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J      '  '  * 

H)  a  I U  n  ft  c  t  n 

Wl' H;  CARRUTH,  PH.D. 



„Von  ber  Parteien  (5un{l  unb  fjaf  vetmitti, 
Sdivoanti  fein  <£t)araf terbtib  in  ber  (Sefc^ic^te; 
Dod?  euren  klugen  foIC  it)n  je^t  bte  Kun^,- 
2(u(^  eurem  f^erjen  menfci^U^  näl{er  bringen." 

Copyright,  1901, 



CAMSLOT  PKBSR,   l8-ao   OAK  STftEBT,  NllW  YOUT 


As  the  first  of  the  dramas  in  Schiller's  later  period, 
Wallenstbin  is  the  key  to  a  füll  appreciation  of  the 
others  ;  to  every  Student  of  the  Drama,  it  presents,  as 
it  did  to  Schiller,  most  interesting  problems  in  prac- 
tica! criticism  ;  to  the  lover  of  pure  literature,  it  is  a 
perennial  treasury  of  brilliant  scenes,  powerful  por- 
traitSy  and  noble  thoughts. 

This  edition  is  prepared  in  the  belief  that  the  work 
needs  a  more  helpful  and  more  attractive  treatment 
than  it  has  hitherto  received.  As  it  will  be  read 
chiefly  in  College  classes,  the  purpose  has  been  to 
minimize  the  proportion  of  translation  and  grammati- 
cal  notes,  and  to  give  as  much  as  feasible  for  the  lit- 
erary  and  historical  appreciation  of  the  drama.  The 
Map,  the  Facsimile  of  the  **  Revers,"  and  the  portraits 
of  several  of  the  chjef  personages,  both  of  the  drama- 
and  the  historical  period,  may  be  welcome  to  many 
teachers  to  whom  they  are  not  otherwise  accessibleu 
The  List  of  Persons,  with  its  index  of  appearances 
and  references,  will  be  found  a  convenience  for  com- 
parison  and  criticism.  The  Introduction  endeavors 
to  present  the  material  most  needful  for  the  historical 
orientation  of  the  Student  of  Wallenstein^  as  well  as 
for  the  understanding  of  the  place  of  this  drama  in 
Schiller's  development,  and  its  relation  to  his  other 

The  editor  subjoins  [to  the  Introduction]  a  brief  list 
of  authorities  for  those  who  wish  to  make  a  more  care- 
ful  study.  Most  of  them  he  has  himself  used,  and  here 
makes  acknowledgment  of  his  indebtedness.  He  is 
also  under  Obligation  to  Professor  H.  C.  G.  Brandt,  o£ 
Hamilton  College,  for  many  helpful  criticisms. 

W,  H,  C. 
University  of  Kansas, 
March,   1894. 




The  text  of  this  edition,  which  h^  been  entirely  reset, 
foUows  that  of  Gödeke^s  Historisch-Kritische  Ausgabe^ 
as  explained  in  the  Introduction  (page  Ixix).  The 
commentary  has  been  materially  expanded,  without,  it 
is  hoped,  exceeding  the  proper  limits  of  a  student's 
working  edition. 

The  editor  wishes    to  make    acknowledgments    to 

Professor  A.   R.  Hohlfeld,   of  Vanderbilt   University, 

Professor  J.  S.  NoUen,  of  Iowa  College,  Professor  W. 

T.   Hewett,   of   Cornell   University,   Professor   Gustav 

Gruener,  of  Yale  University,  Professor  P.  A.  Claasen, 

of  the  Southwest  Kansas  College,  and  to  his  colleagues 

in  the  University  of  Kansas,  Professor  E.  F.  Engel  and 

Miss  Florence  Parrott  for  helpful  suggestions. 

W.  H,  C. 

University  of  Kansas, 
September^  1901. 


Albrecht  von  Wallenstein Frontispiect 


General  Till Y 66 

The  Banquet  of  Wallenstein's  Generals 148 

The  Close  and  Signatures  of  the  Revers  of  Jan.  12, 

1634 149 

GusTAvus  Adolphus 206 

Assassination  of  Wallenstein 380 

Map  of  Eastern  Germany,  1630  to  1650 i 


The  historical  tragedy  of  Wallenstein,  composed  of 
Wallensteins  Lager,  Die  Piccolomini  and  Wallensteins 
Toa,  is  a  trilogy  in  name,  but  in  no  such  sense  as  that 
used  of  the  ancient  drama.*  The  Lager  was  origi- 
nally  planned  as  a  prologue,  and  in  its  ünal  form 
is  referred  to  in  the  Goethe-Schiller  correspondence  as 
a  "  Vorspiel,^'*  and  described  as  *' a  picture  of  the  char- 
acters  and  customs  of  the  time."  It  serves  to  give 
the  play  an  atmosphere  without  bringing  to  the  stage 
any  of  the  principal  dramatis  personm  of  the  trilogy. 
The  plot  of  the  tragedy  Js  developed  in  Die  Piccolomini 
and  Wallensteins  Tod.  The  scene  is  laid  in  the  Thirty 
Years*  War,  and  the  hero  is  a  personage  of  the 
first  importance  in  that  struggle.  Throiighout,  Schiller 
has  followed  history  so closely  (*' an anxious endeavor  to 
keep  close  to  my  object,"  is  his  own  phrase)  that  some 
familiarity  with  the  principal  occurrences  in  the  war 
and  some  means  of  comparing  the  fictitious  with  the- 
real  Wallenstein  are  needed  for  a  critical  apprecia- 
tion  of  the  drama.  This  preliminary  matter  is  here 
given  in  the  form  of  ( i )  a  very  brief  outline  of  the 
Thirty  Years'  War,  with  (2)  a  separate  and  more  de- 

•Sccp.  Ll 


tailed  account  of  the  events  of  the  winter  of  1633-4,  in 
which  the  action  of  the  drama  occurs ;  (3)  a  discussion 
of  Wallenstein*  s  character,  with  a  review  of  the  condf- 
tions  of  judgment  upon  the  question  of  his  guilt,  and 
(4)  some  suggestions  upon  the  discrimination  of  the 
dramatic  and  the  historical  characters.  After  these 
topics  are  disposed  of,  (5)  the  genesis  of  the  trilogy, 
(6)  its  characteristics  as  a  tragedy,  and  (7)  its  metrical 
structure,  are  briefly  treated. 


The  Thirty  Years'  War  was  tiie  arbitrament  by  battle 
of  the  disputes  arising  out  of  the  Reformation  in  Ger- 
many,  aggravated  by  the  territorial  and  dynastic  compli- 
cations  inseparable  from  the  Constitution  of  the  empire. 

The  German  Empire,  or  Holy  Roman  Empire  of 
German  Nation,  was  a  loose  federation  of  sovereign 
States  *  under  an  elective  monarch.  From  Albrecht  IL 
(1438)  to  Francis  II.  (deposed  1806),  this  monarch  was 
chosen  from  the  princes  of  the  house  of  Hapsburg^ 
whose  chief  hereditary  estates  were  Austria,  Tirol  and 
Styria.  At  the  beginning  of  the  Thirty  Years'  War, 
the  electors  were  the  princes  of  Bohemia,  Saxony, 
Brandenburg,  the  Palati nate,  Trier,.  Mainz  and  Cologne. 

*  Kingdoms  :  Hungary,  Bohemia,  etc. ;  archduchies  :  Austria, 
Tirol,  Styria,  etc.;  duchies-:  Bavaria,  Würtemberg,  Brunswick, 
etc. ;  electoral  principalities :  Rhine  Palatinate,  Saxony,  Bran- 
denburg ;  electoral  archbishoprics :  Trier,  Mainz,  Cologne ; 
principalities :  Anhalt,  Schwarzburg,  etc. ;  margravates  :  Baden, 
Küstrin,  etc. :  landgravates :  Hesse,  Leuchtenberg,  etc. ;  coun- 
ties  :  Mansfeld,  Reuss,  etc. ;  bishoprics :  Speyer,  Halberstadt, 
Bamberg,  etc. ;  free  cities :  Hamburg,  Stralsund,  Frankfurt,  etc. 


It  had  become  common  for  the  reigning  emperor  to  se- 
cure  the  succession  to  his  son  in  advance,  in  which  case 
the  son  was  called  Roman  King  or  King  of  Germany. 
On  the  death  of  the  father  there  was  thus  a  monarch 
even  before  the  son's  conürmation  and  coronation  as 
emperor.  The  emperor  with  the  approval  of  the  Diet 
assumed  the  right  to  transfer  the  electoral  privilege,  as 
in  the  case  of  the  Prince  Palatine  Frederick  and  Maxi- 
milian of  Bavaria.  The  Constitution  of  this  empire  was 
based  on  force,  tradition,  and,  beginning  with  the 
Golden  Bull  (1356),  on  written  Conventions  (  ^ää/cö/i- 
iulaiionen),  between  nobles  and  emperor.  In  16 18, 
there  were  over  300  petty  states  in  the  empire.  In 
most  of  these  states  diverse  laws  of  inheritance  pre- 
vailed,  giving  rise  to  continued  subdivision  of  territory, 
while  intermarriage  entangled  Claims  beyond  the  power 
of  anythiiig  but  war  to  solve.  The  princes  were  equals 
within  their  own  rank.  The  Emperor,  as  Archduke  of 
Austria  or  King  of  Hungary,  was  confined  to  these  terri- 
tories  as  much  as  any  other  prince  to  his  own,  and  was  not 
superior  in  this  capacity  to  a  score  of  princes,  archdukes 
and  archbishops.  The  Emperor,  as  such,  was  a  monarch 
without  a  country.  His  relations  to  the  princes  of  the 
Empire,  as  well  as  those  of  the  princes  among  them- 
selves,  were  unsettled,  and  depended  largely  on  force. 
The  Diet  consisted  of  three  ''Colleges"  :  the  electors, 
the  other  princes,  and  the  cities,  but  the  electors,  who 
met  apart,  and  sometimes  without  the  other  estates, 
usually  dominated  the  body.-  It  met  only  at  the  call  of 
the  Emperor.*     The  Diet  claimed  the  initiative  in  im« 

*  Though  the  Golden  Bull  provided  ibr  annual  sessions. 


perial  legislation,  but  the  Emperor  had  a  vetö,  and 
often  ignored  or  overrode  the  wishes  of  the  estates« 
Only  the  Diet  had  the  authority  to  apply  sentence  of 
outlawry  [Reichsachi),  and  thcre  was  no  Statute  defin- 
ing  treason. 

Owing  partly  to  the  Emperor*  s  protracted  absence 
from  Germany,  and  to  Luther's  pacific  attitude  in  polit- 
ical  matters,  the  great  religious  revolution  of  the  Refor^ 
mation  was  accompanied  by  comparatively  little  blood- 
shed  while  the  reformer  lived.  The  chief  contentions 
in  the  civil  wars  of  Charles  the  Fifth's*  time  were  pver 
the  emoluments  and  benefices,  which  were  finally-as- 
«igned  by  the  Peace  of  Augsburg  (1555)  to  those  hold- 
ing  them  in  the  year  1552.  Whether  princes  who 
changed  their  religion  after  that  might  further  secularize 
church  property  was  left  undetermined ;  but  any  eccle- 
siastical  dignitary  of  the  empire,  whether  elector,  abbot 
or  bishop^  who  should  become  a  Protestant,  should 
forfeit  his  benefices  and  titles.     This  provision,  called 

*  Charles  V,  (1520-1556),  grandson  of  Maximilian  of  Austria 
and  of  Ferdinand  and  Isabella  of  Spain,  was  monarch  of  these 
lands  as  well  as  of  the  Netherlands,  Burgundy,  Naples  and  lesser 
territories.  His  successor  in  Austria  was  his  brother,  Ferdu 
nand  /.  (i 556-1564),  who  had  been  elected  King  of  Hungary  in 
1530,  and  acquired  the  crown  of  Bohemia  by  marriage.  He  was 
succeeded  in  tum  by  his  son  Maximilian  IL  (1564-1576),  a,nd 
his  grandson  Rudolf  IL  (i 576-1612).  Rudolf,  becoming  imbe- 
eile,  was  succeeded  by  his  brother  Mathias  (1612-1619),  who  had 
been  made  Regent  for  Austria,  Hungary  and  Moravia  in  1606. 
Mathias  was  followed  by  his  nephew  Ferdinand  IL  (161 9- 1637), 
who  had  been  chosen  King  of  Bohemia  in  16 17,  and  of  Hun- 
gary  in  16x8.  Ferdinand  IIL,  son  of  the  fbrmer,  mied  from 
1637  to  1657. 

jyTR  ÖD  UC  TION,  V  i  i 

Der  geistliche  Vorbehalt^  or  Ecclesiastical  Reservation» 
was  an  arbitrary  decree  of  the  Emperor. 

Af t^  the  Peace  of  Augsburg  Protestantism  continued 
to  grow,  and  the  Protestant  princes  interpreted  in  their 
own  favor  the  indefinite  terms  pf  the  Peace,-  and  found 
means  to  evade  the  Ecclesiastical  Reservation.  Toward 
the  close  of  the  i6th  Century,  however,  dissensions 
among  the  Protestants  resulted  in  the  formation  of  tv/o 
distinct  sects,  the  Lutherans,  or  adherents  of  the  Con- 
fession  of  Augsburg,  and  the  Cälvinists,  called  the 
**  Ref ormed  "  faith,  who  sympathized  with  the  Swiss 
school  of  Protestantism.  The  former  sect  retained  its 
hold  in  North  Germany,  while  the  latter,  which  was 
not  recognized  at  all  in  the  Peace  of  Augsburg,  pre- 
vailed  in  South  Germany.  The  resulting  jealousies, 
together  with  the  growth  of  the  Socigty  of  Jesus,  gave 
the  Catholics  the  practica!  ascendency,  and  at  the 
»pening  of  the  lyth  Century  the  Catholic  princes  re- 
solved  upon  a  struggle  to  restore  at  least  the  Status  of 
1552.  In  1618  this  struggle  broke  out  into  the  most 
barbarous  war  known  to  history.  Before  it  dragged  to 
an  end  in  1648,  Denmark,  Sweden  and  France,  one 
after  another,  were  drawn  into  active  participation  in 
the  conflict.  For  thirty  years  Germany  was  the  seat  of 
a  war  which  so  utterly  devastated  her  territories  that 
two  centuries  elapsed  before  she  could  regain  her 
rightful  place  among  the  nations  of  Europe.  Schiller's 
drama  opens  in  the  very  middle  of  this  war. 


War  began  in  Bohemia,  where  the  distrust  of  a 
Ptolestant  people  toward  a  Catholic  ruler  was  compli* 


cated  with  a  dispute  over  a  title  to  the  crown.  To 
secure  the  succession  in  advance  to  his  brother  Mathias, 
Emperor  Rudolph  II.  had  summoned  the  Estates  to 
elect  Mathias  king.  The  election  had  been  granted 
(1609)  in  retum  for  a  royal  ohsociQX  {MaJestätsÖTief) 
guaranteeing  the  religious  freedom  of  the  country.  In 
161 7  Mathias,  being  without  direct  heirs,  was  anxious 
to  secure  the  succession  to  his  Cousin,  Ferdinand  of 
Styria,  and  called  the  Estates  to  accepi  the  latter- as 
King  of  Bohemia.  Disputes  arose  over  this  term,  but 
the  Estates  finally  waived  their  claim  to  eleci^  ac- 
cepted  Ferdinand  and  received  a  confirmation  of 
the  Majestätshrief^  Ferdinand  was  intensely  pious, 
whoUy  under  the  control  of  the  Jesuits,  and  firm 
only  in  the  purpose  which,  it  is  said,  he  had  sealed 
with  a  vow,  of  suppressing  all  Protestant  heresies 
in  his  realm.  ^' Better  a  desert  than  a  land  füll  of  • 
heretics,"  were  his  words.  He  was  otherwise  a  mild- 
mannered  and  conciliatory  man,  fond  of  pleasure  (es- 
pecially  of  hunting,  to  which  he  devoted  two  or  three 
days  every  week),  without  executive  faculty,  guided  by 
those  about  him,  by  none  more  than^  his  confessor, 
Father  Lamormain.  He  had  already  imposed  Catholi- 
cism  on  the  inhabitants  of  his  duchy  of  Styria,  and 
now  the  efforts  of  his  fanatical  zeal  in  Bohemia  let 
loose  the  fierce  religious  passions  of  Germany,  which 
he  was  entirely  unable  to  control,  and  which  finally 
subsided  only  from  sheer  exhaustion. 

The  Virtual  leader  of  the  Catholics,  however,  was    ^ 
Maximilian  of  Bavaria,  who,  with  little  less  than  Ferdi- 
nand's  zeal,  united  great  ability  as  a  statesman .  and 
feueraL    His  strongest  Opponent^  and  the  real  head 


of  the  Calvinists,  was  Christian  of  Anhalt,  while  John 
George  of  Saxony  represented  the  Lutheran  party, 
Frederick,  Elector  of  the  Palatinate,  son-in-law  of 
James  I.  of  England,  was  utterly  incapable  of  filHng 
his  natural  position  at  the  head  of  the  Protestants« 
The  Protestant  cities  and  principalities  of  Southern 
Gemiany,  which,  it  will  be  recalled,  were  niainly  Cal- 
vinistic  in  creed,  had  formed,  in  1608,  an  alliance 
known  as  the  ''Protestant  Union,'*  and  the  Catholics 
united  (1609),  under  the  lead  of  Bavaria,  in  the  '*  Cath- 
oUc  League.*' 

Mathias  had  early  shown  a  disposition  to  ignore  the 
royal  charter,  and  Ferdinand  soon  let  it  be  seen  that 
no  relief  was  to  be  expected  from  him.  After  his  elec- 
tion  as  King  of  Bohemia,  he  appointed  a  commission 
of  regency  while  he  should  be  absent  froni  Bohemia, 
•  and  Catholic  aggressions  became  more  frequent.  The 
Protestants  called  a  Diet  to  consider  the  Situation,  and 
Ferdinand  forbade  a  second  session  of  it.  But  this 
had  already  been  called  for  May  21,  16 18.  Led  by 
Count  Thurn,  the  Protestant  Estates  visited  the  Re- 
gents  in  the  Castle,  at  Prague,  May  2  3rd,  and  demanded 
to  know  vvhether  they  were  responsible  for  the  imperial 
Orders  against  the  assembly  of  the  Diet.  On  their 
refusal  to  reply,  two  of  the  Regents,  Martinitz  and 
Slawata,  with  their  secretary,  were  punished  by  "de- 
fenestration."*  This  was  really  the  beginning  of 
the  Thirty  Years'  War.  The  revolt  found  Ferdinand 
ill-prepared  for  war,  and  he  was  soon  nearly  captured 

*  Fenstersturz  —  "  throwing  from  a  window  "  —  a  traditional 
form  of  punishment  once  common  in  Bohemia« 


in  his  own  capitah  The  Bohemians  proceeded  to 
repudiate  Ferdinand,  and  chose  the  incapable  Fred- 
erick, Elector  of  the  Palatinate,  to  be  their  king.  But 
indecision  and  disagreement  on  the  part  of  the>  Bo- 
hemian  generals,  Thurn  and  Mansfeld,  sacrificed  all 
their  early  advantages,  and  in  a  little  more  than  two 
years  (Nov.  8,  1620)  the  battle  of  the  White  Hill,  just 
outside  of  Prague,  won  by  the  Catholic  League,  put  the 
whole  country  at  the  mercy  of  Ferdinand,  who,  mean- 
while  (in  161 9),  had  become  Emperor  as  Ferdinand 
II.  Frederick,  who  had  entered  his  capital  only  a 
year  before,  fled  now  in  the  face  of  danger,  to  be  de- 
prived  of  his  original  rank  and  possessions,  to  spend 
the  remainder  of  his  days  a  fugitive  and  a  suppliant, 
and  to  go  into  history  under  the  title  of  the  ''Win- 
ter King,**  a  perpetual  memorial  of  his  brief  and  in- 
glorious  reign. 

For  five  years  after  the  battle  of  White  Hill  the  war 
was  kept  up  in  a  desultory  guerrilla  fashion,*  the 
Protestants  gradually  losing  ground.  The  army  of  the 
League,  under  Tilly,  Maximilian's  general,  drove  the 
Protestant  forces  from  Bohemia,  and  then  from  the 
Palatinate,  Fr.ederick*s  hereditary  dominion.  This 
ended  the  first  stage  of  the  war.  The  Catholic  party 
was  everywhere  victorious.  The  Bohemian  Revolu- 
tion was  suppressed  and  the  rieh  Palatinate  lay  at  the 
Emperor's  mercy.  A  second  stage  of  the  war  now 
opens  withthe  intervention  of  Denmark. 

*  The  Gcrman  word  "Plunder,"  used  to  designate  the  terrible 
pFactice  of  an  army's  supporting  itself  by  indiscriminate  robbingy 
was  introduced  into  English  at  tbis  time« 


ip)    THE   DANISH    PERIOD. 

There  were  varions  attempts  to  bring  to  bear  upon 
the  conflict  in  Germany  a  coalition  of  the  Protestant 
powers,  which  included  England,  Holland,  Denmark 
and  Sweden.  In  1625  these  attempts  resulted  in  the 
active  Intervention  of  Christian  IV.  of  Denmark,  sup- 
ported  by  subsidies  from  England  and  Holland.  The 
Emperor  became  convincgcLdf  the  necessity  of  provid- 
ing  a  better  army  thaa  Tiliy's  and  accepted  the  magnif- 
icent  offer  of  Wallenstein,  Prince  of  Friedland,  to  equip 
20y00o  men  at  his  own  expense  and  to  maintain  them 
in  the  field  without  Charge  upon  the  Emperor's  treas- 
luy.  Wallenstein  now  becomes  the  central  figure  of 
the  struggle. 

Albrecfat  Wallenstein*  came  of  an  impoverished 
branch  of  one  of  the  wealthiest  families  of  Bohemia., 
He  was  born  at  Hermanitz,  in  Bohemia,  in  the  year  1583. 
His  parents  were  Lutherans,  and  for  a  time  he  was 
under  the  Instruction  of  the  Bohemian  Brothers,  f 
Later  he  attended  the  Jesuit  school  at  Olmütz,  whe^e 
he  adopted  the  Roman  Catholic  faith  and  acquired 
most  of  the  scholarship  he  possessed.  .  At  about  the 
age  of  eighteen  he  spent  some  time  at  the  University 
of  Altdorf,  near  Nuremberg,  and  then  traveled  in  west- 
em  Europe  in  Company  with  a   frieud  of    Kepler. 

*The  correct  form  of  his  name  b  Waldstein.  Gindely  has 
adopted  this,  and  other  historians  will  probably  follow  him.  In 
connection  with  literature,  however,  It  will  certainly  remain  justi- 
fiaUe  to  write  Wallenstein. 

f  This  dect  afterwards  became  better  known  under  the  name 


From'  this  associatioh  he  is  thought  to  have  derived 
his  firm  faith  in  astrology.  After  a  campaign  against 
the  Turks  he  obtained  a  position  at  the  Austrian  court^ 
His  Sponsor  wrote  that  Wallenstein  was  eager  to  serve 
the  Archduke,  "  both  from  particular  liking  f or  him,  and 
in  Order  to  have  a  master  whose  rank  and  power  might 
serve  as  a  stepping-stone  for  his  own  advancement." 
Wallenstein  married  a  rieh  and  elderly  widow,  who 
died  a  few  years  later,  leaving  him  her  property.  In 
1617,  in  recognition  of  his  Services  against  the  Vene- 
tians,  he  was  elevated  to  the  nobility.  Soon  after,  he 
married  Isabella  Katharina,  daughter  of  Count  Har- 
rach, who  became  second  in  esteem  of  the  councilors 
of  the  Eraperor.  A  brother  of  Wallenstein's  wife  was 
son-in-law  to  Baron  Eggenberg,  the  chief  of  Ferdi- 
nand's  ad  visers,  and  a  sister  was  Countess  Kiasky. 

At  the  outbreak  of  the  Bohemian  Revolution,  Wal- 
lenstein had  recruited  a  regiment  of  Walloons  for  the 
Emperor's  service,  and  once  at  least  had  distinguished 
himself  in  command.  The  victories  of  the  Austrian 
arms  had  been  followed  by  numerous  executions,  confis- 
cations  and  expatriations  among  the  Bohemian  afistoc- 
racy,  and,  like  other  friends  of  the  court,  he  had  used 
the  opportunity  to  acquire,  at  ridiculously  low  prices, 
the  estates  thus  thrown  upon  the  market.  By  this  and 
other  means  he  had  been  enabled  to  bring  to  the  title 
of  Prince  of  Friedland,  conferred  upon  him  in  1623,  a 
large  and  well-nigh  continuous  territory  in  northem 
Bohemia«  It  was,  furthermore,  his  enormous  wealth 
that  made  possible  his  proffer  of  a  formidable  army 
fuUyequipped  for  service  against  the  threatened  Prot- 
estant coalition. 


In  the  face  of  the  Danish  Intervention  in  1625,  Wal- 
lenstein's  offer  was  gladly  accepted.  At  first,  he  was 
made  "  Capo  d' Armada  ; "  then,  as  it  became  evident 
that  bis  advancement  over  men  of  higher  rank  would 
give  rise  to  jealousy,  he  was  created  hereditary  Duke 
of  Friedland,  and  soon  afterwards  (July  25th)  appointed 
generalissimo  (Genefal-Oberst- Feldhauptmann),  In  the 
autumn  of  1625,  within  three  months  of  the  date  of  bis 
ürstcommission,  bis  army,  f  ully  equipped,  20,000  strong 
and  growing  like  a  rolling  snowball,  set  out  for  the 
seat  of  war  in  North  Germany,  where  lay  the  army  of 
the  League  under  Tilly,  with  whom  he  was  to  co-op- 
erate.  But  before  any  important  action  resulted,  the 
season  was  over  and  Wallenstein  went  into  winter 

Througbout  the  winter  peace  negotiations  were  car- 
ried  on  ;  but  Wallenstein  took  care  to  fortify  bis  Posi- 
tion at  Dessau.  Here,  in  the  spriug  of  1626,  he  was 
attacked  by  Mansfeld,  the  Palatine's  general,  wbo 
greatly  under-estimated  the  strength  of  Wallenstein's 
army,  now  swollen  to  more  than  30,000.  After  desper- 
ate fighting,  Mansfeld's  attack  was  repulsed  and  a  large 
part  of  bis  army  destroyed.  Mutual  jealousy  kept 
Wallenstein  and  Tilly  from  profiting  by  this  victory, 
Mansfeld  escaped,  and,  getting  together  what  forces 
he  could,  retreated  through  Silesia  and  Moravia  into 
Hungary.  Wallenstein,  leaving  part  of  bis  army  to  aid 
Tilly,  pursued  Mansfeld,  wbo  was  carrying  the  war  into 
the  Emperor's  own  lands.  He  drove  Mansfeld  out  of 
Hungary,  and  the  latter  died  on  bis  way  to  Venice. 
Meanwhile,  Tilly,  aided  by  the  forces  left  bim  by  Wal- 
fensteiiiy  had  gained  a  decisive  victory  over  the  King 


of  Denmark,  at  Lutter,  August  2.7th,  1626.     This  was 
the  sum  of  the  military  achievements  of  the  year, 

During  this  campaign,  Tilly  and  Maximilian  of  Ba- 
varia  were  tireless  in  their  complaints  to  the  Emperor, 
of  the  insolence,  the  intractability,  the  high-handed 
t3n*anny  of  Wallenstein,  and  in  demands  for  his  removal. 
These  complaints  came  to  Wallen stein'^  ears,  and  he 
wrote  bitterly,  asking  his  dismissal :  "  Quite  otherwise 
have  I  deserved  of  the  Emperor  and  the  house  of  Aus- 
tria,  but  I  will  not  exaggerate  my  merits ;  this  is  my 
only  comfort — that  no  man  can  say  that  I  have  not 
always  served  my  Emperor  faithfully,  honorably,  and 
helpf ully,  and  if  I  had  served  *God  so  well,  I  should  be 
the  Chief  saint  in  Heaven."  But  the  Emperor  simply 
could  not  dispense  with  Wallenstein.  There  was  no 
other  general  who  was  regarded  with  the  same  esteem, 
and  besides,  the  Emperor  was  heavily  in  debt  to  him 
for  contributions  to  the  expenses  of  the  war,  f ar  beyond 
his  original  offer.  By  the  efforts  of  Eggenberg^  Wal- 
lenstein was  prevailed  upon  to  remain  in  command,  the 
Emperor  expressing  confidence  in  him  by  exten  ding  his 
Privileges  as  Duke  of  Friedland. 

In  the  campaign  of  1627,  Wallenstein  defeated  the 
remainder  of  Mansfeld's  army  in  Silesia,  and  then,  re- 
turning  to  North  Germany,  joined  Tilly,  and  with 
scarcely  a  serious  engagement  reduced  the  entire  Dan- 
ish  peninsula.  As  reward  for  his  victories  in  Silesia, 
Wallenstein  received  outright  the  Duchy  of  Sagan  in 
that  province,  and,  for  the  conquest  of  Denmark,  the 
Duchy  of  Mecklenburg  was  given  him  in  pawn.  In 
June,  1629,  under  the  constant  pressure  of  the  de»- 
mand  for  payment  of  the  army,  which  he  was  utterly 


anable  to  meet,  the  Emperor  confirmed  Wallenstein  in 
the  possession  of  the  Duchy  of  Mecklenburg,  thus  mak- 
ing  him  an  hereditary  prince  of  Ihe  Empire,  and  the . 
equal  of  the  dukes  of  Saxony  and  Bavaria. 

The  winter  of  1627-28  was  spent  in  negotiations  with 
the  Hanse  eitles  to  secure  to  Spain  a  foothold  on  the 
Baltic  from  which  to  operate  against  the  Netherlands. 
But  negotiations  failed,  and  in  the  spring  the  imperial 
army  besieged  Stralsund,  one  of  the  Hanse  towns  and 
heretofore  regarded  as  neutral  territory.  This  city,  re- 
inforced  from  the  sea-side  by  Danish  troops  and^after 
the  conclusion  of  an  alliance  between  Sweden  andOen- 
marky  by  Swedish  troops  also,  made  stout  resistance 
and  compelled  Wallenstein  to  raise  the  siege.  Mean- 
time,  at  the  instance  of  Ferdinand,  Wallenstein  offered 
a  separate  peace  to  Christian  IV.,  emphasizing  the  offer 
with  the  defeat  at  Wolgast,  August  22.  The  following 
winter  and  spring  were  occupied  with  negotiations  which 
ended,  in  May,  1629,  in  the  Peace  of  Lübeckv  which 
pcrmanently  eliminated  Denmark  from  the  conflict. 
The  Victors  generously  restored  to  Christian  the  whole 
of  the  peninsula  on  condition  that  thenceforth  he  rhould 
not  interfere  in  German  affairs.  Almost  unbroken  suc- 
cess  had  attended  the  Catholic  arms  since  the  battle 
of  White  Hill,  and  anxiety  over  the  dangerous  ambi- 
tions  which  naturally  grew  out  of  such  success  became 
.  general  in  the  courts  of  Europe,  not  even  France  ex- 
cepted.  The  reverse  at  Stralsund,  followed  soon  by 
two  momentous  Wunders  in  the  Emperor's  policy,  marks 
a  new  turn  in  events. 




The  Emperor  and  the  princes  of  the  Catholic  League 
had,  for  several  years,  been  plannirig  a  measure,  the 
publication  of  which,  in  1629,  against' Wallenstein *s 
advice,  and  at  the  very  time  when  he  was  carrying  on 
peace  negotiations  with  Denmark,  gave  provocation 
for  the  inevitable  resumption  of  hostilities  among  the 
Germans.  This  was  the  Edict  of  Restitution.  It  was 
a  decree  restoring  to  the  original  Catholic  holders,  er 
to  their  successors,  all  church  property  and  benefices 
•which  had  gone  over  into  Protestant  hands  since  the 
Treaty  of  Passau  (1552)  and  the  Peace  of  Augsburg 
(1555).  This  edict,  while  tolerating  the  Lutheran 
church,  plainly  meant  the  extinction  of  Calvinism.  It 
is  unnecessary  to  characterize  the  recklessness,  from  a 
political  point  of  view,  of  such  an  undertaking;  but 
Ferdinand  appointed  commissioners  who  proceeded 
to  its  immediate  execution,. 

In  the  fall  of  1629  the  Emperor  had  announced  his 
Intention  of  calling  the  electors  together  the  follow- 
ing  year  to  designate  his  son,  Ferdinand,  King  of 
Hungary,  as  his  successor  in  the  Empire.  But  Maxi« 
milian  and  other  electors  feared  that  the  Emperor, 
relying  on  the  assistance  of  Wallenstein,  meditated 
throwing  off  his  dependence  upon  them  and  becoming 
an  emperor  in  fact  as  well  as  name,  and  they  met  the 
announcement  of  the  Emperor's  purpose  with  demands 
for  the  disarmament  of  part  of  his  army  and,  in  the 
spring  of  1630,  with  threats  of  armed  actiön  onthe 
part  of  the  League  in  case  its  demands  were  not  con> 


plied  with.  In  spite  of  this  unf avorable  attitude  of  the 
princes,  the  Emperor  proceeded  with  the  Diet,  which 
met  at  Ratisbon  in  July,  1630. 

The  Emperor  asked  to  have  the  Estates  paythegreat 
war  debt  which  kept  him  in  bonds  to  Wallenstein ;  to 
have  regulations  made  for  the  enlisting  and  quartering 
of  the  army ;  to  have  the  Dutch  expelled  from  the 
Empire  ;  to  have  the  Mantuan  succession  settled  ;  and 
to  have  some  final  action  taken  in  the  case  of  the  Pala- 
tine.  He  did  not  at  first  refer  to  his  desire  to  have  his 
son  elected  King  of  Germany.  The  electors,  led  by 
Maximilian  of  Bavaria,  replied  with  counter  demands, 
Chief  of  which  was  the  removal  of  Wallenstein.  Save 
Eggenberg,  there  was  scarcely  an  advocate  for  the  gen- 
eral,  but  the  Emperor  was  loth  to  let  him  go.  Finally, 
at  a  personal  interview  with  the  Catholic  electors,  Fer- 
dinand gave  his  word  that  Wallenstein  should  be  dis- 
missed.  How  low  the  imperial  authority  had  fallen 
is  shown  by  the  fact  that  scarcely  one  of  the  Emperor's 
request»  was  granted,  and  above  all  not  the  one  that 
lay  nearest  his  heart.  And  he  had  dismissed  the  only 
man  who  enabled  him  to  hold  his  own  in  the  face  of 
the  League^ 

Two  pf  the  firmest  supporters  of  the  Eggenberg  party 
at  court,  Werdenberg  and  Questenberg,  were  deputed 
to  take  to  Wallenstein  the  demand  for  his  resignation. 
Contrary  to  all  expectations,  they  were  kindly  received, 
and  their  awkward  message  heard  with  calmness — al- 
most  indifference.  "  The  spirit  of  the  Elector  (Maximil- 
ian of  Bavaria)  prevails  over  the  spirit  of  the  Emperor, 
hence  I  cannot  blame  him.  I  am  sorry  that  his  majesty 
iBd  not  stand  up  for  me^but  I  submit."    Wallenstein 


retired  to  his  estates,  confident  that  his  Services  would 
soon  be  in  demand  again  to  oppose  the  new  champion 
of  Protestantism  who  had  appeared  from  the  North. 
Tilly,  who,  when  first  approached,  excused  himself  on  the 
ground  of  infirmity,  finally  accepted  the  command.  It 
would  have  been  well  for  him  had  he  persisted  in  his 


Gustavus  Adolphus,  the  warlike  King  of  Sweden, 
had  watched  with  growing  uneasiness  the  struggle  in 
Germany.  Before  tho  Intervention  of  Denmark  he  had 
offered  to  assume  tLe  active  leadership  of  the  Protes- 
tant coalition  then  attempted.  Later  he  had  sent 
assistance  to  Stralsund.  At  length,  in  1630,  moved 
by  the  utter  prostration  of  his  fellow  Protestants  in 
Germany,  and  apprehensive  of  the  seemingly  bound- 
Vess  ambition  of  the  Emperor  and  his  victorious 
generaly  he  landed  with  an  army  of  12,000  Swedes  on 
the  coast  of  Pomerania.  The  following  was  a  mem 
orable  year.  Tilly,  who  was  sent  to  oppose  Gustavus, 
captured  and  sacked  the  town  of  New  Brandenburg, 
and  Gustavus  retorted  upon  Frankfurt  on  the  Oder, 
Tilly  then  besieged  Magdeburg.  Gustavus  was  unable 
to  go  to  the  rescue,  and  this  Protestant  stronghold  feil 
into  Tilly's  hands.  The  work  of  fire  and  sword  which 
followed  made  the  sack  of  Magdeburg  a  word  of 
terror,  even  among  men  hardened  to  such  scenes. 
"The  whole  city,  except  the  cathedral  and  a  few 
fisher-huts,  sank  in  ashes,  Of  its  35,000  inhabitants^ 
barely  5,000  crept  forth  alive." 

This  hard  blow  to  the  Protestant  cause  was  soon 


i>ffset  Dy  a  victory  which  changed  the  whole  face  of 
affairs.  September  yth,  on  the  field  of  Breitenfeld» 
near  Leipzig,  Gustavus  utterly  defeated  Tilly  and 
dispersed  his  army.  Though  the  war  dragged  miser- 
ably  on  for  seventeen  years,  Ferdinand's  efforts  were 
doomed  to  ultimate  failure  from  this  moment.  The 
immediate  effect  of  the  victory  was.  to  strengthen  the 
resolution  of  many  half-hearted  friends  of  the  Protes- 
tant cause.  Joined  now  by  the  Lutheran  Elector  of 
Brandenburg,  John  George  of  Saxony,  and  Bernhard 
of  Weimar,  and  supported  by  subsidies  from  France, 
Gustavus  seemed  in  a  position  to  complete  the  over- 
throw  of  Austria.  While  the  Swedish  king  passed  into 
southwestern  Germany,  taking  Würzburg,  Frankfurt 
on  the  Main  and  Mainz  and  going  into  winter-quarters 
on  the  Rhine,  the  Saxons  occupied  Bohemia,  but  did 
not  press  their  advantage  by  invading  Austria. 

Negotiätions  f  or  peace  during  the  winter  of  163 1-2 
proved  of  no  avail.  Saxony  held  to  Sweden,  and  it 
was  evident  that  the  war  must  be  resumed  the  follow- 
ing  summen  But  confidence  in  Tilly  was  destroyed. 
What  was  to  be  done  ?  There  were  not  wanting  can- 
didates  for  the  office  of  commander-in-chief,  But 
none  of  the  candidates  were  peculiarly  fit,  and  so  the 
court  thought  to  appoint  Ferdinand  of  Hungary,  for 
whose  succession  to  the  empire  such  sacrifices  had 
been  made.  This  might  have  been  carried  out ;  but 
after  Breitenfeld  the  question  was,  How  was  he  to  get 
an  army  ? 

There  was  but  one  answer  to  this  question.  All 
eyestumed  to  Wallenstein.  Already,  in  October,  1631, 
Questenberg  had  made  overtures  to  him  on  the  subjecti 


but  had  met  a  blunt  ref usal.  A  few  weeks  iater,  Eggen* 
berg  wrote  on  behalf  of  the  Emperor  in  humble  terms, 
asking  an  interview.  The  two  men  met  at  Znaim  in 
December,  but  Wallenstein  refused  to  accept  the 
Office  of  general  field-marshal  to  the  King  of  Hungary, 
though  the  Emperor  promised  that  the  King  "  would 
always  give  great  weight  to  the  generalis  counsel,"  and 
that  Father  Lamormain  and  other  priests  should  not 
be  allowed  "  to  traduce  and  cross  the  general."  How- 
ever,  Wallenstein  offered  to  enter  the  Imperial  service 
again  for  a  period  of  three  months  and  to  undertake 
the  work  of  recruiting  a  new  army.  The  off  er  was 
gladly  accepted,  and  immediately  the  call  went  forth 
for  recruits.  The  response  was  more  ready,  and  the 
results  more  imposing  than  in  1625.  His  name,  his 
generosity,  and  his  ability  were  known.  Many  of  his 
old  officers  had  gone  into  retirement  with  him,  and 
now  re-enlisted.  Before  the  first  of  April  he  had  an 
army  of  between  40,000  and  50,000  men. 

Before  the  expiration  of  the  three  months,  Eggenberg 
wrote  to  Wallenstein  how  well  pleased  the  court 
was  with  his  success,  and  expressed  the  hope  that  he 
would  not  think  of  laying  down  the  command.  But 
he  insisted  on  doing  so,  and  messengers  such  as  Wer- 
denberg and  Quiroga  were  unable  to  move  him.  Mean« 
while  the  spring  campaign  opened,  Gustavus  began  his 
march  eastward,  and  Bavaria  and  Austria  trembled. 
Tilly  met  the  invader  near  Rain  on  the  Lech  with  such 
forces  as  could  be  collected,  and  tried  to  prevent  his 
passage.  But  the  Swede  was  again  victorious  and  Tilly 
received  his  death-wound,  April  i5th, 
.    Finally  Eggenberg  met  Wallenstein  at  Gollersdor^ 


tiear  Znaim,  and  persuaded  him,  in  the  face  of  the 
panic  foUowing  Tilly's  defeat,  to  accept  the  commandi 
The  terms  were  extraordinarily  favorable  to  Wallen- 
stein and  humiliating  to  the  Emperor.  .As  best 
they  can  be  determined  from  memoranda  and  indirect 
evidence.  Wallenstein  was  to  have  undivided  com« 
mand;  the  Emperor  himself  might  not  issüe  orders 
directly  to  the  army  or  to  any  officer  save  through  the 
Commander ;  Wallenstein  was  to  have  the  right  of  con- 
fiscation,  as  well  as  of  levying  contributions ;  he  was 
authorized  to  carry  on  negotiations  for  the  Emperor 
with  the  Electors  of  Saxony  and  Brandenburg,  and  to 
suspend  where  he  saw  fit  the  Exiict  of  Restitution  ;  he 
had  füll  authority  in  the  appointment  of  all  officers 
up  to  the  grade  of  colonel,  and  above  this  he  had 
practical  control,  being  held  only  to  secure  the  approval 
of  the  Emperor;  for  reward,  he  was  re-confirmed  in  the 
possession  of  Mecklenburg,  relieved  of  a  payment  of 
400,000  florins  still  due  on  some  of  his  Bohemian 
estates,  given  the  principality  of  Glogau  as  guarantee 
for  Mecklenburg,  which  he  had  abandoned  at  the 
beginning  of  the  Swedish  Invasion,  and  perhaps  prom- 
ised  an  elector's  hat  or  the  control  of  some  of  the 
Imperial  revenues. 

A  considerable  force  which  had  been  sent  to  Italy  in 
1629  to  take  part  in  the  war  of  the  Mantuan  Succession, 
with  such  officers  as  Gallas,  Piccolomini  and  Altring- 
cr,  returried  just  in  time  to  join  the  new  army.  Wallen- 
stein quickly  drove  the  Saxons  out  of  Bohemia.  At  Eger 
he  assumed  command  of  the  army  of  the  Catholic 
League,  and  immediately  marched  against  the  Swed- 
ish king.     But  Gustavus  was  ill-prepared  for  battle,  and 


proceeded  to  entrench  himself  near  Nuremberg.  To 
the  surprise  of  many,  Wallenstein  did  not  attack  his 
antagonist's  position,  but  established  a  camp  at  Fürth, 
a  few  miles  away,  fortified  it  strongly,  and  sat  down  to 
watch  him.  Here  the  two  armies  remained  for  nine 
weeks,  Gustavus  in  the  meantime  receiving  con- 
siderable  re-enforcements.  Wallenstein  was  wise 
enough  to  recognize  the  disadvantage  ünder  which 
he,  with  his  heavy  phalanxes,  would  labor  in  the  open 
field,  and  he  could  afford  to  wait.  Gustavus  was  just 
now  playing  the  role  of  the  invincible,  and  every  week 
which  he  let  pass  without  attacking,  he  was  losing 
more  in  reputation  than  Wallenstein.  On  the  other 
hand,  of  course,  Wallenstein's  enemies  at  Vienna 
charged  him  with  cowardice,  and  it  certainly  would 
have  been  more  heroic  and  more  picturesque  if  he  had 
immediately  thrown  himself  upon- the  Swedish  king, 
and  the  direct  as  well  as  the  moral  effect  of  a  sweep- 
ing  victory  in  July,  1632,  would  have  been  great,  prob- 
ably  decisive  of  the  whole  war. 

On  the  3rd  of  September,  the  Swedish  king,  no 
longer  able  to  endure  inaction,  attacked  Wallenstein's 
Position  in  füll  force,  but  after  a  desperate  contest  was 
repulsed  with  great  losses.  Gustavus  withdrew  into 
Bavaria,  making  a  movement  toward  Austria,  but 
Wallenstein,  instead  of  pursuing  him,  started  for  Saxony, 
intending  to  punish  the  Elector  and  force  him  to  seek 
alliance  wdth  the  Emperor.  Leipzig  feil  into  his  hands. 
Then  Gustavus,  yielding  to  the  appeals  of  his  ally  and 
anxious  lest  he  himself  be  cut  off  from  home,  returned 
to  meet  his  enemy.  He  attacked  Wallenstein's  position 
at  Lätzen  on  the  x6th  of  November.    The  battle  waa 


one  of  the  most  desperate  in  history.  Had  it  not  been 
for  the  timely  arrival  of  Pappenheim,  who  was  recalled 
in  haste  from  Halle,  whither  he  had  been  detached,  the 
result  would  have  been  disastrous  for  the  Imperialists. 
As  it  was,  though  the  Swedish  king  was  killed.  Wallen- 
stein lost  Pappenheim  and  his  army  was  driven  from 
the  field.  In  this  battle  Octavio  Piccolomini  distin- 
guished  himself  for  bravery,  and  was  promoted.  After 
the  death  of  Gustavus,  the  guidance-öf  the  clause  of 
Sweden  devolved  upon  the  Chancellor  Axel  Oxen- 
stjema,  a  shrewd  and  successful  diplomat,  in  sympathy 
with  the  King's  purposes,  but  lacking  his  railitary  gifts. 

Wallenstein  withdrew  his  shattered  army  into  Bo- 
hemia  to  spend  the  winter  in  recruiting  and  in  ne- 
gotiating  with  both  Swedes  and  Saxons.  In  everj 
Austrian  principality  recruiting-stations  were  set  up, 
and  even  conscriptions  enforced.  At  the  same  time 
the  most  extensive  Orders  for  equipment  had  to  be 
given  and  their  fulfillment  assured.  For  this  Wallen- 
stein used  his  own  means  without  stint  and  was  aided 
by  subsidies  from  Spain.  But  this  was  not  now 
enough,  and  the  Emperor's  crown-lands  had  to  be  laid 
under  contribution.  Immense  numbers  of  horses  had  to 
be  purchased,  twehe  thousand  uniforms  were  secured: 
— more  than  at  the  time  were  needed  for  the  forces 
enlisted, — ^great  Stores  of  flour  and  hard-tack  were 
placed  in  convenient  depots,  the  troops  were  provided 
with  hand-raills,  to  grind  for  themselves  in  case  the 
commissary  failed.  Every  care  was  taken  for  the  dis- 
cipline  of  veterans  as  well  as  recruits. 

This  winter  was  also  a  period  of  ceaseless  correspond- 
ence  in  endeavors  for  peace.    Wallenstein  said  that  he 


had  never  made  more  vigorous  preparations  for  war, 
and  never  been  iilled  with  a  more  ardent  desire  for 
peace.  He  was  ready,  he  said,  to  resign  any  of  hia 
pretensions  in  order  not  to  hinder  the  great  work.  He 
continued  his  attempts  to  come  to  terms  with  Sazony, 
his  messenger  being  his  brother-in-law,  Count  Adam 
Terzky,  and  even  the  cx)urt  began  to  entertain  hopes  of 
a  peace-convention.  But  circumstances  were  unfavor- , 
able.  Austria  was  not  sufficiently  convinced  of  the 
extremity  of  the  case  to  make  the  concessions  regarding 
religious  freedom  that  were  expected;  the  Protestant 
States  had  risked  too  much  to  be  satisfied  with  com- 
promises  ;  and  the  Swedes  were  determined  not  to  go 
out  of  Germany  without  territorial  compensation. 
While  Wallenstein  was  negotiating  with  Saxony,  and 
perhaps  directly  with  the  Swedes,  persons  were  nego- 
tiating in  his  name  (though  it  cannot  be  shown  with 
his  knowledge)  with  France,  suggesting  that  he  might 
find  recompense  in  the  crown  of  Bohemia  for  the  loss 
of  Mecklenburg,  which  had  been  promised  hini.  In 
^y*  iÖ33>  ^^  Imperial  army  moved  into  Silesia, 
where  lay  the  combined  forces  of  Saxony  and  Branden- 
burg» But  instead  of  using  his  superior  force,  Wallen- 
stein spent  the  entire  summer  in  negotiations,  trying  to 
detach  the  two  Electors  from  Sweden  and  to  establish 
an  independent  peace  between  them  and  the  Emperor. 
During  the  summer  Maximilian  of  Bavaria,  Commander 
of  the  army  of  the  Catholic  League,  which  constituted  only 
a  part  of  the  Imperial  forces,began  to  chafe  under  Wallen- 
stein's  absolute  control,  andasked  the  Emperor  to  place 
Aldringen  under  his  (Maximilian's)  Orders.     But  the 

ihtrod  uction.  xxv 

Emperor  had  renounced  control  over  the  army,  and  so 
in  this,  as  well  as  in  the  matter  of  an  escort  requested 
by  Spain  for  the  Cardinal-Infante,  the  new  Governor- 
General,  on  his  way  to  the  Netherlands,  he  was  obliged 
to  come  as  a  petitioner  to  his  general.  Wallenstein 
sent  fair  promises  to  the  Emperor,  but  to  Aldringen 
strict  Orders  to  abide  by  his  previous  instructions. 
The  Emperor  now  took  the  first  st6p  toward  a  breach 
with  his  general  by  sending  to  Aldringen  direct  Orders 
to  obey  the  Elector  of  Bavaria. 

The  negotiationsfor  peace  with  Saxony  and  Branden- 
burg came  to  naught,  and  Wallenstein  found  the  sea- 
son  nearly  over  without  results.  There  were  not 
wanting  those  who  attributed  his  inaction  to  fear  and 
incapacity,  and  an  opportunity  of  saving  his  reputation 
now  ofiEered  itself.  Arnim  had  left  facing  Wallenstein 
a  force  of  Brandenburgers  and  Swedes  with  some 
Saxons  under  Count  Thurn  and  General  Dubald.  This 
army  Wallenstein  surrounded  at  Stein  au  and  forced  to 
surrender  on  the  iith  of  October,  and  followed  up  his 
victory  with  a  march  of  rapid  and  easy  conquest  even 
to  Berlin.  The  soldiers  of  the  captured  army  were 
drafted  into  the  Imperial  service,  and  the  surrender  of 
the  still  unconquered  part  of  Silesia  was  secured  in 
exchange  for  the  release  of  the  officers,  including  Count 
Thurn.  The  release  of  Thurn  was  displeasing  to  the 
court,  though  the  unexpected  victories  caused  great 
rejoicing  in  Vienna.  After  his  series  of  victories, 
Wallenstein  resuraed  negotiations  for  peace  with  the 
Saxons  and  Brandenburgers.  Meanwhile,  the  larger 
portioh  of  the  Imperial  army  being  with  Wallenstein  in 
Lusatia«  and  Aldringen  with  most  of  th^  remaitider 

XXn  INTROD  ucTioir. 

being  in  the  extreme  southwestem  part  of  Germany, 
Bernhard  of  Weimar,  in  command  of  the  Swedish  army, 
had  not  failed  to  notice  the  opportunity  thus  left  him 
to  separate  the  enemy's  forces.  He  first  made  a  feint 
toward  Saxony,  but  then  turned  toward  the  southeast, 
and  the  Elector  of  Bavaria,  anticipating  that  the  cani- 
paign  was  directed  against  his  country,  appealed  to  the 
Emperor  for  defense.     The  Emperor  was  impressed 

.  with  the  reality  of  the  danger,  and  dispatched  messen- 
ger after  messenger  to  Wallenstein  summoning  him  to 
the  aid  of  the  Elector.  But  Wallenstein  beUeved,  or 
affected  to  believe,  thatr  Bernhard  was  aiming  at 
Bohemia,  as  had  indeed  been  ths  usual  course  of  the 
Protestant  attack.  It  was  a  fatal  mistake.  Bernhard 
marched  into  Bavaria  scarcely  resisted,  and  on  the  i5th 
of  November,  Ratisbon,  the  "  bulwark  of  Bavaria,"  feil 
into  his  hands.  Too  late  Wallen  stein  recognized  his 
own  error.  He  hastened  through  Bohemia  into  Ba- 
varia, but  finding  that  he  had  not  sufficient  forces  and 
munitions  to  assume  the  offensive,  retired  f rom  a  battle 
offered  at  Cham  and  went  into  winter-quarters  in 
Bohemia.  Maximilian  was  astounded,  and  appealed 
again  to  the  Emperor.  The  latter  sent  Count  Traut- 
mannsdorfto  Wallen  stein  with  Orders  to  leave  Bohemia 
immediately  and  at  least  take  up  his  quarters  in  the 
enem/s  country.    The  subsequent  intrigues  of  the  win- 

\ter  of  1633-4,  endingwith  the  assassination  of  Wallen- 
stein, form  the  foundation  of  Schiller's  tragedy.  The 
details  are  given  below  under  another  head. 

After  Wallen  stein's  death,  Ferdinand,  the  Emperor's 
son,  was  made  commander-in-chief.  After  re-taking 
Ratisbon,  he  besieged  Nördlingen  in  conjunction  with 


the  Cardinal-Infanle  and  inflicted  ,such  a  defeat  upon 
the  combined  Swedish  and  Saxon  forces  that  a  peace 
could  once  more  be  thought  of.  The  Treaty  of  Prague, 
May,  1635,  between  the  Emperor  and  the  Elector  of 
Saxony  agreed  to  let  fall  the  Edict  of  Restitution,  but 
made  no  guaranty  for  the  Calvinists,  and  so  hostilities 
were  soon  resumed.  « 


France  had  by  no  means  been  inactive  thus  f ar  in  the 
war,  Richelieu  had  secretly  encouraged  the  Coming  of 
Gustavus  Adolphus  by  considerable  subsidies,  at  the 
same  time  that  Father  Joseph,  the  cunning  Capuchin 
agent  of  the  French  Government,  was  supporting  in  the 
Diet  of  Ratisbon  the  demand  for  the  dismissal  of  Wal- 
lenstein, and  after  that  event  the  French  league  with  the 
Swedes  was  made  public.  But  while,  bef ore  the  Treaty 
of  Prague,  France  had  worked  through  money  and 
diplomacy,  henceforth  she  appears  as  the  leading 
power  in  the  Opposition  to  the  Emperor,  her  hostility  due 
largely  to  the  Austrian  support  of  Spanish  claims  in  the 
Netherlands.  She  had  already  declared  war  against 
Spain.  Her  policy  was  to  cut  off  Spain  f  rom  the  Nether- 
lands by  taking  pojsession  of  the  Rhine  country.  Ac- 
cordingly  much  of  the  heaviest  fighting  for  the  remain-  f 
ing  years  of  the  war  was  in  this  territory. 

In  1637  Ferdinand  II.  died,  and  was  succeeded  as  em- 
peror byhis  son  Ferdinand  III.  In  1639  died  Bern- 
hard of  Weimar,  after  a  victorious  campaign  in  south- 
westem  Germany,  ending  with  the  siege  and  capture  of 
Brsisach.     Döring  the  years  1643-4  there  was  agaiq 


heavy  fighting  in  southern  Germany,  even  while  the 
leaders  were  taking  steps  for  a  peace  Convention.  In 
the  end  the  Catholic  powers  were  forced  to  come  to 
terms  singly.  Maximilian  of  Bavaria  held  out  longest, 
and  could  be  compelled  only  by  a  vigorous  invasion  of 
bis  country  under  the  French  marshal  Turehne  during 
1646-8.  Th^  last  heavy  battle  of  the  war  was  fought 
May  lyth,  1648.  On  the  24th  of  October  was  signed  the 
Treaty  of  Westphalia,  by  which  the  three  religions,  Cath- 
olic, Lutheran,  and  Calvinist,  were  recognized  in  their 
several  states,  and  church^property  was  restored  to  the 
Status  of  1624.  Thus  the  bishoprics  of  the  north  re- 
mained  Protestant,  An  Imperial  court  was  established 
for  hearing  disputes  over  ecclesiastical  estates,  the  mem- 
bership  being  equally  divided  between  Protestants  and 
Catholics.  Sweden  received  Western  Pomerania  and 
the  bishoprics  of  Bremen  and  Verden.  Brandenburg 
gained  considerable  territory.  France  appropriated 
Alsace.  The  house  of  Austria  had  lost  nearly  everything 
for  which  it  fought,  and  the  authority  of  the  Emperor 
had  been  greatly  reduced.  The  territory  which  Gei* 
many  thus  lost  through  Austria  was  restored  by  Prussia 
in  1870. 


In  Wallenstein  the  events  of  an  entire  winter  are 
Condensed  into  a  period  of  f our  days.  The  commission 
of  Questenberg,  so  f ar  as  it  represents  that  of  Traut- 
mannsdorf, reaches  back  into  December,  while  the 
death  of  Wallenstein  occurred  on  the  25th  of  February, 
The  Lager  and  the  first  four  acta  of  the  Fkcolomim 


occupy  one  day,  the  fourth  act  carrying  over  into  the 
second  day,  which  is  filled  by  Act  V.  of  the  Piccolomini 
and  Acts  I.  and  II.  of  the  Tod.  The  third  act  occu- 
pies  the  third  day,  while  the  fourth  day,  passing  over  the 
joumey  fromPilsen  to  Eger,  ends  with  Acts  IV.  and  V. 
It  is  the  purpose  of  the  present  section  to  narrate  in 
detail  the  events  of  this  period,  thus  enabling  the 
Student  to  examine  the  historical  foundation  of  the 
plays,  and  to  observe  how  the  poet  used  his  materials. 

When  Wallenstein  retired  into  Bohemia  af ter  the  close 
öf  the  campaign  of  1633,  the  Emperor  was  disappointed, 
and  listened  with  a  more  willing  ear  than  usual  to  the 
accusations  against  the  Commander,  Trautmannsdorf, 
who,  it  will  be  remembered,  was  sent  to  order  the  gen- 
eral  back  to  the  field,  had  very  strong  language  in  the 
messages  which  he  brought  from  the  court.  The  Em- 
peror demanded  that  without  delay  the  enemy  should 
be  attacked  with  all  force,  and  that  if  Wallenstem  did 
not  feel  disposed  to  make  the  attack  he  should  turn 
over  the  work  to  some  competent  head  that  would. 
Wallenstein  declared  that  he  had  never  been  more 
grieved  in  his  life,  and  that  he  did  not  care  to  retain 
the  Chief  cpmmand.  Before  replying  to  the  message 
he  took  the  unusual  step  of  calling  a  Council  of  his 
officers,  who  gave  the  opinion  that  the  fulfillment  of 
the  Emperor's  order  was  a  pure  and  simple  impossi- 
bility  (Picc.  IL, 7^«  Thus  went  Wallenstein's  reply  to 
the  Emperor.  It  could  not  satisfy  the  Emperor ;  Wal- 
lenstein's  enemies  at  court  did  not  wish  to  be  satisfied. 

.  The  Emperor  was  offended,  and  complained  that  he 
seemed  to  have  a  corregem  (associate  king),  and  no 
)m^  free  control  in  his  own  iands«     Eggenberg  had 


before  taken  such  a  positive  stand  for  Wallenstein  that 
he  now  gave  way  the  more  readily,  out  of  fear  for  his 
own  safety.  Only  Questenberg  ventured  to  declare 
his  belief  in  Wallenstein's  unwavering  loyalty.  The 
regulär  representative  of  Spain  had  been  sending  home 
such  hostile  reports  of  Wallenstein  that  Count  Onate, 
a  former  minister  to  Vienna  and  friend  of  the  general, 
was  sent  as  a  special  envoy  to  the  Emperor  to  advise 
caution  and  consideration  for  him.  But  Ofiate  was 
quickly  persuaded  or  convinced,  and  took  active  part 
against  him  {Picc.^  II.  2). 
.  Bavaria  threatened  to  make  alliance  with  the  Saxons 
and  Swedes  unless  the  general  was  removed.  The~ 
Spanish  representatives  complained  of  Wallenstein's 
unwillingness  to  comply  with  the  wishes  of  their  king, 
who  wanted  an  escort  for  the  Cardinal-Infante  sent  into 
Suabia,  while  the  papal  legate  and  Father  Lamormain 
worked  upon  the  Emperor's  sense  of  duty  to  the 
Church.  About  the  end  of  December  Ferdinand  as- 
sured  the  representative  of  Bavaria  that  he  had  deter« 
mined  upon  a  change  in  the  military  command. 

One  more  attempt,  however,  was  made  to  arrive  at  a 
peaceful  settlement.  On  the  5th  of  January,  1634, 
Father  Quiroga,  confessor  to  the  Queen  of  Hungary, 
went  to  Pilsen,  where  Wallenstein  had  established  his 
headquarters,  commissioned  to  make  remonstrances  as 
a  friend,  and  on  the  part  of  Spain  to  repeat  the  request 
for  a  detail  of  6,000  men  to  escort  the  new  Govemor- 
General  to  the  Netherlands.  Spain  based  her  request 
on  the  subsidies  which  she  had  fumished  throüghout 
the  war.  This  seemed  fair  enough.  But  Wallensteiiii 
who  was  not  uninformed  regarding  the  machinations  at 


oourt,  considered  it  a  cunning  attempt  to  gradually 
reduce  his  force  so  that  at  the  end  there  would  be  noth- 
ing from  which  to  remove  him.  Father  Quiroga  went 
back  with  the  reply  that  the  detachment  of  a  part  of 
the  army  to  Suabia  was  not  to  be  thought  of,  but  that 
the  general  stood  ready  to  lay  down  his  command  if  the 
court  would  make  good  his  outlays  and  assume  his 
obligations  to  the  subordinate  officers,  who,  according 
to  the  military  methods  of  that  day,  had  hired  their 
soldiers  on  their  individual  guaranty  of  payment,  de- 
pending  in  turn  for  their  own  on  their  superior.  This 
demand,  too,  was  fair  enough,  but  the  court  was  unable 
to  pay  in  money,  and  Wallenstein's  enemies  were  prob- 
ably  determined  that  no  more  territorial  concessions 
should  be  made  to  him.  They  also  represented  the 
conditional  offer  to  lay  down  the  command  as  another 
proof  of  the  general's  treasonable  intentions. 

The  Visit  of  Father  Quiroga  seems  to  have  led 
the  chief  to  renewed  activity  in  negotiations  with 
Saxony  and  Brandenburg.  Saxony  was  won  over,  and 
at  last  Brandenburg  declared  that  she  would  go  with 
Saxony.  All  this  was  done  with  the  knowledge  and 
consent  of  the  court,  for  an  Austrian  Jurist  was  in 
Pilsen,  at  Wallenstein's  request,  until  the  2  ist  of  Feb- 
ruary,  and  constant  intercourse  (seemingly  on  friendly 
terms)  was  kept  up  with  the  court  until  the  lyth. 

Along  with  these  transactions  were  going  on  others 
of  a  darker  nature.  Terzky  wrote  to  his  brother-in-law, 
Kinsky,  a  Bohemian  intriguer  in  Dresden,  on  the  26th 
of  December,  that  the  Duke  of  Friedland  was  resolved 
to  make  terms  not  only  with  Saxony  and  Brandenburg, 
but  also  with  Sweden  and  Francet  using  not  the  lat- 


ter*s  troops  but  her  money.  The  Duke  was  "  resolved 
to  collect  his  f orces  and  throw  off  the  mask  within  four- 
teen  days  and  make  a  beginning."  Kinsky  thereupon 
came  to  Pilsen  and  wrote  soon  after  to  the  French  rep- 
resentative  in  Dresden  that  he  had  done  his  best  to 
sound  his  chief,  and  that  he  had  succeeded  in  bringing 
the  "  principal  person  "  to  the  point  of  agreeing  to  the 
wish  of  the  French  representative,  so  that  nothing  now 
stood  in  the  way  of  the  bargain. 

Whatever  his  negotiations  with  other  powers,  and 
whatever  his  intentions,  Wallenstein  could  not  be 
oblivious  to  the  importänce  of  keeping  his  army  loyal 
to  himself.  He  was  not  a  friend  among  his  men, 
but  what  of  popularity  he  enjoyed  came  from  his 
strict  discipline  and  fairness,  and  from  his  wealth  and 
reputation.  Beyond  this,  the  strongest  tie  that  bound 
his  men  to  him  was  one  of  selfishness.  If  he  were  re- 
moved,  many  of  his  officers  were  ruined  men,  losing 
Aot  only  much  that  they  had  already  expended,  but 
also  their  positions  and  prospects.  Therefore  it  is 
easy,  after  the  embassy  of  Father  Quiroga,  to  under- 
stand  the  motives  which  prompted  forty-nine  officers 
to  assemble  at  Pilsen  on  the  iith  of  January,  called 
by  the  generalissimo  or  in  his  name  {Picc^  IV,),  Illo 
seemed  now  to  be  the  leading  spirit.  He  represented 
the  treacherous  aims  of  Father  Quiroga's  mission  and 
the  peril  to  their  own  financial  interests  if  the  inten- 
tion  of  the  court  were  carried  out.  It  was  decided 
to  send  a  committee  to  the  Commander,  who  was  con- 
fined  to  his  bed  by  a  severe  attack  of  gout.  Illo  and 
four  others  urged  the  general  not  to  leave  them,  but  to 
continue  his  protection  and  care.    Wallenstein  promr 


ised  not  to  resign  without  Consulting  his  officers,  but 
asked  that  they  give  him  in  return  some  assurance  that 
they  would  stand  by  him  in  case  injustice  were  offered 
him.  This  request  was  presented  to  the  officers.  An 
agreement  was  drawn  up,  Jan.  i2th  (^Picc,^  IV.  i),  in 
which  the  officers  vowed  to  stand  by  the  comT^'>nn<;1prj 
to  desert  him  under  no  circumstances,  but  rather  to 
stake  their  all  to  the  last  drop  of  blood  for  him  and  the 
maintenance  of  the  army.  In  the  first  draft  (^Ftcc,  IIL 
i),  according  to  a  contemporary  but  not  well-confirmed 
report,  had  stood  a  clause  relieving  the  signers  from 
this  Obligation  in  case  it  conflicted  with  that  due  to  the 
Emperor,  but  Wallenstein  Struck  out  the  clause,  leav- 

ing  the  Obligation  absolute.     The  pledge,  or  Revers^ 

as  it  was  called,  was^signe^l  firsf  at  g,  h;^nf|npt  giveö.,hy  v 
lUp,  by  a  few  of  the  more  ardent  supporters  of  the 
Duke,  and  afterwards  by  ihe  others.  After  the  signa- 
tures  had  been  obtained,  Wallenstein  called  the  officers  to 
his  quarters  on  the  ißth  and  assured  them  that  they  need 
not  fear  that  he  contemplated  any  assault  upon  the 
Emp^or  or  the  Catholic^religion,  but  that  he  desired 
only  to  be  able  to  carry  through  the  peace  which  he 
was  negotiating  with  the  Electors. 

On  the  ißth  of  January,  the  Elector  of  Saxony  sent 
his  son  Franz  Albrecht  to  Wallenstein  for  Orders,  but 
before  he  returned,  Count  Schlief  came  to  Dresden 
with  propositions  which  he  said  he  received  by  word 
of  mouth  from  Wallenstein.  He  said  the  Duke  had 
determined  to  restore  peace  by  offering  an  indemnity 
to  France  and  Sweden,  and  to  strip  the  Elector  of 
Bavaria  of  his  territory  and  his  Electorate.  He  de- 
sired to  have  Arnim  sent  to  him.  The  Elector  of 


Saxony  directed  Arnim  to  go,  but  by  way  of  Berliii| 
in  Order  to  have  concerted  action  with  Brandenburg. 
Before  he  returned  and  got  bis  instructions  from  Dres- 
den it  was  too  late.  But  Schlief  left  Dresden  and  re- 
turned to  Pilsen,  whence  Duke  Franz  Albrecht  was 
writing  impatient  letters  to  his  Elector.  Schlief  learned 
of  a  contemplated  second  gathering  of  officers,  the  pur- 
pose  of  which  was  to  be  to  make  with  them  so  strong 

Union  that  neither  Spain  nor  the  Emperor  could 
break  it. 

All  this  time  the  court  at  Vienna  had  not  been  idle, 
The  report  of  the  first  Revers  at  Pilsen,  which  had 
been  signed  by  several  officers  who  had  already  been 
sounded  and  secured  against  the  Duke,  created  the 
greatest  excitement.  For  several  days  the  Emperor 
scarcely  slept.  An  order  was  prepared  relieving  all 
officers  of  their  oaths  of  allegiance  to  Wallenstein, 
"  the  late  commander-in-chief,"  and  pardoning  all  the 
conspirators  at  Pilsen,  except  the  ringleaders,  Illo  and 
Terzky,  Further  Orders  were  sent  to  those  officers 
whose  loyalty  to  the  Emperor  was  assured,  directing 
them  to  help  carry  out  the  removal  of  the  Commander, 
and  to  take  possession  of  him,  living  or  dead.  These 
Orders  are  dated  the  24th  of  January,  but  were  not 
sent  out  tili  some  days  later,  and  then  as  secret  Orders, 
for,  as  already  noted,  friendly  correspondence  was  kept 
up  between  the  court  and  the  generalissimo  until  the 
lythof  February. 

Gallas  and   Piccolomini  were  the  leaders  in  the 

i  counter-conspiracy  against  Wallenstein,  and  when  the 

secreft  order  was  issued  removing  Wallenstein,  Gallas 

was  appointed  Commander  until  further  notice.    Picco 


lomini  had  been  present  at  the  officers'  meeting  at 
Pilsen  on  the  I2th  of  January,  and  Wallenstein  sent 
him  on  a  commission  to  General  Aldringen,  who  was  in 
command  of  the  imperial  troops  in  Bavaria,  to  inform 
him  of  the  plan  and  win  him  over  (Joe/,  IL  i).  lle 
tarried  with  Aldringen,  and,  meanwhile,  Gallas  went  to 
Pilsen,  where  he  remained  until  the  i3th  of  February. 
Aldringen  and  Piccolomini  did  not  hesitate  to  obey  as 
far  as  possible  their  secret  Orders.  Aldringen  secured 
the  commandant  of  Prague,  and  Piccolomini  laid  a 
plan  to  capture  Wallenstein  in  person.  To  this  end  he 
went  to  Pilsen  about  the  i2th  of  February,  but  finding 
that  the  garrison  officers  had  been  changed,  so  that  he 
did  not  feel  sure  of  them,  he  left  again  on  the  I7th. 

Perhaps  some  intimation  of  the  character  of  these 
secret  orders  from  the  Emperor  had  reached  Wallen- 
stein, for  he  issued  a  call  early  in  February  for  another 
meetingof  officers,  which  convened  at  Pilsen  on  the  i9th 
of  the  month.  But  the  day  bef  ore,  the  court,  finding  that 
the  secret  Orders  were  not  carried  into  eifect,  and  prob- 
ably  satisfied  that  Wallenstein  was  not  so  dangerous  as 
had  been  thought,  issued  a  public  proclainajdon_accusjng  . 
him  of  treason  and  the  attempt  to  seize  the  crown  of  | 
Bohemia,  and  repeating  the  previous  orders  to  all  loyal 
officers  {Tod^  III.  12).  Two  days  later  all  of  his  es- 
tateswere  confiscated  and  their  income  promised  to 
the  army.  Meanwhile  the  second  Convention  of  officers 
had  been  held  on  the  2oth  (^Ficc,  IV.),  smaller  in  num- 
her  (for  the  disloyal  no  longer  trusted  themselves  within 
reach),  and  a  second  contract  signed,  Wallenstein  him- 
self  being  among  the  28  subscribers.   This  one, however. 



contained  an  express  clause  that  the  Obligation  to 
Wallenstein  should  be  subordinate  to  the  allegiance 
due  the  Emperor.  Officers  were  sent  to  Vienna  to 
assure  the  Emperor  of  the  commander's  continued 
loyalty,  and  again  offering  his  resignation,  but  these 
messengers  were  captured  by  Gallas  and  Piccolomini, 
and  never  reached  Ferdinand. 

On  the  2  ist  Colonel  Beck,  commandant  of  Prague, 
then  in  Pilsen,  received  Wallenstein*s  Orders.  On  the 
White  Hill,  the  scene  of  the  first  great  battle  of  the 
war,  was  to  take  place  the  muster  and  the  demonstra- 
tion  of  the  union  and  strength  of  the  army  which  was 
to  establish  peace.  But  Colonel  Beck  had  already 
been  secured  for  the  Emperor*  s  cause  by  Aldringen, 
and  had.left  word  with  his  lieutenant  to  obey  no  Orders 
which  he,  Beck,  might  send  from  Pilsen. 

Although  some  rumors  had  reached  Wallenstein 
earlier,  it  was  not  tili  the  2  ist  that  he  received  proof 
of  the  fearful  sentence  that  his  enemies  had  procured 
against  him.  To  Colonel  Beck  he  said :  "  I  had 
peace  in  my  hands."  And  then  after  a  moment :  "  God 
is  just."  Only  the  day  before,  he  had  assured  his  offi- 
cers who  had  pledged  themselves  to  his  support,  that 
they  were  released  from  that  pledge  if  he  undertook 
anything  against  the  Emperor,  and  had  despatched 
one  of  his  officers  to  Vienna  giving  an  account  of  the 
Revers  and  again  offering  to  resign.  The  court  rep- 
resentative,  Gebhart,  was  still  with  him,  and  was  only 
now  dismissed.  But  the  stubborn  courage  of  the  old 
soldier  was  never  more  decided  than  now.  Terzky 
was  despatched  to  Prague  to  make  sure^  of  thät  city, 
but  w^  met  on  the  way  by  a  messenger  with  the  news 

•  * 


that  it  was  already  in  the  hands  of  the  Duke's  enemies 
{Tody  II i.  lo).  Sesina  had  been  carry ing  despatches 
between  Wallenstein's  eamp  and  the  Swedish  head- 
quarters  since  the  beginning  of  February.  Now  urgent 
messengers  were  sent  out  to  Oxenstjerna,  to  Arnim, 
and  to  Bernhard,  announcing  the  breach  with  the  Im- 
perial court,  and  beseeching  them  to  send  troops  imme* 
diately  to  the  two  new  rendezvous,  Laun  for  the  army, 
Eger  for  the  officers  {Tod^  II.  2).  Oxenstjerna  was 
astonished,  as  he  seems  never  to  have  put  confidence 
in  Wallenstein's  proposals.  But  Bernhard  of  Weimar, 
after  some  hesitation,  hesitation  which  altered  the  fate 
of  Wallenstein  and  perhaps  that  of  Europe,  set  out 
with  a  considerable  force  for  Eorer.  In  the  Orders  to 
his  generals,  Wallenstein  insisted  upon  his  right  to 
command  despite  the  injustice  which  the  Emperor  was 
attempting  to  put  upon  him,  declared  that  the  attempted 
division  of  the  army  was  the  device  of  enemies  of  the 
country  and  meant  the  loss  of  the  Emperor's  territory, 
and  admonished  them  to  allow  no  one  to  dissuade  them 
from  their  duty  {Tody  III.  15). 

On  the  23rd,  accompanied  by  about  i,qoo  soldiers, 
Wallenstein  set  out  for  Eger  unbroken  in  spirit, 
but  so  ill  that  he  had  to  be  carried.  On  the  way  he 
was  met  by  Colonel  Buttler,  one  of  his  officers,  with 
two  hundred  cavalry.  Buttler  had  received  «otice 
of  the  Imperial  decree,  and  either  from  greed  of 
reward  or  from  loyalty  to  what  he  regarded  as  the  cause 
of  his  church,  he  had  resolved  to  take  into  his  own 
hands  the  execution  (^Tod,  II.  6).  He  despatched 
his  confessor  to  Piccolomini,  who  was  advancing  upon 
Pilsen^  with  assurances  of  his  steadfast  fidelity^  and 

xxxviii  INTRODÜCTIOir. 

received  a  reply  which  encouraged  him  in  his  purpose. 
Wallenstein  received  him  as  a  welcome  addidon  to  his 
little  force,  and  together  they  entered  Eger  on  the  24th 
(Tod,  IV.  i). 

This  border  fortress  was  in  command  of  Colonels 
Gordon  and  Lessley,  both  Scotch  Protestants,  but  both 
also  loyal  adherents  of  the  Emperor,  and  they  too  had 
received  notice  of  the  State  of  affairs,  and  been  directed 
to  receive  Wallenstein  into  the  fortress  (Tody  IV.  2). 
The  evening  of  the  entry,  Wallenstein  called  Lessley 
to  him  and  confided  to  him  (so  Lessley  testified)  his 
^7  plans  for  union  with  the  Saxons  and  Swedes  against 
•»  the  Emperor  {Tod,  IV.  3.)  Wallenstein  regarded  Less- 
ley as  one  of  his  most  loyal  supporters,  and  Gordon 
had  only  a  short  time  before  been  promoted  by  him  to 
his  regimental  command.  The  next  morning  the  two 
were  again  called  to  Wallenstein  and  requested  to  take 
a  new  oath  of  allegiance,  but  some  objections  were 
made,  and  they  separated  without  serious  dissension,  so 
amicably  that  Terzky  and  Illo  accepted  an  invitation  to 
a  banquet  in  the  commandant's  rooms  for  that  evening 
{Tody  IV.  7).  During  the  day  many  consultations  were 
held  between  Buttler,  Gordon,  and  Lessley.  The  latter 
two,  divided  in  their  sense  of  duty,  were  disposed  to 
flee  and  shirk  the  responsibility,  but  in  this  they  were 
checked  by  Buttler.  The  problem  of  capture  was  first 
discussed ;  finally  Lessley  proposed  to  kill  the  traitörs. 
Gordon  consented  to  this  only  after  considerable  per- 

To  the  banquet  came  Illo,  Terzky,  Kinsky,  and  Neu- 
mann, Wallenstein's  secretary.  After  the  first  courses, 
Buttler'sdragoons  appeared  at  the  doors,  Gordon,  Lesa' 


]ey  and  Buttler  sprang  up  and  upset  the  table,  crying, 
"  Viva  Kaiser  Ferdinande,"  and  in  a  f ew  moments  this 
act  of  the  tragedy  was  over.  Illaalone  defended  him- 
self  with  courage  {Tod^  V.  6).  Neumann  escaped  to 
the  yard,  but  was  stabbed  there.  Immediately  Buttler 
led  the  way  to  Wallenstein's  lodgings  {lody  V.  6),  and 
there  Captain  Deveroux  forced  his  way  with  a  few  sol- 
diers  into  the  generalis  room  {Tod^  V.  7).  Wallenstein 
had  just  arisen  from  bed,  roused  by  their  cries  of 
"Traitors  I  '*  and  tuming  toward  the  murderer  without 
a  Word  stretched  out  his  arms  to  receive  the  thrust  of 
the  halberd  that  finished  his  life.  It  was  about  mid- 
night  on  the  25th  of  February.  The  next  day  Gallas 
entered  the  city  {Tod^  V.  1 1, 12).  Bernhard  of  Weimar 
was  less  than  a  day's  march  distant. 

Gallas,  Piccolomini,  and  all  who  took  part  in  fulfill- 
ing  the  Imperial  Orders  against  Wallenstein,  were 
liberally  rewarded  out  of  the  estates  of  the  deceased. 

The  court  showed  by  a  number  of  publications  justi- 
fying  the  assässination  that  it  feit  how  unfavorable  the 
judgment  of  the  world  would  be  on  the  course  it  had 
taken  with  Wallenstein.  There  were  also  not  wanting 
defenses  of  Wallenstein,  though  fewer.* 

*The  titlesof  someof  the  most  important  of  these  contem* 
poraiy  publications  are  here  given. 

Apologia  und  Verantwortungsschrifl  wie  und  aus  wasßir  Ur- 
ncJun  Albrecht  v.  Friedland  aus  dem  Mittel  geraumet  loarden,-^ 
Bj  Gordon,  Lessley  and  Buttler.    March,  1634. 

Eigentliche  Abbildung  des  egerischen  Pankets^  was  von  denen  zu 
hatten  welche  ihre  mörderische  Hand  an  ihren  GenercU  gelegt.-^ 
Üaich  1634.    Condemning  the  murder. 

Aüerä  FHälandi  ferduellionis  chaas  ingrati  animi  abyssus^  eum 



(<l)    HIS  CHARACTER. 

Schiller  wrote  to  Körner  (Nov.  28,  1796)  of  the 
difficulties  of  his  subject :  **  Finally,  his  character  is 
never  noble,  and  must  not  be,  and  throughout  he  can 
appear  only  fear-inspiring,  never  really  great.  The 
veTy  passions  by  which  he  is  moved — fevenge  and  am- 
bition — are  of  the  coldest  sort."  While  this  is  a  little 
too  strong,  it  illustrates  the  prime  trait  of  Wallenstein' s 
Personality.  He  was  cold,  unlovely,  and  unwinning 
save  for  a  certain  daemonic  fascination.  The  IfigfenJ  of 
2L  fall  from  a  window,  which  left  him  preternaturally 
solemn,  grew  out  of  the  fact  of  his  disposition.  While 
he  did  ncpt  cultivate  familiarity  with  his  associates,  and 
loved   to  Surround  himself  with  ceremony,  he  talked 

iicentia  superiorum, — March,  1634.  By  a  private  Citizen,  but  con. 
fessedly  under  the  influence  of  Slawata  and  the  Emperor. 

Ausfilhrlicher  und  gründlicher  Bericht  der  Vorgewesten  Friea 
ländischen  und  seiner  adharenten  abscheulichen  Pradition,  Alles 
aus  denen  einkommenden  glaubwürdigen  Relationibus^  Origitial- 
sthreiben  und  anderen  brieflichen  C/r künden,  wie  auch  der  diesfalls 
Verhaften  gethanen  gütlichen  Aussagen, — Oct.,  1634.  Official  de- 
fense of  the  murder  of  Wallenstein,  approved,  and  perhaps  edited, 
by  the  King  of  Hungary. 

Disctmrs  über  des  Friedlands  Actiones  und  gegebene  ungleiche 
Ordonanzen  anno  i6j2  und  föjj^^By  adherents  of  Maximilian  of 

Sesyma^s  Report  of  his  transactions  as  negotiator. — First  Bo- 
hemian,  then  German.  Made  in  order  to  secure  pardon.  A 
German  translation  in  Herchenhahn. 

Annales  Ferdinandei, — By  J.  C.  v.  Khevenhiller,  member  of 
Üie  Privy  Council  in  Vienna,  and  devoted  servant  of  the  EmperoK 

iiirr/iOD  ucTioi/,  xU 

fredy  and  boastfully  of  his  merits  and  his  often  fan- 
tastic  plans,  and  showed  little  discretion  in  expressing 
his  feelings  of  disappointment  and  hostility.  '<  Grand, 
gloomy,  and  peculiar  **  are  terms  very  fitting  for  him. 
In  shorty  he  manifested  few  qualities  which  would  nat- 
urally  inspire  such  an  attachment  as  Max  feels  for 
him.  There  was  little  of  that  affectionate  familiarity 
toward  his  troops  which  endeared  Frederick  the  Great 
to  his  army. 

The  belief  in  astrology,  which  plays  so  large  a  part 

in  blinding  Wallenstein  tö  the  treachery  of  his  subor- 

dinates,  is  attested  for  him,  but  it  was  common  to  his 

time.     Kepler,  the  famous  astronomer,  was  a  believer 

in  it,  and   is  said  to  have   cast  Wallenstein' s  horo- 

scope  under  the  sway  of  Saturn  and  Jupiter,  as  he  had 

that  of  Queen  Elizabeth  of  England.     But  in  general 

Wallenstein  was  more  enlightened  than  his  age.     While 

it  is  said  that  his  desertion  of  the  church  of  his  parents 

was  due  to  considerations  of  interest,  he  was  politically 

a  good  Catholic.     He  encouraged  the  re-establishment 

of  Catholicism  in  his  duchy  of  Friedland,  and  even  in 

Protestant  Mecklenburg,  though  nowhere  by  violent 

means.     He  founded   Catholic   schools,    even    under 

Jesuit  management,  and  projected  two  universities,  at 

Rostock  and  at  Gitschin.     But  he  was  tolerant.     His 

chancellor  in  Friedland  was  a  Protestant,  and  he  did  not 

overthrow  all  Protestant  institutions  in  Mecklenburg. 

In  the  negotiations  with  the  Hanse  cities,  and  in  the 

siege  of  Stralsund,  he  had  learned  something  of  the 

eamestness  and  valor  of  the  Protestant  faith.     So  it 

was  probably  with  conviction  of  the  reckless  foUy  of 

the  Edict  of  Restitution  that  he  opposed  its  enforce- 


menty  and  more  than  once  let  it  be  known  that  he  did 
not  intend  to  lend  himself  to  the  work. 

Wallenstein  was  quite  asjemarkable  for  bis  talents 
as  administrator  and  economist  as  for  bis  military 
genius.  And,  indeed,  tbere  was  something  of  tbe  same 
quality  in  both.  Despite  the  Bohemian  enthusiasm  pf 
bis  talk  and  bis  projects,  in  action  be  was  strikingly 
cautious  and  calculating.  His  accumulation  of  wealth 
düring  tbe  Bohemian  cönfiscations  bas  already  been 
referred  to.  He  was  not  over-scrupulous  in  his 
methods,  and  took  pains  that  the  Imperial  armies 
should  never.  be  quartered  on  bis  own  estates.  He 
regulated  tbe  local  governments,  and  provided  for  a 
swift  and  just  administration  of  tbe  law.  While  be  was 
Stern  toward  negligent  Stewards,  he  could  make  allow- 
ance  for  unavoidable  misfortunes,  and  often  remitted 
taxes  on  estates  that  had  suffered  from  war  or  dearth. 
He  opened  new  mines,  established  new  manufactories 
of  clotb,  clothing,  shoes,  arms,  and  powder,  introduced 
new  articles  and  new  methods  in  agriculture,  and 
witbal  he  looked  carefully  after  the  details  of  the 
stewardship  of  bis  estates.  As  a  Single  instance  of 
this :  In  an  order  to  tbe  factories  of  bis  principality 
for  ten  thousand  pairs  of  shoes,  which  were  to  be  paid 
for  in  cash,  be  adds  the  direction  that  tbe  shoes  are  to 
be  carefully  and  firmly  tied  together  in  pairs  to  avoid 
confusion  and  loss  of  time  wben  they  should  arrive  in 

This  Order  suggests  also  another  dement  of  hb 
shrewd  management.  He  bought  the  supplies  for  his 
immense  armies  almost  exciusively  from  the  people  of 
Ua  own  proyinc^  and  as  tbe  accounta  were  in  hü  awo 


hands,  and  the  Emperor  became  his  debtor  for  all  this 
enormous  expenditure,  it  can  be  understood  that  it 
required  a  principality  to  pay  the  expenses  of  a  cam- 
paign.  Thus  the  description  of  an  active  administra- 
tive life,  given  as  apparently  the  most  distasteful  to 
Wallenstein  of  all  careers  (72^^,p.  2i4),isreally  afaith- 
ful  sketch  of  his  actual  occupation  when  not  under 
Imperial  commission. 

The  remarkable  Performances  which  gave  Wallen- 
stein the  title  "  creator  of  valiant  armies,"  can  be 
understood  only  in  connection  with  this  far-sighted 
management  of  his  property  and  the  conditions  of  mili* 
tary  service  in  his  day.  These  are  so  admirably  de- 
picted  in  the  Lager  that  little  need  be  added.  The 
captain  raised  his  Company,  the  colonel  his  regiment, 
each  depending  on  his  superior  officer  for  his  pay,  and 
all  on  the  tgeneral-in-chief.  Aside  from  his  regulär 
pay,  the  soldier  was  enticfid  by  the  booty  of  conquered 
countries.  For  Wallenstein  was  master  of  the  art  of 
supporting  an  army  on  the  enemies'  country.  His 
authority  rested  on  severi^  and  splendid  liberality. 
Tyrannical  excesses  were  junished.  and  never  under 
Wallenstein's  own  command  were  such  barbarities 
practiced  as  under  Tilly  at  Magdeburg.  Despite  the 
reduced  condition  of  the  army  in  the  winter  of  1631-32, 
a  regiment  of  Poles  was  sent  back  home  because  of 
beastly  behavior.  A  court-martial  tried  those  who 
were  accused  of  cowardice  or  neglect  of  duty  in  the 
battle  of  Lützen,  and  eighteen  men,  some  of  them 
persons  of  rank,  were  condemned  and  executed  before 
the  council-house  of  Prague. 

Wallenstein  was  a  great  military  genius  in  organizing 


and  equipping  armies  and  in  defensive  strategy,  but  in 
o.Tensive  Operations  he  was  not  extraordinary.  His 
best  qualities  were  stubbornness,  and  above  all  caution. 
None  of  his  decisive  victories  were  won  over  a  superior 


The  question  of  Wallenstein' s  guilt  or  innocence,  in 
his  attitude  toward  the  Emperor  (JSchuläfrage),  has 
been  vehemently  discussed,  and  seems  likely  to  remain 
unsettled.  For  in  the  nature  of  things,  conclusive  evi- 
dence  in  the  matter  is  almost  impossible.  Specimens 
of  a  most  complicated  and  seemingly  compromising 
diplomacy  have  been  brought  to  light  from  the  chan- 
ceries  of  all  the  courts  of  Europe,  but  the  diplomatic 
correspondence  of  that  tirae  is  no  evidence  of  the  real 
purpose  of  the  parties  concerned. 

During  his  retirement  in  Bohemia,  after  his  first  re- 
moval  from  command,  Wallenstein  was  engaged  in  ne- 
gotiations  through  Sesina  with  Gustavus  Adolphus, 
looking  toward  raising  a  small  force  and  joining  arms 
with  the  Swedish  king.  These  negotiations,  however, 
resulted  in  nothing.  It  appears  that  Gustavus  did  not 
take  them  seriously,  and  there  is  no  proof  that  Wallen- 
stein himself  was  in  earnest.  When  they  were  quoted 
against  him  at  court,  he  referred  to  them  as  "  quite  too 
silly  matters."  It  is  possible  that  he  was  merely  try- 
ing  to  find  out  in  this  way  more  of  Gustavus*  intentions ; 
it  is  also  possible  that  he  was  attempting  to  set  a  trap 
for  the  Swede,  a  proceeding  which  the  diplomatic 
ethics  of  that  day  would  have  held  justifiable,  if  not 
lattdable.    In  any  case^  it  is  to  be  bome  in  mind  that 


[puseof  Austria,J?ut  an  independent  prince  of  the 
Empire,  and  authorized,  therefore,  to  enter  into  treaties 
with  other  powers,  quite  as  much  as  were  Brandenburg 
and  Saxony,  who  within  the  year  did  enter  into  an 
alliance  with  S weden  against  the  Emperor ;  or  Bavaria, 
who  agreed  with  France  to  remain  neutral  while  Gus- 
tavus  dismembered  Austria. 

During  the  Saxon  occupation  of  Bohemia  in  the  win- 
terof  1631-32,  Wallenstein  remained  on  his  estate, 
his  enemies  claiming  that  his  property  was  unmolested 
in  accordance  with  a  private  understanding  with  the 
Saxon  general  Arnim.  The  latter  (see  List  of  Persons) 
was  an  cid  comrade  in  arnis  of  Wallenstein,  and  they 
were  still  on  good  terms  personally.  This  may  have 
had  something  to  do  with  the  consideration  shown  the 
Duke  of  Friedland.  But  all  the  time  he  was  conduct- 
ing  negotiations  with  the  Elector  of  Saxony,  endeavor- 
ing  to  persuade  him  to  break  his  alliance  with  the 
Swedes,  and  return  to  his  association  with  the  Em- 
peror. These  negotiations  were  carried  on,  not  only 
with  the  knowledge  of  the  court,  but  at  the  request  of 
the  Emperor.  It  is  claimed  that  Wallenstein  in  his 
last  personal  interview  with  Arnim,  in  August,  1633, 
declared  his  Intention  of  turning  his  forces  against  the 
Emperor,  and  desired  only  to  force  the  latter  to  make 
the  breach,  but  this  is  hearsay  evidence,  and  at  second 
l^  Believers  in  Wallenstein's  guilt  lay  raost  weight  on 
the  negotiations  of  the  winter  of  1633-34,  together 
with  the  pledges  (^Reverse)  requested  of  the  officers. 
The  written  negotiations  were  carried  on  with  the 


knowledge  of  the  court,  At  Wallenstein's  own  re- 
quest,  an  Austrian  Jurist  (Gebhart)  came  to  Pilsen  to 
represent  the  court  and  to  keep  the  court  informed, 
remaining  until'February  2ist,  Besides,  Wallenstein 
was  authorized  by  his  commission^  which  was  shown 
to  Saxon  representatives,  to  negotiate  treaties.  The 
most  damaging  evidence,  if  credited,  is  the  purpose  Wallenstein  by  Illo,  Terzky,  and  Kinsky 
(see  p.  xxxi), 

Accepting  these  reports  in  their  worst  constniction, 
it  remains  a  question  how  far  these  men  acted  on  their 
own  responsibility,  and  how  far  they  spurred  Wallen- 
stein into  ahostile  attitude  toward  the  Emperor,  or  took 
advantage  of  the  expressions  wrung  from  him  by  tenb- 
per  and  sickness,  to  commit  him  to  a  course  which  was 
not  of  his  own  choosing,  but  toward  which  the  court  was 
driving  him  by  assuming  it  to  exist  in  his  mind.  The 
commander-in-chief  carried  on  no  correspondence  with 
Sweden  or  France  with  his  own  band  {Tod^  I.  3),  and 
as  late  as  the  middle  of  February  he  declared  that  he 
had  firmly  refused  every  proffered  alliance  with  these 
two  countries. 

The  facts  regarding  the  Revers  have  been  re* 
lated  (p.  xxxiii).  Wallenstein  himself  reported  the  ac- 
tion  of  the  first  meeting  to  the  Emperor,  declaring  to 
him,  as  he  did  to  the  subscribers,  that  no  injury  to  the 
Emperor  or  the  Catholic  Church  was  intended,  releas- 
ing  them  from  their  oath  if  they  were  asked  to  do  any- 
thing  of  the  sort. 

The  evidence  of  Sesina,  who  purchased  pardon  by 
confession  after  Wallenstein's  death,  U  discredited  b) 
this  f act. 

iNTRODUCTlON.  xlvii 

That  Wallenstein  was  disposed  to  defend  himself 
after  he  learned  of  fhe  sentence  of  outlawry,  even  to 
the  extent  of  making  war  against  the  Emperor,  is  not 
denied  by  his  eagerest  partisans,  and  this  outcome  was 
almost  inevitable.  In  the  terms  of  the  commission  of 
his  second  generalship  (p.  xxi)  lies  the  real  fate  that 
brought  Wallenstein's  destruction.  The  Etnperor  had 
resigned  what  he  could  not  as  Emperor  resign,  Walkn-  \ 
stein  had  eucepted  what  he  could  not  hold  and  remain  a 
vassaL  TTu  Emperor  had  made  himself  an  accessory 
hefore  the  fact  to  the  violation  of  his  own  dignity  and\ 
authority.  Wallenstein  had  assumed^  as  servant  of  the 
Emperor^  powers  the  exercise  of  which  would  make  htm 
a  traitor. 

"  Distorted  by  the  favor  and  hate  of  factions» 
The  Portrait  of  him  drawn  in  histoiy  varies.'* 


The  bent  of  some  authors  in  one  direction  or  the 
other  seems  to  be  influenced  by  their  church  or  dynas- 
tic  S3rmpathiesy  that  of  others  by  the  one-sided  nature 
of  their  authorities.  If,  on  the  one  band,  Wallenstein's 
Position  as  a  prince  of  the  Empire  be  ignored,  if  the 
majority  of  contemporary  accounts  be  credited  as  un- 
prejudiced  and  f uUy  worthy  of  belief,  if  Wallenstein  be 
held  strictly  responsible  for  all  that  was  written  or  said 
in  his  name  by  Terzky,  Illo,  Kinsky,  Sesina,  and  others, 
thenhe  will  certainly  appear  as  a  selfish  and  deliberate/ 
traitor,  well  meriting  his  ignominious  end.  If,  on  the 
Other  handy  it  be  conceded  that  his  position  as  prince  of 
the  Empire  gave  him  the  same  right  as  Maximilian  to 
Areaten  the  Emperor  with  armed  coercion,  or  with  John 
Geoigeof  Saxony  to  make  alliances  with  foreign  powersi 


if  it  is  bome  in  mind  that  mostof  the  contemporary  ac- 
counts  were  made  in  the  fear  or  for  the  favor  of  the 
Emperor,  or  even  by  court  representatives,  and  if  Wal- 
lenstein be  regarded  as  misrepresented  by  his  perhaps 
self-constituted  agents,  and  his  purposes  be  interpreted 
by  his  actions  and  his  own  declarations,  then  he  will 
seem  one  of  the  most  enlightened  men  of  his  age,  one 
who  strove  against  envy  and  bigotry  for  the  welfare 
and  unity  of  Germany,  and  his  death  will  appear  a 
treacherous  assassination,  with  at  least  the  connivance 
of  the  weak  monarch  in  whose  Service  he  had  spent 
his  best  days:  The  verdict  upon  his  character  will 
shift  with  the  point  of  view  between  these  two  extremes. 
In  spite  of  Schiller's  limited  sources  of  Information, 
and  in  the  face  of  the  vast  amount  of  evidence  that  has 
been  published  since,  no  fairer  conclusion  can  be 
reached  than  this,  which  closes  Book  IV.  of  7%^  Thirty 

Years*  War: 
"  For  in  justice  one  must  admit  that  the  pens  which 

have  transmitted  to  us  the  history  of  this  extraordinary 

man  are  not  altogether  trustworthy ;  that  the  treason 

of  the  Duke  and  his  design  upon  the  crown  of  Bohemia 

are  based  upon  no   absolutely  established  fact,  but 

merely  upon   probable   conjectures.      The   document 

has  not  yet  been  found  which  can  reveal  to  us  with 

historical  certainty  the   sacret   Springs  of  his  action. 

Many  of  his  most  severely  censured  measures  prove 

no  more  than  a  sincere  desire  for  peace ;   most  of  the 

rest  are  explained  and  excused  by  warranted  distrust 

of  the  Emperor  and  the  pardonable  effort  to  maintain 

his  own  importance.     True,  his  behavior  toward  the 

Elector  of  Bavaria  bears  witness  to  an  ignoble  revenge- 


fulness  and  a  vindictive  spirit;  but  no  pne  of^ac- 
tions  justifies  us  in  considerin^  him  rnnyinteij  nf  tr^^- 
son.  If,  finally,  aecessity  and  desperation  drive  him 
to  merit  the  verdict  that  had  been  pronounced  against 
him  when  innocent,  this  cannot  justify  the  verdict. 
Thus  Wallenstein  feil,  not  because  he  was  a  rebal,  but 
he  rebelled  because  he  feil.  A  misfortune  for  him  liv- 
ing  that  he  made  a  victorious  faction  his  enemy — a  mis- 
fortune for  him  dead  that  this  enemy  survived  him  and 
wrote  his  history." 

The  language  used  by  Schiller  in  the  course  of  his 
narrative  had  sometimes  indicated  a  conviction  of  the 
general's  guilt.  But  the  feeling  thus  expressed  at  th^ 
dose  of  the  poet's  historical  treatment  seems  to  have 
lived  on  in  him  and  urged  him  to  something  like  a 
vindication  of  Wallenstein  in  the  drama.  It  is  rather 
an  excuse  than  a  vindication.  The  material  for  vindi- 
cation was  not  accessible  to  Schiller.  So  the  drama 
of  Wallenstein  may  be  taken  as  the  apology  for  the 
history  of  Wallenstein. 


Schiller  took  considerable  liberties  with  his  raate- 
rials,  especially  in  the  way  of  shifting  the  parts  of  real 
individuals,  and  in  combining  them.  Some  aid  in  un< 
tangling.  the  snarl  thus  caused  will  be  grateful  to  the 

Among  the  characters,  that  of  Wallenstein   has  its 

commentary  in  the  sketch  already  given.     In  the  drama 

his  Portrait  is  quite  faithfuUy  drawn  ;  for  the  conscious- 

ness  of  wrong  purpose  in  his  attitude  toward  the  Em- 



peror,  however,  there  is  no  basis  in  the  evidence  so 
far  produced.  Even  if  the  reports  of  threats  to  tum 
his  arms  against  the  Emperor,  to  overthrow  the  house 
of  Austria,  and  to  expel  its  adherents  from  the 
country,  be  accepted  as  authentic,  they  are  not  made 
in  the  spirit  of  one  aware  that  he  is  committing  treeP" 
son.  In  this  important  respect  Schiller  deviates  from 
the  truth,  but  it  is  a  deviation  essential  to  his  plan. 
We  cannot  sympathize  with  the  wrong-doer  until  he 
confesses  and  is  penitent. 

The  Duchess  of  Friedland  was  an  amiable  woman, 
and  was  very  loyally  loved  and  protected  by  her 
husband ;  but  she  was  not  in  Pilsen  or  Eger.  She  iä 
correctly  represented  as  not  being  informed  about  her 
husband's  plans. 

Octayio  PiccQlomini_is  typical  of  the  officers  who 
deserted  Wallenstein,  and  in  his  especial  role  as  tem- 
porary  generajissimo,  he  is  substituted  for  Gallas. 
While  the  real  Octavio  was  highly  esteemed  by  Wallen-^ 
stein,  he  stood  in  no  such  romantic  relation  to  him 
as  the  play  represents.  Octavio  was  sixteen  years 
younger  than  his  Commander,  did  not  come  to  Ger- 
many  until  1617,  served  there  a  while  and  retumed  to 
Italy.  In  1629  he  was  again  in  Germany  and  was 
captain  of  Wallenstein's  body-guard.  Once  more  he 
went  to  Italy  and  took  part  in  the  siege  of  Mantua.  Not 
until  his  return  from  that  campaign,  in  163 1,  was  he  inti- 
mately  associated  with  Wallenstein.  He  distinguished 
himself  at  the  battle  of  Lützen,  and  was  rapidly  pro- 
moted,^  His  part  in  the  transactions  of  the  winter  of 
1633-34  has  already  been  noted.  It  is  claimed  by 
friends  of  Wallenstein  that  the  officers  who  deserted 


him  were  in  the  main  foreigners,  while  those  who  re- 
mained  faithful  to  him  were  mostly  Germans.  The 
distrust  of  Illo  and  Terzky  for  "  die  Welschen  "  illus- 
trates  this,  and  this  is  perhaps  a  reason  why  Octavio 
b  given  the  chief  part  in  the  counter-conspiracy. 

The  prominence  given  Illo,  Terzky^  and  Countess 
Terzky  as  conspirators  urging  Wallenstein  on  in  the 
treason  that  he  had  only  imagined,  is  largely  invented, 
and  has  the  support,  at  the  most,  of  but  a  few  reported 
Performances.  Illo  actually  was  the  spokesman  in  the 
officers'  meeting  of  Jan.  i2th;  Terzky  did  direct  Sesina 
in  the  negotiations  with  the  Swedes,  and  was  often 
Wallenstein's  representative  in  treating  with  opposing 
forces,  and  these  two  were  especially  excepted  from 
the  pardon  offered  the  adherents  of  Wallenstein  in  the 
imperial  patent  removing  and  condemning  the  latter ; 
the  Countess  Terzky,  whose  relation  to  Wallenstein 
was  perhaps  suggested  by  Lady  Macbeth  (Cf.  Tod^  I. 
7),  was  not  in  fact  intimate  with  Wallenstein's  plans, 
but  Countess  Kinsky,  sister  of  Terzky,  is  reported  to 
have  been  something  of  an  intriguer  and  deeply  inter- 
ested  in  his  success.  Terzky's  mother,  "the  old 
countess,"  has  furnished  one  or  two  of  the  elements 
attributed  to  Terzky's  wife.  Both  the  countesses, 
Kinsky  and  Terzky,  were  present  with  their  husbands 
in  Eger  as  well  as  in  Pilsen ;  the  latter  did  not  commit 
suicide,  but  married  again  soon  after. 

QnAct<>n|^^*rpf^  of  all  the  historical  characters,  is 
most  perverted  from  his  real  part.  He  was  a  member 
of  the  Imperial  Council  of  war,  and  sometimes  employed 
hl  embassies  to  Wallenstein,  but,  far  from  being  the 
ooe  to  lend  himself  to  the  execution  of  a  plot  against 


±  the  latter,  he  was  his  most  loyal  friend  at  court,  alwa3rs 
defending  him,  or  pleading  for  him,  even  after  Eggen- 
berg and  others  had  admitted  his  guilt.  The  person 
who  came  to  Wallenstein  in  August,  1633,  to  secure  a 
modification  of  the  terms  ön  which  Wallenstein  held  his 
Office,  was  Minister  Schlick.  The  man  who  carried  the 
imperial  patent  to  Piccolomini-Gallasand  theother  offi- 
cers  was  a  certain  Walmerode,  who  had  been  released 
from  Saxon  imprisonment  on  parole,  and  who  had 
disobeyed  Wallenstein' s  Orders  to  return.  The  mes- 
senger who  brought  the  demand  for  a  detachment  to 
escort  the  Spanish  Infante  was  Quiroga,  but  he  left 
Pilsen  before  the  officers  assembled.  So  that  Questen- 
berg  represents  Walmerode  and  Quiroga,  and,  in  one 
point,  Trautmannsdorf  (see  p.  xxvi),  much  more  than 

^  The  actual  part  of  -Buttler,  has  been  narrate<l  in  the 
sketch  of  the  events  of  the  winter  of  1633-34.  His 
motives  for  the  part  he  took  were,  so  far  as  known, 
only  greed  and  greater  devotion  to  church  and  Em- 
perorthan  to  Wallenstein.  The  ingenious  scene  {Tod^ 
IL  6)  in  which  revenge  for  a  slight  is  introduced  as 
the  motive  of  Buttler's  action,  is  without  foundation  in 
connection  with  Buttler,  though  it  is  claimed  such  a 
trick  was  played  on  Illo.  In  any  case  the  part.  in  it 
assigned  to  the  Commander  is  inconsistent  with  either 
the  historical  or  the  dramatic  Wallenstein. 

^  Sesina,  whose  alleged  capture  closes  the  door  of  re- 
turn to  Wallenstein,  and  seems  to  force  him  to  actual 
rebellion,  was  not  captured  at  all,  but  purchased 
amnesty  after  Wallenstein' s  murder  by  offering  to 
make  a  füll  confession  of  his  transactions.     This.  coa- 


fession  shows  that  Wallenstein  did  not  deal  with  Sesina 
by  Word  of  mouth  during  1633-4.  The  capture  of 
Colone!  Schlief  may  have  suggested  this  episode.  But 
infact  Schlief  s  capture  came  too  late  to  have  any 
determining  influence  on  the  Situation. 

Suys,  who  is  condemned  in  the  drama  for  obeying 
the  Orders  of  the  Eraperor,  in  f  act.  ref  used  to  obey  them, 
and  was  severely  reprimanded  by  the  Emperor  for  his 
refusal.  Suys  was  put  in  charge  of  Prague  when  the 
Emperor  assumed  command.  The  only  officer  who  did 
disobey  Wallenstein*s  command,  in  obedience  to  the 
Emperor,  was  Aldringen.  but  he  might  well  have  been 
confused  by  the  contradictory  tone  of  the  Orders  given 
him  by  the  general  himself. 

Two  of  the  leading  characters  in  the  drama,  Max 
Piccolomini  and  Thekla,  have  little  or  no  foundation 
in  history.  Wallenstein  had  a  daughter,  Marie,  who 
was  ten  years  old  at  the  time  of  her  father's  death.  So 
that  Thekla^is  really  the  invention  of  the  poet.  Octa- 
vio  Piccolomini  was  only  thirty-three  years  old  at  this 
time,  and  was  not  married  until  some  years  later.  He 
died  without  issue.  Max  Piccolomini  is  accordingly 
the  poet's  creation,  owing  only  his  name,  perhaps,  to 
Max  von  Waldstein,  a  f avorite  nephew  of  the  general, 
whom  he  made  his  heir. 

The  place  of  these  two  characters  in  the  drama  is 
evident,  Without  them  it  would  have  been  a  monot- 
onous  and  dreary  panorama  of  deceit,  hatred,  treachery 
and  murder,  a  tissue  of  plots  and  stratagems  with  no 
br^ht  colors  to  relieve  it.  The  simple  principle  of  con- 
trast  demanded  this  addition  to  the  materials  given  by 
history.     How  skillfully  they  have  been  woven  into 


the  gloomy  fate  of  the  chief  personage,  is  leamed  be^ 
ter  by  reading  than  by  comment,  Reference  is  made 
below  to  the  care  which  Schiller  took  with  this  dement 
of  his  work. 

Slight  deviations  from  history  in  the  case  of  persons 
merely  mentioned  will  be  pointed  out  in  the  notes. 


Wallenstein^  which  was  completed  in  1799,  marked  the 
beginnidg  of  the  second,  and  by  far  the  greater  of 
Schiller's  two  distinct  periods  of  dramatic  production. 
Each  period  lasted  about  seven  years,  and  the  two  were 
separated  by  an  interval  of  ten  years,  during  which  the 
poet's  activities  were  directed  into  other  literary  fields, 
until  the  force  of  his  original  bent  gradually  re-asserted 
itself.  The  work  of  these  two  periods  is  separated  in 
substance  and  style  no  less  widely  than  in  time. 

The  first  period,  that  of  the  "  Sturm-und-Drang," 
opened  with  Die  Rauher^  which  was  first  played  at  Mann* 
heim  in  1782,  in  Schiller's  twenty-third  year.  Ten 
years  before  this  Goethe,  at  the  same  age,  had  been 
engaged  upon  his  first  drama  of  any  importance,  Götz 
von  Berlichingen^  which  was  written  in  a  similar  strain 
of  passion  and  extravagance.  DU  Räuber,  Schil* 
ler  produced  in  succession  Fiesco  (1783),,  Kahale  und 
Liehe  (1784),  and  Don  Carlos  (i787),  Though  the 
last  especially  shows  the  attempt  of  the  poet  to  restraia 
the  exuberance  of  his  earlier  work,  essentially  the  same 
spirit  dominates  them  all.  The  long  time  spent  on 
Don  Carlos  (it  was  begun  in  1783),  together  with  the 
growiag  feeling  that  he  had  not  yet  leamed  the  best 


methods  in  bis  art,  caused  Schiller  to  tum  firom  the 
drama  with  a  feeling  of  relief. 

The  association  with  the  eider  Kömer,  which  began 
in  1785,  led  Schiller's  reading  and  tastes  into  calmer 
and  more  refiective  paths,  and  curiously  enough  he 
tumed  at  about  the  same  time  vrlth  Goethe  toward  the 
study  of  classical  modeis.  Goethe's  vacation  from 
serious  literary  labor  during  his  first  years  at  Wei- 
mar, gave  Schiller  time  partly  to  overtake  in  literary 
maturity  his  great  contemporary. 

Schiller's  longing  for  the  serene  beauty  of  Greek  art 
b  expressed  in  Die  Götter  Griechenlands^  from  the 
spring  of  1788.  Later  in  the  same  year  he  was  read« 
ing  Homer  and  Euripides  in  translation,  and  had  an  eye 
on  iEschylus.  At  the  same  time  he  printed  the  first 
part  of  his  history,2?/V  Geschichte  des  Abfalls  derNieder^ 
lande 9  which  secured  him  the  professorship  of  history 
in  the  University  of  Jena,  May,  1789.  From  this  time 
on  his  literary  life  was  a  constant  preparation,  con« 
sciously  and  unconsciously,  for  the  second  period  of  his 
career  as  dramatist.  Along  with  his  lectures  on  history, 
he  gave  others  on  aesthetics,  which  led  to  a  careful 
study  of  the  Poetics  of  Aristotle,  and  later  of  the  phi- 
losophy,  and  especially  the  yEstheticsoi  Kant,  and  to  con« 
stant  reflection  and  discussion  on  the  theory  of  taste, 
and  especially  on  the  epic  and  the  tragedy.  Several 
plans  for  dramas  and  one  for  an  epic  occupied  his  mind 
m  lebure  hours,  but  he  wrote  to  Kömer :  "  Before  I 
have  gotten  a  thorough  hold  of  the  Greek  tragedy,  and 
changed  my  vague  thoughts  on  theory  and  art  into 
dear  conceptions,  I  shall  take  up  no  dramatic  perform» 
."     He  had  visions  then  of  becoming  the  first 


historian  of  Germany.  In  February,  1790,  he  hadmar- 
ried  Charlotte  von  Lengefeld,  and  he  needed  a  "  bread- 

Early  in  the  autumn  of  1 790,  he  finished  the  ürst 
part  of  the  Geschickte  des  dreissigjährigen  Krieges^  and 
a  few  months  later  the  thought  of  a  tragedy  based 
on  Wallenstein 's  career  seems  to  have  come  up  in  a 
conversation  with  .Dalberg  in  Erfurt. 

No  actual  composition  on  the  drama  was  undertaken 
for  several  years,  but  frequent  references  to  it  in  his 
correspondence  show  that  he  was  brooding  over  it, 
*'  I  am  now  füll  of  impatience  to  take  up  something  in 
poetry;  my  pen  itches  especially  for  Wallenstein." 
The  second  part  of  the  Thirty  Years^  War  appeared  in 
1792,  and  some  thoughts  of  an  epic  on  Gustavus 
Adolphus  entered  the  poet*s  mind.  During  the  years 
1790  to  1792  had  appeared  Herchenhahn's  Geschichte 
Albrechts  von  Waldstein  des  Friedländers^  which  had 
helped  to  keep  the  poet's  subject  vividly  before  him. 
In  1793  Schiller  planned  another  drama,  on  the 
Knights  of  Malta,  and  for  three  years  these  two  sub- 
jects  contended  for  the  possession  of  his  imagination. 
Now  it  was  one,  now  the  other ;  often  it  was  only  "  a 
drama,"  or  "  the  drama."  In  1794  he  wrote  to  Körner 
of  his  probably  finishing  Wallenstein  in  a  few  months^ 
yet  it  is  very  certain  that  he  had  not  yet  ^ven  a  clear 
idea  of  how  he  would  treat  the  subject.  It  was  an  ex- 
pression  of  the  sanguine  nature  of  the  poet.  But  he 
was  deterred  by  labors  on  the  periodicals  (in  succession, 
Die  Neue  Thalia^  Die  Horen^  Der  Musenalmanach),  and 
by  his  precarious  health,  which  had  shown,  as  early  as 
1790,  signs  of  giving  way. 


Inthe  Summer  of  i794began  that  memorable  Iriti- 
macy  between  Schiller  and  Goethe,  which  contributed 
so  much  toward  the  renewal  of  Schiller's  poetic  pro- 
ductiveness.  Under  the  Stimulus  of  this  association 
he  wrote  some  of  his  best  ballads  and  resumed  his 
dramatic  schemes  with  renewed  earnestness.  Of  these 
schemes  Goethe  preferred  the  Knights  of  Malta,  but, 
after  much  counseling  with  his  friends,  Schiller  wrote 
to  Kömer  (March,  1796)  that  he  had  finally  decided  for 

From  this  time  on  it  was  a  struggle  on  the  one  band 
with  the  unwieldiness  of  the  subject,  and  on  the  other 
with  insomnia  and  frequent  illness,  while  longer  inter- 
ruptions  were  due  to  the  annual  preparation  of  the 
Musenalmanach  and  the  recreative  resort  to  bailad 

The  unton  of  confidence  and  modesty  with  which 
the  poet  went  at  his  work  is  admirable  and  instructive. 
There  was  borrowing  of  books  for  the  study  of  local 
coloring,  study  of  maps  and  battle-plans,  discussion  of 
mediods  and  of  the  treatment  of  given  phases  of  the 
work,  and  a  wrestling  with  the  problem  of  the  adapta- 
tion  of  Wallenstein's  failure  and  ruin  to  the  purposes 
of  a  tragedy.  "  The  preparations  for  so  complicated  a 
whole  as  a  tragedy,"  he  wrote  to  Goethe  (March  18, 
X796),  "set  one's  spirit  in  a  very  curious  commotion. 
The  very  first  Operation,  the  search  for  some  sort  of 
method  for  the  affair,  in  order  not  to  grope  about  aim- 
lessly,  is  no  trifle.  I  am  now  only  on  the  skeleton, 
and  I  find  that  all  depends  on  this  in  the  dramatic  as 
i»  the  human  structure.  I  would  like  to  know  how 
fm  goto  work  in  such  cases.     My  feelingat  first  is 


without  definite  nucleus ;  that  takes  form  later.  First 
comes  a  certain  musical  mood,  and  this  is  foUowed  by 
the  poetic  idea." 

To  Körner,  six  months  later,  he  wrote :  "  I  find 
that  I  shall  be  compelled  to  study  the  whole  history  of 
the  time  he  lived  in  to  make  anything  decent  of  it." 
Nov.  28,  1796:  "The  unfortunate  work  is  still  before 
me,  shapeless  and  endless.  *  *  *  Yet  none  of 
my  former  compositions  has  so  much  form  and  pur- 
pose  as  Wallenstein  already  has."  The  following 
passages  from  the  same  letter  to  Kömer  show  how 
clearly  Schiller  stated  to  himself  the  difficulties  of 
the  work,  but  also  how  confident  he  was  of  his  ability 
to  overcome  them:  "I  must  confess  the  subject  is 
extremely  ill  adapted  to  such  a  purpose ;  it  has  nearly 
everything  against  it  At  bottom  it  is  a  State  Perform- 
ance {Staatsaction)y  and,  for  poetical  use,  has  all  the 
awkwardnesses  that  a  political  action  can  have :  an  in- 
visible,  abstract  object,  many  and  petty  means,  discon- 
nected  action,  a  timid  pace,  and,  to  the  disadvantage 
of  the  poet,  a  much  too  cold  and  deliberate  design, 
which,  af ter  all,  is  not  carried  to  the  pitch  of  perf  ection 
and  poetic  grandeur;  for,  finally,  the  plan  falls  in 
adapting  means  to  ends.  *  *  *  From  the  content  I 
have  almost  nothing  to  expect:  everything  must  be 
accomplished  by  a  happy  form,  and  only  by  artistic  treat* 
mentof  the  action  can  I  make  a  fine  tragedy  of  it. 
♦  *  *  This  was  just  the  material  I  needed  with  which 
toopenmynewdramaticcareer.  Here  ♦  *  *  where 
I  can  achieve  my  purpose  only  by  inward  truth,  coii- 
sistency,  steadfastness  and  definiteness,  must  come  tha 
dedsivecrisisof  my  poetical  character»    *    *    *    TIm 


material  and  the  subject  are  so  wholly  without  me 
that  I  can  scarcely  arouse  any  liking  for  it ;  it  leaves 
me  almoist  cold  and  indifferent,  and  yet  I  am  enthusi« 
astic  about  the  work."  Already  in  the  fall  of  1796  the 
relief  of  the  gloomy  history  by  the  introduction  of  Max 
and  Thekia  was  planned.  In  -the  letter  just  quoted, 
reference  is  made  to  "  two  figures  for  which  alone  I  have 
an  affection." 

The  last  portion  of  the  above  quotation  illustrates 
one  of  Schiller's  guiding  purposes,  the  desire  to  be 
objective.  On  the  same  date  he  wrote  to  Goethe: 
**  As  to  the  spirit  in  which  I  work,  you  will  probably  be 
content  with  me.  I  shall  succeed  in  keeping  the  mat- 
ter without  me.  ♦  *  •  I  have  never  feit  such 
indifference  for  my  matter  and  such  enthusiasm 
for  the  work."  Writing  was  actually  begun  in 
December,  1796,  and  in  prose;  but  before  the  next 
Summer  the  poet  had  decided  for  iambics,  greatly  to 
his  own  relief  and  satisfaction,  though  this  form  was 
thought  to  destine  the  work  for  the  library  rather  than 
for  the  stage.  As  early  as  May,  1797,  the  plan  was 
conceived  of  a  prologue  to  present  the  mighty  back- 
ground  of  the  war,  and  in  January,  1798,  the  first  two 
acts  (covering  the  first  four  acts  of  the  present  Fkco- 
lotnini)  were  finished,  excepting  the  love  scenes. 

Schiller's  letters  to  Goethe  bear  testimony  to  the 
amount  of  reflection  given  to  the  love  episode,  and  the 
care  the  poet  took  to  work  on  this  only  under  favorable 
circumstances.  Feb.  7th,  1 797,  he  is  working  on  the  love 
scene  in  the  second  act  (present  third  act  of  Piccch 
lomint)^  and  needs  solitude.  Dec.  I2th,  1797,  he  says: 
'^  As  I  have  on  band  in  these  days  the  love  scenes  in  the 


second  act  I  cannot  think  of  the  stage  and  thot  theat« 
rical  destiny  of  the  piece  without  uneasiness."  Feb. 
6th,  1798  :  "  Having  postponed  until  the  next  Visit  to 
my  garden  the  scene  which  most  needs  exterior  cheer- 
ful  influence,  I  may  get  the  third  act  finished  in  a  few 
weeks,"  On  Sept.  yth,  1798,  he  writes:  "Nowl  must 
hasten  to  use  the  remainder  of  the  pleasant  season  and 
of  my  garden  residence  for  Wallenstein  ;  for  if  I  do  not 
bring  with  me  the  love  scenes  finished,  the  winter  may  fail 
to  give  me  the  mood  for  them,  since  I  am  not  so  fortu- 
nate  as  to  find  Inspiration  in  coffee."  But  he  did  not 
get  the  Inspiration  then,  for  on  Nov.  9th  he  writes: 
"The  raost  iraportant  part  of  Wallenstein^  poetically 
spep.king,  that  devoted  to  love,  which,  from  its  unham-. 
pered  human  character,  is  entirely  separate  from  the 
active  nature  of  the  political  action  constitufing  the 
rest,  and  even  opposed  to  it  in  spirit — this,  which  has 
been  put  off  until  now,  I  began  work  on  yesterday. 
Only  now  that  I  have  given  the  political  action  such 
shape  as  was  within  my  power  can  1  put  it  out  of  my 
mind  and  cultivate  a  mood  so  different."  In  September 
it  was  determined  that  the  Prologue,  then  first  called 
the  Lager,  should  be  played  separately,  thus  necessitat- 
ing  the  enlargement  of  this  part  of  the  work.  Mean- 
while  the  conviction  took  shape  that  the  remainder 
was  too  bulky  for  a  single  play,  and  might  be  divided, 
thus  making  a  trilogy  of  the  drama. 

The  Lager  was  first  played  at  the  re-opening  of  the 
Weimar  Court  Theater,  Octobef  i2th,  1798,  with  the 
title  Die  Wallensteiner ,-  the  Piccolomini,  the  first  part 
of  the  tragedy  proper,  was  presented  on  the  birth- 
day  of  the  Grand  Duchess,  January  3oth,  1799.     The 


Piccolomini  as  then  played  covered  the  action  to  the 
end  of  Act  II.  of  what  is  now  printed  as  Wallensteins 
Tod.  Tha  lastof  the  threeplays  (entitledsimply  WaU 
lensteiri)  went  upon  the  stage  on  the  2oth  of  April, 
preceded  at  intervals  of  a  few  days  by  the  Lager  and  the 
Piccolominu  The  present  third  act  made  the  first  two, 
the  first  eight  scenes  of  the  fourth  made  Act  III.,  scenes 
I  and  2  of  the  present  fif  th,  together  with  the  remainder 
of  the  present  fourth,  made  up  Act  IV.,  and  the  re- 
mainder of  the  present  fifth  constituted  Act  V, 

The  success  of  the  Lager  and  the  Piccolomini  was 
satisfactory,  that  of  Wallensiein  was  decided.  It  was 
soon  played  in  most  of  the  best  theaters  in  Germany, 
but  its  success  in  publication  was  still  greater.  Four 
large  editions  were  disposed  of  within  five  years,  not 
counting  several  pirated  prints. 

This  production,  as  has  already  been  remarked,  opens 
the  second  of  Schiller's  two  periods  of  dramatic  creation. 

Already  before  the  completion  of  Wallensiein  Schiller 
wrote  to  Goethe  :  "  I  no  longer  need  to  be  told  that 
I  should  choose  none  but  historical  themes.  Invented 
ones  would  wreck  me.  Idealizing  the  realistic  is  an 
entirely  different  Operation  from  making  the  ideal  real, 
and  the  latter  is  the  task  with  invented  themes.  It  is 
within  my  power  to  animate  a  given,  definite,  limited 
material,  to  warm  it  and  make  it  flow,  so  to  speak, 
while  the  objectiveness  of  such  a  subject  bridles  my 
f ancy  and  checks  my  whims."  With  a  desperate  energy, 
bom  ofthe  consciousness  of  f ailing  health,  Schiller  now 
applied  himself  to  dramatic  production,  and  there  ap- 
peared  in  rapid  succession  Maria  Stuart  (1801),  Die 
Jungfrau  van  Orkans  (1802),  Die  Braut  von  Messina 


(1803),  Wilhelm  Teil  (1804).  Death  found  the  poet  oc- 
cupied  with  Demetrius^  which  promised  to  be  one  of  the 
best.  In  these  dramas  the  world  has  the  only  series 
of  historical  plays  which  will  bear  comparison  'with 
those  of  Shakespeare. 

Before  Schiller,  there  had  been  written  on  Wallen- 
stein's  career,  aside  from  some  attempted  political 
dialogues  or  dramas  during  the  Thirty  Years'  War,  an. 
anonymous  drama,  published  in  Gotha  in  1783,  a  prose 
drama  by  von  Halem  in  1791,  and  a  tragedy,  Wald- 
stein,  Herzog  Friedland,  by  Komareck,  in  1792.  None 
of  these  have  much  merit,  and  it  does  not  appear 
that  they  served  Schiller  in  his  composition.  From  a 
novel,  The  History  of  Thekla,  Countess  of  TTium^ 
1788,  may  have  come  the  name  of  Schiller's  heroine ; 
scarcely  more.  In  Countess  Terzky,  as  well  as  in  the 
idea  of  fate  given  in  Wallenstein,  it  is  not  difficult  to 
see  suggestions  from  Macbeth. 


There  has  been  much  discussion  of  the  tragical 
motive  in  Wallenstein,  and  some  very  curious  opinions 
have  been  expressed.  But  the  matter  is  not  so  difficult. 
/  The  simple  tragical  jaatiyÄ-.^^  Wallenstein  is  the 
\  punishment  of  treason.  This  was  f  urnished  by  history 
as  Schiller  probably  accepted  it.  Frequently  in  his  cor- 
respondence,  as  to  Humboldt,  the  poet  speaks  of  the 
unattractiveness  of  this  chief  feature  of  his  subject : 
"  There  is  nothing  noble  about  Wallenstein ;  he  is  great 
in  not  a  single  act  of  his  life."  For  the  purpose  of  the 
drama,  at  least,  there  is  no  doubt  that  Schiller  oon* 


ceived  Wallenstein  as  guilty  qf  treason  toward  his  Em-  ( i 
peror.  (In  Tod^  I.  6,  Wallenstein  himself  so  puts  it.) 
Otherwise  the  reader  would  scarcely  have  been  recon- 
dled  to  the  death  of  the  hero.  Yet  simply  to  portray 
a  great  criminal  and  his  fate  was  a  subject  far  below 
the  Standard  set  for  the  Tragedy  by  Lessing  and  now 
supported  by  Schiller.  This  treason  had  to  be  softened 
by  many  mitigating  circumstances  so  that  the  chief 
personage  might  remain  a  hero,  and  his  death  awaken 
Sjrmpathy  as  wellas  dread.  In  the  means  by  which 
Wallenstein  is  relieved  of  part  of  the  blartie  for  his 
crime,  andour  sympathies  enlisted  for  him  in  his  down- 
fall,  are  manifested  the  genius  of  the  poet  and  the 
explanation  of  the  success  of  the  drama. 

Writing  to  Goethe  (Nov.,  '96),  Schiller  says  :  "  The 
primary  weakness  of  the  catastrophe,  whereby  it  is  so 
ül-adapted  to  a  tragic  treatment,  is  not  yet  overcome. 
Actual  fate  contributes  too  little,  and  the  man's  own 
fault  too  much  toward  his  misfortune.  Bijt  I  am  com- 
forted  somewhat  here  by  the  example  of  Macbeth, 
where  also  fate  has  less  to  do  with  the  man's  destruc- 
tion  than  the  man  himself."  Impressed  by  the  prac- 
tice  of  the  Greek  tragedians,  whom  he  was  reading 
carefully  during  this  time  of  incubation,  he  sought  a 
factor  to  represent  the  fate  of  the  classical  drama,  and 
•foimd  it  in  the  dangerous  and  invincible  force  of  even 
.subjective  dalliance  with  evil.  Wallenstein  plays  witb 
the  thought  of  treason,  reserves  the  necessary  means  for 
rebellion,  and  these  conditions  force  him  to  the  crime 
itself.  This  very  exposition  of  the  circumstances  ha? 
the,gf|eQtpf  relieving  him  from  much  of  the  blame. 
Yet  the  ethical  import  of  the  drama  is  greatly  strer]£tb> 


ened  by  it.    The  danger  of  harboring  criminal  thougbts 
is  portrayed  more  forcibly  nowhere  in  literature  {Tod^ 


Now  that  the  evil  powers  of  circumstance  have  got- 
ten  possession  of  the  man's  subjective  crime,  all  those 
conditions  which  were  his  strength  become  the  factors 
of  his  fall.  The  peculiar  character  of  the  army,  his 
confidence  in  his  troops,  his  superstitious  faith^  in  Octa- 
vio,  his  efforts  to  delude  the  Swedes,  all  these  conspire 
against  him.  The  outward  circumstance  which  demon- 
strates  the  power  of  this  fate  is  the  capture  of  Sesina, 
an  invention  of  the  poet. 

These  complicating  motives  are  the  occasion  of  some 
seeming  contradictions  in  the  point  of  viewfrom  which 
Wallenstein's  course  is  treated  by  the  poet.  Outwardly 
the  evidence  of  his  treason  is  made  conclusive  by  the 
capture  of  Sesina,  and  thus  the  action  of  the  Emperor 
and  Octavio  justified  in  the  main.  (Wallenstein  himself 
concedes  this,  Tod^  I.  4,  second  paragraph.)  Of  that 
point  of  view  which  would  admit  the  purpose  of  unit- 
ing  with  the  Swedes  and  levying  war  against  the  Em- 
peror, but  yet  deny  that  this  was  treason,  defending 
Wallenstein  on  the  ground  of  his  being  a  prince  of  the 
Empire,  with  the  right  so  to  act,  not  much  is  given, 
though  touched  in  Lager,  scene  1 1  (speeches  of  the 
Wachtmeister),  andin-P/V^.,  IL  7  ("  Vom  Kaiser  freilich' 
hah  ich  diesen  Stab^^  and  next  three  lines).  Closely 
related  to  this  is  the  Standpoint  which  admits,  more  er 
less  clearly,  the  deliberate  purpose,  but  justifies  it  on 
the  ground  of  self-preservation  {Tod,  I.  5,  "Z«  meiner 
Sicherheit  thü*  ich  den  harten  Schritt "/  also  II.  2,  last 
Paragraph),  or  of  revenge  for  unjust  treatment  by  tfa^ 


Emperor ;  this  is  the  chief  argument  used  by  Countess 
Terzky  {Tody  I.  7).  Finally,  the  deliberate  purpose 
may  b^  admitted,  and  explained  or  excused  by  tower- 
ing  ambition  {Prolog:  "  Der  unbezähmten  Ehrsucht 
Opfer  ßei**).  To  this  motive  also  Countess  Terzky 
appeals,  and  Wallenstein  himself  concedes  it  in  more 
than  one  place. 

But  then  comes  into  play  the  strongest  appeal  for 
the  hero,  which  is  that  originally  he  did  not  purpose 
treason,  but  is  forced  to  itby  circumstances  {Tod,  I.  4, 
first  Paragraph).  From  this  point  of  view  his  action  • 
ceases  to  be  a  crime.  It  becomes  a  misfortune,  or  at 
worst,  a  fault  of  recklessness  (Prolog:  ^^ Ein  Unterneh* 
nun  kühnen  Uebertnuths  ").  This  rashness  is  accounted 
for  by  Wallenstein's  belief  in  astrology,  by  his  faith  in 
the  fidelity  of  his  officers,  and  by  the  Constitution  of 
his  army  {Prolog:  "  Sein  Lager  nur  erkläret  sein  Ver* 
brechen  "). 

It  is  not  necessary  because  of  these  various  judg- 
ments  of  Wallenstein's  motive  to  infer,  as  one  critic 
has  done,  that  Schiller  had  no  clear  conception  of  it 
Partly  they  are  the  views  of  various  persons,  and  as 
for  Wallenstein  himself,  it  is  certainly  natural  if  his 
motives  are  complicated,  or  even  if  he  is  not  clear 
about  them  in  his  own  mind. 

With  Wallenstein 's  guilt  thus  softened  or  doneaway, 
the  poet  proceeds  to  fulfiU  the  purpose  announced  in 
the    Prolog:   ^^  auch    eurem  Herzen  menschlich    näher 
hringen^^  which  is  accomplished  by  the  invention  of 
Max  and  Thekla,  and  the  pictures  of  Wallenstein  in    1 
his  family  circle,  to  some  degree  also  by  emphasizing    ' 
Ae  hero's  trust  in  his  friends« 

kvi  '':^/TRODUCTJON. 

Thus  prepared,  it  is  not  so  difficult  for  the  reader  td 
sympathize  with  Wallenstein  in  his  downfall.  And 
this  sympathy  is  entirely  won  by  the  admirable  cour- 
age  with  which  Wallenstein  bears  the  successive  blows 
bf  fate  {Tod^  III.  lo).  Further  elements  that  tend  to 
gain  our  sympathy  are  the  recoUection  that  Wallen  stein 
has  been  unjustly  treated  by  the  Emperor  (Ficc.  IL  g. 
jj[,.that  he  is  now  being  made  the  victim  of  a  con- 
spiracy,  the  mean  motives  of  the  men  who'serve  as  the 
tools  of  his  execution,  and  the  remembrance  that  the 
fäte  of  Max  and  Thekla  is  bound  up  in  his.  Writing 
to  Goethe,  Nov.  9th,  1798,  Schiller  expressed  anxiety 
lest  the  love  episode,  which  "  of  its  nature  ought  to  be 
the  main  action,"  should  detract  too  much  from  the 
interest  in  the  destinies  of  the  chief  person.  Few  who 
enjoy  the  beautiful  passages  of  that  episode  will  care 
greatly  whether  or  not  it  is  to  be  regarded  as  a  theoreti- 
cal  defect. 


Schiller's  earlier  dramas  wei:e  written  inprojjfe,  with 
exception  of  the  last,  Don  Carlos,  and  in  that  meter 
was  used  without  a  clear  conception  of  its  relation  to 
tragedy.  Wallenstein  also  was  begun  in  prose,  but  not 
much  was  done  bef ore  the  poet  resolved  to  fulfiU  **  the 
last  requisite  of  a  perfect  tragedy,"  and  writg,  jnheroic 
{^  verse.  From  that  moment  the  play  began  to  move/ 
Schiller  was  surprised  that  he  had  ever  thought  of 
writing  it  in  prose,  '^  Only  now  can  it  be  calied  a 
tragedy,"  he  wrote  to  Körner.  To  Goethe  he  wrote 
(Nov.  24,  1797) :    *'  Never  have  I  been  so  clearly  00» 


vinced  as  in  my  present  work  how  closely  matter  and 
form,  even  the  superficial,  depend  on  each  other. 
Since  I  changed  my  prose  into  rhythm  I  am  under  a 
diiferent  Jurisdiction ;  even  many  motives  which  seemed 
quite  in  place  in  the  prose  version  are  no  longer  avail- 
able :  they  were  merely  f or  the  common,  every-day  un- 
derstanding,  whose  organ  is  prose ;  but  verse  absolutely 
demands  relations  with  the  Imagination,  and  so  in 
several  motives  I  had  to  be  more  poetic.  Really,  one 
should  plan  everything  that  is  above  the  commonplace 
in  verse,  for  what  is  tarne  is  brought  to  light  nowhere 
more  quickly  than  in  rhythm."  However,  the  genial 
ease  of  the  poetic  form  tempted  to  a  greater  discur* 
siveness,  and  Schiller  was  disposed  to  attribute  to  the 
iambics  the  final  bulk  which  the  play  assumed. 

Schiller's  heroic  verse  at  its  best  endures  well  the 
comparison  with  Shakespeare's,  and,  indeed,  he  studied 
tue  Knglish  master  carefully.  More  than  one  feature 
of  nis  work  showsdirect  suggestioh'ffom  Shakespeare, 
aSy  for  instance,ctiie  rhymed  clouglelSi  with  which  many 
of  the  finer  passages  close.  Yet,  though  he  had  used 
the  same  measure  ten  years  before  in  Don  Carhs^ 
the  pentameters^^^f  Wallensiein  are  often  irregulär. 
On  nearly  every  page  are  lines  of  more  or  less  than  the 
measure.  Some  of  the  broken  lines  of  but  one  or  two 
feet  may  have  been  left  so  from  irtdifference,  but  the 
gjreat  number  of  iambic^hexameters  show  that  the  poet 
was  not  so  familiär  wFth  the  meter  as  to  notice  such 
irregularities  in  the  haste  of  the  final  preparation  for 
the  stage. 

Don  Carlos  has  fewer  metrical  irregularitfes  than 
WaUenstan;  so  has  Maria  Stuart»    Dk  Jungfrau  van 


Orkans  has  very  few,  save  in  the  sixth,  seventh  and 
eighth  scenes  of  the  second  act,  which  are  written 
entirely  in  iambic  Hexameters,  and  this  deviation  is 
deliberate.     Wilhelm  Teil  is  metrically  the  most  perfect 

of  Schiller's  dramas. 


In  classical  Gennan,  the  Lager  is  one  of  the  few 
successful  attempts  to  use  the  verse-form  of  the  puppet- 
plays  and  of  the  sixteenth  Century  dramas  of  Hans 
Sachs — the  iambic  tetrameter,  if  a  regulär  name  may 
be  applied  to  so  irregulär  a  nieasure.  Almost  the  only 
constant  factor  is  four  accents  (even  this  has  excep- 
tions),  while  the  number  of  unaccented  syilables  is 
varied  according  to  the  spirit  of  the  Speaker.  It  is  the 
same  meter  as  that  employed  so  masterfully  in  thü 
opening  scenes  of  the  first  part  of  Faust,  Goethe's 
success  being  due  in  part  to  the  freedom  with  which 
he  developed  the  hidden  capacities  of  the  measure. 
With  Goethe  it  becomes  capable  of  conveying  the 
profoundest  melancholy  and  intense  tragftdy;  with 
Schiller  it  has  remained  free-and-easy,  colloquial,  jovial, 
as  was,  indeed,  suited  to  his  purpose. 

Vm.— THE  TEXT. 

The  sources  for  the  text  of  Wallenstein  are :  Schiller's 
manuscript  copy  fbr  the  first  printed  edition,  sent  to 
Goethe  Nov.  9th,  1798,  called  the  Rues  manuscript 
and  referred  to  in  German  editions  and  commentaries 
as  R,  the  corrections  on  it  referred  to  as  R(A) ; 
Schiller's  manuscript  for  the  Stuttgart  theater,  sent  Dec. 
8th,    i7V9>   quoted  as  S  (published  by   Maltzahn)  ; 


Schiller*  s  manuscript  for  thc  Berlin  theatre,  sent  to 
Iffland,  but  lost,  though  extracts  were  presen'cd  by 
various  chances,  quoted  as  B*,  B%  etc. ;  the  first  printed 
edition  published  by  Cotta,  1800,  and  reprinted  with 
variants  by  Gödeke  and  Bellermann,  quoted  as  A ;  the 
edition  of  the  Theater  (Schiller*  s  collected  dramas), 
1806,  quoted  as  T;  the  print  of  Körner's  edition,  K; 
that  of  Joachim  Meyer,  M ;  the  print  of  the  Lager  in 
the  Allgemeine  Zeitung  of  Oct.  24th,  1798,  and  some 
portions  of  the  play  proper  in  later  numbers,  quoted 
as  Z. 

The  present  text  follows  A  as  reproduced  in  Gödeke*  s 
Historisch' Kritische  Ausgabe,  excepting  in  punctuation 
and  orthography,  the  latter  foUowing  the  Prussian  rules 
wherever  this  proceeding  would  not  misrepresent 
Schiller' s  language. 


What  personages  appear  in  Wallensteih's  Lager  as  well 

as  in  the  play  proper  ? 
What  persons  of  the  play  proper  are  referred  to  in  the 

Lager ^  and  how  far  are  these  references  confirmed  or 

repeated   in  the  second  and  third  divisions  of  the 

trilogy  ? 
What  becomes  of  the  pro  memoria  referred  to,  Lager ^  11. 

1028  ff.  ? 

Kscuss  Buttler' s  '  herold-function '  in  Die  Piccoiomini^ 
IL  210  ff.,  and  elsewhere?     Is  it  plausible? 

CoUate  other  instances  in  which  personages  of  the  play 
serve  as  herolds  (compare  the  herold  in  Shakespeare), 
as  Questenberg,  Piccoiomini,  II,  7 ;  Gordon  in  Tod^ 
IV,  a. 


Thekia  is  said  to  fulfil  a  function  of  the  classical  chorus 

in  Tod^  Hl,  2  and  21.     What  does  this  mean?     Is 

Gordon's  function  in  Tod,  IV,  2,  anything  like  it? 
Is  the  Duchess  of  Die  Piccolomini,  II,  2,  consistent  with 

her  part  elsewhere  ? 
Is  the  Duchess  of  Tod,  III,  17,  intended  to  be  a  real- 

istic  picture — the  complaining  wife  ? 
What    becomes   of  the   Duchess?    Is  the  failure  to 

dispose  of  her  noticeable  ?     I«  it  probably  intended  ? 
Outline  Max  Piccolomini' s  career  from  the  references  of 

the  three  plays,  and  establish  his  age. 
Discuss  the  '  tragic  irony'  of  Tod,  11.  1687  ff.     Find 

other  instances  of  this,  as  in  pages  122  and  124  Tod 

and  elsewhere  ? 
Is  Illo  in  Die  Piccolomini,  11.  915  ff.  (pp.  46  and  47), 

consistent  in  motives  and  in  style  with  his  part  else- 
Is  Buttler  sincere  in  his  declaration,  Tod,  11.  2890  ff., 

that  he  would  gladly  spare  Wallenstein' s  life? 
What  becomes  of  Thekia  finally?     How  about  the 

method  of  her  elimination  from  the  drama  from  the 

artistic  point  of  view  ? 
Collect  and  discuss  the  acts  and  remarks  and  situa^ 

tions  which   rouse  sympathy  and  admiration   for 

Compare  Countess  Terzky  and  Lady  Macbeth. 
Collect  and  discuss  the  instances  of  humor  in  the  play. 
Is  the  '  rhetoric  *  of  Wallenstein* s  Tod  more  conspic- 

uous  than  that  oi  Julius  Cäsar? 



Gardincr,  The  Thirty  Years*  War. 

Murr,  Beyträge  zur  Geschichte  des  30jährigen  Krieges, 

Herchenhahn,  Geschichte    Albrechts  von  Wallenstein, 


Schiller,  Geschichte  des  30jährigen  Krieges. 

Förster,  Biographie  Wallensteins,  1834. 

Ranke,  Geschichte  Wallensteins,  1869;  4th  ed.,  1882. 

Hallwich,  Wallensteins  Ende,  1879. 

Gindely,  Geschichte  des  30jährigen  Krieges  (English 
translations,  Putnams,  1883). 

Gädeke,  Wallensteins  Verhandlungen  mit  den  Schweden 
und  Sachsen,  1885. 

Kugler,  Wallenstein  (in  Neuer  Plutarch),  1884. 

LOienkron,  R.,  Der  Wallenstein  der  Schillerschen  Tra- 
gödie im  Lichte  der  neuesten  Geschichtsforschung 
(Deutsche  Rundschau,  1895,  p.  219  ff.,  267  ff.). 

Zwiedeneck-Südenhorst,  Die  neueste  Wallensteinfor- 
schung (Zeitschrift  für allg.  Geschichte,  1887, 1,  p.  33  ff.). 

Schweizer,  Die  Wallensteinfrage  in  der  Geschichte  u.  im 
Drama,  1899. 

Bozberger,  Zur  Quellenforschung  über  Schillers  Wallen- 
stein  und  die  Geschichte  desj'3ojährigen  Krieges  (Archiv 
für  Litteraturgeschichte,  II,  159-178). 

Schillers  Life  and  the  Composition  of  the  Drama. 

Briefwechsel  zwischen  Schiller  und  Goethe  (English  trans« 

lation  in  Bohn  Library). 
Schülers  Briefwechsel  mit  Körner  (ed.  Gödeke),  1874. 



Schillers  Briefe;  Fritz  Jonas,  Kritische  Gesamtausgabe, 

Schiller  im  Urteile  seiner  Zeitgenossen  (Braun),  1882. 
Palleske,  Schillers  Leben  und  Werke  (ißth  ed.)»  1891. 
Minor,  Schillers  Leben  und  Werke,  1890-94. 
Wychgram.   Schillers   Leben,  3.  Auflage,  1898.     Richly 

Brahm,  Schiller,  1889-1893. 
Püntzer,  Schillers  Leben,  i88x  (English  translation,  by 

Pinkerton,  1883). 
The  Standard  histories  of  Gerroan  literature. 

Text  and  Comment. 

Schillers     Sämtliche    Schriften.        Historisch-kritische 

Ausgabe.    Gödeke,  1867. 
Schillers  Werke.    Kritisch  durchgesehene  und  erläuterte 

Ausgabe.   Bellermann,  1895. 

a.  Annoiated  in  Engltsk. 

Buchheim,  Wallenstein,  Parts  I  and  II,  1862. 

Cotterill,  Wallensteins  Lager,  1887. 

Hart,  Die  Piccolomini,  1875. 

Breul,  Wallenstein,  Parts  I  and  II,  1894-1896. 

b.  Annoiated  in  German, 

Vollmer.  Wallenstein,   nebst    Einleitung   u.    kritischen 

Erläuterupgen,  1880. 
Funke,  Schillers  Wallenstein  (2d  ed.),  1891, 
Kern.  Wallensteins  Tod,  1887. 

r.  Commentaries  Onfy. 


DÜntzer,  Schillers  Wallenstein  (6th  ed.),  1895. 
Bulthaupt,  Dramaturgie  des  Schauspiels  (5th  ed.),  1893, 
Bellermann,  Schillers  Dramen,  1891. 


Special  Discussions. 

ROnnefahrt,  Schillers  dramatisches  Gedicht  Wallenstein 
aus  seinem  Inhalt  erklärt  (2d  ed.)f  1886. 

Kühnemann,  Die  Kantischen  Studien  Schillers  und  die 
Komposition  des  Wallenstein»  1889. 

Fischer,  Schiller  als  Humorist,  1891. 

Bratranek,  Goethes  Egmont  und  Schillers  Wallenstein, 

Boxberger,  Das  Ahnungsvolle  in  Schillers  Frauencharak- 
teren, 1886. 

Friedrich,  Untersuchungen  über  Schillers  Wallenstein, 

Werder,  Vorlesungen  über  Wallenstein. 


Martin.  Wallensteins  Lager  (in  Blackwood's  Edinburgh 

Magazine,  Feb.  1892). 
Coleridge,    Die   Piccolomini   and   Wallensteins  Tod  (in 

Hohn  Library). 
Hunter»  Schillers  Wallenstein,  1885. 



(Names  are  giTen  flrst  as  in  the  play;  common  or  more  correct  forma 
in  parenthesis.    Appearances  are  by  act  and  scene,  references  by  Itee.) 

Altiinger  (Aidlingen,  Altringen),  Count  Johann,  a  Catbolic 
general.  Dlstinguished  bimself  at  tlie  Dessau  bridge,  1626, 
and  at  tbe  siege  of  Mantua.  After  Tillj's  deatb  A.  became 
general  of  tbe  League,  operating  in  s.w.  Germanj  in  1683  in 
conjanctiou  witb  tbe  Duke  of  Feria.  Killed  in  battle  a  few 
montbs  after  Wallenstein.     See  Introd.  pp.  xxiv,  xxxv. 

Ref.:  Ficc,  21,  338,  806,  809,  2577;  Tod,  664,  1171,  2656. 

Arnheim  (Arnim),  Jobann  Georg  von,  a  Saxon  noble  and 
distinguished  general.  Served  successively  under  Sweden, 
Poland,  and  Austria.  Became  intimate  witb  Wallenstein  and 
was  made  field-marsbal  in  1628.  Unable  to  secure  bis  pay 
from  tbe  Emperor,  be  entered  tbe  service  of  tbe  Elector  of 
Saxonj  and  was  tbe  negotiator  witb  Gustavus  and  Wallenstein 
until  tbe  latter's  deatb.  He  took  part  in  tue  battle  of  Breiten- 
feld and  captured  Prague,  1631.  Mistreated  bj  tbe  Swedes, 
A.  again  entered  imperial  service.     Died  1641. 

Ref.:  PUe.  850,  1096,  1337 ;  Tod,  51. 

Attila»  tbe  famous  "Scourge  of  God,"  King  of  tbe  Huns, 
wbo  was  defeated  at  tbe  battle  of  Cbalons,  451. 

Ref. :  TW,  287. 

Bannier,  Banner  [botb  forms  used  in  play],  one  of  tbe 
cbief  Swedisb  general s  after  tbe  deatb  of  Gustavus,  witb  a 
zecord  of  many  victories  and  scarcely  any  defeats.     Died  1641. 

Ref.:  Picc,  1034;  Tod,  940. 

Bernhard  v.  Sacbse^-Weimar,  one  of  tbe  greatest  generals 
of  tbe  war.     Born  1604,  be  served  under  various  Protestant 



Ixxvi  LIST  OF  PERS0N8. 

leaders,  but  submitted  in  1628  to  tbe  Emperor.  On  tbe  ariival 
of  Qustavus,  however,  be  joined  tbe  Swedisb  king,  rose  to 
bigb  rank,  and  at  39  belped  to  win  tlie  battle  of  Lützen  after 
tbe  deatb  of  G.  At  tbe  time  of  Wallenstein's  deatb  B.  was  in 
command  of  tbe  Swedisb  forces  tbat  were  to  join  W.  Tbe 
most  brilliant  portion  of  B.'s  career  follows  tbe  time  of  the 
plaj,  culminating  in  tbe  taking  of  Breisacb.  He  died  1639,  it 
is  tbougbt  of  poison.  B.'s  real  part  is  assigned  to  tbe  Rbine- 
grave  in  some  places.     For  reason  see  Notes. 

Ref.:  Pkc,  1084,  1068,  2022,  2119. 

Bourbon,  Cbarles  of,  Constable  of  France,  deserted  Francis 

I.  and  entered  into  a  league  witb  Cbarles  V.  and  Henrj  VIII. 
by  wbicb  be  was  to  receive  a  tbroue.  He  was  kiiled  in  tbe 
siege  of  Roma,  1527.  He  is  tbe  "  Bourbon  tbe  Rover"  of  tbe 
spirited  cborus  in  Bjron's  The  Deformed  Tran»formed, 

Ref. ;  Tod,  419,  442. 

Bürgermeister  (Pachhülbel),  one  of  tbe  burgomasters  of 
Eger,  but  not  in  1684. 

Appears :  Tod,  IV,  8,  4,  5,  V,  10.     Referred  to :  Tod.  2602. 

Buttler  (Butler),  Colonel  Walter,  one  of  Wallenstein's 
colonels.  He  was  rewarded  for  tbe  assassination  of  W.  v/itb 
a  count's  title.     See  Introd.  p.  xxxvii  ff  ,  lii. 

Appears  :  Picc,  I,  1.  2.  H,  7,  IV.  4,  6,  7  ;  Tod,  II.  6,  III,  10, 
16,  17,  18,  19,  20,  28,  IV,  1,  2,  8,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8.  V,  1,  0.  7,  9,  10, 

II.  Referred  to  :  Lager,  440  ;  Picc,  94,  282,  1005,  1147,  2873  : 
Tod,  1440,  1580. 

Gardiniil  Infante,  Don  Fernando  of  Spain.  His  brotber, 
Pbilip  VI.  of  Spain,  desired  to  send  bim  in  1688  to  tbe  Netber- 
lands  via  Germany,  and  to  furnisb  bim  an  escort  Wallenstein 
was  dlrected  to  detacb  six  regiments. 

Ref.:  Lager,  697;  Picc.  1224;  Tod,  1870. 

Christian,  duke  of  Brunswick- Wolfenbüttel  iind  adminis- 
trator  of  tbe  Lutberan  bisbopric  of  Halberstadt,  a  Commander 
in  tbe  first  period  of  tbe  war.  His  warfare  was  particalarly 
irregulär,  leading  to  tbe  nickname  •*  Tbe  Mad  Halberstadter,** 
He  fougbt  in  conjunction  wltb  Mansfeld,  and  died  June  1626 

Ref. :  Pice.  2024. 


Deodat  (Deodati),  an  Italian«  joined  the  counter-conspiracj 
against  W.,  entered  Pilsen  after  W.'s  witbdrawal  and  directed 
GordoD  to  admit  Lim  to  Eger.  This  part  is  assigned  to  Buttler 
in  tUe  plaj. 

Ref.:  Ficc.  879,  1005.  1146,  2122 ;  Tod,  089,  1565. 

Oeweronxt  an  Irislx  captain,  the  actual  assassin  of  Wallei^* 

Appears :  Tod,  V,  2,  7,  11. 

DütMilcL  (Duwall),  a  Swedish  colonel  who  was  captured  at 
Steinaa  with  Tharn. 

Ref.:  Tod,  1846. 

lE*ljSepnhergf  Dake  of ,  a  member  of  the  iidperial  Council  anl 
of  the  faction  friendlj  to  Wallenstein.  WallensteiD*s  second 
wife  was  a  sister  of  Eggenberg's  son-in-law.  E.'s  part  In.his- 
torj  is  taken  bj  Questenberg  in  the  drama.  See  Introduction, 
pp.  xvii,  XX. 

Ref. :  IHee,  680,  1919. 

JEtsberhaxy,  name  of  an  ancient  Hungarian  familj  of  manj 
branches ;  one  member  of  it  was  Palatino  of  Hungarj  in  the 
third  decade  of  the  seventeenth  Century.  No  member  of  the 
family  took  a  conspicuous  part  in  the  war.. 

Ref.:  Tod,  089,  1567. 

Ferdinand  II.,  Emperor  of  Germany,  from  1610  to  1687. 
Called  frjm  bis  birth-place  '*  der  Grätzer."  See  Introd.,  espe* 
cially  p.  TÜi. 

Ref.:  Pice.  1070,  2004 ;  Tod,  2110.  8378,  8647. 

Ferdinand  III.,  King  of  Hungary  1625,  and  Emperor  of 
Oermany  1687-1657,  son  of  Ferdinand  II.  See  Introd.  pp. 
xvi^  XX,  xxvi. 

Ref.:  Fiee.  208,  800 ;  Tod,  1084,  2702. 

Feria»  Duke  of ,  Commander  of  the  Spanish  regiments  which 
came  1688  from  Italy,  intended  as  escort  for  the  Cardinal 
iDfante.     Died  Jan.  1684. 

Ref.:  Zager,  144. 

VorgtUach.  (Forgach),  Palatino  of  Hungary  in  1618.  Is  not 
known  to  have  been  in  the  conspiracy.  In  one  draft  of  the 
dnuna  Esterhazy  stead  of  Forgatsch. 

Ixxviii  LIST  OF  PERS0N8. 

Ref.:  Picc.  1005. 

Frederick  V.,  of  BoLemia,  see  Pfalzgraf, 

Friedland  (Also  Friedländer,  der),  Wallenstein's  title  from 
bis  estate.     See  Wattenstein, 

Gallas»  Count  Matthias,  important  general  under  and  suc- 
ceeding  Wallenstein.  He  served  througbout  tbe  war,  and  witb 
£air  abilitj.  His  most  brilliant  Performances  were  at  tbe  tak- 
ing  of  Mantua,  1680,  for  wbicb  be  was  ennobled,  and  tbe  battle 
of  NOrdlingen,  1634,  won  over  Bernhard  of  Weimar.  Among 
Wallenstein's  generals  Gallas  was  tbe  oue  on  whom  tbe  court 
depended.  He  received  Friedland  as  bis  reward  for  W.'s 
deatb.  Died  164^.  Mucb  of  bis  real  r61e  is  in  tbe  play  assigned 
to  Octavio  P.,  see  Introd.  pp.  xxxiv,  l. 

Ref.;  Pico.  21,  40,  338,  807,  2386,  2559;  Tod,  41,  666.  889, 
1036,  1064,  1171,  2410,  2658,  2793. 

Gefreiter,  and  deputation  of  Cuirassiers. 

Appear :   Tod,  III,  15,  16. 

Geraldin,  Buttler's  sergeant-major,  who  conductod  the 
assasslnation  of  lllo,  Terzkj,  Kinsky,  and  Neumann. 

Appears :  Tod,  V,  1.     Referred  to  :  Tod,  3305. 

Götz,  served  first  in  Protestant  cause,  bat  joined  Wallen- 
stein's army  1626.  Infamous  for  bis  atrocities  in  the  sack  of 
Pasewalk,  1630.  Tbe  most  important  part  of  bis  career  fol- 
lowed  Wallenstein's  death. 

Appißars  :  Pico,  II,  7,  IV,  1,  6,  7.  Referred  to :  Picc.  18 ; 
Tod,  1567. 

Gordon,  a  Scotcb  soldier  of  fortune,  lieutenant-commander 
of  Eger. 

Appears :  Tod,  IV,  2.  3, 4,  5,  6, 7,  8.  V,  4,  5,  6,  7,  9, 10,  11,  1% 
Referred  to  :  Tod.  3372. 

GustaYus  Adolphus,  b.  1594,  King  of  Sweden,  1611  1632. 
From  1630  bis  deeds  are  an  essen tlal  part  of  tbe  war.  KiUed 
in  tbe  battle  of  Lützen,  Nov.  16,  1682. 

Ref.:  Lager,  255;  Picc.  1035,  1063,  1220;  Tod,  1800; 

Halberstädter.     See  Christian  of  Brünstoick;  '      ~ 

Harrach*s  daaghter,  tbe  Duchess  of  -  Friedland.  '  Count 
Harracb  was  a  leading  intriguer  at  tbe  Austrlan  cburf/being 

LIST  o:f  PERS0N8.  kxix 

connected  bj  marriage  witli  Eggenberg  and  Wallenstein.  He 
often  serred  as  deputj  to  Eggenberg.     H.  died  1628. 

Ref.:  Piec.  660. 

Heinricli  (IV.  of  France),  Henry  of  Nararre,  assassinated 
by  Bayalllac. 

Ref.:  Toä,  3491. 

Hinnersam  (Hinderson),  one  of  Wallenstein's  colonels,  of 
ScotcU  birtb.  He  U  mentioned  as  one  of  the  committee  tbat 
Tisited  Wallenstein  Jan.  13,  1634,  to  urge  bim  not  to  läy  down 
the  command. 

Ref.:  Piee.  18. 

Holk»  General  v.,  an  imperial  Commander  famous  for  tbe 
bratalitj  of  bia  warfare.     Devastated  tbe  Voigtland  in  1632. 

Ref.:  Lager,  230. 

HnsSy  tue  founder  of  Bobemian  Protestant! sm,  burned  at 
tbe  stake  at  Constance,  by  Order  of  tbe  Council  of  Constance, 
and  witb  tbe  consent  of  King  Sigismund,  1415. 

Ref.:  Piee.  2082. 

Illo  (üow),  one  of  Wallenstein's  generals,  a  native  Branden- 
burg«^.    See  Introd.  pp.  xxzii,  xxxix,  li. 

Appears:  Piee,  I,  1,  2,  II.  6,  7,  HI.  1.  2,  IV,  3,  4,  7 ;  Tod,  I, 
8,6,  7,  II,  8,  III.  4,  6,  8,  9, 10,  13, 14  15, 16, 17, 18, 19,  20.  23, 
IV,  5.  7.  Referred  to :  Piee.  281, 2129, 2373,  2395 ;  Tod,  2680, 
2740.  3800,  8520,  8699. 

Isolani  (Isolan),  one  of  Wallenstein's  colonels. 

Appears :  Piee.  1, 1.  2,  II,  7.  IV,  1,  6,  7 ;  Tod.  II.  5.  Referred 
to:Z(^er,  826;  Picc,  98,  875,  1006,  2373;  Tod,  1458,  1563, 
1617, 1640. 

Karl  (V. ,  pf  Germany),  bereditary  ruler  of  Austria.  Spain, 
And  tbe  Netberlands. 

Ref.:  Tod,  440. 

Kannitz,  an  Austrian  family.  A  Count  Kaunitz  married 
Wallenstein's  daugbter,  but  took  no  prominent  part  in  tbe 
war.  Was  Scbiller  prompted  to  tbe  introduction  of  K.  and 
Esterbazy  by  familiarity  witb  tbe  distingaisbed  contemporary 
members  of  tbese  f amilies  ? 

Ref.:  Tod,  989,  1568. 


'  Kaiumerdieiier. 

Appears :  Pice^  V,  1,  2 ;  Tod,  V,  4,  5,  7,  9,  lÖ. 


^KaraffiEi,  Priticei  Qeronimö,  themböt  öf  a  distingnislied  Italiaa 
familj.  Fouglit  in  tlie  battle  of  the  White  MountBin,  Was 
made  Prince  and  Vice-king  of  Aragon.  Died  at  Genoa, 
1083.'  His  enumeratiöh  among 'Wa1l6nst6in's  gendtals  is  an 
error. « 

Ref.:  Plcc,  1006,  1146 ;  Tod,  1655. 

Appears:   7(xf,  V,  10. 

'Appears  :  fiVc.  IV,  5. 

Kfiisky,  Oount  William,  a  Boliemian  noble,  a  leader  in  tlie 
insarrection  of  1618,  and  an  active  intriguer  for  Wallenstein 
witb  tbe  Frencb,  wbether  authorized  or  not  is  uncertain.  He 
was  vnxh  W.  at  Pilsen  and  Eger,  and  feil  with  Illo  and  Tenky. 
His  wife  was  Terzkj's  sister  and  tbe  original  of  tbe  Countess 
Terzkj  of  tbe  play. 

Kef  .<  Picc.  2873 ;  Tod,  20,  1716. 

Kolalto  (Collalto),  a  natire  of  Mantna,  became  one  of  •  Wal* 
leostein's  generals  1635,  President  of  tbe  War  Council  1687. 
Led  20,009  troops  to  Italj  and  took  Mantna,  Jul^  1680.  Died 
a  jfnbntb  later. 

Appears :  Pice,  11,  7,  IV,  1,  6,  7.  Referred  to  :  Piec,  18,  878; 
Tod,  1568. 

Könige  V.  Vngam,  see  Ferdinand  JIL 


Appears  :  Pice,  V,  2. 

Liamormain  (Fr.  corraption  of  Lftmmermann),  a  Jtanit 
priest,  confessor  of  Ferdinand  II.  and  an  active  intriguer  against 

Ref.:'Picc.  689,1238. 

liüuenburs:»  Duke  Franz  Albert  v.,  a  Baxon  field-marsbal« 
wias  engaged  in  negotiations  betw^en  the  Elector  of  Saxony 
and  Wallehstein.     See  Introd.  p.  xzxiii. 

Ref.:  Tod,  1549. 

Ijessle^  (Lessly),  a  Scotcb  soldier,  lieütehiuii>«oittmaiid^  of 

LIST  OP  PER80NS.  hxxl 

JBger ;  friend  of  Battier,  repnsented  aa  having  taken  part  üft 
the  murder  of  the  officersk 

Bef.:  Piee.  2082;  Tod,  S809. 

üjlechcenstein,  Prince  Karl  v.,  xnade  prince  in  1618  bj 
FerdiDand  II.,  a  member  of  the  imperial  Council,  and  friendLjr 
to  Wallenatein.  L.  is  one  of  the  precious  jewels  (Steine)  rer 
ferred  to,  Picc.  66,  the  second  being  Dietrichstein, 

Ref.:  Fice.  619,  1919. 

Lothringen,  Duke  Oharles,  who,  persecuted  bj  Richelieu, 
had  joined  the  imperial  army.  After  Tilly's  deatk  he  euren 
aspired  to  the  chief  command. 

«et:  Tod,  1267. 

BlacDonald»  confederate  of  Deveroux* 

Appean  Tod,  V,  2,  7,  11. 

MansDsIdy  Ernst  v.»  a  natural  son  of  Gount  Peter  Ernst  t. 
H.  Reared  a  Catholic,  he  was  driven  into  the  Protestant  Op- 
position by  the  ingratitude  of  Archduke  Leopold,  but  fought 
•8  a  f ree-lance  during  the  first  period  of  the  war  tili  in  1625  he 
rtised  an  army  as  general  of  the  Palatino.  He  attacked^Wal* 
lenstein  at  the  Dessau  bridge.  but  was  defeated  and  pursued 
throagh  Silesla  tili  he  joined  Bethlen  Gabor  in  Hungary.  The 
latter  making  peace,  M.  set  out  for  Yenice,  but  died  on  the 
way,  1626. 

Ref.:  Lager,  140 ;  Piee,  6.  15,  2024 ;  Tod,  100,  10. 

Maradas  (Marradas  er  -dos),  a  Spaniard  and  loyal  imperial 
gBoeral,  Commander  in  Bohemia,  and  later  in  Silesia. 

Appear :  Piee.  II,  7.  IV,  6,  7.  Referred  to :  Piee.  18,  1005, 
2185;  Tod,  1567. 

Hartinitz»  Jaroslas  ▼.,  a  prominent  Bohemian  noble,  mem- 
ber of  the  Committee  of  Regency.     See  Sknoata. 

Ref.:  Piee.  161,  2109. 

Maximilian,  Duke  and  Elector  of  Bayaria,  leader  of  the 
Catholic  League,  the  rival  and  the  determined  enemy  of  Wal- 
lenstein. M.  was  son-in-law  to  the  Emperor.  See  Introd.  pp. 
Tili,  xly,  xvii,  xxiv  ff. 

Ref.:  Piee,  694,  1078  ;  Tod,  665. 

Mdlirbrand»  must  be  a  careless  or  deliberate  alteration  of 

Ixxxii  LIST  OF  PERS0N8. 

Hobra,  who  was  lieutenant-conmimndßr  of  Prägte  tflien  S^lief 
was  captured. 

Ref.:  Piee.  2565. 

Monteoncnli  (Montecaccoli),  Coant  Ernst,  an  Italian  and 
friend  of  Wallenstein,  chief  of  ordnance.  He  was  killed'in 
Feria's  campaign,  in  1688.  Uncle  of  the  more  famous  Coant 
Raimund  M. 

Ref.:  Piec,  1952 ;  Tod,  1655. 

Nathanael»  a  servant  in  Wallenstein's  emploj. 

Appears :  Piee.,  U,  1  (named  1.  618). 

Nenbmnnf  Frl.  y. 

Appears  :  Tod,  Ilf,  1,  IV.  6.  9.  10,  11,  18,  14.  Referred  to : 
Tod,  8786. 

Neumann.  Historically  Wallenstein's  secretarj,  in  tha 
play  Terzky's  adjutant.     See  Introd.,  p.  zxxiz. 

Appears:  Piee.  IV,  2,  5;  Tod,  III,  14,  19.  Referred  to: 
Tod,  2881. 

Oftate,  Coant,  special  Spanish  envoy  to  Vienna  to  secare 
tbe  escort  for  tbe  Cardinul- Inf  ante,  and  finally  one  of  tbe  most 
Tigorouä  workers  against  W.     See  Introd.  p.  xxz. 

Ref. :  Piee,  682. 

Otto  Ludwig  ▼.  Salms,  Coant  of  tbe  Rbeingaa,  took  a 
prominent  part  in  tbe  war  after  tbe  arrival  of  Gastavus. 
Commanded  in  Alsace,  1688,  and  made  conquests  in  Breisgau. 
At  the  time  of  Wallenstein's  deatb  be  wason  tbe  upper  Rbine 

Ref.:  Piee.  1084;  7 od,  882.  2638.  2665.  8040.  8066,  8628. 

Oxenstirn  (Oxenstjerna),  Swedisb  Cbancellor,  and  Regent 
after  tbe  deatb  of  Gastavus.     See  Introd.  pp.  xxiii,  xzxyܫ 

Ref.:  Piee.  815,  850,  1084;  Tod,  51,  288. 

Pachhälbel.     See  Bürgermeüter. 

Pappenlieim»  General.    See  Introd.  p.  xxiii. 

Ref. :  Lager,  677. 

Palffy,  Stepben  ▼.,  distinguisbed  bimself  in  wars  with  tbe 
Turks.    Made  coant  in  1684.    Was  also  Palatino  in  Hangary. 

Ref. :  Piee,  2054.  2183. 

Pestalutz,  a  captain  ander  Terzky,  bat  reported  to  bare 
joined  tbe  conspirators. 

LIST  OF  PERSONS.  Ixxxiii 

Ref.:  Tod,  3282,  8309. 

Pfalz^raf,  Friedrieb.     See  Introd.  pp.  ix,  z.    Died  1682. 

Ref.:  Püc.  2058.  2096;    Tod,  448,  1759. 

Piccolomiiii  (Max).     See  Introd.  pp.  liii,  lix. 

Appears :  Piee.  I,  4,  II,  4,  7.  III,  3,  4,  6,  6,  IV,  1,  6,  7,  V, 

I,  2,  3  ;  Tod,  II,  1.  2.  7,  III,  18. 19,  20,  21,  22,  23.  Referred  to: 
Lager,  1034 ;  Pkc.  23,  270,  356.  378  ff.,  1004 ;  Tod,  474,  844, 
948,  1288.  1309,  1498,  1602,  1718,  1943,  2017,  2668,  2762,  3042, 
8421  ff. 

Piccolomini  (Octavip),  one  of  Wallenstein's  generals,  mem- 
ber  of  an  old  Italian  familj.  At  tbe  dose  of  tbe  war  he  was 
made  Duke  of  Amalfi.     See  Introd.  pp.  xziii,  xxziv,  1. 

Appears :  Pirc.  I,  2,  3,  4,  5.  II,  7,  IV.  6,  7,  V.  1,  2.  3 ;  Tod, 

II.  1.  4,  5.  6.  7,  V,  11,  12.  Referred  to  :  Picc,  19.  80,  880. 
1004,  1010.  1782 ;  Tod,  659,  852,  933.  1229.  1612,  1650,  1665, 
1693,  1786  ff..  1946,  2016,  2102,  2410,  2764,  2795,  8757  ff. 

Prokopi  name  of  two  leaders  of  tbe  Taborites  in  tbe  Hassite 
wars,  P.  tbe  Great  and  P.  tbe  Sinall.  P.  tbe  Qreat,  for  years 
a  victorious  general,  was  defeated  and  slain  at  Lipaa,  1434. 

Ref  :  Picc.  2104. 

P)rrrhus,  a  king  of  Epirus,  wbo  ruled  and  warred  against 
the  Romans  tbe  first  balf  of  tbe  tbird  Century  b.c. 

Ref. :  Tod,  287. 

Queen  of  Hungary,  wife  of  Ferdinand  III.,  tbe  Spanisb 
Infanta  Mary,  sister  of  Queen  Anne  of  France. 

Ref.:  Picc,  634,671. 

Qnestenber^»  a  member  of  tbe  Imperial  Privy  Council. 
See  Introd.  pp.  xvii,  li. 

Appears  :  Picc,  I,  2,  8,  4,  5,  II,  7.  Referred  to :  Lager,  71 ; 
PUsc,  72,  116,  1007.  2480;  2W.  886,  1871.  1660. 

Qairo^a»  a  Capucbin  monk,  confessor  to  the  wife  of  Ferdi« 
nand  III.     See  Introd.  pp.  xxx,  lii. 

Ref.:  Picc.  ^127. 

Rheing^raf»  see  Otto  Ludwig, 

Rosenberg^»  equerry  to  Tbekla. 

Appears  :  Tod,  IV,  8.     Referred  to  :  Tod,  8164. 

Rudolph  (II),  Emperor.     See  Introd.  viii. 


Ref. .  Piee.  2090. 

Schafj^otsch»  Cöun^  Ülricb,  member  of  an  ancient  SilMian 
family.  TLougb  a  Lutberan,  one  of  W.'s  most  trusted  geDerala» 
Was  commissloDed  in  Feb.  1684  witb  tbe  cominand  in  Silesias. 
Tbe  onlj  one  of  all  W.'s  officers  wbo  tried  to  resist  after  the 
ban  bad  been  pronounced  against  bis  cbief.  He  was  captured 
and  executed  1635. 

Ref.:  Picc.  2370. 

Süherfbiil)er£^»  Wallenstein's  Higb  Steward,  a  lojal  adber- 
ent.  After  W.'s  deatb  be  was  sentenced  first  to  deatb,  thon 
tö  perpetaal  imprisonment. 

Ref.:  7'od,2022, 

Schwedischer  Hf^uptmanm. 

Appears  :  Tody  IV,  10,  V,  3.     ' 

Seckenclorf»  name  of  a  distinguisbed  Austrian  general  and 
diplomat  of  tbe  first  part  of  tbe  eigbteentb  centarj,  and  of  n 
young  poet,  f riend  of  Scbiller,  but  no  foundation  in  eonneetion 
witb  Swedisb  command  in  1684. 

Ref. :  Tod,  3082. 

Seni  (Senno),  Wallenstein's  astrologer. 

Appears  :  Fiec,  II,  1 ;  Tod,  1, 1,  V,  5, 10.  Referred  to :  Lager ^ 
372;  Picc.  1348,  1581. 

Sesin  (Sesina,  Sesjma  Rascbin),  emplojed  bj  Terzkj  as 
inessenger  in  negotiations  witb  tbe  Swedes.  See  Introd.  pp. 
xxxvii,  xliv,  lii. 

Referred  to :  Picc,  812,  1387,  2664 ;  Tod,  46,  392. 

SlawatA,  Wilbelm  v.,  a  prominent  Bobemian  noble  wbo- 
took  tbe  part  of  Austria  against  tbe  Protestant  Estates  of  Bo- 
bemia.  Witb  Martinitz  be  was  subjected  to  defenestration 
(see  lutrod.  p.  ix).  In  spite  of  tbe  fall  of  80  feet  tbe  men  were 
not  seriouslj  injured,  and  escaped  bj  tbe  aid  of  frlends.  Wal- 
lenstein's second  wife  was  connected  witb  tbe  Slawata  famllj. 

Ref.:  Picc,  151.  1919.  2109. 

Sternberg^,  Adam  v.,  cbief  burggraye  of  Bobemia,  ono^of 
tbe  imperial  regen ts,  and  fatber-in-law  of  Martinitz.  S.  was 
present  at  tbe  defenestration,  but,  being  leas  aggresslTely 
imperialistic,  was  not  assailed. 

LIST  OF  PER80NS.  Ixxxy 

fief.:  1^.  1020. 

iBiftys»  a  colonel  under  Wallenstein,  was  in  cliarge  of  four 
regiments  in  Upper  Aastria.     See  Introd.  p.  liii. 

Ref.:  PiGC.  1196;  Tod,  2W0. 

-ITerzky  (Terschka,  Terzke,  spelled  plioneticsllj  for  the  Bo- 
hemian  prönunviation,  Tnbk6),  Coant  Adam,  one  of  Wallen- 
8tein*s  officersp  brotber-in-law  of  the  Duebess  W.  See  Introd« 
pp.  xxxi,  zxxviii,  II. 

Appears:  Piec.  II,  4.  5,  6,  7,  III,  1,  2,  IV.  1,  2.  8,  4.  6,  7; 
Tod,  I,  2,  3.  6.  7,  II.  8,  III,  ö,  6.  7.  8,  9, 10, 18, 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. 
19,  20.  23.  23,  IV.  4,  6, 7.  Referred  to  :  Lag&r,  84, 1017 ;  Picc. 
17, 904. 1690. 1717, 1914, 2871,  2578 ;  Tod,  2740, 8800,8520.  8767. 

Terzky  (Trzkä),  Oountess.  dangbter  of  Count  Uarracb.  sister 
of  tbe  Duebess  W.     See  Introd.  p.  11. 

Appears :  PUe,  II,  8,  III.  2,  8,  4,  6,  8 ;  Tod,  I,  7,  III,  1,  2,  3. 
4.  ö,  6,  9,  11,  12,  17,  18,  19,  20,  21,  22,  28.  IV,  9,  V,  8,  8,  9. 
10, 12. 

Thekla»  see  Introd.  pp.  liii,  liz. 

Appears :  Pico,  II,  8,  III,  4.  5,  6,  7,  8,  9 ;  Tod,  III,  1, 3,  3,  4, 
12.  17,  18,  19.  20,  21.  23,  28,  IV,  9, 10.  11. 12, 13.  14.  Referred 
lo:  La^er,  58;  Picc,  82,  598,  637,  731  ff.,  1893,  1476  ff. ;  Tod, 
1316,  1500,  8784,  8820. 

Thnni»  Count  Mattbias,  a  Bobemlan  noble  and  leader  of  tbe 
Protestant  Opposition  to  Austrian  encroacbments.  See  Introd. 
pp.  z,  zxv.  After  tbe  fall  of  tbe  Bobemian  cause  be  fougbt 
nnder  Betblen  Gabor,  and  under  Qustavus  at  Ijeipzig  and 
Lützen.  In  October  1633,  after  frnitless  negotiations,  bis  forco 
was  captured  by  Wallenstein.     T.  died  soon  after. 

Ref.:  Picc,  814.  1095.  1119,  2111  ;  Tod,  50. 

Tiefeiibachy  a  Moravian  colonel  wbo  served  in  tbe  imperial 
army  as  early  as  1618.  Not  mentioned  in  connection  with 
Wallenstejn's  closing  career. 

Appears :  PUc.  II,  7,  IV,  6,  7.  Referred  to :  Pice.  17,  879, 
2047;  Tod,  964.  1268.  1577. 

Tllly»  Jobann  v.,  after  Wallenstein  tbe  most  famous  Catbolie 
general  in  tbe  Tbirty  Years'  War.  A  Walloon  by  birtb  be 
•enred  ander  many  flags,  was  made  field-marsbal  of  tbe  Catb- 

Ixxxvi  LIST  OF  PER80N8. 

olic  League,  won  the  battle  of  the  White  Moantain,  1620, 
inade  Count,  1628,  defeated  the  King  of  Denmark  in  the  battle 
of  Latter,  1626,  and  succeeded  Wallenstein  as  imperial  gene- 
ralissimo,  1680.  He  met  liis  first  great  defeat  at  tbe  bands  of 
Gastavus  Adolpbus  in  tbe  battle  of  Breitenfeld,  1681,  and  was 
mortally  woanded,  April  1682,  in  tbe  battle  on  tbe  Lecb. 

Ref.:  Lagtnr,  278,  848;  Picc.  112;  Tod,  1798. 

Toskana,  a  representative  of  tbe  decaying  liouse  of  tbe 
Dokes  of  Tascan^. 

Ref.:  Tod,  1267. 

Wallenstein  (Waldstein),  Albrecbt  Ton.    See  Introd. 

Appears :  Picc,  II,  2,  8,  4,  6,  6,  7 ;  Tod,  1, 1,  2,  8.  4,  5,  6,  7, 
II,  1,  2.  8,  III,  4.  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10,  18,  14, 15,  16,  17, 18, 19,  20, 
28,  IV,  8,  4,  6,  9,  y,  8,  4,  5.  Referred  to  (only  a  few  of  tbe 
most  important  passages  are  noted) :  Lager,  141, 801  ff.,  848  ff, 
(saperstitions  about  bim),  (bis  discipline),  447,  598,  597  ff,, 
618,682,  844ff.;  Picc.  86 ff.,  857 ff., 405 ff.,  424 ff.;  7^(2,2428 ff., 
2545  ff,  2768,  3767. 

Wallenstein,  Elizabeth  (ber  real  name  was  Isabella),  Dncb- 
ess,  daagbter  of  Coant  Harracb.     See  Introd.  pp.  xii,  1.  . 

Appears:  Picc,  II.  2,  8,  4  ;  Tod,  III,  8.  4,  5,  6, 12, 17,  18. 19, 
20,  21,  22,  28,  IV,  9,  14.  Referred  to:  Lager,  57;  Picc.  82; 
Tod,  8769,  8819. 

Werdenber^,  a  member  of  tbe  imperial  coancil,  seyeral 
tinies  emplojed  on  commissions  to  Wallenstein. 

Ref.:  Picc,  116. 

Wrang^el,  Gustav,  a  famoas  Swedisb  general  and  admiral, 
wbo  was  onlj  tbirtj-ene  jears  old  at  Wallenstein's  deatb.  Hls 
fatber,  Hermann  Wrangel,  led  tbe  Swedisb  forces  in  Poland, 
bat  was  not  at  Stralsund. 

Appears :  Tod,  I,  5.  Referred  to :  Tod,  219,  481,  648,  657, 

Ziska,  a  famoas  Hassite  general,  leader  of  tbe  extreme 
Taborite  partj.  He  lost  one  eye  in  yoatb  and  tbe  otber  in 
battle,  yet  continued  to  command. 

Ref.:  Piac  2104. 


€in  öramatifdjes  (Bebidjt 



(grfter  Ceti 


3n  b«t  3.  <5.  (£otto'fd?en  Sudjtianblung 


ins  läget 

Settt  Sager  nur  ernöret  fein  fßtxf>ttäitn. 


©at^tmcifler  )  ^.^  ^^^^^  %e^hi'\6itn  Äarabtnler»9?eglmefit 
^toxtxptttx      ) 


Sxoti  $oIfifd)e  rettenbe  Säger. 
^utt(erif(i^e  2)ragoner. 

Äüraffler  öon  einem  wattontfdften  Regiment    -^     ^^^Y""^ 

^ürafjier  Don  einem  lombarbifd^en  9{egiment 










(Sine  ^ufwärterin. 



l^or  ber  @tabt  $ilfeu  in  i93ö^men. 

®cfpro^n  bei  aßiebererftffnuno  ber  @((aubü^ne  in  aDeimar  im  Oftober  1798. 

2)cr  fd^erjcnbcn,  bcr  etnftcn  9HaS!e  ©picl, 
3)cm  tl^r  fo  oft  ein  tDtHtg  Ol^r  unb  Sluflc 
©dielen,  btc  »ct^  ©eelc  l^ingcgeben, 
SBcrcintgt  un3  aufä  neu  in  biefem  ©aal  — 
5     Unb  fiel^!  er  f)at  \\(if  neu  öerjüngt,  il^n  ^öt 
2)ie  ftunji  gum  l^eitem  Semjjel  auögefd^müeft, 
Unb  ein  l^armonifd^  l^ol^er  @eift  fpri^t  unS 
%u§  biefer  eblen  ©äulenorbnung  an, 
Unb  regt  ben  ©inn  }u  feftli^en  ®efU]^(en. 

lo        Unb  bod^  tji  bieS  ber  alte  ©d^upta^  noc^, 
5)ie  SBiege  ntan^er  Jugenbli^en  fträfte, 
2)ie  fiaufbal^n  ntan^eS  mad^fenben  Talents. 
SBir  finb  bie  3llten  nod^,  bie  \\ä)  öor  tnäf 
3Jlxi  marmem  3:rte6  unb  @ifer  auiSgebilbet. 

15    Sin  ebler  SWeifter  jianb  auf  biefem  ^la^, 
^näf  in  bie  l^eitern  ^öl^n  feiner  Äunft 
^nxä)  feinen  ©d^öpfergeniuS  entgüefenb. 
D!  ntöge  biefeS  9laume§  neue  SBürbe 
2)ie  SBürbigften  in  unfre  9Hitte  jiel^n, 

20    Unb  eine  Hoffnung,  bie  »ir  lang  gcl^egt, 
Bx^  un^  in  glänjenber  ^rfüHung  }eigen« 

4  Prolog 

gm  ito^e^  ÜMuPer  tüedt  ?Ra^iferung 
Unb  fltebt  bem  UftctI  l^ol^crc  ®ef<^e. 
©0  ftel^c  biefer  Äret§,  bte  neue  Sü^ne 

25     9llä  3^iifl^^  ^^^  öoHenbeten  SalentS. 

SBo  möc^f  e§  aud^  bte  Gräfte  Hefter  t)rüfen, 
®en  alten  Sul^m  erfrifd^en  unb  öerjüngen, 
2ll§  l^ier  bor  einem  au^rlefnen  Stxt% 
SDer,  rül^rbar  jebem  Söuberfd^Iag  ber  ftunji, 

30     2Jlit  leisbemeglic^em  ©efü^I  ben  ®etft 
3n  feiner  püd^tigften  ßrfd^inung  l^afd^t? 

2)enn  fd^neQ  unb  fpurloS  gel^t  bed  ajlimen  ftunfl, 
2)ie  ttjunberbare,  an  bem  ©inn  öorüber, 
SBenn  baiS  @ebilb  be§  SRei^tö,  ber  ©efang 

35     ®e3  2)i(^ter§  nad^  3al^rtaufenben  noc!^  leben* 
|)ier  ftirbt  ber  Sauber  mit  bem  Äünftler  ab, 
Unb  tDie  ber  ^lang  berl^aOet  in  bem  Ol^r, 
93erraufd^t  be§  ^ugenblidfd  gefd^tDinbe  ©d^öpfung, 
Unb  il^ren  Slul^m  bemal^rt  lein  baurenb  SBerf, 

40     ©d^mer  ift  bie  ftunft,  bergönglidd  ift  i^r  $reiS; 
S)em  3Rimen  flicht  bie  ^atiftodi  leine  Äränje: 
®rum  mu^  er  geigen  mit  ber  ©egenmart, 
®en  3lugehblidf,  ber  fein  ift,  ganj  erfüDen, 
SKufe  feiner  SWitmelt  möd^tig  fid^  berfid^rn, 

45     Unb  im  ©efü^t  ber  SBürbigften  unb  Seflen 

6in  lebenb  35enfmal  fid^  erbaun  —  ©0  nimmt  er 
©idd  feines  3lamen§  ßmigleit  oorauS, 
5)enn  toer  ben  Seften  feiner  Qtit  genug 
©etl^an,  ber  l^at  gelebt  für  aDe  Seiten. 

50        5)ie  neue  2lera/bie  ber  ftunji  Spaltend 
9(uf  biefer  SSü^tte  ^eüt  beginnt,  mad^t  aud^ 

Prolog  5 

%txi  ^i^ter  fül^n,  bie  alte  5ßal)n  Dcrlüffcnb, 
6i((^  Qu5  be§  33*urgerleben§  ciftgem  Äreiä 
3luf  einen  l^öl^ern  ©cä^aupla^  gu  öerfe^en, 

55     ?Rid^t  unmert  beS  erl^abcnen  SWomentS 

S^er  3^it  in  ^^"^  ^^i^  ftrebenb  unS  beweflen. 
®enn  nur  ber  gro^e  (Segenftanb  öermag 
®en  tiefen  ©runb  ber  9Renf(i^löeit  aufjuregen, 
3m  engen  ftreiö  verengert  fic^  ber  ©inn, 

6o     6§  toä^ft  ber  SKenfd^  mit  feinen  großem  S^^^tfen. 

Unb  je^t,  an  bc§  ^al^rl^unbertä  ernftem  6nbe, 
SBo  felbft  bie  SBirflid^feit  gur  ®i(^tung  toirb, 
SBo  toir  ben  Äampf  gemaltiger  Staturen 
Um  ein  bebeutenb  ^\t\  öor  Slugen  fel^n, 
65     Unb  um  ber  SWenf^l^eit  grofee  ©egenftänbe, 
Um  |)errfd^aft  unb  um  ^freil^eit,  tpirb  gerungen, 
3ejt  barf  bie  Äunft  auf  i^rer  ©d^attenbül^ne 
^Sudd  l^ö^ern  §flug  öerfud^en,  ja  fie  mufe, 
©oD  ni(i^t  be§  SebenS  Sül^ne  fie  bef(j^ämen, 

70        3^^föHen  feigen  tt)ir  in  biefen  Stagen 
3)ic  alte  feftc  Qform,  bie  einft  bor  l^unbert 
Unb  fünfgig  ^al^ren  ein  »illfommner  griebe 
ßuro^nS  Steid^en  gab,  bie  teure  f^^rud^t 
33 on  bxeifeig  jammeröoüen  ftriegeSjal^ren. 

75    9iod^  einmal  lafet  beS  ®id^ter§  ^l^antafie 
3)ic  büftre  3^it  an  eud^  öorüberfül^ren, 
Unb  bildet  frol^er  in  bie  ©egenmart 
Unb  in  ber  3u!unft  l^offnungSreid^e  S^tne. 

3n  iencö  Krieges  ajlitte  ftellt  eud(|  iefet 
«o    %tt  ®i(ä^ter.    ©ed^jel^n  3al^re  ber  SSermüftung^ 

6  Prolog 

S)e§  3lau63,  be§  6Icnb§  finb  baljin  fleflol^cn, 
Sit  trüben  aWaffcn  gäl^ret  nod^  bie  aScIt, 
Unb  feine  ^friebenSl^offnung  ftral^It  bon  fern. 
6in  Summelpla^  Don  SBaffen  ift  baö  SReid^, 

85     SBeröbet  finb  bie  ©tobte,  SRagbebnrg 

3n  ©(J^utt,  (Semerb  unb  ßunftfleip  liegen  nieber, 
S)er  Sürger  gilt  nid^tS  mel&r,  ber  Krieger  aüt^, 
©traflofe  Sre(j^]^eit  fprid^t  ben  ©itten  |)D^n, 
Unb  rol^e  |)orben  lagern  fid^,  bermilbert 

90     3m  langen  Ärieg,  auf  bem  öerl^eerten  ©oben* 

9luf  biefem  finftern  3^itgrunb  malet  fid^ 
6in  Unternel^men  f Alanen  Übermuts 
Unb  ein  bermegener  ßl^arafter  ab. 
^^x  fennet  il^n  —  ben  ©d^öpfer  fül^ner  C^eere, 
95     S)e§  Sager§  9lbgott  unb  ber  Sänber  (Seidel, 
S)ie  ©tü^e  unb  ben  ©d^redten  feinet  ßaifcrS^ 
)e§  ®Iüdte§  abenteuerlid^en  ©ol^n, 
)er,  Don  ber  Seiten  @unft  emporgetragen, 
S)er  6^re  l^öd^fte  ©taffein  rafd^  erftieg 
100   Unb,  ungefättigt  immer  weiter  ftrebenb, 
j  S)er  unbegäl^mten  ßl^rfud^t  Opfer  fiel. 
I  aSon  ber  Parteien  ©unft  unb  ^a$  bertoirrt, 
I  ©d^wanlt  fein  Gl^arafterbilb  in  ber  ©efd^id^te, 
S)od^  euren  9lugen  foü  il^n  je^t  bie  ftunft, 
105   9lud^  eurem  C^^rjen  menfd^Iid^  näl^er  bringen. 
5)enn  jebeä  ^iu^erfte  fül^rt  fic,  bie  aUeS 
Segränjt  unb  binbet,  jur  3latur  jurüdt; 
©ie  fielet  ben  aWenfd^en  in  be§  SebenS  5)rang 
Unb  wäljt  bie  gröfere  C>älfte  feiner  ©d^ulb 
HO   2)en  unglildfeligen  ©eftirnen  ju. 



3txä)t  er  x\t%  ber  ouf  biefcr  Sül^nc  l^eut 
gtfd^eincn  toirb.    ®o(^  in  bcn  fül^nen  ©d^aren, 
S)te  fein  Sefel^l  gemaltig  lenft,  fein  (Seift 
Sefeelt,  toirb  euc^  fein  ©d^attenbilb  begeflnen, 
115   35iö  il^n  bie  fd^eue  SWufe  felbft  t)or  eud^ 
3u  flellen  »agt  in  lebenber  (Seftalt, 
35enn  feine  SJlad^t  x\t%  bie  fein  ^erj  öerfül^rt: 
©ein  Säger  nur  erfläret  fein  SBerbred^en. 

3>orum  öergeil^t  bem  Siebter,  »enn  er  eud^ 
120  9lid^t  rafd^n  ©d^rittö  mit  einem  mal  an§  3W 

S)er  ^anblung  rei^t,  ben  großen  ©egenftanb 

3n  einer  SReil^e  öon  (Semälben  nur 

SBor  euren  3lugen  abjuroHen  magt. 

5)a§  l^eufge  ©piel  geminne  euer  €)f)x 
125   Unb  euer  |)erg  ben  ungemöl^nten  3:önen; 

3n  jenen  3^ittaum  fül^r'  eS  eud^  jurütf, 

Sluf  jene  frembe  friegerifdde  Sül^ne, 

S)ie  unfer  ^üh  mit  feinen  Stl^aten  balb 

Erfüllen  toirb. 

Unb  toenn  bie  5Kufe  l^eut, 
130  2)e§  JangeS  freie  ©öttin  unb  (Sefangg, 
^ffx  altes  beutf(]^eg  Siedet,  be§  SieimeS  ©piel, 
Sef (Reiben  toieber  f obert  —  tabelt'ö  nid^tl 
3a,  banlet  i^r*§,  ba^  fie  ba§  büftre  Silb 
®er  SBal^rl^eit  in  ba§  l^eitre  JReid^  ber  Äunft 
135   C^ittübeüfpielt,  bie  SEäuf^ung,  bie  fie  f^afft, 
äufrid^tig  felbft  gerftört  unb  il^ren  ©d^ein 
Der  SBal^r^eit  nic^t  betrüglid^  unterfc^iebt : 
grnfi  ifi  baS  Seben,  l^eiter  ift  bie  ftunft. 

€rfter  Jtuftritt 

Si^arfftenbergelte,  baüor  eine  ^ram^  unb  Xrobetbube.  ^olbaten  bon 
atten  garben  unb  geibietc^en  brängen  ft(^  burd^einanber,  ade  Stfc^e 
ftnb  befefet  booten  unb  U(anen  an  einem  ^o^(feuer  to^en.  3)lar« 
f etenberin  f (^en!t  ^ein,  ^olbatenjungen  n^ürfeln  auf  einer  Trommel, 
im  ^t\\  n^irb  gelungen. 

Sin  9atter  unb  fein  ®olrn* 


SSatcr,  cS  tt)ttb  ni(]^t  gut  ablaufen, 
SIcibcn  iDtr  Don  bcm  ©olbatcnl^aufcn. 
©inb  cu($  gar  trojigc  ftamcrabcn ; 
SBcnn  fic  uns  nur  ni(]^t§  am  Scibc  fci^abcn. 


S     6i  toa§ !    ©ic  tt)crbcn  un§  ja  nici^t  frcffcn, 

treiben  fic'S  au(i()  ein  tt)cnig  Dcrnicffen. 

©ic^P  bu?  finb  neue  Sßölfer  l^erein, 

kommen  \x\\i)  Don  ber  ©aal'  unb  bem  SWain, 

SJringen  SSeut^  mit,  bie  rarften  ©a(f)en ! 
10     Unfer  ift'§,  wenn  tt)ir'§  nur  liftig  maci^en. 

6in  ^aut)tmann,  ben  ein  anbter  erftaii^, 

Siefe  mir  ein  ,^aar  glüdlici^e  SBürfel  nad^. 

S)ie  tüiD  id^  l^eut'  einmal  probieren. 

Ob  fic  bie  alte  ßraft  nod^  fül^ren. 

15     SKufet  bid^  nur  red^t  erbftrmlid^  fteflen, 

*        ©inb  bir  gar  lodere,  leichte  ©efeHen» 


10  VOaUmftems  Cager 

Soffen  pd^  gerne  jqon  t$uÄ  unb  loben, 
©0  tüte  gemonnen,  fo  i[f  S  gerftoben. 
9le^men  fie  un§  ba§  Unfre  in  ®ä^\\tln, 
20    9Küf|en  tt)ir'§  lieber  betont  men  in  Soff  ein ; 
©(i^Iogen  fie  grob  mit  bent  ©d^werte  brein^ 
©0  finb  toir  })fif fig  unb  treiben'^  fein. 

3nt  3clt  iDiib  gefungen  unb  geiube(t 

SBie  fie  iud^j^n  —  bo|  @otf  erbarm' I 
Slfle§  baS  gel^t  öon  beS  Souern  gelle. 

25     ©d^on  aä)t  SBonate  legt  fid^  ber  ©d^toarm 
Unö  in  bie  Seiten  unb  in  bie  ©täße ; 
SBeit  l^erum  ift  in  ber  ganjen  2lue 
fleine  geber  me^r,  feine  Älaue, 
S)a$  wir  für  junger  unb  ßlenb  fd^ier 

30    9?agen  muffen  bie  eigenen  Änod^en. 
2Bar'§  bod^  nid^t  ärger  unb  fraufer  l^ier, 
?ll§  ber  ©ad^ö  nod^  im  Sanbe  t^ät  pod^en. 
Unb  bie  nennen  [xä)  ftaiferlid^e ! 

SSater,  ba  fommen  ein  paar  auS  ber  Siüä^, 
35     ©el^en  nic^t  au§,  al§  toäx'  Diel  gu  nehmen. 

©inb  ein^eimifd^e,  geborne  Sö^men 
Sßon  be3  SEerfd^fa*§  ftarabinieren, 
Siegen  fd^on  lang'  in  biefen  Quartieren. 
Unter  allen  bie  fd^Iimmften  juft, 
40    ©preigen  fid^,  werfen  \\ä)  in  bie  Sruft, 
3:l^un,  al§  wenn  fie  gu  fürnel^m  ttniren, 
9Jlit  bem  Sauer  ein  ®Ia§  gu  leeren. 
9lber  bort  fe^'  id^  bie  brei  fd^arfe  ©d^ü^en 
Sinter  ^anb  um  ein  geu^r  fi^en, 

giDetter  auftritt  11 

45     Selben  mir  ou§  mic  St^rolcr  fd^icr. 
6mmcrid^  fomm'!  on  bie  tüoKen  ton, 
Sujiigc  SSöflcI,  bic  gerne  fc^majen,  ^    - 
Sragen  \\ä)  fauber  unb  führen  Sajen. 

®e^en  na(!^  bett  Balten.. 

^toetter  2tuftritt. 

Borigf«   SSaditmeifter.   %tomptttv.   tttott. 


aOBaö  »ia  ber  Sauer  ba  ?    gort,  ^alunF ! 

50     (Snöbige  Ferren,  einen  Siffen  unb  Strunf ! 
^abcn  l^eut  noä)  meiste  SBarmeö  flegeffen. 


61,  baS  mu^  immer  faufen  unb  freffen. 

ttlatl  mit  einem  (Sllafe. 

9H(^t§  flefrü^ftiidt?    S)a  trinF,  bu  C^unb ! 

S^U^rt  ben  Sauer  na($  bem  3eUe ;  iene  lommen  bomärts. 
fBail^tmeifteT  $um  Siom^eter. 

SReinft  bu,  man  l^ab'  un§  ol^ne  ®runb 
55     C>eute  bie  boppelte  Söl^nung  gegeben^ 
9lur  bafe  tt)tr  flott  unb  luftig  leben? 

I)ic  C>erjogin  lommt  \a  l^eute  l^erein 
?IRit  bem  fürftlid^en  gräulein  — 


S)a§  ift  nur  ber  ®ä)t\n. 
5Eie  Gruppen,  bie  au§  fremben  Sanben 
60    ©i(j^  ^ier  bor  ^ilfen,  jufammen  f anben; 

12  WaUen^ins  taqet 

$)ic  foßcn  lüir  flleid^  an  uns  lodtcn 
5Kit  flutcm  Bä)hid  unb  guten  Srocfcn, 
,   S)amit  fic  fxä)  gleid^  jufticben  finben 
Unb  fefter  \xi)  mit  un§  dcrbtnbcn. 

65    3o,  c3  tft  toicbcr  toaS  im  SBcttc. 

5)ic  ^xn  ©cncrälc  unb  ßommcnbantcn  — 

6§  iji  gar  nid^t  gcl^cucr,  mic  ii)  mcrfe. 

S)ic  fid^  f 0  bidt  l^ict  jufammcn  f anbcn  — 

©inb  nid^t  für  bic  Sangweil  l^crbemül^t* 

70    Unb  baS  ©emunfcl  unb  ba§  ©cfd^idfe  — 


3a,  ia ! 


Unb  Don  SBicn  bie  alte  ^errüdc, 
®ie  man  feit  gejlem  l^erumge^n  fielet,    ,  >^^^«^'' 
5Kit  ber  gulbenen  ® nabentette,  -  V^X\ 
^ad  l^at  toa^  ju  bebeuten,  id^  mette. 


7S     SBieber  fo  ein  ©pürl^unb,  gebt  nur  3ld^t, 
5)er  bie  3agb  auf  ben  ^ergog  mad^t. 


SJlerfft  bu  tool^I?    ©ie  trauen  un§  nid^t, 
gfürd^ten  beS  grieblänberS  l^eimlid^  ©efid^t. 
@r  tft  il^nen  }u  l^od^  geftiegen, 
80    ^öd^ten  il^n  gern  l^eruuterlriegen. 


Dritter  ^luftrttt  13 

Slbcr  toir  l^alten  t^n  aufredet,  lütt, 
^(^ten  boäf  aüt,  tDte  \i)  unb  i^r ! 

Unfct  3lcflimcnt  unb  bic  anbcrn  Dicr, 
Sic  bct  %n^ä)la  onfül^rt,  bc§  ^crjogö  ©d^magcr, 
85     2)aÖ  rcfolutcftc  ßorpö  im  Säger, 
©inb  i^m  ergeben  unb  geroogen, 
^at  er  und  felbft  bod^  J^erangegogen. 
Stfle  fmuptleute  fejf  er  ein, 
©inb  aDc  mit  Seib  unb  Seben  fein* 

Dritter  Jtuftritt. 

JhfMt  tttU  ehtem  ^aldfc^tnitct.    ediarffifitttte  folgt.   Sorifle. 

90     ftroQt,  mo  l^aft  bu  bod  ^alsbanb  gefto^Ien? 
C>anble  bir'ö  ab !  bir  ip  boc^  nichts  nü^. 
@eb'  bir  bafür  baS  ^aax  SEerjeroIen. 

!Ri|,  nij !    S5u  toißft  m\^  betrügen,  ©(ä^ü^. 

5lun  I  geb'  bir  anä)  n^  bie  blaue  3JHift',    1 
95     €>o6'  P^  f 0  eben  im  ®Iü(fSrab"geSonnen.    ' 
©icl^ji  bu?    @te  i[t  gum  ^iW^ften  ©taat. 

IfiBt  hai  ^atdbanb  in  ber  ©onne  f^ie(en. 

'S  iji  aber  bon  perlen  unb  eblem  ©ranat. 
©4kiu,  toie  ba§  flinlert  in  ber  ©onnenl 


14  TOaUtnftexns  Ca^er 

Sll^arffll^ft^  nimmt  bas  ^aUbanb. 

Befielt  ed. 

100   6§  ift  mir  nur  um  ben  fc^öncn  ©c^cin. 


©cl^t  nur,  tt)ic  ber  bcn  ßroatcn  prellt ! 
^albpaxt,  @(!^ü$e,  fo  xoxSi  xä)  fc^n)eigen. 

^üüt  l^at  Me  SRttt^e  aufgefet^ 

S)cinc  3Jlü^e  mir  wol^IgeföDt. 

^ll^arffli^fl^  tointt  bem  Stom^eter. 

SOBtr  taufd^cn  l^icr !    S)ic  C)errn  ftnb  S^W^  I 

liierter  2tuftrttt, 

Vorige«   StonfkahUv, 
Stonftahltt  tritt  «um  SBoc^tmeifter. 

105   2Bie  tft%  »ruber  ftarabinier? 

SBerben  wir  un§  lang  noä)  bie  $änbe  ttxirmen, 

S)a  bie  geinbe  f d^on  f rifd^  im  gelb  l^erum  fci^toärmen  ? 


%l)\xt'^  S^m  fo  eilig,  ^err  ßonftabel? 
S)ie  SBege  finb  no(ä^  ni^t  praftifabel. 


HO  SRirnid^t.,    3<^  fi Je  gemäiä^Iid^  l^ier ; 
Slber  ein  ßilbof  iji  ongelommen, 
5KeIbet,  SRegenSpurg  fei  genommen* 

(&x,  ha  toerben  mit  bolb  ouffijen. 

;Jünfter  Tlnfittit  i  15; 

fEiof)l  qax,  um  bem  Soicr  fem  Sanb  gu  fd^ü^en, 
"5   3)cr  bcm  dürften  fo  unfrcunb  ift? 
SHJerben  utiS  eben  tiid^t  fc^r  crl^ijen. 

TOrint  tl^t?  —  SBaö  i^r  nid^t  aDcS  mifet ! 

fünfter  TXnftvxtt 

SiliiIiiieHler*   HitftDärtrriii. 

©icl^,  ftcl^ ! 
3)a  treffen  totr  luftige  jlompagnie. 

^    ^       /  SrumfieteT* 

SQßaS  für  ©rünrfö'  ntögen  ba§  fein? 
120   2:reten  gang  fd^muct  unb  fiaitlid^  ein. 

,  .  .     /  »aditmetflen^     .,        , 

©tnb  ^oltifd^e  3ö8et;  bte  filbernen  Streffen 
polten  fie  \xi)  n\ä)t  auf  ber  Seipgiger  SBeffen^ 

SRarfeteitbeHtl  tommt  unb  bringt  ta^ettu 

@Iü(f  gur  Slnfunft,  i^r  ^errn ! 

(Stfter  Säger. 

SBaö?    S)er»Ii^l 
£ad  t{l  ia  bte  @uftel  au§  »lafemi^. 

125  3  freilid^ !    Unb  6r  ift  mf)l  gar,  9KuSiö, 
S)er  lange  ^eter  aus  SJel^ö? 
^r  feines  SßaterS  golbene  gfüc^fe 

16  IDaÜenfletns  ia^et 

Wxi  unferm  SRegiment  l^at  burd^gebrad^t 
.  3u  ©lücfftabt,  in  einer  luftigen  3la6)t.  — 

dhrfter  QfSger. 

130   Unb  bie  gfeber  bcttaufc^t  mit  ber  Äugelbilci^fc^ 


@i,  ba  finb  toir  alte  Sefannte ! 

iStfter  3äger. 
Unb  treffen  unö  l^ier  im  böl^mifd^n  Sanbe. 


C>eute  ba,  ^err  Sßettcr,  unb  morgen  bort  — 
2Bie  einen  ber  raul^e  ff riegeSbefen 
13s   tSfegt  unb  fd^üttelt  Don  Ort  ju  Ort ; 
95in  inbeffen  meit  l^erum  gemefen* 

dhrfter  3Sger. 

SBiffö  3^r  glauben !    S)aS  ftettt  fic^  bar. 


Sin  l^inauf  biö  nad^  SEemeämar 
©efommen  mit  ben  Sagageioagen, 

140  31I§  tt)ir  ben  9Kan§f eiber  träten  Jagen. 
Sag  mit  bem  grieblänber  Dor  ©tralfunb, 
@ing  mir  borten  bie  SBirtfc^af t  gu  ©runb. 
3og  mit  bem  '©uffurS  Dor  3)tantua, 
ftam  mieber  l^erauS  mit  bem  geria, 

145   Unb  mit  einem  fpanif(i()en  SRegiment 

^aV  \ä)  einen  ^jlbfted^er  gemad^t  nad^  @ent. 
3e^t  mifl  id^'S  im  böl^mifd^en  fianb  probieren, 
Sllte  ©d^ulben  einfaf fteren  — 
Ob  mir  ber  Surft  l&ilft  gu  meinem  ®elb. 

150  Unb  baä  bort  ift  mein  SWarfetenberjelt. 

(Srfter  3agei. 

3l\xn,  ba  trifft  ©ie  aOeS  beifammen  an< 

.  fünfter  2Ittftritt  17 

S)od^  tüo  l^ot  ©ic  bcn  ©c^ottlänbcr  J^ingctl^an, 
3Ätt  bcm  ©ie  bamals  l^crumgcgogcn? 


2)er  ©pipub !   S)cr  f^at  mxä)  fd^ön  betrogen. 
'55    ffort  ift  er  I   5Kit  aßem  baDongefal^ren, 
S9Ba5  id^  mir  tffät  am  Seibe  erfparen. 
Stefe  mir  nid^t§,  ate  ben  ©c^lingel  ba ! 

@o(batettj|ttttge  fommt  gef^rungen. 

OTutter  I  fprid^ft  bu  Don  meinem  ^ßopa? 

(Srfter  ^ager« 
9lun,  nun,  ba§  mufe  ber  Äaifcr  ernähren. 
i6o    3)ie  Strmee  [id^  immer  mufe  neu  gebären. 

®0lbatettf  li^ttlmeifter  eommt. 
gfort  In  bie  ^elbfd^ule !   max^ä^,  xf)x  »üben !    . 

<S?fter  3Sger. 
2)oS  fürd^t  jt(ä^  aud^  Dor  ber  engen  ©tuben  I 

SttfitiSrtenit  tommt. 
Safe,  jic  toollen  fort. 


©leic^,  gleid^ ! 

dxiittt  ^Sger. 
(Sx,  mx  ifi  benn  ba§  fleine  ©c^elmengefid^te? 


165    '§  ift  meiner  ©d^wejter  .ftinb  —  au§  bem  Sieid^. 

<Srfter  Säger, 
gl,  alfo  eine  liebe  5iid^te? 

anarletenberin  gel^t. 
Sf»t\itr  3&ger  bag  aRöbt^en  ^altettb. 

SIettf  ©le  bei  un§  bod^,  artigeö  Hinb. 


®ä{ie  bort  3U  bebienen  finb.  -  swat^t  m  i»»  unb  ge^t 

18  IDattenfletns  Cager 

S)a§  WäWn  tft  fein  übler  Sifjen !  — 
170   Unb  bie  SWul^me  —  beim  ßlement ! 
S5Ja§  l^aben  bie  C)^trn  Dom  9iec|iment 
®xä)  um  ba§  nieblid^e  Sürüd^en  geriffen ! 
2BaS  man  ni(3^t  atteä  für  Seute  fennt, 
ttnb  tüie  bie  3^it  Don  bannen  rennt !  — 
f  75    SBa§  »erb*  ic^  nod^  aße§  erleben  muffen  I 

3um  SBa(j|tmclfter  unb  Trompeter 

(&\xä)  giir  ®ef unb^eit,  meine  ^xtn !  — 
Safet  uns  l&ier  aud^  ein  ^lä^c^en  nehmen* 

5cd?fter  Jtufttitt. 

SBir  bauten  fc^ön.    9Son  C^^tjen  gern. 
SBir  rüdEen  gu.    SBillfommen  in  3Jö^men  I 

(Irfte?  iSäger* 
180   3^r  fi^t  l^ier  tbarm.    SBir;  in  S^einbeö  Sanb, 
SWufeten  bermeil  unö  f(3^Ied^t  bequemen. 

aJian  follf S  eud^  ni(^t  unfein,  il^r  feib  (jalanl. 


3[a,  ja,  im  ©aalfreiö  unb  anä)  in  SKeipen 
C)ört  man  eud^  ^errn  ni(f)t  befonberS  preifen* 

3tt»eiter  ^Sfitr* 

185   ©eib  mir  bod^  ftitt !    SBaS  mifl  boS  ^ei|cn? 
®er  Slroat  e§  gang  anberS  trieb ; 
. :  ;  Uns  nur  bie  Siac^Ief  übrig  blieb. 


Sc4?fler  2tuftrttt  19 

3]^t  l^abt  ha  einen  faubern  ©pi^en 
9lm  ftraflen,  unb  mie  euci^  bte  C)ofen  fijen ! 
190   ®ie  feine  S5Jäf(|e,  ber  Q^eberl^ut ! 
m^  baS,aaeö  für  SQBitfung  tl^ut ! 
®afe  bod^  ben  Surfd^en  baö  ©lücf  foß  f(|einen, 
Unb  f 0  tt)aö  lommt  nie  an  unfer  ßinen ! 


®afür  ftnb  mit  beS  grieblänberö  Siegiment ; 
195   9Kan  mu^  unö  elften  unb  reftjeftieten. 

@iiter  3SgeT. 

S)a§  ift  für  un§  Slnbre  fein  ftompliment, 
SBir  tUn  fo  gut  feinen  5iamen  führen. 


3ö/  i^t  gel^ört  aud^  f 0  gur  gangen  9Kaffe. 

3]^r  fetb  tt)ol^I  Don  einer  befonbern  Sftaffe? 
200  ®er  gange  Unterfd^ieb  ift  in  ben  Sftödfen, 
Unb  id^  gang  gern  mag  in  meinem  ftedfen. 

C)err  3äger,  id^  mu^  euc^  nur  bebauern, 
3Ör  Jebtjo  brausen  bei  ben  Säuern; 
S)er  feitie  @riff  unb  ber  redete  2:on, 
205   2)aö  lernt  fid^  nur  um  beö  gelb^errn  ^ßcrfon» 

@rfter  3äger. 

©ie  bef am  eud^  übel,  bie  Sf  (tion. 
SEBie  er  räuspert,  unb  tüie  er  fpucft, 
S)a§  l^abt  i^r  i^m  glüdflid^  abgegudt. 
Aber  fein  ©df)enie,  id^  meine  fein  (55dft. 
210  gid^  nic^t  auf  ber  SBad^parabe  tü^\)\ 

20  IDaüenfieins  £ager 

St^tiitx  3ager» 

SBetter  au(| !  mo  i^r  nad^  uns  fragt, 

SBir  l^ei^cu  beS  grieblänberS  tt)ilbc  ^agb, 

Unb  maif^n  bcm  5Ramcn  feine  ©(i^anbe  — 

3iel^en  fre(ä^  burd^  geinbeS  unb  greunbeS  ßdnbe, 
215   Querfeibein  burd^  bie  ©aat,  burd^  baS  gelbe  Äorn !  — 

©ie  fennen  ba§  C>ollif^^  ^äger^orn !  — 

3n  einem  Slugenblidf  fej:n  unb  na^ ! 

©d^nell  mie  bie  ©ünbflut,  f 0  finb  tt)ir  ba  — 

SEBie  bie  geuerflamme  bei  bunfler  5iad^t 
220   3[n  bie  ^Qufer  fäl^ret,  menn  niemanb  toad^t  — 

®a  l^ilft  leine  ©egenmel^r,  feine  glud^t, 

fteine  Drlönung  gilt  mel^r  unb  feine  3ud^t*  — 

6§  fträubt  fid^  —  ber  ftrieg  f)at  fein  ßrbarmen  — 
.    S)o§  SWägblein  in  unfern  fennigten  Slrmen.  — 
225   SÄfgfn^,  id^  fag'§  nid^t,  um  gu  prallen :  . 

3n  aSaireutl^,  im  Sßoigtlanb,  in  SBeftpl^alen, 

SBo  mir  nur  burd^gefommen  finb  — 

grgöölen  Hinber  unb  ftinbeSfinb 

yiaä)  l^unbert  unb  aber  l^unbert  ^al^ren 
230   aSon  bem  C)olt  tiod^  unb  feinen  ©d^aren. 


yinn,  ba  fielet  man'§ !    2)er  ©aus  unb  SrauS, 

TOad^t  benn  ber  ben  ©olbaten  aus? 

S)aS  3:empo  mac^t  il^n,  ber  ©inn  unb  ©(^idt, 

S)er  aSegriff,  bie  SSebeutung,  ber  feine  Sälidt. 

durftet  iSager. 

235   3)ie  Srei^eit  mad^t  i^n.    3Kit  euren  fjra^en ! 
5)a|  id^  mit  eud^  f oU  barüber  fd^ma^en !  — 
Sief  id^  barum  aus  ber  Bä)\xV  unb  ber  Ce^re, 
3>a$  id^  bie  iSxoxi'  unb  bie  ©aleere, 
®ie  ©d^ireibftub'  unb  i^re  engen  SBänbe 

Sec^fier  2Iuftrttt  2l 

240    3n  bem  fjclblaöer  lüiebcrfänbe?  — 

Slo^f  tütll  iä)  leben  unb  müfeig  ge^n, 

Me  3:agc  xoa^  5ReueS  fe^n, 

3R\ä)  bem  Slugenblicf  f rif^  Dertrauen, 

3l\ä)t  gurücf,  anä)  ntci^t  dormärts  fd^auen  — 
245    S)rum  i^ab'  id^  meine  |)aut  bem  ^oifer  ber^anbelt, 

S)o$  feine  ©org'  mi^  me^r  onmanbelt. 

Sü^rt  mid^  in§  geuer  f rif^  hinein. 

Über  ben  tctBenben,  tiefen  SR^ein  — 

3)et  btitte  9Jlann  fott  verloren  fein  — 
250   SBerbe  mi(i()  ni(|t  lang  fperren  unb  gieren.  — 

©onft  mufe  man  mvä)  aber,  \6)  bitte  fel^r, 

5Kit  nid^tö  weitet  infommobieren. 

3lvi,  m,  verlangt  il^r  fonft  nid^t3  mel^r? 
®a§  Ixt^yxä)  unter  bem  SBammS  ba  finben^ 

@rfteir  ^'d^tt. 
255    SBaS  tt)at  bas'nid^t  für  ein  ^{drfen  unb  ©(f)inben    ' 

Sei  ®u|iab,  bem  ©(^meben,  bem  8eute|)tager  ! 

3)er  mad^te  eine  ^xxäf  auö  feinem  Sager, 

Siefe  Setftunbe  l^alten,  be§  9Korgen§,  gleid^ 

39et  bcr  SleDeittc  unb  beim  3«Pf^nftreii^. 
260   Unb  ttjurben  mir  manci^mal  ein  menig  miiriter, 

6r  fanjetf  unö  felbft  tool^l  bom  @aul  l^erunter. 

3a,  c8  ttwr  ein  gotte§für(|tiger  ^err. 

^tfter  3ageir« 
©irnen,  bie  liefe  er  gar  nid^t  paffieren, 
SJlufeten  fic  iU\ä)  gur  Äird^e  filieren. 
265  5)a  lief  id^,  lonnt'^  nid^t  ertragen  me^r.. 

22  VOaüen^eins  Cager 

3c^t  flcl^f §  bort  anä)  mol^l  anbct§  fftx. 

©0  ritt  id^  l^inüber  ju  bcn  Siflutften, 

©ie  träten  fi(i()  juft  gegen  9Kagbe6urg  ruften. 

3a,  ba§  mar  f^on  ein  anbcr  5)ing ! 

270  Stüeä  ba  luftiger,  lofer  ging, 

©off  unb  ©piel  unb  SBäbete  bte  'anenge ! 
Sffla^rl^aftig,  ber  ©pafe  mar  ni^t  gering, 
S)enn  ber  SEill^  öerftanb  fi(ä^  aufS  ftommonbleren^ 
®em  eigenen  ßörper  mar  er  ftrenge, 

275   ®em  ©olbaten  lie^  er  DieleS  paffieren, 
Unb  ging'S  nur  nid^t  auö  feiner  flaffen,  ':^ ' 
©ein  ©pru(ä^  mar :  leben  unb  leben  laffen* 
«ber  baS  ©lud  blieb  i^m  nid^t  ftät  — 
©eit  ber  Seipjiger  Q^atalität 

280   SBoIIf  eS  eben  nirgenbö  ntel^r  fledfen, 
9llle§  bei  unS  geriet  ins  ©tedEen ; 
SBo  mir  erfd^ienen  unb  pod^ten  an, 
SQBarb  nid^t  gegrüßt  nod^  aufget^an. 
SBir  mußten  unS  brüdfen  t)on  Ort  gu  Ort, 

285   S)er  alte  Sftefpeft  mar  eben  fort. 

S)a  nal^m  id^  C>önbgelb  Don  ben  ©ad^fen, 
9Keinte,  ba  müfete  mein  ®lüdE  re^t  mad^ifen. 

9?un,  ba  famt  il^r  ja  eben  red^t 
3ur  bö^mifd^en  SSeute. 

<StfteT  3ager. 

6S  ging  mir  fd^Ied^t. 
290   ©oflten  ba  ftrenge  9Kann§ju^t  l^alten, 
2:urften  nici^t  rcd()t  aU  geinbe  malten. 

Se^er  ^luftrttt  23 

9Jiufetcn  be§  ftaifetS  ©(ä^Iöjfet  betoad^n, 

SSiel  Umpänb'  unb  JlompUmentc  maci^ctt, 

öfü^rten  ben  SixkQ,  alö  tüär'ö  nur  ©d^erj, 
295    Ratten  für  bic  ©ad^'  nur  ein  l^albcS^^crj, 

SBoUtcn'S  mit  nicmanb  ganj  öerberScn, 

.durj,  ba  toax  »enig  ßl^r'  ju  ermcrlbcn, 

Unb  xäf  mär'  balb  für  Ungebulb 

SBicbcr  j^cimgelaufcn  jum  ©d^reibepult, 
300   SBenn  ni(3^t  eben  auf  aüen  ©trafen 

®er  grieblänber  l^atte  merben  laffen. 

Unb  tt)ie  lang  benft  il^r'ö  l^ter  auSgul^dlten? 

(Stfttt  ^^tt. 

©pafet  nur !  ©0  lange  ber  tl^ut  malten, 

S)enP  ic!^  tnä),  mein'  ©eel'  I  an  fein  Entlaufen. 
305   Rann'S  ber  ©olbat  mo  beffer  faufen? 

2)a  gel^t  aUeS  mä)  ftriegeöfitf, 

^at  alles  'nen  großen  ©(ä^nitt, 

Unb,  ber  @eijt,  ber  im  gangen  ßorps  t^ut  feben, 

gleitet  gemaltig,  mie  SBinbeSmeben, 
310   ?lud[i  ben  unter ften  üteiter  mit. 

®a  tref  \ä)  auf  mit  bel^erjtem  ©ci^ritt, 

®arf  über  ben  Sürger  lül^n  megfiä^reiten, 

JEßie  ber  Qfelbl^err  über  ber  fjürften  ^aupt. 

@§  ift  l^ier  mie  in  ben  alten  Seiten, 
315    SBJo  bie  ßiinge  no(3^  qfleS  tl^ät  bebeuten ; 

2)a  giebf §  nur  ein  Sergel^n  unb  SSerbreci^n : 

®er1Drbre  fürmi^ig  miberfpreiä^en. 

SBaä  ni(i^t  »erboten  ift,  ift  erlaubt ; 

2)a  fragt  niemanb,  ma§  einer  glaubt. 
320  JS^  giebt  nur  gmei  S)ing'  überhaupt : 

'24  WaUen^ems'  £ager 

SQBaS  jur  ?Srmee  geptt  unb  nii^^t ; 
Unb  nur  bcr  fjal^ne  bin  id)  üerpfliti^t. 

3c^t  gefaHt  i^r  mir,  Säger !  3^r  fprc(3^t 
•  SBic  ein  gricblönbifd^er  9teiter§fne(^t. 

@rpcr  Säger* 

325   ®er  fü^rf §  .<lommanbo  nid^t  tt)ie  ein  9lmt, 
2Bie  eine  @malt,  bie  bom  Äaifer  ftammt ! 
gö  ift  i^m  nid^t  um  be§  Äaiferö  ®ienft, 
SBaö  brad^f  er  bem  Äaifer  für  @ett)inn[t? 
2Baö  l^at  er  mit  feiner  großen  Tla6)t 

330   3u  l>^^  SanbeS  ©vi^irm  unb  ©d^u&  üoßbraci^t? 
@in  ^txä)  Don  ©olbaten  tpoßt'  er  grünben, 
®ie  SBelt  anfteden  unb  entjünben, 
<B\ä)  iiüeö  öermeffen  unb  unterttjinben  — 

©tili,  mx  lüirb  f olti^e  SBorte  »agen  I 

^fter  Sfiger. 

335   2Bci3  id^  benfe,  ba§  barf  iä)  fagen. 
S)a§  SBort  ift  frei,  fagt  ber  ©eneral. 


©0  fagt  er,  id^  l^ört'S  tnol^I  einigemal, 
^ä)  ftanb  babei*    „2)a§  SBort  ift  frei, 
.S)ie  SE^at  ift  ftumm,  ber  ©e^orfam  blinb/ 
340   2)ieö  urfunbüd^  feine  SOßorte  finb. 

(^rfter  Säger. 

Ob'3  juft  feine  SBorte  finb,  toeife  id^  nid^t; 
Slber  bie  ©ad^'  ift  fo  tt)ie  er  fprid^t. 

3^etter  Säger. 
3l^m  fd^lägt  ba§  ßriegöglüd  nimmer  um, 

Sed?fier  2I«ftrttt  26 

SBic'S  tod^l  6ei  anbcrn  pflegt  jugefd^e^cn* 
345    ®€t  SiD^  überlebte  feinen  aiü^tn. 

®o^  unter  beS  gfrieblänberS  ftriegSparifeVen, 

S)a  bin  id^  flett)i^  gu  öictorifieren.. 

6r  bannet  ba§  @Iü(f,  e§  mufe  il^nt  ftel^en. 

SBer  unter  feinem  Qtiä^m  tl^ut  fed^ten, 
350    ®er  fte^t  unter  befonbern  SOlad^ten» 

®enn  ba§  weife  ja  bie  gange  SBelt, 

®afe  ber  grieblänber  einen  Seufel 

«US  ber  ^öDe  im  ©olbe  pH. 


3a,  bafe  er  feft  ift,  ba§  ift  lein  3tt)eifel; 
355    ®enn  in  ber  blut'gen  Slffair  bei  Sü^en 

»itt  er  eud^  unter  beS  QfeuerS  33Ii^en 

9luf  unb  niebet  mit  füttern  Slut. 

S)urd^Iö(i^ert  t)on  jtugeln  mar  fein  $ut ; 

3)ur(^  ben  ©tiefet  unb  Statin  ful^ren 
360    3)ie  SSaDen,  man  fal^  bie  beutlid^n  ©puren ; 

ftonnf  l^m  feine  bie  $aut  nur  ri^en, 

aOBeil  i^n  bie  pDif dje  ©albe  tpt  f d^ü&en. 

(Srfhr  SSger. 

SBBaS  tooDt  l^r  ba  für  SBunber  bringen ! 
(Sx  trägt  ein  jtoller  Don  @(enbiSput, 
365   2)a$  leine  Jtugel  fann  burc^bringen. 


Kein,  eö  ift  bie  ©albe  öon  C>«jenfraut, 
Unter  3<iuberfprü(i^n  gefod^t  unb  gebraut. 

SS  gel^i  nid^t  ju  mit  redeten  Singen  1 

26  VOaücn^xns  Ca^es 

©ic  foflcn,  er  lef  anä)  in  bcn  ©terncn 
370  Sic  filnftiBen  ^xnqt,  bie  trafen  unb  fernen ; 

^ä)  mx^  ober  beffer,  loie'S  bamit  ift. 

(Sin  ßraueS  SWännlein  pflegt  bei  nä(3^tli(i^er  Sfrift 

^mä)  berf^Ioffene  %^&xen  gu  i^iji  einjuge^en  ; 

®ie  ©(i^ilbba^en  l^aben'S  oft  onget$rien, 
375    Unb  immer  nmS  ©rofeeS  ift  brauf  gefd^el^en, 

SBenn  je  bad  graue  Slödlein  !am  unb  erfd^ien. 

Btoeiter  Sfiger« 
3a^  er  fjat  \\ä)  bem  2:eufel  übergaben, 
>^   3)rum  fül^ren  toir  anä)  baS  luftige  Seben. 


y  Siebenter  JCuf tritt* 

Vorige«   dtefllefrttt.   Gin  Oürger.   Xragottcv. 


tritt  au9  t>em  B^^t»  ^tne  SBlet^laube  auf  htm  Stopl  eine  %8einf[af($e  in  bei 

©rufe'  ben  »ater  unb  SBaterS  »ruber ! 
380  33in  ©olbat,  lomme  nimmer  mieber. 

(Srfter  ^figer. 

©iel^,  ba  bringen  fie  einen  5leuen ! 


O,  gieb  ^ä)t,  tSxani !  e§  tt)irb  bi(3^  reuen. 

dtefrut  rtngt. 

j£rommetn  unb  pfeifen, 
^iegrifdjer  ^lang, 
385  SBanbeln  unb  flreifen 

Die  Belt  entlang. 

Siebenter»2Ittftritt  27 

9loffe  giflenft, 

SDf^utlg  geld^wenft, 

@cf|njert  an  ber  ©elte, 
390  grtfti^  in  bie  SBclte, 

91üd)tig  unb  flint 

grei  wie  bcr  ginf, 

^uf  ©tröud^ern  unb  ^aumen^ 

3n  ^immeI«4Räumcn, 
395  $€tfQl  td)  folge  bed  griebtanber^  ga^n'l 

Stotxttx  Sfigen 
©cl^t  mir,  baS  ift  ein  toadrer  Jlumpan ! 

®ie  begriilett  i^n. 


D,  lafe  il^n !  er  ift  guter  Seute  Jlinb. 

@rfter  SS^en 
SBir  auä)  niii^t  auf  ber  ©tra^e  gefunben  finb. 


^^  fafl'  eud^,  er  f)at  Sermögen  unb  SKittel,      ^^ " ' 
400  Sü^It  l^er,  baS  feine  SEüti^Iein  am  ßittel  l  •-  f ^'^  ^ 


S)eS  JlaiferS  gtoi  ift  ber  ^mt  Stitel. 

@r  erbt  eine  Heine  2Hü^enfabri!. 

Btt^etter  gager» 

2)e§  aWenfci^en  SBiKe,  ba§  ift  fein  ©lüdE . 

3Son  ber  ©rofemutter  einen  if  ram  unb  Saben. 

^rfter  gSger. 
405  ?f ui,  tt)er  l^anbelt  mit  ©ci^mefelf aben ! 

ßinen  SBeinfd^an!  baju  Don  feiner  ^aten, 
6in  ®ett)ölbe  mit  gmanjig  ©tücffa^  SBein. 

28  TOaUm^ihs  'Ea^tt 


®en  teilt  er  mit  feinen  Jlameraben. 

Btoeiter  Sftger. 

^öt'  bu  I  toxt  ntüffen  3^It^tüber  fein. 


410  6ine  Staut  läfet  er  fi^en  in  2:^ränen  unb  ©(i^merg. 

@rfter  SSger. 
^ti)t  f 0,  ba  geigt  er  ein  eiferneS  ^rg. 

S)ie  ©rofemutter  loirb  für  if  ummcr  fterben. 

B^oetter  ^ager. 
S)efto  beffer,  fo  fann  er  fie  gleiti^  beerben. 

tritt  gratoitättfc^  l^ei^u,  bem  SHefruten  bie  $aub  auf  bie  SU^^aube  legettb. 

©ie^t  (5r !  S)a§  l^at  6r  vool)l  ermogen. 
415   ßinen  neuen  SWenfd^en  f)at  6r  ongejogen ; 
5Kit  bem  ^elm  ba  unb  SBefirgel^äng' 
©d^Iie^t  @r  \\ä)  an  eine  toürbige  SWeng'. 
3Mu^  ein  fürnel^mer  ®eift  je^t  in  ^l^n  fal^ren  — 

3Mufe  befonberS  ba§  ©elb  niti^t  flxiren. 


420   9Iuf  ber  gfortuna  il^rem  ©d^iff 

3ft  6r  gu  fegein  im  Segriff ; 

S)ie  SBeltfugel  liegt  üor  3^m  offen. 

SBer  nid^tS  maget,  ber  barf  nid^ts  l^offen. 

6§  treibt  fid^  ber  Sürger§mann,  trag  unb  bumm, 
425    SBie  be^  QfärberS  @aul,  nur  im  SRing  l^erum. 

9luS  bem  ©olbaten  fann  aüe^  toerben, 

^enn  Äf  rieg  ift  je^t  bie  Sofung  auf  @rben. 

Siebenter  2Iuf tritt  '29 

©e^'  6r  'mal  mid^  an !  3;n  bicfem  SlüdE 

Sü^r*  id^,  fielet  er,  be§  ifaifetS  ©todE. 
430   MeS  SBcIttcgiment,  mufe  6r  tüiffcn, 

SSon  bcm  ©tocf  i)at  auSgcl^en  muffen ; 

Unb  baS  ©cepter  in  ÄönigS  ©anb 

3jl  ein  ©ttxf  nur,  baS  ift  Mannt. 

Unb  ttjer'S  jum  Äorporal  crft  l^at  flebraci^t, 
435    ®er  fielet  auf  ber  Seiter  jur  p(]^ften  5Ka(ä^t, 

Unb  fo  ineit  fann  6r'§  oud^  nodii  treiben. 

erfter  Säger. 

aSenn  @r  nur  lefen  !ann  unb  f (abreiben. 


Sa  totQ  id^  il^m  qkiä)  ein  @^emt}el  geben ; 

^ä)  tW^  öor  Äurgem  felbff  erleben. 
440   3)a  iji  ber  ßl^ef  Dom  ©ragonercorpg, 

|)ei$t  33uttler,  lüir  ftanben  al§  ©emeine 

9lod^  bor  breifeig  Sötten  bei  ^öln  am  Stl^eine, 

3e^t  nennt  man  i^n  ©eneralmajor. 

5)a3  maci^t,  er  tl^ät  fid^  ia^  l^erbor, 
445   3:l^ät  bie  SBelt  mit  feinem  .ff rieg§rul}m  füflen ; 

%oä)  meine  3Serbienfte,  bie  blieben  im  ©tillen ; 

3a,  unb  ber  grieblänber  felbft,  fteljt  6r, 

Unfer  Hauptmann  unb  l^od^gebietenber  ^nx, 

S)er  je^t  aUeS  bermag  unb  !ann, 
450   SBar  erft  nur  ein  fd^üd^ter  ßbelmann, 

Unb  meil  er  ber  ßrieg^göttin  [\ä)  bertraut, 

^at  n  fid^  bicfe  ®rö^'  erbaut, 

3ft  nad^  bem  Jlaifer  ber  näd^fte  5Kann, 
•  Unb  toer  toeip,  lDa§  er  nod^  erretd^t  unb  ermißt,        / 
455   vm^,  S)enn  nod^  nid^t  aller  Sage  3Ibenb  ift. 

@rfter  ^ager. 
^a,  er  fing'S  Hein  an  unb  ift  je^t  fo.grofe.    . 


30  -  VOaUenftt'ms  £ager 

Denn  gu  Slltorf  !m  ©tubentcnf ragen, 

Stieb  et%  mit  ^ermi^  gu  fagen, 

@in  iDenig  lodEet  unb  butfd^ifo§, 
460  ^ätte  feinen  gfamulu^  balb  erfci^Iagen. 

SBoHten  i^n  brauf  bie  Slürnberger  ^txun 

2Kir  ttid^tö,  bir  ttid^tö  ins  Äarger  fperren ; 

'§  toax  iuji  ein  neugebauteg  Sleft, 

3)er  erjie  Semol^ner  foDt'  eS  taufen. 
465   9Ibet  »ie  föngt  et'§  an?  erläfet 

SBeiSlidd  ben  ^ubel  öoran  etft  laufen. 

^aä)  bem  ^unbe  nennt  fic^'S  bis  biefen  Sag ; 

6in  redetet  Stnl  [xä)  bran  fpiegeln  mag. 

Untet  beS  ^errn  großen  Sl^aten  allen 
470  $at  mir  baS  ©tüdfd^en  befonberS  gefaDen. 

2)aS  fUtüh^m.  ^at  untet^effen  aufgetoattet ;  ber  iioeite  ^äget  fc^&Iert  mit  t^r. 

^ragimev  trtttbaatoifc^en. 

ftamerab,  lafe  6r  ba§  unterlegen ! 

St»vitt  Sftger. 
SBer  genfer !  I^at  fid^  ba  brein^gu  legen ! 


3(^  toiH'S  3[l^m  nur  fagen,  bie  I)irn'  ifl  mein* 

3)er  toiD  ein  ©c^ä^ti^cn  für  fi(i^  aHein ! 
475   2)ragoner,  ift  6r  bei  SErofte?  fag'  6r  1 

SBill  maS  ^paxk^  l^aben  im  Sager. 

ßiner  S)ime  fti^ön  ©efic^t  ^ 

SKup  allgemein  fein,  mie'S  ©onnenlid^t !  m%t  pe. 

Dragoner  teiBtrte»e0. 
34  fag'S  nod^  einmal,  baS  leib'  id^  nid^t. 

Udfttv  2Iiiftrttt  31 

(Srller  Säger. 
480   SujHfl,  luftig  I  ha  tommcn  bie  ^rager  l 

Bioeitef  sager. 

©ud^t  gr  C>änbel?  3d(i  bin  babei. 


SticV,  i^t  C>crren  1  6in  ffufe  ift  frei ! 

JCc^ter  JCuftritt. 

fBft%hut(^ptn  treten  auf  unb  ft>ie(en  einen  SSalser,  erft  (angfam  unb  bann  immer 
0€f<6tDinbet.  t>tx  erfte  S&ger  tanjt  mit  bec  ttnftoftrterin,  bte  SRarft tenberiit  mit 
htm  fUttrutiu ;  baft  ax&bd^en  cntft>tin9t,  bei  Säger  Iginter  i^r  Iger  unb  betommt  ben 

lla)iiiiiiier  au  falfen,  ber  eben  l^ereintritt. 


^eife  3u(3^]^ci,  3)ubclbumbei ! 

2)Q§  fielet  ja  ^üä)  l^er.    93in  ani)  babei ! 
485   3ft  ba§  eine  Slrmee  Don  ©l^riften? 

©inb  toxi  Surfen?  finb  mir  Slntibaptiften? 

treibt  man  fo  mit  bem  ©onntog  ©^ott, 

«IS  Mte  bejjjß^äti^tifle  ®ott 

3)ad^9tfQ9ra, Tonnte  nici^t  brein  f dalagen? 
490   3jt'S  ie^t  3eit  gu  ©Qufgelagen, 

3u  fflanfetten  unb  Q^eiertogen? 

Quid  hie  statis  otiosi?  j  ^, 

SBaS  fielet  il^r  unb  legt  bie  ^änbe  in  ©d^bfe? 
3)ie  ftriegSfurie  ifi  an  ber  SDonau  loS, 
495   3)aS  33oDtt)er!  beS  SaierlanbS  ift  gefallen, 
»egenSpurg  ift  in  be§  gfeinbeS  ifratien/  '' 
Unb  bie  Ämtee  liegt  l^ier  in  Sö^men, 

$fleat  ben  ^^^,  läßt  fic^'ö  menig  gramen, 
^  i^ümniert^4_rae]^r  yntben  Jtrug  als  ben  RxUq, 

soö  '  Sße^t  liebet  ben  ©^ndoeT  als  ben  ©ab^I, 
C)e^t  fid^  Uebejc  l^erum  mit  ber  ^txn^r^^ 
gri^t  ben  Cc^f^n  lieber  als  ^tOjenftirn.  ^  i^wä^L^ 
2)ie  ©l^riftenl^eif  trauert  in  <€aJ^unb  ^ji^e ; 
S)er  ©olbat  füUt  fid^  nur  bie  3:af(i^e..  . 

505   6§  ift  eine  Snt  ber  SEI^ränen  unb  5ßot,^  ^^  ,,^ 
3lm  ^immel  gefti^el^en  ^i\^^  unb  SBunber, 
Unb  aus  ben  S3ßoIfe|X  blutigrot, 
©öngt  ber  ©^^^flött  ben  JlriegSmantj^I  'runter. 
^ .    Sien  Äometen  ftedft  er,  ipie  eine  Sinter? 

510   Siroi^enb  am  ^immelsfenfter  auS, 
S)ie  ganse  SBelt  ift  ein  Ülfegil^auS) 
®ie  Slrd^e  ber  Äir^e  [d^wimmt  im  Slute, 
Unb  baS  römifc^e  gieid^  —  ba^  Öott  erbarm'  I 
_@oüte-jiefct  l^ei^en  römtfd^  2(rm'; 

515   2)er  9f ]&einftrom  ift  morben  gu  einem  ^einftrom, 
!S)ie  ftlöfter  finb  auSgenommene  Sie  per, 
2)ie  »istümer  finb  öermanbeli  in  Söüfttümer, 
S)ie  3lbteien  unb  bie©tifter 
©inb  nun  Slaubteien  unb  SDiebeSÜüfter, 

520   Unb  afle  bie  gefegneten  beutfd^en  Sönber 
©inb  Derlel^rt  loorben  in  ©lenber.  — 
SBol^er  fommt  ba§?   S)aS  toiH  iä)  t\xä)  Derfünben : 
2)aS  fc^reibt  fid^  l^er  Don  euem  fiaftern  unb  ©ünbcn, 
aSon  bem  ©reuet  unb  ^eibenleben, 

525    2)em  fid^  Dffigier'  unb  ©olbaten  ergeben. 
2)enn  bie  ©ünb'  ift  ber  2Hagnetenftein, 
S)er  baS  ©ifen  giel^et  ins  ßanb  l^erein. 
3luf  baS  Unred^t,  ba  folgt  baS  Übel, 
2Bie  bie  SEl^rän'  auf  ben  l^erben  3^^^^^!^ 

Tldftzt  Unfitxtt  33 

5JO   hinter  bem  U  fommt  gle^  baS  SB, 

2)aS  ift  bie  Orbnung  im  31 »  6. 
Ubi  erit  victoriae  spes, 

Si  off enditur  Deus  ?    SBic  f ott  man  fiegcn, 

SBenn  man  bic  ^rebigt  f(3^tt)änjt  unb  bie  9Kc6', 
535   9li<^tS  tl^ut,  atö  in  bcn  SBein^äufern  liegen? 

2)ie  3ftau  in  bem  ©üangelium 

Sanb  ben  üerlomen  @tof d^n  loieber, 

®er  ©aul  feines  35atet§  ©ffel  lieber, 

3)et  3ofep]^  feine  faubern  ©ruber ; 
540   aber  tber  bei  ben  ©olbaten  futi^t 

2)ie  3fur(]^t  ©otteS  unb  bie  gute  3uci^t 

Unb  bie  ©d^am,  ber  toirb  nid^t  Diel  finben, 

Sl^f  er  aud^  l^unbert  Satemen  angünben. 

3u  bem  ^rebiger  in  ber  SBüften, . 
545 '  SBic  toir  lefen  im  ©Dangeliften, 

jtamen  aud^  bie  ©olbaten  gelaufen, 

Sl^aten  S5u$'  unb  liefeen  fi(!^  taufen, 

3f ragten  il^n :  Quid  faciemus  nos? 

SBie  mad^en  loir'S,  bafe  mx  fommen  in  W)xa^artC^  ©d^o^? 
550  Et  alt  Ulis,  unb  er  fagt: 

Neminem  concutiatis, 

SSäenn  il^r  niemanben  fd^inbet  unb  pladft^ 

Neque  calumniam  faciatis, 

Sliemanb  berläftert,  auf  niemanb  lügt, 
555    Contenti  estote,  eud^  begnügt, 

Stipendiis  vestris,  mit  eurer  Sö^nung 

Unb  Derflud^t  jebe  böfe  Slngemö^nung. 

6§  ift  ein  ®ebot :  bu  f oflt  ben  Flamen 

Seined  ^errgottiS  nid^t  eitel  auSiramen! 
560  Unb  100  l^ört  man  mel^r  bla§j}]^emieren, 

«iö  l^ier  in- ben  gfrieblänbifd^en  ßrieggqüartieren? 

34  IPattenftetns  Cager 

SBcnn  man  für  jebcn  Sonnet  unb  Sli^, 
S)cn  il^r  loSbrennt  mit  eurer  3"i^9^i^fpi&'^ 
S)ie  ©loden  müfet'  läuten  im  8anb  uml^er, 

565   6ö  lüär'  balb  lein  2He^ner  gu  finben  me^r. 
Unb  toenn  eud^  für  jebeS  böfe  ©ebet, 
S)a§  aus  eurem  ungeiüafiä^nen  3Kunbe  gel^t, 
6tn  ^ärlein  ausging'  auS  eurem  ©(i^opf, 
Über  5ßad^t  to&x'  er  gefci^oren  glatt, 

570   Unb  mär'  er  fo  bidE  mie  SlbfalonS  3opf* 
3)er  3fofua  mar  hoi)  ani)  ein  ©olbat ; 
Äönig  S)abib  fd^Iug  ben  ©oliatl^ ; 
Unb  mo  fielet  benn  gefd^rieben  gu  lefen, 
S)a$  fie  folc^e  fjlu(3^mäuler  finb  gemefen? 

575   9Kufe  man  ben  SKunb,  boc^,  id^  f oflte  meinen, 
5ßid^t  meiter  auf mad^en  gu  einem  „©elf  @ott  I" 
2(IS  gu  einem  ,,ftreug  ©adferlot !" 
9lber  meffen  ba§  ©efäfe  ift  gefüüt, 
®aüon  es  fprubelt  unb  überquillt. 

580       SBieber  ein  ®ebot  ift :  bu  f oHt  nic^t  fte^Icn ! 
3a,  baS  befolgt  il^r  nad^  bem  SBort, 
3)enn  il^r  tragt  aHcS  offen  fort. 
3Sor  euren  Alanen  unb  ©eierSgriffen, 
3Sor  euren  ^raftifen  unb  böfen  ftniffen, 

585   3ft  baS  ®elb  nid^t  geborgen  in  ber  jru^', 
S)aS  ftalb  nid^t  fidler  in  ber  ftul^, 
3^r  nel^mt  baS  6i  unb  baS  ©ul^n  bagu. 
2BaS  fagt  ber  ^rebiger :    Contenti  estote, 
Segnügt  eud^  mit  eurem  ftommi^rote. 

590  9lber  mie  foH  man  bie  ftned^te  loben? 

Äf  ömmt  bod^  baS  SrgerniS  t)on  oben ! 

^  SBie  bie  ©lieber,  fo  anä)  baS  ^a\xp\ ! 

SBeife  bod^  niemanb,  an  men  ber  glaubt  I 

2(i^ter  ^Iiifhrttt  g5 

^ttx  ^faft' !  Uns  ©olbatcn  mag  6r  fci^impfcn, 
595    Scn  Sfclbl^crm  foll  6r  uns  tt^t  DerunflUmpfen. 

Ne  custodias  gregem  meam! 
3)aö  ift  fo  ein  3l^a6  unb  ^crobeam, 
S)cr  bic  SJölfer  Don  ber  magren  Seiten 
3u  falfiä^cn  @ö&cn  tl^ut  öcrfc^ten. 

Xtomptttx  unb  Slelntt. 

600   Sa|  @r  und  baS  n^t  gmeimal  l^ören  I 

©0  ein  fflramatbaS  unb  ßifenfreffer, 
SBill  einnel^men  aße  feften  ©d^Iöfjer. 
Äül^mte  \xä)  mit  feinem  flottlofen  9Jlunb, 
6r  muffe  l^aben  bie  ©tobt  ©tralfunb, 
605   Unb  üxtr*  fie  mit  Jletten  an  ben  ^immel  gefci^Ioffen. 

©topft  il^m  leiner  fein  Säftermoul? 

©0  ein  Seufetebefti^möter  unb  ftönig  ©aul, 
©0  ein  3e]^u  unb  C^olofern, 
SBerläuflnet,  »ie  ^ettuS,  feinen  SJleifter  unb  ^txxn ; 
610  Drum  tann  er  ben  ^afjn  nid(|t  l^ören  Iräl^n  — 

»eibe  Säger. 
Pfaffe  I   Se^t  iff 3  um  hxä)  gefc^e^n  I 

©0  ein  Hjtigcr  ^niß  ^erobeä  — 

Srontf^ter  unb  (eibe  SSger, 

auf  l^n  einbtingenb. 

©(^meig'  fKQe !   3)u  bift  be§  ;£obeS  I 

36»  VOaUtn^ins  Cüiger 

Ornaten  legen  fic^  breln. 

»leib'  ba,  ^fäfflein,  fürt^f  Uä)  nit, 
615   ©Qfl'  bcin  ©prüd^cl  wnb  teirs  un§  mit. 

^aptl^xntt  fc^reit  lauter. 

©0  ein  l^oiä^mätiger  Siebufabneser, 
©0  ein  ©ünbenDQter  unb  muffiger  fte^er, 
Sä^t  \\ä)  nennen  ben  SB  allen [t  ein,  "*^ 
^a  freilidd  ift  er  un§  Sitten  ein  ©tein 
620   2)e§  SlnftogeS  unb  be§  ärgerniffe^, 

Unb  fo  lang  ber  Äaifer  biefen  ^friebelanb 
Säfet  malten,  fo  toirb  nid^t  ^frieb'  im  2anb. 

(Sr  l^at  nadg  unb  nadi  6et  ben  legten  Porten,  bte  er  mit  er]^obener-®tim]toe 
f)^ii(^t,  feinen  IRUdiug  genommen,  tnbem  bte  ftroaten  bie  Übrigen  @olbat^ 

bon  i^m  abn^e^ren. 

Heunter  2tuftritt. 

Sorige,  o^ne  ben  lla|iit}iiter, 

@rftcr  Söget  aumSBod^tntfelftcr.- 

©agt  mir,  maS  meinf  er  mit  bem  ©ödell^al^n; 
S)en  ber  gelbl^err  nic^t  Irä^n  l^ören  !ann? 
625   6§  mar  mol^I  nur  f 0  gefagt  il^m  gum  ©d^impf  unb  ^ol^ne? 


S)a  mitt  \äf  eu(^  bienen.    6§  ift  nici^t  gang  ol^ne ! 
2)er  Sfelbl^err  ift  munberfam  geboren ; 
Sefonber§  l^at  er  gar  fi^Iid^te  D^ren. 
flann  bie  ßa^e  nic^t  l^ören  mauen, 
630  Unb  menn  ber  C>A^n.frö^t,  fo  mad^t'S  i^m  ©rquen; 

rteuntcr  2Iuftrttt  37 

Qttfttt  3Sger* 

S)a§  l^ot  er  mit  bem  Söiüen  gemein. 


3Ru6  oHeö  mau^ftifl  um  il^n  fein. 
S)en  33efe^I  l^oben  aUe  SBacä^en, 
®enu  er  benft  gar  gu  tiefe  ©ad^en. 

©ttmmett  lm3elt,9(«frauf. 

635   ©reift  il^n,  ben  ©(ä^elm !  ©dilagt  ju !  ©dalagt  gu ! 

^ed  S3auent  Stimme. 


^ilfel  Sorml^ergigf eit ! 

anbete  Stimmen. 
griebe !  3t\xV ! 

eiltet  3Sger. 
f)oP  mid^  ber  Steuf el !    S)a  fe^fö  Cetebe. 

B^oetter  Säger. 

?)a  mu$  idd  babei  fein !  saufen  ins  scu. 

Slorfetenberin  lommt  i^eraus. 

©d^elmen  unb  S)iebe ! 


grau  SQßittin,  tt)0S  fe^t  eud^  fo  in  ßifer? 


640   S)er  Sump!  ber  ©pipub!  ber  ©trafeenläuferi 
S)aö  mufe  mir  in  meinem  3^tte  paffieren ! 
6§  befd^impf t  mid^  bei  allen  ^erm  Dffijieren. 

SBä^en,  maö  giebt'^  benn? 


38  IDaQenfieins  Cager 


SSaS  xoxxVf,  geben? 
S)a  ertoifd^ten  fie  einen  Sauer  ekn, 
645   Der  falfd^e  SBürfel  t^ät  bei  ftd{|  ^oben. 

@ie  bringen  il^n  l^ier  mit  feinem  jtnoben. 

^e^nter  2(uftntt 

6o(bateti  bringen  ben  8auem  gefc^U))^ 

\  ^ 

Chrfter  ^Sger« 

®er  mu^  baumeln ! 

^f^arfff^ft^ett  unb  Dragoner. 

3  um  ^rofofe !  jum  ^rofo|  l 


3)a§  ^anbat  tft  nod^  fürglid^  ausgegangen. 


3[n  einer  ©tunbe  fe^  id^  il^n  l^angen. 

650   Söfeä  ©etoerbe  bringt  böfen  ßol^n* 

Chrfter  9(rfefinfier  aumonbeten. 
3)aä  lommt  öon  ber  3)efperation. 
3)enn  fel^t,  erft  tl^ut  man  fie  ruinieren, 
3)aS  l^i^t  fie  gum  ©tel^Ien  felbft  t)erfü^ren. 

SBaS?  SBa§?  ^l^r  reb't  i^m  baS  SBort  nod^  gar? 
65s   3)em  C)unbe !  Stl^ut  eu(^  ber  Seufel  plagen? 

(Elfter  2luftrttt  39 

(Stfter  ^rfeüttfler» 
S)cr  Sauer  i[t  anä)  ein  Wm^ä)  —  fo  ju  fageti. 

8a|  fie  gelten !  finb  Slief enbad^r, 
©eöatter  Bä)m\bcx  unb  ^anbfci^ul^maii^er ! 
Saflen  in  ©amifon  gu  §3tieg, 
SBijfen  üiel,  mos  ber  Srau(i^  ift  im  ftrieg. 

€Ifter  Jtuftrttt. 

Smrige.   IHkraffiere* 

(Srfter  i^ilraffter. 
gfriebe  l  SBoS  fliebfö  mit  bem  Sauer  ba? 

^  (^er  84arffil|fi4. 
'd  ifi  ein  ©d^Im,  l^at  im  ©piel  betrogen  l 

(Srfter  ^ftroffier« 
^at  er  hxä)  betrogen  ettoa? 

3a,  unb  l^at  mid^  rein  auSgegogen. 

(Srfter  ^ftraffter» 

665    SBte?  ®u  bift  ein  g^riebtänbifci^er  Wann, 
Äannftbi(ä^  fo  megtoerfen  unb  blamieren, 
SRit  einem  Sauer  bein  ©lud  probieren? 
©er  laufe,  toad  er  laufen  lann. 

Sauer  enttotfc^t   $te  anbeten  treten  ^ufammett. 

40  IPaQenftcins  £a$er  ' 

(Sirfter  9r!eBitfler* 

Der  mad^t  furge  Slrbeit,  tft  rcfolut, 
670   S)aä  ift  mit  foI(]^cm  SSoIfe  gut. 

SBaä  iff S  für  einer?  63  ift  lein  »d^m\ 


'ö  ift  ein  fflaDon^  SRefpeft  öor  bem ! 
23on  beä  ^appenl^eimg  ftüraffieren. 

(&tfitt  Dragoner  trutbosu. 
3)er  ^iccotomini,  ber  juncje,  tl^ut  fie  je^t  führen* 
67s   2)en  l^aben  jle  [xä)  auS  eigener  SWad^t 

3um  Oberft  flefejt  in  ber  Sü^ner  ^6)lai)t, 
5BII8  ber  ^appenl^eim  umgefommcn. 

@rfter  ^rfeüufier. 

©aben  fie  fid^  fo  toa^  'tausgenommen? 

@rfiter  Dragoner* 

3)ied  Regiment  l^at  mad  borauS. 
680   gs  mar  immer  öoran  bei  jebem  ©traufe, 
S)arf  aud^  feine  eigene  3uftij  ausüben, 
Unb  ber  Srieblönber  tl^ut'3  befonberS  lieben. 

C^rfter  ^rafftet  »umanbem. 

3ft'ä  au(i^  getoiB?  SBer  brad^f  e§  aus? 

3tieiter  ßflraffler. 

3d^  l^ab'8  aus  beS  OberftS  eigenem  SBunbe. . 

Qrfttt  fitniflter. 

685   SBaS  SEeufel !  SBir  finb  ntd^t  i^re  C^unbe. 

etiler  Säger» 

SßaS  l^aben  bie  ba?  @inb  doOer  @ift. 

3t»etttr  3>0er. 

3)YS  roaS,  i^r  |>errn,  bü3  uns  mitbctriffJ? 

€Ifter  ^luftrttt  41 

@rfter  ^üraffter* 
@S  ffai  fxä)  feiner  brüber  au  freuen. 

®o(baten  treten  j^er^u. 

©te  tooDcn  un9  in  bie  9hebertanb'  bilden ; 
690   Äüraffterc,  Söfler,  reitenbe  <Bä)üi}cn, 
©ollen  od^ttaufenb  9Kann  aufft^en. 

SBa§?  aOßaS?    Da  foBen  toir  roieber  manbem? 
S5tn  erft  feit  geftern  gurüdt  auö  gtanbern. 

StOtittV  ßÜraffter$ubenS)rasonern. 

3l^r  Säuttlcrifd^n  foflt  a\x^  mitreiten. 

i^er  ^firaffter. 
695    Unb  obfonberlid^  mir  SBaHonen. 


6i,  baö  finb  Ja  bie  allerbcften  ©(i^babronen  l 

dxfttt  ^üraffier. 
®en  aus  SRailanb  follen  mir  ^inbegteiten. 

drfter  3ttger. 
3)en  3nfonten,  baö  ifi  ja  lurioö  I 

3toeiter  Säger. 
5)en  ^foffen  l    S)a  ge^t  ber  Seufet  Io§. 

(itfttt  ^raffter. 
700   9Bir  foDen  öon  bem  grieblänber  laffen, 
®er  ben  ©otbaten  fo  nobet  l^ält, 
9ßit  bem  ©panier  jiel^en  gu  gelb, 
S)em  ftnaufer,  ben  mir  Don  C^^rgen  l^affen? 
Stein,  baS  gel^t  nid^t !    SBir  laufen  fort. 


705   SBaS,  jum  genfer,  foüen  toir  bort? 
2)em  ftaifer  t)er!auften  mir  unfer  Sälut 
Unb  nid^t  bem  l^ifpanifd^en  roten  ^nU 

42  IPattenfietns  Cdger 

Stotittx  SSger* 

Sluf  be§  Srtcbtänbcr§  SBort  unb  Ärebit  oDeln 
^akn  toir  SRcitcrSbtenft  genommen ! 
710   SBär'S  ni(]^t  auö  Sieb'  für  ben  SQßanenftetn, 
3)er  gerbtnanb  l^ätf  un3  nimmer  befommen. 

(Srfter  Dragoner. 
SEI^öt  un§  ber  grieblänber  nid{|t  formieren ! 
©eine  gortuna  fott  unä  fül^ren. 


Sa^t  eud^  bebeuten,  l^ört  mid^  an. 
715   2Hit  bem  ®ereb'  ba  ift  nid^tS  get^on. 
^6)  fel^c  toeiter  alä  i^r  ade, 
®a  hinter  [tecft  ein  böfe  gfalle. 

©ort  bas  Sef e^lbu(^ !    ©tiüe  bo(^  I 


»rtSd^en  ©uftel,  füflt  mir  crft  nod^ 
720   6in  ®Iä§(]^en  2Hetne!er  für  ben  SRagen, 
9ll§bann  toiH  16)  eud^  meine  ©ebanfen  fügen. 

9RarIetettbeHtt  i^m  einfd^enfenb. 

C)ier,  ^nx  SBad^tmeifter !    @r  mad^t  mir  ©Freden. 
63  toirb  bo(^  niditö  S3öfe§  bal^inter  ftecfen ! 


©el^t,  i^r  C><J^tn,  ba§  ift  all  red^t  gut, 
725   ®a^  jeber  ba§  9lä(^fte  bebenfen  t^ut ; 

9lber,  pflegt  ber  gelbl^err  gu  fagen, 

9Kan  mu|  immer  ba§  ®anje  überfd^Iagen. 

SBir  nennen  un3  alle  beö  g^riebtänberS  %xvipptn. 

3)er  Sürger,  er  nimmt  unä  in§  Duartier 
730   Unb  pflegt  un§,  unb  to^t  unä  loarme  ©uppen. 

2)er  S3auer  mu^  ben  @aul  unb  ben  ©tier 

(Elfter  2luftrttt  43 

SBorfpaitnen  an  unfre  Saggagctoagcn, 

SScrflcbcnö  toirb  er  \\^  brübcr  beflagen. 

Säfet  [%ä)  ein  ©efreiter  mit  fiekn  9Kann 
735   3n  einem  ®orfe  öon  iDcitem  fpüren, 

6r  iji  bie  Obrigfeit  brinn  unb  !ann 

3taä)  fiuft  brinn  toalten  unb  fommanbieren. 

3um  genfer !  fie  mögen  un§  aDe  nid^t, 

Unb  fä^en  be§  Seufete  fein  2tnge[td^t 
740   SBeit  lieber,  als  unfre  gelben  ff  oüetter. 

SBarumfd^meifeenfieunSnid^tauSbemfianb?  ^0^  SBetter! 

©inbj^ng  an  2l|i^]^I  bod^  iibertegen,    . 

8fä|ren  ben  ftniftet,  toie  toir  ben  S)egen. 

SBarum  bürfen  tüir  il^rer  laci^en? 
745   SBeil  mir  einen  furd(|tbaren  Raufen  au§xi\aä)m ! 

^rfter  S^ger. 

3a !  io  I  im  ©anjen,  ba  fi Jt  bie  Tlaä)i  l 
®er  Qfriebtänber  l^at  baö  tool^I  erfahren, 
SBBie  er  bem  ff aifer  öbr  aci^t  —  neun  Salären 
®ie  gro^e  9lrmee  gufammenbraci^t. 
750  ®ie  moHten  erft  nur  bon  gtoölftaufenb  pren : 
S)ie,  fagf  er,  bie  f ann  x^  nid^t  ernäl^ren ; 
3lber  xä)  iDitt  fe(]^jigtau[enb  merben, 
ffiie,  toeife  iäf,  toerben  nid^t  ^ungerS  fterben. 
Unb  fo  tourben  toir  SBaHenfteiner. 


755   3um  ßjempel,  ba  l^acP  mir  einer 

aSon  ben  fünf  Qfingern,  bie  xä)  f)aV, 

^ier  an  ber  Siedeten  ben  üeinen  ai. 

^abt  il^r  mir  ben  S^inger  blofe  genommen? 

9lein,  beim  ff u!uf,  iä)  bin  um  bie  ^ant  gefommen  ! 
7^  'S  ift  nur  ein  ©tumpf,  unb  nid^ts  mel^r  toert. 

3a,  unb  biefe  ad^ttaufenb  ^ferb. 

44  IDattenfietns  iager 

S)ie  man  nai)  ^lar(tmx  jc^t  kgcl^rt, 

©inb  öon  bcr  ?Hrmce  nur  bcr  Meine  Ringer. 

Säfet  mau  fie  giel^n,  il^r  tröftet  eud^, 
765    2Bir  feien  um  ein  fjünftel  nur  geringer? 

^rof  t  SHal^Igeit !  ba  fäHt  baS  ©anse  gleic^. 

5)ie  Surc^t  ift  toeg,  ber  SRefpeft,  bic  ©(i^eup 

®a  \ä)mti  bem  Sauern  ber  ftamm  aufg  neu, 

S)a  fci^reiben  fie  uns  in  ber  SBiener  Äanälei 
770   2)en  Quartier«  unb  ben  fiüd^ngettel, 

Unb  eS  ift  toieber  ber  alte  ©ettel. 

3a,  unb  toie  lang  toirb'S  flehen  an, 

©0  nehmen  fie  unS  aud^  noä)  ben  fjelbl^auptmann? 

©ie  finb  i^m  am  C)ofc  fo  nid^t  grün. 
775   5lun,  ba  fäHt  eben  afleS  l^in ! 

2Ber  l&ilft  un§  bann  toof)l  ju  unferm  ®elb? 

©orgt,  bafe  man  unS  bie  JJontrafte  l^ält? 

SBer  l^at  ben  9ia(i^bru(f  unb  l^at  ben  Serftanb, 

®en  fci^nellen  SBiJ  unb  bie  fefte  ©anb, 
780   3)iefe  gcftücfelten  ^eereSmaffen 

3ufammen  ju  fügen  unb  ju  paffen? 

3um  6 jempel  —  ©ragoner  —  \pxxä) : 

SluS  toetd^em  Saterlanb  f(]^reibft  bu  \>\ä)? 

dhrfter  ^agotter« 

SBeit  aus  |)iBernien  l^er  tomm'  id^. 

SBai^tmeifter  iu  ben  Reiben  jearaffteren. 

78s   3^r,  baS  toeife  xä),  feib  ein  SBallon  ; 
3^r  ein  SBelfd^ier.    9»än  l^örf  ö  am  Jon. 

(Stfttt  ßftiraffier. 

aSSer  iä)  bin?  iä)  f)aV§  nie  tonnen  erfahren : 
©ie  ftal^len  mid^  fd^on  in  jungen  Salären. 

€lfter  2lttf tritt  45 

Unb  bu  bift  anäf  nid^t  au§  bcr  mV  ? 

(Srfter  9r!eltofier* 

790   3<ä^  bin  bon  Suci^au  am  Q^ebcrfcc. 



3luS  ber  ©ci^tD^j* 

SBaf^tmeifter  aum  h^tittn  ^äger. 
SBaS  für  ein  8anb§mann  bift  bu,  Säger? 

3ttieitier  Säger. 

f)inter  SBi^mat  ift  meiner  Altern  ©i^* 

SSdf^tltteifter  auf  ben  ^r^m^eter  seigenb. 

Unb  ber  ba  unb  xä),  tt)ir  fmb  au§  ßfler.  ' 
79'>    9lun !  toer  mer!t  un§  ba§  too^t  an, 

3)afe  mir  auö  ©üben  unb  au§  5Rorben 

3ufammen  gefd^neit  unb  geblafen  morben ! 

©e^en  mir  ni(^t  aus  mie  auä  einem  ©pan? 

©tel^n  *mir  ni(]^t  gegen  ben  S^einb  gef (i^loff en, 
800   3te(i^t  mie  gufammen  geleimt  unb  gegoffen? 

©reifen  mir  nic^t,  mie  ein  3Rüf)lmxl,  flin! 

Sneinanber  ouf  SBort  unb  SBinf  ? 

2Ber  l^at  un§  f 0  jufammen  gefci^miebet, 

3)a^  i^t  un§  nimmer  unterfdjiebet? 
805    ßein  anbrer  fonft,  ats  ber  SBaHenftein ! 

@rfter  Säger. 

®a§  fiel  mir  mein  Sebtag  nimmer  ein, 
S)a^  mir  fo  gut  jufammen  paffen ; 
^aV  mxäf  immer  nur  gelten  laffen» 

40  IDallenfieins  £ager  ( 

erfter  ^urof per.  ^  ^^^  * 
S>cm  SBad^tmeiftcr  mu^  x^  Seifafl  geiicti^ 
8io   S)cm  .ttricgSftanb  lötncn  fic  gern  an§  Scbcnj 
S)en  ©olbatcn  toollcn  fic  ntcbcrl^attcn, 
®aB  fie  aflcinc  !önncn  toaltcn. 
'ö  ift  eine  3Serf(]^tDörung,  ein  ftomplot. 


^inc  SBerfd^tDörung?    S>u  lieber  ®ott ! 
815   ®a  lönuen  bie  ©erten  ja  ni(^t  mel^r  gal^Ien* 


Sreilid^  l  6ä  toirb  alleS  banferott. 
SSiete  öon  ben  ^auptteuten  unb  ©eneralen 
©teilten  au§  il^ren  eigenen  ßafien 
Sie  Ülegimenter,  sollten  fid^  feigen  loffen, 
820   Staaten  \xä)  angreifen  über  Vermögen,  • 
^aä)kn,  e§  bring'  il^nen  großen  ©egen. 
Unb  bie  aDe  finb  um  il^r  ®etb, 
SBenn  baö  ©aupt,  menn  ber  C>criog  fällt. 


^ä),  bu  mein  C>rilcinb !    ®ag  bringt  mir  ^hxä)  l 
825   2)ie  ^atbe  Slrmee  fielet  in  meinem  Sud&. 

2)er'®raf  3foIani,  ber  böfe  3ö^fet, 

gieftiert  mir  oDein  xto^  jtoeil^unbert  SEI^aler. 

(&tfttv  Mraffier. 

SBo§  ift  ba  gu  maäj^w,  JJameraben? 

©§  ift  nur  eins,  ttmS  un§  retten  fann : 
830   SBerbunben  !önnen  fie  unS  nici^t  fd^aben ; 

SBir  ftel^en  aDe  für  einen  3Jlann. 

Safet  fie  fd^idfen  unb  orbenanjen, 

2Bir  tooDen  un§  feft  in  »öl^men  pflanj|en,        <- 

SBir  geben  nid^tnad^  unb  marfdf|iereft  nid^t, 
835   ^er  ©clbat  je^t  um  feine  ©l^re  fid^t. 

«Ifter  2liiftritt  47 

5Bit  lajfen  un3  nid^t  f o  im  Sanb  'tum  fül^ren ! 
©ic  foUcn  fommen  unb  foHen'S  probieren ! 

*     Chrfter  ^vfeinfler. 

Siebe  Ferren,  bebentf  ö  mit  Steife, 
'S  iji  beg  Äaifcrä  äöifl'  unb  ©e^eife. 

840   SBerben  und  Diel  um  ben  jiaifer  fd(ieren  I 

(SrfteT  9?!eb]tfter. 
Safe  @  r  baS  nid(|t  jn^eimal  pren. 


'S  iji  aber  bo(ä^  fo,  toie  t(]^  flefagt. 

C^rfter  3S0er* 
'    3a,  ia,  \ä)  l^örf  S  immer  fo  ergöl^Ien, 
®er  gfrieblänber  l^ab'  l^ier  allein  gu  befel^len. 

845 ,  ©0  ift'S  aud^,  baS  ift  fein  Sebing  unb  ^aft. 

2lb)oIute  ©eroatt  l^at  er,  müfet  il^r  tüiflen, 

ftricfl  gu  fül^ren  unb  ^rieben  ju.fci^Iiefeen, 

(Selb  unb  ®ut  fann  er  fonfiScieren, 

flann  l^enfen  laffen  unb  iwrbonnieren, 
850   Offijiere  lann  er  unb  Oberften  mad^n, 

Äurj,  er  f)at  atte  bie  ©l^renfad^en* 

S)aS  f)at  er  üom  ftaifer  eigenl^änbig. 

Qtfttt  ^rfebnfter« 

2)er  C^^rjog  ift  gemaltig  unb  l^od^berpänbig : 
9lber  er  bleibt  \>oä),  fd^Ied^t  unb  x^öft, 
85s    JBie  »ir  afle,  beä  ftaiferS  Äned^t* 

9ltd&t,  tDie  tt)ir  aUe !    ®a§  toifet  i^r  fd^Ied^t» 
^    6r  i[t  ein  unmittelbarer  unb  freier 

48  XDäOenfletns  £a$et 

S)cS  atciddeS  3fürft,  fo  flut  »ie  ber  Saier. 
©al^  xäf^  ettDa  nid^t  fclbft  mit'ön, 
860  Slls  i(j^  gu  »ranbciS  bic  fE&aäf  getrau, 
^.  2Bie  il^m  bct  ftaifer  felbften  ctloubt, 
-^^   3u  bebcdfen  fein  fürftUd^  ©aupt? 

(^er  9Ir!efotfieir« 

3)aS  toor  für  boä  SRedt lenburger  8anb, 
3)aS  i^m  ber  ftaifer  öerfe^t  oI§  ^fanb. 

(Srfteir  SSger  aum  «Sac^tmeifter. 

«65   5Bte?    3n  beS  Äaifet^  ©eflenioort? 
3)qS  ift  bod^  feltfam  unb  fel^r  a^xirt ! 

SBai^tmeifter  fä^  tn  bte  Zaf(^e. 
SOBoüt  tl&r  mein  SBort  nid^t  galten  lajfen, 
©oflt  xf)x*^  mit  4>änben  greifen  unb  faffen. 

etne  SRÜnse  ieigenb. 

SBefe  ift  baS  »ilb  unb  ©epräg'? 


SQßeif 't  §er ! 
870   6i,  baä  ift  ja  ein  SQBaHenfteiner ! 

y^  SSailltmeifter* 

5la,  ba  l^abt  if)x%  maS  tooflt  il^r  mcl^r? 
3ft  er  nid^t  fjürft  fo  gut,  olS  einer? 
©(]^Iägt  er  ni(i&t  (Selb,  toie  ber  gferbinanb? 
©at  er  nid^t  eigenes  Sotl  unb  Sonb? 
875   6ine  ©urd^loud^tigfeit  läfet  er  ftd^  nennen ! 
®rum  mu^  er  ©otbaten  )^alten  lönnen. 

(Stfler  9(r!efin{ier» 

ffiaS  biSputiert  3]&m  niemanb  nid^t* 
JBir  aber  fte^n  in  be§  ftaiferS  ^rW/ 
Unb  MX  uns  begann,  boS  ift  ber  ftaifer« 

(Elfter  2luftntt  49 


880   3)03  läugn'  \S)  3^m,  [ie^t  gr,  tn§  SlngefKi^t. 
SBer  unä  nid(|t  ga^lt,  baö  ift  bcr  ftaifcr! 
^at  man  uu§  nid^t  feit  öicrgig  SBoci^en 
5)ie  Söl^uung  immer  umfonft  öcrfprtH^n? 

Qtfttx  ^rfeünfleir« 

(Si  tDa§ !  S)a§  [tel^t  ja  in  guten  4>finben* 

(Sirfter  ßfiraffler. 

885   S^rieb',  i^r  $errn !    SBoüt  i^r  mit  ©(i^Iägen  enben? 

3[t  benn  barüber  Sanf  unb  3^i[t, 

Ob  ber  ftaifer  unfer  ©ebieter  ift? 

&Un  brum,  mxl  toxx  gern  in  @^ren 

©eine  tüd()tigen  ^Reiter  ttwren, 
890   SBoflcn  tt)ir  nid^t  feine  ^x\>t  fein, 

SBoIIen  un§  ni(i^t  bon  bcn  Pfaffen  unb  ©d^rangen 

^erum  lajfen  fül^ren  unb  öerppanjen. 

©agt  felber  l    ftommt'S  nid^t  bem  C>^rrn  gu  gut, 

SBenn  fein  JJriegSbolf  toa^  auf  fid^  l^olten  t^ut? 
895   aSer  anber^  mad^t  il^n,  al§  feine  ©olbaten, 

3u  bem  grofemäd^tigen  Potentaten? 

Serfd^fft  unb  betoal^rt  il^m  meit  unb  breit 

3)aö  gro$e  SBort  in  ber  ß^riftenl^eit? 

9)Zögen  fid^  bie  fein  ^oä)  auf  laben, 
900   S)ie  miteffen  Don  feinen  ©naben, 

3)ie  mit  i^m  tafeln  im  golbnen  gitnmer. 

SBir,  »ir  ^ben  öon  feinem  ©lang  unb  ©d^immer 

9lid^t§,  als  bie  9»ü^'  unb  aU  bie  ©d^mergen, 

Unb  toofür  toir  un§  l^alten  in  unferm  bergen. 

Bretter  ^&^tt. 
905   9lfle  grofeen  St^rannen  unb  JJaifer 
^ielten'S  f  0  unb  ttKiren  biel  toeifer. 

50  IDaQenftetns  iager 

SlfleS  SInbrc  träten  fte  l^ubcln  unb  fd^önbcn, 
®en  ©olbaten  trugen  ftc  auf  ben  ^änben» 

2)er  ©olbat  ntufe  jtd^  fönncn  fül^Ien* 
910   2öcr'§  nici^t  cbel  unb  nobel  treibt, 

Sieber  toeit  bon  bem  ^anbttjerf  bleibt* 

©ofl  xä)  ^x\]ä)  um  mein  Seben  fpielen, 

2Kufe  mir  nod^  ettoaö  g^It^^t  me^r, 

Ober  \ä)  laffe  mi(]^  eben  fd^Iad^ten 
915    SBie  ber  ßroat  —  unb  muß  mic^  öerat^ten» 

»eibe  Söger. 
3a,  über§  Seben  nod^  gel^t  bie  gl^r* ! 

dhiiter  J^üraffter. 

S)a§  ©d^mert  ift  fein  ©paten,  fein  ^flug, 
SQBer  bamit  acfern  tooflte,  toöre  ni(]^t  flug. 
6§  grünt  uns  fein  ^alm,  e§  loöd^St  feine  ©aat, 

920   Dl^ne  ^eimat  mu^  ber  ©olbat 

Sluf  bem  ©rbboben  flü(]^tig  fci^märmen, 
S)arf  fi(]^  an  eignem  ^erb  nici^t  märmen, 
@r  mu^  borbei  an  ber  ©tobte  ®Ianj, 
Sin  beS  3)örflein§  luftigen,  grünen  äuen, 

925    S)ie  Jraubentefe,  ben  Ürntefranj 
2Kufe  er  toanbernb  bon  ferne  fd^auen. 
©agt  mir,  toaä  l^at  er  an  ®ut  unb  SBert, 
SBenn  ber  ©olbat  ftd^  nid^t  fetber  el^rt? 
6tmaS  mu6  er  fein  eigen  nennen, 

930   Ober  ber  SWenfd^  toirb  morben  unb  brennen. 

(Stfler  9r!efitt{ier. 

2)aS  toeig  @ott,  'S  iß  ein  elenb  Seben  I 

Alfter  2luftrltt  51 

(Sirfter  ^firaffter. 

3Kö(^t'§  hoä)  ntd^t  für  ein  anbreö  geben. 

©el^t,  xä)  bin  tocit  in  ber  SBelt  'rum  fommen, 

^aV  afleg  in  ©rfal^rung  Benommen. 
935   C>öb'  ber  l^ifpanifd^n  SWonard^ie 

©ebient  unb  bei  Slepubli!  SSenebig 

Unb  bem  ftönigreid^  3tapol\ ; 

2Iber  baS  @Iücf  toax  mir  nitgenbs  gnäbig. 

^aV  ben  Äaufmann  gefel^n  unb  ben  Üiitter 
940   Unb  ben  ^anbmerfömann  unb  ben  3efuiter, 

Unb  fein  9iod  f)ai  mir  unter  allen, 

SBie  mein  eifemeS  SQßammS,  gefallen* 

dhrfter  ^rfebufier» 
%e !  baiS  fann  id^  eben  nid^t  fagen. 

(Srfter  ßfiraffter. 

SBiH  einer  in  ber  SBett  toaS  erjagen, 
945   9Wag  er  [xäf  rül^ren  unb  mag  er  fi^  plagen ; 

SQßitt  er  gu  l^ol^en  @^ren  unb  SBürben, 

Süd'  er  fid^  unter  bie  golbnen  Säürben ; 

SBiH  er  genießen  ben  SSaterfegen, 

ftinber  unb  6n!elein  um  \xä)  t^P^gen, 
950   a:reib'  er  ein  e^rlid^  ©etuerb'  in  9lu]^. 

3(^  —  \ä)  f)aV  lein  ©emüt  baju. 

Qfrei  toifl  id^  leben  unb  alfo  fterben, 

%iemanb  berauben  unb  niemanb  beerben^ 

Unb  auf  baS  ©cl^ubel  unter  mir 
955    Seid^t  toegfd^auen  Don  meinem  Stier. 

Qtfttt  9[S0er. 
Srabo !  juft  fo  ergel^t  eö  mir. 

(Srfter  ^rfeBitfler. 
fiuftiger  freilid^  mag  fid^'ö  l^aben, 
über  anberer  Äöpf  toegtraben. 

52  xOalleniletns  iager 

(&tfitv  5Hiraffter* 

ffamcrab,  bfe  S^xUn  finb  fd^toer, 
960   3)aö  ©d^tocrt  ijt  nid^t  bei  bcr  SBage  mcl^r  j 
9lbcr  fo  maß  mir'S  feiner  betbenfen, 
®afe  x^  mid^  lieber  jum  ©d^mert  min  lenfen» 
ftann  \ä)  im  firieg  mid^  bod^  menfd^lid^  fofl^n, 
9lber  nid^t  auf  mir  trommeln  laffen, 

Qit^tt  9Ir!ebttfier. 

965    SBer  iji  bran  ©d^ulb,  alö  toir  ©olbaten, 
3)afe  ber  Siäl^rftanb  in  ©d^impf  geraten? 

^^    3)er  leibige  ftrieg  unb  bie  9iot  unb  ^lag' 
3n  bie  fed^gel^n  Sal&r'  fd^pn  toäl^ren  mag» 

(Sirfteir  Mraffier* 

Säruber,  ben  lieben  ©ott  ba  broben, 
970   6ä  fönnen  il^n  alle  jugleid()  nid^t  loben. 

ßiner  toill  bie  ©onn',  bie  ben  anbern  befd^toert; 
S)iefer  »ifl'S  trodfen,  toaS  jener  f eud^t  begel^rt ; 
SQBo  bu  nur  bie  Slot  fie^ft  unb  bie  ^lag', 
3)a  fd^eint  mir^be§  Seben§  l^eüer  Sag ; 
975   ©el^t'ä  auf  Soften  beö  Bürgers  unb  a3auern, 
5lun,  ma^r^af tig,  fie  n^erben  mid^  bauern ; 
9lber  id^  Iann*§  nid^t  änbern  —  fe^t, 
'ö  ip  l^ier  juft,  toie'S  beim  ßin^au'n  gel^t : 
®ie  ^ferbe  fd^nauben  unb  fetten  an, 
980   Siege,  mx  »iü,  mitten  in  ber  Sal^n, 
©ei'ä  mein  ©ruber,  mein  leiblid^er  ©ol^n, 
3errife  mir  bie  ©eele  fein  Kammerton, 
Über  feinen  Seib  tt)eg  mufe  id^  jagen, 
Äann  il^n  nid^t  fadste  bei  ©eite  tragen. 

985   Si/  toer  loirb  nad^  bem  anbern  fragen '^ 

(Elfter  2lnftrttt  53 

C^rfter  5^flraf{ier. 

Ünb  »eil  [idd'S  nun  einmal  fo  gemaddt, 

®a6  ba§  ©lücf  bem  ©olbaten  Ia(i(|t, 

Sa|f 3  unö  mit  beiben  ©önben  faffen, 

Sang  werben  fie'ö  un§  nid^t  fo  treiben  laffen. 
990  2)er  gfriebe  mirb  fommen  über  3taä)t, 

3)er  bem  SBefen  ein  (Snbe  mad^t ; 

3)et  ©olbat  nüumt  ab,  ber  SSauer  fpannt  ein, 

Qf)  man'3  ben!t,  mirb'S  mieber  baS  9llte  fein. 

3ejt  finb  mir  nodd  beifammen  im  Sanb, 
995  SBir  ]^aben'§  ©eft  noi^  in  ber  ©anb. 

Saffen  toxi  uns  auSeinanber  fprengen, 

SBerben  fie  un§  ben  Sroblorb  l^öl^er  l^ängen. 

(Stfttt  3ögeir.  r' 

5lein,  ba§  barf  nimmermel^r  gef(ä^el^n  I 
flommt,  lapi  un§  alle  für  einen  fte^n ! 

Stotittx  Säger. 
1000  3a,  lafet  un§  9lbrebc  nel^men,  l^ört ! 

Qtfttx  %xtthujlitx, 

ein  (ebemeS  Oeirtet(^en  sie^enb.  5ut  SRarfetenbertiu 

©eöatterin,  toaS  ]^abM(^  bcrgel^rt?  '^^  -      '^  '-*  ^ 

9((^/ 1^  ift  ni^t  ber  Siebe  mert !  ete  rechnen. 

^f)x  t^ut  tt)o]^I,  ba|  il^r  meiter  gel^t, 
aSerberbt  uns  bod^  nur  bie  ©ocietät. 

^rfebuftere  gelten  ab. 

(grfter  Äftraffier. 
1005  ©d^ab*  um  bie  Seuf !    ©inb  f onft  tt)adfre  SSrüber. 

Qxfttx  afiger. 
3(ber  baS  benft,  tt)ie  ein  ©eifenfieber. 

54  WaUen^exns  £ager 

Stotittx  ^h^x. 

Sejjt  [inb  tDtr  unter  uns,  lafet  l^ören, 
SBic  tDtt  bcn  neuen  Slnfi^Iag  [töten. 

SBa§?    SBir  gelten  eben  ni(i(|t  ^in. 

(Srfter  IHIraflieir. 

loio  3liä)t^,  \f)x  ©erren,  gegen  bie  2)t5ji|)Iin ! 
3eber  gel^t  jejt  gu  feinem  ßorpS, 
Strögt'S  ben  ff ameraben  Dernünfttg  Dor, 
2)a6  fie'§  begreifen  unb  einfel^en  lernen. 
SBir  bürfen  uns  ni(^t  fo  meit  entfernen. 

lois  gfür  meine  SBaHonen  fag'  \ä)  gut. 
©0,  tt)ie  ii),  jeber  benfen  tl^ut. 


SEergfa'g  ^Regimenter  gu  JRofe  unb  3^ü^ 
©timmen  aÖe  in  biefen  ©d^Iuft. 

Btoeiter  ^rafftet  fteUt  ftd^  »um  erften. 

2)er  Sombarb  fid^  ni(i(|t  bom  SBaHoncn  trennt. 

(Srfter  Sftfler. 

1020  greil^eit  ift  Jägers  Clement. 

3»eUer  ^ftger. 

^reil^eit  ijl  bei  ber  SKaddt  allein. 

3d^  leb'  unb  fterb'  bei  bem  SffiaHenftein. 

^rfter  S^arffil^ft«. 
2)er  Sotl^ringer  gel^t  mit  ber  großen  tJIut, 
SBo  ber  leidste  ©inn  ift  unb  luftiger  5Dlut. 


1025  2)er  3ftWnber  folgt  be§  ®Iücfe§  ©tern. 

Stotxitx  @i^arffi^fit?« 

3!)er  St^roler  bient  nur  bem  SanbeSl^erm. 

(Elfter  2tuf tritt  55 

(grftcir  Mrafjlcir* 

3llfo  lafet  jebeS  Slcfliment 

6in  Pro  Memoria  xdxilxä)  fd^rctficn : 
>     2)a^  totr  jufammcn  toollcn  bleiben, 
1030  2)aB  un§  feine  ®ett)alt,  nodd  Sift 

aspn  bent  fjrieblönber  meg  foü  treiben, 

3)er  ein  ©olbatenbater  tft. 

2)a§  rei(ä^t  man  in  tiefer  3)et)otion 

2)em  ^iccolomint  —  xä)  meine  ben  ©ol^n  — 
103s  2)er  berftel^t  \\ä)  auf  fold^e  ©acä^en, 

Äann  bei  bem  gneblänber  alles  mad^en, 

^at  aud^  einen  gto^en  ©tein  im  Sret 
'"  aaiei  beS  ftaiferS  unb  ftöniflS  aKajeftüt. 

dtoetter  SSger. 

ftommtl    S)abei  bleibt' § !    ©dalagt  aMe  ein ! 
,1040  ^iccolomini  foH  unfer  ©))recä^er  fein. 

%x9mptttx.    Dragoner,    (^er  SSger.    Breitet  5Nlraffter* 
'  8i^arff  i^ftt^ett  äuglet^ 

^iccolomini  fott  unfer  ©t^recä^er  fein. 

Sßoaen  fort 


6rft  noö)  ein  ©läSd^en;  ßameraben !  ttinit 
3)e§  ^iccolomini  l^ol^e  ©naben ! 

Slarfetenberitt  bringt  eine  Brlafd^e. 

35aö  fommt  ni(ä^t  auf§  ßerbl^olg.    ^i)  geb*  e§  gern» 
1045  @utc  aSertid^tung,  meine  ©errn ! 

S)er  SBel^rftanb  f oH  leben ! 

93eibe  Sager. 
Set  3läl^tftanb  f oB  geben ! 

56  IDaUenflems  iager 

^ragonet  unb  8il^arffil^ft^eit. 

2)ic  Slrmce  foU  flortcrcn ! 

Xxomptitx  unb  SBai^tmeifter* 
Unb  bcr  Sft^ie'blönbcr  f oU  pc  regieren ! 

Stotittx  ftftraffler  fingt. 
1050         SBol^I  auf,  ftameraben,  auf§  ^fcrb,  aufs  ^ferb ! 
3fn§  gelb,  in  bie  gtetl^^it  flegoflcn. 
3m  treibe,  ba  ift  ber  2Kann  nod^  maS  toert, 

2)a  tt)irb  ba§  ©erj  nodd  ö^tDogen. 
5)a  tritt  fein  anberer  für  il^n  ein, 
1055         9luf  fidd  felber  [tel^t  er  ba  gang  allein. 

2)ie  ©olbaten  auS  bem  ^intergrunbe  i^aben  fid^  toä^ienb  bed  d^efangS  ^ibeigeiogen 

unb  ma^en  ben  (S^ot. 

®a  tritt  fein  anberer  für  il^n  ein, 
Sluf  ficä^  felber  ftel^t  er  ba  gang  allein. 


9lu§  ber  SBelt  bie  gfrei^eit  t)erf^tt)unben  ijl, 
9Kan  fielet  nur  Ferren  unb  Äned(|te ; 
1060         2)ie  3?alf(ä^l^eit  l^errfd^et,  bie  ^interllfi, 
Sei  bem  feigen  2Kenfd^engcf(^Ie^te, 
35er  bem  Stob  inS  Slngefid^t  \i)anm  lann, 
2)er  ©olbat  aüein  ift  ber  freie  9Rann. 

®er  bem  Stob  in§  9lngefid^t  fd^auen  lann, 
1065         2)er  ©olbat  aüein  ift  ber  freie  5Kann. 

Qxfttx  SSger« 

S)er  £eben§  Singftcn,  er  mirft  fie  meg, 
©at  nid^t  mel^r  gu  f ürd^ten,  gu  f orgen ; 

6r  reitet  bem  ©d^idffal  entgegen  fecf, 
Striff t'5  l^eute  ni^t,  trifft  eä  bod^  morgeni " 

(Elfter  2Iuftntt 

1070         Uirb  trifft  cö  morgen,  fo  laffet  un§  l^eut 

5?o(ä^  fd^Iürfen  bie  5letgc  ber  föftlid^en  3^^. 

Unb  trifft  e§  morgen,  fo  laffet  un§  l^eut 
3loä)  fddlürfen  bie  5ieige  bcr  föftlid^en  3eit. 

^ie  ®läfeT  fmb  aufS  neue  gefußt  toorbett,  fte  fto^en  an  unb  trinfen. 

SSon  bem  ©immel  fällt  il^m  fein  luftig  Sof, 

107s  SSraud^f §  m(S)t  mit  Wüf)'  ju  erftreben ; 

2)er  iSxomx,  ber  fucä^t  in  ber  (Srbe  @(^o^, 

S)a  meint  er  ben  Bi)ai^  ju  erl^cben. 
6r  grübt  unb.»f(i(|QufcIt,  fo  lang  er  lebt, 
Unb  gräbt,  big  er  mUxä)  fein  ®ra6  fic^  gräbt* 

1080         6r  gräbt  unb  fd^aufelt,  fo  lang  er  lebt, 

Unb  gräbt,  bis  er  enblidd  fein  ®rab  fid^  gräbt. 

(&xfttx  Säger. 
5)er  Sleiter  unb  fein  gefd^winbeS  Slo^, 

©ic  finb  gefürd^tete  (Säfte* 
65  flimmern  bie  Sampen  im  ©od^geitfd^Iofe, 
1085  Ungelaben  fommt  er  jum  Sfefte, 

6r  wirbt  nid^t  lange,  er  geiget  nid^t  ®olb, 
3m  ©türm  erringt  er  ben  SWinnefoIb. 


6r  toxxU  nid^t  lange,  er  geiget  nid^t  ®olb, 
!3fm  ©türm  erringt  er  ben  3JlinnefoIb. 

3ttpeiter  ^firaffter. 
1090         SBarum  weint  bie  S)irn'  unb  gergrämet  fid^  fd^icr? 
Sajs  fal^ren  bal^in,  lajs  fal^ren ! 
6r  l^at  auf  (Srben  fein  bleibenb  Quartier, 
ftann  treue  Sieb'  nid&t  bemal^ren. 

58  WaUen^eins  ta^tt 

2)aS  rafcä^e^d^td^fal,  cS  treibt  tt)n  fori, 
109s    ^.  ©eine  ^xifjt  lä^t  er  an  leinem  Ort. 

2)aS  raf(ä^e  ©ddicffal,  eS  tretfit  il^n  fort, 
©eine  9lul^e  lä^t  er  an  leinem  Ort* 

(&tfttt  gager» 

galt  bie  ih>ei  9{ä(^ften  an  ber  ^nb  ;  bie  Ubrtgen  ahnten  eS  nad^ ;  olle,  toetc^c 
gef^roc^en,  bilben  einen  groBen  ^(bfreU. 

3!)rum  frif(^,  ffameraben,  ben  9lappen  gejäumt, 

SDie  «ruft  im  ©efed^te  gelüftet ! 
iioo         2)ie  ^uflenb  braufet,  baS  Sebcn  fd^äumt, 

gfrifdd  auf !  e^  ber  ©eift  nod^  Derbüftet- 
Unb  fejet  il^r  nid^t  ba§  Seben  ein, 
9He  tt)irb  eud^  ba§  Seben  gewonnen  fein. 


Unb  fejet  il^r  niddt  baS  Seben  ein, 
1105         9He  tt)irb  eud^  ba§  Seben  geiüonnen  fein. 

S)er  Ooi^ang  fällt,  e^e  bet  (l^ov  gans  auSgefungen. 


Die  Ptccolomtnt 


SBaUenfiein,  ^ergog  gu  grieManb,  faiferltc^er  ©eneraUfftmuS  im 
brelßigjä^rißen  Kriege,  ^^^j^^  ,..vcu,.v.x^->. 
-^  Octüöio  ^iccolomlni,  ©eneratlieutenant..  |*<^  •  >*-Ui.,^<=^  j^'U 
^^Wajr  ^Iccolomlni,  fein  @o^n,  Oberfi  bei  einem  ÄürafftempUMtit 
@raf  Sergf^,  SBoÜenfteinö  ^6^m^rf!''^W$mi  mt^tnU^^ 
3no,  gelbmarft^atl,  SBattenflein«  33ertrauter.  -v^"^*^  Ucu.^tvu. 

-  Sfolani,  ©eneral  ber  Kroaten. ^c.   .u   ;^c  ^ 
..  Sönttitv,  (S^ef  eined  !Dragonertegimentd. 

2:iefenbad),         ^ 

2)on  SWaraba«,     (     ^        .      ^    ««  w    n  • 
g,g.  '     >    ©enerate  unter  Sallenjleim 

l^olalto,  J 

S'littmeifier  9'Jeumann,  2^erg!tj'«  SCbjutant 
-^^rieg^rat  oon  Ouefienberg,  t)ot(i  ^aifer  ^efenbet. 
«a^tifla  @eni,  3lfirolpg.    ' 

-  ^^rgogin  oon  l^rieblanb,  Sallenfteind  ©emal^Un« 
Stl^efla,  ^rinjetftn  öon  grieblanb,  i^re  Xot^ter. 
©räfin  Zexiltf,  ber  ^eqog in  (Sd^ttjefter. 

(Sin  dornet. 

Äellermeifter  beö  ©rafen  2^ergftj. 
I^rieblanbifci^e  $agen  unb  SBebiente.    . 
j£erg!tj1cl^e  SBebiente  unb  ©oboifien. 
Tleivcxt  Oberflen  unb  generale. 


iStrfietr  Huffu^« 

<Sin  alter  gotl^ifd^er  <SaaI  auf  bem  Slatl^aufe  gu  $i(fen,  mit 
gähnen  unb  anberem  ^iegdgeräte  beloriert. 

€rfter  2tuftrttt. 

300  mit  9tt(t(er  unb  3f otauU 

©pät  lommt  il^r  —  bodd  tl^r  f ommt !  35et  mcitc  3Beg, 
@raf  Sfolan,  cntfd^ulbtgt  euer  ©äumen. 

SBtr  lommcn  audd  mit  leeren  ©änben  nt(^t ! 
@S  lüarb  uns  angefagt  bei  2)onautt)ertl^, 
5      6in  fd(|tt)ebtf(^er  SEranSt^ort  ^d  untermegS 
5Kit  ^roDiant,  an  bie  fed^Sl^unbert  SBagen.  — 
3)en  griffen  bie  Kroaten  mir  noä)  ouf ; 
Sffiir  bringen  il^n. 

@r  fommt  un§  grab  gu  pa^, 
2)ie  ftattli(^e  SSerfammlung  ^ier  gu  fpeifen.  v 


10    6s  ift  fc^on  lebl^aft  l^ier,  \ä)  fel&'S. 


62  X^tc  piccolomint 

2)ic  ßit(^cn  fclkr  liegen  Dott  ©olbaten ; 

fid^  umfc^auenb 

%\xä)  auf  bem  Slatl^au§,  fel^'  iä),  l^abt  il^r  tnä) 
®ä)on  giemlid^  eingerid^tet  —  3l\xn,  nun !  ber  ©olbat 
Sel^ilft  unb  fd^idt  \\ä),  mie  er  fann. 

15     aSon  bteifeifl  S^eflitnentern  l^aben  fi^ 

2)ie  Dberften  jufammen  ft^on  gefunben ; 

3!)en  SEetj!^  trefft  tl^r  l^ter,  ben  SEiefenbacä^, 

ßolalto,  ®ö^,  2Karaba§,  ©innerfam, 

9lu(i(l  ©ol^n  unb  SJater  piccolomint,  — 
20     3l^r  »erbet  man(^en  alten  fjreunb  begrüben» 

5Rur  ©alias  fel^lt  un§  no(3^,  unb  SÄItringer. 


2luf  ©alias  nwrtet  ni^t. 

SBie  fo?  SBi^t  i^r  — 

Sfofani  unterbricht  il^n. 

2Kaj  ^iccolomini  l^ier?  O,  fül&rt  mid^  ju  il^m. 

3(](l  fel^'  il^n  no(ä^  —  eS  finb  je^t  jel^en  3al^r  — 
25     SIIS  lüir  bei  3)effau  mit  bem  SKanSfelb  f(i(|Iugen, 

5)en  aiappen  fprengen  t)on  ber  Srüdc  l^rab 

Unb  SU  bem  S3ater,  ber  in  Slöten  toax, 

^\ä)  inxä)  ber  @Ibe  reijsenb  SBaffer  f (plagen. 

S)a  fprofef  il^m  faum  ber  erfte  pflaum  um§  ftinn ; 
30     3ejt,  l^ör'  ii),  foB  ber  ÄriegS^elb  fertig  fein. 

3^r  foHt  i^n  ^eut  nocä^  fel^n.    gr  fü^rt  aus  Äärntl^cn 
2)ie  gürftin  grieblanb  l^er  unb  bie  ^rinjeffin  ; 
©ie  trejfen  biefen  SSormittag  nod^  ein. 

(Erper  2tuf3ug;  (Erftcr  :iuf tritt  63 

3lu(^  Srau  unb  SEocä^tcr  ruft  ber  gürft  l^iel^cr? 
35     6t  ruft  l^ier  bicl  jufammcn. 

2)cfto  beffcr, 
SrtDartet'  xä)  ioä)  f d^on  bon  nid^tö  al§  SRärfd^cn 
Unb  Batterien  su  pren  unb  Slttacfcn ; 
Unb,  ficl^c  ba !  bcr  ©crgog  forgt  bafür, 
®afe  au(ä^  tt)a§  ^olbcS  un§  ba§  Slug'  ergö^e. 

ber  nad^benfenb  geftanben,  su  Suttlem.  beti  er  ein  tDentg  auf  bte  ©eite  füM 

40     aäJie  mi^t  i^t,  ba&  ®raf  ®ana§  aufecn  bleibt? 

S3ttttleir  mit  Sebeutung. 

SBcil  er  aud^  mxä)  gefud^t  jurürfjul^alten. 

^Ko  luarm. 

Unb  il^r  feib  feft  geblieben? 

brücft  i^m  bie  ^anb 

SBacfrer  Suttler  l 
önttrer.  ' 

9lad^  ber  SSerbinblid^feit,  bie  mir  ber  gütft 
3loi)  fürjlid^  oufgelegt  — 

45     3ö/  ©eneralmajor !  3d^  gratuliere ! 

3um  Slegtment,  nid^t  toaffx,  ba§  gl^m  ber  gürji 
©efddenft?  Unb  no(^  baju  baSfelbe,  pr'  id^, 
SBo  @r  bom  Sleiter  f)ai  herauf gebient? 
3lun,  ba§  ift  toafjx !  bem  ganjen  ßorp§  gereid^f  § 
50    S\xm  'Qpoxn,  sunt  SSeif piel,  mad^t  einmal  ein  alter 
SBerbienter  ÄrtegSmann  feinen  2Beg» 


3fd^  bin  Derlegett/ 

64  ^te  ptccolomtnt 

Ob  xä)  bcn  ©lücftüunfcä^  fd^on  empfangen  barf, 
.  >  —  5Roc|  fel^It  t)om  Äaifcr  bie  S3e[tätiflunö. 

©reif  gu,  greif  gn !  2)ie  ©anb,  bie  ^f)n  hafjin 
55     ©efteHt,  ift  ftar!  genug,  ^l^n  ju  erl^alten, 
StroJ  Äaifer  unb  SKiniftem. 

SBenn  wir  alle 
©0  gar  bebenflid^  tooHten  fein ! 
2)er  Äaifer  giebt  un§  nid^tS  —  Dom  ©«J^iOfl 
ff ommt  alles,  ma§  toxx  l^offen,  »aS  mir  l^aben. 

6o    ©err  «ruber,  l^ab'  W^  fd^on  erjö^lt?  5)er  gfürfl 
Sötü  meine  ftrebitoren  fontentieren, 
SBiUf eiber  mein  ffaffier  fein  fünftig^in, 
3u  einem  orbentlicä^en  3Kann  mid^  mad^en. 
Unb  baS  ift  nun  ba§  brittemal,  beben!'  6r ! 

65  2)aB  mid^  ber  ff  öniglid^gefinnte  Dom 

^      aSerberben. rettet  unb  gu  gieren  bringt. 

ftönnf  er  nur  immer  mie  er  gerne  wollte ! 
6r  fddenite  Sanb  unb  Seuf  an  bie  ©olbaten. 
2)od^  tt)ie  Derfürjen  fie  in  SBien  i^m  nid^t  ben  %xm, 
70    Sefd^neiben,  wo  fie  fönnen,  il^m  bie  Slügel  I  — 
3)a,  biefe  neuen,  faubern  ^oberungen, 
N    SDie  biefer  Queftenberger  bringt ! 

^ä)  l^abe  mtr 
SSon  biefen  faiferlid^en  fjoberungen  aud^ 
©rjäl^len  laffen  —  bod(i  iä)  l^offe, 
75     5)er  ©erjog  wirb  in  feinem  ©tüdfe  weic^n* 

(Erßer  Jtnfsug ;  gipetter  2iaftntt  65 

fßon  feinem  Steiä^t  gemiftliiä^  nid^t,  menn  nur  niddt 
—  aSomipiaJe! 

IBttttler  betroffen. 

SSJifet  i^r  ettt)a§?  3^r  erf^rcrft  mid^, 
3fo(attt  sugiet(^. 

SBBtr  tüären  aKe-Tuiniert ! 

Sred^t  (rt  1 
3(i^  fel^e  unfern  SKonn  Dort  eben  fommen 
60     MH  ©en'ralleutnant  ^iccolomint. 

)6tttt(er  ben  Ropt  bebettlUt^  f(]^üttelttb. 

Sd^fürd^te,  . 
2Btr  gel^n  n^t  Don  l^ier,  tute  mir  lamen. 

^tDctter  2tuftritt 

90ri(|e,   Octanio  ^^iccotomiiti.    Ottcftettlftevg* 
jDctal^io  nod^  in  ber  @ntfentung. 

SBie?  3loä)  ber  ®äfte  me^r?  ©efte^n  ©ie,  greunb! 
6d  brandete  biefen  tl^ränenDoflen  ßricg, 
©0  Dieler' gelben  rul^mgefrönte  ©äupter 

85     3n  eines  SagerS  Um!rei§  ju  Derfammeln* 

3n  fein  grieblänbifi^  ^eereölager  lomme^ 
äBer  Don  bem  flriege  SSöfeS  benfen  »ill. 
Seinal^*  Dergeffen  l^ätt'  id^  feine  plagen, 
®a  mir  ber  Drbnung  l^o^er  ©eiji  erf(i(|ienen^ 

90    ®ur(^  bie  er,  meltjerftörenb,  felbft  beftel^t, 
%ai  (Bro^e  mit  erfd^ieneh,  ba§  er  bilbet« 

6ff.  2)te  piccolomini 

Unb  ficl^e  ba !  ein  topf  reg  ^aar,  ba§  toürbig 
2)en  ©elbenreil^en  fd^Iie^t.    ®raf  Sfolon 
Unb  Dbrift  Suttler.  —  5lun,  ba  l^aben  mir 
95     SSor  Slugen  gleid^  baö  ganje  ^riegeöbnnbmer!. 

Sutttcrn  unb  Sfotcini  präfenticrenb. 

@ö  tft  bie  ©tärfe,  g^reunb,  unb  ©d^nelligfeU. 

fiueftenberg  iu  Cctoöto. 
Unb  jmifd^en  beiben  ber  erfal^rne  IKot. 

Dctaklt0  Oueftenbergen  an  jene  borfteHenb. 

3)en  Sfammerl^etrn  unb  Ärieggrat  Oueftenberg, 
SDen  Überbringer  Iatferli(ä^er  39efe]^Ie, 
loo   SDer  (öolbaten  großen  ©önner  unb  ^atron 
3Serel^ren  lüir  irt  biefem  toürbigen  ©ofte. 

$[IIgemeine9  ©tiOfc^teeigen. 
3[ttO  näl^ert  ftt^  dueftcnbcrgcn. 

g§  ift  ba§  erftemol  ni(ä^t  ©err  SKinifter, 
2)afe  ©ie  im  Sager  un§  bie  6l^r'  ermeifen* 


©(^on  einmal  \af)  xä)  mxä)  bor  biefen  tJal^nen. 

tos   Unb  ttjiffen  @ie,  tt)o  ba§  gemefen  ift? 
^      3u  S^aim  n)ar'§,  in  SWäl^ren,  U)o  ©ie  fid^ 
35on  ßaiferS  toegen  eingeteilt,  ben  ©erjog 
Um  Übernal^m'  be§  Siegimentö  gu  flel^en* 


3u  fielen,  ^err  ©eneral?  ©o  rneit  ging  toeber 
HO   SKein  9luftrag,  ba^  iä)  mü^te,  no(^  mein  ßifer. 

5flun,  il^n  ju  jmingen,  menn  ©ie  mollen.    3(3^ 
©rinnre  mi^'ö  rei^t  flut  —  @raf  %xU^  toax 

(Erfler  ^tufju^;  groetter  2Iuftritt  67 

?tm  Scd^  Quf§  ©aupt  gefd^Iagcn  —  offen  ftanb 
S)a§  33aicrlanb  bcm  S^tnb  —  nid^ts  l^ielt  il^n  auf, 
IIS    39i3  in  ba§  $erj  boti  Öftrctd^  borjubrtngen. 
®amal^  crfi^icnen  ©ic  unb  SQßetbctikrg 
SJor  unferm  ©crrn,  mit  Sitten  in  it)n  ftürnienb 
Unb  mit  ber  faiferlid^en  Ungnab'  brol^enb, 
SBenn  \\ä)  ber  giirft  beö  3ammer§  nid^t  erbarme. 

Sfolattt  tritt  baiu. 

I20   3a,  ja  I  '§  ip  gu  begreifen,  ©err  9Ktnifter, 
SBarum  ©ie  ftd^  bei  3l^rem  l^eut'gen  Sluftrag 
Stn  jenen  alten  juft  nid^t  gern  erinnern. 

aaSie  foHf  id^  nid^t !  3ft  jtt)if(^en  beiben  t>oä) 
Äein  SBiberfprudd !  SDa malen  galt  e§,  SSöl^men 
125   5lu§  3^einbe§  ©anb  ju  reiben ;  l^eute  foll  id^'ö 
Sefrei'n  Don  feinen  gteunben  unb  Sef^üjem. 


6in  fd^öneS  3lmt !  5iad^bem  toir  biefeS  Sö^men 
5Dlit  unferm  Slut  bent  ©ad^fen  abgef ödsten, 
aOBill  man  gum  3)anf  unö  au§  bem  Sanbe  tt)erfen. 


130   SBenn  e§  nid^t  blofe  ein  @lenb  mit  bem  anbem 
S8ertauf(^t  foU  l^aben,  mufe  ba§  arme  Sanb 
SSon  gfreunb  unb  t?cinbeö  ©eipel  gleid^  befreit  fein. 

@i  »aö !'  @^  ttjar  ein  gute§  Sal^r,  ber  Sauer  fann 
©d^on  mieber  geben* 


!3fa,  mnn  ©ie  Don  beerben 
135  Unb  SBeibeplä^en  reben,  ^err  g^lbmarfd^all  —  . 


68  I^t^  piccolomini 


5Der  ftricg  crnäl^rt  ben  ftrieg.    ©el^ti  SBoucnt  brauf^ 
6i,  fo  getDtnnt  bcr  Äaifer  tnel^t  ©olbaten. 

Unb  tDirb  um  fo  Diel  Untcriff anen  ärmer ! 

^al^,  feine  Untertl^anen  finb  toxx  alle ! 

140   9Hit  Unterf(|teb,  $err  @rof !  5Die  einen  füCen 
2Hit  nü^li(|er  @ef(|äftigleit  ben  »eutel, 
Unb  onbre  miffen  nur  il^n  brab  ju  leeren. 
®er  5Degen  l^at  ben  ßaifer  arm  gemad^t ; 
®er  5pflug  iff  5,  ber  il^n  mieber  ftärlen  mu^. 


145   5Der  Si(d]n  roäx'  ni(|t  arm,  mnn  nid^t  fo  biet 
—  Slutlger  faugten  an  bem  SKarf  be^  Sanbeö. 


©0  arg  Iann'§  anä)  ni(it  fein,    ^ä)  \tf)t  ja, 

inbem  er  fidö  )aox  \^n  ^infteüt  unb  feinen  Stnjug  ntuftet^ 

6§  ift  noc^  lang  nid^t  aüeö  @oIb  gemün^tT"^ 


©ottlob !  3toä)  etioaS  toenigeS  l^at  man 
150   ®eflü(|tet  —  t)or  ben  fjiugem  ber  Kroaten. 

S)a  ber  ©lamata  unb  ber  SKartini^, 
9luf  bie  ber  ff aifer,  aßen  guten  Söl^men 
3um  ^rgernifje,  ©nabengaben  puft, 
S)ie  fid^  Dom  Staube  ber  bertriebnert  Sürger  mäften. 
ISS   5Dic  öon  ber  allgemeinen  S^äuIniS  toad^fen, 
9inein  im  Jffentlici^en  UpglüdE  ernten, 
9Kit  fönigli^em  ^priin!  bem  G^mer^  be^  Sanbel 
^offii  fpred^en  —  bie  unb  il^reSgleid^en  la^t     • 

(Erfler  ^ufsug;  gipeiter  auftritt  69 

2)cn  ftrieg  ficjal^len,  bcn  t)erberbli(l^cn,  — -^ 

160   3)cn  fic  allein  bo^  angcgünbct  l&abcn. 

Unb  biefc  SdrnS^Sjtnaru^cr,  bie  bte  güfee 
JBeJlänbig  unterm  %x\6)  beS  ftaiferS  l^aften, 
3la^  aUm  Senepaen  l^ungtig  fd&nappcn, 
®ie  tt)oßen  bem  ©olbaten,  ber  Dorm  Qfeinb  liegt, 
165   S)a3  Srot  t)orf(3&neiben  unb  bie  Stei^nung  [treidln. 


9Kein  Sebtog  benf  x6)  bran,  tt)ie  xä)  uaä)  SQßien 

ffior  fieben  3a]^ren  fam,  um  bie  Slemonte 

Qfür  unfre  Slegimenter  ju  betreiben,  / 

SBie  fie  Don  einer  Antecamera  ^    (TL  i  "t/    -.  1 1.^^--  (^^%- 

170  3ut  anbenrgid^l^erumgefd&Ie       mid^  unter 

®en  ©(|ranjen  ftel^en  lajfen,  ftunbenlang, 

91U  toär'  id^  ba,  umö  ©nabenbrob  ju  bettelijt. 

3ule^i  —  ha  \ä)xdkn  fie  mir  einen  ftapujin^r/ 

^6)  iaä)t\  e§  tt)är'  um  meiner  ©ünben  njiHen ! 
175   ?Rein  boc^,  baö  toax  ber  9Kann,  mit  bem 

3d^  um  bie  Sleiterpferbe  foHte  l^anbeln. 

^ä)  mufet'  aud^  abjiel^n  unöerrid^teter  SDing'. 

S)er  Sfürji  nod^l^er  berfd^affti  mir  in  brei  Sogen, 

SBa^  id^  ju  SBien  in  breifeig  nid^t  erlangte. 

180  3a,  ia !  2)er  ^ojlen  fanb  [xä)  in  ber  Sled^nung ; 
3d^  tDeife,  n)ir  l^aben  nod^  baran  ju  jal^Ien. 

6s  ijl  ber  Ärieg  ein  rol^,  getDoltfam  ^anbmer!. 
"Slan  !ommt  nid&t  au§  mit  fanften  9KitteIn,  aßeS 
fiöfet  fid^  nid^t  f($onen.    SBoHte  man'ö  erpajfen,  - 
185   Siö  fie  gu  SBien  au§  öier  unb  gmanjig  Übeln 


70  ^«  Ptccolomini 

SDa§  Hcinftc  auSgemäl^It  man  pa^tc  lange !         ^  ». 
—  fjrifd^  mitten  but(]^gegriff en,  bag  ift  beffet ! 
3ieiB'  bann,  toa^  mag !  —  ^te  gterif(3^en,  in  beleget, 
aSerftel^en  \xä)  auf§  fJUdfeifunb  öu^^  ^sytücrern  ^ 
190I  Unb  finben  \xä)  in  ein  öerl^a^te^  SJlüfjen 
SBeit  beffer,  alö  in  eine  bittre  SBa^L 


3a,  bag  i[t  toa^r !  bie  3äaf)l  fpart  un§  ber  Surft. 


SDer  3für[t  trägt  SBaterforge  für  bie  SEruppen ; 
2Bir  feigen,  tt)ie'§  ber  ßaifer  mit  uns  meint. 

»95   Sür  ieben  ©tanb  l^at  er  ein  gteid^eS  |)erj 
Unb  fann  ben  einen  ni(|t  bem  anbern  opfern. 


SDrum  ftöfet  er  un§  gum  SRaubtier  in  bie  SGßüfte, 
Um  feine  teuren  ©^afe  gu  bel^üten. 

Dueftetiberg  mtt^o^n. 
$err  ®raf !  bieg  ®lei(i^ni§  ma^en  ©ie  —  nid^t  iä). 

200   ®o(3&  tt)ären  tt)ir,  tDofür  ber  $of  uns  nimmt, 
©eföl^rli^  toar'S,  bie  fjreil^eit  un§  ju  geben. 

Dtieftenierg  mit  c^mft. 
©enommen  ift  bie  Qfreil^eit,  nid^t  gegeben ; 
SDrum  tl^ut  e§  not,  ben  3öum  il^r  anjulegen. 

@in  tt)ilbe§  ^ferb  ermarte  man  su  finben. 


205   6in  beff rer  Sieiter  mirb'S  befänftigen. 

6S  trägt  ben  einen  nur,  ber  eS  gejäl^mt. 

€rjier  2tuf3ug ;  groetter  2tuftrttt  71 


3  jl  e§  gejäl^mt,  fo  folgt  eS  einem  Äinbe. 


2)aS  Äinb,  i(i^  tt)ei^,  l^at  man  il^m  fci^on  gefunben. 


©ie  !ümmre  nur  bie  ^flid^t  unb  ni(|t  ber  9lame. 


ber  ft(^  M«§er  mit  $tccoIomtni  .feitmörts  gegolten,  boc^  mit  ftc^tbarem  9(nteil 

an  bem  ®t\)^x'a^,  tritt  itä^er. 

2IO   |)etr  ^röfibent !    ®em  ffaifer  fte^t  in  SDeutfd^tonb 
6in  pattlic^  ÄriegöDoI!  ba,  e^  fantonnieren 
3n  biefem  ffönigteid^  mol^I  breifeigtaufenb, 
SBol^l  fe(|jel^ntaufenb  9Kann  in  ©d^Iefien ; 
Scl^n  Siegimenter  fielen  am  SBeferftrom, 

215   2lm  9l6ein  unb  9Main;  in  ©(^loaben  bieten  fe^S, 
3n  33aiern  jmölf  ben  ©d&mebifd^en  bie  ©pi^e, 
9lid^t  ju  gebenfen  ber  Sefa^ungen, 
3)ie  an  ber  @renj'  bie  fejien  ^läje  fci^irmen* 
m  biefes  SBoH  ge^orci^t  3frieblänbif(|en 

220  |)auptleuten.    S)ie'§  befel^ügen,  finb  aBe 
3n  eine  Bä)\xV  gegangen,  eine  9HiIc^ 
$at  fie  ernäl^rt,  ein  $erj  belebt  [ie  äße. 
gremblinge  ftel^n  fie  ba  auf  biefem  Soben ; 
3)er-  2)ienft  aflein  ift  il^nen  ^au^  unb  ^imat. 

225   ©ie  treibt  ber  @ifer  ni(|t  für§  SBaterlanb, 
3)enn  2:aufenbe,  tt)ie  mxä),  gebar  bie  fjfrembe. 
9lici^t  für  ben  ftaifer,  tt)o^I  bie  $älfte  !am 
2lu§  f rembem  Sienft  felbflüd^tig  uns  l^crüber, 
@lei(]^gültig,  unterm  Soppelabler  fed^tenb, 

230   Sffiie  unterm  Sömen  unb  ben  Silien. 

3)od^  alle  fül^rt  an  gleich  gemalt'gem  309^1 
(gin  ein}iger>  burc^  gleite  Sieb'  unb  gurd^t 

72  X^«  piccolomint 

Sn  einem  SSoIfe  fie  gufammenbinbenb. 
Unb  mie  be§  S5fifee§  ^un!e  pd^er,  fci^nell, 

23s   ©eicitet  an  ber  SBetterftange,  lauft, 

^errfd^t  fein  Sefel^I  Dom  legten  fernen  Soften, 
S)er  an  bie  S)ünen  branben  ^ört  ben  Seit, 
2)er  in  ber  @tfd^  fruci^tbare  %f)äkx  fie^t, 
33iS  ju  ber  SBaci^e,  bie  i^r  ©d^ilberl^auS 

240  ^at  aufgerichtet  an  ber  ßaiferburg. 

SBa§  ijt  ber  langen  9iebe  furjcr  @inn  ? 


2)a^  ber  Slefpeft,  bie  Steigung,  ba§  Sertraun, 
5Da5  un§  bem  gfrieblanb  untermürfig  mad^t,  . 
3l\ä)t  auf  ben  erften  Seften  fid^  öerpflangt, 

245   S)en  un§  ber  ^of  au§  SSien  l^erüberfenbet. 
Un§  ift  in  treuem  9lngebenfen  nod^, 
2Bie  ba§  ftommanbo  !am  in  grieblanbs  ^änbe. 
2Bar'§  etma  laiferlid^e  SJlajeftät, 
®ie  ein  gemad^teS  ^eer  il^m  übergab, 

250   S)en  gül^rer  nur  gefu(|t  gu  il^ren  Struppen? 

y^  —  3toä)  gar  ni(|t  toar  ba§  ^eer.    ©rfd^affen  erft 
SKufef  e§  ber  f^rieblanb,  er  empfing  e§  nid^t, 
@r  gab'S  bem  ßaifer !  SSon  bem  ßaifer  nid^t 
©rl^ielten  tt)ir  ben  SBaßenftein  jum  ^elbl^erm. 

255   ©0  ift  e§  nid^t,  fo  nid^t !    SSom  Söaüenftein 
©rl^ielten  toir  ben  JJaifer  erft  gum  ^nxn, 
@r  fnüpft  uns,  er  allein,  an  biefe  fjal^nen. 

Cctatlio  tritt  ba^tDifd^en. 

6s  ift  nur  jur  Erinnerung,  ^err  ßriegSrat, 
5Dafe  @ie  im  Sager  finb  unb  unter  Äriegern. 
260   2)ie  ftül^nl^eit  mad^t,  bie  fjrei^eit,  ben  ©olbaten. 
aSermöd^t'  et  led  ju  l^anbeln,  bürff  er  nic^t 

€r^r  2lnf3ttg;  Dritter  :iuftntt  73 

Äedt  rebcn  auä)?  —  @ing  flcl^t  in§  9Inbrc  brcin.  — 
®ie  ftül^nl^eit  bicfeg  toürb'gen  Cffigicr§, 

auf  i^ttttlem  jetgenb 

®ie  jc^t  in  il^rem  3tel  fid^  nur  bcrgrijf , 
Ä65    (Srl^iclt,  tt)o  ni(|ts  aU  Jf ül^n^eit  retten  fonnte, 
Sei  einem  furi^tbarn  Slufftanb  ber  Sefa^ung 
®em  Äaifer  feine  ^aupiftabt  ^rag. 

fßlan  ^ört  ))on  fem  eine  ßriegSmuftr. 

SDaS  finb  fie ! 
®ie  3ßaä)en  falutieren  —  S)ie§  ©ignal 
aSebeutet  un§,  bie  gfürftin  fei  l^erein. 

CctaHiO  iu  Oueften^erg. 

270   ©0  ift  awä)  mein  ©ol^n  9Kaj  jurüdE.    6r  l^at  fie 
2luS  ftärntl^en  abgel^olt  unb  l^ergeleitet. 

©el^n  tt)ir  jufammen  l^in,  fie  ju  begrüben? 

aSo^l !  2a$t  un§  ge^en.    Oberft  »uttler,  f ommt  I 

hxim  OctaDio 

Erinnert  euci^,  bafe  mir  bor  SJlittag  nod^ 
275    3R\i  biefem  ^errn  beim  dürften  un§  begegnen» 

Dritter  2tuftritt» 

JDctaHio  unb  CMcfttnhtXQ,  bie  aurütfbUibetu 


mit  3ei(|eu  beS  (SrftaunenS. 

SBJaS  f)aV  iä)  fjöxtn  muffen,  ©ert'raßeutnant ! 
SDBeld^  gügeßofer  Sro^?    SQßa§  für  »egriffe  1 
—  SSäcnn  biefer  @eift  ber  allgemeine  ift  — 

!74  2)te  piccolomint 

S)rei  SBiertel  ber  5lrmce  bcrnal^mcn  ©ie. 

280   aOBel^  un§ !    SBo  bann  ein  jmeiteS  $ccr  (jleid^  finbcn, 
Um  btc[e§  ju  bmaäjtn  l  —  S)iefer  3II0,  für^t'  x6), 
2)enft  no(|DteI  f  (glimmet,  al§  er  fprit^t.  9lud^btefer  Suttlet 
Jf ann  feine  böfe  3Keinung  ni(|t  öerbergen. 


6mpfinbli(|feit  —  gereijter  ©tolj  —  mä)i^  loeiter !  - 
285   liefen  Suttler  geb*  id^  no^  nid&t  auf ;  id^  tt)eife, 
SQBie  biefer  böfe  @eift  gu  bannen  ift. 

boU  Unrui^'  auf»  unb  aögel^enb. 

!Rein !  baS  ift  f(|limmer  1  0 !  öiel  f (|limmer,  Qfreunb ! 

9K§  tt)ir'§  in  SQBien  un§  l^atten  träumen  laffen. 

2Bir  fal^en'S  nur  mit  ^öflingSaugen  an, 
290   SDie  t)on  bem  ®Ianj  be§  SEI^ronö  geblenbet  maren ; 

5Den  fjelbl^errn  l^atten  mir  no(|  nid^t  gefe^n, 

5Den  aßdermögenben,  in  feinem  Sager ; 

C)ier  ift'ö  ganj  anber^ ! 

$ier  ift  fein  Äaifer  mel^r.    5Der  gürft  ift  ff aifer ! 
295    ®er  ®ang,  ben  xä)  an  ^l^rer  ©eite  je^t 

S)ur(|ö  Sager  tl^at,  f(|lägt  meine  Hoffnung  nieber. 


©ie  fel^n  nun  felbft,  mlä)  ein  gefäl^rlid^  9lmt 
@§  ift,  ba§  ©ie  öom  ^of  mir  überbrad^ten — 
2Bie  miöli(|  bie  ^erfon,  bie  xä)  l^ier  fpiele» 
300   2)er  leifefte  SBerbad^t  be§  ©enerals, 

6r  tt)ürbe  f^reil^eit  mir  unb  Seben  loften, 
Unb  fein  Derioegene^  Beginnen  nur 

€rjler  ^Infsug;  Dritter  2tuftrttt  75 


2Bo  tt)ar  bie  Überlegung, 
3H§  tt)ir  bem  3iafenben  ba^  ©(|mert  vertraut, 

305    Unb  f ol(i^e  ^aäft  gelegt  in  f olc^e  ^anb ! 
3u  [tarf  für  btefe§  fd^Iimmberma^rte  ^erg 
SBar  bie  SBerfud^ung !    ^'dtk  fie  toä)  felbft 
S)em  beflern  9Kann  gefä^rlid^  merben  müjfen ! 
6r  loirb  \\ä)  toeigern,  fag'  i^  S^nen,        ^ 

310    S)er  faiferlici^en  Orbre  ju  gel^ord^en.  — 

@r  fann'§  unb  mirb'S,. —  ©ein  unbeftraf tcr  Stro^ 
SBtrb  unfre  Dl^nmati^t  f(|impfli(|  offenbaren. 


Unb  glauben  ©ie,  bafe  er  ©emal^Iin,  Sto(|ter, 
Umfonft  l^iel^er  inö  Sager  fommen  ließ, 
315   ©erabe  je^t,  ba  tt)ir  jum  Ärieg  uns  rüpen? 
SDafe  er  bie  legten  ^fänber  feiner  Streu 
9luS  ÄaiferS  Sanben  fül^rt,  baö  beutet  unö 
3Iuf  einen  naiven  5lugbru(i^  ber  Empörung. 


5Eße]^  un§ !  unb  tt)ie  bem  Ungemitter  ftel^n, 
320   ®a§  brol^enb  un§  umjiel^t  öon  aflen  ©nben? 
SDer  3let(|§feinb  an  ben  ©renjen,  5)leifter  fci^on 
SSom  3)onauftrom,  ftets  m\kx  um  \\ä)  greifenb  — 
3m  tnnern  Sanb  be§  9lufru]^r§  ^Jeuerglode  — 
S)er  Sauer  in  2Ba[fen  —  aße  ©tönbe  fd^ioürig  — 
325   Unb  bie  5lrmee,  öon  ber  mir  ^\l\'  ermarten, 
SSerfül^rt,  bermilbert,  aßer  S^(t)t  entmol^nt  — 
SSom  ©taat,  Don  il^rem  Saifer  loSgeriffen, 
25  om  ©d^ioinbelnben  bie  fd^minbelnbe  gefül^rt, 
6in  furd^tbar  SBerläeug,  bem  bertoegenften 
330   S)er  2Wenf(i^en  blinb  ge^orc^enb  I;tngegeben. 

76  X^«  ptccolomim 

fficrjagcn  toir  anä)  nid^t  gU  frü^,  mein  ^rcunb ! 
©tctö  ift  bie  ©pra(|e  fedcr  als  bic  %f)ai, 
Unb  mannet,  bcr  in  blinbcm  ©ifer  je^t 
3u  jebem  ^ufecrftcn  entfd^Iofjcn  fd&eint, 

335   fjinbet  uneriDortet  in  bcr  33ruft  ein  ^ni, 
Bpxxäjt  man  beS  fjrcöelö  maleren  9iamcn  aus. 
3ubcm  —  flanj  unbetlcibigt  finb  loir  niii^t. 
®raf  5llttingct  unb  ©aflaS,  tt)ijicn  Sit, 
ßrl^altcn  in  bcr  ^fli(|t  tl^r  Heines  $eer  — 

340   SBerftärfen  eS  no(]^  täglici^.  —  Überraf(|en 
Äann  er  uns  nid^t ;  ©ie  tt)iffen,  bafe  i^  xf)n 
9Mit  meinen  C^ord^ern  ringS  umgeben  ^abe  ; 
3Som  fleinften  ©d^ritt  erl^alf  id^  SQßifjenfd^ft 
©ogleid^  —  ja,  mir  entbedEf  S  fein  eigner  SJlunb. 


345   ®ang  unbegreipid^  ift'S,  bafe  er  ben  fjeinb  nid(|t  merft 
9ln  feiner  ©eite. 

S)en!en  ©ie  nid^t  etioa, 
5Dafe  id^  burd^  Sügenfünfte,  gleifenerifd^ 
©efämgleit  in  feine  ®unft  mid^  fta^l 
SDurd^  ^eud^Imorte  fein  SSertrauen  nä^re. 

350   Sefiel^It  mir  gleid^  bie  ff  lugl^eit  unb  bie  ^fliddt 
5Die  id^  bem  gieid^,  bem  ff aifer  fd^ulbig  bin, 
3)afe  id^  mein  loal^reS  $erj  öor  il^m  Derberge, 
6in  faifd^eS  l^ab*  id^  niemals  il^m  gel^eud^elt ! 


6S  ift  beS  ^immels  fid^tbarlid^e  Tilgung. 


355   3d^  toei^  nid^t,  tt)aS  eS  ift  —  tt)aS  il^n  an  mid^ 
Unb  meinen  ©ol^n  fo  mäd^tig  giel^t  unb  fettet 

€rfler  Jlnfsng ;  dritter  2luftntt  77 

SQBit  toaren  immer  t^tcunbe,  SBaffcnbrübcr ; 
©ciool&nl^ett,  fllcii^fletcilte  Slbcntcucr 
SBcrbanbcn  unö  fd^on  f rül^c  —  't>oä)  xä)  weiß 

360   Den  Sag  ju  nennen,  tt)o  mit  einem  2Kal 

©ein  ^erj  mir  aufging,  fein  aSertrauen  toud^S. 
6§  mar  her  SHorgen  Dor  ber  güfenerSd&lac^t  — 
Wxä)  trieb  ein  böfer  SEraum,  i|naufiufu(|en, 
6in  anber  ^ferb  gur  ©ci^lad^t  il^m  anjubieten. 

365   fjern  Don  ben  Sitten,  unter  einem  Saum, 
Sfanb  \6)  il^n  eingef(|Iafen.    2llS  iä)  il^n 
ßrnjedte,  mein  Sebenfen  i^m  ergäl^Ite, 
©al^  er  mid^  lange  ftaunenb  an ;  brauf  fiel  er 
2Wir  um  ben  $al§  unb  geigte  eine  aiül^rung, 

370   SBie  jener  fleinc  SDienft  fie  gar  ni(|t  toert  tt)ar. 
©eit  jenem  Stag  öerf olgt  mid^  fein  Vertrauen 
3n  gleid^em  SKa^,  alö  il^n  ba§  meine  fliel^t, 


©ie  giel^en  31^ren  ©ol^n  bod^  ins  ©el^eimnis? 

Ülein ! 

SBie?  auc^  warnen  woßen  ©ie  il^n  nid^t, 
375    3n  meldder  fd^Iimmen  $anb  er  fid^  befinbe? 


3d^  mufe  il^n  feiner  Unfd^ulb  anvertrauen* 
SerfleDung  ift  ber  offnen  ©eele  f remb ; 
UntDiffenl^eit  allein  fann  il^m  bie  @eifte§freil^eu 
SScmal^ren,  bie  ben  C^^J^äOfl  fi^^t  mad^t. 

dueftenüerg  »eforgiic^. 
380    5D?ein  ȟrb'ger  fjreunb !    3d^  l^ab'  bie  befte  9Reinung 

78  I^w  piccolonttni 

33  om  Obcrft  ^iccolomim  —  bod^  —  iDcnn  — 
S3cbenfen  ©ie  — : 


^ä)  mu^  CS  barauf  toagen  —  ©tili !  ha  !ommt  er. 

Dierter  2tuftrith 

8Rac  9icco(omint   CctanU»  ^iecDlomiiti«   DitefleitBers« 

2)a  ift  er  ja  g^kxä)  felbft.    SBiUfommen,  SSatcr ! 

(Et  umarmt  i^n ;  tvie  er  ft(^  umtoenbet,  (emerft  er  Oueftenberg  unb  tritt  lalt  fturfitt 

38s   Scf(]^äfti9t  tt)ie  ^  fc^'?    3d^  toiH  nii^t  ftörcn. 

SQßie,  mal?    ©ie^  biefcn  @ajl  bod^  näl^er  an. 
9luf merff amfcit  öerbtcnt  ein  alter  ?f reunb ; 
ßl^rfurii^t  gebül^rt  bem  39oten  beineS  itatferS. 

ai^aC  tro(fen. 

SSon  Ouejtenberg !    SBiflfommen,  toenn  toaS  ®uteS 
390  3[n§  Hauptquartier  ©ie  J^erfül^rt. 

Cueftettierg  l^at  fetne  ^anb  gefaxt. 

3te]&en  ©ie 
Sie  $anb  nid^t  toeg,  @raf  ^iccolomini ! 
^ä)  faffe  fie  ni(ä(|t  bIo&  t)on  meinettt)egen, 
Unb  nid^tö  ©emeineS  toiü  id^  bamit  fagen. 

Setbe  ^önbe  faffenb. 

Dctaöio  —  aWa j  ^iccolomini ! 
395   ©eilbringenb  borbebeutungSöoIIe  Slamen! 
9lie  loirb  baö  @IM  öon  Öfterreid^  fid^  toenben, 
©0  lang  jioei  fold^e  ©terne,  fegcnreid^ 
Unb  fd^üfeenb^  leud^ten  über  feinen  ^^eeren. 

(Erfter  Jlufjug;  Vierter  :iuftritt  7» 

©ic  fallen  quo  ber  SRoHe,  ^crr  9Kniiftcr. 
4CX)  5li(j^t  Soben§  tocgcn  [inb  ©ic  l^icr ;  x^  tt)eiß, 
.^-^  N    ©ic  finb  Q^^iät,  ju  tabeln  unb  ju  f dielten  — 
^   3(ä^  will  öorauö  nid^tö  l^aben  bor  ben  anbcrn. 

Cctat^in  äu  2Raf . 

@r  lommt  bom  $ofc,  tt)o  man  mit  bcm  ^txiOQ 
3t\(f)i  ßanj  fo  tool^I  gufrieben  i[t,  al^  l^ier. 

405   SBaS  flicbfö  auf§  neu  benn  an  il^m  auSjufteHen? 
®afe  et  für  ftd^  allein  bef(|lie^t,  tt)a§  er 
Mein  berftel^t?    SQßo^I !  baran  t^ut  er  rec^t, 
Unb  tt)irb'§  babei  aud^  fein  SSerbleiben  l^aben.  — 
6r  ift  nun  einmal  ni(|t  gemad^t,  nad^  anbern 

410   ©efd^meibig  fid^  ju  fügen  unb  gu  toenben ; 
6§  gel^t  il^m  tt)iber  bie  Statur,  er  fann'S  nid^t. 
©eioorben  ip  il^m  eine  ^errfd^erfeele, 
Unb  ift  gefteßt  auf  einen  |)errfd^erplaj. 
SBol^I  un§,  bafe  e§  fo  ift  I    e§  lönnen  fid^ 

415   3lur  wenige  regieren,  ben  SSerftanb 

aJerftänbig  braud^en.  —  SBol^l  bem  ©anjen,  finbet 

©id^  einmal  einer,  ber  ein  SWittelpunlt 

Qfttr  t)iele  taufenb  wirb,  ein  ^alt ;  —  fid^  l^infteDt, 

aSßie  eine  fefte  ©äul',  an  bie  man  fid^ 

SDlit  Suft  mag  fd^Iiepen  unb  mit  3ut)erfid^t,   y^^ 

©0  einer  ift  ber  SQßaHenftein,  unb  taugte,  ^/y"^^^ 

3)em  $of  ein  anbrer  befjer  —  ber  Slrmee 

grommt  nur  ein  fold^er. 

h  jQtteftetiberg* 

S)er  9lrmee !    3a  wol^I ! 

Unb  eine  Suft  ift'§,  wie  er  aüeS  werft 


gO  X)tc  piccolontini 

425   Unb  ftärft  unb  neu  belebt  um  \\ä)  l^erum, 
2Bie  jebe  ßraft  \xä)  QuSfpric^t,  jebe  ®aU 
&k\ä)  itVLtt\ä)tx  [xä)  tt)irb  in  feiner  5Rö]^e ! 
^ebioebem  jiebt  er  feine  Jfraft  l^erüor, 
SDie  eigentümliche,  unb  giel^t  fie  flro$, 

430   Sößt  jeben  ganj  baS  bleiben,  toa^  er  ift ; 
@r  tüaä)t  nur  brüber,  ba^  cr'ö  immer  fei 
9Im  redeten  Ort ;  f 0  »ei^  er  aller  SRenfd^ 
SBermögen  ju  bem  f einigen  gu  mad^en. 


2ßer  fprid^t  il^m  ah,  ba^  er  bie  9Wenfd^en  lenne, 
435   ©i^  iu  gebrauchten  tt)if|e?    Überm  $errf(|er 
aSergifet  er  nur  ben  SDiener  ganj  unb  gar, 
3119  todx'  mit  feiner  SBilrb'  er  \ä)on  geboren. 

3ft  cr'S  benn  nid^t?    TOit  jeber  ßraft  baju 
3ft  er'ö,  unb  mit  ber  Jf raft  nod^  obenbrein, 
440   Su(|ftöblid^  JU  boßftredEen  bie  9latur, 

®em  ^errfci^talent  ben  ^errfd^pla^  ju  erobern. 


©0  fommt'3  jule^t  auf  feine  ©rofemut  an, 
SGßie  öiel  toir  überall  nod^  gelten  foHen ! 

©er  feltne  SKann  toill  felteneö  Vertrauen. 
445    ®ebt  il^m  ben  3iaum,  ba§  3*^1  ^itb  er  [\ä)  fe^en. 

S)ie  ^Proben  geben'ö. 

3a,  f 0  finb  fie !    ©(|redft 
©ie  aße§  gleid^,  tt)a8  eine  SEiefe  l^at ; 
3ft  il^nen  nirgenbö  mol^I,  al§  too'ö  ttä)t  flaä)  ijl. 

€rfler  ^Infsng;  Ptcrtcr  auftritt  81 

Cctainio  su  Gtueftenderg. 

©rgebcn  ©ie  \xä)  nur  in  gutem,  Q^reunb ! 
4SO   9Kit  bem  ba  toerben  @ie  ni(ä(|t  fettig. 

2)a  rufen  fie  ben  (Seift an  in  ber  5fJoL 
Unb  grauet  il^nen  gleid^,  wenn  er  \xä)  geigt. 
^2)a3  Ungemeine  foß,  ba§  ^öd^fte  felbft 
©efd&e^n,  wie  baS  Slütäglici^e.    3m  8^elbe 
45V  2)ö  bringt  bie  ©egenmart  ^-$er[önli(]^e§ 
y      9Ku&  ^errfd^en,  eignet  9luge  fe^n.    6§  braud^t 
Der  tJelbl^err  jebeä  ©rofee  ber  9latur, 
©0  gönne  man  il^m  auc^,  in  il^ren  großen 
aSer^ältniffen  gu  leben.    Saf  Orafel 
460   ^n  feinem  Innern,  ba§  lebenbige — 
5lid^t  tote  Sudler,  alte  Orbnungen, 
Slid^t  mobrigte  ^ßapiere  foß  er  fragen. 

9Kein  ©ol^n,  Ia&  un§  bie  alten,  engen  Drbnungen 
©ering  nic^t  ad^ten !    Jf  öftlid^  unfd(|ä^bare 
465   ©emiddte  finb'ö,  bie  ber  bebröngtc  9Kenfd^ 
3ln  feiner  oranger  rafd^en  SQßißen  banb ; 
^ . ,  35enn  immer  war  bie  SBitHür  für(|terlid&  — 
^'       2)er  2Beg  ber  Orbnung,  ging  er  auc^  burd^  flrümmen, 
^ '".      er  ift  fein  Umweg,    ©rab  au§  ge^t  beS  Sli^eö, 
470   ©el^t  bef  flanonbaHs  fürd^terlid^er  ^fab  — 
^^  ©d^neU,  auf  bem  näd^ften  Söege,  langt  er  an, 
5Rad^t  fid^  germalmenb  ^-Pla^,  um  gu  germalmen. 
SRein  ©ol^n !  bie  ©trafee,  bie  ber  SJlenfd^  befäl^rt, 
SQBorauf  ber  ©egen  wanbelt,  biefc  folgt 
475    Ser  Slüffe  Sauf,  ber  Siedler  freien  ftrümmen,  • 
Umgel^t  baS  äSeigenfelb,  ben  Slebenl^ügel^ 


82  ^i^  ptccolommt 

S)eö  ©igentu'mö  flcmcffne  ©tenjcn  el^rcnb  — 
©0  fül^rt  fic  fpätct,  fidler  boc^  jum  S^d. 


O !  l^örcn  ©ic  bcn  SJater  —  l^ören  @tc 
480   3f]^n,  bcr  ein  ^elb  ift  unb  ein  TOenfd^  jugleici^. 


S)a§  Äinb  be§  Sägern  fprid^t  auö  bir,  mein  ©ol^n. 
6in  fünf  jel^njö^t'ger  Ärieg  f)at  bid^  ergogen, 
—  ®u  l^aft  bcn  3f rieben  nie  gefe^n !    6§  giebf 
3lod)  l^ö^ern  SSert,  mein  @o^n,  al§  Iriegetifd^n; 

485   3nt  Kriege  felber  ift  ba§  fiepte  nid^t  ber  Ärieg. 
2)ie  großen,  fc^nellen  3:]^aten  ber  ©emalt, 
2)e3  SttugenblidE §  erftaunen^merte  Söunber, 
2)ie  finb  e§  nid^t,  bie  ba3  ffleglüdenbe, 
2)a§  rul^ig,  mä(|tig  S)aurenbe  erzeugen. 

490   3n  ^aft  unb  Sile  bauet  ber  ©olbat 

SBon  Seinmanb  feine  leidste  ©tobt ;  ba  tt)irb 
6in  augenblidflic^  Sraufen  unb  Setoegen, 
S)er  maxlt  belebt  fid^,  ©tragen,  glüRe  finb 
Seberft  mit  Srad^t,  e§  rül^rt  fid^  ba3  ©ewerbe. 

495   2)öc^  ^ineö  9Korgen§  plö^Iid^  fiel^et  man 
S)ic  Seite  fallen,  meiter  rücft  bie  ^orbe, 
Unb  auSgeftorben,  mie  ein  Kird^l^of ,  bleibt 
2)er  5lder,  baS  gerftampfte  ©aatfelb  liegen, 
Unb  um  beä  Sial^reö  ©rnte  ift'ö  getl^an. 

500   O,  lap  ben  Äaifer  g^ricbe  mad^en,  SBater  t 
5Den  blut'gen  fiorbeer  geb'  id^  l^in  mit  fjteuben 
tJnrS  erfte  9?ei(d^en,  ba§  ber  SKörg  ung  bringt, 
S)aS  buftige  ^fanb  ber  neuDerjüngten  6rbe. 

SBie  tt?irb  bir?    SBaö  bemegt  bid^  fo  auf  einmal? 

(Erflftf  2luf3ug;  Vierter  2luftritt  83 

505   ^^  ^cA*  ben  ^rieben  nie  gefel^n?  —  ^6)  ^aV  x^n 
©cfel^cn,  alter  SSater,  eben  lomm'  iä)  — 
Sejjt  eben  baüon  l^er  —  e§  fül^rte  mtci^ 
:  f        ®er  SBeg  hux6)  Sänber,  tt)o  ber  ftrieg  ntci^t  l^tn 

©efommen  —  D !  ba§  Seben,  SSater, 
,,510   ©at  3ietge,  bie  tt)ir  nie  gefannt*  —  SBir  l^aben 

^    S)e§  fd^önen  £eben§  öbe  ffiüfte  nur 
SBie  ein  umirrenb  JRöuberöoIf  befal^ren, 
®a§,  in  fein  bumpfig  enge§  ©<ä^iff  gepreßt, 
3  m  tt)üjlen  9D?eer  mit  tüüften  ©itten  l^auft, 

515   2}om  großen  Sanb  nid^t§  al§  bie  Sudeten  fennt, 
SBo  e§  bie  S)iebe§Ianbung  magen  barf . 
SBa§  in  ben  innern  Stl^älern  ffiöjHi(^e§ 
2)aö  Sonb  berbirgt,  0 !  boöon  —  boöon  ift 
5luf  unfrei  toilben  fjol^rt  un§  nid^ts  erfd^enen. 

DctaHio  toirb  auftnerffant. 

520   Unb  l^ätf  e§  biefe  3ieife  bir  gejeigt? 

6§  toar  bie  erjle  SKu^e  meinet  Seben§. 
©ag'  mir,  toa^  ift  ber  Slrbeit  3tel  unb  5ßrei§, 
S)er  t)einli(^en,  bie  mir  bie  3fugenb  ftal^I, 
3)q§  ^ni  mir  öbe  lie^  unb  unerquicft 

525    ®en  ®eift,  ben  feine  SÖilbung  no(j^  gefci^mücfet? 
®enn  biefe§  SogerS  lärmenbeS  ©emül^I, 
®er  5ßferbe  SBiel^ern,  ber  Strompete  ©ci^mettern, 
2)e§  S)ienfte§  immer  gleici^gefteUte  Ul^r, 
SDie  SBaffenübung,  ha§  ffiommanbotoort  — 

530   5)em  ©^tsen  giebteS  nid^tö,  bem  led^genben, 
SDie  ©eele  fel^It  bem  nici^tigen  @ef(^äft  — 
@d  gicbt  ein  anbre§  ©lücf  unb  anbre  greuben. 

84  ^»^  piccolomint 

aSiel  lernteft  bu  auf  biefem  lurgen  SBeg,  mein  ©ol^n ! 

D  \ä)'6ntx  Stog !  tDenit  cnblici^  bcr  ©olbat 

535   3n§  Seben  l^eimfel^rt)  in  bic  aKenfd^Ii(J^!eit, 
3um  frol^en  3w9  We  S^l^nen  fi(^  entfalten, 
Unb  l^eimmärtg  fdjiägt  ber  fanfte  gtiebenömarfd^. 
SBenn  aße  ^üte  fid^  unb  feinte  f(j^mücfen 
9Mit  grünen  3Kaien,  bem  legten  SRaub  ber  iid\>tx  l 

540   S)er  ©tobte  Stl^ore  gelten  auf  Don  felbft, 

3l\ä)i  bie  ^ßetarbe  hxauä)t  fie  mel^r  ju  fprengen ; 
aSon  9Kenfd)en  finb  bie  SBäBe  ring§  erfüüt, 
SSon  f rieblid)en,  bie  in  bie  Süfte  grüben,  — 
^eU  Hingt  üon  allen  Stürmen  baö  ©eläut, 

545   S)eö  blut'gen  Stageg  frol^e  SSefper  [d^Iagenb. 
5lu§  SDörfern  unb  auö  ©tobten  »immelnb  [tröiht 
(Sin  jauij^genb  SSoIf,  mit  liebenb  emfiger 
3ubringlid^feit  be§  $eere§  gortjug  l^inbernb  — 
®a  f(j^üttelt,  frol^  beö  no(J^  erlebten  SEag», 

550   ®em  l^eimgefel^rten  ©ol^n  ber  @rei§  bie  $önbe* 
@in  grembling  tritt  er  in  [ein  Eigentum, 
®a§  längft  berlaffne,  ein ;  mit  breiten  ^ften 
®ectt  il^n  ber  S3aum  bei  feiner  SBieberfel^r, 
2)er  \xä)  gur  ©erte  bog,  als  er  gegangen, 

555   Unb  fd)am]^üft  tritt  al§  Jungfrau  il^m  entgegen. 
2)ie  er  einft  an  ber  5lmme  Sruft  berließ. 
O !  glüdf lid^,  mem  bann  auci^  fid)  eine  Stl^ür, 
^xä)  garte  ^rme  f anf t  umfd^Iingenb  öffnen  — 

£ltteftenier0  Qtva^xt. 

D,  ba§  ©ie  bon  fo  ferner,  ferner  3^5*^ 
560   Unb  ni(^t  Don  morgen,  nic^t  t)on  l^eute  fpreci^en ! 

€riler  2Iuf3ug ;  fünfter  2Iuftritt  85 

mit  .^efttgfctt  fic^  5U  i^m  U>enbenb. 

SBer  fonft  t[t  frf)ulb  baron,  al§  i^r  in  2Bien?  — 
^ä)  tüill'ö  nur  frei  8^ W^  Queftenberg ! 
9(l§  xä)  borl^in  ©ie  flehen  fal^,  e§  prefete 
®er  Unmut  mir  ba§  .3nner[tc  jufammen  — 

5^5    3^r  feib  e§,  bie  ben  ^rieben  l^inbern,  il^r ! 
\  3)cr  ßrieger  ift's,  ber  il^n  erjmingen  mufe. 
^  S)em  tJürftcn  maä)t  \f)x'^  Seben  fauer,  mad^t 
3]^m  äße  ©rf)rittc  fd^mcr,  il^r  fii^märst  i^n  an  — 
Säarum?    SBeil  an  @uro})a§  großem  33eften 

570   3öm  mel^r  liegt  aU  an  ein  paar  ^n^m  £anbe§, 
3)ie  Öftreici^  mel^r  l^at  ober  menigcr  — 
^f)x  maö)t  xf)n  jum  Empörer  unb,  ©ott  meiß ! 
3u  toa^  no(J^  mel^r,  »eil  er  bie  ©ad^fen  [d^ont, 
SÖeim  ^Jeinb  SSertrauen  ju  erroecfen  fud^t, 

575    2)a§  bod^  ber  einjage  SBeg  jum  ^J rieben  ift ; 
SDenn  l^ört  ber  Jf rieg  im  Kriege  nid^t  fd^on  auf, 
SBol^er  fofl  fjriebe  fommen? —  @el^t  nur,  gel^t ! 
SBie  id^  ba§  @ute  liebe,  ^a]]'  idt)  eu(^  — 
Unb  l^ier  gelob*  id^'§  an,  üerfpri^en  tüxU  iä) 

580   3für  il^n,  fürbiefen  aSBaüenftein,  mein  Slut, 
5)a§  le^te  meinet  ^^xim^,  trppfenmeif*,  el^  bap 
3l^r  über  feinen  tSaU  frol^Iodfen  foöt !  — 

fünfter  2tuftritt. 

Dttefteni^ero.   Cctatito  ^iccolomittU 

Of^mf)  un§!    ©te^teöfo? 

bringend  unb  ungebulbtn- 

gfreunb,  unb  mir  laffen  il^n  in  biefem  SBal^n 

86  I^iß  piccolomint 

585   ©al^ingel^n,  rufen  il^n  nt(j^t  gletd^ 

3urü(f,  bQ^  tt)tr  bic  Slugen  auf  ber  ©teile 
3^m  öffnen? 


QU8  einem  tiefen  S>{a(^benfen  su  fic^  tommenb. 

SDlirVt  et  fie  jejjt  geöffnet 
Unb  mel^r  erblicf'  iä),  aU  mid^  freut» 


SBa§  ift  e§,  greunb? 

tilni)  über  biefe  3ieife  I 
590   SBiefo?    SBQötfteg? 

ftommen  Sie !    3d^  ntu^ 
©ogIei(!^  bie  unglücffelige  ©pur  öerfolgen, 
9Kit  meinen  klugen  feigen  —  ffiommen  ©ie  — 

tt)ia  i§n  fortführen. 


SBoöbenn?    SBol^in? 

DctaHio  prefrtert. 

3u  i^t ! 

3u  — 

jDctaHio  torrigiert  ftc^. 

3uni  ©erjog !    ©el^n  mir.    O !  \6)  \üxä)k  atteö* 
595   ^^  W  l^ö§  9le^  gemorfen  übei  i^n, 

6r  tommt  mir  nid^t  jurücf,  tt)ie  er  gegangen* 

ßrtlären  ©ie  mir  nur  — 

Urtb  fminf  idi'ö  nid^t 

(Erfler  ^lufsug;  (Jünfter  2luftritt  87 

SSorl^crfcl^n?  nid^tbic  JRcifc  l^intcrtrciben? 


2Ba§  iji  gu  fpät?    SÖefinncn  (Sic  \xä),  grcunb, 
S)a^  ©ic  in  lauter  SRätfeln  gu  mir  rcbcn. 

Cctaklio  gefaxter. 

Sffiir  flcl^n  gum  C^^^JOfl^    kommen  ©ic.    2)ic  ©tunbe 
Sücfi  oud^  l^crdn,  bic  er  gur  5lubicng 
605   Scftimmt  t)at    ffiommen  ©ie !  — 

SSertDÜnfci^t,  brcimal  t)ertt)ün[d)t  fei  biefe  Steife ! 

et  fül^  i^n  loeg,  ter  SBor^ang  fäUt. 

^wcxUv  2tuffUd« 

^ai  beim  ^cqog  üon  gricbtanb« 

(Erffer  2tuftritt 

Sebiente  fetten  ®tü^(e  unb  breiten  fjfufite^))i(^e  aus.  ®lei(^  barauF  ®eii{,  bec 
\nftTo(og,  tt)ie  ein  italienifc^ec  3)oftoc  fd^tDacj  unb  etniad  ^»^antafttfd^  geCIeibet. 
(St  tritt  tn  bie  aRitte  bed  @aatd,  ein  nieiBeS  ©täbc^en  in  bec  ^anb,  h)omit  er 

bie  $imme(S0egenben  beaeic^net. 


mit  einem  9tau(^faB  l^erumgel^enb. 

©reift  an !  Sßaiä^t,  bafe  ein  gnbe  toirb !  S)ic  Sffiod^ 
3tuft  in§  ©eme^r.    ©ie  toerben  ßleici^  erf(j^einen» 

S^tittx  ^ebtettter» 

SBarum  benn  ober  toarb  bie  @r!er[tube, 
/6io   ®ie  rote,  abbefteüt,  bie  boä)  fo  leuci^tet? 

^xfttx  S3ebtettter. 

2)a§  frag'  ben  SKot^emotifuS.    S)er  fagt, 
@g  fei  ein  UnglücfSjimmer. 

3tt)eiter  83ebiettter. 

5Rarren§poffen ! 
2)a3  l^eipt  bie  Seute  fd^eren.  ©aal  ift  ©aaL 
SBa§  fann  ber  Ort  öiel  ju  bebeuten  Fjaben? 

®eni  mit  (S)Tat)ität. 

615   Tim  ©ol^n,  nic^tö  in  ber  SQßelt  ift  uubebeutenb. 


gtpeiter  2Iuf3iig ;  «rjier  2Inf tritt  8d 

®a§  6rftc  aber  unb  ©QUptfäd^Iid^ftc 

33ct  allem  irb'fd^n  Sing  ift  Ort  unb  ©tunbc* 

dritter  S^ebiettter. 

Sa^  bid^  mit  bem  nici^t  ein,  3lait)amd. 

3Rufe  il^m  ber  ^err  boiä^  felbft  ben  SQBißen  tl^un, 

8etti  iä^UMe  (Stühle. 

620   gilfl  eincböfe3Q]^L.^Ölf  ©tül^lefefetl 
Sroölf  3^i^^tt  ^at  ber  Stimreiö,  fünf  unb  ftcben, 
®ie  ^eirgen  S^^W^  IxtQtn  in  ber  S^ölfe, 

Btt^eiter  83ebiettter, 

SaS  l^obt  i^r  gegen  gilf  ?  3)a«  la^t  mid^  tt)ijfen. 


eilf  tji  bie  ©ünbe.    gilfe  überfd^reitet 
625    ®ic  jel^n  ®ebote. 

3»eiter  Sebiettter. 

©0?  unb  morum  nennt  il^r 
Sie  gfünfe  eine  l^eil'ge  3a^I? 


Sünfift    - 
®e§  9Kenf(J^cn  Seele.    SQBie  ber  3Kenfd^  au§  ©utem 
Unb  aSöfcm  ift  gemifd^t,  fo  ift  bie  ^ünfe 
S)ie  crfte  Qa^l  qu§  @rab'  unb  Ungerabe. 

(Srfter  83ebiettter. 
630   S)er3larr! 

dritter  S^ebiettter* 

@i,  la^  il^n  hoä) !  3<^  ^ör'  il)m  gerne  ju, 
3)enn  moniä^erlei  io6)  benft  fid)  bei  ben  SBortcn. 

^tveiter  l^ebtenter. 
4)intt)eg !  ©ie  lommen !  S)a,  jur  ©eitentpr  l^inauö ! 

@ie  eilen  fort ;  @ent  folgt  (angfam. 

90  ^»^  piccolominl 

^iDeiter  2tuftritt 

SSallenfteiit*   Sie  ^ersogUt* 


3lun,  ßerjogin?  ©ic  l^abcn  SQBien  berül^rt, 
Bxä)  borgcjieut  bcr  Jlöntgin  bon  Ungarn? 


63s   S)et  ffiaiferin  auä).    SÖct  bcibcn  SKajeftöten 
@inb  von  jum  l^anblu^  gftgcldjfen  morbcn. 

2Bie  nal^m  nton'g  auf,  ba^  iä)  ©cma^Iin,  Steter 
3u  bicfcr  SBintctSjeit  in§  gelb  bcf(|Vei)en? 


3f(ä^  tl^at  nad^  ^l^rcr  S3orf(J^rtft,  fül^rtc  on, 
640   ©ic  l^ätten  über  unfer  ftinb  beftimmt, 
Unb  mö(^ten  gern  bem  fünftigen  ©emal^I 
91^  öor  bem  tJelbjug  bie  SSerlobte  geigen* 

aWutniQ^te  man  bie  SBal^I,  bie  \ä)  getroffen? 


9Kan  mjfnfd^te  tDof)l,  fie  mö(^f  auf  feinen  fremben, 
64s   3lüä)  lutl^erifci^en  ^txxn  gefallen  fein* 

SBa§  tt)änf(^en  ©ie,  eUfabet^? 

3]^r  SBille,  mijfen  ©ie,  mar  ftetö  ber  meine. 

9lun  —  unb  tt)ie  toax  bie  Slufnal^m'  fonft  am  ^o\t? 

^erjogin  W&Qt  bie  9(u0en  Hiebet  unb  fd^toeigt. 

Serbergen  ©ie  mir  nic!^t§  —  SBie  mar'S  bamit? 

gtpetter  2(uf5ug;  ^toetter  2Iufirtit  91 

650   D I  mein  ©cmal^I  —  @§  ift  nx(i)t  allcS  mcl^r 
SBic  fonji  —  @8  i[t  ein  SBanbel  borgegangen* 

2Bie?  Ste^  man'§  an  ber  alten  Sl(i^tüng  f eitlen? 

3lid^t  an  ber  Sld^tung.    SBürbig  unb  boll  Slnftanb 
SBar  ba§  Senel^men  —  aber  an  bie  ©fette 

655   $ulbrei(ä^  bertrauti$er  C^^tablajfung 
äßar  feierltiä^e  görmlid^Ieit  getreten* 
5t(ä^,  unb  bie  jarte  ©d^onung,  bie  man^  geigte, 
©ie  l^atte  me^r  bom  9)iitleib  al3  ber  @un[t. 
?Rein !  ^erjog  9llbred^tö  fürftlitj^e  ©emal^Iin, 

660   ®raf  C)ötra(J^§ebIe3:od)ter,  l^ättefo  — 
3lxä)i  eben  f 0  empfangen  werben  f oHen ! 

9Kan  fd^alt  gett)i^  mein  neue[te§  Setragen? 


O,  l^ätte  man'§  getl^an !  —  ^i)  bin'§  bon  lang  l^er 

©emol^nt,  ©ie  gu  entfd^ulbigen,  juf rieben 
^5   S^  fpreiä^en  bie  entrüfteten  ©emüter  — 

3lein,  nienignb  fd)alt  ©ie  —  9Kan  berpflte  \\^ 

3n  ein  fo  laftenb  feierlid^eö  ©dimeigen. 

%i)  l  f)\tx  i[t  fein  gemö]^nli(3^  9)iifet)er[tänbniö,  leine 

SSorübergel^enbe  @mpfinbli(i(|feit  — 
670  6ttt)a§  unglücHid^  Unerfe^Ii(j^»§  ift 

©efci^el^n  —  ©onft  pflegte  mid^  bie  Königin 

38on  Ungarn  immer  il^re  (iebe  SMul^me 

3u  nennen,  mi(3^  beim  5lbf(j^ieb  ju  umarmen. 


3e^t  unterliefe  fie'S? 

92  >     2)ie- ptccolomittt 

i^e  Zfix'drttn  ttodnenb,  naäi  einer  !ßaufe. 

Sie  umarmte  m'xä), 
675   3)o(ä^  erft  al§  i(j^  ben  Urfdub  [ci^on  genommen,  f(!^ott 
®er  SEI^üre  jugi^i^tg,  !am  fie  auf  mtci^  ju, 
©d^nett,  aU  Befänhe  fie  \\ä)  erft,  unb  brüdte 
9)M(§  an  ben  Sufen,  mel^r  mit  f c^mcrjl^er 
91I§  jörtlic^er  Setoegung« 

W&aUtnfttin  ergreift  ii^re  $anb. 

gaffen  ©ie  fi(j^  I  — 
680   2Bie  tüax'^  mit  Sggenberg,  mit  St(^tenftein 
Unb  mit  ben  anbern  fjreunben? 

^ersogitt  ben  Hopf  fc^üttefnb. 

deinen  fal^  iS). 


Unb  ber  l^ifpanifci^e  ßonte  Slmbaffabor, 

SDe'r  fonft  fo  tt)arm  für  mxi)  ju  fpreci^en  })flegte? 

@t  l^atte  feine  3unge  mel^r  für  ©ie. 

685   S)ie  Sonnen  alfo  fd^einen  un§  ni(^t  mel^r, 
tJortan  mu^  eignet  ^Jeuer  un§  erleud^ten. 


Unb  tt)är'  e§?  Steurer  ^n^oQ,  mör'S  an  bem, 
SBa§  man  am  $ofe  leife  pftert,  fid^ 
3m  fianbe  laut  erjöl^It  —  n)a§  ^ater  Samormain 
690   ®urd^  einige  SBinle  — 

SBattettfteitt  fernen. 

Samormain !  mas  fagt  ber? 

^ersogim  ^ 

3Jlan  jeil^e  Sie  öertoegner  Überfd^reitung. 
2)er  andertrauten  SSoKmad^t,  frebentlid^r 

gweiter  2Xnf3ng ;  girettcr  2lnftntt  93 

Scr^öl^itung  l^öci^ftcr,  laiferlidicr  Sefcl^Ie. 
3)ic  ©panier,  ber  Saiern  ftoljcr  ^nio^ 
69s   ©tel^n  ouf  qI§  ftlägcr  toibcr  ©te  — 
@tn  Ungctüitter  jicl^'  \xä)  über  ^l^ncn 
3ufammen,  noä)  mit  brol^enber,  al§  jene§, 
®a§  ©te  borbem  gu  Segeu^tjurfl  fleftürjt. 
aWan  fpreci^e,  fagt  er  —  ai)l  xi)  lann'ö  ni(j^t  fagen  — 

SBaKenfteitt  gefpannt 


700   aSott  einer  gtüeiten  —  ©ic  ftodt 


3tt)eiten  — 


—  Slbfefeung» 



O !  fie  gmingen  mic^,  fie  [to^en 
©emaltfam,  tt)iber  meinen  SBiüen,  mi(^  l^inein. 


fid^  BUtenb  an  i^n  fc^miegenb. 

D,  toenn'S  noä)  Qüt  ift,  mein  ©emal^I !  —  menn  eü 

9Kit  Untertüerfung,  mit  5Rad^giebigfeit 
705   Äann  abgemcnbet  merben  —  geben  ©ie  m^  — 

©ettinnen  ©ie'§  bem  [toljen  C^^i^J^n  ab, 

@3  i[t  ^^x  ^txx  unb  ftaifer,  bem  ©ie  meic^^n. 

O !  lajfcn  ©ie  e§  länger  nid^t  gefd^el^n, 

®a^  l^ämtfd^e  S3o3^eit  3^re  gute  5lbfid)t 
710   ®ur(ä^  giftige,  berl^apte  SJeutung  fd^märjc» 

2Kit  ©icgeSfraft  ber  SBal^rl^eit  [tel^n  ©ie  auf. 

94  ^i^  piccolomini 

S)ic  Süflner,  bic  SSetläumbcr  gu  bcfci^men. 
Sffitr  l^abcn  fo  ber  guten  ^Jreunbc  mcnig» 
©ie  tDiffcn'^  I  Unfcr  fiä^ncHe^  ®Iücf  f)at  un§ 
715   3)em  ^a^  ber  9Ke^f(^en  bloBgefteüt  —  2Ba§  [tnb  mir, 
SBeun  !ai[erli(3^e  ^utb  fid^  bon  un§  tDeitbet ! 

Dritter  2tuftritt. 

@rS1lii  Serbin,  toefd^e  bie  Vrin^effitt  Slf^eHa  an  ber  ^anb  fü^rt^  su  htn 




Sffiie,  ©d^mefter?  SSon  ®ej(^äften  f$on  bte  5Rebe, 
Unb,  tt)ie  xä)  ]tf)\  nid^t  bon  erfreülid^en, 
6^  er  no(^  feinet  JfinbeS  frol^  gemorben? 
720   S)er  tJreube  gel^ört  ber  erfte  SlugenblidE* 
^ter,  SSoter  tJrieblonb,  bQ§  ift  beine  SEod^ter ! 

Xfitüa  nfil^ert  lid^  tlgm  fd^üd^tem  unb  toiK  flc^  auf  feine  $anb  beugen ;  ec 
em)>fängt  fie  in  feinen  SCrmen  unb  bleibt  einige  3^t  in  ibrem  Knf(^auen 

beiloren  fteben. 

3q  !  ©d^ön  ift  mir  bie  |)offttun9  ctufgegottgen. 
3d^  nel^me  fte  jum  ^fanbe  großem  @Iüdt§* 

6in  gorteö  ftinb  nod^  mar  [ie,  al§  ©ie  gingen, 
725   ®a§  grofee  $eer  bcm  ftdfer  aufgurid^ten. 
^crnod^,  als  ©ie  bom  Q^elbjug  l^eimgelel^rt 
3lu§  5ßommern,  mar  bie  Stod^ter  fd^on  im  ©tifie, 
SBo  jte  geblieben  ift  bi§  je^t* 


SDBir  l^ier  im  gf^Ib  geforgt,  fte  gro^  gu  mad^n. 

gjpeitcr  2luf3ug ;  Dritter  2luftritt  95 

730   ®a§  f)bä)\k  3rbif(^c  il^r  ju  erfed^ten, 

.   ^^at  50?uttcr  Statut  in  [tiüen  <f  loftermouren 
'  ^  y^ü§  iJ&rigc  getl^an,  bem  lieben  ffinb 
/-'  '     9Iu§  freiet  ®un[t  baö  ©öttliiä^e  gegeben, 
Unb  fü^rt  fie  il^tent  glönjenben  @ef($tct 
735    Unb  meinet  C^offi^u^fl  W^^  gefd^müdt  entgegen. 

$eraO0itt  sur^rinseffin. 

®u  l^ätteft  beinen  SSatet  mol^l  ni(j^t  hiebet 
ßtlannt,  mein  ftinb?  ßaum  jäl^Iteft  bu  ad^t  Salute, 
91I§  bu  fein  3Ingeft(i^t  jule^t  gefel^n. 

®od^,  SKutiet,  auf  ben  etften  »lid  —  SKein  SSatet 
740  ^at  nid)t  gealtett  —  SBie  fein  SÖilb  in  mir  gelebt, 
©0  fielet  et  blül^enb  je^t  bot  meinen  9lugen, 

S)a§  l^olbe  ftinb !  SBie  fein  bemetft  unb  tt)ie 
SSetftönbig !  ©iel^,  x^  jütnte  mit  bem  ©ci^icffal, 
®a6  mit'§  ben  ©ol^n  betfagt,  bet  meinet  9lamenS 

745   Unb  meinet  @Iücfe§  @tbe  fönnte  fein, 
3n  einet  ftolgen  Sinie  t)on  tJütften 
9Kein  fd^nell  betlöfd^te^  S)afein  weitet  leiten. 
^ä)  fi)at  bem  ©(^idfal  Unted^t.    ^in  auf  biefe^ 
Sungftäulid^  blül^enbe  ^aupt  tt)ill  xä)  ben  ßtanj 

750  ®e§  !ttegetifd^cn  Seben§  niebetlegen ; 

9li(ä^t  füt  betloten  ad^t'  xä)%  menn  xäf^  einft, 
3n  einen  !öniglid^en  ©d^mudt  bettoanbelt. 
Um  biefe  fd^öne  ©titne  fled^ten  !ann. 

(Er  l^ätt  fte  in  feinen  Slrmen,  tote  ^tccolomini  ^eretntrttt 

96  5te  piccolomirti 

Pierter  Otuftritt 

JDtac  Viccolomiiti  unb  Balb  barauf  ®raf  SletKni  au  ben  Sorignt. 

3)a  lontmt  bcr  ^ßatobin,  ber  unö  befci^ü^te.  > 

aBcHenfteitt.  ^ 

755   ©et  mir  tDtUfommen,  Wai !  ©tet§  toarft  bu  mir 
S)er  Sringer  irgenb  einer  j^önen  fjreube, 
Unb,  tt)ie  ba§  glücflitj^e  ©eftirn  be§  SKorgenö, 
gül^rft  bu  bic  SebenSfonne  mir  l^erouf. 

5Kein  ©eneral  — 

SÖig  icjjt  tt)ar  eS  ber  ftatfer, 
760   ®cr  Uä)  hmS)  meine  ^anb  Beloi^nt.    $eut  l^oft  bu 
S)en  aSater  bir,  ben  glücflici^en,  berpflid^tet, 
Unb  biefe  ©d)ulb  mu^  Q^rieblonb  felbft  bejal^Ien* 

2Rein  tJürft !  2)u  eilteft  fel^r,  fie  abgutragen, 
^ä)  lomme  mit  Sef(j^ämung,  ja;  mit  ©ci^meri ; 

765   S)enn  laum  bin  iä)  t)kx  angelangt,  ^aV  SRuttcr 
Unb  %oä)itx  beinen  5lrmen  überliefert, 
©0  tt)irb  au§  beinem  SRarftaü,  xüä)  gef(^irrt, 
6in  pxaä)VQtx  Sagbgug  mir  Don  bir  gebrad^t, 
gür  bie  gel)abte  ^läf)'  mx^  abgulol^nen* 

770  3ia,  ja,  mxä)  abjulol^nen.    @ine  9Kü]^', 

6in  9lmt  blp^  toax'§  I  ni(3^t  eine  @un[t,  für  bic 
^ä)*^  borfd^neH  nal^m  unb  bir  f(^on  bofles  ^erjcnS 
3u  banfen  !am  —  9lein,  f 0  toax'§  nx^t  gemeint, 
S)afe  mein  ©efd^äft  mein  \ä)'6n\tt§  ©lud  fein  f oUte ! 

Ztxit9  trttt  lerein  unb  übergiebt  bem  ^er^og  Briefe,  toelt^e  tiefet  ft^neO  erbricht. 

gtoetter  2luf3ug;  Pierter  2luftrttt  97 

77 s   Selol^nt  er  3[l^te  SKül^c?  ©eine  S^reubc 
aScrgilt  er  Sinnen,    ^l^ncn  ftel^t  c§  an, 
©0  jart  ju  benfen ;  meinem  ©d^mager  giemt% 
©i(3^  immer  gro^  unb  fürftli(3^  ju  bemcifen. 

©0  mü^t'  anä)  xä)  on  feiner  Siebe  jmeifeln, 
780   ^vM  feine  gütigen  C^öi^be  fd^mücften  mid^, 
910(3^  el^  ba§  l^erj  be§  SSoterö  mir  gefpro(3^en* 


3a,  er  mu^  immer  geben  unb  beglücten ! 

üt  ergreift  ber  ^erjogin  $anb,  mit  ftetgenber  SBörme 

SBa§  banF  xä)  xi)m  nxä)t  aüeö  —  0,  toa^  \pxtä)'  xä) 
3lxä)t  allep  au§  in  biefem  teuren  9lamen  ^Jrieblanb  I 

785   S^it^^ö^^^  foö  i'^  ^i^  ©efangner  fein 
33on  biefem  5lamen  —  barin  blül^en  foB 
9Äir  iebe§  ©lud  unb  jebc  f(^öne  Hoffnung 
Qfeft,  n)ie  in  einem  3awberringe,  l^ält 
3)aö  ©(ä^ictfal  mid^  gebannt  in  biefem  9lamen» 

toclc^e  unterbeffen  bett  ^eraog  forgfältig  beobachtet,  bemerft,  baB  er  bei  ben 

Sriefen  nacbbenfenb  getuorben. 

790  S)er  Sruber  tt)itt  allein  fein.    Sa^t  un§  gelten* 


toenbet  \i^  fernen  um,  fa|t  fi(^  unb  fpric^t  fjeiter  5ur  i^er^ogin. 

5lod^  einmal,  tJürftin,  l^eip'  id^  ©ie  im  gelb  miüfommen. 
©ie  finb  bie  SQBirtin  biefeö  ^o\^  —  S)u,  5Way,     ,     y 
SBirft  bieSmal  nod)  bein  alteö  Slmt  bermalten,  ' 

3nbe§  mir  l^ier  beg  l^errn  ©efd^äfte  treiben. 

SRa{  pccolomint  bietet  ber  ^erjogiu  beu  ^rm,  ©räfln  fü^rt  bie  ^rinftefftn  ab. 

%tX^  il^m  UQt^rufenb. 

795  Serfäumt  nid^t,  ber  SSerfammlung  beijumol^nen. 

98  X^i^  piccolomtni 

fünfter  2tuftrttt 

fßüUtnfttin,   Xtt^, 


in  tiefem  9ta<^htnltn  ^u  ftd^  fe(6ft. 

©ic  ^al  gang  te^t  gefel^n  —  ©o  tff  §,  unb  fttmmt 
SSotKdmmen  gu  bcn  übrigen  Seri^tcn  — 
©ic  f)abm  i^rcn  legten  ©d^Iufe  gcfafet 
3n  SBtcn,  mit  bcn  9la(j^f olger  fd^on  gegeben. 

800   3)cr  Ungarn  ffönig  \\t%  bcr  fjerbinanb, 

3)c§  ßaiferS  ©ö^nlein,  bcr  ift  je^t  il^r  ^eilanb, 
2)aS  neu  aufge^enbe  @efHm !    5Ktt  uns 
©ebenft  man  fertig  f^on  gu  fein,  unb  wie 
@in  9lbgef(i^iebncr  finb  ton  f(ä^on  beerbet. 

805   3)rum  feine  3^it  berloren ! 

Snbem  er  ftd^  umtoenbet,  bemerlt  et  ben  Zex^tti  unb  giebt  il^m  einen  8tief. 

@raf  Sötringer  läfet  fi^  entf^ulbigcn, 
Slu^  ©aDaS  — ba§  gefaßt  mir  ni^t. 

Unb  menn  bu 
3toä)  länger  fäumft,  bri^t  einer  nad^  bem  anbern. 


2)er  3Htringcr  l^at  bie  S^rolcr  pffe, 
810   3^  mufe  i^m  einen  fd^iden,  bafe  er  mir 
2)ie  ©panier  aus  SKailaub  nid^t  l^erein  lä^t. 
—  9lun,  ber  ©efin,  ber  alte  Unterl^änbler, 
$at  \\ä)  ja  lürglicJ^  mieber  blicfen  laffen. 
S3aS  bringt  er  uns  bom  (Srafen  St^urn?  ,    . , 

5Der  @raf  entbietet  bit^ 
815   6r  l^ab/ben  f<i^tDeb'fd^en  Jlangler  auf  gejuckt 

gipeiter  2lnf3ng ;  fünfter  2lnftntt  99 

3u  ^albcrftabt,  lüo  jc^o  bct  ßonbent  ift; 
3)cr  aber  fagt,  er  fei  e3  müb'  unb  mofle 
3lxä)t^  meiter  mel^r  mit  bir  ju  fd^affen  l^aben. 

SHJie  fo? 

6S  fei  bir  nimmer  @mft  mit  beinen  SReben^ 

820    ®u  moDft  bie  ©^meben  nur  jum  9larren  l^oben, 

S)i^  mit  ben  ©ad^fen  gegen  fie  berbinben, 

3lm  6nbe  fie  mit  einem  elenben  ©tücf  ©elbeö 



@o!    SKeint ern)o^I,  id^  f oD  i^m 

©in  fd^öneg  beutfd^eS  Sanb  jum  Staube  geben, 

825    S)oß  mir  jule^t  auf  eignem  ©runb  unb  ©oben 

©elbft  ni^t  mel^r  ^txxm  finb?    @ie  muffen  fort^ 

gfort,  fort !    SBir  braud^en  feine  fol^e  9lad^barn. 

®önn'  il^nen  bod^  baS  fjledfd^en  Sanb,  gel^f ö  ja 

?Rid^t  t)on  bem  ©einen !    SBaS  be!ümmert'§  bid^, 
830  SBenn  bu  baS  ©piel  geminneft,  mer  e^  jul^ö* 


gort,  fort  mit  il^nen !  —  S)aS  berftel^ft  bu  nid^t. 

6ö  foll  nid^t  t)on  mir  l^eifeen,  bafe  id^  S)eutfd^Ionb      1 

3ctfHlcfct  l^ab',  berraten  an  ben  Qfrembling,  ^ 

Um  meine  Portion  mir  gu  erfc^Ieid^en. 
835   SKid^  foH  ba§  SReid^  al§  feinen  ©d^irmer  eieren,         I 

aieid^öfürftli^  mid&  ermeifenb,  mifl  id^  mürbig  ^ 

3Rid^  bei  be§  SReid^eS  gfürften  nieberfeften. , 

So  foü  im  SRei^e  leim  frembe  9Ha^t 

3Rir  SBurgel  faffen,  unb  am  menig^en 
840  3)ie  ©Otiten  foflen'ö,  biefe  ^ungerleibef,  r-. :  '  ''" 

100  Die  piccolomitit 

2)ic  naä)  bcm  ©cgcn  unfer§  bcutf(i^en  SanbcS 
2Rit  9leibc§6Ii(!en  raubbegicrig  fd^auen. 
Seiftel^cn  foflen  [ie  mir  in  meinen  planen, 
Unb  bennod^  nid^tS  babei  ju  fifd^en  l^aben. 

845   ^06)  mit  ben  ©ad^fen  mißft  bu  el^riid^er 

33erfa]^ren?   ©ie  öerlieren  bie  (Sebulb, 

SSeil  bu  fo  Irumme  2öege  mad^ft  — 

SQßag  foHen  olle  biefe  9Ra§fen?  fprid^ ! 

3)ie  greunbe  gmeif ein,  merben  irr'  an  bir — 
850   2)er  Djenftirn,  ber  9lrnl^eim,  leiner  mei^, 

SBaS  er  öon  beinem  3ög"?^n  Italien  foD. 

2lm  6nb'  bin  id^  ber  Sügner ;  aßeS  gel^t 

S)urd&  mid^.    ^ä)  f)aV  nic^t  einmal  beine  ^anbfd^rift. 


3d^  geb'  nid^tö  ©d^riftlid^e§  bon  mir,  bu  toeipfS. 

85s    SBoran  erfennt  man  aber  beinen  @rnft, 

Söenn  auf  ba§  2öort  bie  St^at  nid^t  folgt?  ©ag'  felbjl, 
2öa§  bu  biöl^er  berl^anbelt  mit  bem  is^mi, 
^ätf  alles  aud^  red^t  gut  gefc^eb'n  fein  fönnen, 
SQßenn  bu  nid^tö  mel^r  bamit  gemollt,  als  il^n 

860  3um  Peflen  l^aben. 


nac^  einet  $aufe,  inbem  er  i^n  fc^arf  anfielt. 

Unb  »ol^er  toei^t  bu,  ba|  id^  il^n  nid^t  mirflid^ 
3um  beften  l^abe?  bafe  id^  nid^t  eud^  atte 
Snm  beften  l^abe?    ßennft  bu  mid^  fo  gut? 
3c^  loü^te  nid^t,  ba^  i^  mein  ^nnerfteS  • 
86s    S)ir  aufgetl^an  —  ©er  Äaifer,  es  ift  »al^r, 
^at  übel  mid^  be^anbelt !  —  SOßenn  id^  mottte, 
SiS^  mm'  \i)m  red^t  biel  SSöfeS  bofür  t^un. 

>  ♦ 

3u>etter '2(uf3ug ;  Sec^jler  2(uftritt  101 

S§  ma^i  mir  S^rcube,  meine  3Raä)i  gu  fennen ; 
D6  id^  fie  mir!Ii(3^  6rau<i^en  toerbe,  babon,  benf  iä),  j 
870    SQBei^t  b  u  nid^t  mel^r  ju  f agen,  oIS  ein  anbrer. 

©0  l^aji  bu  [tetö  bein  Spiel  mit  uns  getrieben ! 


Scdjftcr  Jtuftritt, 

3O0  iu  ben  Sorigett, 


SBie  fielet  e§  brausen?   ©inb  fie  borbereitet? 

S)u  finbeft  fie  in  ber  Stimmung,  mie  bu  münfci^eft. 
©ie  miffen  um  be§  ÄaiferS  goberungen 
875   Unb  toben* 

SSBie  erflärt  \iä)  3foIan?  - 

3tt0.  '■ 

3)er  ift  mit  Seib  unb  Seele  bein,  feitbem  bu 
S)ie  garoban!  i^m  mieber  aufgerii^tet. 

mt  nimmt  fici^  ber  Äolalto?   ^a^i  bu  bici^ 
3)eö  2)eobat  unb  Siefenbac^  berfici^ert? 

880  3Ba§  ^iccolomim  tl^ut,  ba§  tl^un  fie  anä). 

©0,  meinft  bu,  lann  iä)  maS  mit  iljnen  magen? 

—  SBfnn  bu  ber  Sßiccolomini  gemiB  bift. 

Bie  meiner  felbfl.    ®ie  laffen  nie  bon  mir. 

102  ^iß  piccolomini 

^0^  moflf  \ä),  bafe  bu  bcm  Octoöto, 
885   3)em  tS\iä)§,  niäjt  \o  biel  ttaiitcft 


Seigre  bu 
9Ki(|  meine  Seute  !ennen.    ©eti^gel^nmal 
33in  \ä)  ju  gelb  öegogen  mit  bem  9Hten ; 
—  Svit>^v[i  —  iä)  ^aV  fein  ^oxo\top  gefteflt, 
3Q8ir  finb  geboren  unter  gleid^en  ©ternen  — 
890   Unb  lurj  — 


6§  f)at  bamit  fein  eignes  Semenben. 
SQßenn  bu  mir  alfo  gut  fagft  für  bie  anbern  — 

6§  ift  nur  eine  Stimme  unter  aDen : 
S)u  bürf'ft  ba§  ^Regiment  nid^t  nieberlegen. 
©ie  merben  an  bid^  beputieren,  l^ör*  \S). 


895   SBenn  i^i  mid^  gegen  f  ie  berpfliti^ten  foH, 
©0  muffen  fie'S  aud^  gegen  mid^. 

aSerfte^t  ftd^. 

^arole  muffen  fie  mir  geben,  eiblid^,  fd^riftlid^, 
©ic^  meinem  2)ienft  ju  toeil^en,  unbebingt. 

SBarum  nid^t? 

Unbebingt?   2)eg  ftaiferä  2)ienji, 
900   2)ie  ^flid^ten  gegen  Öftreid^  merben  fie 
©id^  immer  öorbel^alten. 

gmeiter  2lnftng;  Sec^fter  2luf tritt  103 

aBcttcnftein  bcn  fiopf  Wtteinb.  ' '^ 


SKuB  id^  ftc  l^abcn.    9l^t§  bon  JBorßc^ait ! 

34  l^ak  einen  6inf ad  —  ©tebt  un§  nic^t 
©tat  %txiXxi  ein  »anfett  ^euf  «benb? 

905    Unb  alle  ©enerale  finb  gelaben. 

©ag' !  aSBiflft  bu  bönig  freie  ^anb  mir  lajfen? 
3(i^  f^affe  bir  baö  SBort  ber  ©enerale, 
©0  tt)ie  bu'ö  tt)ünf(i^ej't. 


©d^aff*  mir  i^re  ^anbfc^rift. 
SBie  bu  bagu  gelangen  magft,  ift  beine  ©ad^e. 

910   Unb  roenn  xä)  W%  nun  bringe,  f^mar^  auf  m\% 
3)a6  alle  ©öefö,  bie  l^ier  gugegen  ftnb, 
2)it  blinb  ft(j^  überliefern  —  miUft  bu  bann 
@mft  mad^en  enbli^,  mit  bel^erjter  Stl^at 
2)a3  ®Iücf  berfu^en? 


©(i^af['  mir  bie  35erfd^reibung ! 

915   Sebenle,  tt)a§  bu  tl^uft !  2)u  !annft  beö  ftaiferö 
Segel^ren  mi^i  erfüllen  —  f annft  ba§  ^eer 
?Rid^t  fd^toä^en  laffen  —  nxi^i  bie  9legimenter 
3üm  ©panier  ftofeen  laff en,  miflft  bu  ni(|t 
Sie  9Ra(i^t  auf  emig  au§  ben  Rauben  geben. 

920  Sebenf  ba§  anbre  au(j^ !  ®u  !annft  be§  Äatferg 
Sefel^I  unb  ernfte  Drbre  ntci^t  üerl^ö^nen,     :, 

1041  l)te  ptccolomtnt 

9lid^t  löngcr  Sluäflud^t  fu^cn,  tcnH)oriftcrcn, 
SQBiHft  bu  ni^t  förmli^  brcd^cn  mit  bcm  C)of . 
6ntf(^Iicfe'  bic^ !  SBiflft  bu  mit  cntfc^Ioffncr  %i)at 
92s   3ut)or  i^m  fommen?  SSßillft  bu,  ferner  jögernb, 
S)aS  ?lu^er[te  ermarten? 

3)a§  gejiemt  \\ä), 
&i)  man  ba§  äu|er[te  befd^Iiefet ! 

O !  nimm  ber  Stunde  mal^r,  ef)  fie  enlf^Iüt)ft. 
©0  feilen  fommt  ber  Slugenblicf  im  Seben, 

930   2)er  ma^rl^aft  toiti^tig  ift  unb  grofe.    SBo  eine 
©ntfd^eibung  foH  gefiä^el^en,  ba  mufe  Dielet 
©i(!^  glücfliiä^  treffen  unb  gufammenfinben  — 
Unb  eingeln  nur,  jetftreuet  geigen  fi^ 
2)e§  ©lüdeS  gäben,  bie  ©elegen^eiten, 

935   2)ie,  nur  in  einen  2eben§|)unft  jufammen* 
(Sebrängt,  ben  fd^meren  fjrü^tefnoten  bilben. 
©iel^,  mie  entfd^eibenb,  wie  berl^ängniSöofl 
©i^*§  je^t  um  \)xä)  äufammengiel^t !  —  3)ie  Häupter 
3)e3  $eer§,  bie  beften,  trefflic^ften,  um  bici^, 

0-0  Den  fönigli^en  t^ül^rer,  l^er  berfammelt, 
5lur  beinen  SSSinf  ertoarten  fie  —  O !  lafe 
:    ©ie  fo  nic^t  mieber  au§einanber  gelten ! 
©0  einig  fül^rft  bu  fie  im  gangen  Sauf 
Xeö  ftriegeS  nid^t  gum  gmeitenmal  gufammen. 

945   2)ie  l^ol^e  glut  ift'g,  bie  ba§  fd^mere  ©d^iff 
SSom  ©tranbe  j^ebt  —  Unb  jebem  ßingelnen 
SBöiJ^ft  ba§  ©emüt  im  großen  ©trom  ber  9Renge. 
Sejit  l^aft  bu  fie,  je^t  no(^ !  Salb  ft)rengt  ber  Ärieg 
©ie  löieber  auSeinanber,  ba^in,  bortl^in  — 

950  3n  eignen.  Ileinen  .(Jörgen  unb  antreffen        . 

gipetter  2l[uf3ug;  $cd?fier  :iuf tritt  105 

3erftteut  \\i)  bet  flcmcinc  ®eift.    SBer  l^cutc, 
SSom  ©ttome  fortgctilfcn,  ftd^  bergifet 
SBirb  nüd^tcrn  mcrbcn,  fielet  er  fic^  aDcin, 
9lur  feine  Ol^nmac^t  füllen  unb  gefd^minb 
955    Umlenfen  in  bie  alte,  breitgetretne 

8fo]^rftra$e  ber  gemeinen  ^flic^t,  nnr  todf)U 
Sel^alten  unter  2)ad^  ju  fontmen  \\x^m. 

S)ie  3rit  ift  no<^  ni(i^t  bo. 

©0  fagft  bu  immer. 
Sffionn  aber  mirb  e§  Stxt  fein  ? 


SBenn  iä)'^  fage. 

960    D,  bu  ttJirfi  auf  bie  ©ternenftunbe  märten, 
»ig  bir  bie  irbifcj^e  entfliegt !  ©laub'  mir, 
3n  beiner  S3ruft  finb  beine§  ©d^icffalö  Sterne.  ( 
Vertrauen  ju  bir  felbft,  ©ntfc^Ioffenl^eit 
3ft  beine  SBenuö !  2)er  TOaIefi!u§, 

965    S)er  einj'ge,  ber  bir  fd^abet,  ift  ber  3ft)eif  et. 


2)u  reb'ft,  mie  bu'§  öerftel^ft,    SQßie  oft  unb  bielmalS 
grftärf  xä)  bir'§ !  —  2)ir  ftieg  ber  Jupiter 
^\mb  bei  ber  ©eburt,  ber  l^efle  ®ott  ; 
2)u  fannft  in  bie  (Sel^eimniffe  nid^t  f (Juanen. 

970   9lur  in  ber  @rbe  magft  bu  finfter  mül^Ien, 

Slinb,  tt)ie  ber  Unterirbif(i^e,  ber  mit  bem  bleid^en 
SIeifarb'nen  ©^ein  in§  Seben  bir  geleud^tet. 
3)a3  3rbifd^e,  ©emeine  magft  bu  fel^n, 
©as  9lä#e  mit  bem  m^\kn  !Iug  öerfnüpfen ; 

975    S)arin  öertrau'  \ä)  bir  unb  glaube  bir. 

106  X^ic  piccolorninu 

2)od^  tt)a§  gel^cimniSboH  bebeutcnb  mit 

Unb  bilbet  in  bcn  Sicfcn  bcr  9latur,  — 

2)ic  ©eiftericiter,  bie  auS  bicfer  SQßcIt  be§  ©taubem 

33iöin  bie  ©ternenttjclt,  mit  töufenb  ©pro[fen 

980  hinauf  \\ä)  baut,  an  ber  bie  l^immlif^en 
©emalten  toirfenb  auf  unb  nieber  manbeln, 
—  2)ie  Greife  in  bcn  Steifen,  bie  fi^  eng 
Unb  enger  jiel^n  um  bie  centralifc^e  ©onne  — 
2)ie  fielet  ba§  9lug'  nur,  baö  entfiegelte, 

985  2)er  l^eflgebornen,  l^eitem  3fot)i§finber. 

S^ad^bem  et  einen  (Sang  bunl|  ben  ®aat  gemacht,  bleibt  er  fielen  unb  fä^rt  fort 

2)ie  ]^immlif(^en  ©eftirne  machen  nid^t 

Slofe  Stog  unb  9la(i^t,  grül^ling  unb  ©ommer  —  nici^t 

S)em  ©amann  blofe  bejei^inen  fie  bie  3riten 

S)er  9luSfaat  unb  ber  6rnte.    9lu(§  be§  SRenfiä^en  Sl^un 
990  3[t  eine  9lu§faat  bon  SSerl^ängniffen, 

©eftreuet  in  ber  S^^unft  bunfleS  Sanb, 

2)en  ©d^i(!fal§mä(|ten  l^offenb  übergeben. 

S)a  tl^ut  e§  not,  bie  ©aatgeit  ju  erfunben, 

2)ie  redete  ©ternenftunbe  auägulefen, 
995  2)eö  ^immel§  Käufer  forfc^enb  ju  burd^fpüren. 

Ob  nid^t  ber  geinb  be§  SBad^fens  unb  ©ebei^ens 

3[n  feinen  ©den  fcj^abenb  fid^  berberge. 
S)rum  lafet  mir  3^it»    Stl^ut  il^r  inbe§  ba§  @urt. 

3d^  !ann  je^t  nod^  nid^t  fagen,  mag  xä)  t^un  mill« 
1000  9lQ(i^geben  ober  merb'  id^  nid^t.    ^ä)  nici^t ! 

9l6fefeen  foflen  fie  mid^  aud^  nid^t  —  darauf 

SSerla^t  eud^. 

^atttmerbiener  rommt. 
S)ie  ^errn  ©enerale. 



2a%  fte  lommen. 

gmeiter  2luf3ug;  Siebenter  2luftntt  107 

XBiDji  bu,  ba^  alle  ßl^efs  jugcgen  feien? 


2)o3  brau^f  §  tti(i^t.    SSeibe  ^iccolomini, 
1005  SKatabaS,  Sattler,  fjorgatfd^,  2)eobat, 
ftaraffa,  Sfolani  mögen  lommen. 

Xttiti9  gel|t  l^inauS  mit  bem  ^ammetbiettet. 

^a^  bu  ben  Dueflenberg  bemac^en  laff en  ? 
®pxaä)  er  ni^t  ein'ge  in  gel^eim? 


^äf  ffdV  ifjn  fd^arf  bemaci^t*    6r  mar  mit  niemanb 
1010  als  bem  Dctaöio* 

Siebenter  2tuf tritt*     ^rx.  m  /.         i  *.  1  ^^ 

Swiflc,  Ottcficttiero,  beibe  Viccolomint,  9utt(er,  Sfolani,  9{arabäd 

unb  no^  brei  anbete  (Generale  treten  l^eretn.    ttuf  ben  äSint  beS  (Generals 

nimmt  Oueftenberg  il^m  getab  gegenübet  $Ia^,  bie  anbetn  folgen  na(^  tl^tem 

{Range.   ®d  l^ettfc^t  eine  augenbtidtic^e  @tille. 


^ä)  ffaV  ben  ^nl^alt  ^l^rer  ©enbung  jtoar 
Vernommen,  Oueftenberg,  unb  tool^l  ermogen, 
2lu(i^  meinen  ©d^lufe  gefaxt,  ben  ni(^t§  mel^r  änbert. . 
^oä),  e3  gebül^rt  \\ä),  bafe  bie  ßommanbeurS 
1015  9lu§  ai&rem  SKunb  be§  ftaiferö  aBitten  l^ören  — 
©cfall'  eg  Sinnen  benn,  fid^  ^l^reS  SluftragS 
fßox  biefen  ebeln  Häuptern  p  entlebigen. 


34  bin  bereit ;  hoä)  bitf  id^  gu  beben! en, 
5)06  taiferli(i^e  ^errfc^gemalt  unb  SBürbe 
»020  3lu5  mdnem  SWunbe  fprid^t,  nid^t  eigne  ^ü^n^eit. 

108  ^^^  ptccolomtnt 

3)cn  ©ittgang  fjwrt. 

9Wö  ©eine  9Woiejiät, 
®er  ff aifer,  il^ten  mutigen  Slrmeen  i 

@in  rul^mgefrönteS,  IriegSerfa^rneS  ^anpi 
@ef(i^en!t  in  l)er  ^erf on  beS  ^erjoflS  grieblanb^ 

1025  ©efd^ol^'S  in  frol^er  Swberfic^t,  ba§  ©lud 
2)eS  ftriegcS  fci^nell  unb  günftig  umjutoenben. 
^näf  mar  ber  Anfang  il^ren  SBünfc^en  l^olb, 
©ereiniget  morb  Söl^eim  bon  ben  ©ad^fen, 
3)er  ©darneben  ©iegeSlauf  gel^emmt  —  eg  fd^öpften 

1030  9luf3  neue  Iei(i^len  Sltem  biefe  Sänber, 

Site  ^ergog  fjrieblanb  bie  jerjireuten  t^einbesl^eere 
^erbei  bon  aflen  ©trömen  S)eutfd^Ianb§  gog, 
C)erbei  auf  einen  ©ammelplatj  befd^mor 
S)en  SRI^eingraf,  Sernl^arb,  SSanner,  Oyenftirn, 

to3s  Unb  jenen  nie  bejiegten  ffönig  felbft, 
Um  enblid^  l^ier  im  9lngefid^te  9?ürnberg§ 
5E)a§  blutig  große  ffampffpiel  gu  entfc^eiben. 


3ur  ©a^e,  menn'ö  beliebt. 


@in  neuer  ®eift 
33er!ünbigte  fogleid^  ben  neuen  t^elbl^errn. 

1040  W\ä)t  blinbe  SBut  mel^r  rang  mit  blinbcr  SBut, 
Sn  J^eügefd^iebnem  Kampfe  ]aij  man  je^t 
Die  Seftigfeit  ber  ffü^nfieit  miberfte^n 
Unb  meife  ff unft  bie  Stapferfeit  ermüben. 
Vergebens  locft  man  il^n  jur  ©c^Iad^t,  er  gräbt 

1045  ©i^  tief  unb  tiefer  nur  im  Sager  ein, 

9113  gölf  t^,  f)\tx  ein  emig  ^auS  gu  grünben. 

gipeitcr  2lnf3ng;  Siebenter  4luftrttf  109 

Sßetjtüeifelnb  enbllci^  totll  ber  Äönig  [türmen, 
3ur  ®ä)lai)tianl  teifet  er  feine  SSötter  l^in, 
2)te  i^m  be§  ^ungerö  unb  ber  ©eu^en  SBut 

1050  3m  leid^enboDp  S^agcr,  longfam  tötet. 

^VLxä)  ben  Sfeerl^dä  beS  flagerS,  l^inter  toel^em 
2)er  Job  aus  taufenb  Slöl^ren  lauert,  mill 
2)er  ^liegel^emmte  ftürmenb  Sal^n  \xä)  bred^en* 
2)a  toarb  ein  Singriff  unb  ein  SBiberftanb, 

1055  SQBic  i^n  fein  fllücflid^  Singe  no^  gefel^n. 
Serriffen  enblid^  fül^rt  fein  SBoIf  ber  ffönig 
S5om  ftampfplo^  l^eim,  unb  nid^t  ein  fußbreit  @rbe 
©emann  e§  il^m,  ba§  graufe  9Renf(i^enopfer. 


ßrfparen  ©ie'ö,  un§  au§  bem  3citungS6Iatt 
1060  3u  melben,  n)a'S  mir  f(i^aubernb  felbft  erlebt. 


Slnflagen  ift  mein  Slmt  unb  meine  ©enbung, 

63  ift  mein  ^txi,  maS  gern  beim  Sob  bermeilt. 

3[n?Rürnberg§  Sager  Iie|  ber  fd^mebifiä^  ffönig 

S)en  Slul^m  —  in  Südens  Ebenen  ba§  Seben. 
1065  2)od^  toer  erftaunte  nid^t,  alö  C^^rgog  tjrieblanb 

3laä)  biefem  großen  2;ag,  tt)ie  ein  Sefiegter, 

3laüf  aSöl^eim  flol^,  Dom  Äriegesfd^aupla^  fc^manb, 

!3nbc§  ber  junge  meimarifc^e  ^elb  • 

3n§  granfenlanb  unaufge^alten  brang, 
1070  Si§  an  bie  2)onau  reißenb  Sal^n  fic^  mad^te, 

Unb  ftonb  mit  einem  9RaI  bor  9legen§purg, 

3um  ©d^recfen  aßer  gut  fat^offd^en  ©Triften. 

Sa  rief  ber  SSaiern  mol^Iöerbienter  Qfürft 

Um  f<i^nelle  ^ilf  in  feiner  l^öc^ften  9?ot, 
1075  6^  f^icft  ber  Äaifer  fieben  3leitenbe 

2tn  ^erjog  fjrieblanb  ab  mit  biefer  93itte, 

»  v»-4  < 

110  X>te  piccolotnmt 

Unb  fielet,  tt)o  er  al§  ^crr  befehlen  lann. 
Umf onft !    6§  l^ört  in  bicfcm  Stugcnblidf 
Der  ^niof^  nur  bcn  alten  $a|  unb  ©roll, 
1080  ©iebt  ba§  gemeine  Seftc  t)rei§,  bie  3ta(i)i\tx 
9tn  einem  alten  Qfeinbe  ju  bergnügen. 
Unb  fo  fällt  SegenSpurg ! 

aSon  tod^tx  3cit  tft  benn  bie  9lebe,  9Kaj? 
^ä)  ^aV  gar  fein  (Sebäd^tniS  mel^r. 

@r  meint, 
1085  aOBie  mir  in  ©d^Iefien  toaren. 

©0!  fo!  fo! 
3Ba§  aber  l^atten  mir  benn  bort  gu  t^un? 


Die  ©darneben  brau§  ju  fc^Iagen  unb  bie  ©aci^fen. 


JRed^t !    Über  ber  Sefd^reibung  ba  bergeff '  iif 
Den  gangen  Ärieg  —  iu  Ducftenöcr« 

9lur  meiter  f ortgefalj^en ! 


1090  2lm  Oberftrom  bieflei(]^t  gemann  man  toieber, 
2öo§  an  ber  Donau  fcj^impflid^  tt)arb  berloren, 
ßrftaunenämerte  Dinge  l^offte  man 
9luf  biefer  ßricgeSbül^ne  ju  erleben, 
SQßo  tjrieblanb  in  ^erfon  ju  treibe  jog, 

109s  Der  9lebenbu]^Ier  ©uftaöS  einen  —  Sl^urn 
Unb  einen  Slml^eim  bor  fid^  fanb.    Unb  mirlUd^ 
®eriet  man  na^e  gnug  l^ier  an  einanber, 
S£)o^,  um  afö  greunb,  al5  ®a[t  fid§  ju  betoirten. 

Sioetier  ^ufjug;  Siebenter  ^luftritt  111 

®anj  3)eutf(i^Ianb  fcufjtc  unter  ÄriegeSlaft, 
iioo  3)(Hi^  fjriebe  toar'ö  im  SBaHenfteinifiä^n  Säger. 

SJland^  blutig  Steffen  mirb  um  nid^t§  gefod^ten, 

SBeil  einen  ©teg  ber  junge  fjelbl^err  braucht. 

gin  Vorteil  be§  bemöl^rten  gelbl^errn  ift'ä, 

2)a6  er  nid^  nötig  ^at  ju  f(i^lagen,  um 
1105  2)er  SBelt  ju  geigen,  er  berftel^'  gu  fiegen. 

aWir  lonnt'  e§  tt)enig  l^elfen,  meines  ©lüdS 

3Rxä)  über  einen  Slrnl^eim  ju  bebienen ; 

SSiel  nüfete  S)eutf(3^Ianb  meine  SKäfeigung/^-  ^ ' -' - . 

JBär'  mir'§  geglücft,  baS  »ünbniö  gmifc^en  ©aci^fen   | 
II 10  Unb  ©darneben,  baS  berberbli(i^e,  ju  löfen. 


6S  glüdftc  aber  nid^t,  unb  fo  begann 

Slufö  neu  ba§  blufge.ftriegeSfpiel.    ^kx  eniüä) 

SRed^tfettigte  ber  gürft  ben  alten  Sftul^m. 

Sluf  ©teinau'ö  fjelbern  ftredt  baS  f^mebifc^e  ^ttx 
II 15  2)ie  SSBaffen,  ol^ne  ©d^mertftreic^  übermunben  — 

Unb  l^ier,  mit  anbern,  lieferte  be§  ^immels 

®ered&tig!eit  ben  alten  5luf ru^rftifter, 

2)ie  flud^belabne  fjadel  biefe§  ^ßriegs; 

2)latt^iaö  Sl^urn,  be§  mä)n^  ^änben  aii^. 
1120  —  ^oä)  in  gro^müt^ge'  $anb  tt)ar  er  gefallen ; 

©tatt  ©träfe  fanb  er  So^n,  unb  rei(|  befd^enft 

gntliefe  ber  Surft  ben  ©rgfeinb  feineä  ÄaiferS. 

fBattenftein  lac^t. 

3d^  ttjeiB,  id^  ttjeife  —  ©ie  l^atten  fd^on  in  SQßien 
Sie  Sfcnfter,  bie  SaüonS  öorauS  gemietet, 
"25  3[l^n  auf  bem  Slrmenfünberfarrn  ju  fe^n  — 

Sie  ©(^lac^t  l^ätt'  id^  mit  ©d^impf  berlieren  mögen. 

112  X^te  piccolomini 

35od^  baS  bctflcben  mir  bie  SQßtcncr  nid^t, 
S)a^  \ä)  um  ein  ©|)cltalel  fie  betrog. 


SSefrcit  toar  ©d^Icjicn,  unb  alles  rief 
II 30  S)en  C)ctiOfl  nun  in§  l^artbebrängte  Saiem. 
6r  fe^t  audii  tüirf lid^  fic^  in  3Rax\ä)  —  gemäd^Iid^ 
2)ur^giel^t  er  SSöl^eim  auf  bem  längften  SQßege; 
S)od^,  el^  er  no(ä^  ben  fjeitib  gefeiten,  menbet 
@r  fd^Ieunig  um,  begiel^t  fein  SBinterlager,  brüdft 
XI 35  S)e§  ßaiferS  Sänber  mit  beS  ÄaiferS  ^m. 

SBaffettftciii«  , 

2)a§  ©eer  mar  gum  Erbarmen,  jebe  Slotburft,  jebc 
Sequemlici^feit  gebrad^  —  ber  SQßinter  tam. 
SBaS  benft  bie  SRajeftät  öon  il^ren  Sruppen? 
©inb  tüir  ni(]^f  a»enf(|en?  nic^t  ber  ßölt'  unb  ?Räffe, 

II 40  9lid^t  jeber  5Rotburft  fterbli(i^  untermorfen? 
SIu(i^n)ürbig  ©d^idfal  be§  ©olbaten !    SBo 
6r  l^inlommt,  fliel^t  man  bor  il^m  —  mo  er  toeggel^t, 
a3ertt)ünf(^t  man  il^n !    @r  mufe  \\ä)  afleS  nehmen ; 
9Han  giebt  il^m  nichts,  unb,  jeglid^em  gejmungen 

"45  S^  nehmen,  tft  er  jeglichem  ein  ©reuel. 
^ier  ftel^en  meine  (Seneralö.    ftaraf[a ! 
@raf  5Deobati !    Suttler!    ©agteSil^m, 
SSJie  lang  ber  ©olb  ben  Gruppen  ou§geblieben? 


6in  3[a^r  fd^on  fe^It  bie  Sö^nung. 


Unb  fein  ©olb 
1150  9Hufe  bem  ©olbaten  toerben ;  barnad^  l^eifet  er ! 


2)aS  Hingt  ganj  anber§,  aU  ber  gürft  öon  grieblanb 
iBor  ad;t,  neun  Sauren  \\ä)  berne^men  lie^. 

§weiiet  2luf3U9;  Siebenter  2(uf tritt  113 


3a,  meine  ©(^ulb  tfl  e§,  toeiß  tool^I,  x^  felbji 

^aV  mir  ben  Äaifer f o  bermöl^nt.  2)a !  S8or  neun  3>a]^ren, 

II 55  Seim  ©äneniriege,  (teilt'  iä)  eine  9Ka(^t  i^m  auf 
93on  bierjigtaufenb  ßöpfen  ober  fünfjig, 
2)ie  aus  bem  eignen  ©ätfel  leinen  3)eut 
3I)m  loftete — 2)ur(3^  ©atä^fenS  Greife  jog 
^.     3)ie  ÄriegeSfurie,  bi§  an  bie  ©eueren 

I  i6o  2)e§  Selt§  ben  ©(^retfen  [eineö  9lamenä  tragenb* 
2)a  mar  no(3^  eine  3eit !    ^m  ganjen  ffaiferitaate 
ftein  5?am'  geehrt,  gefeiert,  tpie  ber  meine, 
Unb  mixtä)t  SBallenftein,  fo  .^ieß 
3)er  britte  ©belftein  in  feiner  ßrone ! 

1165  2)o(^  auf  bem  8legen§j)urger  ^ürftentag, 
2)d  ixaä)  e§  auf !    35a  tag  eö  lunb  unb  offen, 
3lu§  toelci^em  Seutel  ii)  gemirtfd^aff  t  l^atte. 
Unb  toaö  toar  nun  mein  S)anl  bafür,  ba^  xä), 
6in  treuer  5ürftenfned()t,  ber  SSöIfer  ^luc^ 

II 70  2luf  mid^  gebürbet  —  biefen  Ärieg,  ber  nur 
^l^n  grop  gemacht,  bie  S^ürften  galten  laffen? 
2Ba§?    Slufgeopfert  murb'  id^  il^ren  fflagen, 

—  Slbgefe^t  tourb'  id^. 


Sure  ©naben  meife, 
SBie  fel^r  auf  jenem  unglüdESboHen  9leic^§tag 
1175  3)ie  gfreil^eit  il^m  gemangelt. 

Stob  unb  Steufel ! 
3d^  l^atte,  n)a§  i^m  greil^eit  fd^affen  !onnte. 

—  Stein,  ^err !    ©eitbem  e§  mir  f 0  fd()Ied^t  bef am. 
S5em  3:i^ron  ju  bienen  auf  beö  Sleid^eö  ftoften. 

114  5ie  piccolomini 

^aV  x(i)  Dom  9lei(^  flang  anbcrS  bcnlen  lernen. 
1180  Som  ftaifer  fretli^  i)aV  id^  biefen  ©tab; 

®od^  f ü^r'  id^  ie^t  i^n  al3  be§  Siemes  gelb^err, 
3ur  SBol^Ifa^rt  aller,  gu  beS  ©anjen  €>cU, 
Unb  n^t  me^r  jur  aSergrö^erung  be3  6inen !  — 
3ur  ©a(i^e  bo(^*   S3ßa§  ift'ö,  baS  man  t)on  mir  begel^rt? 


1185  gür§  erfte  tüollen  ©eine  SKajeftät, 

2)ag  bie  Slrmee  ol^n'  2luff(!()ub  Söl^men  räume.  -  '^•^^ 


3n  biefer  3ia]^re§jeit?   Unb  tüol^iu  miß  man, 
2)a$tt)ir  un3  menben? 


©al^in,  too  ber  t?rfnb  ijl. 
35enrt  ©eine  SDlajeftät  mü  aUegenSpurg 
1190  aSor  Dftern  nod^  bom  ^Jeinb  gefäubert  fe^n, 
2)afe  länger  ni(^t  im  2)ome  lutl^erifci^ 
©eprebigt  tt)erbe  —  !e^crif(^er  ©reu't 
S)e3  gefteS  reine  geier  nic^t  befuble. 

y  SEBattettfteitt. 

Äann  ba§  gefd^el^en,  meine  ©eneratö  ? 

1195  65  ift  ni(i^t  möglici^. 

g§  fann  nid^t  gefd^n. 

©er  Äaifer  l^at  aud^  f(^on  bem  Cberft  ©u^S 
33efe^I  gefd^itft,  na^  93aiern  borjurütfen. 


SBa§  t^ot  ber  ©U5§? 

gipeiter  2tuf3ug;  Siebenter  2Iuf tritt  115 


SBaö  er  fd^ulbig  mar : 
@r  rüdtc  bor. 

6r  rüdtc  t)or !   Unb  xä), 
I200  ©ein  ßl^ef,  gab  il^m  Sefe^I,  au§brü(fli(^en, 
3lxds)t  t)on  bcm  ^la^  ju  mxä)tn !    ©te^t  e§  fo 
Um  mein  Äommanbo?   2)ag  ift  ber  ©el^orfam, 
3)cn  man  mir  fd^ulbig,  ol^nc  bcn  lein  JJriegöftanb 
3u  benfcn  ift?   Sie,  meine  ©enerale, 
1205  ©eien  Slid^ter !    SBaö  berbient  ber  Offijier, 
3)er  eibbergeffen  feine  Drbre  bri^t? 

3)en  Stob ! 


ha  bie  Übrigen  bebenüid^  fc^tvetgen,  mit  erl^öi^ter  (Stimme. 

@raf  ^iccolomini,  toa^  ^at  er 

SD'las  nad^  einer  langen  $aufe. 

3taä)  beö  ©efe^eö  SQBort  —  ben  SEob ! 

3)en  a:ob ! 

®en  SEob  naci^  ÄriegeSreci^t ! 

Oueftenberg  fielet  auf.  SSaEenftein  folgt,  e9  ergeben  ftd^  alle. 

1210  S)agu  berbammt  xf)n  ba§  ®efe^,  nid()t  xä) ! 
Unb  menn  id^  i^n  begnabige,  gef(!()ie^t'§ 
3lu§  fc^ulb'ger  Sld^tung  gegen  meinen  ßaifer. 

SäJenn'g  fo  fte^t,  l^ab'  ic!^  l^ier  nichts  mel^r  jn  fagem 

V.  116    ,  Die  piccolomini 

9luT  auf  Sebtngung  nal^m  ic^  bieg  Äommanbo ; 
121 5  Unb  Qkiä)  bie  crftc  mar,  bap  mir  jum  5Ra(^tciI 

ftein  SWenfd^enlmb,  anä)  felbft  ber  SJaifer  ni(^t 

S3ei  ber  9trmee  gu  fagcn  l^aben  foflte. 

SBenn  für  ben  SluSgang  iä)  mit  meiner  @l^re 

Unb  meinem  Äopf  foH  l^aften,  mufe  \ä)  ^txx 
I220  S)arüber  fein.    SBa§  mai^te  biefen  ©uftao   - 

llntt)iberfte]^U(^,  unbefiegt  auf  ßrben? 

2)ieg  :  baj5  er  Äönig  toax  in  feinem  Qetx  l 

@in  Äönig  aber,  einer,  ber  e§  ift, 

SBarb  nie  befiegt  noä),  al§  burd^  feines  gleid()en  — 
I22S  3[ebod^  jur  ®adsf !    S)a§  33efte  foH  noc^  fommen. 


/      2)er  Äarbinal^Sttfanl  toirb  mit  bem  gtül^ial^r 
9lu3  aWailanb  rücfen  unb  ein  fpanifd^  ^tn 
2)ur(^  2)eutfc^Ianb  nad^  ben  5RieberIanben  führen. 
®amit  er  fiiJ^er  feinen  SOSeg  berfolge, 

1230  aOBtll  ber  SKonard^,  bafe  l^ier  au§  ber  Slrmee 
%ä)t  aiegimenter  il^n  gu  ^ferb  begleiten. 


^ä)  merf ,  iä)  merf  —  Sld^t  Slegimenter  —  SBol^I, 
SQBol^I  auSgefonnen,  ^ater  Samormain ! 
SBär*  ber  ©ebanf  nid[)t  fo  bermünfc^t  gefc^eit, 
123s  Solan  nxir'  berfud^t,  il^n  l^erjlic^  bumm  ju  nennen. 
3td^ttaufenb  ^ferbe !    3fa,  ja!    e§  ift  richtig, 
^d)  \t^*  e§  !ommen.  ^    ... 


6§  ift  nid^tä  ba^inter 
3u  fe^n.    ®ie  ßlug^eit  xät%  bie  3lot  gebeut'l  -. 


gipeitcr  2(uf3U9;  Siebenter  2luf tritt  117 

»ttHenfteitt.  \    ^^- ^"^ 

SBBic^mcin  ^crr  Slbgefanbt^r?   Si^Joü'ö  mol^I 

©c^mert^S  ®riff  in  meiner  C)önb  gu  fel^n? 
2)afe  man  begierig  biefen  SSormanb  l^afiJ^t, 
3)en  fpan'fci^en  Slamen  brauci^t,  mein  SSoK  ju  minbern, 
3n§  aieid^  gu  fül^ren  eine  neue  aWad^t, 

1245  ®ie  mir  ni(^t  untergeben  fei?    W\S)  fo 
®erab  bei  ©eif  gu  toerfen,  baju  bin  iä) 
(Snä)  no(ä^  gu  möd^tig.    9Kein  SSertrag  erl^eifd^t'S, 
2)afe  alle  ftaiferl^eere  mir  gel^orci^ien, 
©0  toeit  bie  beutfci^e  ©prad^'  gerebet  tt)irb. 

1250  95 on  fpan'fd^n  SEruppen  aber  unb  Infanten, 
2)ie  bvix^  baS  ^txä)  al§  @ö[te  tDanbernb  giel^n, 
©tel^t  im  SSertrage  nu^tS  —  2)a  fommt  man  benn 
©0  in  ber  ©tiHe  l^inter  il^m  l^erum, 
3Wad^t  mid^  erft  \(i)to&(i)tx,  bann  entbel^rlid^,  biö 

1255  "^c^^  lürgeren  ^rojefe  fann  mit  mir  mai^en. 
—  SBogu  bie  frummen  SBege,  ^err  SKinifter? 
®erab  ]^erau§ !    ®en  Äaifer  brüdtt  ba§  ^altum 
5D?il  mir»    @r  möchte  gerne,  bafe  xä)  ginge. 
^ä)  toill  il^m  ben  ©efaflen  ll^un ;  ba§  toar 

1260  Sef(i^Iojfne  ©ac$\  ^err,  noä)  e^  ©ie  famen. 

üi  entfielet  eine  Setoegung  unter  ben  O^eneialen,  n^elc^e  immer  annimmt. 

@§  ll^ut  mir  leib  um  meine  Dber[ten ; 
9lo^  fel^'  xä)  nic^l,  toie  fie  gu  il^ren  borgefd^offnen  (Selbem 
3um  tool^Iberbienten  Sol^ne  lommen  werben. 
5?eu  Regiment  bringt  neue  SKenfc^en  auf, 
1265  Unb  frül^ereS  SSerbienft  veraltet  fd^neH. 
6§  bienen  öiel  Slu§länbif(^e  im  Qttx, 
Unb  toar  ber  3Rann  nur  fonften  brao  unb  tüd^tig, 
3<$  ffl^Sl^  ^^^^  ni^t  ^^^  feinem  ©tammbaum. 

118  X^te  piccolominl 

9lod^  feinem  Äate(^i§mu§  diel  ju  fragen. 
1270  2)a§  lüirb  oud^  anberS  toerben  fünftigl^in ! 
9lun — mx6)  ge^f  §  nit^^tö  mel^r  an. 

®a  fei  ©Ott  für, 
2)aR  CS  bis  bal^in  lommen  f oH  l  —  ®ie  ganje 
Slrmee  mirb  f uriJ^tbar  gäl^renb  ftd^  ergeben  — 
®er  Äaifer  toirb  mipbraud^t,  eS  lann  nid^t  fein. 

1275  ®§  lonn  ni(]^t  fein,  benn  aUeS  ging  ju  S^rümmem. 


®oS  toirb  es,  treuer  Sfolcin.    3u  S^rümmern 
äBirb  QUeS  ge^n,  maS  mir  bebäd^tig  bauten. 
2)eStt)egen  aber  finb't  fid^  bod^  ein  fjelbl^err, 
Unb  au(]^  ein  ftriegSl^eer  läuft  no(]^  »o^l  bem  Äaifet 
1280  Sufammen,  »enn  bie  SErommel  »irb  gefci^Iagen. 


0ef(^&ftig,  leibenfd^aftlid^  toon  einem  sunt  anbem  0el^enb  unb  fie  bef&nftiflenb. 

$ör'  mxä),  mein  tJelbl^err !   ^'6xi  mi(]^,  Dberften ! 
Sa&  hiä)  befc^mören,  gürft !    Sefd^Iie^e  nid^ts, 
SiS  mir  jufammen  Slat  gel^alten,  bir 
aSorftellungen  getl^an — Äommt,  meine  gteunbel 
"85  ^ä)  l^off',  es  ift  nod^  alles  l^ergufteHen. 

Äommt,  lommt  I  im  SSorfaal  treffen  loir  bie  anbern. 

föttttttt  au  Qnrflfnberg. 

mmn  guter  Äat  ®epr  bei  Sinnen  finbet, 
aSermeiben  ©ie'S,  in  biefen  erften  ©tunbett 
©id^  öffentlid^  ju  jeigen,  fiä^merlid^  möd^te  @ie  '  - 

S»cttcr  Jlnfsng;  Siebenter  2(uftritt  119 

-  290  3)er  flolbnc  ©^lüjfct  Dor  aWtfel^anblung  fd^ü^en. 

Saute  Setoegungen  brauBen. 


®er  Mal  ifl  gut  —  DctaDto,  bu  mirft 
Sür  unferg  @a[te3  ©id^crl^eit  mir  l^af ten. 
©e^aben  Sie  ft(]^  tüo^I,  bon  Dueftenbcrg ! 

Sl(S  biefec  tebett  teia. 

?Rtd^t§,  nt(3^tö  bon  bem  Dcrl^afeten  (Segcnftartb  I 
1295  ©ie  tl^aten  ^l^rc  ©c^ulbigfeit*    ^^  toctfe 
®en  9Jlann  t)on  feinem  Slmt  ju  unterfiJ^etben* 

3nbem  dueflenbetg  tnit  bem  OctaDio  abgeben  toiH,  bringen  &Jil(,  ^iefetiBadl, 
Aolalto  l^ein,  benen  nodö  meutere  ftommanbeuift  folgen. 

SBo  ift  er,  ber  un§  unfern  (Seneral  — 

Xiefeitbaf^  aug(ei($. 
3Ba§  muffen  mir  erf al^ren,  bu  toiUft  un3  — 

SDBir  tooHen  mit  bir  leben,  mit  bir  fterben. 

SBaKettfteilt  mit  Stnfe^en,  tnbem  er  auf  Sao  »eigt 

1300  |)ier  ber  gelbmorfd^aß  mi^  um  meinen  SBißen. 


Strlttetr  2(uffu$« 

(Sin  3iö^ö^«^* 

(£rfter  Jtuftrttt. 

31I0  unb  2;ersni. 

3lnn,  fagt  mir,  mtc  gebcnft  xf)x*^  btefcn  Slbenb 
Seim  ©aftmal^I  mit  bcn  Dbrificn  ju  machen  ? 

®ebt  9ld^t !  SBir  fc^cn  eine  gormel  auf, 
SBorin  lüir  un§  bem  ©ergog  inSflefamt 

1305  3Serfd()reiben,  fein  ju  fein  mit  Seib  unb  Seben, 
5Ri(^t  unfer  le^teS  Slut  für  il^n  ju  fparen ; 
3ebo(!()  ber  6ibe§pf[i(J^ten  unbefd^abet, 
2)ie  mir  bem  Äaifer  fc^ulbig  finb.    3Merft  tooffH 
S)ie  nehmen  mir  in  einer  eignen  ft laufet 

1310  SluSbrücflid^  au§  unb  retten  ba§  ©emiffen. 
5Run  ]&ört !  S)ie  alfo  abgefaßte  ©c^rif t 
3Birb  il^nen  Vorgelegt  dor  SEifd^e,  feiner 
SBirb  baran  Slnfto^  nel^men  —  ^ört  nun  meiter ! 
3taä)  Stafel,  menn  ber  trübe  ©eift  beS  SBeinS 

1315  S)a3  ^erg  nun  öffnet  unb  bie  Slugen  fd^Iie^t, 

Süßt  man  ein  unterf(^obne§  Slatt,  morin 

S)ie  i?laufel  fel^It,  jur  Unterfci^irift  l^erumge^n. 


Dritter  2luf3U3;  €rfter  2Iuftrttt  121 

SQBie?  3)en!t  il^r,  ba^  fic  fi4  burd^  einen  6tb 
©ebunben  glauben  toerben,  ben  mir  il&nen 
1320  5)urd{i  ©aufelfunfi  betrüglii]^  abgelijiet? 

©efanflen  l^abeh  toir  fic  immer  —  8a^l  fie 
2)ann  über  Slrglifi  fd^rein,  fo  diel  fie  mögen. 
?lm  ©ofe  glaubt  man  il^rer  Unterfd^rift 
3)o(ä^  mel^r,  als  il^rem  l^elligflcn  Seteuern. 
1325  SJenöter  finb  fie  einmal,  müf[en'§  fein ; 

©0  mad^en  fie  au§  Der  Slot  »o^l  eine  SEugenb. 

9lun,  mir  ift  aHe§  lieb,  gefd^iel^t  nur  toa§, 
Unb  rücfen  mir  nur  einmal  t)on  ber  ©teile. 

Unb  bann  —  liegt  anäj  fo  t)iel  ni(3^t  bran,  toie  toeit 
1330  3Bit  bamit  langen  bei  ben  ©encralen ; 

©enug,  toenn  mir'S  bcm  ^errn  nur  Überreben, 
©ie  feien  fein  —  benn  l^anbelt  er  nur  erft 
9Rit  feinem  Srnft,  aU  ob  er  fie  f(3^on  ^ätte, 
©0  l^at  er  fic  unb  reipt  fie  mit  ]xi)  fort. 

«335  3(3^  tann  mi(i^  maniä^mal  gar  nid^t  in  i^n  finben, 
6r  lei^t  bcm  ^einb  fein  O^x,  läßt  mid^  bem  SEl^urn, 
®em  ^ml^eim  fd^reiben,  gegen  ben  ©efina 
©cl^t  er  mit  fül^nen  SBorten  frei  l^erauS, 
©prid^t  fiunbenlang  mit  un§  don  feinen  planen, 

1340  Unb  mein'  id^  nun,  id^  l^ab'  il^n  —  mcg  auf  einmal 
gntfd^lüpft  er,  unb  c§  fd^eint,  aU  mär'  e§  i^m 
Um  nid^ts  gu  tl^un,  al§  nur,  am  ^la^  ju  bleiben. 


6r  feine  alten  ^lanc  aufgegeben  1 

122  X>ie  piccoromint 

3(^  fag'  cu(^,  bafe  er  matä^enb,  fc^Iafcnb  mit 
I34S  3lx(i)t^  Slnbcrm  umgel^t,  bafe  er  SEag  für  Sag 
S5c§toe9err  bie  platteten  fragt  — 

3a,  lüifet  t^r, 
©a^  er  [xä)  in  ber  3la(3^t,  bie  je^o  fommt, 
3m  a[troIogif(^en  Sturme  mit  bem  S)oftor 
@inf(!()Ue^en  toirb  unb  mit  il^m  obferDieren? 
1350  ®enn  eg  foll  eine  mid^tige  3laä)t  fein,  l^ör*  i(]^, 
Unb  etttJaS  @rofee§,  SangermarteteS 
3lm  ^xmmtl  borgel^n. 

SBenn'S  l^ier  unten  nur  gefd^iel^t» 
®ie  (generale  finb  Doli  gifer  je^t 
Unb  tt)erben  [xä)  ju  allem  bringen  laffen, 
1355  9lur  um  ben  ßl^ef  nid^t  gu  derlieren^    ©el^t!    ^ 

pr^oTber  ßanb  H""^^ 

Unf(^ulbig  ift  ber  Slame  jtüar,  e§  Reifet : 
9Jlan  miH  il^n  beim  Äommanbo  blofe  erhalten. 

1360  ^oä),  toipt  il^r,  in  ber  ^i^e  be§  aSerfolgenS 

SSerliert  man  balb  ben  Anfang  aug  ben  Stugen>    j.^Ji 
y  ^ä)  benf  e§  fd^on  ju  fartenf  ^SoPeTPrli  Ur^^^^^""^ 

-  '  *  ©ie  toiHig  finben  —  lüißig  glauben  foH 
Qu  jebeni'SEBagftücf/  SDie  (Selegenl^eit 

1365  ©oH  i^n  t)erfü|rei^'    Sft  ber  grofee  ©(^ritt 

o   SfhrrtfjTgetfan,  ben  fte  ju  SBien  il^m  nid^t  berjeil^n, 
©0  lüirb  ber  Slotjtoang^ber  Segebenl^eiten/  xjS^^^^^'^^ 
3[]^n  mxttx  fd^on  unb  meiter  f ül^ren ;  nur 
S)ie  SSSa^I  ift'§,  m^  if)m  fd^mer  tt)irb ;  brängt  bie  3lot, 

1370  ®ann  fommt  il^m  feine  ©tärle,  feine  Älarl^eit. 

Dritter  :inf3U9;  gmcltcr  :iuf tritt  123 

S)Q§  ift  c3  au(^,  tooraiif  bcr  geinb  nur  toarlel, 
2)qS  €)ecr  un§  jujufü^rcn.  ^  ^^^ 

Silo-        ^^ 

ftommt!  tüirmüffen 
2)a§  SBcrf  in  btcfen  nä(3^ftcn  SEagcn  weiter  f örbcrn, 
«fö  CS  in  Sauren  nic^t  gebic^^^  Unb  fte^t'S 
1375  5?ur  erft  l^icr  unten  glücflid^,  gebet  3iä)t, 
©0  merben  aud^  bie  x^^kn  ©terne  f(!()etnen ! 
ftommt  gu  ben  Cbcrften !  2)tt§  ßifen  mufe 
©efci^mtebet  merben,  meil  es  glül^t. 

!3(^  ntufe  bie  ©räfin  SEerjI^  l^ier  ernjortem  *jj^ 
1380  SDBifet,  bafe  mir  anif  ni^t  ntüfeig^inb  — ^enn  ein      ^  "  ^ 
©tri(f  reifet,  ift  \^on  ein  anbrer  in  Sereitfd^aft.^  jvji^^ 

^         3a,  eure  ^auSfratt  läci^elte  fo  liflig. 
SBa§  ^abt  i^r? 

6in  (Se^eimniS !   ©tittl   ©ielommt! 

3Qo  Qtfft  ab. 

^tDctter  ituftrttt, 

0raf  unb  @rjifiii  Xer^ni,  bie  aud  ^tnem  ftabittet  heraustritt.    .Qemad^  ein 

fdthitnttt,  batauf  31Io, 

ftommt  jtc?   ^ä)  l^alf  il^n  lönger  ntd^t  jutütf. 

1385  (SUi^  totrb  fic  ba  fein,    ©c^ii*  il^n  nur* 

124  X^iß  piccolomtnt 

Stoax  m\^  iä)  ntd^t,  ob  mir  unö  5)anl  bamtt 
Seim  ^crrn  dcrbicnen  toerbcn.    Über  biefen  ^unlt, 
2)u  mei^fs,  ^at  er  \xä)  nieO^erauägelaffen.  ^^^u^^v^^-^ 
S)u  l^aft  mid^  überrebet  uub  mufet  toiffen,  «^^  ^^^5" 

1390  SBie  toeit  bu  gelten  !ann[t. 


jjTX  3(^  nel^m'S  auf  mij. 

ßA>-^^T_ ^  gütM»  -     -" 

6§  brau(!()t  l^ier  feiner  SoCmttd&t—Ol&ne  SBorte^  ©(^^toagcr, 
SSerfie^n  mir  un§  —  ßrraf'id^  ettoa  nidp,  cy.^^^ 
SBarum  bie  Stqtä^ter  l^ergef  obert  tüorben,  o^ 

SBarum  jufl  er  flemä^U,  fie  abju]^oIen?         ^^^^^"^ 
i39i^enn  biefeg  borgefpiegelte  SSerlöbniS  —  V^""^ 
v^.^    f-^l  '^^tt  etneifhSräutiflam,  ben  niemanb  lennt, 
{ '         TOag  anbrrblenben  1    3d^  burd^fd^aue  bi(^  — 

*  3)ö(^Hr  gejiemt  e§  ni(^t,  in  fold^em  Spiel       ^  » 

S)ie  C)anb  ju  fjaUn.    9H(^t  bo(^ !    SKeiner  Seini^cit  ^  "- 
1400  SIeibt  aM  überladen.    SBo^I !  —  3)u  fottji 
2)i(i^  in  ber  ©c^toefter  nid^t  betrogen  l^aben. 

ä^e^ieitter  tommt 
®ie  ©enerale !  «o. 

Xtt^ttl  aur  (»Täfln. 

©org'  nur,  bafe  bu  il^m 
S)en  ftopf  red^t  toarm  ntad^ft,  toaS  gu  beulen  giebfl 
SBenn  er  ju  2tifd^  fommt,  baß  er  ftd^  nid^t  lange 
1405  33eben!e  bei  ber  Unterfd^rift. 

©org'  bu  für  beine  (Säfte !   ®e^  unb  fd^W*  ll^n. 

3)enn  alle§  liegt  brau,  bafe  er  unterfd^reibt. 


3u  beinen  ©elften.    &tf)l  x      -        • 

Dritter  ^itfeitg ;  Dritter  :inftrltt  125 

300  lommt  ^urütf. 

aOBo  bleibt  t^r,  SEerj!?? 
S)aS  CJauä  tfi  üoH,  unb  aDcS  toartet  euer. 

1410  @Ietd^I    ®Iet(^! 

3ttt  Q^r&fltt. 

Unb  bafe  er  nti^t  gu  lang  öermeilt  — 

gs  mö^te  bei  bem  mten  fonft  SSerbad^t  —  j^^^^^ü^J^^r-- 

®r«fbu  '  ^ 

UnnÄf  9C  ©orflfalt ! 

Dritter  ^tuflritt. 

a^OC  B(i(ft  fd^üd^tem  l^etein. 

Safe  3;er j!^ !    ®arf  ic$? 

Xtltt  m  in  Mc  SRtttc  be8  3immer8,  too  er  ftd^  unrul^tfl  ttmflel§t 

©te  tft  ni(3&t  ba !  SBo  ift  fie? 

©el^en  ©te  nur  xcä)t 
3n  jene  @c!e,  ob  fte  l^interm  ©(^irm 
141S  Sielle^t  berjiedt — 

2)a  liegen  i^re^anbf(3^u^M 

©iai§ttftiflbama($örelfen,  (»täfln  nimmt  flcsufic^.  ^         ^^ 

Uttflüf ge  SEante !  ©te  Derleugneiftmr"^^  '^'^'  "  ;\ 
©ie  l^aben  Sl^re  Suft  bran,  ntid^  ju  quälen. 

35er  S)onI  für  meine  2Rü6' ! 


126  X)tc  ptccolomini 

O,  füllten  ©ie, 
SBie  mir  gu  SDlutc  ifl!  —  ©citbem  mir  l^tcr'fmb  - — 
1420  ©0  an  mi(3^  l^alten,  SBorf  unb  Slicfc  lüägcn ! 
3)a§  bin  i^  nicä^t  fleiüo^nt ! 

©ie  lüerben  [iS) 
3ln  tnarw^eS  tioi^  gemöl^^eu,  fd^öner  Sreunbi  •^- 
^\    auf  biefer  j^robe  3^rer  Solgfamfeit  »V^-^^^^^'^'^ 
^'^'  ^     ?Ku^  tc^Tburc^auö  bcjic^,  nur  unter  bc r  Sebingung 
1425  Äann  i(]^  mid^  überall  bamit  bef äffen.  >.  (^t>-a^ 

SQßo  aber  ip  fte?   SBarum  lommt  fle  nid^t? 

©ie  müffen'S  gan}  in  meine  i£)änbe  legen. 
SQBer  lann  e§  beffer  aud^  mit  Sinnen  meinen  I 
Äein  aWenfci^  barf  toijfen,  aud^  S^r  SSater  nid^t, 
1430  2)er  gar  nid^t  1 

S)amtt  ^af  §  nid^t  5Rot.    gg  ift 
^ier  fein  (Seftd^t,  an  ba§  id^*S  rid^ten  möd^te, 
aBa§  bie  entjüdEte  ©eele  mir  betoegt. 
—  O  SEante  SEergl^  l   Sft  benn  aUeS  l^ier 
— '.  SBeränbert,  ober  bin  nur  id^'ö  l    Sd^  fel^e  mid^ 
1435  2Bie  unter  fremben  SDlenfd^en.    fteine  ©J)ur 

aSon  meinen  bor'gen  SQBünfd^en  me^r  unb  fjreuben.. 
SQßo  ift  ba§  afle§  l§in?   3d^  mar  bod^  fonjt 
3n  eben  biefer  SOSelt  nid^t  unjufrieben.. 
SBie  fd^al  tft  alle§  nun  unb  tüie  gemein  l  - 
1440  S)ie  Äameraben  finb  mir  unertröglid^, 

2)er  aSater  felbft,  id^  toeife  il^m  nid^t§  gu  fagen, 
®er  3)ien|i,  bie  SQßaff en  finb  mir  eitler 

Dritter  ^Infsng;  Dritter  2tuf tritt  127 

©0  ntüfef  c§  einem  fergen  ©elfte  fein, 
S^er  au§  ben  SBo^^^ungen  ber  em'gen  gteube 

^jv*445  3u  feinen  Äinberfpielen  unb  ®ef(^äften, 

^      — l5w  Ktnen  'Jtei^ungen  unb  Srüberfc^aften, 
3ur  gansen  armen  aWenfd^^eil  mieberfe^rte. 


2)^  mup  i(i^  bitten,  ein'ge  ©liefe  nod^ 
Sluf  biefe  gang  gemeine  SDBelt  gu  toerfen, 
1450  2Bo  eben  je^t  t)iel  SDBi(3^tige§  gcfd^iel^t* 

6§  ge^t  l^ier  ettt)a§  t)or  um  mid^,  ic$  fel^'S 

Sin  ungelüöl^nlid^  treibenber  Semegung ; 

2Benn'§  fertig  ift,  fommt'S  mol^I  auci^  bi§  gu  mir. 

SBo  benfen  ©ie,  bafe  x(i)  getoefen,  Staute? 
I45S  "^oä)  leinen  ©j)ott!^^9Dli(|  ängftigte  beö  Sagerä 
\>^  ®emü]|I>  bie  tJIut  gubriugli'd^er  Setaunten, 
;•-         ®er  fabe  ©(ä^erg,  baö  nid^ti^e  ©efpräc^, 
vV^  ^-"^Fmurbe  mir  gü  eng,  xä)  muptc  fort, 
'^         ©tiüfc^meigeu  fu(^en  biefem  boHen  fergen, 
1460  Unb  eine  reine  ©teile  für  mein  ©lud; 

ftein  8ä(^eln,  ©räfin  l   3n  ber  mxä)^  mx  xä). 

6§  ift  ein  itlofter  l^ier,  gur  C)intmel§pforte, 

2)a  ging  iif  f)xn,  ba  fanb  xä)  mxif  aUeiu. 

Ob  bem  Slltar  l^ing  eine  SKutter  @otte§, 
1465  6in  fci^Ied^t  ©emölbe  tüar'ö,  \>o(S)  toax'§>  ber  ^tcunb,         y' 

®en  xä)  in  biefem  Slugenblicfe  fud^te.  , .  »     v^^ 

SQBie  oft  l^ab'  xä)  bie  ^errlid^e  gjfc|n__     y  •^'^       ^-  ^ 

3n  il^rem  ©lang,  bie  Snbrunft  ber  SSerel^rer- — "^"^ 

@§  l^at  mid^  nic^t  gerührt,  unb  je^t  auf  einmal      s  ^  - 
1470  SDBarb  mir  bie  Slnbad^Iar,  fo  toie  bie  Siebe. 

®  räp«: — "^  ^ 

©erneuen  ©ic  3^r  ©lüdE,    SSergeffen  ©ic 

128  •        ^»^  ptccolommi 

S)tc  SBcIt  um  ftd^  l^erum.    6S  foll  bic  S^reunbf^ft 
3nbejfctPtoad^fam  für  ©ic  forgen,  l^anbeln. 
9lur  fci'n  ©ie  bann  anäf  lentfam,  h)enn  man  l^l^nen 
1475  ®^ti  SB^fl  iu  3l^rem  ©lüde  geigen  toirb. 

2Bo  aber  bleibt  fte  benn !  —  O  golbne  SAt 
S)er  SReife,  loo  uns  jebe  neue  ©onne 
SSereinigte,  bie  fpäte  3lai)t  nur  trennte ! 
®a  rann  lein  ©anb  unb  feine  Olode  fd^Iug.  »a  Wfi'^lf 
1480  6§  f(ä^ien  bie  3^it  bem  Überfeligen  <ö<»>«^^'''*^ 
3n  il^rem  em'flen  Saufe  flilljuftel^en» 
D !  ber  ift  aus  bem  C)inimel  fd^on  gefallen, 
®er  an  ber  ©tunben  SBed^fef  benfen  mu^ ! 
®ie  U^r  fc^Iägt  feinem  Olücflid^en.  ^ 

1485  2Bi^  fong  ift  eS,  ba^  ©ie  3^r  ^erg  entbedtten? 

^eut  frü^  loagf  xä)  baS  erfte  SBort. 

SBie?  ^tnk  erft  in  biefen  s^ongig  Sagen? 

3luf  jenem  3agbfd^Iofe  loar  eS,  gmifd^n  l^ier 
Unb  9lepomuf,  loo  ©ie  uns  eingel^olt, 

iii5o  3)er  legten  Station  be§  gangen  SBegS. 

;^-    ^nTeinenT^fer  ftanben  mir,  ben  SBIidt 
©tumm  in  baS  öbe  Qfelb  l^inauSgerid^tet, 
Unb  Oor  uns  ritten  bie  Sragoner  auf,  \ 

S)ie  uns  ber  C^^rgog  gum  ©eleit  gefenbet.  -   ^^ 

U9S  ©ci^trer  lag  auf  mir  beS  ©d^eibenS  Sangigfett, 
Unb  gitternb  enblid^  loagt'  id^  biefeS  SBort : 
®ieS  aBeS  mal^nt  mid^,  Q^räulein,  ba$  id^  l^ut 
S3on  meinem  @Iüdfe  fd^eiben  mu^.    ©ie  toerben 

Dritter  2Juf3U3 ;  Dritter  ^luf tritt  12Ö  * 

3n  ipenig  ©tunben  einen  SSater  finben, 

Ä500  Son  neuen  Sfreunben  fid^  umgeben  fel^n; 
3d^  loerbe  nun  ein  gfrember  für  ©ie  fein, 
Serloren  in  ber  ^Kenge  —  „©pred^en  ©ie 
^9Rit  meiner  Safe  SEerjf^!"  fiel  fie  fd^nett 
9Jlir  ein,  bie  ©timme  gitterte,  \ä)  \ai) 

1505  6in  glül^enb  Slot  bie  fd^önen  SBangen  färben, 
Unb  Don  ber  6rbe  langfam  fic^  erl^ebenb 
Srifft  mi(^  il^r  Sluge  —  id^  bel^errfd^e  mid^ 
9lid^t  länger  — 

Z>ie  ^rliticfftn  erfc^lnt  an  bet  X^ütt  unb  bleibt  ftel^n,  t)on  ber  Gräfin,  aber  nic^t 

bon  ^Iccolominl  bemerft. 

—  f offe  !ü^n  fie  in  bie  3lrme, 
SJlein  ÜJlunb  berül^rt  ben  il^rigen  —  ba  rauf d^f  eö 
1510  3m  naiven  ©aal  unb  trennte  un§  —  ©ie  maren'ö. 
SBaö  nun  gefd^el^en,  miffen  ©ie* 

nad^  einer  $aufe,  mit  einem  t)erfto^lenen  |31i(t  auf  X^etto. 

Unb  ftnb  ©ie  fo  befd^eiben,  ober  l^aben 
©0  tt)enig  Sleugier,  bafe  ©ie  mid^  nid^t  aud^ 
Um  mein  ®e^eimntJS  fragen? 

3^r  ©e^eimniS? 
15*5  9lutt  ja  I   SBie  id^  unmittelbar  nad^  Sinnen 
3n5  Simmer  trat,  loie  id^  bie  9lid^te  fanb, 
9Bad  fie  in  biefem  erften  ^ugenblid! 
&d  übertaf  d^ten  ^erjens  — 

aRaS  lebhaft. 


130  X^i^  piccolomtni 


X?terter  2tuftritt. 

©part  eud^  bte  9Kü]^e,  Stantc, 
2)a8  l^ört  er  bcffet  Don  mir  felbft. 

SROC  tritt  iurüd. 

3»em5täuletn!  — 
1520  SBqS  liefen  ©te  tntd^  fagen,  Stantc  Sterjf?  I 

^lielta  «ur  Gräfin. 

Sft  er  fd^on  lange  l^ier? 


3a  lool^I,  unb  feine  3^it  ift  balb  üorüBer. 
2Bo  Bleibt  il^r  auci^  fo  lang? 


S)ie  SKntter  toeinte  loieber  fo*    3d^  fel^'  fie  leiben 
1525  —  Unb  fann'§  ntci^t  änbern,  bafe  id^  glüdflid^  Bin. 

9Kas  in  i^ren  %xiXM  MtxXwtXi. 

%t%K  l^aB'  id^  loieber  9Mut,  ©ie  angufe^n» 

©eut  fonnf  id^'S  nid^t.    ®er  ©lang  ber  ßbelfteine, 

%tx  ©ie  umgaB,  berBarg  mir  bie  ©eliebte.  | 


©0  fal^  mid^  nur  ^l^r  Sluge,  ntd^t  3]^r  ^rg.  .      -  ... 


1530  D !  biefen  SJlorjgen,  als  M^  ©ie  im  Greife         \  •;: ;      ^ 
2)et  ^l^rigen,  in  SaterS  Slrmen  fanb>  :  ::C       1 

W\ii  einen  ?JrembIing  fal^  in  biefem  Äreife^  — 
SQBie  bröngte  mij^.  in  biefem  SlugenBIicf, 
3^m  um  ben  ^(k\%  ju  fallen,  aSater  i^n 

J53S  3^^  nennen !    S)od^  fein  jirengeS  Sluge  l^ie^ 

Dritter  ^Infsng;  Vierter  2luftritt  131 

35ie  luftig  möHenbe  ©mpfinbung  fd^toetgen, 
Unb  jene  ©iatnanten  fd^recflen  mid^, 
■    SJte;-  tt)ie  ein  ftranj  bon  ©ternen,  ©ie  umgaben. 
SBarum  a\xä)  mußt'  er  beim  Empfange  gleiiä^ 
1540  S5en  33ann  um  ©ie  berbreiten,  gleid^  jum  Opfer      .  jf 
S5en  6ngel  fij^müden,  ouf  baS  l^eitre^^erj     ma>u>^  l 
35ie  traur'gc  33ürbe  feinet  ©tanbeS  toerfen  I  . 

SBol^I  barf  bie  Siebe  loerben  um  bie  Siebe,  .  /  jy^ 

S5od^  foliä^em  ©lang  barf  nur  ein  Äönignal^n.--  ^r^- 

'545  O,  ftill  öon  biefer  SJlummerei !   ©ie  fel^n, 
SBie  fd^nell  bie  S3ürbe  abgemorfen  toarb. 

Svtt  ®röfln. 

er  ift  nid^t  l^eiter.    SBarum  ift  er'S  nid^t? 
^f)x,  Staute,  l^abt  il^n  mir  fo  fd^wer  gemad^tl 
SBar  er  bod^  ein  ganj  anbrer  auf  ber  SReife !  ^ 

1550  ©0  tu^ig  l^ell  !•  fo  frol^  berebt  I   ^ä)  toünfd^te,  ^  *- 

©ie  immer  f 0  gu  fel^n  unb  niemafö  anberS,  ^.  \^ 

X  ' 

©ie  fanben  ftd^,  in  Sl^reS  SaterS  Slrmen,     ''^' 
3n  einer  neuen  SBelt,  bie  3l^nen  l^ulbigt,  -^ 

SBär'S  aud^  burd^  9leul^eit  nur,  3^r  9luge  reigt. 

«i^s  3a !    SSieleS  reigt  mid^  ixtx,  xä)  toill'^  nid^t  leiten  J-  ^ 
QT  3Kid^  reigt  bie  bunte,  !riegerifd|le  SiH^ne,--    ,        ^ 
^^/^^Ste^ielfad^  mir  ein  liebes  Silb  erneuert, 
f     '   2Rir  an  baS  Seben,  an  bie  SBa^r^eit  fnüpft, 

SBBaS  mir  ein  fd^öner  3:raum  nur  l^at  gefd(|ienen. 

1560  9Rir  mad^te  jie  inein  toirllid^  ©Üütf  gum  Sraum* 
«uf  einer  3ttf el  in  beS  ttl^erS  ^i>in 
^ob'  id^  gelebt-  iii  biefen  testen  ^agen  j  " 

132  I^«^  Ptccolomtni 

©ie  ^at  \\ä)  auf  bie  fSxV  l^erabflelaffen, 
Unb  biefe  Srücfc,  bie  gum  olten  Sebcn 
1565  3utü(f  tnid^  bringt,  tteitnt  mi(3^  öon  meinem  ©immeL 

2)a§  ©piel  beS  Seben^  fielet  ftd^  l^etter  an, 
SQBenn  man  ben  fid^ctn  ©d^a^  im  ^nitn  trägt 
Unb  f rol^er  fel^r*  xä),  ttxnn  xä)  eS  getnfiflert, 
3u  meinem  fd^önern  Eigentum  gurüdt  — 

9(b6re(^enb,  unb  in  einem  f($eta|aften  Zon. 

1570  SSäaS  l^ab'  iä)  9leue3  nid^t  unb  Unerhörtes 
Sn  biefer  f urjen  ©e^ehbart  gefe^n ! 
Unb  bod^  mu^  aQeS  bie§  bem  SSSunber  n^eii^en, 
2)a8  biefe§  ©d&Iofe  geJ^eimniSöoH  öerfbal^rt. 

@räfilt  nac^ftnnenb. 

3BaS  tnöre  ba§?   ^ä)  bin  )>oä)  anä)  bebinnt 
»575  3tt  aBen  bunHen  ßcfen  biefeS  ^aufeS. 

XfftUa  löc^elnb. 

93  on  ©eiftern  mirb  ber  SQßeg  bagu  befd^ü^t, 
3tt)ei  ©reife  Italien  SBad^e  an  ber  Pforte. 

^^^0 !  ber  aftrologifd^e  2:urm !    SBie  l^at  ftd^ 

S)ier©eiligtum,  baS  fonft  fo  ftreng  öertoo^rt  wirb. 

■<   1580  ©leid^  in  ben  erften  ©tunben  eud^  geöffnet? 

@in  Heiner  alter  2Rann  mit  meinen  ©aaren 
Unb  freunblid^em  ©efid^t,  ber  feine  ©unjl^ 
2Rir  gleid^  gef(ä^enft,  fc^Ioß  mir  bie  Pforten  ouf. 

S)a8  ift  be§  C)er}og8  Slftrolog,  ber  ©enl, 


1585  @t  fragte  mid^  nad^  Dielen  2)ingen,  mann  i^ 

Dritter  ^lufsng ;  Picrtcr  2Iuftritt  133 

©eboren  fei,  in  tocld^em  Stag  unb  9)lonat, 
Ob  eine  Za^t^»  ober  9lad^tgeburt  — 


SBeil  er  ba§  C>o^i>f{i>P  ^"^  f^^Q^^  tooQie. 

2tud^  meine  ^an\>  U\af)  er,  fd^üttelte 
1590  35a§  ©aupt  bebenHid^,  unb  e§  fd^ienen  il^m 
2)ie  Sinien  nici^t  eben  ju  gefallen. 

@rofl«.  A  jji 

2Bie  f anbet  il^r  e§  benn  in  biefem  @aal£  \^ 
3d^  ^aV  mxä)  [tetS  nur  fiü(3^tiörumgefe^n. 


6§  marb  mir  inunberbar  gu  SHut,  al§  ici^ 
159s  3luö  öoBem  StageSlid^te  fci^nell  l^ineintrat, 

35enn  eine  büftre  9lad^t  umgab  mid^  plö^Iid^, 

3Son  feltfamer  ffl^Ieud^tung  fd^road^  erl^eflt. 

3[n  einem  ^albf reis  ftanben  um.  wä)  ^er 

@ed^§  ober  fieben  große  ßöntg^bilber, 
1600  3)en  ©cepter  in  ber  ©anb,  unb  auf  bem  ^anpi 

%x\xq  jebeS  einen  ©tern,  unb  alles  fiid^t 

3m  2:urm  fc^ien  Don  ben  ©lernen  nur  ju  lommen 

3)a§  iDören  bie  Planeten,  fagte  mir 

3Kein  Sfül^rer,  fie  regierten  baS  ©efdtjiif, 
1605  2)rum  feien  fie  al§  Könige  gebilbet» 

35er  öufeerfte,  ein  grämlfd^  finftrer  ®reiS 

9Rit  bem  trübgelben  ©tern,  fei  ber  ©aturnuS, 

S)er  mit  bem  roten  ©d^ein,  grab' t)on  i^m  über, 

5[n  friegerifd^er  Slüftung,  fei  ber  SJlarS, 
1610  Unb  beibe  bringen  wenig  ®(ücf  ben  SJlenfd^en. 

2)p(^  eine  fd^öne  gfrau  ftanb  il^m  jur  ©eite. 

134  X^ic  piccolomini 

©anft  fd^immcrtc  bcr  ©tcrn  auf  tl^rem  ^anpi, 
S)a§  fei  bie  S3enu§,  ba§  ©eftirn  ber  Q^rcube. 
3ur  iinfcn  ©anb  crfd^icn  9Kcr!ur  geflüflclt. 
1615  (Sanj  in  bcr  3Jlxtk  glönjte  filbcr^ell 

6in  l^citrer  Wann,  mit  einer  Äöniflsftirn, 

S)a§ fei  ber  Jupiter,  be§  S3ater§  ©tern, 

Unb  SRonb  unb  ©onne  ftanben  il^m  gur  ©eite. 

D,  nimmer  tt)ill  t(i^  feinen  ©lauben  fd^elten 

1620  2ln  ber  ©eftirne,  an  ber  ©eifter  3Jtaä)t 

W\ä)t  blofe  ber  ©toi j  be§  mm\ä)m  füHt  ben  SRaüm 
9Jfit  ©eiftern,  mit  gel^eimniSDolIen  Gräften, 
9lu(^  für  ein  liebenb  ^ni  ift  bie  gemeine 
5latur  ju  eng,  unb  tiefere  Sebeutung     - 

1625  Siegt  in  bem  SKärd^en  meiner  ßinberjal^re,, 
91I§  in  ber  SBal^rl^eit,  bie  ba§  Seben  lel^rt« ' 
3)ie  heitre  SBelt  ber  SBunber  ift'ö  allein/  ,^ 
2)ie  bem  entjüdften  ^n^m  Slntmort  giebt, 
S)ie  i^re  em'gen  SRäume  mir  eröffnet, 

1630  9Jiir  taufenb  S^^ifl^  teid^  entgegenftredtt 
SBorauf  ber  trunfne  ©eift  fici^  feiig  loiegt. 
•^  -2)ie  ?JabeI  ift  ber  Siebe  |peimattt)elt, 
©ern  moljnt  fie  unter  ^een'T  JaliömanenJ 
©laubt  gern  an  ©ötter,  meil  fie  göttlici^  tfl. 

163s  Die  alten  Q^abelroefen  finb  nid^t'me^r, 
S)a§  reigenbe  ©efd^Ied^t  ift  auögemanbert ; 
2)o(^  eine  ©prad^e  brandet  ba§  ^erg ;  "eö  bringt 
S)er  alte  SErieb  bie  alten  9lamen  mieber, 
Unb  an  bem  ©ternenljimmel  ge^n  fie  je^t, 

1640  S)ie  fonft  im  fieben  freunblid^  mit  gemanbelt; 
2)ort  minien  fie  bem  Siebenben  l^erab. 


Z    u^f^ 

dritter  ^Ittfjng ;  Picrter  ^Inftrttt  135 

Unb  jcbeö  ®ro^e  Bringt  unö  Jupiter 
910^  bicfcn  Sto8/  unb  S5cnu§  jebeS  ©d^öne* 

aOBenn  baS  bic  ©tcrnenifunft  ift,  xM  id^  frol^ 
1645  3u  bicfem  l^citern  ©lauben  mic^  bcfenncn, 
@S  ift  ein  l^olber,  f rcunblid^er  @el!)an!c, 
3)a6  über  un§,  in  unermeffnett  ^ö|n, 
3)er  Siebe  ftrans  au§  fünfeinben  @e[tirnen,  ,    ^,^ 

S)o  loir  erfl  lourben,  fd^on  gefldd^ten  tt)arb.   /  ;  ^^  /'^ 

1650  9iid^t  Slofen  bloß,  aud^- dornen  l^at  ber  ^immel. 
SOBol^l  bir,  toenn  fie  ben  ßrang  bir  nid^t  öerle^en ! 
SBaS  Senu§  banb,  bie  Sringerin  be§  @Iüct§, 
ftann  SDlar^  ber  ©tern  beö  UnglüdfS,  fd^nell  gerreifeen. 

Salb  toirb  fein  büftreS  ateid^  gu  @nbe  fein ! 
1655  ©efegnet  fei  be§  Q^ürften  ernfter  6ifer, 

@r  mirb  ben  ÖIgmeig  in  ben  Sorbeer  flechten, 

Unb  ber  erfreuten  SBelt  ben  Stieben  fd^enfen. 

®ann  l^at  fein  grofeeS  ©erj  nid^ts  me^r  ju  münfd^en, 

6r  l^at  genug  für  feinen  SRiil^m  getl^an, 
1660  Äann  je^t  fid^  felber  leben  unb  ben  ©einen» 

3luf  feine  ©üteFbirb  er  fid^  guruifgiel^n, 

6r  l^at  ju  ©itfd^in  einen  fd^önen  ©i^, 

Slud^  aieid^enberg,  ©d^Io^  Q^rieblanb  liegen  l^eiter  -^ 

33i§  ait  ben  3=uß  ber  Sftiefenberge  l^in 
1665  ©tredtt  fid^  baS  ^agbgel^ege  feiner  S3ßälber. 

S)em  großen  Strieb,  Jem  präd^tig  fd^affenben, 

Rann  er  bann  ungebunben,  frei  tüillfal^ren. 

2)a  lann  er  fürftlid^  jebe  ßunft  ermuntern 

Unb  alle§  loürbig  ^errlid^e  befd^ü^en  — 

136  I^«c  ptccolomtni 

1670  Stann  Bauen,  t)flangen,  nad^  bcn  ©tcrnen  fe^n  — 
3a,  locnn  bie  itü^ne  Äraft  nic^t  ru^cn  fann, 
©0  tttag  et  lämpfen  mit  betn  (Clement, 
S)en  gluß  ableiten  unb  ben  gfelfcn  fprengen 
Unb  bem  ©emerb  bie  leidste  ©trafee  bal^nen. 

1675  3lu§  unfern  ÄriegSgefci^idJiten  tt)erben  bann 
ßrgöl^Iungen  in  langen  SBinternäd^ten  — 


3d^  toiH  benn  Voi^  geraten'^^aben,  Setter, 
S)en  S)egen  nid^t  gu  frü^e  toegjulegen. 
S)enn  eine  Sraut,  toie  bie,  i[t  tool^I  e§  tüert, 
1680  S)afe  mit  bem  ©d^mert  um  fie  geworben  merbe* 

O I  tüäre  [ie  mit  SBaffen  ju  geminnen ! 


2Ba§  mx ba§?  |)ört  t^r  nid^t§?— 9Mir  mar*§, ate  l^örtMd^ 
3m  2:afefjimmer  l^effgen  ©treit  unb  Sörmen. 

fünfter  ^tuftrttt. 

Xktfia  unb  9Ras  ISiccalamittt 


foBatb  bie  (Gräfin  jic^  entfernt  l^at,  ft^neO  unb  l^eimüd^  ju  ^iccotomini. 

SErau'  il^nen  nid^t.    ©ie  meinen'^  falfd^. 

©ie  lönnten 
1685  Strau'  niemanb  ^ier,  aU  mir.    3d^  fa^  e§  gleid^, 
©ie  l^aben  einen  S^^* 

Dritter  2Juf3ug ;  fünfter  2Juf tritt  137 

3tt)C(f !  aber  mläftn? 
S33a§  l^ätten  pe  boöon,  un§  Hoffnungen  — 

S)aS  lüeife  iä)  nid^t.    ^oä)  glaub'  mir,  e§  ift  nid^t 
3^r  ßrnft  uns  ju  beglücfen,  ju  öerbinben* 

1690  aOßogu  aud^  biefe  Sterjf^S?   C^^^^i^  ^ii^ 
9lid^t  beine  9Jlutter?   3a,  bie  gütige 
93erbienf  §,  baß  mir  ung  finblid^  il^r  öertrauen. 


©ie  liebt  Uä),  ^äf&i^t  Uä)  ^oi^  öor  aBen  anbern ; 
S)od^  nimmer  ptte  fie  ben  9Kut',  ein  fold^ 
1695  ©el^eimniS  öor  bem  Sater  gu  bemal^ren. 
Um  il^rer  Stulpe  miHen  mufe  e§  i^r 
95erfd^tt)iegen  bleiben» 

SBarum  überall 
^\x6)  ba§  ©e^eimnig?   SBeipt  bu,  m^  \ä)  t^un  idiE? 
^d)  merfe  mid^  gu  beineS JBaterö  S^üfeen, 
1 700  6r  f od  mein  ©lüdt  entfd^eiben,  er  ift  tüal^rl^af t, 
3ft  unberfteDt  unb  l^aßt  bie  frummen  2Bege, 
6r  ift  fo  gut,  fo  ebel  — 


3)a§  bift  bu  I 

35u  lennft  il^n  erft  feit  l^eut.    ^^  aber  lebe 
©d^on  gelten  Saläre  unter  feinen  Slugen. 
1705  3ft'§  benn  baS  erftemal,  bap  er  ba§  ©eltnc, 
®ag  Unge^offte  t^ut?   6§  fie^t  i^m  gleiiä^, 
3u  überrafd^en  tt)ie  ein  ©ott ;  er  muß 
ßntgüdfen  ftet§  unb  in  ßrftaunen  fe^en. 

138  ^^^  piccolomtni 

2Bct  tücip,  ob  et  in  bicfcm  ^lugcnblicf 
1710  9li(]^t  mein  OeftänbniS,  beineS  blofe  etrtKirtct, 
Uns  gu  bereiniflen  —  S)u  f d^meigfl  ?   ®u  fiel^fl 
Wxä)  gmeifelnb  on?  SSSaS  l^oji  bu  gegen  brinen  fßaitx? 

^ä)?   5Ri(^t8  —  ?Rnr  gu  bef^äftigt  finb'  ic^  i^ 
21I§  bafe  er  3eit  nnb  9Jlufee  fönnte  l^oben, 
1715  3ln  unfer  ©lud  gu  benfen. 

Sl^n  iäittldl  6et  ber  $anb  faffenb. 

golge  mir  1 
Sq^  nid^i  gu  t)iel  un§  an  bie  SRenfd^en  glauben. 
2Bir  tüollei^  biefen  Slergf^S  banfbar  fein 
8für  jebe  Öunji/bo(3^  il^nen  anä)  nid^t  mel^r 
aSertrauen,  atö  fie  toürbig  finb,  unb  uns 
1720  3m  Übrigen  —  auf  unfer  ^txi  üerlaffen. 

O,  tt)erben  toxt  au($  jemals  glüdlid^  berben  l 


©inbtoir'Sbennnid^t?   »ift  bu  nid^t  mein?   S5ln  idj 
3t\ä)t  bein?  —  3n  meiner  ©eele  lebt 
@in  l^ol^er  9Kut,  bie  Siebe  giebt  il^n  mir  — 

1725  ^ä)  foBte  minber  offen  fein,  mein  ^txi 
S)ir  mel^r  öerbergen ;  alf 0  toill'S  bie  ©itteV 
2Bo  aber  loöre  SBal^rl^eit  l^ier  für  bid^, 
SBenn  bu  fie  nici^t  auf  meinem  SDlunbe  finbejl? 
SBir  l^aben  unS  gefunben,  l^alten  uns 

1730  Umfc^Iungen  feft  unb  eioig*    ©laube  mir^ 
3)aS  ift  um  öieleS  mel^r,  als  fie  geioollt 
3)rum  lafe  eS  uns  toie  einen  l^eif  gen  SUfiuo 
3n  unfreS  emergens  Snnerftem  betoal^ren. 

Dritter  2Juf3U3;  Sed?fter  2Iuftritt  139 

%ud  ^tmmetöl^öl^en  fiel  e§  uns  f)ndb, 
1 735  Unb  nur  bem  ^immel  looUcn  tüit'S  berbanfen, 
©tlann  ein  SBunber  für  un§  tl^un. 

Sec^fter  2tuftriti 

9tB^u  Sersni  iu  ben  Sorigett. 
@rftftlt  ^refftert 

aWctn  gjlann  ft^icft  ^er.    6§  fei  bie  ^öc^fte  3eU. 
et  f Ott  jut  Safel  — 

2)a  |ene  ntd^t  batauf  ad^ten,  tritt  fie  ^mifd^en  fte. 

brennt  eud^ ! 

O,  nic^t  bod^ ! 
6s  ift  Ja  laum  ein  Sluflenblidt. 


1740  S)te  3«t  bergel^t  eud^  fd^nell,  ^rinjeffin  3liä)U. 

6s  eilt  nid^t,  Safe. 


3^ort,  fort !    9Jlan  bermi^t  ©ie. 
Der  SBater  f)at  fid^  jtüeimal  fd^on  erfunbigt» 

6i  nun !  ber  SSater ! 


S)a§  öerftefit  i^r,  W\ä)k. 

SBaS  fott  er  überall  bei  ber  (SefeDfci^aft? 
1745  68  ift  fein  Umgang  nic^t ;  e§  mögen  mürb'ge, 
SSerbiente  SWönner  fein  j  er  aber  ift 
gfür  fie  gu  jung,  taugt  nid^t  in  bie  ©efeüfd^aft. 

140  t>\t  piccolomint 


3^t  möd^tet  tl^n  tool^I  lieber  gang  bel^alten? 

Stella  lebhaft. 

^i)x  l^abf  §  getroffen.    S)q§  tft  meine  3Keinung. 
1750  äfci/  laßt  i^n  flanj  l^ier,  lafet  ben  ^txxm  fagen  — 

C)abt  il^r  ben  Stop[  öerloren,  3lid^te?  —  ®raf ! 
©ic  toiffen  bte  S3ebtngungeh, 

3d^  mufe  gel^ord^en,  tjräulein.    Seben  ©ie  tool^L 
SBaS  fagen  ©ic? 

5Rld^t§.    ®e^en  ©ie. 

ffann  id^'S, 
I7SS  SBenn  ©ie  mir  jürnen  — 

(£1  nähert  fid^  il^r,  i^re  9(ugen  Begegnen  1t(^ ;  fie  fte^t  einen  9(ugenMt((  fc^toei* 
genb,  bann  n^irft  fie  fid^  i^m  an  bie  9ruft,  er  brfldt  fte  feft  an  ftc^. 


SBeg !    SQBenn  jemanb  fäme ! 
3^  l^öre  Särmen  —  tJrembe  ©timmen  naiven. 

aRajr  veiBt  ft(^  aui  il^ren  Firmen  unb  ge^t,  bie  ©räfin  begleitet  ibn.  2:]^ena  folgt 

i^m  anfangs  mit  ben  9(ugen,  gebt  unruhig  burc^  baSd^ntmer  unb  bleibt  bann  in 

®ebanfen  berfenit  fteben.  (£ine  (S^uttarre  liegt  auf  bem  ZWdit ;  fte  ergreift  fte,  unb 

na(bbem  fte  eine  SBeile  fdjmermütig  t^rälubiert  Igat,  fäOt  fie  in  ben  ©efang. 

Siebenter  2tuftrttt. 

%kttta  f))ielt  unb  ftngt. 

S)er  (Sid^malb  braufet,  bie  SBoIfen  jie^n, 
S)a§  9KägbIein  tüanbelt  an  UferS  ®rün, 
gö  bricht  \\^  bie  Seile  mit  3}laä)t,  mit  ma^t, 

Dritter  ^lufsu^ ;  2I(^ter  2luftrttt  141 

1760      Unb  fic  fingt  l^inauS  in  bie  finftre  3laä)t, 
3)q§  Sluge  öon  SBcinen  fletrübct. 

3)aS  C^crg  ift  gcflorbcn,  bie  SBelt  ift  leer, 
Unb  meiter  giebt  fie  bem  SBun|(i^e  nit^t§  ntel^r. 
S)u  ^nlxQt,  tufe  bein  Ätnb  jurücf, 
1 765      ^ä)  l^abe  genoff en  baS  irbifci^e  @IM, 
^ä)  ifobt  gelebt  unb  geliebet. 


2t(^tcr  :tuftrttt, 

®r8fltt  lommt  surütf.   SHeKa» 


5ffia§  toat  ba§,  ?JräuIein  mä)k?   gi !  3^r  toerft  tnä) 
3^m  an  ben  ßopf.    3^r  foHtet  eu(^  bod^,  bäd^f  id^, 
9Ätt  eurer  ^erf on  ein  toenig  teurer  ntad^eu. 

Xf^tfla  inbem  fte  auffielet. 

1770  SBaS  meint  il^r,  2:ante? 


3]^r  foBt  nid^t  öergeffen, 
SBet  i^r  feib,  unb  tüer  er  ift.    3a,  ba§  ift  eud^ 
3loä)  gar  ni(ä^t  eingefallen,  glaub'  \d). 

•^  •  ^^  ^  '  ^  ®rafl«. 

S)afe  il^r  be§  S^ürften  grieblanb  'ioä)kx  feib. 

9lun?  unb  toaS  mel^r? 


2Ba§?   eine  f(ä^öne  g^rage ! 

142  X)te  piccolomtm 


1775  SBa§  tt)tr  gctöorben  finb,  iji  et  öeBotcn. 
@r  ift  öon  altlotnbatbifci^etn  @t](i)kä)t, 
3[t  einer  ^ütflin  ©o^n ! 

©pted^t  tl^r  im  2:raum? 
^üxtoa^x,  man  mirb  x^n  ^b^iä)  noti^  brum  bitten, 
2)ie  reid^fte  ßrbin  in  ©uropa  ju  beglücfen 
1780  9Kit  feiner  ©anb. 

2)a§  tt)irb  nid^t  nötig  fein. 

3fa,  man  tüirb  tüol^I  tl^un,  fid^  nid^t  auSjufe^en. 

©ein  SSater  liebt  il^n ;  @raf  Dctaöio 
SBirb  nichts  bagegen  l^aben  — 


©ein  aSater !    ©einer !    Unb  ber  eure,  Slid^te? 

1785  5Wun  ja !  ^ä)  benf,  il^r  fürd^tet  feinen  SSater, 
SBeil  if)r'§  bor  bem,  öor  feinem  SSater,  mein'  iä), 
©0  fel^r  t)er]^eimli(^t. 

®rSfitt  fielet  fte  forfd^enb  an. 

5Ri(^te,  i^r  feib  falft^. 


©eib  i^r  empfinblid^,  Stante?   O,  feib  gut! 


^^x  galtet  euer  ©piel  fci^on  für  gemonnen  — 
1790  3aud^gt  nid^t  ju  frül^e! 


©eib  nur  gut ! 

Dritter  Jlufsug;  2I(^tcr  ^luftritt  143 


(Sd  ift  noi)  ttid^t  fo  tDett. 

SDenIt  il^r,  er  l^abc  fein  bebeutenb  Seben 
3n  frieöertfd^er  Slrbcit  ouföeipcnbct 
Sebtoebem  fttflen  ©rbcnglüd  cntfagt, 

1795  S)cn  ©d^Iaf  t)on  feinem  Saget  ipeggebannt, 
©ein  ebteS  ^anpt  ber  ©orge  l^ingegcben, 
3lvix  um  ein  glüdlid^  ^aax  qu3  eud^  gu  mad^en? 
Um  bid^  guleftt  ouö  beinem  ©tift  gu  giel^n, 
5)en  SDlann  bir  im  Striumpl^e  gujufüören, 

1800  33er  beinen  Slugen  tool^IgeföDt?  — S)a§  l^ötf  er 
SQBol^Ifeiler  l^aben  fönnen !    S)iefe  ©aat 
2Barb  nid^t  gepflanjt,  bafe  bu  mit  linb'fd^er  $anb 
2)ie  SBIume  bräd^eft  unb  jur  leidsten  3ier 
9ln  beinen  Sufen  ftedfteft ! 

1805  2BaS  er  mir  nid^t  flepflanjt,  baS  fönnte  bod^ 
greimiiliö  mir  bie  fd^önen  grüd^te  tragen* 
Unb  tt)enn  mein  gütig  f reunblid^eö  ©efd^idt 
9tuS  feinem  f urd^tbar  ungel^euren  5)afein 
33eS  fieben§  greube  mir  bereiten  toiH  — 

^rSfitt«    . 

1810  33u  fiel^ffS  tt)ie  ein  öerliebteS  TOäbd^en  an. 
SBIicf '  um  bid^  l^er.    SBeftnn'  bid^,  m  bu  bift  — 
Slid^t  in  ein  Sfteubenl^auS  bift  bu  getreten, 
3u  leiner  ©odjgeit  finbejl  bu  bie  SBänbe 
©efd^mücft,  ber  @äfte  $aupt  befrängt.    ^kx  ift 

1815  ßein  ©lang,  aU  ber  t)on  SBaffen.    Ober  benfft  bu. 

144  ^ie  piccolomint 

3Han  fül^rtc  biefe  a:aufcnbc  jufammcn, 

Seim  SBraulfeft  bir  bcn  Keilten  oufjufül^ren? 

S)u  \kf)\t  beS  aSatcrS  ©ttrn  flebanfenDoü, 

S)er  5Mutter  Slug'  in  Sll^räncn,  auf  ber  SSage  ließt 

1820  S)a§  flto^e  ©(ä^idEfal  unferö  C)öufe§ ! 
Safe  je^t  beö  TOäbd^enö  finbifdje  ©efü^le, 
S)ie  f leinen  SGBünfd^e  l^inter  bir !    Semeife, 
®ap  bu  beS  3lupetotbentIid^en  %oä)kx  bifti 
2)a3  S3Jeib  foH  pd^  nid^t  felber  angel^ören, 

825  3ln  frembeö  ©d^icffal  ift  fie  feft  gebunben. 
®ie  aber  i[t  bie  bejie,  bie  [xä)  fjrembe^ 
Slneignen  fann  mit  SSal^I,  an  il^rem  ^erjen 
@§  trägt  unb  pflegt  mit  Snnigfeit  unb  Siebe. 


©0  tt)urbe  mir'S  im  Älofter  Dorgefogt. 
»«30  3d^  l^atte  feine  SBünfd^e,  fannte  mxä) 
31IS  feine  %oiittx  nur,  be§  SJläd^tigen, 
Unb  feines  Sebenö  ©d^aH,  ber  aud^  ju  mir  brang, 
®ai  mir  lein  anbereö  ®ef ül^I,  als  bieg : 
3d^  fei  beftimmt,  mid^  leibenb  il^m  ju  opfern. 

1835  J)a§  ift  bein  ©d^idtfal.    fjüge  Uä)  il^m  toillig. 
3d^  nnb  bie  SJlutter  geben  bir  baS  Seifpiel. 

,  Xf^tfla. 

S)a§  ©d^idffal  l^at  mir  ben  gegeigt,  bem  id^ 
9Wid^  opfern  foH ;  id^  mitt  il^m  f reubig  folgen. 

®ein  $erj,  mein  liebes  ßinb,  unb  nid^t  baS  ©d&idtfal. 

1840  S)er  3u9  i>c^  ©ergenS  ift  beS  ©d^idffals  ©timme. 
3d^  bin  bie  feine,    ©ein  ©efd^enl  attein 

Dritter  Jlufsug;  2td?ter  2lnftritt  145 

3ft  bic|e§  neue  fieben,  ba§  id^  lebe. 

6t  f^at  ein  Ked^t  an  fein  ®e|(ä^öpf .    SBa§  ttjar  xä), 

&f)  feine  fd^öne  fiiebe  mxä)  befeelte? 
»845  3d^  toxU  awä)  t)on  mir  felbft  nid^t  Heiner  benfen, 

9llä  ber  ©eliebte.    2) er  lann  nid^t  flering  fein, 

5)er  ba§  Unfd^äfebare  befifet.    ^ä)  fü^Ie 

5)ie  ßraft  mit  meinem  ©lüdfe  mir  öerliel^n. 

@rnft  liegt  ba§  Seben  t)or  ber  ernften  ©eele. 
1850  55afe  td^  mir  felbft  gel^öre,  toeife  id^  nun, 

55en  feften  SSJillen  f)aV  id^  lennen  lernen, 

55en  unbegwinglid^en,  in  meiner  ©ruft, 

Unb  an  baS  £)5d^fte  lann  id^  alles  fe^en. 


S)u  ttjoüteft  bid^  bem  SSater  toiberfeften, 
1855  SaSenn  er  e§  anberS  nun  mit  bir  befd^Ioffen? 
—  3^m  benfft  bu'S  abguamingen?   aOBiffe,  ftinb  I 
©ein  5lam'  ift  grieblanb. 


STud^  ber  meinige. 
@r  foH  in  mir  bie  ed^te  Stod^ter  finben. 

aSie?   ©ein  SHonard^,  fein  Äaifer  gmingt  il^n  nid^t, 
1860  Unb  bu,  fein  SKäbd^n,  tooBteft  mit  i^m  lämpfen? 

S3Ba§  niemanb  toagt,  fann  feine  3:  ödster  ttjagen. 

9iun,  toal^rlid^ !  barauf  ift  er  nid^t  bereitet. 
6r  l^ätte  iebeS  ^inbernis  befiegt, 
•  Unb  in  bem  eignen  SBiHen  feiner  Stod^ter 
1865  ©oÜf  il^m  ber  neue  ©treit  cntftel^n?   ßinb,  ftinbl 
3tü^  ffa^  bü  nur  baS  Säd^eln  beined  SSaterS, 

146  X)ic  ptccolomint 

|)aft  feines  3otnc§  Singe  tti(ä^t  gefeiten. 
SStrb  \x6)  bte  ©timme  betneS  SBibetfprniä^S, 
S)ie  jitternbe,  in  feine  3lä]^e  toagen? 

1870  SBol^I  ntagft  bn  bir,  toenn  bu  oDein  bift,  groftc  2)inflc 
3Sorfeften,  fd^öne  Kebnerblumen  fled^ten, 
9D?tt  Sömenmut  bcn  Staubcnfinn  bewaffnen. 
Sebod^  öerfud^'S !    Stritt  bor  fein  9Iuge  l^in, 
S)a§  feft  auf  bid^  gef|)annt  ift,  unb  fag'  5Rein ! 

1875  SSergel^en  toirft  bu  bor  il^m :  toie  ba§  jarte  Statt 
®er  SSIume  bor  bem  Qfeuerblid  ber  ©onne. 
—  3f(^  tt)itt  bid^  ni(ä^t  erfd^reden,  lieber  ßinb ! 
3um  ^ufeerften  fott'§  ja  nid&t  lommen,  l^off'  id^ — 
2lud^  ttjei^  id^  feinen  SBitten  nid^t.   Äann  fein, 

1880  ®afe  feine  3tt)edfe  beinern  SSunfd^  begegnen. 
S)od^  bag  iann  nimmermel^r  fein  SBille  fein, 
S)afe  bu,  bie  ftolje  Sod^ter  feines  ©lücfs, 
SBie  ein  berliebteS  SJläbd^n  bid^  gebärbeft, 
Sfflegmerfeft  an  ben  SKann,  ber,  tt)enn  il^m  je 

1885  Der  l^ol^e  Sol^n  beftimmt  ift,  mit  bem  l^öd^ften  Opfer, 
®a§  Siebe  bringt,  bafür  bejal^Ien  foH ! 

®ie  ge|t  ab. 

neunter  ituftritt. 

2)anl  bir  für  beinen  SBinI !    6r  mad^t 
3Kir  meine  böfe  3l]^nung  jur  ©emi^l^eit. 
©0  iff  §  benn  njal^r?   SHJir  l^aben  feinen  f^reunb 
1890  Unb  feine  treue  ©ecle  l^ier  —  ton  l^aben 

9lid^t§  als  uns  felbft.    Uns  bro^en  l^arte  ftämpfe. 
a)u,  I8icbe,  gieb  unS  ßraf t,  bu  göttlid^e  1 


Dritter  2lnf3iig;  Henntcr  2tnf tritt  147 

D !  fie  fagt  toai^x !    3l\ä)t  f rof)c  3^i^cn  finb'S, 
3)icbiefcm  SünbniS  unfrer  ©erjcn  Icud^ten. 

1895  ®aS  ift  fein  ©d^auplaft,  tt)o  bie  ©ojfnung  mol^nt ; 
Slur  bumpfcS  ßriegögctöfe  raffelt  l^ier, 
Unb  felbft  bie  ißiebc  —  mie  in  ©tal^I  gerüftet, 
3um  3:obeöIampf  gegürtet,  tritt  fie  auf. 
6S  fielet  ein  finjirer  ®eift  burd^  unfer  $au§,    I 

1900  Unb  fci^Ieunig  tt)iD  ba§  ©d^idfal  mit  un^  enben.  1 
Sluä  piHer  greiftatt  treibt  eS  mid^  l^erouS, 
@in  l^olber  Sauber  mup  bie  ©eele  blenben. 
@S  lodt  mid^  burd^  bie  ^tmmlifd^  ©eftalt, 
3d^  fel^'  fie  nal^'  unb  fel^'  fie  nöl^er  fciiiDeben, 

1905  @d  jiel^t  mid^  fort  mit  göttlic^r  ©emalt, 
3)em  ^bgrunb  ju,  id^  fann  nid^t  toiberftreben. 

fBHan  l^fltt  toon  ferne  bie  2;afe(muft(. 

D I  tocnn  ein  $aug  im  geuer  f oH  öergel^n, 
33ann  treibt  ber  ^immel  fein  ©emölf  gufammen, 
@S  fd^ie^t  ber  SBIiJ  l^erab  aus  l^eitern  ^'6^n, 
1910  9luS  unterirb'fd^n  ©d^Iünben  fahren  flammen, 
Slinbtoütenb  fd^Ieubert  felbft  ber  ®ott  ber  greube 
2)en  ^ed^fran}  in  baS  brennenbe  @ebäube ! 

@U  ge^t  ah. 

VUvUt  Httfitt^* 

©ccnc:  (Sin  großer,  fcflüd^  erleud^tctcr  @aa(,  In  bcr  SWlttc  beöfelbfn 
unb  nati^  bcr  2:icfc  bc«  2:]^catcr8  eine  re^  au«gefd^mü(!te  2:afcl,  an 
njeld^er  ad)t  ©cnerale,  worunter  Octaöio  ^Iccolominl,  2:erg!ti 
unb  iDlarabad  ft<^en.  ^ted^tö  unb  tinfd  baoon,  mel^r  nac^  hinten 
gu,  no(^  jwel  anbere  2:afeln,  toeld^e  jebe  ntlt  fcd^«  ©äflen  befefet  finb. 
!^orn)ärtö  jltel^t  ber  ^ebengtifd^,  bte  gange  üorbere  ^ü^ne  bleibt  für  bie 
aufwartenben  ^agen  unb  Sebienten  frei.  ?löe«  IjH  in  Bewegung: 
@|)ieöeute  öon  Xtxiftj'^  9?egiment  giel^en  über  ben  ®(i^au|)(a6  um 
bie  Xa\tl  l^erunt.  ^oäi  el^e  jte  fid^  gang  entfenit  lieben,  erft^eint 
9}Jaj  ^iccolomini;  i^m  fommt  2:ergf^  mit  einer  ©i^rift, 
Sjotani  ntit  einem  $ota(  entgegen. 

€rfter  2tuftritt. 

$crr  SSrubcr,  tüoS  mir  lieben !   5lun,  tuo  ftedft  @r? 

©efi^minb  an  ©einen  ^laft !   ®er  %txii\)  l^at 
191 5  S)er  SMutter  ßl^rentpeine  preiSgeflcben ; 

6ö  gel^t  I}ier  gu,  tüie  ouf  bem  ©eibelberger  ©d^tofe. 

®a§  Sefte  l^at  6r  f(3^on  berföuntt»    ©ie  teilen 

S)ort  an  ber  Stafel  gürftenpte  au§, 

S)e§  ßggenberg,  ©lamata,  Sid^tenftein, 
1920  35e§  ©ternbergS  ©üter  tüerben  aufgeboten, 

©aint  aßen  großen  böl)m'fd^en  fielen ;  »enn 


Vierter  Einfang  I  (Erfler  2Iuftritt  149 

6r  l^urtig  ma(i)i,  fällt  a\xä)  für  ^l^n  tt)a§  ai. 
3Rax\ä)l   ©ererfKä^l 

^olalto  unb  ®0^ 

rufen  an  ber  adelten  2:afet. 

®raf  ^iccolomint ! 

3]^r  f pttt  i^n  l^aben !  ©Icid^ !  —  2ie§  biefe  6ibe§f ormel, 
1925  Cb  bir'g  fleföllt  fo  mie  tt)ir'»  aufgefegt. 
@S  l^abcn'S  aUt  nad^  bcr  JRcil^'  öelefen, 
Uttb  icbcr  loirb  ben  Flamen  bruntcr  fe^en. 

"Ingratis  servire  nefas." 

2)oS  Hingt  mie  ein  latein'fd^er  ©prud^  —  ^ert  35rubcr, 
1930  Sic  l^cipfS  auf  S)eutfd^? 

5)emllnbanf baren  bient  fein  red^ter  3Jlann ! 

„3laäft)tm  unfer  l^od^gebietenber  S^elbl^err,  ber  burd^» 
,Jaud&tige  3fürft  Don  grieblanb,  megen  Dielfad^  em|)fan= 
„gener  Äräntungen  be§  Äaifer^  S)ienft  5U  Derlaffen 
„gemeint  gewefen,  auf  unfer  einftimmige§  Sitten  aber 
„fid^  bemegen  lafjen,  nod^  länger  bei  ber  9lrmee  ^u  Der« 
„bleiben  unb  ol^ne  unfer  (Senel^ml^alten  fid^  ni(^t  Don 
„uns  gu  trennen :  al§  berpflid^ten  ton  unö  »ieber  in§= 
„gefamt,  unb  jeber  für  fid^  inSbefonbere,  anftatt  eines 
„Iör})erUd^en  ©ibeS— aud^  bei  il^m  e^rlid^  unb  getreu  ju 
„l&alten,  uns  auf  feinerlei  SBeife  Don  il^m  ju  trennen, 
„unb  für  benfelben  alles  baS  Unfrige,  bis  auf  ben 
„legten  SBIutStropfen,  aufgufe^en,  fomeit  nämlid^  unfer 
,,bem  Äaifer  geleifteter  (5ib  eS  erlauben  mirb. 

150  2)ic  piccolomini 

„Tit  legten  SBortc  tücrbcn  toon  Sfoloni  nQt^gefprodjcn.     SBlC  lütt  bCHtt 

„au(ä^,  tücnn  einer  ober  ber  anbere  bon  un§,  biefetn  SSer* 
„bünbnig  gutütber,  \\ä)  Don  ber  gemeinen  ©ad^e  obfon^ 
„bern  follte,  benfelben  al§  einen  bunbeSflüd^tigen  Ser^ 
,,räter  erHären,  unb  an  feinem  ^ab  unb  @ut,  Seib  unb 
,,Seben  SKad^e  bafür  gu  nel^men  Detbunben  fein  mollen, 
,,©otd^e§  bejeugen  toir  mit  Unterfd^rift  unferS  5lamenS.* 

Sift  bu  getoillt,  bie§  S3Iatt  gu  unterfciireiben? 

aOSaS  f oDf  er  ntd^t !    ^ebmeber  Df fijier 
SSon  @l^re  fann  ba§  —  mu^  ba§  —  S)int'  unb  Qfeber ! 

1935  Söfe  flut  fein,  biö  nad^  SEafel. 

3f0((ltti  9^{q;  fortaie^enb. 

ff omm'  @r,  fomm'  6r ! 

Seibe  ge^en  an  bie  XafeL 

^tDctter  2tuftritt 

SersDi.   9}eitmattii, 

h)in(t  bem  92eumann,  ber  am  ^i;ebenatif(^  gekartet  unb  tritt  mit  i|m  bonuätts. 

»ringft  bu  bie  3lbfd^rift,  Sleumann?   ®ieb!    ©ic  ift 
S)od(|  fo  öerfafet,  bofe  man  fie  leidet  Dermed^felt? 


3d^  l^ab*  fie  3^^!'  um  3^ik  nad^gemalt, 
.    9lid^tö  alö  bie  ©teile  Don  bem  @ib  blieb  meg, 
1940  Sffiie  beine  ßjcellenj  eö  mir  ge^ei^en. 

Dicrter  2tuf3ug;  Dritter  2luftritt  151 

®ut !    Seg'  fie  bortl^in,  unb  mit  biefer  glci^ 
3n§  geuet !  SBaS  [ic  foll,  l&at  fic  geleifFet. " 

S^eumonn  legt  blc  Äo^ic  auf  bctt  Xtftl^  unb  tritt  »lebet  jum  ©d^enltlfi^. 

Dritter  2tuftritt. 

3Sd  romtnt  aud  bem  stoeiten  3tmmer.   Ser^Qi. 


aSic  i[t  c§  mit  bem  ^iccolomini? 

3(^  bcnic  gut.    @r  l^at  nid^ts  cinflcmcnbct. 

1945  6r  iji  ber  einj'ßc,  bem  i(^  nid^t  ted^t  traue, 
'" "  gr  unb  ber  aSater  —  ©abt  ein  Slug'  auf  beibe ! 

;     2Bie  fiel^f  S  an  eurer  SEafel  auö?   3d^  l^offe, 
'        3^r  galtet  eure  ®ä[te  ttwrm? 

@ie  jtnb 
®attj  lorblal.    3(3^  benf ,  xoxt  l^aben  fie. 

1950  Unb  tt)ie  id^'S  eud^  borauSgefagt  —  fd^on  ijl 
2)ie  3leb'  nid^t  mel^r  bat)on,  ben  ^ergog  blo^ 
SBei  gieren  ju  erl^alten.    5)a  man  einmal 
Seifammen  fei,  meint  SWontecucuIi, 
©0  muffe  man  in  feinem  eignen  SBien 

195s  2)em  ftaifer  bie  SBebingung  mad^en.    ©laubt  mir, 
35Jär*§  ni^t  um  biefe  ^iccolomini, 
SBir  l^ötten  ben  SBetrug  unö  fönnen  fparen. 

ffiaStoiBberSButtler?  ©tifl! 

152  Die  piccotomint 

t?tcrter  2tuftritt. 

9tttt(er  au  ben  Surigen* 

toott  ber  aiDciten  Xafel  (ommenb. 

Safet  cud^  nid^t  flöten. 
3(^  f)aV  eud)  tüol^lDctftanben,  3^eIbmorf(^alI. 
1560  @Iü(f  jum  ©efd^äftc  —  unb  tuaS  mi(^  betrifft, 

©0  lönttt  tl^r  auf  m\6)  red^ften. 

300  lebhaft 

Rönnen  »tr'S? 

5Kit  ober  ol^ne  ßlaufel,  ßilt  mir  fllei(ä^! 

Scrftel^t  il^r  m\ä) !    2)er  gürft  lann  meine  Streu' 

3luf  iebe  ^robe  fe^cn,  faßt  il^m  baö. 

1965  3d^  bin  beö  ffaiferS  Offizier,  fo  lang  il^m 

Seliebt,  beö  ftaiferS  ©encral  gu  bleiben, 

Unb  bin  be§  tJrieblanbg  ftneciit,  fobalb  e3  il^m 

©efaflen  tt)irb,  fein  eigner  ^err  ju  fein. 

^  Xer^f  ^. 
3]^r  treffet  einen  guten  SEaiifd^.    ftein  Borger, 
1970  ff  ein  gerbinanb  ift'ö,  bem  il^r  eud^  öerpflid^tet. 

!6tttt(er  ernft. 

^ä)  biete  meine  Streu'  nid^t  feil,  ©rof  3:erj!9, 
Unb  tt)ont'  eu(^  nid^t  geraten  l^aben,  mir 
Sßor  einem  l^alben  ^af)x  noä)  abjubingen, 
SHJoju  id^  je^t  freimillig  mid^  erbiete. 
1975  3ö,  mid^  famt  meinem  Regiment  bring'  id^ 
®em  C^ergog,  unb  nic^t  o^ne  3^oIgen  foD 
2)aö  Seifpiel  bleiben,  benP  id^,  bag  id^  gebe. 

Piertcr  2Iuf3U9;  Vierter  2Iuftrttt  153 

aSBem  i[t  c§  nid^t  bclannt  bap  DBerft  Sutticr 
3)em  flanjen  ^ecr  öoran  al§  SWufter  leudjtetl 

1980  ÜReint  il^r,  g^elbmarfd^aü?   5Run,  fo  reut  mi(|  nid^l 
2)ie  Srcuc,  Diergift  ^al^tc  laitfl  betoal^rt, 
SBcnn  mir  bcr  tüol^Igefpartc  gute  5iamc 
©0  DoHc  9ia(|c  teuf t  int  fciä^gigften  I  — 
©tofet  eud^  an  meine  Sftebe  nid^t,  tl^r  ^errn. 

1985  Qua)  mag  eS  gleic^Diel  fein,  tt)ie  tl^r  mid^  ^abt, 
Unb  werbet,  l^off'  id^,  felber  nid^t  erwarten, 
2)afe  euer  ©^icl  mein  grabet  Urteil  Irümmt  — 
3)ap  SBanfelfinn  unb  fd^nettbewegteö  Slut, 
3loä)  leidste  Urfad^'  fonft  ben  alten  DJlann 

1990  aSom  lang^^ettfol^nten  Sl^renpfabe  treibt, 

ftommt !   3[d|  bin  barüm  mtnber  nid^t  entfd^Ioffen, 
SBeil  id^  e§  beutlid^  mx%  tt)Obon  id^  f^eibe. 


©agt'ö  runb  l^erauS,  wofür  wir  eud^  gu  Italien  — 


g^ür  einen  Qfreunb !   Slel^mt  meine  ©anb  barauf, 
1995  SRit  allem,  toa^  id^  l^ab',  bin  id^ber  eure, 

5Rid&t  aJlänner  blofe,  aui^  ©elb  bebarf  ber  gürft. 
3d^  l^ab'  in  feinem  2)ienft  mir  wa§  erworben, 
3d^  leil^'  cö  il^m,  unb  überlebt  er  mid^, 
3ft'3  il^m  bermad^t  fd^on  längft,  er  ift  mein  ßrbe. 
2000  ^ä)  fte^'  allein  ba  in  ber  SBelt  unb  lenne 
5Rid^t  ba3  ©efül^I,  baö  an  ein  teurem  SBeib 
2)en  5DZann  unb  an  geliebte  ßinber  binbet, 
9ßein  5lamc  ftirbt  mit  mir,  mein  S)afein  enbet. 

154  I^i^  piccolomini 

^xä)t  eures  ®elb§  bebarf '§  —  ein  ^erj  tüte  eures, 
2005  SSiegt  Slonnen  ®olbe§  auf  unb  aWillionen. 


^6)  !am,  ein  ^ä)Uä)kx  5Reiter§bur[(^,  aus  3rlanb 
3laä)  ^rag  mit  einem  ^errn,  ben  iä)  begVüK' 
33om  niebern  ©ienft  im  ©tafle  ftieg  i(ä^  auf, 
S)ur(ä^  ffrie(j§gef(|i(f  gu  biefer  SBürb'  unb  ^öl^e, 
2ÜIO  S)aS  ©i}iet5euä  eines  griflenl^aften  ©lüdfS» 
9lud^  SQßaflenftein  ift  ber  gortuna  i?inb, 
^ä)  liebe  einen  SBeg,  ber  meinem  gleid^t. 

SSermanbte  finb  fid^  afle  ftarfen  ©eelen. 


6s  ift  ein  großer  9lugenblid  ber  S^xi, 
2ois^em  Sapfern,  bem  ßntfc^Toltnen  ift  fie  günjtig. 

SQSie  ©c^eibemü'nge  gel^t  Don  ^ant>  ju  $anb, 

3:auf(^t  ©tabt  unb  ©d^Iojs  ben  eilenben  Sefifter. 

Uralter  C^öwfer  6nfel  manbern  aus, 

(Sang  neue  SBappen  iommen  auf  unb  5lamen ; 
2020  3luf  beutfd^er  6rbe  unmiH!ommen  »agf  s 

@in  nörblid^  3SoIf,  fid^  bleibenb  eingubürgern. 
~^er  ^ring  t)on  SOSeimar  ruftet  fid^  mit  ftraft, 

3lm  9Jlain  ein  mäd^tig  ^Jürftentum  gu  grünben ; 

S)em  SJianSfelb  fepe  nur,  bem  C)ölberftäbter 
2025  6in  längreS  Seben,  mit  bem  SRitterfd^mert 

Sanbeigentum  fid^  tapfer  gu  erfe(|Ien. 

2Ber  unter  biefen  rei^t'an  unfern  tJrieblanb? 

9lid^tS  ift  gu  l^od^,  tooxmä)  ber  ©tarfe  nid^t 

SefugniS  l^at  bie  Seiter  angufe^en. 

Dierter  Jlufaug ;  fünfter  2Iuftritt  155 

.1030  ®a§  tft  Qt\pxo(i)cr[,  tüte  ein  SJlanti ! 


aScrftd&ctt  cud^  bcr  ©patticr  utib  SBcIfi^en, 
2)ett  ©d^ottcti  fiefellSj  tüiH  x6)  auf  mid^  ticl^tnctt. 
Äottttttt  aur  ®ef cBf(|att !    ft otttmt ! 

SBo  tft  bcr  ßcacrmcifter? 
ßofe  auf flcl^n,  toa^  bu  l^aft !  bic  bcftcn  SBctnc ! 
«035  ^^vit  gilt  CS.    Uttfrc  ©ad^en  ftel^ett  gut. 

(Selben,  jeber  an  feine  Za^tt 

fünfter  2tuftritt. 

SttVLttmtlfttt,  unb  9itumatm  bortuöttd  lommenb.   Sebiettte  ge^en  ab  unb  au. 


3)cr  eble  SBctn !    SBenti  itteinc  alte  ©errfd^af t, 
®ie  Stau  SKama,  ba§  tüilbe  Sebett  fäl^', 
3n  il^reitt  ®rabc  feierte  fic  fid^  um !  — 
3a,  ja  I   $ert  Df fijier !    6§  gc^t  jurücf 
2040  9Jltt  biefetn  ebeln  ©au§  —  ßein  Wa^  no(^  3t^t ! 
Unb  bic  burd^fau(^tige  SSerfd^ttJägetunfl 
9Jlit  biefetn  ^erjog  bringt  un§  tt)enig  ©egen. 


SBcl^üte  ©Ott !  3e&t  tt)irb  ber  glor  erft  angel^n. 

ajleint  (£r?   ©§  liefe'.  fj,(ä^  t)iele§  babon  fagen. 

ISebienter  lommt. 
2045  Surgunber  für  ben  bierten  3:if(ä^ ! 

156  Die  piccolomitti 

®aS  tft 
5)ic  ftcbengigfte  3^Ia[(ä^c  nun,  ^crr  Scutnant. 


®a§  mad^t/ ber  bcutfd^e  ^crt,  bcr  Stiefcnbad^, 
©t^t  btan. 

Aettentteifter  ii|  S^eumann  fottfal^renb. 

@ie  ttjollcn  gar  jü  f)o&  ]^inau§.    Äurf ürficn 
Unb  Königen  mollen  [ie'§  im  ^riiitfe  glci(^  tl^un, 
2050  Unb  tt)o  ber  S^ürft  fi^  l^ingctraut,  ba  tt)ill  bcr  ®raf, 
3Kcin  gnäb'ger  ^errc,  nid^t  bal^intcn  bleiben. 

Su  5en  ©cbictttcn.  .    . 

SBaS  [te^t  il^r  l^ord^en?  SBiHeui^  Seine  maqen. 
©el^t  nad^  ben  Stiften,  na(ä^  ben  glofiä^en !  2)a ! 
®raf  ^alf^  ^at  ein  leereS  ®Ia§  bor  fi(i^ ! 

3^eiter  l^ebiettter  tommt. 
2055  2)en  großen  ^dS)  verlangt  man,  ffeHermeijier, 
S)en  reid^en,  gülbnen,  mit  bem  böl^m'fd^en  3&appcn, 
3]^r  mifet  fd^on  meldten,  l^ot  ber  $err  gefagt. 


Der  auf  be§  griebrid^ö  feine  Äönig§frSnuitg 
33om  3Keifter  SQSill^elm  ift  berfertigt  toorben, 
2060  S)oS  fd^öne  ^rad^tftüdt  auö  ber  ^rager  Seufe? 

Stotittx  S3ebienter* 

3a,  ben !   ®en  Umtrun!  tt)oDen  fie  mit  l^alten. 


mit  Ao^ffd^ütteln,  inbem  er  ben  ^olal  l^ertoorl^oU  unb  auSfpült 

2)o§  giebt  nad^  SQßien  toa^  gu  berid^ten  lieber ! 

3eigt !    S)ag  ift  eine  ^rad^t  Don  einem  33cd^r ! 
aSott  ©olbe  fd^tt)er  unb  in  erl^abner  9lrbeit. 

Vierter  2Iuf3ttg ;  fünfter  2Iiif tritt  157 

2065  ©inb  flugc  ©iitftc  jtcrlt(]^  btauf  ßcbilbet» 

&Uxi)  ouf  bcm  crftcn  ©c^tlblein :  laßt  'mal  fcl^u ! 
®tc  ftpl^f JKmagi^nc  ba  jujßferb, 
I)ic  überrt  ftrummflob  Ic^t  ^^"^  S3i[(ä^6f§müj^n, 
Sluf  einer  ©tange  trägt  fie  einen  ©ut, 

2070  Slebft  einer  t^afftC,  toorauf  ein  ffeli^  ju  fel^n. 
Äönnt  il^r  mir  fagen,  mag  baö  all  bebeutet? 


3)te  SBetböperfon,  bie  il^r  ba  fel^t  ju  JRo^, 
Das  tft  bie  SBa^Ifrei^eit  ber  bö^m'fd^en  Äron\ 
®a3  tt)irb  bebeutet  burd^  ben  runben  ©ut 
2075  Unb  burd^  ba§  toi'Ibe  9io$,  ouf  bem  fie  rettet. 
®e3  aJlenfd^en  SiÄrnt  tft  ber  ^ut,  benn  mx 
Den  $ut  nid^t  ftften  laffen  barf  bor  ftatfern 
Unb  Königen,  ber  tft  fein  SJlann  ber  ^freil^eit. 

SBaS  aber  foH  ber  Mä)  ba  auf  ber  t^a^n*?  - 

V  ^efferitteifter« 

2080  2)er  Jleld^  begeugt  bie  böl^m'fi^e  ßird^enfrei^eit, 
SBie  fie  gewefen  gu  ber  SSäter  3^.it•..^ 
3)ie  SJöter  im  $uff}tenfrieg  erftritten 
@id^  biefeä  fd^öne  SSmed^  über'n  ^apft, . 
®er  feinem  Saien  g^önnen  miH  ben  ^dä). 
2085  Slid^tS  gel^t  bem  Utraqiiijlen  über'n  Sdä), 
6S  ifl  fein  föftlid^  ÄJeinöK  l^at  bem  »ö^men 
©ein  teures  Slut  in  mand^er  ©d^Iad^t  gefoftet. 

.    92ettittaittt. 
2Ba§  fagt  bie  JRotte,  bie  ba  brüber  fd^mebt? 


®en  böl^m'fd^n  SWajeftätSbrief  jeigt  fie  an, 
2090  35en  mir  bem  ffaifer  lRüboI|)]^  abgejmungen^ 
6tn  föftltd^  unfd^^bareS  Pergament, 


158  2)ie  piccolomint 

S)Q§  frei  ©elöUF  unb  offenen  ®efanft 
2)em  neuen  ©lauben  fid^ert,.  mie  bem  alten. 
S)o(^  feit  ber  ©rö^er  über  un§  regiert, 

2095  ^Qt  ba§  ein  @nb',  unb  mä)  ber  ^rager  ©d^lacj^t, 
2Ö0  ^faljgraf  fjrjebri^  Äron*  unb  SReid^  berlorett, 
3fft  unfer  ©laub'  um  hänget  unb^^SlItar^ 
Unb  unfre  ©ruber  f e^en  mit  bem  SRüden 
S)ie  ^eimot  aß^  ben  9Kajeftät§brief  aber 

2100  3ctf(|nitt  ber  ftaifer  felbft  mit  feiner  ©d^ere. 


S)ag  aUeö  mifet  il&r !    SQßol^l  bemanbert  feib  il^r 
3n  eures  ßanbeö  ßl^ronif,  ÄeHermeijier. 


3)rum  maren  meine  Sll^nl^errn  2:Qboriten 
Unb  bienten  unter  bem  ^rofop  unb  S^Sta. 
2105  t?rieb'  fei  init  il^rem  ©taube!    kämpften  fie 
gür  eine  gute  ©ac^e  bod^  —  2:ragt  fort ! 

6rft  lafet  mid^  nod^  ba§  gmeite  ©d^ilblein  fel^n. 
©iel^  boc^,  ba§  ift,  tt)ie  auf  bem  ^rager  ©d^Iofe   1 
S)e§  ffaiferS  SRäte,  5Kartini^,  ©lamata,  ' 

21 10  ßopf  unter  fid^  l^erabgeftürjet  merben. 

@anj  red^t !    2)a  fte^t  ®raf  3:^urn,  ber  e§  befiehlt. 

SBebientec  ge^t  mit  bem'  Sttl^ 


©d^meigt  mir  Don  biefem  SEag,  eö  mar  ber  brei 
Unb  gmangigfte  beS  3Jla\^,  ba  man  ein  taufenb 
©ed^Sl^unbert  fd^rieb  unb  ad^tjel^n.    3fl  init*§  bod^, 
2115  91I§  mär'  e§  l^eut,  unb  mit  bem  UnglücfStag 
3^ing'§  an,  ba§  grofee  ^erjeleib  beS  Sanbeä. 
©eit  biefem  Sag,  e§  finb  je^t  fed^jel^n  Sal^r, 
2[ft  nimmer  ^rieb*  gemefen  auf  ber  @rben  — 

Vierter  2luf3Uö ;  fünfter  2luftntt  159 

9ttt  ber  Stoeitett  Safel  totrb  gerufen. 

3)cr  Surft  Don  SQBcimQt ! 

9ttt  ber  bvUtett  unb  Hievten  Safel. 

4)ergo9  Sernl^arb  lebe ! 

,;.  aRufttfäatetn. 

(^fier  83ebietiter. 
21 20  ^ört  ben  SEumuIt ! 

Breiter  83ebienter  fommt  gelaufen. 

^aii  i^r  fleptt?   ©ie  laffcn 
S)en  SBeimar  leben ! 

dritter  Sebienter* 

Öftrei(^'§  fyeinb ! 

(Srfter  Sebtenter« 

S)en  ßutl^eraner ! 

3tiietter  S3ebtettter.      "^ 

SBorl^in^^ba  brad^f  ber  S)eobat  be§  ÄaiferS 
©efunbl^eit  au§,  bo  blieb'S  gonj  mäuSd^enftiHe. 


Seim  %xnnt  gel^t  biele§  brein.    @|n  orbentliri^er 
2125  ajebienter  mu^  fein  Ol^r  für  fo  toa^  l^aben. 

dritter  S3ebtenter  bet@eUeaum  Vierten, 
^aff'  j|o  tt)o]^I  auf,  Sodann,  ba&  tt)ir  bem  ^ater 
Quiroga  red^t  Diel  gu  er jäl^Ien  l^aben ; 
@r  n)iQ  bafür  un§  auc^  Diel  W)la^  geben. 

Vierter  83ebietiter. 
3(]^  maäf  mir  an  be§  3[IIo  [einem  ©tul^I 
2130  3)edn)egen  au(]^  }u  tl^un,  fo  biet  \ä)  tann, 
3)er  fül^rt  bir  gar  bermunberfamc  SReben. 

®e^en  su  ben  2;afe(n. 
S^eHentteifter  »u  9leumann. 

3Ber  mag  ber  fiS^marje  ©err  fein  mit  bem  ff reug, 
®er  mit  @raf  ^alf^  fo  bertraulid^  fii^ma^t? 

160  2^>c  ptccolomini 

2)a§  ijl  a\iS)  einer,  bem  fie  gu  biel  trauen, 
2135  2Karaba§  nennt  er  \\ä),  ein  ©panier. 


'§  ift  ni^tg  mit  ben  ^ifpaniem,  fag*  i^  t\xä), 
Sie  SQBelfd^en  afle  taugen  nic^t^. 


©0  föntet  il^r  nid^t  fpreii^en,  fteflermeffter.' 
6ö  finb  bie  erften  ©enerale  brunter, 
2140  9luf  bie  ber  ^erjog  iuft  am  meijten  l^ölt. 

Xeist^  tommt  unb  ^olt  hai  ^cüfUx  (Cb,  an  ben  Za^tln  eiUfte^t  eine  fßtxotgiat^ 

S^eHermetf^er  ^u  ben  »ebienten. 

2)er  ©eneralleutnant  fielet  auf.    @ebt  ^ä)t ! 
©ie  maä)tr{  9luf bru^.    Qfort  unb  rüdt  bie  ©effel. 

S)te  Gebleuten  eUen  nad^  l^tnten.    (Ein  XeU  bet  (S^äfte  tommt  bodtfärts. 

Sec^fter  2tuftritt. 

"^  Octanin^iccnUimini  fommt  im  Wpvä^  mit  9Rarabitd,  unb  beibe  fteOen  fldi 
fianft  borne  bin  auf  eine  Seite  bed  $tofcenium9.  %uf  bie  entgegengefe^te  Seite 
tritt  9Rac  9icc0U»mini,  aülein,  in  ftcd  gelebtt  unb  obne  9(ntei(  an  ber  übrigen 
^onblung.  S)en  mittlem  8laum  stuifc^en  beiben,  bo<4  einige  Schritte  mefir 
)urü(t,  erfüllen  Oitttler,  Sfulani,  @d<;,  2;iefeniadi,  ftolatto  unb  ba(b  barauf 

®raf  ttvitti, 


toä^renb  baB  bie  (S^efeüfc^aft  bortoärtS  tommt. 

®uf  5Ra(ä^t !    ®uf  5Ra(|t  ftolalto  —  ©eneralleutnont, 
®ut'  maä)t !    3(3^  fagte  beffer,  guten  SKorgen. 

®d^  5U  Xiefenba(^. 

2145  ^err  ©ruber,  profit  SJlal^lgeit ! 


2)aS  tt)ar  ein  föniglid^ed  Tla^ ! 

Vierter  2luf3tig ;  Stdf^tt  2ltifttttt  l61 

^a,  bie  ^xaii  ©räfin 
aSerftel^fö.    8tc  lernt'  cö  tl^rcr  ©^toieger  ab, 
®ott  ^aV  fie  felig !    3)a§  lOQt  eine  ^auSftau ! 

Sf Olaut  tota  toeggellen. 

2i(ä^tcr!    Stifter! 

Sersfll  rontmt  mit  bei  ©d^tift  ^u  ^fetani. 

2150  ^crr  Sruber !    S^tx  5Kinuien  nod^.,    ©ier  ifk 
9lo(]^  toa^  ju  unterf^retben. 


©0  biel  tl^r  toollt!    33erf(i^ont  mt^  nur  mit  Sefen. 

^äf  toiH  eud^  nxä)i  bemül^n.    @§  ift  ier  6ib, 
S)en  il^r  fd^on  fennt.    5Rur  einige  tJeberftri(i^e. 

SBie  Sfotant  bie  @<^rift  bem  Cctaüto  l^inreid^t 

2 1 55  SBie'S  lommt !  mn'^  eben  trifft.,  *  gö  t[t  fein  tRong  ^ier. 

Cctaüto  burd^lSuf t  bie  @(^Tif t  mit  anft^eitienber  O^leit^gültigleit.    Xer^f^  ■ 
'  beobachtet  tbn  ))on  Weitem. 

@d4  au  Seral^. 

^err  ©raf !    ©riaubt  mir,  bafe  i^  mi(^  empfehle. 

gilt  ioä)  nid^t  fo  —  ^oä)  einen  ©(i^Iaftrunl  7—  ^e ! 

3u  bcn  ©ebiertten^ 

Sin'3  nid^t  im  ©tanb. 

@in  ©pielri^en. 

©jfufiert  mt(!^. 
Xtefenbail^  fe^t  ftc^. 

SBergebt,  il^r  ^errn.    SDaS  ©teilen  toirb  mir  fouer. 

162  X)ic  piccolomtni 

21 6p  Waä)V^  t\xä)  U(\vi^m,  $crr  ©cncralf clbgcugnteiftct ! 

S)a§  ^avLpt  ift  frifd^,  >^cr  TOagcn  ift  gcfunb, 
2)ic  23cinc  aber  lüoUcn  nii^t  mcl^r  tragen. 

3f0(ont  auf  feine  Sorpu(en/i  jetgenb. 

3i]^r  l^abt  bie  2a[t  a\xä)  gar  ju  groft  gemad^t. 

OctaDio  ^at  unterfc^neben  unb  reicht  Ser^ft)  bte  ©d^rift  b«r  fte  bcv  ^(oiüiii 
\  ßiebt   ^tefer  Qtfit  an  ben  ^ifcö,  au  unterfdörciOetu 

2)er  Ärieg  in  ^ommcrn  l^at  mir'ö  gugegogen. 
2165  S)a  mußten  mir  l^erauö  in  ©(i^nee  unb  6iö, 
2)a§  toerb*  iä)  ttjol^l  mein  Sebtag  ni(^t  öerminben. 

3a  tt)o]^I !  ber  ®ä)mV  frug  na^  ber  ^al^röjeit  nid^ts. 

Ztvhtti  reid^t  bad  $a^ier  an  2)on  SRarabaS ;  biefer  geigt  an  ben  Zx\(fi,  8U  untci« 


OctaDtO  nähert  fidg  »itttlern. 

Sl^r  liebt  bie  Sacti^uSfeftc  aud^  ni(i^t  fel^r, 
^err  Cberftcr,  ic^  l^ab'  eö  mol^l  bemerft, 
2170  Unb  ipürbet,  beu(3^t  mir,  beffer  eud^  gefaüen 
3m  3:oben  einer  ^ä)laä)t  aU  eineö  ©(i^maufeS. 


^ä)  mufe  geftel^n,  '§  ift  ni(i^t  in  meiner  9lrt. 

OctaDtO  sutrauUdg  nöiget  tretenb. 

^\iä)  nid^t  in  meiner,  lann  x^  eud^  öerfi(i^ern, 
Unb  mi(^  erfreutes,  fel^r  mürb'ger  Dberft  Sattler, 
2175  S)afe  mir  uns  in  ber  S)en!art  fo  begegnen, 
©in  l^albeS  ®u^enb  guter  tJreunbe  ]^ö(i^ften§ 
Um  einen  Ileinen  runben  %\^ä),  ein  ©läSd^en 
Solaiermein,  ein  offnem  ©erg  babei 
Unb  ein  öemünf tige§  @t\pxäi)  —  fo  lieb'  id^'ö ! 

Dicrter  2luf3ug;  Sc^flcr  auftritt  163 


2180  3fa,  »enn  man*§  l^akn  fann,  id^  l^olf  c§  mit. 

XaS  $a))ieT  fommt  an  Suttlent,  ber  an  ben  Xifc^  Qtfit,  ju  unteric^retben.    Sa9 
$roic€nium  tsiib  (eer,  fo  baB  beibe  $iccoIommi,  ieber  auf  feiner  @eite  aOetn  fte^ 


no(!^bcm  tx  feinen  ®o^  eine  3^t  (ang  oud  bet  flreme  ftiaf(^toeigenb  betrachtet,  nä^rt 

ftcb  ibm  ein  toenig. 

S)u  bift  fel^r  lange  ausgeblieben,  greunb. 

SDlaC  toenbet  ftc^  fc^neK  um,  betlegen. 

3(^  —  bringenbe  ©efc^äf te  l^ielten  mi6). 

^oä),  h)ie  id^  fel^,  bift  bu  noc^  ntii^t  l^ier? 

2)u  toei^t,  ba^  grofe  ©emü^I  mi(^  immer  ftifl  mad^t. 

OetaDtO  lüdt  i^m  no(^  n&^ei. 

2185  ^äf  barf  ni(i^t  mijfen,  toaS  fo  lang  bid^  aufl^lelt?  liftig 
— Unb  a:etjf 9  toeife  eö  bod^. 

SQBaS  iDeife  bet  Sergfp? 

Odatlio  bebeutenb. 

6r  löar  ber  elng'ge,  ber  bid^  nid^t  bermifete. 


ber  bon  toeitem  Sd^t  gegeben,  tritt  basu. 

gied^t,  alter  »ater !    gaö'  i^m  in§  ©ejxldE  I 
©d^lag'  bie  Quartier'  il^m  auf !    6^  ift  nid^t  rid^tig. 

Xtt^ttl  fomntt  mit  ber  ©c^rift. 

ii90  Qfel^ü  leiner  me^r?   ^at  afle§  unterfd^rieben? 
(£$  ^aben'S  aOe. 

Xerjft^  rufenb. 

9iun?    S3ßer  untetfd^reibt  nod^? 

164  X)ie  piccolomtni 

Säi)V  naä)  l   3ujl  breifeig  tarnen  müjfcn'S  lein. 
6in  ftrcug  [tel^t  l^ier. 

®aö  ftrcuj  bin  id^* 

6r  lann  nid^t  f(|rctbcn,  toi)  fein  ßreuj  ift  gut, 
2195  Unb  mirb  il^m  l^onoricrt  bon  3ub'  unb  ßl^rift. 

©cl^n  h)ir  gufammcn,  Dbcrft.    6^  mirb  fpot. 
6  i  n  ^iccolomini  nur  ift  auf gcfii^ricben. 

Sfulaui  auf  SRajr  scigenb. 

©ebt  9l(i^t,  c§  fel^It  an  bicfcm  ftcincrncn  ®ajj, 
2)er  ung  ben  ganjcn  9lbenb  nid^t§  getaugt, 

fßtai  empfängt  aus  XerafiiS  ^änben  baS  Statt,  in  totlä^a  tx  gebantentos  ^incinfifQt. 

Siebenter  ituftritt, 

Xie  Sorigett.    3II0  fommt  oud  Um  Wintern  3tmm(T :  er  ^at  ben  golbncn  9otaI  in 
ber  ^anb  unb  ift  fegt  er^i^t ;  i^m  folgen  (SHif  unb  kultier,  bie  i^n  iuificf^aiteif 



2200  SBü§  moflt  il^r?   ßafet  mici^ ! 

mti  unb  ^nttUx. 

3Ü0,  trinftnid^tme^r! 

ge^t  auf  ben  Octabio  6u  unb  umarmt  i^n  trinfenb. 

Dctaöio,  boS  bring'  iä)  bir !    ßrfäuft 
©ei  afler  ©rott  in  bief em  Sunbeötrunl  l 

Picrter  2luf3ug;  Siebenter  2luftntt  165 

SQBcife  tool^I,  bu  l^aft  mic^  nie  geliebt — @ott  ftraf  mxS)  1 — 
Unb  ic^  bi^  a\xd)  nic^t !    2op  3Scraangcnc§ 
2205  S5ergcj|en  fein !    3^^  \ä)äi^t  \>\ä)  uncnbUd^, 

i^n  iu  tsieber^oltenmalen  Htffenb. 

^ä)  bin  bein  beftcr  greunb,  unb,  bap  x^x'§  mi^t  I 
SBcr  mir  il^n  eine  \al\ä)t  Äaje  fd(|ilt, 
2)er  l^at'^  mit  mir  ju  tl^un. 

XtVittf  bei  @eite. 

Sift  bu  bei  ©innen? 
»ebenr  bod^,  3flo,  »0  bu  bift ! 

3210  2Ba§  moüt  il^r,  e§  fmb  lauter  gute  Qfreunbe. 

<Si(^  mit  oergnüßtem  O^eftc^t  int  ganzen  5^reije  umfe^enb. ' 

@§  ift  fein  ©d^elm  l^ier  unter  unö,  baS  freut  mi(i^. 

Xtt^it^  8U  Suttler,  bringettb. 

Slel^mt  il^n  'boä)  mit  eu(i^  fort !    ^ä)  bitf  eud^  Säuttler, 

Suttler  fÜ^rt  i^n  an  bett  ec^enltijc^. 


iu  SRajr,  ber  bisher  unoertuanbt  aber  gebantenloS  in  bad  Rapier  gefeben. 

2Birb'§  balb,  C^err  »ruber?   ^at  6r'S  burd^ftubiert? 

tote  au9  einem  S^raum  ertoad^enb. 

äSad  foQ  id^? 

Sergft^  unb  3f0(aiti  6ug(ei(^. 

©einen  5Ramen  brunter  fejen» 

aXan  fte^t  ben  Cctabio  ängftUc^  gefpannt  ben  Süd  auf  ibn  richten. 

aWoj  glebt  es  iurüd.  ^ ^  ^ 

2215  fiapfö  rul^n  biö  morgen.    @g  ift  ein  ©efd^äf t, 
4)ab'  l^eute  feine  fjaffung.    ©d^idft  mir'§  morgen. 

»ebenP  6r  bo(i^ ! 

^  k. 

166  X^w  piccolomtni 

Srifdd!    Untcrf(i^ricben !    SBoö? 
6r  ift  bct  jüngftc  Don  bcr  gattäcn  SEafcI, 
SBirb  ja  QÜcin  nid^t  flügcr  tooücn  fein, 
2220  3tlö  mir  jufammcn !   ©el^'  6r  l^er !    S)cr  SJatcr 
^at  au(i^,  ipir  ^aitn  alle  unterfd^rieben. 

Säraud^t  euer  Slnfel^n  toä).    Sebeutet  il^n. 


aWein  Bo^n  ift  münbig. 

SHo  ^at  ben  ^olal  auf  ben  ©c^enmfc^  gefef^t 

SBobon  ift  bie  »ebe? 
6r  tDeigert  fi(i^,  ba§  Slatt  gu  unterf(i^reiben. 

2225  6§  mirb  bi§  morgen  rul^en  fönnen,  fag'  \ä). 

6§  fann  ni^t  rul^n.    SBir  unterf(i^rieben  aüe, 
Unb  bu  mu^t  aud^,  bu  mufet  bid^  unterf(|reiben. 

300,  fd^Iaf  tDo% 

9lein,  fo  entlömmft  bu  nici^tl 
S)er  3^ürft  fott  feine  fjreunbe  fennen  lernen. 

(£g  fammeln  ft($  aOe  O^äfte  um  bie  Selben. 

2230  SBie  id^  für  il^n  gefinnt  bin,  meife  ber  tJürft, 
6^  tüiffen'S  aUe,  unb  ber  graben  braucht' §  nid^t. 

2)Q§  ift  ber  S)anf,  ba§  l^at  bcr  gürft  babou, 
S)aß  er  bie  SSelfd^en  immer  borgegogen ! 

Dicrtcr  2luf3ug;  Siebenter  2luftrttt  167 

tn^5(^fter  iBerlegenl^eit  au  ben  ftommanbeurS,  bte  einen  ^tuflauf  mad^en. 

S)er  SBein  fpriti^t  auö  i^m !  ^ört  il^n  ni(i^t,  ^  bitf  eud^. 

Sfulant  (ad^t. 
2235  2)^^  äScin  crfinbet  ni(i^t§,  er  f(i^tt)a^t'§  nur  au§. 

2Bcr  n^t  ift  mit  mir,  ber  ift  tüiber  mic^. 
®ic  görtlid^en  ©cmiffcn !   SBcnn  fic  nic^t 
2)ur^  eine  ^intcrtl^ür,  hmä)  eine  Äloufcl  — 

Xtt^it^  fäQt  fd^nea  ein. 

@r  ift  ganj  rafcnb,  gebt  ni(i^t  %ä)t  auf  il^n. 

^llll  lauter  fd^reienb. 

2240  ®ur(^  eine  Älaufel  \\ä)  falbieren  fönnen. 

2BaS  Älaufel?   ^oV  ber  Teufel  biefe  ßlaufel— 

toirb  aufmerffam  unb  fielet  ti^ieber  in  bie  ©d^rift. 

2Bq§  ift  benn  ^ier  fo  f)oä)  (Sefä^rlid^eö? 
^f)x  mad^t  mir  ^leugier,  nöl^er  l^injufd^aun. 

Xtt^ttl  bei  (Seite  5U  ^Ho. 

2Bq§  maä)^t  bu  3Uo?   SDu  berberbeft  un§ ! 

Siefenliafl^  »u  ^oiQito. 
2245  3^  ittcrft'  ^§  ^^%  öot  2:if(ä^e  las  man'ö  anberS. 

@ö  fam  mir  anä)  fo  bor, 


aSo  anbre  5Ramen,  lann  Qud^  meiner  ftel^n. 

35 or  Sifd^  mar  ein  gemiffer  35 or behalt 
Unb  eine  ftlaufel  b^inn  öon  ßqiferS  2)ienft, 

168  X^ic  piccolomint 

y/^  83tttt(C?  iu  einem  ber  ßontmaitbeurd. 

2250  ©(i^ämt  eu(i^,  il^r  ^crrn !   Scbenft,  morauf  e§  anlommt. 
2)ic  grag'  ift  jejt,  ob  toir  bcn  ©eneral 
Schalten  foücn  ober  jiel^en  loffen? 
9Jlan  !ann'§  fo  f(i^arf  n^t  nel^men  unb  genau. 

Sfolant  AU  einem  ber  C^enerale. 

$Qt  fic^  ber  ^ürft  oud^  fo  berllaufuliert, 
2255  ^I§  er  bein  ^Regiment  bir  jugeteilt? 

Unb  eu(i^  bte  Sieferungen,  bie  ^x^,  taufenb 
pftolen  tvAj  in  einem  Saläre  tragen? 

©ptl'Bti&en  felbft,  bie  uns  ju  ©Reimen  mad^en ! 
SBer  nid^t  guf rieben  ift,  ber  fag'g !  ba  bin  i(^ ! 


2260  5Run,  nun !   "^^xi  fprid^t  ja  nur. 

SDlaC  ^Qt  gelefen  unb  giebt  bad  ^a^ier  ^urücf. 

SiS  morgen  alfo ! 

bor  Sut  ftammelnb  unb  feiner  nic^t  me^r  mä(!^tig,  bäft  ii^m  mit  ber  einen  ^nb  bte 

®c^rift,  mit  ber  anbern  ben  2)egen  bor. 

©(i^reib  —  3}uba§ ! 


^f ui,  300 ! 

OctaDto.    Ser^ft^.    83tittler  augtetd^. 
®egen  ttjeg ! 

Ift  i^m  rafd^  in  ben  5trm  gefaßen  unb  l^at  i^n  cnttoaffnet,  ju  ®rof  XerÄftj. 

Sring'  i^n  ju  »ette ! 

(St  ge^t  ab.    ^Il^O'  flud^enb  unb  fd^eltenb,  toirb  toon  einigen  ftommanbeurd  geilten 
Unter  aOgemeinem  9Iufbru(t)  fällt  ber  Sorbong. 

fünfter  Huffu^. 

@ccnc :  ein  Slmmcr  In  ^iccolominr«  Söo^nung.    e«  Ifl  ^fiod^t. 

(Erftcr  2tuftrith 

CctaMo  Vkcolomiiti.   fiammerbietter  leuchtet  ®l(id^  barauf  9Ras  Viccolomini 

©ofialb  mein  ©ol&n  l^crcinjft,  meifet  i^n 
3umir— aBa§iftbic®Io(!e? 



2265  ©e^t  euer  ßid^t  l^ie^er  —  SBir  legen  im§ 
5Ri(|t  mel^r  ju  Seite ;  il^r  fönnt  f(J)lafen  gel^n. 

Rammetbienei  ab.    Octabio  ge^t  nac^benfenb  burc^g  ^tntmer.     a^o;  ^tccotomini 
tritt  auf,  tti(!^t  gleich  t)on  i^m  bcmcrft,  unb  fie^t  i{)m  einige  ^ugenblide  fc^tDeigenb  au. 

Sift  bu  mir  bö§,  Octaüio?    SBeiß  ©ott, 
3(^  bin  vS&ji  f(i^ulb  an  bem  öerl^afeten  ©treit. 
—  3(i^  fal^c  tool^I,  bu  l^atteft  unterfd^rieben ; 
2^70  SSBoö  bu  {(iSTtßgef,  ba§  lonnte  mir 

?lud^  red^t  fein — boc^  e§  ipor  —  bu  tüeifet  —  id)  fann 
3n  foI(i^en  ^oA^va  nur  bem  eignen  Si(^t, 
3lid^t  frembem  folgen. 



170  Die  piccolomini 

ge^t  auf  i^n  5U  unb  umarmt  i^n. 

golg'  il^m  ferner  au^ 
5Kein  beftcr  ©ol^n !    6§  l^ot  bid^  treuer  jejt 
2275  ©eleitet,  al^  baö  Scifpiel  beine§  SSoter^. 

grllär'  bid^  bcutlidjcr. 


3(]^  locrb'  c§  tl^un. 
^ad)  bem,  tt)a§  bicfe  3laä)t  gefti^el^cn  ift, 
2)arf  fein  ©cl^eimniö  bleiben  gmifd^n  uns. 

Stad^bem  betbe  ftc^  niebergefet^t 

9Kaj,  fagc  mir,  toa^  benfft  bu  Don  bcm  @ib, 
2280  ®en  man  gur  Unterf^rift  un§  borgelegt? 

5ür  ettt)a§  Unöcrfänglid^S  l^alt'  id^  i^n, 
Obgleid^  iä)  bicfcS  gförmli^e  nid^t  liebe. 

®u  l^ätteft  bid^  QUO  feinem  onbcrn  ©runbe 
®er  abgebrungncn  Untcrfd^rift  getDeigert? 

2285  6g  mar  ein  ernfl  ©efd^äft  —  id^  mar  jerftreut  — 
S)ie  ©ac^  felbft  erfd(|ien  mir  nid^t  f 0  bringenb  — 


©et  offen,  aWaj.    ®u  l^atteft  feinen  Slrgmol^n  ? 

SDBorüber  Slrgmol^n?   9?id^t  ben  minbeften. 

S)anF§  beinern  ßngel/ piccolomini ! 
aa^o  Unmiffenb  jog  er  bid^  gurüdE  bom  Slbgrunb. 

3d^  meife  nid^t,  ma§  bu  meinft. 

fünfter  2tuf3ug;  €rfler  2tuftntt  171 

^ä)  tüitt  btr'§  fagcn : 
3u  eittcnt  ©d^cImftüdE  foHtcft  bu  bcn  Flamen 
^ergeben,  beincn  ^fIi(J)tcn,  betnem  @tb 
9Rit  einem  einj'gen  geberftrid^  entfagcn. 

^a^  ftel^t  auf. 

C295  OctaDtoI 

Sleib'  fi^en^    5BieI  noc^  ^a[t  bu 
S3on  mir  ju  l^örcn,  §reunb,  l^aft  ^al^re  lang 
©elebt  in  unbegreifli(i^et  SSerblenbung. 
S)aS  f^märgefte  Äomplot  entfpinnet  pd^ 
SSot  beinen  5lugen,  eine  'iOlaäft  ber  ^ölle 
2300  Umnebelt  beinet  ©inne  ließen  2:ag  — 

3(j^  borf  niri^t  länger  fi^meigen,  mufe  bie  Sinbe 
35  on  beinen  3lugen  nel^men. 

e^  bu  ^pxxä)% 
SebenF  e§  tDol^l  I   SBenn  bon  Vermutungen 
®ie  SRebe  fein  fofl  —  unb  i^  fürd^te  faft, 
2305  @§  ift  ni(i^tg  meiter  —  fpare  fie !    '^ä)  bin 
3e^t  nic^t  gefaxt,  fie  ru^ig  ju  berne^men. 


©0  ernfien  ©runb  bu  l^aft,  bieS  Sid^t  gu  fliel^n, 
©0.  bringenbern  f)aV  id^,  bafe  id^  bir'ö  gebe. 
3d^  lonnte  biä)  ber  Unfd^ulb  beineö  ^erjen§, 
2310  S)em  eignen  Urteil  rul^ig  onüertraun ; 
^oä)  beinem  ^txitn  felbft  fel^*  id^  ba§  9le^ 
SBerberblid^  je^t  bereiten  —  S)a§  ©el^eimnis, 

lljn  fd^arf  mit  bcn  Stugcn  ftjiercnl), 

S)a5  bu  bor  mir  berbirgft,  entreißt  mir  meines. 

)»rfu($t  3U  antworten,  ftocft  ai^er  unb  f^Iägt  ben  93Iid  toertegen  iu  9obeiu 

172  ^iß  piccolomtni 

DctatItO  nac^  einer  $aufe. 

©0  triff c  bcnn !   9Jlan  l^intcrge^t  bxä)  —  fpielt 
2315  3luf§  fd^önbl^ftc  mit  bir  unb  mit  un§  aDcn. 
2)cr  C^^i^jog  ftcttt  fi^  an,  als  ttjoltf  er  bic 
9lrmec  berla ff cn ;  unb  in  bicfcr  ©tunbc 
SBirb'S  eingeleitet,  bie  3lrmee  bem  ftaifer 
—  3^  ftel^Ien  unb  bem  fjeinbe  gujufül^ren  I 

2320  3)Q§  ^faffenmär(i^en  fenn'  xä),  aber  ni^t 
9lu§  beinern  SKunb  ermartef  xdf^  ju  ^ören. 

S)er  SJlunb,  au§  bem  bu'S  gegenwärtig  l^örfl, 

SBerbürget  bir,  e§  fei  lein  ^faffenmär^en. 

3u  meld^em  SRafenben  ma(^t  man  ben  C^^^JOfl  I 

2325  6r  fönnte  baran  benfen,  brei^ig  taufenb 

©eprüfter  3:ruppen,  el^rlid^er  ©olbaten, 

aSorunter  mel^r  benn  taufenb  ©belleute, 

SSon  6ib  unb  ^fli(i^t  unb  @l^re  megjuloden, 

3u  einer  ©(i^urfentl^at  fie  ju  vereinen? 

2330  ©0  toa^  nic^tBtt)ürbig  ©(i^änbli(i^e§  begel^rt 

@r  Ieine§meg§  —  2Ba§  er  bon  uns  miß, 

gül^rt  einen  meit  unfi^ulbigeren  Flamen. 

Slic^tS  min  er,  al§  bem  SRei^  ben  fjrieben  fd^enlen ; 

Unb  meil  ber  ffaifer  biefen  fjrieben  l^afet, 

2335  ©0  mill  er  i^n  —  er  mill  il^n  baju  gmingen! 

3ufrieben  fteHen  mill  er  alle  2:eile 

Unb  gum  (Srfa^  für  feine  SWül^e  Söl^men, 

®a§  er  ]ä)on  inne  l^at,  für  fid^  bel^alten. 

$at  er'S  um  uns  Derbient,  Dctaöio, 
2340  S)afe  mir  —  mir  fo  unmürbig  Don  il^m  benlen? 

fünfter  ^u^m;  €rpcr  2luftritt  173 

35on  unferm  5)enlen  ift  l^ier  nid^t  bie  Siebe. 

®ie  ©ad^e  fprid^t,  bie  Iläreften  Seiwife. 

2Rein  ©ol^n !  bir  ift  nici^t  unbelannt,  tt)ie  fd^Iimm 

2Bir  mit  bem  ^ofe  ftel^n  —  hoä)  bon  ben  Äönlen, 
2345  ®ett  Sügenfünften  l^oft  bu  feine  Sll^nunfl, 

2)ie  man  in  Übung  fefte,  2Keuterei 

3  m  Soger  auSjufäen.    Slufgelöft 

©inb  afle  Sanbe,  bie  ben  Dffijier 

2ln  feinen  Äaifer  feffeln,  ben  ©olbaten 
2350  a?ertrauli(!^  Binben  on  ba§  SürgerleBen. 

^pid^ts  unb  gefe^Ioö  ftel^t  er  gegenüber 

®em  ©taat  gelagert,  ben  er  fd^ü^en  fofl, 

Unb  brol^et,  gegen  il^n  baS  ©d^wert  ju  feieren. 

6ö  ift  fo  meit  gelommen,  bafe  ber  Raifer 
2355  3"  biefem  Slugenblic!  bor  feinen  eignen 

9lrmeen  gittert  —  ber  SBerräter  ©old^ 

3n  feiner  |)auptftabt  fürd^tet  —  feiner  Surg; 

3a,  im  Segriffe  ftel^t,  bie  jarten  @nlel 

5Ri(i^t  bor  ben  ©darneben,  bor  ben  Sutl^eranern, 
2360  —  9iein !  bor  ben  eignen  SEruppen  loegguflüd^ten, 

^ör'  auf !    S)u  öngftigeft,  erfc^ütterft  mid^. 
3d^  tüeife/  baß  man  bor  leeren  ©d^redfen  gittert ; 
3)od^  toal^reg  UnglüdE  bringt  ber  falfd^e  äßal^n. 

Dctimio.  ^ 

g§  ijt  fein  SBal&n.    S)er  bürgerli^e  ftrieg  \ 

2365  gntbrennt,  ber  unnatürlid^fte  bon  aüen, 

SBenn  ton  n\6)i,  fd^Ieunig  rettenb,  il^m  begegnen. 
®er  Dberften  finb  biele  längft  erfauft, 
5)er  ©ubalternen  Streue  mantt ;  eö  manfen 
©d^on  gange  9legimenter,  ©arnifonen. 

174  I^«  piccolomtm 

2370  9lu§Iänbern  [inb  bic  Scftungen  öcrtrout, 
3)em  ©(ä^aföotfd^,  bem  öerbäditigen,  ^ai  man 
2)ic  ganje  9)iannfd^Qft  ©c^Icficnö,  bem  3:cr5f9 
3^ünf  ^Regimenter  Sleiteret  unb  Sfufeöolf, 
®em  3flo,  ßinöf^,  Suttler,  3foIan 

2375  S)ie  beftmontierten  Struppen  übergeben. 

Unö  beiben  anä).  ' 

SBeil  man  uns  glaubt  gu  l^aben, 
3u  locfen  meint  burd^  glänjenbe  SBerfprec^n. 
©0  teilt  er  mir  bie  Q^ürftentümer  ©laf 
Unb  ©agan  ju,  unb  tnol^I  fel^'  xä)  ben  3lngel, 
2380  SBomit  man  bid^  gu  fangen  benit. 

9lein!   !RetttI 
9lein!  fagM(^birI 


/  £),  öffne  bo(!^  bie  3lugen  ! 

SBeSmegen,  glaubft  bu,  bafe  man  uns  nad^  ^ilfen 
Seorberte  ?   Um  mit  uns  SRat  gu  pflegen? 
SBann  l^ätte  fjrieblanb  unferS  3latS  beburft? 
2385  SBir  finb  berufen,  unö  il^m  gu  öerlaufen, 

Unb  toeigern  toir  unS  —  ©eifel  il&m  gu  bleiben. 
S^eSmegen  ift  @raf  ©aflaS  weggeblieben  — 
^\xä)  beinen  9Sater  fä^eft  bu  nid^t  l^ter, 
2Benn  ^ö^^re  g5fli(^t  i^n  nid^t  gefept  ^ielt. 

«390  6r  l^at  es  feinen  ^el^I,  ba^  tt)ir  um  feinetttillcn 
^ieljer  berufen  finb  —  gepel^et  ein, 
^r  bxaw^t  unferS  3lrmS,  [\^  gu  et^Iten. 

fünfter  :iuf3iig;  €rfler  2Iuftrttt  175 

gr  tl^at  fo  öicl  für  un§,  unb  fo  ift'§  ^ßflid^t, 
S)afe  mir  jcft  ou(^  für  il^n  tüaö  tl^un ! 

Unb  tüeipt  bu 
2395  2Ba§  btcfeg  tft,  tt)a§  tüir  für  i^n  t^un  f ollen? 

®c§  SÜD  trunfncr  ÜKut  ^at  bir'S  öerratcn. 

Scfinn'  Vxä)  hoä),  tnoö  bu  gcprt,  g^f^^"- 

Seugt  bog  öerfälfd^te  Slatt,  bie  tncagclaffne, 

©0  gong  cntf(^cibuttg§öofle  ftlaufel  nicä^t, 
2400  9Kan  iDOÜc  gu  n^t§  ©ulcnt  uns  bcrbinbcn? 

2Bo§  mit  bcm  blatte  biefc  3laä)i  gcfd^el^n, 
3ft  mir  nid^tS  weiter  ofö  ein  fd^Ied^ter  ©treid^ 
SSon  biefem  3II0.    S)ieS  ©efd^Ie^t  öon  ÜKäflern 
pflegt  oüeS  ouf  bie  ©pi|ie  gleid^  gu  ftellen. 
2405  ©ie  feigen,  bafe  ber  ^ergog  mit  bem  ^of 
3erfaIIen  ift,  öermeinen  il^m  gu  bienen, 
SBenn  fie  ben  Sru(3^  unl^eilbar  nur  ermeitern. 
2)er  ^ergog,  glaub'  mir,  toeip  öon  aß  bem  nic^tä.        j  .  J 

6ö  fcä^mergt  mid^,  beiiten  ©lauben  on  ben  3Jian.n, 
2410  3)er  bir  fo  lool^I  gegrünbet  fd^eint,  gu  ftürgen» 
%x^  l^ier  barf  leine  ©d^onung  fein  —  bu  mu^t 
SKo^regeln  nel^men,  fi^Ieunige,  mußt  l^anbeln. 

—  3(3^  lüiH  bir  olfo  nur  geftel^n  —  bafe  oIIe§, 
SBaS  t(3^  bir  jel^t  Vertraut,  toaS  fo  un^Iaublid^ 

2415  S)ir  fd^eint,  bofe  —  bafe  ic!^  e§  öuS  feinem  eignen 

—  3)e§  Surften  2Kunbe  ^abe. 

9)la|^  in  l^eftiger  SBemegung. 

Stimmermel^r ! . 
6r  fclbft  Vertraute  mir  —  waS  ic!^  gtoar  längft 

176  X)te  piccolomint 

3luf  oubcrm  SBeg  fci^on  in  Srfal^rung  btö^te: 
S)afe  er  jum  ©d^mcbcn  tüoüc  fibcrgel^n 
24^0  Unb  an  ber  ©pife  be§  öerbunbnen  i)eerS 
SDcn  ftaifer  jtDtngen  »oüe  — 

St  ift  heftig, 
6§  l^öt  ber  ^of  cnHjfinblid^  il^n  Belcibiftt ;  ^ 

3n  einem  3lugenbli(!  beS  Unmuts,  fei*§ ! 
2K09  er  [xäf  leicht  einmal  öergeffen  l^aben. 

2425  Sei  faltem  Slute  toar  er,  aB  er  mir    / 
S)ieS  eingeftanb ;  unb  meil  er  mein  ßptaunen 
2ll§  gurcä^t  auflegte,  tüieS  er  im  SBeruaun  ^-^ 

ÜKir  Sriefe  Dor,  ber  ©d^toeben  unb  ber  ©aci^fen, 
2)ie  ju  beftimmter  ^ülfe  Hoffnung  geben. 

2430  6§  fann  nid^t  fein !  !ann  nicä^t  fein !  lann  nid^t  fein! 
©iel^ft  bu,  bafe  eS  nid^t  fann !    S)u  l^ätteft  il^m 
5lottt)enbig  beinen  Slbfd^eu  ja  gejeigt, 
@r  l^ött'  fid^  tneifen  laffen,  ober  bu 

—  S)u  ftiinbeft  nid^t  mel^r  lebenb  mir  jur  ©eite ! 

2435  SSol^l  l^ab'  id^  mein  Sebenfen  il^m  geäußert, 
^aV  bringenb,  l^ab'  mit  ßrnft  il^n  abgemal^nt ; 

—  2)od^  meinen  Slbfd^eu,  meine  innerfte 
©efinnung  l^ab'  id^  tief  DerftedEt. 

35u  toörft 
©0  falfd^  gen)efen?   35a§  fielet  meinem  9Sate^^^ 
2440  5lid^t  gleid^ !    ^ä)  glaubte  beinen  SBorten  nffji; 
S)a  bu  Don  il^m  mir  S3öfe§  fagteft;  fann'S 
9fod^  toen'ger  je^t,  ba  bu  bid^  felbft  öerleumbeft» 

fünfter  :iuf3U9;  €rflcr  Tln^txii  177 

^6)  brönfltc  mic^  nid^t  fclbft  in  fein  ©cl^eimniS. 
Slufrid^tigfeit  berbicntc  fein  SScrtraun* 
2445  5li(ä^t  iDürbig  toar  er  meiner  SBal^rl^ett  mel^r. 
3loä)  minber  toürbig  beiner  mor  Setrug. 

9Rein  befter  ©ol^n !    @5  iji  niiä^t  immer  mögluj^, 

3m  fieben  \xä)  fo  finberrein  ju  Italien, 

S5Jie'§  uns  bie  ©timme  le^rt  im  ^nnerften. 
2450  3n  fteter  Slotmel^r  gegen  arge  Sift 

SIeibt  ouc^  baS  xtUxä)t  ©emüt  nid^t  mal^r  — 

3)aö  eben  ift  ber  t^lnä)  ber  böfen  %f)at, 
^®afe  fie,  f ortjeugenb,  immer  Söfe§  muß  gebärn. 

3(]5  ^iügle  nid^t,  \ä)  iffut  meine  ^flic^t ;  I 

2455  ®^^  ffciifer  fci^reibt  mir  mein  Seiragen  Dor.  1 

SQBoI)I  toär'  e§  beffer,  überall  bem  ©crjen 

3u  folgen ;  toä)  barüber  mürbe  man 

©i(^  manchen  guten  S^td  öerfagen  muffen. 

|)ier  gilfö,  mein  ©ol^n,  bem  Äatfer  mo^l  jii  bienen,  | 
2460  3)aS  ^erg  mag  baju  fpred^en^  ma^  e§  mill,  f 

3(ä^  f oll  bi(^  l^eut  nicä^t  faffen,  nid^t  öerftel^n* 
^er  S^ürft,  fagft  bu,  entbedte  rebliiä^  bir  fein  ^erg 
3u  einem  böfen  S^^^t  unb  bu  iDillft  il^n 
3u  einem  guten  S^td  betrogen  l^aben !  / 

«465  ©ör*  auf !  xd)  bitte  bid^  —  ^n  vaubft  ben  S^reunb 
9Rir  nid^t  —  Safe"  mici^  be«  SBatcr  ni(^t  berlieren  Ip  ^' 

^  i  1  - ' 


178  X^te  piccolomini 

^tttttctbrütft  feine  «m^)flnblid^relt 

^oä)  totx^t  DU  alleö  nid^t,  mein  ©ol^n !    ^^  ffdbe 
S)ir  no(!^  toa^  ju  eröffnen. 

SJad^  einer  ^aufe. 

C^ctjofl  Sfrieblanb 
^ai  feine  Sutüftung  gemad^t.    <5r  trout 
2470  3[uf  feine  ©terne.    Unbeteitet  benit  er  uns 
3u  überfallen  —  mit  ber  fidlem  ^anb 
Wtxnt  er  ben  golbnen  Sirf^I  f^on  gu  foffen. 
6r  irret  fic^  —  SQßir  l^oben  an^  gel^anbelt  — 
6r  fafet  fein  bö§  ö^^^iwiniSboüeS  ©d^idffal. 

2475  9lic^t§  9iaf(ä^e§,  9Sater !   D,  bei  allem  ®uten 
2a^  bid^  befd^tDören.    fteine  Übereilung ! 

ÜKit  leifen  3:ritten  fd^Iid^  er  feinen  böfen  SBeg ; 
©0  leif  unb  fci^Iau  ift  il^m  bie  ^aä)t  nac^gefd^id^n. 
©d^on  ftel^t  fie  ungefel^en,  finfter  J^utleTi^mT^ 
3480  6in  ©d^ritt  nur  nod^,  unb  fd^aubernb  rül&ret  er  fie  an. 
—  3)u  ^aft  ben  Oueftenberg  bei  mir  gefel^n, 
3loä)  lennft  bu  nur  fein  öffentlid^  ©efd^äft, 
9lud^  ein  gel^eimeS  l^at  er  mitgebrad^t, 
.   S)aS  blo^  für  mid^  toar. 

2)arf  W^  iDiffen? 


a»a  j ! 

2485  —  35e§  gieid^e§  SBo^Ifa^rt  leg'  i^  mit  bem  SBortc, 

S)eg  9Sater§  Seben  bir  in  beine  ^anb. 

®er  SBaHenftein  ift  beinern  bergen  teuer, 

^jn  ftarIcS  Sanb  ber  Siebe,  ber  S^ctel^^ung 

fünfter  ^lufjng;  (grj^er  2tuftrttt  179 

Änüpft  feit  bcr  frül^en  Sugcnb  bii^  an  i^n  — 
2490  3)u  näl^rft  ben  3Bunfd^  —  £) !    laß  mic^  immerJ^in 
SSorgreifen  bctncm  äögernben  35crtraucn  — 
3)ic  Hoffnung  näl^rft  bu,  xijm  öiel  nöl^er  nod^ 

gSater  — 


3)ctncm  ^crjen  trau'  xä), 
^oä)  bin  \ä)  beincr  ??aj|ung  anä)  gewi^? 
2495  2Birft  bu'ö  öcrmögcn,  rul^igcn  @e[i(ä^t§ 
38  ot  biefen  3Kann  gu  treten,  tuenn  iä)  bir 
©ein  ganj  ©efd^ic!  nun  anöertrauet  l^abe? 

Stüd^bem  bu  feine  ©d^ulb  mir  anvertraut ! 


nimmt  ein  ^o^ier  aui  ber  ©(^atulle  unb  reicht  es  i^m  l^in* 

SBaS?   SBie?   6in  offner  faiferlid^er  S3rief. 

2500  Sieg  il^n. 

^Ü^f  nad^bem  er  einen  93U(f  l^ineingetoorfen. 

S)er  Surft  berurteilt  unb  geäcä^tet ! 

©0  ip- 

O,  baS  gel^t  tüeit !  D  unglüdtSöoIIer  Strtum ! 

8ie§  weiter  I    gaff  bi^ ! 

naci^bem  er  Leiter  gefe^en,  mit  einem  9(i(f  be§  @rftaunen3  auf  feinen  SSater. 

SGßie?  28a§?  S)u?  S)ubi[t  — 


180  V^  piccolomhn 


Slo$  für  bot  Sbigenblid  —  unb  bis  ber  itonig 
Son  llndanr  btt  bem  ^ftr  ctf^nen  lann, 
'505  3P  baS  Pommanbo  mir  atgeben. 

Unb  glaubß  bu,  ba^  bu'»  i^m  entreißen  iDerbeft? 
2aS  benle  ja  nii^t  —  »atct !    »ater!    »atctl 
6in  ungliuffelig  Smt  ifi  btr  getDorben. 
£ifS  »latt  ^itr  — biefeS!  miajl  bu  geltenb  tnai^n? 
2510  Srn  Woc^tigen  in  feinet  ^te§  HRitte, 

Umringt  üoit  feinen  3:aufenben,  enttDaffnen? 
£u  bifi  öerloren  —  bu,  toir  alle  ftnb'S ! 


3Ba3  ic^  babei  }u  koagen  l^be,  mi^  i^. 

34  ^^^  i^  ^^  Sllma^t  ^anb ;  fte  tt)irb 
2515  3)a§  fromme  ftaiferl^auS  mit  il^rem  ©d^ilbe 

Sebeden  unb  ba§  SBerf  ber  3laä)t  gcrtrümmern. 

3^er  ftoifer  f^at  noä)  treue  ©iener ;  aud^  im  fiager 

@iebt  e§  ber  braoen  SKönner  fl'nug,  bie  [xä) 

3ur  guten  ©ad^  munter  fc^lagcn  »erben. 
2520  S)ie  treuen  finb  gctoarnt,  betoad^t  bie  anbern ; 

3)en  erpen  ©d^ritt  ermorf  i<j^  nur,  foglei^  — 

Sluf  ben  5Berba(ä^t  l^in  toiflft  bu  rafd^  glci(^  l^anbclu? 


gern  fei  öom  JJaifer  bie  St^rannenmeife ! 
S)en  SBillen  nid^t,  bie  %^at  nur  miH  er  ftrafen. 
2525  3loä)  l^at  ber  gürft  fein  ©d^idfal  in  ber  $önb  —y 

6r  loffe  bog  Serbred^en  unöoflfül^rt,  

^0  tüirb  man  i^n  ftill  öom  Jfommanbo  nd^men^ 
c  iDirb  bem  ©ol^ne  feinet  ftaifer^  meid^en. 



fünfter  2lnf3n9;  (Erßcr  2luftritt  181 

6tn  cörcndoü  6|il  auf  feine  ©d^Iöfjer 
2530  SBirb  SDßopi^ot  mel^r,  al3  ©tröfe  für  il^n  fein. 
^t'boä)  ber  erftc  offenbare  ®ä)xHt — 

SBßaS  nennfl  bu  einen  fold^en  ©d^ritt?  6r  toirb ' 

Slie  einen  böfen  tl^un.    S)u  aber  fönnteft 

—  ®u  l^aft'ä  fletl^an  —  ben  frömmften  aud^  mipbeuten. 


2535  2Bic  Prafbar  anä)  be§  Surften  Qtotdt  toaren, 
S)ie  ^ijxük,  bie  er  öffentlich  flet^an, 
JBerpatteten  no^  eine  milbe  S)eutun9* 
3txä)t  el^er  benF  xä)  biefe§  Slatt  ju  branden,     ^, :, ., 
Siä  eine  SEl^at  getl^an  ift,  bie  untDiberfpred^ti(^ 

2540  SDen  ^o(ä^öerrat  begeugt  unb  il^n  öerbammt. 

Unb  »er  foll  Sid^ter  brüber  fein? 


2)u  felbji. 

O,  bann  bebarf  e§  biefeS  Slatteö  nie, 
3(ä^  l^ab'  bein  Siöort,  bu  tüirft  nid^t  el^er  l^anbeln, 
Seöor  bu  mid^,  mxä)  felber  übergeugt. 

«545  3ff  §  möflli(ä&?   9lod^,  mä)  allem,  tüaS  bu  toei^t, 
ftannft  bu  an  feine  Unfdöulb  glauben? 

fßtaj^  lebhaft. 

SDein  Urteil  lann  [xä)  irren,  nid^t  mein  ^txi. 

(SemäBigter  fortfa^renb. 

Ser  ®eifi  ifi  nid^t  gu  f äffen,  mie  ein  anbrer. 
JEffie  er  fein  ©d^irffal  an  bie  ©terne  Inüpf t, 
2550  ©0  gleid^t  er  il^nen  aud^  in  wunberbarer 
©el^eimer,  emig  unbegriffner  Sal^n, 



182  ^»^  piccolomtni 

®Iaub'  mir,  man  tl^ut  il^m  Unrecä^t.    3lßeS  toirb 
©i(ä^  löfcn*    (Slönjcnb  mcrben  toir  ben  SReinen 
SluS  bicfcm  fd^morjen  Slrgmpl^n  treten  fel^n.  . 

«555  3^  tt)iß'§  eriDorten. 

^toeiter  2tuftritt. 

Sie  SoHneit.   Ser  ftammerbiener.    ($Ui^  borouf  ein  ftiwrier* 

2öag  fliebfs? 


.  @in  ßilbof  toartet  öor  ber  SEpr, 

©0  frü^'  am  Sag  l   2Ber  iff ö?    SlBo  fommt  er  l^cr? 


S)a3  iDoHf  er  mir  ni(]^t  fagen. 


gül^r'  il^u  l^rein.    Safe  nid^t§  bat)on  berlauten. 

j^ammerbiener  q6.  dornet  tritt  ein. 

2560  Seib  il^r'S,  ftornet?   ^I^r  lommt  öom  ©rafeH  ©aOo^? 
@ebt  l^er  ben  Srief . 


Slofe  münblid^  i[t  mein  ^luftroQ. 
5)er  (Generalleutnant  traute  nid^t. 


2öü§  ift's ! 

6r  läfet  twä)  faflen  —  ®arf  \ä)  frei  l^ier  fprec^en?  , 


^ein  ©oftn  tüeip  atte§.. 

fünfter  2Iuf3ug ;  groetter  2Iuftritt  183 

SDßir  ffaim  xf)n. 

SBen  meint  il^r? 

2565  3)cn  Untctl^änblcr,  bcn  ©cjtn  I 

3m  Söljmermolb  crtüifd^f  iljn  ^öuptmann  5Äo]^r6ranb 
JBotflefiern  frül^,  al§  er  mä)  SRegenäpurg 
3um  ©(ä^meben  untermegö  tüor  mit  ®epef(ä^en» 

ttttb  bic  ©epefd^n  — 


^at  bet  (Senerafleutnant 
2570  ©0ftlet(ä^  nad^  SBien  g^f^itft  mit  bem  ©efangnen. 

9lun  enbli(?^ !   enblid^ !    S)a§  i[t  eine  gtofee  S^itung ! 
©er  5Kann  i[t  un§  ein  !oftbare§  (Sefäfe, 
S)aä  tt)id^f ge  S)inge  einfd^Iiept  —  fjonb  man  biel? 

Wx  fe(]^S  ^afete  mit  (Sraf  Serjl^g  SBal)pett* 


2575  ftcinS  bon  be§  Surften  ^anh? 


5Ri(ä^t,  bofe  ici^  toüfete. 

Unb  bet  ©cftna? 


5Der  tl^at  fel^r  erf^rocfen, 

184  X^te  ptccolominl 

31I§  man  il^m  fagf,  cS  flingc  naäftx  fSixtn. 
®raf  Slltring  aber  \pxaä)  il^m  fluten  SJlut  ein, 
SDßenn  er  nur  alle§  moüte  frei  belennen. 


2580  3ft  Slltringer  bei  eurem  4>errn?   ^ä)  ffbxit, 
6r  läge  IranI  gu  fiinj. 

'  "  Stotntü 

©d^on  feil  brei  %aQtn 
3ft  er  ju  S^rauenberg  beim  ©eneralleutnant ; 
©ie  l^aben  fec^jig  gäl^nlein  fd^on  beifammen, 
-^grlefneS  S3oIf,  unb  laffen  eud^  entbieten, 
25^  ®afe  fie  bon  t\xä)  Sefeble  nur  erwarten. 

3n  toenig  3:agen  lann  fid^  biel  ereignen. 


^ä)  toaxl'  auf  eure  Orbre* 


SIeibt  bi§  jum  9lbenb. 


©al)  eud^  bod^  ntemanb? 

dornet.   . 

Äetn  TOenfd^.    S)te  Jlapujiner  ließen  mic^ 
2590  2)urd^'S  Silofterpförtd^en  ein,  fo  tt)ie  gemöl^nlid^. 


®ebt,  rul^t  tnä)  aug  unb  bauet  eud^  üerborgen. 
^6)  benf  eud^  noc^  bor  3lbenb  abjuferfgen. 
S)ie  ©ad^en  liegen  ber  ©ntmidflung  nol^, 



VA^    ;Jnnfter  2luf3ii9 ;  Dritter  2lnfttttt  185 

Unb  if)  ber  SEag,  bcr  eben  jeft  atn^immel 
^595  95ctl^änflni§öon  l^eranfirid^t,  untergel^t, 
SRui  ein  entfd^etbenb  Sog  gefaUen  fein. 

ftontet  0e^t  a(. 

y  Dritter  2tuftritt. 

Vcile  Viccolomiiti« 

SBaS  nun,  mein  ©ol^n?  3e^t  werben  loir  balb  Mar  fein, 
—  S)enn  alle§,  n)eife  xi),  ging  burij^  ben  ©efirta. 

ber  tD&^tenb  beS  gaitsen  borigen  9luftrUt8  in  einem  l^eftigen  innern  Stavi'pf-^\tan''  <; 

ben,  entfd^toffen. 

3<ä^  tt)in  auf  fürjerm  2öeg  mir  Sid^t  öerfd^affen. 

2600  Seb'  tooffl ! 


SBo^in?   »leibbal 

3um  Surften. 

Octailtl»  erfc^Tldt.  " 


S^Olf  }urüc(fommenb. 

SBenn  bu  geglaubt,  xä)  tüerbe  eine  9ioIIe 
3n  beinem  ©piele  fpielen,  l^aft  bu  bid^ 
3n  mir  öerre^net.    ÜJlein  SBeg  mufe  gerab  fein. 
^äf  lann  nid^t  toa^x  fein  mit  ber  3w"g^/  tntt 
2605  ®em  bergen  \al\S)  —  nii^t  jufel^n,  ba^  mir  einer 
9llS  feinem  fjreunbe  traut,  unb  mein  ©ewiffen 
^amit  befd^micä^tigen,  bafe  er*§  auf  feine 
@efal^r  tl^ut,  ba$  mein  9Runb  il^n  ni(|t  belogen. 

186  ^^^  ptccolomtn! 

SBofür  m\ä)  einer  löuft,  ba§  mu^  iS)  fein. 
2610  —  3(^  gel^'  jum  4>ergog.    4>^"t  ^*>^  tt)erb'  \^  i^n 
Slufforbern,  feinen  Seumunb  öor  ber  SBelt 
Qu  retten,  eure  fünftlici^en  (Sewebe 
9D?it  einem  graben  ©d^ritte  ju  burd^reipen. 


®a5  iDottteft  bu? 

®aö  toitt  id^.    Smeifle  ni^t. 


2615  ^S)  ^abt  micä^  in  bir  öerred^net,  jö. 
3^  reci^nete  auf  eingn  toeifen  ©ol^n, 
®er  bie  mo^li'färgen  ^änbe  toürbe  fegnen, 
S)ie  il^n  gurüd  öom  Slbgrunb  giel^n  —  unb  einen 
ajerblenbeten  entbecP  xi),  ben  gtoei  9lugen 

2620  3wni  3:]^oren  mad^ten,  Seibenfcä^aft  umnebelt, 
S)en  felbft  beS  Sageä  boHe§  öi^t  ni^t  ^eilt. 
Sefrag'  il^n  I    ®tff\\   ©et  unbefonnen  gnug, 
3^m  beineö  f&akx^,  beineö  ftcriferS 
©el^eimniö  l)rei§äugeben.    9löf  ge  mid^ 

2625  3u  einem  lauten  Srud^e  bor  ber  3^it ! 

Unb  ie^t,  nacä^bem  ein  SQßunbermerl  be§  ^immdS 
®i§  l^eute  mein  (Sel^eimniö  l^at  bcfd^ü^t, 
S)e§  9lrgtt)o^n§  l^elle  Slicfe  eingefci^Iäfert, 
Sa^  mid^'ö  erleben,  ba$  mein  eigner  ©ol^n 

2630  ÜKit  ünbebaci^tfam  rafenbem  Säeginnen 

S)er  ©taat§!unft  mül^ebotteS  SQßerl  bemid^tet. 

D  biefe  ©taatsfunjl,  toie  bermünfd^'  i^  fie ! 
^f)x  toerbet  il^n  burd^  eure  ©taatsfunfi  no^ 
3u  einem  ©dritte  treiben  —  3a !  tl^r  !önntet  il^n. 

^Jünfter  ^lufsug;  Dritter  2lnftrttt  187 

2635  2BeU  il^r  iffxt  fci^ulbig  tDoIIt,  noä)  f^ulbig  maä)tn. 

D !   baö  lann  ni^t  gut  cnbigcn  —  unb,  mafl  [id^'5 

6ntf(]^eibcn,  tote  cS  totü,  i(?^  fel^e  al^nenb 

S)ic  unfliüdfeligc  ßntmid lung  naiven.  — 

®enn  biefer  ftlnlfllid^,  tocnn  er  fällt, 
2640  SSßitb  eine  SBcIt  im  ©turje  mit  \iä)  reipcn, 

^  Unb  mie  ein,  ^äfi^,  baä  mitten  ouf  bcm  SBcltmcer 

^rt^^rcmlj^cfJif  mtt^^^  unb  berftenb 

Slufflieflt  unb  äße  5Ölonnfd^aft,  bic  eS  trug, 

SluSfd^üttet  l)lötili(^  gtüif^en  2Kcer  unb  Fimmel, 
2645  5§ij^^^  wnS  aflc,  bie  toir  an  fein  ©lud 
V35efefngt  finb,  in  feinen  gaU  l^inafigiel^n. 

C^ctlte  bu  es,  tDie  bu  toillft !   ^oä)  mir  Dergönne, 

2)Q^  id^  auf  meine  SBeife  mi(j^  betrage. 

Slein  mu§  cä  bleiben  jtoif d^en  mir  unb  il^m, 
»650  Unb  el^  ber  SEag  \\6)  neigt,  mu^  \xä)'^  ertlären, 

Db  xä}  ben  Qfreunb,  ob  xä)  ben  SSater  foU  entbel^ren. 

Snbem  er  abgebt,  fäUt  ber  iQor^ang.  '       .  - 


€tn  2)ramatifd7es  (ßebid^t 



^toeiter  <CeiI 

3n  ber  3»  <^*  Cotta'fc^cn  Buc^tjanblung 


IPallenftetns  (Eob 


OctaDio  ^iccolomini. 

Ttai^  ^iccolomini. 





9tittmeifter  ^tumanru 

(Sin  Sbiutant 

Oberfl  Srangel,  üon  ben  ^(^mebcn  gefenbet 

®  0  r  b  0  n ,  j^ommenbant  Don  (Sger. 

iDlaior  ©eralbin. 

mVbVnaVb    [*<*«^*^*«*^  ^"  ^^'^  SBottenfleinlfc^en  «nnee. 

@(i^n)ebif(i^er  Hauptmann. 

.(Sine  ©efanbtfci^Qft  t>on  ^ttraffieren* 

^ürgermeifler  üon  (Sger. 


^ergogin  Don  g^i^^^onb* 

©röfin  ^erstt)« 

{frSuIein  9?eubrunn,  $ofbame  ber  ^rtngefftn. 

Don  9{ofenberg,  ^taQmeifler  ber  ^rinjeffüu 


^ebiente,  $agen,  ^oIL 

®ie  ©jene  ifi  in  ben  brei  erflen  SCufgflgen  3U  $ilfen,  in  ben  jioei 

legten  ju  (Sger. 


(Etftet  Uttfftt^« 

@in  3iinnter  311  afhologifc^en  arbeiten  eingerid^tet  u»b  mit  ®p^ären, 
harten,  Cuabranten  unb  anberm  aftronomifc^en  ^räte  Derfe^en. 
!S)er  ^or^ang  Don  einer  9{otnnbe  ift  aufgewogen,  in  me^er  bie  fteBen 
^lanetenbilber,  jebe9  in  einer  ^i\iije,  feltfam  beleu^tet,  gu  feigen 
finb.    @eni  beobachtet  bie  (Sterne,  SBaHenflein  (te^t  öor  einer  , 

grogen,  fd^n)ar)en  Safel,  auf  »elc^er  ber  $(anetenaf)}ett  gegeici^net  ift. 

€rfter  2(uftritt 



Safe  e5  jc^t  gut  fein,  ©cni.    iJomm  f)txab. 

3)cr  Jag  i&r^t  an,  unb  5Kar3  regiert  bie  ©tunbe. 

6d  ijl  ttid^t  gut  mel^r  operieren,    ftomm ! 

SDBir  ttjijfen  gnug* 


5Rur  no(]^  bie  SSenuS  lafe  mi^ 

5      Setrcui^ten,  ^ol^eit.    ©Ben  gel^t  jte  auf. 

SDBie  eine  ©onne  glängt  fie  in  bem  Dften. 


3ü,  fic  ijl  je^t  in  il^rer  ©rbennä^* 

Unb  tt)ir!t  l^erab  mit  oDen  il^ren  ©tärlen. 

2>ie  t^igur  auf  ber  Safet  betrat^tenb. 

eifldfeUser  ^fpeft !   @o  fieUt  f4  enbl^ 


192  rDaUenjletns  (tob 

lo     S)ic  grofe?  3)m  öcrl^änflniSboII  gufammen, 
Unb  ktbe  ©cflcnsftcrnc,  Jupiter 
Unb  S3cnu§,  nd^mcn  bcn  öcrbcrblid^cn, 
3)ctt  tü(f'f(]^cn  5Kar3  in  il&rc  5Kittc,  gmingen 
3)cn  alten  ©d^abcnfttftcr,  mir  gu  bicnen. 

15     S)cnn  lange  »ar  er  fetnbüd^mir  gefinnt 

Unb  fd^ofe  mit  f^fefi^-^ober  ]i)xdm  ©traJ^Iung.. 
2Jalb  im  ©edierten,  balb  im  2)oppeI)(J^ein, 
2)ie  roten  ^lifee  meinen  Sternen  gu 
Unb  [törte  i^re  fegenboDen  fträfte* 

20     3e^t  l^aben  fie  ben  alten  S^einb  befiegt 

Unb  bringen  i^n  am  C^itnmel  mir  gefangen. 

®etti*    % 

Unb  beibe  grofee  Sumina  bon  feinem 
SKalefico  beleibigt  I    3!)er  ©aturn 
Unfd^äbUd^,  maö)tio^,  in  cadente  domo. 


25     ©aturnu§'  SReid^  ift  au§,  ber  bie  gel^eimc 
©eburt  ber  S)inge  in  bem  @rbenf(]^o& 
Unb  in  ben  Stief en  be§  ®emät^  bel^errfiä^t, 
Unb  über  aDem  maS  ba§  2\(i)t  f(]^eut,  maltet. 
3lx(i)i  3cit  i[f  3  mel^r,  gu  brüten  unb  gu  jtnnen, 

30     3)enn  Jupiter,  ber  glängenbe,  regiert 
Unb  giel^t  baS  bunfel  gubereitete  SBerl 
©emaltig  in  bag  Sieid^  be§  Sid^tö  —  3efet  mufe 
©e^anbelt  merben,  fd^Ieunig,  tf)  bie  ©lüds» 
©eftalt  mir  mieber  megflie^t  überm  ^aupt, 

35     5)enn  ftet§  in  SBanblung  ift  ber  ^immetebogen. 

(ES  gefd^el^en  ©d^täge  an  bte  Z^üv. 

SWan  püä)U    ©iel^,  mer  eS  ift. 

Serjft^  brausen. 


(Erjler  Jlufjug;  ^weitet  2luftritt  193 


SS  ift  Stcrjl^. 

5BßaS  ixtW^  fo  ©rinfletibc^?   2Bir  finb  bcfd^äftiflt. 

Sevaft^  brausen. 

Sefl'  oücg  jcljt  bei  ©cif ,  id^  bitte  bid^* 
e^  leibet  leinen  muffd^ub. 


Öffne,  ©eni* 

3iib€m  ienet  Um  2:rtif9  aufmacht,  sie^t  ^aKenftein  Un  Cordana  toot  U* 


3tt>eiter  2(uftritt. 

IBtneitlteiit«   (Sraf  Serafli. 
SefS^  tritt  etn. 

40     SBetnol^mft  bu'S  fd^on?   @r  ift  gefangen,  iji 
SBom  ©alias  fd^on  bem  ftaifer  auSgelieJertJ/ 

SBBet  ifl  gefangen?   SOBer  ift  ausgeliefert? 

SBer  unfer  ganj  ©el^eimnis  mx%  um  jebe 
SSetl^anblung  mit  ben  ©darneben  tt)ei^  unb  ©ad^fen, 
45     ®urd^  bef[en  4>ätibe  aüeS  ift  gegangen  — 

SBaffenftein  aurücffa^tenb. 
©efin'  bod^  nid^t?   ©ag'  nein,  id^  bitte  bic^ ! 

@rab'  auf  bem  SBeg  nad^  9iegenSpurg  jum  ©d^n)eben 
ergriffen  i^n  beS  &aUa^  ^bgefd^idfte, 
®er  il^m  fd^on  lang  bie  fjfäl^rte  abgelauert. 
50     SRein  ganj  $alet  m  ßinSl^,  SRatt^S  2:^urn, 

194  XVaüen^eins  Hob 

9tn  Oicnjiiru,  an  Slrn^cim  fü^rt  er  bei  ^iä)  I 
. ;  2ta§  olleS  tft  tu  t^rcr  ^ax(t,  fie  l^abcn 
S)ie  Sinfid^t  nun  in  aQeg,  maS  gefd^e^n. 

SBcife  er'S ! 

Dritter  2(uftritt. 

Borige,   ^fh  !ommt. 

3ffo  au2:erar9. 

@r  toeife  e§. 

3[ffo  5U  ^BaOenftein. 

2)cuffi  bu  beinen  Qfrieben 
55     9lun  no(]^  ju  ma(]^en  mit  bem  ftoifer,  fein 
Sertroun  gurüdgurufen?  tt)är'  eS  au(]^, 
3)u  tDoüteft  oHen  planen  je^t  entfoßen* 
SJlan  mei^,  maS  bu  gemoQt  l^aft.    SSormärtd  mu^t  bu, 
2)enn  rüdttDärtd  lannft  bu  nun  ni(]^t  mel^r. 

60    ©ie  l^aben  3!)ofumente  gegen  uu3 

3[n  ^änbeU;,  bic  unmiberfpred^lid^  geugen  — 


aSon  meiner  4)önb[d^rift  ni(]^ts,    3)id^  [traf  id^  fiügen. 

@o?   ®tQu6[t  bu  mol^I,  mag  biefer  ba,  bein  ©d^nxiget, 
3n  beinern  JRomen  unter^anbelt  l^ot, 
65     S)o§  merbe  mon  niti^t  bir  ouf  Sed^nung  fe^en? 
3)em  ©darneben  fott  fein  SBort  für  beine§  gelten, 
Unb  beinen  SBiener  gfeinben  nid(|t? 

€rper  Tlnf^n^ ;  Dritter  2Iuftritt  195 

2)u  gabft  nid^tö  ©d^riftli(j^c§  —  Se[inn'  bid^  aber, 
SQBie  meit  bu  münblid^  ginflft  mit  bem  ©e[in* 
70     Unb  mirb  er  fd^meigen?   SSBenn  er  \\ä)  mit  beinem 
©e^eimnis  retten  lann,  mirb  er'ö  bema^ren? 

^  3tto- 

S)a§  föDt  bir  felbft  nid^t  ein !  unb  ba  [ic  nun 

Serid^tet  finb,  toxt  »eit  bu  fd^on  gegangen, 
©prid^,  tt)aS  ertoarteft  bu?   Sema^ren  lannft  bu 
75     3?td^t  länger  bein  ftommanbo,  o^ne  Rettung 
SBift  bu  berloren,  wenn  bu'§  nieberlegft. 


35aS  ^eer  ift  meine  ©id^erl^eit*    35a§  ^eer 
Sßerläßt  mid^  nid^t.    2Ba§  fie  aud^  »iffen  mögen, 
3)ie  2Kad^t  ift  mein,  fie  müffen'ö  nieberfd^Iudten ; 
80     —  Unb  fteü'  xö)  Kaution  für  meine  3:reu', 
©0  müjfen  fie  ftd^  gang  guf rieben  geben. 

2)a§  ^eer  ift  bein ;  je^t  für  ben  3lugenblidf 
3ff  §  bein ;  bod^  gittre  bor  ber  langfamen, 
®er  ftiOen  5Kad^t  ber  3eit.    Sßor  offenbarer 

85     ©enmlt  befd^ü^t  bid^  l^eute  nod^  unb  morgen 
®er  Gruppen  @unft ;  bod^  gönnft  bu  il^nen  fjfrift, 
©ie  merben  unbermerft  bie  gute  5Dleinung, 
SJBorauf  bu  je^o  fupeft,  untergraben, 
2)ir  einen  um  ben  anbern  liftig  ftel^Ien  — 

90     33i§,.  wenn  ber  gro^e  ßrbfto^  nun  gefd^ie^t, 
$)er  treulos  mürbe  S3au  jufammenbrici^t* 

6S  ift  ein  böfer  3ufaD ! 

0 !  einen  glüdtlid^n  miU  id^  t^n  nennen. 

196  IDallenfletns  Hob 

^ai  er  ouf  btd^  bic  SBirfuttfl,  btc  er  foH, 
95     SEreibt  bid^  ju  f  d^nefler  %f)at  —  2)er  \d)mV\ä)t  Dberjl — 

@r  ift  flelommen?   SBetfet  bu,  toaS  er  bringt? 

6r  miH  nur  btr  oHein  ftd^  anbertraun. 


ein  böfer,  böf er  3uf att  —  ^xtxlii)  l  freiließ  1 
©eftna  »eife  ju  biel  unb  wirb  nid^t  fd^meigen* 

100  @r  ift  ein  bö^mifd^r  StebeQ  unb  f^Iüd^tling, 
©ein  ©als  ift  il^m  t)ertt)irlt ;  lann  er  [xi)  retten 
3luf  beine  ßoften,  toirb  er  Slnftanb  nehmen? 
Unb  menn  fie  auf  ber  gfolter  i^n  befragen, 
SBirb  er,  ber  SBeid^ling,  ©täric  gnug  befijen? 

SBallettfleilt  imS^ad^fmnenbertoren. 

105   9lid^t  j&ergufteüen  mel^r  iji  baS  SSertraun. 
Unb  mag  id^  l^anbeln,  mie  id^  n)ill,  id^  merbe 
@in  SanbSöerröter  i^nen  fein  unb  bleiben ; 
Unb  le^r'  id^  nod^  fo  el^rlid^  aud^  jurüdE 
3u  meiner  ^flid^t,  eS  »irb  mir  nid^ts  mel^r  Reifen  — 

110   SJerberben  toirb  e§  bid^.    Slid^t  beiner  3:reu\ 

3)er  Dl^nmad^t  nur  toirb'S  jugefd^rieben  toerben. 


in  heftiger  Oetoegung  auf»  unb  obge^enb. 

SSBie?  foHf  id^'ö  nun  im  emji  erfüllen  muffen, 
ffleil  id^  gu  frei  gefd^ergt  mit  bem  ©cbanlen? 
JBcrflud^t,  mx  mit  bem  Steuf el  f pielt ! 

115   SSBenn'S  nur  bein  ©piel  gemefen,  glaube  mir, 
J)u  toirft'S  in  fd^tt)erem  @rnftc  büfeen  muffen. 

€r per  ^lufjug ;  Dritter  2luftrttt  197 


Unb  müßf  id^'ö  in  ©rfüHung  bringen,  je^t, 
3ett,  ba  bie  5KQ(]^t  nod^  mein  ift,  müßfs  gefd^l^tt. 

SBo  mögU(]^,  tf)  {te  bon  bem  ©daläge  ft($ 
120   3^  3Bien  befinnen  unb  gubor  bir  lommen  — 

ftBaUtnfttin  bie  Unterfd^rtfteit  betrad^tenb. 

2)aS  SBort  ber  ©eneralc  J&ab'  iä)  fd^riftlid^  — 
9Jloj  ^iccolomini  fielet  ni(]^t  l^ier*    SBarum  nid^t? 

@ö  ttKir  —  er  meinte  — 

Slofeer  ©igenbünlel ! 
@d  braud^  bad  nid^t  }n)ifd^en  bir  unb  i^m. 

125    6ö  brandet  baS  nid^t,  er  f)ai  ganj  SRed^t  — 
3)ie  SRegimenter  tooüen  nid^t  nad^  fjflanbern, 
@ie  l^aben  eine  ©d^rift  mir  überfanbt 
Unb  miberfe^en  laut  fid^  bem  Sefel^L 
3)er  erfte  ©(|ritt  gum  Slufrul^r  ip  gefd^e^n. 

130   ®loub'  mir,  bu  wirft  fte  leidster  gu  bem  3feinb, 

21I§  gu  bem  ©twnier  ^inüberfül^ren.  ^ 


3d^  mill  bod^  l^ören,  »as  ber  ©d^toebe  mir 
3u  fagen  ^at 

SBoDt  il&r  i^n  rufen,  SEergf^? 
6r  fielet  fd^on  brausen. 

äBarte  nod^  ein  menig. 

198  Waütn^tins  (Eob 

135  ®ö  ^öt  mx^  übcrrafd^t  —  cS  tarn  gu  fdjnell  — 
^ä)  bin  c§  tttd^t  gemo^ut,  bafe  mi(]^  bcr  S^ifott 
Slinb  maltcnb,  finftcr  l^crrfd^cnb  mit  [id^  füllte. 

4>ör'  i^n  für'3  crftc  nur,  crmäg'S  nati^Ijcr. 

©le  ge^. 

Vierter  2tuftritt 

fBattenftein,  mit  ftc^  fetbft  rebenb. 

2Bär'3  mögli(]^?   «önnf  x6)  nid^t  me^r,  mic  i(i^  woflte? 
140   9lid^t  me^r  gurücf,  n)ie  mir'^  beliebt?    3(^  mü^tc 

S)ic  SE^at  bollbringen,  tt)eil  id^  [ie  gebadet, 
\   9?i(^t  bie  SSerfud^ung  bon  mir  tt)ie§  —  ba^  ^erj 

©enäl^rt  mit  biefem  SEraum,  auf  ungcmiffe 

grfüüung  l^in  bie  3KitteI  mir  gefpart, 
145   2)ie  SBege  bloß  mir  ojfen  i)aV  gel^alten? — 

Säeim  großen  @ott  be§  $immel§ !    6ö  mar  nid^t 

9Kein  6rn[t,  befd^Ioffne  ©ad^e  mar  eö  nie. 

3n  bem  ©ebanfen  bIo§  gefiel  id^  mir ; 

S)ie  grei^eit  reijte  mid^  unb  ba§  Vermögen. 
150   SBar'S  unred&t,  an  bem  ©aufelbilbe  mid^ 
^    3)er  föniglid^en  Hoffnung  gu  ergoßen? 

»lieb  in  ber  Sruft  mir  ni^t  ber  SBitte  frei, 

Unb  fal^  id^  nid^t  ben  guten  SQßeg  jur  Seite, 

S)er  mir  bie  SRüdffelftr  offen  ftetö  bewahrte? 
155   SBo^in  benn  fe^*  id^  Dlö^lid&  mirf)  geführt? 

aial^nloS  liegt'ä  hinter  mir,  unb  eine  9)lauer 

9luS  meinen  eignen  SBerfen  baut  fid^  auf- 

3)ie  mir  bie  Umfe^r  türmenb  ^emmt  [ 

'    «rbfetbttiefrmnlgfte^eru 


€riler  ^lufsug;  Dierter  ^luftritt  1P9 

Strafbar  erfd^cin'  xä),  unb  iä)  fatrn  bic  ©d^ulb,' 

i6o   SBic  i(i^'§  bcrfud^cn  mag,  nid^t  öon  mir  toäljcn ; 
35cnn  mxä)  bcrflagt  ber  2)oppcIfinn  beS  8e6en§,    , 
Unb  —  felbft  ber  frommen  DueDe  reine  SE^at 
SBirb  ber  ^n\>aä)i,  fci^Ummbeutenb,  mir  bergiften* 
SBar  \ä),  toofür  ic^  gelte,  ber  SSerröter, 

J^s    '^^  ^ötte  mir  ben  guten  ©d^ein  gefpart, 
S)ie  C)üne  l^ätt'  id^  bid^t  um  mid^  gegogen, 
2)em  Unmut  ©timme  nie  gelie^n.    ®er  Unfd^ulb 
S)e§  unöerfü^rten  SBillenö  mir  berufet,     ^"-^  ' '       - .  c' 
@ab  id^  ber  Saune  SRaum,  ber  Seibenfd^aft  — 

170   ßü^n  toar  ba^  SBort,  meil  e§  bie  Stl^at  nid^t  »or. 
Se^t  »erben  [ie,  toa^  pIanIo§  ift  geft^el^n, 
SBeitfe^enb,  planbofl  mir  gufammenfniipfen, 
Unb  maS  ber  Soxn,  unb  mag  ber  fro^c  ^ttut 
9Rid^  ffired^en  licp  im  Überfluß  beö  |)ergcn8, 

175   3"  fünfllid^em  ©eroebe  mir  öereinen 
Unb  eine  Slage  furd^tbar  brauö  bereiten, 
Wogegen  id^  öerftummen  mup.    ©0  ^ab*  id^ 
SWit  eignem  9?eJ  uerberblid^  mic^  umftridEt, 
Unb  nur  ©emaltt^at  fann  e§  reipenb  löfcn. 

SUieberum  ftta  fte^enb. 

180   SBie  anberö !    ba  beö  9Kute§  freier  SErieb 

!^\ix  lü^nen  SE^at  mid^  jog,  bie  raul^  gebietenb 

S)ie  9!ot  jeftt,  bie  @r Haltung  öon  mir  l^eifd^t.^/^ 

@mft  ift  ber  2tnblidE  ber  5Rotmenbigfeit. 

5Rid^t  ol^ne  ©d^auber  greift  beö  5Dlenfc^en  ^ax(t> 
185   3ti  beö  ®efd^id§  gel^eimniödolle  Urne* 

3tt  meiner  Sruft  mar  meine  SEl^at  nod^  mein ; 

ßinmal  entlaffen  aus  bem  fidlem  SBinfel 

SDeö  ^txitn^,  l^rem  mütterlid^en  ©oben, 

4)inaii§gegeben  in  bcS  8eben§  fjfrembe. 

200  IDaüenPcins  Cob 

190   ©c^ört  fie  jenen  tütf'fd^en  SKöd^ten  an, 

S)ie  feines  SKcnfd^en  Äunft  öertraulit!^  mod^t* 

dx  ma^t  heftige  Schritte  burd^S  Sitnmei,  bann  bleibt  er  toiebec  finnenb  fit^au 

Unb  maS  ift  beln  Seginnen?   ^aft  bu  bir'S 
2tu(]^  reblic^  felbft  befannt?   2)u  toillft  ble  SKaci^t, 
S)te  ru^ig,  [xä)cx  t^ronenbe  erfd^üttern, 

19s   3)ie  in  berjöl^rt  gel^eiligtem  Scfi^, 
3n  ber  ©ewol^nl^eit  fejtgegrünbet  rul^t, 
S)ie  an  ber  SSöIfer  frommem  ftinberglauben 
^it  taufenb  gälten  SBurgeln  [id^  befeftigt. 
®a§  mirb  fein  Äampf  ber  ßraft  fein  mit  ber  Sixaft, 

200   ®en  fürd^f  id^  nid^t.    2Kit  jebem  ©egner  »ag*  xäjiX 
2)en  id^  fann  fe^en  unb  in§  9luge  foffen, 
2)er,  felbft  öotl  ^ut,  aud^  mir  ben  9Jiut  entflammt. 
@in  unfid^tbarer  3^einb  ift'S,  ben  id^  fürd^te, 
3)er  in  ber  SWenfd^en  Säruft  mir  miberfte^t, 

205   ® urd^  feige  ^urd^t  oHein  mir  f ürd^terlid^  — 
5Rid^t,  tt)a§  lebenbig,  fraftdoß  fid^  berfünbigt, 
3ft  bag  gefäl^rlid^  ^furd^tbare.    S)qS  gang 
©emeine  iff  ö,  baS  etpig  ©eftrige, 
SBaö  immer  toax  unb  immer  mieberfel^rt 

210   Unb  morgen  gilt,  totxVQ  l^eute  i)at  gegolten ! 
S)enn  quo  ©emeinem  ift  ber  2Kenfd^  gemod^t, 
Unb  bie  ©emol^nl^eit  nennt  er  feine  3lmme.  *^-    •** 
SBel^  bem,  ber  on  ben  ȟrbig  alten  ^auSrot 
3^m  rü^rt,  ba§  teure  ßrbftüdf  feiner  2t^nen! 

2 1 5   3)aö  3  a  ^  r  übt  eine  l^eiligenbe  Äraf t ; 

2BaS  grau  für  «Iter  ift,  ba§  ift  i^m  göttlid^. 
©ei  im  Sefi^e,  unb  bu  »ol^njl  im  SRed^t, 
Unb  l^eilig  toirb'ö  bie  5Kenge  bir  bewal^ren. 

3tt  bem  ^agen,  ber  ^ereintritt. 

®er  ^äjmV\ä)t  Dberft?   3fft  er'§?   9lun,  er  fomme. 

€rfler  2Iuf3ug;  fünfter  2luf tritt  201 

$Q(ie  (le^t.     38aIIenftein  l^at  ben  Slict  nati^benlenb  auf  bie  3:i^Ur  geheftet. 

220   3lfy(i)  i[t  fic  rein  —  no(^ !  ba§  9SctbtC(^cn  fam 
5lt(^t  über  bicfc  ©d^tücDc  nod^  —  ©0  f(^mal  tfl 
2)tc  ©rcnjc,  bie  jmet  Sebengpf abc  f (Reibet ! 

fünfter  2luftritt. 

SaUenfteitt  unb  SBrangeC 


nad^bem  er  einen  f orfc^enben  Süd  auf  i^n  ge^ftet. 

^^x  nennt  euci^  SBtangel? 


©uftab  SBrangel,  Dberft 
SJom  bloucn  SRegiinente  ©übermannlanb*      ,     / 

225   6tn  aStongel  toax'^,  bet  öor  ©irdfunb  biel  S3öfe§ 
5Wtr  gugefügt,  burd^  tapfre  ©e^mel^r 
j©4ulb  tt)or,  bafe  mir  bie  ©eeftabt  tt)tberftonben. 

S)o§  SBerf  be§  ßiejnents,  mit  bem  ©ie  fömpften, 
SliÄi^ein  3Serbien[t,  ^err  C^^^J^g !   ©eine  tJreil^eU 
230   aSe^tetbigte  mit  ©turmeS  9D?a(^t  ber  S3elt, 
6§  foDte  2Reer  unb  Sonb  ni($t  ßinem  bienen* 

S)ett  Slbmirotel^ut  rtff't  tl^r  mir  öom  ^oupt. 


3^  lomme,  eine  ftrone  brauf  gu  fe^en. 


toinit  ifim,  $Ia^  ^u  nehmen,  fe|t  ft(^. 

@uer  ftrebitib*    Äommt  il^r  mit  ganjer  33oDma(]^t? 

202  XPaücnjlcins  (Eob 

fBrailgel  6eben{(l(^. 

235    63  ftnb  fo  moiK^c  3tt)eifel  no(^  ju  löfcn  — 

^aUtn^tin,  nac^bem  et  gelegen. 

2)er  »tief  f)at  ^änV  unb  fjüfe'.    6ö  ift  ein  flug 
SScrftönbig  ^aupi,  ßm  aßrangcl,  bem  i^r  bicnct. 
@S  f (^rcibt  bct  ij'bilfltct,  er  öollgiel^c  nur 
35cn  eignen  ©infall  be§  öerftorbnen  ftönig^, 
240   3nbent  er  mir  jur  böl^m'fd^en  ffron'  öerl^elfc. 


6r  fagt,  maS  ma^r  ift.    35er  ©oci&felige 
C)ot  immer  grofe  gebadet  öon  euer  ®naben 
3fürtreffli(^em  9Ser[tanb  unb  ^^elbl^errngaben, 
Unb  ftet§  ber  C^^trfd^öerftönbigfte,  beliebf  il^m 
24s   S^  fög^n,  füllte  ©errf(^er  fein  unb  Älönig. 


Kr  burff  e§  fagen* 

©eine  ^nb  bertraul^  faffenb. 

9luf rid^tig,  Oberft  SBrangel  —  ^ä)  mx  ftets 
3m  ^nitn  a\xä)  gut  fd^mebifd^  —  6i,  ba§  l^abt  iljr 
3n  ©(^lefien  erfal^ren  unb  bei  5Rürnberg. 

250   ^ä)  f)atV  eud^  oft  in  meiner  3}la6)i  unb  liep 

35urd^  eine  ^intertpr  t\xä)  ftetö  entmif(i^en.        \. 
3)a§  iffs  tt)a§  fie  in  SBien  mir  ni(^t  Dergeil^n/^ 
SBaS  je^t  ju  bief em  ©d^ritt  mid^  treibt  —  Unb  »eil 
5lun  unfer  SSorteil  fo  gufammengel^ty 

355   ©0  Ia|t  uns  gu  einanber  anä)  ein  red^t 

aSertrQuen  fajfen. 


S)a§  SSertrau'n  mirb  fommen, 
^at  jeber  nur  erft  feine  ©id^erl^eit. 

,  3)er  Äongler,  merF  iä),  traut  mir  nod^  nid^  i:^t. 

€riler  2tuf3ug ;  fünfter  2Iuftntt  203 

^a,  xä)  flcftcl^'S  —  6§  liegt  ba§  ©picl  nic^t  gan^ 
260    3u  meinem  SSorteil.    ©eine  SBürben  meint, 

SBenn  x(i)  bem  iJaifet,  bet  mein  ©err  ift,  f 0 

SKitfpielen  lann,  xä)  fönn'  ba§  ®Iei($e  t^un 

2lm  geinbe,  unb  ba§  eine  märe  mir 

3loä)  el^er  gu  berjeil^en,  als  ba§  anbre. 
265    3ft  ba§  nid^t  eure  SReinung  anä),  $err  SBrangel? 


3>(^  l^ab'  l^ier  bIo§  ein  9lmt  unb  feine  SKeinung. 


2)er  ßaifer  I)at  mi(^  bis  jum  ^u^erften 
®ebra(^t.    3(^  fann  il^m  niti^t  mel^r  elörli(^  bienen, 
3u  meiner  ©id^erl^eit,  au§  3lotm^x  tl^u'  id) 
270   ®en  l^arten  ©^ritt,  ben  mein  Serou^tfein  tabelt. 


34  glaub'S.    ©0  meit  gel^t  niemanb,  ber  niti^t  mu^ 

fflad^  einer  ^aufe. 

SBa§  eure  ^fürftlid^feit  bemegen  mag, 
9Ufo  gu  tl^un  an  S^tem  ^errn  unb  Äaifer, 
©ebül^rt  ni(i^t  un§  ju  rid;ten  unb  gu  beuten. 

275    ®er  ©(^mebe  \xä)t  für  feine  gute  ©ad)' 
9D?it  feinem  guten  2)egen  unb  @eia>i|jen. 
3)ie  ßon!urreng  ift,  bie  ©elegenljcit 
3u  unfrer  ®unfV  itn  ^^rieg  gilt  ie^r  SSorteil ; 
SBir  nel^men  uimblnHid^,  tt)oCfi^  Bieter;' ' 

280  Unb  menn  fid^  aüeö  rid^tig  fo  öerl^ält  — 


SBoran  benn  gmeifelt  man?   9ln  meinem  Söiöen? 
2ln  meinen  Äröften?   3d|  berfprad)  bem  Rangier, 
SGßenn  er  mir  fed^ge^ntaufenb  5Kann  öertraut, 
SOlit  a(^tge]^ntaufenb  bon  be§  Saiferö  $eer 
285  2)agu  gu  [tofeen  — 

204  XOanenjietns  (Cob 

@ucr  ©noben  ftnb 

ScfQttnt  für  einen  l^ol^en  ßrtegeäfütften, 

gär  einen  gmeiten  ättila  unb  ^^ttl^uS. 

9io(^  mit  Kr[tauncn  rebet  man  babon, 

SBie  ©ic  bot  Saluten,  gegen  9Kenf(^enbenIen, 

290   6in  ^tcx  n)ic  au§  bem  Jlic^tö  l^erborgerufen. 

Sebenn^  — 




©eine  SBürben  meint, 
Kin  leidster  35ing  ioä)  mbä)t'  e§  fein,  mit  ni^tS 
3n§  gelb  ju  ftellen  fe(^jigtaufenb  Ärieget, 
91I§  nur  ein  ©eii^jigteil  babon  — 

(£r  ]^ö(t  inne. 


.    ^5Run,  tt)oS? 
295   9lur  frei  l^erQuS !  '   v?^ 

3um  SreVbrn^  ju  berleiten- 


SReint  er?   (Sr  urteilt  tt)ie  ein  ^ä)mV  unb  »ie 
gin  ^roteftant.    3^r  2ut]^erif(^en  feci&tet 
gür  eure  Sibel ;  eud^  i[t'§  um  b  i  e  ©a(^' ; 
5Rit  eurem  ^ni^n  folgt  il^r  eurer  tSaf)m. — 
300   aSer  gu  bem  ^feinbe  läuft  bon  znäf,  ber  f)at 
Wü  gweien  ^errn  jugleid^  ben  ©unb  gebrod^n. 
SSon  on  bem  ift  bie  SRebe  nic^t  bei  uns  — 


©err  ®ott  im  ^immel !   ©at  man  l^ier  gu  Sonbe 
S)enn  feine  ^^eimat,  feinen  $erb  unb  ßird^e? 

€rftcr  2Iuf3U9;  fünfter  2Iuftrttt  205 


®cr  Öffcrrci^er  l^at  ein  SSatcrlanb, 
Unb  liebf  §  unb  i)at  auä)  Urfac^'  e§  ju  lieben. 
S)o(^  biefeg  ^eer,  ba§  fatfetlid)  fid^  nennt, 
S)Q§  l^ier  in  Söl^eim  l^aufet,  baö  l^at  fein§ ; 

310    ®a§  ift  ber  SluSmurf  frember  Sänber,  i[t 
3)er  aufgegcbnc  Steil  be§  SSoIfS,  bem  nid^ts 
©el^öret,  al§  bic  aDgemeine  ©onne. 
Unb  biefeö  böl^m'fii^c  Sanb,  um  ba§  mit  fed^ten, 
3)o§  l^at  fein  ^erj  für  feinen  $errn,  ben  il^m 

315   3)ct  SBaffen  ©lücf,  nid^t  eigne  SBal^I  gegeben. 
SRit  9Wutren  trägf  §  be§  ©laubenS  SE^rannei, 
Sic  2Rad^t  l^af  §  ein^l[<i^tecf t,  betul^igt  ni(i^L 
6in  glül^enb/rdi^boü  9lngebenfen  lebt 
S)er  ©reuel,  bie  gcfd^al^n  Quf  biefem  Sobcn. 

320   Unb  Iann'§  ber  ©ol^n  bergeffen,  ba^  ber  3Sater 
Wxt  C)unben  in  bie  JReffe  marb  gel^e^t?  / , 
6in  Solf,  bem  baö  geboten  wirb,  ift  \ä)xtdl\ä), 
6§  tätige  ober  bulbe  bie  Sel^anblung. 


Der  Slbel  ober  unb  bie  Dffijiere? 
325   ©old^  eine  t^lnäft  unb  3^eIonie,  f)err  ^^ürft, 
3p  o^ne  »cifpiel  in  ber  2öeü  ®t\ä)\ä)tm. 


©ie  finb  auf  jeglid^e  Sebingung  mein. 

3lxäft  mir,  ben  eignen  9lugen  mögt  il^r  glauben. 

St  gicbt  iüm  Me  SibeSformel.    SSrangel  burc^Iieft  fte  unb  legt  fie,  nac^bem  er  gelefen, 

fc^meigenb  auf  bnt  Sifc^. 

SQBieiffS?   »egreift  i^r  nun? 

Segreif 'S,  toer'ö  fann  I 

206  rVaUen^Hxns  Hob 

330   ^err  Surft  I    3c^  laff  btc  5JJa5fc  faKcn  —  3a ! 
3(^  I)abc  aSoDmad^t  cilleS  Qbjuftj^licßen. 
6§  ftel^t  bcr  SRl^cinötaf  nur  bicr  Jagemärfd^c 
SS  DU  l^icr  mit  fünfjel^ntaufcnb  9Kann ;  er  tuartet 
3luf  Drbre  nur,  gu  S^tcm  ^ecr  ju  ftopen. 

335   ®ie  Drbrc  [teil'  iä)  ouö,  fobalb  mir  einig. 


2Ba§  i[t  be§  ffanjIerS  goberung? 

$Brailge(  ^ebenfUd^. 

3mölf  ateginunter  gilt  eg- fAmsbifc^  SSoß. 
9J?ein  ffopf  mü| Vafur^afteÄ;    2iae§  !önntc 
Sule^l  nur  falf(^e§  ©piel  — 

SBattenfteiit  fä^rt  auf. 

0err  ©d^mebc  I 

^tan^tl  ru^ig  fortfa^renb. 

340   2)arau|  befiel^»?  bafe  C)erjog  Q^rieblanb  Törmfidl,'^ 
UMUxÜfiWbxtäjt  mit  bem  ff aifer, 
©onft  il^m  fein  fc^mebifd^  aSolf  vertrauet  toirb. 


2öa§  ift  bie  gobcrung?   ©agf§  furj  unb  gut. 


I  S)ie  fpan'fd^en  ^Regimenter,  bie  bem  ffaifer 
345.  ©rgeben,  su  entwaffnen,  ^rag  ju  nel^men, 

Unb  biefe  ©tabt,  tok  anä)  ba§  ©renjfd^lofe  6gcr, 
2)en  ©d^imeben  einjuräumen. 


SSiel  gef  obert ! 

5ßrag!   ©ei'öumggerl  9lber  ^rag?   ©el^tnid^t. 

^ä)  leiff  tnä)  jebe  ©id^er^eit,  bie  il^r 

350   SJernünffgermeife  bon  mir  fobern  möget. 

^rag  aber  —  Söl^men  —  fann  i(^  [elbft  befd^üftcn. 


Piooi  *  porirail  by  Van  Dyck. 

€rftcr  2luf3ng;  fünfter  2Iuftntt  207 


9Ran  jtücifelt  m(^t  boran.    6§  ijl  un§  ouci^ 

Unb  @clb  umfonft  ni^t  aufgetoenbct  l^abcn. 


355    SBicbiatfl. 


Unb  fo  lang,  bt§  mir  cntfdbäbigt, 
SIcibt  ^tag  öetpfänbct*  ^^^i.  l^yJ 


SEtaut  il^t  ung  fo  mentg? 


prange!  Mt  auf.;. 

S)et  ©d^mcbc  mu^  jtq  ödrfcl^n  mit  bcm  2)eutf(j^cn* 
^Jlan  i)at  un§  übcr'S  Cftmcer  l^etgcrufen ; 
©ercttct  l^abcn  mir  bom  Untergang 

360    ®a§  SReid^  —  mit  unferm  Slut  bcö  ©laubcnS  g^ci^eit, 
®ic  l^eiFgc  Scl^r'  be§  @t)angelium§ 
Scrftegclt  —  ^bcr  je^t  f(i^on  fül^Ict  man 
Slid^t  meV  bie  SBol^Itl^at,  nur  bic  Saft,  crblitft 
5Wit  freiem  Slug'  bie  fjrcmblingc  im  Sleid^c 

365    Unb  \ä)\dk  gern  mit  einer  ^anböoll  ®elb 

Uns  l^eim  in  unfre  SBälber.    5Rein !    SBir  l^aben 
Um  3uba§'  Sol^n,  um  flingenb  @oIb  unb  ©über, 
S)en  Älönig  auf  ber  SBaljktt  ni(^t  gelaffen ! 
©0  bieler  ©ci^tüeben  SSericpcö  39Iut, 

370   6§  ift  um  @oIb  unb  ©über  nid^t  gefloffen ! 
Unb  ni(^t  mit  magerm  Sorbeer  moHen  mir 
3um  aSatcrIanb  bie  SBimpel  mieber  lüften ; 
SBir  motten  S3ürger  bleiben  auf  bem  S3oben, 
Den  uttfer  Äönig  fattenb  fid^  erobert* 

208  IDattenftetns  Cob 

375   -Oelft  ben  (jcmcinen  geinb  mir  ntcberl^Itcn, 
2)a§  fd^önc  ©renjlanb  fann  cu(^  ntd^t  cntgcl^n. 


Unb  liegt  ju  33obcn  bcr  gemeine  3^einb, 
SBer  fnüpft  bie  neue  3freunbf(^aft  bann  jufammen? 
Uns  i[t  befannt,  ^err  fjürft  —  wenn  gleid^  ber  ^ifßä* 
380   3t\ä)l^  baöon  merten  foll  p^PiJJ^^^it  ©ad^fen 
©el^eime  Unter^anblung^^ffegt'f^er  bürgt  un§ 
2)afür,  bafe  mir  nid^t  Opfer  ber  Sef(^Iüf|e  jtnb, 
®ie  man  t)or  unö  ju  l^e^Ien  nötig  ad^tet? 


SBol^I  njäl^Ite  fid^  ber  Sanjier  feinen  9Jiann^ 
385   6r  l^ätt'  mir  feinen  göj^epn  \6)\dtx[  fönnen. 


Sefinnt  eud^  eineg  Seffern,  ©uftab  SBrangel. 
SSon  ^rag  nid^ts  mel^r. 


^ier  enbigt  meine  SBoHmatJt. 

(Snä)  meine  ^auptftabt  räumen !    Sieber  tret'  i(| 
3urüdE  —  ju  meinem  Äaifer. 


2öenn*ö  nod^  Seit  if. 

390   S)o§  ftel^t  bei  mir,  nod^  je^t,  gu  jeber  ©tunbe. 

SSielleic^t  bor  wenig  2:agen  nod^.    ^eut  nid^t  meljr. 
—  ©eit  ber  ©efin  gefangen  fi^t,  nid^t  mel^r. 

SBlc  SBaaenftein  ^ctrofcn  fci^toeigt 

^exx  Surft  I    SBir  glauben,  bafe  @ie'§  e^rlid^  meinen; 
©eit  geftern  finb  wir  be§  gewi^  —  Unb  nun 

€rflcr  ^lufsug;  Se^^jler  2tuftritt  209 

395    ®ic§  Statt  nM  für  bic  Struppen  bürgt,  ift  nichts, 
SQßa§  bcm  SScrtrouen  noc^  im  SBcgc  ftünbe. 
^rag  f oQ  un§  nic^t  cntjmctcn.    9D?cin  ©crr  Rangier 

Segnügt  fid^  ^^V^SL^^*P^^^'  ^^^^  ©nabcn 
Säfet  er  ben  Scnfojtfe  unb  bte  f  leine  ©eitc. 
400    S)o(^  6g er  mufe  öor  allem  fid^  unö  öffnen, 
61^'  an  ßonjunftion  ju  benfen  ift. 

6ud(l  alfo  foll  xä)  trauen,  il^r  nid^t  mir? 
^ä)  »iQ  ben  SSorfd^Iag  in  ©rmägung  jiel^n. 


3n  leine  gar  gu  lange,  muß  id^  bitten. 
405    3nö  gtt)eite  ^al^r  fd^on  fd^Ieid^t  bie  Unterl^anblung ; 
6rf olgt  aud^  bieSmal  nid^t§,  fo  toiU  ber  Rangier 
9luf  immer  fie  für  abgebrod^en  Italien. 

Sl^r  brängt  mid^  fe^r.   6in  fold^er  ©d^ritt  mill  tooi)i, 

SBebad^t  fein* 


61^  man  überl^aupt  bran  benft, 

410   ^ttx  Qfürft !  burd^  rafd^e  St^at  nur  fann  er  glüdfen. 

Sedjfter  Ituftritt 

flUaSeitfleitt,   %tT^  unb  ^Ko  lommen  surüct 

^  3tto. 

3p  richtig? 


©eib  i^r  einig? 

210  XDaUtn^cins  (Tob 

liefet  ©d^tocbc 
©iiifl  gans  suf rieben  fort.    3a,  il^r  feib  einig. 


f)ört,  nod^  ift  ni(^t§  gefc^el^n,  unb  —  mol^l  emogen.- 
^ä)  mill  es  lieber  bod^  nid^t  tl^un* 

SBie?    2Bo§ijibür? 
fBaHenfteitt.  , 

415   SSon  biefer^©(^tt)eben  ©nobe  leben, 

S)er  Übermütigen?   ^ä)  trüg'  eö  nid^t. 

ftommft  bu  al§  Slüd^tling,  i^re  $ilf  erbettelnb? 
S)u  bringeft  il^nen  mel^r,  als  bu  empfängft. 


SBie  war'S  mit  jenem  föniglid^en  SSourbon, 
420   S)er  feines  SSoIfeS  S^einbe  [xä)  öerfaufte 
Unb  SBunben  fd^Iug  bem  eignen  SSaterlanb? 
3flud)  mar  fein  Sol^n,  ber  SKenfd^en  3lbfci^eu  räd|ite 
®ie  unnatürlid^  f reöel^afte  SEl^at. 


S)ie3:reue,  fag'  id&  eud^,. 

425   3ft  jebem  SJlenfd^en,  toie  ber  näd^fte  SlutSfreunb, 
9llS  il^ren  SRöd^er  fül^It  er  fid^  geboren ; 
S)er  ©eften  Sfcinbfd^aft,  ber  Parteien  SÖut, 
S)er  alte  D^eib,  bie  ©iferfud^t  mad^t  3^riebe, 
3BaS  nodf)  fo  mütenb  ringt,  fid^  ju  jerftören, 

430   ©erträgt,  bergleidfit  fidf),  ben  gemeinen  tJeinb 
S)er  9Kenfd^li(^feit,  baS  tt)ilbe  Sier  ju  jagen 
2)aS  morbenb  einbrid^t  in  bie  fid^re  ^ürbe, 

€riler  2Iuf3ug;  Siebenter  iluftritt  211 

SBorin  bet  SKcnfd^  geborgen  mo^nt  —  benn  ganj 
flann  tl^n  bie  eigne  Älugl^eit  nid^t  kfd^irmen. 
435    5lut  an  bie  ©Hrrie*fe^f  i^m  bie  9latut 
S)aS  Sidbt  ber  3lugen,  fromme  3:reue  foil 
®en  bloß^lj^nen  9lüden  i^m  befdiüjen. 


2)enr  öon  btt  felbft  ni(^t  f(^Ummer,  al§  ber  geinb, 
2)er  SU  ber  Stl^ot  bie  ^änbe  f reubig  bietet.  ^/^/W 
440    ©0  gärtlid^  badete  jener  Äarl  anä)  nid^t, 
®er  Öl^m  unb  Sll^n^err  biefeS  ßaifer]^aufe§, 
S)er  nal^m  ben  Sourbon  ouf  mit  offnen  91rmen, 
S)enn  nur  öom  Stufen  »irb  bie  SBelt  regiert* 

Siebenter  2luftrttt* 

®rJI1itt  %tt^  iu  ben  üBorigen. 

aaäer  ruft  eud^?   ^kx  ift  fein  @e)d|äft  für  SBeiber. 


445    ^ä)  fomme,  meinen  ©(üdEmunfd^  objulegen. 

—  Äontm'  xä)  ju  frül^  etma?   '^ä)  miß  nid|t  l^offen. 

.  aSaaenfteitt. 
©ebrQud^'  bein  3lnfe]^n,  %txit\),    ^ei^'  fie  gel^n. 

3(^  gab  ben  Söl^men  einen  ffönig  fd^on. 

@r  mar  barnad^« 

OrSftIt  SU  ben  anbem. 

9lun,  tüoxan  liegt  e§?   ©pred^t ! 

212  Walkn^exns  (Eob 

SBiH  ntc^t,  lt)aS  er  mufe? 

9ln  eu(^  ift'§  jc^t.    S3crfu(^f ä,  benn  td|  bin  fettig, 
©prid^t  man  t)on  3:reue  mir  unb  t)on  ©emiffen. 

SBie?  ba  nod^  oße§  lag  in  meiter  fjerne, 
S)er  SBeg  fid^  noc^  unenblic^  bor  bir  be^nte, 

455    3)a  ^atteft  bu  6nlfd$Iii|  unb  9)lut  —  unb  jejt, 
S)a  ou§  bcm  SEraume  SBa^rl^eit  merben  miß, 
3)a  bie  SSoIIbringung  na^e,  ber  ßrfolg 
Sßerfid^ert  i[t,  ba  fängft  bu  an  gu  jagen? 
9lur  in  ©ntmürfen  bift  bu  tapfer,  feig 

460   austraten?   ®ut!   ©ieb beinen  Q^einben  SRed^t ! 
S)a  eben  ift  eö,  mo  fie  bid^  ermarten. 
S)en  aSorfa^  glauben  fie  bir  gern ;  fei  fidler, 
2)a^  fie'S  mit  ©rief  unb  ©iegel  bir  belegen ! 
3)od^  an  bie  SKöglid^Ieit  ber  Sl^at  glaubt  feiner, 

465    S)a  müBten  fie  bid^  fürd^ten  unb  bi(^  ad^ten. 
3ff  §  möglid^?   3)a  bu  fo  tt)eit  bift  gegangen, 
S)a  man  ba§  ©d^Iimmfte  meife,  ba  bir  bie  SEI^at 
©d^on  als  begangen  jugered^net  mirb, 
aßißft  bu  jurücfgiel^n  unb  bie  gfrud^t  verlieren? 

470   6nttt)orfen  blo^  iff  §  ein  gemeiner  ^^rebel, 
aSoflfü^rt,  ift*§  ein  unfterblid^  Unternel^men ; 
Unb  menn  e§  glüdft,  fo  ift  eS  aud^  bergie^n, 
®enn  afler  SluSgang  ift  ein  @otte§  UrteL 

^ammerbiener  tritt  herein. 
2)er  Oberft  ^iccolomini. 

€rjier  2Iaf3ng;  Siebenter  iluftritt  213 

@rSfitt  f(^nea. 

©ofl  toarten. 


475    3^^  fatitt  il^n  ie^t  ntd^t  fcl^n.    6tn  anbctmal* 

3lnx  um  gtoei  9lugcnbU(fe  bittet  et, 
6r  l^ab'  ein  bringcnbcS  ©efd^äft  — 

SBer  mx^,  maS  er  uns  bringt,    ^ä)  miß  böd^  pren. 

@rSfitt  Xadit 

SBol^I  mag's  il^m  bringenb  fein.  S)u  fannji's  erwarten* 

4B0    SBaSift'S? 


Du  follft  es  na^l^er  wifjen. 

3e^t  benfe  bran,  ben  SQßrangel  ab jufert'gen. 

ftammerbienet  ge^t. 

SBenn  eine  SBal^I  noä)  märe  —  nod)  ein  milberer 
SluSweg  \\ä)  fänbe  —  jejt  nod^  mitt  id^  i^n 
ßrttHil^len  unb  baS  ^u^erfte  bermeiben. 


485   SSerlangft  bu  weiter  ni^ts,  ein  fo((^er  2öeg 

Siegt  nal^'  bor  bir.    ©d^i(f  biefen  SBrangel  fort ! 
Sergife  bie  alten  Hoffnungen,  wirf  bein  - 
Vergangnes  Seben  weg,  entf(i^liepe  bid^ 
@in  neues  anjufangen.    3lu(^  bie  Stugeub 

490   ©at  i^re  gelben,  wie  ber  SRu^m,  baS  ®Iücf. 
SReif  l^in  nad^  SBien  gum  Äaifer  ftel^nbeS  gu^eS, 
9limm  eine  bolle  Äaffe  mit,  erflär', 
2)u  l^ab'fl  ber  2)iener  Streue  nur  erproben, 
S)en  ©d^weben  blop  jum  beften  l^aben  wollen. 

214  IDattenpeins  (Eob 

495   2lud^  bamtt  t[f  §  ju  fpät.    Wan  tocife  gu  t)tcl. 
6t  lüürbe  nur  ba§  ^aupt  jum  SobeSblodc  tragen» 

2)a§  fürd^f  \^  nid^t.    ©efefel^  t^n  gu  rid^tcn,   ^ 
ge^It'ö  an  S^etüeifen ;  SBidfür  meiben  fie. 
SJJan  tt)irb  ben  ^erjog  ru^ig  laffen  giel^n. 

soo   ^ä)  \ti}\  tüie  alles  fommen  tt)irb.    2)er  ßönig 
SSon  Ungarn  mirb  erfd^einen,  unb  e§  n;irb  fid^ 
3Son  felbft  berftel^en,  ba^  ber  ^ergog  gel^t ; 
3lxö)t  ber  ©rtlärung  tüirb  ba§  crft  bebürfen. 
SDer  ßönig  tt)irb  bie  2;ruppen  laffen  fd^mören, 

505   Unb  afle§  tt)trb  in  feiner  Drbnung  bleiben. 
3ln  einem  2}{orgen  ift  ber  ^ergog  fort. 
3tuf  feinen  ©c^löffern  mirb  eS  nun  lebenbig, 
3)ort  tt)irb  er  jagen,  bann,  ©eftüte  l^alten, 
<Biä)  eine  C^offt^tt  grünben,  golbne  ©d^Iüffel 

510   9lu§teilen,  gaftfrei  grofee  SEafel  geben, 

Unb  furg,  ein  großer  ßönig  fein  —  im  kleinen ! 
Unb  lüeil  er  !Iug  ^\ä)  ju  befc^eiben  m% 
3l\ä)i^  n)irfli(i^  me^r  ju  gelten,  gu  bebeutcn, 
Säp  man  i^n  fd^einen,  tvaQ  er  mag ;  er  tüirb 

515   @in  großer  ^rinj  bis  an  fein  6nbe  fd^einen. 
@i  nun !  ber  ^niOQ  ift  bann  eben  aud^ 
S)er  neuen  TOenfd^en  einer,  bie  ber  ^rieg 
©mporgebrad^t,  ein  übernöd^tigeS 
©efd^öpf  ber  ^ofgunft,  bie  mit  gleid^em  Stufmanb 

520   grei^errn  unb  t^ürften  mad^t. 

SSBaffenftein  fte^t  auf,  l^eftig  betve^t. 

3eigt  einen  2Beg  mir  an  au§  biefem  2)rang, 
^ilfreid^e  SJtäd^te,  einen  f  old^en  jeigt  mir, 
S)en  id^  vermag  ju  gel^n  —  3d^  fann  mid^  nid^t. 


€rfter  2Iuf3ug ;  SkbenUv  2Iuftritt 

SBic  fo  ein  SBortljelb,  fo  ein  5tuöeub)d)tt)al^er, 
525    %n  meinem  SBiKen  tt)ärmen  unb  ©ebanfen  — 
9itd^t  gu  bem  @Iücf,  baö  mir  ben  Diücfen  feiert, 
©rofetl^uenb  fagen :    &tf},  iä)  ixanä)  txä)  nid^t ! 
38Jenn  \6)  nid^t  mitfe  mel^r,  bin  xä)  bernid^tet. 
3lx6)t  Opfer,  nid^t  ©efa^ren  miß  id^  fd^eun, 
530    2)en  legten  ©d^ritt,  ben  äufeerften  ju  meiben ; 
®od^  t^  iä)  finfe  in  bie  9iid^tiflfeit, 
©0  flein  aufhöre,  ber  fo  gro$  begonnen, 
61^  mid^  bie  SBelt  mit  jenen  ßlenben 
ajermed^felt,  bie  ber  Sag  erfd^afft  unb  ftürjt 
53s    ^^  fpred^e  SBelt  unb  3laä)mlt  meinen  9iamen 
9Kit  Stbfd^eu  aus,  unb  grieblonb  fei  bie  Sofung 
3für  jebe  flud^enSloerte  Sl^at.  "/ 


SBa§  ift  benn  l^ier  fo  toiber  bie  9iatur? 
^d)  fann'ö  nid^t  finben,  fage  mir'S  —  0,  laß 

540    2)e§  3lberglauben§  näd^tlid^e  ©efpenfter 
9?id^t  Deines  l^eUen  ©eifteS  SWeifter  werben ! 
5)u  bift  be§  ^od^üerratS  berflagt ;  ob  mit, 
Cb  o^ne  Stecht,  ift  jej^o  nic^t  bie  S^rage  — 
S)u  bift  berloren,  menn  bu  biet)  nid^t  fd^netl  ber  SJJad^t 

545    Sebienft,  bie  bu  befifeeft  —  6i !  mo  lebt  benn 
2)a§  friebfame  ©efdjöpf,  baS  feinet  SebenS 
©id^  nid^t  mit  atfen  SebenSträften  meiert? 
SaSaS  ift  fo  fü^n,  baS  9iotme^r  nid^t  entfd^ulbigt? 


Sinft  mar  mir  biefer  ^erbinanb  f 0  l^ulbreid^ ; 
550   6r  liebte  mid^,  er  l^ielt  mid^  mert,  \ä)  ftanb 
3)er  9läd^fte  feinem  ^ergen.    SS3el(^en  dürften 
|)at  er  geeiert,  mie  mid^?  —  Unb  fo  gu  enben ! 

216  VOaüen^exns  (Eob 

©0  treu  bctoal^rft  bu  jcbe  Heine  ©unfl, 

Unb  für  bie  ßränlung  l^aft  bu  fein  ©eböd^tnis? 

555   SJlufe  xä)  hxä)  bran  erinnern,  tt)ie  man  bir 
3u  SRegenSpurg  bie  treuen  5)ienfte  lol^nte? 
2)u  l^atteft  jeben  ©tanb  im  Dieid^  beleibigt ; 
^f)n  grofe  gu  mad^en,  l^atteft  bu  ben  ^a% 
S)en  fjlud^  ber  ganzen  Sffielt  auf  iiä)  geloben ; 

560   3m  ganjen  3)eutfd^Ianb  lebte  bir  fein  fjreunb, 
Säeil  bu  allein  gelebt  für  beinen  ßaifer. 
9tn  il^n  blofe  l^ielteft  bu  bei  jenem  ©türme 
3)i(i^  feft,  ber  auf  bem  SRegenSpurger  Stag 
©id^  gegen  bid^  jufammenjog  —  S)a  ließ  er 

565    5)i4  faüen !  liefe  bid^  fallen !  bid^,  bem  SSaiern, 
5)em  Übermütigen,  jum  Opfer,  faüen ! 
©ag'  nid^t,  bafe  bie  gurücfgegebne  SBürbe 
S)aä  erfte,  fd^toere  Unred^t  ausgeföl^nt. 
5Rid^t  mf)xl\ä)  guter  SBiüe  ftcflte  bic^, 

570   S)id^  fteKte  baS  ©efefe  ber  l^erben  9lot 

3ln  biefcn  ^la^,  ben  man  bir  gern  üertoeigert, 


9?id^t  il^rem  guten  SQßillen,  ba§  ift  mal^r, 
3lo(i)  feiner  9ieigung  banf  id^  biefeS  3lmt. 
SWipbraud^'  id^'g,  fo  mifebraud^'  id^  fein  SSertrauen. 


575   SJertrauen?   Steigung?  —  9Jlan  beburfte  beiner ! 
2)ie  ungeftüme  ^refferin,  bie  9?ot, 
3)er  nic^t  mit  l^ol^len  Flamen,  tJiguranten, 
(Sebient  ift,  bie  bie  Stl^at  tt)ifl,  nid^t  ba§  S^^^n, 
S)en  ©röpten  immer  auffud^t  unb  ben  SSeften, 

580   3»]&n  an  baä  SRuber  ftellt,  unb  müfete  fte  il^n 
3lufgreifen  aug  bem  ^öbel  fclbft  —  bie  fejte  \>xä) 

€rflcr  2luf3U9 ;  Siebenter  ^luftritt  217 

3tt  btcfcs  9lmt  unb  fd^rieb  bir  btc  SeftaÜunfl. 

3)enn  lange,  bis  c§  niiä&t  mcl^r  laxin,  bel^ilft 

(Bxä)  bie§  ©cfd^Ied^t  mit  feilen  ©flabenfeelen, 
585    Unb  mit  ben  S)ra]^tmafd^inen  feiner  ßunft  — 

^^oä)  tüenn  baS  äufeerfte  tl^m  nal^e  tritt, 

35er  l^ol^Ie  ©d^ein  e§  nid^t  mel^r  tl^ut,  ba  fällt 

6§  in  bie  ftarlen  4)änbe  ber  9latur, 

35eä  SRicfengeifteö,  ber  nur  fid^  gel^ord^t, 
590   3lxä)tQ  t)on  SSerträgen  »ei^  unb  nur  auf  il^re 

Sebingung,  nid^t  auf  feine,  mit  il^m  l^anbelt. 

SBal^r  iff  § !    ©ie  fal^n  mxä)  immer,  tt)ie  x^  bin, 
^ä)  ^aV  fie  in  bem  ßaufe  nid^t  betrogen, 
S)enn  nie  l^ielt  id^'S  ber  SKül^e  »ert,  bie  lüi^n 
595    Umgreifenbe  ©emütSart  gu  berbergen. 


ajielmel^r,  bu  l^afl  bid^  furd^tbar  ftet§  gejeigt. 
9f id^t  b  u,  ber  ftetS  fid^  f eiber  treu  geblieben, 
S)ie  l^aben  Unred^t,  bie  bid^  fürd^teten, 
Unb  bod^  bie  SKad^t  bir  in  bie  |)änbe  gaben. 

600   S)enn  SRed^t  l^at  jeber  .eigene  ©l^aralter, 
3)er  übereinftimmt  mit  fid^  felbft ;  e§  giebt 
Äein  anbreS  Unred^t,  al§  ben  SBiberfprud^. 
SBarft  bu  ein  anbrer,  al§  bu  t)or  ad^t  Salären 
SJlit  geuer  unb  ©d^ioert  burd^  S)eutfd^lanb§  flreife  gogft, 

605   S)ie  ©eifeel  fd^toangeft  über  alle  Sänber, 
^oi)n  fprad^eft  allen  Drbnungen  beS  SReid^ö, 
®er  ©tärle  fürd^terlid^eS  SRed^t  nur  ftbteft, 
Unb  jebe  SanbeSl^o^eit  niebertratft, 
Um  beineS  ©ultanä  ^errfd^aft  auszubreiten? 

610   2)0  »ar  es  3^it  i>^n  ftoljen  SBillen  bir 
3u  bred^en,  bid^  jur  Drbnung  ju  bertoeifen  I 

218  IDallcnfletns  (Eob 

^oä)  lüo^I  gefiel  bem  ßaifer,  tt)a§  il&m  nützte, 
Unb  fd^meiflenb  brücff  er  biefen  ^xt\)dü^akn 
©ein  faiferlid^eS  ©iegel  ouf.    SQBaö  bamalS 
^15   ©credit  mx,  mil  W^  für  i^n  t^otft,  iffö  ^eute 
3tuf  einmal  fd^änbUd^,  toeil e^gegenil^n 
@eri*;tet  lt)irb? 

fESattenftein  aufftei^enb. 
SSon  biefer  ©ette  fa^  id^'§  nie  —  3a !   S)em 
3fft  tüirflid^  fo.    e§  übte  biefer  ßaifer 
620   2)urd^  meinen  Strm  im  SReid^e  Stippten  au§, 
SDie  nad^  ber  Drbnung  nie  gefd^e^en  foHten. 
Unb  felbft  ben  tJürftenmantel,  ben  id^  trage, 
SSerbanF  x6)  ©ienften,  bie  SSerbred^en  finb. 


(Seftel^e  benn,  bafe  gtt)ifd^en  bir  unb  il^m 
625   2)ie  SRebe  nid^t  !ann  fein  bon  ^flid^t  unb  SRed^t, 

5Rur  Don  ber  9Kad^t  unb  ber  ©elegenl^eit! 

S)cr  Stugenblidt  ift  ba,  tt)o  bu  bie  ©umme 

2)er  großen  Sebengred^nung  jjiel^en  foUft ; 

S)ie  3^i<^^^  P^^^n  fieg^aft  ülier  bir, 
630   @Iüdf  minfen  bie  Planeten  bir  l^erunter 

Unb  rufen :  6g  ift  an  ber  3^it !   C^^ft  bu 

2)ein  Seben  lang  umfonft  ber  ©lerne  Sauf 

(Semeffen?  —  ben  Quabranten  unb  ben  3WeI 

©efül^rt?  —  ben  S^biat  bie  |)immel§fugel 
635   9luf  biefen  SQßänben  nad^geal^mt,  um  bid^  l^erum 

©eftellt  in  ftummen,  al^nungSöoHen  S^\ä)tn  j 

2)ie  fieben  ^errfd^er  be§  ©efd^idfS, 

9?ur  um  ein  eitlem  ©piel  bamit  ju  treiben? 

fjüljrt  alle  biefe  Surüftung  gu  nid^tä, 
640   Unb  ift  fein  2Barf  in  biefer  l^ol^len  Jfunjl, 

€rficr  2Iuf3ug;  Siebenter  2Iuftritt  219 

3)afe  fic  bir  felbft  nid^tö  gilt,  nid^tö  über  bt(i^ 
SSermag  im  Slugenbliie  bcr  ©ntfd^eibung? 


ift  mäfixvxh  bicfer  legten  Siebe  mit  i^eftig  arbeitenbem  ©emüt  auf:  ttnb  abgegangen« 
unb  fte^t  ie^t  ))lö&lid)  ftia.  bte  @^Täfin  unterbred^enb. 

Siuft  mir  bcn  SBrangcI,  unb  cö  follen  gleid^ 
S)rci  »oten  fotteln. 

9lun,  gelobt  fei  ®ott !      mt  i^inau«. 
645    6§  ijl  fein  Böfer  @eift  unb  meiner,    ^^n 

©traft  er  burd^  mid^,  baö  SQßerljeug  feiner  ^errfd^fuc^t, 
Unb  id^  ermarf  eö,  ba^  ber  Diad^e  ©ta^I 
Slud^  f^on  für  meine  ©ruft  gefd^Iiffen  ift. 
5Rid&t  l^offe,  mer  be§  SDrai^en  Saline  fä't, 
650    grfreulid^eö  gu  ernten.    3febe  Untl^at 
Jrägt  il^ren  eignen  Slad^eengel  f(^on, 
S)ie  böfe  ©offnuitg,  unter  i^rem  ^ergen. 

6r  lann  mir  nid^t  mel)r  traun,  —  fo  lann  id^  aud^ 
9?id^t  mel^r  jurürf.    ©efd^elje  benn,  mag  mufe. 
655    Sted^t  ftet§  behält  bag  ©d^ictfal,  benn  ba§  ^cxi 
3[n  un§  ift  fein  gebietrifd^er  SSoHgiel^er. 

fflring*  mir  ben  SBrangel  in  mein  JPabinct, 
2)ie  Soten  miß  id^  felber  fpred^cn,  ©d^idEt 
9lad^  bem  Octabio ! 

3ur  (^täfin,  toel(!§e  eine  triuni^l^ierenbe  äßiene  ntad^t» 

grol^IodEe  nid^t ! 
660   2)enn  eiferfüd^tig  finb  be§  ©d^idffals  9Käd^te. 
SSoreilig  ^aud^jen  greift  in  il^re  Siedete. 
2)en  ©amen  legen  mir  in  il^re  ^änbe, 
Ob  @IM,  ob  Unglüdf  aufgebt,  le^rt  ba§  (Snbe* 

3nbem  er  abgebt,  fällt  ber  ^orbang. 


(Sin  3iinmer. 

(Erfter  2tuftrttt. 

IBaSettfleiit*   CcteHio  tpiccolontiitt    9a(b  barauf  Vküi  ^UtttambA. 

Wir  mclbct  er  ouS  Sing,  et  löge  Iran!, 
665   2)0(1^  f)QV  xäi  fi(]^rc  3laä)xxä)t,  ba^  er  fiti^ 
3u  ^xantnhtxi  bcrftedt  beim  ©rafen  ®alla§. 
5limm  beibe  feft  unb  fii^icf'  fie  mir  l^ierl^er- 
SDu  übernimmji  bie  f|)anifd^en  Regimenter, 
9Ka(ä^ft  immer  9ln[talt  unb  bift  niemals  fertig, 
670   Unb  treiben  fte  bici^,  gegen  mxäi  gu  jiel^n, 
©0  fagft  bu  3a,  unb  bleibft  gefeffelt  ftel^n. 
^^  tüei^,  bafe  bir  ein  SJienft  bamit  gefii^iel^t, 
3n  biefem  ©piel  bid^  müßig  ju  berl&alten. 
®u  retteft  gern,  fo  lang  bu  lannft,  ben  ©d^in ; 
675   ßjtreme  ©d^ritte  finb  nid^t  beine  ©ad^e, 
2)rum  l^ab'  id^  biefe  Slolle  für  bid^  auSgefud^t ; 
SJu  »irft  mir  burd^  bein  9iid^tStl^un  biefeSmal 
Slm  nüftlid^ften  —  grflärt  [xä)  unterbejfen 
SDaS  ®Iüd  für  mid^,  fo  toeifet  bu,  tt)a§  ju  tl^un. 

aRai  ^iccotomlni  trttt  ein. 

gwetter  iiufjug;  groeiter  2luftntt  221 

680   3c^t,  Sllter,  Qtf)\    ®u  ntupt  l^eut  3laä)t  no(]^  fort. 
3limm  meine  eignen  ^ferbe.  —  3)iefen  ba 
»e^alf  id^  ^ier  —  9Ra(]^f  g  mit  bcm  3lbfc^ieb  lurg ! 
2Bir  werben  unS  ja,  benf  iä),  alle  frol^ 
Unb  fllüdlid^  toieberfe^n. 

iDctfltlio  iu  feinem  ©p^n. 

SBir  f|)re(]^n  unS  noä). 

O^e^t  ab. 

^toeiter  2tuftritt, 

ayioC  nähert  ft(^  i^m. 

685   SJletn  ©eneral  — 


2)er  bin  i(]^  nid^t  mel&r, 

SBenn  bu  be^  ßaifer^  Dffigier  bid^  nennft. 

©0  bleibt' ö  babei,  bu  loiHjl  ba§  4)eer  berlaffen? 

^ä)  i^aV  be§  ßaiferS  ®ienft  entfagt. 

Unb  toillft  ba§  4>eer  berlajfen? 


SSielme^r  l^off*  x^, 

690   SKir'ö  enger  nod^  unb  fefter  gu  berbinben. 

3a,  mal.    5lid^t  el^er  tüollt'  id^  bir'ö  eröffnen, 
Site  bis  beS  C>fltti>^In^  ©tunbe  tt)ürbe  f dalagen. 
®er  3ugenb  glüdElid^eS  ©efül^I  ergreift 
®ag  SRed&te  leidet,  unb  eine  greube  i[f  S, 

222  Waüenfic'ms  (Eob 

695   3)ai§  eitjiie  Urteil  |)rüfenb  au§juübcn, 
SSo  bag  6|em|)el  rein  gu  löfcn  i[t. 
5)od^,  tt)o  Don  gtt)et  geiüiffen  Übeln  ein§ 
Ergriffen  totxhcn  mufe,  lt)o  fid^  baS  C>^rj 
Sticht  gang  gurücf bringt  au§  bem  ©treit  bcr  ^flid^ten, 

700   S)a  ift  e§  SBöl^ltl^at,  leine  SBa^l  gu  l^aben, 
Unb  eine  (Sunft  ift  bie  9?otit)enbig!eit. 

—  S)ie  ift  borl^anben.    Slicfe  ni(ä^t  gurüd. 
6ö  fann  bir  nid^tg  mel^r  l^elfen.    Slicfe  bortoärt^ ! 
Urteile  nid^t !    bereite  btd^,  gu  l^anbeln ! 

705   —  2)er  ^of  ^at  meinen  Untergang  befd(|loffen, 
2)rum  bin  id^  tüiflenö,  il^m  guöor  gu  fommen. 

—  2ßir  werben  mit  ben  ©darneben  unS  öerbinben, 
©el^r  roarfre  Seute  finb'ö  unb  gute  greunbe. 

$Qlt  ein,  $lccorominl'8  Slntttjort  crtüattenb. 

—  ^ä)  "fjaV  hiö)  überrafd^t.   Slntmorf  mir  nid^t. 
710   '^ä)  mill  bir  3^it  bergönnen,  bid^  gu  faffen. 

(Sr  fte(}t  auf  unb  QtU  nadt  leinten.    SRa;  ftei^t  lange  unbetDeglit^,  in  ben  ^flfK^ 
@(^mer5  berfe^t ;  toit  er  eine  Bewegung  mac^t,  lommt  äBaOenftein  iuxüd  «nd  ^i>^ 

ft(^  t)oc  i^n. 

9Kein  ©eneral !  —  2)u  mad^ft  mid^  l^eute  münbig. 
S^enn  biö  auf  biefen  3:ag  toax  mir'ö  erfpart, 
S)en  SBeg  mir  felbft  gu  finbcn  unb  bie  SRid^tung. 
2)ir  folgf  id^  unbebingt.    5luf  bid^  nur  braud^f  ii) 
715   3u  f^^n  unb  toar  beö  redeten  ^fab§  gemip. 
3um  erftenmale  l^eut  bermeifeft  bu 
W\6)  an  m\i)  felbft  unb  gmingft  mid(|,  eine  SBal^t 
3u  treffen  gtoifd^en  bir  unb  meinem  |)ergen. 


©anft  tt)iegte  bid^  biä  l^eute  bein  ©efd^tdE, 
720   S)u  fonnteft  fpielenb  beine  ^flid(|ten  übcn^ 

gipctter  2luf3U9;  gmctter  2Iwftritt  223 

3cbtt)cbem  f(i(|önen  Stieb  ©enüge  tl^un, 
W\t  ungeteiltem  ^erjen  immer  l^anbeln. 
©0  fann'3  nid^t  ferner  bleiben.    ?Jeinbli(!^  fd^eiben 
2)ie  Sffiege  ^xä).    mi  ^p^ten  ftreiten  ^pi^i^ten. 
25    S)u  mufet  Partei  ergreifen  in  bem  iSrieg, 

S)er  jmifd^en  beinern  3^reunb  unb  beinern  ffaifer 
©ic^  je^t  entjünbet.     ''^^VA^^  ^'^A-t     ..  ^/ 

ßrieg!    3ft  bog  ber  5«a*e? 

3)er  flrieg  tfl  fci^redlii]^,  mie  beö  ^immelö  plagen, 

2)o(]^  er  ift  gut,  ift  ein  ©eft^ict,  tüie  fie. 
'30    3ft  baS  ein  guter  ßrieg,  ben  bu  bem  ßaifer 

fflereiteft  mit  beö  ßaiferö  eignem  ^eer? 

D  ©Ott  be3  ^immete,  toa^  ift  baö  für  eine 

SSerönberung?   Siemt  fold^e  ©prad^e  mir 

9Kit  bir,  ber,  lote  ber  fefte  ©tern  beö  ^olg, 
735    5Mir  aU  bie  Seben^regel  Oorgefd^ienen ! 

D,  meldten  SRife  erregft  bu  mir  im  ^nim ! 

35er  alten  ß^rfurd^t  eingemad^fnen  Srieb 

Unb  be§  ©el^orfamö  ^eilige  ©emo^nl^eit 

©oII  id^  berfagen  lernen  beinem  Flamen? 
740   9iein,  menbe  nid^t  bein  Slngefid^t  gu  mir ! 

6ö  mar  mir  immer  eines  ©otteö  5lntli^, 

Jtann  übet  mid^  nid^t  gleid^  bie  ^Jlad^t  verlieren ; 

®ic  ©inne  finb  in  beinen  Stauben  nod^, 

|)at  gleid^  bie  ©eele  blutenb  fid^  befreit ! 

745   3Ka|,  l^öt*  mid^  an. 

O,  t^u' e§  nid^t !    St^u^gnicbt! 
©iel^,  beine  teinen,  ebeln  3üge  tüiffen 
SRod^  nid^ts  öpn  biefet  unglüdEfergen  Sl^at. 

224  rOaöenj^eins  (Eob 

SIo^  bcinc  ©tnBilbung  kpcrftc  fie, 
S)ie  Unf(]^ulb  »tll  \\ä)  ntd&t  vertreiben  laffen 
750  5lu§  beiner  l^ol^eitbüdenben  ©eftalt. 

SBirf  il^n  l^erauS,  ben  \ä)XDaxim  gflecf,  ben  gfeinb. 
@in  böfer  Straum  blofe  ift  e§,bann  9ett)efen, 
2)er  jebe  fiii^re  Sugenb  marnt.    @§  mag 
,  S)ie  3D?enfd^]^eit  f old^e  Slugenblide  l^aben ; 
755  [  ^06)  fiegen  mu^  ba§  glücfliiä^e  ©efül^I. 
I  9iein,  bu  »irft  fo  nid^t  enbigen.    S)o§  würbe 
I  SSerrufen  bei  ben  9Kenfd^en  jebe  grofee 
5Ratur  unb  Jebeö  mäiä&tige  Vermögen, 
Utä)t  geben  loürb'  eS  bem  gemeinen  SBal^n, 
760  I  ®er  ni(]^t  an  ßbleö  in  ber  f^reil^eit  glaubt, 
;Unb  nur  ber  Dl^nmaci^t  \x^  dcrtrauen  mag, 

©treng  »irb  bie  S3äelt  mid^  tabeln,  xä)  cmaxV  eS. 
9Rir  felbft  ^ä^oxt  fagt'  iä),  ttJaS  bu  fagen  fannjl* 
SEBer  miebe  nid^t,  tt)enn  er'ö  umgel^en  lann, 
765   SDa^  tufeerfte !    2)o(]^  l^ier  ift  feine  SBü^I, 
^ä)  mu$  ®eit)alt  ausüben  ober  leiben  — 
©0  fielet  ber  gall.    9li(ä^tS  anber§  bleibt  mir  übrig. 

©ei'§  benn !    Sel^aupte  hx^  in  beinem  ^ojlen 
©emaltfam,  miberfe^e  bid^  bem  ßaifer, 

770   aßenn'g  fein  mufe,  treib'S  gur  offenen  Empörung, 
9?id^t  loben  werb'  iäf^,  bo^  xä)  fann'ö  bergeil^n, 
Sßill,  tt)a§  xä)  ni(]^t  gut  l&eipe,  mit  bir  teilen. 
5Rur — jum  58  e  r  r  ä  t  e  r  »erbe  nid^t !    S)a3  SBort 
3ft  auSgef Prolinen,  —  jum  Verräter  ntci^t ! 

775   5)a§  ift  fein  überfc^rittneS  9Rap,  fein  geiler, 
SBo^in  ber  SKut  öerirrt  in  feiner  ffraft. 

groelter  ^lufsug;  gwetter  2luf tritt  225 

O,  ba§  i[t  gang  roaS  onberS  —  baö  ift  f(ä^lt)arj, 
®ä)toaxi,  toie  bie  |>ö[(e ! 

»ttUetifteiii,^  C^-i^S 

mit  finftrem  ©Hmfatten,  toc^  gemäßigt 

©(i^nell  fertig  ift  bic  Sugenb  mit  bcm  SBort, 
780    2)a3  ^ä)XDtx  ]\(t)  l^anbl^abt,  tüte  bc§  9Dlcffcr§  ©d^netbc ; 

9Iu§  il^tcm  l^cifecn  fto|)fc  nimmt  fie  fcd 

S)cr  ®ingc  SKafe,  bic  nur  \x^  felbcr  ti(ä^ten. 

®U\^  l^cifet  il^r  alleä  fd^nblid^  ober  toürbig, 

®öö  ober  gut  —  unb  toaS  bie  ©inbilbung 
785    ^l^antoftifd^  W^pi  tn  biefen  bunleln  Flamen, 

S)a3  bürbet  fie  ben  ©ad^en  auf  unb  SBefen. 

g^  ift  bie  SBJelt,  unb  baö  ©e^irn  ift  meit ;  \ 

Set^t  bei  einanber  lool^nen  bie  ©ebanlen,        \ 

Sod^  l^art  im  SRaume  ftoßen  fid^  bie  ©ad^en ;     \ 
790    SQßo  eineö  ^laj;  nimmt,  mu^  baS  onbre  rüdten,  \ 

2Ber  nid^t  bertrieben  fein  miß,  mufe  bertreiben ;   r^  ä  /  y  5  ^ 

®a  l^errfd^t  ber  ©treit,  unb  nur  bie  ©tärle  flegt. ' 

—  3a  toer  burd^S  Seben  geltet  ol^ne  SQßunfd^, 

©ic^  jeben  SmedE  berfagen  fann,  ber  tt)o]^nt 
795    3m  leidsten  gfeuer  mit  bem  ©alamanber 

Unb  l^ölt  fid^  rein  im  reinen  ßlement. 

3nid^  fd^uf  aus  gröberm  ©toffe  bie  Statur, 

Unb  gu  ber  6rbe  jiel^t  mid^  bie  Segierbe. 

®em  böfen  ®eift  gel&ört  bie  6rbe,  nid^t 
800   ®em  guten.    SBaS  bie  ©öttlid^en  un§  fenben 

aSon  oben,  pnb  nur  allgemeine  @üter ; 
^       31&r  Sid^t  erfreut,  bod^  mad^t  e§  feinen  reid^, 

3tt  il^rem  ©taat  erringt  fid^  fein  SBeft^. 

®en  ebelftein,  ba§  aHgefd^äftte  ©olb 
805   5Rup  man  ben  falfd^en  9Käd[|ten  abgewinnen, 

5)ie  unterm  Sage  fc^limmgeartet  l^aufen. 

226  rDaßenjleins  (Tob 

9lic^t  ol^nc  Opfer  maä)t  man  [ic  gcnciat 
Unb  feiner  lebet,  ber  au§  il^rem  2)ienj't 
2)ie  ©eele  ptte  rein  jurürfgegogen. 

9Kac  mit  »ebeutung. 

8io   D,  fürd^te,  fürd^te  biefe  fa(f(i(|en  Wd(S)k ! 

Sie  Italien  nid^t  SBort !    @ö  finb  Sügengeijier, 
S)ie  bi(i^  berüctenb  in  ben  5lbgrunb  jiel^n. 
3:rau*  il^nen  nid^t !    3fd^  marne  bid^  —  O,  feiere 
3urüd  ju  beiner  ^flid^t!  &m\%  bu  !annfi'§! 

815   ©d^idE'  niid^  nad^  2Qßien.    3a,  tl^ue  ba§.    Sa^  Tnid^; 
SJJid^  beinen  ^rieben  mad^en  mit  beni  ff aifer. 
6r  fennt  bid^  nid^t,  id^  aber  fenne  bid(), 
6r  fott  bid^  fe^n  mit  meinem  reinen  9luge, 
Unb  fein  Vertrauen  bring'  id^  bir  gurüdE. 

820   6g  ift  3u  fpät.    S)u  »eifet  nid^t,  toa^  gefd^el^n. 

Unb  tt)är'§  gu  f^xit  —  unb  mär'  e§  audd  fo  meit, 
S)afe  ein  SJerbred^en  nur  üom  Sali  bid^  rettet, 
©0  fane !    gafle  mürbig,  mie  bu  ftanbft.  Jie^l  •  y 
SJerliere  baö  ffommanbo.    (Sel^  bom  ©(^aupla^. 
825   S)u  fannft'g  mit  ©lange,  tl^u'S  mit  Unfd^ulb  aud^. 

—  S)u  l^aft  für  anbre  biel  gelebt,  leb'  enblid^ 
ßinmal  bir  felber !    3id^  begleite  bid&, 

5DZein  ©d^idEfal  trenn'  id^  nimmer  bon  bem  beinen  — 


6§  ift  gu  fpät.    3fnbem  bu  bcine  SBorte 
830   aJerlierft,  ift  fd^on  ein  9Keilengeiger  nad^  bem  anbern 
3urüigelegt  bon  meinen  ßilenben, 
2)ie  mein  ©ebot  nad^  ^rag  unb  @ger  tragen. 

—  (Srgieb  bid^  brein.    SBir  l^anbeln,  tt)ie  mir  müjfen. 

§ipciter  2Iuf3ug;  Dritter  2lnfti:itt  227 

©0  lap  un§  bog  9iotmenbigc  mit  SBürbe;*^'^ 
835    5iKit  feftcm  ©d^rittc  tl^un  —  SBaS  tl^u'  id^  ©d^ltmmre§ 

5U§  jener  (Jäfar  t^at,  be&  9?ame  nod^ 

»iö  l^eut  baS  ^ö(]^[te  in  bet  SBelt  benennet? 

@t  führte  wiber  SRom  bie  Segionen, 

2)ie  9iom  il^m  gur  Sefc^ü^ung  anoettraut. 
840    2Barf  er  baö  ©d^wert  bon  \\ä),  er  lüor  berloren, 

SBie  id^  eS  njör',  menn  id^  entmaffnete. 

^ä)  fpüre  maS  in  mir  bon  feinem  ©eift ; 

@ieb  mir  fein  ©liidE !    S)a§  anbre  tüiö  ic^  tragen. 

via;,  ber  bi«6erin  einem  fd^metibollen  ftampfe  geftanben,  gebt  fcbneO  ab.    SBaDett» 
ftetn  ftebt  ibm  beriounbert  unb  betroffen  naä)  unb  ftebt  in  tiefe  ®ebanlen  bertoren. 

Dritter  Jtuftrttt. 

fBattenfteitt.   Itttitn,    (S^leitb  barauf  3IU1» 

yjlaic  ^iccolomini  öerließbi^  eben? 

845    SBo  ift  ber  SBrangel? 

gort  ift  er. 


©0  eilig? 


6r  toax  als  ob  bie  6rb'  i^n  eingefd^Iuit. 
6r  mar  !aum  t)on  bir  meg,  al§  xi)  ii)m  nad^ging, 
3d^  l^att'  i^n  nod^  gu  fpred^en,  —  bod^  meg  mar  er, 
Unb  niemanb  mußte  mir  t)on  i^m  gu  fagen. 
850   3d^  glaub',  e§  ift  ber  ©d^marge  felbft  gemefen, 
6jn-  9Menfd^  fann  nid^t  auf  einmal  f 0  Derfd^minben, 

228  VOüUeni^ems  (Eob 


3ft'§  lüal^r,  bafe  bu  bcn  9llten  »iflft  berfii^idEen? 
2Bie?   SenOctaöto!    SBJo  benfft  bu  ^in? 

6r  gel^t  naä)  Q^rauenberg,  bic  fpanifci^cn 
85s   Unb  tüelfd^cn  Slegimenter  anjufül^rcn» 

3)a§  tüoBe  (Sott  nid^t,  bafe  bu  baS  öoKbrinflji  I 


S)cm  fjalfd^en  toiUft  bu  ßricflöbolf  anücrttaucn? 
^i)n  au§  bcn  9lugcn  laffen,  grabe  je^t, 
3n  biefem  9lugenbücfc  ber  6ntf (Reibung? 

860   S)a§  tt)trft  bu  nid^t  t^un.    9?ein,  um  aßcS  niij^t! 


©cltfame  Wm\ä)m  feib  il^r» 


D,  nur  bicömal 

@ieb  unfrer  SBarnung  naä).    Safe  il^n  nid^t  fort. 


Unb  »arum  foH  iä)  H)m  bie§  eine  mal 
mä)t  trauen,  ba  td^'S  ftet§  getl^an?   Sffia§  iji  gefd^^n, 
865   S)a§  il^n  um  meine  gute  9Keinung  bräd^te? 
9lu§  eurer  (Srtlle,  nid^t  ber  meinen,  foll  id^ 
SJtein  alt  erprobtet  Urteil  bon  il^m  änbern? 
2)enft  nic^t,  bafe  id^  ein  SBeib  fei.    SQBeil  id^  i^m 
©etraut  big  l^eut,  toill  id^  aud^  l^eut  il^m  trauen. 

^  ^ctsftj. 
870  9Kufee§benn  ber  juft  fein?   ©d^idf' einen  anbem I 

gipetter  ^tufsug ;  Dritter  2tuftrttt  229 


®ct  tnu^  CS  fein,  ben  f)aV  iä)  mir  erlefen. 
6r  taugf  }u  bem  ©efd^äf t,  brum  gab  id^'ä  il^m. 

SBcil  er  ein  Sßelfd^er  i[t,  brum  taugt  er  bir. 

SBct^  tool^I,  il^r  toar't  ben  beiben  nie  gemogen, 

875    SBcil  iä)  [ie  ad^te,  liebe,  euc^  unb  anbern 
SBorjicl^  fid^tbarlid^,  mie  fie'ö  Derbienen, 
®rum  [inb  fie  eud^  ein  2)orn  im  3luge !    2Ba§ 
©el^t  euer  9ieib  mx^  an  unb  mein  ©efc^äft? 
®a$  il^r  fie  l^apt,  baä  mad^t  fie  mir  nid^t  fd^Ied^ter. 

880    Siebt  ober  l^afet  einanber,  toie  il^r  tooüt, 
3(i^  laffe  jebem  feinen  ©inn  unb  9ieigung, 
2Bei$  bo4,  tt)a§  mir  ein  jeber  bon  eud^  gilt. 

6t  gcl^t  ni(]^t  ab  —  müfef  iä)  bie  Släber  il^m  am  SBagen 
3erf(^mettern  laffen. 


gjläfeige  bici^,  ^Uo ! 

885    2)er  Ouefienberger,  als  er  l^ier  gemefen, 
^at  ftets  jufammen  anä)  geftecft  mit  i^m. 


©efd^al^  mit  meinem  SBiffen  unb  Erlaubnis* 

Unb  ba$  gel^eime  Sotcn  an  i^n  !ommen 

aSom  ®aKaS,  mx^  xä)  anä). 

2)aS  ift  nid^t  wa^r* 
890  O,  bu  biji  blinb  mit  beincn  fel^enben  5lugen ! 

230  rDoÄenftcins  Cob 

2)u  toirj't  mir  mmenj§lanbtn  ntd^t  crf(i^üttern, 
®cr  auf  bic  ttcfftc  SBiffenf^aft  f^  baut. 
Sügt  et,  bann  ift  bte  ganjc^ernlunft^Cücic. 
S)cnn  ttJtpt,  id^  i)aV  ein  ^fmtb1)om  ©d)ictfal  felbjl, 
895    2)a$  er  ber  treufte  ift  bon  meinen  greunben. 

^aft  bu  au(^  eing,  bafe  jenes  ?ßfanb  nid^t  lüge? 

aBattciiftciti^  _  .^ 

@§  giebt  im  3Jlenfd^enIeben  SlugenßTiicfe, 
aSo  er  bem  SSJeltgeiji  näl^er  ift  al§  fonft, 
Unb  eine  Srage  frei  l^at  an  ba§  ©^icffal. 

900   (Bolä)  ein  SKoment  toar'S,  al§  id^  in  ber  "Haä^i, 
S)ie  Dor  ber  Sü^ner  Slftion  borl^erging, 
©ebanlenöoü  an  einen  Saum  geklont, 
^inauöfal^  in  bie  ßbene.    S)ie  fjeuer 
S)e§  Sägers  brannten  büfter  burd^  ben  9lebel,  ^ 

905    S)er  SBaffen  bumpfeS  Süaufd^en  unterbraci^,      -^ 
SDer  9lunben  9luf  einförmig  nur  bie  ©tide. 
3Kein  ganzes  Seben  ging,  vergangenes ' 
Unb  lünftigeS;  in  biefem  Slugenblicf 
9In  meinem  inneren  ©efid^t  vorüber, 

910   Unb  an  beS  näc^ften  3Worgen§  ©i^icffal  fnüpf te 
2)er  al^nungSDode  ©eift  bie  fernfte  gulunft. 

®a  fagt*  xä)  alfo  ju  mir  felbft :  „©0  bielen 
©ebieteft  bu !    ©ie  folgen  beinen  ©ternen 
Unb  fe^cn,  mie  auf  eine  grofee  9Jummer, 

915   3^r  alleä  auf  bein  einjig  $aupt  unb  finb 
3n  beineS  ©lücfeS  ©d^iff  mit  bir  geftiegen. 
^oä)  lommen  toirb  ber  Stag,  mo  biefe  äße 
S)aS  ©c^icffat  toieber  auseinanber  ftreut, 
9?ur  wen'ge  loerben  treu  bei  bir  verharren.  / 

gtoeitcr  ^tufsug ;  Dritter  2Iuftritt  231 

920    ®cn  mö(^f  xä)  toijfcn,  bcr  bcr  Strcuftc  mir 
S8on  aüm  ift,  bic  bicfeS  Säger  cinfc^Iiefet. 
®icb  mir  ein  Stiäjtn,  <Bä)xd]al  l   2) er  foII'S  fein, 
3)er  an  bem  näci^ften  SKorgen  mir  juerft 
©ntgegenfommt  mit  einem  fiiebe^jeid^en/' 

925    Unb  biefeö  bei  mir  benfenb,  f erlief  ii^  ein. 
Unb  mitten  in  bie  ©c^Iad^t  warb  xi)  geführt 
3m  ©eift.    ©rofe  toar  ber  2)rang.    aRir  tötete 
6in  ©c^ufe  ba§  ^ferb,  xä)  fan!,  unb  über  mir 
^inttjeQ,  alei(i^gültig,  festen  SüoB  unb  Süeiter, 

930    Unb  leüi^enÄ  lag  xä),  toie  ein  ©tcrbenber, 
3ertreten  unter  il^rer  ^ufe  ©d^Iag. 
S)a  faßte  plö^Iid^  l^ilfreid^  mid^  ein  STrm, 
6§  ttjar  DctaöioS  —  unb  fd^nett  ertüad^'  icj^, 
Stag  ttjar  e§  —  unb  Dctaöio  ftanb  üor  mir. 

935    ,,50?ein  ?Bruber/'  fprad^  er,  „reite  fjeute  ni^t 
„®en  ©^^edfen,  toie  bu  pflegft.    Säcfteige  lieber 
„2)a§  fid^re  Stier,  baä  id^  bir  au§gcfudf)t. 
„%i)\x'^  mir  ju  lieb,  e§  marnte  mid^  ein  3:raum/' 
Unb  biefeö  SEiereö  ©%teÜigleit  entriß 

940    5D?id^  Sgnnierg  Derfolgenben  S)ragonern. 
9Kein  S5etter  ritt  ben  ©d^edten  an  bem  Jag, 
Unb  aioß  unb  SReiter  fa^  id^  niemals  loieber. 


S)aS  iDar  ein  SufaK. 

SBaKettftetn  bcbcutenb,  

6§  giebt  feinen  3ufaü ; 
Unb  tt)a§  uns  btinbe§  Dl^ngeifä^r  nur  bünft, 
945    ©erabe  ba§  fteigt  au§  ben  tiefften  Duellen. 
SSerfiegelt  l^ab'  xif^  unb  Derbrieft,  bafe  er 
9Kein  guter  ßngel  ift,  unb  nun  fein  SBort  me^r !  ] 

232  rPaßenpeins  Cob 

5)a§  ift  mein  Stroji,  bcr  mai  bleibt  un§  aß  ©eifel. 

Unb  ber  foK  mir  nic^t  tebenb  l^ier  Dom  ^la^* 


bietet  fte^en  unb  feiert  ftd^  um. 

950    ©eib  i^r  nid^t  töie  bie  SSJetber,  bie  bepnbig 
3urücf  nur  !ommen  auf  il^r  erjieS  SBort, 
2öenn  man  3Sernunft  gefproci^en  ftunbenlang ! 
—  ®e§  9JJenfd;en  3:^aten  unb  ©ebanfen,  toifet, 
©inb  nid^t,  lote  SKeereö  blinb  bemegte  SBBeKen. 

955    2)ie  innre  SBelt,  fein  9Kifrofo§mu§,  ift 
2)er  tiefe  ©djac^t,  au§  bem  fie  emig  quellen, 
©ie  finb  notmenbig,  toie  be§  Saume§  t^xn^t, 
©ie  fann  ber  3ufatt  gaufelnb  nid^t  Dermanbeln. 
I  ^aV  xä)  be§  SDtenfc^en^^ern  erft  unterfud^t, 

960 1  ©0  ttjeife  id^  aud^  fein  SBoHen  unb  fein  ^anbefh. 

üierter  Jtuftritt. 

3tnttner  in  ^{^iccolominid  SBo^nung. 

JDctakiiD  !ßicc0(0titini  reifeferttg.    (Sin  UMvtaitt. 


3ft  baSÄommanboba? 


6§  toartet  unten. 

g§  finb  bod^  fi^re  Seute,  miutant? 
3tuS  meld^em  9legimente  nal^mt  il^r  fic? 

gipeiter  ^lufjug ;  fünfter  2Iuftrttt  233 


S3on  Sicfenbacj^. 


®ie5  ategiment  i[t  treu* 

965*   Safet  fie  im  ^intcrl^of  fi(^  ru^tg  Italien, 

©t(^  nicmanb  jcigcn,  bi§  il^r  f Itngeln  l^ört ; 

S)ann  toirb  baö  C>öuS  gcfd^loffcn,  fd^arf  bemac^t, 

Unb  jcber,  bcn  il^r  antrefft,  bleibt  berl^aftet. 

Stbiutant  ab. 

3toar  l^off'  xä),  eö  bebarf  nid^t  il^reS  S)ienfte§, 
970    S)enn  meines  Sf alfuls  l^alf  id^  mic^  gemi^. 
®^  e§  gilt  ÄaiferS  ©ienft,  ba§  ©piel  ift  gro|, 
Unb  beffer  }u  biel  SBorfid^t,  al§  ju  menig. 

fünfter  2tuftrttt* 

Ocianto  VkcoiominU   Sfolatti  tritt  i^erebt. 

4)ier  bin  tcä^  —  9iun,  toer  fommt  nod^  bon  ben  anbern? 

CctaHio  0el^eimntgt)oa. 

JBorerft  ein  SBort  mit  twä),  ®raf  3ffoIani. 

3fo(atti  0el|etmntdt)oa. 

975    ©ott'§  loSgel^en?   SBitt  ber  fjürfi  H)a§  unternel^men? 
9Rir  bürft  il^r  trouen.    ©e^t  mid^  auf  bie  ^robe. 

2)a§  lann  gef(]^el^n. 


^err  Sruber,  iä)  bin  nid^t 

SSon  benen,  bic  mit  SBorten  tapfer  finb, 

Unb,  lommt'S  jut  SEI^at,  ba§  SBeite  fd^impflid)  fud^en. 

980   2)er  ^erjog  l^at  afö  Sfreunb  an  mir  getl^an. 

234  VOaUtn^ms  (Eob 

SBeiB  ©Ott,  fo  tft^ä !    ^ä)  bin  i^m  aDc§  fd^ulbtg. 
Stuf  meine  Streue  fann  er  baun» 


6§  wirb  \xö)  geigen. 

9?el^mt  eud^  in  Sld^t*    9lid^t  äße  beulen  f o. 

6§  l^alten'ä  l^ier  nod^  biele  mit  bem  ^of , 

985   Unb  meinen,  ba|  bie  Unterfd^rift  Don  neultd^, 

2)ie  abgeftol^tne,  fie  ju  nid^tS  berbinbe. 

Dctanio»  ^ 

©0?  nennt  mir  hoä)  bie  Ferren,  bie  baS  meinen. 


3um  genfer !   SlKe  ©eutfd^en  fpred^en  fo. 
9lu(i^  efter^aj^,  Äauni^,  2)eobat 
990   Grflären  je^t,  man  milff'  bem  ^of  ge^ord^en. 


2)aS  freut  mid^. 


Streut  eud^? 


S)a§  ber  Sf  aifer  ito^ 

©0  gute  gfreunbe  l^at  unb  marfre  Wiener. 


©po|t  nid^t,    @ö  finb  nid^t  eben  fc^Ied^te  SRänner. 

(Seioife  nid^t.    (Sott  Derl^üte,  bafe  td^  fpofee. 
995   ©el^r  ernftlid^  freut  e§  mid^,  bie  gute  ©ad^c 
©0  ftar!  JU  fel^n. 


SBaSäeufel?   SBieiftbaö? 
©eib  il^r  benn  nid^t?  —  SBarum  bin  id^  benn  l^icr? 

gwetter  2luf3ug ;  ^Jünfter  2Iuftrttt  235 

OctaUtO  tttitSlnfel^en. 

6ud^  ju  erftärcn,  runb  unb  nett,  ob  il^r 

6ttt  greimb  loollt  j^ci^cn  ober  geinb  beS  Jf aiferö ! 

!3fo(atti  tro^g. 

looo  ©arüber  merb*  iä)  bem  6r!Iärung  geben, 
2)em'§  jufommt,  biefe  Qfrag'  an  mtci^  ju  tl^un. 


Ob  mir  baS  julommt;  mag  bie§  SSIatt  tnä)  leieren, 

SQBa  —  toaö?  baö  ip  be§  ffaifer§  $anb  unb  ©iegeL 


„31I§  toerben  fämttid^e  ^auptleute  unfrer 
1005  „3lrmee  ber  Drbre  unferS  lieben,  treuen, 
„2)eö  ©eneralleutnant  ^iccolomini, 
„2Bie  unfrer  eignen"  —  ^um  —  3^  —  ©0  —  3}a,  ja  I 
^ä)  —  ma^'tnä)  meinen  ©lücfmunfd^,  ©eneralleutnant! 


31^r  unterioerft  eud^  bem  Sefel^t? 


^6)  —  aber 

loio  ^f)x  überrafd^t  mi(^  aud^  fo  fd^neü  —  9Kan  loirb 
gjlir  boc^  Sebenfgeit,  W  ic^  — 


3tüei  9Kinuten. 

üWein  ©Ott,  ber  fjatt  ift  aber  — 


Älar  unb  einfai^. 

^^x  foüt  erflären,  ob  il^r  euren  |)errn 
SBerraten  mollet  ober  treu  iljm  bienen. 


1015  SJcrrat  —  mein  ©ott  —  toer  [priest  benn  bon  SSerrat? 

236  iraaenfteins  Cob 

2)aä  ift  bcr  gfatt.    2)cr  gürft  i[t  ein  SSerräter, 
S3Bitt  bie  9lrmec  gum  fjeinb  l^inübcrfül^rcn. 
ßrllärt  eud^  furg  unb  gut.    SBoüt  tl^r  bcm  ftaifcr 
Slbfd&lüören?   6u(iö  bcm  ^cinb  berfaufen?   SBoHti^r? 

I020  2Ba§  beult  il^r?   ^ä)  be§  ftaiferö  aRoieftot 

«bWiüören?   ©agtMc^  fo?   SBomi  ^ätf  id&  baS 

©efagt?  .        . 


92o(^  l^abt  il^r'S  ni($t  gefagt.    92o(i^  ni^L 

3^  tüarte  brauf,  ob  il^r  eS  toerbet  fagen. 

91un,  fel^t,  baS  ift  mir  lieb,  bafe  il^r  mir  fclbjl 
1025  SSegeugt,  xä)  l^obe  fo  toaS  nid^t  gefogt. 


Sl^r  fagt  eud^  alfo  Don  bem  fjürflen  loS? 


©pinnt  er  SBerrat  —  SJerrat  trennt  alle  Sanbe. 

Unb  feib  cntfcj^lojfen,  gegen  i^n  gu  fcd^ten? 


6r  tl^at  mir  @uteö  —  \>oä),  toenn  er  ein  ©d^Im  iji, 
1030  SSerbamm'  iljn  ®ott !  bie  Sled^nung  ijt  gerriffcn. 

SRid^  freuf  §,  bo^  il^r  in  ©utem  eud^  gefügt. 
$eut  3laä)t  in  aKer  ©tiKe  bred^t  il^r  auf 
^it  allen  leidsten  2:ruppen ;  eö  mu^  fd^einen, 
3ll§  läm'  bie  Drbre  Don  bem  $ergog  felbft. 
1035  3"  Stauenberg  ift  ber  33erfammIungS|)IaJ, 
S)Drt  giebt  eud^  ®aüa^  meitere  SBefel^Ie. 

Smeiter  ^tufsug;  5ed?fter  2luf tritt  237 

6§  fofl  flcfd^cl^n*  •  ©cbenit  mtr'§  aber  anä) 
SBcim  Äaifet,  toic  bereit  il^r  mic^-gefunben. 


^ä)  mxV  es  rül^men. 

S^folani  gel^t,  eS  tommt  ein  Sebienter. 

Dberft  Sattler?   ®ut. 

Sfototti  aucüctfommenb. 

1040  3Serflebt  mir  aucä^  mein  barfd^eS  SBefen,  Sttter. 
$err  ®ott !  mie  lonnf  iä)  miff en,  meldte  gro^e 
^erfon  xäf  Dor  mir  l^atte ! 


Sa^t  ba§  gut  fein. 


^6)  bin  ein  luff  ger  alter  ftnab',  unb  toär' 
3Rxx  a\x6)  ein  rafd^eS  SBörttein  über'n  ^of 
1045  ßntfd^Iüpft  juttjeilen  in  ber  ßuft  be§  SBeinS, 
3l&r  mifet  ja,  böö  toar^S  nid^t  gemeint* 



©arüber  leine  ©orge !  —  2)a§  gelang. 
@lücf,  fei  uns  aud^  fo  günftig  bei  ben  anbern ! 

Sedjfter  2tuftritt. 

Sd^  bin  ju  eurer  Drbre,  ©eneralleutnant. 


1050  Seib  mir  olS  merter  ®aft  unb  Qfreunb  wiHIommem 

238  rDaßenftettts  ÖCob 


3u  gto^c  ßl^r'  für  m\^. 

nad^bem  beibe  ^ta^  genommen. 

Sl^r  5abt  bie  Steigung  nic^t  crtüibert, 
SBomit  xäf  geftern  cu(^  entgegen  lam, 
SBol^I  gar  al§  leere  fjormel  fie  öerlannt. 
I05S  SSon  ^erjen  ging  mir  jener  SBunfd^,  eö  \oax 
aWir  Srnjl  um  euc!^,  benn  eine  3^it  U*  i^fct 
SSo  ft(i^  bie  @uten  eng  berbinben  foQten. 

SDie  ©leic^gejtnnten  lönnten  eS  aüein. 

Unb  alle  ®uten  nenn'  xäf  gtei(]^geftnnt. 

1060  S)em  9Henf(^en  bring'  xä)  nur  bie  2:l^at  in  Sled^nung, 
SBoju  il^n  ru^ig  ber  ©l^aralter  treibt ; 
Denn  blinber  aKi|berftänbnijfe  ©emalt 
Drängt  oft  ben  Seften  auS  bem  redeten  ©leife/  ' ' 
3l^r  lamt  bur(^  Qf^ouenberg.    ^at  tnäf  ®raf  ®oIIa§ 

1065  9lid&tS  anvertraut?   ©agt  mir'g.    6r  ift  mein  greunb. 


@r  l^at  berbrne  äBorte  nur  gefprod^en. 


®aö  l^öt'  i(^  ungern,  benn  fein  Sftat  toax  gut 
Unb  einen  gleid^en  l^ätf  xä)  eud^  }U  geben. 

©iwrt  eu(^  bie  SRül^'  —  mir  bie  SSerlegenl^eitr 
1070  ©0  fd^Iec^t  bie  gute  SKeinung  ju  berbienen. 

®ie  S^it  ift  teuer,  lafet  uns  offen  reben* 

3l&r  tox^t,  tt)ie  l^ier  bie  ©ad^en  ftel^n.    Der  ^erjog 

©innt  auf  SBerrat,  iäf  laxxn  eud^  mel^r  nod^  fagen. 

grociter  ^lufjug;  Sed^jler  2Iuftrttt  239 

6r  l^at  ir)n  fc^on  bDÜfül^rt ;  gefd^Ioffen  tft 
1075  2)a§  8ünbm§  mit  bem  fj^einb  öor  toen^flcn  ©tunben. 
3ta(i)  ^rag  unb  @ger  reiten  fd^on  bie  Soten, 
Unb  morgen  loiü  er  ju  bem  fj^einb  un§  fül^ren. 
2)od^  er  betrügt  \xi),  benn  bie  ftlugl^eit  tt)a(^t, 
9lo(3^  treue  greunbe  leben  l^ier  bem  ßaifer, 
loSo  Unb  mäd^tig  fte^t  i^r  unfi(i^tbarer  Sunb. 
2)ie§  5Jionife|t  erflört  i^n  in  bie  9rd)t, 
Bpx\(i)t  loa  ba§  ^eer  t)on  beö  (Sel^orfamS  ^flid^ten, 
Unb  alle  ©utgefinnten  ruft  eö  auf, 
®\ö)  unter  meiner  fj^ü^rung  gu  öerfammeln* 
085  5!un  toäl^It,  ob  il^r  mit  un§  bie  gute  ©ad^e, 
9Hit  i^m  ber  »Öfen  böfeä  So§  ttjoüt  teilen? 

Sttttkt  fte^t  auf. 

©ein  So§  ift  meines. 

Octatfio.    ' 

Sift  ba§  euer  le^ter 


gr  iff  §. 


Sebentt  eud^,  Dberft  Suttler. 
5Rod)  l^abt  il^r  3^tt    3fn  meiner  treuen  Stuft 
1090  Segraben  bleibt  ba§  rafd^  gefprod^ne  SBort. 
5Re^mt  eö  juriW.    SQBäl^lt  eine  beffcre 
Partei.    ^f)x  l^abt  bie  gute  nid^t  ergriffen. 

fflefel^lt  il^r  fonft  nod^  etwas,  ©eneraHeutnant? 


©e^t  eure  meinen  ^aare !   9iel^mf  S  jurüdE. 

1095  Sebt  tDol^I ! 

240  tPaUenftetns  Cob 

SBo§?   ©iefen  guten  topfern  ©egen 
SßoDt  il^r  in  fotd^em  ©tteite  jtel^en?   SBoflt 
3n  §flud^  ben  ®anl  bcmanbeln,  ben  il^r  eud^ 
.S)urd^  Dterjigjiöl^r'ge  Streu'  öerbtent  um  Öjtretd^? 

IButttet  bitter  Ia(^enb. 

2)anf  öom  $auS  Öftreid^? 

(St  tüiü  gelten. 


Iä|t  il^n  Vi%  an  bie  ^l^üre  ge^en,  bann  ruft  er. 

.  Suttler ! 


2BqS  beliebt? 

iioo  aSic  loar  e§  mit  bem  ©rafen? 


©rafen!    S8aö? 

2)em  ©rafentitel,  mein'  id^. 

Sttttler  l^efttfi  auff  al^renb. 

Stob  unb  Steufel  I 

^f)x  fuc^tet  barum  nad^.    9Ran  toieS  eud^  ab. 


9lic!^t  ungeftraft  foHt  il^r  mid^  l^ö^nen.  3i^^t ! 


©terft  ein.   ©agt  rul^ig,  tt)ie  eö  bamit  ging.    3d§  toiH 
II 05  ©enugtl^uung  nad^l^er  eud^  nid^t  bermeigern. 

,    S3ittt(er. 

9Mag  alle  SBelt  hfiä)  um  bie  ©d^mad^l^eit  miffen, 

5Die  i(^  mir  felber  nie  berjeil^en  !ann ! 

— ■  ^d !   Generalleutnant,  (i)  befije  ß^rgeij, 

gtoetter  2Iuf3ug ;  5c4?jier  2Iuftritt  241 

SSerad^tung  fjaV  iä)  nie  ertragen  fönnen. 

iiio  63  tl^at  mir  toel^e,  ba$  ©eburt  unb  Jitel 
Sei  ber  5lrmee  mel^r  galten,  al§  SSerbienft. 
9ii(j^t  [(^led^ter  looDf  iä)  fein,  al§  meines  ©leid^en, 
©0  Iie$  iä)  mid^  in  unglücfferger  ©tunbe 
3u  jenem  ©(^ritt  berleiten  —  6§  loar  Jl^orl^eit! 

1115  ^oäf  ni(^t  berbient'  xä),  fie  fo  l^art  ju  büfeen ! 

—  Serfagen  lonnte  man'S  —  SBarum  bie  SBeigerung 
SRit  biefer  Iränfenben  SSerad^tung  fd^örfen, 
S)ett  alten  SRann,  ben  treu  bemäl^rten  Wiener 
9Wit  fd^ttjerem  ^ol^n  germalmenb  nieberfd^Iagen, 

1120  2ln  feiner  ^erfunft  ©d^mad^  fo  raul^  i^n  mal^nen, 
SBeil  er  in  fd^toad^er  ©tunbe  fid^  bergaß ! 
®od^  einen  ©tad^el  gab  9iatur  bem  SSurm, 
®ett  SBiDIür  übermütig  fpielenb  tritt  — 


^f)x  müfet  berleumbet  fein.    Vermutet  i^r 
1125  3)m  S^einb,  ber  eud^  ben  fd^Iimmen  S)ienft  geleiftet? 


©ei'S,  toJJj^J^liJill !    6in  nieberträd^f  ger  Sube, 
6itt  $Min^mu|  e§  fein,  ein  ©panier, 
S)er  Runter  irgenb  eine§  alten  $aufe§, 
S)em  id^  im  Sid^t  mag  fte^n,  ein  neib'fd^er  ©d^urfe, 
II 30  ®en  meine  felb^berbiente  3Bürbe  Iränft. 


©ogt,  billigte  ber  ^erjog  jenen  ©d^ritt? 

@r  trieb  mid^  baju  an,  berttjenbete 
@td^  felbft  für  mid^  mit  ebler  SfreunbeSwärme* 

\^  Dctanio. 

©0?   Sßtgt  i^r  baS  gen)i^? 

242  XOaUzn^zins  (Eob 

3ic^  la§  bctt  Srtcf. 

OctaUtO  bebeutenb. 

"35  3^  öud^ —  bod^  anberö  lautete  fein  ^nl^alt. 

öuttter  wirb  betroffen. 

^mä)  Sufaü  bin  id^  im  23e)i^  be§  »rief^, 
ßann  tnä)  burd^  eiftnen  9lnbIidE  überfül^ren* 

er  gtebt  i^ni  beu  ©rief. 

^a !  was  ift  ba§? 


3(^  fürd^te,  Oberjl  Suttler, 

9Kan  l^at  mit  eud^  ein  fd^änblid^  ©piel  getrieben. 

1140  2)er  C)erjog,  fagt  il^r,  trieb  eud^  ju  bem  ©d^ritt?  — 

3[n  biefem  Sriefe  fprid^t  er  mit  SSerad^tung 

aSon  euc^,  röt  bem  aWinifter,  euren  2)ünlel, 

SBie  er  il^n  nennt,  ju  jüd^tigen. 

Suttler  l^at  ben  ®rief  geUfen,  feine  Stnitt  fttttern,  er  greift  na(^  einem  @tu^{,  fett  9^ 

nieber.  # 

ftein  geinb  berf olgt  eud^.    9iiemanb  toiü  euc^  übel. 
1145  S)^tn  |)erjog  fd^reibt  allein  bie  ßräniung  ju, 

5)ie  il^r  empfangen ;  beutlic^  ift  bie  3lbfid^t. 

SoSreipen  moüf  er  eud^  öon  eurem  Äüifer  — 

Son  eurer  Sftad^e  l^offf  er  ju  erlangen, 

SBaS  eure  lool^IbettJäl^rte  SEreu'  if)n  nimmer 
II 50  ßrmarten  ließ  bei  ruhiger  Sefinnung. 

3um  blinben  SBerfjeug  tt)Dttf  er  eud^,  gum  SRittel 

Sermorfner  3tt)ed!e  eud^  beräd^tlid^  braud^cn. 

(5r  l^at'S  erreid^t.    3"  flut  nur  glüdf  e§  il^m, 

6ud^  megjulDdfen  bon  bem  guten  ^fabe, 
II 55  3luf  bem  il^r  üierjig  Saläre  feib  gemanbelt. 

S3ttttler  mit  ber  Stimme  bebenb. 

Siann  mir  be§  ßaifer§  SMajeftät  hergeben? 

gweifer  ^Infsug ;  Sec^?jler  2(uftntt  243 

©ie  tl^ut  no(]^  mcljr*    ©ic  mad^t  bie  ßrünfung  gut, 
2)ie  unberbient  bcm  SBürbtgcn  gefd^el^n. 
?luS  freiem  Strieb  beftätigt  fie  bie  ©d^enfung, 
1160  SDic  cud^  ber  Sfürft  ju  böfem  S^Jed  gemad^t. 
®aS  Slegiment  ift  euer,  baS  il^r  filiert. 


h)iU  auffüllen,  ftnlt  iurü(f.    @ein  (^emüt  atbeitet  heftig,  er  üerfu^t  iu  leben  unb 
txrmag  ed  nic^t    (Snbtic^  nimmt  et  ben  S)egen  Dom  (Se^änge  unb  reicht  i^n  bcm 
«  .  $iccolomini. 


SBaS  toont  il^r?   ga^t  eud^ ! 

5Re^mt ! 

SBoju?   »efinnteud^! 

3tti)mi  ^xn  I   Slid^t  mert  mel^r  bin  id^  biefeg  ^egeng, 

@m|)fangt  xf)n  neu  jurücf  au§  meiner  $anb, 
1165  Unb  fül^rt  t^n  ftets  mit  g^re  für  ba§  Äed^t. 

Die  Streue  brad^  id^  fold^em  gnäb'gen  ftaifer ! 

STOod^f  ö  toteber  gut*  ©d^nelt  trennt  eud&  bDU  bem  C)eriDg. 

ÜMid^  Don  il^m  trennen ! 

^  Dctanw* 

2Bie?    beben«  i^r  eud&? 

Sttttler  fuT(^tbQC  auSbret^enb. 

9lur  Don  il^m  trennen?  D,  er  foü  nid^t  leben ! 

1170  golgt  mir  nad^  fjrauenberg,  mo  alle  SEreujen 

244  VOaUtn^txns  (Eob 

Sei  @atta§  [xäf  unb  Slltringer  bcrfammcin. 
3}tel  anbre  ixaä)t'  xä)  nod^  }u  il^rcr  ^flid^i 
3urü(f,  l^cut  9?ad^t  entfltel^cn  fic  aus  ^ilfcn. 

ift  ^ftifl  UtDt^t  QUfs  unb  aBgegotiflen  unb  tritt  su  Octaüio,  mit  mtf<4U>fFcncin  CftA' 

@raf  ^iccolommi !  barf  cud^  bcr  SKann 
1175  S5on  ßl^rc  f|)rcd^cn,  ber  bic  Streue  brad^? 


2)er  barf  e§,  bcr  f 0  ernftlid^  eS  bereut. 


©0  la^t  mxä)  ffm  auf  Sl^rentQort. 


SBoö  finnt  i^r? 

3Klt  meinem  Segimente  la^t  mid^  bleiben. 

^ä)  barf  eud^  traun*    ^oä)  fagt  mir,  tooS  il^r  brütet? 


II 80  2)ie  3:]^at  tüirb'S  leieren,    fjragt  mid^  je^t  nid^t  tmiter! 
2raut  mir !    3^r  !önnt'§ !    Sei  (Sott,  i^r  überlaffet 
3l|n  feinem  guten  @ngel  nid^t !    Sebt  too^l ! 

S^ebiettter  bringt  ein  »iOet. 

@in  Unbefannter  brod^t'S  unb  ging  gleid^  roieber. 
2)eS  Surften  ^^ferbe  ftel^en  anä)  \d)on  unten. 

Octatiio  lieft. 

1185  ,,9Ka(ä^t  bafe  x^x  fortfommt.    6uer  treuer  Sfolan.'' 
—  O,  läge  biefe  ©tabt  erft  l^inter  mir ! 
©0  nab  bem  ^a^ax  foflten  mir  noc^  fd^eitern? 
tJort,  fort !    ^ier  ift  nii^t  lönger  ©id^erl^eit 
gür.  mid^.    35Jo  aber  bleibt  mein  ©ol^n?  • 

Swexttx  2luf3u$;  Siebenter  ^{uffrtii  245 

Siebenter  Jtuftrttt 

8ei>e  fHccoIontiiH. 

fommt  in  b<r  l^eftigften  (BemütSfieto^iing,  feine  SUde  tollen  »Hb,  fein  ®an()  ift  un« 

ftet :  er  ft^etnt  ben  fßatti  nt(^t  ju  bemerlen,  ber  bon  ferne  ftel^t  unb  tfjn  mitleibig  on^ 

fte^t    SRit  (trogen  ©d^ritten  gel^t  et  bun^  bad  Bimntet,  bleibt  mteber  fteljen  unb  nirft 

ftd^  5Ufei$t  in  einen  <BtaU,  geiab  bor  \id)  l^in  ftorrenb. 

CctaHio  nähert  ft(^  i^m. 

1190  ^ä)  reife  ai,  mein  ©ol^n. 

Xa  et  feine  Stnttoort  er^äit,  fagt  er  i^n  bei  ber  ig»anb. 

TOein  ©o^n,  leb'  tool^I ! 
S)u  folflft  mir  bod^  balb  nad^? 

9)^  o^ne  i^n  an^ufei^en. 

©ein  SBeg  ift  frumm,  er  ift  ber  meine  nid^t. 

Octabio  lägt  feine  $onb  Io3,  fä^tt  jutüd. 

O,  ttxirft  bu  tüol^r  gemefen  unb  gerabe, 

9lie  fam  e§  bal^in,  alles  ftünbe  anberS ! 
1195  6r  l^ätte  nid^t  ba§  ©d^redlic^e  getl^an, 

3)ie  ©Uten  l^ätten  fi'raft  bei  il^m  bel^olten, 

9lid^t  in  ber  ©d^Ied^ten  ©am  tüör'  er  gefallen. 

SBarüm  fo  l^eimlid^,  l^interliftig  lauernb, 

@Ieid^  einem  3)ieb  unb  S)iebeöl^elfer  fc^Ieic^en? 
1200  Unferge  galfd^^eit,  aJlutter  afleS  »öfen ! 

2)u  jammerbringenbe,  berberbeft  un§ ! 

SBal^rl^aftigfeit,  bie  reine,  l^ätt'  un§  alle, 

2)ie  mciterbaltenbe,  gerettet.    SBater ! 

3d^  lann  bid^  nid^t  entfd^ulbigen,  id^  lann'S  nid^t* 

246  WaUtn^eins  tLob 

1205  Der  ^crgog  ^a\  mic^  l^intergangen,  ^d)xtdl\ä), 
2)u  aber  l^aft  Diel  beffer  niiä^t  gel^anbelt. 


SWein  @ol|n,  od^,  iä)  bcrjci^c  bctnem  ©(i^mctj. 

ftci^t  ouf ,  betrac^iet  l^n  mit  smeifcr^aftcrf  »tidcn. 

-  Mcix'^möo^l\ä),mkx?   Sßütcr?   C)ätteftbii*5 
[  5Wit  SBorbcbai^t  bi§  bal^in  treiben  tDoHen? 
i2io'i2)u  fteigft  burd^  feinen  f^aJI.    Dctadio, 
^a§  tüiU  mir  ni(j^t  gefaflen. 

(Sott  im  C)immel ! 

SBel^  mir !    ^ä)  l^abe  bie  5lotur  öeränbert. 

SBie  lommt  ber  Slrgtool^n  in  bie  freie  ©eele? 

SSertrauen,  ©laube,  Hoffnung  ift  bal^in, 
,1215  'S:)mn  afle§  log  mir,  toa§  id^  l^od^gead^tet. 

9lein !    9iein !    5lid^t  atleö !    ©ie  ja  lebt  mir  nod^, 

Unb  fie  ift  maör  unb  lauter,  toie  ber  ^mmd. 

Setrug  ift  überall  unb  |)eu(3^elf(!^ein, 

Unb  9Jiorb  unb  ©ift  unb  9Keineib  unb  Serrat ; 
1220  2)er  einjig  reine  Ort  ift  unfre  Siebe, 

2)er  unentmei^te,  in  ber  5Wenf(J^lic^feit. 


9Kay,  folg'  mir  lieber  gleii^,  baö  ift  bod^  beffer» 

SQBa§?    Qi)'iä)  Slbfd^ieb  noc^  Don  i^r  genommen? 
2)en  legten?  —  5limmerme^r ! 

©rfpare  bir 
1225  2)ie  Qual  ber  Trennung,  ber  notmenbigen* 

gipeiter  ^uf3ug;' Siebenter  2Iuf tritt  247 

Äomnr  mit  mir !    ftomm,  mein  ©ol^n ! 

9Bia  i^n  f ortiie^en. 

5Rein.    ©o  toa^r  @ott  lebt ! 

Cctatlio  ^rtiiQenber. 

Äomm  mit  mir !    3d^  gebiete  bir'ö,  bein  SBater. 

©ebiete  mir,  tt)a§  menfd^Iid^  ift.    ^6)  bleibe. 

SWaj,  in  be§  ff oiferS  Flamen,  folge  mir ! 

1230  ftein  ßaifer  ffat  bem  C)ergen  öorsufc^reiben. 

Unb  millft  bu  mir  baS  ßinjige  no(^  rauben, 

SBaS  mir  mein  Unglüd  übrig  ließ,  il^r  SJlitleib? 

SWuft  groufom  anä)  ba§  ©raufame  gefd^el^n? 

®a3  Unabänberlid^e  foU  id^  nod^ 
123s  Unebel  tl^un;  mit  l^eimlici^  feiger  ?JIud^t, 

SBie  ein  Untüürbiger,  mid^  öon  il^r  ftel^Ien? 

©ie  foU  mein  Seiben  feigen,  meinen  ©d^merg, 

S)ie  ft  lagen  l^ören  ber  jerriffnen  ©eele 

Unb  Sl&ränett  um  mic^  meinen  —  O !  bie  9Jlenfc^en 
1240  ©inb  graufam,  aber  fie  ift  mie  ein  ßngel. 

©ie  mirb  Don  grä^Iid^  mütenber  SSerjmeiflung 

5)ie  ©eele  retten,  biefen  ©d^mers  beS  SobeS 

5Kit  fanften  Strofteömorten  tiagenb  löfen. 

S)u  reipeft  bid^  nid^t  Io§,  öermagft  e§  nid^t. 
1245  O  fomm,  mein  ©ol^n,  unb  rette  beine  3:uöenb ' 

SSerfd^menbe  beine  SEBorte  nid^t  bergebenS !  \ 

S)em  C^^rgen  folg'  id^,  benn  id^  barf  il^m  trauen. 

248  VOaUm^ems  (Eob 

jDctaHio  auBer  SfQJTung,  atttetnb* 

iaRajI   3Rail   SBenn  baS  entfe^H^  mid^  trifft 
SEBcnn  bu — mein  ©ol^n —  mein  etflneä  a3Iut — iä)  borf's 
i2so3l\ä)t  bcnicn  I  —  bici^  bem  ©d^nbli^n  bcrfauf p, 
^ic§  Sranbmal  aufbrüdft  unfctcS  C^aufcg  2lbcl, 
5)Qnn  foH  bic  SBclt  ba§  ©d^ouberl^aftc  fe^n, 
Unb  öon  beö  aSater§  Slutc  triefen  fott 
2)eS  ©ol^neS  ©tol^I  im  grä^Ud^en  ©efed^te. 

1255  D I  ^Qtteft  bu  Dom  SKenfd^en  beffer  ftets 
©ebad^t,  bu  ptteft  beffer  aud^  gel^anbelt. 
Sflud^tüürb'ger  Slrgtüo^u  I  Unglüdferger  Stoeifel  I 
es  ift  il^m  8fefte§  nici^tS  unb  UnöerrüdteS, 
Unb  alles  toanfet,  mo  ber  ©laube  fel^It. 

1260  Unb  trau*  id^  beinem  ^ergen  a\xä),  toirb'S  immer 
3n  beiner  2Kad^t  anä)  pelzen,  il^m  gu  folgen? 

S)u  l^ajl  beS  ^erjenS  ©timme  nid^t  begtoungen, 
@o  n)enig  ti)irb  ber  ^ergog  eS  vermögen* 

O  3)lai,  id^  fel^*  bid^  niemals  toieberfel^ren  I 

1265  Untoürbig  beiner  tt)irft  bu  nie  mi(^  fe^n. 

^ä)  gey  naci^  gfrauenberg,  bie  ^a^)})en]^eimer 
Saff'  id^  bir  l^ier,  aud^  Sotl^ringen,  3:oSlana 
Unb  Jiefenbad^  bleibt  ba,  iiä)  gu  bebeden. 
©ie  lieben  bici^  unb  pnb  bem  @ibe  treu, 
1270  Unb  toerben  lieber  tapfer  ftreitenb  fallen, 
^IS  t)on  bem  gfül^rer  mei^n  unb  ber  ßl^re. 

Stpetter  2luf3U3;  Siebenter  2Iuftritt  249 

SSerlafe  bid^  brauf,  id^  laffc  fed^tenb  l^ier 
®a§  Scben  ober  fül^re  fie  ou§  ^ilfen. 

9Hetn  ©ol^n,  leb'  tüol^I ! 


SBie?    ffeinenSlid 

1275  ®er  Siebe?   ßetnen  ^önbebrudE  jum  3lbfci^ieb? 

@§  tft  ein  bluf  get  ff  rieg,  in  ben  mir  gel^n, 

Unb  ungemt^,  öerJ^üKt  ift  ber  ßrfolg. 

©0  |)Pegten  mir  uns  t)ormaI§  nid^t  gu  trennen. 

äfft  e§  benn  toafjx?   ^ä)  l^abe  feinen  ©of)n  mel^r? 

fBtoi  fäOt  in  feine  ^rme,  fte  l^alten  einanber  lange  fc^n^etgenb  umfaßt,  bann  entfernen 

fte  fid^  nat^  toerft^iebenen  @eiten. 


Strittet  2(uf;u$« 

^aal  6ei  ber  ^ergogiu  üon  ^ciebtanh, 

(Erfter  2tuftritt. 

^)ltii  ter^fD.    Zfittla,    ^t&nttiu  \tou  Vttuhmuu^    Seite  le^tcttt  mit 

tütihmtn  ^xUittn  6ef(^Sfti0t 

1280  3^r  ^abt  mid;  nici^tö  gu  fragen,  St^cfla?   @ax  ntd^te? 

©^on  lange  tnarf  id^  auf  ein  28ort  t)on  eud^. 

fiönnt  \i)x'^  ertragen,  in  fo  langer  3ctt 

3l\ä)t  einmal  feinen  5lamen  auSjufpred^en? 

aßie?   Ober  mär'  id^  je^t  fd^on  überflüffig, 
1285  Unb  gab'  eö  anbre  SBege,  al§  burd^  mid^?  — 

©eftel^t  mir,  5lid^te.    $abt  il^r  il^n  gefel^n? 

Sd^  l^ab*  il^n  l^eut  unb  geftern  nid^t  gefel^n. 


9tud^  nid^t  öon  il^m  gel^ört?   Scrbergt  mir  ntd^tt« 

Äein  SBort. 


Unb  lönnt  fo  rul^ig  fein? 


dritter  2lttf3ug;  groeiter  2Iuftntt  251 

1290  aSctIaftt  uns,  9?cubrunn. 

tSrtäuIeln'toon  92eubtunn  entfernt  ^^ 

StDctter  2tuftrtth 

Gräfin.   %fitna. 

©ö  gefällt  mir  nid^t 
S)a^  er  ft(^  flrabe  je^t  fo  ftill  öer^ält. 


©erabe  je^t ! 

Oträfttt. . 

Slad^bem  er  alles  mei^ ! 
S)enn  je^o  mor'S  bie  Seit,  fid^  gu  erWären. 


©^)red^t  beutlid^r,  mettn  id^'s  öerpeJ^en  foH. 


1295  3n  biefer  Slbfid^t  fd^icff  id^  fie  l^intoeg. 

3]^r  feib  fein  ftinb  mel^r,  Stl^ella.    @uer  $erg 
SP  tnünbig,  benn  il^r  liebt  unb  lü^tter  aJlut 
3ji  bei  ber  Siebe.    S)en  l^abt  tl^r  bemiefen. 
^ffx  artet  tnel^r  mä)  eures  SaterS  ©eift, 

1300  Slls  nad^  ber  aJlutter  i^rem.    2)arum  !önnt  il^r  l&ören, 
SSJaS  f  ie  ni(^t  fällig  ift  gu  tragen* 

3d^  bitt*  eu(^,  enbet  biefe  Vorbereitung. 
@et'S  koaS  ed  fei.    ^erauS  bamit !   @S  lann 

252  VOaUtn^tins  tLob 

^iä)  mti)x  nid^t  ängfttgcn,  aU  bicfct  gingatifl. 
1305  S3aö  ffobt  H)x  mir  gu  fagcu?   ga^t  c§  luig, 

3§t  mü^t  nur  nid^t  erfd^rcden  — 

6§  ftcl^t  bei  cud^,  bcm  SJater  einen  großen  ®ten|l 

3u  Ictjien  — 


S3et  m  i  r  ftünbe  baS !    SBaö  lann  - 

2Raj  ^iccolomini  liebt  tnä).    ^^x  Bnnt 
1310  31&n  unauflöSlid^  an  ben  SBater  binben. 

Sraud^f 3  bogu  meiner?   3p  er  eS  nid^t  fd^on? 

6r  toar'S. 

Unb  warum  \oW  er'3  nid^t  mel^r  fein, 
9»d&t  immer  bleiben? 


Sud^  am  jtaifer  l^ängt  er. 

3lx^t  mel^r,  aU  .^flid^t  unb  @]^re  Don  il^m  f obenu 


1315  38on  feiner  Siebe  fobert  man  Semeife 

Unb  ni(^t  Don  feiner  ^l^re  —  ^flid^t  unb  6IJre  I 
S)aS  fmb  öielbeutig  bo^)^)eIfinn'ge  5Ramen, 
3]^r  foHt  fie  il^m  auslegen,  feine  Siebe 
©oll  (eine  6l&re  i^m  erllären. 

Dritter  ^ufsug ;  ^weitet  2Inftritt  Ö53 


1320  @r  foü  bem  ^aifer  ober  eud^  cntfagcn. 


@r  tüirb  ben  Sater  ö^tn  in  beu  ^riöatftanb 
Scgietten.    ^f)x  öcrnal^ntt  eS  öon  il^m  fclbft, 
2Bie  fel^r  er  lüünfd^t,  bie  SEBaffen  tüegjulegen. 

6r  foü  fie  nid^t  toegleflen,  ift  bie  SWeinung, 
1325  @r  fott  fie  für  ben  SSatcr  jiel^n. 


©ein  S3lut, 

©ein  Seben  mirb  er  für  ben  SBoter  freubig 
SBermenben,  menn  il^m  Unglimpf  miberfül^rc. 

3]^r  tooüt  mid^  nic^t  erroten  —  9?un,  fo  l^ört. 
2)er  SSater  ift  öom  ffaifer  abgefallen, 
1330  ©tel^t  im  Segriff,  fici^  ju  bem  Q^^inb  ju  f dalagen 
Wxt  famt  bem  ganjen  4)eer  — 


D  meine  9Rutter ! 

6S  brandet  ein  gro^eö  S3eif|)ie(,  bie  9lrmee 
3f]^m  nad^iujiel^n.    SDie  ^iccolomini 
©tel^n  bei  bem  ^tn  in  Slnfe^n ;  fie  bel^errfd^en  \ 
133s  2)i^  9Keinung,  unb  entfd^eibenb  ift  i^r  SSprgang. 
2)eö  SSaterg  finb  mir  fidler  burd^  ben  ©ol^n  —   / 
—  ^f)x  l^abt  je^t  Diel  in  eurer  ^anb. 

O  iammeröoüe  SRutter !    SSJeld^er  ©treid^  be§  SEobeS 
6rtt)artet  bid& !  —  ©ie  toirb'ö  nid^t  überleben. 

254  IPaOenfletns  (Eo6 

1340  ©ie  toirb  in  bü3  Slottoenbige  \\ä)  fügen. 

3(3^  !enne  fic  —  ba§  Sfemc,  künftige  beängfiigt 
Sl^r  f ürd^tenb  ^erj ;  mag  unabänberlid^ 
Unb  tüirflic^  ba  ift,  trägt  fte  mit  Ergebung. 


D  meine  aJ^rtungSboUe  ©eele  —  3e|jt  — 
1345  Sejt  ift  fie  ba,  bie  falte  ©d^edenSI&anb, 
S)ie  in  mein  fröl^Iid^  hoffen  fd^aubernb  greift. 
^ä)  toufef  eS  tüol^I  —  D  gleid^,  alä  id^  ^ier  eintrot, 
SSciöfagte  mtr'§  ba§  bange  SJorgefü^I, 
S)a6  über  mir  bie  UnglüdSfteme  ftünben  — 
1350  S)od^  marum  benF  \ä)  jeljt  guerft  an  mid^  — 
D  meine  SWutter !  meine  3Kutter ! 


gfa^t  tnif. 

Sred^t  ni(i^t  in  eitle  jtlagen  au§.    Sr^altet 
2)em  SSater  einen  Sreunb,  tnä)  ben  ©eliebten, 
©0  tann  ntkSf  adeS  gut  unb  glüdiid^  merben. 

1355  ®ut  merben !    S3Ba§?   SBir  jinb  getrennt  auf  immer! 
"ää),  bat)on  ift  nun  gar  nid^t  me^r  bie  9lebe« 

@r  lö^t  eud^  nic^t !    @r  tann  nid^t  Don  eud^  lajfen. 

O  ber  Unglüd (id^ ! 

SBenn  er  eud^  mirtlid^  liebt,  mtrb  fein  Sntfd^Iu| 
1360  ©efd^minb  gefaxt  fein. 

©ein  Sntfd^Iu^  toirb  bolb 

Dritter  2luf3ug ;  Dritter  2Iuf tritt  255 

©cfafet  fein,  batan  giocifelt  nid^t.    gntfd^Iufe  I 
3[t  ^ier  nod^  ein  gntfd^Iufe? 


3fa^t  eud^.    ^d)  fföxt 
Sie  aJlutter  nal^n. 


aSie  toerb'  id^  il^ren  Slnblid 




Dritter  2tuftrttt. 

^er^ogin  aur  (»mn. 

©d^me|ter,  mer  toax  f)\tx? 
«365  3^  ]^örte  lebl^aft  teben. 


6§  mar  ntemanb» 


^(!^  bin  fo  f(i^re(f]^aft.    3febeg  SRoufd^en  fünbiflt  mir, 

2)cn  fSfufetritt  eine§  Unglücföboten  an. 

ftönnt  i^r  mir  fügen,  ©c^mefter,  mie  eö  ftel^t? 

SBirb  er  bem  ftaifcr  feinen  SBiüen  tljun, 

1370  S)em  ftarbinal  bie  SReiter  fenben?   ©preci^t, 

^at  er  ben  Queftenberg  mit  einer  guten 

Slntmort  entia  jf  en  ? 


—  9iein,  bog  ffat  er  nid^t* 

O  bann  ift'S  aus  1   ^^  \tf)'  ba§  trgfte  lommen... 

256  WaUenfitxns  (Cob 

©ic  foerben  il^n  abfegen ;  e§  mirb  aUe^  lüicber 
1375  ©0  toerben,  mie  ju  SRegenSpurg. 

©0  mirb'S 
9li(i^t  metbcn.    5)icgmal  ntc^t.    ^afür  fetb  rul^ig. 

3:i6efla,  luftig  betvegt,  ftürjt  auf  bie  9Rutt<r  ^u  unb  fd^Tteftt  fte  metnenb  in  bte  Stvt- 

it)  bcr  unbcugfam  imbcjäl^mtc  9Kttnn ! 
I  SBq§  l^ab'  i(i^  nici^t  getragen  unb  gelitten 
|3in  biefer  6^e  unglücföbollem  Sunb ! 

1380  ^enn  gteid^  mie  on.ein  feurig  9iab  gefeffelt, 
3)aä  raftloS  eilenb,  emig,  l^eftig  treibt, 
^xaä)t*  \ä)  ein  ongjtboß  Seben  mit  il^m  ju, 
Unb  ftet§  an  jeine^  2lbgrunb§  jäl^em  9ia..i)e 
©turjbrol^enb,  fd^minbelnb  riß  er  mxä)  ba^in. 

1385  —  9lein,  meine  nici^t,  mein  ffinb.    Safe  bir  mein  ficiW 
3u  tetner  böfen  SSorbebeutung  merben, 
2)en  ©tanb,  ber  ixä)  ermartet,  nic^t  iierleibcn. 
@5  lebt  lein  gmeiter  ?JricbIanb ;  bu,  mein  ftinb, 
^aft  beiner  5Ölutter  ©d^idfal  nic^t  gu  fürd^ten. 

1390  D  löffen  ©ie  un§  fliel^en,  liebe  SWutter ! 

©(^neü!    ©(J^neU!    C)ier  ift  fein  2lufent^alt  für  un5. 
3febmebe  näd^ftc  ©tunbe  brütet  irgenb 
6in  neues,  ungel^eureS  ©d^rccfbilb  auS. 


S)ir  tt)irb  ein  ruI^igereS  2o§ !  —  9lud^  »Ir, 
139s  3c^  unb  bein  SSater,  fallen  fd^öne  Stage; 
2)er  erften  Saläre  benf  iä)  nod^  mit  Sufl. 
5)a  toar  er  nod^  ber  f röl^fici^  ©trebenbe, 
©ein  ß^rgeig  mar  ein  milb  ermärmenb  Qfcucr, 
3loä)  ntd^  bie  glömme,  bie  ^erjel^renb  raft.  . .  , 

Dritter  2Iuf3ug ;  Dritter  2luftritt  25? 

[400  3)er  ffaifer  liebte  il^n,  vertraute  il^m, 

Unb  tuaö  et  anfing,  ba§  mufef  t^m  geraten. 
%oä)  feit  bem  UnglUdStag  gu  9le8en§t)utg, 
3)er  il^h  t)on  feiner  C)öt|'  i^erunterftürste, 
3ft  ein  unflcter,  ungefeü'ger  ®eip 

1405  ^rgmö^nifd^,  finfter,  über  il^n  gefommen. 
3^n  flo^  bie  Slu^e,  unb,  bem  alten  ©lud, 
3)er  eignen  ftraft  nid^t  fröl^Iid^  mel^r  öertrauenb, 
SBanbt'  er  fein  ^erj  ben  bunfeln  fünften  gu, 
S)ie  feinen,  ber  fie  ^)flegte,  nod^  beglüdt* 

14 10  ^f)x  \tf)t'^  mit  euren  2lugen  —  Slber  iji 
S)aä  ein  ©efpröd^,  momit  tüir  il^n  ermarten? 
6r  mirb  balb  ^ier  fein,  toifet  il^r.    ©oU  er  f  te 
3n  biefem  Suftanb  finben? 

ftomm,  mein  Stinh. 
a33if(^  beine  Jl^ränen  ab.    3eig'  beinern  SSater 

1415  @in  l^eitreg  Slntli^  —  ©iel^,  bie  ©d^Ieife  l^ier 
3fft  Io§  —  SDieö  ^aar  muß  aufgebunben  lücrben« 
ftomm,  trodne  beine  Stl^ränen.    ©ie  entftellen 
2)ein  l^olbes  Sluge  —  SEBaä  id^  fagen  lüoKte  ? 
3a,  biefer  ^iccolomini  ift  hoä) 

1420  6in  lüürb'ger  ßbefmann  unb  öott  SSerbienft. 


S)aS  ijl  er,  ©d^toefter, 

Xf^ttla  sur  Gräfin,  beängftigt. 

3:ante,  lüoDt  il^r  mi(ä^ 
@ntf  c^ulbigen  ?  ma  eeien. 

SBo^in?   S)er  SJater  fommt.- 

258  VOaUcnfttxns  (Eob 

^ä)  fann  il^n  je^t  nid^t  fel^n. 

@r  tDtrb  eud^  ober 
SSermiffen,  nad^  cud^  fragen. 


SEBarum  gel^t  fie? 

1425  @ä  ift  mir  unerträgliiä^,  i^n  gu  fcl^n. 
3§r  ift  tti(^t  lüo^I. 

^eraogitt  beforgt 

aSaS  fe^lt  bcm  lieben  ftinbe? 

fbtiU  folgen  bim  ^rSuIein  unb  finb  bef(^äftigt,  fte  surütf su^attcn.    KBaOenlflr 

cifc^eint,  im  ®ef))iä(^  mit  I^Oo. 


Dierter  auftritt. 


68  ijl  nod^  ftiD  im  Säger? 


Smtoenifl  ©tunben  lann  bic  3lai)xxä)t  bo  fein 
9luS  ^rag,  bafe  biefe  ^au|)tftabt  unfer  ifl. 
1430  5)ann  fönnen  mir  bie  SKoSte  öon  un§  toerfen, 
S)en  l^iefigen  Struppen  ben  get^anen  ©d^ritt 
Sugleic^  mit  bem  ßrfolg  gu  miffen  t^mu 
'   3n  fold^en  gaHen  tl^ut  baöjBeifpiel  aM. 
2)er  SRinfc^  ift  ein  naii^al^menbed  ®ef(^ö|rf. 

Dritter  ^lufsug ;  IMerter  2(uftritt  259 

1435  Unb  lüct  bcr  aSorbcrfte  ift,  fü^tt  bic  ©erbe. 
S)tc  fraget  Gruppen  toiffen  e§  nxä)i  anberö, 
9llö  bap  bic  ^ilfner  SSöIfct  un§  ge^ulbigt, 
Unb  l^icr  in  ^ilfen  foflcn  fie  un§  fd^tüörcn, 
SBcil  man  ju  ^tag  ba§  Seifpicl  l^at  gegeben^ 

1440  —  2)er  Sutticr,  fagft  bu,  f)at  \xä)  nun  erflött? 

SluS  freiem  SErieb,  unaufgcf otbert  fam  er, 
©i^  felbft,  fein  Regiment  bir  onjubteten. 


3lxä^t  ieber  ©timme,  finb'  i^  ift  ju  glauben, 

3)ie  toatnenb  fi^  im  ©etsen  löpt  öernel^men» 
1445  Unö  ju  berücfen,  borgt  ber  Sügengetft 

3la(f)af)mm\>  oft  bie  Stimme  t)on  ber  SBal^rl^eit 

Unb  ftreut  betrüglid^e  Drafel  au§. 

©0  i^ab'  \6)  biefem  tt)ürbig  braden  OTann, 

3)em  Suttler,  ftilleS  Unrecht  abgubitten ; 
1450  3)enn  ein  ©efül^I,  befe  xä)  nii^t  SKeifter  bin, 

tJurd^t  mö(^t'  id^'ö  nid^t  gern  nennen,  übcrfd^Ieid^t 

3n  feiner  Släl^e  fd^aubernb  mir  bie  ©inne, 

Unb  l^emmt  ber  Siebe  freubige  SJeioegung. 

Unb  biefer  ateblid^e,  bor  bem  ber  ®eift 
'455  3Jli^  toarnt,  xüä)t  mir  ba§  erfte  ^fanb  be§  ®lüi^. 

Unb  fein  gead^tet  Seifpiel,  jtoeifle  nii^t, 
SBirb  bir  bie  SJeften  in  bem  ^eergeioinnen^ 

3[e|t  gel^  unb  fd^idf'  mir  Qkxä)  ben  3ffoIan 
©iel^er,  xä)  f)aV  i^n  mir  noc^  jüngft  berpflii^tet.. 
1460  äßit  il^m  tt)ifl  xä)  ben  Slnfang  mad^en.    @e^ ! 

'^Üo^t^t  $inau9 ;  unterbeffen  finb  bie  übrigen  toieber  bortoärt^  gefommen. 

260  .IPaüenfleins  Zob 

©tcl^  ba,  bie  SRuttcr  mit  bct  lieben  %oi^ttx  l 
2Bir  toollen  einmal  t)on  ©ef^f ten  tu^n  — 
ßommt !   SRid^  Detlangte,  eine  l^eitte  ©tunbe 
3fm  lieben  Ätei§  bet  SReinen  ju  Derieben. 

1465  SSit  tt)aten  lang'  ni(3^t  fo  beifammen,  SJtuber. 

^aUtn^ttin  bei  @eite,  »ur  Gräfin. 

Äann  fie'5  betnel^men?  3ft  fie  botbeteitct? 

3loä)  ni^t. 


ßomm  l^er,  mein  SRöbci^n  I  ©ej'  bid^  ju  mit ; 

@§  ift  ein  guter  ®eift  auf  beinen  fiip})en, 

®ie  9Kutter  l^at  mir  beine  ^ertigfeit 

1470  ©epriefen,  eö  foB  eine  jarte  ©timme 

®eö  2BoPaut§  in  bir  ttjol^nen,  bie  bie  ©eele 

Sejaubert.    @ine  fold^e  Stimme  braud^' 

^ä)  jefet,  ben  böfen  ®ämon  ju  bertreiben, 

®er  um  mein  ^aupt  bie  fd^iüarjen  Slügel  fd^Iägt 


1475  2Bo  l^aft  bu  beine  3^*1^^,  Stielte?   Äomm. 

Safe  beinem  SBater  eine  ^robe  l^ören 

SSon  beiner  ßunft. 


D  meine  SRutter!   ®ottI 


ftomm,  Stl^ella,  unb  erfreue  beinen  SSater. 


Sd^  fann  nid^t,  9Ruttcr.— . 


Sie?   aBa§  4(t  ba«,  5li*te? 

Dritter  ^Ttifaug ;  Ptertef  2(uftrttt  261 

Si|ena  8ur(Br&fin. 

1480  SBctfd^ont  m^  —  ©ingen !  —  je^t  in  bicfet  Slngff 
3)ct  fd^toctbclabncn  ©eclc  --  bot  il^tn  fingen  — 
S)cr  meine  9Muttet  ftürjt  in§  ®ta6 !  _^ 

SBie,  Stl^eflo,  Saunen?   ©oHbein  gütiger  SBatet 
Sergebli^  einen  SBunf d^  geäußert  l^aben  ? 

1485  ^ier  ift  bie  3^^^^* 

D  mein  ®ott  —  SBie  lonn  iä)  — 

4^&(t  hai  ^nftrument  mit  iittember  l^anb ;  ifyct  @ee(e  arbeitet  im  i^eftigften 

ftam)>f,  unb  im  ttugenblid,  ba  fie  aitfangen  foU,  au  fingen,  fd^aubert  fte  in» 

fämmen,  koirft  bas  3nfttument  toeg  unb  ge^t  fd^neU  ab. 

3Wein  ftinb  —  0,  fie  ift  f ranf ! 

aSaS  ijl  bem  2Räbd^en?   pflegt  fie  fo  ju  fein? 


5lun,  toeil  fte  e§  benn  felbft  betrat,  fo  tt)ill 
3l\xä)  xä)  nid^t  länget  fc^meigen. 



©ie  liebt  il^m 

1490  Siebt!    SBen? 


S)en  ^iccolomini  liebt  fie. 

^ofl  bu  e§  nid^t  bemetft?   2)ie  ©(ä^meftet  oud^  ni^t? 


O  mar  e§'bie§,  toaS  il^t  ba§  ^tj  bellemmte  l 

262  rDaUcnjIeins  (Eob 

©Ott  fcgne  Vxä),  mein  ff inb !   ®u  batffl 
^xä)  bcincr  SQBal&I  nid^t  fd^ämcn. 


3)iefc  »eifc  — 

1495  2Bcnn*§  bcinc  W)[xä)t  nxä)i  gctocfcn,  \ä)xexV^ 
SDir  fclbcr  gu.    2)u  l^ättcft  einen  anbern 
Segleiter  M^kn  foHen  I 


2Betfe  er'§? 


@r  l^op  fte  ju  befi Jen. 



.  ©ie  ju  beplen  —  3ft  bet  ^nnge  toü? 


1500  9lun  mag  fie'ö  felbet  l^öten ! 


2)ie  ^rieblftnbettn 
35ettlt  et  babon  ju  tragen?   9lun !    2)er  Sinfatt 
©efäüt  mir !   3)ie  ©ebanfen  ftel^en  il^m  nid^t  niebrig. 


SQBeil  bu  fo  biete  @unjl  il^m  ftet§  bejeugt, 

©0  — 


SQBifl  er  mid^  aud^  enbUc^  nod^  beerben* 

1505  5lun  ja !   ^ä)  lieb'  il^n,  ffaW  il^n  mxt ;  ma§  aber 

^at  baö  mit  meiner  2:o(^ter  ^anb  ju  fd^affen? 

©inb  eö  bie  3:öd^ter,  [inb'S  bie  einjagen  ftinber, 

SQBomit  man  feine  ®un[t  bezeugt? 

©ein  abeliger  ©inn  unb  feine  ©itten  — . . 

Dritter  2lnf3Mcj;  Diertcr  :iuftritt  268 

15 lo  gttüctben  il^m  mein  ^etj,  nii^t  meine  2o(i^ter^  . 

©ein  ©tonb  unb  feine  9l^nen  —  ,J'' 

Sßoflettftettt.  .r  '^ 

3I^nen!    2Ba§I 

6r  ift  ein  Untettl^an,  unb  meinen  ©ibam^^*^'-'^'^'''^' 
SQBiü  iä)  mit  auf  @utopen§  Sl^ronen  fui^en. 

D  liebet  C^^i^Jöfl  I    ©tteben  ton  nt(3^t  allgu^od^    ( 
151 5  €>^uauf,  ba^  mit  ju  tief  ni(i^t  fallen  mögen. 


8ie§  xä)  mit'ö  fo  biel  f often,  in  bie  ^bff 

3u  lommen,  übet  bie  gemeinen  Rauptet 

®et  SRenfd^en  megjutagen,  um  julefet 

®ie  SebenStoße  mit  g^meinet 
J520  aSetioanbtfd^aft  ju  bef(3^Uefeen?   ^ab'  id^  batum  — 

$Iö^(i(^  plt  er  inne,  fid^  faffenb. 

©ie  ift  ba§  Sinnige,  tt)a§  t)on  mit  nai^bleibt 

Sluf  6tben;  eine  Ätone  tt)itt  iä)  fe^n 
■l     Sluf  il^tem  Raupte  obet  mill  nid^t  leben. 

Sffiag?  3lfle§  —  alle^  fefe'  id^  btan,  um  f  ie 
1525  ated^t  gtofe  ju  mad^en  —  ja,  in  bet  3Winute, 

SQBotin  toit  fpted^en  — 

er  öcjlnnt  ft(§. 

Unb  id^  foßte  nun, 
SBie  ein  »eid^l^etj'get  5ßatet,  tt)a§  fid^  getn  l^at 
Unb  liebt,  fein  bütgetlid^  juf ammengeben  ? 
Unb  je^t  foB  id^  baS  tl^un,  je^t  eben,  ba  id^ 
1530  Stuf  mein  DoBenbet  SQBetf  ben  ßtanj  lüifl  fe^en  — 
9lein,  fie  ift  mit  ein  langgefpatteS  ff  leinob, 
S)ie  l^öd^fte,  le^te  9Wünje  meines  ®ä)ai^t^, 

264  IPallcnftcins  Cob 

9li(]^t  ntebtiget  fürtüal^r  gcbcnl'  t^  jtc 
2tl§  um  ein  ff önigsfccptcr  loöguf^lagen — 


1535  D  tneiu  ©cmal^I!   ©icj  bauen  immer,  bauen 
Siö  in  bie  SQBoIfen,  bauen  fort  unb  fort 
Unb  benfen  nid^t  bran,  ba|  ber  fd^male  ®runb 
S)a§  f (^tt)inbelnb  fd^manle  SSerf  nid^t  tragen  lann. 

^aUtnfitia  m  (Bräfin. 

taft  bu  il^r  angelünbigt,  meldten  SSol^npl 
ä)  \f)x  beftimmt? 

^oä)  nid^t.    entbecff S  i^r  felbfl. 


SBie?   ©el^en  mir  naä)  ftämtl^en  nid^t  jurüdf? 


Ober  fonft  auf  leinet  ^l^rer  ®üter? 


©ie  tt)ürben  bort  nid^t  fieser  fein. 


5ttid^t  ftc^r 

3n  ffaifer§  Sonben,  unter  ffaiferS  @d^u|? 


1545  2)en  l^at  beö  QfrieblanbS  (Sattin  nid^t  ju  l^offen. 

D  ©Ott,  bis  bal^in  l^aben  ©ie'8  gebrad^tl 


3n  ^oflanb  »erben  Sie  ©d^u^  finben. 


Sie  fenben  unö  in  lut^erifd^e  Sänber? 

Dritter  2luf3ug ;  fünfter  :iuftritt  265 

2)ct  ^nioq  ^rang  ton  Sauenburg  lütrb  3il^r 
1550  ©eleitSmann  ha^xn  fein. 

Sber  Sauenburget? 
3)er*S  mit  bem  ©d^weben  l^ält,  be§  ßaiferö  S^einb? 

3)e5  ftotfetS  Q^einbe  fmb  bie  meinen  ni(3^t  mel^r. 


fie^t  ben  ^etjog  unb  bie  ©räfitt  fc^retfenSOoII  an. 

3|i'5  alfo  ma^r?   g§  ift?   ©ie  finb  gcftürgt? 
©inb  bom  ffommanbo  abgefefet?   D  ®ott 
155s  3ni  ©immel! 

@tafitt  feittDörtd  sunt  ^exio^, 

Saffen  toir  fie  bei  bem  ©tauben* 
5)u  fiel&fi,  bap  fie  bie  Sffial^rl^eit  ni(3^t  ertrüge. 

fünfter  2tuftrttt. 

®raf  Sersn».    Vorige. 

2erj!^!    SQBaSifti^m?   Beld^eS  Silb  be§  ©(3^tecfen§, 
Stfö  l&ätf  er  ein  ©efpenft  gefe^n ! 

iCSaHenftein  bei  Seite  ftt^enb,  l^eimtit^. 

31^3  bein  Sefe^l  baft  bie  ftroaten  reiten  ? 

15^  3S^  toei^  t)on  nid^ts. 


SBtr  finb  berraten  I 

266  XVaütnftexns  €ob 

©ie  finb  babon,  l^cut  mä)t,  bic  Söget  au(j^, 
Scer  [teilen  aBc  3)ötfer  in  ber  SRunbc. 


Unb  3foIan? 

3)cn  ]^a|i  bu  jo  t)crf(]^t(ft. 


5Rid^t?    S)u  ^oft  i^n  nid^t  bcrfd^idt?   9lud^m(^l 
1565  S)cn  3)cobat?   ©tc  finb  öerfd^munbcn  bcibc. 

Sec^fter  Jluftritt 

^at  bir  ber  2:erjl^  — 


6r  »cife  aUeö. 

ßolalto,  ftauni^  V\ä)  üerlafjen?  — 

Teufel  l 

aBattetiftettt  minet. 

Dritter  Olufjug ;  Sc^jler  :inftrttt  267 


l§at  fie  tooit  toettem  Sngfttid^  beoi^ac^tet,  tritt  ^inju. 

Serjl^!    ©Ott!    SOBoö  fliebt^ö?    SBa§  ift  gef d^c^n ? 

^attettfteitt  im  »egriff,  aufjubretl^ett. 

1570  IRid^tö  I   fiofet  unö  gelten* 

6§  ift  nid^ts,  Sl^ercfc. 

iJltd^tg?   ©e^'  id^  nid^t,  baft  aM  Scbcnöblul 

2lu§  euren  getfterbleid^en  SBangen  toid^, 

®o|  fclbft  bct  ©ruber  S^affutig  nur  erlünftelt? 

$age  fommt. 

6in  Slbjutant  fragt  nad^  beut  (Srofen  SEerjI^. 

^16.    ^erat^  folgt  bem  ^agett. 

1 575  ^ox\  ma§  er  bringt  —  iu  sao  3)a§  !onnte  nxd)i  f 0  l^eimltd^ 
©efd^el^en  ol^ne  SReuterei  —  SBer  l^ol 
2)ie  3&aä)t  an  ben  2:i^oren? 

Sa^  Sliefenbad^  ablöfen  unöerjüglid^ 
Unb  2:erjl^§  ©renabiere  auf jiel^n  —  ^öre  I 
1580  ^aft  bu  t)on  Suttlern  ffunbf(3^aft? 


aSuttlern  traf  \ify. 

®Uxä)  ip  er  fetter  l^ier.    ®er  l^ält  bir  feft. 

300  ge^t.  ^aUenftein  toiU  i^m  folgen. 


Sap  il^n  nid^t  öon  bir,  ©d^mefter !    ^alt'  il^n  auf  — 
6S  ift  ein  Unglücf  — 

268  VOaütn^e'xns  (Eob 

©toper  ©Ott!    S8a§ijl'g? 

SBaKettfieitt  ertoe^rt  ftd^  il^rer. 

©cib  ru^ig !    Safet  mtc^ !    ©d^mcjicr !    Siebet  SBci.b, 
1585  SBir  finb  im  Sager !    S)a  ift'§  nun  nic^t  anberS, 
2)a  mcci^feln  ©türm  unb  ©onncnfd^cin  gcfd^tüinb, 
©ddtocr  lettfen  fid^  bie  j^eftigcn  ©cmüter, 
Unb  Stulpe  nie  beglürft  be§  S^ül^rcrS  ^oupt— 
Söenn  id)  fofl  bleiben,  gel^t !    2)enn  übel  ftimtht 
1590  Scr  SBeiber  ff  läge  ju  bem  Stl^un  ber  3Jlänner. 

@T  Iota  gelten.    Xerjft)  lommt  ^urüd. 

SIeib'  i^ier.    9Son  biefem  fjenfter  mufe  man'ä  fel^n. 

SBattettfteiti  aur  o^iäfin. 
@e^t,  ©(i^toefter !  ^ 

SRimmermel^r  I 


filiert  fte  bei  @eite,  mit  einem  bebeutenben  SBittt  auf  bie  ^^er^ogiiu 

ft/imm^  Bd^tDefter,  koeil  et  eiS  befiel^lt. 

Dritter  :iuf3U9 ;  Siebenter  auftritt  269 

Siebenter  2tuftritt. 

föaffettfteilt  an9  Srenfter  tretenb. 


6§  ifl  ein  aiennen  unb  3ufanimenlauf cn 
1595  Sei  allen  %x\xpptn.    Sliemanb  wei^  bie  Urfa(ä^'. 

®e]&eimni§boII,  mit  einer  finftem  ©tille, 

©teilt  j[ebe§  6orp§  \\(i)  unter  feine  Qfal^nen, 

3)ie  2:iefen6a(^er  ntad^en  Böfe  SRienen, 

3lnx  bie  SBaHonen  ftel^en  abgefonbert 
n6oo  3n  i^rem  fiager,  laffen  niemanb  gu 

Unb  leiten  ftd^  ö^f^jt  fo  toie  fie  t)fleflcn* 


3eiflt  ^ßiccolomini  fid^  unter  il&nen? 

3Jlan  \\xäft  x^n,  er  ift  nirgenbs  onjutreffen. 

SBqö  überbrachte  benn  ber  Stbjutant? 

1605  3]^n  fd^icften  meine  Äegimenter  ab, 

©ie  fiä^mören  noci^mals  Streue  bir,  erwarten 
»öD  Äriege^Iuft  ben  Stuf  ruf  gum  ®ef  ed^te. 

SBie  aber  fam  ber  Särmen  in  ba§  Säger? 
@S  fönte  ja  bem  ©eer  derfd^miegen  bleiben, 

1610  Sis  fid^  ju  ^rog  baS  ©lücf  für  un§  entfd^ieben. 

O  ba^  bu  mir  geglaubt !   3loä)  geftern  abenb« 
Sefd^tt)uren  toir  bid^,  ben  Dctaüio, 

270  rDaücnflcins  tfob 

SDen  Bä)kxä)tx,  au§  ben  Jl^orcn  nid^t  gu  lofjcn ; 
2)u  gabft  bic  ^fcrbc  felbcr  \f)m  jut  3^Iu(3^t  — 


1615  2)a§  alte  Sieb !    @tnmal  für  aücmal, 

3tx6)t^  mtf)x  don  biefcm  t^örid^tcn  SJerbad^t ! 

SDcm  Sfolani  l^aft  bu  anä)  getraut, 
Unb  lüar  ber  6r[te  hoä),  ber  bid^  öerliep. 


3^  jog  il^n  gejiern  erft  ou§  feinem  @Ienb. 
1620  ga^r'  l^in !   ^ä)  f)aV  auf  2)anf  ja  nie  gered^net. 

Unb  fo  pnb  aße,  einer  loie  ber  anbre. 

Unb  tl^ut  er  Unre(3^t,  bafe  er  don  mir  gel^t? 
6r  folgt  bem  ®ott,  bem  er  fein  Seben  lang 
3tm  ©pieltifd^  l^at  gebient.  -  9Kit  meinem  ©lüde 

1625  (Bä)lo^  er  ben  Sunb  unb  brid^t  i^n,  ntd^t  mit  mir. 
SBar  id^  il^m,  toaö  er  m  ir?    3)a§  ©d^iff  nur  bin  idfi, 
9luf  baö  er  feine  Hoffnung  l^at  gelaben, 
9Kit  bem  er  tool^Igemut  ba§  freie  9Keer 
S)urc^fegelte ;  er  fielet  e§  über  flippen 

1630  ©efäl^rlid^  geljn  unb  rettet  fd^nefl  bie  SBare^^.^:^^ 
Seid^t,  tt)ie  ber  SSogel  don  bem  toirtbaren  Stt^rffl^f 
SBo  er  geniftet,  fliegt  er  don  mir  auf, 
Äein  menfd^Iid^  Sanb  ift  unter  un§  jerriffen. 
3a,  ber  derbient,  betrogen  \\^  ju  fel^n, 

1635  S)er  ©erg  gefud^t  bei  bem  (Sebanlenlofen ! 
9)Jit  fd^neß  derlöfd^ten  3ügen  fd^reiben  fid^ 
SDeS  SebenS  Silber  auf  bie  glatte  ©tirne, 
5»id6tS  faßt  in  eine§  SufenS  fiiflen  ®runb, 

Dritter  :iuf3U9;  2Ic^tcr  :iuftrttt  271 

gin  muntrer  ©inn  beiregt  bie  leidsten  ©äfte;  •'""   "" 
1640  S)od^  feine  ©eele  mörmt  baö  ßingemeibe» 

2)od^  m'6ä)i'  \ä)  mi(3^  ben  glatten  ©tirnen  liebet, 
9n§  jenen  tiefgefurd^ten  anvertrauen. 

2td?ter  2tuftritt. 

SBaKetifteiti.    Xivft%    ^üo  tommt  toütenb. 

Serrot  unb  5Keuterei ! 

^a !  tt3a§  nun  njieber? 

2)ie  Siefenbad^er,  al§  i^  bie  Orbre  gab, 
1645  ©ic  abgulöfen  —  ^flid^tbergeffne  ©d^elmcn ! 


SBa§  benn? 

©ie  öertoeigern  ben  ©e^orfam* 

©0  lafe  jie  nieberf(3^te^en !   D  gieb  Orbre ! 

(Seiaffen !    SBeld^e  Urfad^'  geben  fie? 

ftein  anbter  fonft  l^ab'  il^nen  ju  befel^Ien, 
1650  9Iis  ©eneraüeutnant  ^iccolomini. 

272  maHenfteirts  (Eob 

aOBaS  — aSieiftbag? 

©0  "SfaV  cr*§  J^interloRcn 
Unb  etgcnpnbig  porgcjcigt  t)om  ft aifct. 

SSom  ff aifer  —  C)örft  W^,  gürfl ! 

2luf  feinen  antrieb 
©inb  geftern  aud|  bie  Oberfien  entmi(i^n,' 


»655  C)örftbu'§! 

9lud^  9)lontecucuü,  ßoroffa 
Unb  nod^  \tS)^  ortbre  ©enetole  »erben 
Sermifet,  bie  et  bereb't  f)ai,  il^m  ju  folgen. 
®a§  l^ab'  er  aßeS  f(]^on  feit  lange  f(]^riftlid^ 
Sei  fid^  gel^abt  t)om  ftaifer  unb  no(^  lüngft 
i66o  6rft  abgerebet  mit  bem  Oueftenberger. 

SSaHenftein  ftnft  auf  einen  @tu^t  unb  toer^üHt  ftd^  baS  Qkfi^t 

O  l^ätteft  bu  mir  bo$  geglaubt ! 

neunter  2tuftrttt* 

OviHn.    Smrige. 

^ä)  lann  bie  ?tngft  —  x^  lann'ö  nid^t  länget  tragen. 
Um  ©otteSmlKen,  fügt  mir,  tpaS  es  ift. 

Dritter  Jlnfaug ;  Iteunter  ^luftritt  273 

35ie  Keflimcnter  faden  bon  ung  ab. 
1665  @raf  ^iccolomini  tft  ein  SSerräter. 


D  meine  Sl^nung ! 

@türit  aus  bem  Smmtt, 

©ätf  man  mir  geglaubt ! 
3)a  pel^ft  bu'8,  »ie  bie  ©terne  bir  gelogen ! 

IGSatteitfteitt  richtet  ftc^  auf. 

35ie  ©terne  lügen  nid^t,  ba§  aberift 

©efd^el^en  »iber  ©ternenlauf  unb  @(3^icffal.. 
1670  35ie  ftunft  ift  reblid^,  bod^  bie§  falfd^e  $erj 

Sringt  Sug  unb  SErug  in  ben  »al^tl^aff gen  ^immel. 

9lut  auf  bet  SQBal^rl^eit  rul^t  bie  SSal^rfagung ; 

Sffio  bie  Statur  auö  il^ren  ©renjen  toanfet, 

3)a  irret  aüe  SBiffenfd^aft.    Bar  eS 
1675  6in  9lberglaube,  menf(3^Ii(^e  ©eftaü 

3)urd^  leinen  fold^en  Ärgiüol^n  ju  entel^ren, 

D  nimmer  fd^m'  \ä)  biefer  ©c^iüad^l^eit  mid^ ! 

Äeligion  ift  in  ber  Siere  Jrieb,^ .  ^.^t 

68  trinit  ber  SQBilbe  felbft  nid^t  mit  bem  Opfer, 
1680  3)em  er  ba§  ©d^mert  mü  in  ben  Saufen  fto^en. 

35a8  »ar  lein  ^elbenftüdf,  Dctabio ! 

Slid^t  beine  ftlugl^eit  fiegte  über  meine,  , 

5)ein  f^Ied^te§  ^erj  l^at  über  mein  gerabeö    .     . 

®en  fd^nblid^en  Striump^  badon  getragen. 
1685  ftein  ©d^ilb  fing  beinen  9Korbftreid^  auf,  bu  fül^rteft 

31«  rud^lo^  auf  bie  unbefd^üjte  S3ruft ;      .  . :  .  • 

Sin  ftinb  nur  bin  id^  gegen  fold^e  SBaffen. 

274  IPaflenfletns  Zob: 

^cfjnter  2tuftntt. 

iBoHge.    Rüttler. 

O  fiel^  ba !   Suttlev  1  baö  ift  nod&  ein  S^reunb ! 


ge^t  i^m  mit  au?^ge6retteten  Firmen  entgegen  unb  umfaßt  i^n  mit  ^r^Iic^ldt 

ftomm  an  mein  $erg,  bu  alter  ÄrieflSflefä^rte ! 
1690  @o  tool^I  t^ut  ni(^t  ber  ©onne  ©lief  im  2enj, 
31I§  S^reunbeS  3lnflefid^t  in  fold^er  ©tunbe. 


5!Kein  ©eneral  —  id^  lomme  — 


fi^  auf  feine  @^u(tent  le^nenb. 

Söeipt  bu'ä  f(^on? 
S)er  3llte  l^at  bem  flatfer  mid^  verraten. 
3Ba§  fagft  bu?   S)reifeig  ^af)xt  i)dbtn  mir 

1695  3iifön^"^^^  aufgelebt  unb  nuSge^alten. 
3n  einem  S^elbbett  l^aben  mir  gefd^Iafen, 
3lu§  einem  ®Ia§  getrunlen,  einen  33iffen 
©eteilt ;  id^  ftüjte  mid^  auf  tl^n,  mie  id^ 
3luf  beine  treue  ©d^ulter  je^t  mid^  [tü^e, 

1700  Unb  in  bem  3lugenblirf,  ba  liebeDüH 
SSertrauenb  meine  S3ruft  an  feiner  fd^Iägt, 
ßrfie^t  er  fid^  ben  «orte«,  ftid^t  ba§  9Kejfer 
9Ktr  liftig  lauernb,  langfam  in  ba§  4>^rj ! 

(&x  berbirgt  t>ai  ©eftc^t  an  iButtterS  iBruft. 


SSerge^t  ben  S^alfd^en !    Sagt,  toaS.moBi  tl^r  tl^un? 


1705  SBol^I,  tooi)l  gefproi^en.    fjal^re  l^in !    ^ä)  bin 
3toä)  immer  reid^  an  jjreunben ;  bin  iä)  mä)t? 

Dritter  5l»f3ug ;  §e!^ntci  Cluftritt  275 

2)a§  ©(iiictfal  liebt  mid)  nod^,  bcnn  eben  je^t, 
3;)a  cö  be§  ^eud^lcrö  Stüdc  mir  cntlarbt, 
4)at  cö  ein  treuem  ^crj  mir  jugcfcnbct. 

1 710  3lxä)t^  mel^r  bon  il^m»    S)enlt  uid^t,  ba$  fein  SSerluft 
SKid^  fci^merje,  0 !  mid^  fi^mergt  nur  ber  betrug. 
®enn  mcrt  unb  teuer  tüaren  mir  bie  Seiben, 
Unb  jener  5!Kaj,  er  liebte  mid^  toal^rl^aftig, 
^r  \)at  mid^  nid^t  getäufd^t,  er  nid^t  —  ©enug, 

1 7 1  /^enug  baöon !    !3e^t  gilt  e§  f d^neHen  SRat  — 
®er  SReitenbe,  ben  mir  ®raf  ÄinSlQ  fd^idft 
?lu§  ^rag,  !ann  jeben  Slugenblidf  erfd^einen» 
2Ba§  er  audd  bringen  mag,  er  barf  ben  5Weutern 
5Rid^t  in  bie  4>änbe  faflen.    2)rum  gefd^minb,  . 

1720  ©d^idt  einen  fidlem  33oten  tl^m  entgegen, 
S)er  auf  gel^eimem  SBeg  il^n  ju  mir  fül^re. 

3Ilo  toiti  geigen. 

9Kein  g^elbl^err,  mn  ertüartet  il^r? 

S)en  ßilenben,  ber  mir  bie  5lad^rid^t  bringt, 
Sie  es  mit  ^rag  gelungen. 


^x\m  I 


1725  ©0  tt)ipt  il^r'S  nid^t? 

SBa§  benn? 
3nS  Sager  f am  ? 

SBa§  ift  eud^? 

SBie  biefer  Särmen- 

276  XVaUen^ems  Cob 


3encr  Sotc  — 

6r  tft  l^erctn. 

Xtt^tti  unb  ^Uo. 

6r  tft  leerem? 


9Ketn  »otc? 


©cit  mcl^rcrn  ©tunbcn. 


Unb  td^  tüct^  c§  ntd^t? 


S)lc  SBad^c  fing  tl^n  auf. 

3Ä0  fta]n^)ft  mit  bem  guB. 

3Serbam,mt ! 

©ein  33rief 

1730  J^ft  aufflcbrod^cn,  läuft  burd^'g  ganje  Saget  — 

SBaUenftetn  gefpannt. 
3]^r  mifet,  toaö  er  cntl^ält? 

Rüttler  bet>enfli(^. 

2ief ragt  mid^  ntd^t  I 
D  —  m^  uns,  3110 !   SllleS  ftürjt  sufammen ! 


SScrl^el^lt  mir  nid^t§.    3d^  fann  baä  ©d^Rmmfte  l^ören, 
^^ragiltt)cr(oren?   ^\i'^?   ©efte^t  mir'S  frei. 

Dritter  2Iuf3ug;  €Iftcr  2Iiiftritt  277 


1735  ©8  tji  Derlorcn.    3lHe  gtcgimcntcr 

3u  äubmctS,  %abox,  Sraunau,  ßöniflingtä^, 
3u  Srünn  unb  3^09"^  ^^bcn  cud^  bcrlaffctt, 
®em  ftatfcr  neu  gcj^ulbigct,  tl^t  fclbft 
9Ktt  Rxmt\),  %txi%  ^üo  fctb  gcäd^tct. 

Zethtti  unb  gno  «eigen  ©djretren  unb  38ut.    SSaaenftein  bleibt  feft  unb 

gefaxt  fielen. 

SBaKettfteitt  nac^  einer  $aufe. 

1740  6§  t[t  cntfd^tcbcn,  nun  tft'ö  gut  —  unb  fi^ncll 
Sin  xä)  gcl^cilt  Don  ollen  3toeifeIöquaIen ; 
®tc  »ruft  ift  tüieber  frei,  ber  ®eift  ift  l^eH, 
'^aä)t  mu^  e§  fein,  n)o  8^rieblanb§  ©terne  ftral^Ien. 
SRit  gögernbem  6ntfc^Iu^,  mit  n)antenbem  ©emüt 

«745  3og  i^  baö  ©d^mert,  xä)  tl^af  §  mit  SBiberftreben, 
®a  es  in  meine  SBol^I  no(i&  n)ar  gegeben ! 
9lottt)enbigIeit  ifi  ta,  ber  3^^if^I  Pi^^t 
3e^t  fed^f  Id^  für  mein  ^oupt  unb  für  mein  Sekn. 

St  gebt  ab.   2)ie  ttnbern  folgen. 

€Iftcr  auftritt.  ^ 

@)rafin  £er^ 

fontmt  au§  beut  Seiten^imnter. 

9letn  I  Id^  lann'S  länger  nid^t  —  2Bo  finb  fie?   %m 

«750  311  I^^t*    ®i^  Iflff^^  "li^  flß^i^  —  öflein 
3n  biefer  fürd^terlidfien  SIngft  —  ^ä)  mu^ 
SWid^  gmingen  t)or  ber  ©d^mefier,  rul^ig  fd^einen 
Unb  oüe  Oualen  ber  bebrängten  ©ruft 
3n  mir  Derfd^Iie^en  —  baö  ertrag'  xä)  nid^t ! 

1755  —  SBenn  eS  uns  fel^I  fd&Iögt,  menn  er  ju  bem  ©darneben 
aWit  leerer  ^onb^  alß  gflüt^tling,  mü^te  lommen^ 

278  VOaUen^eins  Zob 

3lxä)i  als  geeierter  Sunb^gcnoffe,  jiattl^, 

©efolgt  t)on  cinc§  $ccrc§  SKad^t  —  SBcntt  toir 

3Son  Sanb  gu  Sanbe,  tüie  bcr  ^falggraf ,  müpten  ttmnbera 

1760  6tn  fci^möl^I^  SDenfmal  bcr  gcfalincn  ®röpc  — 

Wxn,  btcfcn  SEag  tüiD  t(3^  nici^t  fd^aun !  unb  fötint' 

@r  felbft  c§  aud^  ertragen,  fo  ju  finicn, 

^(S)  trüg'S  tiid^t,  fo  gefunfen  xf)n  gu  fcl^n. 

StPöIfter  2fuftrttt. 

Xfitlla  )Dia  bie  ^eriogitt  aurüct^afteiL 

D  liebe  SKutter,  bleiben  ©ie  jurüd ! 


1765  5lein,  l^ier  ift  nod^  ein  fd^redliddeö  ©el^eimnis, 
2)a§  mir  öerl^el^It  toirb  —  Sffiarum  meibet  mid^ 
S)ie  ©d^tüefter?    SBarum  fe^'  id^  fie  öott  «ngft 
Um^ergiftrieben?   SBarum  bic^  Doü  ©d^redfen? 
Unb  mag  bebeuten  biefe  [tummen  SBinfe, 

1770  2)ie  bu  berftol^Ien  J^eitnlid^  mit  il^r  njeddfelfi? 

mä)t^,  liebe  5Kutter ! 


©(^mefter,  iä)  mill'ä  loijfen* 


2Ba§  l^ilffs  aud^,  ein  ©el^eimniö  brauö  ju  mad|en ! 
Säfet  fid^'S  Derbergen?   S^rül^er,  fpäter  mu^ 
®ie'§  bod^  Dernel^men  lernen  unb  ertragen. . 
1775  5Fiid[)t  3^it  iffs  je^t,  ber  ©d^mäd^c  nad^gugebett, 
ajiut  ift  uns  not  unb  ein  gefaxter  @eiji, 

Dritter  2Iuf 3U9 ;  Dretsel^nter  2luf tritt  279- 

Unb  in  bcr  ©täric  muffen  mir  unö  ü6en. 
3)rum  ßeffer,  cS  entfci^cibet  \\ä)  il^r  ©d^idfal 
3Kit  einem  SBort  —  5Dlan  l^intergel^t  eud^,  ©d^mcfier. 
1780  3l&t  flioubt,  ber  ^etjog  fei  entfe^t  —  ber  ^^x^oq 
3ft  nid^t  entfeftt  ^  er  ift  — 

^l^efla  iUT  Gräfin  ge^enb. 

Bont  i^r  [ic  töten?     ^ 

S)er  ^tgofl  iji  — 


bte  9(Tme  um  Me  SRutter  f^(agenb. 

O  ftanb^aft,  meine  SKutter  I 

6mp5rt  l^at  jtd^  ber  C)erä09,  gu  bem  g^einb 
4)at  er  fid^  fc^lagen  tüollen,  bie  3lrmee 
1785  4>flt  il^n  öerlaffen,  unb  e§  ift  mifelunflen. 

Oa^renb  biefer  %8orte  »anlt  bie  ^erjogin  unb  faßt  o^nmöc^tig  in  bie  9lnne 

i^rer  ^od^ter. 

(Sin  groger  ^aai  beim  ^er.^og  t>on  grieblanb. 

Dreisefjnter  lluftritt 

SSaKenfieitt  fm  ^arnift^. 

a)u  l^aff  ä  erreid^t,  Octaöio !  —  gaft  bin  xä) 
3ett  fo  Derlaffen  mieber,  al§  id^  einft 
35om  SRegenSpurger  ^ürftentoge  ging. 
3)0  l^atf  iä)  ni(i^t§  me^r  qI§  mid^  felbft  —  bod)  moS 
1790  6 in  3Mann  lonn  tücrt  fein,  l^obt  il^r  fd^on  erfal^ren, 
2)en  ©d^mud  ber  3tt)eige  l^abt  i^r  abgel^auen, 
2)0  flcl^'  id^,  ein  entlaubter  ©tamm !    S)od^  innen 
3m  5Korfe  lebt  bie  fd^offenbe  ©emalt. 

280  XOaUtnfttins  Zob 

2)te  fproffenb  eine  S93elt  au3  ftd^  geboren. 

1795  ©^on  einmal  galt  id^  eud^  ftatt  eines  ^eet§, 
^ä)  gingelner.    ©al^ingefd^molien  Dor 
®er  fd^meb'fci^en  ©törle  maren  eure  ^re, 
2tm  2tä)  fanl  %xür),  euer  le^ter  4>ort, 
3n§  Saierlanb,  mie  ein  gefd^tDoüner  ©trom, 

1800  6rgo|  fi(i^  biefer  ©uftaö,  unb  ju  SBien 
SiTfeiner  ©of bürg  jittertc  ber  ftaifer. 
©olbaten  teuren  teuer,  benn  bie  ÜRenge 
©el^t  naä)  bem  ©lud  —  ®a  tounbte  man  bie  ?[ugen 
9luf  mxä),  ben  ^d\n  in  ber  9lot ;  e§  beugte  [xä) 

1805  S)er  ©tolj  be§  ftaifers  öor  bem  ©d^mergelränlten, 
^ä)  fönte  aufftel^n  mit  bem  ©d^öpfungStoort 
Unb  in  bie  l^o^len  Säger  SKenfd^en  fammeln. 
^i)  tf)at%    ®ie  SErommel  toarb  gerührt.    5»ein  9lame 
®ing,  toie  ein  flriegSgott,  burd^  bie  SBelt.    S)cr  ^flug, 

1810  S)ie  SBcrfftott  mirb  berlaffen,  alles  totmmelt 
S)er  altbefannten  ^offnungSfol^ne  ju  — 
—  3loä)  fül^r  id^  mid^  benfelbcn,  ber  xi)  mar ! 
e§  ift  ber  ©eift,  ber  fid^  ben  ftör|)er  baut, 
Unb  S^rieblanb  mirb  fein  Sager  um  \xä)  füllen. 

»815  S^ül^rt  eure  Staufenbe  mir  fü^n  entgegen, 
©ettjoljnt  n)ol)l  finb  fte,  unter  mir  ju  fiegen, 
5lid^t  gegen  mid^ — SBenn  ^aupt  unb  ©lieber  fid^  trennen, 
®a  mirb  fid^  jeigen,  mo  bie  ©eele  mol^nte. 

^Uo  unb  Serafi)  treten  ein. 

9Kut,  3freunbe,  9Kut !    SBir  finb  nod^  nid^t  ju  »oben. 
1820  gfünf  {Regimenter  Sterjl^  finb  nod^  unfer 

Unb  SuttlerS  madfre  ©d^aren  —  SKorgen  jiö^t 
6in  4)eer  ju  un§  öon  fed^jel^ntaufenb  ©d^meben. 
9lid^t  mäd^f  ger  mar  id^,  aU  xi)  bor  neun  Sauren 
3luSaog,  bem  ftaifer  ®eutfd^lanb  gu  erobern. 

Dritter  Slufjug;  Viex^tiinttt  2Iuftritt  281 

Sorige*    Kettmuim,  ber  ben  trafen  2:etal^  bet  @ette  fttbst  unb  mit  i^m  Mäit 

^tt%^  hu  92eumantt. 

1825  2Ba5  fuci^cn  ftc? 


2Baö  gtcbfS? 

3^^n  ftütajftcre 
35on  ^o})))cn]^etm  verlangen  btd^  im  Flamen 
2)cS  aicgtntents  ju  fptcd^cn. 

fBattettfteist  fd^neS  ju  IReumann. 

Sa^  ftc  fommcn. 

SReumann  gel^t  l^inauS. 

SaDon  etmarf  iä)  etiDoS.    ©ebct  Sld^t, 

Sic  jtocifcin  nod^  unb  ftnb  no(i^  ju  gcminncn. 

^finf$el?nter  2tüftrttt 

SBttHeiilleiit«   SlersA^*  3tto*   d^lhi  ftfiraffiere,  bon  einem  befreiten  gefa^rt,  mar» 
Wcren  auf  itttb  ftennt  1t(!^  nac!^  bem  ftommanbo  in  einem  ®(ieb  ttor  ben  ^erjog,  bie 

^onneuTd  mad^enb. 


na^htm  er  ite  eine  3^tlang  mit  ben  Stugen  gemeffen,  ^um  befreiten. 

1830  3d^  fcnne  btd^  idoI^I.    S)u  Mft  au§  Srügg'  in  S^Ianbcrn, 
S)ctn  5lom'  ift  5Kcrc9* 


^eintid^  SWcrc^  l^cife'  ifi. 


I)u  tourbefi  obgefd^nitten  auf  bem  9Karf4 

282  Waüen^tins  (Eob       . 

aSon  ^cffifd^cn  umringt  unb  [(iilugft  ixä)  bur^ 
9Kit  l^unbcrt  aä)t^\Q  Wmn  bürd^  i^rcr  SEaufenb. 


1835  ©0  iff  §,  mein  ©eneral. 


2Ba§  tüurbc  bir 
gür  bicfe  modErc  St^at? 


2)ie  ßl^r',  mein  ^ribl^^rr, 
Um  bie  id^  bat,  bei  btefem  ®otp§  ju  fcienen. 

äBattenftein  tucnbct  fic^  äu  einem  Stnbem. 

2)u  marft  borunter,  al§  ic^  bie  S^reimittigen 
©erouö  liefe  treten  auf  bem  Miltenberg, 
1840  ®ie  fd^meb'fci^e  Batterie  l^inmeg  gu  nel^men* 

3toeiter  tfirofflen 

©0  ift*§,  mein  gelb^err. 

^ä)  Dergeffe  feinen, 
9Kit  bem  id^  einmal  SBorte  l^ab'  gemed^felt. 
©ringt  eure  ©ad^e  t)or. 

®eftciter  rommonblert. 

©eme^r  in  9lrm ! 

^aUettfteitt  »u  einem  :!)ntten  geraenDet. 

2)u  nennft  bid^  SRigbed,  ff  öln  ift  bein  ©eburtSort. 

Strittet  Äüroffter* 

1845  9lt§bedE  au§  ßöln. 

3:)cn  fd^toeb^c^en  Dberft  2)übalb  brad^teft  bu 
©efangen  ein  im  9lürenberger  Sager. 

dritter  Äilroffler. 
3dö  nid^t,  mein  ©eneral. 

Dritter  Jlufjüg ;  ^Jünfsel^nter  2Iuftritl  1283 


©anj  rcd^t !    6§  mar 

2)cin  öltrcr  ©ruber,  bcr  e§  if)at  —  bii  l^attcft 
1850  3lod)  eilten  jungem  Sruber,  wo  blieb  ber? 

S^rttter  Äüraffter. 

6r  fielet  ju  Dlmü^  bei  beö  ßaiferö  ^eer* 

SBaKettf^ettt  sunt  befreiten. 

5lun,  fo  \a^  l^ören. 

@in  faifcrlid^er  Srief  lam  un§  gu  ^anben, 

fBallettfteitt  unterMc^t  t^n. 

2Ber  M^lk  tuä)? 


Sebmebe  S^al^n' 

1855  3^  i^^^tt  SKann  burd^ö  2o§. 

9lun  benn,  jur  ©ad^e ! 

6in  faiferiid^er  Srief  lam  un§  gu  ^anben, 

®er  un§  befiel^It  bie  ^flid^t  bir  auf jufünben, 

SQßeil  bu  ein  fjeinb  unb  Sanb^Derräter  feift. 


aOßag  l^abt  il^r  brauf  bcfd^Ioffen  ? 


Unfre  i?ameraben 

1860  3u  Sraunau,  Subtüeiö,  ^rag  unb  Dlmü^  l^aben 
^Bereits  ge^ord^t,  unb  i^rem  Seif piel  folgten 
S)ie  aiegimenter  Siefenbad^,  StoScana. 
—  SBir  aber  glauben'^  nid^t,  ba$  bu  ein  ^einb 
Unb  SanbSberräter  bift  toir  l^alten'S  bloß 

284  rDaöenfietns  Hob 

1865  gür  Sug  unb  Strug  unb  fpanifd^c  ©rfinbung. 

3)u  fclbcr  foKft  un§  fagcn,  tüaS  bu  öorl^aft, 
S)cttn  bu  bift  immer  tüal^t  mit  unö  gcmefen ! 
2)a§  i)'6ä)\k  3uttaim  l^abcn  mir  ju  bir ; 
ftcin  f rembcr  5Wunb  foß  jmifd^en  un§  fid(i  f(|icbcn, 
«870  2)en  guten  gelbl^errn  unb  bie  guten  SEruppen. 


2)aran  erlenn'  iä)  meine  Pappenheimer. 


Unb  bie§  entbietet  bir  bein  Siegiment : 
3ff  §  beine  m\xi)t  Uo%  bieg  ßriegeSfcepter, 
S)a§  bir  gebül^rt,  ba§  bir  ber  ftaifer  f)at 

1875  33ertrout,  in  beinen  4>änben  ju  bemal^ren, 
6[trei(i^§  ret^tfd^affner  S^elbl^auptmann  ju  fein, 
©0  mollen  mir  bir  beiftel^n  unb  bid^  fd^ü^en 
Sei  beinem  guten  Siedete  gegen  jeben  — 
Unb  menn  bie  anbem  Regimenter  oüe 

1880  ®iä)  öon  bir  menben,  mollen  mir  allein 
S)ir  treu  fein,  unfer  Seben  für  bid^  laffen. 
SDenn  baö  ift  unfre  Sleiterpflid^t,  bap  mir 
Umlommen  lieber,  aU  bid^  finlen  laffen. 
2Benn'§  aber  fp  ift,  mie  be§  ftaiferö  »rief 

1885  Sefagt,  menn'S  mal^r  ift,  bafe  bu  un§  gum  geinb 
3:reuIofer  SBeife  miUft  l^inüberfül^ren, 
2Ba§  ©Ott  berpte !  ja,  fo  moKen  mir 
S)id^  aud^  berlaffen  unb  bem  ©rief  gel^ord^en. 

$ört,  ßinber  — 


Sraud^t  nid^t  biele  SBorte. '  ©pri^ 
1890  3a  ober  Slein,  fo  finb  mir  fd^on  jufriebcn. 

Dritter  2I»f3U9 ;  fünfaclintcr  2Iuftritt  285 

©ort  an.    3^  i^et^,  ba|  tl^r  bcrftänbig  fetb, 
©elbp  prüft  unb  bcnit  unb  nid(|t  ber  ©erbe  folgt. 
2)rum  f)aV  ii)  tuä),  xt)x  toifef  5,  anä)  cl^renöoD 
©tet§  unterfc^tcben  in  bcr  ©ccrcömofle ; 

1895  2)enn  nur  bic  Salinen  jä^It  ber  f^neUftc  33H(f 
S)c§  S^Ibl^crrn,  er  bemerlt  lein  einjeln  ^anpt, 
©ttenfl  l^errfd^t  unb  blinb  ber  eiferne  Sefel^I, 
6§  lonn  ber  SKenfci^  bem  aKenfd^en  l^ier  nid^ts  gelten  — 
©0,  mi^t  il^r,  l^ob'  idf^  nit^t  mit  tni)  gel^alten ; 

1900  Sffiie  il^r  eud^  felbft  gu  faffen  angefangen 
3  m  ro^en  ^anbtoerl,  tüie  öon  euren  ©timen 
2)er  menfd^Iici&e  ©ebanle  mir  geleud^tet, 
^aV  i6f  als  freie  SDtänner  eud^  bel^anbelt, 
®er  eignen  Stimme  SRed^t  eud^  jugeftanben  — 

«905  30,  mürbig  l^aft  bu  [tets  mit  un§  öerfal^ren, 
SKein  g^elbl^err,  un§  geeiert  burci^  bein  aSertraun, 
Uns  ®unft  ergeigt  öor  allen'  giegimentem» 
SQßir  folgen  aud^  bem  großen  Raufen  nid^t, 
©ufie^pr    SBir  toollen  ^treulid^  bei  bir  l^alten. 
1910  ©pridd  nur  ein  SBort,  bein  SBort  foll  unS  genügen, 
S)a^  e§  aSerrat  nid^t  fei,  toorauf  bu  finnft, 
S)a^  bu  bein  $eer  jum  g^einb  nid^t  tooKeft  fül^ren. 

3Sl\ä),  mxä)  berrät  man !   3lufgeopfert  l^at  mid^ 
S)er  ftaifer  meinen  g^ittben,  faßen  mu^  id^, 
191 S  SBenn  meine  braöen  Strup))en  mid^  nid^t  retten. 
6ud&  toiü  xi)  mid^  vertrauen  —  6uer  ©erj 
©ei  meine  Qf^ftu^fl  J    ®^^t  öuf  biefe  a9ru|i 
3telt  man !   "^aä)  biefem  greifen  Raupte !  —  ®a3 
3fl  fpan'fd^e  2)arlbarleit ;   ba§  l^aben  loir 

286  TOa\len\tems  (Eob 

1920  gut  jene  9}iorbfd^lQ(^t  auf  bcr  alten  g^efte, 
9Iuf  Südens  ßbnen !    2)arum  loarfen  mir 
Xie  nadftc  ^tuft  ber  ^artifan'  entgegen ; 
Xrum  mad^ten  mir  bie  eisbebedfte  Krbe.; 
Sen  l^arten  ©tein  gu  unferm  ^fü^l/  ffein  ©tront 

1925  SBarunö  ju  fc^neD,  lein  SBalb  ju  unburd)brinfllic|, 
SBir  folgten  jenem  5Wan§feIb  unöerbroffen 
^nxä)  alle  @d(|Iangenfrümmen  feiner  ^lud^t ; 

•      :6in  rul^elofer  9Karfd^  mar  unfer  Seben, 
Unb  mie  be§  SBtnbeö  Saufen,  l^eimatloS, 

1930  S)ur(i^ftürrnten  mir  bie  Iriegbemegte  6rbe. 
Unb  je^t,  ba  mir  bie  fd(imere  Sffiaffenarbeit, 
S)ie  unbanfbare,  flud(|belabene,  getl^an, 
9Mit  unermübet  treuem  9Irm  be§  if  riege§  Safi 
©emäljt,  foü  biefer  faiferlid^e  Jüngling 
935  S)en  ?Vrieben  leidbt  meatraqen.  foü  ben  Ölsmeig, 
)ie  mö^lDerbiente  3i^tbe  unferS  ^aupt§, 
©i(^  in  bie  blonben  ftnabenl^aare  fled^ten  — 


S)a8  foH  er  nid^t,  fo  lang  mir'S  l^inbern  lönnen. 
9liemanb,  aU  bu,  ber  i^n  mit  9iu]&m  gefül^rt, 
1940  ©oll  biefen  ffrieg,  ben  fürd^terlid^en,  enben. 
®u  fü^rteft  un§  l^erauS  in§  blut'ge  i^üh 
5)e§  3:obe§,  bu,  fein  anbrer,  follft  un§  fröl^liti^ 
4)eimfü]^ren  in  be§  gftiebenS  ft^öne  fjluren, 
S)er  langen  3lrbeit  ^tüd^te  mit  un§  teilen  — 

1945  2Bie?   ®enlt  i^r,  eud^  im  fpäten  «Itcr  enbliti^ 
S)cr  iSxüäjU  gu  erfreuen?   ©laubt  baS  nid^t. 
3f^r  merbet  Wefe§  flampfeä  6nbe  nimmer 
.    ©rbliden !  biefer  ßrieg  öerfd^Iingt  unS  alle» 
/   Öftreid^  miH  feinen  Qfrieben ;  barum  eben^ 

Dritter  ^lufsug;  ^ünfjctjnter  2luftritt  287 

1950  SBeil  \i)  bcn  Q^ricben  fud^e,  muß  iä)  faUcn.    | 
SBaö  fümmcrt'S  Öftreid^,  ob  bcr  lanflc  ftricg 
2)ic  ^eerc  aufreibt  unb  bie  SBclt  öermüftet 
6^  iDtß  nur  iDod^fen  ftet§  unb  Sanb  geminnen, 
Sl^r  fetb  gerül^rt  —  x6)  fel^'  ben  ebeln  3orn 

1955  9(us  euren  Irtegerifd^en  3lugen  bitten. 
O  bafe  mein  ®etft  eud^  je^t  befeelen  ntödite, 
ftül^n,  tok  er  einft  in  ©d^lod^ten  eud^  geführt ! 
3l^r  tooflt  mir  b'eifteljn,  tüoHt  mid^  mit  ben  SBaffert 
Sei  meinem  SRed^te  fd^ü^en  —  ba§  i[t  ebelmütig ! 

i960  ^oä)  beulet  nid^t,  bofe  il^r'ö  öoKenben  merbct, 
®oS  f leine  ^eer !    SBergebcnö  tüerbet  il^r 
^ür  euren  ^^Ibl^errn  cud^  geopfert  l^aben. 

Slein !    Sa|t  un§  fidler  gelten,  gfreunbe  fud^cn. 

2)er  ©d^tt)cbe  fagt  un§  ^ilfe  ju,  lafet  un§  ^ 

1965  3uwi  ©d^tn  fic  nujen,  bi§  mir,  beiben  furd^tbar, 
ßuropenö  ©d^idffal  in  ben  ©änben  tragen, 
Unb  bcr  erfreuten  SBcIt  au§  unferm  Säger 
S)en  8f rieben  fd^ön  befränjt  entgegenfül^ren. 

©0  treibft  bu'§  mit  bem  ©d^meben  nur  jum  ©d^ein? 

1970  ®u  njißji  ben  ßaifer  nid^t  verraten,  miflft  uns 
Slid^t  fd^toebifd^  mad^cn?    ©iel^,  ba§  iffS  aflein, 
SBcS  lüir  bon  bir  öerlangen  jn  erfal^ren. 

SBaS  gel^t  ber  ©d^meb'  mid^  an?   ^ä)  ]^af(*  il^n,  mie 
®en  ^ful^I  ber  ^J/. Jinb  mit  @ott  gebenl'  id^  il^n 

1975  ®alb  über  feine  djtferi^eimjujagen. 

SJlir  tff  §  aßein  umS  ©anje.    ©e^t !    3d^  ^a^' 
6itt  ^txi,  ber  Jammer  biefeS  beutfd^en  SSolIS  erbarmt 

288  IPaaenfletns  (Cob 

3^t  feib  flcmeine  5Dlänncr  nur ;  "boä)  bcttit 

^f)x  ntci^t  gemein,  il^r  fd^eint  ntir'§  toert  Dot  anbeni, 

1980  2)a^  ^  ein  traulid^  SBörtlein  gu  tnä)  rebe  — 

©el^t !    S^ünfgel^n  3aör'  fd^on  brennt  bie  ßriegeSfadel, 
Unb  nod^  ift  nirgenbs  ©tiHftanb*  ©d^meb'  unb  3)eutf(^, 
^apift  unb  Sutl^craner !    fteiner  n)iD 
S)em  anbern  njeid^en !    Jfebe  ^anb  ift  tniber 

1985  5)ie  anbre !   9Ifle§  ift  Partei  unb  nirgenbS 
Äein  giid^ter !    ©ogt,  tüo  foß  ba§  enben?   SBer 
2)en  flnäul  entwirren,  ber,  fid^  enbloS  felbft 
33erme^renb,  mäd^ft  —  6r  mufe  jerl^auen  mcrben. 
3d(i  fü^r§,  bafe  id^  ber  mann  be§  ©d^idfols  bin, 

1990  Unb  l^off'S  mit  eurer  ^ilfe  ju  boflfül^ren. 



Se^5cljnter  2fuftrttt. 

9itttler.    Sorige. 
83ttttleir  in  Sifer. 

2)aS  ift  nid^t  mol^I  getl^an,  mein  ^clbl^err ! 



®q3  mufe  uns  fd^oben  bei  ben  ©utgefinnten. 


aaSaö  benn? 


e§  l&eifet  ben  9luf ru^r  öffentlid^  crllärcn ! 

S5ßo§  ip  CS  benn? 


®rQf  SEerjf^S  SRegimentct  reiben 

Dritter  2Iuf3ug;  Sicbcnjel^ntcr  2I«ftrttt  289 

1995  S)en  faiferlid^en  Slblcr  öon  ben  gafjnen 
Unb  pflangcn  bcine  Stxä)^n  auf. 

befreite?  su  ben  fttttaffieren. 

9le(|t§  um ! 
35erfluc|t  fei  biefer  SRat  unb  mx  \l)n  gab ! 

3u  ben  Mraffieren,  toelc^e  abmorfc^iereii. 

^alt,  Äinbcr,  ^alt  —  6§  ift  ein  Srrtum  —  ^öxt  — 
Unb  ftrenfl  mitt  W^  beftrafen  —  ^öxi  boc| !   »leibt  I 
2000  ©ie  l^ören  nid^t.  3u  sao.  Bel^'  nad^,  bebeute  fie, 
Sring'  fie  gutücf ,  eS  f ofte,  maS  e§  n)one. 

^ao  ei(t  hinaus. 

®a§  ftüt jt  un§  in§  Serberben  —  aSuttler !    aSuttlet  I 
^\)x  feib  mein  böfer  S)ämon,  marum  muptet  il^r'ö 
3n  il^rem  Seifein  melben !  —  9ine§  toax 
2005  9luf  gutem  SBeg  —  fie  »aren  l^alb  gewonnen. — 
S)ie  Slafenben,  mit  il^rer  unbebad^ten 
®ienftfettigleit !   O  graufam  fpielt  ba§  ©lüdE 
3Hit  mir !    S)er  fjreunbe  @ifer  ift'ä,  ber  mid^ 
3u  ©tunbe  rid^tet,  nid^t  ber  $ap  ber  Qfeinbe. 

Siebense^nter  Jtuftrttt. 

Sorige.  S)ie  ^ersogiit  ftilrat  ins  3immer.  3^  folgt  Sllena  unb  bie  (Srfifiit.  S)anit 

2010  O  «Ibred^t !    SBa§  l^aft  bu  get^an ! 


9tun  ba§  nod^  I 

SSerjeil^'  mir,  aSruber.    3d^  t)ermpd^t'j§  nid^t,  — 

@ie  tDiffen  adeS. 

290  WaUen^ems  Zoh 

SBaS  i)a\t  bu  gctl^an ! 

3ft  leine  Hoffnung  mel^r?   3ft  alleS  benn 



9Iüe§.    5ßrag  i[t  in  be§  ftaifer^  C)onb, 

2015  S)ie  aiegimenter  l^aben  neu  gel^ulbigt. 

C)eimtü(fif(ä^er  DctaDto !  —  Unb  ani) 
@raf  9Kaj  i[t  fort? 

SBo  foHf  er  fein?   6rifl 
3Wit  feinem  SSater  über  ju  bem  ftaifer. 

Z^na  ftfir^t  in  bie  ^rme  i^rer  SRutter,  baS  ©eftc^t  an  i^rem  9ufen  DertorgcnK 

$eraO0ttt  fte  in  i^ie  )lnne  fc^deftenb. 

Unglücf Ii(3^  ff inb !    Unglücf lid^erc  3Kutter  I 

SBaOettftein  (el  (Stitt  ge^enb  mit  Xtvhttf. 

«020  2a$  einen  Sleifemagen  fc^neü  bereit  fein 
3m  ©inter^ofe,  biefe  »eggubringen. 

9(uf  bie  (grauen  aetgenb. 

2)er  ©(i^erfenberg  fann  mit,  ber  i[t  unS  treu, 
3ta^  @ger  bringt  er  fie,  ton  folgen  naä). 

Sn  SHo,  ber  n^ieberlommt 

2)u  bring [t  fie  nid^t  gurüd? 

C)ör  jt  bu  ben  «uflauf  ? 
2025  S)a§  ganje  ßorps  ber  ^appenl^eimer  tft 
3m  9Ingug.    ©ie  verlangen  il^ren  Dberji, 
S)en  3Eaj,  gurüd,  er  fei  l^ier  auf  bem  ©d^lop, 
Sel^oupten  fie,  bu  l^alteft  i^n  mit  S^^^ng, 

Dritter  2Iuf3ug;  Stebensef^nter  2I«ftrttt  291* 

Unb  mcnn  bu  il^n  nid^t  Io§geb[t,  tucrbc  man 
2030  3f]^n  mit  bem  ©d^mcrtc  ju  befreien  »iffen. 

91  He  ftel^en  erftaunt. 

SQßttö  fon  man  barauS  matten? 


©agt'  ic^'^  nid^t? 

D  mein  »al^rfagenb  ^erg !    6r  ift  nod^  l^ier. 

@r  f)at  mxä)  mä^t  öcrraten,  l^at  e§  nid^t 

SJetmoc^t  —  3(|  l^abe  nie  baran  gcjmeifelt. 

2035  3ft  er  nod^  l^ier,  0  bann  ift  afle§  gut, 
S)ann  tt)cip  \ä),  toa^  \\)n  emig  l^alten  foü  l 

Xf)tlia  umarmenl). 

6g  lann  nid^t  fein.    Sebenfe  ioä) !    2)er  9Iltc 
C)at  un§  verraten,  ift  jum  ff aifer  über, 
äßie  lann  er'g  lüagen,  l^ier  gu  fein? 

300  SU  SSoaenftein. 

S)en  Sagbjug, 
2040  3)en  bu  il^m  Iürgli(|  fd^enfteft,  fal^  id^  nod^ 
SJor  menig  ©tunben  übern  SKartt  »egfül^ren. 


O  9?id^te,  bann  ift  er  nic|t  weit ! 


^t  ben  9U(f  nac^  ber  X^ltr  geheftet  unb  ruft  (eb^aft: 

2)a  ift  er  I 


292  n7allenfletns  ^<:^ 

^4ft3e^ntcr  Jtuftritt. 

Sic  earisen.   SRos  9ic(»t*MM. 

mitten  in  ben  ^aai  trctenb. 

3a !    3a  l    S)a  ift  er !  3*  öermag'ö  nic|t  loufler, 
9}{it  leifem  Stritt  um  bicfeö  ^au§  gu  fd^Icid^n, 
2045  3)cn  günff  gen  5lugcnbUdE  öerftol^lcn  gu 
ßrlauern  —  3)iefeg  Darren,  bicfc  Slngft 
®e§t  über  meine  ftröf te  I 

9(uf  X^efla  augel^enb,  meiere  {i(|  i^ret  SRutter  in  bie  ittme  getooifcR. 

D  [iel^  mid^  an  I   ©tel^  nic|t  »eg,  l^olber  ßngel ! 
Selenn'  eö  frei  öor  allen,    güriä^te  niemanb. 
2050  6s  l^öre,  toer  e§  toill,  ba$  n)ir  un§  lieben.  * 

Sffiogu  e§  n^  Derbergen?   S)aS  ©el^eimnis 
3[t  für  bie  ®Iü(Hic|en ;  baS  Unglüdt  brandet, 
2)a§^l^of[nung§Iofe,  leinen  ©d^Ieier  mel^r, 
tjrei/unter  taufenb  ©onnen  lann  eS  l^anbeln. 

(£t  bemertt  bie  Q^räfin,  n^elc^e  mit  fro^totCenbem  ®efi(^t  auf  Z^fla  Mldt 

2055  Stein,  Safe  SEergl^,  fel^t  mid^  nid^t  ertoartenb, 

Sticht  J^offenb  an !    3^  lomme  nid^t,  gu  bleiben. 

3tbf(]^ieb  gu  nel^men,  lomm'  id^  —  @ö  ifl  auS. 

3d&  muß,  mufe  bid^  öerlaffen,  Stl^ella  —  mufe ! 

2)od^  beinen  ^afe  lann  ic$  nid^t  mit  mir  nehmen. 
2060  9lur  einen  SlidE  beö  SWitleibS  gönne  mir, 

@ag',  bap  bu  mid^  nid^t  l^affeft.    ©ag'  mir'ä,  S^flfl. 

Snbem  et  i^re  ^onb  foftt,  ^eftio  bemegt 

O  ©Ott  l  —  ©Ott !  id&  lann  nid^t  öon  biefer  ©teDc. 
3d^  lann  eS  nid^t  —  lann  biefe  ^anb  nid^t  laffeii. 
©ag',  Stl^ella,  bafe  bu  SKitleib  mit  mir  l^aft, 
2065  3)id^  felber  übergeugft,  id^  lann  nid^t  anberö. 

X^ella,  feinen  «(itf  Dermeibenb,  seigt  mit  ber  $anb  auf  i^ren  Sater ;  er  mnkt 
ft(^  nac^  bem  ^ttho^  um.  ben  er  let^t  erft  gema^r  mirb. 

S>u  l&iet?  —  mi^i  bu  bifi'ä,  ben  \ii  %\tx  gefu^ 

Dritter  Jlufsug ;  2Ic^t3cljnter  2Iuftritt  293 

3)i(!^  foHtcn  meine  klugen  nxc|t  me^r  fd^oucn. 
^äf  f)aV  e§  nur  mit  i^r  aDein.    ^ier  miß  xä) 
aSon  biefem  ^ergen  f reigefprocä^m  fein, 
Ä070  9ln  allem  anbern  ift  ni(ä^t§  mel^r  flelegen. 


2)enlft  bu,  id^  foH  ber  %\)ox  fein  unb  btd^  gleiten  laffen 
Unb  eine  ©rofemutsfcene  mit  bir  fpielen? 
3)etn  aSater  ift  gum  ®ä)dm  an  mir  gemorben, 
2)u  bift  mir  ni^tS  mel^r  ate  fein  ©ol^n,  foüft  nid^t 

ao7s  Umfonft  in  meine  2Rac|t  gegeben  fein. 

2)enf'  nid^t,  ba^  id^  bie  alte  Sreunbfd^af t  eieren  meroe,  -- 
2)ie  er  fo  tud^Io§  l^at  öerle^t.    S)ie  Seiten 
2)er  Siebe  finb  öorbei,  ber  garten  ©(^onung, 
Unb  ^aB  unb  9tad^e  lommen  an  bie  SReil^e. 

2080  Sd^  lann  aud^  Unmenfd^  fein,  toxt  er. 

2)u  tt)irft  mit  mir  öerfal^ren,  toxt  bu  3Kad^t  l^aft. 
SSJol^l  aber  meipt  bu,  bap  id^  beinem  3orn 
5lid^t  tro^e,  nod^  il^n  fürd^te.    SBa§  mid^  l^ier 
3urü(f§ält,  meipt  bu ! 

%l)tl{a  bei  ber  $anb  f affettb. 

2085  (Sie^'  I   9lIIe§  —  aüeS  moßf  id^  bir  öerbanlen, 
®aS  fioS  ber  ©eligen  tooHf  id^  empfangen 
9luS  beiner  öäterlid^en  $anb.    2)u  l^aft'S 
3erftört,  bod^  baran  liegt  bir  nichts.    ©leid^gültig 
SErittft  bu  baS  ©lüdt  ber  S)einen  in  ben  ©taub, 

2090  3)er  ®ott,  bem  b  u  bienft,  ift  lein  ®ott  ber  ®nabe. 
SBie  baS  gemütloS  blinbe  Clement, 
2)aS  furd^tbare,  mit  bem  lein  Sunb  gu  fd^Iiepen, 
S^olgft  bu  be§  ©^^J^"^  milbem  SErieb  allein. 
3Be^  benen,  bie  auf  bid^  öertraun,  an  bid^ 

2095  2)ie  ftd^re  glitte  i^re§  ©lüdteS  lel^nen, 

294  IPallenflcms  Cob 

©elocft  t)on  beincr  gaftlid^en  ©cftalt ! 
©d^ncD,  unöerl^offt,  bei  näiä^tlid^  ftiKcr  SBeilc 
@af)xi'^  in  bcm  tücf'fiä^cn  g^ucrfd^Iunbe,  labet 
®\d)  a\x§  mit  tobcnber  ©cmalt,  uitb  tpeg 
2IOO  Ireibt  über  alle  Pflanzungen  ber  TOenfc^en 
S)er  milbe  ©trom  in  graufenber  3^i^ftörung. ' 


SDu  [(i^ilberft  beineö  »aterS  $erg.    äSie  bu'§ 
23efd^reibft,  fo  ifl*§  tn  feinem  ©ingemeibe, 
Sn  biefer  fd^marjen  ©eu(^Ier§=Sruft  geftaltet. 

2105  D  mi(ä^  l^at  ©öUenlunft  getäufiä^t.    W\x  fanbte 
3)er  9Ibgrunb  ben  öerftedteften  ber  ©eifter, 
S)en  lügetunbigften  l^erauf  unb  ftellt'  il^n 
9Il§  fjreunb  an  meine  ©eite.    2Ber  öermag 
S)cr  ©ölle  SKad^t  gu  tüiberftel&n !    ^ä)  jog^  ^ 

21 10  2)en  Safili§!en  auf  an  meinem  Sufen ; 
5Jlit  meinem  C)^i^j6lwt  näl^rt'  xä)  \l)n,  er  fog 
<B\ä)  f(3^tt)elgenb  öoU  an  meiner  Siebe  Prüften, 
^ä)  ^atk  nimmer  9lrge§  gegen  il^n, 
2Beit  offen  liefe  \ä)  be§  @ebanfen§  SEl^ore 

2115  Unb  marf  bic  ©(i^lüffel  meifer  SSorfid^t  meg  — 
Slm  ©ternenl^immel  fud^ten  meine  Slugen, 
Sm  toeiten  SBeltenraum  ben  geinb,  ben  id^ 
3m  ^nitn  meinet  |)erjen§  eingefd^loffen. 
—  SBär'  ic^  bem  ^erbinanb  gemefen,  ma§ 

2120  Dctaöio  mir  toar  —  3[d^  l^ätf  il^m  nie 

Ärieg  angetünbigt  —  nie  l^ätt'  \ä)'^  dermod^t. 
6r  mar  mein  ftrengcr  ^nt  nur,  nid^t  mein  fjfreunb, 
"ÜVxäji  meiner  2:rcu'  vertraute  fid^  ber  ffaifer. 
JJrieg  mar  fd^on  gmifd^en  mir  unb  il^m,  aU  er 

2125  3)en  gelbl^errnftab  in  meine  $änbe  legte, 

2)enn  ftrieg  ift  emig  gmifd^en  Sift  unb  Slrgmo^n, 

Dritter  2luf3ug;  ^Ic^tscf^ntcr  2luftrttt  295 

9Zur  gmifd^en  ©lauben  unb  SJertraun  ift  triebe. 
SBcr  ba§  SSertraim  öcrfliftct,  o  bcr  niotbct 
S)a§  mcrbcnbe  ©cfc^Ied^t  im  Scib  ber  SWuttcr  I 

2130  3(3^  tt)in  ben  SBater  ni(^t  öertcibigcn. 

2Be^  mir,  ba^  xäf^  nic^t  fann ! 

UnglücfUd^  fd^mcre  %l)aUn  finb  gefd^l^n, 

.Unb  eine^reüel^anblung  faßt  bie  anbre 

3n  cnggefc^loffner  ffettc  graufcnb  an. 
2135  ^oä)  tt}ic  gerieten  mir,  bie  nic^t^  öerfd^ulbet, 

3fn  biefen  ÄreiS  be§  Unglücfö  unb  aSerbre(3^en§? 

2Bem  ixaä)tn  mir  bie  Streu?   SBarum  mufe 

S)er  SBäter  SJoppelfd^uIb  unb  greüelt^at 

Unö  gräplid^  mie  ein  ©d^Iangenpaar  umminben? 
2140  SSarum  ber  3Säter  unüerföl^nter  $a$ 

9Iu(|  un§,  bie  Siebenben  gerreifeenb  f treiben? 

dt  umfc^dttgt  Xfittia  mit  l^efttgem  ©c^mera. 


^at  bell  9(i(f  fc^lvetgenb  auf  l^n  geheftet  itnb  nähert  ftd^  je^t. 

3Ka j,  bleibe  bei  mir.  —  ©el^  nic^t  Don  mir,  90la j  I 
©iel^,  al§  man  \>\ä)  im  ^rag'fd^n  SBinlerlager 
3nö  3^It  «tir  brad^te,  einen  garten  ßnaben, 

2145  S)eS  beutfiä^en  SBinter§  ungemol^nt,  bie  ^anb 
SBar  bir  er[tarrt  an  ber  gemi(^tigen  ^fcil^ne, 
S)u  mollteft  männli(3^  fie  niiä^t  Idffen,  bamalö  nal^m  i$- 
2)ic|  auf,  bebecfte  bid^  mit  meinem  SOlantel, 
^6f  felbft  mar  beine  SBärterin,  ni(3^t  fc^ämt'  x^ 

2150  S)er  Keinen  S)ienfte  mid^,  id^  pflegte  beiner 
SDlit  meiblid^  forgenber  ©efd^äftigfeit, 
aSiS  bu,  t)on  mir  ermärmt,  an  meinem  C>^rjen 
3)a3  junge  Seben  mieber  freubig  fül^Iteft. 
SBann  l^ab'  id^  feitbem  meinen  ©inn  öerönbert? 

296  rDaaenßeins  Cob 

2155  3t|  ^öbc  biete  Staufenb  reid^  gcmad^t, 
Wxt  Sänbereicn  fie  kfc^enlt,  belohnt 
W\t  gl^renfteßen  —  bid^  f)aV  ic^  geliebt, 
9Wein  ©erj,  mid^  felber  l^ab'  tä)  bir  gegeben, 
©ie  ttfle  maten  tJremblinge,  bu  lüarft 

2160  S)ag  ßinb  beS  ^aufeö — 90laj,  bu  fannft  midj  niddt  wx* 
@S  lanit  nid^t  fein,  td^  mag'S  unb  mitt'S  nid^t  glauben, 
3)a^  mid^  bet  3Kaj  Derlaffen  lann. 

O  ®ott ! 

^ä)  l^abe  btd^  gel^alten  unb  getragen 

9Son  ftinbeSbeinen  an  —  SBa§  t^at  bein  SSater 

2165  ^ür  bid^,  baS  id^  nid^t  teid^Iid^  aud^  getl^an? 
@in  SiebeSne^  l^ab'  id^  um  bid^  gefponnen, 
3erteife  eS,  menn  bu  fannft  —  3)u  bijt  an  mid^ 
©einüpft  mit  jebem  garten  ©eelenbanbe, 
SRit  jeber  l^eil'gen  tit^d  ber  9?atur, 

2170  S)ie  SWenfd^en  an  einanber  fetten  fann. 
®el^  l^in,  Derlafe  mid^,  biene  beinern  ßaifer, 
fia^  bid^  mit  einem  golbnen  ©nabenfettlein, 
9Kit  feinem  Sffiibberf erf  baf ür  belohnen, 
2)a^  bir  bet  Qfreunb,  ber  SBater  beiner  3ugenb, 

2175  5Da^  bir  baS  ^ciligfte  ©efü^l  nid^ts  galt. 

ai^OS  tn^efHgem  Stampl 

D@ottl    SBie  fann  id^  anberS?   3Kupi*ni(^t? 
aWein  gib  —  bie  ^flid^t  — 


^flid^t,  gegen  »en?  SBct  Wp  bu? 
SBenn  td^  am  ftaifer  unred^t  l^anble,  ift'S 
2»ein  Unred^t,  nid^t  baS  beinige.    ©el^örjl 

A^/V//;    Z^''" 

Dritter  ^lufjug ;  Hennscf^ntcr  2Iuftrttt  297 

2180  3)u  bir?   S3tft  bu  beiit  eigener  ©ebteter, 
©tel^ft  frei  ba  in  ber  SBelt,  mie  xä),  ba^  bu 
S)er  Stl^äter  beiner  Sl^aten  lönneft  fein? 
%\x^  mxä)  bift  bu  geppangt,  xä)  bin  bein  ßoifer, 
5Dlir  angehören,  mir  gel^orcä^n,  baS 

^»85  3ft  beine  6^re,  bein  9?aturgefe^. 

Unb  n)enn  ber  ©tern,  auf  bem  bu  lebft  unb  mol^nft, 
9tuS  feinem  ©leife  tritt,  fid^  brennenb  mirft 
2luf  eine  näd^fte  SBelt  unb  fie  entjünbet, 
2)u  lannft  nid^i  »äl^len,  ob  bu  folgen  »illft, 

2190  5  ort  reifet  er  bic|  in  feinet  ©d^mungeS  ftraft 
©amt  feinem  Sling  unb  allen  feinen  SWonben. 
9Mit  leidster  ©d^ulb  gel^ft  bu  in  biefen  ©treit, 
%>xä)  tt)irb  bie  SBelt  nid^t  tabeln,  fie  toirb'ö  loben, 
2)afe  bir  ber  fjreunb  baö  SKeifte  l^at  gegolten. 

Heunse^nter  2tuf tritt. 

2195  9Ba§  giebfS? 


3)ie  ^appenl^eimifcä^en  pnb  abgefeffen, 

Unb  rüdEen  an  gu  gufe ;  fi^  P^i^  cntfc^toffen, 

2)en  Segen  in  ber  ©anb  ba§  ^au^  gu  ftürmen, 

S)cn  ©rafen  n)oIlen  pe  befrein. 

man  foD 
2200  3)ie  ftetten  Dorgiel^n,  ba§  ®ef(3^ü^  aufpflangen. 

9Wit  ftettenfugcln  min  xä)  fie  empfangen.        xeranj  ge^t. 
5Dltr  oorgufd^reiben  mit  bem  ©c^mert !    ®el^,  Sleumann. 

298  rOallenjieins  ^ob 

©ie  follcit  \\(i)  gurücfgie^n,  augenbli(f§, 

2205  S3ßa§  mir  gcfaüen  mirb  gu  tl^un. 

9^eumann  ^t^i  ah,    ^Uo  ift  an§  i^enfter  getreten. 

^ä)  bitte  bi(3^,  entlaß  il^n ! 

^ti9  am  2ren[tet. 

ßntla^  i^n ! 



2ßa§  i[t'§? 

2luf§  giat^auä  ftcigen  [ic,  ba§  2)ad^ 
SBitb  abgcbedt,  fie  ri(i^ten  bic  Kanonen 
5ttuf§  ^aus  — 

S)ie  Stafcnben  I 

^©ic  tnad^cn  Slnpalt, 
2210  Un§  gu  befd^ie^en  —  ^' ' 

^eraogitt  unb  ®räfttt.    * 

©Ott  im  |)tmmel ! 

a^ac  iu  SBaUenfteiu. 

hinunter,  [ic  bebcuten  — 


deinen  ©c^ritt ! 

9^0^  auf  X^itla  unb  bte  ^eraogin  jeigenb. 

3]&r  Scben  abct !    2^ein§ ! 

SSa§  bringft  bu,  Scrgfp? 

Dritter  2Iuf3U(j;  §wan^\^^tv  2Iuftrttt  299 

^tDansigfter  Jtuftrttt. 

SoHge.   tiersh)  lommt  jurütf. 

S3otf(3^aft  t)on  unfern  treuen  Siegimentern. 
^i)x  9Jiut  fei  länger  nid^t  ju  bänbigen, 

«215  ©ic  flehen  um  (Srlaubntö  anjugreifen, 

aSom  ^rQger=  unb  Dom  3}t\xi)U%i)ox  finb  fie  |)err, 
Unb  menn  bu  nur  bie  Sofung  moflteft  geben, 
©0  lönnten  fie  ben  ^einb  im  Slücfen  faffen, 
3^n  in  bie  ©tobt  einfeilen,  in  ber  (Snge 

«220  3)er  Strapen  leicht  il^n  übermältigen. 

D  lomm !   Safe  il^ren  ßifer  nid^t  erfalten ! 
S)ie  aSuttlerifcä^en  Italien  treu  gu  un§  I 
SBir  finb  bie  größte  3ci^I  unb  toerfen  fie 
Unb  enben  l^ier  in  ^ilfen  bie  Empörung. 

^    Söoflenfteiit. 

2225  ©Ott  biefe  ©tabtgftm  ©c^lac^tgefilbe  toerben, 

Unb  brüberlid^e  3tt)ietraci^t,  feueraugig, 

S)ur(i^  i^re  ©trafeen  loögelaffen  toben? 

2^em  tauben  @rimm,  ber  leinen  Qfü^rer  l^ört, 
-  ©ofl  bie  (Sntfdieibung  übergeben  fein? 
2230  ^ier  ift  niiä^t  9laum  jum  ©erlagen,  nur  gum  SBürgen ; 

3)ie  loögebunbnen  ^urien  ber  SBut 

JRuft  Ieine§  ©errfd^erS  ©timme  mel^r  jurüdf. 

SBol^I,  e§  mag  fein !    3[d^  l^ab'  eö  lang  bebad^t, 

©0  mag  fid^'ö  rafd^  unb  blutig  benn  entloben. 

2235  aSie  ift'§?    äBißft  bu  ben  @ang  mit  mir  öerfud^en? 

Sreil^eit  gu  gelten  l^aft  bu.    ©tette  bid^ 
"'  ■  Vlix  gegenüber,    gü^re  fie  gum  Äampf. 

300  XOaUen^eins  Cob 

35cn  ftricg  dcrftel^ft  bu,  l^aft  bei  mir  ctma§ 
©elernt,  \ä)  barf  bc§  ©cgnerS  mid^  ttic^t  fd^men, 
2240  Uub  leinen  fd^önern  Sag  erlebft  bu,  mir 
I)ic  ©(|ule  ju  begal^Ien. 

3ft  e§  ba^in 
©elommen?   Setter  IJSetter!  fönnt  i^r'S  traflen? 

Die  Slegimenter,  bie  mir  andertraut  finb, 
Dem  ftaifer  treu  l^inmeßjufül^ren,  l^ab'  id^ 
2245  ©elobt ;  bie§  tüiD  id^  l^alten  ober  fterben. 
9Ke]^r  fobert  leine  ^^flid^t  Don  mir.    3d^  fed^te 
9hc^t  gegen  bid^,  menn  id^'§  öermeiben  lann, 
I)enn  aud^  bein  feinblid^  ^aupt  ift  mir  nod^  l^eilig. 

(£8  gefc^ei^n  atvet  ©c^üffe.  gOo  unb  XersD?  eilen  anS  ^enftet. 


aBa§  ift  ba§? 

2250  gr  flürgt. 


©tütitl   SBer? 


S)ie  2:iefenbad^er  tl^ten 

2)en  ©d^ufe. 


9Iuf  toen? 


9luf  biefen  Sleumann,  ben 

S)u  f (^idteft  — 

äBattenftein  auffal^renb. 

Sob  unb  Steufel !   ©0  »in  idj— 


Dritter  2luf3tt9;  Swanix^^tx  2luftritt  301 

S)id^  i^rer  Minben  2But  entgegenfteDen? 

$ersogitt  uub  ©rfifln» 

Um  (BotteSmiUen  nid^t ! 

Se^t  ni^t,  mein  Selbl^etr ! 

2255  D  ^alf  il^n  I  l^alf  i^n ! 


Sagt  mxä)  l 

Stl^u'  es  ni^t, 
3ett  ni^t.    S)ie  blutig  raf(|e  SE^at  §at  [ic 
3tt  SBut  gefegt,  emarte  i^re  Sleue  — 


C)intt)eg  I   Qn  lange  fc|on  l^ab'  id^  gejaubert. 
S)a8  lonnten  [ie  fi(|  freöentlic^  erfül^nen, 

2260  SQBeil  fie  mein  9lngefi^t  niiä^t  fal^n  —  ©ie  foKen 
aJlein  9lntli^  fe^en,  meine  ©timme  l^ören  — 
©inb  eö  nic|t  meine  Sruppen?   Sin  xä)  ni^t 
Sl^r  fjelbl^err  unb  gefüriä^teter  ©ebieter? 
fiafe  fel^n/ob  fie  baö  3lntU&  nid^t  me^v  lennen, 

2265  2)ad  i^re  ©onne  mar  in  buntler  ©d^Ia^t« 
dS  brandet  ber  SBaffen  nid^t.    ^d)  geige  mid^ 
JBom  Sfftan  )\em  Slebeüenl^eer,  unb  fd^nett 
Sejäl^mt,  gebt  9ld^t,  fe^rt  ber  empörte  ©inn 
3nS  alte  S3ette  be§  ©e^orfamS  mieber. 

^  ge^t  S^m  folgen  300,  Xeril9  unb  Oitttler. 

302  IDalTenfteins  Zeh 

€inunb5U>an5tgfter  Jtuftritt 

fBväfiu.   ^ersogiM.    9Ras  unb  XIkHc. 

/i827pSBenn  [ie  il^n  fcl^n  —  6g  ift  noc^  C^offnung,  ©(i^tocPer. 
Hoffnung !    3^  f)aU  feine. 

bcr  toä^renb  b<8  legten  StuftrltteS  in  einem  ftc^t^aren  ftampf  bon  ferne  geftanben.  mit 

nä^er.  • 

S)a§  ertrag'  icfi  nic^t. 
3(j^  fam  l^iel^er  mit  feft  entf(i^iebner  ©eele ; 
^ä)  glaubte,  x^ä)t  unb  tabellog  gii  tl^un, 
Unb  mup  l^ier  fielen,  tDie  ein  C^öfjen^merter, 
2275  ®in  rol^  Unmenfd)Iici^er,  boni  S^Iuc^  belaftet, 
35 om  2l6fd)eu  afler,  bie  mir  teuer  finb, 
Unroürbig  fd^mer  bebrängt  bie  Sieben  fefjn, 
2)ie  iä)  mit  einem  Söort  beglürfen  !ann  — 
2)a§  ^n^  in  mir  empört  \\ä),  eö  ergeben 
2280  3mei  ©timmen  ftreitenb  \\6)  in  meiner  Sruft, 

3n  mir  ift  5lad^t,  ic^  meife  baö  9leii)te  nic^t  gu  WKi^Ien. 
D  tool^I,  tt)oI)l  l^aft  bu  mal^r  gerebet,  55ater, 
1^    3"  t^i^l  bertraut'  \ä)  auf  ba§  eigne  ^cx^, 
'    3c|  fte^e  n)anlenb,  meiß  nic^t,  n)a§  id^  foll. 


2285  ©ie  tüiffen'S  nid^t?   3^r  ^txi  fagf g  3^nen  nic^t? 

©0  tüiH  id^'S  Sinnen  fagen ! 

^f)x  SJater^^at  ben  fc^reienben  Serrat 

9tn  unS^e'gaTxgen^  an  be§  dürften  ^anpt . 

©efredelt,  un§  in  ©d^mad^  geftürgt,  barau§ 
2290  grgiebt  [id^  flar,  toaö  Sie,  fein  ©ol^n,  t^un  follen: 

@utmad()en,  toa^  ber  ©d^nblid^e  berbrod^en. 

Dritter  2Iuf3ug;  ^'munb^wan^i^^tv  Zluftritt  303 

@tn  aSetfptel  auf jufteKen  frommer  Streu, 
®a^  nid^t  ber  3tamt  ^tccolomint 
@in  ©(j^anblieb  fei,  ein  em'ger  tSluä)  im  $au§ 
2295  S)?t  SBaüenfteiner. 

SBo  ift  eine  ©timme 
S)er  SBal^rl^eit,  ber  xä)  folgen  barf ?   Un§  aüt 
Semegt  ber  SBunfd^,  bie  Seibenfd^aft.    S)aB  je^t 
6in  ©ngel  mir  dom  ^immcl  nieberftiege, 
2)a§  ^tä)tt  mir,  ba§  unöerfälfiä^te,  fd^öpfte 
2300  2lm  reinen  Sid^tqueü  mit  ber  reinen  ©anb ! 

Snbem  feine  $(ugen  auf  Xf^tfia  faflen. 

SSJie?   ©uc|'  id^  biefen  ßngel  nod^?   ©rmarf  id^ 
3loä)  einen  anbern? 

®r  n&l^ert  ftc^  i^r,  ben  %xm  um  fie  fc^togenb. 

©ier  auf  biefeS  ©erg, 
3)a§  unfel^Ibare,  l^eilig  reine,  toill 
3(i^'§  legen,  beine  Siebe  min  \ä)  fragen, 
2305  2)ie  nur  ben  ©lücflid^en  beglüdfen  lann, 
95om  unglüdEfelig  ©d^iulbigen  fid^  menbct. 
ftannft  bu  mid^  bann  nod^  lieben,  mnn  \ä)  bleibe? 
ßrfläre,  bafe  bu'§  fannft,  unb  id^  bin  euer. 

@räfttt  mit  »ebeututtg. 


9)'2ac  untetbtic^t  fie. 

»ebenfe  nichts,    ©ag',  mie  bu'§  fü^Ift. 


2310  ^n  euren  SBater  bentt  — 

9)'20S  unterbricht  fte. 

glicht  9frieblanb§  SEod^ter, 
3[d^  frage  bid^,  bid^,  bie  ©eliebte,  frag'  id^ ! 
@3  gilt  ii^t  eine  ftrone  gu  geminnen. 

304  VOaüen^xns  Cob 

2)a§  möd^tcji  bu  mit  flugcm  ®cijl  bcbenfen. 
2)te  aiul^e  betnes  gfreunbed  gtlt's,  baS  @Iä(f 

2315  95on  einem  Staufenb  tapfrer  ^elbenl^etjen, 
3)ie  feine  SEI^at  jum  SJiufter  nel^men  loerben. 
©ofl  xä)  bem  ftaifer  eib  unb  ^fliij^t  abf(j^»ören? 
@oH  xä)  ind  Sager  beö  Octabio 
^ie  batcrmörberifd^e  ftugel  fenben? 

?32o  SJenn  toenn  bie  ßugel  loS  ift  au§  bem  fiauf, 
3ft  fie  lein  tote^  SBerfjeug  mel^r,  fie  lebt, 
@in  ®eift  fäl^rt  in  fie,  bie  ßrinn^en 
Ergreifen  fie,  be§  f^redete  SRöd^erinnen, 
Unb  führen  tücfifd^  fie  ben  ärgften  SBeg. 


2325  O  9Jiaj  — 

9lein,  übereile  Vxi)  axxi)  ni(]^t. 
^i^  !enne  ixi),    2)em  ebeln  ^erjen  !önnte 
3)ie  fij^merfte  ^pt^t  bie  näij^fle  f(j^einen.    Wd&t 
2)a3  ®ro$e,  nur  ba§  9Kenf(^Iid^  gef(ä^e]^e. 
3)enr  ttjaä  ber  gfürft  öon  je  an  mir  getl^an. 

2330  2)enf'  ani),  ttjie'ö  i^m  mein  95ater  l^at  bergoUen. 
D  au(!^  bie  fd^önen,  freien  Siegungen 
3)cr  ®aftli(i^fcit,  ber  frommen  gteunbeätreue, 
©inb  eine  l^eiltge  Religion  bem  ^erjen, 
©d^mer  rädien  fie  bie  ©(i^auber  ber  9latur 

2335  9tn  bem  SBarbaren,  ber  fie  grä^id^  fd^nbet. 
2eg'  alles,  alleä  in  bie  SQBage,  ipxxä) 
Unb  lafe  bein  f)erj  entf(]^eiben. 


O  ba§  beine 

^at  längft  entfd^ieben.    golge  beinem  erffen 
©efü^I  — 

Dritter  2luf3ug;  €inunb3tDan3igjler  2(nftrttt  305 


UngUicf  (id^e ! 


SBie  !öunte  ba» 
2340  3)a§  3ic(j^te  fein,  tt)a§  biefeS  jartc  ^crj 

3l\ä)t  Qltxä)  jucrft  ergriffen  unb  gefunben? 

@e^  unb  erf üOe  beine  WW !    3  ^  tt)ürbe 

3)^  immer  lieben.    Sßa§  bu  a\xä)  ermöl^lt, 

2)u  tt)ürbeft  ebel  ftet§  unb  beiner  toürbig 
2345  ©e^anbelt  l^aben  —  aber  9leue  fofl 

3tm  beiner  ©eele  fd^önen  trieben  ftören. 

©0  mufe  x6)  hxä)  berlafjen,  bon  bir  fd^eiben ! 

SBie  bu  bir  felbft  getreu  bletbft,  bift  bu'ö  mir. 

Uns  trennt  ba§  ©(i^icffal,  unfre  ^txim  bleiben  einig. 
«350  6in  blut'ger  ^a$  entgmeit  auf  em'ge  Stage 

3)ie  ©öufer  5rict>Iö«b,  ^iccolomtnt, 

^oäf  mir  gel^ören  ni(i^t  ju  unferm  ^aufe. 

—  Sfört  1   6ile !    6iie,  beine  gute  ©a(j^e 

SBon  unfrer  unglücffeligen  ju  trennen. 
2355  3luf  unferm  Raupte  liegt  ber  t^lnäf  beS  ©immetö, 

@d  tft  bem  Untergang  gemeil^t.    ^wd)  mt(i^ 

SBirb  meines  SSaterö  ©d^ulb  mit  ins  SSerberben 

C)inabjie]^n.    iraure  ni^t  um  mic^  I   5Jlein  ©(i^icffal 

SSJirb  balb  entfd^ieben  fein. 

Vtoi  foftt  fie  in  bie  %xmt,  l^eftig  Utoi^t    3Ran  ^ört  l^inter  ber  ®cate  ein  laute«, 

»HtMB,  lang  Mr^Qenbed  Oefc^rei :  „93it>at  (^erbinanbuS !"  bon  friegerifc^en  SnftTU« 

nuntm  begleitet.    9Ra;  unb  Xbefla^^otTen  einanber  unbettegltd^  in  ben  Slrmen. 

306  lOaUenflcins  Cob 

^tDeiunbstDansisfter  auftritt 

@rS{itt  i^m  entgegen. 

2360  SBaS  lüar  ba§?   SBaö  bcbcutcte  ba§  {Rufen? 

61^  ift  tmbdf-m^  allc§  tft  berlorcn. 


3Bte?  unb  ftc  gaben  n^t§  auf  feinen  Stnblidf? 

mä)\^.  3HIe§  mx  umfonft. 


©ie  riefen  SSibat. 

Sern  Jf aifer. 


D  bie  ^fltd^tdergcfjenen  I 

2365  9Man  lie^  il&n  nid^t  einmal  jum  SQBorte  fommen. 
9ll§  er  gu  reben  anfing,  fielen  fie 
9Jlit  friegerifc^em  ©piel  betäubenb  ein. 
—  ^'m  fommt  er. 

Brciunbsroansigfter  2(uftritt. 

eorigc.    8B«lleit{leiit,  begleitet  »on  30«  unb  XMtttler.    2)aTaiif  ftirtflicft, 

fB^aUtn^txn  \m  kommen. 

Serail) ! 

9Hein  Surft? 

Dritter  2luf3ug;  Dreiunb3ipan3igjler  2luftritt         307 


Safe  unfre  Sicflimcntcr 
2370  ®\äf  fertig  l^altett,  l^eut  no(i^  aufgubrcd^en, 
®enn  toir  berloffen  ^tlfen  noc^  t)or  Slbenb. 

»uttlcr  — 


SJlcin  ©eneral ! 

S)er  ßommanbant  gu  6gcr 
3[t  euer  gfreunb  unb  fianbsmann.    ©einreibt  i^m  gleid^ 
^uxä)  einen  ßilenbett,  er  foU  bereit  [ein, 
2375  Un§  morgen  in  bie  S^pung  eingunel^men  — 
3]^r  folgt  un§  felbft  mit  eurem  ^Regiment. 

6S  fofl  gefti^el^n,  mein  fjelbl^err. 


tritt  itttf(^en  9Ra£  unb  ^^efla,  iDet^e  ftc^  toä^renb  biefer  Seit  feft  umfc^Iungen  ge- 

©d^eibet ! 


ftttiafftere  mit  gesogenem  ®etoef)r  treten  in  ben  <Baal  unb  fammetn  ftd)  im  hinter- 
gninbe.    8ttg(ei(^  60rt  man  unten  einige  mutige  $afTagen  axii  bem  $np)>en6eimer 

SDlarfc^,  toetc^e  bem  SRaj:  su  rufen  fc^etnen. 

S9^a0enftetlt  au  ben  ßUraffteren. 

Dier  ift  er.   6r  ift  frei,    ^ä)  f)alV  il&n  ni(i^t  mel^r. 

St  fte^t  abgett)enbet  unb  fo,  baB  ä^a;  i^m  nic^t  j^eitommen,  no(^  ft(^  bem  flfräuieli! 

nähern  tann. 

®u  l^affeft  mt(i^,  treibft  mt(i^  im  3orn  bon  bir. 
2380  3^^wi$en  fofl  ba§  SSanb  ber  alten  Siebe, 
mäft  fanft  ft(i^  löfen,  unb  bu  »iflft  ben  m% 
©en  [(j^merjlid^en,  mir  fd^merjlic^er  no(i^  mad^en ! 

308  Waütn^eins  Zob 

^u  tDeiBt,  \i)  ffaU  of)m  \>\ä)  ju  leben 
3lod)  nic^t  gelernt  —  3n  eine  SBüfte  ge^'  xi) 
2385  ^inan^,  unb  alles,  toa^  mir  loert  ift,  üHeS 
©leibt  l^ier  jurüdE  —  D  menbe  beine  2luflen 
5Ri(i^t  bon  mir  toeg !    "ülod)  einmal  geige  mir 
2)ein  ett)ig  teurem  unb  Derel^rte§  Slntli^ ! 
ajerftofe'  mxä)  ntti^t  — 

Qx  tttiü  feine  $anb  faffen.  fSJallenftein  aie^t  fte  surüct.  Gr  tvenbetftc^  an  bie  OrSpn 

3ft  l^ter  lein  anbreS  2luge, 
2390  3)aö  SJlitleib  für  mxä)  l^ätte  —  SSafe  Sterjl^  — 

(Sie  toenbet  ft(^  bon  t^m ;  er  fe^rt  ftc^  sur  ^erjogin. 

6^rtt)ürb'ge9Kutter  — 


©el^n  ©ie,  ®raf,  tool^in 
S)ie  ^fltd^t  ©te  ruft  —  ©0  fönnen  ©ie  uns  einft 
©in  treuer  greunb,  ein  guter  @ngel  herben 
3lm  Jl^ron  beS  Jf aiferS. 

C>offnung  geben  ©ie  mir, 
2395  ©ie  tüoDen  mxä)  nid^t  ganj  öerjmeifeln  laffen. 
O  tftufd^en  ©ie  mxä)  nid^t  mit  leerem  Slenbnxr!  t 
SJlein  UnglildE  ift  gettjife,  unb,  ®an!  bem  C>inimel  I 
2)er  mir  ein  SKittel  eingiebt,  eS  ju  enben. 

3;iefiiie08muftf  beginnt  lieber.   S)eT  @aal  füllt  fi(^  mtfix  unb  me^r  mit  9etoaffnet(ii 

an.   (£r  fte^t  Suttlern  bafte^n. 

^ffx  aud^J^ier,  Oberft  Suttler  —  Unb  il^r  tooKt  mir 
2400  9lid^t  folgen?  —  SBo^l !    Sleibt  eurem  neuen  C)errn 
©etreuer,  als  bem  alten.    Jf  ommt !    SSerfpreiJ^t  mir, 
2)ie  ^anb  gebt  mir  barauf ,  bafe  il^  fein  Seben 
SBefd^ü^en,  unDerle^liii^  moüt  bemaJ^ren. 

93utt(er  berh>eigert  feine  ^anb. 

S)eS  if  aiferS  %ä)i  l&ängt  über  i^m  unb  giebt 

Dritter  ^lufjug;  Dremnbsmanstgfter  2luftritt         309 

2405  ©ein  fürflü(^  ^anpi  iebiüebem  ^Korbfnec^t  pxtx^, 
®er  \\äf  ben  Sol^n  ber  SSIuttl^at  tDifl  berbienen  ; 
3e^t  tl^ät'  i^m  eineö  fjreunbeg  fromme  ©orgc, 
2)cr  fiiebe  treueö  2luge  not  —  unb  bie 
3c^  [(^eibenb  um  il^n  [el^'  — 

^tpclbcutißc  ©lirfe  auf  3ao  unb  ©utttcr  rid^tenb. 

©U(j^t  bie  SSerräter 
241 Q  3n  eures  SBaterS,  in  be§  ©aflaS  Säger. 

C)ier  iji  nur  einer  nod^.    ®ti)t  unb  befreit  un§ 
^on  feinem  l^affenSmürb'gen  9tnblicf.    ©el^t. 

9Ra]:  berfucbt  eS  no(^  einmal,  ft(^  ber  l^^efla  p  nö^em ;  ^aUenftein  ber^inbett  eS. 

(Jr  fte^t  unjdjlüfftfl,  Wmeraboa ;  inbeB  füUt  ficft  ber  @oot  immer  meör  unb  meljr,  unb 

bie  ^ömer  ertönen  unten  immer  auffobember  unb  in  immer  f ür^eren  Raufen. 

Slaft !   »laft !  —  O  mären  eö  bie  f(j^tt)eb7(^en  C^örner, 
Unb  fling'ö  Don  l^ier  geraV  tnö  gelb  beö  3:obe3, 
2415  Unb  alle  ©d^merter,  aüe,  bie  iä)  f)kx 

ßntblöfet  muB  fel^n,  burti^brängen  meinen  fflufen ! 
2Ba§  moflt  iljr?   flommt  il^r,  mid^  bon  l^ier  l^inmeg 
3u  reißen? — O  treibt  mic^  ni(i^t  jur  SJergmeiflung  l 
Stl^uf §  nid^t !   3]&r  fönntet  eö  bereun ! 

2)er  ®qq\  ift  ganj  mit  9en)affneten  erfUat. 

2420  yioä)  mel^r  —  6§  l^ängt  ©emid^t  fid^  an  ©emid^t, 
Unb  i^re  5Jlaffe  jiel^t  mic^  fc^mer  l^inab.  — 
aSebenht,  maS  t^r  tl^ut.    @§  ift  nid^t  ttjo^lgetl^an, 
3um  imxn  t)en  SSerjmeifelnben  ju  Mi)Un. 
3^r  rei^t  mid^  ipeg  bon  meinem  (Slütf,  tt)ol^Ian, 

2425  ®er  SRad^egöttin  mxf)'  iä)  eure  ©eelen ! 

^i)x  ffait  gemäl^It  jum  eigenen  SSerberben.    j 
SBer  mit  mir  gel^t,  ber  fei  bereit  ju  fterben !  j 

^nbem  er  {i<ii  na<ii  bem  ^intergrunbe  toenbet,  entftel^t  eine  raf(^e  9en}egung  unter  ben 

fiüraffteren,  fte  umgeben  unb  begteiten  iftn  in  tvtlbem  Xumutt    SBaOenftein  bleibt 

unbetpegti(^.    Zfittla  ftn!t  in  ilgrer  SRutter  9(rme.    2)er  ^Jor^ang  fäat. 

Vicvtcv  Huffu^* 

3n  bc«  Söütgcrmeiflcr«  ^aufc  ju  Sger. 

€rfter  Ztuftritt* 

Outtler,  ber  eben  anlangt. 

@r  ift  l^crein»    3l^n  fül^rtc  fein  Serl^angniS, 
2)er  9led^cn  ift  gefaflen  l^intcr  il^m, 

2430  Unb  tDtc  bic  33rü(fe,  bic  il^n  trug,  itm^lxif 
<B\ä)  niebetUep  unb  fc^mcbcnb  tt)iebcr  l^ob, 
3}ft  jeber  9lcttung§tt)cg  il&m  abgefti^nitlcn. 
Si§  l^iel^er,  Q^ricblanb,  unb  ni(^t  toeitcr !  fagt 
2)ie  ©(i^irffalggöttin.    2luS  bcr  bö^mifd^en  6rb( 

2435  ßrl^ub  [id^  bein  berounbert  SJldeor, 

SBeit  burd^  ben  ^immel  einen  ©lanjttjeg  jiel^enb 
Unb  l^ier  an  Söl^menö  (Srenge  mup  e§  finfen ! 
—  2)u  l^a[t  bie  alten  Q^al^nen  abgefd^moren, 
Sßerblenbeter,  unb  trauft  bem  alten  ©lüdt ! 

2440  2)en  ßrieg  ju  tragen  in  beö  Saifcrö  Sauber, 
2)en  l^eirgen  ^erb  ber  Saren  umjuftürgen, 
Seroaffneft  bu  bie  freöell^afte  ^anb. 
5limm  bid^  in  Sld^t !  bid^  treibt  ber  böfe  ®eiji 

3)er  SRad^e  —  ba§  bid^  Slad^e  nid^t  Derberbe  I 


Pierter  2Iuf3ng;  gtoeiter  2(nftritt  311 

^tPetter  ituftrttt 

Ottttler  unb  @oi:boit* 

2445  ®eib  i^r'g?  —  D  lüie  t)crlangt  m\ä),  cud^  gu  l^ören. 
2)cr  C>^rjo8  ein  SSerrätcr !    D  mein  @ott ! 
Unb  flüd^tig !  unb  [ein  fürftlic^  ^aupt  gcä(i)tet ! 
^äj  bitt'  enäf,  ©cneral,  fagt  mir  auSfül^rlic^, 
2Bic  alles  bie§  ju  ^ilfcn  \\ä)  begeben? 

2450  ^f)x  i)aii  ben  Srief  erJ^altcn,  ben  xäf  tnä) 
%uxä)  einen  ßilenben  t)orau§gefenbet? 


Unb  l^abe  treu  getl^an,  tt)ie  il^r  mxi)  l^ic^t, 
®ic  Scftung  unbebenllid^  tl^m  geöffnet, 
3)enn  mir  befiel^lt  ein  laiferlic^er  ©rief, 

2455  ^Ciäf  eurer  Drbre  blinblingS  mid^  ju  fügen. 
^thoäf  bergei^t !  al§  ic^  ben  Surften  felbft 
"^xin  \a^,  ha  fing  ic^  mieber  an  ju  jmeifeln. 
2)enn  ttjal^rlid^ !  ni(i)t  al§  ein  ©eäd^teter 
3:rat  ©crgog  grieblanb  ein  in  biefe  ©tabt. 

2460  aSon  feiner  ©tirne  leuchtete  tt)ie  fonft 

55e5  ©errfd^erö  ^Kajeftät,  ©e^orfam  fobernb, 
Unb  rul^ig,  mie  in  Sagen  guter  Drbnuug, 
9lal^m  er  be§  SlmteS  9le(^enf(i)af t  mir  ab. 
Seutfelig  mad^t  baö  9)iißgefd^icf,  bie  ©c^ulb, 

2465  Unb  f(^mei(^elnb  jum  geringern  9Jlanne  pflegt 
©efaüner  ©tolj  l^eruntcr  fi^  gu  beugen ; 
2)od^  fparfam  unb  mit  SBürbe  mog  ber  Surft 
9Kir  jebeö  SBort  be§  33eifafl§,  mie  ber  ©err 
2)en  2)iener  lobt,  ber  feine  ^flici^t  getrau* 


312  XDanen^exns  Cob 


2470  SBie  iä)  cud^  fd^rieb,  fo  ift'§  genau  gefd^l^n. 

6§  ffüt  bcr  Surft  bcm  5^i^^t>^  bic  9lrmcc 

S5er!auft,  iJ^m  ^rag  unb  @gcr  öffnen  mollen. 

aScrloffen  l^aben  i^n  auf  bic§  Ocrüd^t 

3)ie  [Regimenter  ade  bi§  auf  fünfe, 
2475  S)ie  SEergf^'fci^en,  bie  il^m  l^iel^er  gefolgt* 

2)ie  3ld^t  ift  auSgefproc^en  über  tl^n, 

Unb  il^n  gu  liefern,  lebenb  ober  tot, 

3ft  jeber  treue  ®iener  aufgef obert. 

Verräter  an  bem  ftaifer  —  f old^  ein  ^err ! 
2480  ©0  l^od^begabt !   O  tt)a§  ift  SRenfd^engröfee  I 

3(^  fagf  eö  oft :  baä  fann  ni(^t  glücf Ii(i^  enben ; 

3um  gfaDftricl  marb  i^m  feine  ®rö|'  unb  TOad^t 

Unb  biefe  bunlelfc^roanfenbe  ©emalt» 

2)enn  um  fid^  greift  ber  2Kenfd^,  nici^t  barf  man  i^n 
2485  3)er  eignen  SWäfeigung  bertraun.    3^«  ^ölt 

3in  @d)ran!en  nur  baö  beutlid)e  ®efe^ 

Unb  ber  ©ebräud^e  tiefgetretne  ©pur. 

2)od^  unnatürlid^  toax  unb  neuer  3lrt 

2)ie  Jf  riegSgcmalt  in  biefeg  5)ianneS  ^ünitn, 
2490  "Sem  ßaifer  felber  flellte  fie  il^n  gleid^, 

2)er  ftolje  ©eift  verlernte  fid^  ju  beugen. 

O  ©d^ab'  um  fold^en  2Kann !  benn  feiner  möd^te 

2)a  fefte  ftel^en,  mein'  id^,  tt)o  er  fiel. 


©part  eure  ßlagen,  bi§  er  SJlitleib  brandet, 
t495  2)enn  jc^t  noc^  ift  ber  SJläd^tige  ju  fürd^ten. 
S)ie  ©darneben  finb  im  Slnmarfd^  gegen  6ger, 
Unb  fernen,  ttjcnn  it»ir'g  nid^t  rafd^  entfd^Ioffen  l^inbem, 
SQßirb  bie  SSereinigung  gefd^el^n.    3)a§  barif  mä)t  fein! 

Vierter  2lnf3n9 ;  Sipeiter  2lnftrttt  313 

@§  barf  ber  gfürft  nid^t  freien  Sfufe^^  mel^r 

2500  9lu§  biefem  ^la^,  benn  6^r'  unb  fiebert  f)aV  xi) 

SSerpfönbet,  il^n  gefangen  l^ier  ju  nehmen, 

Unb  euer  Seiftanb  x\V^,  auf  ben  xä)  red^ne* 


D  l^ätf  xi)  nimmer  btefen  Stag  gcfel^n ! 

2ln§  feiner  ©anb  empfing  iä)  biefe  SBürbe, 
2505  gr  felkr  ffai  bieS  ©d^Io^  mir  anbertraut, 

®a§  id^  in  feinen  JJerler  foll  bermanbeln. 

SBir  ©ubalternen  l^aben  feinen  SBtllen ; 

®er  freie  5Jlann,  ber  mächtige,  allein 

®tf)oxä)t  bem  fd^önen  menfd^Iid^en  ©efül^I. 
2510  SBir  aber  finb  nur  Schergen  beö  ©efe^eS, 

3)e§  graufamen ;  ©e^orfam  l^ei^t  bie  Stugenb, 

Um  bie  ber  9liebre  fid^  bewerben  barf. 


fiapt  eud^  baö  enggebunbene  Vermögen 
giid^t  leib  t^un.    2Bo  Diel  greife«,  ift  biel  ^trtum,  1  ^^ 
2515  3)o(^  fidler  ift  ber  fd^male  3Beg  ber  ^flici^t.  * 


©0  l^at  il^n  alleö  benn  berlafjen,  fagt  il^r? 
@r  l^at  baS  ©lud  bon  SEaufenben  gegrünbet, 
®enn  föniglid^  mar  fein  ©emiit,  unb  ftet§ 
3um  ©eben  mar  bie  boDe  C)önb  geöffnet  — 

2Rtt  einem  8eitenbtt(f  auf  »uttlem. 

2520  aSom  ©taube  l^at  er  TOand^en  aufgelefen, 
3u  l^olfter  6^r'  unb  SBürben  il^n  erpl^t, 
Unb  l^at  fid^  feinen  S'reunb  bamit,  nid^t  einen 
6r!auft,  ber  in  ber  9lot  i^m  gfarbe  l^iclt ! 

^ier  febt  i§m  einer,  ben  er  faum  gehofft. 

314  IDallenjleins  Cob 

2525  ^^  ^ciV  m\i)  feiner  ©unft  t)Ott  t^m  erfreut. 
Qfaft  jmeifl'  iäf,  ob  er  je  in  [einer  ®rö|e 
@ic^  eines  3ugenbfreunbä  erinnert  f)at  — 
S)enn  fern  bon  il^m  l^ielt  m\äf  ber  S)ienjt,  fein  Süige 
SSerlor  mid^  in  ben  SRauren  biefer  SJurg, 

2530  3Bo  iä),  bon  feiner  ©nobe  nid^t  erreid^t, 
2)a§  freie  C)erj  im  ©tillen  mir  bemal^rte. 
2)enn  aU  er  mid^  in  biefes  ©d^Ioß  gefegt, 
SBar'g  i^m  nod^  ßrnft  um  feine  ^flid^t ;  nid^t  fein 
Vertrauen  tftufd^'  id^,  ttjcnn  id^  treu  bemQl^re, 

2535  2Ba§  meiner  Streue  übergeben  marb. 


©0  fagt,  tt)oIIt  il^r  bie  3ld^t  an  il^m  Dolljiel^n, 
9Kir  eure  ^ilfe  teilen,  il^n  ju  Derl^aften? 


na^  einem  nad^benfltc^en  ©tiafd^meigen,  Iummert)oIl. 

Sft  e§  an  bem  —  berl^ält  fid^'S,  mie  il^r  fpred^t  — 
©at  er  ben  ßaifer,  feinen  ^errn,  berraten, 

2540  3)tt§  ©eer  berfauft,  bie  fjeftungen  be§  SanbeS 
S)em  SReid^gfeinb  öffnen  moflen  —  ja,  bann  ift 
5Rid^t  Rettung  mel^r  für  i^n  —  S)od^  e§  ift  ^art, 
S)a$  unter  allen  eben  mid^  ba§  2o§ 
3um  SBerfjeug  feineö  ©turge§  mufe  ermäl^Ien. 

2545  3)enn  ^agen  maren  tt)ir  am  ^of  ju  SBurgau 
3u  gleid^er  3^it,  id^  aber  mar  ber  ältre* 

3d^  meip  babon. 


SBo^I  breißig  Sa^re  finb'S.    3)a  jirebte  fd^on 

'..2)er  fül^ne  9JJut  im  gmanjigjäl^r'gen  Jüngling, 

255o.6rnft  über  feine  ^af)xt  mar  fein  ©inn. 

Dicrter  2luf3ug;  grocitcr  Zluftritt  815 

3luf  grofee  S)inge  männU(j^  nur  gcrid^tct.   l' 
SJurd^  unfrc  SKittc  ging  er  fliflen  @«ci[t§, 
©i(!&  fclficr  bic  @cfcflf(^af t ;  nic^t  bie  Suft, 
35ic  linbifd^e,  ber  ftnaben  jog  il^n  an ; 
2555  ®od^  oft  ergriff'S  il^n  plö^Iid^  ttjunberfam, 
Unb  ber  gel^eimnigboflen  Sruft  entfuhr, 
©inndoll  unb  leuc^tcnb,  ein  ©ebanfenftral^I, 
®a^  mir  unö  ftaunenb  anfal^n,  ni(i)t  red^t  miffenb, 
Ob  SQBal^nftnn,  ob  ein  @ott  au§  il^m  gefprod^cn. 

2560  ®ort  tt)or%  tt)o  er  jiDei  ©tocf  l^oc^  nieberftürgte, 
2lt§  er  im  genfterbogen  eingefd^Iummert, 
Unb  unbef(i^Qbigt  ftanb  er  mieber  auf. 
38 on  biefem  SEag  an,  fagt  man,  liepen  fid^ 
Slnmanblungen  beö  SBaJ^nfinnö  bei  i^m  fpüren. 


2565  Stieffinniger  tt)urb'  er,  ba§  ift  mal^r,  er  tt)urb^-. 
ftatl^olifd^*    SQBunberbar  l^atf  i^n  ba§  SBunber \ 
3)er  SRettung  umgefe^rt.    6r  l^ielt  fic^  nun       ) 
gür  ein  begünftigt  unb  befreitet  SBefen,  . 

Unb  fedf,  mie  einer,  ber  nid^t  ftrauctjeln  fann, 

2570  fiief  er  auf  fci^manfem  ©eil  be»  SebenS  l^in. 
Slad^l^er  filiert'  unö  ba§  ©c^idffal  au-^einanber, 
aäJeit,  mit ;  er  ging  ber  ©röße  fül^nen  2öeg 
5Jlit  fd^neüem  ©d^ritt,  id^  fa^  i^n  fd^minbclnb  gc^n, 
2Barb  ®raf  unb  Qfürft  unb  C^f^i^g  unb  ^iftator, 

257i  Unb  je^t  ift  alles  il^m  ju  flein,  er  ftredtt 
2)ie  ©änbe  nad^  ber  Jf önigöfrone  aus, 
Unb  ftilrjt  in  unermeplid^eS  SBerberben ! 

33red^t  ab*    @r  fommt. 

316  Waütnfteins  (Eob 

Dritter  2(uftritt. 

SBalleitfteitt  im  (&t\^x^  mit  bem  S&rgermeifier  noit  @0cr.    Sie  Soriiei. 

3^r  lüart  [onft  eine  freie  ©tobt?   ^i)  fe^', 
2580  31^r  fül&rt  ben  l^alfien  3lbler  in  bem  2Bttpt)en. 
aßarum  ben  l^alben  nur? 


SBir  maren  rci(!^§fret, 
*^o(i)  feit  gmeil&unbert  Sauren  ift  bie  ©tabt 
2)er  iöi)m'\ä)tn  SixorC  t)ert)fänbet.    3)Q^er  rü^rt'ö, 
S)afe  tt)ir  nur  no(j^  ben  l^alben  Slbler  fül^ren» 
2585  2)er  untre  Steil  ift  fanjelliert,  bi§  etma 
3)Q§  SReid^  un§  toieber  einlöft. 

3]^r  öerbientet 

2)ie  greil^eit.    C^altet  eud^  nur  brad»    @ebt  feinem 

2luf lüiegleröoll  ®epr.    2Bie  \)oi)  feib  i^r 


S3ürgermeifter  audt  bie  ^td^fein. 

S)a$  lüir's  faum  erfc^mingen  !önnen. 

2590  ®ie  ©arnifon  lebt  a\xä)  auf  unfre  Soften. 

3]^r  follt  erleichtert  lüerben.    ©agt  mir  an, 
6g  finb  no(i^  ^roteftanten  in  ber  ©tabt? 

ȟrgcrmciftct  ftufet. 

3>a,  ja.    3(j^  mi^  e§.    6§  berbcrgen  fid^  no(iö  biele 
3n  biefen  SKauern  —  ja !  geftel^t'ö  nur  frei  — 
2595  3^r  felbft  —  3txä)t  mi)x? 

Öijicrt  ll^tt  mit  ben  Äugen,   ©ürgermetftet  erf()^ri(ft 

©eib  ol^ne  Surii^t.  ^d^^e 
^ie  3efuiten  —  Sög's  an  mir,  fie  lüärcn  längfl 

Pierter  2Iuf3ug;  Dritter  2Iuftritt  317 

«US  IRcid^cg  ©rengen  —  5JleBbuc^  ober  Sibel ! 
mix  iff  §  att  cin§  —  3[(^  l^ab'g  ber  SBelt  bemiefen  — 
3tt  OiogQU  f)aV  xi)  felber  eine  Sixxä)' 
2600  2)en  ©öaitflclifd^en  erbauen  iQffen. 

—  ^ört,  Säürgermeiftcr  —  mie  i[t  euer  9lame? 


^od^l^älbel,  mein  erlQUti^tcr  gürft. 

^ört  —  aber  fagt'ö  nici^t  »eiter,  toa^  \6)  tnif 
3e^t  im  SBertraun  eröffne. 

3|in  tte  ^anb  auf  bie  $l($fel  legenb,  mit  einer  getuiffen  %cicxli^ttit 

2)ie  ßrfüflung 
2605  55er  Seiten  tjl  gcfommen,  39ürflermei[ler. 

®ie  ^ol^en  ttjerben  fallen,  unb  bie  9liebrigen 

ßrl&eben  \\ä)  —  Sel^allet'g  aber  bei  eud) ! 

2)ie  fpanifc^e  ©oppell^errfd^aft  neiget  \\ä) 

3u  il^rem  6nbe,  eine  neue  Drbnung 
2610  ®er  2)inge  fül^rt  fic^  ein  —  3^r  fa^t  bodf)  jüngfl 

%m  C)intmei  bie  brei  3Konbe? 


mit  gnlfe^en. 

®at)on  ^xä)  jmet  in  blufge  Sold^geftalt 

SBergogen  unb  t)erti)anbelten.    9lur  einer,  * 

®er  mittlere,  blieb  [tel^n  in  feiner  JJlarl^ett. 


2615  SBir  jogen'ö  auf  ben  Stürfen* 

SEürlenl    2BaS? 
3tt)et  SReid^  »erben  blutig  untergeben, 
3m  Dften  unb  im  SBeften,  fag'  iä)  tnä). 

318  IDaUenfieins  Cob 

Unb  nur  ber  lutl^crifd^c  @la\iV  toirb  bleiben* 

(£r  Bemerft  bie  stuet  Stnbem. 

©in  ftarle§  ©(i^tefeen  mar  Ja  biefcn  3lbenb 
2620  3ut  Unlen  ^ani,  ote  mir  ben  SBeg  l^tel^er 

©emaci^t*   JBernal^m  man'ö  aud^  l^ier  in  ber  Sepung? 


SBol^I  l^örten  tt)ir%  mein  ©eneroL    6§  brad^te 
S)er  SBinb  ben  ©d^oH  gerab  Don  ©üben  l^er. 

33 on  9leu[tabt  ober  SBeiben  fd^ien'3  ju  fommen. 


2625  S)oS  tft  ber  SBeg,  auf  bem  bie  ©darneben  nal^n. 

^unberi  ad^tjig 
Sienftföl^ige  3Kann,  ber  IReft  [inb  3fndaHben. 

Unb  tt)ie  Diel  [te^n  im  ^oä)xm^tf)al? 



5lr!ebu[ierer  ^ab*  xä)  l^ingefd^idt, 
2630  2)en  Soften  gu  t)er[tär!en  gegen  bie  ©darneben. 


Sc^  lobe  eure  SSorpdjt.    2ln  ben  SBerlen 

SBirb  Quc^  gebaut,    '^äj  fa^'^  bei  ber  ^ereinfal^rh 


SBeil  un§ber  Sll^eingraf  je^t  fo  nal^  bebrängt, 
Siefe  id^  nod^  gmei  ^afteien  fd^nell  errid^ten. 


2635  3^r  feib  genau  in  eure§  J?aifer§  2)ienft. 
^ä)  bin  mit  eud^  gufrieben,  Dberftleutnant. 

Dierter  Suf3ug;  Pierter  2luftritt  319 

3u  »uttlern. 

3)cr  Soften  in  bcm  3o(^im§t]^aI  foH  abjtcl^n 
©amt  aDcn,  btc  bcm  Q^etnb  entgcgenftel^n. 

3u  ®orbon. 

3fn  euren  treuen  ^önben,  ßommenbant, 
2640  Safe  t(j^  mein  SBeib,  mein  ßinb  unb  meine  ©(^mefter* 
SDenn  l^ier  ift  meinet  33Ieiben§  nid|t ;  nur  ©riefe 
ßrroarf  iä),  mit  bem  ^^rül^eften  bie  tJeftung 
©amt  aDen  Slegimentern  ju  berlafjen. 

ütcrter  2tuf tritt* 

Sorige.    @raf  Xtx^tti^, 

SDßtHIomm'ne  Sotf(J^aft !    grolle  3eitunöen ! 

^64$  S5Ba§  bringft  bu? 

@ine  (Bä)laä)i  ift  öorgefaHen 
Sei  Sleuftabt,  unb  bie  ©d|tt)eben  blieben  ©ieger. 

2Ba§  fagft  bu?    SBo^er  lommt  bir  biefe  5Rad|rid|tr 

@in  Sanbmartn  braii^t'  eö  mit  bon  2irfd^enreit, 
5la(]^  ©onnenuntergang  l)aV^  angefangen ; 
4650  gin  laiferlid^er  %x\xpp  öon  %aö)avi  l^er 
©ei  eingebro(^en  in  ba§  fd^raeb'fdie  Sager, 
3tt)Ct  ©tunben  l^ab'  baö  ©(fiepen  angel^alten, 
Unb  taufenb  ßaiferlid^e  fei'n  geblieben, 
3f§r  Dberft  mit,  mel^r  pufef  er  nici^t  }u  fagen* 

320  XOaUenfteins  (Eob 


2655  SBtc  fömc  IdfcrUd^cS  Sßolf  nac!^  5Rcu[tabt? 
S)cr  Slltringcr  —  er  müßte  ^flügel  l^aben  — 
©tanb  geftern  Diergel^n  3JleiIen  noc!^  öon  ba ; 
2)e§  ®aDa§  SBöIfer  fammeln  \xä)  5U  ^ftau'nberg 
Unb  finb  no(]^  nt(j^t  beifammen.    ^ötte  fici^ 

2660  2)er  ©ups  etiüa  fo  mit  borgeiüagt? 
6§  !ann  nti^t  fein. 

Sno  crfd^cint. 


SBtr  lüerben'S  alSbalh  pten, 
2)enn  l^ier  lommt  3II0  fröl^Iici^  unb  boH  @ile. 

fünfter  ^tuftrttt 

^ie  Smrigtit«   30«« 
300  au  SBaaenftein. 

@tn  JRettenbct  tft  ba  unb  will  bid^  fpred^n. 

^ar§  mit  bem  ©iege  fic!^  beftätigt?   ©pri(^ ! 


2665  2Ba§  bringt  er?   SBol^er  lommt  er? 

93  on  bem  JR^eingtaf; 
Unb  tt)a§  er  bringt,  »iH  td^  borau§  bir  melben. 
®ie  ©(^weben  fte^n  fünf  2ReiIen  nur  bon  l^ier. 
S3ei  9leuftabt  f)aV  ber  ^iccolomini 
<B\ä)  mit  ber  Sfteiterei  auf  fie  geworfen, 
2670  6in  fürd^terli(^e§  9)iorben  fei  gefci^el^n, 
SJodö  enblid^  l^ab'  bie  Sölenge  übermältigt, 

Pierter  ^lufsng;  5ed?fler  2luftrttt  321 

3)tc  ^appenl^etmcr  aUt,  anä)  bcr  9Kaj, 

®ct  fic  ftefüT^rt  — fcfn  auf  bcm  ^lafe  geblieben. 


SBo  ift  bcr  Sote?   Sringt  mid^  gu  il^m. 

^nbcm  ftUrit  f^rSuIein  9{eit]inttitt  ins  Simmer ;  il^r  folgen  einige  Sebiente,  bie  burc^ 

ben  ®oo(  rennen. 


€)tlfe!   C>«fel 
300  unb  Seraft^* 
2675  SQßaS  gicbt'g? 

Sag  gfräulein ! 

SS^attenftein  unb  Seraft^. 

SBctB  fte'S? 

©ic  lütH  ftcrben* 

C»It  foit 
SBaDenftein  mit  Ztthttf  unb  l^Eo  i^r  tiad^. 

Sedjfter  ^tuftritt 

^»tUtt  unb  Qlorboti. 
@orbon  erftaunt. 

grllärt  ntir.    SBaS  bebeutctc  bcr  9luftritt? 

©ic  ]^at  bcn  5Kann  bcriorcn,  bcn  fic  liebte, 
®cr  ^tccolomini  toax'^,  bcr  untöclommcn. 


Unglücf  Ii(]^  JJröuIcin ! 


2680  3i^r  ^abt  gcl^ört,  tt)a§  biefcr  3Do  brad^te, 
S^aB  fic^  bic  ©d{)tt)cbcn  ficgcnb  nol^n. 

322  VOaUenfteins  (Eob 



3tt)ölf  aieöimentct  ftnb  fic  ftarl,  unb  fünf 
©tc^n  in  bcr  3lä^\  bcn  ^txiOQ  ju  bcfd^ü^cn. 
SEBir  l^aben  nur  mein  einzig  3tegiment, 
2685  Unb  nid^t  jmeil^unbcrt  flar!  ift  bie  SScfafeung. 

©0  x\i% 


3l\ä)t  möglid^  iff  g,  mit  fo  geringer  SRannfd^ft 

©old^  einen  ©taatSgefangnen  ju  bemal^ren* 

S)aö  fey  i^  ein. 

2690  S)ie  5!Jlenge  l^ätte  balb  ba§  Heine  C)änflein 
ßntmaffnet,  il^n  befreit. 


.S)ag  ift  SU  fürchten. 

S3tttt(er  mä^  einer  $aufe. 

SSäißt  l   3>^  t)in  Sürge  morben  für  ben  SluSgang, 
T  9)Jit  meinem  Raupte  l^aft'  \^  für  bQ§  feine. 
'^  2Bort  mup  \ä)  galten,  fü^r'S,  tt)o^in  e§  »iü, 
2695;  Unb  ift  ber  Sebenbe  nici^t  ju  bemal^ren, 
©0  ift  —  ber  Sote  unS  gewip. 


Serftey  id^  euc!^?   ©ereci^ter  ®ott !    3^r!önntet— 


6r  barf  nid{)t  leben. 

3^r  öermöd^tef i5? 

Pierter  2luf3ug;  5ed?fler  2Iuftntt  323 

3]^t  ober  xä).    6r  \af)  bcn  legten  SRorgcn. 

2700  grmorben  tüoDt  i^r  il^n? 


S)a§  ift  mein  Sorfa^. 


S)et  cuter  Streu'  vertraut  I 

©ein  böfeg  ©d^irffal  I 
®e8  fjelbl^erm  l^eilige  ^erf on ! 


®a3  war  er! 

D  maS  er  mar,  löfci^t  fein  aSerbreii^en  au§ ! 

D^n'  Urtel? 


2)ie  SSoüftrecfung  ift  flatt  Urtete, 


2705  35aö  toäxt  9Morb  unb  nic^t  ©ered^tigfelt, 
®enn  ^ören  mu^  fie  ouci^  ben  ©(^ulbigften. 

Slax  ift  bie  ©ci^ulb,  ber  ßaifer  l^at  ßerid^tet, 
Ünb  feinen  SBiÜen  nur  boüftredfen  mir* 


2)en  bluf  gen  ©pruci^  mufe  man  nid^t  rafd^  boHaiel^n, 
'.710  6in  SBort  nimmt  fic^,  ein  Seben  nie  jurüd. 

»itttler.  V 

©er^urt'g?  ®ienft  gefäül  ben  Königen* 

3u  4)enIerS  2)ienft  brängt  fid^  lein  ebler  9Rantt. 

324  VOaütn^ins  (Eob 

ftein  SButigcr  crblcici^t  bot  !ü^ncr  %f)at 

I    ®a§  fiebert  toagt  ber  9Mut,  nid^t  ba§  ©emiffen, 

2715  5!Ba§?   ©off  et  ftet  aiiögel^n,  be§  ßriege^  ^flamme, 
®te  unau§Iöf(^Ii(^e,  aufS  neu  entgünben? 

5We^mt  i^n  flefangen,  tötet  il^n  nut  nid^t, 
©tetf t  blutig  nid^t  bem  ©nabenengel  bot* 

SBät'  bte  9ltmee  be§  ffaifetS  nid^t  flefd^Iagen, 
2720  aWöd^f  id^  lebenbig  tl^n  etl^alten  ^aben. 

D  toatum  f d^Io^  td^  il^m  bte  Seftung  auf  I 

2)et  Ott  ntd^t,  fein  SSetl^ängniS  tötet  i^n. 

?luf  biefen  SQBöDen  toöf  id^  tittetlid^, 
2)e§  ÄaifetS  ©d^Io^  betteibigenb,  a^funfen» 

2725  Uttb  taufenb  btabe  SKännet  lamen  um  I 


3n  i^ret  ^flid^t  —  ba§  fd^müdft  unb  el^tt  ben  9Rann  ; 
2)od^  fd^matjen  SDlotb  Detflud^te  bie  Statut. 

S3tltt(et  eine  ©d^rift  l^erDortattflenb. 

C)iet  ift  ba§  9Jlanifeft,  ba§  un§  befiehlt, 
Uns  feinet  gu  bemäd^tigen.    6S  ift  an  eud^ 
«730  ©etid^tet,  toie  an  mid^.    SOßofft  il^t  bie  fjfolgen  ttagen, 
aSJenn  et  gum  Qfeinb  enttinnt  butd^  unfte  ©d^ulb? 


^^,  bet  Ol^nmöd^tige,  0  ®ott ! 

Pierter  Jlnfjug ;  Se^fter  Jlnftritt  325 

Stcl^mt  il^r'ö  auf  cud^ !    ©tel^t  für  bic  Sfolgen  ein ! 
9Kag  »erben  braus,  toa^  tüxU  l   3d^  leg^S  auf  eu(]^* 


2735  O  ®ott  im  ^immel ! 


aSifet  i^r  anbcrn  JRat 
3)cd  Äaiferä  SJleinung  ju  öoUjicI^en?   ©preist ! 
S)enn  ftürgen,  nid^t  bernid^ten  lüiH  xä)  if)n. 

O  ©Ott !   SBaä  fein  mujj,  fe^'  id^  Ilar,  toie  i^r, 
^üäf  anberö  fd^Iägt  baS  ^erj  in  meiner  ©ruft. 

2740  Slud^  biefer  3Do,  biefer  3:ergf9  bürfen 
9lt(^t  leben,  »enn  ber  $ergog  fäDt. 


O  nii^t  um  biefe  tl^ut  mir'ö  leib^    © ic  trieft 
^ffx  fd^Ied^teä  ^erj,  ni(j^t  bie  ©emalt  ber  ©ternc. 
@ie  tt)aren*S,  bie  in  feine  rul^'ge  S3ruft 
2745  3)en  ©amen  böfer  Seibenfd^aft  geftreut, 
2)ie  mit  flud^mürbiger  ©efd^äftigfeit 
2)ie  Unglüdt §f ru(^t  in  il^m  genöl^rt  —  9Jlag  fic 
2)eS  böfen  2)ienfte§  böfer  Sol^n  ereilen ! 


^\X(f)  foHen  fie  im  Stob  i!^m  gleid^  boran« 
2750  aSerabreb't  ift  f(|on  aUeg.    S)iefen  2lbenb 
Sei  eines  ©aftmal^lS  tJreuben  tt)oDten  »ir 
©ie  lebeub  greifen  unb  im  ©d^Iofe  bewahren. 
JBiel  lürger  ift  eS  f  0.    ^(f)  ge^',  fogleid^, 
5Dtc  nötigen  Sefel^Ie  gu  erteilen. 

326  WaUen^eins  Cob 

Siebenter  JCuftrttt. 

.    Vorige,   ^tto  unb  Xtv^. 

27SS  9lun  \oW^  halb  anberä  lücrben !   SKorgen  jic^n 
S)te  ©c^mebcn  ein,  gtoölftaufenb  tapfre  ftrieger. 
2)ann  gtab'  auf  23ßien !    ^t !    Sufttg,  «Her !   Äcin 
©0  J^erb  ©efid^t  gu  \olä)tx  Steubenbotfd^af 1 1 

3e^t  ift'S  an  unö,  ©efe^e  öorgufd^reiben, 
2760  Unb  3taäf  gu  nel^men  an  ben  fd^Ied^ten  9Kenf(j^n, 

®en  f(j^nbli(^ett,  bie  un§  berlaffen.    6iner 

^aV^  fd^on  gebüfet,  ber  ^iccolominu 

©ing'S  allen  f  0,  bic'§  übel  mit  un§  meinen ! 

aSie  fd^mer  trifft  biefer  ©ci^Iafl  baö  alte  ^aupt ! 
2765  35er  ^at  fein  ganjeS  Seben  lang  \\d)  ab« 

©equölt,  fein  alte3  (Srafenl^auS  gu  fürften, 

Unb  je^t  begräbt  er'feinen  eing'gen  ©ol^n ! 


©d^ab'  ifl'g  bod^  um  ben  l^elbenmüt'gen  3tingltng, 
2)em  ^ergog  felbft  gtng'3  mf),  man  föl^  e§  xdo% 

2770  $ört/  alter  3^reunb  I  baS  ift  es  tt)a§  mir  nie        • 
^m  $errn  gefiel,  e§  ttar  mein  em'ger  Qani,       ^ 
@r  l^at  bie  SBcIfd^en  immer  öorgegogen. 
9lud^  je^o  nod^,  id^  fic^mör'§  bei  meiner  ©eele/ 
©ä^'  er  uns  alle  liebet  gel^nmal  tot, 

2775  ff önnf  er  ben  3^reunb  bamit  in§  Seben  rufen. 

■S   Sergf^. 
©tiD,  ftiül  .5Rid^t  n)elter  I    Sap  bie  Stoten  ru^n  I 
^eut'  gilt  e§,  »er  ben  anbern  niebertrintt,    .     ;. 
2)enn  euer  älegiment  \mü  uns  bemirten. 

Picrter  ^lüfsug;  Siebenter  2luftritt  327. 

SBir  lüoüen  eine  luffge  gapnad^t  l^alten, 

2780  ®tc  3laä)t  fei  einmal  Sog,  bei  boüen  (Slöfern 

grmorten  ttjir  bie  fci^meVfd^e  ^löantflarbe* 

3a,  lafet  un§  l^eut  nod^  guter  ®tnge  fein, 
35enn  ffti^t  Sage  ftefien  un§  beöor* 
5Wid^t  rul^n  f oll  btefer  S)egen,  bis  er  fi(^ 
2785  3n  Öfterreid^'fci^em  Slute  fatt  gebabet* 


^fut,  »eld^e  3ieb'  ift  ba§,  ^m  Selbmarfd^afl  I 
SBarum  fo  tt)üten  gegen  euren  ßaifer  — 


$>offt  ntd^t  iu  t)iel  Don  biefem  erften  ©leg* 
Sebenit,  mie  ftä^nefl  beä  @Iücfe§  3lab  fi^  bre^t, 
2790  S)enn  immer  noc!^  fe^r  mäd^tig  ift  ber  ßaifer, 

®er  ßaifer  l^at  ©olbaten,  leinen  g^elbl^errn, 
5)enn  biefer  ßönjg  3^erbinanb  bon  Ungarn 

Unb  toax  bon  jel^er  nur  ein  ^eerberberber. 
2795  Unb  biefe  ©(anlange,  ber  Octabio, 

ff  ann  in  bie  5^^f^^.  ]^eimü(|  ttjol^l  bcrmunben, 
®od^  ntci^t  in  offner  (B^laäji  bem  grieblanb  fielen. 

3l\(i)i  feilten  !ann'§  un§,  glaubt  mit^ö  nur.     S)a§  ©lüct 
"  SB^rlä^t  ben  |)erjog  nid|t ;  be!annt  ift'§  ja, 
2800  5Rur,  unterm  SBaüenftein  !ann  Öftreid^  fiegen, 

■■  ®et  gürft  tt)irb  el^eftens  ein  groj^eö  ^eer 
aSeifammen  l^abcn,  alles  brängt  fi(!^,  flrömt 
4)erbei  jum  alten  atul^me  feiner  gfa^nen. 

328  IPaaenfleins  (Eob 

2)ie  alten  Sage  fcl^'  id^  toicbcrfel^rcn, 
2805  35er  ©rofec  mirb  er  lüieber,  ber  er  war. 

Saäte  tüerben  fid^  bie  3:^oren  bann  ing  Slug' 

©efd^Iagen  Ijaben,  bie  il^n  je^t  Derliefeen ! 

2)enn  Sänber  fd^enfen  wirb  er  feinen  Qfreunben 

Unb  treue  2)ienjte  faiferlid^  belohnen. 
2810  SBir  aber  finb  in  feiner  ®unft  bie  5Wäd^ften* 

9lu(^  eurer  mirb  er  bann  gebenfen ;  mirb  eud^ 
?lug  biefem  5Wefte  giel^en,  eure  3:reu' 
3n  einem  l^ö^ern  ^ßoften  glänjen  Iaf[en. 


3d^  bin  Dergnügt,  berlange  pl^er  nid^t 
2815  hinauf;  tt)o  grofee  ^bf)\  ift  grofee  3:iefe. 

3]^r  l^abt  l^ier  weiter  nid^tS  mel^r  gu  befteHen, 
2)enn  morgen  jie^n  bie  ©d^weben  in  bie  fjeffung. 
Äommt,  3:erjf9.    6§  wirb  3^it  pnt  ?lbenbeffen. 
2Ba§  meint  i^r?   Saffen  wir  bie  ©tabt  erleud^ten, 
2820  S)en  ©(^webifd^en  gur  (Bf)x\  unb  mer'ö  nid^t  tl^ut, 
S)er  ift  ein  ©panifd^er  unb  ein  Verräter. 

Sa^t  ba§.    @§  wirb  bem  C^^rgog  nid^t  gefallen. 

SBaö  I    SBir  finb  SKeifter  ^ier,  unb  leiner  foff  fid& 
tJür  laiferlid^  befennen,  wo  wir  l^crrfd^en. 

2825  —  ®ut'  3la6)t !  ©orbon.    Safet  eudi^  gum  letztenmal 
35en  ^la^  empfol^Ien  fein,  fd^irft  Slunben  au3, 
3ur  ©id^er^eit  lann  man  baö  23ßort  nod^  änbern. 
©d^Iag  3^^rt  bringt  il^r  bem  ^erjog  felbft  bie  ©d^Iüjfet 
S)ann  feib  il^r  eure§  ©d^Iießeramte§  quitt, 

2830  S)enn  morgen  giel^n  bie  ©d^weben  in  bie  tJcftung. 

Dterter  2luf3ii9 ;  2l<^ter  2Iuftritt  329 

XtX^hl  im  «bge^en  iu  9utt(er. 

3]^t  lommt  bod^  aud^  aufs  ©d^Iofe? 


3ene  gelten  ab. 


Tldfkv  Tlnftvxtt 

fdutätt  unb  @orbott« 
@0rb0tt  il^nen  nad^fel^enb. 

Die  ÜnglüAfeltgen !    SBie  al^nunflSlod 
©ic  in  baS  auSgcfpanntc  SJlorbne^  ftürgcn 
3fn  iffxtx  bfinbcn  ©iegc^trunfenl&cit !  — 
«835  ^^  Jönn  fic  nid^t  bcllagcn.    ®tcfcr  3Do, 
2)cr  übermütig  freci^e  ^öfetöid^t, 
3)et  fid^  in  feinet  ff aiferS  ^lut  »iH  baben ! 

%i)\xt,  tt)ie  et  eud^  befohlen,    ©d^idt  Patrouillen 
^erum,  forgt  für  bie  ©id^er^eit  ber  tJeftung ; 
2840  ©inb  jene  oben,  fd^Iiejs'  id^  gleid^  bie  ^urg, 
3)a^  in  ber  ©tabt  nid^tS  bon  ber  Sl^at  berlaute ! 

@orbott  öngftH(^. 

D  eilt  nid^t  fo !    6r[t  fagt  mir  — 


3f^r  bernal^mf g ! 

3)er  näd^jle  SKorgen  fd^on  gel^ört  ben  ©darneben. 
2)ie  9lad^t  nur  iji  nod^  unfer ;  f  ie  finb  f(^neD, 
2845  9lod^  fd^neHer  »ollen  »ir  fein  —  Sebet  »ol^I. 

9ld^  eure  JBIicfe  fagen  mir  nid^tS  ®ute§. 
Serfpred^t  mir  — 

330  IVaüen^exns  tLob 

®cr  ©ontte  2td^t  tft  unter, 
©crab  [tciflt  ein  öcrl^änflmöboDer  3lbenb  — 
©ic  mai^t  tl^r  2)ün!el  fidler.    SSäel^rloö  gtebt  fic 

2850  3]^r  böfer  ©tern  in  unfrc  $anb,  unb  mitten 
3fn  il^rem  trunlnen  ©lücfeSmal^ne  foü 
2)er  f(!^arfe  ©tal^I  il^r  Seben  xa\ä)  ger^neiben. 
©in  grofeer  3led^en!ün[tler  toax  ber  Q^ürft 
9Son  jel^er,  alles  tou^f  er  ju  bereci^nen, 

2855  ®ie  5D?enfd^en  »u^t*  er,  gleid^  be§  ^rettfpielS  ©tcinen, 
9la(^  feinem  Qrocd  ju  fe^en  unb  ju  fd^ieben, 
3t\ä)t  Slnftanb  nal^m  er,  anbrer  ßl^r'  unb  SBürbe 
Unb  guten  3luf  in  ȟrfeln  unb  gu  fpielen. 
(Sered^net  l^at  er  fort  unb  fort,  unb  cnblid^ 

2860  aOßirb  bod^  ber  SialM  irrig  fein ;  er  wirb 
©ein  Seben  felbft  l^ineingered^net  l^aben, 
SSäie  jener  bort  in  feinem  3it!el  fallen. 


O  feiner  i^tifUx  nid^t  gebenfet  je^t  l 
3tn  feine  ©rö^e  benf t,  an  feine  9MiIbe,  ' 
2865  5ln  feines  ©erjenS  liebenSmertc  güge, 
9ln  alle  ßbeltl^aten  feines  SebenS, 
Unb  lafet  fie  in  baS  aufgel^obne  ©d^mert 
9llS  ßngel  bittenb,  gnabeflcl^enb  fallen  • 

gsijlgufpöt.    5Kid^t  aWitleib  barf  i(^  füllen ;    . 
2870  3d^  barf  nur  blutige  ©ebanfen  l^aben. 

®otbon5  ^anb  faffenb. 

©orbon !  9iid^t  meines  C>off^^  ^^i^i^^  —  ^^  li^^c 
3)en  ^exm  nid^t  unb  l^ab'  bugu  nid^t  Urfad^'  — 
2)od^  nid^t  mein  ^aß  madjit  mid^  gu  feinem  9)lörber. 
Sein  böfes  ©.d^idffal  ift'S.    S)oS  Unglildt  treibt  mid^, 

V'xtvttv  2luf3U9 ;  2l(^ter  2luftrttt  331 

2875  3)i^  f eihbli(j^c  Sufammcnlunf t  ber  SDtnge* 

@§  t)enft  ber  SJlenfd^  bic  freie  3:]^at  ju  tl^un, 

Umfonft !    6r  ift  bog  ©pieltuerf  nur  ber  bitnben  > 

(Semalt,  bie  au§  ber  eignen  SBa^I  il^m  fci^nell 

®ie  fur^tbare  Slotmenbiöfeit  erfd^offt. 
2880  aBa§  J^ölf ö  il^m  aud^,  wenn  mir  für  il^n  im  C)^i^J^tt 

SBaS  rebete  —  ^ä)  mufe  i^n  bennoi^  töten. 


D  töenn  bQ§  ©erg  eud^  warnt,  folgt  feinem  Sriebe ! 

2)a§  $erj  ift  ®otte§  ©timme ;  SBenfd^enttjerl 

3ft  afler  Älugl^cit  fünftlici^e  Sered^nung. 
2885  SBaS  fann  au§  bluf  ger  St^at  eud^  ©lüdlid^eö 

©ebei^n?   O  au§  »lut  entfpringt  nid^t§  @ute§ ! 

©oH  fie  bie  ©taffei  eud^  gur  ©röfee  bauen? 

D  glaubt  baS  ni(i^t  —  6ö  !onn  ber  5Korb  bisweilen 
'  *  'S)en^önigen,  ber  3Jlörber  nie  gefallen. 

2890  Sl^r  wifet  nid^t.    fjragt  nid^t.    SBarum  mußten  aud^ 

2)ie  ©d^weben  fiegen  unb  fo  eilenb  nal^n ! 

®ern  überliefe  id^  il^n  be§  JJaiferö  ©nabe, 

©ein  Slutnld^t  will  id^.    Stein,  er  möd^te  leben.  «1 

2)0dÖ  mHny^  ^nri^^  Grljirp  mufe  id^  löfen.  , 

2895  Unb  fterben  mufe  er,  ober  —  !^ört  unb  wißt ! 
3d^  bin  entel^rt,  wenn  un§  ber  fjürft  entfommt. 


D  fold^en  9)iann  ^u  retten  —  /- 

S3tttt(er  fernen. 


3P  eines  Opfers  wert  —  ©eib  ebelmütig ! 

2)a§  C>^i^i  wnb  nid^t  bie  SWeinung  e^rt  ben  5Kann.    ^ 

S3ttttler  Ia(tunbftol6. 

2900  6r  ipt  ein  großer  .£)err,  ber  gürft  —  ^d^  aber 

332  VOaUen^eins  Cob 

33tn  nur  ein  IlctncS  $aupt,  ba§  tooHt  \f)x  fügen. 

3Ba§  liegt  ber  23ßelt  bran,  meint  il^r,  ob  ber  Slicbrig« 

©eborene  [\ä)  eieret  ober  fd^änbet, 

SQßenn  nur  ber  fjärftlid^e  gerettet  tt)trb. 
2905  —  6in  jeber  giebt  ben  SBert  jtd^  felbft.    3Bie  l^o$  t^ 

Wiä)  felbft  anfi^Iagen  »ill,  ba§  ftel^t  bei  mir. 

©0  ]^o(j^  geftellt  ijt  feiner  auf  ber  @rbe, 

®ap  iä)  mxä)  felber  neben  il^m  oerad^te. 

2)en  SJienfd^n  mad^t  fein  SBille  gro^  unb  Hein, 
2910  ^b  meil  iä)  meinem  treu  bin,  mu^  er  jierben* 


D  einen  Steifen  ftreb'  iä)  ju  bemegen ! 
^f)x  feib  Don  9Renf(j^en  menfci^Iid^  nii^t  gejeugt. 
9lid^t  l^inbern  fann  ic^  eud^,  il^n  aber  rette 
6in  ®ott  aus  eurer  fürd^terlid^en  ^anb. 

neunter  Jtuftritt* 

(Sin  3intmer  bei  ber  ^etgogln. 

SUctla  in  einem  ©effel,  Bleid^,  mit  flef($(ofTnen  ttugen.    ^er^ogbi  mi^ 
^rftnltin  tton  nett^mtitt  um  fie  bef($äftigt.   SBattmfleiit  unb  bic  (MHia 

im  ®eit)ra(^. 

2915  SBie  tonnte  fie  e§  benn  fo  fernen? 


@ie  fd^tnt 
Unglüdf  geal^nt  gu  l^aben.    2)aS  @eräd^t 
SSon  einer  ©(!^Ia(^t  erfd^rectte  fie,  worin 
S)er  laiferlid^e  Dberft  fei  gefallen, 
3<^  fal^  es  glei(i^.    ©ie  flog  bem  fd^toebifd^it 

Dierier  ^lufjng;  Neunter  2luftritt  333 

«920  ftourtet  entgegen  unb  entriß  tl^m  fd^nell 
^\xxä)  fragen  ba§  unglücfltd^e  ©el^etmniö, 
3u  fpät  Detmt^ten  toxi  fie,  eilten  naä) ; 
Dl^nmäd^tig  lag  jie  fi^on  in  feinen  Firmen, 


©0  unbeteitet  mu^te  biefet  ©d^Iag 
2925  ©ie  treffen !  «rmeS  Äinb !  —  SQBie  tft'§?  gr^olt  fie  \iä)? 

3nbem  er  fic^  aut  ^eraogtn  toenbet. 


©ie  fd^Iägt  bie  ^ugen  auf« 

©ie  lebt ! 

SBo  bin  id^? 

tritt  iuil^,  1ie  mit  feinen  Firmen  aufric^tenb. 

ftomm  ju  bir,  Stl^efla.    ©et  mein  ftarle^  TOäbd^en ! 
©iel^  beiner  SButter  liebenbe  ©eftolt 
Unb  betne§  SaterS  ?lrme,  bie  bid^  Italien. 

Xf^tila  richtet  M  Quf. 

2930  SBo  ift  er?   3ft  er  nid^t  ntel^r  l^ier? 


SBer,  meine  St  ödster? 

3)er  biefeS  Unglüdtswort  au§fprad^  — 

D  benfe  nid^t  baran,  mein  ßinb !    ^inmeg 
aSon  biefem  ^ilbe  tt)enbe  bie  ©ebanfen. 


Saßt  i^ren  Äummer  reben !    Safet  fie  flagen ! 
2935  SJlifd^t  eure  Sll^ränen  mit  ben  iljrigen. 

®enn  einen  großen  ©d^merj  l^at  fie  erfal^ren  ; 

334:  rDallenfleins  Cob' ' 

^oä)  toirb  jic'ö  übcrjtcl^n,  bcnp  meine  3:l^eIIa 
^at  tl^reä  SBater§  ünwjfDungneS  ^er^. 

3^  bin  nid^t  franf.    3^  ^abe  Äraft  ju  fie^n. 
2940  2Ba§  iDeint  bie  3Hutter?   ^aV  iä)  fie  erfd^redft? 
(5§  ift  Dorüber,  i^  befinne  mid^  iDieber, 

@ie  ift  aufgeftanben  unb  f ud^t  mit  ben  %ugen  im  diointtc 

SSBo  ift  er?   SKan  Detberge  mir  i^u  nid^t. 
^6)  l^abe  @tär!e  gnug,  id^  miß  il^n  pren. 


Stein,  St^eHa !    ®iefer  Unglücfäbote  fott 
2945  5lie  IDieber  unter  beine  3lugen  treten. 

iUfein  aSater  — 


Siebes  ftinb  I 

3^  bin  nid^t  f^tooi 
3^  tt)erbe  mi(]^  aud^  balb  nod^  me^r  erl^olen. 
©emäl^ren  ©ie  mir  eine  Sitte ! 


^pxiä)  I 

erlauben  Sie,  ba^  biefer  frembe  SMann 
2950  ©erufen  tcerbe,  ba^  id^  il^n  allein 
SSerne^me  unb  befrage. 


Slimmermel^r  I 


5lein,  baö  ift  niäji  ju  raten !    ©ieb'ö  ni^t  ju. 


SBarum  tt)illft  bu  il^n  f|)re(]^en,  meine  Sini^? 

Vierter  2tuf3ug ;  Hcuntcr  2Iuftrttt  335 

3d^  Mn  flcfafetcr,  toenn  iä)  al(c§  toeife, 
2955  3^  tDtH  ni(]^t  J^intcrgangcn  fein.    Die  TOutter 

SBill  tnid^  nur  fc^onen»    3»<ä&  t^iö  nid^t  gefiä^ont  fein. 
2)a§  ©(ä^redfli(]^j'te  ift  ja  gefagt,  xä)  fann 
9?id^tö  ©(]^redfli(3§er§  tnel^r  ^ören. 

Gräfin  unb  $erSOdin  6U  SSaHenftein. 

2^u*  e§  ntd^t ! 

^d)  tourbe  überrafc^t  bon  tncinem  ©d^reden, 
2960  5Kein  ^erj  berriet  mid^  bei  bem  frentben  5!JJann, 
6r  )Dar  ein  S^MQt  meiner  ©d^mad^^eit,  ja, 
3d^  fan!  in  feine  Slrme  —  ba§  befd^ämt  mid^. 
^erfteflen  mn^  id^  niid^  in  feiner  2ld^tung, 
Unb  fpred(>en  muß  id^  il^n  notmenbig,  bap 
2965.  Der  frembe  SKann  nid^t  ungleid^  bon  mir  benfe* 


3d^  finbe,  fie  ^at  9led^t — unb  bin  geneigt, 
3]^r  biefe  Sitte  gu  geiüäl^ren.    SRufti^n. 

{^räulein  9leubruim  g«l^tl5inaud. 

3d^,  beine  9Kutter,  aber  tt)ill  babei  fein. 

-  Xf^ttta. 

2lm  liebften  fpröd^'  id^  il^n  allein,    ^ä)  toerbe 
2970  Sll^ann  um  fo  gefaxter  mid^  betragen.-/«^  c*^^ 

SS^attenftein  aur  ^eraogtn. 
Safe  e§  gefd^e^n.    Safe  fie'ö  mit  il^m  allein  ' ' 

'  3[u^ma(|en.    ®g  giebt  ©c^mcrgen,  tüo  l)er  5Keufd^ 
@id^  felbft  nur  l^elfen  !ann,  ein  ftarle§  ^erj 
Wxü  \ii)  auf  feine  ©tär!e  nur  berla[fen. 
2975  3n  i^rer,  ntd^t  an  frember  Sruft  mnfe  fie 
ftraft  fd^ö|ifenv  biefen  ©d^Iag  jn übciftcl^n^- 

336  XDaUtnftexns  (Eob 

6S  tft  mein  ftarlc^  9Möbd^n,  ntd^t  aü  SBcib, 
Site  ^clbtn  toiH  td^  ftc  bcl^anbelt  fcl^n. 

SBo  flc^ft  bu  ^in?   3(j^  ^örtc  Sterjl^  fagen, 
2980  2)u  bcnicft  morgen  frül^  Don  l^tcr  ju  gcl^n. 
Uns  ober  l^ier  gu  laffen. 


3a ;  t^r  bleibt 
®em  BäjMi^t  toadxtx  5)?änner  übergeben. 


O  nimm  unS  mit  bir,  Sruber !    Saß  uns  nid^t 
3n  biefer  büftern  ßinfamteit  bem  Sluägang 
2985  Wxt  forgenbem  ®emüt  entgegen  ^arren. 
2)aS  gegenmärt'ge  Unglüd  trägt  )\ä)  leidet ; 
3)o(^  grauendoH  bergröfeert  e§  ber  3tt)^ifri 
Unb  ber  ßriüartung  Oual  bem  ttjeit  ßntfernten. 


2Ber  fprid^t  Don  Unglüdt?    Seffre  beine  9lebe. 
2990  3d^  ^aV  ganj  anbre  Hoffnungen. 

©0  nimm  un§  mit.    D  laß  unSitid^t  gurüd 
3n  biefem  Ort  ber  traurigen  Sebeutung, 
3)enn  fd^mer  ift  mir  baS  |)erj  in  biefen  TOauren, 
Unb  h)ie  ein  jotenleüer  ^aud^t  mid^*§  ^J&LkJf^^^ 
2995  S'i)  ftt^tt  ^^^t  fögen,  h)ie  ber  Ort  rtifttJoTDert. 

D  fü^r'  un§  weg !    Äomm,  ©d^wefter,  bitf  i^n  au4 
S)afe  er  un§  fortnimmt !    ©ilf  mir,  liebe  Slid^te!  .,;i*'^ 


S)e§  Ortes  böfe  3^ id^^n  toill  id^  önbern, 
@r  fei*§,  ber  mir  mein  SteuerfteS  betoal^rtc. 

Picrtcr  2Iuf3ug;  gclptter  2tuftritt  337 

^tnhtunu  fommt  aurücf. 

3000  5)ct  fd^tücb'fd^e  ^txx  I 


Sapt  fic  mit  i^m  allein.  «6. 

©iel^,  tt)ic  bu  bid^  entfärbtcft !    ff inb,  bu  fannft  il^n 
Unmöglid^  ^pxtä)tn.    fjolgc  bciner  SKuttcr. 

®ie  Slcubtunn  mag  bcnn  in  bcr  Släl^c  bleiben. 

^SOflin  unb  Gräfin  ge^en  ab. 

5«^nter  Jtuftrttt. 

Steno.   Sev  filitoeiifilie  ^atM^tiitamt.   f^raitlein  9tettintttit* 
4^lltt)lttnatttt  nafft  ftd^  ej^rerbietig. 

^ringef fin  —  xä)— mufe  um  SSer jeiJ^ung  bitten, 
3005  SDlein  unbef onnen  rafci^eö  SBort  —  SBie  lonnt'  i^  — 

Xf^ttta  mit  ebe(m  9(nftanb. 

Sie  l^aben  mid^  in  meinem  ©(i^merj  gefel^n, 

6in  unglüdööollet  3iifaII  mad^te  ©ie 

S[uS  einem  gfrembling  fd^nell  mir  gum  SSertrauten. 

^6)  fürd^te,  bafe  ©ie  meinen  SlnblidE  l^affen, 
3010  5)enn  meine  3unge  fprad^  ein  traurig  SDBort. 


5)ie  ©d^ulb  ift  mein.    3d^  felbft  entriß  e§  3^nen, 
©ie  toaxtn  nur  bie  ©timme  meinet  ©d^idtfals. 
2Rein  ©d^redfen  unterbrad^  ben  angefangenen 
33erid^t.    3d^  bitte  brum,  ba§  ©ie  i§n  enben. 

3015  ^ringeffin,  e§  mirb  3§ren  ©d^merj  erneuern. 


338  rDaHenPeins  Cob 

^ä)  bin  borauf  gefaxt  —  ^ä)  toifl  flcfap  fein- 
SQBic  fing  baS  Streffen  an?   goKcnbcn  ©ic. 

SBir  ftanben,  tetnc§  Übcrf ollö  gctoärtig, 

Sei  5ieuftabt  ^ö^xoaä)  öcrfd^anjt  in  unfcrm  Säger, 

3020  3ll§  gegen  5lbenb  eine  2BoI!e  ©taubes 

5luf flieg  Dom  SBalb  l^er,  unfer  33ortrab  fliel^enb 
3n§  Sager  ftürjte,  rief :  ber  fjeinb  fei  ba. 
2Bir  l^atten  eben  nur  no(§  3^it  un§  ft^netf 
2(uf §  ^ferb  gu  tcerfen,  ba  burd^brad^en  fd^on, 

3025  3fn  öoKem  9loffe§Iauf  bal^er  gefprengt, 
S)ie  ^ßo^nl^eimer  ben  Wnffad ;  f d^neß  mar 
3)er  &xadttt  anci),  bef  fi(§  umö  Sager  gog, 
SSon  biefen  ftürm'fiä^en  ©c^äreti  überflogen.  • 
SDod^  unbef onnen  l^atfe  fie  ber  5Dlut 

3030  3?orau§gefü]^rt  ben  anbern,  tt)eit  bal^inten 

Sffiar  nod^  ba§  fjufebol!,  nur  bie  ^appenl^eimer  toareu 
2)em  fül^nen  fjü^rer  fül^n  gefolgt.  — 

Xf\tUa  mad^t  eine  IBemegung.    2)er  Hauptmann  ^ölt  einen  SlugenMitf  inne>  bU 

fie  i^m  einen  %3tnf  giebt,  fortzufahren. 

SSon  t)orn  unb  t)on  ben  glanfen  faxten  mir 

©ie  je^o  mit  ber  gangen  SJeiterei 
3035  Unb  bröngten  fie  gurüdE  gum  ©raben,  too 

2)a§  gfu^oolf,  fd^neß  georbnet,  einen  Sled^en 

SSon  ^ilen  il^nen  ftarr  entgegenftredEte. 

5lid^t  t)orh)ärt§  fonnten  fie,  öud(>  nid^t  gurüdE, 

©efeilt  in  brangöoH  fürd^ierfid^e  @nge.  ^^    ^ 
3040  J)a  rief  ber  SR^eingraf  il^rem  ^ül^rer  gu,  *       - 

Sn  guter  ©d^Iad^t  fid^  el^rlic^  gu  ergeben, 

^oä)  Dberft  ^iccolomini  — 

^^cf(a,  fc^TOinbclnb,  fafet  einen  ©ejfel. 

3l^n  ntad&te 

ütcrter  ^lufsng;  geinter  2Iuftritt  339. 

S5cr  ^clmbufd^  fenntlid^  unb  boö  lawc^c  ^aax,  — 
3Jom  rafd^en  {Ritte  mor'ö  i^m  loggcöatigcn  — 

3045  3um  ©rabcn  iDintt  er,  fprengt,  ber  erfte,  felbft 
©ein  eblc§  ätofe  barüber  iDeg,  il^m  ftürjt 
2)a§  giegiment  mä)  —  bod^  —  fc^on  toar'ö  gefd^el^n ! 
©ein  ^ferb,  bon  einer  ^artifan  burd^ftopen,  bäumt 
©id^  tt)ütenb,  fd^Ieubert  »eit  ben  Steiter  ah, 

3050  Unb  f)t>d)  meg  über  il^n  gel^t  bie  ©emalt 
2)er  Stoffe,  ieinw  309^  ^^5^  gel^ord^enb. 

Zftaia,  XDtldit  bie  U^ten  kthtn  mit  aOen  d^tt^^n  h)a(^fenbeT  Slnoft  begleitet, 
i>crfallt  in  ein  ^eftiged  Sittern,  fie  »ia  finfen ;  l^räutein  9}eubninn  eilt  ^inju 

unb  empfängt  fie  in  i^ren  %rmen. 

SDlein  teures  Qfräulein  — 

^ä)  entferne  mid^. 
6S  ift  öorüber  —  bringen  ©ie'§  gu  @nbe. . 



S)a  ergriff,  aU  fie  ben  gül^rer  foflen  fa^n, 
3055  2)ie  2:ru|)|)en  grimmig  mütenbe  3JerjmeifIung. 

®er  eignen  Slettung  bentt  je^t  feiner  me^r, 

©leic^  milben  2:igern  f ed^ten  fie ;  e§  reijt 

3[]^r  ftarfer  SBiberftanb  bie  Unf rigen,  ^ 

Unb  el^er  nid^t  erfolgt  be§  ßampfeä  6nbe 
3060  91IS  bi§  ber  le^te  SKann  gefallen  ift, 

S^ef (a  mit  Mttember  ©timme. 

Unb  tt)o  —  tt)o  ift  —  ©ie  fagten  mir  nid^t  alleö. 

^^ait^ttnatttt  na^  einer  $aufe. 

4)eut  frü^  beftatteten  mir  i^n*    ^f)n  trugen 
3mölf  Jünglinge  ber  ebelften  ©ef^Ied^ter, 
2)aö  qanje  ^eer  begleitete  bie  SJa^re. 

340  IDaQenfletns  (Tob 

3065  6in  ßorbeet  fd^müdfte  feinen  ©arg,  brauf  legte 
2)er  JRI^eingraf  felb[t  ben  eignen  ©iegerbegen. 
2tud^  Sl^rönen  fel^Iten  feinem  ©d^idfal  nid^t, 
3)enn  Diele  finb  bei  unö,  bie  feine  ©rofemut 
Unb  feiner  ©itten  greunblid^feit  erfahren, 

3070  Unb  üDe  rül^rte  fein  ©efd^id.    Sern  l^tte 
5)er  gi^eingraf  il^n  gerettet,  bo^  er  felbji 
aSereitelt'  eS ;  man  fagt,  er  tt)olIte  fterben. 

>  9{ettBntitit, 

TOein  teures  gfröulein  —  gfräulein,  f el^n  Sie  auf ! 
D  marum  mußten  Sie  barauf  beftel^n? 

3075  —  SBo  ip  fein  ®rab? 


3n  einer  ftlofterlird^ 
Sei  9leu{tabt  ift  er  beigefe^t,  bis  man 
93on  feinem  SSater  9lad^rid^t  eingebogen. 


S3ie  ^ei^t  baS  jtlofter? 


©onft  ftat^menpifi. 

3^  toeit  bis  ba^in? 

Sieben  aWetlen  jäl^It  man. 


3080  äBie  gel^t  ber  äBeg? 


5Dlan  fommt  bei  3:ttfd^nteit 
Unb  tJalfenberg  bur^  unfre  erften  Soften. 

Picrter  2Iuf3ug;  (Elfter  2(uftritt  341 

SQßer  fommanbiert  fie? 

Obcrft  ©edenborf . 

ixttt  an  ben  Zi\^  unb  nimmt  au8  bem  ©d^mucRöftc^en  einen  fltin^. 

©ic  l^abcn  mxä)  in  tnctncm  @(^merj  gefel^tt 

Unb  mit  ein  nicttf(^Ii(^  ^crg  flejcigt  —  Empfangen  ©ie 

inbem  fte  ii^m  ben  9Mng  gtebt 

3085  6tn  Slngebcnlcn  bicfer  ©tunbc  —  @t^n  ©ie. 

$ati)itmattn  beftfirst 
^rtngeffin  — 

X^Ua  minttil^m  fd^meigmb  ^u  ge^en  unb  berlö^t  i^n.    2)er  ^au^tmann  ^aubect 
unb  tDia  reben.    flftäulein  3ltuf)xnnn  n^ieberboU  ben  iOSinl.    (St  geigt  ab. 

elfter  2tuftrttt 

Sl^ena.    Kenirititit* 
Xl^eKa  faßt  ber  9?eubTunn  um  ben  ^atd. 

3e^t,  gute  5Reubrunn,  geige  mir  bie  Siebe, 
S)ie  bu  mir  ftetö  gelobt !    Seweife  bid^ 
91I§  meine  treue  ^t^^unbin  unb  ©eföl^rtin ! 
3090  —  2Bir  muffen  fort,  nod^  biefe  ^aä)t 

fj  ort,  unb  wol^in? 
SBol^in?   6S  ift  nur  ein  Ort  in  ber  SBelt ! 
SBo  er  bejlattet  liegt,  gu  feinem  ©arge ! 

SDßaS  fönnen  Sie  bort  tt)oIIen,  teurem  gräulein? 


fBa^  bort,  UnglüÄ lit^e !    @o  ttJürbeft  bu 

342  rDaüenfteins  (Eob 

3095  5li^t  fragen,  tocnn  bu  je  geliebt*    S)ort,  bort 
3ft  oUeö,  luaö  nod^  übrig  tft  öon  il^m, 
2)er  ein^'ge  fjlecf  tft  mir  bie  ganje  @rbe. 
D  l^alte  tnicf)  nid^t  auf !   ffomm  unb  mad^'  Stitjtalt! 
2a^  un§  auf  5Kittel  benfen,  ju  entfliegen. 

-^^  ''    '    9{ettbrtttitt. 
3100  Sebad^ten  ©ie  anä)  3^re§  3}ater^  3oi^"? 

^ä)  fürd^te  feinet  5Kenfd^en  3ürnen  me^r* 


2)en  |)o]^n  ber  SBelt !    S)eö  Sabelö  arge  Sunfl^I 

3d^  fuc^e  einen  auf,  ber  ni(J|t  ntel^r  ift* 
SBiB  i(ä^  benn  in  bie  9lrnte  —  0  mein  @ott ! 
3105  ^ä)  luifl  ja  in  bie  feruft  nur  be§  ©eliebten. 

Unb  wir  aflein,  gmei  l^ilflo^  fc^mad^e  SBeiber? 


SBir  waffnen  unö,  mein  5lrm  foü  bid^  befd^ü|^cn. 


»ei  bunHer  5Rad^taeit? 

9iad^t  mirb  un§  derbcrgen* 

3n  biefer  raul^en  ©turmnad^t? 


Söarb  i^m  fanft 

3110  ©ebettet  unter  ben  ^n^tn  feiner  Slojfe? 


O  ©Ott !    Itnb  bann  bie  dielen  3feinbeö|)often  J 
Mdn  jpirb  un^  nid^t  bwr^laffen. 

Diertet  idifjug;  (gifter  ^tftrttt  343 

Stet  itf)t  boS  Unglüd  imä)  bic  ganjc  6rbe ! 


2)xe  tocite  Steife — 


3äp  ber  tilget  SKetlen,. 
31 15  SQBenn  er  gum  fernen  ©nabenbtlbe  toaUt?  ^^^ 

,  9^ett]6ntnn* 

S)te  9RögItd^!ett,  aus  biefer  @tabt  gu  !ommen? 

(Solb  öf[net  unö  bie  %f)oxt.   ®tf)  nur,  gel^  I 

SBenn  mon  un§  fennt? 


3n  einer  glüi^tigen, 
a8erjtt)elfelnben  fud^t  niemanb  fjrieblanbö  Stod^ter. 

3120  2Bo  finben  tt)ir  bie  ^ferbe  ju  ber  3^Iu(ä^t? 

9»ein  ftaöolier  öerfd^afft  fie.    ®ci)  unb  ruf  i^n ! 

SBogt  er  baS  ol^ne  SBifjen  feinet  ^errn? 


gr  ttjirb  e§  tl^un.    D  gel^  nur !   goubre  nid^t. 

^ä) !   unb  tt)aS  toirb  auö  3^ter  9Kutter  iDerben, 
3125  SBenn  @ie  öerfd^wunben  finb? 


fic§  iefiimen^  unb  f(^nierat)oQ  Dor  ^  ^ittfc^auenb. 

D  meine  SKutter ! 

344  XOaUen^ems  Hob 

©0  öicl  fd^on  leibet  pe,  bic  gute  5Dlutter, 
©Ott  fie  anä)  btefer  Icfttc  ©d^Iag  nod^  treffen? 

^d)  lann'S  tl^r  tttd^t  erfporen !  —  @tf)  nur,  g«^  I 


93ebenlen  @ie  hoä)  |a  n)o]^I,  maS  ©ie  tl^un. 

3130  S3ebad^t  tft  fd^on,  toaS  gu  beberilen  tfl. 

Unb  finb  imr  bort,  tooS  fott  mit  S^nen  iDerben? 

5)ort  tt)irb'S  ein  ®ott  mir  in  bie  ©eele  geben. 


3^r  €>erg  iji  jejt  bott  Unru^,  teures  3fröulein, 
3)a§  iji  ber.SBeg  ni(]^t,  ber  jur  3lul^e  fül^rt. 


3135  3ur  tiefen  3lul^',  toit  er  fie  aud^  gefunben. 
• —  O  eile,  gel^ !   3Jtadf  feine  SBorte  mel^r ! 
6§  jiel^t  mic^  fort,  Id^  tt)ei|  nici^t,  toie  id^'S  nenne, 
Unmiberftel^li^  fort  gu  feinem  @rabe ! 
S)ort  tt)irb  mir  leidster  »erben,  augenblidlid^  l 

3140  35a§  l^erjerfticfenbe  Sanb  beS  ©d^mergenS  toirb 
©idÖ  löfen  —  SKeine  3:]öränen  »erben  fliegen. 
D  gel^,  wir  lönnten  längft  fd^on  auf  bem  SBeg  fein, 
%id&t  ^vif)e  finb'  id^,  bi§  id^  biefen  SWauren 
ßntrunnen  bin  —  fie  prgen  auf  mid^  ein  — 

3145  gortftofeenb  treibt  mid^  eine  bunlle  DJlad^t 
aSon  bannen  —  SBaS  ift  baö  für  ein  ©efü^I ! 
6ö  füllen  fid^  mir  alle  Släume  biefeS  ^a\x\e^ 
Wxi  bleid^n,  l^ol^Ien  ©eifterbilbern  an  — 

Dierter  ^lufaug;  Sroölfter  ^luftritt  345 

^6)  ffait  feinen  ^la^  mel^r  —  3mmer  neue ! 
3150  6§  bröngt  mxä)  ba§  entfe^Iid^e  ©emimmel      ' 
2tu§  btefen  SBönben  fort,  bie  Sebenbe ! 


©ie  fejen  mx^  m  Slngft  unb  ©t^^recfen,  gfräulein, 
5)a6  i^  nun  felber  nid^t  gu  bleiben  »age. 
^äf  Qtif  unb  rufe  gleid^  ben  Siofenberg. 

gtDolftet  :tuftritt. 

3155  ©ein  (Seift  x\t%  ber  mid^  ruft,    g§  ift  bie  ©d^Qr  U 
■    S5er  Streuen,  bie  fi^  räci^enb  il^m  geopfert. 

Unebler  ©tfUmniS  flogen  fie  mid^  on. 

©ie  tt)onten  au^  im  3:ob  nid^t  bon  i^m  loffen, 

2)er  il^reS  2eben§  gül^rer  toax — ba§  tl^Qten 
3160  2)ie  ro^en  ©erjen,  unb  xä)  follte  leben ! 

—  Stein !   3lud^  für  mxäf  ttjarb  jener  Sorbeerfranj, 

3)er  beine  Stotenbal^re  fd^müdt,  getounben. 

SBa§  ift  baö  Seben  ol^ne  SiebeSglang? 

^ä)  »erf  e§  l^in,  ba  fein  fee^alt  berfd^iounben. 
3165  ^a,  ba  ic^  bid^,  ben  Siebenben,  gefunben, 

2)a  mar  ba§  2titn  etmaS.    ©lönjenb  lag 

aSor  mir  ber  neue  golbne  3:ag, 

SDlir  träumte  bon  gtt)ei  l^immelf^önen  ©tunben, 
S)u  ftanbeft  an  bem  ©ingang  in  bie  SBelt, 
3170  S)ie  xä)  betrat  mit  flöfterlici^em  3ögen, 

©ie  mar  Don  taufenb  ©onnen  aufgel^eDt, 

@in  guter  ßngel  fc^ienft  bu  l^ingefteHt, 

9Ri$  aus  ber  jtinbl^it  fabelhaften  2:agen 

346  IDaacnjlctns  Cob 

©d^ncH  auf/be§  Seben§  ©ipfcl  ^injutragen. 
3175  2Ketn  crft  ©mpfinbcn  tnor  beö  ^immclö  ©lüdC, 
3n  bctn  ©er j  fiel  mein  erfter  ©lief ! 

(Sie  ftn!t  l^ier  in  S^ad^benfen  unb  fäl^rt  bann  mit  3ei(^en  beS  {Sraueitf  auf. 

—  S)a  !ommt  ba§  ©d^idt fal  —  ^o\)  unb  folt 
tf a$t  cö  be§  fjreunbcg  järtUt^e  ©eftolt 
Unb  h)irf t  i^n  unter  ben  C^i^f f^Iög  feiner  ^f erbe  — 
3180  —  S)a§  ift  ba§  Soö  beS  ®ä)ömn  auf  ber  6rbc ! 

Dreise^nter  auftritt. 

©ier  ift  er,  S^räulein,  unb  er  »itt  e§  tl^un, 


SBiDft  bu  un§  ^ferbe  f Raffen,  giofenberg? 


3(3^  tt)ia  fie  fd^affen. 

SBinft  bu  un§  begleiten? 

DJlein  S^räulein,  bi§  an§  gnb'  ber  äBelt. 


S)u  fannjl 

3185  3um  ©ergog  ober  nid^t  gurüdE  mel^r  leieren. 


^d)  bleib'  bei  3[^nen. 


^ä)  tt)ill  bid^  belol^nen 
Unb  einem  anbern  |)errn  empfehlen.    Äannft  bu 
Unä  ous  ber  Q^eftung  bringen  unentbedft? 

Vierter  Jlufjug;  Vier^ci^nUv  2Iuftritt  347 

3*  taxm% 

SBann  lann  xä)  gel^n? 


3[n  bicfcr  ©tunbe. 

3190  —  SBo  gcl^t  bic  Steife  l^m? 

3tai)  —  ©afl'S  il^tn,  5Reubrunn. 

3la6)  gieuftabt. 


SBol^L    ^ä)  it\)\  eö  ju  beforgen* 


2td^,  ba  lommt  3]^te  5Dlutter,  gröulein. 


Pterse^nter  ituftritt. 


6r  tft  l^intoea,  id)  finbe  bi(]^  gefaxter. 


3d^  bin  eS^  SHuttet  —  Saften  ©ie  m\ä)  je^t 
3195  Salb  fd^Iafen  gelten  unb  bie  5leubrunn  um  mid^  fein. 
^ä)  braud^e  ^ni)\ 


SDu  foüft  fie  ^aben,  SE^etla. 
3(j^  ge^'  getröftet  tt)eg,  ba  i(!^  ben  SSater 
33enil^igen  fann. 

3^  rDattenflcins  Cob 

@ut'  9lod^t  benn,  liebe  9)tutter ! 

®ie  fänt  i^r  um  bett  $als  unb  umarmt  fic  in  groBer  Senegung. 


.  2)u  bift  ttO(]^  nt(]^t  gonj  ru^ig,  meine  Stocktet, 
3200  2)u  jitlerft  ja  fo  l^efttg,  unb  bein  ^erj 
Älopft  l^örbat  an  bem  meinen* 

©d^laf  tt)irb  eS 
Sefänftiflen—  ®uf  9?0(ä^t,  geliebte  ^Kutter ! 

3nbem  fle  aus  ben  Slrmen  ber  SRutter  ftc^  loimati^t,  fäUt  bet  Sor^ang. 

•  K 

fünfter  2(uf|Ud4 

»ttttler«  Sltntner. 

€rfter  2tuftritt 

Stoölf  rüftigc  ©rogoitcr  fud^t  il^r  ouS, 
Sctooffnct  fic  mit  ^ifcn,  bcnn  lein  ©i^ufe 

3205  3)orf  fallen  —  9ln  bcm  ©fefoal  nebenbei 
aSerftedt  i^r  fie,  unb  toenn  ber  9lad^tif(i^  auf» 
©efe^t,  bringt  il^r  l^erein  unb  ruft :    SBer  ift 
@ut  laiferlid^?  —  ^ä)  toiU  ben  SEifd^  umftürjen  — 
3)ann  toerft  il^r  eu(^  auf  beibe,  ftoftt  fie  nieber. 

3210  3)aS  ©d^Iofe  toirb  tool^I  öerriegelt  unb  bemad^t, 
3)a$  lein  ©erüd^t  babon  jum  dürften  bringe, 
©el^t  je^t  —  $abt  il^r  nad^  Hauptmann  ©eöerouf 
Unb  aWacbonalb  geft^idt? 


@U\(i)  finb  fie  l^ier. 


ftein  9luf fd^ub  ift  gu  toagen.    9lud^  bie  Sürger 

3215  ßrllären  fi^  für  i^n,  id^  toeife  nii^t,  toeld^ 

6in  ©d^toinbelgeift  bie  ganje  ©tabt  ergriffen. 


9tftt  a& 

350  VDaUen^tms  (Eob 

©ic  fcl^n  im  ^crjog  einen  8frieben§fürjien 
Unb  einen  ©tifter  neuer  golbner  Seit. 
S)er  3lat  f)at  SBaff en  ouSgeteilt ;  fd^on  l^aben 
3220  ©icä^  il^rer  l^unbert  angeboten,  3ßaä)t 

Sei  i^m  ju  tl^un.    S)rum  gilt  cS,  fd^neU  gu  fein, 
2)enn  geinbe  brol^n  Don  ou^en  unb  Don  innen. 

^ipeiter  Jtuftritt. 


®a  finb  toir,  ©eneral. 


SBaS  iftbieSof  ung?^ 

6S  lebe  ber  ftaifer  1 

l^eibe  treten  aitrUtt 



$auS  Öftrcid^  lebe ! 

3225  3ft'?  nid^t  ber  fjrieblanb,  bem  mir  2:reu'  gefd^moren? 


©inb  mir  nid^t  l^ergefül^rt,  i^n  gu  befiä^ü^en? 


SQBir  einen  Sleid^öfeinb  unb  SSerräter  f(i^ü^cn? 

5Run  ja,  bu  nal^mft  unö  jo  für  il^n  in  ^flid^t. 


Unb  bip  i^m  ja  l^iel^er  gefolgt  nad^  6ger. 

fünfter  2luf3ug;  §mcitcr  2luftriti  351 

3230  3(3^  trat's,  il^n  befto  fid^rer  }u  öcrbcrbcn. 

3a  fo! 

®oS  iji  tt)a§  anbcrö. 

©0  leidet  cnttoeid^ft  bu  Don  ber  ^flid^t  unb  S^al^nc? 


3um  Jcufel,  $err !    3d^  folgte  beincm  SeifpieL 
ftann  bcr  ein  ©d^elm  fein,  boc^f  i(i^,  fannft  bu*§  aud^. 

3235  SBir  bcnfen  nii^t  nad^.    ®a§  i[t  beinc  ©ad^c ! 
S)u  bift  ber  ©eneral  unb  lommanbierft, 
SDBir  fi)Iflen  bir,  unb  menn'ö  gut  C)öIIe  ginge. 

fSuttltV  befönftigt. 

9lun  gut  I    SBir  lennen  einanber. 


3a,  ba§  benP  id^. 

SBir  finb  ©olbatcn  ber  gortuna,  »er 

3240  S)a§  9Jleifte  bietet,  l^at  un§. 


3a,  fo  ift^ö. 
3e&t  foDt  il^r  el^rlid^e  ©olbaten  bleiben. 

S)aS  finb  ton  gerne, 


Unb  S'ortüne  mad^n^ 

352  XPallenjleins  (Hob 


®o3  ift  no<ä^  bcjfer. 

$öret  on. 


SBßir  l^örctt. 

6§  ift  bc§  ftaiferS  SBill'  uitb  Orboitnans, 
3245  ®cn  grieblanb  lebenb  ober  tot  ju  fallen. 


@p  [te^t'ä  im  Srief . 

3a,  Icbcnb  ober  tot ! 

Unb  [tattlii^e  Selol^nung  toartet  bejyen 

«n  ®elb  unb  ©ütern,  ber  bie  %f)at  boDfül&rt. 


@§  Hingt  ganj  gut.    3)a§  SBort  Hingt  immer  gut 
3250  SSon  borten  l^er.    3a,  ja !    SBir  tt)i[fen  fi^on ! 
©0  eine  gulbne  ©nabenfett'  etma, 
@in  !rumme§  SRofe,  ein  Pergament  unb  fo  maß. 
—  3)er  Surft  ja^It  bef[er. 


3a,  ber  ift  fplenbib. 
9Kit  bem  iji*§  au§.    ©ein  ©lud Aftern  ift  gefatten. 


3255  3ft  t>oS  getüife? 


3(ä^  fag'3  tn^. 

fünfter  2luf3ug ;  gmeiter  2lttftritt  353 

3  ff  8  üorbei 

3JHt  feinem -©lud? 


Sorbet  auf  imtnerbor. 
@r  ift  fo  arm  toie  mir. 


©0  arm  tote  toir? 


3a,  3KacboitaIb,  ba  mufe  matt  il^it  öerlaffett ! 

SSerlaffett  ift  er  fd^on  t)ott  jmanjigtaufettb. 
3260  SBir  muffen  mel^r  tljun,  SanbSmann.    fturj  unb  gut  I 

—  SBir  müffeit  il^n  töten. 

eeib«  fahren  autfidL 




Jöten,  fag'  ii). 

—  Unb  baju  l^ab'  id^  t\xä)  erlefen. 



(&n(S),  Hauptmann  S)et)eroui^  unb  äRacbonalb. 

^ebetottc  nac^  einer  ^aufe. 

SBäl^It  einen  anbern. 


3a,  mä^It  einen  anbern. 

3265  erfd^redft'S  bi(3(|,  feige  9Kemme?    SBie?    ®u  ^aft 
:@d^on  beine  breifeig  ©eeleit  auf  bir  liegen  — 

354  lOallenfleins  tLob 

^arib  an  ben  fjclbl^errn  legen  —  baS  bebent'  I 

5)em  mir  ba§  Suramcnt  geleiflct  l^aben! 


S)a§  Suramcnt  ift  null  mit  feiner  SEreu. 


3270  ^ör*,  ©cncral !    ®a§  bünft  mir  \>oä)  ju  grällid^. 


3a,  ba§  iji  mal^r !   3Kan  l^at  au(i^  ein  ®ett)ijfen. 


SQBcnn'S  nur  ber  ßl^ef  nid^t  mär',  bcr  unä  fo  lang 
l^cfommanbicrt  f)at  unb  SRefpeft  gefobert. 


Sft  baS  bcr  Slnftofe? 


3a!  C)örM    2Ben  bu  fonfl  winp! 
3275-  3)em  eignen  ©oljn,  menn'ö  ilaiferS  SJicnjl  berlangt, 
SBiü  \ä)  ba§  ©d^tüert  inö  ßingemeibe  bol^ren  — 
2)od^  fiel^,  mir  finb  ©olbaten,  unb  ben  5cll>^errn 
grmorben,  ba§  ift  eine  ©ünb'  unb  Sftebcl, 
S)aDon  lein  Seid^tmönc^  abfolöieren  fann. 


3280  ^ä)  bin  bein  ^apft  unb  abfolbicre  bi^. 
gntfd^liefet  eud^  fd^nell. 

^eüeroitC  fte^t  bebenntc^. 

@3  gel^t  ni(i^t 


5Rein,  eS  ge^t  ni^t. 

5Run  benn,  fo  gel^t  —  unb  7—  fd^icft  mir  ^ftalul^en. 

^fünfter  Einfang;  gireiter  2lttftritt       '  855 

^etierottc  ftu^t. 
3)en  ^cftalu^  —  ©um ! 



SBenn  i^r'S  berfd^mäl^t,  c^  flnbcn  fid^  genug  — 

3285  3lt\n,  trenn  er  fallen  mu$,  fo  lönnen  mir 
3)en  ^rei§  fo  gut  Derbienen,  al§  ein  anbrer. 
—  SBaS  benfft  bu,  ©ruber  ^Kacbonalb? 


3a,  wenn 

6r  fallen  mufe  unb  f  oII,  unb  *§  ift  nid^t  anberS, 
©0  mag  id^'S  biefem  ^eftalu^  nid^t  gönnen. 

^etieroitC  nad^  einigem  eeftnnen. 

3290  SQBann  foH  er  fallen? 


^tnt,  in  biefer  5Rad^t, 
S)enn  morgen  fielen  bie  ©d^toeben  Dor  ben  SJ:l^oren. 


©tel^jl  bu  mir  für  bie  fjolgen,  ©eneral? 


3d^  fte^'  für  alle§, 


3fl'§  be§  ßaifer^  miT? 

©ein  netter,  runber  SBiü'?   3Kan  l^at  gjempel, 

3295  3)a|  man  ben  50?orb  liebt  unb  ben  3Körber  flraft* 


5)ä§  50?anifeft  fagt :  Sebenb  ober  tot.  1 

Unb  lebenb  ift'S  nii^t  möglid^,  fel^t  il^r  felbft  — 

356  lOaüenjleins  Cob 

SEot  alfo !   SEot  —  SBic  aber  lommt  man  an  il^n? 
2)ie  ©tabt  ift  angcfüDt  mit  SEcrjf^fd^cn. 

3300  Unb  bann  ift  nod^  ber  SEcrjf^  unb  bcr  SHo  — 


9Kit  bicfcn  beibcn  fängt  man  an,  öerftcl^t  [xä). 


SBa§?   ©oDcn  bic  and^  fallen? 


3)ie  juerfl. 

$ör',  SJeberou j  —  baS  mirb  ein  blut'ger  Slbenb. 


4)aft  bu  fd^on  beinen  3Rann  baju?   SEtag'S  mit  auf. 


3305  5)em  3Kaior  ©eralbin  iffS  übergeben. 
@§  ift  l^eut  8fafena(i^t,  unb  ein  @ffen  tt)irb 
©egeben  auf  bem  ©d^lop ;  bort  mirb  man  fte 
Sei  Stafel  überfallen,  nieberfto^en  — 
2)er  ^eftalu^,  ber  Sefele^  finb  babei  — 

3310  ^'ox\  ©eneral  I   3)ir  !ann  eö  nid^tS  öerfd^Iaflcn. 
|)ör'  —  Ia$  mic^  taufd^en  mit  bem  ©eralbin. 


3)ie  Heinere  ©efal^r  ift  bei  bem  C^^rjog. 


©efal^r?   SQBa§,  Teufel !  benfft  bu  bon  mir,  ^txx? 
S)e§  ^txiOQ^  Slug',  ni(3^t  feinen  3)egen  für^f  id^. 

3315  2BaS  lann  fein  Slug'  bir  fd^aben? 

^finfter  ^lufsug ;  gipctter  2Iuftrttt  857 

2iae  Teufel ! 
3)u  fennjl  mi(^,  bo|  t(^  feine  3Kemme  bin. 
3)o(^  fiel^,  e§  jinb  nod^  nid^t  ad^t  Stag*,  ba$  mir 
®er  ©etjog  jmanjig  ©olbftütf  reiben  laffen 
3u  biefem  toarmen  SRodt,  ben  xä)  l^ier  anl^ab'  — 
3320  Unb  trenn  er  mxä)  nun  mit  ber  ^i!e  fie^t 

S)a fielen,  mir  auf  ben  SRotf  fielet  —  fiel^  —  f  0 — f 0  — 
3)er  ieufel  l^of  mid^  I   3fdö  bin  feine  3Kemme. 

3)er  C^erjog  gab  bir  biefen  toarmen  Slocf, 
Unb  bu,  ein  armer  W\ä)i,  bebenfft  bid^,  il^m 
3325  ®afür  ben  ®egen  burd^  ben  Seib  ju  rennen. 
Unb  einen  3tod,  ber  nod^  Diel  »ärmer  l^ölt, 
C)ina  il^mberftaifer  um,  ben  gürftenmaniel. 
SBie  banft  er'S  il^m?   SMit  «ufru^r  unb  »errat. 

3)aS  ift  aud^  »al^r.    3)en  3)anfer  l^ol'  ber  2:euf el ! 
3330  3dö  —  bring'  il^n  um. 


Unb  toiUft  bu  bein  ©emiffen 
Serul^igen,  barf  jt  bu  ben  Slodt  nur  auSgiel^n, 
©0  fannjt  bu'ö  frifi^  unb  n)o]^Igemut  boübringen. 

3a,  ba  ift  aber  nod^  tva^  gu  bebenfen  — 

2Ba8  fliebfö  nod^  ju  bebenfen,  3KacbonaIb? 

3335  SSaS  Pft  uns  SBßel^r  unb  SBaffe  toxitx  ben?     ! 
6r  ifl  nid^t  gu  öermunben,  er  ift  f  eft.  ^ 

S^ttttler  fäf  it  auf. 
SffiaS  ttJtrb  er  — 

358  rüattcnftetns  (Eob 

®cgcn  ©(3^u|  unb  ©ic6 !    6r  ifl 
©efrotcn,  mit  ber  2:cufel8!unft  bcl^aftet, 
©ein  2cib  i[t  unburd^bringüd^,  fag'  \d)  bir» 

3340  ^a,  JQ !    3fu  ^fngolftabt  toax  ani)  fo  einer, 

2)em  mar  bie  ^aut  fo  feft  mie  ©tal^I,  man  mupf  i^n 
3ule^t  mit  tJIintenfoIben  nieberfd^lagcn. 

^öxi,  ttjaä  iä)  ti)\xn  mill ! 


3d^  lennc  l^ier 
Öm  ftlofter  einen  Sruber  SJominifaner 
3345  ;^u§  unfrer  SanbSmannfti^aft,  ber  foH  mir  ©c^tocrt 
Unb  ^ile  taud^en  in  gemeintes  SBaffer 
I  Unb  einen  Iräf t*gen  ©egen  brüber  f pred^en, 
\3)a§  i[t  bemöl^rt,  l^ilft  gegen  jeben  ißann. 


®aS  tl^ue,  SWacbonalb.    3e^t  aber  gel^t. 
3350  SBBäl^It  au§  bem  Slegimente  jmanjig,  bretptg 
^anbfefte  ßerlS,  lafet  fte  bem  ftaifer  fi^mörcn. 
äSenn*^  elf  gefd^Iagen  —  menn  bie  erften  Slunben 
^ßaffiert  finb,  fül^rt  il^r  fie  in  aller  ©tiHe 
2)em  ©önfe  gu  —  ^ä)  toerbe  felbft  nid^t  toeit  fein. 

3355  SBic  lommen  toxx  bur(ä^  bie  ^axt]ä)\tx^  unb  ©arben, 
2)ie  in  bem  innern  ^ofraum  SQBad^e  fielen? 


^ä)  l^ab'  be§  Ortö  ©elegenl^eit  crfunbigt. 
2)urd^  eine  l^intre  Pforte  fül^r'  xä)  eud&. 

fünfter  2Juf3ug ;  gtpettcr  2Juftrttt  359 

S)ic  itut  burd^  etneit  50?onit  bcrtetbigt  tüirb. 
3360  9Rir  flicbt  mein  Slang  unb  3lmt  gu  icber  ©tunbe 
6inla$  beim  C^^rjog.    ^ä)  mü  tnä)  borangel^n, 
Unb  f(i^nen  mit  einem  3)oId^[lo^  in  bie  Äel^Ie 
^}xxä)iof)x'  \ä)  ben  C^artfd^ier  unb  maä)'  eiid^  Sal^n. 


Unb  finb  tD'»r  oben,  tnie  erretten  mir 
3365  5)a§  ©d^Iafgemad^  be§  g^ürften,  ol^ne  bafe 
2)aö  C^öfgefinb'  crmati^t  unb  Carmen  ruft? 
3)enn  er  ift  l^ier  mit  großem  ilomitat. 

®ie  ©ienerfd^aft  ift  auf  bem  redeten  fjlügel, 

@r  l^apt  ©eräufd^,  mol^nt  auf  bem  linfen  ganj  allein. 

3370  SDBär'ö  nur  öorüber,  3RacbonaIb  —  3Kir  ift 
©eltfam  babei  gu  3Kute,  mei^  ber  SEeufeL 

5!Rir  aud^.    6ö  ift  ein  gar  gu  grofee^  C^^upt. 
3Jlan  mirb  un§  für  gmei  Söfetpid^ter  Italien. 

3n  ©lang  unb  6^r'  unb  Überfluß  fönnt  il^r 
3375  ®er  SWenfd^en  Urteil  nnb  ©ereb'  Derlad^en. 


SBenn'ö  mit  ber  ß^f  nur  aud^  fo  red^t  gemip  ift. 


©eib  unbeforgt.    ^f)x  rettet  ilron'  unb  Sleid^ 
3)em  gferbinanb.    S)er  Sol^n  lann  nid^t  gering  fein. 

©0  iffS  fein  S^^^f  l^^n  Jlaifer  gu  enttl^ronen? 

3380  S)a§  ift  er !   ßron'  unb  Seben  il^m  gu  rauben  1 

360  XVaütn^txns  (Eob 

[©0  müfef  er  fallen  inxä)  be§  $enfer^  ^anb, 
1  SSenn  tüir  mä)  SQBien  lebenbig  i^n  geliefert? 


S)ie§  ©(i^icffal  fönitf  er  nimmermel^r  bermeiben. 

ßomm,  50?acbonalb !    @r  foD  als  t?rit>^ctr  enben 
3385  Unb  el^rlid^  fallen  Don  ©olbotenl^änben. 

Dritter  2tuftritt.     I  > 

(Sin  @aal,  au9  beut  man  in  eine  Materie  gelangt,  bte  jtc^  koeit 

nad^  leinten  t)erUert. 

ffianettfleitt  fi^t  an  einem  Xifd^.   Ser  it^mhiit^e  ^«Mrtmtmi  fle^  toot  i^ 

aSatb  barauf  ®rfifitt  %tt^. 

ßmpfel^It  mid^  eurem  $errn.    ^ä)  nel^me  Seil 
2ln  feinem  guten  ©lütf,  unb  toenn  il^r  mi($ 
©0  Diele  fjreube  nid^t  begeigen  fel^t, 
2lte  biefe  ©iegeSpoft  öerbienen  mog, 
3390  ©0  glaubt,  e§  ift  nid^t  3KangeI  guten  SBittenS, 
2)enn  unfer  ®Iüdt  iji  nunmel^r  eins,    Sebt  tool^I ! 
Slel^mt  meinen  S)an!  für  eure  9Bü]^'.    ®ie  S^pung 
©oü  \xä)  tnä)  auftl^un  morgen,  mnn  if)x  fommt. 

@(!^h)ebifd^er  ^au))tmann  ge^t  ab.  SSaDenftein  fit^t  in  tiefen  (Bebonlcn,  Hott  mt 
fidt  l^infe^enb,  ben  ßopf  in  bie  ^anb  gefenit.  ®rSfin  Xttifti  tiitt  herein  imb 
fte^t  eine  Qtlt  lang  bor  ilgm  unbemerlt ;  enbtid^  ma^t  et  eine  raf(^  QetDcgunfl. 

erblidt  fie  unb  fafat  ftd^  fd^neO. 

ftommft  bu  t)on  i^r?   ßr^olt  fte  ftd^?   SSBaS  nia(!^t  fte? 

3395  ©ic  f oD  gefaxter  fein  nad^  bem  ©efpräd^, 

©agt  mir  bie  ©d^mejler  —  3e^t  ift  fie  ju  »ette. 

fünfter  2lttf3U9;  Dritter  2luf tritt  361 


3^r  ©^mcrj  toirb  foitftct  toerben.    ©tc  tütrb  tüctncn. 

9lu^  hxä),  mein  Sruber,  pnb'  i^  m(i)t  tüte  fonji. 
3laä)  einem  ©ieg  emartef  iä)  bxä)  l^eitrer. 
3400  O  bleibe  ftor!  I    ßrl^alte  bu  un§  aufredet, 
©enn  bu  bift  unfer  2\ä)t  unb  unfre  ©onne* 

©et  rul&ifl.    2Rir  tft  ni(i^t§  —  SBßo  tft  bein  9Wann? 


3u  einem  ©ojimal^I  finb  fie,  er  unb  31Io, 


ftel^t  auf  unb  mad^t  einige  ©d^ritte  burd^  ben  @aal. 

6S  ip  f^on  finjire  9lad^t  —  ©el^  auf  bein  3™mer. 
3405  Oei|  mid^  nid^t  gel^n,  0  Ia|  mtd^  um  bid^  bleiben. 

iföaffenfieitt  fft  ans  ^enfter  getreten. 

2lm  Oimmel  ift  ö^Wöftige  Setüegung, 
®eä  Sturmes  göl^ne  jagt  ber  SBtnb,  fiä^nell  gel^t 
®er  SBoHen  3ufl,  bte  9nonbe§[i(3^el  tüanft 
Unb  burd^  bie  9lad^t  gudt  ungemiffe  ©eile. 
3410  —  ftein  ©ternbilb  ift  gu  fel^n !  2)er  matte  ©d^ein  bort, 
S)er  einjelne,  ift  au§  ber  Äaffiopeia, 
Unb  ba^in  fielet  ber  Jupiter  —  ®od^  je^t 
S)cdft  il^n  bie  ©d^mör je  be§  ©emitterl^immetö ! 

({r  berftnit  in  Siefftnn  unb  fie^t  ftarr  l^inauS. 
Me  iJ^m  traurig  iujiel^t,  fa^t  il§n  bei  ber  $anb. 

9Sa§  finnjl  bu? 


3415  5Dlit  bändet,- tt)enn  id^  l^n  fäl^e,  mär'  mir  mol^I. 

362  rOattcnftcins  (Eob 

6§  ift  bet  ©tcrn,  ber  meinem  Seben  [tral^It, 
Unb  tüunberbar  oft  ftärfte  mxä)  fein  Slnblicf . 



Du  »irft  tl^n  toieber  fel^n. 


ift  tDieber  in  eine  tiefe  3erftreuung  gefaOen,  et  ermuntert  fi((  unb  »enbet  ft4 

fd^nea  aur  Gräfin. 

3]^n  tDteberfel^n?  —  O  niemals  lieber ! 




3420  6r  ift  ba^tn  —  iji  ©taub ! 


SBen  meinft  bu  bcnn? 

Sr  ift  ber  ®lüdli(i^e.    er  ^at  DoHenbet. 
?Jür  il^n  ift  leine  Sii^u^ft  tnel^r,  il^m  fpinnt 
3)a§  ©d^idfal  feine  SEücfe  mel^r  —  fein  Üeben 
Siegt  faltenloS  unb  leu^tenb  ausgebreitet, 

3425  Äein  bunller  tSMtn  blieb  barin  gurüd, 

Unb  uncjlütfbringenb  poti^t  tl^m  feine  ©tunbc, 
SBBeg  ift  er  über  SBunfd^  unb  3fur(i^t,  gel^ört 
Sli^t  mel^r  ben  trüglid^  manfcnben  Planeten  — 
D  il^m  ift  »ol^I !    3Ber  aber  toeip,  maS  uns 

3430  ®ic  näd^fte  ©tunbe  f^warj  öerfd^Ieiert  bringt ! 

3)u  fpri^ft  Don  ^iccolomini.    SBie  ftarb  er? 
S)er  Sote  ging  juft  Don  bir,  als  xä)  hm. 

SBaUenftein  bebeutet  fte  mit  ber  ^anb  au  fc^roeiflen. 

D  tt)enbe  beine  Slicfe  nid^t  gurücf ! 
^  SSormärtS  in  l^eH're  Sage  lafe  unS  fd(^aüen. 

fünfter  ^tufsug;  Dritter  2Iuf tritt  363 

3435  Sreu*  \>\(i)  be§  ©icg^,  öergife,  toaS  er  btt  foftet* 
3l\ä)t  l^eute  erft  toarb  btr  ber  tJreunb  geraubt ; 
3113  er  ft^  Don  btr  fd^ieb,  ba  jiorb  er  btr. 

SSerfi^ittergcn  toerb'  t(ä^  biefen  ©d^lag,  baS  toet^  xi), 
S)enn  toaS  öerf(ä^itter}te  tttd^t  ber  50?ettf(i^  I  Som  ^ö(i^[teti 

3440  SBie  Dom  ©ememftcn  leritt  er  \xä)  etttmöl^tten, 
3)enn  il^it  befiegeti  bie  gemalt'gett  ©tunbett- 
^oä)  fül^r  iä)*^  tt)ol^I,  maS  id^  ttt  i^m  öerlor. 
2)te  Slume  tft  J^ttttoeg  ouS  metnent  Sebett, 
Uttb  !alt  uttb  farblos  fel^'  xä)'^  Dor  mir  Itegett. 

3445  2)eun  er  [taub  nebett  mir,  tote  meirte  3ugettb, 
6r  mad^te  mir  ba§  SBirflid^e  gum  SEraum, 
Um  bie  gemeitte  3)eutli(i^f eit  ber  3)inge 
3)ett  golbnett  3)uft  ber  50?orgettröte  toebettb  — 
3  m  gfeuer  feirteS  liebettben  ©efül^fö 

3450  ßrl^obett  \xä),  mir  felber  gum  ßrftautten, 
2)e§  2eben§  ^aä)  alltögli^e  ©eftalten. 
—  SBaö  td^  mir  femer  auiä^  erftreben  mag, 
2)a§  ©d^ötte  ift  hoä)  toeg,  baS  fommt  ttid^t  toteber, 
2)entt  über  alleS  ©lud  gel^t  bod^  ber  tJreurtb, 

3455  2)er'S  fü^Ienb  erft  crfd^afft,  ber'§  feilettb  meiert,    j 


aSerjag'  nii^t  an  ber  eignctt  ilraft.    S)eitt  $erj 
3ft  xtxöi  gettug,  fid^  felber  ju  beleben. 
35u  üebji  unb  preifeft  Stugenben  an  il^m, 
2)ie  bu  in  tl^m  gepflanjt,  in  il^m  entfaltet. 

.  SBoQettfteitt  an  bie  X^üt  ge^enb. 

3460  3Ber  ftört  unö  nod^  in  fpäter  5Rad^t?  —  es  ift 

®er  ßomtnenbant.    6r  bringt  bie  ?JeftungSfd^Iüf[eI. 
SSerlafe  uns,  ©d^ttjefter !    ^Mitternad^t  iji  ba. 

364  IDattcnfletns  Cob 

D  mir  toitb  l^cut  fo  fd^toct,  öon  bir  )u  flel^n, 
Unb  bange  gutd^t  bciocgt  mid^* 

gfutd^t!    SBobor? 

3465  ®u  möd^tcft  \ä)ntti  tocgtcifcn  bicfc  3laä)t, 

Unb  beim  ©rtoad^cn  fänben  toit  bid^  nimmer. 

ginbilbungcn ! 


D  meine  ©eele  wirb 

©d^on  lang  Don  trüben  Sll^nungen  geängjiigt 

Unb  tüenn  ii)  mai^enb  fie  belämpft,  [\t  fallen 

3470  3Kein  banges  ^txi  in  büftern  Sträumen  an. 

—  3^  \^^  i^i^  geftern  3laä)t  mit  beiner  erflen 

©ema^Iin,  reid^  gepufet  gu  Stifd^e  [ifeen. 

S)aS  i[t  ein  Sraum  ertoünfd^ter  SSorbebeutung, 
S)enn  jene  betrat  fliftete  mein  @Iüdf. 


3475  Unb  l^eute  tröumte  mir,  \ä)  fud^te  bid^ 

3[n  beinem  3intmer  auf  —  SQßie  id^  l^ineintrat, 
©0  tüar'S  bein  3intmer  nid^t  mel^r,  bie  ftartl^oufc 
3u  ©itfd^in  tüax%  bie  bu  geftiftet  l^aft, 
Unb  tüo  bu  toiUft,  ba^  man  bid^  l^inbegrabe. 

3480  2)etn  ®eiji  ift  nun  einmal  bamit  befd^ftigt. 

Sie?   @Iaub[t  bu  nid^t,  ba^  eine  SBarnungSfKmme 
3n  SEräumen  üorbebeutenb  gu  un5  fpridjt? 

;Jfinfter  2lnf3n9 ;  Dritter  2lnf tritt  365 


%txikii)tn  ©timtnen  flicbf §  —  (5s  ift  fein  S^J^tfel  l 
^oä)  SBamungSftimmen  möd^f  xä)  fte'ni(^t  nennen, 

3485  ®ie  nur  boö  Unöermeiblid^e  öerfünben. 

SBie  [\6)  ber  ©onne  ©d^einbtlb  in  bem  S)un[tltei^- 
9Ralt,  tf)  fie  fommt,  fo  fd^teiten  a\xä)  ben  großen 
©efd^iden  il^te  ©eiftet  fd^on  öotan, 
Unb  in  bem  ^eute  manbelt  fd^on  ba§  SKorgen. 

3490  68  mad^te  mir  ftetö  eigene  ©ebonfen, 

SBa§  man  öom  Stob  beS  öierten  ©einrid^S  lieft» 
®er  ftönig  fül^tte  baS  ©efpenft  beS  9ÄefferS 
Sang  öorl^er  in  ber  Sruft,  tf)  [xä)  ber  SJiörber 
aiaöaillac  bamit  toaffnete.    3^n  flol^ 

3495  S)ie  SRul^',  e§  jagf  il^n  auf  in  feinem  fiouöre, 
3n§  Qfreie  trieb  e§  il^n ;  tt)ie  Seii^enf eier 
Älang  il^m  ber  ©attin  ÄrönungSfeft,  er  l^örte 
3m  aJ^nungSdoHen  D^r  ber  t?ü&e  Stritt, 
®ie  burd^  bie  ©äffen  Don  ^ari§  il^n  fucJ^ten* 

3500  ©agt  bir  bie  innre  5l^nung§ftimme  ni(^t§? 

3iid^tS.    ©ei  ganj  rul^ig ! 

@rftfitl  in  büftreS  yta^^innen  t)er(oren. 

Unb  ein  anbermal, 
5H§  xä)  bir  eilenb  nad^ging,  liefft  bu  öor  mir 
^mä)  einen  langen  ©ang;  hnxä)  weite  ©öle, 
63  »oBte  gar  nid^t  enben  —  Spren  f(^lugen 
3505  3ii1ömmen,  frad^enb  —  feud^enb  folgt'  xä),  fonnte 
®id^  nid^t  erreid^en  —  })löfelid^  fül^U'  xä)  mxä) 
Son  leinten  angefaßt  mit  f alter  ©anb, 
®  u  marft'g  unb  fü^teft  mid^,  unb  über  uns 
©d^ien  eine  rote  S)edfe  \x(i)  ju  legen  — 

360  XOaütnftt'ms  tlob 


3510  ®aS  tft  bcr  tote  Scppid^  meines  !^xmmtt§. 

@räfitt  i^n  betrat^tenb. 

833enn'S  bol^in  foDte  !ommen  —  SBenn  iä)  iiä), 
®er  iejt  in  SebenSf üHe  bot  mir  fielet  — 

ete  fintt  i^m  tveinenb  an  bie  Stuft. 

©es  ftoiferS  «(i^töbtief  änflftiflt  b^.    »ud^ftabcn 
SBermunben  ni(i^t,  er  finbet  feine  ^nbe. 


3515  5änb*  er  jlc  aber,  bann  tft  mein  gntfd^Iufe 
©efofet  —  Id^  fü^rc  bei  mir,  toaS  mid^  tröjiet* 


fgx  Vierter  2(uftrttt* 

ttulleiifteiit.    (Sorboit.    2)ann  bcr  ftammevbiener. 


3ft^ö  rul^ig  in  ber  ©tabt ! 


S)ie  ©tabt  ijl  rul^tg, 

^6)  fjoxt  raufd^enbe  SKufif,  baS  ©d^Iofe  tft 
SBon  Sid^tern  l^efl.    SQßer  finb  bie  ^x'6i)üä)m? 


3520  ®em  ©rafen  Stergf^  unb  bem  gelbmarfd^all 
SBirb  ein  Sanfett  gegeben  ouf  bem  ©ci^Iofe. 


6S  ift  be§  Sieges  toegen  —  ®ieS  ©efd^led^t 
j(ann  \\ä)  nid^t  onberS  freuen,  als  bei  %\^(S). 

AUngett    ftammexbtener  tritt  ein. 

Jfinfter  2liif3ii9 ;  Dterter  2Inftntt  367 

ßntlleibe  mxä),  xä)  toxU  mxä)  fd^Iafen  legen. 

dt  nimmt  bte  ©(^Uiffel  &u  ft(^. 

3525  So  ftnb  toir  benn  öot  iebem  Qfeinb  betüal^rt 
Unb  mit  ben  pd^efn  gteunben  eingefd^Ioffen ; 
2)enn  oBeö  müfef  ml(]^  trügen,  ober  ein 
®e  jtd^t  tüie  bieS,  auf  ®orbon  f(^auenb,  tft  !etneö  ^eud^Ier^fiarbe. 

JtammeTbienerl^at  i^m  ben  SRantel,  9linglra(ien  unb  bie  ^elbbinbe  abgenommen. 

@ieb2l(^t!    SBoSfäntba?  ' 

3S30  Sic  flolbne  ftette  ift  ent^tüei  gefprungen. 

9lun,  fte  l^at  lang  genug  gel^alten.    ®ie6 ! 

Snbem  er  bie  ftette  betrachtet 

3)qS  toax  beS  fta^iferS  er  fte  ®un[t.    6r  l^ing  pe 
9lte  ßrjl^erjog  mit  um,  im  Ärieg  öon  Qfriaul, 
Unb  aus  @ett)o^nl^eit  trug  x^  fte  bis  l^eut. 

3535  —  31UÖ  5lbetglauben,  tüenn  il^r  toollt^    Sie  f oBte 
6in  StaliSman  mir  fein,  fo  lang  xä)  fie 
5ln  meinem  ^al\t  glaubig  toürbe  tragen, 
®aS  pd^f gc  ©lud,  befe  erfte  @unft  fie  toar, 
9Rir  auf  jeitlebenS  binben  —  9lun,  es  fei ! 

3540  9Äir  mufe  fortan  ein  neues  @lüd  beginnen, 
S)enn  biefeS  SanneS  ftraft  tft  aus. 

S^ammerbtener  entfernt  ftd^  mit  ben  ftleibem.    %8aIIenftein  fte^t  auf,  mad^t  einen 
®ang  burd^  ben  @aal  unb  bleibt  aufe^t  nad^bentenb  t)or  ®orbon  fielen. 

SBic  bod^  bie  alte  3^it  mir  näl^er  fommt. 
3d^  fel^'  mid^  toieber  an  bem  ©of  gu  SSurgau, 
SBo  mir  gufammen  @belfnaben  maren. 
3545  SBlr  l^atten  öfters  Streit,  bu  meinteft'S  gut 
Unb  pflegteft  gern  ben  ©ittenprebiger 
3u  mad^n,  fd^alteft  mid^,  bafe  xä)  naä)  l^ol^en  Singen 
Unmäßig  ftrebte,  fül^nen  Sträumen  glaubenb, 
Unb  priefefl  mir  ben  golbnen  SKittelmeg. 

368  VOaütxi'kins  (Cob  ^ 

3550  —  ei,  beine  SBct§]&cit  W  \\ä)  \6)Uäfi  bcttwl^rt,'^^ 
©ie  l^at  V\ä)  fxvä)  jutn  obgcicbtcn  SKanne 
@tmaä)t  unb  tüürbc  b^^  toenn  x6)  mit  meinen 
©to^müt'gern  Sternen  nid^t  bajmtfcJ^en  träte, 
3m  fd^lecj^ten  SBinfel  ftiU  öerlöfd^en  lallen. 


3555  3Kein  gürft !  SKit  kxä)ttm  9Kute  fnüpf t  ber  arme  fji^ei 
S)en  fleinen  3laä)tn  an  im  ficJ^ern  ^ort, 
©ie^t  er  im  Sturm  baö  gro^e  SKeerfc^iff  ftranben. 


©0  bift  bu  fd^on  im  ^a\tn,  alter  9Mann? 
^ä)  nid^t.    es  treibt  ber  unflefd^toäd^te  5mut 

3560  3loä)  frifd^  unb  l^errlid^  auf  ber  SebenSmofle, 
®ie  Hoffnung  nenn'  iä)  meine  (Söttin  no(]^, 
Sin  Jüngling  ift  ber  @eift,  unb  fel^'  ic^  mid^ 
3)ir  gegenüber,  ja,  fo  möd^t'  idö  rül^menb  [agen, 
S)a^  über  meinem  braunen  ©d^eitell^aar 

3565  2)te  fd^nellen  ^al^re  mad^tloS  l^ingegangen. 

(St  gel^t  mit  großen  ©d^ritten  tnxdii  ^immer  unb  (leibt  auf  ber  entgcftensefe^tet 

®ette,  (Horbon  gegenüber,  fte^en. 

SBer  nennt  ba§  ©lüdt  nod^  falfd^?   9Kir  toar  e§  treu, 
$ob  auö  ber  SKenfc^en  SReil^en  mid^  l^erauS 
9Mit  Siebe,  burd^  be§  ßeben§  ©tufen  mid^ 
9Mit  fraftöoH  leidsten  ©ötterarmen  tragenb. 

3570  5Rid^tS  ift  gemein  in  meines  ©d^idffals  SBegen, 
3li>ä)xn  ben  Qfurd^en  meiner  $anb.    SBer  mod^te 
9Mein  ßeben  mir  nad^  9Menfd^entt)eife  beuten? 
3tt)ar  jefto  fd^ein'  id^  tief  j^erabgeftürjt ; 
2)od^  toerb'  id^  lieber  fteigen,  l^ol^e  Qflut 

3575  rfflirb  balb  auf  biefe  Sbbe  fd^toeHenb  folgen  — 


Unb  bod^  erinnr'  xä)  an  ben  alten  ©prud^ : 

^Jfinfter  2luf3U9;  fünfter  2tiiftritt  369 

2Kan  foll  bcn  Stag  ntcJ^t  dor  bcm  9l6cnb  loben. 
yixä)i  C)off nung  mö(^f  id^  fd^öpfcn  au§  bem  langen  (Slüd , 
®em  Unglüd  ijl  bie  Hoffnung  gugefenbet. 
3580  gurc^t  fofl  baö  ^^aupt  beS  ©lüdlici^en  umf(^mcben, 
S)cnn  etDig  toanfet  be§  ©efd^ideS  SBoge. 

S)cn  olten  ©otbon  l^öt  ^  tüiebet  fpred^en. 
—  SBol^I  toei^  ii),  ba^  bie  irb'fci^en  SDinge  mä)^tln, 
®ie  böfen  (Sötter  fobem  il^ren  SoU. 
3585  ®ö§  loufeten  fd^on  bie  alten  ^eibenööller, 

2)rum  loä^lten  fte  \\ä)  felbft  freitüiB'geS  Unheil, 
S)ie  eiferfüci^f ge  ©ottl^eit  gu  berfö^nen, 
Unb  SJienfd^enopfet  bluteten  bem  St^p^on. 

fftaäi  einer  $aufe,  emft  nnh  ftiller. 

Slud^  id^  l^ab'  il^m  geopfert  —  S)enn  mir  fiel       \ 
3590  S)er  liebfte  fjreunb,  unb  fiel  burd^  meine  ©d^ulb.  | 

©0  f ann  mid^  !eine§  @Iüde§  @unft  mel^r  freuen, 

91I§  biefer  ©d[|lag  mid^  l^at  gef d^mer jt  —  2Der  DZeib  ; 

S)eS  ©d^irffatö  ift  gefättigt,  eö  nimmt  Seben  \ 

gfür  Seben  an,  unb  abgeleitet  ift 
3595  5luf  baS  geliebte  reine  ©aupt  ber  Slife, 

S)et  mid^  jerfd^mettcrnb  foHte  nieberf^lagen. 


fünfter  2tuftritt. 

eoHge.   6eiti. 

ftommt  ba  nld^t  ©eni?   Unb  tt)ie  aufeer  [\i)  l 
SBaS  fü^rt  bid^  nod^  fo  fpöt  ^ie^er,  Saptift? 

gfurd^t  beinettt)egen,  ^o^eit. 

570  WaU^nftzins  tLob 


@ag',  toaS  giebfä? 

3600  tJHcl^',  C^ol^cit,  cl^  bcr  Sag  anbtid^t !    SJcrtrauc  b^ 
Sen  ©d^tüebifd^n  nid^t  an ! 

SBaS  föHt  bir  ein? 

Setti  mit  {Iteigen^em  Xon. 

SScrttQu'  bid^  bicfcn  ©d^toebcn  nid^t ! 


SBqS  ifk'«  Denn? 

ßrtoarte  ni(^t  bic  Slnlunf t  biefcr  ©d^tocbcn ! 

SBon  falfd^cn  Qfrcunbcn  btol^t  bir  nal^eS  Unl^il, 

3605  Die  3^^^^  fte^^i^  graufenl^aft,  na^\  m^t 

Umgeben  bid^  bic  Sle^e  beS  S3erberben§. 


S)u  träumft,  ^apix%  bie  ^\xxi)t  bet^ötet  bid&, 

.  ©etil* 

1 0  glaube  nid^t,  baß  leere  guri^t  mid^  täufd^. 
Iftomm,  Ite3  eS  felbft  in  bem  ^lanetenftanb, 
3610  ls)a^  UnglüdE  bir  öon  falfc^en  fjreunben  brol^t. 


aSon  f alfd^en  fjreunben  [tammt  mein  ganges  Unglüd ; 
®te  SBeifung  ^ätte  frül^er  fommen  foKen, 
3e^t  braud^'  x^  feine  ©terne  mel^r  bagu. 


P  !omm  unb  fiel^ !   ®Iaub'  beinen  eignen  Singen. 
361S  6in  gräulid^  3^^«^^  P^^t  int  ^aw^  beS  2eben§, 
6in  naiver  geinb,  ein  Un^olb  lauert  l^inter 
3)en  ©tra^Ien  beineS  @tern§  —  D  lafe  bid^  »amen! 

fünfter  JInfsug ;  ;Jünftcr  2tuftritt  371 

3lxä)t  bicfcn  Reiben  überlicfrc  \>\ä), 

®ic  ftticg  mit  unfrct  l^cirgen  ^xxä)t  füllten. 

SBaKenfteitt  läc^etnb. 
3620  ©(j^QÜt  baS  Ctafcl  ballet?  —  3fa,  ja !   3l\xn 
aacftnn'  id^  m^  —  ®ic§  fd^toeb'fd^c  Sünbni^  ^at 
2)ir  nie  gcf ollen  tüoDen  —  Seg'  bid^  fcä^Iaf cn, 
fbapi\\ta !   ©old^e  3eic^en  fürc^f  id^  nic^t. 

ber  buTt^  biefe  Sieben  heftig  erfd^üttert  toorben,  toenbet  ft($  su  SBaQenftein. 

SKein  fürftlid^er  ©cbictcr  1  batf  id^  rcbcn? 
3625  Oft  fommt  ein  mi^lxä)  SBort  ou§  \ä)ltä)Um  SKunbe. 

@i)tid^  frei ! 

?IKein  Surft !  tocnn'S  hoä)  fein  Iecre§  gurcj^tbilb  toärc, 
aScnn  ©ottcS  aSorfe^ung  fid^  bicfeS  SKunbeS 
3u  Sinter  ^Rettung  ttjunberbat  bcbientc ! 

3630  3^t  fprcci^t  im  ^ficber,  einer  ttjie  ber  anbre. 

SBie  fann  mir  UnglüdE  fommen  bon  ben  ©darneben? 
©ie  fud^ten  meinen  Sunb,  er  ift  il^r  SJorteil. 

SBenn  bennod^  eben  biefer  ©darneben  5ln!unft  — 
(Serabe  bie  eS  ttjär',  bie  ba§  Serberben 
3035  »epügelte  auf  3^r  f 0  fid^reS  ^aupt  — 

Soc  ii^m  nieberftüraenb. 

D  nod^  ift'S  3eit,  mein  Surft  — 


O  W  i^"/  W  i^n ! 
Seit,  unb  moju?   ©te^t  auf  —  3c^  toxü%  fte^t  au^ 

372  IPalTcnfleins  Cob 

@0rb0tt  fielet  auf. 

S)er  aH^eingraf  ift  no(i^  fern*  (Scbietcn  Sit,    ^ 

Unb  bicfc  fjcftung  foll  \xä)  i^m  t)cr[(i^Iic^ctu f    • 

3640  SBiü  er  un§  bann  belagern,  er  t)tx\\xäf^. 

5Do(^  fag'  id^  bte§ :  JBerberben  tüirb  er  el^er 

Ttxt  feinem  gangen  JBoIf  öor  biefen  SBäHen, 

Sttlö  unferS  9Kute§  SEapferfeit  ermüben, 

©rfal^ren  foü  er,  toaS  ein  ^elbenl^aufe 
3645  SSermag,  befeelt  bon  einem  ^elbenfül^rer, 

®em'S  ßrnft  ift,  feinen  Qfel^Ier  gut  gu  mad^en. 

SDa§  tüirb  ben  fiaifer  rühren  unb  berföl^nen, 

®enn  gern  gur  SJlilbe  tüenbet  \\ä)  fein  ^erj, 

Unb  fjrieblanb,  ber  bereuenb  mieberlel^rt, 
3650  SBirb  l^öl^er  ftel^n  in  feinet  JiaiferS  @nabe, 

91I§  je  ber  SliegefaHne  ^at  geftanben. 


betrad^tet  il^n  mit  ^efrembuttg  unb  Srftaunen  unb  f(!^ioetgt  eine  d^it  (ang,  eine  ftaxh 

innere  ^emegung  hexQtnh. 

(Sorbon  —  be§  @ifer§  SBärme  fül^rt  eud^  toeit, 
6§  barf  ber  Sugenbfreunb  \iä)  tt)a§  erlauben. 
—  SSIut  ift  geflofjen,  (Sorbon.    Slimmer  fann 

365s  2)er  fiaifer  mir  vergeben,    ffiönnt'  cr'S,  xä), 
^ä)  fönnte  nimmer  mir  »ergeben  laffen. 
©ätt'  x^  Dörfer  getoufet,  tt)a§  nun  gefd^el^n, 
2)a&  eö  ben  liebften  Qfreunb  mir  »ürbe  lojien, 
Unb  l^ätte  mir  ba§  $erg,  toie  jefet,  gefprod^n — 

3660  ßann  fein,  ici^  l^ätte  mid^  bebad^t — fann  fein, 

%\xä)  nid^t — ^oi)  toa^  nun  fd^onen  nod^?  3u  ernp^aft 
C^at'S  angefangen,  um  in  nid^ts  gu  cnben. 
^aV  e§  benn  feinen  Sauf ! 

Snbem  er  ans  $enf)er  tritt 

©iel^,  e§  ift  3?ad^t  geworben,  auf  bera  ©<|Io& 

fünfter  2Iuf3U9 ;  fünfter  2tnftntt  373 

3665  Sff  §  anä)  fc^on  ftiüc  —  Seuc^tc,  fiömmetUng. 

ftammerbiener,  ber  unterbeffen  ftiß  eingetreten  unb  mit  fttJötfearcm  Stnteit  tn  ber 
Sreme  geftanben,  tritt  :^er)}or,  heftig  beteegt,  unb  ftürat  ftc^  &u  beg^erjogS  flpüBen. 

2)u  and)  nod^?   3)o(^  xä)  mx^  cö  ja,  tüatum 
®u  meinen  gricben  tüünfd^eft  mit  bem  ßaifcr. 
®et  arme  SWenfd^ !    6r  l^at  im  Äörntl^nerlanb 
6in  fleineS  ®ut  unb  f otgt,  fic  nel^men'ö  il^m, 

3670  Seil  er  bei  mit  ift.    SÖin  xä)  benn  fo  arm, 
©aß  xä)  ben  Wienern  nid^t  crfe^en  fann? 
3iun !   ^ä)  toiU  niemanb  gtoingen.    SBenn  bu  meinft, 
®a^  mi^  ba§  @Iücf  gcffol^en,  fo  öerla^  mxi). 
^eut  magji  bu  mxä)  jum  lefttenmal  entf leiben 

3675  Unb  bann  gu  beinem  Äaifer  übergel^n  — 
®\xV  3la6)t,  ©orbon ! 
^ä)  benfe  einen  langen  ©d^Iaf  ju  tl^un, 
®enn  Wefer  legten  Sage  Dual  mar  grofe, 
©orgt,  ba^  jtc  ni(|t  ju  geitig  mid^  ertüeden.;) 

Sr  gc^t  ab.    ftamnterbiener  leud^tet.    @eni  folgt,    ©orbon  bleibt  in  ber 
2)unfel^eit  ftel&en,  Um  ^erjog  mit  ben  Singen  folgenb,  bis  er  in  bem  äuger« 
ften  ®ang  berfd^tounben  ift ;  bann  brüdt  er  bur(3^  ©ebörben  feinen  ©d^merj 
aui  unb  leint  [x^  gramboU  an  eine  Säule.  i 


Sedffter  2tuftritt, 

®iirb0tt.   fBnttUv  anfangs  i^inter  ber  @cene. 

3680  ^ier  [teilet  ftiü,  bi§  xä)  ba§  3^i<^^n  gebe» 

©OrbOtt  fä^rt  auf. 

@r  ift'§,  er  bringt  bic  SKörber  fd^on, 


S)ie  2i(!^ter 

©inb  au§.    3n  tiefem  ©^lafe  liegt  f(|on  alles* 

374  tPattenftetns  tZob 

ffia^  fon  id^  tl^un?   SScrfud^'  id^'S  il^n  gu  retten? 
Srtng'  id^  baS  4>qu§,  bte  SQBad^en  in  SSewegung  ? 

fßnttitX  erf(^eint  glitten. 

3685  aSom  ßorribor  l^er  fd^immert  Sid^t.    3!)a§  fül^rl 
3  um  ©d^Iafgemad^  be§  t?ür[ten* 


Slber  bre(i^'  t^ 

9lid^t  meinen  @ib  bem  Äaifer?   Unb  entfommt  er, 

S)eg  S^einbeS  SKad^t  öerjiörlenb,  lab'  id^  nid^t 

Sttuf  mein  ^awpt  aUt  fürd^terlid^en  Qfolflen? 

fßuttttX  ettoaS  nä^r  fommett^. 

3690  ©tiU!   C)ord^!    SBer  f prid^t  ba  ? 


%(S),  e$  ift  bod^  bfjffr, 

3d^  fteU'S  bem  ^immel  l^eim.    3)enn  maS  bin  id^, 
S)a^  id^  fo  großer  %f)at  mii)  unterfinge? 
3f  ä)  f)aV  il^n  nid^t  ermorbet,  menn  er  umlommt, 
2)od^  feine  SRettung  märe  meine  %f)al, 
3695  Unb  jebe  fd^mere  fjolge  müfet'  id^  tragen. 

^nttUx  ^erauttetenb. 

S)ie  ©timme  !enn'  id^* 




@§  ift  ®orbon. 

SBa§  fud^t  il^r  l^ier?   ©ntlie^  ber  C^^rgog  eud^ 

©0  fpät? 


3^r  tragt  bte  ©anb  in  einer  33inbe  ? 


©ie  ift  bcriüunbct,    S^iefer  3D0  fod^t 

;Jfinfter  2lnf3H9 ;  5e4?Per  2luftrttt  375 

3700  aSic  ein  SScrjtocifcIter,  bi§  toir  il^n  mUxä) 
3u  Sobcn  fttccftcn  — 

@07botl  {(^aubert  iufammeiu 

©ic  finb  tDt?<. 

6§  ift  gef(]^e^n. 

3fi  er  8U  »ett? 


5l(^,  Suttler ! 

f6lXttitX  bringenb. 

3iler?   ©pred^t! 
Sltd^t  lange  fann  bie  %f)at  verborgen  bleiben. 

6r  foB  nid^t  jierbcn.    3l\ä)i  burd^  eud^ !    S)er  4)initnel 
3705  SBiH  euren  Slrm  ni(i^t.    ©el^t,  er  ift  bertounbet* 


3t\ä)t  meines  2lrme§  braud^t'ö* 


®ie  ©d^ulbigen 

©inb  tot ;  genug  ift  ber  ©ered^tigfeit 
©efd^el^n !    Safet  biefeS  Opfer  fie  berföl^nen !  . 

Aammerbiencr  fommt  ben  (S^ang  ^er,  mit  bem  Ringer  auf  beut  asunb  <BtiSU 

fd^ioeigen  gebietenb, 

6r  fd^läf t !    O  morbet  nid^t  ben  ^eifgen  Bä)la\ ! 

3710  9lein,  er  fott  tood^nb  fterben. 

SBiQ  ge^en. 


Sld^,  fein  ^erg  ift  nod^ 

©en  irb'fd^en  S)ingen  jugemenbet,  nid^t 
(Befaßt  ift  er,  öor  feinen  @ott  gu  treten. 

®ott  ift  barml^erjig ! 

SSW  ge^en. 

376  rDaücnftcins  ^ob 

3t\xx  bie  3laä)t  noä^  gönnt  i^m* 

®er  mä)\k  5luflenbli(f  !ann  un§  öcrrotcn. 



3715  9lur  eine  ©tunbe! 


So^tmic^IoSl    SBaStann 
S)ie  für  je  ^tift  ii^nt  l^elfen? 

O  bie  3eit  ijl 
6in  tüunbertl^äf  get  @ott.    3fn  einet  ©tunbe  rinnen 
SSiel  taufenb  Äörner  ©anbe§ ;  fd^neD,  tt)ie  fie, 
Semegen  \\i)  im  3Kenfd^en  bie  ©ebanten. 
3720  9lur  eine  ©tunbe !    6uer  ^erj  !ann  [\6), 
SDaS  feinige  fid^  menben  —  eine  3io^ri4t 
Jionn  tommen  —  ein  beglücfenbe§  Ereignis 
6ntf(j^eibenb,  rettenb,  fd^neü  Dorn  4)iJnmeI  fallen  — 
O  tt)a§  bermag  nic^t  eine  ©tunbe ! 

3l&t  erinnert  mic^ 
3725  2Bie  loftbor  bie  3Jltnuten  finb. 

(Et  fUaxi)^^  auf  bcn  Sobcn. 

Siebenter  Jtuftritt« 

flOtac>0italb.   ^Iiev0its  mit  ^eHei^arbieTem  treten  ^ertor.   2)aim 

biener*   SoHoe. 

@orbott  ft($  itoifc^en  i^n  unb  jene  toerfenb. 

Stein,  UnmenfiJ  I 

;Junftcr  2Iuf3U9;  Siebenter  2Iuftrttt  377 

ßrji  über  meinen  ßetcS^nam  foüft  bu  l^ingelö^, 
2)enn  nicS^t  mill  xi)  ba§  @rä^ü(i^e  erleben» 

S3ttttler  i^n  tuegbiängenb. 

©d^toacj^ftnn'ger  5llter ! 

9)'lacb0ttalb  unb  ^ekieroitc* 

©ci^mebifd^e  Strompeten ! 
®ic  ©(J^meben  fte^n  öor  ©ger !    Safet  un§  eilen. 

3730  ©Ott !  (Sott ! 


3In  euren  Soften,  Äommenbant ! 

^orboit  ftürat  ^tnauS. 

^ammerbietter  etit  i^erein. 
2Ber  barf  ^ier  lärmen?   ©tiü,  ber  ^txm  f<^Iäft ! 

^ekierottC  mit  toutcr,  fütc^tcrUt^er  (Stimme. 

greunb !    3e^t  ift'§  3eit  ju  lärmen  I 

^amtlterbietter  O^efd^iet  eri^ebenb. 

«)Ufe!  3Jlörber! 
Slieber  mit  il^m ! 

toon  2)et>erou£  burcl^boi^rt,  ftürst  am  Eingang  ber  Materie. 



Sprengt  bie  SEl^üren ! 

€ie  fd^reiten  üttx  ben  Seidenem  toeg  ben  (Song  fittt.    a^att  l^ört  in  ber  f^eme 
a»el  2;^ilren  na^  einanber  ftürjen.  —  Sumpfe  ©timmen  —  SBaffenaetöfe  — 

bann  pV^lfii^  tiefe  ©tiUe. 

378  IVaüen^t'ms  tldb 

Jtdfter  2tuftrttt. 

®r5fiit  'Xet^tti  mit  einem  Sid^te. 

^f)x  ©d^Iafgemad^  ift  lect,  unb  ftc  iji  nirflenbS 
3735  3w  finben ;  aui)  bic  9leubtunn  tuitb  öcrmi^t 

S)ie  bei  i^r  tuaci^tc  —  SBärc  fic  entflol^n? 

SBo  lann  fic  ^ingepol^en  fein?   SWan  ntufe 

5lQ(i^€iIen,  alle§  in  Setüegung  fe^en !  . 

SBic  tt)irb  bct  ©ergofl  biefe  ©d^recfcnSpojl 
3740  3lufnel^men !  —  SBäte  nur  mein  SKann  jurüd 

iBom  (Saftmal^I !    Ob  ber  ^ergog  rool^I  nodf  toad)  ifl? 

9Mir  tüar'S,  al§  prt  id^  Stimmen  l^ier  unb  Srittc. 

3d^  toill  hoS)  l^iugel^n,  an  ber  äl^üre  laufd^n. 

C^otd^I    SBetiftbaS!    63  eilt  bie  Stepp' J^rouf. 

Heunter  2tuftrttt* 

<8rSfiit.   <S0rb0it.    2)ann  Sttttler. 
dlorbotl  eilfertifl,  atemlos  ^ereinfHlrienb. 

3745  6s  tft  ein  Srttunt  —  6s  ftnb  nid^t  bie  ©d^weben. 
3^r  fönt  ni(^t  meitet  gelten  —  Sutticr  —  ®ottl 
SIBo  ift  er? 

3nbem  er  bie  Gräfin  Bemertt. 

©räfin,  fagen  ©ic  — 

©ie  fommen  Don  ber  »urg?   fflo  ijt  mein  TOann? 

@0rb0tt  entfe^t 

^fjx  Wann !  —  O  fragen  ©ic  niiä^t !    ©el^n  ©ie 
3750  C^inein  —  • 

Btll  foct 
^rftfitt  ^ä(t  i§n. 

IRid^t  el^er,  bis  ©ie  mir  cntbedcn  — 

^fünfter  ^lufsug;  gefönter  2tuf tritt  379 

@0]rbott  l^eftig  bringenb. 

%x  biefem  Slugenblidfc  pngt  bie  SBelt ! 
Um  ©otteStoiUcn,  gd^cn  Sic  —  3>nbem 
SßJir  fprcd^n  —  ®ott  im  ^immcl ! 

Qoüt  fd^reienb. 

Suttler,  Sutticr ! 
2)er  ift  ja  auf  bcm  ©d^Io^  mit  meinem  9Kann. 

*  Suttter  !ommt  aus  ber  Malerte. 

3755  ®S  iDttt  ein  3rttum  —  6§  finb  nic^^t  bie  ©darneben  — 
2)ie  Äaiferlid^en  finb'ö,  bie  einflebtungen  — 
2)er  ©enetaHeutnant  \ö)xdt  mid^  l^et,  er  mirb 
®U\ä)  felbft  l^ier  fein  —  3>]^r  f oDt  nid^t  toeiter  gel^n  — 

@r  lommt  ju  f))ät. 

@orbOtt  ftütit  an  bie  aRauet. 

©Ott  ber  Sarml^erjigfeit ! 

@rSfitt  a^nungSboH. 

3760  SBaS  ip  au  f|)ät?   SQßer  mirb  flleid^  felbft  l^ier  fein? 
Cctadio  in  ßger-einflebrungen? 
aJerräterei !  »erräterei !  SQßo  ift 
®er  ^ergog? 

(Silt  bent  (donge  iu. 

^e^nter  Jtuftritt. 

Bmrlte.    6eiri«   Sfiotm  Ofitgeirmeiller.  ^age.  ftammerfrau*  Sebtettte  rennen 

fdgretfenStoU  über  bie  ®cene. 


ber  mit  aütxi  3ei(^en  bed  ©d^redfenS  auS  ber  d^alerte  fontint 

O  blutige,  entfej^enSdoHe  %^at  I 

380  tVaütnfttxns  Cob 



3765  ©efd^cl^en,  ©cnt?  Jj  • 

^ttge  l^crauStommenb.         (v/ 

O  etbtttmcnStoütb'ger  ^InBIid ! 

S^ebiente  mit  fSradCeltu 

SBaSip?  Um  ©ottegtoinen ! 

gfragt  il^r  nod^? 
S)rin  liegt  bet  gütft  crmotbct,  euer  SKann  ift 
6t|io(^en  auf  ber  SSutg ! 

®röfln  bleibt  erftarrt  fielen. 

^atttttterf  ran  eut  i^erettu 
^ilf !  ^ilf  bet  C^ergogin ! 

IBürgettttetfiter  fommt  fd^tedensnoa. 

SBaS  für  ein  IRuf 
3770  3)e§  3atntnetS  toedft  bie  ©(ä^Iäfer  biefe§  Kaufes? 

S8erflu(3^t  ift  euer  $au§  auf  ero'ge  Sage ! 
3fn  eurem  ^aufe  liegt  ber  gürft  ermorbet. 


2)a3  tDoHe  @ott  nid^t ! 

©tatit  ]§inauS. 

Qxfttt  S^ebietttev. 

gliel^t !  gliel^t !    ©ie  ermorben 

Uti§  alle !  '      4y  C/ 

3)0eiter  S3ebletttet@ilbergerät tragenb. 

S)a  l^inaug  I    3)ie  untern  (Sänge  finb  befejt. 

hinter  ber  @cette  mirb  eemfen. 
3775  ^fa^ !    ^la^  bem  ©eneralleuthant ! 

liei  biffen  ffSQttm  richtet  ficö  bie  ®räftn  an»  ibrer  (Srftamutg  out  faftt  ftc^  inib  gebt 

fcbneU  ab* 

^finfter  ^lufsug ;  (Elfter  2Iuftntt  381 

hinter  ber  @cene* 
»cfc^t  baS  %^DX  I   S)a§  aSoK  surüdfflcl^altcn  I 

elfter  Ituftrttt 

Sorige  o^ne  bie  Gräfin.  Octatiio  ^iiccotomini  tritt  herein  mit  Q^efolge.  (Detierouc 

uitb  aRacboKalb  tomnten  ^ugleid^  aus  bem  ^intergTunbemit  ^eUebarbifrent.  SBaHen» 

fteinS  fietc^natn  tvirb  in  einem  roten  Zippi^  hinten  über  bie  ©cene  getragen. 

jDctfItltD  raf(^  eintretenb 

6g  barf  nid^t  fein  I  e§  ift  nid^t  möglid^ !    Suttler ! 
©otbon !    3(3^  tDtß'ö  ni(3^t  glauben.    Saget  nein. 


o^e  iu  antworten,  n^eift  mit  ber  ^anb  nad^  leinten.   Octabio  fielet  ^in  nnb  fte^t  bon 

entfefeen  ergriffen. 

^etierOtt£  5U  »uttler. 

$tet  ift  baS  golbne  SSIie^,  be§  Surften  Siegen. 

3780  SSefel^It  il^r,  ba^  man  bie  ^anjlei  — 

S3lttt(er  auf  Octat)io  aeigenb. 

$ier  ftel^t  er, 
S)er  je^t  allein  SefeI)Ie  l^at  gu  geben. 

3)eberouj:  unb  SRacbonalb  treten  ehrerbietig  aurüdf ;  a0e§  berliert  fic^  ftiU,  bat  nur 
aKein  Rüttler,  Cctabio  unb  ©orbon  auf  ber  @cene  bleiben. 

OctUtliD  5u  Rüttlern  gemenbet. 

SQBar  ba^  bie  SKeinung,  Suttler,  ate  mir  fd^ieben? 

©Ott  ber  ®ere(3^tigleit !    ^6)  f)tbt  meine  ^anb  auf !' 

3(i^  bin  an  biefer  ungel^euren  %^at 

3785  9lid^t  f(3^ulbig. 


@ure  $anb  ift  rein.    Sl^r  l^abt 

2)ie  meinige  baju  gebraucht. 


SRuc^Iofer ! 

©  0  mufeteft  bu  be§  ^errn  Sef el^I  mifebraud^n. 

382  rOaaen^itts  Cob 

Unb  blutig  gtauenboHcn  SMcuiä^cImorb 
9luf  bcinc§  ftaifcrS  l^cirgen  Flamen  toälaen? 

I6lttt(er  gelaffen. 

3790  3^  ^^^'  ^^^  ffaifcrö  Urtel  nur  DoDfitedt. 

D  Slud^  bcr  Söniflc,  bct  il^rcn  SBottcn 
2)a§  fütd|terli(i^  Scbcn  gicbt,  bcm  \d)ntU 
aSergänglid^cn  ®cban!cn  glcid)  bic  %f)at, 
S)ic  f cft  unroiberruflid^c,  anicttct  1 . 
3795  9Jlu^t*  CS  fo  xa\ä)  gcl^ord^t  fein?   Äonntcfi  bu 
3)cm  ©näbigen  nid^t  3ctt  gut  ®nabc  gönnen? 
3)e§  3Renfd^en  6ngel  i|l  bie  3eit  —  bie  xa\äft 
SSoDfttecfung  an  bod  Urteil  angul^eften, 
Siemt  nur  bem  unöeränberlid^en  ®ott. 


38<Jj  SBaS  fd^eltet  il^r  mid^?   SBa«  ift  mein  SSerbreti^n? 
:  ^äf  l^abe  eine  gute  %f)at  Qttifan, 
i  3^  idV  bttö  SReid^  bon  einem  fur^tbarn  gfeinbe 
1  ^Befreit  unb  maö)t  9lnf})rud^  auf  Selol^nung. 
2)ereinj*ge  Unter  fd^ieb  ift  jtt)ifd^n  eurem 

3805  Unb  meinem  Sl^un:  il^r  l^abt  ben  ^ßfeil  gefd^t, 
^ä)  f)aV  i^n  abgebrüdft.    3^r  fätet  SBlut 
Unb  ftel^t  beftürjtTTa^  S3Iut  ift  aufgegangen. 
^äf  mu^te  immer,  maS  xd)  if)at,  unb  fo 
grfd^recft  unb  überrafdit  mid^  lein  6rfoIg. 

3810  ^abt  il^r  fonft  einen  Sluftrag  mir  gu  geben? 
2)enn  jtel^nben  g^u^eS  reif  xd)  ab  nad)  S93ien, 
SRetn  blutenb  ©d^mert  öor  meines  ÄatferS  Sl^ton 
3u  legen  unb  ben  SeifoII  mir  gu  Idolen, 
3)en  ber  gefd^minbe,  pünttlid^  @e]^orfam 

3815  93on  bem  geredeten  Slid^ter  fobem  barf» 


fünfter  ^liifsug ;  gioölftcr  :iöf tritt  383 

^tpölfter  2tuftrttt. 

Vorige  ol^ite  Suttlet.    Gräfin  ttt^  tritt  auf,  bleich  unb  entfteat.   36ce  St^tad^e 

ift  fd^toad^  unb  (attgfam,  o^ne  Setbenfd^aft  / 

OctaHin  i^x  entgegen. 

O  ©räfiu  %txil\),  tnu$t'  e§  bal^in  lommen? 
S)a3  finb  bic  folgen  uttfllüdfergcr  Stl^aten. 

@ö  finb  bic  gtüci^tc  ^l&teö  Stl^unö  —  3)et  C^^rgog    ^f 
3ft  tot,  iticin  9Kann  ift  tot,  bic  ^crgogin  | 

3820  aiingt  mit  bcm  Stobc,  meine  W\ö)k  ift  l)erf(]^munbett.i 
S)ie§  ^u§  bc§  @Ianje§  unb  bex  C>^^J^Ii4f^it 
©tel^t  nun  öcröbet,  unb  butd^  alle  Pforten    ,\^   s  ! 
©tütjt  baS  ctf&tecftc  ^ofgefinbr  fort.    ' 
3(3^  bin  bic  le^tc  brinn,  iä)  f(3^Io$  eS  ab 

3825  Unb  licfrc  l^ict  bic  ©d^lüffcl  ouS. 

Octatlio  mit  tiefem  (St^nierj. 

O  ©rafin, 
2lud^  mein  $au§  iji  bcröbet ! 


SBer  foH  nod^ 

Umlommcn?   SBer  foK  nod^  mifel^anbelt  tocrben? 
3)cr  Surft  ift  tot,  be§  ftaifetö  ^aä)t  lann 
Scfticbißt  fein.    3Setfd^onen  ©ie  bie  alten  S)ienet, 
3830  35afe  bcn  ©cttcuen  il^rc  Sieb'  unb  3:reu* 
IRid^t  anäf  jum  Stebcl  angetc(]^net  metbc ! 
2)aä  ©ci^icffal  übertafd^tc  meinen  ©ruber 
3u  f^nctt,  er  fonnte  nid^t  mel^r  an  fie  beulen. 


9Hd^t§  bon  SMifel^anblung !    5»i(^tö  Don  ^aä)t,  ©röpn ! 
3835  ®ic  fd^mere  ©d^ulb  ift  fd^mer  gebüßt,  ber  ftaifer  . 


384  tDaHenfietns  Zob 

SSctföl^nt,  md^t§  gel^t  bom  SSatcr  auf  bic  Sod^tcr 
hinüber  alö  fein  SRul^m  unb  fein  Serbtenfi. 

fk  ffaifwn  e^tt  ^x  Unglücf,  öffnet  3^ncn 
cifneW^ttb  il^te  mütterlichen  Slrme. 
3840  2)tum  leine  t?urd^t  ntel^t !    Söffen  ©ie  Vertrauen 
.  Unb  übergeben  ©ie  \\ä)  l^offnungSdofl 
S)er  laiferlici^en  ©nabe» 

©tSfitt  mit  einem  ^Üd  jum  ^immel. 

^ä)  dertraue  mici^ 
S)er  ®nQbe  eines  großem  ^errn  —  2Bo  foll 
3)er  fürftlid^e  Seid^nam  feine  Slul^ftatt  finben? 

3845  3tt  ber  ßortl^aufe,  bie  er  felbft  geftiftet, 
3u  ©itfd^in  ru^t  bie  ©räfin  SBaflenftein ; 
3ln  il^rer  ©eite,  bie  fein  erfte§  ©lüdf 
©egrünbet,  toünfd^f  er,  banfbar,  einft  gu  fd^Iummcrn. 
D  Iaf[en  ©ie  il^n  bort  begraben  fein ! 

3850  9ln(^  für  bie  SRefte  meines  9JianneS  bitt'  xä) 
Um  gleid^e  @unft.    S)er  ßaifer  ift  ®efi^er 
Sßon  unfern  ©(^löffern,  gönne  man  uns  nur 
6in  ®rab  no(!^  bei  ben  ©räbern  unfter  3l^nen. 


©ie  jittern,  ©räfin  —  ©ie  öerbleidien -^  ©otl! 
385s  Unb  totld)t  Deutung  geb*  ic!^  ^l^ren  Sieben? 


fammelt  i^re  le^te  ^raft  unb  f^ric^t  mit  Sebhafttflfeit  unb  ttbel. 

©ie  benfen  mürbiger  t)on  mir,  als  bap  ©ie  glaubten, 
^ä)  überlebte  meines  ^aufeS  ^aü. 
2Bir  fül^Iten  unS  nii^t  gu  gering,  bie  ^anb 
"^ai)  einer  flönigSfrone  ju  erl;eben  — 
3860  6s  foJlte  nid^t  fein  —  bodj  mir  benfen  föniglid^ 
Unb  ad^ten  einen  freien,  mutagen  Job 

fünfter  ^lufsug;  gipolfter  2Iuftntt  385 

Slnfiänbigcr  al§  ein  cntel)ttc§  Seben. 
—  ^ä)  f)ait  @tf  t  • . 

D  rettet!   C)elft! 

e^  tft  ju  fpät, 

3n  tDenig  Slugenblidfen  tft  mein  ®äfid\al 
3865  grfüDt. 


O  $auS  be§  9Kotbeg  unb  6ntfe^en3 ! 

(£in  ftourier  lommt  unb  bringt  einen  Srief. 
@0]rb01t  tritt  ilm  entgegen. 

SBaS  fliebfg?   S)a3  ift  baö  laiferliiä^e  ©iegel. 

Cr  l^t  bie  Kuffc^rift  geUfen  unb  Ü6ergiebt  ben  Srief  bem  Cctatio  mit  einem  mid  befi 


Dem  fSfürften  ^iccolomini. 

Cctatoio  erfd^ridt  unb  blidf  t  fd^meratooH  ftum  ^tmmeL 



tOattenftein»  ta^evt 

7ke  keavyfigures  rtftr  to  ike  Pagts  oftkt  iext,  the  Hghter  ßgures  io  ihe  lineu 

IFor  references  to  persons,  when  not  otherwise  explained,  aee  Liat  of  Persona ;  for 

location  of  pUcea,  aee  Map.) 

Perfoncn : 

fßadftmtifttt,  sergeant,  the  officer  of  the  guard  in  cavalry. 

ßarabinier,  carbineer^  light  cavalry  armed  with  carbines 

ßonftailer,  cannoneer. 

DteUeitbe  SSget,  chasseurs,  flying  cavalry. 

^?ag01te?,  dragoons^  heavy  cavalry,  or,  more  exactly,  mounted 

9(?fe(tt{t0¥e^  hackbutterSf  arquebusiers  (from  Dutch  haakbus^  Old 
French  harquebuse^  lit.,  hook-gun.  Opinions  differ  as  to  the  source 
of  the  hook :  a  hook  on  the  barrel  to  catch  the  recoil,  6r  a  primitive 
trigger,  or  a  forked  rest  to  support  the  gun),  infantry  armed  with 
musicets  (^afenbüc^fe  or  $atb^alen). 

.  ^dfUffitr^  cuirassier,  cavalry  supplied  with  heavy  armor  and 
with  lance,  sword  and  pistols ;  a  branch  still  populär  in  France,  but 
in  Germany  found  by  name  only  in  the  Prussian  cavalry,  with  ten 

Stt^tftVXf  CroatSy  natives  of  Croatia,  light  cavalry ;  an  arm  of  the 
Service  no  longer  recognized. 

tlfotteit,  uklans  (from  Turkish  ogldn^  a  youth),  cavalry  armed 
wUh  lances,  still  a  large  element  of  German,  Austrian  and  Russian 
cavallYi  Germany  having  twenty-five  regiments. 
■     '  387 


WlüXltttnhttinf  suüer-woman  (from  the  Italian  mercatanUt  x 
present  participle  form,  of  common  origin  with  French  marckand 
and  English  merchani), 


3.  The  theatre  at  Weimar,  built  in  1779,  was  renovated  in  1798 
under  Goethe's  direction«  and  the  re-opening  celebrated  by  the  fint 
representation  of  the  Lager.     At  Goethe's  request  Schiller  under* 
took  to  furnish  also  a  Prologue  with  especial  reference  to  the  oc- 
casiop.     Schiller  has  used  it  for  his  own  purpose  as  well.    In  the 
first  part  he  refers  to  the  renovated  theatre,  to  the  hopes  of  the 
management  and,  in  a  fine  passage,  to  the  actor's  career ;  then,  cod* 
necting  with  the  new  theatre  his  own  innovations  in  fonn  and  sub- 
ject,  he  passes  to  an  outline  of  his  plan  and  an  apology  for  bis 
method.    As  the  Lager  is  too  short  for  a  whole  evening,  Kotzebue's 
Corsicans  was  played  first,  and  thus  the  Prologue  appeared  ratfaer 
awkwardly  in  the  middle  of  the  evening.  —  i.  {f^erjenbev  9Wfe, 
ernftett  ^Vi^Xt^  comedy^  tragedy,  —  7.   Complimentary  allusion  to 
Thouret,  the  architect.  —  9.  rcgt  =  regt ...  an.     feftUd|ett,  soUmn^ 
lofty,  —  15.  Allusion  to  Iffland,  a  great  actor  and  dramatist  of  some 
consequence,  who  had  played  in  1796  and  1798  as  a  visitor  on  the 
Weimar  stage.  —  20.  eine  $offnung,  allusion  to  Goethe*s  desire  to 
secure  for  Weimar  Schröder,  another  great  actor,  recently  retired 
from  the  Hamburg  Theatre.     This  sentence  and  some  lines  pre- 
ceding  were  probably  suggested  by  Goethe. 

4.  24.  ^tx^f  the  auditorium^  not  the  audience»  as  in  1.  2&  — 
26.  t^  refers  to  be«  öoUenbctcn  2:alent«,  ue,^  Schröder.  —  34.  SBm, 
ui'hile.  —  37.  toic  =  fottJie.  —  39.  baureitb,  with  stems  in  -r  it  is 
now  common  to  elide  the  e  after  rather  than  the  oue  before  the  i 
when  a  termination  is  added.  —  44.  mai^Hg  ^  Herftdicrm  get  d 
power ful  hold  of,  —  48-49«  genitg  getlpan  (sc.  ^at),  has  saiis/Uä. 

5.  52.  bte  Vilit  ^ÜiU  tierlaffettb.  Wallenstein  was  not,  as  this 
might  imply,  the  first  Innovation  upon  the  Bürger-Drama,  or  drama 
of  middle-class  life.  Schiller's  own  Don  Carlos,  and  many  other 
dramas  of  the  Sturm  und  Drang  period,  left  the  field  of  Bürgerleben 
which  Lessing  had  brought  upon  the  stage  in  Miss  Sara  Sampson, 
But  in  the  decade  just  preceding  1799  ^^^  middle<lass  melodrama 

L.   137]  WALLENSTEINS  LAGER  389 

was  very  populär.  —  62.  jur  ^tfi^tttttg  tuirb,  becomes  epic.  —  63.  bett 
^am^f  gematttger  9?atltren,  this  was  the  year  after  Napoleon's  vic- 
tories  in  Italy,  and  he  was  now  in  Egypt.  —  70.  ^V^tXitXi  (infinitive) 
fe^ett  wir,  the  encroachments  of  France  were  violations  of  the 
Peace  of  Westphalia,  which  since  1648  had  governed  international 
relations  in  Europe. 

6.  85.  9)^agbel^iitg,  cp.  Introd.,  p.  xviii. — 86.  Uegett  ttleber,  are 

prostrate,  —  loi.  D)»fer  pcl,  for  ^um  Opfer  ^tXffell  a  victim  to.  — 
1 03.  ^li^tQllttft  fein,  etc.  The  Portrait  of  htm  drawn  in  history  varies. 
—  106.  jcbei?  ätt^erfite,  everything  pretematuraL  —  iio.  ttngtülf» 
ftUgttt,  unfavorabUf  unlucky, 

7.  114.  fein  Sl^atteilMIb,  a  reflection  of  hiffiy  /.^.,  in  the  army 
itself .  —  1 15.  S3id  i^tt,  etc.,  an  allusion  to  the  still  unfinished  Pic- 
coiomini2Md  Tod.  — 120-121,  tttf^t  tttt^ö  ^XÜ  bcr  ^ttttblttttg  rctftt, 
i.e.,  does  not  give  the  drama  proper,  but  only  the  9Jei^c  öOtt  ©emälben 
of  which  the  Lager  consists. —  121.  Before  bett  grogett  @^egettfitattb 
sc.  fonbem. — 125.  bett  UttgetUiil^tttett  ^Ünett,  i.e.y  to  martial  music,or 
perhaps  the  reference  is  figuratively  to  the  ,,^5^ern  ^6)QlW^\q,%"  of 

1.  54.  —  130.  bcö  Zau^t^  freie  @i)ttitt  uttb  ©efattgi^,  r.  bc«  2:anje« 
uHb  be@  ©efangd  freie  ®ottin.  —  131.  i^r  vtXit^  betttfii^eiS  ^t^i,  the 

German  poetry  of  the  i6th  Century  was  mostly  written  in  short, 
rhymed  Couplets.  Goethe  had  already  used  this  form  in  Fausty  but 
F'aust  had  not  been  put  upon  the  stage.  —  135-136.  bte  ^ättffi^tlttg 
.  .  .  felbft  §erftÖrt,  />.,  by  speaking  in  unrealistic  verse.  —  136.  i^* 
rett,  refers  to  äßufe  or  perhaps  to  !£äuf(^ung,  the  sense  practically 
the  same;  ©f^ettt,  illusion,  —  137.  ber  äBal^r^ett,  dative,  obj.  of 

(Erfler  2luftrttt.  —  The  foUowing  is  the  song  written  by  Goethe 
for  the  opening  of  the  Lager,  and  sung  at  the  first  representations. 
It  is  thought  that  Schiller  composed  the  last  two  stanzas: 

(18  leben  bie  ©olbaten  !  ©ein  Änc*t  ijl  unfet  Änc<6t; 

%tt  »auer  fliebt  ben  »raten,  ®a8  ip  ©olbatcnrc^t; 

2)er  ©dttner  (jtebt  ben  SRop;  2^ra,  jc. 

%Q,%  ip  ©olbatentop.  3n  ffiälbcrn  gebn  »ir  bürden 

Xra  ba  ra  la  la  la  la  !  giatb  allen  alten  ^irftben, 
_     _,            t      a  t  j                  ■    ^"b  bringen  fran!  unb  frei 

®er  »ürfler  mug  unS  boden,  ^^  aWdnnern  baS  ®e»eib. 

3)(n  %be(  inu|  man  aoatfeu/  ^^^  ^^ 


^uV  fi^toören  toit  ber  ^annc  9B(t  %aU  ber  mu|  und  ^tfxn, 

Unb  morgen  ber  @ttfanne,  9Ber  nii^td  ^at,  ber  fofl  leben ! 

%it  Sieb'  ifl  immer  neu;  ®er  (Sämann  ^at  baS  Setb 

2)a3  ift  @oIbatentreu'.  Unb  »ir  ben  S^ittiertreib. 

%xa,  ic.  %xa,  sc. 

9Btr  fi^maufen  tote  5D9naßen,  (SS  ^ei^t  bei  unfern  ^en: 

Unb  morgen  ^ei^t  eS  faßen;  @e{io^Ined  fi^mecft  am  bcfieii, 

9tü^  rei4  am  ^benb  Mo^  Unrec^ted  @ut  ma^t  fett, 

2)a8  iß  @oIbatenIo9.  2)a3  iß  Sotbatengebet. 

%ta,  2c.  Xra,  sc. 

9.  Stage  directions:  SttaM'  ttllb  StdbelBltbe,  peddlet^s  and  sec* 
0nd-hand  deaUr's  booth,  —  3.  Chtf^,  eth,  dat.,  I  teil  you.  This  con- 
struction  represents  the  person  remotely  interested.  It  is  difficult 
to  render,  but  may  often  be  given  as  here,  or  in  an  imperative 
clause  by  "come."  —  4.  nur,  r.  after  Sßettll.—  6.  attdj  =,  with  in- 
vers.,  even  though,  —  7.  IBoIfer^  troops,  —  8.  See  map.  Comp.  Pic- 
colomini^  act  I,  scene  i.  —  12.  0(ülflif^e  SBftrfel,  Ht.,  lucky,  say 
"loaded  dice."  —  15.  You  must  pretend  to  be  very  miserable,  — 
16.  biir,  eth.  dat.,  cp.  1.  3,  You  will  find  them  very  loose^  easy-going 

10.  17.  ftdi^  dat.  to  fdidtt  tl^tttl,  acc.  to  (D^ett,   7%ey  like  to  he 

Jlattered  and  praised,  —  21.    grob  btCtlt  ff^IagCtl,   lay  about  them 

rudely.  —  22.  iXtlhttCd  fcttt,  play  itfine,  —  23.  ba|  ®Ott  etkmil^ 

subjunctive  optative,  God  *a  mercy!  —  24.  gel^t  HOtt,  comes  out  tf. 

—  29.  für  =  ÖOr.  —  31.  bodi,  why  (exclamation) ;  ttWOA,  mixed, 
confused.  —  32.  bet  ^Mofi^  the  Saxon  forces^  1631 ;  see  Introd.« 
p*  xix.  tl^St,  this  use  öf  t^un  as  aux.  verb  is  quite  untranslatable, 
as  much  so  as  the  Eng.  aux.  do  is  in  German ;  cp.  Shakespearean 
Eng.,  "I  did  hear  him  groan."  ))0(i^en,  swagger,  —  35.  MtAx" 
tlicl  51t  nel^tttett,  as  if  much  were  to  be  gotUnfrom  them,  —  37.  Serf4' 
\^^^  phonetic  spelling,  nearly  correct  for  Bohemian  form  ot 
Terzky.  —  39.  jnft  r.  before  bie  ff^Ummfteit.  —  40.  fUI|  in  bU  ©n# 
toerfett,  to  throw  the  ehest forwardf  the  proper  military  bearing,  fig^ 
to  carry  one*s  seif  haughtily,  —  41.  filnie|ltt,  archaic  for  Dome^m. 

—  43-  bie  btei  fli^airfe  Sc^ü^en,  strong  form  of  the  adj.  after  def. 
art.  is  archaic  and  dialectic.  Boxberger  suggests  btr  for  bie,  which 
is  very  plausible. 

11.  46.  (|]|tllieri4,  boy's  name.    After  199SCII  ivfar  sc  vaoA  mO' 

L.    11  Sl  WALLENSTEINS   LAGER     ,  391 

d^n.  —  48.  Dresi  neatly  and  carry  coin.  S3tt^0tt^  A  small  coin 
worth  about  three  cents ;  no  longer  in  use.  —  49.  bn,  here,  —  52. 
bad,  contemptuously  for  btcfc,  or  for  blefeö  @c|tnbci.  —  55.  Cp.  1.  883, 
and  note.  This  l^öl^nung  may,  indeed,  be  a  personal  gift  from 
Wallenstein.  —  57.  jtt,  why^  the  Duchess^  etc. 

12.  65.  toaiS  im  990^erfe,  something  brewtng,  —  (^,   ^Ottttttetl« 

bantett  for  ^ommanbanten;  this,  as  well  as  many  such  slight  irregu- 
larities  in  stem  or  termination,  is  characteristic  of  the  unsettled 
language  of  the  time  and  particularly  of  the  class  of  people  who  are 
talking  in  the  Lager.  —  67.  //  is  not  at  all  straight,  —  69.  für  bic  = 
öor  ber,  tr.,  ney  have  not  been  brought  hüher  for  lack  of  something 
to  do,  i,  e,y  for  nothing.  —  70.  @etttltnfe(  ttttb  (^t\iSBjV&tf  verbal  nouns 
from  munleln  and  fd^icfen,  generally  with  a  slightly  contemptuous 
shade,  whispering  and  sending  back  and  forth.  —  71.  btC  üMt  ^tX- 
xMt,  i^e,,  Questenberg ;  the  great  peruke  was,  in  fact,  not  introduced 
into  Germany  tili  the  close  of  the  I7th  Century.  —  73.  gttlbenetl, 
axchaic  for  gülbeiien.     ©nobenf ette,  badge  of  honor  (lit.,  of  favor), 

—  75-  öeW  nttr  %ib^^  you  see  if  it  isn't,  —  78.  I^etttttif^  =  geheim« 

13.  87.  For  he  trained  us  himself,  —  91.  Read:  JJ^^  l^ailbfe 
%W9  ab,  ril  trade  you  for  iu  Frequently  the  pronoun  subject  of  a 
verb  in  the  indicative  is  omitted.  No  note  will  be  made  of  such 
cases  hereafter.  —  93.  ^Ijtj,  colloq.  for  nic^tö,  here  for  S'ieln.  —  96. 
@ic  ifl  Sttttt  l^df^ften  ^iMA,  It  will  make  a  great  show.  —  98.  @on» 
neu,  according  to  archaic  declension,  in  which  feminines  varied  in 
the  Singular;  now  regularly  retained  in  a  few  phrases  only,  as,  auf 

14.  IOC.  /  care  only  for,  etc.  —  103.  Irregulär  order  for  the 
sake  of  rhyme.  —  107.  This  is  scarcely  in  consonance  with  the  fact 
that  the  time  is  February;  cp.  Ficcj  1.  1187.  —  108.  For  S^üht  \%X 
f o(d|e  (SUe  ?  The  third  pers.  sing,  of  the  pronoun  for  the  second 
was  common  in  the  I7th  Century.  Whitney ^  153,  i,  3. —  109.  ^tnh 
ttfobel,  practicable.  —  no.  3Ktr  (sc.  t^Ut  c8)  tlifi^t  (ciUg).  — 112.  In 
fact  Regensburg  was  taken  three  months  before  the  close  of  Wal- 
lenstein^s  career;  cp.  Ficc^  1071  ff. 

15.  114.  890^0^1  gar  (iron.),  very  probably,  bettt  fdüXtX,  Maxi- 
milian, Duke  of  Bavaria.    See  Introd.^  p.  xxvi.  —  115.  l|ttfrettnb  = 


mtfreunbUc^.  —  Il6.  sc.  fBit  for  subject,  JV<  wonU  gxacüy  keat  our- 
selves  much,  —  117.  Do you  think  so?  How  much  you  do  know!  — 
119.  (9rtlttdlf\  the  color  of  the  chasseur  unifonn.  —  121.  ^tCN- 
ff^e,  of  General  Holk's  regiment.  Holk  won  a  reputation  for  rob- 
ber y  and  bnitality  in  raids  upon  Saxon  territory  during  1632  and 
1633.  This  explains  the  allusion  of  L  122:  they  did  not  buy  them 
at  the  Leipzig  fair  (implied:  they  stole  them),  9)'2effctt,  for  form, 
see  note  to  1.  98.  —  124.  Schiller  has  thus  given  immortality  to 
Justine  Segedin,  daughter  of  an  innkeeper  of  Blasewitz  near  Dres- 
den. He  had  made  her  acquaintance  while  he  was  working  over 
Don  Carlos^  but  whether  her  name  is  used  with  complimentary 
purpose  or  not  is  uncertain.  The  lady  was  not  pleased  by  it  — 
125.  %  for  @i;  9)^lti^j9,  Monsieur.  —  126.  3#e|B^  a  town  in  Hol- 
stein, really  3^e^oe  (pr.  -ho)^  changed  for  the  sake  of  rhyme.  — 

127.  golbene  Bri^f^r  ^^'^• 

16.  129.  (^(ftlfi9ftabtr  town  and  port  in  Holstein.  —  131.  Gl,  it 
is  evident  that  the  sutler-woman  used  the  „'i**  (1.  125)  to  please  the 
Low-German  she  was  addressing.  —  134.  toic,  according  as.  —  137. 
3[!^r,  see  note,  1.  108.  ^ttö  ftcfit  ftdi  bar,  that  is  evident,  —  138. 
XemeiSlIiar  (or  -bar),  fortress  in  Hungary,  northeast  of  Beigrade. 
~  140.  See  Introd.,  p.  xiii.  tlpSteit,  see  note,  1.  32. —  141.  See 
Introd.,  p.  XV.  —  142.  There  my  Business  was  ruined,  —  143.  @«c« 
eitrig,  relief;  see  Introd.,  p.  xxi.  —  144.  See  List  of  Persons.  — 
149.  0b,  etc.,  dependent  on  ))robieren.  —  151.  aUei^,  persons  from 
all  of  the  places  indicated,  all  her  debtors. 

17.  156.  That  I  saved  by  economy  in  food  and  dress,  —  157. 
SdiUnget,  rascal  (sportively) ;  there  should  be  a  direction :  **foint- 
ing  to  a  boy  playing  near  by"  —  1%^  baiS,  these  boys  ;  see  note, 
1.  528.  —  160.  The  army  must  be  self-perpetuating.  —  161.  %t^' 
f4ule,  school  for  the  chlldren  of  soldiers  and  camp-followers,  an 
Institution  originated  by  Gustavus  Adolph us.  —  162.  fj|rd|t  =  f fird) 
tet  @tubeit,  see  note,  1.  98.  —  164.  @die(meitgeflditC,  roguishface; 
the  final  e  is  unusual  in  modern  German.  —  165.  txA  bew  9ietf|,  a 
simple  evasion  of  a  more  definite  location  of  the  camp-foHower  s 
origin.  —  168.  The  order  accounted  for  only  by  the  necessity  of 
the  rhyme,  as  in  1.  160  for  the  sakeof  the  meter. 

18.  170.  beim  SIemeitt,  a  familiär  oath,  lit.,  by  the  element, 

L.   226]  WALLENSTEINS    LAGER  393 

f.  e,^  the  Clements  of  the  sacrament,  as  in  the  old  English  oath, 
'*God's  body,"  but  in  seriousness  about  = -^^  thunderl — 171. 
föady  Haw.  —  172.  quarreled  over  the  pretty  face,  i,  e.y  of  the  can- 
teen-woman  when  she  was  younger.  —  1 74.  Hott  battttCtt^  along.  — 
179-  rfirfeit  SU,  moveup  (closer  together),—  181.  fni^  \tO^\ttBii  l&CqttC« 
metl,  put  up  with  hard  li/e,  —  182.  foflt^  =  iDÜrbc.  galant,  stylishly 
dressed,  —  183.  SaatfrelS,  part  of  Saxony.  —  185.  mir,  see  note 
to  1.  3  and  1.  16.  mir  bOf^  =  O  come!  ttiitt  .  »  »  t^i^ett,  does  .  .  . 
signify.  —  186-187.     Order  due  to  rhyme.     attberiS,  worse. 

19.  188.  \av!htxnf  very  respectable,  not  bad.  ©^t^Clt,  properly 
fem.  plur.,  but  here  illiterately  used  as  masc.  sing. —  192.  ^a^  bof^, 
Strange t  that  —  194.  ^afttr,  To  make  up  for  that,  —  198.  au(i^  fo, 
as  it  were.  —  199.  |||0!^(,  /  suppose  (sarcasm).  —  203.  brausen,  out- 
side  (of  the  garrison).  —  204.  ^cr  fcittC  ©riff,  the  genteel  way  of 
doing  things,  —  206.  befam  ettdl  Abel,  did you  little  good.  —  208.  ob« 
gegncft,  learned  by  watching,  —  209.  @(i^ettie,  spelled  according  to 
populär  pronunciation  for  ®cnie.  —  210.  Does  not  appear  on  parade, 
with  the  implication  that  the  Wachtmeister  has  not  seen  W.  in 
battle,  but  only  on  parade ;  or,  perhaps,  that  his  genius  has  not 
been  imitated  in  the  work  for  which  the  Wachtmeister  is  respon- 
sible.  SBadiliarabe,  written  also  ^ad^tparabe ;  as  simple  noun^  Sa« 
d^e  is  more  common  than  SEßac^t,  and  the  Compounds  with  ^ati^« 
are  preferred. 

20.  211.  äBetter  aUC^,  Well,  thunder!  ttlO  =  ttJcmi,  if  you  want 
to  know  ahout  us. —  212.  tuilbc  3agb,  ^/«^  cavalry  i)SX.,  wild  hunt), 
after  the  Silber  3ä0cr,  a  supernatural  creature  of  populär  supersti- 
tion,  made  classic  by  Bürger  in  his  poem.  From  the  allusion  here 
Theodor  Kömer,  the  son  of  Schiller's  friend,  named  the  cavalry  of 
Lützow,  to  which  he  belonged,  güfeotn'«  SBitoc  3iagb.  —  215.  £lttcr= 
felbein,  straight  across  field.  —  218.  ^ttnbfiut,  not  *  sin-flood/ as  the 
populär  form  of  the  word  suggests,  but  originally  (Sintflut,  /.  e.,  uni- 
versal flood,  deluge,  —  224.  fenitigt,  a  less  common  parallel  form  of 
fe^ntg.  Schiller  is  fond  of  ending  adjectives  in  -ig  with  an  inor- 
ganic  -t  —  225.  ^ragt  nai^,  Inquire  for  yourselves  (sc.  and  you 
will  find  out  what  follows).  —  226.  83aireut4,  a  principality  includ- 
ing  most  of  what  is  now  Oberfranken  in  Northern  Bavaria.  S^oigt'^ 
lanb,  formerly  imperial  possessions,  in  Southern  Saxony.  ^t\i' 
t^l^aleit,  Westphalia,  a  North  German  principality,  the  early  home 


394  WALLEN  STEINS   LAGER  [L.  228 

of  Saxon  tribes.  —  228.  5littber  unb  ßtnbei^finb,  in  older  Germaii 
Stinh  had  no  ending  in  the  nom.  pL ;  Schiller  puts  the  modern  and 
the  old  plural  together  here  for  the  sake  of  meter.  —  229.  oift  = 

lüiebcr.  —  230.  noii^,  r.  after  ^alirett.  —  231.  ba  fteljt  man^d,  t^rr 

you  see  what  I  said,  —  233.  Scitt^O,  prompiness ,  (Sfi^ifff,  address.  — 
234-  SJcgriff,  understanding;  SSebetttttttg,  sense  of  importance;  bct 
feine  IBIttf,  keen  eye;  all  the  words  used  pompously  and  perhaps 
without  clear  sense  of  their  precise  meaning  on  the  part  of  the 
Wachtmeister.  —  235.  9)|it  eitrett  ^f^H^eit,  supply  something  like: 
3 um  2^eufct  m.  C.  5«/ *r-»  ^*^^  **P^^  your  nonsense ! — 236.  ^«f, 
The  idea  that .  .  .  /  —  237.  Se^te,  apprenticeship^  as  in  ^e^rxa^re.  — 
238.  gfron  =  gronbicnfl,  forced  labor  (gron*  from  old  Gennan  vrö^ 
lordy  preserved  also  in  gronIcl(3^nam). 

21«  247.  Sf^l^^r  imperative.  —  249.  and  let  one  man  in  three  be 
lost.  —  250.  mtli^  f Ferren  unb  %VtXt%  object  and  simper,  —  251. 
f onft,  as  for  other  matiers,  ifi^  \il\^t  fe^t,  if  you  please  (iron.).  — 
254.  That  was  to  be  had  under  thatjacketj  i>.,  the  life  you  have  de- 
scribed  you  got  while  wearing  Holk's  uniform.  —  255.  ttid^i,  not 
rendered  in  English.  —  261.  He  preached  at  us  himself  as  like  eu 
not  (mo^O  from  the  saddle.    ^entttte?  goes  with  k)Om,  more  than 

with  faujctf .  —  263.  Xvt\ . . .  ^affterett,  permitud,  —  264.  Bm|te«, 

sc.  subj.  n)ir. 

22«  266.  Itis  true  that  the  discipline  of  the  Swedish  army, 
which  had  already  begun  to  relax  before  the  death  of  the  king, 
soon  grew  to  be  as  bad  as  that  of  the  imperial  forces.  —  267.  2^ 
gltiftett,  the  forces  of  the  Catholic  League,  at  that  time  under  Tilly. 

—  268.  Magdeburg  feil  May  iQth,  1631.  —  271.  ^SS(SSM^^  plural  in 
%  with  Low  German  infiuence,  though  the  word  shows  a  South  Ger- 
man  diminutive  form:  French  influence  may  have  supported  the 
plural  in  9.     bte  SHenge,  a  plenty.  —  276.  Waffen,  see  note  to  L  98. 

—  279.  The  Battle  of  Breitenfeld,  near  Leipzig,  see  Introd.,  p.  xix. 

—  280.  ftetfen,  advance^  succeed.  —  281.  Everything  came  to  a  stand- 
sHlly  went  wrong.  —  284.  Uttd  btütfett,  slink,  —  289.  $11?  ll9tlKifd|e« 
fdvxttf  the  invasion  of  Bohemia  by  the  Saxons  in  the  fall  of  163t. 

—  290  ff.  This  does  not  entirely  agree  with  history,  nor  with  lines 
31  and  32,  though  it  is  true  that  Prague  and  the  imperial  property 
there  were  treated  with  great  consideration. 

I^  420]  WALLENSTEINS    LAGER  395 

-    -23.  298.  für  =  öor.  —  303.  ^pa^t  nur,  Joke  away,  —  304.  endl 

eth.  dat.  Ittetite  ©ecF,  by  my  soul,  tr.,  Belüve  fne,  by  my  soul  I 
shall  not  think  of  running  awdy.  —  305.  mo  ^  itgettblVO.  —  311. 
/carry  myself  here  witk  a  confident air,  —  317.  To  be  so  indiscreet 
as  to  disobey  Orders,  —  319.  This  was  one  of  Wallenstein's  boasts. 
Cf.  Picc,^  11.  1267-1269;  Tody  1.  2597-2598. 

24.  322.  tier^f[t4t  =  t)cr|)fli(^fct  —  325-330.  A  shrcwd  bit  of 
unconscious  denunciation  under  the  guise  of  praise.  —  327.  After 
^tenft  sc.  3U  t^un.  —  337.  This  is  said  by  the  Sergeant  merely  for 
effect;  no  such  phrase  is  recorded  as  used  by  Wallenstein. 

2S«  347.  tlictorifteretty  Wallenstein's  correspondence,  likemost 
of  the  German  of  his  time,  abounds  in  such  words  manufactured 
f  rem  Latin  or  Romance  tongues.  —  348.  BanttCtt,  to  cast  a  spell  over, 
fte^Cllf  obey^  lit.,  stand  (still)  for,  —  352-353.  Once  common  belief 
regarding  remarkable  men ;  comp,  the  Faust  legend.  —  354.  feft, 
made  invulnerable  by  magic,  as  charms,  amulets,  salves.  blli9  = 
bc^.  —  356.  Cltfl^,  eth.  dat.,  you  might  have  seen  hitn^  etc.  —  360, 
93all€1lr  balls,  probably  not  intended  in  a  diff  erent  sense  f rom  ^ugeltu 
The  Word  is  no  longer  applied  to  an  artillery  projectile.  —  363. 
^rtttgen,  reciu,  —  364.  (Slenbd^aUt,  skin  of  the  moose  or  elk, 
which  is  very  hard.  —  368.  There  is  something  wrong  (uncanny) 
about  it, 

26.  372.  (gilt  gtaued  WBLrLViU\%  undoubtedly  Seni.  —  377.  This 
was  the  common  idea  of  the  condition  of  a  compact  with  the  Devil^ 
as  in  the  Faust  legend. 

27«  387-388.  As  all  the  lines  of  the  poem  save  the  last  are  in  ab- 
solute construction,  it  seems  likely  that  these  are  also,  the  use  of 
the  p.  p.  corresponding  here  to  the  English  present  participle, 
though  the  past  participles  may  be  used  for  the  imperative.  Whit- 
ney, 359,  3;  Brandt,  287,  2,  297,  i.  Tr.,  Guiding  our  horses^  boldly 
ivheeling,  —  396.  ftum^att,  fellow,  —  400.   gfft^U  Ijer,    come  here 

and/eel,  —  404.  Sttom,  stocke  read:  2abctt  unb  Äram.  —  405.  Ijan- 
belt  =  möchte  *  .  .  ^anbeln,  or  read,  shame  on  anyone  who  deals  in 

28«  415.  You  have  put  on  a  new  man,  Cp.  Eph.  IV,  24.  — 
418.  fftnte^mer  =;  öonte^mer.  You  must  now  show  a  lofty  spiriU 
—  42Q.  bev  Sf*(tllltl|  i^reitl,  this  possessive  pron.  redundant  after  a 

396  WALLENSTEINS   LAGER  [L.  425 

genitive  is  a  common  colloquialism.  —  425.  ^Srlierd  ®8MI,  the 
dyer  of  cloth  used  a  mangle  propelied  by  horse-power  in  which  the 
horse  is  driven  about  in  a  circle,  hence  proverbial  for  going  with- 
out  getting  ahead. 

29.  428-429-  3«  biefem  ffM  fi^r'  id|  ht&  5^atfet^  Sittf,  /« 

{By  virtue  of)  this  uniform  I  wield  the  Emperot^s  staff  {authorit^. 

—  431.  iBfiX  oiti9ge^it  mftffeit,  took  iu  oHgin,  —  43^  ftiittgi9  ^t^, 

the  Omission  of  the  article  with  the  limiting  genh.  is  very  common 
in  Schiller;  the  lesult  is  about  equivalent  to  a  Compound  noon.  — 
439.  //  recently  came  within  my  <nvn  obserüation*  —  441.  ^K^ft, 
were  stationed,  —  443.  %VXttvXxx^X^  cf .  Picc,^  1.  45.  B.  is  called 
also  (S^ef  and  Oberfl*     This  seems  to  be  a  complimentary  title. 

—  444.  ^ai9  ma4t,  That  is  due  to  thefact;  really  bad  is  obj.  and 
the  foUowing  clause  subj.  —  448.  The  ^Ofl^  in  ^od^gebietetibercannot 
be  translated,  but  is  the  sign  of  respect  due  to  lof ty  i«uik.  —  449. 
Who  has  all  power  and  authoriiy,  —  454.  etttti^^  wiii  .  .  .  compass. 

—  455.  After  ^ettlt  sc.  subj.  e«;  It  is  notyet  the  end  of  eUl  days; 
or,  as  we  say,  "There  is  a  day  after  today";  SVtorgett  ifl  QXi^  ein 

30.  457.  flUborf,  see  Introd.,  p.  zi«  ®tllbeittettfni§em,  studenfs 

cape,  gown,  Im  @.,  white  a  Student  —  458.  mit  iper«li|  )tt  ftgCI, 
Excuse  tne  for  saying  it  —  460.  Came  near  killing  h,  f.  —  461. 
Altdorf  was  under  the  Jurisdiction  of  the  city  of  Nuremberg.  — 
462.  ^ax^tX,  university  jail.  —  464.  toitfett,  give  his  name  to  it  — 
467.  This  legend  has  long  been  exploded.  —  468.  Afellow  ofwortk 
may  be  seen  in  that  —  ^^l,  Sa|  .  .  .  tttttmoegClt  =  unterUtg,  Stop 
that  —  475.  ift  (gr  Bei  Srofte?  are  you  in  your  right  mindt  — 
476.  tliai?  9[)iarted,  something private, 

31«  480.  bie  fraget,  wandering  Bohemian  musicians.  They 
were  dressed  as  miners,  and  were  familiär  thus  in  Schiller's  day. 

2I4ter  2Iuftrttt.  S.D.  Serghtafltiett,  m/»^r.r,  the  Prager  just  re 
ferred  to.  Sefommt  b.  Ä^  %Xk  faffett,  receives  the  C.  in  his  arms, 
^a^lt^tner,  the  model  for  the  Capuchin  was  the  Viennese  populär 
preacher  Abraham  a  Santa  Clara.  This  man  was  not  bom  until 
1644,  but  the  preachers  of  Vienna  had  begun  to  denounce  Wallen- 
stein a  few  days  before  his  assassination,  so  the  introduction  of  the 
scene  is  not  without  a  certain  Warrant.    Many  phrases  of  the  scene 

L.   577]  WALLENSTEINS   LAGER  897 

are  taken  from  a  sermon  of  Abraham  a  Santa  Clara;^  „1Hu\,  aVL^,  3f|t 
e^ripcn!"  —483.  ^ttbelbumbei,  FiddU-de-dee,  —  484.  Tkese  are 
fine  doings!  Pm  on  hand  also.  —  486.  9(ntiBa^tifteity  for  ^nobap^^ 
tifif  n,  perfaaps  mockery,  perhaps  a  mere  blunder.  —  489.  ({I^iragta, 
gout  in  the  hands.  {itCttlffl^lageilr  take  a  hand^  interfere.  —  493. 
This  free  translatipn  of  Bible  Latin  is  one  of  the  features  of  Pater 
Abraham's  serqfDQS.    in,  for  in^n. 

32«  499.  Note  this  series  of  rüde  semi-puns,  often  quite  un- 
translatable.  —  506.  @|i^naBe(,  beaky  vulg.  for  nose.  SaBel,  archaic 
form  of  @abet  —  501.  flli^  \tVXXX  ^e^etty  galHvantaround,  —  502. 
O^cnftint,  as  it  were  =  ox-brow^  corrupted  from  Oxenstjerna  (ue., 
ox-star),  the  name  of  the  Swedish  Chancellor.  —  ^06,  Cp.  Tod, 
1.  2610.  —  509.  There  is  no  record  of  a  comet  shortly  preceding 
February,  1634,  but  the  reference  seems  to  have  been  allowed  to 
stand  as  \i  was  in  the  sermon  of  Pater  Abraham.  —  513.  Since 
Otto  I  the  Qerman  Empire  had  bome  the  title  The  Holy  Roman 
Empire,  as  it  had  been  the  ambition  of  Charlemagne  and  of  the 
German  Emperors  after  him  to  be  considered  successors  to  Caesar. 
The  pun  on  9tei(^  (Empire  and  rieh)  is  good. —  515  ff.  Here  the 
play  on  the  words  liea  in  connecting  contrasted  sense  in  words  that 
have  rhyme  or  alliteration.  —  516.  aufgenommen,  plundered,  — 

517.  tBfifttftmer,  for  SBöpeu.  —  519.  SRauBteten,  homes  of  plunder, 
a  made  word.  ^ieBedflüftet,  for  !I)iebc«^^len,  the  plural  in  -er 
forced  for  the  sake  of  rhyme.  —  521.  @(enber,  tvretched  holes ;  the 
word  is  really  derived  from  eli  land^  @(enb  meaning  primitively  the 
condition  of  an  outcast  away  from  his  country.  —  526.  9)lagneten- 
ftetit,  commonly  SDJagnctflctn. 

33.  530.  Pater  Abraham  had:   „©intcr  bem  @  !ommt  ba«  X, 
hinter  bcr  @ünbc  bic  2^ür!en";  here  U  may  stand  for  Unrecht,  or  it^ 
may  be  simply  the  exciamation  of  disgust,  U^!  as  !^  is  plainly  the 
noun  or  exciamation  SGBe^I  —  534.  ffl^m&n^en,  to  *cut:  —  539.  ftttt» 
bem,  ßne   (iron.).  —  544.  Cp.   Luke   3:15.  —  558.  füflt,    obsolete 

form  =  fottfi.  —  559.  ani9Iramen,  colloq.  for  au«fprcd^en. 

34.  563.  (oi9Brennen,   colloq.  for  Ioe(affen,   tr.,  ßre   off.   — 

5^.  übet  9{af^t*  Pater  Abraham  gives  a  month  for  this  result. 
—  571.  ^01^1,  now,  at  beginning  of  sentence.  —  574.  ^iVLÜB^mhxXtX, 
iflasphemersy  lit.,  curse-mouths,  —  577.  MxtV^  ®adttM,  2l  mongrel 

398  WALLENSTEINS    LAGER  Z^  $7^ 

oath;  ^reU),  in  ablative,  *by  the  cross/  ^dttiot,  perhaps  from  the 
French  sacr^  nom  de  Dieu^  corrupted  according  to  an  untrained  ear. 

—  578-579.  Comp.  Luther's  Söe^  ba«  ^erj  öoll  \%  bcß  gc^t  berSVoni 
über.  —  580.  Pater  Abraham  has  bis  play  on  this  by  charging  that 
the  soldiers  change  nit  (dialect  for  nid|t)  flcjlen  to  mit  ftc^CfiL  — 
584.  ^rafttfett,  devües,  —  593.  ^cr,  />.,  Wallf nstein. 

3£^,  596.  Not  from  John  21:15,  which  is  affirmative  imperatire; 
but  from  Ezekiel  34:3.  —  601.  93?amarBai$,  braggart;  the  wordbe- 
came  proverbial  in  German  through  Gottsched's  translation  of  Hol- 
berg's  3a!ob  Don  X^boe,  to  which  Gottsched  gave  this  name.  The 
name  is  first  found  in  ^^itanber  üon  bcr  2inbe,  1710.    ^fenfreffer  is 

explained  and  rendered  by  ^ßre-eater^ —  604.  @tralftttt^',  accent 
forced  to  make  the  rhyme.  This  utterance  is  not  attributed  to 
W.  in  any  contemporary  history.  —  605.  It  will  be  noted  that  the 
line  rhyming  with  this  is  wanting;  in  the  Stuttgart  manuscript  it 
stood:  $at  aber  fein  $u(üer  umfonfi  t)erf troffen.  —  606.  SüfienMil, 
blasphemous  mouth.  —  610.  The  conclusion  of  the  sentence  (o^iu 
@rauen,  perhaps)  is  cut  off,  or  it  may  be  ^ann  is  used  as  equivalent 
for  !ann  e«  nid^t  ertragen.  This  trait  here  ascribed  to  W.  is  sng- 
gested  by  an  old  inscription,  itself  probably  based  upon  the  fable 
of  the  lion  scared  by  the  crowing  of  the  cock.  In  fact  W.  coiild 
not  endure  noise  while  in  quarters.  —  611.  Now  you  are  don€  for. 

—  612.  See  Luke  13:31-32. 

36.  61 5.  S^rüfl^el,  -et  is  the  Bavarian  diminutive  termination, 
corresponding  to  -lein.  —  619.  eitt  Stettt  bed  91.  n.  £.,  See  Isaiah 
8:4,  or  I.  Peter  2:8.  —  625.  /  suppose  it  was  just  sitnply  saiä,  etc.  — 
626.  @i9  ift  nili^t  gatt^  O^ne  (sc.  @runb),  It  is  not  so  wholly  wrang.— 
628.  fi^Hfl^te,  more  common  fi^Uc^e ;  cp.  note,  1..  224. 

37.  631.  This  trait  is  ascribed  to  the  lion  by  Pliny.  —  637.  fe^ 
=  glebt.  —  638.  @fl^e(men,  pl.  of  the  archaic  form  ^tXmt.  — 
643  (on  page  38).  föad  tOttb^d  gebe»,  What  do  you  think  is  up? 
Future  of  conjecture  or  probability. 

38.  Stage  direction  after  1.  646:  bringen  gef4(e)l|rt,  come  drag- 
ging, —  647.  baumeln,  'swing'  colloq.  —  648.  ^ai9  92<nbtl^  i>, 

that  thieves  and  cheats  should  be  hanged.  —  655.  %}iftd  eni|  btr 
Senfe!  plagen?    Is  the  Bevit  spurring  you?    Are  you  possessed? 

39.  657.  £ai  fte  ge|en,  Never  mind  them.    The  soldien  o< 


^  75^]  WALLENSTEINS   LAGER!  390 

Tiefenbach 's  regiment  are  represented  as  being  less  mercenary, 
more  of  the  civilian  class  than  most  of  the  others.  They  are  trades- 
men  and  often  of  the  same  village  —  they  call  each  other  ©eOQtter 
(c<fusin};  cp.  older  English  'gossip/meaningoriginally  *  Sponsor/ or 
kin  through  sponsorship.  Though  loyal  to  Wallenstein,  it  is  only 
as  the  Emperor's  general.  Observe  their  behavior  in  the  iith 
scene.  Comp,  also  Toäf  III,  8.  —  659.  fßtit^,  small  town  south- 
east  of  Breslau.  —  660.  Riffelt  Hlel,  ar^  well  posted  (iron.).  — 
666.  {iil^  ((amtetett,  disgrace  qne^s  sdf,  —  668.  Let  him  run  as  fast 
as  he  can. 

40.  670.  mit  f.  S$*,  f>M  ^  the  sharpshooters.  —  672.  SEBattott, 
Wälloon^  one  of  the  Celtic  inhabitants  of  Southern  Belgium  and  the 
Netherlands  —  a  vigorous  race.  —  673.  Pappenheim*s  troops  were 
among  the  best  disciplined  and  bravest  on  either  side,  —  674.  The 
accents  in  this  line  fall  on  the  syllables  -to-,  iung-,  t^Ut,  ßt(K 

—  675.  The  proceeding  is  unhistorical.  Octavio  P.  was  appointed  to 
succeed  Pappenheim  at  Lützen.  —  676-678.  CBerft^  here  and  in  1.  684 
declined  strong,  whiie  regularly  weak.  —  679.  S^ai  ^^^  tioraud,  has 
special  Privileges,  Cp.  Tody  III,  15.  —  683.  This  line  introduces  an 
entirely  different  subject.  —  686.  lVhat*s  the  matter  with  thosethere^ 
i,e,t  the  cuirassiers,  they  are  füll  of  bitterness. 

41.  689.  See  Introd.,  p.  xxx.  —  692.  ^a,  So^  not  there,  — 
697.  ^ett  Wt^  9)laUattb,  the  Cardinal  Infante,  see  Introd.,  p.  xxx, 
and  List  of  Persons.  —  701.  noBel  ^ä(t,  treats  well.  —  707.  beut 
]|tf)iaittf4eit  roten  ^ttt,  the  Cardinal  Infante;  the  red  hat  is  the 
badge  of  the  Cardinal. 

42.  712.  formieren,  organize.  —  718.  S3efe^((nf^r  sportively 

of  the  Sergeant.  —  720.  9)le(ne(fer,  wine  of  Melnick,  a  city  of 
Bohemia  north  of  Prague. —  723. 1  hope  there  is  nothing  bad  behind 
it.  —  724.  att  rei^lt  gnt,  all  very  well  (with  reservations).  —  725.  bftiS 
9^Sd^fiter  his  immediate  concerns. 

43.  735.  getanywhere  neara  village.  —  738.  @ie  mBgen  ttttö  atte 
ni4t,  noneofthem  like  us.  —  740.  gelben  ^ottetter;  the  Austrian  uni- 
form had  a  yellow  over-vest,  yellow  being  one  of  the  national  colors. 

—  741.  Here  the  accented  syllables  are  f(^inct-,  nld|t,  ?anb,  2Öet-. 
' —  743.  Are  as  handy  with  the  bludgeon  as  we  with  the  sword.  — 
750  ff.  These  alleged  conditions  are  wholly  without  foundation, 

400  WALLENSTEINS   LAGER  [l.   754 

though  the  reasoning  is  good.  —  754.  ^atteitftemer,  cp.  Introd^ 
p.  xl.  —  755.  ha,  naw  (argumentative).  —  759.  Seim  SMfA  the 
oath  *  By  the  cuckoo/  about  as  intense  as  English  *■  By  gad,'  has  be- 
come  an  oath  by  virtue  of  the  general  evil  repute  into  which  this 
bird  has  fallen. 

44.  764.  \^x  trBftet  ctii^i,  sc.  mit  bem  ©cbanfcn.  —  766.  ^xw^t 

^fdji^tMf  lit.,  May  yourmeal  agree  with  you,  common  formula  in 
good  Society  at  dose  of  a  meal,  hence :  '  The  meal  is  over/  '  It*s 
all  over/  like  English  *  Good  bye  *  in  a  similar  case.  —  768.  Com- 
parison  with  a  cock.  —  769-770.  Then  the  Vienna  Chancery  will 
make  out  our  Orders  for  lodgment  and  tneals^  i,e.^  *we  shall  cease  to 
be  independent  in  such  matters.'  —  771.  ^tütX,  miserable  condiOcu. 
r-  772.  fte^en  an,  for  anflehen,  ffow  long  will  it  be  before.  —  774.  f», 
even  as  it  is.  —  775.  JVellf  then,  everything  will  sitnply  go  to  pieces. 
—  783.  ftl^l  fli^retBett,  haiL  —  784.  ^iBemteU,  Ireland, 

45.  790.  Town  and  unimportant  lake  in  Württemberg,  half 
way  between  Ulm  and  Constance,  —  791.  @fl^ttl^§,  for  ©(^ftietg.  — 
793-  SBii^mar,  town  in  Mecklenburg,  east  of  Lübeck.  —  798  @|m, 

Chip,  block.  —  801.  ällü^Ittierf,  sei  of  cog-wheels.  —  808.  /  have  al- 
ivaysj'ust  let  myself  run. 

40.   810.    They  would  like  to  destroy  the  army.  —  815.  ^a,  In 

that  case.  —  818.  ^ttUttn,  fumished,  —  825.  fte^t  iti  meinem  fßwäi, 

are  in  debt  to  me.  —  831.  IVe  (must)  stand  together  as  one  man, — 
^32.  orbenattsett,  issue  orders. 

47.  840.  Afuch  we  carefor  the  Emperor  (iron.).  —  851.  @(reil* 
f adrett,  prerogativesy  used  very  vaguely,  'powers  touching  distinc- 
tion.*  —  852.  The  conditions  above  narrated  are  in  the  main  cor- 
rect,  but  they  have  not  been  found  in  writing.  —  854.  ff^Uf^t  Itlt^ 
rei^lt,  simply  and  plainiy.  —  SS7-^S^.  Read:  (gf  i^  eilt  WUmitUU 
haut  unb  freier  fjfürft  be^^  ditiä^t^ ;  this  interposition  of  the  geni- 
tive  between  adj.  and  noun  is  unusual  in  modern  German. 

48.  858.  ber  IBaier^  cp.  1.  114.  —  860.  S3rottbeid,  small  town 

northeast  of  Prague,  seat  of  a  royal  palace.  Here,  in  January, 
1629,  the  Emperor  made  W.  a  Prince  of  the  Empire,  Duke  of 
Mecklenburg,  and  as  W.  waited  upon  him  at  table  the  Emperor  is 
Said  to  have  bid  him  be  covered,  in  recognition  of  his  just  created 

L.    1006]  WALLENSTEJNS   LAGER  401 

dignity.  —  861  -  felBftett,  uncommon  for  fctbfl.  —  863.  für,  for  tot» 
gCIU  —  864.  See  Introd.,  p.  xxi.  —  866.  apatt,  exceptionaL  — 
869.  Cp.  Matthew  22:20.  —  870.  SBafleufteiner,  a  coin  with  Wallen- 
stein's  arm&;  as  Prince  of  the  Empire  he  was  authorized  to  coin 
money,  and  did  so.  —  875.  ^ttrii6(att4ttgfett,  Serene  Highness;  the 
form  is  manufactured  to  express  the  condition  of  a  Prince  to  whom 
the  predicate  !S)ur(^(QU(i^t  belongs. 

40,  882-883.  This  Statement  seems  to  be  in  direct  contradiction 
to  1.  55  (but  see  note  on  that  passage),  and  not  consistent  with  Picc, 
1.  1151.  —  898.  bad  gtofte  SBott,  the  Controlling  voice,  ~  899.  Let 
them  bear  his  yoke  who^  etc.  —  904.  That  for  which  we  take  our- 
selvesy  etc.,  /.^.,  *our  own  self-respect.*  —  906.  fo,  ref erring  to  the 
two  lines  foUowing,  not  to  what  precedes.  ttietfer,  i,e,y  than  the 
Emperor,  or,  than  if  they  had  not  done  so. 

SO.   909.  {tli^  füllen,  appreciate  himself,  —  911.  Read:  S3(et6e 

Iteter,  etc. —  912.  f^ielen  vm,  risk,  —  913.  Read:  @o  wx\  mir 
eitoad  tto^  me^r  gelten,  />.,  mc^r  al«  mein  2cbcn.  —  914.  £ber  = 

©onft^  tr.,  If  that  is  not  the  case  I  am  simply  letting  myself  be  butch- 
ered,  —  927.  These  sentiments  from  the  Pappenheimer  become 
significant  if  recalled  in  connection  with  Tod^  III,  15,  and  IV,  10. 

—  930-  Ober,  for  @onp. 

51,  932.  sc.  if^,  subj.  of  mod^tc.  —  933.  ^rum  fommen,  colloq. 
for  ^crumgcfommcn.  —  937.  9{a^0(t,  Italian  form  for  9^capcL  — 
943«  9Je,  dialect  for  9^cin.  —  945.  SÄag,  for  möge.  —  954.  ©e^ubef, 

botheratioHy  torment,  —  957.  mag  fllit^d  ^abett,  it  may  be. 

£^2«  960.  Allusion  to  the  insignia  of  Themis,  *Authority  and 
Justice  no  longer  go  together.*  —  962.  ftf^  (ettfett  Jlt,  tofavor,  — 
963.  {{^  meufr^n^  Wf^ «r  conduct  one's  seif  like  a  man,  —  964. 
After  OTer  sc.  toitt.  —  966.  ^^)Bß\iM^^  Producers^  civilians.  —  968. 

ffl^ott  tn&^rett  mag,  has  lasted,  I  suppose.  —  971.  @oitn\  for  @onncn» 

jc^ein.  —  978.  (Sitt^atten,  attack,  charge, 

53.  991.  bem  föefett,  all  this^  /.^.,  *the  present  condition.'  — 
999.  Cp.  1.  81.  —  looi.  The  attitude  of  the  Arquebusiers,  Tiefen- 
bachers, is  manifested  in  their  retiring  at  the  Suggestion  of  this 
questionable  proceeding,  and  the  fact  is  brought  out  that  they  have 
drunk  little.  —  1005.  Ifs  too  bad  about  these  fellows.  —  1006.  btti^, 
collective  contemptuous,  tr.  they,  Seifenfieber,  the  typical  narrow 
and  selfish  man  of  peace,  made  familiär  in  Egmgnt^  II,  i. 


54.  1008.  9ltfd|(ag,  scheme  (the  proposition  to  scatter  th« 
forces).  —  1009.  eien,  simply,  —  1014.  After  fp  loett,  sc  öon  SEBaU 
(enfiein,  or,  öon  einanber.  —  1020.  After  \%  sc  b<«.  See  note  to 
L  432.  —  1026.  KK?  %tm  Sanbedliemt,  »>.,  *he  wUl  not  serve  the 

5ö.  1028.  ip?0  Syiem^m,  memorial.  —  1037.  He  hos  also  great 
influetue;  allusion  to  checkers.  —  1044.  That  will  notgo  upon  tk^ 

score.  —  1045.  Ä^rte  Serni^tttitgr  success  toyou,  —  1046.  SBe|r(bni>, 

the  army,  lit.,  'the  defense-class.'     @tanb  is  the  eqoivalent  of  cur 
class  or  condition  in  human  society.  —  I047*  §€(€1lf  'P^y-' 

£^6.  1051.  ge§«f|ex,  the  past  participle  is  not  infreqnentlj  osed 
as  imperative. 

57.  io6d  Note  the  rhyme  of  foff  with  toeg,  which.  in  South 
German  is  pronounced  toed  — 1076.  %t%VLtt,  seif,  dL  not»  to  L  238. 

58.  1 095.  (i|t  =  (a|t  —  fein,  ke  lets  himself  rest  newkgre ;  dius» 
in  consonance  with  the  previous  line  which  this  one  seems  inte&ded 
to  Supplement;  possibly  this  ambiguous  linemeans:  'He  leovcs  his 
peace  (of  mind)  nowhere,'  f>.,  has  no  contrition  for  his  inconstancj; 
or,  again :  '  He  leaves  peace  (his  peace,  as  in  "  My  peace  I  gt^e  nnto 
yott")  nowhere.'  Professor  Cutting  suggests  taking  feine  as  re- 
ferring  to  Ort,  "He  leaves  no  place  its  peace,'*  <>., 'in  peace.' 
iioi.  Mrliftetr  ^or  Derbnftet,  forced  to  make  the  rhyme. 

Schiller  added  the  following  stanza  for  a  later  presentation  of 
the  Lager: 

Vttf  beS  2)cacii8  ept|c  bie  SBcIt  ir|t  lic«! ; 
%xvM.  fro^,  istr  licn  2)coen  )e|t  führet ! 
Unb  bleibet  nur  UMder  luiammenaefüat, 
^\t  iminaet  baS  @(iUf  unb  itsieTet. 
dS  ti|t  feine  Ihrone  fo  fcfl,  fo  bo(b« 
Scr  muttae  Sptinger  eticiibt  fic  bo^ 

L.  24]  DIE  PICCX)LOMINI  403 

Die  piccolominU 

Perfonen : 

®ett€talliettteilllttt,  HeuUnant-general,  not  as  a  definite  rank  be- 
low  that  of  general,  as,  Cor  instance,  Tiefenbach,  but  the  next  in 
rank  to  the  Commander. 

DBerft,  coloneL 

fjfelbmatffl^atf,  marshal^  not  as  in  the  French  army  to-day,  but  a 
general  especially  commissioned  with  the  oversight  of  the  army  in 
camp  or  on  the  march. 

^enetal,  generale  the  Commander  of  an  army  or  of  a  brigade 

il^ef,  Commander^  ofteA  honorary  colonel  of  a  regiment,  beside 
the  Oberfl,  also  proprietary  chief,  one  who  has  the  right  of  appoint- 
ment;  cp.  L  1200. 

(For  the  explanaüon  of  other  terms,  see  Notes  to  WalUnsteins  Lager.) 

Ol.  The  time  is  the  morning  before  the  night  in  which  the 
second  Revers  was  signed  (see  Introd.,  p.  xxxv),  which  was  really  the 
twentieth  of  February,  though  the  time  indicated  throughout  the 
play  represents  the  action  as  so  Condensed  that  the  flight  to  Eger 
occurs  the  third  afternoon,  and  the  murder  of  Wallenstein  the 
fourth  night  succeeding  the  opening  of  the  play.  Many  circum- 
stances  attending  the  first  Revers  on  the  twelfth  of  January  are 
introduced  here.  The  officers  have  been  summoned  to  a  meeting, 
and  hence  the  tone  of  Illo's  address  to  Isolani.  —  i.  ^er  tuettC 
^Bßcg ;  we  do  not  learn  just  where  Isolani  has  been  stationed,  but 
Donauwerth,  near  the  border  of  Bavaria  and  Württemberg,  isabout 
1 50  miles  f rom  Pilsen.  —  7.  The  use  of  nod^  is  difficult  to  render : 
•  My  Croats  had  time  to  pick  that  up.*  —  8.  $tt  )ia^,  rights  handy, 

62.  13.  Scan  the  line.  —  14.  {tlit,  belongs  with  both  the  preced- 
ing  verbs.  —  17  ff.  See  List  of  Persons.  —  24.  je^ett  Ija^r,  masc. 
and  neut.  nouns  indicating  measure,  time,  etc.,  are  commonly  un- 
inflected  nom.  and  acc.  pL  Cp.  this  and  the  Statement,  1.  29,  that 
bis  beard  was  just  beginning  to  grow  at  that  time,  which  would 
make  Max  at  Uast  twenty-iive  at  the  present  moment,  with  1.  482 

404  Dlß   PICCOLOMINI  [1-25 

and  with  Wallenstein's  refiections.  Tod^  1.  2 143  ff.  —  25.  fd^ta§ai, 
for  und  {(J^Iugen.  The  action  at  Rosslau  on  the  Elbe,  near  Dessau, 
took  place  in  April,  1626,  hence  less  than  eight  years  before.  — 
26.  l^erab  goes  with  f^ltettgeit ;  the  subject  of  the  Inf.  is  i^n  in  L  24. 

—  27.  ^^itVif  when  qualified  by  an  adjective  the  word  is  more 
commonly  used  in  the  singular,  as  in  English;  but  cp.  Fi^Jlsh 
'straights/  —  28.  ?ei|ettb,  this  is  not  a  case  of  Omission  of  an  end- 
ing,  but  the  archaic  retention  of  a  non-infiected  form,  nom.  and  acc 
neuter  sing.  —  30.  Now  I  hear  he  is  afinished  warrior,  —  31.  fiini: 
tl^en,  Carinthia^  Austrian  duchy  north  of  the  head  of  the  Adriatic 
(see  Map).  The  joumey  is  fictitious.  —  32.  ^firf^,  the  Duchess 
is  addressed  with  (^ürftin  and  ^ergogtn ;  Thekla  with  gürftin  and 

63.   37.  S3attenen,  here  in  its  primitive  sense,  ^  ©(^lagereico. 

—  40.  wx\tVi  =  tocg»  ~  41-  gefüllt  =  öetfu(3^t  —  45-  That  ia.  Butt- 
ler had  been  appointed  major-general.  —  46.  ^Itllt,  on  the^  depend- 
ent  on  gratuliere  of  the  preceding  line.  —  47.  gef f^ei^ :  (Suiem  ein 
d^egiment  {dienten,  when  the  appointment  is  an  honorary  one,  as  b 
probably  the  case  here.  The  exact  correspondences  of  titles  and 
ranks  in  the  Thirty  Years*  War  and  to-day  cannot  be  given.  — 
48.  SBo,  for  iDobei*  —  50.  mai^t,  Inversion  for  condition. 

64.  53.  Cp.    Tod,  1.   1161. —54.  ©reif  %%  Don't  ktsitaie.-^ 

57.  (ebenfUf^r  scrupuhus,  —  ei,  fotttentierett»  satisfy.  —  ez,  Äaf= 

fier,  older,  less  common  form  for  j(af)lerer.  —  66.  (S^tt,  archai- 
declined  singuIar;   cp.   note  to  Lager y  98.  —  68.  ffl^eitfte,   cond. - 

69.  Scan  the  line 71.  ^a,   ^^^^   a^er  fjfoberuttgeii;  Si>btTUBiir 

and  fobern,  for  gorberungen  and  forbcrn#  regularly  used  by  Schiller, 
are  now  obsolete.  \vivAtXVL,  fine  (iron).  —  72.  Dnefteitfter|er,  ^ 
irregulär  form  after  the  model  of  ^Utringcr. 

6ß.  77.  ^(a^e,  Position  (as  commander-in-chief). —  82.  Gen.  of 
nouns  with  me^r  is  uncommon,  gen.  of  pronouns  is  common.  —  8S. 
feine,  as  well  as  er  in  11.  90  and  91,  refers  to  JMeg. —  91.  wax  er 
fd^ieuett  (sc.  toar)  is  repeated  simply  to  complete  the  meter.  Read 
as  if  it  were:  Uub  \i^^  ©roße,  ba«  er  bllbet.  —  94.  Olirtfl,  archaic 
form  of  Dberfl. 

66,   96.  ^ie  should  be  repeated  before  84ttellig!ett.  —  97 

L,    l66]  DIE   PICCOLOMINI  405 

Cutfttuhtti^tn  (in  stage  direction),  a  case  of  the  obsolescent  de- 
ciension  of  proper  names.  —  98.  With  reference  to  the  real  Ques- 
tenberg  and  the  persons  for  whom  he  Stands,  see  Introd.,  p.  li.  — 
106.  See  Inttod.,  p.  xxi.    3^^^^  ^^  ^^  ^  pronoan<^ed  dissyliabic. 

—  107.  HOn . . .  mtgett,  OH  bekcUf  of,  commonly  '  conceming/  —  108. 
Siegtmeitt,  commanä.—  iio.  bH^  {f^  tOÜ^te,  that  I  am  aware, — 
112.  It  was  the  defeat  of  Tilly  at  Breitenfeld,  in  September,  1631, 
that  convinced  the  Emperor  that  he  must  recall  Wallenstein.  W. 
Kad  already,  December,  1631,  accepted  and  executed  the  commis. 
sion  to  reorganize  the  army  when  Tilly  was  mortally  wounded  on 
the  Lech,  April  5,  1632.  It  was  Eggenberg  who  then  came  to  urge 
W.  to  accept   the  command,  April  13,  1632. 

67.  116.  Werdenberg  was  with  Questenberg  on  his  first  com- 
mission. —  123.  ^te  =  ttiarum.  !3f^  etc.,  in  exclamatory  sentences 
the  verb  commonly  Stands  first  when  bo(^  is  used. — 124.  ^antulett^ 
the  latter  element  of  the  Compound  in  the  dative  plural  as  though 
governed  by  gu  understood.  !^a3uma(  and  bajumoten  appear,  but  the 
common  form  is  bamaU,  with  äJ^at  in  the  genitive.  —  126.  The 
complaint  was  not  only  that  W.  remained  inactive,  but  that  he  was 
quartering  his  idle  army  on  the  crown-lands  of  Bohemia.  —  132. 
9ftettttb  is  to  be  construed  as  gen.,  like  geinbeö ;  the  two  seem  to  be 
treated  as  one  Substantive  phrase.  —  134.  ge^ett^  'make  contribu- 
tions.'  —  135.  Questenberg  seems  to  imply  that  there  are  no  har- 
vests  because  of  the  lack  of  hands,  but  enough  of  stock. 

08,  136.  If  it  costs  peasants, —  142.  (rati,  valianüy  (iron.). — 
148.  Isolani  insolently  refers  to  the  golden  keys  and  decorations 
wom  by  Questenberg. — 149.  ettnai^  SBenigeiS,  a  litüe  something. 

—  1 50.  Questenberg  here  falls  f rom  his  dignified  r61e  by  replying 
in  kind  to  the  thrusts  of  Isolani;  the  Croats  were  the  latter's 
regiment. —  151.  ^a  ber  ^UiX^^i^^  that  Slawata,  in  contempt. 
Cp.  Introd.,  ix.  —  158.  bic,  acc.  by  changed  construction  from 
1.  151,  which  began  in  the  nom.    Xcl^,  imper.  governing  bte,  etc. 

69.  161.  Sanbf^marit^er  (archaic  form  of  ^^^rnox^^t^,  para- 
Sites  on  the  land,  carpet-baggers,  —  165.  Prescribe  the  quantiiy  0/  his 
rations  and  cancel  the  account,  1./.,  strike  out  items,  revise  estimates, 
or  refuse  all  payment,  as  illustrated  in  Isolani 's  account  just  foUow- 
ing.  —  166.  SRetlt  Sebtag,  common  curtailment  of  meine  Sebtttge, 

406  DIE    PICCOLOMINI  [l.  173 

acc.  of  time. —  173.  einen  ^a^nginer,  probably  Father  Quiroga, 
the  Confessor  of  the  Queen  of  Hungary.  —  177.  Ott^,  and  at  be> 
ginning,  with  actually  af ter  /.  nnttetttli^teter  ^ingC,  adv.  gen.,  vritk 
nothing  accomplished,  —  180.  Isolani  implies  that  Wallenstein  had 
given  bis  men  their  horses,  but  Questenberg  emphasizes  the  fact 
that  the  Court  has  to  pay  for  his  generosity.  —  184.  Read  iitl^t  be- 
fore  atted. 

70.  187.  Qfrtfi^  mitten  bttni^gegriffen,  p.  p.  as  imperative,  Pitck 

right  into  the  tnidst  of  iti —  188.  ^t\%  Let  rip.  —  190.  Ana  are 
reconciled  to  an  odious  necessity,  —  197.  The  9lau6tter  in  Isolani's 
figure  is  meant  to  be  the  enemy  among  whom  the  Emperor  now 
proposes  to  send  the  army,  while  the  ^d^afe  would,  of  couise,  be 
the  Bohemians.  In  just  what  r61e  Isolani  pictures  the  army,  is  not 
clear,  perhaps  as  a  scapegoat,  perhaps  in  no  figurative  r6ie  at  all. 
One  would  expect  fd^onen  rather  than  behüten.  Questenberg  sog* 
gests  the  interpretation  of  gum  in  the  sense  'as,'  which  would  not 
be  complimentary  to  Wallenstein  and  his  ofEcers., —  204.  Thela- 
conic  repartee  of  this  dialogue  (stichomythy),  as  in  many  places  in 
Tellf  betrays  the  infiuence  of  the  Greek  drama  on  Schiller. 

71.  208.  See  11.  800-^02.  —  209.  @ie,  acc,  You^  a  very  blunt 
rebuke«  —  210.  S^tXX  ^tftftbent»  Questenberg  was  only  a  Vice- 
President  of  the  Council  of  War.  Schlick  was  the  President  of  the 
Council,  but  he  did  not  negotiate  with  Wallenstein  in  person  after 
the  last  week  of  August,  when  he  went  to  Wallenstein's  camp  to 
request  him  to  send  Aldringen  to  the  aid  of  the  Duke  of  Bavaria, 
and  also  to  sound  Gallas  and  Piccolomini. — 211.  fantOKKierta,  are 
quartered,  The  numbers  of  the  imperial  forces  are  not  at  all  correct 
for  the  time  after  the  battle  of  Lützen,  but  rather  soon  after  the 
Organization  of  the  second  army.  —  225.  Read  nid^   before  IcT 

(Eifer.  —  226.  gebar  bie  ^rl^embe,  wert  bom  in  foreign  iands.  — 
229-230.  ^O^^eCabler,  the  arms  of  Austria.  Siüie,  probably  hexe 
meant  for  Sweden,  though  possibly  Spain  or  Great  Britain. 
£i(iett,  France. 

72.  235.  JBetterftange,  /«^^/S« ii^-fv</,  a  carious  anachronism.— 
237.  Here,  as  1.  1262,  Schiller  seems  to  mean  by  Seit,  Baltic  Cp. 
note,  Tody  1.  230.  —  238.  Before  bcr  sc.  »nl  or  $ber»  >cr  Qtf4 
(gen.),  Adige,  a  river  of  Northern  Italy.    fte|t  goes  with  in^  which 

L,   408]  DIE    PICCOLOMINI  407 

governs  S^fttet,  tr.,  looks  down  into,  —  239.  @d|tlber^aiti9,  sentry- 
box.  —  240.  ^aifetBurg,  the  imperial  palace  in  Vienna.  —  258.  <St^ 
tfl  Bttt  Jltr  Srinnernng,  Let  me  merely  remind you, —  260.  Read: 
^ie  ^ü^n^ett  unb  bie  grei^eit  machen  ben  ^otbaten. 

73.  262.  (gitti^  geftt  itlÖ  9(ubere  brettt,  one  leads  to  the  other,  — 
264.  Which  just  notv  was  merely  tnisapplied.  —  265-267.  This  al- 
leged  deed  is  without  foundation.  —  270.  Scan  the  line. 

74.  279.  You  heard  {the  sentiments  of)  three-fourths  of  the  €trmy. 
—  286.  Cp.  Tody  Act  II,  Scene  6.  —  293.  Note  the  meter.  —  295. 
IC^t,  just  now.  —  297.  See  Introd.,  p.  xxxiv. 

75.  307.  fettft,  even,—  ^c^,  %tm  =  (gincm.  —  310.  See  11. 
1 187-1 188.  —  312.  Will  reveal  our  shameful  impotence.  —  317.  9[lti9 
^aifetd  Sanbett,  Bohemia  was  not  conceded  to  be  an  imperial 
crown-land.  —  322.  vm  ftd^  gretfeub,  reaching  out  —  323.  ^W  Itt* 

ttern  Sanb,  for  3m  Snnern  bed  lOanbe^.  A  rebellion  among  the 
Austrian  peasants  had  threatened  to  join  forces  with  Bernhard  of 
Weimar.  —  324.  ff^müdg,  now  f(^tt)icrig,  refractory.  —  328.  bie 
fl^mtltbedtbe,  refers  back  to  ^rmee,  The  unbalanced  led  by  the  un- 

76.  331.  ait4r  buty  at  beginning  of  sentence.  —  338.  ®raf,  for 
bie  trafen. —  342.  Nothing  further  is  seen  or  heard  of  these  spies. 
343.  SBiffenf^aft,  archaic  for  Äenntnt«.  —  350.  g(eif^  with  verb  first 
=  obgtcld^. 

77.  357.  See  Introd.,  p.  1. —  362.  This  episode  is  exploited 
more  fully,  Tod^  11.  897  ff.  It  is  a  pure  invention.  —  370.  Such  as 
that  small  Service  did  not  merit,  —  379.  ft^Ct^  conjident, 

78.  384.  ja,  why;  g(ei4,  this  minute,     ^ittf ommett ;  it  is 

curious  that  Max  is  the  one  to  speak  the  word  of  welcome.  — 
392.  Hott  meittettoegett,  on  my  own  behalf,  —  395.  propitious^. 
portentous  names^  /.^.,  Octavio  (Octavius)  and  Max  (Marcus  Brutus). 
Max  and  Marx  are  sometimes  conf  used,  and  the  Suggestion  may  be 
the  pari  which  the  Piccolomini  should  play  toward  Wallenstein. 
£ut  the  application  of  Octavius  is  not  clear.  —  397.  fegettteifl^,  a 
more  logical  form  for  the  more  common  fegendretc^. 

79.  402.  Read:  3c^  ttJltt  ni(3^t«  üorau«  ^abcn,  etc.  --  405.  aitd» 
ffcellett  =  au^feftett.  —  408.  And,  furthermore,  it  will  remain  so,  — 

408  DIE   PICCOLOMINI  [L-  409 

409.  nun  eiltltial,  once  for  all,  —  412.  He  is  endowedwith  a  ruler^s 
soul.  — 419-420.  The  tigure  is  not  consistent;  one  would  ezpect: 
an  bif  man  ftc^  mag  (e^nen.  —  421.  iwx^it^  the  inveision  implies 
roenn,  supply  aud^ ;  even  thougk  another  would  suit  the  Court  hetttr. 
—  423.  ^atOO^l,  ironical,  emphasizing  the  intoierable  Separation 
of  the  army  and  the  Emperor.  —  424.  After  \^^^  sc.  ^  ft|tK* 

80.  429.  gro|  %\t%tn,  devdop.  —  435.  ÜBerm  $errfd|er,  /*  the 
ruler,  —  437.  SBfir^%  oßce,  —  440.  bie  S^attt?  =  feine  9{atut.  — 
443.  ÄberaH  =  überhaupt.  —  444-  Witt,  must  receive,  —  446.  ^tt 

tProbeiS  geben^iS  (sarcastic),  llie  specimens  (Wallenstein*s  previous 
Performances)  shwo  that^  ue,y  that  he  will  set  his  own  goal.  {ic, 
the  Court. 

81.  449.  ttt  gute«,  good  naturedly,  —  450.  fertig  »erbctt  «tt, 

manage.  —  451.  ^a^  Thus^  in  such  circumstances.  —  452.  After  üib 
sc  cd. .  —  453.  f 00^  they  expect,  —  455.  The  present  pressesy  U^ 
instant  decision  is  necessary.  ^rfdnlid^ed,  the  indrvidual.  — 
4^*  ^  ifl  fein  Unillieg,  //  does  not  miss  the  goal.  Umioeg  = 
3rrn>eg.  —  The  Suggestion  is  like  that  of  cur  proverb:  *'The 
longest  way  round,"  etc.  —  472.  Maiwu  as  it flies  and  nuutgUs  attki 
goal.  —  474.  @egett,  prosperiiy. 

82.  482.  Cp.   Tod,  U.  2143  fif.  — 485.  b«d  £e<rte,   the   ulÜmaU 

i^>r/.  ^  488-489-    ^Od    OegttireKbe,    the   beneficent;    ^tA    f«|is, 
Wil|ttg  ^•attS^y  the  serene,  massive,  permanent;   see  note  to 
-^^^og,  1.  39.  —  500.  9fnebc^  was  originally  strong  (nom.  and  acc 
fride),  became  weak,  and  then  strong  again,  gen.  grieben^. 

83«  506.  aller  8iter,  is  no  less  respectf  ul  than  **■  venerable  sire," 
but  not  so  grandiloquent  —  513.  ta»)lflg  eXgCi^,  cUse  and  stmfy.— 
5>7-  SM  .  .  «  fiiflfilted,  IVhat  treasures,  —  524.  —Cf^aklt  goes 
with  ^c«  ^tft  —  528.  gfetllgeilelle,  monotonous.  —  531.  Then  u 
mo  soul  in  the  wreUhed  Business. 

^*-  539-  »«e«,  here  ioughs.  —  543-  »  ^  Mfte  frifci, 
shoui  their  greetings  up^n  the  air.  —  547-54».  «t  fities^  CVpfCr 
^•toÄglUleil,  tcith  kindly  assiduons  oßciousness.  —  549.  fn|  Id 
M4  erlebte«  Xaged,  glad  that  he  hos  lived  to  see  the  day.--  554.  ^ 
W  i»  Qkrte  lag,  whieh  could  he  beut  for  «  swiich^  —  555-5561 
And  ske  vkom  he  le/t  om  Ae  mmrü's  breast  comus  $$  wuet  htm  mom  4 
*i»^shii^  wutidetu 

L.  672]  DIE   PICCOLOMtNI  409 

8Ö.    563-564.  eiS  ptt^it,  etc.,  wratA  cramped  my  heart.  —  572. 

mai^t  iljti  )ttm,  make  htm  out  to  be.  —  573.  Iföeil  tt  bic  Sad^fen 

f 4ottty  see  Introd.,  p.  xxiv.  —  576.  For  if  peace  is  not  made  white 
war  is  going  on,  —  577.  ©el^t,  go  toi —  583.  This  scene  has  an  un- 
usually  large  number  of  metrically  imperfect  lines. 

96«  593*  i^ty  i't't  Thekla.  In  his  agitation  Octavio  seems  to 
entertain  the  thought  of  asking  Thekla  to  break  her  spell  over 

87.  600.  nttt^t^  for  foUte,  there  was  needy  it  was  my  duiy. 

88,  607.  totrb,  one  would  expect  tüerbc.  —  608.  Just  why  Seni 
appears  here,  except  to  be  introduced,  is  not  clear.  ^xt.  Wallen- 
stein and  the  Duchess,  or  the  generals.  —  609.  @rler{ht6e,  a  room 
having  a  bay  window,  often  a  round  or  octagonal  corner  of  a  build- 
ing.  See  Wallensteins  Tody  Act  I,  Sei.  —  611.  SJ^at^emattflti^y 
astronom^r.  —  613.  fli^etCtt,  cheaty  or  make  unnecessary  trouble. 

80.  620.  (5i(f,  regulär  M.H.G.  form  of  the  word.  —  624. 
Eleven  betokens  sin  (as  explained  in  what  follows);  the  declined 
forms  eilfe,  JtDÖlfe^  fünfe,  were  formerly  used  when  the  number  fol- 
lowed  the  genitive  noun,  but  are  now  coUoquial  and  poetic.  —  629. 
One,  having  the  peculiar  qualities  of  unity,  is  not  reckoned  an  odd 
number.  —  631.  bettft  ftli^,  is  suggested. 

00.  633.  Note  the  formality  of  tone  implied  in  the  stiff  pro- 
noun  @le.  —  636.  We  were  admittsd  to  personal  audience  (in  which 
the  kissing  of  the  royal  hand  was  customary).  —  639.  führte  an, 
referred  to  the  fact  that  —  640.  beftttlttltetl  ftüer,  to  dispose  of  the 
hand  of.  —  643.  There  is  no  Statement  in  the  whole  play  as  to  who 
this  choice  may  be,  but  Picc.y  11.  392  ff.,  a  clear  implication  that 
there  was  none  save  Max.  In  Herchenhahn  there  is  an  allusion  to 
Prince  Ulrich  of  Denmark  as  the  future  husband  of  Wallenstein*s 
daughter.  Cp.  TodyV  1499,  11.  1 531-1532. —645.  (tttl^enfli^ett,  ac- 
cented  on  first  syllable,  though  the  word  when  thus  accented  is 
usually  limited  to  the  meaning  *■  pertaining  to  Luther.* 

91.   660.   ®raf  ^tittViiSsf^  Cb(C  %tfSo^itt,  see  List  of  Persons; 

eble,  highbom,    Cp.  Teil^  1.  517,  3)c8  njcifcn  3bcrg8  ^ot^ocrftönb'gc 

Xo^^ter.  —  670.  C^a$  U1tglftc!(t(4  ttttCrfe^ItliiCi^,  some  irretrievable 
mischief,  —  672.  SRltl^tite^  comin^  as  u$ed  in  Elizabethan  times. 


410  DIE   PICCOIX)MINI  [l.  680 

92.  680.  (S00eitlper0r  SiditeKftetlt,  see  Ustof  Peisons.  Lichten 
stein  had  been  dead  for  seven  years.  —  6S2.  ^)er  |tf|Mnitfd^  Gfltc 
^ntlbaffabor,  Onate,  see  Introd.,  p.  xxz.  Castaiieda,  the  rq^ular 
Spanish  minister,  was  more  especially  friendly  to  Wailenstein.  — 
687.  jQ^ftr^d  an  beut,  Is  U  possibU  it  kas  come  to  that?  —  689.  £•-. 
mottttaittf  see  List  of  Persons. 

1)3.  693.  l^Sd^ftet,  merely  the  royal  prerogative  in  adjectives,  ex» 
pressing  *the  commands  of  his  most  imperial  va.2L.]^sty.*  —  694.  bct 
9aietn  ftoli^et  ^tt^H*  Maximilian. — 698.  See  Introd  ,  p.  xyü. — 
701.  @|irili^t  VXWXt  ^0  ^^^  ^  —  706.  Farce  your  proud  heart  to  it, 

94,  713.  fo,  as  it  is,  —  719-  fW^  getOOrbett,  Aad  tk€  pUasure  cj 
seeing,  —  722.  lit.,  My  hope  kas  Sprung  up  beauti/ully,  tr.,  Afy  k4>;t 
ts  beautifully  fulfilled,  —  725.  On  the  first  occasion  in  1625.  _  Note 
the  heroldic  nature  of  this  speech  of  the  Duchess.  —  727.  wki 
tßomtttettl ;  Stralsund  is  in  Pomerania.     See  Introd.,  p.  xv. 

^ö»  737»  This  would  make  Thekla  about  seven teen.  In  A* 
Schiller  had  at  first  written  fünf,  corrected  this  to  \tfSsiß,  and  ünalty 
at^t.  —  739.  ^OiiJ,  O  yesy  I  would,  —  740.  Cp.  Tod^  L  191 8,  and 
1-  3564.  —  742.  fein,  tactfully,  —  749.  $txaVi^,  laurel.  —  715. 
The  first  ed  refers  to  Sebett,  but  the  second  refers  to  fttWBs^  and 
should  be  iJ^n* 

90.  754.  $a(abtn,  champion;  ttttd,  the  Countess  had  gone  to 
meet  her  sister-in-law,  and  returned  with  the  party;  cp.  Ptcc^ 
1. 1489.  — 757-  ®efrtrn  bej?  SRorgend,  »f^yr«/«^-jAir,*perhaps  Venus. 
"-  768.  Sagbang,  four-in-hand,  —  769.  bie  ^tlBfiS^  i^Sff  ^' 
trouble  taken, 

97«  779.  T^hen  /,  too^  must  needs  doubt  his  love^  t.^.,  if  Max  feels 
the  gifl  an  occasion  to  do  so.  —  783.  After  tliis  line  stood  in  H  thir- 
teen  others,  mostly  rhetorical  praise  of  W.  —  790.  ^er  Snibfr,  there 
is  no  reason  to  see  in  this  an  intention  to  represent  Countess  Terzky 
as  Wallenstein*s  sister ;  cp.  11.  139 1  and  1401.  —  793.  Ma  ^\M 
9(tttt,  your  former  office,  i,e,,  of  attendant  to  the  Duchess. 

98,  798.  Wallenstein  did  not  leam  of  his  sentence  definitelj 
until  after  the  signing  of  the  second  Fevers,  —  801.  Cp.l.208.— 
804.  tlbgeff^iebeneir,  dead  man,  —  805.  p.  p.  for  imperatlTe.  — 
808.  briltt,  sc  qK  —  809.  This  is  not  consistent  with  TW,  L  26y. 

L.   933]  DIE   PICCOLOMINI  411 

—  810.  etttClt,  SC.  $oten,  sc.  "with  orders."  —  811.  bie  StPOitier 
ün§  SlftUanb,  the  Cardinal  Infante,  see  Introd.,  p.  xxv ;  the  Gott- 
hardt  pass  was  not  considered  available  for  an  artny  at  that  time. 

O0.  816.  St9tt\^ttti,  an  assembly  of  North  German  States  called 
by  Oxenstjema  for  the  purpose  of  uniting  the  Protestants  in  the 
conduct  of  the  war.  —  818.  nt^tö  meiter  lttel)r,  no  longer — anytking 
tnore,  —  822.  %fXbt^f  in  modern  usage  the  noun  after  ar  nou^  of 
measure  is  in  apposition.  —  827.  the  weak  adj.  decl.  after  feitie 
was  not  established  in  the  i8th  Century.  —  828-829.  gel^tö  ja  Itili^t 
tlOtt  beut  ^etttetl,  //  is  not  tu  be  taken  front  your  (possessions),  —  836. 
reil^J^tfitftli^,  like  a  Prince  of  the  Empire;  cp.  Introd.,  xv.  —  839. 
WXCf  eth.  dat.  —  840.  bie  %^it%  the  Sweäes;  there  is  a  Swedish 
provinoe  Gottland,  and  the  identity  of  the  ancient  Goths  and  the 
Swedes  was  once  stoutly  maintained. 

100.  844.  fifil^ett,  to  capture,  Profit.  —  849.  toerbeti  in  an  bir, 

don*t  know  what  to  make  of  you,  —  852.  bttt  idp^  /  shall  (appear  to) 
be.  —  854.  A  remarkable  but  seemingly  credible  fact,  which  con- 
stitutes  much  of  the  difficulty  of  determining  W.*s  character.  — 
857-859.  This  is  true  of  all  the  diplomatic  negotiations  for  this 
time  so  far  discovered. 

101«  871.  Then  you  have  all  the  time  been  triflingwith  us. — 
872.  There  is  no  evidence  of  any  such  cunning  scheming  as  this  on 
Wallenstein's  part  in  the  actual  securing  of  the  Revers.  —  877.  Cp. 
1.  81,  and  Tod,  1.  1619.  —  878.  ttitttmt  fld^,  for  benimmt  ji(^. 

102.  S85-886.  Sel^ire  btt  miit  meine  Settte  fentteit  (sarcasm). 

—  890.  Thtre  is  something  peculiar  about  it.  —  894.  be|nttietetly 
send  a  deputaiionj  a  circumstance  of  the  first  ofEcers'  meeting ;  see 
Introd.,  p.  xxxii. 

103.  918.  §ntlt  Slianier  ^^^tn^join  the  Spaniard,  i.e.,  the  Car- 
dinal Infante.  Cp.  1.  1 229-1 231.  —  920.  ^ad  ttttbere,  />.,  what  fol- 

104.  925.  ^tttoor  i^m  fommeti=  i^m  jut)or!ommen.  — 926.  ^ad 

gegietttt  fifl^y   That  (i.e.,  to  wait  for  extreme  measures)  is  proper. 

—  931.    (Stl^li^eibtttlgy   decisive   action.    ^ielei^,    many    condiHons. 

—  933-936.  And  only  separate  and  scattered  appear  the  (pollen-) 
ikreads  of  Fale,  opportunities,  which,  only  when  crowded  into  a  singU 

412  DIE  PICCOLOMIMl  [l.  934. 

moment  ef  life^  form  the  pregnant  germ,  —  934.  ^Sbctl,  for  %Ua&* 
f aben ;  '  stamens '  may  easily  be  used  loosely  for  '  poUen.'  Yet  k# 
©lücfed  ^äbeit  alone  is  more  suggestive  of  the  work  of  Clotho.  The 
botanical  ügure,  if  I  am  right  in  thinking  it  intended,  is  not  con- 
ceived  in  minute  accord  with  modern  botanical  science.  —  938. 
@id)'j^  je^t  um  btli^  aitfammen^ieltt,  Conditions  gather  round you,  — 
947-  ©cmiit,  for  awut. 

105.  951.  ber  gemeine  ®ti%  the  seme  of  common  inierest, — 
9^*  Settttd  is  the  Star  of  good  omen.  IRaleficitd,  mischUf^ 
maker,  Saturn,  cp.  Picc.,  1.  1603  ff.,  and  Tody  10-35. —  967.  3tt|Pittr, 
significant  of  insight,  hence,  you  lack  insight.  —  969.  bte,  thou^  t^^ 
of  life,  which  are  hidden  f rom  common  eyes.  —  970.  magfl  =  Wr- 
magft.  —  971.  ber  tttttertrbtfli^e,  Saturn,  called  The  Subterranean, 
with  reference  to  his  having  been  deposed  and  chained  in  Tartarus 
by  his  son  Jupiter.  In  astrology  Saturn  presides  over  the  under* 
ground  world,  and  denotes  stolidity.  —  972.  The  light  of  Saturn  is 
not  noticeably  leaden,  but  so  called  from  the  fact  that  in  alchemy 
Saturn  represents  lead. 

100«  976-977.  But  the  powers  that  stir  and  fashion  tJungs  wUh 
mysterious  potency  in  the  depths  of  Natur e,  —  978.  ^ic  ^eiftetlcilST, 
The  spirit-ladder  ;  a  belief  elaborated  by  the  Manichaeaiis,  connected 
probably  with  the  story  of  Jacob 's  dream.  Cp.  Faust.  I,  II.  449-450. 
—  995-  ^ei8*$i3mncld  ^^Itfer*  The  heavens  were  divided  by 
the  astrologers  into  twelve  fields  called  houses.  Cp.  notes  to  Tod, 
Act  I,  Scene  i.  —  997.  ^(fett*  In  the  corners  between  two  fields  it 
would  be  easy  to  miss  a  planet  by  supposing  it  in  another  field. 

107.  S.D.  after  1.  1006.  Terzky  goes  out,  but  his  retum  is  not 
indicated,  though  he  is  present  at  the  close  of  the  next  scene. 
The  seventh  scene  presents  the  Situation  at  the  offioers*  Confer- 
ence in  December,  1633  (s^e  Introd.,  p.  xxix),  as  well  as  at 
that  of  January  5,  1634. —  loii.  It  is  assumed  that  Questenberg 
has  already  delivered  the  Emperor's  Orders  to  Wallenstein,  for  the 
officers  and  even  the  men  (Lager^  1.  690  ff.)  know  of  them,  and  that 
he  has  been  asked  to  repeat  them  in  the  presence  of  the  generals. 

108.  1022.  t^Ven,  here  and  1.  1027  refers  to  feine  Snaieftfit— 
1034.  The  allusion  to  the  Rhineg^ave  here,  as  elsewhere,  is  erro- 
neous,  but  be  15  substituted  in  part  for  Bernhard  of  Weimar  to 

L.   I161]  DIE   PICCDLOMINI  413 

avoid  possible  offense  to  the  Court  of  Sachse-Weimar  in  represent- 
ing  one  of  their  ancestors  in  the  r61e  of  traitor.     Cp.  Tod^  1.  332, 

—  1036.  ^ier,  there.  —  1041.  l^ettgefli^iebetl,  clearfy  defined;  as  op- 
posed  to  the  'blind  rage'  which  had  characterized  previous  warfare. 

—  1 042-1 043.  In  each  line  the  first  quality  Stands  for  ^aUenftein« 

—  1044,  So  also  do  il^tl  and  er* 

109.  1054.  With  toarb  sc.  getl^att*  —  1055.  Such  as  no  mortui 
eye  had  seen  before;  the  idea  seems  to  be,  no  eye  had  been  so 
fortunate  as  to  see.  Cp.  Der  Taucher^  stanza  lo:  !S)ad  ergöl^lt 
feine  glüdlt^e,  lebenbe  @eele;  and  Die  Braut  von  Messina,  1.  2649: 
3)€nn  in  bo«  3nnre  fann  fein  ©(üdUd^er  me^r  f(3^auen.  —  1064. 
While  the  repulse  was  a  great  mortification  to  the  Swedes,  it  is 
very  extreme  to  say  that  Gustavus  lost  his  reputation  there.  — 
1066.  Wallenstein  was  really  defeated  at  Lützen. —  1068.  ^^^bC^; 
it  was  not  until  a  year  later.  ^er  toeimartfll^e  $e(b,  Bernhard  of 
Weimar.  —  1073.  Maximilian. 

HO.  1079.  Maximilian  had  always  been  jealous  of  Wallen- 
stein,  and  had  worked  for  his  removal  at  the  Diet  of  Ratisbon; 
see  Introd.,  p.  xvii.  —  1081.  vergnügen  =  befrlebigen.  —  1088. 

Engrossed  by  this  description,  I  was  forgetting  the  whole  war,  — 
1090.  %VX  Dbcrfhrom,  />•>  ^t  Steinau,  cp.  I.  1114;  but  the  defeat  at 
Steinau  came  before  the  fall  of  Ratisbon.  —  1091.  w^  beV  ^OUatt, 
i.e.,  in  the  loss  of  Ratisbon.  —  1095.  Before  ^tx  sc.  Iföo» 

111«  1104.  fd^lagett,  for  ftd^  fc^Iagen.  —  1107.  Amheim  was 
not  at  all  a  contemptible  foe.  —  1108.  ttft^te  =  ^ätte  genügt, — 
1 1 17-1113*  Thurn  is  thus  described  because  of  his  having  been  the 
leader  in  the  '  defenestration '  of  the  imperial  legates  Slawata  and 
Martinitz.  See  Introd.,  p.  ix.  —  1121.  This  charge  lacks  confirm- 
ation.  —   II 25.    ^CnttenfunberlaVirtt,    executioner's  cart,    —   11 26. 

ttiogen  =  fönnen. 

1 1 2,  1 136.  ^a^  ^ccr  toar  inxx  (Srbarmett,  Vie  army  was  in 

a  pitiable  condition.  —  11 40.  ftctbüd),  Itke  other  mortals. —  1144. 
jegUd^em,  obj.  of  nehmen.  —  1149.  Cp.  Lager,  1.  55  and  U.  883-884. 
—  1150.  baVttaii^  \t\\itXffrom  that  he  gets  his  name. 

113,  II 57.  ^ettt,  small  coin,  a  f arthing.  —  11 59.  ^tegC^» 
furte,  the  last  etement  of  the  Compound  to  be  read  here  trisyllabic. 
@li^erett,  l(rw  cHffs  or  reefs,  —  11 60.  Veltö,  cp.  Picc.^  l.  237. — 11  Ol. 

414  DIE    PICCOLOMINI  [l.  I  163 

Tliat  was  a  tihe  (worth  living  in).  —  1163-I164.  This  rather  £ar- 
fetched  contemporary  pun  probably  refers  to  Prince  Liechtensteiii, 
viceroy  of  Bohemia,  and  Dietrichstein,  viceroy  of  Moravia,  who 
were  scarcely  the  most  important  men  at  the  imperial  court.  — 
1165.  See  Introd.,  p.  xvii.  —  11 66.  ^a  braii^  ed  anf,  There  it 
came  forth,  —  1167.  getOtttfd^llfrt,  Front  whose  purse  I  had  paid 
expenses^  to  wit,  the  purses  of  the  Electoral  Princes.  —  1171. 
Sin,  />.,  ben  Äoifer,  After  dürften  sc.  ^attc. —  ii  74-1 175.  See 
Introd.,  p.  xvii. 

114«  1185.  tooUett,  this  pl.  agreement  with  princely  titles  is 
common,  but  cp.  I.  11 73,  where  the  title  is  plural  and  the  verb 
Singular,  and  1.  11 89.  —  1194*  ©ettCtaliS,  this  Low  German  or 
French  plural  is  not  compelled  by  the  meter,  and  occurs  on  the 
same  page  with  ©encrale,  1.  1204. —  1196.  ^ttlfd  is  to  be  pro- 
nounced  dissyllabic,  iSu^t)^.  föai^  et  fd)Ulbig  toar,  What  it  was 
his  duty  to  do.  —  1197.  See  Introd.,  p.  liii. 

115.  1203.  ^Vtegi^ftatlb,  disciplined  amty. —  1212.  fff^ttttigcr 
9ld)tUttg,  respect  due, 

110.  12 14.  For  these  conditions,  see  Introd.,  p.  xjlL  —  1.217. 
After  ^rrnee  sc.  etmai^.  —  1227.  See  Introd.,  p.  xxv.  —  1231. 
Historians  all  say  six.  —  1 233.  Satttorntatlt,  There  is  no  particular 
reason  for  the  reference  to  L.  here,  though  W.  feared  his  influence 
■with  the  Emperor.  —  1236.  t^  tft  rtd)tig,  very  good  (iron.). —  1238. 
Gcficttt  =  gebietet. 

117.  1247.  Wallenstein  was  m^Ai^  generalis simo  of  the  Ger- 
man  armies.  —  1252.  ^a  fontmt  matt,  etc..  So  then  they  quieüy 
evade  iL  —  1260.  ^titsf  is  abbreviated  with  the  only  result  of  spoil- 
ing  the  meter,  but  so  the  first  editions  all  have  it.  It  should  be 
@ac^c.  —  1262.  Scan  the  line.  —  1267.  fottfitett,  an  irregulär  form 
of  fonft,  as  though,  common  in  the  I7th  Century.  —  1268. 
^^  llflegtC  eben  ttid^t,  /  simply  was  not  accustomed. 

118,  1271.  für  =  oor:  ®ott  fei  baoor.  —  1278.  ^iSimmoi^  as 

far  as  that  is  concemed.  —  1 283.  That  Max  should  be  the  one  to 
propose  the  Council  is  prepared  for  in  Lager,  1.  1041.  —  1284. 
S^orftefluttgett  get^an,  presenUd  consideraticns, 

119«  1290.  The  golden  key  was  the  badge  of  the  imperial 

L.  1489]  DIE   PICCOLOMIKI  415 

1 20.  1309.  ^le  nelytltett  wir  ♦ .  •  mtö,  We  will  make  refervation 
0/  these;  cp.  Introd.,  p.  xxxili.  —  1310.  After  xtüUL  sc.  tttti^. 

121.  1321.  xvxmzXf  all  tke  same.  —  1325.  ettttttal,  once  for  all, 
—  1331.  An  unusnal  govemment  o£  ftbetvebeit;  takes  commonly 
acc.  of  person. —  1 337-1 33^.  Sesina  at  this  time  received  bis  Orders 
from  Terzky,  not  from  Wallenstein.  The  Statement  here  is  un- 
founded.    Cp.  Tod^  1.  69. 

122.  1348.  ^oftOV,  ue,,  Sern.— 1358.  ($1$  ^ei^,  itwillbesaid^ 
%oe  shall  explain.  —  1362.  fartett,  arrange  (play  the  cards). 

123.  1374.  The  negative  in  this  construction  is  no  longer  com- 
mon,  but  compare  the  French  usage  in  the  same  case.  —  1 384.  U^it, 
is  of  course  Max,  but  why  and  where  Terzky  is  holding  him  back, 
does  not  appear. 

124.  1399.  9{{f^t  boii^y  no  indeed.  The  Countess  assumesto  In- 
terpret Wallenstein's  plans  when  she  says:  ^ItVMX  (^ein^eit  bleibt 
alle«  überlaffen.  —  1402.  il^tlt,  />.,  Max  Piccolomini.  —  1404.  Read 
the  tBetm-dause  at  the  end  of  the  sentence;  ba^,  so  that. 

125.  1410.  After  ttiib  sc.  forge.  — 1411-  bem  ^\ivx,  i.<f.,  Octa- 

Tio.  After  S^etbai^t  sc.  erregen,  —  14 12  An  unusual  care  for 
metrical  correctness,  to  complete  a  line  begun  in  a  previous  scene. 
S^afe,  cousin;  Max  also  addressed  the  Countess  as  !$^ante,  and  she 
him  as  bettet.  It  can  hardly  be  assumed  that  they  are  presuming 
on  a  prospective  relationship. — 1416.  verleugnen,  here  =  Derfagen ; 
sc.  as  object  aud)  biefe  üeine  ^^reube. 

126.  1425.  fiberatt  =  über^au))t  — 1431.  ^eftil^t,  unusual  met- 

aphor  for  '  human  being  * ;  rtd)ten,  express, 

127.  1443.  fefgen  steifte  =  bem  ©eifle  eined  <Seligen,  thespirit 

of  one  deparUd,  —  1455.  ättgf^gte,  distressed. —  1459.  Before  ftttt* 
fl^meigen  sc.  unb.  —  1461.  It  is  curlous  to  represent  a  good  Cath- 
olic  as  so  ashamed  of  having  gone  to  church  with  his  joy.  — 
1462.  }nr  ^^ntntetöt'forte,  name  of  the  monastery,  an  invention  of 
the  poet  —  1468.  ^nbrnnf^,  ardor^  i,e,f  the  cause  of  ardor,  as  one 
says,  a  subject  is  the  despair  of  an  artist. 

128.  1484.  Freely:  *The  happy  make  no  noteof  theflight  of 
time.*—  1485.  After  4^er§  sc.  i^r.  —  1489.  9}e)lontnf,  small  town 
in  Bohetnia  (see  Map);  eingel^olt,  one  would  expect  entgegenfamen. 

416  ©IE  piccoLOMtNi  fi-  15 18 

129«  151 8.  This  line  carries  from  one  scene  to  the  other, 
and  thus  counts  seven  iambic  feet. 

130.  1531.  fBaitx9  Zimten,  for  be9  ^atetd  fitmtn;  seenote 

to  Lagery  L  432. 

131*  1 552-1 554.  Max  has  evidently  feit  a  little  of  the  jealousy 
of  Isolation.  —  1557.  ^ie  is  subject,  but  what  is  the  Uebfd  SilbV 
Max  himself  or  the  scene  of  his  confession,  L  1488  ff  ?  —  1559.  W9A, 
direct  object  of  fittl^ft,  means  Thekla's  relation  to  Max,  or  Max*s 
confession.  —  1 560-1 565.  Tke  warlike  scene  has  madc  tny  real  kaf- 
piness  a  dream.  Tlie  lastfew  days  I  have  lived  on  an  island  in  the 
sky;  now  it  has  settled  to  the  earthy  and  this  transit  {bridge)  whieh 
brings  me  back  to  my  old  life  separates  me  from  my  bliss.  Cp.  7W, 
1.  3446. 

132.    1 566.  fle^t  ^  Reiter  an,  is  cheerful  to  look  upon, 

133.  1599.  ^öttigiSliUber,  eßgies  of  kings,  —  1608.  tm  i|« 
ftüer,  colloq.  for  i^m  gegenübet. 

134.  161 9.  fd^eUett,  usually  with  pers.,  here  criticize. 

13£^.  1645.  Confess  my  seif  an  adherent  of  this  belief  —  1649. 
^a  loit  6tft  ttnttbcn,  at  the  moment  when  we  were  bom, —  1651. 
Note  the  change  to  „blr."  —  1660.  ftii^  is  dat,/<?r  himself,  — 
1662.  ©ttfli^ilt,  a  large  city,  capital  of  the  Bohemian  district  of 
the  same  name.  It  was  Wallenstein's  favorite  residence,  and  his 
body  was  finally  buried  near  there.  — 1663.  Sieili^enlieirgy  considerable 
city  on  the  Neisse  (see  Map).  9{iefenberge,  for  the  more  common 
9{iefengebirge,  the  northwestern  boundary  of  Bohemia.  —  1666.  Tke 
great  Impulse  for  splendid  constructions, 

130.  1677.  Iwish  to  be  understood  as  having  advised,  —  1684^ 
Note  the  change  from  the  constrained  second  person  plural  pf  the 
previous  scene  to  the  second  person  Singular. 

137.  1687.  After  $o{fttttttgett  would  have  come  the  verb 
öorjuf^iegetn.  —  11697.  überall  =  überhaupt  —  1704.  Cp.  L  24, 

1.  482,  and  Tod,  1.  2143.  —  1707.  tX  lltttt,  it  is  his  naiure. 

138.  1732.  9imib,  tr,,  prize. 

139.  1737.  bie  f^liäjftt  3(tt,  ^^^^  l*^^t  the  Superlative  intensi- 
fies,  but  there  is  no  English  equivalent.  —  1743.  C^i  ttnn,  %tt  Sittr) 

L.  1911}  DIE  PICCOLOMINI  417 

spoken  impatiently,  implying:  *What  of  it?'  ^ad  kierfielyt  il^r, 
ironically,  meaning :  '  You  do  not  know  what  it  means  to  cross  a 
father's  will.'—  1744.  ühttaU,  anyway.  —  1745.  fei«  Umgaitg,  the 
Society  for  htm, 

140«  1753.  Note  the  return  to  ®ie,  though  Countess  Terzky's 
knowledge  of  their  relation  seems  to  make  the  formality  quite  un- 
necessary.  —  1757.  These  are  the  first  two  stanzas  of  a  poem  printed 
for  the  first  time  in  the  Musenalmanach  for  1799»  where  they  were 
succeeded  by  the  foUowing  additional  stanzas,  the  whole  entitled: 
Des  Mädchens  Klage, 

GS  rinnet  ber  Sj^rfinen  t)er0ebIi(!^eT  Sauf, 
.  ^te  J^Iaoe,  jte  »edet  bie  Soten  ntc^t  auf ; 
2)0(4  nenne,  mad  trbfiet  unb  l^etlet  bie  S9rufl 
9la(l()  ber  fü^en  Siebe  entfdl^lDunbener  Sufi, 
3(1()/  bie  ^immlifil^e,  miO'S  nic^t  Derfagen. 

CaB  rinnen  ber  3^l^rdnen  tKrgeblti^en  Sauf ! 
dS  mede  bie  Stla^t  ben  Soten  nid^t  auf ! 
2)a8  ffi^efie  ®(ü(f  für  bie  trauernbe  Srufl 
9la(4  ber  fc^önen  Siebe  Derfc^tounbener  fiuft 
@inb  ber  Siebe  Sd^merjen  unb  Atagcn. 

The  last  two  stanzas  were  interwoven  in  the  MS.  sent  to  Goethe 
with  a  modification  of  the  first  speeches  of  Scene  8. 

1 42*  1 775-1 776.  What  is  said  of  the  family  is  true,  but  Octavio, 
like  Wallejistein,  was  thrown  upon  his  own  resources.  —  '779.  btC 
r.  d^rMttf  />.,  Thekla  herseif.  —  1781.  Very  sarcastic:  You  will  do 
well  not  to  exppse  yourself  (to  the  risk  of  being  refused).  —  1787.  Hr 
f Ctb  f ll(f 4,  you  are  dissembling,  or  not  sincere»  —  1 788.  @Ctb  gttt,  bf 
appeased",  don]t  be  angry, 

143.  1798.  Note  the  change  to  bill^*  —  1808.  feiltettt,  i.e^ 

144.  1825.  freiiibed  Sd^iiffal,  the  htofothers,—- 1826.  gfrembej?, 

the  interests  of  others,  —  1834.   (eibettb,  passtvely,  —  1840.   3^8^ 

145.  1864.  eignen  SBiKen  =  (glgentoiHen. 

146.  1907.  fott,  is  fated  to,  —  191 1.  bcr  ^^H  be?  gfvenbe, 

Dionysos ;  the  pitch-pine  was  one  of  his  attributes. 

418  DIE  PICCOLOMIKI  [l.  I915 

148.  S.D.  9laäi  ber  2:tefe  bei»  tf^tattt»,  theUmgioaytfiU 

theatre^  i>.,  endwise  toward  the  spectators.  —  1913*  fötti»  üHr  fit« 
beti !  Hertha  to  those  we  Icve  l  3d)  gebe,  understood,  governs  the  clause, 

—  191 5.  Cp.  IL  2036-2038.  (S^etttoeitte,  Uompany^  wims,  (Ptetd* 
gegebeit,  sacrißced,  —  191 6.  This  can  scarcely  be  an  allusion  to  the 
great  cask  in  the  castle  at  Heidelberg,  since  it  was  not  constructed 
until  1751.  But  as  the  seat  of  the  Count  Palatine  the  Castle  of 
Heidelberg  saw  revels  enough,  for  instance  at  the  marriage  of 
Frederic  V.  and  Elisabeth,  daughter  of  James  I.  of  England,  or 
after  the  capture  of  the  Castle  by  Tilly  in  1622  and  its  occupation 
by  the  Catholic  forces.  —  191 8.  Sfftrfteitl|fite,  same  as  gürßenho* 

149.  1922.  Some  remnant  will  fall  to  you.  — 1928.  This  Latin 
motto  does  not  fit  the  Revers»  It  is  reported  to  have  been  used 
by  lUo  in  a  speech  preceding  the  reading  of  the  Revers.  —  1931. 
This  is  nearly  the  literal  text  of  the  oath.  In  any  case  it  is  the 
Revers  of  the  20th  of  February.  ttai^betlt,  here,  whereas,  After 
{tli^  sc.    ^at    atö,  here  for  a(fo,  therefore,    ttite  —  benn  asdj,  and 

moreover.    ^erbfttibittd  =  35er^)pit^tun0. 

150.  1933.  tt^O^  =  koantm.  — 1937.  boii^  in  the  midst  of  an 
interrogative  clause  has  the  same  f orce  as  nt^t  toa^r  at  the  end.  — 

1938.  itaii^gemalt,  copud. 

15 J.  1942.  fott,  is  intended  to  (^<?).— 1955.  bte  9ebillglSg 
ntaii^etlf  dictate  terms, 

152«  1972.  This  differs  from  the  conditional  by  the  implied 
threat:  *It  would  not  have  been  safe  for  you  to.' —  I973-  The 
direct  object  of  abgubingen  is  ba^,  understood,  antecedent  of  »o)i 
in  1974. 

153«  1981.  Buttler  cannot  have  served  the  present  Emperor 
forty  years;  but  cp.  1.  2006,  and  Tod^  1. 1098.  —  1983.  Cp.  Tod^  II,  d 

—  2005.  Sonnen,  say,  kundreds  of  thousands, 

154.  2006.  fii^leii^tev,  for  fc^Iid^ter.  —  2013.  Read  SertMuibte 

as  adjective,  though  it  is  here  Substantive. —  2017.  eilenb,  transient 

—  2022-2023.  Bernhard  of  Weimar,  as  a  younger  son,  had  no  hope 
of  inheritance  at  home,  but  had  been  promised  the  Duchy  of  Fran* 
conia  —  present  northern  Bavaria.  —  2024.  9Katti9feIb,  ^albe^ 
ft&bter,  See  List  of  Persons. 

L,   2 113]  DIE   PICCOLOMINI  419 

155.  2037.  Terzky's  mother.  Cp.l.  1915»— 2043.  f&tflütt  &9tt, 
ref erring  to  11.  2039-2040;  The  palmy  days  are  but  just  beginning,  — 
2044.  Much  could  be  said  (on  both  sides)  of  that, 

1£^G.  20^T,  That  is  due  iothe factthaiy  etc, —  2048.  Theyaimtoo 
high,  —  2051.  ^ttttf  the  regulär  MHG.  form,  whence  the  plural 
^r«n. —  2052.  ril  teach  you  haw  to  walk. —  2058.  Frederick  V.  "See 
Introd.,  pp.  ix  and  x,  and  List  of  Persons.  otlf,  for.  —  2059.  D^teifteir 
99^U]|((m,  I  have  been  unable  to  find  any  Master  William  who 
would  fit  in  here.  In  the  first  draft  Schiller  wrote:  3)cil .  ♦ .  ber 
®raf  t)on  2^^urn  öcrfcrtigcn  ^at  laffen.  —  2061.  nttttvttttl,  drink  at 
which  the  cup  goes  round,  mit,  for  bamit  —  2062.  That  will  be 
somethingf  i.e,,  in  the  way  of  complaint.  —  2063.  eittf  ^X^iSUji  klOtt 

etttem  Szedier  =  ein  |)rä(^tiger  ^ec^er. 

157.  2068.  ftHer— fe^t,  is  galhping  over.^  207  z»  föttl^lfreU 

^tit,  electoral  rights  see  Introd.,  p.  viii.. —  2077.  Dare  not  keep  his 
hat  on.  —  2079.  After  this  line  there  was  written  in  on  R :  ,,53c* 
beutet  ber  bie  S^rlnffreil^eit  ber  ^ö^mcn?"  —  2082.  In  the  third  decade 
of  the  fifteenth  Century.  In  1433  ^^^  Council  of  Basel  conceded  to: 
the  Hussites,  in  the  Compact  of  Praguie,  the  right  to  partake  of  the 
wine  in  the  sacrament.  —  2085.  tttvaifltiftett,  the  Hussites  who  de- 
manded  the  sacrament  sub  utraque  specie^  *  in  both  f  orms.'  ^cld^, 
chalice  in  which  the  wine  of  the  sacrament  is  given,  hence,  the 
right  to  partake  of  the  wine.  —  2089.  9)lajeftäti$lbrief^  see  Introd., 
p.  viii. 

158.  2094.  ber  ^rä^er,  Emperor  Ferdinand  II.,  so  called 
because  of  his  birth-place.  —  2095.  The  Battle  of  Prague,  more 
commonly  called  The  Battle  of  the  White  Mountain,  see  Introd., 
p.  X.  —  2097.  Our  church  has  lost  pulpit  and  altar^  />.,  the  right 
of  public  Service.  —  2098-2099.  Reference  to  expatriation  of  the 
adherents  of  Frederick.  —  2100.  The  Charter  shows  such  damage, 
and  it  is  said  that  the  Emperor  himself  cut  it  (Gindely^  I,  255).  — 
2103.  An  unusual  use  of  bruttt,  that  is  due  to  the  fact  that.  Sabort« 
tVXf  designation  of  the  more  radical  sects  into  which  the  foUowers 
of  Huss  were  divided  after  his  death.  —  2104.  Before  ^^\^  sc. 
benu  See  List  of  Persons.  —  2108.  See  Introd.,  p.  ix.  —  21 13." 
beiS  SRai^r  ^^^  name  of  the  month  is  usually  undeclined  in  this 
construction.  *  _  _     - 

420  DIE   PICCOLOMINI  ^L.  2120 

159.  2120-2121.  leiben  laffeit,  to  shout  „(S«  lebe!"  as  toast, 

hence  *  to  drink  the  health  of .'  —  2 1 24.  Much  allowance  must  he 
tnade  for  drinkers.  —  2126.  Quiroga,  see  Introd.,  p.  xxx.  —  2129. 
bei^  3tt0  fCtttem,  colloquial  double  possessive.  —  2 131.  Wr,  eth. 
dat.,  tr.,  */  teil  you.^  kiertottnberfame,  a  hybrid  Word  =  kounber» 
bare.  —  2132.  ffi^toa]r5e,  swarthy, 

160.  2136.  ne  Spaniards  are  of  no  use,  S.D.  for  Scene  6.  Qt 
ftdi  gefeiert,  absorbed,  —  2144.   fagte,  conditional.  —  2147.    @d^l9te« 

ger,  for  ©t^iüiegermutter.  —  2148.  Cp.  1. 1915,  and  11.  2036-2038. 

161.  2155.  Sßbx€  ^Uvxvxi,  Just  as  it  comes ;  SEBett'd  eben  trifft 

\it.f /ust  wkom  it  strikes^  Whoever  comes  along,  —  2158.  d^tlt  @|ric(= 
li^etty  (Let  US  have)  a  gatne, 

102.  2166.  ^tti^,  i-e^y  the  results  of  the  exposure.  —  2169. 
Dberfter,usually  Dberfl,  but  here  treated  like  an  adj.  noun.  —  2175. 

tini^  begegnen,  agree, 

163.  2180.  311^  Ijoft^  ei^  mit  (sc.  eud^),  /  c^ee  with  you,  or, 
perhaps,  I  will  join  you,  —  2188.  gfott^  il^nt  tn'i^  @e)lftlf,  Fall  upon 
kis  baggage,  />./Stir  him  up.'  —  2189.  @li^(ag^  bte  Dnortter  U^W 
auf,  attack  him  unawares  (an  expression  used  and  explained  by 
Schiller  in  Book  V  of  the  Thirty  Vears*  War);  t»  ift  nidft  ri^ttg, 
tAere  is  sometking  wrong  {^ith  him),  —  2 191.  nttte?fd^?etbty  for  foll 

1 64.  2 1 98.  Believe me, this siony  fellow , .  ,is the missin^ime,  — 
2201.  bring^^  in  drinking,//^^^. 

165.  2203.  ^ott  fhraf  ntiii^,  sc.  itienn  ic^  (üge;  a  common  form 
of  asseveration,  like  Eng. '  God  knows.'  —  2206.  ^af  t^r^d  nplft, 
rd  have  you  know  it!  Possibly  the  clause  indicates  purpose,  fol- 
lowed  by  (Srflärc  id^  understood.  —  2207.  mir,  eth.  dat.  —  2210. 
SSad  »Ottt  i^r?  What's  the  matter?  —  2213.  SBirb'«  bolb,  pre& 
for  f uture,  Is  something  Coming  of  it  soon  ? 

166.  2217.  (incomplete  line)  ttttterfli^riebett,  p.p.  as  impera- 
tive.—  2219.  motten,  Claim,  —  2231.  gfm^en,  trißes^  htrtformali' 

167.  2240.  fxäi^aMtten,guardthemseives.  — 2244.  nerbetbefl, 

the  less  usual,  uncootracted  foito,  with  the  transitive  sense  of  the 

^-    2378]  DIE    PICCOLOMINI  421 

verb.  —  2249.  Here  foUowed  in  the  Berlin  MS.  two  lines  by  Max: 
2)cr  55orbc^alt  ocrflf^t  Jit^  too^l  öon  fctbfl,  3)od^  flanb  er  einmol,  tüo* 
rum  bticb  er  weg?  To  which  Terzky  replied :  ÜDer  Äürje  falber 
unb  totiV^  m(^t  not  tl^ut 

168.  2254.  ftd^  toerflaitfttnert,  daused  himself  about^  made  res- 
ervations,  —  2256.  £iefetttngeit,  contracts  for  supplies,  —  2258.  Be- 

fore  ©pi^bttbeti  sc.  2)ie  Jinb.  --  2260.  SRan  \i^x\^i  ja  ittir^  7%i>  « 

only  talk. 

169.  2266.  ^Jid^t  mel^r,  not — at  this  lote  hour,  —  2267.  That 
Max  should  address  his  father  by  his  —  the  way  in 
which  the  other  officers  spoke  of  him  —  may  be  intended  to  express 
the  distance  which  is  growing  between  father  and  son.  —  2269. 
faljc,  tinal  e  in  pret.  sing,  ind.,  flrst  and  third  persons,  after  analogy 
of  the  subjunctive,  was  known  in  MHG.,  and  was  very  common 
in  Luther*s  time.  —  2270-2271,  btti^  fouilte  Itltr,  etc.,  there  was  no 
reason  why  it  should  not  suit  me, 

170,  2281.  nttkie]rfängli4d, /»»^^^/{/.  —  2284.  berabgebrunge« 

ttett  tttttetfd^ttff,  the  signature  which  they  tried  to  force from  you, 

171«  2292.  foHteft  bit,  they  tried  to  make  you, —  2296.  This  in- 
timation  of  the  length  of  time  covered  by  Wallenstein's  duplicity 
is  not  warranted  by  fact,  but  is  rhetorical  exaggeration.  —  2304. 
fajl  =  fe^r.  —  2307.  With  fo  sc.  aut^  after  bttt  — 2308.  Before  fo  sc. 
um.  —  2309.  After  bid^,  sc.  bl«^er. 

172.  2318.  ttltirb^i^  ettIgeleUet,  preparations  are  being  made.  — 
2325.  At  this  time  W.  had  not  half  so  many  troops  at  his  com- 
mand.  —  2330.  Any  such  vilely  shatneful  thing,  —  2333.  This  was 
precisely  Wallenstein 's  claim,  and  a  very  laudable  purpose.  —  2334. 
Contains^  the  most  serious  impeachment  of  the  Emperor. 

173.  2344.  to\x,  i'e.,  Wallenstein  and  his  army.  This  was 
rather  Wallenstein 's  purpose  as  the  Court  belle  ved,  not  the  actual 
condition  of  affairs.  —  2350.  Without  law  or  Obligation  he  lies  en- 
campe d  over  against  the  State.  —  2360.  All  sorts  of  wild  rumors 
were  circulated  in  Vienna  concerning  Wallenstein's  intentions. 

174.  2370.  9Cltd(anbent^  O.  naively  ignores  the  fact  that  he 
also  is  a  foreigner.  —  2371.  ^li^afgotffi^,  see  List  of  Persons^ — 
2374.  In  fact  no  troops  were  entrusted  to  Kinsky.  —  2378.  @(a^,  a 

422  DIE   PICCOLOMINI  [l.   2379 

province  of  Silesia,  did  not  belong  to  Wallenstein.  —  2379.  Scf^ 
also  in  Silesia,  was  sold  to  him  by  the  Emperor.  —  2387.  After  the 
first  Revers  Gallas  spent  some  time  in  Pilsen.  See  Introd^ 
p.  XXXV.  —  2390.  He  makes  no  secret  of  it;  this  ei^  is  an  original 

175.  2403.  bted  ^efli^Ieil^t  klOn  ^tÜVtXVifthisgeneraHon  of 
faultfinders^j  the  implication  being  that  most  contemporaries  are 
such ;  cp.  ToJ^  1.  584. 

176.  2422.  em|lfiltbnii^,  deeply.  —  2^2^.  fet^Ö,  he  it,  U.,  •! 
grant  it* — 2429.  No  such  letters  from  the  Swedes  could  have 
been  shown  at  this  time;  cp.  1.  181 7.  It  is  a  question  whether 
Schiller  meant  to  have  Octavio  lie  here.  —  2430.  Note  how  the 
altered  accent  of  the  repeated  words  Supports  the  meter. 

177.    2445.  meiner  ^af^vf^tit,  of  trutk  from  me.  —245»- 

»O^r,  say  frauk.  —  24*53.  fott^engenb,  selfperpetuating,  —  2454- 
34  fiftgle  Itilijt,  I  do  not  draw  fine  disHnctions, — 2457.  Variier, 
in  so  doing.  — -  2461 .  ^(ß^  f oö,  /  am  fated  not  to,  —  2463.  ttnb  >« 
tOtUfit  t^tt,  etc.,  and you  say  that you  have,  etc. 

178.  2472.  b.  0Olbnett  ^ixltXf  the  Bohemian  crown.  —  2474. 
fojt,  for  umfaßt,  or  faßt  —  an.  —  2477-2480.  Note  the  meter.  ^ 
Sli^ntt  (on  the  part  of  Vengeance),  etc.,  and  he  will  touch  her  witk 
horror  ox  say,  will  feel  her  horrible  touch.     We  should  expect: 

9tü^ret  fte  i^n  an. 

1 80.  2503-2504.  The  Emperor's  son,  af  terwards  Ferdinand  III. 

—  2505.  See  Introd.,  p.  xxxiv.  2507.  With  the  stress  on  jt,  as 
here,  the  phrase  is  equivalent  to  Do  not  dream  of  such  a  thing.  — 
2509.  ^tiitn't,  operative.  —  2522.  3(ttf  —  l)ttty  on  the  strengtk  of.— 
2527.  In  fact  Wallenstein  offered  repeatedly  Xo  resig^n,  even  as late 
as  February  20th.    See  Introd.,  p.  xxxvi. 

181,  2537.  This  line  concedes  the  whole  case  in  Wailenstein's 
favor.  —  2548.  bet,  this,  i.e.,  Wallenstein's.    ein  anbever,  others. 

■    18a.  2555.  ^  sf^li  be  glad  to  see  it.  —  2559.  Herlailiei,  gel  out. 

—  «562.  OeneraUentnant,  i.e.,  Gallas;  his  real  title,  but  othcnrisc 
assigned  in  the  drama  to  Octavio.  Cp.  note  to  Todf  K  1006.  Unk, 
for  getraute  M,  sc.  |u  »rdinu 

Gallensteins  tod  42S 

183.  2635.  The  Bohemian  Forest,  wooded  mountain  region 
f orming  the  south-west  boundary  of  Bohemia ;  scene  of  part  of  Die 
Räuber,  —  2569.  i.e.^  Gallas.  —  2577.  ttaii^er,  South  German  dia* 
lect  form  of  nac^.  —  2579.  Sesina's  confession  was  made  under 
other  circumstances.     See  Introd.,  p.  xlvi.  —  2581.  Cp.  Tody  1.  664; 

184.  2582.  ^attenlierg,  Ffraumberg,  about  thirty-five  miles 
west  of  Pilsen  (see  Map).  —  2589.  ^atP1t§t1ter,  the  Capuckins  .were 
especially  hostile  to  Wallenstein,  but  the  only  monastery  in  Pilsen 
which  could  be  thought  of  in  this  connection  was  the  Franciscan 
monastery  connected  with  the  Church  Maria  Himmelfahrt.  —  2590. 
The  monastery  is  conceived  svP  forming  part  of  the  city  wall. 

1 8£^.   2605.  gtlfel^ett,  look  on  indifferenüy^  hence  permiU 

186,  2630.   9e0ittnett,  acHon^  not  *begiiming.' 

187.  2635.  This  is  exactly  what  was  done,  according  to  the 
advocates  of  Wallenstein. 

Perfonen : 

S^ommen^attt,  so  spelled  in  Schiller*s  authorities ;  now  j^omman« 


^Hnjor,  major,  officer  in  the  infantry.  The  corr6sponding  cav- 
alry  title  was  ObertDQc^tmetfler. 

(Other  words  and  titles  are  found  in  Notes  to  H^ailenstein*  La^er  and  Du 


It  is  to  be  remembered  that  Acts  I  and  II  of  Wallensteins 
Tod  made  Acts  IV  and  V  of  Die  Piecolomini  as  Schiller  com- 
pleted  it  and  as  it  was  played.  Thus  the  title  of  Die  Piccolo^ 
mini  was  more  fitting  than  at  present.  The  first  scene  of  the  pres- 
ent  Act  I,  Tod,  was  one  of  the  last  written.  It  had  been  agreed 
between  Schiller  and  Goethe  that  the  astrological  motive  was  jus* 
tified,  even  demanded,  as  part  of  the  historical  background,  and 
Schiller  ezpected  to  give  thus  to  Wallenstein  the  confidence  with 


which  he  should  enter  upon  the  decisive  step  in  his  career.  But  he 
feared  lest  the  introduction  of  astrological  details  should  seem  ab- 
surd rather  than  impressive;  his  letters  refer  to  the  theme  as  **äii 
Fratze."  First  he  planned  a  scene  in  which  Seni  was  to  introduce 
,an  oracle  lef  t  by  Kepler. 

The  original  scene  was  as  f ollows : 


60  ift  er  tot,  mein  olter  gfi^cuitb  unb  ßc^rer  ? 


(Sr  fiarb  au  $abua  in  feinem  ]()unbert 

Unb  neunten  Sebendjallir,  grab'  auf  bte  @tunbe, 

S)te  er  im  ^orofto))  fti^  felbjl  bejiimmA. 

Unb  unter  brei  Orateln,  bie  er  na(^Iie^, 

SBobon  jmei  in  (SrfüQung  ft^on  gegangen; 

fSfanb  man  au(^  bte§/  unb  aKe  3BeIt  xoxVi  meinen, 

(Sd  geV  auf  bi4 

(Sr  fc^reibt  mit  großen  Suö^ftaben  auf  eine  fd^marse  Zo\d. 

SBanettfrein  auf  bie  Xafel  blicfenb. 
(Sin  ffinffai^  F.  —  ^m !  ©eltfam ! 
^ie  @eifier  Pflegen  SDuntel^eit  au  lieben  — 
9Ber  mir  ba9  nai^  ber  Söa^r^eit  (efen  tonnte ! 

(Sd  ift  gelefeU/  ^err. 


(Sdift?    Unb^ei^t? 

%\x  %hxX^  bon  bem  ftebenfai^n  M^ 
^aS  bon  bem  nfimlii^n  $^iIofo))^u§ 
Aura  bor  bem  ^infi^eib  beS  ]()o^feIigen  AaifcrS 
Sßatt^idS  in  bie  9Be(t  geftettet  morben. 


3a  mo^I !    (£g  gab  unS  bamald  biel  au  beuten. 
9Bie  ]()ie^  eS  bo(^  ?    (Sin  W>n6i  ^at  e§  gebeutet. 


Magnus  Monarcha  Mundi  Matthias  Mense  Majo  Morienur 


Unb  baS  traf  ^finttüt^  ein,  im  9)lai  berftarb  er. 

S)er  jenes  M  gebeutet  nat^  ber  3Ba^r]()eit, 
^at  au(^  bieS  F  gelefen. 

SBaflenfKeiit  gefpannt 
9{un!    ßaHören! 


69  t|i  ein  SerS. 


3n  SSerfen  fprii^t  bie  ©ottl^eit. 
@eiti  fd^reibt  mit  großen  Sud^fta^en  auf  bie  XafeL 

SBaneitfleiit  lieU. 
Fidat  Fortunae  Fridlandus. 

•  ®eni. 

^rieblanb  traue  betn  (S^Iüd. 

©d^reibt  toeitet. 

SBalTenftetit  Ueft 
Fata  Favebunt. 


%k  $DeT]()&n0niffe*tDerben  \\)m  ](|o(b  fein. 


Sfrieblanb  traue  bem  @(üd!    5Die  JBer^fingniffe  merben  t^m  l^olb  fein. 

(Sr  bleibt  in  tiefen  &thanUn  ftei^en. 

©o^er  bteö  SBort  mir  ftftaßt  —  Ob  e§  gana  teer, 
Ob  gana  getoii^ttg  ifi,  boS  ift  bie  ^rage ! 
^ier  giebt'd  tein  aJlittlereS.    5Die  ^5(^fie  SeiSl^eit 
(^r&nat  ^ier  fo  na^e  an  ben  ^5(^fiten  SBal^n. 
SBie  f 00  ii^'S  prüfen  ?    3BaS  bie  @inne  mir 
€eltfame3  bringen,  ob  eS  au3  ben  SItefen 
@e^etmniSooQer  Stunft  ^eraufgefüegen. 
Ob  nur  ein  Srugbilb  auf  ber  Dberfläifte  — 
€(4mer  ifi  bad  Urteil,  benn  SBetoeife  giebt'8 
'<^ier  feine.    Stur  bem  @eifie  in  und 
(Siebt  fi(4  ber  @eifi  bon  au^en  au  erfennen. 
S^er  nii^t  ben  @Iauben  l^at,  für  ben  bemül^n 
€t(^  bie  Dämonen  in  oerlornen  9Bunbern, 
Unb  in  bem  finnboQ  tiefen  99u(^  ber  Sterne 
fiiefi  fein  gemeines  %ug'  nur  ben  italenber. 
2)em  reben  bie  Oratel,  ber  fie  nimmt, 
Unb  mie  ber  @(^atte  fonft  ber  9Birtü(^!eit, 
@o  fann  ber  Körper  Idier  bem  ©(Ratten  folgen. 
2)enn  mie  ber  @onne  SBilb  fi(^  auf  bem  5Dunfi!ret8 
9RaIt,  eV  fie  (ommt,  fo  f(^reiten  au(^  ben  großen 
<Skf(^i(!en  i^re  (^ifter  ft^on  boran, 
Unb  in  bem  $eute  toanbelt  f(^on  ba§  9)lorgen. 
2)ie  SRfii^te,  bie  ben  IDlenfi^en  feltfam  führen, 
2)rel^n  oft  baS  3anu3bilb  ber  3cit  fi(^  um, 
^ie  Sutunft  mu^  bie  ©egenmart  gebären. 
Fidat  Fortunx  Fridlandus,  Fata  Favebunt. 


68  IUn0t  ntd^t  »ie  ein  menfi^lii^  SDort  —  bie  9Dorte 
2)er  Jktn]ä^n  ftnb  nur  toefenlofe  Qtxäitn, 
2)er  ©eifier  9Borte  ftnb  lebenbtoe  aRfii^te. 
(SS  tritt  mir  na%  »ie  eine  bunfle  Araft, 
Unb  rü(ft  an  meinen  tiefflen  SebenSffiben, 
JSliv  i%  tnbem  it^'S  bilbe  mit  ben  2xpptn, 
^18  l^übe  fii^'d  almfilio,  unb  eS  trfite 
@tarrblufenb  mir  ein  ©eifierl^au^t  entgegen. 

Goethe  favored  this  at  first,  but  afterwards  gave  good  reasons 
against  the  anagram.  Not  until  the  version  for  the  Berlin  theatre 
had  been  sent  off,  the  last  week  in  December,  1798,  did  Schiller  de- 
cide  to  use  the  present  eIaborate*setting  of  the  astrological  room, 
and  *give  the  thing  instead  of  the  symbol/  as  we  now  have  it. 

191«   9{otttnbe,  observatory.     Comp.  Picc.^  p.  1594  ff.  —  i.  Scf 

Cd  gut  fein,  that  will  do, — 2.  JSiaxd  regiert  bie  Shtnbe.  This  seems 

to  be  in  contradiction  to  1.  30.  It  may  be  that  the  present  line 
means:  Mars  is  in  the  ascendant,  while,  as  shown  in  11.  11- 14,  his 
maleficent  influenae  is  counteracted  by  the  aspect  of  the  other 
planets.  Another  suggested  explanation  is  that  our  line  speaks  of 
Mars  not  astrologically,  but  in  the  ördinary  figure  as  the  god  of 
war,  hence  means :  Now  is  the  time  for  real  war  —  (the  time  for 
astrology  is  past). 

192.  16.  8tta1^(ititg  =  (Stral^L— 17.  ^9^^t\\^^%  for  ^egm 
fd^ein.  The  evil  influence  of  one  planet  upon  otbers  could  be  exer- 
cised  only  when  in  quartile  or  Opposition,  not  when  in  conjunction. 
—  23.  9Ra(efiC0,  miscküf-maker  ((St^abenftiftcr);  Saturn  and  Mars 
were  hostile,  Venus  and  Jupiter  friendly  in  their  portent.  ie(et= 
bigt,  distressed,  disturbed,  —  24.  in  cadenU  domo.  According  to 
astrology  the  heavens  were  divided  by  meridians  into  twelve  por- 
tions  called  *houses';  the  first  was  the  section  just  below  the  hori- 
zon  in  the  East,  and  was  called  the  house  of  life.  In  that  house 
planets  were  most  efficient  in  their  influence,  and  were  said  to  be 
in  Oriente  domo^  *in  the  .ascendant.'  Going  toward  the  zenith  the 
houses  were  those  of  wealth,  brethren,  relations,  children,  health, 
marriage,  death,  religion,  dignities,  friends,  enemies.  In  the  last 
house  a  planet  was  weakest,  and  was  said  to  be  in  caäente  domo^ '  in 
a  setting  house.*  —  26.  Cp.  Picc.^  11.  964  ff.  —  33-34«  @Ulffd§eflatt| 
favorabU  aspect.  —  35.  ^intllteldbogen,  firmamenU 

I<.    I9S3  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  427 

103.  43.  This  whole  motive — the  captured  evidence  that  forces 
Wallenstein  to  actual  rebellion  —  is  invented;  see  Introd.,  p.  lii. 
—  47.  Franz  Albrecht  of  Sachsen-Lauenburg  was  sent  by  Wallexi- 
stein  to  Regensburg  to  summon  Bernhard  of  Weimar  and  was  cap- 
tured, but  this  had  no  influence  on  Wallenstein's  fate.  —  50.  Kinsky 
was  at  this  time  in  Pilsen. 

104:.  56.  2ÖÖr'  CS  auä^  (sc.  ber  %aU),  Even  if  it  7vere  the  case 
{that),  This  oondition  belongs  with  the  implied  negative  in  the  pre- 
ceding  question.  — 62.  Cp.  Picc,  1.  854.  — %v&^  fttttf  ici^  £ttgett,  tr., 
[  deny  it. 

10£(«  69.  In  the  transactions  of  the  last  year  W.  did  not  in  fact 
deal  with  Sesina  in  person.  —  70-71.  mit  bfittem  ^fl^eitltttii^,  by 
the  betrayal  of  your  secret,  —  78.  fic,  i.e,,  tnclnc  gclltbc,—  86.  Ü^ttett^ 

i.e.,  beincn  geinbcm  —  90.  tttttt,  xx.,finally. 

196.  94.  fott  =  folltc.  —  HI.  0]|nma(i^t,  impounce. 

197.  123.  SIo^eY  Sigeubünfel,  a  mere  whim  {i.e.,  on  Max's 
part,  which  prevented^  his  signing).  —  1 26.  Cp.  Säger,  689  ff ; 
1.  1009;  1.  1028;  Picc,  1226  ff.  —  131.  Spanier,  trisyllabic. 

198.  143.  auf . . .  l|iti,  with  a  View  Ä?.— 151.  fSttlgUd^ett  $off= 

nuttgr  hope  of  being  king  (of  Bohemia).  —  156-158.  Cp.  Faust,  Part 
I,  11.  632-33. 

199.  160.  2ölc  Icft^iJ  kierfttfi^en  mag,  However  I  may  try  it.— 
162.  %tx  frommen  Ouelle  reine  Xl|at,  the  pure  deedfrom  a  blameless 
source. —  163.  ffi^Ummbeutenb,  with  malidous  interpretation. —  164. 
^ar,  for  lüärc ;  tr.,  If  I  had  been  what  I  am  believed  to  be,  1 
loould  have  kept  up  fair  appearances.  This  indic.  for  a  condition, 
contrary  to  fact  is  rare.  Cp.  English,  If  J  was.  Whitney  Gr.,  §  332, 
I,  e.  Another  case  is  Maria  Stuart,  IV,  lo:  SBar  tc^  t^ramtifd^, 
wie  ble  fpanH(^€  SWaria  lüar,  Ic^  fönntc  jc.  —170.  Wallenstein's  out- 
bursts  of  wrath  were  frequent  and  violent.  Uieil  t^  bie  %%üi  nid^t 
mar,  because  the  deedwas  not.  —  175.  mir,  against  me.  —  178.  En- 
snared  tnyself  to  my  own  destruction.  —  182.  (Srl^altung,  for  @ctbfl* 
erfjaltung;  same  construction  as  iRot,  subject  of  ^etfc^t^  —  189.  Let 
out  into  the  alien  {ßelds)  of  life. 

200.  191.  '^tXttViVXvS^,reliable,deserving'S^tX\X^VitX{,.'—l<yi.  S5e« 
gitttten,  undertaking,  not  beginning.  —  194.  tl^roneube,  tr.,  enthroned. 
—  195.  In  possession  hallowed  by  years.  —  206.  Not  what  manifests 

428  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  f  L.  207 

iUelfwith  life  and  power,  —  207.  baiS  gefSl^irUd)  ^Wt&jjÜbtm^  ta  b< 
feared  as  dangerous.  —  208.  btti^  Cttlig  ^efttigt,  the  eUmal  yesUr- 
day,  i.e.f  the  power  of  precedent  and  established  usage.  —  211.  9t- 
mttttftlt,  commonplace,  —  213.  Disturbs  his  venerabU  old fumiture, 

—  215.  Cp.  1.  195.  —  216.  ffif^  archaic  for  t)or,  —  218.  ^etlt^,  sup- 
plemehtal  accusative. 

201.  220.  But  cp.  Tod,  1.  69.-224.  ((mten  9legätteKle,  so 

calied  on  account  of  the  color  of  its  uniforms.  Sfibttmattttlmb,  a 
Swedish  province.  —  225.  Wrangel,  see  List  of  Persona.  —  230.  bcr 
$e(t,  name  of  the  straits  on  either  side  of  the  Island  of  Fiinen 
(®roger  unb  ^(einer  $elt),  but  in  an  old  cut  of  the  siege  of  Strat 
sund  the  sund  is  calied  '  Maris  Baltici  Pars,  Die  Beldt,  Oost  See.* 
The  name  is  derived  from  Baltic,  and  seems  to  be  used  as  equival- 
ent  Piccy  1.  237.  —  232.  In  the  plans  for  the  campaigD  of  1628 
Wallenstein  was  to  be  made  „®cncral  bcr  gangcit  fatferlit^en  Schiff«'' 
armaba  gu  ^ttXf  XQxt  auc^  ©eneral  bed  Ogeanifd^en  unb  %(tifc^ 
3)?ecrS" ;  this  was  frustrated  by  the  successful  defense  of  Stralsund. 
See  Introd.,  p.  xv.  * 

202.  236.  TTie  letter  is  a  poser  (is  not  defective).  (It  must  be 
assumed  that  Wrangel  delivered  a  letter  in  response  to  the  demand 
for  his  credentials,  though  there  is  no  stage  direction  to  this  effect.) 

—  240.  As  Wallenstein 's  estates  were  in  Bohemia  it  was  natural  to 
infer  that  his  ambition  would  look  toward  the  Bohemian  crown.  — 
241.  $0(i^fe(tge,  late  king;  the  prefix  $0C^  gives  the  idea  of  'king*; 
more  literally  the  word  is  the  illustrious  dead.  —  242.  eitfV=  eurer; 
euer  Knaben  is  genitive  plural,  the  plural  of  royalty,  limiting  the 
words  in  the  next  line.  —  243.  ^üttrefflilltem,  archaic  for  üortreff« 
Ud^cm.  —  244.  $errf (i^kierftättbtgfte,  the  one  best  quaUfied  to  rule.  — 
247-248.  Ci^.  Piccy  11.  826-827;  Tod,  11.  1973-1975.  —  249.  See 
Introd.,  p.  xxiv;  cp.  also  Ficc,  11 14  ff.  and  1036  ff. 

203«  260.  @etne  SBÜrbeu,  His  Grace,  i.e,y  the  Chancellor.  Herc 
the  royal  plural  takes  singular  agreement,  and  in  1.  291,  but  plural 
agreement  in  1.  285 ;  in  1.  380  the  direct  pronoun  il^r  (nom.)  is  ad- 
dressed  to  W.,  and  in  11.  228,  273,  and  393  @tc  (nom.)  is  employed 
by  Wrangel.  We  must  admit  that  usage  on  this  point  was  not 
fixed.  —  270.  SBcWttgtfcitt,  for  ©cttJiffcil.  —  272.  gfirftliilifett,  un- 
usual  for  fürflUd^c  §o^cit,  or  fürjiUc^e  Onobeiu  —  277»  fMtatV^ 

^•3373  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  429 

Confunction  (of  circumstances),  Situation,  —  278.  In  war  every  ad- 
vantage  is  available ;  *all*s  fair  in  war.* 

204,  289.  tlOV  iS^^^^tt  is  not  commonly  used  of  so  short  a 
period.  Wallenstein  raised  his  first  great  army  in  1625,  and  the 
second,  the  most  remarkable  Performance,  to  which  1.  290  refers, 
only  two  years  before  this  scene.  9){enf(i^enbenfen,  human  ex- 
pectation,  —  298.  Expanded:  @uci^  Ift'^  um  tiefe  ^^^t  ju  t^un.  — 
304.  ftineit  ^fYb  unb  ^Yll^e,  this  making  an  adjective  do  double 
duty,  even  in  violation  of  grammatical  agreement,  is  quite  common 
with  Germanpoets;  cp.  in  Wallensteins  Tod,  11.  243,  276,  287,  525, 

20£».  309.  Sdl^eittt,  this  form  is  nearer  to  the  original  Latin 
Boihemum  than  the  more  common  ©ö^mcn»  —  310.  It  is  only  for 
rhetorical  effect  that  W.  would  speak  thus  of  his  army  to  an  enemy, 
though  the  whole  speech  is  true.  —  311.  aufgegebene,  abandoned, 
—  315.  See  Introd.,  p.  viii.  —  321.  Martinitz  and  Slawata  are 
accused  of  having  done  this  in  fact.  —  322.  Lit.,  to  which  that  is 
offered;  tr.,  which  has  to  suffer  that  —  325.  %\ViiSs^i,  for  5lbfaIL 

206.  332.  ber  Sil^eittgYaf.  It  was  really  Bernhard  of  Weimar, 
but  Schiller  changed  the  name  out  of  consideration,  it  is  said,  for 
the  Court  at  Weimar;  yet  no  concealment  is  made  of  the  fact  that 
Bernhard  was  engaged  against  the  Emperor.  It  was  the  connection 
with  W.  in  what  were  regarded  as  treasonable  actions,  which  is 
suppressed  by  this  Substitution.  Rhinegrave  Otto  Ludwig  was  at 
Ulis  time  in  command  of  troops  on  the  upper  Rhine.  —  333.  füttf- 
Se^lttaitfenb  äj^attn,  Wallenstein  has  spoken,  I.  283,  and  later, 
1.  1822,  of  sixteen  thousand;  the  inconsistency  here  may  be  attrib- 
uted  on  Wallenstein's  part  to  a  desire  to  make  the  number  as  large 
as  possible,  and  on  Wrangel's  to  keep  the  number  down.  Wrangel's 
use  of  the  larger  number,  1.  293,  is  merely  argumentative,  following 
Wallenstein's  proposal.  Just  below,  Wrangel  speaks  of  gtnolf  Sie'' 
gititettter,  and  so  does  Buttler,  1.  2682.  The  regiment  of  infantry 
numbered  in  the  I7th  Century  from  looo  to  2000  men.  This  ex- 
plains  how  Terzky,  1.  2756,  can  put  the  number  at  12,000.  —  336. 
^Obetimg.  Schiller  used  fobem  regularly  for  modern  forbem.  — 
337.  Bernhard  was  indeed  in  command  of  an  army  of  Swedes. 
f ^tv^btfllt  9«I4  s^^°>^  ^^^>^  ^  d^epiment^  as  in  the  phrase  ein  ©lad 


SBaffer,  although  usage  calls  for  the  genitive  when  an  adjective  pre- 
cedes  the  noun  (1.  342).  The  unusual  order  af ter  f Oltfl  is  due  to  the 
meter.  —  344.  bif  f)»antfd)en  9{egimeitter,  under  Altringer  sincc  his 
return  from  the  siege  of  Mantua;  see  Introd.,  p.  xxi.  —  345.  After 

ergeben  sc.  f  »b»  — ^  348.  ^V^  nm  (Sger,  a/i  right  as  to  Eger, 

207«  353.  After  blosse,  gu  t^un,  moreoverywe  are  notconcemeJ 
to  merely  proUct  —  355.  SBie  (sc.  e«)  bittig  (sc  ifl).  —  357.  Tkr 
Swede  must  be  on  his  guard  with  the  Germans,  —  365.  etxet  ^CS^ 
bott ;  nouns  ending  in  ~t)oIl  have.  the  gender  of  their  noun  element. 
—  368.  See  Introd.,  p.  xxiii.  —  372.  Fly  our  penants  (set  Äil)y>r 

208.  376.  ^ad  fd^ölie  @Yeita(aitb,  Pomerunia.  —  Tl^^  Before 
ndtig  sc.  für.  —  384.  ier  9ait$(er,  Oxenstim,  —  386t  Devüe  a 
better  (plan), 

209.  395.  The  order  demands  SDa  at  the  beginning  of  the  Une. 
398-399.  9[(t{itobt,  main  business  part  of  Prague,  on  right  aide  of 
the  Moldau,  Keine  @eite,  and  9{atfd|ttt,  the  residence  portion.— 
405.  The  negotiations  of  two  years  before  with  Gustavus  had  been 
broken  off ;  only  at  the  very  last  were  they  resumed,  and  thls  time 
¥rith  Bernhard.  —  408.  mitt,  etc.,  requires  to  be  well  considered.  — 
411.  rid^tig,  all  right, 

210.  419.  S^onrbon^  see  List  of  Persons.  —  424  ff.  Theie  is 
nothing  inconsistent  even  with  the  latest  critical  view  of  Walles- 
stein  in  ^utting  this  fine   eulogy  of  loyalty  into  his  mouth.  — 

428.  madit  grrtebe  goes  with  oertrfigt  and  Dcrgleic^t  fti^  in  L  430,  all 

/or  the  purpose  of  hunting  the  common  enemy.  —  429.  Mld,  neut 
s"*g» ;  tr.,  T!hose  who  strive  ever  so  franUcetlly  to  destroy  eack  other. 
—  430-  ivertragt  (sc.  ftc^),  bergleidit  {tdp,  make  up  amicowu  ta  terms. 

211.    4^.  jener  Ämrl,  Charles  V.,  see  »ourbon  in  List  of  Per- 

fions.— 44,.  Qjijn,  unusual  for  O^eim,  ^www/ «iff/f  of  Fenünand  II. 

ee  Introd.,    p.  vi,  note.  —  443.  9ht^,  selfini^sL     Note  this 

P^Uar  use  of  the  neg.  with  («ffen;  tr.,  I hope  not,  iH>t  f  wiü  mt 

ß^^"^"*^^-  Instead  of  this  line  Schüler  wrote  in  the  MS.  for  the 

4&«bt  birfc  3un0c  nifbt  an  micb,  i^  Mtt'  Qn^ 
3br  »i|t,  üe  ifl  bif  »flfff,  Me  mtfb  tötet, 
««f*IoQ«n  bin  icft,  nenn  ein  SBcib  mi«  anfilU; 

52o]  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  431 

3(^  fattn  mit  bem  ©efi^Ui^t  nt(^t  SBorte  mei^feln; 
^nn  nt(^t  mit  @rünben  ifi  e§  au  gewinnen. 
%it  befie  @a(b'  in  Beiber^anb  Mtbirbt. 

^8.  The  only  kings  of  Bohemia  elected  within  the  countess'  time 
ere  Frederick  V*.  and  Ferdinand  IL,  and  by  Wallenstein's  con- 
^mptuous  remark  in  the  next  line  Frederick  must  be  intended. 
ut  there  was  no  connection  between  him  and  either  Countess 
erzky  or  Countess  Kinsky,  Terzky's  sister,  from  whose  character 
ountess  Terzky  is  in  part  made  ?ip.  Terzky*s  mother  was  an 
ctive  Patriot,  and  was  interested  in  Frederick's  election.  — > 
49.  //e  was  what  one  might  expect  (from  being  of  your  make) 
lOratt  liegt  t^,  what  is  the  Situation  ? 

212.  4SI.  H  Mn  fertig,  I give  it  «/.  — 4S6-457»  When  the 
Veam  is  about  to  become  reality,  —  460.  Justify  your  enemies,  i.e., 
our  enemies  at  the  imperial  court.  —  462.  They  gladly  attribute  the 
urpose  to  you.  —  465.  ^a,  in  that,  —  473.  ^bti^gattg,  issue^  i.e.y 
he  final  form  of  every  event. 

213«  474.  (incomplete  line)  Teil  him  to  wait.  —  477.  Max 's 
>usiness  is  that  declared  in  Picc.y  V,  3.  —  479.  ertnattett,  let  it 
oait.  Tbe  Countess  thinks  or  pretends  to  think  that  Max  has 
:ome  to  declare  his  love  f or  Thekla.  —  490.  After  9ittl^m,  sc.  unb. 

—  492.  One  of  Wallenstein's  foUowers  is  said  to  have  made  this 
trery  proposition  to  him  on  the  flight  to  Eger,  to  which  W.  replied: 

J)er  ^lan  ifl  gut,  aber  bcr  %tvi\ti  traue, 

214.  498.  TTiey  (the  imperial  officers)  will  avoid  arbitrary  tneas- 
ures.  —  501.  Ferdinand  III.,  whom  his  father,  the  Emperor,  had  for 
some  time  wished  to  have  at  least  nominally  at  the  head  of  the 
irmy.  —  504.  JVill  have  the  troops  take  the  oath  of  allegiance.  — 
507.  See  Introd.,  p.  xlii.  —  509.  ©olblte  Sd^IÜffel,  symbol  of  tKe 
Office  of  Äammcr^err.  —  510.  gaftfrei  may  be  taken  for  gaftfrcic  or 
as  an  adverb  with  geben.  —  512-513.  And  because  he  is  so  wisely 
discreetas  no  longer  to  amount  to  or  signify  anything  in  reality.  — 

—  516-520.  These  five  lines  are  supposed  to  speak  the  populär  esti- 
mate  of  W.  when  he  shall  have  retired.  —  517.  ber  netten  3Wen» 
fd)en  einer,  one  of  those  upstarts.  —  518.  ÜbernälJ^tigei^,  mushroom. 

—  519.  StttfUiaitb,  effort,  —  520.  Here  fpUowed  in  the  version  for. 
the  Berlin  theatre : 

432  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  [l.  524 

SSaKenfteitt  ^ftig  beioegt 
^ViW  fie  l()inou8 ! 
Sa|  mir  ben  $icco(omint  herein. 

Gprit^,  ifi'3  bein  (Srnft  ?    3(^  bitte  ^i(4 !    ^u  fann|l 

Ereilt  toiHigen,  bii^  felbji  au  @rab  au  tragen, 

80  f(^tn&^Ii(^  au  Derrtegen,  fo  in  9{i(^td 

3u  enbigen  bein  anfprut^SüoIIed  fieben  ? 

9li(^t§  fein,  n)enn  man  ni(^t§  n)ar,  erträgt  fii^  tei(^t, 

5Do(^  ni(^t3  mel^r  fein,  gewefen  fein  — 

215.    $24,  \o  tin,  P»f  0/ ^Aese.    Xnt^tnh^äiMiitt,  viriu^-^rattr, 

535-  C^,  correlative  to  c^  in  11.  531  and  533,  not  to  be  translated. 

—  541.  After  this  line  foUow  in  the  Berlin  MS.  7  lines  citing  some 
actions  which  would  be  unnatural.  —  542.  It  is  stränge  that  thc 
Countess  knows  this;  the  first  announcement  of  it  otherwise  is  by 
Buttler,  p.  91.  It  is  also  stränge  that  the  announcement  has  no 
effect  on  W.  Perhaps,  however,  the  Countess  is  only  ezpressing 
her  fears.  —  545-548.  Cp.  7>//,  645-648. 

216«  556.  See  Introd.,  p.  xvii.  Cp.  Picc,  1.  1172.  —  565.  htm 
SBaierit,  Maximilian,  head  of  the  League.  —  569.  ma^Yltdl  does  not 
limit  guter,  but  modifies  the  whole  sentene.  —  572.  i^rew,  «>^  of 
the  members  of  the  League.  —  573.  feiueY  9{etgttltg,  Ais  (the  Em- 
peror^s) /avor.  —  577-578.  bct  ttid^t .  .  .  gebtettt  ift;  e«,  understood. 
is  subject,  ber  is  dat.  fem.,  since  bienett,  in  the  act.  voice  takes 
the  dat. 

217,  583.  lange  (usually  fo  lange)  HiJ,  etc.,  as  long as  it  can,— 
584.  btei^  @cffi^(efi^t,  this  generatiofty  i,e.y  such  people  as  the  Emperor 
and  hi«  courtiers.  —  585.  ^ral^ttttaffi^inen,  puppets,  —  587.  e^  has 
no  distinct  antecedent ;  c8  t^un  is  provincial  for  ausreichen.  —  589. 
ber  refers  to  @cift,  but  il^re,  1.  590,  goes  back  to  iRatur,  while  fei«, 
1.  591,  refers  to  ©cfc^Icc^t.  —  595.  umgreif enbe,  aggressive.  — 600- 
601.  For  every  independent  character  who  is  true  to  himself  is  rigkU 

—  602.    WC^ZX\l^XViikif  inconsistency,  —  (iC&,  SttUbei^^Ol^ett,  Ava/ ««- 

thority,  —  6u.  5ur  Orbuttug  bermeifen,  call  to  order, 

218.  618-619.  ^em  ift  »irfUd^  fo,  that  (lit.,  with  that)  is  rtaUy 

j^.— 621.  9{afi^  ber  Drbnung,  rightfuiiy;  gef diesen  fönten,  for  ^tteu 
Jn^^e^cn  fottcn.  —  622-623.    Only  in  the  sense  that  th©  war  itself 

.  7^7]  WALLENSTEINS  TOD  433 

-as  a  crime  would  this  be  true.  —  627-628.  ^ttttttlte  *  ♦  •  h^tfftn, 
^rike  the  balance.  —  631.  @i?  ift  att  bct  3ctt,  the  time  is  at  hand, 

2  lO«  644.  brei  Soten,  to  Prague  and  Eger  (cp.  1.  832);  the  third 
lay  have  been  to  any  one  of  the  persons  mentioned  11.  50-51,  or  to 
''ranz  v.  Lauenburg,  see  List  of  Persons,  and  cp.  1.  1 549.  —  645.  His 
the  Emperor's)  evtl  spirit  and  mine.,  sc.  '  that  impels  me  to  this 
ourse.*  S'ftll,  ''.^.,  bcn  ^aifer, — 646.  et,  i.e.y  *our  evil  spirit.*  — 
149.  bed  ^raiJ^eit  3^4>^^r  alluding  to  the  legend  of  Cadmus,  or  of 
lason.  —  651.  U^'^i  —  WiitX  S^XtVX  ^tt%t%  bears  within  itself.  — 
152 .  bte  böfc  Hoffnung  =  Hoffnung  bc8  ^Öfcn,  the  anticipation  of 
'vil.  —  66 1.  Premature  rejoicing  inf  ringe s  upon  their  rights, 

220.  664-666.  QXf  Altringer.  Octavio  had  received  this  In- 
formation from  the  Kornet  in  Scene  2,  Act  V,  Picc.  £ttt5,  on  the 
Danube  below  Passau,  see  Map.  —  668.  See  note  to  1.  344 ;  ü^er- 
Kttltinft,  this  and  the  following  indicatives  are  imperative  in  sense. 
—  675.  Piccolomini's  arms  was  a  turtle  with  the  motto  'Gradatim,' 
but  there  is  no  historical  Warrant  for  this  depreciatory  remark 
about  him;  he  had  distinguished  himself  for  desperate  valor  at 
Lützen.     But  his  character  in  the  play  is  caution  and  reserve. 

221«  680.  %\itVf  this  familiär  address,  something  like  '*old 
man  "  in  English,  may  have  been  due,  in  Octavio's  case,  to  the  need 
of  distinguishing  him  from  Max,  as  well  as  to  the  affection  which 
usually  prompts  its  use. 

222.  695.  firftfenb  oui^sttüben,  to  testbyexercising.—^^,  @Cem« 

ptXf  Problem  ;  rcitt,  simple  (strictly,  without fractions),  —  699.  gattj, 

223.  729.  Yet  it  (war)  is  (may  also  h€)  good.  ^efd^ilf,  dispen- 
sation,  —  740,  Max  fears  the  power  of  Wallenstein*s  eyes.  —  743. 
in  beilteit  SBanben,  in  bondtoyou.  —  744.  ^vX  gtclli^,  Even  though^ 

224.  750.  (ü^eitbUifettb,  ^«^j^— 753-754.  ^i^tttag,  etc,,ii/tf«- 

kind  are  liable  to  such  moments.  —  755.  glülf Ud^,  healthy,  better;  so 
also  in  693,  and  2305-2306.  —  760.  Which  does  not  believe  nobility 
and  free  will  compatible,  —  761.  Ol^ttmad^t,  as  opposed  to  grci^cit, 
necessiiy,  constraint  (the  absence  of  individual  choice).  —  763. 
fttgt\  tr.  by  perf.  —  767.  Here  stood  in  the  Berlin  MS.  the  follow- 
ing lines: 

434  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  f  L.  77$ 

0  lm§f^  bleibt  immer  ü'jrig  —  iji  bie  le||tc  |  ScrameiflunaSöotte  3uflu4t  jcn« 
feilen  |  Gemüter,  benen  i^t^te,  guter  9hme  |  3f)r  Spargelb  ift;  i^r  ^fennia  it 
ber  9lot,  I  Xie  in  bed  i^lütfdjpielS  äBut  fi(^  felber  ^e|en.  |  3)u  bi^  ja  ztiift  un& 
^errltt^,  unb  ba§  ^öi^fie  |  ^rringfi  ^u  ^ir  mit  einem  reinen  ^erjen.  j^cdi 
»er  ba§  @(^&nbli(!^e  einmal  |  (^etban,  ber  t^ut  nichts  metter  mebr  auf  Qx^en. 

ÜBatteitftein  ergreift  feine  ^anb. 
@ei  rubia  ^ai.    $iel  @ro|e3  rootten  mir  |  Unb  2:reff(i(^§  aufamraen  no^ 
üoUfü^reu  ;  |  Unb  menn  mir  nur  erft  mürbig  oben  ^i%n,  |  ^ergigt  man  lei^t. 
mie  mir  l)inaufgeiommen.  |  @§  trägt  ft(^  ^eute  man^(  Stxont  rein,  |  Xie  ni4)t 
{o  reinlich  au(b  ermorben  morben. 

775.  Äeitl  Ühtt^^v\ttHt§  3Äaft,  J\^o  mere  0' erstepping  0/  the  hounä: 

—  776.  Jnto  wkich  the  spirit falls  by  excess  of  strength, 

225.  780.  TTiat  is  as  difficult  to  handle  as  a  kni/e-biade,  —  782. 
That  are  accountable  only  to  themselves,  —  783.  x^x,  to  it  (youth). 

—  785.  tl^antaftiffi^  ff^^^t't'i  ^«r  vaguely  includes  under.  —  789.  fU|, 
reciprocaly  things  clash  hard  in  Space,  —  794.  mo^tlt  =  fann  tDO^neiL 

—  795.  im  (eid^ten  Or^uer  =  leidet  im  geucr.  —  806.   Whick  dweü 

eviUdisposed  beneath  the  day^  />.,  in  the  earth. 

226,  807.  geneigt  tttad^ett,  propitiau,  —  809.  laSkAt^  thus  also 

the  French  has  the  subjunctive  in  the  relative  clause  foUowing  a 
negative ;  tr.,  has^  or  could  foUowed  by  the  Infinitive.  —  832.  To 
Prague,  to  take  possession  in  W/s  name;   to  Eger,  to  admit  tha 


227.  837.  bai^  $3clftfte  benennet,  is  a  synonym  for  the  highest 
(power);  (Söfar  =  Äaijer.  —  845.  Wrangel's  disappearance  does  not 
imply  the  failure  of  negotiations  with  the  Swedes;  we  must  assume 
that  a  second  interview  with  Wrangel  foUows  Act  I ;  at  any  rate, 
Wallenstein  had  despatched  his  own  messengers  to  complete  these 
arrangements,  1.  644.  But  the  question  is  then,  why  does  Wallen- 
stein  ask  for  Wrangel?  It  is  possible  that  Wallenstein,  infiuenced 
by  Max,'  thinks  of  revoking  his  decision, 

228.  854-855.  Cp.  1.  668. 

229.  873.  brnm  tongt  er  bir,  you  value  himfor  that  reason,  — 
876.  ftfi^tbarlid^,  a  rather  unusual  form,  though  ftc^tbar  and  fK^tU(i^ 
are  both  common. 

230.  890.  With  your  eyes  wide  open.  —  892,  Note  the  force  of 
the  accusative  af ter  fi(i^  bttnt.  —  893.   S^ügt  e?^  //  he  is  false,  — 

1-.    I093J  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  435 

898.  S93e(tgeift,  the  soul  of  the  universe.  —  899.  And  has  a  ckance  to 
questionfate,—  905-906.  SRattfd^ett  and  9ittf,  both  subjectof  ^X^XtX^ 
hxwSo^*  —  914.  9t0^e,  must  here  mean  important,  or  even  lucky, 

231.  920.  miffen,  one  ms.  has  here  fcnnciu  —  940.  S3attmeY, 
here  trisyllabic.  Banner  himself  was  not  in  the  battle  of  Lützen, 
see  List  of  Persons.  —  941.  A  cousin  of  W.,  named  Berchthold,  was 
wounded  in  the  battle  and  died  soon  afterwards  at  Prague.  — 

944.  D^ttgefal^r,  for  Ungcföl^r,  chance, 

232.  946.  /  have  it  by  sealed  letters^  i.e.y  I  have  it  guaranteed. 
—  954«  SWcercö,  for  b€«  iIRccrcS ;  the  Omission  of  the  article  in  such 
a  case  is  unusual  in  prose,  but  quite  common  in  Schiller's  verse. , — 
955.  9Rtf]r0fOi9tttlti$,  the  conscious  soul  of  the  individual,  con- 
trasted  with  the  exterior,  objective  universe,  the  macrocosm.  — 

958.  \itX  ^^^  ^ViViXtXv^^  juggling  Chance, 

233.  967-968.  No  more  is  heard  of  this  because  the  precau- 
tion  proves  to  be  unnecessary.  —  980.  Wallenstein  had  paid  Iso* 
lani's  gambling  debts,  Picc,<t  1.  61.     See  Introd.,  p.  li. 

234.  985.  kion  tteitliti^,  lit.,  *of  recently/  tr.,  recenüy  obtatned 
(the  evening  before).  —  993.  They  are  really  not  bad  men, 

235.  998.  XViV^  tinb  ItCtt,  squarely  andfrankly.  —  1004.  ^l^, 
for  atfo.  Curiously  enough,  this  supposed  commission  is  made  to 
scan.  But  it  was  part  of  Schiller's  theory  that  everything  poetical 
deserved  to  be  expressed  in  rhythm.  Following  this  principle  he 
put  even  the  prose  parts  of  Macbeth  into  verse,  Cp.  Köster, 
Schiller  als  Dramaturg^  87-88.  —  1006.  If  it  is  to  be  assumed  that 
this  commission  gives  O.  anew  the  title  of  Generalleutnant,  it  will 
be  noted  that  this  does  not  change  his  title  in  the  camp ;  he  has 
had  the  same  under  Wallenstein.  It  may  be  the  commission  con- 
fers  only  new  authority.     Cp.  note  to  Picc,^  1.  2562. 

236.  1027.  fjiiitnett,  ^/^^.  — 1031.  in  &vdtm,  wüh  good grace. 

237.  1044.  Uhtfn  ^Off  about  the  Ciwrt, 

238.  1053.  Cp.  Ptcc,  1.  2170  ff.  —  1058.  Only  the  like-mindedj 
etc.  —  1060.  bie  X^Ot,  that  deed.  —  1064.  Cp.  Picc^  1.  40  ff. 

239.  1074.  It  may  be  presumed  that  Wallenstein  had  in- 
formed  Octavio,  Act  II,  Scene  i,  of  his  action.  —  1079.  The  Em- 
peror  still  has,  etc.  —  1093.  Implied:  if  not,  Iwillgo, 

436  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  f  L.   IO98 

240.  1098.  Cp.  Picc,  1.  1984,  and  note.  —  1x02.  This  motive 
is  an  invention  of  Schiller's,  and  Wallenstein's  part  in  the  matter 
is  hardly  in  keeping  with  his  character.  In  the  History  Schiller 
attributes  to  W.  such  a  treason  against  Illo. 

241.  1 11 6.  //  was  their  right  to  refuse,  —  1 123.  ^eit,  rel.  proo., 
sc.  bic  with  Söittfür.  —  11 27.  Spanier,  here  trisyllabic 

242.  1 1 36.  Accident  could  hardly  have  brought  this  about ;  we 
must  assume  that  O.  had  the  extraordinary  foresight  to  prepare 
himself  with  it  for  this  crisis. 

243.  1 161.  According  to  Picc.^  I,  i,  Wallenstein  had  appointed 
Buttler  to  this  office  (Major  General),  but  the  Emperor  had  not  yet 
confirmed  the  appointment.  When  Octavio  says,  1. 1 1 57 :  He  makes 
the  wronggood^  one  expects  to  hear  that  the  title  of  Count  is  after 
all  conferred.  Yet  it  isfavor  enough  to  Buttler,  who  has  just  been 
put  in  the  llght  of  a  traitor,  to  be  confirmed  in  his  command.  As 
a  prudent  diplomat  Octavio  will  not  offer  more  than  necessary  to 
hold  him.  —  1 169  and  1 181-1 182  (p.  244).  It  is  difficult  to  suppose 
that  Octavio  falls  to  hear  these  remarks  or  to  understand  their 
purport,  so  that  his  asseveration  of  innocence,  II.  3782-3785,  makes 
him  seem  to  be  a  hypocrite,  as  well  as  responsible  for  W.'s  death« 
If  O.  is  not  to  hear  them  there  should  be  stage  directions  to  that 

244.  1187.  fotttett  tnir,  would  it  be  possible  for  us  to, 

245.  1194.  fam,  for  wäre  gcfomtncn,  Whitney,  §  332,1,6.  This 
ind.  for  cond.  where  the  conclusion  is  actual,  and  the  subj.  ftflnbe, 
for  the  cond.  where  the  conclusion  is  contrary  to  fact,  illustrate  the 
matter  neatly.  —  1196.  ^aft,  inßuence,  —  1199.  Ittlb;  one  would 
expect  rather  ober.  —  1201.  Schiller  often  treats  the  transitive 
sense  of  this  verb  as  weak,  but  the  e  of  the  ending  is  inserted  for 
meter's  sake. 

246.  1 2 1  o.  Octakllü,  see  note  to  Piccy  112,5.  —  1211.  /  cannot 
make  that  seem  righU — 121 3.  frcl,  «»/ä/«/^</ (by  suspidon). — 1220- 

1221.  Read:  ^er  eittaig  reine,  nneitt)9eitte  jDrt  in  be?  SRenfi^* 
lidlfeit  (=  ÜRenfd^^ett)  ift  nnfere  Siebe. 

247.  1230.  No  Emperor  can  dictate  to  the  heart,  — 1237-1239. 
This  curibusly  ignoble  expression  sounds  like  an  echo  of  the 
Sturm  und  Drang  spirit. 

L.    141 9]  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  437 

24:8.  1251.  3(bcl,  is  dative  after  attfbrfilfft  —  1258.  //  knaws 
nothing  firm  and  imtnovabU,  —  1 265.  The  change  of  tone  f  rom  the 
severely  reproachfui  just  preceding  is  almost  too  sudden. —  1267. 
This,  tooy  seems  to  come  suddenly;  Octavio  has  hardly  realized 
that  Max  intends  to  stay  in  Pilsen. —  1269.  bftlt  (Sibe,  />.,  to  the 

249.  1279.  This  was  the  close  of  Die  Ficcolomini  as  first 

250.  Dritter  2Iuf3U9.  This  scene,  the  beginning  of  Wallen- 
Steins  Tod  in  the  stage  version,  is  the  morning  succeeding  the 
last  scene  of  Act  II;  cp.  1427. 

251.  1292.  92a(i^bem  er  atteiS  tuei^,  we  are  left  to  guess  how 

the  Countess  knows  this.  —  1 297-1 288.   ttttb  V^XitX  9)^ttt  ift  bei 

bcr  ßiebe,  a  boid  heart  goes  with  love,—  1300.  ber  ä^tttter  il^rem^ 
colloq.  for  bcm  ber  3Rutter. 

253.  1324.  ^tXxmVi^  idea,  Intention, '—i:^'^S*  ^tVXWi%,  public 

opinion  (here,  of  the  army). 

254.  1343.  ba,  present, —  1344.  Cp.  Picc^  III,  scenes  7  and  9. 
—  1346.  ffl^aubentb,   making  me  shudder,—  T^$y,  (5^,  for  »erlögt. 

üon  einem  laffen,  to  give  one  up, 

255.  1363.  il^rctt  "^VilaXvSt^thesightofher^  —  iyjQ,  bem^arbi» 

lta(,  the  Inf  ante,  cp.  Picc,  1228  ff. 

256.  1 378  ff.  The  unheroic  part  of  the  Duchess  as  complaining 
wife  may  be  regarded  as  deliberate  realism.  —  1382.  This  use  of 
the  preterite  for  past  condition  continuing  in  the  present  where  the 
English  uses  the  perfect  is  ignored  in  most  English-German  gram- 
mars.     It  is  not  rare,  but  may  be  replaced  by  the  perfect  in  Ger- 

man.  — 1384.  fihtr{(bro]|ettb,  fd^iuittbelttb,  beiong  to  Staube,  or  to 

nj,  or  the  latter  perhaps  rather  to  ttttll^  ;  tr.  dizzy  and  ready  tofally 
after  along,  —  1387.  @tanb,  siate,  i.<f.,  matrimony. 

257.  1397.  At  that  time  he  was  still  joyously  ambitious,  —  1404- 
1405.  A  fickle  and  reserved  spirit  has  come  over  him  (making  him) 
suspicious  and  morose,  —  1408-1409.  Cp.  11.  190-191.  —  1411.  After 
ettoartett,  sc.  follten*  It  appears  that  Wallenstein  has  arranged 
this  interview  apparently  for  the  purpose  of  declaring  his  plans.  — ^ 
J418.    SBad  i4  fÄgetl  tOOlIte  ?   What  was  I  about  to  sayl  —  1419^ 

438  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  fL.   I42O 

1420.  The  Duchess  seems  here — for  she  is  ref erring  back  to 
1.  1382  —  to  understand  the  relation  of  Tliekia  and  Max,  and  to 
take  their  union  for  granted;  but  cp.  11.  1491-1494. 

259.  1436.  toiffeit  cd  nitS^t  anberd  atö,  <ä?  nct  know  but.  — 1437. 

Soßer^  forces, —  1 145  ff.,  cp.  Macbeth^  1, 3,  Banquo : "  and  oftentimes, 
to  win  US  to  our  härm,  The  Instruments  of  darkness  teil  us  tniths," 
etc.  —  1449*  This  is  an  inexplicable  feeling,  in  viewof  the  treach- 
ery  of  ToUy  II,  6.  —  1452.  ffi^aitbentb,  making  me  shudder,  —  1453- 

S3ekoegttng,  for  Regung. 

260.  1462.  SBir  mollett  eutntal,  Let  usforonce^^\,c — 1463. 

^txXWL'^tf  have  been  longing,  —  1467.  We  must  either  accent  ^ 
o'r  tttit,  and  in  the  latter  case  combine  in  one  katarsis  -d|€s! 
@C^^  or  \M&^  jtt,  — 1469.  gfertigfett,  skUl  (in  music).  —  1470-1471  ff. 
Here,  too,  the  meter  is  strained ;   for  iambic  scansion  ed  and  ei- 

must  be  stressed.  eilte  }fixit  Stimme  bed  fBolinaittd,  for  eine  ^rte, 
IDol^IIautenbe  Stimme.  —  1476.  beinern,  thus  the  first  two  editions; 
the  third  and  fourth  have  beinen. 

261.  1488.  This  is  a  tactfui  device  of  the  Countess  to  avoid 

breaking  the  news  of  W.'s  rebellion  to  the  Duchess. 

262.  1491.  ^ie  8d)ttiefter  oud)  nid^t,  cp.  ll,  1419-1420.  — 1500. 

Let  her  hear  it  with  her  awn  ears,  (The  Countess  had  wamed 
Thekia  that  her  father  would  not  favor  the  union).  ^te  ^rntbUbl* 
berin,  tr.,  Frtedland*s  daughter,  —  1 504.  He  proposes  to  cap  the  cli" 
max  by  succeeding  me  as  heir. 

263.  1517-1518.  bie  gemeinen  4^Stt)»teY  ber  SRenfiliett,  for  bie 

©öuptcr  ber  gemeinen  SRenfd^en.  —  1525.  in  be?  9)*ltttnie,  in  the  very 
minute.  W.  is  thinking  of  the  expected  messenger  from  Prague 
announcing  its  surrender.  —  1527.  tnoi^  fid),  rather  contemptuously 
for  bie,  tDetd^e  einanber. — 1528.  fein  bürgerlid),  in  real  burgher- 

fashion.  —  1531-1532.  This  is  not  altogether  selfish  tyranny  pecu- 
liar  to  W.;  it  was  the  attitude  of  the  time  with  reference  to 

264.    1537.  ber   fll^male   ©mnb,    the    narrow  foundatUm.-^ 
1545-  bed  Sfrtebfanbd,  commonly  without  final  d. 

26ß.    1 549.  JJrana  klon  Smtenbnrg,  see  List  of  Persons.  — 1552. 
ti)ne-mu3t. either  stress  nid^i,  or  make  pne  katarsis  of.-f»ttapd 

L.   1705]  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  439 

mä^tf  stressing  mel^r.  —  1557.  2^et§!9!  is  to  be  regarded,  not  as 
an  address,  but  as  an  expression  of  surprise  =r  ba  tfl  bet  Xergf^ !  — 
1559-  tttttn,  for  »egrelten. 

267.  1577.  ^iefenliai^,  />.,  ba8  SJegiment  2:icfcnbad^,  — 1579- 

atlf§icl^(lt,  mount guard,  —  158a  The  question  seems  to  indicate  a 
revival  of  Wallenstein's  suspicion  of  Buttler. 

268.  1585.  ^a  ip  t^  nnit  ni^t  aitberiS,  Of  course.itcanUbe 

different  here.  —  1 587.  leitf eit  fll^,  ^are  hard  to  manage,  —  1 588. 
The  Order,  adv.  before  verb,  is  tolerated  only  for  the  sake  of  meter. 
. —  1591.  After  fel^tt  sc.  lömtetu 

269.  1599.  ^ie  SBattfllteit,  Pappenheim's  old  regiment,  now 
under  command  of  Max,  cp.  Lager ^  1.  674.  —  1601.  I^alteit  ftll^ 
gefe^,  keep  steadfast.  —  1605.  obfl^tlfeit,  depuU,  —  1608.  Cp. 
IL  1725  fiE. 

270.  1627.  bie  glatte  Stinte,  as  symbol  of  thoughtlessness. — 
1638.  I  would  like  to  read,  feilteiS  S3nfeiti^,  ref erring  to  the  ®eban« 

272.  1639.  ^ie  letf^ten  8ftfte,  Hghthumors  oi  ßippant  blood. 
— 1652.  (Sigenl^ftltbtg  HOm  ftaifer,  in  the  Emperor's  own  hand, 
—  1658.  ^aüe  is  still  indirect  disc.  expressing  what  the  Tiefen- 
bachers Said;  ff^on  fett  (Ultge,  this,  of  course,  is  merely  rumor. 

273.  1666.  Sli^eitte  Sll^ltmtg,  if  Countess  Terzky  has  had  a  pre- 
sentiment  of  this  she  has  neglected  to  mention  it  before.  —  1669. 
tOtber,  in  spite  o/.  —  i6yi,  tOttl^rl^aftigett  ^immel,  very  heaven,  — 

1672.  ttt^t,  for  beruht  —  1675-1676.  äRettff^Iiil^e  ^efialt,  k,,  To 

refuse  to  insult  the  human  form  by  such  a  suspicion  (i.e.,  of  the  pos- 
sibility  of  treason  in  Octavio).  —  1678.  There  is  something  of  re- 
ligton  even  in  the  instincts  of  animals.  —  1682.  These  lines  are 
strangely  noble  in  a  man  conscious  of  treason,  and  almost  incon- 
ceivable  in  the  man  described  by  Octavio  on  page  242. 

274.  1688.  ttOfl^  eht  ^renttb,  not  *another  friend,'  nor  'a  friend 
still,'  but  *  something  leftf  a  friend,  or  *a  friend  in  need.'  —  1689. 
bn,  Wallenstein  has  until  now  addressed  Buttler  with  the  more 

formal  Ür.  —  1694.  föai»  fagp  b»?  Think  of  itt   Dteiftig  3tt!>re, 

see  Introd.,  p.  1.  —  1703.  ItfHg  loitentb,  with  stealthy  cunning; 
note  the  alliteration.  —  1705.  ^ü^Xt  %\XL,  apostrophe  to  Octavio. 

440  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  [l.  1716 

27£^.  1716.  Kinsky  was  in  fact  with  Wallenstein  in  Pilsen. — 
1718.  ^cntttUf  now  aWcutcrcrn.  —  1724.  enii^ ;  it  is  not  easy  to  er- 
plain  why  Wallenstein  reverts  to  this  pronoun.     Cp.  1.  1689. — 

1725.  2)lcfciJ  SSrmett,  cp.  1. 1608. 

2T7.  1 736-1 737.  Garrisoned  posts  in  Bohemia,  see  Map. 
3ltfl4nt  is  here  dissyllabic. 

278.  1759.  The  Count  Palatine  after  bis  defeat  in  the  battleof 
the  Wbite  Hill  became  a  fugitive,  residing  now  witb  one  prince, 
now  with  another.  See  List  of  Persons.  —  1 768.  nntl^ergetnelet, 
Wandering  aimlessly  abouL 

279.  1788.  gittg,  say  rather  was  U/t  by^  since  W.  was  not 
actually  in  Ratisbon.  —  1 790.  \^Xf  you  (bis  enemies). 

280.  1 794.  f ^roffettb,  hurgeoning,  —  1 795.  /  stood  to  you  imtead 
of  an  army,  —  1796  ff.  See  Introd.,  p.  xix.  —  1806.  They  asked 
me  to,  etc.  —  181 3.  fidft,  /or  itself.  —  181 7.  One  MS.  has  for  ölte« 
ber  ®Ueb,  which  helps  the  meter.  —  1820.  %tx^,  used  as  name 
of  the  regiments. 

281.  1830.  8Yilg0\  Bruges.  —  1831.  Mercy  was  the  name  of 
an  ofBcer  under  Piccolomini  wbo  won  high  rank  in  the  later  pait 
of  the  war.  An  incidental  object  of  the  scene  is  to  show  the  tradi- 
tional  familiarity  of  great  generals  with  their  soldiers,  which,  how- 
ever,  in  the  case  of  W.  is  noways  so  noted  as  with  Napoleon  and 
Frederick  the  Great. 

282.  1833.  $efflffi^eit,  the  Hessians  were  among  the  first  to 
join  forces  with  Gustavus  Adolph us.  —  1839.  ^erattiS  ficft  tfettVi 
for  ließ  heraustreten,  calUd  out.  ^(tenberg,  the  f ortress  of  Nurem- 
berg,  see  Introd.,  p.  xxii.  — 1844.  Risbeck  was  suggested  to  the 
poet  by  the  name  of  a  contemporary.  Here,  as  in  11.  1 852-1 855, 
W.  manifests  consciousness  and  nervousness,  in  resuming  this 
personal  convei^ation  after  having  asked  the  corporal  to  proceed 
to  business.  Yet  it  is  possible  to  see  in  this  course  a  deliberate 
plan  for  gaining  time  and  for  disconcerting  the  men. — 1846.  There 
was  a  General  Dubald  (Duwall)  captured  at  Steinau. 

283.  1851.  The  allusion  to  the  brother  in  the  Emperor's 
army  causes  W.  to  drop  the  subiect  suddenly.  — 1853.  gtt  ^ttSbeit, 

I«  2022]  WALLENSTEINS  TOI>  441 

the  older  unmodified  plural,  as  also  in  the  word  üorl^anbett« — ^^1857. 
anf§nfüttbett,  more  commonly  Quffünbtgen* 

284.  1865.  f^Ottiff^e,  expressing  the  essence  of  what  is  hostile 
to  Wallenstein.  —  1872.  Your  regiment  sends  you  this  message,  — 

—  1889.  8rattf^t,  sc,  ed  as  subject. 

285.  1 893-1 894.  Cp.  Lager y  1. 194-195. — 1896.  Contrast  11. 1841 
—1842.  —  1900.   When  you  began  to  '{pe  able  to)   manage  yourselves. 

—  1 901-1902.   When  I  saw  the  intelligent  thought  upon  your  brows, 

—  1908.  attfi^,  moreover,  —  191 8.  W.  was  only  just  turaed  fifty, 
but  he  grew  gray  early.    Cp.  Ranke,  p.  239. 

286.  1920.  anf  bct  alten  ^cpc,  .i>.,  bcr  SCftenBurg;    cp. 

1.  1839.  —  192 1.  Before  attf  sc.  unb.  ^antltt,  to  this  end,  —  1926. 
The  reminiscences  are  not  in  correct  order.  Mansfeld  was  defeated 
early  in  W.'s  first  period  of  office.  See  Introd.,  p.  xiii.  —  1934. 
See  note  to  Tod^  1.  501. 

287.  1950.  Cp.  Piccy  L  2335 ff.  —  1957.  Ml^tt,  may  be  taken 
with  ^eift,  or  more  likely  in  the  sense  of  an  adjective  complement 
with  ^dft,  making  you  bold. — 1976.  /  am  concemed  only  for  the 
ivhole  (countty). 

288.  1 985-1 986.  ttirgettbiS  fein,  the  double  negative  is  com- 
mon in  coUoquial  German,  but  a  little  surprising  in  Wallenstein's 
mouth.  — 1988.  Of  course  an  allusion  to  Alexander  and  the  Gordian 
knot. —  1993.  ^tX^tf  itamountsto, 

]  289.  1994-96.  This  announcement  at  this  moment  overcomes 
the  result  of  W.'s  persuasion  in  the  Pappenheimer,  but  it  can  only 
be  regarded  as  Wallenstein's  evil  fate.  Buttler  cannot  be  supposed 
to  know  what  is  going  on  in  Wallenstein's  room  so  as  to  come  at 
the  critical  moment.  —  2006.  bte  Diafenbett,  not  the  jte  of  1.  2005, 
but  Terzky's  regiment.  —  2010.  btt,  whereas  the  Duchess  elsewhere 
addresses  her   husband  with   @ie.     9?ntt  bai9  nod^,  this  caps  the 

climax,  — 2011.  3[i^  ueYittOfi^f  td  ttiiljt,  sc.  länger  gu  öcrjd^iüclgcn« 

290.    2017.  fBo  fottf  er  fein?   Where  wouldyou  expect  him  to 

bef  —  2018.  ftbet,  for  hinüber.  —  2022.  ^fj^erfettberg,  since  desig- 

nating  Franz  von  Lauenburg  to  accompany  them  to  Holland  (see 
1-  1549)}  Wallenstein  has  leamed  of  the  loss  of  Prague  and  his  öwa 

442  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  [l.   2027 

sentence,  and  has  quickly  changed  his  plan. —  2027.  Max  appeared 
last  in  his  father's  room  at  the  close  of  Act  II.  It  is  not  explained 
how  his  troopers  should  have  missed  him  or  supposed  him  in  the 
duke's  quarters. 

291.  2034.  3a0bsn0,  four-in-hand. 

292.  2055.  S3afe^  cousin  (as  used  in  Shakespearean  English), 
but  not  implying  the  assumption  of  actual  kinship.  —  2057.  C^  t|l 
WAf  it  is  all  over, 

293.  2067.  This  identical  line  occurs  in  Die  Braut  von  Messina^ 

1.  2660.  —  2068.  31^  i^aüe  C18  «iir  mit  Ujt  aOeitt,  sc.  yx  t^n«.  — 
2071.  ber  %\w  fei«,  piay  the  fooL  —  2074.  nifi^tö  me^t  ald  fett 

Sol^tt,  no  longer  anything  but  his  son,  —  2091.  bttd  •  •  •  C^lewtxt, 
i.e.f  volcanic  fire,  as.  carried  out  a  f ew  lines  f urther.  —  2092.  After 
f^Ue^en  sc.  x%  —  2095.  As  against  the  side  of  a  mountain,  see 
11.  2098  ff.  filiere,  transl.  as  adverb,  confidingly  build  the  hut  cf 
their  happiness, 

294.  2097.  bei  ttftfl^tUfl^  frtttet  »eile,  in  the  silent  night  Urne. 

—  2098  (abetfidt  atti^,  expiodes,— 2107,  (flgenfmtbigft,  mostskUUd 

in  lying,  —  2109.  gog  • .  .  ttuf,  nursed.  -^2110.  8a{tlii9!eit,  thebasi- 
lisk  is  a  beast  of  fable  with  a  look  that  kills;  Schiller  seems  here 
to  think  of  it  as  a  serpent,  as  in  Die  Braut  von  Messina^  1.  2498. 

—  2111-2112.  er  fogfiilS  f^melgenb  noÄ,  etc.,  He  Houd  tili  füll  at 
the  breast  of  my  love.  —  21 13.  ^tgei^  =  3(rgmo^n.  —  2117.  SSette«< 

rannt,  the  interplanetary  Spaces»  —  2124.  See  Introd.,  p.  xlviL 
29£l^.    2129.   The  unborfi  generation  in  the  womb, —  2134.  gtft* 

feub,  for  @rau(en  erregenb.    anf äffen,  follow,  —  2138.  ber  »iter 

^O^^elffi^nlb,  the  guilt  ofour  two  fathers,  ^-2139.  Allusion  to  the 
fate  of  Laocoön  —  2140.  After  SBamnt  sc.  mug.  —  2143.  This 
must  have  been  the  winter  of  1620.  Cp.  Picc,^  11.  24  ff.,  482  ff.  and 
1707.  —  2146.  getoi^tig,  less  common  for  jd^lüer.  —  21 51.  With  tke 
careful  attention  of  a  woman, 

296.  2172.  ^nabenfettlein,  tokenof  favor  (golden  chain).  — 
2173.     SBibberfett,  ranCs  skin^  Golden  Fleece.     See  note  to  1.  3779. 

297.  2191.  W.  seems  to  have  Saturn  in  mind,  but  this  was 
not  his  own  star,  though  he  is  referring  to  himself.  —  2200.  Dran 
'4he  chains  (across  the  gate). 

L.   2404]  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  443 

208.  2207.  bad  ^ai^  |  SBirb  abgebe^/  the  roof  is  being 

cUared  (possibly  the  tiles  removed).  —  2208.  ftattOtteit»  One  has, 
of  course,  to  think  of  some  very  light  guns.  —  2209.  Slnfi^  $aui9, 
at  tkis  house,  —  221 1.  bebeittett,  direct  (dependent  on  Sag), 

299«  2216.  Two  gates  of  the  city  of  Pilsen.  —  2223.  werfen, 
averthrow.  —  2230.  Sf^lagett,  fighting;  SBÜrgett,  slaughter,  — 
'1Z2A'  ^^  Wog  fil^'fi  etttlabeit,  Let  it  burst  fort/t,  —  2235.  ^att0, 

passy  boutt  commonly  SBaffettgang. 

300«   2239.  btttf,  for  bebarf.  —  2242.  f^MlX,  cousin;  See  note 

to  1.  2055.  —  2248.  ^enit  aviii\  bei»  feiubüil^  $au^t,  for  :S)enn  au(^ 
feinbUc^  ijl  bein  ^aupt.  —  2251.  In  fact  Neumann  was  assassinated 
with  Terzky,  lUo  and  Kinsky  in  Eger. 

301.  2268.  gebt  %&it,  lit.,  *give  heed,'  tr.,  /  teil  you,  — 
2269.  fBttttf  older  and  colloquial  form  of  $ett. 

302.  2275.  @itt  to!>  Uttmenffl^ftfi^er,  an  inhuman  brüte,  — 
2285.  ^ot^  t^^  pronoun  used.  —  2287.  ffi^reieitbeit  SBerrat,  treason 

that  cries  to  heaven,  —  2288.  31»  bei?  dürften  $au^t  gefrebelt,  com- 

tnitted  a  crime  against  the  life  of  the  Prince,  —  2291.  Make  good  the 
wrong  that  the  villain  has  done, 

303.  2292.  anfjttfteKeit,  not  the  same  construction  as  (^vlU 
machen,  but  =  in  order  to  give.  —  2294.  Sfi^aitbUeb,  by-word  (lit., 
shameful  song).  —  2295.  bei?  ^üVitn\ttxntX,  of  the  Wallensteins ;  cp. 
however,  Lager,  1.  870,  and  Introd.,  p.  Ix.  —  2301.  Sufl^'  il^  ♦  ♦  ♦ 
ttUf^,  Shall  I  look  further  for.  —  2305.  ^iMixÜ^tn,  here  innocent 
(one  who  is  happy  because  innocent). 

304.  2313.  ^ttlJ  mdfi^teft  bU,  JC,  Please  consider  this^  etc.— 
2321.  £aitfy  barrel.  —  2329.  Do  merely  what  is  human,  not  what 
is great.  —  2334-2335.  Natureis  horror  or  loathing  avenges  them  (i.e,, 
the  violations  of  these  instincts)  severely  upon  the  barbarian  who 

foully  violates  it  (i>.,  this  religion)  or  her  (Nature). 

305.  S.D.  after  1.  2359.    StbOt  gferbinanbui^.      Cp.  Introd., 

p.  xxxix.  j 

306.  2364.  ^em   ftaifer,  for  the  Emperor.—  2367.    ^XtXf  \ 

308.   2^403-^404.  A  fine  instance  of  tragic  irony.       .      -     -  ^ 

444  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  [l.  242 1 

309.  2421.  Allusion  to  Tartarus,  probably.  —  2425.  Cp.not* 
to  1.  1237. 

310.  Dterter  2Iuf3Ug»  The  Fourth  Act  begins  on  theaftcr- 
noon  of  the  day  succeeding  the  close  of  Act  III;  see  Introd^ 
pp.  xxxvii  and  xxxviii.  —  2429.  9lefi^eit,  poricullis.  —  243a  üit 
=  fotülc ;  8rilffe^  drawbridge,  —  2438.  bie  attCIl  ^^nen,  more  com- 
mon would  be  the  dative  here ;  the  natural  direct  object  of  abfd^too« 
rcn  is  (5lb,  ^ffid^t  or  ^^reuc.  —  2441.  Sarett,  domestic  deiües, 

311.  2448.  @ettera(,  cp.  Za^^r,  1.  443,  and  Picc.y  1.  45.  The 
'generaP  is  used  loosely;  Buttler  has  hitherto  been  addressed  as 
Obcrfl.  —  2450.  Cp.  1.  2373  ff.  —  2454.  Not  necessarily  from  the 
Emperor,  perhaps  from  Gallas. 

312.  2477  Hefertt^  for  ausliefern*  —  2483.  bunfetfil^ttttfaib, 

ilhdefined,  —  2484.  For  man  is  aggressive  (does  what  circumstances 
permit).  —  2488  ff.  Cp.  Introd.,  p.  xlvii.  —  2492.  niBi^tC,  for 
üermSd^te.  —  2496.  It  is  interesting  to  note  how  the  changes  are 
rung  on  this  threat  of  the  approach  of  the  Swedes,  chiefly,  it  seems, 
for  the  purpose  of  overcoming  the  hesitation  of  Gordon  and  others; 
cp.  11.  2625,  2667,  2671,  2755-2756,  2817,  2830,  2843,329^3693. 
3637,  3728-3729.  Of  course,  these  lines  have  also  their  effect  on 
the  audience. 

313.  2512.  {ifl^  betoerbeit,  aspire  (um,  to),  —  2513-2514.  £c|t 

.  .  .  tttll^t  Icib  tl^mi,  Do  not  regret,  —  2523.  ^OtÜe  IpaltClt,  tobe  inte 
to  (lit.,  hold  color  for). 

314.  2527.  Nothing  is  known  of  any  early  acquaintance  be- 
tween  W.  and  Gordon.  —  2545.  S3nrgatt,  a  small  town  between 
Ulm  and  Augsburg.  W.  was  probably  never  there;  tradition  lo- 
cates  what  is  here  told  at  the  court  of  the  Margrave  of  Burgan, 
which  was  at  Innspruck. 

315.  2553.  @tl^  felbcr  bic  ©efeKfd^aft^  His  own  soU  Company, 

2555.  But  he  often  had  stränge  spells,  —  2559.  eilt  @Oit,  used 
several  times  thus  as  about  equivälent  to  'a  guardian  spirit'; 
cp.  11.  2914  and  3132.  —  2560.  This  legend  is  taken  from  Murr*s 
Beiträge y  but  lacks  conti rmation.  —  2565.  See  Introd.,  p.  xi.  — 
2567.  Umgelel^irt,  for  befe^rt  or  umgetuanbett.  The  word  is  used 
commonly  only  in  a  literal  physical  sense.  —  2568.  A  speciaUy/av- 

L.     2619]  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  445 

•?-9^<£d  beingy  relieved  (front  the  ordinary  limitations  of  tnortals),  — 
-573-  ^  fö^  t^tt  ffl^mtnbelnb  ge^tt,  It  made  mg  dizzy  to  see  htm  go. 
2574.  ^ütator,  accent  on  the  penult. 

310,  2581.  reifl^i^firet,  an  immediate  dependency  of  the  Empire, 

2585.  The  city  was  pawned  by  Ludwig  der  Baier  more  than 

t'hree  hundred  years  before,  and  the  eagle  on  the  imperial  arms  in 
^Ine  city  seal  was  canceled  as  described  in  token  of  this  aiienation. 

2586.  Herbtetttet,  imperf.  subj.  for  conditional.  —  2587.  Behave 

"zeßelL  Give  no  ear  to  sedition  (lit.,  seditious  folk). —  2592.  After  the 
c^apture  of  Eger  by  W.  in  1632  the  Protestants  were  expelled.  — 

2  596.  W.  had  occasion  to  hate  the  Jesuits,  and  in  fact  did  not  per- 

xnit  them  in  his  camp  during  his  last  years. 

317.  2597.  After  9(tti$  sc.  bed ;  attention  has  already  been 
oalled  to  the  Omission  of  the  article  with  the  genitive,  of  which 
^his  is  an  extreme  case.  —  2598.  aK,  more  commonly  at(c8.  — 
2599.  Slogan,  a  town  in  northern  Silesia,  capital  of  the  Duchy  of 
Orossglogau  which  ^vas  given  to  Wallenstein  in  1632.  Such  in- 
stances  of  tolerance  were  not  solitary.  The  Elector  Palatine  Karl 
Ludwig,  a  Catholic,  did  the  same  thing  in  1670.  —  2602.  The 
Pachhälbel  were  a  respectable  family  of  Eger,  but  as  Protestants 
had  been  obliged  to  quit  the  city.  W  allenstein  lodged  in  the  house 
of  one  of  these  banished  Citizens,  but  the  Mayor  at  the  time  was  a 
Catholic,  not  Pachhälbel.  erlaufet  (an  archaic  p.p.  of  erleud^ten), 
illustrious,  —  2608.  ^ie  f^attiffi^e  ^Oppel^ertfli^a^,  the  union  of 
the  Spanish  and  the  Austrian  crowns  in  one  family,  see  Introd., 
p.  vi,  note.  —  2612.  Nation  =  tooöon.  The  phenomenon  is  the 
familiär  one  known  as  *  sun-dogs,'  though  it  is  rare  about  the  moon. 
—  261 5.  ilOgeit  =  begogen,  interpreted  as  ref erring;  beit  SÜrfett, 
i.e.y  the  danger  impending  from  the  Turks  who  had  threatened 
central  Europe  since  the  fall  of  Constantinople.  —  2616.  3^^^ 
tRetfi^e,  Austria  and  Spain. 

318.  2619.  biefen  ^Bettb,  read  in  glose  connection  with  ald 
tt)lr  bcn  2Bcg  l^icrl^cr  gcmad^t,  i.e.y  the  evening  previous.  If  Wallen- 
stein marched  all  night,  arriving  in  Eger  in  the  morning,  he  might 
easily  think  of  the  evening  of  the  preceding  day  as  *  blcfcn  Slbcnb.* 
If  he  took  the  road  up  the  Nies  he  would  have  gone  one  half  the 
distance  from  Pilsen  to  Eger,  or  about  28  miles,  when  he  reached 

446  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  [L.  262^ 

the  nearest  point  to  Neustadt.  Leaving  Pilsen  at  3  P.M.  he  wonld 
have  covered  this  distance  by  7  or  8  p.m.  (cp.  2649  ^'  ^®  ™*J 
suppose  the  forenoon  of  the  fourth  or  last  day  to  have  been  occu- 
pied  with  business  or  with  sleep.  To  avoid  the  seeming  conflict 
between  the  present  passage  and  3062  ff.,  Kettner  has  proposed  the 
assumption  of  two  actions  at  Neustadt,  one  between  Majt  and  the 
Swedes,  the  evening  before,  and  a  second  on  the  evening  of  the 
fourth  day  between  Octavio  and  the  Swedes.  It  would  be  the 
latter  to  which  Wallenstein  refers.  There  is  no  inherent  objectioa 
to  this  assumption.  Cp.  11.  2649,  3020,  and  3062.  —  2624.  Neustadt 
and  Weiden,  small  towns  in  Bavaria  about  thirty  miles  southwest 
of  Eger,  see  Map.  —  2628.  Joachimsthal,  small  town  northeast  of 
Eger,  see  Map.  —  2629.  ^ttttn^tttt ;  correct  form,  KrfebttjtCt,  — 
2633.  See  note  to  1.  332. 

319.  2641.  For  J  do  not  stay  here,  —  2648.  Tirschenreut,  half- 
way  between  Eger  and  Neustadt.  —  2649.  92flll^^  one  of  the  MSS. 
has  k)or ;  l^ab'iS  =  l^abe  t^,  subj.  of  indirect  discourse.  —  265a 
Tachau,  see  Map. 

320.  2657.  Hierjelltt  9)letleit,  i.^.,  about  63  English  miles.  — 
2660.  3ut|d,  see  note,  Piccy  \.  1200.  —  2664.  Has  the  report  «f  tke 
victorybeen  confirmed? —  1671.  iUieniiatttgeit,  intransitive  here. 

321.  2675.  ®«  ttlitt  fierbeit,  she  is  dying, 

322.  2698.  ($r  barf  ttii^t  \t^t%  He  mustdie. 

323.  2699.  See  note  to  1.  1382.  —  2704.  The  execuHon  must 
stand  in  place  of  sentence;  language  borrowed  from  the  Gründliiher 
Berichty  the  earliest  official  account  of  the  events  of  1 633-1 634. — 
2706.  pe,  »>.,  ©ercc^ttgfcit.  —  2707.  Seems  to  be  a  contradiction  oi 
1.  2704.  The  same  contradiction  is  found  in  the  Gründlichit 
Bericht;  Wallenstein  had  indeed  been  outlawed  (geachtet,  2739  aod 
Picc,  2502),  but  has  not  explicitly  been  condemned  to  death. — 

2709.   We  are  not  obliged  to,  etc.,  not  IVe  must  not,  etc. 

324.  2714.  baiS  ©emiffen,  obj.,  Uke  geben.  —  2716.  A  ^b^ 

torical  exaggeration,  since  war  already  prevails  and  W.  wants 
peac».  —  2718.  Do  not  be  so  bloodthirsty  as  to  foresteUl  the  angelof 

mercy.  —  2725.  Probabiy  for  Sanfett^  b.  SR.  »ftreii  «Mfetnmci, 

'  though  Gordon  has  just  reported  that  he  had  less  than  four  hun* 

'^  22846]]  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  447 

Ired  men  in  Eger,  and  there  was  no  probability  of  the  loss  of  the 
»ntire  garrison.  Yet  '  thousand  *  may  be  loosely  used.  Inasmuch 
IS  Buttler  has  just  referred  to  the  defeat  of  the  Pappenheimer,  in 
irhich  the  number  killed  was  1000,  it  is  possible  that  this  line 
recalls  that  fact  as  additiönal  reason  for  not  sparing  W.  —  2727. 
HV^ndltt,  for  ^at  öcrftut^t,  has  put  her  curse  upon. 

325«  2740.  bfirfen  mii^t  (eüeu,  mustdie,--'2-]i^\  %\t  ©emalft 

ber  @tente,  Fate^  not  necessarily  an  allusion  to  W.'s  dealing  with 

326.  2763.  @iitg^i$  =  ginge  e«.  —  2764.  bad  alte  ^aupt,  /<?,, 

Octavio.  —  2765.  ob»,  the  enjambement  is  rather  unusual.  —  2777. 
To-day  tfu  question  is  who  can  outdrink  the  other,  —  2778.  This  line 
is  addressed  to  Buttler.  Cp.  11.  2750-2752,  according  to  which  the 
banquet  seems  to  have  been  part  of  Buttler's  plan,  and  1.  3520; 
on  the  other  band,  1.  2831  seems  to  show  Buttler  as  at  least  not  the" 
host.  It  must  have  been,  then,  the  subordinate  officers  who  were 

327.  2779.  8^tt^ttfi<^t,  the  banquet  in  fact  was  held  the  Satur- 
day  evening  before  Shrove  Tuesday,  and  was  given  by  Gordon.  — 
2780.  The  Order  in  prose  would  be,  (©ci  bic  ^X^^i  einmal  Xag,  er=» 
toarten  Xavt,  etc.  —  2784-2785.  Similar  language  is  said  to  have 
been  used  by  Neumann  at  the  banquet.  —  2794.  ^eerbetberbet, 

328.  2806-2807.  The  idiom  is  neither  pretty  nor  German ;  tr., 

then  we  shall  see  that  the  fools  who  now  desert  htm  are  *hotst 
with  their  own  petard^  dr  have  only  injured  themselves.  —  2818. 
Hbettbeffen,  not  yet  the  banquet  referred  to  in  11.  2778-2779. —  2820. 
Ifl,  shail  be  considered»  —  2825-2826.  /  commerid  the  place  to  your 
care  for  the  last  time,  —  2827.  fatttt;  for  fönnte,  by  way  of  Suggestion. 

ttofi^,  in  addition,  —  2828.  @fl^(ag  3^^«  =  onf  bcm  ^c^Ioge  3«^n» 

—  2029-2830.  These  lines  duplicate  11.  2816-281 7.  Their  dramatic 
purpose  is  plainly  to  spur  Gordon  to  action.     Cp.  note  to  2496. 

329.  2831.  3n  XtÜb^itX  ^tXi,  note  the  sinister  effect  of  this. 

—  2837.  Cp.  2785.  —  2838.  ^utroniKen,  pron.  pä-tröö-il-yen.  — 
2840.  obettr  ^Pf  the  citadel  (IBltrg)  being  as  usual  on  a  height.  — 
2846.  In  view  of  1.  2700  this  speech  sounds  foolish,  but  this  id 
xnore  or  less  characteristic  of  Gordon. 

448  tPALLENSTEINS  TOD  [l,  2857 

330*  2857.  Common  usage  would  call  for  itnt  andrer  G|?*  nl 

893ilrbe  ntlb  gtttetl  9htf,  as  mürfeln  and  f))ielen  in  the  sense  here  em- 
ployed  are  not  transitive.  —  2862.  Düntzer's  explanation  of  jena 
bort  as  a  reference  to  Archimides  of  Syracuse  is  probably  right 
Brant  treats  Archimedes  in  the  Narrenschiff^  alluding  especiallj 
to  the  traditional  circumstances  of  his  death.  Professor  Gruener 
calls  attention  to  Schiller's  poem  Archimedes  und  der  SchüUr  ar.  i 
to  a  possible  allusion  in  Der  Spaziergange  129-130,  to  the  *cirüeä' 
of  Archimedes.  But  the  chief  dlfficalty  is  the  words  \tVitx  bort, 
which  seem  so  distinctly  locative.  However,  they  are  paralleled 
in  a  passage  of  Dir  Cid^  I,  2  : 

%\x  fonfi  Ibnnt'  e9  au((  fo  oe^ev 
9Bie  bort  jenem  alten  2Detfen  : 
SBeil  er  ildn  ni((t  faffen  fonnte 
@tür3et'  er  fl((  in  ben  Si^Iunb, 

which  is,  of  course,  an  allusion  to  Empedocles.  Yet  they  maj 
involve  also  an  allusion  to  the  fate  of  Max,  which  has  just  been 
announced  and  has  made  a  strong  Impression  on  Buttler.  Cp. 
11.  2677-2678,  1.  2725,  11.  276&-2769.  ^  And finally  fall  in  the  miJst 
of  his  calctäations  like  htm  yonder^  (looking  toward   Neustadt). 

—  2867.  And  let  them  check  the  lifted  sword,  as  imploring  angtls, 
begging  for  mercy,  —  2874.  Buttler's  attempt  to  excuse  himself 
Sounds  like  deliberate  mockery  of  Wallenstein's  frequent  references 
to  Fate. 

331.  2876-2879.  Cp.  IL  180-182,  and  186-192.  — 2883-2884. 
77ie   cunning  calculations  of  all  shrewdness  are  but  mafCs  work. 

—  2887.  Staffel,  ladder,  —  2888-2889.  Cp.  11.  3294-3295.  —  2890. 
^IjX  tOt^  nifi^t,  not  referring,  probably,  to  Gordon's  last  propo- 
sition,  but  to  the  whole  Situation.  —  2892.  %txn  ftlbetlte|  idi  i|l, 
/  was  willing  to  leave  him^  etc.  —  2893.  He  might  live  (as  far 
as  my  enmity  goes).  —  2894.  Cp.  2692 ;  the  only  Warrant  for  these 
two  passages  is  in  1181-1182,  which  express  a  threat  rather  than  a 
promise.  —  2899.  9)lctltttttg,  judgment^  perhaps  public  opinion. 

3'32«  2912.  You  were  not  by  human  beings  humanly  begoL  ff 
sengt,  more  commonly  erzeugt  —  2914.  Here  followed  in  MS.  the 
foUowing  28  lines  of  Buttler. 

2977]  WALLENSTEINS  TOD  449 

3((  ^abe  mir  ben  reinen  Stuf  gefpart 

allein  Sebelang.    ^ie  ^rglifi  biefe9  {^evsogl 

Setrügt  mii^  um  be§  Sebend  l^5(({len  @(^%, 

2)a^  i^  t)or  biefem  S(^tt)ä(^Iino  ^orbon  muft  enOtm* 

2)em  oi(t  bie  Sreue  über  ^Oed,  ni((t8 

^at  e  T  ft(^  oorsuaetfen.    Selbfl  bem  ueibli(^n 

^fai^I  entoegen  unterwirft  er  {t(^ 

2)er  garten  $fli(^t.    9)li((  l)at  bie  Seibenf(^aft 

3m  fc^mai^en  ^uoenblid  baoongemenbet. 

3(^  pe^e  neben  il^m,  ber  Wti^Vxt  3kann ; 

Unb  tennt  bie  SBelt  aui^  meinen  £reubru(^  nid^t, 

Gin  SBiffer  bo<(  bezeugt  il^n  —  jener  l^od^eftnnte 

Octatno !    63  lebt  ein  3ktn]it  auf  drben, 

S)er  baS  ©el^eimniS  f^ai  mit^  au  entehren  — 

9lein,  biefen  ^(ianbfled  tilgt  nur  $Iut ! 

5bn,  fifrieblanb,  ober  id^  —  3n  meine  ^finbe 

®iebt  Uä)  ba§  @Iü(f  —  3(^  bin  mit  felbfl  ber  mäjütc 

9li(^t  @ro^mut  ifl  ber  ©eiß  ber  SBelt. 

Äricg  fül)rt  ber  aRcnfc^i,  et  liegt  au  ^Ib, 

33tu^  um  be9  ^afeinS  f((malen  $oben  fechten ; 

@(att  ijl  ber  ©runb,  unb  auf  i|in  brfidt  bie  Saft 

2>er  SBelt  mit  aUen  m&Mtn ! 

Unb  menn  er  ni(^t  ben  {Rettungdaft 

SRit  f(^neaem  ^ug'  erfpä^t  unb  fa^t, 

9li(^t  in  ben  $oben  greift  mit  feftem  f^ufi, 

(Srbebt  il)n  ber  gemaltige  ^lu^, 

Unb  liingerafft  im  Strubel  feiner  SBogen 

Sßirb  er  Derf(^Iungen  unb  l^inabgejogen. 

Here  followed  in  the  acting  versions  the  two  scenes  whick  are 
lOw  V,  I  and  2. 

333.  2924.  Uttüereitet  =  uttüorbereitet 

335.  2954-2955.  As  Thekla  herseif  says  she  knows  the  worst, 
it  is  not  clear  in  what  she  is  being  deceived.  —  2962.  Such  a  reflec- 
tion  can  be  regarded  only  as  a  strategem,  for  it  is  highly  unnatural 
and  improbable  that  Thekla  would  be  so  concemed  about  the  pro- 
prieties  under  these  circumstances.  —  2965.  ttttgleif^,  wrongly,  — 
2971.  £a(,  this  is  one  of  the  few  cases  in  which  W.  uses  the  bu- 
form  to  the  Duchess.  —  2975.  3|tt,  att,  one  expects  aud  in  both 
these  cases. 

336.  2977.  (EiS,  in  strict    agreement  with  3)>{&b(^en,  though 

450  WALLENSTEINS  TOD  [l.  2990 

just  after  the  natural  agreement,  fte  occurs.  —  2990.  gttXS 
^offttungeit,  expectations  of  very  different  results,  —  2992.  The  only 
Warrant  for  the  ^*mournfuI  portent"  seems  to  be  the  anticipation  dt 
the  tragedy  to  come,  ^»  expressed  in  the  next  two  lines.  —  ^994- 
77ie  air  feels  like  that  of  a  tomb, — 2998-2999.  /  will  ckange  tkt 
evtl  portent  of  the  place  by  making  it  guard  well  my  treasures^ 

337.  3014.  btnilt,  correlative  to  the  succeeding  clause, 

338.  3031.  baiS  gfu^tiolf,  cp.  12660.-3036.  aUedpCH,  ckevaX 
de  frise.  —  3039.  brangHoK  .  ♦  ♦  @nge,  dose  quarUrs,  —  3041.  Ol 
gtttet  @fl^laf^t,  infairfighU 

339.  3062.  ^eitt^  f^^f  ^-^M  twenty-four  hours  are  past  since 
the  action  at  Neustadt  m  which  Max  was  killed.  As  Wallensteiii 
was  half-way  to  Eger  (cp.  11.  2619-262 1)  at  the  time  of  this  action, 
while  the  Fourth  Act  opens  in  the  evening  (cp.  1.  2847,  in  conjonc 
tion  with  the  close  connection  of  the  preceding  scenes),  it  miist  be 
supposed  that  the  great  part  of  this  last  day  has  been  passed  in 
Eger  in  routine  work  or  in  sleep. 

340.  3066.  Schiller  has  introduced  here  an  episode  from  the 
f  uneral  of  the  soldier-poet  Ewald  von  Kleist,  cp.  Leasings  LiUtra- 
turbriefe^  13.  —  3080-3081.  See  Map. 

341.  3082.  There  is  no  historical  ground  for  choosing  the 
name  Seckendorf.  It  was  merely  familiär  to  Schiller  in  his  Weimar 
acquaintance.  —  3094.  Ultglftfflifite^  poor  creature^  in  pitytng  con- 


342.  3097.  %tt  einzige  3^(eif,  That  sole  spot  —  3102.  None  bot 

a  ^ofbatne  would  think  that  *  the  evtl  tongue  of  slander*  zovld  si^j 
anything  against  a  girl's  going  to  the  tomb  of  her  lover.  —  3109- 
31 10.  Sß^axt  i]|m  fanft  gebettet,  Wa^  hegiven  a  softbedf 

343.  31 18.  feniit,  for  erfennt.  —  3121.  i^abolier,  equeny, 

344.  3132.  (Jitl  ©Ott,  see  note  to  2559.  —  3144.  tnAoOKmOL^ 

archaic  form  for  entronnen. 

345.  3149.  3[mmer  neue,  sc.  ©eißerbilber.  —  3150-3151.  TU 

terrible  throng  urge  me  who  live  (as  contrasted  with  him  who  is 
dead)  out  of  these  walls.  —  3164.  fettt  ©e^alt,  its  tfolue^  sml  (lit, 
£ontents),  —  3168.  /  had  a^dream  of  two  haurs*  of  JUavtmly  kiitt; 

^    3242J  WALLENSTEINS  TOD  451 

>erhaps  '  two  hours '  is  used  vaguely  f or  a  brief  period ;  perhaps,  as 
biuchheim  suggests,  Thekla  refers  to  the  hour  of  Max's  declaration 
ind  to  Scene  5,  Act  III,  of  Die  Piccolomtnu  —  3170.  fl^fterlif^em 
3<K0Cltr  t^f  timidity  of  a  novice, —  3173.   faM^oft,  unrtaL 

346.   31 81.  The  last  two  scenes  of  Act  IV  were  omitted  in 
:lie  stage  copy. 

348.  SD.^  after  3198.  S^etnegnttg^  unusual  for  (Snegung. 

fünfter  2tuf5ug. 

349.  3204.  ^eitt  Sli^tt^f  according  to  a  contemporary  account 
W^allenstein's  ofiicers  as  well  as  the  page  who  defended  his  door 
were  shot.  —  3207.  SBct  \\i  gttt  fatferßll^  ?  This  was  actually  the 
chailenge  of  the  executioners.  —  3209.  Betbe,  there  were  four  of 
'Wallenstein's  adherents  at  the  fatal  banquet:  lUo,  Terzky,  Kinsky 
and  Neumann.  —  3212.  Hauptmann,  more  precisely  ^au^Jtmänncrn. 
—  3214.  Slttfi^  bie  Bürger,  the  historical  evidence  is  rather  to  the 
contrary ;  Wallenstein  contemplated  compelling  the  Citizens  to  take 
an  oath  of  allegiance  to  him,  but  gave  up  the  plan. 

3I$0.  3219.  An  ofücial  letter  to  the  four  burgomasters  of  Eger, 
dated  Feb.'  26th,  is  mentioned,  which  accuses  them  of  failing  to 
show  the  Emperor  due  ob^dience,  but  it  is  believed  that  Schiller 
knew  nothing  of  this  letter.  —  3224.  ^Wi^  Ofihretf^,  this  Condensed 
expression  =  bad  ^QUd  ÜOtt  £)./  is  not  uncommon  in  toasts.  —  3228. 
üt  ^ffii^t  =  in  S)ien|l. 

331.  3231.  The  su4den  change  of  allegiance  of  the  two  merce- 
nari^s  is  less  startling  than  Buttler*s  exclamation.  His  was  no 
such  tender  conscience  as  to  prompt  him  to  abhorrence  of  treach- 
ery.  The  explanation  of  Buttler's  addressing  this  reproach  to 
Deveroux  only  is  th»  fact  that  the  latter  originally  spoke  what  is 
here  given  to  Macdonald.  —  3234.  bct,  he^  1.^.,  Buttler.  Dever- 
oux's  reply  has  something  of  the  true  Hibemian.  —  3241.  The  un- 
conscious  irony  of  thb  line  is  quite  comical.  —  3242.  ^nvtftttC,  the 
French  form  was  common  in  just  this  combination;  elsewhere  we 
find  gortuna,  as  in  1.  3239. 

452  WALLENSTEINS  TOD  [l.  3245 

352.  3245.  fo^en,  archaic  inf.  of  fangen«  80  fle^'i»  tat  Brkf, 
the  public  letter  outlawing  Wallenstein,  see  Introd.,  p.  zzzr.  — 
3250.  Sun  hotttn  ^tt,  From  thence^  ue,,  from  the  imperial  comt.  — 
3252.  It  was  a  tradition  that  the  court  disposed  in  this  waj  «I 
sway-backed  horses  finely  decked.    CHlt  ^ergoweitt,  an  appomt^ 

ment  or  a  patent  of  nobility,  —  3253.  f)|(ettbib,  lavish, 

353.  3258.  3Racb01taIb  is  to  be  accented  on  the  fixst  and 

third  syilables.  —  '3266.  *  Thirty  Souls '  is  the  r^ruimion  niimber 
for  a  thorough  cut-throat. 

354.  3268.  Snrament,  oath,  —  3269.  The  oath  is  nuU  wUk 
(the  cessation  of)  his  loyalty  (to  the  Emperor).  —  3273,  The  fc« 
with  verbs  in  *icrcn  was  common  in  the  i7th  Century.  —  3274.  kcT 

Slnfto^,  the  rub.  —  3275.  toenn^iS  =  locnn  c8,  not  toenn  b<«,  since 

the  use  of  the  genitive  without  an  article  is  common  with  Schiller. 
—  3282.  ^eftaln^en,  declined,  as  before  we  have  had  Suttleni. 

355.  3294.  See  note  to  998.  —  3295.  Cp.  11.  2888-2889 

356.  3304.  bfl§tt,  for  the  killing  of  Illo  and  Terzky.  —  33061 
See  note  to  1.  27^9.  —  3312.  Doubtless  Buttler  makes  this  State- 
ment expressly  to  sting  Deverouz  to  accept  the  undertaking. 

357.  3318.  Before  retfl^eit  sc.  ^at.  —.3329.  ^e»  ^Dmto,  tke 

thankful  man,  —  3336.  k  common  superstition  regarding  oany  a 
hunter  or  soldier;  feft,  charmed,  cp.  Lager,  11.  352-353.  —  3337- 
SBaiS  mirb  er,  Buttler  probably  intends  to  add,  gegen  JhtgeUi  mac^n 


3Ö8.  3338.  ^efrureit  (lit,  frozen),  invulnerable^  —  3348.  Ie< 
toä^rtr  infallible;  ^ann,  J/<?//.  —  3351.  ÄerWr  ^®  Low-German 
plural  is  pref^rred  with  this  word;  in  some  cases,  as  in  ^rtfd^ierl, 
1.  3355,  the  -§  seems  to  be  due  to  French  influence.  —  3355-  ^fTt- 
fd^ieriS,  bodyguards  (spelled  also  $atf(^ier,  though  the  word  is  of 
the  same  origin  as  English  *archer'). 

359.  3366.  Sftnnen  ruft,  give  the  alarm;  Sfitmetl  is  heie  osed 
quite  in  keeping  with  its  original  meaning  'to  arms'  (ItaL  tue 
arme).  —  3367.  While  this  is  not  the  fact,  we  may  snppose  that 
Deveroux  believes  it.  ^omitat,  escort  (cp.  posse  comiteUui).  —  3380. 
^ad  ifi  er,  usually  S)ad  ifl  ed,  the  agreement  with  3n'e(t  belog  qnite 

^  3522]  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  453 

3GO.  Dritter  2löftrttt,  Here  was  the  beginning  of  Act  V  in 
tbe  stage  version  of  the  play,  but  the  present  IV,  9-14  came  just 
before ;  thus  the  parts  in  which  the  Swedish  captain  appears  were 
then  consecutive.  —  3387.  gtttCi^  ®lüä  is  unusual,  @Iü(f  alone  being 

30].«  3408.  mattft,  wavers  {pi  course,  seemingly).  —  3412.  bä= 
^ilt,  in  that  direction ;  not  in  Cassiopeia.  —  3415«  i^Mf  Jupiter. 

362.  3419.  il^tt,  Max ;  in  the  pause  W.'s  thoughts  have  changed 
their  course.  —  3421  ff.  There  is  a  general  resemblance  to  these 
lines  in  the  fortieth  stanza  of  Shejley's  Adonais, 

363«  3439.  Herffi^mer^te,  imperf.  subj.,  For  what  can  (would) 
man  not get  overf  —  3441.  For  the  imperious  kours  master  htm,  — 

3447.   ^eittHii^feit,  for  ©cbcutung.  —  3450.  C^rl^pbett  fiilS,  stood 

forth.  —  3455.  Who  by  his  appreciation  first  creates  it  and  increases 
it  by  sharing,  —  3462.  STlittentad^t,  cp.  1.  2828  and  1.  3352 ;  action 
has  been  delayed,  or  Schiller  overlooked  the  slight  inconsistency, 
or,  more  likely,  the  word  is  used  only  in  the  sense  of  deep  night. 

364.  3466.  nimmer  =  nie  ntel)r  (its  original  sense).  —  3474. 

See  Introd.,  p.  xii.  —  3478.  gn  @Uffi^itt,  the  Carthusian  monastery 
at  Walditz  near  Gitschin,  where  W.*s  first  wife,  and,  after  1636, 
his  own  body  were  buried.  —  3479-  ^ittBegraBe,  the  l^tn  goes  in 
sense  with  tvo,  but  is  unusual  with  such  a  verb  as  begraben.  — 
3480.  nitlt  VXtXMXf  just  simply, 

365.  3484.  iie  =  ble.  —  3486.  Sli^etttMrb,  image,  referring  to 
the  optical  fact,  due  to  refraction,  that  the  sun  is  actually  below 
the  horizon  when  we  first  see  it.  —  3489.  loattbeft,  stirs,  —  3491. 
Henry  IV.  of  France  had  some  premonitions  of  his  murder,  but  the 
greater  part  of  those  here  ascribed  to  him  came  as  dreams  to  his 
wife.  —  3494.  9laiiatUaC,    the  assassin  of  Henry  IV.  —  3495-    t^ 

ittßt^  Uli  ttttf,  it  (the  foreboding)  haunted  him.  —  3504.  ^ö  ttiollte 
ga?  Vi\jS^i  enben,  it  seemed  as  if  it  would  never  end.  —  3509.  ^eff  e, 
spread;  the  red  spread  suggests  the  red  carpet  of  his  room  in  which 
W.'s  body  was  wrapped  after  the  murder. 

366«   3514.  et,  i'i'i  the  Emperor.  —  3516.  An  allusion  to  poi- 

8on.  —  3520.  gfetbmarf^aa,  liio.  —  3522.  biei$  (Sefil^lefl^t,  thisgen- 

''.r4itiony  cp.  Picc.^  1.  2405,  and  Tod^  1.  584. 

454  WALLENSTEINS  TOD  [l.  3527 

367.  3527.  afled  titft§te  mii^  trftgen,  ober,  unless  evetytking 

deceives  me.  —  3533*  A  feud  with  the  Venetians  in  1617,  in  which 
Wallenstein  aided  in  the  relief  of  the  Austrian  fortress  of  Gradiska. 

—  3535*  V^^'^t  ^^-^  ^  ^^f  ^^^^  ^^>  ^-  himself  assigned  this  signifi- 
cance  to  it.  —  3536-3537.  Cp.  the  nature  of  the  ring  in  the  ring 
Story  of  Nathan  der  Weise,    foltttl0r  i^ote  that  in  comparison  in 
which  the  second  member  is  a  clause  having  a  different  verb  from 
the  preceding  clause,  the  second  'as'  (toie  or  a(d)  is  commoniy 
omitted  in  German.  —  3537-  gl(ltt(t0,  more  commoniy  gläubig.  — 
3539.  auf  $eU(ebeitd,  more  commoniy  simply  jeitleben«;  the  latter 
wojd  is  the  adverbial  condensation  of  the  phrase  bte   "^tW  (acc.  of 
duration)  metned  bebend, '  the  days  of  my  life,'  but  the  phrase  of 
the  text  is  equally  justified  as  a  condensation  of  auf  bte  "^tW  meinet 
bebend.  —  3543-3544«   Cp.  1.  2545  ff.     Gordon  being  a  Scotchman 
and  a  soldier  of  fortune,  it  is  improbable  that  he  was  a  page  with 

368.  3550.  l^nt  ftC^  ff^Ieii^t  OetO&^rt,  has  m  stood  the  lest  — 
3564.  Cp.  1.  191 8.  W.  at  fifty  might  indeed  still  have  brown  hair, 
but  in  view  of  the  former  passage  this  is  a  rhetorical  license.  — 
3568.  burc^r  ^^^h  ©tufen  one  would  expect  rather  hinauf,  but  doubt- 
less  the  literal  sense  of  Stufen  is  sunk  in  that  of 'states.'  —  357 1- 

ntiAte,  for  i^ermöd^te« 

369.  35B5-3587.  Cp.  Schiller's  Der  Ring  des  PolykraUs  ar  J 
Resignation,  —  3588.  2^1|)ll(oit,  probably  the  Egyptian  impersona- 
tion  of  evil. —  3591.  fo  =  fo  fe^r  and  is  limited  by  the  clause  begin- 
ning  with  al8.  —  3596.  follte,  was  to,  —  3597.  toic  =  oXi  ob. 

370.  3615.   The  House  of  Life^  cp.  Tod^  1.  24,  note. 

37 1.  3620.  Is  that  the  source  of  the  oracle?  <>.,  religious  preju- 
dice.  —  3621-3622.  ]|at  %XX  Ute  gefatten  tOOttcU,  you  were  houni 
never  to  be  pleased  with,  —  3625.  (fj^lfllttetlt,  simple ^  humhU, — 
3630.  tote  =  fo  gut  löte,  for  folüol^f  al8.  —  3632.  This  is  contrary  to 
history.  —  3635.  ftflftrei^,  confident 

372.  3653.  The  friend  of  one^s  youth  may  take  some  liberties, 

—  3655.  After  er'i?  sc.  oud^.  —  3656.  That  is,  having  allowed  things 
to  go  so  far  as  to  cause  the  death  of  Max,  it- would  be  too  .cow- 
ardly  and  humiliating  to  ai,ccept  pardon  and  ^ecurity  for  himsdf.— 


L.  3780]  WALLENSTEINS   TOD  455 

3661.  %näi  in4t,  i.^.j  3(f)  ^ättt  mid^  and)  ntd^t  hthad)t,  cp.  11.  2077- 

2078.  ^odi,  etc.,  But  why  (ialk  of)  consideration  at  this  late  hourf 

373.  3668.  ^arnttner(anb,  for  Äörntl^en,  Carintkia,  —  3669. 

\tSX^i,  fears.  —  3671.  bett  Wienern,  the  obj.  of  erfc^cn  in  the  sense 
replace  is  usually  in  the  accusative  case.  —  3674.  magft  =  barffi*  — 
3677.  benfe,  less  common  for  gcbcrtle. 

374:.  3691.  ^ctmftcttctt=an]^cimjletlcn.  —  3692.  trti^  ttuter- 
fittge,  imperf.  subj.  after  an  implied  negative,  as  in  French,  that  I 
should  undertakcy  with  noun  obj.  in  the  genitive  case.  Usually  fid^ 
unterfangen  is  foUowed  by  an  infinitive.  —  3699.  See  Introd/, 
p.  xxxix. 

375.    3704.  C^r  fott  ttic^t  fterben,  It  is  decreed  that  he  shall  not 

die.  —  3707.  genug  ifk  bcr  ^ere^tigfeit  gefc^e^eu,  enough  has  been 

done  to  satisfy  justice.  —  3709.  Cp.  Macbeth^  II,  2,  "Macbeth  doth 
murder  sleep." 

377.  3729-3730.  The  motive  for  removing  Gordon  is  happily 
introduced,  but  in  fact  the  trumpets  were  not  heard  until  next  day, 
when  Callas,  not  the  Swedes,  arrived.  The  stage  direction  ,,2Boffen= 
gctöfe"  at  the  close  of  the  scene,  which  is  to  suggest  the  death  of 
Wallenstein,  is  not  in  accord  with  the  accounts  which  agree  in  say- 
ing  that  he  died  without  resistance.  —  3732.  ^reunb !  This  is  the 
regulär  ans  wer  to  a  picket 's  challenge,  which  is  paralleled  by  the 
chamberlain's  „2öer  barf  l^icr  lärmen?"  — -  3733.  gcfttiS  Watxal  In 
Catholic  countries  it  is  common  thus  to  couple  the  two  names  in 

380.  S.D.  after  3774.  fßxihtt%ttU  ttögcttb"  does  not  neces- 
sarily  imply  that  the  servant  is  plundering  the  house,  as  Düntzer 
supposes,  even  though  Murr  reports  that  there  was  some  robbery. 
He  may  be  rescuing  it  from  supposed  robbers  and  looters;  cp. 
l.  3823- 

381.  3779.  The  Golden  Fleece,  the  ribbon  and  scroll,  with  a 
ram-skin  pendant  (see  the  portrait  of  Octavio  Piccolomini,  facing 
p.  59,  just  to  the  left  of  the  shield  and  hanging  over  the  dval 
border),  the  decoration  of  the  order.  —  3780.  The  missing  words 
may  be  üerfd^Uege,  6r  in  SBefd^Iag  nel^me ;  Macdonald's  speech  has 
the  requisite  number  of  syllables  for  four  feet,  but  it  will  not  scan. 

456  WALLENSTEINS  TOD  [l.  37S1 

—  378X.  S.D.  ,^t9  ttcrltert  ftC^  ftitt/'  ali  disperse  in  siUnce.—  J782. 
Octavio*s  virtuous  Indignation  is  hardly  consistent  with  II.  11 69 
and  1 182.  —  3785.  Buttler  speaks  ironically. 

382.  3795.  ed   is  here  impersonal;  tr.,   Had  obedience  io  ht 
so  swi/t  —  3796.  ^ew  ^ttSbigen,  «>.,  the  Emperor.  —  3797-3798. 

bie  rofc^e  S^onfbrecfitiig  is  object  of  angul^efteiu— -3804.  Der, /iü, 

<>.,  as  explained  in  what  foUows.  —  381 1.  Buttler  actually  went 
soon  after  the  murder  to  Vienna  änd  was  graciously  received  by 
the  Emperor  and  rewarded  with  a  title  and  estates.  His  wfaole 
attitude  in  this  scene,  while  very  dramatic,  is  one  of  Insubordina- 
tion, especially  in  11.  3811-3815. 

383.  3821-3822  %\t9  $astd  can  apply  only  figuratively  to  the 
family  of  W.,  though  the  If  tter  part  of  the  speech  seems  to  b? 
taking  it  literally.  —  3824.  This  or  i  be  understood  only  if  takei 
figuratively.  —  3827.  The  Countess  ignores  Octavio's  remark;  hei 
questions  fit  more  naturally  after  11.  3818-3820. 

384.  3838.  Octavio  is  lavish  of  the  imperial  mercy,  more  so 
than  was  warranted.  —  3846.  See  note  to  1.  3478.  —  3848.  %nSbtX, 

front  gratitude.  —  3849.  fein,  instead  of  the  more  commom  toerben, 
gives  the  eifect,  Permit  that  he  rest  tkere,  instead  of  'Ha^ehim 
buried  there/  which  would  be  thtt  most  plausible  interpretation 
with  lüerben.  —  3851-3852.  The  property  of  traitors  was  forfeited 
to  the   State.  —  3855.    Octavio  refers   to  the   Countess'  phrase: 

gönne  nrn^  ein  ®rab.  —  3856.  glaubten,  would  beiieve, 

385.  3867.  ^em  gfürftcn  ^iccotommi,  in  thU  address  with 

the  title  which  Octavio  had  so  long  desired  is  expressed  his  rewara 
f or  the  share  he  had  taken  in  the  overthrow  of  his  old  comrade  — 
a  reward  which  has  lost  most  of  its  value  with  the  death  of  the 
only  son  who  was  to  be  the  bearer  and  perpetuator  of  the  title.  It 
is  a  fine  instance  of  poetic  retribution,  and  affords  a  most  dramatic 
Situation  for  the  close  of  the  play.  Octavio  did  not  in  fact  receive 
the  title,  but  six  years  later  he  was  made  Duke  o£  Amalfi  by  King 
PhUlip  IV,  of  Spain, 

DEC  6  -    1915       .