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*'Tbe Jewish Book Concern" 


Ml &n$&$fi righ}* reserved 
First Pnntzng, 1929 
Printing, 1933 

Manufactured in the United States of America 


who is not yet born 


From time to time Jewish books come out of 
France which arrest the attention of the Jewish 
world. Such a book was Darmesteter's Hebrew 
Prophets, the richness of the content equalled 
by the beauty of the style. Palliere's Unknown 
Sanctuary, not written by a Jew, came not very 
long ago as a revelation to those who had not heard 
of the thrilling quest of a sanctuary by one pre- 
paring, as he imagined, for the Catholic priesthood. 
Each of these a document of the first importance! 
The one an involuntary tribute by one Jewishly self- 
exiled, the other the passionately eager song of a 
soul finding home at the altar of Judea. 

And recently another of the sons of French Jewry, 
Edmond Fleg, has renewed the unfading glory of the 
Franco- Judean literary tradition, which includes the 
immortal name of Rashi of Troyes. This glory 
seems to shine most brightly when Jewish life is at 
its darkest, for literature meaningful and rich is not 
so much the utterance of fullness of life, as the 
prophecy of a happier by a poorer age. 

Why I am a Jew, by Edmond Fleg, belongs to 


a series of little books published under the general 
title, "Leurs Raisons." It is a chapter in an auto- 
biography which includes "The Child Prophet" and, 
strange though this may sound, "The Life of Moses." 
For Edmond Fleg is another of the "Shomerim/' 
watchmen upon the tower, prophets of an unex- 
pected renaissance in one of the oldest and, as it 
seemed, least vital of world Jewries, France. 

Why I am a Jew is an atypical narrative of a 
Jewish experience. The tale, written with Gallic 
charm and Hebraic warmth for an unborn grand- 
child, is of the life of a Jewish child reared in the 
alienative atmosphere of an outwardly Orthodox 
but basically unobservant Jewish home. 

Comes the environment of secularism in school 
and college, which in a dominantly Christian world 
is deeply and pervasively Christian, and then 
L'Affaire, the testing of France, though France knew 
it not, by the Dreyfus trial; to France a test and for 
some great Jews, such as Herzl, Nordau and Fleg, 
revealing and cleansing. And yet for Fleg this was 
not enough, and in the arena of his innermost life 
battles remained to be fought, battles of the intel- 
lectual life, wars of the spirit with the tempting hosts 
of doubt and cynicism. It was not easy to make his 
way back to that which in essence lay behind him. 
Escape tempted. Freedom beckoned. But the call of 


truth was most imperious to his soul. And in the end 
he suffered no lesser considerations than those of 
truth to govern his decision to take his place once 
again with his people. Since his return, he has given 
much to his people's cause in a series of books, 
which are as vital as his re-born faith and his re-won 

While yet a very young man, Fleg became eye- 
witness in one of its earlier Congresses of the Zion- 
ist, what shall we call it movement or cataclysm. 
And Fleg, prepared by much that had gone before, 
found therein not so much reason as justification, 
not so much proof as prophecy of the ultimate faith 
that became his own. There are books which are 
called epochal because they give rise to epochs. Why 
I am a Jew is epochal in another sense, in sum- 
ming up an epoch in the life of Westernized, de- 
ghettoized Jews who think as humans, philosophize 
as Westerners, feel as Jews. Over and beyond the 
closely knit reasoning for the faith that is in Fleg, 
his is a lyrical exultation over the faith that, finding 
good, he longs to hand on to children's children. 
Mystic is his exaltation of a faith, which, because 
most simple and free from complexities and subtle- 
ties, allows fullest play for that direct, immediate, 
unimpeded access to the Truth of Truths, which is 
the religion of his people. 


Aiming to be apologia pro fide sua, Fleg's book is 
an exultant witness to the undimmed radiance of 
Israel's faith and the unlessened persuasiveness of 
Israel's life. It is of the essence of romance, for it 
is a tale of nobleness and spiritual suffering, of 
chivalry and triumph. And while not untouched by 
the inherent pathos of his people's life, the Juden- 
schmerz is subordinated to the Hallelujah of a joy- 
ously self-affirmant and self-liberated Jew. 


New York, June 1929. 









I am asked why I am a Jew. It is to you, my 
grandson who are not yet born, that I would make 
my reply. 

When will you be old enough to understand me? 
My eldest son is nineteen years old My younger son 
is fourteen years old. When will you be born? In ten 
years, perhaps fifteen. . . . When will you read 
what I here set down? About 1950, 1960? Will peo- 
ple still read in I960? What form will the world then 
take? Will the mechanical have suppressed the spir- 
itual? Will the mind have created a new universe for 
itself? Will the problems that trouble me to-day 
exist for you? Will there be any Jews left? 

I believe there will. They have survived the 
Pharaohs, Nebuchadnezzar, Constantine, Moham- 
med; they have survived the inquisition and assimi- 
lation; they will survive the automobile. 

But you, my child, will you be a Jew? People say 
to me: You are a Jew because you were born a Jew. 
You did not will to be one; you cannot change that. 
Will this explanation suffice for you, if, born a Jew, 
you no longer feel that you are a Jew? 


I myself, at the age of twenty, thought I had no 
further interest in Israel. I was convinced that Is- 
rael would disappear, that in twenty years people 
would no longer speak of it. Twenty years have 
passed, and twelve more, and I am again become a 
Jew so obviously that I am asked why I am a 

That which happened to me may happen to you 
also my child. If you believe that the flame of Is- 
rael is extinguished within you, pay heed and wait; 
some day it will be rekindled. It is a very old story, 
which begins anew each century. Israel has had a 
thousand opportunities to die; a thousand times it 
has been reborn. I want to tell to you how it died and 
was reborn in me, so that, if it die in you, you in turn 
may experience its rebirth. 

Thus I will have brought Israel to you, and you 
will bring it to others if you will, if you can. And 
we two in our way will have treasured and trans- 
mitted the divine behest: "These words which I 
command thee shall be upon thy heart and upon 
thy soul; bind them as a sign upon thy hand and 
let them be as frontlets between thine eyes. Thou 
shalt teach them to thy children. . . ." 

"We are the heartbeat of a world that wills 
To find its noblest self and to fulfill 
The law of Justice which it seeks to know; 
We are God's people, for we will it so, 
The stars our quest and truth our watchword still l" 



In my childhood I saw things that no doubt you 
will never see My father was a Zaddik 1 following 
the Scriptures, and my mother the joyous priestess 
of her home. At that time religion was mingled with 
every act of life, but in so simple a way that I saw 
no religion in it. 

I found it quite natural that in the morning my 
father enveloped himself in a white shawl with black 
stripes, and wound bands of leather about his fore- 
head and his left arm, while murmuring words which 
were not mere words. The blessing after meals 
seemed as much of a necessity to me as the meal it- 
self, and on Friday night there seemed nothing un- 
usual in seeing my mother extend her hands, which 
had become transparent, over the wicks flicker- 
ing in the oil. 

All that governed the kitchen was hierarchically 

1 Hebrew word, meaning an utterly righteous person 



regulated. One must not eat butter after meat, nor 
use a knife to cut the chicken which was to be 
used for cheese; two vessels were used, one for meat 
and the other for milk-foods, and to confuse them 
were a sin. 

When a goose arrived from Strassburg it bore 
around its neck, upon a red seal, signs which fo- 
mented archaeological controversies around the 
kitchen sink, because it was important to my mother 
and to Lisette the cook, to establish by careful scru- 
tiny at what hour of which day the animal had been 
bled, and if it were lawful to metamorphose it into 
delicious food. 

Ham, oysters, crabs, game, had but a nominal ex- 
istence; their taste was unknown to me, as were the 
color and form of these forbidden foods. 

To have entered a tram-car on a Saturday would 
have seemed as venturesome as to ascend to the 
moon, and to blow out a candle on that day as un- 
thinkable as to blow out the sun. 

Certain rites but what a ceremonious word for 
these familiar acts returned each year as normally 
as did the seasons which they accompanied; there 
was the waving of the palm with a perfumed citron, 
or a row of lights on a board, arranged in decreasing 
sizes, which were lighted from the smallest to the 


Once every year I ate alone at noon, and my broth- 
ers, who were old enough to fast, returned from the 
Synagogue with wan faces whose pride I admired. 

At other times my mother and old Lisette went on 
a hunt into all the corners of our home, and into all 
the pockets of our clothes searching for crumbs. The 
round loaf on the table ceded its place to thin cakes 
without leaven. At dinner my father, his hat upon his 
head, chanted Hebrew melodies Bitter herbs and 
mortar were passed from hand to hand, four cups of 
wine were drunk, and the door was left open for 
someone who did not enter. 

I did not understand what all this meant nor did 
I ask about it of others or of myself. I only felt one 
thing that the faces of my parents had at these 
times a radiant joy and serenity that I have not seen 
since, except in the pictures of the greatest of the 

It was not only impure foods that were forbidden; 
other inhibitions forbade lying, laziness, gluttony, 
coarseness, spitefulness, every manner of evil; and 
the spirit of unity, of kindness and of love as ob- 
viously held sway as did the customary domestic 
acts. Morals were not discussed, rarely mentioned. 
They were practised. They were as much a part of 
life as were our daily habits. I never heard a word 
that was not tender and gentle between my parents. 


To lie before them, to use an ill-sounding or 
querulous expression, would have been unthinkable. 
A gentle but firm justice punished our faults and re- 
warded our will to do well. The example of toil and 
of thrift taught us every hour of the day. Pleasure 
had its place but was not an end in itself. Charity 
was practised as a natural function. My father was 
frequently consulted, disputes were submitted to 
him, and so much of peace emanated from him that 
adversaries who came to consult him left our home 
reconciled. Perfect manners, goodness of heart and 
highmindedness illumined our very humble home to 
which one climbed by ascending a somber staircase. 

Then there was God; we lived with God, but His 
presence was subconscious, never spoken of. I did 
not hear the mention of His name; I only uttered it 
during the evening prayer which my mother, or even 
Lisette, bade me repeat before tucking me into bed. 
It was a very brief prayer; a few words in Hebrew 
which I repeated without understanding their mean- 
ing, and then a single sentence: "God protect Father, 
Mother, and all those I love.' 7 Yes, it was a short 
prayer, and yet this it was which caused the undoing 
of my respect for the family-worship. 

The light having been put out, I remained alone 
with the God to whom I had just recited a lesson. 
Then I spoke to Him. In what terms? In what Ian- 


guage? How can I repeat it to you, my unborn grand- 
son? If you in turn know these impulses toward the 
invisible, if you feel as I felt, this thrill from beyond, 
if you silently respond to this call from within, you 
too will find the words which came to me. 

I knew God was present, very far away and yet 
quite close, all around me and in my heart. I told Him 
all my faults and I besought His forgiveness. I 
wanted to be better; I could not be without Him. I 
promised Him to do better, I implored Him to help 
me And He did help me, I am sure of it I rose to 
Him. He enveloped me. He held me. I fell asleep in 
His arms. 

Who taught me to pray in this way? No one. But 
what were all the incomprehensible litanies and in- 
explicable gestures worth compared with this voice- 
less and formless prayer? I will try to write words 
which will lend my stammering thought the clarity 
it needs I began to feel a contrast between my 
prayer when alone, which was close to me, and 
the prayer of my father which I did not compre- 
hend Or rather, mine only seemed to me to be a 
prayer, the other a habit that God did not notice. 

My critical sense too began to grow. I did not 
write on Saturday at school. That was forbidden But 
at college my elder brothers wrote on that day just 
as on other days; their studies made it necessary. 


My father went to his office on Saturday after syna- 
gogue services. He also wrote, his business made it 
necessary. Was therefore the rest on the Sabbath-day 
only important for very little boys? 

Once I was taken on a journey, and at the hotel 
where we dined the fat and the lean were mixed, and 
cheese was served after meat, and even ham appeared 
on the table. My parents ate and permitted me to 
eat of this forbidden dish. Then the food forbidden 
at home was no longer forbidden when one was away 
from home? The law was law no longer? 

Thus like all children of all time, I began despite 
myself to scrutinize my parents, and drawing con- 
clusions from their inconsistencies I very slowly be- 
gan to break their idols. 

Others unconsciously became my accomplices. The 
first of these was my teacher of religion, the cantor 
of the synagogue. He had a beautiful voice, a beauti- 
ful beard, a beautiful soul. But as a teacher he puz- 
zled me, I was at this time attending college, and 
was proud of my Latin. Now this man taught that 
the Hebrew had no grammar, which caused me to 
feel dubious about that language and what it incul- 
cated Then too, his method alone would have dis- 
couraged the most inquisitive of minds. I mumbled 
prayers which he declared untranslatable. The cate- 
chism began with a sentence which amused me: 


"Who are you, my child? I am a young Jew or Jew- 
ess." As for the sacred history and the Psalter 
chanted by my illiterate cantor, how badly it 
sounded after my Greek or Roman history. 

My father, who read Hebrew in the evenings, 
would say to me occasionally: "It is a very beautiful 
language." I did not think it was. How could I? Jew- 
ish values were poorly presented to me knowledge 
gained at college alone counted. 

And that which was begun by the ignorance of 
the cantor was continued by the cynicism of the 
Rabbi. Occasionally he came to visit us in the eve- 
ning after dinner, and we took our seats again around 
the table, a glass of claret was poured for him, and 
we listened as he talked. 

He had a shaven lip between his magisterial whis- 
kers, and he was an enchanting conversationalist. 
The whole town doted upon his wit. Could I divine 
that his scepticism concealed his faith, and that he 
truly found joy in proclaiming the divine unity. To 
judge by the God who spoke to me at night, the 
caustic humor of his earthly representative seemed 
altogether too human. 

Professor of Comparative Philology at the univer- 
sity, he scoffed disdainfully at the small traders of 
his community, whom however, upon every possible 
occasion he heartily served. If one were to believe 


him, the Jewish tailor, when he passed by his shop, 
felt of the cloth at the back of his rabbinic coat be- 
cause he had bought it of the Christian tailor, and 
the cattle dealer, who sought a good match for his 
daughter, declared: "I am not a cattle dealer; I am 
a manufacturer of meat." There were some Jewish 
tales amusing Jewish tales, over which I laughed 
but also blushed a little: the story of the two Jews 
who had dined at a restaurant and left the door open 
as they went out on a stormy night, and who mut- 
tered on hearing themselves abused from within: 
"Listen to the anti-semites," or of Moses, playing 
icarti with God in Paradise, saying: "Above all, 
God, no miracles." 

This gallery of portraits and this collection of 
stories, pleasant as they were, marred Israel to my 
too sensitive soul. And I could not forget these gro- 
tesque pictures when I betook myself against my 
will to the Synagogue. 

I was taken to the Synagogue for the first time 
according to custom when I was a very small boy, 
to roll up one of the sacred scrolls with a long linen 
band covered with colored letters. I wore my velvet 
suit with pearl buttons, and was in a state of ela- 
tion, for from the height of the gallery my mother was 
watching me, and the gold stars painted in the blue 
ceiling seemed to me real stars in a real heaven. 


But I had come to know the cantor and the Rabbi 
too well. They robbed the place of its illusions. And 
excepting for the rare moments which the music 
transformed, or when the hidden splendor of the 
ceremony suddenly burst forth in its manifest beauty, 
what boredom I felt in those dull hours, weighed 
down the more by the meticulous phrases of an un- 
known tongue! 

What physical irritation I felt against those per- 
sons without breeding who read their newspapers or 
conversed aloud; what disgust when I heard the only 
words spoken in French, and these, in order to stim- 
ulate generosity, announcing under the eye of the 
Holy Law the amount given for charity by each 

At the age of thirteen years, when I "made my 
first Jewish communion," I could chant very well 
before the ark, without sounding a false note in the 
Biblical text of which I understood not one word, 
and in the evening after the festival I could recite 
in one breath the benediction which had remained 
Hebrew to me. But when I was alone at night in 
my bed, face to face with the God who came to me, I 
asked myself quite mystified if indeed He was the 
God of Israel. 

He was, my child. All those prayers the meaning 
of which escaped me, magnificently revealed Him, all 


those ceremonies the emptiness of which gave me a 
sense of loneliness, emanated from His presence. But 
I knew it not it was badly explained to me, and I 
was to wander a long time among men and thoughts 
before arriving at the truth. 

Ah, you will say, this is a strange way of explain- 
ing to you why I am a Jew. But you will not under- 
stand why I am a Jew unless you first understand 
why I ceased to be a Jew. 

In those early years of my adolescence the break 
was not yet conscious. But my spirit unconsciously 
turned away from the spirit of my people. And I was 
soon to discover another world. 


In my fourteenth year I had overtaxed my 
strength. My best friend and classmate at that time, 
now a pastor and professor of theology, lived in the 
country. I was in need of fresh air; his mother de- 
sired to have me visit him. I played the piano and 
because of my love of music I was invited to a neigh- 
boring home, where I became a daily guest. 

An old lady lived there with her daughter and 
three sons, two of whom were already grown men. 
Widow of a famous writer, she had known "Monsieur 
Taine," "Monsieur Renan," "Monsieur Got/' and 


had traveled much in Italy. Her conversation was 
replete with memories. In my home there was great 
respect for intellectual culture; here one enjoyed 
familiarity with it. 

The quite rustic dwelling faced a large meadow, 
which commanded a cliff where the Rhone turns in 
a rocky circle My elderly friend helped me to see in 
nature that which had never been pointed out to me. 
The play of clouds and the drama of light were events 
for her; they became events for me. 

I did not quite understand just what seemed new 
to me in this home, but harmony reigned therein in 
a very different way from that I had known. Strange 
and tiresome though the religious customs (which 
chimed with the days, months, and years for us) had 
seemed to me, I never conceived of existence with- 
out them. But here were no dietary laws, no impe- 
rious rites, no oppressive prohibitions. One went to 
services on Sunday; that was all. And yet not quite 
all. Work, charity, the kindness which were merely 
practised in our home, were here consciously lived 
and helped one to achieve a clear conscience. The 
moral instinct was enriched and clarified by all the 
light that the living word could bring to it. 

Then the mother, the brothers, the sister, were so 
detached from one another in their own definite in- 
terests i If there were a question concerning a walk, 


or blame or praise of any act, of a decision to be 
taken, however important, each one of them ex- 
pressed his ideas as though it were permissible to 
have individual ideas. The ancestral community 
spirit which in our home imposed itself upon us 
would have hindered such divergencies. And dimly 
I felt myself rebelling against it. 

I have since understood what was happening to 
me then. In Geneva, where I was born, the sects 
were strictly separated. I had no life other than the 
Jewish life. Our Ghetto was not shut in by chains, 
but none the less it was a Ghetto. I had come out of 
it for the first time I looked upon free air and a free 
sky, and my spirit liberated itself not only from the 
rites of the Jewish family but from the family itself. 

The following winter a book took me still further 
away from Israel the Gospel. It was not my friends 
who placed this formidable discovery before my eyes. 
Their sense of delicacy would not have permitted 
them to do this. But I, whom no one had known how 
to interest in the Old Testament, I wanted to know 
this Jesus who was preached to them on Sundays. I 
still see beneath the trees of the old square, the stand 
of the secondhand bookshop, where for a few cen- 
times I bought all this revelation of suffering I still 
hear my heart cry out at the furtive reading of those 
eternal pages. I was the shepherd close to the cradle; 


I was the fisherman of Tiberias; I walked with the 
paralytic; I again saw the light with the blind; I 
again came to life with Lazarus; "Our Father" was 
my prayer, the Sermon on the Mount was my ser- 
mon; the agony on the cross my agony. But at the 
end of my Passion, I did not murmur as did the 
Christ: "Forgive them, they know not what they do." 
No, I remember that crucified by horror and shame 
for my race, quite small and alone in my room I 
cried out "Dirty Jews, dirty Jews 1 " 

I have told of my anguish at that time in "L'En- 
jant Propkbte" 1 I do not wish to go over it again. 
But to show you that that story was not merely a 
romance and to make clear to you what I dared to 
call in those far off days "my religious thought," I 
will copy here, without any changes in its poor style, 
that which I then wrote in my diary and found last 
night among some old papers: 

"I am not a believer; it is my old religion 
that is at fault, my poor religion, the ruin of 
an unfinished building. What care for forms; 
those absurd customs! Alas, laws against eat- 
ing ham, against tearing paper on Saturday, 
the custom of eating bread without leaven for 
seven days, have long since caused my soul to 

l A recent book by Edmond Fleg 


rebel though I dared not confess it. The read- 
ing of the New Testament has finally detached 
me from all this. I have wept real tears while 
reading about the tortures of Jesus, and I have 
felt ashamed of my fathers who sullied them- 
selves with the blood of this just man whom 
they so treacherously crucified. Yes, I am 
ashamed of my people. I have heard it said that 
a Jew and a Christian can never live in peace 
together. I am not a Jew, oh no! 

It may be a despicable thing thus to put the 
faith of one's ancestors out of one's heart, but 
I do not feel that I must imitate their errors. 
My opinions are my own, no one has inculcated 
them within me I have read no books concern- 
ing them. I have heard it said that Christians 
alone can understand their religion, because 
their religion is the life of Jesus. It is also 
my religion because this life so radiant is the 
life that shall be my example; his charity, his 
mercy, are the objects of my admiration; these 
are what my soul loves and what it finds truly 

I understand Jesus, but do not look upon him 
as a supernatural being; that is beyond my com- 
prehension, and I cannot think him divine by 
closing my eyes; that were unworthy of my in- 


telligence. But I can better understand Jesus 
than I can understand a God, absolute master 
and judge of all things. It is not that I am an 
atheist, oh no! I say my prayers every night, 
but I pray to a God within me who is not a ruler. 
I have been told that God is a spirit. Why should 
he not be the thought that makes its voice heard 
in the conscience of each one of us? Perfect 
faith, I admire it, I envy its possession but, 
alas, I have it not. I cannot be a Jew. I can be 
a Christian. And if I can follow him I have 
chosen as my model, if I look upon the good 
as God, and if I think he may be the revelation of 
an omnipotent God, am I so very blameworthy? 
May I be pardoned if I err, may I find mercy 
above if I have doubted. God, let thy light enter 
within me, reveal thyself to me if thou art/' 

Since that time I have reviewed the process of the 
trial of Jesus and I hope that you my child, more 
correctly informed, will never know the sorrow of 
accusing your whole race which was my first sor- 

Yet this God of my prayers, the one gift and the 
most precious which was left to me of Israel, this 
God whom I already so coldly called the Good but 
who so vitally dwelt within me that I still addressed 


myself to him as to a living person, even this God 
was to forsake me. 

It happened a year later and in the most trivial 
way. I was eager to become a philosopher, and there 
being no class in philosophy at Geneva I trusted 
myself without a guide to the thousand pages of a 
popular history of philosophy. At last I was to know. 
In haste I opened the big volume first of all Re- 
ligion How was it that there were such varying 
ideas about God, and so many that were contradic- 

Of the God of Israel not one word; is He then un- 
important? But I learn that a certain Protagoras 
wills to ignore whether there are Gods or not, and 
that a certain Critias maintains they were invented 
by a legislator as cautious as he was crafty. Socrates, 
I am told, revealed the moral God, the God of "civi- 
lized nations." Plato placed him in the "realm of 
ideas." Aristotle identified him as "the pure act," 
the Stoics confounded his unity with that of the 
universe, and Plotinus made of him a trinity. What 
was I to believe? Whom was I to follow? I was per- 

In the middle ages, the same disputations were 
translated into scholastic jargon. St. Augustine does 
not agree with St. Thomas, Averroes is not in accord 
with Scotus. In modern times the warfare continues; 


Malebranche against Descartes, Leibnitz against 

Of course, there were many evidences offered, the 
familiar evidences of the existence of God. But I 
had read too much; the evidences proved nothing to 
me. And how triumphant I felt when Kant arrived 
with his heavy club and pulverized all these affirma- 
tions. Oh, how well he spoke ' How right he was! Yes, 
we impose upon things the laws of our own being, 
we cannot conceive of them in and of themselves; 
we know not the Being nor the Substance nor the 
Absolute, nor God. 

Then Herbert Spencer came forward like a pres- 
tidigitator holding the doctrine of evolution in his 
hands. Three turns of his cuffs and I saw the One 
producing the Many, and the Simple producing the 
Complex, from the humblest atom of matter to the 
loftiest creation of the spirit. Twice presto chango, 
and by enchantment the vegetable emerged from the 
mineral and man from the animal' A little shove, 
and from Heredity and the Association of Ideas, sud- 
denly these ancient illusions escape, Good, Evil, Free- 
dom, God' 

Finally Auguste Comte and his Positivism brought 
certitude to me. Humanity had evidently passed 
through three successive stages: in the theological 
period it explained natural phenomena by supernat- 


ural causes; wonders, miracles, were the acts of 
God. In the metaphysical period mankind had re- 
course to abstractions converted into realities, facul- 
ties, essence and accident; in the third period, the 
period that still obtains, we happily limit ourselves 
to knowledge thru observation and experimentation 
in the relationship of phenomena. This last method, 
the only one that is of value, has created modern 
science and has forever supplanted metaphysics 
and theology; there is no other religion than the Re- 
ligion of Humanity; the problem is settled. 

Upon this discovery of the great void an entire 
wall of my inner life collapsed. I should have per- 
ished but nothing happened. I was too proud of 
being a philosopher to complain of the errors that 
encompassed me. My nightly conversations with God 
changed in tone. The words, Reveal thyself if thou 
art, which I formerly repeated in my agony, were 
no longer a prayer; they were a summons. I defied 
this God, I blasphemed against Him. Then giving up 
the effort to obtain speech from the non-existent, I 
abandoned him and his silence. 

Far distant as I was at this time from Israel, I 
was to take myself still further away. I went to Paris 
and entered the higher class of rhetoric, attended the 
Sorbonne and was admitted to the Normal School. 


Here was material to help me to come to my senses, 
but the contrary happened. I wanted to combine for 
myself some austerity with much self-indulgence^ but 
I must confess to you that toward my twentieth year 
I was soaring to a height of pretentiousness from 
which in the face of certain facts I was compelled to 
descend later on Seeming to be under the spell of 
what I chose to call my charm, some of my comrades 
amused themselves by forming a small circle about 
me, whose loyalty was tempered by raillery. We were 
called the Aesthetes, and I have a notion that this was 
not a misnomer. I leaned upon Anatole France and 
Renan, and had drawn from the pure springs of these 
two masters the sophisticated waters of my dilet- 
tantism, for we were dilettantes. 

One must not take the world too seriously; one 
did not even know if it existed, for one left crass certi- 
tudes to the common people. Society was not worth 
the trouble of mingling with it. Of what importance 
to subtle spirits were eternal principles, the Rights of 
the Man and the Citizen, the battle of parties or the 
form of the state? Ethics also seemed very dull; Good 
and Evil were dumbells that one need not trouble 
to handle. Art alone counted, not only the art of 
words, sounds, forms and colors, accessible after all 
to inferior bipeds who could read a book, listen to a 


concert or walk thru a museum, but the art of creat- 
ing from moments taken from one's own life an opus 
worthy of contemplation. 

My chief function then was to admire myself, and 
as in the fluid mobility of my self-scrutiny it would 
have seemed a poor thing to admire but one person 
within myself, I distinguished at least five, each of 
which corresponded to one of my friends; there was 
Des Grieux who was bored by Tiberge, the Pylades 
of an ever bitter Orestes, the Agathon of a modern 
Socrates, the satirist who juggled with the shadow 
of things, and the romanticist whose piano endured 
in turn frenzies and ecstasies. 

Could so complex a being inhabit this lowly earth 
without peril? Would not life in simplifying him 
cause him to perish? It was decided that such a mis- 
fortune must be prevented My Socrates was not 
terrified by one more hemlock story. He brought me 
a vial of seeming poison which however he had filled 
with pure water; otherwise you would never have 
had a grandfather. 

Do not think, my child, that I illuminate the past 
for the unique satisfaction of evoking glittering mem- 
ories If there be one quality or one defect com- 
monly attributed to Israel, it is too great concern for 
this earthly existence. Idealist or materialist he clings 
to life, be it to exploit or to ennoble it. To turn away 


from it, to abdicate before his time, either in con- 
templation, in inaction or in death, is not the habit 
of the Jew. I had forsaken the rites and the laws of 
my people I had rejected their God; and the inmost 
voice of my people had grown silent within me. 


I was in this state of mind when the tidings came 
that Captain Dreyfus, banished to Devil's Island as a 
traitor in 1894, had been unjustly condemned for 
the one and only reason that he was a Jew. At first 
the whole matter did not interest me. It was a news- 
item which could not disturb my contemplative life, 
and with the little thought that I consented to give 
it, I believed it unlikely that seven army-officers, 
because of mere prejudice could have sent an inno- 
cent man to hopeless imprisonment. It was incredible 
to me. 

However, the agitation increased thruout the 
country in favor of the condemned man. Several of 
our teachers interested themselves in his case; soon 
he had defenders among my comrades in the school, 
even among the Aesthetes, and detached as I might 
be from worldly affairs, I in my turn was obliged to 
descend from my empyrean for him. 


I had one close friend who was not a student of the 
Normal Institute. We had come to know one another 
in the last year of college, and were soon bound to- 
gether by an affection that still endures. The deep 
tenderness which united us was the attraction of an 
altogether intellectual sympathy. Our greatest joy 
was our mutual understanding, and the formulating 
of our ideas in unison. I felt a certain pride in main- 
taining this aspect of our friendship I did not want 
it to consist of mutual acts of service which seemed 
to me the current money of sentiment, nor of that 
cheap confidence which expresses itself in the ex- 
change of secrets. In fact, a sort of shyness sepa- 
rated our souls that were really so close to one an- 
other. The Dreyfus affair was to reveal the cause to 

He was brought up in an environment foreign to 
every reactionary or even conservative tendency; 
very sensitive, but of a sensitiveness without any 
romanticism, and saturated with the destructive in- 
difference which was that of Maurice Barres in his 
early years. He was highly intelligent and much more 
endowed than was I with the force of logic; (we will 
call him the Logician) and had accepted all the con- 
clusions of our common nihilism. 

If ever there was a loyal and a free spirit, it was 
his; he had liberated himself from all philosophical 


illusions; he had broken all social idols; even the 
love of fatherland had given way under his analytical 

His overwhelming scepticism, contrary to mine, 
admitted from the beginning that the innocence of 
Dreyfus was eminently possible, but in the measure 
that the successive disclosures drew me closer to this 
hypothesis, to my great astonishment I saw his opin- 
ion develop in the contrary direction. 

It was soon declared that, in violation of the rights 
of the defense, a secret document had been submitted 
to the military judges of Dreyfus; that it had de- 
termined their verdict, and that neither the accused 
nor his lawyer were in a position to disprove it. This 
act seemed to me to create a presumption in favor 
of the Captain; what need of new secret proofs if 
previous ones sufficed? This method of reasoning 
did not affect my Logician, except in the domain of 
pure abstraction, and one could not tell if it were ap- 
plicable to the case in point. 

The illegality which was shocking to me, seemed 
in itself to justify a revision of the trial. He con- 
tended that this illegality might spring from interests 
higher than those of the defense, and that a revision 
should not be suffered except for more peremptory 


It was known that Dreyfus had been condemned 
thru the examination of a memorandum written, it 
was claimed, by his hand, and stating the number 
of documents delivered to a foreign power. When 
this memorandum was published in the press, it was 
found that the handwriting was strangely like that of 
another officer, Commandant Esterhazy. A large 
number of experts affirmed that the handwritings 
were identical. The Logician replied: "What do they 
know about it? They only worked on facsimiles." 

It seemed to me that the motives had never been 
clearly set forth, which would have explained the 
crime of Dreyfus; on the other hand, Esterhazy was 
a gamester, and letters written by him were known 
to have expressed the wish that France might meet 
a new Sedan. My friend replied that Esterhazy might 
be a scoundrel and Dreyfus be none the less guilty. 
And then were those much discussed letters authen- 

If Colonel Picquart was to be incriminated in a 
forgery or in the use of forgery which showed that 
the General Staff shielded Esterhazy, this accusation 
presented nothing very strange; but if it could be 
proven that Commandant Henry had committed a 
forgery in order to prevent revision, this forgery be- 
came the patriotic act of a devoted soldier, who, 


knowing of documents which could not be seen with- 
out danger, had no other aim than to produce an 

What gave me pause in this reasoning was that it 
was irrefutable if one admitted the inherent premise 
which was nothing else than a tacit vote of confidence 
in the military tribunal and the officers of the staff. 
But this confidence, so far as my friend was con- 
cerned, had in it nothing of superstition; it was, he 
said, confidence in the only men who were informed. 
On the one side he saw specialists who knew; on the 
other side, amateurs who guessed. Between the two 
he did not hesitate in making his choice. 

For a long time I was hesitant in my choice; then 
I was so no longer. For those, whom my Logician 
called amateurs, those who, according to his point of 
view were guessing, according to my point of view 
knew. We discussed every new incident of the af- 
fair (every day brought forth new incidents) and we 
tried to convince each other. We did not succeed and 
I was greatly troubled. I could neither doubt his in- 
telligence nor his good faith nor his heart. How was 
it that he saw error where I saw truth? In his con- 
fidence in certain officers, which could be but a tenta- 
tive attitude of the critical mind, did there not enter, 
without his being conscious of it, something instinc- 
tive and mysterious? And I myself, when my faith 


went out to those others, could I maintain that noth- 
ing within me stood between my judgment and the 
facts? What were these subconscious forces which 
caused us to oppose each other? Why did I dread 
them without defining them? Were they to destroy 
our beautiful friendship? 

We might well fear it, for all about us old bonds 
were being loosened. You may read the story of the 
"Affair" in your history-book. That which you will 
not find therein is the accent of passion to which it 
gave expression. At the Sorbonne the classes resolved 
themselves into meetings, and in the salons the eve- 
nings ended in pugilistic encounters. 

Streets were frequently guarded. Long lines of 
civilians or of soldiers kept the crowd in check which 
in turn spat upon the villains or the heroes. These 
civil discords destroyed happy friendships, and even 
the peace of the simplest homes. Whether one were 
for Dreyfus or against him, one was always the en- 
emy of someone, it might be of one who had been a 
friend for fifty years; it might be of a brother 
or even of a father. For underneath the drama of the 
"Affair," secret and long drawn-out, another drama 
was being enacted which combined in hatred two con- 
ceptions of society, of life, and of the world. 

The most clearly visible aspect of this hidden con- 
flict was the battle waged against Israel Dreyfus 


being a Jew, certain anti-Dreyfusards held all Jews 
responsible for his crime, and for the disorders in 
the country which their determination to exculpate 
him provoked. Even if his innocence could be proved, 
the Jews were blameworthy in desiring to exonerate 
him. The honor of a Jew was as nothing compared 
to the safety of a nation. If thoughtful men without 
religious affiliation, if some Christians, some Catho- 
lics, even priests (and some could be named) enrolled 
among his defenders, they were undoubtedly cor- 
rupted by Jewish gold or by the Jewish mind. 

It was said that an enormous syndicate had been 
formed, the Syndicate of Treason, the funds of which 
were contributed by Jews thruout the world, to aid 
those who plotted to disarm France in order to de- 
liver her to her enemies. And this was said not to 
be unique in the world's history. Wherever the Jew 
had appeared, he had brought about ruin. He had un- 
dermined the Roman Empire and was in league with 
the barbarians at the time of the great invasions. Be- 
cause of him, Spain of the Visigoths had yielded to 
the Arabs. Because of him, the Poland of Poniatow- 
ski was dismembered. In the Middle Ages, he had 
extorted all the gold of earth thru usury, and then 
made use of it in 1789 to finance a profitable Revolu- 
tion which camouflaged him into a citizen every- 
where, and permitted him to realize his dream of 


villainous domination thruout a debased century, 
over the dirty rubbish-heap of a vanished order. 
Greedy, sensual, a thief and forger, the Jew was a 
traitor by choice and by his very nature, and if 
Dreyfus needed a motive for his crime the one fact 
that he was a Jew explained his treason. 

This philosophy of history in the invective vein 
could not affect me. In vain did I search thru the 
most secret recesses of my subconscious being. I did 
not recognize myself in this portrait of the Jew. I 
was quite sure I was not planning any sinister proj- 
ect by which the world might be overwhelmed. With- 
out feeling myself affected, I was nevertheless un- 
nerved. This anti-Semitism was a new experience to 

When very young I had heard tell of course of the 
massacres of Jews in Russia which followed the as- 
sassination of a Czar; of women disemboweled, of 
old men buried alive, nursing babes plunged into pe- 
troleum and then thrown to the flames. For a time 
these memories had haunted my nights, but after a 
time they faded away. 

Then, too, I had often heard tell of 'rishus.' l This 
word, borrowed from the Hebrew jargon of Alsace, 
expressed the ill-will of Christians toward Israel. 
But I was able more than once to prove that the ef~ 

iRishus, Judaeo- German term for anti-Semitism. 


fects attributed to this sentiment could be explained 
by other causes, and the story of the two Jews at 
dinner and the draught, so jocosely related by our 
Rabbi, had always seemed to me symbolic in this 

My mother, who was French by birth, had often 
told me that Jews were happier in France than in 
any other country, and that we must cherish the gen- 
erous people who were the first to give them the 
rights of citizenship and had honored a Jewish min- 
ister, Cremieux, with a national funeral. 

Later there was a great sensation over a book, La 
France Juive, which in most virulent language at- 
tributed all the misfortunes of the country to Israel. 
But I was told this was a pamphlet of hate, and so 
it remained unimportant in my mind. 

Ever since my coming to Paris, because of the 
scandalous Panama Affair, certain daily papers had 
thrown themselves into a campaign sponsoring this 
thesis. But was I reading these papers at that time? 
I was living in the country which the clamor of the 
outside world did not reach, and such vulgarities 
did not seem to me to be worthy of the attention of 
a mind occupied with transcendental speculation. 
Finally, why should I pay attention to the enemies 
of Israel? Was I the guardian of Israel? Was anyone 
in my circle interested in Israel? Did my school- 


companions see any difference between themselves 
and me? For them as for me, Jews had ceased to 

Even in my own family which had been so attached 
to the old rites and ceremonies, these fell into dis- 
use one by one. Without shock, without discussion, 
without dramatics, thru the simple pressure of sur- 
rounding forces, new exceptions were made from 
year to year to the once revered rules. When I re- 
turned to Geneva on my vacation, I perceived some 
progress each time in the process of disintegration; 
the festivals -were less rigorously observed; the cere- 
monies were less often repeated; even ham became 
an item on the menus, and to the horror of Lisette 
the old Catholic cook, who in other days had insisted 
on my saying my prayers in Hebrew, and who now 
alone preserved respect for dietary laws, the lean and 
the fat succeeded each other in reverse order, and 
the two dishes finally became one. 

Since then at my own patriarchal hearth, Israel 
had already become so faint a memory it was bound 
to die in others as it had died within me, and there 
was nothing left to do but to let it die. 

Why then was my irritation against anti-Semitism 
increasing day by day? What had I in common with 
those who were being attacked? What was it to me 
whether these attacks were justified or not? 


Would not this pain be at least a fugitive pain? 
Qt; was I to pay heed to the insults of pamphleteers 
unequal to a really understanding outlook? I might 
perhaps have calmed and contented myself and 
shrugged my shoulders after a while, had not my 
Logician provided a new surprise for me at this junc- 
ture, by stating that without following this contro- 
versy to the letter he was less certain than I was of 
its unimportance. It is true that his thought reflected 
many points of view, but was marked by such sincer- 
ity that it compelled me to reflect. 

He said to me that the word anti-Semitism served 
as a label for the most diverse tendencies, the most 
negligible being that which came from Catholicism 
as a religion, and that no doubt the most formidable 
adversaries of the Israelites on the ground of religion 
would be found among the Protestants. 

The most popular of possible acts has always been 
spoliation of those who held possessions. Some imbe- 
ciles and some villains, with the blind assistance of 
some most honest people, have always known how 
to persuade the masses that all their ills were caused 
by the Jews, and that everything that could be done 
to hurt them was legitimate, even unto pillage and 
massacre. And, he added, one must not forget the 
sentiment of a people which sees itself very nearly 
governed by a low-type minority, by a race which 


this people had habitually (why did not matter to- 
day) despised for many centuries. 

He recognized that Israel had its idealists, its 
Utopians, its mystics for whom Jewish interests did 
not count, but he saw only in these sublime spirits 
poor politicians, for they builded in dreams while we 
live in reality. He did not deny that certain Israel- 
ites, more intelligent than the average man, might 
render greater service, that they might on occasion 
prove themselves even greater patriots than other 
people But to his way of thinking too many Jews 
filled too many places, since the first crisis revealed 
the survival of their solidarity and their narrow con- 
ception of nationality. 

Thus wishing to show confidence in those who were 
appointed to the administration of his country, and 
to find in them interest in and sympathy for his coun- 
try, my dear Logician had not found it illogical in 
himself to believe that, without absolutely excluding 
Jews from every public function, they were only to be 
allowed a voice in the State proportionate to their 
numbers in the nation. 

I was stupefied. Did Jews really govern France? 
Was it indeed necessary to deprive them of the 
rights they now had the rights they bad won? Was 
it because of their solidarity that Jews believed 
Dreyfus to be innocent? 


How could a lucid and passionless intelligence 
conceive or accept such hideous conclusions? I could 
find no answer and could not divert my mind from 
seeking one. 

It was a sad night on which I suddenly realized 
that accord between my friend and myself was no 
longer possible, that our misunderstanding had not 
its origin in facts, nor in their interpretation, nor in 
the conclusions more or less cogent, which we had 
drawn from them, but in a reality which had es- 
caped us, more real than we ourselves and very very 
ancient. Interested at closer range now in the Drey- 
fus battles, I had signed a protest in favor of Pic- 
quart which appeared in the daily press. In his ten- 
der consideration, my friend had made me feel that 
as a stranger or semi-stranger I should have ab- 
stained from taking part in this protest. From the 
viewpoint of pure logic he was not wrong, but I tried 
to persuade him thru a letter to the contrary. 

Admit, I wrote him for an instant that all 
those who signed the protest had excellent reasons 
and that those same reasons were my reasons. Did 
I in signing arrogate to myself a right that was not 
mine? Do I violate any French law in expressing 
my opinion, my personal feeling, my pain and my 
indignation? There is no question here of a political 
matter but of a judicial matter. I claim that there 


is an abuse of power and tyranny in the application 
of the law. Strangers who live in France are liable 
to suffer under such conditions as well as the French 
themselves. Will you reply that they can go away? 
Yes, if it were the legislation itself which annoyed 
them; but, on the contrary, they may remain and 
protest in the presence of an illegal act which plunges 
them and with them a large number of the French 
people into consternation. 

Having the right to protest, I added, I made of it 
a duty, believing myself obliged to express an opin- 
ion publicly that I had not concealed from my com- 
rades. That the attitude of the ministry was hostile 
toward the school was well known, and if disciplin- 
ary measures were to be taken against the protes- 
tants, it would have been painful to me to be omitted. 

Thus I reasoned after the event, but I did not rea- 
son about it while signing the protest. I became a 
social being; for the first time I took action, and I 
believe that action does not only result from clear 
reasoning intellectually developed, but often from a 
strange impulse the origin of which may be obscure. 
I felt that my dilettantism was only superficial, that 
I had need of justice, that those humanitarian in- 
terests that I had derided were my very own, that 
life would never give me sufficient proofs to the con- 
trary to cause me to doubt certain age-old theories, 


though seemingly childish and overstressed and 
even voiced by imbeciles. 

Was there then mingled with this human solidarity 
a Jewish solidarity which made the drama I was liv- 
ing thru more tragic? I could no longer doubt it. 
But what difference did that make to me ? I could 
neither resist the call of the one nor of the other; 
both took possession of me as part of my very being. 

And I looked upon my friend who seemed so dif- 
ferent, so distant' Had we not been in agreement so 
long because I had been ignorant of myself so long? 
Did the constraint that I so often felt in his presence 
reveal a chasm that could never be bridged over? 
Must that which had united us be renounced? Gentle 
as was his friendly reproof, did it not shut me out 
from his country and from his friendship at the same 

And, while I was weighing and measuring these 
unhappy thoughts, the "Affair" was becoming a per- 
sonal challenge to me. My transcendent egotism was 
fast disappearing. I awaited the morning papers in 
agony. I read them as tho the fate of this man were 
bound up with my fate, with the fate of his entire 
race, in which, little by little, I discovered my own 
place His letters were published. Beneath the poor 
declamatory style I heard the cry of tortured inno- 
cence. And reaching me across the sea, this cry 


clutched at my throat and tore at my heart. At night 
on my bed I thought of the prisoner. I saw him alone 
on that tropic rock encompassed by the malign si- 
lence of his guards. He too was abed in the night fet- 
tered to a straw pallet by two iron clamps. And with- 
out moving he cried out he cried out. And his cry 
reawakened other cries I had heard long ago, those 
of the far-distant pogrom I had been told of when 
a child. They again became present, those vanished 
figures; the disemboweled women, the old men bur- 
ied alive, the infants thrown naked into the flames. 
And I longed to rise and cry out in my turn, to cry 
their martyrdom aloud to the whole world. 

And when Dreyfus was recalled from the island 
by his judges at Rennes and condemned for the sec- 
ond time my life stood still I could take no food. I 
felt myself banished from the brotherhood of man. 
And I asked myself "Jew, what is thy place in the 

The friendship which bound me to my dear Logi- 
cian withstood this torture. His tact had proven itself 
stronger than my nervousness. Why, said he, should 
we quarrel because we differ? Cannot we try to un- 
derstand one another without trying to be in per- 


feet agreement? Our conversations shall no longer 
be dialogues, but successive monologues Each of us 
will express his thought without trying to convert 
the other. Perhaps that will be a finer type of unity. 
Such friendships have been known. And in fact all 
shyness vanished; conscious of our differences we 
became friends who could frankly express our 
thoughts unreservedly to each other. And in the joy 
of our new affection, he confided his new thoughts 
to me which helped me to clarify the confusion in my 
own mind. 

Now having descended as I had from the serene 
regions where our dilettantism had flourished, he ad- 
mitted that if science is a vain thing, the repetition 
of this axiom is vainer still; that if we cannot achieve 
certainty concerning the meaning of life or of ethics, 
it were more sensible to accept a way, however 
arbitrary, than to trust oneself to the more or less 
logical caprices of one's personal sensibilities. He as- 
pired to lead a social life and was disposed to accept 
its demands. Upon what then could so logical a 
mind base its action? Unacquainted with revolu- 
tionary tradition as with every other tradition, he 
could not accept the Evangel of the Rights of Man 
proclaimed by the French Revolution, as a demon- 
strated truth on which the entire political philosophy 
of modern society had been made to rest, Follow- 


ing the criticism of Comte, Taine, Renan and Barres, 
he only found in this philosophy, mystic outpour- 
ings towards vague entities, arguments from hy- 
potheses that were absurd, and an attitude of pity 
which was either barren or productive of hatred. 

And that which irritated him particularly in the 
"Affair" was that the Dreyfusards drew from this 
revolutionary Evangel, supposed to be beyond dis- 
cussion, the very substance of their debatable in- 
tervention. In one word, humanitarianism seemed 
to him to call for an act of faith, which did not de- 
mand more of our reasoning faculty than any other 
philosophy of life. 

What certitude then remained to him? None save 
that indefinable heritage from the past which had 
become a part of his tastes, of his feelings, of his 
nerves, that something I know not what, which 
makes a Frenchman feel a closer affinity with a 
Frenchman than with a German or even with a 
Swiss or Belgian. Unable to find support in any one 
principle he harked back to a tradition, to the 
tradition closest to him, the form of which was least 
foreign to his nature, to that from which he himself 
had evolved and which he chose because it was his 
very own. In fact, he now adopted with all his 
heart the ideal of country which he had formerly 
criticized as narrow and vulgar, and which now 


seemed to him more vital, more important than that 
of humanity 1 This being granted, there remained 
but to reason clearly about the facts of French his- 
tory in order to deduce the future grandeur of 
France, by applying to the present conditions those 
rules of action upon which its past had been built 

Rediscovering in this way a whole world basic to 
his instincts, my friend in his great goodness moved 
me to undertake a parallel task touching the tradi- 
tions which I had inherited from my race in order to 
regain that inward peace which I had lost. All 
things led me to follow his advice. Since the be- 
ginning of the Dreyfus Affair, the Jewish question 
had seemed to me a living thing. Now it seemed a 
tragic thing. 

What, then, is Judaism? A danger they tell me to 
that Society of which you are a part. What danger? 
But to begin with, am I still a Jew? I have for- 
saken the Jewish religion. Just the same you are a 
Jew. How? Why? What am I to do? Ought I to 
commit suicide because I am a Jew? 

At times I regretted the narrow and rigid faith of 
my forefathers. But, confined in their Ghettos by 
contempt and hatred, they at least knew why they 
were Jews. I did not know. How was I to know? 
Touching Israel I knew nothing. And I regretted 


my years at college spent in the study of philosophy, 
Germanic culture and comparative literature. I 
should have studied Hebrew, learned to know my 
race, its origins, its beliefs, its role in history, its 
place among the human groups of to-day; to at- 
tach myself thru it to something that should be I, 
and something more than I, to continue thru it 
something that others had begun and that others 
after me would carry on. 

And I said to myself, if I were to make a different 
use of my life, if I were to give myself to other 
studies, if later in life I were to have a family with- 
out being able to leave my children the legacy of an 
ideal that had been handed down to me from my 
ancestors, I should always feel a dim remorse, the 
consciousness of having been faithless to a trust. 
And I thought of my father no longer living, and I 
reproached myself for not having appreciated that 
Jewish wisdom which he commended to me, and 
which lived in him. I reproached myself for my 
failure to find any bond between Israel's past and 
my own empty soul. 

It was then that I heard Zionism mentioned for 
the first time. You cannot imagine, my child, what 
a beacon light that was. Consider that at the time 


of which I write to you, the word Zionism was never 
mentioned in my presence. The anti-Semites accused 
the Jews of constituting a nation within the nations; 
but the Jews, at least those whom I met, denied this. 
And now behold, the Jews were declaring: We are 
a people as others are; we have a country as others 
have. Our country must be given back to us. 

I now learned that the Zionist idea had its remote 
origin in ancient prophecies; the Bible promised 
their return to the Holy Land to the dispersed Jews; 
thruout the Middle Ages they lived but by their 
faith in this promise; in the XVIIIth and XlXth 
centuries great souls, Maurice of Saxony, the Prince 
de Ligne, Napoleon, had foreseen the significance 
from the philanthropic, political, economic, religious 
and moral points of view, that a Jewish re-gathering 
in Palestine would have. Since 1873 colonies had 
been established and developed there and finally a 
new apostle, Theodore Herzl, summoned the Jews 
of the whole world to create the Jewish state there. 
Was this the solution I sought? It explained many 
things. If truly the Jews were only a nation, one 
could understand why they were looked upon as 
Jews even when they ceased to observe their re- 
ligion, and one could also understand why the na- 
tions that had sheltered them might accuse them 
of not sharing their national interests. 


The Zionist ideal thrilled me by its loftiness. I 
admired in these Jews, and wished I could have ad- 
mired in myself, this fidelity to the ancestral soil 
which had endured two thousand years; and I was 
thrilled by the vision of the exodus which would take 
many of them back from their various places of 
exile to their regained unity. 

My Logician on his part approved of my en- 
thusiasm. He saw clearly that my Zionism would, 
in the end, be in accord with his growing national- 
ism, accepting certain consequences that would be 
anti-Semitic. Thus our two minds had in a way trav- 
elled in parallel lines, both of us leaving behind us 
the vision of humanity for that of country country 
for me being the Jewish land. But from the begin- 
ning I again felt confusedly that my logic was less 
precise than his, and that if I wished to be, accord- 
ing to my custom, honest with myself, it would not 
be possible for me to accept his entire process of 
reasoning in all its harshness. 

The third Zionist Congress was about to open at 
Basle. I decided to attend it. My knowledge of the 
German language made it possible for me to follow 
the debates rather closely. Theodore Herzl told of 
his efforts to obtain a charter from the Sultan. The 
Executive Council reported that one hundred thou- 
sand Jews were already enrolled in the movement 


and inferred that at least five hundred thousand 
Jews thruout the world were already Zionists. A plan 
for Jewish colonization in the Island of Cyprus was 
rejected as opposed to the plan of colonization in 
Palestine. The thesis of certain opponents of Zion- 
ism who saw in the movement a danger to non- 
Zionist Jews was refuted. 

I heard many gifted men endowed with eloquence 
and faith, but I was chiefly an observer. What dif- 
ferent types of Jews there were all about me: this 
pale Polish Jew with his prominent cheek bones, that 
German with spectacles, this Russian with the an- 
gelic expression, that bearded Persian, the clean- 
shaven American, the Egyptian with his fez, and 
that dark phantom, enormous in his great caftan, 
with his fur cap, and the blond curls falling 
from his temples. And in the midst of all these 
strange faces, something happened to me that was 
bound to happen; I felt that I was a Jew, essentially 
a Jew, but I also felt myself French, a Frenchman 
of Geneva, but French. 

It was now certain that the Zionist program in no 
way implied the return of all Jews to Palestine a 
thing numerically impossible, for the Jewish coun- 
try only offers itself to those Jews who feel that 
they have no other country. French on my mother's 
side, my soul and mind were turned towards France, 


at first when very young thru the gratitude of my 
parents as Jews towards that country. Later thru 
my own literary aspirations, and thru my prolonged 
life in Paris in the midst of college youths and stu- 
dents at the Sorbonne and at the Normal Institute 
whose friendship and affection had helped me to 
be myself; and finally thru the anguish that the 
Dreyfus drama caused me because of France which 
was lacerated and torn over it. 

In my thoughts I could not separate the place of 
my birth, Geneva, from the great Fatherland of the 
spirit to which Geneva itself in so many ways be- 
longed. When then, abandoning the egotism of the 
dilettante, I searched, as did my Logician) for a 
tradition in the depths of my own being, I found 
there, more powerful and more vital than my Jewish 
instincts as yet barely awakened, the French tradi- 
tion mingled with that of Israel. 

What then was Zionism to me? It could arouse 
me, as it still does, this great miracle of Israel 
which affects all Israel; three million Jews will 
speak Hebrew, will live on the soil of the Hebrews. 
But for the twelve million Jews who will continue 
to be dispersed thruout the world, for all of these 
and for me, the question, the tragic question re- 
mains: What is Judaism? What ought the Jew to 
do? How be a Jew? Why be a Jew? 



The reply was slow in coming. I could not invent 
it. It must be searched for, searched for thruout 
the history of Israel, from the mythical days of the 
Bible up to the latest hours of the present time. 
This task would demand years, perhaps a lifetime. I 
was like Taine when, face to face with the neces- 
sity of voting, he found himself constrained to write 
his book The Origins of Contemporary France, in 
order to arrive at his own conclusions. But I was 
not Taine. I lacked courage. I was dominated by 
other ambitions which demanded less austerity. Lit- 
erature and the theatre attracted me. I could not 
resist their appeal. But the unanswered question 
came back to me ceaselessly. How be a Jew? Why 
be a Jew? And ceaselessly together with it came the 
reproach of my conscience to my indolence which had 
not made reply. Some years passed. I saw my dear 
Logician frequently. Passing from nationalism to roy- 
alism, his way of thinking had developed harmo- 
niously, and comparing it with my own disordered 
way, I suffered. Every morning I read two articles in 
a daily paper which still appears; the one set forth 
the doctrine of integral nationalism in clear terms 


and perfect language; the other translated this doc- 
trine with prodigious inventiveness into silly in- 
sults accompanied by coarse epithets. These insults, 
almost all of them, were leveled at Jews, and being 
leveled at Jews, they were leveled at me. Each 
morning I read this paper; each morning I swore I 
would not read it again; each morning, as on the 
day before I read it again. And the reading of it 
each morning left me in a state of wrath and dis- 

I married. My son was born to me, he whose son 
you are to be my child. And then a strange thing 
happened. On the morning on which this son was 
born, by chance I did not read that paper. And 
since that day I have never read it. Why did the 
birth of my son liberate me from this nightmare? 
I did not know. But when he was one year old, 
something else occurred that was not less surpris- 
ing. One of my plays had just been produced with 
some success, and there were many reasons for me 
to persevere in my work. I abandoned it all and 
without cessation for three years I studied Judaism. 
I believe that I now understand the power that 
spurred me on, and the hour chosen for its exercise. 
Even then without a doubt, I was obeying the in- 
stinct which to-day dictates this book for you. I 
may not teach my children the religious practises of 


my fathers, nevertheless, I would transmit to them 
something of Israel. 

Is there an ancestral memory? I can no longer 
doubt it, because that which I then learned seems 
to me not to have been learned at all but to have 
been remembered. To begin with Hebrew. I 
will never know it as I should wish to know it! But 
I know enough of it already to be convinced that 
one cannot understand Israel without understanding 
Hebrew. Those words which I so often heard pro- 
nounced in my childhood, those strange syllables the 
meaning of which remained a mystery, suddenly 
opened out to me as doors to a treasure house. And it 
was not alone their significance which brought me 
light but the soul that emanated from them. This 
soul reflected a whole world, the world of my father, 
my own world, in the evident relation of derivatives 
from the same root; in the rudimentary structure 
of the phrase, in the illogical incoherence of images; 
in the lack of power to express pure abstraction, in 
the uncertain contours of the verb hardly distinguish- 
ing past, present and future, but which seems to 
move in the realm of eternity. 


I desired to know the religious thought of Israel. 
Better than any commentaries could, some notes 
written in the course of my studies, will show you 
what were my doubts, my surprises, and my joys 
upon that discovery: 

The chosen people! . . . The mission of Israel! 
Israel have a mission and others not have one? 

They want a God all to themselves; the God of 
Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob, the God of Israel! 
He makes a covenant with the Patriarchs! He re- 
news it at Sinai with their descendants! A pact 
binds the Eternal to these people for eternity! 

Who is this God? An idol? A fetich? The 
God of a tribe of savages? The God of Israel 
alone? . . . 

But no. He calls the Egyptians his people. He 
calls the Assyrian the work of his hands; the proph- 
ets of the Gentiles have knowledge of him, the Tal- 
mud forbids the interruption of the idolater at 
prayer before his idol because tho he know it not, 
it is to this God that he addresses himself. Before 
speaking to Israel this God spoke to Noah, gave 
commandments to the whole human family. He 
created the heavens and the earth. He is the one 


God, the God of all men, the God of the whole world. 
Why then the God of Israel? 
I do not understand. 

And their Torah, that law which separates them 
from all other peoples 1 They do not labor as others 
do; Moses forbids them to yoke an ass and an ox 
together at the same plough; they do not sow as 
others do; Moses forbids them to sow two kinds of 
seed in the same field; they do not reap nor harvest, 
they neither build nor reckon, they neither eat nor 
pray as others do; they are different in their ap- 
parel, in their head-dress, in the unshaven corners 
of their beards, in the badge of the covenant on their 
flesh. One people separate from all the rest of hu- 
manity. What intolerable pride! And this same Law 
is supposed to contain the Eternal Wisdom? To 
violate it would be to shake the order of the Uni- 
verse? God consulted it when he created the world? 
God himself studied the Torah? 

I do not understand. 

Their sages say: The Bible speaks the language 
of man. No doubt they mean by this that God only 


revealed to the prophets themselves that which they 
could understand concerning him, and in language 
they could understand. This would explain and 
justify in one sentence all the anthropomorphisms 
of Holy Scriptures. 

Moses at the school of Akiba, what a beautiful 
symbol! In the Talmudic tale, God shows Moses 
his disciple Akiba before his death, who will live 
nearly a century after Jesus. The prophet seats 
himself in the last of eight rows in the School of 
Akiba, and listens to the Rabbi's lesson. Akiba com- 
ments upon the Law of Moses, Moses does not rec- 
ognize his own law; none the less it is the Law of 

Divine revelation which came to the patri- 
archs and the prophets will continue thru tradition, 
and this continued revelation will only speak to 
each century in the language that it can compre- 
hend; its mode of utterance will develop as it 
purifies itself in harmony with the human con- 

The Bible then does not suffice. As the New Testa- 
ment does not contain all of Catholicism, the Old 
Testament does not contain all of Judaism. I must 


know the two Talmuds, the Zohar, Juda Halevi, 
Gabirol, Maimonides, all the great thinkers, all the 
great scholars of the Synagogue. If not I shall know 

I believed this Jewish God inaccessible, envelop- 
ing his omnipotence in clouds and thunderbolts in 
order to keep mortals at a distance. And in the ten- 
der outpourings of the Psalms I find him as close 
to me as in the early days of my childish prayers. 
The patriarchs speak almost familiarly with him; 
Abraham bargains with him, Akiba, Ben Sakkai, 
Nahum de Gimso, Rabbi Chanina, Rabbi Meir, all 
Israel's sages, live in His immediate presence. Is 
there need of a mediator between this God and 

Another arresting thought' Jesus pardons the 
sinner who repents, him who knows not what he 
does, but he lashes the money-lenders from the tem- 
ple with a whip of thongs, and hurls maledictions 
at the wicked Pharisees, maledictions that are equal 
in vehemence to those of the prophets. The God who 
chastises is then not absent from the New Testa- 


Will the God who pardons be found in the Old 

He is there! The God of Israel, the just and 
avenging God is also God the Father, the God of 
love, the God of forgiveness. He pardons unto the 
thousandth generation; His justice is ever tempered 
with mercy; He does not punish unless the measure 
overflows and chastisement alone can teach repent- 
ance penitence; he who brings to him a contrite 
heart touches him more deeply than if he brought 
all the offerings of earth. And if the history of Is- 
rael be that of his chastisements it is also and still 
more that of his forgiveness. 

"Thou shalt love the Eternal thy God, with all 
thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy might." 
This utterance quoted by Jesus was first spoken by 

How? The entire Lord's prayer: Our Father who 
art in Heaven . . . Hallowed be thy name. . . . 
Thy kingdom come. . . . Thy will be done on earth 
as it is in Heaven, . . . Give us this day our daily 


bread. . . . Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive 
them that trespass against us. . . . Lead us not into 
temptation. . . . Each one of these sentences 
spoken by Jesus when he prayed is a Jewish sen- 

Where then is the difference between Judaism 
and Christianity? I have been told it is the love of 
one's neighbor. Is this a great Christian discovery? 

Certainly not The Hebrew of ancient times was 
bound to use well his slave, to liberate him and rec- 
ompense him at the end of seven years. Not to 
retain the mantle taken as a pledge, over night; 
to leave bundles of wheat on his fields for the poor, 
the widow and the orphan; to love the stranger as 
a brother. 

The Jew of the Talmudic period was commanded 
to open his door to the poor man as tho he were a 
member of his family, to be charitable to Jews and 
non-Jews, to honor the aged non-Jew as well as the 
aged Jew, to bury the dead non-Jews as well as dead 
Jews and to comfort those who mourn for them. 

"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." These 
words also were spoken by Moses. 


And then there are these words in the Talmud 
on the unity of mankind: 

"Whosoever is merciful towards his fellow- 
creature is a descendant of Abraham." Why did 
God create but one man on the day of the creation? 
For the purpose of unity so that no man in later 
times might be able to say to another: I am of a 
nobler race than thou." 

Could then the belief in a future life, in final ret- 
ribution; be that which distinguishes the one from 
the other of these two religions? That belief which 
I do not find in the five books of Moses? 

No, for Job proclaims that freed from the flesh 
he will see God. Daniel believes that those who 
sleep in the dust will reawaken, some to shame and 
others to glory. All Jewish prayers are addressed to 
the God "who quickens the dead"; all the Jews of 
the Apocalypse call upon the Day of the Great 
Judgment; all the Jewish sages live in the hope of 
the life eternal. 

Who then, what then, separates you, Jews and 
Christians? . . . 

* * * 
The Messiah. The Messiah! According to Chris- 


tians the Messiah has come; the Jews still await 
his coming! 

Who then is he, this promised Messiah? The 
Lord's Anointed, the ideal King of Israel, on whom 
the spirit of the Eternal will rest He will not judge 
according to that which the eye sees; he will not de- 
cree according to that which the ear hears; he will 
judge the poor with equity and decree in uprightness 
for the lowly of earth. 

After having suffered as his people suffered 
and taken upon himself the sins of the world, he 
will regather Israel, dispersed to the ends of 
the earth, and assure to it a wholly spiritual do- 

At the end of days the Mountain of Zion shall be 
placed at the head of the mountains, and the people 
will flock to it and they will say: "Come and let us 
go up to the mountain of the Eternal, to the house 
of the God of Jacob, and he will show us the path, 
and we will walk in his ways, for out of Zion came 
forth the Law and the word of the Lord from Jeru- 

And all the nations will turn their swords into 
ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. 
And they will never more raise the sword against 


one another, and they will not learn war any more. 
"For the mouth of the Eternal hath spoken it." 
Such was the promise. Did Jesus keep it? 

He thought the end of the world was at hand. He 
said: "Thy kingdom come." And he believed it had 
come, this reign of justice, of love and of peace. And 
he believed himself to be this Messiah, bringing to 
the world peace and love and justice. But Jews 
looking about them still saw injustice, war and 
hatred, and they continued to wait. 

Then, in order to bring their faith into accord 
with prophecy, Christians talked of a second ad- 
vent of which, however, the prophets had never 
spoken; of a return of their Messiah, thru whom all 
those things should at last be accomplished. 

To await his return, is that not to await his com- 

Poor Jesus crucified, over whom I wept in my 
childhood, adorable Jesus whose bleeding image I 
could not look upon in the somber .chapels without 
trembling, wast^ thou then mistakerr? And was thy 
error blasphemy? That Law of which thou thyself 
hadst said that not one jot or tittle could be changed, 


that Law that thou didst declare to be holy, did it 
condemn thee holily? What then was the crime of 
those Jews who, according to thy own word, knew 
not what they did, and who rather than salute in 
thee the Eternal, submitted to death? Sooner than 
believe that the illimitable could limit himself to a 
human form, that diety could be a visible Son of 
the Invisible God, they were ready to spill the 
blood of the purest of their sons, and to let it flow 
over them century after century, leaving its stain 
for all time. 

What a gulf between these Hebrew dreamers and 
the Greek thinkers! The Greeks proceeded by subtle 
reasoning, the Hebrews by mighty intuitions. At 
first sight the reasoning seems more convincing; 
an illusion of discursive thought. Does it not also 
rest on the disguised intuitions which it takes 
as axioms and which in themselves possess no 
logical value? 

Why then prefer reason to intuition as a matter 
of principle and apart from all application? 

"Hear, O Israel, the Eternal thy God, the Eter- 
nal is One." In the ages when men bowed them- 


selves before thousands of gods, and though they 
saw in nature the action of thoussrdi ot divided 
forces of these thousand dhrf '* gods, the ancient 
prophets of Israel had the sublime intuition of One 
God. And to-day science rediscovers this unity in the 
universe and shows us in the structure of the atom 
and in that of the solar system one and the same 
plan, one and the same thought! 

I read in the Talmud that God created man and 
that "man is free" and in the Zohar 1 I read that 
"the word of man created new heavens." 

Creation, liberty; two ideas foreign to Greek 
thought which are the substance of Jewish thought. 
God, creator and free, creates man in his image; 
and man freely created in the image of God, in his 
turn freely creates 1 

According to these Jews, God is at the same time 
outside of the world and in the world. Outside of 
the world, transcendant, he is inaccessible to hu- 
man thought. Immanent, in the world, he is very 
close to us, he is within us. And in the measure in 
which it is within us, this divine Presence, this 

1 Zohar textbook of the Cabalistic Doctrine. 


Shechinah, as it is called, finds itself united with 
the progress of the human conscience The Unity 
of God, which was broken by being refracted in 
the diversity of human beings and which was divided 
in the divisions of mankind, can be restored by 
prayer and justice which unite men. 

A Talmudic sage relates that in the beginning 
of the world the presence of God dwelt on earth. 
The sin of Adam caused it to ascend to the first 
heaven, that of Cain to the second heaven, with 
the generations of Enoch, of the Flood, of Babel, 
of Sodom and of Egypt, it rose from heaven to 
heaven unto the seventh heaven. But Abraham, 
Isaac, Jacob, Levi, Kehat, Amram, because of their 
virtues caused it to redescend from heaven to 
heaven, unto the first heaven and then with Moses 
it returned to earth. 

According to the Zohar, when man sings the 
praises of God on earth, the angels chant them 
above; when he sins here, he interrupts the angel 
choir, when he proclaims the unity of God on earth, 
he makes it a reality throughout the Universe. 
Thus man's justice will magnify and fortify the 
presence of God on earth. Man collaborates with 
God By a new creation he will perfect the world 
created by God. His wrongdoing will shatter the 


divine unity; his good deeds will restore God's 

Herein lies the mysticism of Israel. It is not lack- 
ing in grandeur. 

Is then this God-hypothesis inadmissible? 

I cannot understand the motion of the hands on 
the face of my watch without the intelligence which 
conceived its mechanism and the will that executed 
it, and can I then explain the harmonious complexity 
of the universe as the play of chance and blind 
forces? Am I not constrained to think that there is 
somewhere something akin to an intelligence and a 
will infinitely more powerful than that of man, and 
by which all things will be made plain ? 

A long time ago I gave up the childish atheism, 
even the agnosticism of my first philosophic am- 
bitions. Neither Spencer nor Kant affects me any 
longer. I no longer believe that mind can evolve 
from matter even thru evolution, unless matter has 
first been endowed with the spirit. I no longer be- 
lieve that the real presence must remain utterly 
unknowable; to hold it to be unknowable is already 
to know it to a degree; and if we can, by thinking it, 
give to it the shape of our thought, there must be 


some relation between our minds and the real 

The great scholars of to-day tell us that science 
itself is but a vast hypothesis which only provi- 
sionally and approximately explains certain aspects 
of reality. If the hypothesis of God explains other 
aspects to me, ought I to fling it aside because it is 
but an hypothesis? The lay-philosophy of Lachelier, 
of Boutroux, of Henry Poincare, the philosophy 
without God, does it not culminate with Bergson 
in the jact of liberty, and the reality of the spirit, in 
the idea of a God, free and creative? And is this not 
exactly the conception of Israel? 

How many times I discovered myself reasoning 
without willing to do so, as tho I subconsciously ad- 
mitted the presence in myself of this spirit. How 
often some event in my life was made clear to me, 
not by those events that had gone before it, but by 
those that came after, as tho a hidden providence, 
with which I had made myself a voluntary co- 
worker, had in my past prepared my future, and 
had led me to it thru myself. 

If this spirit dwelt in me, and in the world, would 
it not also dwell in world-history? In the history of 
nations, in the history of Israel? It is conceivable 
then that certain geniuses, certain races, felt its 
presence more keenly than others, and that the one 


that felt it most was conscious of the mission to 
proclaim it. 
Why not? 

A Jewish race? 

It seems that all the anthropological types are 
found in Israel: broad-headed Jews, long-headed 
Jews, white Jews, yellow Jews, black Jews. Could 
Israel then only be a race in a spiritual sense? Could 
these different bloods form but one blood because 
there flowed in them but one thought? 

The Torah of Israel. I begin to see more clearly. 
There are two aspects of the Torah. 

I. The moral and religious precepts of justice, 
of peace, and of love which form the ideal law of 
all human society, and also the law of the universe. 
For according to our prophets and our sages, the 
order which presides over the harmony of the earth 
and the heavens is of the same essence as the moral 
order. (And that would explain why: "God while 
creating the world read the Torah.") II. The 
special law of Israel; which includes the other but 
adds to it all the precepts which govern the life of 
this people and makes it different from other peoples. 


Between these two aspects of the Torah there is 
an underlying unity. In order that at the end of days 
the Messiah may reign over the world, with his jus- 
tice, his peace and his love, it is necessary that Is- 
rael, which is the hope of the Messiah, shall remain 
Israel to the end of time. Then its special law must 
be eternal as is the universal law. 

How unjust I had been concerning those six hun- 
dred and thirteen commandments, obedience to 
which is exacted of the Israelite! The religious cus- 
toms of which I had been critical in my youth were 
suddenly made clear to me in a magnificent way. 

Those Jews desired to connect God with every 
act of life from the loftiest to the lowliest; to make 
of each one of them an act of homage to God, thus 
even spiritualizing eating and drinking and placing 
daily life on a spiritual plane. Thru ceremonials, 
thru charity, thru penitence, thru festivals, thru joy, 
to create, as the Bible puts it, a people of priests; not 
priests withdrawn from the world in prayer or con- 
templation, but priests taking part in every phase of 
life, in study and in work, in the family and in 
society,- and sanctifying every act of this life thru 
prayer and contemplation. A people which should 


consist altogether of men like my father! What a 

And this is not all. Israel did not desire to be a 
holy people for itself alone, but also because of its 
mission. Its mission! Egotism? Pride? Not in the 
minds of our prophets nor our sages! Israel seemed 
to them a poor and wretched people, full of sin and 
ever falling back into sin. God only chose this clay 
to reveal what He could do with clay. For this God 
of Israel does not belong to Israel He is the God 
that Israel, amidst the enmity of the nations, is to 
reveal to all men, until the coming of the time when 
all nations with it will adore the One God. 

In thus charging itself with the burden of His law, 
Israel feels itself chosen, not as a master but as a 
servant. It only stands aloof from others because 
of a duty it has imposed upon itself; it only sep- 
arates itself from others for the purpose of uniting 

There are two aspects of this mission. To pro- 
claim thruout the earth the Name of the One God. 
To hope, to wait, and to work toward the end that 
with the coming of the Messiah, justice and peace 
shall reign on earth. 


Monotheism and Messianism; is there a con- 
nection between these two ideas? 

I see! I see! I have found it! I understand: 
"Love the Lord thy God." "Love thy neighbor as 
thyself." It is here that our sages are at one with 
Jesus. There are two commandments which resolve 
themselves into one: man being the image of God, 
to love man is to love God. 

"Be ye holy as I am holy/ 7 said God to the He- 
brews. Man, created in the image of God, must be 
like his creator. 

Thus God being One, man must be One. In his 
divisiveness here on earth man destroys the Divine 
Unity. To proclaim it does not then suffice. The Tal- 
mud says: "If you would glorify God, try to be 
like unto him." In order that God's reign may come 
on earth, man must recreate man created by God, 
until the unity of man reflects and recreates the 
Unity of God upon this earth. 

According to the Talmudic and Cabalistic com- 
mentary on Genesis, Adam the image of God was 
at first man and woman at the same time; conjugal 
love, a return to this unity, thus becomes a return to 
the image of the divine unity. Sin multiplied men and 
divided them; the love of the family, the love of 


one's neighbor, social justice, which thru union 
create vaster and ever vaster groups of men, also 
create more majestic images of the divine unity; and 
peace among nations will create the greatest of all. 
"The name of God is Peace." When men, free crea- 
tors, shall have created Man, "God will be One and 
his name will be One." 

Faith in the progress of man, creating thru his 
progress the Kingdom of God, this is the faith of Is- 
rael. The keeping of His law seems to Israel to be 
bound up with the coming of the Messiah, and the 
coming of the Messiah bound up with the perfect 
man. In order to fulfill this promise, he desires to 
educate himself, to preserve himself, to make of 
himself according to the word of the Talmud "a 
cement" between the nations. He would place within 
himself, according to the word of Judah Halevi, "the 
heart of the world," identifying, alone among all 
the other nations, his destiny with the destiny of 
all, he would become a nation of priests in order to 
become the priest of humanity. 

The Unity of Man is, therefore, not a logical en- 
tity for Israel but a revealed truth, a divine truth, 
which reaches out to the future from the past, of 
which the people who proclaim it, in conjunction 
with all other peoples, must thruout the centuries 
create a human reality. 


The Unity of Man is to the Jew an article of 
faith as is the Divine Unity, and when I search the 
conscience of my race to find what my duty as a 
Jew is, its God makes answer to me: "Thy duty as 
a Jew is thy duty as a man." 

You see, my child, how far distant I now had 
come to be from my Logician; reasoning independ- 
ently of the Jewish faith, he seemed to me to op- 
pose humanity to his own race; as a Jew I must unite 
my race with all humanity. 


I did not doubt that these beliefs were good. But 
in what measure was I to accept them? They might 
be but beautiful chimeras. 

But even if my mind retained its critical attitude, 
my heart was moved. What perspectives were open- 
ing out! What a past and what a future! Perhaps 
the dream of this people was an illusion, but what 
a position this very illusion has given them in 
the world, and what a place it gave to me also as a 
descendant of this people! 

That which might have left a doubt in the mind 
of the philosopher which I no longer was the 
imagination of the poet, which I had hoped to be- 
come, dared to affirm. I wanted to dedicate to the 
memory of my father, who was ever present in my 
thoughts, a Jewish epic, a kind of Legende des 
Si&cles, which would be the epic of the great mission 



from ancient times to the present day. This is why 
the poems were written which make up the first 
two books entitled "Hear O Israel" 

Following the Talmudic tales, I depicted God 
considering the future sins and hatreds of men, and 
hesitating to create the world; then, in a vision, see- 
ing Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the three heroes, 
arise without arms or an army and saying for their 
sake, "Let there be light." I told of Egypt, its war- 
riors and its priests accusing the Hebrews before 
Pharaoh, of the River of Sighs, of Moses and the 
burning bush, of Moses reaching the Promised 
Land, imploring God to permit him to live and enter 
into it; and of God showing him another Promised 
Land, the Land that is to be, when man shall be 
One. And I followed the promise of Samson to 
Gideon, of Samuel to David. I built the Temple of 
Solomon to peace; I saw Jezebel and Zedekiah, 
Elijah and Jeremiah; I again lived with them thru 
their sins and thru the forgiveness of their sins. I 
saw the chastened people dragging themselves to- 
wards the Exile. I saw God placing the yoke around 
His neck, and the chain about His hands in order 
that He might follow His people on their blood- 
stained route towards a united humanity. 

And I yearned to sing the songs of the Captives 
of Babylon, Ezechiel and Nehemiah, the hope of 


returning, when the Great War broke out. Can you 
understand, my child, what I was then experienc- 
ing? I had just come to understand with my whole 
soul all the lyric strain in my race, to live again 
thru Israel for Israel and once again, as before 
at Basle in the midst of the Zionists, I felt I was a 
Jew, intensely Jewish, but also intensely French. 
It was an instinctive, sudden, complete revelation. 
I was still a citizen of Geneva and I joined the 
Foreign Legion and set out for the front. And this 
is why, if you are born, you will be born a French- 
man, my child. 

It was quite a natural thing to do, for thousands 
of Jews, more foreign than was I to France, did as 
I did, and I would not mention it to you were it 
not that this event put a new and most unlooked- 
for problem before me: how could I at the same 
time feel myself absolutely Jewish and absolutely 
French? How was it that without a doubt German 
Jews in Germany, Russian Jews in Russia, the Jews 
of every country in every land felt exactly what I 
was feeling? This is the Jewish enigma of to-day; 
I shall not be able to solve it until at a later time. 

Be reassured, my child, I will not tell you about 
the war; not even my war (which at the end of two 


years took me into the civil service at Paris). But 
it is needful for you to know what was the great 
human hope that assuaged so many horrors. 

We were told: this is the last war. And we hoped, 
we believed, that it would be the last war. At times 
I dreamed of it while standing in a trench, watch- 
ing the distant shells thru the smoke, and the little 
space of earth which could be discerned thru the 
narrow crevice of an embrasure. I saw with my 
mind's eye all the countries, all the continents, and 
everywhere people anxious, confident all men hop- 
ing, waiting for the end of the last war, for the peace 
of the whole world, for the Unity of Man. 

And, I said to myself, has not the voice of the 
prophets cried aloud in the desert? Has the dream 
once dreamed by the dreamers of Judea become the 
dream of all mankind? Do all men await Israel's 
Messiah? How can this be? By what miracle has 
this message reached their ears? The Mission? Will 
it be thru the Mission of Israel? 

And in my thoughts I already wrote the last chant 
of the Jewish Epic, The Watting Wall The Wander- 
ing Jew stopped before the ancient wall where the 
Jews lamented over the ruins of the Temple; but 
they did not bemoan the ruined Temple; they la- 
mented the Temple of the Unity of Man, which 
man has not yet builded. The Wandering Jew slept, 


and in the visions of the night he beheld the whole 
war; he died all the deaths of all the soldiers, by 
shrapnel, by gas, by submarine, by airplane. All 
the mothers of the Great War were weeping for their 
sons, all the dead of the Great War were rising from 
their graves, lifting their putrid fists, cursing with 
their broken lips the anti-Christ who armed their 
dead bones for a war of the dead thruout eternity. 

But across the dream listen to the distant chant. 
Future generations will build the longed-for Temple, 
for of fratricide fraternity is born. The wheat for 
the bread is being brought from every field; the 
grapes for the wine from every vineyard; the table 
is set on every mountain, on every plain, on all the 
oceans. All the races rise and take their places, the 
Holy Communion of Mankind begins; scattered 
over the earth, the bones of Adam come together, 
the blood of all men flows in his veins; in his heart 
all human hearts are beating. As God is One, Hu- 
manity is One. 

But again there are wailing voices. The Wander- 
ing Jew awakens. At the base of the destroyed wall 
the Jews still weep; the time has not yet come; 
they must still wander on. 

* * * 
And I also, I awoke from the dream of the Great 


War, the whole world awakened the peace was not 
peace; the war continued to be war; men wept; 
Jews wept. They had fought for all the nations; all 
nations had inscribed in the pages of their glory Jew- 
ish loyalty and heroism, and the image of Israel torn 
and bleeding became more than ever the image of 
humanity. And while my Jewish comrades of the 
Legion and their brothers on the Russian front were 
dying for the Czar, their parents, their wives, their 
children, accused of treason, imprisoned as hostages, 
driven out upon the roads in the snow and the night, 
knouted, shot to death, hanged, burnt alive, were 
dying in Russia by order of the Czar! 

After the Bolshevist revolution matters were still 
worse. In the silence of the night, I heard not only 
the moaning of a degraded captain, on a rock far 
out in the sea; the wail that arose to my ears made 
me conscious of hundreds of thousands of agonies, 
more woeful still than those of the Great War. From 
my sleepless couch I saw the counter-revolutionary 
armies of Petloura, of Gotschal and of Denikine 
advance, shouting: "The Jews are Bolsheviks; 
the Bolsheviks are Jews." And throwing them- 
selves upon the unarmed Jews, torture and muti- 
late and sabre them in the streets and in the cellars, 
gouging out the eyes even of nursing babes. 
From Germany to Hungary, from Austria to Rou- 


mania, the cry was repeated: "The Jews are Bolshe- 
viks! The Bolsheviks are Jews! They planned the 
terrible war! They signed the terrible peace! Death 
to the Jews! Death to the Jews!" And while a new 
Exodus of Israel in rags and shrouds traversed the 
capitals of Europe and in agony crossed the sea 
to find the ports of America closed, all the old 
calumnies of anti-Semitism, all those murderous 
myths burst upon the world in a flood of printed 

How was this possible? Were all those Jewish 
heroes who had died for all their countries then 
forgotten? All those bleeding witnesses to patriotism 
had then proven nothing? Wherefore did this hatred 
of the Jew persist which has existed since the exist- 
ence of the Jews and which will, no doubt, endure 
as long as they continue to exist? 

I wanted to know. I took it upon myself to read 
those incriminating books and to confront them with 
the history of Israel, which the preparation of my 
Jewish Anthology had made more familiar to me. 
I resolved to find this seemingly incontrovertible 
cause of anti-Semitism. Its discovery might complete 
my knowledge of Judaism. I was soon able to con- 
fute a number of familiar myths, that of ritual 
murder, for example, which was persistently pic- 
tured as an authentic custom of Israel, when a 


hundred times the awful thing has been refuted even 
by Popes. Then too, the traditional picture of the 
rapacious Jew, as Shakespeare pictured him in Shy- 
lock, ignoring the fact that in the original legend 
the pitiless creditor is not a Jew, and that the right 
of claiming a piece of the debtor's flesh dates back 
not to the law of Moses, but to the Roman law of 
the Twelve Tables. 

I left out of account arguments drawn from 
certain Talmudic texts, isolated opinions con- 
trary to the general thought of the Talmud and of 
Judaism itself, and of which it was sought to make 
articles of faith involving all Jews. 

Finally, I eliminated the so-called Christian anti- 
Semitism. Christ commanded that the Jews be for- 
given. According to St. Paul, whose doctrine the 
Church inherited, their very crime itself had in it 
something of sacredness, since the salvation of the 
world began with the sacrifice of Jesus, and Jews 
must need continue to live to the end of time in 
order to fulfill their mission in converting the heathen 
unto the end of days by their example. If Chris- 
tians have persecuted Jews (and they have hideously 
done so, and still do) it is because they neither pos- 
sess Christian virtues nor Christian beliefs; they 
are still pagans, for one cannot be anti- Jewish with- 
out being anti-Christian. 


Was Judaism essentially revolutionary? If moral, 
social and international progress mean revolution, 
yes; but not if revolution implies violence. Karl 
Marx, a Jew baptised at the age of six years and 
an anti-Semite at the age of reason it is true, formu- 
lated the theory of communism, which is allied to 
prophetism thru the nobility of its passion for the 
disinherited. But as to that which concerns the 
revolutionary translation of this sentiment, it is an 
easy matter to demonstrate that the historical ma- 
terialism essential to Marxism, is the total negation 
of the historic spirituality essential to Judaism, and 
that communism has its origins in the socialism of 
Proudhon, of Louis Blanc, of Saint-Simon, of Babeuf, 
who, if they were Jews, concealed that fact well. 

In the Mosaic legislation, the soil did not belong 
to the state but to God and was inalienable from 
Him. According to this conception a piece of ground 
could only be sold for a period of time after which it 
returned by right to its former holders. This con- 
servative measure, which made the continuing in- 
equality of fortunes impossible, far from provoking 
revolution, tends to prevent it, and no Jewish tradi- 
tion commands or permits anything whatsoever to 
come to pass thru the violence of revolution. 

Is not the Talmud full of conservative teaching? 
"Woe to the ship which has lost its pilot, woe to the 


society that has lost its guide." "Always respect 
those in authority over thy country." "If the king 
command thee to overturn a mountain set thyself 
to work without complaint " The tenth command- 
ment, which forbids coveting the good fortune of 
another, does it not condemn class warfare by the 
thought it conveys? Was it not in the Bible that 
Bossuet found his "Politique Tiree de L'Ecriture 
Saint e," which establishes the divine right of kings? 

Did not the Hebrews wait for the consent of 
Pharaoh before quitting Egypt and their slavery? 
Did not the Jews suffer themselves to be butchered 
during eighteen hundred years without revolting, 
even without defending themselves? Were they not 
almost forced in the end to be nearly dejudaized 
before arming themselves against pogroms? 

Could Judaism be essentially capitalistic? The 
entire Bible, the entire Talmud exalts poverty; Jews 
give up trade as soon as they can for the culture 
of the mind; everywhere, in all the universities ex- 
cept when their doors are closed to them thru in- 
iquitous legislation, as in Roumania and Hungary 
their number is out of proportion to their popu- 
lation in the country. Compared to the great Chris- 
tian capitalists the great Jewish capitalists cut an 
insignificant figure; the Jewish proletariat is the 
most wretched of proletariats. 


And, could Judaism be an international organi- 
zation destined to conquer the material supremacy 
and the empire of the world for the Jews as 
promised by some of their sacred books? The per- 
secutions endured by so many Jews thruout so many 
centuries and even in the century in which we live, 
prove the absence of an efficient solidarity and lack 
of organization even for defensive purposes. The 
empire of the world proclaimed by the prophets must 
be accomplished not thru financial conspiracy, but 
thru an altogether spiritual struggle which will lead 
all of humanity to its highest degree of develop- 

And finally what weight can be attached to 
anti-Semitic theses when one sees Henry Ford, the 
richest and most independent man on earth, after 
having subsidized anti-Semitism for ten years in Eu- 
rope and in America, make public retraction, and 
publicly ask forgiveness of the Jews. 

But how could an honest man make such a mis- 
take? Was there no basis for all these contradictory 
accusations? Yes, one fact, without justifying them, 
explains them all: Jews are Jews; they wish to re- 
main Jews; always, in all places, even despite them- 
selves they remain Jews. 

Then, too, every minority is suspected by the 
majority which holds those who make up this mi- 


nority to be like one another and more united than 
those of the majority. Must there be a scapegoat 
at any cost? It is sought for in the minority which 
is held guilty in its entirety; one Jew has com- 
mitted treason, all Jews are traitors; one hundred 
Jews are Bolsheviks, all Jews are Bolsheviks. Pesti- 
lence rages in the Middle Ages the Jews poisoned 
the wells. War raged in the XXth century, the 
Jews engineered the war. 

This phenomenon of collective half-voluntary 
illusion is unanswerable: the empoisoning of wells, 
the use of human blood, sorcery and magic, all the 
accusations leveled against the Jews of the Middle 
Ages by Christians who had come to be the major- 
ity, are exactly those with which the pagans, ten 
centuries earlier, overwhelmed Christians then in 
the minority. 

Socially, politically, economically, there is no dif- 
ference between a Jewish capitalist and a non- 
Jewish capitalist: but in fact, or because of his 
origin of which some sign ever remains, the Jewish 
capitalist is a Jew; he belongs to a minority; he 
challenges attention; he crowds out the others; 
people notice only him, and desire to notice only 
him. If there be a complaint against capitalists, 
all capitalists are declared to be Jews. Financiers, 
scholars, manufacturers or philosophers, dramatists 


or statesmen, conservatives or revolutionists, there 
are Jews among them everywhere; they could thus 
be accused of everything; they have thus been ac- 
cused of everything. 

I came to realize that anti-Semitism had only one 
seemingly valid ground: the determination of Jews 
to remain Jews. And was this determination justi- 
fied? By what right had this people been able to 
maintain it thruout the centuries and make it 
prevail even to this day? To my mind, in order to 
deserve this extraordinary favor of remaining a 
separate people while mingling with others, Israel 
must be needed in order that its mission should 
not seem to be but a beautiful dream of the prophets 
and a beautiful theme for the poets, but a definite 
fact. This mission, of which I had written with 
all my heart, was I to believe in it with all my 
mind? And if I believed in it, whither would this 
faith lead me? 

The history of Israel alone could give me a reply. 
This history like all other histories takes its 
rise in legend, but what am I to think of it, if I find 
it as miraculous in its actual development as in its 
legendary origins? 

* * * 

Beside his sleeping flock a shepherd of Chaldea 


dreams beneath the stars. A voice speaks to him 
saying: "I am the God of Heaven and Earth. Leave 
thy country and thy idolatrous father and go to the 
land that I will show thee. I will make of thee a 
great people and thou shalt be a blessing to all the 
families of men." A race springs from him which 
lives in slavery on the banks of the Nile, for it 
was necessary for the fulfillment of its mission that 
this race should know every sorrow. Moses liberates 
it and leads it thru the desert for forty years, gives 
it a Law which forbids murder, theft, lying, blas- 
phemy, luxury, covetousness which commands the 
love of God and of one's neighbor, which regu- 
lates life thru justice, peace and charity so that it 
may become a holy people. 

Then see this horde on the land promised to it. 
It has become a nation; it has kings. But Israel is 
unworthy of its Law, again and again it falls back 
into idolatry, and thereby to the sin, which includes 
all sins; for the living faith in one only God, in- 
visible and spiritual, is the first of the truths it 
owes to the world. Its prophets proclaim that it will 
perish if it deny its God; and its God in turn 
chastens and pardons, even as it disregards or ob- 
serves his Law. 


It is divided into two kingdoms; the one debases 
itself beyond redemption, with luxuries and idola- 
try and carnage; it forgets its God, its God forgets 
it, it is conquered and exiled; it disappears from 
the world. The other, quite as guilty, goes captive 
to Babylon, but its God remains in the hearts of 
its prophets; its God and the God of all men, for 
ail men were created in his image, and he decrees 
that the Messiah shall be born of his people for all 
people, the Messiah of his peace and of his justice 
who will mould the unity of man after the pattern 
of the unity of God. 

And see how this repentant people finds its recom- 
pense; Cyrus, a pagan king, restores to it the land 
of its ancestors; it returns to it purified of idolatry, 
and neither Greece with its beauty, nor Rome with 
its power can turn it away from its God. But 
internecine hatreds destroy it, and it perishes in a 
second exile which disperses it to the ends of the 
earth. Its first Temple, destroyed in order to destroy 
idolatry, was rebuilt for the divine Unity; its sec- 
ond Temple, destroyed in order to destroy discord, 
must be rebuilt by the Unity of Humankind. 

In accordance with the prophets 7 word, the truth 
of Israel begins to spread abroad. Jesus, one of the 
purest of its sons, said it in most touching language. 
He said it, believing that the end of the world was 


at hand and that he himself was the expected Mes- 
siah. But justice and peace have not yet come; 
Israel still waits. And the Christians deify their 
prophet, and the pagans, accustomed to visible gods, 
believe they see with their eyes the invisible God 
of Israel; and so the Christian truth is only half- 
truth for the Jews. 

The Roman Empire becomes Christian. It de- 
mands of Jews that they become Christians. But 
they await their Messiah. The destruction of the 
Temple takes from them the center of their religious 
life. They reconstruct it in the Synagogue and in 
the School and spiritualize it again thru their suf- 
fering. Torn from the soil of their own country, 
they make an ideal country of their Law, attaching 
to the realization of promises it holds for them and 
for humanity, the hope of an ultimate return. 

And again a new thought springs from the ancient 
thought of Israel; Mohammed preaches the God 
of Abraham to the Arabs, and while in its Christian 
form this God is to conquer the two Americas after 
Europe, he conquers Africa and Asia in his Moslem 
form as far as the boundaries of China, But Mo- 
hammed binds up with it the apparatus of war, 
and surrounds it with a sensual paradise in which 
the Jews do not recognize the God of Israel. And 


even as the truth of Christ, so is that of Islam no 
more than a half-truth for them. 

And so for centuries, in all places where they 
live, the inheritors of Judaism persecute the Jews. 
Justinian deprives them of civil equality and reli- 
gious liberty. Sisebut the Visigoth, and Dagobert 
the Frank, offer them the choice between exile and 
baptism. The Crusaders, the Turks, the Moroccans, 
the Russians massacre them; they are driven out of 
France, out of England, out of Spain; scourged 
and tortured they wait for their Messiah. 

But great as is their suffering, countless as are 
their exiles, in each century a higher Providence 
provides a refuge for them. At first it is in Babylon 
under the Parthians; they found their academies, 
they edit their Talmud. Then it is in Andalusia, in 
Sicily, in Castile, in Aragon, at Narbonne, at Car- 
cassonne, at Speyer, at Pavia, at Rome; they create 
their own poetry and philosophy, they translate 
the Greek thinkers for the Christian thinkers, they 
counsel kings, they heal popes, they accompany 
Columbus across the Atlantic. And then in Holland 
modern thought is born of their ancient mysticism. 
And in Poland a new mysticism is born of their 
ancient religion. 

Luther and Calvin had reread the Bible and 


criticism was born. In the century of Jesus the Jews 
said: "Jesus is not God," and they waited Twenty 
centuries after Jesus, half of the Christian world 
will say: "Jesus was not God" and they will return 
to the One God of Israel. 

Rousseau dreamed, Robespierre spoke, Karl 
Marx wrote, Wilson preached. Ten centuries, per- 
haps twenty centuries before Jesus, the Hebrews 
said: "The oppressed is thy brother; the poor, the 
stranger is thy brother, mankind is One like God." 
And they waited. Twenty centuries after Jesus, man- 
kind is on the march towards its Unity. 

But here again the world took only half of the 
truth from Israel, for neither Robespierre, nor Karl 
Marx, nor Wilson repeats the message of the proph- 
ets in its purity. Whole-heartedly as they desire 
to approach the ideal of the prophets, they are still 
far distant from it because of the terms in which 
they express it. 

Surely for Israel, the moral and social duties of 
the privileged towards the disinherited and of na- 
tions towards one another are not optional; they 
are absolutely obligatory; the Hebrew word that 
has been translated into Charity signifies Justice, 
and this justice must govern the acts of individuals 
as well as of peoples. And in the same way the moral 
code of Israel is one of duties, not one of rights nor 


of interests. It says to the oppressor: "Thou must 
free the oppressed." It does not say to the oppressed: 
"Thou mayest oppress the oppressor." It says to the 
rich: "Thou owest thy riches to the poor." It does 
not say to the poor: "Thou mayst take his riches 
from the rich." It says to the nations: "Turn your 
arms into peace," but it also says to them: "Estab- 
lish peace between hearts." Israel affirms thruout 
the centuries its message of Unity. In the measure in 
which Israel asserts it, it becomes a reality but in 
the course of becoming a reality it has become 
obscure and Israel must make it realizable by re- 
peating it over and over again in all its clarity to 
the end of time. 

Christianity incarnated divinity in the flesh of a 
man. Mahommedanism connected it with violence 
and indulgence. Both took from it, in order to make 
it realizable, something of its spirituality, and in 
the same way Jacobinism, Marxism, Wilsonism only 
made human unity popular under a still more con- 
fused and superficial aspect. These are the halting 
places along a road that seeks from the outside to 
join the path of Jewish Justice and Peace, but this 
Peace and this Justice in their deepest sense cannot 
be wholly realized, either thru revolution or by 
the warfare of classes, or thru the harmonious in- 
terests of the nations. For the achievement of Israel's 


Ideal it is necessary that the inward progress of 
man bring men closer to one another. 

Is this possible? Has this people given the example 
of it? Alas, Israel is not yet a holy people. The 
Jew knows his faults and his imperfections; he 
. outdoes the caricature in those Jewish tales which he 
himself spreads abroad, he laughs over them but 
he suffers over them, for nothing is more painful 
to him, nothing is so hard for him to forgive as a 
stain upon the honor of the House of Israel. 

But with all the ugly things so often inherited 
from the Ghetto, and which ought to disappear 
has he not inherited from the Ghetto itself some 
beautiful things which ought to persist? He has 
suffered so much hurt, he has suffered so many 
injustices, experienced so completely the misery of 
life, that commiseration for the poor and the humili- 
ated have become natural to him. He has abstained 
so long from shedding blood even of animals, even 
of the human beasts who have massacred him 
that the horror of murder has almost atrophied the 
gesture of killing in him. And he has seen at such 
close range, in his agonized wanderings, so many 
men of all races and of all countries, so many men 
different everywhere and everywhere alike, that he 


has understood, he has felt in the flesh of his flesh, 
that Man is one as God is One. Thus a race was 
formed that may have the same vices and the same 
virtues as other races, but which is without a doubt 
the most human of all races 

Look about you, observe: Christian philanthropy 
is rarely extended to Jews, Jewish philanthropy is 
almost always extended to Jews and to Christians; 
if the Jews seem too prominent everywhere, one 
finds very few of them in murder statistics. Even 
their enemies admit this sense of humaneness, while 
they blame him for that, which makes the Jew the 
instinctive friend of peace among men. 

This does not mean that, Christianity, following 
Israel, has not desired to spread, and has not 
spread, the same virtues. It is false to say that it 
has only turned its gaze toward the joys of the be- 
yond, as it is false to say that Israel has only kept its 
eyes upon the earth. Both the Jew and the Christian 
believe that in order to enter into the Kingdom of 
Heaven they must establish Heaven on earth; the 
Jew awaits the coming of his Messiah; the Christian 
awaits the return of his Messiah and, as I have in- 
dicated in my book Jmf du Pape, in this expectation 
there resides the same hope. 

The Unity of Man which Israel proclaims, the 
Church has ceaselessly proclaimed. From its incep- 


Ideal it is necessary that the inward progress of 
man bring men closer to one another. 

Is this possible? Has this people given the example 
of it? Alas, Israel is not yet a holy people. The 
Jew knows his faults and his imperfections; he 
.outdoes the caricature in those Jewish tales which he 
himself spreads abroad; he laughs over them but 
he suffers over them, for nothing is more painful 
to him, nothing is so hard for him to forgive as a 
stain upon the honor of the House of Israel. 

But with all the ugly things so often inherited 
from the Ghetto, and which ought to disappear 
has he not inherited from the Ghetto itself some 
beautiful things which ought to persist? He has 
suffered so much hurt, he has suffered so many 
injustices, experienced so completely the misery of 
life, that commiseration for the poor and the humili- 
ated have become natural to him. He has abstained 
so long from shedding blood even of animals, even 
of the human beasts who have massacred him 
that the horror of murder has almost atrophied the 
gesture of killing in him. And he has seen at such 
close range, in his agonized wanderings, so many 
men of all races and of all countries, so many men 
different everywhere and everywhere alike, that he 


has understood, he has felt in the flesh of his flesh, 
that Man is one as God is One Thus a race was 
formed that may have the same vices and the same 
virtues as other races, but which is without a doubt 
the most human of all races. 

Look about you, observe: Christian philanthropy 
is rarely extended to Jews, Jewish philanthropy is 
almost always extended to Jews and to Christians; 
if the Jews seem too prominent everywhere, one 
finds very few of them in murder statistics. Even 
their enemies admit this sense of humaneness, while 
they blame him for that, which makes the Jew the 
instinctive friend of peace among men. 

This does not mean that, Christianity, following 
Israel, has not desired to spread, and has not 
spread, the same virtues. It is false to say that it 
has only turned its gaze toward the joys of the be- 
yond, as it is false to say that Israel has only kept its 
eyes upon the earth. Both the Jew and the Christian 
believe that in order to enter into the Kingdom of 
Heaven they must establish Heaven on earth; the 
Jew awaits the coming of his Messiah; the Christian 
awaits the return of his Messiah and, as I have in- 
dicated in my book Juif du Pape, in this expectation 
there resides the same hope. 

The Unity of Man which Israel proclaims, the 
Church has ceaselessly proclaimed. From its incep- 


tion, the Church baptized the slave and the king 
with the same baptism; the Church to-day installs 
Chinese bishops while the lay authorities of civi- 
lized states refuse civil equality to the yellow in- 
habitants of their colonies; it is the Church that 
thru the voice of its great thinkers and its great 
preachers denounces in the enthroning of national- 
ism, a new form of idolatry: it was a Pope in the 
Middle Ages who instituted the truce of God in the 
midst of battle; it was a Pope, in the XXth century, 
who spoke to the world at war, the loftiest words 
of peace. 

But Israel alone preserved in its pristine purity 
the twofold message of divine Unity and human 
Unity, and in the path which leads to its ful- 
fillment it went beyond other nations by virtue 
of its history, and this advance it must guard for 
its own sake, as well as for the sake of all peoples. 
For while these ancient truths as yet evoke but 
feeble response in the many hearts which are still 
pagan, they are the very life-blood which causes 
the Jewish heart to beat. 

At the moment in history when this human sense, 
heritage of divine inspiration, so painfully acquired 
by Israel, becomes necessary to all nations, it hap- 
pens that the Jews, who lived apart so long, are 
included as citizens of all nations and bear them- 


selves as citizens. They will keep themselves apart 
from all peoples; they are the only people to-day 
that consist of men of all peoples; they were a 
nation among the nations, to-day they are a Society 
of Nations, and the pact has written itself in their 
blood. Their duty is twofold; and I have come 
to understand the two inseparable commands which 
dictated my action in 1914: "In every country, 
even unto the giving of your life, be men of your 
country; and at the same time be Jews; conse- 
crate to each one of your countries the human treas- 
ure which you have received from Israel; and the 
peace of your countries shall be your peace, and 
the peace of mankind shall be your peace." Thus 
did Jeremiah teach Israel its duty, thus will Israel 
fulfill it. 

But lost among the nations, will it not risk losing 
itself, and with itself lose the ideal which it per- 
petuates? And now at the very hour when humanity 
begins to feel its oneness, the return of the Jews 
to Palestine which, according to the words of the 
prophets, is bound up with this miracle of unity, 
begins with it. Dispersed everywhere, Jews will be 
reunited on the soil of their ancestors, and the soil 
that the Zionists recreate there; the language which 
they there learn again, all the effort for their resur- 
rection will make the forgetting of Israel and its 


ideal impossible for dispersed Jews and for dis- 
persed men everywhere. 

And now, my child, turn towards the past, look 
and bethink yourself. There is but one reproach 
made to the Jews, and despite all the lies and all 
the martyrdom which accompanies it, this reproach 
is justified; they will to remain Jews. Does their 
past give them this right? Does it permit them to 
be anything else? See the sublime design which is 
evident from the beginning and which from century 
to century becomes more apparent. Did the Greeks 
declare to the world in advance that they would 
reveal Beauty? The Romans that they would reveal 
Law? See this people, howsoever wretched and im- 
pure, proclaiming what their history is to be, even 
from the very beginning See them choose the mission 
which chose them, and walk with it in the path 
which they foretold for themselves. See this people 
of ever-renewed sinfulness, twice exiled and surviv- 
ing two dispersions, and, as ordained by prophecy, 
bringing back from its first exile the divine Unity 
and thru the second exile the Unity of mankind. 
See it hunted thruout the world, ever nigh to ex- 
tinction and ever finding some providential shelter 
which saves it from destruction. See it bearing its 
truth and, because it wills to keep it pure, spread it 
thruout the world in flames of light which kindle 


its own funeral pyres. See it incarnating in its own 
flesh the two loves which are killing it, even at the 
moment when it gives itself with them to all the 
nations of earth. See Israel rebuild the flaming 
altar of its hope which is the universal hope, so 
that it yet may survive itself. 

And tell me if in this unique history you do not 
feel the eternal presence of a mind and a will that 
have ordained its mission to this people and have 
made its fulfillment possible, in trying it thru suf- 
fering, in saving it thru trials, in guiding it step by 
step from its unhappy past to its triumphant future. 
As for me, my child, who have so long sought for 
the evidence of the existence of God, I have found 
it in the existence of Israel. 

I am a Jew because born of Israel and having lost 
it, I felt it revive within me more alive than I am 

I am a Jew because born of Israel, and having 
found it again, I would have it live after me even 
more alive than it is within me. 


I am a Jew because the faith of Israel demands 
no abdication of my mind. 

I am a Jew because the faith of Israel asks every 
possible sacrifice of my soul. 

I am a Jew because in all places where there are 
tears and suffering the Jew weeps. 

I am a Jew because in every age when the cry of 
despair is heard the Jew hopes. 

I am a Jew because the message of Israel is the 
most ancient and the most modern. 

# * * 

I am a Jew because Israel's promise is a universal 

* * * 

I am a Jew because for Israel the world is not 
finished; men will complete it. 


I am a Jew because for Israel man is not yet 
created; men are creating him. 

I am a Jew because Israel places Man and his 
Unity above nations and above Israel itself. 

I am a Jew because above Man, image of the 
Divine Unity, Israel places the unity which is divine. 

At times, my child, when I go thru a museum and 
stand before the pictures, statues, furniture, arms, 
crystals, mosaics, vestments, ornaments, coins, 
jewels, gathered there from all places and all times 
to hang upon the walls or to place upon pedestals, to 
be ranged behind barriers and panes of glass, classi- 
fied, numbered, labeled, I dream that some one 
of my ancestors may have seen, touched or admired 
some of these things, in the very place, in the very 
time, in which they were made for use, for work, 
for the sorrows or the joys of man. 

That door with the gray nails, between two pop- 
lars, in the gilded frame, is the door of the Syna- 
gogue of Geneva thru which my father entered to 
pray. And there, that bridge of boats on the Rhine 


over which my grandfather in Huningen crossed 
the river. And his grandfather, where did he live? 
Perhaps while calculating the mystic numbers of 
the Kabala in his reveries he saw across the pensive 
panes of his window, the sleds glide over the snow 
of Germany or of Poland. And the grandfather of 
the grandfather of his grandfather? Perhaps he was 
that weigher of gold in the Ghetto of Amsterdam 
painted by Rembrandt. 

One of my ancestors may have drunk from that 
wine-cup on returning home after listening to the 
teaching of his master Rashi in the School of Troyes 
in Champagne; one of my ancestors may have sat 
in that armchair studded with jade when a Sultan 
bade him feel his pulse; one of my ancestors may 
have looked upon a monk in his cowl as he carried 
this cross of Castile while leading him to the auto 
de fe; one of my ancestors may have seen his chil- 
dren crushed beneath the hoofs of the Crusader's 
horse, who wore that armor. 

These crowns of plumes, were they placed in the 
hands of another ancestor by an American savage? 
These African ivories, these silks of China, were 
they bought by another on the banks of the Congo 
or of the Amur, to be resold on the shore of the 
Ganges or on the Venetian Lagunes? 


One of them tilled the plain of Sharon with that 
plough hardened thru fire; one of them ascended 
to the Temple to offer his tithe in those woven 
baskets When this marble Titus was in the flesh, one 
of my ancestors, chained to his chariot, followed him 
with bleeding feet in the triumph of the Forum. 
This bearded magi, with the fringed garment, be- 
tween these two winged bulls with human profiles 
one of my ancestors breathed the dust of Babylon 
beneath their feet; this Pharaoh of porphyry, with 
his two hands on his two flat thighs one of my 
ancestors bowed himself before his slightest breath, 
before girding his loins and taking his staff in hand 
to follow Moses across the Red Sea; and that idol 
of Samaria, with spherical eyes and triangular jaws, 
perhaps that was the idol that Abraham smashed 
when he left his home in Chaldea to follow the 
summons of his invisible God. 

And I said to myself: from that far distant father 
to my very own father, all these fathers have trans- 
mitted a truth to me, which ran in their blood, 
which runs in my blood; and must I not transmit 
it with my blood to those of my blood? 

Will you accept it, my child? Will you transmit 
it? Perhaps you will want to desert it. Then may it 
be for a greater truth if there be one. I could not 


then reproach you. It would be my fault; for I 
could not have handed it on to you as I received it. 
But whether you abandon it, or whether you treas- 
ure it, Israel will march on unto the end of days. 


Put my words in thy heart (Deut. XI, 18-19) In- Page 

troduction xiv 

He calls the Egyptians his people (Isaiah XIX, 25) 49 

Moses to the school of Akiba (Menahot 29b) 51 

God of Israel, God the Father (Jonah III. IV 

Psalm CHI) 53 

Thou shalt love the Lord (Deut VI, 5) 53 

The Lord's Prayer (The Jewish Origins of the Lord's 

Prayer, Paris, 1921) 53 

The Hebrew of Ancient Times (cf Edmond Fleg, 

Anthologie Juive I, 47-49) 54 

The Jew of the Talmudic Period (Ibid I, 237-241) 54 

Thou shalt love thy neighbor (Lemt. XIX, 18) 54 

Whoever is merciful (Besah 32b) 55 

Why, at the creation (Sanhednn IV, 5) 55 

Belief in a future life (Jonah XIX, 25-27, Daniel 

XII 2, 3, t Book of Enoch XXII, 1-14, Sibylline 

Oracles III, 552-711, IV, 1-46, 4th Esdras VI, 

11-28, VII, 32-43) 55 

The Messiah (Isaiah XI, 1-12, Micah IV, 1-4) 55 

Hear O Israel (Deut. VI, 4) 58 

Man is free (Kiddushin 3 la) 59 

The speech of man creates (Zohar t I, 4b, 5a; II, 

217, Ib) 59 

God in the world, the Shekinah (Tikkune Zohar, 

XIX) 59 

In the beginning, the presence of God (Bereshit 

Rabba, p. XIX) 60 

When man sings here below (Zohar II, 131 a-b) 60 

When he proclaims the Unity of God (Ibid II, 

133b-134a) 60 




A nation of priests (Exodus XIX, 5-6) 64 
The Mission of Israel of the prayer (Alenu, An- 

thologie Jmve I, 123-124) 65 
Be ye holy (Levit XI, 44) 66 
Would you praise (Sotah 14a) 66 
Adam, image of God (Bereshit Rabba, p VIII, 26) 66 
The name of God is Peace (Derek 'Eres, last chap- 
ter) 67 
God will be One (Zach XIV, 19) 67 
A cement between the nations (Bemidbar Rabba, 

p II, 32) 67 

The heart of the world (Kuzari II, 36) 67 
Ritual murder (cf Anthologie Juive, II, 127-128 

and Note on Manassah ben Israel, ibid II, 385) 75 
Legend of Shylock (cf I Loeb, The Jew of History 
and the Jew of Legend, Revise des Etudes Juives, 

Act 20, XXXIII, 21, 310) 76 
Accusations against the Talmud (see Anthologie 

Jmve II, 402-403) 76 

111 luck to the vessel (Baba Bathra 91) 77 

Always respect (Menahot 98a) 78 

If the King (Baba Bathra 3b) 78 
Henry Ford, his retraction (cf Paix et Droit, Sept. 

1927) 79 
Pagan accusations against the Christians (cf. I. 

Loeb loc cit ) 80 

The two Temples, Idolatry and Discord (Yoma, 9b) 83 

Thus taught Jeremiah (Jer. XXIX, 4-7) 91