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Books by C LAUBACH 

Wake Up or^Blow Up 
Streamlined English Lessons 
Making Everybody's World Safe 
Prayer, The Mightiest Force in th*> W>:: 

The Silent Billion Speak 
You Are My Friends 

Lift the World or Lose It! 


New York 

London and Glasgow 

Copyright, 1951, by 
Fleming H. Revell Company 

Printed in the United States of America 

New York 10-158 Fifth Avenue 
London, E.G. 4-29 Ludgate Hill 
Glasgow, C. 2-229 Bothwell Street 

This Book in Brief 7 










MOROS - 54 

6. I REMEMBER! 60 















This Book in Brief 

A third world war can end in any horror, perhaps 
even the destruction of the United States. We can 
prevent that war. 

Communism has been winning a cold war since 

We can prevent Communism from taking the rest 
of the world. 

We can do these things the moment we see how 
and begin to do them. 

Bombs and jet planes cannot win cold wars. 

The bottom four-fifths of the world are going Com- 
munist because they are hungry, terribly unhappy, 
and grimly determined to rise out of their destitu- 

We can stop Communism cold by lifting those 
wretched people above their misery and desperation. 
We can do it by shariiig our know-how. They love us 
when we help them; they hate us when we don't. 

They are not satisfied with old clothes, surplus 
food, loans of money. They want to rise to our level. 
They will settle for nothing less. 

They lack progressive methods, and will follow 
anyone who promises to help them rise. 


The Communists, out to capture the world, studied 
these desires and promised everything. 

Our error is that we gave these masses few 
promises, after Woodrow Wilson first promised and 
then cracked up; since then little hope has been of- 
fered them, and our deeds have been totally inade- 
quate to the vast need. 

Where we did help, the results were miraculous. 
The few technical experts we sent abroad have had 
tremendous success. 

One missionary in every three helps with education 
and medicine, and a handful of missionaries help 
with agriculture. Everybody loves them, and treats 
them like kings. Missionaries clamor for America to 
contribute this aid on a world scale. 

I have worked with missionaries in adult educa- 
tion in sixty-eight countries. 

I have worked with the educational departments 
of fifty governments. 

I have mingled with the illiterate three-fifths of the 
human race, taught them, listened to their pleas, seen 
their eagerness to learn, their boundless gratitude 
for a chance to learn, the pathetic way they follow 
any leader who loves them. 

Where we go with literacy, or medicine, or agricul- 
ture, they throng to us, love us, follow us, want our 

They are as easy to win, if we are there to do it, as 
a hungry man is to feed. 

We could make Christians out of one billion two 
hundred million illiterate non-Christians if we 


taught them, helped them better their conditions, 
and so revealed to them the love of Christ 

No country which I have visited prevents us from 
carrying out our program of "each one teach and win 
one." Fifty countries invite us to help them. 

But there is less than one missionary, Catholic or 
Protestant, with technical training of any kind, for 
every 100,000 illiterate non-Christians. Not one 
missionary trained to write for new literates in two 
millions! Not one trained in agriculture for every 
twelve illiterates! 

The United Nations and the United States have 
adopted a plan to help needy areas with technical 

Governments, business, philanthropy, and the 
Church should unite in an all-out, nation-wide, 
world-wide attack on world poverty, disease, and op- 
pression by helping people to help themselves. 

We could conquer the world's heart by serving it, 
as Jesus said we should. But in this all-out attack of 
help, the Church has a very basic responsibility. It 
must find the right kind of men. 

The technicians will fail unless they have the type 
of character that the Church at its best produces: 
men with high honor, good habits, integrity, warm 
heart, Christlike compassionate desire to help dem- 
ocratic and congenial men who are "color blind," 
loving, and beloved. 

Such men would do as much to raise the ideals 
of people as they would to teach skills. They would 
be living witnesses for Christ, and living witnesses 
for America at her best. 


With 100,000 such men strategically planted over 
the world, our Christian way of life would become 
popular, and the counsels o violence, revolution, 
hate, murder, robbery, and lies, would dry up and 
blow away, because there would be nothing to be vio- 
lent about. People don't want to murder anybody 
when they are hopeful and happy and grateful. At 
least half of those hundred thousand men should be 
supported by the churches. 

Christian missions ought to send out at least 50,000 
highly trained technical experts wherever they are 
wanted. This would cost two billion dollars a year. 
That money would be available if each church mem- 
ber would set aside five per cent of -his income for 
this foreign-mission program an average of a dollar 
a week per member. 

We must also put pressure on all governments to 
give every farmer enough land on which to work for 
himself. There is no good teaching him how to farm if 
he has no land. Land reform can be effected by pur- 
chasing the great feudal estates and reselling to ten- 
ants, as was done in Northern Ireland, or by co-opera- 
tive farming, and by reclaiming hundreds of millions 
of acres of now dry and useless land. 

The Crusade for Freedom and the Voice of America 
will be mockery until we do this. If we talk about the 
glory of our freedom, the hungry people, thinking 
only of food, will ask: "Do you mean freedom from 
want? What are you doing about it? 35 

If we start this program on an adequate scale we 
shall have the desperate, retarded areas of the world 
back of us within two years, and the threat of this 


hour will melt like fog before the sun. Our experiences 
in many countries indicate that it requires from one 
to two years to change hatred to love, if we do it this 

This is 100 per cent the way of Christ, who said 
that anybody in trouble is our neighbor; so help him 
and love him. 

This is the only way to convert Russia to the way 
of Christ. 

As surprising world-wide kindness wins the na- 
tions, the Communists in Russia will see that violence 
and hate die out like a candle against loving service, 
and they will change over to our weapons. Then we 
shall have a war of kindness to conquer the heart of 
the world! Who could ask more? 

Is this too good to be true? Not unless we are too 
selfish to try it Let's try Christianity! It has never 
been tried by the nations. 

But time is running out; it will soon be too late. So 
be a missionary to everybody you meet; tell him 
this is the way out. Start your missionaries moving, or 
go yourself. Pay what every Christian ought to pay. 
Success depends upon how many do their part ade- 

And pray. Pray for the delegates of the United Na- 
tions and write and tell them you are praying for 

Thus you will become powerful in two directions 
for bringing in the peace. 

You have been looking for the answer. You are the 
answer, if you do what every Christian ought to do. 


But refusing to be the answer, or even being satisfied 
with half an answer, is asking for disaster. 

If we fail because the majority refuse to help, if 
we are blown up, we shall be able at least to face the 
great Judge and hear Him say: 

"Well done, good and faithful servant; . . . enter 
thou into the joy of thy lord." 

The way to lay up a treasure in heaven is to help 
human need. It is the only way that Jesus ever gave 
us. What we hold we lose, what we use to help others 
is ours forever. 

This resume is necessarily bare, unsupported as- 
sertion; the proof lies in the pages which follow. 

If true, this is enormously urgent. It is too urgent 
to be thrown aside without careful study. Too urgent 
not to press upon the attention of everybody you 
know. It may decide the issue of survival. 

You will not like all of this book; some of it will 
sting and hurt you. But when you have finished, you 
will see a glorious vision, you will know the only 
answer to our dilemma, and you will see that answer 
within your grasp, for you will be part of the answer. 

For here is the way, the only way to save our coun- 
try, our world, and our loved ones from being swept 
over the brink of unthinkable horror. 

So let it hurt! Your pain is part of the birth pangs 
of a new world. 

If the book lacks polish, so does hot lava. It was 
written to try to help save the world, and printed 
posthaste. It was written to call America's attention 
sharply to the only issue that matters now: whether 
America will wake up or blow up! 


You Cant Win a Cold War with Hot Weapons 

How to Survive an Atomic Bomb is a best seller on 
arly every newsstand. It pretends to allay your 
jrs. Death, it assures you, isn't certainonly prob- 
le! If you were not blown to smithereens, and if 
a were not too near to the bomb, and if you hid 
bind something in three seconds, and if you 
ubbed everything hard enough, you might be 
iky and survive the first bomb. So why worry? 


But I do worry. My heart and soul and mind bum 
save America and the world from being struck by 
atom bomb. Especially am I excited because the 
.e way to peace and survival is precisely the Way 
Christ. This book is a lesson in applied Christianity, 
of it, though it may sound too practical and self- 
dent for religion. But Jesus was practical and self- 
.dent, if only people had been wise enough to try 





By now, Americans must see that we have been in 
a war for thirty years, a war sometimes hot and some- 
times cold, a war of ideas. When the Communists 
set out to conquer the world in 1920, they knew it 
was war and they fight with every weapon available. 
There are no rules, no forbidden holds in their war. If 
alliances are useful they make them. If lies are useful 
they tell them, if smiles are useful they smile, if talk- 
ing one way while acting the other is useful, they do 
that. There is just one morality and that is to win. 

We Americans did not know we were living in a 
world at war. We thought we were living in a world 
at peace. If we read Communist Manifestos, we did 
not take them seriously. Part of Russian strategy was 
to keep us thinking it was not war, for this placed us 
at a tremendous disadvantage. We were also plagued 
by our Christian ideals, and "conscience doth make 
cowards of us all." Communists were not embarrassed 
by our code of morals. 

There is this strange difference between us: for 
thirty years the Communists have known it was war 
to the finish, while we did not know there was a war. 
That gave the Communists the tremendous initial 

The Communists are not the first people who set 
out to win the world with ideas. The Christian Church 
was like that at the beginning. St. Paul went forth to 
conquer the world for the gospel of Christ. The rest 
of the world ignored the Christians until they were 
so strong that they could no longer be ignored. The 


Church for the most part has lost its first passion- for 
conquest. Missionaries alone burned with that early 
fervor. They knew it was war. The Roman Catholic 
Church knew that the Communists had declared 
war. The rest of us thought we were at peace. 

The invasion of South Korea at last convinced 
everybody that this is indeed war. It is a strange war, 
more like a missionary crusade than a military cam- 
paign. How shall we win it? In ordinary wars we al- 
ways call on the military experts and build up armies 
and armaments. We are doing that now, to prevent 
Russia from attempting any more hot wars like Korea. 
But in this queer struggle which we call a cold war 
military experts are puzzled. They know how to kill 
soldiers, but in this conflict "we do not war after the 
flesh." We are bewildered. We are trying to discover 
what weapons to use. 

The purpose of this book is to prove that the mis- 
sionaries have the answer. We need only wage our 
war with the weapons Christ provided, and we shall 
win. These weapons are compassionate service, truth, 
justice, democratic friendliness. We need have no 
iron curtain, no secrecy, no hidden weapon. We may 
openly advertise our weapons to the Communists, for 
they can neither oppose these weapons nor hate us 
for using them. 

The Communists are able to make little headway 
among prosperous people. It was among the wretch- 
edly hungry and discontented that the Communists 
saw their opportunity to conquer the world. So with, 
great cunning they went among these people, studied 
what they wanted, and offered to give them every- 


thing, offered to become their champions against 
the oppressors. 

They promised to liberate the desperately unhappy 
four-fifths of the human race by using the very 
method which Jesus Christ rejected, the method of 
violence, revolution, murder, and terror. 

Jesus Christ began as champion of the oppressed 
and the wretched and died on a cross as their saviour. 
Compassion for the poor is the very heart of the mis- 
sionary's gospel.* 

So the missionary and the Communist make prom- 
ises to the same unhappy people. But there is a world 
of difference between the methods they propose to 
use in helping these unhappy multitudes. The mis- 
sionaries seek to change the souls of men who are 
doing wrong, or at most to stop them by peaceful and 
legal means. The Communists propose to liquidate all 
who are in power and to clamp iron bars on the minds 
of people so that they will fill their stomachs (if they 
do fill them) at the expense of personal freedom. 

There are two ways to get rid of enemies. The way 
of Jesus is to make them friends by befriending them. 
(A successful politician and a shrewd businessman 
employ this method habitually.) The other way is to 
shoot them the way "of gangsters. There are two 
ways to get rid of oppressors. One is to persuade 
them to stop oppression, or to compel them to stop by 
peaceful, legal means (the Christ method). The other 
method is to become worse than the oppressor by 

* If the reader desires to refresh Ms memory, let Mm read: Luke 
4:18, 6:20-25, 11:46, 16:19-31, 18:22, and the terrible Matt. 


killing him. The Communists believe that powerful 
oppressors cannot be unsaddled by love or law, and 
that the realistic way is to form a conspiracy and des- 
troy them and the government which they control. 

Where we missionaries have tried the way of Christ 
it has worked. We know that it will save the world, 
if America and the other great powers go all out to 
put it into practice. 

This way of Christ has not been tried by nations, 
although Mahatma Gandhi moved India in that di- 
rection while he lived. The country which first em- 
ploys Christ's method all out (not selfishly or stingily) 
will conquer the heart of the world with love and 
there is no other true conquest. 

If the Communists adopted the plan described in 
this book they would win the world, and in doing 
so they would have such a complete rebirth that they 
could become Christians in the truest sense of the 
word. Perhaps they will be the first to adopt this 
method. But I hope and believe that the Western 
World is more likely to adopt it, because we profess it 
in our Christian religion. We will be unconscious 
hypocrites, betraying our religion, until we do try it. 

Up to the present hour the missionaries have in 
most of Asia and Africa fought nine-tenths of the war 
of kindness for the oppressed. They have been hurled 
back and are now retreating only because they are 
overwhelmingly outnumbered by the Communist 
missionaries. America has been making the disastrous 
mistake of supposing that this way of winning the 
cold war with Communism was ineffectual, and that 
only arms and bombs are decisive. While Commu- 


nists have been using every method and winning 
most of their battles with promises and propaganda, 
we have been depending upon military power. 


As I write, America is getting geared to spend at 
least fifty billions a year for an indefinite period to 
excel Russia in military preparation. We hope that 
this will deter Russia from initiating a hot war. Per- 
haps it will. If Russia desired a hot war, the best 
time for her to have begun it was at the beginning of 
the Korean invasion. It seems less likely that she 
desires a shooting war involving Russian troops than 
she did a few months ago. 

But none of this military preparation can prevent 
Russia from winning the cold war. If we place sol- 
diers all over the world, while she infiltrates every 
country with missionaries promising to help the peo- 
ple, she will capture the heart of the world. Since the 
world began, foreign troops were never popular in 
any country during peace time. If our soldiers were 
popular in peace time they would cease to become 
soldiers; they would be missionaries instead. 


Hanson Baldwin, writing in The New York Times 
about "What Korea Has Taught Us," described all 
the new weapons, and then gives this painful com- 

The trend of weapon development has been toward 
less security. The plane and the atom bomb, the tre- 


mendous increases in ranges and speeds and power 
have not made any nation on earth more secure but 
less so. For the first time in its history the United States, 
with a three dimensional defense problem, has live 
frontiers, frontiers of the sea and sky, highly vulnerable 
to assault . . . 

In the air the long term prospects for the defense 
overtaking the offense look least bright. . . . Civilian 
defense is essentially passive defense, yet it implies 
evacuation, dispersion, decentralization and other 
measures tremendous in scope and terrible in contem- 
plation. The preparation of defense against air attack 
today is likely to prove far more costly than the prep- 
aration for air attack. 

Thus the age-old struggle between offense and de- 
fense has come of horrible age; the simple duel be- 
tween spear and shield has been transferred into duels 
. between complex weapons, systems and whole peoples, 
(quoted by permission of The New- York Times). 

That gloomy picture well represents the statement 
of most military writers. The experts all seem to say 
that we can go bankrupt paying for armaments, only 
to find less and less security. 

The G.I/s in Korea discovered another thing that 
we cannot fight armies reckless of life when they out- 
number us ten to one, even with the most modern 
weapons. Richard Johnson, writing to The New Jork 
Times, December 9, 1950, from Tokio, says: 

The discovery that their superiority in weapons . . . 
was no guarantee of victory has struck a hard blow at 
the morale of the United States troops fighting in 
Korea. With an overwhelming advantage in numbers 
the lightly armed Chinese Communist forces, under 
constant air harassment, seized and held the initiative, 


wrecking the United Nations' offensive and forcing a 
retreat under trying circumstances. . . . 

The troops learned on the Korean battlefront that 
the best they had in the way of equipment was not 
enough to halt a foe willing and determined to drive 
forward, taking any amount of losses to reach his ob- 
jective. . . . 

Several American battalion and regimental com- 
manders have said in Korea that this willingness of the 
enemy to throw in masses of men regardless of losses 
has reduced the balance achieved by the G.I.'s superior 
weapons; . . . the enemy's gigantic reserves of man- 
power tipped the scales in his favor. "We were forced to 
fight his kind of war on his terms," one field commander 
said. "The prospect of meeting this challenge is a grim 
one," he added. He said that to accept the enemy's 
challenge on these terms could bog the United Nations 
forces in an endless and costly campaign from which 
no decisive results could be achieved. 

Never, never before were Americans forced to give 
from a fifth to four-fifths of their income to build up a 
defense which is bound to grow steadily more danger- 
ous and impossible. That is a bottomless pit. 

But we don't need to put all our eggs in that basketl 

Let us, at long last, try Christ's way as totally as 
we have tried war. Christianity lias not failed we 
have failed to try it in international affairs. ' 

vVe missionaries know that if we tried it all out 
in the thorough way Americans try other things, it 
would swiftly save- tibe world. We have had our pilot 
r-<periments, we have proved that it works, we know 
what to do, we know what it will cost. 

Let's do it while we still have a world. 

This is what I mean. To love our neighbor countries 


as ourselves in deed and in truth would be real in- 
ternational Christianity. America as a nation never 
practiced the second half of that great command- 
ment: "Love thy neighbor as thyself/' No nation has 
loved its neighbor as itself the very thought of pre- 
tending that we did would make the devil laugh. 

Yet the Golden Rule would be insignificant in cost 
and effort as compared to these insane astronomical 
costs of armament, and if thoroughly practiced, it 
would make armaments obsolete in twenty years. 

It is precisely this that President Truman proposed 
in his Point IV program, and that the United Nations 
unanimously ratified in its "technical assistance pro- 
gram." It is beyond all question the most thoroughly 
Christian plan ever presented by governments in in- 
ternational affairs. The President has said: 

"We must not be misled into thinking that our only 
task is to create defenses against aggression. Our 
whole purpose in creating a strong defense is to per- 
mit us to carry on the great constructive tasks of 
peace. Behind the shield of a strong defense, we must 
continue to work to bring about better living con- 
ditions in the free nations." 

Ambassador Waynick, commenting on this, said: 

"The United States is now ready to put into opera- 
tion, on a world-wide scale, an undertaking of great 
significance and even greater simplicity. In the midst 
of global and total diplomacy, complicated by mixed 
ideologies and confused by a doctrine of deception, 
the Point IV Program seeks the simple basic thing of 
helping our neighbors to help themselves. . . ." 

Point IV is being launched in a period of emer- 


gency, but it is not an emergency program. Rather, it 
is a long-range effort to help correct some of the 
fundamental economic and social problems of the 
world which are among the principal causes of up- 
heaval and war. Point IV is a positive, dynamic move- 
ment for creating the basic economic conditions es- 
sential for a free, peaceful, and prosperous world so- 
ciety. It would be necessary and desirable even if we 
were not confronted with a totalitarian conspiracy 
that masquerades as a new form of democracy with 
false promises of a better life for all. 

Even if you are less sanguine than I am about its 
results, it would be relatively inexpensive to try it. 
And if we get blown to heaven, we shall at least be 
able to face the great Judge and say that we tried the 
Christian way. Today we cannot do that. We are 
contemptible hypocrites in the eyes of God -and man 
because we try to deceive ourselves and God and 
man into believing that we are acting as Christians. 

It is Christmas day, 1950, as I write. All day on the 
radio they have been preaching and singing and 
praying about the Prince of Peace. The Christian 
world answers right, sings right at Christmas time 
this do, America, and thou shalt live! Do it in all in- 
ternational affairs and peace will come almost at 
once. The tiny army of us who have tried it abroad 
tingle with the miracle it works. Let's all try it to- 
gether, unselfishly, and see whether it works on a 
world scale as it does on a small scale. If it doesn't 
work, then Christ's plan is futile, as the Communists 
say it is, and we should stop pretending to believe it 

But it does work. It's the one thing that never fails. 


You businessmen know that to get and keep business 
you must convince people that you are serving them. 
You politicians know that to win votes you must con- 
vince people that you are helping them. You teachers 
know that to win the love of students you must prove 
that you love them by your helpfulness. You hus- 
bands and wives know that unselfish love alone can 
make a happy homeeach seeking first the joy of the 
other. You lovers will never win your lady loves until 
you put this magic into practice. Christian love works 
wherever it is tried. So try it for the first time on an 
international scale! 

Try it, America, and the world will sing your 

Try it, and heaven will sing your praises. 

If the smart men in the Kremlin see us succeeding 
with unselfish service, and if they compete with us in 
being helpful, if we have a war of astonishing kind- 
nessthen will the kingdom of heaven be at hand! 

This is the game at which, we can beat the Polit- 
buro. We cannot equal them in lying, or in con- 
spiracy, or in starting revolutions, or in sabotage, or 
in murder. But we can beat them in selling the spirit 
of Christmaswe have been rehearsing it every year 
for two thousand years. 

It is not things that we shall offer to the world. We 
shall offer our sons, our best beloved sons, send them 
out to heal the world's wounds, to turn hate into love, 
sin into virtue, and despair into joy; giving our sons 
as He gave His beloved Son because He so loved the 

The majority of Christians have forgotten that our 


faith started as a flaming crusade to prepare the 
whole world for the coming of the kingdom of God, 
Forgetting the flaming crusade, most. Christians de- 
vote their talents and their time to making money and 
spending it on comforts for themselves and their fami- 
lies. The so-called "Christian nations" have had a 
really tremendous crusade but it was to go forth and 
exploit the world for profit, not to save it. Lured by 
gold and not by zeal for the kingdom of God, "Chris- 
tians" have spread all over the world to take all they 
could get. We did not lift the Asiatics or the Africans 
to our level. We exploited their poverty for our profit. 

This was the great denial and the great betrayal of 
the Cause of Christ. This is the sin which found us 
out. Our other sins are sins, but this is the sin against 
the whole earth, 

We have another chance to repent, probably our 
very last. If that repentance were sincere our purses 
would repent and our aims would repent. We would 
devote our time and strength and money to helping 
Christ's kingdom to come, and all men everywhere 
to have "life more abundantly." 

If we do repent in 1951 and put the mighty shoulder 
of America under the world to lift and heal its 
wounds and wipe away its tears, and if we do that 
without taint of greed, we shall conquer the world's 
heart in two years. Before that weapon Russian com- 
munists will be helpless. Indeed, Russia will be com- 
pelled to fall in behind that crusade. 

When President Truman proposed that idea in his 
Point IV, every nation on earth, including Russia and 
satellites^ endorsed it without a single word of 


opposition. It was too popular; no nation dared to 
oppose It. 

One man caught his breath when he realized the 
stupendous somersault in our life habits that this plan 
would involve, and asked, "Do you imagine America 
could be persuaded to do anything as revolutionary 
as this? That would be a miracle nothing less than a 
new birth." 

I replied, "Such miracles happen when men get in 
foxholes. And we are in a foxhole," 

The World's Hungry 

Businessmen are always on the alert for opportuni- 
ties. I will try to talk their language. The most stu- 
pendous opportunity to meet a felt need began Just 
after the first World War, and it gets bigger and better 
every year. It is new and it includes four-fifths of the 

This opportunity is due to the titanic efforts of the 
hungry, destitute masses of Asia, Africa, Latin 
America, and Europe to escape from their misery. 
They were in despair, but now they are making up 
their minds that they will come upor blow up the 
world. They are desperate, grim, irresistible. 

Our opportunity is to help them up. Our doom is 
to seem to block their path. 

That is the new stupendous crisis, involving four- 
fifths of the world. 

That rising tide is so awful that all other things that 
go with that tide will also rise, or be deluged if they 
try to go against it. This is true of the United Nations, 
democracy, Communism, education, industry, the 
press and all armies. Edwin Markham said that the 
dumb thing will speak after the silence of the cen- 



turies; it Is speaking now, and what it says is this: 
"I am coming up, and I will take the hand of anybody 
who helps me up, and destroy any man who is in my 

I had nothing to do with starting this world up- 
heaval. I did not encourage itbut I saw it Anybody 
but a blind man would see it if he worked among 
these masses in more than seventy countries, as I 
have done. 


Poverty and famine and misery are not new. They 
have always existed, as terrible as they are today and 
often worse. Man's inhumanity to man shrieks so 
loudly that it is hard to understand how God can 
stand the human race. The world has always been 
driven by severe and, often, cruel masters. There is 
nothing new about that. 

But the multitudes submitted and suffered and 
died in sad and sullen despair. Their religions told 
them that poverty was fate, kismet, and that they 
would be set free only after they died. 


But this new thing that took birth after the first 
World War is not sullen despair. It is sullen, but it is 
not despair; it is grim purpose to come up out of mis- 
ery. It is not for nothing that four-fifths of the human 
race have changed from a state of despair to a new 
grim resolve to come up from poverty and oppression; 
that determination is growing everywhere and grow- 


ing with ever-accelerating rapidity. In some countries, 
like the United States, Australia and England, the 
laborers have banded together in labor unions and 
have been able to free themselves from poverty. Peo- 
ple who live in these countries are likely to be blind 
to the misery and to the desperate state of mind of the 
masses in the rest of the world. Unless the reader of 
these pages has lived among them he will find here 
a startling and terrifying revelation of something 
commentators seldom mention, because they, too, are 
ignorant of it. Yet it is the most colossal and ominous 
fact in the world, and the most wonderful fact, for 
any nation that is prepared to help the suppressed 
masses realize their hope. 

Let us get clearly in mind how many people we are 
talking about, and where they are. Out of the 2200 
million people in the world, 1700 million, usually in 
debt all of their lives, are in want, more or less op- 
pressed and exploited, and increasingly unhappy and 
determined to be free from want. They are not in the 
United States, except a million or two migrant 
workers and many of the Negroes; they are not in 
Canada, the United Kingdom, or in the Scandina- 
vian countries. But in all the rest of the world there 
are multitudes dissatisfied and groping for some way 
up and out of the dark drudgery and pain of empty 


What caused this tremendous change from sullen 
hopelessness to grim resolve? A great many factors. 


The first were the teachings of Jesus, especially the 
gospel of Luke and the companion Book of Acts. Here 
was "good news for the poor, release to the captives, 
liberty to those who are oppressed, sight to the blind. 
. , . Today/' declared Jesus, "this scripture has been 
fulfilled in your hearing (Luke 4:18-21). "Blessed are 
you poor, blessed are you that hunger now, for you 
shall be satisfied; blessed are you that weep now, for 
you shall laugh. Woe to you that are rich, woe to you 
that are full now, for you shall hunger* 5 (Luke 6:20- 
25). These words are so terrible that few preachers 
dare read them from the pulpit. The words, the com- 
passionate deeds of Christ, and His death made Him 
the friend of the poor, of sinners, of outcasts. It is very 
likely that the millions who zealously distributed the 
Bible never realized what new hope and what strong 
new determination the poor and oppressed derived 
from Jesus. Perhaps we can interpret His words as 
meaning "pie in the sky by-and-by 59 but the people 
who heard Him thought He meant a "kingdom of God 
here" and He did! "Thy kingdom come ... in earth, 
as it is in heaven" cannot be twisted to mean any- 
thing but what it says. That prayer is more often re- 
peated than any other in history. It included "our 
daily bread 55 and forgiveness of debts and deliver- 
ance from evil. It stirred and still stirs up infinite long- 
ings where people felt only infinite despair. Many of 
the Old Testament prophets were just as zealous for 
social righteousness as was Jesus. For all these years 
missionaries have been spreading this gospel of hope, 
and even though they were not stirrers up of the peo- 


pie, the Bible was. The Bible is dynamite, and it is the 
most widely sold book of all time. 

But the thing which has really broken the masses 
loose from their moorings in the retarded areas is the 
vast new network of communications. The Portu- 
guese, Italian, Dutch, French, and English explorers 
of the fifteenth to the eighteenth centuries started it. 
Then came steamships, railways, automobiles, trucks, 
and good roads and autobuses (which are now incal- 
culably important all over the world); then airplanes, 
motion pictures and phonographs, businessmen in 
swank homes, countless business enterprises, with 
drugstores and the sewing machine always out in 
front; then World War I, with our soldiers going 
everywhere, well fed, generous with .their money; 
then tourists sweeping by all these factors together 
produced in the hungry masses a great envy and a 
great longing to be like these "millionaires," a great 
longing to better the condition of their children, to 
rise out of their wretched hovels to the new level that 
they saw in these foreigners. This turn took a sudden 
rise in 1920 and it has been rising ever since, with, 
ever-greater momentum. 

Not the least of the causes of this new determina- 
tion were the beautiful promises of Woodrow Wilson 
at the end of the first World War. No words in all his- 
tory have so electrified the world. When Wilson went 
to Europe to build the League of Nations, his beauti- 
ful dream was being repeated in every corner of the 
world. No man before or since has aroused such pas- 
sionate longings. Had Wilson not been opposed by 
little selfish men as he sought to give justice to Eu- 


rope and as lie tried to sell his League of Nations to 
America, we probably would never have had World 
War II. But the world was not yet ready for his stu- 
pendous vision. Perhaps, too, Wilson helped defeat 
himself. At all events, the world lost its great incredi- 
ble hope. Now it has its second chance in the United 

One must also recognize the enormous influence 
which Mahatma Gandhi wielded upon India and the 
entire world. Capturing the true revolutionary spirit 
of Jesus from his reading of the New Testament, Gan- 
dhi forged his program of non-violent and loving 
non-co-operation, and he won the freedom of India 
without firing a gun. Won it loving those who op- 
posed it! In China, Sun Yat Sen had already per- 
formed an equally prodigious service by breaking 
from ancient imperialism and embracing the new 
ideals of democracy. 

It was at this time that Communism came upon the 
scene in Russia, adopting the philosophy and pro- 
gram of Marxian Socialism. When the Communists 
set out to conquer the earth, they at once saw their 
opportunity in this stupendous new determination of 
the hungry majority of the world to come up out of 
their misery. The Communists saw that they could 
not win over the people who were satisfied; it was 
therefore among the discontented that they began 
their clever propaganda, discovering their grievances, 
fanning them into a hotter flame, and promising any- 
thing that the people wanted. The Russian Commu- 
nists were seasoned masters of this type of intrigue 
and propaganda, for they had worked underground 


to overthrow the Czarist regime for many years. Josef 
Stalin was one of the cleverest of all the underground 

Stalin and the Politburo have proven themselves 
to be keen analysts of the world situation and amaz- 
ingly clever in promising what the discontented peo- 
.ple want. Because socialism is not what the disin- 
herited wanted; they gave up socialism and adopted 
exactly the opposite, private ownership of the land. 
Because Sun Yat Sen and multitudes of others had 
preached democracy, they thought they had "free- 
dom" and "democracy/' although it is in reality the 
opposite it is despotism. But the hungry people 
of the world are illiterate and they can easily be de- 
ceived. Like Esau, the masses will sell freedom for the 
promise of a ful stomach. After the Iron Curtain falls 
it is too late, for he who protests disappears. 

It is amazing that we have allowed Russia to offer 
'these two most attractive qualities of American life, 
private ownership of land and individual freedom, 
although she plans ultimately to take away both land 
and freedom. We have allowed the Russians to out- 
smart us* 

They have jostled us into' co-operating with imperi- 
alistic powers until in several notorious instances we 
are backing oppression, the very thing America hates. 
For example, in French Indo-China most Asiatics 
want France to leave; yet we have loaned France 
over three billion dollars, knowing that the money is 
being used to suppress all opposition to the French 
in Indo-China. 

Chess is now the great Russian game, encouraged 


and subsidized by the government. Russian leaders 
believe that chess develops mental acumen. The men 
in the Kremlin are playing an exceedingly clever 
chess game for the domination of the world. Icy cool, 
unemotional, without sentiment, they deliberate be- 
fore they call the plays, and thus far we have walked 
into their traps. 

It is time for us to take the initiative and call the 
plays! America could do that with an all-out drive to 
help the hungry people of the world out of their mis- 
ery, finding out what they need and giving it to them 
and asking nothing in return. That would be doing 
what the Communists promise to do. The weapon of 
selfless kindness need not be concealed. The clearer 
it is seen by the world, the more invincible it be- 

Why has America not gone all-out for this kind of 
service before? It is anybody's guess. Most of us have 
been enormously obsessed with America. Many have 
thought of the rest of the world only in terms of trade. 
Only a small part of the people of this country liave 
been actively engaged in foreign missions. Indeed, 
only a very small proportion of our American Chris- 
tians have had any interest at all in foreign missions. 

Russia is trying frantically to keep us split from 
China, and that is one excellent reason why we should 
refuse to be split from China! We need China, and 
China needs us. We have been her friend, more con- 
sistently than any other country. When she adopted 
Communist revolutionary methods to get a redeal in 
land, she adopted the American land system, and not 


When I said this in a western college, a Chinese 
professor stood up and said, "This man knows the 
truth. The Chinese peasants are not going Commu- 
nist, for they do not know what Communism is. All 
they know is that they are hungry and that the Com- 
munists promise to give them land and to fill their 
stomachs. They are not Communists; they are come- 

As I write today the American representative in the 
United Nations, Ambassador Warren Austin, is pro- 
testing our friendship for China, and he is mentioning 
our contribution in schools and hospitals and in other 
forms of missionary service in China. How we wish 
that contribution were a hundred times greater! 

This book is written to urge all America to join in 
unselfish, lavish, loving service; with that we would 
have something to boast about! That, if we are sin- 
cere and all-out, would start such a wave of love for 
America across the world that nobody would listen 
to those who caU us indifferent, or exploiters, or self- 
ish. We have a tremendous advantage over the Krem- 
lin in that we believe in the private ownership they 
now offer temporarily because they must offer it. We 
believe in the way of unselfish service, because that 
is the way of Christ. 

I am interested not only in making this case clear 
to America. I am praying that it may make every 
American an enthusiastic missionary, burning to back 
this plan for lifting the world out of its dangerous and 
horrible misery. Then and then only will our Chris- 
tianity be honest Christianity. Then and then only 
will it be adequate. 


Missions Retreated and the Communists 
Walked In 

It was the irony of history that just as this tremen- 
dous new determination of the retarded peoples to 
rise out of poverty to our level began to develop, the 
Christian Church began to lose her enthusiasm for 
missions. She became "broad-minded." Unfortu- 
nately, I cannot here discuss all the causes of this 
coolness toward missions and shall mention only one. 
It is the utterly false description of idyllic primitive 
conditions by professors of anthropology and soci- 
ology who never crossed an ocean nor visited a Negro 
slum, but who describe those who live there as happy, 
better off indeed than we are. Here is a letter from a 
woman steeped in this soothing falsehood: 

Los Angeles, California 
July llth, 1949 
Dear Dr. Laubach: 

After hearing your talk at Bethany Presbyterian 
Church yesterday, I am inspired to write this letter. It 
is written in a spirit of love, and of appreciation of that 
part of your work which looks to me morally legitimate 



and good. Please consider your possible mistakes as 

You are taking to primitive peoples Bread, in the form 
of Literacy which is tied in with concealed poison in 
the shape of an alien culture. 

Note the stage of evolution of the remote people of 
New Guinea. According to your own words, they are 
naked, polygamous cannibals. Well, in certain climates, 
and for such people, there is nothing undesirable or 
immoral about nudity. Why seek to rob them of their 
naturalness, and complicate their lives with body con- 
sciousness and clothes? 

Polygamy may be best for some Races in some stages 
of development. Any attempt to thrust a different cul- 
ture upon such people may only cause confusion, psy- 
chological maladjustment, and dislocations in their 
social order. 

And what about cannibalism? Is the eating of human 
flesh any worse than killing and eating our defense- 
less little Brother, the Cow and the Sheep? Is cannibal- 
ism any worse than vivisection as practised by our 
Scientists? Is it any worse than the greed, and war- 
mongering of our Western "Civilized Culture"? I be- 
lieve that bullfighting and prize fighting are more de- 
grading than cannibalism. 

Religion is natural and good; that is, Religion that is 
indigenous to the (Social) soil of a People. Jesus' teach- 
ing is universal, and no doubt is the highest yet brought 
forth on this Planet. But Christianity and its fantastic 
theology is only a Western distortion of the exalted 
teachings of the gentle Oriental, Jesus of Nazareth. 
Paul's theology began the distortions. And the Church 
has mostly followed Paul and not Jesus. But anyway, 
the highest and purest concepts of the way of Life that 
Jesus gave to the world we should seek to incorporate 
into native Religions, not try to thrust Christianity onto 
peoples as a substitute for their own concepts and tra- 


ditions. It is shocking and bad that the Japanese should 
forsake their own gods for other peoples' gods, as in 
their wholesale adoption of Christianity, which you 

Why waste time and energy combating anything so 
sane and good as Communism? It is not good for this 
country but it may be good for some people. If the 
Communists are Atheists, that is not too bad, so long 
as they teach and practice Human Brotherhood, and 
the way of life that Jesus taught. Consider the harm 
that you may be doing, the trouble you may be foment- 
ing by combating the teachings and work of the Com- 
munists in the Orient. The crimes of a Power Culture 
and of Capitalistic exploitation of human beings are 
the worst on Earth. And a Religion (that is Christianity) 
which is unescapably tied in with Power Politics, and 
Commercial exploitation of primitive peoples cannot 
but harm them more than it benefits them. 

You have much to give that is good, if you will only 
separate it from the mistake of interfering with the 
spread of Communism, and if you will avoid dislocat- 
ing native cultures. 

The fact that many primitive peoples seek eagerly 
for what you have to give does not justify your trick- 
ing them into adopting Christianity along with their 
acquisition of a written language. Your campaign for 
literacy is a wonderful enterprise, but why vitiate it 
with the mistakes of our Christianity, and of our West- 
em culture? 


It was teaching like this in our colleges and schools 
(among other things) that undermined our interest 

in missions. So the missionaries in some leading de- 
nominations have actually diminislied in numbers 


while their resources diminished in real value by the 
decline of the dollar. 

That the interest of American church members m 
missions has not risen at all in these thirty years of 
cold war is shown by these astonishing statistics, 
Charles Fahs of the Missionary Research Library 
discovered that the per capita giving from living 
donors for foreign missions in 1920 for eleven leading 
denominations in the United States was $1.66.* 

The same eleven denominations, according to the 
United Stewardship Council's statistics of December, 
1949, showed a per capita giving for foreign missions 
of $1.15 (as compared to $1.66 in 1920), or a de- 
crease in per capita giving of 51 cents, in those 
29 years. 

The number of missionaries for these eleven de- 
nominations has decreased from 5,373 in 1919 to 
4,587 in 1948, or a decrease of 786. 

Another way of estimating how missionary giving 
has gone down is to study the published statistics of 
foreign missionary expenditures since 1928, in mis- 
sion boards. Those statistics show that for some 120 
boards, a total of 32 million dollars was expended in 
1928-1930; by 1934 it had dropped steadily to 21 mil- 
lion dollars; in 1942 it had reached a low of 16 million, 
and then it started to rise again. In 1944 it was 20 
million, in 1946 it was 31 million, and by 1947 it was 
up to 35 million three million above the figure 
for 1928. Thus, there is a seeming rise or increase 
back to 1947, but that is an illusion, inasmuch as 
goods that cost $1.22 in 1928 would cost $1.59 in 
* Trends in Protestant Giving, 1929, p. 53. 

1947. That means that 35 million dollars in 1947 is the 
equivalent of only 27 million dollars in 1928. So there 
was a real loss of 8 million dollars between 1928 
and 1947. The decreased interest in missions is even 
more apparent when we compare giving and incomes. 

Look at this: in 1929 the per capita income in our 
country was $680. In 1947 the per capita income was 
$1,323.* Almost double! But the total expenditures 
for foreign missions, as we saw above, increased only 
ten per cent, while per capita giving went down. 

The United Stewardship Council says that the av- 
erage American Protestant member's giving for for- 
eign missions in 1949 was $1.25. The average income 
in the U.S.A. in 1949 was $1,453. The average church 
member therefore gave, to win the cold war through 
missions, 9/100 of 1% of his income. He was com- 
pelled to give 25% to 75% of his income for military 
preparations. This means that while the average 
church member gives less than % a cent a day for 
foreign missions, he gives more than $1.50 a day for 

Yet a few days ago a man told me that we might as 
well pull all our missionaries out, inasmuch as they 
are so ineffectual against the Communists! I replied, 
"Do you ever give anything for foreign missions?" 
He replied proudly, "Never." "Better pull the mis- 
sionaries out" if they can't get along on nothing! Does 
that spirit deserve to survive? 

Briefly, so far as three-fourths of the church mem- 

* Tliis corresponds with another report of the Foreign Missions 
Conference from fifteen denominations, which shows that they had 
6,087 missionaries in 1919, and 5,192 missionaries in 1948. (World 
Almanac, 1949, p. 433). 


bers are concerned, our giving for foreign missions 
has been a stupendous fraud. Can we awake soon 
enough? I personally think that the survival of the 
United States depends upon that more than upon 
any other single factor. Thank God for the one-fourth 
who have seen the vision and for the one-hundredth 
who have tithed for missions! 

All in all, American Christians thought it was "mis- 
sions as usual" and "business as usual/ 5 The American 
Church did not realize that an enormous world up- 
heaval had taken place, which presented the Chris- 
tian Church with such a chance as it has not seen in 
two thousand years. She was blind, at the moment 
when she was confronted with the most marvelous 
break-through since Christ walked the earth. 

The Communist International, on the other hand, 
looking for a way to create a world revolution, saw ex- 
actly the break-through they desired in this tremen- 
dous urge of four-fifths of the human race to better 
their condition. While the Church grew cold to her 
own gospel, the Communists sent their missionaries 
to convert the natives of every country to their violent 

The Communist gospel is simple enough to make 
its lies sound plausible. It is passed on to the masses 
not by foreigners, but by natives converted to 
Communism. This is what they preach: "You are 
hungry, in debt, without land, oppressed by the land- 
owner. The moneylender and white foreigner and the 
government all rob you. That is why you are desti- 
tute. Ninety per cent of the people like you are desti- 
tute. We will help you start a people's revolution. We 


will furnish you with, arms; all o us will be armed 
secretly, then we will make a tremendous attack and 
overwhelm the government and establish a soviet 
government of the poor people. We will drive out the 
rich landowners and the foreigners and divide the 
land into small farms so that every man can have 
enough to live in comfort and happiness." 

That formula sounds good to the hungry man, for 
he has long hated the moneylenders and the land- 
owners, especially the foreign landowners. It is a 
formula of hate, robbery, violence, and murder, but 
he will follow this course rather than remain in him- 
ger and misery. He is ignorant and not bothered by. 
the laws of property rights. 

The hungrier people get, the less binding the rights 
of others appear. The first right is to. survive, so the 
hungry man believes, at whatever cost. Those who 
went through the various stages of hunger in the in- 
internment camps of the last war testify that they 
reached a stage where they could think of nothing 
but food, and finally where nature drove them to 
steal it. Masses who are close to the hunger line or 
over it all of the time have no deeply ingrained ethi- 
cal code to restrain them from stealing or deceit or 
violence or murder. 

For that matter, nearly all of us justify violence 
when it is called war. It is wrong to murder, but it 
isn't considered murder if we kill enemies in war; that 
is a victory for the right! So when war has been de- 
clared on the government and the landlords, and the 
moneylenders, the tenants can be persuaded that kill- 
ing the enemy is victory for the right! 


The Communists have presented to the hungry and 
oppressed multitudes the idea that they are in a right- 
eous war of liberation from their enemies, and this 
sounds true to oppressed people a fact that America 
must understand. 

Here is the chief reason why China fell before the 
Communist propaganda with such amazing speed. 
The Communists promised a new deal in land, and 
kept their promise, while the Nationalist govern- 
ment was supported by the rich landowners and so 
could not make a redistribution. It is also the reason 
why the people of North Korea fought with such fa- 
natical desperation even when they faced defeat. 
They had seen the Communists throw out the land- 
lords and divide the land into small plots for the little 
farmers, and this was enough to prove that Com- 
munism was a friend of the masses. 

Lest anybody suppose I am a Communist, let me 
say here that I regard Communism as the most 
dreadful menace that ever faced the human race. 
Communism is a stupendous fraud. Its ultimate pur- 
pose is not the redistribution of land into small par- 
cels, not freedom, but the confiscation of all land by 
government, and making all farmers tenants and all 
men slaves. They get rid of the landlords but they 
plan to make the state the superlandlord. This the 
little people do not know, for they never read Marxist 
doctrine; they know nothing about Communism; they 
know only that the Communists promise exactly what 
the people want and that at first they keep that 

I have wondered why some of our American maga- 


zines do not send journalists to find out exactly what 
the Communists publish that so quickly and easily 
captures the loyalty of the underprivileged of the 
earth. These journalists would return, after such an 
inquiry, with the one and only countermove to save 
these multitudes from going Communist. Indeed, if 
the statement which I have tried to make simply and 
clearly is accepted as fact, the reader sees that answer 
now. It is self-evident. 

It is simply to go out and help those people, not on 
a small scale but on a truly adequate scale, to give 
them the true American way and not a little taste of 
it. It is not enough to say, "The Communists are ly- 
ing. Be content with your poverty." Those masses 
will never again be content with their poverty. Noth- 
ing can stop their upward movement now. Nor will 
it save us merely to threaten to blow these hungry 
people to pieces if they dare to raise their heads 
against their oppressors. 

We and the governments which are friendly to us 
are trying hard to develop a United Nations police 
force to prevent invasion of any one country by an- 
other. That is a sound plan, and perhaps it is the most 
helpful thing we are doing. And yet the danger we 
face is that the United Nations will be tempted to use 
that police force to repress the masses when they rise 
in agony against their oppressors. That is exactly 
what some people in the U.N. countries are urging us 
to do. For example, as I write today, the French dele- 
gate in the United Nations is trying to persuade the 
Assembly to go to France's aid in French Indo-China, 
as we went to the aid of South Korea, although nearly 


all of the people of Indo-China and most of the peo- 
ple of Asia want France to leave Indo-China. 

If we are to help these people up above the danger 
line of desperation and hate, if we are to capture their 
confidence and loyalty, we have two tasks to perf onn: 

1. To help them get out of debt and to get enough 
land so that every man can till his own soil "the 
American way/' as President Truman has put it. 

2, To help them get the technical knowledge of 
agriculture and its related industries, so that they can 
use their resources most productively and profitably. 

As I write, newspapers and magazines are saying 
that we must strive for "a clearer understanding of 
the Asian psychology" (Hanson Baldwin, 'New York 
Times* Oct. 31, 1950). There is nothing mysterious 
or difficult about the fundamental fact; it is the 
gnawings of hunger and the misery of destitution. It 
isn't Asian psychology; it is human psychology- yours 
and mine. These people have been in despair in the 
past, but they are becoming more and more like us, 
determined not to be hungry, not to be oppressed! 

This is no mystery to the missionaries. It is as clear 
as any fact in the world. 

What missionaries cannot understand is the atti- 
tude of those among us who think it peculiar that 
some people want their stomachs filled, that they 
want to be like us, and that they believe the promises 
of a country which offers to help them, even though 
it is lying. 

When they were shouting "Hosanna" around Jesus 
during the triumphal march to Jerusalem, He came 


riding over the brow of the hill and, to the consterna- 
tion of the multitude, burst into tears over Jerusa- 
lem as He moaned: 

"Would that today you knew the things that make 
for peace. But now they are hid from your eyes. The 
days will come upon you, when your enemies will 
cast up a bank about you and surround you, and hem 
you in on every side, and dash you to the ground, you ' 
and your children within you, and they will not leave 
one stone upon another in you, because you did not 
know the time of your visitation." 

It all came true as He foretold, because they put 
their trust in war and not in His way. 

Do you think He is weeping over America today, 
saying the same words for the same reason? And does 
it make you weep? 

The Church lost faith in the last command of Jesus, 
"Go ye into all the world," when it lost interest in 
helping the world to catch up with us; and the Com- 
munists, out to capture the world, found it easy. We 
retreated and they walked in. 

It is not too late, if we wake up. And we will either 
wake up or blow up! 

The Greatest Break-Through in History 

In the October 28, 1950, issue of the Saturday Eve- 
ning Post appeared this editorial: 

It would seem sensible before getting steamed up 
too much in this war, for men's minds to get some really 
useful information about what the minds of peasants 
in Asia are like. One source would certainly be the 
Christian missionaries. They live and labor among poor 
people and their testimony ought to be worth at least 
as much as that of some of die experts. 

That is indeed sensible. If we had realized that mis- 
sionaries were the only Americans we had who lived 
close to the unhappy masses and knew what they 
wanted, and if we had supported the missionaries and 
listened to their advice, we would not be losing the 
cold war for the world. 

Soon after the first World War missionaries began 
to experience in their own communities this tremen- 
dous new urge to come up. Where they used medicine 
and schools, they found in this service an effective 
means to melt away prejudice and to win friends for 
themselves and Jesus Christ. 



Most Christian missionaries have been strong for 
the establishment of elementary schools; they wanted 
their members to be able to read the Bible or prayer 
books or hymnbooks. Sometimes these schools were 
popular and sometimes they were not. In the past 
thirty years, however, all this has been changed. The 
world has gone education mad. Thousands of schools 
began to overflow, and more new schools were needed 
than the missions could afford to open. Thousands of 
schools were opened by natives on a self-supporting 
basis when the missionaries had no funds for them. 

But adults were not satisfied just to educate their 
children. They began to want to leam to read and 
write themselves. They saw that one reason they 
were hungry and sick, in rags and hovels, in debt, op- 
pressed and swindled by moneylenders was because 
they were ignorant. They noticed that the people 
who had the wealth were literate and that the impov- 
erished people were illiterate. Hitherto they had al- 
ways longed to read, but to them illiteracy was like 
povertya prison from which they could never es- 
cape. They thought schools were for children. 

It was during the first World War that all this be- 
gan to change. The first evidence of the change was 
among the Chinese coolies in the trenches of France. 
They had been brought over to dig trenches. Being 
illiterate, they could neither read letters from China 
nor write back to their families. James Yen, a Chinese 
Y.M.C.A. secretary for the coolies in France, wrote 
so many letters for these homesick Chinese that his 
fingers hurt. Then he got the idea of teaching them 
to write their own letters. He chose a thousand Chin- 


3se words which would be necessary to write simple 
letters and taught the coolies how to write their own 
letters home. The experiment was a great success. 

At the end of the World War, Yen returned to 
China with the coolies, and began to teach people to 
read his thousand-character vocabulary, again with 
great success. He had made a stupendous discovery; 
he had experienced the great new passion of the adult 
masses to come up through education out of poverty 
and despair. When people want a thing badly enough 
it is easy to organize them, and James Yen found here 
a marvelous easy break-through for service. His cam- 
paign spread like wildfire., spread beyond teaching, 
reading and writing to the other basic needs of people 
in deep poverty and disease and dirt. The govern- 
ment of China took up this popular cause in one pro- 
vince after another, and Yen believes that fifty mil- 
lion Chinese have learned to read. 

Almost simultaneously a second immense advance 
in literacy began in Russia. Lenin said that Russia 
could not be united nor made Communist if only 
twenty per cent of the people could read. So the Com- 
munists started a vast compulsory literacy program, 
adopted a perfect alphabet, taught by the syllabic 
method, allowed people to study in fifty languages, 
set a time after which they must read to get a job, re- 
quired millions to teach without pay and they re- 
port having taught upwards of 100 millions, raising 
the literacy from twenty per cent to ninety per cent 

Meanwhile some fifty mission centers of the world 
began to sense this new hunger of adults for educa- 


tion, and had Interesting though unnoticed local suc- 
cesses. They began to correspond with one another 
about this interesting new hunger, and to ask the best 
way of meeting it. The traditional word story method 
of teaching, now employed in English with children, 
was proving to be too difficult. The memory load 
when one must remember how to pronounce each 
word is too heavy for adults. 

Many missionaries, however, dared to be original 
Ninety per cent of the languages of the world are al- 
most perfectly phonetic, one sound for a letter. Eng- 
lish, on the other hand, is the worst speled language 
in the world. We have eight sounds on an average for 
each of the vowels, and in any new word are not sure 
which of these eight sounds to give it. "Ough" is pro- 
nounced six ways in English. The large English dic- 
tionaries have a thousand words few of us can pro- 
nounce. But in Spanish you can pronounce any un- 
known word after from a few days' to a few weeks' 
study, because there is but one sound for each vowel 
and consonant. All the languages of India, Africa, and 
Latin America, all the languages of the Pacific, are 
perfectly phonetic. 

This is why the missionaries who tried teaching 
syllables had remarkable results. They did not teach 
the alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz," but 
when they taught a, Iba, da, /a, ga, ha, ja, and all the 
other syllables, in a few days their students could pro- 
nounce any word without the teacher's help. 

Most missionaries are unafraid to try new things. 
They would not be missionaries if they followed the 
crowd. They are compelled to be self-reliant and to 


pioneer. There is a far greater percentage of these 
fearless experimenters among missionaries than 
among the people who remain at home. It is not that 
they are brighter than other people; they are only 

These bold experimenters found that the easier 
their methods became, the more illiterate adults 
clamored to learn to read. I was one among hundreds 
of experimenters. We corresponded with one another, 
sharing our new, better ideas, growing more and more 
excited at the results we were getting, the triumphant 
smiles and the gratitude of our students, the rapidly 
mounting number of new literates, the thousands of 
new friends we were making and the numbers who 
became Christians. Something tremendous was hap- 

I happen to be a missionary whose business it is to 
visit these miracle workers in sixty-eight countries. I 
have seen the triumph in their eyes, the look of dis- 
coverers of a new world, and I have seen a new way 
to conquer the world for Christ. There are only a few 
hundred of these educational missionaries who have 
entered this open door of teaching and winning the 
illiterate non-Christian world, but they are like me, 
fanatically sure that down this road of Christian serv- 
ice and witness lies the conquest of the world for 
Christ. The "riddle of Asia and Africa," which has 
baffled everybody except the Communists, looks not 
only soluble but will be easy if you will give missions 
the re-enforcements and the resources they need. A 
few hundred of us missionaries believe we know how 
to evangelize and to conquer the world for Christ in 


fids generation, and that this crisis stirred up by the 
Communists can be made to help Christ. For one 
thing, the Communists are helping shake conceited, 
complacent, self-centered America out of her hyp- 
notic stupor. 

We are not afraid. God is standing in this new open 
door and is ringing out that old terrible world we 
have had and ringing in the new. 

We must move and move rapidly, now. 

How My Eyes Were Opened by the Mows 

I should like to tell a little of the experience which 
has driven so deep into my soul the conviction that 
down this road lies the way to save the freedom and 
peace of the world. 

While working in Mindanao, Philippines., among 
the Moslem Moros, we found that they needed only 
sixteen letters for their sixteen sounds; after a few 
months of experimentation we learned to teach the 
Moros all their syllables in a matter of two or three 
days. We found three key words which contained all 
the twelve Moro consonant sounds: 

ma la ba nga (name of a Moro town) 

ka ra ta sa ("paper" in Moro) 

pa ga na da ("to study 3 * or 'learn" in Moro) 

There were only four vowels in their language: a, % 9 
o, u. By mixing these with the consonants, we could 
write everything and read everything in the Moro 

When the M'oros realized that it was very easy, 
they came to learn by the dozens, then by the hun- 
dreds, and finally by the thousands. 



Before we taught the Moros to read, none of them 
would come to our church. After a few months of the 
literacy campaign many came, and the younger men 
who knew English began to join our church. In two 
years the entire tribe of Moros, hostile when we first 
arrived, became our warm friends. 

We began to correspond with missionaries in other 
mission countries, Asia, Africa, Latin America, the 
Pacific Islands, telling our results and asking for their 
experiences. The answers came back full of fervor, 
many of them were tingling with local successes like 
those which we were having, and all of them were 
eager for help. 

At that time I read a book by Daniel Fleming, 
called The Marks of a World Christian, which said 
that two-thirds of the population of the world could 
not read, and that ninety per cent of the non-Chris- 
tian world was illiterate. When I told my Moro 
friends, "We have found a way to learn that will help 
two-thirds of the world/' they became noisily excited. 
I was as excited as they. It is a fervor that has not 
died down in twenty years. We and other mission- 
aries had struck it rich if helping people and win- 
ning friends is what you are seeking. 

The literacy campaign of the Moros got the rest of 
the Philippines excited. At the request of the Na- 
tional Christian Council and with the co-operation of 
the Department of Education and the Governor Gen- 
eral, I helped make similar lessons in about twenty 
Philippine dialects. All of them were as simple and 
easy to learn as our lessons for the Moros. All of them 
were Malay languages, as easy as those in Mindanao 


twelve to fourteen consonants, four vowels, and every 
syllable ending in a vowel! 

In 1935 we returned to America for our furlough, 
going by way of Asia and the Mediterranean instead 
of crossing the Pacific. Missionaries, eager to ex- 
change experiences, arranged for our entertainment 
and for conferences. We tried making lessons in the 
Malay languages of Singapore and Sumatra. They 
worked! We tried making lessons in five languages of 
India, in Arabic at Cairo, Jerusalem and Beirut, 
and in Turkish at Istanbul These languages proved 
much harder than the Malay languages had been, and 
our first lessons were not very good, but they were 
an improvement on previous lessons. The enthusiasm 
of the missionaries and of the illiterates was even 
greater than we had expected to find. We told a group 
of New York businessmen about this encouraging ex- 
perience, and they formed the "World Literacy Com- 
mittee." I have been traveling as the representative 
of that Committee for the past fifteen years. 

All of these tours have been in co-operation with 
missions, and in fifty countries in co-operation with 
governmental departments of education. The visits, 
lasting from a week to two months in each area, were 
occupied with conferences with competent linguists 
and educators. 

In each conference we prepared literacy primers 
(mimeographed copies) and tried them on as many 
illiterates as we could in the time at our disposal. 
Then we organized the churches, schools, and other 
organizations into "each one teach one" campaigns. 

I have sat down beside thousands of illiterates and 


helped them begin to read. I have seen their response 
over nearly all the illiterate areas of the world. 

The basic conviction expressed in this book was 
not therefore the result of imagination, but of ex- 
periences piling up higher and higher to verify one 
another in every country. Anybody who had gone 
through the same experiences would come out with 
the same certainty that I have, that those who cannot 
read have a strange, pathetic, even terrible longing 
to learn to read, when they find it is possible, because 
they believe that through this door they can get out 
of their misery. 

I did not know this in 1915 when I went to Min- 
danao as an educational missionary. I had secured 
my Doctor of Philosophy degree in Sociology and was 
familiar with the literature of sociologists and anthro- 
pologists, who often write poetry about the idyllic 
happiness of the primitive peoples. But my experi- 
ence with the illiterate millions all over the world has 
long since exploded this academic fanatasy. I have 
found the illiterate people close to the poverty line, 
seldom able to get aU they want to eat, obsessed with 
the never-ending problem of satisfying their hunger, 
sick and plagued with flies and vermin and insects 
and germs which make every day a battle for life. 
In my generation, at least, the real illiterates are just 
plain unhappy, and I believe this is the true picture 
of ninety-five per cent of them, from Adam down to 
today. They were formerly in dismal despair. The 
new thing about them is that they no longer despair. 
They now hope; they are like men trapped in a mine 
desperately straggling to get out. 


For many years I have traveled among these peo- 
ple in every continent, and I have seen this new des- 
perate hope rising steadily every year. If it were true 
only in one country or in a few countries it would 
still be significant, "but I find it true in every country. 

Educated people differ widely in their attitude 
toward these new aspirations of the masses, just as 
people have differed in their attitude toward labor 
unions in America. Missionaries and some other edu- 
cated people ardently desire to help the illiterates, 
but many other people are doubtful, some neutral, 
some fearful, some hostile. Many see a terrible danger 
in this yearning of the masses to rise. They had better 
be afraid to oppose the masses, because this rising 
tide is certain to destroy any man or any group that 
stands in its way. This tide is as irresistible as the 
revolving of the earth. 

There are people who for selfish gain seek to keep 
these people illiterate. In Johannesburg, South Africa, 
some friends arranged for me to meet the men re- 
sponsible for securing laborers for the gold mines. 
The companies, by offering relatively good wages, 
have lured hundreds of thousands of Negroes from 
their villages, leaving the wives and children at home. 
A true picture of the tragic moral conditions of these 
camps is found in Cry, the Beloved Country. I told 
these gold-mine officials that the camps afforded a 
fine opportunity to send the men back home with a 
little education and Christian ideals, so that they in 
turn could teach the people in their villages; and 
added that this separation might turn into a blessing 


to them at least in this respect. The chief official at 
the table replied: 

"We are here on business .and we must be practical 
Can you show us that if we teach these men to read 
they will not leave the mines and get better jobs in 
Johannesburg? Nobody is going to work in a hole a 
mile deep if he can get out of it. I admit that the 
ethics are on your side, but we have to mine gold and 
make it pay." 

They have not yet begun a literacy campaign in 
those gold mines. 

On a railroad platform in Kenya Colony I fell to 
talking with a prosperous-looking gold-mine presi- 
dent and told him my business. He told me his posi- 
tion and added, "I never saw you before and have 
nothing against you personally. But professionaly 
you are my enemy, for if you succeed you will spoil 
my labor market." 

Fortunately such men are the exception, and co- 
operation is the general rule. But so far as the illiter- 
ates are concerned, there are no exceptions. 

I Remember! 

During the last twenty years there have been, not 
dozens nor hundreds, but thousands of evidences of 
the wistful eagerness of illiterates to read. 

There rises before my memory the enormous cam- 
paign in Bihar Province, India, where Moslems and 
Hindus forgot their antipathy and taught one another. 
[ saw school buildings and homes crowded with 
sager learners. At Gaya jail fifteen hundred prisoners 
were teaching one another, and as I came in they 
treated me like a god from heaven. While other pris- 
oners and the warden wept, the poet of the prison 
recited a long poem containing these lines: 

The Spring season has set in for our souls. 

The name of God has a new sweetness. 

The garden of my heart has blossomed forth with new 

Praise be to God for the exceeding grace He has shown 

to us in prison. 
The days of our sighs and groans are over and a new 

song is on our lips. 
We were in a prison of the mind long before we came 

to this jail. 


Today there is a new longing in our hearts. 

India has been living in a dungeon of ignorance, but 

now the good news has reached us that the day of 

her emancipation is dawning. 

No longer shall we be slaves of midnight ignorance. 
Who am I, that I dare to dream the incredible new 

aspirations which fill my soul! 

I remember Baroda State, where a thousand peo- 
ple led by an Indian Scottish bagpipe band met me 
at the station before daybreak and before I was up, 
and marched to a great mala or carnival, where they 
celebrated all day long the opening of many blind 

I remember teaching two hundred prostitutes in 
Dar Es Salaam to read, women who had been forced 
into evil life and wanted to get out of it, and hoped 
that literacy was the door to decency and health. I re- 
member their courtesy, their reverence, their grati- 

I remember a man who came for many days to the 
nurse in Wembo Nyama to have "an injection for ig- 
norance"; how he laughed and trembled when the 
nurse brought him to me for his first triumphant reci- 

I remember a hundred new literates looking happy 
as angels when we gave them their diplomas in 
Wembo Nyama; I remember that one old man in a 
class became hysterical when he found he could learn, 
and giggled and shouted like one gone crazy, so that 
we had to stop the class! He couldn't endure Ms bliss! 
Mary Hurlburt tells of a man who came to her, say- 
ing, "I want the book that makes the blind to see." 


I remember in Kessua little boys and girls teach- 
ing their fathers and mothers, and bringing them up 
for their diplomas, while the crowd applauded and 
the parents wiped their eyes. 

I remember old women in Biantyre, Nyasaland, 
growing so hysterical with delight at the end of the 
first easy lesson that they danced round and round, 
shaking hands with everybody in the church in un- 
controllable rapture. 

I remember the look of heavenly joy on the faces of 
the 396 who received their diplomas at Donde after 
studying the "each one teach one" way. I remember 
how, after I had examined one woman and passed 
her, she suddenly threw her arms around the man 
who had taught her, and cried in a flood of tears, "You 
taught me to read, you taught me, you taught me! >? 

I remember thousands of students who had learned 
to read, in Uganda and who erected booths of reeds 
and bulrushes to welcome the man who had helped 
make their lessons. I remember the presents they 
gave me out of their poverty. Many dozens of eggs, 
pineapples, chickens, roosters, and one huge sheep. 

I remember the ten men and women whom we had 
taught their first lesson in Guatemala City, bursting 
out in tears of joy at the church service because at 
last they would be able to read the Bible, and all the 
congregation, including myself, weeping with them. 

I remember the old Maya woman in Yucatan, when 
I told her that she would make a good teacher, bury- 
ing her head in her arms and shaking with sobs. 
When I asked her what she was crying about, she 


^1 don't see why you came down here to teach a 
nobody like me. I'm nobody. What do you want?" 
Then she wept harder than ever. 

Through my interpreter I told her: 

"I don't want anything, but I learned to teach peo- 
ple from Jesus. He spent all His time helping people. 
Every minute of His day He looked for people to heal, 
to open their blind eyes, to feed them if they were 
hungry, to save them from sin, to teach them the most 
beautiful things in the whole world. I want you to 
know Jesus. When you finish this book you will be 
able to read His wonderful life," 

She said to my interpreter: "Tell him I think Jesus 
is very kind." 

I remember an incident in Nigeria, teaching a 
hundred Moslems all dressed in white. At the end of 
the lesson, to my consternation, they all fell down on 
their faces in front of me to show their gratitude. I 
thought of Paul and Barnabas at Lystra, and said to 
the interpreter, "Tell them to get up. I want to shake 
hands with them in the good American fashion." 

I remember making and experimenting with les- 
sons in Tanganyika with Beryl Long and her illiter- 
ate women, with babies tied on their backs. Months 
later Beryl Long went to a village where nobody'had 
ever heard the gospel and began to teach the first 
old man who came along. He was so gleeful at learn- 
ing so swiftly that he laughed and shouted with joy, 
and the whole village came out to share the happy 
miracle. Beryl Long then talked to them about Jesus. 
The next time she went to the village she was met by 
the chief at the head of the whole village. 


"We have a nice room for you and we want a 
teacher and we are going to build a church and we 
all want to be Christians/' 

Beryl Long replied, "It takes a great deal more to 
be a Christian than building a church and learning 
to read. You have to stop all your bad customs." 

The chief replied, "We have talked over all that, 
and we are ready to obey everything your religion 
demands, if only you will teach us to read." 

I remember one hundred women, half of them 
quite old women, in Taigu, Korea, who spent a week 
being taught by girls from the Mission School. At the 
end of the week we gave them little diplomas, as we 
always do. Then these women began to rise spon- 
taneously one by one to tell how they felt. One 
woman said, "People always called me stupid. But I 
learned to read and now 111 go home and read to 

Another said, "I have stayed in this church all 
week, studying whenever there was any light. Now 
I can read the Bible, and I thank the Lord for send- 
ing you." 

An old woman who looked at least eighty stood up 
and said, "I never had any paper of any kind, and I 
never believed that in my old age I would read the 
Bible." Then she walked up to me and said, "In the 
name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, 
I bless you." 

That blessing meant everything to the Koreans, 
for they hold old women in great reverence and obey 
whatever they command. 


I remember churches full of men and women in 
Jos, Nigeria, wearing nothing but a handful of fresh 
leaves, studying with zeal, and learning amazingly 
well. I remember their animated faces, the light in 
their eyes, their look of triumph, as they took their 
first steps out of total illiteracy. These people were 
real Christians, and the missionaries had been wise 
enough not to insist upon clothes. 

I remember the women studying with enormous 
zeal in Leopoldville, Congo. When the interpreters 
told them at the end of three days that our party was 
about to leave, they suddenly began to shriek and to 
look so furious that I thought they would tear us to 
pieces. I asked the interpreter what had been said, 
and he replied, "They think you are going away while 
they are still nearly blind, and it breaks their hearts." 

I said, "Tell them that the other missionaries are 
staying here and will teach them/ 3 But as we went out 
we heard them wailing and groaning. That, I realized, 
was the groan and wail of the world's hungry, sick, 
exploited, and illiterate. 

I remember the ragged boy in Liberia who thrust 
into my hands a dime, all the money he had, to ex- 
press his gratitude that we had come to save his 
country from ignorance. 

I remember the new light that came into the eyes 
of lepers in the heart of India, in Siam, in Africa and 
Latin America, in the Philippine Islands, as they 
taught one another and began to read their precious 
hymnbooks and their Bibles. With no hope for this 
world, these unfortunates find their sole consolation 


In hope for the future life. This makes the ability to 
read the Bible the most precious of all gifts. I remem- 
ber them weeping with joy. 

I remember the M'oro outlaw whom I taught in 
Lanao, Philippines, not knowing who he was. After 
we had finished the first lesson he took me over to a 
corner and said, "You taught me to read and you are 
the best friend I have in the world. I am going to do 
something for you. Is there anybody you want me to 
put out of the way?" 

The Moro boys told me next day that the govern- 
ment was looking for him for murder, but did not 
know what he looked like. 

1 remember teaching the laborers at the wells of 
Pakistan, and the scores of garlands they put around 
my neck. 

I remember, after teaching illiterates in Beira, 
Mozambique, how they tried to show their affection. 
One man said, "I feel like a* dog that cannot find 
words to tell its gratitude, and can only wag its tail" 

There is no end to these incidents. The wildest and 
most desperate men turn out to be good, loyal friends 
when you help them. They are full of gratitude, pa- 
thetically eager to follow you and be with you. Every 
night you have trouble getting away from them in 
order to sleep. These helpless multitudes will follow 
anybody who tries to help them. You don't have to be 
educated; you only have to love. 

The most primitive people in the whole world live 
in the interior of New Guinea, the great island north 
of Australia. I taught the children of the cannibals 
who ate James Chalmers, the famous missionary, in 


1901. The coast lias been Christianized in the fifty 
years since Chalmers died, but the interior stiE has 
thousands of cannibals. Nobody can count them 
without getting cooked. The largest tribe is well 
called "Kookookookoo." 

We made lessons in seventeen of the New Guinea 
languages, and then the government took us by plane 
to the interior, where there is a tribe which has de- 
cided to stop cannibalism. They say they have not 
eaten people for fifteen years. There is a missionary 
named Daring among them, and he is well named. 
Forty of us landed in little planes at the airfield which 
had been built there by the army. There were forty 
thousand people in that tribe, and more than a third 
of them came to us to learn to read. Each of us cen- 
tered upon one student, as our custom is, while all 
the rest tried to look on and imitate what we said. 
At the end of a week we had taught the first forty 
who had ever read that language, for it had never be- 
fore been written. Then we had our graduation for 
those forty and told them they were to teach the en- 
tire tribe. That Sunday at least fifteen thousand peo- 
ple swarmed on the airfield, marching, dancing, jump- 
ing, shouting, to celebrate this greatest event in their 
history. Their chiefs met in solemn council. Then the 
greatest chief of all came to tell us their decision: 

"This is the new great day in our history, We like 
your religion because it does so much for us. We are 
all going to be Christians and we want you to baptize 
everybody here this afternoon. All except us chiefs. 
We are not quite ready. We are told that you do 
not allow a man to have more than one wife, but 


we have many. We can't think of any Christian way 
to get rid of them suddenly. But we will marry them 
off as fast as we can, and then we will be baptized 
too. We all want your religion, for it does so much to 
help us." 

That night a chief, who had walked a week to get 
there, would not go home. He stayed around to urge 
each of us in the party to come to his area and help 
his people. "Nobody in our region knows what good 
is, and we need somebody to come and tell us how 
to be good." All of us had good excuses, for we were 
leaving the next day. But he would not leave until we 
promised to try to send somebody up from the coast 
as soon as we could. Even among the cannibals has 
come this strange, terrible passion to rise to a new 
level, this amazing gratitude when we help them, 
this eagerness to become Christians when they learn 
to read. 

This is the kind of experience that has revealed to 
me a thousand times over that these people at the 
bottom of society are easy to win to Christ if we go 
humbly with a helping hand to lift them out of their 
poverty and ignorance. 

How Governments Welcome Us 

Here is another cause for thanksgiving: nine out 
of ten of the governments where our committee has 
worked have been eager for our help. We went at the 
official or unofficial invitation of most of them. We 
worked in close co-operation with the departments 
of education in Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Santo Domingo, 
Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Trinidad, British Guiana, Vene- 
zuela, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Peru, Para- 
guay, Brazil, Philippines, Australia, New Guinea, Re- 
public of Indonesia, Ceylon, all the provinces and 
presidencies and states of India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, 
Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tangan- 
yika, Uganda, Congo, Nyasaland, North and South 
Rhodesia, South Africa, French Cameroons, Angola, 
Nigeria, Gold Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Korea, 
Thailand, Hawaii, Basutoland, Natal, Zanzibar. In 
China, James Yen and Hugh Hubbard and many 
others have worked in constant co-operation with the 
government, or in its employ. This number will be 
larger before you read these pages, for we have invi- 
tations from five other countries which we hope to 
accept this year. 



We were entertained by governors and kings and 
presidents in many of these countries, our expenses 
paid in whole or in part in many of themall the way 
around the world by air by one of the governments. 

Not a single government in any country we have 
visited has done anything to prevent Christians from 
teaching people to read and witnessing for Christ 
while teaching. Thus we have an enormous advan- 
tage over the Communists, who are suspected by all 
governments and outlawed by many. 

I have asked a great many officials why they have 
shown such hospitality and co-operation in teaching 
the illiterates, and the first reply they give is that they 
regard illiteracy as Enemy Number One to their 
progress. They cannot have technical industries of a 
high order with illiterate workmen. But they usually 
add what I think gives them the real sense of urgency. 
They say that the Communists have been infiltrating 
all through their country, stirring up the hatred of 
the people against the government. "The Commun- 
ists say they made Russia literate and promise to 
make this country literate. The people want to come 
up and believe education is necessary, so we are tak- 
ing the best steps we know to satisfy that demand. 55 

Thus the Communists have stirred up the desire, 
and we fulfill it! If we go and help the world, the 
Communists help us, without intending to do so. The 
Communists are dangerous to us only if we fail to be 
Christian enough to help the world, and in that case 
the wrath of God, too, is dangerous. We have nothing 
to fear except our failure to heed the call of anguish. 

Somebody has said that "the greatest of all sins is 


Indifference." Right! And it is also the greatest of all 
dangers to the United States. Our chief enexny is our 
Indifferent selves. 

There is an old saying that "you can't eat your 
cake and have it too." Well, you can't turn your 
back on the world's cry for help and get away with 

America is the millionaire of the world, with a 
large part of the world's wealth. My illiterates are 
jealous 'of that when they are hungry and see us ride 
by in our cars and airplanes. I understand that, for 
whenever a millionaire turns a cold ear to my pleas 
to help those hungry people, I have to summon up all 
my Christian grace to keep my temper. Everybody 
despises a mean man, especially a rich mean man. 
America is the world's millionaire, and she decides 
now whether she shal be loved or scorned. Every- 
body loves the Rockefeller Foundation, because it 
helps everybody. 

Pardon me if I spell this out in simple language. 
I do it for that large number of Americans who 
have never been within a thousand miles of these 
hungry masses and cannot comprehend even the 
ABC's of the world problem. By those ABC's I mean 
millions of humans who are hungry; their bones ache 
with fever, they are driven to work when they are 
sick, the moneylenders and landlords oppress them, 
and they want help. We neglected them, and the 
Communists, out to capture the world, went to these 
people promising not Marxian Socialism but the 
American way of life with private ownership of land 
and freedom. These ignorant people believed those 


promises, not knowing that the final goal of Commu- 
nism is government confiscation of all land and de- 
struction of all freedom. The Communists will cap- 
ture the rest of the world unless America awakens and 
actually gives what the Communists promise. 

My experience is that sharing technical know-how 
not only makes friends, but also bears a large, early 
fruitage. Let us see what the countries have done 
where our World Literacy Committee has assisted 
as consultant or organizer. 

In Mexico the great Christian leader Baez Camargo 
made a set of literacy lessons in 1940. Partly as a re- 
sult of this and of our visits to Mexico between 1941 
and 1944, the government adopted fine phonetic les- 
sons and effective methods. Under Dr. Jaime Torres 
Bodet as Minister of Education, every person who 
could read was required to teach, all who could not 
read were required to learn, and those who failed to 
teach or study were fined. 

A million a year have been learning to read for the 
past five years. Dr. Jaime Torres Bodet has been 
made President of UNESCO as a result of this 

Cuba adopted a set of our Spanish lessons, which 
the Readers Digest published, and is carrying on a 
vigorous government and mission campaign. 

Haiti had a campaign conducted first by the Rev. 
Orville McConnell, then promoted by Ambassador 
White of the United States, then taken over by the 
Haitian Government. I saw thousands of people 
learning. The lessons used were in the native Haitian 
Creole, which is spoken by all the people, UNESCO 


now has a model experiment in adult education in 

A young dynamic Council of Education took our 
plans in Venezuela and has been carrying on a vigor- 
ous literacy program ever since. 

In Ecuador, Alan Reed effectively poured his vigor 
and tremendous personal inluence into the literacy 
campaign in that country. In Ecuador, one is re- 
quired by law to teach if he can read, to learn if he 
can't read, or to pay if he doesn't teach or learn. 

After lessons had been used by our missionaries for 
some time in Peru, the government organized 30,000 
teachers to teach adults as well as children. 

In Paraguay, the government started training its 
army cadets to teach illiterates, so that they could 
teach all the army. 

In Brazil, the Department of Education asked me 
to co-operate in the preparation of lessons, then or- 
ganized a splendid nation-wide campaign, and re- 
ported that a half million were taught in 1950. 

In' the Philippines before the World War, cam- 
paigns were going on to teach adults in a dozen 
languages, government and missions working to- 

In New Guinea, under the vigorous stimulus of the 
Australian government, a new powerful literacy drive 
is penetrating the areas which a few years ago were 
cannibalistic, but nearly all the work is under the di- 
rection of missionaries. The missionaries report a 
graduation ceremony every three weeks! 

King Farouk of Egypt invited us to prepare lessons 
for his country. He then paid the bill for the first 


edition of the Primer, and called upon all who could 
read to teach at least one a year as a patriotic service. 

Two Egyptian Christians went down tlirough 
Egypt, calling all Christians together and saying: 

"King Faroulc asked us to teach one a year as a 
patriotic service. Nearly all of us can read. Let's teach 
Moslems to read and tell them we are doing it for 
the love of Jesus. The king wiH be glad if we help 
him make Egypt literate." 

The Christians of Egypt have been teaching and 
witnessing for Christ, and the government has never 
expressed any objection. Christian Egyptians now 
have a marvelous campaign for Arab refugees at 

No country has ever officially objected to this in- 
dividual teaching and witnessing at home. My ex- 
perience is that if you selfiessly help the government 
with any felt need it loves you and appreciates your 
religion* If you can help them, but refuse, they hate 
both you and your religion. 

Three-fourths of the provinces and presidencies 
and states of India have conducted literacy campaigns 
since our first visits in 1935, some provinces with tre- 
mendous zeal, and millions of people have learned to 
read. The government reports that illiteracy dropped 
from 92 per cent in 1920 to 85 per cent in 1950, which 
would mean that thirty-four millions had learned 
to read. 

India, like many other governments, is opposed to 
any direct attempt to proselytize the people, but is 
eager for us to come and help them teach illiterates, 


and if we make them Christians while teaching them, 
no objection will be raised. 

Mahatma Gandhi emphatically and repeatedly 
said that while he welcomed missionaries who helped 
India with their needs as the Quakers do, he did not 
like the missionaries who spent their whole time try- 
ing to convert Hindus to Christianity. This is still the 
attitude of the government of India. 

The government of Pakistan is putting forth des- 
perate efforts to teach her people Urdu, with its 
difficult Arabic alphabet. When I visited Pakistan 
last year, after a ten-year absence, they were in the 
midst of a tremendous effort to eliminate illiteracy. 
They nearly killed me with hard work, praise, and 
kindness. Moslems are wonderful brothers the world 
over when they believe in your unselfish desires to 
help them, 

Since our visit to Iran, the government has been 
carrying on an active literacy campaign under the 
direction of the army. 

' Lebanon, since our first visit in 1935, has made 
steady advances in literacy, most of the program 
centering around the American University. 

Turkey is working tirelessly at" her literacy pro- 
gram with large success. Dr. J. Kinsley Birge and 
other missionaries have made valued contributions 
to the government program. 

Uganda, adopting the methods which we devel- 
oped for Africa, is conducting a really great campaign 
under the direction of the Department of Education, 
and many thousands are learning every year. 


The government of North Rhodesia, in co-opera- 
tion with Mrs. Hope Hay, a missionary, has made re- 
markable progress. South Africa has a similar semi- 
official literacy campaign under Mrs. Quentin White, 

The government of Korea, strongly supported by 
the American Embassy, started a good campaign in 
co-operation with missions during the one year be- 
tween our visit and the invasion by North Korea. The 
American Embassy paid for the printing of the 

The government of Siam engaged us to prepare 
their textbooks for adult illiterates, printed the books 
we helped prepare, and is getting teachers trained in 
many places. 

Other countries have started so recently that there 
is as yet no unusual information to report. As a rule, 
two years after making the first experimental lessons 
the governments and missions are producing sub- 
stantial results. 

After seeing these successes, neighboring countries 
are inviting us three times as rapidly as our commit- 
tee can respond. We plan this year to accept invita- 
tions from the governments of Algiers, Tunis, India, 
Afghanistan, Burma, and the Indonesian Republic to 
work where we have never worked before. 

Literacy Makes Hungry Minds 

As soon as the illiterates learn to read, another door 
swings open. It is the opportunity to furnish these 
millions of hungry minds with something good and 
interesting to read. 

This is another open door for anybody else who 
wishes to enter. 

It is a very, very large opportunity, for about ten 
million adults are learning to read each year the 
number is impossible to give except in such round 
numbers. We know that over one hundred and fifty 
millions outside Russia have learned in the past three 

We were caught wholly unprepared to enter that 
literature door. The reading matter for new literates 
did not exist. Almost none of the literature printed in 
most countries is down on their level, except books 
and papers meant for little children. But adults are 
not children; they do not want children's fairy tales. 
They want adult ideas told in language which they 
can understand, just as you would if you tried to read 
a book in some foreign language like Greek or He- 



brew having an alphabet with which you were not 
very familiar. You would want the matter to be inter- 
esting, but with short simple sentences and familiar 

Until the last thirty years the literature in illiterate 
countries has been written to meet the exacting de- 
mands of scholars, with a beautiful and classical vo- 
cabulary; half of it is unfamiliar to new literates. 
Even the Bible was written far above the heads of 
the semi-literates. This was true in all the languages 
of Asia, in Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian, Arabic, 
and the Ethiopian languages. It was not quite so true 
of the African and other languages which have been 
reduced to writing by the missionaries in the past 
hundred years, but even in these tongues the reading 
matter was too difficult for those who have just 
emerged from illiteracy. And nine-tenths of it was as 
dull as a government bulletin! 

So here are millions upon millions of people for 
whom a wholly new literature must be created. As 
yet there is little literature easy enough for them to 
read, and in many languages next to nothing! 

The Communists saw this new open door and were 
prepared by experience in their own country to enter 
It. A hundred million people in Russia who had 
emerged from illiteracy could not read difficult mat- 
ter, so nobody in Russia today writes for scholars. 
Russian style always has been simple and direct, like 
that of Tolstoy, but now the writers of Communist 
literature are far simpler than Russian writers had 
ever been before. 

So the Russians know what it means to write for 


new literatures in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. 
Most of China was captured by propaganda without 
firing a gun. Mao Tse-tung published an article in 
the Calcutta Nation while we were in India last year, 
which shows how this was done. He says: 

The Chinese Communists have two armies, one 
with guns and one with pens. The army of writers is 
at least as important as the army of soldiers. They 
write for the peasants, the soldiers, the laborers, and 
the petty shopkeepers. They do not try to write to 
please the scholars! Their writers go down among 
the masses, live and suffer with them, learn their emo- 
tions and their needs, and write to show how Com- 
munism is the answer to their heart's desires. 

That is the substance of Mao Tse-tung's article. 

There are millions of posters, profusely illustrated. 
There are tens of millions of handbills. We have 
samples of them in our office as I write. The pam- 
phlets and booklets, all far, far simpler than the 
former literature, are within the reading vocabulary of 
the fifty millions of Chinese who have learned to read 
in the past thirty years. 

Laura Cross, quoting a Communist leader from 
Peking on June 21, 1950, said: 

The new literature in China is quite different from 
the old. It's all directed toward the masses and is full of 
propaganda and says the same thing over and over to 
be sure that even the most illiterate grasps the idea. 
. . , They don't know how to write artistically, but 
they have virility and creativity. At present the sophisti- 
cated may have to be bored but the masses must be 


What the Communists are doing in India is evi- 
dent in this letter from Madras: 

Outside the Buckingham and Camatic Mills, before 
work in the early morning, during the tiffin hour, and 
again in the evening, you may see hundreds and even 
thousands of workers sitting around in groups of from 
twenty to a hundred, listening to one of their members 
reading Communist literature. The slogan seems to be 
that every literate is a possible agent. He may not be 
able to get up and make a speech, but he can read 
aloud to his companions the literature we supply. There 
is no doubt about the effectiveness of this method, and 
it is less costly than any other.* 

The same sort of simple Communist reading matter 
has the governments of Asia and Africa worried. A 
missionary recently returned from Kenya Colony, 
saying they are excited about the quantity of Com- 
munist revolutionary propaganda they found in that 
colony. No country in Africa except Liberia is wholly 
free from fear of Communist propaganda. In Nigeria, 
the British government is torn between the desire 
to help the people read and the fear that it will 
help Communist Zik with his chain of Communist 
newspapers to win more Nigerians to his side. He 
claims half of Nigeria now. 

The governor of Nigeria and Lord Healey invited 
me to a conference on their baffling dilemma in 
Nigeria. I told them what I believe to be the whole 
truth in a nutshell: 

"If you try to suppress literacy, you prove that Zik 
is right, and you will have to fight a bloody revolu- 

* Mr. W. H. Warren quoted this letter in his talk to the Chris- 
tian Literature Council on September 22, 1950. 


tlon. If you encourage literacy, and do little about 
literature, you will play perfectly into the hands of 
Zik and the Communists. The only sound plan is for 
you to send to England for some of the best journal- 
ists you have, bring them to Nigeria, seek Christian 
writers, train them to write simply and readably, 
have many workshops where they will write what the 
people want and need to read, literature showing 
the people how you really are helping them up to a 
higher level, and how Communism is lying to them. 
You in England have had the greatest writers in the 
history of the world, and you still lead all other na- 
tions. If you put your mind to it, you can easily out- 
write this Communist who has no training in journal- 
ism. England ought to be ashamed of herself to be 
frightened at the literature of Zik." 

This is what I say of America and the entire West. 
We are cowards to fear the propaganda of Russia. 
What we do need to fear is our own inaction. Her 
propaganda is not within a thousand miles of the 
high quality of our own advertising agencies. But 
see where we pour all our genius! Into trying to sell 
automobiles and razor blades and beer to one an- 
other! Almost none of our genius has been invested 
in selling the ideals of Christianity and freedom and 
justice and honor to the other side of the world. We 
are losing the world just as the hare in ^sop's fable 
lost the race with the tortoise, by going to sleep, with 
stupid overconfidence and indifference. America suf- 
fers from the rabbit's swelled head. While we all 
slumbered and slept, the Communists came and 
nearly captured the world. They did not beat our 


journalists and advertising geniuses, for we never 
even entered the race! They won by default. 

We have cornered a large part of the world's 
wealth, and we can't find enough ways to squander it. 
We have the talent, the education, the technical skills 
to push the Communist writers right off the map. We 
have been too stupid to be ashamed of ourselves! That 
we shall stop being such fools at once is the most cru- 
cial issue for America and for the world. Otherwise 
we shall not deserve to survive or be free men. We 
are being tried in the balances and found wanting. 

If this makes you angry, don't be angry with me. I 
don't want us to be this way. Be angry with the way 
you have given pennies when you should have given 
dollars. Be angry because you gave your abilities to 
sell cigarettes, when you should have been selling 

Why do not the American publishers provide this 
immense volume of simple literature? Because it is 
so relatively unprofitable. Businessmen want quick 
returns for their money, and in foreign countries large 
returns to compensate for large risks. 

Why, then, doesn't our government undertake the 
task as the Moscow government does? We have 
worked ourselves up into a great fear of government 
doing too much, lest it become socialistic or bureau- 

I think the devil must laugh at this! When it 
comes to war preparation we let the government have 
a third of our national income, not learning the lesson 
of history, that good government is always destroyed 
by overtopping military power, never by any other 


kind of power. We are in danger of becoming a mili- 
tary dictatorship, and there is no danger of our be- 
coming any other kind of dictatorship. 

Still, I am not arguing for the government to con- 
trol our books and magazines and newspapers abroad. 
1 don't believe it should print what most needs to 
be printed. I believe in private enterprise to do this 
work, if the right private enterprise does it. The right 
enterprise is the Christian Church, as I hope to show 
in the next chapter, because it is free from the profit 
motive, possesses abundant resources, and has at its 
center the spirit of Jesus the highest ideals the world 
ever saw, the only hope of real, just peace. 

But before we begin that chapter let me say some- 
thing about radio and television, which many people 
imagine are cheap, quick ways to get truth to the 
world. A great many people seem to think that if we 
can have a bigger military establishment than Russia, 
and can shout over the radio louder than she does, we 
shall be able to save the world from going Commu- 
nistic and that we may even sow revolution behind 
the Iron Curtain. 

We are spending more on the Voice of America 
and Crusade for Freedom radio plan than on all 
missions put together. It is very important. * Yet it 
would be blind folly to depend upon it to go far in 
winning the cold war. First of all, it cannot get far 
behind the Iron Curtain, because short-wave radios 
are forbidden, and the others are jammed the mo- 
ment they are anti-Communist The clever Politburo 
knows how to keep its curtain tight 

The Voice of America thought Russia would like 


to hear one of Mr. Malik's speeches In the Assembly 
of the United Nations. But Russia jammed it all, so 
her people could not even hear what was in their own 

Nor does the radio reach the two-thirds who are 
wretchedly poor and hungry, because they have no 
radios. My billion illiterates do not even have chairs, 
or beds, or tables, or knives, or forks, not to mention 
radios. We might set up radios in every villiage for 
the whole population to hear, but all we said would 
be nullified- by the explanations of the Communist 
propagandists who circulate among those people. 

I say the illiterates cannot buy radios. But when 
we teach them to read we have put radios in their 
heads! We put them there free of charge; after that 
all we need to do is to have our writers living among 
them speak their simple language on the printed 
page and plant in their minds what we want to grow 
there. One of the fortunate things about new readers 
is that at first they believe everything they read. 
They do not know that people can print liesthat's 
why Communism is flouiishing. This tendency to be- 
lieve is fortunate for us if we are doing the printing, 
and terrible if the Communists are doing it. We need 
not fear the Communists if both they and we are 
doing it, and if we are really helping the people to 
better things, while the Communists raise false hopes 
they cannot fulfill. As soon as the Church comes 
awake, the two things she will need to do to help the 
world out of its misery are to help it help itself, and 
then to tell the whole truth. 


Literacy is building a bridge to ten million minds 
a year. We have got to cross that bridge. 

You may say, "Stop literacy/' but that is folly. If 
the missions stopped it, governments would still be 
teaching ten million a year. Nothing can stop it now. 
We cannot destroy that bridge, but we can cross it 
with a great army of books and papers. 


How Foreign Missions Plan for 
Literacy and Literature 

In January 1950 the Foreign Missions Conference, 
at its annual meeting, took the following action to 
enter these two stupendous new doors, the door of 
literacy and the door of Christian literature. 

Whereas we recognize: 

The increasing eagerness of the world's illiterates to 
learn to read; 

The requests of many governments for our help in 
their adult literacy campaigns; 

The opportunities which we have for effective evan- 
gelism as we teach illiterates; 

The near monopoly which missionaries have in train- 
ing and ability in adult literacy and translation work; 

The resources in men and means which American 
Protestants have for advancing the world cause of 


The heavy responsibility which we have for supply- 
ing Christian literature to the millions who are an- 
nually becoming newly literate; 




1. That we recommend to each member board that 
It select one or more missionaries to be trained in the 
techniques of teaching adults to read so that they in 
turn may teach others, both missionaries and na- 
tionals, and thus by continued repetition of this pro- 
cess, this invaluable means of evangelism may be 
brought within the reach of the widest possible circle 
of workers. 

2. That we also recommend the selection and ad- 
vanced training of missionaries and nationals gifted 
in the creation of Christian literature. 

3. That we urge the necessary additional support of 

the program of the Committee on World Literacy 
and Christian Literature serving all the Area Com- 
mittees of the Foreign Missions Conference, in order 
to take advantage of the opportunities thus created. 

This dull, innocent-sounding motion is packed with 
dynamite, if you know what it implies. It means that 
the mission boards adopted the program which the 
World Literacy Committee proposed at the confer- 
ence. If you wish to read that proposal, it is printed 
in full under the title Literacy as Evangelism. 

Briefly die plan is this: 

We plan as swiftly as possible to train all mission- 
aries in the "each one teach and win one" method 
so that they can go out to teach and win native Chris- 
tians: each one to teach and win one. Millions of the 
non-Christians of the world are illiterate. In fact, be- 
fore the Protestant Reformation, ninety-five per cent 
of the whole world was illiterate. The Reformation 
placed enormous emphasis upon the reading of the 
Bible, and out of that drive came a belief in universal 


education for rich and poor alike. In this twentieth 
century, belief in mass education has taken hold of 
most of the world. Nine-tenths of the nations repre- 
senting every religion are now making plans for uni- 
versal education for adults as well as for children. All 
the illiterate peoples of the world clamor for it. 

This is what missions see now., and they are de- 
termined to help the program because it is Christian, 
because it opens the Bible, and because it wins friends 
for Christ 

Our committee has established courses in the art of 
"each one teach one" in Hartford Seminary and in 
Scarritt College, Nashville. But this reaches only 
scores, while we need to train ten thousand as fast as 
possible. Time is running out. Every mission board is 
beginning to train picked missionaries to go out to 
train all the missionaries of its denomination. 

But this also is too slow. So a correspondence 
course is being prepared which we hope to send to 
every missionary in the world. 

Our plan is to mobilize as swiftly as possible all the 
native Christians in the non-Christian areas into 
armies for teaching illiterates and winning them to 

There are about thirty million native Christians 
(about half of them Protestants and half of them 
Catholics) in the midst of 1200 million non-Christians, 
one Christian to every forty non-Christians. We aim 
to put all these native Christians to work teaching 
and winning their neighbors. When that is accom- 
plished we shall be able to teach 30 million a year to 


read, to follow the way of love and Christ, and not 
the way of hate and revolution. 

Theoretically, if we could train all these Christians 
at once and if we had as much of the Holy Spirit as 
was evident at Pentecost, the number would rise in 
something like geometric progression 30 millions 
teaching 30 millions the first year, 60 millions teach- 
ing the next, then 120 millions, then 240 millions, then 
480 millions, then over the top! If there* were no 
failures in the program the world would be literate 
in a few years, and a large percentage of the newly 
taught would be Christians! 

Mathematically that is possible, but of course noth- 
ing like this is happening, because, for one thing, we 
do not have enough trained missionaries to train and 
direct these thirty millions. It is also true that half of 
those taught would fail to teach after being taught; 
they would lack the Christian spirit. And as for a 
Pentecost, experience shows that where a church is 
well organized so that nearly everybody teaches, a 
veritable Pentecost does fall upon that church. Then, 
caught up with fervor, many Christians teach and 
win one illiterate a month, and some a hundred or 
more a year! When they get a taste of the joy of teach- 
ing and winning, they develop an almost fanatical 
passion for more and more of that joy! I know how 
that feels I have it! 

It is not difficult to train the church members. The 
simple Primer is so easy to teach that they need only 
follow the printed lines and encourage the students, 
helping now and then. We also show each church 


member how to love and praise Ms students, and so 
win their gratitude. We say, "Never an unpleasant or 
discouraging moment! Never complain, or frown; 
never say "no/ never ask a question the student can't 
answer. Look pleased and overwhelmed with ad- 
miration. Love your student and silently pray for 
him." It sounds like a Dale .Carnegie course in sales- 
manshipand it works! 

At the end of the lesson tell him that the Christians 
are teaching because Jesus wants to help other peo- 
ple. We have prepared a series of short stories about 
the kindness of Jesus, to be told during each lesson. 
If the teacher is a sincere Christian, the student will 
soon love his Christ. It is as easy for a Christlike 
teacher to make the student love Christ as it is to 
make him literate. 

We set the entire church membership to work, each 
one to teach some neighbor at home, at any hour, until 
in one or two weeks the Primer is learned. Then all 
the students are invited to come to church and get 
their diplomas. As they march forward and receive 
their diplomas, the pastor and church officials all give 
them hearty congratulationsthe first time they have 
entered a Christian church! 

Then the new literates are invited to come and 
study the second book, The Story of Jesus, so that 
they can learn to read the Bible and books and maga- 
zines. In The Story of Jesus they build a vocabulary 
and they learn by heart what Jesus said and did. 

Wherever a church follows this method, the mem- 
bership of the church doubles rapidly and the whole 
congregation experiences a veritable outpouring of 


God's spirit. One can't give away Ms Christian faith 
without getting more! 

This, then, is how we are trying to mobilize an army 
o thirty million to spread love and peace over our 
distracted world. 

Eric Johnston, former President of the American 
Chamber of Commerce, and now Economic Stabili- 
zation Administrator, returned from a recent trip 
around the world with the alarming tidings that the 
Communists have "millions of missionaries scattered 
through every country, converting the people to 
Communism." We have millions too! Thirty millions 
of native Christians, waiting to be trained for our 
army. But we lack trained missionaries and money to 
organize these 30,000,000 into teaching and winning 
regiments. We can't do it until America helps us in a 
big way. 

America's task is to finance and train and send 
thousands of missionaries competent to drill and di- 
rect our unorganized and untrained army. That is a 
big order, but there is another just as big. 


We must provide literature for the ten millions 
now leamirg evc-iy year. We can ao it. If we get our 
enormous potential machinery moving we can pro- 
vide, good, readable literature for them all. 

At Syracuse University the Department of Journal- 
ism has developed a special division of Religious 
Journalism to teach- missionaries and nationals how 
to write very simple readable matter for new literates. 


The big problem In such a school is to find a faculty 
which knows enough about this simple level of writ- 
ing for new literates in Asia, Africa, and Latin 
America. Dean Lyle Spencer of Syracuse is one of 
these rare professors, for he has lived and written in 
the Near East and many other parts of the world for 
many years. 

But we can't wait for these young people to gradu- 
ate. We can't wait! So we are interviewing hundreds 
of newspaper reporters responsible for religious news 
and inviting those with a Christian passion to come 
out and help train natives to write. The men and 
women in the newspaper business have priceless ex- 
perience, they have proven that they can write, and 
many are ready to go as fast as we find sponsors for 

As soon as our funds permit, we shall send these 
Christian journalists out to mission colleges to start 
schools of journalism in which natives will be taught 
to write far more simply and alluringly than they had 
dreamed possible. 

These schools of journalism will also be workshops 
in which the students and professors study what the 
people want to read, and then write it for news- 
papers and magazines. If no newspapers exist, they 
will actually begin them, printing them with attrac- 
tive cartoons and photographs and large clear type in 
the best American style. Artists in cartooning and 
photography will have special classes. Together they 
plan and write books, and illustrate them. 

The students will be taught to use the latest print- 


ing processes, which make printing so much, cheaper, 
swifter, and more readable. 

There will also be classes dealing with all the prob- 
lems o promotion and sale of literature, getting it 
into people's homes and getting it read. So, in reality, 
these schools of journalism wiH be publishing centers 
as well as schools, the students learning to do by do- 
ing, which is both good education and good business. 

So far, all that has been done is pitifully inadequate, 
hardly a beginning, as may be seen when we realize 
that over a hundred million semi-literate people who 
learned in the past two decades are starving for good, 
interesting literature. If I had a hundred million dol- 
lars I would invest it in meeting this need for readable 
uplifting and religious literature. 

I would offer any price necessary to try to secure 
the finest directors of journalism to be found among 
our great newspapers and magazines. I would entice 
them from The New York Times and the Readers 
Digest. I would send out an army of them to capture 
this field from the Communists, confident that we in 
America have a hundred times more of everything 
it takes to flood the world with fascinating reading 
matter far more money, far more experience, far 
more training in keen competition, far better writers. 
Yet we Americans waste this genius and money in 
mad competition with one another, newspapers 
crowding one another to the wall, when a vast starv- 
ing world needs us! It does not make sense. We ought 
to hide our heads in shame. 

Does anybody want to invest a hundred million 
dollars for twenty years to build this bridge? 


Don't you see how literacy and simple readable 
literature would be the bridge from those who know 
how to those who need to know how? 

Do you want them to know how to get more pro- 
duction from their land? Here is your bridge! 

Do you want them to have better sanitation and 
hygiene? Here is your bridge! 

Do you want them to know about child care and 
motherhood? Here is your bridge! 

Or home economics, or balanced diet? Here is your 

Do you want to 1 prove to them that America is their 
friend? Here is your bridge! 

Do you want them to understand freedom? Here is 
your bridge! 

Do you want them to get your religion? Here is the 

Do you want to trade with them? Here is your ad- 
vertising medium. 

Foolish, shortsighted, blindly selfish America! Why 
don't you build that bridge while there is yet a world 
in which to build it? 

It Pays to Be a Good Neighbor 

America has had enough experience, if we profit 
by it, to know that one dollar invested in being a good 
neighbor brings as much return as a thousand dollars 
invested in guns and bombs. Indeed, the good-neigh- 
bor program has been a marvelous success wherever 
it has been carried out by sincere, kindhearted men. 
It fails only when we try to substitute loans of money 
and to work from a distance instead of sending real 
warmhearted friends. 

The Philippine Islands is one example. We took the 
Islands in 1899 without wanting them. We were at 
war with Spain and there was a Spanish fleet in the 
Philippines. Dewey sank the Spanish fleet, and the 
Islands were on our hands. Aguinaldo and the Fili- 
pino patriots, thinking that we were like their Span- 
ish foes, fought us for a year. Then we sent a delega- 
tion to explain our motives. "We are here to liberate 
you, but we must protect you from Spain and every 
other greedy power, and we will set you free the mo- 
ment you have a unified, strong government, and we 
will do our best to help you." 



That delegation won over Aguinaldo. He laid down 
Ms arms, and the Philippines and America began one 
of the happiest experiments in the history of ur coun- 
try. I had the delight of sharing that experiment be- 
tween 1915 and 1940, and saw how it paid to be a 
sincere good neighbor. 

We sent a thousand school teachers to the Philip- 
pines within a year after peace came, six hundred on 
one boat. We have sent twenty thousand teachers al- 
together. Never from any other country have so many 
men and women of good will gone forth to help an- 
other country, asking nothing in return. One out of 
four died in the Philippines., but their influence will 
never die. We did better in every respect for the Fili- 
pinos than any other colonial power had ever done, 
set up a sound self-government and then set them 
free as our "daughter republic/ 5 

We had our payoff when the Japanese struck in 
southeastern Asia. The only country of which we were 
sure in all Asia during the war was the Philippine Re- 
public. The Filipinos suffered far more casualties 
during the Philippine campaign than did we, had their 
principal cities ruined worse than any other country 
on the allied side, worse even than Britain, and they 
helped us win the war. As I write they are fighting by 
our side in Korea. 

Carlos Romulo, Philippine Ambassador to the 
United States, former president of Rotary Interna- 
tional, then a delegate to and finally President of the 
Assembly of the United Nations, the president under 
whom the Assembly was for the first time opened 
with a minute of silent prayer, is a magnificent prod- 


net of the schools established in the Philippines under 
our administration. 

Latin America is another example of the payoff for 
being a good neighbor. Before 1930 practically all 
Latin America hated us and feared us because of our 
"big-stick policy/ 5 They called us "gringos" a word 
of loathing. Then Herbert Hoover, with his experi- 
ence of service in Europe and his Quaker ideas, 
went down to Latin America, and in spite of his awk- 
ward shyness (or perhaps partly because of it) con- 
vinced Latin America that we sincerely wanted to be 
her good neighbor and not her boss. Franklin D. 
Roosevelt continued that policy with his winning 
friendliness. We established a department of Co-or- 
dinators for Latin America, with Nelson Rockefeller 
at its head. Rockefeller worked with prodigious zeal 
and miraculous effectiveness to win the heart of Latin 
America. Most of our international firms have co-op- 
erated. In Venezuela, the oil companies espoused the 
principle that the oil is the property of Venezuela, 
and that the oil companies are entitled only to the 
profit they deserve for helping the government ex- 
tract this wealth from the ground. On this basis both 
government and companies prosper, and the em- 
ployes are far better treated than any others in Vene- 

Now we have our payoff. When Communism 
threatens to close in on us East and West, Latin 
America is the one continent where we have the 
least to fear. 

My own delightful experience in Latin America in 
the interests of literacy was due to this co-operation 


of the American Embassies and of the coordinators, 
who opened the doors of gracious hospitality to me, 
a Protestant missionary working in a Roman Cath- 
olic continent. The countries welcomed me because 
I offered to help meet a greatly felt need. 

Liberia is just now Exhibit A of our experiments in 
good-neighbor policy. After the Civil War of 1861- 
65 we sent all the freed slaves to Liberia who wanted 
to go, and we protected Liberia from being gobbled 
up by any of the foreign powers, which at one time or 
another took all the rest of Africa. Afterward, for a 
long period, we neglected Liberia, because malaria 
made it a deathtrap for whites; even the missionaries 
gave it up after losing scores of martyrs to the cause of 
Christ. Then medicine conquered malaria, even in 
Liberia. Missionaries of a dozen denominations began 
to work in the country, many of them black mission- 
aries. Liberia is the only country on earth where the 
government officially works hand in hand with mis- 
sionaries to make everybody literate, to make every- 
body Christian, and to make everybody speak and 
read English. 

The U.S. government sent experts in agriculture, in 
health, in finance, and in education, to co-operate with 
the Liberian government. 

President Tubinan has left nothing to be desired 
in appreciation and co-operation, Harvey Firestone 
established a great rubber plantation in Liberia, pay- 
ing the workers good wages and giving them good 
home conditions. The Firestone plantation is now 
erecting a great medical and research center in Li- 


beria, with the purpose of defeating malaria, sleeping 
sickness, dysentery, yellow fever, venereal disease, 
hookworm, and many other diseases which make Af- 
rica the most unhealthy continent in the world. 

The Firestone Company also proposes to co-oper- 
ate with the government and mission literacy pro- 
gram to teach all its employes to read and speak the 
English language. 

Then Stettinius organized a company to develop 
the tremendous iron and gold and other resources of 
the country, offering excellent working conditions 
and wages to the men, and placing the welfare of Li- 
beria at the very top of their objectives. Liberia in the 
last two years has become the miracle of the world. 
It is the only country in all Africa which has no fear 
of Communism. 

Two years ago in India, I ran across another strik- 
ing instance of how it pays to be a good neighbor. 
After India and Pakistan were set free, there were 
frightful riots in India, Millions of Moslems fled from 
India to Pakistan, and millions of Hindus fled from 
Pakistan to India. Strewn along the highways were 
countless thousands, wounded, hungry, cold, and 
wretched. It happened that there was in India an 
abundance of medicine, food, and clothing which had 
never been sent "over the hump" to China, because 
the war with Japan ended so suddenly. So Christians 
and missionaries, dropping their other work, began 
binding up the wounded refugees, feeding the hun- 
gry, and clothing the naked. In two weeks, Christian- 
ity was so popular that Moslems wore Christian 


crosses to deceive the Hindus, and Hindus wore 
crosses so that they would not be killed by the 

Japan is one of the most striking illustrations in the 
world of how a nation can change from hate to love 
in two years. At the end of World War II, they hated 
us bitterly. Then MacAithur, who understood Japan, 
instead of punishing the Japanese, did his best to give 
them good government and to help them recover. His 
kindness was so surprising that public opinion turned 
a somersault. When a vote was taken in 1949 to de- 
.termine what nation was most popular among the Jap- 
anese, the United States got ten times as many votes 
as any other nation and more than all the others put 
together. It paid to be a good neighbor to Japan. 

But had we stayed away and merely loaned Japan 
a billion dollars, as we have often done for other coun- 
tries, she would not have loved us. A good neighbor 
doesn't fend money; a good neighbor goes and lends 
a hand. Moneylenders are never loved. 

Technical Aid 

For ten years I have been preaching to such. Ameri- 
cans as will come to listen to a missionary that our 
losing the world to Communism is our own fault, 
wholly because we are blind to the situation, imagin- 
ing that we can have a wonderful America and let the 
rest take care of themselves as we take care of our- 
selves. I wrote that point of view in the last chapter 
of The Silent Billion Speak. Old, blind ex-Senator 
Owen of Oklahoma had this book read to him, and it 
set his soul on fire. He distributed it to all the senators. 
One of the senators who read it was Senator Harry 

Four years ago, tingling with my experiences with 
the illiterates who were passionately eager to learn 
to read, and with the astonishing reception which 
governments were giving a humble missionary who 
happened to have something they wanted, I was tell- 
ing my story in Calvary Episcopal Church, New York, 
of which the Rev. Sam Shoemaker is rector. His wife, 
the daughter of Senator Alexander Smith of New 
Jersey, a woman of intense Christian devotion, caught 



fire with this vision. She called her father in Washing- 
ton and told him she wanted President Truman to 
hear this story. A few days later Senator Smith, Mr. 
Shoemaker, and I went into the office of President 
Truman while Helen Shoemaker sat outside and 
prayed. We said in substance: 

"President Truman, the world is swiftly falling be- 
fore Communist propaganda, because it is hungry 
and sick and unhappy and desperately determined 
to coine up out of its misery. Our experience with 
literacy shows us that anybody who goes out with 
something those people need and offers to help them 
has their love and gratitude. The Communists are 
winning them by telling them we don't care, and by 
promising to help them. We believe, Mr. President^ 
that if you would tell the world that America stands 
ready to help all nations help themselves by sharing 
our technical knowledge unselfishly, you would find 
the world wildly enthusiastic. You could win the cold 
war if you kept that promise. 5 ' 

The President listened with close attention for per- 
haps twenty minutes. Then he said this thing we pro- 
posed was religion. He wondered whether America 
would f olow him if he made such a promise. Then he 
said, "You men go out and start a revival. I am a great 
believer in religion. Nothing but religion will stir a 
nation to rise to the high ideal you have proposed to- 
day." The President made no promises. 

But many other people were telling the President 
the same thing we had told him. Among these was the 
famous Dr. Norris Dodd, the agricultural expert who, 
under the United States government and the United 


Nations, has been helping countries aU over the planet 
raise better crops. It is probable that President Tru- 
man has been thinking about this matter for many 
years, always wondering whether America had 
enough religion to go out unselfishly to lift the world 
out of its dangerous misery. He wanted to be sure he 
could take the country with him. 

What was our delight when, on January 20, 1949, 
in the midst of an inaugural address of the usual order, 
President Truman electrified the world by his now 
famous Point IV. The President said: 

We must embark on a bold new program for making 
the benefits of our scientific advances and industrial 
progress available for the improvement and growth of 
undeveloped areas. , . . 

Our aim should be to help the free peoples of the 
world, through their own eff orts, to produce more food, 
more clothing, more materials for housing, and more 
mechanical power to lighten their burdens. . . . 

The old imperialism exploitation for foreign profit 
has no place in our plans. What we envisage is ... 
democratic fair-dealing. 

Only by helping the least fortunate of its members 
to help themselves can the human family achieve the 
decent, satisfying life that is the right of all people. . . . 

This is Point IV! 

Whatever happens to Harry Truman, he will go 
down in history as the first Chief Executive of any 
nation who ever proposed such a world- wide Chris- 
tian plan. It proposes to lift four-fifths of the human 
race above the line of hunger and despair, not by vio- 
lence and revolution and liquidation, but by unself- 
ishly sharing our knowledge and our abundance. 


The reaction to the President's proposal in America 
was lukewarm. Some Americans took sides mildly for 
or against the idea, but most Americans were uncer- 
tain and neutral, They did not know what to make of 

But the rest of the world was not lukewarmit was 
hot. Other nations were more enthusiastic about Point 
IV than about anything else since the United Nations 
began. I was in Siam and saw in huge letters across 
the first page of a newspaper, "America Promises to 
Help All Needy Nations/ 3 People were amazed and 
thrilled. Point IV had shot new hope into the veins 
of the disintegrating world. 

The United Nations was electrified. On November 
15, 1950, the nations voted unanimously, no country 
absenting, to invest many millions of dollars in aiding 
the underdeveloped areas with their technical skills. 
No action of the United Nations ever received a larger 
number of votes. 

Both the United States government and the United 
Nations have worked vigorously to carry out their 
proposals. There are many books and hundreds of 
bulletins and pamphlets dealing with the subject. 
Documents on Point IV may be obtained from the 
United States government or from the United Na- 

Harper & Brothers recently published a book en- 
titled Bold New Program, by Willard R. Espy, of 
Reader' s Digest, which now is obtainable in a twenty- 
five cent edition. The Public Affairs Institute at Wash- 
ington also has published a series of pamphlets un- 
der the same general title. 


No nation dares be against helping the world, and 
not many individuals have dared to oppose it. Some 
businessmen have expressed fear of teaching other 
people arts and sciences which will enable them to 
compete with our own business enterprises, as Japan 
was doing before the second World War. Most busi- 
nessmen believe, on the other hand, that if. other coun- 
tries have more industries they will be able to buy 
far more from the United States. Helping the other 
people of the world help themselves is in the long 
run very far-sighted good business. 

The chief difference of opinion is as to how much 
of Point IV the government should undertake, and 
how much should be left to private enterprise. The 
American Merchants Association issued a brochure 
saying it would support the Point IV idea only if it 
were all left to private enterprise. The Association for 
Economic Education, with more than a million dol- 
lars back of it, has also come out for a private-enter- 
prise Point IV. 

The two obvious reasons for this are: first, business 
wants to get all the profits it can, with no government 
competition; and, second, there is a very widespread 
opposition to allowing any more power to drift into 
the hands of the government. Americans want just as 
little government as possible, except when threat- 
ened by war. So far, President Truman has received 
from Congress only 26 million of the 45 million dol- 
lars he asked, and consequently the United Nations 
got much less from the United States than it had ex- 


So if the government will not do it adequately, 
who will? 

Private enterprise ought' to be given a chance to do 
all it will. But there are several most important needs 
which business will not help because there is no pro- 
fit to be made in helping those needs. 

For example, private enterprise seldom invests in 
education, because it is usually a financial loss. For 
the same reason business seldom invests in health. It 
seldom invests in home economics, or dietetics, or 
ideal home life, or child care, or simple agriculture, 
because these produce no immediate profits. 

It is true that some international business concerns 
do help education and health in some countries in a 
magnificent way. 1 have already mentioned the Fire- 
stone Company building a great medical center for 
Liberia. The oil companies in East Arabia have started 
notable schools. Such companies see. that it pays to 
purchase good will. But the list of those who invest 
large sums abroad with no prospect of return is short. 

Private philanthropies have been a great blessing. 
We have had marvelous results in health and educa- 
tion from the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. 
Happily, many fortunes are being converted into 
foundations to prevent them from disappearing as 
inheritance taxes. There is reason to believe that some 
of the newer foundations will see die vision of service 
abroad. It seems likely that a much larger proportion 
of the gifts of these foundations will be spent abroad 
for lifting the backward people than in the past. Some 
of them see now that one dollar spent abroad does 
more for saving the peace than a hundred dollars 


spent In America, just because the battieield of the 
world is among the hungry and discontented multi- 

President Truman's appointment of Nelson Rocke- 
feller at the head of a strong committee gives strength 
to the Point IV program. As head of the Co-ordinators 
in Latin America, Nelson Rockefeller was a tremen- 
dous success. He has indeed been rightfully called a 
a one-man Point IV for South America/* He will com- 
mand the confidence of the philanthropies, will en- 
list the aid of international business, and so will be 
able to bring together these powerful units to co-op- 
erate with government in an all-out American effort 
to lift the world. 

Americans must see just what a good Point IV is 
not. It is not charity, in the sense of giving away our 
surplus food or old clothes. In an earthquake or fam- 
ine or revolt or after a tragedy like that in Korea it is 
necessary to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, 
People do not want to remain paupers; they want to 
catch up with us so that they will not need our charity. 
No beggar ever really thanks the man who gives him 
alms. The gift leaves the benefactor with a glow of 
virtue, but it humiliates the recipient. People want us 
to help them to help themselves so that they will not 
need charity and can be independent and self-re- 

This does not mean that we should continue to de- 
stroy potatoes and oranges and other crops instead 
of giving them away. One of the most stinging accu- 
sations the Communists can use to make the hungry 
people hate us is to tell them that we destroy a hun- 


died times as much food as we give to feed the poor. 
One of the things Mr. Nehru found it hardest to for- 
give was that we refused to release for India some 
fifteen shiploads of wheat which were lying in New 
York Harbor while the wheat molded. We are making 
people hate us when we destroy food. The Commu- 
nists are seeing to that 

Most of my readers have heard a Russian delegate 
talking over the radio from the United Nations. 
He may not like me if I say that he is the most diaboli- 
cally clever liar since Adolf Hitler. His attempt to 
make the ignorant world believe that South Koreans, 
led by the United States, started the Korean war by 
invading North Korea is an insult to every intelligent 
person in the world, but hundreds of millions of illit- 
erate people, who know nothing of the facts, will be- 
lieve that lie if it is repeated often enough. Day after 
day, Russia is telling the world that America is the 
Shylock of the world. No nation in history has em- 
ployed lies so effectively. Our only answer is to prove 
that America is the Good Samaritan of the world, 
prove it with a miEion deeds. Yet there are men in 
America who will fight the Point IV program unless 
we can exact our pound of flesh. These men in this 
terrible hour are playing into Russia's hands, though 
they bitterly hate her. 

I do not mean that we should give the world all 
our surplus food and stop there. That would not 
make them love us. I mean that we must also give 
the world our best selves, sending a hundred thou- 
sand of our finest men and women with technical 
skills to help people help themselves, to mingle with 


them democratically and with no color consciousness, 
to love them, to help them fulfil their aspirations, and 
then we ought to back these men and women with 
the financial resources which they need. I mean all 
out as we fight our wars. 

That and that alone will nullify the campaign of 
lies which is building up hate for America. Isn't this 
self-evident? I believe that the men who oppose Point 
IV will quickly endorse it when they see the facts, 
and that the hungry multitudes whom I know so well 
want to come up to self-respect where they will not 
need anybody's charity. They have begun to see the 
true meaning of democracy, and that is what democ- 
racy means. 

We must offer our technical skills, asking neither 
favor nor profit in return. We must show them how to 
get ten times or a hundred times as much from their 
land as they get now. We must show them how to 
conquer those diseases and insects that kill their crops 
and animals and children. We must show them how 
to conquer malaria and hookworm and dysentery 
and venereal disease and plague. We must help them 
as they struggle up out of their hell. We must go to 
their sides and help them. There is no substitute for 
the real, living, loving person rubbing elbow to elbow 
with the people who toil. 

The New York Herald Tribune for October 29, 
1950, says exactly this in an article by Walter Reuther, 
head of the United Auto Workers. He declares that 
the free nations must immediately "launch a total 
war against poverty and social injustice .... Too 
long we have made the tragic mistake of believing 


that freedom's fight in Asia could be won alone on the 
battlefields. It is imperative that we learn the lesson 
and act in the knowledge that freedom's fight must 
be won in the rice fields. Communism did not con- 
quer China. Communism moved in to fill the vacuum 
created by our failure to wage war there against pov- 
erty and hunger." Reuther is smart! 

Unless we help people to help themselves, the 
Voice of America and the Crusade for Freedom are 
utterly futile as substitutes for this help. Let nobody 
suppose that the onward sweep of Communism is go- 
ing to be stopped by any such easy short cut. I like 
the radio idea chiefly because it helps us to analyze 
our own case and see whether it really will win the 
hungry masses. Perhaps it may do us good, but I lie 
in dread lest it lull us to sleep. 

I think the broadcasters realize that abstract truth 
is not enough to save us. There is one truth which 
Communists constantly push before the destitute 
masses. This is that they are desperately hungry, while 
America is fabulously rich, and wasting more than 
they ever get to eat or wear. That is an ugly truth. If 
you talk over the radio to the hungry man about the 
danger of being enslaved to Russia and about the 
glory of democracy and freedom, he will shake his 
fist at that radio and ask, "Freedom from what? Free- 
dom from hunger? What are you doing about it? 
There is no way up but to kill the landlords and de- 
stroy the government." As Espy puts it, "They cannot 
eat democracy.' 5 But the broadcaster cannot hear 
what the hungry masses say to him at their radios and 
what their Communist comrades sitting among them 


in every village say when they hear our broadcasts. 
But I know! And it isn't sweet. You cannot counteract 
Communism by absent treatment. 

If we fail to help those masses, all the radio talc in 
the world will make them hate us more. Words as a 
substitute for deeds are loathsome to hungry people. 
Their landlords have always used mealy-mouthed Hes 
about "legal right" to cover their oppression. Genuine 
help alone will prove that we are sincere and that the 
Communists are telling lies about us. For the masses 
will be deeply suspicious until we prove our genuine- 

But our wealth need not be a hindrance to us. If we 
use that wealth wisely to help the world help itself to 
be wealthy also, if we use it to send technicians to 
help those people help themselves to our level, our 
wealth can be our salvation. 

If we help those people to a new higher level above 
poverty, above sickness, above exploitation and op- 
pression, as the Communists promise to do, then our 
broadcasts will become irresistible! We shall have a 
truth to tell them which will silence the lies and half- 
truths of the' Communists. Deeds compassionate 
helpfulness plus witness, these two will save the 
world if they are done by men who love their fellow 
men. And this is pure Christlikeness. That is why the 
Church should take the leading part, because only 
Christians can do this with perfectly Christian love. 

What Could Be Done 

This chapter should be written by engineers, hu- 
man engineers and doctors. I have neither the train- 
ing nor the time to make the great research which an 
adequate picture would require. 

One tiling we must keep in mind. We are aiming to 
help hungry people, not to make the rich richer. In 
Egypt a great dam was built across the Nile in 1890. 
This enabled the Nile to triple its production. Land 
values soared and rents went up. The common people 
went heavily in debt to the moneylenders at rates of 
30 per cent or higher. They lost their land. In 1941 
half of Egypt's wonderful land was owned by 12,000 
landlords, 442 acres each on an average; 2,280,000 
peasants held an average of .8 of an acre each, and 
millions were landless paupers. The farm family re- 
ceived an average income of $36 per year family in- 
come, not individual. That was improvement which 
did the hungry people harm, 

We are not seeking to speed up the exploitation of 
the world's mineral wealth for the benefit of the few. 
Harold Isaacs, in Bold New Program Series, No. 2, 

, 112 


The great gold and diamond mines and farms of 
South Africa . . . have been made possible by the 
mass dispossession and virtual enslavement of the 
African people. About 6 5 QOO ? OOG rural Africans have 
been pushed off their land into 40 million acres, while 
800,000 whites have 204,500,000 acres, seized from the 
blacks by the state without compensation. Deprived of 
his land the African was forced to work for the whites 
or die . . . virtual forced labor in the mines, other in- 
dustries, and on white owned farms, policed and 
herded, deprived of all freedom of movement, and paid 
from $1 to $12 a month. 

This kind of "economic development 55 is not what 
Point IV must helpit is the thing Point IV must stop 
if we are to halt the onward march of Communism. 

A study shows that the per capita annual income of 
the lower two-thirds of the human race was $41 a 
year; for China and Indonesia it was $22. We must 
lift that. The per capita income of men, women, and 
children in the United States was then $525. 

Another study showed that the food consumption 
of two-thirds of humanity was 2150 calories a day, 
400 calories below an adequate diet and only 300 
above starvation; those who go lower die. Ours in 
America is 3040 a day. We eat too much! 

How could we change these figures? (I do not refer 
to ourswe can diet!) 

Norris Dodd says that if we can increase the world 
yield of agriculture 10 per cent and make it available 
to all people, there will be sufficient food for perfect 

And we can go far above that! How can we do it? 
For one thing, by introducing better seeds all over 


the world. Where Introduced, hybrid com has al- 
ready increased the production from 20 per cent to 
300 per cent. 

Agricultural science can perform similar miracles 
for every crop by using better seeds, better plows, 
better fertilizers, better irrigation systems, and by 
destroying diseases of crops. It seems to be agreed 
now that if we applied our agricultural know-how 
over the world we could increase the food supply so 
much that instead of 1,500 millions of the world be- 
ing far below the decency level, we could support 3 
billions with food to spare. We have the know-how, 
and need only to show how (Rausherbeich, Bold New 
Program, p. 64). 

There are also exciting opportunities to reclaim 
vast areas of the world that are now arid. 

Africa has a fifth of the world's surface, one-third 
desert, a third jungle, with high, cool plateaus. Its 
possibilities for development in agriculture are incal- 
culably great. Africa has 40 per cent of the possible 
hydroelectric horsepower of the whole world. Less 
than 1 per cent is used. There are proposals to turn 
the water of the Niger river, the Zambesi, the Nile, the 
Congo, out over rich desert loam and convert enor- 
mous areas into lush tropical gardens and farms. 
Much of the Sahara could be covered with grass or 

It looks as though for a while Africa will need 
engineers and irrigation and agricultural and soil- 
conservation experts to plan out these exciting 
achievements. But God grant they may be Christians, 
or all this development will make more misery for the 


African, not less, as Egypt and South Africa reveal. 

Let us look at Asia, 

In Iran, an American company called Overseas 
Consultants prepared a program for spending $650 
million in a grand face-lifting scheme for eveiy as- 
pect of the country's life. The money would come 
from $50-million-a-year oil royalties. They propose 
to irrigate 400,000 acres of land, greatly extend edu- 
cation, increase housing and electric power and road 
contraction, construct mills and plants to make ferti- 
lizers, soap, insecticides, and other needed products. 
It is a marvelous conception will it lift the masses or 
exploit them? If it exploits, those multitudes will go 

Iraq, next door, has an even more breath-taking 
program. She has an eight-man board to reconstruct 
the vast irrigation system which made it possible 
to support 80,000,000 people when Babylon was in 
her prime. That irrigation program is being blocked 
by a dispute as to who will control and exploit the 
water supply. That kind of thing makes the Commu- 
nists gleeful. 

Nobody yet knows what possibilities exist for con- 
verting the seemingly limitless level waste of Arabia 
into a garden. Perhaps with atomic energy we shall 
distill water from the oceans, just as clouds do, and 
make Arabia the very garden of Eden many think it 
once was. All this directly aims at stopping the major 
cause of wars in the Near East The reason the people 
there are so violent and unhappy is that they are 
hungry. If this desert land were watered and the peo- 
ple could have their own acres it would easily support 


a multitude of happy people, one hundred times the 
present population. Frances Perkins, in her book on 
The Roosevelt I Knew, says that Roosevelt told her, 
"When I get through being President of the United 
States I think Eleanor and I will go to the Near East 
and see if we can manage to put over an operation 
like the Tennessee Valley system that will really make 
something out of that country." 

One hopes Roosevelt's spirit may yet watch over 
that dream and make it come true. 

Alas, thus far Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia has not in- 
vested any of the billions he is receiving as royalties 
from American oil companies in the development of 
these vast areas for the welfare of the hungry multi- 
tudes. He had better do it if he wants to save Arabia 
from the Communists. 

Look at Afghanistan. This country has never had a 
missionary, because it is solidly Moslem. But, awak- 
ening with the rest of the world, it invited Morrison- 
Knudsen, an American engineering firm, to make a 
plan for building roads and industries, for which they 
expect to spend 135 minion dollars. They also em- 
ployed American teachers, some of them deeply 
Christian men, who went with a wonderful missionary 
spirit and were liked. 

Palestine, now the home of the Jewish Republic of 
Israel, has one of the most astonishing programs in 
the world, which has already turned desert and rocks 
into a paradise, They have plans to develop the Jor- 
dan Valley which will make fertile 900,000 acres that 
now are arid, provide room for 2 million people and 
generate 500 million kilowatts of electricity. This plan 


was conceived by the famous American soil-conser- 
vation expert. Dr. Walter C. Lowdermilk. 

The reason Palestine can carry out this program is 
that the Jews tithe, and so can raise 100 million dol- 
lars a year for Palestine. If the Protestants of the 
United States would tithe and would give half their 
tithe to remove hunger and despair abroad through 
technically trained missionaries, they could have more 
than two billion dollars a year to help the world as the 
Jews are helping Palestine. That would be ample! If 
we will not listen to our Lord and do this, we are go- 
ing to listen to the threat of Communists rolling down 
over Asia and Africa, and perhaps over the whole of 

Sam Higginbottom and his associates in the Pres- 
byterian Agricultural College at Allahabad, India, 
proved that by crossbreeding, the cows of India can 
be made to yield far more milk. Hindus do not kill 
cows, so millions of useless cows are eating up India 
without yielding any returns. Allahabad is changing 
cows from liabilities to assets. 

It will be possible in India to add forty million acres 
of rice-producing land, to save twelve million tons 
of rice now lost annually by poor storage methods, 
to improve milling and transportation and cooking, 
and so to make twice as much rice in India available 
for food. Yet we do not need that much to raise India 
above the hunger line. All we need is ten per cent! 

Fortunately, the new Indian government has taken 
the large estates and divided them into small farms, 
a wise move that is the best guarantee that India 
will not fall under the Iron Curtain* 


We must hope that by sane and patient diplomacy 
China may be won back to our friendship. If that hap- 
pens, then America can help in the most stupendous 
program of social upbuilding possible on the whole 
earth. Dam projects now on paper could increase her 
electric output 115 billion kilowatt hours, equal to the 
total used by France, Germany, Russia, and the 
United Kingdom together! China will need it she 
has a fourth of the world's population, more people 
than all those countries put together. Nitrogen ferti- 
lizer could be extracted from the air in sufficient 
quantity to fertilize 100 million sterile acres of Chi- 
nese land which were long ago worn out, and irriga- 
tion could make ten million acres of desert land rich 
in productivity. 

As Espy puts it, "The root of the problem is pov- 
erty. If the Communists in China ease poverty faster 
than the Indians do, then the Indians will become 
Communists too. If, on the other hand, China's 
economy remains stagnant while the economies of its 
neighbors surge forward, then the Communists will 
follow the Kuomintang into limbo. 55 

Thanks to men like Nelson Rockefeller and Herbert 
Hoover, we have already done more in Latin Amer- 
ica than in any other part of the world. It is precisely 
because we have been good neighbors in Latin 
America that this is the part of the world which is 
least likely to go Communist. Yet the possibilities in 
Latin America have hardly been s-cratched. 

Brazil's potential hydroelectric resources exceed 
those of any other in the worldfar, far more than 
she will need in centuries. The Amazon contains more 


water than any three other rivers combined, indeed, 
one-fifth of all the fresh water in the world. 

The sick world is in desperate need of our medical 
knowledge. We can still be of tremendous assistance 
to the health of Latin America. Malaria, dysentery 
resulting from bad sanitation and bad water, venereal 
disease, jungle fever, smallpox, hookworm, and mal- 
nutrition are some of the diseases which medical 
science can reduce or stop. 

The tsetse fly is all across the center of Africa. It 
has been keeping down the population of men and 
cattle in that area for centuries. Now an injection 
can protect both men and cattle. 

Cholera and smallpox and yellow fever and the 
plague have been conquered and can be wholly 

Malaria strikes 300 million people a year. Malaria 
and mosquito control at 20 cents per person can prac- 
tically wipe out the disease aH over the world. 

There is a bacillus called BCG which can now im- 
munize children against tuberculosis, the worst killer 
in the world. 

Venereal disease, affecting easily half of Africa 
and a fourth of Asia, can now be cured by penicillin 
and other means. 

Leprosy, for ages the most dreaded of all diseases, 
can now be clinically cured by the newest drugs, and 
it seems to be only a matter of time until this disease 
will be seen upon earth no more. The Church is re- 
ducing leprosy more than all other agencies com- 

This is but the beginning in the realm of health. 


But imagine our adopting a policy of improving 
health for profit only! Here certainly is where the 
Church must do most of the serving, and do it in the 
spirit of the Great Physician. 

Enormous aid can be given all over the world in 
combating the diseases and insects which kill citrus 
fruits, cocoa, indeed, most plants and nearly all do- 
mestic animals. This know-how can be disseminated 
through simple literature and by demonstrations, 
and stores can be located where the insecticides and 
fumigants can be purchased. 

All this and thousands of other types of service are 
suggested in Espy's Bold New Program and in the 
eight-volume Bold New Program put out by Public 
Affairs Institute. 

We far excel Russia in this realm of technical ex- 
perts and mechanics. Indeed, it is precisely in her 
lack of technicians that Russia is having her greatest 
trouble. She needs them all, while we have a super- 
abundance. Why not fight our war where we have 
the tremendous advantage with our technicians, go- 
ing out to win the heart of the world with unselfish 
competent service? 

Russia will stir up the desire of the world let us 
fulfil it! It is the thing America believes in, excels in; 
we need not fear competition in service. 

Who can exaggerate what American experience in 
efficient service could accomplish if we would visual- 
ize the situation and then go forth to serve and save 
the world? 

But who will do this? Much of it business will do 


as an investment But the Communists will take the 
world if we do only what is profitable. 

Some of it philanthropy will do, but not one per 
cent of what must be done. 

Government and UN will do much, but not nearly 
enough. It looks as though neither our Congress nor 
the other nations will offer an adequate appropriation 
unless they are driven by fear, and then it will be too 
late. I hope I am mistaken, but this seems to be true 
as I write. 

Who, then, will do the major part? It ought to be 
the Church. Compassionate service for the needy mul- 
titude, asking nothing in return, is perfect Christlike 
Christianity. It is saving men and it is saving the 
world, which is the true function of the Church of 
Jesus Christ. The true function of the United Nations 
and of the United States is to persuade the other na- 
tions to reform their extortionate money-lending and 
oppressive landlordism, while the Church lends an 
adequate hand to help the hungry masses. Is it not 
clear that we cannot trust this program exclusively 
to men who will help only where they reap a profit? 
Three-fourths of it can bring no financial dividends, 
and that is the most crucial three-fourths. 

Wanted, More Landotmers 

When our technical experts study the causes of 

hunger and misery, they discover that "cause num- 
ber one" of dissatisfaction and hunger is the feudal 
system. Nearly all the countries of the world outside 
the United States and Canada, and some of Europe, 
have more people on large feudal estates than live on 
their own land. These are the people who are hungry, 
miserable, dissatisfied and ready to follow the Com- 
munist, conspiracies to violence. 

In the Philippines, the Huks are from large estates 
owned by private landlords and the Church. If there 
were no great estates there would be no Communist 
threat in the Philippines. When William Howard 
Taft was Governor General of the Philippines, he saw 
that landlordism had been the cause of the constant 
revolts against Spain, and he started to purchase the 
big estates and resell them to the tenants. He suc- 
ceeded in purchasing and reselling half of these 
estates. But, alas, the power of the landlords over the 
government was great enough to prevent his efforts 
to divide the other half, and now the Philippine Re- 



public Is threatened by Communists bred by the op- 
pression and misery of the tenants. 

When I was a resident of the Philippines, I wrote 
a book about their greatest hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, 
martyred in the Spanish period because he became 
the champion of the impoverished tenants of great 
estates. Landlords are the curse of the Philippines 
even today and the chief source of their political cor- 

The Bell report of 1950 made the landlords of the 
Philippines furious but it told the truth. John Collier 
comments on that report in The New York Times for 
October 31, 1950, and says, "Usury, peonage, unpro- 
ductive landlordism, administrative corruption, must 
be ended/ 5 

It is this kind of feudal system, with its grip on the 
governments, which is responsible for nine-tenths of- 
the advances of the Communists around the world. 
The Communists overthrew feudalism in Russia, 
know how it is hated everywhere, and are on the 
march to overthrow it in the rest of the world. 

America was shocked in the fall of 1950 at the 
abortive rebellion in Puerto Rico and the attempt to 
assassinate President Truman. Had people known the 
truth they would have wondered that the rebellion 
waited so long. The level fertile land of Puerto Rico 
is practically all occupied by great sugar, tobacco, and 
citrus estates, which make enormous profits. Sugar 
made a profit of $100 million in fifteen years. The 
wages of the sugar workers average $150 a year. 
Governor Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., said in 1929: 

"The inland districts, from the outskirts of the cane- 


ridden valleys to the tops of the mountains seethe 
with human misery, and it is impossible to pass into 
or out of any city or town without traversing the 
fringes of unsightly, rnaladorous, filthy habitations 
which surround the more prosperous areas." 

In 1948, the government divided 70,000 acres be- 
fore Governor Tugwell was driven out by the land- 
lords. But the mountains are still crowded with poor 
people, "undernourished, sicHy . . . literal skeletons 
in the U. S. closet." 

This is a difficult subject to handle justly, for all 
estates are not alike. There are great estates where 
people are treated far better than their neighbors 
who own their own land. This is the case with the 
Firestone plantation in Liberia. It is true of many 
estates in Hawaii. It could be true of all estates. But 
unfortunately the people who can be trusted with ir- 
responsible power over others are in a very small 
minority. When men can divide arbitrarily with 
others they usually take all they can take without 
actually "killing the goose that lays the golden egg." 
Most of the great estates of the world are oppressive, 
and many of them are practicing plain modern 

If one had written this a year ago he might have 
been called a Communist or at least a "pink." But 
now this fact is recognized by most of the world 

One of the greatest values of the United Nations 
is the speed with which nations learn from one an- 
other by their constant intimate interchange of ex- 
perience. I think most of the members of the United 


Nations now see clearly that parasitical landlords 
must go. If there is no way to abolish the feudal lords 
legally they will be abolished via the Communist way, 
by revolution. 

The Communist philosophy may be stated thus: 
Be realistic; admit that the landlords own the govern- 
ments and that they will never give up voluntarily. 
Only well-organized revolution, a new government, 
violent seizure of the land, and liquidation of the 
landlords can get results. 

The Christian agrees with the Communist that the 
present system of landownership over much of the 
world is terrible. The difference is that the Commun- 
ist advocates revolution and violence, while the Chris- 
tian advocates legal methods to right the wrongs. 

The Christian way would be to throw as much light 
as possible on oppression by landlords, persuade 
governments where feudalism exists to reform volun- 
tarily, and to pass laws requiring the landlords to sell 
their land to the tenants or to die state for resale to 
the tenants. 

This Christian way is not just starry-eyed, wishful 
thinking. It is beginning to happen in some countries 
and is being strongly advocated in many other coun- 
tries. In Northern Ireland, the landlords were com- 
pelled by law to sell their estates for a reasonable 
price, and the land was resold to the tenants. Form- 
erly India was cursed by landlordism and the tenants 
received an estimated income of $13 a year. Since 
India became free, the princes and landlords are re- 
quired by the new government to give up their land, 
but if they do so voluntarily they are reimbursed in 


such a way that they will not suffer much loss in 
standard of living and not much loss in prestige, 

The Near East is all astir with the realization that 
they must do something similar to what India has 
done or be overthrown by the desperate masses. Let 
us quote from The New Jork Times, November 27, 

by Albion Ross 

Cairo, Nov. 26. An assembly here of economists and 
experts from throughout the Arab world, meeting un- 
der the auspices of the United Nations to study the 
condition of 75 per cent of the Arab population that 

works on the land, has described the situation as dis- 
astrous. . . . 

The assembly will last for three weeks and will be 
entirely devoted to the desperate condition of the peas- 
antry and means of changing the situation. 

Experts and representatives of various Governments 
were told that the cultivated land is intensely over- 
crowded, while, with the exception of Egypt, far less 
than one-half of the cultivated land is employed and 
in Egypt less than three-quarters of the cultivable area 
is used. Concentration of the land in the hands of ab- 
sentee landlords was sharply attacked. Bitter criticism 
of the conditions was made by Arabs from various 
countries. . . . 

Prof. Said Himadeh. of Lebanon stated: "If construc- 
tive action is not taken soon, it may become too late. 
The rural people are awakening. They are beginning to 
realize the causes of their misery and their discontent 
If their problems are not solved lawfully, the presump- 
tion is that sooner or later they will attempt their solu- 
tion by revolution.". . . 

Prof. Himadeh stated that the amount of land per 


settled rural individual is less than half an acre in 
Egypt, in Lebanon about one and one-half acres, in 
Syria and Jordan about two and one-half and in Iraq 
four acres. 

Speaking of the absentee landowner problem, he 

"In all Arab countries the density of rural popula- 
tion on the cultivated land is greatly aggravated by the 
extreme inequality in land ownership. In Egypt more 
than 3,000,000 out of the 4,000,000 people actively en- 
gaged in agriculture own no land or less than one acre 
each. In Syria about half the land surveyed and settled 
consists of large estates. In Lebanon, contrary to pre- 
vious estimates, figures show that less than 200 persons 
own about half the land surveyed. In northern Iraq 
the degree of inequality in land ownership is similar 
to that in Syria, but in southern Iraq practically all 
land is owned by sheiks or city notables." 

The New "York Times on November 1 ? 1950, pub- 
lished an article saying that the government of the 
United States is pushing such land reform in the 
United Nations. It said: 




The United States delegation to the United Nations 
stole the thunder of the Soviet bloc today and seized 
on a Polish resolution calling for the study of land re- 
form to present the case for the individually-owned 
and operated family-sized farm. 

Senator John J. Sparkman, Democrat of Alabama, 
speaking as the son of a tenant farmer who became a 
farm tenant and then a small owning farmer, told the 
United Nations General Assembly's Economic and Fi- 
nancial Committee in the course of its debate on land 



reform, of the great achievements of his country in re- 
ducing farm tenancy and increasing the number of in- 
dividually owned and operated farms. 

In fourteen years, tenancy was reduced from 42 to 
26 per cent, said Senator Sparkman, a member of the 
United States delegation. Loans up to $50,000,000 a 
year under the Bankhead- Jones Farm Tenant Purchase 
Act gave the impetus to this development, he declared. 

"In the United States we believe strongly in farm 
ownership, individual farm ownership/' the United 
States delegate said. "We believe that the land that a 
man and his family works and on which they make a 
living ought to belong to him and to his family. 

"It is that objective toward which we have been 
working the last many years, and it is that same kind of 
program or a similar program that we envisage may 
very well be encouraged by this General Assembly and 
by this committee, and might very well be undertaken 
in many parts of the world/* 

Announcing "wholehearted" support of this kind of 
program, Senator Sparkman asked only for an amend- 
ment of the Polish draft "that would particularly pro- 
vide for helping small farmers, individual farmers to 
own and operate the land out of which they and then- 
family make a living." 

The United States representative described the net- 
work of farmer-owned co-operatives with many billion 
dollars in assets through which the United States 
farmers controlled the purchase, production and mar- 
keting phases of their operations. He told how in half 
a generation electrified farms had been increased from 
10 to 86 per cent 

Mieczyslaw Blausztajn of Poland welcomed the 
United States statement and defended the "production 
co-operatives" that is, collectives introduced in the 
country's agriculture as means of achieving a higher 
level of agricultural production. 


TMs is an extremely interesting account, for it 
shows Poland and the United States in enthusiastic 
accord on the question o landownership, although 
Poland is behind the Iron Curtain. 

The truth is that Polish farmers, like the other 
farmers behind the Iron Curtain, are going to resist 
to the death any effort to take their land and make it 
the property of the government, as Marxist socialism 
requires. They want what President Truman has well 
called "the American form of landownership," every 
farmer owning the land he farms. 

In Russia, in the European satellites, in China, in 
Korea, the Communists have for the present aban- 
doned the Socialist plan for land. They frankly say 
this has to be postponed to the indefinite future". 

So the present Communist proposal of land reform 
differs from our own only in one respect and it is the 
difference between war and peace. They advocate 
revolution, seizure of the land, treating the landlords 
as criminals, killing them or sending them to Siberia. 
The American proposal is to pass laws requiring the 
landlords to sell out their estates to their tenants, or 
to make some other adjustment that will satisfy the 

America will not longer allow the Russians to 
"steal our thunder" by introducing our system of 
land tenure and calling it "Communism." We be- 
lieve that we can help our allied governments to see 
that they must correct this world-wide injustice 
peacefully, as India did, or face the prospect of being 

Let nobody imagine that this is going to be easy. 


In many parts of the world the landlords have control 
of the government. Being educated, they can manipu- 
late the laws to their advantage. They force the gov- 
ernment to raise taxes until people are driven to sell 
their land and borrow money. Then they loan the 
money at 30 per cent per year or more. They own 
both the tenants and the small landowners, body and 

Only the threat of total destruction will persuade 
these landlords to change their system and surrender 
their absolute power. The Communists are provid- 
ing the threat and we will provide the persuasion. 

We said at the beginning of this chapter that there 
are estates which are proving a blessing to their 
tenants. To break these up into small farms under 
compulsion would be a backward step. Moreover, 
there are a great many estates where mass produc- 
tion is far more efficent than individual production. 
Cotton, bananas, rubber, cocoa, hemp, wheat, to- 
bacco, and fifty other products can be grown more 
economically by using modem machinery on very 
large fields. From plowing to harvesting, there is 
enormous advantage in mass production. 

How to accomplish this transfer of absolute control 
from landlords to some better system without dis- 
rupting the efficiency of the estate is a technical ques- 
tion which will require the assistance of trained 
specialists. Neither landlords nor tenants, as a rule, 
know any way to do it save by the expulsion of land- 
lords and dividing the land among the tenants. But 
this method means losing all the advantages of mass 
cultivation and it loses the experience which many 


landlords have in efficient management. Many tenants 
have been left worse of than they were before when 
it was done in the wrong way. There are many pos- 
sibilities. Here are two that have proven satisfactory: 

1. The tenants may be organized into unions and 
engage in collective bargaining as unions do in 

2. The estate may be converted into a co-operative 
enterprise, owned Jointly by all employes. 

Toyohiko Kagawa believes that co-operatives are 
the "Christian answer" to Marxian Socialism and to 
Communism. The co-operative is private enterprise, 
it is the purest type of democracy, and it possesses all 
the advantages of mass production. Kagawa accom- 
plished such miracles for the Japanese through or- 
ganizing co-operatives that he is loved all over Japan, 
In spite of his weak voice, tremendous crowds go to 
hear him speak in Japan, and he has won as many as 
ten thousand Japanese to Christ in one month. His 
service has spoken far louder than his voice. 

There is an impressive list of co-operative achieve- 
ments in other parts of the world. 

Co-operatives have been enormously useful to 
fanners in America as every fanner will testify. 

Beyond all contradiction, co-operatives saved the 
economy of Denmark. 

Under Gandhi and since, co-operatives became the 
best hope of India. In 1935 there were 100,000 credit 
co-operatives to fight the terrible moneylenders. 

In Nova Scotia, St. Francis Xavier University, find- 
ing terrible illiteracy, poverty, and Communist agita- 


tion among coal miners, fishermen, and farmers led 
the way to co-operatives, lifted the load of poverty, 
helped teach the illiterates, brought about a remark- 
able co-operation of Catholics and Protestants, and 
stopped the Communist agitation in its tracks, Haiti, 
Bolivia, Mexico, China, Jamaica, and other countries 
have called upon men trained in Nova Scotia to help 

Many Catholic and Protestant missionaries trained 
in co-operative methods are now helping peoples in 
hungry areas to form co-operatives. Many thousands 
more need to be sent out to introduce this "Christian 
answer." It is not only practical Christianity, but it 
is also proving itself to be able to make its way in the 
competitive world by sheer merit. It is economically 
sound as well as ethically good. 

As landlords are persuaded, or compelled by fear 
or law, to relinquish their irresponsible domination, 
the missionary-minded specialists can be at hand to 
advise the wisest steps to be taken, and so can become 
the guides and friends of everybody. 

These co-operative technicians ought to be men of 
great Christian fidelity and conscientiousness. For 
changing over to co-operatives is far more than chang- 
ing a policy. Kagawa shows that when led by Chris- 
tian men it can be shot through with the Christian 
spirit of the Golden Rule, whereas if it is not guided 
by the Christian spirit it can become another form of 

The management of co-operatives must first of all 
be drilled in integrity. The co-operative is economic 
democracy, and it breaks down exactly where de- 


mocracy breaks down, at the point of dishonesty. 
The co-operative does not demand as much high- 
pressure salesmanship as a private business, but it 
does demand in its managers a conscientious faith- 
fulness in every small detail. This is why missionaries 
with a Christian spirit are the finest organizers of co- 
operatives around the world. 

The tenants need to be taught to read and write 
and to have an intelligent grasp of the meaning of the 
co-operative, and they, too, need to be drilled in the 
need for integrity. For they vote for their managers! 

Combine honesty with knowledge, and you have 
a solid foundation. 

Oppressive taxes, usurious moneylenders, and feu- 
dal estates must go. We must have 100,000 tech- 
nically trained men of unimpeachable integrity over 
the world, to help people help themselves. We must 
give or loan money when these technicians call for 
it. That is our program. If that is carried out by gov- 
ernment and philanthropy and business and the 
Church, Communism will gain no more headway in 
the world than it gained in Nova Scotia. 

Foreign missionaries stand between callous, rich 
landlords with governments in their grip on the one 
hand, and, on the other hand, an utterly unscrupulous 
gang of Communist thieves and liars who seek to 
overthrow the landlords and governments in order to 
make the world one vast prison pen of peons under 
Moscow. And heedless of the tragedy, the Church in 
America has left its missionaries with but meager re- 
enforcements and resources. She did not know her 
own army. Her sin has found her out. 


That diagnosis alone does no good. What shall we 
do to stop our defeat? 

Admit our sin? Not enough. 

Back corruption? That is sure defeat; God is against 

Hide the facts? Defeat. 

Let Russia have the world by default, while she 
uses lies and hate and murder? That is to abandon 

Spend $1.26 a year per capita on foreign missions? 
This way lies defeat. 

Be the Good Samaritan of the world honestly, all 
out, asking no special privileges, every Christian help- 
ing adequately Victory! 

"But/' one man replied, "we aren't good enough to 
do that." 

My answer was, "Then we'd better get that good, 
and fast!" 

How the Church Can Help 

It is the Church, more than any other organization 
public or private, that ought to see the Technical 
Assistance program of Point IV through to a marvel- 
ous success. 

What we need is an adequate plan of campaign. In 
a military campaign everything is worked out for 
everybody to the smallest detail. This is what we 
need now for the Church and for each Church mem- 
ber. We shall make a beginning in this chapter. 

A Committee on Technical Co-operation has been 
appointed by the Division of Foreign Missions of 
the National Council of Churches to aid Point IV. 
This committee ought to be increased to a wide repre- 
sentation of the most influential and dynamic Chris- 
t tians in America. It ought to have an adequate staff 
and an ample budget. Then it should become the 
Church's arm of the great agencies of U.S. and U.N. 
which are building up a reserve bank of available 
technical experts. 

This Committee on Technical Co-operation would 
reach in two directions, inward and outward: 



1. In toward the churches. 

2. Out toward the main agencies ready to help 
that world. 


Let us first describe how the Committee on Tech- 
nical Co-operation might seek in the churches the 
type of technicians needed throughout the world. 

It could, in co-operation with die denominational 
boards, contact ministers of churches where technical 
men might be found. I do not think it would be wise 
at first to send a letter to all the ministers in the 
United States. I should think a pilot trial might be 
made with certain selected ministers. These ministers 
might talk with men and women in their congrega- 
tions who possess technical skills and Christian char- 
acter and let them read this book to help give them 
the vision of saving the world, and ask that they per- 
mit their names to be placed in the "reserve bank" of 
technicians who may later be needed. 

This reserve bank of names could include those of 
men of experience, some of them perhaps ready to re- 
tire, some of them able to pay a part of their expenses. 
The experience of many men and women over sixty 
years of age would be priceless, 

This inquiry would be made without any publicity. 
The congregation would not know anything about 
the project until the technicians in their church were 
actually called into service. 

This first pilot project, with ten ministers, would 
guide the committee as it reached out to a larger 


number of churches. For the second pilot experiment 
I would suggest that one hundred ministers be se- 
lected. They would be told that they were chosen be- 
cause their judgment was trusted in helping find the 
best way to discover technically trained men and 
women of vision and Christian character. They would 
be asked to get into touch with men and women in 
their congregations who might make valuable con- 
tributions abroad and request that they permit their 
names to be placed on the reserve list. 

The third pilot or trial project might be with a 
thousand ministers. I should think that by that time 
the Committee would know how to approach all the 
other churches. It is such a new field that these pilot 
experiments should guide the Committee. But they 
should not be dragged out over many months, for 
time is running out. 


Meanwhile the Committee on Technical Co-opera- 
tion would get into touch with organizations which 
need technicians for world service, so that it could be 
a bridge from the supply to the demand. 

Organizations which require technicians overseas 
are of three general classes: 

A. Official 

The United States 

The United Nations and its specialized agencies 

Nations seeking technical assistance 

B. Industry and Business 

Firms of every kind doing international business 


C. PMIanthropy and Religion 

Al mission boards, including YMCA and YWCA 

Foundations doing overseas service 

CARE, Near East Relief, and other relief agen- 

Schools and colleges operating in the Near East 
and elsewhere 

American colleges with outreach abroad, as 
"Yale in China" 

Service clubs, like Rotary, serving abroad 

Women's clubs 

Our Committee could, I think, do much more than 
ask these organizations what technicians they re- 
quire. It could stimulate them to see the vision of 
saving the world by sharing our know-how. It could 
suggest the need of selecting new personnel so that 
they would influence the character and ideals of a 
country as well as its business interests. 

The committee could keep insisting that the pur- 
pose of Point IV is to save the world from danger- 
ous despair, and not to exploit need for profit. 

This committee could also influence churches to do 
their part through missions in saving the world from 
disaster. Missions did not start with that purpose. The 
vast majority of Christians do not realize that they 
have any responsibility or power to save the peace 
through missions. 


The Student Volunteer publishes an annual bulle- 
tin called "Christian Horizons"; it tells what types of 


missionaries the various Mission Boards are seeking. 
Nothing whatever exists to indicate what kinds of 
technicians the retarded areas of the world need and 
want., though such studies have been made for some 

If we ask only government officials at the top to 
tell us, we shall get a lopsided and inadequate an- 
swer. They will look at the country from the view- 
point of politicians and of the ruling classes rather 
than from the viewpoint of the people in misery. Any 
American can understand how inadequate would be 
a reply as to the needs of America solely from a po- 
litical viewpoint. What, for example, would it say 
about religion or racial relations? 

The Committee on Technical Co-operation could 
conduct a supplemental survey of its own at small 
cost to add to die knowledge it could gain from, other 
surveys. Nearly every country has one or more mis- 
sionaries who are also true diplomats, with rich con- 
tacts with officials and leaders in all walks of life. 
Indeed, the American public would be astonished and 
thrilled if it realized what a tremendous influence 
these "missionary ambassadors wield in Latin Amer- 
ica, in Asia, and in Africa. Here is one suggestion for 
using these missionary diplomats to help with our 

Suppose we asked an experienced missionary 
statesman, one who is famous throughout all that 
land, to represent us in India. He might secure a copy 
of the Dictionary of Technical Skills published by the 
Department of Labor of the United States Govern- 
ment; he might carry this book with him as he visited 


the recognized leaders of Industry and of all profes- 
sions in India. He might say: 

"I thought you might be interested in this diction- 
ary of the technological skills of the United States. 
The American people are eager to exchange tech- 
nological knowledge with you. If you will kindly ac- 
cept this book as a present, I should be glad to have 
you mark in it what skills you feel India could give 
to the U.S.A. and what America in turn could give to 
India. If we find men and women of the highest type 
of character, with a great love of their fellow men, 
who love India and desire to be helpful, it is possible 
that we may later send them here at the invitation of 
your government. This is a preliminary inquiry only. 
It is made with an earnest desire to draw our coun- 
tries closer together in mutual co-operation." 

If this kind of approach were made in India to, say, 
a hundred men high in the professions and in indus- 
try, the results ought to be illuminating. If similar in- 
quiries were going on in other countries the total 
findings ought to be important enough to be pub- 
lished and furnished to all mission boards. 

Many boards have been seeking only such types 
of missionaries as the missionaries already on the field 
report they need. This is not an adequate guide, be- 
cause a non-technical missionary is not competent to 
see the technical needs, just as an untrained man 
could not recognize mineral-bearing rocks, or the 
need for better fertilizer. Surveying needs and wants 
is in itself an expert task. 

This Committee on Technical Co-operation could 
be one of the most effective committees in America 


if it had adequate resources. Composed of highly 
skilled men, it might develop into the most useful 
agency in the world in saving men from desperate 
violence. It could be of enormous assistance to the 
United Nations, to the United States, to all interna- 
tional business enterprises, to philanthropies and 
churches. It ought to be non-sectarian, so that it could 
serve Roman Catholics, Protestants, and Jews alike. 

The entire "Bold New Program" is stupendous in 
its possibilities, beyond anything ever contemplated 
before. It is beyond the purpose of this book to in- 
dicate what vast doors of opportunity are open for 
government, for the United States, for business, for 
philanthropy. We cannot undertake here to outline 
even what missions could do. That would in itself re- 
quire several volumes. When Overseas Consultants 
surveyed the needs of Iran, its findings filled six large 
volumes. The moment one begins to examine what 
missions could do in any country, we see many vol- 
umes to be written! 

Where would the Church get the money with 
which to meet the opportunities which this world 
presents for Christian service for human need? 

By training people to tithe. They are now being 
compelled to give thirty per cent of their income; 
those in the high brackets of income must pay the 
government fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty per cent of 
their incomes. But fifteen per cent of their income is 
exempt from taxation if they give it for religious and 
philanthropic objects. People should be taught to 
give five per cent of their income for the local and na- 
tional church, including home missions; five per cent 


for the foreign missions program, and the remaining 
exempted five per cent for other philanthropy, like 
the community chest. 

Neither home missions nor churches nor com- 
munity chests would suffer, because five per cent is 
more than people are now giving for either. The 
amount for foreign missions, if all of the forty million 
Protestants gave their five per cent, would be around 
two billion dollars a year. The average income of 
Protestants is a good deal above the estimated in- 
come for all adults, over $1,000 per year. Five per 
cent of their incomes would be more than $50. Forty 
millions at $50 each would be* two billion dollars. That 
would be ample to place a hundred thousand tech- 
nically trained missionaries in the field and give them 
$20,000 each to spend. 

All the Protestant churches together are giving an 
average of $1.26 per member for their foreign mis- 
sionaries, less than two and a half cents a week! They 
are compelled to give an average of more than $20 
a week for hot war, and they voluntarily give two and 
a half cents a week to win the cold war. That is be- 
cause they are utterly ignorant of the fact that mis- 
sionaries are their soldiers in the cold war which we 
are rapidly losing. If they knew, they would give. 
Americans are generous. 

Fifty thousand or a hundred thousand of the type 
of Christian technicians that one can find in the 
Christian churches would quickly change the attitude 
of the hungry three-fourths of mankind. 

It is not necessary for the projects to be finished, 
or even half finished. The very initiation of this pro- 
gram would send an electric thrill over all the world. 


People would see their best hope to be good will, co- 
operation, education not violence. 

This and this alone is the way to help the Russians 
to see that the Christian way is the best. If the multi- 
tudes turned away from hate and violence and began 
to follow the way of peace and love and education 
and co-operation, the men in Moscow would see that 
the Christian way works better than tih.eir own. So 
long as their way succeeds, they will never abandon 

Stalin and the other members of the Russian Com- 
munist Party have never had an opportunity to see 
real Christianity in action. In the Czarist regime 
they saw the unspeakable Rasputin at the head of 
the Orthodox Russian Church, and they loathed the 
type of false Christianity he embodied. How will they 
ever see Jesus unless tibey see Jesus in us? If they saw 
Him incarnated in a compassionate and humble 
America the Russian leaders would love that Christ! 
If Rasputin and his kind had not betrayed Christian 
Russia there would today be no peril of atheistic 
totalitarianism sweeping the rest of the non-Christian 
world under the Iron Curtain. Rasputin betrayed 
Christ by his collusion with the Czarist oppression; 
we have betrayed Christ by indifference. 

It is very, very late now, but not too late. 

There are many reasons why the Church should 
assume a leading part in this program. 

First, it fe Christianity. Much so called Christianity 
is only Christianity upward, not outward, because it 
omits compassionate service for the neediest of all 


Second, this Is the way to win the remainder of the 
world to Christ. 

Third, the Church has the kind of men and women 
who ought to go out and help the world. 

Fourth, America believes in free enterprise doing 
all it can do, with help from government only where 
necessary. The Christian Church is free enterprise, 
and its business is to help the world. 

Fifth, we cannot leave the lifting of the world only 
to capital, for capital invests only where it gets a 
profit. The only profit the Church seeks is saved souls. 

Sixth, Christians need this service for their own 
souls' salvation. The Church languishes for want of a 
burning cause. The youth of the Church need a cru- 
sade to which they can dedicate their lives with de- 
voted abandon. This is the crusade! The older people 
need a cause to which to give their money and their 
ardent prayers. When we begin to bum to lift the 
miserable two-thirds of the world out of its misery 
and despair, we shall ourselves have a Pentecost. 

Seventh, millions of people want to try Christianity 
in all-out world action. Millions who feel ugly and 
more or less un-Christian in being compelled to spend 
a third to a half of their income in building bombs 
and planes, which they hope will never be used, need 

an alternative in which thev can invest in construction 


instead of in destruction, in love instead of in fear, in 
peace-making instead of war-making. Most of the 
Christian Church is ripe for this bold Christian pro- 

It Must Be Christian Character 

The technicians we send abroad must be more than 
technicians. They must have the quality of person- 
ality which the Church at its best produces. They 
must have warm hearts, democratic freedom from 
snobbery (which diplomats often lack), a great love 
of their fellow men, total color blindness so that they 
will reveal not the slightest awareness of racial preju- 
dice, a Christlike longing to help. They must have 
integrity and frank honest character, they must be 
lovable because they love everybody, seeing the best 
in people and knowing how to show them apprecia- 
tion. They must not only help people but also win 
their love. They must have the spirit of the mission- 
ary at his best, who works among the masses because 
he passionately longs to serve men and to help his 
world, and not because he is getting a fat salary. 

Where are such men and women? They are in the 
churches. I have come to believe that they are in 
American churches by the hundreds of thousands. 
This is why the Christian Church ought to assume 
the major role for finding and supplying men and 
women to lift the world out of its misery. 



For these men and women we are sending abroad 
are just as useful in educating the characters and 
ideals of people as in giving the technical knowledge. 

A man whose mind is educated and whose heart is 
evil is a menace. Education enables a man of bad will 
to do more harm. Robert Millikan, Nobel Prize win- 
ner and great Christian, calls Nou/s Human Des- 
tiny "the greatest book of a century/' That book says: 
"The conflict between pure intelligence and moral 
values has become a matter of life and death. Intel- 
ligence alone, not subjected to moral values, has led 
to monstrosities." All knowledge is dangerous when 
the heart is wrong. 

Who has heard one of the Russian representatives 
speak over the radio without marveling at his brilliant 
mind and at the same time being pained by listening 
to his perfectly immoral distortion of truth and his 
intentional lies? That type of utter disregard of in- 
tegrity in an intelligent man like him is the most 
dangerous thing this world could have. 

This is the reason why it would be magnificent if 
the education of illiterates could be achieved by 
Christian churches and missions. The general average 
of character would be higher than when the education 
is purely secular. A literacy campaign is like a school 
in this respect; its quality is determined very largely 
by the character of the men and women at the top. 
This is also the reason why all the technicians whom 
we send abroad should have sterling Christian honor. 
If they have honest integrity they will spread in- 
tegrity among all those who are working with them. 


We are trying to persuade the world to adopt de- 
mocracy, yet most democracies tend to break down 
and become democracies only in name. In every case 
one cause of this failure is a lack of integrity. Lack of 
honesty is working more havoc than lack of knowl- 

Democracy is the best government in the world, 
but it demands a high general level of character 
among the masses. It is only as good as the general 
average, for it is government by the majority. The 
people tend to select their kind for office. 

If the average man is willing to sell out his vote to 
the highest bidder, then the man who buys his vote 
does not represent honesty but crooked politics. 
Where votes can be bought, the election goes to the 
man who can spend the most to buy them. Corrup- 
tion breeds corruption. 

After such a man is elected he at once lays plans 
to get his investment back, and to the extent that 
other men in his government were elected on the 
same dishonest basis he can conspire with them to 
alter the law so that they can legally drain off the 
revenues of the country into their own pockets. Only 
an idiot breaks laws! The smart crook changes the 
laws so that he will not need to violate them. 

There are "democracies" in which all elected offi- 
cials became millionaires in one term of office, while 
nominally receiving very modest salaries. 

When government becomes too oppressive, more 
and more victims conspire against it or rise in open 
rebellion, only to be liquidated by the police. Then 


the army must be strengthened to suppress violence 
and laws must be made to punish patriots and to 
reward corruption. 

At last, oppressive and corrupt governments have 
trouble with the very armies which they create to 
defend themselves. Some military leader, no more 
honest than the politicians, sees his opportunity and 
as a pseudo champion of the rights of the oppressed 
people rides to the capital at die head of his army 
and chases out or kills or imprisons the government 
officials. The republic becomes a military dictator- 
ship, a fascist government. It is then just as totalitar- 
ian as the so-called "republics" of the Soviet Union. 

This tragic and very common deterioration of de- 
mocracy stems back, in the first place, to the corrupti- 
bility of the average voter. If he had not been willing 
to sell out his country for a few pieces of silver or for 
some personal advantage, he would have voted for 
the best men available, and government would have 
remained clean. 

Every country has a perpetual fight between the 
forces of corruption and the forces of good govern- 
ment. We have such a struggle in America just be- 
cause we have good and bad, selfish and public- 
spirited citizens. Often the balance between the two 
is so nearly equal in some countries that the personal 
influence and example of a few men in high position 
determine whether the country will remain truly 
free or deteriorate into a dictatorship. 

Suppose we placed a hundred thousand Americans 
of unimpeachable integrity all over the world, setting 
countries an example of straight, open, honest Ameri- 


can honor at its best. They would have more Influ- 
ence for world righteousness than all the money 
America possesses. They would tip the scales. 

American leaders know that the billions they have 
loaned to other countries have been used unwisely or 
stolen so frequently that often little or none of the 
money has reached down to the people for whom it 
was intended. We are a generous nation, but we are 
determined no longer to be "suckers/ 5 Perhaps one 
reason that foreign missions have received less en- 
thusiastic support than formerly is that we have 
been so disappointed in the results of our enormous 
loans. This is unjust to missions, for nobody has ever 
accused missions of misusing or stealing money- 
they never have enough! But the countries where the 
missionaries work have often lost our money, and 
the missionary cause has suffered as a consequence. 

UNRRA is one of the programs which disappointed 
us in this respect. We know that a large proportion 
of the goods we gave through that agency found its 
way to black markets. A young man in the Philippines 
told me, "We thought UNRRA would heal our 
wounds, but, instead, it has broken our hearts ." 
Americans on the inside now see that if UNRRA had 
called upon missionaries to administer their funds 
and merchandise, very little of it would ever have 
reached the black market. By and large, missionaries 
are the most honest people in the world, and unques- 
tionably they know the needy people as no other 
foreigners can know them. 

We ought never to loan or give money or charity 
of any kind to a country until we have conscientious 


men and women with a missionary spirit, who speak 
the language of the country, who have exact knowl- 
edge of the situation, and who are capable of seeing 
that the money is not misused or misappropriated. 

There is no reason why America should ever again 
be deceived as so often we have been deceived in the 
past. There is every reason why we should not. It is 
bad for a country to be allowed to misuse millions or 

The Church has the stupendous and even terrify- 
ing responsibility to produce men with conscience, 
passion to serve, sterling integrity, and true technical 
skill, and it must see that such men are used all over 
the world. The Church must lift not only the minds 
of men, but also their souls, their integrity, their love. 

Prayer for the United Nations 

While Christians join in reaching down to help 
the hungry two-thirds at the bottom of society, they 
must also reach up to pray for the men who are strug- 
gling to find the pathway to peace through the United 
Nations. Christians can be far more influential by 
praying for the members of the United Nations than 
they dream. 

Indeed, a few thousand praying Christians are 
wielding far greater influence right now than other 
people believe is the case. The Laymen's Movement 
for a Christian World, made up of Christian business 
and professional men, began nine years ago to pray 
for the United Nations. They send men to attend 
daily sessions of the Security Council and the As- 
sembly and pray in silence. The Laymen's Move- 
ment has printed and distributed upon request over 
a million cards bearing the names of the delegates 
and asking people to pray for them, and write them 

These men have become acquainted with many of 
the delegates, and have their confidence. Largely 



through their influence the Fifth General Assembly 
of the United Nations opened September 19, 1950, 
with one minute of silent prayer. Here is a descrip- 
tion of it: 

When the vote was taken in the General Assembly in 
October of 1949 to place a moment of silent prayer 
on the agenda, not one vote was cast against it. 

Ambassador Warren R. Austin, speaking in New 
York on Sunday evening, Sept 17, 1949, said: "At 
three o'clock on Tuesday, September 19th, the delega- 
tions of the fifty-nine nations of the United Nations will 
convene for the opening of the most crucial General 
Assembly since San Francisco. Before they begin to 
tackle the vital issues of peace, they will observe a min- 
ute of silence for individual prayer or meditation. 

"At that moment I hope the people of America will 
pause in their homes, their shops, on their farms, and 
in the streets, wherever they may be, to offer up their 
prayers for God's blessing upon the United Nations, 
and for a peace with liberty and justice for all men."* 

In continuing his remarks, Ambassador Austin said: 
"The Laymen's Movement has long worked for such 
reliance on prayer. This is a welcome suggestion." 

Five members of the Laymen's Movement were pres- 
ent at the opening session and were moved by the 
reverent manner in which General Carlos P. Romulo, 
the retiring president, introduced this new procedure. 
General Romulo said: "This Assembly, often described 
in the past as a mere international debating society, 
has the chance to grow into a virtual Parliament of 
Man. It has the chance to save the United Nations and 
the peace of the world. 

"Let us pray to Almighty God to grant us the vision 
and the courage to discharge this awesome responsi- 
bility. I invite the representatives to rise and observe 


one minute of silence dedicated to prayer or medita- 

The hearts of many people were raised in prayer all 
across the country at the same hour. (Laymen's Move- 
ment for a Christian World.) 

When a photograph taken during the moment of 
silent prayer in the United Nations was sent to Am- 
bassador Austin by the Laymen's Movement, Mr. 
Austin responded with the following letter: 


New York 16, New York 
October 28, 1950 
Dear Wallace Speers and Weyman Huckabee: 

You have made very real to me the love and 
omnipotence of our Heavenly Father through 
your personal conversations with me and your 

I am delighted to have the photograph of the 
General Assembly in that moment of prayer with 
which it opened the present Session. This was 
an historic event, great enough to make such a 
souvenir especially precious. But you have 
added to its meaning by your lovely inscription. 

Thanking you with a full heart, I am, 

Sincerely yours, 


Mr. Wallace C. Speers, Chairman 
Mr. Weyman C. Huckabee, Secretary 
The Laymen's Movement for a 

Christian World, Inc. 
347 Madison Avenue 
New York' 17, New York 


Warren Austin has many times thanked the Lay- 
men's Movement for praying for him. He said he had 
come to rely on them more than upon any other hu- 
man source to help him to keep his mind free from 
prejudice and hate so as to* see every issue dispas- 
sionately and with a clear mind. 

What the Laymen's Movement suggests, and what 
Warren Austin approves, is for all of us Christians 
everywhere to pray for the delegates, and to write one 
letter a day or a week to different delegates, in turn, 
saying that we are praying for them in their tremen- 
dous responsibilitythat they may receive God's 
wisdom and so bring peace on earth, and good will 
among men. Thus in the course of a few months each 
delegate will get a great many letters. Mr. Austin 
said he gets thousands of letters from people who are 
praying for him, and that he tries to answer every 
letter, because he values them so highly. We can help 
the delegates win the peace if we pray for and write 
to aU the men in the General Assembly of the United 

The Prayer Call card, Standing in the Need of 
Prayer (5# each), with the names of all delegates, may 
be obtained from the Laymen's Movement, 847 Madi- 
son Avenue, New York City, upon request. 

By joining in this ever widening prayer army you 
help produce the spiritual atmosphere in which, if 
anywhere, men can agree upon the pathway to a just 
and lasting peace. 

If each of these men got a million letters from 
people, never criticizing but only assuring them they 
are being held up with prayer, that would give 


them a new confidence in the heart of America, and a 
new sense of the power of God. 

"We are not weak when we raise our voices in 
prayer for all government officials and reach down 
through our missionaries and laymen to the pathetic 
hungry people at the bottom as they hold up their 
hands, asking, "Who will help us?" We are not weak 
when we thus combine prayer and loving service. 
If we should follow this practice we would become 
the most powerful people in the world, for we would 
be channels for the limitless power of God's spirit, 
and demonstrate that right is might. 

You and I have been looking everywhere for the 
answer. We are the answer, if we help the masses and 
pray for the leaders. We have been God's problem 
because we in America have failed to see and do 
these two things adequately. Let us all stop being 
God's problem and become His answer. Wringing our 
hands in helpless desperation is not only weak, it is 
also wicked. Stop it, oh, ye of little faith, and pray and 
write and help need. Be strong. "We have hard work 
to do and loads to lift." 

There are Christians in the United States who 
strongly emphasize repentance, and who will say that 
this book has not done enough in merely confessing 
our sins and repenting them. For example, why have 
we not shown how, historically, the oppression and 
insolence of the white race has built up a tremendous 
tide of resentment throughout the non- white world? 
Is it because we did not realize this? No; I realize it. 
But I think that the Communists have overdone con- 
fessing for us, and certainly they have distorted the 


uth. Moreover, post-mortems do little good, espe- 
aHy when they stir up grievances which we hope 
>od deeds will help people to forget. We need good 
seds, not repining. 

And as for repenting, there are two kinds. Judas 
pented and committed suicide. It would be easier 
r us to say our prayers and "repent" and continue 
.e way we have been going until our folly results in 
e death of hope than to repent in deed and not in 
ord only. It costs less to coast along while the 
Casting lasts. The word "repent" originally meant 
urn around and go the other way." From cover to 
>ver, this book says "turn around, Christians of 
nerica, and go the other way." 
It has but one purpose. That is to point out what 
marvelous opportunity we have to win the friend- 
ip of the world through unselfishly serving it, and 
inspire the Christian Church with new courage 
.d fresh vision. 

So, my friends, I'm not a fellow traveler! I'm a 
sperate optimist. 

I am saying only this: The other ways have failed. 
y Christ's way of unselfish, humble, loving service. 
e who have tried it are thrilled at its magic! 


We are in a race against time. Perhaps not enough 
people will be willing to join you and me in applying 
the Christian program of helping people up soon 
enough. It may prove to be too little and too late. We 
may lose the world and be blown up. But if we be- 
lieve Christ we do not lose ourselves. 

If we believe our religion it is far better to face our 
Maker having done what we could than to go before 
Him whimpering that we did not try because we 
thought it was useless or because we hoped that fifty 
billion dollars a year invested in hell's weapons would 
be enough. 

Jesus said that every dollar we invest in helping 
need becomes a treasure (today we would call it 
"bank account") in heaven. Listen to His words: "Lay 
not up treasures for yourselves upon earth, where 
moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break 
through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures 
in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, 
and where thieves do not break through nor steal: 
for where your treasure is, there will your heart be 



Then He tells exactly how to lay up those treasures 
in heaven. A rich young ruler asked Him, "Good mas- 
ter, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus 
told him to keep the commandments. He replied, "I 
have kept them since my youth." Then Jesus said, 
"Give all you have to help the poor, and you will 
have treasure in heaven, and come, follow me." But 
when he heard this h became very sad, for he was 
very rich. Jesus, looking at him, -said, "How hard it is 
for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of 
God!" Their money will keep them out if they refuse 
to help need. 

Jesus said this in the story of the rich man and 
Lazarus, He told it in the story of the rich man whose 
land brought forth plentifully, and who said, "I will 
pull down my barns and build larger ones, and there 
I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say 
to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for 
many years; take your ease, eat, drink, and be 
merry. But God said to him, Fool, this night your 
soul is required of you, and the things you have pre- 
pared, whose will they be?" Then Jesus gives the 
meaning: "So is he who lays up treasure for himself, 
and is not rich toward God." 

In Luke 12:33 He tells us: Help meet need, and in 
this way provide yourselves with "a treasure in the 
heavens that faileth not" 

Everything, everything Jesus said agrees with His 
words: "Make to yourselves friends of the mammon 
of unrighteousness; so that when ye fail, they may re- 
ceive you into everlasting habitations." 

Those we have helped, Jesus says, have gone to 


heaven to testify for us and to welcome us when we 

So what we keep we lose at last, and that may not 
be far off! What we give to help need becomes an 
everlasting treasure in heaven. This is driven in with 
rather terrible insistence in Matthew 25:31-46. Not 
one minister in ten dares to read that passage to his 
congregationthey don't like it because they don't 
want to hear it or believe it or obey It. 

But to you and me it is really a wonderful promise, 
if we have helped those who are hungry, or thirsty, 
or naked, or a stranger, or sick, or in prison, for Christ 
tells us what He will say: 

"Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the king- 
dom prepared for you from the foundation of the 
world; for I was hungry and you gave me food; I was 
thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and 
you welcomed me; I was sick and you visited me; I 
was in prison and you came to me. . . . Truly I say 
to you, As you did it to one of the least of these my 
brethren, you did it to me." 

It is terrible only to those who refused to help need. 

"I was hungry and you gave me no food; I was 
thirsty and you gave me no drink; I was a stranger 
and you did not welcome me; naked, and you did not 
clothe me; sick and in prison, and you did not visit 
me. . . . Depart from me, you cursed, into the 
eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." 

That "eternal fire" sounds uncomfortably like the 
terrible blast of the atom bomb or the hydrogen 
bomb. And the words "you cursed" sound too much, 
altogether too much, like the voice of that innumera- 


ble multitude of hungry people who plead with 
America to help them, and who, if we refuse their 
plea, will hate us and finally blast us with the bomb 
which we invented. It is real enough and close 
enough to give us goose flesh. 

The Christian promise is infinitely comforting if 
we have obeyed it, but hell if we have said no. Yet, 
who can complain? For nothing, nothing, could be 
more just than His promise: 

"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these 
my brethren, ye have done it unto me." "With what 
judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged." "Whatever 
you give is given, full measure, shaken down, run- 
ning over. . . " 

Well, then, this book is a lesson in applied Chris- 
tianityor that part of Christianity we neglect 
practicing what we preach, not stingily, or gingerly, 
but all-out, total, magnificent, amazing love in action. 

It is the kind of religion that makes sense, the kind 
of religion that gets results, its head in the clouds, but 
its feet on the ground. 

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