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The Biggest Thing In The Last Forty Years 

\yr C. DURANT, regarded in business as one 
* of the leading figures in the security market, 
predicted in 1 908 that General Motors would earn 
more money than the United States Steel Corpora- 
tion. That prediction, which in 1 908 sounded fan- 
tastic, has become part of financial history in 1927. 

Recently Mr. Durant volunteered another predic- 
tion. In an interview with B. C. Forbes that ap- 
peared in Forbes’ Magazine for February, he said: 

||' I HE thing that has the biggest possibilities of 
anything and everything I have come across in 
the last forty years is Vitaphone.” 

AX ORE THAN twenty-five years 
ago, H. G. Wells, in “When 
the Sleeper Wakes,’’ described an 
invention of the future. On a smooth 
white surface, a yard square, “The 
Sleeper” saw miniature human fig- 
ures moving about and heard them 
talk and sing. It was ‘ ‘ exactly like 
reality, viewed through an inverted 
opera glass and heard through a long 
tube. ’ ’ 

At that time, when both phono- 
graphs and motion pictures were 
doubtful experiments, Wells’s imag- 
ination performed the feat of pre- 
dicting them, not only perfected, but 
combined. Wells, however, set their 
time in the story as two hundred 
years afterward — A.D. 2099. He 
was 175 years out of the way. To- 
day, A.D. 1927, his prediction has 
come to pass. Vitaphone is the ful- 
fillment of it beyond Wells’s most 
extravagant dreams. 

The Future 

Following the introduction of Vitaphone 
at the Warner Theatre, the New York 
Times said editorially: 

“The future of this new con- 
trivance is boundless, for inhab- 
itants of small and remote places 
will have the opportunity of lis- 
tening to and seeing grand opera 
as it is given in New York and 
in musical centers of Europe. Be- 
sides, through the picturing of 
the vocalists and small groups of 
musicians or choirs or orchestras, 
the Vitaphone will give its pa- 
trons an excellent idea of the 
singer’s acting and an intelligent 
conception of the efforts of musi- 
cians and their instruments. 
Operatic favorites will be able to 
be seen as well as heard, and the 
genius of singers and musicians 
who have passed will still live.” 

Other dreamers became active as 
soon as motion pictures became 

Time and again the problem of 
having sound and motion in step 
seemed on the point of solution. The 
disappointments resulting were so 
many and so heart-breaking, how- 
ever, that men who were interested 
despaired of ever having their am- 
bitions realized. 

At length the term, “audible pic- 
tures, ’ ’ became anathema to the 
magnates of the film industry. 
Nearly every one of them at one 
time or another had plunged finan- 
cially into the problem of giving the 
screen the flexibility of oral sound, 
and the losses these pioneers had 
suffered brought painful memories. 

The Warner Brothers’ Part 

This was the condition of things 
when a hint floating about reached 
the ears of the Warner Brothers that 
the Bell Telephone Laboratories had 
made a number of discoveries tend- 
ing to the perfect synchronization 
of sound and motion. 

“What a wonderful thing this 
would be if it could be brought 
about!” exclaimed Harry M. War- 
ner to his brother Sam. 

“Well,” came the reply, “let us 
look into it. Maybe they are on 
the road to something worth while. ’ ’ 

What Sam Warner found was that 
certain basic principles in making 
pictures audible had been solved. 
While there were many problems yet 
to be ironed out, enough had been 
accomplished to cause Mr. Warner 
to become enthusiastic. This en- 
thusiasm spread to H. M. Warner and 
was shared by Albert and Jack L. 

The mere fact that they were fac- 
ing something, the failure of which 
would plunge them into financial 
ruin, didn’t feaze the Warners. 
Harry M. Warner remarked that this 
thing which was to be known as 
Vitaphone, living sound, must not 
fail. No one was to think of failure. 
That was all there was to it. 

With the resources of the Warners 
at work there began a series of ex- 

periments at the studio of the firm 
in Brooklyn. Then there came a 
period of depression and likewise 
periods of exultation. A time came 
when the engineers, carried away by 
a new lead and a new promise, for- 
got to eat and worked all night. 

Screen History 

Bit by bit things got clearer and 
hope became stronger, with the re- 
sult that the Warners plunged deep- 
er into the enterprise by taking over 
the huge and expensive Manhattan 
Opera House in New York for the 
continuation of the experiments and 
as a studio for the screening of ar- 
tists. In addition to this the War- 
ner Theatre was called into use for 
practical demonstrations. There in 
the wee sina’ hours of the morning 
the engineers would experiment and 
discuss such problems as how to 
keep the sound uniform and natural 
with the action in synchronization 
with the shifting of the picture 
reels going from one projection ma- 
chine to another. 

Vitaphone received its first public 
hearing on August 6, 1926, at the 
Warner Theatre in New York, in 
conjunction with the appearance of 
John Barrymore in “Don Juan.” 
Public and press united to acclaim 
the new miracle of science. 

“Marvelous! — Uncanny!” said 
the Times, and other newspapers 
heralded Vitaphone as starting a new 
era in the screen world, an era that 
would revolutionize entertainment. 


No lotiger count the lyric art 
A fading dream to haunt the 
heart — 

The singer and the song long 

Both in immortal youth live on. 

— Harry Lee. 


Revolutionizing the Motion Picture Industry 


H. M. Warner Makes a Prophecy 

{From Motion Pictures Today— February 12, 1927) 

I T IS Harry M. Warner speaking and here is his message to all of 
the motion picture business, a prediction, a prophecy: 

“One year from today, the present wise men of the 
motion picture industry won’t know the motion picture 
business — their own business. Make note of this and 
file it away for reference in February, 1928. 

“We are now working a year and a half ahead. In the t 
period I mention there will have been made and placed 
before the public ‘Noah’s Ark , The Jazz Singer and 
‘Black Ivory’, each made with one-third to one-half Vita- 

“Installations are going forward as fast as we can make 
them and all over the country theatres of varying sizes 
are making ready for the revolutionary development of 
the pictures so that in the time I mention the whole man- 
ufacture and exhibition of pictures will be vitalized into 
a living, speaking and playing institution for the provid- 
ing of newer and greater entertainment, the spreading 
of knowledge by the spoken word as well as by the 
shadowed action; and only the man of imagination can 
predict the limits of this new creation of the newest and 
finest of the human arts.” 


We give important consideration to this prediction because we 
see before us now a twelve hundred seat house on Broadway, the < 
Warner, grossing $20,000 a week with the Vitaphoned “Don Juan,” 
and across the street, the Colony, also a moderate capacity house, doing 
$20,000 a week with the Vitaphoned “Better ‘Ole,” and down the 
way farther, at the Selwyn, the newest one, “When a Man Loves,” 
the Vitaphoned Barrymore starring vehicle, riding into an astounding 

We know also of the Metropolitan in Baltimore with $2,800 
intake in its first day of a Vitaphone picture, a figure never even 
approached in the house’s history. 

We know the Strand in Brooklyn is now to be a Vitaphone- 
equipped theatre and— But why go on ? They are sweeping the country 
and competition proceeding in a leisurely and complacent way can 
scarcely hope to catch up even if they started right now full steam 

First public hearing, Warner 
Theatre, New York, August 6, 1926, 
as accompaniment to the Warner 
Bros, picture, “Don Juan,” starring 
John Barrymore. The picture was 
preceded by a Vitaphone program 
that included the N. Y. Philharmonic 
Orchestra, conducted by Henry Had- 
ley, playing the “Tannhauser” over- 
ture; Giovanni Martinelli, singing 
the “Vesti la giubba” from “I 
Pagliacci”; Marion Talley, singing 
the “Caro nome” from “Rigolet- 
to”; Anna Case in a one-act opera, 
“La Fiesta”; violin solos by Efram 
Zimbaliet and Miseha Elman, and a 
piano solo by Harold Bauer. 

As this book goes to press, eight 
months later, this production is still 
running at the Warner Theatre, and 
playing to the capacity of the play- 
house. Meanwhile, the production 
has duplicated its New York triumph 
in other cities. It played for foui- 
montlis at McVicker’s Theatre, 
Chicago; four months at Grauman’s 
Egyptian, Los Angeles; two months 
at the Colonial Theatre, Boston; two 
months at the Shubert-Lafayette 
Theatre, Detroit, and two months at 
the Capital Theatre, St. Louis. But 
even more interesting results were 
obtained in its runs in some smaller 
cities. It played five weeks at the 
Rialto Theatre, Newark, breaking all 
records for length of run and gross 
receipts for any attraction, musical 
or theatrical, in the state of New 
Jersey, and it played for five weeks 
at Bridgeport, Conn., an unheard of 
run for a city of that size. In this 
city of 150,000 inhabitants it was 
applauded by no less than 100,000 
people as proved by box-office re- 

T^IIE second Vitaphone production 
-* *• was made in conjunction with the 
Warner Bros. Picture, “The Better 
’Ole,” starring Syd Chaplin, at the 
Colony Theatre, New York. This 
production, with Vitaphone accom- 
paniment, brought to the screen such 
musical comedy celebrities as A1 Jol- 
son, Elsie Janis, George Jessel and 
Eugene and Willie Howard, as well 
as Reinald Werrenrath, the concert 
star, and Bruce Bairnsfather, author 
of “The Better ’Ole.” 

The third Vitaphone production 
was “When a Man Loves,” starring 
John Barrymore at the Selwyn 
Theatre, New York. The accompani- 
ment for this production was written 
by Henry Hadley, the eminent Am- 
erican composer and director. It 
demonstrated the promise of scores 
being written directly for Vitaphone 
that may achieve the greatness of 
the most important operatic writing. 
Among those on the Vitaphone pro- 
gram were Gigli, Talley, Hackett, 
Jeanne Gordon, Mary Lewis, De 
Luca and Van and Schenck. 

The phenomenal success of these 
three productions was followed in 
New York by the installation of 
Vitaphone at the Roxy Theatre, the 
biggest motion picture theatre in the 
world. The opening program in- 
cluded a tabloid version of “Car- 
men,” with Martinelli as Don Jose 
and Jeanne Gordon as Carmen. At 
present Vitaphone is being installed 
in theatres of varying sizes through- 
out the country at the rate of five 
a week. 

Facts about 

I As the phonograph records the 
♦voice and as motion pictures 
record figures in action, Vitaphone 
combines both records, solving the 
problem of making it appear that 
one is listening to the sound at its 
original source. 

2 By it, the art of all musicians 
♦ may be spread throughout the 
world and revived through all gener- 
ations, exactly as when one is in the 
presence of the artists themselves. 

3 It will not be confined to the en- 
♦ tertainment field. Sermons by 
great preachers and lectures by great 
teachers will be available for world 

4 Any picture which has been pro- 

• duced can be orchestrated, and 
the orchestration as perfectly syn- 
chronized for reproduction as if the 
films were taken and the music re- 
corded simultaneously. 

Sole rights to Vitaphone are 
♦ vested in The Vitaphone Cor- 
poration, New York. The officers 
are: Walter J. Rich, president; 

Samuel L. Warner, first vice-presi- 
dent; C. C. Rich, second vice-presi- 
dent; Albert Warner, treasurer. 

It’s in the air and in the ear. 
M. Warner’s definite prophecy. 

Watch for the fulfillment of Harry 






of filling practically any motion pic- 
ture auditorium. 

The third link is between the re- 
producer and the audience in a 
theatre. An adaptation of a trans- 
mitter system makes it possible to 
pick up electrical vibrations from 
the reproducer, amplify them, and, by 
means of properly-located loud trans- 
mitters, transform them into sound. 
The loudness is so regulated as to 
give the illusion that the source is 

the actors whose pictures appear on 
the screen. In the case of musical 
programs a specially constructed 
loud-speaking telephonic transmitter 
insures the correct values and natur- 

Ease of Operation 

To effect the combination of these 
three factors in a complete system 
required the development of a mech- 
anism for keeping the film and the 
sound-producing instrument in abso- 
lute synchronism, both during record- 

ing and during reproduction. It was 
necessary that the system be capable 
of easy operation in a theatre, with- 
out requiring special skill. To meet 
these reqiurements, both the film and 
the sound device are set in their 
respective machines with a given 
marker in the proper place. The 
two machines are then speeded up 
from rest, together, by the simple 
device of having them coupled to 
opposite ends of the same motor. 

The mechanism for taking the pic- 

tures with these markers on the orig- 
inal film and record could not be 
accomplished in so simple a manner, 
since the camera had to be left free 
to be moved on its tripod to change 
the angle of view. In this case two 
motors are used, one to drive the 
camera and one to drive the sound- 
recording machine. An ingenious 
electrical gearing device was devel- 
oped whereby the two machines can 
be started from rest and maintained 
in synchronism not only after they 
re up to speed, but during the period 
when they are speeding up. 

T he sound proof . booth which encloses the camera . 
Were it not made sound proof, extraneous noises 
•would also be reproduced. 

Recording apparatus showing the wax disc. The technician is shown examining 
the grooves in which sound vibrations are recorded. 

The System By Which Vitaphone Is Operated 

The most difficult part of the de- 
velopment of Vitaphone was the re- 
production of music or speech from 
the apparatus in such a manner that 
it would be as loud as music or speech 
from a real performance and at the 
same time a faithful copy in all re- 
spects. The special electrical device 
for converting the motion of the 
needle bearing on the record into 
electrical vibrations and the use of 
a modified transmitting system over- 
came these difficulties. 

T HE SYSTEM by which Vita- 
phone is operated represents suc- 
cessful combination and conversion 
to motion picture use of three major 
research developments. 

The first of these is the electrical 
system of recording. This method 
employs a high quality microphone of 
an improved type, electrical amplify- 
ing apparatus, and a record-cutting 
mechanism. Becording may be car- 
ried on at a considerable distance 
from the source of sound, so that 
the actors may be grouped naturally 
in any scene and need not be crowd- 
ed before a microphone. 

Electrical Vibrations 

The second essential feature is a 
remarkable electrical reproducer 
which converts the movements of a 
needle in the grooves of a sound 
record into electrical vibrations. 
The electrical currents from this de- 
vice pass into an amplifier and then 
operate a high-quality loud trans- 
mitter of an improved type capable 

The ^projection machine for Vitaphone. It is as 
easy to operate as the ordinary motion picture 

Electrical sound recording system, which is one of the significant developments 
making possible synchronization of motion pictures with music, vocal and 

The Inventors 

Vitaphone goes to the world 
without an individual being 
credited with the invention; it 
is a product of cooperative work 
conducted in modern industrial 
research laboratories. The prob- 
lem of synchronizing sound and 
scene was solved through the 
combined efforts of scientists 
employed by the Western Elec- 
tric Company and the Bell Tele- 
phone Laboratories. 


Vitaphone Stars-Metropolitan Opera and N. Y. Philharmonic 

mm m^L 



Famous as Manon 
and Mimi. — Sings 
“The Star Spangled 
Banner” with Vita- 
phone orchestra. 


American Soprano 
Southern songs in “I 
Down South” scene. 


Italian baritone. — “In Rig- 
oletto” quartette. 


American soprano — 
Gilda’s music in 
“Rigoletto” quartette. 



Italian dramatic tenor. 
Sings “Pagliacci” 
“Aida” arias. 



American tenor. — 
S i n g s “Rigoletto” 
arias — “Questa 
o quelle” and “ Don- 
na e mobile.” 


American Soprano 
Does ‘ ‘ Spanish 
Fiesta” an operetta 
with Metropolitan 
chorus and the Can- 
sinos, Spanish 



American baritone. — 
Sings “Mandalay,' 
“Long, Long Trail’ 
and “Heart of < 


Sings Carmen to Mar- 
tinelli’s Don Jose in 
tabloid version of 
Bizet’s opera. 


Philharmonic conductor and composer of 
Vitaphone score to “When a Man Loves.” 
— Below, the orchestra — 107 men. 



Italian tenor. — Sings 
three numbers from 

“Cavalleria Rusticana.” 


The greatest contralto of two 

generations. — Sings “Danny Boy,” 

“The Rosary,” “Stille Nacht.” 

Vitaphone Stars— Musical Comedy, Vaudeville and Concert 


Revue star. — Sings 
“ Madelon ” and other 
war songs , assisted by 
107th Regiment chorus. 


Star of “ The Jazz Sing- 
er” and “Private Izzy 
Murphy.” -Does comedy 
monologue, “At Peace 
With the World.” 



‘ 1 T h e Whispering 
Baritone.” — Sings 
“ Cecilia ,” That’s a 

Good Girl” and 
“Baby Face.” 



Impersonations of fa- 
mous operatic stars. 
“ F aust “Boris,” 


Radio entertainer. — Sings 
“Dreamy Melody,” “Be- 
cause I Love You,” “Oh, 
How I Miss You Tonight,” 
“1 Wonder What’s Become 
of Sally.” 


“Wizard of the Strings 
Popular solos on Hawaiian 
guitar and ukelele. 


Musical show stars . — 
comedy songs: “Me 

Too,” “Hard to Get 
Gertie.” “She Knows 
Her Onions” 


musical show comedians, 
in sketch, “Between the 
Acts of Grand Opera.” 





Plays Chopin’s Polonaise in 
A flat. 


Russian violinist. — Phenomenal 
success in England and America. 



Far-Reaching Significance In Human Affairs 

Creating A New Art 



Chairman of Board, Western Electric Company 


Vitaplione is not only an achievement of high 
scientific importance; it is an event of far-reach- 
ing significance in human affairs. It is natural 
to see and hear at the same time. 

We may and we do artificially adapt our men- 
tal processes to either effect alone, but the com- 
bination of the two is what the mind instinctively 

The Vitaphone does this and thereby creates 
a new art. Anyone may prophesy as to just what 
directions its uses and effects will take as the 
years go on. No one can doubt the great possi- 
bilities it contains for- preserving and dissemin- 
ating knowledge, understanding and culture. 

Resurrection By Science 



Professor of Electro-Mechanics, Columbia University 
President of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers 

Just imagine watch- 
ing Liszt today playing 
his piano as he played 
it many years ago and 
listening to the music 
which only his magic 
art could draw out of 
his obedient instru- 
ment. What a heavenly 
treat it would be today 
to look at Demosthenes 
of old and listen to his 
matchless oratory! I 
should give anything to 
MICHAEL I. PUPIN look at Lincoln today 
and at the same time 
listen to his Gettysburg speech. 

No closer approach to resurrection has ever 
been made by science. The educational value 
of this achievement is so obvious that comments 
are superfluous. 

Vitaphone and Scientific Education 



Bell Telephone Laboratories 

The Faraday of the future, the Pasteur and the 
Galileo may, by Vitaphone, make available to 
students in any place or at any subsequent time 
a demonstration of their scientific researches and 
synchronize therewith their own comments, dis- 
cussions . and even their personalties. 

The communication and demonstration of 
scientific material will be facilitated and- our 
entire educational process may undergo changes 
beyond the reach of our present imaginations. 

From the beginning of the attempts to accom- 
plish what Vitaphone now does with such pre- 
cision, the problem was not so much that of 
synchronization of sound and picture as it was 
the recording and reproduction of the sound por- 
tion of the combination in such volume and with 
such clarity as to make it appear that one was 
listening to the sound at its original source. 

We may well stop to realize that each achieve- 
ment like that of the present has been accom- 
plished through the painstaking labors of many 
scientific workers over long periods. These men 
have grasped nature’s secrets and their re- 
searches now permit us to make nature obedient 
to our will in the wonderful ways of the present 

A By-Product Discovery 

President Bell Telephone Laboratories 


What the telephone scientist learned in his 
search for the solution of specific problems in- 
volved in telephony found a by-product applica- 
tion in a field quite foreign to the main region 
of his interest. 

With the means at his disposal for the faith- 
ful detection, registration and reproduction of 
intricate sounds at any desired level of loudness, 
the door to the successful synchronized motion 
picture commenced to open. Then came the co- 
operation of mechanical technique with the ar- 
tistic technique. Vitaphone represents the con- 
summation of these efforts. . 

“Neither Art Nor Artist Will Ever Die 99 




Far, indeed, have we advanced from that few 
seconds of shadow of a serpentine dancer thirty 
years ago when the motion picture was born — 
to this public demonstration of the Vitaphone 
synchronizing the reproduction of sound with 
the reproduction of action. 

The future of motion pictures is as far-flung 
as all the tomorrows, rendering greater and still 
greater service as the chief amusement of the 
majority of all our people and the sole amuse- 
ment of millions and milions, exercising an im- 
measurable influence as a living, breathing thing 
on the ideas and ideals, the hopes and the ambi- 
tions of countless men, women and children. 

In the presentation of these pictures, music 
plays an invaluable part. The motion picture 
is a most potent factor in the development of 
a national appreciation of good music. That ser- 
vice will now be extended as the Vitaphone, 
shall carry symphony orchestras to the town 
halls of the hamlets. 

It has been said that the art of the vocalist 
and instrumentalist is ephemeral, that he cre- 
ates but for the moment. Now, neither the 
artist nor his art will ever wholly die. 


The Story Of The Four Warner Brothers 


In upper left hand corner, H. M. Warner, — to his right, Albert Warner. 
Below, Samuel L. Warner, and Jack L. Warner. 

Backing Faith With Cash 

T HE STORY of the Warner 
Brothers goes back to 1885 when 
Benjamin Warner left a little vil- 
lage in Poland close to the German 
line, and, going to Hamburg, sailed 
for Baltimore. He wanted to get 
away from Russian despotism and 
see that his children got a chance in 
life. They got it. There were four 
boys, Harry M., Albert, Samuel L. 
and Jack, and there were no lazy 
bones in their physical compositions. 
They turned their hands to selling 
papers — anything. 

After ten years they left Balti- 
more. Youngstown, Ohio, beckoned 
and a bicycle repair shop bearing the 
names of Harry and Albert Warner 
was opened. Young Sam, interested 
in the theatre, obtained a job in an 
amusement park in Sandusky. Mov- 
ing pictures were coming in at this 
time and at Sam’s suggestion a clas- 
sic film of its day, “The Great Train 
Robbery” was obtained and Sam and 
Albert toured the small towns of 
Ohio and Pennsylvania with it until 
a blizzard put them out of business. 

The Bicycle Age Passes 

Next they secured a house in New- 
castle, Pa., but before they could 
open it they found they needed $200 
or couldn’t go on. Harry thereupon 
sold his bicycle business and fur- 
nished the needed money. It didn’t 
take the brothers long to see that if 
they could make money with one 
film they could make a lot more by 
renting films to other exhibitors. 
And so it came about that they be- 
came exchange men and were on the 
road to prosperity when a combina- 
tion of producers swept them and 
their business into financial ob- 

The brothers were broke. It was 
clear that if they were to continue 
in motion pictures it must be as pro- 
ducers. But where was the money 
to come from that would establish 
them? Here is where Harry, tha 
elder brother, came to the front. 

Harry was never very communica- 
tive. He liked to think. His de- 
cisions were usually expressed with 
a thrift of words that would have 
done credit to a Scotchman promis- 
ing an employee a raise in wages. 

The eldest Warner just smiled at 
his brothers and remarked: “Don’t 
worry; we’ll get the money.” And 
he did. The studios in Hollywood 
came into being and to-day the name 
Warner Brothers is known through- 
out the whole world wherever motion 
pictures are presented. Further than 
this the Warners are destined to be 
known the world over as the men 
who helped to develop Yitaphone 
and make this marvelous instrument 
the greatest invention in connection 
with moving pictures since the birth 
of motion pictures themselves. 

It was Harry M. Warner who first 
saw the possibilities of Yitaphone 
and it is due to his courage that it 
is now revolutionizing the cinema 
industry throughout the country. A 
man may have faith in a thing and 
let it go at that. Backing his faith 
with money is something else. Harry 
M. Warner backed his faith with 

money, much money, and while 
things looked very dreary at times 
and the inventors seemed to be up 
against stone walls, he never lost 

Success has not made an atom of 
difference to the brothers. Harry 
is looked to as their oracle. They 
have absolute confidence in him. Re- 
cently when their father and mother 
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary 

of their wedding the “boys” took a 
day off and visited them in the old 
Ohio town. 

Something more about them. 
They maintain a joint bank account 
into which all four deposit and from 
which all four withdraw. Such are 
the four Warners and such is Harry 
M. the brother who guided them to 
their present exalted position in the 
cinema industry. 

The First Three Pictures Produced with Vitaphone Scores 

In “Don Juan” 

The picture that introduced Vitaphone to the 
world. Above, Barrymore, as the great amorist. 
To the left, a scene with Estelle Taylor, who plays 
Lucretia Borgia. To the right, the Bacchanale. 

In “The Better ’Ole” 

This second Vitaphone picture has already had 
a longer run in New York than any comedy 
picture ever produced. Chaplin plays Old Bill, 
the hero of Bruce Bairns} other’s war cartoons. 


In “When a Man Loves,” featuring 
Dolores Costello 

The Vitaphone score for this romance of France 
in the reign of Louis XV was composed by 
Henry Hadley, associate conductor of the New 
York Philharmonic Orchestra. 

Gordon-Baker Printing Corp. 
305 West 19th St., N. Y. C. 

Scanned from the collection of 

Ron Hutchinson 

Coordinated by the 
Media History Digital Library