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Instructions for Collecting & Preserv- 
ing Subjects of Natural History. 






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-_ Museum of Comparative Zoology - 
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Instructions and Directions where to find 
the finest Shells ; 


Best Methods of catching and preserving Insects, 
Ge. §e. &e. 

Author of Treatise on Shells, Lessons on Mineralogy, 
Travels in Brazil, &c. 


149, STRAND; 



Low water, and the beach strewed with most 
beautiful shells and coral, to tempt the traveller, 
and rouse his mind to contemplate the beauties 
of the deep, and the wonderful works of an Om- 
nipotent Being— 

Leaves é P< “* Who taught the little Nautilus to sail, 

‘€ Spread his thin oar, and scud before 

The bird rising from the water, with a shell 
in its beak, is emblematical of— 

Seek, and ye shall find.” 


SHOULD any person be desirous to send a 
box of shells, &c. to the author, he will pay 
the charges, and make an adequate return in 
whatever way the consignor may direct. It is 
proper to observe, that they must be packed in 
cases, and entered on the ship’s manifest, and 
marked as below, which will prevent any risk 
of seizure. 
J. MAWE, . 
King’s Warehouse, 


N. B.— When the ship is bound to any out-port, 
if the case be directed as above, it will be 

duly forwarded to the address. 


IN offering this little Work to the Public, more 
especially to Sailors and Travellers, it may not 
be improper to state, that the following pages 
are, generally, the result of my own observations, 
during fifteen years that I was at sea, and sub- 
sequently whilst [ was resident for six years in 

Spanish America, and the Brazils. 

HAVING sailed to most parts of the globe, I 
may say, from experience, that there is no 
station which affords such facilities for collect- 
ing shells, and other productions of Nature, as 



that of commander or officer of a ship, whe- 
ther he please to make it a source of amuse- 

ment, or profit. 

In this, as well as in every other division of 
natural history, the knowledge requisite to dis- 
cover the scarce and rare varieties, can only be 
acquired by practice. To particularize objects 
that may present themselves to the traveller, is 
not the aim of this work; but, for the benefit 
of science, and his own interest, it is desirable 
to excite him to collect all he may meet with, 
until he has skill to select the most interesting: 
and I can assure him he will be amply remune- 
rated for his labor. I say all, for however com- 
mon they may appear in the countries he visits, 

they may be scaxce in England. 

SEVERAL years ago, I published a small 
pamphlet, entitled ‘‘ Directions to Captains of 



Ships, Officers, and Travellers; particularly to 
those engaged in the South Sea Fishery,”’ &c. 
which went through two editions. Since that 
time, science has rapidly advanced, and it may 
be said, there are but few individuals who have 
not felt a desire to obtain something more than 
an ordinary knowledge of the productions of 
nature, whether mineral, animal, or vegetable. 
The attainment of this desirable object has been 
rendered extremely easy by recent publications, 
which embrace, separately, the various bran- 
ches of natural history; and there is no de- 
partment which has received more illustration 

than Conchology*. 

* The Author has just published the Systems both of Lin- 
naus and Lamarck ; as well as an Introduction to Conchology 
according to the Linnzan Arrangement, with colored plates 
and lists of the names of the various species under each genus, 
written expressly for Students, and containing particular in- 

structions for Collectors. 


~ WHENatsea, I havefrequently lowered down 
my boat to take in floating wood, (wreck), sea- 
weed, &c. which often contained many inter-. 
esting vermicules and small shells. The wood 
was generally pierced by the Teredo Navalis.— 
This animal first attaches itself in the state of 
animalcvle to the bottouisof ships, if not sheath- 
ed with copper, where it increases rapidly, and 
in a short time pierces the planks, growing 

larger, and forming its shell as it penetrates. 

WHALES, tortoises, &c. have frequently bar- 
nacles of a rare description adhering to them: 
indeed the Lepas attaches itself generally to 
substances of every description. 

Tue Author having observed that the bot- 
toms of ships soon became covered with bar- 
nacles in tropical climates, made the following 

experiment while lying at Magadore, on the 



coast of Africa:—He attached a piece of wood, 
as a buoy, to an anchor, and perceived that in 
a few days it was covered with a slimy sub- 
stance, which shortly after became green; and, 
in less than a fortnight, a nuniber of minute 
barnacles appeared, which daily increased in 
size, and in the course of six weeks exceeded 
an inch in length. Pieces of wood are fre- 
quently taken up at sea entirely covered with 
Lepades in groups, having tentaculaa foot long, 
and of a beautiful bright pink color, accompa- 
nied by muscles in great abundance. This 
seems to prove that the barnacle exists in the 

sea, in the state of animalcule. 

LIMPETS may be found in all parts of the 
world, adhering to rocks, wreck, &c. &c.— 
In many places the sea seldom ebbs without 
leaving shells of various species: among the 
most common that are exposed for sale in the 

markets of the countries the traveller may-vi- 


sit, the connoisseur might discover some rare 

or interesting varieties. 

On the sand, at low water, bubbles of froth 
may be frequently observed: these are indica- 
tions that some marine animal or shell is con- 
cealed underneath, which may generally be 

found by digging a few inches below the surface. 

I SHALL conclude my observations upon this 
subject, with strongly recommending the voy- — 
ager to employ fishermen to collect for him.— 
These men are well acquainted with the places 
where shells may be found, and, for a trivial 
remuneration, would reserve what they met 


It would also amply repay him, to hire an 
expert negro to go into the interior in quest of 
LAND-SHELLS; for, though they are less beau- 

tiful than those ofthe Sea, yet they are interest- 



ing from their great variety, and desirable from 
having been hitherto seldom attended to.— 
In Brazil, at the royal farm of Santa Cruz, 
where [ resided some months, holding a high 
official situation, I adopted what I here re- 
commend, and succeeded to the utmost of 

my wishes. 

IT is but justice to acknowledge the many 
favors I have received from gentlemen abroad, 
who have repeatedly sent to me interesting sub- 

jects, which enrich my collection. 

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On Cleaning and Packing Shells. 

SHELLS frequently receive considerable inju- 
ry, and sometimes are entirely spoiled, by the- 
attempts of unskilful persons to clean them *. 
It is therefore of essential consequence that the 

following observations be most strictly attend- 
ed to. 

% The sailors of whale ships often grinc down the fineepi- 

dermis of rare shells, on the voyage home, to make them look 
pretty. \ 


WHEN a live shell is found, it would soon 
become offensive, unless the animal were taken 
out. To perform this, nothing more is requi- 
site than to put the shell into a kettle of wa- 
ter, and let it heat gradually until it boils.— 
After a few minutes, the shell should be taken 
out, and put into a bucket of cold water; the 
animal will then shrink, and may generally 
be shaken from the shell; but if it should still 
adhere, it may be extracted with a crooked pin 
or hook, great care being taken not to injure 
the mouth, which is commonly the most ten- 

der: part *. 

* The animal is sometimes removed from the shell by bury- 
ing it in the earth, for two or three weeks : when this method 
is adopted, the shell should be carefully washed to destroy the 

offensive smell arising from the decomposition of the animal. 


OysTERs, muscles, clams, or limpets may 
be treated in the same way; or they may be 
opened with a knife, and the animal cut out; 
which must be done very gently, lest the shell 
should be chipped or broken: but the former 
method is preferable, since the shell opens spon- 
taneously, when in boiling water. The same 
care should be taken in separating limpets from 
the rocks, for the least chipping renders them 

little esteemed. 

THIs operation being performed, the shells 
should be immediately rinsed and stowed away, 
without any further attempts at cleaning or po- 
lishing. The epidermis forms a principal char- 
acter, and should on no account be removed; 
the perfection of a shell depends on its being in 

its natural state. 

MAny shells are so extremely beautiful, that 

few persons can resist the temptation of hand- 


ling them, by whom they are frequently drop- 
ped and chipped, and thus rendered of little va- 
lue: the spectator is also often desirous of pos- 
sessing them. The author has known many in- 
stances where the cream of a collection made 
during a long voyage has been carried away 
by those to whom it wasshown. The collector 
should therefore remove them out of sight as 

expeditiously as possible. 

WE shall now proceed to describe the best 
methods of packing shells.—Pour some saw- 
dust, or if that be not at hand, some sand from 
the beach, into a chest or beef barrel; into this 
may be deposited the large and strong shells, 
covering them with sand, or saw-dust; but the 
tender varieties should be packed singly in 
small boxes, and introduced. to fill up the in- 
terstices between the large shells. The Paper 
Nautili may be packed, with great care, one 

within another, in shallow boxes, which should 


be filled with bran, or any light packing, as 
moss, cotton, or paper shavings; as heavier 
substances would chip the edges of the shells, 
and diminish their value. The boxes into 
which these are packed, should never con- 
tain more than one layer. Small chip boxes 
may be used for particular varieties, but, as 
these are very slight, they should be afterwards 

packed within the larger ones. 

WueEw all are full, they ought to be stowed 
away in an empty barrel or chest, which 
should be finally closed or nailed down; pro- 
perly marked, and entered in the Ship’s mani- 
fest, as SHELLS—to prevent seizure. -The 
-Custom House expenses are so trivial, and the 
process so easy, that the Author will have plea- 
sure in assisting any one who may be unac- 

quainted with the routine, 


Localities of Shells, &c. 

SHELL-FISH are generally esteemed for food, 
and a great variety are to be found in the mar- 
kets of almost every sea-port, both abroad and at 
home: at Billingsgate, Portsmouth, Plymouth, 
&c. we have our periwinkles or whelks, mus- 
cles, cockles, scallops, gapers, and oysters; the 
same species are also exposed for sale in the 
markets abroad, but they differ from those 
which are found on the English coasts. The 

pectens, scallops, cockles, &c. from France and 


Spain generally vary in some degree from our’s, 

which renders it desirable to possess them. 

THE common shells (except the oyster) 
which are found in the Guadalquiver, at Cadiz, 
and up the Mediterranean, at Cette, Marseilles, 
and more particularly at Naples, (where there is 
a great variety of coral), are desirable; and even 
those which resemble the species in the English 
seas, for, on close examination, they are found 
to differ materially. We are little acquainted 
with the shells from the south coasts of the 
Mediterranean, Malta, Sicily, or the Archi- 

WHEN at Magadore, I found fine limpets, and 
an interesting variety of barnacles; also mus- 
cles, and various land helices, which I persuad- 

ed the Moors to bring from the interior. 

MANY varieties of shells, some of which are 


large and in great request, have been brought 
from.the Gambia, and Senegal*. The rare 
reverse Achatina is found in this country, but 

its precise locality is not ascertained. _ 

Or the shells from the Cape de Verde Islands, 
as well as from.the cluster of the Canaries, . 
we know but little: the sea-shells are common 
to both, and also to Madeira; from the latter 
we have lately received some rare land and. 
fresh-water shells. Others of equal rarity, no 
doubt, will be found there, and also at Cape 

At Goree, and all along the African coast, 
varieties of shells occur, which are beaten to 

fragments by the surf.. At low water, after 

* Snail shells. The animals constitute an article of food, and 
are much, used in soup in the various ports of the Mediterra- 
nean, where I have often seen them, boiled in their shells, 

and served up with rice, 


a gale, the beach is strewed with numberless 
odd valves, and broken specimens of rare vari- 
eties; and, strange as it may appear, I have 
seen a box full of valves, from this coast, out 

of which a true pair could not be formed. 

THE negroes who trade to Sierra Leon, have 
been induced to bring land shells from the in- 
terior; but, as they often apply fire to the shell, 
in order to drive the animal out, they are there- 

by much injured, and often entirely spoiled. 

From Cape Palmas, the Gold coast, and Bight 
of Benin, and from the rocks and islands in the 
vicinity, more particularly Annabona and St. 
Thomas’s, and the coast of Loango, many rare 
shells have arrived. We know but little of 
the shells found in the Congo or the interior, 
but it is probable that many species unknown 
to us are produced there. We have seen 



many fine specimens from the Portuguese set- 
tlement at Benguela; one of the rarest shells 
known, and several very scarce varieties, 
have been brought from thence. This coast 
also produces large quantities of the Sea-fan 
(Gorgonia), and interesting sea-weeds (Alge), 

all of which are desirable. 

FARTHER south, from Saldanna Bay to the 
Cape, the shells are similar, and in great va- 
riety, but are generally broken on the surf- 
beaten shore. The coasts on each side of the 

Cape abound with interesting shells. 

HAVING taken a cursory view of the Euro- 
pean and African coasts, I now purpose to de- 
scribe what the Collector may meet with in 

North America: and although it appears that 


cold climates in general are unpropitious to the 
production of richly-colored shells, yet he will 
discover among them some interesting varie- 


On the coast of Labrador a beautiful sub- 
stance called Labrador Spar, is found in abun- 
dance; for the bright iridescence of its colors 
it stands preeminent in the mineral kingdom. 
From a missionary settlement of the Moravians 
at Okkak, a great number of singular, black 
anomias have been lately received; they in- 
habit a salt lagoon near the coast. The varieties 
of the same shell, from Greenland, are similar 

and larger. 

THENCE, along the coast of America, the 
only species that has been found worthy of no- 
tice, is the Ostrea Arborea, or Tree Oyster. 

In the Chesapeak, at Norfolk, Hampton, 


and up James River, these oysters have been 
found grouped on the arms of trees and shrubs 
that spread out their branches horizontally from 
the banks, and are washed by the flood tide, 
and dry on the ebb. 

THE Bahama Islands and adjacent reefs pro- 
duce many interesting shells, as the Ostrea 
Margaritifera, (Pearl Oyster); Paper Nauti- 
lus; some fine Chitons, there called Sand Tur- 
tles; and Corals of great beauty. The Conch 
that contains the highly valued pink pearl, is 
to be found there; petrified stumps of the Palm- 
tree, some of which are very fine; many va- 
rieties of Madrepore, Sponge-coral, Gorgonia, 
and a curious little animal called Hypocam- 
pus; birds of great variety, insects, anda mul- 
titude of other interesting subjects, are brought 
from thence. The romantic caves, and mag- 

nificent coral reefs that adorn the island of 


Bermuda, have awakened the raptures of the 

Come with me, and we will go, 

Where the rocks of coral grow. 

THE coasts of Georgia, and North and South 
Carolina, produce many species, particularly of 
the Olives, (Voluta Oliva), of great beauty.— 
From the group of the Bahamas, and the rocks 
by which they are surrounded, many shells 
have been gathered, which are similar to those 
found on the coast of Cuba. From the inte- 
rior of this island, many rare shells of consi- 
derable value have been lately brought to Bour- 

deau by a French vessel. 

OF the testaceous productions of the island 
of New Orleans, the Mississippi, and the whole 
of thatrange, we have obtained but little infor- 


AT Panama, both fine and common shells 
are in great abundance. Some rare specimens 
have found their way from Vera Cruz, which 
probably came from the Pacific. And we have 
lately received a few rare fresh-water shells 
from the Ohio, which the American naturalists 

are sharply looking after. 

From the West Indies, shells have been 
brought in such abundance, and of so little in- 
terest, that a strong prejudice exists against 
them: but, from a source so productive, it is 
highly probable that some rare shells will be 
discovered, when gentlemen of science in these 
islands shall think conchological researches 
worthy of their attention. The collections re- 
ceived from thence are made by the natives, 
and calculated to please mere novices only.— 
On the coast of Jamaica, the keys, and pali- 

sades, Conchs (Strombus Grandis), Helmets, or 


Queen Conchs, are extremely abundant, as well 
as at Montego-bay, Savanna, &c. At Martha 
Brae, and other parts of the island, may be 

found very fine corals. 

TueE islands of Tortola, Porto Rico, Guada- 
loupe, and Martinique, produce very fine Tro- 
chi, bivalves of great beauty, Chitons, and a 
considerable variety of common shells; and 
many interesting specimens have been found 

in the Savannahs and Lagoons. sp / ay 

From Grenada, Trinidad, the mouth of the 
Oronoko, and the adjacent coast, some rare 
shells, as the Venus Dione, &c. have been 
brought; and it may be expected, that, at some 
future day, many new and beautiful varieties 

will arrive from thence. 

A FRIEND of mine, commander of a ship, 

who went to Demerara, employed, at my re- 


quest, an expert negro to go into the interior, 
to collect land and fresh-water shells. The 
man was absent about a week, and collected a 
box full of Helices, commonly termed Snail- 
shells, and muscles: these were packed with 
refuse cotton, and the whole expense did not 
exceed six dollars. I cannot too strongly re- 
commend the hiring of fishermen or clever ne- 
groes, (who should be liberally remunerated), 
to collect as well as to pack; and thus free 

their employers from any trouble. 

THE land shells and muscles which may be 
found over the whole of the vast territories of 
Essequibo, Surinam, and Cayenne, are very 
desirable. I would amply repay any one for 
what he might bring from the interior of those 
countries: the rivers, lakes, &c. are extreme- 

ly productive. 

Or the shells from the Amazons, the great 


island Joannes, and from the district of PARA, 
we know little or nothing, except that there 
are found in the interior many fine helices, 
muscles, &c.—Shells, therefore, however com- 

mon in those places, would be objects of at- 

‘tention here. 

THE land and fresh-water shells from Per- 
nambuco, Bahia, and Rio Janeiro, are quite 
as interesting, if not more so, than those which 
are found on the coast. I have lately received» 
through the kindness of Dr. Gardner, several 
new varieties from the interior, of great inter- 

est and value. 

To the southward of Rio*, near the isle of 

* At the Royal Farm, Santa Cruz, about forty miles from 

Rio, where I held an official situation, (first administrator), I 



St. Sebastian, the Paper Nautilus, the famed 
Cedo Nulli, and other fine shells are frequently 


A Few years ago, after a gale of wind, 
a spring tide ebb left a reef of Nautili and other 
shells along the coast of Bayrah, mutilated by 
the surf. A Government ship was there at 
the same time, loading with timber: on her 
return to Chatham, I received intelligence from 
an officer on board, that he had collected a 
quantity of them. I sent a person down, who 
purchased of the steward, cook, &c. to the 

amount of twenty-five pounds. A similar cir- 

directed some expert negroes to pick up what snail shells and 
curious animals they might meet with: these they left at my 
house as they passed; and, by allowing them a small compensa- 
tion, I obtained many fine shells, insects, birds, reptiles, and 
small animals. - 


cumstance occurred under my own observation, 
at the mouth of the Guadalquiver, near Cadiz; 
where, after a gale of wind, and at ebb tide, a 
reef of bivalves was left, several feet high, and 
above a mile in length, from whence [I select- 
ed many fine varieties. Indeed, almost every 

gale of wind throws up some interesting shells. 

From the interior, near Santa Cruz, from Isle 
Grande, Sebastian, Porcos, and that Archipe- 
lago, also along the coast to Bertiojo and San- 
tos, I collected many curious shells; but, 
strange to tell, I have found it difficult to per- 
suade any one to send me another supply, al- 
though they may so easily be obtained. No, 
they think them common, and because they 
really are so there, they do not bring or send 
them. We know nothing of the shells pro- 
duced along this coast, more than that they are 

in request for the table. The low land about 


the harbour of Saint Francisco, must produce 

many varieties. 

WHEN at the isle of St. Catherine, and the 
bays near it, I employed the fishermen, and 
obtained from them many valuable varieties of 
limpets, barnacles, &c. star-fish, coral, and 
sea-weed; also muscles and land-shells from 
the lagoons, to which I gave the preference, 

as some of them were unknown species. 

From the Rio Grande, though so large a la- 

goon, we have not received a single species. 

IN searching for shells in the river Plata, I 
was altogether unsuccessful, notwithstanding a 
gale of wind, called a Pampero, had left the 
river dry in many places, from two to three 
miles in extent; nor were the fishermen, 

whose attention I engaged, more fortunate.— 


I have been told, however, that fine volutes are 

met with there. 

Many fossil shells may be found under a 
black vegetable soil, resting on granite, near 
Monte Video, a little beyond the gate, going 
to the well, to which I was conducted by a 
most worthy clergyman, the Rev. D. Damaso 
Larranaga. This excellent priest has paid con- 
siderable attention to natural history; and to 
his kindness I was greatly indebted, during my 

residence at Monte Video. 

I COLLECTED some good shells in the inte- 
rior, and at Barriga-negra, near the river Se- 
bollitee, where I was detained many months, 

on my parole *. 

* See the Author’s Travels through the gold and diamond 
district of Brazil. 


THE rocks which form the Falkland Islands, 
produce very fine limpets. Many good shells 
have been brought from Magellan Straits, and 
some fine muscles and rare Buccina from 
Staten Land. The remote islands of South 
Georgia produce fine limpets of a beautiful 
bronze-like lustre, and thick strong Buccini, 

which are highly desirable. 

AFTER doubling Cape Horn, notwithstand- 
ing the great intercourse which has existed of 
late years, between this country and Chili, it 
is surprising that we should know compara- 
tively nothing of the testaceous productions of 
that great extent of coast, or of the numerous 
fine rivers and islands belonging to that terri- 
tory. From Peru, however, many beautiful 
and rare varieties of shells have been brought, 
more especially from the shores of Callao, and 
farther north. Hence, until we reach the bay 

of Panama, we are equally unacquainted with 



the shells that may be produced on the coasts 

and rivers. 

IN the clusyer of islands in the bay of Pana- 
ma, there is a fishery for pearls, which are 
large and well formed, but of bad color. Ma- 
ny fine murices, and other rare shells have 

been found there. 

THE Gallipagos islands are rich in shells ;— 
it is astonishing that more varieties have not 
been brought from thence. I have received, 
through the favor of some of the captains and 
officers of whale ships, some choice speci- 


FARTHER north we meet with no shells, until 
we arrive at Ceres Island, off the coast of Ca- 
lifornia. From this island the finest ear-shells, 

(Haliotis Splendens), have been brought: for 

those which fell into the Author’s hands, in 
less than a year, he paid above 100/: they 
were generally brought to him by sailors be- 
longing to ships that went there for seal skins. 
It may be remarked, that the lepas of these 
seas, as well as many of the other shells, differ 
from the same species in the Atlantic, particu- 

larly the limpets, muscles, and clams. 

ST1Lu farther north, with the exception of 
some rare trochi and muscles from Nutka 
Sound, no shells of any interest have reached 

this country. 

IN crossing the Pacific, the Sandwich islands 
are frequently visited; the shells from whence 
are in great request. This cluster ifliirround- 
ed by large coral rocks, amongst which is a 
fishery for the Beche de Mar, (Sea Grub), 
for the Chinese market. A ship lately from 


thence, has brought some beautiful pectens 

and other bivalves. 

To the south of the line, are the rich groups 
of the Marquesas and Society Islands, all of 
which produce rare and most beautiful shells. 
From Magdalena a fine lot once fell into my 
hands, which were collected by a celebrated 
circumnavigator. Commanders and officers of 
whale ships, &c. are requested to pay particular 
attention to the shells, and whatever is thrown 

up or strewed along the beach of these islands. 

From Otaheite we have received many 
rare shells, the limpets and chitons from thence 
are much in request; as well as the land shells, 
which, possibly, may prove to be new spe- 

From New Zealand, particularly Dusky 


Bay, rare trochi, hammer oysters, and beautiful 
cones have been brought; and in the other bays 
of these islands, rare volutes and valuable shells 
are found, which visitors have until lately ne- 


THE coast of New Holland, and the adja- 
cent islands, and particularly the straits of the 
‘southern part, produce many valuable shells. 
Van Dieman’s Land offers a vast field to the 
naturalist, particularly to the conchologist, 
zoologist, and entymologist, who would be 
amply remunerated for whatever they might 
collect; and I may here state, that, for seve- 

ral years, I paid* more than Two Hundred 

% One of the finest collections of shells ever brought to this 

country, was formed by Col. Robson, Lieut. Governor of St- 


Pounds per annum, chiefly for shells, to gen- 
tlemen who amused themselves, and profited 
largely, by collecting. The finest lot of the 
Turbo Phasianus, that was ever brought to 
this country, was gathered by two boys inWest- 
ern Port.—A whale-ship off the coast sent a 
beat on shore to search for fresh provisions, as 
birds and animals: while the crew were shoot- 
ing, the boat grounded amongst large stones 
and weeds; and, during the time before she 
floated, the boys left in charge of her employed 
themselves in gathering the shells entangled in 

the weeds and about the stones, from whence 

Helena, who was a connoisseur. He obtained them from Dutch, 
Danish, and Portuguese ships, particularly South SeaWhalers.— 
The commanders of these ships, wanting refreshments, found it 
their interest to present him with any shells he might please to 
select. Hence that gentleman formed a superior collection 

which I purchased after he retired from the service. 

they took many limpets and large chitons.— 
On their return home they brought them to 
me, and, though I gave them the price they 
demanded, I thought it not only right, but po- 
litic, also to make them a handsome present, in 
order to stimulate them to keep a sharp look 
out for shells, on another voyage. Here, Iam 
sorry to state, that officers seldom trouble 
themselves with collecting. Itis to be lament- 
ed, that the beautiful productions of nature are 
not more noticed: the boys, or inferior officers, 
are generally the only persons who save what 

they may pick up, and thus add a few pounds 
to their wages. 

THE numerous islands in these seas abound 
with fine shells; but from New Caledonia, the 
New Hebrides, and the Carolinas, none have 
yet been received. And strange as it may 

appear, the author of the Narrative on the Pel- 


lew Islands has not described, or even noticed, 
the shells that are found there. An at- 
tempt was made, some years ago, to establish 
a pearl fishery on the coast of one of the Fe- 
gees, from whence some rare shells have been 
brought. The finest Volutes ever seen in this 

country, were collected on Bligh’s Island *. 

FARTHER north, are the Ladrone Islands, 
a highly interesting group: the rare Cypree 
are from thence. At Guam, a friend obtained 

for me the most beantiful Cyprea Aurora that 

% Named after Admiral Bligh. His lady possessed one of 
the finest collections of shells in Europe. The admiral having 
so often circumnavigated the globe, and being afterwards Go- 
vernor of New South Wales, she was enabled to enrich her 
collection with the most rare and valuable species from all 
parts of the world. This superior and extensive collection pass- 

ed into my hands for a valuable consideration. 

has yet.appeared: other rare and interesting 

varieties are also found there. 

THE vast archipelago of the Philippine Is- 
lands is a rich field for the Collector: here the 
Chinese carry on a trade for the pearl shell, 
which is left on the coast atlow water. From 
hence we have received the Imperial Volute, 
Junonia, and many other varieties, of great 
rarity and beauty. From some Spanish and 
Portuguese traders I have been favored with 
many rare specimens. Of the land shells of 
these islands we know nothing, but have great 

reason to suppose, that the Helix Labarynthi- 

ca is from hence. 

’ Tue shells from the Chinese seas and rivers 
are generally interesting: they have an opa- 
lescent hue, and are in great demand for inlay- 

ing wood and Japanned work. The Japan 


Islands, Formosa, and the entrance of Can- 
‘ ton river, produce rare shells. The scarce 
varieties of the Nautilus are from the coast of 
Japan. The productions of these seas may be 
bought at the small shops in Canton, and are 
often vended by itinerant dealers. Ifany of the 
commanders or officers of our ships would em- 
ploy an intelligent fisherman to collect land 
and fresh-water shells, he might, for a few dol- 
lars, depend upon obtaining very many inter- 
esting shells, for which he would be amply re- 
munerated upon his return. The very com- 
monest productions of the Chinese seas have 
been neglected, (probably from their gene- 
ral occurrence or uninviting appearance), al- 
though desirable in this country; while, on the 
other hand, carved Nautili, and large green 
shells, which have been polished, to display their 
pearly lustre, have been bought with avidity, 
but have failed: to repay the collector, or grati- 

fy the connoisseur, 

GoLpD and Diamonds, which are found in 
the soil of the rivers, have been brought from 
Borneo; but we are ignorant of what shells 
may be produced on the coast of that large 

island, or in the interior. 

FROM the extensive group of the Celebes 
and Sooloo Islands, very fine shells have 
been received: these were collected by officers 
of ships of war, or circumnavigators. One 
of the rarest shells known, was brought up 
adhering to the mud on the anchor of an 
Indiaman, when getting under weigh, in the 
straits of Macassar. As ships are often ob- 
liged to come to an anchor, and are sometimes 
detained for a length of time amongst these 
islands, the Malay fishermen, were they pro- 
perly encouraged, would bring on board many 
interesting and valuable shells. The elegant 
and scarce perfume Ambergris is met-with in 

these seas. 


From the islands between the north coast 
of New Holland and New Guinea, especially 
Timorlaut, Aroo, and the Banda Islands, ma- 
ny valuable shells have been brought: the rare 

Murex Aruanus is from these seas. 

To the westward, the cluster of islands at 
the east end of Java is finely situated for 
shells. At Timor, is a reef of beautiful red 
coral.—A captain of a whaler, while at this 
island, received from a fisherman, whom he 
had employed, numberless Echinites, Volutes, 
Cones, and Cardia; some rare Barnacles and 
Limpets; and Chitons of an extraordinary 


WE may judge, by the few collections of 
shells that have been brought from Batavia, 

that the island of Java must produce many 

fine varieties, although they have hitherto been 


On the coast of Sumatra, is found the rare 
Strombus Fusus, and many other valuable 
shells. A Serpula Gigantea, (a tubular shell 
about an inch in diameter), was dug out of the 
bank of a river after an earthquake. For the 
possession of this rare species, I am obliged to 
Mr. Griffiths, a gentleman high in the service 
of the Hon. East India Company. Sumatra 
is also rich in gold, which is found in the allu- 
vium. The neighbouring Isle of Banca is cele- 
brated for its tin, which is likewise found in 
the alluvium. In some parts of the island, the 
strata of this metal are only a few inches be- 

low the surface, and of considerable thickness. 

PuLO-PENANG, and the other islands in 

these seas, produce many fine shells; and from 


Malacca, several specimens of considerable va- 
lue have been received. Now that Sincapore 
has been ceded to us, we may expect that ma- 
ny new shells, and various other subjects of 
natural history, yet unknown to us, will ar- 
rive in this country from the Burmese em- 


To the northward of Sumatra, are the Ni- 
cobar islands, which give name to the fine 
Cone, (Conus Nicobaricus): the Moravians 
had a settlement there, by whom some valu- 
able shells were sent to Europe, which ulti- 
«nately fell into my hands. Inthe Andamans 
a British factory was once established; the 
beauty of the shells attracted the attention 
Pi the settlers, who sent home some fine speci- 
mens. During the war, these islands were 
abandoned, and the shells from thence are con- 

sequently become rare and much in request; 


the limpets and chitons were fine and of large 


PROCEEDING northward, along the whole 
extent of coast, which forms the Bay of Ben- 
gal, it is surprising that only one shell, a little 
black Nerite, which is said ta be found in the 
Hoogly, a branch of the Ganges, should have 
arrived in Great Britain from that country.— 
And it is still more astonishing, that we have 
received, from the interior of India, so few 
land or fresh-water shells, when we consider 
the extent of our possessions in that peninsula, 
and the number of intelligent officers belong- 
ing to our numerous military establishments. 
The French are much richer in the produc- 
tions of India: indeed, their officers and mer- 
chants have at all times paid particular atten- 
tion to the various departments of natural his- 



Maopras presents such a surf-beaten coast, 
that no perfect specimens can be expected to 
be found there. The Dutch, when in posses- 
sion of Tranquebar, sent from thence many 
fine shells, which now enrich the cabinets of 
Europe. The Helix from Seringapatam, is a 

most beautiful specimen. 

WE now come to the justly famed island of 
Ceylon*, well known to Conchologists for the 
fine and rare Volutes, Cones, Trochi, Venuses, 
Mactras, &c. found on its coasts; also for the 

land and fresh-water species from the interior. 

* Soon after the capture of Ceylon, a gentleman in the Ciyil 
service purchased for me the Dutch Governor’s Collection, 
which was many years in forming, and intended for the Mu- 
seum at Harlem. This grand collection contained the finest 

specimens peculiar to the island and neighbouring seas_ 

There is here a grand pearl fishery, where the 
divers employed frequently bring up other 
shells, which are always in greater perfection 
than those found on the beach. On one side 
of a peculiar bank, adjoining the coast, is a 
fishery for the Voluta Pyrum, (Shank-shell), 
which, if we may credit report, is never found 
on the other side. This fishery is in the hands 
of Government; and, as the shel!, when cut 
transversely, is formed into armlets and vari- 
ous other ornaments, which are worn in every 
part of India, a considerable revenue is derived 
from it. The common shell; also, which are 
found on the coast of this island, are desir- 
able; the limpets, cockles, oysters, chitons, 
and barnacles, are much admired, and in great 


On the Malabar coast, at Cochin and Tilli- 

cherry, I gathered some rare Fuci, and a few 


small shells, but of little importance. At 
Old-woman’s Island, near Bombay, I found 
some rare shells; among which was a very 

fine, though small, Bulla Volva. 

HENCE, until we approach the PersianGulph, 
I am not aware that any shells, worth notice, 
are to be found. From the sands and shores 
of the adjacent coast, many extremely fine va- 
rieties have been gathered, which bear the dis- 
tinguished names of the Persian Crown, Volu- 

ta Gambronica, &c. 

THE Red Sea, and its islands, produce ma- 
ny fine shells. Lord Valentia, (now Earl 
Mountnorris), during his travels in those parts, 
discovered some new varieties. I take this 
opportunity of acknowledging his Lordship’s 
generosity, in presenting me with his dupli- 

cates. Science is also indebted to his Lord- 


ship for the discovery of some rare exotic plants, 

minerals, &c. 

THE extensive island of Madagascar is high- 
ly deserving of attention: its coasts abound 
with shells, particularly Buccina, Cypree, 
Strombi, Murices, and Chitons; and it is pro- 
bable that its rivers produce Muscles, some of 
which might prove to be new species; but of 
these, as well as of the land shells, we have at 
present no information. It also produces Gold, 
highly diaphanous rock crystal, with various 
other minerals; and insects and birds of extra- 
ordinary beauty. It is much to be regretted, 
that an island so interesting to the Concholo- 
gist, Mineralogist, and Entymologist, should 
have remained so long unexplored by us. The 
French have derived many fine specimens from 
thence, in these three departments of natural 

history, which were collected during the time 


it was in their possession—this ought to stimu- 

late us in our researches. 

WE know nothing of the shells that occur 
on the eastern coast of Africa, until we arrive 
at Zanzibar and Mozambique. The fresh- 
water and land shells cannot fail of being ex- 
tremely interesting. It is to be hoped that 
we shall receive many new species from the 
ships now surveying the coast. The harbour 
and bay of Mozambique, are extremely rich 
in shells, generally the common varieties of 
the Cyprza Tigris, and Bull’s Mouth (Bucci-~ 
num Rufum). The exterior of the latter has a 
stratified appearance when cut, and resembles 
an onyx. Most beautiful figures are carved 
upon it, which closely imitate the finest an- 
tique gems, and are known under the name 
of Shell Cameos: this species of engraving is 
carried to great perfection in Rome. The com- 



mon or right Whales, which are caught in 
these seas, have their jaws frequently covered 
with curious barnacles. Numerous chitons and 
limpets are found adhering to the rocks on va- 
rious parts of the coast. The exports of Mo- 
zambique are at present almost exclusively 
confined to ivory, gum, gold-dust, ostrich fea- 
thers, and wax; but it may be expected that 
shells and minerals will form a part, when 
some of our enterprising countrymen in this 
settlement shall devote a few hours, by way of 
recreation, to the collecting subjects of natural 


THE group ofislands called Sychelles, produce 
an imemense quantity of shells of different spe- 

cies, but none very rare or valuable. 

- Tus Comora Islands, particularly Johanna, 

abound with common cowries, of which I have 


seen large heaps collected on the beach, and 
small vessels loading with a peculiar species of 
them, which pass for currency in Africa, and 

some parts of India. 

TuE Isles of Bourbon and France are high- 
ly and deservedly celebrated for shells—and 
it may be remarked, that whatever is produ- 
eed there, is the most beautiful of its species. 
The famous Manteau of St. Jaques is fished 
up from the numerous coral reefs on some 
parts of the coast. The regret we have so 
often had occasion to express, does not apply 
to the officers and men garrisoned in these 
islands. They, on the contrary, employ much 
of their leisure time in fishing for Harps and 
Olives, which they effect by means of a baited 
hook, and a line upwards of a thousand yards 
long. Of course, the shells that are brought 

up from so great a depth, not having been ex- 


posed to the turbulence of the waves, are in a 
very high state of perfection. The reader will 
be surprised to learn, that I have paid several 
thousand pounds for collections of shells, which 
I have received through the hands of officers 
ef distinguished rank in Ceylon and the Isle 
of France. 

THE ship which took out the first settlers to 
Algoa-bay, on her return home, brought me 
many interesting land and fresh-water shells, 
which the commander was kind enough to col- 
lect. On the coast about the Cape, as well as 
on the rocks and islands in the bays, some good 
varieties have been found, particularly limpets, 
and large zebra-striped land shells, which are 

tender, and require great care in packing. 

- ] HAVE now taken the navigator through 

most of the seas, and have briefly enumerated 


the places where he is most likely to discover 
fine and rare shells. I shall now conclude this 
part of my subject in his own language, advis- 

ing him to keep a good look out. 

THE Science of Conchology was scarcely 
known in this country thirty years ago. For- 
merly the Dutch and the French, masters of 
those seas where the finest shells abound, form- 
ed the only collections of importance; from 
which the immortal Linnzus derived the ma- 
terials for his excellent system. To the intro- 
duction of this elegant branch of natural history 
into Great Britain, we are principally indebted 
to the late Duchess of Poréland, who became 
its patroness: many of the rarest shells extant 
have adorned her Grace’s cabinet. Since that 

period our fair country-women, whose solicita- 


tions no one can withstand, have been the 
means of stimulating our enterprising voya- 
gers. to collect the beauties of the deep; and 
we may now boast of possessing the finest ca- 

binets in Europe. 



AS this substance is a marine production, I 
have thought proper to introduce some account 

of it here. 

TuIs delicious perfume is, without doubt, 
the produce of the Sperm-whale*, and pro- 
bably is the result of a disease in the digestive. 
organs. Captain Poole, the commander of a 
whale-ship, in pushing a lance through the 
blubber, and near the passage of the abdomen, 

felt it strike against something hard, and on 

* The fibres of the skin from the head of this whale are of 
great tenacity, excellent ropes may therefore be manufactured 
of them, especially for situations exposed to much friction: it is 
said that they are stronger than catgut, and make better strings 

for violins. 


drawing it out, the edge was much blunt- 
ed. Having cut into the intestine canal, he 
perceived that the lance had struck against two 
large pieces of Ambergris. There is every rea- 
' son to suppose, that this substance sometimes 
stops up the passage of the abdomen, and ul- 

timately occasions the death of the animal. 

Many other instances have been recorded 
of Ambergris having been found in the Sperm-. 
whale, and also on the coast, after a diseased. 

fish has been seen near the shore. 


On Insects. 

THIS branch of natural history has received 
considerable attention; but to obtain even a 
slight knowledge of the subject, much time 
and great labour are required. The collecting 
and preserving of insects, is also attended with 
no small trouble; and what is still worse, it 
seldom repays those who collect with a view 

to profit. 

WE shall proceed to describe the imple- 
ments that are used, and the methods that are 
adopted in catching insects at rest or on the 
wing; but, first, let me advise the Collector 
to handle them as little as possible, lest he 



should disturb or destroy the delicate down, 
to which many of them owe their greatest 
beauty. Before he proceeds on his search, he 
will do well to provide himself with a stock of 
pins, with which he is to pierce the insects he 
may catch, and a small box lined with cork, 
or soft wood. With a pair of gauze forceps he 
may catch insects when at rest; butifthey are 
on the wing, and within reach, he must use a 
hand-net, which may be made of any light sub- 
stance, as a piece of gauze about a yard and 
a half square, fastened to two pliable sticks 
or canes, whereby it may be made to open or 
eollapse at pleasure. If they are beyond his 
reach, he must use a casting net, which I have 
tried with considerable success. It may be 
made thus: tie a weight, (a halfpenny, for in- 
stance), in one of the corners of a piece of 
gauze, (about the size of a common handker- 
chief), a sixpence in the second corner, and a 

bit of very light wood in the third: the ine- 


quality in the weight and bulk of these sub- 
stances will occasion the gauze to open when 
thrown from the hand: a thin piece of twine, 
a yard or two long, may be tied to the remain- 
ing corner, by which the net may be drawn 
in at pleasure. . The art of spreading it to its 
full extent may be acquired with very little 


HAVING caught the insects, the next thing 
is to preserve them. Moths, butterflies, Jo- 
custs, and others of this class, may be killed 
by nipping them across the thorax. Wasps, 
bees, hornets, &c. when secured, may be 
treated in the same way, guarding the hand 
with a Handkerchief; or they may be squeez- 
ed with a pair of forceps: but if the Collector 
be not careful in performing this operation, he 
will in all probability have cause to regret his 
want of caution. Or they may be killed by 

putting them into a glass immersed half way in 


boiling water, and covering the top close; or 
by placing them on a plate under an inverted 
tumbler, and setting it before the fire for a mi- 
nute or two. I have known gentlemen to put 
colleopterous insects, as beetles, wasps, &c. in- 
to a common pocket bottle hall fal of spirits, 
with which they have travelled some days, and 

brought them home quite perfect. 

THE intestines of butterflies, and large in- 
sects, should be extracted; which may be 
done by cutting a slit with a fine-pointed 
pair of scissars, at the extremity of the bo- 
dy, and gently pressing them out; a small 
roll of cotton or paper, dipped in the pre- 
servative soap, should then be introduced to 

keep the body in its natural form. 

Insects have been frequently rendered less 
interesting, by packing them in cotton, which 

is perhaps one of the worst substances that 

can be used for this purpose, as the very deli- 
cate claws, feelers, &c. of some species, are 
certain to become entangled init. The best 
method is to stick the pins (on which they are 
fixed) very fast into the bottom, sides, and 
top of the box I have already described.— 
When the box is full, and the insects quite 
dry, a small portion of camphor should be 
placed securely in the corners; and the open- 
ings should be closed with pitched canvass, 
otherwise the ants, so numerous and over- 
powering in hot countries, would enter and 

devour the contents. 

THE finest insects are brought from the tro- 
pical climates. Brazil, India, Java, China, &c. 

produce beautiful species. 

THE insects from new countries, and those 

islands and remote parts which are seldom vi- 

sited, cannot fail of exciting interest, either by 

their beauty or rarity. 

THE following is the Recipe for making the. 
Preservative Soap.—As both it and the Pow- 
der are deadly poisons, I have thought proper, 
by adopting the technical pliraseology, to con- 
ceal (in some degree) the ingredients from 

those who might apply them to improper pur- 

Arsenici OXy aia". oi. wise ont’ Se 
Saponis o LNNEY 9 ale te cheliots: Saat 3j 
Potasse Carbonatis. ..... 5 Yj 
Aquee Saturate........ 3) 
Camphorsg is; .0s 7 sitteias x 3 ij 

The Preservative Powder. 

Arsenici Oxydi pulvis. 


On Birds. 

MANY species of Birds, of surpassing beauty, 
have been brought by travellers from foreign 
countries, and have been domesticated here ; 
and the skins of others, (whose tender nature 
unfits them for our colder climate), have been 
brought home and preserved. Thus, toa great 
extent, we possess the fine varieties of the fea- 

thered creation belonging to tropical climates. 

THE process to be observed in taking the 
skin from birds, is not at all difficult; but it 
would greatly facilitate the acquiring dexterity 
in the art, to see the operation once or twice 

performed by a skilful practitioner. 


BEFORE the operator proceeds to remove 
the skin, he should place the plumage as 
smooth as possible, and carefully clean it 
from any spot of blood or dirt that may appear 
upon it: a little piece of soft linen rag, or pa- 
per, should he placed in the mouth, which 
should then be sewed or tied up, to prevent 
any blood issuing from it. The bird should 
now be laid on its back, and an incision made 
with a knife along the breast bone, (where 
the feathers divide), as far as the vent, taking 
great care not to cut the flesh: an ivory pa- 
per knife, or the fingers, may then be intro- 
duced, to separate the skin from the breast; 
and some absorbent, as chalk or flour, should 
be applied occasionally to the inside of the skin, 
to prevent its adhering to the body. The thighs 
being gently forced up, the flesh should be cut 
off, leaving the bone quite clean. Theskin may 
now be easily separated from the body down 

to the rump, which must be cut off; then draw 


it over the back, as far as the wings, which 
cut off close to the body; thea pushing the 
joint from the outside inwards, the skin will 
easily separate from the flesh, which must be 
scraped off the bones. It may then be pulled 
over the neck and part of the head, as far as 
the eyes; and the head mustbe pressed inwards, 
and separated from the neck. In the back of 
the skull a hole should be made with a pen- 
knife, of sufficient size to admit an instrument 
resembling an ear-picker, but rather larger, 
with which the brains, eyes, tongue, and the 
fieshy membranes may be extracted, taking 
care not to disturb the bones of the head.— 
The skin must be very carefully examined, 
(particularly about the vent and rump), and 
every piece of flesh or fat removed, and the 

feathers placed in exact order. 

As the skin in this state is extremely sus- 
ceptible of enlargement, the greatest precau- 



tion is necessary not to extendit. The pre- 
servative powder, or soap, is now to be care- 
fully introduced into every part; and if any 
appearance of moisture remain, it should be 
completely absorbed by a linen cloth, and the 
powder again applied. It is necessary to ob- 
serve, that the skin must not be hung up to 
dry, unless a string be passed under it from 
the rump to the head, so that it may hang on 
the string, and not by any particular part, 

which would otherwise be stretched beyond its 
natural size, 

THE skin may now be prepared for packing, 
by placing the wings and extremities in their 
proper positions, and laying smooth the plu- 
mage: a little cotton may be put in the in- 
side, and sewed: up, to preserve the form; after 
which it should be carefully folded in paper, 
or placed between the-leaves of a book, and 

kept free from damp. 


On Reptiles. 

IN treating upon this subject, I shall princi+ 
pally confine myself to the methods that may 
be employed in catching and skinning rep- 


TueE fangs with which they defend them- 
selves, or attack their victims, are, in venom- 
ous serpents, placed on the outside of the jaw, 
and so fixed, that they may be erected or de- 
pressed at pleasure; they are mostly from 

half an inch to three quarters long, with a 

very small slit at the point, and generally a lit- 

tle crooked. 

SERPENTS may be caught with a wire noose, 
fixed to the end of a pole, by passing it over 
their heads; and, with a pair of forceps, a 
bit of pointed wood may be introduced into 
their mouths, to extend their jaws, in order to 
examine them. They are easily killed, by a 

slight blow on the head. 

THE best method of taking off the skin, is, 
to make a long incision from the vent, above 
and below, or even up tothehead. The skin 
may then be separated, by introducing the fin- 
gers betwixt it aud the body; or, if the scales 
are minute, the reptile may be skinned in the 
same manner that is commonly practised with 
eels. The body must be cut off from the head, 
and the brains, together with the eyes, and 


all the fleshy parts, must be taken out, with- 
out disturbing the fangs, jaws, or tongue.— 
The skin may then be pulled down as far as 
the tail, which should be cut off an inch or two 
from the extremity. The body may be pre- 
served in spirits, in order to shew the move- 

able ribs and flexibility of the spine. 

THE skin, thus freed from the body, must 
be examined and cleared from flesh and fat, 
and the head cleaned as weil as pos-ible.— 
The preservative powder may be used where 
any muscular ligaments or flesh remain, and 
the soap may be applied to the skin, which 
must then be hung up in the air. If, after a 
day or two, any moisture sould appear, it must 
be absorbed by a cloth, and more powder ap- 
plied, until every part is dry. In these ope- 
rations, the scales, &c. should be attended to, 

and, if displaced, they should be pressed into 


their exact position, before the skin is perfectly 


LizARDs, alligators, frogs, &c. may be treat- 
ed in the same manner. When the operation 
is completed, the skin should be rolled up, 
and packed securely in paper, and afterwards 

sewed up in canvass. 

THE spine of a common sized serpent may 
be easily broken with a sharp blow from a 
stick; after which, I have witnessed them ve- 
ry vicious, boldly attacking and biting whate- 

ver was opposed to them. 

I oncE drew a rattle-snake to a hog, which 

devonred it, notwithstanding its bite. 

Very large serpents, such as are twenty or 

thirty feet long, are formidable beyond any 


ideas we can entertain. I have found it dif- 
ficult to disengage one, not even four feet in 
length, that had coiled itself round my arm, 
when suspended by a wire to a nail in my 



On Quadrupeds. 

AS it is often impossible to convey home, the 
quadrupeds a traveller may meet with in 
visiting foreign lands, it becomes necessary to 
take off and preserve their skins; many of 
which, especially those from newly discovered 
countries, interest us extremely, either by 

their beauty or their novelty. 

THERE are few who have not seen a poul- 
terer take the skin from a rabbit, or a butcher 
perform the same operation on a sheep or 0x; 
a lesson from either of those persons would be 

of use to the traveller. In taking the skin 

from large or small animals, the same process 
is required. The operation must commence 
by making a slit of any length, along the bel- 
ly, so as to give the greatest facility in using 
the fingers, or a knife, to separate the skin, 
the muscles, &c. The legs of small animals 
may be pressed inwards, and the skin stripped 
over them, inside out, great care being taken 
in passing the joints: the feet and tail must 
be preserved as much as possible, by cutting 
out the flesh, and retaining the hoofs, nails, or 
claws. The skin, now freed fromthe extremi- 
ties, and separated from the abdomen, may be 
stripped over the back, as far as the neck.— 
Particular attention will be required in strip- 
ping it from the neck to the ears and the nose, 
from the latter of which it must be cut off at 
the termination of the bone, carefully preserv- 
ing the extremity. The skin, if necessary, 
may be cut under the jaw, as it can afterwards 


be sewed up. The head of the animal may 
now be cut off, at the back of which a hole 
must be made to extract the brains ; it being 
desirable, in small animals, .to disturb the 
skull bones:as little as possible. The ears may 
be cut off close to the head, and afterwards 
cleaned. The eyelids, lips, jaws, and teeth, 
must be preserved, that, when the skin:is: stuff- 

ed, it may appear like the animal when alive. .. 

.. Iv is advisable to keep the carcass as 
possible during the operation, to prevent. the 
flowing of blood, &c. which would prove trou- 
blesome to. the operator.. Towels and saw- 

dust should be at. hand, to be used as wanted... 

Yi. a tds gitar 
-THE skin, now free,;.. must be wiped clean, 

the membranous and fleshy parts taken away, 

and the ‘extremities, (particularly the head), 

kept asentire as possible, especially in small 


animals. The skin being now perfectly clean- 
ed, may have the preservative soap and pow- 
der appiled all over it; flax, or bits of rag, well 
annointed with the soap, may be placed in the 
head, nostrils, and about the hoofs, claws, and 
tail. It should then be laid out for a day or 
two; and, on a second examination, where any 
moisture appears, it must be absorbed by a 
cloth, and more powder applied, until it is quite 
dry. Bark in powder, and burnt alum, may 

also be successfully applied as absorbents. 

THE skin may now be stuffed with cotton, 
&c, and sewn up, to keep it in some degree in 
its natural form: or it may be rolled up and 
packed in canvass, and stowed away in a case 
or barrel. The hides of large animals, as ox- 
en, seals, &c. &c. are often brought from 
remote parts, with no other preparation than 



WHEN the preservative powder is used, the 
operator should be very careful not tq leave 
any of it about, lest a domestic animal should - 
get to it and eatit. I once lost a beautiful 
monkey, which was poisoned by licking up a 

portion that was incautiously left. 

I WouLD advise the learner to practise on a 
squirrel, rabbit, fox, &c. and then he will be 
prepared for the practical difficulties he may 
meet with in taking the skin from the feet, 
head, and tail of other animals. The remain- 
ing parts of the operation are very easily per- 



On Plants, &c. 

THERE is scarcely a more interesting science 
than that of Botany; and though the traveller 
may not be a professed botanist, yet he may 
be pleased with the endless variety of beauti- 
ful plants and flowers which every country pro- 
duces, or gratified with the opportunity of en- 
riching our gardens and fields by the introduc- 
tion .of new varieties. How. much has our 
agricultural interest been benefited by the im- 
portation of varieties of grass, as lucern, clover, 
&c. and what do we not owe to him who first 
brought hither the potatoe? The Japan rose, 

and many other exotics agree so well with this 


climate, that they may almost be said to be na- 
turalized. The voyager, therefore, in distant 
climes, should not disregard any vegetable pro- 
duction. The corn, pulse, and roots that are 
used abroad in domestic economy, are highly 
worthy of his attention, in a commercial point 
of view. There are two public institutions in 
this country for the reception of vegetable pro- 
ductions brought from abroad. The Board of 
Agriculture, for grass, and whatever. belongs to 
the economy of animals or man: and the Hor- 
ticultural Society, for seeds or cuttings of fruit 
trees, exotic plants, &c. where every attention 

will be paid to their growth and culture. 

Woods, bark, (dye woods), many are highly va- 
luable in commerce, and much in request. 

Lichens, (moss), some produce fine and perma- 
nent dyes, as the orchella, and are very valu- 
able; others are medicinal, and continually 

in request. 


Gums.—Their general use and value are well 
known; they always form an article of com- 
merce, and are used for an infinite number 
of purposes. 

Seeds of every sort, and any remarks relative 
to the plant, will be interesting. They must 
be gathered and kept dry. 

Plants, leaves, or flowers, may be preserved 
between the leaves of a book, forming a hor- 
tus siccus: these are collected and preserved 
with very little trouble, and may be consi- 
dered in two points of view:—First, as an 
agreeable amusement; and next, as giving 
that information which may become highly 

beneficial to society. 


On Minerals. 

IT may be necessary to say something on mi- 
nerals, in the pursuit of which the greater part 
of my life has been employed. A traveller who 
is unacquainted with metals, should procure a 
few in a rough state, and, by comparison, he 
would soon know how to discriminate one from 
the other. A small book which the author pub- 
lished, called Familiar Lessons on Mineralogy, 
with colored plates, would greatly facilitate his 

inquiries, ‘and cannot be too strongly recom- 


mended to those who are desirous to know any 

thing of minerals. 

PrgcEs of rocks, with the names of the pla- 
ces from whence they came, would be always 
interesting, as we are unacquainted whether 
many islands, head-lands, &c. are granite, lime- 
stone, or volcanic. Collections of rocks, with 
particulars concerning them, are highly desir- 
able, in order to determine the relative con- 

nection of mountains, islands, &c, 

THE soil at the bottoms of streams or rivers, 
if gravel, generally contains interesting sub- 
jects. In India, precious stones occur in such 
soil: in Africa and South America, gold, pla- 
tina, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, aud topazes, 
belong to, and are always found in gravel beds, 
or alluvial soil, as is tin in the island of Banca. 
Silver, lead, copper, &c, occur in veins. 



WHEREVER there are mines, (subterraneous 
excavations), metals of some sort or other are 
produced; and it surely is not burthensome to 
the intellect to distinguish lead ore from copper, 

or silver from lead, or gold from iron, or dia- 

monds from pebbles. 

PERMIT me to advise the traveller to look 
into the book of nature, which is always open, 
and learn what he can. A little information 
on this head may prove highly advantageous, 
as the wealth of nations mostly depends on 
the produce of their mines. It is earnestly 
to be recommended, wherever he gues, to 
bring from thence some specimens of the 
rocks; and if any other present themselves, he 
should endeavour to possess himself of them, 
which he might examine at leisure, with the 
blow-pipe: the use of this instrument, and the 

mode of managing it, are fully explained in’ a 

2 pale 


small Treatise * intended to accompany the 

Lessons on Mineralogy. 

ee ees eee 
* The method of detecting whether gold is adulterated is 

parucularly explained. The book will be found useful to those 

who visit Africa, South America, Chili, &c. 



Ww M+ Dowall, Printer, Pemberton R. My 
Gough. Syuare 

Recently published 

AND . 

LOGY and GEOLOGY, with colored Plates, 
price 7s. The Descriptions of Minerals and _ 
Rocks are accompanied with References to the 
various Plates, and illustrated in an easy and 
agreeable manner, so that the Learner may 
become immediately acquainted with the char- 
acters of the various Substances to which his 
Attention is directed. Seventh Edition. 

of MINERALS, with Diacrams of their sim- 
ple Forms. Fourth Edition, price 7s. 

CHOLOGY, Third Edition, with Frontispiece 
and Six colored Engravings. This Work in- 
cludes, under the Head of each Genus, the dis- 
tinctive Characters, and the Names of all the 
known Species, with an Explanation of the best 
Method of Cleaning Shells. 

ZIL; with Notices on its Climate, Natural Pro- 
ductions, Agriculture, Commerce, Population, 
Manners, and Customs: and a particular Ac- 
countof the Gold and Diamond Districts. In- 
cluding a Voyage to the Rio delaPlate. Anew 
Edition, illustrated with colored Plates, and a 
map, Svo. price 18s. bds. 

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