  tail  Vert,  crined  Or,  in  the  dexter  hand  a  mirror,  and  in 
the  sinister  a  comb  [proper]. 

Wm  Mere  of  Mere.=f=.  .  .  .  d.  to  Sr  Lawrence  ffittoit  of  Gosworth. 

Thomas  Mere.: 


Wm  Mere=j=Margrett  d.  &  coheire  to  Mathew  Mere  of=p  Jone  d.  to  Roger 

of  Mere. 

Rafe  Booth  Esqr, 



John  Mere=pDulcia  d.  to  Rich.  Leigh  Tho.  Mere  of=pKatherine  d.  to  Rob't 

of  Mere.        of  High  Leigh.  Rawstorne.        Hill  of  Rawstorne. 

I                    I                 I  I 

Isabell  Margrett.     Elizab.  vx.  Alice  vxor  John 

vxor  Jn°                         Rob't  Asbton  of  Ash- 

Ganby.                          Jackson.  ton  Croft. 

Margery  vxor  Roger 

Hugh  Mere  of  Rawston  1566  mar.  Eliz.      Edward.      Will'm. 
d.  to  Rob't  Ligh  of  High  Ligh. 

I  I 

"Wm  Mere  of  Mere.=pDoroty  d.  to  Sr  John  Digby       Elizab.  vxor  William 
of  Kettleby.  Milliugton. 

John  Mere: 
of  Mere 

:Katherin  d.  to     Mary  vxr  Henry     Ellin  vx1'  Rogr    Alice  mar.  to  Jn° 

Sr  Edward  Chetton  (Stret-       Hurlton. 

ffitton.  toji). 

Domvile  of  Lym. 

Wm  Mere=pParnell  d.  to  John  Dam-     John.     Mary.  Mary  vxor  Wm     Ellin. 

of  Mere. 

port  widow  to  Wm  New 
ton  of  Pownall 

—  Newton  of 

Elizabeth.     Pownall.  Anne. 

I  I  I 

Marie.        Margarett.        Ellin. 

THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580.  179 

jHiUinjjtmt  oi  jHtlltncjtom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  112.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  i.  Azure,  three  millstones  Argent.    2  and  3.  Argent,  an 
eagle  displayed  with  two  heads  Sable. 

Roger  Millington=pMargrett  d.  to  Sr  John  Leigh 
of  Millinffton.         of  Boothes. 

I  I  III 

Rob't  Millington=pKatherin  d.  to  John  Millington=j=  Thomas.    Gefferey. 

of  Millington.  Thos  Daniell  maried  in  Bris- 

of  Tablegh.  tow.  William. 

Roger  s.p.  William  Millington.=pElizab.  d.  to  John  Mere  of  Mere. 

Roger  Millington  of=pElizab.  d.  to  James  Domvill       John.       Thomas.      William. 

Millington  1580. 

of  Limm. 

I  II  I    I  I    I             I 

John  Mill-=pAnne  d.  to     Roger  maried  James.  George.  Hugh.  Doroty  vxr 

Edw.  Hoi-     the  d.  of —  —  —  John 

land  of          ffisher  of  William.  Geffery.  Henry.  Branche  of 

Denton.        London.  London. 


William  Millington.        John.        Edward. 

JWtilimjttin  of  8pletom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  112b.] 
Thos  Millington  of  Apleton  in  Com.  Cestria3.; 

Geffrey  Millington.=j=.  ...  d.  to  John  Legh  of  Bouthes. 

Robert  a  Clark.        Richard  Millington.=j=Blanch  d.  to  Wm  Beswicke. 


Robert  Millington.=p Ciceley  d.  to  Rich.  Thomas.         Elizab.  vxr  John  Wright 

Marbury  of  Walton.  of  Bickley. 

I  I  I  I  I 

Richard  Millington. =....  d.  to  John    Thomas.     John.     Rob't.     William.     Jane. 



jiflmsijuU  of  jHmsIjutl  an*  iHinsfjull  oi 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  108>>.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  112b.] 

ARMS. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Azure,  an  esioile  of  six  points  issuing  from  a  crescent 

Argent.     2  and  3.  Sable,  three  bucks'  i/eads  cabossed  Argent.  [Bebington.] 
Crest. — Tiro  lions'  gambs  couped  and  erect  Gules,  supporting  a  crescent. 

Minshull  of  Yardeswike  bears  the  same  Coat  and  Crest,  with  a  crescent  for 

Joyter  [John]  Minshull=j=.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  of ...  . 
of  Minshull.  Bebington. 

John  Minshull  of  Minshull  =FElizab.  d.  to  Sr  Tho9  Poole  of  Werrall. 

Minshull      d.  to  Rafe 
of  Mins-      Damport  of 
hull.  |  Calveley. 

Jane  vx1  Rich.     Wm  Minshull=p  Margrett  d.  &     Randoll 

Mavbury  of 

of  Yardes- 

coheire  to  3d  sonne. 

Thomas  ffitton 
of  Pownall. 

Thos  Minshull  of=j=MargareU  d.  &  heire  to  Thoms  Walker  of 


Lee  Grene  &  Elizab.  his  wife  d.  &  coheire 
to  John  Ecrerton  of  "Wrinhill. 

Thos=pElenor  d.  to     Wm. 
Minshull     Peter  Shaker- 




ley  of  Holme. 

=Gertrude  d. 
to  Thomas 
of  War- 





Mary  vxor  Owen 
Roidon  [Owen  Mow 
of  Groshdkan~\. 

Doroty  vxor  George 



pMargrett  d. 

1    1 

1    1 



=Jane  d. 

1    1 
Ellenor  vxr 


to  Thos 




to  John 

....  Cotton 

of  Mins- 

Hough of 



of  Wood- 

Harvy  of 

of  Cotton. 



in  Nor- 

in  Com. 
Suff.  Esq. 

Elizab.  vx1'  T 
Hallam  of 



Edward,      ffraunces.      Honor.      Bridgett. 

John  Minshull 
of  Minshull. 


Isabell  vxr 



Katherine  vxr 
John  Poole  of 

Alice  vxor  "Wm 
Croxton  of 


THE  VISITATION  OF   CHESHIRE,    1580.  181 

jHonte^Ito  (touljjo  JHonfjalt), 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  99.] 

Barons  of  Hawarden,  Stewards  of  Chester.       Hawarden  al's  Harden  in  Com.  Flint. 
Mold  Corrupt8. 

Haec  est  Conveutio  facta  inter  Joh'em  de  Montealto  et  Elenam  rxorem  ejus  ex  vna  &  Ric'in 
de  Stockport  ex  altera  vid'  Quod  cum  predict*  Ric'us  et  Joh'es  vnanimi  Consensu  Dilectum  sibi 
Walterum  de  Kantia  Clericum,  ad  Eccl'iam  de  Prestbury  in  Com.  Cestr'  vacante  nuper  pre- 
sentassent  qua  quidem  Advocatio  ad  d'num  Joh'em  ratione  dotis  vxoris  su;e  ad  manerium  suum 
de  Puenton  pertinet  Quod  quidem  manerium  post  dccessum  D'na?  Eleuae  d'co  Ric'o  et  haeredibus 
suis  vt  hiereditalis  suae  vna  cum  advocac'o'ne  Dictae  reverti  debent :  Ita  convenit  inter  eos,  quod 
&c.  Testibus  D'no  Galfrido  de  Chedle,  Petro  de  Arderne  militib',  Rogero  de  Davenport,  Ric'o  de 
Worth,  W'mo  de  Hawardin  et  alijs. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal,  inscribed  S.  Joh'is  de  Montealto.  Arms  : — A 
lion  rampant,  a  label  of  three  points. 

Drawing  of  oval  seal,  inscribed  S.  Helenje  de  Stockport.  A  female  figure 
holding  in  the  dexter  hand  a  shield  charged  with  three  lozenges,  and  in  the  sinister 
hand  a  shield  quarterly,  and  over  all  a  bend  charged  with  three  .... 

Drawing  of  a  circular  seal,  inscribed  S.  Alicia  de  Hatjteine.  Three  shields, 
the  bases  meeting  in  the  centre  of  the  seal.  1.  Lozengy,  abend.  2.  Two  bends 
sinister,  a  label  of  three  points.     3.  Per  fess,  a  label  of  four  points. 

Joh'es  Massy  de  Potington  miles  Senescall*  D'nae  Elizabethan  Comitissae  Sar'  D'nae  de 
Monhalt  et  Hawarden  A0  3"  H.  4. 

Elizabetha  Comitissa  Sarum  D'na  de  Hawarden  An0  G  H.  4. 

Carta  Rob'ti  de  Montealto  senescalli  Cestriae.  Dat.  30  E.  1.  In  qua  facit  mentione' D'no 
Rogerij  de  Montealto  fratris  sui  Qui  cum  Mortu*  erat,  et  det  terras  in  valle  Montis-alti  (vulgo 
Molsdale  in  Com.  Flint). 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal.    Arms  : — A  lion  rampant. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  99".] 

Arms. — Azure,  a  lion  rampant  Argent. 

Crest. — A  lion's  gamb  erect  Argent,  holding  an  oak  branch  Vert,  fructed  Or. 

Omnib'  hoc  Bcriptum  visuris  Roger  de  Montealto  Senescall8  Cestriae  Sal'tern.  Sciatis  q'd 
ego  me  Constitui  Plcgium  Senena  vxore  Griffeth  filio  Lewellini  principis  WaJlise  &e.  Dat.  An° 
25  Rs.  H.  3. 

Finalis  Concordia  inter  Rogerum  de  Montealto  Scnescall5  Cestriae  &  Thomam  Abbem 
Cestriao  de  duabus  bovatus  terras  in  Neston  cum  advocac'o'e  Eccliae  et  confirmatio  omnium 
antecessorum  suorum  An"  42  H.  3. 

antiqua  $Jrosapta  9c  ftlontraito. 


Hugo  filius  Xormauni.         Rudolfus  filius  Nornaanni.=p 

A  I 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Rogerus  de  Montealto.=j= 

Radulfus  de     Rob'tus  de  Montealto: 
Montealto.       Dapifer  Comitis 

Rogerus  de     Will'in's  Rector  Ecclias 
Montealto.     de  Neston  in  Werrall. 

Rogerus  de=pCicelia  soror  Husouis 




D'Abigny  Com.  Arun- 

Will'in's  fillis  David=pBeatrix  de  Montealto 
de  Malo-passu.  Concnbina. 

David  de  Malpas  Alius  naturalis. 

1.  Elena=. Johannes  de=2.  Millisent  Rob'tsdeMonte- 

Relicta       Montealto        <  lantelop  alto  Senescallus 

Rob't  sine  exitu.        postea  vxor  Cestr.  An0  3 

Stockport.  Eudonis  de  Edw.  1. 

la  Zouch. 

=Johanna     Blanch  vxor 

Phillippi  de 
Orreby  junior. 

Roger8  de  Montealto=Johanna  filia       Rob'tus  de  Montealto=Emma  quas 
Senescallus  Cestriaa      Rogeri  Domini    fecit  Isabellam  R.  super  vixit. 

25  E.  1  sine  prole.        Clifford.  Angliag  haered'  suam 

obijt  3  Edw.  3. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  111.] 

Ex  carta  valde  Antiqua. 

Ego  Rogeras  de  Monte  Beg'on  dedi  Joh'i   Malherb  fratri  meo  totam  terram    meam  de 
Croxton,  sine  data. 

Drawing  of  a  seal,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  12. 

jHmton  of  jHottom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  110b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  1111.] 

Aems. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  greyhound  courant  Sable,     2  and  3.  Gules, 

a  cross  engrailed  Ermine.  [Macclesfield.] 
Chest. — A  wolf's  head  couped  ....  collared  tvith  a  wreath  Argent  and  Vert. 



Ita  convenit  inter  Mag'rum  Jordan*  de  Macclesfeld  ex  vna  &  Ric'um  filium  Grahami  dc 
Morton  ex  alter'.  Q'd  predict"  Ric'us  conoedit  prefato  mag'ro  Jordano  Muritagium  Joh'is  filij 
sui  vt  hajredis  predicti  JIag'ri  Jordani  &c.     Dat.  apud  Congleton  A0  7  E.  3. 

Sr  Gralam  de  Lostock.=j=Letticc. 

Galfrid  de  Lostock  Lord  of  Little  Morton.=FMillisent. 

Gralam  de= 

Rich.      Lettice  vxr  Adam      Margaret  vxr  Robert 
Merton.  Knipersley. 

Rich.  Morton=f=Beatrix  1329  had  the  moiety      Ellin  vxor 

9  E.  2,  1334. 

of  Oldfeld  by  enfeoffing 

Rob't  Rode. 

Jordan3  de  Mac-= 

William     Rafe. 





Ill  I 

John  Morton=pMargret     John     Milisent  vx1'     Mary  vxr 

d.  &  co-     s.p.       Rob't  Holt 


19  E.  3 

Rich.  Morton.=j= 

Ralfe  Morton.=p 

Rich.  Morton  16  H.  6.=f= 


Ellin  vxr  Wm  Savage 
of  Maxfeld. 


Ralfe  Morton  17  H.  1: 


TYm  Morton=pAlice  d.  to 

of  Morton. 

Sr  Andrew 

Sr  Rich. 


Jone  wife  ....  married  to  John  ffitton 
to  John  younger  brother  to  ffitton  of 
Bellett.  Gosworth. 

Tv"m  Morton=pAnne  [Jam]     Rafe. 

of  Morton 

d.  to  Rob't 


Anne  vxor    Alice  vxr       Elizab.  vxor  Wm 
....  Thos  Rode     Yardley  of  Yardley. 

Colborne       of  Rode.  — 

[Golbm-nc].  Margrett  vxr  Sr 

George  Calveley  s.p. 

1.  Elizab.  d.  to  Richard=John  Morton=p2.  Anne  d.  to  John  Damport 

Sutton  of  Sutton. 

of  Morton.        of  Damport. 





m  Morton.       John.       Toby.       Mary.       Alice. 



J&rtifiam  of  i^fjrtrinton  &  of  Cranacjt* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  115".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  1191'.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  9.  Argent,  a  bend  engrailed  Azure  between  two  bucks'1 
heads  cabossed  Sable.  2.  Quarterly  per  fess  indented  Gules  and  Or. 
[Bromley.]  3.  Argent,  on  a  chevron  (Jules  five  bezants.  [Chetelton.] 
4.  Quarterly  Argent  and  Sable,  in  the  second  and  third  quarters  a  fleur-de-lis 
Or,  over  all  a  bendlet  Gules.  [Hextall.]  5.  Sable,  a  chevron  engrailed 
between  three  owls  Argent.  [Hewit  ?]  6.  Or,  a  chief  indented  Azure. 
[Butler  ?]     7.  Gules,  a  scythe  Argent.  [Praers.]     8.  Argent,  a  garb  Vert. 

Crest. — Out  of  a  crown  palisado  Or  a  buck's  head  proper ,  attired  of  the  first. 

Tho"  Needhanv 
of  Shevinffton. 

=Maud  d.  to  Sr  Wm  Brereton 
of  Brereton. 

Wm   Needhani=f  Isabell  d.  &  coheire  to  Sr  John  Bromley  &  heire  to 

of  Shevington. 

her  mother  Jone  d.  &  heire  to  William  Hexstall. 

3r  Rob' 

t  Needham.^pAnne  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Manwaring  of  Baddeley. 

Thomas  Needham.=pAnne  d.  to  Sr  John  Talbott  of  Grafton. 


Rob't  Needham=pffrances  d.  to      John.      Anne  vxr      Jane.      Margery  vxr  George 

of  Shevington. 

Sr  Edw.  Aston 
of  ThicksaU. 


Coyney  2a  sonne  [of 
John  Coyne']  of 
Weston  in  Com. 

Robert  Needham. 

i&ttoton  of  Coole* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  115.] 

Amis. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  cross  forme'e  Sable,  the  ends  flory  Or.  2. 
Argent,  on  a  bend  Sable  three  birds  of  the  field.  [Hinton.]  8.  Per  fess 
indented  Sable  and  Argent  six  fleurs-de-lis  counterchanged.  [Hinton.] 

Crest. — An  eagle's  leg  erased  Sable,  entwined  by  a  snake  Or. 

John  Newton  of  Beverley.=p 


Sr  Peter  Newton.  =pMaud  d.  to  Richard  Cholmley. 




John  Newton=pElizab. 
of  Coole.  I  to  .  .  . 

d.  &  coheire 
,  Hinton. 

Elenor  vxr  Thoms 
Hutton  of  Salop. 

ffrancis  son 
&  heire. 




Anne.        Mary.        Elizabeth. 



Hetoton  of  ItotonalL 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  114".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  118".] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Argent,  a  lion  rampant  gueue'e  fovirchee  Sable,  charged  on  the 
shoulder  with  a  cross  formic  Or.  [Powxall.*]  2.  Argent,  on  a  bend  Azure 
three  garbs  Or,  a  crescent  for  difference.  [Fittox.]  3.  Argent,  three  birds' 
heads  Sable,  erased  \beaked~]  Or.  [Erdeswick.]  4.  Argent,  on  a  cross 
engrailed  Asure  five  garbs  Or.  [Milxetox.]  5.  Quarterly  Vert  and  Argent, 
over  all  a  lion  rampant  Gules.  [Oltox.]  6.  Argent,  a  chevron  Sable  between 
three  wrens  Gules.  [Wrexbcry.] 

Rich,  ffitton  of  Bollin.=f= 

Rich,  ffitton  of  Rollin.         Hugh  ffitton  of  Pownall.- 

Wm  Newton.=p        TIi,o$  ffitton  of  Pownall:- 

Wm  Newton.=p         Rich,  ffitton  of  Pownall. =j= 

Oliver  Newton.  =p         Nico'  ffitton=j=Margrett  d.  &  coheire  to  Jn°  Olton  &  of  Margret 

of  Pownall. 

d.  &  heire  to  Sr  John  Wrenbury. 


Rich.  Newton.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Lawrence        Thos  Fitton=p.  ...  d.  to ...  .  Man- 

of  Denby. 

of  Pownall. 

waring  of  Croxton. 


Humfrev  Newton^pEllin  d.  &  coheire         Margrett  vxr  Wm  Minshull 

of  Pownall. 

to  ffitton. 

of  Yardswike. 

William  Newton=FKatherine  d.  to  Sr  John 

of  Pownall. 

Manwaring  of  Peever. 

William  Newton=pParnell  d.  to  John  Damport  of  Damport 
of  Pownall.  after  mar.  to  Wm  Mere. 

Wm  Newton  of=Margrett  d.  to     John.     Randoll.     Humfrey.     Katherine.     Amu-. 
Pownall  1580.      Jn°  Mere  of 

*  TThe  true  coat  of  Newton  of  Pownall  was  Vert,  a  tun  in  fess  Or.— J.  P.  R.] 
L  2  B 

186  THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

j^artap  of  Cijtsttr, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  114.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  118.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  on  a  chevron  engrailed  between  three  lulls' 
heads  cabossed  Sable,  a  crescent  for  difference.  2.  Per  pale  Or  and  Argent,  an 
eagle  displayed  Sable.  [Bird.]      3.    Argent,   an  ass's  head  erased  Sable. 


Henry  Norbury  of  Stoke  in  com.  Surrey.=p 

Sr  Henry  Norbury.         John  Norbury  of  ffrodesharn— Jane  d.  &  beire  to  John 

A^  2a  son. 

Bird  of  Yowley. 

John  Norbury  of  ffrodesham.=p Alice  d.  to  Edmd  Broughton  of  fflintsh. 

John  Norbury  of  Chester=rJUme  d.  and  sole  heire  to  Rob't  ap 

An0  1566. 

Thomas  of  fflinlshire. 

Marerett.         Alice.         Elizabeth. 

J^utfmll  oi  Cattenijall 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  116.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  shackbolt  Sable.  2.  Argent,  a  griffin  segreant 
Sable.  [Griffin.]  3.  Sable,  a  buck's  head  cabossed  Argent,  attired  Or. 

Robert  Griffin  of  Cattenhall  42  E.  3.  Madock  de  Horton. 

John  Griffin  of  Cattenhall.  David  de  Horton. 

Nicholas  Griffin  1  H.  5.  John  de  Horton.=pMaud  d.  to  Hugh  Hop- 

I  kin  son. 

John  Griffin  of  Cattenhall.=p  Wm  Horton  35  H.  6.=p 




John  Nuthall=j=Agnes  d.  &  heire. 
17  E.  4.  I 

John.     Roger  Horton.=rAlice  d.  to  Sr 

Thomas  Mauley. 

Richard  Nuthall  of  Tattenhall  20  H.  7.=pJane  d.  &  heire  to  Roger  Horton. 


I  I 

William  s.  prole.         Rich.  Nuthall  of  Cattenhall.=p Alice  sister  to  Rich.  Hurltou. 


John  Nuthall  of  Cattenhall=p.Jane  d.  of  Robert  Newport  of  Sandon 


in  Staffordsh. 

John  Eetatis  3  annor'm  1580. 

€>Itmt  of  sectnall 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  118.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  122.] 

Rob1  Olton  of  Wetnall.= 
Arms. — Quarterly — Az. 
&  Gul.,  over  all  a 
lion  ramp.  Art/. 

=Maud  d.  to  Roger  Hatton  of  Groppnall. 
Arms. — Az.,  on  a  chev.  betw.  3  garbs 
Or,  a  trefoil  Sa. 

of  Wet- 

:Margrett  d.       Rafe.         Maud  vxr  Rich.       Ciceley  vx.  Wm       Katherin 
to  Rafe  —  RutterofNorley.     Milton  of  Lee        vxr  Tho. 

Bostock  of        Roger.  —  grene.  Melon  of 

Norcroft.  —  Elenor  vxr  Rob't  —  Minshull. 

John.        Weld  of  Eaton.      Jone  vxor  Ran- 

doll  Dodd  of 
Lee  Grene. 

I  I  I  I  I  I  I  I  I 

Thos  Olton    John.     Rafe.     Robert.     Henry.     Emme.     Elenor.     Isabell.    Ciceley. 

of  Wetnall. 



[Harl.  1424,  fo.  117.] 

Omnibus,  &c.  Phillipp  de  Orreby  Sal't'm  Sciatis  quod  ego  &  hseredes  mei  annuatiin  tenement' 
reddere  Ric'o  filio  Rogeri  de  Tagesbroe  12  solidos  p'°  medietate  Molendine  de  Aluadlegh  &c. 
Testib8  Warino  de  Vernon,  Will'mo  de  Venables,  Roger  Mesinger,  Hamone  de  Massy.  W'mo  de 
Malopassa,  Ric'o  filio  Lidulphi,  Rob'to  de  Bamviie,  Ric'o  de  Kingsley,  Petro  de  Frodesham,  &c. 

Drawing  of  a  seal,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  13. 

Herbert  D'n's  de  Orreby  in  Com.  Lincoln. 
Arms. — Erm.,  3  chevrons  &  a  canton  Gules. 

Johannes  de  Orreby  29  H.  3. 

Gilbert  1256 vxr  . 


Eobert  Somervile. 

Robert=pMargrett  d.  to  Sr  John  Burgh  niece 
1307.       to  Hubert  de  Burgh  Earle  of  Kent. 

John  Clark  of  3  August  11  E.  2  (sic). 

Edmund.         Phillip  de  Somervile. 

Jone  vxor  Rice  ap  Griffith 

Eliz.  vxor  Jn°  Stafford. 


vxr  Eoberti  Willoughby.         Maud  vx1'  Ah-ed  de  Juleni. 
Wm  Willoughby.  Normannus  de  Juleni. 


Aluredus  de  Juleni. 


Sr  Phillip  de  Orreby  Justice=pAlice  de      Thomas     Herbert  de   Orbj 

of  Chester. 

Arms. — Erm.,  3  chev.  Gu., 

on  a  canton  of  the  2d  a 

lion  pass.  Or. 

Bamviie.     Orreby.      Lord  of  Gosworth. 

Arms. — Arg.,  2 

chev.    &   a 

canton  Qui. 

=Lucia  d.  & 
heire  to 

Phillip  de=pLuca  de       ffoulk  de  Orrby  L :     Richard  de     Thomas  de  Orreby. 


Anne  d.  &  heire. 

Monhalt.     of  Dalbyin  Linco.     Orrby. 
vixit  1242. 

Arms. — Erm.,  2  chev. 
&  a  canton  Gu. 

Thomas  de 

THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,   1580.  189 


I  I  I 

Sr  John  de  Orreby  L:  of  ffoulk  Snppleton  &  Dalby  vixit  Phillip       Isabell  vxor 

10  E.  3  maried  Isabell  sister  to  Robert  Tatishall  and  s.p.  Thos  ffitton. 

after  Jone  who  after  was  maried  to  Henry  fiz  Henry. 

Phillipp9  defifloreuce  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  John  Lawrence  ffitton  de 



Delaniere  of  Essex.  Gosworth. 

John  de  Orreby  Lord  and  Baron  of  Candesley: 
vixit  24  E.  3. 

Arms. — Per  pale  dexter,  Gules,  hvo  lions 

passant  in  pale  Argent ;  sinister  .  .  .  . 

a  bend  .  .  .  . ;  over  all  a  label  of  five 

points  Or. 

:Margrett  living 
24  E.  3. 

Henry  Lord  Percys  Jone  d.  &  heire. 

Mary  vxr  Robert  Lord  Ross  of  Hamlake  s.p. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  117b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  121b.] 

Arms  of  Orrell. — Argent,  three  torteaux  in  bend  between  two  bendlets  Gules,  a 
chief  Sable. 


Sr  Rich.  Orrell.  Adam.=p 

Sr  John  Orrell.  Thomas  de  Orrell.=j= 


John  s.p.  Adam  de  Orrell.=pJane. 

Nicholas  Orrell.=pEllin  Stanley. 

Henry  Tarbock  of  Tarbock.: 

Robert  fiz  :  Henry  founder  of  Richard  of  Tarbock.= 

the  Abbay  of  Burscough.  Arms. — Or,  an  eagle's  leg  erased 

Gu.  on  a  chief  indented  Az. 
a  3  plates.  b 





Richard  de  Tarbock.1 

Henry  de  Tarbock.=pEllin. 

[According  to  Earl.  MS.  1505.] 
Richard  Tar -bock.^ Maud  HaydocJc.  Eichard  Tarbock.=p Maud  Haydock 

Henry  Tarboclc- 

Richard  Tarbock.^Margret  Wetnall.       Henry  Tarbock.=j=Margrett  Wetnall. 
I  I 

Henry  de  TarbocL^Isabell. 

Henry  de  Tarbock.=f=Isabell. 


Sr  Richd  Tarbock  mar.  Jane.      Sr  Henry  Tarbock.=f  Katherine  Halsall. 


Jn°  Tarbock.=?=Clemence  Standish.        Wm  Tarbock.=pCiceley  Hudleston. 

Robert=rMargery  d.  to     Hugh.     William=rElizabeth     Henry  died    Margery 


Sr  Jn°  Massy        —        Orrell 
of  Tatton  John. 

widow  to  Sr 
Jn°  Bromley. 

d.  &  ward  to  Sr      died  ward 

heire.  John  Stan-    to  S1'  Jn° 

ley.  Stanley. 

Robert  Orrell  of=rAgnes  Tilesley.         Ralfe  Orrell.=pAlice  d.  to 
Orrell.  Tildesley. 

Jn°  Orrell  of  Orrell.=f  Helene  Aderton.       Wm  Orrell.=pKatherin  Ormeston 

Henry  Orrell.=pEUen  Leland.     2.  Agnes  Ormeston. =pRalfe  Orrell.=pl.  Anne 

Wm  Orrell  of  Orrell  in 
Com.  Lane.  1583. 


r     i   _    i 

Rafe.     William.     Katherin. 

Wm  Lathom 
of  Parbold. 


John  Orrell  of  Turton^ 
in  the  Mores  in  com. 

^Elizab.  Butler  heire      Thomas     Mary  vxor  Jn° 
to  Isabel  Claiton.  2d  son.        Bradshaw  of 

the  Haw. 

THE   VISITATION   OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  191 

Oj D 

I  I  I 

Wm  Orrell  of  Turton  in  the  Mores  in  com.       ffrancis.       Richard. 
Lane,  living  1583. 


Richard  Tarbock.=p.  ...  d.  to  Tho.  Daniell. 

Henry  maried  Agnes  ffrevill  &  died  s.p.  Sr  WilTm  Tarbock.=pMargery  Stanley. 

Thornas=pJane         Henry.         Richard  Tarbock  al's  Smith  of  Newcastle  vnder 



Lyne  in  Com.  Staff.  ^ 

Wm  maried  Katherin  Gerard  Edward  Tarbock=j=Doroty  d.  to  Sr  George  Cotton 

&  d.  s.p.  living  1583.  I  of  Cumbermere. 

Edward.        Thomas.         Mary. 

^oolt  at  l^oolt,  in  WLtmll 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  118b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Azure,  a  lion  rampant  Argent  within  an  orle  of  fleurs- 
de-lis  Or,  2.  Argent,  a  chevron  Sable  between  three  bucks'  heads  cabossed 
Gules.  [Called  Brttereton.]  3.  Gules,  a  chevron  between  three  capons 
Argent.  [Capenhurst.] 

1.  Crest. — A  buck's  head  cabossed  Gules,  attired  gobony  Or  and  Azure. 

2.  Crest. — A  gryphon's  head  erased  Azure,  beaked  and  ducally  gorged  Or. 

This  Creast  with  the  Staggs  head  was  given  to  Wm  Poole  of  Werrall  Esqr  p' 
Tho.  Wriothesley  Garter  &  John  Young  al's  Norroy  Kinges  of  Armes  A0  1513, 
4  yeare  of  K.  H.  8. 

Sciant  p'n'tes  &c.     Quod  ego  Joli'es  de  Capenhurst  dedi  Thomse  filio  meo  &  Johanna;  vxori 
eius  Kic'i  del  bough  de  Thornton  :  Quinq'  messuag'  &  totam  terram  meam  in  Capenhurst.      Dat. 
apud  Capenhurst  An0  17  E.  3. 

Drawing  of  a  seal  of  the  arms  of  Capenhurst — A  chevron  between  three  capons. 


Sr  Roger  Pulesdon  slaine  in  Wales. 

Sr  Richard  12  E.  1. 







D.  &  heire  vxr  Morton. 

D.  &  heire  vxr  Home. 



Sr  Roger. 
Sr  Edward. 

Roger.=Anne  sister  to  Sir  Thomas  Grosvenor  of  Eaton.       Edward. 

William  Poole  of  Poole.=F 

Thomas  Poole  of  Poole.=p 

Sr  Wm  Poole  of  Poole.=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  Sr  .  .  .  .  Manwaring  of  Peever. 

Sr  Thomas=FGrace  d.  to 

Poole  of 



Sr  Edward 
ffitton  of 
Gose  worth. 

Ealfe  Poole  of  Chester 
of  whom  Poole  of 
Anuesley  in  com.  Nott. 
is  discended. 

Richard— Mary  d.  to 

Poole  3d 

Ealfe  Pern- 

Margery      Mary  vxor     Blanch  vxor         Robert=pBenett  d.  to       John  Poole 


Rich3  Bonbury     Poole, 
of  Stanney. 

Robert.         ffrances  a  daughter. 

Tho8  Bois 

of  Nonington     Will'm  Poole. 

in  Kent. 

Mary  d.  & 
heire  vxr  Sc 
Nico'  Heron. 

Thomas.      Randoll 

—  parson 

John.  of  Wes- 


8r  Wm=pMargrett 


d.  to  Tho8 

Hough  of 

Elizabeth  vxor 
Ju°  Minshull. 

Margrett  vxor 
Thos  Starbrigge. 

Rafe  Poole 
base  sonne. 

1.  Katherine: 
d.  to  Jn° 
Minshull  of 

Tho.  Poole^Mary  d.  to  Sr  John 
of  Poole.        Talbott  of  Grafton. 


Mabell  vx.  Rich. 

Isabell  vxor  .... 
Hurlton  or  Hudle- 

Maud  vxr  Sr  Thomas  Grosvenor 
&  after  to  Rob't  ffletcher. 

=John  Poole=2.  Susan  d.  to 
of  Poole  Sr  Edward 

living  an°       ffitton. 
1566  & 
an0  1580. 

I    I    I    I 




Margrett  vxor 
George  Vernon 
of  Richmond. 

Elizab.  vxr 
John  Butler 
of  Dunstable. 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 



John=pMary  d.  to 


Sr  Rowland 

I    I 



Margrett  vxr  Maud  vxr    Anne. 

Richard  Skrim-        John  — 

sher  of  Norbury.      Culchett.      Bridgett. 

Henry  tetatis  2  annor'm 
et  ampl3  1580. 




$arr  of  BafccfmU 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  119b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  two  bars  Azure,  within  a  bordure  engrailed 
Sable  bezantee.  2  and  3.  Argent,  three  tortcaux,  each  charged  with  a  fleur- 
de-lis  of  the  field,  on  a  chief  Azure  a  bugle-horn  [unstringed]  Or  between  two 
pheons  Argent.  [Barrow.] 

Thomas  Parr  of  Bakeford.=p 

John  Parr  of  Bakeford.=F 

Wm  Parr  of  Bakeford.=pElizabeth  d.  &  coheire  to  Thos  Barrow  of  Chester. 

Rob4  Parr  of  Bakeford  Esqr=Elenor  d.  to  Rob't 
156G  &  1580.  Langton  of  Lane. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  119b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Sable,  on  a  chevron  between  three  bulls'  heads  cabossed 
Argent,  a  mullet  for  difference.    2  and  3.  Azure,  a  lion  rampant  Or.  [Sound.] 

St.  pier. 

David  S*  Pier.=p 

Rob't  de  Sent  Pier.=pJone  d.  &  heire  to  Thomas  Sound. 

2  c 

194  THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Vrian  de  S*  Pier.=p  John. 


William  de  Prestland.=pAlice  d.  to  Urian  8'  Pier. 

Kichard  de  Prestland.=FEllin  d.  to  Rich.  Astou  of  Aston. 

Richard  de  Prestland.=pMargary  d.  to  Robert  Manwaring  of  Sleep. 

John  Prestland  of  Prestland.=p 


I  I  I  I  I  I  I 

Hugh  Prestland.        Margret.        Alice.       Elizabeth.       Maud.         Jane.         Anne. 

&abtnscroft  oi  Brctton. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  120.] 

Arms. — Quarter!//  of  six — 1  and  6.  Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  ravens'  heads 
erased  Sable.  [Ravenscroft.]  2.  Azure,  semee  de  lis,  and  a  lion  rampant 
guardant  Argent.  [Holland.]  3.  Argent,  three  bulls'  heads  erased  Sable. 
[Skevixotox.]  4.  Sable,  three  garbs  Or,  within  a  bordure  of  the  second. 
[Brickhill.]  5.  Argent,  on  a  bend  Vert  three  spades  of  the  field.  [Swet- 

Crest. — On  a  chapeau  Gules,  turned  up  Ermine,  a  lion  statant  guardant  Argent. 

Hugh  de  Brickhill  to  whom  Roger  de  Monhalt=pMary  d.  &  heire 

gave  the  mansion  house  of  Bretton. 

of ...  .  Swetnam. 

William  Skevington.=pMary  d.  &  heire. 

John  Skevington.= 

Wm  Ravenscroft.=f=  Rafe  Holland.=i=Rose  d.  &  heire. 

I  I  I 

Hugh  de  Ravens-=T=Isabell  d.  &  coheire  Alice  vsr  Rob't 

croft.  to  Ralfe  Holland.  Winington, 



Henry  Ravenscroft  was  cosin  &=p.  ...  d.  to  Sr  Walter 

heire  to  Thomas  Swetnam. 



Rafe  Ravenscroft  of  Bretton=pAnne  3d  d.  to  John  Stanley  brother 
in  fflint  nere  Chester.  I  to  Tho8  Earle  of  Darby. 

George  Ravenscroft. =j=Elenor  d.  to  Thomas        Elenor  vx1'  ....  Redish 
Powell  of  Moston.  of  Groppnall. 

Thomas  Ravenscroft.=pKatherine  3  d.  to  Rich. 
Grosvenor  of  Eaton. 




I                                                  II  II 

George  Ravens-=pDoroty  d.  Ralfe             Elizab.  vx1'  Sr  Tho.  Maud       Alice  vxr 

croft  of  Bretton     &  heire  maried          Egerton  Mr  of  the  vxr           Rich. 

1580.                     to  John  Massy  of      Rolles  now  Lord  John       Massy  of 

Davis  Codding-      Keeper.  Hope.      Aldford. 

esqr.  ton's  d. 

I  I  I  I  I  I  I  I       . 

Thomas.     William.      Ralfe.      Edward.     Roger.      Henry.      Anthony.      Katherme. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  120b.] 

Arms. — Argent,  two  qualrefoils  Sable,  a  chief  of  the  second. 
Crest. — A  wolf's  head  ....  collared  .... 

Robert  Rode.=p 

Rich.  Rode  gave  his  lands  to         Rob'  de  Rode  t'pe  Gralani 
his  brother  Rob't.  de  Morton. 

Tho.  Rode  who  gave  his  lands  to  his  uncle  Rob't. 

Henry  Rode.=p 

John  Rode  whoe  released  his  Inheritance  &c. 


Rich.  Rode  of  Rode  in  Com.  Cestrise.=p 

Thomas  Rode.=p 

Thomas  Rode.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Manwaring  of  Croxton. 

Thomas  Rode  of  Rode.=pJane  d.  to  Rich.  Winington  of  Winington. 

1.  Alice  d.  to  Wm=f=Tho3  Rode  of=2.  Elizab.  d.  to  Thomas  Hall       John  Rode=p 

Morton  of  Morton. 

Rode  1566.        of  Buntingsdale. 

2d  sonne. 

Randoll  Rode  of=rAnne  d.  to  Edward  Barker  of 
Rode  1580.  Ulkerton  in  Com.  Salop. 

4  sonnes. 

r  i        i        i         i 

Tho.  ffitatis  17  annor'm  1580.      Katherine.      Alice.      Margarett.      Barbara. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  121».] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  lion  rampant  Gules  between  five  pheons  Salle. 
2  and  3.  Gules,  three  hoars'  heads  erased  \_couped?~\  Argent.  [Stapeley.] 

Lawrence  Ropp  of  Stapeley =p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  of ...  .  Stapeley  of  Cheshire. 

|  &opj)  of  Cftorlton 

John  Ropp=rElenor  d.  to  Lawrence      Lawrence  Ropp=p Alice  d.  &  coheire  to  Tho' 

of  Stapeley. 

ffrodsham  of  Elton. 

borne  before 
the  wedding. 

Dutton  of  Mere  in  Com. 
Staff,  younger  brother  to 

Randoll  Ropp  of=Margery 
Chorlton  1566.       Ashley. 

Richard  Ropp- 

2d  sonne. 

I  I  I 

Edmd.         Ellin.         Margrett. 

Lawr.  Ropp=pElenor 
of  Stapley.       d.  to  Sr 

John.         Alice  vxor     Margrett  vxor     Jane  vxr  John 

—  Rob't  Lawr.  Wood-      Trevers. 

Richard.     Bromley       nett  of  Shev-  — 

of  Bas-         ington.  Ciceley  vxor  Ran- 

ford.  doll  More  of 


THE  VISITATION  OF   CHESHIRE,    1580.  197 

Henry  Kopp  of=pCiceley  d.  to  Sr  Thorn.      John.      Elizab.  vxr       Ciceley. 
Stapeley  1580.      ffoulshurst.  ....  Poole. 

Lawrence  Ropp=Mary  d.  to  Rich.      Bridgett      Ciceley.      Elizabeth.      Anne, 
of  Stapeley.  Masterson  of  s.p. 


&oto  of  JWajtftto, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  121.] 
Arms. — Argent,  a  beehive  surrounded  by  bees  volant  Sable. 

Steven  Row  of  Maxfeld.=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Downes. 

Roger  Row  of  Maxfeld.=f=.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  ffitton  of  Gosworth. 

Richard  Row  of  Maxfeld.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Leigh  of  Baguley. 

Roger  Row  of  Maxfeld.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Worth  of  Tiderington. 

Rich.  Row  of  Maxfeld.=pElenor  d.  to  John  Benett  of  Bugworth 
in  Darbyshire. 

Roger  Row  of  Maxfeld  1580.=r  Alice  d.  to  Ralfe  Hely  yeoman. 

Rich,  astatis  30      Roger.      Rafe.      Thomas.      Stephen.      Isabell.      Margrett. 
annor'm  1580.  — 


Gutter  of  Ikincjesle^ 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  122.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Gules,  three  garbs  Or,  on  a  chief  Azure,  a  lion  passant 
Aryent.     2  and  3.   Vert,  a  cross  enyrailed  Ermine.  [Kingsley.] 

William  Eutter  of  Kingesley.=f= 


198  THE    VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Thomas  Rutter  of  Kingesley  .=j=Grace  d.  to Manley  of  Manley. 

Wm  Rutter  of  Kingesley  .=f  Margaret  cl.  to  Hugh  Grimsdich  of  Grimsdich. 

Thomas  Rutter  of=pMargery  d.  to  R.  Spurstow      Rich.  Rutter=Maud  d.  to  Rob't 

Kingesley  1566. 

of  Spurstow.  of  Norley.         Olton  of  Wetnall. 

imaa  Rutter  of=FAnne  d.  to  Wm  Spark       John 

Thomas  Rutter  of=pAnne  d.  to  Wm  Spark      John.       Mary  vsor  Robert 

Kingesley  1580. 

of  Kingsley.  Whitney. 

William.    Thomas.    George.    Richard.    Marie.     Elenor.     Margarett.    Elizabeth. 

[Sabacjc  Dcerjs.] 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  123.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  126.] 


Carta  Gilberti  de  Bostock  in  qua  quiet'  clamavit  Warino  de  Vernon  Piscatura'  de  Dauen. 
Testibus  Ric'o  Vernon  fr'e  Warino  de  Vernon,  Ric'o  filio  Martini  Banaster,  Kic'o  filio  Warini  de 
Vernon,  Rad'o,  WiU'mo  &  Rob'to  fratrib"  ejusdem  Ric'o. 

Drawing  of  a  circular  seal,  inscribed  S.  Gilberti  de  Bostock,  bearing  in  the 
circle,  and  not  on  a  shield,  an  eagle  displayed,  the  beak  turned  to  siuister. 

Ego  Hugo  de  Altarip9  fili9  Auda?  Maubanck  Concessi  Warino  de  Vernon  Patri  meo  in  lege, 
et  Warino  filio  suo  fratri  meo,  et  ha^redib9  Warini  fratris  mei. 

Conventio  facta  inter  D'nam  Phillippa  Maubank  ex  vna  &  D'n'ra  Warrinu'  de  Vernon  et 
vnam  Audam  Maubank,  sponsam  ipsi9  Warini  ex  altera  scil't  quod  ipsa  H'na  Phillippa  in  hgea 
potestate  relaxavit  &c. 

Ego  Anda  Mavbank  de/li  Matlwo  de  Vernon  filio  meo  totem  terrain  meam  in  Brichhull  qua 
mihi  tuereditare  accidit  a  D'no  Thoma  Bassett  et  ejusfamina  D'na  Phillippa  Maubank. 

Henric9  de  Alditheleg'  oib's  &c.  Noveritis  me  dedisse  D'no  Warino  de  Vernon  &  Alda 
Maubank  vxori  eius  D'num  meum  apud  Acton  &c. 

Ego  Alicia  filia  W'mi  de  Maubank  et  Joh'i  de  Waleia  filio  meo  terrain  meam  in  Campis 
Wich  Maubank  vers9  mediam.    Testib9  Warino  de  Vernon  filio  suo  W"  Patrick,  &c. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal,  inscribed  S.  Henrici  de  Alditheleg.  Arms  : 
— Fretty,  on  a  canton  a  cross  patee. 

Carta  Rad'i  de  Vernon,  Ch'l'r.     Dat.  apud  Wicum— Malbanum  A0  1341. 

Drawing  of  a  circular  seal,  inscribed  S.  Radulphi  de  Vernon.  Arms:— A 
bend.     Crest :— On  an  esquire's  helmet  a  bear's  head. 

Will'mus  fili'  Gilberti  de  Bostock  remisit  D'no  suo  Warino  de  Vernon  &c. 

Radus'  de  Vernon  D'ns  de  Shipbrook  Carta  data  An"  6  E.  3,  1332. 

The  seale  a  man  on  horseback  with  these  Armes  [a  bend]. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal,  inscribed  Sigillum  Margareta  Le  Strange. 
Arms  : — Per  pale,  dexter,  on  a  fesse  three  garbs  ;  sinister,  two  lions  passant  in  pale. 



[Harl.  1424,  to.  123b.] 

Anno  1327  &  A0  2  E.  3.  Indenture  facta  inter  Will'm'm  fil'rn  Ric'i  de  Baggeley  et  Clemen- 
tiam  vxorem  eius  et  Kic'm  filiu'  Bob'ti  de  Bulkleigh  &  Agnetam  vxorem  eius  de  particione 
ha?reditatis  qua?  fuit  prsedictse  Clenieutia?  &  Agnetis  filiab'  et  haeredes  Rogeri  de  Chedle. 

Wm  Daniers. 

Tho.  Daniers. 

Sr  Thomas=p  Isabell. 

Edward  de  Chedle. 

Rob't  de  Chedle  Lord  of 
Chedle  &  Clifton. 

Roger  de=pMaud. 
Chedle.     I 

Sr  John=Margrett=Sr  Peter 
Savage.     Daniers.      Leigh. 




Clemence  vxor  Wm  son 

to  Rob't  de  Baggeley. 

Arms. — Or,  three 

lozenges  Azure,  impaling 

Argent  a  /esse  dancette 


Agnes  vxor 
Rich,  sonne 
to  Rob't  de 

Hamon  de  Bagguley. 


Carta  Johanna  Cornitissa?  Lincolnia?  de  terris  concessiB  W'mo  D'no  de  Aldelyne. 
13  E.  filij  E. 

Drawing  of  a  seal,  inscribed  S.  Johanna  Cohitiss^e  Lincolnia.  Thereon 
three  shields  in  triangle,  with  the  bases  outwards — 1.  Two  bars.  2.  A  lion 
rampant.     3.  Fretty. 

Omnibus  &c.  Margareta  que  fuit  vxor  Joh'is  Savage  filia  &  hseres  Thoma?  Daniers  militis 
confirmo  Joh'i  de  Savage  filio  meo  primogenito,  terras  sibi  descendentes  post  mortem  Thomas 
Daniers  patris  mei  etc.     Dat.  An"  3  H.  5. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal : — Per  pale  dexter  a  cross  engrailed ;  sinister  a 
pale  fusilly. 

Carta  Joh'is  Doniers  de  Com.  Cestrise.     Dat.  31  E.  3. 

Ego  Ric'us  de  Baggeleigh  senior  dedi  Thoma?  Daniers  militi  et  Isabella  vxori  eius  et  ha?redib» 
de  quorum  Corporib'  o'i's  terras  in  Hale.     Dat.  apud  Bradleigh  An0  22  E.  3. 

Thomas  Daniell  Ayeul  a  Margaretta  femme  Jean  de  Savage. 

Edward"  filis  Regis  &c.  vie.  Cestria?  sal'tem  Precipe  Thomas  de  Tablegh  et  Catherine  vxore 
sue  q'd  reddant  Joh'i  Savage  et  Margarets  vxori  eius  maneriu'  de  Nether  Tabley  &c.  Dat.  apud 
Cestriam  20  Octobris  An0  R's  Ed.  patris  nostri  48°. 

Joh'es  de  Radcliff  et  Margareta  vxor  ei8  petit  versus  Joh'em  Daniers  et  Aliciam  vxorem 
eius  Manerium  de  Bradley  quod  Will'm's  dedit  Thoma?  filio  Will'mi  Daniers  et  ha?redib'  de 
corpore  suo  exeuutib'.  Et  qua?  post  mortem  Tho.  filij  eiusdem  Thoma?,  prasfata?  Margarets 
filia?  eiusdem  Thoma?,  et  Consanguines  et  hajredi  pra?dicti  Thoma?  filij  W'mi  descendere  debent 
per  formam  donationis  pra?dicti. 

Joh'es  Savage  et  Margareta  vxor  eius  petit  versus  Aliciam,  qua?  fuit  vxor  Joh'is  Daniers 
militis.     Manerium  de  Bradlegh  &c. 

200  THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  124.] 

Carta  Nicolai  de  Beke  militis  an"  26  R's  E.  3. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal.     Arms. — A  plain  cross  Ermine. 

Carta  Rob'ti  Beke  de  Teue,  ruilitis  in  qua  sit  mentio  Petro  de  Beke  filij  sui.  Dat.  apud 
Tene  An"  10  E.  3. 

Carta  Nicholai  de  Beke  militia  in  qua  sit  mentio  Mariie  de  Beke  matris  sua?.  Dat.  apud 
Tene  33  E.  3. 

Arma  de  Daniers  concessa  p'  Margareta'  filia'  &  ha?redem  Thorna?  Daniers  militis  Joh'i 
Savage  filio  suo  primogenito  &c. 

Nos  Joh'es  de  Beke  Persons  Ecclia?  de  Checkligh  et  Johannes  Heicock  Capellan"  dedimus 
Rob'to  de  Barwe  Cleric  Reversione  de  medie  selionis  terra?  in  p'va  Barwe  qua'  idem  Rob'tus 
tenet  de  Matilda  qua?  fuit  vxor  Rogeri  de  Swinnerton  militis  quam  eadem  Matilda  tenet  no'ie 
dotis.     Dat.  A°  38  E.  3. 

Drawings  of  two  shields  of  arms  from  seals  : — 1.  A  plain  cross  Ermine,  and  in 
dexter  chief  a  mullet.     2.  Paly  of  eight,  over  all  a  bend. 

Nos  Joh'es  Becke  Rector  Ecclia?  de  Chockligh  &  Joh'es  Heycock  Capellanus  Dedimus  Rob'to 
de  Swinerton  et  Elizabethan  vxori  sua?  filia?  Nicholai  de  Becke  militis  duas  partes  manerij  de 
Barwe  in  Com.  Cestr.  &c. 

Drawings  of  the  same  two  coats  of  arms,  but  the  first  is  without  the  mullet. 

Atous  cieux  ques  cestes  l'res  verront  ou  orront  Margareta  que  fut  le  fem'e  de  Jea'  Savage 
fille  et  hoir  a  Thomas  Daniers  Ch'l'r  Salut  en  dieu  Saches  moy  avoir  Donne  et  grante  et  pur  cest 
ma  present  Chartre  confirme.  a  John  Savage  mon  fils  aisne.  et  a  ses  heires  a  tours  iours  mes  Amies 
entiers,  que  a  moy  descendero't  apres  le  mort  du  diet  Thomas  mon  pere  comme  a  sa  fille  et  hoir 
A  avoir,  tenir,  et  porter  les  dictes  Armes  avec  touz  les  autres  ap'tenances  et  tout  ceo  que  aux 
ditz  Armes  appartient  en  chascum  maniere  lieu,  a  leur  plasir,  quellement  de  moy  et  mes  hoires 
au  dit  John  mon  filz  et  a  ses  hoires,  a  touz  jours.  En  Tesmoinance  de  quell  chose,  a  ceste  ma 
present  Charte  J'ay  mis  mon  Sean.  Donne  le  dimeuche  prochain  apres  le  fest  del  Translatione 
S'  Thomas  le  Martier  L'an  du  Raigne  R.  H.  5  &c.  iiij". 

Drawing  of  a  seal,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  14. 

Omnib8  X'po  fidelibus  ad  quos  p'ntes  Pre  pervenerint  Salt'm  Sciatis  quod  nos  Joh'em  de 
Stanley  senescall*  Hospitij  D'ni  Regis,  Tho.  Rempston,  Roger  Leech  Controller  d'ei  d'ni  Regis, 
Thomas  Chaworth,  Humfrey  de  Stafford  iunior,  Will'us  Fulthorpe,  Will'm's  de  Stanley,  Rob'tus 
de  Challons,  Ric'us  de  Stanhope  milites,  Joh'es  de  Macclesfeld,  Cleric',  Rob't  Lawrence,  Rob't 
de  Toft,  Roger  de  Bradshagh,  Mathe*  de  Mere,  Will'm's  de  Harleston,  Galfrid8  le  Massy, 
Ric'  Fitton,  Ric.  Coli,  Joh'es  Hope,  Roger8  Paghden  et  Ric'us  Wade  Armigeri  sexto  decimo  die 
Martij  An"  Regni  Regis  H.  4  post  Conquestum  Anglia?  7°.  In  parochia  S"  Olavi  Confessoris 
London,  vidimus,  andivimus  et  personaliter  iutert'uimus,  quando  Margareta  quse  fuit  vxor 
Will'mi  Parr  militis,  ex  bona  et  spontanea  voluntate  sua,  ac  etiam  de  mero  motu  conscientia? 
suse  et  consilij  Curati.  &  Confessoris  sui  sp'ialis  prout  eadem  Margareta'  cum  mag'o  Juramento 
publice  et  integra  ib'm  tunc  temporis  pleni8  declaravit  in  presentia  o'ium  n'rom  audeor',  Joh'is 
de  Stanley  et  aliorum  tarn  militum  quam  Armigerum,  liberavit  Joh'i  Savage  de  Com.  Cestriaa 
ad  vsum  et  proficium  ip'ius  Joh'is  Savage  et  Matilda?  vxoris  suse  vt  in  Jure  ip'ius  Matildis  duas 
Chartas  prsedicti  Joh'is  Savage  et  Matildis  vt  de  Jure  ip'ius  Matildis  p'tinentes  de  Manerio  de 
Barrow  cum  p'tinen'  infra  domu'  Com.  Cestrise,  Simul  cum  advocac'one  Capella?  eiusdem  mauerij. 
Qua?  quidem  Carta?  publice  et  integre  in  presentia  et  audientia  n'ris  ib'm  lecta?  et  intellecta? 
fuerunt  tarn  verbis  Anglicis  quam  Latinis.  prout  nobis  oib'z  tunc  temporis  ibm  p'rntib8  [p'tib' 
melius]  apparebat  Quarum  quidem  vna  pra?dictarum  duarum  Cartarum  nobis  oib'z  lecta  & 
intellecta  fuit  in  ha?c  verba  pront  p'rntib8  scribi  fieri  facim'.  Sciant  p'rntes  futuri  quod  ego 
Robertus  de  Swenarton  dedi  concessi  &  hoc  p'n'ta  carta  mea  confirmavi  Joh'i  Beck  Rectori 
Ecclia?  de  Checklegh  et  Joh'i  Capellano  duas  partes  manerij  de  Barrow  in  Com.  Cestrise  cum 
advocatione  capella?  eiusdem  manerij  quam  D'na  Matildis  de  Swinarton  tenet  in  dotam,  ac  o'ia 
terras  et  ten'ta  quse  Will'm's  Robins  tenet  ad  terminum  vita?  ib'm.  Habend'  et  tenend'  dictus 
duas  partes  manerij  prsedicti,  cum  advocac'one  Capella?  prsedicta?  et  cum  reversionibus  prsedictis  ; 
praafatis  Joh'i  &  Johanna?  et  hseredibus  suis  &c.  His  testibus  Petro  de  Cauarswell,  Joh'e  de 
Drascott,  Ric'o  de  Pexsall  militibus  &c.     Dat.  apud  Swinerton  die  Lunse  proximo  post  fiestum 

THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  201 

Sancti  Barnabas  Apostoli  An0  38  E.  3.  Et  pnedicta  altera  Carta  pradictarum  duanim  Cartarum 
videl't  Carta  indentata  p'  prssdictam  ntargaretam  prasdicto  Joh'i  Sai  age,  modo  et  forma  prasdiet' 
t'uii  in  base  verba.  Sciani  p'n'tes  4  Euturiquod  nos  Joh'es  de  Beek,  Elector  Ecclias  de 
Checkleyet  Joh'es  Heicock  CapeUan"  dedimus  concessimus,  ethacp'n'ti  carta  mea  [  nostra]  inden- 
tata cnii'iiniiaviur  Etob'to  deSwinarton&  Elizabeth  i  Be  Nicholai  Beck  militis  Dua 
manerij  de  Barrow,  cum  p'tinen' in  Com.  Cestrias  cum  ad'  las  eiusdem  Manet 
cum  reversione  terries  partis  eiusdem  Manerij  qua'  D'na  Matildis  de  Swinarton  tenet  in  dotem 
ac  o'ia  terras  &  tenementa  quas  Will'm's  Robins  tenel  ad  terminum  vitas  Lb'm.  El  i|uas  post 
mortem  eorundem  Matildis  et  Will'mi  nobis  revertere  deberunt,  prasdictis  Rob'to  el  Elizab.vxore 
sue  et  hasredibus  inter  eosdem  legitime  procreatis  remaneant  |  a  prsedictor'  Matildis  et 
Will'mi.  Babend'  e1  renend'  dictus  di  Manerij  praadict'  rum  advoi 
prasdictas  enm  reversionibus  prsadictis  Itoberto  et  Elizabeth  vxori  ejus  tilia  Nicholai  Beck  militis 
et  bnredib*  inter  eosdem  legitime  procreatis  Libere,  quiete,  bone,  &  in  pace.  In  cuius  rei  testi- 
monium banc  )i'n'ii  carta  u're  indentata  Sigilla  n'ra  apposuimus.  His  testibusWmo  Trussell, 
Tim.  Dutton  rnilitiV,  Hugone  ^enables  de  Kinderton,  Nico'  de  Manley,  Tbo.  Greenway,  Rob'to 
de  Knightley,  Adam  Moycock,  Thomas  de  Bradley  et  alijs.  Dat.  ap'd  Barrow  die  Dominico  posl 
ffestum  Sancti  Jacobi  Apostoli,  Anno  Regni  El's  E.  :>  xxxviij0.  In  cuius  rei  Testimonium 
p'n'tib'  Sigilla  n'ra  apposuimus.     Dat.  apud  Loudou  17°  Martij  Au°  Prsedicto  7  H.  i. 

Drawings  of  eight  seals  : — 

1.  S.  Joh'is  de  Stanley. — Anns:  Quarterly — 1  and  4.    On  a  bend  three  stags' 

heads  cabossed.     2  and  3.  On  a  chief  indented  three  plates.     Barred  helmet 
and  mantling.     Crest :  On  a  wreath  a  stag's  head  and  neck  couped. 

2.  S.  TiTOiU/TC  Rempston. — Arms  :    A  chevron,  and  in  dexter  chief  a  cinquefoil. 

Crest :  On  a  barred  helmet  two  lions'  jambs,  chevronwise.     Supporters  :  Two 

3.  S.  ItortERi    Leech. — Arms:    Ermine,   on    a    chief    dancette    three    coronets. 

Crest :  On  an  esquire's  helmet  [worn  away]. 

4.  Thomas  Cha worth. — Plate  I.,  Figure.  15. 

5.  S.  Kic'i  de  Stanhope. — Arms  :    A  bend  between  sis  cross-croslets.      Crest : 

On  an  esquire's  helmet,  on  a  cap  of  maintenance  a  dog  (?). 

6.  S.  Wmi  de  Stanley. — Arms:    As  No.   1.      Esquire's  helmet  and  mantling. 

Crest:  As  No.  1. 

7.  S.  Roberti  Lawrence. — Arms :    A  cross  raguled.      Crest :    Out  of  a  ducal 

coronet  a  fish's  tail  erect. 

8.  S.  Joh'is  de  Macclesfeild. — Arms :  A  cross  engrailed  Ermine. 

ex  eyidentiis  joh'is  savage  militis. 

Arms  of  Swinarton. — Argent,  a  cross  formSe  fieury  Sable. 
S1'  Roger  de  Swinerton.=pJane  d.  to  Sr  Robert  Hastang. 

Roger  de  Swinerton.=j=Matild[a] . 

Sr  Thomas  Swinerton  =p  .Sr  Rob't  Beck  of  Tene.=p 

Arms. — Gules,  a  cross  Erm, 

Robert   de=p  S"  Xicholas=p.Iane  d.  to  Rafe  L  :  Stafford 



&  df  Katherhi  Hastang. 

Robert  de  Swinerton.=fElizab.  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  Nico'  Beck. 

Aland  d.  &  heire  vx1'  Sr  John  Savage. 

2  D 

202  THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

$ro  l^abacjt* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  125.] 


There  was  Sr  Kaufe  ye  Vernon  the  old  ye  quich  levett  vijIX  zer  &  10  zer.  And  hee  had  to 
his  wife  one  Mary  the  Lord's  daughter  of  Dacres  And  hee  had  issue  by  her  one  Sr  Raufe  ye 
Vernon  of  Hanwe'll  and  Richard  Parson  of  Stockport,  other  2  sons  Michell  and  Hugh  ye  quich 
were  both  freeres,  and  2  daughters  Agnes  and  Rose.  And  then  deghted  the  aforesaid  Mary  after 
her  death,  the  foresaid  old  Sr  Raufe  tooke  to  wife  Paramour,  one  Maud  ye  Grosvenor  and  had 
issue  by  her  Rich,  and  Rob't  Bastards.  Ye  aforesaid  Sr  Rauf  ye  Vernon  of  Hanwell  was  married 
to  A.  S'  Per  &  had  issue  by  her  Rawlin  Hitchcock  John  and  Thomas  ye  quich  Raw!  in  had  issue 
Sr  Rauf  ye  Vernon  of  Mottram  ye  quich  Sr  Rauf  had  issue  young  Sr  Raufe.  The  foresaid  Sr  Raffe 
Vernon  of  Hanwell  Rawlin  his  son  and  Sr  Raffe  his  son  deghden  lyvand  ye  old  Sr  Raffe.  And 
the  same  time  one  Sr  Rich.  Damory  was  .Justice  of  Chester.  And  the  foresaid  old  Sr  Raulfe  and 
hee  were  accorded  that  the  young  Sr  Rate  should  marrie  Agnes  daughter  to  the  aforesaid  Richard 
Damory  And  that  Sr  Raufe  the  old  should  by  fine  reret  at  Chester  gif  all  his  Lands  &c.  to  the 
said  Mr  Rich,  his  son  geten  by  the  foresaid  Mary  of  Dacre  and  to  his  heires  and  so  it  was  done 
And  the  same  Rich,  p'son  gafe  the  same  lands  &c.  to  the  same  old  Sr  Raufe  againe  to  terme  of 
his  life  and  after  his  decease  to  the  young  Sr  Rafe  and  to  Agnes  his  wife  daughter  to  Sr  Richard 
Damory  and  to  the  heires  males  of  their  bodies  getten.  And  for  default  of  issue  male  of  the 
foresaid  young  Sr  Rauf  and  Agnes  That  all  the  Lands  Sec.  should  remaine  to  Rich,  the  son  of  old 
Sr  Ralfe  yc  Vernon  of  Shipbroke  getten  by  Maud  the  Grosvenor  and  to  the  heires  of  his  body 
begotten  male  And  for  default  of  issue  of  his  body  getten  male  :  That  all  the  Lands  &c.  should 
remaine  to  the  right  heires  of  the  aforesaid  Master  Rich,  withouten  end.  The  aforesaid  Sr  Raufe 
and  Agues  died  without  issue  of  their  bodies  begotten  male  and  then  entret  Sr  Rauf  the  last 
deghten  as  son  and  heire  to  Richard  ye  Vernon  the  son  of  old  Sr  Rafe  Vernon  and  Maud  the 
Grosvenor  by  virtue  of  the  fine  before  rehearsed.  The  foresaid  Sr  Raulfe  Rich,  sonne  deghtet 
without  heire  of  his  body  getten  male  And  so  Sr  Rich,  ye  Vernon  brother  to  ye  last  Sr  Raufe 
entret  as  heire  male  and  continued  all  his  life  And  had  issue  Sr  Richard  ye  qvich  is  now  ded 
wthout  issue  male. 

Sr  Raufe  Vernon  as  is  before  rehearsed  had  3  young  sons  male  that  is  to  witt  Hitchcock 
John  and  Thomas  the  quich  (s/c). 

Sciant  prsesentes  etfuturi  quod  ego  Rad'us  de  Vernon  senior  D'n's  de  Shubbroc  Dedi  Hugoni 
Vernon  de  Quatcroft  vnam  placea'  vasti  sup'  Rudheath  in  foedede  Shubbrock  ad  terminum  vitse 
suse  &.C  Et  post  decessum  D'ni  Hugonis  volo  et  concedo  quod  mag'r  Ric'us  de  Vernon  filius 
me*  totam  prsedietam  terram  ad  terminu'  vitse  suae  habeat.  Testib8  D'no  Will'mo  de  Brereton, 
Hugone  de  Dutton  militib",  Ric'o  de  Foulshurst  tunc  viceco'  Cestrias,  Adse  de  Bostock,  Ranulfo 
de  Merton,  &c. 

Note  that  there  were  no  garbes  on  the  ffesse 
Drawing  of  circular  seal,  inscribed        Aoc\  ^  befor?  his ,death  hee  bare  tbf  Sarbea 

a     t>      '  tt  a  on  the  ffesse  whereby  a  man  may  well  conjee- 

b.   KADI   DE    VERNON.      Arms.—  ture  that  it  was  after  hee  had  matched  him- 

A  fesse.  selfe  with  Maud  Grosvenor  widdowto  Sr  John 

Hatton  who  both  have  garbes  in  their  Armes. 

i^abacjc  ot  CItftom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  1251'.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  seventeen. — 1.  Argent,  six  lioncels  rampant,  3,  2,  and  1,  Sable. 
2.  Gules,  a  chevron  between  three  martlets  Argent.  [Walkinton.]  3. 
Argent,  a  pale  fusillg  Sable.  [Danyers.]  4.  Argent,  a  fesse  dancette'e  Gules. 
[Chedle.]  5.  Argent,  a  cross  formee,  the  ends  fleury  Sable.  [Swinnerton.] 
6.  Gules,  a  cross  Ermine.  [Beke.]  7.  Or,  on  a  fess  Azure,  three  garbs  of 
the  field.  [Vernon.]     8.  Quarterlg,  Or  and  Gules  ,•  overall  a  bendlet  Sable. 



[Malbank.]  0.  Sable,  a  fess  hwmettee  Argent.  [Bostock.]  10.  Azure, 
three  garbs  Or.  [Randolph  Blundbville.]  11.  Azure,  tivo  bars  Argent. 
[Venables.]  12.  Quarterly,  Argent  and  Gules,  in  the  second  and  third 
quarters  a  fret  Or.  [Dutton.]  13.  Argent,  on  a  bend  Gules,  three  escar- 
buncles  Or.  [Thornton.]  14.  Sable  [Vert?],  a  cross  engrailed  Ermine. 
[KlNGSLEY  ?]  15.  Or,  a  saltire  Sable.  [IIklsby.]  1(1.  Azure,  a  chevron 
between  three  garbs  Or,  a  crescent  fur  difference.  [IIatton.]  17.  Azure,  an 
esloile  issuant  from  the  horns  of  a  crescent  Or.  [Mixshull.] 

1.  Chest. — An  unicorn's  head  Argent,  erased,  maned  [and  armed]  Or. 

2.  Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or,  a  lion's  jamb  erect  Sable. 

Sr  John  Savage  of  Stennesby: 
in  com.  Darby  as  p'  deed  sans 
date  visit  1206. 

:Avice  d.  &  heire  of  Walking-ton. 
Arms. — Gu.  a  chev.  bet.  3 
martlets  Arg. 

S1'  John  Savage.=j= 

Sr  Robert  Savage.= 

Sr  John=j=Margaret  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  Tho.  Daniers  Lord  of  Bradley  and 
Savage.     Clifton  after  married  to  Peter  Leigh. 

Sr  Roger  Swinarton. 
Arms. — Arg.,  a  cross  formic  fleury  Sa. 

Sr  Robert  Beck  of  Tene.=f  Mary. 
Arms. — Gu.,  a  cross Erm. 

Sr  Thomas=pMaud  d.  to  Sr  Rob't 
Swinarton.     Holland. 

Sr  Nicho'=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  the  good 
Beck.  Lord  Stafford. 

Rob't  de  Swinarton. =^=Elizabeth  d.  &  heire. 

Sr  John  Savage  made  Knight  by  K.  H.  5  at= 
the  battell  of  Asnncourt  1115. 

:Maud  d.  &  heire  to 
Rob't  Swinerton. 

vxor  Sr 

Maud  vxor 
S'  John 
Booth  of 

Blanch  vxr 
Sr  Thos 
ton  s.p. 

Beatrix  vxor  Sr 
Hamnett  Car- 
rington  heire  to 
Sr  Tho.  his 

Anne  vxor 



Parnell  vx1' 
Reynold  Leigh 

Sr  John  Savage- 
of  Clifton. 

rElenor  d.  to 
Sr  Will'm 


Margrett  vxr  Sr  John 
Maxfeld  after  to  Ran- 
doll  Manwarin&r. 

Ellin  vxr 



Sr  John  Savage=f=Katherin  sister  to  Thomas 

of  Clifton. 


the  first  Earle  of 

Margrett  vxr  Sr 
William  Stanley 
of  Hooton. 

Margrett  vxr 
Edw.  Leigh  of 

Jane  vxor  John 
Hanford  of 



....  vx1'        Elizab.  vx Elenor  vxor  Sr  Piers  Leigh  who      Alice  vxor 

Sr  Thos  Leake   de  Com.  after  was  a  Preist.  Roger 

Waterton.      Darby.  —  Pilkenton. 

—  Katherin  vx''  Thos  Leigh  of 

.  .  .  .  vxr  S1'  Edw.  Adlington. 


Sr  John  Savage=pDoroty  d.  & 

1    1 
Tho8  Savage 

1    1    1 

1    1                1 
Sr  Rich.        W 

Knight  of  the 

heire  to  Ralfe 

Arehb'p  of 



garter  slaine  at 

Vernon  of 








Sr  Xpofer 

Sr  Humfrey 

Sr  Edward 




Sr  John=pAnne  d.  &  coheire     Alice  vxor  Sr  Wm  Brereton     Isabel  vxr  .  .  .  .  Needham 


to  Rafe  Bostock  of    of  Brereton  L  :  Justice  of     of  Shevington. 
Bostock  Esquire.       Ireland.  — 

Anne  vxr .  .  .  .  Hampden. 


Sr  John  Savage=pElizabeth  d.  to  Charles  Som'sett         S1'  Edward 
of  Clifton.  Earle  of  Wore'-.  Savage. 


1.  Elizabeth  d.  to=pSr  John  Savage  of =2.  Elenor  d.  to  John     Henry.     Margrett 

Sr  T.  Maniers 
Earle  of  Rut- 

Rocksavage  died 
in  October  1597. 

Cotgreve  of  Stubbs 
widow  to  S1'  Rich. 

vxor  Sr 



S1'  John=p  Mary 

Edw.  maried    Margrett  vxor    Elizab.  vxor     Elenor  vx1' 




Allington.     Polinex  d.  to     Sr  Wm  Brere-     Thos  Lang-     S1'  Henry 

W1"  Grice  of     ton  of  Brere- 
Norff.  ton. 

ton  Baro'  of    Bagnall. 
Newton.  — 


John  aatatis 
4  ann'  1580. 

John  Savage.        Thomas. 


Lawrence  Savage=pMary  d.  to  ....       Richard.       Thomas.       Anne  vxr  Thomas 

of  Walgrange  in 

Egerton  of  Wal- 


Lord  Barkley. 

John  Savage  of  Walgrauge.=pAmy  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Washington. 

Sr  Arthm-  Savage=pJane  d.  to  Thos  Stafford 

made   Knight  at 
Cadiz  1596. 

of    Tottenhoo   in   com. 

Elizab.  vxor  Walter 


I  I 

Thomas.         Elizabeth. 



Amur's  $cticcjw* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  134.] 

This  is  the  true  Pedegree  of  Edmund  Boner  sonue  of  George  Savage  Preist,  Parson  of 
Daneham  in  Cheshire,  who  was  a  bastard  himselfe  and  sonne  of  Sr  John  Savage  Knight  who 
was  slaine  before  Bulleine  when  K.  H.  7  laid  siege  vnto  it,  which  said  Preist  begatt  Edmund 
Boner  of  one  Elizab.  ffrodsham  who  being  with  child  was  sent  out  of  Cheshire  to  one  that  was 
called  Savage  of  Elmley  in  Worcestersh.  And  when  slice  was  delivered  one  Boner  a  Sawyer 
with  Mr  Armingsham  maried  her  and  begatt  other  children  by  her  after  and  dwelled  at  Potters 
Hanley  in  Wore'.  And  the  said  George  Savage  Preist  begatt  sixe  children  more  by  2  severall 
women  whose  names  shall  hereafter  follow,  as  place  shall  serve. 

Right  Begotten. 
De  Celibatu'  et  de  votis. 
Sr  John  Savage*  Knight  of  the  Drawing  of  Arms  :  Argent,  a  pale  fusilly 

Garter  &  of  the  Privy  Counsel!  Sable,  over  all  a  bendlet  sinister  Gules. 

was  slain  at  Bollein  when  King 
Henry  the  7th  laid  siege  to  it. 

Had  issue  a  Bastard. 

Sr  John  Savage  Knight  who 
had  in  Recompence  given  him 
for  the  death  of  his  ffather  y" 
Erie  of  Warwicks  Lands  in 
Worcestersh.  and  was  high 
Sherriff  by  Inheritance. 

Base  Begotten. 
George  Savage  Preist  Parson  of 
Dunham  in  Dunham  begatt  these 
7  bastards  by  3  sundry  women  & 
was  a  bastard  himselfe  as  may 

Sr  Jo.  Savage  Knt.  who  slew  a 
Gent,  named  Mr  Pauncefoot  and 
dyed  prisoner  in  the  Tower  for 
ye  same  act. 

Sr  Jo.  Savage  Knt.  who  might 
dispend  15001  by  ye  yeare  by  his 
rents  &  other  reuenues  hee  dyed 
in  December  1597  &  lyes  bury- 
ed  at  Maxfeild. 


George  Savage 
Preist  chan- 
celor  of  Chester 
a  Bastard. 

Elizabeth  3d 
base  da.  mar. 
to  a  Gentlem. 

Ellen  2d  base 
da.  mar.  to  a 


Edmund  Boner 
was  1  Arch- 
deacon of 
Lecest'r  &  after 
twise  Bishop  of 
London  &  third 
hope  but  god 
cutt  him  short 
&  was  buried 
like  a  doge. 

John  Winslowe 
Archdeacon  of 
Middlesex  dead 
&  gone 
a  bastard. 

Randall  Savage 
of  Lodge 
a  bastard. 

Margaret  1  base 
da.  marr.  to  a 

This  George  Savage  in  y"  1  Circle  was  base  son  to  Sr  John  Savage  Knight  of  the  Garter,  ye 
wc1'  George  was  made  Preist  &  became  Parson  of  Dunham  in  Cheshire,  &  after  hee  begatt 
Edmund  Savage  (whome  wee  call  Edmund  Boner)  of  the  body  of  Elizab.  ffrodesham  who  died 
at  ffnlham  in  K.  E.  6  time  when  Boner  was  prisoner  in  the  Marshalsey  who  notwithstanding 
gave  for  ber  mourning  coates  at  her  death.  This  George  begatt  also  John  Winslow  &  Elizab.  of 
y'  body  of  one  Winslowe'a  daughter  in  Cheshire,  and  then  hee  begatt  Randoll,  Ellin  &  Margrett 
of  the  body  of  one  Dyes  d.  of  Barrow  in  Cheshire.  The  E.  of  Warwick's  Lands  in  Wore™  (hee 
being  attainted  of  Treason)  was  given  to  the  second  Sr  John  Savage  which  was  Elmly.  Sudley. 
Bushley,  Hadly,  Ridmarkley.  Hadley,  Elmly,  &  Sudley  had  every  one  a  Castle  and  Parke,  and 
Bushly  &  Ridmarklyhad  both  parkes  and  no  castles.  Now  when  it  fell  into  the  King's  hands 
by  the  death  of  Paunsfoote.  Then  Edmund  Boner  did  change  lands  in  Essex  with  the  King  for 
Bushly  and  liidmarkly  yc  which  2  townes  arc  now  in  the  Tenor  and  occupac'on  of  one  Serlc  and 
Sheapsed.  Serle  is  cosin  to  Boner  and  hath  Bushly,  Sheapsed  is  brother  in  law  to  Bishop  Ridley 
and  hath  Ridmarkley,  and  further  the  said  Sheapsed  hath  condemned  Boner  in  the  Guildhall  for 
B.  Ridley's  goods  which  amount  to  400u  in  a  Nisi  pri"  since  the  Queene's  Raigne  that  now  is. 

[*  The  four  names  in  capital  letters  are  within  circles  in  the  original  MS.  The  circle  sur- 
rounding the  first  sir  John  Savage's  name  is  inscribed  with  the  Motto  of  the  Garter,  Honi  soil' 
QUI  iial  T  pense.     Bishop  Bonner's  name  is  surmounted  by  a  mitre. — J.  P.  R.] 



^{jalcross  of  ^toWjato- 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  133.     Hark  1505,  fo.  137.] 

Arms. — Gules,  a  saltire  between  four  annulets  Or,  a  crescent  for  difference. 
Crest.— A  martlet  Or,  holding  in  the  leak  a  cross  formee  fitchie  Gules,  a  crescent  for 

....  Shalcross  \_ShaMcross~]  al's  Shalcross=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  . 
of  Shalcross  in  com.  Darby  Escf.  Wendesley. 

John  Shalcross 
of  Shalcross. 

Edward  Shalcross=F d.  to  Broster  widow 

3d  sonne. 

to  . 


Otwell  Shalcrosse  of  Stowshaw  in  the  parish=pMargrett  d.  to  John  Woodnett 
of  Warmincham  in  Cheshire.  of  Gousley. 

John     Edw.  Shal-=pMargaret  Darby=pJane  d.  to     Isabel  vxr  Rich.     Anne. 

died      ci'oss  of 
s.p.       Stowshaw 

d.  to 

ing  of 


Bee-  Boson  \_Basori].  — 

kett  of  Katherin. 

Midle-  Mary  vxor  Rafe  — 

wich.  Reve.  Elizabeth. 

Alice  vxr  Rafe 
Smith  of  Oldhaugh. 

Otwell.      Lawrence.      John.      Darby.      Edward. 

Charles  Shalcrosse= Katherin  d.  to  Thos  Hassall      Margrett.      Jane  vxr  Henry 
son  &  heire.  of  Warmincham.  Hunt  of  London. 

grtjataltp  oi  f^olmc. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  134b.] 

Henry  Tildesley  of  Tildesley  in  com.  Lanc.=p 

Tildesley  of        Adam. 

Henry  Tildesley  of  whome  Tildesley  of  Wardley 
and  Tildesley  of  Morleys  are  descended. 

Geffrey  Tildesley  named  himself  Shakerley=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  . 

by  marriage  of  his  wife. 


THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580.  207 

A   | 

Peter  Shakerley  .=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Hall  of  Mardin  in  Kent. 

Geffrey  Shakerley.=i=.  ...  d.  to  Rob't  Langley. 

Peter  Shakerley.=f=Emm.  d.  &  coheire  to  ...  .  Grosvenor  of  Holme. 

Geffrey  Shakerley  of  Holme.=pAnne  d.  to  Sr  Wm  Bouth  of  Dunham. 

Peter  Shakerley  of  HoIme.=f=Elizab.  d.  &  heire  to  John  Ligh  of  Bouthes. 
(Jeffrey  Shakerley  of  Holme.=pIsabell  d.  to  Sr  Tho*  Venables. 

Peter  Shakerley  of  Holme.— Elizab.  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  Randoll  Mainwaring. 
Geffrey  Shakerley  of  Holme. =Jane  d.  to  Sr  George  Beeston. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  133b.] 

Akms. — Sable,  a  chevron  between  three  human  legs,  coi/ped  at  the  knee,  Argent. 

Sr  John  Shrigley. 
Renold  Shrigley. 

John  Shrigley  of  Beristow  Esquire  1  E.  4. 
Thomas  Shrigley  of  Clifton  obijt  1524.=p Alice  d.  of  .  .  .  .  Moston. 

Jane.        Margrett.         Roger  Shrigley=pAnne  d.  to  John  Dainport        Thomas. 

of  Beristow. 

of  Woodford. 

I  I                  I    I                    I                       I 

Tho9  Shrigley=rEllin  d.  to  John.         William.  Margrett  Blanch 

of  Beristow        Ju°  Ardern  —  sine  sine 

I.'imi.                  of  Hawarden.  Edmund.  prole.  prole. 

I  !    I  I                I               II  II 

Thos.  astatis  William.  John.         Jane.         Margery.  Isabell. 

12  annor'm  —  —  — 

1580.  ffrancis.  Anne.  Elizabeth. 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

g>meti)totfec  oi  |?>mtt!)toilie- 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  131.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  135.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Or,  three  crosses  forme'e  fitche  Sable.      2  and  3.    Vert, 

a  cross  engrailed  Ermine.  [WettenhAll.] 
Crest. — An  arm  enibowed,  vested  Argent,  charged  with  three  bendlets  icavy  Vert, 

holding  in  the  hand  proper  a  tulip  Or,  leaved  of  the  second. 

[In  Harl.  1505  the  arm  is  charged  with  hvo  bars  wavy  Vert.] 

Thurston  Smethwike=j=.  .  .  .  d.  to  Wm  Brereton  whoe  gave  with  her 
of  Thursarten.  in  frank  marriage  Smethwike. 

Ovius  or  Owinus  de  Smethwick.: 

Hugh  de  Smethwick.1 

W,n  de  Smethwick.- 

Richard  de— Alice. 

Nicholas  Wetnall  of  Calveley  An0  1350. 
Arms. —  Vert,  a  cross  engr.  Erm. 

Tho.     Wm  Smeth-=pJone  d.  &=Rich.  son  to  Rob't  Chohneley     Randoll      Robert. 


wike  L :  of 

heire.  who  had  ye  lands  of  Calveley  Parson 

by  the  lawes  of  the  Realme  of  Pleni- 

and  after  gave  them  to  his  stow, 
wives  son  Rob't  Smethwike. 


Robert  Smethwike  A0  22  R.  2  &  7  H.  5.=pJone  d.  to  Jn°  Radcliff. 

Tho.  Smethwike  An0  12  E.  4=p.  ...  d.  to 

Tho.  Smethwike= 
19  H.  7et  H.  8. 

=.  .  .  .  d.  to  Thomas 
Grene  of  Congleton. 

.  Downes  of  Shrigley. 

Will'm        ...  .  vxr  Thomas 
2d  son.         Bellott  of  Morton. 

I  I 

Geffrey     Robert  =plsabell 
9  H.  8.     Smeth-     d.  to 

I    I 

Margery     Elizabeth  vxor 
xx1 ...  .     John  Bering- 
Phillip        Page  of      ton. 
Draicott.     Yard- 

shaw.  Emm  vxr  Wm 

Cotton  of  Cotton. 

Thos=pJane  [Jone]  d. 

9  H.  8. 

&  heire  to  Phil- 
lip Claiton  and 
Maud  his  wife 
by  whome  hee 
had  the  village 
of  Arcluid. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 



Tho9  Smeth- 
wike  of 
An0  156G. 

:Anne  d.  to     Edward. 


Vernon  of 


Anne  vxor     Parnell  vxor       Maud  vxv  Tho. 
Robert  James  Parker    Marrwaring  of 

Walton.         ofCarswall.        Causley. 

Wm  Smethwike  of  Smethwike =ffrances  d.  to  Sr  Anthony  Colclough. 
1580  obijt  s.p. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  130.] 

Arms. — Azure,  two  bars  war//  Ermine,  on  a  chief  Or  a  demi-lion  rampant  issuant 

Crest. — An  ostrich  proper,  holding  in  the  beak  a  horseshoe, 

Sr  Thomas  Smith=pKatherine  d.  to  Sr  Andrew- 
Mayor  of  Chester.     Brereton  of  Brereton. 

1.  Agnes: 
d.  to  S1' 
hurst  of 

:Sr  Lawrence- 
Smith  of 

:2.  Jane  d.  to 
Sr  Peter 
widow  to  Sr 
Wm  Brereton. 


Smith  of 


Jane  vxr 
Massy  of 


Yrsula  vxor 
....  Starky. 

Mary  vxor  Randoll 
Bressy  of  Hough. 

I  I  I 

Lawrence  s.p.         [Sr]  Thomas  Smithy  Anne  d.  to  Sr        Edward. 

of  Hough  1598.  Wm  Brereton. 

Lawrence  [Smith=p[Anne  da.  to  Sr  Randall 
Esq.].  Manwaring  of  Pever.] 

[Jane]  vxor  Randoll  Man- 
waring  of  Peever  [Ku1]. 

[Stephen  Smith.]: 

[Sr  Thomas  Smith.]=f  [Anne  d.  of  Sr  Hugh 
Smith  of  Somrsetsh.] 



[Lawrence.]         [Hughe.]         [Edmond.]         [Thomas  Smith.] 
[The  words  in  brackets  are  additions  in  a  later  hand. — J.  P.  K.] 

2  E 



[Harl.  1424,  fo.  130b.] 

Arms— Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Per  pale  Or  and  Gules,  three  fleurs-de-lis  counter- 
changed.    2  and  3.  Azure,  a  fret  Or.  [Oldhaugh.] 
Crest. — A  fleur-de-lis  per  pale  Or  and  Gules. 

John  Smith  of  Oldhaugh  in  the=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  ...  . 
parish  of  Warinincham  who  was  ,  Oldhaugh  of  Oldhaugh 

descended  of  a  younger  brother 
of  Sr  Thomas  Smith  of  Cuerdley. 

in  the  Parish  of  War- 

John  Smith  of  Oldhaugh*  E.  4.=pMaud  d.  to Page  of  Alpram. 

John  Smith  of  01dhaugh=j= Elizab.  base  d.  to  Sr  Andrew  Brereton  of 

H.  7. 

Brereton  qua?  obijt  1549. 

Wm      John  Smith       Hugh  Smith  of      Eobert  Smith      Tho.  Smith      Reignold 
s.p.      2d  son.  Halton.  of  Slodderhill.    of  Moulton.    s.  prole. 

2  daughters.         John      Rafe  a  Tailor  in         Randoll         Randoll  Smith 
1599.     London  1586  s.p.  of  Moulton. 

had  divers  children. 

Raudoll  Smitfr 
of  Oldhaugh 
obijt  6  October 

:Jane  d.  to  Ralfe  Bostock     Richard, 
of  Norcrof  t.    Shee  died 
in  March  1562. 

Margrett  vxor  Edwd  Henshaw 
of  Henshaw. 

Tho.  a  captaine  &  divers  others. 

1.  Alice  d.  to  Otwell  Shaw- 
cross  of  Stowshaw  died  in 
Octobr  1580. 

Rafe  Smith  of  Oldhaugh^ 
bayliffe  of  Warmincham 
died  27  June  1594. 

2.  Margery  d.  to  TVm  Sut- 
ton of  Slinton  widow  to 
Wm  Minshull. 

Arthur  nats  1588.         Wm  nat9  1591. 


Sr  Tho.  Trussell  L.  of  Warmincham  granted  to  Jn°  Smith  of  Oldhaugh  in  the  parish  of 
Warmincham,  to  Maud  his  wife  and  John  his  son,  The  tenement  in  Oldhaugh.  Dated  at  Elms- 
thorp  10  October  A'no  6  E.  4,  1466. 

Another  Lease  to  the  parties  aforesaid  dated  at  the  Castell  of  Woodhill  the  last  of  Aprill  An" 
9  E.  4,  1469. 




Randoll  Smith=p Amy  d.  to  Leonard     Edward     Margrett     Katherin     Walburgh 
of  Oldhauu'li 

now  Bayliffe  of 



Shalcross  of  Shal-    died   in     vx'Hugh    vx'Hugh    vx'.Tn; 
cross  in  Com.  London     Kinsy  of    Nowden      Pott  of 

Darby  esq1'.  1589. 



Tetton.       of  Elton.     Stayncliff 
in  com. 


TVm  Smith  Eou{r-=pVeronica  d.  to 

dragon  Poursuy- 
vant  of  Amies. 

ffranc  Alstensteig 
of  Xorimberge  in 

I    I 

s.  prole. 

I  I 

Arthur  &  John 
now  living  & 

Katherin  vxr 
....  Hodg- 
son of  Chol- 

Wm  natus  1581.      ffrances  nats      Paul  nat3      Jane  nata      Hester  nata  1590. 
1586.  1588.  1583. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  13P.] 

Akhs. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Vert,  three  mullets  pierced  Or.  2.  Argent,  a  lion 
rampant  Gates.  [Leigh.]  3.  Azure  crusily,  and  three  eagles  displayed  Or. 

Crest. — A  woman's  head  affronle,  couped  below  the  breasts  proper,  Imir  dishevelled 

John  Spurstow  of  Spurstow; 

Randoll  Spurstow  of  Spurstow.=pJane  d.  &  coheire  to  Rafe  Leigh  of  ye  Esthall. 

Rich.  Spurstow  of  Spurstow.=pElenor  d.  to  Thomas  Starky  of  Stretton. 

George  Spurstow 
of  Spurstow  1580 
maried  ....  d.  to 
John  Xorbury  the 

I    I    I 



Elizabeth    vxr 
Johu  Brereton 
of  Ireland 
after  to  .... 

Jaue  vxor  Gilbert 
Leigh  of  Skelton 
in  Yorkshire  a 
younger  brother 
of  Middleton. 

I    I 




Pro  i^tanlep  tit  Hooton+ 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  126b,  127.] 

Drawing  of  a  seal,  inscribed  S.  Phillippi  Bamville,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  16. 

Ego  Alexander  de  Bamuile  &  Roisa  vxor  mea.  dedim9  Thornre  filio  n'ro  primogenito  et 
Hanisa  Alice  Eob'ti  de  Winington  :  Terrain  rneam  in  villa  de  p'va  Storton,  quas  Joha'na  qua;  fuit 
vxor  Eic'i  Kiugesley  rnihi  Alexandro  dedit. 

Drawing  of  a  circular  seal,  bearing  in  the  circle,  and  not  on  a  shield,  an  antelope 

Carta  Will'mi  de  Stanley  militis.  Dat.  ap'd  Stourton  An0  13  H.  4.  Cui  appendit  hujus 
modi  Sigill5  Armor'  d'ci  Will'mi. 

Drawing  from  a  seal.  Arms :  Quarterly — 1  and  4.  On  a  bend  three  stags' 
heads  cabossed.  2  and  3.  On  a  bend  three  mullets.  Crest:  On  an  esquire's 
helmet  a  stag's  head  and  neck  terminating  in  a  mantlet  and  tassel. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal,  inscribed  S.  Will  de  Stanley.  Arms :  On  a 
bend  cotised  three  stags'  heads  cabossed. 

Alan  Silvester  vnto  whome  Randoll  3  Erie  of 
Chester  gave  the  Manor'  of  Sturton  &  Picton 
of  the  Baylywick  of  ye  fforrest  of  Werrall. 

Alexander  de  Stourton  Steward  to  Kandoll  3  Erie  of  Chester.=p 

Sr  Thomas  Bamvile.=pAgnes  2a  d.  & 

Jane  Lady  of  Stourton  vxv 
Rich.  Kingesley. 

S1'  Philip  Bamvile  s.p. 

S1'  Stephen  BamvOe  Knt. 
of  Jerusalem. 


gr  -^m  d'Audlev=rJone  eldest    Ellin  vxor      Agnes  vxr  Jn°     Thoms=Havise  d.  to 

al's  Stanley. 

d.  &  co- 

Wm  Laken.     Blechington.       s.p. 

Rob't  Win- 

John  Stanley  of  Stanley=j=Mabell  d.  to  Sr  James         Adam  de 


and  Stourton. 



Sara  vxor  Roger 

S1'  Wm  Stanley  senior=fAlice  d.  to  Hugh 


of  Stanley  &  Sturton 
vixit  2G  E.  3,  1352. 

Massy  of  Timper- 

John  Stanley  of  Greswethin  in  Cum- 
berland  of  whome  Stanley  of  Dulgarth 
and  others  are  descended. 

Sr  Wm  Stanley  Junr=pMargery  d.  &  heire  to       S1'  John  Stanley=plsabel  d.  &  heire 

of  Stanley  &  Stur-    Sr  Wm  Hooton  of  Hoo-      2l1  son. 
ton.  ton  in  Cheshire. 

to  Sr  Thos 





I  I  I 

Sr  Wm  Stanley  whose       Sr  John  Stauley^pElizab.  sister     Thos  Stanley=j=Maud  d.  & 

descent  followeth  on       Steward    of   yc 
the  next  lcat'e.  house  to  K.  H. 

4,  4  obijt  1481. 

to  Sr  Wm  of  Elford  in 

Harrington.      Staff. 

heire  to  Sr 
John  Ar- 

Sr  Thos  Stanley  the  1         1.  Maud.=pJohn  Stanley  "of  Elford  mar.=p3.  Dowce  d.  to 

L :  Stanley  Controll. 
of  houshold  to  K. 
H.  6.  =p 


Thos  Erie  of  Darby.     John  Stanley 
^  of  Weever. 

to  his  2d  wife  Isabel  d.  to  S1' 
Eic.  Vernon. 

....    Ligh   of 

3  d.  maried  to  3  Knights. 

Sr  Jn°  Stanley  of  Elford  obijt  1509.        S1'  Humfrey  Stanley  of  Pipe  obijt  1505. 

Sr  John  Stanley  of  Pipe  mar.  Margrett  d.  to  Sr  Tho9  Gerrard. 
2  daughters. 

Eoger  Stanley  mar.  Jane  d.  to  Jn°  Clark  of  Yorkshire. 

John  Stanley  of  Alderley  in  Chesh.=pMargery  Marbury. 

Sr  Edw.  Stanley  made  Knight  in  Netherland  Thomas  Stanley, 

slaine  in  Ireland  1597. 

Sr  Thomas   Banivile.= 
Arms. — Or,  on  a  chief 
Gut.  3  trefoils  Arc/. 


= Agnes  d.  &  coheire  to  Alexander  Silvester 
of  Stourton. 

Arms. — Arc/.,  on  a  mount  a  tree  Vert. 

Sr  Phillip  Will'm  Steven  was    Alexander     Jone  vx1'  Ellin  vxr    Agnes  died 

Bamvile  of  died  Knight    of    slaine  in       S1'  Will'm  Wm  young. 

Stourton  young.  Jerusalem,     the  Holy       Stanley.  Lake.  — 

died  s.  prole        —  land.  Miriell 

having  the  David  vxor  John 

Inheritance,  died  John  Stanley  of  Radcliff 

young.  Stourton.  s.p. 

214  THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580. 


Arms. — Arg.,  on  a  lend  Vert,  3  mullets  pierced  Or. 
gr  yjm  Hooton  of  Hooton  in  Werrall  in  Com.  Cestr'. 

Wm  Hooton  of  Hooton.=pMargrett  d.  &  heire  to  John  Leftwich  of  Leftwich. 

Wm  Hooton  died  young.  Margery  vxor  Sr  Wm  Stanley. 


Sr  Wm  Stanley  of  Hooton. 


Rob't  ffiz  Henry  founder  of  the  Priory  of  Burscogh. 

Rob't  Lord  of  Lathum  t'pe  R.  1  &  K.  John. 

Arms. — Or,  on  a  chief  indented  Azure,  3  plates. 

Richard  Lord  of  Lathom  t'pe  H.  3. 

Robert  de  Lathom  t'pe  H.  3  et  E.  1. 


Sr  Rob't  de  Lathom  obijt  18  E.  2. 

Sr  Thomas  Lathom  the  elder  setatis  24  an'  18  E.  2.- 
This  Sr  Thomas  gave  to  Edward  his  2d  sonne  the 
Manor  of  Parbold  35  E.  3. 

S1'  Thomas  de  Lathom  the  younger.        Edward  de  Lathum  of  Parbold. 

I  * 

Isabell  vxor  S1'  Jn°  Stanley. 

This  Genealogy  of  Lathom  was  sett  forth 
by  W.  fflower  al's  Norrey  19  Aprill  1578. 

inanity  of  $> ootmu 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  127b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  131".] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  twelve. — 1.  Argent,  on  a  bend  Azure  three  lucks'1  heads  cabossed 
Or.  2.  Or,  on  a  chief  Gules  three  trefoils  Argent.  [Bamvile.]  3.  Argent,  a 
tree  eradicated  Vert.  [Silvester.]  4.  Argent,  on  a  bend  Vert  three  mullets 
Or.  [Hooton.]      5.  Sable,  three  bars  Argent.  [Hoghton.]      6.  Azure,  a 



garb  Or.  [Grosvenor.]  7.  Sable,  a  cross  flory  Argent.  [Eaton.]  8.  Sable, 
fretty  Anient,  a  file  of  three  points  Or.  [Harington.]  9.  Sable,  three  lions 
2>assant  in  pale  Argent.  [ENGLISH.]  10.  Argent,  on  a  bend  Sable  three 
lozenges  of  the  field,  each  charged  with  a  sallire  Gules.  [Urswick.]  11.  Sable, 
a  lion  rampant  Argent,  charged  on  the  shoulder  with  a  chess-rook  Gules. 
[Verdon.]  12.  As  the  first. 
Crest. — A  buck's  head  couped  Argent. 

Sr  Wm  Stanley  Junior  of  Stanley  &=pMargery  d.  &  heire 

Stourton  sonne 
the  elder, 

to  Sr  Wm  Stanley 

Hooton  in  Chesh. 


Sv  Wm  Stanley  of  Stanley,  Stourton  &=pMargery  or  Blanch  d.  to 
Hooton  visit  4  H.  6.  S1'  John  Arderne. 


m  Stanley  of  Hooton  Esq''  visit  10  H.  6.=p  Mary  d.  to  Sr  Jn°  Savage. 

Wm  Stanley  of  Hooton  Esqr=rAlice  d.  to  Sr  Kich.  Houghton  sister  and  heire  to 
vixit  14  H.  6.  Henry. 

1.  Margery  \Margref\  d.  &=f  Sr  Wra  Stanley  of=p2.  Agnes  3d  d.  &  coheire 

coheire  to  S1'  John  Bromley 
of  Bromley 

Hooton  vixit  5  E. 
4.     1464. 


Margrett  vxor 
of  Brinn. 


Sr  Wm  Stanle; 
of  Hooton. 

to  Sr  Rob't  Grosvenor  of 

Anne  eldest  d.  &  coheire  to 
Sr  James  Harrington. 

Wm  Stanley=j=Grace  d.  to 
of  Hooton       Sr  Will'm 


lain e  of 

Piers  Stanley=Elizab.  d.  &  heire 

of  Bickerstatf    to     James     Scars- 

in  Lancashire     bridge   of    Bicker- 

2d  sonne.  staff  &  of  Margrett 

his  wife  d.  &  heire 

to  Thos  Atherton  of 




Agnes  vxor 
Barton  of 


Wm     1.  Margrett=f=Sir  Eouland=p2.  Ursula     Edward.     MaryvxrJn°     Jane  vxr 


d.    &   heire 
to  Hugh  Al- 
dersey  of 

Stanley  of 

d.  to  S* 
Tho3  Smith. 

Griffeth  of 

Margrett  vxr  John      Mary  vxr  John  Poole 
Egerton  of  Olton.       of  Poole. 


vxr  Jn° 

Sr  Wm  Stanley  attainted.         Rowland  Stanley  2d  sonne  and  heire. 

Wm.         Richard  [Rowland]. 



g»tanltp  oi  WLtiutv. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  128.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Argent,  on  a  lend  Azure  three  bucks'  heads  cabossed  Or.  2. 
Or,  on  a  chief  indented  Azure  three  plates.  [Lathoji.]  3.  Barry  of  six  Or 
and  Azure,  a  canton  Ermine.  [Gowsell.]     4.   Gules,  a  lion  rampant  Or. 

[Fitzalan.]     5 four  bars  ....      6.  Sable,  tiro  bars  Argent,  on  a 

canton  of  the  first  a  garb  of  the  second ;  over  all  a  crescent  for  difference. 

Sr  Thomas  Stanleys 

=Jone  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  Rob't  Gowsell 

the  1  Lord  Stanley 

and  of  his  wife  Ellin  d.  to  Eich. 

controller  of  hous- 

Erie  of  Arundell  widow  to  T.  Mou- 

hold  to  K.  H.  6. 

bray  D.  of  Norff. 






Erie  of 

of  Holt 




laine  to 

K.  H.  7 



Elizab.  d.  to        John=p  Elizab.  d.  James  Margrett  vxr  Sr 

Tho.  Hopton     Stanley    &  heire  Arch-  Wm  Troutbeck. 

sister  &  heire     of  Wee-     to  Tho.  deacon  — 

to  Sr  Walter    ver  in       Weeuer  of  of  Anne  vxor  Sr 

Hopton             Com.        Weever.  Chester.  Richard  Moli- 

widow  to          Cestrise.  neux. 
John  Tiptoft 

Earle  of  Wore1'.  Katherine  vxr 

Sr  John  Savage. 

Wm  Stanley=pJane   d.    &  heire  to  Sr 
of  Tatton.        Geffrey  Massy  of  Tatton. 

Thomas  Stanle; 
of  Weeuer. 

.  .  d.  to  . . . 
of  Wheelock. 


Jane  d.  &  heire  vxr  S1'  Rich. 
Brereton  of  Tatton. 

Thomas  Stanlej 
of  Weever. 

= d. 


to  Tho8  Dam- 

Thomas  Stanley=pUrsula    sister 

of  Weever  1580. 

to    Sr    Hugh 

John  maried 
ye  d.  of 

Rafe  mar.  the 
d.  of  ffraucis 
Holland  of 



vxor  Wm 



Rafe  Stanley- 
of  Weever. 

:Margrett  d. 
to  John 
of  Nantwich. 

Elizab.  vxr  Roger 
Downes  of  Shrig- 

ffrances  vxr 
Henry  Delves 
of  Duddington. 


Thomas  astatis  4  annor'm  1580.    Rafe.     Mary. 



^tatfcp  of  J&trcttmu 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  128".] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  A.  Argent,  a  stork  close  Sable,  beaked  and  legged  Gules. 
2.  Sable,  a  leopard? s  face  Or,j'essantde  lis  Anient.  [Morley.*]  '  3.  Argent, 
a  chevron  engrailed  between  three  garbs  Sable.  [Darby.] 

Sr  John  Wrenbury  of  Wrenbury=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  John  Audlem 
in  Coin.  Cestr.  of  Audlem  in  Com.  Cestriae. 

Ranulphns  de  01ton.=pAgnes  d.  &      ....  vxor vxor 

coheire.  Massy.  Wetnall. 

Thomas  Stark 
of  Stretton. 

Jo  in  01ton=pPelecina  sister  &  heire  to  Sr  Rich.  Cradock 
of  Olton.         after  married  to  Rob't  Massy  of  Hale. 

Richard  Starky     Peter  Starky=pElenor      Tho.    Starky=pJonc  d.  &      Margaret  vxr 

of   Stretton   of    of  Olton   11 
the  Netherhall.     H.  4. 

d.  &  of  Wrenbury 

coheire.     3d  son. 

coheire  a0      Nico'   ffitton 
11  H.  4.       of  Pownall. 

Geffrey  Starke 
of  Stretton. 

.  .  d.  &  h.  to  Roger  Hugh  Starky  of  John  Starky  of  Wren- 
Worley  [Norley]  of  Olton  de  quo  in  bury  de  quo  in  suo  loco. 
AYorley  [Norley].  suo  loco. 

Richard  Starkey  of  Stretton.=f=.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Leigh  of  Westhall. 

Geffrey  Starkey  of  Stretton.=p  Jone  eld.  d.  &  coheire  to  Roger  Darby  of  Chester. 


Richard  Starkey  of  Stretton.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Byron  of  Lancashire. 

Tho.  Starky  of  Stretton.=pAnne  d.  to  Sr  John  Bowth  of  Barton. 

Richard  Starky  of  Stretton  of=p Jane  d.  to  Phillip  Leigh  of  Bouthes  after  married 
the  Netherhall  1566.  to  ...  .  Stanley  of  Bickerstaffe. 

Tho.=pTimothy  d.     Geffrey.      Hugh.  Anne  vxr  Rich.  Blun-     Elizabeth  vxor 


to  Jn°  —  dell    of     Crosby    in     Lawrence  Ire- 

Grimsdich      Richard.     Lawrence.     Lane.  land   of    Lid- 

of  Grims-  —  yard  in  Lane, 

dich.  Katherin  vxor  Rich. 

Ormeston  of  Westlegh. 

[*  Apparently  incorrectly  assumed  for  Norley. — J.  P.  K.] 

2   F 

218  THE   VISITATION   OP    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


r        i  i  i    i  i        in      ii       i  i       i  j . 

Eich.  jetatis     Geffrey.     Hugh.  Elizabeth.     Elenor.        Margret.     Kathenne. 

12  annor'in         —  —  —  —  —  — 

1580.  Peter.       Lawrence.    Anne.  Timothy.    Maud.        Mary. 

Tho3.  Christian. 

Starfeo  of  Strrtton  of  tijc  ©brrijall. 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  stork  close  Salle,  leaked  and  legged  Gules. 
2  and  3.  Argent,  a  griffin,  segreant  Salle. 

Eich.  Starky  of  Stretton.=pKatherine  d.  to  Eich.  Cliff  of  Huxley. 

George  obijt  vivo  patre.=pElizab.  d.  to  Thomas  Penketh  of  Penketh  in  Lane. 

r  i        i 

Tho.  Starky  of  Stretton  of  the=pBridget  d.  to  Eich.  Marbury       John.       Eichard. 

Overhall  1580. 

of  Walton. 

John  fetatis  16      Peter.      Jane.      Margaret.      Timothy.      Katherine.      Anne, 
an'  1580. 

i^tarfty  oi  (JPIton  civ  33arlcj>. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  129.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  133.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  stork  close  Salle,  leaked  and  memlerecl  Gules, 
in  dexter  chief  a  crescent  for  difference  of  the  last.  2.  Quarterly  Vert  and 
Gules,  a  lion  rampant  Argent.  [Olton.]  3.  Argent,  a  chevron  Salle  letween 
three  wrens  Gules.  [Wrenbury.] 

Crest. — A  stork's  head  erased  per  pale  Argent  and  Salle,  holding  in  the  leak  Gules 
a  snake  Vert. 

Peter  Starky  second  son=fJone  d.  &  coheire  to  John  Olton  &  of  Margaret 

to  Thoa  Starky. 

his  wife  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  John  Wrenbury. 

In  Inquisition  Hugh  Starky  of  01ton=^pElizabeth  sister  to  Sr 

taken  17  H.  6.  17  H.  C.  John  Done. 

John  Starky  of  01ton.=pAgnes  sister  to  Sr  John  Needham  of  Shevington. 

Hugh  Starky  obijt  8  H.  8=pMargrett  d.  to  Phillip         Margrett  vx1'        Jane, 

a°d'ni  1518. 

Egerton.  ....  Dane. 




Hee  Reedified 
the  Church  of 
Over  a0  1543. 

Hugh  Starky=Margery 
obi j t  shu'  Swan- 

prole  legitima.    wike. 

James  Starky  heire=j=Elizab.  d.    to  S1 

to  his  brother  Hugh 
obijt  1557. 

of  Mallpas. 

John  Starky=p Alice  d. 
of  Olton  to  Rafe 

Esquire  a0  Dutton 
15G6  lyving  of  Hat- 
1599.  ton. 

Hugh  married 
Martha  d.  to 
Rich.  Brooke 
of  Norton. 

Jane  vxr 
of  Word- 

Elenor  vxr    Elizabeth  vxr  Hugh 
Jn°   Ban-    Massy  of  Edgeley. 

ester  of 

Alice  vxor  .  .  •  • 
Schrimshaw  of  Ack- 
lett  in  Com.  Staf- 

Hugh  Starky  of=f  Doroty  d.  to  Jn°     Rafe  Starky     John.     Amy.     Judith  et  Jane 

Olton  setatis  33 
annor'm  1598. 

Brooke  of  Madeley    of  London, 
in  Com.  Salop. 


sine  prole. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  129b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  four,  as  Starky   of  Olton  above,   but  with  a  mullet  for 
difference  (for  the  third  son). 

Thomas  Starky  3a=pElenor  d.  &  coheire  to  John  Olton  and 

son  to  Tho.  Starky 
of  Stretton. 

of  Margaret  his  wife  d.  &  coheire  to  Sr 
J  ii"  Wrenbury. 

John  Starky  of  Wrenbury.=f  Anne  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Egerton  of  Egerton. 

Thomas  Starky  of  Wrenbury.=p  Maud  d.  to  John  Manwaring  of  Peever. 

John  Starky  of  Wrenbury.=j=Douce  d.  to  Sr  John  Warburton  of  Areley. 

Tho.    Starky=Katherin  d.  to     John.  Peter.        Margery.      Margrett  vxr 

of  Wrenbury     ....  Manwar-  —  —  Thos.  Brouue. 

1566  &  1580.     ing  of  Ightfeld.     Randoll.      Arthur. 

220  THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580. 

button  oi  Sutton, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  132.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Or,  a  lion  rampant  queue'efourche'e  Vert.  [Sutton.]  2.  Argent, 
a  chevron  between  three  buglehorns  stringed  Sable.  [Sutton.]  3.  Argent, 
a  chevron  between  three  cross-croslets  Sable.  [Sutton.]  4.  Argent,  on  a  chief 
Gules  a  mullet  pierced  Or.  5.  \_Gules,~\  in  chief  two  esquires'  helmets  [Argenf] 
and  in  base  a  garb  [Or],  a  crescent  for  difference.  [Cholmondelegh.] 
6.  Sable,  an  estoile  Or  between  two  ftanches  Ermine.  [Hubbard.] 

Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or  a  demi-lion  rampant  queue'efourche'e  Vert. 

Adam  the  son  of  Alan  de  Sutton  held  his  lands  of  Sutton  by  the  Charter  of  Hugh,  Earle  of 
Chester,  in  the  name  of  a  ffostership. 

Sr  Wm  Sutton  Master  of  Burton  Lazers.=p 

Sr  John  Sutton.^=  Sr  Kick.  Sutton. 

John  Sutton  of  Sutton.  =j=.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  of  ...  .  Cholmley. 

Rich.  Sutton=pAlice  d.  &  coheire  to  ...  .      Isabell  us.  Cicely  vxor  George 

of  Sutton.  Hubbard  of  Midds'.  .  .  .  .  Seworth.    Ashley  of  Ashley. 

Eich.  Sutton  of  Sutton  15S0.=j=Elizab.  d.  to  George  Bouth  of  Dunham. 

ffrancis  Sutton.=pElliu  d.  to  Sr  Rich.        Elizab.  uxr  John  Morton 
Molineux  of  Sefton.        of  Morton  s.p. 

Richard  tetatis  4  annor'm  1580.       Margrett.         Mary.         Anne. 

Stoettciujam,  Imlcjo  J^toctnam,  of  J^uctitaim 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  132".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  136».] 

Arms. — Argent,  on  a  bend  Vert  three  spades  of  the  field. 

Crest. — A  leopard's  head  erased  Azure,  guttee  cTOr,  collared  and  lined  Gold. 

Rich.  Swettenham  of  Swettenham.=j=Alice  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Smethwike  of  Smethwike. 


Oliver  Swetnam  of  Swetnam. =pMargery  d.  to  William  Rode  of  Maresbarow 

|  [Moresbarow']. 

Thomas  Swetnam  of  Swetnam  1566.=pElizabeth  d.  to  William  Swetnam  of  Somerford. 


Thomas.        William,        Lawrence.        Margerie.        Elenor.        Elizabeth. 

THE  VISITATION   OP   CHESHIRE,    1580.  221 

Cattnfjall,  bultjo  Catnall. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  138.] 
[No  Pedigree  or  Arms  given.] 

Catton  oi  Silitfjewtfjato* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  137b.] 

Aems. — Quarterly,  Argent  and  Crides,  in  the  first  and  fourth  a  crescent  Salle,  in 

the  second  and  third  a  crescent  of  the  first. 
Crest. — A  greyhound  sejant  Argent,  collared  and  tied  by  a  line  Qules  to  an  oak  tree 

Proper,  fructed  Or. 

Rob't  Tatton  of  Kenworth.=p Alice  d.  to  Wm  de  Withenshaw. 


"Wm  Tatton  of  Withenshaw.=j= 


Robert  Tatton  of  Withenshaw.=p 

Rob't  Tatton  of=p.  ...  d.  to  Robert  Hyde      John.       Thomas. 


of  Norbury. 

Wm  Tatton  of  Withenshaw.=f= 
___ I 

Nicholas  Tatton  of  Withenshaw.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Massy  of  Coddington. 

AY"1  Tatton  s.p.     Robert    John  Tatton=fMargrett  d.  to  Rafe  Dam-    Bartholomew 

married  y°  da.  second     3d  sonne. 

of  ...  .    Dam-  son  a 

port  of  Broni-  Preist. 


port  of   Chester   younger     4th  son. 
brother    to    Damport    of 

Rob't  Tatton  of=f  Doroty  d.  to  George     Margrett  vxor     Elizabeth  vxor ....  Brad- 
Witheushaw  Boothe  of  Dunham.     William  ffitton.    borne   and   after  to  Tho3 

Ashton  of  Shcpley. 


II  M  II 

\Vm  Tatton  of  Withen-=f=Mary  eldest  d.  to     John.        Edward.      Elizabeth. 

shaw  Esqr  1580. 

Sr  Edward  ffitton.  — 

Robert.      Nicholas.     Doroty. 
Robert  Tatton. 



Ciltitstott,  alias  Citeton,  oi  Citetmt  & 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  136.] 

Arms. — Azure,  a  bend  cotiscd  between  two  garbs,  all  Or. 
Crest. — Out  of  a  mural  crown  Gules  a  bear's  head  Argent. 

John  Tilston  of  Tilston.=F 

Robert  Tilston.= 

Roger  Tilston.: 

Thomas  Tilston.= 



Hugh  Tilston.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Hulgreve  Richard  Tilston.=p.  ...  d.  to 

of  Hulgreve  hall. 


John  Tilston  Rich.  Tilston  of  Huxley.=j=Ellin  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Bird  of  Huxley. 

base  son. 


I  I 

Johu  Tilston  1.  Ellin  d.  to  Robert  Al-=pPeter  Tilston=p2.  Jane  d.  to  Rob't 

of  Chester. 

dersey  of  Aldersey. 

of  Huxley. 

Massy  of  Edge. 

RafeTilston=Katherine  d.  to     Richard.     Robert.         Peter.     Thomas.     Paule. 
of  Huxley        Ralfe  Bostock  — 

1580.  of  Huxley.  Hugh. 

Thomas  Tilston. : 

Richard  Tilston.=p 

Roger  Tilston.= 

Rafe  Tilston  of 



Rafe  Tilston  of  Newport' 
in  Com.  Salop. 

Thomas.     Tristram.     Rafe  Tilston 
—  of  Goldeston. 



THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  223 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  lS5b.] 

Arms. —  Quarterly — 1.  Azure,  three  fronts  fretted  in  triangle  Atgent.    2.  Argent,  a 

fleur-de-lis  Sails  between  three  Moors'  heath  sidefaced,  couped, proper.  [Trout- 
beck,  ancient.]  3.  Argent,  three  piles  in  point  Sable.  [Hulse.]  4.  Argent, 
two  chevrons  Gules,  on  a  canton  of  the  second  a  cross-croslel  fi/chee  Or. 


1.  Crest. — A  Moor  proper,  wreathed  round  the  loins  and  temples  ....  holding  in  the 

dexter  hand  an  arrow  Or,  barbed  and  flighted  Argent,  and  in  the  sinister  a 

round  shield  or  target  Hold. 

2.  Crest. — A  Moor's  head  in  profile  proper  on  a  wreath  of  four  trout  Argent. 

Sr  Hugh  Hulse.=f  Margery  d.  &  heire  to  Jn° 
Domvile  of  Modberley. 

....  Troutbeck  of  Stony  Donham=j=  Thomas  Hulse.=p 

alias  Donhani  on  the  hill. 

John  Troutbeck  an0  7  H.  G.=p  Margery  d.  &  heire  of  ...  .  Hulse. 

gr  "ftrm  Troutbeck  of  Prynes=pMargret  d.  to  Thomas  Lord=Sr  John  Butler 

Castle  in  Werrall.     Slaine 
at  Bloreheath. 

Stanley  after  married  to  the     second  husband. 
Lord  Gray  of  Codnor. 

Sr  Wm  Troutbeck     Adam  Troutbeck=p        Thorn9.     JonevxrSrWm     Elizab.  vxr 

g.p.  3  E.  4.  second  sonne. 

Boteler  and  after  Sr  Alexander 
to  Wm  Griffith.      Houghton. 

Margrett  vxr  Sr  John  Talbott  of  Grafton. 

Codjctt  oi  0tti)tt  Wliritlc^ 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  130b.] 

Alured  de  Combr'  was  ye  lord  of  Whitligh  after  y°  conquest  by  the  gift  of  Randoll  Earle  of 

Tho.  Tochett  of  Tattenhall  gave  the  Mannor  of  Buglawtou  in  ffee  taile  to  Rob't  his  son  &  to 
y"  heires  males  of  him  &  his  wife  Agnes  begotten. 

Sr  Rob't  Tochett  had  the  Mannor  of  Nether  Whitligh  in  the  time  of  Henry  Duke  of  Lancaster 
by  ye  3  part  of  a  Knight's  ffee  And  giving  to  y°  Lord  for  a  releif  when  it  shall  happen  xxsiij8  iiijd. 

Robert  Tochett  boldeth  of  ye  King  in  Capite  yc  Manor  of  Legh  Combray  in  Com.  Salop  as 
by  office  appeareth.    Tempore  Hen.  3. 

Thomas  Tochett  holdeth  of  the  King  in  Capite  the  Mannor  of  Aswell  in  Com.  Rutland  as 
of  the  honor  of  Chester  by  ye  3d  part  of  a  Knight's  ffee. 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

The  same  Thomas  holdeth  the  Mannor  of  Legh  Combray  in  Com.  Salop  of  the  King  in  cheife 
by  S'geantry  (viz.)  by  finding  of  a  horse  and  man  40  dayes  of  his  owne  proper  charges  to  the 
castle  of  Mountgonierie  whensoever  there  shall  be  warres  in  Wales. 

Drawing  of  arms  :  Ermine,  a  chevron  Gules. 

Simon  Tuchett  ancestor  of  Thomas  whose  wife  was  Parnell  as  by  a  deed  of  Hugh  Keveliock 
Earle  of  Chester  appeareth  And  one  Henry  was  then  living  as  by  a  deed  sans  date. 

John  de  Lacy  Constable  of  Chester  gave  unto  Thomas  Tochett  all  the  towne  of  Whitligh  by 
a  deed  sans  date. 

It  likewise  appeareth  by  certaine  evidences  that  one  Eob'  Tochett  was  L.  &  Baron  of  Leven- 
halls  in  ye  Parliament  holden  att  London  28  E.  1. 

Sir  John  Tochett  Kn'  enfeoffed  Thomas  Touchett  parson  of  Mackworth  of  the  Mannor  of 
Sapton  That  the  said  Thomas  after  the  death  of  the  said  John  should  enfeoffee  the  heire  of  the 
same  John  living  to  his  full  age  and  if  bee  had  no  heires  of  bis  body  coming  to  his  full  age  Then 
feoffed  hee  John  brother  to  the  aforesaid  Tho.  of  the  said  Mannor,  upon  condition  that  the  said 
John  brother  to  the  aforesaid  Thos  should  beare  the  name  and  armes  of  the  said  Sr  John  Touchet 
Knight  &  that  John  died  the  19  of  December  past  &  James  is  his  son  &  next  heire  of  the  age  of 
10  yeares.     Inquisitio  coram  Joh'e  Fray  An°  10  H.  4.     Jure  London  recordat. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal :  A  chevron  on  a  field  Ermine. 

Sr  Tho9  Tochett  lord  of  Whitley,  Buglawton,  &  Tattenhall 
in  Com.  Cestrias  t'pe  K.  E.  1. 

1.  Jone.= 

-Sr  Rob'  Tochett  L.  of  Whitley,  Buglawton,=f=2.  Agnes.       Richard, 
Tattenhall,  &  of  Aswell  in  Rutlandshire,  and  Preacher  of 

of  Leigh  Combry  in  Com.  Salop  10  Ed.  2.  Middlewich. 

Rob't  Tochett  L. 
Whitlegh  &  Bug- 

of=pMaud  d.  to  Rich.  Bromhall 
after  married  to  Sr  John 

Thomas  Tochett  of  [whom] 
ye  L.  Audley  cometh. 

Thomas  Tochett  was: 
in  the  custody  of 
Thomas  Doriugton 
29  E.  3. 

:Elenor  within  age 
of  consent  was  after 
divorced  1384. 


John  Tochett  of  Nether  Whitley  .= 

S1'  John  Tochett  sued  for  the  Mannor 
of  Buglawton  against  Thomas  son  of 
Robert  Tochett  29  E.  3. 

John  Tochett.=p 

Thomas  Tochett=pMaud  d.  to  John  Daniers     Sr  John  Tochett     John  son  of  Rich. 

22  H.  6. 

of  Daresbury  22  H.  6. 

John  Tochett  of=f  Elizab.  d.  to  Godfrey 

Whitley  Tochett 
19  E.  4. 

Storky  of  Moldworth 
1  R.  2. 

who  compounded 
with  Thomas  To- 
chett of  Whitlegh 
for  the  Mannor 
of  BitKlawton. 

Tochett  of  Mack- 
worth  &  Tho3  To- 
chett parson  of 
Mackworth,  both 
living  21  R.  2. 

Thomas  Tochett  ol  Nether=pMargarct  d.  to  Adam  Beckett 
Whetley  25  H.  8.  of  Croton  18  H.  7. 

Thomas  Tochett  of  Whitle 
28  H.  8. 

Bridgett  d.  to  Tho3  Grimsdich 
of  Nether  Whitly. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1 580. 


Thos  Tochett  of=j=Katherine  d.  to    John.     Margretfc  uxor        Jane  vxr  Nico' 

Nether  Whitlv 

Raf'e  Worsley  of  ffrancis  Tunstall     Colwen  &  after 

Chester  gen'*.  of  Aldcliff  in  John  Wooduett. 

Com.  Lane. 

Rob't  Tochett  of  Nether  Whitley  1580. 

Cnwsell,  iLorti  of  SBarmtndjam. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  137.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  141.] 

Arms. — Argent,  fretty  Gules,  on  each  joint  a  bezant. 

Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or  an  unicorn  s  head  proper,  armed  of  the  first, 

Richard  Trussell  of  Mershton.=j= 

William  ^pRose  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  Wm  Pantolfe        Edmund  died 
Trussell.     Lord  of  Cabulstou  and  Hales.  in  Ireland. 

gr  yrfm  Trussell  —Maud  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  "Warren  Manwaring  L  :  of 
Warmincham  in  Cheshire  which  Maud  after 
maried  to  Sr  Oliver  ye  Burdeaux. 

Lord  of  War- 

1 d.  to  Sr  W'»=pSr  John  Trussell-p2 d.  to  Sr  John         Sr  W 

Butler  of  Wem  died 
in  childbed. 

L:  of  Warmin-        Strange  [Savage], 

g,-  yjm  Trussell=f.  .  .  .  d.  to  Hugh 
L  :  of  War-  Venables  of 

mincham.  :  Kinderton. 

John  &  ffoulk 
died  young. 


of  War- 




Sr  ffoulke 


Katherine  vxor  Amery  Trussell. 

Elizabeth  vxr  Sr  Baldwin  ffrevill. 

Sr  Warren  Trnssell=f= d.  to  \_Sr]  Jn° 

of  Cobleston. 

de  Phillibert, 

Mauld  mar.  to 

....  Cocksey. 

2  G 



Lawrence=pMaud  d.  &  heire        Wm. 


to  ...  .  Charnell 
of  Elinsthorp. 

Maud  vxr 

Elizab.  vxor 





Ha?  tang 



28  E.  3. 



gr  -\ym  Trussell  of  Elmesthorpe  in  Com.=pMargery  d.  to 
Lecester  Lord  of  Warmincham.  Sr  Jn°  Ludlow. 

Sr  Thomas  Trussed 
of  Elmesthorpe. 

....  vxor Wodhull         ....  vxr  ....  Whitney 

de  Com.  Bedford.  de  Com.  Hartford. 

Sr  Wm  Trussell  L  :  of  Warmincham/ 

John  de  Vere  Erle=pElizab.  sister  &  heire         Sr  Edward  Trussell 

of  Oxen  ford. 

to  Sr  Edw.  Trussell.  Knt.  baronett  {sic)  s.p 

John  de  Vere  the  16th  Earle=pMargrett  sister  to 

of  Oxen  ford. 

Sr  Edward  Goldine. 

Edward  now  Earle  of  Oxenford  who  sold  Warmincham  and  other 
lands  in  Cheshire  to  S1'  X'pofer  Hatton  L  :  Chancellor. 

^enables  of  ftntrolnis, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  141b.] 
Arms. — Azure,  two  bars  Argent,  in  chief  two  mullets  pierced  of  the  second. 
Sr  Rich.  Venables  of  Bollyn.=r 

g,-  y?m  Venables  of  Bollin=FJane  d.  to 

Jenkine=F.  .  .  .  widow  to 

was  drowned  in  Ringay 

J n°  Massy        Venables. 
of  Tatton. 

.  .  .  .  Starky 
of  Stretton. 


Dowce  maried  to  Sr  Rob'         Alice  married  to        Thomas  Venables  who: 
Booth  of  Dunham.  Sr  Edmd  Traiford.       purchased  Antrobus. 

Robert  Venables  of  Autrobus.=p 



Peter  Venables  of  Antrobus.=p 

Robert  Venables  of  Antrobus.: 

Thomas  Venables  of  Antrobus.=pMargrett  d.  to  Thoin.  Claiton  of  Thelwall. 

Peter  Venables 
eldest  son  dis- 
inherited and  heire  1580. 
yet  liveing  1580. 

Rob't  Venables=j=Elenor  d.  to  Rob't 
2d  son  and  Manwaxing  of 

Marton  a  younger 

(sic)  of  Peever. 

Emme  Margrett 

vxtir  vxor 

Rich.  Rafe 

Woodfen.  Manwaring. 

Elizabeth  2  yeares  old  1580. 

^enables,  Baton  <rf  i&mtmtmt* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  141.] 

Arms.— Quarterly—  1  and  6.  Azure,  two  bars  Argent,  2.  Argent,  a  cross  flory 
between  four  martlets  Gules.  [Golborxe.]  3.  Vert,  a  unjvem  Argent.  4. 
Argent,  three  piles  in  point  wavy  Sable.  5.  Azure,  an  eagle  displayed  Argent. 

Crest. — A  wyvern,  with  wings  endorsed  Argent,  devouring  a  child  proper. 

Gilbert  de  Venables  dedit  Deo  &  S'otsa  Werburgas  Eccl'iam  de  Estbury  cum  medietate  Boschi 
et  plani  omnia  p'tinen'  at  Newbold. 

Drawing  of  arms,  etc.,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  15. 

Gilbert  de  Venables  vixit  20  Wm  Conq. 



Sr  W"  Venables  who  called  Gilbert  "  proavus  suus." 

Hamon  de  Venables.       Wra  Venables  to  whome  his  father       Hugh  Venables. 

I  gave  Winington  &  Radnor. 



THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Roger  1.  Sr  Phillip=Lettice  married  to  her  2d  husband  Sr  Rich.=3.  Robert 

Venables.       Bamvile  1         Wilbram.  Croft  3 

husband.  Arms. — Az.,  2  bars  Art;,  on  a  canton  Sa.     husband. 

a  wolfs  head  erased  of  the  2nd. 

gr  Wm  Venables  An'o  35  H.  3.: 


S1'  Hun-h  Venables^Asjatha  d.  to  Rafe  Vernon 

Baron  of  Kinder- 

of  Shepbroke. 

Will'm  Venables  of  Bradwall.=j= 
Arms. — Az.,  2  bars  Arg.,  in 
chief  2  plates.    [3  plates  in 
Harl.  1505.] 

Wm  Venables  of  Bradwall. 

Jane  vx1'  Thorn.  Berington. 


Elene  vxr  Rob't  de  Kniperley. 

Sr  Richard  Venables  of  Bollin.=FJane  d.  &  heire  to  Hamon  ffitton  of  Bollin. 

Sr  Wm  Venables  of  Bollin.= 
Arms. — Az.,  2  bars  An/.,  in 
chief  2  mullets  of  the  2nd. 

.  d.  to  John       Jenkin  Venables  of  Antrobus. 

Massy  of  Tatton. 

Vide  Venables  de  Antrobus. 

Dowce  vxr  Rob't  Booth. 


Alice  vxr  Edm'd  Trafford. 

William       Elizab.  d.  to  S1'  Wra=pSr  Hugh  Venables  of=p2.  Katherine  d.  to  Rich. 
s.p.  Modberley.  Kinderton.  Houghton. 

Wm  died=pMaud 
before         d.  to 
bis  Rich, 

father.        Vernon. 





Sr  Hugh=j=Margery 


d.  to 


d.  to 



of  Kin- 


of  Gol- 





very  old 

3  R.  2. 

41  E.  3. 

d.  & 

heire  to 

.Mmild  and  Katherine     William  Sr   Rich.- 
obijt  s.p.                         diedbefore  Venables 
bis  grand-  of  Kin- 
father,  derton. 

Jsabel  d.     Ellin 
to    Raw-    vxor 
lin  Lang' 

Emilia  vxr 
Wm  Brereton. 
Thos  — 

Erdes-    Isabell  vxr 
wicke.     David  Eger- 
ton sonne  to 

Sr  Hugh  Venables  Baron=i=Parnell  d.  to  S1' 

of  Kinderton. 

Piers  Dutton. 

THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,    1580.  229 

^J * 

Elizab.  vxor  Sr  Adam         Jone  vxr  Richard  Cotton  of        Sr  Richard  Venables  of 
Bostock.  Ridware.  Kinderton. 

Rich.  Cotton  of=f  Jane  d.  to  Sr  Wm        Sr  Hugh  Venables  of  Kinderton  slaine  at 
Riduare.  I  Brereton.  Bloreheath  1459  s.p. 

Maud  vxr  Sr  Anthony      Elenor  vxr  Katherine    vxr  Isabell  vxor  John 

ffitzherbert.  Sr  William  Rich.  Gravenor  Bradborne  of 

^  Venables.  of  Eaton.  Hogh. 

4s  'T-  'T- 

Tho.  Venables.: 

Wm  Venables  of  Golborne.=p 

Sr  Thomas  Venables.=pCiceley  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Stanley  of  Weever. 

gr    ^Tm    Venables=rElenor  d.  &  coheire       Katherin  vxr  John       Isabell  maried  to 
to  Rich.  Cotton  of      Massy  of  Poting-      Geifery  Shaker- 
Ridware.  ton.  4-  *ev-         4* 

of  Kinderton  obijt 
in  July  1544. 

Sr  Tho.  Venables  obijt=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Needham         John  Venables  of  Cotton 
in  July  1580. 

of  Shevington.  nere  Chester. 

Tho5  Venables  of  Kinderton  1599=pErizab.  d.  to  Sr  Wm  Brereton  of  Brereton. 

Elizab.  vxr  Sr  Tho.  Venables.         Mary  vxr  .  .  .  .  Mainwaring. 

tenable*  oi  Norton  an*  S^artfoiU 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  ami  4.  Azure,  two  oars  Argent,  in  chief  two  mullets  of  the 

second.     2  and  3.  Vert,  a  chevron  between  three  mullets  Or.  [Pudsey  ?] 
Crest. — A  dragon  Gules,  issuing  from  a  whelk-shell  lying  fesseways  Argent. 

gr  \ym  Venables  of  Kinderton.=p 

Hugh  Venables  of  Kinderton.=pAgatha  d.  to  Rafe  Vernon  of  Shipbroke. 

a  I 

230                           THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Wm  s.  prole.     Hugh  Venables.     Sr  Kich.  Venables    Thomas  Venables  of  Horton= 

of  Bollin.  and  Hartford. 

William  Venables.=p 

Hugh  Venables  of  Horton  &c.=p 

Thos  Venables  of  Horton  &  Hartford.= 

r  iii 

Hugh  Venables  of  Horton=pJane  d.  to  Nico'  Page       Peter.       Rafe.       Roger. 
&  Hartford.  of  Stathom. 

John  Venables  of  Horton  and=pMathew  d.  to  Mathew  Ligh  of 



Rich.  Venables  of  Horton  &  Hartford=f=Elizab.  d.  to  Wm  Massy        Thomas. 

1566  &  1580. 

of  Potington. 

I  I  I 

William.         John.         Isabell. 



[Had.  1424,  fo.  138".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  142".] 
Ricardus  de  Vernon. 

Hugo  de  Vernon       Warrinus  de=p.  .  .  .  f.  &  hseres  Reginaldi  Bulgiolle  d'ni  de 

obijt  p.p.  Vernon. 

Hulgreue  et  Erdeswicke  in  Com.  Pal.  Cestriee. 

Ricard5  de  Vernon=p  Mathe*  cui  mater  eius  dedit  Holgreve  et  Erdeswike: 

Anno  21  H.  1. 

An'o  21  H.  1. 

Matheus  de  Houlgreve.=f= 

Matheus  de  Houlgreve.=pMabilla  de  Bunburv. 



Mathe"  de  Hnlgreve  duxit  Aliciam 
f.  Henriei  de  Vernon. 

Matheus  Houlgreve. 

Richard3  cui  pater  dedit 

Thomas  de  Erdeswik. 

Matheus  de  Houlgreve  Cleric'  \_Ecelie]  dn'i  Monhalt. 

Warin"  de  Vernon=j=Auda   filia   &   hseres       Radulphus.       Ricardus.       Robertus. 
Baro  de  Shibroc.       Will'mi  de  Malbank. 

Warin"  de  Vernon   Baro  de=pMargeria  f.  et  haeres     Radulfus  Rector    Mathe8  cui 


R.  A.  (sic). 

Ecclise  de  .  .  .  .      mater  eis 
terra?  de 

Warinus     Margeria  nupta     Ada  vxor  Will'mi     Roisia  vxor  Bnckiln. 

Ric'o  Wilbra-       Stafford.  Joh'is  de 

ham.  Litlebury. 


1.  Maria  filia  D'ni=pRadulphus  de  Vernon  senior  qui-,- 2.  Matildis  Grosvenor 
Dacres.  vixit  150  anuos.  5  Concubina. 

r  I  I 

Radulphus=r.  .  .  .  filia     Ricardus  Eccliaj     Tho. 


Vernon  de 

.  ...    St.     de  Stockport         Vernon       Vernon. 
Petri.  Rector.  de  Los- 


S    5    ? 


Rad'us  Vernon  de= 

Radulphus  de  Vernon^ 

Ricardus  de  Vernon- 

Rads  Vernon. = Agnes  filia  Ricardi  Damory    Agues  vxor  W.     Ricardus  de  Vernon= 
Justic'  Cestme.  Atherton.  miles. 

.  .  vxor  Hamon  le  Strange  (sic).  Johanna  vxor  Rob'ti  de  Foulshurst. 



Benton,  Baron  of  ^Intirtroc,  bttlcjo  ^!)ipbroke* 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  139.] 
Arms. — Or,  a  f esse  Azure. 
"Warren  Vernon  Baron  of  Shipbroke.: 


Rich.  Vernon  de  Osebroke.= 

Rafe.        William.        Robert. 


Warren  de  Vernon— Auda  d.  &  heire  to=p.  .  .  .  Altarip8  vnlgo  Hawtrey 

second  husband.        Wm  Maulbank. 

1  husband. 

Hugo  de  Altaripus. 

Warren  de=pMarian  after  maried 

Vernon  of 

to  John  Litlebury. 
She  was  maried  34 
H.  3  as  by  a  deed 

Mathew  de  Vernon  vnto  whome 
his  mother  gave  the  land  of  Brick- 
hull  which  did  discend  by  Inherit- 
ance by  a  deed  of  the  Lord 
Bassett  &  Lady  Phillippa  Mal- 
banke  his  wife. 

Rafe  de 
of  the 

Warren  de  Vernon  s.p. 
Arms. — Or,  a  /esse 

Mary  vxr  Sr 
Rich.  Wil- 

Rose  vxor  Auda  vxor  Wm  Stafford  & 
John  Lit-  after  to  Wm  Tromwin  46 
tlebury.  H.  3. 

Margery  vxr  Rob.  Winington. 
Rich.  Winington  of  Leftwich. 


1.  Mary  d.  to=pSr  Raulfe  de  Vernon  ye  old  called  Vernon  of^Maud  the  Grosvenor 

ye  Lord 

the  Brand  or  Brent  who  lived  15  [150]  yeares 
19  E.  2. 
Arms. — Or,  on  a /esse  Az.  3  garbs  of  the  field. 

Sr  Rafe  Vernon 
of  Hanwell 
maried  Mar- 

Rich,  parson 
of  Stockport. 

Tho.  Vernon  of 
Lostock  maried 
the  d.  &  heire 
of  Haslington. 



widdow  to  John 
Hatton  his  para- 

Rob't.     Maud. 

Rawlin  Rich.  Ver- 

Vernon  non  of 

of  Mot-  Haslington. 


Sr  Ralfe  Vernon  who  was 
heire  to  young  Sr  Ralfe 
obijt  s.  issue  male. 

Arms. — Or,  a  betid 

Sr  Rich.  Vernon=pIsabel  d.  & 

heire  to  his 
brother  Sr  Ralfe 

heire  to 



THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 


A|_  I 

Sr  Rafe  Vernon=Agnes  d.  to  Sr 
of  Mottrani  Rich.  Darnory 

died  without         Justice  of 
heire  male.  Chester. 


A»nos  vxr 
gt  W" 


Sr  Rich. 

Sr  Ralfe=f  Mary  d.  to 


S'Tho.  Butler 
of  Bewsy. 

Jone  a0  10  Hen.  5  vxr 
Rob't  ffoulshurst. 

Rafe  Vernon=pElizab.  d.  to  . 

of  Shipbroke. 

Norris  of  Speake. 

Doroty  vxr  Jn°  Savage  Knight. 

Vernon  oi  JHjtpbvofte. 

[Had.  1424,  fo.  13U".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  113''.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Or,  on  a  fess  Azure  three  garbs  of  the  field,     2  and  B. 

Quarterly  Or  and  Gules,  a  bendlet  Sable.  [Malbank.] 
Vernon  ok  Haddon. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  freltij  Sable,  a  canton  .  .  .  . 

2  and  3.  Argent,  six  annulets,  3,  2,  and  1,  Gules.  [Avenell.] 

Warren  le  Vernon  Baron  of  Shipbroke  by  the 
guift  of  Hugh  Lupus  Earle  of  Chester. 

Ralfe  Vernon  of  Shipbroke. 

S1'  Richard  de  Vernon. 

S1  Rafe  Vernon. 

2.  Mabell  d.  &  heire  of  Sr  John  Henbnry=j=Sr  Warrennplsabell  d.  &  heire  to  W"  of 

widow  to  Sr  Ric.  Thornborow  of  Thorn-     deVernon. 
borow  after  married  to  Sr  Thomas  Lang- 
ton  of  Walt i in. 

Westley  Lord  of  Carthorpe. 
Arms. — Or, abend  Azure. 

Sr  Richard=FEllin  d.  to  Sc  Kale  Kickland  of  Kicklaiul         Warren  Vernon=f 


[Kirkland  of  KirkUtnd]. 


Sr   Warren   Vernon=pCiceley  d.  to  the      Ric.  de  Vernon.^ 
Baron  of  Shipbroke.     Lord  of  Crew. 

Isabell  d. 
&  heire. 

Sr  Richard=j=Avice  da.  &  heire  to  Avenell        Will'm  =pMargrett  d.  to  Sr  Thomas 


of  Haddon  son  to  Jn° 
Mapresall  of  Haddon. 



2  H 




Rich.  Vernon  of  Norton  mar. 
Margery  d.  to  Robert  Basing. 

Wm.         Rafe. 



Wm  Vernon  of  Haddon.=pEllin  d.  &  heire. 

S1'  Rich.  Vernon  of  Haddon  mar.  Mauld  d.  &  coheire  to  Sr  Wm  Camville. 

Sr  Ric.  Vernon  of  Harleston. 

Jn°  Hatton=f  Maud  d.  to  Jn°=f=Sr  Ralfe  Vernon  the  old  of  Ship-=p2.  Mary  d.  to  the 

1  husband. 

de  Ereby. 

broke  lived  150  yeares. 



L :  Dacres. 

Maud=p Sr  Ralfe 




Rose  vxor 

Avice  vxor 

Sr  Tho. 

Sr  Rich 

d.  & 




H.  Venables 




of  Han- 

Jenkin  de 



of  Los- 

of  Ship 






Rawlin  Vernon. 

Sr  Rafe  Vernon 
of  Mottram. 

Sr  Ralfe  died  sans 
issue  male. 





sham  of 


of  Has- 

John  Vernon. 

Rafe  Vernon 
of  Redmore. 



Jane  vxor 
Tho.  Eger- 
ton  of 



Sr  Richard  Vernon  of  Shipbroke=pElizabeth 

slaine  at  Shrewsbury. 


Rafe.     Richard.     Jane  vxor 


Sr  Rich.  Vernon=pIsabell  d.  &  heire  to  Piers 
died  in  France.      Mai  bank  Baron  of  Nantwich. 

Sr  Rich.=pEllin  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Warren         Sr  Ralfe=pMary  d.  to  Sr  Tho.         Henry  de 


of  Pointon. 


Butler  of  Bewsy. 


Jone  married  to         Ralfe  Vernon=FEllin  d.  to  John  Norris 

Rob't  Foulshurst.      of  Shipbroke. 

of  Speake. 

Doroty  vxor  Sr  Jn°  Savage.  Richard  a  Preist. 



^trnoit  oi  $)aslincjtcin< 

[Hail.  1424,  fo.  140.      Harl.  1505,  fo.  144.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1    and  4.     Or,   on  a  /esse  Azure    three  garbs  of  the  field. 

[Vernon.]   2  and  3.  Argent,  a  fret  Sable.  [Vernon.] 
Crest. — A  demi  woman  habited  Azure,  hair  dishevelled  Or,  holding  in  the  arms  a 

garb  of  the  last, 

Sr  Ralfe  Veruon  of  Shepbroke=pMary  d.  to  the 
the  old  lived  150  yeares.  Lord  Dacres. 

Sr  Rich.  Vernon         Sr  Ralfe  Vernon         Sr  Thos  Vemon=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  of  ...  . 

of  Shipbroke. 

of  Hanwell. 

of  Lostock. 

Haslington  vt  opinor. 

Rich.  Vernon  of=i=Avice  d.  to  John  Vernon        Margrett        Jane  vxr  Thomas 


Thos  Ligh 
of  Bradley. 

of  Redmore. 


Egerton  of  Bar- 

Richard  Ver-=pMargrett  d.     John.         Rafe  Vernon  of  Redmore. 

non  of  Has- 

to  Sr  Rich.       — 
Molineux.        Rafe. 

James  Vernon=p.  ...  d.  to  Thomas        Richard.       Thomas.       Rafe.       William. 

of  Haslington. 


Richard  Vernon  of  Haslington.=p  Jane  d.  of  Rich.  Tarbock. 

John  Vernon  of  Haslington.= 

Ralfe  Vernon  of=f  Jane  d.  to  Sr  Robt.  fFoulhurst       Margery  vxor       Isabell  vxor 




Thos  Beeston.      Jn°  Houghton. 

Richard  Vernon  of  Haslington  .^=Margaretfc  d.  to  Lawrence  Ropp  of  Stappeley. 

i      i      j      i  i     m     i       r      \ 

Wm.     Rafe=plsabell    Rob't.    John,      Mar-      Margery      Doroty. 

Law-     John 
rence     died 
s.p.        young. 



:Isabell    Rob't.    John,  Mar-  Margery 

d.  to  Henry  grett  vxr  Ran- 

Thos  &  vx.  oW/Shaw 

Lever-  Tho.  Jn°  of  Has- 

sedg  of  s.p.  Yard-  lington. 

Whee-  ley. 




Rob't  Vernon=pCiceley  d.  to        Rafe. 

of  Hasling- 
ton  1566. 

Rob't  ffouls- 
hurst  of  Crew. 


Jane  vxr  Rob't  Mabon 
of  the  Wast  in  Com. 

Anne  vxr  Thoa 

Tho.  Vernon=pDorothy  d.  to  Wm       Rob't=Anne  widow     Henry     Elizab.  vxor 
of  Hasling-       Egerton  of  Wrine-      Ver-       to  ...  .  3d  Rob't  Cor- 

ton  1580.  hill.  non       Williamson. 



Rob't  Cor- 
bett  of 

George  ye 

Ciceley  vx.  Nidi. 
Browne  de  3fersh 
in  Com.  Derb.  ar. 

Anne  vxor 

Smith  de 

Com.  Salop. 


.  .  .  .  vxr  Jesper 
Worth  of  Tider- 






Sealtljali  of  iJtanttoidj. 

[Hail.  1124,  fo.  152".     Harl.  1505,  fo.  156.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.    Or,  a  chevron  Vert  between  three  hawks  close  Sable. 

2.  Gules,  a  chevron  between  three  birds'  heads  erased  Argent,  for  Marchomley. 

3.  Azure,  a  lion  rampant  Argent  within  a  bordure  engrailed  Or,  a  crescent 
for  difference,  for  Crew. 

Crest. — An  arm  embowed,  vested  Gules,  gloved  Argent,  the  hand  clenched,  thereon 
a  falcon  close  proper. 

Thomas  Walthall=j=Alice  d.  &  heire  to  John  Marchomley  of  Marchomley. 
of  Nantwich.  Arms. — Gu.,  a  chev.  betw.  3  birds'  heads  erased  Arg. 

Gilbert  Walthall=j=Jane  d.  &  heire  to  Randoll  Crew  of  Nantwich. 

of  Nantwich. 

Arms. — Azure,  a  lion  ramp.  Arg.  within  a 
bord.  engr.  Or,  a  crescent  for  diff. 

Roger    Walthall    of=f=Margrctt  d.  to  Thomas  Masterson 
Nantwich  An0  1566.     of  Nantwich. 


Thomas        Richard.      Gilbert.      John.      Elizabeth  vx1'  John      Elenor.     Jane. 
Walthall.  Woodnett  of  Shem- 






THE   VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  237 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  154.] 
A — Argent,  three  bucks  statant  Gules. 

William  Waskett.=F 

William  Washett  was  a  tester  to  Hugh  5  Earle  of  Chester. : 

Henry.=p  Thomas. 

William  Washett  of  Copnall  in  Com.  Cestr. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  144».     Harl.  1505,  fo.  148".] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Quarterly  Argent  and  Gules,  in  the  second  and  third  a  fret 
Or,  a  crescent  for  difference.  [Ddtton.]  2.  Argent,  a  chevron  between  three 
cormorants  Sable.  [Wakbueton.]  3.  Argent,  two  chevrons  Sable,  on  a  canton 
Gules  a  mullet  Or.  [  Wyhburton.]  4.  Argent,  an  orle  within  eight  martlets  in 
orle  Sable.  [Winnington.]  5.  Sable,  a  cross  patonce  Argent.  [Pulfokd.] 
G.  Azure,  a  garb  Or,  between  tivo  bezants  in  fess.  [Grosvenor.] 

Crest. — A  man's  head  affronte,  couped  at  the  shoulders  Sable,  bearded  Or,  wreathed 
about  the  temples  Or  and  Gules,  issuing  therefrom  three  ostrich  feathers  of  the 

A  Charter  of  Geffrey  sonne  to  S'  Geffrey  Warbiirton  Knight  did  confirme  to  Geffrey  his  sonne 
the  Mosse  Sutton.  [Apparently  sealed  with  the  arms  :  Argent,  two  chcvronels  Gules,  on  a  canton 
of  the  second  a  mullet  Or.] 

Drawing  of  arms,  etc.,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  10. 
In  some  places  the  head  is  without  wreath  or  beard. 

Adam  de  Button  brother  to=pAlice  d.  to  John  Lacy 

Sr  Hugh  vixit  33  H.  2. 

Constable  of  Chester. 

Sr  Geffery  de  Button.=f= Agnes*  d.  &  heire  to  Roger  ffiz  Alured. 


*  This  Agnes  had  the  one  halfe  of  the  manor  of  Warbiirton  given  her  in  ffrank  marriage  and 
Julm.  Constable  of  Chester,  being  Cheife  Lord  did  confirme  it.  The  other  halfe  the  Prior  of  St. 
Johns  of  Jerusalem  did  give  vnto  him  A"  1 1S7.  :;:i  H.  2. 




Geffrey  vixit  aii'o  1271. 


Tho.  Dutton  of  Thelwall. 

Geffrey  Dutton  L  :*  of  Chedle  20  E.  1  mar. 
the  d.  &  heire  of  Warburton  vt  quidem. 

filia  vxor  Claiton. 

Sr  Piers  Dutton  an'o  1  E.  2  sometimes  called=p 
"Warburton  or  D'n's  de  Warburton. 

Sr  Geffery  Warburton  Sherriffe=pMargrett.  Peter  2d        Hugh  of  whom  John 

of  the  Shyre  a0  1  E.  3. 

Arms  :  .  .  .  2  chev. .  .  .  &  on 
a  canton  ....  a  mullet. 

son  16  Werberton  of  mint  is 

E.  2.  discended. 

Sr  Geffrey  Warburton  visit  a0  44  E.  3.=f  Ellin. 


Geffrey  Warburton  vixit  5  R.  2.=pNicola  d.  to  Sr  Jn°  Daniers  33  E.  3. 

John  "Warburton  died  7  R.  2.=FAgnes. 

Peter  Warburton  died  a0  13  H.  4.= 

Wm  sonne  to  Sr  Geffery  Warburton 
&  Ciceley  his  wife  5  R.  2. 

Sr  Geffrey  de  Warburton= 
died  27  H.  6,  1448. 

Beatrix  d.  to  Piers 
Dutton  of  Dutton. 

Margrett.  Geffrey.      Rob't. 



I  I  I  I  III 

Jane.       Thos.       Richard.       John  4th  son.       Marion.       Pentrolla.      Margaret. 

Thomas  base  sonne.=j=Anne  d.  to  Rich.  Masterson  of  the  familie  of  Nantwich. 

Peter  Warburton  of  Nantwich=fMary  d.  to  George  Barley  of 

Dransfeld  in  Com.  Darby. 
Arms  :  Plate  II.,  Fig.  17. 

1580  Sergeant  at  law. 


Elizab.  3  yeares  old  1580. 

*  I  do  probably  collect  as  well  by  certaine  evidences  concerning  Warburton  Mosse  as  also  by 
other  ancient  deeds,  that  this  man  was  called  D'n's  Petrus  de  Warburton  whereby  it  seemeth  y' 
because  Warberton  was  his  cheife  house  hee  did  according  to  the  vse  of  the  old  time  call  himself 
D'n's  de  Warburton.  And  that  his  heires  did  wholly  reteine  the  name  of  Warburton  forgetting  by 
little  and  little  the  name  of  Dutton,  for  it  cannot  bee  as  common  report  is  that  hee  married  War- 
bertons  daughter  aud  heire  &  so  chang'd  his  name  for  her  sake  and  had  yc  lands  by  her  :  Because 
the  whole  manor  of  Warberton  was  long  before  given  to  his  predecessors  as  appeareth  before. 




Piers  Warburton  called  Wise  Piers  built=pEllen  d.  to  S1'  John 

the  house  of  Arley  obi j t  1495. 



Sr  John  Warburton=pJane  d.  to  Sr 
whose  descent  I  Wm  Stanley 

appeareth  on  the       j  Chamberlaine 
next  side.  to  K.  H.  7. 

[See  below.] 

Dowce  vx.  Rich. 
Aston  of  Aston. 

Blanch  vxor  Thomse 
Daniell  of  Tabley 
13  E.  4. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  145.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  149.] 

Arms. — Quarterly  of  twelve.* — 1.  Quarter!;/  Argent  and  Gules,  in  the  second  and  third 
quarters  a  fret  Or,  a  crescent  for  difference.  [Button  alias  Warburton.] 
2.  Gules,  afesse  Or,  between  three  escallops  Argent.  3.  Gules,  four  fusils  [or 
almonds']  in  pale  Or.  [Nigel,  Baron  of  Halton.]  4.  Or,  a  chief  Azure. 
[Luzors.]  5.  Quarterly  Or  and  Gules,  a  bendlet  Sable,  over  all  a  label  of  five 
points  Argent.  [Lacy.]  6.  Lozengg  Or  and  Azure.  7.  Or,  a  lion  rampant 
I'li/pure.  [Burgayille.]  8.  Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  cormorants 
Hi i hie.  [Warburton.]  9.  [Argent],  two  chevrons  [Gules'],  on  a  canton  [of 
the  second]  a  mullet  [Or].  [Warburton.]  10.  Azure,  a  garb  Or.  [Grosye- 
nor.]  11.  Argent,  an  or le within  eight  martlets  in  orle  Sable.  [Winxington.] 
12.  Sable,  a  cross  patonce  Argent.  [Eaton.] 

Crest. — A  Saracen's  head  affronti,  couped  at  the  shoulders  proper,  wreathed  round 
the  temples  Argent  and  Sable,  therefrom  issuing  three  ostrich  feathers  Or. 

Sr  John  Warburton  miles  pro  Corpore=pJane  d.  to  Sr  Wm  Stanley 
Regis  H.  8  obijt  1G  H.  8.  L  :  Chamberlaine  to  K.  H.  7. 

the  5th 
of  July 
a0  4 
E.  6. 

d.  & 







John  War-= 


Jane  ux. 


Ellin  vxor 

burton  of 

d.  to 


vx1  Wm 



.     •    •    • 



rington  of 

2d  sonne. 


de  Com. 

port  of 










vxr  John 
Starky  of 

John.=Bridgett  d.  to  Rob't  Crane. 



[Evidently  very  incorrectly  marshalled. — J.  P.  R.] 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Sr  John  War- 
burton of 
Arley  obi j  b 

=Mary  d.  to  Sr 
Brerefcon  of 


vx1'  Sr 


Jane  vxor  Sr 
Brereton  of 
Brereton  and 
after  to  Law- 
rence Smith. 

Peter  Warburton 
of  Heffenston 
2d  sonne. 



a  pensioner. 

Anne  vxor ....  ffitton 
de  Com.  Staff. 

Peter  War-=pMary  d.  to     John, 
burton  of        Sr  John 



George  maried 
the  da.  of  ...  . 

Heskett  widow 
to  ...  . 

Elizab.  vxor 
Sr  William 
Boothe  of 


Mary  vx1  Thos 

Wilbram  of 

Anne.       Jane. 

Elizab.  vxr  Rafe 
Egerton  of 

Jane  vxr  W? 
Brereton  of 

vxr  Tho. 
of  Mar- 

Alice  3d  wife 
to  Peter 
Serjeant  at 



$ra  ©Blarrcn  tic  pointon, 

Stochport,  bd  Stoftport,  tntlgo  StopforU. 


Et  en  droit  del  manier  de  Bradbury  et  des  autres  ten'tes  en  Romylegh,  Wirneth,  Hatterslegh 
et  Eccheles  vne  Richard  de  Stockport  morust  seise  en  son  demene  Come  de  fee.  Apres  qui 
mort  eutra  Johan'a,  come  fille  et  hoiret  cella  estat' continua  tant  p'  elle  enfesse  Nichol  son  filz  et 
Margret  le  fille  Monss*  John  d'Arderne,  de  mesme  les  tentes  a  eulx  et  les  hoires  de  leur  corpes 
engendres.  Et  par  default  de  Issue,  le  reversion  a  lui  et  a  ses  hoires  lequelle  Jehan'a  mouriet  et 
Nicholl  et  Margareta  sans  essue  entre  eulx.  Par  quoy  vn  Richard  de  Stockport  come  Cousin  et 
hoir  Jehanna  entra  mesmes  les  ten'tes  come  en  sa  Reversion  lequell  Richard  son  estat'  de  mesmes 
les  ten'tes  continua  tanq'  q'uil  de  mesmes  les  ten'tes  enfeffa  vn  John  Fitton,  Parson  del  Eglise 
de  Wilmeslow,  et  Robert  de  Taxhall  Chaplain,  a  eux  et  a  leur  hoires  a  tousiours.  Et  reprist' 
L'estat  a  luy,  et  a  Margaret  sa  femme  la  fille  de  Richard  Fitton  et  a  les  hoires  de  leur  corps 
engendres.  Et  par  default  de  issue  de  eux,  le  remainder  a  les  droit  hoires  de  Ric'  de  Stockport. 
Lequelles  RiC  &  Margaret,  avoient  issue  vn  Ricr  et  Isabell  lesquelles  tous  a  ore  son  mortz  sans 
issue.  Par  quoy  les  ditz  Manoires  et  Ten'tes  avant  dictes  apperteignent  a  John  le  fiz  Monss' 
Edward  de  Warren.  Comme  a  Cousin  et  droict  hoier  a  Ricr  de  Stockport  Cesta  scavoir  fils  de 
Cecile  seur  a  Rob't  de  Eton,  pere  a  Richard  de  Stockport. 


D'n's  Ricards  Goodere  de  Pointon  alias  diet8  D'n's  de  Pointon  : 
Habuit  exitum  p'  Annam  filiam  Thomse  D'ni  de  Clune. 





Thos  Goodere  D'n's  de  Pointon  qui  mortn8  est  in  Scotia 
et  sepultus  apud  Boness  juxta  Burgh  super  Sabolones 
in  Cumbria  a"  vltimo  E.  1,  1307.     Et  habuit  exitutu 
p'  Joha'nam  f.  D'ni  de  Mawley  in  Com.  Eborac'. 


Helena  nupta  Domino 
Thomas  Bardolphe  et 
habuerunt  prolem. 

1.  Matilda=pJoh'es  7  Com.=pJana  filia    Joh'es=f= Editha     Richardus  de  Goodiere 

de  Bello 

Warren  et 
Surrey  t'pe 
E.  1  R'. 











qui  duxit  filiam  et 
hreredem  Thornbury  de 
Midd'  &  Agnetem  vniq' 
cohseredeni  Domini  de 
Dereham  1°  E.  3. 


p.  Ma- 


Joh'cs  Warren  p'  Jana'=pEditha  filia 
f.  D'ni  W.  de  Mowbray     &  hferes 
jure  vxoris  sue  Edithaa     Joh'is  de 
dictus  D'n's  Joh'es  de    Pointon. 

Will'us        Joh'es= Jana  filia 
s.  prole.       Good-     West 
ere.         D'ni 


D'n's  Edward3  de  Pointon  =pElenora  filia  Fulconis  de  Lucy. 


Edwardus  de  Pointon.=f=Ciceley  filia  D'ni  Nicolai  de  Eton  Baronis  de  Stockport. 


BKBarrtn  tie  pointon,  Baron  oi  i^todtpmt, 

[Harl.  1124,  lb.  143.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  147.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.    Cheeky  Or  and  Azure,  on  a  canton  Gules  a  lion  ram  pant 

Argent.     2.  Or,  on  a  chevron  Azure  three  stains  close,  sans  leys,  Argent. 

[Stafford.]     3.  Azure,  crusily,  and  three  lozenges  Or.  [Stuck pout.]     4. 

Azure,  a  chevron  between  three  double-headed  eayles,  displayed  Argent,  crowned 

Or.  [Eton.] 
Crest.— Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Gold,  an  eagle's  leg  Or,  in  front  of  a  plume  of  feathers 


Sr  Rob't  Stockport  A0  23  H.  3.=pRoisa.=Alexander  de  Bamvile  2'1  husband. 

I  I 

Sr  Rob't  Stockport.  Margrett  vxr  Wm  Vernon  t'pe  W" 

=p  Ouresby  Justiciarij  Cestriaj. 

A|  B| 

*  This  man  builded  a  house  at  Hadley  &  called  it  Boness. 

2  I 



John  Erie  Warren  Sr  Nic.  Elton  [Eton']  Sv  Rich.  Sr  Rob't     Rich.  Yernon  under 

Sussex  &  Surrey  married  Margery  Stock-  Stock-       yeares. 

mar.  Jane  d.  to  L :  daughter  to  Wil-  port.  port. 

Wm  Mowbray.  liam  Colville. 


Sr  Edward 

Sr  Nicholas=pJane  d.  &  heire  to=Sr  Jn°  Arderne 


Sr  Rich.  Stockport.     2a  husband. 


Rich.  Vernon 
31  E.  3. 

Edward  =pCiceley     John       Nic.  Elton=Margarett  d.     Rob't  de=j=Isabell  d.  to  Jn° 


Elton.      Elton,      first  son         to  Sr  John        Elton 

s.  prole.         Arderne.  [Eaton]. 

Sr  John  Warren  buried  at=pMargrett  d.  &  heire  to  Sr  John 

Boton  in  Norff.  1384. 

Stafford  of  Wigharn  after  married 
to  John  Manwaring. 

Damport  after 
married  to 
Rob't  ffulham 
3a'y  to  John 
Stathom  & 
lastly  to  Sr  Jn° 

Nics  obi j t  vivo  patre.=pAgnes  d.  to  Sr  Rich. 

Rich,  de  Stockport 
married  Margarett 
d.  to  Sr  Rich,  ffitton. 


Laurence  Warren  of  Pointon.=pMargery  d.  to  Hugh  Bulkley. 

John  Warren  of=pIsabel  d.  to  Sr  John 
Pointon.  Stanley. 

Margrett  married 
to  John  Stafford. 

Lawrence  Warren=plsabel  d.  to  Robert  Ligh 
of  Pointon.  of  Adlington. 

John  Warren=pAnne  d.  to  the 
2a  husband.        Lord  Stafford. 

Sr  John  Warren  of  Pointon.=f=Elizabeth  d.  to  S1'  Thomas  G-errard. 


Sr  Lawrence  Warren=pMargrett  d.  to     Rich,  married    Nico'  a       Jerome.       Rafe. 

of  Pointon  Baron  of 

Sr  Piers  Ligh      Katherin 
of  Lyme.  More. 


Sr  Edw.=pDorothy  d.     Law-       Edward.     George.     Randoll=pEliz.  d.  of    Rich. 



to  Sr  Wm       rence. 
Booth  of 

5  sonne. 



Lawrence.     Edward.     George.     Ralfe.    Jone.     Sibell. 


John  Warren  of  Pointon  1 580.=f=Margrett  d.  to  Sr  Rich.  Molineus. 

C  I  D 



Sr  Edw.  Warren 
Knighted  in 

Ireland  1599. 




I    I 



Doroty    Jane  vxor  Katherin  Anne  vxor 

vxor         George  vxr  Nico'  George 

Chatter-  Brad-  Ridgeley 

ton.  bury.  Serieant  at 





















at  Armes. 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  1501'.] 

Arms. — Sable,  two  bars  Argent,  on  a  canton  of  the  first  a  garb  Or. 

Weever  of  Weever.=p 

Sr  Edward  Weever  of  Weever.         Thomas  Weever.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Manwaring 


Elizab.  vxr  John  Stanley. 

Hugh  Weever  of  Aston.  = 


Thomas  Weever.=j=.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Golborne. 

Nicolas  Weever.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Bromley 

Nicholas  2d  sonne. 

George  Weever  of=f  Elizab.  d.  to  Jn°  ffoulshurst  younger  brother 
Aston  Mondram.       to  S1'  Robert  ffoulshurst  of  Crew. 

Robert  Weever=i=Elizab.  d.  to  Roger  Hill  of       Alice  vxor  Oliver     Elizabeth  vxor 

of  Aston  Mon- 

the  fford  brother's  son  to       Dias  de  Comitatu     Thos  Martin  of 
Sr  Rowland  Hill.  Leicester.  London. 

Rich.  Weever  mar.     Roger  married     ffrancis.      George.        Robert.     Randoll. 
Elizabeth  d.  to  yc  d.  of  Tho-  —  — 

Thomas  Leftwich.      mas  Withed.  Hugh.  Thomas. 

Rob't  Weever  jetatis  6  annor'm  1580. 

Ellin,        Anne  vxor  Randoll  Poole  of  Algier  in  the  parish  of  Bartromley. 



2ie*lti  of  Catom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  153.] 

Arms. — Azure,  a /esse  nebuU  between  three  crescents  Ermine. 

Crest. — A  ivyvem,  with  wings  endorsed  Sabtc,  gulte  d'Or,  collared  and  lined  Argent. 

These  Armes  were  confirmed  and  this  Crest  granted  to  John  Weld  of  Eaton  aforesaid  by  Sr 
Gilbert  Dethicke  al's  Garter  Kinge  of  Armes  by  l'res  patents  although  Injuriously.  And  are  there- 
fore ratified  and  allowed  by  mee  W.  fflower  Esquire  (al's)  Norrey  King  of  Armes  in  October  1579 
at  the  request  of  the  sd  Iiob't  Weld  of  Eaton. 

John  Weld  of  Eaton.=f=Jone  d.  to  .  .  .  .  ffizhugh. 

Richard     1.  Anne  d.  to=j=Humfrey  Weld=Mary  d.  to     Eliz.vxr      Ellin  vx1' 


Wheler  of 

Alderman  of 

Sr  Stephen    Ralfe 
Slany.  Black- 

rnor  of. 






John  Whit- 
tingha'  of 

Rob't  Weld  of=pEllen  d.  to  Rob't  01  ton     Jn°  Weld  of=pDoroty  d.  to  Roger  Gris- 

Eaton  1580. 


John      Robert.     Elizabeth. 



I    I 



wold  after  niaried  to  Hugh 
Offley,  Alderman. 

John.       Jane.       Doroty. 

Wlctnall  of  CoppcnljalL  btilcjo  CopnalL 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  150.] 

Roger  Wetnall  of  Copnall=pIsabell  d.  to  Thos       Charles  Man-=j=Isabell  d.  to  Hugh 

descended  of  a  younger 

Masterson  of 

waring  of 

Anne  vx1'  Reguald  Wright 
of  Nantwich. 


Brereton  of  the 

Thomas  Wetnalbplsabell  Manwaring. 
of  Copnall. 

THE   VISITATION   OF   CHESHIRE,   1580.  245 

Roger  Wetnall  Charles  Wetnall  Thomas      John.  Isabell  vx1'  Anne  Ellin 

of  Oopnall  of  Canterbury  maried  Slade  died  vxor 

mar.  Margery  maried  Eliza-  Mary  d.  of  Breri-  a  Wm 

d.  to  Jn°  Alex-  beth  d.  to to  Edw.  hurst  by  Vir-  Wood 

ander  of  Bull  of  Church  of  Mow.  gin.  of 

Wistaston.  Canterbury.  Nantwich.  Nant- 


Wetnall  of  Cjjolnuwton,  alias  CJonratom 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  149.] 

Arms.— Quarterly— 1  and  4.  Vert,  a  cross  engrailed  Ermine.    2  and  3.  Azure,  a  lion 

rampant  Argent.  [Crewe.] 
Another  Coat. — Vert,  a  cross  lozengy  Ermine. 
Crest. — A  goat's  (or  antelope's)  head,'couped  Argent,  armed  of  the  same. 

Rafe  Wetnall 

Rafe  Wetnall. 


Thomas  Wetnall  of  Cholnioston.=p  Jone  d.  to  Sr  Henry  Hulse. 

Wm  Wetnall  of  Cholniston.=f 


John  Wetnall  of  ChoImston.=f  Anne  d.  &  coheire  to  Piers  Brindley. 

Thomas  Wetnall  of  Cholmston.=FSusan  d.  &  coheire  to  David  Crew. 

Hugh  Wetnall  of=j=Elizab.  d.  to  John  Minshull  Jone  vxr  Wm  Wetnall 

Cholmston.  I  of  Minshull.  of  Nantwich. 

Phillip  Wetnall  of  Cholmston.=fAnne  d.  to  Hugh  Starky  of  Olton. 

i  r         i  i  i 

Will'm=Isabel  d.  to  Jn°     Elenor  vxor     Susan  vxr  Jane  vxor     Katherme 

Wetnall        Skrimshaw  of       Edm11  Scar-      Lawrence  Henry  vxr  Phillip 

of  Cholm-     Norbury  in  ming  de  Wright  de         Mosoke         Wetnall. 

ston.  Staff.  Com.  Warw.     Com.  Surrey,     de  Com. 




2HetnalI  oi  #anttoicf). 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  149b.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  1.   Vert,  a  cross  engrailed  Ermine.     2  and  3.  Vert,  a  lend 

Ermine;  a  crescent  over  all  for  difference. 
Crest. — A  goats  (or  antelope's)  head  Argent,  issuing  out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Gtdes, 

and  charged  with  a  crescent  of  the  last  for  difference. 

Thomas  Wetnall  of  Nantwich  younger  brother  to  Wetnall  of  Wetnall.=f= 

Tho.  Wetnall  of  Nantwich.= 

1.  Jone  d.  to  Thos  Wetnall=pWillianj  Wetnall  of=p2.  Elizab.  d.  to  John  Leech 
of  Cholmston.  Nantwich.  of  Nantwich. 

Tim.  Wetnall=f=Margery  d.       Margerie.     Roger.        Hugh.        Robert.     Elizabeth. 

John.         Richard.    Robert. 
William.     Gabriell.     Henry. 

of  Nantwich 

to  Tho3 
of  Nantwich. 

Gabriell  Wetnall. 

Wlljitmxt  of  Cfjurstanttim 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  152.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  i.  Argent,  a  chief  Azure.  [Haselwall.]  2.  Or,  a  lion 
rampant,  between  three  martlets  Gules.  3.  Per  fess  Vert  and  Gules,  an  eagle 
displayed  Or. 

Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or  a  lion's  head  Argent,  collared  with  a  riband  tied 
in  a  bow  at  the  back  Azure. 

Sciant  o'es  &c.  quod  ego  Ric'us  de  Thurstanton,  ccmfirmavi  Rogero  filio  Ric'i,  filij  Hugonis 
filij  Oliveri,  pro  homagio  et  servitio  sno  quo'dam  terra'  qua'  Cecelia  vxor  Rob'ti  Revell  tenet :  Et 
terra'  qua'  idem  Roger"  tenet  in  feode  Will'mi  de  Malbank,  ilia'  scilicet  quam  Ric'us  pater  su!  et 
Hugo  frater  su8  et  Hugo  atavus  suus  tenuerunt  de  Will'mo  filio  Matheo  patre  meo  in  feode  & 
hereditate.  Testib8  Phillippi  de  Orreby  tunc  Justiciario  Cestrise,  retro  Clerico  D'ni  Comitis, 
Patricio  filio  eius,  Jacobo  de  Hellesby.  Ric'o  de  Kingesley. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal,  inscribed  8.  W'mi  filij  Jo.  Whitmore.  Arms  : 
Per  fesse  Azure  and  Argent. 

Drawing  of  arms  from  a  seal.     A  plain  shield  divided  per  fesse.* 

Richard  de  Thurstanton. 

Arms. —  Vert,fretty  Or. 


*  [Above  the  drawing  is  written]  :— S.  Joh'is  de  Whitmore,  annex'  Carta  Will'mi  filij 
Joh'is  Whitmore  de  Thurstanton  an0  25  R,  H.  6. 



Patrick  de  Haselwall.=r  Agnes  d.  &  heire. 

David  de  Ilaschvall. 

Margrett  d.  and  heire. 



Ciceley  maried  to  John  Whitmore  son  to  Robert. 

John  Whitmore*  of  Thurstanton.=f= 

John  Whitmore  of  Thurstanton.=p 

Wm  Whitmore  of  Thurstanton.=pJone  da.  to  Ralfe  Damport. 

Wra  Whitmore  of  Thurstanton.=p.  ...  d.  to  ...  .  Atherton. 

John  Whitmore  of  Thurstanton.=j=Mary,  d.  to  Sr  Thomas  Poole 

I  of  Werrall. 

d.=John  Whit-=2.  Elizabeth      Tho.  Whitrnore=j=  Katherin,  =pRafe  Bos- 

to  .  .  .  .         more  died        d.  to  Thomas  2d  son  died  be- 

Birkhead.      s.p.                   Wilbram  de  fore  his  brother 

Woodhey  John. 


d.  to  Roger 
of  Chester. 

tock  2d 


John  Whitmore=pKatherine   d.    to     Wm  Whitmore=f=Alice  d.  &  heire     Katherine 

of  Thurstaiiton 
living  1569  et 

Wm  Stanley  sister     of  Thurstan- 
to  Sr  Rouland         ton 

to   Wm    Hough     vxr  Rich, 
of   Leighton   in     Whitmore. 






H.  6. 

An  Inquisition  o£  John  Whitmore  after  his  death  who  held  the  Manor  of  Thurstanton 



OTntttncjIjam  of  iflttitilctoidjt, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  153b.] 
Seth  Whittinghani  second  sonne  to  Whittinghani  of  Lancashire/ 



:  Ellin  d.  to 
of  Midle- 

James  had 
issue  many 

3d  son. 

Eafe  had  issue 
divers  children. 


.  maried 
to  Hugh 
of  Ouver. 

Wm  Whittingham,  Divine  of  Durham. 
Timothy  1598. 

Charles  Whitting-=j=.  ...   d.    to      Wm  Whittingham  of     Piers      Thomas  Whit-=j= 

ham  of  Middle- 

.  .  .  .  ffoster      Oldkaugh    in  War- 
of  Sproston.      mincham  parish. 



Eich.       Eobt.  obijt=pKatherin  d.     Thos. 

a  base      vivo  patre. 



to...Hassall       — 
of  Elton.         Mathew 

John  now  living. 

Wm.      Wm  Ellen  vxor  John 

s.  prole.     Bagnall  of  New- 
castle vnder 

William  Whitting-     Edward  Whit-     John  Whitting-=pEllen  vxr  John     Charles  ■ 

ham  of  London 
obijt  sine  prole. 

tingham  of 

ham  of  Middle- 




Weld  of  Eaton,     maried 
in  Kent. 



Jane  vx1'  Eich.     Ellin  vxor  Eob't     Margrett. 
Marsh  of  Warrell  of  Midle- 

London.  wich. 

Katherine.     Elizabeth  vxr  Tho9 
Gate  of  Midlewich. 

Humphrey  Whitting-=f=Katherine  d.  &  heire  to  John.       Charles.       Thomas. 

ham  of  Midlewich 

Huiufrey  Blackborne 
of  Midlewich. 




I  I  I 

Seth.         Katherin.         Timothy. 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

2  1!) 

WtUntrljam,  tails*  TOiforaimm,  of  WLoo^ijt^ 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  143".] 

Akms. — Quarterly — 1  and  I.  Jcwv.  tfwo  tars  Argent,  on  a  canton  Sable  a  wolf's 
head  crated  of  the  first.  ■>.  Argent,  a  cross  patonce  between  four  martlets 
Hales,  a  label  of  Jive  points  ....  [GOLBOBNE.]  ::.  Argent,  on  a  bend 
Sable  three  cross-croslets  Or.  [Ceosley  ?] 

Crest. — ^4  wolf's  head  erased  Argent. 

Hie  uotandu'  est  Quod  Arma  fuerunt  olim  Arma  Will'mi  Venables  de  Wimim-ham,  filij 
Junioris  Will'mi  Venables  de  Kinderton,  cui"  Will'mi  filia'  njt:it is  maximum  no'i'e  Leetitiam. 
Quidam  Ric"  Wilbraham  miles  prim5  etprsacipu8  huius  familiseaccepit  in  vsorem  A  quib"  hudierne 
Tho.  Wilbraham  de  Woodhey  in  Cestrensi  Palatdnatu'  genum  suum  ducit. 

Thomas  Wilbram  of  Woodhey  .=p 

Thomas  Wilbram=pMargrett  d.  to  Thos         Raudoll.= 
of  Woodhey.  Swetnam. 


Humphrey.       Rafe  maried  Elizab.  d.  to 
Sandford  of  Lane. 



Randoll.         Rich,  maried  Elizab.  d. 
to  Tho.  Masterson. 



Richard.         Roger.         Rafe.         Thomas. 

Wro  Wilbram=pEllin  d.  to  Philip     Thomas.     Margrett     Elizab.  vxor         Jane  vxr 
of  Woodhey      Egerton  of  Eger- 
Esquire.  ton. 


vx1'  Tho.      Thos  Bromley      Lawrence 
Hill.  of  Xorbury.         Wood- 


Sr  Rowland  Hill  Mavor  of  London. 

Thos  Wil- 
braham maried 
Margery  d.  to 
Sr  John  Man- 
waring  of 
Peever  s.p. 

R,ichard=f=Dorofcy  d.  Ellin  vxr 

Wil-  to  Rich-  Rafe 

bram  of     ard  Done 

Wood-       Grosvcnor  of  Flax- 

hey.  of  Eaton,  yards. 

vxr  Rafe 

of  Whee- 


vxr  Ju" 
more  of 
s  tan  ton. 

vxr  Tho9 

1.  fl'rances  d.  to  Sr  Hugh=pThomas  Wilbram  of  Wood-=Mary  d.  to  Peter  War- 


hey  Esquire  1580. 

burton  of  Areley. 

Richard  Wilbram  retatis 

Doroty  vxr  John 

Mary  vxr  Tho" 

2  K 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

(BBiftram  oi  3&atmot\ 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  144.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  148.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Azure,  two  bars  Argent,  on  a  canton  Sable  a  wolf's  head 
erased  of  the  first,  a  crescent  for  difference.  2.  Azure,  a  plate  between  three 
crescents  Or.  3.  Or,  on  a  bend  cotisecl  Gules  three  crescents  Argent. 
4.  Quarterly  Argent  and  Sable,  in  the  second  and  third  quarters  a  buck's 
head  cabossed  Or,  over  all  a  bendlet  Gules. 

Crest. — A  wolf's  head  erased  Argent,  charged  with  a  crescent  for  differe?ice. 

Ralfe  Wilbram  of  Radnor.=p 


Thos  Wilbram  of  Radnor.^ 


Thomas  Wilbram  of  Radnor.=p 

....  Wilbram  of  Radnor 
in  Cheshire. 


Rich.  Wilbram  of=pMargery  d,  &  coheire  to 
Brindley.  Wm  Rees  of  Worleston. 

AVm  Wilbram  of  Brindley  .=pEUin  d.  to  Wnl  Beteley  of  Bourland. 

Rich.  Wil-=Elizab.  d.     Randoll=rMarerett    James.      Wm.     Thomas. 

bram  of         to  Jn°  Wil- 

Brindley        Leech  of  bram  of 

1580.    "         Nant-  Wor- 

wich.  leston. 

d.  to  .  . 
of  Bon- 



vxr  Ric. 





Rich.  Wilbram  of=j=Margret  d.  to  Wm  William  2d  son 

Worleston  1580.       Allen  of  Brindley.  s.  prole. 

I  I  I  I  I 

Tho.  Wilbram  jetatis  4  annor'm  1580.      Richard.     William.      Elizabeth.      Acmes 

Winmcjton  oi  Mmincjton, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  145b.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  149b.] 
Sr  Richard  Winington  of  Winington.=p 

Rob  t  Winington=p 
of  Winington. 

Hugh  of  whome  Winington  of 
ye  Hermitage  is  descended. 

Richard  of  whome 
Leftwich  is  descended. 


THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580.  251 


Rich.  Winington  of  Winington. =p  Nico'  Winington  of  Birches. 

of  Winington. 

Rob't  Winington=j=Katherine  d.  &  coheire  to  Rafe  Holland  and  of  Rose  Skevmgton 
his  wife  Hseres  multarum  tenor'  in  Com.  CestriEe,  mint,  ac  in 
Dominio  de  Hawarden  &  de  Denbigh. 

Mellaril  W  inington=^Katherine  d.  to  . .  .  .  Ycnables 
of  Winington  Esq.     who  died  22  Augusti  22  //.  7. 

Rich.  Winington  of=pKatherine  5tb  d.  &  coheire  to 
Winington  esqr.        I  Rob't  GrosTenor  of  Holme. 

rine  s.  prole  an  Inquisition  taken  A0  6  Elizabeth  was  14  yeares  old  A0  6 

H.  8  and  Elizabeth  is  her  sister  and  heire.  II.  8  sister  &  heire  to  Katherme 

maried  to  Peter  Warburton. 

Sr  John  de  Warburton. 

Elizabeth  wife  to  Sr  Peter  Warburton,  d.  &  heire  to  Rich.  Winington  esquire,  brought  with 
her,  of  her  father's  Inheritance,  The  mannor  of  Winington  w,h  other  lands  in  Northwich,  Castle 
Nortwich,  Twenbroks,  &  Cleycroft,  The  mannor  of  Pulford  wth  certaine  lands  in  Peever  & 

Onehalfe  of  the  mannor  of  Winington  holden  of  Sr  John  Vere  Knight  and  of  Elizabeth  his 
wife  sister  and  heire  to  >r  Edwi  rd  TrusseVJ  as  of  the  mannor  of  Warmineham  by  Knights  service. 
The  other  moity  of  John,  Abbott  of  S>  Werburgh  in  Chester  22  H.  7. 

Below  the  pedigree  is  the  drawing  of  a  seal,  inscribed  Sigillum  Rob'ti  de 
Pulford,  Plate  I.,  Fig.  17. 

OTinincjton  of  tlje  $mmttacjc. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  146.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  150.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1.  Annul,  anorlt  within  eight  martletsin  orle  Sab7e.  2.  Gules, 
three  mullets  Or.  [Haslington.]  3.  Or,  a  mascle  Gules.  [Sable  in  Harl. 
1505.]     4.  Sable,  a  cross  patonce  Argent. 

Crest.—  An  Alembic,  or  Still.  Argent. 

Sr  Rich.  Winington  of  Winington  22  R.  2.=f=Agnes. 

I  "1  I 

Rob't  Winington         Hugh  Winington^Ciceley  d.  &  coheire         Rich.  Winington 

of  Winington.  of  ye  Hermitage.      to  ...  .  Haslington.         of  Leftwich. 


252                        THE  VISITATION   OP   CHESHIRE,    1580. 
A| Jj 

Rich.  Winington     Nico'  Wining-     Piers  Winington=pChristian  d.  &  heire  to  Wm 
of  Winington.        ton  of  Birches,     of  ye  Hermitage.     Plumley  of  Plmnley  in  Staff. 

Lawrence  Winington.=pMaud.  d.  to  Wm  Skevington  [Kevington]  of  Dethill. 

John  Winington  of  yc  Herniitage.=pMargrett  d.  to  Sanky  Manwaring. 

John  Winington  of=pElizabeth  d.  to  Lawrence 
the  Hermitage.  Marbury  of  Marbury. 

I  II  II 

Lawrence  married       John        Thomas  Winington  of  the       James       Margery 

Ellin  daughter  2d  Hermitage    lyving    1580       s.p.  s.p. 

to  Sr  W,a  Brere-         sonne.       maried   Katherine    d.    to 

ton  s.p.  ....  Carrington  of  Car- 


Margrett  vxr  Hugh  Martin         Katherin  vxor  John  Elizabeth.         Elenor. 

of  Wimbesley.  Booth  of  Modberley. 

SKBimncjton  of  Birdjesu 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  146''.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  1.  Argeni,  an  orle  within  eight  martlets  in  orle  Sable,  a 
crescent  for  difference.  2.  Per  chevron  Or  and  Vert,  three  sprigs  of  birch 
counterchanged.  [Birches.]     3.  Argent,  a  pale  fusilly  Sable.  [Daniel.] 

Ceest. — An  Alembic,  or  Still,  Argent,  charged  with  a  crescent  for  difference. 

Nicholas  Winington  2a  son  to  Rob't=p.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  ...  .  Birches 

Winington  of  Winington. 

uf  Birches  in  Com.  Cestriee. 

W™  Winington  of  Birch 

Rob't  Winington  of  Birches.=r 


Tho"  Winington  of  l>iichcs.=p.  .  .  .  daughter  &  coheire  to  ...  .  Daniell  of  Lynim. 
Rob't  Winington  of  Birches.=p.  .  .  .  d.  to  ....  Cotton  of  Lostock. 

*   I 



Aj ; 

|  I 

Rob't  Winington  of  Birches.=f=Margery  fferneley.        John. 

John  Winington  of  Birches  1566.        Robert.        Thomas. 

Hltotogton  <rf  <Bfltxto\h 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  147.     Harl.  1505,  fo.  151.] 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  an  orle  within  eight  martlets  in  orle  Sable,  a 
mullet  for  difference.  2  and  3.  Gules,  on  a  chief  Or  three  annulets  of  the 
field.  [Offerton.] 

Crest. — An  Alembic,  or  Still,  Argent,  charged  with  a  mullet  for  difference  Gules. 

Thomas  Winington  descended  of  a=j=.  .  .  .  d.  &  heire  to  ...  .  Offerton 
younger  brother  of  Winington.  of  Offerton  in  Cheshire. 

Nico'  Winington  of  Offerton.1 

Rich.  Winington  of  Offerton.=p. ...  d.  to  ... .  Chatterton  of  Nuthurst  in  Lancashire. 

George  Winington  of  Offerton. =p.4  free  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Dokenfeld  of  Dohenfeld. 

1.  Elizab.  d.=rRandoll  Wining—:.'.  Isabel  Nicholaus.         Anne     vxor     Cad- 

to  Roger 

ton  of  Offerton         d.  to  W" 
1580.  Cowper. 

walleder  ap  Richard 
of  Lecestershire. 

Rate  Winington=pAnne  d.  to  George        Anne  vxor  Elizabeth  vxor  Oliver 

of  Offerton.  Bowden  of  Bourdon        George  Cocker        Dodge  of  Stockport. 

in  Com.  Derb.  Arm.         ofTarven.  =p 




Anne.        Katherine.        Oliver  Dodge.        Margery.        Doroty. 

254  THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 

Ogatnstanston,  M  Mistaston, 


[Harl.  1424,  fo.  154.] 
In  the  margin  is  the  drawing  of  arms,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  18. 
Carta  Will'mi  do  Winstanston  facta  Waltero  de  Bromlegh  A0  1  E.  3. 
Obitus  Will'mi  de  Winstanton  D'ni  de  Winstanton  A0  D'ni  1335,  10  E.  3. 

Excambium  factum  inter  Aliciam    D'nam   de  Winstanton,  vxorem   Domini  Will'mi,   and 
Dominum  Jacobum  d'Audelegh  A0  11  E.  3,  1336. 

Carta  Ric'i  de  Winstanton  dat'  apud  Winstanton  An0  D'ni  1393. 

Below  these  notes  is  the  drawing  of  arms,  Plate  II.,  Fig.  19. 

»ootmct  of  ftjttoiiujttm,  al's  ft&tfnton. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  147b.] 

Arms.— Quarterly— 1.  Argent,  a  cross  voided  Sable.  2.  Sable,  two  bars  Argent, 
on  a  canton  of  the  first  a  garb  Or.  [Weever.]  3.  Gules,  on  a  bend  eotised 
Argent  three  bird's  [moorcocks?']  Sable.  [Heath.]  4.  Azure,  a  chevron 
between  three  cotton  hanks  Argent.  [Cotton.] 

Crest. — A  squirrel  sejeant  Gules,  collared  Or,  cracking  a  hazel  nut.  .  .  . 

Rob't  Woodnett  tempore  H.  3=|= 

Wm  Woodnett  the  1  L  :   of  Shevington  of  that  sirname  t'pe  E.  1. 
Arms. — Arg.,  a  cross  couped  &  voided  Sa. 

Randoll  Woodnett  of  Shevington. 

Rob't  Woodnett  An"  6  E.  o  Anne  vxor  Edmund  Pulesdon.  Ciceley. 

Randoll  Woodnett.^p Eva  d.  to  Jn°  Maud  vxor  Richard  Huxley  of  Huxley 

Brow.  son  to  Nicholas. 

John  Woodnett  An0  3  R.  2.=fMargery  d.  of  Tho.  Trobbleshall. 

Sr  Hugh  Cotton. 

Randoll  Heth.       Tho.  Cotton  L :  of  Lachmanbank.=pCiceley  d.  to  Rich.  Lostock. 
|B  |c 

THE    VISITATION    OF    CHESHIRE,    1580. 



John  Heth.=f=Margery  Cotton. 

Hugh  s.p.  Tho8  Heth  2<>  sonne .= 

Eobert  Swane.=f=Agnes  d.  &  heirc. 

John  Weever  Esquire.=f=Margery  d.  &  heire  [of  RoVt  Swane]. 

Alice  vxov  Henry        John  Woodnett  of=pMargery  eldest        Margery  [sic]  d.  & 

Coult  after  to 
Will'm  Massy. 

Shevington  7  H.  6. 

d.  and  heire. 

coheire  vxor  Roberl 
Lee  of  Lee. 

[Sic]       George  Woodnett  of  Sheviug-^Anne  d.   to   Robert      Margretfc  vxor 
ton  10  E.  4.  Corbett  of  Atherton.       Hugh  Morton. 

Lawrence  Woodnett=pJoice  d.  to  Thomas       Nico'  Wood-=pJane  d.  to  Richard 
Wilbram  ofWoodhey      nett  2"  Massy  of  Wist- 

Esi  f.  sonne. 

died  in  Ireland  A0 
4  H.  7. 


1.   Maud  d.  to  Ralfc  Wood=pGeorgeWoodnett=2.  Anne  sister  to      Thomas. 

of  Badersley  esq. 
Arms. — Or,  a  lion  ramp.  Sa. 

of  Shevington.  Rich.  Starky  of 
Stretton  widow  to 
....  Boroughs. 

Margery  vxor 

Joice  vxr  John 

Mary  vxor 



Hill  of  London 



Dande  of 

&  after  to  John 

ffarrer  of 





Corbett  of 

of  Wilts. 


1.  Elizab.  d.  to=j=John  Woodnett=j=2.  Jane  d.  to 

Roger  Walthall 

of  Nantwieh. 

of  Sheintou 


Anne  vxor 
Rafe  Somer- 
shall  of 

Tho8  married  ffranc' d.  to 
Henry  Clifford  of  Bars- 
comb  in  Wiltshire. 




I  II  II 

John  Woodnett  of  Sheving-=f=Katherine  d.  &  sole  heire  to     Rob't  s.p.     Thomas. 

ton  natus  15G6  now  living 

Rob't  Cooke  al's  Clarenciculx         — 

King  of  Amies.  George.         Mary. 


John  natus  25  Aprilis  1588. 

256  THE   VISITATION    OF   CHESHIRE,    1580. 

SEtootmrtt  Of  ©OttSlfP. 

Alice  vxor  Rich. 

W"'  Woodnett—.  .  . .  d.  to 
second  sonne.      Bentley. 

Rob'fc  Woodnett 

third  sonne. 

John  Woodnett=p.  .  .  d.  to 
of  Gousley.  Dancastle. 

Humfrey  Woodnett=j=Margery     Randoll  a  preist 

of  Chorlton. 

Ashley.       and  divers  others. 

Randoll  Woodnett  of  Chorlton. 

1.  Margery  d.  to=pLawrence=  Alice,  d.  to 

Rich.  Lee  of  Lee 
widow  to  .  , 

Lawrence  Wood- 
nett of  Gousley. 

Wood  net 
of  Gous- 

.  Hinton 
widow   to 
....  Leech 
of  Chester. 

Margret  vxor  Otwell 
Shalcross  of  Stow- 
shaw  bayliffe  of  War- 


George  Woodnett  Clarke  of 
the  Woodyard  to  Queene 

Edward  Shalcross 
of  Stowshaw. 

Joice  vxor 

Browne  of 


«mt{)  oi  Citrmnjjtmt, 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  151b.] 

Arms. — Argent,  a  cross  ragule.  couped  Sadie. 

Crest. — An  arm  embowed  in  armour  proper,  garnished  Or,  tied  round  with  a  riband 
Gules,  the  gauntlet  holding  the  butt-end  of  a  broken  tilting  spear  of  the  last. 

John  Worth  of  Tiderington. =pCiceley  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Batisford  of  Darbyshire. 

John  Worth  Sebald  Worth=pIsabell  d.  to  .  . 

s.  prole.  of  Chester.  Sutton  of  Sutton. 

Jesper  Worth  of^=Alice  d.  to  Phillip  Draicott  of         Thomas.         Anthony. 


Painsley  in  Com.  Staff. 

Wm  Worth     Phillip  Worth=pMargrett  d.  to  Roger     Richard. 


of  Tidering- 
ton 1580. 

Downes  after  maried 
to  Hugh  Beeston  2d 
sonne  to  S1'  George 


flrancis=.  .  .  .  d. 

Worth,     to  ...  . 
of  Darby- 

Jesper  Worth  of  Tiderington. =.  .  . .  d.  to  Thos  Vernon        Thomas  2a  sonne. 

of  Haslington. 

THE   VISITATION   OP   CHESHIRE,    1580.  257 

<Mrtc$t  oi  BtcUep. 

[Harl.  1424,  fo.  151.      Had.  1505,  fo.  154b.] 

Arus. — Argent,  two  bars  Azure,  on  a  chief  of  the  second  three  leopards'  faces  of  the 

....  Wright  who  came  out  of  Yorkeshire  and  dwelt  at  Brickkilne  in  Cheshire. 

....  Wright.=j=.  .  .  .  d.  <£■  heire  of  ...  .  Bichley. 

....  Wright  of  Bickley.=p 

John  Wright  of  Bickley.*=p.  ...  d.  to  Rowland  of  Peckfarton. 

John  Wright  of  Bickley.=pMargrett  d.  &  coheire  to  Thomas  Wixted  of  Marbury. 

John  Wright  of  Bickley.=pAlice  d.  to  .  .  .  .  Wilbram. 

John  Wright  of=pMargrett  d.  &  sole  heire  to  Phillip  Bimok 

Bickley  1580. 

\_Dimock~\  of  Wellington  2a  sonne  &c. 

I  I  I  I 

Rich.  Wright  Elizab.  vxor  Roger  Katherine  vxor  Anne  vxor  Owen 

Sergeant  at  Auchington  in  Thos  Bavin.  Stocton  of  Kid- 

Armes.  Shropshire.  dington. 

Wm.  Margret.  Elenor. 

*  This  generation  is  omitted  in  Harl.  1505. 

2  L 



Wtsttatton  of  a  $art  of  Cljesljtre, 


Visitation  of  Hawadfriirr, 





A.D.  1533. 
Taken  from  Sari.  MS.  2076. 

<0fOl tjf  Call)flr|>  Of  tl)C  2Ug,  maried  Elizabeth  d.  to  Pieres 
Duttou  esq.  and  they  had  yssue  Hew,  Anthony,  John,  Katherine,  Elizabeth, 
Christian,  Dorothye  and  Jane. 

Hew  maried  Elnor  d.  and  sole  heire  to  Thomas  Tattenhall  of  Bulkeley  george 

Katheryne  maried  John  of  Beeston  (sic)  of  Beeston  and  they  had  yssue  George. 

Elnor  maried  to  John  Davenport  of  Calveley  and  they  had  yssue  Hugh,  Eliza- 
beth, Ciscelye,  Dorothye  and  Katheryne. 

Cristian  maried  to  Ric.  Howghe  in  Worrall. 

Dorothye  maried  to  Robt.  Bostocke  of  Ghurton  and  they  have  yssue  Launcelott. 

Arms. — Quarter!!/ — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  /esse  Gules  between  three  calves  passant 
Sable.  [Calveley.]  2.  Argent,  on  a  bend  sinister  Gules  nine  annulets, 
interlaced  in  threes,  Or.  [Hawberk.]  3.  Sable,  two  hinds  counter  trippant 
Argent.  [Cottingham.] 

Crest. — Out  of  a  ducal  coronet  Or  a  calf's  head  Sable. 

SHljjIjC  SaUCnUOlt  Of  CfjOttri',  thirde  sonne  of  Rafe  Daven- 
port of  Henbury  maried  to  his  first  wief  Anne  daughter  to  Richard  Hassall  of 
Coventree  and  they  had  yssue  Raffe  which  is  maried  to  ...  . 

The  said  Hugh  hath  to  his  secound  wieff  Elizabethe  doughter  to  Hugh 
Salusburye  of  Denbighe. 

Arms. — Argent,  a  chevron  between  three  cross-croslets  fttchie  Sable  [Davenport], 
impaling  Gules,  a  lion  rampant,  double  queued  Argent,  clucallg  crowned  Or, 
between  three  crescents  of  the  last  [Salusbury]. 

Crest. — A  felon's  head,  couped  at  the  shoulders  proper,  around  the  neck  a  rope  Or. 


<#r  iPiCrftf  SUttOn  [of  Dutton]  bad  to  his  first  wief  Ellyn 
donghter  to  Thomas  Leighe  of  Adlington  and  they  had  yssue  Hughe,  Katherine, 
Elizabethe,  Alice,  Anne,  Margery,  Margeret  and  Marye. 

Elizabeth  is  maried  to  W'm  Manley. 

The  said  Sir  Pieres  had  to  his  seconnd  wief  Jelyani  soinetyme  wief  to  Henry 
Patnier  of  London. 

&U\    6r0SbfU0r    Of    (gfttfOll   maried  Katherine  d:  &  one  of  the 

heyres  to  Ric.  Cotton  of  Hampstall  Rudware  &  they  haue  issue  Thomas,  Ric, 
John,  Anthony,  Dame  Elizabeth,*  Elnor,  Kathryne,  Anne,  Alice,  Margeret, 
Mabill,  Jane,  Dorothye,  Mary  and  Ursula. 

Thorn's  maried  to  Mabill  d  :  to  Sir  W'm  Poole  Knight. 

Elnor  maried  to  Thomas  Redishe  sonne  and  heire  to  Robert  Redishe. 

Katheryne  maried  to  Tho.  Rogcroste  [Ravenscroft]  sonne  and  heire  to  George 

Anne  maried  to  Roger  eldest  sonne  to  Edw.  sonne  &  heire  to  Sr  Roger 
Apylleson  [a  Puleston]  Knight. 

Arms. — Quarterly  Argent  and  Sable,  a  cross  fleuree  counterchanged  [Eton],  impaling 
Sable,  an  eagle  displayed  Argent,  beaked  and  legged  Gules  [Ridwaee]. 

&V  ©B'm  |300lf,  [of  Poole]  l&ltlCjIjt  liethe  at  the  Abbay 
of  Vale  Royall  and  he  wolde  have  not  taken. 

«#U*  MX^WX  ^ttinlri)  Of  &>tUlt01t  had  no  yssue  by  his  first 
wief,  he  maried  to  his  secound  wief  Anne  d.  &  one  of  the  heyres  to  S1'  James 
Haringtou  and  they  hadd  yssue  W'm,  Peter,  John,  Agnes  &  Katherine. 

W'm  maried  to  Grace  one  of  the  d:  to  W'm  Griffith,  Chamb'layne  of  North 
Wales,  and  they  had  yssue  W'm,  Rowland,  Edw.,  John,  Jane  and  Agues. 

Peter  maried  Elizabeth  d:  [and]  heire  to  James  Scarbrige  [Scarisbrick]  of 

Agnes  maried  to  Andrewe  Barton  of  Smethells,  as  it  appeareth  in  the  booke 
of  Lancashire. 

M'd  that  the  said  Sr  W'm  Stanley  was  sonne  &  heire  to  Agues  d:  &  one  of  the 
heyres  to  Sir  Robert  Gravenor  of  the  House  of  Holme  in  Cheshire. 

Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4  grand  quarters:  Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  on  a 
bend  Azure  three  stags'  heads  cabossed  Or.  [Stanley.]  2  and  3.  Argent, 
on  a  bend  Vert  three  mullets  Or.  [Hooton.]  Two  and  three  grand  quarters  : 
Sable,  a  cross  fleuree  Argent.  [Pulford.] 


Arms. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.  Argent,  a  stork  Sable,  member ed  Gules,  charged  with 
a  crescent  Or.  2  and  3.  Quarterly  Azure  and  Gules,  over  all  a  lion  rampant 

Crest. — A  stork's  liead  holding  in  the  beak  a  snake  [all  untinctured]. 

*  [So  styled  because  she  was  Prioress  of  the  Nuns  at  Chester. — J.  P.  E.] 

a  dfracjmrnt 


Cl)e  W  imitation  of  tfje  Cttj  of  Chester 

IN    THE    YEAR    1591, 



Deputy  to  the  Office  of  Arms. 


Taken  from  Sari.  MS.  2163. 

SUmo  a  natu  r'pt  1591 

for  rfjc  Cittgr  of  Ctetrr  tafcm  tog  r&o.  Cljalomr 

for  tfjc  Office  of  Sinned  £r. 

iHa&Sgc  tic  Grafton  rt  tie  <totr\ 

[Harl.  2168,  fo.  72.] 

Aems. — Quarterly — 1  and  4.    Quarterly  Gules  and  Or,  in  the  first  quarter  a  lion 

passant    Argent,    a    crescent    Sable    on    a    crescent    Argent  for  difference. 

2  and  3.  Per  salfire  Salle  and  Ermine,  a  lion  rampant  Or ;  over  the  four 

quark  rings  a  crescent  Azure  for  difference. 
Crest. — An  owl  Sable. 
Grafton's  Badge. — Standing  on  a  tun  Or,  a  falcon  with  icings  expanded  Argent, 

beaked  and  legged  of  the  first,  and  holding  in  the  dexter  claw  a  sceptre  Gold. 

Theise  Coates  and  Creastes  apertaine  to  JLSittUtaili  |i!taS6i>c 
Maior  GenteUman,  and  Maior  of  the  Cyttye  of  Chester;  This  yeare  1590; 
1590.  28  of  Januarij  xxxiij0  R.  R.  Eliz. 

This  William  seconnde  soniie  to 
RtCijarS  ittaBS»C  of  Grafton  gentellman  ;  and  late  of  the  Cittye  of  Chester, 
whoe   Maryede  Margereye  Doughter  to  Wyllyam  Barmestou  of  Churton,  in  the 
Countie  of  Chester  gentellman,  mother  to  the  said  Wm  Massye  Maior,  And  he  the 
aforsaid  Rieharde  Massye  was  sonne  and  heyre  to 

iCtllltam   ittassyc  of  Grafton  gentellman  whoe  lyneallye  discended  of  a 

*  Printed  in  italic  type. 


second  brother  to  Oulde  Sr  Harnon  Massye  Baron  of  Dunham  Massye  in  the 
countie  of  Chester,  And  of  ....  Graftone  one  of  the  doughters  and  Coheires  to 
Davyd  Grafton  of  Grafton  in  the  Countye  of  Chester  gentleman  in  whose  right, 
They,  The  saide  Massies  became  lordes  of  Grafton,  and  to  quarter  the  seconnde 
Coate  aforeshewed  :  And  hee  the  said  William  Massye  Maryed,  Anne  Massye 
Dough ter  to  John  Massye  of  Coddington  in  the  Countie  of  Chester  gentleman : 
And  of  Elianor  one  of  ye  Doughters  to  Sr  Hughe  Calveley  of  the  lea  in  the  Countie 
of  Chester  Knighte  ;  Elizabethe  Calueley  another  doughter  was  maried  to  .... 
Eayton  of  Eayton  Countie  of  Denbighe  Esquior. 

And  hee  the  saide  William  Massye  now  Maior  and  heire  apparant  to  his  brother 
Richard  Massye  of  grafton  gent',  now  a  Wyddower,  et  sans  yssue ;  Maryed  to  his 
first  wiefe,  Ales  one  of  the  doughters  to  Thomas  Bavante  late  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester 
alderman  ;  father  to  Richard  Bavant  now  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester  alderman,  and 
Justice  of  peace  ;  and  by  her  hath  hadd  yssue,  But  none  Lyvinge  ;  And  afterwarde 
to  his  seconnde  wyfe  he  maryede,  Ales  Johnsone  Doughter  to  Hamnet  Johnson,  late 
of  the  Cittie  of  Chester  Marchannt  and  haue  yssue,  viz. 




Thomas  )■  Massey. 

Edmunde  & 

(Signed)    Will'm  Massie, 

[aprrrnc  of  Cijrsta.] 

[Harl.  2163,  fo.  74.] 

Arms. — Gules,  a  lion  rampant  per  /esse  Argent  and  Sable,  crowned  Or,  and  charged 
on  the  shoulder  with  a  trefoil  Vert. 

2Ti)0U»as  <5mnr  of  the  Cyttye  of  Chester  alderman  and  Justice 

Maior         of  Peace  and  was  Maior  therof  in  Anno  D'ni  1565  :  Whoe  mariede 

1565.  to  his  firste  wyfe  Ellyne  Doughter  to  John  Brascye  de  Teverton  in 

the  Countie  of  Chester  gentellman,  And  to  his  seconnde  wief  hee 

maried  Dorothie  Doughter   to   John    Davenport  of  Calveley  in  the  Countye  of 

Chester  esquior  [widow  to  John  Hough  of  brinstoio,  she  dyed  the  x"'  of  July  1601  & 

buried  in  Christs  Church  in  Chester]  and  hathe  noe  yssue  ;  the  moore  piettye,  a 

verrey  Comlye  Cittizen  :  Courteous  :  a  wise  gentellman  ;   and  a  good  member  of  ye 

Cyttye  ;  Hee  hathe  breetheren  that  haue  yssue  ;    1590. 

(Signed)    Thomas  grene. 

Thomas  Greene  Maior.                 William.^ 

i  i 

John  serued  lo.  buscopp.  Richard  of  Chester. 


[Ball  of  Cfjrsstcr.] 

[Harl.  2163,  fo.  75.] 

Arms. — Gules,  a  human  leg  cowped  at  the  thigh  and  erased  at  the  ankle  Argent, 

•pit  real  through  the  knee  with  the  emitter  of  a  plough  of  the  second,  the  wound 

Heeding  proper,  charged  on  the  thigh  irilli  a  martlet  Salle  for  difference. 

(LSttUtiun  Ballr  of  the  Cittye  of  Chester  Alderman  and  Justice 
Maior  of  Peace,  and  was  Maior  thearof  in  Anno  D'ni  1568.  He  mariede 
1568.  to  his  first  wief  Joane  doughter  to  Eitchard  Butler  discended  of  a 

base  sonne  to  Syr  Thomas  Butler  of  Beavsea  in  the  Countye  of 

Lancaster  knight  And  by  her  hathe  hadd  many  Children:  And  now  1591  hathe 

lyvinge  John  Ball  of  Chester  whoe  maried  Elizabethe  doughter  to  William  Lathome 

eldest  sonne  to  Eitchard  Lathome  of  Parbolde  in  the  Countie  of  Lancaster  Esquior 

and  they  the  said  John  Ball  and  Elizabeth  haue  yssue  ;  And  hee  the  saide  William 

Ball   aid    hathe   twooe   doughters   Lyvinge   Anne   mariede  to  William   Johnnes, 

sonne  to  Rob't  Johncs  Alderman,  of  Chester  &  marchant  gentlemane  on\e]  of  the 

Counscll  and   they   haue  yssue   diuerse   children  now   Lyvinge  ;    And   Margeret 

the  other  doughter  first  maryed  to  Eobert  Harvye  of  Chester,  brother  to  John 

Harvye  late  of  Chester  alderman  and  Justice  of  peace,  and  they  haue  yssue,  and 

after  shee  maryede  Thomas  Thorpe  of  Chester  and  by  him  hathe  yssue  also. 

And  hee  the  aforsaid  Wyllyam  Ball  Alderman  maryed  to  his  seconnde  [wife] 

Agnes  doughter  to  John  Davys  of  Weston  in  S'  Martins  paryshe  Countie  of  Salopp 

and  by  her  hath  yssue  Thomas  Ball  &  William  vnder  a  yeare  oulde :  being  hym 

selfe  well  towardes  80  yeares  of  age. 

(Signed)    Wyllyam  Ball. 

Urtoctt  of  CljcStrr.] 

[Harl.  2163,  fo.  70.] 

Arms. — Argent,  on  a  cross  Gules  five  fleurs-de-lis  of  the  first,  in  dexter  chief  a 
crescent  of  the  second. 

cLCl tlliam  ^!U)Ctt  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester  alderman  and  Justice  of 

Maior       Peace  and  was  maior  thearof  Anno  D'ni  1578,  a  seconnde  sonne  to 

1578.       Thomas  Iwett  of  Heyton  in  Bradforde  Dale  in  the  Countye  of  Yorke 

wch  Thomas  mariede  Elizabethe  doughter  to  ...   .   Shakellton  of 

Myddopp  in  Heptonstall  within  the  viearedge  of  Holly-fax  Com.  Ebor'  And  mother 

to  the  saide  William,  whitch  William  Iwett  mariede  Margery  doughter  to  Eobert 

Bellyn  late  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester  wch  Eobert  Bellyn  maried  Cicelye  doughter  to 

(John)*  Poole  seconnde  sonne  to  Sr  (John)  Poole  of  Poole  in  Worrall  County  of 

Chester  knight. 

And  they  the  saide  Will'm  Jewett  and  Margery  his  saide  wyf  haue  yssue  Randolph 
Iwett,  bur.  in  Sl  Wert  23  Mag  1619,  marchant,  eldest  sonne  who  maried  Katherne 
doughter  to  William  Crosse  of  Chester  and  they  the  said  Randolph  a  singer  in 
Kinges  Chappell  and  Katherine  haue  yssue  Anne  &  Cicelye. 

*  The  words  within  parentheses  are  in  another  hand. 

264s  APPENDIX. 

"William  Iwett  a  secoimd  sonne  to  William  and  Margerey. 

Jane  Iwett  eldest  doughter  to  the  saide  William  and  Margerey  was  maried  to 
Eitchard  Basnett  of  harr  Eyton  in  the  Countie  of  Denbighe  Esquio1  and  they  the 
saide  Eitchard  Basnet  and  Jane  haue  yssne  William  Basnet  whoe  maried  Elizabethe 
one  of  ye  doughters  to  Sr  William  Boothe  of  Dunham  Massye  Countie  of  Chester 
knight  And  they  trip  said  William  Basnet  and  Elizabeth  haue  yssue;  Ric,  Wm, 
Elizabeth,  1591. 

Henry  Basnett  a  seconnd  sonne  to  Eitchard  and  Jane. 

Elnor,  eldest  doughter  to  Eitchard  Basnett  and  Jane  mariede  to  Rowland  Wren- 
ford  of  Castle  Moorlon  in  Vstershire,  gent. 

Dorothye  another  doughter  maryed  to  Wm  Carpenter  gent,  of  Nortaiv  in  Here- 

Marye  Basnett  a  thurde  doughter  vmnaried. 

Grace  another  doughter  to  the  aforsaid  William  Iwett  and  Margery  whoe  was 
sister  to  Thomas  Bellyn  late  of  Chester  alderman  and  Justice  of  peace  and  was 
maior  in  anno  d'ni  1577,  mother  to  the  saide  Grace  who  was  maried  to  Eoger  Lea 
late  of  Chester  aldrman  and  Justice  of  peace  and  was  Maior  in  anno  1572  :  and 
they  The  said  Eoger  Lea  and  Grace  haue  yssue  William  Lea,  Eic.  Lea  and  Grace 

And  hee  the  aforsaide  William  Iwett  aid'  Justice  of  peace  and  one  of  the 
Queenes  Mates  Chappcll :  reputed  for  an  excellent  synging  man  in  his  youthe  a 
martchant  of  great  adventures  and  a  lover  of  gentlemanyle  disportes  and  exercises ; 
maried  to  his  Seconnde  wife  Katherine  doughter  to  Hamnet  Hocknell  of  Duddon 
Countye  of  Chester  gentlman,  and  they  are  sans  yssue. 

Shee  the  said  Katherine  was  wyddow  to  Hughe  Whitney  of  (Leighton  in  Cheshr) 
and  by  hym  hathe  yssue,  (Eob't  died,  Arthure,  Whitney,  Henry,  Thorn's,  &  Eic. 
Mary,  [married]  to  Edmund  Hayns  of  Wellington  in  Som'setsh'  [and]  Katheryne). 

And  hee  the  said  Wm  Iwett  saythe  that  there  [their]  badge  is  a  nightingale 
But  how  or  in  what  sort  hee  cannot  Instructe  mee  and  therfore  haue  I  omytted 
the  setting  downe  of  yt  till  I  may  doe  it  p'fectlye. 

(Signed)     Wyll'm  Jewett. 

[Harl.  21G3,  fo.  77.] 

[A  blank  shield.'] 

1i?ugi)f  RogcVSOlt  alderman  and  Justice  of  Peace  ;  and  served  a 

Maior        small  tyme  as  Maior  in  anno  1580,  bereason  Will'm  Goodman  beinge 

1580.        Maior   died  that  yeare ;    But   he   knowethe   of  no   Amies   due   or 

belonginge  to  him  nether  desirethe  nor  deservcthe  any  payns  to  be 

taken  for  him.     hee  hathe  yssue  &c. 


BSirti  of  Cfjrsitcr.] 

[ITarl.  2163,  fo.  78.] 

Arms. — Argent,  on  a  cross  flory  between  four  martlets  Gules,  a  martlet  Or  ;  a  cant-on 
Azure,  charged  with  a  crescent  for  difference,  Gold. 

ffiEtilltam  BtlVtfC  of  the  Cyttye  of  Chestr  alderman  and  Justice  of 
Maior  peace  was  Maior  anno  d'ni  1580  At  the  first  enteraunce,  Elected, 
1580.  bereasone  they  are  alhvayes  Chosen  vppon  The  frydaye  after  Sl 
Dionise  day  in  October  so  that  they  serve  in  twoe  yeares  of  Our 
Lorde  Cfod,  In  the  wch  servyce  demeaned  hym  selfe  in  sutche  wise  that  bothe  of  her 
Ma*™  Counscell  in  England  and  Irelande  reported  him  to  bee  a  verey  good  subiecte  a 
wyseman  and  a  readye  furtheifer]  of  her  MatM  services  etc.  Hee  was  sonne  to  another 
William  Burde  of  Chester  alderman  and  Justice  of  Peace  and  Maior  of  Chester 
anno  d'ni  1557  who  maried  Jane  doughter  to  Raffe  Norley  of  Eccleston  in  the 
Countie  of  Chester  yomane  and  was  mother  to  this  Will'm  Burde  now  lyving  wdl 
Wm  now  lyvinge  to  his  first  wief  maried  Katherine  doughter  vntoRandulphe  Shawe 
of  Warington  in  the  Countie  of  Lancaster  and  by  her  hathe  yssue  now  Lyvinge, 
John  Burde  this  yeare  1590  Maior  of  Leverpoole  in  the  Countie  of  Lancaster  and 
hee  the  saide  John  mariede  Margeret  doughter  to  William  Seacome  of  Leverpoole 
aforsaide  alderman  and  they  haue  yssue  (many  children).*  Ritchard  Burde  a 
scconnde  sonne  to  William  and  Katherine  vnmariede. 

Jane  eldest  doughter  maried  to  Hamnett  Moores  of  Chester  and  they  haue  yssue. 

Ales  another  doughter  to  William  and  Katherine  maried  to  John  Battriche  of 
Chester  and  they  haue  yssue. 

And  hee  the  saide  William  Burde  now  lyving  to  his  seconnd  wief  maried  Ellyn 
Doughter  to  Thomas  Smythe  late  of  Chester  alderman  and  Justice  of  Peace  and 
was  twise  Maior  of  the  Cittye  of  Chester.  And  they  the  said  William  Burde  and 
Ellyne  his  wief  haue  yssue  Thomas  Burde  maried  and  hath  yssue.  Ellyne  a  dough- 
ter to  the  said  Will'm  and  Ellyne  maried  to  Rob't  Joh'es  [Jones]  eldest  sonne  to 
Will'm  Joh'es  of  Chester  gentlman,  &  sonne  in  law  to  Wm  Ball  aid'  &  Justice  of 
peace  and  they  the  saide  Robert  &  Ellyn  haue  yssue. 

And  hee  the  aforsaide  Will'm  Burde  aid'  now  Lyvinge  to  his  thurde  wife 
mariede  Katherine  doughter  to  Richard  Massye  late  of  Aldeford  Countye  of  Chester 
gentleman  sans  yssue  and  syster  to  Ric.  Massye  whose  sole  Doughter  and  heire  is 
maried  to  Peter  Dutton  sonne  and  heire  apparant  to  John  Dutton  of  Dutton  ( iountye 
Cheshr  Es(uiior  etc. 

(Signed)    Will'm  Byrtx 

The  words  within  parentheses  are  in  another  hand. 

2   M 


[BabantJ  rrf  C&ratfr.] 

[Havl.  2163,  fo.  79.] 

Arms. — Ermine,  two  lars  Gules,  in  chief  two  boars'  heads  Salle  eouped  close  of  the 
second;  with  an  escocheon  of  pretence,  Or,  a  crescent  Gules,  on  a  chief  of 
the  second  three  trefoils  of  the  first. 

Crest. — A  loafs  head,  eouped  close,  [unlinctured], 

KtdjavB  Babant  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester  alderman  and  Justice 

Maior  1581.       of  peace  and  was  maior  thearof  in  anno  d'ni  1581.    hee  was  sonne 

Ob.  19  Avf/nst      an^  ne^re  to  Thomas  Bavante  of  the  saide  Cyttie  alderman  and 

1603  x  hi*  wife      to  Margeret  Doughter  to  ...  .  Mydleton  of  the  same  Cittie  and 

" ' ccta  57.  '  heire  to  Thomas  Bavant  his  elder  brother  whoe  deceassed  without 

And  hee  the  saide  Ric.  Bavante  maried  Jane  thurde  and  youngest  doughter  and 
one  of  the  Coheires  to  Randulphe  Bannvile  late  of  the  same  Cittie  alderman  and 
Justice  of  Peace  and  was  Maior  therof  in  Anno  1562  and  of  Margeret  his  wyfe 
doughter  to  John  Smythe  of  the  Howlt  Countie  of  Denbighe.  They  the  Baide 
Randulphe  Bannvile  and  Margeret  Smythe  hadd  yssue  Three  doughters  and  heires 
viz.  Margeret  eldest  doughter  first  maried  to  John  Hooper  of  the  saide  Cittie 
martchannte  and  they  hadd  yssue  Margeret  sole  doughter  and  heire  maried  to 
Valentyne  Broughton  of  the  same  Cittie  ald''man  and  Justice  of  peace  and  was 
maior  therof  in  anno  d'ni  1584,  and  they  had  yssue  but  none  lyvinge. 

And  Shee  the  aforsaide  Margeret  eldest  doughter  and  one  of  the  heires  to  Ran- 
dulphe Bannvile  was  after  married  to  John  Massye  of  Coddington  in  the  Countie 
of  Chester  gentleman  and  by  hym  had  yssue  but  none  lyvinge  so  that  now  of  her 
the  said  Margeret  eldest  doughter  ther  is  noe  yssue.     1501. 

Anne  seaconnde  doughter  and  one  of  the  coheires  to  Randulphe  Bannvile  and 
Margeret  his  wyfe,  was  married  to  William  Joh'es  [Jones]  of  the  said  Cyttie  gentleman 
sonne  and  heire  to  Robert  Joh'es  of  the  same  Cittie  ald'man  :  And  they  the  said 
"William  Joh'es  and  Anne  Bannvile  had  yssue  Robert  Joh'es  of  Chester  Marchannte 
whoe  maried  Ellyne  one  of  the  doughters  of  Will'ni  Burde  ald'man  and  Justice  of 
peace  in  this  booke  beefore  mencioned,  and  they  the  said  Rob't  Joh'es  and  Ellin 
haue  yssue. 

And  hee  the  aforsaide  Randulphe  Bannvile  father  to  the  saide  Three  doughters 
and  heires  was  seconde  sonne  that  had  yssue,  to  Robert  Bannvile  of  Gosworthe  in 
the  Countie  of  Chester  gentlema'  whoe  maried  Mawde  one  of  the  doughters  to 
Thomas  ffitton  of  Gosworthe*  Esauer  sonne  to  Sr  Law.  Fitton  Kl  &  sister  the  greate 
grandfathers  father  of&'  Edward  ffytton  now  lyvinge. 

And  hee  The  saide  Robert  Bannvile  was  sonne  and  heire  to  John  Bannvile,  for 
a  tyme  of  Harleighe  in  Wales  bereason  (as  it  is  reported  hee  hadd  mariede  one  of 
the  doughters  of  Venables  Baron  of  Kinderton  against  her  parentes  consentes)  not 
withstandinge  hee  cam  after  to  Chester  and  intayled  all  his  landes  on  his  sonne 
Rob't  and  others  wch  Rob't  matched  w*  fytton  as  aforsaid. 

And  hee  the  said  John  Bannvile  lyvinge  in  anno  xxxvij0  Henr'  sexti,  sonne  to 

*  Several  words  have  been  erased  here  in  the  original. 


Robert  Bannvilo  whoe  was  sonne  to  another  Robert  Bannvile  lyving  in  anno  quinto 
Henr'  quarfci  as  appeareth  by  their  evidences.  And  hee  the  said  Robert  Thelder 
was  sonne  to  Thomas  Bannvile  w"*  Thomas  was  sonne  to  Alexand1'  Bannvile  seconnde 
sonnc  to  Sr  Thorn's  de  Bannvile  Knight  whoe  maried  Agnes  seaconnd  donghter  and 
one  of  the  heires  to  Alexandr  of  Sturton  and  to  Amabella  his  wyfe. 

This  Agnes  of  Sturton  had  an  eldr  suster  whose  name  was  Johan  and  was 
maried  to  S1'  Ritchard  Kingesleghe  knight. 

And  hee  the  saide  S1'  Thomas  Bannvile  knight  hadd  an  elder  sonne  then  Alexand1' 
whose  name  was  Sr  Phillipp  de  Bannvile  knight  whoe  maried  the  doughter  of  Rob't 
de  Pulford  esqr  and  had  no  yssue  mascle  but  doughters  wherof  is  descended  Sr 
Rowland  Stanley  of  Hooton  Conn  tie  of  Chester  knight,  The  Earle  of  Derbye  the 
Lakens  and  others. 

The  aforenamed  Alexandr  of  Sturton  was  governo1'  and  instructer  to  Hughe  the 
seconnde  of  that  name  Earle  of  Chester  in  his  youth  whitch  Earle  gaue  him  to  wyfe 
the  aforsaid  Amabella  doughter  &  heire  to  Ranulphe  the  sonne  of  Alane  Silvester  & 
of  some  others  called  Sauvagc  lord  of  Sturton  and  Pvdican  wdl  Alan  was  officer  and 
servaunte  to  Ranulph  the  seacond  Earle  of  Chester  wch  Ranulph  gaue  him  the  said 
lordshipp  of  Sturton  and  Pudican. 

And  they  the  afornamed  Richard  Bavant  &  Jane  his  wyffe  thurd  doughter  and 
one  of  the  heires  to  Randulph  Bannvile  haue  yssue  now  Lyvinge,  Richard  eldest 
sonne,  John  seeonnd  sonne,  Randulphe  thurde  sonne,  Michael  fourthe  sonne  & 
Danicll  fyvethe  sonne.  Ales  eldest  doughter  maried  to  Davyd  Lloyde  of  the  Cittie 
of  Chester  alderman,  sans  yssue,  Sara  a  seconnde  doughter  vnmaried. 

[Errrrtoooo  of  Cfjnftcr.] 

[Harl.  2163,  fo.  81.] 

Arms.— Ermine,  two  pallets  vairy  [Or]   &  [Azure]  ;  on  a   chief  [of  the  last]  a 

bezant  between  two  garbs  [of  the  second]. 
Crest.— Two  swords  in  salfire  [Gules,  poinels  &  hills  Or],  enfiled  with  a  crown  [an 

earl's  coronet  proper]. 

Robert  Bt'CrvrhJOOflf  of  the    Cittie  of  Chester   Alderman   and 

Bis  Maior         Justice  of  Peace  and  was  twyse  Maior  thearof  first  tyme  in  Anno 

All'lc !  r!g783        D'ni  1583  and  the  seaconnde  tyme  in  Anno  1587.     Hee  was  sonne 

and   heire   to  Breerewoode   of    Chester  And   of   ...  . 

the  sayd  Rob't  mar.  fo  his  first  wife  Elizabeth  da.  lo  Tho.  Orion  of  Chester  descended 

of  Ouerlon  of  Byddow  4'  had  yssue  John. 


asroufl&tott  of  €i)c&n\\] 

[Harl.  2163,  fo.  83.] 

Arms.— Quarterly—  1.  Ermine  a  lion  rampant  Sable,  charged  with  a  crescent  [Argent] 

for   difference.      2.   Vert,  a  lion  rampant  Or.  [Sanbiff.]     3.   [Or,]   a  lion 

rampant  Azure.  [Gruffith  ap  Kadwgon.]     4.   Vert,  three  eagles  displayed 

in  /esse  Or,  a  crescent  for  difference  Argent.  [Owen  Gwynedd.]    Over  the 

whole  a  crescent  Gules  for  difference. 

M  ior  1584  VttlttttgM  Uvoutjijton  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester  alderman  and 
Justice  of  peace  and  was  Maior  thearof  in  Anno  d'ni  1584  :  hee 
i  tml  'hJilTin.  was  second  BOlme  t0  Eafe  Broughtone  of  Escogen  in  if  parish  of 
8<  Peters  Ghweh  Shocklidge  in  the  Countie  of  Chester  Esquior.  He  married  to  his 
'"  Chester-  first  wife  Anne  da.  to  John  Cooper  somtgmes  Maior  of  Chester  by 
whom  he  had  Margret  which  dyed  yonye.  to  his  2d  wife  he  mar.  Margret  da.  &  h.  to 
John  Hooper  of  Chester  marchant  &  had  issue  which  dyed  yonge. 

(Damul  or  l&nitftton  motio  or  Crstr'. 

[Harl.  21C3,  fo.  85.] 

Arms. — Or,  three  mallets  Sable. 

Crest.— A  cubit  arm  erect,  vested  Gules,  cuffed  Argent,  holding  in  the  hand  proper 
three  trefoils  slipped  Or.     Mantled  Gules,  doubled  Argent. 

(POmunUr  ©ainull  of  yc  cittie  of  Chester  alderman  and  Justice 

Maior  of  peace  :  And  was  maior  thearof  in  Anno  d'ni  1585.     Hee  was 

1585.  sonne  and  heire  vnto  Thomas  Gamull  whoe  maried  Ellyne  base 

doughter  vnto  John  Poole  of  Poole  Countie  of  Chester  esquire  and 

They  the  sayde  Thomas  and  Ellyn  Poole  had  yssue  Thomas  Gamul  sonne  and  heire 

whoe  deceassed  sans  yssue.     Edmund  Gamul  seconnd  sonne  to  Tho  :  and  Ellyn 

became  theire  heire  after  the  decease  of  Thomas  his  brother.     Robert  Gamul  thurde 

sonne  John  Gamul  fourthe  sonne  to  Thorn's  &  Ellyn. 

And  the  saide  Thomas  husbande  to  Ellyn  Poole  was  sonne  and  heire  to  Thomas 
Gamul  whoe  maried  Elizabethe  doughter  to  Robert  Mynshull  of  Mynshull  Countie 
of  Chester  esq1'.  This  Thomas  husband  to  Elizabethe  deceassed  in  the  xxvj"1  yeare 
of  Kinge  Henrye  the  eight,  he  had  a  Brother  named  Hughe  whoe  was  p'sone 


And  they  the  sayde  Thomas  and  Hughe  weare  sonnes  to  another  Thomas  Gamul 
whoe  maried  Agnes  base  doughter  to  Sr  John  Maynwaringe  of  Peever  who  at  that 
tyme  remayned  at  Badeley  Countie  of  Chester  Knight.  This  Thomas  Gamul  at  his 
decease  bequethed  money  to  buye  an  antiphon  to  the  Churehe  of  Aldelem  \_Aldelyme~] ; 
Also  he  leafte  a  Competent  Some  of  Monney  to  Glase  a  whole  wyndowe  in  the  same 
churehe  anneynst  S*  Laurannce  channssell  to  conteigne  foure  seuerall  lightes  The 


first  to  bee  sett  focmrthe  wth  the  Image  of  our  Ladie  Sl  Marie  mother  of  Chryste. 
The  seconnde  w'  the  Image  of  Sl  Laurannce.  The  thurde  of  the  Image  of  Sl  John 
the  baptyst  And  the  fourthe  w'  the  Image  of  Sl  John  the  Evangelyste.  This 
Thomas  was  Lyvinge  A0  d'ni  1459  et  in  A0  x°  Hen.  8  he  had  a  brother  whose  name 
was  Hughe  and  hee  the  said  Hughe  was  a  chaplen,  and  they  weare  sonnes  to  Thomas 
Gamul  of  Buerton  who  maried  Ellyn  one  of  the  doughters  and  heires  to  ... .  Sfcapeley 
of  Stapeley  Countie  of  Chester,  bye  whom  cam  bothe  the  landes  in  Buerton  and  in 
Aldelem  to  the  Gamulls  now  the  land  of  the  aforsaid  Edmund  Gamul  somtymes 
Maior  of  Chestr.  This  Thorn's  had  a  suster  whose  name  was  Margarett  de  Gamul 
maried  to  Henry  Taylor,  lyving  13°  Hen.  7.  Ellyn  was  lyving  the  15°  Heu.  7. 
Since  this  Thomas  his  tymc  the  Gamuls  haue  beene  of  Buerton. 

And  he  the  said  Thorn's  Gamul  husband  to  Ellyn  Stapeley  was  soune  and  heire 
to  another  Thomas  Gamul  de  Kneghton  called  Thomas  the  younger  bereasone  hee 
hadd  an  vncle  whose  name  was  Thomas  the  elder  whoe  died  wthout  yssuc  and  so 
Thomas  the  younger  became  his  heire  aswell  as  to  his  father  whose  name  was  John 
Gamul.  This  Thomas  the  younger  maried  Johan  the  doughter  of  Thomas  Emedon. 
he  was  living  9°  Hen.  6,  as  apearethe  by  evidences  and  he  the  said  Thorn's  was 
sonne  to  John  Gam'ul  of  Knighton,  in  le  Halys,  Countie  Salop,  Brother  to  Thomas 
theldr  of  Knighton  lyving  22°  Hen.  6.  And  they  weare  sonnes  to  John  Gamull  of 
Knighton  lyving  8°  Hen.  5,  et  in  A0  12°  Hen.  i,  et  in  A0  4°  R.  2,  and  he  the  said 
John  was  sonne  and  heire  to  William  Gamul  of  Knighton  who  maried  Phillippa : 
They  weare  lyving  in  the  36  of  King  Edward  the  thurd  and  he  the  said  William 
was  sonne  and  heire  to  another  Willia'  Gamul  of  Knighton  e'  le  Halys,  whoe  was 
lyvinge  in  the  xvth  yeare  of  Kinge  Edward  the  seconnd,  And  he  the  .said  William 
was  sonne  and  heire  to  Stephen  Gamul  de  Knighton  iu  le  Halys  whoe  maried  one 
Edythe,  and  they  the  said  Stephen  and  Edithe  had  yssue  Richard  and  Thomas 
breatheren  to  the  said  Willia'  the  furst. 


And  hee  the  aforsaid  Edmund  Gamul  escf  and  Justice  of  peace  maried  to  his 
first  wife  Elizabethe  doughter  to  Thomas  Case  and  by  her  hathe  yssue,  Thomas  and 
William  Gamul,  Anne  maried  vnto  John  Brocke  of  (Vpton  in  the)*  Countie  of  Chestr 
gcntelman.  Ellyn  seconnd  [daughter]  maried  vnto  Richard  Swyn'ton  of  Knottes- 
ford  countie  of  Chester  gentelman,  maried  in  A0  1591.  Elizabeth  Thurd  doughter, 

And  he  the  said  Edmund  maried  to  his  seconnd  wief  another  Elizabethe 
doughter  vnto  John  Thrope  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester  and  wyddowe  vnto  Will'm 
Goodman,  maior  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester  in  anno  d'ni  1579,  and  by  her  hathe  no 

(Signed)    Edit.  Gamull. 

The  words  within  parentheses  arc  in  another  hand. 


Mall  of  £Ijr3tn\] 

[Had.  2163,  fo.  87.] 

Arms. — Argent,  a  crescent  Azure,  between  three  bears'  heads,  erased  Gules,  muzzled 

Or;  in  chief  three  pellets. 
Crest. —  Out  of  a  mural  crown  Argent,  a  bear's  head  Gules,  muzzled  and  collared 

Or,  between  two  wings  Azure,  endorsed  of  the  third. 

JLElflltam  EEtall  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester,  Alderman  and  Justice  of 

Maior       Peace  And  was  Maior  thearof  in  Anno  Domini  1586  He  was  sonne  to 

1586.        Raffe  Wall  of  Hellesbye  in  the  parishe  of  ffrodesham  in  the  Countie 

of  Chester  and  of  Elizabethe  donghter  to  John  Duttunc  of  Hellesbie 

jiuiton  »■"'  [drawing  of     Countie  aforsayde  gentelhuan.     And  hee  The  saide  John 

atrcfoiUliippecf\s[able].      ])utton  maried  Johan  the  doughter  to  John  Tatton  gentell- 

JohnDuttimofKelsly.^     mal1  one  °f  tne  Barons  of  the  Exchequer  at  Chester.     She 

I       the  saide  Johan  Tatton  was  first  maried  to  ...  .  Hyntton 

to  Wall. 

A     .  of  Hyntton,  Countie  of  Salopp  Esquire  and  by  hym  had 

Geo.  Leee/i  yssue  many  children,  And  became  his  wyddowe.     And  was 

"'[  hi!',"'' '  atter  mal'ipde  to  John  Dutton  and  by  hym  had  also  yssue 

man.  diu'se  children.      And  hee  the  saide  Raffe  Wall  was  sonne 

.  .  to  John  Wall  of  Hellesbye  and  hee  the  said  John  maried 

Margn  tie  •> 

Jo.  Thornton.  Elizabeth  doughter  to  Richarde  Worrall,  Countie  of  Chester 
gentellmau,  and  was  Maio''  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester  a0  d'ni  1508,  and  ther  bee  yet 
that  honld  landes  in  Cheshire  of  those  Worrallcs.  And  hee  the  said  John  Wall  had 
yssue  diuerse  children  ;  viz.  Will'm  Wall  one  of  the  masters  of  S'  Johns  Colledge 
at  Chester,  a  preacher  sans  yssue.  The  aforsaid  Raffe  Wall  seconnd  sonne,  Richarde 
Wall  of  Allesburye  a  greate  ritch  man  whoe  had  yssue  a  doughter  maried  to  Richard 
Lyteler  one  of  the  Attorneys  in  the  Common  place  [Pleas]  And  they  haue  yssue  twoe 
doughters  now  lyvinge,  Robert  Wall  a  4th  sonne  to  John,  a  Cittizen  of  Chester  had 
yssue  Alice  maried  to  Roger  Lynyall  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester  haburdasher  &  they 
had  yssue  Thomas  Lynyall  a  young  man  now  lyvinge.  Thomas  Wall  fyvethe  sonne 
to  John  of  Northwiche  Com'  Chester  had  yssue  diu'se  children. 

And  the  aforesaide  William  Wall  alderman  and  Justice  of  peace  seconnd  sonne 
to  Raffe  Wall  maried  Agnes  doughter  to  Richard  Grymsditche  of  the  Cittie  of 
Chester  alderman  who  maried  Margerie  doughter  to  ...  .  Foster  of  Stafford  and  he 
the  said  Ric.  Grymsditche  was  sonne  to  another  Ric.  Grymsditche  sometimes  of  the 
Cittie  of  Chester  ald'man,  And  he  the  said  Will'm  Wall  aid'  and  Amies  Grymsdiche 
hadd  yssue  Robert  Wall  whoe  maried  Ales  sole  doughter  to  Robert  Brerewoode  of 
the  Cittie  of  Chester  alderman  and  Justice  of  Peace  and  they  haue  yssue  John  Wall 
ob.  gong,  William  Wall  seconnd  sonne  to  Will'm  and  Agnes  now  at  Cambridge 
Batcheler  of  Arte  s.  p'le.  Agne[s]  Wall  eldest  doughter  to  Will'm  and  Agnes  maried 
vnto  Thorn's  ffletchcr  of  the  Citte  of  Chester,  alderman,  and  they  haue  yssue  Will'm, 
Thomas,  Agne,  Sara  &  Jane  ffletcher.  Sara  another  doughter  to  Will'm  Wall  aid' 
and  Agne  maried  to  Henry  Hamnet  sonne  and  heire  to  Will'm  Hamnet  aid'  and 
Justice  of  peace,  and  they  haue  yssue  Will'm,  Agne  and  Thomas  Hamnett. 

And  he  the  aforsaid  Raffe  Wall  father  to  Wm  Wall  aid'  had  yssue  John  Wall 
eldest  brother  to  Wm  who  had  yssue  Raffe  Wall  who  hathe  yssue  many  children ; 


And  Robert  Wall  Cittizon  of  Chester  a  thurcle  sonne  whoe  maried  Jane doughter 
&  one  of  the  heires  to  John  Hankye  of  Churtone  Conntie  of  Chester  gentellman 
And  they  hauc  yssne  many  children,  etc. 

Edward  3l  sonne  of  Robert  &  Jane  was  m  uer  married  he  dyed  the  24  of 
September  1614  and  was  buried  in  S'  Peters  Church  in  Chester. 

2M>nrnU  tic  Cnmir. 

[Harl.  -'1(13,  fo.  75.] 

Amis. — Azure,  on  a  hen/1  Argent  three  crosses  /lory  Sable,  on  a  chief  Or  a  trefoil  if 

the  third  between  lira  garbs  of  the  first. 
Crest. — A  garb  Azure  between  two  trefoils  Sable. 

iTijomAS  3LimraU  of  the  Citie  of  Chester  Alderman  and  Justice  of  Peace,  and 
was  Maior  therof  in  Anno  D'ni  1591,  was  soune  &  heire  to  Thomas  Lyneall  of 
Hordeley  Countye  of  Salopp  who  mariede  Elyzabethe  doughter  vnto  ....  Cornewall 
Conntye  of  Worcester.  And  hee  was  si  nine  to  Thomas  Lyneall  whoe  maryede  .... 
doughter  to  ...  .  Elkes  and  that  Thomas  was  soune  to  William.  And  I  fynde  thcr 
was  one  Thomas  Lyneall  of  Hordeley  afbrsaide  by  a,  peece  of  Evidence  whoe  lyued 
in  the  Thurtyethe  yeare  of  the  Raigne  of  Kinge  Henrye  the  Sixthe  and  discended 
of  Lyneall  de  Lyneall  Countie  Salopp. 

And  he  the  aforsaide  Thomas  Lyneall  Maior  1591  maried  Ellyne  doughter  to 
....  Taylor  of  Boughton  neere  Chester  And  by  her  hath  yssue  now  lyvinge  1592. 

John  Lyneall  soune  and  heire  to  Thomas  and  Ellyne  mariede  .... 

Willyam  Lyneall  secounde  soune  to  Tho.  and  Ellyn. 

Edward  Lyneall  thurdc  soune. 

Anne  eldest  doughter  to  Tho.  &  Ellyn,  mariede  vnto  John  Williams  of  Chester 
and  was  Sheriff  therof  in  Ann"  1587  and  they  haue  yssue. 

Jane  secounde  do:  to  Thomas  and  Ellyn  and  twyndeale  w'  Anne  maryede  vnto 
John  Wright  soune  and  heire  to  Richarde  Wright  sheriff  of  the  Cittie  of  Chester 
A°  1572,  and  they  haue  yssue. 

And  to  her  secounde  husbande  she  mariede  John  Lea. 

Katheryne  thurde  doughter  to  Thomas  and  Ellyne  mariede  to  Raph  Allayne 
Sherif  of  the  Cittye  of  Chester,  A°  1591,  and  they  haue  yssue. 

Tho.  Liniall  AI/F  mar.  to  his  2  wife  Katherine  da.  to  John  Wright  if  Biclcley  & 
widow  of  Thomas  Baiiaml  of  Leuerpoole  but  hud  no  issue. 

Thomas,  of  Hoi'dley.=j= 

Margretvx.  PhilKp.=r  John.=r  Kath.=     Thomas,     =j=Mlen,  da.  to 

Rich.  Broster                 j                 |  Wright.  Alderman  ....Tayler 

fun' Tanner            |~~                 \~  ob.  1591,  &  had    of  BogMon. 

'20  Q.  E.  daughter.  John. 

ob.  1618. 

1  u\ 




William  2 
mar.  Kalh 
da.  to 

Anne  uz WilVms. 

Jane  ux.  Jo.  Wright. 
Kath.  to  Bafe  Allen. 

John  of 

Edivard  3. 

Roger,  draper. =f Alice,  da.  &  h.  to  Bot't        Anne  vx.  Wm  Phillips 
Wall  of  Chester.  of  Lee. 

Humphrey. =  Roger.  Thomas  of  Handbridi^Eliz.  da.  to  Rob't  Keele  of  Sutton, 
bur.  at  8'  Bridgetts  '  2'^  to  Jo.  Battij  3'*  to  RoVt  Hall. 
24  January  1612. 

Mary  vx.  Jo.  Simson.         Ellen  to  Tho.  Welshman.        Jane.  Int.  30  Aprell  1612. 


[Harl.  21Gl,fo.  230.] 

[A  pencil  shield,  helmet,  and  mantling,  but  no  arms.] 

Peter  Warburtone  of  the  Cittie  of  Chest1'  Esquior  a  counsellor  and  one  of  the 
Alderman  of  the  saide  Cittie  sonne  to  ...  . 

[Here  Vie  fragment  ends  abraptlg.~] 


Pedigrees  are  printed  in  SMALL  CAPITALS  :  Arms  in  italics. 
[The  spelling  of  the  original  BfSS,   is  preserved   in  the  lnelex.~\ 


Abraham,  Jane,  28  ;  William. 

Acres,  Jane,  140  ;  Robert,  140. 

Acton,  Roger,  9  ;  William,  87. 

Adams,  Thomas,  8. 

Addeehead,  Thomas,  9. 

Adelicia  Britanna,  5. 

Aderton,  Helen,  190. 

Adilina,  or  Aelina,  Thomas  de, 

Alardus,  188. 

Albania.  Richard,  Viscount  of, 

Albemarle,  William,  Earl  of,  6. 

Alcoch,  153. 

Alcock,  Alice,  153  ;  John,  153. 

Aldelyne,  William,  Lord  of, 

Aldersey,  13,  14. 

Aldersey,  13,  14  ;  Alice,  13, 
14  ;  Anne,  13,  25;  Cicely. 
13;  Edward,  14;  Eleanor, 
13  ;  Elizabeth,  13,  94  ;  Ellen, 
13,  222  :  Henry,  13  ;  Hugh, 
13,  26,  215  ;  Jane,  13,  14  ; 
Joan,  14  ;  John,  7,  8,  10, 
13,    14,   25,   94  ;    Katherine, 

13  ;  Lawrence,  13  ;  Mar- 
garet. 13,  11.  26,  215;  Mary, 
46  ;  Peter,  14  ;  Philip,  7  ; 
Ralph,  13  ;  Randolph,  13 ; 
Richard,  13,  69;  Robert,  7, 
13,  14,   222  ;  Thomas,  7,  13, 

14  ;  Thomasine,  13  ;  William. 

13,  14,46. 
AldithUgk,  158.  160,  198. 
Aldithlegh,      Eleanor,       168   ; 

Henry,  158-160,  198. 

Aldlvm,  Agnes,  161  ;  Sibell, 

Alesbnry,  Mary,  59  ;  Kir  Tho- 
mas. 59. 

Alr.rntlth  i\   14. 

ALF.XANDKii,  14;  Alice.  II: 
Elizabeth,  14;  Ellen,  14; 
John,  8.  14,  245  ;  Margaret, 
50  ;  Margery.  245  ;  Nicholas, 

14,  50;  Sibell,  14. 

Alford.  Mary,  fi  ;  Sir  Robert,  6. 

Allen,    Katherine,    271,    272  ; 

Margaret,  250;    Ralph,  271, 

272  ;  Richard,  12  ;  William, 
8,  250. 

Arlington,  Mary,  20  I. 

Aimer,  Dorothy,  69  ;  Edmund, 
59  ;  William.  59. 

Alpram,  15,  154,  211. 

Alpram,  15;  Alice,  15,  154; 
Amy,  15,  154;  Ellen,  15, 
154  ;  Eva,  15,  154  ;  Jane,  15, 
154  :  Katherine,  15,  154  ; 
Matthew,  16,  164  :  Sibell,  15. 
154  ;  Worrall,  15,  154. 

Aljirtim  alias  Soi/u-reill,  85. 

Alstenteig,  Franc,  211  ;  Vero- 
nica, 211. 

Altaripus,  or  Hawtrey,  Auda, 
158,  198,  232;  Hugh,  158, 
198,  232. 

Amery,Cicely,116;  Richard,  116. 

Amson,  Hugh,  10. 

Anderson,  Prudence,  149  ;  Rey- 
nold. 149. 

Andrew,  Richard,  117. 

Anguish,  David,  Earl  of,  3,  4  ; 
Maud,  Countess  of,  4. 

Antrobus,  William,  11. 

Anunue,  or  Anion.  Katherine, 
103  ;  William,  103. 

Ap  Richard,  Anne,  253  ;  Cad- 
walleder,  253. 

Ap  Thomas,  Anne.  1S6 ;  Ro- 
bert, 186. 

Aquila,  Alice  6  ;  Sir  Gilbert.  6. 

Archer,  Frances,  149. 

Arderne,  16-18,  34,45,  164. 

Ardernb,  or  Arden,  16-19: 
Agnes,  41  ;  Anne,  18,  19, 
131  ;  Blanch.  17,  215; 
Charles,  19  ;  Elizabeth,  18  ; 
Ellen,  16-19,  207;  Frances, 
18  ;  George,  19  ;  Hamon,  19  ; 
Henry,  18;  Hugh.  17  ;  Isabel, 
17;  Jane.  18,  82,  242  :  Sir 
John,  16,  17.  34,55,  112,144, 
147.  213,215,240,  242  :  John, 
16,  18.  19,  60,  82,  131,  151, 
207  :  Katherine,  50  :  Mar- 
garet, 18,  19,  101,  1  12,  240, 
242  ;  Margery,  215  :  Mary, 
is  ;  Maud,  17.  34,  111,  1  17, 
161,  213  ;  Sir  Peter,  lsl  ; 
Ralph,  '.I,  18  ;  Richard.  IS; 
Robert,  18  ;    Sibell,   19,   45  ; 

Sir  Thomas,  17  ;  Thomas.  17. 
18,  55  ;  Ursula,  18  ;  Walk- 
liu.  17,  11  ;  Walter.  IT  :  Wil- 
liam. 11,  11),  45  ;  — ,  149. 

Armetiida  Normanna,  4. 

Armingsham,  — ,  205. 

Arragon,  Margaret,  Queenof,  58. 

Arthur,  Duke  of  Brittany,  6. 

Arundel,  Hugh,  Earl  of,  5,  182  ; 
Mabel,  Conntess  of,  3,  5; 
Richard,  Earl  of,  216  ;  Wil- 
liam, Earl  of,  3,  5. 

Ashley,  45. 

Ashley,  Cicely,  220 ;  George, 
40,  42,  45,  220  ;  John,  36  ; 
Margery,  196,  256  ;  Maud, 
40  ;  Thomasine.  12,  46. 

Ashmore,  Alice,  118. 

Ashton,  35,  45,  150. 

Ashton,  Alice,  178  ;  Anne,  68  ; 
Edmund,  140;  Elizabeth, 
74,  221  ;  Janet,  140  ;  Sir 
John,  144;  John.  151.  178  ; 
Margaret,  36  ;  Margery,  71 ; 
Miles,  68  j  Richard.  74;  Sir 
Thomas,  36,  150 ;  Thomas, 
144,  221  ;  — ,  73. 

Astley,  Edward,  9;  James,  11;!; 
Margery,  14:!. 

As  fun,  15. 

Aston,  15  ;  Alice,  16,  134.  136; 
Anne,  13,  16  ;  Arthur.  16  ; 
Barbara.  16  ;  Bridget,  16,  26  ; 
Dowce,  16,  239  ;  sir  Edward, 
184;  Elizabeth,  15,  16; 
Ellen,  86,  194  :  Frances,  Hi, 
184;  Francis,  L6  :  dace,  16  ; 
Hugh.  S,  i:;.  136  :  Sir  John, 
134  ;  John,  12.  16,  26  :  Ka- 
therine, 16  :  Margaret,  16, 
88  :  Mary,  16  :  Oswald,  16; 
Sir  Richard,  15  ;  Richard, 
8,  15,  16,  86,  194,  239 
Robert,  15;  Robert,  16; 
Roger,  16  :  Thomas,  11,  16, 
SS  :   William,  16. 

Atherton,  Agnes,  231,  233  : 
Charles,  39  ;   Kal  herii  e,  3 

aret,  B8,  215 ;  Thomas, 
215  ;  sir  William.  88,  231, 
233  ;  — .  217. 

Atkinson.  Margaret,  109; 
Roger,  109. 

2  N 



Auchingtou,  Eleanor,  257  j 
Elizabeth,  257  ;  Margaret, 
257  ;  Roger,  257  ;  William, 
Aufllem.  Sir  John,  217. 
Audley,  19,  90-92. 
Audley,  19  ;  Adam,  19;  Alan, 
160;  Anne.  52,  85;  Auda, 
160  ;  Beatrice,  19  ;  Clemence, 
160  ;  Elizabeth.  27  ;  Eve,  91  ; 
Henry,  Lord,  52 ;  Henry, 
160  ;  Hugh,  Earl  of  Glouces- 
ter, 20 ;  Hugh,  Lord,  27  ; 
James,  Lord.  20,85,  254;  Sir 
James,  20,91  ;  James,  19,  20, 
90,  92  ;  Jane,  20  ;  Joan,  160, 
212;  John,  19,  20;  Ludulph, 
19  ;  Nicholas,  Lord,  20 ; 
Nicholas,  20  ;  Sir  Peter,  91  ; 
Thomas,  Lord,  88,  165,  224  ; 
Thomas,  20, 91  ;  William,  160  ; 
— ,  Lord,  224. 

Audley  alias  Stanley,  Sir  Wil- 
liam, 212. 

Au'gier,  Robert,  8. 

Augustine,  — ,  113. 

Aurenches.  Emma.  Countess  of, 
4  ;  Richard.  Earl  of,  4. 

Aurenges,  Nigel  de,  5. 

Aurenges,  Nigel  de,  Baron  of 
Halton,  Constable  and  Mar- 
shal of  Chester,  2,  5,110. 

Avenell,  233. 

Avenell,  Aviee,  233. 


Babington,  Elizabeth,  78. 

Bacon,  160. 

Bacon,  Richard,  160  ;  William, 

Badlesmere,  Guncelin,  Justice 
of  Chester,  132. 

Bagenhold,  William,  47.  89. 

Bagnall.  Eleanor,  204  ;  Ellen, 
248  ;  Sir  Henry,  204  ;  Hum- 
phrey, 137  ;  John,  248  ; 
Mary,  44 ;  Sir  Ralph,  44 ; 
Winifred,  137. 

Bagott,  Sir  John,  73  ;  Mar- 
garet, 73  ;  — ,  135. 

Baguley,  99,  147,  148,  150,  199. 

Bagulev,  Clemence,  150,  199  ; 
Ellen,  144,  145.147,  149-151; 
Hamon,  150,  199;  Sir  John, 
148-150  ;  Richard,  199  ;  Ro- 
bert, 150, 199  ;  Thomas,  144  ; 
Sir  William.  144,  145,  147- 
151  ;   William,  150,  199. 

Baker,  Dorothy,  66 ;  James, 

Ball,  263. 

Ball,  263  ;  Agnes,  263 ;  Anne, 
263  ;  Elizabeth,  263  ;  Joan, 
263  ;  John,  69, 263  ;  Margaret, 
69,  263  ;  Richard.  8 ;  Thomas, 
7,  8,  263  ;  William,  263,  265. 

Bambell,  Margaret,  13. 

Bamvile,  212-214. 

Bamvile,  213  ;  Agnes,  212,  213, 

267  ;  Alexander,  ,87,  212,  213, 
241,  267  ;  Alice,  188  ;  Anabel, 
150 ;     Anne,     266 ;     David, 
213;  Ellen.  212.213:  Havise, 
212  ;  Jane,   266,   267  ;  Joan, 
212,  213  ;  John,  266  ;  Lettice, 
228  ;  Margaret.   266  ;  Maud, 
266  ;  Miriell,213  ;  Sir  Philip, 
212,213,228,267;  Randolph, 
266,   267;  Robert,   123,    188, 
266,  267  ;    Roise,  212.   241  ; 
Sir  Stephen,   212,   213  ;    Sir 
Thomas,  212,  213,  267  ;  Tho- 
mas, 150,  212,  267  ;  William, 
Banbury,  Sir  William.  143. 
Banester,  or  Banaster,  Eleanor, 
219  ;  John.  219  ;  Martin,  26, 
1 98  ;  Richard,  26, 198 ;  Thurs- 
ton, 160. 
Banister,  Margaret,  177. 
Bankell,   Margaret,  176 ;  Ran- 
dall, 176. 
Bankes.   Elizabeth,    68      Wil- 
liam, 68. 
Barber,  John,  9. 
Bardolph,  Ellen,  241  ;  Sir  Tho- 
mas, 241. 
Barker,    Anne,    196  ;    Edward, 
98,  196  ;  Isabel,  118  ;  Kathe- 
rine,  98 ;  Rowland,  98. 
Barksdale.  Audrey,  101  ;  Joan, 

101  ;  John,  101. 
Barlestone,  Margery,  174  ;  Wil- 
liam, 174. 
Barley,  238. 
Barley,    George,    238  ;     Mary, 

Barlow,    Alexander,    46,    146  ; 
Marteaux,   46  ;    Mary,    146  ; 
— ,  120. 
Barmeston,  Margery,  261  ;  Wil- 
liam, 261. 
Barnaeh,  58. 

Barnack,  58  ;  Joan,  59 ;  Wal- 
ter, 58,  59. 
Barnes,    Beikin,    133;    Isabel, 
133;    Ralph,   101;    Rebecca, 
Barneston,  Anne,  24  ;  Elizabeth, 
176  ;  Thomas,  24  ;   William, 
7,  176. 
Barrington,  Jane.  117. 
Barrow,  193. 

Barrow,  Dves,  205  ;  Eleanor, 
31  ;  Elizabeth,  193;  Kathe- 
rine,  140  ;  Richard,  31  ;  Sir 
Thomas,  140  ;  Thomas,  193. 
Bartlet,  or  Barlett,  Amy,  89  ; 
Elizabeth,  52  ;  Henry,  89  ; 
Lancelot,  52. 
Barton,  35. 

Barton,  Agnes,  215,  260 ;  An- 
drew, 215,  260  ;  Eleanor,  44  ; 
Margery,  153  ;  Patrick,  162  ; 
Ralph.  44  ;  Robert,  153  ; 
Sibell,  162. 
Bartram,        Elizabeth,       154  ; 

George,  133  ;  William,  154. 
Barwe,  Robert,  200. 
Barwick,  Elizabeth,  44. 

Basford,  Edward,  166. 
Basing,  Margery,  234  ;  Robert, 

Baskervile,  Agnes.  32  ;  Randall, 

32;  William,  9. 
Basnett,  Dorothy.  264  ;  Eleanor, 
264  ;  Elizabeth.  264  ;  Grace, 
264  ;  Henry.  264  ;  Jane,  264  ; 
Mary.  264  ;  Richard,  264 ; 
William,  264. 
Bason,  or  Boson,  Isabel,  206  ; 

Richard,  206. 

Bassett,  95,  158. 

Bassett.  Albreda,  6  ;  Alice,  158; 

Ellen,   98  ;  Henry,   6  ;  Jane, 

158;  Margaret,  96 ;  Philippa, 

158,  198,  232  ;  Ralph,  96,  98  ; 

Robert,  160  ;  Thomas,  Baron 

of  Haddington,  158, 198,  232. 

Bate.    Ellen,    72  ;    Humphrey, 

72  ;  Katherine,  72. 
Batisford,  Cicely,  256. 
Batrone.  Dom  Gomes  de,  120. 
Battriche,    Alice,    265 ;    John, 

Batty,   Elizabeth,   272;    John, 

Bavancl,  266. 

Bavand,  or  Baven,  266  ;  Alice, 
174.  262,   267;  Daniel,  267  ; 
Jane,   266,  267  ;   John,  267  ; 
Katherine,   257,   271  ;    Mar- 
garet,   266  ;    Michael,    267  ; 
Randolph,  267;  Richard.  262, 
266,  267  :  Sarah,  267  ^Tho- 
mas, 174,257,  262,  266,  271. 
Beakensall.  Jane,  65. 
Beamond,  Elizabeth,  140 ;  Rich- 
ard, 140. 
Beard,  Anne,   99  ;    Ellen,  75  ; 

Henry,  99  ;  William,  75. 
Bebington,  180. 

Bebington,   Eleanor,   13  ;   Wil- 
liam, 13  ;  — ,  107,  180. 
Bechton,  71,  74,  99. 
Beck,  200-203. 

Beck,  or  Beke.  Elizabeth,  200, 
201,  203  ;  Jane,  201  ;  John, 
200,  201  ;  Mabel,  243  ;  Mary, 

200,  203  ;  Sir  Nicholas,  200, 

201,  203;  Peter,  200;  Sir 
Robert,  200,  201,  203  ;  Roger, 
Serjeant-at-Arms,  243. 

Beckett,  Adam,  224  ;  Elizabeth, 
108  ;  Jane,  206  ;  Margaret, 
108,  224  ;  Margery,  108  ; 
Mary,  108  ;  Ralph.  108. 

Bedell,  Beatrice.  143  ;  Geoffrey, 

Bedford,  Jaquet,  Duchess  of,  50. 

Bceston,  15,  20. 

Beeston,  20 ;  Dorothy,  21  ; 
Elizabeth.  15.  20  ;  Sir  George, 
7,  20.  207,  256;  George,  21, 
259;  Henry.  15,  83,  84,  111  ; 
Hugh,  21,  256;  Isabel,  15; 
Jane,  20.  21,  207;  John,  15, 
20,  21,  259;  Katherine,  20, 
259  ;  Margaret,  15,  21,  256  ; 
Margery,  235  ;  Maud.  83,  84, 
111  ;  Thomas,  20,  235  ;  Tuo- 



masine,    21  ;     Tochett,    20  ; 
William,  15;  — ,  111. 

Beisine,  Anne,  15  ;  Elizabeth, 
16  ;  John,  15  ;  Mabel,  15  ; 
Mary.  100  :  Sir  Richard,  100  ; 
Sir  Thomas.  15  ;   Warren.  15. 

Belgrave,  151. 

Belgrave,  Isabel.  151  ;  Thomas, 

Bellett,  Joan,  183  ;  John.  183. 

Bello  Campo,  Matilda  de,  2+1. 

Bi  llott,  22. 

Bellott,  22  ;  Edward,  22  ; 
Sir  John,  22  ;  John,  22  ;  Ka- 
therine, 133:  Thomas,  133, 
208  ;  Ursula,  22. 

Bellyn,  Cicely,  263  ;  Margery, 
263,  264  ;  Robert,  263  ;  Tho- 
mas, 264. 

Behvard,  159. 

Belward,  Agnes,  159  ;  David, 
Baron  Malpas,  95,  159,  160  ; 
Margaret,  95, 159, 160 ;  Peter, 
159,  160  ;  Randolph,  159  ; 
Richard,  160  ;  William,  95, 
159,  160. 

Benhale,  91. 

Benhale,  Lady  Eva,  91  ;  Sir 
Robert.  91. 

Bennett,  Christopher,  11  ; 
Eleanor,  197  ;  John,  197. 

Benolte,  Thomas,  Clarenccux, 

Bentley,  Anne,  22 ;  John,  22  ; 
Ursula,  22  ;  — ,  256. 

Beomont,  Isabel,  81. 

/>'<  ri/agton,  20. 

Berington,  20 ;    Adam,   21 
Agatha,     21  ;     Agnes,     21 
Alice,  22  ;  Anne,  21  ;   Elea 
nor,  22  ;  Elizabeth,  22,  208 
George,     22 ;      Henry,     21 
Hugh,  21  ;  Jane,  228  ;  Joan 
21  ;  John,  21,  208  ;  Leonard 
21  ;  Margaret,  21  ;  Margery 
21 ;  Randall,21  ;  Richard,  21 
Thomas,   21,   228  ;    William, 
21,  22. 

Berisford,  or  Bereford,  — ,  62. 

Beristow,  Elizabeth,  174  ;  Ro- 
bert. 174. 

Berkeley,  Anne,  204  ;  Kathe- 
rine,  42 ;  Morris,  42  ;  Thomas, 
Lord,  204. 

Berouse,  John,  162. 

Beswick,  Blanch,  179  ;  William, 

Beteley,  Ellen,  250  ;  William, 

Bickerton,  Edmund,  8,  67  ; 
George,  8 ;  Jane,  67. 

Bickley,  — ,  257. 

Biest,  Anne,  98;  John,  98. 

Billington,  Margery,  192. 

BwoheOt,  22. 

BlECHELLS.  22 ;  Alice,  23 
Am..-.  22,  23;  Dorothy,  23 
Eleanor,  23  ;  Elizabeth,  23 
Ellen,  22  ;  John,  22,  23  ;  Ka 
therine,  23  ;  Margery,  23 
Mary,  23. 

Birches,  252. 

Birches,  — ,  252. 

Birchley,  Anne,  126. 

Bird,  23,  24.  186,  265. 

Bird,  or  Delbird,  23,  24,  265  ; 
Agnes.  162;  Alice,  23-25, 
162,  266  ;  Anne,  13,  23-25, 
54,  123  ;  Edward,  24,  25  ; 
Eleanor,  24,  68 ;  Elizabeth, 
25,  79  ;  Ellen,  222,  265,  266  ; 
Frances,  25  ;  Francis,  25  ; 
George,  7,  79  ;  Hugh,  25  ; 
Jane,  23,  186,  265  ;  Joan, 
24.    25  ;    John.    23,    24,    39, 

161,  1S6,  265;  Judith,  25  ; 
Katherine,     25,     156,     161, 

162,  265  ;  Mabel,  25  ;  Mar- 
garet, 25,  162,265  ;  Margery, 
24,  57,  80  ;  Mary.  23-25  ; 
Maud,  25,  39  ;  Mirabell,  25  ; 
Nicola,  54,  80;  Ralph,  24; 
Randall,  23,  24  ;  Richard,  23, 
24,  156,  265  ;  Robert,  23-25, 
31),  54,  123  ;  Roger,  25,  68  ; 
Susan,  25;  Thomas,  8,  13, 
23-25,  80,  265  ;  Uchtred,  80  ; 
Walter,  25  ;  William,  24,  25, 
265,  266  ;  — ,  86. 

Birkenhead,  25. 

Birkenhead,  25  ;  Adam,  25, 
130  ;  Alice,  25;  Elizabeth, 
130;  Henry,  25;  Margaret, 
138  ;  Ralph,  54  ;  Richard, 

Birkhead,  — ,  247. 

Biron,  Christian,  164  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 34  ;  Henry,  34  ;  John, 

Birrin,  Christopher,  9  ;  Tho- 
mas, 10. 

Birt,  Cicely,  177. 

Birtelley  [rectivs  Birtles], 
John,  9.     See  also  Birchells. 

Birtells,  Edward,  9. 

Blackborne  Hurnfrey,  248 ; 
Katherine,  248. 

Blackmore,  Elizabeth,  244  ; 
Ralph,  244. 

Blackwell,  Elizabeth,  106. 

Blechington,  Agnes,  212 ;  John, 

Bleston,  Elizabeth,  135  ;  Tho- 
mas, 135. 

Blimhall,  102. 

Blore,  Agnes,  159,  160  ;  Clem- 
ence,  159 ;  Eleanor,  159  ; 
William,  159,  160. 

Bluudell,  Anne,  217;  Emma, 
26;  James,  26;  Richard,  217; 
Robert,  26. 

BlimdeviOe,  1,  4,28-30,203. 

Blundeville,  Clemenee,  4  ;  Con- 
stance, 4  ;  Margaret,  4  ;  Ran- 
dolph, Earl  of  Chester,  Lin- 
coln, and  Richmond,  Dnke 
of  Brittany,  1,  3,  4,  27-.'i<>. 

Blunt,  Margaret,  32  ;  Richard, 

Bohun,  Humphrey,  Earl  of 
Hereford,  4  ;  John,  4  ;  Mar- 

garet, 4  ;  Randolph,  Earl  or 
Chester,  4. 

Bois,  Benett,  192  ;  Thomas,  192. 

Bold.     See  Bould. 

Bolrou,  John,  4. 

Bonbwry,  26. 

Bonbury,  26 ;  Agnes,  26 ; 
Blanch.  26,  192  ;  Bridget,  16, 
26  ;  Christian,  162  ;  Edward, 
26  ;  Eleanor,  26  ;  Elizabeth, 
26,  35  ;  Emma,  26  ;  Henry, 
13,  26  ;  John,  26  ;  Katherine, 

26  ;  Margaret,  13,  26,  102; 
Mary,  26  ;  Richard,  26,  102, 
192;  Thomas,  11.  16.  26   3 

Bonner,  205  ;  Edmund.  Bishop 
of  London,  205  ;  Vere,  97  ; 
William,  97. 

Booth.     See  Boutli. 

Bordell,  Sir  William,  112. 

Borough,  — ,  16. 

Boroughs,  Anne,  255. 

Boson.     See  Bason. 

Bostock,  26-30,  68, 113,  114, 198, 

Bostock,  or  Bostestock,  26-32  ; 
Sir  Adam,  Lord  of,  27,  28, 
159;  Sir  Adam,  27,  28.  30, 
31,  229  ;  Adam,  202  ;  Agnes, 
32  ;  Alice,  28,  30,  32,  88 ; 
Anne,  28-32,  53,  109,  125, 
204  ;  Anthony,  32  ;  Arthur, 
28,  29;  Barbara,  32;  Bridget, 
32  ;  Charles,  28  ;  Cicely,  30  ; 
David,  27,  29.  30;  Dorothy, 
31,  59,  259  ;  Edmund,  31  ;  Sir 
Edward,  27  ;  Edward,  28-30, 
32;  Eleanor,  24,  31  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 27,  29-32,  229  ;  Ellen, 
27,30;  Emme,  2S-30;  Felice, 
32;  George,  7,  28,  31,32, 109, 
113;  Sir  Gilbert,  27  ;  Gilbert, 
26,  198 ;  Havice,  27 ;  Sir 
Henry,   27  ;    Henry,   10,  27, 

30  ;  Hugh,  26,  27,  31  ;  Hum- 
phrey, 27,  32 ;  Ida,  32  ;  Isaac, 
28  ;  Isabel.  27, 29, 159;  James, 
32  ;  Jane,  27-32,  210;  Janet, 

27  ;  Joan,  31,  32  ;  John,  11, 
24, 28, 30-32, 127, 131 ;  Joyce, 

31  ;  Katherine.  29,  31,32, 129, 
131,216,222,247;  Lancelot, 
31,  59,  259  ;  Lionel,  32  ; 
Margaret,  27,  29-32,  113,  187, 
234,  235;  Maud.  31.  32,  127  ; 
Nicholas,  28,  31  ;  Sir  Oliver, 
26  ;  Sir  Ralph,  27,  159; 
Ralph,  10.27-32,88,  129.187, 
204,  210,  222.  217;  Randall, 

32  ;  Ranulph,  27  ;  Richard, 
7.  27.  31.  32  ;  Robert,  21.  28, 
30,    31,  59,  259;    Roger,    27, 

32  ;  Tamar,  32;  Tl as,  29- 

32;  Sir  Warren.  27  :  Sir  \\  il- 
liam,  27,  29  ;  William.  26, 
28,  30,  32,  85,  125,  198,  216  ; 
— ,  222. 

Boston,  Elizabeth,  126  ;  Ralph, 

Boteler,  Joan,  223  :  Sir  William, 




Botton,  Ellen,  103  ;  James  103. 

Boughey,  Alice,  166. 

Bould,  33,  34. 

Bould.  or  Bold,  33,  34  ;  Agnes, 

33  ;  Alice,  203  ;  Anne,  34  ; 
Baldwin.  34 ;  Charles,  34,  35  ; 
Cicely,  34  ;  Dorothy,  31,  124  ; 
Elizabeth,  20,  34,  35  ;   Ellen, 

34  ;  Frances,  34  ;  Geoffrey, 
33 ;  George,  34,  35  ;  Sir 
Henry,  33,  203  ;   Henry,  34, 

35  ;  Humphrey,  34;  Sir  John, 
33  ;  John,  33-35  ;  Katherine, 

33  ;  Lawrence,  34,  35  ;  Luke, 
35  ;  Margaret,  33,  34  ;  Mar- 
gery, 103  ;  Matthew,  33  ; 
Maud,  34  ;  Nicholas,  33 ; 
Peter,  33-35,  103  ;  Sir  Rich- 
ard,   33,    124  :    Richard,   33, 

34  ;  Robert,  11,  33  ;  Thomas. 

35  ;   Vere,  97  ;  William,  33- 

35,  97  ;  — ,  168. 
Boulton,  Randolph,  8. 
Bourne.  Anne,  32. 
Bouth,  35,  139. 

Bouth,  or   Booth,  35  ;   Alice, 

36,  37  ;    Amy,  37  ;   Andrew, 

36,  37  ;  Anne,  36,  42,  44,  74, 
170.  2(17.  217;  Arthur,  37  ; 
Bridget,  37  ;  Dorothy.  36,  37, 
221/212  ;  Dowce,  36,  143, 
146,  169,226,  228;  Edmund, 
37  ;    Edward,    37  ;    Eleanor, 

37.  73  ;  Elizabeth,  36,  37,  61, 
220,  240,  264  ;  Elleu,  30,  01, 
144,  151,  153;  Sir  George, 
37;  George,  11,  36.  37,  61, 
74,  170.  220,  221  ;  Hamlett, 
36  ;  Henry,  36,  37  ;  Jane, 
30.  37,  87,  89,  125,  139  ;  Sir 
John,  203,  217  ;  John,  30.  37, 
i:.:;.  252  ;  Katherine,  30.  252  ; 
Margaret.  30,  74,  178  ;  Mary, 
37,75;  Maud,  36,  203;  Peter, 
37 ;  Ralph,  36,  139,  178  ; 
Richard,  37  ;  Sir  Robert.  36, 
151,  169,  226,  228  ;  Robert, 
36,  37  ;  Susan,  37  ;  Thomalin, 
36  ;  Sir  Thomas.  36  ;  Thomas, 
7,  37 ;  Sir  William,  30,  37, 
12.  75.  89,  12:..  143,  141.  146, 
171.  207,  2hi.  242,  204;  Wil- 
liam. 30,  37,  73  ;  — ,  34. 

Bowdcn,  Anne,  253;  George,  253. 

Bowes,  Anue,  17  ;  John,  17. 

Bowett,  Elizabeth,  91  ;  Joan, 
91  ;  Sir  William,  91. 

Bowster  [rectius  Broster],  Ed- 
ward, 9. 

Bowyer,  Anne,  22  ;  Elizabeth, 
22';  John,  22  ;  Katherine, 
11  :   William,  22,  41. 

Buydell,  32,  71,  152,  167. 

Boydell,  Beatrice,  140;  Geoffrey, 
i  |i;  ;  John,  140  ;  Margaret, 
140  ;  Sir  William,  112  ;  Wil- 
liam lc,  32  ;  — ,  70,  131,  152. 

Brace,  Elizabeth,  10  ;  Hova, 
161  ;  Richard.  10. 

Brackenbury,  Eleanor.  44. 

Bradboume,    Elizabeth,    221  ; 

Henry,  73  ;  Isabel,  229  ;  John, 
12,  229  ;  Margaret,  73. 
Bradbury,      Katherine,      243  ; 

Nicholas,  243. 
Bkadfeld,    37 ;     Isabel,    29 ; 
John,    37 ;     Katherine,    37 ; 
Margery,    37  ;     Roger,    37  ; 
Thomas,  29,  37. 
Bradley,  Alexander,  10  ;  Elea- 
nor, 81  ;  John,  81 ;  Thomas, 
Bradshaw,     Anne,     108  ;     Sir 
Henry,  27  ;  Janet,  27  ;  John, 
190;     Mary,     190;     Robert, 
200  ;    Roger,   108  ;    William, 
Brail  sford,      Margaret,      112  ; 

Ralph,  112. 
Branche,  Dorothy,  179  ;  John, 

Branham,  or  Bruncham,  John, 

Brasted,  John,  102  ;  Margaret, 

Bray,     Anne,     56  ;     Edmund, 

Lord,  50  ;  Jane,  56. 
Brayne,  John,  8. 
Brereton,  41-45. 
Beeeeton,  41-46  ;  Emilia, 
228 ;  Agnes,  41,  45,  151  ; 
Alice,  41,  42.44.  46,138,183, 
204  ;  Sir  Andrew,  41,  72,  100, 
148,  151,  183,  209,  210  ;  An- 
drew, 42  ;  Anne,  36,  41-44, 
74,  79,  209 ;  Annila,  41 ; 
Cuthbert,  46  ;  Dorothy,  46  ; 
Edward,  42.  43,45,  46  ;  Elea- 
nor, 31,  42-14,  88,  96,  97,  203  ; 
Elizabeth,  41,  42,  44,  53,64, 
148,  166,  176,  210,  211,  219, 
229;  Ellen,  41,42,61,  81,96, 
100,  162,  166,  252;  Emma, 
43,  61,  79;  Geoffrey,  44,  138; 
George.  11,  19,  36,  41-46,  74, 
79, 209 ;  Henry,  42, 44 ;  Hugh, 
42,  166,  244  ;  Humphrey,  79  ; 
Isabel,  42,  43,  244  ;  Jane,  27, 

42,  44-46,  00,  126,  14S,  171, 
209,  216,  229,  240  ;  Joan,  24, 
149  ;  Sir  John,  42  ;  John,  42, 

43,  45.  JO,  120,  211  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 25,  41,  42,  44,  46,  209  ; 
Lucrctia,  45  ;    Mai-garet,  41, 

42,  46,  204 ;  Margery,  125  ; 
Marteaux,  40  ;  Mary,  42-44, 
46,  52,  64,  96,  240  ;  Maud,  42, 
46,  72,  184  ;  Owen,  31,  43  ; 
Peter,  43  ;  Philippa,  41,  42; 
Ralph,  125;  Sir  Randall.  7, 
41-44.  40,  64,  79,  88,  96,  97, 
166,   219;   Randall,  7,  9,  41, 

43,  45,  46,  53,  61,  176  ;  Ran- 
dolph, 46  ;  Sir  Richard,  43, 

44,  74,  216  ;  Richard,  7,  42, 
44-40,  52,  171  ;  Robert,  44  ; 
Sir  Roger,  44 ;  Roger,  44  ; 
Rose,  234  ;  Sibell,  19,  45,  40, 
152  ;  Thomas,  43-40,  01;  Tho- 
masiue,  42,  45 ;  Sir  Urian,  44, 
46,  149,  152  ;  Urian,  46.  61  ; 
Ursula,  46  ;    Walburgh,  42  ; 

Sir  William,  Lord  Ch.  J.  of 
Ireland,  42,  204 ;  Sir  William, 
10,27,36,41-45,  81,148,149, 
184,   202-204,   209,  229,  234, 
240,  252  ;  William,  7,  36,  41- 
40,  61,  00,  96,  162,  208,  228, 
Breremood,  267. 
Beeeewood,  267  ;  Alice,  270  ; 
Elizabeth,    116,    207  ;    John, 
267  ;  Robert,  267,  270. 
Brcssy,  38-40. 

Beesst,  or  Brassy,  38,  39  ; 
Alice,  39,  40  ;  Anne,  39 ; 
Beatrice,  40  ;  Dorothy,  39  ; 
Elizabeth,  39  ;  Ellen,  39,  262 ; 
Hamon,  38,  57  ;  Heury,  39  ; 
Isabel,  38,  57 ;  Jane,  39  ; 
Jenkin,  40  ;  John,  10,  25,  39, 
262  ;  Katherine,  39  ;  Mar- 
garet, 38,  39  ;  Mary,  209  ; 
Maud,  25,  39  ;  Parnell.  39  ; 
Ralph,  38  ;  Randall,  209  ; 
Richard,  8,  38,  39  ;  Robert, 
39  ;  Thomas,  38,  39  ;  William, 
38,  39. 
Bretlands,  John,  9. 
Bretoft,  Thomas,  58. 
Brett,  38. 

Brett,   Cicely,  105,  177  ;   Mar- 
garet, 38  ;  Robert,  38,  105. 
Brian,  Dorothy,  125  ;  John,  125. 
BriclihM,  194. 
Brickhill,   Hugh,    194 ;    Mary, 

Brickley,  Anne,  13 ;  William,  13. 
Bridge,  Robert,  9. 
Bridrit,  Edmund,  12. 
Brindlcy,  40. 

Beindley,     40 ;     Alice,    40  ; 
Anne,  39,  245  ;  Beatrice,  40 ; 
Elizabeth,    40  ;    Hugh,    40  ; 
Joan,  40  ;  John,  40  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 40 ;  Margery,  40 ;  Maud, 
40  ;    Piers,  245  ;   Thomas,  8, 
40  ;  William,  40. 
Britain,  Couan,  Earl  of,  4, 
Brittany,  Arthur,  Duke  of,  6. 
Brock,   Anne,  269 ;    John,    8, 

Brockett,    Condra,    102 ;     Ed- 
mund, 102. 
Brodhurst,  Ralph,  9  ;   William, 

Bromfeld,  Emma,  28, 29  ;  Hum- 
phrey, 28,  29. 
Bromhatt.  73. 

Beomhall,  73  ;  Alice,  73  ;  Sir 
Edward,  Lord   of  Port,  73  ; 
Geoffrey,  73;  John,  73  ;  Maud, 
224  ;  Sir  Richard,  73  ;  Rich- 
ard, 224  ;  William,  73. 
Bromley,  47-50,  89,  90,  184. 
Beomley,  47-49  ;    Agnes,   48 
50  ;    Alice,    15,   47-49,  196 
Amabel,  48,  50,   90  ;    Anne. 
49,  50,   176  ;   Beatrice,   49 
Dorothy,   49  ;    Edward,  49 
Elizabeth,  48, 49,  249  ;  Ellen 
50  ;   Francis,  49  ;    Geoffrey. 
47  ;   Sir  George,  Justice  of 



Chester,    49  ;     George,    49  ; 
Gerrard,  49  ;  Henry.  17.  Ill  : 
Hugh,  8,  is,  49,  176  ;   Hum- 
phrey,   19  :    [sabel,  50,  157, 
184  :'  Jane,  19,  ill:  Joan,  I8- 
60, 90,  184  ;  Sir  John,  48,  50. 
50.  109,  19  >.  184,  215;  John, 
17-50,  9  '.111.  157  :  . I. .ice,  49; 
Catherine,  50  ;  Lettice,  48  ; 
Margaret,  1  I.  19.50.  |n.i.  215; 
Margery,  190,  215;  Martha, 
60  |  Mary,    19  ;    Maud,   4  s  ; 
Millioent,   48  ;    Muriel,   49  ; 
Nicholas.  48  ;    Randall,  48  ; 
Ranulph,   60  ;    Richard,   47, 
is.  .Ml.  90  |   Sir   Robert,    17  ; 
Robert,   IS,  50,  196  ;    Roger, 
17-50.    90  ;    Si^an.    49  ;    Sir 
Thomas,   L.  Chanc.  of   Eng- 
land, 49  ;  Sir  Thomas,  Justice 
of  England,  49  ;  Thomas,  48- 
60,  249;   Sir  Walter,   15.  47  ; 
Walter,  47.  48,  90,  254  ;  Wil- 
liam, 8, 14, 47-60, 90  ;  —243. 
See  Chetilton. 
Brooke.  51. 

Brooke,   51  ;    Alice.  52,  70  ; 
Andrew,   51;    Anne,   51.   52, 
56  ;  Basil.  51  ;  Bridget,  51  ; 
Charles,  52  ;    Christian,    51, 
52;  Cicely,  51,  78;   Dorothy, 
219;   Eleanor,  52;  Elizabeth, 
51,  52,    168  ;    George.    Lord 
Cobham,    56  ;    George,    52  ; 
Jane,  51  ;  John,   17,  51,  52, 
219  ;   Katherine,  51  ;   Lucy, 
17  ;  Margaret,   51,  52,   Kit  ; 
Martha.    52.   219;    Mary.    51, 
52  ;   Maud.  51  ;   l'oynings,  52  : 
Prudence,  52;  Ralph,  51 ;  Sir 
Richard,  L.  Ch.  Baron  of  the 
Exch..  51.  78  ;   Sir  Richard, 
52  ;    Richard,    51,    52,   219  ; 
Robert,  51.  52;  Roger,  51,52, 
164  ;   Thomas,  11,  51,  52,  70, 
168  ;  William.  52  ;  — ,  Lord, 
63 ;  — ,  166. 
Broome.  — ,  115. 
Broster,  Edward,  9  ;  Margaret, 
271  ;   Richard.  271  ;  — ,  206. 
Brovghton,  268. 

BEOUGHTON,  2(18  ;  Alice,  186  ; 
Anne,  268  ;  Edmund,  66, 
186  ;  Eleanor,  66  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 16  ;  Margaret,  266,  268  ; 
Ralph.  268  ;  Richard,  16  ; 
Valentine,  266,  268  ;  — ,  21. 
Brow,  David,  48  ;  Kleauor,  112  ; 
Eve.  254  ;  Sir  Hugh,  112  ; 
John.  254. 
Browne.  Sir  Anthony,  65  ; 
Cicelv.  51',  236  ;  James,  10  ; 
Jane,"05;  John,  30,  179,256  : 
.1 1 lice.  256  ;  Margaret,  219  ; 
Nicholas,  236;  Thomas,  219; 

Browning,    Alice,    92  ;    John. 

Broxton,  79. 
Broxton,   Alice,   79  ;    Thomas, 

79  ;  William,  162. 

Bruereton,  191. 

Urn  •in.  52.  53. 

Buuvn,  52  ;  Alice.  51  ;  Anne, 
5  !,  54,  12.'.;  Dorothy,53,  125; 
Eleanor,  51  ;  Elizabeth,  53, 
51;  Ellen,  52.  5::  ;  Ge  «rey, 

55,  112  ;  George.  53  ;  -la <. 

53  ;  Jane,  55  ;  .loan.  123  ; 
John,  lo.  52-54,  125  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 53,  54  ;  Margaret,  53, 
112;  Mary, 53;  Nicholas,52, 
53  ;  Philip,  53  ;  Piei  .  54, 
123  ;  Ralph.  11.  53.  5  1.  125  ; 
Richard,  53,  54  ;  Robert,  53  ; 
Roger, 52;  Thomas,  53  :  Wil- 
liam, 53  ;  — ,  39,  103. 
Brych,  Elizabeth,  34. 
BiteMey,  49. 

Buckley,  Ellen,  18  :   babel,  29  : 
Joyce.  51  ;  Margery,  166  :  sir 
Richard.     IS,     37  ;     Richard. 
105  ;   Robert,  7. 
Bulgiolle,    Reginald,    Lord    of 
Hulgreve  and  Erdeswick,  230. 
Buikeley,  38,  54,  5S,  125. 
BULKELEY,  54-57  ;  Agnes.  55, 
56,  150,  199  ;  Alice,  55,  125  ; 
Anne,    184  ;     Audrey.    5 1   ; 
Beatrice,    55  ;     Cicely,    55  ; 
David,  54,  55  ;  Elizabeth,  55, 
74  ;   Ellen,  47,  54,  55  :  Hugh, 
55,  60,  80,  242  ;   Humphrey, 
55;  John,  48,  54,  55  ;   Kathe- 
rine,   74  ;    Lettice,    48,    50  ; 
Mabel,  38,  57  ;  Margaret,  60, 
80,   204;    Margery,  55,  212; 
Mary,  55;   Maud,  38,  00.  125; 
Nicola,  54  ;    l'eter.  54  ;    Sir 
Richard,  56,  74,  204  ;   Rich- 
ard,  38,  47,  55-57,    74,    150, 
184,  199  ;   Robert,  Lord,  54  ; 
Robert,  47,  50.55.  50.  80,  150, 
199  ;  Roger,  38,  55, 57  ;  Row- 
land. 65,  56  ;  Thomas,  3s,  5  1, 
55.  ;,7  ;  Wilcock,  60  ;    Wil- 
kin. 38,  57;    William,  Lord, 
55  ;  William.  Justice  of  Ches- 
ter.  125  ;   William,  1st  Con- 
stable   of     Beaumaris,     56  ; 
William,  47,  48,  54-57,  125; 
Buikeley  alias  l'restland,  Rich- 
ard, 55. 
Hull.  Kleauor,  135;  Elizabeth, 

245  ;  John, 135. 
Buhner,  — ,21. 
Bunbury,  Mabel  de,  230. 
"fJtirdcaux,  Maud.  105,  22.5  ;   ,^ir 

Oliver,  225  ;  Oliver,  165. 
Biirrfi  u.r,  104. 
Burgamlle,  5.  239. 
Burgaville,Adebcia,5;  Charles, 
7>  ;    Eustace,    Lord.  5  ;    Kus- 
tace,    5  ;    John,    Lord    Pem- 
broke, 5. 
Burges,  Francis,  123  ;  John.  10; 
Katherine,  125;  William.  11. 

lliinjh,  58. 

Burgh,  Hubert,  Earl  of  Kent, 
188 ;  Sir  John,  188  ;  Mar- 
garet, 188  ;  — ,  59. 

Burghall,  Bartholomew.  101  ; 
Nicholas,  101. 

Burghes,  Robert,  8  ;  Willi:"". 
i  Ihester  Herald,  3. 

BwglOey,  169. 

Burghley,  Sir  John.  169  ;  Tho- 
mas Lord.  115  ;  William. 
Lord,  Mi. 

Burnell,  William,  173. 

Burward, or  Burw  Mice, 

15,47  ;    Mabel.  15  ;    M 
15  ;  Warren,  15.  17. 

Bushell,  Edward,  78  ;  Mar- 
garet, 78. 

Butler,  152,  184. 

Butler.  Alb  ,ni'.  58  ;  Anne.  3  I  ; 
Blanch,  110  :  Elizabeth,  50. 
55,  88,  190.  192  :  Ellen,  10,5  ; 
Isabel.  45  ;  .lane.  58,  68  : 
Joan,  263  ;  sir  .John.  165, 
225  ;  John,  192  :  Mai 
33,  125.223  ;  Mary.  2 
Nicholas,  34  ;  Ralph.  Lord 
Sudley,  55  ;  Richard.  OS,  263  ; 
Sir  Thomas,  53,  50,.  72,  253. 
234,203  ;  Thomas.    1  10.    153  ; 

.      Sir  William,    225  ;  William, 

88  ;  Sir—.  43. 
Byron,  — ,  217. 

Caddington, Beatrice,  15  ;  John, 

Cadwalleder  ap  Richard,  253. 
Caleott,  57. 

C'ALCOTT,  57;  Alice,  58; 
Anthony.  58  ;  Bridget,  6  ; 
Charles,  58  ;  David,  57  ; 
Dorothy,  58  ;  Elizabeth,  39, 
57  ;  Ellen,  58  ;  Emily,  90,  ; 
Isabel,  58  ;  Jane.  58,  79  ; 
.loan,  58  :  John,  86  ;  Kathe- 
rine. 58  :  Lancelot,  58;  Mar- 
gery, 57,  58  ;  Maud,  58  ; 
Randall,  5S  ;  Robert.  57  ; 
Thomas.  7,  57,  58,  79  ;  Wil- 
liam. 58  ;  — .  67. 
Calthrop,  Alice,  13  ;    Richard, 

Calveley,  58,  75,  109,  259. 
I'ALVELEY.  58  ;  Agues.  00,  62; 
Alice,  59,  66,  126  ;  Anthony, 
60,  259  ;  Beatrice,  132  ; 
Christian,  59.  120.  128,  259; 
David,  11.  58.  75;  Dorothy, 
31,  510  Oil.  120,  170.  250  ; 
Eleanor.  59.  60,  70,.  89,  259, 
202:  Elizabeth,  59.  259.  202  ; 
sir  George,  7.  20.  31,  59, 
60,  62,  126,  128,  183;  George, 
0,0.  259  :  sir  Hugh,  58-60, 
70,  SO.  Ml.  109,  202  ;  Hugh, 
s.  68-60,  00,,  120.  170,  259  ; 
Jane,  111.  250  :  Joan,  59  ; 
Sir  John,  12S  :  John,  60, 
250  ;  Catherine,  20.  ,5.  269; 
Margaret, 68-60,  183  ;  Maud, 
59  ;  Peter,  60  ;  Sir  William, 



Cambridge,  12S. 
Cambridge,  — ,  128. 
Canioys,  William.  Lord,  6. 
Campan.  Robert,  160. 
Camville,    l.lonia,    6  ;     Maud, 
234  ;    Roger,   Lord.   6  ;    Sir 
William,  234. 
Cantilupe,  Margaret,  6;   Mili- 
oent,  182  ;  William,  Lord,  6, 
Capenhurst,  63,  191. 
Capenhurst,  Joan.   191  ;  John, 

191  :  Thomas,  191  ;  — ,  63. 
Cappell,  Robert,  160. 
( 'a  rden,  67,  105. 
Cardcu,  Ellen,   105  ;    Margery, 

67  ;  William,  105. 
Carew,  Christian,  51  ;  John.  51. 
Carey,  Sir  Edmund,  68  ;  Maw. 

Carinij'ini.  60. 

CARINGTON,  60  ;  Adam,  170  ; 
Andrew,  61  :  Anne,  61,  81  : 
Beatrice.  203  :  Blanch,  203  ; 
Bonaventure,61;  Edmund,  61; 
Eleanor.  61 ;  Elizabeth,  15, 42, 
61  ;  Ellen,  36,  61,  125,  239  ; 
Emma,  43,  61  ;  Sir  George, 
60;  George,  61;  Hamlet t.  61  : 
Sir  Hamnett,  203;  Hamon, 
61  :  Hugh,  81, 248  :  Jai 
61  ;  Joan.  61  ;  Sir  John.  61  ; 
John,  15.  36,  37.  42.  43,  61, 
82,  125  ;  Katherine,  61,  252; 
Margaret,  61,  S2  ;  Nicholas, 
61  ;  Owen,  61  ;  Peter,  61  ; 
Ralph,  61  ;  Sir  Thomas.  203  ; 
Thomas,  61  ;  William,  60, 
61;  — ,  149. 
Carison,  Katherine,  58  ;  Mar- 
tret,  31;  Thomas.  58;  Wil- 
liam. 7. 
Carnell,  115. 

Carpenter,  Dorothy,  264  ;  Wil- 
liam, 264. 
Carter,  or  Cater,  William,  101. 
Cartwright,      Elizabeth,      86; 

Richard,  86. 
Case,  Elizabeth,  269;  Thomas, 

Castilion,  Elizabeth,  147  ;  John 

Baptist,  147. 
Cat. rail.  Elizabeth,  242;  Henry, 

Cathered,  John,  7. 
Caverswell.    Sir    Peter,    200  ; 

Roger.  212  :  Sarah,  212. 
t  lawde,  John,  11. 
Cecil,  Edmund,  23  ;  Elizabeth. 
23,  115.   124  ;  Thomas,    Lord 
Burghley,      115  ;      William, 
Lord     Burghley.     L.     High 
Treasurer  of   England,  lol  ; 
William,  124  ;  — ,  Lord  Koos, 
Challons,  Sir  Robert.  200. 
Chaloner,   Condra,    102 ;    Tho- 
mas. 102,  261. 
Chantrell,  61. 

Chantrell,  61  ;  Dorothy,  61  ; 
Elizabeth,  37,  61  ;  George, 
61  ;    Jane,   61,     100 ;    Law- 

rence, 61, 100;  Margaret,  61 ; 
Mary,  23.  61  ;  Paul,  61  ; 
Richard,  61  ;  Robert,  61  ; 
Thomas,  61  ;  William,  7,  23, 
Charletou,  Elizabeth,  16  ;  Mary, 

16  ;  Sir  Roger.  16  ;  — ,  16. 
Charnell,  Maud.  226. 
Charron,  99. 
Chatterton,  18,  45. 
Chattel-ton,  Ellen.   19  ;  George. 
24:;  ;  .Ian.'.   243  ;    John,    19  ; 
Margaret,   19  ;  William,  Bp. 
of  Chester.  52  ;  — ,  253. 
Chamorth,  201. 
Chaworth,    Sir    Thomas,    200, 

Chedle,  202. 

Chedle,  Agues,  55,  150,  199  ; 
Clemence,  150,  199;  Edward, 
150,  199  ;  Sir  Geoffrey,  181  ; 
Maud.  150,  199  ;  Robert.  150, 
199  ;  Roger,  55,  150,  199. 
Cheney,  6:;. 

Cheney.    Sir    Allen,    92  ;     Sir 
Francis,    42  ;  Joan,   92 ;    Sir 
John,    63,    135  ;    Maud,   63, 
135  ;  Walburgh,  42. 
Cheshire.  Anne.  80  ;  Roger,  80. 
Chi  xt,  r,    Barons    of,    Frontis- 
Chester.  Constables  of,  5,  6. 
Chester,     County    of,    Frontis- 
Chester.  Earls  of,  1.  4,  160. 
Chester.  Earls  op,  4. 
Chester,  Hugh,  Earl  of,  1-4.  95, 
H)7.    159,    160.   220.  224,  233, 
237,    267  ;  Jehu.    Earl  of,    1, 
3  ;    Randolph.    Earl   of,    1-4, 
160.212,  223,  267;  Richard, 
Earl  of,  1.  2.  6. 
Chester  Herald,  3,  149. 
Cheswons.  Jehu,  8. 
Chetham,  John,  53  ;  Katherine, 

Chetiltcn,  47,  49.  93,  95,  184. 
Chetilton,  Annabel.   47.  48.50, 

90.  93;  Henry,   47.   48,   90  ; 

Hugh.    47.   89.  97  ;  Joan,  48, 

49;  Katherine.  5o  ;  Margery, 

97  ;  Matthew.    17-19,  90,  93; 

Robert,  47  ;  Sir  William,  48, 

49  ;  William,  47,  48,   50,  89, 

Chetton,    Henry.    178  ;     Mary, 

Chetwin.  Alice,  98  ;  Robert,  98. 
Chisnall,  Eleanor,  130. 
Chitmood,  62. 
Chitwood,  62  ;  Agnes.  60,  62  ; 

Anne,     62  ;     Beatrice,      62  ; 

Eleanor,  109  ;  Elizabeth,  62  ; 

Ellen,  62  ;    James,  62,  129  ; 

John.  62  ;  Katherine.  62, 129  ; 

Margery.    62  ;     Ralph,     62  ; 

Richard,  60, 62  ;  Robert,  109  ; 

Roger,  62  ;  Thomas,  62. 
Chollerton,      .Margaret,      155  ; 

Richard,  155. 
Cholmondclciic/h,  63,  220. 

CnOLMONDELElGH,  or  Choline, 
ley,  63  ;  Agnes,   50,  64,  162 
Amy,   64  ;   Anne,    167  ;    Ed 
ward,   63  ;    Eleanor,  64,  SS 
Elizabeth,  44,  63,  64  ;   Ellen 
63,    64,    109  ;    Felice,    162 
Frances,  63,  64,  249  ;  George 
64  ;    Henry,  63  ;    Sir  Hugh 
7,    64,    109,    125,   216,    249 
Hugh,  48,  50,  63,  162  ;  Hum 
phrey,    63  ;    Joan,  63,  208 
John,  47.  48,  63,  90  ;  Kathe 
rine,   63,  64  :    Kenrick,    63 
Lettiee,   4S  ;    Margaret,    63 
Mary,   64,    125  ;    Maud,    63 
135,    184  ;     Meverell,     162 
Randall,    64 ;    Sir    Richard 
63  ;   Richard,  44,   63,  64,  88. 
109,  167,   184,  208  ;    Robert 
48,    63,  208  ;  Sir  Roger,  63 
Roger,  48,  63 ;  Thomas,  63 
Ursula,    64,    216  ;     William, 
48,  63,  135  ;  — ,  220. 

Chorley,  Maud,  63. 

Church,  Edward,  245  ;  Mary, 
245 ;  Richard,  8. 

Clare,  Maud  de.  6  ;  Richard  de, 
Earl  of  Chester,  6. 

Clark.  Alice,  40  ;  Jane,  213  ; 
John.  213  ;  Richard,  40. 

Clavering,  Elizabeth,  91  ;  Eva, 
91  ;  John,  Baron,  6,  91  ;  Sir 
John,  91  ;  Robert,  Lord,  6, 

Claxton,  Katherine,  15,  154 ; 
William,  15,  154. 

Clayton,  64,  65. 

Clayton,  64  ;  Adam,  64,  65 
Anne,  114 ;  Elizabeth,  65 
Ellen,  62,  65  ;  Gerard,  64 
Isabel,  65,   190  ;  James,   64 

65  ;  Jane,  123,  208 ;  Joan 
208  ;  John,  64,  65,  114 
Julian,  65  ;  Margaret,  227 
Maud,  65,  208  ;  Peter,  65 
Philip.  208  ;  Ralph,  64  ;  Ran. 
dall,  65  ;  Thomas,  65.  227 
Warren,  64 ;  William,  65, 
123  ;  — ,  238. 

Cliff,  66. 

Cliff,  or  Clive,  66  ;  Agnes,  66  ; 
Alice,  59,  66,  126,  135; 
Dorothy,  66  ;  Sir  George,  7, 
59,  66  ;  Henry,   66  ;   Hester, 

66  ;  Hugh,  66 ;  James,  54, 
66  ;  Jane,  66  ;  John,  29,  34  ; 
Judith,  66  ;  Katherine,  29, 
54,  66,  218  ;  Margaret,  66  ; 
Rachel,  66  ;  Ralph,  66  ;  Re- 
becca, 66  ;  Richard,  59,  66, 
126,  135,  218  ;  Sarah,  66  ; 
Stephen,  66  ;  Thomas,  66  ; 
— ,  105. 

Clifford,  Frances,  255  ;  Henry, 
255  ;  Joan,  182  ;  John,  Lord, 
140  ;  Maud,  140  ;  Roger, 
Lord,  182. 

CKfton,  47,49. 

Clifton,  Isabel,  29,  124  ;  Joan, 
is.  49  ;  Thomas,  124  ;  Wil- 
liam, 48,  49. 



Clopton,  John,  1G  ;  Mary,  1G  ; 
Sir  William,  16. 

Cluid,  — .  137. 

Clune,  Ann,  240;  Thomas.  Lord 
of.  240. 

Glutton,  67. 

Clutton,  67  ;  Alice,  67  S  le, 
i',7  :  David.  117;  Dorothy.  67; 
Elizabeth,  G7  ;  Hugh,  67  ; 
Humphrey,  67  ;  Jane,  67  ; 
Joan,  67 ;  Katherine,  67  ; 
Margaret,  G7  ;  Maud.  67  ; 
Owen,  67  ;  Ralph,  67  ;  Rich- 
ard. 67  ;  Roger,  67  ;  Thomas, 
8,  67. 

Cobham,  George,  Lord,  56. 

Cool  r,  67. 

Cocker.  67  ;  Anne,  68.  130, 
253  ;  Blanch.  68  ;  Christo- 
pher. 68  ;  Elizabeth,  68  ; 
George,  68.  253  ;  Hugh,  67, 
68  ;  John,  68  ;  Mary,  67,  68  ; 
Richard,  67, 68  ;  Thomas,  68  ; 
William,  68. 

Cockett,  Margaret,  101. 

Cocksey,  Maud.  225. 

Coddington,  Hunoth,  161  ; 
Mabel,  161  ;   Robert,  161. 

Colborne,    Anne,     123  ;    Mary, 

83,  84,  111  ;  Sir  William,  83, 

84,  111. 

Colclough,  Sir  Anthony,  209  ; 
Frances,  209. 

Colfe.  Aimon.  37 ;  Katherine, 
37  ;  Thomas,  37. 

Colley,  Anne,  62  ;  Elizabeth, 
136;  Richard,  200;  Roger, 

Colsell.  Cicely,  243. 

Colt,  — ,  2:..  " 

Colvile,  Marcrery.  242  ;  William, 
160,  242. 

Colwen,  Jane,  225  ;  Nicholas, 

Colwich.  Edmund,  138;  Eliza- 
beth. 138. 

Combray,  Alured,  Lord  of 
Whitley,  223. 

Compton.  Walburgh,  42 ;  Sir 
William.  42. 

Conan,  Earl  of  Britain  and 
Richmoud,  4. 

Constable,  Sir  John,  63  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 63. 

Consul,  Alice,  4  ;  Robert,  Earl 
of  Gloucester,  I. 

Conyers,  Margaret,  63  ;  — , 
Lord,  63. 

Cooke,  Edward.  Attorney-Gene- 
ral, 115;  Dorothy.  133  ; 
Elizabeth,  115  ;  Katherine, 
255  ;  Margery,  146  ;  Robert, 
Chester  Herald,  149;  Robert, 
Clarenceux,  133,  255;  Ro- 
bert, 133. 

Cooper,  Anne,  26S  ;  Isabel,  42  ; 
John.  268  ;  Margaret,  81  ; 
Ralph,  81  ;  William.    12. 

Cope,  Alice,  142;  Richard,  142. 

Copinger,  Elizabeth,  135. 

Copleston,  Thomasiue,  21. 

Coppock,  Jane,  173  ;  Randall, 

Corbett,  II.  15. 

Corbett,  Alice, 41  ;  Sir  Andrew, 
166  ;    \iimo.  in.  :i  I.  13:;.  255; 
Elizabeth,  236;  Fram 
Francis  Maria.  8  :  John,  41  ; 
Margaret,  255  ;  Margery,  128; 
sir  Richard,  66  ;  Richard,  1 1, 
l;i  ;  Robert,  94,  128,  133,236, 
265  ;   Sir  Thomas,  58. 
Cornwall,  Dukedom  of,  1. 
Cornwall,    Edward,    Duke    of, 

162  ;  Elizabeth,  271. 
Corona,  l  17.  l  18,  150,  151. 
Corona,   Anabel,    150;    Hugh, 
41.  150;  Lucy,  150  ;  Thomas, 
Cotes,  — .  97. 
Cotgn  ve,  58,  68,  69.  SO. 
COTGREVE.  68  ;  Alice.  69.  161  ; 
Eleanor,  24, 68, 69,  204  ;  Eliz- 
abeth,  6!i.   so;    Emma,    60, 
so;  James,  69;  Jane,  68,  69  ; 
John,  24,  68,  69,204;   Kathe- 
rine, SO;   Margaret,  68,  69  ; 
Margery,     69;     Maud,    69; 
Peter,  69  ;  Tiers.  69  :    Ran- 
dall, 60,  69,  SO;  Richard.  68; 
Robert,  24,  68,  69  ;  Thomas, 
161  ;  William,  7,  69,  80,  161  ; 
— ,  13,  69. 
Cotterell,  Nicholas,  157. 
Cottvnglw/m,  58,  259. 
Cottingham,  Christian,  59,  126. 
Ctton.  6S,  69,  107.  227,  254. 
Cotton,G9;  Agnes,21;  Alice,69; 
Anne.  69  ;  Arthur,  69  ;  i  icely, 
25  I  ;    Clemence,  165  ;   Doro- 
thy, 191  ;    Edward,   10,  69; 
Eleanor,  69,  180,229;  Eliza- 
beth,  69  ;    Emma.   69.    208  ; 
Sir  George,   191  ;  Sir  Hugh, 
254  ;  Jane, 69,229;  .loan,  69, 
229;    John,  10,  69;    Kathe- 
rine.  13,  69,   108,  229,  2..H  ; 
Margaret,  129  ;  Margery,  69, 
228,  255 ;  Mary,   69  ;   Maud, 
229  ;  Perkin.  228  :  Sir  Rich- 
ard,8 :  Richard.229,260  ;  Tho- 
mas, 69,    129,   264  ;  William, 
69,  208  ;  Winifred,  134  ;  — , 
Coult,  Alice,  255  ;  Henry,  255. 
Courtney,  Jane,  158  ;  William, 

Coventry,  Alice,  123  ;  Sir  Rich- 
aid.  143  ;   Richard,  11  ;  Tho- 
mas, 123. 
(  lowper,  Anne.  13  ;  Isabel.  253  : 
Margaret,    si  ;     Ralph,    si  ; 
Robert,  13  ;  William,  253. 
Coyne,  or  Coyney,  George,  181; 

John,  184  ;  Margery,  184. 
Ora&ock,  174. 

Cradock,  Sir  David,  174  ;  Mira- 
bcll,  25  ;  Pelezina,  171.  217  ; 
Sir  Richard.  174,  217  ; 
Roger,  174. 
Crane,  Bridget,  239  ;  Margery, 
58  ;  Robert,  239  ;  Thomas,  58. 

Creston,  — ,  77. 

Creswell,  Jane.  66  ;  John,  66. 

fiYin.  lo,  62,  70.  102,  I  II.  236, 

i  IREWE,  70;  Alice,  lo.  so  ;  Anne, 
70;  Cicely,  23:;  ;  David.  10, 
62.  Ml.  215  ;  Ivhvard.  70  ; 
Isabel.  1  II.  229  ;  Jane,  236  ; 
Jenken,  23  ;  John,  7.  8,  69, 
70  ;  Katherine,  so  ;  M  argaret, 
70;  Margery,  62  ;  Nicholas, 
70;  Patrick,  40  ;  Peter,  70; 
Piers,  70;  Randall,  236  ; 
Richard,  70  ;  Susan,  215  ; 
Thomas,  70,  80  ;  William, 
70;  — ,  Lord,  233;  — , 
Criour,  Thomas,  87. 
Crispin,  111. 

Crispin,  SirGilbert,  110;  Mar- 
garet, 110. 
Crockett,  — ,  51. 
Croft,  152. 

( Irofl .    Jame  i,    153  ;     Lettice, 
228  ;     Mabel,    153  ;     Robert, 
Cromptou,  Julian,  172. 
Cromwell.  Jane.  128;  Thomas, 

Earl  of  Essex.  128. 
Crosby,  Hugh,  11  ;  Thomas,  11. 
Croser,  Anne,  56  ;  William,  56. 
CrosUy.  219. 

Crosse,   Katherine,   263 ;    Wil- 
liam. 263. 
Croxton,  70. 

C'ROXTON,    70  ;    Alice,   52,    70, 
lso  ;   Cicely,   70  ;  Jane,  70  ; 
John,    70  ;     Katherine,     70, 
141  ;    Margaret,  70  ;    Ralph, 
70, 141  ;  Richard,  70  ;  Susan. 
70  ;    Thomas,   70  ;    Warren, 
70,  166  ;  William,  10,  52,  70, 
Cruse,  Jane,  56  ;  Thomas,  56. 
Oulcheth,99,  124. 
Culcheth,   John,    193  ;    Maud, 

Cumberland,    Henry,    Earl  of 

Cuny.  Jane,  86  ;  Thomas,  86. 
Curbisley,  Thomas,  9. 


D'Abigny,  Cicely,  182  ;  Hugh, 
Earl  of  Arundel,  5.  182  ;  Isa- 
bel, 5  ;  Mabel,  3,  5  ;  William, 
Earl  of  Arundel,  3,  5. 

Dabridgecourt,  Sir  John,  224  ; 
Maud,  224. 

Dacres,  Anne,  104  ;  Elizabeth, 
91  ;  Henry,  104  ;  .loan,  91  ; 
Margaret,    91  ;     Mary.    202, 

231.  232,  231.  235  :    I  homas, 
Lord,  91  ;  — ,  Lord,  202,  231, 

232.  2:;  I.  335. 

Dale,    Elizabeth,    39 ;    Robert, 

Dalton,  Elizabeth,  79  ;  George, 

79  ;  Mary,  79. 



Damory,  Agnes,  202,  231,  233  ; 
Sir  Richard,  Justice  of  Ches- 
ter, 202,  231,  233. 

Dancastle,  — ,  256. 

Dande,  Margery,255 ;  Rowland, 

Dane,  Margaret.  218. 

Daniell,  71,252. 

Daniell.  71  ;  Alice,  36,  71, 
72  ;  Anne,  71  ;  Blanch,  71, 
239  ;  Bridget,  72  :  Ellen, 
121,176  ;  Geoffrey.  72  ;  Jane. 
71  ;  Sir  John,  107;  John.  11, 
71,  72  ;  Julian,  71  :  Kathe- 
rine.  179  ;  Margaret,  71.  72, 
125,  249  ;  Margery,  72  :  Par- 
nell.39,72  ;  Peter,  36,  39,  71  ; 
Piers.  71  ;  Richard,  71,  72, 
115;  Thomas,  71,  72,  125, 
176,  179,  191.  199,  239.  249  ; 
William.  71,160  ;  —,69,252. 

Danyers,  202. 

Danyers,  Alice,  199  ;  Isabel, 
199  ;  Sir  John,  238;  John, 
199,  l'l'1  :  Margaret,  152. 
199.  20n.  203  ;  Maud,  221  ; 
Nicola,  238;  Sir  Thomas, 
Lord  of  Bradley  and  Clifton, 

152.  199,  200,203;  Thomas, 
199  :  William,  199  ;  — ,  150. 

Dnrhy,  217. 

Darby.  Joan.  217;  Roger.  166. 

Darcy,  Lord,  135. 
Darden,  Richard.  12. 
Daresbury,  71. 
Darnall.  Margaret,  31. 
Darnam,  or  Darman,  Amy,  64  ; 

Gei'i'L'c.  6  1. 
Davenport,  72,  73-77,  259. 
Davenport,  or  Damport,  72- 

77  ;    Alexander,   74  ;    Alice, 

72-74  ;  Anne,  44.  72.  73.  75, 

153,  207.  259  ;  Anthony,  76  ; 
Arthur.  72.  75,  76  ;    Blanch, 

74.  76.  239  ;  Bridget,  72,  73. 
7  7  :  Christopher.  9,  76,  103  ; 
Cicely,  76,  259  ;  Dorothy,  75, 

76,  132,  243,  259.  262  ;'  Ed- 
mund. 76  ;  Edward,  73  ;  Elea- 
nor, 37,  59,  72,  73,  76.  259; 
Elizabeth,  72,  74-76,  87,  259  ; 
Ellen,  63. 72, 75-77,  86 ;  Fran- 
cis. 72  ;  George,  72  ;  Grace, 
74  ;  Henry,  72,  76  ;  Hugh.  8, 
10,  59,  72,  74-76,  166, 167.  243, 
259  ;  Humphrey.  74  :  Isabel, 

75.  212  ;  jane,  18,  72-74,.  76, 
99.  103,  145  ;  Joan,  76,  131, 
247  :  John.  10.  18.  37.  42,  59, 
63,  72-76.  87.  99.  103,  1  13, 
166,  178,  L83  185,  207.  242, 
259,  262  ;  Katherinc.72,74.  75- 

77.  157, 16,6.  ISO,  259;  Lionel, 
74  ;  Margaret.  36.  72-74,  76, 
151,  166-168,  221  ;  Margery, 
72,  74  ;  Mary.  37,  75,  103  ; 
Maud,  42,  72,  77  ;  Nicholas, 
76  ;  I'arncll,  178,  185  ;  Sir 
Ralph,  72  ;  Ralph,  72,  75, 
143,   145,  146,  157,  ISO,  221, 

247.  259  ;  Randall,  9,  37,  72, 
75,  76  ;  Richard,  9,  72.  74-77  ; 
Robert,  73,  76  ;  Roger,  72, 
181  ;  Rose,  143,  146  ;  Tho- 
mas, 18,  72,74-76,  144,216; 
Urian,  73  ;  Sir  William,  44, 
74  ;  William,  9,  10,  36,  72, 
74-76,  86,  131,  132,  151, 
168,  239  ;  — ,  23,  127,  142, 
Davis,  Dorothy,  195  ;  John, 
195;  Katherine,",  133;  Rich- 
ard, 133. 
Davys,  Agnes,  263  ;  John,  263. 
Damson,  137. 

Dawson,  John,  8  ;  — ,  137. 

Deane.  Thomas,  8. 

Dee,  30. 

Dee,  Elizabeth.  31  ;  Margaret, 
30 ;  Roger,  31. 

Delamere,  Florence,  189  ;  Sir 
John,  189. 

Delbird.     See  Bird. 

Delheath,  Jane,  31  ;  John,  31. 

Delves,  77. 

DELVES,  77  ;  Amy,  78;  Anne, 
23.  78  ;  Brereton,  78  ;  Cicely, 
51.  78  ;  Drury,  78  ;  Eleanor, 
78, 196;  Elizabeth,  78  ;  Ellen, 
78  :  Frances,  78,  216  ;  Sir 
George,  78  ;  Sir  Henry,  51, 
78,  196  ;  Henry,  8,  50,  77,  78, 
216;  Honor.  78  ;  Sir  Hugh, 
7S  ;  Hugh,  78 ;  Joan,  4:8  ;  Sir 
John,  77~,78. 1 65  :  John,  23, 77, 
78,83:  Katherine,  50;  Mar- 
garet. 78 ;  Mary.  78.  165,  219  : 
Ralph,  8,  77.  78;  Richard, 
48,  77;  Thomas,  78,  249  ; 
William,  78. 

Dent,  Margaret,  16. 

Derby,  Ferdinando,  Earl  of,  96  ; 
Thomas.  Earl  of.  44.  195.  203. 
213  ;  William.  Earl  of.  3,  5  ; 
— ,  Earl  of,  14,  50,  150. 

Dereham,  Agnes,  241 ;  — ,  Lord, 

Despenser,  Geoffrey  le,  160. 

Dethicke,  Sir  Gilbert,  Garter, 

Hi  r,  reuse,  199. 

Devereux,  Sir  John.  169. 

Dias,  Alice,  243  ;  Oliver,  243. 

Dickenson,  William.  10. 

Dicby.  Dorothy.  178 :  Eliza- 
beth, 167  ;  Sir  John,  178; 
Kenelm,  167. 

Dimock,  Elizabeth,  48  ;  Mar- 
garet. 257  ;  Philip,  257. 

Dm-hnfvhl.  81. 

Dockenfeld,  81 ;  Alice,  253  ; 
Dorothy,  81  ;  Edward,  81  ; 
Ellen,  81,  82;  Francis,  81  ; 
Isabel,  81,  166  ;  Jane,  18,81, 
82  ;  John,  81,  82  ;  Katherine. 
81  ;  Margaret,  82  :  Mary,  18  ; 
Nicholas,  81  ;  Ralph,  81,  82; 
Robert,  81.  82  ;  Thomas,  81  ; 
Tristram,  81  ;  William,  9,  18, 
81,  82. 

Dockensall,  Elizabeth,  234. 

Dodd,  78-80. 

Dodd,  78-80 ;  Alice,  79,  80  ; 
Amy,  81;  Anne,  13,  79-81, 
86,  99,  176  ;  Bartholomew, 
79  ;  David,  58,  79.  80  ;  Doro- 
thy, 58,  81  ;  Edmund,  79  ; 
Eleanor,  81  ;  Elizabeth,  57, 
79-81, 123  ;  Emma,  79  ;  Fran- 
ces, 80  ;  Francis,  79  ;  George, 
79,  81  ;  Henry,  81  ;  Higgin, 
79  ;  Hova,  78  ;  Hugh,  7  ; 
Isabel,  133 ;  Jane,  79,  81  ; 
Joan,  58,  187  ;  John,  13,  79- 
S1.129;  Katherine,  79,  80; 
Kenrick,  78  :  Margaret,  25, 
79-81  ;  Margery,  80,  129  ; 
Martha,  79  ;  Mary,  55,  79  ; 
Maud,  67  ;  Nathaniel,  79  ; 
Nicola,  80  ;  Owen,  67,  80  ; 
Peter,  7,  81  ;  Philip,  79 ; 
Randall,  7,  79-81.  99,  105, 
176,  187  ;  Richard,  81  ;  Ro- 
bert, 57.  58  ;  Roger,  7,  79,  80, 
86  ;  Rowland,  79  ;  Stephen, 
78  ;  Susan.  79  ;  Thomas.  7,  8, 
25.  55,  79-S1  ;  Urian,  7,  79  ; 
William,  79,  80,  123. 

Dodge,  Dorothy,  253 ;  Eliza- 
beth, 253  ;  Margery,  253  ; 
Oliver,  253. 

Doe,  Thomas,  11. 

DomviUj  82. 

Dosivile,  82  ;  Agnes,  82,  145  ; 
Alice,  82,  178  ;  Elizabeth,  82, 
179;  George,  82;  Gilbert, 
82  ;  Isabel,  82  ;  James,  82, 
179;  John,  11,  82,  178,223; 
Margaret,  61,  82;  Margery, 
223  ;  Peter,  82  ;  Piers,  61  ; 
Robert,  41,  82,  145  ;  Roger, 
111!  ;  William,  82;  —,99. 

Done,  85,  95. 

Done,  83-85 ;  Allison,  85 ; 
Amv,  S6  ;  Anne.  34,  41,  42, 
53,  80,  84-86  ;  Bridget,  86  ; 
Cicely,  76 ;  Dorothy,  86,  249  ; 
Elizabeth,  53,  85,  86,  96,  218  ; 
Ellen,  19,84-86.249  ;  Henry, 
S3.  84  ;  Hugh,  85,  86,  96  ; 
James,  85,  86  ;  Jane,  20,  83- 
86,  156  ;  Joan,  86  ;  Sir  John, 
20,  42,  53,  59,  85,  86,  218; 
John,  19, 25, 40, 76. 84-86, 249  ; 
Katherine,  86,146. 155  ;  Mar- 
garet, 41,  59  ;  Mary,  84,  S6  ; 
Maud.  25  ;  Philip,  86  ;  Ralph, 
10,  85,  86,  155,249  ;  Richard, 
so.  S3-86,  146,156;  Robert, 
40.  42,  85  ;  Thomas,  86  ;  — , 

Donington,  or  Dorrington, 
Anthony,  62  ;  Beatrice,  62  ; 
Thomas,  224  ;  William,  Con- 
stable of,  160. 

Doughty,  Margaret,  101. 

Dowmbell,  James,  7. 

Dowries,  86,  139. 

DoWNES,  86  ;  Anne,  86  ;  Eliz- 
abeth, 216 ;  Ellen,  243  ; 
Humphrey,  86  ;  Isabel,  86  ; 
Jane,  86 ;  John,  86  ;  Joyce, 



86,  139  ;  Lawrence,  86 ; 
Lucy.  87  ;  Margaret,  21,  256  ; 
Margery,  86  ;  Peter,  86  ; 
Reginald,  or  Reignohl.  9,  86, 

87,  Ml  ;  Rid  aid,  Si!  ;  Ro- 
bert, so.  ill  ;  Roger,  9,  21, 
139,  216,  243,  266;  — ,  197, 

Downing,  Jane,  7  I. 

Draicott,  Alice.  250  ;  Isabel, 
208  ;  Philip,  208,  266. 

Drascott,  Sir  John.  200. 

Drinckwater,  William,  12. 

Duncalfe,  87, 

Duncalfe,  87  ;  Elizabeth,  87  ; 
Ellen,  19;  George,  87; 
Henry,  87;  Isabel.  103; 
James,  87  ;  Jane.  87  ;  John. 
87  ;  Lucv.  87  ;  Nicholas,  87  ; 
Ralph,  87  :  Renold,  ^7  ;  Tho- 
mas. 9,  19,  87,  103  ;  Urian, 
87;   William.  87.  103. 

Dunstable.  Felicia,  139;  Tho- 
mas, 139. 

Dutton,  121. 

Dutton,  15,  63,  87,  203,  237. 

Duttoa  alias  Uurburton, 

Dutton,  S7  ;  Adam,  88,  237  ; 
Agnes,  88,  112,  138,  237  : 
Alice.  28,  71,  88,89,114,136, 
196,  219,  237.260.270  ;  Amy, 
89  ;  Anne,  85,  88,  89,  125, 
172.  260;  Beatrice,  238  ; 
Bridget,  89;  Edmund,  88; 
Edward.  89;  Eleanor,  43,  60, 
64,  88,89,  152;  Elizabeth.  36. 
59,  107.  154,  168, 
259, 260. 270 ;  Ellen,  82-84, 88, 
111.  260;  Foulk,  46,  71,  133, 
154  ;  Francis,  89  ;  Sir  Geof- 
frey. 87,  112,  237  ;  Geoffrey. 
1  ,i  iid  of  Chedle.  238  ;  Geof- 
frey,41,8S,  l::s,  238;  George. 
173  ;  Sir  202.  237  ; 
Hugh,  36, 87-89, 110, 125, 238, 
260;  Isabel.  81,  88.  I;;i; 
Jane.  3fi,  81,  89.  173  ;  Janet, 
88  Joan,  89,  270  ;  John,  11, 
60,  82,  88,  89,  97,  118,  136, 
168,  265,  27n  :  Jonet,  88  ; 
Julian,  260  ;  Katherine,  46, 
89.  108,  200  ;  Lawrence,  81, 
88  ;  Margaret,  16,  88,  89,  97, 
133,  260,  270  ;  Margery,  260  ; 
Mary,  89,  260;  Maud,  69  : 
Parnell,  88,  228  ;  Sir  Piers, 
or  Peter.  86,  ^7-89,  108,  152. 
172,  228,260;  sir  Piers,  Lord 
Warbnrton,  238  ;  Piers,  or 
Peter.  43.  60,  69,  83.  84,  B7- 
89,  107.  114,  173.  238,  259, 
265  ;  Ralph,  7.  88,  89,  219  ; 
Richard,  88,  89  ;  Robert.  89  ; 
Rowland.  89  ;  Sir  Thomas. 
16.  28,  6-1,  85,  88,  111,  201  ; 
Thomas,  83,  84,  89,  196,  238  ; 
William.  87.  89  ;  — ,  Lady 
of,  88  ;  — ,  in:,. 
Dyvas,  Griffith.  53  ;  Margaret, 


Eaton,  or  Eton,  107,   138,  216, 

239,  241,  260. 
Eaton,  Eton,  or  Elton, 

liU  :  Anno.  84,  85  ;  Cicely, 
240-242;  Dorothy,  117:  Eliza- 
beth, 52,  59,  262  ;  Emma, 
117  ;  Label.  242;  Jane,242; 
Joan.  63  ;  John.  10,  11,  59, 
117.  212  ;  Kinch,  52  ;  Lewis. 
27:  Margaret,  242 ;  Margery, 
27,  242  ;  Sir  Nicholas.  Baron 
of  Stockport,  241  ;  Sir  Nicho- 
las, 242  ;  Nicholas,  242  ; 
Richard,  84, 85  ;  Robert,  240, 
212  :   Thomas.  63  ;  — ,  108. 

I  ion,   Henry,   108  ;    Mar- 

gery. 108. 

Edge,  78,  79. 

Edward  the  Confessor.  1. 

Edward,  Prince  of  Wales,  Duke 
of  Cornwall,  and  Earl  of 
Chester,  1,  3, 162. 

Edwards,  Jane,  141  ;  John,  118, 
141  ;  Katherine.  141. 

Egerton,  41,  45.  89-92,  94,  95. 

Egerton,  S9-95  ;  Agnes,  98  ; 
Alice,  48,  94,  96-98,  108  ; 
Anne,  91.  97,  98,  100,  219  ; 
Arabella,  97  ;  Barbara,  96  ; 
Charles,  94,  97  ;  Cicely,  83, 
95,  97,  111;  David,  S3.  93, 
95-97,  111,  159,  162,  228  ; 
Dorothy,  98,  108,  236  ;  Ed- 
ward, 98  ;  Eleanor,  43,  96, 
97.  141  ;  Elizabeth,    13,    86, 

93,  94,  96,  97,  180.  195,  240; 
Ellen.  47.  90,  93,  94,  96-98, 
162,  249;  Emilia,  96  ;  Eus- 
tacia.  97  ;  Frances,  94,  96-98  : 
George.  98  ;  Hugh,  97  ;  Isa- 
bel, 91.  96-98,  228  ;  James, 
97  ;  Jane,  96-98.  234,  235  ; 
Joan.  95  :  Sir  John.  96,  97. 
161  ;  John.  10,  13,  85,  93,  94, 
96-98,  180,  216  :  Katherine, 
94,97,98;  Magdalen, 97;  Mar- 
garet, 16,94,96-98,215.  218  ; 
Margery,  94.  96,   97  ;   Mary. 

94,  96-98,  108,  152,  204  ; 
Maud,96,  Ifil ;  Penelope,97  : 
Sir  Philip,  96;  Philip,  43,  94- 
97,  161,  102.  218,  228,  249  ; 
Piers.  91  ;  Sir  Ralph.  7.  8. 
89,  96.  98,  100.  108  ;  Ralph, 
10  17.  90,  93,  94.  96-98,  His. 
141.  240  :  Randall,  94,  98; 
Sir  Richard,  90,  108,  [52  : 
Richard.  94,  96-98  ;  Robert, 
'.is  ;  Roger,  97  :  Susan,  94  : 
Sir  Thomas.  L  id  Keeper.  90. 
195  ;  Sir  Thomas.  96  .  I 
mas.  48,  94,  97,  234,  236  : 
Urian.  93,  96,  97,  162  :  Vere, 
97  ;  William.  47,  89,  90,  92- 
94,  96-98,  230  ;  — ,  41,  45. 

Ehoek,  Francis,  9  ;  John,  10  ; 

William,  10. 
Elintt,  Lady,  149. 
Elkes,  — ,  271. 

Elton,  102. 

Elton,     & ,  Eaton. 

Emedon,  .loan,  209  ;   Thomas, 

English,  139.  140.215. 
English.—.  1  in. 
Erdt  swich,  Is.'.. 
Erdeswick.   Ellen,  228  ; 

154  ;  Isabel,  161  ;  Mary.  154; 

Sampson,  230  ;  Thomas.  228, 

Ereby,  John,  234;  Maud.  234. 
Essex,  Thomas.  Earl   of,    128; 

— ,  Countess  of.  153. 
Eveline,   George,   113  ;    Mary, 

Eyre,  Richard,  11  ;  William,  7. 

Fairthwait.  Anne,  10  1  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 104  ;  Geoffrey,  104  ; 
Martin,  101  ;   Robert,  104. 

Falingorome,  98. 

Fallowes,  Elizabeth.  253  :  John. 
9  ;  Randall,  9  ;  Roger.  253. 

Farrar,  Mary,  255  ;  Nicholas, 
255:  William,  11. 

Farrington.  Alice,  130  ;  Eliza- 
beth', 05  :  Ellen,  65  ;  Emma. 
165  ;  Isabel.  65  ;  Jane,  65  ; 
Margaret,  233  ;  Peter,  130  ; 
Sir  Thomas,  233  ;  William, 

Fastolf,  Bridget.  51. 

Fawne,  Katherine,  58. 

Fellows.  William,  Lancaster 
Herald,  259. 

Felton,  Eleanor,  91  ;  Sir  Tho- 
mas, 91. 

Ferneley,  Margery,  263. 

Ferrers,  Agnes. :;.  5  ;  Clemence, 

4  ;  William,  Earl  of  Derby, 

5  ;  William,  3,  5. 
Fesant,  107. 

Fesant,  Sir  William,  108. 

Fettiplace,  L'.esilK  32  ;   Ida,  32. 

Filkin,  99. 

Filkin.  99  ;  Anne.  99  ;  D 
thy,  99  ;  Elizabeth,  99,  170  ; 
Jane,  76.  99;  John.  99,  176; 
Katherine.    99  :     Philip,    99  : 
Piers,  7.  76,  99  :   Richard, 99. 

Firriell,  Elizabeth,  226;  Tho- 
mas, 220. 

Fisher,  — ,  179. 

Fithion,  Hugh,  10;  Margaret, 

Fitton.  35,  99,  185. 

FITTON,  99  :  Ali.c  100,  124  : 
Anne.  98,  100,  240  ;  Anthony, 
Inn  :  Bartholomew,  8  ;  Sir 
Edward,  Treasurer  of  I"  land, 
100;  Sir  Edward.  9,  16,  9  . 
100,  121,  178,  192,  221,  240, 
266  :  Edward,  9,  100  :  Elea- 
nor, 100;  Elizabeth,  75.  83, 
84,  111,  119;  Ellen,  22,  46, 
LOO,  185:  Francis,  100; 
George,  100;  Grace,  192; 
2  o 



Hamon,  35,  83,  111,  228  ; 
Henry,  S4 ;  Hugh,  185  ;  Isa- 
bel, 100,  189  :  Jane,  36,  61, 
100,  137,  228  ;  Sir  John,  61. 
100;  John,  36,  75,  18:!.  240  ; 
Katherine,  100,  178  ;  Sir 
Lawrence,  100,  178,189.266; 
Margaret,  100,  174,  180,  185, 
217,  221,  240,  242  ;  Mary,  100, 
221  ;  Maud,  266  ;  Nicholas, 
174,  185,  217  ;  Peter,  36 ; 
Sir  Eichard,  242  ;  Richard, 
160,  185,  200,  240  ;  Robert, 
137  ;  Susan,  192  ;  Sir  Tho- 
mas, 100;  Thomas,  9,  100, 
180,  185,  189.  266  ;  William, 
221  ;  — ,  73,  197. 
Fttzalcm,  216. 

Fitzalan,  Ellen,  216  ;  Isabel,  5  ; 
John,    5  :    Richard,    Earl   of 
Arundel,  216. 
Fitz  Alnred,  Agnes,  237 ;  Roger, 

88,  237. 
Fitz  Eustace,  Agnes,  6  ;  Al- 
breda,  5,  6  ;  Geoffrey,  5 ; 
Henry,  6 ;  John,  Constable 
of  Chester,  6  ;  Mary,  6;  Rich- 
ard, 5,  6  ;  Robert,  6  ;  Wil- 
liam, Earl  of  Albemarle.  6. 
Fitz  Henry,  Henry,  189  ;  Joan, 

189  ;  Robert,  189,  214. 
Fitzherbert,  Sir  Anthony,  229  ; 

Maud,  229. 
Fitzhugh,  Joan,  244. 
Fitz  John,  Agnes,  5  ;  Beatrice, 
5  ;   Eustace,  Baron  of  Halton 
and  Constable  of  Chester,  5  ; 
William.  Lord  Vessy.  5. 
Fitz  Nigel,  Agnes,  5  ;  Maud,  5  ; 
William.  Baron  of  Halton,  5, 
Fitz  Roger,  John.  Baron  Claver- 
ing,  6  ;  Robert,  Lord  Claver- 
ing,  6. 
Fletcher,    Agnes,    270  ;    Jane, 
270 ;     Maud,    192  ;     Robert, 
192  ;    Sarah,   270  ;    Thomas, 
270;  William,  270. 
Florence,  — ,  46. 
Flower,  William,  Norroy,  149, 

Fulcilr,  101. 

Folvile,  or  Fovil,  101  ;  Alice, 
101  ;    Anne.     101  ;    Audrey, 
101  ;    Cicely,    101  ;  Edward. 
101  ;    Eleanor,    101  ;    Eliza- 
beth,  101  ;  Ellen,  101  ;  Em- 
ma, 101  ;  Francis,  101 ;  Isa- 
bel, 101  ;  James,  101  ;  Joan, 
101  ;  John,  101  ;  Katherine, 
101  ;  Margaret,   101;  .Maud- 
lin, 101  ;  Parnell,  101  ;  Peter, 
101  ;     Ralph,   101  ;   Rebecca, 
101  ;    Robert,   101 ;  Thomas, 
101  ;  William,  101. 
For  ester  ship,  The,  85. 
Fortescue,  Sir  Adrian,  49  ;  Eliz- 
abeth, 49. 
Fortrell,  Edward,  9. 
Foster,     Margery,      270 ;      — , 

Fouhhurst,  102. 

Foulshurst,102  ;  Agnes,  102, 
209  ;  Anne,  141,183;  Cicely, 
102,  197,  236  ;  Eleanor,  SS  ; 
Elizabeth,51, 134,  243  ;  Fran- 
cis, 8  ;  Isabel,  96  ;  Jane.  102, 
183,  235;  Joan,  231, 233,  234; 
John,  141,243;  Richard.  96, 
202  ;  Sir  Robert,  88, 102,  235, 
243  ;  Robert,  8,  102,  183,231, 
233,  234,  236  ;  Sir  Thomas, 
102,  134,  197,209;  Thomas, 

Fox,  Jane,  176  ;  Libias,  176. 

Fray,  John,  224. 

Frere,  or  Free,  Joan,  115  ; 
Margery,  32. 

Frevill.  Agnes,  191  ;  Sir  Bald- 
win. '225  ;  Elizabeth,  225. 

Frodahom,  102. 

Frodsham,  102  ;  Alice,  48  ; 
Coudra,  102  ;  Dorothy,  102; 
Edward.26. 102;  Eleanor,196 ; 
Elizabeth.  205  ;  George,  102; 
Henry,  102  ;  Jane,  102  ;  John, 
48,  102,  112,234;  Katherine, 
102  ;  Lawrence,  196  ;  Mar- 
garet, 26,  102  ;  Maud,  234  ; 
Peter,  188;  Robert,  102; 
Thomas,  102  ;  William,  11, 
26,  102  :  —,51. 

Frogg,  Christopher,  180  ;  Isabel, 

Fulham,  Isabel,  242  ;  Robert, 

Fulthorpe,  Sir  William,  200. 

Fulwer,  Katherine,  32 ;  Rich- 
ard, 32. 

Furnivall,  William,  10. 

Fynes,  Joan,  91  ;  Margaret,  91 ; 
Sir  Richard,  91 ;  Sir  Thomas, 


Gadesby,  Roger,  157. 

Ga  unit '.'268. 

Gamul,  268  ;  Agnes,  268 ; 
Anne,  269  ;  Edith,  269  ;  Ed- 
mund, 268,  269  ;  Elizabeth, 
268,  269  ;  Ellen,  268,  269  ; 
Hugh,  268,  269  ;  John.  268, 
269  :  Margaret,  269;  Philippa, 
269  ;  Richard,  269  ;  Robert, 
268  ;  Stephen.  269  ;  Thomas, 
8,  268,  269  ;   William.  269. 

Ganby,  Isabel,  178 ;  John, 

Gardiner,  — ,  115. 

Garnet,  Cicely,  13  ;  John,  118  ; 
Margaret.  118  ;  Richard, 

Gataker,  Elizabeth,  27  ;  John, 

Gate,  Elizabeth,  248  ;  Thomas, 

Gates,  Sir  Henry.  94  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 94. 

Gaunt,  Gilben,  4  ;  Havise,  4. 

Gawdy,  — ,  115. 

Gerard,  103. 

Gerard,  103  ;  Anne,  103  ; 
Elizabeth,  87,  242  ;  Ellen, 
103  ;  Emma,  83,  S4  ;  Sir  Gil- 
bert, Master  of  the  Rolls, 
153  ;  Sir  Gilbert,  124  ;  Henry, 
103 ;  Isabel,  103  ;  James, 
124  ;  Jane,  76,  103, 153  ;  Ka- 
therine, 191  ;  Margaret,  103, 
124,  153.  213,  215  ;  Margery, 
50  ;  Mary,  103  ;  Maud,  103  ; 
Piers,  103  ;  Radcliffe,  124  ; 
Richard,  10,  76,  87,  103  ;  Sir 
Thomas,  34,  85, 124, 153, 213, 
242  ;  William,  83,  84,  103, 
124  ;  — ,  Attorney-General, 

Gerbery,  Mary,  183. 

Gernons,  1. 

Gernons.  Alice.  4  ;  Randolph, 
Earl  of  Chester,  1,  4. 

Gilbert.  Jane.  56  ;  Sir  Otes,  56. 

Gill,  Elizabeth,  42. 

Gittens,  Edward,  58  ;  Ellen, 
58  ;  Hugh,  176  ;  Joan,  176. 

Glazier,  104. 

Glasier,  104  ;  Elizabeth,  104 ; 
James,  104  ;  William,  Vice- 
Chamberlain  of  Chester,  104. 

Glegg,  103. 

Glegg,  103;  Anne,  123; 
Arthur,  103  ;  Edward,  103  ; 
Eleanor,  103  ;  Elizabeth,  103; 
Isabel,  103  ;  John,  34,  51, 103, 
166;  Katherine,  103;  Mar- 
garet, 51,  166  ;  Margery,  34, 
103.  166  ;  Mary,  103  ;  Roger, 
123  ;  Thomas,  103  ;  William, 
11.  103  ;  — ,  128,  166. 

Ghijrc,  104,  123. 

Gleyve,  or  Gleave,  104 ; 
Agnes,  104 ;  Alice,  104  ; 
Anne,   104,   123  ;    Elizabeth, 

104  ;  Gilbert,  104,  143  ;  Isa- 
bel, 104;  John,  11,  104; 
Robert,  104  ;  Thomas,  104, 
123  ;  William,  104. 

Gloucester,  Hugh,  Earl  of,  20  ; 
Robert,  Earl  of,  4. 

Goege,  Margery,  119. 

Golborne,  105,  227,  249. 

GOLBORNE,  105  ;  Alice,  67  ; 
Anne,  183  ;  Cicely.  105  ;  Sir 
David,  105  ;  David,  162 ; 
Edward,  77,  105  ;  Elizabeth, 
228;  Ellen,  77,  105;  Emma, 
239  ;  Sir  Hugh,  112  ;  Idonea, 
159  ;  Jane,  112  ;  John,  105  ; 
Katherine,  105,  162  ;  Rich- 
ard, 105,  112,  162;  Thomas, 
67  ;  William,  105,  159,  228  ; 
— ,  243. 

Golborne  alias  Goodman.  105. 

Golborne    alias    Goodman, 

105  ;  Anne,  106  ;  John,  105, 
106,  162  ;  Maud,  106  ;  Robert, 
106;  Sibell,  162  ;  Sir  Wil- 
liam, 105.  162;  William,  106, 
162.    See  Goodman. 

Golden,  Thomas,  12. 
Golding,     Sir     Edward,    226  ; 
Margaret,  226. 



Good,  Katherine.  79. 
Goodere,    Anne,    210 ;     EUcu, 
241  ;  Jane,  211  :  loan.  211  ; 
John,  211  ;  sir  Richard,  Lord 
of    Pointon,    240;    Richard, 
211  ;  Thomas,  Lord  of   Poin- 
ton,  211  ;  William,  211. 
Goodman,  Hi.".,  106. 
Goodman,    106;    Alice,    106; 
Anne,     100;    Edward,     106; 
Elizabeth,  176,  269;   Henry, 
106  ;    Jane,    13,    26  ;    John, 
106  ;    Katherine,   26  ;  Lucy, 
106  ;   William,    13,    26,    106, 
264,  269.    See  Golbome. 
Goodyer,  Robert,  8. 
Goseworth.  Lucy.  100,  18S. 
Goslard,  James,  99  ;  Katherine, 

Gosling,    Maud,   32  ;    William, 

Gough,  David,  159, 162  ;  Hova, 
159,  162  ;  Katherine,  95, 159  ; 
Philip,  95,  159,  162. 
Gower,  or  Grover,   Anne,  31  ; 

Richard,  31. 
Gomsell.  216. 
Gowsell,  Ellen,  216  ;  Joan,  216  ; 

Sir  Robert,  216. 
Grafton,  David,  262. 
Grantham,  Richard,  12. 
Grastie,  Randall.  9. 
Graunge,  John,  9. 
Gravenor.     See  Grosvenor. 
Gray,  Margaret,  223  ;  — ,  Lord, 

Greene,  262. 

Greene,  Dorothy,  262  ;  Ellen, 
171,  262  ;  John.  262  ;  Ralph, 
171;  Richard,  262;  Samon, 
139;  Thomas,  9.  208,  262  ; 
William,  262. 
Green/may,  52. 
Greeuway,  Ellen,  53 ;  Thomas, 

53,  201. 
Gregg,    Joan,     156;    Thomas, 

Grelle.  Albert.  Lord. 5 ;  Maud,  5. 
Grenhaugh,   Anne,     73;     Tho- 
mas, 73. 
Gresley,  — ,  97. 
Grey,  Hugh,  86;  Joyce,  86. 
Grice,   Polinex,  204  ;  William, 

Griffin,  106,  1S6. 
Griffin,  106;  Agnes,  114, 
187;  Alice,  114;  Bartholo- 
mew, 106;  Beatrice,  95; 
Edmund,  106,  107,  111,  131; 
Eleanor.  107  :  Elizabeth.  106, 
116;  Frances,  107;  Isabel, 
96 ;  Jane,  107 ;  Sir  John, 
106  ;  John.  8,  106.  107,  186  ; 
l.ettiee.  134;  Nicholas,  186  ; 
Richard.  107  ;  Robert,  186  ; 
Roderick  ap,  95  ;  Sibell,  107  ; 
William,  107;  —,111. 
Griffith.  Agues.  98  ;  Grace,  215, 
260  ;  loan.  188.  223  ;  John, 
215  ;  Mary,  13,  61,  215  ; 
Rice  ap,  188  ;  Sir  Walter,  98 ; 

Sir  William.  Chamberlain  of 
N.  Wales.  13.  61,  215,260; 
William,  223. 

Clriinsdieh,  Agnes,  270;  Bridget, 
224;  Elizabeth.  211  ;  Hugh, 
198;  .lane.  168;  John,  11, 
12,  122,  168,  217;  Margaret. 
122,  156,  L98  ;  Margery.  270; 
Maud,  66  ;  Tiers,  65 ;  Rich- 
ard, 27(1  ;  Thomas,  12.  166, 
224  ;  Timothy,  217  :  — ,  113. 

Grimsford,  Eleanor,  118;  Ralph, 

Griswold,  Dorothy,  244  ;  Rich- 
ard, 241. 

Grome,  John,  157  ;  William. 

Grosvenor,  87,  107,  108,  138, 

Grosvenor  alias  Gravenob, 

107  ;  Agar,  108  ;  Agnes,  107, 
108,  215,  260  ;  Alice,  108, 
260  ;  Anne,  108,  148,  192, 
260 ;  Anthony,  260  ;  Doro- 
thy, 108.  219,  260  ;  Eleanor, 
108,  260 ;  Dame  Elizabeth, 
260  ;  Elizabeth,   58,   88,  107, 

108  ;  Emma,  107,  207  ;  Gil- 
bert, 107  ;  Grace,  108  ;  Henry, 

107,  108 ;  James,  22  ;  Jane, 

108,  155,  260;  John,  8,  108, 
260  ;  Katherine,  107,  108, 
195,  229,  251,  260;  Mabel, 
260  ;  Margaret,  22,  107,  108, 
260 ;  Margery,  138  ;  Mary, 
96,  108,  152,  260;  Maud,  108, 
192,  202,  231,  232  ;  Ralph, 
107,  108;  Randall,  55  :  Rich- 
ard, 96,  107,  108,  152.  195, 
229,  219,  260 ;  Sir  Robert, 
107,  215,  260  ;  Robert,  88, 
107.  108.  138,  144.  148,  207, 
251  ;  Sir  Thomas,  108,  192; 
Thomas,  7,  108,  260  ;  Ursula, 
260  ;  — ,  128. 

Grover.     See  Gower. 
GrVjffith  up  Kadmga/n,  268. 


Hadley,  Cadogan,  3S,  57  ;  Isa- 
bel, 38,  57  ;  Mabel,  38,  57  ; 
Richard,  38,  57  ;  William, 
38,  57. 

Hugh.  Cicely,  152  ;  John,  152. 

Hale,  Matthew,  87  ;  William, 

Hall,  Elizabeth,  196,  272  ;  Ro- 
bert, 272;  Thomas,  11.  196; 

Hallam,  Elizabeth,  180 ;  T.,  ISO. 

HaUiim,  110.  113-115. 

Hallum,  110;  Elizabeth,  111  ; 
Sir  Hugh,  110,  111  :  Jane. 
Ill  ;  Joan,  111  ;  Sir  John, 
111,  112  ;  Johu,  111  ;  Kathe- 
rine. Ill:  Margaret.  HI  ; 
Rauulph,  110. 

Hallywell,  Anne,  56  ;  Jane,  56  ; 
Richard,  06. 

Halsall,  Katherine.    190  ;    Mar- 

gerj ,  157  ;  Ralph,  157. 
liaise,  Sir  Hugh,  II  ;    1'hilippa, 


H alton,  Barons  of,  5.  110. 

Ilanoiet.    Avne-.  -_'7o  ;     Henry, 
270  ;     Sarah.    'J7o  ;     Thomas, 
270;   William,  270. 
Hampden,  Anne,  204. 
II  >     jit vn.  105. 

Hampton,  Agnes,   161  ;  Ellen, 
105  ;   Hova.    161  ;  .lane.  I  til  ; 
Marrett,  161  ;    William,  105, 
Banford,  15. 

Hanford,    Henry.     151,     152  ; 
lane,  203  ;    John,  203  ;  Ka- 
therine, 165  ;  Margaret,   46  ; 
Nicholas,  9  ;  Sarah,  151,  152  ; 
William,  15,  46,  165  ;  — ,  75. 
Sanhy,  30,  109. 
Hanky,     109 ;       Alice,    109  ; 
Anne,  31, 109  ;  Eleanor,  109  ; 
Elizabeth,   99,   109 ;     Ellen, 
62  ;  Hugh,  109  ;    Jane,   109, 
271  ;  John,  7,  31,  62,  99,  109, 
271  ;  Margery,  109  ;  Robert, 
109  ;  Thomas,  109. 
Hanmer,    or    Hammer,  Eliza- 
beth, 64  ;  Jane,  44  ;  Sir  Johu, 
44  ;  John,  61. 
Hansard,  — ,  20. 
Hanshet,  Sir  James,  212  ;  Ma- 
bel, 212. 
Harbottle,  99. 
Harbottle,   Sir  Guichard,  100  ; 

Mary,  loo. 
Harcourt.    Anne.    41  ;    Isabel, 
98  ;  John,  11,44,  142;  Mar- 
garet,   142  ;    Richard,    142  ; 
Thomas,   98,    142 ;    William, 
Harding,  Katherine,  122  ;  Wil- 
liam, 122. 
Hardware,       Elizabeth,       53 ; 

Henry,  11,  53. 
ILirington,  139,  140,  215. 
Harixgton,   140  ;   Alice,  40  ; 
Anne,  140,  215,  260;  Clem- 
ence,    140  ;     Eleanor,     140  ; 
Elizabeth,   140.   213  ;    Ellen, 
140  ;  Isabel,  140  ;  Sir  James, 
Dean    of    York.     140;     Sir 
James,  140,  215,  260  ;  Janet, 
140 ;  Sir  John,  50,  140 ;  John, 
140;     Katherine.    50,     140; 
Margaret,   140  ;   Maud,  140  ; 
Sir  Nicholas,   140;   Sir  Rich- 
ard, lio ;    sir   Robert,  140; 
Sir   Thomas,    140;    Sir  Wil- 
liam.    140,    213;    — ,    Lord, 
1  10. 
Harlcston,  William,  200. 
Harletta  of  Falaise,  1. 
Harper.  Edward.  11  :   Sir  John, 
50;  Margaret.  60;    Margery, 

17S;  I! r.  178;  Thomas, 12. 

Hartgill,   Mary,  131  ;   William. 

Harthill,    59  ;     Cicely,    CO ; 



David,   59;  Sir  Edwin,  HO, 
112;    Edwin.    59  ;    Richard, 
59  ;  Sarah,  59  ;  Thomas,  59  ; 
Wilcock,  59. 
Harvy,   Jane,   180  ;  John,  ISO, 
2(13;  Margaret,  263  ;  Robert, 
Harwell,  15. 
Harwell.    Bridget,    16 ;    John, 

HasebvaU,  246. 

Haselwall,  Agues,  247  ;  David, 
247  ;    John,    41  :     Margaret, 
217  :   Patrick,  75,  143,  247. 
Saslington,  251. 
Haslington,   Cicely,    251  ;    — , 

232,  235. 
HassaU,  109. 

HASSALL,   109;   Anne.   70,   78, 
Ki9.  177.  259  :   Edward,  109  : 
Elizabeth,   109;  Ellen.    109  : 
ETamond,  70,  109  :  Joan.  48  : 
John,  109;    Katherine,   2  (6, 
24S  :    Mai    an  ;.  50,  L09,  127  : 
TV.    109  :    Ralph,   127  ; 
Richard,  109,  177.  259  ;  Tho- 
mas.  206  ;    William,   48,  50, 
78,  109. 
Hastang,    Jane,     201;     John, 
226  :   Katherine,  201  ;  Maud, 
226;   Sir  Robert.  201. 
Satton,    20.    03.    87,   113.  114. 

117-120.  187,2(13. 
HATTON,  110-120  ;  Adam,  110- 
113,  118;  Agnes,  8S,  112, 
114  ;  Alice,  113-120  ;  Amy, 
112,  117;  Anne,  113,114.  116, 
118,  156  ;  Aviee.  112  ;  Bea- 
trice. 111.  112;  Blanch.  110: 
Sir  Christopher,  Lord  Chan- 
cellor. 115.  220  ;  Christopher, 
111,115;  Cicely,  110  ;  Dionice, 
115;  Dorothy,  115,  110  ;  Ed- 
mund, 113:  Edward.  115; 
Eleanor,  112,  113,  110,  117, 
120;  Elizabeth,  114-120.  L22; 
Emma,  117;  Frances,  113; 
Francis,  113  ;  Sir  Geoffrey, 
110.  112;  Geoffrcv.  119; 
George,  110.  118  ;  "Gladius, 
113  ;  Hamon,  Chamberlain 
of  Chester.  110  ;  Henrv.  110. 
113-1 15.  120;  Mr  Hugh,  Ho. 
112  ;  Hugh,  112,  113,  118, 
12o  ;  Humphrey,  110;  Isa- 
bel. 110,  117.  118;  James, 
116,  118-120;  Jane.  112.  115- 
118;  Joan,  111.  115.117.  I2o; 
Sir  John,202;  John.  111-113, 
115-120,  252.  234;  Joyce, 
120;  Katherine,  114,  118, 
120;  Lawrence,  11,  114,  119, 
156;  Lucy,  113,  120:  Mar- 
garet, 32.  110,  112-1  IS  ; 
Margery,  112.  113,  116,  119. 
120;  Mary,  113.  110.  lis  : 
Maud,  112.  116.117,120,  187. 
202,  232.  234  ;  Miles,  118; 
Norman,  110  :  Peter,  32.  115- 
110.  lis;  Ralph,  llo.  iil'  : 
alias    Vernon,   Ralph,    112  ; 

Randall,  113.  114.  116,  117, 
119;  Richard,   10,    110,   113- 

120  ;  Robert.  110,  112,  113, 
115-117.    119.     120;    Roger, 

112,  120.   187;    Simon,    112, 

113,  119  ;  Thomas,  113,  115- 
120,  122  ;  Urian,  116  ;  Sir 
William.  115  ;  William,  88, 
110,  112,  114-117,  119,  120; 
Winifred,  113;  Wolfath,  110. 

Houghton,  121. 

Haughtox.  121  ;  Alice,  121  ; 
Anne.  121;  Henry,  121;  Hugh, 

121  :  James.  121  ;  John,  121 ; 
Randall,  121  ;  Richard,  121  ; 
Thomas,  121.     See  Houghton. 

Bauteine,  181. 

Hauteiue.  Alice  de,  181. 

Hawarden,  82. 

Hawarden.  Barons  of,  181  ; 
Elizabeth,  Countess  of  Salis- 
bury, Ladv  of,  181 ;  John, 
143;  Ralph,  143,  145;  Sir 
William,  143  ;  William,  181. 

Hamberh,  259. 

Hawkes,  or  Hawles,  Anne,  56  ; 
Richard.  56. 

Hwmlteston,  90-93,  95. 

HAWKESTON,  92 ;  Allen,  92  ; 
Annabel.  47.  91.  93  ;  Eleanor. 
91,93;  Elizabeth.  93;  Ellen, 
93,  97;  Felice,  93  ;  Godfrey. 
92  :  Hugh,  92  ;  Jane,  92  ; 
Sir  John.  47,  90,  91,  93,  97, 
144;  Nicholas,  92;  Sir  Tho- 
mas. 93  ;  Thomas,  93. 

Hawkins.  Margaret,  101. 

Hawtrey,  or  Altaripus,  Hugh, 

15S.  1!IS.  252. 
liny  il i'cl\  152. 

Haydock,  Sir  Gilbert.  153  ; 
Jane,  153  ;  Maud,  190. 

Hayes,  121. 

Hayes,  121  ;  Alice.  121  ;  An- 
thony, 121  ;  Dorothy,  121  ; 
Eleanor.  121  :  Elizabeth,  35, 
121  ;  Ellen,  121  ;  James.  121  ; 
John,  11,  35,  121  ;  Margaret, 
121  ;  Margery,  121  :  Mary, 
121  ;  Peter,  121  ;  Richard. 
121  ;  Robert,  121  ;  Thomas, 

Hayns,  Edmund,  264  ;  Mary, 

Heath,  139.  251. 

Heath.  Agnes.  255  :  Alice,  58  ; 
Henry.  58  :  Hugh,  255  :  John, 
7.  07.  255  ;  Margery.  255  ; 
Randall,  251  :  Thomas,  12, 

Heaton,  Felice,  32  ;  John,  32. 

Heddeslegh,  Felice,  102. 

Heffely,  Robert,  159. 

Hell  alias  Lacy.     See  Lacy. 

HeUesby,  20,  35,  03,  87,  111, 
113-115.  2"  i3. 

Hellesby.  or  Helsbv,  111  ; 
Allen.  111.  112  :  Avice.  Ill  ; 
Beatrice.  Ill,  112;  Jacome, 
144  ;  James.  240  ;  Joan,  111  ; 
SirJohn, 111;  Lucy,35,lll; 

Richard,  111  ;   Sir  William, 
35,  111,  112. 
Helley,  William,  9. 
Hellowin,  4. 

Hely,  Alice,  197;   Ralph,  197. 
Henbury,  Sir  John,  233 ;  Mabel, 

//,,,/,, ill,  02. 
Henhull,  or  Henhall,  Margaret, 

62  ;   Richard,  62. 
Henington.  Elizabeth,  111 ;  Sir 

Robert,  111. 
Henley  alias  Holcroft,  Thomas, 

Henry  I.,  King  of  England,  4. 
Hensham,  122. 

Henshaw,  122 ;  Alice,  122, 138  ; 
Edward,  9,  122,  210  ;  Eliza- 
beth. 122  ;  Henry,  138  ;  John, 
9  ;  Katherine.  122  ;  Mar- 
garet, 122,  210  :  Mary,  122  ; 
Randall,  122  ;  Thomas,  122  ; 
William,  122. 
Hereford,  Humphrey,  Earl  of,  4. 
Heron,  Mary,  192 ;  SirNicholas, 

Herreuden,  Agnes,  146. 
HertHU,  58. 
Herthill.     See  Harthill. 
Heskett,  — ,  240. 
Hesky,  Richard,  12. 
1L  mit,  184. 
Hextall,  1S4. 

Hextall,  Joan,  50,   184  ;    Wil- 
liam, 50,  184. 
Heycock,  John,  200,  201. 
Hey  wood,  Margery,  135;  Rich- 
ard, 135. 
Hichingbotham,  Nicholas,  9. 
Hicks.  Henry,  118  ;  John,  118  ; 

Margaret,  118. 
Hifeld,  Margaret,  101. 
Hiffeld,  Ellen,  72  ;  Katherine, 

72  ;  William,  72. 
Higgenson,  Margery,  32. 
Higham,  Anne,  132  ;  John,  132  ; 

Susan,  25. 
Highfeld,  Cicely,  141  ;  Robert, 

Hill,  95. 

Hill,  Agnes,  162;  Beatrice.  49, 
55;  Eleanor.  118;  Elizabeth, 
243  ;  Humphrey,  49,  102  ; 
Isabel,  98  ;  Jane,  118;  John, 
118,  255  ;  Joyce,  255  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 178;  Lawrence,  118  ; 
Margaret.  118,249;  Peter,  12; 
Sir  Richard,  64  ;  Richard, 
118  ;  Robert,  98,  118,  178  ; 
Roger,  243  ;  Sir  Rowland, 
Mayor  of  London,  04.  243, 
249  ;  Thomas,  249  ;  William, 
Hinton,  184. 

Hinton.  Alice,  129,  256  ;  David, 
11  ;  Elizabeth.  184  ;  Geoffrey, 
129  :  Jane,  219;  Joan,  270  ; 
Thomas,  219  ;  — ,  04. 
Hobson,  John,  9. 
Hocknell,  23,  122,  123,  186. 
Hocknell     alias     Hocken- 



HULL,  122  ;  Alice,  123  ; 
Anne,  26,  53,  122,  123,  171  ; 
Eleanor,  123  ;  Elizabeth,  116, 
122.  L23  ;  Hamnet,  264  : 
Hamuli,  123  ;  Henry,  122. 
123  ;  Isabel,  123  ;  Jane,  123  ; 
J, .an,  123  ;  John,  10,  11.  116. 

122,  L23  ;     Kutheriue,    122, 

123,  2H4  ;  Lawrence,  123  ; 
Margaret,  122,  123;  Margery, 
122."  131;  Peter,  122.  12:i; 
Richard,  122.  123  ;  Robert, 
123  ;  Roger,  10.  123  ;  Row- 
Land,  123  ;  Thomas,  123  ; 
William,  123;  — ,  13.  23. 

Hodgeketh,  Margery,  256. 

HodgE Katheriue,  211. 

Holbroke,  Isabel.  117. 

HoUroft,  99.  124. 

HOLCEOFT,  124  ;  Alice,  100, 
124;  Anne,  124;  Clemence, 
146  ;  Dorothy,  34,  121,  147  ; 
Greg  ory,  1 24  ;  Hamnet  t ,  124 ; 
Henry,  124  ;  Isabel.  12  1  ; 
Jane,  146,  163;  (Sir  John,  34, 
100,  124,146,  154,240;  John, 
121,  11(1  ;  Katheriue,  154  ; 
Margaret,  124;  Mary,  240; 
Robert,  147  ;  Sir  Thomas, 
Marshal  to  Queen  .Mary,  124, 
163  ;  Thomas,  Constable  of 
Upper  Conway,  124  ;  alia* 
Henley.  Thomas,  124;  Tho- 
mas, 124  ;  Thomasine,  103. 

Holdenby,  115. 

Holdenby,  Elizabeth,  115  ;  Wil- 
liam, 115. 

HoU,   123. 

Bole,  William,  123. 
Holford,  125. 

lloLFORD,  125  ;  Alice,  55,  125. 
138  ;  Anne,  125  ;  Arthur,  29, 
L25,  142  ;  Barbara.  96  ; 
Bartholomew,  125  ;  Brian, 
125;  Christopher,  64,  125; 
Dorothy,  53,  125  :  Elizabeth, 
125.  126,  166;  Elleu,  61, 125; 
Emma.  29  ;  Sir  George,  40, 
125,  151  ;  George,  96,  125. 
126  ;  Humphrey.  125  ;  Isabel, 
125.  151  ;  Jane.  12.'.,  115  ; 
Sir  John,  125,  138  ;  John,  lb, 
125,  126  ;  Katheriue,  126, 
142  ;  Margaret,  125  ;  Mar- 
gery, 40,  125  ;  Martha.  125  ; 
Mary,  61.  125  ;  Maud,  12.".  ; 
Owen,  125  ;  Peter,  125,  126  ; 
Philip,  125  :  Randall,  125  ; 
Richard,  12:,  ;  Robert,  12.".  ; 
Stephen,  96  ;  Thomas.  .".3, 
55,  61,  12."..  145.  166  ;  Wil- 
liam, Lord  of  Bulkeley,  55. 
145  ;   William,  125,  126.  1  15. 

Holgreve,  Alice,  231  ;  Mabel. 
230  ;  Matthew,  230,  231  ; 
Richard,  231.    &<  Holgreve. 

Holland,  L94. 

Holland,  Alice.  120,  194;  Anne, 
120.  179;  Edward.  61.  179  ; 
Eleanor,  72  ;  Francis,  216  ; 
Isabel,   194  ;    Jane,    IS,   61  ; 

Janet,  8S  ;  John.  120  ;  Ka- 
theriue. 251  ;  Margaret,  131  ; 
Mary,  18  ;  Man. I.  203  ;  Ralph, 
194,"  251  ;  Richard,  18  ;  sir 
Robert.  88,  203  ;  Rose,  191, 
251  ;  Thomas,  120  ;  Sir  Tris- 
tram, 72;  Tristram,  IS  ;  Wil- 
liam, 12ii. 

Holling.  Richard,  119. 

Hollinshead.  Edward,  9  ;  Hugh, 
10  ;    William.  10:   — ,  206. 

Hollinworth,  John,  9  ;  Robert.  9. 

Holme,  12ii. 

Holme,  126  ;  Alice,  127  :  Anne. 
126;  Elizabeth,  29.  126,  127  ; 
George.  127  ;  Hugh  29,  126, 
127  ;  Jane,  126  ;  Katheriue, 
126.  127  ;  Matthew,  127  ; 
Maud,  127  ;  Peter,  127;  Ran- 
dle,  261  ;  Robert,  126  ;  Tho- 
mas, 126,  127  ;  William,  126  ; 
— ,  175.     S  <   Hulme. 

Holt,  Sir  Edward,  27,  2S  ; 
Ellen,  183  ;  Isabel,  152  ; 
Jane,  27  ;  Katheriue,  94  ; 
Milicent,  183  ;  Robert,  L52, 
183  ;    Til. .mas,  94. 

Honford,  Alice,  162  ;  William, 
162  ;  — ,  58. 

Hoo,  Margery,  29. 

Hooper,  John,  266,  268  ;  Mar- 
garet, 266.  26s. 

Hooton,  214,  260. 

HOOTON,  214  ;  Margaret,  214  ; 
Margery,  212,  214,  215  ;  Sir 
William,  212,  214.  215  ;  Wil- 
liam, 211. 

Hope,  John,  195,200 ;  Maud,195. 

Hopkinson,  Hugh,  186  ;  Maud, 

Hopton,  Elizabeth,  44,  216  ; 
Thomas,216;  Sir  Walter.  216. 

Home,  — ,  32,  191. 

Horton,  99,  124,  127,  186. 

HORTON,  127  ;  Alice,  25,  187  ; 
Anne.  127  ;  David,  186  ; 
Elizabeth.  79.  127  ;  Ellen, 
127  :  Jane.  187  ;  John,  7, 
127,  133,  186,  187  :  Madock, 
186  ;  Margaret,  127  :  .Maud, 
186  ;  Ralph,  s,  127  ;  Randall, 
127  ;    Richard,   127  ;    Roger, 

127,  187  ;  Rowland,  127  ; 
Thomas.  79  ;  Werburgh,  133  ; 
William,  186. 

Hough,  127. 

Hough,  127  ;  Alice.  247  ;  Anne, 

128.  146:  Anthony,  128; 
Christ  .an.  5.'.  12s,  259 ;  Chris- 
topher, 127.161 ;  Dorothy,  76, 
262  :  Elizabeth,  128  ;  Henry, 
12S  ;  .Jane.  128  ;  John,  76, 
128,  262  :  Margaret,  128,  180, 
192  ;  Margery.  127,  128,  161  : 
Richard.    59."    128,     116.    191. 

259  ;  Thomas,  127.  12s.  1  SO, 
192  ;   William,    11,   59.    128, 

2  17. 
Houghton,  214. 
Houghton.  Sir  Alexander,  223  ; 

Alice,    lib,    215;    Elizabeth, 

223;  Henry,  215;  Isabel, 
255  ;  John,  255  ;  Katheriue-, 
228  :  Sir  Richard,  140,  215  ; 
Richard.    228  ;    Tliuma-,    1  1  ; 

— ,  210.     &  e  Saughton. 
HonmhUl,  95. 
Hownhill,  Jane,  234. 
Hubbard,  220. 

Hubbard.  Alice,  220. 
Huberk,  58. 

Huberk,  Anne,  59  |   Sir  Senry, 
5,1  ;  Mr  Hugh,  58  :  Joan,  59 ; 

Sir    John.    M  :     Mai  v.     59  : 
id,  59. 
Huddard,    cousin    to  William 

the  Conqueror,  88. 
Huddleston,  Auuc,  17  ;  Cicely, 

191);  Isabel,  192;  Lucy,  17  ; 

Mai  gi  rv.  17  ;   Richard,  17. 
llueit,  Edward,  12. 
Hidgrere,  39. 
Hulgreve,       Christian.       162  ; 

David,    39  ;    Margaret,    15  ; 

— ,  222.    $  ■   I  [olgreve. 
Hulme,  Alexander,    11  ;   Eliza- 
beth,   176  ;    Hugh.   31,    176  ; 

Jane,     46  ;     .Margaret,      18  ; 

Maud.  31  ;   Robert,  18  ;  Thu- 

mas,  7.  46.     .V.  e  lb. lima 
HttUe,  29.   128.  225. 

Htjlse,  128  ;  Agnes,  is  ;  Alice, 
129;  Amy,  129;  Andrew, 
Archdeacon  of  Richmond, 
56;  David,  56;  Eleanor,  129; 
Elizabeth,  128  ;  George,  129  ; 
Sir  Henry,  215  ;  Henry,  128; 
Sir  Hugh,  Justice  of  the 
King's  Bench.  :,i\  225;  Hugh, 
129;  Isabel,  129  ;  Jan..  5,  62; 
Joan.  2 15  :  sir  John,  56  ; 
John,  56,  L28,  129  ;  Kathe- 
riue, 62,  129  ;  Margaret,  129  ; 
Margery,  128,  129,  223; 
Mary,  128;  Parnell,  128; 
Philip,  128,  129;  Ralph,  10, 
128;  Robert,  128,  129  :  Tho- 
mas. S,  56.  12S,  129.  225  ; 
Walter.  128;  William,  Lord 
of  St.  Johns.  56  ;  William, 
55,  56,  128  ;  — ,  29,  30. 

Hunt,  Henry,  206  ;  Jane.  2."',; 
Katheriue.  108;  Richard,  12, 

Huntingdon,  David,  Earl  of,  3, 
4  ;  Elizabeth,  48  ;  John, 
Earl  of,  3,  4. 

Hunton,  John.  24  ;  Mary,  24. 

HurUtm,  129.  130. 

Ill  ki.stun  alias  11i:kltox,129, 
130;  Alice.  130,  187  ;  Anne, 
L30;  Blanch,  63 ;  Eleanor, 
I5U  ;  Elizabeth,  L30  ;  Ellen, 
129.  130,  178  ;  Gilbert,  bin  ; 
Henry.  129;  Hugh.  130; 
Humphrey,  130;  Isabel,  130, 
1:12;  James,  125,  12s.  1511  ; 
John,  130  ;  Julian,  129  ;  Ka- 
theriue.   2:i.    16,  95.  129.  159. 

217  :     Margaret,    123,    128; 
Margery,  6:1.  129  ;  Maud.  46, 

130;  Nicholas,  150;  Randall, 



130  ;  Reynold,  130  ;  Richard, 
46,  05.  130,  187  ;  Robert, 
130 ;  Roger.  46.  129,  178, 
217  ;  Rowland,  130  ;  Thomas, 
68,   129,   130  ;  William,   129, 

130  ;  — ,  152. 

Hurst,  Jane,  136  ;  Randall,  12. 
Hussey,  Katherine,  126  ;  Rich- 

ard,  126. 
Hutchinson,  Thomas,  116. 
Huttou,  Eleanor,  184  ;  Thomas, 

Huxley,  66.  131. 
Huxley,     131  ;     Agnes,     66  ; 

Dorothy,     131  ;      Elizabeth, 

131 ;  E'llen,  131  ;  George,  8  ; 

Henrv,  131  ;  Isabel,  131,161; 

James,  131,141;  John,  131  ; 

Katherine.  131  :   Maud.   111. 

254  ;  Nicholas.    254  ;   Ralph, 

7.   131  ;   Richard,    131,    254  ; 

Robert,    66,    131  ;     Thomas. 

131  ;  — ,  25.  175. 
Hi/de,  131. 

Hyde,  131  ;  Alice,  131,  132; 
Anne.  18,  104,  131,  132; 
Beatrice,   132  ;   Dorothy,  23, 

132  ;  Edward,  132  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 132  ;  Ellen,  132  ;  Giles, 
131  ;  Haranett,  131  ;  Hamon, 

131,  132;  Henry,  131  ;  Jane, 
74 ;  Joan,  131 ;  John.  131  ; 
Lawrence,  131  ;  Margaret, 
18,  82,  101,  131,  132,  154, 
243  ;  Mary,  131,  132  ;  Ran- 
dall. 132.  152:  Richard,  132  ; 
Robert,   9.    18.    74.   82,    L31, 

132,  172,  221.  243  ;  Thomas, 
23.  131,  132;  William,  is. 
104,  132  ;  — ,  86. 

Ince,  Randall,  10. 

Ingram,  Katherine.  102. 

Insula,  Richard  de,  160. 

Ipstones,  43,  15. 

Ipstones,  — ,  41,  43. 

Ireland,    Elizabeth,    108,    217; 

George,    10,   108  ;   Lawrence, 

217  ;  Margaret,   31  ;  Robert, 

11  ;  Thomas,  34. 
Isabella,  Queen  of  England.  182. 
Isley,    Anne,    78  ;    Sir   Henry, 

78  ;  Thomas,  78. 
Ithell,  William,  8. 
Ive.  Joan.  123. 
Ives,  90,  91. 
Ives,   Anabella,   90 ;    Anianus, 

90.  91  ;  Eleanor,   91  ;   Ellen, 

93  ;  Hamon,  93. 
Ivon  of  Normandy,  and  his  six 

sons,  llo. 
Iwett.     See  Jcwett. 

Jackson,  Anne,  146  ;  Elizabeth, 
178;  George,  146;  Robert, 

Jaconim,  or  Jocomin,  Ellen,  13  ; 
Ralph,  13. 

Jamin.  Robert,  11. 

Jen  kin,  Margaret,  60. 

Jennings,  124. 

Jennings,  Elizabeth,  49  ;  Nich- 
olas.'^! ;   Rowland,  49. 

Jennings  alias  Stockton,  Mar- 
garet. 81  ;  Randall,  81. 

Jewett,  263. 

Jewett,  or  Iwett,  263  ;  Anne, 
263  ;  Cicely,  263  ;  Elizabeth, 
263  ;  Jane.  264  ;  Katherine, 
263,  264  ;  Margeiy,263,  264; 
Randolph,  263  ;  Thomas,  263; 
William.  263.  261. 

Joddrell,  Edward.  9  ;  — ,  177. 

Johnson,  Adam, 126  ;  Alice, 262  ; 
Hamnet,  262  ;  John,  9.  116; 
Katherine,  67,  126  ;  Mar- 
garet. 67,  117  ;  Margery.  69  ; 
Maud,  110  ;  Robert,  67  ;  Tho- 
mas, 67. 

Jones.  Alice,  25 ;  Anne,  263, 
266 ;  Edward.  25  ;  Ellen. 
265,  266  :  Hubert,  263,  265, 
266  ;  William,  263,  265, 

Juleni,  Aired  de,  188  ;  Alure- 
dus  de,  188  ;  Maud  de,  188 ; 
Normannus  de,  188. 


Keele,  Elizabeth,  272  ;   Robert, 

Kelsall.  Reignald,  9. 
Kent,  Hubert  de  Burgh,   Earl 

of.  188  :  Walter  de,  181. 
Kettle,  John,  8,  81  ;  Margaret, 

Keveliock,  1,  28. 
Keveliock,  Agnes,  3,  5  ;  Amice, 

164;    Beatrice,     1.    95.     159, 

160  ;  Constance,  95,  159  ; 
Hawise,  3.  5  ;  Hugh,  Earl  of 
Chester,  1,  3,  4,  28,  95,  110, 
159.  160,  161,  221  :  Mabel.  3, 
5  ;  Maud,  or  Matilda,  3,  4  ; 
Owen,  Prince  of  Powis,  95, 

Kevington,    Maud,   252 ;    Wil- 
liam. 252. 
Kightley,  Isabel,82 ;  Richard  ,82. 
Kinaston,  41. 
Kinaston,  Dorothy,  66;   Isabel, 

161  ;  John,  41  ;  Thomas,  66  ; 
— ,  131. 

Kingsl  v.  35,  63,  85,  S7,  95,  132, 
197,  203. 

Kincsley,  83;  Agnes,  83,  84, 
132  ;  Avice,  83, 'si  ;  Cicely, 
111  ;  Emma,  83.  84  ;  Jane, 
or  Joan,  83,  84,  212,  267; 
John,  -lo  :  Ranulph,  83,  84, 
114;  Sir  Richard,  267  ;  Rich- 
aid.  S3,  81.  Ill,  132,  144, 
188,  212,  24  6. 

Kingsley's  Funster's  Coat,  85, 
95,  132. 

Kingslcy     alias       Wettenhall, 

Kingsley      alias     Wettenhall, 

John,  27  ;  Margery,  27. 
Kingston,  John,  116  ;  Margery, 

Kinsy,    Eleanor,    117  ;   Hugh, 

211  ;     Margaret,     72,     211  ; 

Robert,  72. 
Kirkes,  John,  11. 
Kirkland,      Ellen,      233  ;      Sir 

Ralph,  233. 
Knight.  Joan,  32  ;    Katherine, 

101  ;' William,  32. 
Knightley,  Jane,   30,    Robert, 

Knipersley,  or  Kniperley,  Ellen, 

228  ;  Margaret,  183  ;  Robert, 

183,  228. 
Knockton,  — ,  48. 
Kuowles,  Lettice,  136;  Robert, 


Lach,  Jane.  116  ;  Nicholas, 

Lack,  Jane,  152  ;   Peter,  152. 

Lacon,  Jane,  49,  98  ;  Sir  Tho- 
mas, 49.  98,  165. 

Lacy,  5,  6,  239. 

LACY,  5  ;  Agnes,  6  ;  Albert,  6 ; 
Albreda,  5  ;  Alice,  Countess 
of  Lincoln,  6  ;  Alice,  6,  88, 
237  ;  Edmund.  Lord,  6  ;  Ed- 
mund, 6  ;  Eleanor,  6  ;  Geof- 
frey, 6  ;  Gilbert,  5  ;  Henry, 
Earl  of  Lincoln,  6  ;  Henry, 

5  ;  Hildebert,  Lord  of  Black - 
burnshire  and  Pontefract,  5  ; 
Idonia,  6  ;    Jane,  20  ;  Joan, 

6  ;  John,  Baron  of  Halton, 
Earl  of  Lincoln,  and  Con- 
stable of  Chester,  3.  5,  6.  88, 
224,  237 ;  John,  6  ;  Margaret, 
3,  5,  6  ;  Maud,  5,  6,  91  ;  Rich- 
ard, 6  ;  Robert,  5,  6  ;  alms 
Hell,  Roger,  Constable  of 
Chester,  6,  91  ;  Roger,  6  ;  — , 
Earl  of  Lincoln,  20. 

Laiton,  Margaret,  175  ;  Rich- 
ard, 175. 

Laken.  or  Lake,  Ellen,  212, 
213  ;  William,  212,  213  ;  — , 

Lancaster.  Alice,  Countess  of, 
6  ;  Blanch,  152  ;  Richard, 
152  ;  Thomas,  Earl  of,  6  ; 
William,  11. 

Lane,  — ,  97. 

Langley,  Elizabeth,  154  ;  Henry, 
154  :  Katherine,  153  ;  Ro- 
bert, 153,  207  ;  — ,  156. 

Langton,  Eleanor,  193  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 204  ;  Isabel,  22S  ;  Jane, 
141  ;  Mabel,  233  ;  Rawliu, 
228  ;  Robert,  140,  141,  193  ; 
Thomas.  Baron  of  Newton, 
204  ;  Sir  Thomas,  233. 

Lantre,  Margaret,  72. 



Large,  Ellen  le,  96  ;  Philip  le, 

Latham,  Richard,  8  ;  — ,  46. 

Lathom,  214,  216. 

Lathom,  214;  Anne,  190; 
Elizabeth,  153.  263 j  Edward, 
214  ;  Isabel,  212,  214  ;  Rich- 
ard,  Lord,  214  ;  Richard, 
263  ;  Robert,  Lord,  214  ;  Sir 
Robert,  214  ;  Robert,  214  ; 
Sir  Thomas.  212,  214  ;  Wil- 
liam, 190,  263. 

Lawn-celin,  132. 

L-AUNCELIN,  132  ;  Agues,  83, 
84,  132  ;  Henry,  83,  84,  L32  : 
.Mabel,  132  ;  Richard.  S3,  84. 

132  ;  Robert,  132  ;  William, 
83,84,  132. 

Lavington,  Aliee,  74. 

Laware,  — ,  Lord,  241. 

Lamrt  nn ,  201. 

Lawrence,  Robert,  200,  201  ; 
— ,  185. 

Lamton,  28,  133. 

LAWTON,  133 ;  Agnes,  133 ; 
Ambrose,  133;  Anne,  133; 
Augustine.  133  ;  Dorothy, 
133 ;  Eleanor,  133 ;  Eva, 
133;  Hugh,  133  ;  Isabel,  27, 

133,  159  ;  James,  133  ;  John, 
1",  133;  Katherine,  133; 
Margaret,133,169;  Mary,  133; 
Richard,  133  ;  Robert,  133  ; 
Thomas,     133 ;      Werburgh, 

133  ;  William,  27,  133, 

Lea,  Grace,  264  ;  Jane,  271  ; 
John,  271  ;  Richard,  264 ; 
Roger,  264  ;   William,  264. 

Leader,  William,  12. 

I. rake,  Elizabeth,  204. 

Lee,  135. 

Lee,  134  ;  Adam,  134  ;  Agnes, 
134;  Alice,  66,  134-136; 
Amicia,  134  ;  Anne,  136  :  Sir 
Anthony,  136  ;  Anthony,  135  ; 
Beatrice,  135  ;  Bennett,  135, 
136  ;  Edmund,  135  ;  Eleanor, 
135;  Elizabeth.  134-136; 
Ellen,  134-136;  Emanuel. 
136  ;  Francis.  135,  136  ;  Sir 
Henry.  136;  Henry,  135; 
Isabel,  134  ;  sir  James,  63, 
135  ;  Jane,  136  ;  Joan.  134  ; 
John,     134-136;     Lawrence, 

134,  135  ;  I.etticc.  134,  136; 
Margery,  134,  135,  255,  256  ; 
Maud,  63, 135, 136;  Randolph, 

134  ;  Richard,  Clarenceux, 
134,  136  ;  Richard,  66.  134- 
136,  256  ;  Sir  Robert.  136 ; 
Robert,  134,  135,  265;  R  gi  r, 

135  ;  Thomas,  134,  136  ;  Wil- 
liam, 63,  135;  Winifred, 

Leech,  136,  137.  201. 

Leech,  136  ;    Alice,  136.   137, 

256,   27(i  ;    Anne,    62.    137  ; 

Charles,    137;    David.    137; 

Edward,  137  ;  Elizabeth,  137, 

246,  250  ;  George,  136,  270 ; 

Henrv,  136  ;  .lane,  137  ;  John, 
8,  62",  136,  137,  246,  250  ; 
M.ii  |  mi.  136  ;  Margery, 
136,  137  ;  Ralph,  7  :  Robert, 
137  ;  Sir  Roger,  200,  201  ; 
Thomas,  137  ;  Ursula,  137  ; 
William.  136,  137  ;  Winifred, 
137  ;  — .  70. 

Leedes,  — ,51. 

I.,  ft  inch.  1  12. 

Leftwich,  142;  Alice,  112; 
Eleanor,  142, 167  ;  Elizabeth, 
142,  243  ;  George,  142;  Jane, 
142  ;  John,  214  ;  Katherine, 
126,  112:  Margaret,  112,211  ; 
Ralph,  112,  167  ;  Randall, 
10;  Richard,  142;  Robert, 
142  ;  alias  Wilmington,  Ro- 
bert. 142;  Thomas,  126,  112. 
243  ;  William,  142  ;  — , 

Leicester,  138,  139,  141. 

Leicesteb,  138;  Adam,  138; 
Agnes,  138,  140  ;  Alice,  44, 
138,  141,  113.  145  ;  Anne,  22, 
141,  166  :  Cicely,  139.  141  ; 
Eleanor,  140. 141  ;  Elizabeth, 

138,  141,  165  ;  Ellen,  138, 
141,  148  ;  Geoffrey,  140  ;  Sir 
George,  141  ;  George,  138, 
141  ;  Henrv.  141  ;  Isabel, 
103,  138.  141  ;  James,  138  ; 
Jane,  36,  138,  139,  140,  141  ; 
John,  103,  138-140,  143,  145; 
Joyce,  139  ;  Katherine,  138, 
141;  Lawrence,  13S,  141; 
Margaret,  88,  107,  138,  176  ; 
Margery,    138,    145;     Mary, 

139,  141  ;  Maud,  141  ;  Nicho- 
las, 138,  139  ;  Parnell,  138, 
141  ;  Philip,  140  ;  Piers,  11, 
44,  138,  141  ;  Sir  Ralph,  141. 
148,  166  ;  Ralph.  22.  36.  139- 
141  :  Randall,  111  ;  Richard, 
141  ;  Roger,  138,  139;  Tho- 
mas, 8,  107.  138,  141  ;  Wil- 
liam. 11,  138,  141,  143;  — . 
60,  155. 

Leigh,  71.  85,  99,  145.  147,  lis. 
160-155,  200,  211. 

Leigh,  Legh,  or  Ligh,  143  ; 
Adam,  143  ;  Aencs.  41,  82, 
143, 145-14S.  151,  172  ;  Alban, 
152;  Alice,  104,138,143,145, 

146,  149,  154,  156  ;  Amy. 
173  ;  Anne,  61.  68,  114,  122, 
12S.  146-148,  153,  156;  An- 
thony, 156  ;  Avice,  235  ; 
Beatrice,  146  ;  Blanch,  152  ; 
Bridget,  156  ;  Charles,  149  ; 
Christian,  147  ;  Cicely,  1 19. 
152,  153;  Clemencc,  116; 
David,    155;    Dorothy,    146, 

147,  152,  176  ;  Dowce,  or 
Dulcia.  36.  113.  146,  17s.  213; 
sir  Edmund,  149  ;  Edmund, 
149;  Edward.  11,  46,  145, 
IIS,  149,  L52-154,  203  ;  Elea- 
nor, 89,  147,  152,  153,  155, 
204  ;  Elizabeth,  42.  146-149, 
153-156, 178,207  ;  Ellen,  141, 

144,145,147-154,260;  Emma, 

107  ;  Frances.  IS.  117.  119  ; 
Francis,  117,  153;  Gawen, 
l  l  l.  156  ;  Geoffrey,  1  13,  144, 
I  18,  l  19  ;  Gi  orge,  104,  146, 
1  17.  152,  155  ;  Gerard,  1  19  ; 
Gilbert,  1  1.5.  147,211  ;  Grace, 
154;  Ham  lei  i.  149,  156; 
llamnet.  146  ;  Hamoll.  143- 
1  15  ;  Havise.  143  ;  Henry, 
149,  154,  155;  Hugh,  143, 
1  15,  151,  155  ;  Isabel,  125, 
144-152,  154,165,242;  James, 
111.  146,  117.  149,  151.  153  ; 
Jane,  15.  46,  143,  145-149. 
152-156,  211,  217;  Jenkin, 
153;  Joan,  48,  59,  143,  149, 
156;  Sir  John,  36,  59,70, 14  1, 
115,  147-151,  154,  179;  John, 
9,  15.  18,  107,  138,  113-151, 
153-166,  172.  179.2o7;  Joyce, 
154  ;  Julian,  156  ;  Katherine, 
70,  86,  143,  146,  152-156.2(11  ; 
Mabel,  146,  153,  155  ;  Ma- 
dock,  or  Matthew,  145  ;  Mar- 
garet. 146-149,  151-156,  179, 
199,  203,  242  ;  Margery,  74, 
138,  143,  145,  146.  149.  153. 
156,  171;  Mary,  97,  108,  146, 
117,  152,  154-156;  Matthew, 

146,  155,  156.  230 ;  Maud, 
or  Matilda.  17,  143.  144-148, 
151.  152,  165;  Nicholas,  146, 
149,  155  ;  Parnell,  146,  203  ; 
Sir  Peter,  199.  203  ;  Peter, 
141-148,  151,  153,  154,  156  ; 
Philip,  42.  12S,  141,  lis,  155, 
217  ;  Sir  Piers,  9,  150,  151, 
153,  204,242;  Piers.  Ml.  152, 
153;  Prudence,  149;  Ralph. 
86,  143,  145,  146,  154,  155, 
211;  Randall,  144,  149.  154  ; 
Rauulph.  151,  152;  Reynold, 
151.  2(i3  ;  Sir  Richard,  128; 
Richard,  11,  138,  143-147, 
149,  151,  154-156,  173,  176, 
178  ;   Sir  Robert,  17,  55,  144, 

151  ;  Robert,  17,  41,  55.  68, 
1(14,  125,  144,  145.  117.  151- 
153.155.  165,178,242;  Rubin, 
144;  Robinett,  141.  151,  154  ; 
Roger,  115.  146.  lis.  i;,i, 
154;  Rose,  143,  146  ;  Sarah, 
151,  152;  Sibell,  46,  152; 
Susan,  154;  Sir  Thomas, 
Mayor  of  London,  154;  Sir 
Thomas,  97  ;  Thomas,  11.17, 
36,  46,  68,  74,  82,  87.  89,  108, 
122,  143-149,  152-156,  171, 
201.  235,  260;  Sir   Drian,  9. 

152  ;   Sir  William.    144,    145, 

147.  149  :  William.  12.  1  13- 
149,  151,  154-156  ;  — ,  126, 
139,  142,  197,  217. 

Leighton,  Edward,  49  ;   Joice, 

49  ;  Margery,  15. 
Leland,  Ellen,  190. 
Leuton,    Edward,    78 ;    Honor. 

Leton,  Mary,  108  ;  — ,  18. 
Lcccnshiilmc,  148. 



Levcrsege,  156. 

Leveesege,  166  ;  Agnes,  156  ; 
Anne,  23  ;  Elizabeth,  152  ; 
George,  23  ;  Hugh.  157  ; 
Isabel.  157,  235  ;  John,  23  ; 
Katherine,  75,  157  ;  Mar- 
garet, 157  ;  Margery,  157, 
249  ;  Ralph,  157,  249  ;  Rey- 
nold, 156 ;  Richard,  156, 
157  ;  Robert,  157  ;  Thomas, 
152.  156,  157,  235;  William, 
10,  75,  157  ;  — .  216. 

Ligon.  Jane,  14  ;  Michael,  14. 

Lilhtriic,  99. 

Lilly.  — ,  129. 

Linciiln,  Out >it ess  of,  199. 

Lincoln,  Alice,  Countess  of,  6  ; 
Edwin,  Earl  of,  4 ;  Henry, 
Earl  of,  6  ;  Joan,  Countess  of, 
1 99  ;  John.  Earl  of,  3,  5,  6  ; 
Lucy.  Countess  of.  4 ;  Mar- 
garet, Countess  of,  3,  5,  6; 
Randolph.  Earl  of,  3,  4,  27, 
160;  Robert,  Earl  of,  5,  27; 
William.  Earl  of,  4 ;  — ,  Earl, 
of,  20. 

LlNFOBD.  157  ;  Alice,  157  ; 
Dionysia,  157;  Edmund,  157; 
Lawrence,  157 ;  Piers,  or 
Peter,  157  ;  Thomas,  157  ; 
William,  157. 

Linsey,  Margery,  112  ;  Simon, 

Linton,  Cadogan,161 ;  Margery, 

Lister,  Anne,  39  ;  Christopher, 
65 ;  Ellen,  65 ;  Richard, 

Litle'y,  Ellen,  121  ;  William, 

Little,  Keneu,  161 :  Mabel,  161 ; 
Richard,  161  ;  Urian,  161. 

Littlebury,  John,  231,  232 ; 
Marian.  232  ;  Roger,  232  ; 
Roise,  231  ;  Rose,  232. 

Littler,  Anne,  39  ;  Richard,  11, 
39,  270. 

Littleton.  Edward,  98  ;  Isabel, 
98  ;  — ,  118. 

Llewellyn,  Prince  of  Wales.  4, 

Lloyd,  Alice,  267  ;  David,  93. 
267  ;  Felice,  93  ;  John,  7  ; 
William,  93. 

Lodge,  Sir  Thomas,  Mayor  of 
London,  141. 

London,  Havise  de,  143  ;  Rich- 
ard de,  143. 

Longespee,  William,  Earl  of 
Salisbury,  6,  20. 

Longford,  Jane,  81  ;  Sir  Nicho- 
las, 81. 

Longton,  Jane,  173  ;  Ralph, 

Lostock,  Cicely.  254  ;  Geoffrey, 
1S3;  Sir  Graham,  183;  Let- 
tice,  183  ;  Margaret,  183 ; 
Millicent,  183. 

Low,  Alexander,  9 ;  Anne,  13  ; 
George,  7  ;  Simon,  13. 

Lucy,    Beatrice,    4  ;     Eleanor, 

241  ;  Foulk,  241  ;  Richard. 
Lord,  4. 

Ludlow,  Sir  John,  226  ;  Mar- 
gery, 226. 

Lumlev,  Elizabeth,  140;  John, 

Lupus,  1,  4.  28. 

Lupus,  Hugh,  Earl  of  Chester, 
1,  2,  4,  28,  107,  233. 

Iaioots,  5,  6,  239. 

Luzors,  Albreda  de,  5  ;  Eudo 
de,  5. 

Li/mmc,  71.82,  144. 

Lymme,  Agnes,  82,  145 ;  Sir 
Alexander.  143  ;  Allen.  82, 
145  ;  Gilbert,  82,  145. 

Lyneall,  271. 

Lyneall,  271  ;  Alice,  270. 
272  ;  Anne,  271,  272  ;  Ed- 
ward, 271,  272  ;  Elizabeth, 
271,  272;  Ellen,  271,  272  ; 
Humphrey,  272;  Jane,  271, 
272  ;  John,  271,  272  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 271,  272 ;  Margaret, 
271  ;  Mary,  272;  Philip,  271  ; 
Roger,  270,  272 ;  Thomas. 
270-272  ;  William,  271,  272. 


Mabon,    Jane,     236  ;     Robert, 

Macclesfield,  182,  201. 
Macclesfield,   John,    183,    200, 

201  ;  Jordan,  183  ;  Margaret, 

183  ;  Mary,   183;    Millicent. 

Macky,    Jane,     154  ;     Robert, 

Maddock,    Anne,    24  ;    Isabel. 

133  ;  John,  133  ;  Randall,  8  ; 

Robert,  24  ;  William.  133. 
Mainmaring,  74,  163.  164. 
Mainwaki'kg,    or  Meinelwar- 

ing,  163 ;  Agnes,  64, 134.  268  ; 

Alexander,   164 ;    Alice.    16, 

166;     Allen,     165;     Amice, 

164  ;  Anne,  71,  72,  137,  141, 
166,167, 184,  209  ;  Sir  Arthur, 
16,  165  ;  Arthur.  165.  166  ; 
Beatrice,  19  ;  Bridget,  73  ; 
Charles,  10,  42.  51,  125,  166, 
206,  244;  Christian,  164; 
Clemence.  165  ;  Edmund, 
165,  166;  Edward.  166; 
Eleanor,  142,  166.  167,  227  ; 
Elizabeth,  16,  44,  97,  125, 
141,  165-167,  207  ;  Ellen,  42, 
50,    165,   166  ;    Sir    George, 

165  ;  George,  136,  165,  166  ; 
Henry,  10,  71,  164.  166,  167  ; 
Hugh,  165.  166  ;  Humphrey, 
50,  134, 137,  163  ;  Isabel,  166, 
244  ;  James.  166  ;  Jane,  74, 
85.  107.  166,  167,  209  ;  Joan, 
52,  175;  Sir  John,  165,  185. 
249,268;  John,  76,  142,  151, 
163-165.  167,  219,  242  ; 
Julian,  166;  Katherine,  165- 
167,185,219;  Lawrence,  107, 

166  ;  Margaret.  39,  50,  51,  76, 
136,  164-167,  177,  203,  206, 
227.  242,  252  ;  Maraery,  51, 
96,  164-167,  194.  249  ;  Mary, 

165,  229;     Maud,    151,    165, 

166,  209,  219.  225  ;  Nicholas, 
163,  165  ;  Oliver,  51,  164, 
166  ;   Philip,  141, 166  ;  Piers, 

165  ;  Prudence,  167  ;  Ralph, 
Justice  of  Chester,  164 ; 
Ralph,  97,  166,  175,227  ;  Sir 
Randall,  44,  75, 125.  166,  207, 
209  ;  Randall,  10,  47,  50,  64, 
72-74,  90,  141,  160,  164-167, 
203  ;  Ranulph.  164  ;  Sir 
Richard,  165;  Richard,   164- 

166  ;  Robert.  10, 39, 166, 194, 
227  ;  Sir  Roger,  164  ;  Roger, 
8,  160,164-167;  Sanky,  252  ; 
Sir  "Thomas,  165  ;  Thomas, 
10,  163-167,  209  ;  Thomasine, 
163  ;  Ursula,  137  ;  Sir  War- 
ren, Lord  of  Warmincham, 
165,  225  ;  Warren,  166  ;  Wil- 
liam, 52,  96,  164,  165;  Sir 
—,192;  —,72,  77,  185,  196, 

Malbcmk,  28-30,  158,  202,  233. 
Malbank,  Malbedeng.  or  Mal- 

bon,    158 ;     Adelicia,     158 ; 

Alice,  158.   198  ;  Auda,  158, 

198,  231,  232  ;   Eleanor,  158  ; 

Hugh,  158;  Isabel,  232,  234  ; 

Pctronilla,     15S  ;     Philippa, 

158,  198.  232  ;  Piers,  Baron 
of  Nantwich,  232,  234  ;  Wil- 
liam, Baron  of  Nantwich, 
15S,  198,  231.  232  ;  William, 
12,  246  ;  — ,  13. 

Malherb,  John,  182. 
Malpas,  28,  41,  45,  159. 
Malpas,    159  ;     Beatrice,    95, 
159-161,  182  ;  Constance,  95, 

159  ;  David,  Baron,   95,  159, 

160  ;  Sir  David,  161  ;  David, 
83,  95,96.127,159,  161,  182  ; 
Helen,  41  ;  Hugh,  161  ; 
Idonea,  95.  159,  161  ;  Isabel, 

161  ;  John,  161  ;  Katherine, 
95,  159,  161  ;    Margaret,  95, 

159,  160  ;  Margery,  127,  161  ; 
Maud,  96,  161  ;  Philip.  41, 
S3,  95,  159  ;  Ralph,  Baron, 
95,  159,  160;  Roger.  161  ; 
Sibell,  161  ;  Sir  William,  95, 
159,  161  ;  William,  161,  182, 
188  ;  — ,  176. 

Maltravers,  Alice.     92  ;     Joan, 

92  ;  Sir  John,  92. 
Mandeville,  Alice.  6. 
Maniers,    Elizabeth,    204;    Sir 

Thomas,    Earl    of    Rutland, 

MamXey,  162. 
Manley,    162  ;    Alice,     187  ; 

Anne,    163  ;    Dorothy,    163  ; 

Elizabeth,     89,     163,     260; 

Ellen,    163 ;      Grace,     198  ; 

Henry,  163  ;  Jane,  163  ;  John, 

7, 163  ;  Katherine,  79  ;  Mary, 

163 ;     Sir    Nicholas,     163  ; 



Nicholas,  79,   163,  201  ■    Sir 
Thomas.   1S7  ;  Thomas,  116. 
163;  William,   89,   260;    — , 
Mapresall,  John,  233. 
Marfan-j/.  167.  168. 
Marbury,    167  ;      Alice,    72  ; 
Anne.     HIS;     Bridget,    218; 
Cicely,    179;    Eleanor.    L68, 
240  ;  Elizabeth,  52,  128,  168, 
252  ;    Emma,    168  ;    George, 
168;     Hul'Ii.     167  ;     James, 
128,167,  168  ;  Jane,  168,  ISO; 
John,  167,    168  ;    Katherine, 
114, 168  ;  sir  Lawrence,  167  ; 
Lawrence,    168,    252  ;    Mar- 
garet,   142,     168;     Margery, 
213 :    Maud,    168  :    Maudlin, 
168  :  Peter,  168  :  Richard,  11. 
72,   144,   16S,    179,   180,  218; 
Robert.     His  ;     1 
240;  William,  11.  52,  168. 
March,    Edwin,    Earl    of,    4  ; 

Elizabeth,  118. 
Jfarchornley,  236. 
Marchomley,  Alice,  236  ;  John, 

236  :  Lettice,  is. 
Markencroft,  John,  12. 
Marmion,  Henry,  97  ;  Isabel,  97. 
Marsh,   Alice.   130;  Jane,  248  ; 
Eichard,  248  ;  Thomas,  130. 
Martin.  Elizabeth,  243  ;  Hugh, 
252  :  Joan,  6  ;  Margaret,  252  : 
Thomas,  243  ;   William,  Lord 
Camoy.-,  6. 
Massey,  18,24.  35,  II,  124.  139. 

144,'  169-175,  261. 
Massey,  169-175;  Agnes,  33, 
145,  172  :  Alice,  35,  54.  146, 
169,  171,  172.  174.  175.  195, 
212,  255.  262  :  Amy,  173  ; 
Anne,  16,  24,  36,  49,  106,  1  16, 
170-174,  176,  262  ;  Bartholo- 
mew. 176  ;  Cicely.  34,  172  ; 
David.  7,  49,  1  16,  176;  Doro- 
thy, 59,  126,  146,  170,  176  ; 
Dowce,  36,  169  ;  Edmund, 
172.  173,  262  :   Edward,   172. 

175  ;  Eleanor,  103,  174.  262; 
Elizabeth.  16,  54,  99,  126, 
151.  170,  171-176.  219,230; 
Ellen,   19,   64,    127,  173,  174, 

176  ;  Garrard,  262  ;  Sir  Geof- 
Erey,  44,  72,  171,  216;  Geof- 
frey, 33,  42,  171,  173.  200  ; 
George,  11,  12,  170;  Hamlett, 
172;  Hamnett,  124,  146; 
Sir  Hamuli,  Baron  of  Dun- 
ham Massy.  262  :  Sir  Hamon, 
19,  S7.  172  :   llamon,  41,    64, 

170,  188  :  Henry,  175.  171  ; 
Hugh,  53.  1 15, 170-172,  175. 
176,  209,  212.  219;  Isabel, 
172  ;  James.  172  ;  Jane.  19, 
42,  44.  72.  17o.  in.  173,  171. 
176,  209,  216.  222,  226,  2  ,6, 
262  ;  Joan.  14,  21,  36,  175, 
176  ;   Sir  John.    31,   50,    170, 

171,  175,  181,  190  ;  John,  7. 
12.  14,  Hi.  24,35,36,  103,  loo. 
126,   169-173,   175,    L76,   226, 

228,  229,  262,  266  ;  Julian, 
172;  Katherine,  29.  170,174, 
176,  177.229,265  ;  Law  rence, 
12.  171.  173.  262  ;  Margaret, 
172,  174-176,  266;  Ms 
50,  72.  115,  171.  171.  175, 
190,  261  ;  Mary,  170  ;  Mat- 
thew, 170;  Maud,  or  Matilda, 
106,  I  15.  1 15,  17  1  ;  M 
175  ;  Oliver,  171  ;  Pelezina, 
174.    217  ;     Ralph,     12.    116, 

172,  173  ;  Sir  Hi. 'hard,  87, 
172  ;  Richard,  7,  5  1.  72.  87, 
99,  106,  134,  170-175.  195, 
255,  261,  262,  265  :  Robert,  7. 
24,  2li.  41,  69,  87,  126,  170, 
171.  173-176,,  217,222;  15  ger, 
9,   59,    126.   173,  176  :   Sibell, 

173,  174;  Thorn:.-,  9,  126, 
169-171.  171.  176,  262;  Wil- 
liam. 11.  35,  56.  127,  145, 
169-171.  171-177,  25ii.  275. 
261,  262  ;  — .  14,  15,  74,  79. 
82,  195.  217,221. 

Mastcrion,  176. 

MASTERSON,  176  ;  Anne,  109. 
177.  238;  Anthony,  177; 
Cicely,  177  ;  Eleanor,  177  ; 
Elizabeth,  108,  177,  '.'19; 
Ellen,  62  ;  Henry.  177  ;  Isa- 
bel, 241  ;  John,  50,  177.  216  ; 
Lawrence,  177;  Margaret, 
50,  161,  176.  177.  216,  236; 
Margery,  166,  177.  216; 
Mary.  177.  197  ;  Nicholas, 
176. '  1  77  ;  Richard,  108,  177, 
197,  23S  ;  Roger,  S,  177; 
Thomas,  62.  109,  16 1.  166, 
177,  236.  244,  246,  219. 

Ma-ton,  Elizabeth,  250;  Rich- 
ard, 250.  ;  —  .Lord  241. 

Maxfield.  Sir  John,  166,  205  ; 
Margaret,  166,  203. 

Maynard,  Frances,  25. 

Meales,  177. 

MEA1ES,      177;      Alice.     177; 

e,  177  ;    Ellen.  177;  Jane. 

177  ;  John,    177  ;    Katherine, 

177  ;  Margaret,  177  ;  Thomas. 

177  ;    William.  177. 

Meinelwaring.  Set  Mainwaring. 

Mekin,  Katherine,  1S7  ;  Tho- 
mas, 187. 

Melow,  Gilbert, 23;  Katherine, 

Merburv,  Anne,  23  ;  Thomas,  23. 

.1/,  re,  178. 

Mere,  178;  Alice,  82,  178; 
Anne,  29,178;  Dorothy.  17-  ; 
Dowce.  or  Dulcia.  146,  178; 
Edmund.  1  is  ;  Edward,  178  ; 
Elizabeth.  148,  178,  179; 
Ellen,  129,  178  ;  Hugh,  178  ; 
babel,  178  ;  Ivo,  159  ;  Jon- 
kin,  29  ;  Joan.  178  :  John, 
11.  100,  146,  178,  179,  185  : 
Kath.  rine.  100,  178  ;  Mar- 
garet. 36,  151.  178,  185  ;  Mar- 
gery, 178  ;  Mary,  178  :  Mat- 
thew, 178,200;  Barnell,  178, 

IS5  ;  Thomas,  151.  178  ;  Wil- 
liam, n.  36,  82,  12H,  113.  178, 

m,   Adam,    183;    I.ettice, 
183;   Randolph,  202. 

Mescbines,  Lucy,  I  ;  Mand,  I  ; 
Randolph,  Earl  of  Chester, 
1-4  ;  Randolph,  2  ;  William. 

Mesinger,  Roger,  188. 

Meverell,  Jane,  51. 

Middlehurst,  John,  12. 

Middlemore,  Anne,  98  ;  Rich- 
ard. 98;  Robert,  98. 

Middleton,  175. 

Middletou,  Anne,  176  ;  David, 
175.  176;  Elizabeth,  176; 
Jane,  176  :   Margaret. 

Mierson,  William,  7. 

Miles,  John.  1  I. 

Millington,  175. 

Millington.  179  ;  Anne,  179; 
Blanch,  179;  Cicely.  179; 
Dorothy,  179  ;  Edward.  179  ; 
Eitropius,  143.  115;  Eliza- 
beth. 82,  178,  179  ;  Geoffrey, 
179  :  George,  1  .9  ;  Henry. 
179  ;  Hugh,  179  ;  Jane  . 
179  ;  Jane,  179  ;  Joan,  178  ; 
John,  Crowner,  11  ;  Jol 
12,  179  ;  Katherine.  175  : 
Margaret,  179;  Margery, 
143,  145  ;  Richard,  175  ;  Ro- 
bert,  179;    Roger,   82,    178, 

179  ;  Thomas,  179  ;  William. 
178,  179. 

Milnrti  it.  1    5. 

Milnex,  Alice,  75,  ;  John,  75. 


Milty,  or  Mitley,  Richard,  is. 

Minshull,  16,  63,  87,  180,  203. 

MlNSllUl.L.    ISO;     Aliee.  69,  70. 

ISO;  Bridget,  ISO;  Christo- 
pher, ISO;  Dorothy,  ISO;  Ed- 
ward, 69.180  ;  Eleanor,  180; 
Elizabeth,  14, 18,  51,  180,  192, 

245.  268  : 

180  :  Geoffrey,  60  ;    G 
180;  Gertrude.   180  ;   Honor, 

0;  Hugh,  ISO;  Isabel,  1  0; 
James,  ISO  ;  Jane,  \<^>.  180  ; 
John.  7o,  103,  122,  128,  168, 
ISO,  192.  215;,  88  : 
Katherine,  180,  192  ;  Mar- 
garet. 97,128,180,  185  ;  Mar- 
gery, 122,  210:  Mary,  ISO  ; 
Maud,  103;  Nicholas,  11; 
Randall,  18,  180;  Richard,  8, 
88,  180;  Robert,  268  :  Rose, 
15  ;  Thomas,  s.  12.  97.  1  0. 
235;  William.  1-0.  185,  210; 
— ,  135. 
Mirfield,  Katherine,  140 ;  Wil- 
liam. 110;  — ,  si. 

Mbb    rl  ».    159.  223. 

MobberUv.  Modberley.or  Mod- 
bury,  Elizabeth,  228  ;   Emn  a. 
107 ;    Sir    Henry,    110 
Hugh,  111:1  abel,   110  :  -ir 
John, 36  ;  Kath,  rine. 51.  Ill  ; 

2  P 



Mary,  139  ;  Sir  William,   31 
139,  228  ;  William,  107. 
Mohun,  Lady,  144. 
Mokas,  or  Monkas,  Anne,  51 

William,  51. 
Mollington,     Elizabeth,     155 ; 

Geoffrey,  155. 
Molyneux,  102. 

Molyneux,  Anne,  88,  216  ;  Elea- 
nor, 69  ;    Ellen,  220  ;    John, 
108  ;  Margaret,  68,  108,  153, 
235,  242  ;    Sir  Richard.   153, 
216,  220,  235,  242  ;  Sir  Tho- 
mas,   88  ;    William,    68 ;    — , 
68,  102. 
Molyns,  139. 
Monboucher,  99. 
Montalto,  180. 

MONTALTO,  or  Monhalt,  181  ; 
Agnes,  6  ;  Beatrice,  95,  159, 
161.  182  ;  Blanch,  182  ;  Cice- 
ly, 182  ;  Emma,  182  ;  Helen, 
181,  182;  Joan,  182  ;  John, 
181,  182;  Luca,  188;  Mili- 
cent,  182 ;  Ralph,  182  ;  Robert, 
Lord,  161 ;  Robert,  Seneschal 
of  Chester,  143,  182  ;  Robert, 
181,  182  ;  Sir  Roger,  95 ; 
Roger,  Seneschal  of  Chester, 
41,  182;  Roger,  159,  181,182, 
194  ;  William,  182  ;  Sir  — , 
6  ;  — ,  231. 
Monibegoti,  182. 
Montbegon,  John,  182  ;  Roger, 

Montgomery,  Dorothy,  36  ;  Sir 

John,  36. 
Moores,   Hamnett,  265  ;    Jane, 

Moothlow,  or  Mortlow,  — .  104. 
More,  Cicely,  196  ;  Sir  Edward, 
165  ;     Eleanor.    133 ;     Jane, 
191;  John,  152;  Katherine, 
242  ;  Margaret,  152  ;  Raudall. 
8,  196  ;  Sir  William,  96. 
Morgan,  Isabel,  29. 
Morley,  217. 

Morley,  or  Norley,  Jane,  265  ; 
Maud,  151,  152  ;  Ralph,  265  ; 
Roger,  217  ;  Sir  Thurston, 
151.  152. 
Morsterton,  Margery,  166  ;  Tho- 
mas, 166. 
Mortimer,      Hugh,      15  ;      — , 

Morton,  1S2. 

Morton,  182  ;  Alice,  42,  94, 
183,  196  ;  Anne,  183  ;  Bea- 
trice, 1S3  ;  Edmund,  94; 
Edward,  94  ;  Elizabeth, 
183,  220;  Ellen,  183: 
Graham,  183.  195;  Hugh, 
255  ;  Jane,  183  ;  Joan,  183  ; 
John,  10, 183,  220  ;  Margaret, 
60,  183,  255 ;  Mary,  183  ; 
Ralph,  183  ;  Sir  Richard, 
183;  Thomas,  183;  Toby, 
183 ;  William,  42,  60,  183. 
196  ;  — ,  191. 
Morvile,  Edward,  110  ;  Hugh, 

Mosoke,  Henry,  245  ;  Jane, 

Moston,  Alice,  207  ;  Elizabeth, 
250  ;  Jane,  96  ;  Richard,  96, 

Mottershead,  Geoffrey,  9  ;  Tho- 
mas, 10. 

Mottou,  Ralph,  159. 

Mottram,  58. 

Mottram,  Alice,  32  ;  Hugh,  9  ; 
— ,  58. 

Moulson,  Alice,  13  ;  Thomas,  7, 

Moulton,  Cicely,  55  ;  John,  55. 

Mounteagle,  Edward,  Lord, 

Mountford,  35. 

Mountford,  Eatherine,  36. 

Mowbray,  Ellen,  216 ;  Jane, 
241,  242  ;  Thomas,  Duke  of 
Norfolk,  216  ;  William,  Lord, 
241,  242. 

Moycock,  Adam,  201. 

Moyne,  Mary,  67. 

Muffett,  Elizabeth,  81  ;  Leo- 
nard, 81. 

Mustell,  Adam,  92. 


Necdham,  184. 

Needham,  184  ;  Agnes.  218  ; 
Anne,  184  ;  Frances,  184  ; 
Isabel,  50,  184,  204;  Jane, 
184  ;  Sir  John,  218  ;  John, 
184;  Margery,  184;  Maud, 
184  ;  Sir  Robert,  184  ;  Robert, 
1S4  ;  Thomas,  184  ;  William, 
50,  184;  — ,  229,  256. 

Netherland,  John,  11. 

Nevill,  Margaret,  140  ;  Sir  Ro- 
bert, 140. 

Newce,  Anne,  106. 

Newman,  Alice,  127 ;  John,  127. 

Newport,  114. 

Newport,  Dorothy,  115  ;  Jane, 
187  ;  John.  115  ;  Margaret, 
49  ;  Sir  Richard,  49  ;  Robert, 
187  ;  — ,  16. 

Newton,  184,  185. 

Newton.  184.  185  ;  Alice,  116, 
146  ;  Anne,  184,  185  ;  Arthur, 
113,  184  ;  Charles,  184  ; 
Edward,   9   ;    Eleanor,    113, 

184  ;  Elizabeth,  184  ;    Ellen, 

185  ;  Francis,  184  ;  George, 
9,  146  ;  Hugh,  138  ;  Humfrey, 
185  ;  Jane,  138  ;  John,  184, 
185  ;  Julian.  71  ;  Katherine, 
185  ;  Margaret,  184  ;  Mary, 
178, 184  ;  Maud,  184  ;  Oliver, 
185  ;  Parnell,  72.  178,  185  ; 
Sir  Peter,  113,  184  ;  Randall, 
185  ;  Richard,  185  ;  Thomas, 
184  ;  William,  10,  72,  178, 

Nigel,  Baron  of  Saltan,  5,239. 

Nigel  de  Aurenges,  Baron  of 
Halton,  Constable  and  Mar- 
shal of  Chester,  2,  5,  110. 

Noroury,  186. 

Norbdrt,  186  ;  Alice,  186  ; 
Anne,  56,  186  ;  Cicely,  56  ; 
Elizabeth.  55,  56, 186  ;  Ellen, 
56  ;  Sir  Henry,  56,  186  ; 
Henry,  186;  Jane,23,56,  186; 
Sir  John,  Treasurer  of  Eng- 
land, 55  ;  Sir  John,  56  ;  John, 
23,  24,  186,  211  ;  Margaret, 
186  ;  Randall,  9  ;  Thomas,  55. 

Norfolk,  Thomas,  Duke  of,  216. 

Norley,  217. 

Norley.    See  Morley. 

Normancell,  William,  11. 

Normandy,  Robert,  Duke  of,  4. 

Normannus,  Hugh,  son  of,  181  ; 
Rodolfus,  son  of,  181. 

Normanvile,  Maud,  112 ;  Sir 
Piers,  112. 

Norris,  Agnes,  26  ;  Anne,  176  ; 
Clemenee,  140 ;  Elizabeth, 
156,233;  Ellen,  234;  Henry, 
140  ;  John,  234  ;  Katherine, 
108  ;  Margaret,  31,  81  ;  Rich- 
ard, 31,  81  ;  Thomas,  156  ; 
Sir  William,  176  ;  William, 
26,  108. 

Norton,  Richard,  157. 

Nowden,  Hugh,  211  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 211. 

Nowell,  Anne,  203  ;  Charles, 

Nvthall,  186. 

NUTHALL,  186  ;  Agnes,  187 
Alice,  130,  187  ;  Jane,  187 
John,  187;  Richard,  130,187 
William,  187. 


Offerton,  253. 

Offerton,  — ,  253. 

Offley,  Dorothy,  244  ;  Hugh, 

Ogles,  Isabel,  138  ;  John,  138. 

Okehill,  Eleanor,  120. 

Okeover,  Lawrence,  160  ;  Mar- 
garet, 160. 

Okes,  Gregory,  9  ;  Katherine, 
77  ;  Richard,  77. 

UUfeU.  21. 

Oldfeld,  Eleanor,  22, 166  ;  Eliz- 
abeth, 22  ;  Margaret,  22  ; 
Michael,  166  ;  Philip,  22  ; 
Richard,  21,  22. 

OWiavgh,  210. 

Oldhaugh,  — ,  210. 

Olton,  185,  187,  218. 

Olton,     187  ;     Agnes,     217 
Cicely,   187  ;    Eleanor,   187 
217,219;  Ellen,  244;  Emma 
187 ;  Henry,  187 ;  Isabel,  187 
Joan,    187,    217,   218  ;  John 
144,   174,   185,  187,  217-219 
Katherine,    187  ;     Margarei 
29,  185,  187.  217-219  ;  Maud 
120,   187,  198  ;    Pelecina,  or 
Pelezina,   174,   217  ;    Ralph, 
187  ;  Randall,  29, 187  ;  Ran- 
dolph, 144,217;  Robert,  120, 



187,  198,  214  ;  Roger,  1S7  ; 
Thomas,  187. 

Orange,  Margaret,  118. 

Ormesbaw,  orOnnesham,  Jane, 
1  r>7  :  Catherine,  51  ;  Thomas, 
51  ;  William,  137. 

Ormestou,  Agnes,  190  ;  Cathe- 
rine, 190,  217  ;  Richard, 

On-cbij,  35.  41,  99,  188,  1S9. 

Orreby,  188  ;  Alice,  188  ;  Anne, 

188  ;  Blanch,  1S2  ;  Florence, 

189  ;  Foulk,  Lord  of  Dalby, 
188 ;  Foulk,  41 ;  Gilbert,  1SS  ; 
Herbert.  Lord  of  Gosworth, 

188  ;  Herbert,  100,  188  ;  La- 
bel, 100,  189  ;  Joan,  189  ; 
Sir  John,  Lord  of  Foulk, 
Sunpleton,  and  Dalby,  189  ; 
John,  Lord  and  Baron  of  Can- 
desley,  189  ;  John,  88,  188  ; 
Luca,  188 ;  Lucy,  100,  1S8  ; 
Margaret,  188, 189;  Sir  Philip, 
Justice  of  Chester,  144,  159, 
184,  246  ;    Philip,   182,    1SS, 

189  ;  Richard,  100,  188 ;  Ro- 
bert, 188  ;  Sir  Thomas,  100  ; 
Thomas,  100,  188. 

OrreU,  189. 

Obeell,    189 ;     Adam,     189  ; 

Agnes,     190  ;     Alice,     190  ; 

Anne.    190  ;     Elizabeth,    65. 

190  ;  Ellen.  189,  190 ;  Fran- 
cis, 191  ;  Helene,  190;  Heury, 
190;  Hugh,  190  j  Jane,  189; 
Sir  John,  189  ;  John,  65, 189, 
190;  Kathcrine,  190;  Mar- 
gery, 190  ;  Mary,  190 ;  Nicho- 
las, 189  ;  Ralph,  190  ;  Sir 
Richard,  189  ;  Richard,  191  ; 
Robert,  190,  191  ;  Thomas, 
189,  190;  William,  190. 

Orton,  Elizabeth,  267  ;  Mar- 
garet, 80  ;  Thomas,  80,  267. 

Otley,  Mary,  53. 

Oughtrington,  John,  145 ;  Peter, 

Oulgrave,  — ,  51. 

Ourcsby,  William,  Justice  of 
Chester,  241. 

Overton,  David,  161;  EUzabeth, 
267  ;  Hova,  161  ;  John,  161  ; 
Richard.  161  ;  Robert,  161  ; 
Thomas,  267  ;   William,  161. 

Owen  Gwyncdd,  268. 

Ovvsinger,  Cicely,  141  ;  Thomas, 

Oxford,  Edward,  Earl  of,  226  ; 
John,  Earl  of,  226. 

Page,    Ellen,    65  ;    Jane,   230  ; 

Margery,   2118  :    Maud,  210  ; 

Nicholas.  65,  230;   Roger,  10. 
Paghden,  Roger,  200. 
Paginton,  Anne,  104;  Sir  John, 

Painter.  Isabel,  29. 
Pantolle,   Rose,  225  ;    Sir   Wil- 

liam, Lord  of  Cabulston  and 
Hales,  225. 

Paris,  Sir  John.  143. 

Parker,  20.  49,  51.67. 

Parker.  (1 'gc.  12  ;  James,  209  ; 

Joan.  60,  67  ;  John,  50,  67  ; 
Paruell,  209. 

Parr,  L93. 

Parr,  193;  Alice.  146 ;  Elea- 
nor, 193  ;  Elizabeth,  193  ; 
John.  145,  103  ;  Margaret. 
200  ;  Mary,  51  ;  Robert.  11, 
193  ;  Thomas,  Lord,  51  ;  Tho- 
mas, 193  ;  Sir  William,  200  ; 
William,  193. 

Partington,  John,  12. 

Parvish,  Alice,  141  ;  Henry, 

Paston,  Joyce,  154. 

Patraer,  Henry,  260  ;  Jeliam, 

Patrick,  Beatrice,  159,  161  ; 
Isabel,  159.  161  ;  Sir  Wil- 
liam, 159,  161  ;  William,  158, 

Pauncefoot,  — ,  205. 

Paver,  Ellen,  77,  105  ;  Piers, 
77.  105. 

Pawlett,  Sir  George,  152  ;  Jane, 
152  ;  — ,  Marquis  of  Win- 
chester, 152. 

Paynter,  Benedict,  10. 

Peever,  Cicely,  101  ;  John,  101. 

Pelham,  Elizabeth,  49  ;  Sir 
William,  49. 

Pembridge,  Mary,  192  ;  Ralph, 

Pembroke,  John,  Lord,  5. 

Pembruge,  Sir  Fuulke,  225  ; 
Margaret,  225. 

Pendleton,  Cicely,  70  ;  George, 

Penington,  124. 

Peniston,  Lettice,  136. 

Penketh,  Elizabeth,  218  ;  Mar- 
garet, 21  ;  Thomas,  218. 

Perch.  Matilda,  Countess  of,  5. 

Pereival,  Agnes,  104  ;  Margaret, 
116  ;  William.  104,  146. 

Percy,  Henry,  Lord,  1S9  ;  Joan, 
189  ;  Mary,  189. 

Perpoint,  Margaret,  1 14  ;  Row- 
land, 114  ;  Sibell,  91  ;  Sir 
Simon,  91. 

Persall,  Anne,  44  ;  John,  14. 

Peverell,  Albreda,  5  ;  William,  5. 

Pexsall.  Eleanor,  24,  69,  204  ; 
Sir  Richard.  24.  69,  200,  204. 

Phillibert,  Sir  John,  225. 

Phillips,  Anne,  272  ;  William, 

Pichard,  Alice,  88  ;  Jane,  97  ; 

Sir  Nicholas,  88  ;  Peter.  96, 
Pickering.  John,  5S;  Kathcrine, 

rirhnrrr.  29. 

Pickmerc,  Robert,  10  ;  — ,  29. 
Pigott,    Anne,    86  ;     Dorothy, 

170;    James,   10;  John,  86; 

Margaret,  111:   Randall,  111; 

Thomas,  9  ;  — ,  151. 

Pilkington,  Alice,  204  ;  Jane.  71 ; 
sir   John,    IK)  ;     Margaret, 
14,   140  ;  Roger,  204  ;   Tho- 
mas, 110. 
Pincerna,  Richard,  160. 
Pitton  [jrrf/KsFitton],  Hamon, 

Pixstoke,  — ,  63. 
Plackney,  Edward,  103  ;   Mary, 

Piatt,  Alice,    23  ;    Hugh,   23  ; 

John,  23  ;   Richard,  23. 
Plewin,  John,  120  ;   Lucy,  120. 
I'leyley,  Alice,  131 ;  George  131. 
Plumley,  Christian,  252  ;  Wil- 
liam, 252. 
Poiuton,   Cicely.   241  ;     Edith, 
241  ;     Edward,    Lord,     211  ; 
Edward,  241  ;  Eleanor,  241  ; 
John,  Lord,  241. 
Pole,  Isabel,  145;  Sir  John,  145. 
Polsted,  — ,  96, 
Poole,  191. 

Poole,  191  ;  Anne,  193,  243; 
Barnabas.  192  ;  Benett,  192; 
Blanch,  26, 192;  Bridget,  193; 
Cicely,  263  ;  Eleanor,  1 93  ; 
Elizabeth,  180,  192,  197  ; 
Ellen,  268  ;  Frances,  192  ; 
Francisca,  192;  Grace,  192; 
Henry,  193;  Isabel.  130,192; 
Sir  John,  263  ;  John,  11,  180, 
191-193,  215,  263,  268  ;  Ca- 
therine, 180, 192  ;  Mabel,  192, 
260 ;  Margaret,  192,  193  ; 
Margery,  192;  Mary,  192, 193, 
215,  247;  Maud,  108,  192, 
193;  Ralph.  166,  192;  Ran- 
dall, 192.  243  ;  Richard,  192; 
Robert,  192  ;  Rowland,  193; 
Susan,  192  :  Sir  Thomas,  26, 
130,  180,  192,  247  ;  Thomas, 
192  ;  Sir  William,  108,  192, 
260;  William,  191-193;  — , 
103,  128,  177. 
Poppy,    Alice,    256  ;    Richard, 

Portugal,  Kathcrine.  daughter 

of  the  King  of,  63. 
Pott,  John,    21)  ;     Walburgh, 

Pount,  John,  90. 
Pountfret,  Jane,  39  ;  Ralph,  39. 
Povey,  David,  7. 
Powell,  Eleanor,  195;  Margaret, 
116.  162  ;  Robert,  162;  Tho- 
mas, 195  ;  T.,  116;  — ,  175. 
Powis,  Owen,  Prince  of,  95, 159. 
Pun-nail,  185. 
Pownall,  Henry,  9. 
Prachett,  John,  8. 
Praers,  45.  49,  52,  74,  102,  164, 

Praers,  Agnes,   50,   56  ;    Ellen, 
52  ;    Henry.  52  ;    Jane,    52  ; 
Joan,   52  ;    Lettice,   60,   56  ; 
Margaret,  52  ;    Ralph,    160; 
Robert.  160  :  Roger,  52  ;  Wil- 
liam, 50,  52,  56,  165. 
Prees,  — ,  161. 
Prenton,  123, 



Prenton,  — ,  123. 

Prescott,  Agatha,  234  ;  Alice, 
88 ;  Jenkin,  234  ;  Sir  Richard, 

Prestltind,  53,  193. 

Prestland.  193  ;  Alice,  194  ; 
Anne,  194  ;  Elizabeth.  194  ; 
Ellen,  194;  Hugh,  194;  Isa- 
bel. 131  ;  Jane,  171,  194; 
John.  8,  194  ;  Katherine,  64; 
Margaret,  39,  194  ;  Margery, 
167,  194  ;  Maud,  194;  Ran- 
dall, 167  ;  alias  Bulkeley, 
Richard,  55 ;  Richard,  64, 
171,  194  ;  William,  10,  39, 
191  ;  — ,  53.  54. 

Proudlove,  Maud,  117. 

Pvdsey,  229. 

Puleston.  191  ;  Agnes,  161  ; 
Anne,  108.  192,  254,  260  ; 
Edmund,  254  ;  Sir  Edward, 
192;  Edward.  192,260;  John, 
191  ;  Jordan,  191 ;  Sir  Rich- 
ard, 191  ;  Robert,  191  :  ISir 
Roarer,  191,  192,  260  ;  Roger, 
108',  161, 191,192,260;  Susan, 
49  ;  William.  191. 

Pulford,  107.  237.  251,  260. 
Pufford,  Robert,  251,  267  ;  Wer- 
burgh,  133. 


Pype,  Sir  James,  89. 


Quincy,  Hawise,  3,  5,  27  ;  Mar- 
!.    Countess   of  Lincoln, 
6  ;   Robert,  Earl  of  Win- 
chester and  Lincoln,  3,  5,  27. 


Radeliffe,  18,  45. 

Radeliffe,  Agnes,  140 ;  Alex- 
ander. 75.  110;  Anne,  111); 
Elizabeth,  S2  ;  Joan.  208  : 
John,  199,  208,  213  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 75  :  Margaret,  19.  199  ; 
Maud.  144,  148;  Miriell,  213  : 
Richard.  19,  144.  148 ;  Sir 
Walter,  195  ;  William,  82, 
151  ;  — ,  19. 

Balance,  or  Relauce  [reetius 
Rvlands],  Elizabeth,  175  ; 
William,  175. 

Rathbon,  — ,  48. 

Ravenscroft,  70.194. 

Ravenscroft,  194  ;  Alice,  175, 
195;  Anne.  195;  Anthony, 
195,  Dorothy,  195  ;  Edward, 
195  ;  Eleanor,  195  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 96,  195  ;  George,  195  ; 
Henry,  195  ;  Hugh,  194  ; 
bel,  194  ;  John,  195;  Ka- 
therine. 108,  195,  260;  Mar- 
iret,  70  ;  Maud,  195  ;  Peter, 
195  ;  Ralph,  195  ;  Roger,  195; 
Thomas.  70,  96,  10S,  175, 195, 
260;  William,  194,  195. 

Ravenshaw,  Eleanor,  116. 

Rawson,  Jane,  42  ;  Roger,  42. 
Bayley,  62. 

Rayley,  Elizabeth,  62  ;  Richard, 
62  ;  Margaret,  62  ;  William, 

Raynes,  Alice,  22  ;  William,  22. 

Reader,  Sibell,  14  ;  Thomas,  14. 

Redish,  Dorothy.  46  ;  Eleanor, 
108, 195, 260 ;  Elizabeth,  126  ; 
George,  46  ;  Maud,  168 ; 
Ralph,  9  ;  Robert,  260  ;  Tho- 
mas, 108,  126,  168,  260;  — . 

Rees,  Margery,  250 ;  William, 

Reignold,  Jane,  61  ;  John,  61. 

11,  mpston,  201. 

Rempston,  Sir  Thomas,  200, 201. 

Renolds,  Anne,  21;  William.  21. 

Reve,  Mary,  206  ;  Ralph,  206. 

Revell,  Cicely,  246  ;  Hugh,  74  ; 
Katherine,  74  ;  Robert,  246. 

Rey,  62. 

Rey,  Elizabeth.  62  ;  Ellen,  62  ; 
William.  62. 

Rice  ap  Griffith,  188. 

Richard,  Cadwallader  ap,  253. 

Richardson,  Arthur,  127  ;  Ka- 
therine, 127  ;  Thomas,  8. 

Richmond,  Conan,  Earl  of,  4  ; 
Randolph,  Earl  of,  3. 

Ricott,  — ,  126. 

Ridgeley,  Anne,  243  ;  George, 
Sergeant-at-Arms,  243. 

Ridley,  71. 

Ridley,  Bishop,  205  ;  Maud, 

Ridware,  68,  260. 

Rigeway,  James,  9. 

Rigmaden,  Jane,  81. 

Risley,  Sir  Henry,  88 ;  Mar- 
garet, 88. 

Rivers.  William,  Earl,  50. 

Rivett,  Mirabel],  25. 

Rixton,  114,  124. 

Roberts,  Frances,  25 ;  Judith, 
25  ;  Walter.  25. 

Robins,  William,  200,  201. 

Robinson,  Bridget,  72  ;  John, 
10  ;  Margery,  175. 

Rodall,  — ,  74. 

Rode,  195. 

Rode,  195  ;  Alice,  24, 183,  196 
Anne,    196  ;    Barbara,    196 
Elizabeth,  196  ;  Ellen,  183 
Emma,     30  ;     Henry,     195 
Hugh,  7  ;  Jane,  196  ;   John 
10.  24,  195,  196  ;  Katherine 
196;    Margaret,    196;    Mar 
gery,  220  ;  Randall,  10,  196 
Richard,    195,    196  ;    Robert, 
183,  195 ;  Thomas,  183,  195, 
196  ;  William.  220. 

Roderick  ap  Griffin,  95. 

Rogers,  Thomas,  116;  Urian, 

Rogerson,  Eleanor,  69 ;  Hugh, 
69,  264. 

Roleston,  Elizabeth,  135  ;  Tho- 
mas, 135. 

Romare,   Havise,  4  ;    Lucy,  4  ; 

Roger,  4  ;  William,  Earl  of 
Lincoln,  4. 

Ropp,  196. 

ROPP,  196  ;  Alice,  196  ;  Anne, 
197  ;  Bridget,  197  ;  Cicely, 
102,  197  ;  Edmund,  196  ; 
Eleanor.  196;  Elizabeth,  197; 
Ellen,  196;  Henry.  8,  102, 
197  ;  Jane,  196 ;  John,  196, 
197  ;  Lawrence,  177, 196, 197, 
235  ;  Margaret,  196,  235 ; 
Margery,  196  ;  Mary,  177, 
197;  Randall,  196;  Richard, 

Rosingreve,  Anne,  25  ;  John,  7; 
Richard,  25. 

Ross,  Cecil,  Lord,  124  ;  Mary, 
189  ;  Robert,  Lord.  189. 

Row,  197. 

Row,  197  ;  Alice,  197  ;  Anne, 
116;  Eleanor,  197;  George, 
116  ;  Isabel,  197  ;  Margaret, 

197  ;  Mary,  180  ;  Owen,  180; 
Ralph,  197  ;  Richard,  197  ; 
Roger,  9,  197  ;  Stephen,  197  ; 
Thomas,  197  ;  William,  197. 

Rowland,  — ,  257. 

Rowlett,  Elizabeth,  80;  Wil- 
liam, 80. 

Rowley,  Eva,  133  ;  Geoffrey, 
133  ;  Robert,  10. 

Roydon,  Jane,  31  ;  Mary,  180  ; 
Owen,  180. 

Rudyard,  Alice,  42  ;  Ralph,  42. 

Rushton,  Maud,  130. 

Rutland,  Edward,  Earl  of,  124  ; 
Isabel,  Countess  of,  124;  Tho- 
mas, Earl  of,  204. 

Rutter,  197, 

RUTTEK,  197;  Anne,  198; 
Blanch,  116  ;  Eleanor,  198  ; 
Elizabeth,  198  ;  George,  19S  ; 
Grace,  198  ;  Jasper,  8  ;  John, 

198  ;  Margaret,  198  ;  Mar- 
gery, 198  ;  Mary,  198  ;  Maud, 
187,  198  ;  Richard,  187,  198  ; 
Thomas,  10,  116,  198  ;  Wil- 
liam, 197.  198  ;  — ,  70. 

Ryley,  Arnold,  149  ;  Elizabeth, 
149  ;  Margery,  149  ;  Richard, 
9  ;  Robert,  9. 


Sale,  144. 

Sale,  Frances,  226. 

Salisbury,  Elizabeth,  Countess 
of,  181  ;  William,  Earl  of,  6, 

Salmon,  William,  8. 

Salt,  — ,  30. 

Salusiury,  259. 

Salusbury,  Elizabeth,  259  ; 
Hugh.  259  ;  Jane,  176  ;  Sir 
John,  176. 

Salutiar',  Marquis,  6. 

Sampson,  Alice,  106. 

Samsbury,  or  Sambury,  Bea- 
trice, 83,  84,  111  ;  Thomas, 
83,  84,  111. 



Bandbaoh,  Isabel,  141,  147  ;  Sir 

Piers,  141 ;  Sir  Richard,  147. 
Sanders,  Alice,  115  ;  Lawrence, 

Sandford,  92. 
Sandford,       Elizabeth,      249 ; 

George,     108 ;     babel,     98  ; 

Jane,  49,  108  ;  Juan,  92  ;    Sir 

Lawrence,  92  ;  Richard,  4',)  ; 

Robert,  98. 
Bandiff,  268, 
Sanky,    Jane,     146;     Thomas, 

Sanley,  — ,  10. 
Saundcr,  John,  12, 
Saunders,  Anne,  130  ;  William, 

Savage,  199,  202,  205. 
£  \\  \..i:.    199-204  ;    Alice.    42, 

203,  2(14;  Amy,  204;  Anne. 
28.  203,  204  ;  Sir  Arthur.  2o  1  ; 
Avice,  203  ;  Beatrice.  21  13  ; 
Blanch,  76,  203  ;  Sir  Christo- 
pher, 204  ;  Dorothy,  121,201, 
233,  234  ;  Dyes,  205  ;  alias 
Bonner,  Edmund,  205  ;  Sir 
Edward.  154,  204  :  Edward, 
204 ;  Eleanor,  24.  69,  153, 
203-205;  Elizabeth,    44,    72. 

204,  205 ;    Ellen,    183,    203, 

205,  239  ;  George,  121.  204, 
205  ;  Henry,  204  ;  Sir  Hum- 
phrey, 204  ';  Isabel,  151,  204  ; 
James,  76.  204  ;  Jane,  203, 
204  ;  Sir  John.  11,  24,  28,42, 
44,  69,  72,  82,  88.  121,  149, 
162,  153,  166,  198-205,  215, 
216,  22:..  233,  23  1.239;  John, 
151,  199,  200,  204  ;  Kathc- 
rine,  152,  203,  204,  216  ; 
Lawrence,  204 ;  Margaret, 
42.  88,  149,  152.  166.  199-201, 
203-205  ;  Margery  72  ;  Mary, 
154,  201.215  ;  .Maud,  65,  200, 
201,  2o;j;  Parnell,  203; 
Polinex,  204;  Randall,  205; 
Sir  Richard,  204  ;  Richard, 
12,  204  ;  Sir  Robert.  21 13  ; 
Roger,  204  ;  Thomas,  Archbp. 
of  York,  204;  Thomas,  204  ; 
William,  183,  204  ;  — ,  157. 

Ravel],  Dorothy,  108  ;  Henry, 

Scarisbrick,  or  Scarsbridge, 
Elizabeth,  215,  260;  James, 
215,  260;  Margaret,  215; 
— ,  130. 

Scanning,  Edmund,  245  ;  Elea- 
nor, 245. 

Scott,  1. 

Scott,  Isabel,  86;  Jane,  4; 
John,  Earl  of  Chester  and 
Huntingdon,  1,  3, 4 ;  Thomas, 

Scrimshaw,  or  Scrimsher,  Alice, 
219  ;  Isabel,  215  ;  John,  245  ; 
Margaret,  193  ;  Richard. 

Scriven,  — ,  89. 

Scroop,  Katherine.  63  ;  Rich- 
ard, 107  ;  — ,  Lord,  63. 

Seacome,  Margaret,  265  ;  Wil- 
liam, 265. 

Secondary,  Christopher,  71. 

Segerston,  Elizabeth,  69 ;  John, 

Serle,  — ,  205. 

Seworth,  Isabel.  200. 

Shakelton,  Elizabeth,  263. 

SHAKEELEY,  206  ;  Anne.  207; 
Eleanor,  180;  Elizabeth, 
148,  166,  207  ;  Emma,  207  ; 
Geoffrey,  21,  172,  207,  229  ; 
formerly  Tildesley,  Geoffrey, 
2oii ;  Isabel,  207,  229  ;  Jane, 
21,  207;  Margaret,  172; 
Peter,  148,  166,  ISO,  207  ;  — , 

Shalcrow,  206. 

Shalckoss,  or  Shakelcross, 
206  ;  Alice,  206  ;  Amy.  211  : 
Anne,  206  ;  Charles,  206  ; 
Darby,  206,  256  ;  Edward, 
206.  256  ;  Elizabeth,  206  ; 
Isabel,  206  ;  Jane.  206  ;  John, 
206  ;  Katherine,  206 ;  Law- 
rence, 206  ;  Leonard,  211  ; 
Lionel,  74  ;  Margaret,  206, 
256 ;    Margery,    74 ;     .Mary, 

206  ;  Otwell,  206,  256. 
Sham,  102. 

Shaw,  Alice,  210  ;  Katherine, 
265;  Margaret.  117  ;  Mar- 
gery. 235  ;  Otwell,  210  ; 
Randall,  235  ;  Randolph, 
265  ;  — ,  117. 

Shawcross,  Elizabeth,  130  ; 
James,  130. 

Sheapsed,  — , 205. 

Sheffield,  Ellen.  78  ;  Margaret, 
102  ;  Robert,  78,  102  ;  — , 
Lord,  78. 

Sheldon,  Margaret,  78  ;  Tho- 
mas, 78. 

Shelton,  Margaret,  51 ;  Wil- 
liam, 51  ;  — ,  133. 

Shepley,  Margaret,  81  ;  Ralph, 

Sherborne,  Maud,  34 ;  Sir  Rich- 
ard, 34. 

Sherloe,  Margery,  122. 

Sherrard,  Anne,  59 ;  Robert, 

Shert,  or  Sheyte,  William,  9. 

Shirrard,  Robert,  Lord  of  Che- 
tilton,  47,  89. 

Shocklach,  Leigh,  162 ;  Mar- 
garet, 30  ;  Thomas,  30. 

Shrigley,  207. 

SHEIGLEY,  207  ;  Alice,  207  ; 
Anne,  207  ;  Blanch,  207  ; 
Edmund,     207  ;      Elizabeth, 

207  ;  Ellen,  18,  207  ;  Fran- 
cis, 207  ;  Isabel.  207  ;  Jane. 
2o7  ;  sir  John,  207  ;  John, 
207  ;  Margaret,  207  ;  Mar- 
gery, 207  ;  Reynold,  207  ; 
Roger,  207  :  Thomas,  9,  18, 
207  ;  William,  207. 

Shute,  Jane,  115  ;  Robert, 
Baron  of  the  Exchequer, 

Sibell,  Anne,  131  ;  Maud,  36  ; 
Nicholas,  131  ;  Thomas,  36. 

Siddinghall,  Ralph,  7. 

Siddington,  99. 

Sidney,  Ellen,  56  ;  William,  56. 

Sighardus,  132. 

Silvester,  213,  214. 

Silvester,  Agnes,  213,  267  ; 
Alan  alias  Sauvage,  Lord  of 
Sturton  and  Picton,  212,  267  ; 
Alexander.  212,  213  ;  Ama- 
bella,  267  ;  Jane,  212  ;  Ran- 
dolph, 267. 

Simson,  John,  272  ;  Mary,  272. 

N/'.  oington,  194. 

Skevington,  John,  194  ;  Mary, 
194  ;  Maud,  252  ;  Rose,  194, 
251  ;  William,  194,  252. 

Slade,  Isabel,  245  ;  John,  133. 

Slany,  Mary,  244  ;  Sir  Stephen, 

Smallwood,  Anne,  101  ;  Jane, 

SmethmAok,  208. 

Smethwick,  208  ;  Alice,  208, 
220 ;  Anne,  209,  236  ;  Ed- 
ward, 209  ;  Elizabeth,  208  ; 
Emma,  69,  208 ;  Frances. 
209  ;  Geoffrey,  208  ;  Hugh, 
208:  Isabel,  208;  Jane,  208  ; 
Joan,  208  ;  John,  208  ;  Mar- 
gery, 208;  Maud,  106.  209  ; 
Nicholas,  208  ;  Owen,  208  ; 
Parnell,  209  ;  Randall,  208  ; 
Richard,  208;  Robert.  208; 
Thomas,  10,  69,  166,  208,  209, 
236  ;  Thurston,  208  ;  Wil- 
liam. 208,  209  ;  — ,  101. 

SmAtlt,  209,  210. 

Smith,  209,  210;  Agnes,   102, 

209  ;  Alice,  206,  210  ;  Amy, 
211  ;  Andrew,  209  ;  Anne, 
17,  209,  236  ;  Arthur,  210, 
211  ;  Edmund,  209  ;  Edward, 

209,  211  ;  Elizabeth,  32,  41, 

210  ;  Francis,  211  ;  George, 
8,  209  ;  Hester,  211  ;  Sir 
Hugh,  209  ;  Hugh,  209,  210  ; 
Jane,  29,  171,  209-211,  240; 
Joan,  120;  John,  41,  69,  116, 
122,  210,  211  ;  Katherine, 
42,  209,  211  ;  Sir  Lawrence, 
8,  102,  209  ;  Lawrence,  209, 
240;  Margaret,  116, 122,  177, 

210.  211  ;  Margery,  17,  69, 
210:  Mary,  209,  211  ;  Maud, 

210  ;  Paul,  211  ;  Ralph,  206, 
210,  211  ;  Randall,   29,  210, 

211  ;  Reynold,  210  ;  Richard, 

210  ;  alias Tarbock,  Richard, 
191  ;  Robert,  177,  210  ; 
Stephen,  209  ;  Sir  Thomas, 
42,  171.  209,  210,  215;  Tho- 
mas. 166,  209.  210;  Ursula, 
209,  215  ;  Veronica,  211  ; 
Walburgh,  211  ;  Sir  William, 
17  ;  William,  Rouge  Dragon, 

211  ;  William,  210,  211  ;  — , 
96.  120. 

Smythe,  Ellen,  265  ;  John,  266  ; 
Margaret,  266  ;  Thomas,  265. 



Snead,  Jane,  148  ;  Mary,  78  ; 
Sir  William,  78,  148  ;  Wil- 
liam, 175. 

Sru  Uton,  30. 

Snelstou.  Alice,  30  ;  Margaret, 
30  ;  Robert,  30. 

Sneston,  John,  9. 

Somerford,  Anne.  42  ;  Eleanor, 
23,  69  ;  Henry,  69  ;  John, 
10  ;  Thomas.  23,  42. 

Somerset,  Charles,  Earl  of  Wor- 
cester, 44,  204  ;  Elizabeth, 
44,  204. 

Somershall,  Anne,  255  ;  Ralph, 

Somervile,  Lord  of  Aljmim,  85. 

Somervile,  Edmund,  188  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 188  ;  Joan,  188  ;  .Maud. 
188  :  Philip,  188;  Robert, 

Somner,  Jane,  173 ;  Richard, 

Somd,  62,  193. 

Sound,  Joan.  193;  Ralph,  8; 
Thomas,  193  ;  — ,  62. 

Southwell,  Anne,  68  ;  Anthony, 
68;  Francis,  9  I  ;   John,  94. 

Southworth,  Isabel,  88. 

Spar  he,  153. 

Sparke,  Alice,  14  ;  Anne,  198  ; 
Henry,  14  ;  Mary,  154 ;  Rich- 
ard, 11  ;  William,  154,  198; 
— .  164. 

Sparrow,  Thomas,  7. 

Spencer,  Alice,  96  ;  Sir  John, 
96  ;  Richard,  10. 

Spwstow,  21 1. 

SPURSTOW,  211  ;  Alice,  211  ; 
Eleanor,  121,155,  211  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 93,  211  ;  George.  10, 
165,  211;  Isabel,  75;  Jane, 
155.   211  ;    John,     121,    155, 

211  ;  Katherine,  211  ;  Mar- 
gery, 198  ;  Peter,  211  ;  Ran- 
dall, 155,  211  ;  Richard,  155, 
211;   R.,  198;  —,62,  161. 

Stafford,  241. 

Stafford,  Ada,  231  ;  Anne,  242  ; 
Auda,  232  ;  Dionisia,  157  ; 
Elizabeth,  188;  Henry,  159  : 
Sir  Humphrey,  200;  Isabel, 
242  ;  Jane,  201,  204  ;  Sir 
John,212  ;  John,  157,188,242  ; 
Katherine,     201  ;    Margaret, 

212  ;  Millicent,  159;  Ralph, 
"the  good"  Lord,  201.  203, 
242;  Sir  Richard,  83;  Ro- 
bert, 157  ;  Thomas,  204  ;  Wil- 
liam, 231,  232  ;  — ,  Earl  of. 
144  ;  — ,  87. 

Stmdish,  14. 

Standish,  Alice,  14  ;  Anne,  124  ; 

Sir    Christopher,     14 ;     Cle- 

mence,     190  ;     Ellen,     140 ; 

Mabel.  192  ;  Ralph,  124,  140; 

Richard.  192. 
Stanhope.  201. 
Stanhope,    Sir    Richard,     200, 

Stanley,  92,  201,  212,  214,  216, 


Stanley,  212-216  ;  Adam,  212; 
Agnes,  197,  215,  260  ;  Alice, 
96,  172.  212,  215;  Anne,  140, 
195,  215.  216,  2(10  ;  Blanch, 
17,  215  ;  Cicely,  229 ;  Doro- 
thy, 216;  Dowce,  213;  Ed- 
ward, Lord  Mounteagle,  140; 
Sir  Edward,  150,  213  ;  Ed- 
ward, 215,  260  ;  Elizabeth, 
44,  85,  97,  140,  213,  215,  216, 
243,  260  ;  Ellen,  46,  135, 163, 
189  ;  Ferdinando,  Earl  of 
Derby,  96  ;  Frances,  78,  96, 
216;  Sir  George,  81;  Grace, 
215,  260  ;  Sir  Humphrey,  17, 
135,213;  Isabel,  81, 151,  212- 

214,  242  ;  James.  Bp.  of  Ely, 
46  ;  James,  Archdeacon  of 
Chester,  216  ;  James.  150  ; 
.lane,  42,  44.  148,  17J,  213, 
215-217,239,260;  Joan,  212, 
213,  216;  Sir  John,  17,  46, 
172,  190,  212-214,  242  ;  John, 
17,  46,  47,  85,  89,  140,  195, 
200,  201,  212,  213,  215,  216, 
243,260;  Katherine,  215, 216, 
247,  260;  Mabel,  212,  Mar- 
garet, 13,  26,  46,  97,  203,  213, 

215.  216,  223  ;  Margery,  17, 
50,  191,  212-215;  Mary,  193, 
215,  216  ;  Maud,  17,  213  ; 
Peter,  200  ;  Piers,  163,  215  ; 
Ralph,  216  ;  Richard,  215  ; 
Roger,  213  ;  Sir  Rowland,  11, 
13,  26,  97,  193,215,247,267; 
Rowland,  215,  260;  Sarah, 
212;  Thomas,  Earl  of  Derby, 
44.  195,  203.  213,  216  ;  Tho- 
mas, Lord,  213,  216,  223  ;  Sir 
Thomas,  17  ;  Thomas,  9,  64, 
78,  203,  213.  216;  Ursula,  64, 

215,  216;  Walter,  47.  89;  Sir 
William,  44,  50,  97,  140,  151, 
171,   172,200,  201,  203,  212- 

216,  239,  260  ;  William,  17, 
42,  44,  47,  89,  92,  107,  144, 
171,  215,  216,  247,  260  ;  — , 
Earl  of  Derby,  Constable  of 
England,  150,  267  ;  — ,  18,  55. 

Stanton,  Anne,  17  ;  Margery, 
17  ;  William,  17. 

Stapeley,  196. 

Stapeley,  Ellen,  269;  Peter,  159; 
— ,  196. 

Stapleton,  169. 

Stapleton,  Sir  Drian,  169. 

Starbrigge,  Margaret,  192;  Tho- 
mas, 192. 

Starky,  217-219,  260. 

Starry,  217-219  ;  Agnes,  218  ; 
Alice,  89,  145,  219  ;  Amy, 
219 ;  Anne,  114,  127, 168,  217- 
219,  245,  255  ;  Arthur,  219; 
Bridget,  218  ;  Christian,  218  ; 
Dorothy.  219  ;  Dowce,  219, 
239  ;  Eleanor,  174,  211,  217- 
219  ;  Elizabeth,  51,  155,  176, 
217-219  ;  Geoffrey,  217,  218  ; 
George,  218  ;  Hugh,  137,  217- 
219,  245  ;  James,  176,  219; 
Jane,  148, 174,217-219 ;  Joan, 

120,217,218;  John,  10, 12, 89, 
114,217-219,239;  Joyce,  120; 
Judith,  219  ;  Katherine,  217- 
219;  Lawrence,  217,218;  Mar- 
garet. 218;  Margery,  137,219; 
Martha,  219  ;  Mary,  218  ; 
Maud,  218.  219;  Peter,  174, 
217-219  ;  Ra'd,  120  ;  Ralph, 
219;  Randall,  219;  Richard, 
145,  148,  168,  217,  218,  255; 
Sibell,  107  ;  Thomas,  8,  11, 
51,  107,  174,  211,  217-219  ; 
Timothy,  217,  21S  ;  Ursula, 
209  ;  William,  120  ;  — ,  53, 
177,  226. 
Starne,  Millicent,  48. 
Statham,   Isabel,   242  ;     John, 

242  ;  Ralph,  169. 
Stayley,  35. 
Steele,  — ,  32. 

Stephen.  King  of  England,  4. 
Stepleton,  Thomas,  9. 
Stevenson,  Alice,  161  ;   Robert, 

Steventon,  Alice,   121  ;    John, 

St.  Johns,  William,  Lord,  56. 
Stockport,  181,  241. 
Stockport,     Helen,    181,    182 ; 
Isabel,  240  ;  Jane,  242  ;  Joan, 
240 ;      Margaret,     240-242  ; 
Nicholas,  240  ;   Sir  Richard, 
242;  Richard,  181,  182,240, 
242  ;    Sir  Robert,   241,   242; 
Rose,  241. 
Stockton,  Anne,  257  ;  Owen,  7, 
257  ;    Richard,  8.     See  Jen- 
Stolie,  15. 
Stoke,  Beatrice,  15  ;  Isabel,  15  ; 

Randall,  15  ;  Rose,  15. 
Stokes,  — .  173. 
Stoliete,  Elizabeth,  114  ;  John, 

Stonden,  Veniam  de,  90. 
Stoneley,  Elizabeth,  121 ;  Rich- 
ard, 11,  121. 
Storky,  Elizabeth,  224;    God- 
frey, 224. 
Stourton,   Agnes,    267  ;    Alex- 
ander, 212,  213,  267  ;    Ama- 
bella,  267  ;    Jane,   or  Joan, 
Lady  of,  212,  267. 
St.  Pier,  193  ;  Alice,  194 ;  A., 
202 ;  Dame,  47,   90  ;    David, 

193  ;  Ellen,  93,  96,  97  ;  Ido- 
nea,  95.  159,  161 ;  Joan,  193  ; 
Sir  John,  96,  159,  162;  John, 
104  ;  Robert,  193;  Sir  Drian, 
95,  159,  161  ;    Urian,  47,  90, 

194  ;  — ,  231. 
Strange,  28,  41^5,  198. 
Strange,  Anne,  68  ;  Eleanor,  6  ; 

Eubolus,  Lord,  6 ;  Hamon, 
231  ;  Hugh,  41  ;  John,  Lord, 
41  ;  Sir  John,  225  ;  Margaret, 
41,  198  ;  Maud.  41  ;  Thomas, 

Stranguish,  Sir  Giles,  19  ;  Mar- 
garet, 19. 

Street,  Auue,  79  ;  William,  79. 



Stretton,  Henry,  178  ;  Mary, 

Stringer,  Alice,  24  ;  Anne,  24  ; 
I  lorothy,  21  ;  John,  7,  24  ; 
Katherine,  24  ;  Margaret,  24  ; 
Mand,  24  ;  Ralph,  24  ;  Ro- 
bert, 24  :  Roger,  24;  Thomas, 
24  ;  William.  21. 

Styehe,  66. 

Styche.  Eleanor,  66  ;  Isabel,  66  ; 
John.  66  ;  Katherine,  54,  66  ; 
Thomas.  54.  66  ;  William,  66. 

Sudcley,  Ralph,  Lord,  55. 

Sulini,  Alured  de,  160. 

Sutton,  22(i. 

Sutton,  220;  Adam,  220 ;  Alan, 
220;  Aliee.  220  ;  Anne,  220; 
Cicely,  220  ;  David,  161  ; 
Elizabeth.  ."6.  154,  183,220; 
Ellen,  220  ;  Francis,  220  ; 
Isabel,  96,  159,  161,220,266  : 
Jevan,  161  ;  Sir  John,  220  ; 
John,  12,  220  ;  Margaret, 
220;  Margery,  210;  Mary, 
220;  Sir  Richard,  96,  159, 
161,  220;  Richard,  9.36,  183, 
220  ;  Sir  William.  220  ;  Wil- 
liam, 10,  210. 

Swane,  Agnes,  255  ;  Margery, 
256  :   Robert,  255. 

Swanwick,  Margery,  219. 

Bmettenkam,  194,  220. 

Swettenham.  220;  Alice, 220; 
Eleanor,  220;  Elizabeth,  220; 
Lawrence,  9,  220  ;  Margaret, 
249  ;  Margery,  220  ;  Mary, 
194  ;  Oliver,  220  ;  Richard, 
220 ;  Sibell.  174  ;  Thomas, 
195.  220,  249  ;  William,  220. 

Swift.  Anne,  127  ;  Elizabeth. 
127;  Garrett,  127;. lane,  127  ; 
Jasper,  127  ;  Katherine,  127. 

Smnerton,  201-203. 

Swinerton,  or  Swirmington. 
Anne,  15 ;  Elizabeth,  200. 
201,  203  ;  Ellen,  84,  269  ; 
Jane,  20]  ;  Maud,  200,  201, 
203  ;  Richard,  269  ;    Robert, 

200,  201,  203  ;  Sir  Roper.  200, 

201,  203  ;  Roger  201  ;  Sir 
Thomas,  84.  201,  203  ;  Tho- 
mas. 15  ;  — ,  77. 

Swim  head,  155. 

Smimeyard,  144. 

Swinford,  Mary,  59  ;  Sir  Nor- 
man, 59. 

Swinton,  Elizabeth,  22,  138  ; 
Thomas.  22  ;   William,  138. 

Sworton,  Eitropus,  143. 

TaMey,  71. 

Table'y.  Catherine,  199  ;  Robert, 
143  ;  Thomas,  113,  199. 

Tagesbroc,  Richard,  188;  Roger, 

Taker,  Alice.  73  ;  Thomas,  73. 

Talbott,  Anne,  184  ;  Elizabeth, 
63  ;    Gilbert,  63  ;    Sir  John, 

184,  192,223;  Katherine, 63 ; 

Margaret,  223  ;  Mary,  192. 
Tankervile,  Karl  of,  152. 
Taroock,  189. 
Tarbock,   Agnes,   191  ;    Cicely, 

190  ;  Clemence,  190;  Doro- 
thy, 191  ;  Edward,  191  :  Eliz- 
abeth, 190  :  Ellen,  190  ;  Sir 
Henry,  190  ;  Henry,  189-191  : 
Isabel,  190;   Jane,   190,   191, 

236  ;  John,  190  :   Kathe 

190,  191  ;  Margaret,  190 ; 
Margery,    190,    191  ;     Mary, 

191  ;  Maud.  190;  sir  Richard, 
190  ;  Richard,  189-191,  235; 
alias  Smith,  Richard.  191  ; 
Robert,  189;  Thomas,  191  ; 
Sir  William,  191  ;  William, 
190,  191. 

Tarlton,  Elizabeth,  116. 

Tarven.  Richard,  149. 

Tasker,  Alice.  127  ;   Miles,    127. 

Tatishall,  Isabel,  189  ;  Robert, 

Thttenhall,  58. 

Tattbnhall,  60  ;  Cicely,  60  ; 
Eleanor,  60.  259  ;  Emma.  60, 
SO  ;  Margaret,  60  ;  Maud,  38, 
57,  60  ;  Ralph,  60  ;  Thomas, 
60,121,259;  Totukiii.60;  Wil- 
cock,  60  ;  William,  or  Wilkin, 
38,  •'■7.  60.  80  ;  — ,'  58,  221. 

Tattershall,  Thomas,  Lord,  59. 

Tattvit.  144.  221. 

Tatton,  221  ;  Alan,  143,  170  ; 
Alice,  221  :  Bartholomew, 
221  ;  Dorothy,  36,  221  ;  Ed- 
ward. 221  ;  Elizabeth,  221  ; 
Joan,  270;  John,  221,  270  ; 
Mabel.  25;  Margaret.  61,  221 ; 
Mary,  221  ;  Maud,  175; 
Nicholas.  221  ;  Richard.  36  ; 
Robert,  61,  221  ;  Thomas, 
221;  William,  9,  221  ;  —,105. 

Taxhall.  Robert,  240. 

Taylor,  Eleanor,  69;  Ellen,  271; 
Henry,  269  ;  Joan,  24  ;  John, 
9.  24  ;  Margaret,  269. 

Telliar.  Isabel,  123. 

Terry,  Thomasine,  13. 

Thefwall,  Elizabeth,  176  ;  Jane, 
17G  ;  Simon,  176. 

Thomlinson,  Ellen,  30;  John, 
]  2  ;  William,  10,  30. 

Thornborow,  John,  255  ;  Joyce, 
255  ;  Mabel,  233  ;  Sir  Rich- 
ard, 233. 

Thornbury,  Agnes,  241  ;  — ,241. 

Thornicroft,  Robert,  9. 

Thornton,  35,  63,  87,  111,  203. 

Thornton,  83,  111  ;  Avice,  83, 
84  ;  Beatrice,  83,  S4,  111; 
Cicely, 83, 95,  111  ;  Elizabeth, 
83,  84,  111  ;  Ellen,  83,84,88, 
111  :  Emma,  83,  84,  111  ; 
Jane,  83  ;  John,  270  ;  I  iucy, 
35,111  ;  Margaret. 270;  Mary. 
S3.  s|.  Ill  ;  Maud.  S3,  £  1. 
Ill  ;  Sir  Piers,  35,  84,  88, 
111  :  Piers,  or  Peter,  S3,  84, 
111;  Randolph,  83,84,95.111. 

Thorpe,  Margaret,  263 ;  Thomas, 

Thrope,  Elizabeth,  269  ;  John, 


Tliurstanton,  216. 

Thurstanl ignes,  217  ;  Mat- 
thew, 216;  Peter,  216  ;  Rich- 
ard. 216  :  William,  246. 

Tichbornej  Elizabeth,  104; 
Nicholas,  104. 

Ties,  Sir  John,  143. 

Tildesley,  or  Tilslcy,  Adam,  206; 
Agues,  190;  Alice,  190;  after- 
wards Shakerley,  Geoffrey, 
206  ;  Henry,  206  ;  Margaret, 
153;  Nicholas,  153. 

Tildeston,  222. 

TlLDESTON  i/lins  Tilston,  222  ; 
Ellen,  222  ;  Hugh,  222;  Jane, 
222  ;  John,  7,  222  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 222  ;  Mabel,  161  ; 
Nicholas,  161  ;  Paul,  222  ; 
Peter,  222  ;  Ralph,  222  ; 
Richard,  222  ;  Robert,  222  ; 
Roger,  222  :  Thomas,  222  ; 
Tristram,  222  ;   William.  222. 

Timprrh  I/,  IS.  45,  144. 

Timperley,  Jane,  19;  Sir  John, 
18  ;   Sir  William,  18  ;  — ,  45. 

Tiudall,  Elizabeth,  154  ;  Wil- 
liam, 154. 

Tipping,  William,  12. 

Tiptoft,  Elizabeth,  44,  91,  216  ; 
John,  Earl  of  Worcester,  44, 
216  ;  Sir  Paine,  91. 

Tirkett,  — ,  149. 

Tirrell,  George,  146  ;  Margaret, 
101  ;  Margery,  146. 

Tirriell.  Elizabeth,  226  ;  Tho- 
mas, 226. 

Titley,  Audrey,  54  ;  John,  54. 

Toft,  125,  139. 

Toft,  139 ;  Benedict,  139  ; 
Cicely,  139  ;  Felicia,  139  ; 
Horn  toft  alias  Home  the 
hunter,  Lord  of,  139  ;  Hugh. 
139  ;  Robert,139,  200  ;  Roger. 
139  ;  Walter,139 ;  William.87. 

Tomlinson,  Joan,  161  ;  Sibell, 
161  ;  William,  161. 

Torbeck.  Elizabeth.  147. 

Torkington,  John,  9. 

Touchett,  224. 

Touchett,  223  ;  Agnes,  223, 
224 ;  Anne,  88  ;  Bridget, 
224  ;  Eleanor,  224  ;  Eliza- 
beth. 224  ;  Henry,  224  ; 
James.  224  ;  Jane,  225,  255  ; 
Joan,  224  :  Sir  John,  224  ; 
John,  224,  225  ;  Katherine, 
225;  Margaret,  88,  165,  224, 
226  ;  Maud,  224 ;  Parnell, 
224  ;  Richard,  224  ;  Robert, 
Baron  of  Levenhalls,  224  ; 
Sir  Robert,  223,  224  ;  Robert, 
11.  223-225  ;  Sarah,  59  ;  Si- 
mon. 224  ;  Thomas.  Lord 
Audley,  88,  166,  224  ;  Tho- 
mas, Lord  Tattershall,  59  ; 
Sir  Thomas,  224;  Thomas, 
40,  223-225  ;  — ,  149. 



Townshend,  Amy,  89  ;  Sir  Ro- 
bert, Justice  of  Wales.  89. 

Trafford.  Alice,  36,  46,  226, 
228  ;  Sir  Edmund,  37,46,  85, 
in;,  152,  226  :  Edmund,  36, 
111.  228;  Sir  Edward.  204  ; 
Eleanor,  107  ;  Elizabeth,  37, 
85,  141  ;  George.  86  ;  Isabel, 
155  ;  Jane,  S6  ;  Ralph,  155  ; 
— .  111. 

Trefford,  Robert,  15, 154;  Wor- 
rell, 15,  154. 

Tregall,  Anne,  19. 

Tresham,  Isabel,  140 ;  John, 

Trevers,  Jane,  196;  John,  190. 

Treves,  John,  11. 

Triber,  Maud,  51  ;  Thomas.  51. 

Trobbleshall,  Margery.  254  ; 
Thomas,  254. 

TromwiD,  Auda,  232  ;  William, 

Troutbeek,  30,  223. 

TRODTBECK,  223  ;  Adam.  223  ; 
Alice,  109  ;  Elizabeth.  223  ; 
Joan,  223  ;  John.  223  ;  Mar- 
garet, 210.  223;  Margery, 
223  ;  Robert,  109;  Thomas, 
223  ;  Sir  William,  56,  216, 

TnmeU,  104.  225. 

Trussell.  225  :  Amery,  225  ; 
Edmund,  225;  Sir  Edward, 
226,  251  ;  Elizabeth,  225, 
226,  251  ;  Eoulk,  225  ;  Fran- 
ces, 226:  Sir  John.  Lord  of 
Warmincham,     225  ;     John, 

225  ;  Katherine,  225  ;  Law- 
rence.  226  ;    Margaret.    225. 

226  ;  Margery,  226  ;  Maud. 
165,  225,  226  ;  Richard.  225  ; 
Rose,  225  ;  Sir  Thomas.  L,  id 
of  Warmiucham,  210  ;  Sir 
Thomas,  226  ;  Sir  Warren, 
225  ;  Warren,  225 ;  Sir  Wil- 
liam, Lord  of  Warmincham, 
225.  226  :  Sir  William,  165, 
201,  225  ;  William,  225.  226. 

Tunstall.  Francis,  225 ;  Mar- 
garet, 225. 

Turvile,  Jane,  239 ;  William, 

Twenbrook,  Thomas,  12. 

Twiford,  Anne.  80  ;  Edith.  241  ; 
John,  Lord,  241  ;  Robert,  80. 


Ufford.  Sir  Edmund.  91  ;  Elea- 
nor, 91  ;  Eva,  91  ;  Joan.  91  ; 
Sir  John,  91  ;  Sir  Robert, 
91  ;  Sibell,  91  ;  Sir  Thumas, 

Underbill,  Edward,  50  ;  Ellen, 

Unwin,  Ellen.  132  ;  Margaret, 
42  ;  Thomas,  42. 

Upton,  John,  9. 

Urmeston.  — .  124. 

Urm-icl,  139,  140,  215. 

Urswick,  — ,  140. 
Uvedale,  Ellen,  56. 

Valentine,  170. 

Valentine,—.  170. 

Valletort,  Jane.  15S  ;  Reynold, 

Vanholt,  Elizabeth,  79  ;  John, 

Vawdrey,  Thomas,  12. 

Venables,  2s.  35,  67,  92,  203, 
2211-229.  249. 

Venables.  220  ;  Agatha.  228, 
229  ;  Agnes.  143,"  145,  147  ; 
Sir  Alexander,  92  ;  Alice, 36, 
221..  228  ;  Amy. 112  ;  Anne,29; 
Annila,  41  ;  Avice.  234  ; 
Cicely,  229  ;  Dowce,36,  226; 
Edward.  101  ;  Eleanor,  101, 
167,  227,  229  ;  Elizabeth.  27, 
96,  168,  170.  227-230;  Ellen, 
94.  22S  ;  Emma.  101,  227  ; 
Gilbert,  227  :  Hamon,  170, 
227 ;  Sir  Hugh,  Baron  of 
Kindertnii,  27.  228;  Sir 
Hugh,  165,  228,  22!) ;  Hugh, 
87.  143,  201,  225.  227,  229, 
230 ;  Sir  II..  234  ;  Isabel, 
146,  207,  22S-230  :  Jane.  36, 
226,  228,  230;  Jenkin,  226, 
22s;  Joan,  21,  36,  92,  229  ; 
John,  121,  156,228-230;  Ka- 
therine. 4D.  153,  170,  228, 
229.  251  ;  Lettice,  228.  249  ; 
Margaret,  70,  101,227;  Mar- 
gery,   121.    165,  228;     .Mary, 

166,  229;  Matthew,  230; 
Maud,  228  ;  Parnell,  228  ; 
Peter,  227,  230  ;  Ralph,  70, 
112.  230  ;  Sir  Richard,  226, 
228-230  ;  Richard,  11,  30.  67. 
170,  230  ;  Robert,  11,  226, 
227  ;  Roger,  228,  230  ;  Tho- 
mas. Baron  of  Kiuderton.  96  ; 
Sir  Thomas    In,  29,  101,  153, 

167,  207.  229  ;  Thomas,  101, 
170.  226,  227,  229,  230  ;  Sir 
William,  36,  168,  226,  229  ; 
William,  21,  143,  145,  147, 
160,  170,  188,  227-230,  249, 
— .  Baron  of  Kinderton,  206  ; 
—  .35,41.51.76,  105,  1511.169. 

Verdon,  139,  140,  215. 

Verdon,  Arnold,  160  :  William, 
160;  — ,  140. 

Vere.  Aubrev.  4  ;  Edward,  Earl 
of  Oxford.  226  ;  Elizabeth, 
220.  251  :  John,  Earl  of  Ox- 
ford, 220  ;  Sir  John,  251  ; 
Margaret.  226  ;  Maud,  4. 
Vernon,  28-30,  87,  104.  107, 
198,  202.  232,  233.  235. 

Vernon,  230 ;  Ada,  231  ; 
Agatha.  21.  228,  229,  234  ; 
Agnes,  202.  231,233;  Alice. 
183.  231  ;  Anne,  209,  236  ; 
Auda,  158.  198,  231,  232; 
Avice,    233-235  ;     A.,     202  ; 

Cicely,  236  ;  Dorothy,  9S, 
204,  233-236  ;  Eleanor,  156  ; 
Elizabeth,  233,  234,  236; 
Ellen.  233,  234,  236  ;  George, 
192.  236;  Henry,  231,  234- 
236  ;  Hitchcock,  202  ;  Hugh, 
88,  202,  230 ;  Isabel,  213, 
232-235  ;  James,  235  ;  Jane, 
36,  102.  234-230  ;  Joan,  231, 

233,  234.   236  ;    John,    202, 

234,  235  ;  Katherine,  131  ; 
Lawrence,  235  ;  Mabel,  233  ; 
Margaret,  27,  29,  112,  158, 
192,  232.  233,  235  ;  Margery. 

231,  234-236  ;  Marian,  232  ; 
Marv,  202,  231-236;  Mat- 
thew, 158,  160,  198,  230-232  ; 
Maud,     112,    202,    228,   231, 

232,  234 ;  Michael,  202  ; 
Nicholas,  36  ;  Parnell,  88  ; 
Peter,  231  ;  Ralph,  Lord  of 
Shiphrook,l!'s,202;  Sir  Ralph, 
112,  144,  198,  202,  232-235; 
Ralph,  26,  102,  158.  198,  204, 
209,  228,  229.  231-236  ;  alias 
Hatton,  Ralph,  112  ;  Randall, 
10  ;  Rawlin,  202,  232,  234  ; 
Sir  Richard,  102,  202,  213, 
231-235  ;  Richard,  26,  131, 
183,  198,  202,  228,  230-235. 
242  ;  Robert.  20.  112,  167, 
198,  2)i2.  231.  232.  235,  236; 
Rose,  or  Roise,  202.  231,  232, 
234,  235,  241  ;  Sir  Thomas, 
234,  235;  Thomas.  8,  21,  98, 
202,  231,  232,  235,  236,  256  ; 
Warren,  Baron  of  Sbipbrook, 
26.  27,  41,  231-233  ;  Sir  War- 
ren, 233  ;  Warren,  15S-160, 
188,  198,  230-233  :  William, 
26,  198,  231-235,  241. 

Vessy,  Beatrice,  5 ;  William, 
Lord.  5. 

Vickere,  Geoffrey,  113  ;  Mar- 
gery, 113. 


Wade.  Richard,  200, 

Wagitaff,  129,  130. 

Wake,  Hugh.  160. 

Waleia,  Alice,  de,  158,  198; 
John  de,  158, 198. 

Wales.  Prince  if,  1. 

Wales,  Edward,  Prince  of.  3, 
162  ;  Llewellyn,  Prince  of,  4. 

Walker,  Barbara.  32  ;  Eliza- 
beth. 97.  180  ;  Margaret,  97, 
180  ;  Oliver,  7  ;  Thomas,  97, 

WalMnton,  202,203. 

Walkinton,  Avice,  203. 

Wall,  270. 

Wall.  270;  Agnes.  270  ;  Alice, 
270.  272  ;  Ed'ward,  271 ;  Eliz- 
abeth, 270;  Jane,  271  ;  John, 
27o  ;  Ralph,  270  ;  Richard, 
270  ;  Robert.  270-272  ;  Sarah, 
270;  Thomas,  270;  William, 



Walley,  Ellen,  218  ;  Emma, 
29  ;  Hugh,  29  ;  John,  11  ; 
Richard,  11.    See  Wolley. 

Wallop.  Mary,  94  ;  Thomas. 

Walpole,  Ellen,  136  ;  Thomas. 

Walsh,  Eleanor,  G9  ;  Henry, 

Walter,  Thomas,  12. 

Walthall,  236. 

Walthall,  236  ;  Alexauder, 
14;  Alice,  236;  Eleanor, 
236  ;  Elizabeth.  177.  236, 
255;  Ellen.  236:  Gilbert, 
177.  2311  :  Isabel,  236  :  .lane, 
236  ;  John,  236  ;  Margaret, 
14,  177,  236  ;  Margery,  236  ; 
Richard,  14,  236  ;  Roger,  8, 
11.  177,  236,  255  ;  Thomas, 
Walton,  152. 

Walton,  Anne,  209  ;  Robert, 

Walworth,  Joan,  115  ;  William, 

Warburton,  237-239.272. 

WARBURTON.  237  ;  Ague-.  23s  ; 
Alice,  210  ;  Anne,  100,  238, 
240  ;  Beatrice,  238  ;  Blanch, 
71,  74,  239  ;  Bridget,  239  ; 
Cicely.  238  ;  Dowce,  16,  219, 
239  ;  Eleauor,  168,  240  ;  Eliz- 
abeth. 27.  2:;S-210.  251 ;  Ellen, 
34,    203.    238,    239;    Emma, 

239  ;  Francis,  240  ;  Sir  Geof- 
frey, Sheriff  of  the  Shire,  238 ; 
Sir  Geoffrey,  65,  237,  23S  ; 
Geoffrey,  237,  238  ;    George, 

240  ;  Hamon,  11  ;  Isabel,  238. 
240  ;  Jane,  42,  45,  209,  238- 
240;  Sir  John,  37,74,  219,  239, 
240,  251  ;  John,  65,  238-240  ; 
Julian,  65  ;  Margaret,  238  ; 
Marion,  238  ;  Mary,  42,  238, 
240,  249  ;  Nicola,  238  ;  Pen- 
trolla,  238  ;  Sir  Peter,  16, 
100,  209,  251  ;  Peter,  11.  34, 
42,  45, 168.  203,  238-240,  249, 
272 ;  Sir  Piers,  239  ;  Piers. 
19,  71;  ''Wise  Piers,"  239; 
Richard,  238-240  ;  Robert, 
238  ;  Sibell,  19 ;  Thomas, 
238  ;  William,  238,  240  ;  Sir, 
— ,  42  ;  — ,  53,  8S,  142. 

Ward,  Roger,  9  ;  Thomas,  9  ; 
William,  9  ;  — ,  216. 

Ware,  Dionice,  115. 

Warrell,  Ellen,  248  ;  Robert, 
248.     See  Worrall. 

Warren,  241. 

Warren,  240,  241  ;  Agnes, 
242  ;  Anne,  242.  243  ;  Cicely, 
240,  242,  243;  Dorothy.  31, 
36.  242.  243  ;  Edith,  2 1 1  : 
Sir  Edward,  Baron  of  Stock- 
port, 36,  210.  242  ;  Sir  Ed- 
ward. 212.  213:  Edward, 
242  ;  Eleanor,  243  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 242  ;  Ellen,  234,  243  ; 
Foulk,   160  ;    Frances,   243 ; 

Francis,  9,  10  ;  George,  242; 
Hugh.  160  ;  Isabel,  151,  242  ; 
Jane,  18,  241-243  ;  Jerome, 
212  :  Joan,  92,  242  ;  John, 
Earl  Warren,  Sussex,  and 
Surrey.  241,  242  ;  Sir  John, 
18,  242  ;  John.  9,  31,  75,  96, 
165,  240-243  ;  Katherine,  23, 
242,  243  ;  Sir  Lawrence, 
Baron  of  Stockport,  242  ;  Sir 
Lawrence,  55.  151  ;  Law- 
rence, 131,  153,  242,  243  ; 
Mabel,  243 ;  Margaret,  96, 
131.  153,  165,242,243;  Mar- 
gery, 55.  242  ;  Mary,  243  ; 
Maud,  241  ;  Nicholas,  242  ; 
Ralph,  92,  242.  243  ;  Randall, 
242  ;  Richard',  23,  242,  243  ; 
Sibell,  242  ;  William,  241  ; 
— ,  Earl,  162  ;  — ,  73.  106. 
Warton,   Alice,   94  ;   Edmund, 

94  ;  William,  10. 
Warmick,  34. 

Warwick,  Henry,  Earl  of,  158  ; 
John,     34  ;     Margaret,     34 ; 
Maud, 34;  Philippa,  Countess 
of,  158;  — ,  Earl  of,  205. 
Washett,  237, 

WASHETT,   237  ;    Henry,   237  ; 
Thomas,  237  ;  William,  237. 
Washington,  Amy,  204. 
Waterton,  Sir  Thomas,  204. 
Watson,Alice,135 ;  William,135. 
Waverton,  Joan,  49  ;  John,  49. 
Webb,  Ellen,  62  ;  John,  62. 
Webster,  Anne.  137  ;  John,  137. 
We,  ver,  216,  243,  254. 
Weever,  243  ;  Anne,  243  :  Sir 
Edward.  55,  243;   Elizabeth, 
85,142,216,243  ;  Ellen,  243; 
Francis,  243  ;    George,  243  ; 
Hugh,  243  ;  Jane,  161 ;  John, 
255  ;     Margery.     134,     255  ; 
Nicholas,  243  ;  Randall,  243  ; 
Richard.  8.  142,  243  ;  Robert, 

243  ;  Roger,  243  ;  Thomas, 
85,  139,  216,  243. 

Weld,  244. 

Weld,  244 ;  Anne,  244  ;  Cicely, 

244  ;  Dorothy,  244  ;  Eleanor, 
187  ;  Elizabeth,  244  ;  Ellen, 
244,  248  ;  Humphrey,  244  ; 
Jane,  244  ;  Joan,  244  ;  John, 
244,  248  ;  Mary,  244  ;  Rich- 
ard, 244  ;  Robert,  187,  244. 

Welshman,  Ellen,  272  ;  Tho- 
mas, 272. 

Wendesley,  — ,  206. 

West,  Jane,  241  ;  — ,  Lord  La- 
ware,  241. 

Westby,  Joan,  1 1 5. 

Westley,  233. 

Westley,    Isabel,    233  ;     Joan, 
115  ;  William,  Lord  of  Car- 
thorpe,  233. 
\>  e    on.  Patrick.  1  13. 
II.     enUll,  28,30,  19,  137,208, 

Wettenhall.  211-246  ;  Amy, 
15.  154  ;  Anne,  244,  245  ; 
Charles,  245  ;  Eleanor,  245  ; 

Elizabeth,  137,  245,  246  ; 
Ellen,  14,  15,  151.  215  : 
Gabriel,  50,  246  ;  Henry, 
246;  Hugh.  215,246  ;  Isabel, 

214,  245  ;  Jane,  245  ;   Joan, 

215,  216  ;  Sir  John,  73  ;  John, 
15,  151.215.216;  Katherine, 
50,  245  ;  Lettice,  50,  55,  56  ; 
Margaret,  51,  190  ;  Margery, 
177,  245,  246  ;  Mary,  245; 
Philip,  245  ;  Ralph,  50,  245  ; 
Richard,  15, 154  ;  Robert,  15, 
151,216  ;  Roger,  14,244-216; 
Sibell,  15,  151  ;  Susan.  245  ; 
Thomas,  51,  177,  244-246  ; 
William,  15,  50,  55,  137,  154, 
245,  246  ;  — ,  28,  30,  49,  137, 

Wettnihall  alias  Kinyslcy,  28. 

Wettenhall  alias  Kingsley, 
John,  27  ;  Margery,  27. 

Wetterhed,  — ,  74. 

Weverham,  Emma,  83,  84,  111  ; 
Hugh,  S3,  84,  111  ;  Matthew, 
83,  84;  Richard,  10. 

Wheelocli,  156. 

Wheelock,  Alice,  40, 156  ;  Elea- 
nor, 156  ;  Elizabeth,  156  ; 
Foulk,  40  ;  Hichin.  40  ;  Jen- 
kin,  40;  John,  156;  Richard, 
156  ;  Thomas,  156. 

Wheler,  Anne,  244;  Nicholas, 

Whitby,  Elizabeth,  120. 

Whitgreve,  Joane,  161  ;  Tho- 
mas, 162  ;  William,  161. 

Whit  more,  246. 

Whitmore,  246  ;  Alice,  247  ; 
Cicely.  217:  Elizabeth,  217, 
219  ;  Jane,  217  ;  Joan,  247  ; 
John,  11.  215,  246,  247,  249  ; 
Katherine,  29,  129,  215,  247  ; 
Mary,  192,  247  ;  Richard,  29, 

247  ';  Robert,  247  ;  Thomas, 
129,  247  ;  William,  246,  247. 

Whitney,  35. 

Whitney,  Alice,  35, 169  ;  Anne, 
123 ;  Arthur,  264  ;  Sir  Eus- 
tace, 35,  169  ;  Henry,  264  ; 
Hugh,  264  ;  Katherine,  264  ; 
Margaret,  27  ;  Mary,  198, 
264  :  Richard,  264  ;  Robert, 
8,  123,  198,  264  ;  Thomas, 
264  ;  Whitney,  264  ;  William, 
27  ;  — ,  226. 

Whittingham,    248  ;     Anne, 

248  ;  Charles,  248  ;  Edward, 
218  ;  Elizabeth,  248  ;  Ellen, 
244,  248  ;  Humphrey,  248  ; 
James,  248  ;  Jane,  248  ;  John, 
244,  248  ;  Katherine,  248  ; 
Margaret,  248  ;  Matthew, 
248;  Piers,  218;  Ralph,  248  ; 
Richard.  248  ;   Robert,  248  ; 

eth,    2  is  ;     Thomas,    24S  ; 
Timothy,  248  ;  William,  2  is. 

Whittington,  Anne,  91  ;  Wil- 
li,mi.  9  1. 

Whorwood.  Margaret,  51  :  Wi! 
liam,  51. 

Wibbenburgh,  Richard,  41 

2  <} 



Wicken,  Geoffrey,  113  ;    Mar- 
gery, 113. 
Wicksted,  Hugh,  8  ;  Margaret, 

257  ;  Thomas,  257. 
Widonbury,  John,  8. 
Wigland,  David.  159  ;  Idonea. 
159  ;    Margaret,    159  ;    Wil- 
liam, 159, 
Wilbralwm,  228,  249,  250. 
WlLBRAHAM,   or   Wilburham, 
249  ;  Agnes,  250  ;  Alice.  257  : 
Anne,    121  ;     Dorothy.    108, 
249  ;    Eleanor,    177  ;    Eliza- 
beth, 48,  128,  247,  249,  250  ; 
Ellen,  55,  249,250;  Frances, 
C4  ;  Henry,  249  ;  Humphrey, 
67,   121,  249  ;    James,   250  : 
Jane,  249  ;  John,  249  ;  Joice, 
255;  Lettice,  228;  Margaret, 
L58,  249,  250;  Margery.  39, 
(17.   157,  231,  232,  249,  250  ; 
Mary,    78,    232,    240.     249; 
Ralph,  67,249,  250  ;  Randall, 
249,  250;    Sir  Richard,  158, 
228,   232  ;    Richard,   8,    108, 
128,    177,    231,     249,     250  ; 
Roger,  249  ;    Thomas,   8,  39. 
55,  64,  78,  240,  247,  249,  250, 
255  :  William,  157.  249.  250  ; 
— ,  62,  85,  109. 
Wileocks.  Elizabeth,  204  ;  Wal- 
ter, 204. 
Wilkes,—  ,61. 
Wilkinson,  John,  11. 
Willett,  George,  9. 
William  the  Conqueror,  1,4,  88. 
William  Rufus,  170. 
Williams.  Anne,  271,272  ;  Jane, 
215  ;   John.  271  ;    Katherine. 
154  ;    Owen,   154  ;    Thomas, 
Williamson,  Anne,  230  ;  — ,  78. 
Willoughby,     Ellen,     97;     Sir 
Henry,  97  ;  .Sir  Richard,  83  ; 
Robert,  18S  ;  William.  188. 
Wilmasou,  David,  93  ;  Madoc, 

Wilme,  Margaret,  146  ;  William. 

Wilmote,  Hugh,  12. 
Wilstou,   or   Wilson,  Margery, 

Winclwm,  144. 
Winchester,  Robert,  Earl  of,  3  ; 

— ,  Marquis  of,  152, 
Wind,  Dorothy,  ISO;  George,180. 
Windlow,  Alice,  136. 
Wingfield,  Anne,  25  ;  Lady,  78. 
Wilmington,  28,  237,  239,  251- 

Winnington,  250 ;  Agnes,  242, 
251  ;  Alice,  194,  253  ;  Anne, 
253;  Christian,  252  ;  Cicely, 
251;  Eleanor, 252;  Elizabeth, 
239,  251-253  ;  Ellen.  252  ; 
George,  253  ;  Havise,  212  ; 
Humphrey,  116  ;  Hugh.  142, 
251  ;  Isabel,  42,  253;  James, 
2  •-  :  Jane,  196  ;  John.  69,  77. 
252,  253  ;  Katherine.  107, 
251-253;      Lawrence,     252; 

Margaret,  252  ;  Margery,  69, 
168,165, 232, 252,  253  :  Maud, 
77,  252  ;  Nicholas,  251-253  ; 
Piers.  252  :  Ralph,  253  ;  Ran- 
dall. 9,  253  ;  Sir  Richard,  27. 
142,  242,  250,  251  ;  Richard, 
107,  142,  196,  232,  239,  250- 

253  :  Robert,  142.  158,  194. 
212.  232,  250-253  ;  alias 
Leftwich,  Robert,  142  ;  Tho- 
mas, 10,  252.  253  ;  William, 
252  ;  — ,  68. 

Winslowe,  John,  Archdeacon 
of  Middlesex,  205. 

Winstamton,  254. 

Winstauton,  or  Wistaston, 
Alice.  254  ;  Avicc.  112;  Rich- 
ard.251  ;  William,  Lord, 254; 
Sir  William,  112. 

Withed,  Thomas.  243. 

Withenshaw,  Alice,  221  ;  Wil- 
liam 221. 

Withers,  Bridget,  32  ;  John,  32. 

Withnall,  Elizabeth,  136. 

Witter,  John,  11. 

Wolf,  Humphrey,  10. 

Wolfe,  John,  10. 

Wolley,  Sir  John.  96  ;  Margaret, 
250.     See  Walley. 

Wolmeslow,  or  Wolmeston. 
Hugh.  66  ;  Isabel,  66. 

Wolston,  Jane,  31  ;  William,  31. 


Wood,  Elizabeth,  136  ;  Ellen, 
215:  George,  133 ;  Mary,  133 ; 
Maud,  255  ;  Ralph,  255;  Wil- 
liam. 245. 

Woodfen,  Emma,  227  ;  Richard, 

Woodford,  — ,  58. 

Woodfull,  or  Woodfale,  Mar- 
garet, 34  ;  William,  34. 

Woodhouse,  Isabel,  94 ;  Wil- 
liam. 94. 

Woodhull,  Agnes,  60,  62  ;  An- 
tonio, Baron,  60,  62  ;  — ,  226. 
Woo&nett,  254. 

Woodnett,  254  ;  Alice,  255, 
256  ;  Anne,  254.  255  :  Cicely, 

254  ;  Elizabeth,  236,  255  ; 
Eva.  254  ;  Frances,  255 ; 
George,  Clerk  of  the  Wood- 
yard,  135,  256  ;  George,  135, 

255  ;  Humphrey,  256  ;  Jane, 
225.  249,  255  ;  John,  8,  134, 
2iir,,  225,  231).  254-256  ;  Joice, 
255,  256  ;  Katherine,  255  ; 
Lawrence,  135,  196,  249,  255, 

256  ;  Margaret,  196,  206.  255. 
256  ;  Margery,  135,  254-256  : 
Mary,  255  :  Maud,  254.  255  ; 
Nicholas,  255;  Ralph,  255; 
Randall,  254,  256  ;  Richard, 
255  ;  Robert,  254-256  ;  Tho- 
mas, 255  ;  William,  Lord  of 
Shevington,  254 ;  William, 

Woodroff,  — .  149. 

Woodruff,  Bridget,  142  ;  Eliza- 
beth, 142  ;  Margaret,  142  ; 
Thomas,  142. 

Woods,  George,  108  ;  Margaret. 

Woodvile,  Jaquet,  50  ;  Martha, 
50  ;  Richard,  Earl  Rivers,  50. 
Woolley,  Jane,  32  ;  Thomas,  32. 

Worcester,  Charles,  Earl  of,  44, 
204  ;  John,  Earl  of,  44,  216. 

Worley,  Roger,  217. 

Worrall,  Elizabeth,  270  ;  Rich- 
ard, 270.     See  Warrell. 

Worsley,  44. 

Worsley,  Alice,  171  ;  Atwell, 
154;  Sir  Geoffrey,  171 ;  Isabel. 
154  ;  Katherine,  225  ;  Ralph, 

Worth,  256. 

Worth,  256 ;  Agnes,  156 
Alice,  256  ;  Anthony,  256 
Cicely,  256  ;  Edward,  256 
Elizabeth,  156  ;  Francis,  256 
Isabel,  256  ;  Jasper,  236, 256 
John,  256  ;  Margaret,  21 
256  :  Philip,  9,  21,  256  ;  Rich, 
ard,  181,  256  ;  Scbald,  256 
Thomas  156,  256;  William, 
256;  — ,  197. 

Wortley,  Ellen,  36. 

Wotton,  Allison,  85. 

Wrenbwy,  185,218. 

Wrenbury,  Agnes,  217 ;  Sir 
John,  185, 217-219;  Margaret. 
185,  218,  219  ;  — ,  95. 

Wrench,  John,  10. 

Wrenford.  Eleanor,  264  ;  Row- 
land, 264. 

Wright,  257. 

Wright,  257 ;  Alice,  257  ; 
Anne.  244,  257  ;  Charles,  70  ; 
Elizabeth,  179,  257;  Henry, 
s  ;  Jane,  107,271,272  ;  John, 
7.  179,  257,  271,  272  ;  Kathe- 
rine, 118, 257,271  ;  Lawrence, 
245;  Margaret,  70,  257  ;  Mar- 
gery, 37  ;  Reginald,  244 ; 
Richard,  Sergeant-at-Arms, 
257;  Richard,  8,  12,37.271; 
Roger,  37,  167  ;  Susan,  245  ; 
— ,  51,  141. 

Wriothesley,  Thomas,  Garter, 

Wrottesley,  Sir  Hugh,  17  ; 
Hugh,  17  ;  Isabel,  17  ;  John, 
17  ;  Richard,  17  ;  Walter,  17. 

Wyatt.  Sir  Thomas,  136. 

Wychc,  Thomas,  10. 

Wyld,  -,  43. 

Yardley,  Alice,  23  ;  Elizabeth, 
183  ;  John,  7,  133,235;  Mar- 
garet, 133, 235  ;  William,  183. 

Young,  John,  Norroy,  191. 

Yowley,  John,  12. 

Zouch,  Eudo  de  la,  182  ;  Milli- 
cent  de  la,  182. 

Cijc  fkarlctan  ^octetp, 



















GEORGE  XV.  MARSHALL,  Esq.,  LL.D.,  F.S.A. 



GEORGE  J.  ARMYTAGE,  Esq.,  F.S.A.,  Hon.  Secretary. 

JOSEPH  JACKSON  HOWARD,  Esq  ,  LL.D.,  F.S.A.,  Hon.  Treasurer. 


THE  REV.  F.  T.  COLBY,  D.D.,  F.S.A. 

J.  R.  DANIKL-TYSSEN,  Esq.,  F.S.A. 


DUDLEY  G.  CARY  ELWES,  Esq..  F.S.A. 


Cammittrr  for  (Jublicatioii  of  parts'!)  Itrsjis'tcrS. 

GEORGE  J.  ARMYTAGE,   Esq.,  F.S.A. 


THE  LONDON  AND  COUNTY  BANK,  21  Lombard  Street. 


HENRY  WAGNER,  Esq.,  F.S.A. 

iijnn.  ILoral  jtrnrtani  fnr  CJ.^.ai. 
W.  H.  WHITMORE,  Esq. 


1.  This  Society  shall  be  called  the  Hableian  Society. 

2.  It  shall  have  for  its  chief  object  the  publication  of  the  Heraldic 
Visitations  of  Counties,  and  any  manuscripts  relating  to  Genealogy, 
Family  History,  and   Heraldry,  selected  by  the  Council. 

3.  The  Council  shall  consist  of  a  President,  nine  Vice-Presidents,  and 
twelve  Members  of  Council,  two  of  whom  shall  hold  the  posts  of  Secretary 
and  Treasurer ;  and  any  four,  including  the  Treasurer  or  Secretary,  shall 
form  a  quorum.  In  case  of  equality  of  votes,  the  Chairman  to  have  a 
casting  vote.  Any  Candidate  may  be  elected  with  the  consent  in  writing 
of  one  Member  of  the  Council,  the  Treasurer,  and  the  Secretary. 

4.  Three  Members  of  the  Council  shall  retire  in  rotation  annually, 
but  shall  be  eligible  for  re-election. 

5.  The  Annual  Subscription  shall  be  One  Guinea,  paid  in  advance, 
and  due  on  the  1st  day  of  January  in  each  year;  and  new  Members 
shall  pay  an  Entrance  Fee  of  10*.  6(1.  in  addition  to  their  first  Annual 

6.  Members  may  at  their  option  subscribe  Two  Guineas  per  annum, 
in  which  case  they  will  be  entitled  to  the  publications  of  the  Register 
Section  of  the  Society. 

7.  The  funds  raised  by  the  Society  shall  be  expended  in  publishing 
such  works  as  are  selected  by  the  Council ;  but  no  payment  in  money 
shall  be  made  to  any  person  for  editing  any  work  for  the  Society. 

8.  One  volume  at  least  shall  be  supplied  to  the  Members  every  year. 

9.  An  Annual  Meeting  shall  be  held  in  the  month  of  January  every 
year,  at  such  time  and  place  as  the  Council  may  direct ;  and  due  notice 
shall  be  sent  to  the  Members  of  the  Society  at  least  a  fortnight  pre- 

10.  No  work  shall  be  supplied  to  any  Member  unless  his  Subscription 
for  the  year  be  paid  ;  and  any  Member  not  having  paid  his  Subscription 
for  two  years,  having  received  notice  thereof,  shall  cease  to  belong  to  the 

11.  No  copies  of  the  publications  of  the  Society  shall  be  supplied  to 
persons  not  actually  Members,  and  each  Member  shall  be  restricted  to  a 
single  Subscription. 

12.  An  account  of  the  receipts  and  expenses  of  the  Society  to  be 
made  up  to  the  31st  of  December  in  each  year,  and  published  with  a  list  of 
the  Members  and  the  Rules  of  the  Society  in  the  following  Volume. 

13.  These  Rules  shall  not  be  altered  except  at  the  Annual  Meeting, 
and  three  clear  weeks'  notice  must  be  given  to  the  Secretary  of  any  such 
intended  alteration. 

ftrport  for  tfjc  gear  1881. 

The  Council  have  to  report  that,  although  there  has  been  no  increase 
in  the  number  of  Members,  the  total  of  four  hundred  mentioned  in  the 
last  Report  has  been  maintained,  the  new  Members  being  equal  in 
number  to  the  deaths  and  resignations. 

During  the  year  1881  the  "Visitation  of  Yorkshire  in  1564,"  under 
the  editorship  of  the  Rev.  C.  B.  Norcliffe,  M.A.,  has  been  issued  as 
the  Publication  of  the  Society  for  the  year. 

The  Second  and  concluding  Volume  of  the  "  London  Visitation  " 
is  in  the  printers'  hands  ;  and  also  the  "  Visitation  of  Cheshire  in  1580," 
under  the  editorship  of  Mr.  J.  Paul  Rylands,  F.S.A. 

In  the  Register  Section  the  "  Registers  of  St.  Michael,  Cornhill," 
are  being  printed  for  1882. 

The  Accounts  for  the  Year  are  annexed  to  this  Report,  and  the 
Council  hope  they  will  meet  with  the  approval  of  the  Members. 

The  retiring  Members  of  Council  are  Mr.  Smith,  Mr.  Elwes,  and 
Sir  John  Maclean,  and  the  two  latter  offer  themselves  for  re-election. 

list  of  iflcm&crs,  toitlj  flic  oatrs  of  tljctr  election. 

CORRECTED  TO  DECEMBER   31st,   1881. 

Those  marked  (*)  are  Subscribers  to  the  Register  Section. 

21  Oct.  1879.     *Thomas  Adams,  88  Winston  Road,  Stoke  Newington,  N. 
27  Sept.  1876.     *F.  William  Alington,  13  Mitre  Court  Chambers,  Temple,  E.C. 
24  Nov.  1869.     *Reginald  Ames,  2  Albany  Terrace,  Park  Square  East,  N.W. 
29  Apr.  1869.     *W.  Amhuest  T.  Amheest,  F.S.A.  (Council),  Didlington  Hall, 

31  Dec.  1875.     *John  Amphlett,  dent,  Stourbridge. 
24  Nov.  1869.       Feank  Andrew,  Ashton-under-Lyne. 

1  July,  1870.      William  Sumner  Appleton,  Boston,  TJ.S.A. 

27  Mar.  1869.     *George  J.  Armytage,  F.S.A.  (Ron.  Secretary),  Clifton  Wood- 

bead,  near  Brighouse. 
24  Nov.  1869.      The  Earl  of  Arran,  ( Vice-President)  27  Chesham  Street,  S.W. 
19  Dec.  1877.     *William  Ashford,  Middlesborough-on-Tees. 

12  Apr.  1869.     *Ralph    Assheton,    M.P.    (Vice-President),    Downham    Hall, 


6  Dec.  1870.      John  Astley,  Broad  Gate,  Coventry. 

5  Oct.  1872.      Athenaeum,  Liverpool  (W.  Roscoe  Jones,  Librarian). 

21  Sep.  1877.       Charles  H.  Athill,  Kent's  Villa,  Well  Road,  Hampstead,  N.W. 
4    Sep.   1880.     *Lieut.  F.  W.  T.  Attree,  R.E.,   care  of  Cox  and  Co.,  Craig's 

Court,  S.W. 

14  Jan.  1879.     *Rev.  C.  W.  Bardsley,  Vicarage,  Ulverston,  Lancaster. 
8  Oct.   1870.      Lieut-Colonel  Bagnall,  Shenstone  Moss,  near  Lichfield. 

13  June,1874.     *John  E.  Bailey,  Egerton  Villa,  Stretlbrd,  Manchester. 

22  Sep.   1869.      Charles  Baker,  F.S.A.,  11  Sackville  Street,  Piccadilly,  W. 

29  Apr.  1869.       Fairless  Barber,  F.S.A.,  Castle  Hill,  Rastrick,  near  Brighouse. 

28  July,  1869       Joseph  Gurney  Barclay,  54  Lombard  Street,  E.C. 
4  Nov.  1870       John  Batten,  F.S.A.,  Aldon,  Yeovil. 

13  Nov.  1877.  Charles  H.  Bayley,  West  Bromwich. 

12  June,1871.  *Francis  Bayley,  F.S.A.,  66  Cambridge  Terrace,  Hyde  Park,  W. 

7  Mar.  1879.  The  Rev.  Arthur  J.  Beanlands,  The  Palace  Green,  Durham. 

2  1  Nov.  1869.  George  Frederick   Beaumont,  Steps,  Honley,  Huddersfield. 
28  Nov.  1876.  Rev.  A.  B.  Beaten,  M.A.,  Grammar  School,  Preston. 

7  June,1877.  Edwin  J.  Bedford,  37  Elmore  Road,  Broomhill,  Sheffield. 

18  Apr.  1878.  J.  G.  H.  Bedford,  More  Hall,  near  Oughtibridge,  Sheffield. 

21  Sep.   1876.  Bedford    Arch^ological   Society  (D.  G.  C.  Elwes,  Hon. 
Secretary),  Bedford. 

3  Dec.  1874.  *B,  H.  Beedham,  Ashfield  House,  Kimbolton. 

11  Aug.  1877.  Walton  Graham  Berry,  Broomfield,  Fixby,  near  Huddersfield. 

17  June,1875.  Samuel  Bircham,  46  Parliament  Street,  S.W. 

13  Dec.    1878.  Thomas  Bird,  Canons,  Romford. 

25  Mar.  1872.    *Capt.  Robert  S.  Bibkbeck,  Anley,  Settle. 
9  Mar.  1871.     *Bibmingham    Library,    Union    Street,    Birmingham    (C.   E. 

Scarse,  Librarian). 
31  May,  1879.      The  Rev.  C.  M.  Blake,  San  Francisco  (care  of  B.  F.  Stevens,  4 
Trafalgar  Square,  W.C.). 

24  Apr.  1869.      F.  A.  Blaydes,  Tilsworth,  Leightou  Buzzard. 
28  Sept.  1872.      W.  n.  Bliss,  1  Canterbury  Road,  Oxford. 

12June,1871.     *T.  Weld-Blundell,  Ince  Blundell  Hall,  Great  Crosby,  Liver- 

1  June,  1869.     *The  Rev  Chakles  W.  Boase,  Exeter  College,  Oxford. 

22  Oct.  1874.     *Reginald  Stewart  Boddington,  15  Markham  Square,  S.W. 

27  .1  ul.v,  1871.     *William  Edwahd  Bools,  7  Cornhill,  E.C. 

26  Jan.  1871.       Lieut-Colonel  Haworth-Booth,  Hillbank  House,  Hull. 

25  Apr.  1877.     *R.  C.  Bostock,  Little  Langtons,  Lower  Camden,  Cbislehurst. 
8  Sept.  1874.     *Boston  Athen.eum,  Boston,  U.S.A.  (per  E.  G.  Allen). 

15  Oct,   1875.     *Boston,  US.,  Fbee  Public  Libbaby  (per  Triibner  &  Co.,  57  & 
59  Ludgate  Hill). 

17  Nov.  1876.       Thomas  Boswoeth,  66  Great  Russell  Street,  W.C. 

20  Jan.  1877.      C.  E.  B.  Bowles,  M.A.,  Funchal  Villa,  Richmond  Park.  Clifton, 


3  Apr.  1877.     *Miss  Julia  Boyd,  Moor  House,  Leamside,  Durham. 

28  July,  1869.     *Edmund  M.  Boyle,  14  Hill  Street,  Berkeley  Square,  W. 

12  Sept.  1872.       Edwakd   W.   Brabbook,  F.S.A.,   28  Abingdon    Street,   West- 

minster, S.W. 

18  May,  1870.     *The  Rev.  William  Bree,  The  Rectory,  Allesley,  Coventry. 

13  Aug.  1878.     *The  Hon.  and  Rev.  Canon  Bridoeman.  Wigan  Hall,  Wigan. 

24  Nov.  1869.      The  Hon.  and  Rev.  John  R.  O.  Bbidgeman,  43  Belgrave  Square, 

S.W.  S       • 

24  Nov.  1869.    *Tbomas  Brooke,  F.S.A.,  Armitage  Bridge,  Huddersfield. 

29  Apr.  1869.     *Francis  Capper  Brooke,  Ufford  Place,  Woodbridge. 

4  Nov.  1870.    *The  Rev.  Frederick   Brown,  F.S.A.,  Fern  Bank,  Beckenham, 

K.  ,u 
28  Nov.  1876.     *J.  R.  Brown,  F.R.G.S.,  14  Hilldrop  Road,  Camden  Town,  N. 

30  Aug.  1875.       George  Browne,  1  Elm  Court,  Temple. 

19  June,  1869.     *Percy  C.  S.  Bruere,  Rockville,  Lansdown,  near  Bath. 
12  J uue,1871.       C.  G.  Prideaux-Brune,  10  Grosvenor  Gardens,  S.W. 

24  Nov.  1869.      The  Rev.  Joseph  Buckley,  M.A.,  Tormarton  Rectory,  Chippen- 

21  May,  1869.     *Colonel    W.    E.    G.    Lytton-Bulweb,    Quebec    House,    East 


5  Mar.  1878.       Henry  C.  J.  Bunbuby,  Barton  Hall,  Bury  St.  Edmund's. 

20  Apr.  1880.     *Geoege  R.  Burnaby,  128  East  24th  Street,  New  York  (care  of 

Cassell,  Smith  and  Co.,  80  Feuchurch  Street,  London,  E.C). 
11  June,  1869.     *Sir   Beenard   Burke,  C.B.,  LL.D.,   Ulster  King-of-Arms,  The 
Castle,  Dublin. 

2  May,  1871.     *The  Marquis  of  Bute  {Vice-Pretideni),  83  Eccleston  Square,  S.W. 

20  Nov.  1873.     *Cambkidge    University    Library,    Cambridge      (H.   Brad- 

shaw,  M.A.,  Librarian). 
28  Nov.  1870.       F.  Teague  Cansick,  17  Margrave  Park  Road,  Highgate,  N. 

27  Mar.  1879.      H.  H.  Smith   Carington,    Brookfield   House,  Whaley   Bridge, 


5  Feb.  1879.      WiLLiAMFowLEECABTER,Hazlewood,HagleyRoad,Birmingham 
3June,1869.     *Geoege    Alfeed    Carthew,     F.S.A.,     Mi'lfield    House,     East 

Dereham,  Norfolk. 
18  Oct.  1870.       Thomas  Chapman,  F.R.S.,  F.S.A.,  25  Bryanston  Square,  W. 
LI  May,  18/8.     *Thomas  William  Chaelton,  Chilwell  Hall,  Nottingham. 
la  Aug.  1876.      Rev.  Edward  Cheese,  Haughton-le-Skerne  Rectory,  Darlington. 

21  Apr.  1869.     *Colonel  J.  L.  Chester,  D.C.L.,  LL.D.  ( Council),  124  Southward 

Park  Road,  S.E. 
18  Oct.  1870.       Chetham's  Library,  Hunt's  Bank,  Manchester. 

6  Oct.  1881.      J.  W.  Clay,  Rastrick  House,  near  Brighouse. 

li.  Aug.  1881.       Howard  Coghill,  29  East  39th  Street,  New  York,  U.S.A. 
11  Sept.  1880.       H.  T.  Coghlan,  14  Hyde  Park  Gardens,  W. 




6  Dec. 
12  Jan. 
16  Mar. 
10  Mar. 

2  Nov. 
28  July, 
18  May, 


20  Jan.  1877. 
20  Jan.  1871. 
24  June,  1878. 
20  July,  1873. 
12  Aug.  1881. 

28  Apr.  1869. 

15  May,  1874. 

18  May,  1875. 

8  Oct.  1874. 

5  May,  1874. 

29  May,  1869. 
18  Mar.  1874. 

8  Sept.  1871. 
1  Apr.  1873. 

28  July  ,11869. 

4  Nov.  1870. 

27  Dec.  1876. 

4  Sept.  1877. 
1  Dec.  1870. 

10  Jan.  1878. 
31  Dec.  1875. 

18  Apr.  1878. 
1  Jan.  1879. 

5  Mar.  1877. 
22  Sept.  1869. 

4  Oct.  1872. 

9  Nov.  1875. 
18  May,  1869. 

10  Jan.  1878. 
12  Jan.  1872. 

*B.  Cokayne,  College  of  Arms,  Queen  Victoria  Street,  E.C. 

*G.  E.  Cokayne,  F.S.A.,  College  of  Arms,  Queen  Victoria  Street, 

The  Rev.  Frederic  T.  Colby,  D.D.,  F.S.A.  (Council),   Litton 

Cheney  Rectory,  Dorchester,  Dorset. 
*Capt.  J.  Kyrle  Collins,  Wiltondale,  Ross,  Herefordshire. 
*C'ol.  Collyer,  R.E.,  57  Kensington  Gardens  Square,  W. 

Edward  Coode,  Polapit  Tamar,  Launceston. 

Wm.  Henry  Cooke,  Q.C.,  E.S.A.,  42  Wimpole  Street,  W. 

James  Herbert  Cooke,  E.S.A  ,  Berkeley,  Gloucestershire. 

W.  H.  Cottell,  2  Fern  Villas,  Lordship  Lane,  Dulwich,  S.E. 
*W.  Prideaux  Courtney,  Ecclesiastical  Commission,  10  White- 
hall Place,  S.W.,  (Council). 
*J.  Charles  Cox,  45  Threadneedle  Street,  E.C. 
*The  Rev.  H.  O.  Coxe,  Bodleian  Library,  Oxford. 
*E.  B.  Crane,  Worcester,  Massachusetts,  U.S.A. 
*J.  C.  Crabb,  Clifton  Lodge,  Fallowfield,  near  Manchester. 
*F.  A.  Crisp,  Iuglewood  House,  Grove  Park,  Denmark  Hill,  S  E. 
*The  Hon.  Henry   Roper-Cuhzon  ( Vice-President),  The  Ant's 
Nest,  Tonbridge. 

J.  E.  Cussans,  4  Wyndham  Crescent,  Junction  Road,  N. 
*Lady  Elizabeth  Cust.  13  Eccleston  Square,  S.W. 
*Miss  Cust,  20  Thurloe  Place,  South  Kensington,  S.W. 

The  Rev.  John   Neale  Dalton,   MA.,    F.S.A.,    Marlborough 

R.  S.  Longworth-Dames,  M.A.,  32  Upper  Mount  Street,  Dublin. 
*The    Rev.   G.   H.  Davenport,  Stanford   Hall,   Loughborough, 

C.  W.  David,  Ely  Rise,  Llandaff. 
*E.  May  Davis,  Green  Hill,  Moseley,  Birmingham. 
*Gordon  Dayman,  St.  Giles's,  Oxford. 

The  Uev.  John  Batiiurst  Deane,  M.A.,  F.S.A.,  Sion  Hill,  Bath. 
*De  Bernardy  Brothers,  28  John  Street,  Bedford  Row,  W.C. 
*John  C.  Dent,  F.S.A.,  Sudeley  Castle,  Winchcomb. 
*George    Digby    Wingfield   Digby,   Sherborne   Castle,  .Sher- 
borne, Dorset. 

Charles  Wentworth  Dilke,  28  Union  Street,  Coventry. 

The  Hon.  Harold  A.  Dillon,  F.S.A.,  Ditchley,  Charlbury,  Ox- 

Joseph  Dodgson,  56  Albion  Street,  Leeds. 

Thomas  Dorman,  Sandwich,  Kent. 
*Charles  J.  C.  Douglas,  Glenfinart  House,  Greenock. 
*Robert  Dowman,  29  Shakspeare  Street,  Ardwick,  Manchester. 

William   Downing,  Springfield   House,  Olton,  Acocks  Green, 

Dr.  Henry  Holman  Drake,  Esplanade,  Fowey,  Cornwall. 
*Sir  William  Drake,  F.S.A.,  46  Parliament  Street,  S.W. 
*Rev.  John  Ingle  Dredge,  Buckland  Brewer,  Bideford. 

Sir  George  F.  Duckett,  Bart.,  F.S.A.  (Vice-President),  Oxford 
and  Cambridge  Club,  S.W. 

*Mrs.  Dugdale,  Wroxull  Abbey,  Warwick. 

George  F.  Duncombe,  L7  St. 'Stephen's  Road,  Bayswater,  W. 
*Durham,  The  Dean  and  Chapter  of,  Chapter  Offices,  Durham. 

Robert  Dymond,  F.S.A.,  Bampfylde  House,  Exeter. 

18  Apr.  1878.      John   Parsons   Earwaker,   M.A.,  F.S.A.,   Pensarn,  Abergele, 

North  Wales. 
18  May,  1870.       TheEARL  of  Egmont,  26  St.  James's  Place,  S.W. 


22  Sept.  1869.      The  Rev.  Henby  T.  Ellacombe,  M.A.,  F.S.A.,  Clyat  St.  George 

Rectory,  Topsham,  Devon. 

28  July,  1869.       William  Smith  Ellis,  Hydecroft,  Charlwood,  Surrey. 

15  Apr.  1869.     *Dudley    G.    Cast    Elwks,    P.S.A.   (Council),   The    Crescent, 

22June,1870.     *V.   Cary   Elwes,    F.S.A.,     Billing  Hall,    Billing-road   Station, 


18  Oct.  1870.       William  Robert  Emeris,  M.A.,  F.S.A.,  Louth,  Lincolnshire. 

23  Apr.  1874'.      C.  J.  Eyston,  Heiidred  House,  Wantage. 

15  June,  1869.     "Thomas  Falconer,   one  of  the  Judges  of  the  County  Courts, 
18  Royal  Crescent,  Bath. 

19  May,  1869.      J.  G.  Fanshatve,  2  Halkin  Street  West,  Belgrave  Square,  S.W. 
22  Sept.  1869.       William  Fennell,  Wakefield. 

3  Apr.  1877.       Richard  S.  Ferguson,  F.S.A.,  Lowther  Street,  Carlisle. 
22  July,  1871.      Robert  Ferguson,  Morton  Hall,  Carlisle. 

3  Nov.  1873.       Miss  Ffarington,  Wordrii,  Preston. 
19  Jan.  1878.       Henry  St.  Clair  Feilden,  Corpus  Christi  College,  Oxford. 
16 June.  1872.     *J.   Lewis   Ffytohe,  M.A.,  F.S.A.,  Thorpe   Hall,  Louth,   Lin- 

3  Dec.  1874.     *Osgood  Field,  F.S.A.,  4  Grosvenor  Mansions,  Victoria  Street,  S.W. 
10  Jan.  1878.       Henry  Warren  Fisher,  28  Weighton  Road,  Anerley,  S.E. 

8  Dec.  1877.    *Colonel  Thomas  Wm.  Fletcher,  M.A.,  F.R.S.,  F.S.A.,  Lawnes- 
trood  House,  Stourbridge. 

26  Dec.  1870.       William  Floyd,  London  Institution,  Finsbury  Circus,  E.C. 

31  Dec.  1875.     *Cecil  G.  S.  Foljambe,  M.P.,  F.S.A.,  2  Carlton  House  Terrace, 

31  Dec.  1875.     *Joseph  Foster,  21  Boundary  Road,  St.  John's  Wood,  N.W. 

29  Jan.  1879.      John  Foster,  jun.,  Lawkland,  Claphara,  Lancaster. 

28  Nov.  1870.     *Charles  H.  Fox,  M.D.,  The  Beeches,  Brislington,  Bristol. 
7Juue,1875.       Free    Public    Libraries,   Nottingham  (J.    I'.   Briscoe,  Prin- 
cipal Librarian). 

8  May.  1873.     *J.  F.  Fuller,  F.S.A.,  179  Great  Brunswick  Street,  Dublin, 

27  Apr.  1871.      Clement  S.  Best-Gardner,  Eaglesbush,  Neath,  Swansea. 

15  Sept.  1876.     *William  Garnett,  Quernmore  Park,  Lancaster. 

17  Apr    1871.     *Henry   H.  Gibbs,  St.   Dnnstan's  Villa,    Outer  Circle,  Regent's 

Park,  N.W. 
27  Mar.  1872.     *J  ames  Gibson,  Salem,  State  of  New  York,  U.S.A. 
12  May,  1878.     *Joseph  Gillow,  Dudley  House,  The  Firs,  Bowdon,  Cheshire. 
8  Sept.  1871.       C.  Golding,  Colchester. 

25  Jan.  1870.       Henry  Gough,  Sand  Croft,  Redhill. 

12  Apr.  1869.     *Granville   Leveson   Gower,  F.S.A.   (Council),  Titsey   Park, 

Limpsfield,  Surrey. 
22  Sept.  1869.     *Henry  Sydney  Gbazebrook,  Treasury  Chambers,  Whitehall, 

31  Dec.  1881.      Joseph  J.  Gbeen,  Stansted,  Montfetchet,  Bishop's  Stortford. 

16  Dec.  1870.      Benjamin  Wyatt  Greenfield,  4  Cranbury  Terrace,  South- 

31  Dec.  1870.      The  Rev,  William  Grice,  Sherborne,  Warwick. 

24  Nov.  1869.      The  Rev.  Henry  Thomas  Griffith,  B.A.,  Smallburgh  Rectory, 


26  July,  1878.     *Richard   H.   J.    GURNEY,    Esq.,    North    Repps   Hall,   Cromer, 


29  Dec.  1872.      J.  E.  A.  Gwynne,  F.S.A.,  F.R.G.S.,  97  Harley  Street,  W. 

29  Apr.  1869.      Edward  Hailstone,  F.S.A.,  Walton  Hall,  Wakefield. 
10  May,  1869.       Rev.  H.  F.  Hall,  38  Warwick  Road,  Earl's  Court,  S.W. 


10  Aug.  1874.     *Capt.  Philip  Hamond,  care  of  C.  A.  Hamond,  Twyford  Hall. 

Guist,  near  Elmham  Station,  Norfolk. 

29  Sept.  1880.     "Theodore  J.  Habe,  Crook  Hall,  Chorley. 

30  Apr.  18(59.       William  Marsh  Harvey,  Goldington  Hall,  Bedford. 

17  Apr.  1869.     *Tne  Rev.  Samuel  Hatman,  M.A.,  The  Rectory,  Douglas,  Cork. 

3  Jine,1873.     *William  C.  Heane,  The  Lawn,  Cinderford,  Gloucestershire. 
14  May,  1869.       Lady  Heathcote,  Hursley  Park,  Winchester. 

21  May,  1878.       Miss  Maria  S.  Heathcote,  7  Rockstone  Place,  Southampton. 

8  May,  1869.       Thomas  Helsbt,  Lincoln's  Inn,  W.C. 

18  May,  ls7ii.       Miss  Fu  incus  Margery  Hext,  Lostwithiel,  Cornwall. 

22  Sept.  1869.      John  Hirst,  jun.,  Dobcross,  Saddleworth. 

27  Dec.  1879.     *Historical  Society  of  Pennsylvania  (care  of  13.  P.  Stevens, 

4  Trafalgar  Square,  W.C). 
24  Apr.  1869.     *The  Ven.  Archdeacon  Holbech,  Farnborough,  Banbury. 

31  Dec.  1879.       William  J.  Hollway,  Woodrising,  Pinner,  Watford. 

2  N  iv.  1877.       Charles  G.  Hornyold,  Blackmore  Park,  Great  Malvern. 
16Juue,1872.     *Robert  Hovenden,  Heathcote,  Park  Hill  Road,  Croydon. 

27  Mar.  1869.     "Joseph    Jackson    Howard,  LL.D.,  F.S.A.    {Hon.    Treasurer), 
3  Dartmouth  How,  Blackheath,  S.E. 

4  Nov.  1870.     *Thomas  Hugijes,  F.S.A. ,  The  Groves,  Chester. 

20  Feb.  1871.       William  Hughes,  89  Alexandra  Road,  South  Hampstead,  N.W. 
20  Feb.  1879.      Hull  Subscbiption  Library,  Albion  Street,  Hull. 

11  Dec.  1871.     *Inner  Temple  Library,  The  Librarian,  E.C. 

29  Dec.  1877.     *W.  F.  Marsh  Jackson,  Smethwick,  near  Birmingham. 

23  Sept.  1872.     *William    Jackson,    F.S  A.,    Fleathain    House,    St.    Bees,    by 

Car  1 1  forth. 
22  July,  1872.     *T.  E.  Jacobson,  M.D.,  Sleaford,  Lincolnshire. 

9  Feb.  1880.     *Francis  James,  190  Cromwell  Road,  S.W. 

3  Apr.  1876.       Rev.  John  Jane,  Upton  Pyne  Rectory,  Exeter. 

1  July,  1869.     "The  Rev.  Edmund  J  ehiivn,  M.A.,  Forbescourt,  Dundee,  N.B. 

24  Feb.  1876.       The  Rev.  A.  Jessop,  D.D.,  School  House,  Norwich. 

2  Nov.  1877.     *Arthur  J.  Jewers,  F.S.A.,  Chester  Place,  Mutley,  Plymouth. 
20  Mar.  1881.      John  Joseph  Jones,  Pensax  Court,  Tenbury. 

6  Mar.  1871.       Morris  C.  Jones,  F.S.A.,  Gnngrog,  Welshpool. 

12  June,1878.       Augustus  Kelham,  67  Ashburnham  Road,  Bedford. 

7  June,  1876     *A.  J.  C.  Kennedy. 

3  June,  1873.      The  Rev.  Edward  King,  B.A.,  F.S.A.  Scot.,  Werrington  Vicar- 

age, near  Launceston. 

17  Apr.  1880.       King's  Inns  Library,  Dublin  (J.  M.  La  Barte,  Librarian). 

1  Jan.  1879.     *Mrs.  Henry  Kingsley,  Laurel  Bank,  Hillbrow,  Liss,  Hants. 

18  May,  1870.     *Arthur  John  Knapp,  Llanfoist  House,  Clifton,  Bristol. 

31  Dec.  1870.     *Thomas  C.  Sneyd  Kynnersley,   Moor  Green,  Moseky,   Bir- 

31  Dec.  1869.     *C.  T.  Lane,  3  Lombard  Court,  Lombard  street,  E.C. 
6  May,  1871.     Thilip  Langman,  17  Graceehurch  Street,  E.C. 

4  Nov.  1870.     *Thomas  Layton,  F.S.A.,  Kew  Bridge,  Middlesex. 

2  Jan.  1871.       Sir  Edmund  A.  H.  Lechmere,  Bart.,   M.P.,   13   Bolton   Row, 

Mayfair,  W. 
22  Sept.  1869.      The  Rev.  F.  G.  Lee,  D.C.L.,  F.S.A.,  All  Saints'  Vicarage,  York 

Road,  Lambeth,  S.E. 
27  Apr.  1874.     *Stanley  Leiqhton,  M.P.,  Athenseuni  Club,  107  Pall  Mall,  S.W. 

3  Apr.  1869.     *Mrs.  Littledale,  26  Crauley  Gardens,  S.W. 

2  Sept.  1872.     *Liverpool    Free    Public    Library,    William    Brown   Street, 
Liverpool  (Peter  Cowell,  Librarian). 
24  Nov.  1869.     'Ben.  Lock  wood,  Storthes  Hall,  Huddersfield. 


8  Sept.  1871.      The  Rev.  W.  J.  Loftie,  F.S.A.,  3a  Sheffield  Terrace,  Canipden 

Hill,  Kensington,  W. 

9  May,  1873.    *Library    Committee  of   the    Corporation   of    the   City 

of  London,    Guildhall   Library,  E.C.    (W.    H.  Overall, 
20  Dec.  1877.      London    Library,    12    St.    James's    Square,    S.W.    (Robert 
Harrison,  Librarian). 
2  Nov.  1877.     *William  Long,  F.S.A.,  West  Hay,  Wrington,  Somerset. 
24 Juno,  1881.     *G.    Blundell    Longstaff,    Southfleld   Grange,   Wandsworth, 
7  Apr.  1869.    *William  H.  Dyer  Longstaffe,  Gateshead. 
31  Dec.  1878.      B.  de  Bertodano  Lopez,  22  Chester  Terrace,  Regent's  Park,N.W. 

14  May,  1869.      Sir  John  Maclean,  F.S.A.  (Council),  Bicknor  Court,  Coleford, 

28  Nov.  1870.      The  Rev.  A.  R.  Maddison,  Vicars'  Court,  Lincoln. 
1  Feb.  1879.      Mrs.  Manby,  Etonleigh,  Perrhyu  Road,  East  Acton,  W. 
16  Mar.  1874.    *Manchester    Free    Library,    Manchester     (Charles     W. 

Sutton,  Librarian). 
23June,1869.      The  Duke    of    Manchester   (President),    1   Great  Stanhope 

Street,  W. 

10  Apr.  1869.      George   W.   Marshall,   LL.D.,  F.S.A.   (Council),   60   Onslow 

Gardens,  S.W. 
24  Dec.  1876.      J.  E.  Martin  (care  of  T.  Bosworth,  66  Great  Russell  Street, 
7  Aug.  1872.      Walter  C  Meller,  B.A. 
20  May,  1869.     *Walter  C  Metcalfe,  F.S.A.,  Wangford,  Suffolk. 
7  May,  1878.     *Thomas  Tindal  Methold,  7  Ashburn  Place,  Cromwell  Road, 
South  Kensington,  S.W. 

24  May,  1869.      The  Right  Hon.  Viscount  Midleton,  Eaton  Square,  S.W. 

25  Mar.  1875.      H.  V.  Milbank,  35  Avenue  Montaigne,  Paris. 

20  July,  1878.      Samuel  Milne  Milne,  Calverley  House,  near  Leeds. 

24  Aug.  1870.      The  Rev.  John  Mirehouse,  Colsterworth  Rectory,  Grantham. 

10  Sept.  1877.      Mitchell  Library  (F.  P.  Barrett,  Librarian),  Ingram  Street 

East,  Glasgow. 
23  May,  1878.     *J.  W.  Mitchell,  Audley,  Sidmouth. 
1  Apr.  1879.     *W.  J.  C.  Moens,  Tweed,  near  Lymington,  Hants. 
1  Nov.  1881.      J.  B.  M.  Lingard-Monk,  Alderley  Edge,  Cheshire. 
12  Apr.  1869.    *The    Right  Hon.  Lord  Monson  ( Vice-President),   29  Belgrave 

Square,  S.W. 
28  July,  1869.      Thomas  H.  Montgomery,    232   Walnut  Street,  Philadelphia, 

18  May,  1870.    *Colonel  Charles  Thomas  John  Moore,  F.S.A.,  Framptou  Hall, 

near  Boston. 

19  Jan.  1878.      The  Rev.  Cecil  Moore,  M.A.,  79  Cambridge  Terrace,   Hyde 

Park,  W. 
17  June,1878.       Mrs.  Moore,  Lawneswood  House,  Stourbridge. 

20  Feb.  18H0.     *John  Mullings,  Cirencester. 

31  Dec.  1869.  George  J.  Murray,  2  Westbourne  Crescent,  W. 
16  Dec.  1870.  *C.  R.  Scott-Murray,  Danesfield,  Great  Marlow. 
16  Apr.  1875.     *W.  Martial  Myddelton,12  Albion  Grove,  Stoke Newington.N. 

14  Sept.  1872.      Naval  and  Military  Club,  94  Piccadilly,  W. 
24  Jan.  1878.      Charles  Neve,  Benenden,  Staplehurst,  Kent. 

7  Sept.  1878.  *New  England  Historic  Genealogical  Society,  18  Somerset 
Street,  Boston,  U.S.A.  (J.  Ward  Dean,  Librarian)  (care  of 
E.  G.  Allen,  12  Tavistock  Row,  Covent  Garden,  W.C.). 

15  Feb.  1879.      New  York  State  Library,  Albany,  U.S.A.  (care  of  Stevens 

and  Haynes,  Bell  Yard,  Temple  Bar.) 


23  Feb.  1870.     *  James  Newman  (care  of  B.  Quaritch,  15  Piccadilly,  W.) 
18  May,  1870.     *Miss  Newman  (rare  of  B.  Quaritch,  15  Piccadilly,  W.) 

18  May,  1870.     *Miss  Charlotte  Newman  (care  of  B.  Quaritch,  15  Piccadilly,  W.) 

24  May,  1869.     *Major  W.  Newsome,  E.E.,  Newcastle-on-Tyne. 

30  Juue,1873.       Fbedebick  I.  Nicholl,  F.S.A.,  120  Harley  Street,  W. 

8  Sept.  1871.  J.  W.  Steadlinq  Nicholl-Caene,  D.C.L.,  St.  Donat's  Castle, 

Bridgend,  Glamorganshire. 

11  Aug.  1876.  G.  W.  Nicholl,  The  Ham,  Cowbridge,  Glamorganshire. 

20  May,  1881.  J.  Gamson  Nicholson,  18  Acomb  Street,  Manchester. 

3  Apr.  1874.  The  Rev.  C.  B.  Noecliffe,  Langton  Hall,  Malton,  Yorkshire. 
28  May,  1879.  J.  N.  Ptke  Nott,  Bydown,  Svvymbridge,  Barnstaple. 

31  Dec.  1875.  Nottingham    Subscription    Libraey,    Nottingham  (W.  P. 

Phillimoee,  Hon.  Secretary). 

19  June,  1874.       The  Rev.  T.  E.  O'Fflaheetie,  Capel  Vicarage,  Dorking. 

20  Feb.  1880.      John  O'Haet,  Eingsend,  Dublin. 
28  Feb.  1877.     *Heney  Leigh  Ormsbt. 

28  July,  1869.       Evan  Ortneb,  3  St.  James's  Street,  S.W. 

6  May,  1871.      Sir  Charles  J.  Palmer,  Bart.,  Dorney  Court,  Windsor. 
28  July,  1869.       The  Eev.  Fielding  Palmee,  Eastcliffe,  Chepstow. 

4  Nov.  1870.      The    Eev.   John    Papillon,    M.A.,   F.S.A.,   Lexden    Eectory, 


14  Feb.  1880.      Captain  John  W.  E.  Parker,  19th  Foot,  The  Barracks,  Belfast, 

24  Feb.  1874.      Mansfield  Parkyns,  Woodborough  Hall,  Notts. 

7  Sept.  1877.     *Thomas  W.  Paee,  The  Grove,  Cossington,  Leicester. 
20  J  uly,  1875.       Hon.  Levi  Paesons,  115  East  28th  Street,  New  York. 

7  Apr.  1869.      Daniel  Paesons,  M.A.,  Stuart's  Lodge,  Malvern  Wells. 

28  July,  1869.  D.  Williams  Paterson,  Newark  Valley,  New  York,  U.S.A. 

31  Dec.  1875.  W.  Victor  Paulet,  Sunningdale,  Bournemouth. 

28  July,  1869.  Edward  Peacock,  F.S.A.,  Bottesford  Manor,  Brigg,  Lincolnshire. 

28  July,  1869.  The  Eev.  A.  J.  Pearman,  Merstham,  Surrey. 

1  May,  1871.      Ira  B.  Peck,  Woonsocket,  Ehode  Island,  U.S.A. 

18  Feb.  1871.     *Henry  Peckitt,  Carlton  Husthwaite,  Thirsk,  Yorkshire. 

29  Dec.  1872.      Eichard  Lawrence  Pembeeton,  Hawthorne  Tower.  Seaham 

Harbour,  co.  Durham. 
22  July,  1875.      Hugh  Penfold,  Eustington,  Worthing. 

2  Nov.  1877.      Edward  Petee,  Whitley  Abbey,  Coventry. 

30  May,  1881.      William  P.  W.  Phillimoee,  M.A.,  6  Quality  Court,  Chancery 

20  May,  1881.     *Mrs.  Pierce,  Sherbourue  House,  Leamington. 

15  Feb.  1873.     *W.  Duncombe  Pink,  5  King  Street,  Leigh,  Lancashire. 
18  Apr.  1878.      Eev.  Alfred  Stephenson  Poetee,  M.A.,  Eedditch. 

31  Dec.  1875.       The  Eev.  F.  J.  Poynton,  Kelstou  Eectory,  Bath. 

18  Dec.  1878.      John  Edwaed  Peice,  F.S.A.,  F.E.S.L.,  60  Albion  Eoad,  Stoke 
Newington,  N. 

8  Dec.  1877.     *Lieut.-Col.  W.  F.  Pbideaux,  2  Sidlaw  Terrace,  Bognor. 

29  July,  1875.    *Beenaed  Quaeitch,  15  Piccadilly,  W 

11  May,  1869.  *The  Eev.  Canon  Eaine,  York. 

6  Dec.  1870.  J.  E.  Eaines,  Burton  Pidsea,  Burstwick,  near  Hull. 

11  Dec.  1874.  Evelyn  W.  Eashleigh,  Menabill}',  Cornwall. 

29  Oct.  1875.  Jonathan  Eashleigh,  Kilmarth,  Par  Station,  Cornwall. 

28  Jan.  1881.  *Miss  Eawlins,  Durley  Dean,  Bournemouth. 

27  May,  1880.  *James  Heney  Eea,  Wheatsheaf  Hill,  London  Eoad,  Worcester. 

28  Sept.  1872.  General  Meredith  Read,  Consul-General  of  the  United  States. 


10  Mar.  1874.      The  Rev.  O.   J.  Reichel,  Spar sholt  Vioarage,  ('hallow  Station, 

Great  Western  Railway,  Berks. 

29  Apr.  1871.    *Samuel  Rigby,  Bruohe  Hull,  near  Warrington. 

2  Nov.  1874.    "Colonel  Alexander  Ridgway,   2   Waterloo   Place,  Pall  Mall, 


30  Mar.  1869.    *The  Rev.  C.  J.  Robinson,  M.A.  (Auditor),  West  Hackney  Rectory, 

Stoke  Newington,  N. 

11  Sept.  1880.    *Beooke  Robinson,  Barford  House,  Warwick. 
14  Apr.  1880.      Rochdale  Free  Public  Library,  Rochdale. 

24  Feb.  1876.       The  Rev.   T.   Owen   Rocke,   Clungunford   Rectory,  Aston-on- 

27  May,  1869.    *The  Rev.  Edward  Rogers,  M.A.,  Odcombe  Rectory,  Ilminster. 

31  Dec.  1875.     *John  R.  Rollins,  M.A.,  Lawrence,  Massachusetts,  U.S.A. 

12  Sept.  1877.      W.  O.  Roi'EK,  Southfield,  Lancaster. 

3  Dec.  1873.      J.  Brooking  Rowe,  Mulgrave  Street,  Plymouth. 

29  Jan.  1878.      Royal  Historical  Society,  22  Albemarle  Street,  W. 
20  Jan.  1871.       Royal  Irish  Academy,  19  Dawson  Street,  Dublin. 

28  May,  1869.      Royal  Library,  Windsor  Castle,  Windsor. 

28  July,  1869.       The   Rev.   David   Royce,    Netherswell  Vicarage,    Stow-on-the- 

18  May,  1870.     *James  Rusby,  F.R.  Hist.  Soc,  18  Oppidans  Road,  Regent's  Park, 

12  Dec,  1874.      Edward  Russell,  Boston,  U.S.A. 
20  Jan.  1871.      J.  Paul  Rylands,  F.S.A.  (Council),  Highfields,  Thelwall,  near 

31  Dec.  1881.    "Thomas  Glazebeook   Rylands,  F.S.A.,  Highfields,   Thelwall, 

near  Warrington. 

27  July,  1879.     *W.  de  Rythre,  Riverstown  House,  Monasterevan,  Ireland. 

24  June,  1878.      S.  Sutherland  Safford,  Parkshot,  Richmond,  Surrey. 

3 June,  1873.     *General  Sir  John  St.  George,  K.C.B.,  22  Cornwall  Gardens, 
Queen's  Gate,  S.W. 
18  Aug.  1873.      John  Edmund  Sandbach,  Mayfield,  Withiugton,  Manchester. 
12  July,  1881.      The  Hon.  Mrs.  Leopold  Scarlett,  Parkhurst,  Dorking. 

7  Mav,  1878.      J.  R.  Scott,  Knowle,  The  Drive,  Walthamstow,  Essex. 

8  Dec.  1877.      G.  D.  Scull,  Rugby  Lodge,  12  Norham  Road,  Oxford. 

26  Apr.  1869.      Evelyn  Philip  Shirley,  F.S.A.    (Vice-President),    Ettington 

Park,  Stratford-on-Avon. 

29  Jan.  1878.    *Sion  College  Library  (Rev.  W.  R.  Milman,  Librarian),  Lon- 

don Wall,  E.C. 
12  Jan.  1871.    *Robert  Hardisty  Skaife,  5  Blenheim  Place,  Holgate  Road, 

28  July,  1869.      The  Rev.  E.  H.  Mainwaring  Sladen,  M.A.,  F.R.G.S.,  The 

Gore,  Bournemouth. 

18  Feb.  1873.  *Coningsby  C.  Sibthorp,  Canwick  Hall,  Lincoln. 

1  Jan.  1875.  *Justin  Simpson,  277  Strand,  W.C. 

11  May,  1869.  J.  S.  Smallfield,  269  Stanhope  Street,  N.  W. 

5  June,  1874.  Hubert  Smith,  Belmont  House,  Bridgenorth. 

10  Nov.  1873.  *J.  C.  C  Smith,  H.M.  Probate  Court,  Somerset  House,  W.C. 

20  Oct.  1875.  *Stedman  S.  Smith,  Burcote,  Bridgenorth. 

20  Feb.  1879.  *H.  Stinton  Smith. 

25  Jan.  1871.  The  Rev.  Walter  Sneyd,  55  Portland  Place,  W. 

22  Mar.  1871.  *Society  of  Antiquaries  of  London,  Burlington  House,  W. 

7  June,1872.  *Somersetshire  Archaeological  Society,  Museum,  Taunton. 

20  Jan.  1877.  *Edward  Solly,  34  King  Street,  Cheapside,  E.C. 

27  Jan.  1879.  *Rev.  J.  H.  Stanning,  Leigh  Vicarage,  Leigh,  Lancashire. 
24  Dec.  1881.  *John  Stansfeld,  Harehills  View,  New  Leeds. 

31  Dec.  1875.     *The  Rev.  Hugh  A.  Stowell,  Breadsall  Rectory,  Derby. 
22  Sept.  1869.    *John  Sykes,  M.D.,  F.S.A.,  Doncaster. 


28  Deo.  1871.  *The  Rev.  James  Tatloe,  Whioham  Rectory,  Sylecroft,  Cum- 

28  July,  1869.  Miss  Caeoline  C.  Thatee,  80  Clifford  Street,  Boston  High- 
lands, Boston,  U.S.A. 

27  Mar.  1872.      Samuel  Vospee  Thomas,  Newborough,  Wimborne,  Dorset. 

3  Apr.  1876.    *Mrs.  G.  Blundell-Thompson,  The  Grove,  Allerton,  Liverpool. 

15  June,1878.     *C.  H.  Tindall,  Piatt  Hall,  Rusholme,  Manchester. 

28  Dec.  1870.      Robert  F.  Tomes,  Weston,  Stratford-on-Avon. 

24  Nov.  1869.       George  D.  Tomlinson,  Ramsden  Street,  Huddersfield. 
28  Dec.  1876.      John  Tremayne,  Heligan,  St.  Austell,  Cornwall. 

16  Mar.  1871.     *Joseph  Herbert  Tritton,  36  Queen's  Gate  Gardens,  S.W. 

8  Mar.  1881.      H.  J.  Trotter,  2  Harcourt  Buildings,  Temple. 

1  Feb.  1876.     *Stephen  Tucker,  Somerset   Herald,   College  of  Arms,  Queen 

Victoria  Street,  E.G. 
19  Jan.  1881.      Wm.  Murray  Tuke,  Saffron  Walden. 

4  Nov.  1870.    *The  Rev.  Samuel  Blois  Turner,  F.S.A.,  All  Saints'  Rectory, 

Halesworth,  Suffolk. 
15  Sept.  1876.     *A.  S.  Turner,  174  Amherst  Road,  Lower  Clapton,  E. 
28  July,  1861).     *J.  R.  Daniel-Tyssen,  F.S.A.  (Council),  9  Lower  Rock  Gardens, 


9  Jan.  1875.       Henry  F.  J.  Vaughan,  30  Edwardes  Square,  Kensington,  W. 
10  June,1869.     *Sir  Henry  M.  Vavasour,  Bart., F.S.A.  (Vice-President),  8  Upper 

Grosvenor  Street,  W 

2  May,  1871.       Benj.  Llewely'N  Vawdrey,  Tushiugham  Hall,  Whitechurch, 


3  Dec.  1874.       Lieut.-Colonel  P.  D.  Vigors,  Malcolmville,  Bagenalstown,  Ireland. 

18  Dec.  1874.  *Henry  Wagner,  F.S.A.  (Auditor),  13  Half  Moon  Street,  Picca- 
dilly, W. 

18  May,  1870.  *Edward  Waltham,  Watcomb  House,  St.  Anne's  Place, 
Streatham  Hill,  S.W. 

24  Apr.  1869.     *R.    E.    Egerton-Warbuston    (Vice-President),   Arley   Hall, 
2  Jan.  1871.      The  Earl  of  Warwick,  1  Stable  Yard,  St.  James's,  S.W. 

28  Feb.  1877.      Washington  Library  of  Congress,  U.S.A.  (care  of  E.G.  Allen, 
12  Tavist uck  Row,  Covent  Garden). 
2  Sept.  1872.      W  Atkinson   Library,   Hartford,  Connecticut,  U.S.A.  (care  of 
E.  G.  Allen). 

22  June,  1870.       Frank  G.  Watney,  Landmore,  Aghadowey,  co.  Derry. 

4  Nov.  1870.     *John   Watney,  F.S.A.,  F.R.G.S.,  Mercers'   Hall,   Ironmonger 

Lane,  Cheapside,  E.C. 

27  Jan.  1879.       Capt.   Chas.   M.   Watson,  R.E.,  41   Victoria  Road,   Kensing- 

ton, W. 

1  Mar.  1871.       Archibald  Weir,  M.D.,  St.  Mungho's,  Great  Malvern. 

18  May,  1870.      W.  H.  Weldon,  College  of  Arms,  Queen  Victoria  Street,  B.C. 
22  Sept.  1869.       Lieut.-Colonel  Gould'  Huntee-Weston,   F.S.A.,   Huuterston, 
West  Kilbride,  Ayrshire. 

2  Oct.  1874.       Charles  A.  White,  New  Haven,  Connecticut,  U.S.A. 

1  July,  1876.    *Captain  Edward  Arthur  White,  F.S.A.,  Old  Elvet,  Durham. 
1 7  Nov.  1876.     *George  White,  Ashley  House,  Epsom. 

28  July,  1869.      William   H.   Whitmore,   Boston,   U.S.A.     (Hon.   Local    Sec. 

for  U.S.A.). 
1  May,  1872.      The  Rev.  Thomas  Whorwood,  D.D.,  Willoughby,  near  Rugby. 
12  June,  1878.      J.  J.  Garth  Wilkinson,  M.D.,  F.R.G.S.,  76  Wuiipole  Street,  W. 
7June,1877.      William  Martin  Wilkinson,  The  Lawn,  Ealing,  W. 
22  Dec.  1870.      The  Rev.  Augustin  Williams,  Icomb  Rectory,  Stow-on-the- 


Charles  Williams,  Moseley  Lodge,  Birmingham. 

Edward  Windeatt,  Totnes,  Devon. 
*The  Hon.  Robert  C.  Winthrop,  90  Marlborough  Street,  Boston, 

♦Benjamin  Winstone,  53  Russell  Square,  W.C 

It.  11.  Wood,  K.S.A.,  l'enrlios  House,  Rugby. 

Charles  H.  L.  Woodd,  F.G.S.,  34  New  Bond  Street,  W. 
*Sir  Albert  W.  Woods,  F.S.A.,  Garter  King  of  Arms,  College 
of  Arms,  Queen  Victoria  Street,  E.C 

John  Woodgate,  Little  Bentley  Hall,  Colchester. 
*Ashbel  Woodward,  M.D.,  Franklin,  Connecticut,  U.S.A. 

Royal  Woodward,  Albany,  New  York,  U.S.A 

Dr.  A.  E.  Woolrych,  43  King's  Road,  Chelsea,  S.W. 

7  Oct.  1879.    *TaLE  College,  U.S.A.  (care  of  E.  G.  Allen,  12  Tavistock  Row, 
Coveut  Garden). 

24  Apr. 
31  Dec. 
13  Apr. 


31  Apr. 
24  Nov. 
18  Maj 
18  M  IJ 


,  1876 
,  L870. 

31  Dee. 
in  War. 
2G  Mar. 
20  Aug. 



C!)e   piarletan   i^Gcutp* 



Vol.  I. — 5Tf)C  ©illation  of  iLonoan,  in  1568,  bn  Caaltr.    Edited  by  J.  J.  Howard,  Esq., 

LL.D.,  F.S.A.,  and  G.  J.  Armytage,  Esq.^  F.S.A.  [Out  of  print. 

Vol.  II.— 5Tl)f  ©imitation  of  lUttrmtrrmftirr,  in  1619,  bii  ILrnnarlr  anil  ©incrnt.    Edited 

by  John  Fetherston,  Jun.,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  [Out  of  print. 

Vol.  III.— H%e  ©imitation  of  MutlanU.  in  1618,  bii  Camttrn.    Edited  by  George  J. 

Armytage,  Esq.,  F.S.A.  [Out  of  print. 

Vol.  IV.— 5Eijr  ©imitations  of  fintttntrljam,  1614.    Edited  by  Geo.  W.  Marshall, 

Esq.,  LL.D.,  F.S.A.  [  Out  of  print. 

Vol.  V.— C!)C  ©imitations  of  ©yfortt,  1574  anB  1634.    Edited  by  "W.  H.  Turner,  Esq. 

[Out  of  print. 

Vol.  VI— CJje  Visitation  of  JBrbnn  ill  1620.  Edited  by  the  Rev.  F.  T.  Colby,  D.D., 
F.S.A.  [Out  of  print. 

Vol.  VII.— 5TIjr  ©imitation  of  (ffumurrlantt  in  1615.  Edited  by  John  Fetherston, 
Esq.,  F.S.A.  [  Out  of  print. 

Vol.  VIII— ilr  $cbr'S  (latalogttr  of  KnfjrI)tJS.  Edited  by  George  W.  Marshall,  Esq., 
LL.D.,  F.S.A.  £1:1:0. 

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LL.D.  £1:1:0. 

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Vol.  XII.— SEijr  ©imitation  of  EXaartotrftmijirr.    Edited  by  John  Fetherston,  Esq., 

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Vol.  XIII.— CTfjr   ©imitationm   of  «Emmrv   in   1552,   1558,  1612,   and   1634.     Part  I. 

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Vol.  XV.— C1)C  ©imitation  of  Uonootl,  1633-4.     Vol.  I.    Edited  by  J.  J.  Howard, 

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Vol.  XVII.— €\)t  ©imitation  of  ftonaon,  1633-4.    Vol.  II.    Edited  by  J.  J.  Howard, 

LL.D.,  F.S.A.,  and  Colonel  Chester,  D.C.L.,  LL.D.  [In  the  Press. 

Vol.  XVIII.— CIjc  ©imitation  of  Clirsliirc  in  1580.    Edited  by  J.  Paul  Rylands, 

Esq.,  F.S.A.  [In  the  Press. 

Cfir  ©imitationm  of  33roforoml)irr.    To  be  Edited  by  F.  A.  Blatdes,  Esq. 
!Umt  of  Unicjhtm  toitf)  tijcir  9rmm,  from  $rnri>  WM.  to  games  I.     To  be  Edited 

by  Sir  John  Maclean,  F.S.A. 
Cljr  llrrrimtrrm  of  jBurljatu  Catfjr&ral.     To  be  Edited  by  Captain  White,  F.S.A. 
SHjr  limitation  of  (Sloiicrmtrrs'ljiir  in  1623.      To  be  Edited  by  Sir  John  Maclean, 


Entrance  Fee:  Half-a-Guinea.     Annual  Subscription:  One  Guinea. 

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F.S.A.  £0  :  10  :  6. 


Edited  by  Robert  Hovenden,  Esq.  £0  :  10  :  6. 

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LONDON.    Edited  by  Colonel  Joseph  Lemuel  Chester,  D.C.L.,  LL.D. 


LONDON.    Edited  by  Colonel  Joseph  Lemuel  Chester,  D.C.L.,  LL.D. 

£1:1:  0. 

HILL, LONDON.  Edited  by  Colonel  Joseph  Lemuel  Chester,  D.C.L., 
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FEB  13  1945