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Full text of "The war for the Union, 1861-1865. A record of its defenders, living and dead, from Steuben county, Indiana; and history of veteran organizations and kindred associations"

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1801-- ISGo. 

i^  In^Ti:COI^:D  of  its   DKFKNl  )Kis!S, 



ANI>  -- 

Histor3^  of  Veteran  Orc^ianizations 
giricl  Kinclrecl  i\.ssocicitioiis. 



I     .1 

h  " 

S(>UDIi;Us'     MoNUM  I'lNI',     I  NDIAN  \l'i»MS,     IM). 

V,  -I 

SP re  face. 

^^ — •  ^  • 

1->iiiiVii<5iu3  (i(>iu|)oli)d  aiiuituri)  vvorit  in  tlio  priipaiutioii  of  thi;i  rooord,  wilU 
rhetoric  ami  proof  ruaduig  at  fault  thero  occur  uiuuy  typograpliioal  eri-oriH 
(hat  wouki  Im  juoiliiiu;,'  (o  a  pi-ofes«ioual  aulhoi'  or  a  practical  priuter,  but 
not  b(nug  either  our  i)rido  i.s  less,  liowover,  \vu  redpoctfuUy  ahlc  the  public 
to  overlook  the^e  and  pans  to,  aud  espociuly  uote,  all  errors  in  names 
or  omission  of  any  soldier  in  their  rej^inient,  coijii>uny,  or  the  lloll  of  Honor 
ftnd  report  by  postal  card.  We  wishing  to  i)reparc  a  more  perfect  roster 
in  the  future;  the  satnti  to  be  doposited  in  the  iccortler's  oflice. 

lu  the  form  and  charactt:r  of  thin  record  more  than  mere  iicknowledguient 
ifi  due  to  Conirade  11.  H.  Wcarner,  formaly  editor  of  dm  Kteubon  Republican, 
uud  also  largely  indebted  to  Hon.  F.  Macartney  and  Comrades  Dr.  (i.  VV. 
McDonnell,  tieo.  |ij.  Young,  A.  f.  Day,  and  many  (;(hi'M;  lor  special  remem- 
berunces  of  men  and  (sniti-  of  JMI'il.  'I'lie  eoni))iling  of  t his  rec(jrd  has  been 
no  eas^  ta;>U.  Correct  information  ditlcult  to  obtain,  records  not  alwajs 
reliable,  especialy  tiie  Adjutant  General's  Reports,  memory  nt  fault,  and 
often  it  seems  only  tradition  of  persons  and  events  is  bd't  to  Imild  upon. 
Among  its  own  people  the  part  that  Steuben  Coiuity  t'lidc  in  the  great 
Htinggle  is  being  rapidly  tingotten.  'L'his  record  not  wil list andiiig  it  many 
detiicts  il,  is  hoped  will  lio  a  st,"'p  towards  a  more  jmrfix  t  work  by  a  inoie 
able  compihr. 

Siibiiiii  !(il  in  !''.  (I.   li. 

.JksSK   U.  OAld'tlNTKU. 



PAGE  rAGli; 

Iiitrodiictii;ii              -              -                   5  I  IlinuliLal  and  "^rwenty-ninth  Iiid.  ;;'_' 

Fourfli  Michigan  Vol.   liif'l.                  (>  I  Huiidrt^d  and  L'^itly-.'^econd  Ind.  ilfi 

Foi'^cond  Illinois  N'ol.  Inf't.           1)  i  MisiH^llam  uiis  Eiili.-tiiunts  I'.ri 

MoCli  111  ii'k  D^ai^'<)oll^                              11  Ifccapilnlation  of  luiliriUd  M(ii  ::'.) 

]v;iiitli  Indiana  Vol.  Inf'l.                      11  'riKU^ralt            -              -               -  lo 

Tvventy-lirrit  Indiana  \'oi,  Int'l.          U  j  Bonnlios            -              -              -  K) 

'I'weiilv  ninth  Indiana  \'ol.  Inl't.       lli  I  Indiaiia  Lc-jJon               -               -  i  1 

ForlViOurUi  Indiana  Voi.  Inf'f.  15  Army  Sni';j;t'(>nH  and  rc'n.-;it>n   Ex- 

Sovcuity-fonrtli  liid.  Vol.  Tnfl.  'JO  aniiiuM'8  -  -  -11 

Eigtil/oiulit  Ind.  Vol.  luft.  L' 1  '  iioll  of  Honor  -  -12 

Olio  l-JiUKiredth  Ind.  Vol.  inft.  LT)  j  CenicUiii  s  ^iMlus  t'ounly  -IS 

■Si-'Vcniii  Ind.  Cavalry  -  28  '  Kciinion.s  -  -  .01 

Twfinii  Ind.  Cavalry  -  80  ' 

G,  A,  R,  AND  W,  R,  C,  POSTS, 

H.  Jiidson  Kilpatrick    I'osI,    (I    A  I    Mi-Lain  Post  No  ;MlM  )  A   W  70 

W  Nt)  jr.,  n'  K  0  No  i'.S  ri5       l,faiJion  (Jrillith  Tosi  (r  A     ii    No 

S.  C.  Aldritdi  Post  No  IIJ.S,  U  A  R  r,S  :!S7,  W  R  (.!  No  111  -  72 

B.-T.  Crossv/.-iM  I'ost  (i  A  R  "No  lAO,  I    II.  1  j.  Townstind  Post  No  105  (I  A  R  7r, 

^\'  i;  V,  No  :!7         -  (io    j    Rbcuiiilu'at  on  -  -  77 

Middh  .on  Ptrlfcl  I'ost  (1  .\  1\  No  lilx-soldior  rcsidinis  nol  li.stcd    in 

17;;,  w  R  0  No  !);t  -  r>.-.    I  ti,-  (\  A  R  -  -  7.s 

Mihdiis  McGowon  i'os!  No  2:5',)  tiS    | 


Tint  Hiiyder  Camp  No  i)!)  -  H2    I    M.  H.  l>ii(lor  (^aniji  No  2(;  -  Y-U 

D.  13.  Erodcn'ck  Camp  No  10!)  ^^;!    I    CharKs  K.  K.inm.y  Camp  No  KU       Mi 

0.  11.  pauglu^rty  Camp  No  i:-!,')  «t    | 


RtuniiiisooiuMfs  t'lDiii  a  7th  Cavalry  lioy,--l  j;il;iy  el  I  d  Hiirl;ctt  -                  iS7 

Rattio  of  Slonc.  Uivcr,      M.    15.     Hiitirr                                                 -  -               8« 

'I'hc  I2;tlh  )nd.  (ho  liallh's  of  l''raiiklin  ami  Naslivilir,      !•;.  (i.  .M(|iiidy         '.)1 

(Jom|)any  II  71  liul.  at  Missionary   Uiels^d,-    Nelson  .1 .  I  .el  Is  -                91 



r\n  Dec.  17th  18(;0,    and   subsequent   conventions   of  South    Carolina    and 

-  other  soutiieni  state:?,  rcriolving  upon  Heci'ssit)n  from  thu  Federal  Union; 
no  pari  of  tlio  cnuiitry  exhibited  a  Htrun;;*!-  fi'oliu;^  to  erusK  Iho  liydra 
seeds  of  iri'Urion  than  little  Steuben,  the  uortlu^nst  emuity  of  Indiana. 
Discussion  ftillowed  by  activity  iu  orgaiiizatiun  in  dt'tenci!  of  the  Union  warf 
the  order  of  the  day.  How  i)rompt  the  patriotic  Sous  of  tlia  county  rallied 
and  the  thoroughne.'is  of  their  work  is  a  record  of  history,  from  tiie  birth  of  the 
Palmetto  Snake  at  ('harlston,  South  Carolina,  until  its  death  at  Api)on>attox 
Court  House,  Va.  Sieuben  County  Soldiers  v.ere  at  the  front  from  the  first 
to  the  last.  Dr.  Geo.  W.  IvIcConnell,  ojie  of  the  first  settlers  of  the  county  and 
a  prominent  man  of  tlie  State,  indjudcd  with  vim,  eneigy,  and  patriotism  al- 
ways manifested  by  hiiji  in  public  matters,  ke[)t  communication  open  between 
IndianaiKilis,  the  slal^^  eajiital,  and  Steuben  County,  goin^r  theii-  often  during 
(he  winter  of  18<;()-('.],  pr(jmising  the  governor  any  aid  he  r.iigiit  ask  from 
Stcmhfji    {'ouiily. 

On  r(^eci|)t  of  (lio  nuVy-s  (d'  firing  14)011  l''ort  Suinpier,  Dr.  McConni'll  ciilliHl 
tlie  iirst  war  meetiiig,  over  whicli  lloii.  A.  W.  Hendry  piisiiUil,  anil  cil-i/.ens  of 
all  parties  with  unity  participated  with  ]iatriotic  enthu.^iasm.  Resolutions 
were  ]j|iiisod;  tliut,  "The  Union  must  and  shall  bo  preserved;"  and,  ''Party  lines 
mutit  bo  no  more  uiitiMl»o  end  of  the  strugU ."'  'I'his  meeting  resulted  in.  the 
following  incident,  worthy    of  record. 

'I'wo  nieo  party  poles,  tall,  elegant  and  i.hajiely.  one  Rej-iihlicau  one  Diin- 
oci'al,  stood  (ui  (he  Public  Square  of  Ang'ila.  Cominiliees  wore  selected  from 
each  parly,  aiul  in  (he  })rerience  of  t!ie  piojdi',  these  poles  VtOre  cut  U(.wn  aiul 
cut  up.  A  signilieal  i(;n  tluvt  Steuben's  distinct  party  liiu  li  v»t  re  no  uior.',  but- 
wer(i    mingh'd    ami    uuited    for    tlie    Union. 

!'...  r.  Crosswnil.  {>,■.  \V.  C.  Wcii'hl, '!'.  I  \  .loiies,  iind  olh';',j  a^vpiaitilcil  with 
Military  tacties  <n>iiiuio;iced  (o  ilrill  (he  uum  01  the  county  eiul_,  in  th'.*  sprixig 
of  IHCil,  and  at  J'rc  hut  hincolu's  first  call  for  7r.,()()()  men  a  e^/injiany  wns 
i:ninedia((.ly  or;;-.iU'      d,  but.  situab^d  as  tlu-y  Wure  in  tlif  northijieit  (uiriier  of  thn 

state,  without  direct  railroad  or  lelegra})li  corumuincaLioii,  Ihty  wero  uiuilik 
to  got  tlicir  np2)licati(iri  to  the  Govcvnor  in  tiuu',  and  wiien^lhcy  did,  ht;  will: 
regret  inf»)rmed  thcui  (hat  tho  state  qiioto  of  0,000  nun,  mulor  the  l're.-iid<  nt'i. 
chH  wiW  filled,  but  ko  deti'Tuiined  ami  enthused  were  tu/ine,  that  they  i^imj^li! 
pl;ict»s  in  rogimenta  of  other  states. 


(■)r^rmiized,  May  IH,  ISCI.  Mustered,  June 'JO,  l«i;i . 

Among  (lie  lir.^t  Id  Ixnijlit  from  istenhen  Coirnly  was  (he  Itli  Mich,  lluii  he 
ii.g  organized  in  an  aeljoining  eounty  of  that  state.  'I'he  folluwing  v.tre 
Steuben    County    Boys    of 

OO.Ml'ANY   ii.  4lll  MIOII.  vol,.  INl'J', 

Aldrieh,  Mugonc.  Ch-t)xton,  L.  J.  Meeeh,  hhed.  W. 

All'in,  OliiM-hs  II.  Crocket,  ill  roy  Meek,  l>avid 

Adair,  James  11.  l^-'iy,  AcUilbert  l'\  Morse,  Sanford 

Bates,  Charles  Davis,  Enoch  Michols,  Henry 

'riaker,  W.  T.  Divelbess,  George  W.  Prese,  George 

Bixler,  F.  ISI.  Fisher,  Homer  E.  Prese,  ?\1a(hias 

IJejidi-r,  David  I'hiller,  Orson  Peirce,  William  J. 

P.ritton,  William  Fitch,  ]';ds<'n  J.  llichardson,  John. 

Burns.  10.  C.  Hacket,  Andrew  Shatfei-,  Altoiizo. 

Bryan,  Joseph  Jv)nes,  Timothy  T.  Shick,  Charles. 

Caswell,  A.  I).  Jones.  Thomas  D.  Tasker,  Bichard 

Campbell,  J.  E.  Kemery,  Absolem  Tillolson,  George. 

Carver,  tjrville  ,  Kingley,  A.  J.  Whealon,  Andrew. 

Carpenter,  AV.  ^V^  M(jnger,  T.  J.  Young,  George  E. 

A  fev/  more  of  Steuben  Boys  were  in  other  Companies,  hut  <jwing  to  want  of 
records  and  othor  causes,  their  names  cannot  bo  given;  liowever  two  Boys  are 
well  remomborcd,  Lester  Scholfield  and  Henry  Petrie,  both  were  badly  woraiu- 
e«J  in  battle.  Lester  Schollleld  now  lives  in  [Kansas,  and  Henry  Petrie  Ms  a 
noted  Physician  of  Oregtni. 

The  above  list  was  tho  largest  body  of  men  from  .Steubrii  County  (hat  was 
connected  wi(,h  tho  Army  of  tho  Potomac. 

Some  of  these  boys  never  returned,  killed  in  battle  ur  died  rinni  wiuiiids  and 
disciises,  odieis  Irom  woumls  and  disabilities  i)ieid<'nt  l(»  a  soldier's  lile  \m  re 
discharged.  A  majority  of  whom,  on  regaining  he.'.KIi,  reinlislid  in  nlinr 
organizations  for  tho  war.  'i'lui  balance  served  (Ik  ii-  lull  limi,  and  many 
votiaaiual  in  (he  sanm  regimen  I. 

The  Kfi  Mieh.  was  at  the  front  (o  (lie  las(  moment  of  its  time.  I(s  l.i.-s  in 
batlh^  of  men  ;  I  (dliceits  \sasalarge  percent  above  ilu  aveiage  i;li;tliir 

At  Gettysbnrg  290  men  eutered  the  bftttle,  75  wore  taken  prisoners,  100 
wounded,,  nud  50  killed.  In  every  onj^agomout  during  the  war,  they  made  a 
loHS,  having  five  Colonels  killed  in  battle  and  a  correspondely  large  per  cent  of 
line  officers  and  men. 


Bull  Ran, 

Soige  of  Yorktown, 

New  Bridge, 

Hanover  C.  U. 


Gaines'  Mill, 

New  Market, 

Malvern  Hill, 

Harrison  Landing, 


Bull  Ruu, 


Shephardat)wn  Ford, 


Brandy  Station, 
Bristoe  Station, 
llappahanuoeh  Station, 
Mine  Run. 


In  the  month  of  September,  1861  a  detail  from  Co.  B.  was  doing  picket 
duty  on  VanderburgH  Hill,  which  locality  was  noted  at  that  time  for  its  sharp 
picket  firing,  and  the  boys  becoming  disgusted  with  it,  determined  to  punish 
the  Johnes'.  So  one  morning  Second  Sergeant  Thos.  D.  Jones  gethered  a 
few  of  Co.  B.  boys  around  him,  and  they  determinded  to  attack  a  strong  pick- 
et post.  It  was  just  at  the  peep  of  day  when  they  started,  but  it  was  not  long 
before  they  found  what  they  were  looking  for—  a  fight—  nor  was  it  long  be- 
fore that  picket  post  was  driven  in,badly  whiped  losing  all  their  equipments. 
1'he  plunder  captured  by  Sergeant  Jones  and  his  siinad  was  divided  as  far  as 
it  wont,  and  the  l»oyH  <Hincluded  they  had  glory  oncjugh  for  one  day. 

On  the  23  of  May,  1H«2  the  4th  Mich,  with  the  rest  of  the  fifth  corps  was  on 
the  march  one  of  the  Steuben  boy's  Homer  E.  Fisher  being  fatigued  was  allow- 
ed by  the  Caj)tain  to  fall  in  the  rear  of  the  company,  the  Major  of  the  regiment 
rode  up  t<t  Fisher  and  ordered  him  into  the  ranks.  An  altfircation  ensued  in 
which  tlie  Major  got  the  worst  of  it.  Of  course  Fisher  was  arrested  foe 
iusubopdination,  and  (hat  night  tried  by  drum  head  court  martial  and  con- 
victed. The  next  morning  tho  regiment  was  sent  out  on  a  reconnaissaiico  to 
ascertain  tho  site  of  New  Bridge  which  had  been  distroyed  by  the  rebels, 
Fisher  hearing  of  the  probabilities  of  a  fight  begged  to  go  along.  He  was  allow- 
e  I  to  go  and  in  the  fight  that  followed  on  the  banks  of  tho  (^hickahomany,  he 
became  separated  from  his  company,  and  going  alcjno  down  to  the  left, 
coinpletly  destroyed  a  strong  piket  post  of  five  rebtih,.  Ft>r  his  good  con- 
duct that  day  his  sentance  of  tho  niglit  before  was  commuted.  This  was  tho 
third  time  that  a  reconnaissance  had  betm  made  to  locate  this  passage  of  the 
Chickahomany  River,  and  to  tho  glory  of  rhe  4th  Mich,  be  it  said  they  il  id 
tlmir  work  well.  'I',  y  foriled  the  river  t<j  get  at  the  enemy,  and  drovo  a 
brigaile  of  Louisia       ns  from  thoir  works,  with  a  loss  of  three  n\on   killed    and 

ii\  t' -wi.i'.iii!;'!!.      ( 111  IliiMr  I'l  ii'.rii  lo  ciiinji,  Ili(:-  ri  ;^-:iiU' nt  \\!i:s    uu-t    by    (Uii.    Mc- 
(,'le!lc-i,  v/ho  cuiiij  li;i;tui(ctl  Ihfciii  very  hiLjlily  Tur  (lic-ir  work  cii  (hut  ()<'Cii>,i'.ii. 

Tho  hisi' Gijni])lijnont  from  the  Jdhnics.— ■  The  ic^rhiK  nt  wiis  letiiiiH  lI  up  lo 
the  l;iyt  'uioniyiit.  of,  its  thi-ce  yc;ir,s  service,  ilie.  la^t  day  ;uid  hour  it 
W!-'.  bcl'orc  t!Vj  n;;'i)iy"s  wi/rks  v.t  l'L-ti-Lhhur<^;,  \';i.  On  th^  icj^-iim'nl  l.ciiif^- 
W-th  Il'.uvli  r  »r  di:-;i:lrir.>-.',  !'.  [>;u'ti'i!(  sJio!  in  t!i.^Hha]K!  <ii'  ii  hiiij^- cojiical  iu-o 
Hhf'll  was  ss'ut  :i!li,r -.  thciii,  !uit  fiiih'd  to  c.xi  lodt;.  ,  (trvillc  Cai-vcr  picked  i(  up 
and  lu^'-jjid  it  o:,i  au  ti!j,ht  i!iil;.:  iiiai-cii  to  (he  Iraif^poiiatioii  boals.  ji(^  ui  s 
<fi*('ii  toiiiptcd  io  .thi'iAV  it  away  on.  account  of  i{«  gri..t  weight,  l)ut  he 
])ersi:it,ed.;uid  iiir.v  it  is  liioked  ujx/n  ii,s  an  jnteiestiiig  relic  Imt  carefully  han- 
dliHl,  as-it  is  slili  loadvxi  willi  di.-trucl  ion. 

iT'isoN.'.f,  ]'.v.">  IS  •.I'li'an^t;  of  .sov.m  ov  oo.  ].'.  i;ovk'.  wiio  jticrr  i;a'i.1)  .iso  no\\'  i.rvi.Nti 
jj\  i'.'ib;  CO  j:,ty,  1'»;(»minij;.\tin  cuKiNrsH,  I'OT.iTKn-;,  ajuj  of  HociAh.  K'i'.iNi/i.\t;. 

Ai>i!:f,ii;o;;T  F.■'!).^  v„  .fulllUlfd  the  full  duly  oj'  a  soidier  chiriii^j;  the  nUiie 
war,  taken  prisoner  ati  Gaiues' Mtl!,  June  L'7,  IHCL',  while  (r^in;--  to  rescue  a 
'..■ound-'d  eo,!in-ade,  from  (lie  I'lieniy,  coave;^ni  (o  l,i!')!iy  frisou  v.  hi  re.  he  v,,'s 
held'al'out  six  weeks  and  exehanL^ed,  was  a^ain  taken  prisoiiir  ;..t  Cit  (,\  >l.ui  g 
and  eiijoy.'d  the'  i!os|)ilal;ty  (jf  BeMe  Ish^  for  neariy  two  months  and  thriunli 
sLr,ii";.Vy  in  hoodwiukiui;- (he  count  of  (lie  nijel  o;lk-ers,  (he  f-eeoud  time  s(  cured 
Uii  e):eiian;_,'e  and  rijoimil  liifi  regiiiient.  .1  li'  vei  ei  aued  i:i  (he  ;;iiu;e  cwm['aiiy 
and  was  one  of  (he  la-t  (o  return, home.      \[r  is  H<e.v  i-ouniy  Kecordi  r. 

<>.•'■•»  11,1, !■•  ('..\,;vi  ,;,  with  rare  ;;ood  iorluiie  iu'V(  r  v,as  alj.uni  a  mile  nt  leareh, 
l)a(Mo  oi-  skirmisli  in  whic'.i  liis  eoiiipauy  was  en;:;a|.';ei!,  (  r  iiis  i-.  i.;  (inii  for 
[)icket  duly,  or  a  re^^nlai'  ratieii  is;  ued  durie'^'  his  three  yea m  s.ivice,  and 
escaiied  alJ  williout  l).'iu,!(  disabled  either  li.y  l>nlli:t  or  ilisrase.  After  (iu^  t,>.- 
pir.iliouof  ihr-.e  years  serv  ice  Icj  reenlisted  in  I'r;  Veteian  ('.,rpsand  re- 
nuiined  until  lh:J  closo  of  iiie  war.  Hiuce  (lie  war  oceupinj^r  ^  jjinauim'nt  hu.-i- 
ne.OH  pO;5ition  ;is  dnj-;-g-ist  at  Anf^'ohi,  Tc'i^t  Master  for  juany  y.ars,  and  (il!(  d 
ofcUer  pnhlio^,  and  is  now  the  these  n  l:-;ta((  I^Joialor  f(;r  yttubcu  -nd  La- 
Grang'o  ei)'anlier;.  •  • 

■  Jon..i.Ri.ut,\i.D;-,oM,  a  tr;jo  honest  .soldier;  whiiii  in  line  of  duty  (i(  Caiiith'Mill 
ree.riwd  a  severe  wound  (d'  the  left  a.-rni  and  iiami,  mak  in--  him  disabhd  ler 
lite.  lb'm<'cei,'ed  his  disehjH'.'.^e  (let.  liJ,  ■  |,S(i!.',  niul  now  in  a  ipiirl  n;ann'i 
lohoA's  his  trad.-  in  An;';(ila,as'l)est  he  can  for  a  liveliliood,  f.;-eiier.  his  to  a.  eom- 
radj  or  porKou    ia  need,  a.n  houurod  and  respected  citizen. 

•  iii'TOiV  Nimiof.s,  called  tlm  boys  nt  reveille,  Boimdcd  the  alai'ui,  ;-nd  hi  at  the 
t!i«>  laps  on  hi.^drum  froiu  May,  ISCt  to  Dee.,  ISi;,'>.  No(h.i,bl  the  bo_^,;  ed'hu 
\v;shei!  id,m  ane  is  drm.-i  whrre  sohtirrs  (_;■(  ne;al;y  wi.-ii  antioye), (•.■;,  bul  lianic 
ol,eyed  (H-deis,       d  wi  th  all  t  he  rv->;'im<'n  t  eonhl    not     luivo    done    wiiinnl     him. 


Age  .lud  till'  re:siillc;  of  si'rvico  sluiw  (IvLir  ir.arl;::,  iiuiy  it  be  di.sliuit  wl.eiiilir 
i.insteriii};-  out  are  s :)  I'ov  liiiii. 

(iMuKOH  K.  You.^d,  w.i.s  wound',  d  aL  Now  lirid'^f,  Va.,  lak''n  ])vi.suiuT  at.  (ii  t- 
ty.^lmi';^-,  I'Xi'.haiigi'd  ut'lci-  (wo  moiiihs  conliiU'iiiciit  at.  liiidiinoiid,  and  on  ni - 
(•  anil  ol' dis,d)ility  disi-liarj^cil,  on  .i'i'i'Upii'ali<>n  was  coiMinissioDcil  a.s  A.-.s'l. 
n-ovost  Mai-Mliall,  altrnvai'ds  a.s  Adjt.of  tin-  ir.L'  li;d.  Vol.  Among  the  jilcasant 
t'2)isod(.'s  at  the  begiiiing  ui  tiie  war  wr.s  the  nianiagi:-;  of  iivo.  K.  Young  to 
Elizabc'ili  Freygai;g,  and  Fr<.d.  W  Alorch  to  Helen  Darrah.,  both  Angola  gir'.s. 
Those  inairiages  weio  solemnized  by  the  reginiental  Clia])!ain  in  fi'ont  of  liie 
reginieiit  at  di't'ss  pai'i'.de  on  lli'J  evo  oi  it  dejiart ure.  ('ouuadc  Young  li'/id 
and  is  lujw  enjoying  life  with  hi.s  estin<aial)le  wiie,  but  jioor  Fred.  Medh 
killbJ  in  battle  at  Gain-s'  Mill,  ^'a.,  ncvi.r  rctanird  lo-:e  I  hi.s  bride.  Sich 
i,;    often    the   fortune:;    and   (eriabie    i-ealitii'S    of     war. 

S.UNi'OKU  I\I  >:;si:,  a  re.-ideut  of  Orland  and  a  soldii  r  froiu  May,  lot, I  to  ^^.lare!). 
ISCiC),  wii.s  reei[)ii-nt  of  rrlnl  tare  ni  i.ibby  i.^ri.s<.n  for  :;  si;  .son,  while  iheie  laai- 
ed  tie,;  eogir<iiii,n  of  ••!).  k'i  or"  as  by  liis  iiiean.s  hi.i  comrades  receivid  fas'ors 
that  .saved  life. 

I'^DSON  J.  Fii\j:i,  after  three  ye;irs  Herviut;  in  Co.  13.  again  volunteered  (o  the 
end  of  the  war.,  IJe  was  thor()Ugh,  quiet,  and  method  like  m  soldier's  duties,  ..s 
in  I'll. i /en'.,  w  .  ii'k,  an  (  .Kelbml.  aecn unlaid,  genllemanl  ^  in  il.inrnioi'  he  si'i'\  eil  as 
l)e|iiily  Ciimily  .\udiloi-  with  abdily.  !lis  .sohiier  record  eoujihil  with  Ills  eom- 
l>e^(.eniey,  made  him   tally  d'.'Srrving  of  Ihi;  |.rii.eij>al  |!ion. 

Ft)ll'l'\  •SJ'.('()N1)  11  Ii.  VOL.  [N'l'"'i'. 

M.)re  men  were  called  lor  and  anothei'  bl(.,et,  of  lUenben  Coimly  boys,  who 
HDUghk  immedialu  seiviee,  uuil.'d  their  fortunes  and  ghu'y  W'llh  the  -iL'nd  111. 
Organized  in  July,  l«(;i 

STLlUbKN  COUNTY  r-OiS  OF  CO.  I.  'V2y,li  Jl.I.. 

Adams,  James,  Finch,  Kobert,  -  Miner,  William, 

iiuUard,  Almon,  (ireenleaf,  A.  N,  IMoorehouse,  Hlu  rman, 

(\\rson,  \V.  1.  (b.odale,  A.  N.  Nash,  Mlijah, 

(\ii'son.  .John,  Hart,  'I'liompson,  Nash,  .loliii  l!. 

C'iirpenter,  Oordon,  ilart,  I'^dwia  11.  0])ie,  lii-njamin, 

Carpontor.  N'olney,  ilowetl,  Waison  J.  Opii;,  William  J. 

Dickinson,  Milton.  Hoover,  Nicholas,  Itoot,  Orrin  E. 

])ic.Uia.'<on,  Can.  Ii  Jarrard,  William'  Koot,  Wallace  \V. 

Evans^,  iioberl,  'Kale,  Henry,  Spear,  Hold.  \i. 

Eekrighl,  ('has,,  M  iiier, 'riiomas,  Tutde,  liesilJah. 

These  men  weri!  o'  limd  near  (  >rlanil  I  hrough  the  mitlium  of  a  rieruitiiig 
otUcer   friim     C'hica;.  Their    service    was  in    the    souih   anil    wesl. 



I.slii    J  Ni;.  10,  Mission  IJiilgo,  Keiiosiiw  Mouiitiiiii, 

Ft.  J'illuw,  'runnel  Hill,  ruach  'I'lco  Creok, 

Fiiiiniutrfon,  Rocky  Face,  Joiu'sboro,,  Buzzaitl  Roost,  Sininj^r  Hill, 

Stoiio  Ki.ei-,  Ailairville,  Kasliville. 

A  Daiiiif^f  i;x|)loit  of  Co.  I. —  In  di^fi'iico  of  Island  No.  10  (ho  enciny  liad 
planted  a  hadcu-y,  of  No.  (M  heavy  rifled  yuns,  Leliind  works  at  a  bend  of  the 
Mississippi  river  above  tlie  Island,  thus  ct)niniandiny  the  river  above.  Ad- 
miral Foote  informed  the  Colonel  of  the  't2nd  111.  that  it  was  necessary  tti  silence 
or  distroy  these  guns.  The  Colonel  selected  Co.  I.  for  the  business.  So  ouo 
.dark  night  they  liropped  silently  down  the  river  in  IxKitsv/ilh  niunUd  oars, 
landed  and  scaled  the  works  and  effectuly  sjjiked  every  gun,  taking  the  enemy 
so  completely  by  surj)rise  that  the  mischief  was  done  and  they  away  bef(;ro 
the  ene^my  could  rally  in  defence.  The  next  night  the  Union  gun  boats  run 
the  blockade  anil  geting  l)elow  the  Island  thus  compelling  its  surrender  with 
7,000  [)risoners. 

Joliu  Carson  and  Wm.  Jarrard  were  two  members  tliat  are  well  kiunvn  in 
the  county,  good  citizens,  true  to  comrades,  liberal  to  calls  of  distress  or 
public  needs. 

William  Jauuakd,  was  in  the  thn*;  moTiths  service  prior  to  joining  Co.  J. 
whtu'e  he  remaiiud  during  tlu)  war,  since  attentive  to  his  business  in  a  strictly 
quiet  way. 

JouK  Cabson,  had  the  reputation  of  being  the  best  2>i'uvider  and  forager,  in 
which  his  comrades  all  Bhared,  but  the  Corinth  swamp  water  comiielled  his 
discharge.  He  again  enlisted  in  the  128th  (>.  V.  I.  Hv  has  occuipied  a  public 
j)OKit;on  for  many  years,  and  is  noted  for  promptness  in  its  discharge,  and 
is  quick  tt)  notice  and  resent  an  imposition  or  neglect  to  a  soldier. 

P^irson's  fund  of  army  life  remiuissances  are  many,  luwelates  one  wMiich 
proves  Jarrard  to  be  the  original  dis(!overer  of  tlw  negro's  quitdc  addeption  to  a 
soldier's  drill.  Near  Sodalia,  Mo.  in  Dec,  IHIll  Co.  1.  was  guarding  a  se(;tion  of 
railroad  Jarrard  and  Gordon  Carpenter  were  [ilaecd  on  a  beat.  A  negro  cross- 
ed it  carrying  whiskey  that  his  master  liad  si  nt  for,  of  eours<i  it  was  thci  duly 
of  the  guards  to  investigate  by  sam])ling,  they  liid  this  s(»  w'l  11  thai  Cavpeutei' 
broke  his  gun,  and  departed  for  camp,  l)ul  Jarrard  saw  the  fatuie  of  the 
n(»gro  as  a  stvhlier,  and  held  him  ft>r  drill  in  "al)oul  face,"  "right  fuc(^," 
"inarch,"  t-vA.  'I'Ik' luigro's  mastiT  bi^coming  anxious  came  along  to  look  for 
his  ])r(»p(irly,  Jarrard  made  him  fall  in  as  a  recruit  and  ))ut  ilusm  bolh  tlirougli 
the  drill,  eoin[>e!"'ng  tjbedienoe  to  orders  by  the  us(!  ot  the  bayonet,  'I'hun 
tiiey  were  i'ouiid       irehing  up  and  down  tlie  railroad  Iraelv  by  Ihe  relief  gimril. 


]\lL-'^lVRLliKN'rr  DllAGOONS 

Als  )  ab  )ul  th'j  siiiiu'.    liiiu'    Jack.suii    "i[<.    fiirui.sliod   a    rt(]UHil    <>!    VDliinlocrs 
anxious  to  engage  in   defence    of     the    ihig,    wlio   found   ;h  rvice  by    goiii;,;-    to 
Chicago   and  Vnli.sting   in   Co.  A.    of  Mc-ClelUHrs  Dragoons.       They    were    .sent 
cawt  U)  net  a.s  body  guardrt  to  that  Cenenil.     'i'he  foUowing  are  their  names. 
Builu'tl,  liaf.iyett,  liuehanuan,  Jl.  li'anniiig-,  Amos, 

Ihown,  John,  Cariieniw,  Alva!:  N.  Jluirmaii,  Jaeli, 

r.LMinetl,  (luy,  i>avis,  Jolui,  Musi(  r,  Janus. 

A  INlajorily  of  tlic  se  men  are  \v<'ll  Unowii  in  tlie  Couidy,  and  are  now  resi- 
dents thereof,  Harlveil,  Carpttuler,  and  some  of  the  others  were  subseque- 
ntly di.schar,;e(l   and  again  enlisted. 

Singly  and  in  squai^.,  reside  nis  of  the  (,'ounty  left  for  the  uiilitary  serviee. 
Who  they  all  \v"'re  eannol  be  giveji.  'I'he  Stale  Adj'l  (b  iieral's  ibi.orts  is  the 
best  means  of  ktiowlegfe  but  it,  is  not  exact,  as  many  gave,  Ih.dr  i)laet!  i;!  resi- 
dence where  tin^y  eniisied,  and  Mu-  nn-nn)ry  (jf  old  citizens  is  at  fault,  r.s  niiirly 
tweniy-eight  years  luvve,  and  numy  ijoys  b.igoten  ami  their  friend.s  gone. 
It  iH  believed  that  Mielngan,  iUiaois.  and  Uliio  regiimnts  [.roliled  by  one  or 
nu)re  recruits  from  Steuben  Coi  n!y.  In  searching-  the  Adj'l.  (lenerafs  lUport, 
th'^  names  of  Sleubi^n  lioys  aj)))i';w  in  Ituliaua  !-eginuuiLs,io  wit; 

NIN'I  11   INIJ.  VOL.  INl'"'r. 
Co    1).  I'eler  ,S.,\\le,  John  1'.  AVrighl. 

('.OMiV\NV    10. 

Hear,  Wilbam  S.  ire  houl,  John  K.  Midi.  Is,  John  JL 

Colewell  li.  W.  Kbuk,  William,  K  ieha  i  dsou  ,1  ann-s, 

Colgrovi',  ii.  I'.  liiavilt,  Ce(H-ge  !'.  ibMon  r,  l-'avid  11. 

TV.'F.N'J'Y  FIRt^'LMND.  VOL,  INb"T. 

A  Kqulid  of   mtui  Iroui  Sileiii  'i'owjishii',  whowei-e  members    of    Co.  A. 
Conger,  P.  H.  J\leek,  A.  W.  'i\  mple,  E.  li. 

C.mger,  S.  li.  Shaffstall,  Adam,  \  anpilt,  Samtu), 

Knox.  }\.  B.  Shafrstall,  Frank,  AVoodford,  J.  C. 

McClain,  L,  N.  Setterlin,  J.  V. 

L.  N.  McClain,  Adam  and  Frank  Sluiffstall,  and  a  few  others  rel  urued.  and 
lire  |iroiniuent  in  citizen's  tjuties,  and  iiu'uibers  o'f  the  ('..  .A.  It. 

'I'liM  LMst  wa.s  seuicast  to  t'allinuu-e,  thence  with  Butler's  expdiilionto 
N(wv  Orleans,  La.  A  portion  of  this  reginunt  was  Ihi^  li'.sl  to  enl(  r  the 
(jity,  tlu'.ir  !)aiul  jJiying  '•J'ieayuno  liutler's  Coming!  (,'omiug!"  In  JS,);'. 
the  Reginn-nl  was  cl  itged  into  tlui  1st  Heavy  Artillery,  and  one  <  f  the  last  (o 
return    honm. 



TliL-  l,ri(Uo  of  Bull  Run  fought  and  lost!  The  need  of  soldiers  became  more 
pressing,  ({oveinor  M<)it(ni  now  aceej>l(d  coini)any  ortfanizatic.ns  from  tlio 
County.     Tlie  lirst  a.s.signed  to  the  21)1  h  lad    V<.1.  organized  ut    Lii  Porte,   Ind. 

Aug.,  18G1,  to  wit: 


James   H.  W.Jenkins,    Capt,  Kdward    K.  Sc  rgrnt,    ].-,l  Lieut. 

Kii'iiard    W.    Mf^endy,   L'lul    Jjieut. 

Allien,  Webster  llaeiuitt,  George                   Kabin    Oscm- C' 

Allen.  David  ii.  Jlanna,  Jlenry                        ISi.augle,  J.atay'etto  J{ 

A<ikuis,  James  J.  Haines,  I'hibp                        Htevvar  ,  Albei  t  ii 

L'aker,  Hirum  Hanna,  Natlianiel                 IStevenson,  William 

iJaker,  Thomas  J.  Hanselman,  William            Hluck,  Levi  \ 

Beck,  Abner  W.  Hanselman,  William  H.      8ommerlolt,,' Andrew 

Berger,  John  A.  Holdridge,  Hams  V.            8(unmeilolt,  I'rankliii 

Beiger,  D.aiiel  Huteliins,  Judah                    Seymour,   I'rankliu  B 

Bleach,  Francis  H.  Hunt,  John                             'I  aib(jtC'ak:b 

Bender,  William  Hushey.  Mos.  s  B.                  Taylor'  Joshua 

Boyer,  Jolm  Hulchms,  J ohn                      Taylor,  William  J, 

Brown,  Anson  Hunt,  William                        'iingler,  Simeon 

Bromley,  David  Hu/fman,  John  W.               '1  utile,  (ie(n-..e  D 

Bundy,  Hiram  .Jenkins,  William                   WoodsworthrJaim  s   B 

Carpenter,  James  M.  Jennings,  Charles  H.           \Velis,  Charles  L 

Clov(^hind,  (leon;e  D.  -J  agger, /iba  J.              John  ,)! 

Cole,  VVilliam  H.  I'.eyes,  William  H,                 W  i  loby,  |-'t;,iik 

C\)urfney,  Aloa/,o  Kerns,  William                       ^V  ilkin,  Lewis  H. 

Conrad,  iClias  1'.  Knowles,  ItiMiben                   A\ood,  Frederick  il 

Coe,  Chester  Lu  Rue,  John  W.                   Woodard,  Hiram  w' 

Clock,  Frederick  J;utclier,  VVilliam 

Commings,  Barney  Myers,  George                                      li<  cruils. 

Dennis,  Jolm  T.  Alolendy,  Hiram  B.  Allman,  John  F. 

Dculer,  William  Alelendy,  Lnu  ry  G.  Brown,Geon>e 

Dillingham,  Claudino  WcGowan,  Frederick  Berger,  Charles  J. 

Delabaugh,  Jom jdi  J.  McGowan,  Miletus  Bowermau,  Michael 

^i^<',  John  McGowan,  Ireiius  ('risf,  Aaron  K    M 

Everhart,  Jo.seph  M.  Moore,  Clornelius  Carpenter,  Gilbert 

l'ale«,  WiUard  Moore,  William  .S,  CarlieUl,  Jieniamin  K. 

M>rnor,  Jacob  Farker,  Kdward  A,  Dmni.son,  ( )iiaa.lo  J. 

iMsher,  (Joorgo  i'arkor,  l!;(hviu   J,,  Faloii    John 

Freu.ih,  Chauc.ry  F.W.ty,  ,l,)hu  Klliml.  ||.„rv   R. 

!','■'"''■  '''''   "•  Fheiiecir,   Fcuis  (ia.skill,  b'u'hurd  ,1. 

Galchouse,  Jam  '.s  Fheiie<ue,  J  ames  llowarlli,  I'icston 

(Id.bons,  Chrislian  i'heneiee,  William  C.  Ijiilrinns.  F.mory  W. 

Uleason,  Adam  li.  Kuth,  Daniel  J]  His,  (Icorge  W  . 

Guthri.),  George  F.  lihinebart  Kli  J  bill,' Jns,  iili  II 

*^"""''''-  ""b'l'  SaUisoii,  William   H.  1 1  i.-h-^ ,  'IhiMiia.,  ,\i 

"'""•''■'-  ""^"'  «•''-'",  ChiMl.M  I';.  II  ,M,  linislu,.,  !'. 

King,  Tetcr  J.  Piiest,   Willium  Van  Clevf,  William  A. 

JjUI-J,  David  Eliodos,  iluburt  \ViM<Mii,'lil)y,  Jainos  M. 

liacty,  Jolin  ii  Boiiiuun-lott,  Valontiiic  WoUcott,  ^atlianii'l  P. 

McNaLib,  Jaiiii",-,  Thompson,  James  E.  Wollcott.,  William  II. 

Miller,  Jcjscph  TwitohoU,  Theueloi'o  "Willsoii,  Ali'xaudur  G. 

NifiUiway,  Dauiol   C.  TiugUu',  Jolm  Waller,  Elijaii  J. 

I'attee,  AlviUi  Taylor,  James  Z.  Young,  I;o\vis  I.  C. 
Young,  Philip  L. 


Aniidou,  George  P.  iicvvoU',  Sjjraguo  P.  Keinier,  Iioherl 

Amiduii,  Henry  Dixim,  Robi^rt  S.  ISeliolield,  J(»hn  1<\ 

Aldri<'li,  Isaac   1'.  liar'riman,  William  Siiadc,  Clirislopher 

Sliaile,  ilichard 


Bell,  David 

fO.Ml'ANY  H. 

ilolly,  Dyroii  Irish,  Charles  L. 


Burk.  Eli  EverhiU-t,  Etlmond  Rlica,  Alexander 

iJixUir,  Levi  F.  Everhart,  John  T.  Kyan,  Palriok 

De^go,  Peter  C)uigley,  James  Tucker,  William  H. 

Liuinger,  John      Uiiassigned  Recruit. 


Capt.    James    H.    \V.    Jeukiiis    promoted  to  Major. 

2ud  I;ieut.  iUehard  W.  Melendy     "       "'  "  Captain. 

1st  Sergeant.  Ireiuis  Mc<iiiw  lu       '"        ''  "  1st  Lieut. 

I'rivate    Willard    Pales  "       "  "  L'nd  Lieut. 

Private    Oscar    C.    yabin  "       "  '•  Quarter  Master. 

I.ISI  OF  IIMl'OUTANT  HATTI.ICS  IN  WlllOlt  TU  H  2i)Tn  IN  l<  WAS  JONO  ACISI  i. 

Shilo,  Bt(.)iie  lliver,  I'erryvillo 

Corinth,  Liberty  Gap,  Chieamauga, 

La  Vergne,  Green  Kiver,  Buzzard  itoost. 

'J'he2!)lli  reginuiit  saw  its  lirst  hard  i'oughl  batlle  at  Shilo  ami  >uli'ered  consid- 
erable loss,  also  at  hlonc^  Kiver  it  made  a  biiliiant  reeo.d,  but  at  Cliic.amauga 
it  came  near  being  annihilaleil.  'L'he  regiment  was  ])lac<'tl  at  a  cerlain  pos- 
i'  to  hold  at  ail  ha/./.ards  on  tiie  memorial  aflcu'noon  of  Se])t.  lit),  lyci.'i, 
Wiiure  iu  about  four  hours  time  it  wilhslood  seven  distinct  charges  of  tht^ 
euoiuy,  and  was  oidy  compelleil  U>  yield  by  a  Hank  attacsk,  in  which  I  lu^  follow- 
ing hiteuben  boys  of  Co.  A  were  taken  [U'isoiun's  and  suffc'icd  the  hc^rroi's  ol 

Allen,  David  B.  JMc(jiowan,  Irenus  Sommerhdl,  Andrew 

Chivelandj  (<(H>rge  D.  I'arker,  ICdward  A.  iSommeilod,  Valentine 

C;on\mings,  J5arney  I'heiu  cie,  J  ames  Stewart,  Albert  JL 

Ilu^hey,  Moses  B.'  Phenecus  William  (.\  West,  ,J(jhn  ,1 . 

King,  Petiir  J.  I'reist,  Williuui  Wood,  Pitilericli    li. 

Mc(iowan,  .MUetus  1'ai.tee,  Alvah  Woodard,  JJ  ii  am  W 

W(.llc(.tt,    Nathaniel 

*  1 

PjiV.S'.I.NAI.  IllOMINISrti'KKCJfi;-;  ()W  KOM  K  Of  Cd.  A.  IldVH,  AVIiO   lumTJiM  lOD   .\N1>  NOW  1,1\  l^.C,       \ 

.  iN  TJ.ii  cOL'.STV.  iri;i-MiMV;:.i'i.'  i.'i  i!(;i-:iNks>^,i'«(i/i  fi';,',  '.  .vD  or  uimM.vI,  ;-/i  .^^!^UN^l. 

^Vn.;,^.:T  H.  ('•n/r.,  t!or|ioi-:!l  or"  Co.  A.,  av.i;;  woiun.|ii!  ;i(  Siiilo  and,  ilisfliar^'i!. 
Uv  !!;'-,".iii  ('!ilish-i]  ;;!■  Oaolnin  oi'  t.'o  A.  12.)  liuL,  i).'i<iiiiili'(i  in  iMajoi-.  Aiilablo 
iu  ii\;;iuier,  !»!■  !i;:i;  i\xtc!i;-;ivc.  ac.<iuaii(au<;e  in  (1,;'  count  v. 

J'/ 1  .-'.Y  (.1.  ?.l!':r.T:  ny,  firfil.  Corpiu'ai  of  Co,  A,  ■N\a.>  tli.Aiha  i-,.;-('il  ioy  di.- ;.!,i  i!  y,  t 
;i!i  i  ri:i:i.'i\'Cid  a  (joinuiis.iioii  as  .Adjutant  of  ii'!)l!i  iinl.  \'(/l.  mni  n;  as  :-iu-li  I 
iiiiti!  lii;'.  cUit-c  of  liici  v.'ar.  Jii'iarly  addajilfd  liiii.fuli  !',.'  i)t  act-rul  i,'.  i.uii;,- .  i 
and  is  junv  ]!i;u'' is'ii;.;-  h;'..'  a(  l''n'.!ii'!n!,  a  iiian  of  fxtt.-iisis  i;  a<'Huiianco  t;\ii,.'.  vi  | 
!;y  l!iij  pvominciii  j>;:rt,  \y.:  lia.s  (;;l;;:n  in  l/(ifii]!c:<s,  ]i;>!ii  ic:.,  i.iasoiiio,  (Idd 
!.>'.]'  .V,',  and  Cf.  A.  R,  Asr;'>c,:a.tii,,ns,  and  is  tli-  f-lciiin-  l';!;-,!,  Post  (■'(.uunandt  !• 
«»f  iiiu  (ViLinty. 

^Vr;.l.l.'..•.l  ,]!.;•,■'!:■(.■,  was  ;-.  >•  i!.y  A/cnndrd  ai  I'-'liil-i  .siJil  carri-.  >  (lie  n  I,;  i  iiM.s,il(' 
in  his  li;)dy  \'.'ii  !i  I  Ir'  ';;  >;  cil'  ri'c..iL-d  as  a  s-.iiuitT  and  .  iiici;  i\.s  a  ciii/s,!,  lui 
•s  ill  l;'.vS  al  .'lo-;  I'a  a  c  )ii.-.i  ,i'..i  rauTcr;  r,  liuL  as  full  of  iirs  and  naiidolic  r|/irii 
an  i;r  old,  i.iui  Mij-iy.  s  loij  (1.  \.  II.  coiKiaLli  sliij). 

W;.  ;.:  \-i  !I.  X;-,i;.  .  s'r!-v.'d  fii'l  (in-c-c  y -ars  ill  Co.  A  ai:t.'i-  Idfi  d'H.'!iai-;^c  lb 
ajj.ain  rsilisii  ;!.  i  ;c  now  li '..•.•^  in  (iis^j^-:)  '!'[>.  ii'^  ha.s.  si  rvril  ivvo  !:i'n:.s  a.:i 
O'i'inli,  Sh^'rit!'  aiid  towi:;  ipjj  id'iiL'cs  i'rl(.  iv 

As'''Wr.\v  SoT-i  \i;:i:r.orr,  liia;;;  an  ii^>noi-i5,!;!o.  rsildicrs  '.vcord  a.rd  ■.loniu!.--,  was  ;\ 
pi'J.s.'iiiM- in  A nd:  :s'U) vill.-  !i(  wldt'li  ohnu;  h.i  s;.w  niajiy  of  his  cui'ii.any  d'l', 
;-uuo  1;.;  1iij-n  liis  l>]-i)ih;i'  V.iirnlini'.,  disc,lia,rp':il  a.s  M;  i;^-.aiir  (>r  Iris  f,,rii[)any, 
iind  is  ijo'.v  j'ast  i'osl  f.saaniaiidcr  <d' I'tKs!  iSo.  l.'iO.  ]lc,(!al(s  iha!,  whi'o  a(, 
,.viid;;rs:i!iviilM  o;',i!  inoniin;.;'  hrtwr's  daylight  h'.'  went  lo  iiu'  ci-i  k  (o  halhe  ai.d 
licai-d  I  iiMiii?!'.;'  waU  r,  on  in  vcnl. JLjiit  i<.n  di.-rnv  r;  d  .Irar  w.iti  i  <  ;)n'.iiiiii;.;'  I'roin 
<lio  dii-  'idisii  oT  I'mc.  d.-ad  liiu^,  a!)d  h  •  is  id'  tlu'  o]iiniiHi  ih'll,  ln'  \v,;s  oa  ■  ui'  Ihc,  I  I : ''.e  and  drih'i  from  (h"  (^o  calli  d  .1  iovid<  lu  c  S;  r'i:;,",  I  ha  I  i  lU'si  I'lMilito 
iMv.'ivi'  \\u:  \vi'i'(r.M"d  urisiiui'is.  f.v,>m;!'"rlnl i  !ii;!d"  iwn  a i  k m  i-.i  csi^ap!-.  Ihi; 
la.*  lime  lio  was  ivtalciin  wiilun  isevoii  mihs  of  ilv'  I  idon  Ijiii-.s.  Tlial  was  a 
tinio  !)<'  felt  discuiiagcd. 

(J;-;ii,:.;..;  I\  Ci.i  \     i.^Ni',   a  ri'sid.'iif    <  d'    I'liid     \\ss.    (jdi'ii    |".-',-.:  ntu'    ;d    (  h  ca- 
I  nail'.;  a  and  \i  iis  a  |).'i',iia  ii.'h  !  Iiua  I'dci'  a  I  .^  ikIiis;  .|i',  illi    Icir  ]  S  ni^ail  hs,  r-s-alis  o('        i 
IliU   lir.    .nil, .(ill   ■..  ly  ;i  pitai  I'll!,  II  tdl  i/i  II  d  tLIi  d   ia     ('\  |'l\:;s'i,si     <d'     h.s;     \i,'\;,i  j 

luin  iird  aiiil  i    .- |r  i-li  d  Jiy  many    friends.  i 

Jl:';;';jiV  I  [.\.N-N '.,  wa.s  iironndcd  S(.i'^i.-;inf,"  of  ids  iviin  ].;niy  and  its  t;ash.  (hi; 
i'.in!;iii;j;  (d'la'.';-  l-ri  to  coiuiaaiul  a.iid  had  olf  llu-  ns'iiiiKUl  <d'  his  co;;;  |iaiiy 
I'loiii  1  hf.  halllc  I'll  id  of  ( Jhicainaiif^a.  lie  is  ii<!W  hrcloii  down  wiiii  ."rvisi. 
a  r»>sidi'id  iiiiaf  M<l/.. 

li";wi,.  I.  C.  V       NO,  cf  CI,  ai'  l.aloi  was  (.|H' nl'  l!i(    I  inly   I-.  !-i  ujo.  (  f    I,"-:!;:.',    ..ii-         ! 
'S'd    woll  and  l:i       liiil  mil  il  I  hii  rh'sii  id'  I  he  w,i  r,  ;i  IS  ;.|,.  I  (^  d  (iiid  liiinnis'.j    i.ii 


2C11,  liin'iny  tlie  ccuiliilcuro  of  all.      lie  was    I'resideiit   of    tliu   StL-iib'.'U    County 
boldiera  and  Sailor:;  Vcli  laii  At^.souiiitioii  at  ids  lutt  ifciiiiioa. 

HniAM  B.  ^iiiA'.:-,))y,  a  siiustaiitial  and  uxctlk^ut  cilizi'ii  oi  Salem  'l"p.,  was 
[ir(j!iio1i'il  S'.:rj4i.'aiil  til'  IiIm  cujiipaiiy,  I'aiiu;  llirouyli  thu  wai  willi  a  s'^lrraii 
riicoi'il.  Co.  A.  l-ioys  or  any  ^s(^ld^t'^■  liiid:;  his  lalch  .sli-iiiL',"  oiii.  lie  is  a  su'i'taor 
from  the  tirtcts  of  campaij^ii  lifr. 


Iinint'diati-ly  alter  tla;  deiiaCaiir  of  llic  2;iili    Im 
Kiui  lo  (Ills  SU'iiLca  County  fuinislu'd    Co.  A    and 
Vv.  11.  il.  Day,  J!.  J.  Ci-i.sswail ,  i5ir;40  ^inlitll,  and  (jt 
in;;'.      \\'.  if.  ll.  i)ay  AV(nl  soonm-  tna.u  (Ik.'  r^si   as    1 

'I'lif.  ro;jti'r  Vi  tin-'  l-l'h  from  l-jteub>ni  County  i;^  u: 

,.  I  lie.  41  til  was  (H-j^ani/.i'd 
pails  of  other  <;oni|>ai.i(,s. 
liers  were  active  in  reeruil- 
^t  Jnenl.  in  the  iiOlh  hid 
i  ioll(,\ves: 

IJaklin  •!  Cr',^:-swait,  Liieut.  Coi. 

i)r.  Geori^^e  W.  MeConnell,  Quarter  J.Iast*. 

(JOMIWN*'    A. 

Charles  F.  Minney    Caj>l.  Kiias  Uose,  Ist  Jjieu 

Arnold,  Nicholas 
Auiiiend,  J. Lines  A, 
iiarr,  Ciiarles  H. 
Bjnneir,  William 
Butler,  Marvin  E. 
iiutler,  'I'homas  i). 
Heic!i(u\  tiil)a 
Jlenedict,  Jolin  M. 
liarch,  Joricipii  X\'. 
JJi^lor,  James 
Urooks,  b'raufns 
Brook.-i,  bauiuel  is. 
lieirl,  Henry  W. 
(Uink,  Cliarles 
C;al[),  Afiles  T. 
Carliii,  William  C. 
Cleveland,  lS|>.neiM'  J. 
( Urlin.  John 
(lox,  h>;)l()moii  iM. 
IJgUs,  Jea:.e 
Dotts,  William  II. 
Dotts,  Jacob 
Eckhart,  John 
F,v, in^S  Jauies  !5. 
I'-wer.s,  Adolpiiurt 
Field,  Henry 

|.',';.i,,y,    , I, ,1,11 

(I  iMiit,  Maiion 

(jrant,  jiarriscjji 
^irilii'h.    fjewis 

Ch'een,  Mareina 
Goodrieli,  David  (). 
ilall,  Leandui- 
llyalt,  'I'lnmias  C. 
Iluineibau.--h,  \\'illiani 
Hurlb.'rl,  CUarles  F. 
Heller,  Ji'mamn  1 
llul,<!hins,  (iohii  ll. 
Heller  Daniel 
Hall  John 
Imhotr,  John 
J acknnui,  Josj])ii 
Kinnear,  John  W. 
ijcwis,  r^owel   V. 
Jiord.-,  Jo,--e|ili  F 
lj(nil,-,  I  lenry  A.,  John 
Moli'-,  1 1,  'i'honius  II. 
McAluii-e,  Wiliiaui 
Mcrriman,  J  amen  i.1. 
Milnes,  Joriejih 
Miller,  CharU^') 
Muiiday,  Jasjxn- 
Obeihl,  Chrislo|.iier 
rowel.s,  ISteplien  A.    . 
i'jH  ,cll,  John  M. 
ltiii:.oii,  lv(J>ert 

Hir^j'o  Siuitli,  lind  l/ieul. 
Iiyan,  John   Hr. 
Kyaii,  John  Jr. 
J(yan,  Siepheii 
Iiyan,  Michael 
llyan,  Janus 
Uosser,  William 
Kobbins,  HaiiHoin  K, 
ISiealy,  John 
S\vanil)a\v,  (''rederiok 
i-iiiyder,  Heynnrnr  I'. 
iSail.or,  .'Mien  M. 
(Sowle,  David 
Sliosvcilter,  Joshua 
J-ieohs,  ^Villiam 
JStroii)^-,  (leor^io  W. 
Si  1,  ( 'lirist  ian 
Sa^e,  Alonzo  \i. 
SeiiN  ille,  ( )niii.s  1). 
Seoville,  Hannibal 
Wwaiii,  Kie'liard  i*. 
'riirnsher,  (J.sear  li. 
'linsley,  Hamcul 
'riirooj),  ( >ran;^(; 
Tiifany,  l)jiy  is  ,1. 
'I'lioin  psoii,    (i  Jhi 
'I'vvitehi  II    lleiir.) 
'I'wileh.'ll,  (i(  (M-'-o   \\. 
\'an  A  iiUeii,  J  ^nnes 
Van  Cl.'ve,  (i(  ,.:ve   W  . 


West,  Henry 
•-.Vvi^lit,  Williuiu  W. 
\\'t'tu,  Jowhuu 
\v  ill^i  s,  Kobert 
Yciim  r,  W  illiaiii 

Aldi-u-li,  iMT.ici-ick  i!. 
Aldnch,  Juliii  L. 
AiuliTW.s,  Nth'  iniah 

IJcil,    IrtHIlC 

Jilack,  Liockwood  L. 
(liappel,  J  iiliiis  H. 
( 'faiiilal,  Silas  L. 

Moflult,  ']  hoiiias  C. 

JJovoriy,  Charlea  S. 
Uabi;oL'k,  William  Y. 
Bfcudcr,  Wi'liam 
Chandler,  b'lancis  S. 
1)1 1  rim,  Jaimis  G. 

Hlo\v<u-(^,  ijyman 
liailey,  James 
Cavey,  Phinntfua 
Hathaway,  Ji>r-r[(li  M. 

Aldrich,  Eugene  3. 
Altman,  Heiiiy  H. 
Ijc.uinut,  Nori-irt  S. 
lU.'nncI,  Miileom 
Hiekler,  (ijinrh  -i  N. 
Ii:,yl(,r,    I'-lias 
Cook,  il  olm 
Ciitlei-,  Simon  li. 
Kldridge,  II.  u.y 
KlliotI,  Ham\u-1  [[. 
( Jay  h>i'd,  .la  iik  .t 
time.',  John 

Crampton,  Htiuy 
Ci-ain i<lon,  J ohn 
Fetterliool',  Albert 
(iaiim>i),  JcroMio  C. 
Jordan,  Aloi»/A) 
Kratzer,  I'-mauuel 
Kerr,  GtMirj^e 
i  .oubarger,  llcniy 
I  .arue,  Thomas 
Lewis,  Frank  1!. 
Jjaey,  Thoiiias  1'. 
Morrison,  Lelaiid 
Malolt,  Jae.ob 
Jliller,  WilLird  A. 
Martin,  Elias 

(;omi'a;^y  d. 
yi<jwe,  Hylvester  J . 

eo&n'ANV  K. 
Dirrim,  IJiehard 
i)irriin,  Kobi/rl  K. 
Fierstone,  Isaae 
Freeby,  George  W. 
]lauu:l'iey,  Francis  M. 
Kiusly,  yolomon 

coMeANX  a. 
Hubbell,  Charles  V. 
Johnson,  Daniel 
Jo!ins<jn,  F. 
I'erlvins,  Job 

Ct)M]'ANY  ir. 
AVright,  Jerome 

COr.lPANY    K. 

Greenamyer,  William 
HefFellinger,  Martin  Y 
llawh^y,  ilenry  11. 
llig--ins,  Albert 
Kna[>|),  •  ).-('ar 
I  '<<tig,  ilohii  ( (. 
Mease,  !~'amiiel  i'j. 
Moore,  'I'oliiaH 
McMillen,  John  (). 
Malani^ly,  William 
Miisscr,  t''iiwHril 
Morli.y,  (icorgt* 

Nyec,  John  F, 
( )'l!vifu,  t  hrisiopher 
i'urvis,  (Jeoi-go  W. 
I'arker,  Daniel  S. 
J{ichard.soii,  Jamea 
jlenner,  James  M, 
Stewart,  James 
Sowie,  Kobert 
'I'raby,  Jacob  A. 
'I  hoii.j>son,   Itobert  JJ. 
\'anol.>iin,  Walter 
West,  Lewis 
^\'ilson,  Newell 'A. 
\Vagni-r,  (ieorge  \\\ 

frmilh,  Wailir 

Ked,  George  W. 
Sleiil/,  J(;hn 
Sleni/,  Ge(iige  W. 
'jlinier,  Stephen 
'J'urne]-.  Martin  B. 

iiutli\  an,  A(  al 
Uovvson,  ().  /. 
Wri;_;lil,  <  'liauey 
Wi  ight,  Samuel 

l!oe.  Orange  A. 
Ixodgers,  Madison 
SisHon,  Joseph  F. 
Sloan,  Jami  ri 
Shank,  Sylvesier 
Shank,  Niu'maii  (,\ 
Sipiit  r,  Samuel  IC. 
Shaixt,  Jerry  J. 
Waters,  Solomon  l>. 
Cliileoat,  John 

eoiMMlHHIONH  AND  I'la  >MO'l'iONS  Oi'' iVnolJ  lUON  COllN'i  Y    HOYS, 

Lieut.  Col.  liahliu  J.  Crosswait,  Died 

Isi,  Leiul.  or      iiarler  Master  Dr.  Geo,;;!)  W.  MeConnell,  Iv.  ,,i;;iM  d 

COM  rA  NY    A. 

' 'a  ;>l.  ( 'In  I  Ir       .iiine.y,  |i;omoled  Major,   luMii;  iied 


Ist  l.ieut.  EliiU-i  lii.'so,  rcsij^jud.  • 

'•2nd  J.icut.  liii'go  ymitli,  lUhi},Mied. 

Ibt  St'ij|t.  M.  B.  Butltu-,  iu\)iiu)tea  2nd  Lieut.,  proinoted  1st,  Liout.,  resigned. 

Privatu  Jus^ph  \V.  iiuvch,  promoted  2ud  Lieut.,  promoted  1st  Lieut.,  pro- 
moted Captain,  promoted  Major,  mustered  out  witli  regiment. 

Private  Lewjs  (Irillllli,  pn>moted  1st  liiout.,  proinot^'d  Captain,  niu,-,tered 
out  willi  riginmul. 

J'rivali  OiiHiM  1).  ScovilK',  promoted  2ud  Lieut.,  j)ii)motid  retain  Co.  I., 
niu.sturivi  <iut  willi  rcyiiiual. 

Private  Cieorge.  \V.  L'witehell  promoted  Lst  Lieut.  muHtered  out  witli  regiment. 

I'rivate  iSeweil  P.  Lewirf,  promoted  2nd  Lieut,  mustered  out  with  regiment 


I'rivate  Sylvester  J.  Stowe,  promoted  1st  Lieut.,  mu.s-tered'out  witli  regiment. 


1st  Lieut.  Sinie(m  C.  Aidrich,  promoted  Captain,  promoted  Lieut.  Col.,  t;om- 
missioned  Col.,  died  Aug.  15  '04. 

1st  Sergeant  J^^orris  S.  Bennet,  promoted  2ud  Licut.,  promoted  .1st  Lieut., 

Sergeant  Eugene  S.  Aldrieli,  prjuiotad  2ud  Lieut.,  promoted  1st  Lieut., 
mustered  out  ul  expiratiuii  <jf  3  years  service. 

Corporal  John  G.  Long,  promoted  1st  Lieut.,  umstored  out  witli  regiment, 

i.iHT  <)*■  liiroJiTANT  hattlioh  in  wuicH  run  ilaii  ind.  wam  end aoeu. 
Fort  Donelson,  Corinth,  CImttanoogii, 

Fort  lieiiry,  Perryviilo  Chicamauga, 

Shiloh,  Stouo  Kiver,  Mission  Unlgo. 

Tho  official  reports  of  commanding  ofllcers  gives  the  Forty-fourth  laurels 
at  its  tirst  engagement  at  Fort  Donelson  of  well  advanced  buttle  cliarges  and 
good  conduct.  It  capturing  one  Kebel  Hag,  which  is  now  in  deposit  at 
Indiaimpolis,  and  was  one  of  tho  lirsl  regiments  to  receive  tho  surrcndiu-  of 
llebel  arms  and  prisoners.  Its  next  groat  reeoid  wa.s  nmdi)  at  Shiloh, 
fi.jhting  all  day  Sunday  on  the  left  wing  participat  iM;.^  in  a  .severe  and  s(  rioii.-, 
check  to  the  enemy,  a  scene  of  illu.stration  iu  neur.y  all  1  altle  picdaisof 
Shiloh,  and  won  tao  eognoiiAen  <jf  "iilON  misn"  wliich  stuck  to  them  throughout 
the  war.  Tho  Forty-fourth  was  never  once  demorilized  during  tho  the  two 
duya  battle,  keeping  its  lines  and  position  wherever  ordered.  Tho  foilowing 
Steulien  boya  aro  among  those  that  carried  the  regimental  colors  vuilil 
\v»»uuded;  Nowell  P.  Lewis,  Henry  A.  liords,  L(a\  in  (irillUh,  Henry  Twitcliell 
of  ('o.  A.  and  Sorgt.  ().  '/..  Uawson  of  (Jo.  ti.  The  Hag  was  riihdcd  with  l.iill  . 
and  uioh!  lieroiely  i;  'ended.  It  is  consic'tuctl  uo\s'  (hat  Iml  fm  Ihn  lilLi 
Mrigado  to  wlii'li  tl      i  llli  was  atlaehed  Itoa'irngaard'n  Ixuu.t,  to  w.iloi' 


in  I  he  Tcnn<Hsc'o  River  (Iml  niglil,  would  have  been  fulfiled. 

It  was  again  in  the  fiay  at  Stone  River  where  it  sustained  its  record  and 
natne.  and  the  battle  reports  of  Chieamauga  add  a  luster  to  its  history. 
Durinp  tlie  different  evolutions,  incident  to  a  large  battle,  the  44th  became 
dutachi-d  from  its  brigade,  and  hearing  heavy  fighting  on  the  left,  C()l.  Al- 
dricli  marched  his  men  to  that  point.  Its  iurival  and  support  was  wry 
fortunate  to  (len.  'I'honuis  and  to  the  day. 

In  wrsiern  riginunts  an  intiniaey  .xisted  between  otlieers  and  nun  not 
seen  in  rtgiments  of  Hw  cast.  A  lul  in  no  regiment  of  the  west  was 
this  iutimaey  more  a[ipt.u-,iat  t!uiu  in  the  44th  still  it  did  not  destroy  discipline 
nor  the  faithful  pcrforunce  of  duty,  nor  was  the  education  of  military  tactics 
neglected,  as  a  pro^jf  of  this  the  following  bit  of  history  is  given.  In  the 
spring  of  18(15  a  nice  Colonel's  sword  was  to  be  given  l)y  the  ladies  of  the  west 
to  the  best  drilled  regiment  in  ths  army  of  tlie  Cumberland,  many  regiments 
competed,  among  them  U.  S.  F.egular.^  The  44th  Ind.  won  the  prize,  and  it 
was  prou'ily  reeeived  by  thiir  Colonel. 

ri:nsoNAij  ];i:mini.sscence8 

Oai't.  Chauleb  F.  Ki.nnky,  a  g^;ntleman  by  nature  and  qualifications,  genial 
as  an  officer,  in  self  respect  resigned  for  supersedure  in  promotion  to  which 
he  was  entitled  as  s?nior  Capt  liu  and  in  common  usage  by  military  rules,  lie 
(rarne  home  but  remained  active  in  support  of  the  Union  by  his  influence. 
Ho  was  the  founder  of  Kiriiuty  ,":  Co'm.  ilank,  and  died,  in  187'1,  un  active 
influHiioial    citizen  with  many  fri;'iHlrt. 

IjIKut.  Ei.i.4h  Komk,  on  a(^'()uiit  of  ill  h'.altli  resigned,  but  remembers 
his  regiment  and  <-o!i\iailis,  and  never  missC'S  an  oj)per1,unity  with  tongue  or 
jien  to  interest  hiuisdf  in  their  behalf. 

f/iK,UT.  lhu(i:;  SMcrn.  a  Irnu  patriot,  was  also  compelled  to  resign  on  account 
of  ill  healtli.  lie  again  <nli-ted  as  1st  l,ii  ut.  in  Co.  A  12'Jth  and  died  in  the 
swrvice  as  Captain.     He  j)rovi'd  his  h>yally  willi  his  life. 

IVIauvin  B.  IJiililer,  for  meiiloiious  and  conscientious  service  received  l)ro- 
mofion,  but  ill  heallli  <  aiiscd  liy  s^'rvice  and  care  of  his  company,  of  which  he 
was  in  ct'inmand  for  sune  time  compelU d  him  to  resign.  'I'iiuugh  far  from 
being  well  he  was  ( lectcd  County  llec(n-der  for  two  terms  and  Audifcn'  oui- 
term,  tiie  lii-st  soldit  r  eh'cfed  <f)  a  eonnly  onice.  His  cntcri  nt  in  his 
comrailes  is  ever  manilest(  d       He  in  now  a  resident  of  fsaleui  'I'p. 

!)](.  Oiio.  W.  McCoNNKi.i ,  active  at  the  lieginuing  ami  active  to  the  end, 
luoiiiy  time  ami  s(^iviei'  wire  g!V(  u  that  Hl<'  County  should  be  fully  ree- 
ogni/,(>d.  ll(^  was  the  first  (Quarter  Master  of  the  lllh  ami  one  of  the  b(  i-t  to 
pr(.vi.l..  (or  lii,-  giiiMiit.  Comrade  M.  li.  Hutu  1  hays  tin:  boy*  idway-i  liiid 
i,\)Oil   c!.init!lr        to  i-l   cp  on,  a  lu\tiry  not  of t.  ii    hndaflti     lb''    I'r.  letl    thiin. 


-Hard  conslaul  scjsii'c,  and  such  it  \v;is  at  Ihc  bcguiiii;^  iKCcsitufcd  hi.-, 
reaignutiou,  but  Ids  uctivo  iutevoat  in  the  re.-5ults  of  the  war,  or  tho  gouil  of 
the  MolditH-  never  rohixod,  not  evon  at  tliis  date,  with  hi.'-  advaiUM  il  ayo  ho  hab 
tlio  promiuni  of  going  farther  and  nioro  niiles  and  i)  until  hi.s  object  is 
accomplished  when  it  is  to  the  welfare  of  any  comrade. 

Lkwih  CTi(iFi''irii,  ( ).  i).  BooviLiLU,  Choo.  W.  Twiioiiiii-.'.,  .VNi)  Nkwkll, 
P.  LiiWirf,  by  goniui  oinradeahip  and  soldier.-i  ((ludilicatioiis  lynd  incritorious 
conduct  were  adwuicod  to  cuinuii.ssiunn  ami  are  now  rcsitlt  ii(.!  of  the  county, 
respected  and  loyal  cilizrua,  with  the  i-ecord  of  looking  well  lo  tlic^  care  of  (heir 
C'J!nrade:i  in  the  .service,  they  lia\o  conliiiiRd  tin;  :-iainc^  at  hi;uie  in  sieliueHH, 
distreh.i,  au(.l  tinai  niu.-iter  mil.  And  a.s  remailud  by  ojse  al  (lie  death  of 
Win.  Jio.s.ser  that  a  Co.  .V  boy  can  ilie  in  peai-n  only  wh.n  f.'apt.  Cirillith  in 
present  and  by  their  .sid( .  'i  le  se  n  eu  novv  ^h',lw  age  and  while  hairs,  and  tho 
reisults  of  o\er  four  year.s  of  campaign  life  it-i  quite  vi.siable. 

FiiKUEiiiuic  of  Co.  A  ajid  NoaMAN  C.  iSn.\NK  of  C<t.  K.,  re.sidentH  of 
and  neighbors  of  Jaiiison  'I'p,,  both  carry  wuiiuds  and  disabilitien  incured  in 
tlm  service.     U'hey  are  tiocial  aiut  anxiuu.s  t«.i  (nji'y  con;radewhip  wh(.ne\er  al)h. 

EuoEtJi:  y.  Aldricli,  with  a  .s'lovt  service  iji  llu  Itii  Mich,  went  as  S.rgeant  of 
Co.  K.  After  tluoo  y^^ar.s  more  riorvico  we.s  nuisULcd  (^ut  as  IsL  Lieut.  Hi'  is 
now  a  r(  silk  iit  and  business  man  of  Pleasant  Jjaiie.  He  has  in  custody  (jne 
of  the  old  regimental  Hags  of  411  li,  b.atlle  seared  aiid  old  wj(h  age,  ami  is  ten- 
derly caved  fen-  by  the  old  boys. 

S.VMUKi.  '.ri.Ni^-LEV,  now  a  resident  of  Angola,  is  a  remarkable,  man  with  a  re- 
niarkablci  memory  and  his  fund  of  arn)y  reuiiniss."enc(  s  aio  nuiny,  always  in  a 
manner  (juite  viviil,  He  was  (.li.-,eh;.rged  f.ii  liisabilily,  but  afj;!iiii  enlislid  in 
the  7lh('avalry   as   he  could  no(     be   conlcut  imlil    the    \wii  emied. 

'PiiK,  I'.vi'uio'no  H\  \n  l'',\Mii,v,  falher  and  four  .'-ons  in  Co.  A.  and  !iflerward 
the  liffch  son  in  amil  li.  r  regimenl.  This  s(al\\ail  famil}  |ieiioiiiied  a  triu 
riohliers  iluty  during  the  war,  well  known  in  llieir  rtgi:ueiit  and  to  the  ja'ople 
of  the  coiuily.  'I'he  old  vcli  ran,  the  iatu;r,  gave  his  life,  the  stalwart  .siuis 
returned  and  (he  agial  willow  and  mollur  \-,  oiUii  soiui  in  company 
witli  her  .sohlier  sons,  esspeciaiy  i.t  rt.  unions,  and  noui^  eujoy  tluse  belter  than 
her.     Groat  hom-r  is  ilue  to  tlie  mothers  (d'  soldiers. 

CnAltLKS'iVllLLi'a;,  of  (»rlaml  one  of  first  to  Velei'.ui,  was  (he  c  mumdiaii     aini 

ongstor  of  Co.  A.      .Many  times  tho  boys  had  the  biu',  s  siirk,  lireil,    and    weary 

(^harl-i'y  would  enliven  (he  bivouac  or  inarch  by  his  fun    ami    songs.       He    wa.-^ 

Wiu-tli  more  than  Doetois  to  (he  iiegimeul.      He  iias  nnideralid  soin(Vvh;d,  bnl 

always  has  a  song  i'      reuiuons  ami  (j.  A.  Jv.  gatherings. 

Hi'iNJiv  \V.  Hn.'.iti),  rved  liis  full  enlistmeni,  and  is  now  Ir,  ing  n  ar  .-Viigol,!, 
and  wheiKiVei    in  be        t;i'el,,i     (lui   com  rade.  hi  |i    (d    old    sohlier:.        liis    hir\.ei 


.•iJdnil  with  a};c  aiu'  tho  sli-iiglo  fur  a  livtililiood  shows  luavy  marks. 

.!\Mi«  II.  Van  \ukin,  a  rcHiaeiit  of  Ph-asant  Lake,  was  woiiiuk'il  in  l.alU.- 
aiul  (li#fliar;4i'd  in  i)i.-t.,  JS(]2,  again  oulistcd  as  sevycant  of  Co.  A  lliUlli  Iml. 
and  was  sovt-rly  wo'.uultnl  at  Franklin.  Van  Aukin  is  jx-.culiar,  loyal,  hravo, 
generous,  and  indt'peiidLiit.  His  record  in  tho  service  while  doing  duly  wafi 
no(  inclined  U.  military  red  tape,  lie  is  a  im  nilur  of  (1.  A.  U.  I'ost  No.  l.'>0^ 
and  holds  liu:  ollieial  position  of  i-jurj^eon,  an  honoi  prompdd  fr(.m  the  tact 
rhat  he  is  representative  of  Dr.  Drake's  Medicines  ami  is  pariieiilai  willm-'  to 
a[>ply  his  lemedie.s  to  ci  n.rades  wheniMi'  needed. 

Co.  A.  liad  among  its  mejuberrs- prol<;il;ly  the  oldest  m;ia  that  went  trom  tlie 
County  in  the  [.erson  of  unele  Stepluui  A.  I'owers.  His  j.alriolic  saying,  lliat, 
"I  am  init  to  old  It)  haiile  fcr  my  tUnintry"  will  loiig  he  ri  moinbcred.  <'on- 
siencious  and  true  ho  done  a  soldiers  iluiy  as  long  as  he  eould.  Co.  A  also 
lias  tlie  distiiictiim.  so  lar  as  heaid  of,  of  having  the  yonngtst  tnlisdd 
soldier  that  carried  a  uuisJuil.  from  th-'  s'l, .10  of  Indiana.  Silas  L.  Crandall 
ijeing  only  l;5  years  and  1  months  of  age  when  mustered  altlunigh  the  nuisler- 
ing  olUcor  was  made  to  b^-licve  he  was  older.  ]le  is  now  a  resident  of  Angola, 
and  interisled  in  tlie  w.lfaro  of  lils  older  (xjmrades. 

Sl'/v  I'lN'I'V   r-'OliU'l'll    l.ND.  VOL.  INK'T. 

in  August  \M'2  tlui  7ltli  ln<liana  Vol.  was  organi/.ed  ai  I'orl  Wayne,  liuiiana 
with  Company  11  ri(Mn  Sleulieu  I'onnly  as  on>'  principal  <-om|ioneni  pari,  ami 
anotlna-  eompa/iy  wilii  turn  nnui  fro.u  ihis  C(,unly.  Sieiihen  was  nol  rep 
roHenled  among  llie  held  or  slad  ollie.MS  \s  il  h  only  one  e\eei.lioii.  thai 
of  (Jiiiphun.  The  I'o'lowiiig  Ih  ilvi  i<)st:u'  of  the  Villi  from  Sledi-en  Counly; 
Ahrani   M,  Howie.    Chaplain. 

COMl'.'.NV   o. 

Jiaymaii,  I'.li 


Sylveiius  B.  George,  ('apt.  Ijawr./nee  (iulcs,  fsl   Ineul. 

Henjaniiii  F.  Dawson,  "..'ml  [,)■  ui. 

Abi)ey,  Jacoli  1).  C>ilo,  t^amuel  II  ulf  man,  Siias 

Hurcl'i,  llalliert  C.  (Uark,  Nowton  llml  .lan,  Asa 

lieniiotr,  Al>rain  Dove,  Itobert  liuU     vndiiwJ. 

Bur '•e<>s,  D.ivid  K.  l''iUing,  Simon  1  i  ui,i'nms,  1  hootlore 

Uennotl,  John  (i.  L'lowers,  Abruin  S.  ]ioo\er,  Henry 

•     iJonedicl,  James  i'l.  (inthrie,  William  T.  Ireiaud,  .Jonathan   K!lovv, -lolin  li.  (ioodrieh,  I'lverelt  lO.  ,1  .>;  il,;n,  A  iiilrew  J  . 

(.'lehiiul,  .Joliu  Oilhnrl,  Ooriu'liuH  Kna  pj.,  Aloit  imer  H. 

(howford,  Ibiiar  (Irillilli,  Ijeaman  Kenpiy,  Tcli'r  I;, 

(MasHon,  I'AJgai       .  (Jroen,  Krani'is  M.  Kojie,  l)a\id 

Cope,   David  ( ieer,  Oeorge  I  .uwl  h.  r,  ( iemge 

Cole,  N"'  llauver,  .1  olm  M  .  I.ei.',,l.   Nelson 

Light,  ()iit-ii:'.o  Jio.s;",  Soluiuon  J.  KccniUs 

];;.•(■.,  I'iilis  :\i.  Jlinoliarl,  Jiicoh  U.  IJlulu-,  Albert  E. 

Luiiyi'r,  ijjiijiiu'l  ituiiuiudl,  Jacob  Cnriu'll,  Licorgc  \\ . 

Loiirtdale,  Uvo^^^-  iCummeli,  Gcurye  Uahulf,  8iiuuii 

lifciii:ii;ni,  Joliii  LJ.  Say clt-r,  John  Dirlaii,  (.'lcU 

li'.-nuuoii,  JaiML'.s  M.  SUictiiiK  (jile.s  Kuriy.  llichard 

Ijijiiiiaoii,  iiiciiard  .\l.  Sioiit,  Joliii  (iayloi'O,  llcia-y  O. 

IjHts.tii,  S;uiuk;1  .Slbward,  \\illiaiu  Jl.  (.ieoryi',  Jaiiuii  A. 

Latsou,  t'iiailrs  Siaik-y,  .Almi/.o  (Jaiibicr,  AlIcIIjuI 

Mooiw  j\!u;li;;i'l  IScovul..,  I''.!'!-  ( ;i-i.i';4\',  i''la\  lU.-;  J  . 

iMoor.',  \\illi  i,n  Siiii'.s  lli'in-y  K.  ( la  uhur,  i-lli.^lia 

IVlor.,.-,  ClKiil  ,-,  A.  Slut  Icr,  Jacob,  Aiulrcw 

Morse,  Jl  cl.  ill, ill  rtuiauuiriia,  t'harh^s  N.         Iviislcy,  iSoaU 

.'.lillci-,   i'omcaiy  '!  Iioiuiison,   lli-iiiy  la'iiiiaou  Ikai)   C 

.Mcnait,  i-'  M.  'l\,-iniT.  W  iliiain  liniiinon,  Lulwaril 

ixicliuls,  Josi|)h  li.,  Coor-i;  I'citecl.  Ivolii  rl  L. 

Poau  roy,  ih'iii-y  -  \'aw;^ha,   Walter  I'lMey,  JaiUier 

IMe-aieic,  Joiin '\V.  \Mlli.s,  \\  iihaiii  8t  ul  ler,  l^ai.Jil 

ruUiboiie,  Nathan  W  <,.iil,  J I  irain  rituLh-r,  W  illiaui 

i'orrecJ,  MaliiJ  ■iDU  \Miii'eh,  W  liliaia  1 1.  Stewan,,  John  (.'. 

J'ierce,  O.a.  \\  arrea,  liobert  1\.  Stewart,  i'luleuioa  1'. 

J'ark(  r,  '\N  illuna  Wolt',  Wiiliaai  b.  toijt^;leiaire,  iJavid 

riirlicr,  fcjuhaapu  W  aRetield,  iiarvey  'Laouipsai,  \vulKiia 

lV'w,Ja;aea  \Villosvby,  Jaiues  'I  o\,  ii>,  ^^oiai  a. 

Tcvv,  Edward  Woruea,  JSchuyler  \\  i:i,..n..s.  f.jias  li. 

\\  (ilvMi  1,  Jaaits  \\i    i.ul,  Uai.iit  ii'  J. 

OOMMl.-iHIO.N.S  ANb  i'jiOMOTION'o  Oj.'\STKliia;N'  ( 'Ol  i  .,l-"i     I       Vl". 

('aa[)hi)a  Abraa.i  M.  Sowh-,  lU-sij^atd  A[)ril,  '(>!. 

(.'aptaJa  Sylveaus  !>.  (it:or;4'e,  K.  .-ij^rm  li  Aai^-.,  Ni.'!. 

Isl    1/i;  III.   Lawreaee  (iaIeH,  |/i-ohioicd  < 'ai/l.,  KesiL-iad   ,\1  ,iy ,  '(>.">. 

'^i\d  iaeu!.   iJeajaiiiKi   i'.   Paw^.on,   lo\-ii;;iied  l)ee.,  'li'.'. 

I.-. I  Ser;;l.  J<;hii    Hii.\i!''i'.  |  Honiol  ed  -lad   Eieul.,   l;esi;;;ni(i  .Ma^,"tM. 

Se.'wI.  Mill  lli.1,,1,  l'iir,-i'l,  [ironioted  J  .st  ia-'lil.,  lioieual.le  dir,eaarti,a  d,  cause, 

Corju^tal  Ora  Peirce.  i)romoit;d  1st  Eiiut  ,  pi'oinoled  (.'ajd.,  Masieved  out 
v/itli  re;>iauuil. 

I'l-ivate  Jaaies  I'l  w.  |  u'  iMe  >i  ed  Isl    fjieul.,  ;n  usie  red  t  ,,l   v/ilh    v.  ;.^iaK  id. 

I'rivati-  Henry  lloovir,  j)re/. noted  'Jnil  liieal.,  niusler,  .(  oiiL   with    r>^';iii<t  iil . 

jasT  OF  iMi'oirL'AN'i'  liAi'i'Liis  IN  wau'i:  Ta;;  7  I'm  wa:-;  ionuaoii-o. 
I\lnnl'ordsville  i\iissii)n  Uid,L;;e,  Cliai tahoooliio 

Hoovet  (lap,  Dalhis,  "  I'facii  Tree;  Cre(  !., 

Diiy  (ia[),  j,osr.  Mountain,  Jone-.-^boro, 

(Jhicaaiaii^a,  Kem  saw.  Atlanla, 

'JMie  71  til  C'aaij)oi;4iis  la  "(I'J  Wv'rn  la  pursait  of  I5i'a;.;>;'  t  hrou<;h*Kea.  a  nd  'I'   Jin. ; 
in  '(!;' (!oaa(  ebnl  willi      .ai.  Ilosiici-aan  caaij).ii;4a  aad  relict  ol'    ( 'lialantio;ja  ;    in 
'(M,  aj^^aiasl  .VUaala  .i      ,  JSher.nians  uiarcli  lo  iho    Sea    and    ( liroii;!,'!'    Ihe    ('aio 
iiaas;  and  in  'i\'>  ai:n'e!      I  I  liiiiele'h  Uieluianid  .'ii.d  clo.  i  d  \s  ilh  ine  ( liiind  \U'\  i<  <\ . 


John  N.  TownB,  John  B.  Leminoii,  Geo.  Cornell,  Wm.  ^\'an■^•ll,  and  Win.  F. 
Wolf  nil  of  Co.  H.  were  taken  piiKOiiurs  near  Atlanta  and  coiiliucd  in  AiuUr- 

Bkeif  Rkminissanoes  of  TnE  7-1'iH  isY  Wm.  Taskem. 
Aflcr  a  short  stay  at  Camp  Alltn  Ft.  ^Vayne  of  about  one  week,  were  talic  n 
to  Indianaixilis  and  musleied  iulo  (ho  U.  fi.  hirvitr  un  Uic  lit  of  Aug.  lsr,2. 
Wo  w<  10  llitn  .->ent  lo  lioiii.sville,  Ihciice  to  lliivvliug  (irciii,  thence  hark  1it 
Louisville,  and  aw  part  ot  th>  L'lid  Jirigade,  Isi  Uivision  pai  iicipated  in  the 
l)ur.suit  of  I5ragg.  The  7l(h  was  vvilliiu  ^  iew  of  i1k'  baLtle  i)t  t'erryriville,  and 
why  we  wece  nut  ordered  to  .sup])ort  uur  oppre^■.-.l  il  eonirade^  1  have  lu.t  ^nn 
explained.  On  Dec.  7  we  were  taken  on  a  nine  mile  doubK^  tpiiek  a.areli  in 
support  of  llartfsville.  but  were  to  hite,  the  Itebel  Morgan  liail  beiai  quiek.  r 
and  got  away  with' hi.s  pnsonerH  .and  hUl)plie^,  We  then  Kturntd  lo  (ur 
quarters  I  hen  ut  Castillion  !S)>rings,  from  thiw  on  we  had  seveitil  ixeurMuns  ni 
pursuit  of  Morgan,  but  wUhout  suceews.  we  v.x-re  at  i.avergur  irom  Janeraiy 
until  J  une  theiiee  to  'rrie.iie.  Ihenee  moved  toward  'f  allah(jma,  had  a  lively 
skirmish  with  the  inemy  at  Hoovers  (iap  Juui ,  irJii,  and  eonlniued  liu-.  eamj.aign 
again.-U  Bragg.  We  then  cros.sed  tlio  Cumberland  i\iounlaais  and  the  T.-nne.— 
see  Kiver  and  eaiuped  in  Chattanooga.  On  tii'iit.  lb  we  reeeiv(d  orders  lo 
move,  wo  marehed  all  nigiit  at  day-light  titt»ped  tu  make  collet!  anil  when  it 
wa.-i  aliout.  ready  the  bugle  soujuled  and  wo  hud  to  drioK  on  the  run.  We  were 
in  the  battle  of  Chiekamauga  that  day  in  wh)<;h  wo  charged  ami  Jell  bai'k  nomr- 
tinu^s  in  a  hurry  ami  ;igaiii  in  <n'der,  ci>nleiidnig  with  e.ivarly,  iutaiiiry,  and 
(irtillary,  liankeil  and  got  Hanked,  to  describe  is  )iii|)os.siable.  'I'lius  eiideil  li.e 
first  day,  our  posilioii  h  !ld  and  the  Itebels  on  the  ea.a  side  (u;  Cliiclcamau^a 
Creek.  Sunday  Sept.  20  the  battle  again  o[)en(-d  aboiii:  lU  o'  eloeiv,  witli  liie 
fiinall  breast  works  we  had  made  in  the  night  we  had  the  advantage,  but  llu  re 
appeared  to  be  H  diseonnectiou  in  (Hu- ballh'  lull  ,  ilu'  Ki-bel  discovered  Ihi,., 
litlod  through  the  gap.aml  tlunked  us  on  the  right,  we  had  oidi'is  lo  git  out 
of  thai,  and  we  gol,i-very  man  for  himsell.  I  loi  one,  was  lost  I  lom  my  regi 
ment  and  sla;,ed  with  the  4lh  Ken.  that  night.  Monday  mtnning  wo  fouiid 
that  the  .iriny  reti-eate.i  wo  followed  and  at  Uo.s.svillo  joiii'  d  our  comuKiud.v. 
The  army  th.ii  li  II  back  to  (Chattanooga,  thf  posilion  ol  the  Tllh  in  the  seigr, 
was  between  the  railroad  and  i-'t.  Negley.  \\  lit  n  lie'  army  was  ri  orgaiiizeil  (lir 
7Uh  was  assigiicti  lo  the  ;'ril  brigaile  '.U\i  duision  I  ith  lorps.  On  No\.  21  we 
ma-vchetl  tint  lo  takf  part  in  the  giami  chaigc  up  Mission  Uiklgv,  we  Wfie  soon 
ill  position  re.ujy  for  llie  eJeirge,  how  anxio'is  wm  wailed  lor  ll;r  signal, al  hi.-l  it 
craine;  u[)  we  v^iiit  with  ortlers  to  rest  about  hall  >\ay  u[i,  but  wi-  fergol  llu  in  ; 
on  up  we  go  to  |),  driving  Ihe  inieiny  from  thfir  bira-l  woi  Ks  and  guns,  lu 
front  ol   (hi^7ll  a  ballory  Iryiiij.,'  I.i   i.Mi    awav,    but    (liiy    .stayed,       \'.lia( 

rc-imriit  pliiili'd  Ih'/ii  iiug  lir^l  ou  Iho  Uhl'^e  is  ii  (lispiit-d  p'.-inl ;  wt-  know 
tU'  71lli  wiis  Willi  lulvMKiil  ill  (lie  lini',  no  it  lias  a  j^ootl  diiiin  lor  lliin  lioiio)-; 
wi'  tilt  ;^l<;rious  for  ue  luul  a  pui'i  and  Iho  victory  waa  coiiipli  u.  ^V^■  jmrsiu  d 
til')  ciieuiy  a.s  far  as  i^altoii,  then  relunii'd  to  Cliattaiiooga  wIicih'  svc  leniaiiifd 
until  l-'elj.  20,  "04,  wlnni  th.'  iloyimeut,  with  the  Uth  covi)S  .went  oa  a  rt-ctsmioitr- 
iiiy  ixpc^dilioii  towHiu.s  Buzzitrd  Koosl.  On  iho  25  liad  a  slight  c  ngaycui'.nt,  tlKit 
ni-'iit  wiihoiU  iU)i,-..a,.ok  a  haitkvvard  track  to  Kin,!;;<olil  wlicu-o  \vc  roiuaincd 
uiilil  May  10  \»/hi'u  w.  iiiarili;>d  wilh  ^;ll«■r:uall  lui  Ihr  Atlanta  Cam  [K'.ign.  Tho 
lir.-.l  ,tay.i  march  ).n.n.j;hL  uh  lo  Ihc  U.Ik  !s  in  force  ul  Dallnn.  Ni  \t  day  made 
n  11, ink  in(j>cuu;a.  to  li;i.  rJyht  through  Siiiil;..  Clrcck  ila]).  'I'lu-ru  \\c  met  tho 
I'JiUh  Iiid.,  a.  ^;ranii  glad  slinking  of  liands  look  i)lacc.  \\ C  wer.^  ni.w  Irciiuciitly 
er.-iigvu  m  haillcs  and  .skirnnrihc-s;  at  DalLit^  May  27,  Lobt  Mountain  June  17, 
Kt  ic  saw  June  27,  «' 'ha!tahou.;hie  July  7,  I'each  Tree  C'rcek  July  20,  Jonesbovu 
Sci'l.  1,  ai;d  many  otli.'r  h.-avy  kn(jckf<  around  Allanta.  lii  Oclohcr  wo 
oriL'rcd  111  piirnuil  oT  northward,  Init  called  Lack,  aiul  in  November 
m-crciKd  wi'.h  ,Sli;nM'.;!u  it)  Saviinnah,  having  iretiiient  skii'iiiislus.  l''rom  Sa- 
vaunah  w  c  .^lartttl  oa  th.'  grand  wall./,  through  tlia  (Jurijliua.-,.  Tin,  \va.s  a  march 
as  you  i>kci.-,e  with  no  (■(Uninunicalion  or  sujiplicH,'  tiubsisiijig  upoii  the  btst 
the  iivljeks  iuid.  i'iglitiug  the  enemy  at  lynyettcviilc  tii.'idisboro  and  l!aleigh, 
wa  ie  we  heard  the  gluriou.-;  new.s  of  Lco'd  Hurrciuler  to  (-^anl.  what  rejoicing, 
but  gr.j'uu  t.iliowud  tor  in  a  f>)W  day.-i  came  the  sadnew.s  ot  the  asHas:,iiial  ion  of 
r.-e;-..  LMie:>ln.  The  grief  of  t he  soldierH  was  hard  to  hold  within  bounds,  Init  t;oon 
came  the  huit  grear  c;;[)i;  ulal  i(m,  the  IJebci  Gen.  Joseph  I'k  Johnson,  wilh  over 
27.U,)i)  menhad  made  term.-,  with  (ien.  Siiermaii.  This  seemed  noaring  the  end. 
Alter  l;/.!g'  weary  round-, dioiil  m.a.rchoa.  with  haril  fought  batiks  and  h):,.^cs  f.y 
death,  ih.  remuani  <,-f  the.  71th  were  pcrmiUcd  to  enter  Kichmond,  the  slragic 
ciiy  ;f  ,.  ,,uiiL  and  iljfeiie!  four  years  of  rebellion.  We  arrived  at  Washing- 
o..  iiu-  .It  ;>f  M.ay  lo  lake  j)art  in  tho  Cvand  National  la-view  .M.ay  21,  were 
th  ;;  s;ji)1  l!)  li!dia}ia()olis  and  received  a  receidion  from  Ciov.  iMi.rlou  our 
dis^^^e.  ,ind  pay,  .1  line  fC,  iSi;'),  and  seattend  for  our  lioim  s,  s  idiers  no 
1;>  ■  T.  rhi:,  is  a  rapid  Iraiisil.  of  our  three  yeais  of  weary  march,  s.  skirm- 
I;;'  ■,  ;;,:i.l  hatUes.  't'ht.'  hartl.shijis,  sufferings,  and  dangers  that  wiie,  endured 
h;  1  1:1  e.  a  liecting  dream ;  also,  like  a  dream,  but  .sacred,  is  \\w  u.v:...'ry  of 
coinrad  ■.;  str. )ng,  loyal  and  true  with  wliom  we  sluua-d  canteen,  cru  l^e.r,  and 
bl....'Le'.,  wlc)  wilh  wo'uidH  and  disearai  w(U-o  hft  behind  in  sohlicis  gfaves. 
'I'h  .  ^,!- ;,.  :;nt  meimuie.s  of  a  soldiers  llf.'-  is  upper-nu)st  and  springs  foilh  at 
tie;  ell.;,,  of  hands  with  comrades,  bul  (his  is  less  fre.iueiit  for  J  hnd  my  cmn 
rades  are  falling-  I. ipi.lly  around  mu.  'I'he  cemeteries  of  (hi  l.'oiuiiry  are 
■dotted    wilh    their  ivi\s.        Tho     taps    are    somiding     (he     liiial     nnit-ler    out, 

but   lh(-  country  len       ii  i  u'l.'ivid.'d. 


nATi.  fyAWKiiNOK  (Jatem  woiit  iu'st  US  Q.  M's.  clork  in  the  f  Ith  ami  in  lu-csnir.- 
oil  to  Ik-  Cue  lii-st  Union  man  to  untor  Ft.  Doiu'lson.  lit'  di.l  ii  witlujui  diilcvs. 
I(  iul  hy  I'uiioiisily  to  fHiC.  what  the  white  (laj^  nicaiil.  ]lo  iiiailc  a  lijui  UjoLiuf^ 
<itru-cr  for  Co.  II  anj  whih;  on  dctafhed  ihily  h>st  his  U:Ji.  hg  in  a  Loltnad 
wrccK.  Ilr  i^i  a  man  with  toiiilcr  rogards  Uiv  <roinvadr.s.  IJc  liab  li'ii;^  been  canh- 
icr  ill  I\iii'i:y  ,'::  C.u'h.  JUuik  ami  holds  tlio  lliyh(■^^t  olhii^  in  ihnSlatr  I.  U.  (;.  !■'. 

IIkm'.y  <\  li)'.".iMON.  aftiT  noavly  ii  years  scrviiro  in  ('i>.  1\  'llii  linl.  (^lu.iuii  ae- 
cidi  iilly  vci.ill.  d  ill  (liat  li^  ,)  ici-nlisti'd  ni  th(i  7'l  Ih  ami  .-^(•|■•  .  d  uiil  il  1  In?  i.i.d  of 
thi)  wai'.  He-  \i,a.s  iiumcdiaU'ly  ricogni/i'd  as  a  nuTiibcr  oiu  n  an  aiid  i  ili/.n.,  lill- 
iiiL^  oflicial  Inisls.   1 1  d  is  now  sciving  liin  Hocond  tcnn  as  t'oiii\ly  'I'roasurt;. 

Lii'.or.  15'''.N.  I''.  Oavvson,  was  an  i^llicioiit  ol!ic<-r,  bat  disa!iilil  \  ciujhh '.Irt.!  liiiu 
to  risigu.  ]l(:  is  now  attnrny  at  hiw  in  An;^ola  and  has  a  \'. ai-m  sidi.'  fur  <jld 
Pnhiit'rs  ii.;hts,  with  an  exliudixl  af([naintance  iii  .slatu  political,  niasonic,  and 
(i.  A.  ]{.  CMch\-f,      11(1  was  tlui  first  Coininandci'  of  I'osl  No.  150. 

J  Ai'oo  A  iuu;\ ,  a  slirliii}^  in'oniiiii'iir,  tarimr  iK^ar  lM<asaii(  Jjaivr  with  his 
coiiiiiaiiy  ooniradci-;  ami  m-igiiboi-.s  John  Jj.  rAiiunon,  Silas  IJ.  Williams,  John 
BnydiT,  rJaLMil)  SliifliT,  and.  other.s  onjoy  (liu  social  coiiifadcslui)  in  Ihc  (J  A.  U. 
I'oHt  naiiuid  in  lu/ncn'  of  thi'iv  own  Lravc  company  couii''.  Middle! on  rcifit't. 

lli';Niiv  Iloovi'jt,  now  liviii{^  nenir  Mtdz,  i.i  one  of  its  best  I'iti/.ciiM, 
iMid  nono  tuijoy.s  a  7lth  iciinion  bitter  iliaii  he. 

Ni'j.Ho.N  .) .  Jn;'i'/.  of  Hcott  Tp.  past  Coiumamlcr  and  now  ]ii(iiciii  Coij.maiidcr 
ol  i'ost  No.  1.^)  ;tf  frcimiiif  in  an  aclivi:  a:i  liisj  aj/o  will  pi'imit,  and  noiu!  i.- 
Iiioro  rcHpecI.ed  than  he. 

.\Ni>j{)!iW  Jaouiso.n  of  Aiig(j!a  was  iiidepiiideni  and  cool  iji  battle,  or  sUiim- 
ihh,  st  I'ie.t  in  liie  di.sciiargo  of  his  duty;  rmiaiiis  an  utrict  to-ilay,  and  lakes 
coionuuid  of  hiuLsrlf  in  dutitri  of  every  iliiy  life. 

(ii'iouoi;  .\No  .)  Aooii  luiMiMiCMi  steady,  isiibstantial,  and  )•<  siui'li  (.1  eil  i/:<ii.'.  of 
()tsn;^() 'I'p.  wi'i'e  steady  iiiid  tnn)  ilnrinj^  llnvir  thrie  yca'-s  sei  v  ii-e.  (ircal  hon- 
<9r  to  theif  Mother  who  siid  six  .sons  to  the  Wiir,  some  nevt  r  leturmxl.  'I'nily 
tills  was  a  family  of  patriots. 

MF.iiMO.v  (V>nii  of  Scott  Tp.  WHS  a  good  soidier  and  enijiliatic  in  liis  views. 
His  mother  sent  iivu  sons  to  buttle,  anothei-  of  the,  Nations  Mothers.  She  si;uii 
Uiem  all  return  but  one,  Samuel  died  from  woiindiat  NasliYillc. 

lOKIin'Y    KKillTU  JNI).  VOL.  INF'T. 

Slenlicn  County  was  rt^iresivnteil  in  Company  A  of  thi"  KSth  liid.  by  two  well 
liiiowii  Angola  lioys,  thiiilo  Scholt/.  and  Oscar  I'.  (!nrv(r.  Srholtz  dii  il  m<ioi. 
nfter  disi:lHiri;t'd  from  ilisnaso  contracted  in  tlie  cei  \  ice.  Ci.i'.it  in  a  ri-.itlcni 
of  'I'ravrrs  Ci(^       licli.,  and  ('ouiily  ('leik  of   I'ravi  in  County. 


■ — or,— 

On  St'ptt-ijiljfi-  10  lvS(J2 
Steubou  Coitiity  I'urniHlu:>()tt,  Willidiu 
Buillcy,  Aaron 
Hlaiu'liiu-ii,  8;iiuutil 
i5r<)uks,  llt'iiry 
Hrnwii,  (lermaii 
ISruckwi'iy,  GiMirgo 
Hodluv,  J  auie.s 
IJ..cll./y,  I'liilo 
lli'ii'Jli^y,  J;imes 
Hr.'ullf'y,  l>;nut)l 
lirock,  .Muiii'oo 
UIhhs,  (Jliirkrtc.ii  I). 

JJlilSS,   Ji'lI'lTriOU 

liiii-toii,  John 
licl/..)r,  I'olcr 
Bi'tzcr,  AJiiiii 
B:iil<'y,  Siiuiui'l 
C'hadwick,  Siuiruil 
CiiiipiiKUi,  Aiifou  B. 
Ciirvtir,  Henry  VV. 
C)i>iikt!y,  Maiiniiij,''  S. 
C'rii'pontiu',  ("hauiicy 
fjolc,  Uoyul 
C;i)i)k,  (ittm-j^'o 
(!asin:r,  iji'.vi 
Casi)Mr,  lidwiH 
(<iir[)nnter,  Aloxandcr  M. 
Ol^ck,  (}lH>f;^0 
CMiii|)iauii,  Kdj^oi-  A. 
Clark,  John  C. 
Olevolaiid,  Aildisoii 
Dilliiij;haui,  Jeroiiiti  B. 
I>illui;^haiu,  .Tamos 
Davi.s,  Williuiii 


tlius  tfjfimeiit  wa.i  iniihti 
id  th(f  following; 



Edwin  CioldBnxilh,  2i»d  I- 

Dudlcy,  (hove  II. 

IJinioii,  Henry 

l)fnni,iu,  Suiith 

ICbint,  Jamos  M. 

EUiH,  C'liaiic.-,  {). 
.  Eiiiorich,  ilonutlian 

I'Mint,  Francis 

Fruncli,  {i(!(>r{^o 

Goro,  Goorj^t:  \V. 

Gillespit^  iJavid  H. 

(iinxlricrli,  Sila.i 

Gillc.s|.ir,  lililu.i    U. 

GriH'ii,  David 
<rot)dri(!h,  Sylvcstor 
JIurd,  Hai-voy  .M. 
Hayncri,  Mai  tin 
Ilayno-i,  Joiin 
Haines,  Monruo  J. 
Hoover,  JoHe])li 
JiiUou,  Lewis  Jj. 
Hooliliiill,  Josepii 
Jarviri,  Oleineiit 
flo.iuson,  Henry 
Johnson,  (ienr^e  W. 
Jadwin,  J o/ui  J*. 
K(!n<)<r<r,  William 
Ivale,  James 
Keith,  Lewis 
L<^e,  (Mark 
MiiNsei,  John 
M  •!  iane,  Auihrosn 
Noi'thway,  Georf^o  F. 
Opie,  \Villiajn 
Pulver,  William  O. 

red    into    the   U.  H.    H'-»rvii 

Orla  J.  Fast,  lnl  Lieu), 


COMI'ANX    (J. 

.\t')rrow,  John  K.  1st  Lieut.   Hand,  Henry  H. 

Parker,  Samuel 
I'arkor,  Walter  R. 
Powers,  (}eor}:jo  W. 
Root,  Bodney  U. 
R(;lliiiS,  Georye  H. 
Rhodes,  Gilljoit 
Rodj^ers,  Bradley 
Rude,  Charles 
Baliin,  Marden 
Hutlu'rland,  Andrew  J. 
Stalford;  Joseph 
Hluiinway  Return  U. 
Sullu>rland,  ChritJ.  (.'. 
SuiijHuuuij^h,  Tullie 
Suit/,,  J  acub 
Sc!ott,  Henry  M. 
Snyder,  (iourf^o 
Suydi.r,  Andrew  J. 
Soule,  David 
S perry,  Jacicscju  £. 
Taylor,  Cornelius 
Taylor,  William  J. 
'J'aylor,  Waireu  J, 
Taylor.  Orriii  R. 
WUderi  Charles  H. 
Weleh.  William  J. 
Woodworth,  Homer  S. 
Wif^'i^ins,  Nalhaa 
Youny,  Rih'y 
Zimmernian,  John 

Panshaw,  John  H. 
Van  Allstin  (Jharles  1'.. 

Hand,  Charles  E, 

OOMMIHHrONH  A.NI)  rJlOMorioNH  Ot  HTi:i'll)-.N  f^OUNTV    u<ns. 
(JOMI'ANV     II. 

(.'aptalii  Josr     li  W.  Gilliii|iie;  reHi(;ii<(l,  Jan.  Vi;.  ISCL 


IhI   liiciit.  <)il;i  ,T.  I'ast ;  judiuoUkI  C'u|it.;  |)r<)iu()t(i.l  Ahh't.  Ailj'l.  (Jon. 

"ml  liiciit  I'Mwiii  <  Jolilsiiiidi;  |)i()iin<ii'il  IhI  I  jitiil ,;  iiroiuoliil  Ailj"l.  <it  itj^i- 
nuiit;  iiiiistcrcil  out  witli  loi^iiiiiijit. 

iSerf^'t.  Marilmi  Sal)iii ;  juoiiioldl  Ist  I.iciit.;  jnoiuntod  (_'uj)t.;  iiuist.erid  out 
Willi  reyiiuetit. 

Strict.  Siiimu^l  Bliinchaiil;  promoted  2i)d  fjii.-ut.;  iiiusteied  out  witli  rcgiiiKiit. 

I'rivate  Gc.riiiaii  IJrown;  promoted  list  Lieut,  and  Quarter  Master  ol 
regiment;  mii«tered  out  with  i  ^'i^imout. 

J-*rivato  ^Valter  R.  Parker;  2>romoted  2iid  Lieut.;  promoted  1st  Jjieut.;  mus- 
tered out  with  regiment. 

COMPANY    c. 
Jst  Lieut.  John  K.  Morrow;  promoted  Cuplaiu;  resigmd  Felj.  L"J  IbtM.  * 

Privute  lleni-y  11.  llaiul  promoted  Ass't  Sin'geou;  mustoVeil  out  witli  litgt.  i 

I.IST  Ol' IMl'OKiANT  liATTl.K.SIN  WllHUl  TUK    1  OOl'U  IND.  WAH  ENG  A' li£L«. 

Seige  (jf  Viek.sbuig)  Dallas,  ijiltle  i(iver, 

beige  of  J  itekMon,  i>e.v  ilo|)e  Cluucii,  Turkey 'J'owu, 

'i'rentoii,  ilig  biiauty,  llri.ssvoldviUe, 

Wissioii  Uiiige,  Mieitajaek,  Savannah, 

Kuoxviilo,  C!uattahoociioe,  U  ranch  viUe, 

(iraysville,  Decatur,  (.'ongaree,  Creek, 

iJalttm,  Allaula,  <;olumbia, 

Snalie  t' reek  Gap,  Joni'sijoro,  iientonville, 

Kesauca,  (ledar  BIuIIh,  l\aleigh. 

Iveuusaw,  Lovejoy'B  blulioii, 

IIUII:K  JtHMlNIHl'ICNlU'.ll  Ol'    llli;  "I'latMIMMON"   JtlXIIMh'N'l'  {t\   lIllJllMir  KIIOAliM. 

'Che  oiigin  of  name 'iierHimmonw"  a.s  attaclud  lotlio  lOOIh  regiment  eame 
ahoiit  n»  Itjllow,^.  'I'lici  hiiyH  hail  found  out.  tlm  tlilieiiuiH  ipudily  ol  rii.c  pcrtiim- 
iiiuuH,  the  lirrit  day  out  on  the  march  from  iMcm|ilii.-.  nouthward  with  orderts 
not  to  hiraggle,  tlu'y  t'ouuil  a  \vro  and  hiopid  to  ;;,itlii'r  tiiem.  lieiug  gri'iui 
troo|i.i  they  dill  mil  know  I  lie  ohjecL  ol  rear  guards,  aiul  Imgcri  d  to  long, 
ami  they  wiuo  all  ui'i'ihleil  and  ImiU'd  om  r  >■>  ihc  lirig.  (Jcmral  as  ^lraggl^■r^. 
On  lieiug  ((uestiomd  evei-y  man  answered  "I  .sto()i:<Kl  to  get  p(!rhimmonn  and 
got  them."  The  Ueiu^i-al  was  holh  vexivi  ai.d  ai;n;..ed.  lie  sent  them  torward 
■  with  word  to  Col.  Heath  Ihatithisd  n  •■jui'simmou"  regiment  ^\'(ntld  stick 
in  a  tight  as  wel|  as  tlioy  ilid  to  the  liuiu  and  a  jiersimmoii  irer,  lu^  would 
appologize.  ill)  .sulise<juenlly  I'ound  ot'iarui m  to  aiipologize,  hut  the  name 
rttuc.k,  ami  no  set.  of  men  leel  proudi  i'  than  a  memlirr  ol  the  lOOlii  to  he  called 
a  "|)cisimmou"    l.oy. 

This  regime  lit  at  it.s  lirst  out-stit  done  guard  lUityonlh"  Afcm  |ihis  Va,  ( 'harles 
ton  Uailioad  u  I  chum'.),  IHti;},  when  it  starled  tor  Vukslmrg,  joining  (Jcu. 
(irant'H  army  ,1    ,  e  \\.      .\t(er  (ho  surreiulcr  of  \' icli  i|>urg,    tooU  aidive  |iart     ii 


llio  St.igo  of  Jacli.son,  Miss,  wliioh  luritca  J'or  five  days.  In  OclnbtT  it  imulti  a 
rupul  iiiiu-dli  to  Ti-caron,  (!;■,..  and  lurnci]  thi>  Uu'l  Hank  i;l  Jiia;4>;s  army  and 
If  reacliod  (;!liatlan!)()j^M  on  (lu!  L'')tli  (d'  Nov.,  and  look  (-.aiCin  tho  <;liar;;c  up 
ft  Mis.doli  Uid^'r,  and  followed  in  |inisuil  id'  llm  .■ncniy  a:-i  far  as  (iiay.^villr; 
tlioiice  luovi'd  to  the  rclii-r  of  (Jni.  iiuiiisido  at  Jdiox  v  ill<'.  I'laily  iii  May,  lf-'(!l, 
wo  moved  with  HiiiTnian's  arni^  and  had  a  jiarf  in.  nearly  all  the  {■nga;.>;enii'iil;) 
in  ifetiiig  fo  and  at.  Atlanta.  ]n  Oetober  were,  .seid  in  pur.-iidt  of  llood,  dr<no 
liini  across  tlm  Tennessee.'  Kiver  and  left  him  ui  tlie  eaie  ..i'  Can.  Thonias  i'lid 
returucd  to  Atlanta.  In  Novenilnr  \,e  left  Aliania  in  ruin.-  for  tliat  e.dvi'iilnr- 
ous  and  de.stniotive  march  to  Havaimah  and  IhroiiL'h  llie  Carolinus.  Aflir  the 
Surrcuidcr  of  Jj(!0  and  Johnson  we  marehed  by  the  way  of  KicliiiKJUd  to  VViish- 
iui^foii,  and  un  the  lllii  of  J  line  ai-riveil  at  Jndiana|pi)liH  and  reeei\'ed  a  weleomo 
liouie    by    (.iov.  .^i^lrU)l  . 

Il  is  e.d  iinali  d  la'  ueLi'iment  ;i:ai-(!hed  over  -1, 000  miles;  em'oiinterinj,'  a!- 
nil).-.!  ini]ia.^sa!di'.  s'.v.i;ii|is,  moras.sai,  and  rivers,  and  en;;aj^red  m  I\\in1y-nine 
batlie.s  iimI  counlin;;'  i;i  n  nenra  bl.)  sinalii-r  hi;  irmi^hes,  'I'liey  well  i.-ain(  d 
tho  jiersimmolis. 

i'i;i;so:;.\i.  MF.:niO';  ok  s:o.\iic  oy  thi:  "I'loiisiMiMON"'  bovh  mow  living. 

-j.*MiJi;i,  !V\JiKi',jt  A<\>  .Jou.N  IIainI';;-!  each  over  si.\;    feet    in  lieij^ht  uiaic'.ieil  ;  iile 
by  side  in  the  U-ad  iif  lluir  company  and  sharei'  the  same  |.ii|)  leid  and  blanic 
ct    ;ire    now    neiyldxHS    and    residents    of    Salem    Tj).    and    anujii;.'-    il.s    m<.:)t 
oxcelleat  citizens  and  (1.  .\.  11.  uieiiibcra. 

JojiN  MuHsiin  VNO  (ljO()JL(iE  i'osvEita  of  Met/,  as  worthy  citi/.vns  have,  been  call- 
ed ii]j;ni  to  lill  ollicial  and  res[)onniidjl<'  stations,  and  both  e;(  'frateinily 
and  loyulity  (ui  all  o|i[)or(unilies, 

Hlcnuv  C.^JtvKJi  of  Oi'land  a  well  knewn  and  respecdod  business  man  is 
tlis.'ibled  ill  a  lai'yer  d'^ree  than  rated,  tlu'  rc-idls  of  his  army  ser\  ict. 

(iKovi;  Onoi.r'.v  a  .substantial  farmer  and  eiliz^'ii  livin;^'  near  ()rlaiid  attend.s 
strickly  to  his  business  liie  same  as  he  ilid  in  soUlier  life. 

John  J*.  Jadvvin  of  Driaiul  onr  of  Stiuibeii  ('i<nnly"H  best  citizens  is  a  woi'kiu- 
ill  the  Ci.  A.  LL,  inanifostcs  j^rettt  interest  in  all  organizations  for  };ood,  and 
takes  esitecial  interest  in  Sunday  School  work. 

J.^OKKON  I'].  Si'Euu'x,  OiiiiiN  \i.  'rAYi.oit,  uiid  others  liavo  made  a  marl:  in  busi- 
ness since  tlui  war.  'I.'hey  still  remain  true  to  the  principles  they  enli.Ued  to 

.Vndukw  J.  S.wvio.k;  or,  "I'int"'  loaded  ilown  brimfiill  of  comrad.  slii j)  iow.ird 
any  soldier,  generoii.s  to  a  faidt,  seen  the  entire  sei\  ice  of  the  KJOlli.  lie  i.-,  a 
proininenti  citizen  (d'  \iii,M)la,  and  has  servei.1  two  leiins  as  < 'ommander  of 
Post  No.  Jr><).  Noi  reaidi  forth  their  hands  ijuickir  than  h<'  to  /^'reet  a 
conirad"  or  fri'iid       r  aiil  any  [urson  in  distress 


Thomas  E.  Leuo  ot'  Co.  C.  is  rif^lU fully  a  Sleubou  County  lioy,  but  the  Adj't.  Ij 
(.}f)U(u-iiI  creilitH  him  to  LiiGriingo  fiH  jn-obaly  many  otlnus  havt;  boeii  isu  assign-  f! 
lid.  Cumradt)  Lrg^T  wti.s  a  resident  and  business-man  of  Angola  for  some 
years.  He  now  lives  near  Orland  and  is  goneraly  on  hand  at  reimious  and 
mtfitri  Ills  finnrjulcs  in  a  pleased  and  quiet  way. 

('Ai'T.  Jons  K.  iMojdtOsv  of  CV).  C  witii  a  known  reputation  as  Attnuiey  at 
Law  in  ttio  County  and  vacinity,  with  lifes  fortunes  and  prosjieets  vaiiiil,  .--lil 
liolds  forth  in  his  chosen  profession,  truci  to  elient  and  to  the  piiucinU.-  in; 
ndvociited  witli  the  sword. 

Gii/iuciiT  liiioAiJS  fornialy  of  Olsego  Tp.  now  lives  at  Berlin  Heights,  I)iim». 
With  previous  service  in  tlie  l.^th  Inil.  was  a  well  drilled  soloier  j  ossess, 'i;^' 
iibility  to  instruct  in  tactics,  and  did  so  to  a  considerable  exti  .ii  oj  llu  KUiiu; 
and  could  have  won  a  commission,  but  jn-efered  a  lii.Lcli  jiri>aU.>  I'lsiii;.,.. 
He  is  now  travejinir  rialesman  for  his  comrade,  15.  V.  Smith  of  ihe  ,-,ai,-.o  n-^^i- 
ment,  in  tlio  sale  of  il.-iU's  Sfift^s;  and  as  such  visits  liis  old  houu-  oil;  /i. 
He  is  always  in  a  ( Lcmlaiict;  at   tlie  nuuiions  ol  thi:  iOOIh. 

Sii.AH  (Jooi)i;icn  olJackson  'I'p.  seived  liis  lull  tinii!  ;is  a  soldii  :  and  shows 
the  elfecl  of  camp,  mareli,  and  battle,  for  which  IJucli;  Saiii  allows  him  a 
small  montlily  stipend  that  ought  to  be  doublei.1. 

John  Zimmi'.UiMan  of  York  'V[t.  is  another  old  \'il.  who  saw  all  iii(  n  was,  and 
by  esperiiince  knows  the  roiuul-about  roiitd  tiom  (he  'l\iiii.  ■-;-".  Uivei'  to 
Washington  on  lOot,  via:   Atlanta,    Savannah,  and  It  ichniond. 

KKVKNTIl   CAVALIIY    (1  l'.)rii)  JtKCil  M  KNT    IM '.    \')\j. 

Although  thert  were  but  a  few  oi  Steuben  boys  belonging  toil.i'7ll.  t'avahy, 
yol.,in  hoinu-  of  (liosr  few  it  is  right  lt»  place  on  reiiord  tlu  ii-  \alllai»!e  service 
ill  the  war. 

1'lm  /ill  (.-'av.  1  i/r, ersid  i'lnmessee.  Missouri,  and  Arkansas;  made  lvi(< 
•>evere  raids  into  M  ississip])i ;  and  closed  in  Tjouisiana  and  Texas.  'Iliey  won 
ft  repiit  at  ion  as  tlui]  K<r.^  and  ad  vanee  guards;  and  in  several  instances  sav.d 
the  Ibiion  army  I'lom  a  premature  attack  and  theii'  lrain<  and  ;,iipplui(  Mom 
capture.  'I'Ih  y  never  Uinched  in  m'ed,  gave  ilireet  ticice  sahei-  ehaige  agaiiisl 
saber,  the  most  l(uifying  of  charges  to  meet,  in  like  manner  charged  artillery 
find  infantry,  and  won  words  of  compliments  from  their  commanding  Cienera! 
and  proved  themselves  to  be  a  complete  (-avalry  organization. 

We  may  not  h  e  all,  but  legist  er  idl  (Iionc  we  can  ai'crlnin  from  Adj't. 
f«(>n's.  Ill  ports  a        imjiiiiv  who  lei  I,  the  i-ounty. 


-Diihuff,  Eli  Iadg(^  Adam  'I'ultle,  Cliester  V. 

b'egloy,  Georj^ij  W.  Murtotf,  Suinufl  Tattle,  'i'hfodoio  P. 

Gordiin,  JiUBcs  U.  Hnowlifr^ror,  Jtobcit  JI.  Wuodwortli,  Brazilian 

Slialfor,  Daiii.'l  CJ. 

COMl'ANV    K. 

iUukott,  Ijal'ayetle  Edwaids,  Daiilord  'J'hoiiul.soii,  David 

iialcoi',  William  II.  ElJrid;:jc.  William  Jl.  Taylor,  ()it>ii 

(!ai-(:y,  Edwin  Hyatt.  Williau)  Woodward,  William 

C!U'i>oiitei-,  Almoii  S.  Ilix.  Maivm 

.Maiivin  flrx  of  York  I'p.  one;  ui'  iliL-  7tli  ('av.  boys  is  liiiown  as  ii  ;.^ood  oitizfii 
and  Union  man.  llf.  is  a  I'annur  with  llii^  rartts  jiurtaiiii.i;^  lo  such,  yet  as  onu 
of  tlie.  few  remaining  misses  no  oiipori  unity  lo  attend  liis  annual  rcj^nimuital 
mt;e  lings. 

L\i'AVi:ri'ii  BuKKKTT  with  piovious  exiiei-i'Tict!  in  .MctlUiU  n's  Dragoons  aiid 
some  of  til;;  hai'il  liiTce  sabi'L'  clashes  in  thtj  east;  and  [)ossessing  a  quic-k 
iinijulsive  t jmporiU'jiiL  and  s  night  similar  t-xuiling  stu-vice  and  was  given  a 
sergeant's  position  in  Ihe  7tli  fiid.  Oav.  He  bore  tlie  regimental  colors  gallant- 
ly m  many  a  conllii  I.  'I'he  Hag  was  ofleii  piereeLl  with  buUel^  and  once  severed 
Irom  its  slaff ;  I  bus,  mal. '.ng  liis  escajie  almost  a  miracle,  hui  at  last  anfortunatly 
in  a  haml  to  hand  sabji-  eonlliet  reueivinl  a  mark  that  all  who  now  Ijchold  him 
will  alway  ^  rem  nib  'i'.  1 1  lie's  love  of  exeilemcnl  and  da-li  spiiil  is  unabated, 
he  IS  tlr^  liri>  of  th  '  I'osI  or  e  imradeshi])  galln  ring',  evei-  n-ady  with  song  oi' 
sloi-y  lo  amu-it\  lo  ob:'y  all  eal's  of  scrvie.i;  for  ihe  di^lies^ed,  oi'  aid  in  |iiil)lii; 

('nr;  ii'ioii  \'.  Tern,!':  a  e,iti/.  mi  of  Steuben  T|i.  joined  .-.erviee  with  Co.  !>  and 
on  i'e,)rgani/.arion  of  Ih.t  ri'gim '111  ree,ei\-ed  a  ( 'orporars  |>iiion.  lie  has 
been  in  aeiive  bir.iness  as  salesman  al  I'liMsant  l.ike  and  Township  assessor 
for  sonu'  year.T  and  is  now  County  Treasure  elect.  The  people  will  soon  have 
auijile  oj)pertuniiy  to  make  [n-,  ac(|Uamla.nce  and  will  lind  him  a  gentleman 
in  every  res])ect.  ^ 

UomoKT  fl.  SNo\vin:K<!ini  a  farmm- of  Steuben  'i'p.  remained  wilh  Ids  vegi-  until  l'\iburary  IStli,  I8l)i;.  Tlio  (l.)Vermi'iil  hiving  need  of  Ids  service 
1.0  the  1  ist.     Jlis  work  was  well  done. 

iiuv/.ii.iAN  \Voo..  ,voiii  11  a  resident  of  Steuben  Til,  with  anci'sUo's  in  the  wari 
of  ISIli  and  K 'Voliu  ion;  and  as  a  worthy  ilesceiidant  exhibited  tlie  aame  bjyuil 
for  his  IJoimtry's  del  ct:.  lie  saw  previous  service  before  joining  the  7ht 
from  which  regimen     -  e  wai'  amoii"-  tlie  last    to  be  miidereii  onl . 


Quito  a  nuuitjor  of  Steulu'ii  County  uwu  cnliBtfil  in  lliu  12(h  ("aviiliy    (H(,'an- 
izt'd  Mftrch   Ist,  IHdi. 

OOMI'ANY    n. 

Bi)wer,A)frecl  Cuffey,  Alonzo  J.  Harliaiigli,  Henry  W. 

Bell,  JushuH  Cud'ey,  Leoniud  A.  Jolnies,  John 

Bowes,  Miohael  Call,  Williain  fc5\iill.i'rlin,  Jauu'H  A. 

Ct><>k,  (Jeorgo 

COMl'ANY    C. 

Major  D.  Williams,  Captain,                                   Gcoigw  1.  Tnttlo  l«t  Lieutonani, 

Lorenzo  Taylor,  2nd  Lioutenunl. 

Burt,  Cornelius  (ioudy,  All.erl  J.  Si  yniuur,  Franklin  B. 

Bah«et,  Junies  A.  (ioudy,  Henry  \V.  Spear,  Miron  L. 

Baker,  William   H.  (Jurtner,  Henry  Hmilky,  David 

Carie,  Cyrua  Horn,  Stephen  Sajus,  Benjamin  B. 

Cole,  Henry  Hull'man,  Jo^.cph  hlu>r\viti,  Herlan 

Critehlield,  Jaeob  JJuffnuin,  Saniuol  Sizemoio,  Caruer 

Cnttlor,  Orrin  C.  Holeomli,  Walter  Storey,  Jotm  D. 

Clark,  William  W.  Holeonih,  Lt  roy  'i  i.itle,  John  \l. 

C'.inUey,  Soreuto  Hoadley,  Howard  Tingloy,  (ieorge  W. 

Cline,  Lansoii  H<jldredge,  Dudley  Tingley,  Warren 

CobI),  William  Johnson,  John  J.  'l';iylor,  Ansel 

l.'alley,  SyrenoiiH  Keyes,  Harvey  H.  'J'aylor,  William  B. 

l;irrim,  William  C.  LatHon,  Alonzo  Tijisley,  Samuel 

Dirrim.  Isaac  i)  Lulon,  Eh  azer  Tahor,  Josej»h 

Dwelh^y,  Arclier  Moore,  Samuil  C.  'I'ahor,  Jjai'ayette 

Depue,  John  Meek,  AVilson  West.  Wesley  J. 

Douglass,  Kobort  MeClain,  Daniel  N.  ^\■^lod,  Ellis 

Darrah,  Charles  L.  McLaughlin.  Andrew  Wood,  Char'es  W. 

I  uUer,  Wi!aon  [  Jas.  W  |       Niehols,  Benjamin  W  iggms,  J'liidrehs 

(lilUlt,  Homer  A.  •  Orsborn.  Thomas  Willviiu..  William 

(Iroeii,  Allen  I'arker,  Eranlc   D.  \\i!son,  Janus  JL 
J'l-ndall,  Samuel 

•  COMl'ANY  1. 

Carpenter,  Alvah  N.  Fee,  William  JL  Biekard,  I  U  nry  B. 

Flowers,  Abraham  L.  "l*'irestone,  David  J.  'I'witnrd,  John 

Fe(i,  Nathan  H.  Horn,  Charhs  Twiloii,!.  Thomas 

Fee,  Moses  Minaid,  Ji  sse 

Li  (he  lirst  of  May  the  iL'lh  Cav.  went,  by  the  way  of  Imlianapolis  (o  Nash- 
vilhs  it  was  then  assigned  to  do  duty  in  the  railioad  defeiiee  fnim  Dacatur  tv- 
Foint  Bock,  Alabama,  a  distance  of  tU)  miles  infested  by  Guerrillas  and  bands 
or  Bush-waekers,  and  wore  actively  engageil  in  skirmishing  to  rid  the  count)} 
of  these  uidawfull  forces.  Sept.  19  they  were  ()rder<  d  to  T'lllahoma,  'J'enn.,  t( 
garrison  that  [)ost  anil  watch  (bn.  Forrest  who  was  (hreatning  several  point 
along  the  Nash'  .e  <St  (!ha(taiiooga  U.  B.;  thereby,  having  several  bkirniish<  i 
with  hi^  troope,      "^  Hi    March    18(!r>    if    was    sent     to    New    (hhans,    thence    I 


the  neiyhborhuod  uf  Mobile  where  it  materiiily  assidted  in  the  opperutioiis 
iigiiiust  the  forts  uud  defences  of  that  city.  In  April  and  May  the  12th  Cav.  })ar- 
ticipated  in  an  eight  hundred  mile  raid  through  Alabama  into  Georgia  and 
back  acrods  "Alabama  inio  MiHsiBfiippi.  1  he  regiment  dune  a  great  deal  of 
scouting,  skiruiirihing,  guarding  railroads  and  governincnt  property,  cuuricji 
duty,  ect.;  was  constantly  on  the  lookout  for  bands  of  (Juerillas  and  busli 
whackers.  Thty  dune  a  part  that  required  constant  vigilance  and  active 
transit;  such  as  cavalry  is  designed  to  be.  The  regiment  was  discharged  at 
Indianapolis  Nov.  T^  IHG.O. 

I'Eiiso.N.ii.  !v;km'Ii).n  of  soMi:  uv  12rn  c.vv.  novs  now  i.iving. 

Alvaii  N.  Caju'kntick,  1st  JSergeant  of  (,'o.  1,  after  serving  in  McClelkuid 
Dragoons  took  an  active  part  in  recruiting  fi^r  the  llith  Cavalry  and  assisted 
materialy  in  drilling  the  same.  Severe  disability  (;<)m])elled  his  discharge  in 
Aug.  18()4.  lie  is  well  known  in  tlio  county,  and  has  entertained  many  an 
audience  as  Public  Auctoineer. 

IIenky  B.  Ui(jKAiii>  of  i'loasaiit  Lake  is  known  in  many  parts  of  the  Ouunly. 
On  account  of  his  army  si-rvicc  ho  is  not  tlie  man  of  health,  that  h"  woukl  have 
been.  He  had  a  voice  the  busa-wacker  could  hear  on  occasions  of  m<ioting, 
nud  they  did  uol  stop  long  to  listen. 

CiiAKLEs  L.  DAi;iiAii  of  Angola  with  many  u]js  and  downs  in  life  since  the 
war,  but  to  day  the  people  rejoice  and  honor  Charley  for  what  ho  is  un  honest 
industrious  man  [JOsse-nMiig  a  lirmness  of  will  that  is  truly  admirable  and 
worthy  of  imitatiou.  .\  buy  al  enlistment  he  done  his  duty  with  an  ambiiimi 
equal  to  the  best  ireiujjor  until  stricken  t'own  by  ovur  tasks  and  exertions, 
even  tlien  soughl  ligiil  duty  untd  dischargeil  with  ri'giment.  He  now  strivi  s 
for  a  pension  siip[M)rl;etl  i)y  . 11 1'ong  positive  evidciKU',  but  diuiied  becauso  lie 
did  uo(;  make  a  huspiial  nutonl.  If  voles  would  give  it  thd  matlfi'  woukl  not 
delay  long,  judging  from  the  way  he  runs  fur  tjllice. 

IjiifitJT.  liOUKNzo  TAvnouof  Orland  with  an  extended  business  dealing  coupled 
with  his  earne-it  political  wt)rk  has  made  him  well  known  throiigiiout  the 
County.  He  slujws  a  deup  interest  in  his  C(nnrades  riglits  and  battles  for 
them  at  every  ojiptirluuuy 

FnANK  D.  Pakkkh  a  boy  soldier  having  an  intelligent  and  an  adventurous  dis- 
position became  a  favoiiie  witii  his  ollicers  on  special  duties  at  headquarters. 
He  remained  in  the  service  until  hi.s  regiment  was  discharged.  He  was  a  hak's 
man  for  many  years  and  is  now  a  merchant  at  Orland.  He  was  the 
and, is  now  the  jnesout  Commander  of  post  No.  23'.). 

SruriiiiN  H((iiN  uf  Co.  C  and  his  father,  Chai-le^-  Horn  of  Cu.  1  were  oxcelknl 
soldiers  of  the  lliU  .lav.  btephen  was  nuiHtered  (jut  as  fciergeant  and  is  nosv 
a  substantial  faim       of    I'leasant    Tp.,    and    by    whom    the    aged    father    and 

vctcrii  is    cart'd    for. 

]iKjN]iv  \V.  \Ui>  Ai.iii'.KT  (ioi  i)V  hrothris  I'niiu  l[ainill(ni  woie  uf^^ly  custouuuh 
fill'  iiiish-wliac.I;  1  rs  lo  iiiccl.  Henry  i:-  now  ;i  lariiuT  in  Otsego  Tji.  and  wliilf 
;i;  lliC  sc-ivit't^  hail  a  I'l-puiai  ion  as  a  good  i'a\alry  I'oia|^cT. 

KiMA'/A'.H  Li'iON  an  excellent  citix.<m  oL'  Mill^a-ovc  wa.s  dilligciil,  in  the  oxucu- 
tioii  of  his  duty,  lie  was  Company  I'ari'itT,  havinj^^  cliai-yo  of  llu-  liorsos,  and 
nmsteicd  oiiL  witli  (ho  ri'i'init'nt  as  Soi'<'C-ani. 

(INK   linXDiti'lD  AND  '!  WJ-IN'I  V   NTNi'II    IN!).  VOL.  INF"!'. 

SIl-u!i('ji  Coiinly  attain  [^aiiuil  the  lionor  ol  Ix  ing  to  \\\v  lighl  and  kad  of  a 
ro-ini-.'isl.  .V  .-^n.all  i-ouuly  hul  it  i-jiKiUd  any  i,i  i-gtM-  i  uunly  lu  llic  Slatr  in 
oblaiiiing  till-  posiTion  ol  honor  ii  .  ■,  iulinj;    inrte  (  o.  A's. 

Jo-.-t  .T  of  tiU-aljfn  t'V.Hintv   '.joys  liclon;j,in<;'  io  tlic  Jl^'.Mh  liid.  Vol. 

LO:Jl'-^^v  A. 

\\  Kliani.  II.  Colv,  ('ai;;,ihi,     •  liirgo  tiiiiilh,  Isl  i.icui. 

'iiiauuinsS.  iJcniHy,  llr.d  Lieut. 

llutcliius.  lie!  it!  i->iiar[),  fjaniutl  (J. 

:tIuU;hil..s.  W  iihiou  Meal-  y,  John  (.'. 

llansclinan,  j.'avid  A.  ^■;l;\^art.  Wniiain 

.);;HUi=,  WiJliiini  bi'i-^ciii, 'i  hc(;dore 

Jony,  Charles  A. 
K(^i  e,  Andi't  w 
]Vo;!i-,  il.-nrv 
liilley,  ib'.nno!!  ii. 
I„m  joy,  (a!My(^  V\'. 
ini\    William 
Lcreli,  John   II. 
Mol/,  Jo,-diiia  J. 


i'.i  nnett,  Josiah 
Ijaruaid,  Orseinu.s  \ 
lu-onilty,  llonry     , 
15i  nuett,  Czi'orgL- 
]5ri>u)ley,  George 
Bnil.  liyr(.'U 
Huhart,  (Jornelius 
liullard,  William  f^. 
]'{..  ndor,  David   A. 
C;lc,  Joilll 
( .'l(»sson,  Ash  N. 
( 'h  nious,  1  le/.clviiui 
Cruiii'.  Ijcaiidf  r 
Caitwrijrht,  William 
(iojc,  John  \'. 
(larliii,  lii'andnr 
< 'oiy,  Gi'oif^c  W. 
CI. -moil:!,  Janu'!. 
Dillingham,  Jarry 
Dillingham.  Claud  If. 
Uiiylo,  Hiram 

(iilhlM't,  .loliu 
(liUunt,  Ai-iiieims 
ColV.  Osmond  D. 
Hall,  John 
llrath,  HomiT  It. 
Hand,  Albeil   D. 
HllU'hiuH,   David 

KoMMihcrnrr.  -lohn 

Midnw  Jaim  .s 
.i\liis;iei',  Samt'.e! 
Mc.Minn,  -f  i.>e|<h 
M(^h'ndy,  l'hiioi-y  <.'. 
Mei\inley,  i{od(  licli 
iMawhwod,  Jnrn.lhan 
Moore,  Jiihn 
Moeis,  (.leorgo 
Morgan.  j>avid 
McOi'ew,   liciijamlii 
I'owors,  Josiali 

I'eilec.    ('(MlK  lliih 
li'ieliii',  A'  lam 
U^an,  .1  olili 
lo  nnei',  J  ohn,  J  ''. 
Iieese,  Armiue.  'I'. 

OOMl'.^SY    i:. 

Siil(/.,  Inaao 

iSuneiis,  Jauol) 
'vtiit,  Davitl  K. 
iS:.e.\vau  r,  iiiiam 
hliatt  :,  l.niacf  N. 
H.aliin,  .'-  iigiisi  ns  i.). 
Si«\vle,  1 1 II  iim 
h(c|iliens,  <,'  a(  ol)  M. 
hH'\\aii,  <  liaiU's 
M.atei.  \Ai 
'!  a;  lor,  ls:;ae 

'\'i\\l  loi,  .i,..^|.<T    ,S. 

'I'r'rik.  I    J.eo 
'i  (jw  i;t:a;.d,  1  i  ii'am 
'i  (.  U  r..,  1,.  \.ih 
l,;Oni,  W  idtani  il. 
Veiey,  .lo'-iah   l<. 
\  ,in  Ai.Liu,  <l  ulill^ 
\  an  .'vP'Ujn.  Aiucjs 
\'aughn,  ,\iri()s  Al. 
Van  \uliin,  James  11. 
Weallerwax,  ll.'Uiy  II. 
Williiims,  John  W  . 
\\  illohy,  i''i  aiK'is 
y.i]\  iju  1  ill;  11,  Joseph 



,  Erviii 

Carpt^nU  T,  J  (ishua, 



,  Samuel 

C!rall,  Janu'S  A. 



Daniols,  SliolJon 


Wilhain  F. 

Cireenaniyre,  John 



Heart,  Andrew 


•,  Alfred  H. 

Hand,  John 


•,  Janiefi  A, 

Hendricks,  Joseph 



•,  Audros 

Kellogg;,  Edwin 


Alexander  \V. 

Kin^,  Emanuel 


,  John 

Mussel-,  William  A 



Maberry,  Charles 
Messerva,  John   U. 

(JOMPANX     I. 


Bennett,  Strat  ton  Crandall,  Charles  1j.  Ounn,  Ro))ert 

Rindy,  Nuthanu  1  (innn,  Morrison  Uyau,  Horton  R. 

tiunn,  Morrison,  Jr. 

•  COMPANY    F. 

Berlingham,  James  J.         Delong,  Henry 


Williams,  Richard  L. 

Ct)MPANY   n. 

Al)ner  F.  I'inckion,  1st  Ijieul. 

Norii,  Willianj  L. 
I'etly,  Aaron 
Jtyan,  Lawrence 
Swihart,  Morgan 
Sommeilott,  George 
Slentz,  Abner 
Sleulz,  John  K.    ' 
Spits,  Carl 
Stephenson,  John 
Stt!phenson,  Nathan 
Vinton,  Jacob 

Burk,  Henry  Lockwood,  Deloss  Sines,  Charla  W. 

('ook,  Henry  McCoy,  Henry  Telt,  Franklin 

Cook,  John  Sutton,  Alfred  ,  Thorp,  Jolin  M. 

Getter,  Marcus  Sutton,  Thomas  W. 


Clark,  Charles  K<"m]),  Sumner  Rosencrans,  Lester  N. 

Duguid,  Moses  V.  Kelso,  Adelberl  Yockey,  Andrew 

Duguid,  David  Moore,  Alexander  S. 


Captain  William  H.  Cole;  promoted  Major;  mustered  i>ut  with  regiment. 

1st  Lieut.  Birge  Smith;  promoted  Ca])tain;  died  April  '_".),  lHi'>r>. 

2nd  Lieut.  Thaddeus  S.  Bonney;  discharged  Dec.  21,  18(14. 

1st  Sergeant  Emory  G.  Melondy;  promoted  1st  Lieut,  and  Adj't.  of  regiment; 
mustered  out  with  regiment. 

Serge  ant  John  Cole;  promoted  2nd  Lieut.;  promoted  1st  Lieut.;  promoted 
Captain;  mustered  out  witli  rt^gimeni. 

Corporal  Jonathan  Mawhood;  promoted  Sergeant  Major;  promoted  t-'iid 
Lieut.;  mustered  out  with  regiment. 

Private  Armino  '1'.  Reese;  promoted  Cliaplain;  n\sigiied  l)ic.  Hi,  IHfM. 


1st  Lieut.  Abner  1      I'inchion;  mustered  out  with  regiment. 


i.ihT  i)i'  iMi'iVh'i'AN'i'  KA'i'i'f.r.s  IN  wini'M  rnio  ri;ii'ii  ind.  V\\.s  i';NCiAi;i!<. 
iiofliy  L'';n:(.',                              l)»cii(  u;-,  Nasliv  ilic, 

!!es.U'c;u  Atlantii,  J\iiij4'.si()ii. 

DalJitd,  Coliiinbia'  .   Wise  lui  k." 

Kcncsfisv.  ['laiikliji, 

Tlu-  \T.n\i  !i;i!.  \'(  1.  \v:is  <.|.raiii/.-,l  :\1ui\li  J,  IfSC!.  ami  !>;i  ( In-  i]f)i  li  Irl  I  r;;;,.;. 
at  Mk'lii^^-aii  <'ily,  IjuI..  Iim-  Nasliviilc,  'rcii.;.  (Mi  (he  Tnii  i>r  Api-il  -iarliu  lui  a 
L'OO  I'.iiK'  uiarch  to  J'^a.ili'ru  'i'<;iiu'.  ^s.'c  ami  as'^i;4i!i-il  to  '2v.u  Li  i^  :'i!c.  j^(  (li\  i.-ii  n. 
L'.-)i\i  army  I'ci'^is.  Alt-;'  a  ni,  in-';  at  ("liail.sii  ii,  'I'iimj.,  iln  <'(/i(.s  iii(:\'(u 
to  til-  aid  of  il'.v  Vtlaiila  CaM  pai.^'ii,  ami  Toi  oV(,r  f./iir  ii  onlhs  Iho  ('or[^  vva:^ 
inov(  ;l  !i!  Ill-  :;npj.!Jii  of  li/,!:!  I'l:  iik  l!i.  u  (.>  -In'  left  lliii!;  ,,rd  l^a'.'k  a'.,aiii  to 
lliv  ri^lii  I'r.uil;  of;!;'  a;l  i"a  iu'iiiv;  a.riiiy.  tloiiii.;- com  i  ii  a;;'  ma  j';',,:u'^'  Iih  a;;;li  iU  i  ji 
I'l-'liSi  s  ;'.iul  iimlmlii'us'ii.  cros.sii".;'  sv>o;!i'ii  ri.  cis  .siri  :;ii.r  ,  cii^  i;;^  ii.;;'  .;; 
ia  iininitifi'at/K'  r^ki'/iMi^  hrs  jokI  im -joriaiil  liai'.l;.-.  'J'ii::;  Corps  \,  a  . 
caiUa!  ilii'  "^\'llll.  Cfai  k'-r  of  Xlu'i!aan"s  A  nu  \ ."  J  a  t )..  i  t.l.'.  r  ( !a'  1; ;  ^;ii!;(  i; '  Vi  ii  li 
Un  CorC.s  was  ,s(  lit  iii  i  v f-uit  oi'  Kooi!.  I'lulc  i'  tiii'  (:i;iai:!aial  of  Ciii. 
TliDinas  took  j)a)'t  hi'tli..'  i-attlc:-;  of  l''r:!uiJiii  a.n:l  Na;  iivilU'.  A  ft.-  i-  tiio 
iittt-r  lont  ol'  llu-  li'i  Inks  (lit.'  .Ili  ;j  iiiic  i:i  r;i.iH,  hy  lla-  vo.y  of  '\\'i'.s!i!ii;^loii,  f '.) 
Nf.v  ))!.-riic,  N.  ('.,  ami  [la  ii  ici  ii;ilc,l  in  mai:y  of  ili'-  clo.iiiij.';  |.;ili!i.s  of  il;c  (Jnat 
Krln'lliim  .solilh  of  IJiohmohd.  Willi  a  s:  asoii  (.1,  |aoN<^l  liiily  a1  Ci;ai  l;;i  tc,  r-. . 
('..Ilicy  v,;'ra  luii.drrcHl  on!  i!ia  L'!)tl)  of  Aiil;;i.-;1.  I.Mia,  and  willia  I'dTpl  ion  !i-oiii 
lla-  filaio  sr|)rrati'd  lo  (uiri'  (li<-  ]m  aia  fill  |uiisui!a  o!'  life.  'I  hi,,  li',' iihiiil  v,a,s 
<.il.i  of  ;im  I;  I  ill  tlic  li  'l.l,  yal  il  aa.W  .'.s  ai  a.-li  lia  ;'d  ;.m  ',  ii  v  a  lal  man  I. in;; 
US    .soai'  old T    I  (';_"; mil  lil.s 

WAlt  liHSIINl:  (I)  I.l(.'i>  O.V  'l']!!'.    ll^'d;ll. 

ASearf.'  i!u/.:'.ar(l  lioo.d  on  oia'  of  ili',.  v/liip  kiuij-oi!.';  nioNciiu  nis  i;i.' 
ri';;'inirnf  iiad  marclu'd  all  d.iy  ajid  slopi  d  ;,  I  n  i';lil  lo  |.!  ;  j  :  ■  •  ;  a  |i|>(  r  a  ml  .-leap. 
\\  Ilea  jiisl  i-oaiforlal>l(ly  ;-.llli'i|  ordm:.  <'ami'  !■.  piill  iij.  a-  I  iiumc.  'I'la.'y  \s(  nl 
up  a  In  road  and  olf  inio  lliiidc  (aimlrd  woods  willi  ( 'o,  \  al  ilai  li'ad  o!'  Ihr 
ludj^.idv'.  'I'lii;  <  ,'a  pl.i  en  1  hill  kinj;'  111  had  ;^(iia'  f.n'  ciioa-a  ordrircl  a  Irdl  to 
waif  for  t  art  la  i:  direct  i./i.s.  'I'Iiils  sloped  the  h'.'ieade.  wiiil"  wailri;;/,  i.i'd 
down  ami  bein^  V'..  ,y  tired  soon  ft  1!  a.-leep.  ;V!1  ,;i  once  , a  lioise,  lu.d  elai:i;- 
was  h.aril  and  a  ery  of  "Ju  liel  Cavalry"  \v;.-i  slai'U'd.  'i  ne  ho^v-i  '.s.'d.ed  ,:•> 
ami  liein;.';  so  ^aldd:;ely  .sea rt  sen II ered  f(ir;;elii,.;-  dial  cjwalry  eoald  ilo  nolhii.L; 
ill  ;i  ihiek  v.o(Jd.^  on  u  d.ii'k  iii^',ld.  Isiiie  mi  n  ..!'  ( 'o,  .'\  \\i--'  fonnil  .|i,aii.  lin^ 
()V(T  the.  sai:e-  tree,  wliich  Ihi  Captain  loojv  away  from  ihiae.  'A'lien  all  had 
lx.K-ar.ic  setlh.  1.1  they  a.ll  had  a  j^ood  lant'li. 

In  iNortli  Carolin.i  a  man  into  ll.e  hiiiiade  as  jiiir\i'yor.  Tie  ha.l  ;i  hii;.;'e 
<)naiiily  of  loli.i  -o  \s  Inch  he  kepi  a  (  hcad.pi.i  i  ler,-  and  reliLe..  I  lo  open,  \,,ai(  iiil;' 
no  ilonlii   iinlil  '        la>ys  were  farlher  ini.)  Ilie    eiaiiiliy    and    iheii    jj'nl     a;';ii' 



price  for  it.  Omi  day  tlie  olficors  at  headquartor.s  wure  uU  absent  (:Kt;t;[>(i^'i; 
Dim  from  Co.  A.  Suiufhuw  on  the  return  of  tlie  purveyor  and  olliicers  the 
tubaeco  wa.s  missing  and  no  knowledge  or  trace  of  it  could  be  found.  Ab(uit 
two  .lays  afto»,  while  on  the  march,  the  Brig.  General  asked  Major  \V.  H.  Cole 
It)  drop  back  to  tlie  llJJlli  and  ask  Co.  A  if  they  would  lend  him  a  little  to!)ac- 
00  to  smolce.  His  wish  was  granted.  Co.  A  sent  forward  a  good  supply  and 
it  was  enjoye.d  by  iJie  (ieiieral.  The  Purveyor  was  forced  to  leave  Ids  big 
priillit  on  tlie  boys  tobacco  micoliected. 

i'i!ji,sOiN\i,  wi;niio-N  oi''  scnjKOi'  TUii  I'J'.tm  kovsnuw  i.ivinh. 
■  Oaft.  John  CoLi;  a  uKiuber  of  the  family  that   s.uit   all    its    sons    that    wire 

'       old  or  largo  enough  received  merited  promoti.m  for  his  good  soldier  conduct. 

J.vAiEH  AND  Bii.NJAMiN  McGltiiW  tsvo  biolhers,  who  wir(-  large  but  y«>ni:g  at 
enlistment,  done  their  duty  well  and  are  honest  respected  citizens  ol  Met/.. 

Daviu  K.Swii'T  was  also  one  or  llie  y.mug  boys  that  thought  Uncle 
Sam  was  in  need  of  his  service,  lie  was  as  good  a  soldier  as  he  i.-,  a  citizt  u. 
Ho  has  held  town.-.hip  ollices  and  lately  retired  as  County  Coiuim.-.sioiier,  which 
position  he  held  f')r  two  suci'essive  terms. 

John  \V.  Williams  of  .Mit/,  has  became  an  excellent  blacksmith  since  his 
army  service.  He  proved  true  to  his  couii!  ry  and  remains  true  to  his 
comrades  and  i'os;. 

JosiAii  AND  Cxi-oiiOH  IhcN.NETT  ill  uiarcli,  ISM,  just  ill  their  'teens,  piov- 
ed  their  loyal  1  raining  by  joining  Company  A;  and  wnc  cjual  to  the  bt-.-.t 
soldier  among  -iioveyjS  IJabies.''  I'lieir  fathers  soldier  of  Co.  11  74th  iiid. 
luid  givcii  his  life  for  his  Country  previous  to  tlio  uiili^lment  of  his  sons. 

C;i  vKLKS  h.  C,;,VNOii.i.  id'  Co.  C  a  true  l)oy  soldier  is  now  a  resident  of  Tleas- 
ant  rowiishi[)  ami  sliowes  llm  i-lfeels  of  his  service  as  a  soldii'r.  He  is  Senior 
Vice  (Jommamler  of  (J.  A.   li.  l'o^t  No.  lr,(). 

iMouKi.oj  CuwN  oL  Scoll  'rw\vn-.lii[)  with  two  sons,  Morri^-oii  Jr.  and  Kobirt, 
went  \^ith  Coiiniaiiy  C.  'I'lie  old  veteran  .  ^inins  fcble  now  but  twenty  live 
years  ago  he  was  enu.d,  to  all  soldier  duties. 

Andiiew  liAiti' AMD  ^VlL^4AM  MusHKK,  farmers  in  the  eastern  part  of  the 
County  shared  comradeship  in  Company  H,  likewise  to  day  eujoy  army  remi- 
niscences mingled  with  family  ties,  being  brothersin-law. 

Ai.EXANorii  H.  Mooi;i';,  of  Co.  K  living  near  Angola  is  a  man  of  integrity  and 
character  and  vvi-d  knowii  in  lh«  Counly.  He  carries  a  rememberancf  of  a 
Johnie's  careless  ^aoo!illg,  which  seriously  idfects  his  heallh. 

Ai.ifKKi)  H.  iiioNiu  u  an  indi^iendeiit  worthy  citizuii  id'  Kiehland  iiccom  pai.icd  Islher  and  ohhi   ijrothrr  in  Company  H.      Allred  alone  relniind. 

Jorticiui  MoMi.NM  IS  la'iiuinbercd  by  Uncle  iSaiu  in  a  snbstaniial  iiiannrr  lor 
the  loss  of  an  arm  ;      N;i.shville.    ■ 

A})b('y,  (xeorjjje 
.\lc(it.t,  (lecirf^e 
Donihue,  Dimiel 
Gt'orgf,  Jeroiiiiah 

C'OMPANV    c. 

llail,  John 
McKUuiiic.  Walter 
Minifies,  Israi^l 
Mijure,  Robert 

8hafTer,  Aiulrew 
'I'lioiiijihoii.  Alt'xaiiili  r 
Woir,  Adam  (.'. 
Wtxidford,  JJyraii  1.). 

Alliinaii,  Sannu'l 
IJarbtir,  Dniini.soii  I 
Kiiiio,  iluinoi 
Lalll(^|•(',  (Jypiiuu 

rOMI'ANY    I'. 

Lovv'iishiir  V,  NcIhmi  iaii 
MaikUs  AI'IktI 
Miiiuly,  Alaii.sim 
Micliols,  llrury 


.ToHcjih  M,  I'".vcrhui-|,  <'a  ptaiiii  MmlihOii   IlixbMrs,   Isl   liicul,. 

Jolm  T  Yoviri)^,  "ml  F.iiul. 

Aliram.Hoii,  Eiiiffiin  l'']t'at^fl,  David  jM<.ii\-c,  I'dwiu  I>. 

Hrii^rh,  \Vilson  (liilliUi,  Bciijauiiii  1-'.  Miller,  (jt-ovf^o 

Babcock,  Uavid  Gilbi^rt  Joti('])li 

Uc^fck,  Peter  S.  (rrayham,  Heynioie 

Oalvii.,  Jesse  1'.  (Jillett,  Nelson 

(Jhaffee,  Addison  Ifuiit,   Joslma 

Cole,  riiMi-lcs  Hyler,  Chiiilis  J. 

l)(i\viU,  Williuin  Haydeii,  ()li\(r 

Dawson.  Millo   I).  Jackson.  Hi' 

DottH,  Pliilip  Jaeksoji.  Uilliam  H. 

Doneluie.  lli'Ui'y  Li^^lil,  James  J>. 

Debiiw,  Janu's  Lauj^jlirie,  Janu  h 

Doiij^Iasrt,  Davlil  ('.  licmeiaux,  Iranc 

I'lvans,  llobei-t  lieavitl,  William  W 

lOverliail.  h'idmond  Mel'lntyre,  William  (' 

Kverett,  Iti'njami  .  Morse,  lOziu   1). 

?''reyi^anf^',  I'ldwa'   ■  Morse,  Onin 

I'a  I't  riil^e,  J  os(-]ih 
Sams,    Uulillah 
Siidu  ilaud,  William  C 
W'd.soji,  J  [i  ury 

Newville,  Solomon 
Tsoi  ton,  Albert  A, 
Nolcn,  Mesick 
(»J1o.  Cliii.tain 
I'lllsbm-vy,  I'ai  i(  I 
I'illsbnsry.  Nchcmiali 
I'aekcr,  Oliver 
1  'hinicie,  Cle(>r|.;'i' 
I'r.i-soiis,  .Si'^  11  ore 
Itiqtlev.  < !'  ('rf.';(^ 
lUma.'w  iir.-M'i 
Kl,..;i(ls.  i:i,-l,;.,rd 
Km;-,mell.   Pa\id 
Uulli,  P.a:ii>  1 
Kos,  nbiir,',ri\  [lai.ii  I 

'I'liere  could  be  jirrsonal  mentions  of    many    others    who    as    "(Jen.   Jlovey's     *-\ 
Habies,"  as  the  re^-inient  was  called  on  account  of  its  containiiii^  so  many  l)oyH 
soldiei'.-.  done  ijien':!  service  and  since  pioved  1  liemncl ve,.  (o  be  ^(;od  cili/.t  in,. 

ONI',  III'NDKKDAND   KJl'TV   SKt'ONI)  J  N  D.   Vol,.  JNi''T. 

Al  (he  heLfiniiijj;  of  lln'  yi  !ir  1H().")  with  (bn.  (Jranl  foit'in).r  matters  about 
Hichmond  and  ( ieu.  Sherman  triumiihaiilly  marchiii^r  throiij.;li  the  Caroliuas 
more  lroo[,s  became  m  ei'ssary  to  releive  and  secure  Iriij^'ic  imiuls  and  ;ulvan- 
tages  {^.lined  over  the  ein-my.  It  reijnirei.1  loyally  and  money  to  lill  llu^  new 
call,  which  was  absobitly  need(il,  from  a  {)0],nl;ice  (hat  se(niin;.;ly  hail  sent 
fort  h  all  that  ci)n!d  be  sjia  rt  il,  bul  I  h(  re  beii'^^-  tlifcha  i  ;ji  il  \  t  U  i  ai  s  i  n  i  ^  l,  i(,i 
Oiru;ers  it  was  not  Ioul;  before  the  ranks  were  (ilh-il  .and  (he  l.",'Jili  Ind.  erj^an- 
izi'd  March  K!  with  the  following  membirs  from  Slewbin  Cciniiy; 
(JeiU'ye   I''.  Youii^'',   Aitjutant, 


Rot'd,  John  M  Stocker,  Dewitt  C.  Wellt^,  Marcus  (). 

l\(.y!iu!tlH.  Wiiliain  bwartz,  Jacob  Williainsoii,  Janits 

Slit'io,  Fiauklu)  yiiiiiu,  Aloiizu  A.  Williams,  Washington 

SuiiderlantK  P*li  r  _    'i  aylor,  Uriiu  WickwirL',  George  K. 
KatliSdii,  Godfrey                    Woodward,  George  NV. 

'I'he  ir>;ii;d  Ind.  wa.-.  ikjI  in  any  id  ihe  campaigns  and  battles  that  the  tirst 
regiuiLnts  txperit  i:ced.  but  lu)  doidit  if  duty  had  (.'emauded  they  would  not 
have  been  found  wanting  in  j.atrioism  and  biaviry.  'J  he  regiment  was  ti)- 
t:ichod  to  one  of  the  Shenandoah  provisinal  divisii^ns  for  the  preservation  of 
the  many  military  jioints  in  N'irginia.  As  reniarked  by  a  mejnber  of  Co.  K,  ei, listed  at  fourttin,  vvlun  lie  hears  the  old  long  time  soldiers  talking, 
"lioys,  you  had  fought  Jour  long  years,  but  to  us  btlongs  a  part  of  tlie  honor, 
we  went  as  S(Jon  as  we  could,  and  so  soon  as  the  Confedercy  heard  of  our 
inva>ion  into  Virginia  Lie  surrendered,  Tlichmoud  was  taken,  and  the  Rebel 
lion  collaiised  witiiin  (JO  days.  Boys  if  we  didn't  see  a  KeLel  with  a  gun,  we 
were  necessary  to  the  end  of  the  war." 


I'iie  boys  of  this  riginu  n1  have  no  large  stories  to  tell.  \Vhen  dischiirged 
they  (|uielly  risiiniid  ll.eir  jihu'ts  as  good  citizens  of  Steuben  (\ninty 
remain  such. 

EuijiiNK  Abuamsdn  and  <  )iuaN  Moksk  of  Jamestown,  farmirs  by  oix'Upation, 
are  diligent,  industrious,  and  worthy  citizens  of  the  county. 

ItiriiAKu  Kiio.vuH  of  MiUgrovo  Towiishi|i  is  of  a  good  gei;eral  infor- 
mation, st  riclly  hoiieil,  and  libiral ;  and  his  hi^iTie  has  always  biena  lefige 
of  the  net  dy  orphans. 

Geokoe  W.  WicKwini!:  eidisted  at  the  age  of  14,  and  was  nearly  ca(jtured  by 
Mosby's  men  escaping  only  by  his  stratagial  movements.  He  is  now  a  resident 
of  Angola  and  I'resident    of  the  Angola  lianU. 

J''owi.N  U.  MoiisK  a  re.-idint  of  Angola  ami  a  lespeclid  cillzin  thereof,  has 
belli  ('ity    Mursliall  for  several  terms. 

W'lLMAM  H.  Jaokson  for  a  time  since  the  war  was  extensively  known  as  a 
dealer  in  slock,  wool  etc.  '  He  is  now  engaged  in  ollit  r  business  at  x\iigola,  but 
gives  wool  a  little  attention  every  season. 

(jodfuey  Sa'I'tison  and  JJ.  F.  GniFiaxu  the  only  two  ot  the  regiment  thai  are 
pi  (sent  lesidiiits  ot  (tlsego  'J'ownship  although  llie  township  furni.-ihed  sivii-- 
al  men.  lioth  are  the  best  of  men  iind  citizens.  Grillilh  is  the  present  (^om- 
manib'r  of  post  No.  ;J87. 

I''owAKi>  Fkeyoano  is  a  resident  and  business  man  of  Pleasant  jjake.  His 
mirth  and  cai)acity  (I  making  fun  is  still  uxce-llent.  'flu-  boys  all  remember 

^l !  S( '  ill ,  LA  N  iiODH    K  N  I  itST  M  MN'i  H, 

.\lnn}    rcsiili'Uls  SlctiHitu    Coiuily    cnli'^lcd     in    dllicr    oi';:,;;  iiiziu  i.  i:,-,    ii,;,;i 

\\i<i:iv  ift-il  iinvc  Lii.  iiuincnitcil.  'i'lio  ti'acc.i  ol'  iiiiiiiy  li:i\'c  iucu  ii:i,.;l\' 
li(.,l.  |),():),il)!y  n'r.'- ..i!f  cuii.dt  bo  (»i)liiiii(.-ii.  Tin!  Idilt<\\  inv^  if-  a  iu.,ui'  d 
oini.-i.sidij..    ;:i,(i  iliiM-cliai:c(ii;s    <  lili.- 1  iiu  i.l.s     liiiii    l-.UiJ.tji    iiiMv    ;  )  li  (  m  ii  " 

Acker,  l>a\i(l 
Aldrich,  Mil 
no.llcy,    I'K'Ui   W 
Hiiducr,  J  (1 
Bt^ai'il,  J.uiiiiiii  11 
Hcird,  \Viiul,|. 
lU-aiuanl,  W 
Bt;l.lic(l,  Ali'\,(nd( 
Muck,  Jc.stijili 
IJarhur,  Jtilui 
Baker,  Willi^nii 
Beiiiiclt,  (icc)i;;t' 
('iisol)i'oi.  |iaI 
Casflxier,  L'ctcr 
Chain  e,  J    II 
( 'iai'k,  Sa  III  lie! 
('ai'[iiMiliT,  ,lc.-M' 
Day.  W  Ji   11 
!)<'l'ii<\  (iid 
Durlain,  ( 'ceil 
DywiMl,     i;     II 
Doolcy.  'riioiiiM,. 
Ucwilt,    J     l> 
DeJ'uf,  iJeii  i-y   I' 
Durlain.  Sliliwdl 
Fitch.  John  T 
l''i('doriek,  (i> o  W 
I''*cclci  ick.  \>  li 
I'lillcr,  Oi-sdii 

I''|H)hI  .   rl  cl-iMlu      I  I 

I'ricuiil,  J.IVri-.n.ii 
I'Melchci,  i\l  I' 
IJoi.dalf.  ('    \\ 
dray,    O     I' 
(Jut  liric,  ;Sl  I  |H,i  ,1 
(;.■•(. r-c,  Ahlw 
in.i,.srl.rcl,,  Ch.i.l 
vinOM'I.eel,,  .li.lul 
( iraliaiii.  i  'i  i  ^i' 
«;iMl,aiM,  II   \, 

(iinhaili.  ■Iar,i|, 

'  l;l.lM,iL.,.l<>lni 

.;  Ill  iU\i 
,'(.  \  J.,  i\li<h 
:•     D    Sri    iiid 

••    D  :.;»   I  .id 

••    B  <;«  (.)lii«j 

Co   i  12\>    liid 

'o  -J  Midi 

■      i-    •)    Mich- 

■S.;    !nd    BaL 

Co  1)  ',   Jud  Cav 

v'o  ,)     1'.)  Ind 

(  "   B   1  IMu  !i 

C.  i:;    lid 

••    A     I  \-J.    l,id 

••     \       ••       ilul 

;         ••    H     r.    Mien 

II  C    ,S    Ni.\y 

Bm'IM  Cii    !    ;;()    Ind 

■Co  I 

■■     II    71   li:d 

Co      D     L'     Mirl, 

A.        •■      I'     17  Miih 

I      !)    Midi 

"      ii      .11     111 

Co  D  7  hid  Cav 

■•     !>  7  Liul      • 

I)  7  !iid     •' 

••      Al  ind 

I  1    Ind  I'al 

Co  I       i:".i     Ind 

r        -All     Mi, -11 

■■nil     •• 

!l  .Micii    Tan. I 

c,  h 

t:)    In 
'.'.'.)    1,1 

11  :-,»  Ind 

i''  i;.:,  Ind 

s'  I.'.;.  1 11,1 

i;  I;',;.  1 11,1 

!•'  I:".)  lad 

(Idil)cii.v,  San, III  I  1 
( ioodluaii,  ^'.aiii  iii  I 
(iil.shwa,    -I 
(iiil  hrii. ,   Uiohaid 
11a  ml  in,  (i,  orj^c; 
lliiirinan,  Sam  D 
Uaiiu'.s,  Ir;i  ,S 
lid  It;  I,    D 
lluirman,    C 
Hams,    'I'    W 
InjiTi.siil,  WiUard 
1  r\,  in  JoliJi 
Jo  .i:s   l^■|\i^! 
.loiima.ii.   .\  II. u,.,  C 
JaiiH  ^,  (li  o  C 
Km, II,  .'d   M 
Kf)  1  s,  I  i  ii  am 

l-;iii,k,  I  li 
K  iiiisf\ .  J  ( ' 

LiaMir,-,   i;,  11  1' 
liint,  Daiiii  1 
laid.    J:iim  ;; 
l,ian,  W    II 
laa-as,  i\   l( 
Lords,  ILihml  C 
,M.-Cin,,^   Uol,.  il 
Mdlmi  .,  William 
,Moore,    \\c:.l,'y 
i\ioiT,)\\  ,    I  I,  111  \ 
Alilh'r,  J,.,-,,i, 
MrKin..;,    MI,io 
I  dierlam,   .,(  oi;;e 
I-',  miill,  . I, !,,,(,, 
I  'a,.,  p'rank 
i:i<-lia;>l,  ,  .1 

Co  C      7     '..idi 

"       I'       i  I      l!,,l 

••   I'  \:.r>    1 1,.  I 

''    1)  ".  Ind  C:  I 
■'    D  7  1ml    ■■ 
••  D  7  Imi    ■• 
"'     A    l.M     L;,| 
••    JI     17  Mid, 
■•    d      I     Midi 

•-^■:   1 1., I    i:,:, 
Co  A  iil;   ti,d 

■•      i'     il     Ind 

••  i-»  1.,  :\!idi 

•■    <i    -11       Im; 
<'<.  I)  7   Ind  Ca> 
Co  i)  I.-.:,     hid 
■      —    !>  i  !:?     Ld 
'■    B     I;;     hal 

■•   1)  i;.:.   imi 

Co  Is      --1)    <;.d 

"     (i      i:.'     Ill 

njamiii     ''      (;      II'     ill 

■■      A     f-.-<  I  ml 

••  <.i      li    liiil 

•■  (i      11     li;d 

••  !■■  1.-..-.    1 1,,  I 

•■  d       I    Muh 

Co  K      l;;    Imi 

•  A     I  !:.'  I, ..I 

Co  C  If  o  In, I 
Co  I)  ;  Ind  C,,  . 

••  I)   1  lU     li,d 

■■  I-'   I.--:,    ',.  I 

1)  ,M,i-h  .  ;  , 

c,)  ,  I  ! ,,:,   1   .1 
c   i«    I  ■,.  , 

■•      L    I  ■  ,       !  , 

i:,ll,a,     I' 

I     il,- 
;  m' 


lluiuMicl,  Alfrt'il 
KiimiiKl,  Alcxaiuli! 
liuium''!,  Mouiy 
SlMii.ion,  Miltou 
Sims,  {'liarh'.-i* 
Sluill'iT,  () 
SlmCi'siall,  Nalhaiii 
iSinitli,  I  \V 
'■iliO'.vberger,  P 
SlioL'iunkcr,  11  N 
i-JiiaO'oi-,  J  \V 
ShafTstall,  Einilo 
Siiiitciiiii,  Jolm  F 
Biiiilh,  Bfiij  F 
Sl(jut,  Joseph 
Terrill,  Clu-titor 
Turiill,  Elliot 
Tc-nill,  Eihvartl 
Ta.sker,  Williaui 
'riioiiip.-ioii,  1'^  P 
Truwhridye,  John 
Trowbrichjct!,  Euool 



"     H 

1.!     ind 

"     K 

1(10      ll.d 

"     l-' 

I  Mic-h 

1    '■    D 

1.-.5      lad 

"    1) 

1  Mich 

"    D 

155      lud 

"    F 

ir.r,    Lud 

"    E 

■81     Iml 

"    li 

:]o    iiid 

"    A 

21      lud 

C.)  11  1 

Mich  S  S 

€(.  E 

11  Ohio 

"    .  . 

7  Mich 

"    .  . 

J  Midi 

"    D 

•11        111 

"    E 

12        111 

"    F 

15")     liid 

"    E 

11!     in 

•'    .  . 



'I'hoiiias,  Mfi'od 
'I'lujinuri,  Richard 
TilUjI  isuii,  Wiiliaiii 

N'aiighu,  J)c\vitL 
Vaughn,  Cicur^ 
Vauyhii,  'I'rai-y 
Vaughn,  NVcslcy 
Van  Cleve,  J  11 
Van  Aulcin,  I* 
Van  Pelt,   () 
While,  V<jlu(jy 
Wisner,  Slcphcn 
Whiting,  I'aris  C 
Wilkin.s(jii,  A 
Williinbon,  1' 
Wilder,  George  K 
WiUiauison.    A 
Wehb,  Andrew  J 
Wclton,  i) 
\Ve.s(,  Eawronce 
Wilkiiiriun,  Alilo 

Co  .  . 


"    H 



'•    E 



•    11 



"    () 



"    G 



"    E 



'•    A 



'•    A 






Co  ( ; 



"  c 



"   c 



"    E 



"    K 



i)    M 



Co  G 



'•    C 


J  lud 

••  c 

7  Mich 

"   G 



Cl.  K  7  In 

I  Cav 


All  uinn,  Hauiii'.'l 
liulk-r,  h'rauk 
liaughei ,  .1  ohii 
Crow,  Joliu 
Downing,  Jo.duia 
l''r(dci-i<;k,  Sauiu'l 
(iiii.-;c,  John 
llughiiy,  Sl(| 
lulit  Id,  Philip 
lulicld,  Jacob 
.larvis,  Alixaiidcr 

Cod  11)      lad 

"    A  22  Iowa 

1:'>    I  ud,  uu'.-iiguM 

Co  A  11      lad 

•'    B  i:i      lud 

"     I  5,!      lud 

"    A  II       Ind 

•■    1''  MM      lud 

•'    C  II   Ohio 

"    C  II   Ohio 

"    l<'  IIH      Ind 

Kt^llry,  'ruouui.-i 
Kciiip,  l''rcd 
I  jadow,  I'la  Ji  U 
M  ii;^.-,i  Iwail,  J  oha 
Nash,  Kiial 
Nichols,  Ira  V 
N(!vds,  Tip 
Ncvcls,  William 
I'hdps,  (Irii-iwold 
t^,  J 

Co  1''  j:i    iiui 

•'     I'  1,1      lad 

"    A  n      liui 

L;!  Iml      Mat 

(Jo  I)  i;;     lud 

"    1)  i;;    lad 

1   Mich  llaud 

Co  . .  ;» ]\ii,-h 

•'     1  2",)      lud 


or    culistiil    iu<  u    I'roiu    Sl(uib(a    Coiuily. 

KNJ,lHTl;l)  MKN 

1       Mich. 

-        44 

42     111. 


McClcUou'rt  Uragi 



'.)       Ind 


21     Iml 


2'.)     Iml 


41      Iml 


71     lud 


HH     lud  -  .  .  . 

100  liul 
IP.)  lud  -7  Cav.ilry 
127  Ind- 12  Cavalry 
12'.)  Ind 
122  lad  - 

(  (luir.hiouh  aud  M  is(-(-.llai]cons 

ic.Ni.isri:!)  mi;n 

I  5,t 

I  17 


Tl  111:  13 R AFX 

On  tlio  calls  of  tho  Fresidcnt  fur  troops  ytiMibeu  County  was  Jaiily    i-xciupt, 
bill  by  an  unfair  system    of    figuring    adopted    by    the    I'rovosl    (.imeial    the 
cuiinl  y  was  (K'casionaly    compeled    to  supply    detieieiicies    by  '  a    Miia)!    ilrait. 
'I'lu    iollowii.g  [H'lsous  were  appointed  eounly  ibaft  otTicers  oi  board. 

Joscpli  A.  \\  (io(.lliull,    l)ralt  Conunis^ioncr, 

Ahncr  W  insor.    Draft  Marshall, 

Alphonso  W.  Wood,  i'lx;, mining  Surgeon, 
yeptcniber  L'd,  18(!'J,  the  e,uun(y  had  credit  of  (MS  volunteers  in  actual 
sei'viee  with  ;ui  iMirollnu  ni,  counting  out  I  10  exeni],ts,  of  MO.;  men  lit  for 
niilitaiy  dii'y.  On  the  (Wh  of  Dctcjbir  a  draft  was  lield  to  a 
of  (!!.'  liien  oi  |n\-\ious  cads.  The  ijuolo  of  all  the  caMs  i:p  to  and  including  the 
call  of  J  Illy  18,  l,S()l,  wa-;  only  dctuen'uL  ID  ini-n  and  lliesc  were  oblaiinal  \,  ili.- 
out  the  ihafl.  Under  the  call  of  Dec.  I'.Uh,  fSlil,  ilu;  eiMinty  (pioto  was  lit! 
men.  With  the  ini[n'css!(jn  that  hteuben  County  was  desi'rx'ing  cri  dit 
vt  nioi  e  men  than  was  allowed  (.'ommi^.sioiier  J.  A.  \\'i;odhull  and  l''raneis 
Macaitney  visited  1  ndianapoli.-,  anil  af.ei'  speniiiug  two  (.lays  lu'  n:ore  in  t  .\~ 
iiminin;,'  the  books  at  the  I'rovost  Cenerals  (dhce  iind  domg  a  great  aiiie)unl 
of  flunking  and  ligunng  they  discovered  the  pii'ein.r  meihod  by  which  ihe 
most  loyal  counties  eonlributeil  iho  most  n.m.  'ihe  ollicers  in  eluLi"e 
ucknowkdged  the  fact,  but  tlii^  order  eoi;ld  ik.I  be  ehangetl  and  n(  ee.-,hity 
conn)eled  obedience.  'I'lio  call  was  lilU d  by  ",):i  vulindeers  and  L'O  drafts.  The 
total  cr(;dits  of  Sloubtm  County  durnng  the'  war  was  8b")  men  winui 
over  1200  men  wcc  residiuUs  of  the  coii'ity  at  the  time  of  their  enlistment. 

T'lU'  County  ( 'om  missioners  at  u  sju'cial  session  July  L'S,  bShL',  made  an 
ordei-  paying  Twenty-tive  Dolhirs  ljt.>unty  to  all  \  (lUuile;  rs  .enl  ist  iiig  fiem  the 
county  :'ll,'r  that,  date.  'I'his  order  was  reaflirmed  at  a  special  session  Inov. 
loth,  l.'i'.:,,  and  the  records  show  that  the  county  paul  >l,2^>  to  !)u2  men. 

The  l-i.  irti  also  at  sj)eeial  session  >)an.  'Ja,  \^(\!'t,  past  an  order  t,-  jay 
ijioOO  bounty  for  eae-h  enlistment-.  This  order  witli  all  previiuis  euder.,  was 
recinded  Fel).  'J.  Only  one,  Hilas  Tillottson,  enlist(il  wiihin  llm  tinu^  thai  the 
last  ordiu'  svas  in  force  and  received  !ij;r>00.  li'ive  others  claiiin  il  ti;  havi-  enlist- 
ed within  Ihe  |)roscribed  lime  and  were  jtaid  ,flOO  eaidi  on  compromise  in 
l8'/8.  Tin-  county  also  past  orders  for  the  relief  anti  aid  ol'  ^oldiei.i' 
families.  lOach  Townshij)  alxi  paid  lo(rnl  boiinl  i(  s  and  hnd  its  relief  hind. 
which  were  raise(.     ither  by  tax  or  voluntary  sid^scri  pt  ion.'-. 

The  folli)\viii>,r  table  showh  the  aiiiuuiit  paid  I'or  h<JUulios   and    lelitf    U)     Uu 
(bounty  and  townships. 



S((iil)i-n  County 





Millj^Movc    T^.. 




JaiiK'stowii    '' 








(!lear  Lake    "' 







Scott               " 



>UN  riKs 












•J, 500 






Durinj^Mhc)  prow-ifs.s  of  tlio  war  Govciiior  :^rol•lou  found  it  nvct.s.sary  to 
torni  till',  militia  into  bi'igadt.'.-,,.i-rgiuiont,s,  and  battallion.s  for  Iho  prisci  va 
Hon  of  Older,  t  iitoreo  iho  draft,  to  aid  in  ropelling  of  raidor.s,  etc. 

Stouben  County  wasnot  beliiiid  in  this  patriotic  purpose.  A  couipuny  \saw 
orj,'anized  in  nearly  every  township,  but  only  two  conapanies  were  bullicii  nlly 
so  organized  to  leceivo  cuinnussiuns  from  tlie  Governor. 


liirani  L.  Smith  was  commissioned  Captain,  John  N.  Ousterhout  1st  Lieut., 
and  N.  Lonsberry  lind  Lieut.  April  17,  lti(.;5.  '  Horace  L.  Davis  was  commis- 
sioned Caplain  Ainil  U'it,  bStll,  t  >  lili  tlie  vacancy  caiis.d  by  the  resit,aiatioii  of 
Cajit.  Smith. 


Joal  A.  l''ox  was Commissiomd  Captain  Liisha  Fuller  isl  Lieu!.,  and 
Geer{ro  \V.  Nei^^hart  L'nd  Jjieut  August  1,  iSdiJ. 

liolli  the  above  companies  woro  atlaciied  to  the  Ninth  liri^iide. 

lOx;  1 1 1  \  i  nt  *  i"H>. 

Sur"-eon  appoiiitiiient.:  were  solicited  by  several  ot  i  ho  cmmly's  besi  nudi- 
cal  iiien.  Dr.  11.  1).  Wood  only  was  commissioned  as  extra,  but  j^atriotism 
proiiipled  all  to  hasten  to  the  front  at  the  time  of  an  important  enga-emiut 
Many  a  Steuben  boy  was  found,  eared  for,  and  brought  to  life  and  home  by 
tliein.  Thi3  people  owe-  a  debt  ol  gratitude  to  our  jmysicans  f(.r  their  ujiifonu 
kindness  to  llie  sohliers,  th-ir  widows,  and  or|)hans  since  the    war  in   p.  ikmoiiS. 

Tiiu  Goveruuu  ut  aiipointiHl  Dr.  C.  D.  Kice  Mxamining  Surgeon  tor  tiie 
c.umly  which  lie  held  mitil  In.-,  dcatli  Jan.  -1  1875.  Dr.  T.  15.  WiUiauis  v.a;-  iluui 
appoilileil  and  he  \>:is  suee.'edeil  liy  Dr.  11.  D.  \\ood  and  he  b,\  1-i.S.  II.  I'nli<  r, 
an  old  suldier,  v.lio  ,-t  ill  hoUD  the  couimi.ssiou  although  tln'  governnHiil  lia.-. 
Ial.-ly  orgaiii/'d  ii  luedn-al  board  at  Aujvol"  consi.-tiag  of  Dr.i.  T.  |{.  Will  niiii:., 
W.  11.  Waller,  and  .\1.  V.  Han.dMirg.  The  soldiers  a  re  gi'neral>  ol  Die  opinion 
that  tiie  medieal  <      iniiiiers  and  laiai'd  have  dell   jn.-tly  and   fairly  with  thi  m. 


R  O  Iv  i  .    p  J^    1 1  C)  N  O  K  . 

Of  tlu'.  many  that  wont  Bome  nevoi-  veturned  killud  in  battlo  tliid  iroin 
wouiidn,,  an  !  cxpo.iuro,  or  starved  in  prison  p<aifi.  Tlio  iiunu;;  i.)  all, 
wh')  l'<»ii<.'i>' '.>ii  I  hi^i  list,  <l:u  not  be  obtained.  Tiio  foJlowiti'j  U  a  |Hii;;:l  ii;;l 
witii  (!;u'.  ,,tii.l  place  id'  lUv.'Ai  if  known. 



Crocl.nit,  ].-•:■. ..y  died  at  Goorgetown,    Va.,  Inpi.  !o 'Gl ;   oiiiioC,  di;.i.aH.o 

i>avi;s  i.-.  :i;h  Uilltid  at  battle  of  tno  VVilUL'in.  .s  May  7  "di 

Moiif^ci', 'L' J  killed  at  Gaines' IMill  .lone  2   'til 

Miveii,  I  '-   a    W  killed  a(^   (lanieri'  Mill  June  2    'i;! 

Ju;ii;i, 'i  Los  1)  killed  at  Ciaine.s'   Mill   Juno   13    't:  1 

I'oirce,  \V  .)  died  at  Miner's  Hdl  Hepi. —    '(il 

Taaktr,  ll'chavd  k  lUcd  at  battle  ot  t  l>o  Wildrn..  .  ..   ^iayj'    ''■'' 

Tillotson,  {Jeorge  killed  iit  Hheplierd-iUnv'n   i''oi  d   Or;     1    '()2 

'j'HirvTEicN'rn  ind.  v.  >. 

ooMi'ANi:  n. 
ir,\un..  :on,  ^Tilt<)n     liilled  <,t  Fort  Fisher,  N.  C,  Jan    IT,  '{',', 


Hyatt,  \\:n  i.l  liird  ,  .    '<  .tFi8lier,  i^.  C,  Feb.  li  \>rr,  eau. .••,■,  ai.,;  af;o 

Uowning,  ,;u.,1uki     i;ilti  d  :  t  v'<..rt  Fl.sher  Jan.  15  'iJo 


NiehoLi,  Ira  V  died  at  iiideigh,  N.  C,  Jiuie  (3  'Oa 

FOURTFr.N'ril  INI).  V.  I.-  GO.  1. 

'rdlollsdn,  W  Ml         kill.'d  at  (letiyrtbarg  July  2  '(iiJ 

MiNi''/ii''.i':N'rn  ind.  v.  i,  co.  a. 

AlLinan,  !-aimi(  1       killed  ;•(  G:.iiK:>vd|o  Aii,,;u,-,i:    M  'i',2 

Geor've,  l\iii.»  died  "t  \V;:;:,!n'ng;ou  D'  ■.■■  8  '(>1 ;  cmase,  woiiuUp 

<"   ML'AIIj'  I. 

ISaLer,  \Vn,  ii  killed  :'.l  A  >.itieliMn  S>i  t.  IT  '(!2 

'rWENTY-FIUST  INiX  V.  L  —GO.  A. 
Si'terlin,  John  !''     dieil  al  New  Orleaeu  '-W  17  M2;  oau^.e,  w<.'uudrt 

FORTY -SEGONl)  ILL.  VOL.  IN  l"L'. 


Garpen!. );,  G;>idnu  kilU'd  in  IMiariOUi'i,  Jan.  ;il  '(.'-' 

I)iekin^.()n,  Geo  I;  died  at  Cairo  Nov.  — '(11;, 

I'Kkrinlii,  G!   i.ic-i  (.lied   in  Ali.s.s(juri  in  fall  "d'  '<'l 

Kino',  luib.'il  died  ;.i  Mirthiouri  Dec.  Ui  '(U;  eatiiv.',  d.  .ato 

Goodalo,  A  N  dit'd  at  (.Jlnitttinooga  from  wounds  retieived  at  G!i;ea;.;aiiya 

\i:n-\,  I]  Iw'n   II  died  in  Mksflouri  -Ian.  '("■2;  ean.u-,  di;;Ci'.;  e 

ilewott,  Wat.sou  J  killed  on  the  Atlanta  Campaign  July  27  'Gl 

Miner,  Thonia.s  died  at  fSniithville,  M(i.,    'Gl 


Moiolmiisc,  Shcnnnii  died  in  MiHSOuii  -  •  '(il 

Na.ih,  l']lij;ih  killed  on  Uio  Allaiilii  C.'iinp.ii^ii  Juiio  '11  'CI 

Opio,  iJeiijiuuiii        died  St(jnu  River  iJec.  31    '(IL' 

lluut,  (Ji'riii  E  ditid  at  Vick.iljurg  GiJ 

'J'ulllo,  llcsikiiih        killed  at  tJliickaiiiauga  Sept  20  (Jo 



Allen,  Web^tei-  died  at  Lt)iiisvilla  Jan.  28  '02 

Allen,  David  JJ  dietl  in    Andeihonvillo    Prison  Sept.  24  '04;    caime,    di.seaso 

CA)ULtney,  Alouzo  died  at  Canip  Wood   Feb,  2  'G2;  (;aurfe,  disease 

Clock,  EredericJc  kilkd  at  C'ljieaiiiauga  Sept.  20   'G.'j 

Cri.-ie,  Aaron  K  died  at  Maslivillu  Juno  1,')  'G5 

Car[joulcr,  (jilbert  died  at  Nashville  A [)ril  4   '1)5 

iJeelo.',   Willi.mi  iliod  at  JSlashville  (Jet.  (5 '(12;  cause,  disease 

CJatehousc!   James  died  at  Camp   Kevin  Dec.--   '(!1 ;  cause,  eisease  , 

Lhbb  ins,  Ch.  i.-ii  uui  lulled  at  iStono    lliver    Dec  HI  't)2 

Haines,  I'liilip  killed  at  Hhdoh  April  7  'G2 

llauiia,  NatliuKiel  dietl  at  (.'liatlanooga 'tl;!;  cause,   wouml.-. 

Jians'.lnian.  Win  Jl  dud  at  Chatiaucjoga  (Jet,  i)  '(>;; 

]li)ldrid;^e,  Harris  died  at  Colund)ia   April  4  G2 

Hall,  Eraslus  L'  died  at  Naslivdle  i''eb.  S  '(55;  cause,  disease 

Kerns,  Willi, ju  iljed  at  Annaixilis,  Md.,  Feb.       -  'Go 

MoCjowen,  Aliletu.i  died   Annaj)olis,    Md.,  July  11  'Gl 

I'arkei',  jCd.viii  H  ti:ed  ,.i  A  ndersouville    j'lison  July  27  'G4 

l'eli\.  Ji/liJi  lie  d  at  (!amp  Neviii  Dec.  11  'Gl;  cause,  disease 

I'riesI,  WiUiani   .  died  at   Daiiville,    Va.,   Dec.    ii,    'G4 

I-',  piiiinerlotl,  Valenlauo  dii-d  in  Aniierscuiville  I'lisoii  jMa)  .0  'Gl 

'i'aylor,  James  /  ilii'd  at  ( 'hal  tanooga  l\]ay  12  '(iiJ 

'I'aihol,   Caleb  killed  at  Stone  Kiver  Jan.  I  G:i 

'riKUiipiiiii,  .las   v.  tilled  at  Nuslivillo  April    2.i  'i  5;  cause,  disearte 

Vati  Cleve,  Wiu  died  at  Naslivilio  De<;.   12  'G4 ;  cuuso,  disease 

Wood.iworth,  Jas  i;  killed    at    Shiloli   Aj)iil7  'G2;  cause,  wouiuls 

^Vood\vard.  !i  W  died  in  Andursoiiville  1-nson  June  .:;!  "Gl 

\V;dl(T,  Elijah  J  ilied    at    'rullahoma,     'i'enn.,    July    10    'G;!;    cause,    disease 


Ahlrieh,  l^aac  'r        di<'d  al    St.    l;Ouis    Dec.    5  'G2 

Ainidon,   Henry  died    at —    Way    27  'G;J    cause,    ilisease 

COMl'ANi'   !•'. 

Hell.   i^a\id  dietl    at    'ruscmnbia    June    IS    'G2;     cause,    disease 


Hark,    Eli  died  at  home  Feb.  28  '(;2 

riieliis,  (.liir,\vold       died  at  (.'amp   Noviu  Feb.  28  '()2 

i  llllll'V  FIF'I  H  IND.  V.   i.-       CoAiiANV  JC. 
Williamson,  I'ett  r     dieil  in  'I'exas  Sefjteniber  -'  '<>•"• 

FDKTV   FOKTll  IMD.  VD...  INF'l". 


IkuiiKitt,  William       1       I  at  Pittsburg  liiinding  March  2G '(12 
llehOier,  /iba  <i      1  at  McMiniivillo  Sei.t.  W  'G;i;  (jause,  disease 


Hrouks,  l''riun-i.s 
ClovC'li'.iuJ,  SiH-iiccr 
Eckhait  Joliii 
lCwiiig~,  Jiune-i  H 
Fickl,  Jli'iny 
(.iraiit,  M;ivion 
Hull,  Liaud.  1- 
Ihiim-'i'DiUini;,  Win 
J[ui-lbiir(,  l.'liiis  ]'' 
Jaokinan.  Jo.;"].!! 

LoI'iIh,  J  ()>C'[ill    I'' 

.liai'Uf,  'ri.diiiaH  1, 
M()n'i;;(>]i,  Ijclaiicl 
J'uivifi,  (ic'(.>  \V 
Hloaiiy,  Jcihu 
Wwaiii,  Richard  J' 
'riii()(i|).  ( ')raii;!'»- 
Vail  ''l>".r,  C,  u   W 
\\'ii;^hl.  \\  illia  111 
\V;,  ,)..;,iuia 
\Vll.v,,ii,  Nvwrll  A 

IJcvcrl y.  '. 'lia  lii  s  >\ 
lii'iulfi-,  Wiiliain 
IJurn'iu',  JaiKiLiri  (J 

'I'lUlKT  SI('})1h'11 
HloWfl'^^,'  (  J,:()r;j;c 

(,.'ai('y,,l'iiiniiciis  M 
Johnson,  i'' 
Itiillivan,  Ncal 

Wrij^Mil,  r)t  ronic 

AKli'ich,  Sinutiij  ( ' 
liayloi'.    IClias 
Cuthu',  Hiiiioii  M 
Measii,  Sa  nuul    l'> 
McMilkii,  Join,  (» 
Mahincly,  William 
Miisricr,  Kilwaiil 
Wallors.  ^iol(llnoll 

diial  al   i'ort   Wayne  Oct.  i   '(51     (raai:,   df^ciscas 

died  a(  !  !im(.sv)ll(j  Auf^ust  1'5  '(Sli 

dird  ai  h    ,ae  April  20   '()2 

died  at  lioni .!  May  11  '(Sii 

dit'd  at  Cain  ,  III.,  April  .'>  '(!" 

died  at  EvansviUc!  Jan.  L'U  '(12 

lulled  at  ^hiloh  Ajiril  (i  "tit 

died  at  Now  All.aiiy  Jan.  11  '(J.i 

died    at    t^ailioiin    lub    17    'Oi; 

kilUd  at  Sail. ill  A]n-il  C.  "(•.L' 

died  al  Nashville  Oel.  22  '(i2;'.  disease 

died  ;it  ('hattanooya  March  10  "(T) 

tlicd  a  I  CUiicaniauea  J  mio  2()  'Of 

died  at   (,'amp     Denu.'itin    !)     'CB;    cause,     wian 

died  at  t'alhoiin,  I(y  ,     \hb.  21   "(;;.'  Laii:-f,;i.-iu 

died  a.i  t'liislnirij  lii'^-  March  21  '(12 

liied  at  Aj.   1  1  'tl,';;  eaiise,  wui'.nds 

di.  d  al  lile  Mai-li   1 '.  "(1;! 

dieil  al   ; .'  .   I;()iii:,  M  ai'.-l,  2   '(12 

dn  d  al   Keolvui;,  Iwwa.  -iiiiy  21    ■(■•2 

died  ;U,  h"ine  J  iily  20  '..1 

iliMl'ANV    I'. 

died  at   l^attle  Creek    J  aiy    20    'i;2;    cause,    ilisi'ase 
dietl    at    ['iltsburn     i.a  e.din;.;    Ti'iy    (i    '(12;     cause,     di.'^.e; 
di(d  at  Corinlh  A:ay  2  'u2 
killed  at  Sloiie  liner  1)(  e.  ;il  •(;2 

(:o;nl■.^^^Y  u. 
died-al    Coriiilli,  Mi.-^s.,  -luiie  12  W'.';  cause  disease 
tiicdat   J  liaidei'soji    l''eli.    .'2    '(52;    cause,    disease^ 
died  al  Mewiiern,    liid.,  July   ir)'li2;    ciiiisi',  discasii 
died  on  a  Mlcanier  Maj    10  '(12;  cause,  disease 

(DMCiNY    II. 

killed!  at  Sliiloh  A|.rd  (1  ■<;2 

C.01\!)'Ai"-n    K. 

died  al.  honid  .\iigiisl  I.'.   '(!!,    as    Col.    ot    re^^iinent 

died  al  Na.-.hvilh^  Jan.  2  'C.:'. 

died  at  l;a!1h^  Creek  July  20  '(;2 

died  at  ;■'.!,  Ijoui,-;,  Mo.,   I  ane  If,  ■(;2 

died  al  New  Albain-  Oel.  10  '(;2;  (Miise,  disea;ie 

died  a(  Nasiiville  Nos'.  lo  'C."!;  cause,  diseat.e 

diid  al  llendei..oii,  K)   .  April    II   i  2;  cau,-e,  disea,-e 

dieil  ;il    Keokidi,   Iowa,  July    1   '(/.';  ea  ii.-,e,  disi  ase 

'I'iiiirriK'ni  ind.  v.  i. 

WelJ.,  Andrew  J 
Slwillslidl.  I'Miini 

(■O.MI'ANY    I'. 

died  al  (  'ani).  N<'vin   Nov.  2".)  'CI 
(  OMl-AiNY    n. 

killed  al  Camp  Nevin  (U-l.  S  'CI    \\\ 

;;  pii'luJ   hy  mi.-.l, 

HEVi'iNTv  I'ouirru  ind.  v.  i. 

LOMl'ANV  Jl. 

Iiiir,;i'.-i,  l>;r,'Af  U  ilii  il  at   Lol)amni.  Ky.,  iSnv.  <>  '(>'J;  i;u\ih,o,  ilit^ 

lii'ii:i('li.  Alii.nii  wild  al  (iallal  ill,    'I'enn.,    .)au.     17    '(>l;    causti,    disoasi: 

llojiiiili,  JdIiii  (j  Ivilird  al,  (!)iioaiiiu;(a' Svpl.  1'.)    "H;; 

i!i>li-,  yainiirl  ilnUaL   Nashvilio    Die.    I'.i    'Ol;,    wouiidt, 

C.'oi>o,  David  died  at  Iadiaiia[iulix  Augu.sL  ly  '(Jii;  cause,  diHcuriii 

L^'itiiii;^-,  rii.ii;>.i  died  at  ('aattuiiuug  (Jet  10  '(>;!;  cause,  wuuuds 

triUiori,,  Ciii'Uiliu.i  died  at  (rallutiii,  'I'ouii.,  Jan.  ;'.  '<>;!;   cause,    diseases 

U..ier,   (.jeorj^'e  iiiUi.da'  Ciiicaiuauge   Se[>i.    Ill    't;:.'. 

Oet>rf^'e,  Flavius  J  killed  at  Allauia,  Ga.,  August  7  'iJl 

Gai-diier,  Jilislia  ilied  at  Ciiatliui joga  June  U-l  '01;  cause,  disease 

Jfutehins, 'i'lieodure  died  at   liuwlijig    Ureeii      Nov.     JO     'G2;     cause,     disej 

lielaud,  Jo    ii  li  died  at  (iallatiu  Jan.  I'l  "(];J;  cause,  disease 

Keiuery,  Teter  L  killed  at  Joiiewboro,  Ua.,  tic-pt    1  'iH 

Ijiaiger,  tiauiuel  died  at  JJridgcport  Dec.  7  '(iiJ;  cause,  wounds 

Jjeaiiu ju,  Jiieliai-d  died  at  Gailacm  Jaxi.  10  "Oo;,  disetiso 

Jiatsou,  HaiiuL.l  tlied  at  jimvliug  Gveeii  Dec.  1  'li.;;  cause,  disease 

.di)i)re.   Miekael  died  at  (iallatiu  Dec.  !.,'>  'OJ;  cause,  disease 

.'.Luise,  Jeddediaii  died  at  GaJlatiu  Jua.  2S  'Oij;  cause,  disease 

.vlun-iti.  l''i'aacio  M  died  at  iNasUviUo  August  2^1  ,(i;};  cause,  disease 

i'oaioruy.  Jl   iny  didd  at  (Jiuittaiiooga  April  -i  'OiJ;  cause,  disease 

i-'evv,   Edward  ilied  at  GaJlatiu  Jan.  2'.)  \')',i 

ivose,  holoiu.ui  ri  iii.d  at.  vJiialtauooga  Jan.  -i  '04 

iSlewari,  Willi, uu   II  died  ai  (Jallalm  Jan.  5  W.',;  eaiisc-,  disease 

Stoul.Joliii  killed  at  Juaeshoii)  tii^lil.   I   '01 

Saaes,  jli'iii;,     K  died    al     :,;i:^li\  ille,    Teiiii.,     Mareli     I'.l    'O;'.;    eausi',    dise 

Slewail,  r    1'  (lied  al    Na.-,liville  J  Illy   :.'  '01  ;,e,  ili.^eaMi 

^)[)l'gle.,llile.  J)avul  died  at  lndiaiia|iolis  J  uly  -I   'C  I  ;  cause,  tlisease 

'iVo.kI,  II  nam  died  at  Gnllatla  l''eli.    H  'Oii;  cause,  disease 

\Vill(nW.y,  James  dud    i,t    New    .Mhaiiy     Die.     I .;    '0;i;    cause,    vv(uinds 

WOideii,  Sehiiyk.'r  died  at  (Jalialiu  Jan.  ;5  "0;i   cause,  dis;:iiss 

ONK   niJNDllED'l'U.   IND  V.  1. 

CDMl'ANV    11. 

Iii'oolcs,  IJeiiiy  ditd  at  Mndison,  liid,,  Bept.  Jl*  'Oli 

lli'ockway,  George  dieel  ;it  (jainp  Shenaaii  Sa[it.  J  L  'O.'J 

(iodley,  I'luh)  died  at  Holly  Springs  Dec.  .iO  'C'J 

l>la,.s,'  Jellei'soii  died  at  HeJiefunte  Htation  Feb.  20  '02 

it.tgei',  I'eler  died  at  Grauii  J  laictjou  JVlaicli  5  'Oil 

('iiiiKe;.,  iM.iaiiiii;;-  ^i  killeil  at  J  oiii'sboro  August  .'U  '01 

i'liad.viek,  Saiiiiiil  died  at  Marietta  A.ugiist  'JO  '0  1 

('asper.  l,e\\i..  died  al  Grand  Juiu-lion  T'eli.  JH  'ii;'. 

Cluek,   Georg^i  died  at  C'olliersville  A  jiril  J  '<;;; 

GlarU,  .lolui  (.'  killed  at  Atlanta,  (Ja.,  An;-  L''l  '04 

Dillingiiani,  J   II  ilii  d  at  Colliersville  A])ril  2;»  'O;! 

I^llis,  Charles  ()  killed  at  ("avi;  Springs  Nov.  '  'tM 
(.Jreen,  David  iiil  at  Mem  pliis  Jan.  28  '01! 

Jlaynes,  Mai  tin  ied  at  Memphis  Sejjt.  22  '(i.'! 

Kale,  James  inil  at  (Jolliersville  Mar.  I'.l  '0;t 


-    I.IM. 

t ; ;  .'i  / 1  > 


Keith,  Lewis  lulUd  at  JoiR.-iliorc),  (la.,  Auj,,  ;il  CjI 

Loo,  Clark  dioJ  at  («raiul  J  luuMiou  l'(  li.  1 1  '(!;! 

Norllu^ay,  (ioo.  K  diod  at  JSloiuphis  May  ii  't)i 

Hood,  C'liarlis  diod  at  (Iiaiid  .)  uiiotioii  JaJi.  2J  'i\:i 

Root.  Kodiioy  II  dioil  at  ('l.altauouf^a  Nov.  7  "CI 

tSoDtt,  Homy  M  died  at  Chatlaudoga  Juno  ('>   'dl 

Suydo!',  Gooigo  died  at  IMoin[)liis  Nov.  i-l  '(iil 

rtoido,  David  killod  at.  Allaiila,  Oa.,  Aii)^'  IT)  '(',■{ 

Taylor,  Wanoii  J  drowuotl  in  IMill  Croi'k,  W.  ('.,  iMar.  1.'::  CI 

Wolcii,  Willijun  J  dioii  at  Moitiphirt  April  ir>  '{i;i 

Sia'l^N'ril  LNJX  CAVALKY  (II'.)tii)  J{L';(i  lAlEN'l'. 

(iOMI'ANY     1). 

Jlaiuliii,  Go(jrg.)         di(!d  at  Meiiipiii.s  May  14  'iSl 
Mooro,  Wesioy  diod  at April  IS  '(12 

C(JiMl'ANY   K. 

Caroy,  Edwin  died  at  Moni[)lii.s  Doo.  L'iJ  '(Jl;  cause,  v\ouads 

Edv/ards,  J)anford  killod  Doc  '2{>  '(k!  cause,  accident 

Hyatt,  William  diid  at  Mtniphis  May  :;o  '(M 

'I'lionielson,  David  killed  Dec.  LMi  'C'l 

TWLLl.'ril   IND.  CAVALKY   (I'.'T)    KEtiLMENT 


Cook,  Gooryo  died     in     Stoulion     County     April     2    'C.t ;    cause,    disoast 

Call,  William  died  at  Vioksliurg  Mareli  2;'.  '<;.'i;  eaa.-.o,  tlinc  aso 

Jono.s,  John  died  at  Nashvdlo  Jan.  L'L'  '(');>;  cause,  disease 

Sultturlin,  James  A   dieil  at  'I'ullahoma  Nov.  8  'CI;  causjo,  disouao 

(JOMl'AN  Y  o. 

Case,  Cyrus  killed  at  Huntsvillo  Sejit,   i'A)  'CI 

(Jutlor,  Ori-jn  C  died    at    llo.-,[)ilal    Station    J  ujio    I'd     'C.'');    (;auso,     dis(  a,-.i 

CJoukoy,  Soronto  died  at  Huntsvillo,  Sopl.  !.'>  "CI ;  cause,  di.-ioasb 

Dwclloy,  Archer  diod  at  Ihintsvillo  Sept.  ]'.  "(M  ;  cause,  disease 

Fuller,  Wilson  died  at  Huntsvillo  July  IC  "(!1 ;  cause,  disease 

Holdredyo,  Dudley  diod  at  Baton  Itoue;!!  May  !)  "Ca;    cause,    tiisoase 

Sftynumr,  l"'ranklin  diml  at  Vickshiirg  July  21  't;r>;  cause,  dirioubc 

tSaiiis,  Uenj  IJ  diod  at  Huntsvillo  July  ;!1  '(15:  cause,  disease 

'I'ingley.  Cioo.  W  died  at    Huntsvillo  Au^iist   10  'C  i  ;  cause,  disease 


b'oe,  Moses                   died  at  JLuutsvillo  Sept.  I'J  'CI;  cause,  disease 
b'ee,  Wdliam  H  died  at  Huntsvillo 

t)M',    liUNDKl'JD'rH  AND 'rWl'NTV    MlNI'll   IND  .V.    I. 

COM  CAN  V    A. 

Itaruard,  Orsemus     died  at   Michi-^ran  City  March  :'A)  "CI 
Clenioiis,  lle/,ekiah    died  at  Chattanooga  May   12  "CI;  cause,  ■.iiseaso 
Cartwright,  Win         died  at  (Uevolaiid  June  li)  "(Jl;  cause,  disea-io 
(/'hiinnns,  James         diinl  at  Charleston   Alay   (J   '(H;  causOi  disease 
Heath,  Homer  I         died  at  Knoxville  April  2<".  'CI;  cause,  di.-.ease 
Jonoy,  Ciuirles  ,,       diod  ut  Chattanooga  Sept.  12  'CI;  cau.e.  disi'aao 

K'upc,  Honi-y  diutl  at  Washiiit^tuii  Feb.  11  '(i.");  taifrii-,   di.seaso 

l.ce,  William  died  at  .M icliiyaii  City  March  'JO    '1)4;  cause,    disease. 
McKiiilcy,  Uodcrick  died  at  Louinvillu  Feb.  :!  "CiS;  cause,  disease 

Mtisser,  tJamu^-l  dieii  at  C^i.atlaiiuoga 

iMi){jr.',  Julia  died  at  Nashville  Juno  2i)  'U4;  cause,  disease 

i'.iocl;,  (ieor-^e  died  at  Atlanta,  Gu  ,    July    21)    'CA;    cuuse^    W(;unds 

I'oweis,  Ju.^iali  dic^l  at  Cliatlaiiouga  August  4    'Ut 

Suiilh,  liii;.;e  died  at  New  Yurk  City  April  2iJ  'iiC>,  as  1st  lit.  ul  Couipaii> 

Sliaip,  Saiuiiel  L'  died  at  Charlotte,    M.    C,    Juno     11    '(i5;    caur.e,     disease 

Hliater,  Eli  died  at Sept.  o  'Ol ;  cause,  wouuds 

CO.'jrANY  c. 

liuudy,  Nathaniel      liied  at  Alichi^^an  City  March  U>  '(M;  cause,  disease 
(iuuu,  Mun-isiui,  Ji-  died  ai  Nashviilo  June  10  '04;  cause,  disease 
Kyau,  lluiluu  Ji  died  al  Mariilta,  Ca.,  July  S'l  'GJ  ;  cause,  disease 

l!OMI'A:SV    li. 

B jiiart,  aaiiuiel  died  at  Cleveland  May  1(J  ''J-i;  cause,  disease 

i-loyei-,  Francis  died  at  Andersunvilic  AuyiLsi  4   '(il 

Bender,  Jauie.-.  A  died  at  Kiioxvillo  \ugusl  2'2  'tM;  cause,  disease 

l:eiider,  Audios  died  at  Nashville  August  <J  'CI;  cause,  disease 
i;-,ard,,Vle\auder  \V  diiil  at  Kiii^'ston  July  2'J  '(J4;  cause,  dis(.'ase 

Cai|>e:irer,  J;ishaa  died  at  Kiu;xville  August  li)  "04;  cause,  disease 

Jleudricks,  Joseiili  died  at  Andersouville  August  22  '04;  cause,  di.^ease 

King,  Emanuel  '  died  at'KuoKville  Sept.  1  '04;  cause,  disease 

jMay berry,  v'liarles  died  at  I'Liiigston:  Ca.. 

Messerva,  Jnhii  li  died  al  ChattaiUJUga  June  15  '01;  cause,  disease 

I'etty,  Aaion  died  at  AlaU>oua,  (Ja.,  J  uiie    2:>    '04;    cause,    disease 

Hpils,  Cari  di(>d  at  Athinta,  (in.,  (n.t.  ;iL  '04 

Slepluuisou,  Nathan  died  atiMn;!iiyau  City -  - 

Viiiluu,  Jaeol)  dud  at  New  ;ilbany  Fob.  I  '(J.') 

l.:.;:kwi-od,   !)<loss  died 

Siatwu,  Aliicd  am\ 

Sines,  (,'harles  W  dud 

Clark,  Charles 

:;OMl'ANV  J. 
il   Kiioxville  J  uiui  I  2  'i;  I  ;  ca  u,- e,  di.-,easo 
J   'Aa:,liii)glun  l'"(4i.  H  "0!;  cause,  ili.-,easo 
iL  NasliVid(<  May  2i  '04;  cause,  disea.-e 


d  at  liidiaua polls  May  o  "04;  cause,  disease 

oNi;  III'NDKIOJ)  AND  FOUTY   !SE(J()N1)  IND.  V.  i.  —  Comi'Any  A. 
lugeisol,  Wiliard        du-d  al  Nashvilie,  I'eh,  U  'i>i>;  cause,  disease 
Villi  Cleve,  John  NV    (li<d  al  Na.hville  March  H  '0.".:  cause,  iliseaso 

ONlu  IILINDKKI)  AND  FlF'l'V   SKCOND  IND,  V.  1. 

COMl'ANV   C. 

Woodford,  Uyruii  li  ilied  al  Curn|j(-rlaiid,  Md.,  .March  25  "Oa 

COMl'ANV     J'. 

Nichols,  Henry  died  al   I  lulianapoli^  Mari'h  2,S  '05 

COMl'AM  Y    11. 

I'reiuih,    David  J         died  at  Cumberland,  Md.,  March  27   '05 

(JOMI'ANY    K, 
Calvin.  ,Ier..>n  I'  ied  al    1  nelianapolis    March     2S   '05;    cau:-e,    disease 


Graham,  Sfiymour  died  at  Frt'derick  City  April  ;i  '(jr);  cause,   disease 

Uillutt,  Ntlst)n  died  at  Baltiniote  April  '2i  'Go;. cause,  disease 

McEutyi-e,  Win  C  died  at  Indianapolis  March  1"J  'Co;  cause,  disease 

Uummell,  David  J  died  at  Indianapolis  March  18  '(55;  cause,  disease 

Swarts,  Jacob  died  at  Indianapolis  March  10 'bfi;  cause,  disease 

TWENTY-SECOND  IOWA  V.  I.  — Company  A. 
Butler,  Frank  died  at  DeCro  Point  Texas  'G3 

Infield.  Philip  date  and  place  of  death  unknown 

Infield,  Jacob  date  and  place  of  death  unknown 

Trowbridge,  Enoch  date  and  place  of  dea*h  unknown 
Thomas,  Uichard       dale  and  place  of  death  unknown 

Donihue,  Daniel         Co.  C  ir)2  Ind.,  died  at  Quincy,  Mich.,  March  10  'G5 
Jarvis,  Alexander       Co.  1)  118  Ind.,  died  at  Knoxvillo  March  1!)  'G5 
'J'errill,  Chester  Co.  —  7  Mich.,  died  at  Gettysbtirtj  July  —  'GiJ 

The  total  number  who  went  and  never  returned  is  2;!8,  a  long  list,  more 
than  two  companies  of  good  men,  or  about  every  fifth  man,  that  went  from 
Rteubeu  County  never  returned.  May  tlie  people  thereof  hold  this  Roll  of 
Honor  in  sacred  memory  on  each  30th  day  of  May,  the  National  Decoration 
Day,  together  with  nil  other  .soldiers  who  wore  premitted  to  return  home,  but 
from  causes  gethered  in  the  war  have  found  a  grave  in  the  different  eoiiie- 
teries  of  the  county.  And  in  cO)itinuati«)n  of  the  Koll  of  Honor  foilowes 
the  names  of  soldiers,  with  organizations  to  whioh  tliey  belonged  if 
known,  who  are  buried  in  the  cemeterieB  of  the  county. 




oi,i>  cioMirrmiy  ok  oui.anu 

Brown,  John  C.'o 

CMuMi,  Jacob  "     

Hard,  Harvey  "     B   100     Ind 

Keller,  Jacob  ''    .... 

Merrill.  ED  "    

.Melveg),',  Albro  <)  Mieh  Band 

OKKir.N    LAW  N  ri:MHNl'b;icY   (»!'  oltl.AN  I» 

liarimore,  James  Co 

flAltl/roN   CKNETKltY 

Nevells,  'l'i[)  (Jo 

Otto,  Christiiin  "     K    152     Ind 

n'ilder,  ('hiirles  "     It    100      hid 


JAMDh'l'OW  N    iTMl'iTI'UY 

Day,  Samuel 
( ireen,  Francis 

Mihu's,  Jusejiii 
Townsley,  .Mbert 

Co  A  8.S  Ind 

"     H  '/I  liul 

"     A  11  liid 

'•     B  11  hid 


MCKiMONJ'    ('!•  .MI':'l'iaiY 

Burdieli,  Mudiew  Co  ()  4  .\lieli  Cav 

Col)b,  William  Co  C    12  hid  Ci.v 

(ioir,   O    I)  Co   A    IL".)      ind 

(lOie,  John  " 

Ihi|;hey,  .lanirs  "      II    KlU      hid 


lloll(!r,  James 
Mill(M-,  Jiiiopli 

li,US.Sl'll,  Juliii 

Siili.siuger,  41"^' 
Wilcox,  Amos 
Whealey,  H  E 


•"     U      17  Midi 
••     A     T.)     Ind 

V   •■     C   177  rciiu 

•'     A     2'J     Iiul 

Co  L  (J  Mich  C'iiv 


oi.KAK  i.ak; 
Uiif^nul,  Mii.sLvs 


(liiry,  JiUTivi'J 
Iliiffij-aii,  CUiarlcri 
McDowell,  Dtivid 


Wilboi-,  Solh 
'JVoop,  Iliiiiry 


Co  K   12')     liid 

1  Mich 


I'-LINT  (.'i;mktkicv. 

Bennett,  John  iU) 

(Jlevclanil,  O.snicr  "    M  5  Ind  Ciiv 

lioweis,  Alfred  ''    H12lndCuv 

Dove,  Uoheit  "    11      71      Ind 

l'',!)iM-t,  Isaac  " 

lluir.nan,  J  W  "    A    IL".)      Ind 

Snyder,  William  E  Co  I'',  .^O  N  Y  En^ 

Syllal)aii).;li,  Jioheri,       Co  .  .    , 

Spaiij^le,  Zachariah  " 

Wilson,  Henry  '"    E    ir)'2      Ind 

Wilson,  Newell  "    A      41      Ind 

LAM'-,  »i  \UIC  (aCMI'/riOlCY. 

i:vans,  Uol.ert  Co    I       12        111 

lioek,  E  M  "    (i     11    Ohio 


Honedicl,  MiUon  ('o 

KosHcr,  William  "    A     'M 



oiitoi^i';  Mii.i.  ()i;m  1'  riiiiv  ok  ANUtu.A. 
Ih-owii,  Cermaii        M.  Co  H   100     Ind 
Ilau.selman,  Willi.-  "A      L".)     Ind 

Kinney,  Ciias        Ci\.[)l 
Twitchell,  Henry 
'I'riu  sdall,  Samuel 
V^an  Aukin,  J  uliu.s 
Yandes,  S  L 

A  4 1  lud 

A  II  lud 

E  7)  Ind 

A  I2!»  Ind 


44     Ind 

Co  I  12 

Ind  t'uv 

(!o  A 

■1-t     Iiid 

"    A 

41      Ind 

"   A 

72   Ohio 

■'    E 

<»     Ind 

"    A 

44     bid 

'•    A 

41      Ind 

'•   A 

bS     Ind 


Aldrit^h,  Simeon  A 
^Eie,  Mose.s 
Meriman,  Henry 
Modell,  'I'lioinas  C 
Mason,  Samuel  li 
Ni(^hols,  John 
Stealy,  John 
Stealy,  Chri.stian 
Scl.oltz,  I'^mile 


Ireland,  Jonathan  Co 

Porter,  HA  "    E     EJ  Mich 


Tubor.  Joseph  Co  C  12  Ind  ('av 

Tabor,  Lafayuito  "    C  12  Ind  Cav 


hoorr  cE.\iE'ri:iiv. 
Davidsini,  1  h  nrj 
Hutt  hins,  John 
Ilutehiiis.  John  U 
Jackscm,  Jacob 
Ii(!nt/.,  Henry 
Moore.  Cornelius 

.10l;lH)N   DEMI' 

I'jsving,  James 
driven,  llarrisim 
I'ew,  James 
I'ew,  Ell  ward 
I'attee,  Alvali 
Hti[)l>erd,  John 
'I'asker,  W  W 


Allen,  David  B  Cn  A     2'.)      I  ml 

Uad^er,  J   (!  "     D      .''•'•>      E'd 

I'MlioU,  lleniy  "  I'l  7  MichCav 

Heath,  1  Itimer  " •  • 

("o   11 



"    A 



'•    A 



1.   — 



•'   — 



'•    A 




Co  A 

4  1 


"    A 



"    H 



"'    H 



"    A 



"    11 



"  i; 




Ci)  A 



•'    A 



"  k 



"    A 



Ryan,  Joliu 
Hyaii,  Slcphttii 
Taylor,  William  J. 
Taylor,  JitRliua 
'JViylor,  Orriii 
Woodward,  liirarii 


Hai,re,  Aloiizo  ('o  A     44      Ind 

Tiiif^'Ior,  John  "    A     2;>     Ind 

Tingk^i-,  Simon  "    A     2;>     Jnd 

.noi.Djauai!  OEMKTEity. 
Holdridgf,  Diidli'y      Co  C  ]2  Ind  Cav 

YOliK  ToWNHlIir. 
rowiacs  oemeteky. 

Co  A     41      Ind 































Brooks,  Francis 
Ikirk,  Eli 
Biooks,  Henry 
Dillingiiam,  Jtrry 
i'lldiidgc,  Henry 
llill,  Aiiyustiis 
Norrix,  Willianr  Ij 
I'owers,  Slfplicn  A 
I'owors,  Josiali 
I'oltoc^,  Cornuliii.4 
Stovenson,  Nallian 
VVnlherwax,  Henry 

\OKlv  CEMETEllY. 

Ikt/,(!r,  I'etcr  Co  B    100     Ind 



Butler,  S.  S.  Co  K     29     Ind 

Chenworlh,  Abram  23    Ind    Bat 

Hichardson,  Myron         '"    II     08   Ohio 


Dunbar,  David  Co 

Dunbar,  Milton  "    

Hi; ywood,  Kobcrt  "    

Hiilhnian,  I'dward  "'    

\'an(!lcvci,  Williai 

Co  A      29 


Moliain.  Ainbrose 
McLain,  Charles 
Hherrow,  Franklin 
Slurrow,  Hull  on 

Co  B   100 

»    E     7.-. 

.  "    K   152 






Bennett,  Maleijm  Co 

Daiiforii,  J<.)liu  " 
(ieorge,  S  B           C'ajjt    " 

(iilbeit,  Samuel  " 

Gardniir,  Elisha  " 

(]e(uge,  .)  ames  " 
CJilbert,  M. 

Moeherman,  Adam  " 

Ferlect,    Middieton  " 

Perfect,  iitjbert  L.  " 

Rose,  Solomon  J.  "' 

Stutlor,  Daniel  '' 

Sisson,  Josj'|)h  '' 

Smith,  Ambro^.e  " 

Smilli,  William  11  " 

Smith,  Henry  " 

'lom[>s<jn,  James  " 
'iutile,,  F    H. 

Willi iiifj^,  Paris  C. 



Ilumiilirtiys,  Ut)bi!rt      Co  H   155  ()liiti 
lionysdale,  George         "   H     74      Ind 


Burch,  lialbert  Co  11     74     Ind 

(.'ory,  GeorgH  "    A   129     Ind 

Vaughn,  L'ewilt  "  H       ;>  Midi 

HAMIl/J'ON    ('1:.MET1':J(Y. 





.    , 


M  Y 



















































Andrews,  11.  JM. 
Blunder,  William 
IJrown,  Joseph 
<!rai)i,  li/.ra 
P'rciKth,  AVilliam 
Grillith,    lieainan 









4  1 








Omitlfd  ill  tht)  rugulai'  list,  uii  accuiint  of  i-cj^oil  iiol  buiii^'  loi-wartled  in  .-^eaHOii. 


AUmun,  John  P 
Andrews,  John 
Cary,  riiiuea.s 
(Jooic,  Aria 

Caiy,  Daviil 

Co  A     lii»     lud 
G  Minn  Cav 

(\)  G 



1 11(1 


Chadtoii,  ]']d\vard  C(j  .  .  12  liid    Cav 

CVjiiway,  W'illiaii)  tV)  II     .'JO     liul 

(Ireen,  'I'lujnias  Co  M  (>7  Piam  Art, 

Myers,  Janii'.s  (.'o  A   121)     Ind 

Ul'ani,  SaiuiR'l  '•    II      ;U)      hid 

Jones,  Julius  Co  F     41     Ind 

Keyoiicf,  J().s(;[)h  "  

Mail  ill,  Hciiiy  '" 

Martin,  Albt-rt  " 

IMiillips,  Beiijauiiii  "  

Packers,  ^Villiau^  "  

'J'ayl'ji,  William  H.  '•  A   12'J     Inil 


IlK'niDI.  CK.MKTIClti;. 

(Juisc,  Julm  Co  \      \l     lad 

Stout,  John  ■■    ii     71      Ind 


BaUrt'.all,  John  ^\■.  Co  K  SI  hid 
Douglass,  KobeiL  Co  C  112  Iiid  Cav 
Everiiart,  J.  M.  Capt  Co  K  ICtti  lad 
Eckhart,  Joliii  •'    A     41      Ind 

Newville,  Solomon  '"    K   151^      Ind 

Micrz    CUMliTKIiY. 

Goodrich.  David  ().  Co  A  44  Ind 
Graham,  (ieorj^o  '•  K  ln('>  Oliiu 
Guirtt',  Hi  my  "    

MT.    ri,KAri.\NT  (MIMETICUY. 

lk(;ss,  KcHcl  Co 

No  class  ol'  (ijDpUi  caijoy  r. 'unions  bttlor  Uian  old  soklicrs,  (In;  clasp  oi 
hands,  a  look  in  llui  eye,  ami  {'w  nia^jii-,  word  '•(  Vuiirado''  briny  t'orlh  Ihc 
niL'inory  of  i-aii^i,  l)atlli',  march,  and  soklirr  ])iiviil  iiais.  Iilvcn  if  (he  soldiers 
r.iH!  |jcrti;cL  slraiii^i^rs,  each  kno\\s  Ihal,  the  ollur  \va^  llicn',  This  fcrliny  also 
[H'l'sails  ainoiiL;-  Iho  cit,i/(vn,s  assembled  lo  witness  llnse  renniwiis.  Joy  i;ii(.l 
n-ood  fellmy-  beam,-,  on  I  he'  conn  li  nance  of  all.  Heart  fdl  (hanks;,  i  vin;4S  \silh 
loyalty  to  comiti'v.  Hay,  and  comrade  sjiriny  fonrlhin  worils  and  (okcns  of 
sincere  fi  le.ndship  at  riiyht  of  (ho  badye  or  button.  'I'he  hand  V(jlunlaii!y 
extends  without  Ihouyhl,  and  (he  clasp  jiroduces  u  llirill  of  pleasure,  that  can- 
not Ici  explained  111  \v<n-ds,  and  this  iine\[ilained  feeiiny  (d'  ctoiii^  adi  ship  is  not 
('i|iedi»ii  by  any  olher  class,  ord.'r,  nr  society  and  is  (ho  ni'aresi  to  lull  not  the 
felliny  i){  ihi)  liome  circle. 

iNo  moveiiu-nr  was  m.-ide  in  Steiib,  n  ('ounty  for  a  soldier,-,'  reunion  until 
1S7'.).  in  August  of  that  year  an  oryanizalion  was  formed  witli  N.  1'.  l;('\vis, 
I'ns.;  Irenii-  ;\lc(b>wan,  Vicel'res.;  !•'... i.  Titch,  Sec'y. ;  ().  Carv.r,  'Iha'as.;  \V. 
II.  K<'ye..,  Clrijil.-iin;  t:.  G.  Meleiidy,  Ch^.'f  Mar.-diall ;  ami  an  cieiutivu  coni- 
milli'c  ((f  HMO  p  i.iuii  I'lom  eaeli  (dwiisliip.  SeptembiM'  ',)lh  \\a.,  ,',elre|cd  a;>  the 
d;ile  of  the  II  was  on"  of  I  he  nn  isl  en  Jo,^  a  1.1,'  k  union  ,  (  vi  r  held  in 
Sl(  iibeii  Count;,  ,  I  lie  peciplc.  t  uinetl  Old,  in  .'i  ma,-;s  brinyiny  band.^  <'f 
niu.-ii\  ;\  free  ilium  r  wa,-,  pr<i\ided  fin-  all.  I!y  (1m'  reyisbr  kepi  (,n  tliat 
occasion  lluir  w^'r<  "iOhio  I'ey  imcjils,  :!1  indiami,  hi  M  ichiy.'in,  11  New  York, 
;!  Wiscon  dn,  2  {'en-      L'Kau.-,a;^,   li    Iowa,    and    :;    li.    S.    h'l^y  ula  i..     repuhcntid. 

'i'lic  udiiost  i^^odd  order  and  (•oiUiiK-t  prevailed  ( lii(ju;.';in)iil ,  ;'.nd    iiiaiiy    vi.-iUvsr.s 
fi'(jiii  abroad  were  pretjeiit. 

Ill  1882  the  I'J'Jth  Indiana  lield  a  venniou  at  Aii;,;"la.  AIaj,,r  \Villi;iin  il.Ccile 
as  ]M-e.sidetil  ana  Iji(  nt.  K.  (i.  MeU'iidy,  Seerela  ly.  Hdl  h  were  ineinl.i  rs  ol 
Comitany  A  and  Iroin  Steiilu'ii  County.  The  lL",>ih  was  royally  weletniied  l.y 
the  fitizeiis. 

A  Ue;;inienlal  reunion  of  tlie  4l(h  Indiana  was  held  at  Aiijrnia  Oc-tolier  KJtli 
18S;5.  Lewis  (Iritlith  u\'  fiivn\>cn  County  and  last  captain  id'  ('(uniiany  A  was 
]^-esidenl.  Tins  icunion  seamed  as  enjoyalde  to  tie'  iieoi.k  as  to  the  soUliers. 
A  dinner  was  provided  for  I  hem,  and  t  lie  Af^rieull  are.  Association  ^ave  them 
free  admission  to  iluiFair  Grounds,  tiio  county  fair  hdn^^  held  at  the  tinio. 

Ill  the  or^Minization  was  a^^ain  revived  with  K.  (I.  Mehndy  as 
Tres.  and  A.  K.  Day  Hee'y.  There  was  a  {,-i'iieral  turnout  of  (xsoldiers  and 
citii'-ens  at  the  lennion  on  the  Fair  Grounds  near  An^^MiJa.  This  county  orean- 
ization  has  held  annual  reunions  with  B.  t\  Dawson  J'resident  in  KSNt)  ami 
(..  I.  C.  Youny  I'resident  in  18S7.  A.P.Day  confinuini(  as  Secretary.  With 
no  d(  minu'icjn  of  fraternal  feeling  and  uijoynKut  of  the  hoys  and  cilizms 
a.ssenihled  on  both  occasions.  Gf^orge  I).  Chtveland  was  elected  presidint  for 
1888,  but  owinf^  to  otlier  circumstances  the  time  of  reiuiion  was  crowi  d  out, 
but  the  organization  is  not  dead. 

In  1887  a  'I'riState  Kiuinitui  or).';anizat  ion  \v;is  organized  and  held  its 
reunion  on  the  banlis  of  Fish  hake.  Otsego  Township,  wilh  Ca)d.  lloadly  of 
[''-don,  Ohio,  as  presuh  n(.  This  oif';anizat  ion  ajfain  liehl  a  rennion  atihi' 
same  place  in  IHKH,  and  elected  Cajit.  li(  wis  Grillilh  presiilant  for  ]H8i). 

Another  regimenlal  rennion  was  hi^ld  at  Angola  Se]>t.  lUth  1887.  'I'hat 
of  the  71th  Iiidiaiiii  by  Ih.-  invitation  of  Company  11  and  the  citizens.  Ca;)!. 
LiuvL-ouce  Gates  wart  secretary.  Those  from  abroad  were  hcHpilably  enltr- 
tained  aiul  tlie  71th  left  fiH^ling  well  rej>aid  in  having  theii  reunion  in  Steuben 
(!minty.  _ 


"We'll  never  forget  our  soldier  days, 
'J'heir  trials,  griefs,  and  joys; 

Tlie  glorious  songs  that  we^re    alwayrt 
Hung  proudly  by  the  boys, 








Xlie  Grand  AriTTiy  of  tl^e    LJepublic. 

It  was  but  natural  after  (he  close  of  the  greatest  civil  war  in  history,  that 
the  soldiers  would  seek  to  assemble  together  to  })rcserv('  the  meinuiics  of 
army  associations,  strengthen  fraternal  fe'.ling,  and  render  aid  and  piotieli(;n 
to  neeuy  comrades  or  those  dependent  upon  them.  A  society  calUii  the 
Grand  Army  of  (he  Republic  was  instituted  immediately  after  the  close  of  tlu- 
war  in  IHtJo,  and  spread  rapidly  over  the  north.  In  the  winter  of  186(1 -7  Geo. 
E.  Young,  Ijawrence  Gates,  and  William  I'helps  went  to  ^Vattrloo  and  were 
initiated  into  the  Grand  Army  of  tlie  Repulilic,  came  home  and  organized  a 
post  at  Angola  with  (Comrade  Gates  as  commander.  This  post  lived  nearly 
thrc'e  years  Clias.  F.  Kinney  was  commander  iIk^  second  year,  and  \Vm.  11. 
I'helps  the  third  year  until  it  with  neaily  all  other  jiosts  in  the  eouiidy  dis- 
banded.    The  order  having  beiiome  to  mucli  of  a  partisan  character. 

In  1877  the  Grand  Army  of  the  Kepublic  was  revied  with  a  new  ritual,  having 
(he  same  ben(^ticial  and  f rateriuil  cliara(!(()r,  but  wi(li  all  faction.s  and  iidlilics 
bairi  d.  It  character  as  Ix'iug  a  strictly  nonpartisan  organ) /.a  I  ii>n  is  .Mihlnim  d 
in  (he  opinion  of  prominont  members  of  ail  |)ar(iis  who  have  ampUi  o|ipi)i' 
tunities  to  judge.  .\)(hough  it  is  no(  denu^d  that  iiulividuals  seek  t<j  use  it.  m 
abuse  it  for  political  i^nds,  but  with  ridged  rules,  orders,  and  patriotic  level 
minded  otlicers  notliing  of  a  political  nature  is  allowed  U)  enter  tlie  post  looui. 
And  witli  CnAioTV  as  one  of  its  cardimil  i)rin(M'fials  ni  view,  it  is  acr()m])li,-.hing 
a  great  wtirk,  and  it  is  wondiTfully  aided  by  the  \\\)mi!n'H  Keliif  Gorp's.  'Ilu  y 
find  that  the  mothers,  wives,  and  daughters  as  useful  and  necessary  as  tlu  } 
we)(!  during  (lie  war  in  devising  ways  to  strengdien  and  encouiage  in  the 
doing  of  this  important  work  for  humanity. 

K(.eub<'n  C'ounty  now  has  eight  (i.  A.  If.  I'osts  under  the  new  d  isixu'^.it  i<ui. 
Pive  of  these  posts  have  W.  U.  G.  auxiliaries.  .\ll  are  in  gooii  healthy  <-()n 
(111  iou  and  working  well  with  full  intention  to  preserve,  Mislaiii,  and  luep 
nlivtHhe  tlireo  great  prim-ipals  of  the  (irand  .\riny  ol  the  Repiililie;  1''j:aiI')!- 
Nirv  to  one  aiiiit!  •,  ('uAJdiY  to  a  comrade,  liis  widow  and  oiphai.-,  i.nd 
li(iv\i/iY  to  count       and  Hag  until  the  Cmnl  iimster  out  (if  the  old  Ncterain. 

1;  ^m.m^ 




( ;.  A.  H.  No.  -irs  ami  w.  K.  C^  No.  v>B. 

LOCA'l  i;i)   AT  KKKMON'I',  IN'DIVNA. 

Ma.iop.  (Ji'N.  U.  Jvuj.soN  Kii.i'AiiacK,  m  liiaior  of  wliom  jurst  '15  i;.  iiaiui-d, 
\vi;s  u  ui.^lingu.shed  brave  <^cin  lul  an. I  cavali-y  olliccr  of  iIk^  civil  v,ar.  lie  was 
horn  in  Now  Jurscy  Jan.  li,  18;i;i.  Aftir  gradualiiiy  aL  We.sL  i'uinl  lie  was 
ii)ii...intfd  L'nil  Lieut,  oi  aitiilery.  In  May,  1S(J1,  he  wiiri  cap- 
l:u;i  in  tl;-  oth  N.  V.  Vol.  and  in  Dec,  ISC.'J,  Uol.  of  the  2nd  N.  Y.  Cavalry.  He 
waM  )!,-.. ■lu.leii  hngadici  f^-eiieral  in  18(k!,  aiiu  eomniandeJ  a  di\  i^-iou  aUJel.lys- 
hiii-.'-.  ill  ]»Gl  ordered  \o  do  duly  with  Gen.  Slierniau  aiul  was  .sevi  rely  wouiuled 
at  iitsacfa.  1  te  coiiiinanded  the,  eavairy  of  bhennaii's  aniiy  on  us  niareh 
t!ii'oii--h  Ue(..---ia  and  the  Ciiroliuas.  In  June,  isi.;:.,  svas  piu.noUd  Majoi' 
th'iieial  »,1'  voiui.l.ers.  ll^'  resigntd  his  coiiiiiussioii  Jan.  1,  i.'-Ci;.  In  the 
s.riu^  year  he  ap^ioiuted  laiuister  lo  Thili,  and  reeall'  d  in  ]S(;«.  Ho  was 
reaiipuiiiled  la'Awra  fS61  and  died  in  Chill,  S.  A.,  Ihc.   I  the  same  ;iear. 

Ct.  A.  li.,  i'osi.  No.  ir.  IS  the  rankiii;.,^  i-ijst  of  Steuhen  Ccjuniy  uader  the 
new  tlisper.sivtiMi,.  This  poM  was  ...r;,'aai/.ed  l''eh  l;l,  IS^2,  with  lwtl-v(  elinrier 
uienihers,  and  i-ai.,.;ly  drew  leeiuhers  fr.aa  all  [.arls  ot  the  .•ounty.  Many 
have  siaee  he.ui  tranui:red  Ic  help  uv^i\n\^-.  other  posts  in  the  eonnty. 

VKl!.J:\Ni.  V.-lo  n.VVK  ENliO-'  IM   l'o^>T  -NO.    la. 
All;  )i,  Ch;-,.U:-.  C>,  U        -I.   Mieh     ,     1  >ou;.';la:,s,   i>  A 

Ahl.o'il,  I.Niaau  •■     I     111      N   Y    1    l)avin.-.on,  Henry 

Ainhro.,e,"j  C 
llloomer,  W'illiaiii 
Hales,  (h'oi;^,. 
ISaUdi,  ^  1; 

I  I  l:;  Ohio  I  l)ei'li.\  I'o'urv  I'" 
I)  7!  lad  j  l'ai:;.,hei-iy,  <'  II 
K    I  IC-     N   V        Kh'o,  John 

•'    ti       I'.)      I  ml 
Ihiuvn,  Auson  '"    C      '_",)      liul 

liuiy;:..   'aaus  "    H      2l'      la.' 

JJasseu     ;  i.a.i  \V      Co  C    1 L'  lad    Cav 
Crandal      >  -i 
CI. lie,  :;    .  ■■•11 
Cass.Tl,  (hirli.i 
ChirU,  v\'  'V 
C.ii'V,  C-:i 
Claiplaia,    l'ld>A'ih 
('ii,,wil.   \    I' 
Connell,  M.M-ris. 
Ciiiaiiis,  Stephen, 
Clark,  AriM 
Dygerl,  K.'ll 

li'.herls,  Jaiaes  M 

loiiioit.  ;s  11 

!''rosi,  J<roiae  il 
Fritz    Moses 

Co  A  U      Iiid        l''illtyr  CUiver 

If  7  1      lad        Kellerhy,  J   K 

F  H2   Ohio  i    <ioff'  li  '*                  '^'*'"' 

V  (.5     M    y         (ileasoa,  C  11 

I'l  •_".)      liul  I    <iil'l)Oii,s,  John   W 

U  101    <  »hio  I    Cnnii,  Moi  rir-.m 

|{  I    M  ieh  1    (iiinn,  Uoherl 

A  ;',  I      Ind        lli'Khey,  S  I'' 

C  i.")  I'enn  i     Hh^,  Mars  in                     <  '< 

A  .p.)      N    V          iluhl.le,   H(  il,           laenl   ( 

I)  L'  Mieh  !    ILufehiiis,  David 

(\,  (1  !    iMi  Art 

••    II  ../    Dliio 

••    l;  il        III 

••   !■:  1(1      ill 

'•    \  '..".)     !,id 

'•  n  i;)()    i..d 

•■    k  Ci    .Jad 

'•      I  iV,'       lad 

•■    I;  Ja     o.d' 

"  K  :;•)    ;i.d 

••   11  :,■  •    ieh 

••    C  ;.;.  la  aa 

••    A  :j;i     lad 

•■     |i'  1-1/       led 

"    c  i:::i     !a:l 

"    (!  I-;)      fad 

"    I)  I  is      lad 

'...  K    7  lad    <  '  ,v 

1  :;:'.  ui.k. 

A  ll.".> 


iliirtei-,  Philiji 
Htlkr,  DiiiiiL^l 
Jlcath,  Huraco  1 1 
llulchiiKs,  J  J> 
Ihiit,  'l'ftouii)ri(jii 
Ilavt'us,  Ira  fcj 
li;iiroi-ty,  J  I; 
llilliiili.  Aiiuiidu 
.Ml\iy,  A  15 
•JdhliMai,  Is   Jj 
Iviji.-st-y,  Eli 
Kiiiiicy,,  \\'illia  m 

Kili.-U'V,    Mo.s;  ,-         I    it 

K(M>ii,-'i,  All 
K.41oJ.';^^  Josial. 
Kii()\is,  J  ai!u  s 
Kiit;.'fi   .\  a  I  oil 
l/iiil:,    '.''anid 
lioltz,  .Nil^iai  J 

LODJI,   Alo.iL-ri  15 

Jj(-iit,  'Jaiiu.'s 
laifia-,  a  !! 
Mill.'  i;  (J 
MillfCLs, 'William 
iMc-('i!)i,.,  !<(,!, c-it 
McTv'cln'ii,  William 
Alclliniy,  linbiMt 
M^'flaii,  I;,  wis 
Miller,  II  \ 
Mar.-ili,  iiaiiiui'l 

Hri-I,  Hal. bio 
K.  G.  Mc'leiidy 

Co  D  ■  1;S  Ohio  ,  CKci-f,  A                     Cu  li  i;  (H.iu  las 

••  J(  17  :SUcli  j  ObiTsi,  CMiiis  Cu  A      li      ^i.d 

'•  I)  lit  Ohio  !  ^ault^■l^'i'h(.m,l^,  -    D    l(-l  Im.u 

'•  A  14      liid  j  Purtoi-,  1".  J(  ••    G     (;«  Chio 

••  I  11'         111  j  rncc,  Jamrs  -    (.'    !-;■    Ol.iu 

•'  A  ir>l       Iml  ,  J-;irlc(i',  SolcHKii  '•    11      , -!       ijal 

"  n  ;;s  Oiiio  :  I-'imkIiII,  ,lai],i  s  CoKJAhrhtaN 

"  A  -JU      iiid  [  rarsol!.-,  Sism.isi  CoK    l.'.l!      Imi 

•'  K  ■  .-.M^'itn  I  Kl:^st  II,  Wiliiam  '•    K     :::;    I,   V 

'•  H  i-::.  ulilo  I  lU'id,  ha  "I.      >-'^      ".d 

'•  (r  ..    .\iir';l  :  Kai.l,-,   J 'c  U  I  •     F       i;,'       W  Is 

••  G  ;!;■■   i   j.iu  I  iiyaii,  John  ••    A      i  1      Im, 

••  l'  ^^  M,.  h  j  J;o))vr,  William  "    A       !  1      lia\ 

•■  ('  ;:(■;       hid  liobbiii::,  iliniy  Co   !i  (.    Ohio  (  a\ 

■•  11  U)   Ohio  '  Hloiy,  J(,li;i  1>"  ••    GJliljidOav 

'•  !>!    !iul  An  I  S|i:n'.-lc,  La;ayc  llr  Go  A      L'j      lad 

■•  G  1!,'-  Oloo  j  ;Siiii.  ihrih  M.  .\idu\\        •■    A      1".)      li-.J 

•■  I  liV)i';ini  j  t-iiim  .-,  (   haiK  .-  -    K    Md      '■  i.-J. 

■■  i\  !  i     Iml  ;  Khiiu^,  Joii  G  ••    r      l;;  Ohio 

■■  11  V(       lad  '  Ml  \vai-l,  .iiiiics  -    ji.       1  i       Iml 

•'  I  L'!    Ohio  :  >:ia.\vah'  I-,  lii.aiii  "    A    iLrl,-      1ml 

-    (!  'il  hid 

"    (i  I   G  H  Arl 

••    A  -j:)  hid 

■•    G  KHi  h  d 

Go  A  1  ili  111. I 

"    K  Si;  Oh,<j 

12    Odiio  i;,:l 

Co  ]■;  G.  Ohio 

he;  1.-,.  Gi.'Oi'tic  W        Co  I;   (!  (diiu  (,';;., 

I;)  Ohio 

il'A  1  i.-:<ili,    \\  l!li,-!lli 
'I'a.s:.!  r,  \\  dii:;m 
'i'litllf.  i''  .M 
\\  hil'.;,  Ghallcs 
Wt'ril,  J  11  ury 
Wo'CidauL  \V 
\\(/lcol(,  JanK  s 
Wiliiiim.-.  Iliiiiiu 
V\  (  il'/^r,    I»;ild<  I 

<i,  A  :■■)      h:., 

••    n  71       IihI 

••    U  !i         111 

Go  .M    T)  hid  Ga. 

Co  A  -I  i      li;d 

i,  o  G    7  hid  Gii\ 

Co  li  71      hid 

••   L'  .■;.s;\iioh 

Go  I.;  C,  Midi  All 

:'.\:s'l'   1  1  H'r  I'O.V.M  StliM'iJi.^ 

11.  -).  <;oir 

I'!.  \\.  Goi'Ut 
X.dsoii  la-llz 

\'.  idiam  'I'iiiki. 
Giaii.^  Ga^^ 

•  The  present,  ijo.-,!  (UJinnmuder  is  i\'(l.s(.ii  lailz  adjatiiia  i^  G  iXd  In.el.^ . 
Thcn'ti  art.:  now  55  uifinhi'i-s- ill  ;^<  id  standing  h;-:ii  ;i  lo,;.;  >  lo-.dlmv  ni,  (d'  JUL' 
\vi(h  an  i-'xcc  lltudW.  K.  G.  :iu.\ilii  i-y,  No. -.'iS,  oi;;iini/rd  J  uly  Mh  1;-'.S7  with  11 
I''l.'i'  mmnbcrs.      'I'hr    t'ollowiii;;   i,s  a  list  of  liii'  nii.r.d,i  r.>  id   W.   K.  G.   No.  ;';.s  ; 

Mis.  iMariiin  Whiti',  I'lcsidciJ 

Allen,  Mi-s.  Miolhii 
Gaswcll,    iMrs.    Vina 
I);ili.L;hr,rly,  Mis  Mary 
l)i  w.'Y,  Mi's.  !d;i 
I'ollid't,      "      Nora 

(Ill;diry,    l\h-  I.    lh|M:in 
ll..||'r,|,'\hs.   ,lo;,,       :    inn 

Kooiih,      '■      Dili, 

Mrs.  Mil. 'a  M(dGv.hi.;i,  S.-'jn;i.ary 

Ki.ia.y,   Mr,..   McG. 
■  K  llisi-\-,       "      [-ills;, 11 
L   Mirhi.Vl,  Mrs.  ,^';inh,■l 
M('ii,  Mr:,.    I';iIm„ 
!!y  an,  M  is.   A  nm  m';' 
Kaid/,,  Mrs.   Il.illi.' 
Wdiid',  Mis.  M;>ri;.ii 
Will.iiis,  .\hs.  id. II.  ii.T 

'I'lu'  jiost  li.ill  if*  111  liu'  ilium  J.i.'iU'  huibiU'SH  |..-i!l.  <i|'  Unvii,  liucly  rumi.-lnd 
ail. I  (lisicKil  liy  I'l.liliii;^  ilodis  aiul  .slides  lor  iIk-  Mrtsioii;?  of  llic  (/.  A.  ll.  aiul 
W.  l;.l'.  aiul  il'  .K-.-asioii  ri'ijiiiri  f-,  lliioWii  iiilo  oi,i-  h.i/;i)  liall  foi  lai'};i;i- 

I'lJlSONAlj  M1:NT1(INH  (11-  A  ii:w    ACIIVIO  Mi:  Miuajs. 

('.  11.  Dauou  laMV,  a,  cla-ss  ji'Wrlry,  willi  lull  ^rrvici'  in  tlii'  ranks  can  well 
cnjiiy  liii:  roiiiradi  dii[)  ihf  i'l.  A.  K.  gn'es  liiiii.  I  U-  is  a  /.i  il.  us  woiUlt  in  any 
inovi-  i'wi'  il.-.  ad  vanfi.iiicni  and  kiudrrd  ur^^ani/auon,  lli;  \'\ .  II.  (_'.  and  b.  ol'  V 
!''or  his  /.'.  ai  liie  S.  ot  V.  i-aiji]j  adw|ited  liii-  iiai;it  ol  i  aui^lurly  (Jaiuji. 
Mi'ri.  Mary  i>au;^iuTly  is  a  taut:  auxiUci-y  lu  lici'  lm,'.|jaiiLi  .;jid  hi.,  (Il'mis  liu'  I  ho 
ukl  vulinan. 

Am,  I'iODNSand  Jj.'idy  ari'  bulh  muinhci's  ut'  liii;  siilau  r  oif^.inizalions  and 
rospfiUei  I'oi-  Ihi  11  Liioits  and  a.s  i-dizens.  Coinradt:  I'ii  oi.s  was  a  nu'iuljfi  ul'  u 
yallanl Ohio  Ki/j^'imi'iil  and  a(  .SliiUu  liivoi-  wi.s  ii  nti  li  lo  saciilico  onu  limb 
for  his  couiilry. 

Cuiti'i.s  Cakseli,,  also  Irom  an  Ohio  iL';.;iim'nl  si:(--;us  n.ucii  inlmesi ed  in  liis 
posi .  til'  sfr\  I'd  oiu)  tinni  as  c'ommandiM-  anel  as  .-ik-ii  ;_,a\  c  ii  lu-.  htsl  at tcnti«jn. 
lie-  is  a  much  rcsp^'cLcii  c;Uiz(ii  and  I'an.u  r. 

.MnsKs  Ki.Nsiii',  a  mci'chanl  of  long  ri.'.iKiciicc  in  t.'ii  iiionl  and  a  meinber  (^  C 
an  ( )hio  company  from  1  he  adjoiniii-'  (.-(miii^  if  W'ihiaUis,  is  strong  in  hid 
conviction  of  ri;^'hl  ai.d  not  afraid  to  adsocau;  tlnin.  IJi;  is  a  solid  member 
of  the  (i.  A.  Iv.  and  ably  si  comn  l1  by  Ills  \^ ,  1  c  Mrs.  Ki  im  Jiiiisey  in  jiubllc 
and  society's  good. 

B.  .1 .  (Joi.'r,  ha.s  been  an  ailisi-  business  -man  c,f  l.';(  icoui  for  some  years 
ami  is  Wed  known  by  ihe.  people,  lie  served  i.>iie  tei'in  as  pusL  commaniler. 
Like  many  others  he  shoNVS  the  cifecls  of  his  army  serue,  . 

.\  1).  C 'a,t'.\  101,1,,  a  veteran  ol  lh(!  1th  Midi,  ami  one  (d'  llie  lust  to  go  from 
St  iibwi  <'ouiily  has  long  l.ieen  known  as  a  Inisiness  aiivi  i  .ileijirising  man  (jf 
tlie  counly. 

'I'lie  abose  are  only  a  few  id'  the'  many  active  immbei.,  a, id  are  from  I'cgi- 
imiil.s  (d'  <il  iier  Slates.  I.'eisomd  mention  ol  olher  mem!,.i.i  coukl  bu  giveli 
but  time  and  space  will  noL  permit  in  this  volumo. 



B.  C.  ALDT-JlCir    lK)i6'r. 

G.  A.  R.  N(U;i8. 


OoL.  Simeon  C.  Ai.niacii  was  a  luitive  .)t'  Vi'iir.diit.  Ho  was  bdrn  Oct.  M. 
ISK;,  caino  to  Steubt'ii  C'omit)-  in  IfS-l-l,  aiitl  ^\as  an  .-iclivt'  luisimss  c^'  \\\c 
county  for  yoars.  He  served  ar  i-oiuity  slurifl'  I'l-oin  IHol  to  IHh;].  At  thf 
lireakiinr  out,  of  the  war  in  1K()I  lie  vva.s  vmy  insuunicnlal  in  laisinjr  C<nni)aiiy 
K  of  t)ie  4-^tli  Iiiil.,  and  was  elected  1st  Lieut.  Willi  constant  service  and  a 
natural  military  ability  lie  rapidly  received  pvoinotioiii^  and  became  colonel  of 
the  regiment  in  July,  ISda.  He  died  at  home  August  11,  18(;.'j  while  absent  on 
a  sick  leave  from  his  command.      He  was  ;i  bra\'e  sokiiir  and  I'ood  otliecr. 

This  post,  was  organi/.cd lKiS2  wilh  -     charier    inciiibn 

nnulc  a  total  enroUnunt  of   '1(1    veterans.       The    jiost     lias    a    hall 
situated  in  one  of  the  most  jiieasanl  little^  \illa;.;rs  in  the  county. 

VKTl'liANS    WliO  llAVK  K.MiOI.JJ'.D  IN    POST  NO.    I'M. 

Did    havi' 
ill    (>\vn 

Andirsoii  J. 



:,r,  Ohio 

Knous,  Thomas 


IJ  « 

N  Y 


Brown,  ('harles 



15  Ohio 

iMorriMiii,  '1'    U. 


"o   .  . 



Clink,  CharleH 



■11     Ind 

Metk,  Adam 




(■ampbell,  O. 



71     Ind 

Mdlendy.  H.  B. 

'    A 



Cook,  N. 



i\](-lliijncr,  W.  B. 

•    H 



Carr,  D. 


I'i  Mich 

M()rtolI',  Samuel 


1)   7 



Chilcoat,  D.  H. 



IL",)      Ind 

Miller.  Jerry 

C  1.2 



C.itrell,  J. 



L';i      Ind 

Mai  hews  \.  B. 


o  A 



Doty,  J. 


r,:;    ind 

Mceil    J.  C. 



DayhufT,  S. 



71      hid 

liopp,  A. 


1  (;;) 


DilTcnbaugh,  A. 



;;()    imi 

b'opp,  John 




|)( ckman,  -F.  A. 



!;»  Ohio 

Kuigl.^r,  l\ 


Kreileiiiek,  D.  11 

Co  L 


Ind    <  'av 

Row,   W. 


•    11 



Foster,  A. 


...       Ind 

Stout,  A. 


o    .   . 


Freilerick,  yamuel 



r.;'.     lud 

Sr.owbcrj^er,  It. 


D   7 


(  av 

(ireenamyre,  VV. 




41      lud 

Siiowb.'igei ,  1'. 


o  D 



Green,  Thomas 


.  .  .Sl'enn 

.Smith.  ,).  C. 

•    K 



(lerrard  A.  C. 

Co  I  7  Minn    Cav 

Thrasher,  O.  B. 

■    .\ 



Harbaugh,  Ih'iii 


Co  C 


Ind    Cav 

lllam,  John 

■    A 



] laiigluy,  John 


11      Ind 

Whysimg,  J.  C. 

•    II 



Heckathorn  llei 

1  ry 


r,;i     liul 

W'illaid,   Kaiisoin  J 


•    11 

7  1 


Iliss.u.g,  J. 



r.i      Ind 

VNills,  J. 

'    <i 



L•i^ll,  David 



:i<i     In.l 

Wordin,  W.  11. 

>    Iv 



Many  of  th(*  abo\e  pei-soiis  hiivi^  been    t  lan.-^ferrd  to  olliei-  posts    or    reci  i\(d 
Iheii'  lilial  ni  iisler  oi  i 



*        ."^  ■■'".:•■■■."    ,     '-.A.  ^,""''--;''\"^^^'"t^"^':i'H'^'''~ '-^'^^ 

.  (Joi..  •14i'ii  Inu.  V»)i.. 


This  post  makes  it  u  duty  to  strictly  legiird  Momorial  Day  in  lioiior  ot 
di'ud  comi-iidea.  Tho  list  of  past  commanders  is  not  long  Comrades  Greena- 
myre  and  Wliysong  fill  the,  list.  The  post  has  at  present  30  mtnibera  in  j^ood 


J.  (;.  Smith,  the  post  adjutant  enlisted  in  a  regiment  that  made  an  honor- 
able record,  lie  now  gisis  as  strict  attention  to  his  duties  as  an  officer  and 
citizen,  as  he  did  '2C>  years  ago  to  those  of  a  soldier. 

Chaulks  Clink  is  an  independent  farmer  ot"  Salem  Township  with  a  good 
record  in  the  army  and  he  still  sustaines  tho  same.  He  served  as  township 
assessor  until  tired  uf  puhlic  service. 

J.  (;.  WiivsoNii  serveil  his  full  time  in  the  service  as  a  soluiers  mid  received 
marks  that  are  still  on  his  person.  After  liis  discharge  he  done  provost  duly 
at  home  until  tlu'  enil  of  the  war  lie  is  an  enterprising  citizen  and  takes 
a  -freat  inlciest  in  pulilic  allairh.  He  is  courteous  to  all  and  true  to  a 

I).  B.  and  Samuel  L'ltEOEiiicic  were  two  good  supporters  of  Uncle  Sam 
during  the  war  and  still  remain  true  to  connlry,  coiniade  and  post. 

AuAM  Meek  sacrificed  one  of  his  arms  fm-  his  country  but  has  tlianks  for 
life  and  his  good  strong  lungs,  which  ho  gives  vent  to  for  tlie  rights  of  his 
comrades  and  which  are  of  pedunury  benefit  to  himself  as  a  practical 
auctioneer.  Clomrades  and  friends  will  do  well  to  remember  this  if  needing 
such  services. 

John  and  A.  Hoee,  two  respected  citizens,  give  strict  attention  to  to  their 
Inisincss,  with  the  record  of  same  intiuest  in  botlitho  service  and  (i.  A.  K. 

W.  A  (ijuoENAMVKK  is  a  pleasant  genlh'man  and  a  liisl  elas.s  citizen.  He  luis 
occupied  official  positions  of  trust  and  honor  in  masonic  and  (i.  A.  If. 
societies,  especialy  in  the  later  having  been  commandir  of  post  No.  138  for 
a  number  of  years. 

RouLitT  and  Tetkh  SNOwnEnoEii  were  valualjle  sohliers  and  are  valuable 
cili/A-ns  and  show  tlioir  j^oud  fcUlowship  to  comradis  on  all  occasions. 

J.  ('.  Deekman  from  the  li)  Ohio  lias  wiliuMsrH  in  the  county  of  his  soldier 
(lualilii-s  ami  his  mighbois  can  but  spt  ak  well    of  him  as  a  citizen. 

HioNiiv  Haiuiohoh  and  Henkv  HEjKArnoiiN  both  live  near  the  vacinity  of 
Hudson  and  make  it  a  point  to  bo  interested  in  social  comiade~hip  with 
the  nrembers  of  the  post  and  all  other  comrades. 

\  Dii' I'ENiiAiuni  was  one  of  the  charter  members  and  si  ill  hohlti  his  im-mber 
sliip  abhou;_;h  hr  i;;  iiw  a  re.sidtnl  of  Angola.  llin  leeoid  in  llie  old  ;;()lli  liid. 
was  hueh  aw  to  eiitii     p  iiim   to  the  renuMiibcraneii  of  lliu:le  Sam. 


C;.  A.  R.  No.  1  no  eincl  \V.  K\  C.\  No.  ( \7 

!.o('A'rr;i)  A'l'  AN(i(>i,,\,  Indiana. 

Iiiiji"j'.  Coh.  H\i,j)\MN  J.  (hto^swAiT  hcrvt'd  iiM  '2d  Litul.  oi'Capt.  Mi-Liiu^liliirh 
Company  iidOliio  Vu).  :;i  llio  Mexican  War.  Jlc  was  luii^liuil  Juuu  -'1,  IMH, 
iiiul  musUTCd  (Mil  .iiiiic  :\s,  J,s-17,  ut  Niw  (trkans.  lie  man-iid  anii  lived  mar 
Miinsficld,  Oiii-,;,  i!i;  ;!  >h,\\,  [f^:>:',,  wiieii  he  canxi  ti)  Anj^ola,  and  was  can-  id' 
its  act  j\  (^  luisiui  -...  I  .1  n  and  mcirliants  iliilil  t  he  l)ri';4'  odl  <d  I  iiii  ( 'ivil  \\  ar. 
1 1.1'.  was  \vvy  ac;  i\  c  j;i  i  a  isiiij;-  ( 'oni  paiiy  A  and  ni-rjani/.iii;^-  1 1n:  I  i  i  U  I  ml,,  and 
was  coin  111  i;~.sicin.  d  1,,  i  iiciil .  (  Nilonol.  I  In  rcniaincd  willi  hi-  cuinniaiul  iiiilll 
com  [)iil<-d  lo  rcli.n,  M-hmi  on  a  sick  I  ill  I' inj.;'li,  I  idiii  di.-;diilil^  inciiicd  in  llii 
Mexican  \\ni-  \i\n...'^  a[,graval(  i!  liy  his  ictiii-n  lo  soklu  f  lit'i',  where  he  died 
Ft^lj.  20,  IMtil.',  aj^rvi.1  4.")  y</ars.  He  was  a  Ihorout^li  and  line  mihtaiy 
oillicer  and  iimiN'd  lii-<  al-.ilily  Ijy  the  (jtiick  thorough  or^;aiiizat  uii  a.nd 
miliirnry   ap[)e'ii  anee  ul  the  early  -Idth. 

In  remenil.eiT.'.iee  ;  a'  ihis,  Post  No.  150  adeipled  the  name  of  |J.  ,]  ,  C'rosswail . 
This  [lost  was  cliar.MTcd  March  121),  188.'!,  witli  '23  charier  memliers  and  has 
enrolled  I  72.  vet  (oralis,  lo  wit.: 

Arnold,  Albert  To  I'.    .'!  ( )liio  (_'av    '    Carson,  John 

Abramson,  I'luf^eni  ('oK    iri2      ind    |    C(j1i-,  John  I' 

Ayri;s.  Lewis  "'    ( r      11      J  mi  Chancey  "    (i        I    Mich 

Hiel    (sauc  ••    A      11      Ind 

lliirk^U,  liafayelle  *  ..  K    7  tnd    Cnv 

Hnllard,  \V  J  S  "    A    ll.".»      Ind 

Hoard.  Henry  VV  •■    A      II      1ml 

Bender,  A  "    J I    1 2il      Imi 

JJaijarow,  Au^'iisliis  J     "    U     II   Mich 

Bialfni^ham,  Jacob  "    F    I2!t     Ind 

Brooks,  Biley  H  •    B       •)      Ind 

Baker,  ilirani  '•    A      2'.»      Ind 

IJowers,  Hiiiiire         C*i  I     I  (;hio  L  Art 

Brown,  Ahraham  B  Co  A       U;  Ohio 

15owers,  Alfred  (  o  li   12  Ind    Cav 

Berlin,  John  Cv.  11    I2'.l      Ind 

Beck,  Jos<'pli  2.".  Ind  Bat 

Brown,  ( leorge  (!o.\      21(      Ind 

iSraman,  John  T  "    K    I   111    ('av 

lialliiij^cr,  JamiH  "    C     28  Mich 

Carpenler,  Jess.;  11  liSVolNuvy    i    Diiki'.s,  J  n:,ia 

Cole,  W  dham  II  Major    1  •„".(      Ind    !    Duirah    Cliai 

rasebeer,  John   11 
<  'osmi ,  .\  nilrcA' 
Carv(  r,  drville 
Clay||,  I ,(  vi 
(.'hapiiell,  J    II 
Car[)enter,  Al\ah 
Crandall,  Charles 
Collins,  Janus 
Cleveland,  (ieoige 
Crandall,  Lamont' 
Carr.  William  M 
Cole,  Nelson 
( 'lark,  Samnel 

Co  1  -12  111 

.,    A  I2'.l  Ind 

••    1'^  11  Ind 

••    1)  2(i  Ohio 

•    li.  „    1  Muh 

"  I)  (;.".  Ohio 

"    A  11  li,d 

Co  I    12  Ind  Cav 

Co  C  12;»  Ind 

"    C'  loo  Ind 

•'    A  2'.)  liio 

'•    A  M  Ind 

g  ,M  III  Ohio 

Coll  71  Ind 

"    If  .-.  Mich 

Cole,  John              Ca[d  >'    A    I2;i  Ind 

Ciilj.,  Miles  J  "    A       11  Ind 

Carler,   William   W  "     C      2;;  Id 

Co.\,  fSi'lomon  M  "    .V       I  I  Ind 

Dawson,  Hen   !■'           Id  'II      71  Ind 

Dniter,  .leri.v               ('<>  A  I  Ohio  1,  An 

•■  II  ;;  Ohio  Cav 

,       "  c  ii;    1 1,, I  Cav 

A^^'H  ;^^ 

\i\\A)\\\N   J.  CKOSSWAl'J  , 
JjiiajT.  (\)i..  44'i'ii  Ind.  Vol.. 

DoMri,  William  il 
E\s"i  IS,  Aduliih 
Ewiiiys.  Jl)^c'|)ll 
Fiiic'sU'r,   i\illii*iii 
I'ileh,  Edbon  .) 
l''ifiuiiiy,  (jfoi'^c  LJ 
(iatcis,  Lawi'iMicc   Cn 
(irillitli,  lii-wi.-.        ('a 
Oi'illlth,  B  I''raiikliji 
(irfiiiiainycr,  .)  tAni 
Jloni,  ,Slr[.|ii  il 
Hiillniaii,  W  J 
jiaiiria,  Uxii  \y 
liyli'f,  Williaii, 
UariJiou,  [a-\  ] 
liuU-hins,  iliiliiMt 

ItiiSt,  Jusrpl,    li 

llai'l,  Aiidii  w 
Jlaiid,  Joliii 
J  ioni,  ("liaiic  .1 
.  llaclili'y,  Nailiau 
llyail,   I'liuiiias  (..' 
Jlalil.ard,  W  lUiuia  (' 
J  iiikiiis,  William 
J  ami  s,  W  ill  la  m 
Jackson,  11. my   11 
JnrviS,   niliiriil. 
Jack.... I,,    Va.hvw   J 
Jolui-.Mi,  i;  Jl 
j!\iTai(l  William   II 
Kcyts,  W  illiam',  KiiiaiuK'l 
Kfiui.iy,  Adsakmi 
la);4aii,  William  N 
litnvi.srf^<'Wi'U  1' 
Jiindlcy,  William  I> 
ijalsoii,  Alonzo 
Jjibaiger,  Ahuizu 
L<r^iu\,  Wtshy  A 
1ju(z,  J{()l>eia 
Ijcj^t^",  'i'lKMuas 
J\li)isi',  l<l(lwiii 
Moll',  'I'liomas   i; 
T\U'nill,.Willi;im  II 
Moi.i.".  Julin  U 
Mills,  J.  I) 

M.)iT(iw,  Joliii  l\      < ' 
Mns.scr,  Joliii  W 

C.)  F 

120  Ohio 

Moss,  William 



CS   Ohio 

'•     A 

1  1       Iiid 

McCimuell,  G  W 



11      lud 

••    A 

■1!      lud 

Morse,  ISaut'ord 



1  Mich 

-    i,^ 

t;2  Ohio 



12<)      lull 

■■    A 

;i.s  Ohio 

McKllwee,  S  J 


l;Jl     lii.l 

••  y. 

1  Mich 

IMau^^es,   Jsrcai 


ir.2      lud 


10  Ohio 

Tvloorc,  Alcxaiuku'  S 



12".l      Ju.l 

p!     ••    11 

71      Jud 

M.xu-c,    Uoh.Tl 



la2      lud 

pi    ••    A 

•11      iiid 

Milh  r,  'I'had  Jv 



,S2    Ohio 

■•     \i 

l.VJ      liid 

Aiorrow,  Jicnry 


112      lud 

'•    11 

12'.)      h.d 

N  iciiols,  J  Iciiiy 



■1   Mich 

Co  (;    1; 

.'  liiel  Cav 

NiuMicUs,  (ico.-.^c  0 



7  Mich 

•'    1  !)  Micli    Cav 

Ncwiuiiii,  joiiii  ( ; 


11       lud 

t'o  A 

2'J      liid 

(>\viu-dei\  U.iiii.)! 



ai;  Ohio 

"    A 

21)      Jud 

1-oUr,  Ab!iih.-!,u 


i:i  Mich 

••    G 

21   Ohio 

I'ar.^ous,  Fraiil. 



117      iud 

••    \) 

118   Ohio 

i'ross,  Au.^liii 



];i  Mich 

■■    A 

12'.)      iud 

rctti;c,  C.)ruilliis 



121)      Jud 

••    \> 

,.2   (lluo 

L'll'i-i-,  Joseph 



J  00      lud 

••    li 

12;J      lud 

J-hl.'ps,   W  illi.i.u   11 


oO      lud 

••    11 

ll'M      iud 

J 'oner,  11  A 



1;;  Mu'h 

Co   1    IL' 

liid     (  av 

rciubcr,  J  iMi.'s 


17C.  Oln.> 

Co  (' 

[    lo\\a 

i'ar.sous,  l\c)  iiioiii 


ir)2      Jud 


•1  t      1ml 

Qii.'iuci-,  1  i  ciu'y 


18  Mu-h 

'■     i) 

2;>  Micli 

liool,  W    \'v 


12        111 

■■    A 

,2:)     lud 

J;y.,'u,  M:cha;l 


li      1ml 

'"     A 

12;l      hid 

1;  \  i.u,  J  ;ii';irs 



11       lud 

•'  i; 

];,2      lad 

Uu  hardsi/H,  .1  .)hii 



1  MiL-h 

■'     1! 

100      li,(l 

lii.  haiaC..u,  D.iiiy 


|.,2      Jm. 

"  11 

7  1       lud 



1.-.2      hid 


1  :;o     lud 

liy  all,  1  .a  \,'i  iiic- 



lL",t      hid 

"      1 

1  2         1 11 

.  Kiim  null,  (1.  ..I  ;f<' 



,1      hid 

' '    .\ 

21)       lud 

Uoi.l.i4'ci-  -.,  A  ii  I  hoiiy      ( 

'0  li 

.s  , 

,hch    i'.iv 

"    A 

il      lud 

Wiiydi!!',  /L  lid  rcw  J 

Co  j; 

100      lud 

"    i! 

■1  Midi 

Stiiisou,  I'lLii 



(I.-,     >,   Y 

"    (J 

•M      lud 

;Svvaiiihau;4li,  l.'"rcU 



11      lud 

LI    "    A 

11      lud 

Sloiic,  J  ohu  W 



H  Ohio 

Co  1)  i; 

0  S    C.iv 

Suiu  nil  liol  1 ,  .\  .•iiii'cv. 


)  .V 

25)      lud 

Co  I.'    1  . 

lud    (Ai, 

'.iha.ik,  ,-;u.i,i    n 



11      hid 

Cu  A 

CO  Ohu) 

^iuulUUM  lot  1  ,    l  '1  U'.k 


)  A 

2'J      lud 

"    (.' 

•11      lud 

SlH)Wallcr,  J 


.  A 

li      lad 

"    D 

2;)  Ohio 

Swift,  Uavid  K 


)  A 

12;)     lud 

"    (J 

l(/0      lud 

Sultz,  J.u'ol, 


.  li 

li.O      hid 

'•    iv 

l.-,2      lud 

tviwli-.   Da',  Id 


1  A 

ii       lud 

"     A 

II       Jud 

Sulldii,  '1  In. mas 


/    1 

I2'.l      lud 

'■  i; 

1  1  Mich 

iSpcrry,  J  .ick.-oii  J'l 


,  1! 

loo      lud 

"    !■' 

7   Iowa 

SiuiH,  William 


lud     i;at 

Co  II 

11   Mich 

Scovillc,  0  I)          C.i 

,1   C» 

.    1 

11      lud 

,1    Co  ( 

'    loo    lud 

Sajlcs,  Cli.-i.lcs   W 


1  1   Mich 

Co   1! 

1(10      lud 

Sowlc,    I'.icl' 



<)      lud 


Shore,  William 
Tiiisley,  Siimiiol 
Tro\vbiid{i;(i,  John 
Tiinboi's,  ^Villi!un  E 
Tiiitlo,  .lolui  II 
Vt)se,  George 
Vaughn,  (Jcorge  W 
Vaughn,  Tracy 
Van  Aukin,  JanieH  li 
^^llitc^  V'dhiey 
Whiting,  Dt-catuj 
Work,  Gartlner 
V.'uod,  Ellis 
West,  Henry 

Co  E     32  Ohio 

"    A     44     Iml 

"    E     13       111 

■    "    A     20  Ohio 

Co  C  12  Ind  Cav 

Co  H     74     Ind 

"  c 

7  Mich 

"    G 

](J  Midi 

I      "    A 

M     Ind 

"    (! 

15  Mich 

'•    E 

25  Ohio 

"    C 

152     lud 

Co  C  12 

Iiid    Cav 


44     Ind 

WilliauiHon,  leaac     Ij( 
WillianiH,  Silas  li 
^Visntu■,  Sli'plu  II 
'\^'ickwire,  (ui>rge  11 
Wel.h,  David  M 
AVare,  John 
W.)lf,  Jacol, 
Williaiui,  Jdlin  \V 
Wluelcr,    Eug(  lie 
VVilli.s,  William 
Wood,  Charles  W 
Young,  George  E 
Ziuuiieruian,  J(jhii 

I  yy    hid 

"  II  71     ; :  J 

'•  c;  ■   7  M  .  h 

"  K  151!    ii  a 

"    H  ;5M   t;i,,.) 

"    V  11  I   (  li.j 

Co  K  1  Ohu)     \t 

Co  A  J2;i      !■:  I 

"A  IV  A.I.  :» 

"  11  71      !i   1 

CoG  ]2Iiul    i  KV 

Co  iJ  •»  Mu  h 

"    B  100     ii.d 

Number  uf  Menibevs  in  Good  Standing  at  Last  InspectiDii,  122. 

Ben.  F  Dawson 
Andrew  J.  Snyder 


1883-84    I    Andrew  Soniinerlott 
1885-8(5    I    Jebse  H.  Cariienler 


Ben.  F.  Dawson  was  again  selected  a.s  commander  with  John  Carson  Ad'jt. 
for  1889.  The  post  meets  every  Thursday  night  with  a  fair  attendance 
from  its  many  members.  This  post  being  located  at  the  county  seat 
its  calls  for  aid  by  distressed  traveling  comiades  are  frequent,  and  none  have 
been  lightly  turned  away  witliout  in  fome  manner  inoviding  for  his 

This  post  has  an  able  nnxiliary  in  W.  B.  C,  No,  37.  Most  }ioble  wonuiu 
who  with  unity  take  a  deep  interest  in  their  work,  have  been  of  incalculable 
benefit  to  the  post.  At  least  in  influencing  the  mora)  and  gmtlemanly  cdnduct 
of  its  members  and  have  suifici(  iity  of  funds  and  willingiiens  to  aid. 

W.  R.  C.,  No.  37,  was  organized  July  5,  1887,  with  22  charter  members.  Mrs. 
Lizzie  Townsend  was  president  and  Mrs,  Sarah  Mt)ore  secretary  for  the  years 
1887  and  1888.  Mrs.  Ann  Kemery  is  president  for  188!),  Mrs.  Moore  con- 
tiuuiyg  as  secretary.     The  following  is  the  enrollment  uf  CorpK  No.  37; 

Berlein,  Miss.  Alice 
Bowman,  Mrs.  Ada 
Ballinger.  Mrs.  Eva 
Brown,  Mrs.  Maria 
Burkett,  Mrs.  Sarah 
Beil,  .Mrs.   Maggie 
Cleveland,  Mrs.  N.  J. 
ViK r,  M IS.  .leiinio 
Cole,     "      Nettie  G. 
Carson,  Mrs.  Ijousia 
Cole,  Miss.  Nettie  A. 
DeLancy,  Mrs,  Mint 

Dawson,  Mr^.  Lydia 
Dutter,  Mrs.  Alpha 
Gates,  Mrs.  Tina 
Hubbard,  Mrs.  Hannah 
llufrman,      "     Maggie 
JcnkiiiH,  Mhi'.  I'Morence 
Kemery,  Mrs.  Ann 
Kemery,      "     Uena 
Knott,    Mrs.  Anna 
liOgan,      "     Maigaret 
liOulhiM-,  Mrs.  haehal 
McNal.b,     "     JCIizabeth 

Mdi-iill,  Aniui 
Moirici,  Mis.  J  Initio 
Mooic,     "      Sufiili 
Miller,      "     Thad.  K. 
MiDboiiiu,  Mf.s.  Julia 
Opp,  Mrs.  DfUia 
Pross,  Mrs.  liari-ititt 
Pattee,  Mrs.  Maggie 
Pew,  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Page,  Mrs.  S.  M. 
Pheljirf,  Mrri.  Kiilli 
Ru.sseli,     "      Susan 

Number  Meiuber-i  Enrolled,  47.      Number  in  Gocjd  Standing,  81, 

Snyder,  Mrs.  Maitlia 
Howie,  Mrs,  Si)|)liia 
Sowie,     "      Jane 
>Swil(,      "      Margaret 
ymilley,  Mrs.  Eva 
Sonuuerlott,  Mrs.  Sarah 
Towiiseiul.  Mrs.  Lizzie 
Trnsdale,  Mrs.  Susan  C. 
Tvufidale,  Miss.  Nettie 
'J'insley,  Mrs.  Mary  L. 
Watson,      "      Elizabeth 

G.  A.  l\.  Post  No.  1.50  are  ju-stly  proud  of  their  VV.  R.  C.  auxiliary  and  their 
work>,  Presided  t)ver  in  1887  and  1888  by  Mrs.  Townsend,  a  soldier's  widow, 
whose  husband  name  is  honored  uy  Metz  Post,  active  in  other  benevolent 
and  churcli  work  but  takes  more  than  an  active  interest  in  the  \V.  R.  C.  ller- 
.self  and  ladies  of  the  corps  take  s])ecial  pains  to  show  resp(;et  and  honor  to 
tliose  who  wore  the  blue.  Mrs.  Townsend  has  been  ably  aided  by  Mrs.  Nettie 
Cole,  1st  Vice,  and  Mrs.  De Lancy,  2nd  Vice;  and  with  Mrs.  Moore  to  record 
their  works  and  Mr.-,  (iates  to  guard  the  treasurer's  box,  which  is  kept  ample 
for  all  Ileitis  by  the  wise  counsel  of  the  corps  ladies  or  Heady  Reliefs,  as 
I'eter  Russell  calls  them,  prominent  among  whom  aie  Mrs.  Russell,  Keniery, 
Sowie,  Dawson,  and  others. 


WiLLiAfti  C  lluniiAitD  the  i)ost  chaplain  and  his  wife  Mrs.  Hannah  Hubbard 
chaplain  for  the.  \V.  R.  C.  were  selected  for  these  sacred  oflices  for  their  well 
known  christian  reputation. and  zeal  in  church,  temperance,  and  benevolent 

Emanuel  Kiiat/.kk,  the  present  quarter  master  and  the  last  quarter  ma.iter 
of  the  ancient  G.  A.  R.  established  at  Angola  over  20  yt;ard  ago,  is  always  on 

RoBKitT  LiiTz,  the  little  active  sewing  machine  and  insurance  agent  of 
Angola,  was  second  adjutant  (jf  the  post  and  is  now  the  post  surgeon,  but 
knows  more  t)f  sewing  luai-liims  tiian  medicine.  {!omradts  and  friends  try 
him  for  a  inachim\ 

WiM.iAM  11.  MioiotiLi,  com<  s  recommended  b^-  u  Michigan  regiment.  When 
he  is  absent  from  llii!  posi  soiiKitliing  is  wrong.  Comrade  Austin  I'roriS  also 
from  a  Michigan  regiment  is  liis  e(pnil  in  i>rompt  adendance.  Roth  of  their 
families  are  repris'iibil  in  I  he  \\.  R.  (!. 

TuAi).  K.  Mil. 1.1      and  l.ul),  who;  some  ilistanci'  fri>m    Angola,    deemi'il 


it  their  duty  to  lend  their  iiiflueuce  and  work  for  the  objects  of  the  G.  A.  R. 
and  W,  R.  0.,  and  this  has  hvim   considoiabln. 

WiLMAM  C.  M(.i.sH  with  full  service  and  additional  experience  of  18  months 
in  Andersoijiville  I'rison  shows  the  effects  of  ichel  fare,  lie  is  strong  and  de- 
termined in  liis  convictions  of  right,  lie  is  tl\t^  jjresent  wortliy  county  shciilf 
with  a  s(!Cond  txrui  before  him. 

•  Ai^BEKT  Aknoi,I)  hails  from  one  of  the  best  Ohio  Cavalry  T"gimentB,  ai.d 
his  steady  citizenslnp  proves  liun  to  have  been  a  number  on(^  soldier;  rigu'ia- 
in  his  attondnju-e  at  (hi    |.n:^t  nieelings  and  liis  duties. 

Rii,KY  H.  B);ooKs  ol'  t!i"  bloody  Dth  is  as  industrious  for  hinisdt  and  family 
as  ho  was  for  his  count ly  27  years  ago. 

ScitiTKK  BowKiis  had  (>.  pevience  in  artillery,  and  still  deals  grape  and  Cin.isitr 
to  the  enemies  of  !iis  cmii i;ides  and  their  rights, 

J  KKUY  DuT-ri-i:  of  'Iw  :,'i..  rcgiim  iit  ji.kI  his  rxeelh  nt  little  wife  ari'  vorl- 
ing  nienilurs  of  post  and  corps  and  equal  to  all  dutiis  required  of  them.  As 
an  extensive,  relialde,  and  ex[ierieneed  fruit  propagaler,  Jerry  is  well  known 
thro\igh(nit  the  coujdy. 

Wir.niAM  ii.  I'lii.i.i's  a  sin;dl  man,  but  large  eiio\igh  to  stop  a  rebel  bullet 
nt  Shiloh  and  is  much  disabled  thereby,  so  much  so  that  his  iMasonic  biethern 
su))plied  him  witli  a  cane  years  ago.  He  with  his  wife,  Mrs.  Phelps,  take 
active  Interest  in  the  wellfaro  of  comrades. 

IIknuy  QiiANOK  is  another  Michigan  soldier,  who  slamis  enrolhd  a-,  a  meui- 
lier  of  the  (1.  A.  ){.,'    is  ijjomraly  on  hand,  and  a  sal  liable  in  em  I «  r  of  tii(!  post. 

Wii.i.iAM  M.  ('Aim  servi'd  lour  consecutive  years  as  post  adjutant.  lie  is 
a  good  penman  and  familiar  wilh  methods  i,l'  doing  army  work.  His  ability 
has  been  used  in  many  different  ways,  especially  in  jxmsions.  Naturally  al'liablu 
and  gentlemanly  in  d(  incantjur  lie  is  every  r(tady  to  lend  his  last  cent  or  talk 
to  a  comrade  in  distress.     His  n(»arest  frieinl  says  the  only  fault  is  gray  eyes. 

.loHiAU  niiKKS  hdm  the  gallant  :!rd  Ohio  resides  some  distance  from  ids 
jiost.     His  attendaiic<i  at  post  is  not  fre(iu.-n(  but  his  will  is  all  right. 

IIknkv  DkIjAN.'Y  wilh  a  long  record  of  army  servic<^  is  the  mo>t  ijuiet  man 
in  Angola  and  attends  his  ]U)st  and  to  his  own  business. 

.losKi'ii  II.  liutsT  carries  an  honora!)le  reminder  of  his  service.  Ilia  steady 
faithfulness  as  a  soldier  is  ])roven  by  his  steady  ii[)rigiit  [)rel'ormance  of  duties 
RS  II  citizen  and  member  of  the  (h  A.  U.  Having  the  record  of  being  i)r<'sent 
to  every  s»>ssion  of  the  post  while  Q.  M.  in  188.S,  and  of  beting  scrupulous  strict 
ns  i-ily  clerk  and  treasure. 

Wii  i.iAM  'I'lMiiiii.s  expi'reiiceii  Andersonvilli'  and  rebel  ration;,  as  a  prisoner 
(d'  war  I'or  man}  n  iths.  His  [lOst  knows  his  valine  as  oHUm  r  (d'  the  giiaid  on 
l)ec<uaiion  Day. 



IsT  Lieut.  Co.  II  71tii  Lnd. 



G./L.  R,  No.  173  and  W.  R.  C.  No.  OQ. 


I3T  Lieut.  MiDULicTON  Pekfkot  was  born  in  Delaware  County  Ohio  Sept., 
1827,  and  caiuo  to  Steubtn  County  in  October,  18HG.  He  wua  u  farmtor  by 
occupation.  .Musttii^jJ  in  tiie  sorvicj  a^  Sergeant. of  Co.  11  74lli  lud.,  he  served 
with  credit  and  gallantry,  and  was  severely  wounded  at  Cliicaniauffa.  Not 
able  for  field  duty  h-.:  w;i.s  asr»ignud  t(j  rcctuitin;^  service  and  proved  a  valuable 
aid  to  replenish  the  thined  ranks  of  the  74th.  On  return  to  his  commai.d, 
ho  was  mustered  as  1st  Lieut.  June,  18()4,  but  resij^ned  Jan.  19,  18G5,  his 
wound  disabling  him  for  further  duty  as  a  soldier.  He  reoided  at  Pleasant 
Lake  after  his  discharge,,  and  was  elected  township  trustee  term  after  term. 
Ho  died,  while  trustee,  July  31,  18(59,  respected  and  remembered  by  a  large 
circle  of  friends.  Among  these  friends  who  revered  his  soldier  and  citizen 
like  qualities,  wore  many  of  his  comrades,  who  organized  G.  A.  11.  Post  No. 
173.  This  post  was  chartered  \fay  17,  1883,  with  27  chartei  members  and 
adapted  the  name  of  Middleti>n  Perfect. 


.\very,  Merritt 

Co  C 



Huffman.  Asa 




Abby,  Jacob 

"    M 



Ho'.Tard,  Marion 

"   H 

9  Mieli 

Aldrich,  Eugene 


••    K 



Hiickiiibcrger,  h 

)imt)n    "    F 



Heard,  L  H 

"    K 



Kflley,  I'.ugcne 

"    G 



Hohner,  Edward 

•'    A 



KelMy,  Harmon 

'•    A 



Bohner,  Sinnary 



Li'iumoii,  (.'lay 

*'    K 



Beirry,  T  E 

'•    G 



Li-iiimon,  Bert 

"   H 



IJuUard,  \lmon 

>•    I 



Loi;kamire.  Jost 

ph         "   H 



Cfnikl^,  George 

••    .  . 

Lidge,  .\dam 

Co  D  7 Ind 


Clark.  \V   M 


o  C  1  Miel 


Miller,  David 

Co  K 



Carlin,  J')hii 

C<»  A 



Major,  Samuel 

"   .  . 

Cartfu-.  \V  W 

"    C 



Mo  >re,  A  J 

"   . . 

Dayhuff,  Simon 

"    II 



Moore,  W  S 

"    A 



'"  egley,  <  riorge 


'<.  D   7  Ind 


Miller,  George 

"    K 



Fuili-r.  Stephen  H 

Co   I 



McOriw,  JauH  s 

"    A 



l-'isk,  Wnrreii 

•    (} 



Ross,  Alaiiion 

•'    I 



l''.>st(r,  'I'hiodore 

•'    K 



Uoberlsoii,  Cyrus              "    .  . 



I'riuli'ricli,  Sannn^l 

"     I 



Uieh,  K 

Co  .  .  23  Ohio 


(■••hV'/a;  S  U            ( 





Ki'imer,  David 

Co  E 



r-.iskill,  ilichard 

"    A 



Uu-hard,  llenrv 

n        Co  1  12 



f.'iir  Imnii.  Samuel 

'•  H 



Seovillo,  O  1) 

Capt  Co  I 



C.>udy,  William 

>  C  1 2 



Strong,  .J  olin 

"    C 



Hull,  John 

Co  A 



Smith,  Jsuiaii 

"    K 



Sweot,  Hirjim 
Siiyiicir,  John 
HtulliT,  Jacob 
Saiii{>HOii,  J  C 
'IVcgardm,  Elisha 
Tyler,  JoJiu 
Tattle,  ChesU  r  V 

Co  E  21   Oliio 

fit    "   H  74     Ind 

"    11  74     Ind 

"    K  182  Oliio 

"    K  118  Ohio 

"    I  CU  Oliio 

Co  U  7  Iiul    Cav 

Vauyhn,  AnioH 
\':iiM\y«,  Daniel 
Willaid,  i;  J 
A\'<i(H!worlli,  B,  1.  1' 
Will,  Jtihn 
Young,  Gi'Digo  E 

Co  A  121)     li.d 

.    ''■   D  liir,  Ohio 

"   U     74     Iiid 

Co  D  7  Ind    Cav 

Major     ao     Ind 


"    B       1  Midi 

Nunibt'i-  Minibors  Eniolh'd,  GO.     dumber  in  (Juod  Standing,  lio 


Jt.i.i.  Hall, 
Alanr;on   Kohs. 

II.  J.  Wilhird, 
Cyrus  Robertson, 
Ij.  F.  \Veldin, 

Th»!  priisiuit.  coniinandcr  is  T.-.aiali  Smith,  adjiilant  Murrit  Avfry. 

Middh^lon  rorfoct  I'ost  has  a  succesifull  W.  B.  C,  whicli  wiib  organizfd 
Marcli  10,  188H,  with  14  i-liai'(cr  iiuiidicrri.  Mrs.  I^lallit:  Van  Aiikin  was  scUcli'd 
Tresidonf  and  Miss  Kato  C.  P<'rC<f(',t  Sdoretary.  This  Ccnps  has  boon  active 
iiTid  intcr^'sted  in  Iho  wcUfaro  of  (he.  post,  and  iiK^uiuaged  the  obtaining  of 
II  more  suitable  hall  and  lilting  il  nji,  not  only  tliis,  but  have  done  their  pari 
in  tho  ri-li(  f  o{  distress  wlierever  found. 

MEMllEU.S  OV  W.  H.  O.  NO.  '.)!). 

.\ldrich,  Mrs.  Adilio  C. 
Case,  Mrs.  Zella 
Cart'<r,  Miss.  Marin 
Corpe,  Mrs.  Bosetta 
Foster,  Mis.  Callia 
Ciaskill.  Mrs.  Sylvin'a. 
Hoover,  Mrs.  liinnia  1''. 
Knapp,       "     Althere 

I'erfeet,  Miss.  Kate  C. 
Boss,  Miss.  Laura 
Stroi  g,  Mrs.  Lizzie 
Slatterly.  Mrs.  Mary 
Snydi  r,  Mrs.  Cornelia 
Van  :■  ukin,  Mrs.  Mattie 
Van  \iikin,     "      Mma 
Williams,  Mrs.  Sarah 


l\^w.  Mai'TIE  Van  Auki.n  an  active  business  ivomanaiid  an  ixcellent  selection 
t"oi  president,  lias  cares  of  lier  i>wn,  yet,  /imin  nie  to  do  \^'i  11  the  affairs  of 
her  corps. 

MiKH  Kate  C.  PtUFKCT,  daughter  of  thi^  j=usi  and  of  fliv  comratle  the  post 
honois  witti  its  uaui<>,  is  c<jntinnec)  as  seen  tar;  of  the  corps.  Every  ready  to 
speak  and  work  in  (he  interest  of  (he  post  or  eorjis,  and  is  the  comfort  ami 
stay  of  an  invalitl  ni()tlK'r. 

John  SNvnEit  ami  wife  respeiili^d  citizens  <if  long  standing  in  the  county 
have  miiiisleretl  to  t hti  wants  i>(  tlie  at cdy  for  many  years.  With  feelings  of. 
'oyality  (o  coinradeshiji  and  charity,  they  are  members  i.>f  [lost  and  corps. 

Mkh.  /la.T.A  Cak  daughter  of  Comrade  Sn^  der  and  wife,  has  luireaved  (rjires 
of  h(r  own,  but  di        not  forget  lu^r  fathers  enuuaile;,  in  iii.s  days  of  danger. 


iViii.s.  Jios.vhLTA  C'lJiii'K  lia\iuy  an  iiitoi\.-;i  ia  llio.-;r  (hal.  w<'i'r  l\ic  bhu' 
luiind  wiih  till  i.'Dip.s,  alrii;  clul  aU'.s.  Sha(urly,  whuf^L'  IiuIkt  v.a.-^  a  MUraji. 

C'<;:.;iiAJjK  Fu:-:TKi;  and  WiiV'  liavo  bi'Cii  I'lniiul  tra'.'  k;  ila;  ])riiu-ij)al-  id  iLr 
(;i.  A.  k.  ciJid  \  i  .  11.  C,  aad  CiU  l;u  dciJi-tlided  iip<ia.  (iiviiij^'  Vlif  us^'  oi  ilicii' 
lu)ust!  tu  liiL'  ricsftiuu.-i  oi  tiie  po.iL  and  cui-ps  and  giiafdiay  tin:  riaiiiu  l(ji  waul 
ol'  a  more  ^uiiablu  [ilaci.-. 

i.\li:ri.  AIiNA  VAN  -VuKu\  a  itobio  wijaian  luiiti  .s  v,  ill  auLiki  woaioi  iov  dci.'ds 
of  t.'liaritj   aad  iric-ad.-'iiip.    Slic  uiiiSL-.s  lai  n|:|i(.'i  I  uaily  id  aid  the  (;ld  siL.iali^. 

i:!.  aad  S.  Hiijii,  tia  tv,  I)  .-Mjidiciri  I'l'oai  .M  iclii^a  ,:,  ajiswi  r- -''lii  ri"  aail  aio 
I'l'iidy' i'nr  >-laly  al  tvtiry  iji^r.i  nicctia^'. 

JtuiN  Oakj.i:i  ai'lLi-  a,  loug  rt(-^rvicc  ia  (lio  'i-ltli  ;k  ;v<..d  Ui-iclu  fiaui  ayaia  jn  the 
raL^idart..  ilc  is  Nury  rty,-,luaianc  ia  liio  duias  aad  dot-.-,  a  k.i'ya  aaioual  id' 
Work  liu-  his  pu,-d. 

.'.  UAJi  Ijiiiiij;  till.'  jK.  iMiiaia  al  p'-.'^l  cha['iaia  is  im^.d  aivva^s  |ii;;ieiil  aiid  alias 
hiaiiiiii  Willi  iii;;alaiily  aa^l  piidorin.s  ii  v,'ilh  bi'coiaiay  ^lac;:. 

,1  .Willi  ^i'li  i'i.i:j>  WM  h  a  j;>mmI  si.'ldii  c's  1  rt'iM  li  la  1  hi'  7  1 1 1.  aial  wiih  iiiaiij  id' 
l^.^  ahi  I'l'iaiath:^  h'lai.ia  ;  lie  i:aiiji'  id   hi.>  liirul .     by     bt  in;;     a     laiaibri     i/I     ihu 


ivi'JiiAai>  CiA;;Kii,i,  aad  wil'c  arc  tw^t  actiAi'  au'iabias  ia  ihrir  ii:^ ji. ciivc 
Of^'aai/.alioas.  C'.aaiadi.'  CJaskill  yi-.atii-ally  ik-.cijj^ju  .s  iitauLi  oUit-ial  pu.dtuai  ia 
tliu  [lo^i  ain.1  iirt  duiiot,  ail-  alwaytj  pi.-ri-oruiLd  wiU. 

A  a.v.N.ui.s  lb).-„'5  iri  a.  laaa  u!  lalv  lli;^>.'iK-c  aad  aiadi^j',  aad  ha.-i  iillrd  uira-i;d 
(i.-Mliiai-;  111  liii-  j^M  .,1  .siina  n.-.  iir;^,al  iiai.  lb-  ,va-i  Ihi;  lai'iiinaadi-i'  I'wi  tlu' 
;i-,u-   IHa.S.      lie  I.-;  risjaili  d  a-  a  i-ili/.oii  and   lu,-    In;,  /i-al  in    idiaii'ii     Idi'     |ail,lir 

i)i(.  SiKi'iiMi^i  iJ.  i''i)ai,i.j;  I'ididiils  iaiint>l  in  all  ali.iii.    Ihal   Liui  hi    Ih,'    Jul 
Iri'iiuiil  (il  till.'  (  Mill  lauaiiry  and  I'spccialiy  ui  cnim-adc:-.      ili.s  i'oliji;-,i|.-i  ;u'c:   wi,ic 
and  his  t'lial  ribui  Kia.^    ^n   tin..'  .md  acr(;.-,;,ariis  ai'c  jad    wilhluld. 

I,.  !•'.  Wi.i.Di.s  id'  Ihii  ;;Oih  ind.  by  aai'i  11).  ions  iU'ls  won  aiicfi'.ssi  vi-l}  a 
lic'iii.'lniid's,  ('a|il  aia'ii,  aad  inajiii'.s  ruijinii  ■..lua.  It  i.;  I'l'lalrd  ihal,  while  lil 
liMWieiiaa  ('u:  Uai;;ii  blllliii'.til  biub'ii.i  we're  iii.l  la  la.  Iiiull  in  healllij  biweiiriii 
hio  prisi  ii'.e.  Jlo  [.lacii.siH  charily  iolhi  I  nil!  .-I  v  ;.  li  ai ,  a  nd  aiu.e  i  xeili  in 
liieadshiji  l"j  Triead.s  in-  eniai'adeM. 

iltiaiea  I  lU, !i>,\  \i  ii.i'.  iil:,i  i  id'  I  he  i'.Olli  ind.  is  sinrdy  .-lail  hnne;,;,  iuidd.-a. 
yeiiinan;.  .'.erviei    diiiiii;;   lln    war  .'11111  carries  marl.,-  l.i  |iiii\e  il. 

Ah'Hiari'  Av!':i.'<  i-,  a  chai  (er  laembei  ul  I  he  [..,  1  and  ba  In;  b.e-bie,  .,  .|ii.ili 
Ileal  loa.s  wa.s  seUelid  as  ilo  adj  iilaal  .■  ILi'  eajuys  .suuial  com  1  lalesii  i|i  on  all 

.) .  <  I.  1  )\  Aienu;,  hir  I;,  rroia  aiiOhiu  r.';_Mineiii.  aail  |i<;,  I ,  liiil  can  la;!!.'  i',  1 1  h 
Indian. 1   bay, I  in  .a       ainlie;   Ihe  Ihree  nia|,Me  linleia,   I''.  1  ;,   I  .. 


MllJ-TUS  M''(;0\VAN 

l-'ost   No.   ;230,  G.  A.   R. 


Skkukant  MiLKTUS  McGowAN,  whom  the  Oiliiiid  coiiuack'rt  li;ive  lumorfd, 
w.iS  Lorn  in  Portaj;!'  coiuily  Ohio  Nov.  ^rJ.  is.'iH.  JId  caiiu;  wiili  hi*  i);n\nls, 
ill  til.  .-^iii'nig  of  l,sr>C),  to  Oihiiul,  [lid.  As  a  yoiilh  and  a  youni^-  iii.-.ii  ht^  wa8 
VI  'nM)-.:ilU;  loi'  his  iiuisc  iila  c  .-I  iiliuTl  h,  and  i>(..->(-.iiij;-  a  disliuyoi.,!,  in;;  1rail  of 
^'i'tit'i""riity,  aiwavri  n  ady  lo  as^ullU'  the  Ijurdons  of  olhirs.  'I'lii.-  fxiri'iiu'  .st-lf- 
cP  :!!•''  to  coiiMado  pi  isojifis  Ihf  hust  U\v  moiilhr-  of  hi.-^  lif(»  liasl.  lud  his  dcalh. 
]■:!■  iiairiotiMip  ..Iwiic  lie  sou;^ht  an  farly  c  :ilist  iiiciil ,  wiilil'o.  A  L",»ili 
Ji;d.  ilf  was  soon  It  .•o-iii/(  li  as  a  nliablo  solditr.  and  was  trusted  hy  his 
t  pi-nor  oHicci-rt  iiiid  t^oiii'adi's,  and  was  [iroinolid  stij.  I')'  slr|i  lo  oidi-iiy 
hcrgc  Mil,  and  ilischai-i^i  d  Its  onerous  duties  with  lidelii\.  li'>  jimI  iei^ial  ed  ia 
Jill  '  jj^ai.'enii-nl^  and  i-jiiii  iiai),,'n>  of  tlu-  regiment  anel  (heaped  all  wiihoul  m- 
ja,y  nutil  the  terril)l<-  liattle  of  { 'hiciunauga,  Ids  ea)ilain  aiid  lu  uteniints 
heing  eillier  detached  foi-  other  duly  or  disabled  he  v,a>  [lut  in  eoinnuaul  of 
(',  .  A.  In  th(!  liisi  ehaige  he  reeeiveil  a  severe  s(:al[>  v.ound,  iiul  ridused  lo  go 
to  lh(  rear.  He  reniaiiuHl  al  (he  head  of  his  coii'.pr.l.y  tli!  d.  t  he  later  part  of  the. 
tiver  (iieniorial)le  I'Oth  day  of  Sopt.,  lS(i;5,  wiieii  he  was  loiiipeie,.!  to  ^urrender 
with  his  Idtlo  l.and  of  !'.>  men,  being  (•(hu  [detely  surrot:uded  by  tlie.  enemy. 
'I'akc-n  l<v  Uicliinond,  Va.,  and  Iheiioo  to  DanviUe.  Whih'  slien-ih  lemiiiiied 
he  devoled  hilnst'U  (o  (lie  relu'l  of  his  coinraeh's  until  prostr  ited  hiniM'lf.  A 
ooinrade,  icporls  thai  even  (liiui  ho  would  crawl  on  his  hands  and  Ivnees  from 
(me  -utrerer  lo  Jiilolher  to  h'arn  if  ho  could  do  .iiight  f.n-  (in  ii.  In  (he  spring 
of  If^'it  Sergoaid  Mc(jowan  \vi(li  several  other  priscuiei,-  w'ere  cxch.atiged.  lie, 
reach'.'d  Aiinapolistdive,  but  (o  far  gone  (o  lidly,  he  dii  d  a  vicdni  U>  thti 
inhmnan  [lolicy  of  non  excliaugti  of  ])ri.soners. 

In  hi-,  i.-  lu  :     d  liMir.e  was  organized  and  cliarier.-d  v,ith  I'w'hai'b  r  members 
Sept.  :.'•••''■';■;-'.  '^i '!■'■. 'IS  MeUowan  J^ost  No.  '-':'.'.••       '     irwi,_     wiM.l.y    I.'. mo    eouhl 
l"i<d  h-ivo  bedii  Milerled,  uuiler  which  to  priicl  ICO    (ho    lhl■el^    gieat     principals 
li'raleriiily,  Charily',  and   l-oyal(y,        which  werii  (he.  well    Known    characteri.d  ic 
of  Mdctu.i  Mctiowaii. 

VJ;ri:ti.iNH   WIHJ  II.WK   IN   I'OST  NO.   2."/'.). 

A  nc.'i  ison,  ,1  aine: 
Al^ixiiigh,  I'olor 
lit  nodic(,  J   \'] 
liabcock,  Ihivid 

(!o  \  J".)  Mndi 

"    11  tl      Ind 

"    11  71      Ind 

'•    K  1;.L'      Jnd 

Hixler,  t;ihs    V  (.'o  A      11  Mich 

IJarrows,  .lolm  Co  ('   I"   I  ml     C.a  v 

Carver,  ll«  my   W  Co  1;    KMI      l,,d 

(!l(n'eland.  ,\  'U  Co  (i  a  (Mdu    Cav 





MiLE'i'118  McGOWAN, 

Smuuioant  Co.  A  IJ'Jtii  1ni>. 


Cli/toii,  James 
Dudley,  (iiove  H 
Guoiirich,  Silas 
Greoii,  J  A 
Hart,  Tluiiupsou 
Jeffrey,  A   li 
Johnson,  Amos 
Judwin,  J  P 
Luton,  Elezer 
Jjoughriiy;  Clinrlea 
Liyht,  James 
Morse,  Jerome 
Merritt,  \V  S 
Miller,  Charles 
Miller,   WiUard 
Newman,  Mar  tin 
Uura,  William 


"    B  100 


"    B  100 


Co  C  12 Ind 


Co  1      42 


Co  K  10  Oliio 


Co  G     44 


"    B   100 


Co  C 12 Ind 


"    C  12  Ind 


Co  K  ir,2 


"    K     44 


"    A     44 


"    A     44 


'^    C  12'J 


Tarker,  Frank  D.  Co  C  12  Ind    (-av 

Treist,  George  Co  B       4  Micli 

Freist,  MilforJ  "           59     Ind 

Parker,  Ed  L  "A      2D     lud 

Hosser,  William  "    A     44     Ind 

Khuel,  Alexander  "   H   100      Ind 

Bobbins,  Henry  Co  B  G  Oino    Cav 

Stafford,  J  C  Co  D     88     lud 

Spregue,  Samuel  "    F     78  Ohio 

Taylor,  Lorenzo  Lt  Co  G  12  Ind  Cav 

Taylor,  Ornn  H  Co  B   100     lud 

Trowbridge,  John 
Twitchell,  Theodore  B 
NVesl,  Lawrence 
Whipple,  K 
Whipple,  M 

E  100  Ind 
A  2y  Ind 
G     30     Ind 

"    E     20  Ohio 
Number  Members  Enrolled,  41.     Number  in  Good  Standing,  28 


Frank   D.   Parker,         J.  E.   Benedict,  Lorenzo.  Taylor  A.  B.  Jeffrey^ 

The  pre.seut  oonnuander  is  Frank  1).  Parker  with  John  1*.  JaJwin    adjutant. 
I'he  Orlaud  latlies  are  workers  but  as  yet  have  not  organiziid  a  W.  U.  C 


A.  B.  Jefeuey  comes  recommended  by  an  Ohio  regiment  of  cavalry,  and 
has  marks  of  being  exjjosed  to  tue  Johnnies'  bullets.  Abe.  is  a  number  one 
citizen,  and  believes  the  dollar  that  bought  the  food,  paid  the  soldier, 
saveil  the  Union,  and  good  enough  for  the  soldier,  who  gave  time,  blood,  and' 
life,  is  equally  good  for  the  bond-holder,  whose  contract  was  made  after  tlio 
soldier  was  iu  the  field. 

Alexandeii  RifUEL  carries  proofs  of  exposure  to  rebel  fire  while  a  member 
of  the  lOOth  Ind.  He  is  quick  to  resent  insults  or  slurs  to  self,  comrade,  or 
Uag;  and  if  friend  or  comr;ide  are  iu  need  lie  is  a  friend  indeed. 

(Jeokoe  PifEisT,  an  unfortunate  i.eedy  soldier,  doue  a  soldiers  duty  with 
many  a  Steuben  county  boy  in  Co.  B  4tli  Mich.  In  tiie  Seviai  Days  light  iu 
Virginia  ho  contracted  a  disability  that  (.-aused  his  discharge,  bul;  by  technical 
ity  is  denied  a  rightful  pension,  although  aided  and  interceded  for  by 
neighbors  and  friends.     Will  these  technical  points  ever  be  set  aside y 

Samuel  Spkeuue  is  one  of  the  trusted  olliicers  of  the  post  and  has  been  so 
estimated  by  the  people  in  public  official  trusts.  He  takes  interest  in  good 
st)ciety  and  public  good  on  all  occasions. 

Jeuomk  MoiiHi')  is  -in  intcu't-stetl  worker  in  his  G.  A..  H.  I'ost  and  the  cause  of 
soldiers  justice,  wli      i  ho  is  not  aflaid  to  demand  for  himself  or  comrades. 


]McI>iVIN   T^OSa^   G.    A.    R. 
No.    3  4:3. 


McLiiiii  J'dst  wiis  chaiitriil  May  ;hd,  18HI,  witli  l(>  cliaiUT  (luiiiljcrs  aud 
hnnorcil  a  ttti'uhcu  bi))  ,  Ainbrosti  MoLaiii,  in  ('(hiih  cIkjii  vjtti  Ihrci'  IjioIIuik 
Sylvotetm-  N-,  Charles,  and  John  W.  McLain.  MoTjain  was  22  yoars  of  age  whi-u  ho  oi. listed  iu  coniiiany  B  lOOlli 
Lid.  August-,  18(>2.  He  contracted  chronic  ditifully  and  was  discharged  Jan., 
LSO;{,  and  died  in  four  weeks  after  his  return  iuiiiie  and  buried  m  Trinity 
('eraetery,  Haloni  'I'uwnshij). 

Syi.vkstkjc  McLa-tn  at  the  age  of  2'.)  tnlisted  in  eonii)any  M  2nil  r^lii'liigan 
volunteer  i;avalry     His  death  was  caused  by  disease  eontriieltd  in  tlie  servieu. 

CiiAKLKH  AND  JouN  \\'.,  aged  2()  and  lit  respectively,  enlisted  in  lS(i2  in    com 
pany  E  Tfith  Illinois  volunteers.     Charles  returned   home    on    a    sick  furlough, 
and  died  in  March,  18G4.     John  died  at  Nashville,  Tennesee,  cause,  uieasels. 

Thus  four  brothers  of  one  family  gave  their  lives  fur  the  cause  of  the 
Union  and  flag.  They  were  l^rothers  of  a  charter  menib<n-  of  the  ]>ost,  our 
respected  comrade  Ij.  N.  Mill. a  n. 

VJ^tTHJiANH    WHO   UAVK   KNllOI.IJ'U  IN   I'l 


Brown,  ('harles 
liarber,   [iuciati 
li'iird,  Howard  \i 
Hodley.  1;  N 
liutler,  M  1! 
Dewitt,  William 
Dewitt,  John  D 
(iilli^pie,  1)  S 
(Junsaulli>,  10  D 
(J  rei'M,  Thomas 
(iillis[iie  Uiifus 
Mains,  ThouuiH 
Mains,  ff nhii 
Kimsey,   l)r  J  (' 
Menagh,  Hugh 

Co   r      15  Ohio 

"     1    1L".I  I  ml 

Co  li    1    Ind    Cmv 

CoK      2;>  Ind 

Lt    "    A     .l-l  Lid 

>'    K    152  Lid 

"     I       '.)  Mich 

•'    1!   100  Lid 

"    J(      2'.t  Lid 

(!o  M  (17  I'vun  Art 

<'o  li    too  [nd 

2,'!  hul  Hat 

Co  It    100  Lid 

"    K      2S)  Lid 

"    H    i;(7  Ohio 

MeLain,  L  N 
Nichols.  ,los(  ph  I! 
J'ark<'i',  Sam  ml 
ILlti^r,  I'eter  lit 

SI  rawser,  (leoigo  W 
Sams,  A 
Sul  ii(^rland,  \  J 
Shair,-.tall,  l-'rank 
ShH(r,.lall,   \(lam 
Shalisl.-ill,  N 
Story,  W  illard 
Vim  I'tilt,  Samuel 
Van  I'elt,  Olis 
Wisel,  Daiii.  1  K 

\Volr,    \l,(ll.  ^v 

Co  A 



Co  11 





"    1) 



..     |o 



"    U 



"    A 



"    A 



"    A 



"    M 



Co  D  l;{  Ohio  Cav 
I'.l  Ind      Hal 

Number  Miinbers  Enrolhd,  liO.      Number   in  (lood  Standing,  2('> 

I'Asr  I'OSL'  (X)MMANl)10JtK. 

Samuil  I'arki-r,  Daniel  R.  Wisil,  .         Charlos  ihown. 

Tli'.i  pi-ofsenl  eoii       ander  is  John  D.  DewitI   willi  M.  H.  liullcr  luljulant. 


CoMrANY  B  lOOrii  I.nd. 



Daniki.  K.  WisEL  is  II  luul  ulTiiblo  ccimraiK'  lo  inocl  and  wiUioiu  doubt  war^  ol' 
j     the  saino  tcinpii'aiiu-ul  as  a  riuldii.-r.      Hf  always  at  tundri  to    llio    iutti-ertt    of  his 
!      porit  and  takiis  Just  {Jiidc  in  tliu  same. 
,  CiiAULiis  i^ia)\VN  comes    from    an    Ohio    i-eyiiiiL-uf    with    a     i-emiudor    IhaL    it 

was  dangerous  (,o  be  a  soldier,  but  he  had  sLayinj^-  (|uaiitie.^.  Charlie  i;,  now 
'     the  Deputy  County  Treasure. 

j  CiKOKOK  8TUAW.SKK   also    from    an    ()hi(j    re^imenl,   one    that    many    SUulxui 

;      |)eoi)lo  know  its  recoid  in  Uie  field,  in  svhich  Geoi^;-e  won  a  lecord  with    luMK/r- 
!      able  wounds. 

!  1>.  S.  ANU  Uui'U.s  (iinLiKi'ii:  both  of   Ihe    same    regiment    and    company    are 

'      excellent    citizens    and    worthy    comrades    of    the    post,    antl    are    patrons    ui 

^(xkI  socii^ty  ami  lis  usef uhu-ss. 
j  Du.  J.  (!.  KiMSiOY,  a    worthy    man,    the    }r()vernment    calh'd,    he    weiit.       Asa 

[ihysican  he  ministered  to  many  comrade  soldieis,  and  he  lias  proved  a  valu- 
j  al)le  aid  since  ;n  the  matter  of  pensions  to  many  comrades  their  widows  and 
j       t)rj)liaiis. 

j  \..].    8tiTuiiiiLANii    ^L,'ave    full    time    with    comi)any    li    IdOth    Imi,,    and    has 

j       enlisted  for  life  in  the  cause  of  p(jst  comradeship. 
■  .\iii)AM.A  Sams  a  native  of  (Hiio,  but  a  soldier  from  Steuben    county    and     is 

one  of  i's  jjest  citizen-  and  proj^re-isive  farmeis. 

AiiAM  AND  Fjcank  SiiArr-zrAi-L    enlisted  for    the    war    in    il:S    early    be,;^niiin;.,', 

and  parlieipaleii  in  niarly  all  en}^'a;^'emenl  s  in  which  (heir  re;4inHUit  tooji,  a 
:  part,  and  liirlunalely  escaped  lii<-  r<:bel  bulh  It  and  disease,  but  today  cam- 
I        paij^ii  life  shows  its  marks. 

\j.  N.  lioiM.KV  is  of  a  [)atriotio'dinpositi(jn  and  senlimc  at  lie  continues  Ids 
!         inlimacy  and  desire  f<)i'  com  ladesiiip  liy  beiii;.;'  u  membei'  <if  (he  (i.  A.  K. 

|j.  N.  M  diAiN  served  nearly  four  ami  a  half  y(;.--is,  from  .Inly  '_' 1 ,  bsCI,  un(il 
j  .Ian.  Id,  IHCC,  incnmpany  A  '.ilst  1  i,d  ,  esea  pi'd  (he  penis  of  war  and  moie 
'  for(una(e  (hail  hi.;  four  brolhei's,  whom  the  posi  has  memcMi/.eij.  He  l;.  a 
I         c|nie(  ci(.i/.en,  Inil  ;i,t  much  of  an  'in  inj    (o  (reason  a.■^  o(   old. 

;  John  I  >.  l)i.:wrrr,  (he  j)i-esen(  e-ommaiuK  r,  a--  an  .)\ecllrn(.  ollieer  i,s  a  suecr.~,s, 

lie  lie<|is  his  po.^(   will   in  line  (o  i(s  dulies  and  obi  i;_';al  ion,-. 


G.  A.  R.  NO.  387  AN!)  W.  R.  C.  NO.  111. 


This  j)()Ht  wart  charUM'i'd  Dec.  IHlh,  l.SMI,  witli  M  chaitt-r  uuiiibirs  iiiult'i'  tliu 
iiaiiic  of  liarou  Ht(iil)cn  a  iianui  prujiosiil  by  T.  A.  Jiduclior  l';.-(j.  an  iulc  ui-iC 
loyal  oil  izcn  (if  Hamilton,  art  suitalile  in  iHJinim'iinualiou  ol  llic  <«Jd  ilvoIii- 
tioiiary  luro  ami  alti^r  whom  tlu;  coiiiily  was  iiaiuid.  IJiil  iii  ilu-  la;^  iuiiij^-  (jT 
I8dl*  tho  iiuMulicis  tliuiii.5'hl  it  more  appropi'ialu  to  seltct  a  iiamu  ul'  a  tSimibi'ii 
County  rtolilicr,  wlio  gavf  a  life  in  tlio  latu  rcbclli./ii,  wliioli  caurtud  the  oi'iyiii 
of  tint  (i.  A.  K.,  and  al,  tlic  last  slab'  cniMmiiuici:!  tlu^  jianm  \va^  ('liaii;,jtd  1  lom 
Baron  Sli'uliiu  lo  I  ,caman  ( I  rillilh  l'(j>t.  Thus  cvi  i  y  pusi  iji  ilu-.  coiuiiy  is 
namctl  al'Ii  f  a  Siriibi  n  counly  stildiei-  with  1  h('  cxct-'j)!!!;!!  ol  t  h(^  luic  at  I'rc  iiioiil . 

I  jiiAiMAN  ( ijcii''i'i  I'll  was  born  in  Tiiscarawas  ('(niuiy,  ()hio,  i.'anic  with  his 
j)arnnts  lo  Stiuiljcn  (Jouuly,  <!iilisU'd  in  coin[iany  11  7llh  Indiana  and  was 
oia^  of  Us  bi'st  soldi!  rs  never  c.oiii plaining  but,  ])aiiaking  ui  camp  lifu  with 
zeal  and  litleluy.  lie  was  taken  priscun-i'  at  (Jhicaniau^a,  hui  bi;ing  so  seveiely 
wounded  the  rebels  jiaroled  him.  He  was  sent  honn^  oii  a  luilou;.;li,  he  iilu.-- 
liig  to  accept  a  (lisehaige.  Aller  due  time  he  relurnetl  to  Ins  ri'gimeul, 
although  disabled  budly.  He  with  dcitenniiied  grit  participated  with  his 
regiment  in  Shorinan's  March  lo  the  Sea,  through  Ivichnujiid,  and  tiie  Grand 
Review  at  Washington.  Hu  du'd  at  homo  m  the  sjning  of  f.'5(;tj  ironi  the' 
result  of  his  wounds.  He  was  gem-rous  and  go\eriud  by  strict,  idi'as  of  honor. 
jusiict\  ami  duty.      \N'hiiever  made  his  acnjuaintance  fouiul  a  fiieiul. 

(;icii''iri'u  )'e)ST  knhoi,.lmkni'. 
IJcard,  Luinan  H  i'o  R      CS  Ohio    t    Jlolton,  \V  L  Coll    1K2   Oliu, 

Bender,  Alfred  -    H   12U     Ind    j    Junes,  M  C  Co  B  12  Ind    Cav 

Bet/,,  JefTcrrton  "    D   llr>   Oliio    ;    Kelley,  Harmon  Co  A    \'JV      Jnd 

Benillstt,  Josiah  "    A   12ii     Ind    j    Nelson,  Ira  •'    A    Ji't)     Ind 

Bennett,  George  '"    .V   12'.)     ind    !    Nichols,  A  L  "    b'      1 1      hid 

Ct)  R 



•    11 



"   D 



"    A 



'•    A 



••    F 



•'    B 



••    A 



'•    G 



"  i<; 



-      £,' 

4  1 


Cosper,  Geo  11     Caj)t    "    F      11     ind  :  (Jberlin,  F  D  "    G  15r!     ind 

Culbertson,  Charles          •'    B      4L'      ind  Packer,  Oliver  *'    1{  Ih'J      Jud 

Carliii,  ijcander                "    A   l'2'J     ind  j  Kench,  William  Co  ij   1  Ind   Art 

Chappell,  Asa                    '•    (i     ;i()     Ind  ,  Uuniier,  U  G  Co  B  1"J     ind 

Conh-y,  J  D                        "    1<;     ;i8  Ohio  i  Stoy,  iicvi  "    H  b8     Ind 

Dirrim,  Robert                 •'    F     44     lud  \  Sweet,  liuuin  "    I'j  L'j   Ohio 

Eaileston,  Alexander      '■    A     y«  Ohio  '  Stoy,  W  11  "    F  44     Ind 

Cirillith,  Ijewi.s      Capt    •'    A     4  4     Ind  <  Sattison,  Godfrey  "    K  ir>2     ind 

(irilfith,  B  F                        '•    K    151!      Ind  '  Vealey,  Joseph  "    A  l'_!'J      l,id 

(jlurtner,  Henry            Co  (.'12  ind    Cuv  •  Ware,  John  "    i'  HI    Ohio 

Cioudy,  William             "    (J  I'J  Ind    Cav  ,  Wright,  Charles  •'    1'^  h:«J  Olu,, 

Huul,  Theodore  Co  B     T).")  Ohio  ; 




Comi'AN'yH  7'1tii  Inu. 


Nuiiibi'L-  AJcuibLrw  ICiirolUxl,  ;;;'..      Nuiiiljer   in  (Juuil  SliUidiii{^-,  'S6. 


Ijowits  (trillilh  Cicorgti  11.  Ct)^])0^ 

Tin:  [iirsoin,  ■oiiniuauddr  in  Li.  l'\  (li-illith  willi  Ijcwis  UiilliUi  adjulnnl. 
'I'lui  hii.s  luitkod  Will  to  tlu'  I'lUiin-,  and  iu  lliis  lar  bi.;tlfr  lliaii  any  uiIku 
[  ill  llio  ODUiity,  beiii},'  owiums  of  vahialiii-  iial  estate  iiiclu.liu;^'  u  liuc 
lic\V  bu.siiu-;;^  liUildniy  locatcLl  on  oik;  of  tlici  iniufipal  i:oi')ii:i.-i  ot 
llu.'  town,  wliiili  ^'ivcs  tilt  ui  a  coiiimodioufi  woll  luriiitdiud  liall  lor  ilu'  sirt.sioiib 
of  [H):-{  and  cwi[),-i.  'J'li-.^  rental  of  tliuir  bu«iiiesw  rooms  bidow  nuarly  makes 
Ih'i  ])ost  bolf  siistainini^.  Thii  old  vulrrans  It-arnud  well  in  war  linie 
111.'  riiii-,c:v,ii  y  ..i  reserve.T  and  .-ai  pjiorl  f ,  ami  llii.T  \in.A  has  been  ablj  .seconded 
by  \\  .  K.  < '.  iN.'.  Ill  e.oiisi.stinjL;-  ol  a  small  band  <il   noble  women. 

\V.  1(.  t!.  No.  ifl  eh.arlered  with  M  nu^mljvrs  .Vj>ril  I'O,  l.SriS.  iMr«. 
Ijonisa  Ivenue'i  was  elected  pre.sident  and  Miss  iMinnie  Beeclier  .sieieiaLy  f>jr 
16'66,  and  were  reelected  for  J.Srft). 

MCMiililiS  Ol''  W.  K.  C.  NO.   111. 

IJrowii,  Mrs.  J-^iva 
Brown,  Mi.^s  Ireno 
lioev:her,  Ai  is.s  ,\f  lanio 
ISeeciur,      •'       ILaltio 
CliapcU,  iMr.s.  .\:.;'. 
(  .\l;.-,.-i  Tiva 
Diirrim,  Mr.;.  l.iucy 
Fariiham,  .\tr.s.  Klia 
Gurtiier,  .Mrs.  Jjacreiia 
Grillith,  iSirs.  •!  uiia 

(Jrillith,  Miss  Jes.Tio 
Criii'ith,     "       Ediiu 
i.emmon,  Mrs.  Susio 
MoGrew,  iMrs.  b^lla 
JSIicholti,  Mrs  Clarinda 
(Jboriiii,     "     Nancy 

!    Iteiuier,      "     Louisa 
'riioiuus  Mr.s.  i-'liebtj 

1    Ware,  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Wriylit,  Mr.s.  Anna 

PKU.SONAI.  MKNT10:<8  OF   A   FliW  AClMVi.;  MliiU  iniliS. 

Jjif.M.VN  il.  UnAi'.u,  a  Steubi  I.  county  boy,  but  with  service  in  an  Ohio  re<;iiiient 
is  om;  ol  tii'j  leliiibles  in  the  G.  A.  11.  as  he  is  in  good  citizciishii)  aud  good 

Oai' r.  (j  ivjjctii';  IL.  ( ''t;Jt  won  by  niorit  hi.s  commission  check  iie\ci'  puah- 
ed  nini  ahead  In  like  manner  he  jicrfonns  quie!!}'  .all  (nti/.eii  aiul  soidity 
dilli.'s.      The  cajilain  is  vei-y   mu(;h  disable. 1,  the  re.-.ult  ol   hl.s  .-old;    r  hie. 

Asa  CiiAi'ELL  was  of  (he  old  reliable  ,';()th  Indiana  Ijoys  aiul  with  his  rcyi- 
ment  for  a  season  enjeiyed  its  travels  and  bailie.-  o\'er  [iorli(jns  of  the  soLitli. 
This  la^crealioii  was  m.>  beiielit  to  his  health  as  liis  comrades  c:aii  le.dily.  Mr.s. 
Cliaxiefl  is  Ids  failhfnl  ^Uy    in  \V.  K.  C!.  work, 

J.  i>.  CoNi.iiY,  a  member  ol  the  noble  ;5.SUi  Ohio,  may  justly  be  [H'outl  id'  it, 
record  and  iiaiiic.  (J<  irade  Conley  was  long  a  resident  ol  llauiillon,  nosv 
resides  at  Pleasant  I.    ,  e. 


AT,KXA.Ni)iiK  Eaklhton  ulso  froiii  tlio  iSHtli  Ohio  in  whose  riuiks  ho  j)roved  his 
dovutudi  to  llio  (l;i(,'  ami  liis  hatrod  to  treason  by  (ho  hiittki  .-.(^arri  on  his  body. 
His  s'Tvico  compels  his  i-ctiiriiMumt  I'roiu  aotivo  liaid  labor.  lln  is  a  imK!ii 
rospcclLHkeilizi'n  o{  llainiUon,  and  took  a  yroat  deal  of  intfrest  ia  thu  procur- 
ing of  the  G.  A.  \l.  property. 

JlouKKT  ItENNiiK  is  a  hail  and  hearty  coinrade  whose  hajid  it  is  a  phasure 
to  take  for  its  j,'eiiuiiie  clasj).  His  disposion  to  render  aid  or  advoeale  all 
that  is  good  or  rii^^ht  and  it  is  just  as  genuine  and  full  measure.  Mrs.  lonmr, 
who  had  a  husband  and  several  l)rotliers  in  the  army,  (i'.kes  pleasure  in  aiding 
her  husband  and  his  comradcfi  in  the  good  work. 

HiiiAM  S.vEEr,  anothor  soldier  fri>iii  Dhio,  adopted  Steuben  comity  as  homo,  and  takes  active  interust  in  i>reserving  coinradeship  in  all  its  forms. 
His  good  record  in  the  21st  Ohio  is  sustained  by  his  conduct  as  a  citizen  and 
bueineHS  man. 

Jon.N  Wauic,  the  steady  John,  (;an  put  up  as  many  jobs  of  quiet  fun  its  any 
old  soldier,  but  the  rebels  gavt;  him  a  s(nere  wound  f(jr  being  in  llieir  way.  Ho 
fitillrt  performs  his  dutii^s  in  a  quiet  and  thinough  manner. 

ROBKRT  Dliauivi  was  s(!verely  wounded  at  Shihth  while  at  the  front  fighting 
for  the  right,  which  he  is  still  d<)iiig  as  a  citi/i  n,  ami  is  now  the  present  Q.  M. 
Mrs.  Dirriin  is  also  interested  in  the  cause  and  is  a  valuable  member  of  the 

MisBKH  MiNNiK  AND  Hattie  Bekouek  iindiu  the  teachings  of  a  union  loving 
father  to  much  disabled  physically  to  bo  a  Buldier,  but  liberal  in  time,  money, 
and  words  of  patriotism  on  idl  occasions,  easly  einbued  the  sentimente  of 
1*)V0  for  country  and  revere  the  deeds  ot  the  soldit^s;  thus  we  lind  them 

MUH.  Ella  Faunham  an  active  little  l)nsiness  woman  and  a  workot  in  any 
mtitter  that  pertains  to  the  good  is  found  in  the  ranks  of  the  corps. 

Mns.  Pjieue  Thomas  with  experience  and  knowledge  of  the  casualties  of  war 
in  Hbr  own  family,  is  with  her  corps  in  ministering  to  the  returned  veterans. 

MiiH.  Nancy  OiiEKMN  in  company  with  three  neices.  Misses  Jessie  and  Edna 
GritTith  and  Tiva  ('arpenter,  all  Gnllith  kin,  take  great  intercut  in  the  corps 
of  (Iritlith  Post.  Its  ntuno  with  brothers,  fatlu«r,  'uui  uncles  prumiiumt  members 
therein  it.  w*>uld  not  be  otherwise. 

'The  same  as  in  the  old  dark  days  of  war, 

Holdiers  fiml  the  noble  Woman's  Relief  ('orps. 

With  true  charity  enthused,  tlu^y  heed. 

The  old  veterans  j>resning  wants  and  lit  ed. 


Company  A  12'Jtu  Ind. 

r^QST,  NO.  Aijr^.,  o.  ^\.  I'v'. 



A(.  tlin  out  break  of  Lhci  war  hi  iHtJl  t-luifo  liviul  witli  lii.s  piticiils  in  (lui  viicinily 
of  Metz,  11  quiet  tlioiii^litf 111  youlli  about  15  ytuis  of  agi',  who  waa  boiii  in 
Mahonitig  county,  Ohio,  Nov.  lit!,  t.'-'tti  lulciisr  patriotioni  buruml  in  the 
breast  of  this  boy,  llirani  L.  'rowu.send,  wl«)  loiij^oil  lor  moru  ycar.s  anj 
strength  tliat  he  ini^ht  Ijocome  a  tint;  union  soldier,  lie  waited  impatiently 
until  Jan.,  I8til,  and  ))eing  about  17  _,ears  of  ag(^,  he  enlisted  in  eonipaiiy  A 
12!)th  Ind.  in  company  with  many  of  liits  aeijiiaiiilance.s  and  play-nial t  .s.  i''roia 
the  entrance  of  hi.s  regiment  into  the  survicej  lie  was  constantly  with  his 
eoniniaiid  participating  in  all  of  it.s  engagements,  inarcheH.  and  Hank  movi  - 
mentis  as  Hovey's  IJabie.s  until  after  the  evaeaation  of  Atlanta.  He  being  a  youth 
of  aljility  wa.s  detailed  as  clerk  at  the  A.  A.  CfU.  odice  at  Decatur,  but  when 
llie  re^'imeiit  niai'ded  'n  |jei'suil  uf  Ilimd  he  iu.'-i.-,teil  on  rejoining  his  coiii- 
niand  and  did  aelive.  duly  during  tlie  canijiaign  llial  terniinaled  mi  the  tcilal 
deslru<'(ion  oi'  Hood's  army  at  l''ianklin  Nov.  lUI  and  at  N.ishvilh^  bee.  1  Tj  and 
If),  18(;i.  l^horlly  atlcr  he  \,'as  aga'iu  delaileil  as  eliMk  at  rt'gimeulal  head 
<|uarters  and  in  I'eb.-,  I.'st!."!,  I  rausl'ured  1 1)  brigad'.'  In  ailqitarlers  as  clerk  and 
relained  tlia'  posilioii  unlil  the  lagimcni,  \va  ■;  m  u-,i  I'i'i'il  out  ot  l  he  serv  if(  . 
(iomi'ade  Town.-e/id  was  geMiiroii.s  ([iiii'l-  and  .ane-'ie  in  all  wmk  Ix  I'ort!  him, 
with  a  smiln  a  pleasanl^  word  and  gri^^ting  lor  all  As  n  gentlemanly  courteous 
citizen  and  business  man,  was  well  known  in  a  lar;.^e  territory,  es[)i-eiall.v  near 
Mtitz,  wheie  he  inarrinl,  live.d,  aiid  on  Nov.  1.M,1S,S:J.  died  jiisl  ;;(;  years  okl,  the 
r:isaltiiig  cause,  his  army  and  cam  [laign  sei-vi'.',e.  ile  was  buried  svith  Masonic 
h.ini)rs,  of  whu  h  oidi'r  le;  was  a  pr.iiiiiiient  and  w»rlhy   memlxi'. 

A',  the  (orma  I  ii>n  ol  a  (i.  A .  li.  postal-  M'!/.,  in  iJie  s,  hcticm  ot  a  repiaiscn- 
I  it  : /^  namii  I'laim  diseased  com  rade,,,  a.moiig'  ullea-sl'i"  name  of  Hiram  !.. 
't'  >>v  i-ioud  was  prop  i^e  I.  <lapt.  W.  11.  (Join  in  im,;-  present  g.ivi-  .i  hirftorie  and 
f  '  ■:  :.i^'  tribute  of  1 1  in  .■,:)Mier  lit  ■  an  I  soldier  (|irilil  i.'s  ul   e  iniade     Town. -end. 

riin  re,-,iilt  was  a,  po  ,1  b.'iiig  ehartnrml  A  iig.  S,  I  ss.'),  wil  li  Id  i-lia  i  ler  member.,, 
known  as  Ihn  Hiram   L. 'rownseiid  I'ost  <  J.  A.  Ii.  F-Jo.   lO')  ami  hav>.  Ijm  lollowinL,' 

Adair    W  (! 
iiender,  Alfred 
(Oliver. Thomas 
(libbeny,  Samiii'l 
<bMMlnle,  Dr  C  W 

K.NliOLljMl'JNT  OIV    M  i;M  HlatS. 

(Ul  K      11    Ohio    ,     llix,  Marvin 

"  H  V2'.>      Ind 

"  h'  1M2   Oluo 

"  (-'  7  Mich 

'•  C  :•.(!  Mn-.h 

Hat havvay,  J ose[ili 
Hand,  .Iwlm 
lianna,  Henry 
I  lull  ver,  I  lei.ry 

('..  Iv  7  Ind  Cav 

Col'r      11  I  ml 

•'    11    l-j;)  Ind 

'•    A       •„".»  Ind 

'     II      VI  Ind 


Iliir;;i''i',  Jaiiu'y                Co  K   18l*    Ohio  I  IJiiu'liiirt,  John  (.'oH  -IS  Oliiu 

Ji'.i'k.-.ciii,  Isiiac                  "    1)   iMi)   Oliio  j  Htowc,  (-jylvt-sicr  f>t    "  l>  II  liul 

K.iil,  Jiiliu                  Co  K  Ci  Ohio    L'av  I'hoiniii-oii,  1  lugh  "  ('  );).">  (>hio 

Ki11o;;K'-  J'<>i'^ii/-<>            Co  15      l;5      Iml  I  'riowluidgi,  John  "  i;  i;!  Ill 

'•I        7  Midi  j  'l'ii«lisoii,  W.  Ji  '•  K  \)  ii,d 

"     15    H)()      liul  I  VauKlui,  'Vv.'.cy  "  (\  I C.  iMu-h 

••    A    iL'It      Ind  j  Woh'oll,  Jiim.'.s  "  il  71  Iml 

"     1)       r„S    Olliu  I  Willi,, IMS,  ,)ol,u  "  A  ll'l)  lud 

■'    A        :i        VI  j  AVriohi,  CiniiU  ;.  M  "  II  7.".  nhm 

"    (i      CS  Ohio  Wi.siii  r,  Sicj.luii  S  ••  ('  7  Mirh 

'•  R  l.M'  liul 

J.OHLjhurLl,  TJobci  t. 
M  iisscr,  J>>hn 
Mcdicu,  IJcii j.iiiuu 
Mori^an.  <  'Iwii'lcs 
rorl'.r,  K  i; 
J'owt'l ...  ( 'i  '  ir- (■  (  I 
."I'ar^ioiin,  I'laiik 
U('('.se,  (K'oi'gi; 
J!ol)iii.-oii,  Nathan 
]>*iiiiii,ui,  Pavid 

••  15  io;;  Iml 

'•  !■:  117  liiil 

'•  K  101  Ohio 

'•  K  !('!;  Ohio 

"  C  (;■.  Oliit* 

Wells,  iMai'cMi.-  O 

Willianis(»ii,  .Vilhai-  "  (i  L'  Ai  u  h 

\VallHiiy,  (i.  i'i^r  '■  (1  CO  Ol.M) 

Wilson,  Ah  \aiu!.  r  '•  .\  -J'.i      imi 

>;i(iinK  liiian.  John  "  I!'  I  CO      Ind 

Nuinl)(  r  iM. ■;-!.)!_■:■.  !■';;■.  .!';r,\    \(\      .Nm!.1,-l    in  Cc-od  Slandiug,  ;;1. 


M'luMiias  (!uiv('i-,  Syivt  stri'  Slowc,  HainncI  (;  ililicny,  'rru<-y  \'ai)^liii. 

Thi^  }irt,'  i-onoi:ai;di'r  i  .  Jojoi  Mn-s(  r  wilh  H}  K  i  ,;l  t^r  >-j!o\\'u  adjutant. 
I'KH^oNi!,  an:.--,';  ujIns  of  a  vkw  aotivk  m  Kftiiiiais. 

HAJruioi.  ()iin,!i:NV  A.N'M  S'li.MiiN  Wii-;M.;)i  v/tni,  ovci  inlu  AIi(hi;,;an  to  be  soldicv 
l)oyt<,  and  tiu-  old  Mii'h.  7ih  u;'.r;  no(  ashanii  d  oi  liic  n.idmiid.  linlh  iccris  (il 
l,()l:i>ns  ol'  acl  i:al   |iic;;uirc  in   ("li.nt.      ( i  dd.rnj,    b^    lo:-.-,  (d'  one  h  ;/. 

TiiAov  Vaoioln  also  Villi  wiih  the  .Michigan  lio_>;.,  and  t-arih  s  his  |jiin  ,-h(a 
inaiks  and  lor  such  (■x|)o.sui c  siilffris  fiiiuUj^li  lite. 

John  Tkowljo  ixii':  ca.-.i.  his  hit  for  .scldicr  srivicf  in  an  Jlliiioi.-  rc;^inicnl. 
His    (oiidni-|,    as  a  t'di/"n  voii./ju  s  l<;r  jiini  as  a  soidn'''.    It  ir.  tiu    1<(  ^(. 

CiiAiii.l  ,(  M.  W  u.oii  I'  \v:is  all  iij.dit  in  l.'iC.I.  I''(ir  he  in;;  so  Ihn  r*  l.cis  ;,hol  l  i;'.hl 
id  aiid  Ihroiij^ii  him,   lud  ho  is  sldl  ii;.',ld  li\<ly  and  Kio.lai  at  his   piisl. 

^■ivl,\' i;sri:ii  S  I'liwi'i  by  incnl  v.on  a  l.i.'iil.  ooin  m  i:,.-ioii.  III.,  di'Mdiim  lo 
.soldi<'r  (■"iniadc  ■■-hi  ji  is  si  ill  nanib  stt  d  by  his  iiii.'c.l  nllicial  dut  ifs  in  I  he 
O.    A.   II.       Ill-  is  hi;_;li!y  irsi>'..(  IimI  as   a  citi/Aii  ,:nd  mi;.;hl)o|-. 

'I'lioMA.s  (,'i'i.vm;  a  imrohaid,  but  loinicily  a  soldirr  bi,^  I'l-om  l)hio,  whom  lo 
mcrl  in  a  i'om|>anionably  vv;iy  i,.  a  [ilcasun.  Oidsidi'  tlmpuMl  room  hi.-,  sloj-i 
Is  hfadi|  iiailta-;;  tor  Iho  boys. 

Dli.  ('.  \\'.  (iixM'A'.i,  iiy  \irl  lie  of  his  lu-oli  ,-sioii  in  .-iii;;i  on  id'  thu  ]'o.'t,  and 
is  siirli  ill  tho  i'nll  cxli  nt  (d'  its  mi'  by  caic  and  a-.,-.islanc.'  (o  all  comiadcs. 
The  boys  of  the  roiiiily  di'siin  Ids  a  [>[i(dld  menl   on  llm  iiieiliiMJ    buard. 

Naiii\n  Ii'oiunson  hails  rrmn  an  Ohio  rc;;im(  nl,  and  as  a  ■  ili/en  (alie,-;  a 
|)i(miini  nl    iplaee  in      bnben  coiiidy  and  in   Ihr  cuiinMl,,  nl   lhi-(l.  A.  I!. 

I'l.   l!.   I'miri'ii  cm        ,  Irom  I  ho  CSl  h  Ohio     uilh    a    |;ood     ireo.d    as    a     .-oidicr 

7  7 

I    mill  fnmi  Kiljiiil  i  iok  J'wst,  of.  whioli  he  i.s  a  past.  cuinuiaiiclLi-.   He  [(eifoiiuH 
i     all  (lulii's  asked  ov  mi  tied  o(  him. 

iFuANK  Fauso.ns,  iui:u    imni.'  ri'giilai'  in  ihcir  at  Itiidc^iu'i' al    ))().sl  iimol  iii^rn,  or 
porforiiiiiig  a.s^Ljiud  duties  tlicrciii. 
j  fiiHN  TI^Ni),  \v;ls  cm-  of  Hovijys  lialiics,  ijal  (he    l.abiis    i)iiiVL'.d  to  lie  iiu'.ii  in 

!      the  lield.     Johu'c;  health  tells  (he  story. 

'  LoiiHNzo  I'^Ei.iAHa;    lirl|)cd  out  the    l;ith    liid.  in  the  l-ite  war  witli  ci'edil  and 

I      is  a  ereditahle  citizen,  m  i{;hl)<ir,  and  posl   iiiemLiei-. 

I^ecapiLiilat  ion 

Ub'  hsl'iailJEN  COUNTY'S  G.  A.  ii.  MEMBKKHllll' 

Kili)ati-ick  I'ust        No    4.") 
Aldiich  Post, 
C'i-o.-srtait  Post 
J^eri'eet   I'osl 
M((io\vaii  Tost 
Mel-aiii  Post 
(irifiiih  L'csr 
'ro\vus.!ul  I'osl 


KNKOIjI.KD       MKMliEliSHir 

s'o    4.") 



•     138 

4  (J 


'     150 



•'     17;5 



••    L';;;) 



■'    ;Mii 



"     -Ml 



'    I  or, 






111  m.'ikiii;.';  up  liic  lolal  "ni-ollliH  lil  somr  aic  <'niiii((d  twice  hy  In-ili;.;  Iran- 
I'l'ied  iiom  ~il\f  pi'sl  to  aiiulluT-  tor  couvetiieiiei-  o|-  lor  Ihr  loiiiial  ioii  ^ti  new 
[iosls.  Ii  is  estinialed  alioul  forty  siieli  easi  s  o-.-cui-,  which  \wuild  reduce  the 
truoGraud  Army  euiollmeiil,  to  4S5  \'eterans,  witli  a  loss  of  ahoul  l;j()  inoniber.s 
drojiei\.  diseliai'Ljrd,  iiiid  died.  Yet,  t  here  reliiaim-s  .■J55  j^ood  hjyal  G.  A.  li. 
luoinhi  rs    true  I"  eomrad>  .-.liii,  and  fraternity  in  Steubcai  county. 


Tor  A  I,  ncKHKNT 

KNJtOl.l.KK      MICVI  IJKlthUn 

CrosswaitW.  K.  G.  No     ;i7 

Kilpati  iek  \V.  U.  G.  "      58 

Piu'feid,  W.  K.  G.  "      i);i 

Grillith  ^^■.  K.  G.  "Ill 














a  ).i 





111    ■ 



Residents  of  Sttnibeu  Comity  whose  nainc-rt  ilu  not  appear  in  fhu  ciii'tjUiiitiit 
lists  of  th«  G.  A.  li.  [)Orits  of  the  county. 

This  io!l  is  in.iilc  up  luostly  by  inquiry,  luid  pnihalily  \\\v  uanu's  of  al! 
are  not  listed. 

Aldridi,  H  U 
Alvord,  F  !■: 
.\l(^)tt,  (iroroe 
Ad.inis,  (iio  M       I 
AdauiH,  Jl(>iiiy     li 
Ariiohl,  Nicholas 
Brooks,  Hainufl 
Brown,  J  M 
Butts,  G.-ilirifl 
But((»ii,  Alex        <' 
Biirllott,  J  1{ 
Bolinger,  A 
Bovf-r,  Jolin 
Brugh,  William 
Bodley,  !''  W 
Urowii,  WilliaMi 
Brown,  <la<'ol) 
Bivik^y,  8aruuel 
Badger,  J  O 
Barber,  D  K 
Ball,  (Jcorjro  1^ 
Brick  or,  \V  L 
Clark,  Williani 
Chapin,  C  W 
Cooper,  A  C 
Curwiu,  >Sto|)heii 
Charles,  II  C 
Cory,  M  L 
Cleverly,  Seth 
Cheney,  J   It 
(;aii!i)lnll,  K  T 
Cainpbell,  ()  S 
Chasey,  .Josei)h 
Cramj)t(ni,  Joini 
(Jranipton,  lleiii  \ 
l.>ooluy.  'V  \ 
Day,  A  F 
Dennian,  SmuOi 
DottH,  rhili[) 
De.-trick,  John  \V 
Dav's,  '.Villiam 

Co  A 



'•    A 

"    C 

1  51' 

1 1,  1 

J  Co  CI  '1 


1  1  Ul 


1  Co  C  II    Mich 


Co  A 



'"    A 



Co  11  l-J 



••    M     1 



ajit     (!(.ll 

1  i-2 

N  Y 

■•     1 

1  11 


'•    U 



"    A 



■'   K 



••    1! 



■'     V 

1  L",) 


"   o 



"    15 



"   D 



u     ip 



Co  B 



■•  H 



"    A 


N   Y 

"    B 



'•    G 



"    C 



"    E 



"    K 



'•    (J 



"    B 

"    (i 



N  Y 

"    A 



"    11 



''■    A 



'•    A 

1  1 


a      j,> 



Co  B 



"   u 



C.)  K 



"    H 

1  2i» 


"    H 



I-willL,'^,  A    II 

I'hiH  rich,  .1 
Imk  lid,  J   h,  O  W 
lihcygau^^,  Fd 
Forsylii,  U 
Fanninj^,  A 

I'lllillKHC,    ,1 

FlcU-h.T,  M  C 
Furj^Misnii,  SainiK'l 
Gasscr,  C  11 
(;iani,  Mm  it  in  V 
Gritrnli,  M 
(jrunn,  Moriist/i!,  H 
(iill,  J 
(iiisliwa,  .1 
Gri;,'ns.  I)  S 
Gary,  A 
(iaylord,  11  I) 
lliidnuui,  C 

II oohc,  l''rank 
llaiiiia,  Daniel 
Ilanna,  Jac(jb 
Ihintinj^toii,  J 
jlardenbrook,  V 
Johnson,  F  A 
Johnson,  ( i  \V 
Jenniiij^'s,  .1    II 
Jcnnin^'.i,    I) 
Kemp,  Smntii  .■ 
Kiiil  luT,  (icorof, 
Kiiiinifl,  J   K 
Klink,  l',li 
I  jciniiioii,  W  1 1 
I  iiiiiii^^cr,  J(»hii 
hint,  ,1  H 
hoacli,  J  ohn 
h(ina;^bauj^di,  J 

holds,   11    (J 
holds,  Jl   A 



Co  A  44  hid 

"    J!  UH)  hid 

"    A  I  I  .Mich 

"    (1  2  .Nhch 

Co  K  I. -.2  hul 

"   II  Kui  Ohiu 

clleii'.s  Dray(>oiis 

d  11  ;;  Oliio    t.'av 

Coll  11  Midi 

"   ll  lit  Ohio 

"    F  102  Ohio 

"     I  72  Ohio 

()  II  1  I'enn    Bat 

Co  C  )2;t  hid 

"    I  102  <  lliio 

"     F  I,-;,-.  Ind 

Co  C  M*.)  Ohio 

"    G  M  Ind 

"    11  71  hid 

■■    G  I  Mich 

"    C  -11  hid 

Co  C  2  C.,1 

'"    F  Ui  Ohio 

"    F,  III  Ohio 

"    F  l'.i;',  Ohio 

"   (;  li)!j  oli!<i 

Co  K  r>r,  <  ihio 

"    13  100  hid 

"    F  .S7  I'l  nil 

•'  c  ir,2  hid 

"  K  I2".i  hid 

Co  D  1^;)  ohi,. 

•'    !i  2'.)  hid 

'•    1)  \:,r,  hid 

"    (I  !(/.)  Ohio 

"•    .  .  2'.l  hul 

•'   I]  ;;,s  ohii) 

"    \  I2;»  hid 

'■    F  ;;2  (:ii:o 

'•  K  l;;  hul 

■•    A  (•!  hid 


L;ido\v,  L'riuil; 
J.uiiijiaii,  A  J'' 
lj-i\vi"cii<j'.-,  biiliicv  > 
ijociiwood.  (.'Iftaii  H 
l.ciird,  D  M 
j.'ihh,  Sriinmi 
l.ViU',  .J   .V 
iVooff,  ,j  ..! 
IvlcKiii!,  .1  W 
MoKii!!,  (j  U' 
McCi)i-d,  W 
McKili!..  u,  J   !•' 
MfN^d,'...  J, ■line.-. 
Met/,  J  ,1 
iVlcKaiii,  (iv(ir;^e 
Marliu,  () 
Mor.-^i;,  ^  );riii 
N.)lcn,  .M 
Nicliul^,  H'-'i.j 
JJieliol.s,  1- 
Niuholri,  I'^vfii-tt 
<  )b(.'rliii,  Ciforg-; 
i'(i«ler,  Joritph     CI 
lN)rrcT,  Samiiol  1) 
I'adu'i-,  U  S 
ripur,  W  li 
I'lalt,  IJ   W 
Quaucf,  Cli,u'lt'ri  Fj 
l.'osL',  Eli;i:-i  <) 
Iteiimif,  .1  P 
Until.  Daniel 
KliiiiL-hart,  l';ii 
.  Uaub,  J   1} 

Co  A  li;  Iml  Cav 

Co  C      7  1  iud 

irjd    ••    A      '.!l  ill 

"    R      11  lj:d 

••    11      L»J  J  lid 

••   c  i(>:;  Ohio 
"  K      ;')  I'liui 

•'     (.         11   J'flUl 

Ct)  il  ;!  <  )li!.>    t.'av 

••    B  ;;  Oliio    Cav 

Co  A      1.-.  Midi 

■■    1        '.»  Olii., 

•'    A      •_"./      Iud 

•■    \    12',)      ind 

"    li      h\    (ll.K) 

"    t'   l'.)7  Ohio 

■•   a    i.yj     Iud 

••    K  i:v2     lad 

Co  C  11:!  Iud    Cav 

Co  C     HI     >J  Y 

Co  M  ,'>  :\lu-h    Cav 

Co  I)    1.);.     Iiul 

laplaiij  lil  U  S    Col 

Co  (i      (>8  Ohio 

•'    A      II      Iud 

"    D       t;  Mich 

Co  H  3  Ouio  Cav 

Co  C     Ho       111 

J.t   "    A      U     Ind 

"    A   i;.2     Ind 

"    A      2'.)     iud 

"    A     2',l     Iud 

"    15   100     Ind 

lUeve.-,   W    U 

Cc  1'. 

l.".2     Ind 
20      Iud 

ItoWfii-,  J    ij 

"    C 

iit;")   Oiiio 

tiUivy,  .1  C 

HlRiltllT,    O 

Co  C  12 

Co  V 

ind    C;.v 
J   Mieh 

HheatTer,  J   W 

"    A 

»!      Ind 

Stuller,  W    It 

•   1) 

IKl)  Ohio 

iSliorcK,  John 

'•    H 

ir)2      Ind 

Shoriuau,  \\    LC          < 

o  15  10  i\li(^h    ('av 

bines,  8  W 

Co  A 

■11      hid 

LSiuith,  J   \'\ 

"    I) 

1  Mu-h 

Shatle,    ChiJstaiu 
Stage,  11  Ji 

"     I 

2[)     li.d 
1»  Mieh 

Swain,  (..i  v\ 
Suiiih,  A  A 

"   K 

•M      Iud 
1^2     ind 

Ternll,  Ed      • 

'•  li 

4  1        HI 

TwilelK-11,  ( itd  W 

1,1    "    A 

■11      Ind 

Van  I'elt,  11  IJ 

"    C 

l;;  Ohio 

Van  I'^tla,  Sinilh 

••    A 

171  Ohio 

Van  !';ita.  L 
Wekler,  John 
Wilder,  O  h 
Wildir,  Cn 

'•  B    -t;;  Ohio 

"    C    U  S    Cav 

7  Mich  Hand 

(Jo  H   100     liul 

\\liiluey,  J  1' 
Wuodlord,  J    C 
nellon,  D  ii. 

'•     1 

'•    A 

••  C 

1         Vt 

I'.t     Iud 

7  Midi 

Wolf,  A  C 

'•   c 

152     Jnd 

Wolf,  Jo.sepli 
Weaver,'  Abrain 
Wade,  L  \\ 
Wiiitue),  (i  W 

"   K 

•'    A 

152     Ind 
;-50     Ind 
20  Penn 

18  Mi<;h 

YoUlJ^-,  Jy  I  (' 

Zei^hr,  15  K 

"    A 
••    11 

2U      1  nd 

;;h     Ind 


"l^t<t  there  be  I'eace.-'-GKA^T. 

^O^^    ' 

^i.     VKTKl?^^ 





COU  N  I  Y, 


j  Ov«r  ouo  liiiiidiutl    yoiniy    iikui  iii    hd'ubuii  county    liav(!    ikjw    eiili^UMl,    aiul 

I       iiioi-o  will  as   S.  of    V.    uoiu-ly    all  of  whom  have  boon  born  nJiicu  the  gicat  con- 

lliol,  who  in  ajipi'aii'iico  si  i-iliin^'ly  r{^|irn.'^i-iil-  the  ai^'o  and  I'orni  of  fa'thi^r.-s  whon 

l.ali  inf^  I  he  lii  hi     Iv/cnty   livn  or  niuii'    yoar.s    a;^'o   wilh     no    jici,S(Hial    nx  |m  liitiico 

of  war  oi-    cam])     t\ci'|.|     as    liny    niay    vi'W    ilif    ((I'l'cl.s    in      the     )ii  cnnil  urn 

iiifiiTiiities  and  oftLii  in  lows  by  death  of  a    iatlu  r.s  care  and  counHol.i.      hiii   Ihe 

I         result  of  the  j^ieal  contest  hu.s  niadi;  ihini  iealiz(^  that  they  were  indeixl  ])foud 

aiiil  nobli'  Sons  of  nobh!  Sii'i's,  who  finij^lit   l\n  the  [iiii.-.crvation    of    tlm    enion. 

!  I'alliTiirMJ  all.  r  llh    C.  ,\ .   It.  Ihc^    will   iiiiiil,,l''r  I.,     (hi-     w^'nls    of    lh.«    ilisnbleil 

j  vclcraii,  noLl  wdl   Lilh^w   in  I  lu'  tonl.-.l ,  |.,<  ol    IIk  o-  la(li>  r,  on  (wi.-h    ;!(i|li    .it     May 

ti)  deposit  endili  ni-  in  h(nn)r  nl   the  vilcran   inii.sliM(  d  t<>  (ln'  ill.t  r  hhiiic. 

F  rater  mil  I  ies  will  hind  and  (HiMcale  tlu  m  lu  In:  1 1  m  In  i  a.  Ii  i.ther,  loyal  In 
to  the  ohl  soldier,  lojal  lo  the  const  n  ul.iini  and  flat;,  whose  and  i-liijis  are 
ilium  ina  I  in;.;  the  di'.;iiil  y  (d'  A  tnerican  lihrrly ,  and  i  hem  a,-;  t  riu^  sons  ol'  I  it  cdoni. 
As  this  f;rn\\'s  t  Ini  1 1.  A.  K.  will  jiat,sa\va}.  Soon,  oiil)  t  lu'  t  oiis  \,  ill  ri  main  lo. 
treas;ire  the'  nn-minii  s  and  k(H>[)  sacred  the  JoyaJ  lessoiis  to  cai  ry  on  and  Icnwaul 
a  [irecdous  union  crmcnted  by  blood.  May  their  ii\irea;u^  double  that  cd  tin- 
Union  sold ici-,  ni,i y  ( '  'iy  t-vrv  remain  vij^ilant  and  tail  1. 1  ul  to  i  In  ir  oblij^al  'on  of 
loyalily  lo   their  inl       dance. 


SONS  01<  Vl-:r]:RANS  Cy\MF  NO.  Ui). 


• t-o-1 

Aniuskw  J.  Snyukk,  more.  faiiiihai-|y  Jiuown  in  tin-  army  aiul  to  tlio  proplr  as 
Pint  Siiyilcr,  is  ii  vuU-raii  of  line;  years  sorvicu  and  also  'i  sou  ol  a  volci'aii,  liis,  \Villi;un  Ij.  Siiyiler,  btinif  a  v(M(tuii  id'  llio  r»(ltli  N.  Y,  I'iiit  was  u  wlii^k- 
souled  inpulsivo  active  iUid  loyal  HOidier.  As  a  citi/.i  n  <jii  Ihc  si[uaiiior  in  i'\  ('. 
&,  ]j.  Ill)  is  at,  oiKU'  ri'0Of,'ni/i'd  rionivcd  ami  I'vor  alter  luld  as  a  Iriejid,  who 
luwe.r  ndused  (o  share  his  hard  tack  i-alioii  or  a  drii.l;  Iroiii  his  eaiileeii.  'I'lilb 
iMimi'aileship,  i'oiii]iauioiishi[),  and  soi'ial  (jiialil(;s  are  iieeisliai-  and  promineni 
dial  aeleiist  ies  ol'  IMiil.  i)iitiii^,f  liis  two  years  serviiu;  as  com  mander  cjI'  his 
]ii>r,(  lie  was  very  inst  riiim  ill  al  in  orj^jali  i/.ui^f  the  W.  K.  ('.  anxilaiy  and  also 
B.  (d'  \'.  t'am[)  No  ',)',»,  and  'i  liein^'  allowalik'.  the  ^ions  atlo]i|ed  tlu)  naim  of 
Pint  Snyiler  in  honoi-  of  the  man,  ami  also  leceivinf^f  him  as  a  charier 

S.  of  V.  C'ami)  No.  !)',)  was  charduod  I'eli.  S,  1,SS8  wifh  1.'7  charter  momi.ers. 
Aiij^Mislus  Ij.  Hnbliard,  who  had  serveil  as  a  soldier  in  ihi'  rej^ular  army,  was 
tilerled  its  iir.sf  c;i  plain  and  his  knowledge  of  military  tiu-iics  has  ])r(iveJ  t<j  ho 
of  j^roal   value  t(j  the  c;imp.      The  followinjj;  is  the  enrolleil  memhersliij). 

lilnck.  liasconi 
Bvirktdt,  William  M 
B'ariow  Hiirfon 
IJrowii,  .)asj)iir 
iJowiu's,  Ul^rman 
Cui])eiiler,  I'harles  JO 
("ox,  Sciiuylcr 
C'ordyr,  I'lrnest  () 
Cole,  yiiormaii 
Dutter,  Jay 
Gillis,  Tlioiiuis  L  ■ 
Grillith,  Eugeiit)  A 
(loodrich,  Frank 
Uiililiard,  .Viif^MisI  us  Ij 
Humphreys,  U'raiik   U 
.1  eaniii{.;s,  Alfred  IJ 

Kimsoy,  William  C 
Keiley,   Harry 
Masierson,  ( 'harles 
Oldlield,  Homer  K 
i'el  tee,  (.'liester 
Ready,  All.erl, 
Keaily,  .Jain''.s 
l{osse.r,  I'Vank  W 
Kummell,  (Jyrus 
Snyder,  Andrew  J 
Swift,  Brady 
Swift,  Carl 
Timmerman,  J  D 
Van  Aiikiii,  (Marance 
Williams,  Claud 

Nuuiher  Mombers,  ;!1. 
OfFIOEUS  FOli  188'J. 
Captain,  Brady      vift;  1st   Lieut.,  William    M.    nurkelt ;  ■Jiid  l-icul.,  Si^huy ler 
Cox;  ( )rileily  Sirjj      iit,  Thomas  \j.  Gillis;  Q.  M.,  Sc^rgeart,  .1.   I).  Timmerman. 



;  l();.'atl:d  at  iiuDbON,  inofana. 

1).  B.  l"'m;i)-:KU.:K,  an  <;lil  cavali-^  Vc'UTau  of  thu  lalo  war,  was  ranicsl  and 
i-incfM'i!  a.-,  a  .soldua'  ;,Uiil  is  lioii'.'st  and  iiidu.-.(  rous  a->  a  I'llizL-n  willi  i>[)i'n^  lil;rialily 
.  aufl  ,\vMri".  i.i  l!i!-  !;au.-.c  hir  th.:  ad',  auci'niiul  'il'  lii:i  in  ii^'hljors  antl  i.'~[K'cialy  U>r 
a  f')ini-a'.li'.  lie  ciiji;).-!  tlio  coiniadc.Hlii p  oi'  Ins  (i.  A.  J-!.  I'lisl  ami  luat-lits  1,1. c 
yoiui;^  h)  tx:Mn[)li'  lo  i  vii'  lumoi  ami  i-fiin-inbor  tin;  .soldici's  who  invi  r  leliiiiicd 
as  fliDsi'  who  wiTL'  I'ortiinal  (:  i'nc/U'j;li  Ui  couhi  haoli.  l''ur  tliesi-  wrll  Jijuiwa 
j^\'li''l'ous  qiadilivs  his  name  Viiis  siliM-ti'd  as  a|p|ii  opiiaU-  lo  1i(;ii,,l-  by  ii 
f(i-n;):uiy  -li'  y.>aii^  nu'M  in  Iho  vai'iuily  nl'  llndsun  nr^aniztnl  I'lu-    (lu-    paipuso 

I      of  prrsi  rvin;^-  llu'  nir;iu)rius  ol'  tlnii-  falhrrs  ami  iJn-i  r'lk  I'ds. 

j  I).  !i.  I'r.d    1  i'-k  cain],  was  charU'ifd   in  AIar;'ii,  1,S.S«,  with   Ibfiiaikr  nu  inb- r.,s 

and  lia\c  nnrdricd  Iho  i'ulluwiii'' : 

Amlcrsiin,  [i-a 
Cainiilioll,  OVvilli! 
I'lllioli,  JdIui 
Diiroubau-h,  Jl  T 
]feck!ttln)rn,  Daii 
Ilarl,Mian,  W  n' 
Hart  man,  ( )  S 
lIocla-jibert;t;r,  W 
llanna,  A  W 
llisson^,  lOlijali 
Hart  mart,  O  G 
Jjiick,  J ohn 

MorluH',  ira 
iMi'.lis,  (!  (.'r 
I'armai,  (J  G 
liuwo,  <  I  A 
iiowv,  A  \<: 
Sinu))),  ( )  I) 
Shun-,    \V  If 
Slrin.;.^,  (icoi'wa; 
SI  rawscr,  ( li.'orj^'u 
Sl.rawsiM',  ShtMinaii 

Wisi-i,  !<;  ii 

Nuuibi'r  Members,  '2'A. 

'I' he  lirsl  (!ii|<tain  was  (J.  (J.  I 'a  in  ell.     'I'lu-  jii'(  sent,  <'a))laiii  is  ( >.  I).  Sijium. 

The  bi)ys  niusi   n  member  a  coi-purals  yaiard  i.sdl'leii    bunieielil  lu    j)re'serv(-    a 
slra^^M';  point.,  si>  be  not  discouraged. 


C  II.  I3ALT01  I  b:K'l^\' 


LOCATED  AT    l~li  IsMON'i',  INDIANA. 


OiJK  ('oiui-ad(-'  ('.  II.  D-iui;'lK'rt;,  with  no  son.-;  r,[  His  (>wii,  but  lully  df^Lrviu^- 
for  hi.s  ^;i)i>il  .■^ulilicr  rroonl  of  nearly  foiii-  y./ar.s  .service  and  .iijici'  by  Iuh  v\- 
cji^llcnl  cit  i/.fn,,liiii  aiKl  i:itciT,--t  in  sdKlii-ih,  lli<ir  rausc,  coini  adt  hliip  and  all 
or^^ani/iitiuiis  llial.  will  advance  I  lu  ir  Wili'an-.  ,l''.'n-  llio  lnli.i(.-l  ihuH  inani- 
fe.stcd  hi:  i:s  fcuai  d^  lI,  ;'.,s  nol  many  incn  can  liojjc  (o  Ijc,  i/y  many  suii.s,  anel 
iKUn  kiKJW  LfUcr  ilian  he  how  hi^'lil)  he  is  lioni/retl  by  a  company  of 
velei'an.s'  sou^,  \vlii>  attoplc  d  lii.s  name  for  lluir  cam]i  No.  l:;5,  \\hich 
was  cliarlevcd  iVla^  L':!,  IHf^S,  v,i|h  'JO  cliailer  m(Mnb<;rs.  [:  hlill  hold.-;  Jl.-. 
ranKs  fud  wilh  tiie  following  eni'ollinent. 

Allen,   1) 
IJalch,  K  II 
Badger,  J 
Caswell,  John 
('luwiii,  \V  (> 
God,  t)  11 
GolT,  A  C 
Gunn,  (J 
Uall,  K  D 
Hull,  C  E 
Jiughey,  J 

}lnbl)ell,  C  O 
Heller,    li 
Kiii.sey,  Elmer 
Spraj^uc,  15 
Si>raguo,  i'tjvry 
Shells,  Charles 
Ee.lls,  L  K 
I.yths  K 
liif^ht,  William 
1  /emmon,  W  S 
Youny,  1>  M 

N  iindjer  Mendjcrs,  'J- 

Oi'vioiais  lOJi  ISiS;). 

Capiain,  ('.  ().  llnbbell;    l;d    Lieut.,   I'l.   h.    II, ill;     L'lul     Lieid.,     i'erry  Tipi-a^  lie ; 
Orderly  Serf^i  ani,  L.  L.  Lytic;  Q.  M.  Soigcant,  <'.  1'!.  Uall. 

'I'his  camp  undiT  llii^  command  of  their  i'li^i  captain  (  ).  II.  ( ioH'  won  a 
valuiible  ^word  a..  1st  prize  at  the  'I'ri  State  (1.  A.  K.  Kiiir  laid  at  An;.'(ila, 
[i,ili;ina,  ill  May,  l.'-S.S,  f(M'  having-  in  Ime  the  i;ir;;e>t  |ur  e(iit  of  ihiir 

The  caiu)i  ha.-  ip  i  ters  in  the  (1.  ,\ .  U.  hall,  .-iii'd  dw  their  |.,iil  in  fiiini-  hin^ 
ih"   same  and  In  ii        e  it  attractive  ami  home  like 

M.  B.  BU'rj.h:r^ 

SONS  01'  V BTlsK ANS  CAM  F  NO.  2(). 


-- -t^x 

No'inaii  ainiiociiiti-ri  or  vcalizcri  tlic  .sigiiilicaco  hcUcr  ilian  our  (•tuiiradc- 
M.  B.  lj\!tler,  to  have  a  .seloc-t  company  ot  his  coinriides  bon.-i  band  thouiselve.s 
t()gt:tlit  r  I'cu-  any  luyal  and  oharitabhi  piirposr^  and  take  upon  theuisiilvos  hih 
iiainc.  i<'(/i'  b(-iu{^  a  bravo  dt'fciiidir  oC  the  loyal,  which  he  iia.s  ever 
lau;^'ht  riiinT,  by  word  aiui  ('xani[)h;,  and  lor  hiw  contuuied  autl  .-^l  o-id  liL-^l 
Iwyal'ly  v.iiih-  a  soldier  and  Uinv  a.i  a  cili/.iui  unv  ooiurado  lid  i.s  tliuH  lioiii;rud  iii 
lild,  a/id  for  his  rciiiaiiiinj^  day.s  he  will  cam  loi-  and  for(l(>i'  Uio  M.  11.  Inilk  i 
Sons  of  Vcicrfiiis  (,'ani[),  No.  '2i>. 

Thiri  <'aiii[)  of  .sous  of  vi^toran.-  wad  charLurcd  IMai'ch  20  1881)  with  17  chai  tcr 
nioiaboi'.s  and  has'C-.  eniol'lcd  iho  foUowinic. 

Huthr,  iJonjaniiii    M 
lUitlcr,  Ora 
liuLlcr,  JjOccu 
iiodlby,  Lsaac 
Dowitt,  Elbworth 
(iillis[iio,  William 
Gillisjnc,   ()rla 
(ireeu,  Charles 
(junsaullus,  E 
Haintis,  Adelberr, 
McCiuin,  E  b 

Mtmagh,  Joseph 
I'luker,  <r(H)rj,'i) 
I'lirkcr,  Thonia.s 
Strawser,  Sherman 
Straw.-^er.  (icorgo  \V 
Sani.-.,  L.ifayodo 
Saras,  lii'Wis 
Wisel,    1-:  L 
Wilson,  (irant 
W  ilson,  J  ohn 

Miindior  Munibuis,  lil. 

Some  (d'  Iho  abovo  metaber.i  weru  Lraasl'iied  l'n)iii  l».  it.  I''rederiel;    ('amp. 

Ub'FiowiH  yoi;  188;). 

Captain,  SluimKUi  Struwcicr;  1st  JjioiU,.,  (aioryo  Parker;  2iid  Lieut-.,  Joseph 
Meuai^h;        Orderly  iSiiryeaid,  E.  L.  WiHol;        Q.  M.  Scrt^oaut  (ieo.  W.  SIraw.sei'. 

'>Vilh  j^ood  iiillnerieo  aroimil  and  about  lleui,  eoiipled  wit.,  the  pairi(dii' 
WISH  coaii.sels  of  the  vel-eran  whoui  they  now  huuoi-  by  name,  the  f  at  uj-e  ol  I  his 
camp  appCiU-s  brij.  .,  . 


OIuirl<^^i^    i^-    Kinney 

S{^N,S  ( )\'  \  in'F. K ANS  C iVM  V  N( ).  134. 



t'-ipt.  C'liarU's  1'.  Kinucy  liad  tUc  faculty  l"  win  llic  (•oKrulciuH;  of  all  ^vith 
hIiuiu  ho  came-  in  contafi,  aiul  of  laakiii^'  sloadfast  friends.  Such  f i-iciid.-.liii) 
was  hiB  dnriii'^  lifo,  c.-sin-cialy  by  I  ui;  old  soldii-rs  soils  in  lli>'..  \iriHity  of  iMul/^ 
Coiui-i'.do  Kinm-y's  l,oylu,o>l  homo.  In  him  vns  alwayr,  fouml  a  .syuipalhctic 
i'lii'iid  and  (•iiuiis(4'.:r.  in  rfinciinlxM-anci^  of  t  hcM'  iiualilir.^  Iom-cUut  with  liis 
hoiioraliid  i-,-.i-..rd  a:,  a  (lili/.dii  and  s.iUlit-r,  his  yoin\;^-  fi  i(nds  n(.w  honor  him  hy 
I,,  :,anii-  liio  woiiiL  'liny  do  !i,)ma;r<'  lo  a  \so,'lhy  man,  a  .soldier,  ami  cdj/.iii, 
who  v.a.--.  v.i'll  ami  lavoralile  Itm.svn  in  the  comdy. 

Kinni-y  C'amii  was  charloroil  May  L'hlh,  iH.-iS,  wilh  It  charier  niember.s. 
('ircinndaiuHS  w>^rti  somewhal  against  tlie  hoys  Ihi;  hrsl  yt;ar,  Inil 
they  si  ill  hold  tlieir  charier  and  organization  wilh  this  enroih  d  niendiership. 

IJrooks,  ,r. 
H:iftler,  William 
Guise,  D. 
Guodalft,  15. 
lliuid,  E. 
M(ji'ey,  G. 
Porter,  I].  K. 

J'urter,  A. 
I'owers,  1). 
Hubinson,  J. 
Htowe,  VV.  E. 
Williams,  E. 
Wright,  E. 
Wright,  (Joorge 

The  folltjwing  were  chosen  ofRcers  for  388S  and  continued  I'ui  I88t); 
Captain,  PI  K.  Portor;  let  Lieut.,  D.  (iuise;    L'ud    Lieut.,    K.    Hand;    Orderly 
Sergeant,  13.  (ioudale;  Q.  M.  Sergeant,  E.  Williams. 




(lllAltLI'.S   l'\   KINM'.Y, 

().\l'l'\tN  (It).   A     I  ll  H    I  M' 

■  87 


I  liavo    bidi  iiquisltd  to  relatt;  the  Bceiics  and  occurtiictH  of  my   luiiiy    litis, 
I     e.-ipicialy  at  ill*  tiuiu  I  was  woundod.     I  had   se(Mi    jiiaiiy    nhaip  liorco  cavalry 
coiitlicts,  lirsl  in  MeChUioiiB  DraguoiiH;  and  last  an  buigiaiit  in  Cu.  K    71h   Iiid. 
Cav.  ill  which  1  cxpciionccd  the  fuliowiiiy  i-Diniiiisceucu. 

Ill  l''cb.,  iHGi,  our  anny  wa.s  moving  uu  a  great  raid  into  Missiariij)i)i.  I  wa.s 
j;ivcii  a  squadof  men  to  l>uin  IniiklingH  and  property  of  worth  to  the  enemy, 
mills,  htonhousis,  graiiioru-.s,  elc.  In  pabniiig  through  JJolly  Springs  wo  l)Urncd 
it  Ilium  to  the  ground,  one  vcr^    nice  I  ;5  run  stoue  grist  mill  went  to  ashe.s. 

Tliirt  part  ol  the  south  en  to  ligyi)t  Hlatien  was  full  of  cribs  of  jerked  corn 
and  tobacco  and  warehouses  of  gram,  all  was  distroyed  l)y  hie  to  keep  it  from 
the  rebels.  Early  one  morning  we  were  routed  out  by  lieavy  picket  tiring,  ihe 
Johnnies  thouglit  we  had  gone  far  enough  and  done  enough.  We  had,  for  they 
made  it  quite  a  lively  picnic  in  licking  us  back.  We  luid  to  run  and  light  on 
the  retreat,  many  of  tlie  boys  knows  how  that  goes,  to  stop  and  check  the 
enemy,  '-uu  and  do  the  same  thing  over  ut  the  next  good  place  you  can  find. 
All  went  will  with  mc  unUl  the  afternoon  of  Felj.  L'2d,  1804,  on  what  waa  called 
tht;  Joy  farm  near  Okalona,  iMi.-^s.,  we  made  a  nice  litth;  charge  on  the  Johnnieb 
whom  we  found  l.iying  behind  a  big  fence  and  we  wen  forced  to  gig  back.  In 
looking  at  them  on  our  retreat  1  was  bhot  through  thv  nose  and  left  clunik  by 
an  explosive  ball  that  sent  me  wliirlling.  I  knev,  tlial  1  wanud  to  get  back  at 
once,  although  Ijadly  wounded  I  wanted  my  hat  and  started  for  it,  but  the  Ji,hn- 

nies  raised  a  yell,  it  rings  in  my  ears  yet,  '"Let  it  lay  you  son  of  a  b ."    I  did 

so  by  telling  them  what  to  do  with  it,  and  started  on  a  run  without  li  hat.  Music 
of  minie  balls,  yells,  with  the  Jonnies  after  me  I  tarried  not,  two  balls  went 
through  my  clothes  just  enough  lo  burn  the  skin.  I  got  away  and  come  out 
at  my  own  com[)any.  Si;rgeant  Eldridgo  caught  a  hoise  for  me  which,  I  rode 
until  the  boys  gtjt  mules,  rope  harness  and  an  old  carriage.  I  rode  for  tliree 
days  iWd  nights  to  CoUiersville,  sent-  to  Memjihis  the  next  day,  iiad  my  wounds 
dressed,  amT something  to  eat  for  the  first  after  being  wounded.  I  stayed  at 
Memphis  three  months,  got  ;;o  days  furlough  for  home,  and  wilh  the  pretty 
face  the  Johnnies  had  given  ine  married  my  l>  girl,  went  back  and  snived 
my  time,  came  home  and  we  now  have  one  son  and  four  daughters,  and  one 
grand  child  that  takes  the  cake. 

I  belong  to  tlie  (j.  A.  K.  my  good  wife  to  the  W.  U.  C  ami  my  son  to  the 
Sons  of  Veterans.  1  l<*ve  nnd  enjoy  post  meetings  and  reunions.  1  and  mine 
honor  the  iWth  of  May,  we  devote  in  strewing  einbloms  of  respect  and  romem- 
berance  of  my  comrades,  especialy  of  those  who  were  shot  by  my  side  or 
winmded,  or  sickend  by  di.-^ease,  died,  and  never  returned.  I  thank  my  God 
ioi-  my  safe  delivennce  then,  and  ids  constant  mercy  since. 
Yours  in  F.  C.  ik  L. 

liAlFAYKi'Tli  liUltlU'.TT.  ("o.  K.  7'ril   InL>.  CaV. 


'Ah  Skkn  jiY  Mauvin  H.  BuTr.KU,  Lst  Fjikut.  Vo.  A  41111  Ind.  Vol. 

The  44th  Ind.  bivuuacetl  on  tlie  Nashville  Pike  on  the  evoiiiiig  of  the  30th 
of  Dec,  18<)2.  Here  we  nuidc  our  buJs  rtnd  rapped  our.selves  up  m  our  blaukets 
and  laid  down  and  8h'i>t  fioimdly  dreaming  of  homo  and  loved  ones  all 
uncoiiiiciouH  that  on  the  morrow  this  place  would  be  a  noted  battle  field. 

Early  the  next  morning,  tlio  day  of  tlio  year,  our  regiment  moved  to 
the  front  of  Gen.  Ilo.senerj'.ntz  lieadcjuarters.  When  tlio  general  came  out  lie 
walked  along  tlu!  regimenlal  line  and  talked  cordially  to  the  boys,  a.^^rfuring 
us  that  a  turriablo  battle  was  pending  and  urged  all  to  stand  by  the  flag  and 
their  guns  and  by  all  means  to  slioot  low.  Wliile  ho  was  yet  talking  to  us  the 
conflict  had  commenced  on  the  riglil,  and  on  looking  in  that  direction  wo 
could  see  that  our  right  wing  was  gradually  giving  away,  ^^'hile  here  an  order 
comes  to  movii  our  eoluma  (u  (he  left.  After  going  a  short  distance  heavy 
firing  <)pened  in  our  rear.  Uui-  (^oliimii  halted  a  monieni,  then  started  on  the 
doubhi  quick  along  llie  main  pike  in  that  direction  for  fully  a  mile,  reaching 
the  point,  we  foiiml  that  (he  ri'.bel  calvary  iuui  captiirei!  our  bagage  train. 
Juf<t  as  we  came  uj>  llie  rebels  gave  way  autl  went  belter  skiltt^r  aerost 
the  field  urged  on  by  a  battery  of  I'arrott  guns  tiring  dcully  vollnys  into 
th'Ur  retreating  ranks.  All  (his  time,  our  rigiil  wing  had  liecn  sorely  pressed 
and  had  grailuully  swung  back  like  a  gato  U|i<.>ii  its  hingt\s  until  it  stood  at 
Iiearly  a  I'ijjht   an;.;le  to  th(!  b.itthi  line  of  tlie  moriiiiig. 

l''ioiM  hen  s\('  were  nioveil  bai'k  (Ui  tiic  (ioiiblo  (pock  aloij;^  (hi>  piivo  about 
O[)po.sib'  ol  (ill'  I  hen  reliei  rigid  and  moviil  m  l/a(  ( le  line  wi(h  (>\ir  sk  inn  ishern  in 
front.  \\'e  eanu.'  to  a  high  fence  wlucii  we  let  down  in  gaps  ten  or  twelvo  roijs 
)i|Mirt  through  which  we  passed  and  formed  our  line  of  battle  lying  ilown 
along  the  edge  of  the  woods.  We  had  Mcar<rely  got  our  jiosition  when  we  w<M-e 
Iniiled  liy  till'  moht  terriable  fire  from  the  r<lii|  linn  about  Ivm  nty  roils  in  front 
and  ahio  from  (ho  woods  on  our  right.  'I'ln  an  w.i  ,  (Hll  oi  (he  me:- engm  ■>  of 
4l(<a(.li,  ami  hhrll  1  from  lie  ir  batd'ries  on  our  i  ighl.  and  trout.  Tin',  longer  the 
luitde  wagi'd  (he  ho((er  and  more  (;(»nHi'nt  iiidd  (tui  enniiiy's  (ire  grew.  It  was 
lin  umitjual  eou(i>s(.  for  i>ur  single  line,  wo  had  (o  lidl  back  or  be  atiuihiladd. 
Our  line  was  withdrawn,  leaving  our  ileati  and  wiiunded  (o  ihe  mercies  of  the 
oi.Huny,  and  moved  forward  again  along  thu  pike  wlnTe  we  were  abh^  to  i-iuek 
the  enemy's  ailvance  and  hold  our  position  for  Ihe  Ijalanee  o(  Ihe  day.  'I'iiat 
night  we  laid  on       ii  iiohl  not  t<»  dream  or  hlcMtp  but  to  think. 

Early  on  th(!  1-       ning  of^J  an.  lst,  IHC);!,  I  he  division  to  whieti    the     llth    wis 

!  8i> 

attachud  moved  to  the  left  crossiii^jj  the  river  at  the  ford  and  forimd  our  line 
of  battle  iu  the  face  of  the  enemy  with  the  i-tth  on  the  extreuie  left.  Here  w«s 
remained  all  day  keeping  up  a  constant  Hkinniah  tire  with  the  enemy,  and 
as  night  closed  in  laid  down  on  the  frozen  ground  to  sleep,  dnuun,  think, 
or  freeze.     Froii;  force  of  cireumHtaaee.s  and  not  from  ch(jii;e  I  froze. 

The  early  morning  of  the  2nd  was  (jpened  about  sunrise  by  a  livitiy  artillery 
duel  between  our  left  wing  and  the  enemy's  right,  which  lasted  an  hour  or 
more.  For  those  who  were  throwing  these  Hhells  it  might  have  been  fun, 
but  for  us  poor  frogs,  who  watched  th-,  in,  it  was  death.  A>*  the  artillery  duel 
subsided  a  sliarj)  skirmisii  tire  began  all  along  the  line  which  was  kept  up 
until  about  2  1'.  M.  when  all  became  still.  The  position  of  the  -Itth  an  stated 
above,  was  on  the  extreme  left  and  witli  a  t-trip  of  high  weetls  and  line  brush 
and  a  number  of  while-oak  trees  just  m  fruut.  lUyond  this  strip  of  brush 
was  a  level  plain  terminating  at  tlie  foot  tjf  an  uucv*  u  ridge  or  hills  covered  by 
oak  timber.  In  this  woods  the  enemy  waa  massed  under  the  command  of 
Gen.  Beokenridge.  The  livor  abtjut  eighty  rods  iu  our  rear,  a  very  rapid  and 
crooked  stream,  cuts  t!ir<nigli  the  solid  rook  forming  steep  banks  from  live  lo 
tifteen  feet  in  height.  A  massed  enemy  in  front,  lui  support,  and  only  one 
small  ford  U)  cross  the  river  was  not  a  very  t'nchanling  posit  icni  to  be  in.  From 
2  1*.  M.  to  neaily  H  the  stillness  was  absolutely  oi)pressive.  But,  look!  the  enemy 
is  all  alive.  Their  activity  resembles  tlie  swarming  of  Ixis.  Men  are  gather- 
ing together  in  squads,  and  companies,  reginu'iits  are  j.ouring  down  frj)m 
their  cover  in  the  wood  and  forming  in  colunms  by  divisions  at  the  fut)t  of 
the  hill.  What  a  battle  line.  How  magnitioent  and  s\  steuiaticly  tlnry  uiove, 
as  if  inspired  by  one  man  and  one  thought,  they  come  steadily  but  surely  on. 

Prior  to  and  while  this  was  going  on  m  front  Rosencraniz  was  not  idle. 
Froui  fifty  to  seventy-tive  piecies  of  artillery  were  planted  on  an  elevation 
that  crowned  the  river  on  tlie  rear  sitie  of  us  and  supported  by  a  strong  force 
of  infantry. 

'I'he  enemy  comes.  I'he  kI  illness  is  yet  unbroUen.  They  In  e  not  a  g\in  ini(  il 
they  reach  a  [loint  nol  more  liian  lill  'en  or  Iwenly  roil-  from  our  fioni,  (lieu 
the  rebel  yell  broke  foil  h  followed  by  mu.sketi  ly  iiiid  aililleiy.  'I'he  scen.e 
can  only  be  cornprehemled  by  those  who  have  fell  and  lie.ud  ilie  loar  aiiil 
storm  of  battU;.  'I  lieu  solid  line  of  scatering  llaiue  leaped  ilirough  llie 
t!U)uds  of  tlriftmg  smoke  and  (illed  the  air  wilh  a  murderous  hail  td'  shot,  shell, 
grajie  and  bullels.  ( )ur  single  line  checked  this  mass  of  enemies  only  for  a 
few  m.imenis,  p(Mlia|is  we  lired  from  three  to  four  rounds,  ami  then  as 
the  charging  columns  rolled  us  back  our  artillery  elevated  over  us  oiiened 
their  mouths  and  wh'  we  crossed  the  field  timre  belched  fourlh  a  liie  which 
shook  the  very  earth       So  short  was  the  line  on  wliich  it   was    planted,    aud    so 


nipiil  tl\.i  iiriiiiMlKil  111.)  roai-  was  lilio  Ihc  liursdi.^'  fmth  of  a  lim^'  ji.iit  nji 
volcani),  (T  nil  luimlrnl  llitimlrr  slorni:,  .•oiic.iil  i-al<il  in  tuu-.  Th.:  ••^iiiokn 
iwUc, I  ill  t,M-cat  ',•!(. ihl.^  aiul  liul  llic  sun.  111.-  l>allr  ll<  w  ho  tiiicic  aial  floMi  nvt-i- 
and  liiftmiLl  llial  il  s. ■allied  on.'  t-ould  have  e-aii^chl  his  iiands  lull  liy  lK)ldilig 
th.-ni  ill  positiun.  Gr^'Ml,  ^t()ius,  diil,  and  d.l.ri.-  <>r  a!l  kinds  lill  tlio  air. 
A.S  1  looked  across  the  field  a.-,  llie  sinoko  percliaiirn  was  lifted  by  tlie  breeze 
oil  either  side  uere  ineii  drnt;iiij^'  shattered  and  bleeding,'  limbs,  holdiiij^'  a  torn 
anil,  ewverini(  r-nnie  ^'a.--tly  wound  about  tlie  head  or  face,  fallin^^  and 
eallin;;  for  help,  li-iti-  and  si  ru;^^L,'lin^'  lo  r.  aeh  llie  Kar,  .n-  fallinf,'  all  around 
lue  never  to  rise  a^jiaiii.  n)i!  I  lial  Held  of  I;ail  le.  I  .-ee  it  in  my  dreams.  lis 
devastation  raid  carnage  no  lan^nai^,'.'  can  jnctiire  nor  no  t^reiiius  can  }.ainl. 

Twice  I  fell  from  exhau.-lioii.  ean.-ed  from  inhalinj^'  the  thick  powder  smoke, 
and  to  save  myself  from  ea|>lure,  I  Hanked  <iV  to  the  ri^dd.  -inking'  a  point 
near  the  river  at  an  old  double  loj^r  huildinj;  siirrouiultd  by  a  thick  -rowth 
.  of  large  tree^.  Here  I  rested  for  a  while,  but  not  long,  shells  were  screaming 
through  the  trees,  balls  beating  against  the  house  like  hail,  and  the  rebels  wore 
extending  their  line  lo  the  right.  ^'o  safely  or  security  anywhere,  nothing 
but  to  cross  the  river  or  be  taken  pri.soner  or  shot  where  I  was.  'I'o  the  river  1 
took,  leaped  down  its  jneeipilious  banlc  and  struck  out  into  the  cold 
water  uji  to  my  arms  and  keej.iiig  close  lo  the  enemy's  hide  under  the  cover 
of  the  steep  banks.  [  linally  reachiHl  t  ho  fi.rd.  but  was  so  exhausted  when  1 
reached  the  op[io.-ilo  side  that  I  had  to  crawl  up  the  slippery  b;uiU  on  my 
hands  and  knei  s  and  found  my  place  in  our  own  lines. 

'I'ho  enemy  had  imw  naidieil  the  river  and  the  climax  oi  chargt. 
Massed  lis  they  were  under  the  concentrated  lire  of  the  arlillery  and  the  heavy 
line  of  fresh  troops  held  in  reserve  and  now  brought  into  action  at  close 
range,  Breckonridge's  columns  moiled  away,  and  the  hiu  vivers  lied  panic. 
striokon  from  Ihe  field  leaving  their  dead  and  wounded  in  our  hands.  The 
victory  was  coinpleie  and  ours.  That  night  the  llih  regiment  planted  its 
colors  on  llui  breastworks  of  tlu^  enemy  and  laid  down  lo  .-.h  <  p  and  dream  on 
the  buttle  field. 



XHK    1.20tli  INIJ.  VOL.. 




On  llu!  'J;!rd  of  NovMiibrr,  IHdt,  (lie  iL'yili  Indiana  Icfr.  Jolmsouville,  Tenii., 
Ii;  join  fiirc-i  s  wil  h  ( iiri.  Scliolliold  who  wa-i  oiii)o.-,in^'  (ho  ad%aiK;o  of  Gen. 
liood'b  army  al  I'lila^^ki.  Thu  ri'^^'inu'iit  arrived  a(  Coluinhiii  at  ','■  o'cloidv  Ihfe 
inorniiii^  of  llu.'  L'lth,  ajj^i  at  day-ii^^hl  took  a  {>o-i(ii>ii  ),oi-(li-wisl  of  C'oJiiiiibia. 
W'n  vniuiiiR'd  then-  iiutd  tii-arly  darl;,  when  we  ui  il-  ordered  (o  pileh  Uiilfi 
iuul  Hpeiid  thy  iiij^ht.  \\ C  had  liardly  made  <iai.s,i ves  conifoitabh-,  wljeu  we 
were  ordered  to  strike  teiit.s  ami  move  at  once  to  tlie  ri>^ht.  Wo  marched 
rajudly  to  ilie  cast  Iv.uiJv  of  Biyby  creek  nearly  soiltli  of  our  ir'oruitir 
position  and  fonued  in  line  :donf4'  its  baiilvs,  faciu;^  tlic  west.  IJetails  we.rb 
imiuediatoly  made  :ind  work  eommeiieed  to  ])re[ia',e  Thi>  work 
continued  steadily  on  until  at.iout  ','>  o'clock  in  aliernoiin  oTlliti  'Jfilh  win  n  work 
ceased.  'L'he  mi  n  being  very  tired  conchuled  to  pahs  the  ni^ht  as  couifort- 
able  as  jiossib'.e.  but  were  ai_'-ii]i  ordered  to  nn.iNi-,  ami  witli  a  (ioltjred  gentlG- 
man  a.-^  guide  started  for  a  m  v,  posilion  near  llie  r.iilriuui  bridgi/.  Aflti-  a 
long  march  the-  guide  ,-iiicee(  ih  d  in  lo.>ing  the  I'eginicut  in  a  t-Avanjp.  Al  this 
Col.  Zollingi  r  gi->t  hin  duleli  up  /iiid  nearly  scarf  the  lifi  oul  of  llie  ni;jger,  and 
then  discliarg.ed  him.  .1.  l>.  .Muwhooil  <if  company  .\  volnnleered  to  lead 
tlu'  regiment  out  of  Ihe  wilderness,  which  In-  did  in  :h<Mt  .order.  \  lialt  was 
ma.le.  until  day  li^jht  when  we  foujid  ihal  we  were  s.ceaping  our  lirst  positiiui. 
.\  line  was  immedialely  formid,  oiw  right  reaching  I  he  railroad  a  few  rijds 
frt'm  llu>  biidgc  and  facing-  Ihe  south  wesl  The  biiilding  of  wtuks  again 
oiMnmenced  .ami  euntiiiii'd  steiu'ily  until  ihe  night  of  tlie  L'Tlh  whm  llio 
r,.ilroad  In  idge  afler  being  will  lilh  d  with  Ininlier  I  lom  a  saw  mill  close  by 
wa-  set  .Hi  fire.  The  regiuR'nt  crossed  ovt-r  c  ml  lie  bridge  while  it  was  sliU 
bur.iijig.  to  the  north  side,  iind  took  a  posilJim  bac!:  «d'  the  bb'is  on  the  banka 
of  the  river.  Day-light  sh(*wcd  uh  the  enemy  im  lic  oj/p>i-ile  ,-ide  <jf  (he 
rilroi'.m  (tceuping  our  old  [>osition.  i'or  a  unui  to  sh.ow  himself  was  to  becomo 
a  mark  to  the  rebels  bullt;ts.  And  while  lyiug  here  William  .lauu-s  of  com 
p:aiy  A  \vas  severely  wounded.  Tho  28tli  and  2!)th  until  live  o'clock  in  the 
aflern.ron  was  sj)ent  m  returning  rebel  shots  and  building  works.  ^\'e  then 
lit  Old,  toward  Nashville  for  the  eu'.iny  was  on  the  east,  nordi,  anil  south  of  us. 
We  arrived  at  Spri  ■  Iliil  al)out  Jfirk,  bu(  Oeii.  Schollield  ordered  Col. 
/ollingor  witii  his  CO       nand  to    march    back    .ibout    two    miles    and    guard    a 


CT>>ns  iHiml  uiilil  rt'lu.'V(  il.  "We  rciiiaiiicd  imlil  iiraily  iiiiilni^li(,  wlua  (imi.  Cox 
luid  titatr  ill  [lapsing  told  the  (.•oliuifl  (hi'y  wtie  (lie;  riiir  of  Ihc  ftdcral  army  and 
thti  ffbs  were  in,  piKriinl.  For  oiicl«  (.'ol.  Zollinger  diM.lH'\cd  orders,  \n-  not 
wailing  to  b«  relicvi'd  .started  north  with  liis  nginienl.  Camji  tins  oI'  IJood'.s 
army  cxl<'iidfd  two  Tinlcts  or  inoto  ak)iig  our  lin(!  ol  inaich  and  ( .;.sl  of  llio  piko 
for  ahoiit  half  miht,  and  Wf  were  oi-oartionally  rciiiimicd  >>{'  thiirmur  j.roximily 
by  now  at;d  thrn  a  zip  of  a  niinnio-hall.  I'roin  hcic  to  rraidilij,  it  vas  a  i^t  11- 
mi  l]  liiniy  skurry  maifii.  Th  ■  12!ith  arrivid  at  Fianklinat  ihc  Incak  of  day. 
stacked  arjn.^  and  prt-.pavpd  ;i  lui.sty  l)reakf:;st.  W'liile  eating,  (u-n.  Hclioliu'd 
rodo  up,  not  rcu;ogni/Jng  lis  asi  th'.i  regiment  h('  ordered  to  ilie  cio^^s-road,  said, 
•'Hurry  up  lioys,  we  liavt^  lots  of  wuik  to  day."  Ua.stily  leaving  the  h; 
we  W(3rn  ui;;rohed  rtoutli  ;.f  the  city,  a  line  of  liattle  f.,rined  and  builduig  of 
worki^  commenced.  ^Ve  worked  uutil  aboid,  :!  o'clock  aiid  sloped  to  n:ake.  c(nTee 
iiiid  warm  up  tlie  remain.'^  of  oiir  While  Imsy  at  thi.-  we  notii'ed  a 
C(jniriiotioii  uj)  the  line  to  our  left.  IjO(dcing  in  front  we  .saw  as  nnigiiiiicent  a. 
hight  as  ever  witnefised.  Hood's  army  three  loie.-^  of  battle  dee[)  advaneing 
at  (jiiiek  .step  in  prrfeei  alignment.  A  sight  n(\(r  to  ho  forgoluii.  Idnnirwas 
posljioned  until  after  we  had  entertaimd  (an-  rtl-el  frii):d.-,  aijd  i  hi-y  were  ii- 
cei\ed  aeeonling  lo  the  iiihs  of  war.  (iiii-  luigade.  the  I'd  id'  the. I'd  division 
oci'ujded  tiie  I'iglit  of  I  he  space  bitNwin  I'lih.ndda,  and  Carter  Crei  k  tiike, 
the  1st  brigade  on  oni-  left, and  its  htt  near  tie-  tanioiis  Carter  flouse  on  the 
Cobindiia  pike.  W'le^n  lle'intniy  was  ni-;ir  eiioiiyh,  in  I'.iel  helore  our  ad- 
vanced |dckils  could  gil  in,  I  he  n  cepi  ion  eon.  im  iie<  d.  'i  hi.-,  roni  Mined  iint  il 
long  afli>r  ilnrk.  The  iiheh.  wm-e  pei-.i^tanl ,  d'-.-peial  e,  and  lirave.  'I'he}'  n.ade 
cliarjje  upon  charge  and  h.'ilid  lo  li.'m'd  lighls.  Jt  is  i  me  of  I  lie  de.-.pcralc 
batl'l(!S  now  recorded  in  history,  (t  was  iie;ir  <iur  righl,  where  (he  i-i'hi  I  (on. 
Pat'.  Claiborne  in  leading  a  charge  rode,  up  until  Hie  front  feel  (d  his  white- 
iuMX!  were  over  our  works  V\  hen  I  hey  wt  I'e  hoi  h  sholdead  a'  t  he  .■  anu'  lime. 
•  M'lio  f'J'JIh  Went  into  iho  light  with  (it)  roiind.s  to  i  ach,  they  shot  these 
away  and  all  they  could  get  from  the  IH;!rd  Ithii-  a  rej_;iMienl  in  onr  rear, 
al.'^o  seviMul  fall  bo,\es  containing  1 ,000  ca  i  1 1  idj.M.s  (;ic|i.  .\bonl  tin  o'clock 
our  regioKMit  slole  away  under  lln'  co\er  of  ih.'.  dol.  re  .-vs  and  ci-o,-..,sivl  i  he 
railroad  hridgi!  over  I  he  I  l.'irpelh  ri\ei,  llie  liinhM!  hiiiiiing  v,  h  iln  we  ci  oHscd, 
mai<-hed  lor  ^a,^ll\llll<  where  we  arriv<-il  tin'  m  -.1  moiiiin;',  I  .'ee.  Kl,  about  ten 
o'elo.-k.  'I  hat  nig  111  wc  enleicd  (he  iMly  and  look  a  po.^il  ici,  ,:asl  id  l''l.Nea^;ly  ami 
enjoji^d  the  lii^t  real  rest  and  sleep  since  leaiing  John.  (in\  ilh:  the  'J'.'.vd  of  Nov. 
'!'hi;  regiment  remained  in  cam[>  iinlil  the  I  Td  h  cd'  Decendier  wlnu  we 
marched  out  wiMi  tlii^  'Jltnl  army  oorps  lo  juiilicipate  in  lie  great  hatlle  of 
Nanhville,  (hat  a  ,ed  anolhir  star  lo  the  glilleiing  cmwii  (d  "Old  I'ap'' 
'riioinas,  a  niilila        j.'_eniusol   iho     t^jie.       The    posilion    of    thr    "Jnd 

brigade  llio  liist  day  waa  iu  hiippoit  vt  WilsimV  (^avnhy  until  ufienujun  wliuu  il 
begun  to  piepuro  tor  other  worlc  iiiid  about  six  o'clock  it  i)aiticiiialed  in  Uiw 
grand  charge  that  nwept  the  enemy  from  their  position  and  over  hill.s,  doub- 
ling tlieni  up  so  that  at  night  their  position  wa.s  parallel  with  Granny  W'hite'K 
pike.  In  thi^  charge  tlu;  regiment  lost  a  number  of  men.  The  liglit  wu.s  over 
for  the  day.  An  incident  I  will  relate  that  occured  hero  to  show  the  natural 
disposition  of  boiue  t^oldiers  to  be  on  the  look  out  for  good  things  lo  cat  and 
tenacity  to  keep  it  amidst  danger  and  death,  lien.  McGrew  of  Co.  A.  while 
advnnciug  on  this  charge  through  the  tall  weeds,  caught  and  f^tuck  to  a  rabbit, 
which  he  had  for  sujiper.  Our  lines  were  formed,  LuL  not  mucli  lighting  done 
tlio  l(')tli  of  Dec.,  except  constant  skirmi.sliing  by  cavalry  and  extending  of  the 
Union  lines  southward,  until  ab(^ul  three  t)"clock  iu  the  afternoon;  then  th«s 
Union  army. made  tlu^ir  grand  and  final  charge,  virtualy  ending  the  battle, 
iiood's  whole  left  line  was  crushed  like  an  egg  shell,  sending,  the  rebels,  who 
were  not  taken  prisnors.  Hying  across  the  country  t(;ward  the  Franklin  pike, 
their  only  way  of  retreat.  Pursuit  was  continued  until  the  last  of  Hood's 
army  had  crossed  the  Tennessee  river.  The  regiment  next  pre[jared  to  lake 
the  journey  to  North  Carolina  to  join  Gen.  yherman's  forces  and  be  at  the 
death  of  the  great  rebellion. 

Ill  closing  this  article  and  in  justice  to  Col.  Zollinger,  I  wish  to  say  that 
during  a  recent  visit-  of  the  colonel  to  \Vashingt(ni  ho  obtauusd  from  Gen. 
Sohollield,  commander  of  the  U.  S.  army,  an  order  relieving  him  from  guard- 
ing with  his  regimeiit  the  cross-road  two  miles  south  of  iSpring  Hill.  Gen. 
Scholtield  expressed  much  relief  to  satisfy  himetdf  about  that  matter.  lie 
remembered  giving  the  (jrder,  but  in  the  excitement  of  the  times  forgot  thorn 
and  the  number  of  the  regiment,  and  having  never  he;nd  from  the  command 
he  had  felt  uneasy  about  them  ever  since. 

The  12yth  from  its  first  entering  the  service  until  its  discharge  was  active 
participants  in  all  the  loading  campaigns  and  engagements  of  the  southwest, 
and  materially  assisted  in  the  grand  round  up  in  North  Carolina.  Its  record  is 
a  part  of  the  history  of  the  state  and  also  Stiniben  county,  esjjecialy  com[jany 
A,  which  fairly  won  laurels  and  honored  the  right  of  the  rogiment. 






Tilt!  latdc  I'oiuiucnc'ud  Nov.  l*Pird,  IKd,'!,  a!  wliicli  tiiin'  (uir  rrf^nui.iit.  was  a 
part  vf  IJaivil's  ilivisiuu  lllli  army  CH)rj)H,  aiul  wan  licKl  iu  rc:-crv(j  On  llial 
and  th(j  day  fiillowiii^  Init  IJtilc  iij^rhtiiig  was  doiio  in  llic  coiiIat,  lu>\vi'vci 
Shoruiaii  was  Imsily  c'iiga;^a-d  on  Iho  lolt,  and  (u  i1k'  rij^'ht  Joe.  ilookci'  was 
uiuking  liis  nauu'  fanjons  on  liookout  Mounlam.  W'c  walchci!  tht:  liyht  (in 
ulie  I'igtit  (|iiiU'  anxiously  tlirougli  a  lirld  y;\:i^^  ol  C'api.  <ialr.-,  of  oui 
couipany.  I'lvt-n  afu-r  darlv  wo  tioaid  soo  tlic  llasli  of  ai'nis'of  '..mIIi  aiinics,  as 
our  men  auvanci  d  aiai  the  suuitiurin'rri  fell  batiK. 

We  wcro  sali^liod  our  flianct;  would  conic  on  t!\c  third  day  oi  Iho  hatik',  a.- 
botli  Udt  and  li^lit  wm^s  hail  had  pkuily  of  woik  and  (iiti  cinur  would  luiVf 
to  tinish  tlic  jot).  Tht!  uioi-niny  of  the  Ll.Jlh  ilawncd,  and  alter  a  hunieil 
breakfast  Bainl's  division  was  oi-Jei-ed  to  ihe  leti  to  assist  (Jen.  in  a 
charge.  'IMiuTlth  led  the  huriied  traijiiiiiiL;  ilivision,  hut  weie  halted  liy 
staff  oilieers  with  1  lie  new.s  that  (len.  Sl.eiuian  had  not  i-(joni  to  opt  rate  the 
divisions  idi'eady  at  liand.  \N'e  witi^  tiiiiud  haek  to  Ihe  hit  of  llie  t'lndr. 
and  wjI  li  eai  e  kci'p  out  (d' si;^ht  of  the  I  niuny  for  our  health  nidi!  an  npcn 
liehl  had  to  he  crossed  lo  r.  aeh  Ihe^  desired  ].or,ili.,n.  The  Vllh.  ui  I  h  the  llilh 
Ky.  and  lOih  Ind.on  its  rij^ht  foninal  in  Ihe  front  line,  I  lu'  I  1th  and  :;sih 
l)liio,  tsvo  laiL,'e  rrf^'inient  s,  elws(!  la^hind  us  for  I  hi  Second,  we  pnsscd  for- 
ward until  marly  al  theto[i  ul'  a  hill  called  Oi'i^haid  Kinh,  ami  here  were; 
ordered  le)  lii^  down  and  wait  for  the  si|^nal  of  six  j_;uii.s  fioni-  I'l.  WixkI.  \\  hde 
vvailin^  the  si;_;nal  the  rilail  arlillei'y  comnn  neid  t<i  shell  us.  Mand  and  f^^ravel 
v;as  plowed  up  and  thidwii  iiiUj  our  faces,  hut  little  actual  daina;;e  was  doiu-. 

w\s  we  ga/ed  upward  toward  the  rid};r  and  tneniy,  our  Ihou^^hls  weri^  l)iisy 
wit  h  th(^  possihilil  n  s  to  come.  ( )!  lor  the  sij^nal  fur  a  't  ion,  at  last  it  is  j;iv(n, 
the  hu;.jle  soiinds  liu'warti,  uji  we'  .sprin;^^  with  UmuI  hui'rahs  and  _\  dls  start 
forward  on  a  iiiu.  Tostoj)  or  hesitate  meant  death.  .\  lerrihle  lire  cann'. 
from  Iheeiieiu}'  (Ui  Ihe  rid;^eas\\c  passed  I  lie  old  ri  hej  cant  ps  at,  a  speed. 
We  could  not  hall  here  as  onleriid  for  (hialh  dealiii;^  mir.ih  s  \\{\x>  eominj';  in 
ihiidi  and  fast.  A  u  ineidtud  oceur«  d  here  I  lie  hoys  will  reinemher,  a  shell  .struck 
and  ex|iloded  in  an  old  vacati  lI  rebel  shanty  huilin;j;  Ihe  rool'  ai;ainst  corporal 
I  a  mi'S  I'cw  ,  co\  (  rim;'  him  so  com  ji  lei  el  y  with  I  he  dd.ri.i  thai  we  hid  t  o  e\  i  lU'ai  e 
iiim  as  we  pa.sseil,  1 1  a  rvey  \\  a  keliehl  was  hI  ruck  by  a  laini.-  lir  ludl  anil  hi,,  j;  nn 
:>i'nt  (SO  that  lit^  w.       forced  to  |.iek  niiolher  Itu'  future  u.-r. 

Ibil   on,  (HI,  up.       I,  pi  II  mell  we  Wiiit    usiii;;  our  !.;uie-  lo  aii!  u,-.  up     the    .-I.  ,  p 

Iiil.l  side,  111  si^mo  jilav-is  (.-rawliii;;-  o'l  iiU  t:)iii-.'-  (ni  luul  ii|i  Wf  wnt,  iiiu\iiii^  llm 
hiiy  iug;  "W '■  j^mjI  tlicrr  j  ii  .(,  I  h"  saiuc."  We  i-;  aclio_l  tin-  .-ii;iii:i  i( ,  lln-  liayoiicl  in 
some  ia.slaacft^  wa.s  UM_-d,  aui.1  buiiDld  llu^  ii^'^<'  J^  ours,   luiiraii! 

Hardly  liad  our  coloi-s  hetii  [)IanlL'd  on  (lie  worLs,  wliin  a  wla.U»  iciul  ilivis- 
iiMi  altaokid  us  on  ihr  llaiili.  it  was  dark  all  around  us  ai.d  Iht  Uasii  i.l  (iir  a  nu« 
aloiu'  ^iiidiu)^  us  in  our  d-d'i'iico,  and  many  ljra\o  men  wiait  down  in  dialii. 
(.'ol.  riu'los  of  liic  ;;-:ili  Oiiio,  (•(Mnmaiidiii;^  tlii'  hrigadf,  wliilf  slaiidin;j;  by 
(/iir  i-.'i^nniont's  Hag  urt;ii;,^'  iIk:  nu.ii  Mo  stand  sl(>ady  1'rll  di  ad,  a  iclad  liulltl 
iiad  pit  rci'd  Ins  bri'a.-.l.  Our  coiiqiany  casualiticsAv.irL'  l\>i't  una!  i  ly  li^bt.  KobiiL 
Warron  was  vViiUiuUid  ami  oiico  ()rl;!ii/.o  l,iglit  ilro^n'il  as  though,  but  tui 
I  .\ahiiua;  ion  \v(^  I'ouik)  a  bulli  I,  liad  jiassi'd  tlirouj^-li  ri^^lil  folds  ol  lii.-  blanlxif 
and  sloped  at  IIkj  nintli  ami  l;i-^(.  It  was  a  iiarrmv  cscaiiu  willi  iiic,  buf  many 
dost)  chaiiiH:s  ocfiir  ia  war.  ifowi-vcr  wit  lu  Id  the  ridj.n-  and  diovc  I  In:  rrbels 
away  and  (V)niini'ncfd  to  |irotc(',l  (Uirstlvt-i  innmulialcly  by  pri-pai'iii;^  new 
works,  aniii'ipal  in;^'  a  srcond  aftaok,  but  lliey  eamu  nut.  W'c  lay  vsilli  arms 
roady  amony^  the  dead  on  ilu'  ridj^'e  that  cold  dark  night.  'I'lio  next  iiH^ming 
it  fell  ID  n)y  lot  with  si.\  otlier  couirndos  from  company  H  to  ussisl  in 
burying  our  own  ah;o  the  rebel  di:<id.  Nuvor  can  I  forget  tho  un[)leasiiiit  and 
hui'ied  way  of  the  buriai  of  those  tall  stiff  men  of  tlui  oncniy  on  that  sido-hill 
of  Mi-siojiiiry  Kidge.  Of  this  didail  Sergl.  Sam.  ('olo  or  "father"  a:,  lamiliarly 
called  among  the  boys,  aflci'warJs  in  battlo  met- ii  soldier's  death  ani.1  a  soklier's 
burial.  After  our  burial  dulit^s  on  the  ridgo  had  iteen  performetl,  we  at  lem  ptod 
to  wash  with  out  little  water,  had  some  hot  coffee  and  hurd-tiick,  and  loft  for 
lliuggohJ,  whoro  tl.j  enemy  had  withdrawn,  lime  we  t  xpectod  another'i.skir- 
misli,  but  the  enemy  did  no  waiting  for  it  and  jiassisd  on  through  tho  gup. 
At  Iho  time  wo  felt  glad,  but  afterwards  we  saw  them  during  the  Atluntti 
c;uu£)aign  for  101  days  with  continous  tire,  lighl,  and  battle. 

In   F.    C.    &.   L. 

NELSON  J.   lilO'l'TS. 

---+• — 

'  Yi)U  may  put  me  down  for  ouc  copy,  wliich  I  will  he  gldd  (o  rocbivc  as  HOOii 
IS  tho  worlc    .-  j,hic<d  on  the  inarkct."— \V.  T.  SHEUMAN. 

I  r  ii-^l<)r\'   of   I  lic^ 

(;rand  ar.\iy  01'  Tin 




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\V>1I    I'm  C.Miiph'l.    ,il)    li,:r(   of  'I'lll.-  lo    I ,:.  r..  i   iii  M  .ulw  i;    '  '..i!,il  v. 

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l''ar  111  ;in<l   vill:ii;i-  |Mii|Krly     i:i     Slrtilui:    (Mii.n;,  .    .',!     >     \w..'im     aiii     iii>.;li 
laiuls,    r.Miii.s  niul  i.llii  r  [ii(i[i.rn.   h.i   .al-tn    liadc. 

tSomr  iUnnl  l^irpiiiis  to  OHnr  ni,  Ail  Tiijics. 

I''ll;i0.    !,li''l'^,    ACClliI'lN'l',  AND    ("VCLONt';    I  N^' i '  n  A  N«  T,     ..IM'i!'^' 


i  \  <>  <  )  I ;  I , 

I  1 1  (  i  in  n:  i. 

Sesse  -i^L   Carpenter,  ^iHotni^jj, 

\W\\    y\iil    ;ill     Cuuu'iuU's    ill    rrcpai'iii  ■;     lu-     J'l-usccin  iiij;-       l\')isioii      (.'liiini.-^ 

....  IS  ALSl>  .... 

I^U'KCl.t].     RESIDENT     AGliNT    EOU    Till':    AJ()NIT(.)li    WIND   KNdlNK. 

ANG^OLA,  -         -         INDIANA, 

JO:~-^:im    11.  ill  Ki-^r, 

s\\  u.ic>h  I,  I  n  (  I  i;  11  yc\. 

Tiiis  iiisi'onv  w.vs  I'KiN'i  i-;i)  nv 

F\  o b .  H ,  Car  p  e  n  t e  r, 

W'lic  w  111  iiKik;^  ;i  .specially  o!'  piiiil  iiij^-  aiiiJi  ly 
l-y-l,i\',>,  business,  luiclnss,  ami  sofic-ty  caii'V, 
IciUt  licads,  sla.l<Mi!i  lilt.,  i  u\  I'lv.pi.-;,  cic. 


H I  (  M  1 1  ) (  M  1  (  \  )  u  1 1 1  \'   1  '  ro  ^^ vS . 

Tllii  STIiliBliN   RlilHIHLlCAN. 

I'ubiisiitxl  (•\'t!i;y    W'l-ducsday    ;i1.    .\iiL;ola,     liuliaiia.       'i';:riiis,    pir    ,v""'.   •i?'-'"'"- 
lldle  tO  Ii(iki'fitrai'\    pjdilort:  (tiul  J 'rojir'u.torti. 


I'uljlisliL'd    (;V(M-y    \\\-diK',s(lay    ul,    Alij^aila,     liLiJian;i.         I'miis,    if  I. .Ml     [n-r    y-iW. 

W.  K.  SHI^^FFEIl,  Editor  uiMl  rnipriclor. 

I 'iil/lisluid   rvcry     I''   ''.lay    al     l''i'('iii(ini ,  liuliana.       Ti'iia.s,  IcfiJii.'   yi'ar,    ^\  'JU. 
I'KAI'I'   AND  SNOW,    I'li.nojiS. 

26  22     1