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Full text of "Wholesale trade list of the Morrisville Nurseries"

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Historic, archived document 

Do not assume content reflects current 
scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. 

Season of 1887-1888. 

| - SEP111923 + 

OF ‘SHE ‘ 
LES. teat of Agriculture. 


Morrisville Nurs 



Bucks County, MORRISVILLE, Pa. 

The Morrisville Nurseries are about one mile from Morrisville, a station on the New 
York Division of the P. R. R., about thirty miles from Philadelphiaand sixty miles from New 
York, and about two miles from Trenton, New Jersey. 

Through Freight Rates from Trenton to all principal cities north, south, east and west, 
via Pennsylvania or Lehigh Valley Railroads. Also, water transportation to Philadelphia and 
New York. All goods will be delivered to the railroad or steamboat in good condition, after 
which they are entirely at the risk of the purchaser. 

All Claims for errors or deductions must be made immediately upon receipt of goods. 

Terms Cash, unless by special agreement. We ship C. O. D., when cash does not accom 
pany order. Make Postal Notes and Orders payable at Trenton, New Jersey. 

Address all communieations by mail or telegraph to 

Morrisville, Bucks County, Pa. 



I will give 1,000 Hardy Flowering Shrubs, well assorted in ten or fifteen varieties, my 
selection, good plants, from two to three feet, for $0. Or, 1,000 Shrubs of larger size, from 
three to five feet, first-class stock, assorted in ten to fifteen varieties, my selection, for $60. 


Recently transplanted and well rooted. 

Purple Beech, 8 to 10 feet, 114 to 134 inch ealiber, $75:00 per. 100. 
Purple Beech, 10 to 12 feet, 134 to 2 inch caliber, $100.00 per 100. 
Ornamental Seedlings,—See list on page 6. 



SAMURL C. MOON'S Waotesate TRape Lisr 


“‘Numbo’’ is a very superior variety, which 
is perfectly hardy, enormously productive, a reg- 
ular bearer ; the nuts are of largest size and fine 
quality, ripening early, usually before frost. We 
believe there is no better variety of European 

Chestnut in this country. 
Per 10. Per 100. 

1 year grafts, 2 to 4 ft... ceceseeeeeeee $7 50 $60 00 
THE BIG CHFSTNUT. 60 NUTS MAKE ONE 2 year grafts, 5to 6 ft..... .. 1000 90 00 
QUART. TREES PERFECTLY HARDY AND 10 to 12 ft 30 00 ........ 
ENORMOUSLY PRODUCTIVE. COMMENCING Numbo Seedlings, not grafted, 3 to 
TO BEAR IN FIVE YEARS. Sits en eee ren ee, wee 3 00 25 00 


Per 10. Per 100, Per 1,000. 

CHESTNUT—European, 2 Zr seedlings, 2 to 3 ft., transplanted WEES $1 00 $5 00 $30 00 
fs to 4 ft., transplanted... 0h . 150 10 00 
g 5 to 7 ft,, a .. 3 00 25 00 
CURRANTS—Red Dutch, 2 yrs., extra strong.............00 xo as 3 00 25 00 
Lee’s Prolific and Black NaplesNohvisee tee 1 25 
GOOSEBERRIES — 2 yrs., Cluster, poue non 8, Downing’s and 
Smith’s.. cence IO) 8 00 
GRAPEs—2 yrs., ‘Agawam, ‘Champion, “Concord, “Lindley (No. 9), 
Salem, Catawba OLC STAD Heal. ccsseicens teoeseeceesecccceeeneseens 1 50 8 00 
3 yrs., Brighton, Telegraph, Franklin, Hartford Pro- 
Lif CvATTARW OLAS rest rrste rote ee 3 00 25 00 
4and 5 yra., Clinton and CONCOIG.............:ccesecceeeeeeeee seen 3 00 25 00 
MULBERRIES—Downing’ 8, 4to 6 ftrcc.... .. 2 50 
2yrs., 6to 8 ft.. . 3 50 
Russian, transplanted, 5 to 5 ft. 2 50 10 00 
White, ts 4 to 6 ft 1 00 8 00 
QUINCE—Meech’s Prolific, CVI) BS sanccecaqeasoo a 7 50 
KASPBERRIES—tuthbetrt..... 50 1 50 
Ee TO 3 00 25 00 
Sieeecsvaees Be 3 00 15 00 
1 00 8 00 
Le sassendionecssvie eaeten eee 75 2 50 20 00 
PERSIMMON—American, 3 ta 4 fits, Paraniea iviel Leeeensbeeeatscc one poe 1 00 5 00 


Per 10. Per 100° 
ASH—American White, 8 to 10 ft...........:..cccccccssosececssscscnssccnsores: covsssonfersenseetcersesess $2 50 $20 00 

BEECH—American, stocky and well branched, 8 to 10 ft.. 300 25 00 
European, stocky and well branched, 8 to 10 ft.. . 300 25 00 
Fern-Leaved, 8 to 9 fit............scssssccceeerseseeeeeres eee . 10 00 
Purple- -Leaved, Seedlings, 5 to 7 ft. . 600 40 00 

Gratteds7itolSiitie-...:-.ccasccccesns-cscssoreseeetecsee tees . 1000 75 00 
eS ss stocky, well-branched trees, 8 to 9 ft. .... 20 00 
es GJ 10/to 12/ft:, 2: to 21% im. calibers ...2...ctsccsveccecessee 30 00 
ese ends in 1883 ; suitable for street or avenue planting, 
eping, 6 to8 ft., well Branched sees, icssatss cre ee One lRRTOS aeanO 15 00 
CATALPABungell, Warfeditois ith ene oe aR e200) 
Speciosa and Kempferii, transplanted, 8 to 10 ft. 200 18 00 
Teas, Japan Hybrid, transplanted, 4 to 6 ft...ceceeeee 100 600 
ae ss as ‘ SitoplO\itvenmectaeneecstcrentermese at 300 20 00 

Samuet C. Moon, Morrisvitie, Pa. 3 

Per 10, Per 100. 

£LM—American, SiO LOE. Ros cevccsvcnsscccce octtha E adopts eearbneycantccvavctacsareisenctaccseatanse aot tas $2 00 $15 00 

18 to 20 ft., 2 in. caliber,. -. 750 60 00 

Ce 20 to 22 ft., 3 in. caliber... 15 00 100 00 
"English, 14 to 18 ft., 2 to 2% in. caliber... 7 50 
amperdown Weeping, grafted 5 to 6 ft. high. 6 00 

HORSE Cc STNUT—Seedlings, MTGOID 200 10 00 
Dwarf, white flowering, 2 ft.. 1 50 

JUDAS TREEB—American (Cercis Canadensis), 6 t0 8 ft... cessssssssesvssesesvrescroee 250 20 00 


penicleay 2 to3 ft 1 00 8 00 
5to7 ft. 2 00 

bloomers 150 1000 

s ss fine bushy plants, 4 to 5 ft 300 25 00 
Tripotala,:2it0: 8: sc. ssascandeswonasesvecenees 1 50 

MAPLE—Norway, 2 to 3 ft............ 100 500 
Soulangiana, 4 to 5 ft. 5 00 

Sugar, 4 to 6 ft............... 150 1000 

re: 15 to 18 ft., 2 in. caliber 10 00 =75 00 

a 18 to 22 ft, 3 in. ealiber.. 20 00 150 00 

Silver- ‘Leaved, 8 ‘to 10 ft... 

14 to 18 ft.. 00 =©30 00 

Scarlet or Red, 1 to 2 ft... 50 400 
6 to 8 ft... 50 =. 20 00 

as a 12to 14 ft. SoC 00 =60 00 

European Sycamore, 3 to 4 fee 
Red (Colchicum Rubrum), 8 to 12 ft 
OAK—English (Quercus Robur), 3 ft... 
Mossycup (Quercus Macrocarpa), 4 to 5 ft.. 
Willow-Leaved (Q. Phellos), 2 to 3 ft...... 
POPLAR—Balsam, 10 to 12 feet... 
PRUNUS PADUS—(Bird Cherry), 8 to 10 ft... 

Peer UreHo of wr 
: = 

WILLOW—Common Weeping (Salix B 50 12 00 
Glossy-Leaved (8S. Taiirefauat, 8 to 10 ft...... 00 6 00 
Golden-Barked (S. Aurea), 6 to 8 ft...... - 00 6 00 
Osler Ori BAS KOl) 41666 oe. ciccaccrecces ccccsccrcvectarcuccsssstcedenccnuceceverstedsabeussone 50 =3.: 00 


The Evergreens offered in this list have heen trimmed and transplanted within the past 
two or three years. They are now well furnished with fibrous roots, are growing thriftily in 
good land which has been kept well worked, and they are in first rate condition for trans- 

Per 16. Per 100. 

ARBORVITZ—American, 3 to 4 ft., transplanted $15 00 
Compacta, 1to1% ft sacdowenapedhecsnasaureener 10 00 
2to 3 ft. fine and symo etrical..... 400 25 00 

Crestata, 5 to 6 ft., fine; trimmed and compac 
Globosa, 1 to1% EER oe ee, ORR aris nae 

20 2/4 ft 

Un 3 to 4ft.. 

Glauca, 2 ft 

1 50 8 GO 
300 20 00 

Siberian, 1 to 2 ft. 200 15 00 
Vervaineana, varieg 3.00 15 00 
Pyramidalis, 2 to 3 tt 250 2000 
Geo. Peabody, 1to 1% fe. 600 50 00 
Ericoides lto 14 ft.. 100 8 00 
ZtO'S 10. sccccdeseasen 150 12 00 
Hovey’ s Golden, 15 to 18 in.. 125 1000 
2 to 2% ft..... 250 20 00 
Golden (Biota Aurea), 2% to 3 ft. 70 
Elegantissima ‘ Biota), 3 to 4 ft.. 5 00 
5 to 6 ft 7 50 

ABIES—Orientalis (Eastern Spruce), fine, short foliage, very compact and sym- 
metrical iv habit of growth ; ove of the best of the Abies family 3s 4ft 15 00 
Orientalis, 5 to 6 ft.................. fee OG 
Inverta ( Wi eeping Spruce), 4 to 5 
EOI Sitar wcty abe empst ooncunn de Uesemetiek «np aunt ache Re mnavet eins nes sauniu entree 
PICEA—Pectinata ene Silver Fir), 3 to-4 ft., symmetrical specimens. 

Nordmauniana, ee 3 Aes 

4to 5 ft.... 

PINUS—Strobus ( White Pine), 5 to 7 ft... 
Nanus (Dwarf Compact White Pine), 2 to: 3 3 ft. oe 
PintisiCombra,T to W3¢ ft, eratbeciin. ov. c<cccscencncet csessueneeotnarechnostesex samupeeacete 5 00 


JASMINE—Vellow; 2 ft eee eee 1 00 

4 WuoLesaLe Traber List clr MorrisvitLE NuRSERIES. 
Per 10. Per 100. 
JUNIPERUS—Hibernica Aree Cunipen), Git) O}iDiaceesrenesstsssesescnontecsade oe ete eee eeeees 2 oo 6 og 
secccenteccsceveccccebeveoees 5 
a ne ie 2 fitiraces 1 50 9 00 
Oblonga Fendula, 3 ft. 5 00 
Pyramidalis, 1% to 2 ft 100 800 
2 to 8 ft.. 200 1200 
Se 3 to 4 ft... 200 15 00 
Swedish, 1 to 114 ft...... 100 800 
Sabina, 1% to 2 tt. . 100 
Cracovica, 3 to 4 ft. 1 00 
RETINOSPORA—Plumosa, 1 to 2 ft, t d and sheare 100 600 
2to3 ft... . 3800 °12 00 
sh 3 to 4 ft... - 600 20 00 
SW 5 tO 6 ft.........s000e . 10 00 
wD 6 to 7 ft. for hedg - 750 50 00 
© Aurea, 1 ft., transplanted and sheared.............cc00 200 10 00 
ce 2t 03 LUE. iesceecrescscccrccserseonece: - 400 20 00 
ss ss 3 tS 4 ft., fine 760 5000 
ES cs ASOV ORL Ueeentcanscsesense nsec 15 00 x 
sf e 5 to 7 ft., for hedges... 750 5000 
Obtusa Nana, 6 to 12 in... ete 3 00 
Squarrosa, 1to 2 ft....... 2 00 
2to 3 ft.. 5 00 
THUIOPSIS—Borealis, 6 to 12 in.. 2 00 
TaXUS—Baccata Erecta (English Yew), 1to 1 ft... .. 5 00 
Canadensis (American Yew), 3 ft..................scecseccessenncsenscesrscssssnsees ca0enc030 5 00 
Per 10. Per 100. 
AZALEA AMCG@NA-—6 to 9 in., hardy, dwarf, double pink...............ccccssssere cseeseeeree $1 50 $10 00 
INGACTAGR O SHA SitOl ttm reer ere ene ~ LD 
ALTHEA—Double White and Double Variegated, 2 ft... 15 500 
to 4ft............ 150 1200 
qs oD se es t ft., tree form...... 2650 18 00 
ce Os Ff f 5 to 6 ft., branched.. - 200 15 00 
Double Red, 4 ft.........scerccccscssecevseees podootnAdeD00 . 200 
Variegated Foliage, 1 to 2 ft., graft Shes 250 20 00 
ALMOND—Double Flowering Pink (Amygdalus Ro 4 fi 2 00 
CARAGANA ARBORESCENS (Siberian Pea Tree)—2 to 3. ft... 100 800 
CERCIS— Canadensis (Am. Judas Tree or Red Bud), 1 to 2 ft... 100 300 
2 to 3ft., 2 yrs,, transplanted............. - 150 1000 
es 4t05 ft. . 800 
Japonica, ltoll4ft . 3 00 ~20 00 
2 to 3 ft., fine bushy plants, - 500 
CORNUS SANGUINEA Ga Dogwood)—2 to 8 ft... . 100 - 800 
Ch Ros 6n0005000000000000 150 1000 
Floridus pendula, 4tod ft.. 10 00 
CYDONIA JAPONICA—1 LOM tteeeee ces . 100 800 
4 torbiit bushy see ee ee a ee 200 15 00 
CRATZGUS PYRACANTHA (Buargrenn Thorn)—9 to 12 in., transplanted . 100 
CALYCANTHUS SE EU ae te Sit te oe Oe ee ae 5 ‘ oo 3 09 
Pease eet ghncs o: cosaoesoussedocc ecco et ee Se eet ne 0 12 
DEUTZIA—Crenata and Seabra—3 COJAMUrerecvoosscceccorecereseccstre nenconcstccmeereertetetieen 100 500 
AiCOID AGsscscencsseoannstevesccucchsecceneneest ete ee 1 00 6 00 
Gracilis, IOS tf aacnieccapbon Obese eee Ce EeCOD US BEER a a aa soon EE oasaca sdacenepocoouoeed, ConDELEED 100 600 
3 yrs, 14% ft., bushy... - 1650 1000 
DIERVILLA LUTEA—2 to 5 ft., bush Freee erate neines tabseerentaelecesnee te . 100 
BRUONYMUS EUROPEUS (Burning Bush or pigoberry Tree)—1 to 2 ft. 1 00 3 00 
DONS Ebi cecdeccacnasstade tas ssopbicescu an veteeeeaee eaten 150 8 00 
« 3 to 4 ft., tree for 200 12 00 
0 4 to 5 ft., tree form, 250 20 00 
EX OenOr DA GRANDIFLORA—See description and Pp ces 
FORSYTHIA— Viridissima and Suspensa, UR 48 i heen epcraescebaceeCecusursoacorcocondcaosiad 50 4 00 
BibO 4. fb... co kacivcsccstewssscscaseetecneerseeees 1 00 8 00 
. % ce i to 5 ft., bushy.. a bk aD) 13 wo 
FilL.BERT—Purple-Leaved, 3 to 4 ft., bushy and fine......... - 200 165 00 
ERINGE TREE—White (Chionanthus Virginica), 3 to 4 ft... . 150 12 00 
GO ENT YAS coccaeccoopsanonococonceatoacessoond cael OMELD ROU) 
“6 to 7 ft., tree form..: .. 300 25 00 
Purple 4 to 5 ft... 150 1000 
“(Rhus Cotinus), 2 ‘to 3 ft Beascnensarceccteasseiacercers 1 00 6 00 
HALETIA—Diptera and Tetraptera (Sivey Bul), ianeplaneed, Difitecs 250 15 00 
HOMEOCELTIS PLATANIFOLIA—1 to 14 ft.. 1 eee 5 00 
HYDRANGEA—Otaksa and Thomas Hogg, 1 to Ls ft., 2 yrs., bushy. = 200 L200 
PamiCulatanZivojo luce essctercers coccercceseee eee . 150 1000 
HYPERICUM KALMIAN UM—3 UO EE Sith asccscdsoan o- cee adoduaas po E(t) 6 00 
BONEYSUCKLE—Tartarian and English Fly. 3 to 4 ft...... 00... eee ceeee ener eeeeee 100 88 00 
Standishii and Fragrantissima or New Upright, 4to5ft... 150 10 00 


Samurt C. Moon, Morrisvitxe, Pa. 5 

. Per 10. Per 100. 
LILAG—8 e AGE COMMON DUNDI Gs cvsctvarcn ssctvottun dcecdoustblicsendesseavagccvescarscereaeaheredscies $1 00 $10 00 
Giktncocsecccncarerencncenae -. 200 15 00 
White, grafted, 2 ft....... ee a nkaachis nines dcataecanstenenteeeate 250 2000 
PAVIA MACROSTACHIA (Dwarf Horse Chestnut), 2 to 3 ft. 150 1000 
PRIVET—(P. Amurensis)—2 t0 8 ft.........c0cccsssesscccessnssssevescsnsssesees 100 600 
PRUNUS PADUS or CERASUS PADUS (Bird Cherry)—2 to 8 ft......ccsesssceeeee 100 600 
RHODODENDRON CATAWBIENSE ee Laurel)—6 in., trans.,2 yrs....... 200 10 00 
RHODOTYPUS KERRIOIDES—1 to 2 ft.......scccssessssessessseececcecsseseeceseseeeeeeseesensnsees 2 00 
SPIREA—Salicitolia Kosea and anne Prunifolia, Callosa “Alba and 
DOULA BITS SUS LOA Loree ccercendatncxcestey -ccsommedentmananserntae seas svenexencteren ese 100 38 00 
Reevesii Flora Plena and Thunbergii—2 ft... mea) 
SYRINGA PHILADELPHUS (Mock Orange)—4 to 6 ft.......... 1 00 8 00 
SYMPHORICARPUS RACEMOSUS (Snowberry)—3 to 4 ft 100 600 
VIBURNUM—Lantanoides, 4 to 5 ft... .esccssscecesseeeseeeeneeees 150 1000 
Opulus (Tree Cranberry), 3 to 4 ft.. 150 1200 
Plicatum, 2 Bio af 3 a Sosteeeccuecccurececop .. 250 2) 00 
Decanssdnchusenacenauevendsewanteds tae cuainastenvacubecerccccetssttemeed: 3 50 

REE OP ORU ne cineca cucne mere saasnabuereeboecs te sacrunadecxevcnuas esseeescerncs 8 
poo Vanibenke: 2 to 3 ft.. 10 ( 
Hortensis Nivea, 2 to 3 ft.. 15 ( 

YUCCA PILAMENTOSA—2 yrs. 1arge.......scscssssssssssscssosocssecssororsascvercccensccccecececccn 


Per 10. Per 100. 

AKERBYACQUINA TeA——3!i:p1SbNO0 @ssusc-chcst cavaicecterecsnthencetecctretsssstecsssrccrscccvansesrerentees 150 1200 
AMPELOPSIS OUINQUEFOLIA (Virginia Creeper)—Strong vines .- 200 1000 
Welsch 2iyrsvccccurcnccsssesccoee 1 50 
BIGNONIA—Grandiflora, 2 yr. TAtts......cesecceecesccececesseseeeceseenee . 2650 
Atropurpurea and Radicans, 2 yrs., streng vines.. - 200 1000 
CELASTRUS SC. NDENS (Bitter Sweet). ciicisceesvsscsscessaneesdetectensteeae 1 50 
HONEYSOCKLE-L. Halleana and Golden Japan Variegated... 100 600 
Evergreen (APEEGGr ANS) oneswareystanssssecsncececrstcences 1 00 8 00 
Red Coral (L. Sempervirens) and Yellow Coral... 150 1000 
PERIPLOCA GRACA (Virginia Silk Vine;—a very rapid climber... pee 100. 
WISTARIA—Sinensis, Layers, (Chinese Purple Wistaria), 2 yr. transplanted.. Tate 1 00 8 00 
3 yr, transplacted...... 200 12 00 
ss as 4 yrs., large plants... 300 25 00 
BLacChyNOCKiss 2 VAs, ALLONG..ccvsyacccsnesousasarscemactencseresacescceesseneeecre ne 140 1000 
VINCA—Minor and Alba, Myrtle, Blue and Whit».. Se Tr et00 
Major Variegata, not hardy...............:.:0008 a 100)" 8800 
ROSE—Prairie Queen, , UU ssvecanecseseseuscuts recs DE (0,0) 8 00 
ARGU wesccapaestousessesterteceosts svsandanalaswntunireoseascatncescerapeserteresreerear 150 10 00 


Perl0 Per 100. 

AQUILEGIA CGERULIA (Columbine)—2 yrs., mixed, seedlingS..............0005 seeeeees $1 00 $8 00 
AUIND AD ON ANS VAT MOGAUIIA) a cctects sa nedccrsetacccnsshecsedsenbocudGe seccete cacustrset centers 600 35 00 
ASBTILBE JAPONIGA, 2 Yrsuccssssec.sccnsscecccssecsscssccess 5 ko) 8 00 
DAHLIAS—25, varieties, named, extra large Toots... .. 200 1200 

fine MO OLS saarapetyc saskateen sicn den suauacsndsrennensradeeetesersance 1 50 8 00 
DIELYTRA SPECTABILIS—2 y Pureccwannannncenpuatcencgecatesprnantcuscercadencchosteeene nanaretetinte 1 00 8 00 

ERIANTHUS RAVENNAE (Hard iy Pampas Grass)—3 yr. clumps, =e 225) “10100 
EULALIA JAPONICA VARIEGATA—1 JYI., Btroug.............c:csecesseee eeeeeees rea ek 00 8 00 
2 yrs, extra large CLMM PSivaccestectsteavcsoseeers 200 15 00 

Coerulia (Blue)......ccccesses 150 10 00 

UTINIRG EANPAU ES ACcostcaruncsastecenoonssreruccctsenswadsuvsuameaussacserads 150 10 00 
GLADIOLUS—25 fine named varieties, my selection .. 10@ 800 
Mixed, all colors, fine strain.............. Ss 50 3.00 

DDN ORT EWA bY ocsecarcenche-naccenrenancasexed . 150 1000 
PAHONIA, HERBACHOUS—Humeil..........c.ccssessccscecsnsnccnoevseccsosssecoscrarssocsesszet sovenees 1 00 8 00 


Per 100, Per 1,000 

ALTHEA— From mixed! seed, 12/0018 1M ssr.ncccenterenceecnesaaseyssroce acstuseaeacvocyesadacrevte $2 50 $10 00 
CALYCANTHUS PLOXIDUS—(Sweet Shrub), 1 to 11 4, {t.. 2 aS00 10 00 

GUO LOAM cccin tre ecsccasessnacs seaam POD 6 00 
CARAGANA SIBERICA—(Pea Tree), 4 t0 6 i0..........ceccceesesesececeecceseeeserercnsecnaeees 2 00 10 00 



4) —————— + 
Per 100. Per 1,000. 

CERCIS SOR ece sabes Judas, 6 to 12i it Leer Sacasasesocasccrserseenet stereos $10 00 
ADENSI8—American Judas, 12 in............ eee eeeseeee oon, 83 CD) 
CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA—( White ine 3 2 yrs, ,4 to 6 inches.. . 400 
ELEAGNUS ARGENTEA—(Silver Thorn), 400 6 10.....ccccceeceeseee men IL (0) 
EXOCHORDA GRANDIFLORA—6 to 12 in................ ... 10 00 
EUONYMOUS BU ROE EU Sy Cue Tree), 6 in.. 1 00 
FRAXINUS ALBA—( White Ash), 1 to 2ft...........0. 2 00 
“« 6 to 12 in. on IL OF) 
HALETIA DIPTERA—(Silver Bell), i ff see -- 10 00 
TETRAPTERA “ fe o ... 10 00 
HORSE CHESTNUT—1 foot.................. sco 8) (Wt) 
KOLREUTERA PANICULATA —12 in.. oo 8 (0) 
MAGNOLIA TRIPETALA—6 to 12 in 3 00 
MAPLE—Norway, Olt 12in............ 1 00 
1 to 1% ft......... 2 00 
Red or Scarlet, EVA) 8 Sot coosocomneccsoocespoonococecnosog 2 00 
2yrs.,1to2 ft., transplanted. 4 00 
Sugar, E yr.,6to12in 1 00 
1 yr., 12 to 15 in.. 2 00 
ef 2yrs,,6to12in., transplanted. 2 00 
QUERCUS PHELLOS— ” (Willow: - Leaf Oak), 1 ft. 2 00 
KRHAMNUS CAROLINIANUS-—% to 12 in. con) 4 00) 
RYODOTY°US KERRIORDES— to 12 in. bor JH) (010) 
RHUS COTINUS—Purple Fringe, 12 to 18 in................... sce | 8} (OS) 
WISTARIA SINENSIS—2 yrs., 1t02 ft...........:cccceseeee -. 2 00 
2 yrs.. 5 to 4 ft 5 00 

Brachybotria Rubra—aA rare and beautiful variety of the Chi- 

nese Wistaria, with delicate pink flowers in very large racemes, 


Gladiolus are one of my specialties. We havea very 
fine collection of named varieties, and my mixtures are 
acknowledged by those who have bloomed them to be 
an unusually fine strain. 

They contain some of the finest named varieties and 
some very fine new seedlings. 

When the selection of named varieties is left to me, I 
endeavor to give as much variety in shades as possible, 
and can generally make a more satisfactory selection 
for a given price than buyers who are not thoroughly 
acquainted with them are able to make for themselves. 

Per 100, Per1 000. 
Price of named collection, from 10 to 20 

varieties, My SelectiOn.............seeccceres $6 00 $50 00 
Mixed, all ColOrs)..........c.c.cccowcccteccoereseenne 2 00 15 00 
cs «© light shades predomi- 
MALIN Eiaccescescecenssssiescasceesvossssccccssscessiecstse 3 00 20 00 
Mixed, mostly white or very light.......... 5 00 30 00 
Special lists of named sorts will be priced on applica- 


$10 00 
30 00 
6 00 
50 00 


The Attention of Landscape Gardeners and Superintendents of 
Parks is particularly called to the following list of large stock. It ix not overgrown brush- 
heap trash, but well-grown, handsome specimens that have been recently transplanted, and 

are in first- ‘rate condition for immediate use in lawns or avenues: 

ABIES Orientalis, Conica, Compacta, Inverta, Biota, Aurea and 


PICEA Nordmanniana and Pectinata; PINUS Strobus, Nanus and 


RETINOSPORA Plumosa, Plu. Aurea, Pisifera, Obtusa, Nana, 

Squarrosa and Lycopodioides. 

SamvuEL C. Moon, Morrisvitir, Pa. 

THUYA Compacta, Vervaineana, George Peabody, Siberica, Cres- 
tata, Hoveyii, Globosa. 


PURPLE BEECH—From 10 to 20 feet high, 2 to 3 inch caliber, with fine 
spreading heads and excellent roots. 

ACER Colchicum Rubrum, Sugar, Red or Scarlet and Ash-Leaved 


and a general assortment of hardy flowering shrubs; fine bushy plants for 
immediate effect. 


A hardy flowering shrub, native 
ot the mountain districts of 
Northern China and Japan. It _ 
was introduced into this country 
several years ago, and has always 
been much admired and highly 
valued wherever known,but owing 
to its scarcity it has not been 
generally disseminated. 

The plant is extremely hardy, 
enduring from 20 to 30 degrees 
below zero without the least in- 
jury; is vigorous and symmetrical 
in habit, forming a neat compact 
bush from 10 to 12 feet high in as 

Many years; will endure shearing 
well, and can be trimmed into 
any desired shape; is not at all 
fastidious in its requirements, 
but grows freely in any good soil ; 
and is a certain and profuse 
bloomer in the Fifth month, with 
the Lilacs, Haletia, Rhododen- 
drons, ete. The flower in the left 
hand corner of the plate on next 
page shows the natural size. 

he Exochorda bears some 
resemblance in size and appear- 
ance of flower to Syringa Philadel- 
phus or Mock Orange, but the 
flower spikes are longer, lighter 
and borne on more slender 
branches, giving a particularly 
easy, graceful appearance to the 
bush; itis done blooming about 
two weeks before the Syringa 
commences and is of much better 
habit of growth. 

It is unquestionably one of the 
choicest of our hardy flowering 
= = - shrubs, and as soon as it becomes 
COPYRIGHT; — | yi better known its merits cannot 
SSS ae eas : : = fail to be appreciated. 

(Electros of this Cut, $1.50 each.) 

Hach. Per Doz. Per 100. 

200 1200 
50 500 25 00 
7 600 32500 

EXOCHORDA GRANDIFLORA. (See description and price on page 7.) 
(Electrotypes of this Cut, $2.50 each.)