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'•'•  -..a'-"';    • 

.      CONN. 




•":.•                        "^ 

^"                      * 

COMPILED    BY    W.    C. 


"EKrORD"    rKfV'i'.    SF,Y3I0rU, 





This  volume  is  in  part  the  result  of  a  necessity  for  a  complete  and 
convenient  index  of  the  town  records  of  births,  marriages  and  deaths,  a 
necessity  which  became  apparent  whenever  there  was  occasion  to  look 
up  a  family  record  either  for  legal  or  genealoiiical  purposes.  The  former 
volume,  (The  History  of  Seymour,)  contained  the  genealogies  of  such 
families,  bearing  names  which  had  long  been  represented  among  the 
freeholders  of  the  territory  represented,  as  were  then  available  in  the 
time  at  the  disposal  of  the  compiler.  That  work  is  now  so  ofTectually 
supplemented  in  these  pages  as  to  render  the  extension  of  those  gene- 
alogies an  easy  matter,  besides  giving  the  records  of  hundreds  of  families 
not  mentioned  there. 

These  pages  have  been  compiled  entirely  from  original  records, 
commencing  with  the  authorized  records  of  the  town,  including  so  much 
as  could  be  found  in  the  parish  records,  the  inscriptions  in  the  cemeteries 
before  the  incorporation  of  the  town,  and  such  other  sources  as  were 
found  reliable. 

More  than  one  thousand  family  names  are  given,  and  over  five 
thousand  individual  names  are  indexed,  with  more  than  ten  thousand 

It  is  hardly  possible  that  the  transcription  of  so  many  names,  dates 
and  ages  has  been  done  entirely  without  error,  but  it  is  confidently  be- 
lieved that  the  errors  are  few  and  that  tiie  copy  is  in  many  respects 
more  nearly  perfect  than  some  of  the  originals.  In  explanation  of  this 
statement  it  should  be  said  that  the  records  bear  evidence  in  some 
places  of  having  been  copied  from  tin-  original  certificates  by  some  one 
unfamiliar  with  the  names,  many  of 'tht-m  l)eing  so  misspelled  a^  tu  l)e 
unrecognizable,  and  in  copying  for  these  pages  the  eiTors  have  i»een 
corrected  as  far  as  practicable.  For  instance,  a  name  plainly  written  as 
McCaviry  is  found  to  represent  Mc(Jarthy,  Kuclid  for  iJuchele,  Mon- 
whiler  for  Manweiler,  Arriah  for  Amelia,  Doiiopt^r  for  Donahue,  Mul- 
lerday  for  .Mukcady,  Evangeline  and  Ltdla  for  Charlotte,  M.  .1.  for 
Ida  J.,  »lve  But  no  sucli  correction  was  maiie  without  a  certainty  us 
to  the  ric{ht. 

In  the  lists  of  births  tlie  wonls  niarkeil  '^  are  supplied  by  tlie 
compiler  from  family  and  other  records. 

In  the  list  of  deaths,  from  the  town  records,  the  place  of  birth  and 
residence  at  time  of  deatli  is  given  when  otlier  than  Seymour,  and  also 
the  occupation,  when  stated  in  the  orii^inal  entry.  Previous  to  lS(i!)  the 
relationship  of  deceased  i»ersons  was  not  recorded  by  the  registrar. 

In  reprinting  the  records  the  spelling  has  usually  been  followed, 
with  exceptions  aforesaid,  but  in  indexing  ditt'erent  names  known  to 
refer  to  the  same  person  or  family  are  indexed  as  one — for  instance  : 
Fanny,  Fannie  and  l-^-ances  :  and  the  names  Kinney,  Ivinny  and  Ken- 
ney  are  copied  as  found  on  a  row  of  tombstones,  but  are  indexed  alike. 

]Many  inquiries  were  sent  out,  and  the  responses  received,  and  the 
family  records  copied  furnished  data  for  the  insertion  of  many  of  the 
names  that  were  lacking. 

Some  names  will  be  missed  which  may  at  first  thought  be  expected 
to  be  found  in  the  following  paces,  but  ir  should  be  remembered  that 
they  are  a  record  only  of  what  has  occurred  liere,  that  parties  married  in 
other  towns  will  find  their  marriages  recurded  only  in  the  town  where 
the  ceremony  was  performed.  Births  and  deaths  have  not  always  been 
recorded  by  the  parties  cognizant  of  the  facts,  and  in  one  case  the  sud- 
den death  of  a  physician  prevented  rcrurns  which  would  otherwise 
doubtless  have  been  made.  With  these  brief  explanations  the  work  is 
respectfully  submitted  to  a  discriminating  i)ublic. 

">   Seymour,  February  loth,  188;>. 



(lau.  of  ITarvcy  Downs,                        .     .  jMav    2. 

Henry  E.,  son  of  i:])liraiin  ami  Esther  Smitli,  March    ."i. 

Frances,  ihiu.  of  \\'in.  Smith,  •   Feb,    5, 

(lau.  of  ]\rartin  ami  Canilitio  T?assett,  Jan.    4. 

dau.  of  ]\ronroc  and  Marv  Scrantnn,  April  IN). 

(Ian.  of  Kos\V(?l  ami  Lydia  lliiniasron,  March  1?:.'. 

George  W.,  sou  of  GcorueW.  and  :\lartlia  Divine,  Sept.    (;. 

son  of  John  and  Jcunctte  Davis,  An::;. 

Gilhert  J.,  son  of  Isaac  N.  and  Cornelia  White,  J)cc.  l(j. 

dau.  of  Jnsejdj  and  Mary  Jjurrv,  Auij. 

John  II,  son  of  Daniel  C.  and  lOHzahctiiM.  l*utuaiu,  Dw.  10. 

liernard,  son  of  Tiiouias  and  Hannah  Cunnty,  Nov.  til. 

Anna  L,,  dan.  of  t>amnel  (3d)  and  Mary  IJassett,  Auir.  L'.j. 

Maria,  dau.  of  Ashliel  F>.  and  Harriet  ^tt»rrs,  Aiiu-.    ."{. 

Jesse,  sou  of  Henry  K.  and  Ellen  J.  IJlanvctte.  Auir.  2'!. 

liosanna,  dau.  of  l^ifas  and  :\Iartha  Keuitf.  Mov.    11. 

dau.  of  Patrick  and  Sarali  l.'iley,  Dec.  iL'. 

dau.  of  \yui.  and  l']sther  Hulhn.olc,  Dec.    S. 

dau.  of  XicJKdas  and  Xancy  Devonshire,  (  cul.)  Oct.     L'. 

dau.  of  Elislia  L.  and  Catherine  P>]acknian.  Jan.  21. 

dau.  of  Henry  and  France  Tumhnsun,  Mav    S. 

son  of  Charles  and  Augusta  (lunn,  April     !». 

child  of  ^Mieliael  and  Ann  (^)iiinhuid.  (still  bom)  April  21. 

dau.  of  James  Qiiiidand,  April  2S. 

dau,  of  Earle  A.  White, 

sou  of  Thomas  and  Ophelia  J.  Bristol,  Mav  ?.{). 
Laura  Virginia,  dau.  of  George  J3.  and  Xannette  H.CIeudiuing,  -lufv  14. 

son  of  Ezra  l^allard,  '     l'\ -h.  •_'(>. 

Harriet,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Emily  L.  Daniels,  March    2. 

Jonas  F.,  sou  of  Jonas  and  liridget  Wolfe,  June  2vS, 

son  of  George  W,  and  -Mary  Johnson,  Xov.  i:>. 

Su.san  C,  dau.  of  Aaron  and  Lncind'a  IJiickley,  .May  1  I. 

son  of  Anson  H.  and  Marguerite  A.' Weston,  (col.)    June     1. 

Ellen,  dau.  of  John  and  Marguerite  St.  Clair.  July  12. 

son  of  Hiram  Peavy,  July 

Emma  C,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Jane  E.  P,assett,  Feb.    ,3. 

son  of  Charles  H.  and  ICli/caheth  M.  P.ahcock,  July  2G. 

dau.  of  Lemuel  and  l'>meline,  .July     1. 

'     dau.  of  Adam  and  ^lary  Newhine,  Jnly    5. 

sou  of  George  W.  and  i:iiza  Smith,  June  11. 

son  of  Stephen    Manslield,  (still  horn;  Julv     0. 

J)avld,  son  of  Philo  Holhrook,  Feb.  17. 

Xameles,  son  of  \Villis   Lnckinghanj,  March  L".». 

Kittv,  dan.  (dMeremiah  Andrews,  Jan.  l~f. 

sou  of  Am-.s  Passett.  June    1. 

Isabel  L.  G.,  dau.  of  Chailes  L.  a;id  Vi(dl<-tte  Osborn,  .^lardi     :'.. 

Augusta  Ann,  dau.  of  Julius  and  Augiisl.i  Ann  P.assett,  M,n<h  lit. 

son  of(;eorge  W.  P;ii(l\\inol'  Lilchhrld,  and  f^lizaheth 

i;^«i'b',  jui\    ;j. 

BIRTHS   IX   SEYMOT'^n.  (> 

l>e   I-^.tt;i  A.,  (l;in.  ofCTcn.  IT.  :m<l  .Tciiiicttc   A.   Mcnirk.  Jniu'    "J. 

dau.  of  I'Mwanl  and  IMaiv  1'.  (iancsl'V.  March  l.'I. 
son  of  Jauios  and  -Maria  IJoilurtlia.                          •       Sept.    S, 

Tlirodore  Suiitli,  son  of  Smitli  and  I'li/a  Ann  'rcircll,  Oct.    1. 

(U'ori:t;  II.,  Hon  of  (icorge  and  Catlioiinc  Wvaut,  Oct.  10. 

(Iiri.stian,  dan.  of  Harry  K.  iiiid  Ellen  J.  liianvtdt,  Oct.  2."i. 

i;<'rnard,  son  of  Janus  and  Ann  Plunkett,  Oct.  31. 

Xadiun,  son  of  I'liilo  and  Harriet  Davis,  Nov.  10. 

(Icortre  C,  son  of  ICdward  and  Mary  E.  Ganishy,  Nov.  13. 

.lolin,  son  of  , [(dill  and  Catlierine  IJoylc,  Noy.  IG. 

(Jallicrine,  dan.  <d'  Leonard  and  Elizalieth  Wyunt,  Nov.  17. 

Ainiira,  dan,  of  Harjiin  and  Mar/  Davis,  Nov.  11>, 

Cluirles,  son  of  \\'illiaui  and  .Mary  J(dinson,  Nov.  21. 

A,  •""''  '  >  tluns.  of  Adam  and  Marv  Xe\\liine,  .  Nov.  23. 
.Alarm,    )                                              .                   ■>                . 

Andrew,  son  of  Anson  and  ^Marirarot  Western,  (col.)  Dec.  17. 

William,  son  of  Beeclier  and  Elizabeth  C'hattitdd,  Dec.  21. 

William,  son  of  Daniel  and  Mary  Brockuay,  Jan.  5, 
Cailierine,  dan.  of  Xi(dioIas  ami  Ann   I'.rockuay,                 .         Jan.  13. 

James,  son  of  Da\id  and  Mary  ("tmdnu.  Jan.  22. 

son  of  AVilliam  Lvntdi,  Jan.  2.j. 

I-:sfella  M.,  dan.  of  liichard"  N.  an.l  Diana  P..  Penful.l,  Feh.     3. 

Ida,  dan.  of  Thomas  and  Minerva  James,  Feb.    S. 

John,  son  of  John  and  Catherin'^  McCarty,  Feb.  24. 

Jeremiah,  Son  of  Patrick  ami  3Iary  Lyons,  Feb.     8. 

dan.  of  (.'lark  and  Caroline  Leavenworfh,  April  17. 

Patrii'k,  son  of  James  and  Driduet  O'Brien,  April  IS. 

Arthnr  W.,  son  of  Lewis  L.  and  Saiah  Sjjerry,  April  215. 

dan.  of  Thomas  G.  and  Mary  iJristoi,  April  27. 

Harriet  A.,  dan.  of  Clement  A.  and  Eli/a  A.  Sergeant,  May    5. 

Jennie,  dan.  of  Nicholas  and  Catherine  Cas.s,  May    (5, 

dan.  of  Henry  ami  ^lartha  Carpenter,  May  11. 

Mary,  dan.  of  Patrick  and  .Mary  Mar.  May  12. 

Ellen,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Jane  Bassett,  May  13. 

.lane  Lee,  dan.  of  John  W.  and  Eliza  A.  Storrs,  May  15. 

Hatty  L.,  daii.of  Noyes  and  Lavinia  Slorrs,  May  2a. 

George,  son  Jacob  and  .Vntoinette  Worth,  June  11. 

John,  Son  of  William  and  Bridiret  Crop,  June  14. 

son  of  Henry  and  Hairiett  i^(Minsbury,  June  V.K 

Juhii,  son  of  John  P>.  and  .Marv  ]•].  Ormsby,  June  23. 

l;..derick  E.,  son  of  William  and  Delilah  \Vheeler,  June  2:>. 

son  of  \\'iHi;,m  and  P.etsey  Blake,  July    3. 

.Mary,  dan.  of  Danicd  ami  .Mary  .McCarty,  July  1"*. 

Eilward  N.,  son  of  .lohn  .M.  and  .\ntoinett  Stephens,  July  IS. 

Harriet,  dan.  of  ILirace  and  Mary  Ann   IloUirook,  July  20, 

.Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  Jonas  and  I'.riiiget  Wolf,  Aug.  17. 

Thomas,  son  of  Thomas  and  .Mary  Hurley,  Aug.  20, 



(lau.  of  George  n.  and  Nancy  E.  Fuller,         .  Aug.  20. 

John,  son  of  Mieliael  ami  Catherine  rurcell,  Sept.    4.. 

Oliver,  son  of  Oliver  anil -Mary  Turgeon.  Sept.    4. 

dan.  of  James  W.  and  Jtilia  Ann  Davis,  Sept.    (j. 

Charles,  son  of  llenrv  and  I'etsov  Itieliardson,  Sept.  1.). 

dan.  of  Jfobert  ami  Dridget  Bhu'knian,  Sept.  20. 

(.'atherine,  dan.  of  Josei)li  and  Catherine  Kerkler,  .Oct.    3. 

Thomas,  son  of  Owen  and  ]Maru\uvtt  Conroy,  Oct.    3. 

liridget,  dan.  of  John  and  Klk''n  O'Brien,  Oct.    0. 

Margarett,  dan.  of  Thomas  and  Hannah  Conroy,  Oct.  24. 

Ilatfie  A.,«  dan.  of  II.  Treat  and  Harriet  Booth,  Oct.  24. 

son  of  William  Smith,  Oct.  28. 

Cornelius,  son  of  Corneliii<s  and  Ellen  1).  Danovan,  Nov.  1. 

dan.  of  John  Batrt-rty.  Nov.  13. 

sou  of  William  Williams,  Nov.  14. 

dau.  of Hendricks,  "       Nov.  Hi. 

•    -     •'         tlau.  of  William  Ilolbrook,  Nov.  20. 

;        ".      sou  of Hodge,  Nov.  20. 

son  of  William  Nary,  •  ^  Dec    1- 

•!'\^''''   }  dan.  and  son  of  Stephen  L.  and  Julia  Ford,  Dec.  24. 
John,    S                                  * 

son  of  Orrin  and  Altha  Talmage,  Dec.  13. 

(ieorcre,  son  of  Georire  and  Harriet  I*.  Walter,  Dec.  14. 

Saraii  E.,  dan.  of  Al'iel  G.  and  Harriet  Beers,  Dec  15. 

Margarett,  dau.  of  Henry  and  Bridget  Spounhammer,  Dec.  20. 

-    '       '   dau.  of  Alexander  and  Elizabeth  McConville,  Jan.  14. 

son  of  George  Douglass,  J-'^"-  1^^- 

Harris  B.,  son  of  Harris  B.  and  I^Iana  L.  Mouson,  Feb.    0. 

•       dau.  of  Mark  Northrop,  Feb.    1). 

of  William  and  Marv  Ann  Buchannan,  Feb.  13. 

-    Theresa,  dau.  of  J.  L.  Willard,      "  March    8. 

■^                  son  of  Lorenzo  and  Caroline  E.  Truesd(dl,  March  20. 

Leray,  son  of  Henry  and^Iaria  Louisa  Davis,  April  12. 

Frances,  dan.  of  David  and  Emily  Sweaden,  Ajiril    8. 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Amos  and  Keziah  Bassett,  April  13. 

Benjamin  Jauie.j,  son  of  Wm.  and  IClizabeth  Thayer,  Ajtril  20. 

son  of  Adam  and  Mary  Xcwhine,  April  22. 

son  of  William  and  Harriet  Hilton,  -May    8. 

Mary  Hannah,  dau.  of  John  and  Jcnnette  Davis,  June  13. 

Isaac,  son  of  Isaac  and  Mary  Biukingham,  June  21. 

dau.  of  Godfrey  ;ttid  Charlotte  BolM-rts,  June  22. 

Miriam,  dau.  of  Evans  and  .Miriam  Le\v<diyn,  June  30. 

Martha  B.,  dan.  of  Isaac  and  Jane  Losee,  July    2. 

dau.  of Cailahan. 

S(Ui  of  Sebastian  Benianl.  July  l-». 

Jtdin  Theophilus,  son  of  John  and  Catherine  Miles,  July  20. 

Ella  G.,  dau.  of  Keubeu  and  Eliza  Doidillle,  July  31. 

i\laria,  dau.  of  Tcrreuce  and  ICIiziilteth  L<\ine.  Aug.    4. 

S.,  .son  of  Goo.  V.  and  Caioline  De  Forest,  Aug.    4. 



son  of  Nicliolis  and  Anil  \'riria,             _  Aiipr.    7. 

sou  of r.lai'knian,  Aiiij.  I'l. 

dan.  of  JaniL'S  ^Vyarr,                           .  "  Au^^  2(}. 

Charles  Edward,  son  of  Ed\vav<l  and  .Martlia  Pritcliard,  Aug.  28. 

Kora  G.,  daii,  of  (leor-ie  and  ^lairlia  Shciinan,  Aug.  28. 

John,  son  of  Jolin  and  Ann  Molan,  Aug.  2'J. 

son  of  John  fl.  and  k?arah  JIarriet  Kider,  S('i)t.    1. 

dau.  of  Josc'[)!i  (icorgos.  Sept.  13. 

Frank  E.%son  of  Do  Forest  a'lad  Hannah  Canliehl,  Sei)t.  H). 

Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  Tliomas  and  Christina  (^uiidan.  Sept.  21. 

Daniel  Wel)ster,  son  of  Daniel  and  ('atlierine  Williams,  Sept.  2r». 

Jolm  ,M.,  son  of  John  and  Jaue  r>usiguigli,  Oct.  1."). 

John  Otis,  son  of  l!»aac  li.  and  ?ilaria  Davis,  Oct.  2(5. 

dau.  of  James  ]McKennan,  Oct.  27. 

Ilenry  ^\.,  son  of  L.  M.  and  Sarah  T.  Bassett,  Oct.  27. 

Clara  S.*.  dau.  of  Stephen  and  Mary  S.  llider.  Nov.  U't^ 

Harriet  ,M.,  dau.  of  Joel  I?,  and  .Mary  Chatlield.  Nov.  28. 

Edward  F.,  son  of  \Vui.  S.  and  Laura  B.  Ivlallory,  Dec.    2. 

]Mary  Lewis,  dau.  of  Lewis  and  ^Liry  Goodman,  Dec.    8. 

son  of  Charles  nin(\  Dec.  13. 

Louisa,  dan.  of  Thomas  and  ^linerva  James,  Dec.  18. 

dau.  of  Tliomas  [\Inrphy,  Dec.  2(5. 

Frank,  son  of  Kussell  and  Alexy  Bunnell,  Dec.  27. 

•"Henry  Elwin,  son  of  Horace  and  Mary  Ann  fJolbrook,  Jan.    7. 

George,  son  of  George  and  Margaret  Upson.  Jan.  ITt. 

Arthur,  son  of  Ashiiel  and  Hannah  G.  Storrs,  Jan.  24. 

dau.  of  Charles  Cowlt'S.  Jan.  28. 

dau,  of  John  B.  and  Frames  ?.L  Gibhs.  Jan,  22, 

Mary  Ann,  dau,  of  Patrick  and  Ellen  Splayim,  Jun,  27, 
Martha  Jeunetto,  dau.  of  George  IL  and  Jounette  ^Lerrick,       Jan.    8, 

Mary,  dau.  of  Henry  and  Mary  Wjiite,  Feb,  24. 

Lucy  Agnes,  dan.  of  Niehuhrs  and  Catherine  Cass,  Feb.  13. 

dau.  of r^hjsreFuian,  Feb.  23. 

son  of  Leonard  Clark.                               -  ]\Lirch    G. 

dau,  of  Peter  and  .Marv  Wvant.  •       .   2March    0,  ' 

:Mary  A.,  dau.  of  Win.  A.  and  Jnlia  F.iirchild,  March  22. 

son  of  David  and  Mary  Condon,  March  23, 

dau,  of  Cliristoplier  and  ?\L'irv  Kcdiv.  ^hirch  28. 

dau.  of  P,  D,  and  Martha  Hildn-ih".  '•  March  28, 

dan.  of  Maicns  and  Sarah  Davis,  April"    ."», 

Jennie  W.  S.%  dan,  of  Willmr  ^V.  and  Jane  Smith.  April  10, 

son  of  Henry  Spouidiauimer,  .       Ajiril  18. 

dan,  of  Daniid  an<l  Ann  Ji.nes.  ALiy  22. 

Sarah  S.",  dan,  of  \V.  Irving  and  Maria  Lin(-s,  ^Lay  23. 

George  W.,  Sum  of  Jfrf-miah  and  ILiunah  .Viidr(\v.s,  Mav  31. 

dau.  of  Win.  Marshall,  May  3L 

dau.  of  Willis  Piu-kingham,  June  22. 

son  of  Sheldon  Chatheld,  June  30. 

Ann  C,  dau.  of  Anson  and  ."\Lirgaret  Weston,  (col.)  July     2. 



Eiameline  E/,  dau.  of  Sharon  Y.  and  Adaline  Beach, 
Timothy,  son  of  Timothy  and  Mariraret  Murphy, 

dau.  of  Adam  and  Mary  Newhine. 

son  of  William  and  Eetscj  Blake, 

dau.  of  Jesse  D.  I'erkins, 

son  of  Charles  and  Ida  B.  Strntz, 
Eobert  J.',  son  of  Joseph  X.  and  Sophia  Stoddard, 

dau.  of  11.  X.  and  Diana  Fenfold, 

dau.  of  James  Bunnell,^. 
Mary  S.%  dau.  of  Ira  and  Ella  A.«  Stewart, 

dau.  of  Frank  Strootz. 

dau.  of  Charles  and  31ary  Newton, 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Wni.  and  Elizalieth  Thayer, 
jVIichael  J.,  son  of  Michael  and  ^lariraret  McCarty, 
Edward,  sou  of  John  and  Ann  Molan, 
Harriet  A.,  dau.  of  Miles  L.  and  Julia  E.  Bronson, 

dau.  of  John  lIod2:ers, 

son  of  Nicholas  Brockway, 
Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  David  11.  and  Elizabeth  Hill, 

dau.  of  Eerris  and  Alice  Berger, 

son  of  Wm.  nnd  Eliza  Smith, 
Ihurisnii.  sou  uf  1  lari'isnii  iiiid  MnuTrtt  'ri'mlinsiin. 
('hiirli'S.  siiii  '>f  l);uiii-l  Auiicw, 
l"rfdiL'-.i.  il.iu.  (if  ( 'liri.sliaii  and  I'n-ilrii  a  <,'uaiuiu.  i;.,  sou  of  liiiani  W.  and  ^laitlia  M .  lidndall. 

Marshall,  son  of  ^larshall  Demmock, 
Eliza  J.,  dau.  of  John  ,1.  and  Sarah  Bider, 

son  of  (ieorgc  M.  Eddy, 
Eugene  A."*,  son  of  Oeorue  S.  and  Catherine  Wyant, 
Emma  Antoinette,  dau.  of  Lewis  and  Marirarett  Britts, 

dan.  of  (lodtVey  and  Chai'lnitt-   Kolicrts. 

son  of  .lohn  Laughlin. 

dau.  of  Elias  llotclikiss.  jr.. 
Evan  Arthur"',  son  of  l''van  nnd  Miriam  Llewellyn, 

dau.  of  llarpiu  and  Ilariift  Li-^^>'. 

dau.  of  Smith  and  1-^liza 'rcrrill, 

son  of  Tfrrcnce  and  I'^lizaltflh  Lavinc, 

son  of  Daniel  Crowley. 

son  of  Naaman  Peck, 
Hattie  LsabcL,  dan.  of  iluracc  and  ^Liry  Ann    ILdbiook, 

sou  of  James  and  Cliarlotre  Baker, 

son  of  George  and  Lizzie  Benedict, 
Addle  E.%  dau.  of  Henry  A.  and  Julia  Sophia  Biiler, 

son  of  Lewis  L.  Sperry. 

son  of  L}inan  and  Mary  Ann  Bntsford, 

.sou  of  Leman  and  Julia  Oslmin. 
Erances  Nancys,  dan.  of  A.  (1.  anrl  Lucy  A.  De\Vo!f, 

sou  of  Lorenzo  Trnesdale, 
Maiv%  dau.  of  Jacob  and  .^larv  Eaijer, 
















































■J  I. 


•  >■> 














t . 






•  > 


< . 

April  13. 

April  13. 

April  17. 




















p. I KT  II S    IN    S  F,  V  M O  UK.  11 

]N[ary%  dan.  of  Dennis  and  Marv  ('al!a]i;in, 

dau.  of  Wni.  T.  and  .l"ane  C.  Hill, 
Charles  Elliott',  son  of  David  Ji.linson, 

son  of  John  Clark, 

child  of  Marcns  and  .^arali  Davis, 

son  of  John  and  Mary  Kinlisky, 

dan,  of  Patrick  and  Mary  Traccy, 

son  of  Wni.  and  ^lary  Ilaycs,  (still-born) 

dan.  of  Charles  and  ^lary  AVoo'l. 

son  of  Christopher  and  ^lary  Kelly, 

dau.  of  Wni.  and  lU-tse/  Blake, 

son  of Palmer, 

son  of  John  K.  Plat-knian, 

dan.  of  P>enjaunn  V.  and  Nancv  P.  Lines, 
Kate%  dan.  of  David  P.  and  Klizaiictli  llill, 

son  of  Flavin  and  Airnes  Wetz  d, 
.     dau.  of  Joseph  Jvooler, 

dan.  of  Do  Forest  and  Hannah  Cantirdd, 

son  of  Anson  and  Margarett  Weston,  (<u)l.) 
Jcnnie%  dan.  of  "Wm.  and  Chanty  Culver. 

•  lau.  nf  Adam  and  Mary  Xowhint-,    siili  Imrii  i 

dau.  nf  Simcitii  and  .Vutrusra    Latliruii, 

sun  uf  ( 'itMstantiin'  and  MarLMrct  Turk. 
"     '  dau.  of  W'm.  A.  and  Juli.i  Faircliild, 

son  of  Henry  and  Mary  Spoonhammer, 

dan.  of  Henry  and  Catherine  Cettel, 

son  of  Wilsoii  Weston,  (still  horn)  (eol.) 

dau.  of  Thomas  and  Catlierine  K<'lley,  (still-horu) 
]Mary  E.,"*  dau.  of  Hciuy  T.  and  Harriet  iJoothe, 

dan.  of  Elijah  1".  Smith. 

dau.  uf  Henry  and  Nancy  Wheeler,  (still  h<.rn) 

dau.  ofMyruii  lt.;iiul  Mary  White. 

sou  of  William  Pattnii, 
-  '        Sim  of  Terrence  au<l  Elizabeth  Lavine,  (stillb(iin) 

sou  of  Charles  Si-otr. 
Kobert  Tufth--,  s(ui  ^>t'  liU/oii  1).  and  Eni'-enia  ;^^orris, 

dau.  of  Daniel  and  Catherine  '.\  dliams,  (stillborn) 

dau. of  Charles  W. and  i:iiz:;"i' '111  H.Storrs,  (still-bon 
v/'son  of  Georgi;  W.  and  Caroline  Bunnell, 

dau.  of  John  and  .Mary  Lauirh'.iu,  (still-born) 
,.      son  of  Kobert  ami  .Maryam  .Mc('olla, 

dau.  of  Charles  and  Ellen  Wood,  (still  bom) 

dau.  of  David  Condon,  (still  born) 
Jenna.  dan.  of  Jacoli  and  Itachael  Baum. 

Son  of  Hiram  and  Julia  Ann  French, 

dau.  of  Myron  10.  ami  Jane  Judd, 

sou  of  Isaac  !1,  and  .Marii  L.  Davis, 

dau.  of  James  and  .\un  VAun  LoiLrii. 
]\Iarv  E.\  dau.  of  Sidney  A.  and  Emily  llubbell, 






































•  Ian. 


1  ,  t. 

1  - 

•    Feb. 

1 1 . 




t  . 




















i)  June 


















■  Cct 






12  BIT^TTTS    IN    SKYArOl'R. 

son  of  Wallace  M.  and  Harriet  Tuttle,  Oct.  31. 

dau.  of  Jolin  and  Mary  Ilanly,  Nov.    1. 

Jeunette  C.%  dau.  of  William  and  i:iizabetli  Tharer,  Nov.    2. 

Matilda%  dau.  of  David  R.  and  Elizabeth  Hill,  Nov.  15. 

'  son  of  Jonas  and  Sarah  Wolf,                           '  Nov.  27. 

son  of  Jo?e]di  Shepard,                                        '  Nov.  27. 

dau.  of  William  and  .]an<>  S.  (ieddz,  Nov.  30. 

son  of  Jesse  D.  and  ?*rartlia  Perkins,  Dec.    8. 

dan.  of  John  and  Marcaret  MrCarfa,  Dec.  20. 

dan.  of  I'hilip  and  Catherine  r,l.M-k,  Dee.  29. 

George  A.%  sou  of  Amos  and  Keziaii  Bassett,  Dec.  30. 

.     son  of  Abram  and  Sarah  Carriugton,  J»u-    — 

son  of  Jehu  Swink,  J'>'i-  |-*1- 

son  of  Oscar  Kibber,                                               -  Jan.  31. 

dau.  of  Wm.  and  Jane  Westnev,  Feb.    2. 

dau.  of  Theodore  K.  and  3Iary  L.  Andrews,  Feb.    8. 

dan.  of  J']uiory  and  .Mary  Sharp,  Feb.  12. 

Leila  M.*,  dau.  of  Lyman  II.  and  Jnsnna  Ford,  Feb.  l.T. 

dau.  of  Constautine  and  Mariraret  Turk,  Feb.  2."). 
Charles  U.%  son  of  Thomas,  jr..  and  .^linerva  H.  James,         March    S. 

dau.  of  Geo.  W.  Smith,  April    3. 

dau.  of  Adam  and  3Lary  Newhine,  April    4. 

dau.  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Gaines,  Ai)ril  2.:>. 

liOSe",  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Jane  Agnew,  May  1.3. 

Jac(d)%  sou  of  Jacob  and  Marv  Ealier.  ^^'^.^  -1- 

William^,  son  of  Patrick  and  Ellen  Fitzgibbou,  May  22. 

son  of  Michael  and  ^[arv  Crowlev,  May  23. 

:\Iarv,  dau.  of  .Alilcs  and  Laura  Culver,  >!:'}■  ~^- 

■     '           dau.  of  David  Leiden  and  S.irah  A.  Jackson,  May  20. 

dau.  of  Abel  J.  and  ILurict  Leers,  June    3. 

son  of  diaries  and  Ellen  Wooil.             *  J""e    3. 

dau.  of  Georjze  S.  and  Catherine  Wyant,  Jinie    .». 

Louisa  Emily%  dau.  of  Evans  and  .Aliriam  Llewellyn,  June    S. 

Frank  L.%  son  of  Harry  and  :\Iary  IL-n-lryx,  J"ne  12. 

.son  of  Terrence  and  Elizabt-th  La  vine,  July    •_». 

:\Iargaret,  dau.  of  Amlrew  and  Lriduet  Welsh,  J'dy     <• 

dau.  of  John  and  Marv  Lau-hlin,               '  July  1- 

Nettie  P.,  dau.  of  Treat  P.  and  IMn-be  i:.  <"Iark,  Aug.    0. 
Truman  Lra(lf.)rd%  son  of  Willmm  W.  ai.'d  Mary  E.  Steel,        Aug.  21 

son  of  James  ?il.  IJobinsoii.  Sept.     1. 

Franks  .<on  of  Ji.lm  Srolt,  Sept.    4 

Henrietta  .M.,  dau.  of  David  P.  and  Mary  P>.  Enni,  Sejd.    8 

dau.  of  Anson  and  Mariran-t  Westun.  (<-ol.)  Ort.     2 

dan.  of  Charles  A.  and  Mary  Elhii  Woiister,  Oct.  11 

Cliarle-%  son  of  (Icorge  Seott,  ^'^'•'-    I 

dau.  of  James  and  Charlotte  Laker,  No'-'-     '•'> 

dau.  of  Andrew  Powers,  >«_ov,     4 

son  of  Amos  G.  and  Eabinah  Wliite,  Nov.   j^ 

dau.  of  James  and  Marv  Hines,  Nov.  2,> 


son  of  Cliarles  and  Snsana  Schrwazol,  Nov.  26. 

dau.  of  Daniol  Crowley,                                     .  Dec.    6. 

son  of  Ilarpiu  E.  anv  Sarah  E.  French,  Dec.  14. 

David  Wm.%  son  of  David  E'.  and  Elizabeth  Hill,  Dec.  17. 

Henry  D.%  son  of  George  W.  ami  Sarah  Beach,  Dec.  20. 

son  of  Daniel  and  ^Mary  Junes,                    .  Dec.  24. 

son  of  John  E.  Biacknian, 

child  of  Miuerva  Hawkins,  Jan.    2. 

dan.  of  Adonijah  and  Harriet  E.  French,  Jan.    4. 
Anna  ^L,  dau.  of  Ivtswtdl  X.  and  Jane  Ivinney, 
Charles  M.,  son  of  Mitchell  and  Susan  Vincent, 

Joseph  E.%  son  of  Joseph  N".  and  Sophia  Stoddard,  Feb.  14. 

"Geor-xe  A.,  son  of  Henry  A.  and  Julia  Sophia  Rider,  March  20. 

Benjamin  U.,  son  of  Jesse  D.  and  Martha  Perkins,  March 

dau.  of  Charles  and  Lucia  Warren,  April  12. 

David  S.,  son  of  Sheldon  and  Susan  .Miles,  April  15. 
John%  son  of  Dennis  and  Mary  Callahan, 

child  of  John  B.  and  Betsey  Quilliiian, 

Mary  B.%  dau.  of  Ilarpin  and  Harriet  Kiggs,  Feb.    5. 

Saninel  M.%  son  of  Benjamin  B.  and  Julia"  A.  Thayer,  May  29. 

dan.  of  Adam  and  Maria  Xewhine,  June    2. 

dan.  of  Aimer  and  Mary  T.  Demming,  June  14. 

John,  son  of  John  Xeaiile,  June 

dau.  of  Patrick  and  Mary  Ryan,  June  22, 

Timothy,  son  of  Timothy  aud  Mary  Bryan,  July    4. 

rhiilii)%  son  of  Hcnrv  and  BridLret  Spoonhammer,  July  IG. 

Sarah  J.,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Ellen  Volkholz,  July  18. 

Kate%dau.  of  Hiram  W.  and  Martha  M.  Randall,  May    9. 

son  of  Jonas  and  l^ridget  Wolf,  July  20. 

David,  son  of  David  and  Mary  Condon,  July  25, 

son  of  Christoi)hi'r  and  Elizabeth  Kidley,  Aug.  20. 

dau.  of  Abram  and  Sarah  P.  Carrington,  Aug.  20, 

Ellen",  dan.  of  Howard  and  Emily  Cliattield,  Sept.    3, 

Mary  E,",  dau.  of  0\v(,-n  and  Mariraret  Conroy,  Sept.  15. 

Hannah",  dau.  of  I*atrick  and  Julia  Crowley,  Sept.  25. 

Bridget%  dau.  of  Patrick  and  Ellen  Fitzgilti»ons,  Sept.  28, 

son  of  Ira  aud  ^Nlari'-aret  Parniciee,  Oct,    5, 

son  of  Patrick  and  Marv  HcdVcn,  Oct.    5. 

Lillie  M.%  dau.  of  Eli  and  Mary  Gillette.  Oct.  12. 
Emmeline  Reb(cca%  dan,  of  Wm.  B.  and  Rebecca  Watson,     Nov.  20. 

son  of  Chas,  B.  and  Frances  E.  Lyon,  Dec,  19, 

dau,  of  Henry  W,  and  Sarah  H.  Benedict,  Jan.    2. 

son  of  Andrew  Y.  and  ^Liry  C.  Beach,  Jan,    5, 

Martha  A.%  dau.  of  Lsaac  U.  and  .>Luia  S.  Davis,  Jan.    8. 

IMary  Emily%  dau.  of  James  L.  aud  Marian  E.  Si)encer,  Jan.  10. 

Mary  Jan(;%  dau,  of  Evans  and  Miriam   E.  Llewellyn,  Jan,  2L 

son  of  Stephen  B,  aud  Flora  Jackson,  (col.)  Feb,    0. 



son  of  John  and  Mary  Laughlin, 

dan.  of  Daniel  and  Jane  Acrnew, 
Daniel,  son  of  John  and  Marv  McCartv 
Hanford,  )  ^  .  '  ' ' 

Hamlin,   I  ^°^^  ^^  Anson  H.  and  Margaret  Weston,  (col.) 

dau.  of  Nicholas  and  Anna  Brockwav, 
son  of  James  and  Kosa  Ennis, 
Gustave^,  son  of  Jacob  and  Marv  Faher, 
Martha^,  dau,  of  Xoah  A.  and  Marv  Ann  Osborn, 
•      fion  of  Peter  and  Martha  J.  Galuiol, 
--  •      dau.  of  George  S.  and  Ca'liarine  Wvant, 
dau.  of  Michael  and  Mar-iret  O'Brien, 
son  of  John  E.  and  Mari.^.  S.  Ehickman, 
Cieorge«,  son  of  George  E.  and  Gr  i.-.'  Lester, 

son  of  Matthias  and  Mari"  ot  Bunvan, 
Lillian  W.«,  dau.  of  Clark  and  Eliz.  Johnson, 
Alice  E.,  dau.  of  Edward  and  ^Lar-,  vt  A.  Lovesey, 
son  of  Franklin  and  Julia  L   ^--hev, 
<3au.  of  Sheldon  and  Elizaber.V  Bassett. 
Thaddeus%  son  of  Thaddeus  and  Elizah.^rli  Fowler, 

son  of  Robert  and  Harriet  A.  (riesler,  '' 

_        SOD  of  Owen  and  3L'irv  Cunningham, 
Jlattie  K.%  dau.  of  Amos  and  Keziah  Bassett, 
dau.  of  Constantine  and  Mary  Turk, 
son  of  James  and  Anna  E.  Leiirh, 
son  of  Jesse  D.  and  Martha  Perkins, 
son  of  James  and  Catherine  White, 
Charlottes  dau.  of  David  and  Elizabeth  Hill, 

-  dau.  of  John  D.  and  Harriet  C.  Scott, 

"•         "      d'lu- of  Benjamin  F.  and  Xancv  Lines, 
y     son  of  John  and  Sarah  E.  Picks, 

son  of  Lorenzo  :*I.  and  Sarah  A.  Bassett, 

dau.  of  John  and  Susan  Worth, 

dau.  of  Charles  S.  and  Jemiette  Weller, 
Daniel%  son  of  Nicholas  and  Anna  Brockwav, 
Charles  E.%  son  of  Benjamin  and  Julia  Thayer, 

dau,  of  John  and  Johanna  .Murithv, 

dau.  of  Alfred  and  Mary  liotsford, 

son  of  ]\La,ssena  and  Lydia  Tozier, 

dau,  of  Harris  B.  and  .Maria  Munson, 
Margaret^  dau.  of  Patrick  and  Ellcu  Fitz-ibbons, 
Frederick',  son  of  De  Fon-st  and  Hannah"  Canfield, 
Edwin  Lee%  son  of  James  S.  and  Marion  i:.  S|)encer, 
Mary  Beaureguard,  dau.  of  James  and  Charlotte  Baker, 

dau.  of  William  and  Ann  J-'oiley, 

dau.  of  John  and  Ellen  Cob-man. 

sou  of  James  Ji.  ami  Sarah  Do(dittle, 
Annette,  dau.  of  ^Lirk  and  Ann  Lounsburv, 

Ftu.  _'-•. 
Feb.  26. 

March  13. 

March  18. 
March  18. 
March  18. 
March  23. 

April  C, 
April  19. 

:Sliiy    3. 

May  11. 

Mav  18. 

May  19. 

May  24. 
June  20. 
June  20. 

Jul  v' 20. 

July  20. 
Aug.  31. 

Oct.    5. 

Oct.    9. 

Oct.  24. 
N'ov.  L 
Nov.  18. 
Nov.  18. 
Nov.  20. 
Nov.  30. 
Dec.  9. 
Dec.  12. 
Dec.  19. 

Feb.    4. 

Feb.  10. 

Feb.  2(>. 

Feb,  20. 

Feb.  20. 
:\Iarch  12. 
March  19. 
March  21. 
March  23. 
A}»ril     1. 

Mav  15. 

Aug.  9. 
Aug,  10. 
Auij.  17. 


ff  ®',"  g^^'  J  sons  of  Daniel  and  Mary  McCarty,  Aug.  21. 

son  of  Albert  and  Laura  Booth,                         '  Aug.  22. 

Hannah,  dan.  of  Patrick  and  ^Mary  Ilafuey,  Aug,  25. 

son  of  David  and  ]Mary  Condon,  Sept.  18. 

son  of  John  and  Mary  Langhlin,  Oct.    1. 

Wilson  Dixie,  son  ol'  Wilson  and  \'iolette  ^Yyaut,  Oct.    8. 

son  of  John  V.  and  Ellen  Conner,  Oct.  20. 

son  of  Lorenzo  31.  and  Sarah  Bassett,  Dec.  19. 

Minnie%  dau.  of  Ashhel  and  Harriet  Storrs,  Dec.  19. 

son  of  Ambrose  and  Ann  Eliza  Hubbell,  Dec.  28. 

Edward  Albert,  son  of  John  C.  and  Caroline  S.  Frost,  Dec.  31. 

son  of  Charles  B.  and  Frances  Lyon,  Jan.  12. 

dau.  of  John  and  Mary  McCarty,  (still-born)  ]March    1. 

dan.  of  Stephen  IL  and  Sarah  J.  Culver,  (still-born)  Mar.    7. 

Julia,  dau.  of  Jaines  and  Catherine  White,  March  IC. 

Miles  A.,  son  of  Adonijah  and  Harriet  French,  April    8. 

dau.  of  Reese  and  Lydia  James,  April  14. 

David  Jasper^  son  of  David  II.  and  ]:^lizabeth  Hill,  April  14. 

son  of  Patrick  and  3Iary  Tracy,  April  15- 

dau.  of  Dennis  and  Maria  Callahan,  April  20. 

son  of  John  and  Mary  Coleman,  April  2i>. 

son  of  Jacob  and  Catharine  Faber,  May  17. 

Nellie®,  dau.  of  Waterman  and  Maria  Xoyes,  May  30. 

dan.  of  John  and  31ary  Kennedy,  June    1. 

twins,  sous  of  James  and  Anna  Foley,  (still-born)       June  15. 

son  of  John  and  Betsey  Hanley,  July    5. 
George  Lansing,  son  of  George  Linsing  and  Eliza  M.  Taylor,  July    6. 

dau,  of  Monroe  and  Mary  E.  Scranton,  July  10, 

son  of  Abram  and  Sarah  Carrington,  July  22. 

Lucy",  dau.  of  Isaac  H.  and  ^laria  Davis,  Aug.    8. 

twins,  son  of  Constantine  and  Mary  Turk,  (still-born)  Aug,  ^9. 

son  of  John  and  Ellen  Chay, 

twin  sons  of  Charles  and  Polly  Hard,  (stillborn) 
Mary  A.,  dau.  of  Matthias  and  .Mar-aret  Biin\an, 

son  of  ^licliael  and  Eliza  .Shcehan, 
Nettie  ^L",  dau.  of  Clark  and  Eliza  Johnson, 

son  of  Aaron  and  llattie  James, 

dau.  of  Sylvester  and  lOliza  Gaylonl, 

dau.  of  John  and  Mary  Condon, 

sou  of  Frederick  C.  and  Sarah  A,  Tucker, 

son  of  Nathaniel  and  .Malinda  Chapman, 

sou  of  liobert  and  Klizal)etli  Barr, 

dau,  of  Patrick  and  Julia  (Jrowley, 

sou  of  John  K.  and  Frances  M.  lies, 

dau,  of  Charles  and  Mary  Lasbee, 

dau.  of  Jiurr  and  I'Jiz.ilH-rh  A.  Ailing, 

son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Lochyer, 


































dau.  of  Timothy  and  Mary  O'Brien,  .                  Nov.  28. 

George  S.%  son  of  George  S.  and  Mary  C,  Wyaut,  Nov.  29. 

dau.  of  Nicholas  and  Catherine  Cass,  Dec.    7. 

twin  sons  of  John  and  Maria  Ellen  Naglc,  (still-born)  Dec.  10, 

■   son  of  l^atrick  and  Joanah  Bnrus  Dec.  22. 

Sophia',  dan.  of  Thomas  and  Eleanor  Joos,  Dec.  25. 
dau.  of  James  and  Mary  Kinston, 

child  of  Peter  Hughs,  .    - 

•    child  of  James  and  Bridget  I  limes,  ■ 

ISO:  J. 

Thomas  Ellas"',  son  of  Evans  and  Miriam  Llewellyn,  Jan.  20. 

dan.  of  Leonard  and  Saraii  Clark,  Jan,  20. 

Burton  W.%  sou  of  Horace  and  M..:  v  Ann  Holbrook,  Jan.  20. 

Thomas%  son  of  Patrick  and  Elh;!  Fitzgibbous,  Jan.  28. 

sou  of  Bobert  and  Mary  ;  luin,  Feb.  20. 

son  of  John  A.  and  ^lai-  Cochran,  ]M arch  20. 

son  of  Edwin  and  Catha:  re  Chatfield,  March  20, 

dau.  of  Anson  H.  and  ^Lt   raret  Weston,  (col.)         March  ^.~>. 

Arthur  Eugene,  son  of  Solon  11,  ar.<i  Anna  liuss,  March  2(J. 

son  of  Patrick  and  Jiridget  O'Brien,  ^March  28. 

son  of  Daniel  and  Johanna  Crowley,  March  28. 

Lillian,  dau.  of  Elcazer  and  Emily  ]Massey,  April    4. 

dau.  of  Adam  and  Maria  Newhine,  April  11. 

son  of  Andrew  and  Emily  Canary,  April  21. 

son  of  John  and  Ilonora  O'Brien.  April  27. 

Mary,  dau.  of  Andrew  and  Dapline  Harwood,  f                    May     1. 

son  of  Dennis  and  ^lary  Crummy,  (stillborn)  May  21. 

Kate',  dau.  of  Jacob  and  Mary  Faber,  July    3, 

son  of  Thomas  H,  and  Jennette  Munson,  July  13. 

Wm*  F.^,  son  of  Lorenzo  M.  and  Sarah  Bassetr,  July  25. 

dan.  of  liobert  and  Ann  E.  Dodd,  Aug.    8. 

v.,  dau.  of  John  V.  and  Ellen  Conner,  Aug.  10. 

dau.  of  Joseph  and  Bosanna  Ward,  Aug.  '.M>. 

•Fannie  M.,  dau.  of  Stephen  U.  and  Mary  S.  Bider,  Aug.  20. 

dan.  of  Patrick  and  Mary  lliftren,  Sept.  15. 

dau.  of  John  and  ^Liriraret  Lochyer,  .           Oct.     8, 

Walter%  son  of  Hiram  W.  and '.Martha  Ra'ndall,  Oct.  12. 

son  of  Michael  and  Honora  Siilli\an,  Oct.  28. 

George  F.,  son  of  George  V.  and.Iiiliii  Miller,  Nov.  18. 

son  of  George  W.  and  Nancy  Ilaydcu,  Nov.  21. 

dau.  of  Nicholas  and  Ann  Brockway.  Nov.  29. 

dau,  of  Matthew  and  Briilget  Hervey,  Dec.  1.3. 

Joseph,  son  of  John  (!.  and  Caroline  I'rosr,  Dec.  13, 

son  of  Eber  and  lOllen  Hotchkiss,  Dec,  19. 

son  of  Charles  and  Anna  Carey,  Feb,  14, 

Kayinond,  son  of  (.'arli;s  and  .Julia  H.  French,  Feb.  23. 

son  of  Peter  Gabriel,  i^Iarch  11. 

dan.  of  George  and  Mary  Shelton,  March  12, 


Emilj,  dau.  of  Anson  and  .Afar^aret  A.  Weston,  (col.)  March  14. 
son  of  William  M.  and  Catlieriue  E.  Edmonds.        March  28. 

son  of  William  D.  and  Martha  J.  Bissell,         '  April  22. 

dau.  of  Patrick  and  Marv  Ikffren,  April  23. 

T  1    ^f      ^^"  °^  William  II.  and  Martha  S.  Riggs,  April  27. 

Jda  Maud%  dau.  of  David  and  Elizabeth  Hill,  April  28. 
XT  II-         ^^'"i- o^'Juhn  and  Marv  Kfnnedv,  May    7. 

T^ellie^,  dau.  of  Timothy  and  Marv  O'Brien,  May  25. 

t^au- of  Joseph  and  LucvDailev,  June    5. 

Maggie  A.%  dau.  of  James  A.  and  3Iart"ha  J.  Smith,  June    8. 

dau.  of  David  and  Marv  Hawlev,  June  14. 

llattie%  dau.  of  Samuel  C.  and  Isahel  Ford,  June  17. 

son  of  James  L.  and  Marion  E.  Spencer,  June  23. 

dau.  of  Kobert  and  Jane  Barr,  June  24. 

son  of  William  and  Eliza  llcelass,  June  30. 

Jan.  of  John  PI  and  Marv  Ann  Lvon,  July    1. 
•  Carlos  IlotchkissS  son  of  (Jharhs  Vv.  and  Marv  L.  Storrs,         July    4. 

son  of  Jerome  and  Euiilv  M.  Armstrong,  July    9. 

dau.  of  James  and  Ellen  O'Xeil,  July  19. 

son  of  John  and  Ann  Uandlev,  July  22. 
son  of  Edward  and  Manraret  Lovosov,  Oct.  31. 

Julia%  dau.  of  Dennis  and  Bridget  Crummv,  '  Aug.    8. 

Isabella^,  dau.  of  Kobert  M.  and  Frances  A.'  Smith,  Aug.  12. 

dau.  of  Amos  G.  and  Bebina  White,  Sept.    2. 

son  of  James  and  Margaret  Bunyan,  Sept.  21. 

sou  of  Adam  and  Mary  Xewhine,  Oct.    G. 

dau.  of  Jolm  and  .Mary  Byan,  Oct.  10. 

son  of  Edward  and  Marcaiet  Lovesev,  Oct.  31. 

Henry",  son  of  Charles  and  Julia  Edwards,      '  Xov.  21. 

dau.  of  Andrew  and  Ellen  Canary,  Nov.  20. 

son  of  John  and  Mary  Coleman,  Nov.  28. 

son  of  Beese  and  Lvdia  James,  Dec.    2. 

,,..,,.        *^''^"- of  Frederick  and  Sarah  Tucker,  Dec.  12. 

U  liham  A\  ilber%  son  of  John  E.  and  Frances  Bes,  Dec.  15. 

ilarnet  E.,  dau.  of  IJenry  E.  and  Marv  E.  Clinton,  Sept.  11. 
Jindget,  dau.  of  Patrick  and  Margaret'  Dailev,                  .  June  IG. 

dau.  of  Bobert  an<l  Margaret  Dundass,  Nov..  30. 

Mary,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Marv  McCarrv,  Jan.    3. 

son  of  David  F.  and  Sarah  E.  Welton,  Jan.    3. 

tjrace,  dau.  of  John  K.  and  Catiierine  Tuttle,  Jan.    4. 

<Jau.  and  son  of  .John  and  Marv  McCartv,  (twins)        Jan.    8. 

Ja(;ob  1  eter«,  son  of  Jacob  and  Marv  Falier,  '  Jan.  12. 

Bicker,  dau.  of  Fen  wick  and  Sarah 'Faber,  Jan.  18. 

J  son  of  Williaiii  and  Celia  Fife,  Jan.  28. 

^^^    dau,  of  Abraham  and  Sarah  Carrington,  Feb.    G. 

-'•^  <h»u.  of  ICvan  and  Miriam  Llewelivu,  Feb.    7, 

dau.  of  Henry  and  MdY\  }iee(;her,'  Feb.  13 

Dennis%sou  of  Dennis  and  Maria  Callahan,  .  Feb  25* 


dau.  of  John  and  Ellen  Nagle, 
son  of  James  and  Emilj  IJrockway, 

Chas.  "\V.,  son  of  Chas.  W.  and  Carrie  M.  Munson, 
son  of  Michael  and  Bridiret  Sullivan, 
son  of  John  E.  and  Ellen  Cosnier, 
son  of  Stiles  B.  and  Erances  H.  Lewis, 
dau.  of  Nathaniel  and  Melinda  (.'hapnian, 

Marian^  dau.  of  Horace  and  Marv  A.  Ilolbrook, 

Smith  H.^,  son  of  Willis  and  Mary  llidhrook, 

John%  son  of  Patrick  and  Ellen  Eitzgibl.uns, 

twins,  sons  of  ,lolin  and  Marpuet  Moran, 
son  of  Itobert  and  ^largaret  I'riiin, 

Charles,  son  of  Charles  and  Cecelia  Stahl, 

son  of  John  G.  and  3Iary  Ann  Everett,  (still  born) 
dau.  of  Thomas  and  Ellen  Sh;u!y, 
son  of  James  and  Charlotte  H;iker, 

William  L.%  son  of  (ieorge  P.  and  Marv  Shelton, 

John  II.,  son  of  Matthew  U.  and  P>ridi:er  Kyan. 

Bernard^  son  of  Marcus  and  Sarah  Davis. 

son  of  James  and  Bridget  Donahue, 

son  of  AYilliam  and  Apholonia  Kaiel, 

son  of  Constantino  and  ^lary  Turk, 

son  of  Charles  and  Frances  Mallison, 

son  of  Daniel  and  Johanna  Crowley,  (still-born) 

son  of  Charles  and  Cornelia  Douglass, 

Mary*,  dau.  of  David  and  Antoinette  Tucker, 

Ida%  dau  of  David  and  Elizabeth  Hill, 

William  Andrew%  son  of  Andrew  and  Eliza  M,  Sperry, 

Adelaide  Isabel%  dau.  of  John  and  Anna  Chatfield. 

Texas,  dau.  of  Myron  C.  and  Kebecca  Biggs, 

dau.  of  John  and  Margaret  McGerney, 
son  of  Patrick  and  Marv  HetlVen, 
?^ed^  son  of  Samuel  and  Isabella  Eord. 

Patrick  C,  son  of  James  O.  and  (Catherine  Shannon, 

Fred*,  son  of  Chas.  W.  and  Mary  Storrs, 

dau.  of  Charles  and  Hannah  McCarty, 
son  of  Dewitt  C.  and  Fannie  J.  Isbel, 
son  of  Walter  S.  and  Mary  J.  Kinney, 
son  of  Benjamin  and  Julia  A.  Thayer, 
dau.  of  Andrew  Y.  and  Mary  C.  Beach, 

Mary  E.,  dau.  of and  Xancy  Burhman. 

dau.  of  Mark  and  Ann  Lounsl)ury, 
son  of  John  C,  anil  Catht-rine  Frost, 
son  of  John  and  I'Jizabcth  Lnrliylcr, 
son  of  John  and  Maria  W,  Topper, 
dau.  of  John  and  Mary  Lochlyn, 
son  of  Joseph  and  (Jatharine  Kochler, 

Chas.  II.,  sou  of  Joseph  P.  and  Mary  Marvin, 







April  12. 

























































































dan.  of  Fretlerick  E.,  and  Adelaide  Castle,  June  14. 

son  of  John  P„  and  Martha  Gabriel,  June  18. 

William",  son  of  Geo.  U.  and  Catliariue  E.  Hill,  June  20. 

Julius  G.'^,  son  of  Henry  P.  and  Fannie  Dav,  July  11. 

Patrick,  son  of  Patrick  and  Mary  Keardon,  '  July  28. 

dan.  of  Geo.  and  !S.  J.  Bmincl],  Au"-.    5. 

Ernest  DeWitt%  son  of  DeWitt  C.  and  Juliette  Oull,  Aug.  14. 

•      dau.  of  Timothy  and -Mary  O'Brien,  Aug.  17. 

■   ■'       son  of  John  and  .Mary  Kennedy,  Aug.  25. 

sou  of  Andrew  and  Arabella  Sherman,  Aug.  25. 

William  B.%  son  of  Geo.  E.  and  Gmee  E,  Lester,  Au*'.  26. 

Maggie^  dan.  of  .Matthias  and  3Iary  Bunyan,  Aug.  3o'. 

dan.  of  John  and  Jane  Svkes,     "               ..  An'^  30. 

Lizzie,  dan.  of  Charles  and  Anna  Carr,  Sept."  2l! 

son  of  Andrew  and  Elbm  Canary,  April  21. 

dan.  of  Albert  and  Elizabeth  M."  Smith,  Sept.  25^ 

son  of  Geo.  O.  and  Julia  Miller.  Oct.  14. 

Nellie,  dan.  of  Nellie  Grant,                                   ,     .  Oct.  14. 

dau.  of  Nathan  and  Ellen  Holbrook,  Oct.  18. 

Nettie^  dau.  of  Boltert  N.  and  Fannie  A.  Smith,  Oct.  28. 

son  of  David  and  Ellen  Hennessey,  Nov.    2. 

Juliu  Laviuia,  dan.  of  Herbert  and  Mariraret  Lounsbury,  Nov.    7. 

son  of  Wilson  anil  Violette  Wvant,  Nov.    9. 

Noyes  W.%  >on  of  Nuyes  and  Mary  A.  O'Mara,  Nov.  lo! 

dan.  of  Euyene  and  Marv  Winton,  •«  .        Nov.  14. 

Nellie,  dau.  of  Henry  and  Nellie  Beers,  Nov.  19. 

son  of  Chas.  and  Cecelia  Stahl,  -        Nov.  27. 

Jennie  L.",  dau.  of  Edward  F.  and  Laura  Bassett,  Nov.  29. 

dan.  of  Bobcrt  and  Fannie  McDowell,  Dec.    1. 

Harold  Eugene^  son  of  John  E.  and  Frances  M.  Isles,  Dec.  15. 

dan.  of  Edmund  a-nd  Julia  Knight,  Dec.  24. 

dau.  of  Heber  P.  and  Jane  Fowler,  Jan.    8. 

Henry  Herbr-rt,  son  of  Chas.  H.  and  Frances  :Mallison.  Jan.  14. 

dau.  of  Pansom  and  Sarah  Chatlield,  (still-born)  Jan.  28. 

Mary,  dau.  of  Jacd*  and  Mary  Trourman,  Jan.  29. 

P^dna  A.S  dau.  of  Walter  S.  and   Marv  Kinnev,  Jan.  30. 

Albert  H.%son  of  Harvey  and  Mary  Butsford,'  Feb.    5. 

John,  son  of  George  and  Thirza  liich,  Feb.    G. 

dau.  of  Tliomas  and  Anna  Sheedy,  P'eb.  18. 

son  of  Daniel  and  Caroline  Foster,  Feb.  18. 

William,  son  of  William  E.  and  Harriet  J.  Roberts,  Feb.  25. 

Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  Michael  and  Honorah  Sullivan,  Mar.    C. 

son  of  George  B.  and  Sarah  S.  Garrett,  Mar.    8. 

Martha%  dau.  of  Jacob  and  .Mary  Faber,  Mar.    9. 

dau.  of  James  and  Brhlgct  .MacBrien,  Mar.  10. 

dau.  of  James  V.  and  .^Lu■y  Ann  Fiarity,  Mar.  10. 

son  of  Henrietta  Weston,  (col.)  Mar.  13. 

sou  of  William  H.  aud  Hannah  Meary,  April    2. 



John,  son  of  John  E.  and  Bridget  Coleman,                    .  April    2. 

son  of  Charles  and  Mary  C.  French,  .        April    6.' 

dau.  of  Charles  G.  and  3Iarv  M.  James,  April  ll! 

Mary  W.,  dan.  of  Charles  S.  and  Diana  K.  Carlock,  April  liO. 

George  V.,  son  of  John  H.  and  Sarah  M.  Miller,  April  30. 

son  of  John  and  Mary  ;McCartv,  May    8. 

William^  son  of  Edmnud  and  Annie  E.' Day,  May  13r! 

Mary,  dau.  of  John  and  Ellen  Xeasle,  May  It! 

Minetta,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Elizabeth  Pallin,  June    1. 

Henry,  son  of  John  H.  and  Mary  Fuller.  June  10.* 

son  of  Thaddeus  and  E'  A.  Fowler,  June  lo! 

.    son  of  Joseph  and  Elizabeth  Barrett,  July    \. 

•      •         dan.  of  Charles  and  Cornelia  Douglass,  July    1. 

dau.  of  Charles  and  riattie  Swift,"  July    2. 

son  of  Frank  and  Elizabeth  Sheldon,  July  15. 

Elmcr^,  son  of  Theodore  S.  and  Sarah  J,  Ladd,  July  lil. 

son  of  Joseph  and  Eosanua  Ward,  July  20. 

sou  of  Loud  D.  and  Josephine  Smith,  Julv  27. 

son  of  Dewitt  C.  and  Juliette  IJull,  Aug,  15; 

George«,  son  of  William  and  Julia  li.  Morris,  Aug.  15. 

Hannah^  dau,  of  John  and  Ellen  Xagle,  Aiig.  21. 

son  of  Lucius  P.  and  Etta  j".  Warner,  Aug.  23- 

dau.  of  David  and  Mary  Ilawlev,  Sept.  12, 

Mary  E.,  dau.  of  George  P.  and":\Liry  Shelton,  Sept.  is! 

dau.  of  Joseph  and  Elizabeth  Camp,  (still-born)  Sept.  1S>. 

son  of  Henry  C,  and  Susan  M.  Ptogers,  Oct.    5. 

Cyrus  M.,  son  of  :\rinor  and  Harriett  Blackman.  Oct.    0. 

Hattie  S.%  dau,  of  George  IL  and  Hattie  G,  Washburn,  Oct.  11. 

dau.  of  John  and  Mary  l^yan,  Oct.  11. 

p]mma«,  dau,  of  George  A,  and"  Martha  C.  Smith,  Oct.'  15! 

Teressa,  dau.  of  Dennis  and  Bridget  Crummv,  Oct.  15, 

Sarah  A,%  dau,  of  Charles  D.  and  Elmira  Iluughtalling,  Oct,  17, 

son  of  James  and  Agnes  Swan,  Oct.  22. 

Alice  May«,  dau.  of  Homer  J." and  Ellen  E.  Broadwell,  Ihov.  10. 

son  of  John  and  Anna  Williams,  Nov,  11, 

son  of  Edward  and  iiridiret  Strapp,  Nov,  15, 

William",  son  of  i;obert  and  Alice  J.  Healv,  Nov.  23, 

Bernard^  son  of  John  IL  and  Martha  A.  Bradley,  Dec,    8, 

son  of  John  and  Eliza  Handley,              '  Dec,  18. 

son  of  Patrick  and  Mary  Tracy,  Dec.  24, 

son  of  John  and  Elizabeth  Courter,  Dec,  20, 

son  of  Harrison  and  Frances  Seeley,  Dec,  27, 

dau,  of  Preston  and  Marv  Canfield,  Dec.  28, 
Frank  Eldridge,  son  of  Pvichard  e!  and  (Jrace  E,  Hayden, 

^laggie  C,«,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Catharine  Bay,  Jan,    3, 

Allen  W%  son  of  (Miarh-s  >L  and  !:il(!ii  L,  lieers,  Jan,    5. 

son  of  Patrick  and  .Alary  Hctrren,  Jan,  10, 

son  of  John  and  Lottie  C.  Whitney,  Jan.  19. 


son  of  David  and  Mary  Buckingham,  Feb.    9. 

son  of  Edmund  and  Julia  Knight,  Feb.  13. 

son  of  John  and  ^lary  Coleman,  Feb.  17. 

Paul",  son  of  Paul  and  Margaret  Schranner,  Feb.  28. 

son  of  John  A.  and  Helen  A.  Eggleston,  Mar.    5. 

son  of  Wiiliaui  and  Sarah  J.  Jourdan,  Mar.    6. 

son  of  Patrick  and  Catharine  Hyan,  Mar.  10. 

Carlotta%  dau.  of  Carlos  and  Julia  H.  French,  April    6. 

son  of  Delevan  C.  and  Margaret  A.  Foot,  April  11. 

George  H.,  son  of  David  and  Adelia  Geary,  May    8. 

Jane,  dau,  of  Thomas  and  Bridget  Dolan,  May  10. 

dau.  of  Andrew  and  Ellen  Canary,  May  19. 

George  W.,  son  of  Henry  and  Mitford  Beers,  May  20. 

Louisa  Emily^,  dau.  of  Evan  and  ^liriam  Llewellyn,  May  23. 

Lulu  F.%  dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Julia  A.  Thayer,  May  25. 

son  of  Frederick  E.and  Adelaide  Castle,  June  10. 

dau.  of  Sidney  A.  and  Emily  Hubbell,  June  15. 

son  of  Valentine  and  Louisa  Burchell,  June  24. 

son  of  Charles  and  Ann  Carey,  Aug.    2. 

Carrie^  dau.  of  Marcus  L.  and  Sarah  M.  Davis,  June  10. 

John  Lambert,  son  of  Herbert  P.  and  Jane  M.  Fowler,  Aug.  21. 

dau.  of  Xoyes  and  Julia  A.  Johnson,  Aug.  29. 

dau.  of  Burr  M.  and  Jane  S.  Davis,  Sept.    8. 

dau.  of  Louis  and  Sally  ^liller,  Sept.  IC. 

dau.  of  John  and  Mary  Lyon,                         -  Sept.  20. 

^Hubert  N.,  son  of  John  E.  and  Frances  Isles,  Sept.  24. 

son  of  Charles  3L  and  Esther  M.  Fuller,  Sept.  25. 

son  of  Frederick  and  Cathareen  Vasler,  Oct.  11. 

Albert  H.",  son  of  Harvey  and  Mary  E.  Botsford,  Oct.  28. 

dau.  of  Charles  and  Mary  C.  French,  Xov.    1. 

Edward%  son  of  William  S.  and  Martha  Cooper,  Kov.    7. 

son  of  Albert  D.  and  Elizabeth  M.  Smith,  Nov.  17. 

dau.  of  Henry  C.  and  Martha  Williams,  Nov.  20. 

son  of  ^Nicholas  and  Ann  Brockway,  Dec.  26. 

Grace  M.%  dau.  of  John  H.  and  ^Minerva  Washband,  Jan.    9. 

dau.  of  William  and  Catharine  Colbert,  Jan.  19. 

son  of  Kobert  C.  and  Fannie  McDowel,  Jan.  22. 

son  of  Elbert  A,  and  Mary  Peck,  Jan.  25. 

Peter,  son  of  Peter  and  Johanna  Sulli\an,                      ••  Feb.  10. 

Isabella  M.,  dau.  of  George  P.  and  Mary  E.  Shelton,  Feb.  12. 

sou  of  Nathaniel  and  Melinda  E.  Chapman,  Feb.  13. 

son  of  John  H.  and  Martha  A.  BiadU;y,  Feb.  13. 

•    son  of  Sebastian  and  Mary  E.  Amltuhec,  Feb.  16. 

dau.  of  Matthias  and  Margaret  P>unyan,  Feb.  17. 

dau.  of  Edwin  D.  and  Harriet  H.  liishop,  Feb.  20. 

dau.  of  John  and  Anna  Roberts,  Feb.  21. 

Maria  Louisa",  dau.  of  \ViUiam  and  Hannah  Clarey,  Feb.  21. 

dau.  of  John  aud  Elizabeth  Lochyer,  Feb.  20. 

,.-  "-^t. 


Annie  Alida,  dau.  of  Eliott  K.  and  Ann  Eliza  Bassett,  Feb.  27. 

son  of  Patrick  and  Ilonora  Maloney,  (still-born)  Mar.    2. 

'Charles%  son  of  Thomas  and  Emily  E.  ChadVick,  Mar.    3. 

Dennis,  son  of  Charles  and  Hannah  2^IcCart/,  Mar.    3. 

dau.  of  Charles  B.  and  Frances  Lyon,  Mar.  18. 

son  of  Stephen  B.  and  Gertrude  Gregory,  (still-born)  Mar.  19. 

Frederick  Eugene,  son  of  Eugene  and  ]S"ancy  Winton,  April    2. 

son  of  Edward  and  Harriett  E.  Downes,  April    7. 

•  •  .          dau.  of  William  W.  and  Sarah  G.  Dibble,  April  10. 

dau.  of  Eeuben  ^Y.  and  Ellen  C.  Thayer,  April  11. 

son  of  George  Kich,  April  13. 

Edward  L.,  son  of  Le\i  B.  and  Fanny  Stuart,  April  20. 

son  of  Charles  and  Fannie  Whitely,  April  2) . 

•    :     son  of  Thomas  and  Anna  Shoedy,  May    5. 

.    ■     .       son  of  Willis  and  Roxana  Buckingham,  May    7. 

dau.  of  William  B.  and  Mary  I.  ^'ichuls.  May  11. 

.  son  of  George  E.  and  Hattie  E.  Meeker,  June    4. 

dau.  of  Marcus  and  Sarah  Davis,  June  10. 

dau.  of  George  V.  and  Julia  A.  Miller,  June  10. 

Fanny%  dau.  of  Leonard  and  Elizabeth  Wyant,  June  21. 

Katie"%  dau.  of  Timothy  and  Mary  O'Brien,  June  22. 
Hattie  L.«,  dau.  of  Frederick  and  Henrietta  Weston,  (col.)       June  23. 

son  of  John  and  Clara  Plotz,  June  24. 

Leonora,  dau.  of  William  and  Julia  K.  Morris,  June  25. 

Julia  A.,  dau.  of  John  and  I-^lk-n  O'Connor,  July    9. 

sou  of  Frank  M.  and  Kate  Welch,  (still-born)  July  15. 

son  of  Edward  and  Harriet  Tomlinson,  Aug.    1. 

Andrew  Kodmau%  son  of  Andrew  and  Clarissa  Holbrook,  Aug.    5. 

^\\^^'  \  dau.  and  son  of  Flenrv  E.  and  ^larv  Clinton,  Aug.  IS. 
Allie,  )                                      '                       • 

Josejjhine  P.,  dau.  of  Sheldon  and  Susana  Miles,  Aug.  21. 

Warren,  son  of  Sperry  :\L  and  Laura  M.  Sheldon,  Aug.  27. 

Harold',  son  of  Charles  H.  and  Anna  E.  Picket,  Sept.    6. 

Carrie%  dau.  of  Jacob  and  ]\Iary  Faber,  Sept.  10. 

Emma  Susanna,  dau.  of  Louis  and  Catliarine  Utricli,  Sept.  14. 

dau.  of  lulmond  H.  and  Julia  Knight,  Sept.  10. 

dau.  of  John  and  Mary  Higgins,  Sept.  17. 

son  of  John  E.  and  Frances  M.  He?,  Sept.  24. 

Anna,  dau.  of  X.  and  Cliarlotte  Ivempf,  Oct.     ». 

Harry  A.%  son  of  Kobeit  and  Alice  Healv,  Oct.  11. 

dau.  of  John  H.  and  Helen  A.  Eggleston,  Oct.  19. 

dau.  of  Michael  and  Honora  Sullivan,  Oct.  20. 

Marietta  J.,  dau.  of  Thadueus  and  Elizabeth  Fowler,  Oct.  21. 

John,  son  of  John  ami  Grace  .Molire,  Oct.  -0. 

Isormau  Webster^  sun  of  Mark  and  Anna  Lounsbury,  Oct.  29. 

sou  of  Thomas  and  Katv  Hill,  Nov.    2. 

son  of  Edward  M.  and  Hannah  C.  Child.s,  Nov.  11. 

son  of  Joseph  W.  Crowther,  Nov.  11. 

son  of  llobert  and  Caroline  McKay,  Nov.  10. 

Edna",  dau.  of  Ira  A.  and  Margaret  Parmalee,  Nov.  21. 


son  of  Lucius  P.  and  Etta  J.  Warner,  Nor.  28. 

Jane,  dau.  of  Dennis  and  Bridget  Crummy,  Dec.    6. 

Grace  Olive^  dau.  of  David  W.  and  Emily  J.  Sbarpe,  Dec.    C. 

dau.  of  William  and  Julia  Smith,  Jan.  23. 

son  of  William  and  Xaucy  Bay,  Feb.  11. 

dau.  of  Francis  aud  Sarah  McMahon,  Feb.  12. 

Susan,  dau.  of  Joseph  X.  and  Bridget  Wilson,  Feb.  27. 

Annie  Leigh%  dau.  of  John  aud  Anna  Chatfield,  Mar.    6. 

Henry,  son  of  John  aud  Henrietta  McBryan,  Mar.    7. 

Dennis,  son  of  Cornelius  and  Margaret  Driscoll,  Mar.  19. 

James*,  son  of  John  aud  ^Nlary  Coleman,  Mar.  28. 

Jane  D.,  dau.  of  Ileber  P.  and  Jaue  Fowler,  Mar.  28. 

Patrick,  son  of  Patrick  and  Julia  Crowley.  Mar.  30. 

Vosler,  dau.  of  Fredrick  and  Catherine  Collins,  April    7. 

dau.  of  Patrick  and  Mary  Collins,  April    9. 

dau.  of  Henry  B.  Beers,  -        April  12. 

Charles%son  of  C.  and  Johanna  Turk,  April  12. 

Louis,  son  of  Secastine  aud  Josephine  Embell,  April  13. 

Francis,  son  of  Henry  and  Augusta  Duster,  April  15. 

dau  of  Fred'erick  Foster,  April  16. 

dau.  of  Harpen  and  Sarah  French,  May  10. 

■     son  and  dau.  of  AV.  K.  and  Fanny  Holmes,  May  28. 

~         dau.  of  James  Davis,  May  30. 

dau.  of  James  and  Catharine  Coleman,  May  31. 

John",  son  of  James  aud  A^nes  Swan,                              •  June    8. 

dau.  of  Leman  and  Elsie  Whitlock,  June  10. 

Nettie,  dau.  of  Jay  aud  Mary  Carpenter,  June  17. 

son  of  Louis  and  Salome  Miller,  June  20. 

John  W.,  son  of  Wilbur  and  Margaret  Bassett,  June  29. 

John,  son  of  Thomas  and  Marv  Welch,  June  30. 

dau.  of  James  and  Jane  O'Neil,  June  30. 

son  of  Francis  and  ]Mary  Schwan,  June  30. 

T.,  son  of  William  and  :\rary  Maiioney,  July    7. 

John,  son  of  Thomas  and  ^Largaret  Hoadley,  July  14. 

Mary,«  dau.  of  K.  and  Jane  Fruin,                                      "  Aug.  10. 

George,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Ellen  Thayer,  Aug.  19. 

dau.  of  John  and  Clara  Plotz,  Aug.  22. 

son  of  G.  li.  and  Sarah  Genitte,  Sept.  13. 

dau.  of  William  aud  Catliarine  Colbert,  Sept.  21. 

Fred.,  son  of  Fred,  and  Elizal)etli  Ballenburg,  Sept.  20. 

William,  son  of  Charles  and  Fanny  Weidlich,  Sept.  24. 

son  of  I'atrick  and  Johanna  Sullivan,  Sept.  29. 

son  of  Thomas  and  Anna  Sheedy,  Oct.  2L 

Frank  ^L«,  son  of  Harvey  L.  and  Mary  li.  r>otsford,  Oct.  25. 

Johu  H.%  son  of  Theodore  S.  and  Sarah  J.  Ladd,  Oct.  25. 

dau.  of  John  Owens,  Oct.  28. 

Benj.,  son  of  S.  li.  and  xVnna  Dean,                               •  Nov.    4. 

son  of  Geo.  and  Mary  Vosler,  ^or.    5. 


son  of  William  I.  and  Elizabeth  Warren,  J^ov.    6. 

dau.  of  S.  M.  and  Catharine  Ilersey,  Nov.    9. 

George  II.,  sou  of  Edwin  and  Catharine  Segears,  Nov.  23. 

Edward  Pv.%  son  of  Ilenry  D.  and  Jost-phine  Northrop,  Dec.    2. 

Maggie,  dau.  of  John  and  Margaret  ileilVen,  Dec.    6. 

dau.  of  Benj.  and  Eunice  Towne,  Dec.    8. 

Emma  J.%  dau.  of  Svdnev  and  Emilv  Hubbell,  Dec.  15. 
Charles,  son  of  Charles  and  Ilattie  Swift,                              /     Dec.  22. 

dau.  of  Andrew  and  Ellen  Canary,  .       Dec.  23. 

Jamos,  dau,  of  George  and  Teressa  Rich,  Jan.    4. 

C.  K,,  son  of  Levi  B.  and  Frances  Stuart,  Jan.  17. 

Mary,  dau.  of  John  and  Ellen  Xagle,  Jan.  24. 

dau.  of  James  and  Mary  Parrot,  .      Jan.  28. 

son  of  Daniel  and  Mary  :McCarty,  Feb.  17. 

Anna%  dau.  of  Dennis  and  Bridget  Crnmniy,  Feb.  20. 

dau.  James  and  Fannie  Sliaw,  Mar.  13. 

Julia  Ann%  dau.  of  Evan  and  Miriam  Llewellyn,  Mar.  ^18. 

Martha,  dau.  of  Sydney  and  Emily  Ilubbell,  Mar.  20. 

Mary  Ann,  dau.  o'f  (lOtlib  and  Mary  Ann  Theurer,  April    3. 

Edward,  son  of  Joseph  and  Emma  Whitely,  April    9. 

dau.  of  Frank  and  Maria  Mason,  (col.)  April  IL 

Anna  Edna,  dau.  of  Edwin  and  Anna  E.  Day,  April  14. 

Lewis  C.%  son  of  V.  H.  and  Cornelia  McEwen.  April  15. 

dau.  of  Edward  and  Mary  R.  Brown,  April  30. 

son  of  Henry  and  Eliza  Manweiller.  ^lay    1. 

dan.  of  Samuel  and  Louise  E.  Hawkins,  May    0. 

Fred  L.,  son  of  Fred  W.  and  Henrietta  Weston,  (col.)  May  20. 

Thomas  E.,  son  of  David  and  Annie  Reese,  June    9. 

Maud  (Jhase,  dau.  of  Aug.  R.  and  Delia  A.  VaiK  June  22. 

Ellen^,  dau.  of  Patrick  and  Ellen  Fitzgibbons,  June  29. 

dau.  of  Timothy  and  Mary  O'Brien,  July    5. 

dau.  of  William  and  Catharine  O'Donneli,  Aug.  7. 
Ilattie,  da\i.  of  diaries  and  Harriet  McCarty,                         '    Aug.  17. 

Hubert  P.,  son  of  Perry  and  Emma  A.  Tomlinson,  Sept.  20. 

son  of  Andrew  and  C.  Holbrook,  Oct.    o. 

son  of  George  and  E.  S.  Benedict,  Oct.  20. 

Abel,  son  of  Nathan  and  Lllen  Holbrook,  Oct.  31. 

son  of  diaries  and  Sarah  R.  Smith,  Nov.    0. 

Heber,  son  of  W.  S.  and  Marv  I.  Kenney,  Nov.  22. 
Ida  L.,  dau.  of  Thomas  L.  and  Julia  James,                              ~  Dec.  12. 

Elmer%  son  of  Thomas  and  Charlotte  SharjjC,  Dec.  18. 

William",  son  of  J.  and  xVnna  Anthony,  Dec.  18. 

Margaret,  dau.  of  James  and  Ellen  O'Neal,  Dec.  19. 

R.  O.,  sou  of  Henry  and  Sarah  A.  Curtiss,                       ,  Dec.  20. 

Lizzie  Adams,  dau.'  of  diaries  E.  and  Mary  Fuller,  Dec.  20. 

Louis  K.,  son  of  Wm.  K.  and  M.  Fannie  Holmes,  Jan.  IL 

son  of  Charios  P.  and  Mary  White,  Feb.    2. 


Lillian",  dau.  of  William  and  Lucy  L.  Ilougbtaling,  Feb.    3. 

sou  of  Joliu  and  Charlotte  Whitney,  Feb.    6. 

dau.  of  B.  P.  and  Ilaunah  E.  Beecher,  Feb.    8. 

sou  of  John  and  Mary  J)uliy,  Feb.  IG. 

James,  son  of  James  and  Eugene  Samuels,  (col.)  Mar.    5. 

dau.  of  Jacob  and  Mary  Faber,  Mar.    5. 

son  of  A.  and  Rhoda  Clark,  Mar.    9. 

son  of  Isaac  and  Fannie  Tomlinson,  Mar.    9. 

William,  son  of  John  and  3Iary  Coleman,  April    4. 

Mary,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Catherine  Bay,  April    5. 

son  of  Frederick  and  ^lartha  Drieson,  April    7. 

Frances,  dau.  of  Nathan  and  Mag-rie  Brushell,  May    2. 

son  of  U.  and  Caroline  Monitor,  May    6. 

son  of  Louis  M,  and  Uatiie  E.  Cane,        •  May    6. 

Mary*,  dau.  of  James  and  Bridget  Donohue,  May  1-1. 

Edward  H.',  son  of  George  H.^aod  Hattie  E.  Washburn,  May  18. 

son  of  K.  and  Alice  Healy,  May  24. 

son  of  C.  and  Johanna  Turk,  June  15. 

Charles  S.,  son  of  William  B.  and  Mary  Johnson,  July    4. 

Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  William  and  Sophia  Butler,                 *  July  12. 

l*atrick,  son  of  John  and  Maria  Kt-gan,  July  12. 

Anna  B.,  dau.  of  George  K.  and  Grace  Lester,  July  15. 

John,  son  of  J.  and  jMary  Hopkins,  July  14. 

Henry,  son  of  John  and  Mary  .McKay,  (still-born)  Aug.  10. 

son  of  William  and  Catharine  Colbert,  Aug.    2. 

sou  of  Edward  and  Sarah  Piper,  Aug.  19. 

Bertha,  dau.  of  William  and  Mary  A.  iJowus,  Aug.  21. 
Arthur  B.,  )              ,  ,         i-  t-.      ,        ,  t^.. 
Alice  B        '  ^*^"                       Frank  and  Ellen  Couverette,        Aug.  2L 

Frances,  dan.  of  Charles  and  Fanny  Wiedlich,  Sept.    9. 

dan.  of  I'M  ward  and  Helen  L.  Gulley,  Sept.  16. 

William  M.,  son  of  James  E.  and  Klla  Buckley,  Sept.  18. 

Harriet  A.,  dan.  of  James  K  and  Harriet  Barber,  Sept.  20. 

son"  of  John  and  Margaret  Bradley,  Sept,  27. 

Florence^  son  of  William  W.  and  Sarah  G.  Dibble,  Oct.    6. 

Alice  C,  dau.  of  George  A.  and  Susan  Rogers,  Oct.    G. 

Dennis,  son  of  Dennis  and  Bridget  Crummy,  Oct.    9. 

Mary  A.,  dau.  of  Harvey  E.  and  Mary  P>ofsforil,     ■  Oct.  10. 

Hester      '  |  *^'^"''^*  "^  '^^^^^  ''^"^  Anna  Roberts,  Oct.  17. 

Sharon  .M.%  son  of  Sharon  D.  and  Mary  E.  Beach,  Oct.  28. 

William,  son  of  Charles  and  Julia  Taylor,  Nov.    9. 

dau.  of  R.  and  Jane  Frain,  Nov.  IL 

dau.  of  Howard  and  \'irgii)ify  Weston,  (col.)  Nov.  22. 

John",  son  of  John  H.  and  Martha  liradley,  Dec.     1. 

Frederick,  son  of  Frederick  and  lM-ederi(-a  lioeker,  De».     7. 

Lewis  Lugrand%  son  of  David  W.  an.l  Emily  J.  Sharpe,  Dec.  11. 

son  of  James  A.  and  Mary  E.  Tevileen,  Dec.  15. 

Josephine,  dau.  of  James  and  Jane  Nichols,  Dec.  18. 


Timothy,  son  of  Timothy  and  Mary  O'Brien,  Jan.  8. 
Katie,  dau.  of  Heury  and  Katie  Lev,  .  Feb.  11.* 
Mary,  dau.  of  John  and  Betsey  Rule,  Feb.'  23.' 
Gotlib,  son  of  Gotlib  and  Mary  Anna  Theurcr,  Feb'.  2i. 
Barbara,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Barbara  Mauweiler,  Mar!  1. 
Julia,  dau.  of  Michael  and  Julia  liciian,  Mar.  11*. 
Harry%  son  of  Smith  and  Amanda  Carpenter,  Mar!  li. 
William,  son  of  William  ami  Catharine  O'Donnell,  Mar.*  2l! 
Jennie  V.%  )  ■,  ^  tt  ,  ,, 
'  f  aaus.  of  Horace  aud  Mary  Ann  Holbrook,  Mar.  24. 

^Fauny,  dau.  of  Thomas  B.  and  Mary  r^Iiuor,  Mar.  23. 

Alfred,  son  of  William  and  Sarah  Uull.  Mar.  25 

Fauny%  dau.  of  V.  II.  and  Caroline  L.  McEwen,  Mar.'  30.' 

Eddie,  son  of  Frank  and  Anna  Mc.AIorrow,  April    (J. 

Kobert  K.",  sou  of  Samuel  K.  and  Anna  C.  Dean,  April    s". 

Burr,  son  of  X.  Burr  and  Juiia  Williams,  April  24." 

Louis^  son  of  Valentin  and  Louise  Buchelo,  May  ,.s! 

dau.  of  Lindoline  and  Carrie  Motlier,  May  l(j. 

dau.  of  William  G.  and  Julia  A.  Mitchell,  June    4.' 

Thomas  Edward,  son  of  Tliomas  K.  and  Isabella  Curtiss,  June    G. 

Carl,  son  of  Carl  and  Barbara  Sunder,  June  13. 

X.  IL,  son  of  X.  H.  and  Etra  Bailey,  June  18^ 

Mabel  E.%  dau.  of  Samuel  ,aul  Louisa  C.  Hawkins.  June  lo' 

Uiram,  son  of  U    W.  and  Martha  Ilandall,  July    2. 

Anna  J.^,  dau.  of  William  and  Ameli  i  Davis,  Jujj  17. 

Mary,  dan.  of  George  and  Kate  Gaylonl,  July  IS. 

son  of  C.  C.  and  Funny  X"u,::eut,  (stillb.)rn)  Julv  ID. 

Catharine,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Hannui  .MeCartv,  .  JulV  28. 

:NLibeI  E.^,  dau.  of  Xathan  L*.  and  I':ilen  Holbrook,  JiilV  30.' 

Martha  dau.  of  Wm.  S.  and  Martha  Coopt-r,  Aug.    2. 

son  of  Charles  B.  and  Henrietta  Wooster,  Au^.     G. 

dau.  of  iJeWitt  C.  and  Julia  JL  Uull,  Aug.    G. 

Henry,  son  of  Henry  and  Carrie  Schneider,  Aug.    G. 

sou  of  Xavier  audCliarlotta  Keinpf,  Aug.    8. 

('harles  Henry,  son  of  George  S.  and  Martha  M.  Davis,  Aug.  10. 

dau.  of  Marcus  anil  Sarah  M.  Davis,  Au^.  22. 

IMiillip,  sou  of  Andrew  and  Anna  Catharine  LTsinger,  Aug.  27. 

Joseph,  son  of  Joseph  and  Emma  Whitelv,  Aui;.  2<). 

dau.  of  Charles  11.  and  Sarah  Bliss,  ^vi?\.  Vj[ 

Albert,  son  of  James  D.  aud  I.sadora  Slate,  Oct.    4. 

(leorge,  son  of  (jeorge  and  Mary  Jan«-  Butler,  Oet.    .">! 

Eugene",  son  of  Thomas  and  Hairie  Jhuiimrt,  (Jet    1>. 

Tliomas,  son  of  Thomas  K.  and  Miranda  Sanl'ord,  Oct.  13. 

Henrietta  ."\Liry,  dau.  (d' Albert  U.  and  Anna  Dunham,  Oct.  17. 

Fanny,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Mary  Jane  Bay,  Oct.  30, 

NVilliam  li.,  son  of  William  it.  and  Mary  Ijoberts,  Xov.  II. 

Henry  son  of  Henry  K.  and  Mary  Ann  Clinton,  Xov.  15). 

(ieorge  A.",  son  of  Charles  P.  arid  Mmy  ^\'llite,  Xov.  2*J^ 



Eva,  dan.  of  Ilciirv  K.  and  Eva  Chamberlain, 
'    Kate,  dan.  of  Matthew  and  Mary  Keefe, 

dau.  of  Corydon  F.  and  Lavinia  Uonian, 
sou  of  Daniel  \V.  and  Georgianna  dark, 

Richard,  son  of  Richard  and  Elizabetli  Piersou, 

Timothy,  son  of  Timothy  and  -Alarv  O'Brien, 

Annie,  dau.  of  Edmund" and  Annie  Dav, 

Andrew,  son  of  Jcdm  and  Mariraret  llotrman, 

Ida  J.  L.  E.,  dau.  of  Evan  and  Miriam  Llewellyn, 

W.  M.,  son  of  W.  B.  and  Marv  Johnson, 

]3avid,  son  of  David  and  Marv  Jenkinirs, 

John,  sou  of  Charles  and  Louisa  Wolfe', 

Jessie,  son  of  Matthew  and  Eliza  P.  Pope, 

James,  son  of  James  and  Geordanna  Samuels,  (col.] 

Eddie,  son  of  Thomas  and  Charlotte  Sharpe, 

iMichael,  son  of  John  and  ^Liria  Ke.n'an, 

Jane,  dau.  of  Julius  and  Jane  Xewton, 

Robert\  Sou  of  Kobert  and  Alice  Healev, 

Celia,  dau.  of  James  A.  and  Celia  Tevlin. 

Mary,  dau.  of  yanuiel  and  3[ary  Uaerper,' (still-born) 

Leonard,  son  of  Leonard  and  Xanev  Bradlev, 

Lucy,  dau.  of  James  and  Ellen  O'S'eil, 

John,  son  of  .John  Dreise, 

Mary,  dau.  of  Howard  and  Ellen  Moshier, 

TlKMuas  ]•:.,  son  of  iJenj.  and  Ellen  Davis, 

^L^ry,  dau.  of  Peter  and  Eu^^enia'  Ward, 

James,  son  of  Edwin  and  Sarah  Piper, 

son  of  John  and  Annie  Kiny, 
Jane,  dau.  of  J(din  and  Estlier  Rose," 
Jane,  dau.  of  ^Vm.  ])owru'S, 

Mary  D.  ji.,  dau.  of  Thomas  L.  and  Julia  James. 
Celestia,  dau.  of  Edward  and  Celestia  Bra.llev, 
Eva,  dau.  of  I)wi:,ri,t  ;i„,i  jr^a  Garret, 
Fitz,  son  of  Jacoli  Faber, 
Edward,  son  of  J(dm  and  Mary  Coleman, 
Mary,  dau.  of  Cornelius  and  Katie  Turk. 
William,  son  of  Win.  J.  and  Lotti<-  11.  Webster, 
James,  son  of  James  and  Airnes  Swan, 
Hannah  B.,  dau.  of  W'm.  and  Mariraret  Howes, 
John,  .son  of  John  and  Mar^'aret  Jiradlev, 
Katie,  dau.  of  James  Anthony, 
Amos,  son  of  \Vm.  and  Sophia  Butler. 
Barth,  son  of  Thomas  and  liri.liret  Kinnev, 

son  of  Charles  ami  .Marv  I'Vendi", 
I'rank  H.,  dau.  of  Joseph  P.  and"  Mary  Parsons, 
Josejiliiiie,  dau.  ».f  James  and  Brid;ret"  Wilson, 
J'atrick  11.,  son  of  James  and  Helen  Howard, 
JOliza,  dau.  of  Charles  1'.  and  Eliza  A.  Hurd, 




.  1. 


.    5. 


.  15. 


.    7. 


.    7. 


,  15. 


,  19. 









































































Sej)t.  : 


Sept.  : 




Oct. : 



Francis  W.,  son  of  Samuel  and  Emma  Hayman, 
Sarah,  dan.  of  Wra.  R.  and  Sarah  Bates, 
Charles  S.,  son  of  Charles  B.  and  Lvdia  Johnson, 
John,  son  of  Francis  and  Ann  MoMorrow, 
Louisa,  J.,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Diana  Saunders, 
Charles,  son  of  Joseph  and  Emma  Whitely, 
John,  son  of  Michael  and  ^Fary  Diisool, 
Ella,  dau.  of  Geo.  C.  and  Elizabeth  Sperry, 
Georgie,  son  of  Geo.  and  Ikdia  Smith, 
Mary,  dau.  of  Wm.  and  Mary  O'Donnell, 
Iva  E.  dau.  of  NVm.  C.  and  Vinie  A.  Sharpe, 
Lewis  A.,  son  of  ICdward  C.  and  Mary  Brown, 

Margaret,  dau.  of  Joseph  A.  and  Margaret  Hagau, 
Elizabeth,  dau.  of  Chas.  and  Margaret  I'otter, 
Joseph  D.,  son  of  John  C.  and  ILlleu  Barton, 
Martin,  son  of  Martin  B.  and  Mary  C.  Tallman, 
Theo.,  sun  of  Theo.  and  Lilly  Crowther, 

son  of  Andrew  ami  (."larissa  Holbrook, 

son  of  Thomas  and  Charlotte  Sharpe,  (siill-born) 
Maggie,  dau.  of  Theo.  and  Maggie  Decker, 
David,  son  «f  David  and  Ilattie  Evans, 
Charles  E.,  son  of  Charles  and  K.vtie  Bay, 

sou  of  Joseph  and  Maggit^  Johnson, 
Maggie,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Hannah  McCarty, 
Margaret  A.,  dau.  of  Fred  and  Henrietta  Weston, 
Maud,  dau.  of  Adoiiijah  and  Harriet   French, 

dau.  of  Peter  and  Margaret  Sullivan, 

dau.  of  Wm.  and  .Maria  Davis, 

dan.  of  \Vm.  B.  and  Pliebe  Sherman, 
Joseph,  ton  of  Timothy  and  Mary  O'Bnen, 
Fred  A.,  son  of  Aliiert  and  Mary  Clark, 
H.  A.,  dau.  of  S.  ILirt  and  Ellen  A.  Culver, 

dau.  of  Louis  and  Salome   Miller, 
Susan",  dau.  of  I'red  and  Mattie  Harris, 

dau.  of  Leonard  and  "^lary  JJradley, 
Clarence,  son  of  Geo.  and  .I\ili.i  >L  Smith, 
Eva,  dau.  of  D wight  ami  I'.va  Garn-tt, 

son  of  ("liarles  and  .Julia  Taylor, 
Harr/  Fran<-i3,  son  of  Frank  H.  ami  Lilly  E.  Kussell, 
Emiie"*,  son  of  Cliaa.  and  Barbara  Manweiler, 
Fiederick"*,  son  of  Wm.  C.  and  Maria  (Joo[H'r, 
Timothy,  son  of  Patrick  and  ICllen  Mahoney, 
"Henry  A.,  son  of  Benjamin  and  .Julia  Thayer, 

son  of  Lewis  and  lOlla  Bobiustui, 
2s"athan  F.%  son  of  Nathan  U.  aud  l^lU-u  Holbrook, 

dau.  of  Piich.  and  l^li/alieth  Pt-arsou,  (still-born) 

son  of  I'atrick  aud  ICIIeii  Crossdale, 
Bessie",  dau.  of  Edward  L.  and  Liz/ie  P>ot.stord, 
















































































































son  of  Corydon  G.  aud  Lavinia  I.  Iloman, 

son  of  James  Samuels, 

son  of  Tliomas  aud  Kllen  Brennan, 
II.,  dau.  of  Smith  aud  Auiauda  Carjjeuter, 

son  of  Zcra  B.  and  Alice  Davis, 
James%  )  ^  ^ 

Eddie%  )  ^^"^  of  James  aud  Kate  Brennan, 

Chrisie,  son  of  N.  B.  aud  Ella  Bavlev, 
dau.  of  B.  B.  Thayer, 

Myron  D.,  sou  of  Daniel  aud  Geor^nauua  Clark,  Jan.  11. 

sonof  DeWitt  Uull, 
Frauk%  son  of  Koberr  aud  .Marv  Ilealey, 
Joseph  E.,  son  of  Joseph  E.  aud  Martha  Parsons, 

dau.  of  Henry  aud  Eloreuce  Huirset. 
Ellen  Florence,  dau,  of  Alouzo  aud  Anna  Harper, 

dau.  of  Charles  aud  Ellen  Beers, 
Lizzie,  dau.  of  Matthew  Bunvan, 
Maud  L.,  dau.  of  Matthew  and  Gertie  Smith, 
Louis,  sou  of  Charles  aud  Gertrude  Sunders, 
Alice%  dau.  of  Dcuuis  and  Bridiiet  Crummv, 
son  of  Heber  aud  :\rartha  Caruenter, 
Benjamin  B.%  sou  of  David  and  Nettie'Evana, 
Mary,  dau.  of  Wm.  aud  ^ra.<,^de  Harris, 

son  of  Ered  Dreise,"^ 
Charles  E.%  son  of  Clias.  and  Klmira^  Houghtallinf-, 
Henrys,  sou  of  Henry  aud  Eliza  Mauweiller, 
Geor-^e  Hotchkiss,  sun  of  Laz.  and  Marv  A.  Weaver, 

SOL  of  Henry  M.  aud  Jane  Purdv, 
Ed.  L.,  son  of  Ed.  K.  and  Marv  Libbev, 
John,  son  of  James  and  Marv  E.  Eet:an, 

sou  of  Michael  Harris,  (stilll)ori)) 
Jennie,  dau.  of  Jennie  .Fohnson'.  (col.)  (still-born) 
Henry,  son  of  Heurv  Weston, 
Louis",  son  cf  :\Ii]t()u  Eishop, 

dau.  of  Isaac  DeEorest. 
Jennie  E.,  dau.  of  EolK-rt  aud  Jane  S.  McKav, 
dau.  of  Samuel  and  i:uima  Havmanj 
sou  of  Jerry  and  Kliza  Andrews, 
Sadie%  dau.  of  C.  II.  and  A.  E.  Pickett, 
John,  son  of  James  Howard, 
Grace  0.%  dau.  of  Fred  and  .^larrha  Harris, 
Florence  11.^,  dau.  ol(Jeo.  Sarah  James, 
John,  .son  of  Michael  and  Julia  Ee^^m, 
^\  illiam%  son  of  Eichard  and  IClizab^th  Picrson, 
i^ottie^,  dau.  of  James  and  Georirianua  Samuels,  (col.) 

dau.  of  Wallace  I'arui.-lce, 
Ptobert  W.,  son  of  Wui.  11.  and  Sanih  E.  Bates, 
dau.  of  John  Culemau, 






.    1. 


.    8. 


.  10. 


,  13. 


,  18. 







April    2. 
April  10. 

May    8. 

May  11. 

Mav  11. 

















Sept.  : 












Nov.  J 


Nov.  18. 

Nov.  2 





Bessie  May,  dau.  of  Leonard  and  Marv  A.  Bradley,  Dec  17 

VViIham,  son  of  Win.  aDd  Julia  Twist,                   '  Dec  12* 

John,  son  of  Jeremiah  and  Marv  A.  Driscol,  Dec'  "n 

Frank  R.%  son  of  Andrew  and  Clarissa  Holbrook,  Dec'  27* 

latnck,  son  of  Joseph  and  Marsrarei  Uandlev,  Au<^  lo' 

Herbert  P.,  son  of  Herbert  P.  and  Jane  M.  Fowler,  Au^*    2* 

child  of  A.  B.  Dunham,  °*      ' 

Patrick,  son  of  Martin  and  Mary  Driscol,  Mar.  26. 

dau.  of  Bobert  and  Jane  Fruin,  Alio-"    8* 

Katie,  dau.  of  Wm.  and  Mary  3IcHuuney,  Aug!    3. 

dau.  of  Charles  and  Marv  Evans,(still-born)  Jan     5 

Patrick,  son  of  Patrick  and  Mamaret  Mulreadv,  Jan     7 

Thomas,  son  of  Thomas  and  Anna  Lidston,      "  Jan.    8. 

dau.  of  Bufus  C.  and  Marie  Aloott,  Jan'  31* 

Mary  M.»,  dau.  of  Charles  P.  and  Marv  J.  White,  Feb.    1. 

dau.  of  Emery  E.  and  Ella  j'.  Adams,  Feb.    ii. 

Anna,  dau.  of  Geo.  Gihson  and  Jennie  Johns,  Feb.  ](). 

son  of  John  Narev  and  Anna  Schrauner,  Feb   10* 

Maggie  L.,  dau.  of  Martin  and  Katio  Lamrhlin,  Feb  IG* 

Alice,  dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Ellen  Davis,""  Feb*  IG* 

Edward,  son  of  Mary  White,  Pel^  02' 

Daisey^,  son  of  Joseph  and  Xettie  S.  Ineson,  Feb*.  21, 

son  of  David  ond  Masrgie  Farrell,  Mar'  u' 

Mary,  dau.  of  Peter  and  Johanna  Sullivan,  Mar'.  21*. 

dau.  of  Heman  and  Kate  Lippman,  Mar  27 

James,  son  of  Thomas  and  Anna  JJrennau,  April  17* 

Lewis,  son  of  Lewis  and  Sallv  Miller.  April  IS 

Charles,  son  of  David  and  Delia  Grav,  ...    May    5. 

son  of  John  and  Marv  Grilhth,  .        May    7* 

Emma,  dau.  of  Chas.  and  .Mary  Wehrle,  .    May  IS. 

Amelia,  dau.  of  Jlenry  and  MarL-'aret  Weaver,  Mav  23* 

Emma  S.%  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Ella  L.  Butler,  Mav  24.* 

Edward,  son  of  Josej.h  and  Emma  W'hitely,  May  27. 

dau.  of  Then,  and  Lillie  Crowther,  May  29. 

dau.  of  Henry  and  Mariraret  Webber,  Mav  29. 

>.ellie%  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Ellen  Wiumore,  May  30. 

Joseph  II. ,  son  of  Alonzoand  Anna  M.  Harper,  June    7 

Lida  .May«,  dau.  of  Geo.  and  Julia  M.  Smith,  June  ]2. 

Mabel-,  dau.  of  Sharon  D.  and  Elizaiu-th  Beaeh,  June  28. 

Clark  M.»,  son  of  Harvey  L.  and  .Mary  II.  Botsford,  July    2. 

son  of  Cornelius  and  Catharine  Turk,  July    9. 

dau.  of  John  and  .^Llrv  .Mack,  Julv  2G. 

Edward^  son  of  (ieo.  H.  and  ."Nlelissa  A.  Hill.  Jul'v  29. 

son  of  Charles  and  Mary  i:.  Erencli,  Au<^.  22. 

dau.  of  Frank  J.  and  lamina  W.  Ford,  Aug.  22. 

dau.  of  'iliomas  L.  and  Julia  A.  James,  Aug.  22. 

dau.  of  Phillip  Town.send,  SepL    1. 

Alice",  son  of  Wm.  S.  and  .Mary  J.  Roberts,  Sept.    C. 


dau.  of  Albert  B.  Dunham,  Ang.  24. 

dau.  of  Cliarles  and  Kate  Bay.  Sept.  10. 

Edward,  son  of  Frederick  and  Christinie  Stahl,  Sept  27. 

William^  son  of  Wm.  I'>.  and  ^Mary  J.  Nicholas,  Sept.  27. 

Katie,  dau.  of  John  and  Kate  O'Brien,  Oct.    1. 

-    .            son  of  John  and  Sara  Blisliu,  Oct.  16. 

son  of  Virgil  II.  and  Caroline  L.  ^McEwen, (still-born)  Oct.  14. 

.  .     .         son  of  Samuel  and  Emma  llavmau,  (still-born)  Oct.  18. 

son  of  Chas.  and  Barbara  Manweiller,  (still-born)        Oct.  23. 

dau.  of  Joseph  H.  and  Elizabeth  Smith,  Nov.    5. 

Joseph,  son  of  Wm.  and  Mariiaret  Ilarris,  Nov.  11. 

dau.  of  Frank  and  Lizzie  Peters,  Nov.  11. 

son  of  E.  C  and  Mary  R.  Brown,  Nov.  21. 

son  of  Wm.  and  Kate  Kyan,  Nov.  26. 

Thomas,  son  of  Charles  and  Genhardine  Saunders,  Nov.  30. 

Henry  C.*,  son  of  Henry  and  Caroline  Schneider,  Dec.    5. 

George*,  son  of  Bobert  and  Alice  tlealev.  Dec.    7. 

dau.  of  Wm.  A.  and  Elizabeth'llowell,  Dec.  20. 

Frederick  C.^,  son  of  James  K.  and  Jane  A.  Nichols,  Dec.  25. 

son  of  Michael  Dri.scol,  (still-born)  Dec.  25. 

son  of  Frank  Knssell,  Dec.  20. 

Eva  11.,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  E.  Smith,  April  10. 

Bel!e%  dau.  of  Chas.  I),  and  Auirusta  A.  Kelsey,  Jan.  II. 

son  of  Wm.  B.  and  Phebe  J.  Sherman,  Jan.  18. 

Harry  E.^,  son  of  Henrv  li.  and  Eveline  Chamberlain,  Jan.  25. 

dan.  of  John  and  Mary  L.  Ilollaway,  Feb.  20. 

sou  of  James  B.  and  Maria  Delauey,  Feb.  25. 

Anna  J.",  dau.  of  Andrew  and  .Jane  Barr,  i^Iar.  11. 

son  of  Ward  and  P^lizabcth  Adkins,  Mar.  14. 

Thomas,  son  of  John  and  .Mary  Culeman,  Mar.  16. 

dau.  of  Thomas  1>.  and  Mary  E.  Minor,  Mar.  28. 

son  of  Charles  and  Mary  Evans,  Mar.  29. 

dau.  of  ^lichael  and  Catharine  Ilarris,  April    4. 

dau.  t)f  Jo^ei)h  W.  and  Sarah  E.  ]\Ioody,  April    4. 

son  of  John  and  Mary  (J'Bricn,  April     7. 

twinSjSonsofWilford  J. and  ^lary  Warren, (still-born)  April  13. 

son  of  Llenry  and  Pauline  Perthes,  April  13. 

Eya%  dau.  of  Geo.  A.  and  Mary  A.  Simpson,  April  22. 

Efuest%  son  of  Chas.  and  Frances  Weidlich,  May  11. 

Cornelius^  son  of  Cornelius  M.  and  Sarah  M.  Hard,  May  10. 

son  of  Patrick  and  Mar^raret  Muiready,  May  12. 

Walter  J,%  son  of  Jerry  and  Hattie  Andrew,  June    C. 

Lillian*,  dau.  of  Fred.  A.  and  Louisa  Buirg,  Jiine    C. 

Myra%  dau.  of  Chas  and  Myra  HouLditalling,  June    7. 

Cornelius,  son  of  James  and  .Mary  BeL'an,  June  18. 

^Maud",  dau.  of  ICdward  and  Lizzie  A.  Lotsfurd,  June  22. 

son  of  I'atrick  and  I-Ilh-n  Crosdale,  June  24, 

Harry  A.%  son  of  Leonard  and  Mary  Bradley,  July    7. 


Lewie  Eali>li*,  son  of  CcDJ.  B.  and  Julia  A.  Tliayer,  July    7. 

May  A.%  dau.  of  Uenry  ami  Mary  Spoonbanuner,  July    9. 

James^,  son  of  Jolin  and  Catharine  Kelleber,  July  17. 

Carrie%  dau.  of  ^lilton  G.  and  Adelia  IMsIiop,  July  18. 

Thomas^  son  of  Wni.  and  Eliza  Leahy,  July  20. 

Alice  L.%  dau.  of  Peter  and  M.  Eugenia  Ward,  July  22. 

Cornelius%  son  of  Mioliael  and  Julia  Regan,  July  24. 

sou  of  Wm.  and  ]Mary  Malioney,  Aug.    1. 

Edward",  sou  of  Cbark'S  B.  and  Lilly  Andrews,  Aug.    3. 

son  of  Wui.  >L  and  Stapie  Stone,  Aug.  13. 

son  of  Wm.  E.  and  ITattie  C.  Short,  Aug.  16. 

dau.  of  Edward  L.  and  Mary  Libby,  Aug.  2G. 

nenrietta%  dau.  of  Xatban  and  Pollen  Elolbrook,  Sept.    1. 

Mary,  dau.  of  Kiebard  and  Jane  Evans.  Sept.    8. 

Ivayuiond',  sou  of  Joseph  and  Flattie  E.  Fudge,  Sept.    .5. 

Joseph,  son  of  Joel  and  Maria  Chatfield,  Sept.    8. 

Catherine^  dau.  of  Gotlib  and  Mary  Theurer,  Sept.  11. 

Walter'*,  son  of  Smith  and  Amanda  Carpenter,  Sept.  12. 

George  E.",  son  of  Harvey  L.  and  ^lary  11.  Botsford,  Sept.  12. 

son  of  Wm.  and  Julia  A.  Twist,  Sept.  2.3. 

Michael,  son  of  Michael  and  Hattie  Foirartv,  Sept.  30. 

dau.  of  Kufus  C.  and  Maria  Alooft,  Oct.    2. 

]Minerva  J.%  dau.  of  Lewis  A.  and  Elizabeth  E.  Camp,  Oct.  17. 

Isaac  H.%  son  of  John  and  Mary  E.  Scbotleld,  Oct.  20. 

Charles',  son  of  Eugene  A.  and  Mary  E.  Wyant,  Xov.    U. 

Edward*,  son  of  Otto  and  ICmma  D.  Weidlich,  Xov.  20. 

Iris  E.%  dau.  of  Harris  B.  and  Harriet  IL  3Iuuson,  Dec.    9. 

liaymond%  son  of  Xoyes  E.  and  Ida  S.  Bassett,  Dec.  11. 

son  of  Morris  and  Anna  Lee,  Dec.  13. 
Alice%  dau.  of  Peter  and  Johanna  Sullivan,                        '         Dec.  23. 

son  of  Benjauiiu  and  Helen  Davis,  Dec.  28. 

Ella,  dau.  of  Frank  H.  and  Lilly  E.  Kussell,  Jan.    4. 

Catherine,  dau.  ot  Wm.  and  Catherine  O'Donnell,  Jan.    0. 

John,  son  of  Fr(Mlerick  and  Ivatie  Popp,  Jan.     7. 

Agnes,  dau.  of  Thomas  L.  and  Julia  A.  .Fames,  Jan.  17. 

Cornelius^  sou  of  Cornelius  and  Kate  Turk,  Jan.  29. 

dau.  of  Michael  Conroy  and  Lena  IJolfmau. (still-born)  I-'eli.    2. 

G.  Kenney%  son  of  Samuel  P.  and  >fary  E.  Can)p,  Feb.    2. 

Addie",  dau.  of  James  and  Georgianna  Samuels,  (col.)  Feb.    G. 

Wesley,  sou  of  Carl  and  Ella  M.  Carlsou,  Feb.  15. 

sou  of  Thomas  and  Millie  Ticirauowau,  Feb.  l(i. 

Wm.  A.,  son  of  Geo.  L.  and  .^lartha  Davis,  Mar.    3. 

Blauclie%  dau.  of  John  and  Nellie  Harris,  ^lar.    8. 

Xelsou%  son  of  Nelson  and  Catherine  II.  Marion,  Mar.  II. 

Pay,  son  of  ."^amuel  It.  and  Sivrah  1'^.  Smith,  Mar.  IE 

liobcrt%  sou  of  Pobcrl  auJ  Jane  E.  .McKay,  Mar.  10. 

Mary,  dau.  of  Maitin  and  Kati<'  Loiigblin,  Mar.  17. 

Michael,  son  of  Patrick  and  Helen  Mahuney,  Mar.  20. 


»  KIRTHS   IN   SEYMOUR.  33 

Joseph,  son  of  Win.  and  Anna  Cunlew,  Mar.  25. 

sou  of  Wni.  A.  and  .Mary  A.  Downs,  Mar.  29. 

(lau.  of  Lonis  and  Salome  ^Miller,  April  1-4. 

Lottie",  dau.  of  Timothy  and  Aunie  Siinires,  April  10. 

son  of  Henry  "and  Percilla  Jones,  (still  horn)  April  27. 

All»ert  W.%  son  of  \Vn).  K.  and  ?»Iary  F.  Holmes,  June  10. 

Florence%  dau.  of  Horatio  X.  and  Mary  L.  Eiiirleston,  June  20. 

Clara  M.%  dau.  of  Thaddens  and  Clara  E.  Fouler,  July  14. 

Samuel  R.,  sou  ot  Samuel  K.  and  Anna  C.  Dean,  July  15. 

Joseph^,  son  of  Jose[ih  and  Margaret  Hagan,  July  22. 

3Iary,  dau.  of  Jeremiah  and  31ary  Driscol,  Aug.    3. 

Julia%  dau.  of  Chas.  and  Mary  Wehrle,  Aug.  10. 

]\Iary  E.,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Ellen  Mahoney,               '  Aug.  12. 

Wafter,  son  of  Michael  and  Kosa  IMerkle.    "  Aug.  13. 

Francis  P.,  son  of  Patrick  and  Margaret  Mulready,  Aug.  14. 

Harold  L.%  son  of  Lazarus  J.  and  Mary  A.  Weaver,  Aug.  17. 

John  E  %  son  of  John  and  Philena  Miles,  May  27. 

Daisey  M.%  dau.  of  Wm.  R.  and  Sarah  C.  Bates,  Sept.    5. 

Thaddens,  son  of  Thaddens  and  Emma  Clark,  Sept.    8. 

Ella,  dan.  of  Frank  H.  and  Lilly  E.  Kussell, '  June    4. 

George,  son  of  Wm.  and  Ellen  Lewis.  Sept.  13. 

Nellie\  dau.  of  Adolph  and  Xellie  Eiliel,  Sept.  13. 

Alva',  son  of  Joseph  and  ^Nellie  Ineson.  Sept.  17. 

George  F.^,  son  of  Frank  and  Emma  Ford,  Sept.  18. 

Emma  V.%  dau.  of  Hcber  P.  and  Julia  A.  Carpenter,  Sept.  19. 

Mflvin  U.%  son  of  Ward  and  Julia  Adkius,  Sept.  21. 

Louis  Storrs^  son  of  Frank  G.  and  Ilattie  L.  Bassett,  Oct.  11. 

Hiram%  son  of  Harris  B.  and  Isalnd  Mimson.  Oct.  18. 

Anna  C,  dau.,  of  Wm.  and  Catharine  Ryan.  Oct.  27. 

dau.  of  Chas.  H.  and  Jennie  Lounsbury,  (still-born)     Oct.  31. 

Mamie*,  dau.  of  Andrew  and  Jane  Barr,  Oct. 

son  of  Edward  G.  and  Mary  A.  Peck,(still-l>ornj         Nov.    D. 

John,  son  of  Thomas  and  P>etsey  Davis,  Dec.  14. 

Grace^,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Ella  L.  Butler,  Dec.  10. 

Fred  Edward,  son  of  Edward  and  Anna  Stoeckel,  Jan.    C. 

Fannie,  dau.  of  Michael  and  Katie  Martin,  Jan.  25. 

Kate,  dau.  of  John  and  ]\Iary  O'Brien,  Feb.    2. 

Edward",  son  of  Charles  B.  and  Lilly  H.  Andrews,  Feb.    6. 

Enieline,  dau.  of  Hiram  and  Jessie  Buckingham,  Feb.    9. 

son  of  Charles  and  Frances  Wi-idlich,  Feb.  12. 

Thomas,  son  of  David  and  (.'aroline  Harris,  ^lar.  12. 

Sarah,  dau,  of  William  and  ^Lirgaret  Howes,  Mar.  13. 

Lillv  ILittic,  dau.  of  Arthur  and  Hattie  (L  Llewellyn,  Mar.  13. 

Winiam%  son  of  Aliiert  and  Phoebe  Finkle,  Mar.  21. 

I)onaId%  son  of  David  and  Hattie  Evans,  Ai)ril     1. 

Annie,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Mary  Evans,  April    2. 

Edith  ^L%  dau.  of  Thaddens  and'  Catharine  Fowler,  April    4. 

Charles  W.,  son  of  Xoble  J.  and  Eveline  Baldwin,  April    7. 



Bessie  F.%  dau.  of  Cliarles  P.  aud  Marv  J.  White, 
Harriet  M.^  dau.  of  Ward  F.  and  Sarah  M.  Calkins, 
Marj  Hattie,  dau.  of  Wni.  and  3Iarv  IIu<rershotf, 
George  A.,  son  of  Geo.  A.  and  Marv  A.  tSinipson, 
James,  sou  of  Jauie^s  and  Marv  lieiran, 
Joseph  Edward^  son  of  Joseph  E.  and  Xellie  R.  Dupev, 

son  of  8aniuel  and  Sarali  E   Smith, 
Jessie  Mav^  dau.  of  Charles  H.and  Jennie  Louusbury, 

sou  of  Nelson  and  Kate  Marion, 
Hattie  B.,  dau.  of  Geo.  and  Mary  Daskam, 
William,  son  of  Kichard  and  Jane  Evans, 
Mary*,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Ellen  Mahoney, 

son  of  John  A.  and  Florence  A.  Andrews, 

dau.  of  Geo.  H.  and  Melissa  Hill. 
Ernnia',  dau.  of  Charles  and  Barbara  Manweiler, 
Josephine,  dau.  of  John  and  Aijnes  ilamel, 

dau.  of  Fred  and  Katie  Popp, 
Jesse,  son  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  Thomas, 

dau.  of  Charles  and  Mary  Wehrle, 

son  of  Wm.  K.  and  Fannie  R.  Brixev, 
Catherine  Ellen%  dau.  of  John  and  Catherine  Kelleher, 
James,  son  of  James  and  Susan  Lyons, 

son  of  Joseph  and  Hattie"  Fudge, 

son  of  Thomas  and  Cornelia  Treganowan, 
Howard%  sou  of  Wm.  and  Julia  IJ.  Morn's, 

son  of  Edward  J.  and  Lillie  M.  Davis, 
Catharine",  dau.  of  Charles  and  Mar<raret  McCartv, 
Wintield  J.,  son  of  John  H.  and  Marv  E.  Fanell^ 
.  son  of  Charles  J.  and  Etta  B.  Revnolds, 

••  ...    dau.  of  George  H.  and  Hattie  \\  ashburu, 
.  :-     son  of  Cliarles  and  Sarah  Crowther, 

dau.  of  James  and  Ella  Howard. 
Florence,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Emma  Havman, 

dau.  ot  Gotlib  and  .Alary  Theurer, 

dau.  of  Frederick  and  5lartlia  Weston,  (col.) 

Marion,  dau.  of  Harris  and  Harriet  H.  Munson, 
Thomas,  son  of  Thomas  and  Katt-  Slieehan, 
Mabel,  dan.  of  James  M.  and  Martha  J.  Smith, 
Burton  G.,  son  of  Addis  and  Miltuii  Bishop, 
Clyde  G.,  son  of  Frank  H.  and  Martha  M.  Smith, 
Jessie  Eleanor",  son  of  EiigiMu;  A.  and  Mary  Wvant, 
Lewis  Noble,  »  ^  x-         „ 

Leon  Noves     j'  ^'^"^  "^  Noyes  E.  and  Ida  L.  Bassett, 

Thomas,  son  of  I'atriok  and  >L\rv  Considine, 
Olive  E.,  dau.  of  Nathan  and  LIk-n  Holbrook, 
Fvalph,  son  of  Ch-o.  \V.  an<l  Ivia  DeWitt, 
\\'m.  T.,  son  of  John  T.  and  llena  L.  Miles, 
James  W.",  son  of  Wm.  B.  and  Ann  A.  Swan, 

•April  17. 




■  15. 






;  13. 


>  14. 


;  18. 


'  21. 


•    8. 




.    1. 


























— , 


















— . 
























< . 

Mar.  : 


-     1605324 


Henrietta,  dau.  of  Henrv  and  Matilda  Pickhardt,  Mar.  24. 

Geo.  E.,  son  of  (loo.  W.  and  Susan  A.  Burroughs,  JVIar.  21. 

Pliel^e  E.,  dan.  of  Ward  and  I^ilizabetli  Adkius^  Apr.    3. 

George  W.,  son  of  George  H.  and  Sarah  M.  James,  Apr.    7. 

Frank,  son  of  Solomon  and  Elizaltorh  Peterson,  Apr.  27. 

Phebe,  dan.  of  IJic-hard  and  Elizabeth  Pearson,  Apr.  29. 

Homer,  son  of  Homer  and  Carrie  Fiukle.  (still-born)  May  14. 

Agnes  L.,  dau.  of  Nicholas  and  Catharine  Cass,  May  19. 

son  of  Noble  and  Lena  Baldwin,  May  23. 

Cora,  dau.  of  Ebon  G.  and  Hartie  L.  Wheeler,  May  30. 

^lary,  dau  of  John  and  Mary  Tyler,  June  24. 

Clarence  X.,  sou  of  Edward  and  Mary  Peck,  July  14. 

Julie,  dau.  of  Wm.  and  Ann  Curdew,  July  14. 

Johanna,  dau.  of  Jerry  and  Mary  Driscol,  July  24. 

Carrie,  dau.  of  Geo.  C  and  Mary  E.  Munger,  July  27. 

Canie  F.,  dau.  of  Llewellyn  and  Lena  Davis,  Aug.    7. 

Walter  A.,  son  of  Arthur  and  Mary  Burgess,  Aug.  12. 

Frederick,  son  of  Frederick  and  Katie  Pnpp.  Aug.  15. 

Cornelia,  dau.  of  Virgil  and  Cornelia  L.  ^IcEwen,  Aug.  22. 

Joseph  A.,  son  of  Wm.  and  Sarah  Tevlin,  Aug.  2G. 

Wm.  H.,  son  of  Harvey  S.  and  Emma  Halligan,  Sept.    o. 

Walter  W.,  son  of  Walter  and  Martha  xV.  Dorman,  Sept.    8. 

Edward,  son  of  Chas.  H.  and  Fannie  ^L  Weaver,  Sept.  23. 

Alice,  dau.  of  Bobcrt  and  Alice  L  Healey.  Sept.  26. 

son  of  (labe  and  Mary  L.  Thomas,  Oct.    3. 

Augusta",  dau.  of  Lazarus  G.  and  Mary  A.  Weaver,  Oct.  10. 

Thomas,  son  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Brennan,  (still  born)  Oct.  3L 

sou  of  Wendall  V.  and  Margaret  L.  DeWitt,  Nov.    9. 

Charles,  son  of  Charles  and  Kieirel  Wehrle,  Nov.  11. 

Cora,  dau.  of  Hugh  and  Amanda  ^Ic Donald.  Nov.  24. 

Anna  A.,  dau.  of  Chas.  V.  and  Mary  Varelle,  Dec.    5. 

Wm.,  son  of  .losejdi  and  Margaret  Hagan,  Dec.  13. 

Chas.  W.,  son  of  Chas.  W.  and  Anna  Dick,  Dec.  18. 

f,^?'^*/';;     (  dans,  of  Gabriel  and  Elizabeth  Stuart,  (still  born)  Dec.  30. 

Elizabeth,  )                                                                        j  \  / 

Jennie  M.,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Lilly  Andrews, 

Joseph  L.,  son  of  \^'m.  and  Alice  S.  Lanyon, 

Johanna,  dau,  of  Wm.  and  Kate  O'Doniiell, 

Annie  L.,  dan.  of  Hugo  and  Anna  liocger, 

I'lU-n.  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Ellen  ]Mahon(!y, 

(Jlin  Leonard,  son  of  Leonard  and  Mary  Ann  Bradley, 

Eftte  Pearl,  dau.  of  Arthur  A.  and  Hattie  D.  Llewellyu. 

Anna  B.,  dau.  of  .Jose|)h  and  ^htrion  (Jurry, 

Alfred  W.,  .son  of  i'Mward  and  Anna  Stoeckel, 

Alice  Alexis,     )   .  r  i»  .  ■  i         i  ^c        /^       ■  r 

o    \     w  r      /  dans,  of  Patnck  and  Marv  ( Onsuline. 
Bridget  (.elia,  ( 

Edward,  son  of  Martin  O.  and  Kate  Loughlin. 

Homer,  son  of  P.cnjamiu  and  J^hugaret  Williams, 



























Elmer  William,  son  of  Wm.  A.  aiul  Milly  Deau,  Mar.  15. 

Ilenrv,  son  of  Henry  ami  Emma  Monson,  Mar.  27*. 

dan.  of  Fredrick  W.  and  Lydia  A.  French,  Apr.'  11.' 

John,  son  of  John  and  Lena  Kottma'nn.  Apr!  2o'. 

Mary,  dan.  of  Thomas  and  Anna  Molans,  May  ~1. 

dau.  of  Geo.  and  Josephine  Hurll)nt,  MaV  24. 

dau.  of  Cnrtis  W.  and  Alioe  Thrall.  June  13.* 
.  Minnie  E.Mosier.dau.  of  John  J.Xeugcnt  and  Addie  R.Mosier,  June  18. 

Daniel,  son  of  James  and  Anna  Cass.  July  18, 

Ed^yard,  son  of  James  and  Mary  JJairan.  July  lo] 

Leyi,  son  of  Charles  II.  and  Sarah  L.  Bliss,  July  29. 

August,  son  of  August  and  Caroline  Buehler,  An?.    4. 

dau.  of  Johu  and  Mary  O'Brien.  Aug.  14. 

Korman  S.,  son  of  Robert  and  Jane  B.  Weayer,  Aul,'.  22*. 

Robert,  son  of  John  Joseph  and  Hannah  Williams,  SepL*  11.' 

Florence,  dau.  of  James  H.  and  3Iatie  S.  Bishop,  Sept.  24^ 

Morris  A.,  son  of  Richard  and  Elizabeth  Pearson,  Sept.  2o! 

Helen  Irene,  dau.  of  Eugene  and  Mary  Wyant,  Oct!  25! 



\       Bapt.  .  .IS  IN  Seymour, 


/        From  the  Records  of  the  Congregational  Church. 

May  4,  1S17. 
Hannab  Beinent,  .adult,  Albert  Alonzo  Cbattleld, 

Harriet  Eliza  Bemeut,  Levi  Tomlinson  Cbattield, 

Laura  Aim  Benient,  Xatban  Stoddard  Cbattield, 

!       ICstber  Eliza  Unibertield.  Albert  Jones  Steele, 

Jobn  Davis  L'lnbertield,  Jobn  Burton  Steele, 

\  Juliet  Wbite. 

i  April  22,  1827. 

(ioorge  W.  I)e  Forest,  Andrew  A.  De Forest, 

llenrv  F.  J)eForest,  Jobn  W.  De  Forest, 

Elijah  W.  De  Forest. 
/  •  AUG.  4,  1827. 

1  j/       James  Ilirani  Sedgewick,  Charles  Albert  Carrington. 

May  11,  1828. 

I'l         Isaac  Johnson  Sperry,  Enuneline  Sperry, 

ir  \  Albert  Carrington.    "  Sally  Bliss, 

'Ml    \A^^''"'^  Sp^T'T,  Anson  Weston,  (col.) 

'  'J'  July  20,  1828. 

Harriet  Eliza,  '] 

<M-()r::»'  liostwicke,     I    ,  .,  ,  ....     •  ,       ,  r,  ,,    ^,^r^■^ 

Hi'iirv  Kirk  )>clMldren  of   Daniel  and  feally  \\  lute. 

Narlian  l->anccs,        3 

TbeiMb. re  Spencer,       |    ,  •,  ,  ^r  j        ,  ,,,•      r, 

'I'b.dosia  Antoinette,  }  ''•"''l''^"  of  Isaac  J.  and  Eliza  Sperry. 

Sept.  4, 1836. 
♦'Iiarlcs  Franklin,  (     ,  .,  ,  ..t.,  ,,    „  ,,        ,  -,,.  . 

NoM'.s  Bci  Ir  1  children  ot  Thouias  C.  Holbrook.  •    ' 

Natlian,  ) 

E>tli..r        '''"'*l'''n  of  Abel  Flolbrook. 

•'"liM  Lcandcr,  .sun  Moses  Andrews,  Sept.  18,  1830. 

<"''»rgc  Sti-ele,  son  of  John  \V.  and  Ahnira  Holcomb,  Jan.  29,  1837. 

'laivey,  son  (d"  (larry  and Johnson,  Sept.  4,  1829.  Parker,  son  of  Hiram  and  Ahnira  Sediiuick,  July  2,  1830. 

'  b.irles,  I 

lliiirv      I  ■'**'"•''  *'f '""^  l'>sther  Iline,  July  2,  1830. 


Sarah,     ^ 

Laura,     ^  children  of  — 
Charles,  ) 




-,  dau.  of  ]Mrs.  Sheldon  and  Esther  Keener, 

Lindley,  of  Oxford,  July  L',  1830. 

Sept.  17,  1830. 

17,  1830. 

John,  son  of  Medad  Ivoeney,  deceased,  under  the  care  of 

his  grandfather,  Wni.  Keeney,  Sr.,  Sept. 

Mary,  dau.  of  Joel  and   Emma   White,  baptized  by  Rev. 

Mr.  Brown,  of  Oxford,  Xov 

Charles  Frederick,  son  of  Chas.  and  Hannah  Ihompson,  ]\Iar 
George  Edmund,  )    ,.,,  ^ ,,.  i  ti  ..        a»     i      o     » 

Marv-^B  't-  -v          (  ^^'^'^^^'^  of  ^^  '"•  '^"'^  Retsey  Steele,  Sept. 

Samuel  Edward,  sou  of  Sheldon  and  Caroline  Hitchcock,  Nov 

George  Ranson,  son  of and  Esther  Osborn, 

Martha  Jane,  dau.  of  Aaron  C.  and  Elizabeth  I.  Persons, 


Sarah  Adeline,  dau.  of  Newton  and  Adeline  Clark, 


Eliza  Ann,  dau.  of  Daniel  S.  and  Olive  Parker, 
Emma,  dau.  of  Joel  White, 
•^  James  Broadwell,  (adult) 
Daniel  Northrop,  (adult) 
Elizabeth  Ann  Northrop,  (adult) 
Eunice  Warner,  (adult) 
Emmeline,  dau.  of  Widow  Mercy  Northrop, 

Albert'  I  ^^^^  °^  Garry  and  Harriet  Johnson, 
Sarah,  dau.  of  Ira  Camfield, 


Laura  Benham,  (adult) 
Antoinette  Warner,  (adult) 


Amos  Smith,  (adult) 

Horace  Uolbrook,  (adult) 

Luther  Benjamin,  son  of  Moses  B.  Andrews, 

Mar/  Betsey,  dau.  of  (John.  W  and  Almira*)  Holcomb, 

Wales  Coe,  (adultj 

Henrietta,   ^ 

Augustus,    >  children  of  Daniel  White, 

Margaret,    ) 

:Mary,  '] 

Elizabeth,      | 

Ann  Maria,  )>  children  of  Jeremiah  and Durand, 

Charles,  I 

William,       \ 

Susan  Maria,  dau.  of  Daniel  S.  Parker, 

Howard,  ) 

.  5,  1830. 
.  4,  1831. 

1.5,  1831. 

.  0,  1831. 

Nov.    4. 
Nov.    L 

Nov.  10. 

June  21. 
July  3. 
Oct.  11. 
Nov.  — . 
Nov.  — . 
Nov.  — . 
Nov.  — . 

Nov.  — . 

Nov.  — . 


Levi  Gilbert,  \ 

children  of  Lemuel  Bliss, 

Julv  2. 
July  2. 
Aug.  20. 
Aug.  31. 
Sept.    2. 

May  1. 

May  1. 

May  1. 

May  1. 



Isaac  Ilonry.  son  of  Xatlian  Burwell,  2d,  May    1. 

Sarah  Eliza,         ),■,-, 

William  MiiKT,  r^^^'^'"^"  ^^^  ^^™os  Smith,  May    1. 

Frances  Harriet,  dan.  of Bassett,  *     May    1. 

Lucy  Eincline,  dau.  of  Avery  Hall,  .^                 May    ]. 

NVilliain  Buddington,  son  of  Joseph  Stoddard,  May    1. 
Xoyes,      ^ 

Harriett,  [•  children  of  Crarrv  Johnson,  May    1. 

Kli/a,       )                               '  .  -         . 


Sarah  Elizabeth,  dau,  of  Xathan  Burwell,  May    12. 

From  the  Records  of  Trinity  Church, 


Hannah  Betsey,  dau.  of  David  Beach,  b.  March,  20,  1822,  bap.  Oct.  13. 

Alniira  Miner,  dan.  of  Xewell  and  Esther  Johnson  b.  Jan.,  1820, 
,  .  bap.  March  9. 

J'elia  Maria, dau. of  Anson  and  Sarah  Davis,  b.  Oct.,  1882,  bap.  June  28. 
Mary,  b.  May  28,  1815,  )  children  of  James 

<  harlotte,b.  JuneT,  1817,  }  and  bap.  June  28. 

.lames  Lawton,  b.  Apr.  27, 1823,  )  Eunice  Spencer, 
James  Warner,  b.  June  23,    1822,  son  of  Kavmond  B.  and   Harriet 
,       ^V"^^'  bap.  June  28. 

Amos,  b.  Oct.  5,  1820,   \  children  of  Glover  and 

.^aia;,  b.  Oct.  25,  1822,  j      Elizabeth  Bassett,  ^''P'  '^"^^  -^• 

Olivia,  dau.  of   lironson  and  Grace  Wheeler,  b.  Aug.  27,  1821, 
.,,     ,  bap.  June  28. 

v,iiarles  Harleton,  son  of  William  and  Sarah  Wooster,  b.  April  2,  1821, 
...     ,  ■    bap.  June  28. 

V  iiarles  son  of  Abel  and  Patty  Bassett,  b.  June  18,  1819,  bap.  June  28. 
•>iaiy,  (hiu.  ol  Samuel  and  .Mary  Bassett,  b.  Dec.  17, 1820,  bap.  June  28. 
-Aii^'usta  .Maria,  dau.  of  J«siali  and  Charlotte  Xettleton,  bap.  June  24. 
''"(in  Suns,  son  of  John  and  Sarah  Lum,  bap.  June  24. 

'  amuel  S.,  son  of  Samuel  and  Kebecca  Bussell,  bap.  June  24. 

-^lananne,  dau.  of  Leveret  and  Luciuda  Scovill,  bap.  June  24. 

(ieorge  Decatur  \  <^liildren  of  L  and  L.  Tomliniion,  bap.  June.  24. 
J|'-<'r;,'e  Russell,  sou  of  Dan  and  Pollv  Holbrook,  bap.  June  24. 

atlianne  Smith,  dau.  of  Sally  M.  Washband,  b.  Aug.   2.5,   1S23, 

vj.r  ;     1      w  l^ilp-  Xov,  10. 

Sarah,  b.  Miud,  .5,  1817,  l 

'"•"••tte,  1,.  March  .'.0    l.SlO  '      ^^I'l'lren    of   Dan 

''I'arlotte,  b.  J„n,.  -jo'  i,sl>i'  r,,  »"'!  bap.  Dec.  24. 

•'"'mi,  b.  ,s,.p.  i<)   IS'J:}         '  \  I'^i'ii'ir  'J'hompsou,  col., 

Si-th     Pi<.,.p„i,t     Staples,    son    of    L    and    Katharine    Washband,    b. 
^■•''••^•^>i'^ll,  bap.  Dec.  25. 



Laura  Ann,  dau.  of  Daniel  B.  and   Sally  Johnson,  b.  Sept.  12,  1823, 

bap.  June  9. 
Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Philamelly  Gordon,  h.  Nov.   l.''>, 

1824,  "  bap.  March  12. 

William,  son  of  Jesse  and  Hannah  Johnson,  b.  May  1,  1824, 

bap.  Apr.  11. 
Sally  Ann,  dau.  of  L.  and  C.  Johnson,  b.  June  22,  1823,  bap.  Ai)r.  11. 
Joseph  Marcus,  son  of  H.  P.  and  Susan  Sage,  b.  Sept.  29,  1824, 

bap.  3Iay  1.^. 
Maria  Bennett,  (col.),  b.  July  2G,  180G,  bap.  Sept.  4. 

■ Cambridge,  (col.),  about  80  years  of  age,  bap.  Sept.  4. 


AYilliam  Le  Roy,  son  of  William  and  M.  CanHeld,  b.  April  11,  1824, 

bap.  Jan.  8. 
Joel  Sherwood,  son  of  Lyman  and'  Catharine  Johnson,  b.  June  22, 182.3, 

bap.  Aug.  20. 
Henry,  b.  Nov.  29,  1815,    } 
Frances,  b.  Nov.  9,  1817,     I  children  of  John  C. 

Howard,  b.  Nov,  2o.  1820.  }  and  bap.  Nov.  13. 

John,  b.  Feb.  11,  1822,  Charlotte  Wheeler, 

Sarah,  b.  Feb.  a,  1824,        \ 

Thomas,  March  11,  1813,  ~}  „,  :i,i^,.„  ^c  AK;, 

T        t   I'     .  X'       .iX  1  >-!-        cliiluren  oi  Abiiam 

Joseph  Nettleton,  >ov.  12,  Iblo,  I  .^^^^j  bap   Nov.  19. 

William    Nov.  14,  1818  f  y^^^^-^^,  Stoddard. 

Maria  Iheresa,  June  2,  lb2.>,  ) 


Abijah,  son  of  Dan  and  Tamar  Thompson,  b.  Dec.  11,  1826, 

bap.  Jan.  3. 
John  Whiting,  son  of  John  and  Sarah  G.  Storns,  born  Feb.  9,  18J4, 

i  bap.  Jan.  22. 

Daniel  Smitli,  son  of  Joseph  and  Frances  Cantield,  b.  Jan.  2(;.  1827. 

bap.  Ft'b.  18. 
James  Warren  Speocer,  (sick,)  bap.  May  20. 

Abby  Minerva,  dau.  of  Diantha  Botsford,  b.  ,Ian.  3,  1817,  bap.  Dec.  23. 


Harrison,  b   April  5,  "j  ^.^,j,^i,.^,,  ^j.  .p^^,^„^^^^ 

Laura,  b.  Aug._4    l.slO,  i  ^,,,^  I,        y^.^_  ^O. 

Minerva,  Dec.  J,  1M9  ,    ^ancv  Tomlinson. 

John  Givers,  Mar.  2.i,  1821,    ) 

Mary,  b.  Jan.  29,  1824,       »  diildren  of  Bennett  and  Car-    ,^   Fel,.  L>0. 
Burton,  b.  Sept.  <>,  1827,    )  ulint- Luiu,of  Jtockers  Bunk, 
Henry  A.,  b.  Oct.  l.'>,  18L'4,  )  children  of  Nicholas  and         .^    y^.^^.    - 
:^Iariett;i.  b.  Sep.  10.  1827,     j       Nancy  Devoiisliire, 
William  (Miver.son  of  Kosweil  and  Nancy  Freeman,  (alias  (^lasji,  col.), 
b.  Feb.  4,  1.S27.  "  l'''l'-  -'^''''■-  •^• 

TL.-  tlii.-e  pic<  iMliiiL'  ii.ini.-.i  ^hf.i.lil  have  been  uli  tlif  rc.ordM  r<t  St.  .JaiiKn. 


Lavinia  Kcbecca  Butler,  b.  May,  180S,  bap.  Mav  25. 

Kni.'line  Elizabeth  Driver,  b.  May,  1808,  bap.  May  L»5. 

Sarah  Wheeler,  "  -  bap.  Juue  1. 

Hiram  Kandall,  bap.  June  1. 

Sarah  Jtimette,  dau.  of  Sarah  Wheeler,  b.  Oct.  29, 1819.    bap.  Julv  10. 
George  II. ,s.of  David  and. I. >anna  Piunnell.b.  July  4, 1S19,  bap.  July  10. 
Isaac  Wm.,  son  of  Lucretia  Touilinson,  b.  Mar.  L'9,  1824,  bap.  Julv  10. 
George  Anthony,  son  of  Charles  an<l  Sarah  Oatmau,  b.  Mav  2,  1822,-- — 
(ieorjre,  eon  of  Josiah  Ilarvev,  b.  May  13,  1808,  bap.  July  10. 

IIari)in,  b.  Feb.  23,  1825,    )  children  of  Anson  and  ,         x  ,    m 

Homer,  b.  Oct.  15,  1827,    i  Sally  Davis,  '^^P"  '^''^^  ^^• 

Maria  Minerva,  b.  Jan.  23,  182G,   I  children  of  David       ,         ti     in 
Sarah  Ann,  b.  April  5,  1828,  i  and  Maria  Beach,       ^'''P'  •^"'-''  ^"• 

Jane  Elizabeth,  dau  of ,  bap.  Julv  10. 

Mrs.  Myrich,  bap.  Au^.  31. 

Laura,  dau.  of  Jupiter  and  S.  Weston,  (col.\  b.  181G,       bap.  Sept.     1. 
Charles  Denison  Frisby,  b.  Sept.  2,  1810,  bap.  Aug.  31. 

Sarah  (irace,  dau.of  Wm.  and  C.  Lum,  b.  Feb.  25,  1828,  bap.  Auii. — 
Sarah  Elizabeth,  dau,  of  Eben  and  E.  Johnson,  b.  April  4tli,  1824.' 
Laura,  dau.  of  Warren  and  Lucinda  French,  b.  Aui:.  20,  1825. 
Marj  Ann,  dau.  of  E.  and  E.  Johnson,  b.  Feb.  19,  1817. 
Sarah  Ann,  b.  Jan.  28,  1820,        )  children  of  Josiah 
-Martha  Prindle,  b.  Oct.  1,  1834,  }  and  bap.  Oct.  10. 

Jo.siah  Hunt,  b.  April  3,  1828,    '  )    Matilda  Myrich. 
•Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  Xathan  Wooster,  b.  March  20,  182G,    bap.  Oct.  10. 
Jane  Louisa,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Lucinda  Mvrick.  b.  Jan.  1,  1828. 
Ashbel  Benedict,  sou  of  Edward  and  Eunice  Storrs,  b.  Nov.  29,  1822. 
.11  ha  Ann,  b.  Dec.  2,  1824,  )  children   of  Abel  and  ,        ^  ,   ,,. 

John  L.,  b.  Dec.  17,  1820,    |       Martha  Bassett,  ^^P'  ^^'-  ^^^ 

Mr.s.  Eleanor  Johnson,  b.  June  23,  1791,  bap.  Nov.    9. 

Harpin  Lmdsley,  b.  April  23,  1807,  bap.  Xov.    9. 

Sally  \\fcston,  (col.),  b.  Dec^2,  1790,  bap.  Xot.    9. 

Margaret  Ann,  b.  Mav  11,  1820,  )  children  of  John 

.'"lin  Hart,  b.  Sept.  14,  1822,        [  and  bap.  Feb.     1. 

Lucy  Mix,  b.  Oct.  14.  1824,  )    Mary  Mosier, 

A  R..U  of  John  and  Augusta  Lum,  bap.  Mav  2: 

llarriet  Eliza,  dau.  of  Lyman  and  Sarah  Wheeler,  b.  Nov.  17,  182S. 

I^l'arles  Aaj.oleon,  son  of  S.  C.  and  S.  H.  Johnson,  b.  .March  14,  1821 

Ransom  Isaiah,  son  of  Pwin.som  and  .Marietta  Sperrv,  b.  Dec,  ls22 

Gideon  Allen,  b.  Jan.  29,  1,S21,       y  children  of  Eben 

».'-orge   A  arren,  b.  July  9.  1822,     [•  and  bap.  Xov. 

■I'lry  Elizabeth,  b.  Aug.  10,  1829,  )  Eleanor  Johns 

■  23. 




'hiUwB  Green,  aged  about  30  years,.  bap.  Feb.  28. 

K^TTi  . ''''•'^'''■'  ^^V-  ^lav.   9. 

■•'^'uc  iK-Uor,  son  of  Isaac  and  Anna  Kiiinev,  b.  March  7,  1830. 


Edward  Clark,  b.  Oct.  10,  1810.  ^  children  of  Josiah 

Charlotte  Augusta,  b.  March  10, 1823,  >  and  bap.  June  19. 

Olive  Elizabeth,  b.  June  10,  1S20,      )   Betsey  Cantield. 

Frederic  llobart,  b.  Julv  25, 1828.  )  children  of  John  S.       i    ,     a  ,,      i 

Mary  Kiggs,  b.  Oct.  23,  1820,        )  and  Mary  Moshier,       ^'''^-  '■^"^'  ^• 

Harpin  Rigjzs,  sou  of  Warren  and  Lucinda  French,  b.  July,  1820. 

Henrv  IlalC  b.  Feb.  10,  1823,      (  children  of  George  D.    ' '      ,  , 

Francis  Eliza,  b.  Feb.  13,  1820,    )      and  Eliza  Mine,  ^ "       =* 

Sarah  Maria,  dan.  of  William  and  Maria  Uuiuphrevs,  b.  June  5,  1830. 

Charles,  b.  March  11,  1821,  )  children  of  Clarke 

John,  b.  Xov.  15, 1823,  [>  and  bap.  Sept.    3. 

Maria,  Feb.  8,  1820,  )   Wooster. 

Edward,  son  of  Jabez  and  Lucretia  Pritchard,  b.  May  24,  1830. 
Maay,  dau.  of  Isaac  and  Jennette  Botchford,  b.  April  10,  1830. 

Mary  Emeliue,  dau.  of  Harvey  and My  rich,  b.  Juue  1,  1830. 

Ephraini  Davis,  son  of  John  and  Augusta  Luui,  bap.  Oct.    7. 

Elizabeth  Henrietta,  dau.  of  Lyman  and  E.  Smith,  b.  Oct.  27,  1830. 

Charles  Henry,  son  of  Clark  and  Mary  Ann  .Miles,  b.  Dec.  17,  1830, 
Francis,  son  of  widow  F.  Perkins,  b.  Feb.  25.  1831,  bap.  Oct.  25. 

Wallace  Henry,  son  of  Minerva   Lyon,  b.  Jan.  3,  1827,     bap.  Oct.  25. 
Henry  Biggs,  son  of  Warren  and  Lucinda  French,  b.  March  21,  1831. 
Hiram  Walter,  son  of  Hiram  and  Sally  Bandall,  b.  Sept.  0,  1831. 
Mary,  dau.  of  George  D.  aud  E.  A.  Hine,  b.  Feb.,  1831,  bap.  Oct.  25. 

Charles  Dwight,  son  of  Isaac  and  Anna  Kinney,  b.  March  27,  1832. 
Sarah  Maria,  dau.  of  James  S.  and  Jennette  Green,  b.  Dec.  22,  1831. 
Lucretia  Maria,  dau.  of  Lvmau  aud  S.  Wheeler,  b.  Nov.  20,  1831. 
Charles,  s.  of  Buritt  and  Sally  Skeels,  b.  Aug.  10,  1831.     bap.  Aug.  30 
Charlotte  Abigail,  dau.  of  lir.  C.  and  H.  Xettletou,  b.  .^Liy,  28,  1831. 
Fidelia  (riadding,  dau.  of  John  M.  G.aud  Anna  Corey, b.  Oct.  10,  1835. 
Samuel  Prudding,  son  of  Anson  and  Sarah  Davis,  b.  Sept.  1,  1831. 
Sarah  Esther,  dau.  of  I).  L.  and  Sally  Beecher,  b.  March  .30,  1830. 
Harriet,  dau,  of  Harry  and  Haniette  Wooster,  b.  Dec.  2,  1831. 


Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  D.  L.  and  Lucy  Holbrook,  b.  Nov.  7,  1833. 

1H:3  1. 

George  Willis,  grandson  of  J.  aud  P.  Tucker,  bap.  Dec.     7. 


William  Clark  Smith,  (adult),  bap.  Jan.  11. 

Mary  Ann  Biggs,         adult,  Henry  Wooster,  bap.  Aug.  31. 

ILirriet  Bigirs,  •'  Olive  Wudster, 

Mary  E.  William.son,        "■  (.'ecilia  Wooster, 

John  W.  Bas.sett,  ''  Leslie  Wooster. 

David  Lounsburv,  "  Spon-*ori<,  UairiPt  Wooster  and  Uavia  U<.a(h. 



Xathauiel  Clark  Johnson,  adult. 

Mary  Eliza  (iroen, 
Iltli-n  Frances  Green, 
Mariraret  Ann  Green, 
Caroline  Drown  Green, 
Jane  Sheldon  Green, 

Si>on-:ors,  Jaiiotte  Oreon  and  Mary  Baliivrin. 

IVances  M.  Lonnshur/, 

Andrew  J.  Beecher, 

.John  IJiiTirs,  son  of  Ilarpin  and  Harriet  Riggs, 

Hannah  Maria  Davis,  dau.  of  Pliilo  Davis, 

George  Wheeler, 
Ransom  Perry  Tonilinson, 
Nancy  Marian  Tonilinson, 

Sponsors.  Xanry  Tomliu3on  and  David  Beach. 

^Maria  Bassett, 
Wilbur  Bassett, 

Sponsors,  John  W.  and  Maria  Bassett.   ■ 

bap.  Aug,  31. 
bap.  Aug.  31. 
bap.  Aug.  31. 

bap.  Sept.     a. 

Julia  Sophia  Leavenworth,  dan. of  Calvin  Leavenworth,  bap.  Aug.  22. 
Sarah  Gilbert,  dau.  of  Esther  and  Dr.  Thos.  Stoddard,  bap.  Sept.  27. 
Leslie  Judson  Bryson,  son  of  L^^slie  and  Sarah  Brysou,     bap.  Sept.  27. 

William  Glover  Bassett,  son  of  widow  G.  Bassett, 
Leveret  Curtis  Lindley,  son  of  Isaac  Lindley, 
Mary  Maria  Riggs,  dau.  of  Henry  Riggs, 
Susan  Stoddard  Clark  Johnson,  dan.  of  Dr.  Johnson, 
^L^rv  Frances,  )    ,  ,  -  »„,         i  r     i^     ••    i 

Jane  Eliza         (  children  of  Edmund  L.  Doolittle, 

Isaac  Henry  Botsford,  child  of  Wm.  Isaac  Botsford, 
Mary  Lucinda  Lockwood,  adult, 
Jane  Webster,  adult, 

Sarah  Celinah  Hitchcock,  wife  of  licrnard  Humphrey, 

Charles  Henry  Converse,  infant, 
John  Travers  Wolfe,  " 

Jut.a  Weston,  adult, 
Fr.inklin  Ells,  infant,  Ansonia, 
Frank  Richardson,         child, 
Ada  Richardson,  " 

Harriet  Prince,  •« 

Strah  Jane  Prince,  "  - 

Cliarlcs  Prince,  '< 

Athlaide  Prince,  " 

•I<tsc|,i)i,|,.  Prince,  " 

Charles  Howard  jJavis. 
•■'rank  Ihdbrook  Russell, 
J-ila  (irace  Davis, 
Mary  R.).-;(..tte  Leavenworth, 
•'"ilia  Clark  Aclv, 
Anna  Maria  Moshier,  child, 

^Villiam  Edmund  Treat,       adult, 
•^I  s.  Abigail  Ann  I'owler,      - 

bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 

bap.  Oct.  10. 

bap.  Oct.  31. 
bap.  Nov.  22. 
bap.  Nov.  25. 

bap.  April  28. 

bap.  July  C. 
bap.  July  13. 
bap.  July  18. 
bap.  July  25. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Oct.  10. 
bap.  Nov.  14. 

bap.  July  4. 
bap.  July    4. 

^                                       BAPTISMS  IN   SEYMOUR. 

Ella  Augusta  Treat,             child,  bap.  July    4. 

Kate  Eloisa  Fowler.                "  bap.  July    4. 

Frank  Herbert  Fowler,            ".  ...  •       •          •           bap.  Jufv    4. 

Eveline  Isabella  Spencer,         '♦  bap.  July    4. 

Henry  Ephraini  Smith,           "  -           bap.  July    4. 

Anna  Mary  Wooster,  bap.  July    5. 

Thomas  Llewellyn  James,    child,  bap.  Oct.  13. 

George  Arthur  James,             "  bap.  Oct.'  13. 

'Harriet  Tomlinson,                   "  bap.  Oct.  13. 

Clarissa  Tomlinson,                  "  bap.  Oct!  13. 

Catharine  P:niily  Williams,  infant,  ■     bap.  Oct.  13. 

Mary  Celeste  Lounsbury,         "  "    bap.  Oct.  13. 

Josephine  Augusta  Abbott,     "  bap.  Oct.  13. 

Sarah  Crittenden  Johnson,      "  •    bap.  Oct.  13. 

Laura  Annette  Glendining,     "  bap.  Oct.  13. 

]\rary  Jane  Bussanigh,             "  j  bap.  Oct.  13. 

Henry  Wakeiuan  Wheeler,     "  bap.  Oct.  17. 

Mary  Fairchild,                 adult,  bap.  Oct.  28. 

Mrs.  Jane  x\.  Bussanigh,     "  .                                       '  bap.  Oct.  28. 


Marriages  in  Seymour. 

From  the  Records  of  Trinity  Church. 


George  D.  Hine  and  Eliza  A.  Clark,  Nov.  27. 

J.  S.  Washband  and  Sally  M.  Wheeler  of  Oxford,  Nov.  28. 


John  Storrs  and  Sally  G.  Clark,  Jan.    5. 

Hiram  Durand  and  Miss  Lucy  Baldwin,  Oct.  2G. 

Warren  French  and  Liicinda  KigiTS,  Nov.  20. 

William  French  and  Malinda  Martin  of  Woodbury,  Dec.  24. 


John  T.  Wiieeler  and  Almira  Ghatfield,  Mar.  25. 

>«'athan  Woosrer  and  Mary  Ann  Xettleton,  Apr.    8. 

iJoliert  Waters  and  Mary  Beach  of  Xew  Haven,  Sept.  19. 

Dr.  Clarke  Nettleton  and  Ann  Hurd,  Dec.    9. 


Horace  (.'anficld  of  Xew  York  and  Jeunette  Humphreys,  Sep.  23. 

Charles  D.  Merrick  and  Lucinda  Jolinson,  Dec.  24. 


Clark  Wooster  and  Perry  ]\rariah  Clark,  Feb.    1. 

Clark  Luiu  and  Jeiiuette  Canheld,  Feb.     5. 


Samuel  Wise  and  Ann  Adaline  (Jandee,  of  Oxford,  Jan.  20. 

•I"hii  Luiii,  Jr.  and  Augusta  Wooster  of  (ireat  Hill,  Feb.  2C. 

Dr.  Siieldon  C,  John.son  and  Susan  Hannah  Stoddard,  May  19. 

Jiibez  ]•:.  rritchard  and  Lucretia  Miles,  Nov.  2«J. 

Joseph  Hawkins,  ,Ir.  and  Grace  Holhrook,  Nov.  27. 

Isaac  Iviimey  and  Anna  Church,  Dec.  15. 

Isaac  Bot.sfonl  and  .Mary  .leiiuctte  Miles,  Dec.  21. 


Hiram  IJandall  and  Sallv  Britchard.  Jan.    4. 

David  M.  Nettleton  and"  Laura  Hull,  uf  Oxford.  Feb.  12. 

J«'iin  Biggs  and  Betsey  Hawkins,  Mar.    8. 



Edwin  nine  and  Maria  Wheeler,  Mar. 

Joseph  Hawkins,  Sr.,  and  Elizabeth  Wooster,  June 

Eobert  Hine  and  Mrs.  Anna  Lewis  of  Otsego,  X.  Y.,  June 

John  C.  Humphreys  to  Therza  Kiirgs,  Dec. 

Harris  Sanford  of  Oxford  to  Martha  E.  Myrich,  Dec. 

Clark  Miles  to  Mary  Ann  Eeynolds,  Dec. 


iMajor  H.  Fisher  to  Eliza  Shaw  of  Xew  York,  Jan. 
■'^Stephen  Mansfield  of  J)erby  to  Caroline  Oatman  of  Oxford,      Mar. 

Merit  P.  Baldwin  to  Eliza  Peck  of  Woodbury,  Apr. 

Oliver  Stoddard  to  Cornelia  Sutton,  June 

Jason  Bassett  to  Mary  Bassett,  Sept. 

Clark  Webster  to  Sarah  M,  Stetson,  Nov. 

Steven  Warner  of  Watertown  to  Harriet  Russell,  Dec. 
Prentice  A.  ^Mallory  of  Woodbury  to  Mary  Ann  Patchen,         Dec. 

Isaac  H.  Tyrrell  of  Xewtown,  to  Harriett  Blake,  Dec. 


James  S.  Green,  of  K.  I.  to  Jennette  Baldwin,  Jan. 

John  Umberfield  to  Eliza  Northrop  of  Woodbridge,  Oct. 


Ransom  Wheeler  to  Sarah  Bristol,  Jan. 

Isaac  N.  Allen  to  Mrs.  Eleanor  Johnson,  Mar. 

Daniel  Lounsbury  to  Jane  Patchin,  Apr. 

Erasmus  Judd  of  Bethlem  to  Charity  Johnson,  June 

Nelson  B.  Williams  of  Woodbury  to  Maria  Tuttle,  Dec. 


.    Lucius  S.Osborn  of  Oxford  to  Almira  Hotchkiss  of  Woodbridge,  Jan. 

Harry  Sutton  of  Derby  to  Mary  A.  Smith  of  Oxford,  May 

Sheldon  N.  Johnson  to  Eliza  Patchin,  Sept. 

David  Wells  of  Huntington  to  Delia  H.  Clark,           .  Sept. 


William  Hine  of  Oxford,  to  Julia  Ann  Hawkins,  Feb. 

Isaac  Lindsley  to  Charlotte  Richard,  Oct. 


Charles  Hinnian  to  Rachel  Russell,                               .  Jan. 

Treat  Botsford  to  Caroline  Caufield,                       •  .  Jan. 

Charley  Norman  to  Plielje  Tuttle,                                    <  Jan. 

Cyrus  Lee  to  P^mily  Maria  Fisher,  Jan. 

Lewis  M.  Hoadley"to  Sally  Randall,  June 

Edwin  Buckingham  to  Sarah  Beecher,                         -  Oct. 


John  W.  liassett  to  Maria  P.aldwin,                                •    .  Mar. 

Dr.  Joshua  Kendall  to  Mr.s.  Tlu-rza  Humphreys,  May 

Chas.  S.  Snow  to  Caroline  I)ani«'ls,  Oct. 

Daniel  S.  .Joice  to  Caroling'  \].  Leavenworth,  Nov. 

Judson  (,'aiitield  to  .Sarah  Mik'S,  Nov. 

Nehemiah  Tolles  to  Polly  Beecher,  Dec. 

























Sylvester  P.  Smith  of  Birmingham,  and  Sarah  Bassett.  Apr.  21. 


David  T.  Johnson  of  Ansonia  and  Sarah  Lindley,  Apr.  20. 

Thomas  I.  Frisbie  and  Laura  Smith,  '  May  31. 


David  Carrington  and  Elizabetli  Robinson  of  Bethany,  Jan.  17. 

Willis  D,  Baldwin  of  Woodbridge,  and  Jane  Bassett,"  July  21. 
Levi  Olmstead  of  Saratoga  (;o.,"X.  Y.,  and  Maria  M.  Beach,  Sept.  13. 

Kobert  J.  Abbot  and  Sarah  A.  Beach,  Sept.  13. 

Bernard  Humphrey  and  Sarah  C.  Hitchcock,  Oct.  24. 

John  B.  Edwards  of  Stratford  and  Sarah  Grace  Hawkins,  Nov.  24. 


William  Coburn  of  Easton,  Pa.,  and  Frances  E.  Wooster,  Oct.  22. 

Howard  B.  Ensign  of  New  Haven  and  .Maria  C.  Wooster,  Xov.  10. 

t   V'George  B.  Oatman  and  Frances  M.  Cantield,  both  of  Oxford,  Nov.  24. 

Albert  D.  Carrington  and  Lucrena  :\L  Wheeler  of  Oxford,  Dec.  24. 


William  A.  Fairchild  and  Julia  Peck  of  Woodbridge,  Mar.  27. 


lIol)ert  Hitchcock  and  Jane  Blauvette,  Mar.  25. 

Henry  P.  Davis  and  Almira  Uolcoinl),  Sept.  22.* 

Semien  Blackman  and  Catherine  Bunnel  of  Humphrevsville,  Sept.  23. 
.i'»hn  Adams  and  Julia  Thompson  of  Huniplirevsville. "  Nov.  26th. 

Charles  Bishop  of  Merideu    and  Emily    Cochran,      '  Nov.  29. 

}^..')J.''""  ^-  Holbrook  and  Esther  A.  Bunnel  of  Humphrevsville,  Jan.  20. 
>J  liham  Church  and  Marv  Ann  Holltrook,  both  of  Oxford,  Feb.  2. 
J  arpm  Davis  and  .^larv  A.  Ciiartield,  Mar.  31 

Marcus  Davis  and  Sarah  M.  (ireen.  Mar.  31 

1;   n""''^  ^'•'-fossman  of  Bakerville  and  Elizabeth  S.  Tomlinson,  .ALtv    6. 

^\  'Iliam  E.  Smith  and .  June  20. 

^'  \\m  J  omlinson  of  Seymour  and  Charlotte  P.  Hvdeof  Oxford,  Julv  21. 

'•'l^wn  Paipel  of  Water!. urv  and  Betsv  Pvupel  ofOcrbv. 

AUut'T  White  of  Pa.  and  Electa  Bassett  of  Ohio, 

y'iadiah  W.  Candee  and  Annn  Canfield  of  Xew  Vork,  Julv  22 

•'"^'•ph  Bagley  and  Phoda  E.  Bristol,  Jufv  26 

;avid  P.unnel  and  Julia  Coger.  JnlV  — .  H..r,-Iikiss,  Jr.,  of  Xew  Haven  and  Marv  Ann  Wooster,  Aug.  !!>.' 
^\'   '  H.  Tuthill  and  Caroline  M.  Bobbins,  Sep.    2. 

\  W.  Smith  and  Jane  M.  Wooster,  Sep   12 

'iarb-s  n.  lia.s.sett  of  Meri.b-n  and  ITarriet  Lester,  Sep.  10. 

'""'•»n  (  hapuian  of  Winclu^ster  and  Sarah  Ann  Davis,  Oct.  20. 

•  *'i".-^  i.akrr  of  Dartmouth  and  Charlotte  A.  Fowler,  Xov.    9. 



Frederick  E.  Waruer  of  Plymouth  and  Sarah  Ruth  Lum,  I^Tov  19 
Chas.  Howland  of  South  Darbv,  X.  Y.,ana  :\raria  A.Bassett,  Nov.  '^t' 
Ldmn  Uotohkiss  and  Ann  Eliza  Rhiuvette  of  lluniphrevsville,   Dec.  30.' 

John  McCoruiack  and  Ellen  :\lelory,  Jan     8 

Isaac  S.  Koue  and  Sarah  A.  -McGraw,  Mar!  lo'. 

Henry  H.  Scott  and  Lydia  Moore,  both  of  Xauuatuck,  Apr'    9* 

Kobert   Churchill    of    Xaugatuck   and   Lucv  J.  Baldwin   of 

A\aterbury,        ,                                        "  .^pj.^  J5 

John  II.  Picket  of  Xew  Haven  and  Laura  J.  Broadwell,  May  — 

Henry  T.  Booth  and  Harriet  Canliold,  Sept.  lo'. 


William  G.  Pussell  of  Sprini:rield.Mas.s.,and  MaryA.  Naylor,  Nov.  25. 

Charles  A.  Wooster  and  3Iarv  Ellen  Bassett,                    "  Nov  29 

John    lirooks   of    Marlboro,    N.    Y.,   and    Sarah    Strain    of 

Bridgeport,  Dec.  12. 

1  homas  Broadhurst  and  Eliza  Blackburn,  both  of  Mansfield,  Dec.  25. 

Cyrus  M.Sanford  and  IJanuah  M.  Williams,  both  of  Naugatuck,  Dec.  20. 


Benjamin  F.  Lines  and  .^lary  A.  Burke,  Jan.    2. 

Eobert  lleley  and  Nancy  Gilbert,  Jan!    9! 

Clark  Wooster  and  Laura  Bassett,  Feb!  28! 

Simon  Lathrop  and  Augusta  White,  Mar!' 28! 

John  J.  Osborn  of  New  Haven  and  Charlotte  Gilbert,  June  2?! 

Evan  Llewellyn  and  31iriam  James.  Sept.    4. 

Henry  S.  Johnson  and  Ellen  E.  Botsford,  Oct!  lu! 

Patrick  Hurlihan  and  Julia  New,  Oct!  1g! 

Thomas  Quinlan  and  Chushanna  Dunne,  Oct!  3o! 

Albert  C.  Babcock  of  Waterbury  and  Louisa  M.  Booth,  Oct!  31 ! 

Godfrey  Roberts  and  Charlotte  Linden,  Nov.  13. 

John  Molau  and  Ann  .Moran,  Xov'  ^2. 

David  B.  Hill  and  Elizaberh  Crotty,         '                   '  Dec!  It! 

^^  illiam  Thomas  and  Cathorine  Owen,  Dec.  17. 


Wallace  M.  Tuttle  and  Harriet  E.  Stephens,  Jan.  22. 

Thomas  GaflViey  ami  Marv  Ncwcomb,  Jan   i>9 

Hiram  W.  Randall  and  Martha  M.  (iilbert,    ■  Apr!  "4! 

Earl  Peck  of  Woodljridire  and  Mary  A.  Skeels,  Apr.    9 

B.  G.  Hildreth  and  .Martha  ChiJds,"  June  4. 
Beach  Borsford  of  I'irtslield,  Mass.,  and  Josephine  Canficl.l.  Ocr.  ?! 
Charles  H.  Hilton  and  Jane  Jrwin  Allinir.  both  of  Ansonia.    Aug.  2.S. 

John  A.  lM)rl)S  and  Sarah  C.  Rurns,  both'  of  W'insted.  ^hfy    S. 

George  Lester  and  (J race  Losee,  ^lay  1'9. 

Samuel  Hickox  and  Eliza  White,  Nov.  "9! 

Jolin  Terry  and  .Martlia  Jliiglisli.  N«v!  I'.l! 

John  B.  (iibbs  and  Frances  AJ.  Bassett,  Dec!  V.'i. 


Charles  Tenel  of  Merideu  and  Fanny  Fariei  of  Waterbury,  Jan.    2. 


William  Ilollister  and  Ellen  K.  McDonald,  Jan.    1. 

J.  S.  Cutter  of  Wiiterbury  and  Adeline  J.  Eobins,  Jan.    1." 

Geo.lvockwell  of  IJidgetieid  and  Eunice  A. Peck  of  Woodbridge,  Jan.  o! 
Laurence  Mitchell  of  Southbury  and  Esther  llolbrook,  Jan.  2i. 

J^aurence  liyan  and  ]\Iary  Crowley  of  Ansonia,  Feb.  11. 

Mitchell  Vincent  of  Ausouia  and  Susan  Botsford,  Fob.  18.' 

Joliu  Murphy  and  Ilonora  Koach  of  Derby,  Feb.  20. 

Patrick  Crowley  and  Catherine  Murphy  oV  Derby,  Feb.  20.' 

Austin  Peck  of  Woodbridiie  and  Sarah  A.  Lyon,  Apr.  22. 

Isaac  liuckinghani  and  Ehoda  Judson,  May  lo! 

Purtou  Curtis  and  Jane  Webster,  June  24^ 

Theodore  K.  Andrews  aud  Marv  L.  Sperrv,  both  of  Westville,  July  9. 
Leverett  S.  Allen  of  Wallingford  and  Lucy  M.  Brush,  Sept.  10. 

Ceorge  W.  Beach  of  Xaugatuck  and  Sarah  Upson,  Oct.    4. 

David  Sackett  of  Sinclairville,  N.  Y.,  and  Mary  Ann  Booth,  Oct.  29. 
Lewis  T.  llotclikiss  and  Elizabeth  M.  Downs,  bo'th  of  Bethany,  Dec.  9. 
lloward  F.  Moshier  and  Julia  Holbrook,  Dec.  30. 

Charles  W.  Storrs  and  Elizabeth  H.  Smith,  Dec.  30.' 


James  Denvert  and  Mary  J.  Graves,  both  of  New  Haven,  Jan.  3. 
ilenry  B.  P,eecher  and  Mary  J.  Fairchild,  Feb.    3. 

Charles  Volkohs  and  Ellen  FIvnn,  Mar.    3, 

Benjamin  F.  Lines  and  Nancy  P.  Grilling,  Mar!  3o! 

Thomas  Kelley  and  Catherine  New,  Apr.    6. 

Lewis  F.  Smith  of  Frankfort,  Pa.,  and  Elizabeth  McFarland,  Apr.'  29^ 
Samuel  F.  Dealing  of  New  York  and  Margaret  H.  Kalph  of 

Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  Mav    6. 

U.'kar  Kibele  of  Bethany  and  Emilie  Hein,  May  23. 

liufus  M.  Dimmock  and'  Anjornett   Kniskin,  both  of  Spring- 

field,  Mass.,  July  ic. 

John  >eale  of  New  Haven  and  Frances  Ailing,  July  29. 

Lyman  P.  Nichols  of  Hamden  aud  Nancy  M.  Castle,  Aug.  17. 

NNilliam  Stilton  of  Newtown  aud  Martha  Ward  of  Southburv,  Sept.  16. 
.lohu  J.  Jones  of  Bridgeport  aud  Martha  L.  Chatlield  of  Oxford,  Oct.  3L 
Hjnry  H.  McFarland  of  New  Haven  and  Sarah  A.  Lum,  Dec.  24. 
Alexander  Mercier  and  Jane  Brennan,  Dec.  30. 


Joseph  Ditche  of  Bethanv  and  Martha  U.  Carpenter,  Jan.  27. 

J\  illiam  C.  DeForest  of  Derby  and  Almira  Whispel,  Feb.    7. 

L^"l'<-rt  Dods  of  Bethanv  and  Ann  Eliza  Smith,  Feb.    8. 

J  •t.T  (Jabriel  and  Martha  J.  Atkinson,  Apr.    4. 

Abram  Carrington  aud  Sarah   I'ritchard,  Apr.    8. 

i;Uwanl  L.  Hoadley  and  Martha  Wheeler  of  Oxford,  Apr.  19. 

, ...7,:"^"  I'<^'^'t  and  Anna  Takle,  Mav  10. 
>Jilham  Creatorexand  Fanny  L.  Buckingham,  both  of  Derby,  Mav  17. 

-^  !<•  lael  Poach  and  Brid-et  Kvan,  Aug.  IG. 

-Jlichael  O'Jirian  and  Mary  OWeil  of  Oxford,  July  31. 

•'••tin  Condon  and  VJWn  Sheedv,  Sept.  20. 

->iichael  Crowley  and  Jiridget  Driscoll,  Sept.  23. 


Cjrus  Botsford  and  Hannah  Short,  "        Sopt.  20. 

A.  B.  llendryx  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  and  Mary  A.  Ilotchkiss,  Oct.  1!>. 
Max  Kobler  and  Barbara  Erzinger,  Aug.  30. 

Ambrose  Hubbell  and  Ann  Eliza  Downs,  Jan.    9. 

^^^^gbert  Cogswell  of  Washington  and  Mary  E.  Hull,  Feb.  24. 

Henry  Buckingham  of  Middlebury  and  ^iary  A.  Gilyard,  Mar.  24. 
William  M.  Dyer  of  Berlin  and  Mary  Jane  Downs  of  Mouroe,  Apr.  15. 
John  B.  Downs  of  Bethany  and  :Margaret  A.  Gillette,  Apr.  18. 

Henry  Greatorex  and  Alice  Bullerwortli,  both  of  Derl)y,  ^lay    2. 

Abner  Deming  and  Mary  Goodman,  July  11. 

John  H.  Moshier  and  Eiiiraa  M.  Todd  of  Plymouth,  Aug.  30. 

Abel  Peck  of  Xew  Haven  and  Julia  Hine,  Oct.    5. 

Charles  Bay  of  Southbury  and  Eliza  Bright  of  Woodbury,  Oct.  31. 
Rob't  Y.Stephenson  and  Antoinett  M..Moulthrop,botli  of  Derby.  Nov.  U. 
Sir  Henry  Hine  of  Xaugatuck  and  Sarah  Seeley  of  Oxford,      Dec.    G. 

John  Stubbs  and  Elizabeth  Warden,  Jan.  30. 

Rev. Walter  Chamberlin  of  New  Jersey  and  Elizabeth  Sharpe,  Mar,  28. 
Elias  Scott  of  Oxford  and  Marv  A.  Watken,  Feb.  17. 

Thaddeus  E.  Plumb  of  :\Iilford  and  Kate  Bissell,  May  12. 

William  H.  P>eecher  and  Emily  J.  Minor,  both  of  Waterbury,  May  14. 
Andrew  Storrs  and  Julia  Yordin,  both  of  Waterbury, 
Robert  Guiles  and  Harriet  Ann  Atkinson, 
John  W.  French  and  Hilary  Brown  of  Derby, 
Joseph  Mayberrv  and  Catherine  Esmond, 
James  Gibbs  Haswell  of  Kentucky  and  Fannie  H.  Bassett, 
Joseph  W.  Piper  of  Derby  aud  Margaret  Harris, 
Edward  l^>uckingham  aud  Emily  Castle,  both  of  Bethany, 
William  B.  Callan  and  Eliza  Allen, 

James  P.  Gladding  of  Saybrook  and  Ellen  French, 

John  C.  Kliem  and  Grace  Clark,  lioth  of  l^x'thany, 

James  Wliite  and  Catherine  McCarthy, 

William  P>.  Hayes  of  Xaugatuck  and  I^rsulah  Teeple. 

William  H.  Bi-gs  of  Oxford  and  Martin  Tomlinsou, 

Joseph  C.  Terrel  of  Cheshire  and  Sarah  .lane  Downes  of  Oxford,  Aju-.    0. 

Baptist  Miller  and  Kosena  Kot, 

John  Worth  and  Susanah  Scherieatte, 

John  M.  Thompson  aud  (Catherine  Dolan.  both  of  Bethany, 

John  Hitherman  aud  Ellen  Liiudian  of  Derby, 

Tiiouuis  Condon  and  Catherine  Casey  of  Derby, 

Hugli  Landon  of  Fair  Haven  and  Charlotte  Tucker  of  Wood- 

Henry  S.  Hubbell  and  Bri<lget  Murray,  both  of  Oxford, 
Edwin  Hes  ai.d  !■' ranees  Maria  J)orman. 
Charles  B.  Dake  of  Xauiratuck  and  ICmuia  (i.  McCiiuuiss, 
David  B.  Beach  of  Iterby  and  A(b'laide  Cauliidd, 
Abiram  Stoddard  of  Derbv  aud  Amelia  Zettler  of  Bridgeport,  Dec. 



































t . 













.  Dec. 



Waterman  C.  Xoycs  aiul  Maria  Skeels,  Dec.  11. 

Simon  T.  IJi.irgs  of  Derby  and  Maria  M.  Allen,  Dec.  13. 
Wiilirtm  McGuiniss  and  IJridget  S.  lline,  both  of  Naugatiick,  Dec.  13. 

John  Casey  of  Xew  Haven  and  Catherine  O'Brien,  Jan.    3. 

l-^dwin  \V.  Eaton  of  >e\v  York  and  Francis  ]M.  Swift,  Jan.  10. 
William  T.Ponieroy  of  Edgarton,  Wis.,  and  Eliza  A.i'omeroy,  Jan   17. 

Haver  Disch  and  Mary  Johnson,  Jan.  10. 

Cilbert  G.  Stokes  of  Westbrook  and  Jane  E.  Hayden,  Jan.  L'8. 

Walter  S.  Peck  of  Xew  Haven  and  Elizabeth  A.  Xettleton,  May    9. 

C.  J.  Kichardson  and  Grace  S.  Parmalee,  both  of  Ansonia,  May  20. 

William  D.  Bissell  and  Martha  J.  Smith,  May  28. 

l*atrick  Lines  of  Bethany  and  Alice  llorrigan,  Aug.  10. 

'J'imothy  Crowley  of  New  Haven  and  Mary  Conroy,  Aug.  25. 

Michael  Sullivan  and  Houora  Geary,  Sept.  15. 

Sylvester  Bradley  and  Nancy  M.  Tomlinson,            ,  Sept.  29. 

Samuel  L.  Brouson  and  Fannie  E.  Stoddard,  Nov.  30. 

L.  H.  Canfield  of  Michigan  and  Jane  Lounsbury,  Jan.    G. 

Henry  Carrington  of  Woodbridge  and  Sarah  J.  Davis,  Jan.    8. 

Edwin  ChatUeld  and  Catharine  Thompson  of  Bridgewater,  Mar.  IG. 

Robert  N.  Smith  and  Frances  A.  Smith,  Mar.  29. 

John  O'Brien  and  Houora  Bunyan.  Apr.  27. 

Augustus  Demings  and  Harriet  Poberts,  both  of  Ansonia,  May    9. 

(ieorge  O'Brien  and  Alice  Agnew,  Sept.    7. 
Edwin  L.  Bolster  of  Waterbury  &.- Cornelia  A.  Ptoseof  Wolcott,  Sept.  21. 

Stephen  H.  Culver  and  xVlmira  Clark  of  Bethany,  Sept.  21. 

Henry  E.  Clinton  and  Mary  E.  Polierts,  Sept.  30. 
Martin   S.  Cramer   of  Bristol   and    Elizabeth  E.  Fay  of  Mil- 

lerton,  N.  Y.,  Not.    1. 

John  James  of  Derby  and  Mary  A.  Sharpe,  Nov.     1. 

Morris  Atwood  of  Woodljury  and  .Margaret  E.  Betts,  Nov.  22. 

John  Wooster  of  Oxford  and  Emily  C.  Buckingham,  Nov.  29. 

Selden  Tnttle  of  Walliugtord  and  S.  Lueinda  Chattield.  Dec.  21. 

Andrew  Sperry  and  Eliza  M.  Saekett,  l)0th  of  Bethany,  Feb.    7. 
Eewis  Thomas  of  Woodliridge  and  Nancy  .1.  Brown  of  Bethany,  Mar.  11. 

'iustavus  K.  Elliott  and  Josephine  W.  Johnson.  Apr.    9. 

John  F.  McCormick  and  Jirid-et  E.  .McGraw,  Apr.  23. 

Pi<liard  Asjtden  an<l  Mary  Jane  Barr,  Apr.  2G. 

<"arlos  I'rench  and  Julia  H.  Thompson,  Apr.  29. 
Albert  Wakelee  of  Derby  and   Emeiett  Beecher  of  Bethany,  May    2. 

William  T.  Fife  and  Celia  (.'arrington  of  Woodbridge,  May  15. 

I)a\id  Hawley  of  Oxford  and  .Mary  F.  Doolittle,                '  May  27. 

<'liarles  (Jarey  and  Lucy  Ann  Tucker  of  Old  Lyme,  July    3. 

l^ber  Hotehkiss  of  lietliany  and  Ellen  Downe.s,  Sept.    5. 
Thos.  .Marsh  of  Harttonl  .v  lOlizabetli  Kelvie  of  Tliompsonville,  Sept.  13. 

Henry  C.  At  well  and  (.'atharine  Carrington  of  Woodbridge,  Oct.  25. 




































Albert  F.  Gardner  of  Newport,  R.  I.,  and  Clarissa  A.  Baldwin 

of  Bridgeport,  Nov.  20. 

Frederick  E.  Castle  of  Woodbridge  and  Addie  A.  Prince,       Dec.  15. 

Joseph  Miller  and  Emily  Smith,  both  of  Derby, 

Henry  T.  Bradley  and  Charry  A.  Jackson,  both  of  Derby, 

Henry  C.  Rogers  of  Stratford  and  Susan  M.  Lockwood, 

Elbert  A.  Peck  of  Derby  and  Mary  M.  Johnson, 

Otto  Knipper  and  Katie  Block, 

Philip  Gartland  of  Wilkesbarre  Pa.,  and  Ann  Hughes, 

Thomas  Sheedy  and  Ann  Mahony, 

George  W.  EI/  of  New  York  and  Fannie  A.  Wheeler, 

Rodney  G.  Robinson  and  ^laria  H.  Davis, 

Cornelius  W.  James  and  Ann  B.  French, 

Henry  Nichols  and  Elizabeth  Robbets.  both  of  Naugatuck, 

William  Kaul  and  Apholonia  Jachoron, 

Charles  N.  Hinman  and  Grace  A.  Culver, 

Burr  P.  Beecher  and  Hannah  L.  Hyde, 

Caleb  E.  Garey  of  New  York  and  Eunice  E.  Hawkins, 

George  H.  Washburn  and  Hattie  G.  Hall  of  Bethany, 

Dewit  C.  Isabel  and  Fannie  J.  Seeley, 

Horatio  M.  Brown  of  Plymouth  &  Julia  L.  Wilkinson  of  Derby,  July    2 

Henry  P.  Day  and  Fannie  Gilbert,  Aug.  17 

George  Inman  of  Huntington  and  Lydia  Ducebury  of  Derby,    Aug.    8 

George  G.  Hunt  of  Bridgeport  and  Carrie  M.  Munger,  Sept.  21 

Noyes  G.  Bradley  and  Mary  A.  Burr,  both  of  Middlebury,      Sept.  2G 

William  W.  Joy  of  Derby  and  Anna  A.  Beecher,  Oct.    3 

George  G.  Lewis  ef  Southbury  and  Hattie  E.  Johnson,  Oct.  IG. 

Edwin  E.  Rose  of  Wolcotville  and  Catherine  E.  Washburn  of 

Oxford,  Oct.  18. 

Henry  P.  Beers  and  Nellie  E,  Neuson  of  Delaware,  Oct.  31. 

Pizarron  S.  Pulling  and  Ellen  M.  Lewis  of  Derby,  Nov.  23. 

Daniel  Vosler  and  Caroline  Hockenoss,  Nov.  25. 

William  Kanig  of  Bethany  and  Lesette  Fering,  Dec.  14. 

Valentine  Buchele  and  Louise  Molctor,  Jan.    5. 

Robert  M.  Richards  and  Anna  H.  Tiffuiev,  both  of  Bethany,  Feb.  17. 

Truman  Chatfield  and  Sarah  L.  Gilyard,  '                         '      '  Feb.  20. 

William  L.  Williamson  and  Adelaide  G.  Andrew,  Mar.  17. 

Preston  Canfield  and  Mary  A.  Heath  of  Canton,  Apr.    3. 

John  }L  Piiggs  and  Adella  Kenedy,  May  17. 

Charles  French  and  Mary  C.  Trowiiridge  of  Hotchkissyille,  May  17. 

William  E.  Roberts  and  Harriet  J.  Wickson,  May  23. 

Oscar  L.  Woodruff  and  Lillie  W.  Tucker,  May  29. 

Charles  ]\L  P>eers  and  Ellen  L.  Smith,  June  18. 

Charles  W.  Swift  and  Harriet  ('udirane,  July    3. 
John  D.  Williams  of  Houghton,  Mi<.li.,  aud  Annie  >L  Abbott,  July  18. 

].ewis  Jones  of  Woodbridge  and  Su.san  Chattield  of  Woodbury,  Aug.  19. 



Julius  Gurderjaliu  autl  ETeuiicrjettur  Hooker,                    '  Sept.    6. 

Cliark'S  Bug  and  Catharine  White,  Sept.  15. 

Michael  Flyun  and  Mary  (^)uiuu,  both  of  Oxford,  Oct.    8. 

AVilliam  K.'  Brown  and  Ellen  Putter,  both  of  Woodbury,  Oct.  23. 

John  K.  Jackson  and  .Alartha  P.  K.  Ford,  Oct.  28. 

John  11.  Bradley  and  Martha  A.  Downs,  Nov.  10. 

Stiles  C.  Williains  and  Ellen  H.  Hitchcock  of  Bethany,  Nov.    7. 
Washinirton  Beuhani  and  Sarah  M,  Fairchild,  both  of  Oxford,  Nov.  11. 

Edwin  W.  Clark  of  Milford  and  Sarah  A.  Gillette,  Nov.  14. 

Edward  B.  Bradley  and  Celestia  A.  Steele,  Nov.  29. 

Kodney  O.  Bronson  and  Sarah  A.  Bunnell,  v  Dec.  25. 

:\larcu's  .M.  Merrick  and  Sarah  S.  Swift.  Dec.  27. 
Lucius  P.  Warner  of  Springtield,  .Mass.,  and  Esther  J.  Linde,  Oct.  23. 

Wilbur  D.  Castle  and  Clarissa  A.  Baldwin,  Mar.    9. 

Edward  S.  Downes  and  Harriet  E.  Umbertield,  Mar.  20. 

Charles  H.  Griffith  and  Ann  E.  O'Meary,  Apr.    6. 

John  Whitney  and  Lottie  C.  Lounsbury,  Apr.  15. 
Augustus  B.  Hayden  and  Minnie  A.  Waters  of  Deep  River,     Apr.  20. 

Cliarles  G.  Fry  of  Norwalk  and  Sarah  A.  Childs,  Apr.  29. 

Charles  M.  Fuller  and  Esther  M.  Morris,  June    1. 

William  B.  Stoddard  of  ^Milford  and  Sarah  French,  June  11. 

John  Brenning  and  Alice  O'Brien,  June  13. 

Joseph  L.  Barrett  of  Derby  and  Margaret  E.  Carpenter,  June  29. 

William  S.  Roberts  and  Nancy  C.  Johnson,  July    C. 

Henry  Glazer  and  Louisa  Weiland.  July  17. 

John  IL  Miller  and  Sarah  Scranton,  Aug.  2L 

Louis  Miller  and  Salouiena  Vosler,  Sept.    7. 

Cieorge  E.  Meeker  and  Hattie  D..wns,  Oct.  19. 

L-iwis  Garritt  and  Julia  A.  Hawley,  Nov.    5. 

Frederic  Fosler  and  Catharine  Liedner,  Nov.    7. 
William  S.  Cooper  and  Martha  J.  Hine.                                   -    Nov.  10. 

Truman  E.  Wheeler  of  Woodbury  and  Ann  E.  Davis,  Dec.  25. 

John  N.  Popp  and  Sarah  Wirth,  "  Dec.  3L 

Willard  G.  Mitchell  and  Julia  A.  Divine.  Jan.    1. 
William  H,  Beecher  and  Delia  Northrop,  both  of  W^oodbridge,  Jau.    7. 

Heber  C.  Chatfield  of  Oxford  and  Jennie  G.  Wooster,  Jan.  24. 

(ieorge  ShalVr  and  (Caroline  Lindenlup,  Feb.  13. 

Edwin  Pv.  Ailing  and  Celestia  Wri-ht,  both  of  Derl)y,  Feb.  27. 

Frederick  Caiidee  and  Ellen  S.  Pntter,  lioth  of  Naugatuck,  Mar.  3L 

I'eter  Deater  and  Margaret  Spoouhtdmer.  Apr.  IS. 

Levi  IL  Stewart  and  l-'rances  M    IJassett,  Apr.  20. 

Theodore  >L  Swift  and  Charlotte  E.  Wyant,  May  25, 

Iteuben  W.  Thayer  and  I-^llcn  C.  >hirkham,  June    9. 

Frederick  Weston  and  Henrietta  Freeman  of  Derby,  col..  July    2. 

August  Barhmer  and  I'auline  Marseer,  July  L3. 

Wright  L.  Russell  and  Hattie  E.  Peck,  both  of  liethauy,  Aug.  29. 


Spem-  Sheldon  and  Laura  M.  French,                    •  Oct.  12. 

^Andrew  ilolbrook  and  Ch\rissa  A.  Castle,  Oct.  17. 

Charles  Sears  of  New  York  and  Lucy  E.  DeWolf,  Nov.    4. 

Allen  Clark  and  Khoda  Kendall,  Nov.  19. 

James  K.  Adams  and  Martha  A.  Fuller,  Nov.  IS. 
Charles  EL.  Pickett  and  Anna  E.  Culver,                                   .  Dec.  23. 

D.  F.  Peck  and  A.  F.  Beechcr,  both  of  Bethany,  ,    Jan.    2. 

Frederic  Beecher  of  Oxford  and  Alice  Church,  Jan.    5. 

Jacob  Wirth  and  Marizaretta  Eopp,  both  of  New  York,  Jan.  14. 

Ilershall  B.  Beers  and  Sophia  llenuess,  Jan.  21. 

James  IJvan  and  Marijarett  Moran,  Jan.  2G. 

Albert  J*  Chatfield  of^Derby  and  Alice  J.  Smith,  Feb.    3. 

Elisha  Murray  of  Auburn,  N.  Y'.,  and  Josephine  J.  Prince,  Apr.  19. 

Martin  J,  Heating  and  IMartha  Shepard,  both  of  Bethany,  Apr.  22. 

Leman  "Whitlock  and  Elsie  F.  Culver,  May    6. 

John  Plotz  and  Clara  Hein,  May    8. 

Charles  P.  White  and  Mary  Jane  Bassett,  May  19. 

Cornelius  Turk  and  T.  Johana  Hilberer,  May  22. 

Thomas  Flarris  and  Sarah  H.  Cantield,  May  20. 

Moses  W.  Pedshaw  of  Ansouia  and  Nellie  M.  Riggs,  June  27. 

Jacob  Jacklee  of  Bridgeport  and  Katharina  Kohler,  July  15. 

Edward  N.  Childs  and  Hannah  C.  Andrews,  July  31. 

Lewis  W.  Pobinson  and  Ella  W.  Scutt.  both  of  Southbury,  Aug.    1. 

James  H.  Ilolloran  and  ]\Liry  E.  Smith,  Aug.  18. 

William  E.  Hall  of  Hamden  and  Nellie  C.  Johnson,  Oct.  17. 

Mansfield  J.  French  of  New  York  and  Elizabeth  H.  Smith,  Nov.    3. 

Charles  Manweiller  and  B.  Metzger,  Nov.    0. 

Henry  Manweiller  and  Eliza  Sharpe,  Nov.    6. 

Isuac  C.  Tomlinson  of  Derby  and  Frances  L.  Smith,  Nov.  15. 
Pobert  C.  McDowell  and  Catharine  Maher,  both  of  Bethany,  Nov.  20. 

George  Fossler  and  3Liry  Theurer,  Nov.  20. 

Norman  Sperry  and  Louisa  B.  lliggs,  Nov.  24. 
Charles  H.  .MiUer  of  Pittstield,  Mass.,  and  Maria  L.  Davis,  of 

Mt.  Sina,  L.  L, 
John  C.  Childs  and  Emily  Smith  of  Derby, 

Sylvester  A.  Mark^m  of  Woodliury  and  Julia  E.  Hull, 
James  E.  Buckley  and  Ella  A.  Blod^^ett. 
Oeorge  F.  lioliinson  and  Eiiplienia  Atkins, 
G.  AV,  Sidduck  and  Harriet  Culver  of  Orange, 

Thomas  D.  Brooks  and  Mary  M.  Dorothy,  l)oth  of  New  Haven,  Apr.  21. 

Leroy  AVeston  and  Ilattie  E.  Hicks  of  Orange,  cul.,  June    1. 

J.  IL  McALilion  of  Bridgeport  and  Fannie  E.  Uawlerein,  .June  23. 

Gotleib  Theurer  and  Mary  (iuan,  June  24. 

Thomas  Sliarpe  and  (,"harlotre  McLean.  Aug.     0. 
Thomas  yi.  Downs  and   Martha  ().  Ilolbrook,  both  of  Derby,    Oct.    O. 

Sylvester  DeForest  of  Haiiiden  and  Sarah  F.  Buuce,  Nov.  12. 

Sharon  D.  P.each  and  Mary  E.  Rider,  Nov.  21. 















(teo.  Andrews  of  Orange  and  Sarah  Crandalle  of  Woodbridge,  Xor.  24. 
Lewis  Raymond  of  Waterbury  and  Louisa  Lambert,  Dec.    31. 

Wni.  IT.  Williams  of  Waterbury  and  V Roswell  of  Bethany,  Jan.    7. 

Frank  >Lison  and  Elizabeth  Brown,  Jan.  24. 
James  T.  Iloare  of  Cheshire  and  Nancy  G.  Dodge  of  Ansonia,  Jan.  28. 

Antoine  Turk  and  Xancy  Burman,  Jan.  28. 

Edward  C.  Brown  and  yiavy  K.  Canfield,  Feb.    3. 

Patrick  Powers  of  Bridgeport  and  Catherine  Brockway,  Feb.    8. 

I'atrick  0*J)onnell  and  Ellen  Brennan,  Feb.  21. 

S.  M.  Hersey  and  Eliza  Eames,  Mar.    7. 

Frederick  Boeker  and  Erederika  Quiering,  Apr.    1. 

I'eter  Ward  and  Hannah  E.  Reynolds,  May  10. 

S.  C.  Tucker  and  Mary  E.  Beecher,  May  17. 

Jabez  E,  Pritchard  and  Eliza  Williams  of  Oxford,  May  25. 

An.son  J.  Still  and  Flattie  Ciitts,  both  of  Southbury,  June    7. 
(-leorge  M.  Hobart  of  Amherst,  Mass.,  and  Emma  V.  Rankin,  June  14. 

James  R.  Barber  of  New  York  and  Harriet  M.  De Wolfe,  June  14. 

(Irant  Stevens  of  Morris,  Conn.,  and  Charlotte  Ward,  June  16. 

^Lttthew  IL  Pope  and  Eliza  F.  Bliss,  Julv  19. 

A.  E.  Clark  and  :\lary  M.  Riggs,  Aug.  30. 

Wilbur  F\  McF^wen  of  New  Fhwen  and  Willaraena  R.  Bell,  Nov.    7. 

John  Scofield  of  Bristol  and  >L^ry  ^Miles.  Nov.  14. 

Oeorge  T.  Smith  of  Derby  and  Barbara  Warner,  Nov.  27. 

Daniel  T.  Holbrook  and  F]mma  A.  Warner  of  Hamden,  Nov.  30. 

Howard  Weston  and  Virginia  Honesty,  col.,  Dec.  16. 

James  Nichols  and  Jane  A.  Harris,  Dec.  22. 

Landolin  Moliter  and  Caroline  Obert,  Feb.  13. 


Joseph  T.  Baird  of  .Alilford  and  Alice  A.  Davis,  Mar.  27. 

<iustavus  W.  Lewis  of  Plainville  and  Lucy  3L  Russell,  Apr.  9. 

Wilfurd  lialilwin  and  Ida  E.  Lewis  of  Woodbridge,  Apr,  27. 

Henry  ¥..  Smith  of  Oxford  and  \'irginia  .f.  Davis,  ]May  16, 

George  M.  Fowler  and  Delia  A.  ^Merrick,  Sep.    3. 

Anios  Culver  of  Nau-atuck  and  Julia  M.  Church  of  Oxford,  Oct.    4. 

William  E.  Lowe  of  New  York  and  Mary  W.  Wheeler,  Nov.    7. 

Richard  Pierson  and  Elizabeth  Hill,  Nov.  27. 
Albert  D.Carrington  of  Beacon  Fallsand  Sarah  F,  Buckingham,  Dec,    3. 

Warren  S.  Rogers  and  Fannie  S.  Smith,  Dec,  24. 


Rol)ert  Mclvay  and  ^Irs,  Jane  Davis,  Jan.    2. 

J.  Atwood  Linsley  of  liranford  and  Julia  K.  Reynolds,  Jan.    3. 

^\  illiam  Howes  and  Margaret  Anthony,  Jan.  22. 

Seymour  W.  Paissell  and  Mary  J.  Bronson.  both  of  Bethany,  xVpr,  11. 
•Joseph  HaLa-n  and  Mrs.  PaulSchranner,  June  10. 

<"harles  Hull  and  Lillv  .].  Davis,  Oct,    2. 

IJdward  M.  North  of  New  P.ritain  ami  Ella  (},  Davis,  Oct,    8. 

Edward  P.otsford  and  Lizzie  ^L  Johnson,  Dec,  13. 

^Vm.  R.Bates  of  \A'uo(lbury  and  Sarah  C.  Crowther  of  Oxford,  Dec,  24. 


L.  W.  Kirk  and  Hattie  J.  Calkius,  both  of  New  Ilaveu,  Dec.  1*4. 

Frank  H.  Russell  aiul  Lilly  E.  Northrop,  Jan.  27. 

K.  J.  W.  Emery  and  Agues  G.  Barnes  of  Xew  Haven,  Feb.  17. 

William  Blake  and  Alice  Lynch,  Mar.  18. 

Friend  J.  Peck  of  llamden  and  Alice  M.  Xortlirop,  Mar.  2,3. 

Frederick  Harris  and  Martha  J.  Losee,  Apr.  29. 

William  H.  Williams  and  his  E,  Munson,  May    2. 

Edwin  A.  Hayes  and  .Alay  E.  Sperry,  both  of  Bethany,  May    iK 
Arthur  S.  Burgess  and  Carrie  L.  Lake,  both  of  Woodbridge,    ^faV  27. 

Henian  K.  Atwater  and  :\Liry  E.  Sherman,                           '  May  28. 

John  Holloway  and  Mary  L.  Lum.  June    8. 

Edgar  J.  Thrall  and  Henrietta  M.  Lum.  both  of  Oxford,  June  30. 
Geo.  W.  Bartlett  and  L^abella  J.  Eaircliild,  both  of  Ansonia,  Sept.  10. 

George  L.  Hyde  of  Xew  Haven  and  Fannie  Behrens,  Sept.    8. 

William  L.  Knaub  of  Xew  PLiven  and  Xellie  A.  Childs,  Oct.    5. 

Frank  A.  Cutter  of  Ansonia  and  Minnie  J.  Wvant,  Xov.  16. 

Heber  P.  Carpenter  and  .Alartha  Wheeler  of  Oxford,  Xov.  2.1 

Charles  J.  Keynolds  and  Ella  B.  Erenidi,  Dec.  24. 


Emery  E.  Adams  and  Ellen  J.  Emery,  Feb.    1), 

Mathew  Smith  and  Gertrude  I.  Lounsbuvy,  Mav  20. 

George  A.  James  and  Sarah  M.  Biggs,    "  May  23. 

-    Lazarus  G.  Weaver  and  Mary  A.  liotchkiss,  July     7. 

Charles  Pickhardt  and  Theresa  Dierkes,  both  of  Winstcd,  July  27. 

James   Skewis  of   Birmingham  and  Georgia  M.   Cawthia  of 

Bridgeport,  July  3L 

Joel  Perry  and  Lizzie  Leeke,  both  of  Oxford,  Oct.  29. 

William  Twist  and  Sarah  A,  Brodie,  Xuv.  27. 

Daniel  A.  Peck  of  \\'oodbridge  and  Mary  E.  Ladd,  Dec.  10. 

Joseph  Hitchcock  and  Ida  J.  Edwards,    '  Dec.  30. 


Joseph  Fudge  of  Xew  Haven  and  Hattie  Holbrook,  Jan.    3. 

John  Forsey  and  Sarali  (;.  Johnson,  •     Feb.  10. 

Charles  E.  Trumpbour  of  Ansonia  and  Jennie  V.  Wyant,  Mar.    8. 

Joseph  Ineson  and  Xellie  DeWulf.                                '  Mar.  14. 

Frank  H.  Beecher  and  Xellie  A.  Thomijson,  Mar.  22. 

(k'orge  H.  Hill  and  ^Melissa  Crowther.  Apr.  20, 

Edward  X.  Botsford  and  Lillie  J.  Dibble,  May  20. 

Samuel  B.  Smith  and  Sarah  E.  Beers,  May  2o. 
DanM  G.  Webster  of  Springtieid,  .^hiss..  and  Hattie  L.  Bradley,  June    0. 

Vincen  C.  E.  Ford  and  I^mma  Warner,  "    June  12. 

■  Jeremiah  Stever  and  Louisa  F.  Smith,  June  20. 

Samuel  I5atler  and  Ella  L.  Bankin,  June  2L 

William  Barr  and  Elizabeth  Ward,  June  21. 
C.  F.  Clark  of  Beacon  l-'alls  and  Almira  Downs  of  Woodbridge,  Julv  2. 
Charles  \V.  Michaels  of  Xew  York  and  Carrie  L.  Pickhardt.    JulV  24. 

William  L.  Chadwick  of  Meriden  and  Phebe  Hubbell,  July  27. 

Charles  J.  Short  ami  l-]mma  J.  Simiisou,  Sept,    0. 


John  Br}"3ii  a-i  S-san  Pierce,  both  of  South  Britain,  Sept.    6. 

F.  P.  Marvia  iri  Maggie  M.  Simons,  both  of  Beacon  Falls,  Sept.  11. 

Roben  ^^l:ee'r^.  Jr..  and  Sarah  Ward,  boih  of  Oxford,  Sept,  27. 

Michael  Martiz  •::  Portchester,  N.  Y..  and  Katie  Wvant,  Oct.  10. 

"William  Aver-  jni  Anna  Parks,  both  of  ^augatuck,  Oct.    1. 

John  P.  Daveitvr:  and  C.  Jeunette  Thayer,  Oct.  17. 

H.  A.  Radforc  a-d  Catherine  C.  Bur^velf.  Oct.  21. 

Frederick  A.  P- jg  and  Louisia  E.  Jame?.  Oct.  23. 

Frederick  Sch-.-ri  r-^in  of  New  Haven  and  Frt^drikca  Quiering,  Oct.  25. 

Charles  S.  Bcti/.ri  of  Birmingham  and  Sarah  Beardsley,  Dec.  22. 

Leroj  Upson  o:"  Waierbnry  and  Ester  P.  Cook,  Dec.  29. 

James  Hod^oz  ard  Sarah  Gilpin.  Jan.  26. 

Alexander  Rica  az.d  Martha  G.  Sturtevanr,  both  of  Orange,  Feb.  16. 

William  A.  Cro-^^her  and  Eliza  M.  Creelman,  Mar.  17. 

Heber  P.  Carrri.t'e-r  and  Julia  A.  Dovms,  Mar.    2. 

Isaac  Downs  aid  Emma  J.  Hubbard.  Apr.  27. 

Frank  A.  Co"cr  o:  Ansonia  and  Haitie  A.  Booth,  May  11. 

John  H.  Farrel  aTid  Mary  E,  Russel  of  Bethany,  Aug.    8. 

"William  E.  Craie  of  Ansonia  and  Letta  Greeley,  Aug.  13. 

Lewis  A.  Camr-  and  Elizabeth  E.  James,  Sept.  28. 

Eugene  Wya-:  ^-d  Mary  E.  Hurd.  Oct.  13. 

John  H.  Castle  a-_i  Jennie  ^I.  Sperry.  Oct.  17. 

Richard  Erans  ar  i  Jane  Johns.  Nov.  30. 

Charles  H.  C-zrtis  of  Southbury  and  Ellen  C.  Herd,  Dec.  19. 

Jared  I.  Kix"'-er>  of  Wallinglord  and  Charlotte  ChatBeld,  Dec.  24. 

Christopher  .S".»:mbe  of  Derby  and  Mary  J.  Belden,  Dec.  25. 

♦  IST'S. 

Horace  G.  Cbartt-rld  of  Derby  and  Harrit-t  Tomliuson,  Jan.    1. 

Frank  G.  Bass-ett  of  Derby  and  Hattie  L.  St<»rrs.  Jan.    6. 

Joseph  E.  Di:-rr-  and  Nellie  R.  Lathrup.  Jan.  17. 

Warren  Fren-ih  aid  Cynthia  Terrell  of  Woodliridge,  Jan.  17. 

Frank  H.  W.;.".:  ..:"  PittsHeld,  Ma>s..  and  Jane  E.  Larner,  Feb.  17, 

Charles  B.  Anir^-ws  of  Oxford  and  Lillie  H.  Lathrop,  Mar.  21. 

Ge..»rge  "W.  Ho:_in  and  Rhoda  Juds'jn.  Apr.  13. 

Gnstav  A.  B-e^  irr  and  Elizabeth  Popp.  Apr,  24. 
J.  Marshall  Cr-::-,itMn  of  New  llavt".;  and  Ida  A.  Leavenworth,  Apr.  28. 

Win.  M.  Chariii.r-rlin  of  Bristol  anii  Grace  Ailing  of  Oxford,  May    8. 
David  A.  L•>u:_^ -ury  of  P>ctliany  ani;^'aret  W.  Billerwell 

of  Beacor:  ?'a.I>.  May  14. 

James  M.  SpriLj  "f  Ansonia  and  Mary  K.  Gaylord,  May  15. 

John  Spiers  i\nl  Ciara  ."^,  Rirler.  May  21. 

Alfred  <"a!7>^  an«i  S.  (Jcneti  .Sp>.rry  of  Painesville,  O.,  July    3. 

GeoTife  E,  Pa'   i.rr  of  Prospect  and  Mary  E.  Farrell,  Aug.  11. 

Josepfi  E.  Re-".»  of  Ansonia  and  J.  Riggs,  Sept.  17. 

Jolif,  Harri-  .-,-.,<:  Nellie  L.  Mason.  Oct.  Id. 

(ieor..-  p.  D-.,;:t:e  and  IClien  .J.  La-bl.  Oct.  17, 

Adolph  F.  E:c^;  and  Nellie  (i.  1).  rrirk.  Oct.  23. 


Gilbert  E.  Osborn  of  New  Haven  aud  Mary  Kiggs,  Nov.    7. 

Frank  S.  Moore  and  Lillie  E.  Smith,  both  of  Xaugatuck,  Jan.  25. 
Charles  S.  Sackett  of  Beacon  Falls  and  Sarah  P.  Northrop  of 

Woodbridne,  Feb.    1. 

DeWitt  C.  Castle  and  Sarah  A.  Chase  of  Sharon,  Feb.  28. 

William  O.  Davis  and  Hattie  A.  Benham  of  Oxford,  Mar.  20. 

Edirar  11.  Smith  of  Oxford  and  Mariette  E.  Smith,  Apr.    1. 

Walter  W.  JIadclitt"  of  Oxford  and  Bertha  J.  demons,  Apr.  20. 
Francis  1).  Sanford  of  Boston,  Mass.,  and  Mary  E.  Piatt  of 

New  London,  ^^'-^J  13. 

E.  Arthur  Llewellyn  and  Hattie  D.  Buckingham,  June  14. 

Charles  Doolittlc  and  Harriet  L.  Lathrop,  June  18.^^ 

Thomas  F.  Gilvard  and  Hattie  E.  French  of  Beacon  Falls,  Aug.    3." 

William  N.  Woodrutl"  of  Hartford  and  Carrie  E.  Sharpe,  Sept.  23. 

Charles  B.  Peck  and  Marv  I).  Tvrell,  both  of  New  Haven,  Sept.  23. 

Edward  J.  Davis  and  Lilfio  31.  Gilbert,  Oct.    9. 

Theodore  B.  Beach  and  Libbie  O.  Lockwood.  Oct.    9. 

Frank  P.  Wooster  and  Henrietta  A.  Hawkins,  both  of  Oxford,  Oct.  15. 

Joseph  Andrews  and  3tlary  J.  Doonau,  both  of  Oxford,  Oct.  19. 

Edward  Stoeckel  and  Anna  Schranner,  Oct.  19. 

Alonzo  Dennis  and  Lotta  Hyatt,  both  of  Beacon  Falls,  Dec.  10. 


Charles  Karweck  and  Dora  Johnson,  Feb.    9. 

John  3L  lline  of  New  Milford  and  Chariotte  E.  Peck,  Mar.  18. 

William  H.  O'.Meara  and  Nettie  E.  Wyant,  Mar.  25. 

Edward  E.  llolbrook  and  Dora  E.  Gerard,  Apr.    7. 

William  B.  Swan  and  Augusta  Smith,  Apr.    7. 

William  P>rixey  and  Francis  DeWolf,  ^^^y    ^^ 

Daniel  \V.  Simpson  and  .Mary  E.  Si»encer.  June  23. 

James  L.  I-'inkle  and  Leonrina  Joos.  July    4. 

Frank  E.  Cluimberlin  and  Hannah  I).  Walkins,  July  21. 

Walter  W.  Dorman  and  Martha  A.  Osborn,  Oct.  12. 

James  W.  Marshall  and  Elizabeth  Loyd.  Nov.  16. 

John  Ilartnett  of  Waterbury  and  Mary  Hefi'crman.  Apr.  22. 


Wm.  E.  Morris  and  .Airs.  Francis  Talmadge,  both  of  Prospect.  Jan.  19. 

Frank  Walignra  of  Germany  A:  .^Llrgivret  Sodlr  of  L'tica,  N.  Y..  Apr.    4. 

Martin  L.  lilackman  and  Airs.  Lydia  'SI.  Fay,  both  of  Derby,  May    8. 

Andrew  J-'inklc  and  Tilda  Uoe  of  Sai.lsbury,  Apr.  18. 

Uenrv  iiu<kim:ham  and  Mrs.  Jane  E.  Woodworth,  May  3L 

Thonias  W.  .Malonv  and  J:1!imi  Uvan,  Jinx-    2. 

Charb-s  F.  Hard  and  Mrs.  Cnrnefia  N.  Hall,  Sept.  .30. 

Charles  Agnew  and  Julia  Cunninirham,  Oct.  IE 

Michael  McNurnev  and  Marv  Callaghan,  Nov.  24. 

Hanle\   D.  Ilotcbkiss  and  Alu-e  J.  Chartieid,  Dec.  14. 

Henry  Bishop  and  .Matrie  S.  Joos,                                            -  L>*iC.  24. 

John  Elliott  of  Newtown  and  Lavinia  A.  Bradley,  Dec.  29. 



William  Pritcliard  and  Emma  Wood,  both  of  Woodhridge, 

Kemiiiirton  P.  Christian  and  iSarali  A.  ^^'oodini2:, 

Robert   Spairow   of  Tawliug,  X.  Y.,   and  Xellie  IJowers 

J.  A.  0\Meara  of  Bristol  and  .Airs.  Mary  E.  Peck, 
Frank  W.  Sperry  and  Lydia  A.  Uard, 
Frank  1.  Finklo  and  I\Irs.  Jennie  Soutt, 
George  E.  Lester  and  Elizal)otli  W.  Terrell  of  Waterbury, 
William  Gosele  and  Catherine  Schikler, 
John  W.  Peardon  of  AVaterbury  and  Catherine  Crowley, 
Thomas  E.  Iluriliurt  and  Mrs.  Susan  F.  Trewiu-lla, 
Thomas  Goold  of  Greenville,  N.  J.,  and  Catherine  Stewart, 
Allison  B.  3Ioulthrop  of  Shelton  .V  Nellie  P>.  Arnold  of  Oxford,  July  13. 
Charles  P.  p]dwards  and  3Iary  Gilfoy,  both  of  J^irniiugham,  July  20. 
John  C.  Crowtlier  and  Harriet  E.  Ilickox,  Aug.    2. 

Charles  C.  liillings  and  Carrie  Lustie.  Aug.    2. 

Burton  C.  Uotchldss  and  3Irs.  Mary  E.  Pierce,  Oct.  10. 

Thomas  Griffiths  and  Jane  Roberts,  Oct.  28. 

James  E.  Crowtlier  of  Oxford  and  Marv  K.  Dolan,  Nov.  1  j. 

n.  W.  Bassett  of  Derby  and  Julia  C.  French,  Nov.  23. 











i . 











,      Julv 




Burials  in  Seymour. 

From  the  Records  of  Trinity  Church.  ■ 


Miss  Miles,  aged  32,  Oct.  30. 

Abram  Kinuev,  aged  21,                                                    "  Oct.  31. 


,  child  of  Joseph  Gordon,  Jan.  — . 

Josiah  S.  Washburn,  aged  20,  May  22. 

,  wife  of  J.  T.  Wheeler,  aged  47,  Aug.  14. 

Mr.  Wooster,  aged  GO,  Oct.  23. 

Xebeniiah  Durand.  a^ed  71.  Aug.  10. 
II ol brook,  Aug,  11. 


Mrs.  Sarah  P'renoh,  aged  53.                                    .  Jan.  30. 

Ireua  Hawkins,  aged  37,  Apr.  28. 

Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  Joseph  Gordon,                                    ,  Apr.  28. 

— ,  wife  of  Capt.  W.  Lum,  aged  34,  Aug.  13. 

Mrs.  Church,                                                                          "  Sept.  18. 

Mr.  Lead),  aged  00,  Oct.    7. 

Elizabeth,  dau.  of Ford,  aged  1,  Oct.  11. 


Grace,  wife  of  Capt.  Clarke  Wooster,  aged  27,  Jan.    3. 

Mrs.  Freelove  Nettleton,  Jan.    7. 

Hiram  Durand,  aged  23.                                                        •  Feb.  14. 

Mrs.  B.  Bassett,  aged  70,  May  11. 

Mrs.  Kinney,  aged  .il,  iMay  14. 

Mrs.  Laura  liahhviii,  aged  20,  June  18, 

John  IJuinplireys,  .Ii'.,  senior  warden  of  the  church,  June  .30. 

,  .son  of  Aliel  JJassett.  aged  13,  July  — . 

Mns.  Nichols,  aged  41,  Aug.  15. 


Mrs.  Canfield.  a-ed  02.  Jan.  23. 

Mrs.  Fanton,  aged  07.  Feb.     <S. 

Mrs.  S.  Hawkins,  aged  71.  Mar.    0. 

I'x'iijauiin  Kuglish,  iiged  05,  Mar.  IS. 

Mrs,  I'eny,  Apr.  — , 


James  W.  Spencer,  aged  34,  May  31. 

Mrs.  N.  Win",  aired  43,  f               Aug.  24. 

Mrs.  Polly  Kimun,  aged  31.  \                 Sept.  24. 

Mrs.  Kiggs,  aged  r)3, "  )                 Dec.  17. 


Bt'tscy  Hargcr,  aged  76,  Mar.    9. 

dared  Manstield,  aged  .")4,  Ma/  29. 

Samuel  Kusseil,  aged  41,  July  22. 

Mrs.  Toiuliiison,  July  23. 

,  child  of Mosliier.  aged  2,  "                  Aug.  12. 

Joseph  Hawkins,  Jr..  aged  53.  -^ug-  2<S. 

Horace,  son  of  Jupiter  Wesron,  col.,  aged  2,  Sept.    1. 

Infant  son  of  N.  Woo^ter,  Aug.  30. 

Mr.  Hitchcock,  aged  7(1,  Sept.  14. 

Sarah  Klizabeth,  dau.  of  E.  and  E.  Johnson,  aged  4y,  omo,      Sept.  14. 

Mrs.  Stoddard,  aged  28,  Sept.  10. 

Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  E.  and  E.  Johnson,  aged  lly,  7mo,             Sept.  20. 

Laura,  dau.  of  Warren  and  Lueinda  French,  aged  3,                  Sept.  21. 

Howard,  son  of  J.  V.  and  (\  Wheeler,  aged  8,                            Sept.  23. 

.Mrs.  M.  A.  Wooster,  aged  24,  Sept.  2G. 

Mr.  Scranton,  aged  about  (>(),  June  — . 

Ebenezer,  son  of  E.  and  E.  Johnson,  aged  10,  Sept.  29. 

Mrs.  Charlotte  Wheeler,  Oct.  27. 


William  Pond,  aijed  40,  Oct.  22. 

Child  of  John  Ln'm,  Dec.    1. 


Ebenezer  Johnson,  aged  38,  Feb.  11. 

Cambridge  Pobhins,  col.,  aged  86,  '           Feb.  24. 

Johnath.n  Miles,  aged  ^7),  .                   Feb.  26. 

John  White,           "  Feb.  19. 

Jane  E.  Thomp-on,  col.,  aged  19,  Apr.  17. 

Capt.  ('larke  Davis,  aged  ;i9.  May  19. 
Child  of  Charles  and  Sarah  Oatman, 

Aliijah  Canfield,  aged  (il,  Aug.  15. 

Harvcv,  infant  son  of  Hurrit  and  Sally  Skeels,  Sept.  25. 

Mrs.  VVooster,                                         '  Oct.  14. 


Harriett  Tuttlc,  aired  17,  May  19. 

"Mrs.  Holbiook,  a-ed  73,              "  Aug.  10. 

A  dau.  of  iJfnnert  Wooster,  at  Quaker  Farms,  Sept.  22. 

Mrs.  Cliatfietd,  aged  62,  Nov.     3. 

Jesse  Smitl),  age<l  65.  Nov.    6. 

Erva  liutler,  aged  79,  '    Nov.  10. 

Hannah  John.son.  aired  1(5,  Dec.    2. 


Truman  Hawkins,  aired  4S,  Jan.  20, 

Ncttielon,  aLM'd  2,  Feb.  25. 

Mary  K.Mosliier,  aged  3,  Apr.  15. 


Mrs.  BrvsoD,  aged  55,  Apr.  22. 

CatT,  col.,  aged  47.  Mav    4. 

Abram  Scrantou,  aged  37,  _  Jul\  11. 

Joseph  Hawkins,  Jr.,  Oct.  22 

Eunice  Thomas,  aged  84.  Jan.  10. 

Mrs.  JohDfcon, 

Capt.  A.  Sherman,  aged  »2,  yov.  27. 

Grace  Jennette.  dau.  of  Clarke  Lum,  aged  4.  Jan.  10. 

Hiram  W.  Randall,  ased  27,  '  Jan.  ]'j. 

Fred  W.  Jev\-err.  aged  43.  Jan!  19. 

-; ,  son  of  M.  P.  Baldwin,  aged  Iv.  3  me.  Feb.  10. 

Gad  Sperry.  aged  21.  -         •  ^^^  ^^^ 

Mrs.  Charlotte  Xetileton,  aged  .j4.  An"-.  13. 

ilrs.  Charlotte  Hawlev.  aired  65,  '  Sep!.    3. 

Child  of  EuAly  L.  Lines,  aged  3  w,  Sept.    0. 
William  Clark,  age<l  70,                                                     ..  Oct.  20. 


Josiah  XettletoD.  aged  2  y,  C  mo,  Feb.  27. 

Thomas  Lafterty.  aged  1  y.  J  mo,  Apr.  24. 

Bennet  Chatfield.  aged  2  "y.  10  mo,  June  11. 

Mrs.  Caroline  hij^a.  ased  27.  Julv  23. 
James  Cantield.  aged  •>' mo.                                                     -        Julv  3<j. 

Mrs.  Martha  Beecher.  aged  43,  Ant^.  lU. 

Truman  Hawkins,  aged  2  mo,  -  Sept.    5. 

George  T.  Wooster,  aged  4.  Oct.    2. 

Hubert  8.  Clark,  aged  4,  Oct!  is! 

Samuel  B.  Uine.  aged  02.  Oct.  2.j. 

Mrs.  Mary  Bassett.'a^'ed  40.  Oct.  20. 

Nathan  >Ianstield,  ajred  87.  Nov.    0 

Charles  Green,  aged  :i4.  Dec.     9. 
Gideon  John.vjn.  a^red  8<i,                                                         -      Jjec  24. 


3Ierab  J.  Stoddard,  aged  2,  Jan.  Vi. 

Charles  H.  Mih-s.  aged  .5.  Jan.  23. 

Albert  Smith,  aired  7  mo,  Feb.    9. 

Charlotte  A.  N»'ttlefon.  aged  1  y,  8  mo,  Feb.  10. 

Tamar  1  lifMii|».<on.  col.,  aged  rA).  Feb.  24. 

Mrs.  Sally  Sail  ford,  aged  .jO,  Feb.  25. 

Sarah  J.  .Sanford.  aired  .3  y.  0  mo.  Mar.     8. 

Mrs.  Kii;;abeth  Hawkins,  aged  71.  Mar.  11. 

Ellen  A.  Baldwin,  aged  1  y.  4  uiu.  Apr.     3. 

Mary  C  Fowler,  aged  17.  '  Apr.    0. 

Jf>el  r'hatfield.  aged  80.  June  15 

Isaac  .John.son.  agf-d  37.  Julv    H. 

Abijah  Holl»rook.  aired  ."»<J,  Oct.  11. 

Edwin  L,  L'p>oii.  aged  3.  Oct.  Li, 

Lewis  lieecher,  aged  49,  Oct.  19. 

BURIALS   IN  SEYMOUR.                                       63 

Mrs.  Luciiula  Cliatfield,  ai^ed  31,  Nov.  10. 

Tninian  Hawkins,  aired  25,  Dec.  14. 


]Mary  T.  Baldwin,  aged  3  y,  G  mo,  Jan.    3. 

Jolin  llinmaii.  ai;e(l  02,  Mar.    9. 

Thomas  P.  Hart,  aired  38,  •                             ..    Mar.  15. 

Maxwell  lirvson,  aired  28,  '          Mar.  25. 

Infant  dau.  of  William  W.  Burritt,  aged  2  w,  May  30. 

E.  Wooster,  aged  1  v,  (>  mo,  June    8. 

Phebe  M.  O'Cain,  a'ired  23,  Sept.    8. 

Philo  Kiggs,  aired  47,  Sept.  25. 

Joseph  N\'.  Hawkins,  aired  2,  Oct.  20. 

Elizaheth  aged  23,  Oct.  23. 

Victor  S.  Marshall,  aged  7  mo,  Nov.  10. 

Jerome  Tucker,  aged  23,  Dec.  10. 


Ellen  E.  Storrs,  ag-d  3,  Mar.  23. 

John  Chattield,  aged  2  mo,  -      Mar.  31.  Kiggs,  aged  78.  .         Apr.  16. 

Asa  Sperrj,  nged  09,  .         Apr.  18. 

Abigail  B.  Clark,  aged  81,  May  10. 

Diantha  P.otsford,  aged  59.  '                               July    7. 

Jane  H.  Fowler,  aged  20.  Aug.  20. 

Moiies  Fanton,  aged  75,  Aug.  22. 

Jay  Carpenter,  aged  1  y,  (}  mo,  Sept.  14. 

Adaline  .\.  Hartshorn;  aged  1  y,  3  mo,  Sept.  30. 

Elizabeth  Bassett.  ageil  45,       "  Oct.  13. 

Beunet  Pangmaii,  aged  5.'i.  Oct.  10. 

• •,  son  of  Samiud  L.  Doolittle,  aged  0  mo,                            Oct.  29. 

Samantha  Washbaiid,  Oct.  31. 

Andrew  Southard,  aged  80,  ]>ec.  14. 


Kuth  Tomlinsoii,  aged  10  w,  Jan.  15. 

Abner  Tibbals,  aged  S3,  Jan.  10. 

Charity  Cantield.  aged  08,  Feb.  17. 

'G.  vStorrs,  aged  2,  Mar.  12. 

Truman  Loveland,  aged  80,  '                        Mar.  13. 

Mary  U'eston,  col.,  agt'(l  4,  Apr.    4. 

Sarah  Oatinau,  aged  40,  June  23. 

Fraiuis  Devonshire,  cid.,  aged  75,  July  11. 

Sophia  Leavenworth,  ageil  44,  Sept.  23. 

Hannah  J:.  Johnson,  aged  22,  Oct.  2!). 

Ivphraiiii  Allen,  aged  (il.  ■                                 Oct.  30. 

-Mehetalde  P.urh-r,  aged  82.  Nov.  28. 

Hannah  li.  I'.each,  a;red  19,  Dec.     1. 


Infant  dan.  of  X.  B.  ^\'illi;uMS.  aged  3  d,                                           Feb.     4. 

(ieurge  A.  Oatman,  aged  iS,  Feb.  19. 

Martha  Menich,  aged  0>),  Feb.  27. 


Hannah  A.  Short,  ajred  19, 
Maria  Hawkins,  aired  4  mo, 
Pernu-lia  Durand,  aired  43, 
John  Wallace,  atred  ")2, 
Lina  NVallace,  aged  50, 
Caroline  Luni,  aired  3S, 
Levi  Kigirs,  aged  30, 
Theresa  \Vashl)and,  aged  4  nio, 
Caleb  Talinadge.  aged  r>7, 
Mary  Caufield,  aged  81*, 
Frances  M.  Beers,  aged  1  y,  4  mo, 
Ann  M.  Kiggs,  aged  40, 

John  Storrs,  aged  42, 
Xewton  Tucker,  aged  11  mo, 
Adaliue  A.  Wire,  aged  1  y,  3  mo, 
Marcus  Lego,  aged  34, 
Sally  Cantield,  aged  37. 
Henry  F.  Osborn,  aged  52, 
Alathea  Williamson,  aged  30, 
Kalph  Tomlinson,  aged  G4. 
Nancy  Tomlinson,  aged  1  y,  3  mo, 
Charlotte  >L  Lego,  aired  4  v,  G  mo, 
Mary  A.  Blake,  aged  23, 
Terah  C,  Blackman.  aged  0  mo, 
Argus  Terrel,  aired  2L 
Timothy  Hull,  col.,  aged  00, 
Juliette  Cadwell,  aged  2  y,  3  mo, 
Isaac  Touilinson,  aged  00. 
Hiram  Thompstni,  col.,  aged  27, 
Eliphalet  Easton.  aged  00, 
Lyman  L.  Hartshorn,  aged  2  y,  8  mo, 

Charity  Perkins,  aged  24, 
Charles  H.  liassetf.  aged  4  y.  0  mo, 
Lucy  }>lake,  aged  50, 
Abel  Toot,  aged  07, 
David  Santbrd,  aged  07, 
Elizalteth  A.  Loveland,  aged  70, 
^hiria  Daniels,  aired  41, 
Anthony  H.  Stoddard,  aged  45, 
John  Sjjencer,  aged  72, 
Jesse  Baldwin,  aged  50, 

Josiah  .Merrick,  aged  70, 
Janette  Church,  aged  44, 
Prudence  Louiisbury.  aged  82, 
M(dly  Candec,  aired  S4. 
Polly  Sutton,  (iuuutiiwu,  age(l  07, 


















































< . 












































Nathaniel  Johnson,  ajjed  88,  Oct.    1. 

Laura  Terkins,  aged  25,  Oct.    7. 

Jason  Skeels,  aged  43,  Nov.    2. 

John,  son  of  Abel  Bassett,  aged  19,  Nov.  27. 

1846.  ~ 

Jerrv  Merrich,  col.,  asred  C9,  «   •              jj^^   23. 

^luTj  J.,  wife  of  Sheldon  Miles,  aged  29,  May  27. 

Chloe  ^lartin,  aged  81,  June  IG. 

Lucv  Kiggs,  aged  78,  Sept.  30. 


liebecca  Johnson,  aged  84,  Jau.    1- 

Glover  Bassett,  aged  53,  Feb.  12. 

Mary  Jane  Ilines,  aged  14,  .              •      ■                Mar.    8. 

SallV  Weston,  col.,  "  Aug.    8. 

Isaac  Botsford,  a<:ed  43,  Oct.  22. 

Patty  Patchen,  aged  70,                 '  Oct.  23. 

Samnel  Martin,  a'ged  85,  Nov.    3. 


Mrs.  Charlotte  Pritchard,  aged  77,  Feb.  19. 

Thos.  Elias,  sou  of  Daniel  and  Catherine  Williams,  a.  9  mo,  June  23. 

Maria  P.,  wife  of  Clark  Wooster,  aged  44,  June  30. 

Juba  Weston,  aged  (io.                      "  July  20. 
William  Marcus,  son  of  John  W.  Bassett,  aged  3  y,  6  mo,        Aug.  14. 

Samuel  Bassett.  aged  67  years.  Sept.  30. 

,  wife  of  Lyman  Smith,  Nov.    9. 

Anna  Maria,  dan.  of  John  and  Rebecca  Moshier,  aged  2  y,  6  mo,  Nov.  16. 

■       1852. 

Amanda  Baldwin.  Jiiu.    4. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Hoadlev,  aged  45,  Feb.    7. 

Willis  Hinc;,  aged  57,  "  Mar.  17. 

Walter  Clarke,  aijed  45,                            "  Apr.    4. 

Samuel  Wales  Botsford.  aged  10,  May  11. 

^Lirv  Storrs.  aged  about  20,  May  16. 

Nelson  Blakeslee,  aged  2  y,  6  mo,  June    2. 

Willie,  sou  of  Charles  Nettleton,  aged  10  mo.                             July    3. 

Hiram,  son  of  Ilurpin  Biggs,  aged  6,  -              July    5. 

Mrs.  Frances  Bounell,  aged  65,  July    6. 

Anna  Mary,  dau.  of  Charles  B.  Wooster.  aged  1  y,  11  mo,       July    7. 

Hannah  llolbrook,  aged  57,  Sept.    8. 

Mrs.  Comfort  French.  Sept.  29. 

Nancv  Bisrtrs,  aired  71,  Nov.    3. 

Sarah'  E.  Beecher,  aged  23,  l>f<;-  ^  3. 

Catherine  H.  Prince,  aged  14  y,  6  mo,  Dec.  22. 


Experience  Scovill,  aged  84,  Jan-    -• 

Eduin  Prit.hard,  ag-d  41,   '  Feb.    3. 

Wilson  Hurd,  aged  90,  Mar.    4. 


Deaths  in  Seymour  from  1849  to  1882, 


With  birthplace,  occupation,  atre  and  jdace  of  residence,  if  otlier  than 
Seymour.  When  place  of  birth  is  not  given  it  is  understood  to  be  Sey- 
mour,    lu  cases  of  nou-resideuts,  the  residence  is  given  and  marked  "res." 

Ella  Hubbard,  ao:ed  11  mo,  Aug.  13. 

George  S.  Gillett,  edge  tool  grinder,  aged  39,  Sept.    S. 

John  McGuin,  Irehmd,  teamster,  aged  40,  Sept.  20. 

,  dau.  of  David  and  Henrietta  Holbrook,  aged  10  mo,    Oct.  22. 

Catherine  Peck,  Xewtown,  res.  Chester,  Mass.,  aged  15,           Nov.    4. 

Ann  French,  Milford,  aged  S»>,  Dec.  14. 

Abigail  Hurd,  Oxford,  aged  84,  Oct.  15. 

Sallv  r.assett,  aged  63,  "  Oct.    8. 

Rev.  John  U.  Smith,  aged  45.  Sept.    4. 

Rockwell  Daw,  Danbiirv,  mechanic,  aged  20,  Sept.    5. 

Julia  Clark,  Duiibury,  aged  29,  Nov.  22. 

George  W.  Butler,  aged  5  mo,  Aug.  23. 

Ellen  Wolfe,  aged  9  mo,  Feb.  19. 

Harriet  X.  Caswell.  Khode  Islitnd,  aged  2,  Sept.  14. 

Daniel  S.  Sharjie,  Southhury,  aged  12,  Aug.  27. 

Mary  I'l  UmlK-rfield.  New  Haven,  aged  28,  Sept.  13. 

Lewis  M.  Lovehiud,  Plaiuville,  aged  1,  Sept.  18. 

Caroline  E.  I>land,  Xvumphs,  aged  32,  Sept.  22. 

Albert  S.  Hine,  aged'?,  Feb.  10. 

Jav  N.  Warren,  aged  3,  Jan.    3. 

Child  of  J.  J.  I'vider,  aged  12  d,  •                            Mar.  \^. 

Edwin  A.  StejjJiens,  aged  1,                -.  Mar.  18. 

George  Jauies,  aged  18,  May  10. 

jMary  TomliiKon,  (Jxford,  aged  20,  Jan.    5. 

Infant,  aged  Id,  3Iar.  31. 

Isaac  Dassett,  fanner,  a<red  '!>'6^  June  10. 

Martha  Bassett,  aged  .">9,  Sept.     0. 

Frank  Candee,  infant,  Aug.  12. 

Catheriiif  Davis,  aixcd  .^3,  Oct.  29. 

John  ^\'.  Milton,  au'ed  0  nio.  '   Dec.  28. 

Martha  Kenitl.  D.eitiel.l,  Mass.,  aged  33,  Xov.  24. 

Martha  Devonshire,  aged  0  mo,  Apr.    9. 


Lemuel  Bliss,  Mass.,  manufacturer,  aged  42,     ,  Jan.  10. 

Ann  Quinland.  Irelaud,  aged  37,                            .      .  Apr.  29. 

Quinland.  infant.  "  Apr.  24. 

Michael  Quinland,  Ireland,  laborer,  aged  37,                 '  May  18. 

Juba  Weston,  col.,  2Se\v  York,  laborer,  aged  03,  Jul}'  19. 

John  II.  Putnam,  2  mo,  Feb.  22. 

Hannah  Johnson,  Greentield.  aged  81,  Apr.  21. 

Ellen  Hickej,  Ireland,  aged  1(3,"  Apr.  21. 

Bernard  Conrov,  aged  2  mo,  Apr.  21. 
Henry  II.  Clair,  aged  2  mo,                                                     .     Sept.  18. 

Infant  child  of  Stephen  Mansfield,  July    C. 

Washburn,  infant,  June  — . 

William  E.  Smith,  aged  1,  Aug.  30. 

Augusta  Ann  Bassett,  Rockhouse  Hill,  aged  38,  Apr.    3. 

Baldwin,  a^ed  5  w,  Aug.    7. 

Thomas  E.  Williams,  Wales,  aged  2,  June  22. 

Rufus  Castle,  Eoxbury,  tool  grinder,  aged  31  y,  1  mo,  22d,  Dec.  17. 
Catherine  H.  I'rince,  Schenectady,  N.Y.,  a.  14  y,  3  mo,  28  d,  Dec.  20. 
Abraham  Xaylor,  Salford,Eug.,  machinist,  aged  41  y,  9  mo,  18  d,  Dec.  24. 

Experience  Scovill.  New  Bedford,  Mass.,  aged  84  y,  6  d,  Dec.  31. 

Lydia  Tomlinson,  Xaugatuck,  aged  20  y,  8  mo,  18  d,  Nov.    2. 

Elijah  W.  Losee,  aged  5,  Jan.    6. 

Sally  Moulthrop,  Burlin-ton,  Yt.,  aged  33,  Jan.    9. 

Betsey  Piatt,  res.  Watertown,  aged  77,  Jan.  13. 

Curtis,  ij  mo.  Jan-  25. 

Edwin  Pritchard,  aged  40  y,  10  mo,  13  d,  Feb.    2. 

Wilson  Ilurd,  Newtown,  farmer,  aged  90  y,  22  d.  Mar.    2. 

Thersa  A.  Turney,  Waterbury,  aged  3  y,  7  mo,  4  d.  May  14. 

George  Wheeler,  New  Haven,  aged  11  y,  0  mo.  May  20. 

Clarissa  romlinson,  aged  14  y,  29d,        '  June    0. 

William  Cantield.  farmer,  aired  59,  June  14. 

Henry  H.  White  carp.-nter,  aged  28.  June  20. 

Amelia  Turjion.  Norwich,  aged  1  y,  3  mo.  14  d,  July    3, 

Sarah  ilolbrook.  aged  74,  '  '  July  24. 
Ann  A.  Gile.  Norihtield,  res.  Memphis,  T.,  a.  51  y,  3  mo,  7  d,  July  29. 

Josephine  Abbott,  aged  19  mo,  11  d,  Aug.     7. 

Mary  Mar,  aged  3  mo,  Aug.  13. 
Lowfll  Hotciikits,  Springfield,  Mass.,  cigarmaker,  aged  28,      Aug.  25. 

Esther  Kinney,  aged  84,  Aug.  30. 

Margaret  (.'ro.<s,  aged  2  y,  7  mo,  Sept.    8. 

Harriet  A.  Sergeant,  agVd  4  mo.  12  d,  Sept.  17. 

Frank  We.ston.  col.,  aged  4  v,  2  mo.  Sept.  17. 

Marv  Jane  P.Iake.  Woudbridue,  aged  23  y,                  '  Sept.  19. 

Clark  Miles,  farmer,  a-ed  40  v,  11  mo,  10  <1,  Sept.  20. 

Bridget  V.  liwui,  Indand,  aged  70,  Stpt.  29. 

.Martha  Ina  Way,  Farmiu;.^lon,  aged  1  y,  3  mo,  12  d,  Oct.     7. 


Mary  Kendall,  aged  15  y,  Id,  ,     Oct.  IG. 

Coruclius  livan,  Ireland,  laborer,  aged  75,  Oct.  27. 

Thomas  Gilyard,  Eiiu'laiul,  farmer,  a^cd  67,  Xov,  12. 

Burr  Bradley,  farmer,  aged  22  j,  10  mo,  0  d,  Dec.  30. 

George  W.  Stephens,  Thompsonville,  aged  2  y,  6  rao,  Jan.    3. 

Worden,  aged  10  d,                               '  Jan.    9. 

John  N.  Davis,  aged  1  y,  4  mo,  19  d,  Jan.  IS. 

Roderick  Wheeler,  aged  7  mo,  2d,  Jan.  31. 

Job  Couies,  farmer,  aged  85,                                          -.  Jan.  25. 

Job  Hedges,  aged  2  mo,  1  7  d,  Feb.  14. 

Martha  Baldwin,  aged  16  y,  11  mo,  18  d,  Feb.  27. 

Charles  Devonshire^,  col.,  farmer,  aged  19  y,  11  mo,  6  d,  ]Mar.    8. 
Daniel  Carrington,  WoodbridL'e,  farmer,  aged  57  y,  3  mo,  5  d,  ]Mar.  12. 

Sherwood,  Kidgetirld.'aged  9,                     *  Apr.  24. 

Violet  S.  Osborn,  aged  27,         "  Apr.  27. 

Margaret  Phelan,  Ireland,  aged  11,  May    3. 

Mary  Bassett,  aged  41,         ^  May  28. 

Peter  Lewis,  .Montreal,  Canada,  aged  9  mo,  June    9. 

Greenville  \Vakeley,  engineer,  res.  Bridgeport,  aged  22,  June  19. 

Thomas  Holland,  Ireland,  aged  l(j,  June  28. 

Ebenezer  Fisher,  merchanr,  aged  67,  July  10. 

Frederick  Kinney,  clerk,  aged"l7,  July  20. 

Maria  J>ooth,  aged  47.  July  22. 

Honora  Conary^  Ireland,  aged  23,  July  20. 

Catherine  Curriu,  aged  1,   "  July  27. 

Isaac  Buckingham,  aged  1  mo,  13  d,                              •    '  Aug.    0. 

DeForest,  aged3  d,                                             .        .  Aug.    6. 

Harriet  Hilton.  England,  Aug.    S. 

Abby  Fox,  Oxford,  factory  operative,  aged  59,  Aug.  11. 

Lydia  Gilbert,  Xorthford,  nurse,  aged  09,  Aug.  11. 

yi.ny  Buckingham,  Koxbury,  aged  38,  Aug.  15. 

William  Hurley,  aged  1  y,  2  mo,  Aug.  22. 

John  Barton  Steele,  farmer,  aged  42,  Aug.  22. 

Harriet  Cooley,  Xew  Haven,  res.  New  Haven,  aged  60,  Aug.  20. 

Henry  I-^  Betts,  Woodbury,  aged  8  mo,  Aug.  20. 

Isewton  Tibbits,  laborer,  aged  5l.  Sept.    2. 

Ivider,  aged  lid.                                               •  Sept.  11. 

Lewis  Goodman,  Springfield,  Mass.,  joiner,  aged  27,  Feb.  22. 

Kmeline  L.  Iluuiisron,  aged  27,  Kov.  10. 

Bartholomew  Sli.iy,  Ireland,  laborer,  aged  55,  Nov.    4. 

John,  agtnl  1,  Dec.  17. 

Sarah  E.  Tu<ker,  Watertown,  aged  27,  Jan.  17. 

Treat  Botsford,  stonceiittcr,  aged  45,  Jan.  30. 

^lartlia  .I(dinson,  ()xfi)rd,  aged  49,  Feb.     7. 

Silas  Halduin,  shoemaker,  aged  80,  Feb.  27. 

Jsaiicy  Ely,  lietliany,  ag<-d  1(>,  Mar.  24. 

Caroline  Agiiew,  aged  1  y,  3  mo,  Apr.     6. 


Murphy,  aged  3  mo,  17  d,  Apr.  13. 

Hiram  G.  Baldwin,  aged  3  y,                                       .  May  28. 

James  Agnew,  Ireland,  aged  5,  July    5. 

John  Molund,  aged  l)  mo,  July  15. 

Harriet  L  Daniels,  aged  4,                                            /"  July  23. 

Julia  LJorsford.  Huntington,  aged  49,  July  30. 

Sarah  Umberfleld.  aged  8,  Aug.    8. 

Domini(jne  Sliundlin.  France,  res.  Xew  York,  aged  24,  Aug.    8. 

Harriet  W.  Blackman,  ^Middlebury,  aged  G  y,  10  mo,  Aug.  21. 

Asa  Cooper,  farmer,  aged  82,  Aug.  21. 

Ellen  H.  Andrews,  aged  1  y,  6  mo,  Aug.  22. 

Hattie  E.  Holl)rook,  aged  1  y,  9  mo.  May  10. 

Seletta  Kix,  aged  7,  Aug.  22. 

Eunice  Stoddard,  Oxford,  aged  G8,  Aug.  23. 

Allison  P.  Hotciikiss,  New  Haven,  aged  2  y,  G  mo,  Aug.  24. 

Johannes  Fat;cer,  France,  aged  22,  Aug.  24. 

John  Caufl'enar,  France,  aged  20.  Aug.  24. 

Jennett  Hunl,  Oxford,  aged  41>.  Aug.  25. 

Emma  Monson,  Oxford,  aged  2,  Aug.  2C, 

Kichard  Iv.  Hill,  aged  1  y,"2  mo,  Aug.  27. 

John  S.  Moshicr,  Colchester,  tavern-keeper,  aged  GO,  Aug.  29. 

Timothy  Murphy,  Ireland,  day  laborer,  aged  25,  Sept.    2. 

John  Culver,  .Middlebury,  aged  9,             "  Sept.    4. 

Powers,  aged  4  mo,  Sept.    G. 

Catherine  Queering,  aged  1  y,  5  mo,  Sept.    G. 

Winthrop  Davis  French,  X.  Y,,  aged  2  y,  7  mo,  Sept.    9. 

Marke  Force,  Hidland,  day  laborer,  aged"  G2,  Sept.  12. 

Ann  Augusta  Buunel,  aged  27,           "  Sept.  12. 

Ida  L.  James,  aged  2  y,  7  mo,  Sept.  13. 

Elizabeth  Fanzcr,  aged  G  d,  Sept.  12. 

Steplien  Murpliv,  Ireland,  dav  laliorer,  aged  30,  Sept.  15. 

Thurzia  Turk.  Holland,  aged  42,  Sept.  IG. 

Ht-nry  E.  Holbrook.  aired  8  mo.  Sept.  23. 

Margaret  McCarty.  Ireland,  ag.-d  31.  Sept.  2G. 

Charles  Swift.  Manstield.  Mass..  augur  maker,  ased  45,  Sept.  28, 

Micha(d  McCartv.  a-:ed  2  w,                                   -           -  ^^^     ,^ 

Olive  French,  Middrei)urv,  aired  49,  Oct.  11. 

E.  David  John.son.  ageil  27,  '  Oct.  19. 

John  Kiggs,  Oxford,  farmer,  aged  84,  Nov.  14. 

Ann  iJusseli,  Woodbridge,  ag^-d  70,  Kov.  14. 

Daniel  Williams,  ]]ngland,  aged  1  y,  5  mo,  Nov.  22. 

Abiram  St<)(hlard,  ^Vatertown,  physician,  aged  78,  Nov.  23. 

Haarison  Tomlinson,  Castleton.  Vt.,  merchant,  aged  41,  Nov.  25. 

Ann  I'^Ileri  liassett,  aged  3  y,  3  mo,  Nov,  23. 

John  A.  Kidcr,  aged  11  y.  10  mo,  Jan.  2G. 

Maria  Johnson,  Oxfor<l,  a-.M-d  51,  Jan.  2G. 

Lucy  Botsford,  Derby.  a:_'c(|  79,  Feb,  11. 

Kutii  Steele,  Derby,  agi-d  90,  Feb.  20. 


Eder  Hine,  aged  6  y,  5  mo,  Feb.  26. 

Laiigiiliu,  s.  b.  Mar.    8. 

' Ilotobkiss,  s.  b.  '         -  •          Mar.  18. 

Abram  Lrucb,  aged  3,  '..                  Mar.  28. 

Jobn  Xew,  Ireland,  griuder,  aged  35,  Apr.  13. 

Levine,  s.  b.                  ^  Apr.  14, 

Mary  Calahan,  aged  1  y,  10  mo,  Apr.  22. 

Mary  Culver,  aged  U  y,  2  mo,  May  27. 

James  C.  romlinson,  dealer  in  timber,  aged  50,  June    5. 

Jobn  X.  Tenfold,  aged  8,                           "  June  10. 

Frank  J.  Winton,  is'ewtown,  aged  1  y,  4  mo,  June  11. 

Jobn  Kelley,  aged  7  y,  7  mo.    '^          '  June  12. 

Albert  H.  Buckingbam,  aged  5  y,  10  mo,  June  13. 

Eobert  H.  Winton,  Newtown,  aged  7  y,  2  mo,  June  10. 

Amy  Perkins,  aged  11  mo,         "  June  21. 

Jennie  M.  Perkins,  Waterbury,  aged  4  y,  8  mo,  ~          June  22. 

William  Kinney,  Deri)y.  farmer,  a^red  73,  June  2G. 

Elizabeth  M.  Perkins,  Waterbury ,^aged  9,  Jnne  27. 

Theodore  Smith,  bookkeeper,  aged  20,  July  14. 

Henry  M.  Bassett,  aged  1  y,  9  mo,  July  30. 

Ella  J.  Osborn,  aged  5  y,  5  mo,  Aug.    0. 

Fusser,  s.  b.        "  Aug.    8. 

John  Clark,  New  Hampshire,  axmaker,  aged  42,  Aug.  29. 

Charles  E.  Johnson,  aged  1  mo,  '                        Aug.  29. 

Katie  May  Bassett,  aged  3,  Sept.    1. 

Emma  E.  Bassett,  ased  5  v,  5  mo,  Sept.    2. 

Sarah  E.  Thorp,  Ohio,  aged  22,  '                     Sept.    3. 

Philip  Sharp,  aged  4  mo,  Sept.  11. 

Emma  E.  Crane,  aged  11  mo,  '                            Sept.  14. 

Hays,  s.  b.  Sept.  20. 

Mrs.  Eliza  Smith,  Bethanv,  aged  23,  Sept.  22. 

Wood,  s.  b.            ■  Sept.  22. 

Charles  L.  Botsford,  aged  3  mo,  Sept.  29. 

Edward  X.  Stephens,  aged  4,  Nov.    5. 

Edward  B.  Smith,  aged  11  y,  4  mo,  Nov.  13. 

William  Andrews,  Bethan/,  papermaker,  aged  62,  Nov.  21. 

Mary  H.  Davis,  aged  2  v,  5  mo,  Nov.  22. 

Ellen  E,  Thorp,  Ohio,  aged  18,'  Nov.  26. 

Jennie  L.  Storrs,  aged  .3  y,  G  mo,  Nov.  28. 

Eliiora  Stephens,  ai'ed  1  y,  2  mo,  Dec.    3. 

Frances  Botsford,  New  iraven.  aged  17,  Dee.    9. 

Julia  A.  Can  field,  a-ed  57,  Dec.    9. 

Henry  W.  DeForest,  New  Haven,  aeed  9  v,  7  mo,  Dec.  19. 

Nathan  F.  Davis,  aged  4  y,  1  mo.     ^          '  '                    Dec.  23. 

H.  Harrison  Tonilinson,  aged  1  y.  1  mo.  Dec.  29. 

Daniel  W.  Williams,  aged  1  y,  3  mo,  Dec.  30. 

Martha  J.  Merrick,  ag^d  1  y,  2  mo,  Jan.    1. 

Daniel  L.  Hoibrook,  farmer,  agfd  58,  Jan.    8. 


Carlos  Wetzes,  aged  2,  Jan.  11. 

Newbein,  s.  b.  Jan.  15. 

Florence  E.  Van  Vorheiso,  aged  4,  •  -       Jan.  15. 

Mrs.  Dolly  B.  Scrautoii.  widow,  aged  84,  Jan.  17. 

Helen  S.  Newton,  aged  1  y,  5  nio,  Jan.  31. 

Clara  Van  Vorheise,  aged  1  y,  5  uao,  Feb.    5. 

Werton.  col.,  s.  b.  Feb.    5. 

Kelley,  s.  b.  Feb.  10. 

Garry  Johnson,  farmer,  aged  G4,                                    » -  Feb.  10. 

Carlo  Britt,  aged  3,  Feb.  11. 

Mrs.  Ellen  Brockway,  widow,  aged  78,  Feb.  12. 

Wheeler,  s.  b.  ]\Iar.  16. 

Mary  A.  Hicock,  Woodbridge,  aged  46,  Mar.  18. 

Minott  E.  Botsford,  New  Haven,  aged  21,  Mar.  26. 

Mrs.  Mary  Dealing,  Waterbury,  aged  31,  Apr.  16. 

Dennis  Leonard,  Ireland,  laborer,  Apr.  18. 

Lavine,  s.  b.  Apr.  30, 

Joseph  Shei)ard,  Canada,  aged  2,  May     1. 

Williams,  s.  b.  May  17. 

Edwin  Bntler,  aged  1  mo.  May  20. 

James  Lugh,  ]S'ew  Jersey,  aged  6,  June    5. 

Abel  Church,  Oxford,  ropemaker,  aged  82,  June  10. 

Storrs,  s.  b.  June  11. 

Michael  Ryan,  aged  S,  June  12. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  H.  Storrs,  aged  26,  June  21. 

Mrs.  Julia  Moshier,  aged  10,  June  28. 

Mrs.  Mary  Hays,  Ireland,  aged  68,  July    9. 

Sarah  A.  French,  aged  50,  July  10. 

Laughlin,  s.  b.  July  11. 

Mrs.  Julia  P.  Fairchild,  Woodbridge,  aued  37,  July  18. 

■ Wood,  s.  b.                                   ^  July  19. 

3Irs.  Julia  Moulthrop,  aged  51,  July  19. 

Condon,  s.  b.  July  20. 

James  Crunan,  Ireland,  laborer,  widower,  aged  45,  July  29. 

Mrs.  Crace  E.  Baljih,  Middletowu,  aged  49,  July  30. 

Eliza  Bassett.  a:red  43.  Sept.  10. 

Patience  liarrett,  aged  8  mo,  Sept.  13. 

Mrs.  Hannah  Durand,  widow,  aged  90,  Sept.  28. 

Sarah  Weston,  col.,  aged  21,  Oct.    4. 

Timothy  Began,  agt-d  10  mo,  Oct.  18. 

John  Fagan,  au'cd  8  mo,  Oct.  19. 

Mrs.  Hannah  Ilolljrook,  widow,  aged  91,              •  Oct.  19. 

Catherine  Block,  aged  7,  Oct.  19. 

Mrs.  Mary  Botsford,  widow,  aL'ed  60,  Nov.    4. 

Mary  Byan,  Ireland,  aged  21,                         '  Nov.  26. 

Carrington,  s.  b.  Jjiu.    2. 

George  W.  Treat,  Napanock,  N.  V..  aired  5,  Jan,  25. 

Cezar  Broadhead,  col.,  laborer,  aged  o'.K  J''"-  20. 


Julia  Carlan,  Ireland,  aged  17,  ^Far.    1. 

Mrs,  Rebecca  L.  !\[osliier,  Bethany,  aged  35,  INIar.  10. 

Kettie  L,  ^'otley,  Derby,  aged  1,                                      -  Mar.  23. 

Smith,  s.  b.  Apr,    3. 

Newhein.  s,  b.  Apr.    4. 

John  ]\r.  Caiifield,  machinist,  aged  29,  Apr.  14. 

Lucius  Tuttlc.  Wolcott,  merchant,  aged  52,  Apr.  14. 

Joseph  W,  Davis,  Oxford,  fanner,  aged  00,  May  12. 

Fitzgibbon,  s.  b.  May  21. 

John  Gorman,  Irch\nd,  laborer,  aged  35,  June  26. 

Michael  Crowley,  Ireland,  laborer,  aged  31,  July  20. 

Mrs.  Amanda  Leak,  Bethany,  aged  04,  July  23. 

Lucy  E.  Gaines,  aged  3  mo,  July  20. 

"Wood,  aged  2  mo,  July  27. 

George  L.  Osborn,  aged  27,  July  29. 
Jesse  C.  Howard,  ^Mansfield,  peddler,  aged  42,                  "         Aug.  10, 

Matilda  J,  Hill,  aged  S  mo,  Aug.  12. 

Lizzie  Leigh,  aged  10  mo,  Aug.  21. 

Charles  H.  James,  aged  0  mo,                     .  Sept.  10. 

Kobinson,  s.  b,  Sept.    7. 

Oliver  H.  Stoddard,  augur  maker,  aged  57,  Sept.  10. 

Mary  J.  Osborne,  aged  2,  Sept.  17. 

George  A.  Bassett,  aired  8  mo,  Sept.  17. 

Mrs.  Ellen  Geary,  Ireland,  aged  20,  Dec.    2. 

Orril  G.  Bradley,  Woodbridge,  laborer,  aged  59,  Dec.    6. 

Crowley,  aged  2  d,  Dec.    0. 

Jones,  aged  3d,  Dec.  28. 

Charles  Sera  vagal,  (xermany,  laborer,  aged  29,  Jan.    7. 

Hawkins,  s.  li.  Jan.    2. 

Lois  Gilyard,  Bethany,  aged  82,  Feb.    7. 

Abigail  Adye,  Xew  Haven,  aged  09,  Feb.    8. 

George  K.  Smith,  Danburv,  laborer,  aged  54,              .  Mar.  15. 

Ellen' J.  Smith,  aged  18,   "                    '  Mar.  18. 

Louisa  E.  Llewellyn,  ;iged  10  mo,  Mar.  25. 

Luther  Fowler,  farmer,  aged  81,  Apr.    5. 

Helen  S.  Wyaiit,  aged  10  mo,  Apr.  18. 

Orrin  Skecis,  Oxfortl,  joiner,  aged  49,  Apr.  18. 

John  I'diaii,  Ireland,  mechanic,  aged  18.  May  18. 

'Catherine  Monlttirop,  aged  79.  May  23. 
Twin  children  of  .Tohn  ]>.  and  Betsey  (^uillinan,  s.  b.  Apr.  — . 
Charles  M.  Vincent,  aged  5  mo,  June  14. 
Newhein,  s.  b.  June    2. 

I'yan.  s.  b.                                                                  -  June  22. 

Alfred  I'remh.  nu'cliaiiic,  (clothier?)  aged  05,          _  June  25. 

Carrie  M.  Wooster,  aL^<'d  1.  Sept.     5. 

Thomas  S.  Scott,  aged  10  mo,  Sept.    9. 

John  Nairb',  aired  3  mo.  Oct.    1. 

Bridget  Cniuiiiigham,  aged  12  d,  Oct.  13. 

'     DEATUS   IN   SEYMOUR.  73 

Benedict  S.  Blackinan,  aged  10  mo,  Oct.  18. 

Emily  lJolbruol<,  Veriiiour.  anod  -48.  Nov.  25. 

Joseph  X,  Stoddard,  {)xlord,  fanner,  aged  44,  Jsov.  29. 

Benjamin  II.  Perkins,  aged  9  mo,  Dec.    2. 

David  O'Connor,  aged  5,                                    .  Dec.  17. 

Warren,  aged  20  days,                                     '  May    4. 

Johannab  O'Connor,  aged  11  mo,                      •  Dec.  29. 

Abijah  Bradley,  Derby,  farmer,  aged  90,  Feb.  26. 

Beach,  s.  b.  Feb.    4. 

Laugh lin,  s.  b.  Feb.  23. 

Brookway,  s.  b.  Mar.    5. 

Edmond  B.  Storrs,  Oxford,  farmer,  aged  G2,  Mar.  12. 

Peter  Block,  Germany,  grinder,  aged  24,  Mar.  19. 

David  llill.  aged  H!  mo,  Apr.  15. 

Preston  Curtiss,  Middlebury,  farmer,  aged  03,  May  18. 

Frances  M.  Blake,  aged  11  y,  0  mo,  June  25. 

Marian  Storrs,  aged  8,  June  28. 

George  II.  Merrick,  merchant,  aged  42,  June  30. 

Adelia  Kinney,  aged  30,  July    3. 

Charles  Daniels,  aged  2  y,  3  mo,  July  11. 

Mrs.  Lucinda  Wooster,  widow,  aged  82,  July  28. 

Sabra  lies,  aged  52.  Aug.  18. 

Ellen  Agnew,  aged  (5  mo,  Sept.    4. 

Henry  C.  Atwocwl,  Woodbury,  farmer,  aged  59,  Sept.  25. 

John  V.  Smith,  clerk,  aged  22,  Sept.  17. 

Alice  10.  Lovesey,  aged  3  mo,  20  d,  Oct.  10. 

Mrs.  Nancy  Bradley,  widow,  aged  01,  Nov.    7. 

Daniel  Crowley,  infant,  Nov.  17. 

Mrs.  Jennette  A.  Merrick,  widow,  Oxford,  aged  40,  Dec.  21. 

Mrs.  Eunice  S.  Storrs,  widow,  aged  03,  Dec.  11. 

Alva  Diivis,  shoemaker,  aged  ^]^),                  *  Dec.  25. 

Jeremiah  Driscoll,  aired  7,  Dec.  27. 

Hanford  Weston,  col.,  aged  9  mo,  10  d,  Dec.  31. 

James  H.  Bassett,  aged  12  d,  Jan.    1. 

John  Miles,  farmer,  aged  43,  Jan.  22. 

George  Lyon,  Westville,  aged  5,              .  Feb.  15. 

■ Wood,  aged  1  month,  Feb.  2G. 

Charles  S.  Bissell,  Woh-ottville,  mason,  ai^ed  21,  Mar.    1. 

Mrs.  Tal)irha  P.  Baldwin,  widow,  aged  6S^  Mar.    2. 

Samuel  Ii.  Ilickox.  [)reacher,  a;.'ed  71.  Mar.  15. 

David  S.  Clark,  aged  15,  Apr.    3. 

Michael  Ailing,  llamdt-n,  mason,  aged  04,  Abr.    5. 

Ilobert  Miles,  clerk,  aged  23,  May    7. 

Daniel  l'ren<'Ii,  merchant,  aged  2S,                                   >  Jnne  30. 

Mrs.  Ell.'U  !■:.  Jolm.M.n,  aged  28,  July  21. 

Alice  (irogan,  Irelan<l,  aged  24,  Oct.  20. 


Charles  McCartv,  aged  1  day,  Aug.  22. 

Arthur  Smith,  aged  6,          '                     ■      '  Sept.    3. 

Condon,  s.  b.                                                         -  Sept.  IS. 

Henry  Smith,  clerk,  aged  19,  Sept.  21. 

Michael  O'Meara,  Ireland,  laborer,  aged  45,  Oct.    3. 

Edward  White,  ai^ed  1  v,  3  mo,  Oct.    7. 

George  M.  Downs,  Colebrook,  blacksmith,  aged  29,  Oct.  10. 

Mrs.  Alice  Grogan,  Ireland,  widow,  aged  4G,  A"g-    ^• 

Jane  McAlpine^  New  Jersey,  aged  4  y,  t)  mo,  Nov.  25. 

William  Frances,  Wales,  copper  roller,  aged  29,  Dec.  29. 

Kittie  J.  French,  Westville,  aged  5  y,  G  mo,  Jan.  IG. 

Isaac  White,  farmer,  aged  72,                                               '  I'^'l^-     '• 

McCartv,  s.  b.  Mar.    1. 

Sarah  Culver,  aged  .33,                                                        ~  Mar.     7. 

Culver,  s.  b.  Mar.    7. 

Catherine  M.  Tracv,  aged  7.  May  10. 

Alida  Downs,  Bethanv,  ajzed  18,                                        -  May  28. 

Foley,  s.  b.     "      ^  J»ue  15. 

John  Folev,  a^^ed  3  weeks,  July    o. 

Bridget  ifvan,  Ireland,  aged  84,  July  20. 

John  31urphv,  Ireland,  laborer,  aged  45,  Aug.    9. 

Turk,  s.  b.  Aug.  J>. 

Frederick  Faber,  ased  3  mo,  Aug.  2.). 

Twin  children  of  — Hard.  s.  b.  Aug.  23. 

Amos  Bassett,  farmer,  a<ied  42,  Sept.     1. 

Mary  E.  Fenn,  Oxford,  aged  .33.  Sept.  17. 

Josej)h  Can  field,  farmer,  aired  GG,                                      -  Sept.  21. 
Martha  P.  Harris,  aged  2o,                                                      ,         Oct.  27. 

Howard  KiiTirs,  Oxford,  mason,  aged  25,  Nov.  13. 

William  (i.'  Bass.^tf.  aged  21,        '  i^t^c-    -• 

Infant  cliijflren  of —  Nagle,  aged  1  day,  I>ec.  10. 

Burritt  S.  Skeels.  Oxford,  joiner,  aged  57,  I^t'C.  lo. 

Nancy  Warner,  aged  73,  Dec.  -4. 

Charles  H.  'Heslcr,  agt-d  2  y,  4  mo.  Jan.    5. 

Caroline  Turk,  aged  5  mo,  J^"-    •'• 

Jacks m  -Tohiison,  Oxford,  mason,  aged  39,  Jan.  10. 

Sarah  J    Aguew,  In-iand.  a<?ed  17,  Jan.  24. 

Betsv  (iillett,  a-.Ml  S5,  Eeb.    2. 

Heniv  li.  French,  aged  .',2.  Feb.  23. 

Catherine  O'Ncil.  Ireland,  a-ed  3G,                                      '  Eeb.  25. 

Rachael  Smith,  aged  SO.  Mar.  12. 

Abel  Bas.sett,  Derby,  faniier,  aged  78,  Mar.  23. 

Weston.  r(d.,  aired  2  d.  Mar.  27. 

Hobert  M    Leiu^li,  aged  5.  Mar.  29. 

Mercv  F.)wler.  aued  80,                                                            •  Mar.  29. 

"—  Harwo';d,  s.  b.  Mar.  30. 

Crowlev,  s.  b.  Apr.    G. 


Aun  E.  Johnson,  Bethany,  afred  38,                               •  Apr.    9. 

Catherine  M.  lluuyan.  aged  38,  Apr.  10. 

Ann  Crinnniv,  Ireland,  aged  40,         '  ^l^^y  23. 

Ann  McCartV,  a^ed  10.                                              .      -■•    '  Juoe    2. 

Sarah  J.  Iloiiian^  a-ed  0,                                                "   -  June  IG. 

Charity  Hine,  a-ed  00,                                        •  June  27. 

Charles  Keynokfs,  tiler,  aged  51.                                    -  June  30. 

Michael  llull'aua,  aijed  5  v,  G  nio,  July    o. 

Michael  Daley,  aged  1  y,"l)  mo,  July    6. 

Lillie  M.  Olmsted.  Xew  York,  aged  1  y,  9  mo,  July  13. 

Anna  Goodsell,  aaed  47,                         '  Aug.  12. 

Walker  Lake,  farmer,  asxed  90,  Aug.  2G. 

Esther  A.  Tucker.  agod^44,  Sept.  10. 

Mary  Turk,  aired  3,  Sept.  14. 

Mary  A.  Smith,  aged  53,  Sept.  17. 
Jerome  Botsford,  Ansonia,  aged  3,    .                                       -      Oct.  14. 

Honora  0*I>rien,  aired  25,                                         "  t>ct.  IS. 

George  F.  Tucker,^iged  1,  Oct.  27. 

Ryan,  aged  2  y,  G  mo,  "^       Oct.  30. 

Elihu  J).  Voote,  North  Ilayen,  blacksmith,  aged  37,  Noy.  12. 

Walter  Kandall,  aged  5  weeks,  >'ov-  15. 

Dayid  Condon,  Ireland,  mechanic,  aged  35.  Dec.  12. 

Jane  A.  Ilolden,  aged  12 y,  4  mo,     ^  l>ec.  27. 

Annie  Hawkins.  Derby,  aged  79.  J^u.  --• 

Mary  Carringron.  aged  3  y,  G  nm,  J^u-  ^^' 

Carrington,  aged  1  y,  G  mo,  J*"*  — f* 

Mary  Spleighn.  Ireland,  aged  45,                           '  Jau-  25. 

Freeloye  Miles,  Oxford,  aged  NJ,  f]eb.    5. 

Jane  Storrs,  Derby,  aged  45,  Feb.  11. 

Calahan  P)reenin,  Ireland,  aized  '.^!^,  Apr.  -G. 
Henry  Kiggs,  Derby,  hlmM  4S.                                                   -      July  2f- 

Nancy  Tomlinson,  Oxford,  aged  53.  July  -3. 

Koswell  Huiiiistou,  New  Haven,  aged  G7.  Aug.  18. 

Kobert  Fruin,  aired  11  y.  7  mo,  Sept.    o. 

Ella.  J.  CanHebl.  aired  "iG.  Sept.  2o. 

Margaret  vSpoonhcimer,  aired  11,  Dec.    8. 

Sarah  Fnlb-r,  ( >xfonl.  a-e<l  8,  l^ec.  23. 

Mary  L.  Fuller,  Oxford,  a«red  10,  l>t"C-  '-l' 

Ashalel  Lines,  New  Hayen,  aged  84,  I^ec.  13. 

Olive  M.  Sliari)e.  Soiithburv.  a-ied  .59,  ^^^^-    ^• 

William  Chattield.  Oxford. "aired  75,  ^lar-    ^• 

William  H.  Cadwell.  New  Haven,  aged  50,  Ji^U-     V 

John  Chapman,  aired  5  y,  G  mo,  Oct.  18. 

Daniel  Wiiiff,  Derby,  carpenter,  aged  7G,  -^I^J     '• 

James  Darlev.  aged  7  mo,  '**-"•    — 

Charles  Douglas.  Jr..  New  York,  aired  9,  Eeb.    9. 

Mary  Powers,  ag.-d  5,  1;<'1>-  IJ- 
Truman  Castle,  Koxbury,  blacksmith,  aged  54.                          ■    ^^^^v.     2. 


Thomas  Maroney,  Ireland,  laborer,  aged  25,  Nov.  18. 

Minnie  A.  Fuller,  Oxford,  aged  12,  Jan.    5. 

^IcCarty,  aged  17  days,  Jan.  15. 

Mrs.  Wilbur  IJenediet,  aged  24,  Jan.  20. 

Mary  J.  Doolittle,  Hamden,  aged  56,                                •;.  Jan.  22. 
William  Fife,                                                                        *        Jan.  28. 

Helen  ^MacXeal,  Derby,  aged  4,  Feb.    C, 

Kellie  Lounsbury,  aged  3,  Feb.  13. 

Beecher,  s.  b.  Feb.  11. 

Julia  F.  Ricks,  New  Haven,  aged  4,  Feb.  15. 

Charles  Coleman,  aged  3,                                          .  Feb.  25. 

Brockway,  s.  b.  Mar.    4. 

Llewellyn,  s.  b.  Mar.    5. 

Lewis  M.  Hoadley,  Naugatuck,  aged  68,  Mar.  11. 

Judson  Smith,  Derbv,  aired  60,                                •  Mar.    0. 

Robert  H.  Fife,  a::ed  1,'                    -                                .  Mar.  11. 
Sarah  Skeels,  Derbv,  aged  01,                                              "^^          Mar.  23. 

Sallv  Davis,  Milford,  a^ed  73,  Mar.  30. 

Cass,  aged  2,    ^  Mar.  31. 

Caroline  Downs,  Derby,  aged  55,  Apr.  18. 

Maria  A.  Davis.  Derby,  aged  45,  Apr.  23. 

Stiles  Lewis,  aged  7  days.  May  11. 

Arthur  J.  Wooster,  Oxford,  aged  19,  May  14. 

Sarah  A.  Jackson,  Derby,  aged  48,  May  23. 

Walter  French,  Mansfield,  aged  S4,  May  20. 
Polly  Russell,  Derlty,  aged  00,                                                    .    May  27. 

Infant,  m.,  aged  0  days.  May  30. 

Sally  Gillette,  Derby,  aged  71,  Jan.     2. 

Mrs.  ^linerva  S.  Roatli.  Derby,  aged  64,  June  12. 

Joseph  li.  Spencer,  aged  1  y.  0  nio,  Aug.  14. 

Harriet  Burwcll,  aged  72.  Aug.  26. 

Edward  A.  Northrop,  aired  .35,  Sept.    5.,'                        ...  Sept.    7. 

Julia  McCarty,  aged  3,  Sept.  17. 

John  Sullivan,  Ireland,  aged  18,  Sept.  18. 

Georgiana  Shelton.  aged  1,  Sept.  21. 

Marionet  Storrs,  aged  4,  Sept.  23. 

Mary  Darley,  aged  7  mo,  Sept.  23. 

Hannah  Ilrown,  aged  07,                                                   -  Sept,  24. 

Frankie  L.  ]*eiiiberton,  Waterbury,  aged  3,  Sept.  2l>. 

Edward  H.  Carrieley,  aged  2,  Sei)t.  21). 

Julia  K.  Lounsl)ury,  Sontlibnry.  aged  48,  Sept.  30. 

William  K.  Lyiide,  Jiloomtield".  aged  5,  Sept.  28. 

Margaret  Dailey,  aged  !).  Oct.     0. 

Andrew  Sjx'rry,  lietliany,  aged  43.  Oct.     9. 

Mrs.  Harriet  Kirtlaiid,  Wuodtiridge.  aged  74,  Oct.  20. 

PeriuL-lia  Suiitli,  aired  50,  Nov.    6. 

Mrs.  Fitzpatrick.  Ireland,       '  >'ov.  20. 


Manraret  A.  Sinitb,  aired  1,  I^ov.  21. 

Martha  K.  Hitchcock,^ Dcrbv,  aired  27,  I^ec.     1. 

Cro^vley,  s.  b.  Oct.  10. 

Joaunali  Crowley,.  Ireland,  aged  30,  O^t*  H- 

Infant  cliild  of  Patrick  Hefron,  Jan-    2. 

Catliariue  Home.  Ireland,,ai:e.d  4S,  Jan-     •*- 

Martha  Todd,  ^  _  '  .        J^"-  JJ^- 

Sherman  Siiarpe,  ^lonroe.  farmer,. aged  ol ,  Jan.  -1. 

Louisa  Sjjriuir,  Woodbridu-e,  aire-d  17,  Ytih.  10. 

Their",  aged  17  days,     "  Mar.  ^0. 

.Mathews,  aged  1  y,  o  mo,  Mar.  20. 

Laura  AVooster,  aged  73,  Apr.  10. 

H  Lochh  n,  s.  b.                                          .         .  ^^lay  IS. 

Jesse  Hartshorn,  Derbv,  June  30. 

Irene  E.  Dorman,  Milford,  aged  33,  Jn'}'    ^j- 

Joseph  Koehler,  .Germany,  grinder,  agfed  43,  Jul}'    ^'- 

Georire  Diirand,  b.  and  res.  Xew  York,  aged  10  nio,  Aug.  14. 

Esther  A    Diirand,  Orange,  aged  4."),  Aug.  20. 

Kenusl>unnell.'  Oxford,  laborer,  a^ed  07,  Sep.  ^  1. 

William  James  Baker,  aged  1  y,  2  mo,                        •  Sep.  29. 

Anna  >L  Baldwin.  Bridgeport,  aged  23,  Oct.  22. 

Kichanl  Owens,  Wales,  mixer  of  metals,  aged  62,  Oct.  23. 

Edward  Henrv  Canarv,  aired  3  v,  0  mo,  Oct.  -^. 

-William  Woollin,  aged  32.         "  Oct.  30. 

Mary  Ann  Clark,  aged  .")4.  ^^ev.    2. 

Infantson  of Hennessey,  ^«^-    ^• 

Charles  William  Mailerson,  aged  1  y.  3  m<i,  7  d,  ^ov.  li. 

.    James  H.  Gladden,  \)iv\)  Kiver,  aged  4.  'i^ov.  28. 

'  Knight,  s.  b.  l>e«-  -"l- 

Charles  K.  Wyant,  ag-d  8  days,  Jan.  3. 
Charles  H.  Bronson,  farmer,  aged  10,  Jan.  10. 
John  Henry  Coleman,  aged  3  years,  4  mo,  Jai'-  l-^- 
.Maranda  Hitehc(»<k,  Woodljurv.  aged  71,  Jan.  21. 
Chattield,  s.  b,                "  Jan-  28. 

I>otsf(»rd,  aL'cd  17  d,  5''*'^-  -^- 

Garrett,  s.  b.  ^lar.    8. 

Weston,  eol.,  s.  b.  ^Mar.  13. 

Amelia  Schraner,  aged  4  y,  \)  mo,  'May.  ^8. 

Eleanor  J.  Munson.  aired  .■)3,  Mar.  31. 

Sarah  M.  Miller,  Oxford,  aged  20.  May    2. 

.    Frank  J.  liichardson,  Naugatuck.  aged  15.  June    8. 

'  lioswell  Shelton,  Huntinirton,  farmer,  aged  77,  June  18. 

. Burleigh,  s.  b.  J""^  -I 

Margaret  Slit-e<ly,  aged  2,  Jn'.^  } !_■ 

Frank  E.  Havden,  aired  8  menths.  J"l\'  -'- 

Smitll.  ageill  dav.                                          .  July  28. 

Miles  Culver,  farmer,, aged  .30,  July  20. 


Caty  O'Brien,  asjed  1, 

Hull,  s.  l). 

Geor<xe  O.  Milhr,  aaotl  4  mo, 

Thomas  Cochran,  paiierniaker,  aged  72, 

John  C.  Wheeler,  aged  8,  "' 

Anna  Kinney,  Derby,  aged  75, 

Sheldon  Uurd,  joiner,  aged  GO, 

Christian  Queering,  Germany,  packer,  aged  41, 

Polly  Warner,  aged  08. 

Infant  son  of Williams, 

Anna  Booth,  aged  70. 
.  Anna  Umberlield.  Oxford,  aged  84, 
John  A.  Burlnnan,  (rermany,  merchant,  aged  38, 
Augusta  S.  Becker,  aged  20, 
Lillian  W,  Johnson,  aged  7  y,  7  mo, 
Handley,  aged  It  days, 

• Ileftron,  aged  0  days, 

Wilber  D.  Castle,  ineclianic,  aged  24, 

Mrs.  Grace  Kinney,  Derby,  aged  03, 

iMrs.  Sarah  Ilickcox,  Wafertown,  aged  78, 

Mrs.  Amelia  Davis,  lietliany,  aged  07, 

William  Powers,  aged  I  month, 

James  Donohu,  aged  2. 

Anson  Kiggs,  Oxford,  stone  mason,  a^ed  61, 

Mary  E.  Uawley,  aged  7  mo, 

Asel  Gerard,  Long  Ishind,  N.  Y.,  augur  maker,  aged  70. 

Mrs,  Grace  Foot,  ^'ortliford,  aged  33, 

Abel  Holbrook,  Herby.  farmer,  aged  71, 

David  Dailey,  Ireland,  laborer,  aged  41, 

Sterling  Washiiurn,  Oxford,  farmer,  aged  01, 

Lennie  M.  Hull,  aged  IS, 

■ Burclielle,  aged  2  days, 

Henry  Keynast,  Swit/erlaiid".  aged  2, 
Luther  Foot.  Xortliturd.  jjinmaker.  aged  00. 
John  T.  Wheeler,  Derby,  merchant,  aged  92, 

Cunningham,  aged  9  mo. 

Anna  M.  ISIieeliaii,  Ireland,  weaver,  aged  21, 

Jesse  Bell.  Scotland,  agefl  30, 

-Mrs.  Mary  Clancy.  Ireland,  aged  3S, 

^Irs.  Margaret  Kobiiisoii.  Vermont,  aged  39, 

Mrs.  Cliarlotte  F.  Swift,  aged  24, 

(.'harles  Zurclier,  'Jennaiiy.  l)0()keeper,  aged  52, 

James  liaker.  South  Dartnnmtli,  Mass.,  farmer,  aged  44, 

Frank  Isbel,  aged  3  months, 

Mrs.  Ketmah  Lines,  Bethany,  aged  Si, 

Mary,  dau.  of  Mary  and  Anson  Chafbe,  Derby,  aged  9, 
Aniasa  'i'rowbridge,  macbinist,  aged  37, 




'.  15. 


,  30. 


.    5. 


,  21. 






,  23. 

































A  pr. 














































DEATHS   IN   SP:YMOrR.  79 

William  Stuart,  fanner,  Jan.  20. 

,  child  of  KobtM-t  and  Fanny  McDonald,  s.  b.  Jan.  L'l. 

Mrs.  Fauny  McDonald,  Ireland,  aired  M),  Jan.  L»o. 

,  son  of  Patrick  and  liouora  Malona,  s.  b.  Mar.    2. 

,  child  of  Stephen  B.  and  (Gertrude  Gregorv,  s.  b.  Mar.  19. 

Willie  Bradley,  a-ed  1  mo,  ^Mar.  19. 

Lola  Fowlrr,  wid.,  dau.  of  Thadeus  Todd,  Xorth  Haven,  a.  S4,   Mar.  18. 

DeWitt,  son  of  Lyman  A.  Clinton,  tanner,  a^ed  31,  Apr.    3. 

Mrs.  Emma  J.  Weiss.  Bristol,  aifcd  23  y,  1  mo,  20  d,  Apr.  10. 

Ebenezer  T.  Bassett,  col.,  aired  04,  Apr.  23. 

]\rrs.  Adaline  F.  Hinmun,  aired  35,  May    7. 
William,  son  of  David  and  Fmily  Sweeten,  Weston,  aged  4,     May    <S. 

Jared,  son  of  Abram  an<l  Molly  Bassett,  mason,  aged  77,  May  10. 

An  infant,  unknown,  aged  3  d,  June  25. 
Betsy  Church,  wid.,  dau,  of  Sanvl  &.-  Mary  Hine,  Milford,  a.  75,  July  14. 

James  Daar,  aged  56,  July  26. 

Mrs.  Lydia  E.  llumiston,  widow,  liamden,  aged  63,  July  26. 

William  IL,  son  of  John  H.  Miller,  aged  8,  July  27. 

William  IL,  son  of  William  H.  Clarey,  aged  2,  Aug.    3. 

Henry  B.,  son  of  Henry  B.  and  Mary  Beecher,  aged  2,  Aug.    5. 

Anna  E.,  dau.  of  Wilson  and  Harriet  Weston,  col.,  aged  16,   Aug.  23. 

Alice,  dan.  of  Henry  E.  and  Mary  Clinton,  aged  6  d,  Aug.  24. 

Allie,  son  of  Henry  E.  and  .Mary  Clinton,  ai^ed  8  d,  Aug.  20. 

Janie  Wolfe,  aged  2  y,  0  mo,  Aug.  30. 

Mrs.  Ciarisa  Wooster,  widow,  aged  95,  Sept.    3. 

Lena  Garish,  aged  1  y,  0  mo,                                    '  Sept.    4. 

Lewis  D.,  son  of  Charles  W.  and  Mary  Storrs,  aged  3y,  8  mo,  Oct.    4. 

Mary  A.,  dau.  of  Lewis  and  Nancy  Burhman,  aged  9,  Oct.    3. 

Burr  Baldwin.  lal)orer,  aged  ~}S^  Oct.  25. 
John,  son  of  Patrick  and  Mary  Collins,  Wallingford,  a.  iiy,  5  mo,  Oct.  25. 

Mary  E,  Thayer,  aged  7  mo,  Xov.     1. 

Charles  H.  Wagner,  aged  4  mo.  Nov.  13. 

Willie,  son  of  James  and  Mary  Inglesbee,  aged  9,  Nov.  22. 

James,  .son  of  James  and  ."Mary  Inglesbee,  aged  11,  Nov.  23. 

Constantine  'I'urk.  (iermany,  tool  trrinder,  aged  o5,  Nov.  18. 

Mrs.  Amelia  Dunham,  Bridgeport,  aged  2S.  Nov.  21. 

Mary.  dau.  of  Patrick  and  Ann  Ryan.  Hartford,  aged  12,  Nov.  21. 

Mrs.  Caroline  McKay,  luigland,  aged  2S.  Nov.  28. 

Jane,  dau.  of  Pohert  and  .lane  Fniin,  aged  2,  Dec.     1. 

Theresa  Bunyan.  aged  10  mo.  20  d,  Dec.     7. 

]Mrs.  Margaret  \\"hire,  widow.  Ireland,  aged  02.  Dec.  19. 

Sarah,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Mary  .Mc(.'arty.  aged  7,  Dec.  22. 
Ella,  dau.  of  Owen  and  Mary  Cunningham,  aired  3  y.  0  mo,      Dec.  28. 

Julia,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Mary  .McCarty,  aged  2y,  9  mo,  Dec  29. 

Jane  B..  dau.  of  Wm.  and  Maiia  Smyrlie.  l-'n-land.  aged  12,  Jan.     0. 

Charles,  son  of  John  Coleman,  aged  I  y,  11  mo,  Jan.    7. 

Mrs.  Hannah  Botslbrd,  Peddiuj.',  aged  74,  Jan.     2. 

Mrs.  Mary  French,  Naugatuck,  aged  51  y,  9  mo,  Jan.  20. 


^Irs.  Julia  French,  Milford,  aged  4L*,  Jan.  20. 

John,  son  of  Jaiues  Donager,  asred  2,  Feb.    7. 

^Irs.  Nancy  Barrett,  aged  81,  Feb.  23. 

Kellie,  dau,  of  Andrew  and  Ellen  Canary,  aged  1  y^  8  nio,  Feb.  10. 

C.  M.,  son  of  Virgil  Buckingham,  Betliuny,  aged  o,  Feb.  11. 

Ellcji  C,  dau.  of  Samuel  and  Anna  Dean.  Xew  York,  aged  4,  Feb.  27. 

Mrs.  Anna  Chatlield.  aged  3r>,  Mar.  15. 

iMrs.  Julia  Johnson,  Bethany,  aged  20,  Mar.  19. 

E.  Langdon,  Guilford,  aged  2,                                                .  Mar.  30. 

E.,  son  of  Frank  and  Anna  Luni,  aged  3,  Mar.  30. 

Harold,  son  of  Edward  and  Fanny  Isles,  aged  3  y,  3  nio,  Apr.    5. 
Smith,  son|of|Al)ram  and  Louie  (Jlark,  Milford,  aged  00  y,  7  mo.  Apr.  10. 

J.  O.  Holland,  Ireland,  aged  00,                                       "  Apr.  20. 

E.  Castle,  aged  3,             "                                                       ;  Apr.  20. 

Mrs.  Johannah  Roach,  Ireland,  age.d  33,  May  21. 

Abram  Collins,  Bethanv,  aged  49,                                   -  June    4. 

E.  D.  Mallory,  aged  8,'                                                          .  June  27. 

Mrs.  Ellen  Squire,  dau.  of  John  Luni.  Oxford,  aged  29,  June  IS. 

Mrs.  Betsey  Blake,  Derby,  aged  50,  June  30. 

— r-: — ,  son  of  John  and  Ellen  O'Connor,  aged  1  y,  16  d,  July  23. 
Mrs.  E.  Northrop,  widow,  dau.  of  Abijah  and  Maria 

Newtown,  aged  74  y,  4  mo,  7  d,  Ju]y  11. 

John,  son  of  Thomas  and  3Iargaret  Hawley,  aged  1  mo,  1  d,  Aug.  15. 

,  dau.  of  Nathan  Holbroak,  aged  2,  Aug.  20. 

William,  son  of  William  and  Fanny  Holmes,  aged  4  mo,  Aug.  8. 
John,  son  of  Mich'l  Sullivan,  South  Britain,  aged  8  y,' 4  mo.  Sept.  1. 
William  li.,  son  of  John  and  Margaret  P^rost,  aged  10  mo,  14  d,  Sept.  30. 
Mrs.  Frances  Seabury,  widow,  aged  73,  Sept.  15. 

Catharine  Geary,  Ireland,  aged  25,  Sept.  14. 

Josephine,  dau.  of  Sheldon  and  Sarah  .Miles,  aged  I  y,  1  uio,  Sfpt.  30. 
Winnie,  dan.  of  William  aud  Fanny  Holmes,  aged  1  y,  Sept.  27. 

.1.  Hagner,  aged  1,  Sept.  19. 

(.'has.  E.,  s.  of  Wm.  and  Sarah  Dibble,  Derbv,  clerk,  aged  20,  Oct.  4. 
Ella,  dau.  of  S.  M.  Her>ey,  aged  1,                 "  Oct.    0. 

Lorenzo  >r.  BiU';sett,  New  York,  aged  40,  Oct.  14. 

Theodore's,  of  Merritt  it  Catherine  Pendleton,  ("ornwall,  a  30,  Oct.  30. 
John  W.  .Montgomery,  England,  aged  27.  Oct.  30. 

Mrs.  Sally  Ihadlcy,  widow,  Oxford,  aged  71,  •  '  Oct.  13. 
Mrs.  Mitry  Turk,  widow,  (icrmauy,  aged  49,  >  Oct.  13. 
Mrs.  Catherine  Ilcrsev,  dau.  of  Thomas   and    Nancv  , 

Milford,  aged  32."  '  Nov.  2.5. 

Mrs.  Sarah  (Jilbcrt.  widow,  l>erity,  agt'il  70,  Nov.  10. 

Andrew  .Miller,  aged  ."JO,  Nov.  10. 

,  dau.  of  S.  M.  and  Cathi'iine  fL-rsey,  aged  3  d,  Nov.  11. 

Anna  IJoln-rts,  ageil  1.  Dec.     0. 

C'harles  .Johnson,  aged  2  mo.  'A  d.  Dec.  27. 

John  Shay,  Irelamb  ;iged  30,  May  24. 

James,  son  (»f  .lames  and  Agnes  Swan.  Derby,  aged  0  y.  5  mo,  .May  15. 
Uobert,  son  of  .lames  and  A:rnes  Swan,  aged  2  y,  0  mo,  .\pr,     7. 

Everett  .M.,  son  of  (leo.  W.  Swan.  Southbury,  a.  2y,5mo,  10  d,  Apr.  1.5. 



Martha  E.,  dau.  of  Sarah  Ilurd,  aged  3  y,  S  mo,  14  d,  Jan.  14. 

Burr  X.  Davis,  auiiur  maker,  a.ced  28,    '  Jan.  19. 

Chas.,  sou  of  Henry  and  Jaue  Atwood,  Oxford,  mechanic,  a.  47,  Jan.  26. 

Mrs.  Lucretia  Pritchard,  dau.    of  Theophilus  and  Freelove 

(Miles''),  aged  02,  Feb.    7. 

Mrs.  Laura  Chnrch,  Bethany,  aged  73,  Feb.  10. 

Mrs.  Adaline  Beach,  Orange,  aged  58,  Feb.  11. 

Johannah  HoUaud,  aged  21,      "  Feb.  20. 

Wm.,  son  of  Sam"l  aud  Mary  Bassett,  Oxford,  painter,  a.  84,    Mar.    7. 

,  son  of  Daniel  .AlcCarty,  aged  27  d.  Mar.  14. 

Edwin  P.,  son  of  Charles  and  ".Alary  White,  aged  1  j,  Mar.  15. 

Sarah,  dau.  of  Patrick  Tracey,  aged  2,  Apr.    6. 

Mrs.  :Margaret  C.  Holloran,  Ireland,  aged  67,  Apr.    7. 

George  Town,  aged  18,  May  10. 

Alice  G.,  dau.  of  John  and  Frances  Gibbs,  aged  17,  May  IS. 

William,  son  of  William  Butler,  aged  3,  May  22. 

Charles  Minor.  Woodbury,  aged  14^  May  31. 

William  Jones,  aged  78,        "  Mav  30. 

Channie,  dau.  of  Mrs.  Augusta  Lathrop,  aged  10,  June    4. 

Louisa  Emily,  dau.  of  Evan  and  Miriam  Llewellyn,  aged  3,     June  10. 

David  G.,  son  of  Evan  and  ALiriam  Llewellyn.  aVed  4,  June  12. 

Mary  Jane,  dau.  of  Evan  and  Miriam  Llewellvn," aired  11,       June  13. 

Katie  G.,  dau.  of  lliram  aud  Martha  Eandall,'aged"l2,  June  24. 

Frank  L.  Mason,  col.,  Pulaski,  Tenn.,  aijed  21.  '"  July  3. 

Martha,  dau.  of  Sydney  and  Emilv  Hulibell,  a^ed  3,  July'l4. 

Mrs.  Nancy  Barr,  Ireland,  aged  28,  "  July  15. 

Sheldon  T.,  dau.  of  Isaac  and  Jeunette  B.  Botsford,  aged  36,  Julv  16. 
Mrs.  Anna  Steele,  widow,  Derby,  a^^ed  87,  "  July  22. 

Lizzie,  dau.  of  Chas.  and  Anna  S.  McCarty,  aged  4  y,  11  mo,  July  31. 
Mrs.  Jeunette  Botsford,  widow,  aged  07,  "          '  Au*^,  12. 

Thomas  Joos,  (rermany,  aged  40,  Au<?.  29. 

Henry,  son  of  Stephen  and  Ruth  Smith,  Southbury,  aged  23,  Sepl.  28. 
Minnie,  dau.  of  Isaac  and  Caroline  Kogers,  Branford,  aged  5,  Sept.  29. 
Mrs.  Jane  Atwood,  widow,  Oxford,  aged  08,  Xov.  16. 

Peter  Worth,  (Tormany,  aged  40,  Xov.  10. 

Ilanford,  sou  of  El-.en  and  p:unice  Fairchild,  Oxford,  aged  72,  Xov.  27. 
Clark,  sun  of  John  Wooster.  (Oxford,  aged  84  y,  5  mo,'  Xov.  30. 

Noyes  Peck,  farmer,  aged  2S,  ]»^ov.  29. 

William  S.,  son  of  Charles  lilanchard,  Mass..  a-ed  0  v,  8  mo,  Feb.  IL 

Frederick,  son  of and  JOIlt-n  Beers,  aged'O  mo,' 23  d,      Feb.  23. 

Augustus   P.,  son  of   Horace  and  Augustine   Vail,  Goshen, 

phy.^ician,  aged  30  y,  10  mo,  ^  Feb.  24. 

John  W.,  son  of  Wilbur  aud  Alargaret  Ba.ssett,  aired  1  y,  8  mo.  Mar.  1. 
Charles,  son  of  .lames  and  IClIen  Samuels,  col.,  a::ed  1  v,  Mar.  11. 

M.  IL,  dau.  of  P.  P.  and  ILannah  Beecher,  aged'l  rao,"2  d,  .Mar.  12. 
Charles    II.,   son   of  Thomas   and    llattie    Ilurlburt,  Croton 

Falls,  X.  Y.,  aged  1  y,  3  mo,  Apr.    0, 


Mrs.  :Mary  H.  Roselle,  dan.  of  Saninol  iiud  Mary ,  a.  5S,  Apr.  22. 

Violet,  da'u.  of  Jacob  and  Mary  Faber,  aired  1  mo,  IS  d,       _  Apr.  2".. 
Israel,  son  of  Enoch  and  Comfort  French,  meclianic.  aged  07,  May    4. 

,  son  of  Londolin  ^lonitor,  aired  15  d,  ^Hiy    .">. 

Margaret,  dan.  of  Andrew  and  Ellen  Canary,  aged  1  y,  S  mo.  May  23. 
George  Kirtland.  Bridgeport,  tanner,  aged  77,  May  30. 

Ueury  B.  Brigden,  Xew  Haven,  shoemaker,  aged  75,  Jnne    '.>. 

■  Patrick,  son  of  \Vm.  and  Kate  O'Donuell,  Irehind,  aged  28,  June  2(5. 
Daniel,  son  of  Daniel  and  :\Iary  Holbrook,  farmer,  aged  78,  July  1. 
Mrs.  Johanna  Turk,  widow.  Germany,  aged  33,  July    1. 

James,  son  of  l^atrick  Byan,  aged  17.  July  10. 

Ella,  dau.  of  John  and  Charlotte  Whitney,  aged  S  mo,  July  30. 

,  dau.  of  Parson  Lobdelle,  New  Haven,  aged  0  mo,       Aug.     1. 

Paul  Schraner,  Germany,  saloon  keejier,  aged  45,  Aug.    8. 

John  Whitney,  aged  4  y.  5  mo,  '  Aug.  20. 

Ellen  L.,  dau"  of  Fran li  Mason,  col.,  aged  1  y,  .  Aug.  13. 

Sarah  J.,  dau.  of  Jered  and  Sabra  Isles,  aged  24,  Aug.  17. 

Edmund  H.  Knight,  bookkeeper,  res.  Hurlem,  X.  Y.,  aged  4G,    Sept.    7. 
John,  son  of  Xavier  Kempf,  aged  1  mo,  Sept.  11. 

Hamlin,  son  of  An.son  Weston,  col.,  aged  13,  Sept.  20. 

Louisa,  dau.  of  Cornelius  and  Johanna  Turk,  aged  3  mo.  9  d,  Sept.  20. 
Louisa,  dau.  of  Luther  and  Sarah  Fowler,  aged  53,  Sept.  28. 

Jennie  B,,  dau.  of  Matthew  and  Eliza  Pope,  aged  1  y,  1  mo,    Oct.  22. 

,  dau.  of Shay,  aged  1  y,  Xov.     1. 

Joseph,  son  of  Xavier  Keni]>f.  aged  4  y,  4  mo,  Xov.    2. 

Clark,  sou  of  Garry  B.  .lohnson,  aged  42.  "  Xov.    3. 

James  H,,  son  of  Glover  Bassett,  aged  37,  X'^ov.  22, 

Bertha,  dau. of  Dan'l  and  Eouise  Simpson,  Hamden,  a.3y,6mo,  Xov.  26. 
Mrs.  Cornelia  Homan,  Hartfonl,  aged  42,  Dec.  10. 

James  Harris,  England,  res.  Dover,  X.  J.,  a-ed  28,  Dec.  25. 

Thirza.  dau.  of  .loel  and  Ruth  Chattiehl.  aged  75  y,  11  m,         Dec.  24.. 

Margaret  Hoffman,  aged  2  y.  8  mo,  Jan.    2. 

Mrs.  Content  Morse,  widow,  dau.  of  Saumel  Sutlitf,  aged  89,  Jan.    5. 

,  dau,  of  Bobert  Healy,  aged  8  mo,  Jan.  12. 

Isaac  X.  Allen,  W'oodbridire,  shoemaker,  asred  72,  Feb.    2. 

Mrs.  Betsey  :\I.  Botsf..rd,  Middlebi.ry,  a-ed  (55,  Feb.  23. 

Mrs.  Betsey  Bh^ckman.  Danbury,  d.  in  Bethany,  aged  53,  Mar.    8. 

William  Sackett,  Bethany,  farmer,  aged  7.5,  Mar.  10. 

•^»*=;=A^fred  Hull,  Derby,  nieclianic,  a-ed  8S,  Ajir.     4. 
Ellen  Ann,  dau.  of  licnj.uuin  and  Anu  Davis,  age<l  1  y,  0  mo,  Apr.  13. 

Burr,  son  (»f  Burr  and  Mary  Williams,  aged  5  d,  Apr.  29, 

Dennis,  son  of  Charles  McCarty,  aged  4  y,  2  mo,  ^lay     3. 

Mary,  dau.  of  Benjamin  and  Ann  Davis,  Wales,  aged  5,  May  15. 

Thur.'^a,  dau.  of  George  Rich.  Oxford,  aged  2,  May  20. 

,  son  of  Charles  McCarty,  aged  1  y,  0  mo,  June     7. 

Karl,  son  of  Carl  and  Barliara  S\inder.  aired  2  mo,  June  28. 

Edmund  L.  Doolittle,  farmer,  aged  OS,  July     8, 
Mar;zaretta    10.,   dau    of  Wilbur    F.    MclOwen.   Xew    Haven, 

aged  8  mo,  5  d.  July  23. 



Alice  Bertha,  tlau.  of  Frank  Couvrette,  aged  ll.iiio.  2  d,  July  2'X 

Frank  S.,  s.  uf  Frank  Dewinir.  San  Francisco.  C'al..  agedSnio,  July  ;U. 
3Irs.  Elizabeth  James,  Wales,  aged  82,  Aug.  10. 

Caroline,  dau.  of  Landoline  Moliter,  aged  3  mo,  Aug.  10. 

Edward,  son  of  Francis  and  Ann  McMorrow,  aged  0  uio,  15  d,  Sept.  '29. 
Joseph,  son  of  Joseph  and  Emma  Whiteley,  aged  1  mo,  1  d,  Sept.  30. 
Emilv,  dau.  of  David  and  Marv  Jenkins,  aged  '2  y,  11  mo,  Oct.  11. 
Mrs.Keziah  IV.ssett,  widow,  aged  41),  Oct.  2t>. 

Freddie,  son  of  Charles  White,  aged  1  y,  9  mo,  Oct.  L'<. 

Sheldon,  son  of  William  Church,  Oxford, aged  7.1  y,  9  mo,  21  d,  Nov.  S. 
William  H.,  son  of  B.  and  Ann  Davis,  Wales,  aged  3  y,  0  mo,  Nov.  13. 
Lemau  Chatlield.  farmer,  at^-ed  81,  Nov.  14. 

Ileber  Phelps,  sou  of  lleber  P.  Fowler,  aged  1  y,  7  mo,  Nov.  14. 

Mrs.  Marv  Ann  Farrell,  Prospect,  aged  50,  Dec.    4. 

Mrs.  Alm"a  Wheeler,  widow,  aired  82,  .  .  Dec.  12. 

Mrs.  Jane  E.  Sharpe,  Oxford,  aiicd  40,  ^   :     Dec.  lo. 

Thomas  James,  Sr.,  Wales,  aged  79,  .    ;  .  "^    Dec.  30. 

Mrs.  Mary  Osborn,  Naugatuck,  aged  5."),  Jan.  20. 

Eddie,  soil  of  Thomas  and  Lottie  Sliarpe.  aged  11  d,  Feb.  10. 

Jessie,  dau.  of  Horace  Ilolbrook,  aged  11  mo.  Mar.  21. 

(ieo.M.,  son  of  Geo.  .*^-  Eliza  Fowler.  Northford,  mechanic,  a.  23,  Mar.  20. 

Mrs.  Marv  Smith,  widow,  Woodbridge.  aged  70.  Apr.    4. 

Mrs.  Eunice  Fcadford,  dau.  Leveret  .v  Charlotte  Pritchard,a.  79,  Apr.    9. 

,  dau.  of  Leonard  and  Mary  liradley,  aged  4  d,  Apr.  12. 

lutant  son  of  John  and  Anna  King.  ^l'*y  l*-^- 

Lucv,  dau.  of  James  and  Lucv  O'Neil.  aged  4  mo,  3  d.  May  24. 

.Mav,  dau.  of  Edward  and  May  Bradley,  aged  13  d,  June  12. 

James  N.  Wilson,  Jamaica,  W.  L.  watchman,  aged  34,  July    3. 

Hiram  ("pson.  Wolcott.  farm'^r,  aged  77,  July  12. 

William  Thaver,  New  York,  mechanic,  aged  44,  Aug.    4. 

Albert  F..  soil  of  James  and  Isadore  Slate,  aged  10  mo,  Aug.  10. 

Sarah  P,.  DeForest,  Woodbridge,  aged  33,  Aug.  27. 

Marv  E.,  dau.  of  Amos  and  Kc/iah  Ba.ssett,  aged  20  y,  5  mo,  Sept.    2. 

Willie,  son  of  Charles  Taylor,  ag^d  1  y,  11  mo,  Sept.  11. 

Effie  C.,  dau.  of  Dwight  and  Eva  (iarret,  aged  3  mo,  Sept.  14. 

John  S.  Washburne.  Oxford,  farmer,  aged  41.                           .  Sept.  17. 

Miles  Warner.  Woodbridge,  laborer,  aged  8.").  Nov.    3. 

William,  son  of  Bradford  and  Puth  Steele,  farmer,  aged  76,  Nov.  24. 

Jane,  dau.  of  Anson  and  .Margaret  Weston,  col.,  aged  17.  Nov.  27. 

Julia  L.,  dau.  of  Corydon  (L  and  Lavinia  Homan.  a.  1  y,  12  d,  Dec.    5. 

Mrs.  Jane  C.  Hitchcock,  Canada,  aged  3.S,  Dec.    0. 
Joseph  Henry,  .son  of  S(juire  and  Ann  Sharpe.  Germantown, 

iVno.,  aged  (!  mo,  Dec.  13. 

Mrs.  Emeret  iioceuisdes,  wid.,  Naugatuck.  operative,  aged  58,  Dec.  18. 

James  11.,  son  of  .Tames  H.  liartou.  a^ed  2  d,  Jan.  2<. 

Mrs.  Ann  1).  Butler,  widow,  Englaml,  aged  71,  F<:h.  23. 

Mrs.  Margaret  Bell,  dau.  of  James  and  Margaret  ('arid,  Scot- 
laud,'  aged  08,  I'*^^'-     ^- 


Mrs.  Kllen  L.  Scott,  aged  25,  Mar.  24. 
Mrs.  Elizabeth  A.  Fowler,  aged  42,  Mar.  24. 
Jobu  C.  Laughlin,  Ireland,  mecbanic,  aged  48,  Mar.  2S. 
Sylvester  Lum,  mechauic,  aged  05,  Apr.  8. 
Jesse,  dau.  of  J.  D.  Terkins,  Waterbury,  teacher,  aged  29,  May  8. 
Mrs.  Eliza  F.  Pope,  dau.  of  Lemuel  and  Euieliue  Bliss,  a.  24,  May  29. 
Mrs.  Miunie  J.  Cotter,  dau.  of  Wilson  Wyant,  aged  24,  June  «3. 
Mrs.  Ella  G.  Hewitt,  birthplace  and  res.  Winsted,  aged  25,  July  3. 
Charles,  son  of  Joseph  Whiteley,  aged  8  mo,  July  25. 
Lucy,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Lena  Sanders,  aged  8  mo,  July  30. 
Frederick  A.,  son  of  Albert  and  Mary  Clark,  aged  3  mo,  Aug.  10. 
Mrs.  Polly  Sutton,  widow,  aged  So,  Aug.  20. 
Alfred  G."  llolyoake,  England,  mechanic,  aged  47,  Aug.  21. 
Isaac  Kinney,  Derby,  tinsmith,  aged  85,  Aug.  18. 
I^Tathaniel  Pioberts,  Woodbridge,  farmer,  aged  74,  Sept.  4. 
Mrs.  Susan  Bassett,  widow,  dau.  of  Peter ,  col.,  New- 
Britain,  aged  74,  Sept.  3. 
Hepsibah  Lake,  aged  85,  Sept.  9. 
Jabez,  son  of  Jesse  Baldwin,  Derby,  mechanic,  aged  09,  Sept.  12. 
George  K.,  son  of  Andrew  Barr,  aged  1  mo,  14  d,  Sept.  9. 
John,  son  of  John  Donayhet,  aged  7  mo,  Oct.  19. 

,  dau.  of  BichardandE."  Pearson,  aged  1  day,  Nov.    4. 

,  son  of  Thomas  Brennan,  s.  b.  Nov.  27. 

Philo  Davis,  farmer,  aged  74,  Nov.  15. 

Mrs.  Susannah  Harris,  widow,  England,  aged  50,  Dec.  13. 

Thomas  GrifHn,  laborer,  aged  80,  *  Jan.  10. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Tucker,  widow,  aged  73,  Jan.  18. 

Mrs.  Bridget  Courtney,  Ireland,  aged  35,  Feb.    8. 

Bridget,  dau.  of  Patrick  Fitzgibbous,  aged  10,  Feb.    9. 

Mrs.  Hannah,  wife  of  Charles"  McCarty,  Ireland,  aged  35,  Feb.  12. 
Margaret,  dau.  of  Frederick  Weston,  col.,  aged  10  mo,  Feb.  22. 

Anna  Grace,  dau.  of  Geo.  E.  and  Anna  Lester,  aged  3  y,  0  rao.  Mar.  3. 
Mrs.  Henrietta  Dunham,  widow,  dau.  of  David  and  Laura  C. 

Tucker,  Oxford,  aged  04,  Mar.     7. 

,  son  of  Heber  I',  and  Martha  Carpenter,  s.  b.  Mar.  18. 

John,  son  of  Joseph  Parsons,  aged  2  mo,  Mar.  24. 

Martha  B.  Carpenter,  Oxford,  aged  21  y,  8  mo,  Mar.  20. 

Mrs.  Lucinda  French,  dau.  John  and  Sarali  Biggs,  Derby,  a.  72,  Mar.  20. 
Lewis  Robinson,  Naugatuck,  farmer,  aged  29,  Apr.    8. 

Mrs.  Bridget  Kinnev,  dau.  of  John   and  Nellie   Hennessey, 

Ireland,  aged  28  y,  3  mo,  Apr.  22. 

Josiah  Giles,  printer,  aL'ed  5<J,  Apr.  10. 

Lugraud  Sharpc,  shoemaker,  Soutlibury,  aged  78  y,  11  mo.  May  1. 
Mrs.  (iertrude  Schboer,  widow.  Gennany,  aged  85  y,  2  mo,  5  d,  May  3. 
Mrs.  Mary  L.  Ford,  Woodbury,  aged  48,  ^lay  20. 

Charles  Ash  lev  Curtis,  Derby,  mechanic,  aged  29,  May  29. 

Mrs.  Sarah  Losee,  aged  8(»,  June    9. 

Mrs.  Margaret  A.Clark,  dau.  of  John  and  Catherine  McCabe, 

New  York,  aged  20,  June    9. 


Daisv  Deau,  dau.  of  Heury  K.  Chamberliu,  aged  2  y,  9  mo,  July    3. 

Alice,  dau.  of  Charles  Uliss,  aged  2  y,  9  mo,  June  2-4. 

Mrs.  Ida  J.  Uitelicook,  dau.  of^Charlea  Edwards,  aged  21,  Juue  19. 

,  child  of  Michael  ilanis,  s.  b.  July  12. 

Josephiue  E.,  dau.  of  Jos.  and  l^ridget  Wilson,  aged  1  y,  9  mo,  July  12. 

Mrs.  Eunua  llouian,  dau.  of  Jos.  and  Bridget  Wilson,  a.  38,  July  27. 

Lewis,  son  of  Charles  G.  Sanders,  aged  G  mo,  Aug.  10. 

George  W.,  sou  of  George  H.  Washburn,  aged  4  mo,  Aug.  21. 

Jerry,  sun  of  Jerrv  and  Eliza  Andrews,  s.  b.  Aug.  21. 

Mrs.'  Iris  C.  Williams,  dau.  of  Harris  1>.  Munsou,  aged  24,  Sept.  19. 

Eva  C.,  dau.  of  Leonard  and  Mary  H.  Bradley,  Sept.  5. 

Ann  Alida,  dau.  of  Eliott  K.  Bassetr,  aged  7,  Oct.    3. 

,  dau.  of  Wallace  Parmelee,  s.  b.  Nov.  12. 

,  dau.  of  Johu  Colenuin,  s.  b.  Nov.  29. 

Mrs.  Elizabeth  Sperry,  agtd  40,  Nov.  30. 

James,  son  of  Tliomas  and  Ann  Brenuan.  aged  4  y,  6  mo,  Oct.  18. 

John  J.,  son  of  David  and  Sarah  Williams,  Dc-rby,  aged  7,  Dec.  12. 

Edward,  sou  of  John  and  Bridget  Strapp,  Ireland,  aged  45,  Dec.  14. 

Josie  E.,  dau.  Pat'k  .V  Kate  Powers,  Bridgeport,  a.  2  y,  2  mo,  Jan.  7. 
Mrs.  Caroline  Hurd,  widow,  Mllford,  aged'  73,  Jan.  22. 

Joseph  Anthony,  Wales,  mechanic,  a^red  4G,  Jan.  23. 

Bessy  May,  dau.  of  Leonard  and  ^Liry  Bradley,  aged  2  mo,  Feb.  G. 
Josiah  Ba'ssett,  Derby,  farmer,  aged  84,  Mar.    2. 

Anna,  dau.  of  Andrew  and  Jennie  Burr,  England,  a.  83y,10  mo.  Mar.  8. 
John  C,  s.  of  J  hu  .v-  Catherine  Hill.  Soutlibury,  a.  4  y,  11  mo,  Mar.  10. 
John  Miller,  England,  butcher,  aged  73.  Mar.  10. 

Francis,  son  of  John  and  Mary  Mack,  Ireland,  aged  8  y,  10  mo,  ^Lar.  13. 
Thomas  Kinney,  Ireland,  grinder,  a^ed  32,  Mar.  22. 

James,  son  of  John  and  >iary  Pyan,  Derlty,  mechanic,  a.  20,  Mar.  2.5. 

,  dau.  of  Herman  and  Kafe  Lippmau,  s.  b.  Mar.  27. 

Sheldon,  sun  of  William  Chatlicld.  Oxford,  laborer,  aged  G8,    .Mar.  30. 

Mrs.  Mary  (i.  Buckingham,  dau .  aged  0^),  Mar.  30. 

Mrs.  Harriet  Scott,  widow.  (Jreeufield.  N.  Y.,  aged  85  y,  4  mo,  Apr.  5. 
Benjamin  S.,  son  of  Samuel  P.  and  Anna  C.  Deau,  a.  ''•  v,  5  mo.  Apr.  25. 
liillian  May,  dau.  of  Heber  Fowler,  aged  3  y,  1  mo,  1-  il.  May  IG. 

Josei)hine,  dau.  of  Nicholas  ami  Catherine  Cass,  aged  24,  May  13. 

Alice  E.,  dau.  of  Virgil  and   Mary  Buckiuirham,  aged  8,  June  10. 

Thomas  Powers.  Ireland,  mechanic,  a^'ed  28,  .luly     7. 

George  Bradlev.  son  of  Dani(d  and    Hattie   Webster,  Spring- 

fwdd.  Mas.s„  a-ed  4  mo,  July  19. 

Ceorge  Thomas,  soti  of  Wiu.  Kel.sey,  laborer.  Vermont,  a.  42,  July  20. 
Mrs.  Mary  ( )*l)oiin<ll,  Ireland,  a-.-ed  72.  Aug.  10. 

Amelia,  ilau.  of  Henry  and  Mariraret  Weaver,  aged  2  mo,  Aug.  15. 
Edward,  son  of  .Mary  Daly,  a^^ed  G  mo,  Aug.  l.'i. 

I'rcston    1).,   son   of     P>enj.   and     Hannah    Peck,    merchant, 

Woodl>ury,  aged  GG  y,  11  mo,  7  d,     "  Aug.  IG. 

Henry  S.,  son  of  VJh-u  and  Sarah  rairchild. (Oxford, clerk,  a.  .32,  Aug.  2G. 


Daniel,    son    of   David    and   Leah  Simpson,  Montreal,  Can., 

laborer,  aged  oa,  Sept.  27. 

Fred,  s.  of  Win.  L.  .v  CatheriDe  A.  Parmley.  New  Haven,  a.  7,    Oct.  11. 

,  child  of  Viii:il  McEwen,  s.  b.  Oct.  14. 

,  child  of  Charles  and  Barbara  Manweiller,  s.  b.  Oct.  23. 

,  child  of  Samuel  and  Eliza  Uayman,  s.  b.  Oct.  18. 

Minnie,  dau.  of  John  and  Mary  Bowen,  Wales,  aged  13,  Nov.  28. 

Mrs.    Jerhardine    Sunders,   dau.   of  George   and  Jerhardine 

Fisher,  Germany,  aged  4()  y,  3  mo,  5  d,  Nov.    5. 

,  dau.  of  ^Michael  Drisc-ol,  s.  b.  Nov.  25. 

William  O'Donnell,  Ireland,  laborer,  aged  78,  Nov.  27. 

Frederick  Fight,  weaver,  aged  50,  Jan.    G. 

Mary  Jane,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Mary  Cochran,  aged  56,  Jan.  10. 

Mrs.  Sarah  F.  Castle,   dau.  of  Harry  and   Sarah   Hotchkiss, 

Bethany,  aged  55  y,  2  mo,  17  mo,  Jan.  15. 

Mrs.  Mary  Driscol,  dau.  of Agnew.  Ireland,  aged  25,     Feb.    3. 

Mrs.  Caroline  Malory,  dau.  Sheldon  Bishop,  Salisbury,  a.  39.    Mar.    3. 

Kodger,  son  of  Johu  and  IJannah  Murphy,  laborer,  aged  19i,  Mar.  IG. 

Louis,  son  of  Louis  Miller,  aged  11  mo,  '    Mar.  25. 

Veronica,  dau.  of  Robert  and  Verona  Fruin,  aged  1  y,  8  mo,      Apr.    5. 

Mrs.  Harriet  ^Nlorse,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Lida  Kiggs,  aged  6S,  Apr.  11. 

Mrs.  Ellen  Couvrette,  dau.  of  Victor  Lounsbury,  Oxford,  a.  3i,  Apr.  12. 

Mrs.  Mary  F.  Warren,  dau.  of  Hiram  French,  aged  11>  y,  5  mo,  Apr.  13. 

Twin  children  of  Wilford  and  Mary  Warren,  s.  b.  Apr.  13. 

■Frederick,  son  of  Frederick  and  Christian  Stohl,  aged  7  mo,     Apr.  2-1. 

Naman,  son  of  Stepheu  Peck,  WoodbridL'e,  farmer,  aged  05,     ]May  28. 
•Mrs.  Lucy  ^I.  Beach,  widow,  res.  New  Haven,  aged  77  y,  1  mo,  !May     1. 

John,  son  of  Robert  and  Verona  Fruin,  aged  13  y.  3  mo,  May  11. 
,  son  of  lvol)ert  and  N'erona  Fruin,  aged  3,  May  liO. 

Charles,  son  of  Bennett  and  Maria   Scott,  Waterbury,  black- 
smith, aged  37  y,  8  mo.  June    0. 

Mrs.  Jane  E.  Wolf,  dau.  Jane  Earner,  Chester,  Eug.,  a.  20iJ-  y,  June  18. 

Mrs.    Augusta   A.    Hotchkiss,  dau.    of    Morris    and    Smyrna 

Kiml»er]ey,  Derby,  aged  55  y,  10  d,  June  19. 

Patrick,  son  of  Patrick  and  Ellen  Croasdale.  s.  b.  June  24. 

Mrs.  Emma  Davis,  New  Haven,  aged  42,  June  27. 

Edward  Henry,  dau.  of  Albert  and    Nellie   Phelps,  Ansonia, 

res.  Ansonia,  aiied  5  mo,  July    0. 

Mrs.  Maria  Hine,  wid.,  <lau.  of  Moses  Wheeler,  Litchfield,  a  74,  Aug.     0. 

Mrs.  lihoda,  (widow  of  Azel  (ierard^).  dan.  of  Samuel  and  Ann 

Morehouse,  (Wilton, 'j  aged  80.  Aug.  10. 

Fred'k,  son  of  Frank  \-  (.Mara  Stone,  Holyoke,  Mass.,  a.  11  mo,  Aug.  li . 

Thomas,  son  of  Charles  ami  .Mary  Evans,  aged  5  mo,  Sept.    0. 

•Miciri,  s.  John  X-  (Catherine  Jivaii,  draughtsman,  Ireland,  a.'2t>,  Sept.  22. 

Johannah,  dau.  of  John  and  Hannah  .Murjihy,  aged  17,  Srpt.  17. 

Julia  D.  B.,  dau.  of  James  and  Julia  James,  aired  1  y.  1  mo,  Sept.  29. 

Philo  Holbrook,  Derlty,  farmer,  aged  77.  Nov.  18. 

Johii  McAdams,  Scotjand,  laborer,  aL'<'d  17  y,  10  nm,  Nov.  19. 

Henry,  son  of  Henry  and  I'aiiline  I'erthes.  aged  7  mo,  Dec.  11. 


Mrs.  Mercv  Ann  Smith,  dau.  of Northrop,  Providence, 

R.  I.,"a2ed  60  v,  11  mo,  r)ec.  lb. 

Bertha  E.,  dau.  Chirk  \-  Eliza  Johnson,  aged  21  y.  1  mo,  9  d,  Dec.  -4. 
Charles  R.  Hurlburt,  Cornwall,  mechanic,  aged  69  y,  2  mo,     Dec.  Lb. 

Marv  L.,  dau.  of  Nicholas  and  Catherine  Cass,  aged  21,  Jan.    9. 

Mrs.'  Martha  Perkins,  Waterbury,  aged  54,  Jan.  U. 

Lida  :Mav,  dau.  of  Geor<:e  and  Julia  M.  Smith,  aged  1  y,  7  mo,  Jan.  14. 

Mrs.  Anil  .Alere.lith.  England,  dau.  of Richards,  aged  55,  Jan.  Lo. 

Lena,  dau.  John  &.-  Mar^^'t  llotfrnan,  Bergen  Point.  N.  J.,  a.  21,  Eeb.    ^. 

,  dau.  of  Micliael  Couroy  and  Lena  Hoffman,  s.  b.  Feb.    -. 

Jesse,  son  of  Jesse  and  Charlotte  Perkins,  Bethany,  mer- 
chant, aged  ~)o,  Feb.    4. 

Michael,  son 'of  John  and  Marv  O'Brien,  aged  11  mo,  Mar.    J. 

Wilson,  son  of  Jabez  and  Sarah  Weston,  col.,  farmer,  aged  65,  Mar.  10. 

Mrs.    Ilattie   Hurlburt,   dau.  of  Horace   and   Mary   Weaver, 

Ballston,  N.  Y.,  aged  23  y,  9  mo,  Apr.    8. 

Samuel  Canfield,  Derbv,  mechanic,  aged  S.3.  Apr.  17. 

William  C,  sou  of  Cieorge  S.  and  Martha  Davis,  aged  2  mo,   Apr.  26. 

,  son  of  Henrv  and  Priscilla  Jones,  s.  b.  Apr.  2<. 

Charles,  son  of  Joseph  Hawkins,  Derby,  farmer,_aged  71,         May    1. 

Williau)  J.  Roberts,  Naugatuck,  laborer,  aged  C)o,  May    9. 

Mrs.  Betsev  A.  Smith,  dau.  of  Harvey  and   Nancy  Johnson, 

Oxford,  aiicil  60,  -  ^I»J'  ^1- 

Charles,  son  of  Horace  and  Sally  Isbell,  Woodbury,  manu- 
facturer, :iged  57,  J"b'    4. 

Mrs.  'Shu\  Lvon,  dau.  of  Chas.  and  Ellen  Heller,  Whippany, 

N.  j;,  aged  27.  J»)y    f' 

Rav,  son  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  Smith,  aged  4  mo,  July  61. 

David,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Ellen  Davis,  aged  7  mo,  Aug.    9. 

David  Hill,  Swansea,  South  Wales,  laborer,  aged  52,  Aug.  13. 

Edwin  O.,  son  of  Thos.  and  Cornelia  Treganowan,  aged  6  mo,  Aug.  19. 

James  H.,  son  of  Morris  and  Ann  Lee,  aged  8  mo,  Aug.  20. 

Arvine  N.  Crittenden.  Chadement,  ^L\ss..  miller,  aired  59,       Aug.  30. 

Denison  D.,  son   ut  Robert  and   Ann   Andrews,   Thomaston, 

stone  mason,  aged  74  y.  11  mo,  9^^'    ^ 

Thomas  WiuMuore,  England,  saloon  keeper,  aged  31  y,  10  mo,  Nov.    8. 

Harvev,  son'of  Wm.  and  Sally  Carp»-nter,  Derby,  farmer,  a.  75,  Nov.  12. 

Uattie'M..  dau.  of  Joi-i  and  Marv  Chatheld,  aged  25,  Nov.  23. 

,  dau.  of  Edward  and  Mary  Peck,  s   b.  Dec.    9. 

Otto,  s.  Ferd.  A:  Henrietta  Telgman,  Bri.igeport,  a.  3  y,  10  mo,   Dec.  18. 

Lsaac  Bassetf.  Derbv,  farmer,  aged  79.  Jul}'  --i- 

Mary,  dau.  of  Juhn"and  Hannah  Murphy,  aged  22,  Apr.  14, 

Mrs.'  Stever.  dau.  of  Wm.  C.  Smith,  Derijy.  aged  42,    May    j. 

Mrs.  Ann  Lee.  dau.  of  John  Banyan,  aired  2<»,  Jau-     8- 

David  SerantOM,  Derby,  laliorer,  aged  76,  J""-  !-• 
Mrs.  Ida  Crampton,  dau.  of  Oeorge  and  >Libel  Leavenworth. 

Oxford,  :.ged  28,  Jan.  19. 


88  ,  DEATHS   IN   SEYMOUR. 

Louisa,  dau.  of  Joseph  and  Jane   Wilson,  Jamaica,   W.  I,, 

weaver,  aired  24,  Jan.  20. 

•Timothy,  sou  of  Wm.  and  Mary  Mahoney,  aged  1  y,  5  mo,  25  d,  Jan.  25. 

Mrs.  Ilauore  Murphy,  dau.  Tbos.  A:  Mary  Koach,  Irehmd,  a.  53,  Feb.    3. 

Ebenezer,  son  of  l-^benezer  and  Eunice  Fairchild,  carriage- 
maker,  Oxford,  aged  76,  Feb.  21. 

Mrs.  Eliza  M.  llickox,  dau.  of Brown,  Easton,  a.  55,    Apr.    2. 

Mrs.  Julia  Kagan,  dau.  of  Dennis  and  Bridget  McCarty,  Ire- 
land, aged  3S^  Apr.    2. 

Heman,  s.  of  IJeman  ^v  Sarah  C'liilds,  laborer,  Higganum,  a  71,  Apr.    7. 

George  W.,  son  of  Fred  and  (Jatlierine  Olrastead,  conduc- 
tor, Ividgetield,  res.  Bridgeport,  aged  08,  Apr.  11. 

Mrs.  Clara  Eliza  Fowler,  dau.  of  Henry  S.  and  Lydia  Weller, 

Watertown,  aged  25.  Apr.  19. 

Mrs.  Polly  Ellen  Hard,  dau.  of  Josiah  Short,  Woodbury,  a.  40,  Apr.  20. 

Alton,  son  of  Charles  and  Fanny  Weidlich,  aged  2,  Apr.  21. 

Mrs.  Grace  Hawkins,  dau.  of  liichard  and   (irace    Holbrook, 

Derby,  aged  60,  Apr.  2S. 

Owen,  s.  of  Dennis  .s.-  Julia  Cunningham, labo'er,  Ireland,  a.  48,  June  22. 

]S^ettie,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Mary  \\'ehrle,  aged  0  mo.  June  30. 

Charles,  sou  of  Abel  and  Ann  Church,  laborer,  Oxford,  a,  70,  July  10. 

Charles,  son  of  W.  S.  and  Martha  Cooper,  aged  11  y,  8  mo,     July  13. 

James  Ennis,  blacksmith,  Ireland,  aged  4.S.  July  14. 

Mar/  A.  Smith,  Woodbury,  aged  40,  July  14. 

Ida  DeForcst,  Oxford,  agt-d  3  mo,  July  20. 

Fannie,  dau.  of  Michael  and  Kate  Martins,  aged  0  mo,  July  21. 

Freddie  F.,  sou  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  Smith,  aged  2  uu),  July  20. 

Mrs.  -Margaret  Parmelec,  dau.  Xehemiah  and  lioseujoud , 

Woodbury,  aged  51  y,  1  mo,  25  d,  Aug.  10. 

Mrs.  Mary  Welch,  widow.  Ireland,  aged  107,  Aug.  20. 

Henry,  son  of  Geoige  and  Melissa  Hill,  aged  1  mo,  Sept.     4. 

Patrick  l-'itzgibbcms,  lal)orer,  Ireland,  ageil  53,  Sept.     8. 

Davis  Storrs,  son  of  Frank  and  Ilattie  Bassett,  aged  11  mo,    Sept.    9. 

Edward  S.,  son  of  Alliert  and  Sarah  Downs,  mechanic,  Wood- 
bury, aged  40.  Sept.  10. 

Mrs.  Katie  Dawson,  Old  Hadley,  Mass.,  aged  25  y.  5  mo,        Sept.  10. 

Joseph,  sou  of  (ieo.  and  Sarah  Bartletf,  Southbury,  a.  7  y,  9  mo,  Sept.  17. 

Henry  B.,  son  of  Lewis  and    Martha    Beecher,  manufacturer, 

Southbury,  aged  (»4  y,  10  d,  Sept.  24. 

Lucius,  sf»n  of and  Lucy  Botsford.  laborer,  a.  09  y,  0  mo,   Oct.    4. 

Henry  (r.,son  of  liela  and  Polly  Bore,  lalx^rer.  NVolcott,  a.  58,  Nov.  11. 

»Samu(d,  son  of  Samuel  B.  and  Sarah  Hickox,  farmer,  NN'ater- 

town,  aged  70,  Dec.  19. 

Mrs.  AuL'iista  .1.  ICduards.  dan.  of  .John  and    Augusta    Lum, 

*  •xfonl,  aged  4.')  y,  4  mo,  .'>  d.  Dec.  25. 

Sereno    ]).,    son    of   .losejih    ami     Harriet     P>urwfll.    laborer, 

Barkham.stead,  aged  6.'>,  .Ian.     5. 

l'2ddie,  son  of  (ieorge  and  .Melissa  Hill,  aged  3  y,  4  mo,  .Jan.  13. 

Lewis  li.,  sou  of  Benjamin  and  .Julia  Thayer,  aged  2  y,  0  mo,  Jan.  24. 


Charles  J.,  son  of  Elishalt  and  Elizabeth  Osborn,  wagon- 
maker,  AVaterburv,  aged  73,  Feb.    9. 

Isaac  Buckingliam.  mechanic,  aged  68,  Feb.  14. 

Clyde  G.,  son  of  Frank  and  Martha  M.  Smith,  aged  5  d,  Feb.  15. 

Frank,  son  of  Jolm  and  Ann  ;Mc Morrow,  laborer,  freland,  a.  46,  Feb.  18. 

Anna  J.,  dau,  of  Wm.  and  Amelia  Davis,  aged  7  y,  7  mo,       Feb.  25. 

Mrs.  Georgie  Samuels,  col.,  Huntington,  aired  35  v,  2  mo,         Feb.  27. 

Mrs.  Martha  M.  Smith,  dau.  Mark  Tucker,' Woodbridge,  a.  29,  Mar.    1. 

Maggie,  dau.  of  David  and  Mary  Condon,  aged  18  y,  4  mo.     Mar.  11. 

William  Carpenter,  farmer,  Derby,  aged  70,"  Mar.  15. 

Mrs.  Charlotte  E.  Hine,  dau.  of  Sheldon  Pickett,  birthplace  and 

res.  ]S"e\v  Milford,  aged  53,  Mar.  24. 

Ira  A.,  son and  Ester  Parmelee,  blacksmith,  Litchfield, 

aged  51,  Apr.    1. 

Mrs.  Ester  Parmelee,  widow.  Litchfield,  aged  68,  Apr.    2. 

Mrs.  Susan  Ivogers,  Woodbury,  aged  70,  "  Apr.  24. 

Alfred,  son  August  and  Caroline  Beiles,  Oxford,  a.  3  y,  4  mo,  ^Lay    1. 

Thomas,  son  Patrick  ^v  3Iary  Considine,  Ansonia,  a.  2  y,  2  mo,  May    5. 

Mrs.  Catherine  White,  widow,  Ireland,  aged  43,  "  3Iay    8. 

Mrs.  Emcline  Bliss,  widow,  dau.  Walter  ^TLaura  French,  a.  64,  ]May  11. 

Mrs.  Hannah  J.   Fox,   widow,  dau.   of  Daniel   and    Hannah 

Mitchell,  Penn.,  aged  63,  May  11. 

Homer,  sou  of  Homer  and  Carrie  Tinkle,  aged  1  day,  May  15. 

Mrs.  Mary  Boothe,  widow,  dau.  of  Samuel  and   Polly  Kiggs, 

Xewburg,  N.  Y.,  aged  SI,  "        May  17. 

Mrs.  Eliza  Fowler,  dau.  of  Augustine  and  Gallin  Ennes,  Wal- 

lingford,  aged  67,  May  20. 

Elliott  K.,  son  of  Josiah  and  Betsey  Bassett,  farmer,  aged  63,  June    1. 

Mrs.  Lavina  Thomas,  widow,  dau.  Josiah  and   Abigail   Moss, 

Ilarwintou,  aged  80,  June    7. 

Clark,  son  of  Abel  Ilolbrouk,  farmer,  Derby,  aged  96,  June    9. 

Warren,  son  of  Walter  and  Laura  French,  mechanic,  aged  77,  June  16. 

Mrs.  Margaret  Smith,  dau.  of  Philo  and  Mary  Downs,"South- 

bury,  aged  C>5,  June  17. 

Mrs.  Mabel  H.  Leavenworth,  dau.  of  Alfred  and  Julia  Stevens, 

Waterbury,  aged  5o,  June  21. 

Burton  W.  Smith,  agent.  Prospect,  aged  67,  Jnly  16. 

Freddie  Schonker,  Beacon  Falls,  aged  1  y,  6  mo,  July  30. 

Lyman  Botsfurd.  mechanic,  aged  73.  Aug.    7. 

William  B.  ReynoMs.  clerk,  aged  26,  Aug.  16. 

Mrs.  X,  Jane  Kinney,  agt-d  51,  Aug.  30. 

Thomas,  son  of  David  and  Mary  Condon,  fanner,  aged  24,      Sept.  12. 

Mrs.  Eujelinc  Steele,  widow,  dau.  of  Wui.  Stuart,  Bridge- 
water,  aged  62,  Sept.  20. 

William  E.,  son  of  Clark  Holbrook,  teacher,  aged  55,  Sept.  26. 

Mrs.  Emerett  Tomlin.Kou,  dau.  of  Freeman   and  Polly  Davis, 

Xaugattick,  Oct.     L 

Isaac,  .son  of  Isaac  Lose.-,  slior-riiaker.  Rosliii,  X.  Y.,  aged  87,  Oct.  15. 

Katie,  dau.  of  .Michael  and  Ellen  Sii\,  aged  4  y.  4  mo.'  Oct.  18. 

,  sou  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Brennan,  s.  b.  Oct.  31. 


Mrs.  Marv  J.  TVarucr,  widow,  dau.  Harrv  and  Mary  Johnson, 

Bethany,  aged  47,  '  Oct.  27. 
Jabez,  son  oV  Leverett  and  Charlotte  Pritchard,  farmer,  a.  72,  Oct.  31. 
Magdalena,  dau.  John  &  Ma<rdalena  Kolleiuan,  Germany,  a.  G,  ^S^ov.  26. 
Mrs.  Ellen'Davis,  dau.  Wm.  and  Mary  Fulford,  Wales,  a.  40,  Nov.  30. 
William  11.,  son  Wm.  Dean,  carpenter,  Canaan,  a.  47  y,  2  mo,  Dec.  24. 
Augustus,  son  Ferd.  .<c  Henrietta  Telgman,  Bridgeport,  a.  14,  Dec.  IS. 
^ ,  dau.  of  Gabriel  and  Elizabedi  Stewart.^s.  b.                  Dec.  31. 

Mrs.  Emily,  wife  of  Sidney  A.  Hubbell,  aged  52,  Jan.  16. 

Louis  Bouchez,  aged  11  mo,  Feb.  15. 

Mrs.  Betsey  M.,  wife  of  Jeremiah  Darand,  aged  78,  Mar.  13. 

Mrs.  Hannah  Meigs,  aged  89,  Mar.  26. 

Mamie,  dau.  of  Wm.  and  Kate  O'Donnell,  aged  6  y,  10  mo,  ^lar.  27. 
Mrs.  Francis,  wife  of  Charles  Weidlich.  aged  40,  Apr.    7. 

Mrs.  Charlotte  K.,  wife  of  Edwin  Tomlinson,  dau.  of  Ira  and 

Grace  Hyde,  Oxford,  aged  53,  Apr.  12. 

Edwin  Baldwin,  widower,  aged  74,  -  May  12. 

Charles  Hard,  aged  78.         '  May  22. 

Addie  L.,  dau.  ileber  P.  and  Julia  A.  Carpenter,  a,  3  mo,  6  d,  May  28. 
John  Callahan,  aged  23,  June    2. 

Mrs.  Mary  A.  Hurlburt,  aged  64.  July  13. 

Oracle  V.,  dau.  Edward  J.' and  Lillie  M.  Davis,  a.  9  mo,  27  d,  Aug.  4. 
George  X.,  son  of  Noble  Baldwin,  aged  1  y,  3  mo,  Aug.  10. 

Jessie,  dau.  Chas.  H.  and  Jennie  Lounsbury,  aged  2  y,  2  mo,  Aug.  15. 
Willie  E.,  son  of  Chas.  J.  and  Ella  B.  Beynolds,  a.  ly,  9  mo,  Sept.  11. 
Alfred  Wm.,  son  Edward  and  Anna  Stoeckel,  Germany,  a.  7,  Sept.  16. 
Sarah,  dau.  of  Richard  and  Grace  Evans,  aged  1  mo,  25  d,  Sept.  25. 
Mrs.  Dorathea.  wife  of  Charles  Karweik.  Germany,  aged  29,  Sept.  28. 
Mrs.  Jane,  wife  of  Robert  Fruin,  Ireland,  aged  41,  Oct.    1. 

Joseph  J.  Wilcosson,  mechanic,  Monroe,  aged  77,  Oct.    3. 

,  child  of  Patrick  Brennan,  aged  3  mo,  Oct.  — . 

Alice  R.,  dau.  Edwin  &.-  Charlotte  R.  Tomlinson,  teacher,  a.  34,  Xor.    5. 

,  son  of  James  Brennan,  aged  3  mo.  Xov.    6. 

Dwight,  son  of  Lueian   and   Amelia   Baldwin,  stoae-mason, 

Oxford,  aged  45.  Nov,  15. 

Mrs.  Harriet,  widow  of  H.  T.  Booth,  aged  ."30,  Nov.  21. 

Frank  J.,  son  of  Homer  and  Carrie  B.  Finkle,  a.  3  y,  11  rao,  Dec.  ^3. 
Katie  A.  Baker,  wife  of  William  A.  Kane,  aged  25,  Dec.  21. 


Inscriptions  in  Great  Hill  Cemetery. 

Berkley,  son  of  Robert  C.  and  Cvnthia  Arnold,  d.  July  19,  1831,  a.  3  y. 

James  Bassett,  d.  Oct.  21,  1848,  a^ed  1)1. 

Betty,  wife  of  James  Bassett,  d.  May  10,  182G,  aged  70. 

Capt.  Isaac  Bassett,  d.  June  8,  1850.  aged  81. 

Betsey,  wife  of  Capt.  Isaac  Bassett,  d.  April  14,  1839,  aged  69. 

Josiab  Bassett,  d.  March  2,  1877,  aged  84. 

Betsey,  wife  of  Josiah  Bassett,  d.  Sept.  12,  1864,  aired  68. 

AbigaiJ,  wife  of  Samuel  Bcardsley,  d.  Dec.  18,  1832,  aged  '6<o. 

James  Beardsley,  d,  July  13,  1860.  aged  84. 

Ruth  Ann,  wife  of  James  Beardsley,  d.  Dec.  10,  1808,  aged  23. 

Polly,  wife  of  James  Beardsley,  d.  Oct.  23,  18G4,  aged  85. 

Isaac  Botsford,  d.  April  20,  1843. 

Mary,  wife  of  Isaac  Botsford,  d.  Feb.  14,  1849,  aged  74. 

Giles  M.,  son  Isaac  and  May  Botsford,  d.  May  20,  1828,  a.  22  y,6  mo. 

Curtis  Botsford.  d.  Feb.  28,  184.5,  aged  54. 

Mary,  wife  of  Curtis  Botsford,  d.  2sov.  2,  1857,  ajjed  60. 

Aurene,  wife  of  Cyrus  Botsford,  d.  Oct.  29,  1824,' acred  39. 

Catherine,  dau.  Cyrus  and  Aureue  Botsford,  d.  April  16,  1824,  a.  10. 

Eliza,  dau.  Cyrus  and  Aurene  Bot.^ford,  d.  March  22,  1815,  a.  3  v,  2  mo. 

Samuel  \V.,  son  of  Cyrus  and  Sally  Botsford,  d.  May  10, 1852,  a.  10  y. 

Joseph  and  Sarah  Cantield.     The  full  inscriptions  are  as  follows: — 
"Here  lies  the  hodi/  of  Jostrp/t  Caniield,  the  first  deaeon  of 
the  Chunh  at  the  (Ireat  Hill  in  Derby,  ami  the  firKt  })erf;on 
buried  III  this  i/ard.    Jjied  Juli/  14,  A.D.  1784,  i'li  the  Faith 
and  Hope  of  the  Gospel,  aged  (Jo  i/ears.''' 

"Jn  niemori/  of  .Sarah  Can  field,  reliet  of  Deaeon  Joseph 
Canfeld,  irhn  departed  this  lifeJanuanrlWi,  170:3,  //;  theHlth 
year  q/  her  aye.     Blessed  are  the  dead  irho  die  in  the  Lord."  ■     . 

William  Cantield.  d.  June  1.5,  l.s.j;}.  aued  59. 

Sally  Canheld.  d.  Aug.  18,  1841,  aL^ed  37. 

Daniel  Canlh-ld.  d.  J)ec.  2.5.  1818,  aged  57  v,  9  mo,  4  d. 

Anna,  wife  of  Daniel  Cantield.  d.  Jan.  21,  i.S27,  ag.-d  62. 

Samuel  ("haftman,  d.  Xov.  14,  1S17.  a-.'ed  62. 

Isaiah  Chattield,  b.  July  19,  ISO].  <1.  Mav  31,  1880. 

(Jrace  iIull)ro(.U,  wife  of  Isaiah  Cliatlield",  d.  Xov.  15,  1881,  aged  81. 

liennett,  son  Isaiah  and  Grace  Chatileid,  d.  June  Id,  18.35,  a.  2  v,  10  mo. 

Mary  Ann,  wife   (,f  Beunet  Chattield,  onlv   child   of  Cvrus  and  Sally 
Ilolbrook.  d.  Sept.  2.S,  1831,  aired  19.' 

Titus  Ciiiekery,  d.  April  9,  1-823,  ajed  71. 

Hannah,  wife  of  Josiah  Coe,  d.  Feb.  25,  1803,  aged  75. 

92  DEATHS— fro:m  inscriptions. 

Josepb  Davis,  d.  Dec.  8,  1793,  aijed  22. 

Capt.  Clark  Davis,  son  of  Joseph  Davis,  d.  :May  IS,  1830,  aged  39. 

Betsey,  dau.  of  Joseph  aud  ^litty  Davis,  d.  July  29, 1794,  a.  1  y,  7  mo. 

Benjaiuiu  English,  d.  March  7,  1827.  aged  65. 

Lois,  wife  of  Eenjauiin  English,  d.  March  4,  1833,  aged  65. 

Judson  English,  d.  Aucr.  12.  1870,  a<ied  81. 

Sally,  wife  "of  Judson  English,  d.  Feb.  4,  1880,  aged  78. 

Benjamin  English,  d.  Nov,  21,  18G0,  aged  59. 

Mary,  wife  of  Benjamin  English,  d.  April  5,  1873,  aged  68. 

George,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Mary  English,  d.  Feb.  21, 1867,  aged  31. 

Mary  Ann,  dau.  Benjamin  and  Mary  English,  d.  Xov.  17, 1860,  aged  25. 

Abol,  son  of  Benjamin  and  ^Mary  Englisli,  d.  Feb.  21,  1859,  aged  62. 

Mary  Ann,  dau.  Benj.  and  Mary  English,  d.  ^larch  3, 1833,  a.  4y,  11  mo. 

Mary  Ann  Englisli,  d.  Nov.  15,  1851,  aged  20. 

Lucy,  dau.  of  Abram  and  Lucy  English,  d.  Feb.  15,  1875,  aged  60. 

Elizabeth  A.  English,  d.  April  10.  1876,  aged  36. 

Zechariah  Fairchild,  d.  Oct.  20,  1801,  aged  66. 

Abigail,  wife  of  Zechariah  Fairchild.  d.  May  7,  1785,  aged  48. 

Hannah,  widow  of  Zechariah  Fairchild,  d.  Sept.  4,  1805,  aged  69. 

Moses  Fanton,  d.  Aug.  20,  1838,  aged  75. 

Olive,  wife  of  Moses  Fanton,  d.  Feb.  7,  1827,  aged  67. 

Luther  Fowler,  d.  April  5,  1859,  aged  81. 

Jane  Hannah,  dau.  of  Luther  and   Mercy   Fowler,  b.  Aug  20,  1812, 

buried  Aug.  20,  1838. 
Mary  Catherine,  dau.  of  Luther  and  Mercy  Fowler,  d,  Apr.  4, 1836,  a.  19. 
Mary,  dau.  Kev.  George  L.  and  Marv  E.  Fuller,  d.  Nov.  10, 1846,  a.  5  y. 
Zalman  A.  C,  son  of  Kev.  G.  L.  and  M.  E.  Fuller,  d.  Nov.  16,1846,  a.  2y. 
Anson  Gillette,  d.  June  12,  1846,  aged  72. 
Betsey,  wife  of  Anson  Gillette,  d.  Jan.  31,  1863,  aged  85. 
Sally,  wife  of  David  Gillette,  <1.  June  2,  1865,  aged  71. 
Lucius  Gillette,  d.  Nov.  21,  1878,  aged  GG. 
Andrew  S.  (iraham,  d.  April  3,  1871,  aged  S5. 
Polly,  wife  of  Andrew  S.  Graham,  d.  Jan.  20,  1862,  aged  66. 
Benjamin  Graham,  d.  April  12,  1860,  aged  37. 
John  A.  Graham,  d.  Oct.  28,  1860,  aged  28. 
Joseph  Hawkins,  d.  Oct.  23,  1832,  aged  78, 
Sarah,  wife  of  Joseph  Hawkins,  d.  Vlarch  5,  1827,  aged  71. 
Irene,  dau.  Joseph  and  Sarah  Hawkins,  d.  April  27, 1826,  a.  36  y,  6  mo. 
Joseph  Hawkins,  Jr.,  d.  Aug.  27,  1828,  aged  53, 
Hannah  Hawkins,  d   July  9,  LS20,  aged  45, 
Charlotte,  wife  of  Benjamin  ILiwley^ d.  Sept.  2,  1834,  aged  65. 
Abigail,  wife  of  John  llinman,  d.  Oct.  21,  1801,  aged  26. 
John,  son  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  llird,  d.  Nov.  19,  1859,  a,  5  mo,  6  d. 
Polly,  wife  of  Charles  Hitchcock,  d.  May  29,  1852,  aged  51. 
Capt.  John  H()ll)rook,  d.  Jan.  2.S,  I.Sol,  aged  74. 
Esther,  wife  of  John  Holbrook,  d.  I'el).  5,  1795.  aged  62. 
Richard  Holbrook.  d.  .March  6,  1823,  a-ed  47. 
Sarah,  wifeof  Kichard  Holbrook,  d.  Nov.  21,  1798,  a.  22. 
Grace,  2d  wife  of  Kinhard  Holbrook.  d.  Feb.  26.  1812,  aged  37. 



Children  of  Grace 

Kicliard  Holbrook. 

Sarah,  b.  Julv  30.  1800. 

Philo,  b.  March  2,  1803, 

Austin,  b.  Jau.  21.  1804, 

Kichard,  b.  Nov.  0.  LSO.J,  d.  Dec.  15,  180G, 

Kichard,  b.  March  4.  1808. 

Grace,  b.  31av  0.  1810, 

Esther  Holbrook,  d.  P\'b.  20,  1802. 

Philo  Holbrook.  d.  April  1,  1813.  aged  oO. 

Dan  Holbrook.  d.  Feb.  7.  1827,  aired  40. 

John  Holbrook,  d.  May  22.  1835,^^ged  o8. 

John,  son  of  John  and  Betsey  Holbrook,  d.  Aug.  15,  1814,  aged  4. 

Nathaniel  Holbrook.  d.  :Mav'28.  1S28,  ao-ed  70. 

Alice,  wife  of  Nathaniel  Holbrook,  rl.  .^lar.  25,  1847,  aged  89. 

Sarah,  dau.  ('apt.  John  and  Esther  Holbrook.  d.  ^March  21,  1780,  a.  12. 

Capt.  Abel  Holbrook,  d.  July  15.  1842,  aged  80. 

Hannah,  wife  of  Capt.  Abel"  Holbrook,  d.^'Oct.  UK  1857,  aged  91. 

vSir  William  Holbrook.   son   of  ('apt.   Abel   and   Hannah    Holbrook,  b. 

Aug.  22,  1791,  d.  July  4.  17!>3. 
Esther,  dau.  Capt.  Abel  and  Hannah  Holbrook,  d.  June  19, 1824,  a.  23. 
Abel  Holbrook,  d.  May  5,  1808,  aged  71. 
Hannah  Holbrook,  d.  Sept.  7,  1852,  aged  57. 
Henjauiin  E.  Holbrook,  d.  Feb.  20.  1872.  aged  71. 
Daniel  Holbrook,  d.  Jan.  8,  1857,  aged  58. 

Lucy  Nichols,  wife  of  Daniel  Holbrook,  d.  June  18,  1880,  aged  78. 
Ijucius,  son  of  Cyrus  and  Salle  Holbrook,  d.  June  9,  1810,  aged  8. 
Mrs.  Nancy   Hotehkiss.  dau.    Moses   and   Sallv    Hotchkiss,   d.  July  9, 

1817,  a-; ed  20. 
Wilson  Hurd.  .1.  March  2,  1853,  aged  90.  — 

Abigail,  wife  of  Wilson  Hurd,  d.  Oct.  30,  1849,  aged  84. 
Esther,  dau.  \N'ilsuu  and  Abigail  Hurd,  d.  Feb.  13,  1803,  aged  7. 
Jabeth,  child  of  Wilson  and  Abigail  Hurd.  d.   May  5,  1790,  aged  13. 
Austin  Hurd.  d.  Feb.  5,  1870.  aged  S4. 
Eloisa,  wife  of  Austin  Hurd  and  dau.  of  Henry  and   Keziah  Ghjver  of 

Newtown,  d.  Oct.  5,  1840,  aged  43. 
Walker  Lake,  d.  Aug.  27,  1803,  aged  SO. 
Hepsihah,  wift^  of  Walkijr  Lake,  d.  Nov.  3.  1875.  aged  85. 
Nancy  Cornelia,  wife  of  Clark  Lines,  d.  Nov.  10,  l8.50,  aged  22. 
Marshall  Lines,  <'o.    I..   1st   Conn.    Art.,  died   in   prison   at    Salisbury, 

N.  C.,  Dec.  1(5,  1S04,  aged  .".9. 
Hannah,  wife  of  liei.Jauiiu  V.  Lines,  d.  April  ."?,  1.S34.  aged  34. 
Jonathan  Luni,  d.  Feb.  25.  ISOJ,  aged  91. 

Treat,  son  of  .louathau  and  Charity  Luui,  d.  .Sept.  9,  1799,  a-ed  4. 
Dr.  Jonathan  Luni,  d.  .Ian.  9,  ISi'i),  aged  .Si'. 
Deacon  John  Luui,  d.  March  24.  178(5,  aged  82. 
Silentf,  wife  of  Deacon  Johu  Luui.  d.  Nov.  10.  17!>4,  aged  91. 
.Mabel,  wife  of  J.Miatlian  Luui.  d.  O.t.  2!».  1840,  aged  7S. 
liavid  Luni,  d.  June  23.  1S1.'».  au^cd  :',S. 

•  Marv,  dau.  of  Davi.l  and  IN.llv  Lum.  d.  Fel).  28,  1805,  aged  3  y. 
Carolina,  .lau.  David  and  I'olly  Luwi.  d.  .May  21,  1S15,  aged  1  y,  24  d. 
lieuben  Luui.  Jr..  d.  April   13.  JS-JO.  aged  .'iS. 


John  Lum,  of  Derby,  d.  April  23,  1830,  a-ed  34. 

Sarah,  wife  of  John   Limi,  dan.  of  .lusiah   and    Freelove  Xettleton,  d, 

Sept.  7,  ISt'jO,  aged  7i>. 
John,  son  of  John  and  Augusta  Lum.  d.  Oct.  2.  184i>,  a.  5  y,  0  uio.  15  d. 
Mary  Davis,  dau.  John  and  Augusta  Lum.  d.  Nov.  L'i),  lSL'i>,  aged  7  mo. 
Bonnet  Lum,  d.  April  3,  iSGl'.  aged  ()!>. 
Caroline,  wife  of  Bennet  Lum,  d.  .Fune  1'3.  1840,  aged  38. 
Burton,  son  of  Bennet  and  Caroline   iiUm,  d.  June  12,  1833,  aged  7  y. 
Lorena,  sou  of  Bennet  and  Caroline  Lum,  d.  -Ian.  24.  1852,  aged  54. 
Henry  B.,  son   of  Bennet  and  (Caroline  Lum,  d,  Sept.  5.  1838.  aged  4. 
Marv  Wooster,  wife  of  Miles  Merwin,  d.  March  11,  1880,  aged  73. 
Mary,  wife  of  Theophilus  Miles,  d.  Oct.  19,  1795,  aged  44.  " 
Sheldon,  son  Theophilus  and  Mary  Miles,  d.  Oct.  2.  1790,  a.  9  y,  4  mo. 
Josiah  Xettleton,  d.  Feb.  27,  1802,  aged  05. 
Freelove,  wife  of  .losiah  Xettleton,  d.  Jan.  0,  1826.  aged  84. 
Josiah  Xettleton,  d.  May  18,  1800,  aged  81. 
Charlotte,    wife   of  Capt.    Josiah    Xettleton.    dau.    of  Theophilus    aud 

Mary  Miles,  d.  Aug.  13,  1834,  aged  oli. 
Josiah,  son  of  Josiah  and  Charlotte  Xettleton,  d.  July  11,  1818,  a,  2  y. 
Charlotte,  dau.  David  M.  and  Laura  Xettleton,  d.  Feb.  24.  1832,  a.  ly. 
Josiah,  son  David  M.  aud  Laura  X'ettleton,  d.  Feb.  20,  1835.  a.  2y,  0  luo. 
Charlotte  A.,  dau.  David  M.  and  Laura  Xettleton,  d.  Feli.  15, 1830,  a.  1  y. 
Willie,  son  Charles  and  Fliza  X'ettleton,  d.  July  2,  1852,  a.  10  mo,  4  d. 
Abigail,  wife  of  David  Perkins,  d.  Oct.  7,  1829.  aged  02. 
John  C.  Perry,  d.  May  4,  1831.  ajzed  52. 
Esther,  wife  of  John  C.  Perry,  d.  Ajjril  14,  1827,  aged  44. 
Harry,  son  John  C.  and  Esther  Perry,  il.  Oct.  27,  1833,  a.  25  y,  11  mo. 
Nancy,  wife  of  Levi  liigi^s.  d.  Oct.  31,  1852,  aged  71. 
Betsey,  wife  of  John  Bi-lts,  d.  July  18,  1849,  aged  03. 
Samuel  Kussell,  d.  Feb,  20,  17!>7,  aged  oS. 
Hannah,  wife  of  Samuel  Kussell,  d.  >Lirch  10.  1807,  aged  oS. 
Joseph  Kussell,  d.  March  10,  1820,  a-ed  .3(5. 

Polly,  wif»'  of  Joseph  Kussell.  b.  Aug.  28,  1798.  d.  .May  27.  1865. 
Sarah  J.,  wife  of  J.  M.  Jenninus,  dau.   of  Jos.   aud    Polly    Kus.sell    of 

Oxford,  d.  Xov.  23.  1854.  a-(>d  31. 
Charles  F.,  son  of  Jos.  and  Pollv  Kussell.  d.  Jan.  24.  1844.  aged  18. 
Mary  Ann,  dau.  of  Jo.seph  and  Polly  Kussell,  d.  .March  24,  18.3!».  a.  19. 
Joseph  W.,  son  of  Jo.seph  and  Pollv  Kussell,  d.  Oct.  17,  1837,  aged  19. 
Timothy  Kussell.  d.  .\pril  13.  1820".  aged  44. 
Samuel  Kussell,  d.  July  21.  1.S28,  aged  42. 

Sarah,  dau.  Steplien  D.  and  Sarah  Kussell.  d.  June  8,  1849,  a.  1  y,  4  mo. 
John  Smith,  d.  .Mandi  0.  1S5S,  Mifed  .S2. 
Anny,  wife  of  John  Smith,  d.  June  0.  1S.5S.  ageil  83. 
Nancy  Smith,  d.  Oct.  0,  18.~)S.  aged  '>S. 

Polly  Ann.  wife  of  l.saac  Smith,  d.  Ajiril   27,  18l4.  aired  27. 
Sarah  L.,  wife  of  ,Iohu  Smith,  d.  .March  9.  1874.  aged  49. 
Esther,  wife  of  Kev.  Abner  .Smith,  d.  .>hiy  20.  1817.  a.  oSy,  7  mo,  15d. 
John,  son  Abuer  and   Ivstlier  Smith,  b.  Jan.  10.  1791,  d.  Aug.  9,  1794. 
Eli/abeth,  dau.  Abner  \-  Esther  Smith,  b.  Juh  29. 179;;.d.  Aug.  13.  1794. 
Abner,  sou  Justin  and  .Mars   Smith,  b.  F.-b.  24,  1789.  d.  Oct.  20,  1799. 


Abram  Scranton,  il.  July  10,  1832.  aired  37. 

,  dan.  of  Abram  Scranton,  d.  June  14,  1S32,  aged  8  d. 

Artbur.  son  of  (ieo.  W.  and  Harriet  E.  Smith,  d.  Sept.  2,  18GI,  a.  5  y. 

Bernard,  son  of  Geo.  W.  and  Harriet  E.  Smith,  d.  Sept.  5,  1860,  a.  7  y. 

Barnard,  son  G.  W.  and  Harriet  E.  Smith,  d.  Oct.  7,  1822,  a.  1  y,  4  mo. 

Newton  Tibbils,  d.  Sept.  2,  18.j4,  aged  52. 

Noah  Tomlinson,  d.  Sept.  14,  17'.)4,^aged  08. 

Abigail,  widow  of  Xoah  Tomlinson  and  wife  of  Capt.  John  Holbrook, 

d.  Feb.  10,  1707,  aged  73. 
Kussel  Tomlinson.  Esq.,  d.  June  22,  ISOO,  aged  54. 
Agnes,  wife  of  Kussel  Tomlinson,  d.  Feb.  10,  1843,  aged  79. 
James,  son  of  Kussel  and  Agnes  Tomlinson,  d.  April  27,  1804,  a.  14. 
Benjamin  Tonilinson,  d.  April  13,  1833,  aged  82. 
Anna,  wife  of  Benjamin  Tomlinson,  d.  Jan.  18,  1822,  aged  60. 
Luciuda,  dau.  Benj.  and  Anna  Tomlinson,  d.  Dec.  9,  1826,  aged  33. 
Betsey,  dau.  Benj.  and  Anna  Tomlinson,  d.  Jan.  6,  182G,  aged  29. 
Vincent,  son  of  Benj.  and  Anna  Tomlinson,  d  Sept.  16,  1826,  aged  37. 
Aniia  Maria,  dau.  B.  and  A.  Tomlinson,  d.  in  Erie,  Pa.,  July,  1846,  a.  59. 
David  Tomlinson,  d.  Aug.  3,  1862,  aged  So. 
Sarah,  wife  of  David  Tomlinson,  d.  April  16,  1867,  aged  87. 
Kobert  S.  Treat,  d.  Jan.  3,  1860,  aged  49  y,  8  mo. 
Emma  J.,  dau.  of  Kobert  S.  Treat,  d.  Feb.  8,  1867,  aged  15. 
Caroline  E.,  dau.  Kobert  S.  Treat,  d.  April  7,  1866,  aged  25  y.  6  mo. 
Obed  Webster,  d.  Oct.  31.  1837,  aged  76. 
Betsey,  wife  of  Obed  Webster,  d.  March  13,  1804,  aged  41. 
Charity,  2d  wife  of  Obed  Webster,  d.  Oct.  4.  1810,  aged  36. 
Mary  A.,  wife  of  Charles  Webster,  d.  July  31.  1861,  aged  47. 
Lucy,  wife  of  01)e(l  Webster,  d.  -Ian.  18,  1858,  aged  87. 
Charles  F.,  son  of  Charles  Webster,  d.  Sept.  9,  1845,  aged  6  y,  7  mo. 
Josephine,  dau.  of  Charles  Webster,  d.  Jan.  13,  1843,  aged   2  y,  5  mo. 
Samuel  Whitney,  d.  May  25,  1813.  aged  46. 
Ephraim   W.oster,  who    was    killed    by   the   explosion   of  a   steamboat 

boiler,  Sept.  11,  1830,  and  buried  in  New  York,  aged  (jd. 
Joseph,  son  of  Ephraim   Wooster,  d.  at   New  Siberia,   Jan.   26,  1832, 

and  buried  in  the  Island  of  Betize,  aged  31. 
Mary,  dau.  of  Ephraim  Wooster,  d.  Aug.  20.  1805,  aged  6  mo. 
Betsey  Wooster,  widow  of  Eli  Terrell,  d.  Oct.  20,  lSt)6,  aged  70. 
George  T.,  son  Thomas  and  Kuth  Wooster,  d.  Oct.  2, 1835,  a.  3y,  11  mo. 
Mitty,  wife  of  Ephraim  Wooster.  d.  .^lay  21.  1S57,  aL'cd  87. 
Daniel  Wooster,  d.  April  5.  1876,  aged  73. 
Caroline,  wife  of  Daniel  Wooster,  d.  Sept.  29,  1851,  aged  44. 


Methodist  Episcopal  Cemetery. 

Hannah  B.,  wife  of  David  Beaoli,  d.  Oct.  9,  1822,  aged  20  y,  tJ  mo. 

Lucy  Melissa,  dau.  Olutf  and  Lucy  Berry,  d.  July  6,  1S13,  a.  2  y,  8  mo. 

Elizabeth  B.,  wife  of  Charles  Benhani,  d.  June  2,  1822,  aged  27. 

Anna  Booth,  d.  Xov.  17,  18r)7,  aged  ss. 

Laura,  wife  of  William  Church,  d.  Oct.  16.  1849,  aged  53. 

Sarah,  dau.  Bussell  and  Sarah  Clark,  d.  Dec.  7.  1821,  aged  2  y,  6  mo. 

Mrs.  Sarah,  wife  of  -Tolin  Crawford,  d.  April  17.  1794,  aged  ."il. 

John  Wesley,  son  Wni.  aind   Charity  (^ulver.  d.  Sept.  4,  18.").j,  aged  7. 

Polly,  wife  of  Alva  Davis,  d.  Jan.  28,  18."iS,  aged  3.5. 

Hubert  H,  son  Alva  and  Sally  Davis,  drowned  July  21.  1843,  a.  3  y. 

Washiuirton,  son  of  Walter  and  Laura  French,  d.  Sept.  14, 1821,  a.  5  w. 

William^  W.  French,  d.  July  31.  1823,  aged  19. 

Harriet,  wife  of  John  W.  French,  only  dau.   of  Kev.    Samuel    K.   aud 

Sarah  Hickox,  d.  Oct.  10,  1837,  aged  27. 
Thomas  Gilyard,  b.  in   Leeds.  Kng.,  Marcii  20,  178(;,  came  to  America 

in  1807,  d.  Nov.  12,  18."i3,  aged  07. 
Mrs.  Ann  Gilyard,  b.  in  England,  d.  Jan.  11.  1S21,  aged  (H. 
Lois,  wife  of  Thomas  (iilyard.  d.  Feb.  (>.  lS.j9,  aged  82. 
Thomas,  sou  of  Thomas  aud  Lois  (xilyard.  d.  Sept.  18,  1828,  a.  15  y. 
Joseph  French,  son  Thus,  and  Lois  (Jilvard.  d.  Sept.  0.  1828.  aged  9. 
Samuel  K.  Hickox.  b.  Jan.  12,  17i)0,  .1.  Mareh  14.  ISOI. 
Sarah  Osborn.  wife  of  Sam'l  II.  Hickox. 1).  .Mar. 28.  1789.  d.  Jan.  20. 1808. 
Elizabeth,  wife  of  Samuel  Hickrox.  d.  Dec.  9.  1S4L  aged  20  y. 
Harry  Holbrook,  .1.  Sept.  29,  1S2S.  aged  32. 

Nancy,  dau.  of  Harr\  and  Nancy  Ho|l)roi>k,  d.  Sept.  23.  1828.  a.  9  y. 
Harriet  E.,  dau.  Harry  aud  >ancy  Holbrook.  d.  Aug.  29.  1S2.S.  a.  3  y 
Capt.  Daniel  Holbmok.  d.  Sept.  28,  1S28.  a-:ed  59. 
Elizabeth  Ann.  wife  of  Capt.  Dan'l  Holl)ro(.k.  d.  Feb.  9.  ISOl,  aged  32. 
■  Willis,  son  Capt.  Dau'l  and  E.  .V.  Holbrook,  d.  Sept.  30,  1790,  a.  0  mo. 
Lois,  2d  wife  of  Cajtt.  Daniil    Holbrook,  d.  .March  10,  1827,  aged  03. 
Ebeuezer  Johnson,  d.  Sci»r.  2S.  1792,  ;iged  .31. 
Isaac  Johus(»n,  d.  Ajiril  10.  isi.'i,  aged  7s.  .    .  ... 

Lois,  wife  of  Isaa<-  .lolnisou,  d.  Oct.  10.  1811.  aged  70. 

Kev.  Jesse  Jolnisoii,  d.  Oct.  21.  1S29.  aged  5(). 

Hepzebath,  wife  of  Kev.  .Fesse  Johnson,  d.  Ai)ril  1.3.  1823,  aged  44. 

Jesse  .lohnson,  Jr..  d.  Fel).  9.  IS20,  aired  2.5. 

Stiles  Johnson,  d.  Oct.  4,  ISlS.  aged  ."JO. 

Chanucey  .lolinsoii.  d.  Dec.  20.  LSI 4.  agcil  .37. 

liiitli,  wife  of  Cliauncey  .lolinson,  d.  March  9,  1807,  aged  27. 

Lois  Amelia  Johnson,  d.  Aug.  25.  ls(l4.  aireil  2  y,  8  mo. 

Elijah,  .von  (icorge  and  Harriet  Kirrlaml.  d.  May  24,  1831.  ageil  13, 


Hrbecca,  (l;iu.  Edmund  and  Sarah  Paire,  d.  Oct.  5,  1703,  aged  2. 

Kdward  B.,  son  Kev.  Sylvester  Sniitli,  h.  June  I'S,  1845,  d.  Xov.  13, 1S56. 

Abigail,  dan.  Jolai  and  Abigail  Swift,  d.  March  U,  ITDO,  aged  IG. 

John  Swift,  u.  Jan.  14,  1S21,  aged  70. 

Abigail,  wife  of  John  Swift,  d.  Feb.  15,  ISO!),  aged  52. 

Barsheba  Tollins,  mother  of  John  Swift,  d.  March  2S,  1807,  aged  73. 

Lenian,  son  of  John  Swift,  d.  April  12.  1792,  aged  9  d. 

l.eman,  2d,  son  of  John  Swift,  d.  Aug.  20,  1801.  aged  7  mo. 

Nathan,  son  John  Swifr,  d.  in  Charlest'own,  S.  C,  Sept.  20,  1817,  a.  21. 

Phebe,  dan.  Levi  and  Amelia  Tomlinson.  d.  May  11.  1794,  a.  3\\,  10  mo. 

Levi,  son  Levi  and  Amelia  Tomluison,  d.  Septl  23,  1791,  a.  9"y,  7  mo. 

.\melia,  dan.  Levi  and  Amelia  Tomlinson,  d.  Sept.  29,  1794,  aged   10. 

Lrania,  dau.  Levi  and  Amelia  Tomlinson,  d.  Oct.  1,  1792,  a.  1  y,  11  mo. 

Mary  Tuttle,  d.  Dec   30,  1883,  a-ed  G2. 

Gains,  son  of  Calel)  and  Mary  Tuttle.  drowned  June  22,  1792,  a.  19  y. 

Sarah,  dau.  of  Edmund  and  Sarah  I'age,  d.  Nov.  22,  1798,  a.  7y,  3  mo. 

Betsey  G.,  wife  of  Moses  Kiggs,  Jr.,  d'.  Sept.  11,  1828,  aged  4o'. 

An  infant  son  of  Fich  and  Lucy  Slocnui,  d.  Sept.  19,  1815. 

Henrietta  Amelia,  b.  Dec.  7,  1834,  d.  Nov.  9,  1835,  ] 

Howard  Benton,  b.  Feb.  20,  1833,  d.  Nov.  23,  1835,  I       Children  of 

Edward  Benton,  b.  Aug.  LS,  1839.  d.  Dec.  17,  1841.  fSvlvester  Smith. 

Ellen  Amelia,  b.  Oct.  20,  1849,  d.  Aug.  31,  1851,      \ 

Capt.  Bradford  Steele,  d.  April  18,  1804.  aged  09. 

Mary,  wife  of  Capt.  Bradford  Steele,  d.  Oct.  10,  1788,  aged  30. 

Ashbill,  sun  of  Bradford  and   Kuth  Steele,  d.  Sept.  23,  1794,  aged  1  y. 

Susan,  dau.  of  Bradford  and  Ruth  Steele,  d.  Oct.  11,  1804,  aged  2  y.' 

Lucindia,  dau.  of  George  and  Esther  Steele,  d.  Nov.  27,  1801,  a.  0  mo. 

Eunice,  wife  Capt.  Nathan  Stoddard  of  Woodburv,  d  Oct.  10,  1794.  a.  40. 

Simeon  Wheeler,  d.  Sept.  22,  1794,  aged  22. 


Congregational  Cemetery.     _. 

Harriet,  dau.  Amos  J.  and  Eliz^  Bassett,  d.  Feb.  10,  1839,  a.  5  v,3mo. 

Charlotte,  wife  of  Capt.  Chas.  lienham,  d.  Dec.  21,  1828,  agred  33. 

Charles  S.,  son  Capt.  Charles  Benliam.  d.  Sept.  ITj.  1831,  a.  1  v,  2  mo. 

Deac(jn  Nehemiah  Butstbrd.  d.  Oct.  13,  1842,  aged  05. 

Lucy,  wife  of  Deacou  Nehemiah  Botsford,  li.  Feb.  11,  1857,  ajred  79. 

Lucy.  dau.  Deacon  Nehemiah  and  Lucy  Botsford,  d.Scpt.  20,  1838,  a.  22. 

John  H.,  son  lit-v.  .lohn  E.  and  Esther  W  lirav,  d.  Jan.  1,  1830,  a.  11. 

Sarah  Bradhn,  d.  .July  3,  I83(j,  a-ed  79. 

Hannah  Broun,  d.  Sept.  24,  1800,  a^zed  07. 

Elizabeth,  wife  of  Albert  ("arringtou,  d.  Feb.  8,  1829,  aned  34. 

(.'has.  A.,  son  of  Albert  anil  IClizaiieth  Carrington.  d.  Sept.  3,  1828,  a.  2  y. 

(Jhas.  A.,  son  Albert  and  i:iizabeth  Carrington,  d.  Aug.  19,  1830,  a.  1  y. 

Kaymond  Diiible,  d.  Dec.  17,  LSL'O.  aged  29. 

<"apt.  Amadeus  Dibble,  d.  Sept.  25,  1827.  A-^vt\  05. 

ALiry,  wif.-  of  Capt.  Amadeus  l)ibl)l.-,  d.  .March  7,  1820,  ag-jd  Gl, 



:     John  n.  DeForest,  d.  Feb.  12,  1S30,  a<retl  03. 

Dotha,  wifcof  Jolm  II.  DeForest,  d.  Oct.  1.").  1847,  asred  (U. 

Henry  \V.,  sou  Jolm  H.  and  Dotha  DeForest,  d.  Dec.  10,  1S.")(>,  a.  9  y. 

Georgie,  son  John  11.  and  Dotha  DeForesit,  d.  Aug.  7,  1S54,  aired  3  d.' 

John  W.,r)tli  sou  John  11.  and  Dotha  DeForest,  d.  Jan.  9,  ISL'O,  a.  2  y. 

Elijah  W.,  7th  son  John  II.  and^Dotha  DeForest,  d.  Aug.  0,  1S27,  a  G  d. 
:      Sarah  E.,  wife  of  Sylvester  DeForest,  d.  Aug.  27,  1874,  aged  2!>. 

Mac  Foight  of  Germany,  d.  Sept.  12,  18."».j,  aired  (52. 

Julia  Ann,  wife  of  Capt.  Phiio  Ilnihrook,  d.  Aug.  24,  1830,  aged  24. 

George  S.,  sou  John  W.  and  Ahuira  IJolcomb,  d.  Oct.  17,  1842.  a.  6. 

John  W.  Ilolconib,  d.  Dec.  <!,  1844,  aged  33. 

Mary  Ann,  wife  of  liobert  F.  Hodge,  d.  June  2(1,  1840.  a^ed  20. 
*=--^arah,  wife  of  Alfred  Hull.  d.  June  14.  18(;8.  ai:ed  77. 
— 4^1iza  Bassett,  dan.  Alfred  and  Sarah  Hull,  d.  Sept.  10,  18r)7,  aged  43. 
"■^Linnie.  dan.  William  and  Eliza  Hull,  d.  June  ,"),  1808,  aged  18. 

Garry  Johnson,  d.  Feb.  10.  1857,  aged  04. 

Harriet,  wife  of  Garry  Johnson,  d.  Mav  9,  1840,  a^ed  48. 

Ebenezer  F>.  Johnson*  d.  July  24,  1847,  aged  84. 

Hannah  F.,  wife  of  Fbenezer  B.  Johnson,''d.  Sept.  17,  1840,  aged  SO. 

Harvey  Johuson,  d.  Oct.  18,  18,~)1,  aged  24. 

Rebecca,  wife  of  Medad  Kinney,  d.  May  12,  182<),  aged  32. 

Lydia,  widow  of  Medad  Iviuney,  d.  June  9.  1848,  aired  78. 

Abraham  Kenney,  d.  Oct.  29,  1822,  aged  30.    (1st  iu'terred  in  the  vard.) 

William  Kinny,  d.  June  25,  ISM.  aged  73. 

Anna  Smith,  widow  William  Kiuny.d.  Oct.  1,  1807,  aged  70. 

William  Kinny,  d.  Jan.  7,  184.1,  aged  87. 

Milla,  wife  of  William  Kinney,  d. 'March  9,  1827,  aged  00. 

Josei)h  Kohler.  b.  in  (iermany,  .May  25,  1821,  d.  July  0,  1800. 

Mrs.  Linda,  wife  of  Capt.  William  "Lum,  d.  Auij.  9,  1825,  aged  33. 

Heury  Northrop,  d.  Aug.  28,  1825,  aged  71. 

Ebenezer  Northrop,  d.  Jan.  11,  1835,  aged  48. 

Harriet,  dan.  Chas.  L.  and  .Marietta  Newton, d.  Sept.  17,  1838,a.  2  v,  13d. 

Mary  A.,  wife  of  Clark  Biggs,  d.  Oct.  22,  l.s;',7,  a-ed  23. 

Phebe  Stiles  Boath,  d.  Sei)f.  1,  1858.  aged  27. 

Nathan  Stiles,  d.  Sept.  23.  1804,  a.  .37.     Burie.l  in  Schenectadv,  N.  Y. 

Mrs.  Phebe,  widow  of  Nathan  Stih-s.  d.  Julv  15,  18.34,  aired  ~)S. 

Hannah  Marissa  Stiles,  d.  Sept.  15.  1849,  age<l  44.  ' 

Betsey,  wife  of  John  I).  Scott,  d.  Jiilv  31,  1850,  aired  2.5. 

Col.  Ira  Smith,  d.  Nov.  19.  1822.  age«"l  44. 

Betsey  A.,  wife  of  Edwin  Smith,  b.  Auir.  10.  1819.  d.  Mav  31,  1879. 

William  Steele,  d.  Nov.  24.  1834,  aged  77. 

Edmund  >^teele,  d.  April  8,  1840,  aged  52. 

Anna  Tucker,  wife  of  E<lmiind  Steele,  d.  July  22,  1871,  a.  87  y,  8  mo. 

Sheldon  Tucker,  d.  Jan,  5.  1843,  aired  57. 

Nancy,  wife  of  Slnddon  Tucker,  d.  Oct.  11.  1831,  a<;ed  .38. 

Shehlon,  son  Sh(d<loii  and  Nancy  Tucker,  d.  Aug.  18,  1822.  a.  ly.5  mo. 

Zephaniah  Tucker,  d.  Sept.  15,  18  IS,  aired  8!). 

Kethia  Tucker,  d.  July  11,  lS40.  aired  StJ. 

Clark  Tucker,  d.  .Maiili  (j.  1.S49.  aired  59 

Josiah  Tuttle,  d.  Jan.  28,  1843.  age(l  l.i. 


Esther,  dan.  Ebonez'er  ami  Anna  Unibertield,  d.  Sept.  27,  1S25,  a.  14. 

Edwin  L.,  sun  of  lliram  and  Sarah  Upson,  d.  Oct.  12, 1S31),  a.  2  y,  8  rao. 

Sarah  Jane,  dan.  of  JJaniel  and  Sally  White,  d.  May  31,  1842,  aged  23. 

John  E.,  son  Daniel  and  Sally  White,  d.  Oct.  13,  183(3,  aged  4  mo. 

Auiiustns  White,  Cnipanv  B.  Isi  Conn.  11.  A. 

Sarah,  wife  of  Capt.  T.raJ/ford  Steele,  d.  May  13,  1820,  aged  SO. 

Deacon  liradford  Steele,  d.  Dec.  23.  1841,  aged  80. 

Kuth,  wife  of  Deacon  Bradford  Steele,  d.  Feb.  20,  1856,  aged  90. 

Burr  Steele,  d.  Aug.  11,  1823,  aged  23. 

Betsey,  wife  of  Burr  Steele,  d.  in  Orange,  April  7,  1824. 

Burr  B.,  son  of  Burr  and  Betsev  Steele^  d.  Sept.  4,  1844,  aged  20. 

David  Wheeler,  d.  Dec.  21,  1829,  aged  .53  y. 

Episcopal  Cemetery. 

Noves  Allinsi,  d.  Feb.  2,  1873,  aired  72.  •     •.     ' 

Grace,  wife  of  Noyes  Ailing,  d.  May  1,  1830,  aged  29. 

Amanda,  dan.  Noyes  and  Grace  Ailing,  d.  Oct.  4,  1830,  a.  3  y. 

p]liza,'wife  of  .Merrit  P.  Baldwin  and  only  dau.  of  Ephraini  and  Eliza- 
beth Peck,  d.  June  21.  1833.  aged  29. 

Frederick,  son  Merrit  P.  and  Eliza  Baldwin,  d.  Feb.  15,  1834,  a.  1  y,  4  m. 

Daniel,  son  of  Isaac  and  3Iary  Baldwin,  d.  Sept.  1,  1843,  a.  3  y,  1  mo, 

Abraham  liassett,  d.  Xov.  17,  l.S.>3.  aged  81. 

Mary,  wife  of  Abraham  Bassett,  d.  Dec.  25,  1849,  aged  92. 

James  H.  Bassett,  d.  Nov.  22,  1872,  aired  37. 

Hannah  B.,  dau.  David  and  Betsey  Be7ich,  d.  Nov.  29,  1839,  aged  19. 

Lewis  Beecher,  d.  Oct.  18,  1S30,  aged  49. 

Martha  P.,  wife  of  Lewis  Beecher,  d.  Aug.  7.  1835,  aged  43. 

Dianthe,  wife  of  Samuel  Botsford,  d.  July  0,  1S39,  aged  00. 

Cynthia,  wife  of  Clark  Botsford,  d.  Oct.  24,  1827,  aged  34. 

Maxwell  Bryson,  b.  in  Ireland,  near  Belfast,  in  1709,  d.  April  20,  1842. 

Betsey,  wife  of  Maxwell  Brvson.  dau.  Henry  Wooster,  Sr.,  d.  April  22, 
1.S32,  aged  ru). 

I^auney,  wife  of  Horace  Bunnell,  d.  July  4,  1852,  aged  05. 

Ezra  Butler,  d.  Nov.  8,  1S31,  a-jed  79. 

Juliett,  dau.  I'erry  and  Aliltey  Cadweli.  d.  Nov.  8,  1841,  a.  2  y,  3  mo. 

Mary,  wile  of  Samuel  Cantield,  d,  Oct.  4,  1841,  aged  .37. 

J.iel  Chatfield,  d.  June  14,  ls:j(;,  aired  79. 

Kuth,  wife  of  Joel  Cliattield,  d.  Nov.  21,  1831,  a-ed  02  y,  0  mo. 

Iju-iiida,  wife  of  Joel  Ji.  (.'iiattield.  d.  Nov.  15,  1830,  aged  31. 

Leman  ("liattieid,  b.  Im-I).  l.S,  17.S9.  d.  Nov.  5,  1873. 

Mary  H.,  wife  of  Leman  (.'Iiattield,  d.  Feb.  7,  1849,  aged  oG. 

Thirza  Chatlield,  d.  Dec.  23,  1.S72,  aged  7.5. 

Itichard,  son  of  Richard  and  Alniira  ConkliuL',  d.  May  14,  1814,  a.  8  w. 

Kuth,  wife  of  Nehemiah  Durand.  d.  May  1'5,  ISKJ,  aged  57. 

Polly,  wife  of  Isaac  Kinney,  d.  Sept.  23,  1.S27,  aged  31. 

Laura,  dau.  Warren  and  Lueinda  French,  d.  Sept.  20,  1828,  aged  3  y. 


Thomas  P.  Hart,  d.  March  14.  1837,  aged  3S.  '  • 

Samuel  B.  Hme,  d.  Oct.  24,  ISo.j,  aged  C2. 

Charity,  wife  of  Samuel  B.  Hiue.  d.  June  28.  18G3,  aged  90, 

Kobert  Bruce,  son  Thos.  and  Harriet  Hine,  d.  Nov.  11,  1828,  a.  13  mo. 

Henry  Nelson,  son  Denzel  and  Betsey  Hitchcock,  d.  Mar,  25,  1825,  a.  2y. 

Abijah  llolbrook,  d.  Oct.  10,  1830.  a-jed  50. 

Sarah,  wife  of  Abijah  Holbrook.  d.  Nov.  10,  1832,  aged  80. 

Anah,  wife  of  Philo,Holbrook,  d.  Ausj.  9,  1831,  aged  74. 

Sarah  A.  Holbrook,  d.  Jan  24,  1801,  aged  44. 

Hon.  John  Humplireys.  d.  June  29,  1820,  aged  o3. 

George,  son  Wm.  and  Maria  Elumphreys,  drowned  July  8,  1828,  a.  12. 

Theodore,  infant  sou  of  Wm.  and  5laria  Humphreys, 

Eleanor  Allen,  wife  of  Ebenezer  Johnson,  d,  July  3,  1870,  aged  78. 

Joseph  Johnson,  d.  June  20,  1818,  aged  59. 

Marcus  Lego,  d.  July  lt>,  1841,  aged  34, 

Charlotte  M.,  dau.  of  Marcus  and  Eunice  Lego,  d.  Sept.  20,  1841,  a,  4y. 

Victor  Stanislaus,  son  J.  F.  and  M.  W.  Marchal,  d.  Nov.  9,  1837,  a.  7  uio. 

Samuel  Martin,  d.  Nov.  3,  1847.  aged  85  y. 

Chloe  Stoddard,  wife  of  Samuel  Martin,  d.  June  14,  1846,  aged  81. 

Theophilus  Miles,  d.  Dec.  11,  1822.  aged  83. 

Hannah  M.,  dau.  Theophilus  and  Lucinda  Miles,  d.  Aug.  22,  1822,  a.  17. 

Charles  Henry,  dau.  Clark  and  Maryam  Miles,  d.  Jan.  22,  1830, 

Jonathan  Allies,  d.  Feb.  25,  18.U).  aged  So. 

Mrs.  Lucv,  wife  of  Jonathan  Miles,  d.  Oct.  4,  1822,  a^ed  77. 

Mary  R.,*  dau.  John  S.  and  Mary  Moshier,  d    April   14,  1832,  a.  2  y.    " 

Frederick  H..  son  J.  S.  and  Mary  .Moshier, d.  Aug.  11, 1828,  a.  1  y,10  mo. 

Charity  Perkins,  d.  Dec.  .31.  1841,  aged  24. 

Frances,  dau.  Joel  and  Fanney  Perkins,  d.  Dfc.  4,  1851,  aged  20. 

Jabez,  son  Leverett  and  (Uiarlotte   Pritchard,  d.  Oct.  10,  1304,  a.  0  y. 

Clark,  sou  Leverett  and  (.'liariotte    Pritchard.  d.  .Ian.  24,  18UU,  a.  0  y. 

Eunice  I'.  Padford,  d.  April  4.  1S74,  a«:ed  79. 

Hiram  Kandall,  d.  Jan.  13,  1834,  aged  28. 

Caroline,  wife  of  Eli  Biggs,  d.  July  22,  18.")5.  aged  27. 

Mary,  wife  of  .John  Biggs,  d.  Dec.  10.  1827.  aged  53. 

John  H.,  son  Joim  and  Mary  Biggs,  d.  Oct.  10,  1805.  aged  4  y. 

Hannah,  dau.  Julin  and  .Mary  Biggs,  d.  June  1,  1S13.  aged  20. 

Capt.  Baymond  Sauford.  d.  .March.  1805,  aged  .">3. 

Dr.  Samuel  Sauford,  d.  Jan.  25,  I.SO.3,  aged  'M. 

,  child  Dr.  S.  and  Bowena  Sauford.  d.  March  19,  1794,  a.  2  y,  3  u). 

Minerva,  dau.  Dr.  S,  and  Bowena  Sanford.  d.  Aug.  29.  1800,  a.  3  \,  3  m. 

David  Sanford,  d.  March  9,  1842,  aged  (JO. 

Sally,  wife  of  David  Sanford,  d.  March  1,  1830,  aged  ."iO. 

Mary,  wife  of  David  Sanford,  d.  March  12,  184.3,  aged  02. 

Henry,  son  Burntt  and  Sarah  Skeel.-^,  d.  Sept.  24,  1830,  a.  1  y,  5  mo. 

Jesse  Smith,  d.  Nov.  5,  1S31,  aged  05. 

Sarah,  wife  of  Jes.-se  Suiifli,  d.  Vch.  10,  1820,  a_'«'d  ^tr), 

James  W.  Spencer,  d.  .May  .'50,  1.S27,  aged  M. 

Leveret,  son  of  James  \V.  Spen<-er.  d.  I)ec.  17,  1S20,  a^ied  0  mo. 

David  1).  Speiicer,  d.  Aug.  :>i    1.S25,  agi'd  20. 

Lyman,  son  of  David  1).  and  Sally  Spencer,  d.  .May,  1822,  aged  10  w. 


David,  son  of  David  D.  aud  Sally  Spcucer,  d.  Mav  31,  1S26,  a.  15  mo. 

Mrs.  Eunice,  widow  of  Elislia  Steele,  d.  Jan.  L'7,  ISll,  aged  71. 

Anthony  II.  Stoddard,  d.  April  14,  1842,  a<jed  45. 

Merab,  wife  of  Anthony  11.  Stoddard,  d.  Sept.  15,  182S,  ased  28. 

Charles  L.,  son  of  A.  II.  Stoddard,  d.  Sept.  25,  18G0,  aged  27. 

Teresa  Stoddard,  d.  Sept.  4,  1814,  aged  8  v,  7  njo,  15  d. 

Sarah  K.,  wife  of  Kev.  Ephraiin  Sw'fft,  d.  Dee.  3, 1821,  aged  25. 

Jerome  Tucker,  d.  Dec.  8,  1837,  aged  23. 

Harriet,  dau.  Thadeus  and  Susan  tuttle.  d.  :\Iav  IS.  1831,  a.  17  y,  7  mo. 

Sterling  Washband,  d.  May  24,  18G8,  aged  Gl." 

Surmantha,  wife  of  Sterling  \Vashband,"d.  Oct.  31,  1838,  aged  33. 

Josiah  Washband,  d.  July  7,  1810,  aged  75. 

Sarah,  wife  of  Josiah  Washband,  d.  June  15,  1790. 

Josiah  Smith  Washband,  d.  .Alay  21,  1823,  aged  28. 

George  E.,  son  David  T.  .Margaret  A.  Wells!  d.  Oct.  5, 1841,  a.  14  mo. 

Horace  W.,  son  Jube  and  Sarah  Weston,  d.  Sept.  1,  1828,  a-xed  2  v. 

John  Todd  Wheeler,  b.  May  4,  1777,  d.  Sept.  3,  18G8,  ijsed  91  y,  4'mo. 

Mrs.  Charlotte,  wife  of  J.  C.  Wheeler,  d.  Oct  27.  1828,"aged  32. 

Charlotte,  dau.  J.  C.  and  Charlotte  Wheeler,  d.  Xov.,  182^7. 

Howard,  son  J.  C.  and  Charlotte  Wheeler,  d.  Sept  23,  1828,  aged  7  j. 

John  Wooster,  Es(i.,  d.  Aug.  2,  1804,  aged  84, 

Eunice,  wife  of  John  Wooster,  Esq.,  d.  Xov.  17,  1799,  aged  74. 

Enoch  Wooster,  d.  Dec.  8,  1785,  aged  21. 

John  Wooster,  d.  Oct,  27,  1S22,  aged  GO. 

Elizabeth  Hawkins,  wife  of  John  Wooster,  d.  March  10, 1830,  aged  71. 

Abijah  Wooster,  d.  Dec.  15,  1815,  a-ed  4G. 

Henry  Wooster,  d.  May  30.  1815,  aged  79. 

Elizabeth,  wife  of  Henry  Wooster,  d.  Sept.  7,  178G,  aged  44.        '      ;.  r- 

Anne  Wooster,  d.  June  G,  1808,  aired  2G.  '       "^ 

Henry  Wouster,  d.  Feb.  11.  1824,  aged  G2. 

Abigail,  wife  of  Marchant  Wooster,  d.  Dec.  18,  1832,  aged  78. 

Merritt  Wooster,  d.  May  1,  1829,  aged  37. 

Catherine  E.,  dan.  Mark  and  Eliza  Wooster,  d.  Jan.  15,  1837,  a.  15  mo. 

Mary  Ann,  wife  of  Nathan  Wooster  and  dau.  of  Josiah  and  Charlotte 

Xettleton,  d.  Sept.  25,  1828,  aged  24. 
Mary  Ann,  dau.  Nathan  and  .Alary  Ann  Wooster,  d.  April  6,  1851,  a.  25. 
Lucinda  Wooster.  d.  July  2S,  18G0,  aged  GG, 

Union  Cemetery. 

Sarah,  widow  of  James  Baldwin,  d.  Nov.  20,  1847,  aged  82. 
Noyes  Clark,  son  Jabez  an<l  Jane  Baldwin,  d.  Jan.  17, 1S4S,  a.  4  v,  3  mo. 
Mary,  wife  of  Samuel  Bassett.  b.  Sept.  13.  1813.  d.  Mav  2S,  1854. 
Chas.  H.,  son  Mary  and  Sam'l  liassett,  b.  Sept.  11,  lS37,'d.  Jan.  7, 1842. 
John  L.,  son  Chas.  and  Jane  E.  Bassett,  d.  June  30,  1848.  a.  1  v,  G  mo, 
John  L,.  son  of  Abel  aud  Martha  liassett,  d.  Nov.  2G,  1845,  aged  19. 



Truman,  son  Abel  antl  :\rartlia  Rassott,  drowned  July  14,  1826,  a.  13. 

Samuel  Ilassett,  d.  Sept.  28,  18.31,  aged  «)7. 

Mary,  wife  of  Samuel  Uassest,  d.  Oct.  2(5,  1835,  ag-ed  4G. 

Mary  Manerva.  dau.  John  W.  and  Mariali  Bassett.d.'Sept.  10, 1842,a.3y 

Stiles  Dayton,  son  Sharon  Y.  and  Adaline  Beach,  d.  Sept.  23, 1848,  a  '' 

David  Beecher,  d.  Aug.  1,  1844,  aged  41. 

Betsey,  wife  of  John  A.  Bland,  d.  July  19,  1844,  aged  35. 

Howard  Bliss,  d.  Aug.  <i.  18(i5,  aged  29. 

L,  31.  Bassett,  Co.  a",  1st  Conn.  11.  Art. 

Stephen  X.,  onlv  son  of  Stephen  and  Ann  Botsford,  d.  in  New  York,  Xov. 
7, 1802,  aged  29. 

Henry  T.  C.  Botsford.  d.  Jan.  8,  1844,  aged  25. 

George  F.  Botsford,  d.  Xov.  28,  1843.  aired  23. 

John  Bodge,  b.  Xov.  29,  1800,  d.  Xov.  2,  1808. 

Martha  Y.,  wife  of  John  Bodge,  d.  June  18, 1845,  aged  40. 

Charles  Booth,  d.  Dec.  12,  1848,  aged  40. 

^Vm.  II.,  son  W'm.  C.  and  Esther  li.  Bowe,  d.  Aug,  10, 1842,  a.  13  mo. 
vLewis  Broadwell,  drowued  Sept.  0,  1844,  aged  53. 
•^Betsey,  wife  of  Lewis  Broadwell,  d.  July  23,  1807,  aged  76. 

George  Edwin,  son  Isaac  and  May  Buckingham,  d.  Sepl.  7,  1848,  a.  1  y. 

Isaac  J.  Buckingham,  d.  Aug.  d,  1854.  aged  0  weeks. 

Elliott  Aug.,  son  Sam'l  A.  and  Mary  Bun^uell,  d.  Feb.  15, 1849,  a.  1  y. 

George,  son  of  Wm.  and  Rebecca  A.  Butler,  d.  Am:.  23,  1850,  a.  4  I'uo. 

Frederick,  son  Wm.  and  Rebecca  Ann  Butler,  d.  Aug.  11, 1848,  a.  1  y. 

William  T.,  son  Wm.  and  Rebecca  Ann  Butler,  d.  Sept.  8,  1848,  a.  9  mo. 

May  Candee,  d.  Aug.  22,  1845,  aged  So. 

E[sie,  dau.  Samuel  and  Mary  Caii'tield,  d.  Sept.  10,  1848,  aged  18. 

Wilbur  M.,  son  of  Truman  Castle,  d.  Xov.  9,  1840,  aged  3  v,  5  mo. 

Martha  Ciiadwick,  d.  Sept.  25.  iSoO.  a::ed  23. 

William  Clark,  d.  Oct.  24,  1834,  aged  '70. 

Mary,  wife  of  William  Clark,  d.  March  31.  1843,  aired  76. 

Frances  A.,  dau.  Walter  B.  and  Mary  A.  Clark,  d.  Feb.  10,  1845,  a.  11. 

Hubert  Smith,  son    Smith   and  Aletta  Clark,  d.  Oct.  17,  1835,  aged  4. 

Andrev.-,  son  'J'homas  and  .Mary  Cochran,  d.  .Ian.  5,  1847.  aged  14. 

Julia,  wife  of  David  B.  Clarke,  d.  Xov.  22,  1849,  aged  30.  ' 

Rockwell  L.  Dann,  d.  Sept.  5,  1S4!>,  aged  20. 

James  Davis,  .M.  D.,  b.  .May  18,  1789,(1.  Sept.  30,  1807,  a.  78  y,  5  mo. 

Charlotte,  dau.  Peter  and  Catharine  Davis,  d.  Sept.  5,  1848,  a  4  y,  9  mo. 

John  Davis,  d.  Aug.  S,  1844,  aged  50. 

Laura  Riggs,  wife  of  John  Davis,  Jr.,  d.  Xov.  13,  18.54,  aired  59. 

Otis,  son  John  and  Laura  Davis,  d.  April  2,  1842,  aged  18. 

Irwin,  son  Isaac  and  Louezii  M.  Davis,  d.  Julv  24.  1847,  a.  1  v,  4  mo. 

Alfred  French,  b.  Aug.  22,  1794.  d.  .June  23."  1859. 

Lydia,  wife  of  Alfre.l   French,  b.  Xov.  18,  17!>1.  d.  Jan.  31,  1840. 

Charles  French,  d.  April  9,  1814,  aged  48. 

Eliza  French,  d.  Sept.  ."5.  1840,  aged  14  mo. 

Frank,  son  .James  and  Charlotte   F.  rislicr,  d.  Aug.  13,  1844,  aged  38. 

James  S.,  son  of  Samu(d  (ireen  of  Coventry,  It.  I.,  d.  Xov.  22, 1812,  a.  42. 

Henry,  sou  Henry  and    Filena    Harrington,  d.  March  1.  1845,  aged  10. 

John  S.,  son  .lohn  L.  and  Mary  ,1.  Hartsou.  d.  Sept.  10,  l.>42,  a.  15  mo. 


Lymau  L.  ITartsoii.  d.  Dec.  10,  1841.  ■  \  ■ 

Adaline  A.  Hartsou  (date  illcirible). 

Emery,  wife  of  Andrew  llartsoii,  d.  Oct.  29.  1843,  a-ied  29. 

Andrew,  son  of  Andrew  and  Sarah  Ilartsou,  d.  Aui:.  30,  1840,  a.  IG  mo. 

Emily,  dau.  Andrew  and  Sarah  Ilartson,  d.  Dec.  23,  1843,  a.  2  mo,  12  d. 

John'llartson,  d.  Oet.  3,  lsr)0,  aired  19. 

Georire  A.,  son  of  Cliarles  and  Sr.rah  Jlartson,  d.  Feb.  18,  1840,  a.  17. 

Timotliy  Ilitclu-ock,  d.  Dec.  3,  1878,  aired  97  y,  4  mo. 

Mrs.  Kene,  wife  of  Timothy  Hitchcock,  d.  Jan.  1,  1843,  aged  Qi. 

Denzil  Hitchcock,  d.  Jan.  21,  1S30,  aired  C»3. 

Martha  C,  dan.  Denzil  and  Betsey  Hitchcock,  d.  Dec.  6, 18G5,  aged  27. 

Uenry  X.,  son  Denzil  and  Betsey  Hitchcock,  d.  Mar.  25, 1823,  aged  2y. 

Homer  L.  Hitchcock,  d.  Oct.  3,  1842,  aged  3. 

Andrew  F.  Hitchcock,  d.  Anir.  20,  1849.  aired  1  v,  7  mo. 

Philo  Holbrook,  d.  April  1,  1813,  aged  30." 

Anah,  wife  of  Philo  Holbrook,  d.  Aug.  9,  1831,  aged  74. 

Abijah  Holbrook,  d.  Oct.  10,  1830,  aged  30. 

Eunice  Holbrook,  d.  Sept.  2,  1848,  aired  00. 

Emily,  child  of  Philo  and  Emily  Holbrook,  d.  Aug.  22,  1842,  a.  2  y. 

Koval,  sou  Philo  and  Emilv  HoUirook,  d.  Sept.  30,  1843.  aged  1  y. 

Harriet  Eliza,  wife  of  Charles  L.  Hyde,  d.  Feb.  18,  1849,  aged  28. 

Edward  Mortimer,  son  C.L.and  Harriet  E.  Hyde,  d.  Sept.  19,1849. a.  3y. 

Frances  Henrietta,  dau.  C.  L.  and  H.  E.  Hyde,  d.  Sept.  13. 1848,  a.  1  y. 

Harriet  Frances,  dau.  C.  L.  and  H.  E.  H}de,  d.  July  7,  1849,  a.  5  mo. 

Susan,  dau.  Jarred  and  Saliry  lies,  d.  Oct.  2,  1848,  aged  10  y,  8  mo. 

Louisa  Janes,  d.  Nov.  30,  1831,  aged  10  y,  3  mo. 

Oscar,  .«on  Nathan  and  Anjanett  Janes,  d.  ]\Iay  10,  1850,  a.  IS  y,5  mo. 

Nathan  A.  Janes,  d.  ,Juue  23,  1849,  aged  40  y,  0  mo. 

Marcus  O.  Judson.  of  Company  D.  27th  Conn.  Vol.,  killed  at  battle  oi 
Gettysburg,  July  3,  18(J3,  ageJ  22. 

Esther  x\.  Iveunev,  wife  of  Medad  K.  Tucker,  b.  April  14, 1819,  d.  Sept. 
10,  1803. 

Curtis  Lindiey,  d.  Oct.  2,  1842,  aged  02. 

Thirza,  wife  Curtis  Lindiey,  d.  Oct.,  1811,  aged  27. 

ELindford,  son  Curtis  and  Tliirza  Lindiey.  d.  Sept.  21,1818,  a.  8  y,  11  mo. 

Lewis  .M.,  son  Steph.  L.  and  Maria  A.  Loveland,  d.  Sept.  21,  1849,  a.  1  y. 

Josiah  INIerrick.  d.  June  12,  1S43.  ai:ed  79. 

Martha,  wife  of  Jo.siah  Merrick,  d.  Feb.  20,  1840,  aged  63. 

Theophilus  .Miles,  d.  March  13,  1.S49,  aired  70. 

Miss  Lucv  Miles,  d.  Oct.  7.  1849.  aired  72. 

Martha,  wife  of  Sheldon  Miles,  d.  May  23,  1840,  aged  29.  :  ,  .  • 

Nancy  Miles,  d.  Sept.  10,  18(;2,  aired  74. 
jS-:;I)a  Moulthrop,  d.  July  8,  1831,  aged  01. 
I  Catharine,  wife  Seba  Moulthrop,  d.  .May  22.  18.59,  aged  79. 
1  Betsey  Ann,  dau.  Seba  and  Catharine  Mduithrup,  d.  Aug.  5,  1847,  a.  27. 
\Charles  Oatman,  d.  Jan.  20,  1819,  aged  4!>. 

Sarah,  wife  of  Charles  Oatman,  d.  June  21.  1839.  aired  39. 

Martha  Ann.  wif.^  of  Pufus  ]U-uii]\  d.  Nov.  17,  1830,  ai:ed  26. 

Lucinda,  relict  James  Kevniilds,  d.  Nov.  8,  1842,  aL'ed  37. 

Charles  A.,  .son  J.  J.  and  S.  II.  IJider,  d.  Oct.  28,  1819.  aged  2  w. 


Sarah  Jane,  dau.  Henry  and  Mary  Ann  Eigiis,  d.  June  17,  1843,  a.  1  y. 
Pattey,  wife  James  Patolieu,  d.  Oct.  L'T,  isil,  aged  70. 
Leverett  Pritcliard.  d.  June  4.  1848,  ajred  83. 
Charlotte,  wife  Leverett  Priffhard,  d.  Feb.  18,  1851,  aged  78. 
John  II.,  son  Dan'l  J.  and  Elizabeth  Putnam,  d.  Feb.  22.  1851,  a.  2  mo. 
Daniel,  son  Dan'l  J.  and  Elizabeth  Putnam,  d.  Sept.  IG,  1847,  a.  9  mo. 
Eliza  U.,  wife  Chas.  W.  Storrs,  dan.  L.  Smith,  d.  June  21, 1857,  a.  26. 
Hiram,  son  (xeorge  K.  and  Permelia  Smith,  d.  Sept.  5,  1848,  aged  15. 
Paul  Schrauer,  Co.  D,  27th  Conn.  Vol. 

James  A.  Stevens,  d.  Xov.  0,  1850,  aged  31.  ^' 

Isaac  Tomlinson,  d.  May  11,  1828,  aged  50, 

Nancy,  dau.  IJansom  and  Nancy  Tomlinson,  d.  Sept.  12,  1841,  a.  15  mo. 
Euth,  dau.  Ransoui  and   Nancy  Tomlinson.  d.  Jan.  14,  1823,  a.  2  mo. 
Naomi  P.,  dau.  of  F.  and  MayA.  Torbet,  d.  Mar.  21,  1847.  a.  3  mo. 
Eunice,  wife  of  P>yram  Tucker,  d.  July  18,  1840,  aged  26. 
Ebenezer  Umbertield,  d.  Aug.  21,  1843,  aged  02. 
Anna,  wife  of  Ebenezer  Umbertield.  d.  Nov.  10,  1807. 
Mary  E.,  wife  Ilervey  Umbertield,  d.  Sept.  13,  1849,  aged  28. 
Isaac  Webster,  d.  Jan.  24,  1848.  aged  24. 
Lucretia,  wife  of  Isaac  Webster,  d.  Nov.  13,  1800,  aged  81. 
Nancy,  wife  of  Samuel  Wire.  d.  Aug.  23,  1827,  aged  42  y,  7  rao,  23  d. 
Addia  Loesia,  dau.  Sam'l  and  Nancy  Wire,  d.  Sept.  11.  1848,  a.  5  mo. 
Adeline  Annie,  dan.  Sam'l  and  Nancv  Wire,  d.  July  13,  1841,  .i.  10  mo. 
Clark  Wooster,  b.  Julv  29,  1797,  d.  Nov.  30,  187l' 
Maria  Clark,  wife  of  Clark  Wooster.  b.  April  3,  1800,  d.  June  28, 1837 
Grace,  wife  Clark  \^'ooster,  d.  Jan.  1,  1820,  aged  20  y,  7  mo. 
Anna  M.,  dau.  Clark  Wooster,  d.  March  1(5,  1814,  aged  1  y,  6  mo.  ■ 
Sarah,  wife  of  Beiinet  ^Vooster.  d.  Oct.  15,  1830,  aged  29. 
Elsy  L,,  wife  of  Beunet  Wooster,  d.  March  11,  1843.  aged  37. 
George  S.  Wvant,  of  Co.  11,  20th  Conn.  Vol.,  died  at  Harper's  Ferry, 
.     Va.,  Dec.  15,  1802,  aged  34. 


Lucian  Baldwin,  d.  Sept.  20,  1855,  aged  56 

Laura,  wife  of  Lucian  Bablwin,  d.  June  17,  1820,  aged  20  y,  2  mo. 

Mary  T.,  dau.  of  Lucian  and    Aurelia    Baldwin,  d.  Jan  1.  1830,  a.  3  y. 

Ellen  A.,  dau.  Lucian  and  Aundia  BaMwiu,  d.  April  5.  1835,  a.  1  y,  4mo. 

Irene,  wife  of  James  Bas.sett,  Jr.,  d.  July  20.  1819,  aged  21. 

Lucy,  wife  of  Wait  Bassett,  d.  Oct.  2,  1813.  aL'cd  27. 

John  Beecher,  d.  July  l-'i.  1X71,  aged  (J2. 

Jane,  wife  of  John  Hf-erlicr,  d.  Jan.  9,  1877,  aged  GO. 

Mary,  dau.  of  John  and  Jane  Beecher,  d.  April  7,  1843,  aged  2  mo. 

Charles,  son  of  John  and  Jane  Beecher.  d.  July  14.  1843,  aged  10   y. 

Jay  lienham,  d,  Dec.  11,  1870,  age<l  (52. 

Elizabeth  L.,  wife  of  Washington  Benham,  d.  April  5.  18GG,  aged  30. 

Sarah  M.,  wife  of  Washington  lienham,  d.  Feb.  22,  1879,  aged  49. 



Caroline  ]■]..  wife  of  John  A,  JJlaud,  d.  Xov.  17,  1840,  aj^ed  32. 

Clark  Hotsford,  d.  May  o,  IMTo.  aged  73. 

Jn-tsy  M,,  wife  of  Clark  iJottifurd,  d.  Feb.  7,  1SG9,  aged  72. 

Isaac  11.  Urooks.  d.  Aui:.  21,  ISl.s.  aged  27. 

Esther,  wite  of  Oliver  iJuekiiiLihaiii.  d.  Dec.  2!),  1S27,  aged  4.5. 

Klizabeth,  dau.  of  Oliver  and  Esther  i>iukiiighauj,  d.  Oct.  oO,  1827,  a.  23. 

Daniel  Davis,  d.  .March  12,  1837,  aged  oil 

ilarriet  Dowues,  d.  May  24,  18J1>,  aged  03. 

Edward  S.  Downs,  .Member  of  Co.  T.,  0  Ke:r't,  Conn.  Vol.,  died  Sei)t. 
10,  1880,  aged  30. 

Lncretia  M.  Wheeler,  wife  Albert  D.  Carrington,  d.  July  23, 1872,  a.  40. 

Charles  Carter,  d.  .Sept.  25,  1875,  aged  (JO.  " 

Betty  A.  Chickery,  wife  of  Ifoger  Ijuics.  d.  Oct.  13,  1820.  aged  57. 

Sheldon  Clark,  b.  Jan.  31,  1785,  d.  April  10,  1840,  aged  oo. 

SSheldou  Clark,  d.  April  18,  1874,  aged  80. 

Anna,  wife  of  Sheldon  Clark,  d.  ^'ov.  0,  1877,  aged  70. 

Eliza  Ann,  dau.  Shelden  and  Anna  Clark,  d.  Nov.  13,  1851,  aged  27. 

Charles  F.  Clark,  d.  Sept.  25,  1880,  aged  52. 

Amos  Clark,  d.  April  1,  1825,  aged  52. 

Lucy,  wife  of  Amos  Clark,  d.  .June  13,  1807,  aged  34. 

.Moses  Clark,  d.  .May  23,  1811,  aged  00. 

Stiles  Clark,  b.  .March  10.  1821.  d.  .March  7,  1873. 

Emma  1}.,  wife  of  Stiles  Clark,  b.  .May  20,  1825,  d.  .March  4,  1853. 

David  Clark,  d.  Feb.  1,  1877,  aged  57. 

Sherman  Clark,  d.  .\pril  0,  1822,  aged  37. 

Clary,  wife  of  Sherman  Clarke,  d.  Jan.  18,  1848,  aged  71. 

Prudence,  wife  of  Jesse  Cook,  d.  Oct.  10,  1820,  aged  88. 

William  (.'ook,  d.  A\ni\  25,  1851,  aged  'jC). 

Miles  Culver,  d.  July  28,  1807,  age^l  51  y,  10  mo. 

Eaura,  wife  of  .Miles  Culver,  d.  >rarch  4,  1877,  aged  (iO  y,  4  mo. 

Mary  Frances,  dau.  of  .Miles  and  Laura  Culver,  d.  .May  27,  1850,  a.  14. 

John  II.  Culver,  d.  July  20,  1842,  aged  0. 

Charles  Culver,  d.  Aug.  5,  1842,  aged  0  mo. 

Clark  Culver,  died  Sejjt.  21,  1842,  a-ed  5  y. 

Emeline,  wife  of  titeplien  H.  Culver,  d.  Jiil\   12,  1847,  aged  3't . 

Abiel  Fairchild,  d.  JJec.  15,  1815,  aged  So.' 

Zeviah.  wifi-  of  Abiel  Fairchild.  d.  .May  20,  1810,  aged  77. 

John  Fairchild,  d.  Oct.  7,  1.S52,  a-ed  75. 

Mary,  wife  of  John  Fairchild,  d   June  12.  1848,  aged  71. 

Miles  French,  b.  Nov.  21,  1S05.  d.  Feb.  I,  18.50,  aged  50  y. 

Luther  French,  d.  Jan.  13.  iSijti,  aged  50. 

.Mrs.  Sarah  French,  d.  Jan.  0,  1820,  aged  .53. 

Smith  .Miles,  son  of  Luther  and  Sarah  French,  d.  Jan.  13,  1808,  a.  ~jy. 

(ieorge  French,  d.  Sept.  18,  1810,  aged  0  y,  0  iiio,  0  d. 

David,  oldest  son  of  David  French,  of  liethanv,  b.  July  2,  1770, 
d.  Oct.  10,  18.33,  aged  03. 

Anna,  wife  of  David  French  and  dau.  of  Isaac  .lohnsoii  of  Derby,  d. 
i-'eb.  8,  1804,  aged  S~).  '"Her  paternal  grandmother  was  the 
graiiddaughrer  of  the  liev.  Nathaniel  lirewster,  the  grandson  of 
Elder  William  iJrewsier,  who  laiide<l  from  the  M.iytiower  on 
Plymouth  liock  in  1020." 



Isaac,  son  David  ant!  Anna  Fn'ncli,  d.  Anir.  12,  1>^16,  aired  1  y,3  mo. 

Charles,  son  of  David  French,  d.  Oct.  lo,  1833,  a^^anl  1*3. 

Adonijah  French,  d.  Oct.  22.  IS.'iO,  aged  78  years. 

Pollv  French,  d.  March  l';>.  1S(;3.  aged  83. 

Cooii,  son  of  Adi>nijah  and  Follv  French,  d.  Dec.  G,  1840,  aged  29. 

Sarah,  wife  of  Simeon  Gunn.  d.  Nov.  22,  1801*,  aged  20. 

John  C.  llaarhaus,  native  of  Cleruianv,  d.  Jnne  2(5,  1875,  aged  2G. 

Lucv  I.,  wife  of  J.  A.  Hart,  d.  Auir.  2,  1870,  aged  28. 

Capt.  Iliel  nine,  d.  Dec.  10,  18l'l',  aiied  (VS. 

Elizabeth,  wife  of  Capt.  Iliel  Iline.  d.  Feb.  8,  1810,  aged  07. 

William  W.  liine.  d.  March  10,  1852,  aired  57. 

Margaret  A.,  wife  of  William  W.  Hine,^l.  May  27,  1831,  a-ed  32. 

Amy  Z.,  wife  of  Bennet  Uine,  d.  Nov.  20,  181'0,  aged  27. 

Khoda,  wife  of  Dennet  Hine,  d.  Jan.  10,  1845,  aged  35. 

Edwin  nine,  d.  Jan.  5,  1851.  aired  40. 

Charles,  son  of  Edwin  and  .Maria  liine.  d.  Jan.  22,  1832,  aged  2  y. 

Mary  Jane,  dan.  of  Edwin  and  Maria  liine,  d.  March  7,  1847,  aged  15. 

David  Johnson,  d.  Oct.  31,  1810,  aged  33. 

Alexander  Johnson,  d.  Sept.  8,  1817,  aged  87. 

Hannah,  wife  of  Alexander  Johnson,  d.  Jnne  11,  1815,  aged  43. 

Patty  1).  Johnson,  d.  Dec.  0,  1844,  aged  'SS. 

Timothy  Johnson,  d.  Jan.  1*1.  1830,  aged  70. 

Amy,  wife  of  Timothy  Johnson,  d.  March  1*4,  1830,  aged  05. 

I'^lijah  Jtdinson,  d.  May  23.  1847,  aged  74. 

Ennice,  wife  of  Elijah  Johnson,  d.  Ang.  7,  1833,  ageil  04. 

Nathaniel  Johnson,  d.  Sept.  30,  1845,  aged  87. 

Rebecca,  wife  uf  Nathaniel  Johnson,  d.  Dec,  30,  1840,  aged  87. 

AlmoD  Johnson,  d.  May  liO,  1828,  aged  30. 

Rnssel  Johnson,  d.  Nov,  15,  1830.  aged  41. 

Hannah  I'eck,  wife  of  Knssel  Johnson,  d.  Sept.  1,  1871),  aged  04. 

Maria,  dan,  of  Kussel  and  Hannah  Johnson,  d.  Dec.  14,  18l'l,a.  4  mo. 

Eliza  H.,  dau.  of  F^nssel  and  Hannah  Johnson,  d.  Oct.  28,  1830,  a._l'2. 

Lewis  E.  Jolmson,  died  at  Marysville.  Cal.,  Jnne  28.  1850,  aged  1*5. 

Clark  Johnson,  d.  Ang.  1'5,  184.S,  aged  53. 

Lvnian  J(dins(»n.  d.  Dec.  7.  1850.  atred  01. 

Folly,  wife  of  Lucian  Jndd,  d.  March  10,  1820.  aged  25. 

Sarah,  wife  of  Jeremiah  M.  Kelle.  d.  April  0,  1S07    aged  40. 

l*auline  L.,  wife  of  Wni.  Koeni-,  d.  Oct.  30,  1805,  aged  30. 

John  Lanx,  d.  Jan.  14,  18(J3,  aged  28. 

Ruth,  wife  of  Isaac  Leavenworth,  d.  Oct.  1*7,  18.30,  aged  38. 

Levi  C,  sou  Isaac  and    Ruth    Leavenworth,  d.  J  tine  3,  1814  aged  7  w. 

Polly,  wife  of  Isaac  Leavenworth,  d.  April  30,  1857. 

Ccilviu  Leavenworth,  d.  April  8,  1801,  aged  08. 

Sophia,  wife  of  Calvin  Leavenwdrfli,  d.  Sfpt.  20,  18.30,  aged  44. 

Mary  li.,  youngest  dan.  Calvin  and  Lstlier  lieavenwortli,  d.  Feb.  I'l,  1854. 

Esther,  wife  of  Calvin  Leavenworth,  d.  April  11,  1857,  aged  48. 

Edson  IL,  son  K.  S.  and  Flleii  A.  Leavenwrnth,  d.  Sept.  1,  184-3,  a.  11  d. 

Harriet  E.  Lewis,  d.  Feb.  0,  1805,  a.-ed  0  y. 

Ella  A.,  dau.  of  E.  F.  ami  R.  .V.  Libbey,  .1.  May  7,  1870,  aged  10. 

Joseph  Lines,  tl.  Nov.  Hi,  18((4,  aged  48. 


Lois,  wife  of  Joseph  Lines,  d.  May  12,  1708,  ageil  32. 

Betsey,  dau.  of  Krastus  ami  Sarah  Lines,  d.  June  2;>,  1812,  aged  27. 

Erastus  Lines,  d.  Nov.  l,j,  181,"),  aged  (53. 

Lymau,  sou  of  JJetsey  Lines,  d,  July  18,  1812,  aged  1-i. 

Ami,  wife  of  lleury  Lloyd,  b.  in  Newtown,  North  Wales,  d.  June  30, 

1871,  aged  41. 
Thouias,  son  of  Henry  anil  Ann  Lloyd,  d.  July  12,  1874,  aged  22. 
Sallie,  wife  of  Josiah  Lounsbury,  d.  Sept.  15,  1847,  aged  50. 
^Lutha,  wife  of  Abraham  Mitehell,  d.  June  25,  187(»,  aged  02. 
Ilelliwell  .Mitchell,  d.  March  27,  1875,  aged  22. 
Lewis  T.  Munson,  d.  Aug.  2,  I8(j(),  aged  37. 

Laura,  dau.  of  Marcus  J.  and  Nancy   Muusou,  d.  Jan.  15,  18G3,  a.  20. 
Clarry,  wife  of  Ji)hn  Nichols,  d.  Aug.  14,   1820,  aged  41. 
Walter  F.,  son  George  and  Cynthia  A.  (>slH»rii,  d.  Aju'il  0,  1848,  a.  1  y. 
Sarah,  wife  of  Nathaniel  l';iu^iuan,  d,  .March  0,  1820,  aged  54. 
Sarah,  wife  of  \\'olcott  J.  Parnielee,  d.  San,  10,  1850,  aged  23. 
Clark  I'helps,  d.  Aug.  27.  1840.  aged  30.  .  ; 

Esther,  wife  of  Ira  Phelps,  d.  April  27,  1828,  aged  47. 
Anna,  wife  of  liOl)ert  M.  Richards,  d,  Dec.  10.  1800,  aged  22. 
Moses  Kiggs,  d.  April  15,  1838,  aged  78. 
Eunice,  wife  of  Moses  Kig-s,  d.  March  22,  1810,  aged  54. 
Ira,  sou  of  Moses  iiiggs,  d.  .March  iL',  1832,  aged  20. 
Ah'rrit,  son  of  Moses  and  Eunice  Kiggs.  d.  Dec.  12,  1824,  aged  io. 
Levi  Uiggs,  d.  O.-t.  22,  1840,  aged  oil 
Stephen  Kiggs,  d.  Nov.  28,  1872,  aged  80  y,  1  uio. 
Sarah,  wift-  of  Stephen  Kiggs,  d.  Jan.  5,  1878,  aged  SO. 
Sarah  L,  Isbell,  wife  of  Frederick  O.  Higgs,  d.  March  30,  1870,  a.  21. 
Fhilo  Kiggs,  d.  Sept.  23.  1837,  aged  47." 
Anna  .Maria,  wife  of  Philo  Kiggs,  d.  Dec.  20,  1840,  aged  40. 
David  Kiggs,  d.  .March  20,  1822.  aged  57. 
Jiobcrt  K<)\le,  d.  May  27,  1S72,  aged  34. 

Ann  Jane,  dau.  Kubert  and  Martha  Lio\le,  d.  .Vpril  10,  1871,  a.  1  y,  0  uio. 
J(;ren)iah  Sackett,  d.  S<-pt.  20,  1844,  aged  25. 

Martha  E.,  d.  Sept.  24,  185.J,  a.  2  y,  11  uio,  )  Twin  children  of  Lucius 
Marion  E.,  d.  Sept.  25,  1855.  a.  2  y,  11  mo,  )    and  Fmily  C.  Sackett. 
Inez  E.,  dau.  Lucius  and  Eiuily  C.  Sackett,  d.  Oct.  2,  1855,  a.  4  y,  8  nio. 
lA'wis  Sackett,  d.  Feb.  14,  18.')2,  aged  54. 
Jvucinda,  wife  of  Lewis  Sackett,  <1.  June  30,  1855,  aged  00. 
Sarah,  wife  of  Zadoc  .Sanford,  (1.  Nov.  0,  181.3.  a-ed  01. 
John  Sanfori],  il,  Nov.  10,  1S20,  aged  51. 
Alma,  wife  of  J(din  Sanford,  d.  May  2,  1823,  aged  41. 
Eliza,  wife  of  Johu  Sanford,  d.  .\ug.  .5,  1S74,  aged  70. 
Laura,  dau.  of  .Moses  and  I'hileiia  Sanford,  d.  April  10,  1821,  aged  22. 
Philo  Sanford,  d.  March  4,  1803,  aged  84. 
('harry,   wife  of  Philo  Sanford,  d.  .June  23,  1S03,  a-ed  80. 

,  chi'd  of  Philo  and  C.  Sanford,  d.  .lum-  25.  1S()2. 

,  child  of  Philo  and  C.  Sanford,  d.  Oct.  11,  1812. 

Polly,  child  of  Philo  ami  C.  Sanford.  «1.  .May  11,  1818,  aged  5  y.        '  * 
Abigail  A.,  wife  of  .Mar\in  Sanford,  d.  .Vug.  5,  1855,  aged  ~j~). 

lOS  DEATHS— ruOM    IXSC  R  I  I'TIONS  . 

iMary  L.  S([uires.  dau.  of  Marvin   and   Anna   A.   Sanford,  d.  Feb.    IS, 

lS.-)3,  aiTid  L'S  y,  4  mo. 
Lois  Anna,  dau.  Marvin  and  Anna  Sanford,   d.    Feb.  2S,  1S30.  a.  4  v. 
Khoda  L..  dau.  Marvin  and  Anna  tSanfonl,  d.  Jan.  L'.  IS;},"),  a.  G  nio,  20  d. 
Harriet  .Sanford,  d.  Xov.  12.  1S-1(»,  aired  17  d. 
Harris  JSanford.  d.  March  14.  1.S4S,  ;u;od  41. 

Martha  Knieline,  wife  wf  Harris  Santord,  d.  Nov.  2."),  187G,  aiied  08. 
Sarah  J.,  dau.  Harris  and  .Alartha  E.  iSanford.  Mar.  7,  IS.'JO,  a."'oy  7  nio. 
Laura  L.  Sanford.  d.  Oct.  20.  IS,")!),  aired  1.3. 
Ann  Sanford,  d.  March  2,  KsiiO.  aued^JO. 
Thomas  Sanford,  d.  May  l(j,  isiio.  aired  51. 
Ebenezer  Seeley,  d.  Jan.  14,  1S7S.  a'jred  70. 
ilarriet,  wife  of  Kbenezer  Seeley,  d.  Feb.  8,  187.'),  a,i;ed  70. 
Chirk  Seeley,  d.  July  17,  isos.  a-red  (50. 
Alma,  wife  of  Clark  Seelev,  d.  l)ec.  1.3.  1870,  aged  72. 
Mrs.  Lucy  Smith,  d.  Oct.  14,  1813,  aired  48 

Emma  Ann,  dau.  John  and  Lydia  Ann  Smith,  d.  Mav  18,  1832.  a.  3  w. 
L-vuig,  son  of  John  and  Jane  M.  Shrives,  d.  Sept.  2i,  1871.  aired   1  v. 
Caleb  Talma-e,  d.  Xov.  10,  1841,  aired  .37. 
Elizur  Talmage,  d.  May  1,  1842.  aged  29. 

William  E.  Talmage,  d.  at  Harper's   Ferry,  Va.,  Dec.  21,  1802,  a.  24. 
Olive,  wife  of  lieujamin  Tomlinson,  d.  April  KJ,  1848,  aired  01. 
Idella  M.  Treat,  wife  of  Chas.  W.  IJobiuson,  d.  Auir.  9, 1870,  aired  23. 
Charles,  son  Atwater  and  Elizabeth  A.  Treat,  d.  March  J,  1849,  a.  3  mo. 
Esther,  wife  of  Elijah  Treat,  d.  Jan.  10,  1S50. 
Elijah  Treat,  d.  Oct.  14,  1837.  age<l  (53. 

Elijah  S.,  son  of  Stephen  and  Mary  Treat,  d.  Jan.  4,  1841,  airod  .3  v. 
Frederick  L.,  son  of  Atwater  andE.  A.  Treat,  d.  Aug.  21,  l.s,-,s,  a.*2  v. 
Frances  K.,  dau.  of  Atwater  and  E.  A.  Treat,  d.  April  18,  18,39,  a.  22. 
Jane  E.,  dau.  uf  Atwater  and  E.  A.  Treat,  d.  April  19,  18(53,  aired  24. 
Betty,  wife  of  Josiah  Tucker,  d.  April  17,  1817,  aged  42. 
Jane  M.  Twiehel,  wife  of  John  Shrives,  d.  Ort.  11, 1870,  a.  2,3  v,0  mo. 
^Lirtlia  A.  Twirchel,  d.  Sept.  22,  1843,  aged  1  y.  <S  mo. 
Wyllys  Umbertield,  il.  Dee.  13,  187(5.  aired  (52. 
Harriet,  wife  of  Wyllys  Umbertield,  d.  Mav  2(5,  1S.33.  aired  .'BO. 
Sarah,  dau.  of  Willis  and   Harriet  I'mberhehl.  d    Auir.  s,  18.3,3.  a.  8  v. 
John  NN'allis,  d.  .May  30,  IS  10,  aired  .32. 
Julina,  wife  of  .John  Wallis,  d.  June  1.3,  1S40,  aged  .30. 
Mary  J.  Warner,  d.  Oct.  27,  l.SSl,  a-ed  48. 
Bowers  Wasliiiurn,  d.  Nov.  21,  1S27,  aned  7.3. 
Eunice,  wife  of  Ilowirs  Washburn,  d.  Feb.  19,  182.').  aged  (5(5. 
^Irs.  Sarah  Wlietder,  d.  Sept.  9.  IS12.  aired  91.  '       ' 

Hannah  Wheeler,  d.  April  23.  1797.  airi-d  19. 
^  Wheeler,  d.  .Vuir.  24,  isi'j,  ;i^r,.,i  -j 
liUcy,  wife  of  Moses  Wheeler,  d.  June  2(5.  1S2;{,  aired  7.3. 
Daniel  Wbeeler,  d.  O.t.  1,  1S21,  aged  4(>. 
Bhoda.  wife  of  Daniel  Wlie«ler.  rl    Mav  (5,  18.34.  aired  72. 
Margaret  15..  dau.  XoyesandC  WIkm  l<"r.  d.  .March  2.3,  1803,  a.  1  \,  10m. 
'I'ermelia,  wife  of  .Fuim  Woodiii,  d.  Aiiir.   1.3.  is  1(5.  ageil  (S.'i. 
John  Woddiu,  d.  Dec.  23,   IS.IS.  aged  (5.3. 



Lvman  Wheeler,  d.  May  19,  1855,  a<:ed  CO. 

Sarah  Louusbury,  wife  of  Lyman   Wheeler,  d.  Aug.  1,  1872,  aged  75. 


Eri  Hawkins,  Jan.  31. 
flossy  Eotsford,  Dec. 
Amny  Foot,  Dec.  25. 

Josiah  Botsford.  Jan.  4. 
Marian  Kiggs,  June  C. 

Mrs.  Samuel  Dnrand,  Feb. 
Wales  French,  March. 
Charles  P>ench. 
Samuel  Piersons. 
David  Hawkins,  July  11. 
David  Touilinson,  Sept. 
Betsy  Button,  Oct. 
Xed  Hanuin,  uncle  of  Isaac  Kin- 
ney, Dec.  10. 
Marcus  Hyde,  Dec.  19. 
Chauncey  Johnson,  Dec.  20. 

Widow  Bartis,  March  1. 
Asa  Cooper,  child,  3Iay  9. 
Henry  Iloosfon,  May  29. 
Canfield  (iillet. 
George  ('hathcld,  June  4. 
David  Luni,  June  22. 
Dolly  Law,  Aug.  9. 
Mrs.  Broomfield. 

Edwin  Chatlield,  Feb.  10. 
Williiuii  Manslield,  Oct.  1. 

Benjamin  Davis,  Nov. 

Naomi  Da\is,  March. 

Sally,  wife  I'^lliel  Kinney,  Feb.  7. 


David  Davis,  March  21. 
Darid  Tomlinson,  March  24. 

Betsey  Chatfield,  a.  04,  :\rarch. 
Amadieus  Dibble,  a.  05,  Sept.  25. 
Nancy  Hine,  Aug.  23. 

Funis  Osborn,  Oxford,  Aug.  17. 
Mrs.  Moses  Biggs,  a.  40,  Sept.  12. 
Mrs.    Harpin    Stoddard,    a.    24, 
Sept.  15. 
Jonah  Hardin. 
Child  of  Stodard  Edy. 

Merit  Wooster,  ^lay  1. 
Rebecca  Johnson. 
Austin  Lum,  June  10. 

Abijah  Canfield,  a.  85,  Aug.  14. 


Nancv  Tucker,  a.  38,  Oct.  14. 
Mrs.  Joel  Chatfield,  a.  02,  Nov.  3. 
Aunt  Sally  Kinney. 

Aaron  C.  Persons,  ^lay. 

Ethel  Kinney,  a.  43,  Oct. 


William  Canfield,  Feb.  10. 

John  Bas.sett,  S. 

Betsy  Brock,  a.  19,  Nov.  30. 


.^Irs.  Fbenezer  Northrop.  Feb. 



Nehemiah  Botsford,  Oct.  13. 
Merit  Wilcox.  Sept.  20. 
Capt.  Henry  Wooster,  Xov.  20. 
James  Gunu,  Nov.  23. 

Sheldou  Tucker,  Feb.  5. 
William  Horner. 

1844.      • 
John  Davis,  a.  53,  Jan.  8. 
Mrs.  Kiggs,  sister  of  John  Davis, 
a.  34,  Aug.  8. 
^•^  Lewis  Kroadwell,  drowned,  Sept.  5, 
John  H.  Holcomb,  a.  33,  Dec.  6. 

Nancv  Foot,  Feb. 
Henry  Huntington,  Feb.  4. 

Molly  Candee. 
Frederick  Church.  Feb.  10. 
Widow  Nathaniel  Johnson,  Dec.  24.i 

Andrew  Cochran,  Jan.  5. 

Hannah  Smith,  a.  75,  June  15. 
Ezekiel  Gilbert,  a.  oh.  July  5. 
Clark  Johnson,  Aug. 
Marian  Durand,  a.  17,  Aug.  28. 
Dan.  of  Mrs.  Durand,  a.  1«3,  Sept. 
Xian  Tucker,  aged  84,  Sept.  16. 
Mrs.  Eliza  Bostwick,  Nov.  3. 

Mrs.  Henry  Davis,  Feb.  27. 
Mrs.  John  liigsis,  a.  04,  July  IS. 
Rev.  J.  D.  Smith,  a.  45,  Sept.  3. 
Mrs.  Wilson  Hurd,  a.  79. 
Mrs.  David  Clark,  a.  30,  Nov.  18. 
Nancy  French,  a.  47,  Dec.  15. 

George  Lum,  a.  35,  Jan.  0, 
Hiram  Johnson's  son,  Aug, 
Henrv  Wooster.  Feb.  17. 
William  Church,  a.  40,  :^rarch  24. 
Mrs.  Julius  Bassett,  a.  35,  Apr.  3. 
Mary  A.  Hotchkiss,  a.  25,  Apr.  8. 
James  Stevens,  Nov.  8. 
Mrs.  Jones'  dau.,  a.  10,  Nov.  30. 
Francis  Perkins,  a.  21,  Dec.  4. 


1  s  ^  ?3. 


son  of  Thaddeus,  Jr.,  and  Catharine  Fowler,  Jan.  15. 

son  of  Charles  and  Fanny  Wiedlich,  Jan.  21. 
Harold  Taylor,  son  of  George  B.  and  Carrie  L.  Leavenworth,  Feb.    9. 

Addie  Louise,  dan.  of  lleber  P.  and  Julia  Carpenter,  Feb.  23. 

II oy  Kii'lnuond,  son  of  George  and  Julia  M.  Smith,  Mar.    4. 

KiegLuold  Anson,  son  of  Win.  R.  and  Fanny  N.  Brisey,  April  28. 

son  of  Ward  F.  and  Sarah  M.  Calkins,  May    1. 

Lizzie,  dau.  of  Patrick  and  .Margaret  Carney,  May  10. 
Burnett,  son  of  Abraui  and  Anna  Higgins,  June  10. 

a     c^      enr^ ,    »    children  of  Patrick  and  Kate  Brennan,  July    .5. 

son  of  iliram  and  Anna  Knapp,  Aug.    9. 

Beulab  A.,  dau.  of  Finery  F.  and  Flla  J.  Adams,  Aug.  12. 

dau.  of  Thomas  and  Anna  J.  Wilson,  Aug.  18. 
,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Anna  J.  Wilson,  Aug.  18. 

son  of  Maurice  A.  and  Carry  Finkle,  Aug.  21. 

James,  son  of  Michael  and  Catharine  M.  Fogarty,  Aug.  27. 

Julia  Augusta,  dau.  of  John  and  .Margaret  Smith,  Sept.    1. 

dau.  of  Lewis  A.  and  Elizabeth  E.  Camp,  Sept.  21. 

son  of  Robert  and  Mary  ^Litthews,  Sept.  30, 

Clara  Belle  Storrs,  dau.  of  Frank  G.  and  Hattie  L.  Bassett,  Oct.  19. 

Gilbert  Berry,  son  of  Cliarles  E.  and  Alice  A.  Thayer,  Xov.    9. 

Jeunie  Abigail,  dau.  of  George  C.  and  Mary  F.  Munger,  Nov.  19. 

dau.  of  Harvey  L.  and  Mary  R.  Botsford,  Nov.  26. 

Morris,  son  of  Morris  and  Mary  Beunett,  Nov.  27. 

Stanley,  son  of  Joseph  and  Nellie  S.  Ineson,  Dec.    o. 

dau.  of  Joel  and  Katie  Chattield,  Dec.    8. 

Michael,  son  of  Michael  and  Mary  .^lcNurney,  Dec.  12. 

George  Noble,  son  of  Noble  and  Lena  Baldwin,  Dec.  25. 


Daniel  McCarthy  and  Hattie  >Lillory,  Nov.  20. 

Frank  R.  Leavenworth  and  Arabella  E.  Pulford,  Nov.  29. 

Henry  B.  Treat  and  Lillian  E.,  dau.  of  Geo.  C.  Sperry,  Dec.  28. 


Ida  Mary  E.,  dau.  Joseph  and  Eliza  Harvey,  d.  Feb.  22,  aged  7  y. 

Ruble,  dau.  of  Dexter  and  l^mcline  (rillett,  d.  .March  21,  aged  1  y. 

Bridget,  wife  of  David  Gary,  d.  May  1,  aged  42. 

Mrs.  Damaris  Sommers,  d.  May  18, aged  84. 

Andrew,  son  of  Philo  Holbrook.  <1.  May  18,  aged  40. 

(.'harles,  sou  of  Dennis  and  Jiridget  Me(Jarlhy  d.  Dec.  14,  aj^ed  41.  % 

Hattie  K.  dau.  of  Amos  Bassett,  d.  Dec.  2."».  aged  22. 




Emily  B.,  dau.  of  Eli  Gillette,  b.  Oct.  12,  1835. 

Wilbur  F.,  son  of  Eli  Gillette,  b.  Feb.  9,  1837. 

Augusta,  dau.  of  P^li  Gillette,  b.  Aug.,  1838. 

Sarah,  dau.  of  Eli  Gillette,  b.  March  1,  1S33. 

Johu  Ilarpiu,  ijou  of  Oliver  and   Hannah  Stoddard,  d.  Sept.  27,  1848, 

aged  2  y,  1  mo,  0  d. 
Hannah  Smith,  wife  of  Oliver  Stoddard,  d.  June  20,  1848,  aged  75. 
Mary  Jane,  dau.  of  Lorenzo  M.  and  Sarah  Eassett,  b.  Feb.  8,  1849. 
Ann  Eliza,  dau.  of  Lorenzo  M.  and  Sarah  Bassett,  b.  Sept.  12,  1853. 
James  H.,  son  of  Lorenzo  ^1.  and  Sarah  Bassett,  b.  Dec.  19,  1800. 
Robert  Uealv  and  Alice  J.,  dau.  of  Amos  Bassett,  m.  Sept.    13,    1800, 
Mary  H.  Wlrite,  wife  of  Walter  B.  Clark,  d.  Oct.  31,  1800,  aged  .13. 
Ernest  C,  son  of  William  C  and  Vinie  A.  Sharpe,  b.  July   23,   1808. 
Freddie,  son  of  Chas.  M.  and  Ellen  L.  Beers,  b.  July  30,  1871. 
Bessie  ^Liy,  dau.  of  Leonard  and  ]\Iary  A.  Bradley,  b.  Nov.  18,  1876. 
Ella,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Breunan,  b.  July  4,  1800. 
Thomas,  son  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Brennan,  b.  Aug.  8,  1807. 
Julia,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Brennan,  li.  Jan.  5,  1809. 
Mary,  dau.  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Brennan,  b.  May  28,  1870. 
James,  son  of  Thomas  and  Anu  Brennan,  b.  April  1,  1S72. 
Anna,  dau.  of  Tlionias  and  Ann  Brennan,  b.  Aug.  10,  187.5. 
Charles  W.,  son  of  Wm.  S.  and  Martha  Cooper,  b.  Nov.  7,  1807. 
Edward  S.,  son  of  Wm.  S.  and  Martha  Cooper,  b.  Jan.  11.  1809. 
Dennis,  son  of  Patrick  and  Ellen  Fitzgibbons,  b.  Sept.  2,  1807. 
Mary,  dau.  of  Patrick  and  Ellen  Fitzgibbons,  b.  Feb.  19,  1809. 
Ivichard  li.,  son  of  David  R.  and  Elizabetli  Hill,  b.  June  14,  1854, 
Frank  E.,  son  of  Chas.  D.  and    Eimira  Iloiightaliug,  b.  July  28,  1871. 
Joseph,  son  of  F.  X.  Kempf,  b.  July  1,  1808. 
Hannah  E.,  dau.  of  W.  f.  aud  Maria  Lines,  1).  Aug.  19,  1853. 
John  S.,  son  of  Howard  F.  and  Julia  Moshier,  b.  Feb.  19,  1804. 
George  H.,  son  of  Howard  F.  and  Julia  Moshier,  b.  May  20,  1809. 
Mettle  S.,  dau.  of  Henry  A.  and  Julia  S.  Pader,  b.  Aug.  25,  1804. 
John  W.  Rogers  and  Susan  Baldwin,  m.  .June  29,  18.30. 
Charles  E.,  son  of  John  W.  and  Susan  Rogers,  b.  April  10,  18.38. 
John  J.,  son  of  John  W  and  Susan  Rogers,  b.  Dec.  29,  1839. 
Henry  C,  son  of  John  W.  and  Susan  RoL-^ers,  b.  May  11,  1842. 
George  W.,  son  of  -lohn  W.  and  Susan  Roger-,  b.  Oct.  1,  1843. 
Warren  N.,  son  of  .Tohn  W.  an<l  Susan  Bog(;rs,  b.  Nov.  5,  1847. 
Warren  S.,  son  of  Johu  W.  and  Susan  Rogers,  b.  Oct.  20,  1850. 
George  IL.  son  of  George  P.  Shelton,  b.  June  KJ,  1871. 
James  Wilford,  S(m  of  James  L.  S|)encer,  b.  Sept.  17,  1850. 
Horace  Jiadford.  son  of  James  L.  Spencer,  b   .March  29,  1858. 
Henry  Wallace,  son  of  James  \j   8pencer,  b.  April  27,  1800. 
Katie  Summers,  dau.  of  James  L.  Spencer,  b.  Oct.  11,  1808. 
George  Wells,  .sou  of  S.  V.  and  Adaliue  Be.ich.  b.  Aug.  18,  is;33. 
Andre.w  Vale,  .•<uu  of  S.  Y.  and  Ad.iline  P>each,  b.  Oct.  27.  LS.iO. 
Emeline  Eliza,  dau.  of  S.  V.  and  Adaliue  Beach,  b.  Feb.  9,  1.S12. 


Stiles  D.,  son  of  S.  Y.  and  A.  Beach,  b.  Marob  3, 1S47,  d.  Sep.  23, 1S4S. 
Sharon  Dayton,  son  of  S  Y.  and  Adaline  Beacli,  b.  Xov.  1*3,  1849. 
Thcodore'Benj.,  son  of  S.  Y.  and  Adaline  Beacli,  b.  Juno  23,  1855. 
Edward  P.,  son  of  Charles  P.  and  Mary  J.  White,  b.  May  17,  1870. 
Annie  Mary,  dan.  Chas.  B.  Wooster,  b.  Aug.  15,  1850,  d.  July  0, 1852. 

DeForest  Canfield,  son  of  Lewis  Canfield,  m.  Hannah,  dan.  of  Ueman 
and  Sarah  Childs  of  Iligganuui. 

cnrLDRj:^  of  deforest  and  sarah  canfield. 

Josephine,  b.  Dec.  21,  1837,  m.  I.  B.  Botsferd,  Oct.  8,   1854.     Resi- 
dence, Hartford. 

Adelaide,  b.  Xov.  22,  1830. 

Preston  J.,  b.  May  27,  1842,  m.  Mary  A.  Heath,  April  3,  18GG.     Res- 
idence, Xewiuirton. 

Charles,  b.  May  20^1844.     Residence,  Rocky  Hill. 

Sarah  H.,  b.  Mav  12,  184G,  m.  L.  A.  Hitchcock.    Residence,  Hartford. 

Ella  J.,  b.  :March  12,  1848,  d.  Sept.  25,  1804. 

Mary  R.,  b.  May  27,  1850,  m,  Edward  Brown. 

Ann  Augusta,  b.  Ang.  8,  1852. 

Frank  E.,  b.  Sept  19,  1854.     Residence,  Middletown. 

Hattie,  b.  Jan,  11,  1857. 

Frederick,  b.  April  1,  18G1. 

"William  Atwell,  son  of  James  W.  Samuel,  b.  April  24,  18GG. 
Florence,  dan.  of  James  W.  Samuel,  b.  Dec.  12,  18G8. 
Charles,  son  of  James  W.  Samuel,  b.  Feb.  2,  1872,  d.  Feb.  9,  1872, 
Chauncey,  son  of  James  W.  Samuel,  b.  Feb.  9,  1874. 




Abbott,  Antiif  M.,  5-J. 
Josej)hine,  C7. 
JoSP]>lune  Aii;i«sta.  ■<•». 
Kob.-i  t  J..  47. 
Aclv,  Julia  Clark.  43. 
Adams.  Kcul.ili  A..  111. 
Ella  J.,  30,111. 
Enieiy  E..  30,  5t;.  111. 
James  K.,  54. 
Jolm.  47. 
A.Ikius.  Elizab.tb.  31.  :{,".. 
Julia.  33. 
Ward.  31.  :W.  3.5. 
A.lye.  Abi>.:ail.  'ri. 
A>:m-\v,  Alici>.  51. 
Caroliin'.  68. 
Charb'S.  5^. 
Dauicl,  10,  1-2,  14. 
Ulen.  73. 
James.  69. 
Jane,  1-2.  14. 
Sarab  J..  74. 

-.  eo. 

Al.  Maria.  30,  3-J. 

Kutus  C.  30.  3-2. 
All.ii.  Eli/a.  .">0. 
Eplir;'.iui.  t''3 
I.'<iiac  N..  46,  ri 
Lfverett  S.    40. 
Maria  M..  '>l. 
Alliuj;.  Aiii.iiula,  !»!». 
Iturr.  l."i. 
E<lwiii   11..  .".3. 
Eli/.aUth  A.,  l.'>. 
Frames.  i'J. 
(Vrace.  .'.7.  00. 
Jane  Irniii.  4.-. 
Miehael.  73. 
Nf.ves,  00. 
.\mbl,  Mary  E..  -JI. 

Sfba.-tiali.  vil. 
Amlrew.  Ad.lai.le  (;.,  .72. 
Amliews.  Ann.  ^7. 

Cbarl. -,.31.32.  33.3.5. 

I),  iii-uu  1)..  '•■7. 

Kli/a.  -"O,  f.r>. 

Ell.  n  II..  60. 

Fli>r.iue  A..  :M. 

(iei.r;;.-.  .>4. 

Haiiliali.  9.  04. 

Hattif.  31. 

J.r.  iiiiali.  6.  0. 

.).  rrv.  2!i.  31.  '•.x 

.John  A..  34. 

.loi.-jJi.  .7^. 

I. ills.  32   Xi.  X: 

Marv  1...  12. 

Mii-i».  37. 

M.M.-*  J5.    3g. 

i;..beit.  k:. 

1        Theodore  K..  Vi,  49. 

William,  70. 
iAntboDV.  Anna,  24. 
I        Janies,  -24,  27. 
I         Josej)h.  &5. 
I        Katie.  27. 
■         Maiiraret.  55. 
i        William.  24. 
'Ajiustron;:.  Emily  M..  17 
j        Jeionie,  17. 
Arnold.  Eerklev,  91. 
I        Cvnthia.  91. 
N'ellie  B..  59. 
I        Kobert  C,  91. 
•Aspden.  Kicbard.  51. 
'Atkin.s.  Eu])beuia.  54. 
Atkinson,  ^arri^t  Ann. 
V        Martba  J..  49. 

Atwater.  Ueman  K..  .76. 
Atwell.  Henry  C.  51. 
^Atwoud,  Cliaiks,  fl. 
Henry  C,  73.  rtl. 
Mra.  Jane,  81. 
Morris.  51. 
lAver."*,  WilUam,  .77. 

HabiHik.  Albert  C,  4.-. 
Cbarle.s  H..  6. 
Elizabetb  M.,  6. 
Ibmlev.  Jo.-eph,  47. 
j;aib\ ,  Etta.  26. 

X.  v..  26. 
Hair.l.  Joseph  T..  .75. 
liaker.  Charlotte.  10.  12.  14. 
i        James.  10,  12.  1^.  47.  7-. 
I  Katie  A..  90. 

I         William  J..  77. 
jBaldwiu.  Amanda.  65. 
I        Anna  M..  77. 
1         Aurelia.  90.  104. 
'         Burr.  90. 

Clarissa  A..  52.  M. 

Daniel.  99. 

Dwi^bt.  90. 

Edwin.  90. 

Kllen  A.,  62.  tO-f. 

Eliza,  99. 

Eveline.  33. 

Frederi.k,  99. 

(leorge  N..  90. 
I        (;.-oi;:e  W..  6. 

Hiram  *...  69. 

Ittiiac.  99. 

Jabe/..  t-4.  101. 

James.  101. 

Jan.',  101. 

Jelilielte.  46. 

Jesse,  C4.  1-4. 

I>aiira.  •».  l(»4. 

Lena,  35. 

Lueian,  90,  104- 

Lucv,  45. 

Lucv  J.,  4^*. 

Maria,  46. 

Martha,  6S. 

ilarv,  63,  99. 

Marv  T.,  104. 
,        Merrit  P..  46.  99. 
I         Xoble,  33,  :}5.  90.  111. 
1        Noye.sC.  101. 
1        Sarah,  101.  - 

I        Sila.s,  68. 

Susan,  112. 

Tabitha  P..  73. 

WOford,  55. 
1        WiUi.s  R,  47. 

Ballard.  p:7ra.  6. 

Ballenbur^.  Eli/.abeth.  2:i. 

,        Fred.  23. 

Barber,  Harriet.  25. 

I        James  11..  25.  55. 

JBarhnier,  Aii^riist.  53. 

Barnes,  Agnes  <i..  56. 

Barr  Andrew,  31,  33,  64.  80. 

1        Anna.  f5. 

1         Elizabetli,  15. 

1        George  K..  84. 

I      -Jane.  17.  31.  :«. 

I        Mary  Jane.  51. 

j        Mrs."  Nancy,  rl. 

Kobert,  15,  17. 
!        William.  .76. 
Banelt.  Jos.-pll,  20.  Xi. 

Mrs.  Naiiev,  80. 

Patience.  71. 
'BaiTy,  Joseph,  6. 
'■        ilarv,  6. 
jBai-tlett:  Geo.  W.,  5«i.  f^'. 

Joseph,  88. 

Sarah,  88. 
Bartis.  widow,  100. 
Barton,  Ellen,  28. 
I        Jame.s  H.,  B.3. 
I        John  C,  28. 
Baaselt,  Abel.  39.  4V  64t.    6.7.    74. 
101,  104. 

.Abraham,  99. 

Abram.  79. 

Alice  J..  112. 
1         Amos.  6.8.  12.  14.  74. -i:).  Ill, 

Amos  J.,  97. 

Ann  Alida.  85. 

Ann  Eliza.  2-,',  112. 

Ann  Ellen.  69. 

Augusta  .Viin.  6.  67. 

Betsey,  89.  91. 


Mrs.  B.,  60. 


Bassett,  Caroline,  6/ 

Ch:irl(>s,  6,  7.  3it.  101. 
Charlos  11.,  47.  G4.  101. 
Clara  BolloS..  111. 
Davis  StoiTS,  S'?. 
Kbeiiezer  T.,  79. 
Edward  F.,  19. 
t'lecta.  -17. 
Eliott  K.,  '>.J.  5.1,  ;?9. 
Eliza,  71,  n7. 
Eliz;il)tth,  ').  U,  39,  C3. 
Enitua  E.   70. 
Fannie  11..  50. 
Frances.  39. 
Fiance.s  M..  iS,  53. 
IVauk  G.,  33.  57,  63.  11 
George  A.,  li. 
Glover.  39,  65,  K. 
Uariift.  97. 
Ilattie  K..  33,  8S,  111. 
Henrv  M.,  70. 
H.  ■«'.,  59. 
Ireue,  104. 
Ida  L.,  30,  34. 
Isaac.  66,  87. 
Capt.  I9a;ic.  91. 
James,  91,  104. 
James  11..  73,  rf.  99.  Ill 
Jane.  7,  47. 
Jane  E.,  6. 
Jared,  79. 
Jason,  46. 
John,  65,  119. 
John  L..  41,  101. 
John  W.,  40.  46,  6.1.  61. 
Jo.siah.  ?5,  89.  91. 
Jnlia  Ann,  41. 
Julius.  6,  lin. 
Katie  Alav,  70. 
Keziah,  8^  10,  14,  83. 
Laura,  19,  48. 
Lucy,  104. 

Lorenzo  M.  9. 14, 15, 16, 80 
Mariraret,  23. 
Maria,  43,  100. 
Maria  A.,  48. 
»Martha.  41,  6i;,  101,  104. 
Martin,  6. 
Mary.  6,  39,  46,  62,  68,  99 

Mary  E.,  48,  83. 
Mary  J.,  rA.  110. 
Marv  M..  lOO. 
Molfy.  79. 
Xoye.s  E.,  30,  .34. 
Patty,  39. 
Sally,  66. 

Saiuuel.  39,  6.1.  101,  100. 
Sarah,  15,  10,  47.  110. 
Sarah  A.,  14. 
Sarah  T.,  9. 
Slieldon.  5,  14. 
Susan.  f4. 
Truman,  100. 
"\Vait,  104. 
M'ilhur,  O:?,  43. 
William  <i..  43.  74.  -1. 
William  MaicuM.  65. 
Bates.  S,ira!i,  0-.  O*.).  33. 

NS'illiam  K.,  J,-.  2!t.  3.3   55 
Batt.,n,  William.  11. 
Bauni.  Jacolj.  11. 

Kacliel,  11. 
Bay.  Cliat.  liO.  05.  06.  0^.  31.  50. 
Cathci  iiK-.  UD.  04. 
K^itc,  0-',  31. 
Mary  Jaiif,  06. 
Naniv,  o:). 
William,  Si. 


Bayley.  Ella,  09. 

N.  B.,  o;>. 
Beach.  Adaline.  .5.  10,  81,  110,113 

Andrew  Y..  13,  18.  110. 

Betsev.  99. 

DaviJ.  39.  41,  40.  50.  91,  99. 

Elizalitth.  30. 

Euieline  E.,  110. 

GLOrjie  W.,  13.  49.  110. 

Hannah  B..  63.  91.  99. 

Hannah  Bet.sev.  39. 

Mrs.  Lucy  it.!  86. 

^laria.  4l" 

Maria  M.,  41. 

Maiia  Minerva.  41. 

Marv.  45. 

Marv  C,  13.  IS. 

Marv  E..  05. 

Sluirou  1).,  30.  54.  113. 

Sharon  Y..  5.  10.  110.  113. 

Sarah.  13. 

Sarah  A.,  41,  47. 

Stiles  D..  100.  113. 

Theotlore  K.,  5^,  113. 
.  73 




Beardsley.  Abigail.  91. 

James.  91. 

Louis.  5. 

Martha.  5. 

I'oUv.  91. 

Eutii  Ann.  91. 

Samuel,  91. 

Sarah.  57. 
Becker.  Augusta  S.,  78. 

Gustav  A..  57. 
Beecher,  Anna  A..  50. 

Andrew  J.,  43. 

BuiT  P.,  2.5.  54. 

Chailes.  104. 

D.  L..  40. 

David.  102. 

Frank  H..  56. 

Frederic.  54. 

Hannah  E.,  25. 

Heurv  B..  17.  49,  79.  8='. 

Jane.  104. 

John.  104. 

Lewis,  60.  88,  99. 

ilartha.  e8. 

:Mrs.  Martha.  60. 

:ilartha  P..  99. 

Mary,  17,  79.  104. 

Marv  E  .  55. 

M.  IL,  81. 

Pollv,  46. 

Sally.  42. 

Sarah,  46. 

Sarah  E..  40,  65. 

William  11,.  50.  .5.3. 

Beers.  Abel  J..  8,  10. 

Cliarlf.4  il..  -20.  •>>,  50    110 
Ellen  L..  Ofl,  09.  -1.  llj. 
Frances  M.,  64. 
Fieiierick,  el. 
Harriet,  e.  10. 
H.-urv.  19.  01. 
H.iirv  J'..,  Zi. 
ll.urv  P..  50.,.54. 
NMlie.  19. 
Sarali  E..  .".♦:. 
Hehreu'*.  Fannie.  .56. 
53..l!t-iles,  Altred.  Kt. 
August.  ■■9. 
I         Caroline,  r'j. 
|B<:ld.n.  .Marv  J..  .57. 
Bill.  .Ut^s,-.  ir. 
Margaret.  Ki. 

[Bell,  WilLiniena  B..  5.5. 
iBement.  llannali.  37. 
I        Harriet  Eliza,  37. 
I        Laura  .\nn.  37. 
Benedict.  E.  .*!..  04. 
George.  10.  21. 
Henry  W.,  13. 
Lizzie.  10. 
Sarah  H..  13. 
Mrs.  Wilbur.  76. 
Benhan).  (.'harles.  96. 
Charles  S..  97. 
Capt.  Chari-.s.  97. 

Chariotte.  97. 

Elizabeth  B..  96. 

Elizabeth  L.,  104. 

Hattie  A.,  .V-*. 

Jay,  104. 

Laura,  38. 

Saiab  M..  104. 

Washinirton.  .53.  104. 
Bennett.  2Haria,  40. 

Marv.  111. 

Morris.  lU. 
Berger.  Aliiv.  10. 

Ferris.  10. 
Bernard.  Sebastian,  8. 
Berrv,  Lncv.  96. 

Lucv  >ielissa.  96. 

01o&'.  96. 
Betts,  Henry  E.  68. 

Margaret  E.,  51. 
Billerwell,  Marizaret  W.,  57. 
BilliniTs.  Charles  C,  59. 
Bishop,  Adilis,  34. 

Adelia.  30. 

Charles.  47. 

Edwin  I).,  01. 

Henrv,  58.  * 

James  H.,  36. 

Matie  S..  36. 

Milton.  29.  30,  34. 

Sheldon.  80. 
Bissell.  Charles  S.,  73. 

Kate.  50. 

Martha  J.,  17. 

William  !»..  17.  51. 
Blackburn.  Eliza.  48. 
Blackman.  Benedict  S..  73. 

ilrs.  Betsev.  .-2. 

Bridget,  8. " 

Catherine,  6. 

Elisha  L..  0. 

Harriet.  00.  C'.K 

John  E.,  11.  13.  14 

Maria  S.,  14. 

^Martin  L.,  ^-. 

Robert,  b. 

Seaman,  47. 

Terah  C,  04. 

.  9. 

Blake.   Betsey, 

^Irs.  Bet.sey, 


,  -0. 

Frances  ^L.  73. 

Harriet,  46. 

Lucv.  64. 

Mary  A..  64. 

Marv  Jane,  67. 

William.  7.  10.  11.  56. 
Bhlkeslee.  Xel^rin,  65. 
Blanchard.  Cliailr^,  N.,  81 

William  S..  -1. 
Bland,  Iiet,ey,  inj. 

C.iioline  !■;..  6ii.  105. 

J<din  A.,  100. 
Blauvette.  Ann  Eliza.  48. 

Ellen  J..  6.  7. 

Harrv  K.,  7. 

Henry  K.  6. 

Dlaiirette,  Jane.  -17. 
lilislin,  John,  31. 

Sara.  31. 
Bli8.s.  Alice,  f^. 
Charles.  ?3. 
Charles  H..  26.  3«. 
Kliza  F.,  55. 
Eiueline,  6,  «■!. 
Mrs.  Etueline,  c^. 
Emily,  5. 
Howard.  10-2. 
Lenmel.  6,  3S,  67   84 
Sally.  37. 
Samuel,  5. 
Sarah.  iC,  36. 
Block,  Catherine,  10,  71. 
Katie,  5-2. 
Peter,  73. 
Philip.  10. 
Blodj:,  tt,  Ella  A..  .>!. 
Boeenisile,s.  Mr.s.  Emeret,  .-3. 
Bod^'e.  John.  I(h2. 

Martha.  100. 
Eodnrtha.  James.  7. 

ilaria.  7. 
Boeker,  Eredrica.  Oo. 
Frederick.  05.  55. 
B<il.<tcr,  Eilwiu  L..  51. 
Bounell,  Alexy,  9. 
Mrs.  Fraiices,  65. 
Kiisselh  !). 
Booth.  Albert,  15. 
Anna.  09.  96. 
Charles.  100. 
HaiTiet.  8.  11.  90. 
Hattie  A..  57. 
Henry  T.,  11,  48. 
H.  Treat.  8. 
Laura.  15. 
Louisa  11..  48. 
Maria.  68. 
Mary  Ann.  49. 
Mrs.'  Marv,  89. 
Bostnifk.  Eliza.  110. 
Bot.sford.  Al)l.v  Minerva.  40 
Alfred.  J4. 
Ann.  100. 
Aur»ne.  91. 
Beach.  48. 
Betsey  M.,  80.  105. 
Catherine.  91. 
Charles  L..  70. 
Charles  S..  57. 
Clark,  99.  105. 
Curtis.  91. 
Cynthia.  99. 
Cyrus.  .50.  91. 
Diaiitha.  40.  63,  99. 
Edward.  31.  55. 
Edward  L.,  0-. 
Edwaid  X..  56. 
J;iiza.  91. 
Ellen  E..  48. 
Fraui  cs.  70. 
George  F..  lOO. 
Oile.sM..  91. 
Mrs.  Hannah.  79. 
Haivey  I,..   ICI.  il,  03    .,.-    ;j,) 

30.  111. 
HenrvT.  C,  100. 
Isaac.  40.  43.  4.j.  65.  91. 
I.  15..  113. 
Jennette.  40.  83. 
Jerome.  75. 
Josiah.  109. 
Julia.  69. 
Lizzie,  tli,  31. 
Lucius.  e8. 
Lucv,  69.  68.  97.  ! 


jBotsford,  Lvman.  10  ,-t) 
Mary,  14.  19,  -io,  40,  91. 
Mary,  71. 
Mary  Ann.  10. 
Mary  11..  o.i.  30,  30,  111. 
Minott  E..  71. 
Mos,sy.  109. 
Xeheiiiiah,  97   110 
Sally.  91. 
Sam"uel.  91.  99. 
Samuel  W..  65 
Shel.lcn  T..  81. 
Stephen.  102. 
Su.san.  49. 
Treat.  46.  60. 
Wm.  Isaac,  43. 



Boncliez.  Louis.  90. 
•Bovre,  Wui.  H.,  100 
iBowen,  John,  c6. 
'        ilary.  86. 
I        Miniiie,  86. 
[Bowers.  Xellie.  59. 
Boyle.  Catheriue.  7. 

John,  7. 
Bradley.  Ahijah.  73 
Bessie  May.  85 
Burr.  68. 
Celestia.  27. 
Edward.  27.  83 
Edward  B..  53. 
Eva  C.  85. 
•  Henry  T..  52. 
John,' 25,  27, 
John  H.,  21.  25 
Lavinia  A..  5r. 
Leonard,  27.   08.   30.    31    35 

p3.  85,  110. 
Margaret.  25,  07. 
Martha.  25. 
Marv,  28,  30.  31.  83,  85 
Mar3-  A.,  35.  112. 
Mav.  83.  I 

Xaucy.  07.  73. 
Xoves  G.,  52. 
Orril  G..  70. 
Sally,  80. 
Sarah.  97. 
Svlvester,  51. 
Willie.  79. 
jBrav,  Esther  P..  97. 
Kev.  John  E.,  97 
I        John  H..  97. 
iBreeniu,  Calahan.  75 
Brennan.  Ann.  .35.  ,-5 
Anna.  30.  110. 
Dora  .S.,  111. 
Ella,  no. 
Ellen.  29.  55. 
James.  29,  e5,  90,  112 
Jane,  49. 
Julia,  112. 
Kate.  29.  111. 
ItUxry.  110. 
Patrick,  90.  ni. 
Thomas.  29.  :Hj,  35,  84,  r'o  112 

I         .  r4.  90. 

Brenninir.  .John.  .VJ. 
Brewsti-r.  Nath.iniel.  105. 
HiiL'dcn    Hiurv  1'...  tO. 
Bri:;ht.  Kliza.  .V». 
Bristol.  .Marv.  7. 
Ophelia.  J..  6. 
Khoda  E.,  47. 
Saiali.  46. 
Thomas.  6.  (r.,  7. 
Britt.  Carlo.  71. 
Brixey,  Fannie  X..  34.  111. 


;Brisey,  William  P..  Jj,  5^.  m 
Kieinnold.  Anson.  111. 
Broadhead.  Cezar,  71. 
Broadhurst.  Thomas.  48. 
Broadwell.  Ellon  E     20  •■ 

Bet.sey,  102.' 
\ji  Homer,  20.^ 
"     James,  38.-^^ 

Laura  J.,  48. 
jBrock.  Betsey,  109. 
>-_.  Lewis,  162,  no.  '  ■.•^■'y  -  .  v<. 
Brockway.  Anna,  7,  14,  16  21 

Catherine,  55. 

Daniel,  7. 

Ellen.  71. 

Emily  18. 

James,  18. 


Xicholas,  7,  10,  14,  ig,  oi_ 

[Brwlie,  Sarah  A.,  56. 
jBron.son,  Charles  H.,  77 

Julia  E.,  10. 

Marv  J.,  55. 

Miles  L..  10. 
I        Kodnev  O.,  ,53. 
I        Samuel  L.,  51. 
|Brook.s,  Isaac  P.,  105. 

John,  48. 
I        Thomas  D.,  54. 
iBroomtield.  :Mrs,  109. 
Brown.  EwdC,  24.  28,  31.  55  113 

Elizabeth,  55. 

Hannah,  76,  97. 

Horatio  M.,  50. 

ilary.  50. 

Marv  11.,  04,  08.  31. 

Xancv  J.,  51. 

William  P.,  53. 

-9.  110. 

Brush.  Lucv  M..  49. 
Brushell,  Majrgie,  05. 

Nathan  A.,  05. 
Bryan,  John,  57. 
Marv.  13. 
Timothy.  13. 
Bryson,  Betsey,  99. 
Leslie,  43. 
Maxwell,  63,  99. 
Mrs.,  60. 
Sarah.  43. 
Buchanan.  Mary  Ann,  8. 
I        William.  8. 
Buchelf.  Louisa,  01. 
I        Valentin.  21.  52,  78. 
BachUr,  .Vu;;ust,  36. 

Caroline.  36. 
Buckingham,  Albert  H.,  70 
Alice  £..  85. 
David.  21. 
Edward,  50. 
Edwin,  46. 
Elizabeth,  105. 
Emilv  C,  51. 
Esther.   105. 
Fanny  L.,  49. 
GeorL'e  E..  102. 
Hattie  D..  5-. 
H<-nry,  ,'>0,  58. 
Hirain,  'Si. 

Inaac  J.,  5,  8,  49,  68,  r-i)   lo-' 
Jessie,  3.3. 

ilary,  5.  8,  21,  68,  85. 
ilary  G..  to. 
Oliver,  U(."). 
Itoxana,  22. 
Sarah  F..  55. 
VirL'il.  eO,  f5. 
Willis,  C,  9,  22. 




Bucklov,  Aaron,  6. 
Ella,  -r.. 

James  E..  ir>,  54. 
Lncinila,  6. 
B'lgbov.  Eranklin,  H. 

Julia,  14. 
BuUtrTTorth,  Alicp.  50. 
ISiuioe,  S.Trah  F.,  54. 
IJamiell.  Ann  Augusta,  69. 
Caroline.  11. 
Catharine.  47. 
Uavid.  41,  47. 
Elliot  A.,  IW. 
Esther  A.,  47. 
Fannie,  9'J. 
Georjre,  19. 
George  H.,  41. 
Georsie  "SV.,  11. 
Horace.  99. 
James.  10. 
Joanna,  41. 
Mary,  1  (>•,>. 
Eenus,  77. 
Sanniel  A.,  10-2. 
Sarah  A.,  53. 
Sarah  F.,  54. 
S.  J.,  19. 
Uunyan,  Catherine  M.,  75. 
ilonnra,  51. 
James.  17. 
John.  87. 

Margaret,  14.  15,  17,  19,  -21. 
Matthew,  -29. 
Matthias,  14,  1.5,  19,  il. 
Theresa,  79. 
Burgess,  Arthur  S..  35,  56. 

ilary,  3.5. 
Burhman,  John  A.,  78. 
Le%vis.  1,*,  79. 
Mary  H..  79. 
Xaney,  18.  5.5,  79. 
Barke,  iiary  A.,  48. 

Burleigh.  ,  77. 

Bui-ns,  Patrick,  16. 

Sarah  C.  4.8. 
Bnrr,  Marv  A..  5-2. 
Burritt,  W'illiam  \V.,  ij:{. 
BuiTonghs,  George  W..  :J5. 
Susan  A..  ;{.5. 
Georire  E.,  3.5. 
Burwell.  Catherine  C..  .57. 
Harriet.  70.  88. 
Joseph,  8-'. 
Xathan.  39. 
Sarah  E..  .39. 
Sereno  D.,  88. 
Bussanii;h.  .Jane  A..  9,  44. 
John.  9. 
Marv  .Jane,  44. 
Buthr.  Mrs.  Ann  D,,  83. 
Eilw-in,  71. 
Ella  L.,  30.  Xi. 
Erva,  CI. 
Ezra,  W. 
Frederick,  l(^>. 
George,  26,  102. 
George  U'.,  t>;. 
Lavinia  II..  41. 
Marv  J.. -.t). 
Mehetaol  .  (13. 
iJeherra  A..  10-2 
Sam n el  B..  30.  Xi.  541. 
Sophia.  2.5.  27. 
William.  -25.  -27.  81,  102. 
William  T.,  10-2. 
Button.  I'.et.Hpy,  109. 

Ca<lwell.  Ahliev.  90. 
Juliett    1)4,  99. 

Cadwell,  Perrv.  99. 

William  n'.,  75. 
Calkins.  H.itiie  J..  ,56. 

Sarah  M..  34,  111. 

Ward  F..  34.  111. 
Callahan,   Dennis,   11,  13,  1.5,  17 

John,  90. 

Marv.  11.  13,  15.  17,  58,  70. 

'—.  8. 

Callan.  William  B..  .50. 

Cambridge .  40. 

Camp.  Elizabeth  E.,  :^2,  111. 

G.  Kenney.  3-2. 

•Joseph,  -20. 

Lewis  A.,  3-2.  57,  111. 

ilarvE.,  32. 

Miuer%-a  J.,  32. 

Samuf  1  I'..  3-2. 
Canary,  Andrew,   16,    17,  19,  '21, 
•24,  .»(),  ,-2. 

Edward.  77. 

Ellen,  16.  17.  19,  '21.  '24.  ?0.  82. 

Xellic:  80. 

Margaret,  82. 
Candee,  Ann.  42,  45. 

Frank.  5,  66. 

Frederick,  53. 

Mollv.  61.  102. 

Obadiah  W.,  .5,  47. 
Cane,  Louis  M..  -25. 

Ilattie  E..  25. 
Canfield.  Abijah,  61.  109. 

Adelaide,'  50.  113. 

Ann.  47. 

Ann  Aut;usta.  113. 

Anna.  91. 

Betsey.  42. 

Caroline.  46. 

Charles,  IIX 

Charitv,  63. 

Charlotte  A..  42. 

Daniel.  91. 

Daniel  S..  40. 

DeForest.  9.  U,  14.  113 

Ella  J.,  75,  li:i. 

Elsie,  102. 

Edward  C,  42. 

Frances.  40. 

Frances  yi..  47. 

Frank  i:..  113. 

Frederick,  113. 

Hannah.  9.  II 

Harriet.  4f. 

Hattie.  113. 

Hora<e,  45, 

Ira,  :5.-. 

.James.  62. 

•Jeunette.  4.5. 

John  M..  72. 

Joseph.  40.  46 

Josepliille.   4-. 

Jo^iah,  42. 
Jucisou,  46. 
Julia  .\..  70. 
Lewi-.  IIH. 
L.  II..  51 . 

Marv,  -20.  64.  90.  <Kt.  10^2.  110 
.Marv  A.,  47. 
Mary  K.,  .V.,  ll:l. 
Mrs'..  60. 
Olive  K..  42 
Preston  J..  20,  ,52,  113. 
Samuel.  .-7,  99.  Vfi. 
.Siiali.  .)-.  54.  <.4,  91. 
S.irah  H..   113. 
William.  40.  67.  91.  109. 
WillKi;ii  L.,  40. 
Carney,  Li/./.ie.  11 1. 
.Mar^'aret,  III. 


.  74.  91. 

Carney.  Patrick,  111. 
Carey,  Anna.  16,  21. 

Charles,  li',.  21.  51. 
Carid.  .James,  ?2. 

Mar.:  irct,  82. 
(."arlan,  Juli;\.  72. 
Carlson.  Carl,  32. 

Elia  M.,  3-2. 

Wesley.  32. 
Carr.  Charles.  19. 
Carpenter,  Addie  L..  90.  HI. 

Alfn  .1.  57. 

Amanda,  26.  2;l.  32. 

Harvev.  r"7. 

ileber  P..  29,   3:1.    .54}.   57   84. 
90.  111. 

Henry.  7. 

Jay.  2.3.  63. 

Julia  A..  33.  90.  111. 

^Mariraret  E.,  .5:{. 

^Slartha,  7.  2;>.  t4. 

Martha  1)..  84. 

Martha  U.,  49. 

Mary.  23. 

Sally.  t7. 

\^'iriiam.  87.  89. 
Can  ieley.  Edward  E..  76. 
Carrington,   Abram.    12.    13    15, 
17,  49. 

Albert  1)..  37,  47,  55,  97,  105. 

Catharine,  51, 

Celia,  51. 

Charles  A..  37.  97. 

Daniel,  68. 

D;ivid.  47. 

Elizabeth.  97. 

Henry.  51. 

ilary",  75. 

Sara'h,  12,  13,  1.5.  17. 

Carter.  Charles.  105. 
Casey.  Catherine.  .50. 

•John,  51. 
Cass,  Anna.  36. 

Catharine,  7,  9.  16.  3.5.  8.5.  87. 

James,  36. j)hiue.  j5. 

>Lu-v  L..  87. 

Castle,  Adelaide.  19,  21. 

Claris.-sa  A..  .54. 

Dewitt  C,  .58. 

E..  80. 

Emily,  .50. 

Freili  rick.  19.  21    .5-2 

John  II..  .57. 

Xancy  M..  49. 

ICufiis.  67. 

Sarah  F..  86. 

Truman.  75.  10-2. 

Wilbur  D.,  .53.  7-. 

Wilbur  M..  102. 
Ca.swell,  Harriet  N.  (col.)   66 

Caty.  02. 
Cantlenar.  .l<diu.  69. 
Cawthia.  (ieori^ia  M..  :>*• 
Chadiviek.  Kmilv  E..  -22 

Martha.  I(r2.' 

Tb.. mas. '-2-2. 

William  L..  ,56. 
Chatlee,  Anson.  7.-<. 
(,'hamberlain.  Daisy  D.,  8.5. 

ICveliiie.  -27.  :)1.'  E..  :,■'.. 

Henrv  It..  27,  :tl    <,. 

Wi.Itii.  .50. 

Willi.iiu  M..  .57. 
ChaiMiiaii.  .lohn    75. 

Lemaii.  47. 

Cha]>maii.  Molinda.  15.  18 
,  -21. 

.,  IS. 

iiniaii.  .Molinda. 
Satlianiol.  13.  1 

Samiul.  !il. 
Chas...  S.uali  A..  ,\-i 
Cliatti,.].!.  Ad.lai.ic  I 

AlUiit  A..  :t7 

Altxrt  •].,  .54. 

Alki-  J..  .W. 

Aliiiiia   •!.">. 

Anna.  l.S.  OJ.  35. 

Aiiiiir  L..  23. 

B.'itli.-i.  7. 

Bt'uuttt.  (i-J.  91. 

Hft.'^ey.  lO'X 

Catlia"i  inc.  Iti. 

CliarlottH.  r,T, 

Edwin,  Hi.  31.  109. 

EIIcu.  i:f. 

Kniily.  ]:}. 

GfuiL''-,  KiO. 

Giaie.  i>I. 

Hattii-  M.,  0.  87.  C,  53. 

Itorace  G..  57. 

Howaiil.  13. 

Isaiab,  !>1. 
.     Joel,  3-2.  (.-.',  .-i  ,-7,  O'X  1 00.  1 1 1 

Jo<-l  K,,  9,  ;l'J, 

John,  IS,  -Zi.  a.i. 

Katie,  111. 

Lcnian,  e;i,  99. 

Levi  T..  37. 

Lticinila,  6.J.  91t. 

ilartlia  L.,  49, 

ilai  ia,  .^J, 

ilarv,  9.  87. 

Mary  11.,  99. 

Xathan  S.,  37. 

iJan.soni.  19. 

Kuth.  99. 

Saiali.  19. 

.SlK-ldcn,  9.  85. 

S.  Lutlnda.  51. 

Snsan.  52. 

Thir/a.  82,  99. 

Ti  nnian,  52. 

William.  75. 

Mrs.  01. 
Chav,  Elkn,  15. 

:j..lin,  1,-.. 
Cliick.-is-.  Titus.  91. 

li.  ft V  A..  1  ().■). 
Cliil.N.  Edward  M..  22.  .5-I. 

Hannah  C.  22,  n:t, 

Ili'nian.  s,-',  113, 

Jobii  C.  .54. 

Martha.  4-. 

XflliH,  A..  .50, 

Sarah,  (-8,  113, 

Sniah  A,.  53, 
Cbri.-tiau.  lii  ii]iitirt"U  1'.,  .59. 
Chuich,  A  I).  1.  71.  =r<. 

Ali.e.  .54. 

Anna.  4.5.  eS. 

ISctscv.  79. 

Chaili'.*,  r8, 

Er.-d.rii  k.  110. 

Jam  tl.-.  r.4. 

Julia  M..  .V,. 

Lauia,  ^l,  90. 

Sl..d<l.  n.  K). 

William.  47.  rX  9t;,  11(1, 

.^II•^,,  till, 
(linn  hill.  l;.d)prt.  4r^. 
Claii-.  Il.iiry  H..  ti7. 
Clancv.  M.iVv.  7.«, 
Clari\.  William  H.,  21,  79. 
Chirk.  A.,  2.5. 


Clark.  Abigail  B..  6.3. 
Abrani.  sO. 
Adeline.  38. 
Albert  E.,  28,  55. 
Alcta.  102. 
Allen.  54. 

Alniira.  51. 

A1U0.S.  105. 

Anna.  I05. 

Charles  F..  5C.  105. 

Clarv.  105. 

Daniel  W..  27,  2;). 

David,  105,  110, 

David  B.,  I(i2. 

David  S..  73. 

Delia  H..  4t;. 

Edwin  W,.  ,53. 

Eliza  A..  45,  105. 

Emma,  '.i3. 

Emma  B.,  105. 

Fiances  A..  I(h2. 

Erederiek  A,,  84, 

Georj;ianua.  27.  29. 

Grace,  M. 

Hubert  .•%..  G2.  102. 

John,  11.  70. 

Julia,  10. 

Leonard.  9.  16. 

Leonie,  80. 

Lucy,  105. 

Marjraret  A.,  .S4. 

Mary.  28,  84.  102. 

Mary  A..  77,  102. 

Mary  H.,  112. 

Mose.s,  105, 

Xewton,  38. 

Peny  M..  45. 

Phebe  E..  12. 

Khwla.  25. 

Rn.s,sell.  96. 

!^a^ab.  16,  96. 

Sarah  A.,  38. 

Sarah  G..  45. 

Sheldon,  105. 

Shi-rman,  10.5. 

Smith,  to.  102. 

Stile.s,  105, 

Thaddeus,  33. 

Treat  P..  12 

Walter  I'...  6,5,  102,  |12. 

■William.  62.  Uhi. 
Cl'-nions.  lieithn  J.,  .58. 
Cliuton.  Alice.  79. 

Allie.  79. 

DeWitt.  79. 

Henry  E..  17,  22  26,  31.  79. 

Lvniiiu  A,,  7!). 

iiary  A.,  17,  22,  26.  79, 
Coburn, "William.  47. 
Cochran,  Andi.w,  102,  111. 

Emily.  47. 

Hnrriet,  ,52, 
John  A..  16,  31. 

Marv.  f6,  102. 

Mar\  J..  -6. 
Thouias.  7",  h6.  102. 
Coo.  Ifaiinah.  !tl. 

Wal.  M.  3-, 
Cojer,  .fulia,  47. 
Coi:.iUell.  E;.'lielt.  .50. 
CidliiM.   William.  21.  2:1.  2.5. 

A  111  am    -o. 
Coleman,  liridiret.  19. 
Catharine.  -Xi. 
<'haile,s.   1!..  76. 
Ell.  n,  14. 
■laiiii  >,  2:1. 

Jolin,  14.  1.5.  19.21,23  2.5  27 
29,  85. 


Coleman.  .Tohn  H.,  7,  77. 

J<diu  K..  211 

Mary.  1.5,  21.  2.3,  -2.5.  27. 
Collins,  Abrani.  ?0. 

Barsheba,  97. 

Cath.trino,  23. 

Frederick,  23. 

John.  79. 

Patrick.  2:1  79. 
Canary,  Jlonora,  68. 
Coudou.   David,   7,   9.  11,  13.  15. 

75.  89. 
Condon,  John.  15,  49. 

Majr!;ie,  89. 

Marv.  7,  9,  13.  1.5,  89. 

Thoma.s.  50,  89. 

Conklinu:.  Kichard.  99. 
Conner,  .lolin  V..  15.  16. 
Conrov,  Bernard,  67. 
Owen.  8,  13. 
^larv.  51. 
Michael.  32.  87. 
Thomas,  6,  8. 
Con.sidine,  Patrick.  34.  .3.5.  ,39. 
Converse,  Charles  H  .  43. 
Cook.  Ester  I'.,  ,57. 
Jesse.  105. 
William.  10.5. 
Cooley,  Harriet.  68. 
Cooper,  Asa.  69.  109. 
Charles.  88. 
Charles  W'..  112. 
Edward  S..  112. 
Maiia.  28. 

Martha,  21.  26,  SS.  112. 
William  C.  28. 
William  S..  21.  26.  88.   112. 
Corey,  John  M..  42. 
Cosnier,  John  E..  18. 
Cotter.  Frank  A.,  57. 

Minnie  J..  84. 
Cowle.s.  Charles.  9. 

•lob,  6,-'. 
Courter.  John.  20. 
Courtnev.  lUidget.  84. 
Couvrette.  Ali(  e  1!..  r3. 
Ellen.  2.5.  fji. 
Frank.  25.  83. 
CraTiiei.  .Martin  S,.  51. 
Crandalle.  Oian^'c,  .55, 

Sarah.  .55. 
Crane.  Einma  E..  70. 

William  E.,  .57. 
Cranniton.  Ida.  -7. 
Ciawlriid.  John.  96. 

Sarah.  96. 
Creelruan    Eliza  M.,  .57. 
(,'ritt.iidiu.  A I  vine  X..  87. 
Croasdale.  Ellen.  2s.  31.  t6. 

I'atiiik.  2-'.  31,  h;. 
Cronan.  .Tames.  71. 
Cro]>.  l!iiil;:et,  7. 

William,  7. 
Cross.  .John.  68. 

Maiiraiet.  67. 
Grossman.  Eilward  X..  47. 
Crotty.  Elizabeth.  4-, 
Crowth.-r,  Cliaibs,  34, 
Jamis  E.,  .59. 
.John  r..  .5'i. 
Jos.-i.h  W..  22. 
Lilly.  2^.  30. 
Sarah  C.  .55. 
Theoiloie.  28.  30. 
Williair,  A..  .57. 
Crowl.v    Catbaiirie.  .59. 

Dani»l.  10.  13.  16.  18.  7.3, 
Johanna,  16,  l8.  77. 


V  1  1'  A  I-    S  T  A  T  1  S  TICS    O  F    SEYMOUR. 

Crowl.-N.  .Titli.i.  U.  l.V  e-2. 

Marv.  10.  U.AIK 

M.lissa.  .-Hi. 

:Mkli.i.l.  U.  40.  7-J. 

ratriik.  i;t.  i:..  e-J.  4:> 

TiinotliT,  .")1. 

.  'i.  74. 

Criuiiiiiv.  Aiu).  74. 

Biiikot.  17.  -Jii.  -JJ.  -r..  •-•". 

l>,'miis.  u;.  17.  -Jil.  -04.  A -".X 75. 

Mavy,  10. 
Cnmiiituu.  J.  Marshal.  .'.7. 
Culver.  Amos.  .">.'». 

Auiia  E,.  54. 

Cbaritv.  00.. 

Chaik'S.  lOo. 

Claik.  Ui.->. 

i:ik-D  A.. -J-. 

Ekie  F..  :>4. 

Enu'liue,  105. 

Grac  A.,  ai. 

Ha  nil- 1.  54. 

John,  tl'.t. 

Johu  H..  1115. 

Jol  n  W..  or.. 

Laura,  1-2.  ll»5. 

ilaiv.  70. 

Marv  F..  105. 

MiU's.  1-2.  77.  10.-,. 

Sarah.  74. 

Sarah  J..  15. 

S.  Hart.  -J-. 

St.  i.h.u  II..  l.->.  51,  111.-. 

AVitliaiii.  O'u 
(;aniiiii;_'hani.  I5rid;;i-t.  7-J 

Ella.  79. 
Julia,  5.'^.  S?'. 
Marv,  14,  79. 
Ow(  h.  14.  79.  ??. 

Cnrdcw.  Anna.  33. 

Jo.^eph.  :i3. 

Jul  if.  35. 

■VVilliaui.  3;^. 
Cuniu,  Catherine. 

AiiiKi  11..  35. 
Curry.  Jcsepli,  35. 

Marion.  3,i. 
Cnrtiss.  IJurton.  4! 

Charles  A.,  c4. 

Cbarl.-.s  H..  .^.7. 

llenrv.  -24. 

Isalxlla.  -26. 

rre.^ton.  73. 

Sarah.  --'4. 

Thoiiia-s  It.,  2ti. 

,  f>7. 

Cntler.  J.  S..  49. 
Cutt.s.  Hattie.  5j. 
Daar,  Jann-s.  79. 
Dake.  Charh  s  li.. 
DaiUy.  l>aviil.  7-. 

Edward.  f5. 

Jo.-iopli.  I"- 

Lucy.  17. 

MarjiHrct.  17.  ' 

Mary,  I't. 

Michael.  75. 

I'atrirk.  17. 
Daniel,'*.  Caroline. 

Churle.'-.  <;.  73. 

Eiiiiiv  L..  •;. 

ilarri.l  L..  f>:>. 

Mari.i.  f,4. 
Daiin.  ];'x  k«ill.  < 
Danovan.  Coin,  lii 

Ellen  !>..  -. 
Darli  V.  Jani<-~.  75 


Darley,  Mary,  7ii. 
Daskani.  Georj;e.  M. 

Mary.  34. 
I>avcnii<"u  t.  John  P..  .'> 
Davis.  Alice.  •->•.•. 
Alice  A.,  55. 
Alniira.  57. 
Alviv  73,  90. 
Amelia,  it).  7c.  S9. 
Anna.  c^2,  e3. 
Anna  J..  89. 
Ann  E..  53. 
Au.son.  39.  41.  4-2. 
Uonjaniin.   '27.  30, 

?7,  109. 
Betsev,  33.  92. 
Burr  "N".,  c^l. 
Catharine.  tG,  1^2. 
Charles  H..  43. 
Charlotte,  10-2. 
Clark,  fil.  9-2. 
Daniel,  105. 
David,  .■;7.  109. 
Edward  J.,  34.  5;. 
Ella  G.,  43.  55. 
EUen,  27,  30.  3-2.  8: 
Ellen  A.,  8-2. 
Ellen  A..  r2. 
Emma,  tO. 
Freeman.  ;-9. 
George  S..  -20.  3-2. 
Gracie  V..  "K). 
Hannah  M..  43. 
Harpin.  7,  41.  47. 
Harriet.  7. 
Henrv.  .x  8.  110. 
Henry  P..  47. 
Homer.  41. 
Hubert  E..  90. 
Isaac  B..  9.  11,  13, 
i         Irwin,  10-2. 
I         Jame.s.  -23,  10-2. 
j         Jame.s  %V., -2-. 

Jane.  55. 
I         Jane  S..  21. 
I         Jennette.  6.  -'. 

J.jbn.  6,  8.  li'2.  Ill 
j         John  X.,  t;8. 
Joseph,  i.t-2. 
i         Joseph  W.,  7-2. 
j         Julia  A.,  8. 
]         Laura.  102. 
I         Lena.  35. 

Lillie  J..  55. 
I         Lillie  M.,  34.  90. 
I         Llewellyn,  35. 
'         Loueza  M..  102. 
I         MarcusE. 9.11.1 
Maria  A..  7t;. 
Maria  H.,  C^.  52. 
MarLiL..  f ,  9.  11.  I 
ilartha.  Oi".,  32.  -7. 
Marv,  7.  e2. 
Marv  H.,  8,  70. 
Mittv,  92. 
Naomi,  109. 
Nathan  F..  70. 
Otis.  1112. 
Peter.  102. 
Philo,  7.  43.  ^4. 
Polly,  "O.  '.«;. 
.*<aniuel  P..  42. 
SaralL,  9.  11,  J-. -21 

41.  42.70.  9J. 
Sarah  A.,  47. 
Sarah  J.,  51. 
Th.;tr.i»-.,  33 
Viijiini.i,  55. 
WillLim,  2i;.  C-.  -9 

Davi.«.  William  C.  S7. 
William  H..  S3. 
William  0.,  5^. 
Zerah  B..  29. 
Dawson.  Katie.  ,-,-^.  t 

Day,  Anna.  20.  21,  27, 
"Anna  Edna,  -24, 
Edmnud,  24.  27. 
Fanuie,  19. 
Henrv  P.,  19.  52. 
Julias  G..  19. 
William.  20, 
Dealinir.  Samuel  F..  49. 
32.  f^>.  83.1  Dean.  .Vnua  C  -a.  2i;.  33.  80,  85. 
Benjamin  S.,  'Si,  85. 
f:lleuC..  80. 
Elmer  W.,  3ij. 
Millv,  3t>. 
Robert  K.,  3f.. 

Samuel  B.,  Si.  2(1.  3;{,  sO.  85. 
William  A..  M.  90. 
William  B..  90, 
Deater.  Peter,  53. 
lHi.  I  Decker,  :Ma-sio.  2^. 

Theodore,  28. 
DeFoiest.  Andrew  A..  37. 
Caroline.  8. 
Dotba.  98. 
Elijah  W.,  37,  90. 
George.  98. 
George  F..  8. 
Georse  W.,  37. 
Henry  F.,  37. 
Henry  W.,  70. 
Ida.  88. 
Isaac,  20. 
John  H.,  08. 
Johu  W.,  37. 
S.,  8.  cs. 
Sarah  B..  83. 
Sarah  E.,  98. 
Svlvester,  54. 
William  C,  49. 
Delaney.  James  B.,  31. 

ilaria.  31. 
Dcming,  Abucr.  13.  50. 
Augustn.'*,  51. 
Frank.  83. 
Frank  S.,  83. 
Marv,  83, 
Mary  T,  13. 
Dcmmock,  ^^tarsball,  10. 
Dennis.  Alouzo,  bi. 
Deuvert.  James.  49. 
t  Derrick.  Nellie  G„  57. 
i  Devonshire,  Charles.  68. 
j  Francis,  03, 

21. -22, 20, 47.  Henry  A..  40. 

Manietta,  40. 
I         ilartha.  CO. 
:i.  15.  .74.    !  Nancv,  C,  40, 

'■  Nicholas,  0,  40. 

I  IX-Witt.  (ieorge  W.,  34. 
Ivia.  .34. 

Marirarot  L.,  35. 
B.\lph.  34. 

WcMidall  v.,  ;{5.  .       ' 

DeWolt.  A.  G.,  10. 
Frances.  58, 
Harriet  M.,  .V*. 
1  Lucy  A.,  10. 

I  Lncv  E,,  54. 

22.  20  39, j  Nellie,  M. 

Diblde,  (Jai.t.  Amadeus.  97.  109. 
Charh-s  E.,  nO. 
I'loience,  25. 
Lilli<- J..  5C. 
Maiy,  97. 
lUivmond.  97. 

Dibble,  Sarah  C.  M.  25  80 
Williatu  W.,  •>•.>.  eo.  'so. 
Dick,  Anna.  35. 

Charlos  W.,  3o. 
Dierkfs,  TUeicsa.  :>6. 
Diniiuook,   Kul'ii.s  M.,  49. 
Di8ik,  llaviT,  ji. 
Ditche,})h.  49. 
Divine.  Geoijit-  W'.,  6. 
George  A.,  G. 
Julia  A.,  53. 
Martha.  6. 
Dodil,  Auu  E..  16. 
Roboit,  16,  AO. 
Dodj^e,  Nam  V  G.,  55. 
Dolau,  Cathi-riiio,  50. 
Mary  11.  5'J. 
Thomas,  HI. 
Dona^'oi-,  James,  eO. 

JoLu,  ^0. 
Douohuf,  Biiilget,  18.  -ij. 

JaiufS,  !.•;.  \i5.  'S. 
Donayhet.  John.  ST. 
Doolittle.  Chaile.s.  5S. 
Edmund  L..  4:i.  ei 
Eliza,  d. 
Geoi;,'^  P.,  57. 
James  B.,  14. 
Jane  E.,  43. 
ilary  F.,  43,  51. 
ilary  J.,  76. 
Heuteu  8. 
Samuel  L.,  63. 
Sarah,  14. 
Doonau.  Mary  J.,  5^. 
Doinian,  Frances  M.,  .">0 
Ireua  E.,  77. 
Martha  A..  3.>. 
"Walter  W.,  35,  58. 
Dorotby,  Marv  M.,  54. 
Douglas,  Charles,  18.  -JO,  75. 
Coiuelia,  Id. 
Geor;je,  S. 
Downs,  Alida,  74. 
Almira,  56. 
Auu  E.,  .')0. 
licrtha.  ij. 
Caroline.  76. 
Edward  S.,  •-••:;,  53,  105. 
Ell-n,  51. 
Geortre  M.,  74, 
Harriet  E.,  2->.  5;j,  105. 
Harvey,  6. 
Isaac.  57. 
John  B..  50. 
Julia  A.,  57. 
Mary  A.,  25.  Xi. 
Mary  J..  50. 
MaitLa  A..  53. 
Philo,  ^9. 
Thomas  M.,  54. 
■William  A.,  25   27.  33. 
Dreise.  Fred,  •£). 

John,  -,7. 
DrieMou.  Frederick,  25, 

Martha.  25. 
Di  isi  oil,  Bi  id^'et.  49. 
Cornell  iri,  Si. 
Jfciemiali,  30,  33,  35,  73, 
.Mar^'aiet.  23. 
Martin.  30, 

Mary  2-.  3i),  3,1.  rc,  .-6. 
Miclia.l.  2-.  31.  .^1). 
Driver,  Eiii.llni-  K,,  41, 
Dm  .Imrv.  I.vdia,  .")2, 
Diifl,,  .lolin,V.. 

Mary,  25. 
Dundass.  iIar;,Mret.  17. 
Kobert,  17. 


Dunham.  Albert  B.,  26.  30, 
Auiidia,  79. 
Anna.  26. 
Henrietta.  84. 
Dunne.  Cliushanna,  48. 
Dupoe.  Joseph  E.,  34.  57. 

Xellie  K,.  34, 
Duraud,  Bet.sev  M,   90 
Esther  A  ,"77. 
Geor<:e,  77. 
Hannah,  71, 
Hiram,  4.5,  60. 
Jeremiah,  38,  90. 
I         ^larian,  110. 

Mrs.,   110. 
I  Xehemiah,  60,  99, 

I  Parmelia,  64. 

Btith.  99. 
I         Samuel.  109. 
Duster.  Ausrusta,  23. 

Heurv.  23. 
Dyer,  William  M.,  50. 
Fames.  Fiiza,  55, 
Eastou,  Eliphalet,  64. 
Eaton,  Edwin  W.,  51. 
Edmonds.  Catheriue  E.,  17. 

William  M..  17. 
Edward.s.  Aufrusta  J.,  S8. 
Charles.  17.  8.5. 
Charles  X.,  59. 
Ida  J..  56. 
John  B..  47. 
Julia,  17. 
Ed.v,  Elizabeth,  6. 
Florence,  3;i. 
Georiie  M.  10. 
Stoddard.  109. 
Egf^leston,  Helen  A..  21.  22. 
Horatio  X..  33. 
John  A.,  21, 
John  H.,  22, 
Alary  L,.  3.3. 
Eibel,  Adolph,  3.3.  57. 

Xellie.  33. 
Elliott,  Gustavu.s  K..  51. 

John.  .'i.d. 
Ell.s,  Franklin,  43, 
Ely,  Georjie  W.,  .J2. 

Xancy,  68. 
Embell.  Jo.sephiue.  2:5. 

Seeastine.  2:i. 
Emery.  Ellen  J..  ,56. 

K.  J.  W'.,  ->i;. 
English,  Abel,  92. 
Abram.  92. 
Benjamin.  60.  92.  92. 
Georiie.  92. 
Judson.  92. 
lA)is,  92. 
Lucy,  92. 
Martha.  48. 
Marv.  !i2. 
Sally,  92. 
Eunes.  Au;jii-,tine.  89. 

Gallin.  c9, 
Ennis,  James,  14   88. 

Kosa.  14. 
Ensign,  Howard  B.,  47. 
Evans.  Brn.janiiii  B..  29. 
Charl.s,  30.  31,  3.J.  8C. 
I'avid.  2-'   2''   Xi 
Donald.  .3.}. 
(iiaee,  VO. 
Hat  tie-.  28.  29,  .33. 
Jane.  32.  34. 
Mary.  .it).  .31.  33.  f>(;. 
Kiehanl,  32.  34.  ',1.  90, 
Sarab,  !K). 


31.  Evans,  Thoma.s.  86. 
Erzinger,  Barbara.  50. 
Esmond,  Catherine,  M. 
Everett.  Johu  G..  18. 

Marv  A.,  18. 
Faber,  Catherine,  15. 
Fenwiek,  17. 
Frederick,  74. 
Jacob,  10.  12,  14,   1."),  16,  17, 

19,  22,  25,  27,  82. 
Maw,  10,   12,   14,   16,  17,  19, 

22,  25,  82. 
Sarah,  17. 
Violet,  82. 
Fagan.  John.  71. 
Faireliild.  Abigail.  !>2.  105. 
Ebenezer.  81.  e5,  88. 
Eunice.  81,  c8. 
Han  ford.  81. 
Hannah,  92. 
Henry  S.,  85. 
IsalH'lla  .J.,  56. 
John,  105. 
Julia  P..  9.  11,  71. 
Marv,  44.  49.  105. 
Sarah  M..  .53,  85. 
William  A.,  9,  11,  47. 
Zeviah,   105. 
Zechariah,  92. 
Fantou,  Moses.  63.  92. 

Olive.  60.  92. 
Fanzer,  Elizabeth.  69. 
Farrell,  David,  30. 
Fannie.  48. 
John  H.,  34,  57. 
Maggie,  30. 
ifarv  A.,  83. 
Mar.v  E..  34.  57. 
Fatzer.  Johannes,  69. 
Fay,  Elizabeth  E.,  51. 
Fehan.  John.  72. 
Fenn,  Mary  E..  74. 
Ferins.  Lesette,  52. 
Fife,  Celia,  17. 
Robert  H..  76. 
William  T..  17.  51.  76, 
Fight,  Frederick,  t6. 
Finkle,  Albert,  Xi. 
Andrew.  58. 
Carrie.  35,  89.  !t0.  111. 
Frank  J.,  59.  90. 
James  L.,  5d. 
Homer.  35.  89.  90. 
Maurice  A.,  111. 
Phrcbe.  33. 
William.  33. 
Fislier.  Charlotte  F..  102. 
Ebenezer,  68. 
Emilv,  46. 
Frau1<.  11)2. 
George,  86. 
James,  Ur-2. 
Jerhaidiiie,  86. 
Fitz;:ibbons.  Bridget.  84. 
Dennis,  112. 

Ellen,  12.  13.  14.  16,18.24,112. 
Marv,  112, 

Patrick.  12.  1.3,  14,  16.  18.  24. 
.-4,  r.',  112. 
Fitzpatruk.  Mrs.,  76. 
Flaritv.  .fames  V.,  19. 

Marv  A.,  19. 
Flvnn.  Ell.n.  44. 

Michael.  .")3. 
Fogartv.  Catherine.  111. 
Hat  tie.  32. 
Janie.H.  111. 
Mi<hael.  32.  111. 
Foight,  Chiistiau.  49. 



Foight,  Mac,  !)S. 
Foley,  Auu:i,  1-1,  15. 

James,  15. 

John,  74. 
Willuim,  U. 

,  74. 

Foot.  Aiumv,  109. 

DilevauC,  21. 

F.Iihii  D..  75. 

Emma  W.,  3U. 

Fiauk  J..  30. 

Grace,  7S. 

Luther,  7S. 

Margaret  A.,  21. 

Xancv.  110. 
Forbs.  John  A.,  -JS. 
Force,  Marko,  (;!>. 

Elizabeth,  00. 
Ford,  Emma,  33. 

Frank.  33. 

Isabella,  17,  18. 

John,  8. 

Julia,  8. 

Jn.stina,  12. 

Leila  M..  12. 

Lyman  11..  12. 

ifariha  P.  K.,  53. 

Mary  L.,  8-1. 

Samnel  C.,  17,  18. 

Stephen  L..  8. 

VinceB  C.  E.,  56. 
Forsey,  John.  'jG. 
Fossler.  Fieiletiek,  53. 

George.  54. 
Foster,  Caroline,  19. 

Daniel,  19. 

Frederick,  2.3. 
Fowler,  Abiirail  A..  5,  43. 

Catherine,  33,  111. 

Charlotte  A.,  47. 

Clara  E.,  33.  88. 

Elizabeth  A. ,14.  22.  83,  84.P9. 

Frank  U..  47. 

George,  ,~3. 

Geor^'e  M..  55,  83. 

Ileber  X.,19,  21.  2-:^.  30.  PS.  P.5, 

Jane  H.,  19,  21,  22,  U3,  92. 

Jane  M.,  30. 

Kate  E.,  47. 

Lillian  M.,  85. 

L<jla,  79. 

Luther.  5,  72,  82.  92. 

Mary  C:.,  C2.  92. 

Mercy,  74,  92. 

Sarah.  ^2. 
Fox,  Abby.  O-'. 

Hannah  J.,  89. 
Franci  M,  'William,  74. 
Fre<;nian,  Jlcurietta,  53. 

Xancy.  40. 

Koswlll.  40. 

William  O..  40. 
French,  Adonijah,  13,  1,5,  2-,  IOC. 

AUr.d,  72,  102. 

Anna,  52,  t>i.  10.5,   106. 

Carlos.  IG,  -Ji,  51. 

Cbarlf.f,  -.'O,  21.    27.    30,    .'.2, 
lOj,  KK;,  I0!t. 

Comfort,  (i5.  r-i.  * 

<^;ook.  m;. 

I>;uii.-1.  73. 
D.iviil.  105.  IIKJ. 
KIl.T  I!..  M, 
Kll.  II.  .W. 
Kliz.i    VH. 
Km- I,    r-,.. 
>».d.  (!■  k  \V  ,  Mi. 
•;.^.r.;i-.  10.-, 
".itp:u  U  ,  11.  il.  ft. 

French,  ITarrict.  13,  15,  28,  58  96 

Ilattie  E.,  ^8. 

Henry  11.,  42.  74. 

Hiram.  11,  86. 

Isaac,  IOC. 

Israel,  82. 

John  ^y.,  50,  96. 

Julia,  80. 

Julia  A.,  11. 

Julia  C.  59. 

Julia  H.,  16,  21. 

Kittle  J.,  74. 

Laura  M.,  54,  61,    89.  90,  99. 

Lucinda.  41,  42,  61,  84,  99. 

Luther.  105. 

Lydia,  36,  102. 

>tan,-itield  J.,  54. 

Mary  C,  20.  21,  27,  79. 

Mary  E..  30. 

Mile.s.  105. 

Kancy,  110. 

Oliye;  69. 

Pully,  KXi. 

Sarah.  2.3.  .53,  60,  105. 

Sarah  A.,  71. 

Sarah  E.,  13. 

Smith  i[.,  10.5. 

Tliaddeu.s,  14,  20,  22,  33,  111 

Wales,  109. 

Walter,  76.  89.  96. 

Warren.  41,   42,  45.  57,   61 
^'J.  99. 

W.a.'shinirton.  96. 

William.  45.  96. 

Winthrop.  d'J. 
Frisbie.  Charles  D.,  41. 

Thomas  L,  47. 
Frost.  Caroline.  15,  18. 
Catherine,  16. 
John,  80. 

John  C.  15,  16,  18. 
Joseph.  16. 
ifarjcaiet.  80. 
William  R.,  80. 
Fmin.  Jane,  23,  25,  30.  79,  90. 
John.  fO. 
ilargaret,  18. 
^L^ry,  16.  2.3. 
Rob<Tt,  16.  18.  23.  25.  3r».  75, 

79,  86,  90. 
V.-roua.  86.  90. 
Tcionica.  r6. 
Fry.  Charles  G  .  53. 
Fad::e.  Ilattie  E.,  32.  34. 

Josi'ph.  32,  34,  56. 
Fnlt'ord.  .Mary,  90. 
Wales,  90. 
William,  90. 
Fuber.  Charl.s  E..  21. 
Charles  M.,  21.  53. 
Esther  M..  21. 
George  H..  8. 
(iroTiSv  L.,  !t2. 
.John  H..  20. 
Maifh.i  .\..  54. 
.Mary.  !>2. 

Gatlney,  Thomna,  48. 
Gaines"   Elizabeth,  12. 

Lucy.  72. 

Williams,  12. 
Gamsby,  Eihyard.  7. 

.Mary  E..  7. 
Gardner,  Albert  F.,  52. 
Garey,  Caleb  E.,  52. 
Garish,  Lena.  79. 
Garlock,  Chailes  S.,  20. 

Duma  li..  20. 
Garrett.  D\vi;,rht.  27,  28,  83. 

Effio  >..,  83. 

Eya.  27,  28,  83. 

George  B.,  19. 

Lewis.  S.i. 

Sarah  S.,  19. 

Mary  E..  20. 
Mary  L..  75. 
Miiiiiif.  76. 
XaiKV  IC.  .I. 
.Sarah.  75. 
/aliuiin  .\.  < 
Fu».s<-r. ,  7 

Gnbrii  1.  John  P.,  19. 

M.iitli.i  .1..    14.  19. 

V'  I.  r.  14    16.   V.t. 
Galliiiv .    .\I:ir;.':iret.  5. 

Pairi.  k.  5. 

Gartland.  Philip.  51. 
Gaylord.  Eliza.  1.5. 
George,  26. 
Kate,  26. 
ilary  K.,  .57. 
Syh-ester,  1.5. 
Geary,  Adelia.  21. 
Bridget,  HI. 
Catheiine.  80. 
D.iyid.  21,  111. 
Ellen,  72. 
George  H.,  21. 
Ilouoia.  51. 
Goddy.  Jane  S.,  12. 

William,  12. 
Genitte,  G.  B.,  23. 

Sarah.  23. 
(Jeoirres,  Joseph.  9. 
(Jerard,  Azcl,  78,  f6. 
Dora.  5-'. 
Phoda.  86. 
Gettcl,  Catherine,  11. 

H.niy,  11. 
Gibbs,  Alice  G.,  81. 
Frances  .it.,  9,  81. 
John  H.,  9.  4s,  si. 
(iibson.  Georire,  30. 
Gieslcr.  Charl.s  H..  74. 
Harrii-t  A.,  14. 
liobert,  14. 
Gillxrt.  Charlotte.  48. 
Ezekiel,  no. 
Fannie.  52. 
Lillie  M..  Mi. 
Lydia.  68. 
.Martha  .M..  48. 
Nancy.  48. 
Sarah".  80. 
Gile,  Ann  A.,  67. 

Jo.^iah,  84. 
Giltby.  Mary,  59. 
Gill,  tte,  Anson.  92. 
Augusta.   112. 
ik-l.sey.  74.  ihi. 
Canfi.'ld.  109. 
David.  92. 
Dexter,  111. 
Eli,  1.3.  11-.'. 
Eiuiline,  111, 
Emily,  ii-j. 
George  ,S.   cr. 
Lilli.'  M..  1.1. 
Lucius,  r»2. 
Margar.-t  A..  M. 
Mary,  13. 
Piibie,  111. 
Sally.  76.  92. 
Sarah  .V.,  53    112 
Wilbur  F..  U2 
Gdpih,  .Sarah,  .57. 
Gilyaid,  Ann.  96. 



Gikard,  Josoph  F.,  96. 
"Lois,  '-2.  yO. 

Mary  A.,  50. 

Sarah  I^..  5i. 

Thomas  F.,  .t8,  08,  %. 
Glaildt'ii.  Jaiiu-s  II.,  77. 
Gla'liliii;.'.  Jaiiii'S  P..  JO.  ^ 
(ikudiiiiuL:.  Gforjie  IJ..  C. 

Lama  A.,  44. 

Lama  V..  6. 

Xaun.tte  H.,  6. 
Gla/..T,  ll.urv.  .">3. 
Glovii-.  H( my.  93. 
Gootliuan,  Lewis,  9,  6.'^. 

Marv.  t»,  50. 
GowUeli,  Anna.  74. 
Gold.  Thoiua.s.  5'J. 
Gordon,  .ro.siph.  40.  60. 

I'hilaiuiUv.  40. 

Marv  A. ,'40,  00. 

'—,  00. 

Gorman,  juliu.  72. 
Gostlf,  Williaui,  59. 
Graliam,  Andrew  S.,  W. 

lieujau)iu.  W. 

John  A..  9-2. 

Pollv.  '.<-i. 
Grant.  Nillie,  10. 
<;raves.  Marv  J..  49. 
Grav,  David.' 30. 

Delia.  30. 
Greatore.K.  Iloury,  50. 

William,  49. 
Greeley.  Letta,  57. 
Green,  Caroline  B.,  43. 

Charle.s,  6i. 

Helen  F.,  43. 

James  S.,  41.  42,  46.  10-.J. 

Jaue  S..  43. 

Jennett. ,  ii.  43. 

Maigaret  A.,  43. 

Marv  E..  43. 

Samuel,  10-2. 

Sarah  M.,  42.  47. 
Gregory,  Gertrude,  2-2.  79. 

Steplien.  '22.  79. 
Grilliu,  ^'aul•v  P.,  49. 

Thomas,  h4. 
Grithth,  Charle.s  H.,  5:1. 

John.  30. 

Mary,  30. 

Thomas.  .59. 
Gro;:an,  Alice,  73,  74. 
Giian.  ^Lirv,  54. 
Guiles.  Kobert,  .50. 
Guile  v.  Kd«ard,  25. 

Helen  L.,  25. 
Gunn,  Augusta,  C. 

Charl.s,  6. 

James.  110. 

Sarah.  100. 

Simeon,  106. 
Gnrderjalm,  Julius,  53. 

Haarhans,  John  C,  lOG. 
IlaeriM-r,  Mary,  27. 

Saniu.l.  27. 
Uafm  y,  Mary.  15. 

Patrick.   15. 
Ila^'an.  Jo.-eph  A.,  2H,  3.3,  15, 

Maru'aret.  2ri,  33,  35. 

William.  :{5. 
Ilai'ner.  .r..  rO. 
Hall,  Aveiy,  3'.). 

Cornelia  N.,  5f<. 

Ilattie  G..  52. 

William  !■:..  .54. 
llalli;:..n.  Kmma,  35. 

IJarvey  S.,  :{5. 

Hallicati,  William  S.,  35. 
llamel.  A;:nes,  34. 

John,  34. 

Josephine.  34. 
Ilandlev.  Ann,  17. 

Eliza,  20. 

JohH.  17.  20. 

Josejih.  30. 

Margaret,  30. 

Patrick.  30. 

Hanley,  Bet.sey,  15. 

John,  12,  15. 

Marv,  15. 
Hannin.Xed,  100. 
Hard,  Charles.  90. 

Charles  F.,  15,  5?.  74. 

Coruelins.  31. 

Lvdia  A.,  .59. 

PbUv.  15,  88. 

Sarali  M.,  31. 
Hardin.  Jonah,  109. 
Har>:cr,  Betsey,  61. 
Harper.  Alonzo,  29,  30. 

Anna,  29. 

Ellen  F..  29,  30. 

Josepli  H.,  30. 
Harriustou,  Fileua,  102 

Henry.  10-2. 
Harris,  Carrdine,  33. 

Catherine.  31. 

David,  33. 

Fred,  2a,  29.  56. 

Grace  0..  29. 

James,  t2. 

Jane  A.,  55. 

John,  32,  51. 

Joseph,  31. 

Margaret.  29.  31,  50. 

Martha.  2d.  2'.t. 

Michael.  29,  31,  So. 

Nellie,  51. 

Susan.  2S. 

Susannah.  64. 

Tli()ma.s.  3;),    54. 

William.  29.  31. 
Hart,  J.  A.,  loti. 

Lncv  I.,  106. 

Thomas  P..  63,  100. 
Hartuett.  John.  5H. 
Hartson,  Adaline  A..  ^3,  103. 

Andrew,  103. 

Charles,  103. 

Emerv.  103. 

Ktnilv,  103. 

Esther  W.,  5. 

George  A..  103. 

Jessie,  77. 

John,  102.  103. 

Lvman  L..  06,  103. 

Marv  J..  102. 

Sarah,  103. 
Harvev,  Eliza.  111. 

Geor;.'e.  41. 

Ida  M..  Ill 

Josei)h,  111. 

Jo.^iah.  41. 
narwo<Ml.  An<irew.  10. 

Dapline.  16. 

Marv.  16. 

^.  74. 

Haswell.  James  G..  50. 
Hawkins,  Annie,  75. 

lietsev,  45. 

Charlis.  r7. 
Daviil.  1(W. 
El  zaU-th.  62,  101. 
j         Eri,  109. 

Euuiet!  E..  52. 

Hawkins,  Grace,  88. 
Hannah,  92. 
Henrietta  A.,  58. 
Irene,  00. 

Jo.seph,  46,  62.  67,  92. 
Joseph  W.,  63. 
Jnlia,  46. 
Louisa,  24,  26. 
Maria,  64. 
Minerva.  13. 
Samuel,  24,  26. 
Sarah,  60,  92. 
Sarah  (J.,  47. 
Truman,  62,  63. 


25,   27,    29, 

Ha-wlerieu.  Fannie  E.,  54 
Hawlev.  Benjamin,  9-2. 

Charlotte,  02,  92. 

David,  17,  20,  51. 

John,  ^0. 

Julia  A.,  53. 

Mar>:aret,  80. 

Mary  E.,  78. 

Thomas,  80. 
Havden,  Ausiustus  R 
"Frank  E..  20,  77. 

Geoige  W.,  10.  ,-^ 

Grace  E.,  20.  ' 

Jane  E.,  51. 

Richard  E.,  20. 
Haves,  Edw  in  A.,  56. 
"Marv,  11,  71. 

William  B.,  11,  50. 

,  70. 

Healev,  Alice,  35. 

Alice   J.,    9.  20.  22,  25,    27 
29,  31.  35. 

Frank,  2t). 

George,  31. 

Hart  v  A..  22. 

Kobert,  20,    22, 
31,  3.5,  STJ,  112. 

William.  20. 
Heath,  Mary  A.,  .52.  113. 
Heating.  Martin  J.,  54. 
Hed'-es.  Job,  0-^. 
Hetlenuan,  58. 
UenVeu.  John,  24. 

Margaret,  24. 

ilarv,  13,  10,  17,  18,  20. 

Patrick,  13.  16.  17.  18.  20. 

,  76. 

Heelass.  Eliza.  17. 

William.  17. 
Hein,  Claia,  54. 

Emilie,  49. 

Hendricks.  .  8. 

Heudrvx.  Andrew  B..  50. 

Frank  It..  12. 

Harry.  12. 

Mary",  12. 

Posette,  5. 

Wilbur,  5. 

Wilson  E..  5. 
Heller.  Cliaile.s,  87. 

Ellen.  87. 
Heiiness.  Sophia.  54. 
Heum  s.sev,  David.  19. 

Ellen.'  19. 

John,  84. 

Nellie.  r4. 

Her.l.  Ellen  C,  57. 
Ilersev,  Catherine.  24.  80. 

Ella.  rO. 

S.  >L,  •.;4   .5.5,  -0. 

Hervev.  Bri.lget,  10. 

ilatthew,  10. 
Hewitt.  Ella  G.,  M. 



HickoT,  Ellen.  CT. 
Ilickox,  Elizabtth.  96. 
Eli/a  M..  ?;. 
Harriet  E..  'id. 
Sanmcl.  4^,  >:?,  96. 
Samuel  }i.,  73,  eS.  90. 
Sarah,  e:f. 
Hicks,  lliittie  E.,  54. 
Hicock,  Maiy  A..  71. 
Uigirius.  Abrain,  111. 
Anna,  111. 
BuiTiett,  lU. 
John,  -J-,'. 
Mary.  2-2. 
Hilbcrer,  Joliana.  54. 
Hihlreth.  B.  G.,  9,  J4. 

Martha,  9. 
Hill.  Catlii-rine  E..  19.  So. 

David  It,  10.  11,   1-2.  13,  14, 

15,  17.  is,  4e,  73,  87,  ll'.". 

Elizabeth,  10.  11,  1-.2,  13,  14. 

15,  17,  1?.  55,  112. 
Eddie,  pS. 

George  II.,  19,  30,  34.  56,  e3. 
Helen  M.,  7i). 
Jane  C,  11. 
John.  65. 
Matilda  J..  72. 
Mellissa  A.,  30,  34.  bS. 
Kichard  II.,  69,  112. 
William  T..  11. 
Hillau,  Charle.s  II.,  4d. 
Harriet.  8,  68. 
William,  tf. 
Hinies,  15rid;:et,  IC. 

Jame.s.  16. 
Hine,  Albeit  S.,  66. 
Amy  L.,  106. 
Bennett,  106. 
Charity,  75.  100. 
Charles,  9.  106. 
Charlotte  E.,  e9. 
Eder,  70. 
Ed\rtn,  46.  106. 
Eliza.  42. 
Elizabeth.  106. 
Esther,  37. 
Frances  E.,  42. 
George  U..  42.  45. 
Harriet.   100. 
Heurv  H.,  42. 
John  M.,  58. 
Julia,  50. 
Luciu.s,  .">. 
Margaret  A.,  106. 
Maria,  !■>',.  106. 
Martha  J..  53. 
Marv,  5,  79.  IOC. 
Nancv,  109. 
Khoda.  lf>6. 
Itobert.  46. 
Kobert  B..  10<). 
Sanmi-l.  79. 
Tlionia.s,  100. 
William.  46,  106. 
Willis,  6.V 
nines.  James,   12. 

Mary.  12.  65. 
HinmaT)!  Al>i'_ail, 
Adaliiu-  F..  79. 
Charles.  46.  .".2. 
Jolin.  63.  92. 
Hirrt.  Elizabeth.  92. 
John.  92. 
Thoiiia.s,  M. 
Hitohfoi  k,  Andrew-  F.,  103. 
B.  t.-e;,.  lOt).  103. 
Caroline.  M. 

Hitchcock.  Charles.  92. 

Denzel.  lOO,  103. 

EUea  H.,  5;i. 

Heurv  M.,  100,  103. 

Homer  L.,  103. 

Ida  J.,  e5. 

Jane  C,  S3. 

Joseph.  56. 

L.  A.,  n.3. 

Maranda.  77. 

Martha.  77.  103. 

PoUv,  92. 

Rene,  103. 

Robert  45. 

Sheldon.  3S. 

Samuel  E..  38. 

S;irab  C.  47. 

Timothv.  103. 

.  61. 

Hitherman.  John.  .50. 
HoadleT,  Edward  L..  49. 

.John.  23. 

Lewis  il.,  16,  76. 

Marsraret.  23. 

Sarah.  65. 

Thomas,  2.3. 
Hoare.  -James  T..  55. 
Uobart.  George  M.,  55.  Caroline.  52. 
Hodge,  George  L.,  5. 

Mary  Ann.  98. 

Robt'-rt  L..  93. 

William,  5. 

Hodtjson,  James.  57. 

Hoti'man.  Joliu,  27.  I 

L>-ra.  .32.  .^7.  1 

Margaret.  ?2. 
Hoffana,  Michael.  75. 
Ho3w.mb.   Almira.  37,  38.  47.  98. 

George  S..  98. 

.John  W.,  37,  38.  08.  110. 
Ho!"Jrn.  Jane  A.,  75. 
Holbrook,    Abijah.  62.    KMl.  103. 

Abel.   37,  7a.  e'.K  93. 

Alice,  93. 

Anah,  100,  103. 

Andiew.    24,    2'.  30.  54.  111. 

Aa.stin.  93. 

Ii»DJamiu  E..  93, 

Ket.sev.  93. 

Cyrus.  91.  93. 

Ilaniel.  39.  82,  93. 

l>iiiiel.  Capt.,  96. 

I'aiii.l  L..  42,  70. 

iJuniel  T..  .55. 

IV-^vid.  Oi. 

Eiiwaid  E.,  53. 

Elizatx'tli  Ann.  96. 

rjlen,  19.  21.  26.  2.8,32,  34. 

Kmilv.  73.  103. 

t-ther.  6.  42.  49.  '.^2,  93. 

Eon  ice.  103. 

Harriet  E.,  96. 

Harrv.  96. 

Hittie  E..  69. 

<;race.  4.5.  r,^.  91.  92.  93. 

Hannah.  43.  6.5.  71,93. 

2il:ittie.  .56. 

n^nrv  E  .  69. 

Jfor.i."e.  7.  9,   10,    10.    18.   2C, 
38.  83. 

■Jennie  V..  26. 

Juswio.  fe3. 

jMhii.  '.t2.   93.  95. 

Jalia.  49. 

Julia  Ann,  9«. 

IjiiA.  96. 

Lnoiu^,  93. 

Holbrook.  Lucy,  42. 
:Martba  G.'.  M. 
Marv  Ann.  7.  9,   10,   16,   18, 

20,  47. 
Xancy,  96. 
Xathan  R.,  19,  24,  20.  28.  32. 

34,  80. 
Nathaniel,  93. 
Pbilo,   6,  48,  e6,  93,  100,  103. 

Polly,  39. 

Richard.  88,  92.  93.,  103. 
Sarah,  67.  92.  93.  100. 
Sarah  A.,  100. 
Sally,  91.  93. 
Thomas  C,  37,  89. 
Sir  93. 
William.  6.  8. 
AVilliam  E.,  47,  89. 
Willis.  18,  96. 
Mrs.,  60. 

,  61. 

Hollaud,  Johannah,  31. 
J.  O..  SO. 
Thomas.  68. 
HoUawav.  .lohn.  31.  .56. 
Hollister.  John,  49. 
Holloran.  Jauies  II.,  .54. 

Margaret,  fl. 
Holmes,  Albert  W..  33. 
Fannie.  23.  24.  33.  rO. 
Lewis  K..  24. 
William  K.,  23,  24.  33.  SU. 
Winnie,  fO. 
Holyoake.  Alfnd  G..  84. 
Homan,  Cornelia.  82. 

(.'orydou  F..  27,  29,  sC5. 
Emma.  85. 
George  W.,  51. 
Juha  L..  8:5. 
Lavinia.  27.  29,  83. 
Sarah  •!..  75. 
Honesty.  Virginia.  55. 
Hnokef,  H'liuerjettur.  53. 
Hnosti.n.  Ileiirv.  109. 
Hopkins.  Mary,  25. 
Home.  Catliarine.  77. 
Horner.  William.  110. 
lloriiian,  Aliee.  51. 
Hotebkiss.  Allison  P..  69. 
Almira.  40. 
Angusta  A..  B(k 
Burton  C.  59. 
Elier.  16,  51. 
Edwin.  16. 
Elias,  10.  47. 
Ellen,  16, 
Hanley  I)..  .5.8. 
Harrv.  86. 
Lewies  T..  49. 
lyowell.  67. 
Mary  A..  50.  .56.   110. 
Moses,  93. 
Nauey,   93. 

Honglitalliii'g,    Charles,   20,    2!' 
31,  112, 

Elmira,  20,  29.  31. 

Frank  E..  112. 

Lillian,  2.5. 

Lucy  L..  25. 

Sarah  .S..  21. 

William,  2.5. 
Howard,  Hele...  27.  34 

.L'lmes.  27.  2!).  34. 

Jesse  ('..  72. 

Patrick  H.,  27. 
Howell,  Eli/.abelh.  31. 


Howell,  William  A..  31. 

Hjdf,  Fiances  H.,  103. 

H0WC8,  Margaret.  -2'.  i3. 

George  L.,  56. 

William,  \!7.  :{.».  55. 

Hannah  L.,  52. 

Howliuiil,  <  harlfS.  -IS. 

Harriet  E.,  103. 

Hubbard,  Ella.  66. 

Harriet  F.,   103. 

Emma  J..  57. 

Ira.  90. 

HubboU.  Ambrose.  15,  50. 

Marcus.   Ui9. 

Aun  E.,  15. 

Hes,  John  Edwin,  15,  17.  19,  21, 

Emily,  11.  ■2A.  90. 

22,  50,  bO. 

Henrv  S..  50. 

Fi-ancea   M..  15,    17,    19,  21, 

Martfia,  el. 

22.  80. 

Phebe,  56. 

Harold  E.,  19,  60. 

Sidney  A.,  11,  21.  Qi. 

Hobert  X.,  21. 

Hugerslioll,  Marv.  3-1. 

Jared.  8^;,  103. 

William,  34.  ' 

John  Edwin.   15,  17,  19,   21, 

Hnglies.  Aun,  5-2. 

22,  50,  80. 

Peter.  IG. 

Sabra,  73.  82.  103. 

Hug.xet.  Elorence,  -.S. 

Sarah  J..  82. 

Henrv,  •>".». 

Su.san.  103. 

Hull,  AllVed,  .*2,  98. 

WilUani  W..  17. 

Charles.  55. 

Ineson.  Alva.  33. 

Dewitt  C.  19,  20,  26,  29. 

Dai.seT.  30. 

Julia  E.,  54. 

Josepii,  .30.  33.  56.  111. 

Julia  H.,  19.  2fi. 

Kettle  S..  ■;?,  33.  111. 

Laura.  45. 

Stanley,   111. 

Lennie  M.,  76. 

Inglesbee.'jaiue.s.  79. 

Linuie.  98. 

Marv,  79. 

Mary  E..  50. 

Willie,  79. 

Sarah,  26,  98. 

Inman.  George,  52. 

Tirnotby,  64. 

Isaacs,  Roger.  105. 

Washington,  50. 

label,  Charles,  57. 

William.  26. 

DeWitt  C,  18. 

.  78. 

Fannie  J.,  18. 

Humastun.  Eineline  L..  6^. 

Frank,  78. 

Lvdia  E..  6,  7H. 

Horace,  87. 

Koswell.  75. 

Sally,  87. 

Huntington,  Henrv.  110 

Jachoran.  Apholonia,  52. 

Hnmplney.  Bernard.  43.  47. 

Jacklee.  Jacob.  54. 

George.  llHJ. 

JacksoH.  Cbaria  A.,  52. 

Jenette.  45. 

Flora,  13. 

John.  60.  100. 

John  R..  53. 

John  C.  46. 

Sarah  A  .  12.  76.               , 

Maria,  42.  100. 

Stephen  B..  13.                          | 

Sarah  M.,  42. 

James,  Aaiou,  15.                         . 

Thnodore.  100. 

Agnes.  32. 

Therza.  46. 

Charles  ('.,  20.                           1 

William,  42.  100. 

Chailes  11.,  12.  72.                    j 

Hunt,  tieorge  (>..  .52. 

Cornelius  W.,  52.                   1 

Hard.  Abigail,  66.  69. 

Elizabeth  E..  57.  83.                ' 

Ann.  45. 

George  A..  29.  44.  56.  liC.       i 

Austin.  93. 

George  H..  35.                            1 

Caroline.  85. 

Hattie.  i:>. 

Charle.-t  P..  27,                         ; 

Ida,  69. 

Eliza  A.,  27. 

Ida  L..  7,  24.  93.                                  ] 

James.  86. 

Esther.  93.                                 1 

John,  51. 

Jabeth,  93. 

Julia,  e6.                                    i 

Jeunett.  69.                                 1 

Julia  A.,  24.  27,  30.  3«.            i 

Martha  E..  81. 

Julia  D.  B.  rC. 

Marv  E.,  57. 

Louisa  E..  9,  57. 

Sarali.  81. 

Lydia.  15.  17. 

Sheldi.u,  78.                                ' 

Alary  D.  B..  27. 

Wilson,  6.5,  67.  93,  110. 

ilary  M.,  20. 

Hurlburt.  Charles.  tf7. 

iliuerva.  7.  9,  12. 

Charles  K..   r<7.                           \ 

Miriam.  4c. 

Eugene.  26.                              j 

Kees<-.  1.5.  17. 

George,  36.                                ; 

Sarah,  29. 

Hattie.  26.  87.                           | 

Sarah  M..  3.5.                            | 

Josephine.  36.                           1 

Thoma.r  Jr..  7.  9.  12. 

-■^larvA..  90.                             j 

Thoiiia^i.  Si..  cT.S. 

Thofiias.  26,   59.                       j 

Thoiiia.s  L.,  24.  27.  30  32,  44,' 

Hurl.v.  Mary,  7.                             ] 

Janes.  Loui-a,  lu3. 

Thomas,  7.                                | 

Nathan  A..  li)3. 

\\'illiaiii.  68.                              i 

Ost  ai .  10.3. 

Hurlilian.   Patrick.   48.                   ' 

Jenkins.  David.  27.  KJ. 

Hvatt   Lutta.  ',i. 

Emilv,  f-J. 

Hyde    CharU-s  L  .  103. 

Mary.  27,81. 

Charlott.    k..  41,  47. 

Jenn-tte.  (ira<e.  62. 

Edward  M..  103.                    , 

Jennings.  -J.  M..  94. 


Jennings.  Sarah  J.,  94. 
Jewett,  Fred  W.,  62. 
Johns,  Jane,  57. 

Jennie.  30. 
Johnson,  Abert,  38. 

Alexander,  lOfl. 

Almon,  106. 

Alvira,  5. 

Amelia.  96. 

Amy.  106. 

Ann  E,.  75. 

Bertha  E.,  87. 

Catheiine,  40. 

Charitv,  40. 

Charles,  80. 

Charles  B..  23. 

Charles  E..  70. 

Charles  N..  41. 

Chauncev,  96.  109. 

Clark,   14.  1.5,  38.  82,  87.  106, 

Daniel  B.,  40.  lUO- 

David  F.,  11,  47,  106. 

Dora.  58. 

Ebeuezer,  41.  61.  96,  98,  100. 

E.  David,  69. 

Eleanor,  41.  40. 

Elijah.  106. 

Eliza,  14,  15.  87. 

Eliza  H.,  106. 

Ellen  E..  73. 

E.sther,  39. 

Eunice.  106. 

Garrv,  37.  38.  39,  71,  82,  98. 

George  W..  6,  41. 

Gideon,  62. 

Gideon  A..  41. 

Hannah,  106. 

Hannah  F.,  98. 

Hannah  O.,  40,  61.  63.  67. 

Harriet,  38,  98. 

Harry,  90. 

Harvev,  87,  9S. 

Hattie"E..  52. 

Henrv  S..  48. 

Hiram.  110. 

Isaac,  62,  96.  100. 

Jackson,  74. 

Jennie.  29. 

Jes^e,  40.  96. 

Joel  S..  40. 

Joseph.  28.  100. 

Josephine  W..  51. 

Julia,  80. 

Julia  A..  21. 

Laura  .i..  40. 

Lewis  12. ,  106. 

Lillian  W.,  7b. 

Lizzie  M.,  55. 

Lois,  96. 

Lucinda,  45. 

Lydia,  28. 

Lvman,  40.   106. 

ifaggie.  28. 

Maria.  69.  103. 

Martha,  68. 

Mary.  6.  7,  25,  27,  51.  90. 

Mary  A.,  41,  61. 

Mary  E..  41. 

Mary  M.,  .52. 

Nancy  C.    .5.3,  87. 

Nathaniel.  65,  106    110. 

Nathaniel  C..  43. 

Nellie  C,  .54. 

Newell.  39. 

Noyes,  21. 

Patty  D..  106. 

Rebecca,  65    I06,  109, 

Russell,  106. 

Sally,  40. 




Jehusoii.  SaUy  A..  40. 

Sarah  (,'.,"•)■»,  :>6. 

Sarah  K.,  -11.  til. 

SheMon  C.  41,  43.  45. 

Sholiiou  X.,  4ti. 

Stiles,  '."6. 

Susan  S.  C..  43. 

Tiniothr.   106. 

Williani  40. 

■\Villiaiu  H.,  5. 

WUIiani  B.,  7,  2r..  '27. 

Mrs.,  &2. 
Joicp,  Daniel  S..  4C. 
Jouts,   Ann,  9. 

Daniel.  U,  13. 

Henrv,  33.  87. 

John  J.,  48. 

Lewis,  0-2. 

Marv.  13. 

Perc'ill,!,  33,  87. 
.■WilliaTii,  81. 

Mrs.,  110. 

, 72. 

Jooa,. Eleanor  ic 

Matli    .S..  f>;5. 

Tiu-..  iS.  :6   -1. 
Jt/Uiuun.  William,- 21. 
Joy.  William  W..  j-i. 
Judd,  Eiasmus,  46. 

Jane.  11. 

Lurian.  lOG. 
•  Mvron  E.,  11. 

Pelly.  106. 
Jnd.son.  "Marcus  O..  1U3. 

Rhoda.  49,  57. 
Kinne.v.  I'olly.  fil,  99. 

Kebfcca.  98. 

Koswell  X.,  13. 

Sallv.  109. 

Sheldon,  38. 

Thomas.  27,.  109. 

"William,  70,  98. 

William.  Sr.,  3f<. 

>Il-8..  60. 
Kirtland.  Elijah.  %. 

<icor;;e.  e'J,  96. 

Harri.f.  76,  96. 
Kiik,  L.  W..  M. 
Kleiin,  John  C  .00. 
Kua)pi>,  .\nna.  111. 

Hiiaiii.   lU. 
Knaiib.  William  L..  5C. 
Knitrht.  Edmund  H..    19.  -Jl, 

Julia.  19.  il,  -i-J. 

Knij)iicr,  Ottu.  frj. 
Kniskiu.  An.joruett.  49. 
KcH-niL',  I'aiiiine  L..  IDti. 
Kohler,  (.'athcrine.  1-.  54. 

J<>..<eph,  11,  is.  77.  y.-. 

Max.  5(1. 
KoU.nian.  .John.  90. 

ilagdalt-na,  HO. 
Kottmaii,  John.  'M. 

Etna.  36. 
Kaiel.  .\iiliolonw.  1:?. 

William.  It. 
Kane,  William  A.,  90. 
Kaui;:.  William.  5-.'. 
Karw.ik.  Charles.  .>,  90. 

D<ir;ith.a.  90. 
Kaiil,  W'  52. 
Keetr,  M.ii  V.  -.n. 

.Matth.W.  -27. 
Kell.  h.i,  Cath.-iiup.   :«.  34. 

Cath.-iiiie  E..  34. 

Jame!<.  3J. 

John,  3J.  34. 

KellftT,  Catherine,  11. 

Cliri-stopher,  9.  11.  13. 

Elizabeth.   13. 

Jeremiah  M.,  106. 

John,  70. 

Marv,  9,  11. 

Sara'^,   106. 

Thoma-s.  U,  49. 

.  71. 

Kelsev,  Amrust.'*  A.,  31. 

Charlesl).,  31. 

Geor-^e  T..  So. 

AVilliani,  85. 
Kelvie.  Elizabeth,  51. 
Kemj)t",  Charlotte.  ■-'•J.  2G. 

F.  Xavier,  'ii.  "26,  ^^J,  112 

John,  S'i. 

Joseph,  1-%!. 

Joseph,  112. 
Kendall.  Joshua,  4C. 

Marv,  68. 

Khotla,  54. 
KeDn*"'v.   *  ie":'.  5i. 

.' ohA     0.  tV   1"  . 

.■u:(y    '5.  17.  Vj 
Ki^J.i::  \ .    i-.,i.-.a  A.,  Of. 

Heber  L..  24. 

Mary  J..  Is,  19,  24. 

Walters..  18,  19.  24. 
Kerkler,  Catheviue,  8. 

Joseph.  8. 
Kevna-st.  Henrv.  78. 
Kibele.  Osear,  12,  49. 
I  Kimberley,  Jared  T.,  57. 

Morris,  56. 

Smyrna,  ff6. 
King.  Anna.  27.  83. 

JoliD,  8^. 
Kinliskv,  John,  11. 

Mary.  11. 
Kinston,  James,  16. 

Hilary,   16. 
I  Kinnev.  A  brahara.  60,  98. 
i  Amelia.  73. 

I         Anna.S.,  41.  42.  78.  98. 
j  liridget,  27,  84. 

Charles  D.,  42. 

Esther.  38. 

Esther  A.,  67,  103. 

Ethel,  109. 

Krederiek,  08. 

Graee.  78. 

Lsaac,  41.  42.  45.  84.  99. 

Isaac  U..  41. 
.;  Jane,   13. 

I  Lvdia,  98. 

I  Medad,  38,  98. 

i  Milla,  ys. 

!  N.  .Jane.  89. 

;  Ladd.  Ellen  J..  .77. 
I         Marv  E.,  5«i. 

Sarah  .J..  20,  2:i. 
]  The<Mlole  S..  2U,  Si. 

I  Eaft'erty.  Tlicjiuas,  62. 
'  Lake,  ( "arrin  L,.  'tO. 
1  llep.Nibah.  r4.  93. 

!  Walker.  75.  93. 

'  Lambert.  Loiii&a,  55. 
I  Laudim,  Ha;:h,  bit. 
Lau;;dciii  E..   -U. 
LauMni.  Alir.-  S..  :!5. 

William.  35. 
I  Jo.v  ).li  I...  3.".. 

I  Lanx.  John.   UMi. 
1  Larnii-.  .Jane  E..  57.  h6. 
'  (hail.-..   1.7. 
i  Mary.  1.7. 

I  LatliH.p,  .\ii^ii.ita,  11.   ft. 

Chaiinir.  r-1. 

Lathrop.  Harriet  L.,  53. 

Lillie  H..  57. 

Xellie  K.,  57. 

Simeon.  11.  48. 
Lavine,    Elizabeth.  8.  10,  11,  12. 

Terrenoe,  8,  10,  11,  12. 

,  70.  71. 

Law.  Dolly.  liW, 
Leaeh.  Mr.,  60. 
Leahv.  Eliza.  32. 

William.  32. 
Leak.  Amanda,  72. 
Leavenworth.  Calvin.  43.   106 

Caioline  E..  7.  46, 

Carrie  L,,  111. 

Clark.  7. 

Ed.^ou  U..  106. 

Esther,   106. 

E.  S..  106. 

Frank  K.,  111. 

tJeorge.  b7. 

<:.■...;-',.  B,  in. 

ll.u-.)!.i  1 .,  111. 

li'U  A..  5;. 

l.-,.l„c,  i06. 

Julias.,  43. 

Levi  C  106. 

Mabel,  87. 

Mabel  H..  89. 

Marv  B.,  106. 

Marv  a..  43. 

I'oUV,  106. 

liuth.  106. 

Sophia,  63.  106. 
j  Lee,  .\ui.a,  32.  e7. 
)         Cyrus,  46. 
I         James  H..  87. 
I  Morris.  :12.  87. 

I  Leeke,  Lizzie,  56 
I  Lego.  Charlotte  M..  64,   100. 
I  Eunice.  1(A). 

I         Marcus,  64,  100. 
LciKh,  Anna  E.,  11.  14. 

Hobert  il.,  74. 

James.  11.    14. 

Lizzie.  72. 
Leouaid.  Deuuia,  71. 
Lester,  Anna,  84. 

Anna  G...  2.7,  84. 

treorjie,  14. 

Georj;e  E.,  14.  19,  25.  48.  59. 

Grace  E.,  14.  19.  25.  [84. 

I  Harriet,  47. 

William  B.,  19. 
I  Lewis.  Anna,  46. 
j  Ellen  .\I.,  3;i.  52. 

1  Frances  H.,  18. 

I  (ieorjie  G..  5'2. 

I  Gustavus  \V..  55. 

Uaniet  E..  IOC. 

Ida  E.,  5.7. 
I  Petel-,  6c. 

I  Stiles  B..  18,  76. 

William.  :J3. 
I  Ley,  Heniy.  26. 
i  Kalii-.  -26. 

I  Libb,-v.  E.lwaid  L.,  29.  32. 
I  E.  F..  Uxi, 

Ella  A..  \M. 

Marv.  -".I.  ;r2. 
I  K.  A..  I'Ki. 

Lidst.ji  ,  Anna,  30. 

•l'il>,  .»l. 

Litdiier.  Catti.iiine.  il. 
Liiid.f.  EmIii  r  J.,  51. 
Lindi  n.  Cliai  Intl..-,  4-. 
Lindeulup.  CaiKliiie.  .73. 
I.iiiillcy,  I  lia!  hs.  '.is. 
Ciiitis.   103. 



Lindley,  ITauford.  103. 

Laura.  ;i.~. 

Sarah.  3^.  47. 

Thirza.  103. 
Limlsley,  Ilariiin.  41. 

Isaac,  43,  4(3. 

Leveret  C,  43. 
Linsley,  .1.  Atwooil.  T>3. 
Linehau.  Lileu,  .'lU. 
Liues.  Ashabel.  7.">. 

Benjaniiu    F.,  11,    14.  43,  4 

Kenjaniin  V..  93. 

Rtsov,  107. 

Clark;  93. 

Eniilv  L.,  M. 

Era.stus,  107. 

Hannah.  1'3. 

II  ami  ah  E..  11-,'. 

Joseph  lOiJ.    107. 

Ketmah,  78. 

Loi.s,  107. 

Lvnian.  107. 

Maria,  9.  lie. 

Marshall,  93. 

Xaniv  C,  93. 

Xancv  P.,  11,  14. 

Tatrick,  51. 

Sarah,  107. 

V>'.  Irvint:.  9,  11-2. 
Lippnianii.  Herman,  30.  8.5. 

Kate,  30,  t.-.. 

Llewellvu!  Arthur  A.,  33,  35. 
Dav-id  G.,  ?1. 
E.  Aithur.   10. 
EtlieP.,  3.->. 
Evan.  6.  10,  1-2,  13,  16.  17,  21 

■J4,  27.  4.-,  fl. 
Ilattie  G.,  3.3,  3,"), 
Ida  J,,  27, 
Julia  A,.  24. 
Lilly  H..  3:5. 
Louisa  E.,  72.  t-1. 
Miriam.  8,   10,  12,   13.  16.  17 

21,  24,  27,  43,  fl, 
Thonia.s  E,.  16. 
-,  7G. 

Lloyd,  Ann,  107, 

Henry,   107, 

Thomas.  107. 
Lobdelh-    I'ar>ou.  «.  - 
Lochver,  Eliz.ibeth,  15,  18.  21. 

John,  i:>.  16,  1,-.  21, 

Mar;L'aret.  16. 
Lotkwood.  I.ibhie  O.,  5e. 

ifarv  L..  43. 

Susan  M.,  .".2. 
Loid.  Eliza.  5. 

I  rederick.  5. 
Losee,  Elijah  W.,  07. 

Grace,  id. 

Isaac,  e,  no. 

Jaue.  8. 

Martha  B.,  f. 

ilaitha  J.,  'A>. 

Saiah.  r4. 
Loughlin,  Eiwaul,  3."). 

John.  10,  n.  12.  14.  1,1.  IB. 

John  ('.,  H. 

Katr.  30.  32.  3.7. 

Marv.  11.  12,  14,  l.".,  18,  32. 

ilaitiij,  30.  32.  3.'.. 

,  70.  71.  73.  77. 

Louiisburv,  Anna    14.  H.  '.hi. 

Ann.tte.  14. 

Chalks  H..  33.  34.  UO. 

Ilanii-I   46. 

Iiavid.  42, 

David  A„  57. 

Ix)unsbnry.  Frances  M..  43. 
(lertrude  I.,  56, 
Harriet,  7, 
Ilenrv,  7, 
Herbert,  19, 
Jane,  51. 
Jennie,  33,  34,  90, 
Jessie,  34,  90, 
Josiah,  107. 
Julia  L.,  19. 
Julia  R.,  76, 
Lottie  C  5,3, 
Marjraret,  19. 
Mark,  14.  18,  22, 
Mary  C.  44, 
Xellie,  76. 
Xonnan  W..  22. 
Prudeace,  64. 
Sallie,  107, 
Sarah,  109, 
Victor,  86, 
Lovelajd,  Elizabeth  A,,  64. 
Lewis  ;M.,  fi6,  103, 
Maria  A.,  103. 
Stephen  L.,  103, 
Truman,  63, 
Lovesev,  Alice  E.,  14,  73, 
Edward,  14.  17. 
Mariraret.  14.  17. 
Lowe,  M'illiam  E.,  55, 
Loyd,  ElizRbeth,  58. 
Lu^h,  Jame.s,  71. 
Luni.  Anna.  80. 

Auiiusta,  41,  42,  88,  94, 
Austin,  109. 
Bennett,  40,  94. 
Burton,  40,  94, 
C,  41. 

Caroline,  40,  04,  93,  94. 
Charitv.  93. 
Clark,  "45. 
:  David,  93,  109. 

David  R..  12. 
E..  .-0. 

Ephraim  D.,  42. 
Frank,  eO. 
(ieor;.'e,  110. 
Henrietta  M.,  56, 
Henry  B..  94. 
John.    39,    41,   42,  61,   80,  8^, 

93,  94. 
Jonathan.  93. 
John,  Jr..  45. 
Linda,  98. 
Lorena,  94. 
ilabel,  93. 
Marv,  40.  93. 

MavV  B..  12.  I 

Marv  D.,  94, 
Mary  L.,  56. 
Polly.  93. 
Reulien.  Jr..  93. 
Sarah.  39,  94, 
Sarah  A..  49. 
Sarah  (i..  41. 

Sarah  R..  4^.  ' 

Svlvester,  84.  i 

I'leat.  93.  j 

William.  41.  60.  98.  ' 

Lmtii-.  <.'ariie,  59.  ' 

Lvneli.  Ahrain,  70.  ■ 

A  lie.-.  .'•.6.  i 

William.  7.  ' 

Lvnih-,  William  E.,  76,  ) 

Lvon.  Charles  B..  13.  15.  22,        ' 

Francs  E..  13.  15.  22. 

(ifroi-e,  73.  ; 

John  E..  17.21.  I 

Marv.  87. 

Lyon.  Mary  A..  17.  21. 
Minerva,  42. 
Sarah  A..  49. 
Wallace  U.,  42. 
Lyons.  James,  34. 
Mary,  7. 
Patrick.  7. 
Susan,  34. 
Mack,  Francis,  85, 
John,  30,  85, 
Mary,  30,  85. 
ilaher,  Catharine,  54. 
Mahonev,  Ann,  52. 
Daniel.  33.  34.  35. 
Elleu,  2.8,  33,  34,  35. 
Helen,  32, 
Marv,  2:1,  32,  83. 
Patrick,  28  32. 
Timothy,  88. 
Wilhani,  23,  32,  88, 
Mallerson,  Charle*'  W,,  77, 
Malhsou,  Charles  H,,  1,8,  19. 
I  Frances,  18,  19, 

i  MaUorv,  Caroline,  e6. 
I         E,l).,  80. 
]         Hattic.    111. 
Laura  B..  9. 
Prentice  A.,  46. 
William  S..  9. 
I  Malonev.  Honora.  22,  79. 
I         Patrick,  22.  79. 
I         Thomas  W..  58. 
j  Manstield.  Jared.  61. 
!         Nathan.  62. 

Stephen,  6.  46,  67. 
I         William,  109. 
•  Manweiller,  Barbara,  21,  28,  31, 
I  34,  86. 

I         Charles.  21.  28,  31,  34,  54,  86. 
!  Eliza,  24.  29. 

I  Henry,  24.  29,  54. 

I  ifar.  Mary,  7.  67. 
j         Patrick,  7, 
Marchal,  John  F,.  5,  100. 
ilartha  W..  5,  loO. 
I         Victors..  100. 
I  Marion.  Catherine  H.,  32. 

Kate.  34. 
I         Xelson.  .32,  34. 
,:  Markham.  Ellen  C,  53. 
i  Sylvester  A,,  54. 

ilaroney.  Thomas.  70. 
ilarseer.  Pauline.  .53. 
,  Marsh.  Thomas.  54. 
I  Marshall.  .lames  W.  5a. 
'  William.  9. 

j         Victor  S.,  G3. 
Martin,  Bernard,  5, 
Chloe,  65,  100. 
Fannie,  68. 
Katie,  33,  88. 
Malinda,  45. 
Michael.  33,  .57,  Se. 
S.'uuuel,  65,   100, 
Sarah.  5. 
'  Marvin.  F.  P..  57. 
Jo.^eph,  P.,  18. 
Mary,  If. 
ilasoii.  Ellen  L..  82. 

Frank,  24,  55,  81,  82. 
Maria,  24, 
Xellie  L,,  57. 
ilassev,  Eleazor.  16. 

Eriiily,  It:. 
^I.iHt<-rmau.  .  9. 

Matthews.  Marv 
RoUrt,  111," 


Maybc-rry,  Joseph.  SO. 



McAfiams.  John,  S6. 
McAlpine.  June,  74. 
ilacBrien.  Kiidget,   19. 

James,  19. 
McHrvan,  Henrietta,  23. 

John,  -2:?. 
McCabe,  Ciitherine,  ^-1. 

John,  84. 
McCartv,  Ann,  75. 

Anna  S.,  t*!. 

Bridget,  8?,  111. 

Charles,  17,  16,  '.i-.2.  i4.  -26. 
34,  74,  81,  82,  84.  111. 

Catherine.  7,  50. 

Daniel,  7.  15,  24,  79,  81,  1 

Dennis,  82,  88,  111. 

Hannah,  18.  22,  24,  2fi,  28. 

John.  7,  12,  14,  15,  17,  20. 

Julia,  70,  79. 

Lizzie.  81. 

Margaret,  10,  12,  34,  69. 

ilarv,  7.  14,  15,  17,  20,  24. 

Miehael,  10,  C9. 

Saiah,  79. 

.  74.  76. 

McConville,  Alexander,  8. 

Elizabeth.  8. 
MeCormack,  John,  48. 
McCorniii'k.  John  F..  51. 
MfColla.  Marvani,  11. 

Kobeif,  11. 
McDonald,  Amanda.  35. 

Ellen  K.,  49. 

Fannv.  79. 

Kobei-t.  79. 
McDowell,  Fannie.  19,  21. 

Koberl  C.  19,  21,  54. 
McEweu.  Caioliue  L..  26.  31. 

Cornelia  L..  24.  :i5. 

Margaretta  E..  82. 

Virgil   H..   26.  31.  24.  35. 

AVilbur  F..  55.  f2. 
McFarland.  Elizabeth.  49. 

Fraiiklbit.  49. 

Henry  H.,  49. 
McGeniey.  John.  18. 

Margaret.  18. 
McGinnis.s.  Emma  G..  50. 

William,  51. 
McGraw.  Uridjret  E..  51. 

Sarah  A..  4«. 
McGinn,  John.  66. 
McHiinne>,  Mar  v.  30. 

W'illiani.  30.  " 
McKennan.  James.  9. 
McKav,  Caroline.  22.  79. 

Jane  E.,  32. 

Jane  S..  29. 

Robert,  22.  29,  3-i  55. 
McLean.  Chailotte,  54. 
McMahou.  FraurLs.  23. 

J.  H.,  .j4. 

Sarah.  2:}. 
McMorrow.  Anna.  26.  'ir'.  83. 

Edward.  26.  83. 

Francis.  28.  St. 

Frank,  26.  89. 

John,  28.  89. 
McXui-nev.  Marv.  111. 

Michael,  5^.  111. 
MeK;iT.  25. 

Mary.  2.>. 
Mearv.  llaniiab,  19. 

William  H..  19. 
Meeker.  (;e<>i;ie.  22.   it. 

Hattie  K.,   22. 
Mei-^s.  Hannah  W. 
Meloiy,  ElU-i    4-'. 
Merrier,  Alexaudei.  4'J 

Mere*lith.  Ann.  87. 
Merkle,  Michael.  33. 

Kosa,  33. 
Merrick.  Charles  D.,  45. 

DeEtta  A.,  7. 

Delia  A..  55. 

George  H..  7,  7J,  79. 

Jennetto  A..  7.  9,  73. 

Jerrv,  65. 

Jo.-iah.  64.  103. 

Marcu.H  M..  5;{. 

Martha  J..  9.  70.  103. 

Martha  il..  tU. 
Merwin.  ililes.  94. 
ll.j  Metzger,  1!..  54. 

I  Michael.  Charles  W'.,  56. 
84  Miles.  Catherine,  e. 

I         Charlfc.s  H..  42.  62.  100. 
I  Clark.  5.  42.  46,  67.  100. 

!  FreeloTe.  75.  pl. 

j  Hauuah  M..  100. 

i9J         Hobort.  73. 
1  Ileua  L.,  34. 

John.  8.  33.  34,  73. 

John  T..  34. 
I         Jonathan,  61,  loo. 

Josephine.  80. 

Lucinda.  100. 

Lucretia,  45. 

Lncv,  100.   103. 
I  Martha.  103. 

Marv.  55.  94. 
I         Maryam,  100. 

Marv  Ann,  5.  42. 
I         Mary  J..  45.  65. 
I  Xancv.  103. 

!  Fhilena.  33. 

■  Sarah.  46.  rO. 

;  Sheldon.  13   22.  80,  94.  103. 

I  Susana.  13.  22. 

Theoi.hihi.-*.  ffl.  94.   100.   103  6*t. 
Miller.  Andrew.  rO.  50. 
i         Charles  H..  54. 
i         Georjie  O..  19.  78. 
j         GeKrjre  V.,  16.  22. 

John.  85. 

John  H..  -U  53.  79. 
I         Joseph.  52. 

Julia.  19. 
I  Julia,  A..  16.  22. 

I  Lewis.  30. 

!  Louis.  21.  22.  2-.   U   5:<.  .-6. 

j  Siill.T.  21.  30. 

,         .Salome  2:).  2^.  ^t). 
1  Sarah  M  .  20.  77. 

William  H  .  79. 
Miltou.  John  \V  .  w;. 
Minor.  Cliarl<.-<.  -I. 

Einilv  .1..  50. 

ilajv  y...  2<i.  31. 
I  Thoiiias  I!..  .1..  31. 

I.:  Mitrh.U.  Abraliaiu     lu7 

Daiiiti.  -'■ 
;  HaiM.ali.  -7. 

U.-111W.I1    107. 

Julia  .\  .  26. 

Laurcme.  4l» 

Mailba.  luT. 
I  Willaiil  (i  .  53 

I  Willi.iiii  G     21. 

I  Mohie.  tii.1'  ••   vr2 
I         John.  .-i. 
Molau.  Al.u.   9.  10. 

Aiiua.  M 

Edward,  10 

Juhll.  :*.  10.  4-.  69 
;  Mar\.3i, 

Molan,  Thomas,  36. 
Moliter.  Caroline.  25,  83. 

Carrie   26. 

Landoliue,  26,  55,  82,  83. 

Louise.  52. 
Monson,  Emma,  36,  69. 

Harris  15..  8. 

Henry,  36. 

Maria  L.,  8. 
Mont;;omerv,  John  W.,  80. 
Mo(mIv.  Jo.seph  W.,  31, 

Sarah  E.,  31. 
I  Moore.  Frank  S..  58. 
i  Lydia.  48. 

I  Moran.  Ann,  48, 

John.  18. 
I  Margaret,  18.  54. 

i  Morehouse.  Ann,  86. 
,         Samuel.  86. 
Morri.s,  Esther  M.  53. 

Euuenia,   11. 
I  .Julia  K..  20.  22,  34. 

!  Luzon  B..  11. 

\         William.  20,  22.  34. 
[         William  E..  .58. 
,  Morse.  Content.  82. 
I  Harriet,  86. 

;  Moshur,  Addie  R.,  36. 
j         Anna  M..  43.  65. 

Ellen.  27. 
I         Fre<lenck  H..  100. 
'         George  U.,  112. 

Howard  F..  27,  49.  112. 

John.  41.  65. 
1  John  IL.  41.  50. 

'  John  S.,  42,  69.  100.  112. 

;         Julia,  71.  112. 
'  Lury  M..   41. 

Margaret  A.,  41. 

Mary.  41.  100. 

Mary  K.,  61. 
I  Kebecca  L.,  6."i,  72. 

i  ,  61. 

Moss.  Abigail.  89. 

•Josiah.  s9. 
Moulthroi>.  Alli-ion  B     59 

Antoinelt  M..  50. 

Betsey  A..  103. 

Cathe'riue,  72.  103. 

Julia.  71. 

Sallv.  67. 

Seba.   103. 
Mulitadv.  Francis  P.,  33. 

-Margaret.  30.  31.  33. 

Batriik,  .'W.  31.  33. 
,  Monger.  Cairie  M..  52. 

George  C.  :{5.  111. 
I         Jennie  A.,   111. 
;  Mary  E.,  '35    111. 

Mun>  Carrie  M.,  18. 

Charles  W..  18. 

El.auor  J..  77. 

Harriet  H..  32,  34. 

Harri.-,  B..  14,  32.   33   34. 

Hiiam.  33. 
I         l^abel.  33. 

Iri»  E.,  ;J2.  .56. 

Jennette.  16. 
!  Laura,  107. 

I  Lewis  T..  107. 

.Marcus  J..  107. 

Maria,  14. 

Marion.  34. 

Nancy,   107. 
Muijdiy,  Catherine,  49. 

Hanore,  rf, 

Jobaiiua.  14   86.  87. 

John,  14.  49.  74.  f6,  87. 

Margaret.  10. 



Murphy.  Mary,  87. 

R»d^er,  Sd. 

Stepheu.  (59. 

Thomas.  9. 

Timotbv.  10,  69. 

.  69. 

ilorrav,  Bvidspt.  50. 

Klisha.  54. 
Myrick.  Charlea,  41. 

Harvey.  42. 

Jaue  L.,  41.  I 

Josiah.  41. 

Josiah  H..  41. 

Lucijda.  41.  | 

Martha  E..  46.  | 

Martha  I'.,  41.  | 

Matilda.  41.  I 

Sarah  A..  41.  j 

Xagle.  John.    13,   16.  ig,  19,  20  i 
24.  72. 

Maria  E.,  16.  18,  19.  20.  24.    | 

Narey.  John.  30. 

"SViUiain.  8.  i 

Xavlor.  Abraham.  b7.  t 

"Marv  A.,  4-.  j 

^'ealt^  JoUn,  49.  ! 

Kettleton.  C.  42.  ' 

Charles.  6o.  94. 

Charlotte.  39.  62,  94,  101. 

Charlotte  A.,  42.  62.  94. 

Ckrk,  4d. 

David  M..  45,  94. 

Elizn,  94. 

Elizabeth  A.,  51.  j 

Ereelove.  60.  94.  ' 

H..  42. 

Josiah.  39.  62.  94.  101 

Lauia,  ^4. 

Marv  A.,  45. 

Mar\  M..  94.  ! 

Willie.  65.  94.  .  , 

Xeagtnt   Johu  J..  36.  ! 

is'eu.soD.  Nellie  E..  52.  I 

Kew.  Catherine   49.  ! 

Johu,  *iO.  j 

Julia,  4k.  ; 

Newcoml).  Mar\,  4?'. 

Kewhine.    Adarii,   5.  6.   7.  e.  10. 
11.  12    13.  16,  17. 
Mar\.   5.   6.  7.   S.   10.  11.  12. 
i3.  16,  17. 

Kewtou.  Charles  L.,  10.  98. 

Harriet,  yi?. 

Helen  .S..  71.  j 

Janp.  27.  : 

Julius.  27.  I 

Marietta.  9e.  1 

Xev.  Ellen.  89. 

Katie.  89, 

Mithael.  S9.  | 

>'icholf..  Clara.  Iu7.  i 

Henrv.  52. 

Jaiuert  R..  25.  31    55.  I 

Jaiif  A..  25.  31. 

John.  107. 

Lvnian  H..  49. 

ilarv  I..  2-.'   31.  ; 

William  B..  22.  31. 

Mrs.  60.  ' 

Noruian.  f'harlev.  46. 
North.  Edward  il..  55. 
Xorthiop.  Aliie  M..  56. 

l)aniel.  3e. 

Delia.  53. 

E..  tO. 

Ebenezer.  9;;.  109. 

Northrop.  Edwai-d  A..  76. 

Osborn.  Gilhert  58. 

Eliza,  40. 

Henrv  F..  64. 

Elizabeth  A.,  38. 

I.sabel,  6. 

Hatuden,  56. 

John  J..  43. 

Henrv,  98. 

Julia,  10. 

Henry  D.,  24. 

Leman,  10. 

LOlie'E.,  56. 

Lucins  S.,  46. 

Mark.  8. 

MaHha  A..  58. 

Sarah  P..  58. 

Marv,  83.                         ; 

^  87. 

Marv  A..  14. 

Notley.  Nettie  L.,  72. 

M-irV  J.,  72 

Noyei,  Maria,   15. 

Noah  A.,  14. 

Waterman.  15.  51. 

Sarah,  96. 

Nugent.  C.  C  26. 

Violette  S.,  6.  68. 

Eauny.  20.                 X 
Oatman.  Caroline.  46.       \ 

Walter  F..  107. 

Owens.  Catherine.  48. 

Charles,  41.  46.  103. 

John,  23. 

Georpe  A.,  41,  63.        J 

Richard.  77. 

GeorireB..  47.         — ^ 

Page,  Edmund.  97. 

Sarah,  41,  61.  63,  103. 

Rebecca,  97. 

O'Brien.  Alice,  53. 

Sarah,  97.' 

Bridget,  5,  9.  16. 

PalUn,  Charles,  20. 

Caroline.  55. 

Elizabeth  20. 

Catherine.  51,  78. 

Palmer.  ,  U. 

EUen,  8. 

Pancher,  George  E.,  57. 

George  51. 

PanETinan,  Bennett,  63. 

Honora.  16.  75. 

Nathaniel.  107. 

Jamea.  5.  9. 

Sarah.  107. 

John.  8.  16.  31.  33.  36,  51.  87. 

Parker,  Daniel  S.,  38. 

Kate,  31. 

Jame.s.  5. 

Marv.  16,  17.  19,   22,   24.  26. 

Olive,  38. 

27.  28.  31.  33.  36,  67. 

Parks.  Anna.  57. 

Michael,  14,  49.  87. 

Parmelee,  Catherine  A.,  86. 

Patrick.  16. 

Esther.  89. 

Timothy.  16.  17.    19.   22.   24. 

Fred.  86. 

26,  27.  28. 

Grace  S,.  51. 

O'Connor.  David.  73. 

Ira  A..  13.  22   89. 

Ellen.  22.  eO. 

Margaret,  13.  22,  83. 

Johanuah.  73. 

Sarah,  107. 

Johu.  22,  73   80. 

Wallace.  29.  85. 

Phebe  M.,  63. 

William  L.,  86. 

O'Dounell,  Catheiine.  24.  26.  32. 

Wokott  J.,  107. 

Johanuah.  35. 

Parrot.  James.  24. 

Kate.  35.  .--2.  HO. 

Mary.  24. 

Mamie.  90. 

Parsons.  Frank  H.,  27 

Mary.  28,  85. 

John.  84. 

Patrick,  55.  f2. 

Jo.*eph  R.,  27,  29    84. 

WUliam.  24.  26.  28.  32.  35  82. 

Martha.  29. 

86.  90.                         , 

.Marv,  27. 

Oluistead.  Catherine.  68. 

Patcheu!  Eliza,  46. 

Frtd.  85. 

James,  104. 

Gt-orge  W..  88. 

Jane.  46. 

Levi.  47. 

Marv  A..  46. 

Lillie  M..  74. 

Pattev.  65.  104. 

Oileara.  Ann  E..  53 

Pear.xoii.  Elizal>eth.  28.  35,  36 


J.  A..  59. 

Richard    •>.  35.  36   84 

Maiv  A..  19 

Peavv,  Hiram,  6. 

Michael.  74. 

Peck.  Abel    r^)- 

Noves.  19. 

Austin.  49. 

Wi'lliaiu  H..  j". 

Benjamin.  85. 

O'Neil.  Catherine.  74. 

Catherine.  66. 

Ellen.  17.  24.  27. 

Charles  B  ,  5^. 

Jame«.  17.  23   24.  27. 

Charlotte  E.,  Jft. 

Jane.  23. 

Dauiel  A..  56. 

Lucv.  83. 

D.  F..  54. 

Marv.  49. 

Earl.  48. 

Orm.^bv.  JmUu  B..  7. 

Edward  li.    33  35.  S7. 

i!arv  E.  7. 

Elbert  A..  21.  52. 

Oshoiu.  (."harles  J.,  ^i. 

Eliza.  40.  99. 

Charl.H  I.  .  6. 

Ephiaim.  99. 

Crufliia  .\..  107. 

Eunice  A..  49. 

Eli-halt,  e9. 

Friend  J..  56. 

Elizaliilh.  89. 

Hannah    %5.  106. 

Ella  J..  70. 

Hatti^  E.,  53. 

Esther,  'iti. 

Julia.  47. 

Eunix.  109. 

Marv.  21. 

George.  107. 

Marv  A.,  33   35.  87. 

Georgf  1...  72. 

Marv  E,.  50, 

George  K.    38. 

Naauian.   10.  86. 



Peck,  Xoyes,  SI. 

Preston  D..  85. 

Stepheu.  e6. 

"WaUer  S  ,  51. 
Pembeiton,  KrankJe  L..  70. 
Peudleton,  Catboriue,  eO. 

Merritt,  sU. 

Theodore,  SO. 
Penfold.  l)i.ina  B.,  7,  lO. 

John  >.'.,  70. 

KicLard  X.,  7,  12. 
Perkins.  Abigail,  94. 

Amy,  70. 

Benjamin  H.,  73. 

Charity,  64,  100. 

Charlotte,  t7. 

David,  94. 

EUzabetb  M..  70. 

Fannv,  lOfl. 
Perkins,  trances,  100. 

JYancis,  4-2,  110.  • 

J.  D.,  e4. 

Jennie  M.,  70. 

Jesse  1).,  10,  le,  13,  14,  84. 

Joel,  100. 

Laura,  65. 

Martha.  12,  13,  14.  S7. 
Perrv,  Esther,  94. 

Harry,  94. 

Joel,  56. 

John  C.  94. 

Mrs.  60. 
Persons,  Aaron  C,  109. 
Perther.  Henrv,  31,  !<6. 

Pauline,  31,  86. 
Peter.-<,  Frank.  31. 

Lizzie,  31. 
Peterson,  Elizabeth,  :i5. 

Solomon.  35. 
Phelau,  Margaret,  68. 
Phelps,  Albert,  Sii. 

Clark,  107. 

EdwariL  f6. 

Esther,  107. 

Ira,  107. 

Kellie,  tfC. 
Picket,  Anna  E.,  •-•2,  29. 

Charles  IL,  22,  29.  54. 

John  n.,  4^. 

Sheldon.  SCI. 
Pickhardt.  Carrie  L.,  56. 

Charles,  56. 

Henrv.  35. 

Matilda.  35. 
Pierce,  Mary  E.,  59. 

Susan.  57. 
Pierson.  Elizabeth,  27,  2a. 

Kichard.  27.  29,  55. 

Samuel,  109. 
Piper.  Eihvard,  25. 

Edwin,  27. 

Jo.seph  W.,  50. 

Sarah,  25.  27. 
Porueiov.  Eliza  A..  51. 

William  T.,  51. 
Pond.,  01. 
Pope.  Eliza  i\.  S4. 
Eliza  P..  27.  ri. 

Jennie  IJ.,  r2. 
Matthew  H.,  27.  'u,.  rt. 
Popii.   I-lizabf;th.  .")7. 

Krfdtriirk    32,  34,  35. 

John  N..  53. 
Katie.  32  34.  35. 
Pott.  r.  Cliarle-i.  2i. 
Ellen  S..  :.,i. 
Mar^'aret    2i. 
Powt-rs,  Aiidii'W,  12. 
Josie  E.,  >!5. 

Powers,  Kate,  85. 

Mary,  75. 

Patrick,  55,  d5. 

Thomas,  85. 

William,  78. 

,  C9. 

Plait,  Betsey,  67. 

Marv  E.,  53. 
Plotz.  Clara.  22,  23. 

John.  22.  23,  54. 
Plmnb.  Th.iddeu3  E.,  50. 
Plnnkett,  Ann.  7. 

Bernard,  7. 

James,  7. 
Prince,  Addie  A.,  52. 

Adelaide,  43. 

Catherine  H.,  65,  67. 

Charles.  43. 

Harriet,  43. 

Josephine,  43. 

Josephine  J.,  54. 

Sarah  J.,  43. 
^  Pritchard.   Charlotte.  65,  63,  90, 

Charles  E.,  9. 

Clark.  100. 

Edward,  9,  42. 

Edwin,  65,  07. 

Jabez,  42,  90,   100. 

Jabez  E.,  45,  55. 

Leverett,  e3,  90,  100,  104. 

Lucretia,  42,  81. 

Martha,  9. 

Sallv.  45. 

Sarah,  49. 

William,  59. 
Pritts.  Lewis,  10. 

Margaret,  10. 
Pulford.  Arabella  E.,  111. 
Piillinir,  Pizarrou  S.,  52. 
Purcell,  Catherine,  8. 

John,  8. 

Michael,  8. 
Purdy,  Henry  M.,  29. 

Jane,  29. 
Putn.ani,  Daniel  C,  6,  104. 

Daniel  J..  1U4. 

Elizabeth  M..  6,  104. 

John  H.,  6.  67,  104. 
Quierinij,  Catharme.  6y. 

Christian.  10,  7?. 

Fredrica,  10,  57. 

Frederiea.  55. 
Quinlan,  Christina.  9. 

Marv  Ann,  9. 

Thoinas,  9,  48. 
Quiuland,  Ann,  6.  67. 

James,  6. 

Michael.  6.  67. 
Quilinau.  Bet  so  v,  13.  72. 

John  B.,  13."  72. 
Quinn.  Marv,  53. 
KadclilV.  Wilier  \V..  58. 
Radford,  Eunice  P.,  1-.  100. 

Horace  A..  .57. 
Ratlertv,  John,  8. 
Pwagau.'James.  -29,  31,  34.  36. 

John,  -25,  27. 

Jnlia,  26.  '29.  32,  rfd. 
Maria.  27.  27. 
Mary  E..  .'t,  31,  M.  JC. 
Micha*-!,  26,  2ft.  3-2. 
Timothv,  71. 
Pvalph.  'Jrare  K.,  71. 
ilar;.'art-t  H..  49. 
PvUn.Lill.  fliram.  41,  42.  45,  100. 
Hiram.  2d.  26. 
Hiram  E..  iO.         |48.  62,  =1 
Hiram  \V..  10,  13,  10,  26,  4 

Randall,  Katie  G..  13,  81. 

Manila  M.,  10,  13,  16,  26,  48, 
62.  el. 

Sallv,  42.  46. 

Walter,  16,  75. 
Rankin,  Ella  L.,  56. 

Emma  V..  .55. 
Raymond,  Lewis,  55. 
Reurdon,  John  W.,  59. 

Marv,  19. 

I'atrick,  19. 
Redshaw,  Joseph  E.,  57.  W.,  54. 
Reese,  Annie,  24. 

David,  24. 

Thoma.1  E.,  24.    . 
Reniff,  Anna  M.,  >.  'A  »^ 

Martha  A.,  .-,6,JW,  103.  i^ 

Rosanna,  tJr-  w~ 

Rufus,  5,  6,   103.     4* 
Reynolds,  Charles,  75. 

■  Charles  J..  34.  56.  63,  90. 

Elizabeth,  63. 

Ella  B.,  90. 

Etta  B.,  34. 

Hannah.  55. 

James,  103. 

Joseph  G.,  5. 

Julia  E.,  55. 

Lucinda.  103. 

Marv  A..  46. 

William  B..  89. 

Wilbe  E.,  90. 
Rich.  George.  19,  22.  24.  82. 

Thirza.  19,  24.  o2. 
Richards,  Ann,  87. 

Anna,  107. 

Charlotte,  46. 

Robert M.,  52,  107. 

Richardson,  Ada,  43. 

Betsev.  8. 

C.  J.."51. 

Frank  J.,  43,  47. 

Henrv,  S. 
Ricks.  John.  14. 

Julia  F..  76. 
I  Sarah  E..  14. 

'  Rida.  Alexander,  57. 
I  Rider,  Charles  A.,  103. 

Clara  S..  57. 

Fannie  3L,  16. 

Henrv  A..  10.  13,  112. 

John  A..  69. 

John  J..  5.  9.  10,  6»J,  103. 

Jnlia  S..  10.    13.  112. 

Mary  E.,  54. 

MarvS..  5.   16. 

Mettie  S.,  112. 

Sarah  H..  .">.  9,  10.  103. 

Stephen  K.,  5,  9.  16. 

Riggs,  Anna  M.,  64,  107. 
Ansou,  78. 
Betsey,  94. 
IietB<;y  G.,  97 
Caroline,  9S 
Clark,  O". 
David.  107. 
Eli.  100. 
Eiiniie,  107. 
Frederi<k  ()..  107. 
Hannah    100. 
Harpiii.  10.  13.  43,  65. 
narriet.  10,  13.  42  43,  5". 
»f  ury,  75.  104. 
Uiraiii,  65. 
Howard.  74. 
,,  Ira.  107. 


Rigsrs.  John,  43,  45,  69,  84,  94. 

John  U..  5i.  100. 

Joseph,  ?G. 

Lama.  102. 

Irf'v-i.  64,  94,  107. 

Lida.  8(3. 

Louisa  B,,  54. 

I.,acinda,  45. 

Lucy,  Co. 

Marian,  109. 

Martha  S.,  17. 

Marv,  5;?,  100. 

MarV  A„4-.',  9?,  107. 

Marv  B.,  12. 

Mai  V  M,,  43,  55. 

Meriitt,  107. 

Mcses,  6:},  97.  107,  109, 

Myron  C,  1^. 

Nancv,  Co.  94. 

XelUe  M.,  54. 

Philo,  63.  107. 

Polly.  o9. 

Rebecca,  18, 

Samuel.  89. 

Sarah,  84,  107. 

Sarah  J.,  104. 

Sarah  L.,  107. 

Sarah  M.,  5C. 

Simon  T.,  51. 

Stephen,  107. 

Therza,  4C. 

William  H..  17,  50. 

Mrs.,  61.  110. 
Riley,  Patrick,  ti. 

Saiah,  6. 
Rix,  Seletta,  69. 
Koa<  h.  Ilonora,  49. 

Johaunah.  MJ. 

Marv,  58. 

Michael.  49. 

Thonia.s.  le. 
Roath.  Minerva  S.,  76. 

Phebe  S.,  98. 
Robbets,  Elizabeth,  52. 
RobbiiiS,  Adeline  J..  49, 

Cauibridi;e,  61. 

Caroline  ..M,,  47. 
Roberts,  Anna,  21,  "25,  80, 

Charlotte.  8.  10. 

(iodl'rey,  8,  10,  48, 

Harriet,  51. 

JIarri.  t  J..  19. 

Jane,  59. 

John.  21.  25. 

Marv,  26. 

Marv  E..  51. 

Mary  J.,  30. 

Nathaniel.  84. 
William  E.,  19,  52, 
William  J.,  87.  R..  26. 
William  S.,  :W.  51. 
Robinson,  Charle.s  W.,  los. 

Elizabeth,  47. 
ElLi,  2.-. 

(jforge  F,,  54, 

Jame?4  M.,  12. 
Lewi.^i.  2-,  84. 
Lewi.i  W.,  54. 
Mart;an-t.  78. 
Rodn.-y  <>.,  52. 


110  Rogers.  Georue  A,.  25. 

George  W.,  112. 

Uenry  C.  20,  52,  112, 

Isaac,  SI. 

John  J.,  112. 

John  W.,  10,  112. 

Minnie,  81. 

Su.-*an,  25,  89,  112. 

Sa.san  M..  20, 
.    Warren  X.  112, 

Warren  S.,  55,  112. 
Ropp.  Mariiaretta.  54. 
Rore,  Bella.  88. 

ileurv  G..  83. 

Polh-:  88. 
Rose.  Caroline  A.,  51. 

Edwin  E.,  52. 

Esther,  27. 

John,  25. 
Roselle,  Mary  H.,  82. 
Roswell,  v.,  55. 
Rot,  Rosena,  50. 
Rovle,  Ann  J.,  107. 
"  Martha,  1U7. 

Rol)ert,  107. 
Rowe,  Lsaac  S.,  48. 
Rugs,  F.  A..  31,  57. 

Lillian,  31. 

Louisa.  31. 
Rule.  Betsev,  26. 

John,  26. 

Marv,  26. 
Rnpel,  Bet.sey,  47. 

Edwin,  47. 
Rnss,  Anna,  16. 

Arthur  E.,  16. 

Solon  R.,  IC. 
Rus.sell,  Ann.  69. 

Charles  F.,  94. 

Ella.  32. 

Frank  H.,  2.S,  31,  32,  33,  43, 

Ro<kw(ll,  (jt-(ir;;e  49. 
Roe,  Tilda,  .'-. 
Koejrer,  A  una.  35. 

Anna  L..  35. 

Hugo.  35. 
Uiigiis.  Caroline.  f?l. 

Chailes  E.,   112. 

Hannah.  94. 
Harriet.  46. 
Harry  F.,  28. 
Jo.seph,  94. 
Joseph  W.,  94. 
Lillie  E.,  2-.  32.  33. 
Lucv  M.,  55. 
Mary  A.,  94, 
Marv  E.,  57. 
Pollv,  76,  94. 
RaclieL  46. 
Rebecca.  .TJ. 
Samuel,  30,  61,  94, 
.Samuel  .S,,  39, 
Saiah,  94. 
Sarah  J.,  94. 
Sevmour  W.,  55. 
Stephen  D..  94. 
Tiiiii.thy,  94. 
William  G,.  48, 
Wright  L.,  53. 
Rvan.  .\iin.  79. 
■    Bri.l-ei,  1-,  49,  74. 
Bridget  V,.67. 
Catherine,  21,  33,  86. 
Coi-ueliuB,  6d. 
Ellen,  .58. 
James.  54,  K2,  8.5. 
John,  17,  20,  r5,  86. 
Kate,  31. 
Lauience.  49. 
ilarv.  5.  13.17.20.  71.  I 
Matthew  H..  18. 
.Michael.  71,  ^C. 
Patrick.  13.  21.  79,  S2. 
Walter,  5. 
William.  31.  :»3. 
.  72,  75. 



Sackett,  Charles  S.,  58. 

Da\-id,  49, 

EmUv  C  107. 

Eliza"  M.,  51. 

Inez  E.,  107. 

Jeremiah.  107. 

Lewis,  107. 

Lucinda,  107. 

Lucius.  107. 

Marion  E.,  107. 

Martha  E.,   107. 

William,  82. 
Sage,  H.  P..  40. 

Joseph  M.,  40. 

Susan,  40. 
Samuels,  Charles,  SI,   113. 

Chauncey,  113. 

Eugene,  25. 

Florence,  113. 

(JeorgiaTina.  27.  89. 

James  W.,  25,  27,  29,  32,  113 

William  A.,  113. 
Sanders,  Charles,  84,  85. 

Lena,  84. 

Lewis,  65. 

Lucy,  84. 
Sanford,  Abigail  A.,  107. 

Alma,   107. 

Anna  A,,  108. 

Charrv,  107. 

Cyrus"  M  ,  43. 

David,  64.  100. 

Eliza,  107. 

Francis  D.,  58. 

Harriet,  103. 

Harris,  46,  103. 

John,  107. 

Laura,  107, 

Laura  L.,  lOS. 

Lois  A.,  103. 

Martha  E.,  108. 

Marvin,  107.  108. 

Mary.  100. 

ilinerva,   100. 

Miranda,  26. 

Moses,  107. 

Philena,  107, 

Philo.  107. 

Pollv,  107. 

Raymond,  100. 

Rhoda  L.,  108. 

Rowena.  100. 

Samuel,  100. 

Sarah,  62.  UK),   107, 

Sarah  J..  62,  108. 

Thomas  E„  26,  108. 

Zadoc,  107. 

,  100. 

Saunders,  Charles,  28,  31. 

Diana.  28. 

Gerhardine,  31. 
Schboer,  Gertrude,  84. 
Soheuker,  Freddie,  89, 
Scheiieatte,  Su«anah,  50. 
Sihikler,  Catherine,  59, 
Schneider,  Caroline,  31. 

Carrie,  26. 

Henry.  26.  31. 
Schf)enbein.  Frederick,   57. 
Scholield.  .lohu,  32,  55. 

.Mary  E.,  32, 
Sc.hraiiner,  Anna,  30.  58. 

Amelia.  77. 

Margaret.  55. 

Paul   28,  K-i.  104. 
Srhrevogel.  Chailen.  72. 
Schrwazol,  Charles.  32. 

SuKana,  32. 
S«hWHU.  Francis.  29. 



Schwan.  Marv,  29. 
Scott.  IJeunett.  e6. 

B<>t8ev.  9s. 

Charlfs,  H.  86. 

Ehas,  50. 

EUeu  L..  84. 

Georjie.  l->. 

Harriet,  S5. 

Harriet  C,  14. 

Henry  H..  4d. 

John."  12. 

John  D.,  14.  98. 

ilaria,  66. 

Thomas  S.,  "2. 
Scovill.  Experience.  tS.  61. 

Leveret.  39. 

I.ucinda,  39. 
Sc'rantCD.  Abram.  62,  9i. 

David.  87. 

Dollv  B.,  71. 

ilary  E.,  6,  15. 

Monroe,  6,  15. 

Sarah.  53. 

Mr.,  61. 

-:^ .  95. 

Scutt.  Ella  W..  54. 

Jetmie.  59. 
Seaburv,  Frances.  80. 
Sear.s,  Charles.  54. 
Sedgewick.  Aluiira,  37. 

Hiram.  31. 

James  H.,  37. 
Seelev.  Alma.  108. 

Clark.  lOS. 

Ebenezer.  lOtf. 

Fannie  J.  52. 

Harriet.  108. 

Hairison.  2U. 

Sarah.  50. 
S*gear&.  Catherine.  i4. 

Ed\TiD.  24. 

Geoige  H^  24. 
Sergeant.  Clement  A.,  7. 

Eliza  A.,  ". 

Harriet  A.,  7.  67. 
Shafer.  Geor^re.  53. 
Shannon.  Catherine;  Is. 

James  O..  Id. 

Patrick  C.  18. 
Sborp.  Ann.  83. 

Eliza,  tri. 

En-.orv.  12. 

Jos«'pli  Henrv,  SS. 

Marv.  12. 

Philli).  70. 

Squire.  83. 
Sharpe.  Canie  E..  5f<. 

Charlie.  27.  ^i. 

Charlotte.  24    27,  2S.  S3. 

I»aniel  S.,  66. 

David  W.   25. 

Elmer  T.,  24. 

Emilv  J..  23.  25. 

Elizabeth.  50. 

Erneot  C.  112. 

Grace  Olive.  23. 

Iva  E..  28. 

Jaue  E..  &3. 

L*-wis  L..  25. 

England.  75.  84. 

Marv  A..  51. 

Olive  -M..  7.x 

Sherman,  77. 

Thoma-H,  24,  27.  2S.  54    E3. 

Wm.  C.  2-.  112. 

Vinie  A.,  2-S.  112. 
Shaw,  Eliza,  46. 

Fannie.  24. 

Jaui«3,  24. 

Shav,  Bartholomew,  68. 
John,  to. 

Sheedv,  Ann:i,  19,  22.  23. 

Ellen.  16.  49. 

Margaret,  77. 

Thoma.s,  18.  19.  22.  23,  32. 
Sheehau,  Anna  M..  73. 

Eliza,  15. 

Kate,  34. 

Michael.  15. 

Thomas,  34. 
Sheldon.  Elizabeth.  20. 

Frank,  20. 

Laura  M.,  2-->,  54. 

Sperrv  M..  22.  54. 

wanen.  22. 
Shelton.  George  H..  112. 

George  P.,  16,  16,  20.  21.  1 

Mar.v.  16,  l;-.  20,  21. 

Geor»iana.  76. 

Isabella  M.,  21. 

Mary  E,,  20. 

Roswell,  77. 

William  L..  18. 
Shepard.  Joseph,   12.  71. 

Martha.  54. 
Sherman.  Andrew,   19. 

Arabella.  19. 

Capt.  A..  62j. 

George.  9. 

Martha.  9. 

Marv  E..  56. 

Phebt\  28.  31.  B..  26.  31. 

Sherwood. .  6s. 

Short.  Charles  J..  56. 

Hannah.  50,  64. 

Hattie  C.  32. 

Josiah.  6?. 

William  E..  32. 
Shrives.  Jaue  M..  108 

John,  10,-.  ' 
Shundlin,  Dominique. 
Sidduck.  G.  W..  ,54. 
Simon*.  Ma^cie  M.,  5", 
Simpson.  Bertha,  s2. 

Daniel.  62,  66. 

Daniel  W..  5b. 

David.  66. 

Emma  J..  56. 

Eva,  31. 

George  A..  3).  34. 

Leah.  66. 

Louise.  62. 

Mary  A..  31.  34. 
Skeels.  iiurnlt  S..  42.  61    74, 

Sarah,  42,  61 

Charles,  42, 

Harvev.  61, 

Henry',  100. 

Jafiiiu,  O-'t. 

Maria.  51. 

ilarv  A.,  4« 

On  in,  72, 

Sarah,  76. 
Skewis.  James.  56. 
Smith,  Abner,  94. 

Albert.  19,  62. 

Albeit  D..  21 

Alice  J..  54. 

Amos.  3i,  39. 

Anna.  94. 

Ann  E.,  49. 

Arthur.  74    95 

Augu.>ta.  58. 

Baniard,  45, 

B.-lla.  2-, 

Bernaid.  95. 



Smith,  Betsey  A..  87,  9*. 
Burton  \V..  69. 
Catharine.  39. 
Charles,  24. 
Clvde  G.,  89. 
E.,  42. 

Edirar  H..  58. 
Edward  B.,  70,  97. 
Edwin.  93. 
Elijah  F.,  11. 
Eliza.  6.  10.  70. 
Elizabeth,  31.  94. 
Elizabeth  H..   42,  49,  54. 
Elizabeth  M,,  19. 
Ellen  A.,  97. 
EUeu  J.,  72. 
Ellen  L.,  .52. 
Emma  A.,  108. 
Eujily,  .72.  54. 
Ephraim,  6. 
Esther,  6,  94. 
Fannie  A.,  19. 
Fanuie  S.,  55. 
Frances  A.,  17,  51. 
Frances  L.,  54. 
Frank  H..  34.  69. 
Freddie  E..  e6. 
George,  28,  87.  30,  HI. 
George  R.,  72.   104. 
George  T.,  5,'). 
George  W.,  6,  12,  45.  95, 
Grace  Ann.  5. 
Hannah.  110.  112. 
Harriet  E.,  4.5,  95. 
Henrietta  A..  97. 
Henry.  74,  61. 
Henrv  E.,  44,  55. 
Hiram,  104. 
Howard  B.,  97. 
lia.  Col..  93. 
Isaac,  94. 
James  A..  17. 
James  }>l.,  34. 
Jaue.  9. 
Jesse,  61.   100. 
John.  94.  106,  111. 
Rev.  John  D.,  66.   110 
JohH  v..  73. 
Joseph  H.,  31. 
Jos  ah,  5. 
Judsou.  76. 
Julia.  23. 
Julia  A..  111. 
Julia  M..  -i^,  3U.  67,  Hi. 
Justin,  94. 
Laura.  47. 
Lewis  F.,  49. 
Lida  Mav,  87. 
Lillie  E.:  58. 
Loud  D,.  20. 
Louisa  F.,  56. 
Lucy.  108. 
Lydia  A.,  108. 
Lvman,  42.  65,   104. 
ifargaret,  89,  111. 
Margaret  A.,  77, 
Mariette  E..  58. 
Martha  J.,  17,  34,  51. 
Martha  .M,.  .14,  69. 
ilarv.  e3,  94. 
Maiy  A..  46.  75.  e8. 
Marv  E,.  54, 
Mai  the  w,  29,  56, 
Meicv  .Vuu,  87. 
Nancy,  94. 
Permelia   76.  104. 
PoUv  Ann.  94. 
Rachel.  74. 
Ray.  67. 



Smith,  Kolx'it  X.,  17,  13,  51. 
Rov  Kkhmoml,  111. 
Samiirl,  31.  3i.  34.  M.  87,  S8 
Sarah.  31,  30.  34.  CT,  eic»,  100 
Sar.ih  L.,  94. 
Sarah  K.,  i4. 
S.vlvpsur.  5,  47,  97. 
Theotloie,  70. 
William,  t>.  8.  10,  -23. 
Win.  C,  4-2.  ?7. 
William  E.,  47.  67. 
Wilbiii   \y..  9.  47. 

65,  77. 

Smythe,  Jane  B.,  79. 
Maria,  79. 
WUIiaiu,  79. 
Slatr,  Albeit  F..  SJ. 
Isadora.  St). 
Jam."?  !>..  -Jt!. 
Slocombe.  Christopher.  57. 
Sloenm.  Fich.  97. 

Lucv,  97. 
Snow,  d'aroliuo.  t>. 
Charles  S..  46. 
SoJlr,  Maijaret.  58. 
Sommers.  liamaii^.  111. 
Southaril.  Amirew,  63. 
Spariinv.  I;. (belt.  5'}. 
Spencr-r.  David  D..  100.  101. 
Eveliue  I..  44 
Henry  W.,  Hi 
Horace  R.,  11-2 
Janie.*.  39. 

Janirs  L.,  13.  14.  17.  Hi. 
James  W..  40.  61,    100.    Uv!. 
John.  64 
Joseph  B  ,  76. 
Katie  S..  11-2. 
Leveret.  100. 
Iivmaii.  100.  E.,  13  14    17. 
Marv  E..  or*. 
Sallv,  UK).  101. 
Spiers.  .John.  57. 
Splaii.  Ellen.  9. 

Marv.  75.  ! 

Marv  A.  9. 
Patrick.  9. 
Spoonhammer.    Henry.  .■*.  9.   11, 
13,  3-2. 
Bri<l<i;et.  P,  13. 
Marsraret.  53.  75. 
Mary.  11.  3-2. 
Sprinjj.  .ramcs  M.    57. 
I-'uii.-'a.   ■;". 
Mar\  K..  57.  , 
Sperry.  Adtliue.  37. 
Andrew.  Ic.  54.  76. 
Asa.  63. 
Eliza.  37. 
Eliza  M.,  IS. 
Elizabeth,  -28.  S5. 
Emtiieliiie,  37. 
Frank  W..  5'J. 
Gad.  6-2. 

George  C.  28.  111. 
Isaar  J..  37. 
Jenuif  M..  37. 
Lillian  E..  111. 
Lewis  L..  7.  10. 
Marietta.  41. 
Mary  L..  49. 
ilay  E..  56. 

Noimaii.  54.  I 

Hansom  L.  41. 
Ran.som.  41.  I 

Sarah.  7. 
S.  G-n.tte.  57. 
A'l'illiam  A.,  1?. 

Squires,  Annie,  33. 
Ellen.  fO. 
Marv.  5. 
Marv  L.,  108. 
Timothv.  5,  33. 
I  St.  Clair,  Henry.  5. 
I         John,  5,  6 

Maririierite,  5,  6. 
Steele,  Albert  J  .  37. 
Anna.  el.  9.<. 
i  Ashbel,  97. 

Betsev,  3.^.  99. 
I  Bradliiid,  83,  97. 

I         Capt.  Bradford,  97,  99. 

Dea.  Bradloiil,  99. 
I  Burr,  99. 

Burr  B.,  99. 
Celostia  A.,  53. 
Edmund.  93. 
Eli.sha.  101. 
Enieliue,  S9. 
Esther.  97. 
Eunice,  101. 
George.  97. 
John  B.,  37.  68. 
Luiiuda.  97. 
Marv.  97. 
Mary  E..  1'2. 
Kuth.  69,  r3,  97,  99. 
-Sarah,  99. 
Su.saii.  97. 
William,  38,  ^3.  98. 
William  W.,  12. 
Stepliiii.s.  Autoinett.  7. 
Edward  N.,  70. 
Edwin  A..  fiC. 
Elnora.  70. 
George  W.,  68. 
Harriet  E..  4:?. 
John  M..  7. 
Stepueusoii,  Kubt.  Y..  50. 
Stet.sou.  Saiah  ij..  46. 
Stevens,  Alfred.  ^9. 
Grant.  55. 
Jam.'.s,  UU. 
Julia,  89. 
St4-vei.  Jeremiah.  .56. 

Louisa.  e7. 
Stiles,  Hannah  M.,   98. 
Nathan.  iiS. 
Phebe.  98. 
Still,  Aii.sou  .1..  55. 
Stil.sou.  William,  49. 
Sto*lilard.  Abiram.  40,  50,  69. 
Anthoiiv  H.,  64.  101. 
Chail('.-.L..  101. 
Chloe.   luO. 
Esther,  43. 
Eunice.  40.  69.  97. 
Fannie  E..  51. 
Haniiali.  11-2. 
ilai'Diu,  KHJ. 
Joseph  E..  13. 
Jortt-idi  X..  10.  13,  39,   40 
./olrii  II.,  11-2. 
Malia.  40. 
M.-iab  J..  6-2,  101. 
Capt.  Xath^Mi.  97. 
Oliver  H..  7-2.  11-2. 
Bob.  It  J.,  10. 
Saiah    •;..  40. 
S..i>hia,  10.  13. 
Suxaii  U..  45. 
Ter(t-a,  101. 
Thomas.  40.  43. 
William,  40. 
William  B..  .53 
Mr-  ,  61. 
Stotckel,  Alfred  Will..  90. 

Stoeckel.  Anna,  33,  35,  90. 

Edwar.l,  33,  35,  58,  90. 
Stohl,  Ceciliii,  )»,  19. 

Charles,  le,  19. 

Christine,  31,  86. 

Frederick.  31,  86. 
Stokes,  Gilbert  G.,  51. 
Stone,  Clara,  86. 

Frank,  86. 

Frederick,  86. 

Staple.  3-2. 

Wm.  M.,  32. 
Storrs,  Andrew,  50. 

Aithur,  9. 

Ashbel.  9,  15. 

Ashbel  B.,  6,  41. 

Carlos  IL.   17. 

Chas.  W.,  17,  18,  49,  79,  104. 

Ediuun<l  B.,  73. 

Ed  waul,  41. 

Ellen  E.,  63. 

Eliza  A..  7. 

Eliza  H.,  104. 

Elizabeth  H.,  71. 

Eunice.  41.  73. 

Fred,  18. 

G.,  63. 

Hannah  G.,  93. 

Harriet,  15,  63. 

Hattie  L..  9.  .57. 

Jane  75. 

Jane  L..  9. 

Jennie  L.,  70. 

John.  40,   45,  64. 
j  John  W.,  7,  9. 

Laviiiia.  7,  9. 

Lewis  1)..  79. 
I         Maria.  6. 
I  Marian.  73. 

Marioiiet.  76. 

Marv.  17.  1^.  65.  79. 

Miniiie,  15. 

Sarah  G..  40. 
;  William  X.,  9. 

■  .  71. 

■  Strain.  Saiah,  48. 
Strapp,  Bridaet.  -20,  85. 

Edward.  '20,  85. 
John,  85. 
I  Strootz,  Frank.  85. 
I  Strutz,  Charle.s.  10. 
!  Ida  B..  lu. 

Stuart,  Catherine.  59. 
Charles  W.,  24. 
Edwar.l  L..  22.  -25,  90. 
Ella  A..  10. 
,         J'rauced.  22,  24. 
j    ■     Gabriel.  35.  90. 
I  Ira  E..  10. 

Levi  B..  -22.  24.   53. 
William.  79.  89. 
Stubb.s,  John.  50. 
73.  Steven.s.  James  A..  104. 
Sullivan,  I!iiil-.t.  18. 

Johanna.  -21,  23,  30.  32. 
John,  76.  80. 
Marnaut.  28. 
'  Michael.  16.  18.  19,  22   51,  60 

Patrick.  23. 
P.  t.r.  21.  28.  .30,  32. 
Sunder.  Barbara.  26.  82. 

Carl,  26,   r*!. 
Sun.lers.  CharlcD,  29. 
(ierti  ud.-.  -SI. 
Jeihardiiie,  86. 
L.-wis.  i'j. 
Sutliir,  S.imijel  82. 
Sutton.  Cotnelia.  46 



Sntton,  H.irrv,  -46. 

Pollv.  C4,"  Si. 
Swan.  Agues,  CO.  03,  T.,  80. 

Anna,  34. 

Everett  M.,  80. 

Geoifie  V,'.,  80. 

Jame.'i,  iO,  'i*.  27.  80. 

James.  Jr..  CT,  80. 

James  W.,  3-J. 

John.  03. 

Robert.  SO. 

William  B..  34,  53. 
Sweeden,  David,  8.  79. 

Emily,  e.  79. 

iYances,  8. 

"William.  79. 
Swink.  John.  Vi. 
Swift.  Abicail,  97. 

Charle.s.  20,  24.  .VJ. 

Charlotte  E..  7;?. 

Ephraira,  101. 

Francis  M..  51. 

Hattie,  24. 

John,  97. 

Leraan,  P7. 

Nathan.  97. 

Sarah  K.,  101. 

Sarah  S.,  53. 

Theodore  M.,  .53. 
Sykes.  Jane.  19. 

John.  19. 
Takle,  Anna.  49. 
Tallman,  Martin  B..  23. 

Mary  C,  2s. 
Talmaiie.  Altha,  8. 

Caleb,  64.  103. 

EUzur,  108. 

Eranuis,  58. 

Orrin.  8. 

"  E..  108. 
Tavlor.  Charles.  25.  28.  83. 
■  Eliza  M..  15. 

George  L..  15. 

Julia.' 25.  28. 

Willie,  iX 
Teeple,  ErsaLah.  50. 
Telgman.  Ausustu.s.  90. 

Ercd.  e7.  yo. 

Uenrietta,  fl.  90. 

Otto.  87. 
Terrell.  Argus,  C4. 

Charles.  4^. 

Cvnthia.  57. 

Eliza  A..  7.  10. 

Elizabeth  AS'..  59 

Isaac  H..  4tJ. 

Joseph  C.  M. 

Mary  D.,  58. 

Smith.  7,  10. 

The<Mlore,  S..  7. 
Terry,  John,  4P. 
TevlJn.  Celia.  27. 

Janie.'j  A..  25.  27. 

Mary  E..  25. 

Sara^.  35. 

AVUUam  35. 
Thayer,  Alice  A..  117. 

Benjamin  B..  13.  14,    IS. 
23.  28.  2^^.  32,  88. 

Charles  E..  14.  111. 

C.  Jeunette.  57. 

Ellen.  23. 

Ellen  C.  22. 

ElizalM-th,  .-.  12. 

Geor>;e.  23. 

Gilbert  B..  111. 

Henry  A.,  2-'. 

Julia  A..    13.   14,   18.  21. 
32.  88. 


Thayer,  Lewis  R.,  32,  S3. 

Lulu  E..   21. 

:>Lary  E.,  79. 

Ktuhen  \V..  22.  53. 

SauuK-l  M.,   13. 

AVilluim.  8.  12.  83. 
Thcurer,  Gotlib.  24,  26,  32,  34,  54 

Mary  A.,  24,  20.  32.  34,  54. 
Thomas,  Elizabeth,  34. 

Eunice,  62. 

Gabe.  35. 

Jesse,  34. 

Lavina.  89. 

Lewis,  51. 

Mary  L..  .35. 

Thomas.  34. 

William.  48. 
Thompson.  Abijah.  40. 

Catherine.  51. 

Dauiel,  39,  40. 

Hiram.  64. 

Jane  E.,  61. 

John  M.  50. 

Julia  H.,  47,  51. 

XcUie  A..  56. 

Tamar.  39.  40,  62. 
Thorp,  Ellen  E..  70. 

Sarah  E.,  70. 
Thndl,  Alice.  36. 

Alice  F..  36. 

Curtis  W..  36. 

Edgar  J.,  56. 
Tibbals.  Abner.  63. 
Tibbits,  Newton,  C8.  95. 
Tiftinev,  Anna  H..  52. 
Todd,  Emma  M..  50. 

Martha,  77. 

Tliadens,  74. 
Tolles,  Nehemiah.  46. 
Tomlinson.  Abigail,  95. 

Agues.  95.  " 

Alice  K.,  90. 

Amelia.  97. 

Anna.  95. 

Anna  M.,  95. 

Benjamin.  95.  108. 

Betsey,  95. 

Charlotte  R..  90. 

Clarissa.  44,  67. 

David.  95,  109. 

Edward,  22. 

Edwin,  47.  90. 

Elizabeth,  47. 

Emerett.  5.  10,  89. 

Emma  A..  24. 

Fannie.  25. 

Frances.  6. 

Harriet.  22.  44.  57. 

Harrison,  5,  10.  40,  69.  70. 

Henry,  6. 

Isaac!  25.  39.  64,  104. 

Isaac  C.  54. 

Isaac  W.,  41. 

James  C,  70,  95. 

John  G..  40. 

Laura,  Hi. 

Levi.  97, 

Lucinda.  95. 

Lu< T.tia.  39.  41. 

Lvdia.  67. 

ilartha.  50. 

}ilary,  CC. 

ilincrva,  40. 

Nancy  M.,  40,    43,  51.  64.  75, 

Noah.  95.  1104. 

Olive.  108. 

IVrrv.  21. 

I'helle,  97. 

Ralph.  64. 

Tomlinson.  Ransom   P..  43.  104- 

Russel.  95. 

Ruth.  63.  104. 

Sarah.  95. 

Truman, .40. 

Vincent.  95. 

Urania.  97. 
Topper,  John,  18. 

Maria  W.,  18. 
Torbet,  F..  104. 

Mary  A.,  104. 

Naomi  R.,  104. 
Town,  Gcorg^e,  81. 
Towne,  Benjamin.  24, 

Eunice.  24. 
Townsend,  Phillip,  30. 
Tozier,  Lydia.  14. 

Massena,  14. 
Tracy,  Catherine  M.,  74. 

Mary,  U,  1.).  20. 

Patrick.  11,   15,  20.  81. 

Sarah,  81. 
Treat,  Atwater,  108. 

Caroline  E.,  95. 

Charles.  108. 

Elijah  S..  103. 

EUzabeth  A..  108. 

Ella  A..  44. 

Emma  J.,  95. 

Esther,  108. 

FraHces  E..  108. 

Frederick  L,.  108. 

George  W.,  71. 

Idella  M.,  108. 

Jane  E.,  108. 

Mary,  108. 

Robert  S,,  95. 

Stephen,  108. 

William,  E„  43. 
Treganowan,  Cornelia.  34,  S7. 

Edwin  O.,  87. 

Millie,  32. 

Thoma.s,  32.  34,  87. 
Trewhella,  Susan  F..  59. 
Troutnian,  .Jacob,  19. 

Mary.  19. 
Trowbriilge.  .Imasa,  78. 
.      MarvC,  52. 
Tmesdell,  Caroline  E.,  8. 

•'Lorenzo,  8,  10. 

Tmmbour.  Charles  E,,  56. 
Tucker.  Anna.  98. 

Antoinette,  18. 

Betty.  108. 

Bvram.  5,  104. 

Charlotte.  50. 

Clark,  9;-. 

David,  18,  84. 

Esther  A..  74. 

Eunice.  104. 

Frances.  5. 

Frederick  C,  15,  17. 

George  F.,  75. 

George  \V.,  42. 

J.,  42^ 

Jerome,  63.  101, 

Josiah.  108. 

I^aura  (".,  84. 

Lillie  W..  52. 

Lucy  A..  51. 

Mark.  89. 

iledad  K.,  103. 

Nancy,  98.  109. 

Niwton.  64. 

Niaii.  110. 

P..  42. 

kethia,  98. 

Sarah  A.,  15.  17. 

Sarah  E..  68.  84. 



Tncker.  Sheldon.  93.  110. 

Shelilen  C  55. 

Zephaiiiah,  9^. 
Turgpon,  M.irv,  ei. 

Oliver.  8.  " 

Amelia.  G". 
Tark,  Antoine.  55. 

Caroline.  74. 

Catheriue.  30. 

Constantine.    11,  1"2.   14, 
!.■=.  '.'). 

CorutUu-s.  23,   27.  30.  32, 

Johannah,  23,  25,  c2.         | 

Katie,  27.  32.,  if 2. 

Margaret,  11.  12. 

Marv.  H.  1.5,  Irf.  75.  SO. 

Tharzia.  O'J. 

Tnrney.  Tlioisa  A..  67. 
Tutliill,  ^\•illium  H„  47. 
Tuttle,  Caleb.  !»7. 

Catherine,  17. 

Gain.s.  97. 

Grace,  17. 

Harriet,  12,  61.  101. 

John  K..  17. 

Josiah.  98. 

Lncins,  72. 

Maria,  40. 

Marv.  97. 

Phefie,  40. 

Sheldon.  51. 

Susan.  101. 

Thadeus.  101. 

"Wallace  M.,  12.  48. 
Twitchel.  Jane  M.,  10s. 

Maltha  A.,   lO'?. 
Twi.<it.  Julia  A..  30.  32. 

William.  30.  32.  5fi. 
Tyler.  John.  35. 

Marv.  35. 
Umberlield,  Anna.  -■'.  99.  104 

Ebouezer,  99.   104. 

Esther,  99. 

Esther  E.,  37. 

Harriet  E..  53.  108. 

Hervey.  104. 

John,  46. 

John  D..  37. 

Marv  E.,  66.  104. 

Sarati.  69,  104. 

Willi.s.  10-. 
Cpson,  Edwin  L..  62.  99. 

George,  9. 

Hiram,  h-l.  99. 

Leroy.  57. 

Margaret.  9. 

Sarah.  49.  99. 
Usin^jer,  Andrew.  26. 

Anna,  26. 
Utrich,  Catherine.  22. 

Louis,  22. 
Vail,  Angnstine.  VI. 

AuguHtuii  K..  24,  Bl. 

Delia  A..  24. 

Horace.  61. 

MaudC,  24. 
Yarelle.  Anna  A..  35. 

Charks  V..  35. 

iLiry.  35. 
Vasler.  Cathaiine.  21. 

Fr.deri.k.  21. 
Vf-jria.  Aim.  '.». 

Xioliola.s.  9. 
Vincent.  Charl.-s  M.'  13.  72. 

Mitchell.  13,  49. 

Su-<an.  13. 
Volkl.'.l/..  Chailes    13.   49. 


Volkholz.  EUen,  13. 

t^arah  J..  13.  Cl.ira  A.,  71. 

Florence  E..  72. 
Vosler,  Daniel.  52. 

George,  23. 

ilary.  23. 

Saloineiia.  53. 
Wagner,  Cluivle.s  H..  79. 
Wakelee.  Albeit.  51. 
Wflkeley.  Greenville.  63. 
Waligufa,  Frank,  5^. 
Walkins.  Hannah  D.,  53. 
Wallis,  John,  64.  103. 

Julina.  64,  103. 
Walter.  George,  3. 

Harriet  K.,  3. 
Ward.  Charlotte.  55. 

Elizabeth.  oC. 

Joseph.  16.120. 

itartha,  49. 

2,1.  Eugenia.  27,  32. 

Peter,  27,  32,  55. 

Rosanua,  16,  20. 

Sarah.  57. 
Warden.  Elizabeth,  50. 
Warner,  Antoinette.  33. 

P.arbaia.  55. 

Emma  A..  55,  56. 

Etta  J.,  19.  23. 

Eunice,  3.-. 

Frederick  E.,  43. 

Lucius  P..  19,  23,  53. 

ilary  J.,  90,  103. 

Miles,  63. 

Xanev,  74. 

Polly:  73. 

Stephen.  46. 
Warren.  Cbailes.  13. 

Elizabeth,  24, 

Lncia,  13. 

Marv,  31,  36. 

Wilfor<l  J..  31,  36. 

William  I.,  24. 

.  73. 

Washbnrn,  Bowers.  lo3. 

Catharine  E.,  52. 

Catharine  S..  39. 

Eunice.  10?. 

George  U.,  20,  25.  34.  52, 

George  W..  35. 

Hattie  E.,  25. 

Hattie  (r..  20,  34. 

John  H.,  21. 

John  S.,  .■>3. 

Minerva,  21. 

Sallv  M.,  39. 

Saiuantha.  t3.  101. 

Sarah,  101. 

Smith.  10-^. 

Staples.  39. 

Sterling.  73,  101.  64. 

.  67. 

Water.-*,  ilinuie  A..  S3. 

Robert.  45. 
Watken.  Marv  A..  .'0. 
Wat.>:on.  K.-b.-tca.  13. 

William  B..  13. 
Wav.  Martha  S..  67. 
Weaver,  .Vliiclia.  35. 

Cliarh-.s  il.,  35. 

Fannie  .M..  35. 

Henry,  35. 

Horace.  37. 

Lazaru,^G..  29.  33  3.5.  5«;. 

ilargaivt.  ■«5. 

Marv,  87. 

Mjiiv  a.,  •i^.^.  ti  35. 

Webber,  Hcnrv.  30. 

Margaret.  30. 
Webster.  Bef.sey.  95. 

Charitj-,  95." 

Charles.  95. 

Clark,  46. 

Daniel  G.,  56.  35. 

George.  35. 

Hattie.  35. 

Is.aac.  104. 

Jane.  43,  49. 

Josephine,  95. 

Lottie  H..  27. 

Lncretia,  104. 

Lucv,  95. 

M.irV  A..  95. 

Obed.  95. 

William.  27. 

William  J..  27. 
Wehrle.  Charles,  30,  33,  34,  35,  38 

Kiesel,  35. 

ilary.  30.  33,  34,  33. 

Nettie.  33. 
Weidlich.  Alton,  33. 

Charles.  23.  25.  31.  33.  38.  90. 

Emma  D..  32.  (111. 

Frances.  23,  25.  31.  33,  S3,  90, 

Otto,  32.  [111. 

Weiland,  Louisa,  53 
Weiss.  Emma  J.,  79. 
Welch.  Andrew,  12. 

Bridget,  12. 

Frank  M.,  22. 

Kate.  22. 

Marv.  23.  88. 
Weller,  Charles  S.,  14. 

Henry  S..  S3. 

Jenette,  14. 

Lydia,  33. 
Wells'.  David,  46.  101. 

George  E..  101. 

Margaret  A.,   101, 
Welton,  Da\-id  F.,  17. 

Sarah  E..  17. 
Westnev,  Jane.  12. 

William.  12. 
Weston.  Andrew,  7, 

AnnC.  9. 

Anna  E.,  79. 

An.son  H..  6,  7.  9,  11.   12.  14, 
16,  17,  37.  32,  33. 

Frank,  07. 

Frederick  W..  22.  24.  23.  34, 
53,  84. 

Fred  L.,  24. 

Hamlin.   14.  82. 

Hanlord.  14.  73. 

Hattie  L..  22. 

Harriet,  79. 

Henrietta,  19.  22.  24,  2S. 

Henrv,  29. 

Horace.  61. 101. 

Howard,  25,  ."iS. 

.Jabez,  37. 

Jane,  e3. 

Jub.a,  43.  65.  67 

Jupiter.  41.  61. 

Laura.  41. 

Lerov.  54. 

Margaret,  84. 

Marsraret  A.,  6.  7.   9,  11.   12, 
14,  16.  17.  23.  83. 

Martha.  34. 

Marv.  63. 

S.,  41. 

Sallv,  41,  65. 

.Sarih.  71.  37. 

Vir_'initv.  2."). 

Wilson.  11.  79,  87. 



Wetzrl,  Agues.  11. 
Cailos,  71. 
FUviu.   i.l. 
Wheek-r,   Ahun.  83. 
Biousou.  39. 
C,  10?. 

Cbailottp.  -10.  61.  101. 
Daniel,   luc. 
David.  99. 
Delilab.  7. 
Eben  G.,  36. 
Fannie  A.,  5-i. 
Frauces,  -10. 
Geoige,  4J.  67. 
Grace,  3!'. 
flauiiah.  103. 
Harriet  E..  41. 
Hattii-  L.,  35. 
Heurv,  11,  -lo,  71. 
Heury  \\'.,  U. 
Howard.  -10.  61.  101. 
John.  -JO. 

JobuC,  40,  61.  7?,  101. 
John  T.,  -1,1.  60.  7.-*,  11)1 
Luciotiu  M.,  -ti.  47.  105 
l^ucy.  lOti. 
Lvuian,  41.  4X  lOO. 
.ifarg;utt  B..  lOd. 
Mariii.  46. 
Martha.   40.  56. 
Mary  W..  55. 
Moses,  to.  1U6. 
Xaucy,    11. 
Xoyes,  lOrf. 
Kan>ioiii.  46. 
Khwla,  lUS. 
Ri.beit.  Jr.,  .57. 
h<.<kriek.  «s. 
SJally  M.,  45. 
Sarah.  40,  41.  4i.  101.  lOi? 
Sarah  J..  41. 
Simeon.  y7. 
Tniuian  E..  53. 
Williairi.  7.,  Aliiiira.  4S». 
White.  Aimer.  47. 
Auuir,  G.,  1-.'.  17. 
Aiiiriist;!,  4!?. 
Aii-u.stus.  3-.  99. 
lies.iie  F..  31. 
Cathtriii.-.   14    15,  .VI.  80. 
Cbaile.,  1'..  Jl.  ,!6.  30.  34, 
Cornelia.  6.  (gl,  .-a 

Daniel.  37.  :k?.  75.  <t9. 
Earle  A..  6. 
Edwanl.  74    113. 
Eliza.  4-. 
Etutiia.  3d. 
Freddie  C.  24.  63. 
Geoi};e  A..  -26. 
HeHlietta.   35. 
Hen  I  V,  y. 
HeurV  H..  67. 
Isaac,  74. 
Jaiues,  14.  15   50. 
JiH'I,  .Ui. 
■  John.  61. 
John  E..  W 
JiilLi.  l.j. 
Juliet.  37. 
Labiiiah.  1-2. 
Margaret.  .M.  70. 
Mari.  y.  11.  30,  :i3. 
Marv  J..  -^4.  26.    30.    34 
iJarV  .M..  •M.  I 

Myron  H..  11. 
Jta\  npiiid.  3'.i. 
K/-i.ina.  17. 
Sally.  37.  '.C.I. 
Sarah  J..  IC*. 
Wbiteli  y,  Cbail,-.v  -ti.  84. 
Finn, a,  -24.   ;i6.  -ZK  30.  S.3. 
haniiie.  -ti. 

Jf"*eiili.  -24.  -26.  '2ri.  :50.  ■«. 
Whitiui^,  John.  40. 
Whitlot  k.   EUie.  -23. 

Weston. .  71,  74.  77.  VHiitlock,  L^man,  23,  54. 

Whitnev,  Charlotte,  -25. 
El'.a,  ?-2. 

John,  -20.  -25,  53.  S-2. 
Lottie  C,  -20. 
."Ninmel,  !.I5. 
■\Viik,sou.  Harriet  J.,  5-2. 
Wi;;iiioie.  Ellen.  30. 
I  Nellie.  30. 

Tbom.xs.  30.  87. 
I  Wilcox.  Merit'.   110. 
!  Wl(  o.\,-ion,  Joseph  J..  00. 
'  Wlkiu.-oii.  Julia  L..  52. 
I  Willard.  J.  L..  ><. 

Wilhanis.  Anu.i,  '20. 
1  Benjamin,  ib. 

\         Burr.  'Zij.  e-2. 

Catherine.  ;•.  11.  65. 
Catherine  E..  44. 
Daniel.  'J.  U.  65.  60.  70 
Daniel  W.,  0. 
David,  {"5. 
Eliza,  55. 
flannah.  3(),  \i. 
H.nry  C,  -21. 
Homer.  35. 
Iris  C.  s5. 
John,  -30.  5-2. 
•Julia.  '26. 
Martraret,  35. 
Martha.  21. 
Marv,  e2. 
Xel.son  B.,  -26.  46. 
llobert.  36. 
Sarah.  85. 
Stiles  (;..  '.3. 
rtiouia.s  E..  65.  67. 
William.  ;<. 
M'illiam  H..  x>.  56. 
William.-'ou.  Alathea.  64. 
Maiy  K..  4-2. 
\\'iiliaui  L..  5-2. 
Wilson.  Anna  J.,  111. 
;  Brid;;et.  -23.  -27.  -J. 

James  X..  e3. 
Jane.  68. 

Jo.sepb,  23,  27.  .«5.  Stf. 
•Josephine.  -27.  65. 
Loui.-a,  eS. 
Susan.  23. 
!  Thomas.  111. 

Wiiit,  r.  Eu-t-n.-.  10.  -2-2 
,  54,  Frank  •!..  70. 

113.  Fivdeii.k  E..  -2-2. 

Mai  V.  10. 
NalMV.  -Xi. 
Kol«i"t  11..  70. 
.  Wire,  Ad<lia  L.,   KM. 

Adeline  A..  64.  104. 
Xauey,  61.  104. 
Siimnel,  45. 
:  Wolfe.  Bridi;et.  13.  67. 

(  hailes.  r,. 
'  Elleo.  66. 

!  Frank  H.,  57. 

i  Jane  E.,   !-6. 

'  John  T..  43. 

I         Jonas,  6,  7,  1-2,  13. 
I  Louisa,  -27. 

I  Sai'^ah,  1-2. 

;  Wo<k1.  Charles.  U.  12. 
EU.n.  11.  12. 
Emma   50. 
Mary.  11. 

81. .  70.  71.  72.  73. 

113.    Wo(..<lin.  Jolin.  lu<j. 
I'ttrnielia.  liis. 
I  Saiah  A..  50. 

i  William,  77. 

WcxhImuI.  L..  52. 

U'iliiaiii  X.,  5r^. 
Wo<..|«oith,  •Jane  K.,  5c!. 
Woo-^ter.  Ai.l;.Mll.    101.  - 
Al.ijah.   101. 

Anna  M.,  44,  65-104    113 
Anne,  101. 
j  Arthur  J..  76.  • 

Wooster.  Au:;nsta.  45. 
Beuneu,  61,  104. 
Caroline.  05. 
Carrie  M.,  72. 
Catherine  E..  101. 
Cecilia,  42. 

Charles  A.,  1-2.  18,  42. 
Charles  B.,  26,  65,  113. 
Clarissa.  70.  , 

Clark,  4-2.  45.  4*.  60,  65.  81.104 
Daniel,  05.  • 
E.,63.     Eliza.  101. 
Eli/abeth.  46.  loi.  L.,  104, 
Enoch,  lul.' 
Ephraini.  'i't. 
Eunice.  101. 
I  Frances  E..  47. 

Frank  P..  58. 
(xcor-ie  T..  62,  05.. 
Giace,  60.  104. 
I         Haniet.  42. 
Harry.  42. 
Henrietta,  26. 
Henrv.  42.  00.  101,- 110.  • 
Jane  iNf.,  47. 
i        Jeunie  G.,  :>.\. 
!  John.  42,  51,  81,  101. 

Joseph,  05. 
!         Lanra,  77. 
{  Leslie,  4-2.  • 

j  Lucinda.  73,  101. 

1  M.A.,61. 

Maichaut,  101. 
ilark.  101. 
Maria  C.,  42,  47.  104. 
Mary,  04.  95. 
i  Marv  A.,  41,  47.- 101. 

Mary  E..  12. 
ilerit.  101.  100. 
Miltv.  9.'>. 
X..  61. 
I  Xathan.  41.  45.  101.  • 

i         Xettletou.  101. 
'  Olive.  42. 

!  Kuth.  9."i. 

Sarah.  .39.  104. 

]  Thomas,  95.  - 

I  William.  30.— 

ilr..  60. 

Mra.,  CI. 

Woiden.    ,  68. 

Worth,  Autoiuetl«.  7, 
Georj:e.  7. 
j  Jacob.  7.  'A. 

\         John.  14.  5*;. 
I  Atai  \   .A...  5. 

j  Peter,  5,  81. 

i  Sarah.  5,  5.3.  11. 
Wri;;ht,  Cebsiia.  53. .-     ,     ,       ' 
Wyant,  Catheiine.    7.  10.  12    14. 
Cbarlis,  3-2. 
i  Charles  K..  77. 

i  Charlotle  E..  li.\y 

I         Dixie.  15.'  ^ 

I  Elizabeth.  7,  -22. 

EntreiiH  A..  10.  3l  34,  36.  57. 
I  Geor^'e  i:.,  16.'      ,  ^ 

George  S.,  7,  10.  12.  14,  16,  104 
j  Helen,  1-2.  72. 

I  Je.ssie  E.,  34. 

j         Jennie  V.,  .56.  "■ 
i         Katie.  57. 
j  Leonard.  7.  22. 

i  Marv,  9. 

I  Marv  C.  16.  ' 

j  Mary  E..  32,  34,  36. 

!  Miniue  .J.,  56.' 

Nettie  E.,  14.  58.  • 
Violettf.  1.-..  19.- 
•      Wil.sou,  15,  19.  64. 

Wilson  D.,  15. 
W_\att.  ,rani<->..  9. 
Vordiu.  .Julia,  50. 
Zettler,  Amelia.  5<J. 
Zurchtr.  Chailoo.  78. 


V  r  I 



Ambl,  page  "21,  IStJ?,  line  9,  for  Ambuhec  read  J.i;i6^ 

Bassett,  page  6,  1654,  10th  line,  before  Elizabeth  insert  Mary. 

Beach,  page  54,  last  liue.  for  Xov.  51  read  Xov.  23. 

Bliss,  page  30.  liue  11,  after  Levi  insert  B. 

Bradley,  page  27,  line  17,  for  Leonard  read  Freddie  .■  page  83,  1874,  liue  7,  for  dau.  read  Freddie,  son. 

Candee,  page  102.  liue  26,  for  2Iaij  read  IMlu- 

Canfleld,  page  4?,  1654,  line  6,  al'ter  Jcsrphine  insert  C. 

Cooper,  page  20,  line  30,  for  Martha  read  Mary  F.:  page  2S,  1875,  line  29,  after  Frederick  insert  H. 

Davis,  page  e9.  for  FrestiMii  read  Truman;  page  6,  8th  line,  for  son  read  dau.;  page  9,  14th  liue,  for  Oct.  27 

read  Oct.  2i>. 
Day,  page  24,  1871,  line  13,  for  £dwin  read  i?t/>n«"rf.  ,.-•' 

Dodd,  page  49,  1857,  for  Dods  read  Dodd.  ■•-  ,  ~" 

Finkle.  page  8'J,  line  23,  for  Tinkle  read  Finkle. 
Foot,  page  64,  1842,  line  4,  for  Tout  read  Foot. 

Harris,  page  •2-i.  1375,  line  22.  after  Sit^ian  insert  J.  and  for  May  11,  read  May  25. 
Healey,  page  29,  1870,  line  3.  for  Mary  read  Alice  J. 
Holbrook,  page  7,  1853,  28th  line,  after  Harriet  insert  Eleanor. 
Houghtaling,  page  29,  1870.  lice  16,  for  May  d  read  2[ay  7. 

Lines,  page  7,  185.3,  add  ■Ilanuah  E..  dau.  of  W.  I.  and  Maria  Lines,  b.  Aug.  19." 
Llewellyn,  page  8,  after   Miria}a  insert  E. 
Lovescy.  page  17,  erase  liue  2~.  duplicate  of  line  21. 
Manweiler,  page  20,  for  Barbara  read  Charles,  and  for  Mar.  1  read  Feb.  27  ;  page  28,  1875,  line  28,  for 

JuJy  27  read  July  29. 
Moshier,  page  27,  line  20,  read  "  Fannie  J.,  dau.  of  Howard  F.  and  Julia  Moshier. 
Piersun,  page  27,  1874,  hue  1,  after  Richard  iuseit  Ji.;  page  29,  1870,  hue  35,   after    William  insert   J?.; 

page  35,  line  6,  for  Phebe  read  Ida  Louise. 
Queering,  page  78,  line  7.  for  Oct.  7  read  Oct.  5. 
Samuels,  page  25,  5th  line,  for  Jam^  read  Charlen;  page  81,   ls72,   line  6,  for  Mar.  11  read  Feb.  9,  for 

Euljene  read  Geunjiana:   page  27,  liue  10.  for  James  read  Chauncey. 
Schrevogel,  page  72,  1859.  for  Scravayal  read  .Schrcvoijel. 

Sharpo,  page  27,  1874.  liue  11.  for  Eddie  read  Charlie:  page  83,  1;74,  iiue  2.  for  Eddie  read  Charlie. 
Smith,  page  17,  2  Jd  line,  for  Isabella  read  Isabel  C,  and  for  Robert  If,  read  Robert  .V.,-  page  19,  20th 

liue,  after  Xettie  insert  M. 
Stohl,  page  80,  l':78,  liue  14.  for  Christian  read  Christine. 

Storrs,  page  6,  14th  liue,  for  Maria  read  Addie;  page  88,  liue  33.  for  Davi^  read  Louis. 
Terrill,  page  10,  le5C,  lltli  line,  for  dau.  read  son. 

Warren,  page  31,  1878,  14tli  liue,  after  Wil/urd  insert  /.,•  page  86,  1878,  13th  liue,  after  WU/ord  insert  1. 
Wolfe,  page  C.  1851,  llth  liue.  for  Jonas  F.  read  Jonas  T. 
Wyant,  page  7.  hue  5.  for  George  H.  read  Frank;  page  32,  line  25,  before  Charles  insert  Eugene. 





Vol.  2.     To  Dec.  31st,  1891. 

Compiled   by   AV.  C.   SII^RPE. 



The  town  records  of  births,  marriages  and  deaths,  as  well  as 
church  records  of  baptisms,  marriages  and  burials,  are  of  great  value 
to  any  community  and  should  be  preserved  with  the  greatest  care. 
They  are  continually  referred  to  for  various  purposes,  in  making  appli- 
cations for  pensions,  in  the  settlement  of  estates,  in  deciding  questions 
of  town  responsibility,  and  in  the  increasing  demand  for  genealogical 
information.  The  publication  of  these  records  not  only  adds  greatly  to 
their  availibility,  but  by  the  large  number  published  and  scattered 
abroad  prevents  the  possibility  of  their  total  destruction,  a  misfortune 
which  in  the  past  has  been  of  frequent  occurrence,  few  old  towns  or 
churches  having  complete  records  of  this  kind.  The  complete  index 
at  the  close  of  this  volume  brings  all  the  names  given  in  each  family 
in  a  group  and  solves  some  questions  arising  from  misspelled  names  in 
the  original  record,  which  might  be  corrected  in  the  index  but  not  in 
the  transcript  from  the  original.  The  first  volume  of  vital  statistics  of 
the  Town  of  Seymour,  published  in  ISSl,  was,  so  far  as  we  are  in- 
formed, the  first  of  the  kiud  in  the  state  with  a  single  exception,  that 
of  the  Woodbury  records,  published  by  IIod.  "William  Cothren  in  1879, 
which  though  it  lacks  an  index,  is  a  work  of  inestimable  value  to  gen- 
ealogists and  others  who  have  occasion  to  study  the  records  of  that 
ancient  town. 

Among  so  many  names  some  are  curiously  spelled  but  they  are 
according  to  the  records.  It  is  the  rule  of  the  registrars  to  make  the 
entries  strictly  according  to  the  certificates  returned  by  clergymen  and 
physicians,  who  In  some  cases  find  it  difficult  to  ascertain  the  correct 
^peltino^  Specially  with  those  who  are  not  familiar  with  the  English 
language.  The  purpose  of  these  pages  is  not  to  correct  errors  in 
spelling  or  omissions  of  initials,  etc.,  but  to  give  a  correct  copy  of 
the  original  records  and  in  such  form  as  to  be  most  convenient  for  ref- 
erence. In  the  index,  where  there  are  two  or  more  spellings  of  a 
name,  cross  references  arc  made. 


.  BIRTHS.  ■; 

Mary  and  Emma,  daughters  of  Warren  [.and  Emma  E.xllfred,  Feb.  11 

Sarah,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Sarah  E.  Baldwin,  July  13 

Harold  K.,  son  of  Theodore  B.  and  Elizabeth  O.  Beach,  June  18 

Clarence  P.,  son  of  Charles  C.  and  Caroline  Billings,  Oct.  20 

Arthur,  son  of  Arthur  and  ]\rary  Burgess,  Kov.  16 

Fannie,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Belle  Conine,  .  Aug.  19 

Josephine,  daughter  of  Patrick  and  Mary  Considine,  Nov.  27 

Charles  Lyon,  son  of  John  C.  aud  Uattie  E.  Crowther,  July  8 

George,  son  of  George  H,  and  Melissa  Crowther,  Feb.  14 

George  E.,  son  of  Charles  and  Sarah  Crowther,  April  17 

-^ ,  son  of  Joseph  and  Mary  Curry,  April  14 

Mary,  daughter  of  Henry  E.  and  Mary  Ann  Davis,  Sept.  16 

Walter  Eli,  son  of  Edward  11.  and  Mary  L.  Davis,  April  8 

Jennie,  daughter  of  Isaac  and  Eliza  DeForest,  Sept.  5 

Mary  Irene,  daughter  of  Walter  and  Martha  Dorman,  March  31 

Jeremiah,  son  of  Jeremiah  and  xMary  Driscoll,  Aug.  23 

George,  son  of  Charles  J.  and  Mary  Edmonds,  Feb.  17 

George  S.,  son  of  George  S.  and  Isabella  S.  Edwards,  Feb.  28 

Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Kichard  and  Jane  Evans,  Nov.  25 

Charles,  son  of  Frank  and  Jennie  Finkle,  Jan.  21 

Peter,  son  of  Albert  11.  and  Phebe  Finkle,  May  4 

George,  son  of  Lewis  E.  and  Julia  Ann  Garrett,  June  24 

Mary,  daughter  of  John  F.  ahd  Mary  Grifiith,  Aug.  22 

William  Hubert,  son  of  Thomas  D.  and  Jane  Griffith,  June  10 

Mabel  E.,  daughter  of  Harvey  S.  aud  Emma  Ualligan,  Nov.  29 



Rodolph  Wilhelra  Carl,  son  of  Eudolph  and  Dorothy  Haupt,     Dec.  39 

Alfred,  son  of  Joseph  and  Edwidge  Happy,  May  19 

George,  son  of  George  H.  and  Melissa  Hill,  Feb.  14 

Ealph,  son  of  John  and  ^Mary  L.  Hollo  way,  Sept.  5 
Euth  and  Ruby,  daughters  of  Williana  K.  and  Fannie  Holmes,   Apr.  29 

Sarah  E.,  daughter  of  David  and  Sarah  C  Hopwood,  Jan.  17 

E.  H.,  son  of  Harley  D.  and  Alice  J.  Hotchkiss,  Oct.  7 

Pansy,  daughter  of  Oliver  and  Emma  I.  Hubbard,  March  12 

Mary,  daughter  of  John  and  Catherine  Kwlleher,  Jan.  24 
Charles  and  Carl  August,  sons  of  Carl  and  Louise  Kerneick,    May  17 

Fannie,  daughter  of  Martin  and  Kate  Laughlin,  Dec.  30 
Carrie  Belle,  daughter  of  Edwin  T.  and  Emily  A.  Lemley,        Sept.  G 

Son  and  daughter  of  George  E.  and  Eliza  X.  Lester,  Jan.  2 

Charles  H.,  son  of  Charles  H.  and  Jennie  Lounsbury,  Nov.  1 

Mary,  daughter  of  John  and  Sarah  Lyons,  Aug.  <> 

Mary,  daughter  of  James  and  Susan  Lyons,  June  26 

John,  son  of  Thomas  and  Ellen  Maloney,  Dec.  8 

Emma,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Kate  Manweiler,  March  14 

Frederick  W.,  son  of  Henry  and  Eliza  Manweiler,  March  31 

Charles  Wooster,  son  of  David  S.  and  Emma  E.  Miles,  Nov.  4 

Maggie,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Anna  Molan,  Dec.  2l» 

Josephine,  daughter  of  George  and  Julia  E.  Nichols,  March  17 

William,  son  of  William  and  Kate  O'Donnell,  Oct.  1 

Rollin  H.,  son  of  Harison  C.  and  C.  I.  Osborne,  Aug.  4 

,  daughter  of  Thomas  and Perkins,  Aug.  28 

Harry,  son  of  Henry  and  Matilda  Pickhardt,  June  11 

Willie,  son  of  Wm.  E.  and  Hattie  Pulford,  Oct.  25 

Edward,  son  of  Charles  and  Ellen  Reynolds,  Jan.  14 

William  Hugo,  son  of  Hugo  and  Anna  Roeger,  June  22 

Margaret,  daughter  of  William  and  Katharine  Ryan,  Jan.  9 
Amy  Grace,  daughter  of  George  Wm,  and  Caroline  E.  Salisbury,  Sept.  S 

Fannie,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Caroline  Schneider,  Dec  10 

Martha  L.,  daughter  of  Albert  U.  and  Lizzie  M.  Smith,  June  19 

Clarence,  son  of  Frank  D.  and  Lydia  A.  Sperry,  Aug.  11 

Eva  E.,  daughter  of  Jeremiah  and  Hattie  E.  Andrew,  Dec.  10 

Minnie,  daughter  of  John  and  Katie  Bach,  Dec.  8 

Lena,  daughter  of  Noble  and  Lena  Baldwin,  July  4 

Clarence  H.,  son  of  John  C.  and  Helen  Barton,  May  17 



AlliU  R.,  (laugliter  of  William  F.  and  Alida  Bassett, 
■  Laura,  daughter  of  William  B.  and  Sarah  C  Bates, 

,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Matie  S.  Bishop, 

Clark  E.,  son  of  John  J.  and  Charlotte  Bloss, 

Catharine,  daughter  of  Augustus  and  liose  Brushell, 

John,  son  of  James  and  Annie  Cass, 

John,  son  of  John  and  Helen  L.  Clark, 

Mary,  daughter  of  John  A.  and  Maggie  Clark, 

Josei»h,  son  of  Joseph  and  ^Nlary  Curry, 

Thomas,  son  of  Thomas  and  Mary  A.  Davidson, 

David  Henry,  son  of  Henry  C.  and  Martha  Dick, 

Ira,  son  of  H.  W.  and  Anna  Dick, 

Alfred,  son  of  Alfred  E.  and  Nellie  Ditmer, 

Ida  E.,  daughter  of  Louis  and  Louisa  Eibel, 

Alice,  daughter  of  Charles  and  "Evans, 

George,  son  of  Richard  and  Mary  A.  Evans, 

Arthur  H.,  son  of  Homer  A.  and  Carrie  A.  Finkle, 

Carl  Matthew,  son  of  Wenzel  and  Mary  Flor, 

Jacob,  son  of  Jacob  and  ]\Liria  Fox, 

Benjamin  George,  son  of  John  A.  and  Mary  Griffith, 

Frederick,  son  of  Bernard  and  Mary  Heuinger, 

John,  son  of  John  and  Burdella  Hull, 

Florence  A.,  daughter  of  Franklin  G.  and  Janette  E.  Hurd,     Jan.  31 

July  24 

April  13 

Dec.  24 

Oct.  20 

Aug.  10 

June  17 

Feb.  5 

Dec.  5 

March  11 

March  26 

Sept.  2 

Feb.  25 

Aug.  3 

May  15 

Oct.  25 

Sept.  16 

May  IS 

Jan.  13 

Kov.  5 

Oct.  6 

Oct.  6 

Oct.  17 

Horace,  son  of  Horace  and  Annie  Johnson, 
iVhiry,  daughter  of  August  and  Johanna  Keller, 
Allertine,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Allertine  Kottinan, 
Frank,  son  of  William  and  Alice  S.  Lanyon, 

,  son  of  Joseph  and Lewin, 

Etta  ]\Iaria,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Emma  Lines, 
William,  son  of  William  and  Mary  Mahoney, 
Ernest,  son  of  Jacob  and  Katie  Manweiier, 

,  son  of  Charles  and  Barbara  3Ianweiler, 

,  son  of  John  and  Maria  3IcGeenan, 

Andrew,  son  of  Patrick  and  Margaret  Mulready, 
Burton,  son  of  Henry  L.  and  Emeline  3IunsoD, 
,  sou  of  Simon  and  Eva  Xason, 

^Liry,  daughter  of  John  and  ^Mary  O'Brien, 

Eva,  daughter  of  George  E.  and  Fannie  H.  O'Meara, 

Lena  Josephine,  daughter  of  Henry  S.  and  Josephine  E.  Parsons,  Feb.lO 

March  9 

Oct.  23 

Oct.  11 

Feb.  2 

Aug.  13 

Aug.  2G 

Aug.  2 

Sept.  24 

June  3 

June  29 

March  5 

June  11 

Dec.  7 

Aug.  9 

March  10 

Mary,  daughter  of  William  and  Katheriue  Pieagan, 

Dec.  22 


Michael,  son  of  Michael  and  Mary  Reagan,  Dec.  IS 

Charles  T.,  son  of  James  and  Euiuia  F.  Keed,  Jan.  li 

Bi'itha,  daughter  of  David  1>.  and  Josephine  Roe,  March  24 

James,  son  of  James  and  Mary  A.  Ryan,  Dec.  G 

Henry,  son  of  Henry  and  Anna  Rumetsch,  Sept.  9 

Dertha,  daughter  ef  John  and  ^Liry  L.  Schofield,  May  L'3 

August,  son  of  Charles  and  Minnie  Seratski,                       '  Aug.  14 

William  E.,  son  of  John  T.  and  Annie  Shaw.  July  G 

,  daughter  of  Frank  and  Lavina  Smith,  Oct  11 

"William  11.,  son  of  Thomas  H.  and  Charlotte  E.  Smyth,  Feb.  7 

,  sou  of  William  and  Ellen  Sterling,  May  5 

Agnes  R.,  daughter  of  Gabriel  and  Elizabeth  Stewart,  April  10 

William,  son  of  William  S.  and Sturgess,  June  2.3 

Celia,  daughter  of  William  and  Sarah  M.  Tevelin,  Jan.  1 

Ann,  daughter  of  John  and  Jane  E.  Tocher,  Sept.  8 

Ruby,  daughter  of  Ileury  B.  and  Lillie  E.  Treat,  Jan.  9 
Annie  ]M.,  daughter  of  Charles  ^I.  and  Caroline  L.  Tucker,         May  6 

Charles  I.,  son  of  Sperry  and  Tilly  Yandegraft,  Aug,  13 

Chauncey,  son  of  Chauncey  and  IMarie  Vinton,  April  23 

Charles  W.,  son  ol  George  and  Mattie  Wakeley,  June  22 

Annie  M.,  daughter  of  Frederick  and  Mary  Wieslogel,  July  2 

Lena,  daughter  of  Loui  and  Kate  Wiets,  Jan.  27 

Florence  H.,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Lillie  Andrews,  Oct.  5 

Henry,  son  of  Xuble  and  Lena  Ralduin,  July  30 

Andrew,  son  of  Andi'ew  and  Jane  Rarr,  Nov.  15 

Rosa,  daughter  of  Frederick  and  Dora  IJauer,  March  23 
Clifford  Warren,  son  of  Ilerschel  G.  and  Margaret  C.  Beers,      April"  7 

Arthur,  sou  of  Arthur  N.  and  Mary  I.'i-uedict,  Kov.  20 

IMary  E.,  daughter  of  Maurice  and  ."\Iary  Bennett,  Oct.  11 

Winfield  M.,  son  of  Leonard  and  Mary  A.  Bradley,  May  22 

Olin,  son  of  Carl  and  Ella  Carlson.  Jau.  16 

Bridget  C,  daughter  of  Nicholas  and  ('atharine  Cass,  Aug.  12 

Frederick  X.,  son  of  Charles  W.  ami  Sarah  M.  Crowther,  May  15 

John,  son  of  James  and  Mary  J.  Deadly,  March  21 

Fanny,  daughter  of  William  L.  and  Jeunette  Dodge,  Jan.  17 

Ellen,  daughr,;r  of  Jerry  and  M.iry  Driscoll,  Dec.  29 

Edith  Margantt,  daughter  of  John  and  Emma  Fink,  June  24 



S'  Ivestor,  son  of  William  and  Uelen  Fisher, 
Ethel,  (laughrer  of  Wenzel  and  Mary  Flor, 
George  E.,  son  of  Fred  and  Anna  Gilbert, 
Marian,  daughter  of  Philip  and  .AfarthaGrouber, 
Kayiuoiid,  son  of  Kobert  and  Alice  flealey, 

,  daughter  of  Franklin  G.  and  Jennette  E.  Hurd, 

Orrila,  daughter  of  George  and  Josephine  C.  Hurlburt, 

DeWitt  Clinton,  son  of  Asa  and  Xellie  James, 

Mabel  Martha,  daughter  of  Willis  A.  and  Nettie  E.  Kane, 

Lawrence,  son  of  William  O.  and  Catharine  O'Donnell, 

Percy  Irving,  son  of  H.  C.  and  C.  J.  Osborne, 

Viola,  daughter  of  Elmer  and  Ella  Mann, 

Ann  E.,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Addie  Mayburj, 

Edith  M.,  daughter  of  Jesse  B.  and  .Mary  E.  Maynard, 

William,  son  of  Thomas  and  Annie  Molan, 

Neil,  son  of  Harris  B.  and  Isabella  Munson, 

Charles,  sou  of  George  and  Julia  Nichols, 

Etta  xMay,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Elizabeth  Nichols, 

Lawrence,  son  of  Wm.  and  Catharine  O'Donnell, 

Clarence  Vinton,  son  of  William  H.  and  Nettie  E.  O'Meara, 

William,  son  of  Amos  Morris  and  Ida  J.  Parmelee, 

Henry,  son  of  Fred  and  Johanna  Peterscheiofski, 

,  son  of  James  and  Mary  Regan, 

John  Franklin,  son  of  George  W.  and  Caroline  E.  Salisbury, 

Julius,  son  of  Carl  and  Mary  Scheffer, 

Charles,  son  of  Charles  and  Minnie  Seratski, 

Nellie  J.,  daughter  of  Walter  and  Annie  M.  Smith,^ 

Sadie  E.,  daughter  of  Frank  E.  and  Lydia  A.  Sperry, 

Ida,  daughter  of  Julius  and  Ida  Steibert, 

Florence,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Hattie  Van  Dusen, 

Chauncey,  son  of  Chauucey  and  Maria  Vinton, 

Ray,  son  of  Lazarus  G.  and  Mary  Weaver, 

Fannie,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Margaret  Weber, 

Frederick,  son  of  Fred  and  Mary  Widelogan, 

Burr,  son  of  N.  B.  and  Louisa  Williams, 

James  Beed,  son  of  Thomas  and  Annie  Jane  Wilson, 

Oswald,  sun  of  Julin  and  Kate  Bach, 

Wm.  Alfred,  sou  of  William  Barton  and  Ida  Firth, 

Aug.  27 

March  3 

IVIay  7 

July  5 

March  5 

Aug.  8 
Dec.  5 

April  2 
March  5 

June  4 

Aug.  4 
March  23 

June  7 

May  17 

Sept.  5 
June  17 

Jan  15 
June  18 

June  4 

March  12 

Jan.  16 

Nov.  26 

Jan.  9 
Dec.  28 

July  6 

Ang.  20 

Nov.  30 

March  6 

Jan.  23 

Aug.  4 
Nov.  24 

Feb.  2 
March  0 
Dec.  11 
Aug.  28 
Sept.  2(3 

Aug.  26 
Nov.  29 



-,  daughter  of  David  and  Louise  Bodoin, 

Nov.  7 

Josephine,  daughter  of  George  ^I.  and  Louise  Brandon,  Jau.  I'l 
Austin  G.,  son  of  Wni.  R.  and  Frances  Brixey,  Sept.  IS 
Mary,  daughter  of  Matthias  and  Ada  E.  Bunjan,  June  I'J 
Thomas  James,  son  of  Lenis  A.  and  Elizabeth  E.  Camp,  Nov.  10 
Frederick  Percy,  son  of  Frederick  A.  and  Leonora  demons,  Jan.  l.S 
Margaret,  daughter  of  Eugene  and  Marv  Conroy,  Jan.  *J 
James  T.,  son  of  James  E.  and  Mary  Crowther,  Sept.  1 
Margaret,  daughter  of  Patrick  and  Anna  Gushing,  March  11 
Mary,  daughter  of  Charles  W.  and  Beruice  Dick,  Nov.  2 
Ealph  T.,  son  of  Wm.  L.  and  Jeanette  Dodge,  Aug.  28 
Theodore  A.,  son  oi  John  and  Fannie  P.  Early,  June  IS 
Earl,  son  of  Albert  II.  and  Phebe  Finkle,  -^  Kov.  11 
Lewis,  son  of  Ilomer  and  Carrie  Finkle,  Oct.  15 
Willie,  son  of  Ilenry  and  liachel  Foster,  May  5 
Charles  ^A'illiara,  son  of  Jacob  and  Mary  Fox,  July  12 
Walter,  son  of  August  and  3Iary  Froelich,  Oct.  11 
Lillie  May,  daughter  of  William  D.  and  Katie  Gearey,  July  17 
Thomas,  son  of  Thomas  and  Hattie  E.  Gilyard,  June  19 
William  and  James,  sons  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Gourley,  Dec.  7 
James,  son  of  John  A.  and  ^lary  Griffith,  June  18 
Emma,  daughter  of  Bernard  and  Mary  Heninger,  July  31 
Sophia  M.,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Sophia  M.  Kempf,  Sept.  10 
Mary  Ellen,  daughter  of  Albine  and  ^.Liry  Kottman,  Dec.  22 
Stephen  IL,  son  of  John  and  Magdaleua  Kottman,  Feb.  14 
Wm.  Thomas,  son  of  Wm.  and  Alice  Lanyon,  Sept.  IS 
John,  sou  uf  Martin  and  Kate  Laughlin,  Oct.  22 
Charles  W.,  stm  of  John  and  Mary  Lumb,  Sept.  15 
Bessie,  daughter  of  James  and  Susan  Lyons,  Feb.  2 
James,  son  of  Kobert  and  ,Mary  Jane  Lyons,  July  27 
Eddie,  son  of  Henry  and  Eliza  ]\Iannweiler,  Dec.  7 
W^alter  James,  son  of  Hugh  C.  and  Amanda  McDonald,  Jan.  12 
John,  son  of  Michael  and  Mary  McXerney,  Nov.  G 
Harold  A.,  son  of  John  S.  and  Philena  L.  Miles,  May  19 
George  W.  son  of  George  and  Lucy  L.  Miller,  Dec.  12 
Herbert  G.,  son  of  George  and  Fanny  O'Meara,  May  21 
Frank  Hugo,  sou  of  Fred  and  Johannah  Petrascheioski,  Nov.  1-4 
Lewis  Chester,  sou  of  WiHiam  E.  and  Hattie  G.  Pulford,  Sept.  30 
Rosa  L.,  daughter  of  Hugo  and  Anna  Poeger,  Feb.  7 
,  son  of  Karl  WilliaiQ  and  Barbara  lloucher,  Dec.  20 



Alfred,  son  of  Henry  and  Anna  Rumetscb,  Feb.  20 

Wiunelred  M.,  son  of  Thomas  and  Hannah  Ryan,  Dec.  5 

Winfield  Arthur,  son  of  Frank  A.  and  Uattie  Smith,  Sept.  6 

7 of  Frank  E.  and  Lydia  A.  Sperry,  Dec.  20 

Robert  A.,  son  of  Gabriel  and  Elizabeth  Stuart,  Jan.  IS 

Jessie,  daughter  of  Charles  W.  and  Elattie  A.  Swift,  Aug.  23 

Leo  Raymond,  son  of  William  and  Sarah  Tevlin,  Dec.  2 

Walter  I.,  son  of  Loraine  and  Rosalind  Thrall,  Dec.  17 

Wm.  F.  son  of  Augustus  and  Catharine  Volkmar,  April  11 

Harry,  son  of  George  and  Mattie  Wakeley,  Jan.  21 

Charles  A.  son  of  Lazarus  G.  and  Mary  A.  Weaver,  July  1-4 

Jennie,  daughter  of  Charles  A.  and  Fannie  Weaver,  Sept.  5 

Sarah  J.,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  Williams,  Aug.  17 

Florence  E.,  daughter  of  Henry  and  31ary  E.  Wyant,  March  9 

Elizabeth  Mary,  daughter  of  Alex,  and  Rosa  Adenolfi,  Aug.  12 

Elsie,  daughter  of  Xoble  J.  and  Lena  Baldwin,  Ma'j  25 

A  daughter  to  Edwin  and  Mary  Baldwin,  Dec,  23 

Albert  A.,  son  of  Andrew  and  Jane  Barr,  Dec.  18 
Ethel  Olive,  daughter  of  Theo.  B.  and  Elizabeth  O.  Beach,       July  16 

Algernon  Arthur,  sou  of  Arthur  X.  and  Mary  Benedict,  Feb.  14 

Richard  James,  son  of  Frederick  and  Mary  Bice,  Jfov.  17 

Lottie,  daughter  of  James  Henry  and  Sophia  Bishop,  June  6 

Ida  Louise,  daughter  of  John  and  Lena  Bleistein,  Sept.  10 

Clara  Dora,  daughter  of  Wm.  and  xVmelia  Bower,  Oct.  8 

George,  son  of  Frederick  and  Dora  Bower,  March  31 

Leonard,  son  of  Leonard  and  Mary  A.  Bradley,  March  29 

Gracie,  daughter  of  George  W.  and  Louisa  Brandow,  Jan.  31 

Ernest  Ralph,  son  of  August  and  Caroline  Buchler,  June  24 

Edward,  son  of  Patrick  and  Margaret  Carney,  May  23 

Clayton,  son  of  Wm.  F.  and  Mary  Cass,          •  July  15 

Oscar,  son  of  Remington  P.  and  Sarah  Christian,  Feb.  13 

James,  son  of  John  and  Ellen  Clark,  Jan.  20 

Ellen,  daughter  of  Eugene  and  Mary  Conroy,  Kov.  23 

Ethel  May,  daughter  of  Edward  X.  and  Alice  S.  Core,  May  6 

John  Edward,  son  of  Peter  and  Margaret  Critchley,  April  17 

Francis,  son  of  Patrick  and  Annie  Cushing,  Oct.  8 

Frank  Alfred,  son  of  Frank  E.  and  Mary  A.  Dean,  Dec.  31 

Caroline,  daughter  of  Henry  C.  and  Martha  Dick,  May  15 


Anne,  daughter  of  Michael  and  Louisa  Doll,  Jan.  7 

Charles  H,,  son  of  Charles  and  ]Mary  Evans,  June  17 

Nettie,  daughter  of  Chas.  S.  and  Nettie  Fairclough,  Sepr.  !".> 

Bertha  E.,  daughter  of  Miles  B.  and  Emma  Farrell,  Julv  IS 

,  daughter  of  James  and  Iltlen  Fisher,  June  9 

^lary,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  ^lary  Fox,  Sept.  (> 

"William,  son  of  James  E.  and  Josephine  French,  Feb.  21 

George  W.,  son  of  Frederick  and  Annie  Elevens,  Feb.  10 

Thomas,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Anna  Ilopkings,  Nov.  17 

Wm.  T.,  son  of  John  and  ^lary  Hughes,  June  10 

Franklin  J.,  son  of  John  and  Birdella  Hull,  ^lar.  4 

Robert  A.,  son  of  Robert  and  Alice  ]\I,  Hungerford,  Mar.  17 

,  son  of  Marcellus  and  Amelia  1).  Judd,  Mar.  G 

and ,  sons  of  Charles  and  Louisa  Karweik,  July  11> 

Grace,  daughter  of  August  and  Johannah  Keler,  Jan.  L'3 

Charles  J.,  son  of  Charles  and  Sophia  Keiupf,  Aug.  21 

-^ ,  daughter  of  Horace  and  Anna  Knapp,  Oct.  15 

Robert  Henry,  son  of  James  and  Caroline  Knapp,  Oct.  2-1 

,  daughter  of  Frederick  and  Mary  Kncrr,  Jan.  28 

Minnie  C,  datighter  of  Frank  and  Ada  Kralischeck,  June  22 

Maggie,  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Ellen  Mahoney,  June  llr 

Ellen,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Ellen  Maloney,  Ajiril  10 

Harry  E.,  son  of  Charles  and  Barbara  Manweiller,  Mar.  20 

Raymond,  son  of  Nelson  and  Kate  Marion,  June  8 

John  Smith,  son  of  Jesse  B.  and  Mary  E.  Maynard,  Mar.  1 

]\Iary  Ann,  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  N.  Miller,  Feb.  2^^ 

John  Joseph,  son  of  Thomas  and  Annie  ]Molans,  June  2S 

,  daughter  of  Andrew  and  Christiana  ]Muidock,  Nov.  23 

Robert  H.,  son  of  James  and  Caroline  McCan,  Oct.  21 

Edward,  son  of  John  and  Mary  O'Brien,  Jan.  10 

Margaret,  daughter  of  Wm.  and  Catharine  O'Donnell,  ^lar.  IS 

Charles,  son  of  Richard  and  Mary  A.  Owens,  Jan.  11 
Kate  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Edward  H.  and  Lizzie  Randall,     June  20 

Josephine,  daughter  of  Frank  J.  and  Elizabeth  Reigel,  Dec.  27 

Frederick  C,  son  of  Frederick  and  Katharine  Reiman,  Dec.  20 

"Wm.  Franklin,  son  of  David  and  Josephine  Roe,  Nov.  11 

Marie  Pauline,  daughter  of  Hugo  and  Anna  E.  Roeger,  Apr.  28 

Edward,  son  of  Wra.  and  Kate  Ryan,  Sept.  10 

John  Martin,  son  of  "Wolf^'ang  and  Pauline  Schaffer,  Jan.  31 

Frank,  son  of  Carl  and  Mary  Scheder,  Sepr.  24 

BIRTHS.  13 

Charles  W.,  son  of  Charles  and  Henrietta  Siliuiski,  Jan.  29 
Maria  Elizabeth, daughter  of  Tlioinas  II. and  Charlotte  E.  Smythe,Nov.2(> 

Eva,  daughter  of  Phillip  and  Lena  Spouheiiner,  Xov.  4 

Lizzie,  daughter  of  John  and  Minnie  Stephanoski,  ]May  2 

Bertha  M.,  daughter  of  Eobert  T.  and  Bertha  Stewart,  Feb.  15 

Hose  Mary,  daughter  of  Albert  and  Ester  Thomas,  Jan.  7 

Edith,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Lettie  Titley,  Oct.  G 

Charles  II.,  son  of  Charles  ]\I.  and  Caroline  L.  Tucker,  May  1-4 

Louise,  daughter  of  Miles  and  Louisa  Yirbeck,     .  Jan.  2G 

Charles  Kussell,  son  of  IJandall  E.  and  Delia  C.  Warner,  Juue  11 

,  son  of  Eben  F.  and  Grace  M.  Whitcher,  ]\Iay  10 

Fannie,  daughter  of  Charles  P.  and  Mary  J.  White,  June  2G 

Annie,  daughter  of  Louis  and  Kate  Wirto.  June  1 

Oliver,  son  of  Theodore  D.  and  Sarah  Adams,  Mar.  10 

Hattie,  daughter  of  John  and  Katie  Bach,  Jan.  20 

Margaret,  daughter  of  ]\Iorris  and  3Iary  Bennett,  Jan.  20 

Pierson,  son  of  John  and  Martha  Bentley,  Aug.  14 

Esther,  daughter  of  Leonard  and  Mary  Bradley,  May  11 

Josephine,  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  Bosen,  Oct.  3 

Dennis  and  Joseph,  sons  of  Dennis  and  Johanna  Carl,  Aug.  7 

Arthur  E.,  son  of  Ward  K.  and  Xancy  C.  Cesar,  May  10 

James  T.,  son  ol  John  and  Maggie  Clark,  Aug.  9 

Elsie,  daughter  of  Peter  and  Margaret  Critchley,  Sep.  8 

Ernest,  son  of  Theodore  X.  and  Libbie  G.  Crowther,  Nov.  22 
James,  son  of  James  and  Mary  Deady,                                  '       July  23 

Grace,  daughter  of  Theron  and  Caroline  M.  Dean,  Apr.  G 

John  Thomas,  son  of  ITenry  and  Martha  Dick,  July  7 

Ray,  son  of  Oliver  S.  and  Carrie  Doolittle,  Sept.  15 

Ellen  T.,  daughter  of  Jerry  and  Mary  Ann  Driscoll,  Jan.  25 

Olive,  daughter  of  Arthur  and  Mary  Dulac,  Nov.  24 

Elsie,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Fanny  Edelstein,  Dec.  17 

Charles,  son  of  Charles  P.  and  ^\\\x\  Edwards,  Sept.  22 

George,  son  of  John  "W.  and  Sarah  Emmett,  Apr.  30 

Mary  S.,  daughter  of  George  L.  and  Elizaljeth  W.  Evans,  May  7 

Arthur,  son  of  Homer  A.  and  (Jarrie  Finkle,  i\Iay  18 
Charlotte  Fletcher,  daughter  of  ^Villiam  B.  and  Ida  Firth,         Apr.  23 

Gertrude  E,,  daughter  of  W.  F.  and  Martha  Godell,  May  2C 

Nina  ^lay,  daughter  of  Dwight  B.  and  Ella  C.  Gordon,  Jan.  12 


Maggie,  daugliter  of  Samuel  and  ^fary  Gourley,  Nov.  28 

Permelia,  daughter  of  John  and  Agnes  M.  Ilummell,  Oct.  28 

JfelsoD,  son  of  Joseph  and  Hedwedia  Happy,  Aug.  IS 

John,  son  of  Tim  and  Maggie  Ilanley,  Aug.  28 

,  daughter  of  Joseph  G.  aud  Ida  A.  Hicks,  Sept.  28 

Blodwin,  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  Hughes,  Dec.  IC 

Raymond,  son  of  George  and  Josephine  Plurlburt,  Jan.  G 

Ethel,  daughter  of  Joseph  A.  and  Jennie  A.  Jarvis,  Mar.  1 

Ina  Mary,  daughter  of  George  and  Ida  Larkins,  July  20 

Emma,  daughter  of  Frank  and  Emma  Larry,  May  4 

Mary,  daughter  of  John  F.  and  Sarah  Leach,  Aug.  31 

Jessie,  daughter  of  Edwin  and  Emma  A.  Lemley,  Jan.  11 

John,  sou  of  Martin  and  Kate  Lysaght,  June  23 

Kate,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Katie  Manweiler,  Mar.  28 

Robert  H.,  son  of  Hugh  and  Amanda  McDonald,  June  23 

Willard,  son  of  George  S.  and  Minnie  McLoughlin,  Sept.  12 

Charles  S.,  son  of  John  T.  and  Philena  L.  Miles,  Apr.  G 

Belle  S.,  daughter  of  David  S.  and  Emma  E.  Miles,  May  27 

Kobina,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Anna  J.  Morgan,  July  28 

Alice,  daughter  of  John  and  Alice  M.  Murdock,  Mar.  20 

Clifford,  son  of  Harris  B.  and  Isabella  Muoson,  Apr.  12 

Cora  E.  daughter  of  Charles  and  Elizabeth  Nichols,  Feb.  4 

Thomas,  son  of  William  and  Kate  O'Donnell,  Dec.  27 

Florence,  daughter  of  George  and  Fannie  O'Meara,  May  28 

William  Arthur,  son  of  David  and  Emma  Owens,  Aug.  7 

Thomas  J.,  son  of  Xoah  and  Elizabeth  Owens,            .  Mar.  6 

Helen,  daughter  of  John  B.  and  Mary  Perrin,  Jan.  9 
Brum  August,  son  of  Frederick  and  Johanna  Peterschefsky,     July  24 

Edward,  son  of  John  and  ]\Iaria  Reagan,  July  2 

Patrick,  son  of  J.  W.  and  Katie  Reardon,  April  22 

Mary  A.,  daughter  of  James  and  Mary  Regan,  Aug.  3 

Cora  Bell,  daughter  of  Orrin  and  Frances  Rogers,  Sept.  10 

Frederick  W.,  son  of  James  aud  Isabella  M.  RichardSj  Aug.  5 

ilatthew,  son  of  John  M.  and  Ellie  T.  Ryan,  Jan.  8 

Matthew,  son  of  Martin  and  Bridget  Ryan,  Feb.  23 

Anna,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Anna  Rumetch,  Jan.  12 

Rutherford  Hayes,  son  of  Charles  C.  and  Katie  Sherman,  July  24 

,  sou  of  Charles  and  Minnie  Seratzki,  July  1 

August,  son  of  August  and  Minnie  Shultz,  Mar.  IC 

Sopha  Grace,  daughter  of  Edwin  E.  and  Laura  A.  Smith,  June  9 

Beulo  May,  daughter  of  Abraliam  and  Annie  E.  Teaior,  Oct.  22 

BiRTns.  15 

David,  son  of  David  and  Martha  Thompson,            •  Mar.  17 

,  son  of  Cornelius  and  Kate  Turk,  Mar.  25 

Lottie  Ray,  daug-hter  of  Charles  and  Hattie  L.  Van  Dusen,  Feb.  25 

Fannie,  daughter  of  George  and  Fannie  Warner,  Sept.  11 

Kaymoud,  son  of  Wallace  A.  and  Katie  A.  Warner,  Sept.  24 

Lloyd  B.,  son  of  Charles  and  Fannie  Weaver,  June  17 

Albert,  son  of  Charles  V,  and  Hattie  A.  Wheeler,  Apr.  28 

Sadie,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Whittaker,  Aug.  27 

Marion,  daughter  of  Christopher  S.  and  Fster  A.  Williams,  May  10 

Anna  M.,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  Williams,  Mar.  5 

Herma,  son  of  Mas  and  Lena  Wolf,  Dec.  4 

18SO.  .     .   -  - 

Kate,  daughter  of  Arthur  and  Katie  Bailey,  Oct.  20 
Neeley,  sou  of  David  and  Louisa  Baldwin,  Feb.  7 

Hiram,  sou  of  Xoble  and  Lena  Baldwin,  Feb.  11 

Edward,  sen  of  George  T.  and  Rosa  Ball,  Apr.  11 

,  son  of  August  and  Carrie  Buchler,  May  12 

Eufus,  son  of  Frederick  and  Mary  Bice,  Aug.  17 

Henry,  son  of  Gustav  A.  and  Adaline  K.  Billberg,  May  17 

Ida  Louisa,  daughter  of  George  and  Louisa  Brandon,  Mar.  2G 

Daisy  Kosina,  daughter  of  W.  R.  and  Fanny  N,  Brixey,  Aug.  25 
Edith  Shelton,  daughter  of  George  and  Addie  Buckingham,  May  11 
John  and  Jennie,  children  of  Matthias  and  Ada  Bunyan,  Apr.  6 

Cora  Bell,  daughter  of  Arthur  S.  and  Mary  E.  Burgess,  Aug.  30 

Gordon  Francis,  son  of  William  and  Mary  Cass,  Nov.  26 

Thomas,  son  of  Joel  and  Maria  K.  Chatfield,  Apr.  27 

,  daughter  of  Kev.  and  Mrs.  E.  H.  Cleveland,       '  July  13 

Alphonso,  son  of  Frederick  and  Neoshee  Coleman.  Mar.  27 

Eugene,  son  of  Eugene  and  Mary  Conroy,  Dec.  22 

Ellen  and  Mary,  daughters  of  Charles  and  Sarah  Crowley,  Feb.  19 

John  Patrick,  son  of  Patrick  and  Anna  Gushing,  May  28 

Marie  Martha,  daughter  of  Henry  C.  and  Martha  M.  Dick,  Aug.  IG 

Irene  Ethel,  daughter  of  Joseph  H.  and  Carrie  Dorman,  May  26 
— — ,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Nettie  Fairclough,  Jan.  4 

,  daughter  of  Miles  B.  and  Emma  S.  Farrell,  Nov.  11 

Charles,  son  of  Albert  H.  and  Phebe  J.  Finkle,  May  11 
Henry,  son  of  Henry  and  Elise  Flacb,  Apr.  5 

Emma,  daughter  of  August  and  Mary  Fraley,  -  May  15 

Robert  A.,  son  of  Thomas  A.,  and  Mabel  E.  Eraser,  Aug.  30 

IC                                                  VITAL  STATISTICS.  v'      .     . 

Francis  Joseph,  son  of  Joseph  and  lliidget  Getlin,  Oct.  7 

Marj,  dau<,'hter  of  William  and  .^lury  Good,  Mar.  31 

Annie,  daughter  of  Balser  and  Annie  Grimfeid,  Apr.  23 

Otto  Sherman,  son  of  August  and  Lena  Grzywacz,  ^Nov.  21 
Marion  Hyde,  daughter  of  Kobert  A.  and  Harriet  M.  Ilamilton,  Mav  29 

Albert,  son  of  H.  Peter  and  Katharine  Hansen,  Aug.  20 

!Mary  Hose,  daughter  of  Xelson  A.  and  Minnie  Happv,  Mar.  18 

Lewis,  son  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Harris,  ^lay  2G 

Uenry,  son  of  Frederick  and  Annie  Heavens,  May  19 

Charles,  sou  of  Bernard  and  ^lary  Hcninger,  Feb.  18 

Eulie  J.,  son  of  Charles  J.  and  Addie  E.  Holden,  Oct.  7 

Elizabeth  B.,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Annie  Hopkins,  Jan.  20 

Edwin  3Iiles,  son  of  John  B.  and  Burdella  Hull,  Feb.  29 
Mary  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Frederick  and  Margaret  Hummel),  Jan.  22 

Frank  John,  son  of  John  D.  and  ^lary  Humuiell,  May  10 

ISlaggie  L.,  daughter  of  Matthew  and  Mary  Huramell,  Aug.  23 
Constance  Hulda,  daughter  of  Bobert  and  Alice  M.  Hungerford,  Nov.  24 

Alice  E.,  daughter  of  George  and  Josephine  Hiirlburt,  Sept.  12 

Edward,  son  of  Joseph  and  Amelia  Jennings,  Dec.  2 

Thomas,  son  of  William  and  Elizabeth  Johns,  Apr.  24 

Edith  Maud,  daughter  of  Andrew  C.  and  Elizabeth  Jones,  Nov,  1 

Frank,  son  of  Frederick  and  Henrietta  Keller,  Mar.  4 

William,  son  of  William  and  Henrietta  Keiler,  May  19 

William,  son  of  August  and  Johanna  Koiler,  Jan.  29 

Catharine,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Sophia  M.  Kempf,  Apr.  2 

Cora,  daughter  of  Hiram  and  Annie  Knapp,  Oct.  5 

■ ,  son  of  John  and  Lena  Kolb,  June  29 

,  daughter  of  Frank  and  Ada  Kralischeck,  Dec.  17 

Alraa  C,  daughter  of  Gustave  and  Louise  Kremisier,  Jau.  3 

Albert  Curtis,  son  of  Albert  A.  and  Emma  A.  Lockwood,  Oct.  14 

Daniel,  son  of  Daniel  and  Ellen  Mahouey,  July  29 

Isabella  Olive,  daughter  of  James  and  Grace  Olive  McKay,  Aug  13 

Edwin,  son  of  ^Michael  and  Mary  McNeruey,             ^  Mar.  7 

Frederick,  son  of  Adolphus  and  Louisa  Miller,  May  15 

Thomas,  son  of  Thomas  and  Anna  ]Molan,  Feb.  15 

Sarah  E,,  daughter  of  Joseph  W.  and  Mary  J.  Moody,  May  11 
Amos  G.  and  Clifford  A.,  sons  of  Amos  W.  and  Ida  May  Morris, May  23 

Howard  W.,  son  of  William  II.  and  Nettie  O'Meara,  Oct.  7 

Mary  G.,  daughter  of  Kichard  and  ^lary  Ann  Owens,  Mar.  o 
Edward  E.  and  Edwin  D.,  sons  of  Edward  II.  an<l  Mary  Peck,  Apr.  21 

Bernard,  sou  of  Patrick  and  Sophia  Peterson,  June  1"» 

BIRTHS.  17 

Eva,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Emeretta  Prime.  Feb.  14 

Sidoa,  daiigliter  of  William  and  Mary  Roes,  Jan.'  27 

Minnie,  daughter  of  Charles  J.  and  Ella  B.  Reynolds,  Nov.'  17 

Katie  Ellen,  daughter  of  .^lartiu  and  Bridget  Kyan,  June  22 

and ,  sons  of  David  and  Josephine  Koe,  Xov.  24 

Martha,  daughter  of  John  and  Ellen  E.  Evan,  Nov.  22 

Frank  George,  son  of  John  G.  and  Mary  Sherman,  May  19 

Annie,  daughter  of  August  and  Minnie  Shultz,  May  2 

Henry  William,  son  of  Charles  and  Henrietta  Siliuiski,  Feb.  15 

Josephine  L.,  daughter  of  John  and  Ellen  Sponheimer,  Apr.  20 

Robert,  son  of  Eobert  T.  and  Bertha  E.  Stuart,  Oct.  29 

Benjamin  II.,  son  of  Edward  S.  and  ,^Iary  J.  Tolles.  Jan.  15 

John  Eaymoud,  son  of  Miles  and  Louisa  Virbeck,  July  18 

Annie  M.  C,  daughter  of  Julius  and  Annie  Wieden,  Mar.  30 

Nellie  A.,  daughter  of and  Henrietta  Witshorak.  Aug.  24 

Charles,  son  of  Charles  and  Mary  Wohlfarth.  Dec.  22 

,  son  of  Nelson  and  Clara  Andrews,  July  23 

Raymond,  son  of  John  N.  and  Rebecca  Atwood,  Dec.  11 

Elizabeth  A.,  daughter  of  John  and  Katie  Bach,  Mar.  31 

Jay  Smith,  son  of  Charles  and  Sarah  E.  Baldwin,  Feb.  6 

Alice  :May,  daughter  of  Charles  E.  and  3Iinnie  Barber,  Mar.  2 

Flocy,  daughter  of  Benjamin  J.  and  Nellie  A.  Beach,  Dec.  15 

Charles  B.,  sou  of  Samuel  B.  and  ^linnie  Beach,  May  19 

Burton  L.,  son  of  Arthur  and  Mary  Benedict,  Feb.  14 

Patsy,  son  of  Morris  and  Mary  Bennett,  Apr.  17 

Ethel  Irene,  daughter  of  John  C.  and  Elizabeth  Bowers,  June  9 

Harold  Reed,  son  of  Charles  and  Lizzie  Buckingham,  Feb.  14 

Tessie,  daughter  of  Mathias  J.  and  Ada  Bunyan,  Nov.  6 

Johanna,  daughter  of  Dennis  and  Johanna  Carl,  Nov.  11 

Harry,  son  of  Charles  and  Ella  Carlston,  Dec.  16 

,  daughter  of  Gale  and  Mildred  Clark,  Nov.  10 

Henry,  son  of   and  John  Mary  Cosgrove,  Dec.  20 

Grace  ]\Iariah,  daughter  of  Edwin  and  Alice  Cove,  Apr.  30 

,  son  of  Christopher  and  Mary  Dohl,  May  29 

Beuloh  May,  daughter  of  Wilbur  and  Agnes  L.  Doolittle,  June  2 

Edward  "Walter,  son  of  Joseph  H.  and  Carrie  Dormau,  Au".  28 

Lizzie,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Elsie  Flacb,  Apr.  17 

John,  son  of  John  and  lielle  Fletcher,  May  15 


Earnest  A.,  son  of  August  and  Lena  Grzywacz,  Dec.  23 

Otto  P^.jSon  of  Herman  and  Gustie  Grzywacz,  Jan.  Id 

Mildred,  daughter  of  Edgar  H.  and Guild,  June  4 

Amelia,  daughter  of  Xelson  and  Minnie  Happy,  Nov.  10 

,  son  of  Frank  and  Rosanna  Hotchkiss,  Apr.  15 

Henry  liurton,  son  of  Henry  B.  and  ^lary  Howe,  Nov.  18 

David  K,,  son  of  William  F.  and  ]''lizabeth  Johns,  Nov.  30 

Alvine,  son  of  Alvine  and  ^Mary  Kattinan,  Aug.  9 

Augusta,  daughter  of  August  and  Johanna  Keiler,  Dec.  4 

William,  son  of  Ferdinand  and  Etta  Kt'iler,  Sept.  14 

Annie,  daughter  of  William  and  Henrietta  Keiler,  Oct.  30 

Lena,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Sophia  M.  Kempf,  May  1 

Paul  D.,  son  of  August  and  Mary  Kordatcky,  Aug.  10 

Lottie,  daughter  of  John  and  Lottie  Ladd,                        .-  Feb.  14 

Frank  F.,  son  of  Frank  and  Emma  Larry,  July  4 

John,  son  of  Charles  H.  and  Jennie  Lounsbury,  'Sov.  13 

Emma  M.,  daughter  of  Wesley  and  Alida  Lyons,  Nov.  14 

Alexander  James,  son  of  Robert  and  Barbara  ^IcKee,  Apr.  13 

Annie,  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Ellen  Mahooy,  Nov.  30 

Rosanna,  daughter  of  Joseph  W.  and  Mary  J.  Moody,  Nov.  27 

Harry,  son  of  George  and  Hattie  Morris,  July  10 

Joseph  Francis,  son  of  James  B.  and  Annie  Moran,  Mar.  10 

Mary,  daughter  of  George  B.  and  Mary  Moshier,  Oct.  22 

,  son  of  Harris  B.  and  Isabella  ^lunson,  Mar.  31 

Velena  E.,  daughter  of  John  and  Alice  M.  ]\Iurdock,  June  13 

Mary  A.,  daughter  of  William  and  Kate  O'Donnell,  May  23 

Adolph,  son  of  Augusta  and  Augustia  Patrie,  Jan.  24 

Minnie,  daughter  of  Kandulph  and  Minnie  Patychkowski,  May  31 

Ella,  daughter  of  Frede  and  Johanna  Peterschefski,  Dec.  22 

James  H.,  sou  of  James  and  Minnie  Rhodes,  Aug,  14 

Dennis,  son  of  Dennis  and  l^^ii'?5  Nov.  18 

Florence  L.,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Hannah  Ryan,  July  12 

Louise  Henrietta,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Mary  Sauer,  June  24 

Martha  A.,  daughter  of  Charles  and  .NLiry  Schatter,  Aug.  24 

Robert,  son  of  Henry  and  Philiipeue  .Sharp,  Mar.  4 

Sarah,  daughter  of  George  and  liridget  Sheridan,  June  1 

,  daughter  of  Wm.  L.  and  Myra  iSmith,  July  1(> 

Phillip,  son  of  Phillip  and  Lena  Spouheimer,  Sept.  11 

William,  son  of  John  and  Willielmiee  Stephonofsky,  Mar.  8 

Addie  B.,  daujzhter  of  George  and  Addie  Stoddard,  Sept.  5 

Charles,  son  of  John  and  Catherine  Strapp,  Xov.  7 

BIRTHS.  19 

Mary,  daughter  of  David  and  :Martba  Thompson,  Aug.  18 

Kalph  Henry,  sou  of  Henry  and  Lottie  M.  Titley,  Mar.  11 

Kosa,  daughter  of  Peter  aud  :\Iary  Triush,  jVlar.  29 

William  M.,  son  of  George  and  Nettie  Warner,  Nov.  22 

Helen  Thompson,  dan.  of  Dr.  Kandall  E.  and  Delia  C.  Warner,  June  12 

Henry  A.,  sou  of  lleury  A.,  aud  Lydia  Wells,  May  31 

\Vm.  Xerry,  son  of  Willred  and  Ann  E.  Warren,  ■                May  14 

Leroy  A.,  son  of  Frank  H.  and  Julia  Wyant,  Jan.  1-4 

Geo.  Edward,  sou  of  Cornelius  and  3Iary  Ahern,  Mar.  13 

Lilliau  T.,  daughter  of  Stephen  C.  aud  Cornelia  Atwood,  Aug.  29 

Loisea,  daughter  of  John  aud  Katie  Bach,  Dec.  31 

Edwin  Theodore,  sou  of  Samuel  B.  and  Minnie  J.  Beach,  Oct,  9 

Katie,  daughter  of  George  and  Katie  Bower,  June  6 

George  Henry,  son  of  Geo.  X.  aud  Louise  Brandon,  Sept.  29 

Leua,  daughter  of  Charlt-s  aud  Barbara  Buhle,  Xov.  29 

Sarah  E.,  daughter  of  August  and  Sarah  E.  Buhler,  Sept.  17 

Flossie,  daughtt-r  of  Silas  IL  and  Sophie  Carrmgton,  Mar.  13 

Harry,  sou  of  Wm.  aud  ^lary  Cass.  June  4 

Kaymond  Lyon,  son  of  Michael  and  Carrie  A.  Coleman,  Au^^.  24 

Margaret  Mary,  daughter  of  James  and  .Mary  Condon,  June  8 

Francis,  sou  of  Patrick  and  Anne  Cushing,  Aug.  1 

Charles  Wm.,  son  of  Henry  C.  and  Martha  M.  Dick,  Sept.  22 

Mary,  dauguter  of  C.  \V.  and  Auna  Dick,  Oct.  3 

Harold  Warner,  son  of  Wilbur  aud  Agues  L.  Doolittle,  Sep.  19 

Jennie  L.,  daughter  of  Walter  and  Martha  Dorman,  Aug.  3 

Frederick,  Sun  of  Karl  aud  Annie  Ehiuan,  June  1 

John  Henry,  son  of  Henry  aud  Mary  Eucher,  Mar.  12 

,  sou  of  Hugh  and  lihoda  J.  Eucher,  Mar.  17 

Gustave  J.,  son  of  Gustave  J.  and  Addie  Faber,  Mar.  24 

Albert,  son  of  Peter  T.  aud  liosello  Farland,  July  1 

I>ank,  sou  of  Frank  and  Ida  Feibel,  June  3 

George,  sou  of  Joe  and Finkle,  Mar.  18 

May  Jsabelle,  daughter  of  Albert  aud  Phebe  F'inkle,  May  1 

Dennis,  son  of  Michael  and  Ellen  Fitzgerald,             ^  May  15 

Lizzie,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Lizzie  Flach,  June  6 

Florence,  daughter  of  Jubn  and  Elizabeth  Flanagan,  Sept.  G 

Emma,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  ]\Iary  Fox,  Xov.  2 

Chas.  T.,  son  of  Thouias  A.  aud  I^Iabel  E.  Eraser,  June  20 


Harold  H.,  son  of  Geo.  "\V.  and  Sarah  L.  Freucli,  July  30 

Edith  Charlotte,  daughter  of  August  and  3Iary  Frolich,  Sept.  !»; 

Raymond  E.,  son  of  Thomas  F.  and  llattie  E.  Gilyard,  Mar.  7 

August  Hermon,  son  of  Ilermon  and  Augusta  Grzywacz,  Oct.  L*.'} 
Edith  Julictt,  daughter  of  Chas.  D.  and  Delia  Iloughtaling,     June  21) 

Grace  B.,  daughter  of  John  B.  and  Berdelhi  IIull,  Feb.  20 

Moran  Leslie,  son  of  George  and  Josephine  Hurlburt,  Apr.  21 

William  Fred,  son  of  Mathew  Fred  and  Mary  Hummel,  JMay  12 

Lillie  Mary,  daughter  of  John  D.  and  Mary  Hummell,  Apr.  22 
Edward  Nelson,  son  of  Thomas  E.  and  Susan  F.  Hurlburt,       Sept.  22 

Florence  May,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Sarah  Jobot,  May  20 
Joseph,  son  of  David  and  Jennie  Johns,                                   •     Sept.  30 

Gladys  ^Nlaud,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Jane  Jones,  July  22 
Maliecia  Eliza,  daughter  of  Gustave  A.  and  !Mary  E.  Keller,     Aug.  3 

Frank  Walter,  son  of  August  and  ]Mary  Kordatcky,  Dec.  IS 

Edward,  son  of  William  and  ^Mary  Mahauey,  Jan.  4 

Robt.  Humber,  son  of  Joseph  and  Harriet  ^larshall,  Nov.  6 

Henry,  son  ol  Chas.  J.  and  Mary  McLoughliu.  Nov.  14 

William,  son  of  ^lichael  and  Mary  McNerney,  Apr.  27 

Frank  B.,  son  of  Andrew  J.  and  Arabella  E.  Miles,  Mar.  14 

Walter,  son  of  John  T.  and  Philena  Miles,  Apr.  2 

Anna  L.,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Annie  Molans,  Feb.  4 

William,  son  of  William  and  Nelly  O'Brien,  Nov.  18 

Frederick,  son  of  George  and  Fannie  CTMeara,  Sept.  9 

Harry,  son  of  John  F.  and  Josephine  O'Neal,  May  IG 

Mary  Gertrude,  daughter  of  Richard  and  Mary  A.  Owens,  Sept.  o 

,  son  of  Thomas  and  ^larietta  Owens,  Oct.  25 

Olive  F.,  daughter  of  Arthur  T.  and  Mary  L.  Peck,  Nov.  14 

Clifford  Carlisle,  son  of  Walter  S.  and  Nellie  ^I.  Peck,  Jan.  14 

Gertie,  daughter  of  Edward  and  Sophia  Pertsch,  Jan.  G 

Hiram  Walter,  son  of  E.  H.  and  Elizabeth  Randall,  ^lay  14 

Willie,  son  of  John  and  Kate  Reardon,  Aug.  9 

Annie,  daughter  of  Frank  J.  and  Elizabeth  Reigel,  June  29 

Annie,  daughter  of  Con  and  ^lary  Regan,  Jan.  25 

Grace  Ellen,  daughter  of  James  and  Mary  Regan,  July  17 

Hester  A.,  daughter  of  Orrin  \V.  and  Annie  Rogers,  May  2G 

Matthew,  sou  of:T"houias  and  Alice  Ryan,  May  3 

Wm.  August,  son  of  and  Winnie  Shaltz,  Mar.  13 

Joseph  Lawrence,  son  of  Patrick  and  Nellie  Shehan,  Apr.  1 1 

Francis  F.,  daughter  of  Geo.  and  Bridget  Sheridan,  June  10 

James  Henry,  son  of  Geo.  and  Mary  Sherman,  Nov.  2 

•  '  BIRTHS. 

John  Daniel,  son  of  Caleb  and  Alice  C.  Snediker, 
Alice,  dau.irhter  pf  Albert  W.  and  Li/zie  M.  Smith, 
Edith  Emma,  daughter  of  John  and  :\Iinnie  Stephanoski, 
Lillian  Martha,  daughter  of  Alfred  and  Ada  Florence  Stowe, 
Ilenrv,  son  of  Charles  W.  and  Alice  Swift, 
Edwin  Bay,  son  of  George  G.  and  Julia  A.  Thayer, 
Baby,  daughter  of  David  and  Martha  Thompson, 
George,  son  of  George  ]M.  and  Louisa  Turney, 

,  son  of  Charles  and  Fannie  Weaver, 

Wm.  Joseph,  sou  of  Michael  and  Elizabeth  "Wells, 
Ada,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Whitaker, 

,  daughter  of  David  and  Lena  Williams, 

Thomas,  son  of  Thomas  and  Annie  Wilson, 

William,  sou  of  Lewis  and  Kute  Wirto, 

Geo.  Brewster,  son  of  Corey  and  Helen  Wood, 

21  '•2< 

Kov.  29 
Apr.  2S 
Apr.  13 

Xov.  8 
Kov.  28 

Aug.  8 

July  7 
May  21 
Feb.  28 
Sept.  27 
Jan.  23 

^lay  4 

June  21 

March  4 

July  16 




Jan.  3,  Robert  A.  Alfred  and  Agnes  F.  :^^aynard. 

Aug.  15,  Marshall  G.  Beers  and  Margaret  Bay. 

Oct.  8,  Arthur  Benedict  and  Mary  E.  Hubbell. 

Jan.  24,  James  R.  Core  and  Fannie  McKinley. 

Aug.  20,  Henry  B.  Davis  of  Seymour  and  Lillie  E.  Ryder  of  Oxford. 

Not.  21,  Henry  C.  Dick  and  Martha  M.  Collins. 

June  24,  Henry  Duester  and  Minna  Xodalny. 

April  20,  Isaac  Foster  and    Mary  E.  Surine. 

May  2,  Charles  H.  Guild  and  Josephine  E.  Ladd. 

July  17,  George  Hawley  and  Susan  D.  Dean,  both  of  Oxford. 

Oct.  11,  Bernard  Henninger  and  Hilary  Wolfarth. 

April  14,  Burr  A.  Howard  and  Sarah  Reynolds. 

Dec.  2,  Sidney  Hubbell  of  Seymour   and    Sarah  A.    Purdy   of   Port 

Chester,  N.  Y. 
Dec.  5,  Chas.  A.  Hutchinson  of  New  Haven  and  M.  Isabella  Metcalfe  of 

Worcester,  Mass. 
Jan.  29,  Charles  Karwick  and  Laurie  Xowak. 
Feb.  1,  James  B.  Lewis  of  Pkiinfield,  Ct.  and   Mary   J.  Chapman    of 

Legett,  Ct. 
May  24,  Jesse  Maynard  and  3Iary  E.  Chamberlain. 
May,  9,  George  E.  O'Meara  and  Fannie  H.  Coney. 
Oct  3,  Hugh  Owens  of  Ansonia  and  Mary  Watkins  of  Seymour. 
June  7,  L.  B.  Parsons  of  Waterbury  and  Nora  Loomis  of  Naugatuck. 
Nov.  18,  John  K.  Smith  and  ^lary  S.  Thomas,  both  of  Goshen,  N.  Y. 
Dec.  3.  Chas.  Se.serek  and  Minnie  Anion. 
Jan.  24,  Randall  E.  Warner  and  Delia  E.  Stout. 

Nov.  5,  August  Brunner  and  Annie  Gristensin. 

Oct.  2,  Jesse  B.  Campbell  of  EUcuville,  N.  Y.,  and  Sarah  A.  Leraan 
of  Seymour. 


Sept.  18,  Franklin  Y.  Crofut  and  Miuuie   G.  llawworth,  both  of  P>ir- 

Feb.  13,  Thomas  Davidson  of  Derby  and  ]Mary  Ann  King  of  Seymour. 
Mar.  29,  Franklin  A.  Dean  of  Canaan  and  Mary  A.  Allen  of  Seymour. 
Jan.  31,  Alfred  L.  Ditmer  of  New   Haven  and  Xellie  ]\I.   Noyes  of 

June  12,  Joseph  H.  Dorman  and  Xellie  'M.  Sperry. 
May  10,  Ethan  J.  Holmes  and  Delia  ^l,  Gallagher,  both  of  New  Britain. 
Jan.  15,  James  B.  Ilungerford  and  Nellie  M.  Siuipson. 
Apr.  10,  Willis  A.  Kane  and  Nellie  Iline. 
June  5,  Charles  T.  Kelsey  and  Carrie  E.  McKay. 
Feb.  7,  Charles  E.  Lattin  and  Fraucelia  A.  Paiggles,both  of  Huntington. 
Sept.  11,  Daniel  J.  3IcCarthy  of  Ansonia  and  Ellen  Garvin  of  Seymour. 
May  22,  Charles  Nichols  and  Elizabeth  Thomas. 
"^  May  20,  Edward  Pritchard  and  Martha  M.  Smith. 
May  18,  Almon  E.  Kice  and  Mary  Lawlis,  both  of  "Waterbnry. 
Apr.  17,  Thomas  Ryan  and  Johanna  Heflernan. 
June  17,  William  H.  Whittemore  and  Charlotte  E.  Booth. 
Feb.  12,  William   H.  White  of  Bridgeport  and   Cora  A.  Brewer  of 

Beacon  Falls. 
Jan.  1,  Oscar  L.  Wright  of  Seymour  and  Anna  Ellis  of  Birmingham. 

Mar.  10,  John  W.  Beers  of  Pruttsville,  Penn.,  and  Salinda  V.  Atwood 

of  Seymour. 
Nov.  11,  John  W.Cassidy  of  Southbury  and  Lizzie  M.Frazier  of  Oxford. 
June  17,  W.  R.  Chamberlain  and  Nellie  T.'  Sperry. 
Nov.  17,  Albert  E.Davis  of  Seymour  and  Elizabeth  Poizer  of  Holyoke, 

May  25,  J.  Lee  Nott  of  New  Haven   and   Helen  W.  G.  Parsons   of 

Oct.  3,  Gottfried  Peterschefski  and  Johanna  Patchowski. 
Dec.  17,  Marcus  Sperry  and  ]!usanna  H.  Smith. 
Sept.  23,  Robert  Stewart  and  Bertha  Schranuer. 

Mar.  8,  David  Beoudoin  and  Louisa  ILimel,  both  of  Oxford. 

Oct.  27,  Michael  H.  Donohue  of  New  Haven  and  Hannah  J.  Stott   of 

Feb.  13,  Charles  Kouipf  and  Sophia  M.  Hummel. 
July  12,  Gottlieb  Kushner  and  Maggie  Dassdorf. 
Oct.  11,  John  McLaughlin  and  .Mary  Jirenuan. 

MA5«BtA^Kg.        '  25 

Feb.  25,  Frank  J.  liiegcl  and  Elizabeth  Antbony. 

!Mar.  17,  J.  W.  Spencer  and  Lottie  Spencer. 

Sept.  20,  ^Ym.  Walton  and  Jane  Parker,  both  of  Stonington. 

l^ov.  17, Nathan  J.  Warner  of  Oxford  and  Emma  E.  Smith  of  Seymour. 

Dec.  13,  Martin  Bahnerof  Birmingham  and  Anna  Grzywacz  of  Seymour. 

Aug.  IS,  John  Casey  of  Ansouia  and  ]Mary  3IcCabe  of  Seymour. 

Oct.  26,  Timothy  Condon  of  Ansouia  and  jNIary  Kelly  of  Oxford. 

Ang,  3,  Henry  Cooper  and  Clotilda  Blossauer. 

Feb.  20,  John  W.  Dawson  and  Mary  Williams. 

May  IS,  Andrew  Diller  and  Lizzie  A.  Merkle. 

Sept.  14,  Oliver  S.  Doolittle  and  Carrie  A.  Davis. 

Oct.  11,  Joseph  n.  Dorman  and  Carrie  M.  Schneider. 

Jan.  19,  Jackson  B.  Ferris  of  Bridgeport  and   Cora   L.    Edwards   of 

July  18,  Thomas  A.  Eraser  and  Mabel  Finkle.  ,  . 

Apr.  28,  Frances  GaflFney  of   Birmingham   and   Katie  McCarthy   of 

Nov.  23,Thoraasnoran  of  Birmingham  and  Maggie  Walsh  of  Seymour. 
Nov.  24,  Timothy  J.  Hanley  and  ^Margaret  E.  Brennan. 
May  14,  Edward  D.  lies  and  Emma  Stevens. 
Aug.  25,  John  Jackson  and  Mrs.  Xellie  S.  Ineson. 
Dec.  28,  Joseph  A.  Jarvis  and  Jennie  A.  Tucker. 
Oct.  20,  Kobert  C.  Just  of  Ansonia  and  J.  Nettie  Crowell  of  Middle - 

Dec.  12,  Mathew  Kenney   of  Waterbury    and   I\Iargaret  Donavan   of 

Aug.  24,  Peter  B.  Kavenaugh  of  Norwalk   and   Mary   A.   Giblin   of 

Oct.  7,  Frederick  Knorr  and  Mrs.  Maggie  Duene. 
Jan.  20,  Henry  J.  Lark  of  New  Haven  and  Susan  S.  Ryan  of  Seymour 
Aug.  31,  Henry  Miller  of  Woodbridge  and  ]\lary  Cesar  of  Seymour. 
Dec.  28,  Amos  W.  Morris  and  Ida  M.  Seeley. 
June  15,  ;>rartin  Pyan  and  Bridget  Brennan. 
Jan.  22,  August  Shultz  and  Minnie  Helmethe. 

Jan.  1,  William  A.  Shea  of  Ansonia  and  Mary  A.  Stott  of  Seymour. 
Sept.  29,  John  Van  Deusen  and  Cora  E.  Finkle. 

Nov.  23,  Harry  Brown  of  Ansonia  and  Katie  Brennan  of  Seymour. 
Nov.  7,  Charles  Buckingham  and  Sarah  Chamberlin. 


Aug  25,  Matthias  J.  Bunjan  and  Ada  E.  Kiphenburg. 

June  20,  Jaiues  G.  Chapmau  of  Waterbury  and  Xannie  S.  Joyce  of 

Jan.  10,  James  Conroy  of  Xew  York  City  and  Anna  Sheeban  of  Sey- 

Feb.  29,  Almon  F.  Farity  and  Lizzie  Gregory,  both  of  Derby. 

Sept.  11,  Henry  Flack  and  Eliza  Alles. 

Sept.  24,  John  T.  Glynn  of  Ansonia  and  Mary   Curdew   of  Seymour. 

Feb.  14,  John  Grady  of  Ansonia  and  Xettie  Shay,  of  Seymour. 

June  27,  Charles  D.  IJoughtaling  and  Delia  Moses. 

May  16,  George  A.  Hill  of  Ansonia  and  Clara  M.  Dibble  of  Seymour. 

Sept.  18,  Charles  Kenworth  of  Steinway,  N.  Y.,  and  Eliza  Grady  oT 

Aug.  21,  William  Killian  and  Henrietta  Grzywacz. 

Nov.  20,  Albert  A.  Lockwecd  and  Emma  A.  Scofield. 

Dec.  1,  Henry  L.  Munson  and  Sarah  E.  Covert. 

Sept.  24,  Solon  A.  Magin  and  Hattie  A.  Driver,  both   of  Naugatnck. 

Sept.  11,  CbarlesJ.PeckofWoodbridgeand  Lillian  C.  Jones  of  Seymour 

Dec.  7,  William  Scott  and  Mary  E.  Eeynolds,  both  of  Derby. 

July  3,  Everett  Smith  of  Seattle,  W.  T.  and  Mary  F.  Dibble  of  Seymour 

Dec.  25,  Francis  E.  Warren  of  Munson,  Mass.,  and  Sarah  L.  Bliss  of 

Jan  15,  George  F.Wilcox  of  Torringtou  and  Lucy  J,  Hart  of  Seymour. 

Sept.  19,  George  H.  Wirtembnrg  and  Lulu  T.  Thayer. 

May  30,  Samuel  B.  Beach  and  Minnie  Reynolds.  '•        '    •  - 

Sept.  4,  Edwin  T.  Bice  and  Laura  D,  Butler. 

Oct.  9,  William  Bottomley  and  Tillie  Hayman.  -^ 

May  23,  M.  Lyon  Coleman  and  C.  Augusta  Davis. 

Oct.  2,  Gustave  J.  Faber  and  Addie  W.  Beach. 

May  14,  Herman  Grzywacz  and  Augusta  Geschimski. 

June  27,  Edgar  G.  Leavenworth  of  Oxford  and  Laura  Tomlinson  of 

Mar.  12, Howard  M.  Leavenworth  and  Annie  M.Wooster,  both  of  Oxford 
June  10,  Jumes  Benj.  Moran  and  Annie  Keiupf. 
Dec.  23,  Walter  S.  Peck  and  Nellie  M.  Beers. 
Dec.  2,  Lewis  G.  Powe  and  Edna  Parmelee,  both  of  Ansonia. 
Feb.  2G,  Charles  If.  Powell  and  Mrs.  Mary  E.  Forden. 
Sept.  3,  William  Rauscher  and  Anna  Ilitzegrad. 
May  H,  Henry  Sharp  and  Philippena  Kielil. 

May  8,  John  Sbay  and  Julia  McCartby. 

Oct.  30,  Geor,i:e  U.  Shurden  and  Bridget  Doyle. 

Dec.  30,  Frederick  K.  Storm  of  Meriden  and   Elizabeth   Steinholtz  of 

Aug.  29,  C.  R.  Taylor  and  Uattie  A.  Larkins,  both  of  Birmingham. 
Feb.  14,  Charles  Wolfarth  and  Maria  Mailer. 
Sept.  IJr,  Sheldon  Wooster  and  Carrie  Johnson,  both  of  Naugatuck. 


Apr.  10,  Cornelius  J.  Ahearn  and  Marv  A.  Bunyan. 

Mar.  26,  Clifford  J.  Atwater  and  Jennie  C.  Taylor. 

Jan.  8,  George  Bullis  and  Francis  Bushnell. 

Kov.  21,  Deunis  O'Callaghan  and  Susan  Cruramey. 

Dec.  13,  Thomas  Colley  and  Anue  Bennett,  both  of  Ansonia. 

Oct.  9.  William  Davey  and  Mary  A.  Perry,  both  of  Ansonia. 

June  25,  K.  Randall  Davidson  and  Etfie  J.  Davis. 

Oct.  29,  William  F.  Dean  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  and  Etta  M.  Lounsbury 

of  Seymour. 
Apr.  21,  William  DeForest  and  Carrie  E.  Tolles. 
Mar.  25,  John  G.  Duncan  ef  Poughkeepsie,  N.  Y.,  and  Lela  Bartlett 
of  Seymour. 

Aug.  9,  Frank  Feibel  and  Eda  Koebele. 

Oct.  11,  Alfred  E.'  Hathaway  of  New  York  city  and  May  Northr»p  of 

Apr.  S,  William  S.  ilealey  and  Rhoda  H.  Gerard. 

May  16,  F.  W.  Hoffman  of  Naugatuck  and  Lena  B.  Uill  of  Ansonia. 

Oct.  8,  Thomas  J.  Junes  and  Jane  Owens. 

Oct.  10,  Herman  Kra\ise  of  Waterbury  and  Wilhelmenia  Hilderbrand 
of  Seymour. 

Dec.  10,  Jacob  Keihl  and  Anna  :Maria  Eibel. 

Nov.  18,  George  E.  Mathies  and  Annie  Wooster. 

Sept.  2,  Albert  J.  Middlebrook  of  Bridgeport  and  Isabel  M.  Shelton  of 

May  2,  Sillick  B.  Middlebrook  of  Stratford  and  Emma  J.   Hubbell  of 

May  5,  George  B.  Moshier  and  Mary  Wittschouck. 

Nov.  25,  William  O'Brien  and  Nellie  Buske. 

Apr.  IC,  John  O'Neil  and  Joaniua  Bunyan. 

Feb.  18,  F.  C.  Peck  and  Kate  E.  Berry. 

Jen.  1,  Cornelius  Began  and  Mary  Crowley. 

Dec.  30,  John  F.  Reynolds  of  Southbury  and  Minnie  Regan  of  Seymour. 


Jan.  19,  Jolm  Eiley  of  Xaugatuck  and  Ella  J.  Wooster  of  Waterbury. 

Feb.  12,  Thomas  Evan  anil  Alice  Leonard. 

Mar.  8,  Charles  F.  Lane  and  Wina  Dehring.  - 

July  1,  Patrick  Shehan  and  Nellie  McCarty. 

May  -9,  Adam  Scheyhn^ki  and  Mary  Wink. 

July  9,  Edward  A.  Scovil!  and  Grace  D.  Bronson,  both  of  Oxford. 

Aug.  20,  Caleb  L.  Snedeker  and  Alice  IMorris. 


Dec.  9,  James  Adams  and  Priscilla  Rees. 

Oct.  21,  Michael  T.  Ahern  and  Annie  :\rcCarthy.  *  •       ; 

Kov.  28,  Christopher  Bratschneider  and  Panlcua  Naman. 

Nov.  21,  Charles    Bronson    of    Seymour    and    Minnie  Goodspeed    of 

Oct.  8,  William  Buckingham  of  Seymour  and  Olive  Norton  of   South- 

Sept.  22,  August  Bushner  and  Annie  Bose. 

Dec.  3,  John  Conne  of  Morris  and  Mary  Ann  Harris  of  Seymour. 

July  5,  Michael  Conroy  to  Annie  Farrel. 

June  12,  Alexander  Drognlar  and  Aiiu'lia  Gischimsky. 

Oct.  28,  David  S.Fennof  Waterbury  and  Josic  M.  Scofield  of  Seymour. 

Feb.  10,  James  Flannery  and  Maria  McGfever,  both  of  Beacon  Falls. 

Jan.  5,  John  Ginnivan  and  Kate  Lysaight. 

May  10,  William  H.  Hammick  oi  Southiugton  and    Mary    Couklin    of 

Jan.  28,  David  Johns  and  Jennie  Auihuny. 

Feb.  7,  Edgar  Jones  of  Naugatuck  and  Florence  Potter  of  Bridgeport. 

Feb.  10,  John  Layden  of  Greenwich  and  Cornelia  Griffin  of  Seymour. 

Nov.  28,  August  Long  and  Amelia  Bloom, 

Oct.  31,  Charles  Poodnir  and  Bertha  Parkulat. 

Dec.  16,  John  Rowe  and  Anna  T.  Sciiapt-r, 

Apr.  23,  Ernest  C.  Sharpie  and  Flon-na^  M.  Kandell. 

June  9,  James  A.  Smith  of  South  Norwalk  and  Sarah  A.  lloughtaling 
of  Seymour. 

Jan.  27,  Robert  Smythe  of  Naugatuck  and  Anna   Maria   Beamish   of 
Beacon  Falls. 

July  8,  Noble   C.  Sparks  of  Bristol  and  Mury  M.  Haviland  of  Boston, 

Jan.  17,  Samuel  Speed  and  Ilenrif^tta  Witt5chorik. 

Oct.  23,  William  S.  Trask  and  .Vnnie  Anthony. 

May  20,  Horace  G.  Wlieelor  and  Lulu  Johnson. 

July  22,  John  R.  Welch  of  Daubury  and  Minnie  L.  Ryan  of  Seymoar. 


The  following  two  paaes  are  from  a  volume  of  registrar's  recoixls  which  have 
come  to  light  since  the  publicaliou  of  the  volume  of  1883. 

Aug.  25,  George  ^Y.  Bunnell  and  S.irah  Jane  Buckley. 

Oct.  13,  Charles  U.  Bassett  of  ]\[  ulisou  and  Uarriet  Lester  of  Merideo. 

July  22,  Obadiah  W.  Candee  of  .Maulius,  N.  Y.,  and  Mary  Anne  Can- 
field  of  Seymour. 

Dec.  25,  James  Davis  and  Juliette  Glover. 

Kov.  27,  Charles  Howland  of  Dauby,  N,  Y.,  and  Maria  A.  Bassett  of 

Oct.  27,  iloyal  Jennings  and  Mary  J.  Prindle,  both  of  Monroe. 

Dec.  31,  John  Kerley  and  Mariette  S.  Grant,  both  of  Waterbury. 

Oct.  20,  John  II.  Merritt  of  Trumbull  and  Eliza  A.  Patchen  of  Seymour. 

July  20,\Yilliam  E.Smith  of  Seymour  and  Eliza  A.Andrewsof  Bethany. 

Sept.  30,  Bennet  Terrel  of  Cheshire  and  Eliza  T.  Rowe  of  Woodbury. 

Sept.  23,  \Yilliam  H.  Tuthill  and  Caroline  M.  Bobbins. 

Sept.  9,  Robert  Wooding  of  Prospect  and  Sarah  A.  Canfleld  of  New 

Sept.  22,  Charles  W.  Woeeler  of  Derby  and  Mary  E.  Oakley  of  Naa- 

Nov,  19,  Frederick  E.  Warner  and  Sarah  R.  Lura. 

Dec.  24,  George  Wyant  and  Catharine  Rowe. 

Jan.  C,  Henry  Treat  Booth  and  Harriet  Canfield. 

July  23,  David  Bunnell  and  Julia  Bunnell. 

May  6,  Edward  N.  Grossman  and  Elizabeth  S.  Tomlinson. 

Apr.  15,  Robert  Churchill  of  Waterbury  and  Miss  Lucy  Jane  Baldwin 

of  Oxford. 
Feb.  2,  William  Church  of  Oxford  and  Mary  A.  Holbrook  of  Seymour. 
Feb.  11,  Thomas  Mulligan  and  Catherine  ^IcRewin. 
May  19,  John  U.  Pickett  of  New  York  City  and  Laura  J.  Broadwell 

of  Seymour. 
Mar.  IG,  Isaac  T.Rowe  of  Seymour  and  Sarah  McGraw  of  Paulings,N.Y. 
Sept.  15,  Rufus  Reniff  of  Seymour  and  Mary  Brooks  of  Bridgeport. 
Apr.  9,  Henry  H.  Scott  of  N'augatuck  and  Lydia  Morse  of  Prospect. 
Dec.  29,  John  Warner  of  Ilamdeu  and  Jane  Riggs  of  Oxford. 

Mar.  28,  John  A.  Bunnel  and  Frances  A.  Buckley. 
Apr.  19,  Julius  Bassett  and  Henrietta  E.  Hitchcock. 


Apr.  25,  John  Bodge,  Jr.,  anil  Mary  McGraw. 

June  27,  John  Bodge  and  Mrs.  Eliza  II.  Ilorelikiss. 

June  6,  Charles  F.  Hard  of  Xeutown  and  Polly  E.  Short  of  Seymour. 

Apr.  4,  Harry  lleudrvx  of  Seymour  and  Mary  E.  Nichols  of  Oxford. 

Mar.  9,  Charles  S.  Meeker  and  Harriet  M.  Wheeler. 

May  9,  Franklin  II.  Norton  of  Fair  Haven    and    Francis    E.  Hunt   of 

New  Haven. 
Apr.  18,  John    Henry    Neefelt   of    Brooklyn,    N.    Y.,    and   Clarinda 

AVheeler  Johnson  of  Seymour. 
May  23,   Edward    Potter    of  Seymour   and    Mary    A.    Callender    of 

Sept.  19,  David  Eiirgs  and  Mary  Lounsbury,  both  of  Oxford. 
Dec.  2G,  Cyrus  M.Sanford  and  Hannah  ^[.Williams  both  of  Naugatuck. 
Dec.  25,  Thomas  Broadhurst  and  Mrs.  Eliza  Blackburn. 

Mar.  28,  Simon  Lathrop  and  Augusta  White.  '        • 

Jan.  2,  Benjamin  Franklin  Lines  of  Seymour  and   Mary   Ann  Burk  of 

May  14,  George  A.  Smith  and  Martha  C.  Hotchkiss. 

;    \    .._,,  .    DEATHS.  *■• 

—  and  — ,  infant  daughters  of  Warren  I.  and  Emma  Alfred,  Feb,  13 
Virginia  S.  Bates,  b.  Southbury,  aged  47  years,  April  S 

William  Bell,  b.  Scotland,  aged  74  years,  July  23 

Sarab,  daughter  of  William  and  Elizalieth  Bhike  aged  2G  years,  Si^pt.l 
Mrs.  xVlmira,  wife  of  Deacon  Charles  Bradley,  aged  81  years,  Oct.  10 
Mary  Bunyan,  b.  Bristol,  aged  IS  years,  .  .  Jau  23 

Margarette,  daughter  of  Nicholas  Cass,  Dec.  10 

Mary  Collins,  b.  Swansea,  Wales,  aged  GO  years,  Feb.  9 

Charles  Lyon,  son  of  John  C.  and  Hattie  Crowther,  a.  19  d.,  July  27 
James,  son  of  G.  and  E.  Daniher,  b.  Ireland,  aged  3S  years,  Dec.  2 
John,  4tb,  son  of  David  and  Paraelia  Davis,  b.  Derby,  a.  GSy.,July  17 
Edward,  son  of  Joseph  Diipey,  aged  three  years,  Dec.  27 

Jane,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Mary  Evans,  aged  1  year,  Dec.  10 

Homer  G  ,  son  of  Frank  and  Jennie  Finkle,  aged  5  months,  July  11 
Charles,  son  of  Thaddeus,  jr.  and  Kate  Fowler,  a.  1  y.,  1  m.,  Feb.  10 
William  M.  son  of  Thaddeus  and  Elizabeth  Fowler,  b.  Staten 

Island,  N.  Y.,  aged  21  years,  Feb.  11 

Alice  Howe,  dau-hter  of  Kobert  and  Alice  J.  Ilealey.a.  19  m.,  April  18 
Maria  Amelia  French,  daughter  of  Ezra  and  Amelia  Noble,  b. 

New  Milford,  aged  G7  years,  Oct.  15 

John  Walsh,  son  of  John  and  Hose  Gallagher,  b.  Derby,a.  7.  y.,  Dec.  20 
Mary,  daughter  of  J\jhn  A.  and  .Mary  Grillith,  aged  3  months,  Dec.  G 
John,  son  of  John  and  Agnes  Ilamel,  b.  Oxford  a.  3  years,  Sept.  L'O 
Josephine,  daughter  of  John  and  Agues  IJamel,b.  Oxford, a.  4  y.  Oct.  4 
LauraMay,  daughterol  John  aud  Agues  Ilamel,b.Oxforda.2y.,Sept.  19 
Mary  L.,  daughter  of  John  and  Agues  Ilamel,  b.  Oxford,  a.  3  y.  Sept.  IG 
Alice,  daughter  of  Robert  and  Alice  llealey,  aged  1  y.  5  ra.,  April  18 
George,  sou  of  George  and  Melissa  Hill,  aged  5  months,  Feb.  19 

Nellie,daughter  of  Georgeof  0. and  Caroline  Uiil,b.Oxfurd,a.l4y.St*i).2r> 

Addie  L,  daughter  of  John  aud  Mary  Ilolloway,  aged  5  y.  3  m.  June  8 


Ruby  A.,  dauglitpr  of  William  K.  and  Fannie  Ilolnips  a.  4  ra.Sept.  IG 
Alice  Josephine  Uotcbkiss,  daughter  of  Uoward  G.  and  Emily 

Chatfield,  aged  24  years.  Oct.  25 

Nellie  !M.,  daughter  of  Robert  and  Jane  Irwen,  aged  22  years,  Jao.  31 
Grace  C,  daughter  of  Edwin  and  Lucy  Johnson,   b.  Birming- 
ham, aged  8  months,  July  17 

,  infant  son  of  Carl  and  Louise  Kerweick.  IVIay  17 

Mary,  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  Loughlin,  aged  25  years,      June  12 

and ,  infant  children  of  George  E.  and  Eliza  X.  Lester,  Jan,  2 

Mary,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Ann  !Molan,  aged  1  y.  3  m.,  Aug.  22 
Jennie  Abigail, daughter  of  George  and  Mary  ^Munger,  a.3y.,  Feb.  22 
Catharine  A.  Ohnstead  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Betsey  Jones, 

b.  Ridgefield,  aged  92,  Dec.  9 

Mary  A.  Oshorn,  daughter  of  Stirling  and  Saniantha  Wash- 
burn, b.  Oxford,  aged  53  years,  Sept.  IG 
Charles  Pagoski,  aged  9  months,  ..  Sept.  29 
Ann  Phipps,  daughter  of  William  and  Ellen  Sanders,  b.  Beech- 
ley,  Eng.,  aged  40  years,  Feb.  8 
Martha  M.  Pritchard, daughter  of  John  and  Maria  Davis,  a.  53  y.  Feb.  8 
Willie,  son  of  William  and  Hattie  Pulford.  a-ed  2  days,  Oct.  27 
Margaret  M.,  daughter  of  William  and  Catharine  Ryan.  a.  2  m.  !Mar.  9 
Edwin  C,  son  of  llirscia  Smith,  b.  Boston,  Mass.,  aged.  72  y.  Mar.  4 
Emily  B.,  daughter  of  Walter  and  Annie  Smith,  b.  Patchogue, 

N.  Y.,  aged  5  years.  Dec.  27 

Louisa  Smith,  daughter  of  Woden  and  Lydia  Alden,  b.  Ham- 
den,  aged  80  years.  -  Oct.  12 
Frederick  W.  Spencer,  aged  35  years,  Apr.  IS 
Catharine  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Ellen  Sullivan  b.  Ireland,  aged  52 
years,  Sept.  18 
Alice  T..  daughter  of  C.  W.  and  Alice  Thrall,  aged  1  year,  Aug.  24 
Mabel  Trewhella,  b.  Colorado,  aged  7  years,  Sept.  21 
Medad  K.  Tucker,  b.  Derly,  agen  ('.9  years,  Dec.  21 
Sheldon  C,  son  of  Medad  and  Esther  Tucker  aged  39  years,  Sept.  22 
Fred  n.,son  of  William  P.andA.  West,b.Beacon  Falls,a.7m.,Sept.  21 
Mary  Ann  Wilson, dau.  ofAn.Irew  .McManus,b.  Ireland,  a.  87  y.  Oct.  39 
Bennett,  son  of  Nathan  and  Charity  Wooster,  b.  Oxford,  a.  8Gy.  Oct.  1 
Horace  B.,  son  of  Albert  and  >L  Wooster,  b.  Waterbury  aoGy  July25 

Lena,  daughter  of  Noble  and  Lena  Baldwin, 
William  F.,  son  of  William  F.  and  Al.da  Bassett, 

July  4 
July  2t 

DEATHS.  83 

Laura,  daughter  of  William  B.  and  Sarali  C.  Bates,  Apr.  13 

Charles,  sou  of  Lemuel  and  Euieliue  Bliss,  aged  34  years,  May  6 

Joseph,  son  of  Joseph  and  ]\Iary  Curry.  Mar.  11 

Jane  Curtis,  daughter  of and  Betsey    Webster,    b.  Ox- 

tord,  aged  70  years,  Juoe  23 

A.  L.,  son  of  A.  L.  and  Nellie  Ditmer,  Aug.  3 

Charles  Edwards,  b.  England,  aged  .17  years,  July  20 

William  K.,  son  of  Richard  and  Jane  Evans,  aged  3  years,  Jan.  5 

Jacob  Faber,  b.  Germany,  aged  60  years,  Aug.  13 

Carl  Matthew,  son  of  Winzel  and  Mary  Flohr,  aged  2  days,  Apr.  9 
Emma  daughter  of  A.  and  Annie  Florence,  b.  Canada,  a.  1  y.  Kov.l3 
Hiram,  son  of  William  and  Betsey  French,  b.  Derby,  a.  07  y.  Dec.  6 
Jacob,  son  of  Jacob  and  Maria  Fox,  Nov.  5 

William  F.,  son  of  Thomas  and  Lois  Gilyard,  b.  Derby,  a.  GS  y.  Dec.7 
.  Mary  Hogan,  b.  Ireland,  aged  83  years,  Dec.  20 

-Mrs.  Rhoda,  wife  o£G.  W.  Homan,  aged  63  years,  Nov.  29 

John  C,  son  of  Alfred  and  Sarah  Hull,  b.  Derby,  a.  76  y.,  Aug.  9 
Willis  A.,  son  of  Thomas  and  Sarah  Kane,  b.Torringtoa,a29y  Nov.22 
Horace,  son  of  Horace  and  Annie  Johnson,  Mar.  9 

Mary  A.  Lounsbury,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Harriet  Brad- 
ley, b.  New  Haven,  aged  53  years,  Nov.  27 
Cornelius  McDoughnall,  b.  Ireland,  aged  79  years,  Aug.— 
Carlos,  son  of  David  Miles,  aged  9  months.  Aug.  25 
Willie  E.,  son  of  William  B.  and  Mary  Nichols,  aged  G  years,  Feb.  14 
Julia  Peck,  widow,  b.  Derby,  aged  89  years,  Sept.  24 
Eddie,  son  of  Charles  and  Ellen  A.  Reynolds,  aged  one  year.  Feb.  23 
Julia  May,  dau.  of  David  and  Josephine  Roe,  b.  N.  Y.,  a.  2  y.  Aug.  6 
Frank  IL,  son  of  Stephen  and  Sarah  Russell,  aged  33  years,  May  G 
Mary,  daughter  of  William  and  Katie  Ryan,  aged  2  days,  Dec.  24 
Augusta,  daughter  of  Cbarles  and  Minnie  Seratski,  a.  22  days,  Sept.  5 
Augustus,  sou  of  Cbarles  and  Minnie  Seratski,  aged  5  days,  Aug.  23 
William  C.  Smith,  b.  Derby,  aged  81  years,  Sept.  10 
Gilbert  B.,  son  of  Charles  and  Alice  A.  Thayer,  aged  1  year,  Jan.  25 
Florence  May,  dau.  of  John  and  Jane  Tocher,  b.  Canada,a.  2y.  Aug.  17 
Edwin  A.,  son  of  Peter  Toinlinson,  aged  60  years,  June  3 

,  son  of  Chauncey  and  Maria  \  inton,  -f*-pr.  -J 

Rose  Johanna,  daughter  of  Justus  and  Catharine  Volkmar,  b. 

Germany,  aged  7  months,  Sept.  1-^ 

Mrs.  Perraelia  Bassett,  aged  87  years,  Nov.  -9 

Abel  J.,  son  of  John  and  Esther  Beers,  b.  Stepney,  a.  68  y.,      May  31 


Maggie  Bruce,  b.  Ogilmsbur^',  X.  Y.,  aged  23  }  ears,  Aug.  ID 

Dennis, son  of  Jeremiah  and  Sarah  Calliihan,  b. Limerick  county, 

Ireland,  aged  03  \ears,  Jan.  29 

Frederick  M.  Clcmons,  b.  Stratford,  aged  47  years,  July  23 

James  Condon,  b.  Ireland,  aged  OG  years,  Uec.  9 

Mrs.  !^^argaret  Couroy, daughter  of  Thomas  and  Ellen  Sullivan, 

b.  Ireland,  aged  04  years,  Sept.  2(^ 

Mrs.  Almira  Davis,  aged  73  years,  ]\Iar. — 

Mrs.  Elizal)eth  Davis,  daughter  of  William  and  Betsey  Daniel, 

b.  Yorkshire,  Eiig.,  aged  42  years,  Sept.  4 

Ilenry  P.,  son  of  James  and  Catharine  Davis,  aged  00  years,  ]Mar.  31 
Fannie, dan.  of  William  and  Jennette  Dodge,b.  Seymour,a.S  m.Sept.  2:^ 
Kellie  M.  Doruuui,  b.  New   Haven,  aged  23  years,  ^Mar.  13 

Jeremiah,  son  of  Jeremiah  Durand,  b.  Oxford,  aged  84  years,  JSIay  11 
Frank  E.,  son  of  John  and  Emma  E.  Fink,  b.  Mass.,  aged  ly.  Apr.  15 
Phebe,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Mary  Fox,  b.  Germiuiy,  a.  4  y.,  Oct.  7 
Mrs.  Margaret  Hart,  b.  Ireland,  aged  94  years,  Dec.  21 

Jane  Hawkins,  b.  Derby,  aged  81  years,  Aug.  30 

Joseph,  son  of  Joseph  Hawkins,  b.  Derby,  aged  80  years.  May  18 

John,  son  of  Samuel  and  Charity  Hine,  b.  Seymour,  a.  77  y.,  July  21 
Altbair  Hotchkiss,  b.  Ansonia,  aged  77  years.  Mar.  23 

John  E.  son  of  Jared  and  Sabra  lies,  b.  Southbury,  aged  30  y.,  Feb.  31 
Fredt  rick, son  of  August  and  Elainee  Jaioseu.b.  Germany  a22y  Jan.  28 
Charles, son  of  Charles  and  Parthenia  Johnson, b.  Weston. a. 33y.  Aug.30 
Sarah  E.,  dau.  of  John  King,  Sr.,  b.  Philadelphia,  Peno.,  a.48y.June  5 
Albertine,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Albertine  Kottman,  a.  10  m.  Sept.  3 
Mary  L.,  daughter  of  Benjamin  and  Hannah    Leavenworth,  b. 

Willington,  aged  32  years,  Aug.  9 

Mrs.  Sarah  Lyon,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Ellen  Heller,  b.  Mt. 

Vernon,  X.  J.,  aired  34  years,  Mar.  13 

•Viola,  daughter  of  Elmer  and  Ellen  Mann,  b.  Sevmour,  aim, April  10 
Frederick,  son  of  Charles  ami  Christiana  Manweiler,  a.  8  ui,,  Feb.  20 
Harris  B.,  son  of  Josejdi  Munson,  b.  Middlebury,  aged  03  years,  Feb.  2 
]Mrs,  p]llen  Nagle,  b.  Irelan<l,  aged  33  years,  Feb.  27 

Hannali  E.,  dan.  of  John  and  Ellen  Xagle,  b.  Seymour,  a  17  y  Ajir.  11 
Olive  L.  Oatman,  daughter  of  Jonathan    and  Lydia  Pritchard, 

b.    Oxford,  aged  S8  years,  A]»r.  11 

Almedia  E.  Pulcipher,  b.  Crown  Point,  X.  Y..  aged  20  years,    >Lir.  8 

, of  Julius  and  Ida  Stciburt,  Jan.  23 

Mrs.  Johannah  Sullivan,  b.  Ireland,  ageil  40  years,  Feb.  1 

John  Sullivan,  b.  Jrelund.aged  31  years,  Feb.  3 

DEATHS.         <•  35 

Mrs.  Margaret  Sullivan,  b.  Ireland,  aiied  45  years,  Feb.  3 

lliraiii  L.,  sou  of  Lewis  aud  3Iary  Tlirall,  h.  Torrin^toii,  a.  37  v.,  Jan.  5 
William  li.,sou  of  Simon  and  Cliarity  Tomlinson,b. Derby,  a  Toy  Feb,13 
]Mrs.  Sarah  Upsou,  aged  85  years,  Apr.  1 

Florence,  daughter  of  Charles  aud  llattie  Van  Dusen,  b.  Sey- 
mour, aged  2  months,  Sept.  22 

, ot  Chauncey  and  ]\Iaria  Vinton,  b.  Seymour,  Nov.  2-t 

Mrs.  Sarah  White,  aged  94  years,  Feb.  9 

Mary  E.,  dau.  of  Burt  and  Louisa  William?,  b,  Ansonia,  a  4  y,  Jan.  13 
Fannie,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Mary  Weber,  b.  Seymour,  ao  m.  Aug.l 

Susan    Ella,  daughter  of  Theo.  and  Sarah  Adauis,  b.  Somer.s 

Center,  X.  Y.,  aged  11  years,  Oct.  10 

Isadore,son  of  Alex  and  Rosanoa  Adenolfe,b.Birmingham,a3m,Oct.  23 
Mrs.  Mary  xindrew,  daughter   of  Joseph  Sunderland,  b.  Troy, 

N.  Y.,  aged  59  years,  Mar.  9 

Sarah  Bassett,  widow,  b.  Southbury,  aged  61  years,  INIay  17 

Kate  Emma,  daughter  of  William  and  Auielia  Bower,  a.  5  m.  July  8 
Mary  E.,  daughter  of  Edward  C.  and  Mary  K.  Brown,  a.  15y.  Aug.  30 
JMrs.Eosanna  Brushell,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Jane  Agnew,  a.  20  y.  Jan.  7 
Carl  August,  son  of  August  and  Catharine  Buchler,  aged  4  y.  Aug.  23 
Johu  Conway,  b.  Ireland,  accidentally  drowned,  July  7 

Josie,  daughter  of  Edward  and  ]Mary  A.  Cooper,  b.  Washington,  D.  C, 

aged  3  year?,  Oct.  27 

Arthur  E.,  son    of  Theodore    and    Lillian  Ciowther,  b.  Beacon 

FalLs,  aged  2  years,  July  24 

Isabella,  daughter  of   William    and  Mary  Dawson,  b.  Portadown, 

Ireland,  aged  28  years.  May  29 

Florence  A.,  d.tu.direr  of  Horatio  and  Mary  L.  Eggleston,  a  7  y,July  5 
Alice,  daughter  ot  (.'harles  and  .^Llry  Evans,  aged  3  months,  Feb.  9 
iMuiua  May,  daughter  of  Andrew  J.  and  Matilda  Finkle,  b. 

Northeast,  X.  Y.,  aged  11  years,  July  15 

Sylvester,  son  of  Williaui  and  Ellen  Fisher,  aged  2  months,  July  11 
Jiayraond,    son     of    Charles   and   Ann    French,    b.  New  Ilaven, 

aged  81  years,  Feb.  19 

James,  son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Gourley,  aged  1  mouth,  Jan.  11 

Thomas    R.   Grady,  son  of  Michael  and  Bridget  Grady,  b.  Red 

Falls,;;N.  Y.,  aged  38  year.^  ^  Dec.  13 

James,  son  of  Juhn  and  Mary  (irilTith,  aged  3  months,  Sept.  24 


Frederick  John  P>.,  son  of  John  and  I^enh-Ua  Hnll,  July  7 

Jeanuette  E.  Hard,  daughter  of  John  and  Augusta  Davis,  a  30  y  Nov. 12 
John,  son  of  Martin  and  Kate  O'Laughlin,  aged  1  month,  Doc.  20 

Fi'ederick  W.,  son  of  Henry  and  Eliza  Mannweiler,  aged  9  ni.,  Feb.  18 
Anna  Grace,  daughter   of  James    and    Caroline  McCdnn,  b.  at 

sea,  aged  2  months,  Nov.  22 

Percy  Irving,  son  of  H.  C,  and  C.  J.  Osborn,  aged  5  months,  Jan.  12 
Otto,  son  of  Fred  and  Johannah  Petrascheioski,  aged  1  month,  Jan.  1 
Catharine  Eiggs,  widow  of  Anson  Riggs,  daughter  of  Ebenezer 

and  Ann  Umberfield,  aged  77  years,  June  10 

John  Evan,  b.  Ireland,  aged  G7  years,  July  25 

Florence,  daughter  of  James  and  Georgianna  Samuels,  Nov.  25 

Roy  Richmond,  son  of  George  and  Julia  M.  Smith,  aged  4  y.,    June  3 
Peter  George,  son  of  George  C.  and   Elizabeth    Sperry,  b.  Ox- 
ford, aged  13  years,  Mar.  31 
John,  son  of  James  and  Mary  Tocher,b.  Old  Weldran,  Scotland, 

aged  46  years,  Dec.  19 

Willie,  son  of  Justus  and  Catharine  Volkmar,  aged  4  months,  Aug.  29 
Harry,  son  of  George  and  Mattie  Wakeley,  aged  10  months,  Nov.  28 
Mary  E., Wilbur,  daughter  ef  John  Ball,  b.  Block  Island,  R,  I., 

aged  39  years,  Apr.  5 

Mary  A.  Wirth,  widow,  daughter  of  D.    and    L.    Andrews,    b. 

Providence,  R.  I.,  aged  58  years,  Apr.  G 

Frederick  Allinger,  aged  20  years,  July  3 

Mrs.  Jane  Barr,  daughter  of  Andrew  and  Jane  Steele,  b.  Co. 

Londonderry,  Ireland,  aged  83  years,  Sept.  24 

Albert  A.,  son  of  Andrew  and  Jane  Barr,  aged  1  year  2  m.,  Jan.  15 
Geo.  Frederick  -son  of  Frederick  and  Doratha  Bower,  a.  5  m.  Aug.  29 
Leonard,  Jr.,  son  of  Leonard  and  Mary  liradley,  aged  3  years,  Apr.  1 
Gracie,  daughter  of  Geo.  M.  and  Louise  Brandow,  aged  8  m.,  Sept.  29 
Catharine,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Nellie  Brennau,  b.  Co.  Car- 
low,  Ire.,  aged  45  v.,  Oct.  18 
Edwin  son  of  Olin  and  Esther  Buckingham, b.  Oxford  a. 79  y.  Sept.  18 
Dennis,  son  of  Michael  and  Margaret  Cahill,b.  Ireland,  a.  50  y,July  11 
Honora  Callahan,  b.  Ireland,  aged  90  years,  Dec.  31 
Wm.  Francis,  son  of  Wm.   F.    and   Mary    A.    Cass,    aged    3 

years,  7  months,  22  days,  Nov.  23 

James  Andrew,  son  of  John  and  Nellie  Clark,  a.  2  m.,  'Mur.  18 

Hannah  Cleary,  b.  Ireland,  aged  43  years,  July  17 

DEATHS.  37 

Arthur  A.,  son  of  Theo.  J.  and  Caroline  Rritton  Dean,  al  year,  JuljG 
Luc}-  Ann  DeWolfe,  daughter  of  Wm.  and  Lucy  Ilotchkiss,  b. 

Watertown,  aged  71  years,  Sept.  4 

Caroline,  daughter  of  Ilonry  and  ^Martha  Dick,  aged  G  months,   Dec.  1 
George  Washington,  son  of  Henrv  and  Phebe  Divine,  of  New- 
burg,  X.  Y,,  aged  05  years  3  months,  Apr.  18 
George  Drechsler,  b.  Gormany,  aged  about  50  years,                  June  — 
Ellen  Louise,  dau.  of  Jerry  acd  ]\Liry  xinn  Driscoll,  a.  1  year, 

10  months,  7  days,  Nov.  4 

Martha  W.  Fairchild,  dau.  of  Wni.andAnn  Davidson,  b. Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y.,  aged  53  years.  Mar.  23 

,  infant  daughter  of  Charles  S.  and  Nettie  Fairclough,     Sept.  29 

John  Wesley  French,  aged  75  years,  Aug.  9 

Ernest  D.,  son  of  D  wight  B.  and  Ella  C.  Gordon,  a.  11  ra.,  Apr.  IG 
James,  son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Gowjey,  aged  1  m,  Jan.  11 

William,  son  of  Samuel  and  Mary  Gowley,  aged  2  ra,  Feb.  12 

Kittie  M.  Hanchett,  b.  Scotland,  aged  24  years,  July  18 

Emma,  daughter  of  Barnard  and  Mary  nenninger,a,ly.4m.23d.,  Dec.23 
Annie,  dau<:hter  of  Beuj.  and  Annie  ilopkios,  a.  2y.  2m,  3d.,  July  22 
Katie,  dau.  of  Frederick  and  Marguerite  Hummel, a.lly.3m.l0dSept.l0 
William  Frederick,  son  of  Wm.  F.  Hummel,  aged  G  years,  Aug.  19 
Thomas,  sou  of  Thomas  and  Elizabeth  E.  James,  a.  GOy.  11m.,  July  4 
Sheldon  Crittendon,son  of  Gideon  and  Sally  Crittenden  Johnson, 

aged  90  years,  7  days,  I5"ov.  13 

,  infant  son  of  Charles  and  Louisa  Karweik,  July  19 

Minnie,  dau.  of  August  and  Hannah  Keeler,  a.  lly.  5m.  17d.,  Aug.  3 
Mary,  wife  of  Frederick  Knorr,  aged  34  years,  Feb.  7 

Gottleip  Haukuct  (Kuliuer),  aged  53  years,  Aug.  21 

Hattie  Theresa,  dau.  of  Albert  and  Annie  Kuhles,  aged  8m.,  July  IG 
Jane  Earner,  widow,  b.  Eng.,  aged  77  years,  1  month,  ^lay  29 

liamond  Eral,  son  of  Nelson  and  Kate  H.  Marion,  aged  5m.,  Nov.  24 
Eunice  Phelps  ]McEIroy,  dau.  of  Daniel  and  Josephine  Hum- 
phrey of  Windsor  Locks,  aged  80  years,  Oct.  8 
Kichard,  sou  of  Richard  and  Susan  Morris,  aged  42  years,  Aug.  25 
John  Nagle,  native  of  Ireland,  aged  about  C}~j  years,  July  18 
Caruline  Schuskey  (Petrasthensky,)  widow, from  Germany, a52y.  July  2G 
D.  M.  Potter,  aged  GO  years,  June  1 
Samuel  Koselle,  aged  79  years,  10  months,  Apr.  4 
Edward,  son  of  Wm,  and  Catharine  M.  lJ}an,  aged  3  naonths,  Oct.  8 
Iliram  W.  Randall,  aged  58  years,  Jan.  25 
Lizzie  Bessie,  dau.  of  Thomas  aud  Kate  Sheehan,  a.  13y.  5ra.  A  ug.  30 


Bessie  ^1:1}',  dan.  of  Siuiiuel  ami  Sarah  Sinirli,  aged  2y.  lOin.  June  25 
Lizzie,  dau.  of  John  and  ^liuuie  Stepliauoski,  aged  2  mouths,  July  lU 
Thomas, M.D., son  of  Abirain  and  Eunice  Stoddard, a. 74y  Gm  ISd  Sept. 20 
Sarah  'M.  dau.  of  Jolin  and  Polly  Sutton,  b. Oxford, a. 80y.4:m.22d  Apr.lo 
Wm.  Edward,  son  of  Isaac  Treat, b.  Oxford,  aged  TOy,  Gm.  Gd.  July  14 
Harry  H.,  son  of  Lazarus  G.  and  Mary  A.  Weaver,  a.  2y.  3iu.  ^Liy  2G 
• ,  infant  son  of  Eben  and  Grace  Witclier,  May  21 

Jeremiah,  son    of  Job  and  Lois  Andrews,   b.  J3ethany,  farmer, 

aged  C9  years,  Mar.  12 

Mrs.  Hannali  Andrews,  daugliter  of  A.  C.  and  Hannah   Cooper, 

aged  72  years,  Apr.  11 

George  William,  son  of  John  and  Martha  Bentley,b.Eng.  a4y  June  18 
William  M.,  son  of  Wm.  ]\L  and  Emma    Blackman,  mechanic, 

b.  Morris,  Ct  ,  aged  2G  years,  Jan.  5 

Maria,  dau.  of  Xehemiah  and  Lucy  Botsford,  aged  73  years,  Jan.  25 
Olin  L.,  son  of  Leonard  and  ]Mary  Bradley,  aged  5  years,  Jan.  14 

Mrs.  Melinda  Brown,  daughter  of  Asa  and  Hannah  Churchill,  b. 

Westfield,  Mass.,  aged  75  years,  Apr.  14 

Francis  Anthony, son  of  Patrick  and  Annie  Cusliing,a  ly  Im  27d  Uec.  S 
Rachel  A.  Carrington,  widow,'daugbter  of  Edmund  and  Harriet 

Dorman,  b.  IJamden,  aged  89  years.  Aug.  11 

John,  infant  son  of  John  and  Margaret  Coleman,  June  24 

Harriet  W.  Cook,widow. daughter  of  Adonijali  and  Polly  French, 

b.  Bethany,  aged  78  years,  July  29 

Charles  Cogswell,  col.,  hostler,  aged  40  years,  July  18 

Charles  H.,  son  of  Charles  and  Mary  Evans,  aged  11  months,  ]May  19 
Mrs.  Mary  Evans,  daughter  of  David  and  Elizabeth  Alderson, 

b.  Wales,  aged  38  years,  8  mo.  June  30 

Albert,  son  of  Albert  H.  and  Phebe  Finkle,  aged  oy.  Gin.  8d.,  Dec.  8 
Earl  Gaylord,  son  of  Albert  H.  and  Phehe  Finkle,  aged  2  y.  Nov.  20 
William  B.,  son  of  Alfred  and  Maria  J.  Firth,  farmer,  b.  Man- 
chester, Eng.,  aged  2G  years  3  months,  Nov.  4 
Annie  May,  daughter  of  Jacob  and  Mary  E.  Fox,  aged  10  m.,  July  12 
Walter,  son  of  August  and  Mary  Frohlich,  aged  2  years,  Sept.  23 
Mattie,  dau.  of  Michael  and  ^Liry  A.  Gartland,  b.  Naugatuck, 

aged  21  years,  Aug.  U 

Isabelle,dau.  of  Robert  and  Jane  nanna,b.  Ireland, a  22y  3m  24d,  Sept. 9 
Rosauna  Hartley,  b.  Newhaven,  Eug.,  aged  82  years,  Feb.  4 


B.irbar.ijdau.of  Fred  and  Maggie  Quramel.b.Crer.,a25y.5in.23d.  Sept.L*5 
Ilarriet,  daugliter  of   \Vm.  and  Lucy  Ilotcbkiss,  b.  Watertown, 

aged  65  years,  5  luontbs,  S  days,  Sept.  7 

Mrs.  Elinira  Ilongbtaling,  daugbrer  of  Alden  and  Hulda  Blod- 

gett,  b.  Sterling,  aged  -10  years,  Mar.  5 

Sylvia  Maria,  dau.  of  Andrew  and  Amelia  Jackson,  b.  Soutbbury 

aged  7  years,  10  inontbs,  23  day.s,  Sept.  9 

j\Irs.  Ann  James,  dan.  of  Ixayinond  and  Olive  Frencb,  a.  40  y.,  Oct.  31 
Mrs.  Susan  Jobnsi'n,  widow,  dau.  of  Dr.  Abirani    and    Eunice 

Stoddard,  aged  7S  years,  11  months.  23  days,  July  30 

Francis  X.  Kenipf,  b.  Germacv,  aged  58  years,  July  1 

Theodore  S.,  son  of  Elias  and  Celia  Ladd,  b.  Ellington, a.  57y.,  June  25 
Baby,  icfiint  daughtt-r  of  Frank  and  Emma  Larry,  May  4 

George  Albert,  son  of  John  and  Sarah  Lyons,  b.  Boonton,N.  J., 

mechanic,  aged  19  years,  l^ov.  15 

Mrs.  Julia  R.  Matthews,  b.  Ireland,  aged  GO  years,  Apr.  13 

Mrs.  Laura  Jane  McKray, widow, daughter  of  Xathan  and  Laura 

Tomliuson,  b.  New  LJaven,  aged  44  years,  10  months,  Xot.  4 
Mrs.  Ann  McMoitjw,  dau.  of  Wm.  and  Mary  Kerby,  b.  Ireland, 

aged  54  years.  May  18 

Francis  J.  son  of  Francis  and  Ann  McMorrow,  weaver,  a.  ISy,  July  30 
]\Irs.  Emeline  Munson,  daugh'er  of  John  T.  and  Phebe  Bitchie, 

b.  Xewtown,  aged  34  years,  Feb.  18 

Alice,  daughter  of  John  and  Alice  Murdock,  aged  G4  years,  Mar.  20 
Fred,  son  of  Walter  and  Mary  A.  Nelson,  aged  lyear  2  m.,  Jan.  IS 
Mrs.  Hattie  W.  Xeistrom,  dau.  of Gu3tavesen,  b. Sweden, 

aged  20  \ears,  0  months,  Nov.  22 

Noab  A.,  son  of  Ambrose  and  Rebecca  Osborn,  laborer,  b.  Ox- 
ford, aged  59  years,  8  months,  Jan.  8 
Merman,  son  of  Rodolph  and  Minnie  Patscopski,  a.  3  years,  June  29 
Mary  E.,  dau.  of  Rudolph  and  Mmnie  Patscopski,  aged,  0  m.,  Jan.  2 
Mrs.  Philomena  Peterschefski,  daughter  of  Ferdinand  and  Lena 

Duminick,  b.  Germany,  aged  31  years,  Aug.  24 

Matthew,  infant  son  of  ^Lirtin  and  Bridget  Ryan,  Feb.  27 

Mrs.  Ellen  Sargent,  dau. of  Ansaa  and  Hannah  Curtis,  b.  Bethel, 

aged  04  years.  Mar.  19 

Katie,  daughter  of  John  and  Ellen  Sheehan,  aged  22  years,  June  17 
Ruble  11.,  son  of  Charles  C.  and  Kutie  T.  Sherman,  a.  17  d.,  Aug.  10 
Baby,  infant  son  of  August  and  Minnie  Shultz,  Mar.  10 

George  W.,  son  of  Christopher  and  Eliza  Smith,  farmer,  b.  Ox 

ford,  aged  58  years,  3  months,  13  days,  Nov.  21 


Samuel   R.,  son  of  Trarer  and  Mary  Ann  Smith,  mechanic,  b. 

New  York  ]MilIs,  N.  Y.,  ajred  34  years,  Apr.  C 

Mrs.  Mary  A.  Spencer,  dau.  of  Frederick  and  Catharine  Olm- 

stead,  b.  liidgefield,  aped  GG  years,  Jan.  31 

Jack  Splan,  b.  Ireland,  laborer,  aged  70  years,  Sept.  23 

Charles,  son  of  Ferdinand  and  Henrietta  Telj^smao,   mechanic, 

b.  Bridgeport,  aged  17  years,  Feb.  11 

Mrs.  Nellie  Tliomas,  dau.  of  Michael  and  Mary  A.  Gartland,  b. 

Nangatuck,  aged  30  years,  Aug.  5 

Baby,  infant  sou  of  Cornelius  and  Katie  Turk,  Mar.  25 

Erla  A.,  dau.  of  Henry  and  Lydia  M.  \Vells,  aged  10  months,  Aug.  22 

Michael  Anstead,  hostler,  b.  Ilunsbach,  Alsace  Loraine,  Ger- 
many, aged  GO  years,  Aug.    4 
Gustave  A.  Bilberg,  b.  Christiana,  Norway,  aged  45  years,       Nov.  11 

,  son  of  Gustave  and  Adaline  Bilberg,  aged  5  days,         3Iay  22 

Louise,  daughter  of  ^Nliles  and  Louise  Birkbeck,  aged  2  years,  Feb.  12 
Bessie,  daughter  of  Miles  and  Louise  Birkbeck,  b.  ^Montgomery, 

N.  Y.,  aged  15  years,  July  11 

John  Raymond,  son  of  Miles  and  Louise  Birkbeck,  aged  3  m.,  Oct.  26 
Emma,  daughter  of  Hiram  and  Ann  Bothwick,  b.  Catskill,  N.Y., 

aged  11  years,  1  month  and  4  days,  Jan.  30 

Mrs.  Julia  Carroll,  daughter  of  John  and  Ellen  Shav,  a.  29  y.,  Nov.  5 
Thomas,  son  of  Joel  aud  Maria  Chattield,  aged  5  months,  Nov.  5 

Owen,  son  of  Owen  and  Mary  Conroy,  b.  Ireland,  aged  09  yrs.,  I\Iay  20 
Dennis  Crummy,  b.  Ireland,  aged  04  years,  Apr.  12 

Stephen  Hopkins,  son  of  Stephen  Culver,  b.  Naugatuck,  aged 

78  years,  9  months,  17  days,  Oct.  7 

Benjamin  11 ,  sou  of  Charles  aud  ]Mary  A,  Edwards,  a.  10  m.,  July  2G 
Charles,  son  of  Jacob  and  Mary  Fox,  aged  2  years,  11  m.  27  d.,  July  9 
William  Henry,  son  of  Alamon  and  Bertha  Gladwin,  b.  York 

Mills,  N.  Y.,  aged  52  years,  5  months,  Nov.  10 

,  infant  daughter  of  B.ilser  and  Annie  Grirafield,  Apr.  23 

Catherine  Harty,  widow,  daughter  of  John  and  Mary  Mickey, 

b.  Ireland,  aged  71  years,  June  G 
George  W.,  son  of  Frederick  and  Ann  Heavens,  aged  2y.,  4  m.  June  25 
Patrick  Ilelferen,  b.  Ireland,  aged  70  years,  Dec.  13 
Henry  Hildcbrand,  b.  Germany,  aged  12  years,  Sept.  27 
Mary  Lizzie,  dau.  of  Fred  and  .Margaret  Hummell,  a.  3  m.,  22d.,  May  14 
,  infant  son  of  John  and  Lena  Kolb,                                  June  29 

DEATHS.  41 

BcDJamin  H.  EJmunds,  son  of  Charles  and  Miirj  A.  Edmunds, 

aged  10  months,  ju]y  OQ 

Mrs.  Grace  Lake,  widow,  daughter  of  Isaac  and  Lucretia  Tom- 

linson,  b.  Oxford,  aged  7G  years.  May  9 

Isaac  Burr,  mason,  sou  of  Samuel  and  Grace  Lake,  b.  Oxford, 

aged  57  years,  6  months,  Oct.  29 

William,  sou  of  Dt-nuis  and  Ellen  Leahy,  roll  turner,  b.  Ireland, 

aged  50  years,  Aug.  8 

Martin,  son  of  John  and  .Mary  Lysaght,  b.  Ireland,  a.  27y  10m.  Mar.25 
Charles  Wesley  Lines,  son  of  Wesley  Lines  and  Alida  Bassett,  b. 

Birmingham,  aged  3  months,  Au"-.  11 

Charles  Ilenry,  son  or  Henry  and  Oliye  Lockwood,  b.  Stamford, 

aged  71  years,  5  mouths,  11  days,  Jan.  13 

Mrs.  Eliza  Jane  Losee,  daughter  of  Henry    and   Emily    Peck, 

b.  Xewtown,  aged  02  years,  0  months,  Oct.  7 

John  Michael,  son  of  Thomas  and  Ellen  Maloney,  a.  4y.  lm.23d.  Jan.31 
Clifford,  son  of  Harris  B.  and  Isabella  Munson,  aged  ly,,  21d.,  May  3 
Lewis,  son  of  Albert  and  Charlotte  Munson,  b.  Huntington, a.71y.Oct.8 
Harold  W.,  son  of  Harry  and  Xettie  O'Meara,  aged  4  days,  Oct.  10 
Thomas  Eaistrick,  b.  Bradford,  England,  aged  58  years,  Aug.  26 

John,  son  of  John  and  Maria  Regan,  b.  Hamden,  aged  13  y,      Jan.  25 

infant  son  of  Dayid  and  Josephine  Roe,  aged  2  days,      Nov.  26 

Harvey,  son  of  Meha  andAlvira  Rugg,  b.  Southington,  a  G57.,Junel6 
George  Russell,  b.  Winsted,  aged  21  years,  Nov.  23 

Thomas  Ryan,  b.  Ireland,  aged  SO  years,  Nov.  3 

Mrs.  Pauline  Schaffer,  daughter  of  John  and  Caroline  Schaflfer, 

b.  Germany,  aged  39  years,  S  mouths,  July  30 

Mary,  daughter  of  John  and  Ellen  Shay,  aged  31  years,  Oct.  16 

Charles  Washburn  Storrs,  son    of    John  and  Sarah  Storrs,  mer- 
chant, b.  Oxford,  aged  GO  years,  10  mouths,  21  days,       Jan.  26 
Mrs.  Ann  Strapp,  widow,  b.  Ireland,  aged  ij~)  years.  Dec.  25 

Mrs.  Katharine  Thomas,daughter  of  Richard  and  Elizabeth  Ow- 
ens, b,  Wales,  aged  55  years,  March  14 
Christopher  Walsh,  widower,  b.  Ireland,  aged  09  years.  Nov.  11 
Mrs.  Minerva  E.Washburn,dau.of  Joel  and  Grace  Hawkins  a48y  Dec.25 
William,  son  of  Harry  and  Mary  White,  b.  Ansonia,  a.5y  3m  5d  Feb,20 
William  Leroy  Williamson,  son  of  William  and  Janette  Wil- 
liamson, aged  47  years,  Dec.  7 
Herman,  son  of  Max  and  Leda  Wolf,  aged  G  months,  July  1 


Alice  May,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Minnie  Barber,  d.  Mar.  21,  aged 

3  months,  21  days. 
Nellie,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Brounan,  d.  Jan.  G,  aged  23  year?. 
Thomas,    son    of  Thomas   and    Ann    Brennan,  b.  Southbury,  laborer, 

d.  Sept.  24,  aged  23  years,  1  month. 
Daisy  R.,dau.  of  Wm.  R.  and  FanuieX.  Brixey,d.July  S,aged  Om.  12d. 
Sarah  E.  Buckingham, dau.  of  Henry  and  Evelene  Chamberlain, b  Ame" 

nia,  N.  Y.,  d.  Apr.  22,  aged  21  years,  S  months,  4  days. 
Gordon  Francis,  son  of  Wm.and  Mary  Cass,d.  July  25,  aged  8  montlis. 
Henry  E.,  son  of  John  and  Sally  Chamberlain, d.  Jan.  14,aged  54  years. 
John,  infant  son  of  John  and  Mary  Coleman,  d.  Sept.  24. 
Eugene    Wells,    son  of  Isaac   and  Fannie  Collier,  b  Hudson,  N.  Y., 

medical   student,  d.  Apr.  24,  aged  24  years,  7  mouths,  20  days. 
Mrs. Bridget  Crowley,  dau.  of  Jerry  and  Johanna  Driscoll,  b.  Ireland? 

d.  Sept.  9,  aged  40  years,  5  mouths. 
Jane  Derby, widow.dau.ofDaniel  and  Betsey  Roberts,  b.  East  Hartford, 

d.  Jan.  20,  aged  SO  years,  5  months,  7  days. 
Irene  Hattie,daugliter  of  Henry  and  Lena  Cutler, b.  Ausonia,d.  Feb.  27, 

aged  U  mouths. 
John  T.,  son  of  Henry  and  Mary  M.  Dick,  d.  Oct.  27,aged  2  years,  3ui. 
Bealah  May,  dan.  of  \Yilbur  and  Agnes  Doolittle,  d.  June  4,  aged  2  d, 
Edward  \Valter,son  of  Joseph  H.  and  CarrieDorraan,d.  Sept.  2S,a.  Im. 
Kay,  son  of  Albert  and  Phoebe  Finkle,  d.  !May  13,  aged  1  year,  2  days, 
Eicliard,son  of  ^Michael  and  Ellen  Fitzgerald,b.  Birmingham, d.  Dec.  29, 

aged  1  year,  11  months,  9  days. 
Eliza,  daughter  of  Henry  and  Eliza  Flack,  d.  May  11,  aged  3  days. 
Carlotta,dau.  of  Carlos  and  Julia  French,  d.  July  IG,  aged  22y  3m  lOd. 
Dwight  M.,  son  of  Beuj.  and  Clarisa  Garntt,  b.  Torringtou,  mechanic, 

d.  Feb.  15,  aged  38} ears,  8  months. 
Jessie  Hall,  aged  10  years,  d.  July  27. 

Harriet   F.  Hammond,  widow,  b.  Burlingon,  d.  Apr.  G,  aged  S5  years. 
Van  Buren  ,son  of  .Miner  and  Betsey  Harris,  b.  Westford,  mechanic, 

d.  May  28,  aged  53  years,  10  months. 
Caroline,   daughter   of  Frederick   and   Isabella    Hawley,  b.  XewtowD^ 

d.  Jan.  2G,  aged  1  year. 
Isabella  VI  , daughter  of  I'Voderick  and  Isabella  Hawley, d.  Jan. 15  a  3y  7m- 
Mrs.  Mary  Hayes,  b.  Ireland,  d.  Apr.  5,  aged  54  years. 
Mrs.  Mary  L.  Hulloway,  daughter  of  Cyrus  H.  and  Harriet  B.  Lum, 

d.  June  12,  aged  39  years,  5  montus,  8  days. 
— ■ ,  iufant  son  of  Fr.iuk  and  ilusj  Hotchkiss,  d.  Apr,  15. 

DEATHS.  43 

Sclina   Uubbanl,  widow,  daughter  of   Levi  and   ilaldali  DeWolf,  b. 

Wasbiogton,  Ct.,  d.  Dec.  29,  aged  91  years,  S  months,  G  days. 
James  Hiingerfard,  b.  Ilarwinton,  d.  June  27,  aged  34  years. 
Edward  E.,son  of  Joseph  and  Amelia  Jennings,  d.Sept.  10  aged  9m  Sd. 
Martha   Jane    Johnson,  widow,  daughter  of  Isaac  and  Sai;ah  Losee, 

d.  Aug.  12,  aged  G3  years. 
Lena,  daughter   of  Charles  and   Sophia   Kempf,  d.  Aug.  8,  aged  3m. 
Paul  David, sou  of  Augustus  and  Mary Kordatzky, d.Sept,  lS,alm  14d. 
Baby,  infant  daughter  of  John  and  Lotta  Ladd,  d.  Feb.  14. 
Margaret,  daughter  of  ^Ym.  and  Eliza  Leahy,  b.  Ansouia,  d.  Mar.  IG, 

aged  17  years. 
Mrs.  Emma  Lunib,  dau.  of  Charles  and  Fannie  Beanland,  b.  England, 

d.  Jan.  24,  aged  34  years, 
years,  10  months. 
Jennie,  daughter  of  Francis  and  Ann  McMorrow,  d.  May  IS,  aged  21 

years,  10  months. 
Mrs.  Katharin  L.  IMiles,  widow,  b.  Xew  York,  d.  Aug.  10,  aged  78  y. 
Catharine  J.jdaii.  of  George  and  Julia  E.  Xicholas,d.  Feb.21,a.6y.,llm. 
Grace  L.,    daughter   of  Frank  E.   and  Agnes  Penney,  b.    Meriden, 

d.  Aug.  10,  aged  5  years,  1  month,  G  days. 
Minnie,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Ella  lleynolds,d.  Sept.  10  a.  9ra.,23d., 
William  S.  Roberts, d.  Nov.  13,b.  Southbury,  aged  4G  years,  3  mouths. 
Amos  Hiram,&on  of  Emmons  and  Kate  Scraoton,  b.  Bethleham, laborer, 

d.  Nov.  IG,  aged  30}  ears. 
Annie,  daughter  of  Charles  and  Minnie  Seratzki,  d.  Mar.  9,  aged  9  in. 
Mrs.  Amanda  L.  Sinclair,  daughter  of  John  and  Harriet  Moon,  b.  Ad- 
ams, Mass.,  d.  !May  9,  aged  43  years,  11  days. 
Mrs.  Gertrude  l.Smith,  daughter  of  John  W.  and  Lucinda  Lounsbury, 

d.  ]\Iar.  28,  aged  3G  years,  13  days. 
AVilliam  Henry, son  of  Edward  E.  and  Laura  Smith, b.  Derby, d.  July  8. 

aged  47  years  5  months. 
Cahrles,  son  of  .James  and  Eunice  Spencer,tarmer,d.  Apr.  10,aged  72  y. 
Wm.,  son  of  John  and  Minnie  Stephanoski,  d.  Aug.  28,  aged  5  m.  19d. 
!Mrs.  Jane  E.  Tocher,  widow,  dau.  of  James  and  Mary  Tocher,  b.  Ger- 
many, d.  Oct.  28,  aged  47  years,  3  months. 
Mrs.  Petronella  Veith,  widow,  b,  Germany,  d.  July  31,  aged  79  years. 
Gideon   W.,  son    of  Joseph  and    Lydia   Waite,  b.    Bedford,   X.   Y., 

d.  Jan.  20,  aged  80  years,  11  months,  20  days. 
Lucia  Elizabeth  ^Varren,  widntw,  b.   Barkhamstead,  d.  July  11,  a  GO  y. 
Frederick   W.,  son   of    Anson   and   Margaret   Weston,   laborer,   col., 

d.  Nov.  18,  aged  43  years. 


Mrs.  Ellen  F.  Wbceler,wulow,  daughter  of  Russell  and  Phopbe  Judson, 

d.  Apr.  3,  ajred  48  years. 
"Vrilliam,  son  of  riiiliip  and  Itebecca  Woods,d,  Apr.  24,  aged  2  montlis. 
Mrs.   Julia  Wyant,    b.   Oswego,  N.    Y.,    daughter  of  Abraham    and 

Mellisiii  Vallet,  d.  Jan.  21,  aged  30  years. 
Capt.    Wilson,  son    of  John    and    Scliarlott    Wyant,  b.  New  Milford, 

d.  Mar.  29,  aged  73  years,  13  days. 

Charles  Benjamin,  son  of  Samuel  and    Minnie  R.  Beach,  d.  Mar.  27, 

aged  10  mouths,  8  days. 
'  Mrs.  Eliza  Ann  Bishop,  dau.  of  xVlbert  and  Almira  Neckerson,  b.  Bea- 
con, N.  Y.,  d.  June  24,  aged  4G  years,  5  months, 
Ethel  Irene,  dau.  of  John   C.  and  Elizabeth  Bower,  d.  Sept.  17,  aged 

1  year,  3  months. 
Julia,  daughter  of  Thomas  and  Ann  Brennan,  b.  Southbury,  d.  Dec.  27, 

aged  22  years,  11  months,  22  days. 
Mrs.  Ann  Shea  Brockway,  b.  Ireland,  d.  Oct  29,  aged  03  years, 
Matthias,  son  of  ^Matthias  and  ]\Iary  Bunyan,  b.  Ireland,  mechanic, 

d.  Aug  20,  aged  40  years,  8  months. 
Edward  ^liles,  son  of  Judson  and   Sarah   Canfiehl,  b.   New  Haven, 

book-keeper,  d.  ]Mar.  0,  aged  48  years. 
Ueber  P.  Carpenter,  mason,  d.  Dec.  21,  aged  40  years. 
DeWitt  C,  son    of  Philo  and  Betsey  Castle,   b.  Koxbury,  meclianic, 

d.  July  8,  aged  07  years,  2  months,  22  days. 
Thomas  Clapham,  b.  England,  laborer,  d.  Oct.  11,  aged  72  years. 
Beatrice,  daughter  of  J.  J.  Henry  and  Caroline  Cullington,  b.  England, 

d.  Oct.  12,  aged  12  months,  22  days. 
Florence  Crowley,  b.  Ireland,  d.  Oct.  24,  aged  73  years. 
Delia,  daughter  of  James  and   Bridget  Dauiher,  d.  Dec.  2,  aged  24, 

years,  11  months,  9  days. 
Harriet  Davis,  widow,  daughter  of  John  and  Polly  Sutton,  b.  Oxford  or 

Naugatuck,  d.  Jan.  18,  aged  84  years. 
Samuel  P.,  son  of  Anson  and  S;illy  Davis,  farmer,  d.  Dec.  14,a.  59  years 
Sheldon,  son  of  Anson  and  Sarah  Davis,  b.  Orange,  d.  Apr.  7,  a.  79  yrs. 
David  Henry,  son  of  Henry  C.  and  Mary  M.  Dick,  d.  Dec.  15,  aged  7 

years,  4  montlis. 
Sarah  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Oliver  P.  and  Sarah  E.  Doolittle,  b.  New 

Milford,  d.  June  8,  aged  21  years,  11  months. 
Jennie  L.,  daughter  ot  Walter  and  Mirtha  Doriiian.d.  Aug.  19,a.  IG  dys. 
Frank,  son  of  Frank  and  Ida  Feibel,  d.  Aug.  11,  aged  2  months,  14  dys 

DEATHS.  45 

IlariT,  son  of  riain-  nud  "Riiclicl  Foster,  il.  Aug.  2,  a.  1  yrar,  10  nionlhs. 
^[rs.  WeaUliy  A.  Gilyard,  cLi'iglitir  of  Ilark-y  and  Ilarrit't  LlotcliUiis!, 

widow,  b.  rx'lliany,  May  0,  aged  7.">  years,  C  uiontlis. 
'Mrs.  Sarah  Jaue  Guild,  dauglitcr  of  Ciiarlos  and  Sarali  Ik'Uut'tt  riiiliji.s, 

d.  Dec.  22,  aged  oi  years.  10  inontbs,  22  days. 
]yirs.  Ilek'U  A.  Llaunnond,  danghter  of  William  and  ^lary  Sweney,  b. 

North  Adams,  d.  June  30,  aged  47  y.,  1  ni.,  17  d., 
Tim,  son  of  Jerry  and  Johanna  Ilanley,  b.  Ireland,  in(!chanir,  d.  Apr.  S, 

aged  31  years. 
Frederick,  son  of  ^licliael   and  Susan   Harris,  b.  I'^ngland,   mechanic, 

d.  Mar.  21,  aged  42  years,  3  mouths. 
Helen  Amelia,  daughter  of  Samuel  and  Louise   E.  Hawkins,  d.   Nov. 

23,  aged  18  years,  5  months,  10  days. 
AVilliam  Hayes,  b.  Ireland,  laborer,  d.  Jan.  21,  aged  75  years  or  u^.ore. 
William  11.,  son  of  Thomas  and  Gumay  Henry,  b.  Maryland,  d.  Dec.  24, 

aged  25  years,  0  months,  24  days. 
]Mrs.  Katharine  Hoad,  daughter  of  Daniel  and  Katharine  Galligan,  b. 

Ireland,  d.  Apr.  29,  aged  40  years. 
Mrs.  Olive  V.  Holiirook,  widow,  daughter  of  Nathan  aud  liachel  St. 

John,  b.  Southbury,  d.  Nov.  20,  aged  SO  years,  0  months,  2  days. 
Edith  Juliet,  daughter  of  Chas.  D.  and  Delia  Houghtaling,  d.  Aug  30, 

aged  2  months,  1  day. 
Mary  Louise,  daughter  of  James  Howard,  teacher,  b.  Ansonia,  d.  Oct. 

4,  aged  22  years,  4  mouths. 
■Mrs.  Sarah  Hull,  widow,  daughter  of  David   and   Sally  Tomlinson,  b. 

Oxford,  d.Nov.  12,  aged  77  \ears,  11  mouths,  1  day. 
George  Turney,  son  of  George   M.   aud   Louisa   Hummel,  d.  July  17, 

aged  1  mouth,  20  days. 
Wm.  Fred,  son  of  Matthew  F.  and  Mary  Hummel, d.  July  10,  a.  2  m.  4d. 
Mrs.  Emalina  E.  Jacobs,  dauguter  of  John  C.  and  llhoda  JJeardsIey, 

d.  Dec.  13,  aged  35  years,  5  months,  10  days. 
Harry  Jacobs,  b.  New  York  city,  milk  peddler,  d.  Dec.  14,  aged  20yrs. 
Onista  Antoinette,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Jennie  A.  Jarvis,  b.  Water- 
bury,  d.  Jan.  5,  aged  7  months,  21  days. 
Joseph,  son  of  David  aud  Jennie  Johcs,  d.  Oct.  19,  aged  IS  da>s. 
Malvina  Eliza,  daughter  of  Gustave  A.  and  ]Mary  E.  Keller,  d.  Aug.  18, 

aged  15  days. 
Joshua,  son  of  Noriah  and  Ithoda  Kendall,  physician,  b.  Bradford,  Pa., 

d.  Jan.  17.  aged  84  years. 
Ann  ^Manson,  widow,  b.  Ireland,  d.  Apr.  20,  aged  03  years. 


Walter  James,  son  of  Huizh  and  Amanda  McDonald,  d.  Nov.  11. 
aged  o  years,  10  monrlis. 

Plenry  A.,  son  of  diaries  J.  and  Mary  ]\lcLangiilin,  d.  Dec.  17,  a^^ed 
1  month,  3  days. 

Almira,  dau.  of  David  and  Mary  Melcher,  b.  Portsuioutli,  X.  IT.  d. 
Mar.  7,  aged  85  years. 

Mrs.  Margaret  Morris,  dau.  of  John  and  ICIlen  Shields,  b.  New  Haven, 
d.  July  20,  aged  49  years. 

Ozias,  son  of  Julius  and  Anna  Muuger,  b.  Litchfield,  farmer,  d.  Dec. 
28,  aged  75  years,  11  months. 

Jlrs.  Julia  Ann  Manson,  widow,  daughter  of  Aaron  and  Lncinda  Buck- 
ley, b.  Huntington,  d.  Dec.  19,  aged  57  years,  2  months. 

Edward,  son  of  John  and  Maiy  O'Biien,  d.  June  22,  a.  iyrs,  5  m,  11  d. 

Wra.  J.,  son  of  John  and  Mary  II.  O'Brien,  b.  xVnsonia,  d.  July  25, 
ag(>d  7  months,  9  days. 

Mrs.  ]\Ieli^sa  D.  Ohnstead,  widow,  daughter  of  Merritt  and  Esther  Gib- 
bud,  b.  Naugatuck,  d.  Dec.  30,  aged  55  years,  G  mouths,  2G  days. 

jNIary  Gertrude,  daughter  of  Richard  and  Mary  Ann  Owens,  d.  Feb.  10, 
aged  1  year,  11  mouths,  4  day». 

Geo.  Hugo,  son  of  Fred  and  Annie  Petercshky,  d.  Oct.  25,  a.3y,3m,l  d. 

Grace  Ellen,  infant  daughter  of  James  Began,  d.  July  17. 

Mrs.  Ellen  Bose,  d.  Apr.  20,  aged  38  years. 

Mathew,  infant  son  of  Thomas  and  Alice  Byan,  d.  May  3. 

Eudolpli,  son  of  Frederick  and  Katrina  .Schmidt,  b.  Bussia,  d.  July  29, 
aged  13  year^,  4  months,  14  days. 

Willie,  son  of  Minnie  Schmidthausler,  d.  June  15,  a.  1  month,  1 1  days. 

Henry,  son  of  John  and  Ellen  Shay,  tanner,  d.  Feb.  20,  aged  20  years. 

Frauk  George,  sou  of  George  and  Mary  Sherman,  d.  Nov.  14,  a.  2  y..  Gin. 

Charles  Siratzki,  b.  Germany,  d.  Jan.  13,  aged  87  years. 

George  A.,  son  of  Bussell  and  Parmelia  Smith,  b.  Xewtown,  polisher, 
d.  Oct.  4,  aged  51  years. 

Traver  Smith,  b.  Scotland,  d.  Dec.  20,  aged  84  years. 

Charles  Edward,  son  of  Benjamin  and  Harriet  F.  Sterling,  b.  Miller- 
ton,  X.  Y.,  hostler,  d.  3Iay  15,  aged  32  years. 

Baby,  infant  dau.  of  David  and  Martha  Thompson,  d.  July  7. 

Kandall  E.,  son  of  Bandall  A.  and  Elizabeth  S.  Warner,b.  Thomaston, 
physician,  d.  Dec.  31,  aged  3C}  years,  G  days. 

Polly  Way,w  idow, daughter  of  Peter  Jenniugs,b.  ^Vashington,d  Apr.  18, 
aged  S3  years,  C  months,  21  da^s. 

Daniel,  son  of  Henry  and  Lydia  Wells,  b.  Beacon  Falls,  d.  July  29, 
aged  7  years,  G  mouths,  8  days. 

DEATHS.  47 

John  Wingblaiio,  h.  Suodcn,  blacksniitlj,  d.  Sept.  G,  aged  45  years. 
Mrs.  Elmira  Woodbrid j:e, widow. daii.irliter  of  Joliu  Guleper,  b.  Dnxbiiry, 

Mass.,  d.  ^[ay  27,afiod  74  yreas,  3  luontli?:,  10  days. 
Harriet  Wooster,  b.  Seymour  or  Derby,  d.  Feb.  13,  aged  50  years. 
Charles  A., sonofCIarkandGrace  \Yooster,  d.  Nov.  10,  aged  70  y,  S  ni. 
Chara,  dau,  of  Chas.  and  ^lioiiie   Wirth,  d.  June  IC,  aged  1  ui.,5  d. 

The  following  entry  of  a  birth  was  maile  on  the  1S90  page  of  the  Registrar's  book. 

Nov.  29,  ISSG,  Win.  Alfred,  son  of  William  B,  and  Ida  Firth. 




Adams,  James,  •2t> 

Oliver,  I'S 

Sarah,  l.i,  3.) 

Sur>an  KUa,  35 

Tlioo.lore  1).,  13,  35 
Adenolte,  Alex,  3o 

tUzabeth  M.,  11 

Isadore,  3-) 
Aprnew,  Daniel,  35 
Ahem,  C'ornclins  J.,  27 

Geo.  Edward,  19 

Cornelius,  10,  27 

Michael  T.,  2S 
Alden,  Lydia,  32 
Alderson,  David,  3S 

Elizabeth,  So 
Alfred,  Emma,  5 

Emma  E.,  6 

Marv,  5 

Robert  A.,  23 

Warren  1.,  5,  31 
Allen,  Marv  A.,  2'.' 
Alles,  Liiza',  2i; 
AUinger,  Frederick,  3G 
Anion,  Winnie.  23 
Andrew,  Eva  E.,  fi 

Ilattie  E.,  6 

Marj-,  :i5 
Andrew'-,  David  L.,  3'; 

Eliza  A.,  2'.« 

Florence  II.,  S 

Hannah,  3d 

Jeremiah,  0,  3S 

Jolj,  38 

Kelion,  17 
Ansteail,  Michael,  40 
Anthony,  Annie,  2-' 

Elizabeth,  25 

Jennie,  28 
Atwater,  ClinV>rd  J.,  27 
Alwood,  Cornelia,  I'J 

John  N.,  17 

Lillian  T.,  19 

Raymond,  17 

Salindn  V.,  24 

Bach,  Elizabeth  . 
John,  17 
Ilattie,  13,  17 
Loi-ea,  i:»,  17 
Winnie,  >i,  17 
0-^wald, '.',  17 

Bahncr,  Martin, : 

JJallev,  Artliur,  1 
K';ae,  15 

Baldwin,  Charles 
David,  15 
Ell  win,  11 
Henry,  8 
ilirain,  11,  15. 
Jay  .>5initli,  17 
Lena.  0,  f,  11 

,\.,  17 

,  5,  17 

Baldwin    Lucy  J„  29 

Nceley,  15 

Noble  J.,  6,  11 

Sarah,  5 
Ball,  Albert  11 

Andrew,  11 

Edward,  15 

George  T.,  15 

John.  3(5 
Barber.  Alice  May,  17,  42 

Charles.  42 

Winnie.  17,  42 
Barr,  AllnMt  A.,  36 

Andrew,  S,  3(j 

Jane,  ?',  3tj 
Banlett,  Lela  27 
Barton,  Clarence  IT.,  (! 

Helen  (J 
Bassett,  AlidaR.,7,  41 

Charles  II.,  29 

Julius,  29 

Maria,  2'.» 

Permelia,  3.3 

Sarah,  25 

William,  7 

AVilliam  F.,  32 
Bates,  Laura,  7,  33 

Sarah  C.,3;J 

Airfrinia  S.,  31 

William  B.,  7,  33 
T.aucr,  Ko^a,  8 
I'.ay,  Mar£raret,2.? 
Beach,  Addie  W.,  20 

Benjamin  J.,  17 

Charles  B.,  17,  44 

Edwin  T.,  19 

Elizabeth,  11 

EtIielO.,  11 

Flocv,  17 

HarGld  K.,  5 

Minnie  K.,  10,  44 

Samuel  B.,  17.  li'',  44 

Theodore  B.,  5,  11 
Beamish,  Anna  M.,  28 
Beanlanil,  Charles,  4:! 
Beard.-lev,  Rho-la,  45 
Beei-s,  Ai.el  J.,  3.3 

Clillord  W.,  8 

E-,ther, :« 

Herschel  G.,  8 

John  W.,  24 

Mar- hall  G.,23 

Nellie  M.,  2'; 
Bell,  William,  31 
Beiiediit,  AL'Crnon  A.,  11 

Arthur  N„  f-,  11,  17,  23 

Biirtun  C.,  17 

Mary  >,  11 
Bennell,  Anne,  21 

Mar-aret,  13 

Mary,  13   « 

Mary  E.,  f 

Maurice,  ^,  13,  17 

Bennett,  Patsy,  17 
Bentley,  George  W.  38 

John, 38 

Mai-tha,  13,33 

Pierson,  13 
Beoudoin,  David,  10,  24 
Berry,  Kate  E.,  27 
Bice.  Edwin  T.,  20 

Freilerick,  11 

Mary,  11,  15. 

Richard  J.,  11 

Rafus,  15 
Bilberg,  Adaline  K.,  15,40 

Gulitave  A.,  40 

llcnrv,  15 
Billings,  Clarence  P.,  5 

Caridine,  o 
Birkbeck,  Bessie,  40 

Louise,  40 

John  R.,  40 
Bishop,  Eliza  A.,  44 

James  II. ,  7 

Lottie,  11 

Sophia  7,  11 
Blaekburn,  Eliza,  .30 
Blackman,  Wm.  M.,  38 

Emma,  M-8 
Blake,  Elizalieth,  31 

Sarah,  31 
Blei.nein,  M.i  L.,  11 

John,  11 

Lena,  11 
Bliss,  Charles,  33 

Emelinc,  33 

Sarah  L.,2'1 
Blodgett.  Aldcn,  39 
Bloom.  Amelia  28 
Bloss,  Charlotte,  7 

Clark  E.,  7 
Blossaur,  Clotilda,  25 
Bod-e,  John,:;u 
l'.u.l<.in,  David.  10.40 
Booth,  Charlotte  E.,  2i 
Bosen,  John,  13 

Josephine,  13 
Bothwick,  Ann,  40 

Emma,  40 
Bottoniley,  William,  2'! 
Botsford,  Maria,  3.-) 

Lucy,  38 
Bower,  Amelia,  11.35 

Clara  D.,  11 

Doratha.  11,  30 

Gcor;.'e,  11,  19 

(Jeorie  F.,  20  ' 

Kate  K.,  10,  35 
Bowers,  Ethel  J.,  17,  44 

Elizabeth,  17 

John  C.,  44  ^• 
I'.radley,  Alrnlia,3l 

lieniandn,  32 

E.-tlier,  13 
Le.)iiard.  11,  13,  31, 


Bradlcv.  Lconiinl,  Jr.,  30 
Marv,  8,  11,  13,  38 
OlinL..  :t< 
^Vinlio^l  M.,^ 
Braii'Iow,  (.it'orpo  II.,  10 
Georye  51.,  lU  11,  10,  30 
Gracie,  11,  3tj 
Ilia  Lniiis.i,  15 
Jose\)liine,  10 
Louisa.  l.">,  10 
Brat-chUL'idor.  Christopher,': 
Brcnnan,  Ann,  il,  44 
Catharine,  30 
Julia,  44 
Katie,  'i.j 
Mar-arct,  25 
Marv  24 
Nellie,  30,  4-3 
Thomas,  42,  44 
lircwer,  Cora   A.,  24 
Brixev,  Austin  G.,  10 
Daisy  R.,  15,  42 
Frances  N.,  10,  15 
AVm.  K.,  10,  42 
Broadhurst.  Thumas,  30 
Broa<Uvell,  I.aura  J.,  2'.t 
Brockwaj-,  Mrs.  Ann  S.,  44 
Bronson.'Charles,  2S 

Grace  D.,  2-^ 
Brooks,  Mary,  29 
Brown,  Kdward  C,  35 
Ilarrv,  25 
Mary  E.,  35 
Melinda,  3S 
Bruce,  Maggie,  34 
Bruninier,  Aujrust,  23 
Brushell,  Au^'ustus,  7 
Catharine,  7 
Kos.iuna,  35 
Buchler,  Auyust,  11,  15,  19, 
Carl  A.,  3-') 
Caroline,  U 
Catharine,  15,  35, 
Emost  K.,  11 
Sarah,  E.,  I'J 
Buhle,  Barbara,  10 
Charles,  19 
Lena,  lo 
Buckin.ham,  Addie,  13 
Charles,  17,  25 
Harold  R.,  17 
Edith  .S.,  13 
Edwin,  30 
Esther,  :W 
Sarah,  E.,  42 
William,  2s 
Buckley,  Aaron,  40 
Frances,  2'-» 
Sarah  J.,  20 
Bullis,  George,  27 
Bunnell,  Davi'l,  20 
George  W.,  2a 
John  A.,  20 
Julia,  29 
Bunyan,  A<la,  10, 15,  17 
Jennie,  15 
Joanina,  27 
John,  15 
Marv,  10.31,44 
Marv  A.,  27 
Matthias,  44 
Matthias  J.,  26 
Tes-ie,  17 
Burpess,  Arthur,  5 
Cora  r..,  15 
Mary  E.,  5,  15 
T'.urk,  >rary  Ann,  30 
Bushciell,  Krani.ts,  27 


Bushner,  Aucust,  28 
Buske,  Nellie,  27 
Butler,  Laur.i  U.,  26 

Cahill.  Deuni.s.  .30 
Marsian-t.  30 
Micbaol,  36 
Callaliau,  Dennis,  34 
Honora.  3i) 
Jeremiah.  34 
Sarah,  31 
rall.-mlo'  .  Marv  A.,  30 
Caii)i>.  >lizah,  til.  10 
Lewi-  A.,  10 
Thomas  J..  10 
Campbell,  J.ssie  R.,  03 
Caud.e.  Ob;ulir\h  W.,  -JO 
Cauli.M,  Eilwanl  M.,  44 
Jlariiet,  •-"• 
Jiulson.  44 
ilary  Anne,  29 
Sarah,  41 
Sarah  A.,  20 
Carl.  Dennis,  13 
Johanna.  13 
.Toseph.  13 
Carlsion.  I'ail,  17 
Ella,  17 
Harrv,  17 
Cariiii^iton.  Flossie,  19 
Rachel  3:J 
Silas  U.,  10 
Sophie  10 
Caruev.  Eiluaiil,  U 
Maina'.jf.  n 
Patrick,  11 
Carpenter.  Il.l)er  P.,  44 
Cass.  Annie,  7 
Bii.l'.'et  C,  8 
('atbailne.  ^ 
Clivt.>n.  11 
Gordon  P.,  15,  42 
Harry,  10 
Jamt-a.  7 
JoSiH,  7 
Mar  arette.  31 
Mary.  11,  15,  19,  30,  42 
Niehola.-*,  31 
William,  l.">.  10.  42 
Wm.  FiaiK  IS,  3r) 
Casey,  Jolm.  2.' 
CasMdv.  John  W.,  21 
CuHtlci  Ritsiv,  44 
l),-tt"itt  C.,  44 
Pbilo.  41 
Cesar.  Arthur  R.,  13 
Mary,  -2.'. 
Naucv  C.  13 
Ward  K.,  13 
Cbambi.rlain,  Eveleno,  42 
Henrv,  4-2 
Henry  R.,  42 
John,  42 
Mary  E,  23 
Sally,  4-J 
Sarah,  25 
W.  R.,  24 
Cbajunan,  Jamfa  G.,  20 

Starv  J..  2:1 
Cbatti.-Id,  Emilv,  32 
Howard,  G.,  32 
Joel.  15.  40 
MaiiaK.,  1.5.  40 
Thomas,  15.  40 
Chri-^tian.  0.~car.  11 
Rcniiiititon  P.,  11 
Sarab.  11 
Cbunb.  Willi  im.  20 
Churchill.  Ana,  3i 

Cbnrohill,  ITannah,  38 

Rol.crt.  JO 
C'apham.  Thomas,  44 
Clark,  Gale,   17 

Helen  L.,  7,  11,  36 
James  A.,  11    30 
James  T  .  13 
John,  7,  11,  30 
John  A.,  7,  13 
Ma!:;:ip,  7,  13 
Marv,  7 
Mibired.  17 
Nellie,  30 
Cle.arv,  Hannih.  30 
Clemous,  Frederick  M.,  10  34 
Fre<lciick  P.,  10 
Linciia.  10 
Cleveland,  E.  H.,  15 
Co.:swell,  Charles,  3^ 
Coleman.   Alpbonso,  15 
Carrie  A.,  10 
Frederick,  15 
John.  38,  42 
Mar^rant,  33 
Mary,  42 
M.  L\ou.  20 
Michael,  10 
Neosheo.  15 
Ravn.ond  L..  19 
Colh-y.'Thomas.  27 
Collier,  En<:eno  W-,  42 
Fannie.  42 
Isaac,  42 
OolliM:;t(iu,  Ueatilee,  44 
Caioline,  44 
J.  J.  Heurv,  44 
Ciowlev.  UridL'et,  42 
Charles.  15 
Ellen.  15 
Florence.  44 
Mary,  15.  27 
Saiah.   15 
Crowiber,  Arthur  E.,  35 
Charles  L..  5.  31 
Chailes  W..  5.  n 
Elizabeth  G..  13 
Erne.--t,  13 
Frederick  N.,  8 
George.  5 
Geoi;;o  E.,  5 
Ge<n;ie  H.,  5 
Hat  tie  E.,  .5.  31 
James  E.   10 
John  C,  5.  31 
Eilliau.  33 
Mary,  10 
Melij^a.  5 
Sat  ah  M  .  8 
Theodore  N.   13,  35 
Crunimev,  Dennis,  4o 
Culver,  .Stephen  Hopkins,  10 
Cnrdew.  ilaiy,  20 
Currv,  Joseph,  5,  '',  33 

Mary,  5,  7.  33 
CurtJss.  Anson,  39 
Hannah.  30 
Jane,  33 
Cnshin-  Annie,  10,  11. 1.'.,  10.3d 
Francis,  11,  10 
Franc i-t  A..  3.^ 
John  P.,  15 
Margaret.  10 
Patrick,  11,  19,38 
Cutler.  Henry,  42 
Irene,  4- 
Lena,  42 
Daniher.  E.,  31 
(i.,  31 
James,  31 



Darsdorf,  Mapriric.  24 
Davidson,  Ann,  37 
Martini  \V.,  37 
Marv  A.,  7 
K.  Kandall,  27 
-_  Tlionias,  7,  '24 
^ViUi.^nl,  M 
Davis,  Albert  E.,  24 
Alinira,  :U 
Anson,  44 
Aususta,  3G 
Came  A.,  i5 
C.  Aupusta,  2G 
Catharine,  34 
David,  :U 
Edward  U.,  5 
Elizatietli.  34 
Harriet   44 
Henry  15.,  li 
lienrv  E.,  5 
Henry  1'., :« 
James,  -2'.),  M 
John,  3-J.  35 
John,  4th,  31 ,3G 
Maria,  3-2 
Mary,  5 
Marv  Ann,  5 
Man,-  I>.,  5 
I'anielia,  31 
Sarah,  44 
Slield'>n,  44 
Walter  Eli,  5 
Daniel,  r.i'tsev,34 

William,  34 
Daniher,  Bridget,  44 

Delia  44 

Jaint-s  44 
Davey,  Willi;ini  '27   l?al)ella.3j 

Marv    35 

AVilliam  35 

John  W.  -'5 
Deadv,  James  8,  13 

John  8 

Mary  J.  8.  13 
Dean,  A'rthur  A,  37 

CaruHuu  I>.,  37 

Caroline  M..  13 

Frank,  A..  11 

Fninklin  A..  24 

Frank  E..  11 

Grace,  13 

Mary  A..  11 

Susan  D  .  23 

Theo,  J.,  37 

Theron,  13 

William  F.,'27 
Di'Forest,  Eliza,  5 

Isiuic,  5 

Jennie,  5 

William, '27 
Dehring,  Wina,  2S 

Derby,  Jane,  42 

DeWf.lf,  Huldah,  43 

Eucv  Ann,  37 
Dlbld.-,  Clara  M.'2G 

Marv  F.,  20 

W.  t\,  -zr, 
Dick,  A)iiia,  7, 19 

iJeniii  e,  10 

Car<jliiie,  11,  37 

Charles  W.,  7.  10,  I'J,  44 

David  II.,  7,  44 

Henrv  C,  7,  11,  12,  1-5,  I'.), 
i5,  37,  42,  44 
"      Ira,  7 

John  T.,  13,  4-2 

Marif  AI.,  15 

Diek,  Martha  M.,  7.  11,  13,  15, 
19,  37.  42,  44 
Mary,  10,  1!» 
DUler,  Andrew,  '25 

Alfred,  7 
Ditmer,  Alfred  E.,  7 
Alfred  E.,  13, -24,  33 
Nellie,  7,  33 
Divine,  George  W.,  37 
Henrv,  3? 
Phebe,  3r 
Dodse,  i'anny,  S,  34 
Jennette,'«>,  10,  34 
Ralph  T.,  10 
William  E.,  S,  10,  31 
Dohl.  Chri.-topher,  17 

Marv,  17 
Doll,  Anne,  1'2 
Louisa,  1'2 
Michael,  12 
DoniinicK,  Ferdinand,  39 

Lena,  .39 
Donavan,  Margaret.  25 
Donahue,  Michael  iE,  '24 
Doolittle,  Agues  L.,  17,  19,42 
Beul.ah  M.,  17,  42 
Carrie,  15 
Harold  W.,  19 
Oliver  P.,  44 
Oliver  S.,  15,  '25 
Rav,  15 
.Sarah  E.,  44 
AVilbur,  17,  19.  42 
Dorman,  Carrie,  15,  17,  42 
Eilniund,  3S 
Edwanl  U'.,  17,  42 
Harriet,  3< 
Irene  E.,  15 
Jennie  E.,  10,  44 
Joseiih  H.,  15,  17,  24,  '25,  42 
Martha,  5,  19,  44 
Mary  I.,  5 
Nellie  M.,.34 
Doyle,  Bridget,  21 
Drecli-ler,  Geor-re,  37 
Driscoll.  Ellen  L.,  37 
Ellen  T.  S,  13 
Jeremiah  5,  8, 13,  36  37,  42 
Johanna,  42 
Marv  Ann.  5,  8,  13,  37 
Driver,  iLatile  A.,  2'J 
Drogular,  Alexaudtr,  28 
Duncan  John  G.,  27 
Duene,  Mairgie,  "JS 
Duester,  Heury,  23',  Arthur,  13 
Marv,  13 
Olive,  13 
Dupey,  Edward,  31 

Joseph,  31 
Durand,  Jeremiah,  31 

Earlv,  Fannie  P.,  10 

John.  10 

TbL-o.loie.  10 
Edelsteiu.  Elsie,  13 

Fannie,  13 

.lacob,  13 
Eiltnond.s,  Charles  J..  5 

George,  5 

5Iaiy,  5 
EdinuiidH,  BeDjunin  II.,  41 

Cliail.s.  41 

Mary  A.,  41 
Edwiiitli.  Bi-njamiu  IE,  40 

Char  k».  13 

Charl.;sP.,  13,  3.3,  40 

Cora  L.,  '25 

George  S.,  5 

I.'»a\iella,  .">. 

Marv  A..  13.  40 
Eggb'-ton,  Florence  A.,  35 

Horatio,  35 

Mary  L.,  35 
Ebni  in,  Annie,  19 

K.iil,  10 

Fiiilerick.  19 
Eibel.  Anna  M..  -Xl 

Ida  E.,  7 

Louis,  7 

Louisa,  7 
Elha.  Auni,  24 
Eiumett.  Gporge,   13 

Johu  W'.,  13 

.^arab.  13 
Eacbrtr,  Henry,  19 

Uiigb.  19, 

Johu  11.,  19 

Mary,  19 

Kbo'la  J.,  19 
Evans,  Alice.  7,  35 

Charles,  7,  3.5,  1-2,  31,  33 

diaries  il.,  U.  38 

Elizab.-th   5 

Elizabeth  W„  13 

George,  7 

Georgo  L.,  13 

Jaue,  5,  31.  33 

Mary  A.,  7.  1-2,31,  38 

Marv  S..  13 

Richard,  33 

William  R..  33 

Faber,  Addie.  19 

Giistave  .1.,  19,  26 

Jacob.  33 
FairclouLdi,  Charles  S.,  1'2,  15..37 

Netne.  12,  15,  37 
Faritv,  Alniou  F.,  '26 
Farland,   Albert,  19 

Peter  T.,  19 

Roscllo,  19 
Farrell.  Annie   23 

Bertha  E.,  12 

Emma  S.,  1'2,  15 

JliK  s  B..  1-2.  15 
Feibel,  Flank,  19.  '27,  44 

Ida.  10,  44 
Fenn,  David  S.,  28 
Ferris.  J.icksnu  B.,  25 
Fiuk.  Edith  M..  8 

Emma  E.,  8.  34 

Frank  E..  34 

John,  f.  34 
Finkle.  Alb^.Tt  11. .5, 10,15,19,  3P, 

An.heNV  J.,  35  \ii 

Arthur  11..  7,  13 

Carrie,  7,  10.  13 

Charles,  5.  15 

Cora  K  .  '25 

Earl  G.,  10,  3S 

Emma  M..  35 

Frank.  5,  31 

George,  19 

Homer  A.,  7,  10,  13 

Homer  G.,  31 

Jennie,  5,  31 

Joe,  V.t 

L««iw,  10 

M.d)el.  '.^5 

Matilda,  35 

May  1.,  19 

Peter.  5 

Phebe,  5,  10,  15,  19,  Zf..  42 

Kav,  42 
Firth,  Allied,  3^ 

Charlott-'  F.,  13 

Helen,  '.t,  35 


Firth.  Ida,  P.  n.  47 

Alalia  J..  3::^ 
Svlvt'Ster.  9,  35 

William,  9,  3o 

W'm.  Allied,  0.  47 

William  B.,  9.  13.  3?,  47 
Fitzireralil.  Deiiuis,  19 

Elleu,  ly.  4-,i 

Micluu'l,  19.  4i 

IJich.uil.  40 


Ueniy  IJ.  17,  19,  iC,  4-2  j 

Lizzie,  17.  19 
riana-an,  Elizabeth,  19 

Florence,  19 

John.  19 
Flannerv,  James,  2.-i 
Flftclier,  r.fUo,  17 

Jobu,  17 
Flohr,  Carl  M..  7,  33 

Ethel,  9 

Marv,  7,  9.  33 

Winzel,  7,  9.  33 
Florence,  A.,  33 

Annie,  .33 

Emma,  33 
Fcntlen,  Mary  E.,  2G 
Foster,  IlarrV,   10,  45  03'- 

Katchel,  10,  45 

Willie.  10 
Fowler,  Charles,  31 

Elizab.  th,  31 

Kate,  :U 

ThadiWus,  31 

ThacMfcus.  Jr.,  31 

Willi.uu  il.,  31 
Fox,  Anijie  il.,  3^ 

Charle>i,  40 

Charles  W.,  10 

Emma,  19 

Jacob,  7.  10,10.19,33.34.3^40 

ilarv,  7,  10, 10, 19,33,34,3?, 40 

Phfciie.  34 
Fraley,,  15 

Emma.  15, 

Marv.  1.". 
Fraser,  Ch.ules  T.,  19 

Mabel  E.,  V>    19 

Kobeit  A.,  15 

Thomau  A.,  15,  19.  05 
Frazier,  Li/zie  M,  24 
French,  Ailou-j.ih,  38 

Ann,  35 

Betsev,  33 

Carlos.  4j 

Cliarluttu.  42 

Charles,  35 

Geo.  \\'..  -20 

Harold  H.,  20 

Hiram,  33 

Jame.«.   10 

John  W.,  37 

Jo.sepbioo.  12 

Julia.  42 

Maria  A.,  31 

Olive,  39 

PoUv,  3-i 

Ka.vmond,  35,  39 

Sarah  !>..  20 

William.  10 
Froblich,  Ao-ust,  10,  3.8 

Marv.  10.  3-' 

Walter,  10,  33 

Gaffncv,  FrnnpcP,  25 
Galla;rFicr,  I».-li;i  M.,  24 

John, :;! 

John  W.,.U 


Gallaprhcr,  IIosc,  31 
Galliiaii,  Daniel,  45 

Katharine,  45 
Garritt,  Ileniamiu,  42 
Dwight  M.,  42 
Georire,  5 
Julia  A.,  5 
Lewis  E.,  5 
Gartland,  Mary  A.,  SS,  40 
Mattie,  3S 
Michael,  3'*.  40 
Garvin,  Elit-n,  24 
Gearv,  Katie.  10 
Lillio  Mav,  10 
William  D.,  10 
Gerard,  Khoda,  27 
Ge.'icbim^ki.  Aiiiru.sta.  2(3 
Gelliii,  Bridget,  10 
Francis  J..  16 
Joseph,  16 
Gibbnd,  E.sther,  46 

Merritt,  40 
Giblin,  Mary  A..  25 
Gilbert,  Auiia,  9 
Fred,  9 
Geor-e  E.,  9 
Gilyard,  UattJe  E.,  10,  20 
Lois,  33 
Itaymond  E.,  20 
Thoma.s,  F.,  10.  20,  23 
Wealth v.  A.,  45 
William"  F.,  33 
Ginnivan,  John.  ■2-i 
Giscbimaky.  Amelia,  29 
Gladwin.  Alamon,  40 
Bei  tha,  40 
William  H.,  40 
Glover,  Jaliette,  00 
Glvun,  John  T.,  26 
Good.  Mary,  IG 
William,  16 
Goodspeed,  Minnie,  20 
Go<lell,  Gertrude  E..  13 
ilartha.  13 
\V.  F.,  13 
Gordon.  D^vi^ht  B.,  13,  37 
Ella  C.  13,  37 
Ernest  D.,  37 
Wina  May,  13 
Gourlev,  James.  35 
Ma'.^b-.  14 
Mary,  10,  14,  35 
Samuel,  10.  14,35 
William,  10 
Gowlov.  Jaiaes,  37 
ilary,  37 
Samuel.  37 
AViUiam,  37 
Gradv.  Brid'jet,  35 
Eliza.  21) 
John.  20 
Michael.  35 
Thoma.s  R.,  35 
Grant,  Marietto  S..  29 
Greiiory,  Lizzie,  •,;") 
Grillin,  Coiijelia,  2-< 
Grillith,  Benjamin  G.,  7 
James,  10,  35 
Jano,  5 

John  A.,  7,  10,  31,  ^j 
John  F..  5 
Mary.  5.  ■>,  10,  31,  35 
Thomas  D.,  5 
William  K..  5 
Grimfcld.-r  (Giimtield  ) 
Anuie.  II'..  40 
tals.T,  16,  40 
Gristeusiii.  Anuie,  23 

Gronber,  Marian,  9 

Mai  tha.  9 

Thi'ip.  9 
Grzywacz.  Anna.  25 

Au?,ust,  16,  13.  20 

Au.^usta,  19.  00 

Eriie.-t  A.,  IS 

Henrietta.  2ii 

Herman,  IH,  00,  26 

Lena.  16.  Is 

OttoE..  H 

Otto  S..  16 

Guild,  Charles  H.,  '::3 

Edirar  11..  Is 

Mildred.  IS 

Sarah  J  ,  45 
Gnleper.  John,  47 
Gu.^tave.son, ,  39 

Hall,  Jessie,  42 
Ualligan,  Emma,  5 

Harvey  b,,  5 

Mabel  E.,  5 
Hamel  Amines.  31 

John.  31 

Josephine.  31 

Laura  M.,  31 

Louisa,  24 

Mary  L„  31 
Hamilton.  Hariiet  M.,  16 

Marion  11.,  16 

Robert  A.  16 
Haramiok  William  H.,  23 
Hammond,  Harricl,  42 

Heb-u.  45 
Hancheti.  Kittie  M..  37 
Haiiknet,  Gottleip.  37 
Uanlev,  Jerry.  45 

Johanna,  45 

Jobu.  14 

Tim,  14.  45 

Timothy  J.,  25 
Hanna,  Isabelle,  3.S 

Jane.  39 

Robert.  39 
Hanson.  Albert.  16 

H.  Peter,  IC 

Katharine,  16 
Happy,  Allied,  6 

Amelia.  19 

?2dwidi:e.  6 

Hedwedia,  H 

Joseph,  6.  14 

Mary  K.,  16 

Minnie,  16.  Ifi 

Nelson.  14 
Hard,  Ch.irks  F..  30 
.  Han  is,  ]ktsc>y,  42 

Freileiirk,  45 

Lewis.  16 

Marv  Ann.  29 

Michael.  45 

Miner,  42 

Morris.  2a 

Sarah.  16 

Susan.  45 

Thomas.  16 

Van  Buren.  42 
Hart,  Lucy  J..  20 

Mai;.'arct  34 
Harth'v.  Kosanna,  .38 
Hathaway,  Alfred  E.,  27 
Hanpt,  l>orathy,  6 

Rudolph.  6 
Haviland,  Mary  M.,  29 
llawkuM,  Grace   4) 

Helen  A.,  45 

Jane,  34 

Joel,  41 



Hawkins,  Joseph,  3-1 

Louise  E..  -ii 

Sninuol.  -Ij 
Hawlev.  Carolinp,  i2 

Fredpiiik,  -l-i 

Georgf,  23 

Isaliolla.  i-2 
Hayes,  Mary,  4'2 

William,  45,  Tillie,  26 
Heal,  y,  Alice  K.,  9,  31 

itavuioud,  9 

JJobert,  9.  31 

■\Viiliara  S..  27 
Il^^avens,  see  Ilevens. 
Hefferen,  Patiick,  40 
Hi  tlernao,  Joli.iiiiia.  24 
Heller.  Charles,  34 

Ellen,  34 
Heliuethe,  Minuie,  25 
ileudryx,  Harry,  30 
HenniDj:er,    Beruard,  7,  10,  16. 
23,  37 

Charles,  16 

Emma,  10,  37 

Frederick,  7 

Mary  7,  10,  16.  37 
Henry,  Gumav,  45 

Thomas.  45 

William  R.,    45 
Heven-s,  Annie.  12,  16,  40 

Frederick,  12,  16,  40 

George  W.,  12,  40 

Henry,  10 
Hickev,  Catherine  H.,  40 

John,  40 

Marv,  40 
Hicks,  Ida  A.,  14 

Joseph  G  .  14 
Hildebraud,  Henry,  40 

Wilhelmena.  27 
Hill.  Care  ine,  31 

George  H.,  6,  26,  31 

Lena  B.,  27 

Melissa.  6,  31 

Nellie,  31 
Hine,  Charity,  34 

John.  34 

Nellie,  24 

Samuel,  .34 
Hitchcock,  Henrietta  E.,  29 
liitzf^rad,  Anna,  26 
Iload,  Katharine,  45 
Hotfnian    F.  \V ..  27 
Ho^an.  Marv.  33 
Holhrook  Marv  A.,  29 

Olive  P.,  45 
Hol.len,  Addie  E,,  16 

Chailea  J.,  16 

Ealie  J.,  16 
Hollo wav,  Aildio  L.,  31 

John,  6,  31 

Marv  L.,  6,  31,42 

Kali.h,  6 
Holii.eM,  Ethan  J.,  24 

Fanny.  6,  32 

Rnby  A.,  6,  32 

Hnth.  6 

"William  K.,  6.  32 
Homan,  G.  W.,  33 

l;l,<.,id.  33 
Hopkin-,  Anna.  12,  16,  37 

llenjamin,  IJ,  16,  37 

Eliz'ahi  th  li.,  16 

Thoinart.  IJ 
Hoiiwood,  Havid,  6 

Sarah  C,  6 

Sarah  E.,  6 
Horan,  Thoraa.-»,  25 

HotchVij^s.  Alice  J.,  6,  32 

Althair.  34 

E.  H.,  6 

Eliza  H..  30 

Fiank.   l-J,  42 

Harlev  I).,  6,  45 

Harriet.  30,  45 

Lucv,  37  3l» 

Martha  C,  30 

}!os:\niia,  1^,  42 

"William,  37,  39 
HoDiihtaliiis,  Charles,  20,  26,4; 

Delia,  20,  45 

Ediih,  20,  45 

Elmira.  39 

Sarah  A..  2.8 
Howard,  Burr  A.,  23 

James.  45 

Marv  L..  45 
Howe.  Henrv  B.,  18 

Marv,  IS 
Howlaiid,  Charles,  29 
Hubbard,  Emma  I.,  6 

Oliver,  6 

Pansv,  6 

Selina.  43 
Hnbbell.  Emma  J.,  27 

Mary  E..  23 

Sidney,  23 
Hofrhes.  Baldwin,  14 

John,  12,  42 

Marv  li  42 

William  T.,  12 
Hull.  AUrtd,  33 

Birdella.  12,  16,  20,  30 

Edwin  M.,  16 

Franklin  J..  12 

Frederick,  36 

Grace  B  .  20 

John  B.,  7.  12,  20 

John  C.  33 

Sarah,  33.  45 
Hammel,  Agnes  M.,  14 

Barbara,  39 

P'laiik  J..  16 

Frederick,  16.  39,  40 

George  M..  45 

Geoige  T,,  45 

John,  14 

John  D..  16.  20 

Katie.  37 

LillieM..  20 

Louisa,  45 

Maggie  L.,  16 

Margnerite,  16,  39,40 

Marv,  20,  45 

Mar'v  E.,  16.  40 

M.-itthrw,  16.  20,  45 

Pernielia.  14 

So]ihia  M.,  24 

William  F.,  20,  37  45 
Hnmphiey,  JJaniel,  37 

Josephine.  37 
Hnngerlord,  Alice  ^it.,  12,  16 

Constance  A.,  16 

Jamis,  24,  43 

Kob^-it.  12,  16 
nnnt.  Fiancis  E.,  30 
Huid.  Floirnce  A.,  7 

Franklin  G.,  7,  9 

Jan-He  K.,  7.  9,  :J6 
Harll.uit.  Alice  E.,  16 

Edwai.I  N.,  20 

G...rL'.',  9,  H,  16,  20 

Josephini;.  9,  14,  16,  20 

Moiaii  L.,  20 

Oilila,  y 

Pwivniond,  14 

Susan  F.,  20 

Hnrlbnrt.  Thomas  E..  20 
Hutchiu.-^on,  Charles  A.,  23 

lies,  Edward  D.,  25 

Jared.  34 

John  E  .  34 

Sabra.  34 
Irweii.  Jane.  32 

Nellie  M..  32 

Robert,  32 

Jackson.  Amelia,  39 

Andrew.  39 

John,  25 

S.\lvia,  39 
Jacobs.  Emaliiie  E.,  45 

Harry,  45 
Jainseu.  August,  34 

Elaiueo.  34 

Frederick.  34 
James,  Ann,  39 

Asa,  9 

DeWitt  C.  9 

Elizabeth,  37 

Nellie,  9 

Thomas.  37 
Jarvis,  Ethel,  14 

Jennie  A.,  14,  45 

Joiseph  A.,  14,  25,  45 

Onista  A.,  45 
Jennin.'s.  Amelia.  16,  43 

Edward  E  ,  16 

Joseph.  16,  43 

Peter,  46 

Royal.  •2'i 
Jabott.  Florence  M.,  20 

Samuel.  20 

Sniah,  20 
Joh'is,  David,  1?,  20,  2-'.  45 

Elizabeth.  16,  lb 

Jennie,  20,  45 

Jo.seph,  20.45 

Thomas.  16 

William  F.,  16.  18 
Johnson,  Annie,  7,  33 

Cariie,  27 

Charles,  34 

Clariiida,  30 

Edwin,  32 

Grace  C.32 

Gideon,  37 

Horace,  7,  3:$ 

Lucy,  32 

Lalu,  2.S 

Parthenia,  34 

Sally,  37 

Shflton,  37 

Susan  39 

Wheeler,  30 
Jones,  AniUew  C.,  16 

Benjamin,  32 

Bet.sev,  32 

Edgar.  a8 

Edith  M.,  16 

Elizabeth,  16 

Glad  vs.  20 

Jane,  20 

Lillian  C,  26 

Thomas.  20,  27 
Joyce,  yaniiit!  .S.,  26 
Jndd,  Ain.lia  D.  12 

ilaicellus,  12 
Judson.  PlioeU-,  44 

Russell,  44 
Just,  Robirt  C,  25 
Kan.',  Mab.l  M.,  9 

Nettie  E.,  9 

vS.uah,  33 

Willis  A.,  9,  24,  33 



Karwick,  Carl  A.,  6.  30 

Charles.  6,  1-J,  i!.  37 

Louisa,  6,  1-2,  3-2.  37 
Kottnian,  Alviue,  IS 

ilary,  IS 
Kaveiiaush,  Peter  B.,  05 
Keeler,  Au^wst,  37 

Hannab,  37 

Minnie,  37 
Keihl,  Jacob,  27 
Keller,  Annie.  18 

August,  7.  12,  16.  18 

Autru.'^ta,  18 

Etta,  18 

Ferdinand,  18 

Frank,  16 

Frederick,  16 

Grace,  12 

Gustave  A.,  20,  45 

Henrietta,  16.  18 

Johanna,  7,  12   16,  18 

Malvina  E.,  20,  45 

Slary, 7 

Marv  E.,  20,  45 

M'ilfiani.   16,  18 
Kelleher,  Catherine,  6 

John,  6 

Mary,  6 
Kelly,  Mary,  25 
KelSfy.  Charles  T.,  24 
KeiLipf.  Annie,  26 

Catharine,  16 

Charles,  10,  12,  16,  13,  24 

Charles  J.,  12,  43 

Francis,  39 

Lena,  18,  43 

Sophia  M.,  10,  12,  16,  IS,  43 
,     . Kendall.  Joshua,  45 

Koriah,  45 

Rhoda,  45 
Kenney,  ilathe^v,  25 
Kenworth,  Charles,  26 
Kerby,  Mary,  33 

William,  39 
Kerley,  John,  29 
Kerwick,  Bee  Karwlck, 
Kiehl,  Philippeua,  26 
Killian.  William,  26 
Kiui:,  John,  34 

Mary  A.,  24 

Saiah  E.,  34 
Kiiapp.  Anna,  12 

Aunie,  16 

Caroline,  12 

Cora,  16 

Hiram.  16 

Horace,  12 

James,  12 

Kobert  H.,  12 
KnoiT,  Frederick,  12,25,  37 

Mary,  12,  37 
Koebele,  Eda.  27 
Kolh,  John,  16.  40 

Lena,  16,  40 
Kordntzky,  August,  18,  20 

Augustus,  43 

Frank  W.,  20 

Mary,  18,  20,  43 

Paul  U.,  1^,  43 
Kottnian,  Albortluo,  7,  34 

Alhine,  10 

John,  10 

Joseph,  7,  34 

Magdalen  a,  10 

Marv  E.,  10 

Stepheu  n.,10 
Kraliscueck,  Ada,  16 

Frank,  16 

Minnie  C,  12 

Kreraisier,  Alma  C,  16 

Gustave,  16 

Louise.  16 
Krause,  Herman,  27 
Knhles,  Alberl,  37 

Annie,  37 

Hattie  T.,  37 
Knshner,  Gottlieb,  24 

Ladd,  Ccli.1,39 

Elias,  39 

John,  18,  43 

Josephine,  23 

Lotta,  18,  4.3 

Theodore,  S.,  39 
Lake,  Grace,  41 

I.<aac  B.,  41 

Sanuicl.  41 
Lane,  Ch.irlcs  F.,  23 
Lanvon,  Alice  S.,  7,  10 

Frank,  7 

William,  7,  10 

Wra.  Tliomas,  7 
Lark,  Henry  J.,  25 
Larkins,  Georixe,  14 

Hattie  A.,  27 

Ida,  14 

Ina  M.,  14 
Lamer,  Jane,  37 
Larr\-,  Babv,  39 

E'mma,  14,  18,  39 

Frank  F.,  14,  l.<,  39 
Lathrop,  Simon,  30 
Lattin,  Charles  E.,  24 
Laughlin,  Fannie,  6 

John,  10,  32 

Kate,  6,  10 

Martin  6,  10 

Mar\-,  32 

see  O'Loughlin 
Lawlis,  Mary,  24 
Lavden,  Jcdm,  28 
Leach,  John  F.,  14 

Mary,  14 

Sarah,  14 
Leahv,  Dennis,  41 

Eliza,  43 

Ellen,  41 

Margaret,  43 

William,  41,  43 
Leavenworth,  Benjamin,  .34 

Ed;j-ar,  G.,  26 

Hannah,  34 

Howard  M.,26 

Mary  L.,  34 
Leman, 'Sarah  A.,  23 
Leniluy,  Carrie  B.,  6 

j:dwin  T.,  6,  14 

Emily  A.,  6,14 

Jessie,  14 
Leonard.  Alice,  28 
Lester,  Eliza  N.,  32 

George  E.,  32 

Harriet,  29 
Lewin,  Joseph,  7 
Lewis,  James  B.,  23 
Lines,  Benjamin,  30 

Charles  W.,  41 

Emma,  7 

Etui  M.,  7 

Joseph,  7 
Ix)ckwood,  Albert  A.,  16,  26 

Albert  C..  16 

Charles  H.,  41 

?;mma  A.,  16 

Henn-,  41 

Olive;  41 
Loomis,  Nora,  2.3 
Long,  Augu.-t,  28 

Losce,  Eliza  J.,  41 

Isaac,  43 

Sarah,  43 
Lounsburv,  ChaTlea  11.,  6, 18 

Etta  M.,  27 

Jennie,  6,  18 

John  W.,  18,  43 

Marj-,  30.  3.3 
Lnm,  Cvnis  H.,  42 

Harriot  B.,  42 

Sarah  U. 29 
Lumb,  Charles  AV.,  10 

Emma,  43 

John,  10 

Mary,  10 
Lyon,  Sarah,  34 
Lyons,  Alida,  18 

Bessie,  10 

Emma  M.,  IS 

George  A.,  39 

James,  6,  10 

John,  6,39 

Marv,  6 

Sara"h,  6,  39 

Susan,  6,  10 

Weslev,  18 
Lysaght,  John,  14,  41 

Kate.  14,28 

Martin,  14,  41 

Mary,  41 

Magin,  Solon  A.,  26 
Mahoney.  Annie,  18 

Daniel,  12,  16,  18 

Ellen,  12,  16,  18 

Edward,  20 

Maggie,   12 

Mary,  7,  20 

Thoraa-s,  12 

William,  7,  20 
Mailer,  Maria,  27 
Malouey,  Ellen,  6,  41 

John  M.,  6,  41 

Thomas,  6,  41 
Mann,  Elmer.  9,  34 

Ellen,  9,  34 

Viola,  9,  34 
Manson,  Ann,  45 

Julia  A.,  46 
Manweiler,  Barbara,  7,  12 

Ch.»rles,  7,  12.  34 

Chri.-tiana,  34 

Eddio,  10 

Eliza,  6,  10,  36 

Emma,  6. 

Ernest,  7 

Frederick  W.,  6,  34,  30 

Harry  E..  12 

Henry,  6,  10,  36 

Jacob,  6,  7,  14 

Kate,  6,  7,  14 
Marion,  Kate  B.  .  12,  37 

Xelson,  12,  37 

Kavraond  E.,  37 
Mai  shall,  H.irrist,  20 

Joseph,  20 

Kobert  H.,  20 
Matthews,  Julia  R.,  39 
Mathies.  Geoi<;e  E.,  27 
Maylmry.  Addie,  9 

Ann  E..  9 

CharleH,  9 
Mavnaid,  Agnes  F.,  23 

Edith  M.,  9 

Jt».So  B.,  9,  12,  23 

John  S.,  12 

ilary  E.,  9,  12 
Mc'';abp,  Mary,  25 
McCaun,  Caroline,  12,  36 

McCnnn,  Jatnps,  \%  36 
Itobiit  n.,  1-J 
Anna  G..  36 
McC'dithv,  Annie,  28 

Daniel  J.,  24 

Julia.  27 

Kati.',  2? 
McCaitv,  Nellie,  2S 
McDouaM,    Amanda,  10,  1-1,  -JC 

HuKliC,  10.  14,  46 

Kobert  II.,  14 

Walter  J..  10,  40 
McPonghnall,  Coineliaa,  33 
^LlcKliov,  Kuuice  P.,  37 
ilcGia-.v,  Mary,  30 

Sarah,  29 
SIcGeenan,  John,  7 

Maria,  7 
ilcGoever,  Maria,  23 
McKa\-,  Carrie  E.,  24 

Grace  O.,  16 

Isabella  O.,  16 

James,  16 
McKee,  Alexander  J.,  18 

ISarbara.  18 

Kobert.  IS 
McKinley,  Fannie,  23 
McKray,  Laura  J.,  30 
McLaujiblin,  Charles  J.,  20,  46 

Geurge  S.,  14 

Henry  A.,  20,  46 

John,  24 

^lary,  20.  46 

ilinnie,  14 

V'iUard  14 
Mc^lauus,  Andrew.  32 
McMoirow,  Ann.  39,  43 

Francis  J.,  39,  43 

Jennie,  43 
McKeruev.  Edwin,  16 

John,  10 

Marv,  10,  16.  20 

Michael,  10,  16,  20 

William,  20 
McKewin,  Catherine,  29 
Meekei-,  Charles  S.,  30 
Melcher,  Alniira,  40 

David,  45 

Mary.  46 
Merklc,  Lizzie  A..  25 
Morritt.  John  H..  29 
Mete  lite,  M.  Lsab.Ha.  23 
Middlcbruok,  Albert  J.,  27 

Sillick  B.,  27 
Miles,  Andrew  J.,  20 

Arabella  E.,  20 

Belle  S.,   14 

Cailos,  33 

Charles  S., 

Charles  W.,  C 

David  S.  6,  14,  33 

EniniaE.,  fi.  14 

Frank  15.,  20 

ilarold  A.,  10 

John  S.,   10 

John  T.,  14,  20 

Katharine  L.,  43 

riiilena,  0,  10,  20 

Walter,  20 
Miller,  Adolphna,  10 

Fifj<l(-rick,  10 

Georgo  \V., 

Henry,  25 

John  12 

Lfjuna,  16 

Liicy  L  ,  10 

Mary  Ann,  12 

Maiy  X.  12 
Molan,  Anna  L.,  20 


Molan.  Annie,  6,  9,  12,  10,  00,32 

Jolin  J.,  12 

Itla^sitN  6 

Mary,  32 

Thomas,  0,  9,  12,  16,  20,  32 

William.  9 
Moody,  Joseph  W.,  10,  19 

Mary  J.,  16,  Id 

Kosanna.  IS 

Sarah  E.,  16 
Moon,  Harriet,  43 

John.  43 
Moran.  Annie,  18 

James  ]$.,  l'^,  26 

Joseph  v.,  18 
Mor;:an,  Anna  J.,  14 

Jlobina,  14 

Samuel,  14 
Morris,  Alice,  28 

Amos  O.,  16 

Amos  \V.,  16.  25 

CUllurd  A.,  16 

George,  13 

Harrv,  IS 

Hat  tie.  18 

Ida  M.,  16 

Margaret.  46 


Sosan,  37 
Morse,  Lvdia,  29  Dell.i.  -.^6 
Hosier,  George  B.,  18,  2'' 

Mary,  IS 
Mul ready,  Andrew,  7 

Margaret,  7 

Patrick,  7 
Mulligan,  Thomas,  29 
Munger.  Anna,  40 

George,  32 

Jennie  A.,  32 

Julius,  46 

Mary,  32 

Ozias,  46 
Munson,  All>ert,  41 

Bniton,  7 

Chailotte,  41 

Cliffoid,  14,  41 

Emeliue.  7,  39 

Harris  B.,  9,  14,  31,  41 

Henry  L.,  7,  2ri 

I.sabella.  9,  14,  IS,  41 

Joseph,  34 

Lewis,  41 

Neil,  9 
Mardock.  Alice  M.,  14,  18,  .39 

Andrew,  12 

Christiana,  12 

John,  14 

Velona  E.,  18 

Nagle,  Ellen,  34 

Hannah  E.,  34 

John,  34,  37 
Jsaman,  I'aulena,  28 
Nason,  Eva,  7 

Simon,  7 
Xeckerson,  Albert,  44 

Almira,  44 
Kecftit,  John  H.,  30 
Nei.'-trom,  II attic  \V.,  39 
Nelrion,  Fred,  '■■•'J 

Mary  A.,  3!J 

Waltf-r,  .T.» 
Nicholas,  Catharine  J.,  43 

George,  4.'J 

Julia  K.,  43 

Jl.'iry,  .•« 

William  B.,  33 

Willie  E.,  33 

Xlchob.  Charles,  9,  14 

Cora  E.,  14 

Elizabeth,  9.  14 

Etta  Mav,  9 

Gcorjre,  0,  9 

Josephine,  0 

Julia,  6,  9 

Mary  E..  30 
Noble,  Amelia,  31 

F/ra,  31 
Nodalny,  ^Vinna.  23 
Novtliro]).  M.iy,  27 
Norton,  Franklin  H.,  30 

Olive,  28 
Nott,  James  Lee,  24 
Nowak,  Laurie,  2.} 
Noycs,  Nellie  M.,  24 

Oaklcv,  >L'iry  E.,29,  Olive  L.,  34 
O'Brien,  Edward,  12,46 

John,  7,  12,  40 

Mary,  7,  12,  46 

Nellie,  20 

William,  20,  27 

Wni.  J.,  40 
O'Callahan,  Dennis,  27 
O'Doniieil,  Catharine,  9,  12 

Kate,  0.  14,  18 

Lawrence,  9 

Margaret,  12 

Mary  A.,  18 

Thomas,  14 

William,  O.,  0,  9,  12,  14,  18 
O'Loughiin,  John,  30 

Kate,  36 

Martin,  36 

See  Laughlln 
Olmstead,  Catharine  A.,  32,  40 

Meli.-sa,  D.,  40 
O'Meara,  Clarence  V.,  9 

Eva.  7 

Fannie,  7,  10,  14,  20 

Florence,  14 

Frederick,  20 

George  E.,  7.  10, 14,  20,  23 

Ilarold  W.,  41 

Harry,  41 

Herbert  G.,  10 

Howar.1  M'.,  16 

William  H.,  9,  10 
O'Koil,  Harry,  20 

John,  27 

John  F.,  20 

Josephine,  20 
Osborn,  Ambrose,  39 

C.  J.,  C,  9,30 

Harrison,  C,  C,  9,  3C 

Marv  A.,  32 

Noah  A.,  39 

Ferry  I.,  9  36 

liollin  IL,6 
Owens.  Charles,  12 

Elizabeth,  14,  41 

DavM,  14 

Emma,  14 

Hugh,  23 

Jane,  27 

Mary  A.,  12,  10,  20,  40 

Mary  G.,  10,  20,  40 

Ifichanl,  12,  10,  20,41,40 

Thomas  J.,  14,  20 

William  A.,  14      • 

Pagoski,  Charles,  32 
Parker,  Jane,  25 
J'arkulat,  Bcrtlia.  iS 
Parmelee.  AmoH,  9 
Edua.  2« 



Parmolw*,  Idn.I  ,  9 

AVillirtni,  9 
Parsous.  Ih  len  W.  G.,  24 
HfUiy  S..  7 

Josephine  E.,  7 
L.  15.,  -23 

Lena  J..  7 
PatdieD.  Kliza  A.,  09 
Patchkowski.  Johanua,  24 
Patrie,  Adolpli,  16 

Aui;iistii.  Iri 
Patscop.>ki.  Herman,  3'J 

Mary  E..  39 

MiDiile  18.  39 

Kodolph.  1--^.  39 
Pock,  AitliurT..  20 

ChorlesJ.,  iii 

Clirtoid  C,  20 

Edward  E..  IG 

Ed  win  D.,  \G, 

Emily,  -11 

F.C.,  27 

Heury,  -11 

Julia,  33 

Mary,  I'J 

Mary  L.,  20 

^'ellie  M.,  -JO 

Olive  F..  20 

AValter  S.,  20.  26 
Penney,  Aines.  43 

Frank  E..  43 

Grace  L.,  43 
Perkins.  Tlmma.s,  C 
Penin.  Helen,  14 

John  l;..  14 

Mary,  14 
Perry,  Maiy  A..  27 
Penich.  Edwaid,  20 

Geitie,  20 

Soi>hia,  20 
Potei-schet-iki,  Brum  A.,  14 

Ella,  Iff 

Frank  H.,  10 

Fred.Mick,  9,10,  14.18,30,46 

Geo.  H.,  40 

Gottfried,  24 

Henry.  9 

Johainiab,  9,  10,  14,  l'?,3C,4C 

Otio,  3G 

Philoniena,  39 
Peterson.  iJernard,  IC 

Patriek,  10 

Sopliia,  IC 
Phipps,  Ann.  32 
Pickell,  John  U.,  39 
Pickliaidt,  Harry,  6 

Henry,  6 

Matilda,  6 
Poizer,  Elizal.etb.  24 
Pooduir,  Cliarle.-i,  2-1 
Pott.r.  D.  M.,  37 

Edward,  30 

Flor-nce.  2^3 
Powe,  Eewi.s  G.,  2C 
Powell.  Cliai  Ic8  H.,   2G 
Prime.  Eiiieretta,  17 

Eva,  17 

Joseph.  17 
Priudle.  Mai  y  J.,  29 
Pritchaid,  Jvlwaid,  24 

Jonatliaii,  34 

Lydia.  34 

Martin  M.,  32 
Puleipher.  Alniedia.  E.,  34 
PuUord.  HatlieG.,  C,  10,32 

l.fwis  (  li.,st.r.  10 

William  E..  G,  10 
"SVillie,  G.  32 
Purdy,  Sarah  A.,  23 

R,tl<triek,  Tlloma^J,  41 
li^uidall,  Edward  H.,  IJ,  JO 
Klizalioth,  12,  2(i 
Hiram  W.,  20,  37 
Kate  K.,  12 
Raiidell,  Fl.^renco  M.,  2S 
Kausi-lier,  ^Villialn,  2i) 
Uawwonh,  Minnie  G.,  24 
Koa-an,  tdwanl,  14 
John,  14 
Katharine,  7 

Maiia,  14 

Mary,  S 

Michael,  8 
Reanlon,  Ji,ihn,  14,  20 

Kate,  14,  20 

Patrick,  14 

Willie,  20 
Regan,  Annie,  20 

Cornelius,  27 

Con.,  20 

Grace  E.,  20,  V, 

James,  9,  14,  20 

John,  41 

Maria,  41 

Mary. 9,  14,  20 

Minnie,  27 
Reed,  Charles  T.,  8 
Rees,  Mary,  17 

Pri.-^cilla,  28 

Siiliia,  17 

William,  17 
Reigel,  Annie,  20 

Elizabeth,  12,  20 

Frank  J.,  12,  20 

Josephine,  12 
Reinian,  Fredtriik  C.,  12 

Katharine,  12 

Reniir,  Rufus,  -29 
ReyiioM*,  Charles  J.,  0,17,33,43 

Kchyard,  C,  33 

Ella  11.,  17,  43 

Ellen  A.,  G,  33 

John  F.,  27 

Man-  E.,  2G 

Minnie,  17,  20,  43 

Sarah,  23 
Rice,  Ahnou  E.,24 
Richards,  Frederick,  W.,  14 

Isabella,  M.,  14 

James,  14 
Riggs,  Ajuon,.36 

Catharine,  'X 

David,  30 

Jane,  29 
Rholes,  James  II.,  18 

Mlnine,  18 
Rie'^'el,  Frank,  J.,  25 
Rilev,  John,  2.S 
Kildienbiirg,  Ada  E.,  2G 
Rin;:,  Dennis,  Is 
Rilclie,  John  T.,  39 

Phebe,  39 
Roberts,  lietsey,  42 

Daniel,  42 

William  .S..  43 
Robbins,  Cap.dine  M.,  2".> 
Rogers,  Annie  20 

Cora  ISell,  H 

Frances,  14 

He.-ter  A.,  20 

Orrin,  14,  20 
Roc,  liertlia,  s 

David,  »,  12,  17,  .%3  41 
Jo-ephlrie.  .-,  12,  17,  3:5,  41 
Julia  M., :« 

Wm.  F.,  12 
Roe;.'er,  Anna  E..  0,  10,  12 

Hugo,0,  10,  12 
Marie  P.,  12 

Roc?crs,  Roi=.T  L.,  10 

William  H.,  G 
Ro>e,  Annie,  28 

Kllen   4(i 
Roselle,  -Samuel,  37 
Rouiher,  Uarliara,  10 

Karl  W.,  10 

Rowe,  Cath.ariue,  29 

Eliza  T.,  L'9 

Isaac  T.,  29 

John,  2S 
Rumet.seh,  Alfred,  U 

Anna,  8,  11,  14 

Henry,  8.  11,  14 
Rug^r.  Alvira,41 

Harvey,  41 

Micah,  41 
Ruggle-,  Francelia  A.,  24 
Rus.-ell,  Frank  H.,  :}3 

Sarah,  .'>> 

Sleidien,  33 
Ryan,  Alice,  20,  4G 

Briilget,  14,  17,39 

Catharine  .M.,  G,  12,  32,33, 37 

Eduanl,  12,37 

Ellen,  F.,  17 

Ellie  T.,  14 

Florence  L.,  18 

Haunah,  11 

James,  s 

John  M.,  14,  17,36 

Katie,  17 

Margaret,  6,  32 

Martha,  17 

Matthew,  14,20,39,40 

Martin,  2.">,  39 

Marv,  8,  a3 

Minnie  L..  23 

Su=an  S.,  25 

Thomas.  11,  18,  20,  24,  4G 

William,  G,  32,  3;),  37 

Wimiifred  M.,  11 

Salisbnry,  Amy  G.,  6 

Caroline  E.,  6.  9 

GeortJe  Wru.,  6,  9 

John  F , 9 
Saniunls,  Florence,  3G 

Gcorgianna,  36 

Jainew.  30 
Saud.i.s,  Ellen,  32 

William,  32 
Saufoid,  Cmus  M.,  30 
Sar-geut    Ellen,  39 
Sauer,  Charles,  18 

Louise  H.,  18 

Mary,  Is 
Schatler,  Carl,  9,  12 

Caroline,  41 

Cliarle.-J,  H 

Fiank.  12 

Jcihn.  41 

John  M..  12 

Julius,  y 

ilailba  A.,  18 

Mary.  1- 

Paiiiiiio.  12.  41 

Wollgaug,  12 
Schaper,  ^nua  '1'.,  28 
Sclie\liri^Ui,  Adaiu,  28 
Sclioiiilil,  Bertha,  8 

John,  S 

Mary  L.,  8 
Schnuilt!  Fiedeiick,  4G 

Katiiiia,  40 

Rudolph.  4G 
SchiindUiau->l<;r.  Minnie.  4C 

Willie.   Vi 
ScLueider,  Caroline,  C 



Schnc-ider.  Carrie,  05 
Faunie.  6 
Ilcury.  6 
Scliranner,  Bertha.  -24 
Scluiskey.  UaroliDe.  37 
Scotitld.'Eiunia  A.,  '26 

Josie  M..  CS 
Scott.  Henry  H.,  Q9 

William.  -20 
ScoviUe.  Ell  ward  A.,  id 
Scranton,  Aiuos  H..  43 
Emmons,  43 
Kate,  43 
Seelev,  Ida  M.,  05 
Seratzki,  Aunie,  43 
Augusta,  33 
Aujrustas,  !*.  .33 
.  Charles,  t^,  9.  14,  33.  43,  4G 
Minuie.  8,  9,  14,  33,  43 
Seserek.  Charles,  03 
Shultz,  Ansust.  00 
William  A.,  00 
Wiiiuie,  00 
Sharp,  Henrv,  1?,  06 
Pillipone',  IS 
Robert,  li 
Sharpe,  Ernest  C,  OS 
Shaw.  Annie.  3 
John  T.,  8 
William  E.,  8 
Shay.  Ellen.  40,  41,  46 
Ilenrv,  46 
John,  07,  40,  41,  46 
Marv,  41 
Kettie,  06 
Shea.  William  A..  05 
Sheehan,  Anna,  06 
Ellen,  3'J 
John,  39 
Joseph  L..  00 
Kate,  37 
Katie.  39 
Lizzie  i'..,  37 
>"ellie  00 
Patrick,  00,  03 
Thomas,  37 
Sheltou,  Isabel  M.,  07 
Sheriihiu,  Uiiili;.  t.  Is,  00 
Francis  F.,  20 
George,  li,  00 
Sarah,  IS 
Sherman,  Cliarlcs  C.  14,  39 
Frank  G..  17,  46 
George.  00.  46 
James  H,,  00 
John  G.,  17 
Katie  T.,  14.  39 
Marv,  17,  On.  46 
Kubie  H.,  39 
RiithHrfoid,  H.,  14 
ShieMs,  Ellt-n.  46 

.John,  46 
Short.  Polly  E.,  30 
Shrndtn,  Gi-or;;e  II.,  07 
Shultz,  Annit;.  17 

August,  14.  17.  0.^,  39 
alinnie.  11,  17.  39 
Silinj.-,ki.  Cliarl-s  W'.,  13,  17 
Henrietta,  13,  17 
Henry  W„  17 
Simpson,  NVllie  .M.,  24 

Anianila  L..  13 
Smilli,  Albert  v..  C 
Albert  W.,  21 
Alice,  21 
ALjiiu  M.,  9.  32 
P.essic  M..  ■■•.n 
Christopher,  39 
Edwaid  E  ,  43 

Smith,  Edwin  C,  32 
Edwin  E.,  14 
Eli^a.  39 
Emily  B.,  30 
Emma  E.,  25 
Everett,  06 
Frank,  8 
Frank  A.,  11 
George.  36 
George  A.,  30,  46 
Gtor;;e  W.,  39 
Gertrude  I.,  43 
Hatlie.  11. 
Hiracia,  30 
James  A.,  23 
John,  K.,  03 
Julia  il.,  36 
Laura  A..  14.  43 
Lavina.  3 
Lizzie  M.,  01 
Loni.«.a.  32 
Martha  L.,  6 
Martha  M..  24 
Marv  A.,  40 
Myra.  13 
Pariuelia.  46 
Rosanua  H.,  24 
Pvav  R.,  36 
Russell,  46 
Samuel  R.,  33,  40 
Sarah,  33 
Sophia  G.,  14 
Tiaver.  40.  46 
Walter,  9.  32 

William  C.  33 
William  E.,  09 
William  H.,  43 
William  L.,  18 
Wiufield  A.,  11 
Smythe,  Charlotte  E.,  8.  13 
Maria  E..  13 

Robert,  08 

Thomas  H.,  8,  13 

William  H.,  8 
Snedeker,  Alice  C.  21 

Caleb  L..  01.  28 

John  !>.,  21 
Sparks,  Noble  C,  28 
Speed,  Samuel.  28 
Spencer.  Charles,  43 

Eunice,  43 

Frederick  W„  32 

James,  43 

J,  W.,  05 

Lottie,  25 

Mary  A.,  40 
Sperrv.  Clarence,  6 

Elizabeth,  36 

Fiaiik  E.,  6,  9,  11 

George  C,  36 

Lvdia  A.,  6,  9.  11 

Marcus.  24 

Nellie  M.,  04 

Nellie  T.,  04 

Peter  G.,  36 

Sadie  E.  9 
Splan.  Jack.  40 
Sporihernier,  Ellen,  17 

Eva,  13 

John  17, 

Jc-iephine  L.,  17 

Lena,  13,  18 

IMiillip.  13.  18 
Steiburt,  Ida.  9,  34 

Julius,  9.  34 
Steinholtz.  Ehzabetb,  27 
Steele,  Andrew,  36 

Jane,  M 
Stephauobki.  Edith  E.,  21 

Stephanoski,  John  13,  01.  38,  43 
Lizzie,  13.  3^ 
Mrnnie,  13  01,  3S,  43 
WiULim,  18,  43 
Sterlins:,  BeDJamin,  46 
Charles  E.,  46 
Ellen,  8 
Harriet  F.,  46 
William.  8 
Stevens,  Emma,  25 
Stewart,  A^nes  R.,  8 
Bertha  E,,  13,  17 
Eliz.abeth,  8,  11 
Gabriel,  8.  11 
Robert,  A,,  11 
Robert  T..  13,  17,  04 
St.  John,  Nathan,  45 

Rachel,  45 
Stoddard,  Abiram,  38,  39 
Addio  B.,  Id 
Eunice,  38.  39 
George,  18  ,, 

Thomas,  33  ■«• 

Storm,  Frederick  K.,  27 
Storrs,  Ch.arles  W.,  41 
John.  41 
Sarah.  41 
Stott,  Hannah  J.,  24 
Stout,  Delia  E.,  03 
Stowe,  Ada  F.,  21 
Alfred,  01 
Lillian  M.,  21 
Strapp,  Ann,  41 
Catharine,  18 
Charles,  18 
John,  18 
Stnrgess,  William  S,,  6 
Sullivan,  Catharine,  32 
Ellen,  30,  34 
Johanna,  34 
John,  34 
Margaret.  35 
Thomas,  30,  34 
Sunderland,  Jo.seph.  35 
Surine,  Mary  E.,  03 
Sutton,  John,  3S,  41 
Pollv,  33,  31 
Sarah  M.,  38 
Sweeney.  Mary,  45 

William.  45 
Swift.  Alice.  01 

Charles  W.,  11,  21 
Ilaltio  A.,  11 
Henry,  01 
Jessie,  11 

Taylor,  C.  R.,  07 
'  Jennie  C,  -7 
Tcator,  Abrahaiu,  H 

Annie  K.,  H 

Beulo  M., 
Tel^^>nian,  Charles,  40 

Fenlin.iiiil,  40 

Henrietta,  4iJ 
Terrel,  Benuct,  09 
Terelin,  Celia,  8 

Leo  K.,  U 

Sarah  M.,  8.  11 

William,  3.  1) 
Thav.T,  Ali<e  A.,  33 

Charleg,  33 

Eihvin  B.,Ol 

Geor;ie  G..  01 

Gilbert  B.,   .ii 

Julia  A.,  OJ 


Thavor.  Lulu  T.,  26 
Thoiua>,  Alhcrt,  13 

Kli/abotli,  -24 

Ester,  13 

Kathariuo,  41 

>Iarv  S..  23 

Ni'llio,  40 

K05e  M..  13 
Thompson,  David,  15,  10,21,40 

Manha,  15,  19,  21,  40 

Marv,  19 
Thrall,  Alice  T.,  32 

C.  W.,  32 

Hiram  L.,  35 

Lewi?,  35 

Loraiue,  11 

Marv,  35 

Itofalind,  11 

AValtLT  I.,  11 
Titlev,  Editli,  31 

llenn.-,  13,  19 

Lottie,  13 

Ralph  II.,  19 
Tocher,  Ann,  8 

Florence  M.,  33 

James,  3r.,  43 

Jane,  E.,8, 33,  43 

John,  8,  33,  3G 

Mar>-,30,  43 
Tolles,  Benjamin  H.,  17 

Carrie,  E.,  27 

Edward  S.  17 

Mary  J.,  17 
Toralinson,  Charity,  35 

David,  45 

Edwin  A.,  3:1 

Elizabeth  S.,  29 

Isaac,  41 

Laura,  26,  39 


Xathan,  39 

Peter, :« 

Sally,  45 

Simon,  35 
Tra?k,  William  S..  2S 
Treat,  Henry  B.,  8 

Isaac,  2-i 

Llllie  E.,  8 

Rubv,  8 

William  E.,  3-3 
Trewhella,  Mabel,  32 
Trush.  Marv,  19 

Peter,  19 

Rosa,  19 
Tucker,  Annie  M.,  8 

Caroline  L.,  s*,  13 

Charles,  II.,  13 

Charles  M.,  8,  31 

Esther,  32 

Jennie  A.,  25 

Med  ad  32 

Sheldon  C.,3-2 
Turk,  Cornelius,  13,  40 

Kate,  13,  40 
Turney,  George,  M.,  21 

Lo'ui-a,  21' 
Tuthill,  William  H.,  29 

ITinberfield,  Ann,  3C 

Ebenezer,  30 
Upsoii.  Sarah,  35 

Vallet,  Abraham,  44  / 

Mt  lli.ssa.  44 
Vanilet;ialt,  Charlca  I.,  8 

Speny,  8 

Tillii;.  8 
Van  Dii.^en,  Charles,  9,  15,  35 

Eloreuce,  9,  35 


Van  Da.sen   Hattie  L.,  9,  15,35 

John.  25 

Lottie  R.,  15 
Veith,  Potronelbi,  43 
Vinton,  Cbauucev,  8.  9,  33,  35 

Maria,  .-',  9.  33,  35 
Virheck,  John  K,,  17 

Louisa,  13,  17 

Miles,  13.  17 

SCO  Birkbeck 
Volkmar.  Catliaiiue.  U,  36 

Justns,  II,  33,  30 

Rose  J  .  :« 

Willi,.,  X 

Wm.  P.,  11,  3G 

"Waite,  Gideon,  "W.,  43 

Jcseph,  43 

Lydia,  43 
"Wakelev.  Charles  W.,  8 

George,  8.  11.  30 

Harry,  11,  30 

Mattie,  8,  11,  30 
"Walsli,  Chri.stopber,  41 

Maggie,  25 
Walton,  Wm..  25 
Warner,  Charles  R.,  13 

Delia  C.  13,  19 

Elizabeth  S.,  40 

Fannie,  15 

Frederieck  K.,  25 

George,  15,  19 

Helen,  19 

John,  29 

Katio  A.,  15 

Nathan  J.,  25 

Nettie.  19 

Randall  E.,  1.3,  19,  23,  40 

Raymond,  15 

Wallace,  A.,  15 

WdliamM..  19 
Warren.  Ann  E..  19 

Franci.s  E.,  26 

Lucia  E.,  43 

Wiltred,  19 

Wm.  X.,  10 
Washburn,  Minerva  E.,  41 

Samantha.  32 

Sterlin;;,  31 
Watkins.  Marv,  23 
Way,  Pullv,  40 
Weaver,  Charles  A.,  11,  15,  21 

Fannie,   11,  15,  21 

Harry  U.,  3? 

Jeuaie,  11 

Lazarus  G.,9,  11,  38 

Lluyd  B.,  15 

ilarv,  9.  11,  38 

Ray,"  9 
Weber,  Fannie,  9,  35 

Henry,  9.  35 

Margaret,  9.  35 
Webster,  IJet.-»ev,  32 
Welch.  John  R."28 
Wells,  Daniel,  40 

Elizabeth,  21 

Erla  A.,  40 

Henry,  A.,  19,  40.  40 

Lvdia  M.,  19,  40,  40 

Mil  hael.  21 

William  J.,  21 
West,  A.,  32 

Fred  IL,  32 

William  P.,  32 
Weston.  Anson.  43 

Frederirk  W..  43 

Margaret.  43 
Wheeler,  Albert.  15 

CbarlcH  V.,  15 

^^^lecler,  Ch.irlea  W.,  29 

Ellen  P.,  44 

Harriet  M..  30 

Hattie  A.,  15 

Horace  G.,  28 
Whitcher,  Ebeu  F.,  13 

Grace  M,,  13 
"White,  A\igusl;».  30 

Charles  P.,  13 

Fannie,  13 

H.irry  41 

Mary,  41 

Marv  J.,  13 
Whituiker,  Ada,  21 

Mary,  15,  21 

Sadie.  15 

Samuel.  15.  21 
Whittemore,  William  II.,  24 
Widelogan.  Fredeiiek,  9 

.Mary,  9 
Wieden,  Annie  M.  C,  17 

Julius.  17 
Wieslog.l.  Annie  M.,  8 

Fredciick,  8 

Mary,  8 
Wieis,  Kate.  8 

Lena,  8 

Loui,  8 
Wilbur,  Mary  E.,  36 
Wdcox.  Geoige  P..  20 
Wdliams,  Anna  M.,  15 

P.orr.  9 

Burt.  35 

Chiistopher  S.,  15 

David,  21 

Elizabttb,  11.  15 

Ester  A..  15 

Hannah   M.,  30 

Lena,  21 

Louisa,  9,  35 

Marion.  15 

Mary,  25 

Mary  P.,  35 

Sarah  J.,  11 

Thomas,  11.  15 
Wilson.  Annie  J.,  9,  21 

James  R..  9 

Mary  Ann,  32 

Thomas,  9.  21 
Williamson,  Janette.  47 

Wdliam  L.,  41 
Wingblade,  John.  47 
Wink,  .Mary   2- 
Wiitemburg.  George  H.,  20 
Wirtli.  Charled,  47 

Clara,  47 

Mary  A.,  .30 

Minnie,  47 
Wirt^t,  Annie,  13 

Kate,  13,  21 

L.wis,  1.3,  21 

William.  21,  Eben,  39 

Grace,  3d 
Witsihoiak.  Henrietta,  17,  28 

Marv.  27 

Nellie  A.,  17 
Wohllarth,  CharleH.  17,  27 

Mary,  17,  27 
Wolf.  Herman,  15,  41 

Lena,  15,  41 

Max,  1.5,  41 
Wood,  Corey,  21 

Geo.  B.,  21 

IM.-n,  21 
Woodbridge.  Elraira.  47 
Woo<ling.  Robert.  29 
Woodr  Phillip   44 

Rebecca,  44 

Woods.  William,  44 
M'oost(>r.  Albert,  3\1 
Anuie  M..  iu,  Q7 
Bennott,  3J 
Charitv.  3Q 
Charles  A.,  47 
Clark,  -17 
Ella  J.,  28- 
Gracp,  47 
Harriot,  17  - 


Woostor.  Horace  B.,  32 

M.,  32 

XathaD,  3-2 

-Sholilon,  27 
Wrijrht,  0<.ar  L..  21 
Wyant,  Frank  H.,  19  ^ 

Florence  K.,  11    v- 

Goorije,  2',>  ^ 

Henry.  11  ^ 

John,"  44      ^ 


Wyant,  Jnlia,  19,  44 
Lerov  A.,  IJ 
Mary  E..  11 
Chailotte,  41 
Wilson.  41 

Tuctier.  Uenry,  19 
liu'zh.  19 
John,  19 
Marv,  10 
Rhoda,  17 





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